Book _ ■ /Vfc Go$rightN?._ COBfKlGHT DEPOSfT. OQC^ppn r -> nnn r > QQQ f -J QOO( :>nOCC=X3C | fakers friend Up^To^Date Re c ei pt s Copyriqhted 1921 By J. L. Mackenzie II 8 J) Hnr--n-irv- » t nrm c i nm t 3 QQQ C- J QOO < XX "PREFACE" "Baker's Friend" In offering the receipts contained in this book, Mr. J. L. Mackenzie feels that he is not only aiding the Cake Bakers to improve their article, but also helping them to attain a leading place in their chosen profession. The receipts contained herein are the results derived by the author from 25 years of arduous work at the bench. Practical as well as theoretical experience. Starting as an apprentice in Scotland, where he was compelled to work 2 years for his employer in the leading Caters where he gained invaluable knowledge in his chosen profession, later coming to the U. S. and working for some of the largest caters in this country with great success, Mr. Mackenzie was made to feel that he owed it to his fellow-workers as well as the consuming public, that he publish his receipts in book form thereby enabling everyone in this profession to get this knowledge which cost the author years of hard work. Mr. Mackenzie prides himself upon his ability to produce any Cake in the most palatable and salable, and in a more APR ~7 mi * ©CI.A614002 economical manner than any Cake Baker in this country. Mr. Mackenzie advises most emphatic- ally: Anyone using the receipts con- tained herein, that if they are followed to the minutest detail, the results will be most pleasing as well as profitable. In the mixing of Cookies it is fair to assume that most Cookie mixtures are mixed as follows: Mix or cream together sugar and shortening, add the eggs, then the milk, seasoning and flavors, stirring all together, then sift in flour, baking powder or soda and cream of tartar. Some of the higher priced goods that are sold by the pound are mixed differ- ently. These Cookie Mixtures in Baker's Friend will enable the beginner as well as the practical baker to turn out an up-to- date variety of Cookies. SUGAR COOKIES 3 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. shortening % qt. milk 5 ozs. baking powder 5 Yi lbs cake flour Flavor, salt, lemon, mace 6 eggs Cream sugar and shortening, add eggs then milk, sift together baking powder and flour, do not mix too much. SUGAR COOKIES 5 lbs. sugar 3 lbs. lard Yl oz ' soda 1 Yl oz - ammonia 12 eggs 1 qt. milk 1 bis. flour Salt and vanilla BEST COOKIES 2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. lard 5 eggs 1 oz. soda 3J/ 2 lbs. flour Yi pt. molasses 1 lb. currants Yl pt. water Salt and allspice BUTTER COOKIES 4 lbs. sugar 4 lbs. butter and lard 2 qts. eggs 8 lbs. flour Vanilla Cream together sugar and shortening well, add eggs slowly mix in flour and flavor. This mixture will not run. Lay out with star tube on tins, lightly greased and dusted pans about the size of walnut, sells by the lb. BUTTER COCOANUT COOKIES 2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. butter and lard 1 pt. eggs 1 Yl pt- water 1 Yl Pt- molasses 1 lb. cocoanut 1 oz. soda 5 lbs flour 3 ozs. baking powder Flavor, salt, cinnamon and mace Mix same as Sugar Cookies. ROCK COOKIES 3 lbs. sugar 3 lbs. lard 1 egg 1 Yl °zs. soda 1 pt. milk 1 lb cocoanut 1 bl. currants 3 lbs. oatmeal 3 lbs. flour Salt and little rose water FAVORITE COOKIES 5 lbs. sugar 2 J/2 lbs. shortening 1 2 eggs 2 qts. milk 8 ozs. baking powder 9 lbs. flour Salt and vanilla flavor Cream, sugar and lard, add eggs and milk. Sift baking powder with flour. Mix and drop on sugar or ground almonds or walnuts then turn up and bake on lightly greased tins. OATMEAL COOKIES 2 Yl lbs. shortening 10 eggs Yl pt. molasses Yl pt. milk 1 % ozs « soda 3'/2 lbs. flour 2 lbs. oatmeal Salt, cut out with 3 in cutter, add to this mixture 6 ozs. walnuts 6 ozs. cocoanut 6 2 lbs. sultaans Yl pt water With this addition to this mixture cut out with small different shaped cutters may be sold for 60c a lb. Wash cookies over and bake in 300° oven. OATMEAL COOKIES 2 lbs. sugar 1 Yl lb- shortening 5 eggs 1 pt. milk 1 lb. chopped raisins 1 lb. oatmeal 3 ozs. baking powder V/l lbs. flour Salt, cinnamon and mace Mix same as Sugar Cookies. BOSTON TEA COOKIES 1 Yl lb. sugar 54 lb. shortening 4 eggs Yl pt- water Y4 lb. mace Ya oz. cinnamon 2 Yl lbs. flour 2 ozs. baking powder Salt Use Star cutter. Mix same as Sugar Cookies. HONEY COOKIES 2 lbs. sugar 3 pts. honey 1 Yl oz. soda 5 eggs Y* pt. water lYl lbs. flour Rub mixture well on bench, if mixture runs or flattens, more working is neces- sary. Set on greased pan. Mix 2 lbs. icing sugar in Yl pt. water, wash cookies over and bake in 300° oven. HONEY COOKIES 2 lbs. granulated sugar 1 Yl lbs. butter 1 pt. yolks 54 Pt- milk 4 lbs. flour 4 ozs. baking powder Yl pt. honey SCOTCH COOKIES 2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. butter 8 eggs Y4 oz. soda Y4 oz. ammonia Yl oz. ginger, vanilla 1 gill milk 3 lbs. flour Yl pt. molasses SCOTCH COOKIES 1 Yl lbs. sugar Yl lb. butter Yl oz. soda 3 gills molasses 2 lbs. flour Ya pt. water Lemon, allspice and cinnamon. Cut out and bake in greased pans, wash with thin egg wash. GRAHAM COOKIES 3 lbs. sugar 1 Yl Iks. shortening 1 pt. eggs % qt. milk 2 Yl ozs - baking powder 2 lbs. cake flour 2 lbs. Graham flour Satl and lemon Drop on light greased tins. Mix same as sugar cookie. CREAM COOKIES (GINGER) 1 lb. sugar % lb. shortening 6 eggs Yl oz. soda 1 oz. salt Yl oz. ginger Ya oz. cinnamon Yl oz. baking powder Yl Pt. molasses 5 gills milk 1 lb. 1 2 ozs. cake flour 1 Y A lbs. flour Cream, sugar and shortening together well, add eggs slowly. Then add the rest of the ingredients. MOLASSES COOKIES 1 lb. sugar 3 lbs. lard 2 ozs. ginger 2 ozs. cinnamon 7 ozs. soda 4 qts. molasses 8 eggs 2 qts. milk 1 6 lbs. flour Salt and vanilla ENGLISH MOSS CAKE 1 lb. sugar % lb. butter 1 qt. molasses 1 pt. milk 1 Yl oz - soda Yl lb. currants Yl lb. citron Yl oz. cloves Yl oz. allspice Yl oz. lemon extract 5 lbs. flour 10 Mix like cookies, let rest and get firm. Roll out J/8 in. thick, ice over with icing, set on greased pans and bake. ENGLISH MOSS CAKE 1 lb. sugar % lb. butter 1 qt. molasses 1 pt. milk Yl oz. soda Yl lb« citron Yl lb. currants Yl oz. cloves Yl oz. allspice 5 lbs. flour Yl oz. lemon extract WINE DROPS 4 lbs. sugar V/l lbs. lard 9 eggs 1 '/j, qts. molasses 2 qts. and 1 pt. milk 3J/2 ozs. soda 2 ozs. cloves 1 oz. cinnamon 3 oz. salt vanilla 10 J4 lbs. flour 2 Yl l° s - currants and raisins GINGER SNAPS 3 lbs. sugar 11 % lb. lard 1 oz. soda 1 oz. ginger and cinnamon 1 qt. water 1 qt. molasses 7 lbs. flour sifted in Yl lb- granulated sugar with flour GINGER SNAPS 1 lb. sugar 1 Yl oz - soda V 4 lb. lard 1 oz. ginger Yl oz - allspice 1 qt. molasses 1 qt. water 4 lbs. flour Salt FRUIT STICKS 2 lbs. sugar 1 Ya lb. shortening 1 pt. molasses 5 gills water Yl lb. chopped peanuts 2 lbs. usaltana raisins 24 oz. soda 1 % oz. baking powder 4 lbs. pastry flour Salt, cinnamon and mace. Mix same as Sugar Cookies. If a richer mix is desired add 1 eggs and omit the 12 water. Roll out about Yl inch thick and cut into bars of 1 J/2 X 3 inches. A round cutter may also be used, wash on top with egg. FRUIT SLICES 3 lbs. sugar 1 Yl lb. shortening Yl pt. molasses 1 oz. soda 8 eggs Yl pt. water 3 lbs. raisins 1 lb. orange and citron peel 2 oz. baking powder 5»/ 2 lb. flour Flavor with mace and cinnamon, salt Scale 1 4 oz. pieces and roll in strips, flatten slightly, wash with egg and bake and cut in slices. HERMITS OR FRUIT BARS 1 lb. butter and lard 2 lbs. sugar Yl oz. soda Yl oz. ammonia 1 pt. eggs 1 pt. molasses Yl lb. chopped citron Yl lb. currants 31/2 lbs. flour Cinnamon, ginger, allspice, salt and lemon 13 FRUIT COOKIES 2 Y<\ lbs. sugar 1 J/4 lbs. shortening 1/4 qt. milk 1 lb. currants or raisins J/2 lb. chopped citron 3 1/2 ozs. baking powder 4 lbs. cake flour Lemon, mace and salt SPICE COOKIES 2 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. lard 4 lbs. crumbs 4 oz. soda 1 qt. water J/4 oz. allspice Salt and 8 lbs. flour GINGER SNAP 3 lbs. sugar 1 Yl lbs. shortening 1 pt. water 1 qt. molasses 2 oz. soda 1 oz. cinnamon 2 oz. ginger 6 lbs. pastry flour Mix same as Cookies. Cut out with 2 inch cutter and wash on top with water. PEANUT BARS 2 l /2 lbs. sugar 14 1 Yl lbs. shortening 6 eggs 1 pt. milk 3 Yl oz - baking powder 5 lbs. pastry flour Flavor, salt and lemon Roll out on bench, wash with milk and sprinkle with finely chopped peanuts mix- ed with granulated sugar. Cut in bars 1 J/2 x 3 inches. COOKIES, PLUM DROPS 1 lb. sugar 54 lb. butter 9 eggs 1 Yl lbs. flour Yl lb. sultana raisins Pinch of ammonia Lemon extract and mace Directions: — Drop out with plain tube and bag size of walnuts or on lightly greased tins. JUMBLES 2 lbs. sugar Yl lb. butter and lard eggs pint milk ^ oz. soda oz. cream of tartar 4 J/2 lbs. flour Lcrncn and vanilla flavor 15 LEMON JUMBLES 3Yl lb. sugar 2 lb. shortening 1 pt. eggs 4 oz. baking powder 6 lb. flour Salt and vanilla Mix like sugar cookies. Lay out in rings with bag and star tube on lightly greased pans. CINNAMON JUMBLES 2 lbs. sugar 1 Yl lbs. shortening 6 eggs 1 qt. molasses 1 qt. water 1 oz. soda 2 1 /2 oz. baking powder- s' lb. flour Flavor, salt, cinnamon and mace. Mix same as Lemon Jumbles. FRENCH CHOCOLATE JUMBLES 2 Ya lbs. sugar 1 oz. butter 1 pt. eggs Z/a qt. milk Yl °z. soda 1 oz. salt Yl lb. cocoa 4 lbs. flour Vanilla. 16 LEMON FRUITS COOKIES 4 lb. sugar 2 lb. butter and lard 10 eggs 1 pt. milk 4 Yl oz. baking powder 6 lb. flour Lemon flavor 3 lb. Saltana raisins Mix same as sugar cookies and wash on top with egg. JUMBLES COMBINATION 2 lbs. sugar Yl lb. butter and lard 10 eggs 1 pt. milk Yl oz. soda 1 oz. cream of tartar 4!/ 2 lbs. flour Lemon and Vanilla flavor. COCOANUT JUMBLES 2Yl lbs sugar 1 Yl lbs. shortening 1 eggs 1 qt. Milk 1 lb. cocoa-nut 3 oz. baking powder 4 lbs. pastry flour Salt and vanilla Lay out in rings with bag and star tube on lightly greased pans. 17 VANILLA JUMBLES 3 lbs. sugar Wl lbs. lard 18 eggs 1 pt. milk 4 lbs. flour 1 Yl oz. baking powder Vanilla flavor Mix like cookies. Lay out in rings with bag and star tube two and one-half inches in diameter on lightly greased and floured pans, bake in 375 degrees. LEMON COOKIES 2 lbs. sugar \ Yl lbs. butter 8 eggs 1 pt. milk 1 oz. ammonia 4!/ 2 lbs. flour Lemon flavor LEMON COOKIES 1 Yl lbs. sugar 1 Yl lbs. butter 9 eggs Yl oz - ammonia Yl Pt. milk 3 lbs. flour Salt and vanilla flavor LEMON COOKIES 2 Yl lbs. sugar 1 lb. shortening 18 6 eggs 5 gills of milk 31/2 lbs. flour 3 oz. baking powder Salt and lemon flavor Cut out with 2Y2 inch cutter and wash with egg. LEMON COOKIES 1 Y^ lbs. sugar 1 lb. butter 6 eggs Yl oz. ammonia 3!/2 lbs. flour 1 pt. milk Salt and lemon flavor. LEMON SNAPS 5 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. lard 6 eggs 1 qt. milk Yl oz soda 4 oz. baking powder 6 lbs. flour Lemon flavor and salt. LEMON SNAPS 2 Yl lbs. sugar 1 lb. butter 1 lb. butter 1 pt. eggs 21/2 lbs. flour ] 19 Yl oz. ammonia 10 eggs Lemon extract. VANILLA WAFERS 2 lbs. sugar 1 Yl lbs. butter 10 eggs 2 lbs. flour Vanilla, rub sugar and butter, add eggs slowly, mix flour drop on lightly greased pans, size of macaroons. These sell for 60c a lb. CINNAMON WAFERS Yl lb. sugar 6 eggs 1 lb. cake flour 4 oz. melted butter 1 qt. milk 1 lemon and grated rind 1 teaspoon cinnamon Mix yolks and sugar well, add flavor, butter and part of milk, then stir smooth, add remainder of milk and whites of 6 eggs beaten stiff. Bake in wafer or cone iron, grease irons lightly and heat to bak- ing heat. Put in spoonful of batter at a time. Wafers may be left plain or rolled on sticks. TURKISH WAFERS Mix 1 lb. almond paste 6 eggs 20 ]]/i lbs. sugar 5 oz. corn starch Yl gill rose water Salt and nutmeg. When baked, roll round y\ inch stick and 6 inchs in length. ALMOND WAFERS Mix 1 lb. almond paste 1 2 egg whites 1 Yl l^s- sugar Yi lbs. flour 1 gill cream Salt and cinnamon When baked roll round stick 1 inch thick and 6 inches in length. ALMOND WAFERS 34 lb. powdered sugar 6 eggs, whites Yl lb. almond paste 4 oz. flour 2 gills milk Pinch of salt and little cinnamon. Spread 1-16 inch thick on bees waxed pans. When baked roll in shaped corn- copias. Fill with whipped cream or MERINGUE Z/^ lb. sugar S/ 4 lb. butter I YAt lbs. cake flour 6 eggs 21 Vanilla flavor Set on pans with bag and star tube ring shape. PLUM DROPS 1 lb. sugar 14 lb. butter 9 eggs 1 1/2 lbs. flour Yl lb. Sultans raisins Pinch of ammonia Lemon extract and mace Directions: — Drop with plain tube and bag size of walnuts on iightly greased tins. COCOANUT TAFFY DROPS 1 lb. sugar Yl lb. butter and lard Yi oz baking powder 1 pt. milk 1 lb. cocoanut 4 eggs 1 % lbs flour Drop on greased and dusted tins, size of a walnut. Sells at 60c a lb. PLAIN MACAROONS 2 Yl lbs. almond paste 2 Yl lbs. sugar (half powdered and half granulated) Rub smooth with about 1 pt. egg whites 2 oz. corn meal or farina. May be added to this mixture which 22 should be soft enough that it will not run, drop out on papered pans, press down rlightly with wet towel, before baking. Bake in 225° oven. FANCY MACAROONS 3 lbs. almond paste 3j/J lbs. powdered sugar 4 oz. flour Finch of cinnamon, grated rind of lem- on, and about 20 to 24 egg whites. Work the mixture smooth then stir over slow fire, until luke warm. In order that these macaroons should retain shape use a star tube not too fine grooves, garnish with walnuts, almonds, cherries or any assorted french fruits. Let stand over night, and wash with the following next day. Mix Yl lb. of white gum arabic 1 Yi lbs. sugar Yl Pt. water 1 gill alcohol A little rose extract and the juice of Yl lemon. Mix well together, let stand over night, strain through colander and keep covered This wash can be used for fancy maroons or pastry where a rich gloss is required. COCOANUT MACAROONS 1 Yl lbs. macaroons cocoanut 2 Yl lbs. sugar 1 Ya P^ e §§ whites 23 .," Mix sugar, cocoanut and egg whites in kettle, place on slow fire until softened, so it can be dropped out with bag and plain tube. Do not make mixture too sroft, drop on papered tins, smooth down with wet cloth before baking COCOANUT MACAROONS 2 lbs. almond paste 2 Ya lbs. sugar half granulated and half powdered 4 oz chocolate Pinch of cinnamon About 1 8 egg whites. Use tube for plain Macarrons, cover with Nonpareils. When baked, and while warm, make hole in center with blunt end of pencil, fill with pink Royal icing and decorate with silver dragers. ICE CREAM CONES 1 Yl lbs. rice flour 1 lb. cake flour 1 Y4 lb. powdered sugar 5 eggs 1 Yl Pt- water Use either lemon, orange or vanilla flavor. Beat yolks with sugar, and flour. Flavor and add enough water to make a soft batter. Add pinch of salt and whites of 5 eggs, beaten well. Bake in cone irons and roll on pointed sticks. 24 CORNCOPIAS Mix 1 lb. almond paste 1 lb. sugar J/2 pt. yolks 1 gill cream 6 oz. flour Salt, cinnamon and vanilla Roll over tapered forms, 1 in. thick and 4 in. long. SHORT PASTE FOR LARGE AND SMALL TARTS 4 lbs. flour iy 2 lbs. butter 2 lbs. powdered sugar 1 Yi lbs. almonds, ground fine 8 yolks 1 2 whole eggs Grated rind of 1 lemon, vanilla or ground cinnamon or almond flavor. Work sugar and butter together, add eggs, al- monds and flour. Mix together and set in cool place to stiffen. CONFECTIONERS' SHORT PASTE Confectioner's Short Paste for lining forms or Tarts. 3^2 lbs. flour 1 lb. butter and lard 1 lb. 2 oz. sugar 10 eggs J4 °z light-weight ammonia 25 Flavor lemon and mace. Line small tart forms with the above paste, and half fill with the following Boston Tart mixture and bake in 300 degree oven. BOSTON TART CAKES 3 lbs. powdered sugar 2 lbs. butter I qt. yolks 1 qt. milk 2 Ya lk s - cake flour 1 2 oz. corn starch Lemon flavor •>/ oz. cream of tartar Ya oz soda (heavy) Sift together flour, starch, cream of tarter, and soda. Cream together butter and sugar and gradually add yolks, then flavor and milk. Then add flour, mix and beat smooth. Bake in 300 degree oven. FRENCH CREAM KISSES 1 qt. egg whites 4 J/2 lbs. sugar Beat whites stiff, add sugar slowly any desirable flavor may be used. Lay out on wet board with star tube in different forms. Garnish with colored sugar or French fruit or silver drag us, when baked place two together. Bake in slow oven 20 COCOANUT KISSES Warm mixture 3 lbs. Macaroon cocoanut 4'/2 lbs. fine granulated sugar 1 Yl q ts - whites of eggs Mix all together and place on fire until luke warm. Drop with plain tube on papered pans and flatten with wet towel and bake in 250 degree oven. COCOANUT KISSES, COLD 2 lbs. powdered sugar 1 pt. egg whites 1 Yl lbs. Macaroon cocoanut Pinch of cream of tartar Drop on greased and dusted pans. Bake in 250 degrees. LADY FINGERS 1 pt. egg whites, beaten stiff 1 Yl Pt- e gg yolks, beat up with 1 lb. sugar mix in egg white with yolks and sugar. 1 4 oz. flour Lemon flavor Lay out on paper with plain tube, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Bake in 400 degree oven, when baked, remove fingers from pan. SCOTCH SHORT BREAD 2 lb. flour 1 !4 lbs. butter 27 J/2 lb. sugar 2 eggs Rub together flour and butter, mix sugar and eggs with flour and butter, weigh off in half lb. pieces, roll out round to about Ya inch thick and crimp around the edge, bake in 280 degree oven. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE 3 lbs. flour 8 oz. butter and lard 3 oz. baking powder 1 qt. milk 3 oz. sugar 3 oz. sugar 3 eggs Salt Rub together flour shortening and bak- ing powder, add sugar, eggs, milk and salt, mix and bake, when baked slice and fill with whip cream and berries. BOSTON CREAM PUFFS AND ECLAIRS 3 qts. water 4 lbs. compound 5 lbs. bread flour 1 Yl oz. ammonia 3 qts. eggs Enough milk to make soft dough that will not run. Put water and compound in copper kettle, to boil, when boiling, add flour and stir thoroughly. Remove 28 from copper kettle to machine kettle, let machine run in second speed adding Yz of eggs. Now add ammonia, milk to suit and bake in 350 degree oven. If these directions are followed carefully lowed carefully this mixture never fails. CONFECTIONER'S SHORT PASTE 4 lbs. butter 2 lbs. sugar 8 eggs 6 lbs. flour 1 gal milk This paste is used for bottoms and linings for large and small cake. Mix like other paste, keep in a cool place. CREAM OF TARTAR BISCUITS Rub together 3 lbs. bread flour 4 oz. lard 3 oz. baking powder Now add 1 qt, milk 1 oz. salt 3 oz. sugar Cut out with 2 Yl inch cutter and bake in 400 degree oven. FRENCH BISCUITS 3J4 lb. flour 1 oz. cream of tartar Yl lb. butter and lard 1 2 oz. sugar Yl oz, soda 20 1 qt. milk 5 eggs 2 lbs. currants and raisins Salt and vanilla Rub flour, butter and lard together, add sugar, eggs and remainder of in- gredients. SCOTCH SCONES 4 lbs. flour 1 Ya oz. cream of tartar Yi oz. soda Y4 z. salt 1 lb. butter 8 eggs 6 oz. sugar 34 qts. milk. Mix same as Cream Tartar Biscuits. Weigh off in 7 oz. pieces, mold round, roll out Ya i n - thick, and cut in 4 place en light greased tins, wash with egg wash bake in 300 degree oven, when half baked, turn scones over with pallet knife. SCOTCH SCONES 3!/ 2 lbs. flour 2 oz. tartar 6 oz. lard and butter 1 2 oz. sugar 1 oz. soda 1 qt. milk Lemon and mace. Rub flour, short- 30 ening and tartar together, add sugar, soda, milk and flavor. SULTANAS SCONES 2 lbs. flour Yl oz. soda 1 oz. cream of tartar ]/4 lb. butter and lard Ya lb. sugar 2 eggs 1 pint milk 4 oz. Sultanan. Mix and scale in 1 2 oz. pieces, roll out, cut in 4 or 6 without cutting through let rest wash twice and bake. CORN MUFFINS 2 Yl lbs. sugar 1 Ya lbs. butter and lard 1 lb. corn meal 10 eggs 1 qt. milk Yl oz. soda 1 oz cream of tartar 31/2 lbs. flour Salt ENGLISH MUFFINS, SPONGE MIX 2 qts milk .34 lb. sugar 2 oz. salt 2Yl oz. yeast 5 lb. bread flour 3* This mixture should be taken when once up, break out in 2 oz. pieces, proved in boxes and baked in rings on hot plate. IROQUOIS BRAN MUFFINS 3 y± lbs, sugar 1 Yl lbs. butter and lard 8 eggs 1 pt. light molasses 3 qts. milk 2 Yi lb. bran meal 3 lbs. bread flour Salt. AMERICAN PUFF PASTE 2 lbs. of butter washed in ice water and 2 lbs. flour, 2 oz. baking powder. Rub all together, add 2 eggs and enough ice water to make a smooth paste, roll out about 20 inches long and 10 inches wide turn in the ends to meet in center and fold again, let rest for an hour, repeat this until rolled four times, for Pattie shells and tarts, roll to Ya inch thick and place on clean pans and let rest a while before baking,now take small tube or biscuit cutter and press in the center of each pattie, down to near the bottom of the paste, bake in 350 degree oven. When baked cut out the center and fill, this paste is very valuable for the American baker or cook, while it takes a great deal more time and experience to make these so called French Puff Paste. 32 PUFF PASTE AND PASTRIES The making of this paste is an art which requires close observation of cer- tain rules, and long practice. The paste consists of a series of layers of dough on butter and to produce these layers evenly, and without breaking, is one of the prin- cipal factors in the production of a per- fect paste. When using all butter it is necessary to wash the butter in cold water to remove the salt. The water for mixing into puff paste should be thoroughly iced before using. To 6 lbs flour rub in 2 lbs. butter, 2 oz. cream of tartar, now add juice of 4 lemons and enough ice water to make a firm paste The paste then should be set aside for Yl hour to lose its spring. Nov/ flatten down dough and 4 lbs. well washed butter, place butter in center of dough and cover with paste. Roll out paste three times as long as it is wide, about Yl inch thick. Fold from ends about y^ from the center, fold again both sides again so as to meet in one center, then fold over top, this is considered one roll. Faste then should be put aside on ice for an hour, and again given three more turns with an hour apart. After the last roll it is not advisable to hurry puff paste, giving it too many foldings at 33 one time, a rest between turns, produces the unbroken layer necessary for good paste. When making puff paste, that is not to be used the same day it is best not to finish the rolling but to give it the last turn the day it is used. Patties shell tarts and pastries of all kinds should have straight sharp cut edges. Dull cut- ters push the layers of paste into each other, and prevents rising. Putting the cut pieces upside down on pans, prevents this to some extent, and makes them rise better. A good even heat is required for baking of all kinds of pastries. If oven is too hot especially for large past- ries the crust is found too quickly, not giving time enough for the paste to ex- pand and rise fully. All pastries should be washed on top with egg wash, for a brighter gloss. The pastries may be brushed over with a thick syrup while ho':. NO. 2 For a cheaper puff paste the following may be used: 6 lbs. bread flour, rub in I lb. compound then add 1 pt. vinegar, juice of 3 lemons and enough water to make a softer dough than in No. 1 . paste Then roll in 4 lbs. Oleomargarine, the same as No. I . The cake mixtures in this book are 34 money makers to any baker in the busi- ness today. I know of a large market in New York City that does over a Hundred thousand dollar business a year with the mixtures in Bakers Friend. A great many of the bakers whom I have met in my travels have the habit of not properly seasoning their mixtures with either salt or flavors. My advice to the bakers is to try a com- bination of flavors in some of their mix- tures which you will find give a very satisfactory palatable eating code. In placing your goods in store for sale don't forget that neatness and cleanliness is the best ad you can get. FRENCH PASTRY In making French pastry some base is chosen which in combination with other tasty substances, makes the popular pastry. The following mixture, makes a very good light base from which a large variety can be made. 4 lbs. sugar 3 qts. whole eggs 1 Vi pt. yolks 2 J/2 lbs. melted butter 3 lbs flour 1 Va lbs. corn starch, vanilla flavor. a5 HOW TO MIX Place the egg yolks and sugar in a cop- per kettle, while beating, heat to about 98 degrees or blood heat. Remove from fire and continue beating, until the mix- ture has a consistency of sponge cake froth, gradually sift in flour and corn starch and mix lightly. When nearly mixed, pour in melted butter. This mix- ture is baked on paper lined sheets and baked in a 250 degree oven. CHOCOLATE DOMINOES Take baked sheet of cake base mixture, cut into oblong shapes about 3 by 3 in. slice in two, and fill with Chocolate Mocha Filling and set together, now dip into hot current jelly, when dry dip into warm chocolate and dry, make cone with mocha icing, and make dividing line same as on Dominoes. Then make the different dots to resemble Dominoes. SARAH EARNHARDTS Cut out round shaped cakes about 2 J/2 in. in diameter from the base mixture, decorate a pyramid on top of each with a star tube with Mocha Cream Filling. Then dip in chocolate icing, being care- ful not to have icing too warm, place an almond on top, and put in drying closet to dry. 86 POLINACS Bake 2 sheets of light cake base spread on layer of vanilla cream, then a heavy layer of vanilla cream (mocha) over one sheet, and set both together. Cut into squares 3 by 3 in., cover them with chopped roasted almonds. Decorate the top with vanilla mocha, with star tube, place cherry in center. MOCHARINOS Cut with 2 J/2 in. cutter from a light cake base mixture, with a plain tube dec- orate a spere on top of each using mocha cream filling. Then dip them in coffee flavored Fondant. When dry decorate 2 cross bars with star tube using the mocha cream. Place a cherry on top. MUSCOVITZ Take 2 sheets of light cake base mix- ture, fill with Marmalade or Apricot fill- ing, cut in shapes 2 by 3 in. place on draining screen, take plain tube and make double scroll on to*-;. Then dip in choco- late and vanilla icing, placing on top cherry on center and diamond shaped pieces of angelica on ends. Put in cool oven to dry. TRIANGLES Bake 2 sheets of light cake base mix- ture, after cooling, spread raspberry jam • > i over one sheet, then set sheets together, cut into diamond shapes about 3 in. then dip in hot jelly, ice over with fondant icing, flaver with lemon, place cherry on top and put in drying closet. JAPANOISE Make a heavy meringue with a pint of egg whites. 2 lbs. sugar, add I lb. finely chopped roasted almonds, with a plain tube, make coils on light greased and dusted pans. Bake in 250 degree oven. When coils are baked re- move from pan, place a layer of Mocha Cream, containing finely chopped filberts on bottom side. Place two together, spread a thin layer of Mocha Cream on sides and roll in chopped roasted filberts. Take star tubes, make small border with pink Mocha Cream, fill center with lemon colored icing set cherry in center with 3 almonds around it. PETIT FOURS Make from Viena Mix or French pastry mix, 2 sheets 18x26 inches when baked and cooled fill with apricot or marma- lade filling, dip in hot jelly and set on wire strainer to dry, then dip in Fondant icing of different flavors and colors, these cakes should be cut small in different shapes and decorated with butter cream DC and garnished with assorted french fruits or silver dragers, care should be taken not to over heat icing as this will spoil gloss, place in drying closet or mouth of the oven to dry. MAROCAINES Cover small scalloped tins with the fol- lowing cookie mixture. Rub together 5 lbs. sugar 2 Yl lbs. shortening 2 oz. salt 2 oz. soda 1 Yi pts. eggs 3 pts. milk Lemon flavor 4 oz. cream of tartar IO!/ 2 lbs. flour Mix to a smooth cookie dough. After the tins have been lined with this mixture fill forms with following: Rub smooth 1 lb. almond paste 1 lb. sugar 20 egg whites 6 oz. flour 14 oz. melted butter (cold) Bake these tartlets in a quick oven. When baked, cover with the following meringue and decorate with a star tube. Whip 1 pt. of egg whites stiff gradually, adding 2 lbs powdered sugar, colored with light pink, bake in a cool oven. TURINOS Line some cup cake tins with Mar- ocaines mixture, place a drop of jelly in center and fill with the following mix- ture and bake. Rub 6 oz. of ground almonds 1 lb. egg yolks 1 lb. granulated sugar to a smooth paste. Now add, 1 |/2 pts. of whipped whites, eggs Y± lb. flour Bake in medium oven to golden brown. When baked, take heavy meringue and decorate ferinament on top of these cakes. Dust with powdered sugar and place in cool oven to dry. When dry cover entirely with chocolate icing. FONDANT ICING Fondant icing is used to cover French pastry. Put into a copper kettle. 20 lb. sugar 3 lbs. glucose 3 qts. water, boil until it reaches 238 degrees Fahrenheit. Take mixture from fire, pour into a clean, greased machine bowl and kettle and allow to cool to 1 30 degrees. Then start machine at low speed, when it begins to show a creamy consistency put machine in second speed. The sugar will crystalize into much small- er crystals when running at higher speed, 40 thus giving you an icing with a fine tex- ture. Any desired flavor and color may be added to this icing Thb may be set aside for future use. When wanted take small quantity and heat to 98 degrees Fahrenheit. This will have an excellent gloss if not heated too high. MOCHA ICING This icing is used for garnishing and decorating. 2 lbs, butter 4 Yi lbs. sugar 4 eggs and vanilla flavor. Put sugar and butter into a bowl or machine, bowl and cream until light, add- ing the eggs slowly. Any desired flavor or color may be added to this icing. Some very fine decorating may be done with this Mocha Icing. CHEAP MOCHA ICING A cheaper mocha cream may be made with part butter and compound or all compound. Take 2 lbs. compound, or part of each 4 lbs. sugar 3 oz. powdered milk in a mixing bowl. Beat to a creamy consistency after this stage is reached, add 3 eggs and 2 lbs. sugar gradually and flavor. If this icing is too dry mix in a little milk. 41 MOCHA FILLING FOR GINGER OR SPECIAL LAYERS Cream together 2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. fresh butter Add the yolks of 7 eggs Add 1 cup of strong black coffee Frost cakes on top and sides with maple icing. COFFEE CREAM FOR FILLING AND DECORATION Mix together 1 '/2 lb. sugar 4 oz. corn starch 24 yokes 1 qt. Black Coffee 1 qt. cream Mix and stir on fire to a firm cream, take off and stir until cold, add: 1 lb. of fresh melted butter. To use this cream for decorating, add to J/2 of mixture 6 oz. more of butter and beat well on ice. MARSHMALLOW FILLINGS 1 lbs. Granulated Sugar 1 qt. Egg Whites 1 qt. Water Ya oz. Cream Tartar 2 oz. Jelatine dissolved in 1 pt. Water, Vanila Flavor. 42 1 lb. Glucose Method for making, boil Sugar and Glucose and water. Boil 240 degrees or test in cold water until it forms a soft ball, beat the whites of eggs with Cream of Tartar stiff and add Yl lb. of Powder Sugar, now pour the boiling mixture slow- ly into the egg whites, beating all the time. Let stand and when lukewarm add the dissolved gelatine and beat until it stands up well, this filling can be flavored or col- ored in a great many ways. Chopped nuts or fruits may be added. MARSHMALLOW FILLING AND ICING 5 lb. granulated sugar 1 qt. water 1 Ya oz Gelatine, preferably Japanese Gelatine,pinch of Cream of tartar 1 pt. of egg whites 1 lb. Glucose Soak and dissolve gelatine, boil water, sugar, glucose, and cream of tartar to a soft ball. While the sugar is boiling beat whites stiff with Ya lb. icing sugar beaten in. Now pour hot sugar on whites, constantly beating until the mixture stands up. Now add dissolved Gelatine and flavor. Coloring of any kind may be added also fruit. If this frosting does not dry well more sugar may be added while 4?> the mixture is warm. Too much sugar will make a hard crust. If possible use machine for this work. TUTTI-FRUTTI FILLING Chop fine some cherries and peaches, add Yl pt. cherry and Yl P*- peach pulp put on fire and let simmer until soft. Let cool. Beat up 1 pt. heavy cream 6 oz. sugar. Flavor with rum Yl °z. gelatine dis- solved, use for filling. Ice cake with fondant icing into which some cherries and Angelica chopped fine have been mixed. Pineapple may be used also. APPLE JELLY FILLING To make a good apple jelly, which may be used for filling and garnishing, put in to a kettle half bushel of quartered apples, cover well with water, let boil soft, without stirring, then drain through colander, let stand until cool, pour off the clear liquor, do not disturb settled part in bottom of kettle. Now to every gallon of liquid add 6 lbs. of sugar, boil again until it falls in broad flakes from the skimmer. Pour in clean pan. This or part may be colored any desired color or left pure. CARAMEL FILLING 2 lbs. brown sugar 1 cupful of heavy cream 44 add 4 oz. molasses 2 oz. butter 2 oz bitter chocolate Mix and boil to soft ball, pour boiling mixture on to 6 well beaten whites of eggs, beat until cool, add Yl 1°. chopped nuts, use on special layer cake, with choco- late icing. PISTACHIO FILLING Take 1 lb. marshmallow filling 5 oz. pistachio nuts and almonds chopped fine Flavor pistachio Frost cake with light green colored fondant and garnish with chopped pis- tachio nuts. APRICOT FILLING Mix hot apricot jam into some stiff meringue flavored with brandy, add chopped walnuts or filberts. This may be used for layers or tart filling. LADY BALTIMORE FILLING Mix 8 oz. chopped figs 12 oz. pecans (crushed fine) Put into a boiled icing made of 3 lbs. sugar, 8 egg whites, 1 pt. water. Flavor with rose water. This may be used for filling or icing. SPECIAL ICING WITH FINE GLOSS Flace in machine kettle 1 qt. egg whites 1 qt. cold water 16 lb. sugar (sifted) 3 lb. glucose, lemon or vanila flavor A very fine chocolate icing can be made from this by adding any good brand of chocolate. Any goods dipped in this icing will retain gloss indefinitely. CHOCOLATE STOCK ICING Take two pounds chocolate, Yl pound butter, put on slow fire to dissolve, do not overheat Now take 1 2 pounds sugar, qt. hot water, mix well, add butter and choco- late and beat smooth. This amount may be doubled and put away for further use. Before using be sure to heat this icing to blood heat, a finer gloss may be had by adding two or three whites of eggs. JELLY ROLL 1 lb. sugar, 8 eggs and enough milk to make a pint beat up well together, then add 1 J4 lbs. flour, 1 oz. baking powder, flavor vanilla, salt. JELLY ROLL 1 lb. sugar 8 eggs 1 gill milk 1 oz. baking powder 1 |4 lbs. flour Salt and lemon or vanilla 40 Beat up sugar, eggs and milk together, sift flour and baking powder together. This will make on sheet of Jelly 18x26. If desirable egg color may be added. This is a very fine roll and appreciated by good bakers. LADY FINGERS 1 lb. sugar 1 5 eggs separated 1 lb. 2 oz. flour, vanilla flavor. Beat up and mix in part of sugar with yolks and the remainder with whites. Then fold in flour cake fully. Lay out on paper, sift over with powdered sugar and shake off surplus. Bake on double pans, 400 degree oven. Take off pans as soon as baked, JELLY ROLL 1 lb. sugar 5 eggs Vl Pt. milk 1 oz. baking powder 1 !4 lb. flour Salt, vanilla and lemon Beat sugar and eggs together, add milk, flour and baking powder. From this mix- ture a great variety of roll can be made. 1 lb. sugar 6 eggs Yl Pt- milk 47 1 J4 lbs. flour 4 oz. cocoa 1 oz baking powder Salt LOG CABINS (Roll) Use jelly roll, only use vanilla butter cream for filling. Roll up and take large star tube and run chocolate or caramel butter cream from end to end of roll close together, then make insert pieces in sides to represent chopped off branches of the tree, make vine of white butter cream and leaves with leaf tube, cut diagonally, coat ends with yellow icing. BOSTON GINGER BREAD J/2 lb. sugar 34 lb. lard 2 oz. Soda 5 eggs 1 oz. ginger 1 qt. molasses 1 qt. water 1 oz. salt ;<4 lb. flour GINGER BREAD 1 lb. sugar 1 lb. lard 8 eggs 1 oz. soda 1 oz. ginger 43 1 oz. mixed spices Salt 1 qt. molasses 1 pt. milk 3J/2 lbs. soft flour Bake in 200 ft. oven GINGER BREAD 1 lb. Sugar 1 lb. Shortening Salt 2 oz. Ginger 2 oz. Soda 1 ]/l Qts. Molasses 1 Vi qts. Water 10 Eggs 2 oz. Baking Powder 5 lbs. Flour Mix the same as Plain Cake DROP CAKE 2 lbs. Sugar 1 lb. Shortening 1 Pt. Eggs 1 qt. Milk 3 lbs. Flour 3}/£ oz. Baking Fowder Lemon and Salt Mix like Plain Cake, drop on lightly greased pans. CUP CAKES 3 lbs. sugar 1 !4 lbs. lard 49 10 eggs 1 qt. milk 3 oz. baking powder 4J/ 2 lbs. flour Salt and vanilla or lemon. SPICE CUPS 1 lb. sugar J/ 2 lb. lard 1 Ya oz. soda 1 oz. ginger 1 oz. cinnamon 1 J/2 oz. salt 5 eggs 1 qt. molasses 1 qt. milk 4 J/2 lbs. cake flour SPICE CUP CAKE 1 J/2 lb. Sugar 1 Yl lb- Shortening 1 Eggs 2 qt. Molasses 3 lb. Crumbs 2 oz. Soda 2 oz. Baking Powder 2 qt. Water 6 lbs. Flour Flavor with Mixed Spices and Lemon Extract Bake the same as Cup Cakes. 50 SPICE CUPS Yl lb. sugar Yl lb. lard 5 eggs 1 qt. molasses 1 qt. milk 2 oz. salt Yl oz. allspice, cinnamon, ginger 1 lb. crumbs 4 lbs. flour 1 Yl oz. soda. LEMON MOLASSES CUP CAKE 1 lb. sugar 1 lb. shortening 6 eggs 1 oz. soda 1 qt. molasses 1 qt. water 2 oz. baking powder 4'/ 2 lbs. flour Cinnamon, salt and lemon Mix and bake like cup cakes. CUP CAKES AND LAYERS 3 lbs. sugar 1 Yl lbs. butter and lard 1 qt. eggs 1 qt. milk 3 oz. baking powder 4|/ 2 lbs. flour Salt and vanilla. Cream together sugar 51 and shortening, add eggs and remainder of ingredients. BOSTON LAYER CAKE MIXTURE 3 lbs. sugar 1 lb. butter 1 lb. lard 1 oz. soda, cream together Add 1 qt. eggs slowly 1 qt. milk 2 oz. cream of tartar 5 lbs. flour Now take the following: Beat up well 1 qt of eggs, with 2 lbs. of sugar, add Yl pt. milk 1 oz. of soda, 2 oz. of cream of tartar, 2 Yl lbs flour. Salt and vanilla and lemon. Mix both together, and a very fine assortment of layers and sheet cakes can be made from these two mix- tures. If wishing to make chocolate layers add cocoa. LAYER CAKE 3 lbs. powdered sugar 2 lbs. butter 1 pt. yolks 1 pt. whole eggs 1 qt. milk 23/4 lbs. flour 1 2 oz. cornstarch % oz. cream of tartar Yl oz. soda (good weight) Lemon flavor. 52 BOSTON CREAM LAYER MIXTURE 2 lbs. sugar 1 qt. eggs Beat together for 2 or 3 minutes add, Yl pt. milk 2 Yl lbs. bread and cake flour 1 oz. soda 2 oz. good cream of tartar Salt and vanilla. This mixture may be weighed off in 1 in. plates, sliced through and filled with whipped cream or boiled custard. This is a big seller for either restaurants or bakeries. WHITE LAYER CAKE 2 Yl lbs. sugar 1 Ya lbs- butter and lard % qt. egg whites 1 qt. milk 31/2 lbs. flour 3 oz. baking powder Salt and vanilla flavor Directions: Cream, sugar and short- ening together, add egg whites slowly, beating well after each addition, then add the rest of the ingredients. WHITE LAYER CAKE 4 lbs. sugar 1 J4 lbs. lard 1 qt. egg whites 2 qts milk 53 5 oz. baking powder 6 lbs. flour Salt and vanilla. Directions: Cream 2 lbs. of sugar with shortening until light, beat the bal- ance of sugar with egg whites until firm and then add to the cream, sugar and shortening, then add the rest of the in- gredients. WHITE LAYER CAKE 1 J/2 lbs. sugar % lb. butter and lard % qt. egg whites 1 pt. milk 2 oz. baking powder 1 oz. cream of tartar '/2 oz. soda 2 lbs. cake flour Vanilla. LAYER CAKES (Ginger) 3 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. shortening 1 qt. eggs 1 1/2 ci ts - molasses 1 Yl Q ts - water 2 oz. soda Salt 2 oz. ginger 2 oz. baking powder 7 lbs. flour 54 This mixture requires very little working. SPICED FRUIT LAYER CAKE % lb. sugar Vl lb. butter and lard 2 lbs. cake crumbs 8 eggs J/2 oz. soda 1 pt. molasses 1 lb. chopped fruit and nuts 1 oz mixed spices \y 2 lbs. flour Milk to mix smooth dough. Bake in layers, fill and frost with cream, caramel and chocolate. Decorate with nuts. This mixture may be baked in greased and dusted rings or in cups. NEAPOLITAN SHEET CAKE 3 lbs. sugar 1 lb. shortening 10 eggs % qt. milk • Salt and lemon flavor 2 '/4 oz. baking powder 4'/4 lbs. cake flour Cream together Yl °f tne sugar until light, beat balance of the sugar with the eggs and add to the creamed sugar and shortening. Add milk, mix in the flour and baking powder, sifted well. This mix makes three sheets 18x26, l /s of this mixture should be colored with chocolate, Y$ with orange icing cream. When baked and cooled, fill with marsh- mallow filling or some other good filling. Frost on top three sheets may be cut in any desired size. CHOCOLATE LAYER OR LOAF CAKE 2'/2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. shortening % qt. eggs 1 qt. milk Salt and cinnamon 2 oz. baking powder 3. lbs. cake flour 6 oz. cocoa Cream sugar and shortening together add the eggs slowly, mix in ]/l of the flour, add the milk, then the balance of the flour and baking powder, sifted well. ALMOND LAYER CAKE (VIENNA) Vi pt. yolks 1 qt. whole eggs 2 lbs. sugar (powdered) 1 oz. melted butter Vl lb. grounded almonds \y 4 lbs. flour 6 oz. corn starch '/2 Pt- water J/2 oz. baking powder Beat eggs and sugar together until light, add milk, sift together flour starch and baking powder, add with the almonds the melted butter and mix very lightly. Bake in layer cake pans when cool fill with butter cream and ice with fondant icing, flavored with almond flavor. CHOCOLATE MIXTURE FOR SHEET CAKES 1 Yl 1 DS - sugar 12 lb. lard 6 eggs 1 oz. soda 1 oz. salt 1 qt. butter milk 1 lb. crumbs 4 oz. cocoa, sifted with 1 Yl 1 DS - flour Vanilla. RIBBON CAKE (STANDARD) 5 lbs. sugar 2'/2 lbs. butter 30 eggs 1 Yl qts. milk AYl oz. baking powder 5 Yl lbs. cake flour Lemon, vanilla and salt Cream together well J^ sugar and shortening, add part of eggs. Then add slowly balance of sugar and eggs, add milk, flour and powder. This makes 6 sheets 18x26. Any desired color may be made from this mixture. 57 WHITE SHEET CAKE 5 lbs. powdered sugar 3 lbs. granulated sugar 2 Yl lbs. compound 1 J4 lbs. butter 3 qts. egg whites J4 qt. milk Ya, oz. soda 1 % oz. cream of tartar 6 lbs. cake flour 1 lb. corn starch Flavor with vanilla or lemon. Beat egg whites stiff, adding the gran- ulated sugar slowly, cream together pow- dered sugar, shortening and corn starch. Dissolve soda in milk, now put both mixes together, adding milk and part flour and mix, then add balance of flour. When baked fill with orange marmalade or marshmallow and frost top with vanilla icing. SHEET CAKES 5 lbs. sugar 3 lbs. butter and lard 10 lbs. flour Yl oz - soda 2 oz. ammonia 6 eggs 2 qth. milk 5S Cream sugar and butter and soda and eggs, milk and ammonia. Sift flour and ammonia. VIENNA MIXTURE 1 lb. sugar 1 Yi qts. eggs Yl lb. butter '/2 lb. corn starch Yl lb. flour Beat eggs and sugar in hot water until blood heat, then beat until cold, and flour starch and flavor, then melted butter. VIENNA MIXTURE (COLD) 2 lbs. sugar 32 yolks 30 egg whites 2 lbs. melted butter 1 lb. flour 1 lb. corn starch Flavor Beat whites stiff, and beat in part of sugar, beat yolks with balance of sugar. Mix both together, put in flour and add melted butter. GOLDEN ROD CAKE Ya lb. sugar Yl lb. butter and lard 6 eggs 3 gills of milk The grating and juice of one orange 59 Yl oz. baking powder 1 lb. flour Mix the same as Layer Cake. Ice all over with different colored Icing. ICE CREAM CAKE (BOSTON STYLE) 2 Yl l° s - sugar 1 Yl Ik. butter and lard 1 qt. eggs Ya, qt. milk Yl lt>. corn starch 1 oz. baking powder 3'/4 lb. cake flour Salt and vanilla Cream together shortening and Yl °f the sugar. Separate the eggs and rub in the yolks slowly. Beat up the egg whites with balance of sugar and add milk. Mix in flour and baking powder, sifted well. This mixture may be used for a large assortment of dipped cakes. WHITE LOAF CAKE 2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. butter 1 2 egg whites whites 1 pt. milk 1 lb. flour 1 lb. corn starch 1 oz. baking powder Flavor Bake in 300 degree oven. This same mixture with 2 lbs. flour leaving out 60 corn starch, is used for white layers, may be colored chocolate or pink for marble cake. GOLD LOAF CAKE 3 lbs. sugar 1 lb. butter and lard I Ya qts. whole eggs and yolks mixed 1 qt. milk 3 oz. baking powder AYl lbs. flour Cream sugar and butter together, add eggs slowly and mix other ingredients. DELICATE CAKE 1 Ya lbs. sugar 1 Ya lbs. butter, creamed together add % qt. egg whites P/4 lbs. flour Yi oz. baking flour Vanilla flavor. DELICATE CAKE 1 lb. butter 1 Ya lhs. sugar (powdered) 1 '/2 pts. egg whites Ya pt milk 1 J/2 lbs. cake flour 4 oz. corn starch 1 oz. baking powder Sift flour, starch and baking powder together, cream sugar and butter light, then rub in Yl °f egg whites add Yl lh. 61 lb. of flour mixture, mix smooth, beat up remainder of whites and fold in the mix, add milk, vanilla or almond flavor with balance of flour and mix wdll. This cake may be baked in small papered molds and layers. Grated cocoanut or chopped nuts may be added. This makes a very delicate eating cake. WALDORF CAKE 1 Ya lb s - sugar 3J/2 lbs. butter and lard 2Y 2 qts. eggs 3'/2 qts. milk 1 Ya oz. soda 2 Ya cream of tartar 10 lbs. flour 5 lbs. mixed fruit, with almonds and walnuts. Mix same as pound cake but when sifting flour add 3 oz. powdered sugar and 3 oz. corn staxch. This mixture should be baked in 1 qt. turk's head pans well greased. WALDORF MARBLE CAKE 5 lbs. sugar 2 Ya ^s. shortening 1 Yl Q, ts - e S§ whites 2 qts. milk 3J/2 lbs flour Salt and vanilla Cream to gether shortening with Yl of 62 the flour until light, beat up eggs and cugar until stiff, then add to the creamed shortening and flour then add the milk then add the balance of the flour with baking powder well sifted together, take Y$ part of mixture and color with Cocoa or some fruit coloring, now put part of the white mixture in the bottom of the pound cake pans and spread, then take part of the colored mixture in each pan covering again with the balance of the white mixture. GOLD CAKE 5 lbs. sugar 4 lbs. shortening 2 qts. whole eggs 2 qts. milk 8|4 lbs. flour 4 oz. baking powder Salt and Lemon flavor Cream sugar and shortening together, add eggs slowly, beating well, mix in half of the flour then add milk and mix, then add the rest of the flour and mix well. GOLD LOAF CAKE 3 lbs. sugar 1 lb. butter and lard 1 qt. milk 1 '/4 qts. whole eggs and yolks mixed 63 3 oz baking powder 4V 2 lbs. flour Cream sugar and butter together, add slowly and mix other ingredients. NUT CAKE 1 lb. ground walnuts 1 lb. almond paste Rub smooth with 8 eggs 2 lbs. powdered sugar Beat with 32 yolks, add 28 whites beaten stiff. Mix carefully, 1 lb. cake flour. Bake in medium oven. WHITE CAKES (SILVER) 2 J/2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. shortening I Yl pts. egg whites 1 pt. milk 4 oz. corn starch 1 Yl oz - baking powder Salt and vanilla flavor 2J4 lbs. of cake flour Directions: Cream 1 Yl lbs. of sugar with the shortening until light and beat whites with balance of sugar and add to the cream, sugar and shortening, then the rest of ingredients. LOAF CAKE (SILVER) 3 lbs. sugar 1 Yl lbs. of butter and lard 1 qt of eggs whites 64 1 Yl qts. milk 5 Yl Iks. pastry flour Salt and vanilla flavor 3 1/2 oz. baking powder Mix as White Cake (silver) IROQUOIS BOX CAKE 3J/2 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. butter and lard 1 Yl °. ts - e £g whites % qt. milk 1 oz. baking powder 4 oz. corn starch 4 lbs. flour Salt and vanilla flavor Cream together shortening and Yl °^ the flour, beat up egg white and sugar and add to the creamed shortening and flour, then add the milk, and the balance of the flour and the baking powder, bake in Ekoo pound cake pans. Yl°$ this mixture may be used for chocolate cake by adding 4 oz. of cocoa. MADERIRA CAKE 1 24 lbs. sugar 1 J4 lb. butter 3 / 4 qt eggs 1 pt milk Yl oz. baking powder 2% lbs. flour Cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs slowly, add milk and flour and Bak- 65 ing powder sifted well together. Bake in loaf cake pans with thin slices of citron peel on top and dust with granulated sugar and bake in 250 degree oven. LOAF CAKE DUCHESS 1 qt. egg whites } qt. milk 3 oz. baking powder 4 J/2 lbs. cake flour Salt and vanilla flavor Mix same as White Mountain Cake. LOAF CAKE (IMPERIAL) 2 lbs. sugar 1 Vi lbs. butter 1 qt. eggs Juice of 2 lemons A little nutmeg 1 ]/i lbs. almonds chopped fine 1 lb. Sultana raisins 3 /t lb. finely sliced citron 2 lbs. flour When baked ice over top sprinkled with almonds. DRESDEN CAKE 2 Yl lbs. sugar 1 qt. whole eggs 20 yolks 8 oz. corn starch 1 % lbs. cake flour 1 lb. melted butter 66 Grated rind of 4 oranges, mix same as Vienna, mix stirring eggs and sugar light warm or cold, add flour, then melted butter. LOAF CAKE YELLOW 2'/2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. of butter and lard 10 eggs 1 qt. of milk 2 oz. baking powder 3 J/2 lt> s - °f cake flour Flavor, salt, lemon and mace Mix same as loaf cake Duchess. WALNUT NUT CAKE 2'/2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. of shortening 1 qt. of egg whites 1 qt. of milk 31/2 lbs. of flour 2 oz. of baking powder Yl lb. of chopped walnuts Salt Directions: Cream sugar and shorten- ing until light. Add eggs in small quan- tities beating well after each addition. Mix in small part of the flour, add milk, add the balance of the flour and the baking powder and chopped nuts. BRIDE'S CAKE, SILVER 2 Yi lbs. sugar 67 14 oz. butter 1 Y4 P ts - milk 2 lbs. and 1 3 oz. flour 1 oz. baking powder Vanilla Cream butter with Yl °f sugar light, beat whites partly with rest of sugar and by degrees in the butter cream. Then add milk flavor, flour as usual. Add 2 lbs. fruit such as cherries, mixed French fruits, sultanas and citron. A nice fruit cake can be made, also a good Bride's cake or instead of egg whites use half yolks, half whole eggs to make Golden cake. CHOCOLATE ALMOND CAKE Cream together 1 lb. sugar 1 lb. butter, add slowly 24 yolks Rub smooth Yl lb. almond paste, with 2 eggs, add this to butter and sugar, add 6 oz. of powdered cocoa. Beat up 1 2 egg whites stiff and mix with 1 st mixture, add 4 oz. cake flour, 2 oz. cornstarch, vanilla or spice flavor such as cloves or cinnamon. Bake in 320 degree oven. WHITE LOAF CAKE 2 lbs. sugar 1 lb. butter 6S 1 2 egg whites 1 pt. milk 1 lb. flour 1 lb. cornstarch 1 oz. baking powder Flavor, bake in 300 degree oven. This same mixture with 2 lbs. flour leaving out cornstarch is used for white layers, may be colored chocolate or pink for marble cake. BUTTER SPONGE 1 5 egg whites 20 yolks 1 Yl lbs. powdered sugar 1 lb. 2 oz. cake flour 8 oz. melted butter, lemon flavor Beat up whites, beat in handful of sugar, stir in yolks and mix in the remain- der of sugar. Then add flour mixing lightly then melted butter. This mixture may be used for all kinds of layers, torten or loaf cake shapes. BUTTER SPONGE CAKE 1 Yl qts. eggs 2 lbs. sugar Yl lb. melted butter 1 Yl lbs. flour Yl oz - baking powder Grating of 2 lemons Beat together eggs and sugar until light, 69 add melted butter and grated lemon, sift flour and baking powder and mix light. This mixture makes a very fine line of French pastry. SPONGE MIXTURE WITHOUT BUTTER I lb. sugar 1 pt. egg whites 1 pt. yolks Y4 oz. baking powder 1 lb. cake flour Y4 pt. water 6 oz. almond paste Mix almond paste smooth with water, add 54 lb. sugar and beat light with yolks, beat whites stiff, add '/i Ik. sugar. Put both together, mix in sifted flour and baking powder. Any flavor may be used. Or chocolate and nuts can be added to this mixture. BEST BERWICK SPONGE Beat well 1 pt. yolks 1 pt. eggs with 2 lbs. sugar Beat eggs separate Add 1 lb. 14oz. flour 2 oz. corn starch, salt and vanilla HOT WATER SPONGE 1 pt. eggs 1 pt. yolks 70 3]/2 lbs. sugar, beaten well together 1 Yl oz - baking powder 3!/ 2 lbs. flour Salt and lemon extract Directions: When eggs and sugar are beaten together, stop machine and add I qt. hot water before mixing in flour. BUTTER SPONGE Beat 1 qt. eggs and % lb. sugar in hot water to 90', beat until thick then beat cold, mix in 1 oz. flour. 2 oz. corn starch, add rndlted butter and flavor. Bake in 330 degree oven. CHOCOLATE SPONGE ] 5 egg whites 1 8 egg yolks 1 ]/4 lbs. powdered sugar ]/^ oz. cream of tartar 4 oz. cocoa Pinch of cloves ]/4 oz. cinnamon Y 2 lb. flour 2 oz. corn starch Beat up whites and cream of tartar, add sugar slowly, next mix in the beaten yolks, then the sifted flour, cornstarch, cocoa and spices. Bake in sunshine cake pans and frost over with different icing and garnish with filberts or chopped al- monds. 71 BUFFALO ORANGE CAKE 1 qt. and Yl P*- e SS whites 2 lbs. powdered sugar 1 pt. yolks I lb. 2 oz. sugar Yl oz - cream of tartar 1 % lb. cake flour 3 oranges, stir the yolks, grated rind of two oranges. 1 lb. 2 oz. sugar, beat up whites, beat in cream of tartar and hand- ful of sugar. Then mix in yolks and add flour. Bake in dry squares flat pans like angel food cake. Make a thin frosting from grated rind of 1 orange and juice of 3 and water and icing sugar. May be also used for layers or slices. MACKENZIE'S SPECIAL ORANGE CAKE 2 lbs. sugar, powdered 1 Ya qts. eggs whites 1 '/4 qts. granulated sugar 1 pt. yolks Grated rind and juice of 2 oranges Yl oz. cream of tartar 1 % lbs- cake flour Beat together yolks and granulated sugar. Beat up the egg whites stiff and add the powdered sugar, then add both mixes together and lightly mix in the flour. Ice on the bottom with orange frosting. 72 ORANGE SPONGE 4J/2 l°s. sugar 2 qts. and pt. of eggs (half, whole and half yokes of eggs) beaten well Add % qts. hot water 14 oz - soda 1 1/2 oz. cream of tartar 3 ]/2 lbs. flour Lemon flavor This makes 25 30c loaves, iced on bot- tom with orange icing. This is a splendid seller. SUNSHINE CAKE 3 qts. yolks 2 qts. whites 4 lbs. and 6 oz. sugar 3J4 lbs. flour 1 oz. cream of tartar Vanilla and lemon flavor Beat yolks and sugar together, mix flour and tartar in same, beat whites sepa- rately and mix in remainder of mixture. SUNSHINE CAKE % qt. yolks % qt. egg whites 2 lbs. sugar 1 oz. baking powder 1 Vi lbs. flour Flavor with the grated rind and juice of 1 lemon Beat yolks and half of sugar together then beat up whites stiff and add balance of the sugar, then add both mixtures to- gether, adding flour and baking powder sifted well together. Bake in Ekco Sun- shine cake pans with paper in the bottom. SAND TART 1 lb. sugar % 9,t. yolks Yl pt. whole eggs Beaten well together Add 9 oz. flour 9 oz. corn starch 4 oz. of melted butter Flavor with lemon and vanilla This mixture should be baked in well greased pans. 1 qt. lurk's heads sprin- kled with cherries, augilica or walnuts. This is considered a good seller by the trade. SAND TARTS 1 lb. sugar 1 yolks J/2 lb. cake flour Yl lb. cornstarch ]/l lb. melted butter Lemon flavor ANGEL FOOD 1 qt. egg whites 2 lbs. powdered sugar 74 2 oz. cornstarch 14 oz. cake flour % oz- cream of tartar Vanilla flavor For a firmer mixture use 1 qt. egg whites 1 % lbs. sugar 4 oz. cornstarch 1 lb. flour Beat eggs with a pinch of salt, beat in cream of tartar and part of sugar then flour and cornstarch sifted well. Mix in dry pans, washed clean, use no grease. Bake in 330 degree oven. When baked Lurn pans upside down, ice plain white or chocolate. ANGEL CAKES 1 lb. powdered sugar 1 lb. granulated sugar 1 qt. egg whites 2 oz. cornstarch 14 lb. flour 1 oz. cream of tartar Salt and vanilla Beat whites and cream of tartar stiff, add part of sugar and beat again, adding balance of sugar. Then add flour and cornstarch and mix light. ANGEL FOOD 2 qts. whites of eggs 4 lbs. powdered sugar 75 1 J4 lbs. flour 1 lb. cornstarch 1 oz. cream of tartar Vanilla Beat egg whites stiff, add Yl sugar to eggs, then sift together remainder of sugar with flour and cornstarch, and cream of tartar 3 times before mixing. SUNSHINE CAKE % qt. yolks Ya, qt. egg whites 2 lbs. sugar 1 oz. baking powder 1 1/2 lbs. flour Flavor with the grated rind and juice of 1 lemon Beat yolks and half of sugar together, then beat up whites stiff and add balance of the sugar, then add both mixtures to- gether adding flour and baking powder sifted well together. Bake in Ekco sun- shine cake pans with paper in the bottom. IROQUOIS ANGEL FOOD 1 qt. egg whites 1 '/^ lbs. sugar 1 2 oz. cornstarch 8 oz. flour 1 oz. cream of tartar Vanilla flavor. Mix same as angel food No. 1 . 76 DEVILS FOOD 3|/? lbs. powdered sugar 1 Yi lbs. butter 1 lb. cocoa 1 pt. yolks 1 Y4 oz. soda 2 qts. milk 31/2 lbs. flour 1 oz. spices, cinnamon, cloves, allspice Vanilla flavor Put in 1 qt. milk and chocolate to dis- solve, stir smooth with 1 Yl lbs. sugar, let cool, cream 2 lbs. sugar, butter, soda and spices, add eggs then milk and chocolate mixture and mix with the flour. Bake in greased and papered layers or in sheets, when cold put together with marshmallow between and ice with chocolate icing. If desired sprinkle with chopped walnuts. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE 1 % lb. sugar 1 oz. shortening 10 eggs % qt. milk 5 oz. cocoa Ya oz. cinnamon, salt, vanilla 1 Yl oz - baking powder 2 lbs. 2 oz. cake flour Mix the same as chocolate layer or loaf cake. 77 DEVIL'S FOOD AND SHEET CAKES 5 lbs. sugar 2V 2 lbs. lard 1 qt. eggs 3 Yl °z. soda 2 qts. milk 8 oz. cocoa 6 lbs. flour Vanilla and salt WHITE FRUIT POUND CAKE 5 lbs. of sugar 1 % lbs. of butter and lard 1 Ya Qts- of eggs 1 qt. and 1 gill of milk 2 oz. of baking powder 5 Yl lbs. of cake flour Vanilla flavor Directions: Cream together sugar and shortening; beat up whites of eggs and add slowly, then the rest of the ingredi- ents. 3 lbs. of Sultana raisins, cherries or citron or mixed fruits. 3 or 4 different kinds of cakes may be made from this mixture. POUND CAKE 4 lbs. sugar 4 lbs. butter 2 qts. whole eggs 4 lbs. flour Lemon and vanilla flavor 78 Directions: Cream together flour and butter. Beat up eggs and sugar, add flavor and mix together. In making this mixture in this manner the fruit will not sink to bottom of cake. A large assort- ment can be made from this mix. POUND CAKE 2 lbs. sugar 1 54 lbs. butter and lard, creamed together Add slowly % qt. mixed eggs Yl pt- milk Y4 oz. soda Yl oz. cream of tartar 2 Ya lbs. flour, any flavor POUND CAKE 3 Yl lbs. sugar 2 lbs. butter and lard Rub together, add 1 qt. eggs Ya, qt. milk 3 '/2 lbs. flour, flavor GOLDEN RAISIN POUND CAKE 3 Yl lbs. of sugar 2 lbs. of butter or oleo 1 pint of whole eggs 1 pint of yolks 1 Yl pts. of milk AYa lbs. of cake flour Yl oz. of baking powder Mace, vanilla and salt flavors 79 Mix same as white fruit pound cake, and adding 3 J/2 lbs. of mixed fruit. LIGHT FRUIT CAKE 2 J/2 lbs. sugar 1 Yl lbs. butter 1 8 eggs 1 pt. milk Yl lb. almonds Yl lb. citron 2 Yl lbs. Sultana raisins 2 lbs. currants Yl oz. baking powder 3 J/4 lb. cake flour Lemon flavor Mix the same as dark fruit cake. WHITE MOUNTAIN CAKE 1 J/4 lbs. of sugar 1 oz. of shortening 1 pt. of egg whites 5 gills of milk 2 oz. of corn starch 1 J4 lbs. of flour 1 J/4 oz. of baking powder Almond extract and salt Cream together sugar and shortening. Add the eggs in small portions. Beat well, then add milk, then add flour and baking powder. WHITE FRUIT CAKE 3 lbs. sugar SO 1 Yi lbs. butter and lard 1 qt. egg whites 1 qt. milk 2 oz baking powder -M/j, lbs cake flour Salt and lemon 1 lb. nuts chopped fine 3 J/4 lbs. Sultana raisins Cream together Yl oi the flour with the shortening until very light, beat together eggs and sugar, add to the creamed flour and shortening, add milk, then add the balance of the flour and baking powder sifted together, then add the fruit and nuts, bake in Ekco pound cake pans. LIGHT FRUIT CAKE 2 lbs. sugar 1 % lbs. butter 12 eggs 1 lb. 2 oz. flour Finch of baking powder 2 lbs. mixed fruit Mix same as pound cake with choice of flavor. FRUIT CAKE 2 lbs. sugar 1 Ya lbs. butter 1 5 eggs 1 Yl pts. milk Ya oz. baking powder si ; 3 lbs. cake flour 4 lbs. mixed fruit Bake in 280 degree oven. LADY CAKE 2 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. butter, cream well together Beat 1 qt. egg whites stiff add slowly to sugar arid butter, sift in 2 lbs. flour Ya oz. baking powder, vanilla. This mix- ture may be used also for almond cake LADY CAKE 2 1 /z lbs. sugar 1 Yl lbs. butter and lard creamed together Add 1 qt egg whites 2 Yl lbs. flour Yl oz - cream of tartar Lemon extract WEDDING CAKE 1 lb. butter 1 lb. sugar 1 pt. eggs 1 !4 lbs. flour 1 lb. citron 2 lbs. currants 2 Yl lbs. sultanas 6 oz chopped almonds % lb. lemon and orange peel 2 gills brandy Ya oz - allspice J/2 oz. cinnamon 82 Ya oz. nutmeg Cream up and mix as usual, mix fruit and liquor together, let stand 2 hrs. and bake in a 230 degree oven. DARK FRUIT CAKE 4 lbs. sugar 4 lbs. shortening 2 qts. eggs 1 pt. molasses 5 oz. mix spices 2 Ya lb. chopped nuts 5 lbs. flour 1 oz. baking powder 1 Yl lbs. orange and lemon peel Yl lb. citron 6 lbs. Sultana raisins 6 lbs. currants 1 Yl l° s - candied cherries Salt and Yl pt- brandy Cream together sugar and shortening until light. Add eggs slowly, mixing well. Add molasses and spices and brandy, then mix in flour and baking powder, then mix in the fruit and bake in wooden frames. HEAVY FRUIT CAKE (Dark) 2 lbs. sugar 1 % lbs. butter 20 eggs 214 lbs- flour 6 lbs. seeded raisins and sultanas 83 Yl lb. lemon peel 2 lbs. citron Yl lb. chopped almonds 3 lbs. currants Yl lb. currant jelly 1 pt. molasses Yl Pt. brandy Ya oz - soda 1 oz. mixed spices, mace, cloves, allspice, nutmeg 1 oz. ground cinnamon These cakes should be baked in copper pans lined with wood, Y& m - thick, bottom and top protected with heavy cardboard. Bake in a 250 degree oven. Yl lb. orange peel DARK FRUIT CAKE 4Ya lbs. brown sugar 2 lbs. butter and lard 2 qts. and Yl pt- eggs 1 oz. cinnamon 1 oz. cloves 1 oz. allspice 1 oz. ginger Yl oz. soda I pt. molasses 1 pt. milk 6 lbs, flour Ya lb. citron 4]/2 lbs. currants 84 Yl lb. currants 4 1 /2 lbs. raisins 3 whole lemons chopped fine Flavor with lemon and vanilla CHEAP FRUIT CAKE 2 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. butter and lard 2 oz. soda 2 qts. molasses 2 qts. water 9 lbs. flour 1 lbs. mixed fruit 4 oz. mixed spices Lemon flavor. Mix same as pound cake. BOSTON APPLE FRUIT CAKE 1 Yl lbs. sugar 1 J/2 lbs. butter and lard 6 eggs 1 Yl oz. soda 1 pt. milk 1 qt. dark molasses 1 Yl lbs. apples 1 Yl lbs raisins Ya oz- cinnamon Ya oz - allspice Finch of cloves 4Y4 lbs. flour Cut the apples in pieces about the size of a walnut, put on the fire with enough water to cover and cook until soft, strain 85 and let cool. Sugar and shortening should be creamed very little, add milk and mo- lasses, add fruit apples and flour and mix all together. Bake in greased pans any size. MACHINE DOUGHNUTS (Fried) 3J/2 lbs- sugar 1 lb. shortening % qt. eggs 3J/2 qt. butter milk 5 J/2 oz. baking powder 10J/ 2 lbs. flour Flavor with mace, salt and orange. This mix is considered a good seller by the trade. BUTTERMILK FRIED CAKES 9 lbs. sugar 2 lbs. lard 5 oz. soda 5 oz. cream of tartar 2 qt. eggs 8 qts. buttermilk 20 lbs. cake flour 8 lbs. bread flour 3 oz. salt Mace, orange flavor. Mix in the usual way. FRIED CAKES 1 Ya lbs. sugar 5 oz. lard 4 eggs 86 1 qt. milk 4«/ 2 lbs. flour i 1 Yl oz - baking powder Salt and mace BOSTON CRULLERS 1 Yl lbs. sugar 6 oz. butter 8 eggs 1 qt. milk 2 oz. baking powder 2J/ 2 lbs. flour (bread) 2 Yl lbs. pastry flour Salt and orange flavor Directions: Cream sugar and butter well, add eggs and other ingredients. FAMOUS BOSTON BROWN BREAD 6Yl lbs. graham flour 2 lbs. rye flour 2 lbs. corn flour 2 lbs. cake flour 3 qts. molasses 6 qts. water 6 oz. soda 4 oz. salt NEW YORK BROWN BREAD 1 Yl lbs. graham flour 1 Yl lbs. corn meal Yl lb. wheat flour 4 oz. sugar Yl pt molasses 1 qt. milk 1 oz. salt 1 oz. soda Bake in well greased molds and let steam about three hours. 88 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 974 679 A