Class __X:-^_^'^-^ fo{}yr#tN° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. i;i>;i»r*3,-^!B;«i.V.ii..''-; • '%. . MODERN MONUMENTS TABLETS AND SARCOPHAGI COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY Chas. H. Gall, -. : Chicago. III. Two Cooies Received J UN 20 •90/' Capyrieht Entry i/OAviJr / 7 J ^ CLASS ^ XXc, No. / 7 V-tr^t, COPY B. The prices herein represent the average retail prices in Barre Granite (other granites in proportion) without any lettering. Price list of lettering on last page. 826 Base 2-]0.\l-6xl-2 *Die 2- 4x1-0x2-0 Height .3-8 Weight 1750 lbs. Price $80.00 *Back Rock. In (irdcr to insure the proper 'effect, especially in the more com- plicated and original designs, full size detail drawings are recom- mended which can be furnished by the author as well as large 11x14 enamelled plates of any of the designs herein at S.")C each singly, or twt) or more at 75c each. 826^ 826/3 3-Oxl-Gxl- 3 3- -2x1-6x1- 4 2-6x1-0x2- 8 o. -8x1-0x2-10 3-11 4- 2 2000 lbs. 2250 lbs. $95.00 $115.00 825 Base 2-10x1-6x1-: *Die 2- 4xl-()x-2-(i Height 3-8 Weight 17:)() lbs. Price $80.00 'Top Axed — Back Rock. 8251/4 -0x1-6x1- :! -6x1-0x2- 8 8251/^ :)-2x 1-6x1- 4 2-8x1-0x2-10 ;j-ii 2000 11)S. $!)."). 00 4- 2 22.-)0 lbs. $11."). 00 841 8411/^ 8411/^ Base :!-0xl-6xl-2 :{-2xl-6x1- 3 3-6x1-8x1-4 *Die 2-f)xl-0x2-G 2-8x1-0x3-8 2-10x1-0x2-10 Height 3-8 3-11 4- 2 Weight 1900 lbs. 2200 lbs. 2800 lbs. Price $100.00 $12.->.00 $145.00 *nack Rock. 809 Base .",-0x1-6x1-2 Die 2-(5xl-0\2-C. Height 3-8 Weight 1800 lbs. Price $12.-). 00 809K 809^ 3-4x1-8x1- 2 .''.-10x2-0x1-4 2-8x1-0x2- 8 .'!- Oxl-2x.'5-0 :!-10 4-4 21. >0 lbs. :i350 lbs. .1^1. 50.00 $190.00 821 8211^ 821^ Base 3-0x1-6x1-2 3-2x1-6x1- 3 3- 6x1-8x1-4 *Die 2-6x1-0x2-8 2-8x1-0x2-10 2-10x1-0x3-0 Height 3-8 4-1 4-4 Weight 1800 lbs. 2250 lbs. 2600 lbs. Price $145.00 $175.00 $105.00 *Back Axed. 10 11 814 Base ?>- 4x1-6x1-2 Die 2-10x1-0x1-7 Cap 2-10x1-0x1-0 Height 3-9 Weight 2100 lbs. Price $]:'.0.00 8141/^ 814H 3-()X]-Sxl- :! 4-0x2-0x1—1 3-0x1-2x1-10 3-4x1-4x2-0 3-0x1-2x1- 2 3-4x1-4x1-4 4-1 4-S :!()00 lbs. 4000 lbs. .$ KiO.OO $100.00 12 824 8241/^ 824^ Base 3-2x1-0x1-2 3-6x1-10x1-3 3-10x2-2x1-4 Die 2-8x1-0x1-6 2-10x1- 2x1-9 3- 0x1-4x2-0 ^Top 2-8x1-0x1-0 2-10x1-2x1-1 3-0x1-4x1-2 Height 3-8 4-1 4-15 Weight 2000 lbs. 2800 lbs. 3800 lbs. Price $150.00 $185.00 $235.00 *One Pediment only. 14 15 Base *Die Heiglit .... Weight . . . . Price 'Back Polished. 842 .1-2x1-6x1- 3 2-8x1-0x2-10 4- 1 2100 lbs. $17.}. 00 8421/^ 3- 6x1-8x1-4 2-10x1-0x3-0 4-4 2700 lbs. $210.00 8421^ -10x2-0x1-4 - 0xl-2x.3-2 4-6 3500 lbs. $26.j.00 IG 17 845 Base 4-2x2-0x1- 2 i'Die 3-6x1-1x2- 8 Height 3-10 Weight 4000 lbs. Price $275.00 *Back Plain Hammered. 8451/4 8451/3 4-10x2-4x1-3 5- -6x2-8x1-4 4- 0x1-6x3-0 4- -6x1 -8 X, 3-4 4-3 4-8 5200 lbs. 7500 lbs. $3.50.00 $425.00 18 19 816 SlGYz SlGYz Base 4-4x2-4x1- 3 5-4x;!-0xl-4 G-2x3-Gxl-4 i=Die 3-6x1-6x2- 8 4-4x2-0x3-4 5-0x2-4x4-0 Height 3-11 4-8 5-4 Weight 4200 lbs. 8200 lbs. ] 2000 lbs. Price $215.00 $285.00 $375.00 *One Panel only. 20 21 801 Block 4-0xl-6x:!-0 Height 3-0 Weight 2880 lbs. Price $170.00 soiYz 80 IH .5-0x2-0x4-0 6- -Ox2-6x.)-0 4-0 .'j-O G400 lbs. 12000 lbs. $260.00 $420.00 22 23 843 8431/4 8431^ Base 4-0x2-0x1-2 5-0x2-6x1-3 6-0x3-0x1- 4 ^Die 3-4x1-4x2-6 4-2x1-8x3-0 5-0x2-0x3- 6 Height 3-8 4-3 4-10 Weight 3300 lbs. 6000 lbs. 9600 lbs. Price $165.00 $240.00 $325.00 * Panel on front only. 24 844 844^ 8441/^ Base 4-0x2-0x1- 2 5-0x2-6xl-r! 6-0x3-0x1-4 i=Die 3-4x1-4x2-8 4-2x1-8x3-4 5-0x2-0x4-0 Heiglit 3-10 4-7 5-4 Weight 3400 lbs. 6200 lbs. 10400 lbs. Price $225.00 $300.00 $400.00 ""Front carved and traced. 2G 851 8511/^ 851^ Base 4-0x2-0x1-2 :)-0x2-0xl-:i (j-0x3-0xl- 4 ''Die :;-4xl-4x2-(5 4-2xl-8x;!-0 5-0x2-0x3- 6 Height 3-8 4-3 4-10 Weight 3300 lbs. 6000 lbs. 9800 lbs. Price $195.00 $275.00 .$:]60.00 *Back rock and margined. 28 857 . Base 5-0x2-4x1- 2 *Die 4-2x1-6x2-10 Height 4-0 Weight 5500 lbs. Price $250.00 *Back Rock. 85714 8371/3 6-0x3-0x1-3 7- - 0x3-6x1-4 5-0x2-0x3-4 5- -10x2-4x4-2 4-7 5-6 9200 lbs. 14000 lbs. .$340.00 $480.00 30 846 8461/4 846H Base :J-8x2-0x1- 2 4- 0x2-4x1- 3 4-4x2- 8x1- 4 Base 3-1x1-5x0-10 3-4x1-8x0-11 3-6x1-10x1-0 Die 2-8x1-0x2- G 2-10x1-2x2- 8 3-0x1- 4x2-10 Height 4-G 4-10 5-2 Weight 3000 lbs. 4100 lbs. 5500 lbs. Price .$195.00 .«240.00 $290.00 32 819 Base 4-4x2- 8x1- 3 Base 3-0x1-10x1- Die 3-0x1- 4x2- 8 Height 4-11 Weight 5000 lbs. Price $325.00 8191/^ 8I91/3 5-0x3-0x1-4 5- -8x3-4x1-4 4-1x2-1x1-0 4- -8x2-4x1-1 3-C)X 1-0x2-9 4- -0x1-8x3-2 5-1 5-7 7000 lbs. 9600 lbs. ?400.00 $525.00 34 Base . . Base . . Die ... Cap ... Height Weig-ht Price .. 815 8151/4 815/3 4- 0x2-4x1- 2 4-4x2- 8x1- 3 .-)-0x3-0xl-4 3- 3x1-7x0-10 3-(5xl-l 0x0-11 4-1x2-1x1-0 2-10x1-2x1- 7 3-0x1- 4x1- S 3-6x1-6x2-0 2-10x1-2x1- 3-0x1- 4x1- 1 3-0x1-6x1-2 4- 7 4-11 5-6 3200 lbs. 4100 lbs. 7200 lbs. $1<,)0.00 $2.-)0.00 $320.00 36 37 837 Base 4- 0x2-4x1- 2 Base 3- 4x1-8x0-10 Die 2-10x1-2x1- 7 '"Cap 3- 0x1-4x0-1 1 Height 4-6 Weight 4000 lbs. Price $300.00 "Carving front only. 837^ 8371^ 4- -4x2- 8x1- 3 5-0x3-0x1- 4 3- -6x1-10x0-11 4-1x2-1x1- 3- -0x1- 4x1- 8 3-6x1-6x1-10 3- -2x1- 6x1- ,3-8x1-8x1- 1 4-10 5- 3 .5200 lbs. 7200 lbs. $3.50.00 $410.00 38 39 Base . . Base . . Die ... Top . . . Height Weight Price . . 817 8171^ 8I71/3 4- Gx2-10xl- 2 .^5-2x3-2x1- 3 5-10x3-6x1- 4 3- 8x2- 0x0-11 4-3x2-3x1- 4-10x2-6x1- 1 3- 0x1- 4x1- 9 3-6x1-6x1-10 4- 0x1-8x2- 1 2-11x1- 3x1- 2 .3-oxl-.5xl- 3 3-11x1-7x1- 4 5- .5- 4 .5-10 4000 lbs. 7400 lbs. 9800 lbs. $280.00 $360.00 $42.5.00 40 41 830 830^ 830>^ Base 5-0x3-0x1-4 6-0x3-9x1-5 7-0x4-6x1-6 Base 4-1x3-1x1-0 4-9x2-6x1-1 5-6x3-0x1-2 Die 3-6x1-6x2-9 4-0x1-9x3-3 4-6x2-0x3-9 Height 5-1 5-9 6-5 Weight 7000 lbs. 11000 lbs. 16000 lbs. Price $280.00 $375.00 $520.00 42 43 Base . . Die ... Cap . . . Heiglit Weiglit Price . 811 r]-()xi-8xi- :; .3-0x1-2x1- '.) o-:!xi-.")xO-ii 3-11 2800 lbs. .$!(;.■,. 00 8111/4 4-0x2-0x1-:; ;!-4x 1-4x2-0 :!-8xl-Sxl-0 4-3 4000 lbs. .$210.00 4- 4x2- 4x1-4 3- 6x1- 6x2-2 3-10x1-10x1-1 4-7 .5100 lbs. .$24.-3.00 44 45 812 Base 4- 0x2-4x1- 3 Base 3- 4x1-8x0-10 Die 2-10x1-2x1- 7 Cap 3- 3x1-7x1- 2 Height 4-9 Weight 4300 lbs. Price $225.00 8121/4 8121/^ 4- -4x2- Sxl- 3 5- -0x3-0x1- 4 3- -6x1-10x0-11 4- -1x2-1x1- 3- -0x1- 4x1- S 3- -6x1-6x1-10 3- -.5x1- 9x1- 3 4- -0x2-0x1- 4 5- 1 5- 6 4800 lbs. 8000 lbs. $260.00 $340.00 4() 47 Base . . Base . . Die ... Cap . . . Heiglit Weight Price . . 818 4- 0xrl-4xl- 2 ::- 4xi-s.\()-io r>-10xl-2xl- 7 :}- ?,xi-~xi- 4 4-11 4800 lbs. $250.00 8181/4 4-4x2- Sxl- ■:. !-(Jx 1-1 0x0-11 !-0xl- 4x1- 8 !-5xl- !)xl- G o- 6 6000 lbs. $2!).-j.OO 818i/i o-OxP.-Oxl- 4 4-1x2-1x1- 3-6x1-0x1-10 4-0x2-0x1- 8 5-10 8200 lbs. $:!8.').00 48. 49 813 Base 4- 0x3-4x1- 2 Base 3- 4x1-8x0-10 Die 2-10x1-3x1- 7 'Cap . 3- 3x1-7x1- 2 Height 4-9 Weight 1800 lbs. Price $350.00 *1 Pediment carved. 813K . . 8131^ 4-4x3- 8x1- 3 5- -0x.3-0xl- 4 3-6x1-10x0-11 4- -1x2-1x1- 3-0x1- 4x1- 8 3- -6x1-6x1-10 3-5x1- 9x1- 3 4- -0x2-0x1- 4 5- 1 5- 6 4800 lbs. 8000 lbs. $295.00 $385.00 51 827 827K 8271/^ Base . 4- Ox:3-4xl- 2 4-4x2- Sxl- ?, 5-0x3-0x1- 4 Base . . ;;- .Tx 1-7x0-10 n-fixl-lOxO-11 4-1x2-1x1- Die 2-10x1-2x1- G .">-Oxl- 4x1- 8 3-6x1-0x1-10 Cap . . :;- 2x1-6x1- 2 ?,-oxl- 9x1- 3 4-0x2-0x1- 4 Height ... . 4- S 5- 1 5- (i Weight . . . 4100 11)8. 5800 lbs. 7800 lbs. Price $283.00 .$:;.-)(). 00 $435.00 52 847 Base 4- 0x2-4x1- 2 Base 3- 3x1-7x0-10 Die 2-10x1-2x1- 6 Cap 3- 2x1-6x1- 2 Height 4-8 Weight 4100 lbs. Price $300.00 8471/^ 847I/S 4-4x2- 8x1- 3 5-0x3-0x1- 4 3-6x1-10x0-11 4-1x2-1x1- 3-0x1- 4x1- 8 3-6x1-6x1-10 3-5x1- 9x1- 3 4-0.k2-0x1- 4 5- 1 5- 6 5800 lbs. 7800 lbs. $370.00 $475.00 54 L--,.- riHiii^P ^^^^ r-jBBkx^ ^^K|dHB|H^| ^BffiSwx^^H ^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦j|t)MM*MC. di i 1 _Ji < OMMiilOiL^. 1 ■ 1 847 ;: 't^^^^mt 55 Base . Base . Die .. Cap , . , Heiglit Weigln Price . . 822 8221/^ 822^ 4- 0x2-4x1- 2 4-4x2- Sxl- :j .5-0x3-0x1- 4 ?>~ 3x1-7x0-10 3-Gxl -10x0-11 4-1x2-1x1- 2-10x1-2x1- 6 r;-0xi- 4x1-8 :!-6xl-6xl-10 3- 2x1-6x1- 2 a-oxi- 9x1- :; 4-0x2-0x1- 4 4- 8 5- 1 .5- 6 4100 lbs. 5800 lbs. 7800 lbs. $;;4.j.oo $4 1 5.00 $.500.00 56 838 8381/$ 838^ Base 4- 0x2-4x1- 3 4-4x2- 8x1- 3 5-0x3-0x1- 4 Base 3- 4x1-8x0-10 3-7x1-11x0-11 4-2x2-2x1- Die 2-10x1-2x1- 7 3-0x1- 4x1- 8 3-6x1-6x1-10 Cap 3- 2x1-6x1- 2 3-5x1- 4x1- 3 4-0x2-0x1- 4 Height 4-9 5-1 5-6 Weight 4400 lbs. 5800 lbs. 7800 lbs. Price $360.00 $425.00 $520.00 58 59 Base . . Base . . Die .. Cap . . Height Weight Price . 834 4- 0x2-4x1- -2 3- 4x1-8x0-10 2-10x1-2x1- 7 3- 2xi-6xl- 2 4- i) 4400 lbs. $400.00 8341/^ 4-4x2- 8x1- 3 3-7x1-11x0-1 1 3-0x1- 4x1- 8 3-oxl- 9x1- 3 5- 1 5800 lbs. $400.00 8341/^ 5-0x3-0x1- 4 4-2x2-2x1- 3-6x1-6x1-10 4-0x2-0x1- 4 .5- () 7800 lbs. $560.00 60 61 806 SOGYz 806^ Base 4- 0x2-4x1- 2 4-4x2- 8x1- 3 5-0x3-0x1- 4 Base 3-4x1-8x0-10 3-7x1-11x0-11 4-2x2-3x1-0 Die 2-10x1-2x1- 7 3-0x1- 4x1- 8 3-6x1-6x1-10 Cap 3- £xl-6xl- 2 3-5x1- 9x1- 3 4-0x2-0x1- 4 Height 4-9 5-1 5-6 Weight 4300 lbs. 5600 lbs. 7800 lbs. Price $370.00 $440.00 $530.00 62 jgijli^, hI^Hm^ 1 # -.^^ijgj|M||^ ^^^^^^H^^^^^H /♦^L^VJk^'^i^L^l^-. '4MMPmPVPVPIPil^^H K ..J ^H ^AMiiiiM mI^^^^^H _JI^^^^H ^H^I^^^^^^H ^_ 806 ■ ^1 63 Base . . Die ... Heiglit Weight Price . 823 8231^ 823^/3 4-0x2-0x1-0 4- -4x2-4x1-2 5- -0x2-9x 1- 4 3-:!xi-:ix:2-() •'" -6x1 -(5x3-0 4-2 4- -0xl-9x: 1- () 3-r, 4-11) liOOO lbs. 4300 lbs. 7000 lbs. .$200.00 .$280.00 $3.3 0.00 64 65 Base . . Die ... Height Weight Price . 832 83214 8321/^ 4-0x2-0x1-0 4- -4x2-4x1-2 5- -0x2-'.)xl- 4 3-.^xl-3x2-6 3- -6x1-6x3-0 4- -0x1-9x3- 6 3-6 4-2 4-10 3000 lbs. 4.500 lbs. 7000 lbs. .$245.00 .$330.00 $420.00 66 67 Base ^Die Height Weight Price 'Carving front only. 833 -8x2-0xl-:2 -0x1-4x3-0 4-2 3300 lbs. $250.00 8331/^ 4-4x2-4x1-3 3-6xl-6x3-(; 4-9 4750 lbs. $350.00 8331/^ .5-0x2-9x1-4 4-0x1-9x4-0 5-4 7200 lbs. $440.00 68 69 Base . . Die ... Heiglit Weight Price . 828 8281/4 8281/^ -l-2.\2-2.\l-l 5- -0x2-8x1-2 5- -8x3-2x1-3 3— txl-4.\2-() 4- -0x1-8x3-6 4- -6x2-0x4-0 :!-7 4-8 o— .3 3300 lbs. oOOO lbs. 11800 lbs. $240.00 $360.00 .$.500.00 70 71 859 8591/2 859H Base 3-10x1-10x1-2 4-^;x2-2xl-3 5-0x2-6x1-4 Die ?,- 2x1- 2x2- 8 3-8x1 -4x;!-0 4-0x1-6x3-4 Height 3-10 4-3 4-8 Weight 2800 lbs. 4000 lbs. 5800 lbs. Price $220.00 $28.-).00 $350.00 73 858 Base 4-0x2-0x1-2 Di le -4x1-4x2- 8 Height ;._io Weight 3300 lbs. Price $290.00 S58I/4 858H 4-10:i2-4xl-3 5- -6x3-0x1-4 4- 0x1-6x3-0 4- -6x2-0x3-8 4-:i 5-0 5000 lbs. 9000 lbs. $375.00 $550.00 829 8291/^ 8291/^ ^^^^ 4-6x2-2x1-3 5-0x2-6x1-4 5-5x2-0x1-0 = D "^ 3-8x1-4x2-9 4-0xl-6x;!-2 76 4-4xl-8x3-fi "^'^'^' 4-0 4-(5 5-0 ^^'^■^''t 4000 lbs. (;0()0 lbs. 8000 lbs. ^"^^ ■•••• *'-«'"^-00 $:!8.5.00 $460.00 'No panel or carving on back. 77 848 8481/4 8481/^ Base r;-l()xl-10xl- 2 4-6x2-2x1-:! .-,-0x2-6x1-4 i^Die •!- 2x1- 2x2- 8 3-8xl-4x?>-0 4-0xl-6x:!-4 Height 3-10 4-:i 4-8 Weight :'.000 lbs. 4400 lbs. 6000 lbs. Price $22.5.00 $28.j.00 .$:!60.00 'Carving front only. 78 79 840 840^ 8401/^ Base 4-0x2-0x1- 2 4-10x2-4x1-:! 5-8x2-8x1-4 ''Die ?,-4xl-4xr!- 8 4-0x1-0x4-2 4-8x1-8x4-8 Height 4-10 0-7 (J-O Weiglit 4000 lbs. 6000 lbs. 9000 lbs. Price $.-^.00.00 $415.00 $500.00 'Back plain. 80 856 Base 4-4x2-4x1- 2 Die :;-(ixl-i)x;.'-lO Height 4-0 Weight 4000 lbs. Price $:!G0.00 8561/4 856^ 5-0x2- <.)xl-:i .-)-8x:i-2xl- 4 4-0x1- !)x:i-2 4-(;v2-ox:!- () 4-0 4-10 6300 lbs. <.)200 lbs. $4o0.00 $.580.00 Base . . Base . . Die ... Heiglit Wei gilt Price . 849 849K 8491/4 4-(ix:.'-l()xl- 2 ')- -?>x:]-?>xi-:\ (■)- - ()x:i-!lxl-4 :!-8x2- 0x0-11 4- -:ix2-:;xi-o 4- -10x2-7x1-1 :!-Oxl- 4x2- i) ■^- -lixl-(ix:!-0 4- - 0xl-Sx:!-4 4-10 ')—'■'< .")-'.) .}:?()() lbs. 7r>(n) lbs. 10.-)00 lbs. $:j()0.00 $4:!."'). 00 .$."){i0.00 84 85 852 Base 4-6x-2-6xl-2 Die 3-8xl-8x:i-:: Height 4-4 Weight 5200 lbs. Price $425.00 8521/4 8521/^ 5-ix:!-ixi-:; ()- -0x3-8x1- 4 4-0x2-0x3-6 4- -8x2-4x3-10 4-U 5- 2 7G00 lbs. 11000 lbs. $535.00 $675.00 87 Base ^Die 'Cap Height Weight Price *Front and l)ack alik 850 .■)-4x:!-0xi- :; 4-4x2-0x2- (i 4-0x1-8x2- 1 5-10 ooiio ll:)s. $(•):;:.. no 8501/^ i;-2x:;-(;xi-4 .")-() X 2-4x2-8 4-8x2-0x2-4 6-4 12,-)00 lbs. $Sfi,-).()0 8501/^ 7-0x4-0x1-5 3-8x2-8x3-0 5-4x2-4x2-8 7-1 17500 lbs. .$1100.00 88 854 8541/4 854^ Base 5-4x:i-0xl-0 (i-4x:;-C..\-l-l 7-4x4- 2x1-2 !=Die 4-6x2-2x:;-S r)-4x2-()x4-4 6-0x2-10x.5-') Height 4-8 5-5 ()-2 Weight 8000 lbs. ] 2000 lbs. 18000 lbs. Price $565.00 $700.00 $1050.00 ■* Panel front onlv. 90 91 Base ^Die Cap Height Weight Price * Panel front only. 855 5-4 x.;- 0x1- -2 4-6x:.'- 2x2- G 4-:ixi-iixi- ;j 4-11 SOOO lbs. $700.00 8551/4 G-4x;'.-Gxl- :! 5-4x2-Gx2-10 :)-ix2-:!xi- 4 5— .") 12000 lbs. $0.")0.00 855i/i 7-4x4- 2x1-4 (> -0x2-10xr!-2 :)-Sx2- Gxl-G G-0 18000 lbs. $1200.00 92 9?. Base . . Base . . Die ... Height Weight Price . 835 SZdYz 8351/^ 4-4x2- Sxl- 2 5-0x3-0x1- :'. (i- -0x4-0x1-4 :!-7x 1-11x0-10 4-2x2-2x0-11 4- -0x2-9x1-0 ?,-Oxl- 4x2- G n-6x 1-6x2-10 4- -0x2-0x3-2 4- 6 5- 5-6 .-)()00 lbs. 7000 lbs. 11000 lbs. $420.00 .$520.00 $660.00 94 808 8081/4 8081/3 Base 4-4.v2-4xl-() ^-Sx:i-.sxl- 7 .")-()x:i-()\l-s Die :i-()xi-(ix:!-o :;-9xi-'.)x:.- 4 4-()x:2-()x;;-8 Heiglu 4-G 4-11 5-4 AN'eight 4S00 lbs. (UOO lbs. 8600 lbs. Price $440.00 $5:30.00 $(125.00 <>(> 97 803 803K 8031/^ Rase r)-4x3-0xl-n 6- 0x3-0x1-4 7-0x4-0x1-0 Die 4-0x2-2x3-4 4-10x2-4x3-8 5-8x2-8x4-0 Height 4-7 5-0 5-0 Weight 8000 lbs. 11200 lbs. 10000 lbs. Price $570.00 .$700.00 $950.00 98 99 Base . . Die ... Cap . . . Height Weight Price . , 804 5-4.\a- 0x1- 4 4-0x2- 2x2- 2 4-4x1-10x1- 4 4-10 feOOO lbs. $():j.5.()0 8041/4 0- Ox:J-(3x1-4 4-10x2-4x2-4 4- 8x2-2xl-(j 5-3 11400 lbs. $74:>.00 8041/^ 7-0x4-0x1- .5-8x2-8x2- 8 .j-()x2-()xl- 8 5-10 1()200 lbs. .1^1075.00 100 101 Base . . Base . . Die ... Cap . . . Height Weight Price . 802 :^-(',x?.-C,x\-2 4-4.\-3-4.\0-!) 4-n\:>-0x2-n 4-ix:i-i.\i-o 5-2 9G00 lbs. .$()40.00 8021/4 fi- 4x4-0.\l- :', .-)- 1x2-9x0-10 4- 8x2-4x2- (i 4-10x2-6x1- 1 5- 8 12800 lbs. .i;soo.oo 80214 7- 0x4- Gxl- 4 6- 2x;!- 2x0-11 5- 8x2- 8x2-10 .■)-l 0x2-10x1- 2 0- ?, 17(100 lbs. .$107."). 00 102 103 820 820^ 8201^ Base 0-0x4-0x1- 2 6- (3x4- P.xl- :! 7-2x4- 8x1-4 Base 4-7x2-7x0-10 5-1x2-10x0-11 5-8x3-2x1-0 Die 4-0x2-0x2- ?, 4- 6x2- :!x2- 6 o-0x2- 0x2-9 Cap 4-4x2-4x1- 4-10x2- 7x1- 1 5-4x2-10x1-2 Height 5-3 5-1) 0-3 Weight 11000 lbs. 15000 lbs. 18800 lbs. Price $780.00 .$l)(i0.00 $1150.00 104 lo; 800 Base 5-0x3-0x1- 2 Base 4-1x2-1x1- Die :;-6xl-Gxl- 8 Cap 4-0x2-0x1- 1 Height 4-11 Weiglit G8S0 lbs. Price $(340.00 sooyz 800^ 6- 0x4- 0x1-3 7-(Jx5-0xl- 4 4-10x2-10x1-1 6-2x3-8x1- 2 4- 0x2- 0x2-2 5-2x2-8x2-10 4- 8x2- 8x1-2 0-0x3-0x1- 4 5-8 6- 8 12400 lbs. 22800 lbs. $890.00 $1450.00 106 fBui I I i I I I 1 1 I 1 1 i i I 1 1 I I 1 1 1.1 ''•ifA ^r->.. 2KC ' a.^-ii.4i_ii^_^:^i_^!^:^[_fi_i;^_;_ii_i:_j[_.ijaQ 107 805 8051/4 ^OSYs Base fi- Ox:;- fixl-r; 7-0x4-4x1-4 8-0x5-0x1-5 Base 4-10x2-4x1-0 5-7x2-11x1-1 6-4x,']-4xl- 2 Die 4-4x1-10x2-2 4-10x2-2x2-6 5-6x2-0x2-10 Cap 4- 8x2- 2x1-4 5- 4x2- 8x1-6 6-lx:]-lxl- S Height . ; 5-9 6-5 7-1 Weight 0400 lbs. 16800 lbs. 24000 lbs. Price $S:i5.00 $1265.00 .$1675.00 108 109 Base . . Base . . Die . . . Cap . . . Height Weight Price 853 0-3x3-9x1- 2 5-1x2-7x0-11 4-(}x2-0x2- 5-0x2-6x1- 6 5- 7 12000 lbs. $1100.00 8531/4 7- 4x4- 4x1-3 (J- 0x3- 0x1-0 5- 4x2- 4x2-4 5-11x2-11x1-7 6-2 17000 lbs. $1425.00 8531/^ 5- 4x5-0x1-4 6-10x3-6x1-1 6- 0x2-8x2-8 6- 9x3-5x1-8 6-9 22000 lbs. $1750.00 110 Ill 20 1907 PRICE LIST OF LETTERING V sunk. Square sunk. Square raised. Half round. lyi inches and under . . $0.18 Raised i'„ in. $0.30 2 " . .25 Sunk y^ ii . S1.05 " /s " .65 Raised j\ in. $0.80 2/3 " M . .30 I < 3 " 1 6 1.30 w 3 " 1 Ii .90 " % " 1.00 3 " . .35 " X " 1.50 " % " 1.15 " X " 1-20 4 " . .50 11 5 11 1 r, 2.00 " ^8 " 1 80 3^ " 2.00 5 " . .75 " }i " 3.00 " y2 " 2.60 " ^ " 3 00 6 " . 1.10 1 11 4.00 " Va " 4 50 X •• 4.50 For headed letters add one-half. Old English or ornamental letters double price. 112 ^'ifi*!!;.: