Class. EIMl Book t f . 5 $ Copyright N° COPWICHT DEPOSIT. &*s?$mk ^g± <^ - c ^-- : &?&S3 -^Av-i^ ,^y^\ THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD The Book of En£lewood By ADALINE W. STERLING Together with Matter on the World War by other writers from official sources. Published by authority of THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, N. J. 1922 Committee on the History of Englewood PETER S. DURYEE, Chairman LANCE M. PARSONS, Treasurer CHARLES II. MAY, Secretary Harris E. Adriance J hi iv B. Allison llo\\ \l(|i I; \KTON Clinton II. Blake, Jr. MEMBERS Fi.oyd R. DuBois Peter S. Duryee Allan C. Hoffman Charles II. May Lance M. Parsons Dan F. Platt Joseph II. Tillotson Byron G. Van Horne Iii March, 1921, Mayor McKenria asked the Common Coun- cil to appoint a committee to undertake the production of a his- tory of Englewood, to be a souvenir of Englewood's semi-centen- nial as a separate municipal unit. The committee has been fortu- nate in enlisting the services of Miss Adalinc W. Sterling in the writing of the book. To her, and to those others who have con- tributed to the portion of the book that deals with the war, the committee takes this opportunity of extending its deep appre- ciation. For the Committee, Peter S. Duryee, Ch /i 1 rm a n. Copyright, 1022. by the Committee on the History of Englewood. DEC 23*2? €^C1 A69071Z Vv*> / PREFACE O THE mind of the writer, the story of Englewood has presented itself as akin to that of the building of a house, of simple, substantial plan at first, upon a foundation of solid construction. Then as years went by, and generation succeeded generation, the house was increased in dimension, strengthened and beautified, but always in con- sonance with the basic design. The pioneers of '59 placed our house on a foundation al- ready prepared of Dutch thrift, industry and religious faith. Their children and children's children, in like manner, added story to story, strong and beautiful, until Englewood stands to- day a fair edifice, harmonious in detail, into which have been built the faith, truth and ideals of the men and women of the past and of the present day as well. There may have been at times diversity of opinion about the need or style of the addi- tion, or a temporary questioning as to the cost involved, but in the end the work was always accomplished. It has been and still is the feeling of general participation in this our building, which made and makes Englewood so beloved of the dwellers therein. The plan as detailed is one thing, the presentation in inter- esting fashion is another. But there is a homely adage, applica- ble to all undertakings, that may be used as the determining test in this instance. Much of the early history of Englewood, though of great interest, is not of official record, and could be obtained only from private sources. In this connection grateful mention is made of the invaluable assistance rendered by the late Dr. Byron G. Van Home, former president of the Bergen County Historical Society. Dr. Van Home's interest in this present work was very great, the facts he furnished were most valuable, and through him permission was obtained to use several illustrations belonging to the Historical Society. Thanks are also due to Mr. Nelson K. Vanderbeek for facts relative to the Liberty Pole Tavern; to Mr. Thomas William Lydecker for genealogical data of the Lydecker family; to Mrs. Isabella Hart for furnishing interesting incidents connected with the first church and the first school; and to Messrs. William O. Allison, Augustus Floyd, Charles J. Stagg, John M. Folley. Edward Gruber, and Patrick Powers for helpful infor- mation concerning the early settlers. The aid given by Mr. Joseph H. Tillotson in placing at the writer's disposal news- paper files of forty years is gratefully recognized. To Mr. Floyd R. DuBois, who has been in charge of the material for part second of this book, grateful acknowledgment is given for im- portant and valuable help. For the attractive presentation of the story in book form, we are indebted to Mr. A. A. Hopkins, of the "Scientific Amer- ican," New York, and to our townsman, Mr. Dexter B. Dawes. Mr. Hopkins has given invaluable aid in planning all the de- tails which belong to fine bookmaking, and has been generous in time and service to accomplish this end. The artistic design of the inner cover is the work of Mr. Dawes as his offering to the story of his birthplace. „ , Adaline W. Sterling. December, 1922 vi 11 CONTENTS PART I. CHAPTER PAGE I How the Dutch Came to Bergen 1 II English Neighborhood 9 III The Passing of Liberty Pole 23 IV Pioneer Years, 1859-1861 41 V Civil War Times 61 VI Hackensack Township Days 73 VII Home Seekers and Builders 81 VIII The Old Township's Last Days, 1868-1871 ... 95 IX Englewood Township: The First Decade . . . .107 X Half a Decade Onward . . . 119 XI Community Progress 131 XII The Township's Wane 151 XIII Incorporation and the First City Administration, 1895-1898 167 XIV Elbert A. Brinckerhoft Becomes Mayor . . . .189 XV Mayor Currie's Second Term 207 XVI The Administration of Mayor Piatt, 1904-1905 . . 221 XVII The Administrations of Mayor Mackay, 1906-1909 . 235 XVIII The Administration of Mayors Johnson and Birt- whistle 259 XIX The Two Terms of Mayor Munroe, 1912-1915 . . 277 XX The Administrations of Mayor Blake, 1916-1918 . . 299 XXI Administrations of David J. McKenna, 1919-1921 . 319 PART II. Foreword 347 Englewood's Part in the War 349 Englewood's Roll of Honor 363 History of Englewood Military Company 383 The Drives 393 PACE American Red Cross 401 Committee of Public Safety 405 Englewood Motor Battery Rifle Association 405 Englevvood Home Guard 409 American Protective League 411 War Camp Community Service 412 Englewood Draft Board 413 The Boy Scouts 417 Y. W. C. A. Hostess Houses 418 Entertainment and Welfare for Soldiers 420 Community Garden 421 Home Canning 422 The Englewood War Savings Society 423 The Girls' Patriotic League 424 The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 425 Record of Civilian Service, National in Character .... 427 Roster of Service Men and Women 431 Index 493 Revolutionary Military Map, 1776-77 Insert THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Part I. THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD HOW THE DUTCH CAME TO BERGEN X GATHERING material for the story of Englewood, it soon became very evident that the arrival of the "new- comers" of 1858 could not serve as a starting point. The very first acts of these "newcomers" were arguments in support of this opinion. For they, then representing the Present, im- mediately identified themselves with the Past by purchasing ancestral acres on which to build their village. Then, as local tradition relates, they further committed themselves to recognition of days past by evolving from the over a century and a half title borne by "English Neighborhood," a name for the village still on paper; and the old settlement wondered, to the day it departed this life, how the feat was accomplished. In view of this concession of relationship between the Present and Past, it was determined to follow the example thus set and to treat the founding and development of Englewood as the latest his- torical milestone on the road which leads back to the dunes of Hol- land; not overlooking two other stones on the same road, English Neighborhood and Bergen, the oldest and most Dutch of all. At this point, therefore, we propose to revert briefly to some past his- tory, which tells why and how the Dutch came to the New World and what kind of folks they were. At the beginning of the 17th century there was a lull in the inces- sant wars in which royal quarrels and jealousies had disturbed the whole of Europe. It was a welcome interruption, although only a breathing-time in which to think up new grievances. One of these long-drawn-out wars was that waged by Spain to regain her mastery over the Seven Provinces of Holland, which had shown their objec- THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD tion to foreign control by taking up arms and holding out doggedly, through forty years of intermittent fighting. Spain had not attained her purpose and it was so very evident that hers was a forlorn hope, that Spanish diplomats arranged matters to save royal pride and offered a truce of twelve years. There were the usual delays and solemn diplomatic pow-wows. The matter ended in the acceptance of a truce which acknowledged the independence of the United Prov- inces of the Netherlands and yielded Spain's monopoly of the India trade, which the Dutch had already secured. There was no lack of patriotism on the part of the Netherlands in accepting the truce; the years' long defence of the home land proves the contrary. But the growth of the Netherlands lay outside the sand dunes and lagoons which made up its limited territory. A golden chance had come in this year, 161)9, in Hudson's discovery in the ser- vice of the Dutch East India Company. In spite of the long war, the new republic was in a prosperous condition. Her resources far exceeded her liabilities and her great fleet of ships, manned by the best and hardiest sailors of the day, established the Dutch power on the sea. The greatest asset of the republic was its people, with their inborn love of liberty, religious faith, courage, enterprise and thrift. Another advantage was the fact that at a time when, in other Euro- pean countries, an acquaintance with the three R's was a genteel accomplishment, in the Netherlands there was scarcely a man, woman or child who could not read, write and cipher, and no one who de- sired it need lack higher education. Of course, the Netherlanders had their faults; thev were born traders and their acquisitiveness must have been at times ver\ trying to the other parties to a bargain. Moreover, those misguided persons who assumed that deliberate speech betokened sluggish mind, probably met with convincing evi- dence to the contrary. Now a word about the government. The Netherlands was not a republic, as we understand the term, although it was a wide depar- ture from the accepted form of hereditary government. In reality, it was a confederation of the seven northern provinces, representatives from each province forming the governing body, which was styled the States General. There was no personal head to this body politic. Holland, by virtue of its size and its larger contribution to the general budget, exercised great but not full authority. The first act of this body, outside its immediate domain, was the announcement of owner- ship of the territory discovered by Hudson. Claims of this kind were, of course, not based on metes and bounds, but were sufficiently com- [2] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD prehensive in including everything in sight, with liberal allowance for everything out of sight. After the first private ventures westward had established the value of fur trading with the Indians, the business was taken over by companies formed for the special purpose. The Dutch had a genius for organization and whatever they undertook was carried out systematically. Just as there were no "jerry-built" houses in Holland, they put equally good work into the construction of their corporations, for that is what the trading companies really were. The companies were formed by associations of merchants who com- posed the directorate, and members or stockholders, who subscribed to the funds of the undertaking in lesser sums than the directors. Charters were granted by the States General for a definite period and for specific purposes. The New Netherland Company was the first in the field and, during the four years of its existence, strength- ened the settlement on Manhattan Island, and established a trading station up the river, near the present site of Albany, placing a factor in charge to barter for furs with "up-state" Indians. While this charter was still in force and during a succeeding interval, while independent voyages were made, the States General were working out a comprehensive plan for the American possessions. The territory was attracting attention, outsiders were straggling in. There must be something more than a settlement on the island and a few trading posts along the river to indicate Dutch property. Thereupon the possessions were formally erected into the Province of New Netherland and the administration of its affairs was entrusted to a new company, rivalling in wealth and importance the older Dutch East India Company. This corporation was the Dutch West India Company, and the place of business, from which its affairs were directed, was the West India House, Haarlemme Straat, Am- sterdam. The charter granted to the Company conferred unusual powers and privileges. To the directorate was given the right to appoint a governor and council, the authority to build a fort and provide a garrison of regular soldiers, and to carrv into effect a carefully devised plan of colonization. This plan, immigration in family groups, was put into operation in 1623, when the ship New Netherland, equipped by the Company, transported thirty families with their cherished household possessions. Place was waiting for these colonists, especially those of the agricultural class, for the patroon system formed part of the immigration plan. This feature provided that any member of the Company could obtain a large [3] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD grant of land in any part of New Netherland, except Manhattan Island, on condition of establishing thereon, within a specified time, a colony of fifty adults. As soon as a colony was formed, the owner of the tract was formally recognized as the patroon or feudal chief of his community. The dimensions of the colony were liberal; so also were the privileges and rights of the patroon. The tenant colonists were bound to a definite term of service in return for the transportation of themselves and their families from the Netherlands. After that obligation had been met, they might obtain farms of their own. The immigrant who came at his own expense and had some- thing over and above his passage money, received, as a gift, as much land as he could improve. The plan of colonization, whatever its defects, certainly insured workers wherever a colony was established. It was a business propo- sition and no idlers, criminals or riffraff generally came over at the expense of the Company. The directors sent their agents over to obtain land patents as their personal investments. The stockholders were slower in seizing the opportunity of the patroon system, and friction was the necessary consequence. This dissatisfaction increased after Peter Minuit, the third governor, bought all the outstanding land on Manhattan from the Indians, for the benefit of these same directors in their individual capacity. The price paid for the land was sixty guilders, not in cash, but in beads, trinkets, blankets and assorted stuff which appealed to the savage taste. Twenty-four dollars, in 1626, evidently had great purchasing power. There was not much opportunity for the small investor or the tardy stockholder. The attractive spots in New Amsterdam were alreadv pre-empted. Houses occupied the banks of the two canals, Bever Gracht (Beaver street) and Heere GracJit (Broad street). The best places on the East river front were taken up, so that a movement was started in the direction of Scheyichbi, as the Indians called New Jersey. The objective of the migrants from Manhattan was what was afterward known as Bergen. To the Dutch, accus- tomed to water as a feature of the landscape, the location was ideal. There was an extended shore line; two streams, called later the Hackensack and the Overpeck, and marshes galore, gave a home- like touch. The flat land brought back memories of another country, and, rising above the low ground, was a ridge increasing in height as it extended northward. This was Bergen — "the hill" — the van- tage point so dearly prized in the home-land. Very little had been done toward the development of this part of the Dutch possessions. [4] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD A small settlement had been made in 1618, in the time of the New Netherland Company. This probably consisted of a few rude houses, placed close together for protection, the dwelling places of planters who cultivated outlying farms. The growth of New Amsterdam was based on its fur trade, especially in beaver skins, and a reminder of this particular pelt appears today in the beaver, which figures in the coat of arms of the city of New York. The development of Bergen and the northern part of New Jersey may be traced to land originally acquired for agricultural purposes. When the west side of the Hudson came into the market, one of the first to take advantage of the opening was Michael Pauw, Burgomaster of Amsterdam and a director of the West India Company. Through his business connection, Pauw ob- tained a patent to land extending from Communipaw to Weehawken, running back as far as it could be used. The claims of the native owners were satisfied in a formal deed, in which the Indian names were given to the places described in the document, and there was careful mention of receipt of an adequate consideration, the nature of which was not stated, but which was the usual merchandise. The deed was duly signed by the representative of the Company and the Indians affixed whatever served them as signatures. The condition of founding a colony within four years was, of course, attached to the patent. But the burgomaster was an absentee proprietor whose interests were more intimately connected with his lordship "of Achtienhoven, near Utrecht." From this or other cause, he neglected his unimproved property in New Netherland and his agent, Jan Evertse Bout, did not reach New Amsterdam before the time-limit expired. Thus the most valuable water front on the west side of the Hudson was bought in bv the Company. Though Mynheer Pauw faded from the scene, he left a reminder of his transitory ownership. Latinizing a name, susceptible of the process, was a learned practice in Holland. Pauw is the Dutch equivalent of the Latin "pavo" — a peacock; so, by classic aid, Pavonia was evolved as the name of the burgomaster's purchase. For years after, this name was applied to the locality, now Jersey City, and is still perpetuated in Pavonia avenue and Pavonia ferry. The West India Company wisely divided the patent after it came into its possession. The lower end of the tract, where there was a colony of some thirteen persons, was placed in charge of Michael Paulusson, who administered affairs until 1638, when the property, known then and until long after the Revolution as Paulus Hook, was [5] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD sold to Abraham Isaacsen Planck, one of the "Twelve Men" chosen as counselors of the then Governor, Kieft. Another part of the patent, Ashasimus, the Company's farm on the upland (now Jersey City Heights), was granted to Jan Evertse Bout, to be "plowed, sowed and tilled." Jan Evertse, although he arrived too late to save Pauw's possessions, managed his own property so well in the eighteen years of his occupancy, that he was able to sell the farm at a good profit and retire from agricultural pursuits. To aid in the development of Bergen, the Company built a few houses, one at Communipaw, one at Ashasimus, and two in Pavonia. A farmhouse, with a brewery attached and a "bouwerie cleared for planting," became the property of Aert Teunissen Van Putten. An- other brewer as well as land owner in Bergen was Balthasar Bayard, whose name suggests remote kinship with "the knight without fear and without reproach." Balthasar probably possessed similar qual- ities. He was a good citizen, held the office of magistrate, and represented Bergen in the first and second General Assembly of New Jersey in 1668; and there is no record of reproach as to the output of his brewery. As time went on, wealthy burghers in New Amster- dam acquired tracts of land in Bergen, which were called plantations. Land grants were also given by Governor Stuyvesant. One of the most important of these patents was that of "Hobuk" to Nicholas Varlet, a "great burgher" of Manhattan and a person of consequence. In 1651, Bergen, by reason of its growth, was dignified by the establishment of a Lower Court of Justice, by ordinance of Governor Stuyvesant. The officers, appointed bv the directors of the Company, were Tielman Van Vleck, an Amsterdam lawyer, who was named schout (sheriff), and Harmanius Smeeman and Casparus Stuymets, who were designated schepens (magistrates). The great event of 1658 was the purchase of Bergen Township from the Indians and the laving out of a fortified village on Bergen — "the hill." The village was in the form of a square, with two streets crossing at right angles. The whole was surrounded by a stout stockade, pierced with convenient musket-holes. No sooner was the village under way, than a subscription was started for building a church. A medal, struck in 1910, in commemoration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniver- sary of the founding of the village of Bergen, shows the division of the town into quarters by the intersecting streets, with the original church inside the protecting stockade. This first house of worship was a round building with a steep-pitched octagonal roof, from whose center the steeple rose. A successor of the first Bergen church stands [6] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD today on Jersey City Heights, from whose pulpit the teaching of the Reformed Faith is delivered to the present-day adherents. Two years after the completion of the church, the Governor gave Bergen its first schoolmaster, Englebert Steenhuysen, a tailor by trade, who was newly arrived from Westphalia. Following this provision for the spiritual and educational needs of the Bergen community, a notable public improvement was intro- duced by the establishment of the first ferry at Communipaw, owned by Willem Jansen, licensed ferryman. The means of transportation to New Amsterdam was an open row-boat for usual occasions; at other times, when there were a number of passengers to be carried or cattle were to be transported, a periague, or flat-bottomed sloop was used. Soon complaints arose that Jansen's charges were too high and a rate war began. Willem stuck to his prices and declared that, as some travelers did not pay their fare, he must make up the deficit from those who did. Both sides took the case to court. The decision was unique: the sheriff was required to see that Jansen did not discriminate as to passengers and must also help the ferryman collect his fare. Whether the sheriff performed his latter duty on the "pay as you enter" plan, or whether he made the trip back and forth, does not appear. But we shall leave Bergen for a while to its farms, its ferry troubles, and its gossip about the "contrariness" of the governor and turn to an event which made possible — English Neighborhood. [7] II. ENGLISH NEIGHBORHOOD [|HREADING the course of our story, we must, as a matter of historical sequence, refer briefly to the English occupa- tion of New Netherland. This does not signify that Eng- lish Neighborhood was deeply concerned in the event. At this time there were but few farmhouses outside the limits of Bergen and nothing which deserved the name of settlement. But events were shaping themselves in such fashion that a change was imminent in the Dutch province. When the year 1664 opened, New Amsterdam was in a flourish- ing condition. Governor Stuyvesant had ruled the province for fourteen years, in which time he had settled the Indian troubles, had checked the encroachments of the Swedes on the Delaware, and, by negotiation, had adjusted the dispute over boundary lines with the New England colonies. Though the Governor was irascible, obstinate and self-willed, he administered the business of his office conscientiously and provided for the welfare of his people, according to his understanding of what was good for them. Though he had absolutely no sympathy with the growing idea that the people should have voice in their own government, he had been astute enough to recognize the sentiment by raising New Amsterdam to the rank of a city. But the burgomaster and officials were of his own choosing. Satisfied that he had made a tremendous concession, the Governor meddled and interfered with his officials in the execution of their limited duties and fully impressed upon them that the "best mind" to be consulted on all occasions was the mind of Peter Stuyvesant. The City Fathers accepted the dictum, gave diligent and faithful service and found compensation for too much peremptory direction in the weekly procession to the church in the Fort. Decked in the insignia of office and preceded by bell-ringers to announce their coming, they made an impression upon the congregation almost as great as that of the Governor himself. Times were very good; there were peace and plenty; trade was THE BOOK OF ENGLKWOOD never better; coasting ships and ocean vessels came and went on their commercial enterprises without molestation. The people were reaping the fruits of their industry; they were proud of their city and they loved it. As prosperity increased, affection for the mother country weakened. But while the Dutch were in this satisfied state of mind, there was a scheme on foot, across the water, very inimical to a continuance of the self-satisfaction of New Amsterdam. The plan then in the making was as simple as it was unjustifiable. Charles II., the Stuart King of England, and his Council decided upon a war with Holland as a means of increasing the prestige of the govern- ment. There was no particular ground for going to war, but a reason could be found and preparations for fighting were started. But in the meanwhile, before a formal declaration of war, there was a valuable Dutch possession which could be acquired without difficulty. Reports had reached England of the exceeding prosperity of New Netherland, which, it was well known, was inadequately guarded against attack. The pretended grievance to suit this particular plan was alleged loss of revenue, suffered by the New England colonies through the smuggling practices of the Dutch. The next step in this forehanded plan was the king's gift to his brother, the Duke of York, of a patent of land in America which ingeniously included all the Dutch possessions. The culmination of the plan was the despatch of a fleet of armed ships to collect the gift. So it came about on a late August day of 1664, while Stuyvesant was away on official business, news came to New Amsterdam that an English fleet lay inside Sandy Hook. The Governor returned and began preparations for resistance. Then the result of paternal gov- ernment and loss of national spirit manifested itself. Officials and people were of one mind that resistance would be futile and were decidedly averse to making a fight. Stuyvesant raged and stormed and went on with his preparations. After a few days, with a favoring wind, the ships sailed through the Narrows and came to anchor with their guns covering the fort. Even then the old soldier was making ready to fire on the invaders, but was restrained by Dominie Megapolensis. Colonel Nicoll, the commander of the expedition, came ashore and presented the terms of surrender. He suavely pointed out that the question itself was not debatable; that his ships carried sixty guns of the heaviest calibre then known, while the guns of the fort, but twenty-two in number, were decidedly out of date. Advising the Governor to think the matter over, he went back to the fleet. The logic of the heavier guns was backed by the clamor [ 10] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD of the people against useless sacrifice of life. Old Petrus exhausted his extensive vocabulary of expletives in expressing his opinion of cow aids and traitors; he shook his fist and stamped the floor with his timber leg; but the clamor increased. Then he permitted the surrender flag to be raised, turned his back on New Amsterdam and stumped off to his home on the Bouwerie. On September 7th, the Dutch garrison marched out of the fort and took ship, at Whitehall, for Holland, and the English soldiers marched in. There was an THE SMITH OR McMICHAEL HOUSE ENGLISH NEIGHBORHOOD ROAD exchange of flags and an exchange of names. The royal standard of England floated over Fort James, now the guardian of the Duke's city of New York. The burghers may have been for a few days uncertain as to possible results of the change; but when they dis- covered that they were not deprived of a single right or privilege, they pledged allegiance to the king. On the west side of the river, the same course was followed. The settlers were even more content than ever, when they learned of the transfer of their part of New Netherland to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley, and that their land was now the Province of New Jersey. They had a governor of their own, when Philip Carteret arrived. There was no difficulty about title to [ 11 1 THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD property acquired under Dutch rule; patents thus granted were con- firmed by Carteret and new grants were made to incomers who agreed to "settle and plant." A section, extending from what is now Fairview to the center of our city, was now brought into notice. This tract lay on the east side of the Overpeck creek. While the rush of the English patentees was toward the west side of the Hackensack, the Dutch preferred to "follow the water," along the lesser stream. The creek Mas navigable for small boats, it flowed into the Hackensack, and the Dutch, with their inherited knowledge of river craft, appreciated the advantage of the waterways. There is scanty record of Robert Earle, a pioneer settler of Bergen, who obtained, as early as 1650, a large tract of land running from the Hudson to the Hackensack, and settled in the present Ridgefield township. It is said that, as there were no white inhabitants near by, he gave several acres of woodland to some white families, with the view of forming a settle- ment. His only descendant, of whom there is knowledge, was a son Robert, who married a Mary Smith and settled in the township. To settlers who must raise their own food supplies, a gift of woodland may not have presented as much ot an appeal as meadow land near the water, so that this may have been one of several settlements which failed to become permanent. Robert Earle, son of the pioneer, had a large family. One of his sons, Edward by name, born in 1775, was a deacon, for many years, in the Ridgefield church. One of the first immigrants of record was Epke Jacob Banta, from West Friesland, who arrived in New Amsterdam about 1659, and settled on the lower part of the Neighborhood tract. He was the head of the numerous Banta family of New Jersey. The next name that appears is that of John De Groot, of a French Huguenot family. The Huguenot element was further represented by Matthias De Mott, a settler in 1685. Some of the descendants of this Mat- thias were connected with early Englewood. There had not been a marked influx of English settlers before Samuel Edsall appeared upon the scene. This Englishman was a remarkable man in his day. Born in Reading about 1630, he came to New Amsterdam at the age of eighteen, where he was listed among the new arrivals as "a bever maker," or hatter. His industry, and possibly his marriage with Jannetje Wessels, whose mother owned a famous tavern on Pearl street, furnished the reason for his next appearance on record as a small burgher, owning property in his mother-in-law's neighborhood. After the surrender of New Amster- [ 1'2] 73 M W > z fn Z z > a THE BOOK OF LNCLl WOOD dam, Edsall found abundant opportunity to engage in buying ami selling land. Hie transaction which interests us particularly was the purchase oi a tract ol nearly two thousand acres, with a frontage ol almost two ami a hall miles on the Hudson, extending northward from Bull's terry and stretching hack to the Overpeck creek ami the 1 [ackensack river. Samuel Edsall's own particular farm was near what is now Palisades Park. From time to time he sold or leased other parts ol the estate. Iherehy the settlement known as English Neighborhood obtained local name and fame. A man of such energy ami business ability as Edsall displayed, probably could not settle down to the routine ol farm lite. This supposition is supported by the following historical instance: In L639, one Jonas Bronck, who is described as "a pious, peaceful and patient Dutchman," bought from the Indians a tract ol five hundred acres, north of the Harlem river, and made the first white settlement in that locality. He called his purchase "Fmmaus" and, in his religious fervor, hoped to abide there in the spirit of his divine Master. But his virtues did not save him from death at the hands ol treacherous savages. After his murder, in 1642, and the dispersion of the lew settlers, the tract passed through the hands of successive Dutch traders until 1664. when it came into the possession ol Samuel Edsall, who held it until 1670, when he sold it to Captain Richard Morris and Colonel Lewis Morris, former officers in Cromwell's army and, at the time ol pur- chase, merchants ol Barbadoes. Four years later, Colonel Morris obtained a royal patent to Bronck's Land, which afterward became the Manor ol Morrisania, the second Lewis, son ot Captain Richard, exercising, as manor lord, proprietory right. 1 le was also head of the family which, in every subsequent generation, has given distin- guished service to the country. Samuel Edsall's energy was not confined solely to the buying and selling of land; he was a man of affairs. As member of Governor Carteret's council, lie rendered constructive service during the change of government from Dutch to English procedure, and his advice was sought in matters ot moment. At one time he was president of the "Court of Judicature" in Bergen; at another time he was associated witli William Sandford in a special term ot the Court of Oyer and Terminer. Samuel Edsall must also have possessed qualities which met with feminine appreciation, for he was thrice married, the first time, as already related, to Jannetje Wessels; Naomi, widow ot Samuel Moore, of Barbadoes, immigrant ancestor of the Moore family of English Neighborhood, was the second helpmeet: Ruth r 14] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Woodhull, whose name suggests Eong Island ancestory, completes the list. Names of this period and later, when additional settlers came in, were — Dutch: Brinkcrhoff, Paulison, Eydecker, Bensen and Durie (Duryea) ; French Huguenot: Eashier (Le Sueur), Montanye, Bour- dette and Demarest; English: Moore, Lawrence, Day and Cole. Two Germans settled on Bull's Ferry Hill : Conrade Sedore, who came with his wife Althea from New York State, before the Revo- REPRODUCTION OF A DUTCH KITCHEN lution; and Andrew Engle, who settled in 1779. Both were blessed with large families. Their descendants of the first and second genera- tions were actively interested in the organization of the First Baptist Church of English Neighborhood. The old houses still standing along the former English Neigh- borhood road add their chapter to local history, for they are of Dutch architecture and Dutch construction. Nearly all Dutch houses of early date were built of red sandstone, for the Dutch liked things solid. The stone was easily obtained from the fields and convenience as well as preference prompted its use. The houses faced south, no matter how the adjacent lane or road might run. A hall ran midway from the front to the rear of the house, the roof sloping abruptly [15] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD until near the caves and extending in curved fashion several feet beyond the wall. An ell was added to the main structure which contained the kitchen in all its glory. The broad fireplace, piled with seasoned logs, performed a double service. It provided warmth and, when the iron crane with suspended pots and kettles was swung across the opening, the blaze did the family cooking. In the rear of many large houses were the slave quarters, negro slavery being an accepted institution in colonial days. Before the beginning of the troubles which led to the Revolu- tionary War, life went on in simple fashion in the Neighborhood. New settlers had come in, new farm lands had been cleared and THE LAST LIBERTY POLE TAVEKN planted and local conditions and growth occupied the attention of the settlement. But while peace reigned in this particular region, conditions had not been so favorable in the frontier colonies, farther north. The "Seven Years' War" had been transferred to America and its last phase was fought out on New World soil as the French and Indian War. By the Peace of Paris, in 1763, the French Cana- dian possessions were ceded to England. But that was not the end of the matter. Up to our own day, every European war has sown the seeds of a succeeding conflict. In this case, the crop of the sowing was the Revolutionary War. England claimed, and with right, that she had assisted the col- onists with regular troops, and had paid the bills. The colonists had contributed men ami money, as their thirteen separate ami distinct [16] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD legislatures had deemed necessary, not always as promptly or gen- erously as the occasion demanded. The home government deciding that other methods must be employed to raise funds for frontier defence, took the matter into its own hands. The colonists, while acknowledging allegiance to the King, did not include Parliament in their pledge of loyalty; that body, in their eyes, was a purely English institution; they had their own assemblies and their own way of making grants and resented outside interference. Neither King, royal ministers nor Parliament understood the American colonists, and taxes were imposed by Parliamentary authority. The Stamp Act failed, owing to the resistance led by Massachusetts and Virginia; its repeal was hailed with popular rejoicing. In New York, the Sons of Liberty erected a Liberty Pole on the Common. Possibly this may have encouraged the landlord of the wayside inn at the head of the Neighborhood road to adorn his premises with a similar pole. Parliament, in repealing the Stamp Act, reserved to itself the right of levying other imposts, which were successively tried and abandoned. Finally it put into operation the king's pet idea of "three pence a pound tax on tea." For three years, the tea caddy was the centre of stormy discussion. The patriot women wouldn't buy the taxed product; they brewed, from herbs and leaves, fearful concoc- tions which even patriot intent failed to render palatable. Patriot men stood by the principle, although they did not go to the extent of drinking "near" tea. Matters were now reaching an acute state, and sentiment was beginning to divide in English Neighborhood. The Dutch residents generally looked upon this land as their home; here they had built their homes and had prospered through their own labor. The English were not as many generations removed from the mother country; to them the king represented duly consecrated authority and their contact with royalist New York strengthened their traditions. Pamphlets and broadsides from New England stimulated the cause of the patriot colonists; chance travelers along the Neighbor- hood Road stopped for rest and refreshment at the Liberty Pole Tavern and brought the latest news gathered from the reports of the various "committees of correspondence" throughout the colonies. Soon Bergen County decided to form a committee of correspondence. The freeholders called a meeting at the Court House in June, 1774, and, after expressing in preamble their allegiance to George the Third under their constitutional rights and privileges, the assembly stated clearly its home rule idea about tax levy. The committee appointed [17] rill'. BOOK OF l'NOI. lAVOOI) at this meeting consisted oi five men, all bearing Dutch names. I o them was given authority to act with similar committees in the other counties in choosing delegates to a general gathering from all the .American colonies at the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. When British headquarters were established in New York in August, 1776, there were trying times ami experiences in English Neighborhood. Tories, who had been quiescent up to that time, became outspoken in proclaiming their English allegiance. I hey turned against their neighbors ami friends ami inflicted not only annoyance hut personal injury. Families, too, were divided in some instances. Thomas Moore, who adhered to the patriot cause, though he had held the office ol justice, by royal commission, died a prisoner in the Old Sugar House, New York, a martyr to his faith, at the very time his own brother was in English service in the same city. Dominie Garret Lydecker, ol the English Neighborhood Church, felt it his Christian duty to forsake his congregation, and betake himselt to England, incidentally carrying with him all the church records. Another Garret Lydecker, ol distant kin, served his country faithfully as a captain in the Bergen County militia. Reference to the military map ol 177S will give a clear idea ol the roads and the locations of the farms and names ol their owners, in the vicinity ol English Neighborhood, concerned with the early part ol the Revolutionary War. The repetition ol the name "Dcm.i- ree," a corruption ol the name "Dcs Marais," indicates the abiding places ol the descendants of David Dcs Marais (Demarest). This David, the immigrant ancestor of all of the name in New Jersey, obtained a large tract ol land in 1(>77, known as the French Patent, along the eastern hank ol the Ilackcnsack, and built his own home and a small French church on the road between Schraalenbergh and Old Bridge. At his death, in 1693, the tract was divided among his immediate descendants. The family tendency toward rearing patriarchal families had already made the name prominent in the county. In November, 177^, the interest ol English Neighborhood was centered on the field lort just completed at Fort For two months the patriot army had been retreating slowly northward along the east hank of the Hudson. It was known that a stand had been made at Fort Washington, where Colonel Magaw had an insufficient garrison of regulars ami militia. General Greene was in command at Fort Lee; the situation was doubtful. Washington, on his last visit, left explicit instructions that, should Colonel Magaw he de- [18] THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD feated, the earthworks on the Jersey side were to be evacuated at once. On November 1 6th, the threatened attack was made and, though Magaw made a brave defense, treachery within the garrison compelled surrender. On the same evening, Cornwallis transported a large force by bateaux across the river and effected a landing at Closter, where a narrow pathway zigzagged to the top of the cliff. There was delay, caused by the necessity of widening the road, so that the cannon could be hauled to the summit. I his interval afforded sufficient time to abandon fort Eee. On the morning of November 18th, the retreat was under way. The greater part of the Continentals followed the Neighborhood Road to Liberty Pole Tavern, thence to Old Bridge, crossing the Hackensack at that point. Others went across the marshes to a ferry over the river. The retreat continued for two days, the fugi- tive soldiers receiving food and comfort at several farmhouses. At the lork of the road where the tavern stood, refreshment was given them on their weary way. The name of the landlord has vanished from memory, but tradition relates that Washington was a guest at the tavern a few days before the retreat, while on his return to I lackensack to complete arrangements for the march through the Jerseys. Though English Neighborhood was never the scene of a battle during the war, it was the objective point of many raids. The first of these occurred immediately alter the evacuation of Fort Eee. Many families, in anticipation of this event, packed what valuables they could find space for in farm wagons, after the families had been provided for, and drove away to some more secure locality, until the foragers had departed. In the absence of their owners, the farms were despoiled of livestock, stores of grain, everything eatable and drinkable left in the cupboards, and any light articles which appealed to soldier fancy. Houses and outbuildings met with inci- dental damage, but there was not the wanton destruction which char- acterized later raids made with Tory assistance farther up the road. The Hessians once marched through English Neighborhood, but at a surprisingly quick pace; behind them in hot pursuit was a detach- ment of Bergen County militia, led by Captain John Outwater and some Continental soldiers. The Hessians had started out to make a daybreak attack upon a battalion of Pennsylvania Continentals at Paramus. Passing through Hackensack on their way, the Hessians lightened the tedium of the march by burning the Court House and two near-by dwellings, and by a little chance plundering. This [19] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD roused the militia company, quartered in barns in the vicinity; a messenger was despatched to Paramus, and in a short time a pro- cession was organized, with the Hessians in advance, "stepping lively" over the twelve miles to the shelter of Bergen Woods, losing many killed and wounded on the way. On the American side, the casualties were two wounded. When the war was over, the Neighborhood adjusted itself to changed conditions; the men who had been in service returned to the farms, but not to dull routine; many of them, in the course of the next years, served on the Board of Freeholders or on township com- mittees, and later still were representatives in the state legislature. Some of the refugees came back and meekly took their places in the community, but Sam Cole, who had been a specially virulent Tory, was received with the freedom of a rope's end. That was the last echo of war; the fighting spirit found expression in church differences on doctrinal points, but the shots fired were merely verbal. During the three decades following the war, growth was slow; but, as an- cestral estates were divided through marriage settlements and occa- sional sales, a few new houses were built. No marked additions were made to prevailing Neighborhood names through marriages; the county families were not so very numerous; men did not go far afield to seek their life partners, and the women did not travel at all ; so in course of time all these families were related in some degree. The period mentioned saw the passing of the old Liberty Pole Tavern, which after years of disuse and changes in ownership came, in 1813, into the possession of Teunis Cooper. The new owner, later on, tore down the greater part of the old stone building and erected a frame structure in its place, to which additions were sub- sequently made. The property remained in the hands of Teunis Cooper and his heirs for many years and was known as the Cooper homestead. The original building was probably owned by Samuel Campbell, born in Schraalenbergh in 1745; he may have been a brother of David Campbell, a Revolutionary soldier, who is buried in the churchyard of the Old South Church. Samuel Campbell is known to have given a mortgage on the property, in 1785, to John G. Benson. From Campbell, the next owner seems to have been John Westervelt, though there is no deed recorded. The following owner of record is Peter Christie, in February, 1807; from Christie ownership passed in December, 1813, to Teunis Cooper. The Cooper house, much changed by alterations, with the stone wall of its easterly wing the only remnant of the original building, is now the residence [20] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD of Dr. Valentine Ruch, and the oldest surviving descendant of Teunis Cooper, is his daughter, Rachel, widow of David I. Bogert. [Mrs. Bogert has passed away since these lines were written.] While the old building was still standing, but unused, a second Liberty Pole Tavern was built, directly opposite its predecessor, at the juncture of three roads — English Neighborhood, the Tenafly lane, and "the road that leads to Teaneck," now Lafayette Avenue. The builder of this second tavern was John Vanderbeek, born at TEUNIS COOPER HOUSE Built on the site of the original Liberty Pole Tavern Schraalenbergh, February 20th, 1780, son of Jacob Vanderbeek and Margrietje Berdan. The property of twenty acres, on which the tavern was located, was bought by young Vanderbeek from John S. Banta, who in his turn had purchased this and two other parcels of land from Samuel Campbell, in 1802. The inn was built of stone in a rambling style of architecture. Here John Vanderbeek and Jane, his wife, daughter of Samuel Campbell, set up housekeeping and hotel-keeping in 1804. From an article written some years since by Nelson K. Vanderbeek on "The Liberty Pole Tavern," we quote a description of the attractive arrangement of the inn presided over by John and Jane Vanderbeek : "The barroom occupied the entire easterly front of the main build- ing, on the first story, and that was entered through a Dutch door at [21 ] THE H()()K OF ENGLEWOOD the level of the outside grade, and also through a hallway from the north end. A spacious kitchen occupied an entire wing at the south end of the building. This kitchen, and the good wife who presided over it. were known far and wick' for the quantity and quality oi the good things which came out oi the large Dutch oven and spacious fire- place, at the celebration oi sonic public or social event. I he bar- room, with its sanded Horn-, beamed ceiling and great fireplace, had no terrors for the simple country folk of those days, for it was kept in a quiel and orderly manner. Directly over the barroom was the parlor oi- liest room ol the house, used lor spinning parties, quilting parties and other gatherings ol the ladies." Thus it appears that the landlord of a well-regulated tavern conducted a business approved and needed by the community and was himsell a respected member of society. In 1835, this building was entirely destroyed by lire and was replaced the same year by a more modern frame structure, erected on the same site. ( >l this building we shall speak in the chapter following. RACHEL BOGERT [ 22 1 III. THE PASSING OF LIBERTY POLE 1 IE rebuildingoi the tavern was accomplished in a very short tunc, with the aid oi friendly neighbors who were masters oi their craft. This helping-hand spirit showed the kindli- ness oi old neighborhood days and also expressed apprecia- tion oi the important place the inn occupied in community life. There was no architectural pretension about the new structure but it had some compensating modern touches. The first story now stood above grade and a short flight oi steps led to a roofed piazza, extending across the front and south end of the building. Ventilation was greatly improved by means of a central hall running through the building, from the front to the rear entrance, and, when both doors were opened, a thorough airing was assured. The Dutch oven prob- ably remained a feature oi the kitchen but there is warrant for the belief that a cooking stove supplanted the fireplace. It is related that this was the first building in the vicinity in whose construction mill-sawn lumber was used. When the house was ready for opening, the Liberty Pole, which had been somewhat damaged in the former fire, now completely repaired and resplendent in a coat oi fresh paint, displayed Old Glory at the mast-head. This pole had a bit of history of its own. John Vanderbeek, as became his Dutch blood, liked to have things solid. So, when he erected the flagstaff, he chose a chestnut pole, sixteen inches in diameter at the base, hewn in octagon shape ami rising seventy feet from the ground to a mast extending some twenty feel from this point. Surrounding the mast was a liberty cap, carved out ol white oak. To insure stability, the butt of the pole was im- bedded in eight feet of solid masonry. The pole was originally cicctcd in commemoration of the election of Andrew Jackson to the Presidency oi the United States. Bergen was straight Democratic in those days, ami, as the tavern, at that time ami for many years thereafter, was the sole polling-place of the township, "Old Hickory" undoubtedly received the whole vote. As a symbol of local partisan- Till'. BOOK OF FNGLKWOOD ship, a bushel oi hickory-nuts was buried at the base of the pole. \t least, so rumor has it. Flection day then was, in truth, a protracted meeting, though not by reason ol the si/e ol the vote or of complications in counting the ballot. Each voter announced his choice of candidates by word of mouth, and his preference was recorded by the inspectors, so there S»£ *, . K^ * aA -f/fA lv^,' 'nr- EM ^ ■ mmfr LIBERT? UNION seilOOL ns at present could be no subsequent questioning ol "the intention ol the voter.' The day itself, outside the performance ol civic duty, was a sort ot annual reunion of residents of the township who came from near and far, by wagon or on horseback. I he mere act ot voting did not consume much time, so there was ample opportunity to gather in groups and to discuss township affairs, crops, neighborhood news, and, perhaps, to retail a bit ot social gossip until the dinner-bell rang. This was a gladsome sound, lor the landlord and his wife served a bounteous meal at moderate cost and there were no tiresome restric- tions as to beverages accompanying the dinner. In the afternoon, there were outdoor sports tor the younger men. The crowning event, in which old and young participated, either as spectators or per- formers, was the amateur horse race on a halt-mile stretch ot I enafly Road. There were other gatherings in the immediate neighborhood, not limited to a single day in the year. Situated just back ol the two elm trees, shown in the illustration ot the third tavern, was the stone schoolhouse, erected in ISIS to replace a building ol primitive type. This later school was built by a corporation known as the Liberty I Ihion School Company. 1 he actual construction was done by Peter Westervelt, Jr., a prominent builder ol the day, assisted by Andrew [24] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Demurest, John Westervelt, Abraham Sciver and John Banta. A record of 1829 names Peter Westervelt, Jr., Peter J. Cole, Garret Westervelt, Garret Lydecker and Jacob De Mott as trustees. This was the neighborhood school where the boys and girls received the beginning and sometimes the whole of their education. The school roll of January, 1830, is a sort of directory of the names of Liberty Pole residents, though it does not signify that children of the same surname belonged to one family. At the time mentioned, the scholars JOHN VAN BRUNT One of tlic projectors and incorporators of the Northern Railroad VAN BRUNT STORE climbing the hill of knowledge were — of the Westervelt family, Henry D., Henry G., and Rachael; the Demarest representatives were Jemima, James, David, Jacob and John; the Brinckerhoffs were Henry, Cornelius, and Hetty; David and Jane Vanderbeek probably came from the family which kept the inn; James and John Lydecker belonged to the English Neighborhood family, and Sally Cole, John J. Durie, Jacob De Mott, and Katherine Van Buskirk were the single representatives of other families. Teaching was not a highly lucrative profession in those days, as two receipts for salary show. The first, of Feb. 17, 1830, signed by Moses Hall, acknowledges the receipt of "$30 in part payment of the third quarter of the present year, which ended the thirteenth of last January: balance due, $58." The second bears the signature [25] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD of Joseph B. Miller, who received ^47.24 and S6.75 for teaching." As the future "Squire" Miller forgot to date the receipt, we shall never know whether payment was "in full to date." For over three decades the schoolhouse served the educational needs of Liberty Pole. Its usefulness in this locality ended about 1850, when the building was torn down and the stones and other material were carted to Highwood and reassembled in a schoolhouse still standing in the new locality. Among the teachers in charge in the course of years was Miss Ellen Swett. There are today many Highwood residents who recall their schooling under her energetic direction. Before the removal of the school building, Liberty Pole Tav- ern acquired new importance as the starting point of a stage line, consisting of one vehicle, between Liberty Pole and Hoboken. This was an event in the career of the inn and ranked as a most progres- sive undertaking. Up to the be- ginning of this enterprise, the only way of reaching the ferry to New York was by private conveyance, a lift on a farm wagon, or by the coach which ran from Hackensack to Hoboken. To use the last- named means of travel implied walking or driving to Hackensack or to the half-way station at John Meyer's hotel at Leonia. Who hacked this enterprise does not appear, but probably the Yanderbeek landlord of the day had a financial interest in the plan. On each week-day morning the stage started from the tavern at seven o'clock, sometimes with a few passengers, sometimes with none. In either case, as the stage proceeded on its way, the driver announced its approach with blasts on a not too melodious horn. Here and there, intending travelers, waiting at a crossroad or in front of their homes, would be picked up, and the stage was usually pretty well filled. The route lay through the English Neighborhood Road and continued in a southerly direction until the "Three Pidgeons," a roadside inn, was [26] THOMAS W. DEMAREST One of the Incorporators of the Northern Railroad THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD reached, where a short halt was made. Then the journey was re- sumed through Bergen Wood, past the turning at Weehawken lead- ing to the river, and along the heights to the road sloping down to Hoboken terry. The return was made at four o'clock. The trip took three hours each way. This mode of travel conrinued for several years and served the needs of local travelers but contributed in no way to the development and building up of the vicinity. The situation might have continued to the end of the then generation, had it not been for the enterprise of certain residents of English Neighborhood, who conferred together and originated the plan of a railroad through the Northern Valley. Among this group of promoters, the two men most prominently identified with the enterprise whose energy brought the plan to a successful culmination were John Van Brunt and Thomas \V. Demarest. Mr. Van Brunt came of an old Dutch family, being a lineal descendant of Rutger Joestcp, Van Brunt, the immigrant who settled in New Utrecht, Eong Island, in 1653. Inheriting the energy of this distant ancestor, Mr. Van Brunt's whole life was a scene of recurring activities. Before coming to English Neighborhood, Mr. Van Brunt had carried on a successful business in New York. His interest in New Jersey began with his marriage to Margaret, daughter of Peter Westervelt, Jr., a well-known builder. In 1834, four years after his marriage, he disposed of his New York affairs and settled with his wife on a large farm on the Neighborhood Road, where his father-in-law had built a large house for the Wan Brunts. The farm was well managed and was a source of profit. Mr. Van Brunt's executive ability enabled him to engage in the work of improving the schools in the township and to serve for twenty years as Town Superintendent of Education. Moreover, he was owner of a general store of the real country sort, served two terms as State Senator, was the first Township treasurer, promoted the building of the Northern railroad, was later the secretary and treasurer of the road, and was indefatigable in aiding in the development of Englewood. I homas W. Demarest, co-worker with John Van Brunt in the railroad venture, was a descendant of many generations of David Des Marais, the Huguenot immigrant and patentee of Bergen County. Mr. Demarest's father was the Rev. Cornelius T. Dema- rest, a well-known minister of the True Reformed Dutch Church. The son was therefore well educated, possessed of ability, lived on an ancestral farm, and followed bis father's example by marrying [27] ii ii', book 01 kng i, i:\vood into the Lydecker family. Though an adherent ol the Dutch Re- formed faith, hi 1 departed from the paternal path and, insteail of entering (he ministry, entered into polities, served in the Assembly, as County Clerk and on the Township Committee, and promoted the railroad. The task ol the promoters oi the railroad was not an easy one. First of all they had to overcome the prejudice ol the residents of tin' Northern Valley against a change oi any kind in the manner of life which had satisfied their lathers and grandfathers. The argu- BF rlHBril 11 n ' I fa'^* y s4lCr^Bt;i VAN BRUNT HOMESTEAD AS AT PRESENT incuts lor building new houses, selling land to outsiders and bringing in new people, fell upon unsympathetic cars. Nevertheless, the pro- jectors set out to obtain capital, il they could, and rights of way from tlu- most conservative ol conservatives, the land owners ol Dutch descent on the line ol the proposed railroad. < >n February 9th, 1854, the road was incorporated by act ol the Legislature, the in- corporators named in the act being John Van Brunt, Thomas W. Demarest, Samuel R. Dcmarcst, I homas II. Herring, John Van Buskirk, Nicholas C. Duric, Charles I Iashrouck, Stephen Martling and Ralph S. Dcmarcst. The capital stock was declared to he one million dollars, divided into shares ol one hundred dollars each The financing and construction ol railroads was not an advanced art in those days. Progress was slow anil more than one contractor [ 29 ] J. \V\ M \N JONES I 111. HOOK OF ENGLKWOOD failed before the work was completed. But in all the difficulties ami delays the promoters never lost heart and hacked their faith with their own resources. I [ere again the tavern proved to he a helpful factor. The chiel engineer put up at the inn on his regular visits oi supervision and inspection. Section foremen had their temporary home in the same place. Workmen brought from the outside found accommodation along the line, except during the last year, when Robert Pratt took care ol a number in the house he had just built on the corner oi what was later Engle street and Demarest avenue. The inn was, more than ever before, an evening meeting place. As there was no- where else to go, there were always numbers oi railroad men on hand at these nightly gatherings. As a matter ol course they talked about their present job, compared it with former undertakings, told how towns had sprung up in the wake of railroads they had helped to build and how property had doubled in value. The neighbors heard these things again and again and prob- ably pondered these savings in their hearts, for sentiment changed, interest in the coming railroad quickened, and the good old days oi yore began to move up-stage. One evening in the early summer ol 1858, when the completion ol the road was in sight, the engineer-in-chief brought a friend out with him from New York. ( hitsiders had been in the habit of appearing frequently on business ol the road, but this particular visitor was something out ol the ordinary and rather puzzling to the neighboring public. The guest was a fine-looking man in the middle thirties, courteous in manner but singularly uncommunicative concerning the purpose ol his visit. All the information which re- warded strenuous effort was that the stranger was J. Wyman Jones anil that he came from New York. But if the residents learned nothing, Mr. Jones was more fortunate in his tour of inspection with HENRY I). VAN BRUNT [31] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD his friend, along the line of the railroad and over the country slop- ing down from the Palisades. The visitor was a transplanted native of New Hampshire, a law- yer by profession, successful in practice, but now, in obedience to medical advice, seeking to combine, with outdoor life, an occupation which would call into play his energy, executive ability and knowl- edge of human nature. The occupation and opportunity presented themselves in this little old-time settlement. A second visit followed, and at the Van Brunt homestead where he stayed Mr. [ones met LYDECKER HOMESTEAD. BUILT IN 1803. GRAND AVENUE men interested in the railroad and in the development of the locality. Fully impressed with the natural beauty and advantages of this part of the county, and equally convinced of the possibility of creating a village of homes out of farms and fields, Mr. Jones began at once to secure property rights from the original owners. By the fall of 1858, he had obtained control of nearly all the land comprising the original village of Englewood. The land thus acquired consisted of six farms, two on the south side of Palisade Avenue, then a rough wood-road, and the other four on the north side of the same road. These farms were long and narrow and stretched from the valley to the Hudson River. These farms, which formed the nucleus of the future village, were part of the original patent granted by Queen Anne of England in the early part of the eighteenth century to Gerrit Lydecker, son [32] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD of kyck Lydecker, founder oi the family in America. Of Ryck Eyciecker, it is recorded that he emigrated from Holland in 1660 and was one of the first settlers of Bushwick, Long Island. He was chosen magistrate of the settlement, and, in the Indian troubles of 1663, was appointed captain of the local militia by Governor Stuy- vesant. Gerrit, the patentee, eld- est son of Captain Ryck, was born in Holland in 1650, married Neel- tje. daughter of Cornelius Corne- lisen, in the Dutch Church of New York in 1682. Between 1691 and 1696, he moved with his family to New Jersey and settled in English Neighborhood. 1 he New Jersey Ly deckers are all descended trom the patentee. The early Lydecker families were large In almost every gen- eration there was a Garret, as the name was written later, in the fam- ily. Indeed there were sometimes two ol the name, if the first Garret diil not tarry long in this troubled world. I his arose trom a custom of Colonial thus ol bestowing upon a succeeding male child of the family the baptismal name of a brother who hail died in infancy, a practice somewhat puzzling to the future genealogist. Of the numerous Garrets, the third of the name was a captain in Colonel Theunis Dey's regiment of Bergen County militia, during the Revolution. After the war, he served in the State legisla- ture. The son of the Revolutionary soldier, the second Garret of this family, as a lad ol fifteen, did a man's part when the British descended upon English Neighborhood after the evacuation of Fort Lee by General Greene. The Lydecker farm was on the route of the maraud- ders and it was necessary for the family to seek safety by flight. So the boy Garret drove one ol the farm wagons, containing household treasures, to New Bridge and crossed the river in the wake of the retreating Continental troops. Hie farm was despoiled of its live stock while occupied by the enemy, but the farm house and out- buildings were unharmed. This youth succeeded in after years to the ownership of the farm, and in 1803 built, in place of the old [33] GARRET A. LYDECKER THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD farm house, the substantial stone homestead still standing on Grand Avenue. The succeeding generations continued in the path of their for- bears. The men as a rule engaged in agricultural pursuits and were useful and respected members of the community. At various times they served on township committees, on the Board of Freeholders, and also in the State legislature. Garret A. Lydecker, born in 1811, was intimately associated with the beginning of Englewood. From THOMAS WILLIAM LYDECKEK JOHN LYDECKER Mr. Lydecker and his brother-in-law, Thomas W. Demarest, most of the options on ancestral acres were procured. Garret A. Lydecker was a committeeman of both Hackensack and Englewood townships, also serving as freeholder for the former township for three years. His farm, inherited by bequest of his grandfather, the fourth Garret, was the center of the original tract on which the 1803 house stands. The lineal descendants of the ninth generation from Ryck Lydecker of Bushwick, residing in Englewood today, are Thomas William Lydecker, the present occupant and owner ot the home- stead on Grand Avenue, Ralph Demarest Lydecker, brother of the preceding, John Lydecker, ot Chester Place, a retired builder, and Mrs. Stanley Parsons, Miss Elizabeth Lydecker and Miss Kate [34] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Lydecker, daughters of the late Hon. Cornelius Lydecker, residing on part of the Garret J. Lydecker farm on Grand Avenue. The original Lydecker patent covered almost the whole ot what is now Englewood, approximately from Demurest Avenue on the north to Van Nostrand Avenue on the south and extending to the Hudson River. In the course of years, through marriage settlements or sale, the grant was divided into several farms. One of these, a tract of over three hundred acres, extending north to Demarest Avenue, west to the brook on what is now West Palisade Avenue, and stretching eastward over the Palisades to the Hudson, was the dowry which Margaret Lydecker brought to her husband, Dominie V SNilS« fiLi " ■S|l ^ THE WESTERVELT HOUSE. GRAND AVENUE Built in 1808 by Peter WesterveH Cornelius T. Demarest, a noted clergyman of the Dutch Church, who held charges in Ridgefield, English Neighborhood and in New York, and who was a militant leader in the movement originating in differences in doctrine which resulted in the formation of the True Dutch Reformed Church. This tract was known as "the Dominie Demarest farm," though the wife furnished the acres. The farm house, which was standing at the time of the founding of Englewood, was a frame building painted white, with green shutters, and was perched on an elevation on the corner of what is now Palisade Avenue and Engle Street, the present site of the Lyceum. Of the other farms on the southern tract was one of one hundred acres owned by Martha Lydecker, wife of John Van Nostrand. This is marked by Van Nostrand Avenue. Nearby was the farm of an older sister who married Thomas W. Demarest. The stone house fronting on Grand Avenue, on this farm, was built in 1811, and after [35] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD the death of Mr. Demarest was occupied for many years by the Late Miss Mary C. Bancker. The sections north of the Thomas W. Demarest farm were called the John Van Brunt and Westervelt farms. The Van Brunt home- stead was built about 1S34 by Peter Westervelt, Jr., for his daughter who had married John Van Brunt. In its day the farm, with its spacious house and well-kept barns and outbuildings, was the show >v OLD SAWMILL. NORTH END OF BOOTH'S POND place of the township. Now there remains but the memory of its palmy days and of John Van Brunt's stalwart sons. Only one son, the eldest, Henry D. Van Brunt, is still living in Englewood. The Westervelt house is close at hand and stands facing south on an ele- vation on the east side of Grand Avenue. This building was erected, in 1808, by Henry De Mott for his daughter, the wife of Peter Westervelt. It is now occupied and owned by Miss Margaretta Westervelt. Both the house and the surrounding grounds are kept with scrupulous care. It must be remembered that all the farm houses were built near to English Neighborhood road, which was the one and only thoroughfare, and the farm lands themselves stretched [36] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD away from the high road. Both the Garret A. and Garret J. farms have been mentioned. North of the Garret A. Lydecker farm was a tract of between one hundred and two hundred acres, which was owned by John Lydecker, the brother of Garret who built the 1803 house. A smaller tract, owned by Garret A. Lydecker and others, was sold by acreage and plots. Between this last and the Dominie OLD BRINKERHOFF HOUSE. TEANECK ROAD Demarest farm was the Benson farm, which came into the posses- sion of Johannes Benson (or Bensc) through marriage with Eliza- beth Lydecker, May 3, 1724. Their descendants built the old stone house standing on the west side of Grand Avenue, just below Engle- wood Avenue. During the fall of 1858 and through the winter, when the weather permitted, the work of surveying the property was begun and con- tinued, so that, by the early summer of 1859, the village was laid out on paper, building sites were plotted, streets were named and a map was filed in the clerk's office of Bergen County. The map was tiled in August, and Mr. Jones, who had brought his family out in the spring and taken up residence at the Van Brunt home, had been working indefatigably to make actual the roads shown on the plan and to start vital improvements. Though there were trees in abund- ance on the Palisades, there was scarcely a tree on the land on which [ 37 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD the village was laid out. There was not a road worthy of the name, and outside the houses already mentioned there were only a few scattered farm houses. It seemed as if the founder must possess C Mfe -K ' • If" YOUNG LADIES' SEMINARY. 1860 Built on the Dominie Demarest Farm. The farmhouse on the extreme right the power of a wizard to conjure up a village out of rough fields and farms. But there was one enterprising man who did not wait for the village to be established before he built his house. That man was James Wasson Deuel. He arrived in 1858 and started the building of a house, partly for a dwelling and partly for a school for the village to be. This probably led to the important step of choosing a name for the village still in anticipation. A meeting was called at Van Brunt and Waters' carpenter shop in the rear of John Van Brunt's store. It was largely attended by the residents of English Neighborhood and by those interested with Mr. Jones in his venture. We tread softly just here. We are on the sacred ground of tradition and have no disposition to enter into an unsettled controversy. Names were suggested and laughed out of court. At last an acceptable name was offered. Some said the proposition came from J. Wyman Jones, others declared it was the inspiration of Joseph B. Miller. As to derivation, some said it was taken from English Neighborhood, and others declared it was a combination of the name of the Engle fam- ily, who lived at New Durham, and the woods on the Palisades. So far as historical testimony is concerned, it is a moot question, though there is no difference of opinion as to the attractiveness of the name. [38] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD With choice of name accomplished and the opening of the rail- road only a question of weeks, the awakening of the Northern Valley was at hand. Liberty Pole Tavern realized that its prestige had departed. Its lease of life still had years to run, but it could glory no longer in its role as community centre, and the days were growing near when its Revolutionary traditions would be dimmed in the actualities of a greater war. SECOND PASSENGER STATION AT ENGLEWOOD [39] IV. PIONEER YEARS, 1859-61 HE summons which roused the Northern Valley from peace- ful repose was not the sonorous blast of a trumpet but the equally effective, high-pitched tooting of a locomotive whistle. The twenty-sixth day of May, 1859, was the date of the awakening. The scene was the terminus at Piermont, the occa- sion, the formal opening of the Northern Valley Railroad. At an early morning hour the train, carrying officials and invited guests, got under way, with whistle tooting and bell clanging. Persons from the vicinity were on hand to witness the departure. As the start was made, public sentiment concerning the undertaking found expression in varied form. Small boys whooped with delight as the wheels went round; young men cheered and voung women waved their handker- chiefs; but the elders, regarding the expedition as a distinct Hying into the face of Providence, shook their heads mournfully until the train disappeared from sight. The train rolled southward, stopping at "stations" to take up additional guests. Then, with smoke pouring from the funnel-shaped stack, it clattered over the rails to Jersey City. While awaiting in the yard the New York contingent of travellers, the tender was refreshed with a supply of short length hickory logs and the engine took a drink at the water tank. A direct run was made to Piermont without untoward incident, a luncheon was served, speeches were made, ami at the close of the celebration the train conveyed the guests to their respective stations. Though the road was now formally opened, a single passenger train of two cars, running once a day each way, supplied the needs of the limited travelling public. The interval between the morning and evening trains was employed in transporting lumber and other materials in flat cars from the Jersey City lumber yards to places on the line, where stations were to be built, and to supply carpenter shops which were springing up in anticipation of building operations. In the fall of the year, when the first residents began to appear, railroad service was increased to three trains daily each way, except THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Sundays. A thoughtful provision was that of a "stop on signal" shed at Van Brunt's, a short mile south of the Englewood station. This was a convenience appreciated by summer boarders at the Van Brunt farm, and by prospective residents, who had found temporary accommodation in near-by farm houses. The time table indicated a decided preference for early hours. There was no coming out late from New York when the last train left at 5 :50 P. M. ; going in to town late was attended with similar difficulty. Sixty odd years ago people kept earlier hours, for one thing, and, where country roads lUirtljmt TutU Xkii) (Co. of Jlflu fcrscip EXCURSION TICKET, FOR OP K N 1 N G < : E Mi 15 H A T ION, Thnrsflfty, Jltnj 20, 1 839. JOHN W. FFtinON', J. VAN BRUNT, CowMITTH. The' :y, stunning" at all Stations to recelre ' the N. J., R. R. Cn's Passenger Car rniont . without stopping. > P. M., and atop at all Stations, .ind CARD OF INVITATION TO OPENING OF THE NORTHERN RAILROAD were unlighted save at full moon, it was a sensible arrangement to get folks home before dark. When this first rapid transit change was made, a brand new car- penter shop, with steam power, was ready for business on the road leading to the "stop on signal"' station. The sign over the door read "Van Brunt and Waters." The first named on the sign was Adriance Van Brunt, one of the older sons of John Van Brunt, and an architect by profession. This firm had built the Deuel house, in 1858, on what is now the Ditman property on Lydecker Street, before the village had been named. The prospect of building opportunities in 1859 soon brought other builders to the field. Among the first of these was Moses E. Springer who, in April, 1859, "came out of the West" from Beaverdam, Wisconsin. Mr. Springer was a native of New York City, who, after a brief course of education in the public schools, was apprenticed to a country carpenter from whom he learned all foundation details of the trade. Then in his own city he added, under competent instruction, a knowledge of house building. The [42] NORTHERN RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY, mm k PIERMONT. On and after MONDAY, Sept. 5th, 1859, Hie. Trains will he run as Cell. .ms, daily (S in Hays excepted) : LEAVE NEW- YORK FOOT OF CORTI.ANDT BT^JERSEY CITY FERRY) AT 9.20 AM Passenger an3 Freight Tram,' stopping ^tt 7< 3tLf ' et tf tlbi)^ -w« .-■ ; «* t ffig 3 50 PM Express Passenger Train, stj rnsack Junction, Fort Le.e Tappan and Upper Piennnnt 5.50 P.M. Way Passenger Train, stopj pping at English Neighborhood, Hack- Englewoml, Lower Closter, Closter, ing at all stations. LEAVE PIERMONT 6.30 A. IX Wtty Passenger Trains stopfci 7.45 A.M Express Passenger Train, * . Clostcr, Lower Closter, Kng .3 25 P M. Passenger and Freight Trail At eiERftlpNT ih* 7.45 A.. M. Down TnriJ'and the 3.50 P.Jff. l> Train connect wkb, ";- ;, i}\ixK Yj.*^ Krift Trcii*. (nt S*^e»^^o«ex^iicu»^VMU:T fc B^aufl^jipi 0*anvelnillf>. j| '- STAGES CONNECT WITH THE TRAINS At Hackenaack Junotion for.' .. . HACKENSACK. Lower Clottar for BCHfiA XBNBT7BQ and NEW MILFOB" Closter for KINDERKAM ACK, PA3CACK, J Pfermont for..- . N7ACK, NEHTClTri'^ g at all stations, topping at Upper Pienriont; Tappan, swood. Fort Lee and llack'fc Junction.- , stopping at. all stations. W* HIACK, JlE3«-ClT^ &c COMMUTATION TICKETS nil] he ijtned either for ono year, sii months, or throe in, >nl J,^, conimoncing on the first ilny of each month. Heavy Freight wtll bo taken on the 9,20 A.M. Up Train and the 3.2S P.M. Down Train- Light Packages & Perishable Articles on the 0.3O A.M. Down Train & 5.50 P.M. Up Train. Freight Office, fool nf Corllnniil Street, N. Y. B. S. SEYMOUE, Sup't. RAILROAD ANNOUNCEMENT, SEPT. 5, 1859 w as H - W H ►« W W n 03 ^ W > 5% ; w - 5*5 S pM - O - -3 H- ( * Q> d ;i 5 *^ - 4) a ^ c o 4 S |rt i« » w 5« IS : o ; £ u o B ' <• b o 2 5 a H < a z Si ;:>;/. •»—Ci to— US ~ a ■ cj — -• si O < 5 '• o 2 £ : • ± ■ Is ' '• -= s • • • : is :«e i*"l I ; : r %• 5 = - ~ S £ 1, - = - ~. ? £ i; A _ r ; !>• r E = V- = V -. 7 /. £ V z. _ - - ^ — r 5 • •T 1 1 •j. = p "5 ? \ ? r N N r:v*iftod o«hc f^ 1- z. a < - o ~ • — ~- ~ c " - ■ ■ • ■ " CO " — " " " ■ © O — W CJ * - - ■ - ^ - - tT. -. - ' "■ ■ - ;' c ? fc -'rr- ■:r-:r~C3CCCCC— — — < w l-I M < h w 5 >• w z fa o Q < o < Z THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD slogan "go West" tempted him later, and he started a steam planing- mill at Beaverdam, two years before the money panic of 1857 caused general business depression. In consequence, like many another, Mr. Springer lost his investment and had to start anew. Just as he was about to return with his family to New York, he learned of the new village in Jersey and the opportunities it offered, and Englewood became his objective point. Entering as a journeyman in Van Brunt and Waters' shop, Mr. Springer speedily demonstrated his practical HENRY JONES MOSES E. SPRINGER knowledge of the building trade and was enabled, the following year, to purchase Mr. Waters' interest in the firm. The fall of 1859 brought back to his native place Andrew Demarest Bogert, born in Teaneck, a member of the old Bergen County family founded in 1662 by Guilliam Bougaert, immigrant from Holland. Mr. Bogert had. at an early age, entered the employ of a prominent builder in New York City and learned every detail of the business from be- ginning to end. This practical experience was supplemented by tech- nical study in the Cooper Institute Night School, so that, when the young man returned home, he was qualified to enter business on his own account. The third member of the craft, who came from Utica, N. Y., in 1860, was Henry Jones, a Welshman by birth, who had [45] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD already won a reputation in his former residence. Some of the most important buildings in the village were built by Mr. Jones. There was demand before long for the service of builders, for the three Homans families came to Englewood in the summer of this first pioneer year. The elder I. Smith Homans and family made their temporary home in the Dominie Demarest house; the sons, I. Smith Homans, Jr., and Sheppard Homans, with their respective families, were taken care of in farmers' houses in the vicinity. The elder son at this time was associated with his father in the publica- tion of the "Bankers' Magazine," and Sheppard Homans was actuary of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. As almost the earliest arrivals, the Homanses had choice of building sites. The head of the family bought property on the north side of Palisade avenue and later built the house which, in enlarged proportions, is now the home of the Englewood Club. The brothers went farther up on the same side of the avenue, beyond Brayton street, and bought a large tract upon which they built houses of native stone, with carriage houses and stables. Mr. Jones built a stone cottage on Brayton street, near Palisade avenue, and a mansion with large grounds, further north on the same street. Just west of Brayton street, on Palisade avenue, Byron Murray, Jr., erected a house in the Swiss style. As labor had to be brought from outside, these buildings were not completed until the second year of the village settlement. I. Smith Homans and J. Wyman Jones became actively associated in the development of the village. Land was cheap and with im- proved railroad service, improved roads and the judicious planting of trees, the settlement could become a sought-for spot of country homes. Neither of the two men was actuated by purely altruistic motives. Plans were made on business principles with a view to sat- isfactory return on money invested. It is difficult to record all trans- actions by exact date, but they belong within the pioneer years. Sheppard Homans was interested financially in some of these ven- tures, but he was not fitted by temperament or professional training for real estate promotion. The combined efforts of these associates, aided by their extensive acquaintance, resulted in bringing to Englewood a desirable class of residents. Advertising methods were unnecessary, for each new comer interested some friend in country life and, eventually, groups of former neighbors in Brooklyn and New York found themselves established in the same relation in the Jersey village. This circum- [46] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD REV. JAMES HARRISON DWIGHT stance made the basis of the new community one of friendship and common interest. Among the early arrivals of 1859 was the Rev. James Harri- son Dwight, who had just com- pleted his first charge after or- dination as supply for the Presby- terian Church of Cherry Valley, N. Y. Mr. Dwight was the son of the Rev. Dr. H. G. O. Dwight, a missionary to Turkey, and was born on the Island of Malta dur- ing his parents' journey to their field of work. At the age of seventeen, Mr. Dwight returned to this country and completed his education at Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Mass., and at Yale College, from which he was graduated in 1852. He then en- tered the Lmion Theological Seminary and attended lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, in preparation for service in Turkey as teacher and med- ical missionary. Circumstances rendering this plan impossible of fulfillment, Mr. Dwight was ordained in 1857, two years later com- ing to Englewood to engage in pastoral work. There was at the time no church in the immediate vicinity of Englewood. The nearest places of worship were the North and South Churches at Schraalenburgh and the Old Church of English Neighborhood (Ridgefield). These were all Dutch Reformed Churches, established by the original settlers of Bergen County. Distance as well as rough roads precluded walking to service, the farm carryalls were all well filled with the farmers' families, and livery carriages were unknown. The new people held Sunday meet- ings, by courtesy, in the parlor of some near-by farm house, until James W. Deuel offered the schoolroom in his newly completed building as a place of Sunday worship and mid-week prayer meeting. Mr. Dwight began his work in Englewood in this schoolroom, with a handful of worshippers as congregation. In the late summer, though the group was still small and there was as yet no wealth to draw upon, the same individuals who were [47] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD active in promoting Englewood undertook to raise funds for the erection of a chapel. Stipulations contained in the subscription paper provided that a lot large enough for the present structure and future enlargement should be secured without expense, speci- fied the cost of the building and the method of conveyance to an orthodox congregation of the Congregational, Presbyterian or Dutch Reformed denominations. The ground was immediately donated, a large and valuable site at the head of the first terrace on Palisade Avenue. Subscriptions were received to an amount sufficient to war- rant immediate work under the direction of Sheppard Homans, J. Wyman Jones and John Van Brunt. During the erection of the building, gifts of money were received, material was contributed, skilled artisans gave their labor, and the farmers lent their teams to haul stone, quarried in the fields, and to transport lumber from the railroad station. While the work on the chapel was in its first progress, a party of friends from New York came out, on invitation of the group of real estate promoters, to look over the land. The particular attraction offered was the choice part of the old Lydecker patent on the north side of Palisade Avenue, extending from the brook west of the railroad to the Palisade Cliff. This had been secured by contract the previous year from Thomas W. Demarest and Garret A. Lydecker and was controlled by J. Wyman Jones, I. Smith Homans, Robert Baylis and Byron Murray, Jr. Two of the party, Jeffrey A. Humphrey and Nathan T. Johnson, were making their first visit to the region back of the Palisades. It was a perfect October afternoon; as the ascent continued there were changing pic- tures of the valley, with farm houses scattered here and there, with hay-stacks on the meadows through which the Overpeck wound on its way to join the Hackensack. The day and the scene worked their spell upon the two young men. Without suggestion or solicitation, Mr. Humphrey chose the site on which he intended to build a house, that particular spot and no other, thereby disturbing a cherished plan of one of his hosts. Mr. Johnson did not select a building plot, but he determined to make the village his home and the scene ot his future activities. When March, 1860, arrived, and the chapel, completed in all essentials, was turned over to the trustees and dedicated as a place of Christian worship, on a plot on the other side of Palisade Avenue stood the commodious Humphrey house, with ample barn, the first private dwelling erected after the village received its name. The house, [43] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD remodelled, is now the property of Mrs. William B. Scarborough. Although the chapel had been dedicated, a church organization was not effected at the same time. There were eighteen persons, eight men and ten women, in this little religious community who were accredited church members. These were of record as follows: from Madison Square Presbyterian church, New York City— Mrs. Isabella S. Mc- Culloh, M. H. Church, Mrs. Caroline H. Church, Sheppard Ho- mans, Mrs. Sallie S. Homans, Wil- liam B. Dwight, Mrs. Eliza S. Dwight; from Westminster Pres- byterian church, Utica, N. Y. — John E. Jones, Mrs. John E. Jones ; from Reformed Dutch church, Utica, N. Y. — J. Wyman Jones, Mrs. Harriet Dana Jones; from Reformed Dutch church, English Neighborhood, N. J. — James Van- derbeek, Mrs. Margaret Vander- beek, Mrs. Margaret Van Brunt; from Reformed Dutch church, Hoboken, N. J. — Mrs. Margaret Fisher; from Church of the Pil- grims, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Jeffrey A. Humphrey, Mrs. Juliet M. Humphrey. On June 4th a meeting of this group was held a ballot as to form of organization was taken and fourteen out of the seventeen votes cast expressed the choice of the Presbyterian form of church government. The body was thereupon organized as the F'irst Presbyterian church of Englewood under the charge of the Fourth Presbytery of New York. This Englewood church was the first church of its denomination in Bergen county. At a subsequent meeting, for election of church officers, Charles A. Nichols, James Vanderbeek and Sheppard Homans were chosen elders and the deacons elected were John J. De Mott and J. Wyman Jones. The Rev. James H. Dwight was called to the pastorate, at a salary of seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum. The first work of the new pastor was to establish a Sunday school and to place George S. Gray at the head of that important auxiliary to church work. The picture of the chapel presented in this chapter is reproduced from a painting, executed in 1860, by a Miss Gerard, then instructor [49] JAMES WASSON DEUEL THE BOOK OF FNGLEWOOD in drawing and painting in the Seminary for Young Ladies. The original hangs in the vestibule of the present church. The painting portrays the chapel and Palisade avenue as the latter then appeared. The smooth highway of today was then a rough road, without a vestige of sidewalk to make walking to church easy. The rocks and clump of shrubs on the left of the picture are at the top of a deep ravine, at whose base was a brook, bordered by tall trees and wild flowers. At this point the ravine divided the avenue into two parts, THE HUMPHREY DWELLING. 1859-'60 the roadway running on either side. When the avenue became a much-travelled thoroughfare, utility and safety demanded the sac- rifice of this picturesque spot. It is preserved only in the painting and in the memory of the oldest residents. Next in importance to the church, and its logical accompaniment in developing a village or town, is the school. Mr. Deuel's school for boys, opened the previous year, was in successful operation in 1860 and prospered until the stringent times of the Civil War com- pelled many parents to send their children to the district schools. A school for girls was started in 1859 by S. S. Norton in the Dominie Demarest house. The following year, the school passed into the hands of William B. Dwight and Jonathan A. Fowler, a professor of music from Cherry Valley, N. Y. A large building was erected adjoining the old Dutch farm house, the school then being known [ 50 ] CHARLES A. NICHOLS JEFFREY A. HUMPHREY LIVINGSTON R". MILLER SHEPPARD HOMANS THE Book oi ENGLEWOOD as the Englewood Seminary lor Young Ladies. 1 he day school drew iis attendance from the village ami adjacent districts, but the Larger part oi its clientele was derived from cities and towns in New York and other states, < )n the retirement oi Messrs. Dwight and Fowler, a lew years Later, tlie\ were succeeded by the Rev, I homas (■'. Wall, who continued the school until L867, when the building was destroyed by lire. The Lyceum now occupies (he site ol the former school. Another school, opened m these early days, was a boarding school lor hoys with a department for day pupils. Rev. George S. Gray was the master. It was Located in the Benson house, on what is now Grand avenue, Before resident pupils became numerous, some ol (he new people louml a (emporan home at the school. August Kur- steiner became an assistant to Mr. Gray, later on, ami finally suc- ceeded to the proprietorship oi the school. It soon became evident that a village with a railway station, with the trimmings oi water tank and COrd-WOod piled up on the opposite side ol the track almost to Demarest avenue, was not living up to the Standard without a hotel to accommodate prospective residents ami to provide lor transient visitors, lo he sure, the station was a two-story frame building oi the familiar country "deppo" type ol the period, with waiting-room, baggage-room and tickct-ollice combined on the ground floor and quarters upstairs lor the agent. I here was the grove, on Palisade avenue, to make up lor the absence ol trees elsewhere. A recently erected hostelry ami a carriage factory in course ol completion alongside the track impressed new arrivals, hut there was neither hotel nor hoarding-house to give them proper shelter, lo remedy this deficiency, Mr. Jones and his associates bought a plot of three acres on Engle street, where Franklin School now stands, and built the Englewood I louse, the centre ol social life lor main years. The hotel was built by Andrew I). Demarest. I he original structure was not so Large as shown in the illustration, the north wing being added at a later date. Intended at first lor use as a summer hotel, it was not provided with a heating system. Hut when micsts began to remain late into the fall, and finally insisted upon staving all winter, the rooms in the upper stories ol the main building and the south wing were heated by stoves, whose pipes were conducted through holes in the hall partition and joined to a central pipe, suspended from the hall ceiling, which had its terminus in the nearest chimney. It was an unique arrangement and probably a dangerous one, but nothing ever happened. 1 he water supply was a great feature, lor it came from an unfailing spring at the head oi I 52 1 H X w M v> 60 H w w > z o e w o a i> a > r > a 'X THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Spring lane. In the hotel were held the first "hops," as decorous dances were called in those days; the young people, from up and down the road, who attended these festivities, danced quadrilles and the lancers, diversified by the waltz, the polka and the schottische, whose rhythm did not suggest an African jungle. To recall those who lived at the hotel during its honorable ami useful career would mean mention ol nearly every new-comer to Englewood from the time the house was built till it retired from public lite. It was not FIRST RAILROAD STATION. 1859, FALLEN FROM ITS HIGH ESTATE beautiful, it lacked many things which add to the joy of life, but the old house had a real home atmosphere, which was a pleasant memory to those who lived there in the days of kerosene lamps and sheet iron stoves. The hotel took on an educational aspect in its last days; it was used by two private schools successively, then, in 1902, the property was bought by the city and board of education for public school purposes. Until an appropriation tor a new building was provided by the electorate, the old hotel served as a makeshift public school. The building was finally demolished, to make place for Franklin School, the second modern school building erected in the City of Englewood. All the building in I860 was not done on the hill or on the cast side of the railroad. Among the first settlers of Englewood was Joseph W. Stagg, a very energetic and resourceful individual. His II J]', BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD interest in hill property began and ended with a saw-mill, which he built in the woods in the vicinity of Booth's Pond. Thereafter his enterprises were confined to tbe village proper. Mr. Stagg also built a small hotel on the west side oi Palisade avenue, near the rail- road. Though the owner and builder of the hotel, Mr. Stagg was not the keeper thereof. John Ackerman was manager, and the place was known as "Stagg's" or "Ackerman's," according to individual preference. In early days, after the village had been divided into two election districts, the hotel became of political importance as the polling place of the northern district. Long years after, when the property had passed into other hands and had been used for other ENGLEWOOD HOUSE. BUILT IN 1860 purposes, the building received a second political promotion to the position of citv hall, and in this year of grace has resigned in favor of a better equipped successor. Another of Mr. Stagg's enterprises was the building of a car- riage factory, with a steam saw-mill as an adjunct, beside the track where Tuttle's lumber yard stands. 1 ie leased this plant to a con- tractor named Williams, who bad then the job of building wagons for the Adams Express Company and employed, for that day, a large working force. When the contract was completed and the lease expired, Mr. Stagg moved the factory to West Palisade avenue, altering the building into ground Hoor stores, second floor living rooms, topping it off with an assembly room which occupied the entire third story. "Englewood Hall," as it was later known, was [55] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD a great place for political meetings when the village became large enough for such gatherings. Mr. Stagg himself figured extensively in later days in township and city politics. The new firm of Van Brunt and Springer erected, in 1860, the first of the business buildings on Palisade avenue. This was a three- story building on the corner of East Palisade avenue and the private roadway belonging to the railroad. The building was owned by John Van Brunt, who established there a general store, in charge of a manager. When Englewood ac- quired a post office, its place of business was a small section of this store and John Van Brunt was the postmaster. Later on, Henry J. De Mott occupied the corner store for the sale of hardware and farm implements. On the floor above, the Englewood Standard flung its banner to the breeze in 1879. On the plot adjoining the Van Brunt store, Van Brunt and Springer erected a one-story, small, Gothic structure in this same year, for their own office. John Van Brunt had desk room there in connection with his real estate business. We shall have occasion to tell the tale of the travels of this building in the course of our story. While the residents of this pioneer period were given to good works, they did not overlook the value of outdoor exercise to good health as well as to good morals. In August, 1860, the Englewood Baseball Club was organized, with twenty-nine members and "others proposed." In the membership list are the names of those intimately associated with the beginning of Englewood, such as the Romans brothers, the Rev. J. H. Dwight, J. Wyman Jones, James W. Deuel, Francis Howland, Nathan T. Johnson, Joseph W. Stagg, Jeffrey A. Humphrey and James W. McCullnh. Scanty records show that the club's first ball ground was "in the valley near the public school," and thither the club travelled, not to meet outside nines but to find a level field on which to play. As there was then no newspaper to publish [56] JOSEPH W. STAGG THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD games ami scores, it is impossible to compare the work of these players with Field Club achievements of later days. The last building achievement of the year was the Nathan T. Johnson house, far up on Palisade avenue. The novel thing about SAW-MILL FORMERLY AT THE CEMETERY BROOK WEST OF ENGLE STREET this house was that it was framed in Boston, brought by schooner to the foot of the Palisades, unloaded and transported to the site pre- pared for its reception. Mr. Johnson occupied the house for several years, later selling it to Col. Henry W. Banks, who resided there with his family until the premises were destroyed by fire. Among the new-comers of 1860 were Dr. Hardy IV I. Banks and Francis Howland. Of the former we shall speak more particularly [57] THE BOOK OK ENGLEWOOD in the succeeding chapter. Mr. Howland was a man of the New England intellectual type, a lawyer by profession. At this time he had temporarily given up practice and was connected with the Cotton Exchange. Probably real estate offered a better outlook, just then, than the cotton market, as Mr. Howland invested in a large tract of land, east of Engle street, for development and sale. Charles A. Nichols and Livingston K. Miller were valuable additions to the CARRIAGE FACTORY AND STEAM SAW-MILL BUILT BY JOSEPH W. STAGG, 1N>;h community in this year. Mr. Nichols came from Brooklyn and imme- diately identified himself with the work of the Presbyterian church, of which he was one of the first elders. 1 lis interest in the village was in building a permanent home. Mr. Miller was a Jerseyman, having been born in Chester, Morris County. 1 le was a member ol the class of 1S42, Columbia College, and of the New York bar. The Millers came from Brooklyn, residing first on Tenafly road, later occupying a house on Liberty road, with large grounds and a pond which was a famous skating place in early days. Mr. Miller finally purchased an estate of some thirty acres on Knickerbocker road, where he built a handsome stone house, surrounded by well laid out grounds, where the family lived until his death in 1877. Mr. Miller was generous in the support of the Presbyterian church, ol which he became an elder [58] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD in 1867, and was equally alive to the interests of the village, giving liberally to every plan for its advancement. MII.I.EK'S POND [59] BRIG. GENERAL CHARLES C. SAWTELLE CAPTAIN WILLIAM P. COE WILLIAM C. DAVIES CHARLES BARR, JR. V. CIVIL WAR TIMES r THE beginning of seemed to the promoters of real estate that Englewood would enter upon a period of rapid growth. In this expectation, a syndicate had been formed, the previous summer, for the purchase of a large tract on the Palisades, with a two-mile river frontage, extending down into the valley. It was a "Big Four" arrangement, those concerned being J. Wyman Jones, I. Smith Homans, Jr., Nathan T. Johnson and Jeffrey A. Humphrey. A handsome profit would have been realized if everything had gone right. The political outlook, in the summer, hail not been reassuring, but pre-election rumors were not a novelty and things had a way of quieting down when the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November had passed by. Three of the four were sanguine of the success of their plan, but Mr. Humphrey, after due thought, decided that the undertaking was too big, under existing conditions. He disposed of his interest and invested in village property. I he political situation bore heavily upon the young physician who had taken up his residence in Englewood the previous year. Dr. Hardy M. Banks was a big-hearted man, of genial manner, quick sense of humor, honorable to a degree, and remarkably skillful in the practice of his profession. He was the youngest son of Hardy M. Banks, a planter of Murfreesboro, North Carolina. After pre- liminary education of mind and body on his father's plantation, he was able to begin his medical studies, at the age of sixteen, in the office of Dr. James B. Gilbert, of Savannah, Georgia. He completed his education at the University of the City of New York and was graduated as a physician in 1849, two years before attaining his majority. The two years were spent in Paris, in attendance upon lectures given by noted physicians of the faculty of medicine. Re- turning in 1852, Dr. Banks built up a successful practice in New York City. The doctor's first acquaintance with Englewood came when he was summoned from the city to attend a patient, a member of the THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Homans family, then living in the Benson house on English Neigh- borhood road. It was May-time of 1859 when Dr. Banks paid his first visit. Directly across the road from the old stone house was an orchard, in all the glory of pink and white blossoms. The patient's condition necessitated several visits and, alter rendering professional service, the doctor always sat a while on the porch to enjoy the color and fragrance of the apple blossoms. Then one day he asked Mr. Smith Homans to ascertain if that particular piece oi property could he bought. There was no difficulty in the way of purchase and, on his next visit, Dr. Banks became the owner of the orchard, though at that time he had no intention of living in Englewood. When the clash came between the North and South, as a Southerner of long ancestry, Dr. Banks' first thought was of his native state. Travel southward was impossible, family ties as well as warm friendships held him at the North. So the Doctor came to Englewood, living first in the stone cottage on Tenafly road, owned by the Rev. Dr. James Eells, a Brooklyn clergyman. The house, still in existence, stood then much nearer the road, for there was no intervening side- walk. A fence surrounded the place and a wooden arch, over the front gate, informed the passer by, in classic fashion, that this was "Dulce Domum." Some years later, Dr. Banks built a house on the property acquired in 1859. Though events had long been leading in that direction, the actual outbreak of the war came as a shock to those who had hoped that conflict might in some way be averted. The fall of Fort Sumter settled the matter beyond doubt, and following quickly came Presi- dent Lincoln's first call for seventy-five thousand militia, to serve three months. New Jersey's quota of tour regiments was filled in a ie^v days. As there was then no militia company in our part of the township, the village was not represented in this call. Organiza- tions known as "Home Guards" came into vogue in the North at tills time, and a company of this description was formed in our village under the captaincy of Nathan T. Johnson, drilling in the second story of Andrew Bogert's carpenter shop on Palisade avenue. Hopes that the war would he of short duration were dispelled when four more states joined the Southern Confederacy. Realization of the gravity of the situation was borne in upon our homefolk and nerves were on edge when news came of the Union defeat at Bull Run. The following story of the effect of the news was told in "Reminiscences of Early Days" by Dr. Banks in his old age: In the late afternoon of the day after the battle, when rumors [62] THE HOOK OF ENGLEWOOD were flying thick and last, Dr. Banks, on his way home from a round ol visits, encountered Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lyell driving rapidly northward on Tenafly road. The Lyells halted in response to the doctor's greeting and, before the latter could ask a question, Mr. Lyell poured out the latest news of the utter rout of the Northern army and that Beauregard was leading his victorious troops to attack New York. Englewood, Mr. Lyell declared, was on the direct line ot march of the invading force. He and his wife had gathered what WILLIAM B. DANA DR. HARDY MURFREE BANKS possessions they could and were seeking a place of safety. UYging their friend to follow their example, the panic-stricken pair continued their flight. The picture of an army advancing on New York, taking in Englewood on the way, possibly seizing the rolling stock of the Northern Railroad, to the detriment of local traffic, or taking a chance on the old Fort Lee Ferry, appealed to the doctor's sense of humor. He was still chuckling when he dropped in at the Englewood ! louse, to see how things were there. The smile faded, but the sense of humor remained uppermost when he saw pale faces and noted the general air of consternation. Asked his opinion of the situation, Dr. Banks gravely replied that he thought the advance guard of the enemy might reach the Liberty Pole Tavern by nightfall. [63] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD A meeting of the inmates of the hotel was called at once. Darius Geer, as the physically weightiest person present, was made chairman. William King moved that as they were without firearms of any description, the men proceed at once to John Lyell's brush-lot, back of the hotel, and cut clubs for defence. The motion prevailed with- out discussion. A distinguished citizen who, according to the doctor, murmured "all is lost save honor," recommended that economy be used in cutting clubs, as Mr. Lyell was very particular about that lot. By the time the clubs were procured, it had grown dark and strange sounds were heard from the direction of the tavern. A scout fearlessly made his way to the street corner and brought back the report that lights were flashing in front of the tavern, and a dark mass, which must be a body of troops, was in motion. The situation was tense, yells and shouts indicated that the invaders were close at hand. The defenders grasped their clubs, stationed themselves on the piazza in front of the entrance door, to do or die in behalf of the women huddled in an anxious group within. The enemy reached the corner, turned southward on English Neighborhood road, and the army disclosed itself as two farm wagons, filled with men carry- ing torches, just belated Port Lee democrats returning from some sort of political gathering at the tavern. Thus ended the first and only Confederate attack upon Englewood. The first soldier to connect Englewood directly with the war was the Rev. James H. Dwight, who obtained leave of absence from the Session, in the fall of 1861, and entered the army as chaplain of the 66th Regiment, New York Volunteers. During his service, Mr. Dwight was attached at times to the staffs of Generals Burnside, McClellan and Richardson, as aide-de-camp or surgeon. He remained in the army until March, 1863, when he resigned and returned to his pastorate. In July, 1861, the organization of the Twenty-second Regiment of Infantry was approved by Act of Congress. This regiment, of nine hundred and thirty-nine men, rank and file, was the contribution of Bergen County. Time was necessarily consumed in perfecting regimental organization and in the selection of officers before actual recruiting began. It was arranged that Company I. should be re- cruited from Englewood and places north on the line of the railroad. Also included was the part of English Neighborhood known as Wal- ton. Work was begun at once on the erection of an armory on the west side of Van Brunt street, where the company could be drilled and instructed in military tactics. The recruiting station was a shed, [64] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD placed on a vacant lot on the southwest corner of Palisade avenue, across the road irom Stagg's hotel. Stephen Van Brunt and Aleck Orser served as recruiting officers. The location was well chosen. It was near the station and close to the small grove of trees in the middle of the avenue, where was a stout fence, to which those who drove to the village hitched their teams, while they transacted busi- ness at John Van Brunt's store or gathered the latest news at Stagg's hotel. In order to inspire patriotic feeling, a broad canvas streamer, f 1 Jft_ , .^fc^.. m ' "^"Z^. -tfj"Vi 1 i 1 fin \-/~>Ttfr Ell B*5S| EjPlv FISHERMAN'S HOUSE UNDER THE CLIFF with appropriate sentiment, was stretched beneath the flag on the open side of the shed. A young man, who was engaged in painting Dr. Wise's new house, had offered his services to letter the sentence on the streamer. As he plied his brush and the slogan — "The Union must and shall be preserved" — appeared on the canvas, the painter received his call to duty. When the streamer was in its place, William C. Davies was among the first recruits of Company I , and some other man finished the job on Dr. Wise's house. The officers of Company I were Thomas W. Swennarton, cap- tain; Joseph A. Blauvelt, first lieutenant; David C. Blauvelt, second lieutenant. The men from Englewood, according to the list obtain- able, were: William C. Davies, Adriance Van Brunt, Aleck Orser, Charles Barr, Jr., Darius M. Bearss, David Green, John E. Jones, John S. Townsend, Cornelius Meyers, Adam McLean, H. G. Parker, Robert W. Smith, William E. Smith and Edward Ackerman. On the regimental staff were Major Abraham G. Demarest, of Tenafly, [65] THE BOOK OF ENGL1AYOOD ami Assistant Surgeon Samuel A. Jones, of l'.nglewood. Captain Swennarton drilled his men faithfully in the manual of arms ami rifle practice. When the regiment was mustered into service on September 22, 1862, no company made a better showing than the stalwart boys ol our side ol the county. The regiment was at first assigned to guard duty in the vicinity ol Washington. It was subsequently trans- ferred to the First Army Corps and saw service in the battle ol Cham ellorsvillc, \'a. We may now return to matters ol village development. The new residents, who came during war-time, were comparatively lew in number, but were, as a rule, those who could afford to build sub- stantial homes. Among the first arrivals of 1861 were Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dana, who came Irom I'tica, N. Y ., through the influence ol J. Wyman Jones, Mr. Dana's brother-in-law. Mr. Dana bought a tract ol land on the Palisades, overlooking the Hudson, a part of one ol the old Lydeckcr (arms, and began building a large house of native stone, also an entrance lodge, barn and other outbuildings of the same material. As soon as the house was completed, the Danas took up their residence on the Palisades, Both Mr. ami Mrs. Dana were persons ol culture, given to good works in quiet, unassuming manner. Mr. Dana was a brother of Prof. James D. Dana, of Vale College, and was himscll editor ol the financial Chronicle, the Standard authority on business conditions throughout the country. Mrs. Dana was a daughter ol John (i. Floyd, a prominent lawyer of Utica, twice member ol Congress Irom that district. She was a woman ol line intellect, literary ability, and ol a deeply religious trend ol mind, which manifested itsell in her published works. Under the dill, at this time, there was a settlement ol families of native stock, descendants ol those who made their homes along the river bank in the early days ol Bergen county. There were also some families living on top ol the clifl at Coytcsvillc. Those living under the dill were, lor the most part, fishermen, owners ol small sailing era It. Their environment between the river and the wall of the Palisades had limited outside intercourse and deprived the families ol mam advantages. Mrs. Dana made personal acquaintance with her neighbors under and on top ol the clifl ; she established Sunday school and church services which were held every Sunday in her drawing room. From this beginning grew a mission ol the Dutch Reformed Church at Coytesville. In later years, through the assist- ance of Mr. and Mrs. Dana. "The Church of the Palisades" was [66] the book of j:\(.i.i:wood built at this place, for a congregation organized by the Classis of Bergen. Another house of this period was built by Francis I lowland, on his tract east of Engle street, which extended from Chestnut street to Spring lane. At that time Church street was not named and was really only a country lane, though it figured on the map as a continu- ation of Demarest avenue. The house that Mr. I lowland built still stands on the north-east coiner of Church street and Winthrop place. The I lowlands occupied ii themselves until 1868, when the whole property was sold to Judge Cowan, oi Washington, I). C. Brooklyn made a contribution to Englewood in the latter part ol this year in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Nichols, who made their home on Chestnut street. Both were closely identified with the Presbyterian church; Mrs. Nichols was the contralto of the first church choir. Associated with her were Miss Prindle, soprano, George S. Gray, tenor, and J. Wvman Jones, bass. Mr. Nichols afterwards served as one ol the elders. Jacob S. Wetmore and his wife, who was Mary Leonard Lovejoy, from Brooklyn, led the van ol new-comers in 1862. They occupied at first the Demarest home, on the corner ol I enafly road and Jane street, then moving to the Jones cottage on Brayton street. Cater, Mr. Wetmore took up large real estate holdings independently and also in connection with William Walter Phelps. When Mr. Wetmore built, the site he chose for his stone house was then considered "way in the woods." Indeed, the tract, on Chestnut street, was heavily wooded, the bouse standing well back from the road. But the village not only grew up to the location in a lew years, but passed by, in its ascent to the Palisades. I he house is now occupied by Mi'- LeRoy Clark. The Rev. Dr. Daniel Wise, who came in the early spring of this year, not only built a house lor himself, but was largely instru- mental in building a church. As soon as his residence on Dwighl place was under way, Dr. Wise began making acquaintance with the village, according to a habit of many years. I le was a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal church, holding no charge but serving as secretary ol the Sunday School Union ol his denomination. lie found, in his intercourse with the residents of the village, a group of the followers of the Wesleys which, lor over two years, had held weekly prayer and experience meetings under the direction of John Westervelt, class leader. The other members of the group were Mrs. Maria Westervelt, David and Martha Green, John and Sarah Knott, George and Sarah Taylor, William and Elizabeth Chapman, Fred- [67] THE BOOK OF EN( .1.1 .WOOD crick and Ann Norman, Hannah Sanderson, Teresa Tray, and John Q. Townson. Dr. Wise had the nucleus of a congregation. The only things lacking were a site and a church. The doctor knew exactly how to meet the situation. He became chairman of the committee on site, and shortly afterward a lot on Grand avenue was donated by Messrs. Jones, Howland and Smith Homans, Jr. A church or- ganization was effected and Dr. Wise became president and treasurer of the board of trustees. There remained lacking only a building fund. That took more time, for people were beginning to feel the pinch of war days. Dr. Wise gave of his own means, the church people worked, the women especially, and at last the church was completed and dedicated on December 22, 1863, by Bishop Edmund C. Janes, with Dr. Wise assisting in the service. In January follow- ing, the Rev. E. Hewitt was installed as pastor and the church entered upon its work of usefulness. It may seem to the reader of today that much mention is made in this story of Englewood of church association. But it must be remembered that church affiliation was an important factor in life in the days when Englewood was "a-building." Every church erected in Englewood has been a foundation-stone of our city, in which we take pride. James Otis Morse brought to the village, in 1863, a store of knowledge which he had acquired by years of study and practice as consulting engineer. As president of the board of trustees, he gave valuable advice when a church building replaced the Presbyterian chapel, and he was equally generous wherever his counsel was sought. Mr. Morse chose a site for his house on Tenafly road, at the head of Demarest avenue, not on account of picturesque location, but because of sandy soil without underlying rock. The residence erected thereon was as four square and solid as its owner. There was no architectural pretension, but everything in the way of comfort and convenience. The library was the indoor feature anil the garden the outside feature of the Morse home. The garden was Mrs. Morse's kingdom and her subjects were the flowers which bloomed in profusion from the daffodils of spring to the dahlias of late autumn. To make room for the Morse house, an earlier budding was removed to a plot on Demarest avenue, east of the A. D. Bogert property, where it still stands in somewhat altered form. This old building stood much nearer the roadway than its successor, and this fact gave point to a tale long current. "Solly" Banta, one-time owner of the old house, is said to have [68] THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD been of the type which applies its own moral yard-stick to measure the doings of others. He utterly disapproved of horse-racing, even in the form of a harmless brush on the road. There was no race track in the neighborhood, but there was a stretch of level road, running past the Banta house, from the Liberty Pole Tavern to the stone schoolhouse at I lighwood. The young Dutch farmers were wont to race their horses along this stretch, in friendly contest, of a Ii Win HOADLEY J UUES 0. MORSE summer Sunday afternoon. Now "Solly" liked to sit on his front porch of a Sunday afternoon. He declared publicly that this iniqui- tous speeding of presumably sedate farm horses deprived him of an innocent pleasure and forced him to stay indoors, with close-shuttered windows. It was noted alter a while that Mr. Banta seemed to know with certainty the exact time when it was safe to throw open the shutters and resume his seat on the porch. When the house was moved, in each end of the building, looking north and south, a good- sized peephole hail been bored, so that the owner, outwardly true to his principles, caught the races coming and going. On the site of the Banta house and its successor, now stands the handsome Metho- dist Episcopal church, and the speeders of today are regulated by the traffic policeman. [69] THE 1500k OK KNCU.Wnoi) reaneck was entering the held as an attraction to new-comers. Among the first houses Inn It, in a section which was soon to be noted as the homo oi a genial community, was that oi Lebbeus Chapman, Jr., a New York lawyer. Mr. Chapman was a cheery, energetic man, who came with his wile Jerseyward in the third year of the war. Broad-minded, keen oi wit, with the I acuity ol making friends wherever he went, Mr. Chapman was successful in all his undertak- ings, whether it was as superintendent ol the reaneck Sunday School, as church trustee, or as one ol the organizers ami first treasurer of the Protection Society. Mrs. Chapman was an accomplished musi- cian and organized the first musical society in Englewood. 1 ler skill in water-color painting was, in later years, of great assistance to her distinguished son, Frank M. Chapman, in the presentation of his studies in natural history. In the Palisade section ol the village, Daniel Drake Smith, in taking up residence and building a home, came to the county in which his Iraphagcn Dutch 1 luguenot ancestors settled in 1745. The Drake Smith house still occupies its command- ing position on the rise ol ground between Hillside avenue and Lydecker street, hut ol those who made the life of the house hut one remains. Mr. Drake Smith was a man of affairs, the head of a large insurance company, a director in many corporations, hut in his library, in which he found his relaxation, he was a student ol mediaeval philosophy. As his children grew up, each one was active in some phase ol Knglcwood life. I he year 1864 was everywhere marked by business depression, except in war industries. Cold had entirely disappeared from circu- lation, silver coinage was taking the same route, and in place thereof appeared a government issue ol small paper notes, popularly known as "shin-plasters," in five, ten, tw enty-five and lilty cent denominations. These, with postage stamps, made up small change. Our soldier boys who had returned the previous year, found lack of work except on I arms. Some went back into the ranks, others became farmers. Among the lew arrivals ol this year was David 1 loadley, member ol an old Connecticut family ami graduate of Phillips Exeter, de- terred, by reason ol health, from entering college. When he came with his family to Knglcwood, Mr. Hoadley hail just completed a long term as president ol the Panama Railroad, and was lessening his activities as head ol a large drug corporation. Instead of build- ing, Mr. I loadley bought the large stone house and extensive grounds on the south side ol Palisade avenue, opposite the "Swiss" dwelling built by Byron Murray, Jr. "Rosenvyk," as the Hoadley estate was r 70 ] rill, HOOK OF ENGLEWOOD known, was noted for its beautiful grounds and for the rose gardens which rivalled the Morse display on Tenafly road. Mr. and Mrs. Hoadley were deeply interested in church work and in the interests ol the village as well. 'I he daughters of the family, when they attained womanhood, became a part of the social and literary life which characterized Englewood in the '70s and '80s. The New England element entered the village when the Hon. Cullen Sawtelle and his family became residents in 1864. Mr. Saw- LEBBEUS CIIAI'MAN. .in. DANIEL DRAKE SMITH telle was a thorough New Englander, with the dignity and reserve of manner characteristic ol those born in that favored section of the country. 1 le was a native of Maine, a graduate of Bowdoin College, and had represented his state in Congress from 1848 to 1852. The Sawtelle home was built on the east side ol Engle street, between Spring lane and what is now Church street; it is now the residence of ( aptain Edmund M. Sawtelle. Mr. and Mrs. Sawtelle and their two daughters, then in early womanhood, were deeply interested in the Episcopal congregation, recently organized in Englewood, and in war relief work. At the breaking out of the war the son, First lieutenant Charles G. Sawtelle, 6th Infantry, U. S. A., was appointed Captain and Assistant Quartermaster m forwarding troops and sup- [71] THE BOOK OF ENGEE/VYOOD plies to the Army of the Potomac. He served throughout the Re- bellion in the Quartermaster's department and was frequently brevetted for "faithful and meritorious service." He continued in the same department after the war, retiring from active service Feb- ruary 16, 1897, with the rank of Brigadier General, after forty- seven years of army life. At the top of Spring lane, about the end of the war, Edmund S. Munroe, of New England extrac- tion, built a home whose grounds extended to Engle street, adjoining the Sawtelle property. The two families were drawn into friendly relations through neighborly and church association and a closer tie was established later, by the mar- riage of Bvt. Brigadier General Sawtelle and Miss Alice Chester Munroe. Of those who came later in 1865 we shall speak in another chapter, for their activities belong in the after-war time. Before passing to that period, it seems opportune to consider the form oi gov- ernment under which Englewood lived and moved and had its being. HON. rULI.EN SWVTELLE [72 1 VI. HACKENSACK TOWNSHIP DAYS L RING the first years of the development of Englewood, the promoters of the enterprise were largely occupied in selling building plots on tracts of land already acquired, — and in securing additional property before the price ad- vanced. Those who bought for their own use were engaged in build- ing homes and laying out lawns and gardens. Interest, therefore, was so centered that it is a question whether promoters or home builders gave even a passing thought to the form of existing local government. Nevertheless, the system which regulated local affairs was of respect- able age, for its origin dated back a century and a half before Mr. Jones and his associates appeared upon the scene. In December, 1682, by act of the General Assembly, the province of East Jersey was divided into four counties, namely: Bergen, Essex, Middlesex and Monmouth. Bergen county, which is our particular concern, included at this time all the settlements and territory between the Hackensack and Hudson rivers, from Paulus Hook to the line of the province of New York. In 1693, the counties were divided into townships. Ber- gen county already contained one township, the old township of Ber- gen, constituted in 1658, which composed the southern part of Bergen county. The remainder of the territory, considered formerly as "out- lying plantations," was now formed into the township of Hackensack. The boundaries of this second township were, north, the province line of New York; south, the corporation line of Bergen; east, the Hudson river; west, the Hackensack river. At this time, the village of Hackensack was not included in Hackensack township, since it was a part of Essex county. On the accession of Queen Anne, in 1702, East and West Jersey were consolidated under a royal governor. Changes were made in the boundary line of the county at the same time, through which Bergen gained territory from Essex county on the west side of the Hackensack river. Hackensack village thus became a part of Bergen county and, on account of its advantageous location and size, was made the county seat. In the beginning, township government was entrusted to a small THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD group called selectmen or overseers, who exercised a very limited authority over the affairs of the township or plantation. Their judicial functions were confined to the trial of "small causes." Their other functions were the granting of licenses to sell liquor and to keep "ordinaries" or taverns, and to supervise roads and bridges. Later on, townships were represented in county affairs by a board, com- posed of elected freeholders and justices. These officials appear to have acted together in criminal cases, as evidenced in the minutes of the justices and freeholders of the county of Bergen in 1735, 1741 and 1769. The offenders in these particular instances were slaves and the warrants for the execution of the sentences were signed by the justices and freeholders, before whom the cases were tried. In 1794, the justices ceased to act in the board with the freeholders, the latter henceforth devoting their attention to the purely civic affairs of the county. The minutes of the board of justices and freeholders, preserved in the clerk's office at Hackensack, from 1715, the earliest date, to 1769, do not, as a rule, list the representatives with their respective townships. But Hackensack township was represented from 1770 to 1776 by Matthias Roulse; Jacob De Mott was freeholder, 1769 to 1773; John Benson, from 1773 to 1776. On May 15th, 1776, there was entered on the minute book, "Ordered that this book be kept in charge of William Serrell, clerk," and William Serrell well merited the trust, having served as clerk from May 10, 1769. During the early part of the Revolutionary War, Bergen County was de- batable ground, the scene of many disastrous raids and minor engage- ments, and the board of freeholders did not meet at all in 1777. The following year, however, the board met at Paramus, Hacken- sack not being available. In the interval a great change had taken place. Royal authority had been superseded when the provincial congress, on July 18th, 1776, changed its name and style to the "Convention of the State of New Jersey." The first entry made in the minute book of the meeting of the board of freeholders, on May 13th, 1778, was "State of New Jersey," followed by the date, all penned in William Serrell's best style. With county rule well established, township government devel- oped in scope and, from its long continuance, seems to have met the wants of the community embraced in Hackensack township. When the losses caused by the war had been retrieved, the inhabitants of Dutch and French Huguenot extraction and the lesser number of English descent, settled down to farm life, getting not only a liveli- [74] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD hood, but something handsome in addition, out of a soil which repaid labor and care. As years went on and tracts of land, acquired by grant in colonial days, were divided, addition was made to the num- ber of farmhouses and commodious barns built of field stone, which dotted the stretch from the "Sloat" (Piermont) to Bergen township line. A church, here and there, ministered to the religious needs and social requirements, as well, of the scattered community. Visiting before and between the Sunday services was the refreshing feature of the week. The administration of affairs was not complicated in a farming neighborhood and the township fathers were not confronted by bond issues for improvements. Farm values must have been comparatively stable, so the assessor was subject to no arduous work and the col- lector had no anxiety about the payment of the tax bills. When the farmers added market gardens to the raising of staple crops, roadway improvement became of importance. This necessitated the appoint- ment of overseers of highways. Animals would take their walks abroad, hence poundkecpers. There were small cases to settle and legal acknowledgments to be taken, and the justice of the peace took over one of the original functions of the "selectmen," the constable following in the wake to uphold the dignity of the court. Somewhat in this fashion township government was developed, with the township committee as the substantial basis of the whole structure. In 1862, though Englewood had superseded English Neighbor- hood in name and was a going concern in the matter of new residents and new houses, it was in other respects a rural community. Old customs prevailed among the native-born dwellers, among which was included the administration of township matters. From the oldest minute book of Hackensack township obtainable, we learn that the spring election of 1862 was held on April 14th, at the hotel of John Vanderbeek at Liberty Pole. The officers elected at this time were: Moderator, Thomas E. Demarest; Township Clerk, Alexander Cass; Assessor, Francis F. Hill; Collector, John V. H. Terhune; Free- holders, Peter Bogert, Jr., Samuel De Groot; Commissioners of Appeal, George Huyler, John R. Paulison; Surveyors of Highways, Albert A. Terhune, Samuel S. Demarest; Overseer of the Poor, John J. Zabriskie; Town Superintendent of Schools, John Van Brunt; Township Committee, David I. Westervelt, Henry J. Anderson, James Wragg, Jr., Peter P. Bogert, Cornelius D. Blauvelt. In addi- tion, there were eight constables elected, twelve poundkeepers, and overseers of highways for the thirty-five road districts of the township. f75] THE BOOK OK ENGLEWOOD But one name on the list suggested the new-comer, that of Nathan 1 . Johnson, who was chosen overseer ot road district No. 31. The appropriations made at this annual meeting are interesting: "for township purposes and support of the poor, one thousand, two hundred dollars to be raised by taxation; for manure for the poor farm, fifty dollars to be raised and expended; for the maintenance of the highways for the present year, the sum ot three thousand dollars; for the maintenance of the 'Peter Baker road,' the sum ot tour hundred and forty-seven dollars." An assessment of three thousand dollars against the township, for the purchase of the Fort Lee turnpike, was provided for in a resolution to pay the same by a yearly installment ot two hundred dollars. For school purposes, the interest ot surplus revenue was appropriated, and also the amount raised by a tax ot two dollars per child on all children in the township, between the ages ot five and eighteen. Another tax levy was twenty-five cents on the first dog owned by any person, and fifty cents for each additional dog. The expenditures authorized at the meeting amounted to forty dollars, twenty-five dollars to retain counsel in legal matters and fifteen dollars for making a map of the road districts. At the next meeting of this year, it was decided to pay a bounty of one hundred and twenty-live dollars to volunteers who enlisted from the township in Jersej regiments, and to grant an additional six dollars a month to such ot these volunteers as had dependent families. Township committees were always prone to expenditure of time in their deliberations, therefore it is quite understandable that it took two meetings to define, beyond question, what constituted a dependent family. The conclusion reached was that the term com- prehended wife, children or widowed mother relying on her son for support. This was confirmed by the board ot freeholders as applying to volunteers who were residents ot the township before August 25th, 1862. The obligation assumed was honorably met, with only the delay incidental to securing and filing necessary data. There was a feature or custom, as one will, attending township committee meetings, possibly of the nature ot an entailed inheritance, for it appears regularly over a long stretch of years. The township committee had no official abiding place, therefore it met "around"; at first at the Liberty Pole hotel, as the old tavern was then called, the polling place of the township. Later, meetings were held at Stagg's or Ackcrman's hotel, the same house, for Joseph W. Stagg was the owner of the building, which was leased to John Ackerman. ( h\^e [76] THE Hook or - ENGLEWOOD in a while, the Palisade I louse was the meeting place. 1 lie localities were all convenient <>! access and their respective landlords vied with one another in the excellence oi the dinners they served. The sessions ol the committee began at nine or ten o'clock in the morning and, though the business before the meeting appears not to have been greal in volume, it evidently required lengthy consideration, which extended late into the afternoon. I herefore a noon intermission was always taken, ol duration sufficient to do lull justice to a hearty meal, lor the wildest imagination could not picture a township father bringing a baskel lunch with him. This is the inherited feature men- tioned at the beginning ol this paragraph, and is carried on the minutes, year alter year, as "dinners," "suppers," or else "refresh- ments." It was probably considered a legitimate expense, not being questioned until years after, when a certain counsel to the township committee ol the day delivered a lengthy opinion against the custom, just at the time that he could not lind the law applicable to an official short in his accounts. Surely no one at this late date grudges the township worthies their honest enjoyment and we mention it only because <>t the ingenuous entries in the minutes. I here was not a variety ol subjects presented at township meet- ings, but two topics in reserve offered opportunity for extensive and extended discussion when business became slack. I hese topics were the poorhouse ami the road districts. I he latter came in for much consideration. As each overseer hired his own men, that meant the checking ol as many accounts as there were districts. Then the boundaries oi the districts were not always sharply defined, and there would he neglected spots and then argument as to responsibility for the same. Complaints were made about the distribution of the high- ways appropriation, a standard bone of contention. Unsolicited ad- vice was proffered as to the building ol roads by those least qualified. I he appropriation was not large enough for the surface over which it must be spread, but the township committee did its best. The mem- bers knew the sentiment ol the constituency on the question of taxes, they probably had some sympathetic opinions ol their own, and road matters hail to work out their own salvation when the sum allotted was exhausted. I he care ol the poor was the other fruitful topic. The depend- ent part ol the community at that time was cared for at the poor- house and farm. The steward in charge of the almshouse was per- mitted to employ the male inmates as farm workers and to assign the women to household duties. In return, this official was to care for r 77 ] IIll- BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD and feed those regularly committed to his charge, the proper execu- tion of the plan naturally depending upon the integrity of the second party to the contract. There came a time when the official in charge proved to be an unjust steward, who did not feed his charges as he ought, or provide fuel enough to keep them warm in winter weather. Something had to be done about it, ami the township committee of 1865 held a special meeting, with the usual noon intermission for dinner, discussed the matter thoroughly and came to the unanimous decision to discipline the offender by docking his salary, if he did not forthwith mend his ways. With a view, perhaps, to smoothing the path of repentance, the committee paid the salary then due the steward. This persuasive treatment failed to turn the offender from his course, and the committee met again, deliberated after the usual course, and effectually settled the recalcitrant steward by deducting twenty dollars from the salary which had accrued, completing the process by immediate dismissal from office. The ousted steward tried to get back at the committee by rendering a bill "for eleven weeks' board and seven days' sickness for an inmate of the poorhouse," the amount exceeding by several dollars the deduction imposed. The plan failed, for investigation showed the person in question had been adjudged a "legal pauper," who at the end of the "seven days' sick- ness" had obligingly departed this life. The township fathers there- upon granted an allowance of "three dollars for digging a grave and burying said pauper," and then let the farm to another and pre- sumably more satisfactory applicant. On the minutes of this meeting appears an item, "To John Ackerman, for refreshments, $9.00." The first business, after the annual election of 1866, when David D. Blauvelt became chairman and Cornelius Christie clerk of the township committee, was the division of the township into two polling places. This was done in pursuance of an act of the legislature, limit- ing an election district to eight hundred voters. The committee designated Herman Eicks' public house, in what was afterward Ridgefield township, as the southern polling place, and Stagg's hotel as the northern polling place. A board of registry met in each district before the fall election, forty dollars being added to township ex- penses for room hire and for "refreshments" for the two boards. No other compensation for the latter was mentioned. Since Ilackensack township had achieved the distinction of two polling places, the indication of growth, and the prospect as well of increasing township expenses, the committee appointed one of its members, John Van Brunt, to serve as treasurer. Heretofore the [78] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD clerk appears to have acted both as treasurer and chronicler of town- ship affairs. The change was a distinct advance in business methods and became a growing municipality. The new treasurer was immedi- ately authorized to procure and have printed copies of an act of the legislature "to prevent Horses, Mules, Goats, Sheep and Swine from running at large in the townships of Harrington and Hackensack." These copies were issued to the township poundkeepers and overseers of the highways, without further instructions from the committee. If these officials read the act, they probably ascertained the nature of the pound of cure in case the ounce of prevention failed. It may be a mere coincidence that Englewood secured a resident constable this year. His name was Eugene Sanderson. In 1869, Englewood had exceeded in growth the other parts of Hackensack township. Each new arrival brought others in his wake. The charm of the country still exercised its spell, but there was a growing sentiment that the present township was too diverse in its interests to progress as a whole. Perhaps the idea prevailed more largely among the new-comers than among the old residents, but the seed of discontent was planted and the first shoots were showing above the surface. Samuel S. Demarest was chairman of the town- ship committee this year. Ralph I. Demarest was clerk. The road appropriation was considerably increased, but the system of road building remained the same and the prospect of good roads, under such conditions, was not encouraging. Perhaps there was lack of understanding on the part of the new-comers as to the limited powers of the township committee and, on the other hand, was the old Dutch conservative spirit handed down for generations. There was never yet a community which hailed, with pure joy, the prospect of increase of taxation. And there was never yet a community which did not possess an element hard to convince that municipal improvement had direct influence on the prosperity of village, town or city. The Hack- ensack township committeemen performed their duty as best they could. If they were slow, they eventually arrived, and no one will question that they were honest men and true. The time was near at hand when Hackensack township was to become a thing of the past. We shall have opportunity to note the length of time which elapsed before Englewood outgrew the township system. [79] \\ II.1.IAM A. BOOTH COL. HENRY \Y. BANKS WILLIAM STEWART DOUGHTY CHARLES H. WATERBUEY VII. HOME SEEKERS AND BUILDERS HE village experienced increasing prosperity for a number of years after the war. The influx of new residents was followed by activity in building operations. There was now no lack of work and this brought new craftsmen to town. Englewood did not enter into any phenomenal growth. That was never the habit of the village. Progress was steady and sure and along the line which has always made for good citizenship. Though money was plentiful in the community, the township committee was not led into any extravagance in the matter of appro- priations. The same sum was allotted yearly "for township purposes, support of the poor, and fertilizer for the poorhouse farm." There was some increase in the appropriation for highways and the rate for "refreshments" was maintained at the standard figure. On the prin- ciple of selection, many ot the new people gravitated to neighbor- hoods where friends were already resident. In this manner Palisade avenue, Chestnut and Engle streets became objective points, and Dwight place was sought for the additional reason that it was near the Presbyterian church. Where there was no such impelling reason, other new arrivals considered the relative merits of the village, east and west of the railroad, so that Tenafly road and Teaneck received additions to the resident population. In narrating Englewood's growth at this time, the school has the preferred place. The Gray school on Grand avenue had become the Kursteiner school, through the retirement of Mr. Gray. Dr. August Kursteiner, the new head, an American of Swiss descent, was a man ot broad education, ranking high in musical art, as indicated in his degree, doctor of music. He transferred the teaching department of the school to the armory on Van Brunt street, after Company I was mustered out of service. Within a year or less after the war, he erected a boarding residence and school building on Liberty road, for college preparation or advanced education of boys. The school became well known for its high standing. Among Dr. Kursteiner's many pupils were Dana and Dwight Jones, Oliver and Barstow Drake THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD Smith, Edward P. Coe, John E. Miller, William O. Allison, James O. Morse, Jr., and William Walker Green, who profited by the professor's instruction and also by trenchant criticism, when recita- tions fell below standard. During Dr. Kursteiner's occupancy, the armory had been used by a group of church people, not then large enough in number to organize as a congregation. Among these were the Chester, Cooke. Andrews, Drake Smith, Lyell, King and Sawtelle families. At the time, the THE KURSTEINER SCHOOL FOR BOYS Rev. O. W. Whitaker was taking a well-deserved rest at the home ot his brother-in-law, Charles T. Chester. Forgetful of personal need, Mr. Whitaker devoted himself to the service of those of his own creed, and inspired the incorporation, in 1865, of a church, under the style of "The Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Paul's Church." The congregation of some thirty persons, who had held services under the ministrations of a lay reader, could supply wardens and vestrymen, but it had neither rector nor church. How- ever, the movement to erect a church enlisted general support, not only of the congregation itself, but of members of other denomina- tions. In October of this same year, Mr. Whitaker was induced to remain in the east and to accept the rectorship of the new parish. The church, a modest building of brown sandstone, built from plans drawn by Adriance Van Brunt, occupied the site on Engle street where the second St. Paul's church now stands. There were only thirty [82] flJwil v \§i# v# ^^^H J^ftr^* % s^y F- JC A *jy as* / mBB # », a HW^ JM Karl ^ > -> F "TB rSJJH • t — - -^ ' ST. PAUL'S (First Church, 1865) THE HOOK OF I'.NOI.IAYOOD pews in the church and these were deemed sufficient for immediate need and future growth. Before the building was completed, a Sun- day school was organized. At the opening session oi this school there were four teachers and three pupils present, the latter ol the infant elass age. Among the teachers were Mrs. Chester and Miss Hen- rietta Drake Smith. I lie pupils were Anna King, Mary Roberts Chester and Laura Drake Smith. The school grew beyond expecta- tion and hao!e fair to outnumber the congregation, until all the par- ents of the children were gathered into the church fold and the bal- ance was restored. The first wardens were John 1 1. l.vell ami Charles T. Cluster; vestrymen, Herbert B. Turner, Richard K. Cooke, E. W. Andrews, William King, A. C. Davis, Captain Ransom, ami Cullen Sawtelle. The first child baptized in the church was Thornton Floyd Turner, who was destined to grow in grace and knowledge so that in manhood he was the architect of the Parish 1 louse and the present St. Paul's church. Mr. Whitaker's charge continued until 1S<>7. when he returned to missionary work in the west, lie afterward became missionary bishop oi Nevada ami bishop ol Pennsylvania. In succession to Mr. Whitaker came the Rev. W. I 1. Benjamin and the Rev, |. 11. Elliott, whose combined terms ol service extended until May, 1868. They were followed by the Rev. \Y. S. 1 angford, \).\^. The rectorate of the last named was from July, IS(>S, to Octo- ber, 1870, during which time there was increase in membership and added support, which enabled the vestrj to build a rector) on the plot adjoining the church. The further growth ol the church, which came with the installation of the Rev. John William Payne, in 1870, belongs in a subsequent record ol events. The year after the building oi St. Paul's, provision was made for another congregation oi worshippers on the west side ol the village, In the building of St. Cecilia's church on Waldo place. Previous to this time, the nearest Catholic church was at Fori I ee, and many devout worshippers walked the distance ol live miles and hack in order to attend mass. During L86.1 ('4, mission services were held bj Father Coardley and by the Rev. D. Corrigan, of St. Mary's, Hoboken. Father 11. A. Brann, who followed in 1865, was an enthusiastic and energetic young priest. Through his efforts the first Catholic church, St. Cecilia's, was built. The church was an unpre- tentious frame building, which soon became too small to accommo- date the rapidly increasing congregation. Under Father A. J. Smits the building was enlarged and improved in 1868. Soon thereafter, a parochial school was established under the care ol sisters ol chant) [84] THE BOOK Ol IINGLEWOOD from the Mother I louse, Madison, N. J. The priests in charge oi St. Cecilia's belong to the Carmelite Order and, by the rules of the order, do not remain uninterruptedly in one parish, so Father Smits came and went during the period ol his connection with the Engle- wood church. lie was beloved by his parishioners and greatly re- spected by the entire community for his work in promoting the wel- fare oi the village. ^■F'i - THE OEIGINA1 ST. CE( [LIA'S I he two churches whose building has been described represented new trends oi thought in the community, new viewpoints on many subjects, and were the beginning of the spirit of toleration ami respect tor one another's opinions, which has made life in Englewood worth living. From buildings, we pass to the very live individuals who made Englewood their home in the period directly following the war. Among these was William Walter Phelps, who came to Teancck in the early part of 1865. Mr. Phelps, the only son of John Jay Phelps, a wealthy merchant of New York, was born in that city in 1839, was educated at Yale, and graduated from that institution with honor in 1860. Soon after leaving college', he married Miss Ellen Sheffield, (laughter of Joseph E. Sheffield, founder of the Sheffield scientific school, an auxiliary department of Vale. After a year spent abroad, he entered Columbia law school, received his LL.B. degree in 1863 [ «5 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD and immediately began the practice of his profession. As a summer residence was desirable, Mr. Phelps bought the Jacob Fink farm in Teaneck and remodelled the old Dutch stone farmhouse into a charm- ing residence. The death of his father, in 1868, and the care involved in the settlement of a large estate, obliged Mr. Phelps to give up his WILLIAM WALTER PHELPS law practice and make Englewood his permanent home. In the course of years the farm expanded into an estate of some twenty-nine hun- dred acres, extending from the Hackensack to the Hudson river. The original stone house with its low rambling addition, known as Teaneck Grange, became the adjunct of a modern stone structure, harmonious in design. In developing his own property, Mr. Phelps benefited the village by the macadam roads traversing the estate, which were free to the public, and by opening to lovers of nature a woodland tract of tall forest trees, running brooks and grass roads, where all who would might walk or drive, with the one stipulation [86] THE BOOK OF KNGLEWOOD which forbade any interference with the superior rights of birds and small game to this, their home. Mr. Phelps was interested in Engle- wood affairs and assisted generously in local improvements; his many real estate transactions were for investment purposes, not for spec- ulation. National politics attracted him. Identifying himself with the Republican Party, Mr. Phelps entered upon his political career in 1872, as member of Congress from the fifth congressional district. The second addition to the Teaneck community was Thomas B. Van Buren, of an old New York family of political tendencies. Mr. Van Buren had married Miss Harriet Sheffield, and thereby the Phelps and Van Buren families were connected. The latter family built a home on property near the Phelps estate. Eand-holding out- side his own Teaneck possessions did not interest Mr. Van Buren. He already was prominent in political circles and later represented our government most ably in Japan as United States Consul-General, at a time when careful diplomacy was essential. In local matters, Mr. Van Buren was prominent in the formation of the Protection Society. An 1866 Teaneck arrival was Captain William P. Coe, of Pilgrim descent, distant kin of the John Alden who wooed Priscilla Mullins on behalf of bashful Myles Standish. Just before the Civil War broke out, Captain Coe had organized, in Brooklyn, a military company, which later became the nucleus of the 23rd Regiment, New York National Guard. He immediately sought active service and was com- missioned Captain of Company A, 176th Regiment N. Y. Volunteer Infantry, which took the field in Eouisiana as part of the troops under the command of General N. P. Banks. Captain Coe was cap- tured in an engagement and was imprisoned at Andersonville and Richmond. On his return to civil life, he engaged in business in New York, but removed his family from Brooklyn to Teaneck. He inter- ested himself in township affairs and was also one of the first mem- bers of the Protection Society. His military predilection asserted itself again, in 1871, in the formation of a militia company, of which he was elected captain. The other officers were W. Romeyn Vermilye, first lieutenant, and Fred G. Coyte, a Civil War veteran, second lieu- tenant. Company headquarters were on Van Brunt street, where Captain Coe brought his men up to a high pitch of efficiency. The command afterwards became Company B, 2d Battalion, N. G. N. J., with a famous record for marksmanship. Brooklyn had been a source of supply of desirable residents in pioneer days and the "City of Churches" renewed the practice in [87] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD post-war times. The 1867 contribution was Colonel Henry Ward Banks, originally from Westport, Conn., but one of the many Yankee bovs who found a business beginning in New York. He made his way to a partnership in a firm of importers of tea and coffee. As a young man he joined the New York fire department and for several years was foreman of America Hose Company No. 10. He was also fond of baseball and cat-boat sailing. His first military expe- rience was the formation of a company of young men for patrol duty, 1 ATHER A. .1. SMITS LEROY B. II \l-'l-' during the draft riots of 1863. With this company, enlarged to regu- lation numbers, he joined the 47th Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers. The regiment was stationed at Fort Henry and, later in the war, Captain Hanks was promoted to the rank ol major and subsequently to that of Lieutenant-Colonel. Col. Banks bought the Johnson house, on Palisade avenue, and improved both house and grounds. He thor- oughly identified himself with all local interests, — in the Presbyterian church, in the township, in the founding of the Field Club, the Bank and other institutions. His was a fine type of practical Christianity in the fullest sense of the term. Brooklyn was in a liberal mood this same year, tor another gift was Donald Mackay, born in Portchester, N. Y.. but a resident of [88] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Brooklyn during boyhood and young manhood. He entered the busi- ness of Vermilye and Company, Wall street bankers, as a junior clerk, and at the time of his arrival in Englewood had reached the position of junior partner. He married Miss Jennie Wise, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Daniel Wise. Consequently, when he built a house, it was located on Dwight place. As Mr. Mackay's interest in Englewood affairs began with his arrival and continued to the end of his life, reference to his activities will come in proper point of time. In the summer of 1866, W T illiam A. Booth, a retired New York banker, made Englewood his adopted home and bought a tract of land far north on Engle street. The upper part of the holding, some sixty odd acres, extending from Engle street to the Palisades, had striking picturesque features of forest trees, a brook or two and a pond, on whose banks the hist spring (lowers were to be found. The street level was higher here, and the house itself was located on the lower slope of a hill. Mr. Booth built his house, still standing at the north corner of Engle street and Booth avenue, and the following year, a son, William T. Booth, erected a home nearly opposite, on the west side of Engle street. This example was followed in a year by J. Hugh Peters, a son-in-law, who built on property to the south of William T. Booth. Still farther south, on the west side of Engle street, near Demarest avenue, was the residence of another son, the Rev. Henry M. Booth. There were other Booths on Dwight place, where Charles H. Booth, the brother of William A., had settled with his family of three daughters. The youngest of the Booth sons was the Rev. Henry M. Booth, but recently graduated from the Union Theological Seminary and called to the pastorate of the Presbyterian church in place of the Rev. J. H. Dwight, who had resigned on account of failing health. In September of this year, 1867, he entered upon a service of work and influence which continued for twenty-nine years. J. Hugh Peters was the son of the Rev. Absalom Peters and Harriet Hinckley Hatch, and came of Vermont colonial stock. He married Alary A. Booth and both entered into village and church activities. Mr. Peters was an elder of the Presbyterian church and was, for many years, the superintendent of the Sunday school. In business, Mr. Peters was a banker and broker and member of the Stock Exchange. William T. Booth studied medicine and received his degree, but never practiced his profession. He was interested with his father in the Booth prop- erty and was also connected with the New York Life Insurance Com- pany. The sons, son-in-law, and grandsons of William A. Booth were [89] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD all graduates <>l Williams College and may be said to have introduced the cult of this particular college into Englewood. North of the Rev. Mr. Booth's house was the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barber. With them resided Mr. Barber's nephew, Leroy B. Haff, a manufacturer of silver ware. Mr. Haft's first Englewood activities were centered in St. Paul's church, in which he served as vestryman and later as warden. On the corner of Engle street and Demarest avenue was the cottage built by Robert Pratt JACOB AUGUSTUS DURYEE COL. WASHINGTON R. VERMILYE in the early fifties. Robert was a dairyman and kept his cows on the lower part of his plot on the Demarest avenue side, which shows how very rural Englewood was in the late sixties. About 1865-66, Wil- liam Stewart Doughty and James L. Dawes and their families became Engle street neighbors; the Doughtj house was on the west side of the street and laced the Dawes home on the corner ol Chestnut street. Charles 11. Waterbury who, with the two just mentioned, formed a congenial trio, lived around the corner on Chestnut street. Uzal Cory and 1 lenry A. Lyman, belonging to this same time, built homes on Dwight place. George S. Coe, well known in financial cir- cles as president ol the American Exchange Bank, erected a house on upper Palisade avenue, west ol the Johnson house. This property [90] ' THE BOOK OF' ENGLEWOOD was subsequently sold to D. Webster Evans, and the second Coe home was built on the Palisades, north of the Dana property, on a cliff jutting out over the river, furnishing a wonderful view of the Hudson. Further down, on the north side of Palisade avenue, Washington Romeyn Vermilye bought the Byron Murray house and set up therein his household gods. Colonel Vermilye, to give him the title which was his due, was of French Huguenot extraction and must have re- verted in type to some fighting ancestor, despite the fact that he was the son of a Presbyterian elder and filled the same office himself, after he came to Englewood. He was head of the banking firm of Vermilye and Company. Outside his business and church connections, his greatest interest had been centered in that part of the militia of New York represented by the Seventh Regiment. He entered the regiment as private in 1832 and rose to the rank of Colonel in 1845. At the time he settled in Englewood he was Colonel of the Seventh Regiment Veterans. While Colonel Vermilye was a generous con- tributor toward the building of the new Presbyterian church, he also rendered substantial assistance when Captain William P. Coe organ- ized the militia company, which, no matter what its changing regi- mental designation, was always cherished in public esteem as "Com- pany B." Among the last of those who came for merely home-making pur- poses, was Jacob Augustus Duryee, from Brooklyn, who was drawn to Chestnut street through family associations and built a home among his kin. Mr. Duryee traced his family back to Joost Durje and Madeleine Le Fevre, his wife, who came from Holland to New Utrecht, Eong Island, in the early part of the seventeenth century. Mr. Duryee married Ariana Graves Ruggles, of the old Scotch fam- ily of Ruggles, which settled in Colonial days at Rochester, on Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. Duryee joined the Chestnut street group, and the former built the stone house which was, in 1874, the birthplace of Police Commissioner Peter Stanford Duryee. Aside from the purely residential increase in this period of growth, there were notable additions also to the business part of the commu- nity. The year 1867 brought to Englewood an enterprising young man, just of age — Abram Tallman, born at Tallman's, Rockland County, N. Y. The new-comer claimed descent from Douwe Har- mensen Tallman, of Friesland, Holland, who settled in Bergen in 1658, and later bought a tract of land in Rockland County, near Nyack. This property was inherited by the sons of Douwe, Tunis and the second Douwe, and through family arrangements in succeed- [91] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ing generations was divided into farms. Consequently young Abram Tallman spent his early life on his father's farm, and attended school at Suffern. Later, Mr. Tallman learned carpentry and building in every detail, and with this knowledge and the steady-going traits of his Dutch ancestry as his stock in trade, he sought and found oppor- tunity in Englewood, of which his work remains as proof. Always actively interested in village welfare, Mr. Tallman has done construc- tive work for the weal of township and city in his service as township committeeman and city councilman. i II UJLES W. \ AI.ENTINE K'l US AI.I.EN COEHAM John F. Fitschen began his residence of over fifty years in 1 867, and so did Mrs. Fitschen, for the two came to Englewood as a newly married pair. Mr. Fitschen established his reputation as a builder in the erection of several fine houses and in the building of the Lyceum. There were other business men who did not build houses, but sold or rented houses already built, and plots large and small on which dwellings could be erected according to individual taste. Charles W. Valentine, a new-comer from "upstate" New York, enlivened local real estate dealings on his arrival in 1867, through live methods which never were acquired in sleepy Rensselaer County, his birth place. Mr. Valentine combined a hardware store with his real estate business, and whether he sold kitchen utensils or property, improved [92] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD or unimproved, he exerted himself to find just what the customer wanted, and when he made a sale, he made a friend. The year fol- lowing. Rufus Allen Gorham arrived in Englewood and also engaged in the real estate field. Mr. Gorham w T as then a young man with a young wife; the village claimed their allegiance from the start and Fnglewood thereafter was their home. As became a man of New England descent, Mr. Gorham was careful and conservative in his business methods but none the less sure. He later expanded his busi- ness by forming a partnership with Henry C. Jackson under the name ot Gorham ami Jackson, which continued until the death of Mr. |ackson. The firm became later R. A. Gorham ami Son. In church affiliation, Mr. Gorham was a Methodist and one of the most active workers in the local Methodist Episcopal church. We have already made reference in this chapter to the wooing of Priscilla Mullins by John Alden in Pilgrim Father days. Divested o! the set- ting given to the tale by Longfellow in "The Courtship of Miles Standish," the tacts are, John Alden himself married the fair Pris- cilla, and Myles Standish, a widower, was not long inconsolable, but took as his wife one Barbara, whose surname is not recorded. In after years, Alexander, son oi Myles and Barbara Standish, married Sarah, daughter of John and Priscilla Alden. Through this marriage, Rufus Allen Gorham was eighth in descent from both the scholar, John Alden, and the captain oi Plymouth Colony, Myles Standish. A treasured possession of the Gorham family was Myles Standish's pipe, unbroken alter so many years, since it was forged from a strip oi iron. PALISADE MOUNTAIN HOUSE [93] J. HUGH PETERS HENRY A. LYMAN UZAL CORY FRANK B. NICHOLS VIII. II IK OLD TOWNSHIP'S LAST DAYS 1868-1871 N 1868, Englewood entered upon the speculative period ol its life. The easy state of the money market and super- abundant energy impelled the group <>l Englewood pioneers to enter upon extensive operations outside ol the village limits. In their enthusiasm, these promoters had visions ol farms cut up into building lots and flourishing villages springing up along the line of the railroad. A land boom was started and many farms were purchased, on the basis of a small payment down and the balance in mortgages, bearing a high rate ol interest. Two villages were started, namely, Creskill and Norwood. The latter was a pet project ol J. Wyman Jones, who built the Norwood House there as a summer hotel. He also contributed toward the erection ol a church in the same place. The speculative spirit induced also some ol the residents, whose original object was country homes, to trade in village lots. It was an exciting and profitable game for those who did not stay in too long, but in the end it brought disaster to many a speculator and holder ol mortgages. But the steady part of the community, while it might have some little schemes about public improvements, saw to it that the solid interests of the village were not neglected. One important interest was brought about by an act ol the legislature, in 1867, which effected a change in the educational system of the state, by the establishment of a state board of education and the placing of free public schools under county superintendents. The act provided lor local taxation, not to exceed three thousand dollars, to supplement the state appro- priation. This sum was apportioned by the school superintendent of each county. Through this change, Englewood became school district No. 7, anil Richard K. Cooke, Cornelius Lydeckcr and Moses E. Springer were appointed trustees, to organize the district. The first school meeting lor the election of trustees was held September 2, 1867. Richard K. Cooke, John Van Brunt and Nathan T. Johnson [95] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD were elected for terms of three years, two years and one year respec- tively. Mr. Cooke was president and Mr. Van Brunt secretary of the hoard. Under existing circumstances, there was but one way to obtain funds for the purchase of a site and the erection of a building, and that was through the medium of a subscription paper. With much vacant land available in Englewood at the time, and so much public spirit shown in other directions, it seems remarkable that there was failure in the matter of donation of a suitable site. Probably the explanation of this omission may be found in the pre- vailing opinion of the day as to the place of the public school in both the educational and social scheme of a community. Work on the building was begun in 1868 and progressed slowly, as there were other subscription papers in circulation. Meanwhile the school was carried on in the armory on Van Brunt street, with James W. Deuel as principal. He was assisted by his two daughters. The building was completed and occupied in the iall of 1870. Mr. Deuel re- mained in charge as principal until failing health caused his resigna- tion. In the accompanying illustration, only the southern end of the building represents the original brick structure, the other part being a frame addition of later years. Before the Rev. Henry M. Booth had settled permanently in Englewood, the question of enlarging the Presbyterian chapel or oi building a new church, on ground reserved for the purpose, was taken under serious consideration. A committee, appointed to ascer- tain what amount could be raised by subscription for a new church, reported, at the annual church meeting of 1868, subscriptions in hand amounting to $24,515, and at the same time presented plans for the building. A building committee, with George S. Coe as chairman anil Livingston K. Miller as treasurer, was appointed at once, and in a short time contracts were awarded to A. D. Bogert and Brother for carpenter work and to Henry Lewis for stone work, for erecting the church according to plans drawn by G. Fletcher Babb, of New 7 York. The corner stone was laid at the northeast corner of the north transept on February 22nd, 1869, and the first service in the com- pleted building was held on April 17th, 1870. Several gifts were made toward the completion of the church, among these being the present of the organ by David Hoadley, and the gift of the bell, the joint offering of Charles A. Nichols, Joseph Lyman and Washington R. Vermilye. The debt incurred in building the church was entirely removed in three years' time. Changes in the arrangement of the pulpit and choir gallery were made in 1880 by Henry Jones. Four [96] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD years later the transepts were rebuilt and enlarged, after plans made by J. Cleveland Cady, by which additional pews were provided for an increased congregation. This latter work was accomplished by J. F. Fitschen, builder, and Thomson and Poland, stone masons. The illustration depicts the church as it appears today. At the beginning oi the period to which this chapter is devoted, many things in the village were susceptible of improvement. The roads were still of the dirt variety, full of ruts in winter time and fimiwmit THE FIRST PUBLIC SCHOOL dusty at all times, except when it rained. The funds at the disposal of the township committee were not large enough to admit of real improvement, even if the overseers of highways had possessed any knowledge of scientific road-building. Where sidewalks existed, they were fashioned of planks, held together with cross-pieces of stouter timber, often so narrow that it behooved the pedestrian to watch his steps. These plank sidewalks were private enterprises, extending on the frontage of each particular property, so that progress for any distance was varied between walking the plank and walking on what- ever bordered a vacant lot. In the village main street. Hag sidewalks. of rather meagre width, appeared toward the end of the period. Kerosene lamps, at the entrance to private grounds, furnished the only street illumination in the residential quarter. In the business [97] TIIK BOOK OF JA'C.I. I'WOOD section, lamps in the store windows lightened the outer darkness to the best of their ability until closing time. At this juncture, the Village Improvement Society materialized ami undertook the praiseworthy work of tree planting, street lighting and the removal ot rubbish, which the unregenerate were prone to dump on unenclosed lots, just where it would most offend the eyes of the passers-by- Tree planting was done carefully and intelligently with regard to soil conditions, and many of the beautiful trees which are the city's pride today were set out as saplings, under the direction REV. IIKNIIY M BOO I'll. D.D. ot the Society. Street lamps were placed on poles along the streets and were lighted and cared for by the Society. The expense of the undertakings was met by annual subscriptions, secured from citizens generally, and by private contributions. When the special work for which the Society was organized became no longer necessary, the organization continued its usefulness in advocating and often orig- inating public improvements. Englewood's first bank originated in the Improvement Society and civic work among the poor and needy had its inception in the same source. Another project, which might have lessened the cost of trans- porting certain commodities, was the "Overpeck Canal Company, Limited." The plan in view was the construction of a canal from [93] - w CA/ - - z n a .*- s - — 2 > - THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Palisade avenue to Walton, the head of tide-water oi the < >verpeck Creek. A company was formed and money was subscribed to start the enterprise. The brook running through Englewood to the Over- peck was widened, straightened and deepened by dredging. In fancy, the promoters of the plan saw merchandise unloading from barges at the Englewood dock of the Canal Company. But at Walton, Allen's tide-mill blocked the way and the proprietor was not inclined to yield his right. That was the md of the canal, so far as its orig- inal purpose was concerned, though it was very helpful in the draining of the low-King section through which it passed. Jacob S. Wetmore was the president and I. Smith 1 tomans the secretary ot the company. The twenty persons engaged in the enterprise were not seriously inconvenienced by the loss occasioned by the failure of the project. An act of the legislature of 1S69 gave Englewood its share ot an authorized improvement of a country road. The act provided tor the widening, straightening and general putting-in-order of that part of the public road known as English Neighborhood road, running from its junction with Bergen turnpike to Palisade avenue. Garret A. Lydecker and Nathan T. Johnson were the Englewood commissioners, named lor five years to make such improvement. An amendment to the act, in the following year, specified that English Neighborhood road was henceforth to be known as Grand avenue. Palisade avenue was also to be improved from the corner oi Grand avenue to the bridge near 1 lenry West's blacksmith shop. The commission was also authorized to open and put in order a new public road to be known as Broad avenue, from Ridgefield to Englewood. 1 he improvement of the old road and the opening of the new highway aided in the development of Englewood, but it cast into the discard a time-honored name, ante- dating the Revolution. This was done by a legislature evidently ignorant of the claims historical ot English Neighborhood road over the parvenu appellation of Grand avenue. The Bergen County Gas Company came into existence in 1869, under the auspices of James O. Morse, Daniel Drake Smith and Col- onel Henry W. Hanks. These gentlemen, with Ashbel Green, Leb- beus Chapman, Jr., William King ami Livingston K. Miller, formed the first board of directors. The superintendent and manager ot the company, as long as it remained an Englewood corporation, was Samuel F. Gold, formerly of Litchfield County, Conn. He was i man of Revolutionary ancestry, with a Civil War record. Phis was not, however, the measure of his ability, for Mr. Gold was a man of great mechanical ability and inventive genius. Among his inven- [ 100] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD tions was a system of heating large buildings effectively at minimum cost. At the time of the formation of the gas company, coal sold at a very high rate per ton, consequently gas cost a proportionally high rate per thousand feet. Notwithstanding this fact, gas was intro- duced into many dwellings, but was not at that time used for street illumination, as that would have involved an expenditure which the township committee could not have met. The company erected a build- ing on Engle street, which was a combined office and resilience lor the superintendent. In the rear of the building, fronting on Walker's alley, a gas tank was built to sup- ply the consumers. A number of private residences were erected during the period or which this chapter treats, and added to the improvement of En- glewood. There was one public building erected in 1868 of which mention must be made. This was the Palisade House, on the south- east corner of Palisade avenue ami Dean street. It was owned by Dr. John Turnure, a veterinarian who had his office at the Taylor stables, on Dean street. The first lessee of the hotel was Peter Van Riper. As the house afforded greater accommodation than Stagg's hotel, it was used for the meetings of the township committee for several years, and for elections. The place had quite a political record, later, when primaries were held there, and was the scene of more than one hot primary contest. The hotel flourished from the time of its build- ing until the arid days of the eighteenth amendment. In 1868, the railroad was still using wood-burning engines, which bore, in the fashion of the day, names which were emblazoned on the side of the cab. Three of the engines on the Northern were named "Major Anderson," "Englewood" and "Palisades." Among the engi- neers was "Big" Ben Scribner, who was so expert that he "could get up steam in his engine without thinking about it at all." Ben was particular in his dress and always wore a white shirt under a spotless jumper, such daintiness being possible with a wood-burning engine. SAMUEL F. GOLD r i»i ] THE BOOR OF ENOLEWOOD 1 hen there was a John Derharest, who took advantage of the fact that Englewood was a wood and water station. So John always went into Ackerman's for refreshment, while the fireman ran the train up to the water tank for the refreshment of the engine. At the end oi an exact interval, John appeared at the door of the hotel, the fireman shut off the water, backed the train down and picked him up. THE OLD ATHEN.Kl'M BUILDING. (From a Drawing) Englewood, m 1869, reached a point quite common in village growth in the late sixties. This was the stage of development when a community, or a part thereof, became obsessed with the idea of erecting a public building, generally styled the "opera house." Our community did not fall into the latter error, for the pretentious build- ing was known as "The Athenaeum," the diphthong affording varia- tions in the pronunciation of the name. Edmund S. Munroe, one of the early residents, was the prime mover in circulating the inevitable subscription paper on the afternoon express train. By this means, the sum of $22,000 was realized, and a stock company was formed with David Hoadley as president, George S. Coe, vice-president and [ 102] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Edmund S. Munroe, treasurer. Associated with the officers on the board of directors were Washington R. Vermilye, Nathan T. John- son and Jeffrey A. Humphrey. The site chosen was the northwest corner of Palisade avenue and Engle street. Plans were prepared by Adriance Van Brunt, Andrew D. Bogert being the contractor and builder. The Athenaeum was a brick structure, three stories high, with a mansard roof which converted attic space into a sort of addi- tional story. There was not a single graceful architectural line in the whole building; it was big, seventy-five feet square, something tre- mendous for the time ami place. There were stores on the ground floor, on the avenue side, and the upper stories were laid out as offices fronting on Palisade avenue. The entrance lobby, on Engle street side, was insignificant in dimension, the stairway leading to the audi- torium on the rear of the second floor leaving much to be desired in point of safety and convenience. With a stuffy gallery, the hall had a seating capacity of SOU. After the opening night, it is doubtful if there was ever a pay performance which necessitated a "standing room only" sign at the box office. The building was opened, in the early part of 1870, by a grand concert, in which Clara Louise Kel- logg, then in her first operatic fame, was the chief attraction. After this opening affair, the auditorium part of the building was used only infrequently; one-night theatrical companies came along at in- tervals and presented those standard dramas "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "East Lynne" and other thrillers of the day; amateur theatricals and Choral Club concerts filled parquet and dress circle, for loyalty to home talent was a cardinal principle strictly observed. But the building was a failure in every way; the stores were not always rented and the offices were not in demand; the revenue derived from rentals did not meet the interest on the mortgages, and maintenance charges. The panic of '73 hit the stock so hard that it almost dis- appeared in its downward flight, until one person bought it all in. In 1888, the building was destroyed by fire, the insurance barely sat- isfying the mortgage. On the other end of the same block, the same year, a building of brick, with mansard roof, was built by John S. Vanderbeek for the owner, John Vanderbeek. The building, like its big neighbor up the street, had stores on the avenue and a very inconspicuous entrance around the corner on Dean street. It was built for business and housing purposes, and very well built at that. When the property passed into the hands of the late Dr. Byron G. Van Home, the name of the building was changed to Masonic Hall, the upper floors being [ 103] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD used mainly as offices and lodge rooms for Masonic and other organ- izations. The growth of Englewood during the years immediately follow- ing the Civil War, and the fact that many wealthy families were making their home in the village, directed the very unwelcome atten- tion of professional thieves to our community. These men were per- fectly informed of the unprotected condition of the village and of the HENRY COOPER JAMES W. MYCULLOH easy means of escape afforded by the forests of the Palisades. After several houses had been entered, it became evident that defensive measures must be inaugurated. A strong organization of permanent character, backed by the authority of the state, was an imperative necessity. The man who thought out this plan of organization was James W. McCulloh, a long-time resident, then living in Teaneck. After consultation with others in sympathy with the project, a meet- ing of the citizens of Hackensack township was called on January 30, 1869, at the Palisade House, for the purpose of "organizing a society for the maintenance of order and the protection of property." The chairman of the meeting was Thomas B. Van Buren, of Teaneck, who explained the purpose of the organization. James W. McCulloh read the plan of operation, the act under which incorporation could [104] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD be effected, and other details. The plan was approved and an or- ganization formed under the title of "The Protection Society of Hackensack Township." Thirty-one members were enrolled at the first meeting and the following officers were elected: James W. McCulloh, president; Thomas W. Demarest, vice-president; Lebbeus Chapman, Jr., treasurer; Adriance Van Brunt, secretary. The first membership included the greater part of the able-bodied male resi- dents of Englewood. The society was incorporated on February 6th, 1869. On the 24th of the same month, an act of the legislature permitted the president and vice-president of the society to apply to the governor of the state to commission one or more persons to act as marshals in the township, with all the authority and powers of constables in. criminal cases. Power was given the governor to appoint the president and vice-president special police justices, and the society was empowered to purchase land and erect a lock-up, to rank as a common jail. Thus equipped with all needed authority the society entered at once upon active service. President McCulloh was a man of undaunted courage, never shunning dangerous service, ami the society afforded plenty of service of that nature. It took grit to turn out on dark, rainy nights and do mounted patrol duty on lonely roads. The first marshal was William M. Hill, duly commis- sioned by the governor anil paid by the society, whose membership increased rapidly. Two years after organization, members were divided into active ($10 per year) members and non-active ($25 per year) members. In the latter class were Mrs. Margaret Wester- velt and Mrs. Margaret Orser. At the annual meeting of 187,2, the decision was made to build a lock-up, cost not to exceed $3,00(1, of which amount $2,160 was immediately raised. The first five years of the society were the most difficult, the active members being always subject to call for service other than apprehending thieves, for Engle- wood had no fire department. Dr. H. M. Banks served as vice- president with Mr. McCulloh, during four of the latter's terms as president, and co-operated in making the way of the evil-doer in Englewood unmistakably hard. The town meeting of 1870 was held on April 11th. Maurice Fitzgerald was made chairman of the Township Committee, Joseph W. Stagg and Samuel S. Demarest were elected freeholders and Ralph I. Demarest was chosen town clerk. The business of the year was of the usual routine nature, with discussions over the poorhouse and the poor farm, the latter giving no end of trouble. There was a proposition to get rid of the farm under consideration, when the [105] Till-: HOOK OF I \'( .1.1. WOOD legislature settled the matter by passing an act, which divided 1 lack- ensack township into the townships oi Englewood, Ridgefield and Palisades. The valedictory meeting was held on April 6th, 1X71. Alter settling accounts to date, the clerk made the final entry on the minutes that "according to the foregoing resolution, the Township Committee ol I [ackensack township adjourned sine die." JOHN F. 11 rSCHEN MRS. M VRGARITIE FITSCHEN [ 1"" 1\. ENGLEWOOD I ' )\\ '\si II l> The First Decade N L693, the- Genera] Assembly <>i East Jersej established Hackensack township asaterritory of generous dimensions. In 1871, the legislature of the State oi New Jersey divided what was left of this same township, alter the lapse oi one hundred and seventy-eight years, into the townships oi Palisades, Englewood and Ridgefield. The passing oi the ancient township came as the natural sequence of old age and usefulness outlived; without hell or hook it slipped quietly into its place in the graveyard of the past . In setting up Tor itself, Englewood, with a single exception, ex- perienced no change in the administration ol township affairs. The offices to be filled were practically the same as in the old days. The long list ol overseers ol highways was no longer seen on the ballot, in place whereof was substituted "surveyors ol highways," two in number: this office in turn disappeared alter the election of March 1 1, 1ST'', when it was evidently no longer needed as part ol township machinery. Ol course, the noble armies ol constables ami pound- keepers kept their ranks intact lor several years, until the Protection Society lessened the labors ol the former ami legislative enactments finally limited the walks ol assorted domestic animals to their own premises. The exception in administrative office was that in the building ami maintenance ol roads. Through an act ol tfie legislature, in 1 870, the Hackensack road board, a county institution, divided Hackensack township into seven road districts ami nominated the first commissioners ol the same, subject to the approval of the town- ship committees ol the respective districts. The act provided that each district should appropriate and raise the money necessary for the building ami macadamizing ol new roads and lor the improve- ment ami maintenance ot existing highways. Both work and expendi- ture of funds were placed under the control of a duly elected com- missioner. By the time the road board had completed its plans and I I II I'.nnis oi IV, I I \Y< H )D hud ■'Mi in iti nominations, thi division ol thi township, effective al thi pring election oi 1871) was i lost al hand, I he iasl aci ol thi old township, as the governing bod) until its final adjournment, was i In confirmation ol the elcctii I David Blauvell as commissioner oi road district No !, and ol Benson van vleel as commissionei ol i oad disl rict No ! In 18" I. n sepai ii id board was organized for Palisadi township I i » j ' 1 1 \ \ I remained undei thi original acti w 1 1 1 1 foui road districts, each making its own appropriation, raised bv taxation and expended In its own commissioni i I his plan ol road managi mi hi worked oul advantageous!) vlmosl invariabl) the besi men wen elected road commissioners, resulting in excellent work and '.nihil expenditun ol district funds, Now as i" ili< administrators ol township affairs I 01 .1 number ol years thesi wen almost exclusivel) native residents and descend* ants ol the earliest settlers o I Bergen county, So it cami aboul that Hi am Bougaert, Hollandei ol I697i fames Christie, Scotch im- migi ml "i Schraalenburgh ; the vandcrbcek, ol earl) colonial days; Garret Lydecker, thi patentee; Rutgei Van Brunt, I mi^ Island settler; David Des Vlarais, r-'rench Huguenot; Hendrick Dc Rondc, I 'nil Ii Huguenot, and the Polish Vlbert Zborowski were, through theii descendants, represented in successive Luiglewood township com mittees I hese officials wen nun who stood well in the community and, .is .1 rule, were farmers cultivating inherited land 01 were othei wise connected with purel) local interests, Naturall) conservative in views, thoroughly imbued with the ilmin spirit "i their forbears, ii w .is iii be expected that the) would not depart from the beaten track, Joseph \V Stagg, Nathan I Johnson and Di II \l Banks, who had certain!) lost ill trace ol "newness" during their participn tion "i more than .i decade in I nglewood affairs, found 110 field of local activit) in the offices to which the) were elected Mr. Stagg's energ) manifested itsel I in the count) board ol freeholder; the execu ttvi abiht) "i Mi Johnson was confined, .is commissionei ol appeal, to deciding differences ol opinion between the assessor and the tax- payei V. hi Banks alread) held the appointment ol special police • ' b) virtue ol Ins office ol vice-president ol the Protection Society, the position ol justice ol the peace added neither dignity II, M |',M\ I I Vlbert I Bogert the first elected chairman of Englewood township, holding the office foi si\ successive terms, which indicates populai appreciation ol Ins ability. During this period, the business I 108 I I II Honk oi ENGLEWOOD ,,i ill.' township committee was conducted along old familiar lines. W'iih road matters oul ol the way, the committee could and did devote its attention largely to adjusting the management oi the poor- house, now a tri-township institution under tin joinl control oi one member from each of the three townships, Palisades, Englewood ,uid Ridgefield, Staiisties are nol a\ ailable as in the number ol poor, or, in tin vernacular, "paupers," who were cared for in the tri-town- GEORGE S I "i I i i om ■' portrait b Chi Li ship p house. Man) or few, they provided occasion for prolonged meetings each month, with "dinners" attached. Consideration as to the care of the outside poor was a feature oi the meetings which consumed much time. Supplies sent to paupers by the poor-master and medical attention given the same persons In the local physicians, wen subjects oi length) discussion. Investigation was ordered m both cases. I he poor-master must satislv himseli that the hungry could noi paj lor food, before supplies could he furnished. \ poor person, who had the added mislortune ol siekness. could receive five dollars' worth ol medical care, when treatment ceased, until the physician had reported the patient's condition to the same township [ 109 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD official. The bills presented for supplies furnished the poor gave no evidence of high feeding; on the other hand, the doctor's fee was not always the measure of service actually rendered. The care of the poor was simply a manifestation of the thrifty rural spirit, which held a condition of poverty quite indefensible. Sociology was an unknown science at that time, and the township committee and William Taylor, poor-master for six successive years, undoubtedly lived up to the best light of the day. Road matters ran along smoothly until 1873, when, in the fall oi the year, Herbert B. Turner, commissioner of district No. 2, startled the township committee by requesting that body to raise $2,700 in anticipation of taxes, to pay bills due by the district. Never had such a request been preferred to any township committee anil this one was promptly refused. Mr. Turner, as promptly, resigned his office. The position remained vacant for a while, because the committee declined to confirm the appointment of Jacob S. Wetmore as Mr. Turner's successor. Eventually, the office was filled by an- other. The panic of 187.1 was making itself felt, work was scarce, and there was much unemployment. The inmates of the poorhouse in- creased in number to such an extent that the township fathers were forced to ask temporary assistance from the churches for the suste- nance of these public charges. Tramps appeared in swarms as a coincident of hard times. They arrived at such a variety of times that all could not be passed on to the next township. The problem was, what should be done with these unwelcome visitors. They were not fit subjects for the poorhouse; besides, that institution was already filled. Since the township had just concluded an arrangement with the Protection Society for the use of the lockup for township meet- ings, elections, justices' courts, and other purposes, the chairman of the township committee proposed, to President McCulloh that his organization feed and house, over night, belated tramps. Mr. Mc- Culloh's reply was quite to the point: "the entertainment of tramps, except under great emergency, is not a function of the Society, but their departure from township limits is the concern of the organi- zation." What was impossible to the township, in speeding the departure of these unpleasant guests, was effectively accomplished by the Society. As elections came around, changes occurred in the character of the committee through the selection of local business men and the introduction of the "new" element. The first change of the kind [110] E. C. DILLINGHAM WILLIAM G. VERMILYE EDWIN D. FOSTER LUCIUS ROCKEFELLER THE BOOK OF ENGLFWOOD brought Garret A. Lydecker, William Bennett and Jeffrey A. Hum- phrey on the committee of 1874, and placed William O. Terry on the board of appeal. Ten o'clock morning meetings of long dura- tion did not appeal to a New York business man, consequently Mr. 1 lumphrey did not seek renomination. A reform movement marked this administration. At the instance of a church society, the com- mittee directed the special constable and the poor-master to ascertain the number of persons, of a certain class in the community, who were living together in violation ol law. The poor-master was authorized to make complaint to the justice ol the peace against the persons so found in the course of investigation. The justice at the time was "Squire" Miller, whose specialty was fatherly advice to the wrong- doer. This he undoubtedly gave in connection with the performance of a tew wedding ceremonies, as nothing further appears on the township minutes. In the two years following, the point of view of the township guardians was broadened by the additions of Rufus A. Gorham, Southey S. Parramore and William Ely to their council, and Vincent Tillyou brought new life to the commission of appeal. The commit- tees of '75 and '76 were confronted with suits against the township. The first, made in the preliminary form of a claim, was advanced by I. Smith Homans, for repayment of $1,868.15, advanced in 1871 for the improvement of Engle street. The matter was referred to a sub-committee for investigation, which reported against the validity of the claim, and no suit was instituted. In the other instance, a summons was served on the township clerk in a suit against the town- ship in the sum of $4,000 for trespass, brought by J. B. Vanderbeek and I. Smith Homans. Raymond P. Wortendyke, special counsel, appeared lor the defence, and obtained a decision of non-suit. In February, 1877, the township was divided for election purposes into two districts, east and west, with the railroad as the line of separa- tion. This arrangement was followed by the appointment of a judge of election and two inspectors, one from each of the two dominant parties, in each of the new districts. By act of the legislature, the date of the spring election was changed from April to March. As finally arranged, the judge of election of the eastern district was a republican, with one republican and one democratic inspector; in the western district the judge of election was a demorcat, with one of the two inspectors a republican. Ibis was a fair indication of political sentiment at the time. ( )n March 13, 1877, Mr. Bogert retired from service as chairman [112] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD of the township committee and his place was filled by the choice of Gilbert W. Chamberlain. Nothing of particular moment was accom- plished in this administration, though there was one very able member of the committee in the person of William J. Varley. A proclama- tion was issued against unmuzzled dogs, which appears to have been the first official notice of man's best friend, except as connected with the dog tax. The poor-master was rather too prominent in the dog WILLIAM J. VAla.EI JOHN D. SHERWdcili crusade. It seemed to be his official duty to act as undertaker for both dogs and goats, when the constable scored a hit. The poor- master was not re-elected. The township committee this year, for the first time, borrowed money in anticipation of taxes. This was done to furnish $4,000 for road district No. 2. No financial crash followed. A twelvemonth rolled round and March 12, 1878, and spring election day arrived at the same time. John D. Sherwood became chairman of the township committee; associated with him were William J. Varley, Alexander J. Sweet, Frederick E. Voorhees and Jacob G. Ackermann. Robert Magner, who became later a village institution, was town clerk. George R. Dutton filled his first elective office, that of justice of the peace. Captain William P. Coe, Col. Henry W. Banks and Moses E. Springer were commissioners of [113] THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD appeal. In spite of excellent elements in the administration, things did not always run smoothly. The chairman was a lawyer by pro- fession, a scholar and writer by natural inclination. Naturally pre- cise in the use of language, and somewhat a stickler for proper parlia- mentary form, he presented resolutions in more elaborate fashion than had prevailed hitherto. Mr. Sherwood often dissented from the views of his colleagues and they, in turn, held opinions not shared by their chairman. The principal problems of this administration were delinquent taxpayers and the collection of back taxes. Many of the offenders were those who had speculated heavily in real estate and were unable to meet the interest on mortgages, to say nothing of paying the taxes. There were complications attending the sale of property for taxes and in the issue of warrants against delinquents. All this gave occasion for differing views. When the time came for making appropriations for the coming year, the committee in charge recommended $1,200 for township purposes. The chairman advised a cut of one hundred dollars, which was rejected by a vote of four to one. The assessor's bill, which contained an item of $8.00 for stationery and postage, occasioned more discussion, but the assessor satisfied the committee that the charge was not for private corre- spondence, but tor pressing communication with tardy taxpayers who lived out of town, and the bill was allowed. The previous year, the legislature, by amendment to a former act, reduced the township committee to three members. At the March election, '79, Messrs. Varley and Voorhees were re-elected, and William Ely was chosen as the third member of the township committee. The clerk, Robert Magner, and the collector, Jacob A. Bogert, were also re-elected, and the commissioners of appeal re- mained the same. George R. Dutton was appointed counsel. The election bills, beside the regular pay of election officers, included Mrs. Ackerman's bill for dinners and suppers for these same officers and for feeding one horse, ownership not specified, the amount total- ing $24.50. When the committee got around to the assessor's books, valuations were found to be much less than the preceding year. Eater, attention was called to the change in the election laws con- cerning the pay of election inspectors. The rates were $2 for each day (this included registry) and $1.50 and five cents per mile to the inspector who carried the ballot boxes to the county clerk at Hacken- sack. The election officials were paid according to schedule and Mrs. Ackerman received twenty dollars, but other bills were laid over for lack of funds. In bills for expenditures for the poor, coffins figured [114] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD prominently, the other item being coal. The committee made the appropriations for the coming year, and then it was election time again, and on March 9, 1880, Daniel A. Currie, Addison Thomas and William Ely took up the reins of township government, with George R. Dutton as legal adviser. We shall leave further recital of the township committees and turn to other happenings during the decade. Among the arrivals of December, 18711, was the Rev. John William Payne, who entered upon the rectorate of St. Paul's church. The year 1871 saw the THE TRUE REFORMED CHURCH. DEDICATED IN 1875 beginning of his activity in the enlargement of the church, by the addition of frame transepts, to provide accommodation for an in- creasing congregation. For ten years, the Rev. Mr. Payne's interests were devoted not only to his church but to every forward movement in the community. Dr. D. A. Baldwin came to Englewood from Rochester, N. Y., in 1871, and built his residence on the corner of Englewood and Church streets. He was the second physician to take up residence in Englewood. Lucius Rockefeller came also, this same year, and estab- lished a drug store in one of the stores of the Palisade House. Daniel B. Childs, a late arrival of the previous year, was occupying the stone cottage on the corner of Grand avenue and Chester place. Mr. Childs [115] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD was a lawyer and was connected with the telephone company in its inception. The new-comers of 1872 were Dr. D. A. Currie, Horace L. Congdon, E. B. Convers, William Stanley, E. C. Dillingham. The next year brought, among others, Elbert A. Brinckerhoff, Charles B. Piatt and Gilbert E. Haight. George R. Dutton arrived in 1874. There was not a man in the whole list who did not aid, in some way, in the growth and improvement of Englewood. Among the buildings erected during the first ten years of Engle- wood township was the Palisade Mountain House, built as a summer hotel by Andrew D. Bogert, for a syndicate comprising William B. Dana, William Walter Phelps, George S. Coe, Garret A. Eydecker, Cornelius Eydecker and Jacob S. Wetmore. The building stood on the bluff, south of the terminus of Palisade avenue, and was a land- mark for travelers on the river steamers. A broad piazza across the front and outlook piazzas on the north and south ends of the building afforded views up and down the river. The hotel was suc- cessfully conducted for a number of years, one of its most noted managers being "Dave" Hammond, of the Murray Hill Hotel, New York. The house at last shared the fate of many summer hotels of the period, of destruction by fire. In later years, the property passed into the hands of William O. Allison, who built an artistic stone mansion near the site of the hotel, which also burned at a later day. While the Mountain House was in course of construction, the group interested in the hotel formed the Englewood Dock and Turn- pike Company, constructing a road down the Palisades and a wharf at the foot, which was the landing-place of a steamboat line during the life of the hotel. Under the priorate of Father A. J. Smits, a building was erected on the site of the old armory for the temperance society of St. Cecilia's church. This was used as a club anil meeting room for the members of the society and as a hall for entertainments. William Walter Phelps lent $1,500 on mortgage for the construction of the building. At the time of the Blaine-Cleveland campaign, political differences caused the foreclosure of the mortgage and the subsequent removal of the building to the Phelps property on Palisade avenue, where it formed part of the later armory. In 1873, the Protection Society built a lock-up on the west side of Van Brunt street, which served as a place of detention and later was the first police station of the city of Englewood and the seat of the recorder's court. In the early seventies, Englewood acquired a new railroad station. [ H6] Ill], BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD a brick building, very fine for the day, now the freight station. The old station was moved, bodily, to the east side of West street and used as a tenement. In 1875, a group of worshippers of the True Dutch Reformed church, who had held meetings for several years in Englewood Hall, grew into the proportions of a congregation, with means sufficient for the erection of a church. The members were organized as a congregation of the Christian Reformed Dutch church. A lot was secured on the corner of Tenany road and Dem- KATHARINE JORDAN SAUZADE EMILY VERMILYE BRINCKERHOI'F arest avenue and a stone church building, with graceful spire, was erected under the supervision of the consistory, Thomas W. Demarest and Richard Earle, elders, and Henry P. Demarest, deacon. The church was dedicated on May 23, 1875, and the first pastor, Rev. John C. Voorhis, was installed the following November. The last important building, also a religious structure, was the Vermilye Memorial chapel, which is part of the Presbyterian church. This was the gift of Mrs. Emily Vermilye Brinckerhoff, in memory of her parents, Washington Romcyn Vermilye and Elizabeth Eothrop, his wife. In this year, the chapel, which was the first Presbyterian place of worship, was taken down, each stone numbered, and re- erected inside the entrance of Brookside cemetery, to serve any neces- sary need as a chapel. [117] X. HALF A DECADE ONWARD EFORE proceeding with the story of Englewood township, a step backward must he permitted in order to make men- tion of the two newspapers which came into being during the township's first decade. The Englewood Times, which led the way, was a weekly publication, founded in 1874 by Eben Win- ton, of Hackensack. Mr. Winton was a veteran in the newspaper business, with over a quarter of a century's experience as publisher of the Bergen County Democrat, the oldest and most successful paper in the county. He had recently retired in favor of his son and partner, Henry D. Winton, who had been trained in the business from boy- hood. A newspaper man cannot be long contented without a paper of his own. Mr. Winton supplied the need by establishing an office and plant in the building, known later as the Christopher building, on the corner of Palisade avenue and Dean street, issuing the first newspaper in Englewood township in the early part of 1 874. The paper was well received, the news published was local and largely personal, the patent outside furnished Sunday reading matter and the editor's non-partisanship made the Times acceptable to both political parties. In 1879, the Standard entered the field, announcing itself in its first number as non-partisan in politics, with the growth and development of the township as its paramount object. This second newspaper was the enterprise of two practical young printers, Joseph H. Tillot- son and Henry M. Lichtenberg, both ambitious and energetic and determined to succeed. Their publication office was located on the second floor of the De Mott building, on Palisade avenue. Mr. Tillotson was reporter, editor and business manager, while Mr. Lich- tenberg took charge of the printing office and the mechanical part of the paper. The Standard began necessarily on the plan of a coun- try newspaper, but speedily branched out of purely local limits, gath- ered and published news from neighboring localities, made constant effort to improve the presentation of items, and was generous in giving space to entertainments of a social or charitable nature, all of which added to its list of friends and to its circulation. Mr. Tillotson THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD realized that something more than readers was necessary to the financial success of the enterprise, and presently the advertising columns of the paper and activity in the printing office proved that business had been sought and found. Hard work and energy brought such a measure of success that, in 1884, Mr. Winton gladly disposed of his newspaper property to Tillotson and Lichtenberg, finding occu- pation for himself for the ensuing two years as assemblyman in the lower house of the legislature. The two papers were united and published under a hyphenated name until 1886, when the newspaper became the Englewood Times. As Mr. Tillotson is still in the news- paper field, we shall meet him more than once in the course of our narration of Englewood events. The township election of 1880 was described in a local non-parti- san paper as "a democratic sweep." That was an impressive state- ment, but in point of fact there were no township issues at stake which demanded division along party lines. The "sweep" was only one of those changes that keep politics alive in dull seasons. The committee organized with Addison Thomas, chairman, Dr. Daniel A. Currie, treasurer, and William Ely, poorhouse trustee. Of the officials mentioned, two were democrats. Henry West, freeholder, was of the same political faith. The township counsel, however, George R. Dutton, was a republican, and his appointment was a recog- nition of his knowledge of law and scrupulous exactness in rendering legal opinions. It had become a part of the regular procedure that the first busi- ness of a new township committee should be the payment of the bill for the dinners and suppers of the election officers. The legal fees were fixed by law, but the dinner feature was a custom handed down from years past, allowed as a sort of perquisite. Consequently Mrs. Ackerman's bill was duly honored. Another feature was part of the preliminaries before getting down to actual work. This was the usual warning that "animals, such as geese and ducks, must be kept off the public highways." This year goats were also placed on the index expurgatorius. The first real work was an ordinance, granting a reduction in the percentage added to unpaid taxes. The guiding spirit of this year's committee was Dr. Currie, and the subjects he considered of greatest concern were drainage and sewerage. As a physician, Dr. Currie could speak with authority on both topics. As a citizen and official, he held these matters essen- tial to the growth and prosperity of the township. Progressive measures were adopted, first, by the appointment of J. H. Serviss, [120] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD civil engineer, to ascertain what could be done under the drainage and sewerage law. On receipt of Mr. Serviss' report, vigorous action was taken requiring property owners to remedy all drainage defects which lay within their power. The engineer's report was also printed for distribution. An ordinance was passed which required the sanitary construction ol cesspools. A systematic plan of sewerage and drain- age was prepared and its adoption and submission to the voters, with the recommendation ol a bond issue to meet the expense, were in- WII.I.IAM BLAIKIE DR. D. A. BALDWIN formally discussed. As tar as the electorate was concerned, the plan would have been doomed to failure, had it been submitted. The public was not educated to the idea of a bond issue to pay for an improvement whose benefits all would share, but, as future events proved, required years of instruction before it took the first pro- gressive step. This very year at the annual school meeting of tax- payers, an appropriation of $2,000 was granted for the support of the public school. But when the question was brought up, whether additional accommodation should be secured by an addition to the present schoolhouse or through the erection of a new building, which must come sooner or later, there was divergence of opinion. The progressives were led by James L. Dawes, who protested against a penny wise policy. The conservatives, under the guidance of Daniel r 121 ] THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD Drake Smith, took the ground that the people were already heavily taxed. That was the end of the new building plan for the time. So it was as well that the drainage proposition with the bonding attachment did not materialize. The committee closed its adminis- tration by ordering the treasurer's report printed in full for dis- tribution. During 1880, there was a political line-up on state and national issues in the formation of partisan clubs. William B. Dana was the president of the Democratic Club, Dr. H. M. Banks and Addison Thomas were vice-presidents, Henry A. Barling, Sr., was treasurer. Among the members of the executive committee were James W. Mc- Culloh, Charles B. Piatt, Southy S. Parramore and Richard K. Cooke. The republican organization was headed by Daniel Drake Smith, assisted by five vice-presidents — Messrs. E. A. Brinckerhoff, J. Wy- man Jones, Henry W. Banks, J. D. Sherwood and William Walter Phelps. Gilbert L. Haight was keeper of funds. On the executive board were, among others, Donald Mackay, John E. Miller, William G. Vermilye and Henry J. De Mott. Among the events of the year the resignation of the Rev. John William Payne, rector of St. Paul's, was the occasion of deep regret to his parishioners, by whom he was sincerely beloved. Mr. Payne's departure was a loss to the community. His helpful interest had never been limited by parish bounds. The parish lost by death, in the early spring, Charles T. Chester, sometime senior warden, one of the most active of the organizers of the congregation. St. Cecilia's church, under the ministration of Fathers Smits and Feehan, had acquired a tract of land at Highwood, which had been tastefully laid out as Mount Carmel cemetery. This was solemnly consecrated by the Right Reverend Father Corrigan, bishop of Newark. Only one change was made in the make-up of the town committee of 1881. Addison Thomas was elected justice of the peace, in prefer- ence to the routine of township business. The new member was William Bennett, manager of the Phelps property, a man of experi- ence in drainage matters. In this direction Mr. Bennett, who was chairman, was of great assistance to Dr. Currie in the endeavor to drain "Dutchtown," a low-lying portion of the township. The project was opposed by certain owners of property, through whose lands it was advisable to run drains. A petition of protest was entered, together with a denial of the right of the township committee to take such action. Mr. Bennett, who was thoroughly familiar with the location and its needs, proved the right of the committee, in its [ 122] OLD ST. PAUL'S THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD capacity as a board of health, to order drainage as a sanitary measure, and advised the petitioners to change the form of their petition. The measure was laid over to a future time. There was much work thrown upon this administration in straight- ening out the payment of back taxes to county and state, necessitated by errors in the official bookkeeping of a former administration, which greatly hampered the development of progressive plans. A praise- worthy business system was inaugurated of stamping with date and tiling all accounts of the collector and treasurer. A change in the election of constables occurred in the beginning of the administration. The army was reduced to a corporal's guard of three, elected respec- tively for three years, two years, and one year. The holder of the maximum term was designated special constable. To him was assigned the duty of practicing marksmanship on trespassing goats. There were many happenings wholly unrelated to politics to record for the township year. The first to be mentioned is the re- organization and revival of the Village Improvement Society on April 16, 1881. Col. Henry W. Banks was placed at the head of the organization, and a more capable executive could not have been chosen. Associated in the work of the Society was a group of the most influential men and women of the township, new-comers, old- comers and original residents. The plan of work was based upon intelligent co-operation with the township authorities, in matters coming within the scope of the society. Dr. Currie chose, as his specialty, the keeping the highways free from cows and goats. In the matter of sports, Englewood took an initial step. The Lawn Tennis and Archery Club was formed, with grounds on Ly- decker street. Among the organizers were John H. Crane, Clinton H. Blake and Oliver Drake Smith. Records do not reveal the cap- taincy of the lawn tennis players, but it is related that Oliver Drake Smith was the Robin Hood of the other branch of sport and that he instructed the ladies in archery. A sport of a more robust nature had its beginning in September, '81, when Dean street, in the neigh- borhood of Jacob Taylor's stable, was treated to the spectacle of the meet of an English hunt, with all the features of high-bred horses, hounds and a real fox sent on ahead on the course. Dr. Banks was the master of the hunt and H. D. Munn was master of the hounds. Among those who rode were Mr. and Mrs. William Gulliver, Mrs. Thacher, Miss Virginia Banks, Dr. G. W. Carman, Fred Hammond of the Mountain House, Col. Jameson of the Protection Society and a delegation from the Essex County Hunt, whose red coats gave the [124] THE HOOK OF ENGLEWOOD correct touch of color to the cavalcade. The run, alter devious turns, ended near Schraalenburgh Smith church and master fox ended at the same time. The Englewood Hunt was organized during the next year, with Dr. Banks as master, and flourished for a season or two until the objections of farmers to the invasion ot their lands and the protests of the neighborhood where the hounds were vocal during their rest periods, brought the sport to an end. Educational facilities were enlarged during the period under con- sideration by the opening ot the English and Classical School for Boys, with \V. ]■,. Plumley, Princeton A.B., as head-master. In the same month of September, '81, I haddeus R. White, assistant to Dr. Kursteiner, succeeded to the principalship of the well-known Kur- steiner School. Musical art received an impulse in the formation of the Choral Club, composed oi music-loving members of the community and the residue of the singing society organized by Dr. Kursteiner. An addition was made to the clergy of Englewood, Rev. James H. San Buren succeeding Mr. Payne as rector of St. Paul's. The churches of Englewood joined, September 24th, in a memorial service to President Garfield, the second President to tall a victim to a murderous attack. Earlv in the spring, William Walter Phelps, then recuperating abroad, had been appointed Minister to Austria by President Garfield. On the death of the President, Mr. Phelps ten- dered his resignation to President Arthur, but continued in office for a year, until relieved. In March, 1882, Dr. J. Wadsworth Terry, a resident of several sears' standing, became chairman of the township committee. H. A. Barling, Jr., was chosen as treasurer and Cornelius Eydecker looked after the interests of the poorhouse. "Chief Justice" Joseph B. Miller was again elected justice of the peace. The actual count of the terms Mr. Miller had served could not be stated off-hand, but the fact remained that he was now the oldest justice in the county, his official career dating back to Hackensack township days. The minutes of this administration record merely routine matters and efforts toward the adjustment of back taxes. This was an off year in the township. The one exciting event was the total destruction by fire of Col. Henry W. Banks' house on Palisade avenue. There was absolutely no means of fighting fire, outside the efforts of a "bucket brigade," which would have been utterly futile. The fire broke out in the night and immediately gained such headway that there was barely time for the members of the family to escape with their lives. Neighbors afforded friendly shelter [125] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD and emergency clothing, for nothing was saved from the flames. The house was replaced by a stone building, which still graces Palisade avenue, Mrs. W. L. Pierce being the present owner. An early-closing movement was started toward the end of the township year, which elicited the following commendation from a local paper: "Our merchants in the various lines of business, outside druggists and ice cream dealers, deserve great praise for closing every evening, except Saturday, at eight o'clock, out of consideration for the comfort of their clerks." A revival of the blue laws of pre-revolu- tionary days was particularly severe on the two callings excepted in the early-closing movement, as it banned the early delivery of Sunday ice cream and Sunday newspapers, and allowed the opening of drug stores only at specified hours on Sunday, for the filling of prescrip- tions or the sale of remedies urgently required by the sick. The revival was of short duration. What was hoped to be the final word on the goose question was embodied in a bill introduced in the assembly, February 3, 1883, by Assemblyman R. P. Wortendyke, at the instance, it was said, of ex- Senator Cornelius Lydecker. The measure was entitled "An Act to Prevent Geese from Running at Large." The purport of the act permitted the impounding of geese found upon the highways of any township in the state by any person who should apprehend the tres- passers. For his trouble the captor was entitled to five cents a head from the owner of the geese. If unclaimed at the end of ten days after capture, they (the geese) might be offered for sale, provided announcement had been made by posters, conspicuously displayed in the township involved. Proceeds of the sale were to be divided be- tween the captor or captors and the poor-master of the township. There is no mention on record of the operation of this act, but it has been stated that the same has never been repealed. The principal feature of administration oi the township com- mittee of 1883 was the introduction of telephone service in Engle- wood. William A. Childs, a resident of town, inventor of the modern switchboard, who had been connected with the expansion of the use of the telephone from the time it was established as a workable inven- tion, was the prime factor in its introduction. The New York and New Jersey Telephone Company agreed to open an exchange in Englewood provided fifty subscribers were secured at $50 each per year. Mr. Childs exceeded the prescribed number by ten. Then began the task of securing consent of property owners for the erection, of poles and stringing of wires thereon. There were so many objec- [126] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD tions to the use of the streets, so many protests offered at township meetings, that the committee, comprising William C. Davies, Henry A. Barling, Jr., and Patrick H. Morris, refused at first to designate streets where poles might he erected. The local press had not reached the position of leading public opinion, but discreetly trailed along, watching the way of the wind. Difficulties were finally surmounted, the exchange was opened in the Christopher building at the northwest DANIEL B. CHILDS WILLIAM A. CHILDS corner of Palisade avenue ami Dean street, and the telephone had come to stay. Dwight Chapel, the gift of a generous member of the congrega- tion of the Presbyterian church, whose name was unmentioned by his special request, was opened with appropriate exercises on January 18, 1883. The building, erected on the corner of Palisade avenue and William street by Henry Jones, was to be used for educational, philanthropic and religious purposes. The chapel, named in memory of the first pastor of the Presbyterian church, was conveyed to the trustees for use under the direction of the Session. The first use was a series of free lectures given by several residents of Englewood, which met a varietv ol tastes. The chapel continued in use for several years in accordance with the original purpose, and was used on Sun- days for the Sabbath School of Calvary Mission for the colored [127] 1111. BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD population, and also tor a weekly prayer meeting. Later, the building was moved to Palisade and La layette avenues and used as a LJnion Chapel. It is now, enlarged and beautified, the West Side Presby- terian church. After due notification, a law for election oi the township com- mittee lor terms oi three years, two years ami one year, went into effect in the election of March 1 1, 1884. 1 lenry R. Bailey was high man, Patrick 1 I. Morris next in line. Isaac |. Zahriskie was low man. Mr. Bailey was chairman. More and more one gets the impression (hat the yearly changes in the township strongly resembled moving the patches in a quilt from one place to another. The poundkeeper of one administration was quite likely to fit in as assessor in the succeeding year. The office never experienced any fatigue in seeking the man. There were no features ol note in this administration, simply routine meetings at which the business might have been trans- acted in hall the time. The drainage apportionment lor the year was $8,000. A dijed ol township property, bought in by the com- mittee for the taxes of '79, was executed to Gardner S. Hutchinson on payment ol purchase price and all taxes due. The property in question was on Tenafly road at Slocum avenue, the building being a charming old Dutch farmhouse lacing south, with the original doors opening in hall, and a lean-to built, like the main structure, ol brown field-stone. After this had been accomplished, the committee got around to finding out where street sign-posts would be of most use to travellers. The news which came ol the death in Rome, on February 20, 1884, of the Rev. John William Payne, spurred the Ladies' Guild to undertake the placing in St. Paul's of a memorial to a rector so universally loved. The work ol the Guild, paid lor with funds raised in the last year, included a thorough renovation of the church itself, the removal ol the organ and choir stalls to the north transept, new- carpets ami new coverings lor the cushions in the pews, leading up to the memorial window, which filled the space back ot the altar. The church was reopened and the window unveiled on Easter morn- ing, April 26, 1SS4. On October 'hh ol this year, the Exchange lor Women's Work was organized at a meeting held at the residence ol Mrs. Sheppard 1 lomans. The officers elected were Mrs. Samuel A. Duncan, presi- dent ; Mrs. Robert J. 1 lunter, vice-president; Mrs. Sheppard I lomans, treasurer; Mrs. George D. Mall, secretary. On the board were Mesdames Campbell Mortimer, Chester C. Munroe, William F. [ 128] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Tillinghast, William L. Whittcmore, and Misses H. L. Sawtelle and A. W. Sterling. The Exchange was opened on November 1st in what was known as the Athenaeum, Jr., a small Gothic frame building of quaint history. The opening of the Exchange was the result of the arduous work of Miss Henrietta Lowell Sawtelle, who started the project of affording gentlewomen an opportunity of disposing of the work ot their hands under favorable conditions. The plan, started in 1883 as a branch of the New York Exchange for Women's 111 NRIETTA LOWELL SAW III i i JULIA J. HI N< w Work, culminated in the acquirement of the building whose story will bring this chapter to an end. Just before the Civil War, Adriance Van Brunt and Moses E. Springer built this one-story office building. Its original location was on Palisade avenue, on the site of the present Lane building. The second user was John Van Brunt, who ran a real estate office and a branch of the I lackensack bank. Then it was a coal office under Robert Allan. Next the building was moved around the corner to the site on Dean street, where the Christopher brick building afterward stood. It was then used as the meeting place and office of the road board. The next trip placed the diminutive building beside the Athena-um, when that ungainly structure was the biggest thing on the avenue. Then it fell into the hands of the Women's I xchange, and shortly afterward was moved to the south side of [129] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Palisade avenue, where it served as the salesroom for cakes, jellies, embroideries and other products. When the Exchange erected its own building on Engle street, the salesroom, bereft of its artistic surroundings, became a prosaic office where consumers paid their gas hills. When again left to its own devices, the Gothic structure grew restless and was soon on the way down Palisade avenue and round the corner on Dean street, to he used as an upholstery shop. It wandered once more up the street to near Demarest avenue where, from latest advices, it is spending its last years as the I [ansford shop for auto tops. [130] XI. C0MM1 M TV PROGRESS HE new arrangement in the election oi the township com- mittee had its first demonstration in 1885, when Issue J. Zabriskie, the one-year man of the preceding year, was re- turned for a term of three years, but took his old place as middle man in the township triumvirate, his associates continuing in their respective positions as chairman and poorhouse trustee. George R. Dutton entered upon his second term as freeholder and Raymond 1*. Wortendyke was again legal adviser of the committee. The year's record, in its main features, resembled the proceedings of the previous twelve-month, save that the committee evinced some interest in side- walks. Mattel's pursued their tranquil course until one September day, when goats enlivened things by a mass foray on the young trees set out along I'.ngle street by the Improvement Society. Messrs. Wetmore and Turner appeared before the township committee, entered com- plaint, and asked compensation for the damage done. On legal ad- vice, the request was refused; the reason given was that the township committee was not the custodian ol the Knglewood goats and had no responsibility in the matter. Citizens themselves had the right to impound or to kill offending goats on sight, anil the committee pos- sessed no higher power. So there the matter rested. There was no allusion to what was supposed to be a part, if not the whole, of the special constable's job; but the authorities did get as far as considering a proposition to do away with this particular office, though the next spring election came around before a conclusion was reached. Dr. I). A. Currie was made commissioner of road district No. 2 this year and entered upon his work with commendable vigor. It must be said for the road commissioners oi the east side ol town that they had troubles not known to the commissioners on the west side. A heavy rainstorm sending a torrent of water down the Pali- sades hills would undo the work ol many days. There was activity in the community at large, other than that shown by the authorities and the weather. In January, 1885, the Rev. Charles W. Ward, of Winter Park, Florida, was called to the THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD rectorship of St. Paul's church as the successor of the Rev. James H. Van Buren, who had resigned his charge, late in the previous year, to take up the work of St. Paul's, Newburyport, Mass. The new rector, who entered upon his duties in the early spring, was the son of Commander Ward, U. S. N., killed in 1861 while in service on the James river, Virginia. A notable real estate sale of the year was that of the Lyell property on Lydecker street. The purchaser was John W. Pitkin, who, with Mrs. Pitkin, had been staying at the Engle- ANDREW J. DITMAN JOHN W. PITKIN wood House for some months, looking over the land. Coincident with the Pitkin arrival was that of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ditman, both families coming from Brooklyn, where they were friends and neigh- bors. When Mr. Pitkin bought the Lyell tract, he promptly sold half the property to Mr. Ditman. The Pitkins took up residence in the Lyell house, while the Ditmans lived in the early Deuel house, which was on their part of the land, until their own house was built. Brooklyn again made a generous gift to Englewood interests by the addition of these lifelong residents. The armory was built this year on Palisade avenue west. The nucleus of the building was the structure, already mentioned, which had been moved from Van Brunt street to the Phelps property on Palisade avenue. The building was enlarged for the occupancy of [132] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD the local militia company organized after the Civil War by Captain William P. Coe. Upon the retirement of Captain Coe, in 1882, Addison Thomas was elected to the captaincy. Captain Thomas was the son of General Thomas, U. S. A., sometime in command at West Point, where his son was born. To inherited military tradition, Captain Thomas added training both at home and abroad. The first lieutenant of the company at this time was Charles Barr, Jr., and Louis Ruch was second lieutenant. Aside from its regular use, the armory, enlarged later, was very much in demand for fairs, enter- tainments and social functions. An organization of the day, very much before the public, was the Pioneer Baseball Club. The nine was composed of stalwart youths, well trained, clean players who won laurels in pre-field club days, not only at home but outside as well, for they were adventurers as befitted their name. The lot on the corner of John street and Tenafly road was the scene of many a hard-fought game between the Pioneers and the Englewoods, cap- tained by Louis S. Coe. There was no grandstand for spectators, but the fence supplied limited seating accommodation and wagons and carriages along John street afforded reserved seats. The illustra- tion on the next page will recall pleasant memories of "when we were twenty-one." There are some of our residents who will remember that the Veterans' Association of soldiers of the Civil War was organized this year. There were thirty-five of "the boys in blue" who were then associated under the presidency of General Samuel A. Duncan, with N. Z. Boyd, vice-president; Samuel M. Riker, secretary, and William C. Davies, treasurer, as assisting officers. Though the last in point of narration, but of actual occurrence in June, the trip around the world of the yacht "Brunhilde," commanded by John Jay Phelps, aroused much local interest. Captain Phelps was the elder son of William Walter Phelps and had been recently graduated from Yale University. As duly qualified master of a ves- sel, Captain Phelps sailed forth "strange countries for to see," with several of his college mates as travelling companions. We shall note here that the voyage met with no misadventure under the com- mand of the young captain. When the township election of 1886 came around, the voters elected James Harris as committeeman for three years. Mr. Harris had resided in town since 1869, therefore was not open to the charge of "newness." He was a house-painter by trade, and there was no complaint of either the quality of his work or of his dealings with his ' [ 133 ] THE BOOK OI l.X( ill WOOD customers. I [e brought to the township business the same kind of work and dealing. When the committee was organized, Mr. Harris was naturally placed at the head as chairman. Mr. Zabriskie, now accorded a salary of $20, remained as guardian of township funds and Mr. Bailey went to the end of the line to look after the interests oi the poorhousc. I here was a sort of "new broom" at- mosphere about the administration; lor the town clerk, the assessor, the poor-master, and tin commissioners oi appeal were all new. E. GRUHER. E. RUCIl. J. ZIPPLE, D. VALENTINE, C. COYTE i GRUBER, G. CONKLIN, II. WIRTESON, E. LYONS I'M ix l 1:1; i; \seh.\I.I. till: Charles C. Townsend, an active member oi the Protection Society, had been re-elected constable for three years. Mr. Wortendyke was in his old place as counsel to the committee. At the first meeting in May, after organization, a communication was received from Donald Mackay, president of the Protection Society, urging unity of action ot the special township police officer with the officers of the Society for the better protection of the citizens. There was no question of agreement with this urgent request, and the necessary directions were given to Constable 1 ownseinl. For many years the township had been so free from the visits of r 134] I'lll BOOK ol ENGLEWOOD persons ol criminal intent that the summons to turn out, brought to the Protection Society on the night oi May 5, 1886, roused the community with a decided shock. I he call was brought by a young man, who dashed from I eaneck on horseback to Dr. Banks' house and told the doctor, "George has been shot by a burglar and badly hurt, and I guess I've killed the man who did it." Dr. Banks grasped his instrument kit, made his way to the barn, saddled and mounted his horse and was under way within a few minutes, leaving Louis Coe to rouse Marshal Jameson and the authorities. The two brothers, George and Louis Coe, sons oi Captain William I*. Coe, oi I eaneck, about an hour before were returning home from a visit at a neigh- bor's house on I eaneck Ridge. While pissing the I eaneck scl I- house, which stood on a lonely part ol the road near a clump ol woods, they had noticed a gleam ol light at one ol the windows ol the school. They stopped to investigate the cause, discovered that the door ol the school unfastened, and entered, thinking some tramp had taken refuge from the storm which was impending. The in- truder proved to be a man heavily armed, who answered a question as to his presence in the building with two revolver shots. I he young men retreated, ami enlisting the aid ol a neighbor passing by, they proceeded to invest the possible exits from the building with the view ol arresting the intruder. From the viewpoint of personal courage the attempt was praiseworthy'. In the intrepidity ol youth they took no account ol the odds against them. When the man attempted to est ipe by jumping from a window, George Coe seized him, and before his brother could render effective assistance, the former re- ceived a severe wound through the body and fell. The junior Coe continued the fight, wrested the revolver from his opponent's hand, and then struck him to the g] ound. I sing the pistol butt as a weapon, Louis Coe beat the man over the head until he became apparently senseless. Running to the nearest house, Louis sent assistance to his brothei-, and obtaining a horse, dashed to Englewood for Dr. Banks. When Marshal Jameson ami his contingent arrived upon the scene there was no dead burglar to he found and no trace of a living offender. The members ol the Protection Society beat the woods in every direction and sought along the railroad track without result. The next day the Society offered a reward of $1,000 for the arrest of the burglar, to which sum William Walter Phelps added another thousand. Three days later, during a hard shower, the policeman on duty at I [oboken ferry noticed a nun, hiding a roughly bandaged head beneath a battered umbrella, making his way to the ferry-boat r i3S] I'll]', BOOK OK KNGI.KW'nni) about leaving for New York. < )n impulse the officer arrested this suspicious looking individual, who proved to be the man wanted. 1 [e gave his name as John 1 lug, and was identified by the younger Coe. At his trial it was shown that I lug had a long criminal record. The sentence imposed kept him from further mischief lor the next fif- teen years. Bel ore he was conveyed to the state prison at Trenton, 1 lug told the warden of 1 Iackensack jail that while the posse was searching the woods, he lay hidden in a thicket, so near his pursuers that he could hear their voices and what they said. As we know, to our great satisl action, Mr. Coe recovered from his wound ami has taken a prominent part in the building up ol the public school system ol our city. I 'here was some dissatisfaction expressed at the method ol calling out the members of the Protection Society at the time of the Coe affair and new arrangements were made for summoning members for lire or other emergency. There was also dissatisfaction with the Northern Railroad, and comments on the policy pursued by the Erie in its management of this branch road were not made in flowery terms. A double track, a 6 P. M. train, the occasional removal of coal dust and ashes from the seats of passenger cars, and some consider- ation of the travelling public in train schedules, were items in the bill ol complaints. Railroad direction seemed to produce deafening ol the ears as well as hardening ol the corporate heart. The township committee was having trouble with drainage prob- lems. The brook running through the village figured largely in the discussions of the committee. The stream might sing a quiet tunc "in the leafy month of June," but, when the winter broke up, it roared a melody which carried away piling and stonework built up every year. William Blaikie began propaganda for a bridge across the 1 ludson as a corrective to the evils of the railroad and as a means ol over- coming stagnation in real estate. Nobody had anything to suggest about the brook, though some old-timers asked regularly, at township meetings, what was going to be done about it. Something was done about water, even il it did not concern the brook. During the summer, the 1 Iackensack Water Company com- pleted the laying ol the huge mains in Englewood and supplied the township with an abundance ol pure water, drawn from the upper sources of the 1 Iackensack and filtered at the reservoir and pumping station at New Milford. A committee of citizens, appointed at a taxpayers' meeting, presented a petition to the township committee [136] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD that the authorities rent forty fire hydrants from the Water Company and have the same placed in proper locations. The petition was granted and a contract was made with the company for three years for the number specified in the petition at $15 each per year. The committee also appointed Dr. II. M. Banks as township physician for the remainder of the year. The Englewood School for Boys, now conducted by W. Wilber- force Smith, had increased hugely in attendance and, in this year of which we are writing, among the pupils were those who, as men, at- tained distinction in law, medicine, finance, literature, business, official position, as well as in other walks of life; all Englewood boys and later Englewood men. The beginning of 1S87 brought indications of better times. There was payment of back taxes and release of property sold to the town- ship to secure unpaid taxes. The progressive element was encouraged sufficiently to bring about a citizens' meeting, on February 14th, to nominate a non-partisan ticket for the spring election. Though the Valentine presented was artistic in design and harmonious in com- position, the regular organizations would have none of it. Party primaries were held as usual and the nominations were made as usual on party lines. So when election results were declared, the township committee was composed of Jacob S. Wetmore, James Harris and Isaac J. Zabriskie, two republicans and one democrat. What par- ticular difference that made is not apparent, for all three were good men. Among the newly elected justices of the peace was Charles F. Park, who speedily won the sobriquet of "the little judge." The title was really a matter of appreciation rather than of reference to stature. Justice Park dispensed the law fairly; he showed charity toward first offenders but the old hands enriched the township treas- ury and paid their fines without demur. Another justice was Henry J. DeMott, a native Bergen County man, who harked back to the immigrant, Matthias DeMott; and another still, a clean-cut business man, was J. Monroe Mattison. The township administration was in hands capable of managing things to the best advantage, so we shall turn to the other events of the year. Eighteen eighty-seyen might well be called "organization year," from the various companies and associations which had their be- ginning during that period. The first organization formed was Dwight Post, G. A. R., which was formally chartered on March 23d, at Templars' Hall, by Department Commander Wheeler. There were twenty-five members on the charter roll, the majority original Engle- [137] W s- rt ". £ 9X- ~ § E c 576 of °> H "> E.3 p = ./-.H "• . S « 3^?E c to 1 1 a s a |;u . y 85S.9KJ M S.9-M8 J!' Q ' U go fe . ^ a o u .= ., g''S - -^ES M 1 W C ">H 3 gs r - S'gft.a, f-c 5 £ ~" ami a detail from Company A, I nun Leonia. Gen. Samuel A. Duncan was the orator ol the day ami Col. in \i;\ .! in \nn r CHARLES !'. PARK John I). Sherwood read an original memorial ode, dedicated to the post. The Englewood Mutual Loan and Building Association was organized on May 7th under the laws of the state. The object ol the association was both businesslike and practical, to invest intelli- gently the savings oi stockholders and to loan money under a well- thought-out plan for the building ol houses by the members, ol which they became ultimately the lull owners. The first president was Samuel M. Hiker; the second, elected after the death ol Mr. Riker in 1SS0. is George i I. Payson, now completing his twenty-third year of continuous service. Another officer to be gratefully remembered is Moses 1". Springer, who, at his death in 1915, had served twenty- eight years as secretary. The affairs of the organization have been so prudently managed that its career has been steadily progressive, until it now occupies its own building on the north side ol Park place. [139] TIIK BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD The introduction of a public water supply in the township was followed, this year, by the incorporation of the Englewood Sewerage Association, with a capital of $23,000, held by one hundred sub- scribers. The sewer system was constructed on approved scientific principles and was extended as demand arose. Aside from the sani- tary benefit, the building of the sewer gave work to contractors and men. The first officers of the company were Jacob S. Wetmore, presi- dent ; Herbert B. Turner, vice-president; Oliver Drake Smith, secre- tary. Samuel F. Gold was made superintendent. A building was begun in April, at Nordhoff, when the corner stone of St. John's chapel was laid. The lot on which the chapel was built was the gift of William Walter Phelps, through Mrs. Phelps, who contributed to the .building fund on her own account. The con- gregation, which was to find here its church home, was the outgrowth of a Sunday school ami afternoon service, started, in 1880, as a mis- sion of St. Paul's church b\ William A. Burdett. Mr. Burdett came to Englewood in 1875 and was a devoted church worker under the rectorate of the Rev. John William Payne. As lay reader, he devoted himself to St. John's mission for twenty-live years. The gospel of outdoor exercise received vigorous impulse, in the late spring of 1887, by the organization of the Englewood Field Club. A number of citizens interested in baseball, tennis, bicycling and other sports of the day, secured a site on l'.ngle street, the pres- ent location, on favorable rental terms, with an option of purchase. David I.. Barrett, an intelligent and enterprising contractor, was entrusted with the work of grading the ground, laying out tennis courts, a baseball diamond, ami a track tor wheelmen. A small but conveniently arranged club house was erected and the grounds were opened, informally, in July, with a try-out baseball game. The formal opening took place, in August, with a tennis tournament. Meanwhile, Mr. Barrett had laid out a roadway on the westerly side, with an entrance ami exit at either und. The grounds were enclosed with a tall fence of wire netting. At the north cwd ol the tract, a stand for spectators was erected. On that August day, the blue and white pennant, gift of the women members, Hying from the Hag pole, announced that the Meld Club had taken its place as an Englewood institution. The first officers were Dwight Arvcn Jones, president; D. Webster Evans, vice-president; John E. Curran, secretary ami treasurer. The club established itsell at once as an object of popular esteem. Famous hall games were played in the days of the Amateur League. When the game was played <>n the home grounds, the road- [ HO ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD way was occupied with carriages filled with men and women devotees of the sport; the stand, which was grand by courtesy, hadn't a vacant seat; and outside the fence on the Engle street side, vehicles, drawn close to the curb, contained non-members of the club. From this direction came the greatest applause for the nine, and also the tren- chant criticism of "Ame" Ruch, when errors occurred. When the nine went to Hackensack, to meet the Oritanis, or to Staten Island, THE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 1922 to try conclusions with the Athletics, a gallery from Englewood always attended. The illustrations will revive many memories of players of local fame, Cuming, catcher, Huyler Westervelt, pitcher, Prosser, first baseman with the long reach, "Kinney" Mowry, who acquired a great deal of Field Club soil in the course of a game, and "Eance" Miller, manager, of grave demeanor, but keen on the sport, and "Jerry" Murphy, club house janitor and general factotum, loving the young folks and proud to sit in the same picture with the girls and boys. Of the games of later time, the greatest praise to be accorded is that they were worthy reminders of the good old days. From Field Club we pass to firemen, who were certainly sports- [ HI] THE BOOK OF KNU.liWOOD men in their line. A preliminary meeting to organize a hose company was called on October 10th, 1887, by a number of citizens* among them Donald Mackay, Dr. II. M. Hanks, John E. Miller, Joseph II. Tillotson, Jacob Taylor and George R. Dutton. An application was drawn up, asking the township committee to call a special meeting to vote an appropriation of not over $2,000, to establish and equip a hose company. The meeting was held and the proposition carried at the November election. 1 he company organization was completed ENGLEWOOD FIELD CLUB BASEBALL TEAM and an application lor incorporation was Med on November 1st. I en days later, the township committee met a committee from the hose company and granted the firemen permission to spend $1,000 o! the appropriation lor hose, provided the sum were advanced by some citizen, in anticipation oi taxes. Mr. Brinckerhofl advanced the money and the township committee ordered the hose, to lie delivered within a lew days. Hut in the early morning ol November 22d, a township night watchman discovered lire in a room over Magner's confectionery store, in the Athenaeum. There were hydrants and water hut no hose. All that those who Hocked to tin scene did, was to remove what they could Irom Springer's hardware store and Mrs. Chamberlain's drygoods establishment. The mails were saved Irom the post office in the southeast corner of the building, but the records were lost. Adjacent buddings were saved by a bucket brigade, which [ 142] THE HOOK OF ENGLEWOOD poured water on their roofs. Donald Mackay, as a former Brooklyn volunteer fireman, directed the efforts of the workers. The boys of Smith's school had a holiday when assembly time came around, for nothing was lelt oi the building where the school was located, except the outside walls. So far as the building itself was concerned, it was never a thing oi beauty or a paying investment. The losers were the school, the occupants of the stores anil the post office department. I he one who took the loss by lire most philosophically was Mrs. FIELD CLUB l.'iui ERi Anna E. Chamberlain, the greater part of whose stoek of drygoods and notions either went up in smoke or was badly damaged by water. But Mrs. Chamberlain was a husiness woman whose career began when her husband Gilbert W. Chamberlain was station agent, pro- prietor ol a news stand, with a stoek of candy as an attachment, and a local express wagon. lie was also postmaster, with Mis Chamberlain as deputy of the combined ticket and post office. That was Mr. Chamberlain's ostensible occupation. But, except in not driving the express wagon, Mrs. Chamberlain was ilea ex machina. from the station, Mrs. Chamberlain migrated to a small shop on east Palisade avenue, whose principal feature was the agency ol' tin- Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph company; then further east to a larger drygoods shop, thence to the Athenaeum, where the lire ter- [ H-3 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD minated the lease. The Chamberlain business enacted the phoenix role, it rose in the Chamberlain building, on Palisade avenue, a fine brick store with living apartments overhead. The store was for years the shopping centre of Englewood and the office of the Western Union Telegraph company. Mrs. Chamberlain's business sense and genial manner set an example of how to succeed, to her associates along the avenue. After the Athena?um fire, village talk ran in the direction of HERBERT BEACH TURNER JACOB S. WETMORE incorporating the township; it was not very vigorous conversation, but an idea had been implanted. Then a few discussed Col. Sher- wood's project of a State Palisades Park at Englewood. The parish- ioners of St. Paul's anticipated the coming of the new rector, Rev. George F. Flichtner, who was expected to hold the Christmas service. The society event of the season was the marriage of Miss Mai Hum- phrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Humphrey, to James H. Coe. Miss Humphrey was the first child born in the new resident colony after Englewood received its name. That fact and her own personal charm, joined to the Coe popularity, filled the church to overflowing on the occasion of the wedding. This year saw the passing of three men who had been prominent in the early days of Englewood: Daniel Drake Smith, February 8th; [144] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Cullen Sawtelle, November 10th; and Robert J. Hunter, December 12th, 1887. On November 21st of the following year, Vincent Tilyou, another valued citizen, passed on. January, 1888, opened with the failure of the Governor to com- mend, in his message to the legislature, Colonel Sherwood's project of a State Park on the Palisades at Englewood. On March 8th, a meeting was planned at Dwight Chapel to discuss the question of building a small hospital in Englewood. As, for some reason, the FIRST CLUBHOUSE. ENGLEWOOD FIELD CLUB janitor failed to have the chapel open for the meeting, adjournment was taken to the Collegiate School for Girls on the southeast corner of Palisade and Grand avenues. The meeting was presided over by William Blaikie. After discussion, Dr. Currie moved the appoint- ment of a committee of twelve, six men and six women, to take counsel together and formulate plans of organization to be presented at a meeting on a later date. The clerk of the weather interfered with a good many plans, when the blizzard of March 12th, 1888, blocked the roads, disar- ranged railroad trains and telephone and telegraph communication generally. Consequently, the township election went over from March 13th to April 10th, when Henry D. Brinkerhoff was elected commit- teeman for three years. The township fathers had sufficient work cut out for them, in consequence of the blizzard, to take up consider- able time. On March 20th, a second hospital meeting was held, at the resi- [145] I III. BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD dence of Mrs. Sheppard 1 lomans. Articles of incorporation were presented by Stephen G. Clarke, of Tenafly, which called for a board ol twenty-five governors. These were named later in the evening and showed that to the women the odd governor had been given. Among the women who were actively interested were Mrs. Sheppard I lomans, Mrs. Campbell Mortimer, Miss Henrietta Sawtelle, Mrs. J. A. Wells, Miss I. aura Drake Smith and Miss A. W. Sterling. Among the men were Stephen G. Clarke, Julius Freudenthal, William 1>\\ II. HI' AKYKN JUNKS I.IVINCSTON A. Mil. I. EI! Stanley, Cornelius Christie, Charles F. Park and Charles B. Piatt. I he next step was to secure a building hind and a site for the building. Dr. Hanks attended to the latter matter. While other members of the committee were encountering refusals, because the hospital did not commend itself as a desirable neighbor, Dr. Banks secured a tract running from the west side of I'.ngle street to the railroad, opposite the Field Club. Time was devoted to raising funds. The contributions came from memberships, donations and entertain- ments, in which undertakings the women members of the board of governors took a major part. In the mean time, the officers of the hospital association had been chosen as follows: President, Mrs. Sheppard I lomans, vice-president, Stephen (i. Clarke; treasurer, Charles F. Park; secretary, Miss A. W. Sterling. When the money [ 146] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD w;is in sight, plans were drawn by Thornton Floyd Turner and the contract was given to Andrew D. Bogert for a building to cost not over $5,0(1(1. The physicians of Englewood and vicinity, who com- posed the medic. il and surgical staff, formed their own hoard and arranged their terms of service; they also made arrangements with specialists as consultants. The building and other arrangements were not completed until the early pari oi 1890, when the hospital was opened. Of this we shall speak later. Other events during the years SARAH HOUSTON HOMANS •I \i;Y parsons BLAKE ISXK and 1889 were, in the former year, the purchase by the Erie ot a tract on Dean street, extending to the railroad, which was con- sidered very much out oi reach, the most thickly built sections of Englewood lying toward the south. Nevertheless, the Erie bought the site from Garret A. Lydecker at a good price, building Lip the neighborhood by the erection ol a new station. The Field Club pur- chased its grounds in 1S8S ami made plans for a new club house. At this time work was begun on a large addition to the public school. from plans drawn by Henry Jones. A movement was started for a hall, to replace the Athemrum, at a meeting held at the home of Mr. Mackay. On March 30th, '88, the Phelps home at Teaneck was totally destroyed by lire. The house was never rebuilt. The tall chimney ^m\ ruined walls, now covered with ivy and clinging vines, [ 147 ] THE BOOK OK ENGLEWOOD are a picturesque feature on the road to Hackensack. The township committee of 1889 contained James Harris, elected for another three years, and Abram Tallman, who finished a year of Mr. Wetmore's unexpired term. It was a Democratic year and the minor offices went to good Democrats. Charles C. Townsend became chief marshal of HOOK AM) LADDER CO.. VOLUNTEER EIRE DEFT. the Protection Society in this latter year. Englewood had now some measure of protection in the fire company, with Jacob Taylor, fore- man, and Charles C. Townsend, assistant foreman. Moreover, the Englewood Fire Association had a fire house on Van Brunt street, with a tower and a bell. Inside the bouse were a hose cart and a fire truck, both horse-drawn. When a fire broke out, horses were [ 148] THE BOOK OF KNGLEWOOD quickly brought from the foreman's livery stable, near at hand. The company was a lively one, with plenty esprit de corps, and got under way in short order. 1 here were times, however, when the best oi will to do anil the strongest muscles were handicapped by the peculiar physical conditions to which Englewood was subject. With an icy hill to negotiate on a winter night, the company found promptness vir- CHAKLES C. TOWNSEND J A COU I wi.oi: tually impossible, no matter bow the horses were lashed. Those who long for the good old days can take consolation in this one respect, at least, and rejoice in the improvement that gasoline has brought. [ 149] TIN PAN ALLEY (now Cedar St.) LOOKING EAST FROM LYDECKER ST. XII. THE TOWNSHIPS WANE HE events o) the two years preceding 1 89U had much to do with the future status of Englewood. Several progressive enterprises were undertaken, during that time, which clearly indicate that the projectors had in mind a wider field for the development of their plans. A growing sentiment of dissatisfac- tion with the existing state of things lent its aid. Houses had burned in the days when there was neither water nor hose-cart, and nobody was to blame; the tired brigade hung up the buckets and charged up the destruction to Providence. But when there was water but no hose cart, folks began to ask the reason why, and something or some- body tangible got the blame. Grandfather's times lost their attraction in the eyes of the sons of today. Every enterprise of the past years and of the present year pushed the township another step on its way toward its resting place near old Hackensack township. The township election of 1890 led the way in the march of events. The returns show that Abram Tallman, a staunch Democrat, was elected to a three year term. With Henry D. Brinkerhoff, a hold- over, he determined the majority. James Harris was minority mem- ber of the committee. The other township officers professed the faith of Thomas Jefferson, so unanimity of sentiment prevailed generally. The matters confronting the committee were mostly local improve- ments; first of all, sidewalks. The committee had the power to order the laying of sidewalks on petition of property owners to be benefited. This required unanimity of action very often unattainable. From the present day viewpoint, the obstructions and delays in matters of im- provement to property are unexplainable. But Sleepy Hollow lay across the Hudson, and the wind at times blew from that direction. Taxes have been open to objection, however, from primeval days. The Improvement Society was still supplying many street oil lamps, by private subscription, and the only way the dust on the roads was kept down was by a watering cart, in selected localities, also provided by private subscription. To do the township committee justice, efforts THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD to sprinkle some streets were met by strenuous objection to adding to the revenues of the water company. The administrative year having started on its way, we may pass to another opening event. On May 22d, the new hall was opened to take the place of the old Athenaeum. The building which was to house a bank, a library, a club anil a concert hall bore the classic name "Eyceum," and was erected on the site of the old Dutch farm- house of Dominie Demarest and Margrietje Eydecker, his wife. It was and is a fine structure, designed by J. Cleveland Cady, architect of the Metropolitan Opera House. The contractor, John F. Fitschen, Thomson and Poland, who did the mason work, Jacob A. Bogert, who did the brick work and plastering, J. Milton Elmore, plumber, and James Harris, painter and decorator, all Englewood men, have the credit of turning out an admirable piece of workmanship. All Englewood attended the formal opening. The Musurgia (dee Club and Maud Powell, violinist, furnished the musical part of the pro- gram. The president of the Lyceum Company gave the details of the construction of the building and expressed the firm conviction of the urgent need the structure would serve. The building cost $46,000. Mr. Jones was perfectly correct in his prophetic statement. The first officers of the Lyceum Company were: President, Dwight A. Jones; vice-president, Elbert A. Brinckerhoff ; treasurer, Clinton H. Blake; secretary, Barstow Drake Smith. The officers and directors of the company did not have to wait long for tenants. The Engle- wood Club was waiting for the completion of the building and, on June 2d, the social organization with seventy-two charter members took up quarters in the assembly rooms on the second floor. The club was organized December 31st, 1899, with Sheppard Homans, president; Henry W. Banks, vice-president; Edward P. Coe, secre- tary; B. Drake Smith, treasurer. The first board of governors was composed of Charles B. Piatt, W. L. Bigelow, Delos Bliss, Oliver Drake Smith, LeRoy B. Haft, Andrew J. Ditman and Thomas L. James. The list of officers and members of the club, past and present, includes the names of men prominent in business and professional life, all more or less directly interested in Englewood affairs. Special men- tion must be made of Charles G. Clark, an Englewood settler of 1870, vice-president of the American Express Company. Mr. Clark was a charter member of the club, of which he was treasurer for nineteen years. He was a famous whist player of the old school. Following closely on the club, the Englewood Library Association, organized this year, moved, on June 5th, into the rooms facing on [152] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Palisade avenue, on the first floor of the building. The first board of trustees comprised the Rev. Dr. Daniel Wise, Elbert A. Brincker- hoff, Clinton H. Blake, Donald Mackay, Dwight A. Jones, Samuel A. Duncan, the Rev. Dr. H. M. Booth, the Rev. George F. Flichtner and B. Drake Smith. The first four named were the officers of the association, Dr. Wise heading the number as president. Fife mem- bership subscriptions, of $200 each, provided the sum of $3,400 for the first purchase of books. Gifts from public-spirited citizens pro- OLIVER DRAKE SMITH ABRAM TALLMAN vided the library furnishings. The proprieties of the day were ob- served in the provision of separate reading rooms, according to the sex of the readers. Miss Anna F. Waterbury was the first librarian and, when the library outgrew its quarters and moved to the house provided by Mr. Mackay, Miss Harriet R. Prosser succeeded to the office and introduced progressive features, gained by study of the work of municipal libraries, in the selection and arrangement of books to meet special needs. Next the Citizens' National Bank rented the tower room from the Fibrary Association, for banking purposes. The project of estab- lishing a bank had been started earlier in the year, when Clinton H. Blake, then president of the Englewood Improvement Society, acting in behalf of that organization, called a meeting for the purpose. [153] THE BOOK OF 1 NGEEWOOD There were present Messrs. Donald Mackay, E. A. Brinckerhoft, Charles B. Piatt, Henry W. Banks, E. B. Convers, John E. Miller, Clinton H. Blake and R. H. Rochester. The project was agreed upon and Mr. Miller was made chairman of the committee on organization. A charter was granted by the government, the first board of directors elected by the stockholders consisting of Donald Mackay, E. A. Brinckerhoff, John E. Miller, Clinton H. Blake, R. H. Rochester, Sheppard Homans, E. B. Convers, Charles B. Piatt, J. Hull Brown- ing, Samuel A. Duncan and Henry W. Banks. Donald Mackay became president and Charles B. Piatt vice-president. F. B. Hoffman was appointed cashier and James R. Elliott bookkeeper. On Sep- tember 2d the bank opened for business, continuing today in the same budding, which it now owns. During the bank's existence it has had three presidents, Donald Mackay, Clinton H. Blake and Albert E Drayton. During the same period there have been three vice-presi- dents, Charles B. Piatt, Clinton H. Blake and Samuel S. Campbell. The 14th of June saw the formal dedication of the Englewood hospital. A fair had been held a few weeks before to raise funds for the furnishing of the building. The amount raised, together with generous donations, had enabled the women members of the asso- ciation to get the hospital into workable shape. At the dedication exercises, the Englewood clergy present were the Rev. Dr. Henry M. Booth, of the Presbyterian church; the Rev. George F. Flichtner, of St. Paul's; the Rev. E. H. Conklin, M. E. church; the Rev. A. Van Houten, True Christian Reformed church; and the Rev. Father C. J. Feehan, of St. Cecilia's. Dr. Booth made the address, giving the history of the hospital movement. Mrs. Sheppard Homans, president, in a brief speech, presented the building, on behalf of the association, to Dr. Hardy M. Banks, chief of the medical board. Among the physicians forming the active staff of the hospital were Dr. H. M. Banks, chief; Dr. John A. Wells, secretary; Dr. J. W. Terry, Dr. D. A. Currie, Dr. Edward Wight Clarke, Dr. J. J. Haring and Dr. James W. Proctor. Miss Sarah Clegg was the first matron and superintendent, with Miss Crowell, assistant. As a very convincing evidence of Englewood as a health resort, mention is made here of long-time residents who, in this year 1890, had exceeded the scriptural limit of age and were still hale. These well-known citizens were Mrs. Tappan, ninety-six, mother of Mrs. David Hoadley; Mr. Baldwin, eighty-nine, father of Dr. D. A. Bald- win; Charles H. Booth, "eighty-eight; Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Vermilye, eightv-eight. and Rev. Dr. George B. Cheever, eighty-two. [154] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD From the old to the young. At the June commencement of the English and Classical School for Boys, on the double honor roll ap- peared the names of the following future citizens of Englewood : David Cory, Dan Fellows Piatt, George Lemmon, Arthur C. Sher- wood and John Woolsey. Englewood had an opening this year which differed in character from other enterprises already named. This particular event was the first issue of the Englewood Press, in the spring of the year, Joseph H. Tillotson being editor and proprietor. Mr. Tillotson had pre- viously sold his interest in the Englewood Times to his partner, Henry M. Eichtenberg. There were many old traditions hanging around the Times, as well along in years as the presses and the type. The logical thing for a man in his best years, enterprising and ambitious, was to start something — new. Hence the establishment of a weekly news- paper, new in every respect, with a plant housed in a one-story build- ing on Palisade avenue, where the Athenaeum, Jr., once stood. The prospectus announced that the paper was to be non-partisan, which proved always true of the news columns. But there was never yet a non-partisan newspaper that did not occasionally get out of plumb editorially. So the Press has at times leaned more toward the G. O. P. than toward the equally deserving democrats; then again the democrats pulled down in the editorial scale, and the others went up in the air. Thus the non-partisan balance was restored and grounds of complaint were removed. The career of the paper has been one of steadily increasing success, despite the misadventure of a fire, which destroyed the second place of business on Engle street. Temporary quarters were then secured, while the present building was under construction. Within a remarkably short time the Press was again installed in the enlarged and commodious surroundings, still occupied, with all the accessories of a fully equipped plant. Mr. Til- lotson has deserved and received the confidence and good-will of Englewood by his newspaper advocacy and personal support of every forward movement for the advancement of the city. The last item of public interest of this year was the purchase of a tract opposite the Field Club, the property of George R. Dutton, for the purpose of establishing the Englewood School for Boys (out- growth of the Plumley and Smith schools), as a preparatory school for college. A group of citizens formed a stock concern with E. A. Brinckerhoff, chairman, and erected a handsome and commodious stone school building. James H. Parsons was appointed headmaster, with able assistants. A feature introduced in the course was syste- [ 155] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD matic military drill under competent direction. The E. S. B. company became a part of the Decoration Day escort in the G. A. R. parade. The school building is now part of the hospital property, Englewood finding preparatory schools further afield or using the improved high school. The spring election of 1891 resulted in the return of Henry D. Brinkerhoff for another term as township committeeman, preserving the democratic complexion of the administration. The fact of the many "openings" of the previous year gave fresh impulse to incor- poration talk, especially among those with abundant leisure. The argument now took the form of opportunity for expansion, on the one hand, and increased taxes by those who had least to fear from the collector, on the other. So much had happened the year before that a sort of breathing-time now prevailed. The telephone company which, a little over a twelvemonth before, had been almost ready to quit for lack of increasing patronage, now took heart and introduced long distance service. This indicated recognition of the beginning of Englewood's forward march. In January, to the sorrowful regret of the congregation, the Rev. Dr. Booth presented his resignation from the pastorate of the Pres- byterian church, on account of impaired health and the imperative need of rest. The request was granted and, on March 18th, the Rev. James Eells was chosen as Dr. Booth's successor. Mr. Eells was the son of the Rev. Dr. Eells, former pastor of the Pierrepont street Dutch Reformed church of Brooklyn, and at one time a summer resi- dent of Englewood. Mr. Eells was young, of agreeable personality, an interesting preacher and made an excellent impression upon the congregation. He was formally installed on September 24th. The Hospital Association, at its annual meeting in April reported the first year's work of the institution : seventy-five patients treated, of whom two were moribund when admitted ; of the properly hospital cases, but one had died. The receipts for the year were $4,672.09; expenditures, $4,208.37, leaving a balance on hand of $463.72. It was stated that some changes in the hospital were imperative. There was great need for an ambulance. In this same month the Phi Sigma society of the Collegiate School for Girls, Misses Sterling and Gerrish, principals, gave an entertain- ment at the school and divided the proceeds between the hospital and the Maria Mitchell endowment fund of Vassar, giving to each the sum of $1 10. The hospital met with a serious loss in the death, on April 11th, [156] COL. WM. M. f;ROSVEN0R JOSEPH H. TILLOTSON DELOS BLISS CHARLES G. CLARK THE book or i;n(, i. i:\yooi) 1892, alter a short illness, of Dr. Edward Wight Clarke. The young physician had devoted his attention to surgery, was a skilllul oper- ator and had a brilliant future before him. Dr. Clark was the son- in-law ol Dr. II. M. Banks and was associated with the latter in practice. I he township committee wrestled with the usual prohlems of side- walks, street lighting, the misbehavior of the brook and the com- plaints ol the chronically dissatisfied. Taxes appear to have been paid with reasonable promptness. Cen. S. A. Duncan was made vice- president ol the Protection Society in place of Dr. Banks, John D. Probst succeeding Gilbert L. I Iaight as member of the executive committee. 1 he first suggestions were heard, during the year, that the Society belonged to a past decade; yet the Englewood constab- ulary at the time consisted ol three members. Again it was election time ami James Harris went to the head, with a three year term as town committeeman. William Walker Green entered local politics as chosen freeholder. The township administration was still democratically inclined. National politics overshadowed local issues. The second Cleve- land-] tarrison campaign was on and adherents of tin' respective can- didates started betimes to prepare for winning the tight of 1892. I he Cleveland campaign club was officered as follows: President, Henry J. Reinmund; vice-presidents, Dr. 11. M. Banks, Charles B. Piatt, Henry A. Barling, R. P. Wortendyke, Alexander Cass; execu- tive committee, William W. (.'recti, Abram De Rondc, l.croy B. I Iaft. Herbert B. Turner, Henry Cooper, Cornelius Sweeney, David I.. Barrett, I lenry Bailey and Julius I 'remienthal. The Republican club had as president, E. \. Brinckerhoff ; the vice-presidents were Samuel A. Duncan, Samuel M. Riker, I lenry W. Banks, Sheppard I lomans and Thomas 15. Ken-. Col. William M. Grosvenor, Clinton 1 1. Blake, Edward R. Barton, Charles Barr, Jr., F. W. Phelps, Richard E. Coch- ran, James Harris, Oliver Drake Smith, J. 1 high Peters, Garret Vanderbeek, E. Y. Bell and Gardner S. Hutchinson formed the exec- utive committee. The principal orator on the republican side was E. Y. Bell, a handsome man, with exuberant locks, usually spoken ol as "the golden tongued orator;" the second spellbinder was Col. Grosvenor, with shaggy locks and a vast supply of statistics at com- mand to prove his points. Unfortunately the "golden tongued" had not always remained in one camp. And when Col. Grosvenor backed his statements with figures, he was often met with rebuttal from his own book, "Does Protection Protect?" written when the speaker was r 158 ] I Book OF ENGLEWOOD not enamored of a protective tariff. The democrats relied upon mak- ing plain who were the beneficiaries of a high tariff, sticking to the issue in spite of the opposing oratory, which asked the voters to save the country again, to fill the workingman's dinner pail to repletion, picturing the tariff as providing a Brussels carpet and a cabinet organ in every workingman's parlor. When the election was over, repub- licans and democrats became again neighborly Englewooders and talked about incorporation. I here was a new angle of this subject SAMUEL A. Dl'NCAN CHARLES B. PLATT brought to view this year, an argument against change, so that Engle- wood might remain a country village and retain its primitive charm. An appeal made by the management of the hospital met with good response; $1,650 was contributed for improvements to the build- ing, according to plans made by Henry Jones. A subscription was started by the Englewood Press lor an ambulance fund. The amount needed was completed and the ambulance was procured and presented to the hospital. In its election this year, the Protection Society thought to honor Dr. Banks by making him an honorary member and the secretary sent the notification to this effect. The letter in reply expressed Dr. Banks' thanks for the intended compliment, but contained a cheque with the request that the doctor's name be restored to the active list. [ 159] THE BOOK OK ENGLEWOOD The doctor evidently resented the implication that he was "passe." Dr. Daniel A. Currie entered military service this year, as captain of Company B, bringing with him a number of recruits secured by a thorough canvass of the town. E. (J. Coyte was Dr. Currie's mentor until he got the hang of military tactics. Among personal happenings of this year was the graduation of the future judge, Thomas J. Huckin, from the High School on June 25th. The theme of his graduating essay was, "Things That Cost Nothing." This ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL FOR BOYS same year Miss Lillian F. Hover entered upon service in the public school, as assistant in the intermediate department. The township election of 1893, signalized the entrance of Robert Jamieson into official life as town clerk. The election of Oliver Drake Smith to the township committee restored the republican majority to that body. Hugh Smith, overseer of the poor, was also a repub- lican, but the poor were relieved according to their needs, without reference to personal politics. The most interesting political event of this year was the election of commissioners in the five road districts. Though long before suf- frage days, this was an occasion when women voted and worked as if they were real and not near citizens. The voters were those who owned taxable property, a great deal of such property being listed [ 160] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD on the assessor's books in women's names. These women turned out as voters. A number of other women, not property-owners, busied themselves in getting out the vote, male and female, for their favorite candidates. There was an innovation at the polling place of the 1st district, where Miss Martha Burr Banks acted as clerk of the elec- tion board: whereby hangs a tale. There were contests in the 1st and 2d districts. In the former, Clinton H. Blake ran against Wil- liam O. Allison; in the latter, Oliver Drake Smith and Joseph \V. 1 ... 1 j si ' — J MILITARY DRILL— ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL FOR BOYS Stagg were opponents. Isaac J. Zabriskie was unopposed in the 3rd district and Sheffield Phelps in the 4th. Mrs. Christine Cole was opposed to Peter Ackerman in the 5th. Messrs. Blake and Smith were elected, Joseph Stagg arriving at the conclusion that he was "not a lady's man." The other commissioners elected were Isaac J. Zabriskie, Sheffield Phelps and Peter Ackerman. Mr. Allison ques- tioned the legality of Mr. Blake's election and took the matter into court. Involved in the dispute was the right of women to vote in a road-board election, even if they were owners of taxable property; also, the service of a woman on the election board, even in a clerical capacity, was attacked as illegal. The other members of the road board elected Mr. Blake chairman, while the suit was dragging its way through the courts. Much ill-feeling was engendered in the con- [161] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD troversy, which undoubtedly had much to do with the separate for- mation of the borough of Englewood Cliffs. In the spring of this year, the trustees of the Presbyterian church decided to build a manse on the church grounds. A fund of $16,000 was raised by subscription and a building, harmonizing architecturally with the church and chapel, was erected by Andrew D. Bogert. The first occupants of the manse were the Rev. and Mrs. James Eells. Early in the spring, a familiar figure was missed at the Palisade avenue railroad crossing. Timothy Mickey, of the stentorian voice and diminutive stature, had resigned his position as guardian of that particular crossing. Mr. Hickey had been in the service of the rail- road in one capacity and another since 1859. For a number of years bis "look out!" sent up and down the avenue, had given warning of approaching trains. When gates were provided, Tim lowered them and shouted just the same. Me was exceedingly watchful of school children, who were obliged to cross the track. He gave up his job only when age compelled retirement. In May, the Rev. Dr. Booth, who had returned from a trip of rest and recreation in Europe, accepted the presidency of the Auburn Theological Seminary and the professorship of practical theology. About the same time, the Rev. John Woolsey Craig, an Episcopal clergyman without a charge, bought a tract of land on Woodland •street for a school building, to be constructed after novel plans, and to be known as Helicon Hall. In the summer, the Hon. William Walter Phelps returned from Germany, where he had filled the position of minister until the inauguration of President Cleveland, when he tendered his resignation, holding over until relieved by his successor, Theodore Runyon. Another event was the opening of the new house of the Engle- wood Field Club with a large reception and a dance. The patronesses were Mesdames J. C. Anderson, William M. Kidder, Donald Mackav, Harry A. Ogden, J. Hugh Peters and William P. Coe. On June 27th, William Stanley, Sr., a distinguished lawyer and long-time resident of Englewood, died at Great Barrington, Mass., where he had been residing in the hope of restoring impaired health. Mr. Stanley was one of the founders and incorporators of the Engle- wood hospital and was a man well liked and respected in the com- munity. The advocates of incorporation scored a victory in the township election of 1894. Joseph Thomson was elected to the township com- mittee, making the triumvirate straight republican. Outside of the [162] DR. EDWARD WIGHT CLARKE DR. J. W. TERRY DR. JAMES W. PROCTOR DR. JOHN A. WELLS THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD pouiulkcepers everything was republican, the sentiments of the im- pounders not being or' record. There was a general air of marking time: the committee had no power to inaugurate any special work ami so routine business was carried on. A number of women in Englewood devoted themselves to looking up family records, back to Revolutionary days and beyond. In con- sequence of this research, a largely attended meeting was held, on May 9th, at the residence of Mrs. Charles B. Piatt, Tenafly road, when a chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution was organized. There was a sufficient number present who could read their title clear to Revolutionary descent, and others who had their claims well under way. So the Liberty Pole Chapter was organized, with Mrs. Liv- ingston K. Miller as regent and Mrs. Edward W. Clarke, secretary. During the year, a philanthropic plan was put into execution of aiding crippled children, discharged from the Orthopedic hospital, New York, with a chance of convalescence under iavorable conditions, by bringing them out to a country home and giving them skilled care anil attention. A year's experience had convinced the projectors of the plan of its feasibility, and Daisy Fields, a cottage near Knicker- bocker road, became the home of an organization for the care of crippled children. The idea originated with Mrs. Herbert B. Turner, who became the president. Miss Frances E. Lyman was vice-presi- dent; Mrs. D. Webster Evans, secretary; and Mrs. Joseph E. Tilling- hast, treasurer. Miss Lena Herbert was matron and nurse in charge of the children. The charity was carried on by the aid of contribu- tions of friends, church collections and donations, and brought untold blessing to scores of suffering children. Another charitable under- taking, with an Englewood connection, is the Edgewater Creche, formerly located at Edgewater, which takes care of sick and under- nourished babies of poor mothers. This has been for years under the direction of Miss Lucy Kellogg, a former resident of Englewood, who now carries on the work in a new building on Broad avenue. On June 17th, 1894, William Walter Phelps passed away, within a year after his return from Germany. Mr. Phelps was a lawyer by profession and a large landowner in Bergen County. He was elected to Congress from the 5th congressional district, in 1872, and was defeated in the election of 1874. He was appointed minister to Austria-Hungary, in 1881, by President Garfield. LTpon the death of the President he resigned, remaining a year, until his successor was appointed. His next office of prominence was that of minister to Germany. On his return from Berlin, in 1893, the position of special [164] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD judge of the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey awaited him, but his health failed so rapidly that he could not continue the work. Mr. Phelps was always interested in Englewood affairs, though his residence at Teaneck was necessarily intermittent. 1IKNRY JACKSON. AN OLD CITIZEN [ 165] XIII. INCORPORATION AND THE FIRST CITY ADMINISTRATION 1895—1898 jUTURE historians of New Jersey will record the year 1895 as that in which township government began, with increas- ing impetus, to give way to that of boroughs. The advan- tages of borough government became increasingly manifest, and small was the village that did not feel entitled to incorporate. Among others, Englewood felt the urge. Citizens of influence, how- ever, wanted to be sure that certain obvious advantages would not be more than offset by increased expense. But when Teaneck and Engle- wood Cliffs incorporated, there were real reasons for Englewood to move in the matter, some being unkind enough to suggest that incor- poration should be had while something remained to be incorporated. Teaneck, which had been associated with the early days of Englewood, said farewell and set up as a township. The first primary was held on March 1st; there was only one ticket, republican, in the field, so everything was harmonious. The candidates nominated and subse- quently elected were: Town committee, William Bennett, Peter I. Ackerman and H. J. Brinkerhoff; town clerk, Frank S. De Ronde; surveyor of highways, Sheffield Phelps; freeholder, John J. Phelps. This was by way of parting with a family connection. Englewood laughed in its turn when Englewood Cliffs had great trouble in find- ing enough candidates to fill all the offices at the first borough election. Thirty-three votes were cast to elect fourteen officials. Incidentally, the 1895 state census showed Englewood township, minus Teaneck and Englewood Cliffs, to have 5,443 inhabitants. While Englewood was thinking things over, events of interest were not lacking in the township. Englewood's spring election had a bipartisan result. James Harris, republican stalwart, first elected on the township committee in 1886, was chosen for another term of three years. The "Big Three" — Oliver Drake Smith, Joseph Thomson and James Harris — were prepared to guide the township on the old lines or perhaps to THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD furnish a mayor, if Englewood changed to a form of government requiring such an official. The choice of Andrew D. Bogert as free- holder, Hezekiah Birtwhistle as assessor, and the three commissioners of appeal was pleasing to the democrats. Shortly after the election, the burning of the house of E. Y. Bell, on Hamilton avenue, just east of Colonel Moore's present residence, called attention to the defi- ciency in fire protection, there being but little water pressure on the hill and no pumping apparatus. Object lessons, though expensive seem to be necessary, so we may, in a manner, count each loss as a step on the road of progress. Next to be noted is the annual meeting of the Hospital Association, the officers for the new year being: President, Mrs. Clinton H. Blake; secretary, Mrs. James O. Cle- phane; treasurer, George P. Payson. In the election of Mr. Payson there was added to the hospital management the best type of public- spirited citizen, who worked unostentatiously for the best interest of the institution and gave not only faithful service but generous support to carry on its beneficent purpose. The new public school at Nord- hoff, though not fully completed, was opened in October of this year, with Miss Elizabeth Bennett and Mrs. Isabella Arrow to carry pupils through the first four grades of their education. This seemed to be a year in which women took a rather prominent place in the eyes of the community. A Woman's Club was organized where hitherto the only organized feminine gathering, with a pur- poseful feature, had been the church sewing society. A preliminary meeting was arranged by some seventeen women, on October 14th, at the residence of Mrs. John A. Wells, where a plan was made for the formation of a club similar to the clubs in Orange, Newark and other places in New Jersey. The women present constituted the charter membership. At a subsequent meeting, at which a number of other women enrolled as members, formal organization was effected by the election of the following officers: President, Miss Adaline W. Sterling; vice-presidents, Mrs. Chester E. Loomis and Mrs. Horace L. Congdon; corresponding secretary, Miss Helen W. Banks; recording secretary, Miss Elizabeth B. Yermilye; treasurer, Mrs. William A. Childs. The club, begun in the rather prescribed fashion of over a quarter of a century ago, began to outgrow its limitation in its very first years by taking active part in the preserva- tion of the Palisades. On October 14th, 1921, when the club cele- brated its silver birthday, it had attained the position of an important factor in the civic life of the community. The Eiberty Pole Chapter, Daughters of the Revolution, a [ 168] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD patriotic organization founded the previous year, came before the public on December 26th to commemorate the anniversary of the battle of Trenton, by the erection of a Liberty Pole to mark the site of the pole standing where "the three roads met" in Revolutionary days. The dedication exercises took place at Dwight Chapel, the regent, Mrs. Livingston K. Miller, presiding. The Rev. James Eells read the regent's address and then told the story of Port Lee and the Liberty Pole and the part his great grandfather, a fighting parson, ADALINE W. STERLING ELIZABETH B. VERMILYE had played therein. He was followed by Miss A. W. Sterling, who read an original sketch called "Christmas at Trenton, 1776." The last address was made by Mrs. Georgia B. Crater, of Newark, who told the story of Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-78, the endur- ance of cold and privation, and the work of Baron von Steuben, which turned out a well-drilled army to march out in June and win the battle of Monmouth. At the close of the exercises in the chapel, the members of the Chapter and of the G. A. R., and citizens gener- ally, preceded by a band and the Englewood fife and drum corps, marched to the new Liberty Pole. All stood at salute while William C. Davies of Dwight Post, G. A. R., and Roswell H. Rochester pulled the ropes that brought Old Glory to the top of the pole. The band played the "Star-Spangled Banner." A perpetual lease of the [169] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD triangular plot on which the pole was raised was given to the Daugh- ters of the Revolution by Mrs. and Miss Demarest. Later, through the kindness of Abram De Ronde, a bronze tablet was placed upon the pole, and the spot was enclosed by a fence ot granite posts con- nected by iron tubing. The inscription on the tablet reads: "On this spot there stood, from 1766 for nearly a hundred years, a Liberty Pole, to commemorate the repeal of the Stamp Act. At the Liberty Pole Tavern, which stood near by, Gen. George Washington halted, on Nov. 19th, 1776, alter the evacuation oi Fort Pee." "Ninety-five" saw the inauguration of a new movement in Engle- wood, the trolley company making application to the Township Com- mittee, on November 26th, for permission to lay tracks and operate cars within the township. The consummation was much delayed, however, by difficulty in obtaining rights oi way. During the year several weddings of interest took place, notably those of Miss Isabel Taylor to Willanl Cass, of Miss Josephine Springer to Joseph M. Gilbert, of Mrs. Alice S. Myers to 1 lardy M. Hanks, Jr., and of Miss Florence IL Corliss to Thomas W. La- mont of New York. Englewood lost by death during the year a number ol honored citizens. Francis I lowland, of whom particular mention lias already been made in this story, passed away on April 23rd. Aside from his ventures in land development, Mr. 1 lowland entered into state politics and ran unsuccessful!) twice as republican candidate tor the Senate from Bergen County. At the time of his death he had returned to the practice of law and was residing in New York. Gilbert P. I [aight died on June 1st. lie was the first commodore ol the Brooklyn Yacht Club and starter of the first transatlantic yacht race. 1 1c came to Englewood in 187L living on Palisade avenue, opposite Dr. Cur- rie's. lor ten years he was treasurer of the Protection Society. The death of General Samuel A. Duncan, on October 18th, came as a shock to a community by which he was much beloved. Genera] Dun- can was born in Meriden, N. IT, ami was a graduate of Dartmouth College. A teacher at the beginning ol the Civil War, he gave up his position and enlisted in the army, was commissioned and speedily promoted — Colonel, 1863; Brigadier-General, 1864, and Brevet Major-General, 1865. After the war he practiced law in Washing- ton, D. C, where he married Miss Julia (ones, then engaged in [ HO]' THE HOOK OK KNCKKW'OOD hospital work. In later years he practiced his profession in New York, specializing in patent law. The Duncans made their home in Englewood in the '80s. As one greatly interested in home affairs, Genera] Duncan had been president of the Englewood Club, vice- president ol the Protection Society, a director in the Citizens' Na- tional Rank and the Sewerage Company. Eighteen ninety-six was pregnant with change for Englewood. On February 2Sth was passed an ordinance, granting to the Bergen LIBERTY POLE, AND WEST SIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH County Traction Company the right to enter Englewood, the terminus of the trolley to be at Dean street ami Englewood avenue. The line was formally opened on July 11th, the rolling stock at the time con- sisting ol lour open and six closed cars. Early in the year appeared a communication in the Englewood Press, urging incorporation as a city and claiming that township government was more expensive and less efficient. The signers were Samuel M. Riker, Abram Tallman, E. B. Comers, Oliver Drake Smith, J. \Y. Stagg, E. T. Fellowes, J. F. Fitschen, Donald Mackay, John R. Dunlap, Clinton II. Blake, J. II. Tillotson and R. II. Rochester. The communication had the desired effect, with the result that the question was submitted to the voters on the tenth day of March, incorporation as a city, under the [ 171] THE HOOK ()!■• )'.N(.l.i:\\()Ol) 1895 act of the legislature for the incorporation <>l cities, winning by 516 to 328. At the same election Dr. Currie was chosen as a member of the township committee, a choice invalidated by the act, which provided that the <>K1 township officers should hold over until the city officers were elected. The township committee as it stood before the spring election oi 1896, and therefore the "old officers," were lames Harris, Joseph Thomson and Oliver Drake Smith. A meeting of this committee was held on March 12th and its last official act was to divide Englewood into lour wards, whose inner boundaries were Palisade avenue and the railroad. There was a temporary reorganization ol the township committee into a "city council." This was effected in the following manner: Mr. Harris was made chairman; thereupon Mr. Smith resigned his membership on the committee, to take effect upon the election ol his successor. Carried. Mr. Thomson then nominated J. Hugh Peters in place ol Mr. Smith, the election was unanimous and Mr. Peters accepted. On motion of Mr. 'Thomson, Henry Birtwhistle was nominated as representative of ward 4. This was also carried and accepted by the nominee. The four wards being now represented, Mr. I homson nominated Oliver Drake Smith as mayor. Unanimous election fol- lowed. According to the provision ol the act, the first city election was ordered tor April 14th. The Englewood Tress advocated a "Citizens' Ticket" at the com- ing election, with Dr. Hanks as the nominee lor mayor. i he Doctor, however, rested content with his election as president ol the Bergen County Medical Society. The democratic primaries, on March 23rd, produced the following officers and nominees: First ward, David L. Barrett, chairman, Emil Ernst, secretary; lor councilman, Walter W. Conklin; for commissioner of appeal, A. R. Mattlage; for mem- ber of the hoard of education. R. \Y. Guthrie. Second ward, E. T. Fellowes, chairman, Charles Morse, Jr., secretary; lor councilman, Edward P. Coe; for commissioner ol appeal, Cornelius Cydccker; lor member of the hoard of education, C. \V. Morse, Jr. Third ward, R. P. Wortendyke, chairman, foseph Cooper, secretary; lor council- man, Ahrain Talltnan; lor commissioner ol appeal, Nicholas Coder: for member of the board of education, Frank M. Demarest. Fourth ward, J. M. Elmore, chairman, Frank Boeheim, secretary; lor coun- cilman, Win. | . Scully ; for commissioner ol appeal, Ralph Demarest; for member of the board of education, Eugene M. Boeheim. The democratic city convention, on March 24th, had as chairman and secretary Andrew D. Bogert ,u\d Joseph Cooper, respectively, I 172 1 THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD and named the following candidates: For mayor, Dr. Daniel A. Currie; for clerk, Robert Jamieson; for receiver oi taxes, Thomas O'Brien; for assessors, Hezekiah Birtwhistle, Charles \V. Chamber- lain, George R. Van Brunt, James R. De Camp. M WOK DANIKI. A. CUURIE The republican primaries tabulate as follows: First ward, Elbert A. Brinckerhoff, chairman, Roland Vermilye, secretary; for council- man, Eeonard E. Curtis; for commissioner of appeal, Jacob S. Wet- more; for board of education, Iluyler Bogert. Second ward, J. E. Miller, chairman, F. S. Duncan, secretary; for councilman, Garry Vanderbeek; for commissioner of appeal, R. A. Gorham; for board of education, R. B. Taylor. Third ward, Charles Barr, chairman, Chas. W. Springer, secretary; for councilman, Charles Barr; for board of education, Wm, G. Vermilye. Fourth ward, F. W. Phelps, chairman, Christie Costello, secretary; for councilman, Abraham Van THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD 2 3 4 97 229 142 111 119 88 Wart; for commissioner of appeal, Thomas Marchant; for board of education, F. W. Phelps. The republican city convention, held in Mackay Hal] on the same evening, had, as chairman, S. M. Riker. Charles F. Park was secretary. Donald Mackay was nominated for mayor and F. G. Coyte for city clerk, James H. Coe for receiver of taxes, J. L. Hendricks for assessor, J. C. Anderson for freeholder, George S. Coe, R. R. Brinckerhoff and James M. Gulnac for excise commissioners. The election was held on April 14th, and resulted as follows : Wards 1 Currie (D) 135 Mackay (R) 144 Currie's majority, 141. Other officers (majority in parenthesis) City Clerk, Robert Jamieson (D) (107) Receiver of Taxes, Thos. O'Brien (D) (56) Assessor, Hezekiah Birtwhistle (D) (239) Freeholder, J. C. Anderson (R) (27) Board of Excise C. W. Chamberlain (one year) (D) (45) G. R. Van Brunt (two years) (D) (101) J. M. Gulnac (three years) (R) (86) Councilmen 1st Ward, L. E. Curtis (R) 2nd Ward, E. P. Coe (D) 3rd Ward, Abram Tallman (D) 4th Ward, Wm. J. Scully (D) Board of Education Huyler Bogert (R), R. B. Taylor (R), Francis W. Demarest (D) (elected chairman"), and Eugene M. Boeheim (D) Commissioners of Appeal J. S. Wetmore (R), R. A. Gorham (R), Walter Westervelt (D), Ralph Demarest (D) 1 he city council held its first meeting on May 4th. The Pro- tection Society, which had given such aid in Englewood's youthful days, held its 28th annual meeting on May 2nd. The consensus of [174] JOHN DANIEL PROBST RAYMOND P. WORTENDYKE JAMES F. COOKE ROBERT JAMIESON THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD opinion of the directors and members present was that change in the form of Englewood's government did not necessitate doing away with the society, and a vote prevailed for continuance and coopera- tion with the city authorities. The active days of the society, how- ever, were practically over, though the form of organization was maintained for several years. The council, at this organization meeting, elected Abram Tallman president of the council. Other officers elected were: John D. Probst, city treasurer; Raymond P. Wortendyke, city counsel; E. T. Fellowes, recorder; Dr. John A. Wells, city physician; John J. Post, health inspector; John J. Scully, overseer of the poor; James A. Terhune, chief of police; Joseph W. Stagg, street commissioner. An ordinance was passed fixing salaries: Mayor, $100 per annum; councilmen, $2 per meeting; clerk, $350; receiver of taxes, $350; counsel, $200 (raised to $500 in 1897); recorder, $100; chief of police, $900; assessor, $400; street commis- sioner, $800; treasurer, $600; policemen, $720; overseer of poor, $100; health inspector, $120. The mayor presented his first mes- sage, reviewing the status of the city as to finance, health and fire protection. He recommended the election of a fire chief, the estab- lishment of a fire alarm system, an increase in the number of police- men, under civil service rules, and that a suitable building should be rented for occupancy by city officials. An arrangement had previously (April 16th) been made with the borough of Teaneck, whereby the township accounts had been settled on a basis of seven-eighths to Englewood and one-eighth to Teaneck. Rooms for the use of the council were later secured in the Riker building. A dispute as to the jurisdiction of the new city in the matter of school districts was amicably settled, George R. Dutton acting as special counsel on behalf of the city. Many other "matters of course" of today had their birth in ninety-six. On April 1st, Engle- wood obtained free delivery of mail, and the post office lost, for all time, its primacy as the center of gossip. The younger generation of today cannot enjoy the pleasure of waiting around while the mail is being sorted, a custom that prevailed after every advent of the twenty-minutes-to-five train in the afternoon. On August 23rd the council, after much discussion, by resolution granted the Bergen County Gas and Electric Company the right to erect poles and string wires in all of the city's principal streets. On September 10th Mayor Currie asked for the rescinding of the reso- lution, claiming that the grant should have been by ordinance and that litigation would result. On October 8th President Tallman, in [176] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD reply, stated that the council would be willing to act by ordinance. The mayor later announced that he would refuse to sign such an ordinance, on the ground that Councilman Curtis was interested in the Electric Lighting Company. Mr. Curtis replied that he was not interested in the company, but only in the Bergen County Gas Company (which had organized the Electric Company), and that, out of excess of caution, he had not voted on the resolution. An THE EARLY POLICE FORCE. CHIEF JAMES TERHUNE WITH OFFI- CERS PETER RYAN, JOHN MARKHAM. P. J. QUIRK, THOMAS CONKLIN AND RICHARD BALDWIN ordinance was forthwith passed on first reading. Before the year was out, ill health forced Mr. Curtis' resignation, his place being rilled by Clinton H. Blake, through election by the other members of the council. The board of education increased the appropriation for school purposes to $11,000 and designated the school in the fourth ward as number one, that at Highwood as number two and that at Nordhoff as number three. During the year the Englewood Woman's Work Exchange opened its new building on Engle street, the old Englewood House was rented to Miss Gerrish to be used as a girl's school, and the home of the Catholic Club, on Prospect street, was finished, though not for- mally opened until January 5th, 1897, the club's officers at the time [177] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD being James F. Cooke, president; David L. Barrett, treasurer, and James A. Cooke, secretary. A Goll Club, under the presidency of Thomas Thacher, built a nine-hole course in the direction of Nordhoff. A. T. Enos was vice- president, Malcolm Campbell was treasurer, and G. H. Burritt was secretary. Sunday golf was soon in question, and a prominent citizen was arrested for the purpose of testing the efficacy of the blue laws of New Jersey. The case was brought before Recorder Fellowes and promptly dismissed. Since that famous decision Sunday golfers have lived unmolested in our midst. The Englewood Hospital this year re-elected Mrs. C. H. Blake as president and Mr. Payson as treasurer, Mrs. J. O. Clephane be- coming vice-president and Mrs. L. I'.. Curtis secretary. During the year the hospital established a training school for nurses, with a two years' course. It is to be noted here, also, that Jacob Taylor was re-elected foreman of the fire company and that Frank S. DeRonde and Henry M. Coxe became respectively captain and second lieutenant of Com- pany F. At that time elections were the order of the day, Mr. Bryan being in lull swing with his sixteen-to-one campaign. Free silver did not "set" well, for some of the conservative democrats dl Englewood who, calling themselves "gold democrats," made vali- ant efforts in behalf of the third ticket, headed by Palmer and Buck- ner. Prominent among them were Mayor Currie, J. W. McCulloh, Delos Bliss, W. 1 I. DeRonde, Abram DeRonde, Ashbel Green, W. S. Doughty, II. B. Turner, Arnold Marcus, C. J. Peabody, Thomas Thacher, Abram Tallman, Dr. H. M. Banks, Cornelius Lydecker and W. W. Conklin. The regular democrats, however, seemed to be in the majority, the gold democrats leaving the regular meeting after considerable confusion. The regulars sent as delegates to the state convention C. W. Chamberlain, Ralph Lydecker, A. D. Bogert and John \V. Cooper, and organized a Bryan and Sewell club. During the year several of the early citizens passed away, having reached ripe old age. Among these was William T. Booth, the head ol the family in Englewood, who passed away at the age of ninety- one, on January 4th. Another loss was that of Henry A. Barling, on March 16th. Mr. Barling was of Southern birth, but had resided in the North for many years, during which he had been connected with the Robinson shipping and whaling interests centered at New Bedford, Mass. Later he became executor of the Robinson estate, hence his connection with Robinson's daughter, Hetty, known to fame [178] Till-; BOOK OP' ENGLKWOOD as "Hetty Green." The Barling house at I [ighwood, the scene of much hospitality in Mr. Barling's time, is now occupied by Mr. Ludwig Stross. The house to the east on Tenafly road was long known as the "Hetty Green" house (torn down in 1919), and was the property of that eccentric lady. May 3rd saw the passing of George S. Coe, a pioneer resident, former president oi the American Exchange Bank. Mr. Coe was one of those "men in a million" whose sterling uprightness was evident at a glance. Margaret Westervelt, i||iii:% mrnamm, " I'm \§\ i Tl V., ^ tmr THE ENd.EWOOD COLF CLUB widow of I lenry I). Westervelt, died on August 9th at her home on Grand avenue. Mrs. Westervelt was a representative of the early settlers long before either the railroad or the commuter was known in English Neighborhood, and was closely connected with the old Bergen County families. The commuter element had its loss, too, at this time, in the going out, on December 24th, of John W. Graham, who had made hosts ol friends during his twenty-five years of service- as conductor on the Northern Railroad. Eighteen ninety-seven sees the young city getting used to its new suit. The spring election, lor an "off year," furnished some excite- ment. Though Clinton I I. Blake was victor over C. W. Chamber- lain in the contest for councilman, the voters were unable to agree on a member of the board of education from the first ward, Miss A. \\ . Sterling and 1 luyler Bogert dividing the honors. The council, however, by a vote of three to one, decided the tie in favor of Miss Sterling. The situation was complicated by the organizing of both the old and new boards ol education. An amendment to the city act [ 179] THE BOOK OP' ENGLEWOOD had changed the term of office of members to three years and the old board (the mayor in agreement) held that the amendment was retro- active and that Mr. Bogert should hold over. Mr. Bogert, as secre- tary of the old board, refused to surrender his papers to the new board. The Englewood Press presented a new angle to the public eye, doubting whether the constitution contemplated the election of a woman to any office, and calling attention to the use of the word "he" throughout that document. In reply was quoted chapter 336 of the laws of 1873, viz.: "No person shall be eligible to the office of school trustee unless he or she can read and write." The supreme court was called upon to cut the knot, deciding in favor of the new- board, which had organized with Miss Sterling as president and Charles Huckin as secretary. The other members were Robert B. Taylor (re-elected) and Joseph M. Cooper. At the next meeting of the board the president reported on the condition of the schools and suggested changes and additions in and to the course of study. This had far-reaching results, the progress begun at that time con- tinuing until the schools of the city have no superiors in the state. Mackay Hall was leased by the board for use of a primary school. An appropriation from the city of eleven thousand dollars was de- cided upon as necessary, which, with seven thousand dollars to come from the state, would meet the budget for the school year. Council- man E. P. Coe resigned in June, the vacancy being filled by the unanimous election of Abram De Ronde. At this time there was a rather hot factional fight among the democrats of the second ward, Recorder Fellowes being at the head of those who proposed W. S. Mowry for Mr. Coe's place. During the year the Gamewell fire-alarm system was ordered in- stalled, the police were increased from five to seven (new appointees being Louis Ruch, George Elliott, James Smith and Frank Titus), gates were placed at the Palisade avenue railway crossing (the com- pany refusing to protect Demarest avenue in the same way), and the trolley, after a discussion of thirteen months, moved one block north to Palisade avenue. The delay was largely due to the desire of the trolley people to go west, on Palisade avenue, and north on Tenafly road. This was not popular. Nor was a grade crossing desirable. Meetings were held, at one of which Mr. E. B. Convers solved the problem by providing for two cars, one on either side of the railway, the passengers to walk at grade from one to the other. Our present solution did not seem so simple in the old days. At this time the registered voters numbered 1,31 1. To be noted, too, was the appoint- [180] WILLIAM M. SEUFERT ABRAM DE RONDE WILLIAM SCULLY EDWARD O'HARA THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ment of James Harris as postmaster. The local papers report the purchase, by Edward EL Lyon, of a horseless carriage, the first to be owned locally. To quote: "It took Palisade hill at greater speed than a horse could make." There were some interesting occurrences in the council during the latter part of this year. The recorder resigned in November. Later the salary of the office was increased from one hundred to three hun- dred dollars. A committee of the council then waited upon Mr. Fellowes to see if he would now accept a reappointment. The Judge said he would. The law in the case was that an incumbent's salary could not be raised during his term of office. The council noted that when fires occurred on the hill the speed of the hook and ladder truck was lessened by the number of the men riding up-grade. A new rule set a limit of two men, and the chief was authorized to send the rest "by express" through the hiring of an express wagon. In Novem- ber, Mayor Currie vetoed an ordinance giving the New York and New Jersey Telephone Company the right to erect poles in certain streets. The ordinance was, however, passed over the veto. At the next meeting a veto of the ordinance granting the Electric Light Company a like privilege took the same course. The mayor held that the city should receive a certain fee for the erection of each pole. So an ordinance was introduced, looking to payment of a fee tor all poles erected in the future. At this time the city fathers were notified that the city act of 1895 had been attacked by a taxpayer of the city of Dover, the only other city which had incorporated under the act. The council authorized the taking of any action necessary to a legal defense. Man-made laws may be amended and errors therein are not irrep- arable. Of a different nature was the question that now came promi- nently to the fore in Englewood, namely, the preservation of the Pali- sades of the I ludson against the attacks of the quarrymen. On May 13th the Englewood Woman's Club was host to the State Federation of Women's Clubs, meeting in annual session at the Lyceum. Mrs. Katherine J. Sauzade made an eloquent appeal to the women of the state to help save the Palisades. 1 he federation voted an endorse- ment of the movement. On September 22nd a delegation from the State Federation visited the quarries of Carpenter Brothers, as the noonday shots were being fired, and saw large portions of the cliff separate themselves and fall to the river's edge. Undoubtedly a strong feeling was aroused, as a meeting was forthwith held and a state committee was formed to agitate on preservation, the Engle- [182] GILLIAM D. BOGERT JOHN A. BOGERT DANIEL G. BOGERT. THE ELDER DANIEL G. BOGERT THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD wood members being Mrs. Sauzade, Miss Sterling, Mrs. Chester Loomis and Miss Elizabeth Vermilye. The famous "Indian Head" was destroyed in two blasts, the first on September 25th, which was five weeks in preparation, and the second on October 16th. Between these dates a meeting was held in Englewood under the auspices of the Woman's Club, at which Fanning P. Albert of Alpine was one of the speakers. Englewood owes much to that veteran of the Palisades, who devoted so many years of enthusiastic work for the cause he held dear. To him and to the other workers whom we have named let us here bear tribute. Without them the cry would have been "too late." The agitation finally became so strong that Attorney-General Grey sought an injunction against two of the quarries and legislation seemed imminent that would prevent the riparian commission from granting any wharfage rights on the river front to any quarrymen. Here, for a time, we leave the subject. During 1897 three deaths of pioneer citizens are to be noted. William Hart Smith died at Lakewood on January 31st. About 1870 he built his home on the corner of John street and Tenafly road, occupied from 1873 by Charles B. Piatt. Mr. Smith lived for a time at "Dulce Domum," almost opposite. On April 27th died James W. McCulloh, an early resident of Englewood. Mr. Mc- Culloh was a great organizer and executive and the chief factor in the birth of the Protection Society. He was a man of forceful char- acter and great courage. Another great loss to Englewood occurred on November 27th, in the passing of Roswell Hart Rochester. Mr. Rochester had great public spirit and held opinions that he was willing to fight for. For many years he was the treasurer of the Western Union Telegraph Company. The spring election of 1898 brought new blood into the council, Mr. De Ronde holding over from the second ward while Messrs. O. D. Smith, James F. Cooke and Hezekiah Birtwhistle were re- turned as representatives of the first, third and fourth wards, respec- tively. Mr. Cooke was chosen as presiding officer. J. H. G. Mills became city treasurer, Dr. J. W. Proctor, city physician, Cornelius Sweeney, health inspector and Jacob Ullrich, poormaster. Other officers were continued. On the death of Road Commissioner Joseph W. Stagg, March 21st, John B. Vanderbeek had been chosen to fill the vacancy. A further change resulted from the resignation, in May, of Mr. De Ronde. Colonel John D. Probst was elected to take his place. At the same time a civil service commission was inaugurated, the first [184] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD incumbents being Col. Probst, E. R. Barton, Charles B. Piatt and John Dougherty. There was no election for mayor at this time, the original law calling for a three-year term instead of two years, as at present. The one electoral contest that did arouse interest was that in which Miss Sterling was a victor over Samuel F. Gold, by 165 votes to 86, for membership on the board of education. Just at this time school matters of importance came up. More facilities were needed, as set forth in a petition of the West Side Improvement Association. The school board stated at the spring primaries that a fifty thousand dollar appropriation for a new school was vitally needed. Neither party took any stand in the matter, though the council later approved the policy of the board. The city appropriation for schools for the year 1898-99 was $18,000, an increase of $3,000. Owing to congestion, the board was compelled to lease for school purposes the Ralph Barber house on Engle street, opposite Church street, and the Elliott house on Tenafly road. In June, Stephen B. Gilhuly of Flemington, N. J., was appointed super- intendent of schools. A novelty of the year was the series of free lectures at school number one, under the auspices of the board. Mrs. John E. Curran was the first lecturer, her subject being "The Begin- nings of Music," in which she was assisted by Miss Anna Waterbury and Mrs. David U. Cory. War having been declared against Spain, Company F left for Sea Girt and Jacksonville on May 2nd, eighty-four strong, under Captain Frank S. De Ronde and Lieutenants Louis Ruch and Henry M. Coxe. The boys were given a send-off on the grounds of the Field Club, Donald Mackay presenting a silk flag on behalf of Engle- wood. Mayor Currie volunteered for service and left Councilman Cooke as acting mayor. A matter of regret to many more than his own parishioners arose from the resignation, early in the year, of Rev. James Eells. Church growth was emphasized in the organization of the West Side Presby- terian Church, with Thomas B. Kerr and John W. Snowden as elders and Wm. E. McMurtrie as deacon. Dwight Chapel had been moved to the present site, west of the Liberty Pole, and was the place of worship of the new organization, which was the outgrowth of the "West Side Union Chapel." On June 13th Justice Lippencott of the supreme court handed down a decision, holding that the act of 1895, under which Engle- wood had incorporated, was special legislation and violated the state constitution. The guilty clause in the act reads as follows: "None [185] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD of the provisions o! a general or special act relative to cities of this state shall apply to cities organized under this act, nor shall any such act hereafter enacted apply, unless the same shall be a supplement of this act, or such future act shall by its terms be made applicable to cities incorporated under this act." The council forthwith decided to share expenses with the city of Dover in carrying the case to the court ot errors and appeals. The latter court upheld the supreme court, ruling that the city government was simply " ■z * m ■ %?]?**■ THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD in 1876 and from the College of Physicians and Surgeons three years later. Marrying Janet, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Wall, in 1882, he settled in Englewood. He was one of the projectors of the Englewood hospital and was secretary of the medical board. He was a skillful surgeon and served in that capacity on the hospital staff. His active interest was devoted to the enlargement of the hos- pital building, and the founding of the training school for nurses. THE FORMER BOOTH'S POND [206] XV. MAYOR CURRIE'S SECOND TERM 1902-1903 jT noon on New Year's day, 1902, the newly-elected council ! met at Mackay hall and took over the city government for the ensuing two years. Mr. Piatt was unanimously elected president, receiving the vote of the republican holdover councilmen, Messrs. Anderson and Taylor. The city appointments made were: street commissioner, Hezekiah Birtwhistle; engineer, Willard Cass; physician, Dr. George B. Best; board of health, Dr. Valentine Ruch, Jr., inspector; Joseph Klink, Fred K. Lachmund, Gilliam D. Bogert and Edward O'Hara. At a later meeting, Andrew D. Bogert was appointed treasurer, in succession to Henry C. Jack- son, who had held the position for about two years, following Oliver Drake Smith. Dr. Currie agreed to act as police justice, as the "re- corder" was now called. Appointees to the board of education were Charles J. Bates, Adaline W. Sterling and A. H. Gillard. One of the first matters for consideration and action by the coun- cil had to do with providing funds to complete Eiberty school. The question was thoroughly discussed in a conference held with repre- sentatives of the board of education on February 8th. The latter answered the voluminous and categorical questions of the councilman who acted as spokesman for the city fathers, and assented to the proposition that a committee of two disinterested local builders exam- ine the work already done on the building. The conference resulted in the decision of the council to pass an ordinance for a bond issue of $24,000, of which $17,000 was for the completion of the school and $7,000 to build one fire house. Meanwhile the board of educa- tion, the first of the following month, took possession of the Fngle- wood house, employed a competent sanitary engineer to ascertain what changes were necessary tor school purposes, and consulted with the original builder of the hotel as to any possible structural change in the way of throwing two rooms into one. The work was done during the spring vacation. The furnishing and effects of the hotel not being included in the purchase of the building and grounds, were sold at auction by the former owner of the property. On March THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD 11th and 12th there ensued an auction carnival which attracted the biggest crowd of bargain-hunters ever seen in Englewood. The scene was interesting in the extreme. The buyers came from up the road and down the road, from Fort Fee and from 1 lackensack way, and swarmed over the premises. The experienced bargain hunters took a comprehensive survey of the situation, then corralled the stuff they intended to purchase, and camped on the spot, until the auctioneer got around to the lot. The irregulars skirmished from room to room .KillN S. WESTERVELT ANDREW I). BOGERT at random, snapping up with equal avidity ancient bric-a-brac or still more venerable pots and pans. When the carnival was over and the premises were completely dismantled, the old house, in fancy, seemed to murmur, "my turn next." The council did not proceed with the proposition in regard to the bonding ordinance, as the mayor interposed a veto at the meet- ing of March 4th, and also disapproved the resolution to print ordi- nances in two newspapers, being sustained in both instances. The report of the building committee in the matter of Liberty school showed one slight deviation in plan, and that in the way of improve- ment, vi/., the substitution of copper for galvanized iron in the roof gutters. A new ordinance was drawn for $18,000 for the comple- tion of the school, and $15,000 to build tire houses at Nordhofi ami [ 208 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Highwood ($4,500 each), ami to strengthen fire house number one, on Palisade avenue. The date of the special election was set for March 25th. From the moment the board of education demonstrated the need of additional funds to complete the building ol the West side school, the Englewood limes commenced a campaign against the issue of school bonds, Ex-Recorder Fellowes, mentor of that publication, having it in tor the board ot education for a personal reason. Ac- ST. CECILLVS PAROCHIAL SCHOOL cording to the Times, the plans for Liberty school had been so amended as to weaken the walls beyond the danger point. Though this statement was proven utterly without foundation, and the report of the builders' committee to the council showed the only change was not structural but only the choice of a more durable metal in the construction of the gutters of the building, the charge was reiterated, with additions which brought it very close to the danger point of libel. At the special election, on March 25th, the school bond propo- sition was carried in every ward: the whole majority being 4.34. The fire house bonds carried with a majority of 75, though the fourth ward was against the proposition. This vote, as an expression of public sentiment, ought to have been an illuminating rebuke to the "managing" editor of the Times. The construction of the school pro- ceeded without further delay. We shall speak later about the open- ing day. Returning to happenings of the first part of the year we note the [ 209 ] THE HOOK OF l'.NC 1.1 WOOD dedication oi St. Cecilia's handsome new parochial school, which had been begun during the preceding April. The dedication took place on January L9th. The Right Hew Bishop O'Connor, of Newark, the Rev. Charles II. Mackin, of Seton Hall college, South Orange, and the Very Rev. Edward Brann, ol St. Agnes church. New York, were the officiating clergy. The building, an imposing edifice of red ami gray sandstone with an overall measurement oi SS by S2 feet, stands on Waldo place. I he Rev. Dr. Brann who assisted in the Mil LSIDE A\ ION I' 10 dedication, was, when a young priest, some thirty-five years ago, in charge ol the Englewood mission before either church or school was built. During tins first month oi the year, William Stewart Doughty passed away, on Januarj 9th, at his residence on I'nglc street. Mr. Doughty was among those who became residents ol Englewood after the close of the Civil war. 1 [e built the house in which he lived and died, lie was a man ol line mind, wide information and firm con- victions. Both Mr. and Mrs. Doughty were prominent in the in- tellectual and social life ol the period, (hi the 11th ol the same month, a long hie was ended by the death ol the Rev. Dr. Thomas (i. Wall, in New York City. Dr. Wall was one of the pioneer set- tlers of Englewood in the early sixties. 1 le was among the first edu- cators of the new settlement and succeeded William B. Dwight as principal ol the girls' school, established by the latter in the Dominic Demarest I arm-house. When this building was destroyed by tire, [210 1 THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Dr. Wall opened a school in the Westervelt house on Tenafly road, later erecting for school purposes the building on the northwest cor- ner of Palisade and I lillsiilc avenues. Alter several changes in prin- cipalship, the school, now located farther east on Palisade avenue, and known as Dwight school, was and is continued in its former work of college preparation by Miss E. S. Creighton. Dr. Wall was also the first pastor of the Tenafly Presbyterian church, which he served for seven years. After terminating his Englewood activities, Dr. Wall FIRST CHURI II oi CHRIST. SCIENTIST accepted the position ol superintendent of the Presbyterian hospital, New York, rendering valuable assistance in organizing the ambulance sen ice. During the spring and early summer, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, which was begun the previous year, was completed ami opened. The church is of modified Gothic architecture and stands on the east side of Engle street, corner of Spring lane. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Childs were, respectively, second and first readers at the time. During the year, several memorial gifts, including the altar, lectern, pulpit ami organ, were made to St. Paul's. The Pres- byterian church received a new organ by gift. Io return lor a while to the matters of the city administration: Mr. I ellowcs, through his newspaper, continued a most unfair and [211] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD offensive attitude toward the council, particularly toward those of his own party. It became evident that he was exerting influence against the best interests of the city. This brought about strained relations with the head of the administration. At the time when the disagreement between Mr. Fellowes and the council was at its height, Mayor Currie threw oil on the flames by nominating the former as police justice. The council did not confirm, laying the matter on the table. Shortly thereafter, on April 13th, Mr. Anderson presented his resignation as councilman from the first ward, as he had served the full time for which he was originally elected and did not wish to take advantage of the extension caused by change of the city elec- tion from April to November. The resignation was reluctantly ac- cepted on April 22nd. A second vacancy occurred on May 1st, through the death of William Scully, who had been twice elected representative in the council from the fourth ward. Mr. Scully for years kept one of Englewood's best-known blacksmith shops, more important then than in this horseless age. He was a man of integrity and force and, as councilman could not be swerved from what he felt was right. The vacancies were filled by the appointment of William A. Childs from the first ward and Edward O'Hara from the fourth ward. The mayor having approached the new members in the mat- ter of the Mr. Fellowes' nomination, the matter was taken from the table at the next meeting of the council. The nomination was de- feated by a vote of four to one, Mr. Taylor being in favor. At this time the city bought four fire horses for $850. The biggest of the lot was named Dan, ambiguously, for the mayor or president of the council. These were the first fire horses owned by the city. In July, the plans and specifications of Davis and Shepard for fire houses at Nordhoff and Highvvood were accepted by the council. Charles J. Stagg was the successful bidder and received the contract for erecting the houses. During the first part of the following month, Charles J. Peabody resigned from the board of education on account of impend- ing change of residence, the board losing thereby a helpful and genial associate. The organization, under the presidency of Abram De Ronde, of the Palisades Trust and Guaranty company, marked a long step for- ward in Englewood's financial life. In connection with the first assess- ment of the Trust company a difference arose between G. L. Miller, assessor, and the council, Mr. Miller having assessed the company at the book value of the stock. The council showed, from the book [212] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD issued by the state tax board, that financial institutions should be placed on a percentage basis, if real estate were so placed and, fur- ther, that the Citizens' National bank was assessed at less than book value. Mr. Miller refusing to change his book, the county tax board was notified that the council had ordered the change. The board, however, refused to take cognizance of the change, which would re- duce the city's payment of tax to the county by some $400. The council had the last laugh in the matter, as months went by and the VOLUNTEER FIRE DEFARTMENT AND CITY HORSES city had not paid its county tax. The county, needing the money, finally gave a receipt in full for a payment made on the council's basis. The matter that caused the city government, as it had the preced- ing administration, the most concern, was the ever-dragging extension of the trolley. Many meetings were held and much heated discussion arose over the proposal that the trolley should go west to Tenafly road and then north. Some residents of Tenafly road offered to give land for the widening of the street so that the trolley could be the better accommodated. Others were bitterly opposed to the extension. By ordinance of October 21st, the trolley was given the right to con- tinue north, on Dean street, to Chestnut street, then west, via Slocum avenue, to Tenafly road and north to the city line. The ordinance contained several provisions for the city's benefit, which the trolley officials protested against, the most important being "no increase in fare to the city limits." The action of the council made the strongest [213] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD advocate of trolley extension, Timothy Rafferty, very indignant, from fear that the provisions would defeat the extension, declaring to Pres- ident Piatt that that was what the council was driving at. As a mat- ter of fact, Mr. Frank Ford, of the trolley company, said to Mr. Piatt, "I have tried to get my directors to accept the ordinance and they refuse." "I'll take you at your word,'' said the president. "You wouldn't urge acceptance on your directors unless you thought the ordinance a fair one." On the last day for acceptance, the acceptance came. At the meeting of September 30th, Joseph Andrews was nom- inated as a member of the board of education, vice Charles J. Pea- body, resigned on account of removal from the city. Then, before proceeding to one of the many trolley hearings, the council transacted a well-considered piece of business by unanimously rescinding, by res- olution, a former resolution making the Times the official newspaper. At the next meeting the mayor returned this resolution without ap- proval. The council passed the resolution over the veto, adding a request that the mayor, as required by law, give reasons when dis- approving resolutions and ordinances. Thus was widened a very pretty rift within the democracy of the city. An event of great significance was the dedication of Liberty school on September 6th. The importance of the occasion was two- fold — that it marked the beginning of a movement which was to place the Englewood school system on a par in the matter of build- ing and equipment with those of Montclair, East Orange and other places in the state which ranked high in educational matters; and that it proved that co-operation, sincerity of purpose, and persistence, in spite of unjust criticism and misrepresentation, had won the day. At the simple dedication exercises, the Rev. Charles I. Junkin offered the invocation, and the president of the board, George S. Coe, made a short speech, detailing the cost and arrangements of the building and the special features in its construction. The Junior Order of American Mechanics, through Arthur Mandeville, presented a large American Hag, which was accepted by Superintendent Marcellus Oakey. "The Star-Spangled Banner" was sung by the school children and the audience, and then the Rev. J. W. Dally pronounced the benediction. The building was open for the inspection of the public on the succeeding Saturday and Sunday. The last word in school matters for the year was the thorough renovation of two stories of the Englewood house for the use of the children formerly cared for in the Barber house. New plumbing, [214] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD bubble drinking-fountains, new sewer connection, and doors swung to open outward, were among the essential improvements. Other happenings of the year were the classification and arrange- ment of books for the use of the school children in the city library, under the careful supervision of Miss Harriet R. Prosser. Among the social events were the marriage, on June 3rd, of Miss Sara Fairchild Piatt to Edward B. Caulkins, of Detroit, Mich., and, LIBERTY SCHOOL on October 25th, the wedding of Miss Constance Mary Barber and Seward Prosser. The opening of the Booth property, east of Engle street, the Inglis holdings, east of Jones road, and the development of the Hutchinson tract at South Hills added new streets, new sidewalks and several fine residences to the city. During this year Englewood lost two of its younger neighbors in the death of William M. Kidder, of Highwood, and of Sheffield Phelps, younger son of the late William Walter Phelps. David E. Barrett died on April 30th. Mr. Barrett came to Englewood in the seventies, engaging in business as a general con- tractor. He laid out the grounds of the Field Club, at the birth of that organization, and was a valued figure in the life of the city and a devoted worker in St. Cecilia's church. On November 27th, John S. Vanderbeek died. He was the son of Samuel D. and Catherine Benson Vanderbeek, both of English Neighborhood. In the fifties, he succeeded his father and grand- [215] THE BOOK OF EXGLHWOOD father as landlord of the Liberty Pole Hotel, but later became a builder. The November elections upset the plans of the Times faction, which had counted on the support of a republican councilman to be elected from the first ward. Mr. Anderson's advocacy of the en- dorsement of Councilman Childs by the republican primary won the day, so that Messrs. Piatt, Childs and Cooke controlled the council, regardless of the result in the fourth ward, which, however, turned out to their satisfaction, Councilman O'Hara defeating Arthur Gat- field. Wm. Christopher, republican, was elected from the second ward, defeating Jacob F. Blankenhorn, editor of the Times. Robert Jamieson was re-elected city clerk over F. V. Tildesley, and James M. Gulnac and William C. Dnvies were chosen freeholders. The last meeting of the old council was held before noon on January 1st, 1903. Two resolutions were unanimously carried, viz.: an increase of $100 in the salary of the city clerk, which made the compensation $600, and the appointment of an inspector of the fire department at a salary of $100 a year. The council then adjourned without a day. The organization meeting at high noon resulted in the re-election of Mr. Piatt as president. The changes were few; Dr. Byron G. Van Home was appointed a member of the board of health, Irving Middleton was appointed health inspector, and Raymond P. Worten- dyke city counsel. Board of education appointments were, Joseph Andrews, Robert B. Taylor and Milton M. Mattison. The mayor was not present at this meeting and sent no annual message. George H. Mundorf was appointed by the council a trustee of the library, which was an error, the appointment belonging to the mayor. The board of education organized on January 10th, with Joseph Andrews as president, the vice-president and secretary remaining the same. Dr. Van Home became president and Gilliam D. Bogert secretary of the board of health. Later, James F. Cooke was elected president pro tern of the council — a new office. For the first time in its history, Englewood was threatened with a shortage in the coal supply. There was prospect of difficulty in heating the schools, since the full supply of fuel contracted for in the summer had not been delivered. Through careful management, the situation was met and no discomfort experienced. The board received some newspaper attention from the usual source, but it was so manifestly incorrect that the purpose was self-defeated. The council held its meetings without particular incident until the session of February 3rd, when Mayor Currie was present and renom- [216] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD inated Frank Titus as chief of police, and John Pye as sergeant, which nominations were duly confirmed. The nomination of library trustee was brought to the mayor's attention, but his honor merely replied he would think it over and, after stating that his message was ready, terminated his brief visit. Mayor Currie presented his annual message in March. Its chief constructive feature was the pro- posal for a dairy commission, the quality of milk purveyed in the city not being good. At the April meeting, Booth avenue and the CHIEF FRANK TITUS .SERGEANT (later Chief) JOHN J. PYE extension of Lydecker street were both accepted. By resolution, ser- vice stripes for the police were ordered. An ordinance was drawn and put on first reading fixing the salary of the mayor at $200 as long as he acted as police justice. On May 19th, the mayor sent to the council the appointment of Ernest T. Fellowes as library trustee. As this was a personal appointment, no action on the same was neces- sary, though it was resented by the council as a reversal of the policy to give equal recognition to both sides of the city, and also was dis- pleasing on account of the attacks made on the members of the council by the Englewood Times, Mr. Fellowes' official organ. The feeling thus aroused manifested itself later in very forceful manner. Trolley matters came up again in July, when the representative of the traction company was lavish with evasive explanation and futile promise. The [217] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD mayor at this time ordered the enforcement of the Sunday closing of all saloons, restricting hotels to serving meals only. The school budget was presented in July, totaling $43,612, of which $33,000 came from the city. The board received new blood during the year through the appointment of William Dulles, Jr., in succession to Robert B. Taylor, resigned. In February, fire company 4, on the hill, organized with St. George Barber as president, Theodore Childs, vice-president, Regi- nald Halliday as secretary and Malcolm Mackay as treasurer. William Baldwin was chosen foreman and Stuart Eakin assistant foreman. The company had twenty members and, in April, cele- brated the installation o! a hose reel on the property of E. P. Coe, east of Woodland street and north of Palisade avenue, by having a grand parade with open-air speaking and a collation. The Nordhoft company, with Peter Spindler at its head, and Highwood, with Thomas Curry in the van, joined in the parade. Fire Chief Jacob Ullrich and three councilmen were in evidence. Another parade occurred in June, when the new fire house at Highwood (number 2) was formally opened. A milestone in the history of the hospital was reached in May, when Mrs. Clinton H. Blake withdrew from the presidency, after completing ten years in that position. Her retirement recalled the great portion of the work for the hospital that had been done by the women of Fnglewood. Mrs. Blake had Mrs. Homans as prede- cessor ami had been aided in her efforts by Mrs. Emma Osgood Shinn, Mrs. C. B. Piatt, Miss C. M. Gerrish and Mrs. Janet Wells. The board of governors, in memory of Mrs. Blake's work, presented to the hospital a bookcase, suitably inscribed, with one hundred books for the use of nurses and patients. Mr. H P. Davison was elected president. Later in the year, under new by-laws, an advisory com- mittee of fifteen men was appointed. The operating expenses for the coming year were estimated at $14,000 and the current deficit at s2,000. Storm waters had from time to time caused great damage to the city streets. In November, the council appointed a committee of thirty citizens to act in an advisory capacity on the installation of a sub-surface drainage system. Many meetings were held and the plan of Allen Hazen, engineer to the committee, was adopted. The plan, however, has never been carried out in its entirety. November also saw the destruction by fire of Mr. W. O. Allison's house on the [218] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD cliffs. A regrettable feature was the loss of valuable manuscripts, having to do with early local history. We pause here to note those whom 1903 took away in full meas- ure from the thinning ranks ot Englewood's earlier citizens. On January 30th, Mrs. Frank B. Nichols, born Fanny Duryee, passed away; a prominent figure in the social and musical circles of Engle- wood in the early seventies. In Conrad N. Jordan, Englewood lost a prominent man on Feb- ruary 26th. Mr. Jordan had been for long well known as a banker when, in 1893, President Cleveland made him treasurer of the United States. Presidents Mclvinley and Roosevelt honored him by reap- pointments to the same office. Peter Westervelt Van Brunt, son of John, died on April 14th, in his sixty-second year. He was a Civil war veteran of the 22nd Regi- ment of the New York State Militia, receiving a wound in the hand. In the death, on May 16th, of Helen Lansing DeWitt, wife of Rev. Ashbel G. Vermilye, Englewood suffered the loss of one whose wit, social qualities, and generous giving of her time and strength to others, had endeared her to many. Herbert B. Turner, who had always taken a keen interest in what was going on in Englewood, died on July 8th, in his sixty-eighth year. Mr. Turner was a graduate of Columbia and of the Albany Law School, later becoming an authority on corporation law. He came to Englewood about 1865, living first at the Englewood Hotel. Later, he built the present home on Walnut street. He was away from Englewood during the period 1874-1881. He was a long-time member of St. Paul's church, in which he served as a vestryman. Charles B. Piatt died on November 11th, after a long illness, in his sixty-eighth year. Mr. Piatt came to Englewood in 1873, bring- ing with him the future mayor, at that time three months old. At first in the leather business in the "swamp," as junior partner to Aaron Healy, he later headed the firm of Piatt and Woodward, pioneers in the commercial paper business in New York. From the founding of the Citizens' National Bank until his death, Mr. Piatt was vice- president of that organization. Daniel G. Bogert died December 20th, at the age of seventy-eight. He was assessor of Hackensack township for seventeen years and, later, of Englewood township. He was also a census enumerator for the national government and a charter member of the Protection Society. From those who had played their part in years gone by, we return [219] THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD to the men in the vigor of life who were carrying on this same year. The time for expression of the future administration of affairs came in September, with its primary election. Dr. Currie was defeated in the primary contest, only Piatt delegates being chosen for the demo- cratic city convention. At the election in November, Dan Fellows Piatt was elected mayor by 163 votes over Samuel J. Topping, and James A. C. John- son won over George R. Dutton by 130 votes in the contest for councilman-at-large. The two losers were at the disadvantage of having to run on "pasters," the republican city convention having refused to make any nominations. THE FIRST POLICE STATION [220] XVI. THE ADMINISTRATION OF MAYOR PI.ATT 1904-1905 HE Council chamber was filled with a representative gather- ing on New Year's day, 1904, when the members of the new administration hied in at noon. The Council organized by the election of James A. C. Johnson as president, a fact immediately recorded by "Bob" Jamieson as he opened a new chapter in his minutes. Mayor Piatt nominated William M. Seufert as police justice and the nomination was promptly confirmed. It was proven then and verified later that the mayor and council, contrary to some recent history, could work harmoniously. This may have been due, in part, to the fact that the mayor had been a councilman, and had a councilman's slant on city problems. The only other appointment at this session was that of Edward J. Sheridan to the board of health in place of John A. Yoght. There was no change among the other officials, and appointments to the board of education were laid over tn a later meeting. On February 2nd, Miss Sterling having declined a renomination, Edward De Witt and Charles Brucker were ap- pointed members of the board of education, the former for two years and the latter for one year, the board organizing with Joseph An- drews as president and Charles J. Bates, vice-president. Water and electric light and fire were the first matters which called for attention. The Mater part was the drainage question, mooted in the preceding administration. The drainage commission desired the service of an expert engineer to pass upon drainage plans. Messrs. Johnson, Childs, Cooke and O'Hara were appointed a com- mittee to confer with a committee from the commission comprising Messrs. Payne, Baylis, White and Dr. Currie. The electric light feature was a dispute over a bill rendered the city for electric light- ing. In the latter part of 1903, the electric plant, at Hackensack, supplying street lighting to Englewood, burned and was out of com- mission for three months. The company proposed to rebate the city $2,500, being one-fourth of the annual charge of $10,000. The mayor, however, insisted that the contract called for so many light- hours per year, from an hour after sunset to an hour before sunrise, THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD and that the lights had failed when the nights were longest. The city saved about $500 when it refused to pay any bill until an amend- ment had been made according to the almanac. The fire question was economy of administration in the city fire companies. In the early part of the year, a family quarrel was in continuance among the local republicans. The storm centre was the postmaster- ship. The incumbent, James Harris, had been sufficiently stalwart in his republican faith to be elected nine times as township committee- man. Possibly if Englewood had not incorporated as a city, Mr. Harris might have run the score up to twelve terms, without any detriment to the township. But in that respect, incorporation proved the rock ahead. Through proper backing, Mr. Harris was commis- sioned postmaster under the first McKinley administration. The job suited him and Mr. Harris naturally desired reappointment. The Hy in the ointment was a deserving republican with stronger political backing. There was a flimsy charge brought against Mr. Harris which resolved itself into a technical dereliction of a subordinate during the previous year, which really had nothing to do with the case. The proper proceeding according to all accepted political usage, would have been graceful retirement when a strong hint was given by a stronger faction. The upshot of the matter was the appointment of Charles D. Stainton, on March 12th, by President Roosevelt, ami the confirmation of the same by the Senate. Mr. Stainton forthwith provided for the removal of the post office to the Banks building on Palisade avenue, made many improvements in the arrangements of the office, which contributed to the convenience of the public and better working facilities for the employees. Mr. Harris now gave his whole attention to his painting business anil continued in the esteem of the community. About the time that the board of education held its spring meet- ing, Ralph R. Brinkerhoff, an old resident, died in his seventy-fourth year. Born on a farm on the Schraalenburgh road, he was one of the boys who got his first schooling in the old stone district school house, then standing in the vicinity of the Liberty Pole tavern. There was no complication about the school system in the day of that old school ; one teacher taught all the subjects of a limited course. In sharp contrast and marking educational advance, the new board oi 1904 had under consideration the welfare of five schools and their many teachers. Superintendent Oakey resigned in March and a month later his place was filled by Dr. Elmer C. Sherman, a grad- uate of Hamilton college, class of 1888 (Ph.D., Univ. of N. Y., [ 222 ] THE BOOK OF ENOEEWOOD 1892), who had been supervising principal at South Orange and county superintendent in Essex county. Eater in the year another official was added to the board's personnel, Dr. F. C. Bradner becom- ing the first medical inspector for the schools, at a salary of $300. At the same time the hoard of school estimate presented the budget for the ensuing year, which was fixed at $46,499.27, of which sum DAN FELLOWS PLATT $35,145 came from the city and the remainder, $11,354.27, from the state appropriation. An instance of growth in school feeling was the formation, on June 4th, of the High School Alumni Association, with the following officers: president, Percy Christie, vice-president, Miss Mary John- son, secretary, Miss Harriet Westervelt, treasurer, E. Howard Fos- ter. A reunion banquet of sixty-five covers was held at the Liberty school on June 15th, at which the speakers were Dr. Valentine Ruch, Jr., '93, Miss M. Barbara Blankenhorn, '87, Miss Mary Johnson, [ 223 ] THE H()()K OK ]'.\(, I. i:\Vooi) '87, Mrs. Haslam, '88, and Miss Annie Scott, '04. The seal of approbation was finally placed <>n tin.- schools at a debate in the Wist Side church, held by the literary society of the congregation. The subject was, "Resolved — that public schools arc oi more benefit than chinches to the general public." The pastor, the Rev. Charles I. lunkin, led in the affirmative, ami that view of the question won on its merits. The two prominent institutions of the city, the library ami the hospital, made their annual reports in the spring. I he report ol the former showed a small deficit. Donald Mackay, treasurer ol the library board, appeared before the council ami asked lor additional support of an institution of so much public interest ami usefulness. By law, one-third of a mill on assessed valuation was the mandatory appropriation for a public library, hut discretionary power was lodged in the governing bod) of the municipality to grant an additional one-sixth of a mill. The council took the matter under consideration. Later, Morse Hurtis was appointed by the mayor as a trustee, suc- ceeding Mr. Blake. This caused some comment, as Mr. Blake had long been interested in the library. The mayor said his purpose was to give more adequate recognition to the western part ol the city- something that had been neglected when the original appointments were made. Under the new regime, the hospital reported the creation ot the office of superintendent, with Miss Bertha (i. Russell as the first appointee, also arrangement lor an intern or resident physician, ap- pointed by the medical hoard. Many generous gifts were made to the institution during the year, such as the winter's supply ol coal, additional electrical installment, and the furnishing ol the pathological department. There was a balance of $1,751.88 in the treasury, which was supplemented later by $3,500, raised through the annual lair. Good dogs, that is dogs of pedigree, began to have their day this year, through the removal o\ the official dog-catcher. The discrimina- tion shown by that individual in the vigorous pursuit ol dogs that hail a high ransom value, while the canine brothers ol lowly degree roamed at will, brought its own retribution in the loss ol a profitable occupation. Another phase of the dog question is noted in the for- mation of the Kennel club, with B. S. Smith as president, Mrs. 1). \V. Evans, vice-president, Myron \V. Robinson, secretary and treasurer. Others prominently interested were Mrs. Frank Enos ami Mrs. |. A. C. (ohnson. The first bench show took place at the armory on September 1 Oth. [ 224 j Till': HOOK OF FNGLEWOOI) The council during the year received many requests, among them petitions from the Woman's club, for the more frequent sprinkling of the streets, also for the placing o! waste cans on street corners as an inducement to the public to aid in keeping the streets tree from the trash that the heedless spread broadcast. Records give no ade- quate report of the educational success of the latter proposition. The trolley extension question took a fresh start when the franchise ex- .lOSEI'H ANDREWS WILLIAM TIERNEY, .III. pired on July 6th. The newspapers gave seemingly too much prom- inence to the matter. It must be remembered, however, how eagerly certain outlying districts to the west and north were looking for such a convenient improvement. Automobiles were as yet a luxury and the genus Ford had not yet arrived. During 1904, the trolley was built as far as Chestnut street and then stopped. No satisfactory arrange- ment, either financial or physical, could be come to with the Erie, as to a crossing, and so the matter dragged. The trolley people were in no hurry, as they were then double-tracking the line from the ferry to Leonia junction ami had their hands full. Discussion in the coun- cil went so far as to demand the tearing-up of the tracks built under the ordinance and the suing to recover $5,000 under the bond put up by the company. A later day has provided a different solution than [ 225 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD crossing the railroad, disappointing, no doubt, many of our friends toward Bergenfield. The council and board of education held a conference in which school conditions were discussed. The board showed that the hotel building, used as an emergency school, was wholly unsuited for per- manent occupation and was a constant expense in the way of repairs. Increase in attendance would be I ore long force the high school out of its present quarters in Liberty school. The proposition was made to the council that a building similar in size to Liberty school be erected on the Engle street site to cost, roughly speaking, between $50,000 and $60,000, the city to issue bonds on its then borrowing capacity of about $77,000. The opinion of the council was reserved until the matter was presented formally. The November election resulted in Mr. O'Hara's being returned to the council without opposition. Mr. Cooke also won by two votes over Joseph Gilbert, with a rather spectacular climax to the vote- counting, Mr. Gilbert leading until the final four ballots. Congress- man Hughes carried Englewood by 47 votes, while in the national election Roosevelt reversed the verdict by defeating Parker by 85 majority. Heading the roll of those who passed away in 1904 is the name of Charles Henry Booth, of Dwight place, whose death occurred on May 29th. Mr. Booth was born in New York city, September 13th, 1803, and at the time of his passing was well along in his one hun- dred and first year. It is interesting to note that Mr. Booth held policy number twenty-two in the Mutual Life Insurance Company, taken out when he was starting in his business life. James Lydecker, a descendant of Captain Garret Lydecker, of the Bergen County militia in the Revolutionary war, died on Sep- tember 1st. He was the son of Garret J. Lydecker and Sarah Ryer, and was born on his father's farm on January 15, 1822. He was a pioneer in railroading and one of the first conductors on the "North- ern." He served, during the Civil war, as conductor on troop trains. His children, still surviving, are John Lydecker, of Chester place, and Mrs. Margaret Brown. J. Wyman Jones, with whom our history has had to deal so fre- quently, died at the Hotel Grosvenor, New York, on October 27th, at the age of 82. He married Harriet Dwight Dana, of LTtica, who died in 1886. At a later date he married Mrs. Salome Hanna Chapin, sister of Senator Mark Hanna. Mr. Jones was interested in the St. Joseph Lead company, of which he was president at the [ 226] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD time of his death. Mr. Jones' funeral took place from his Engle- wood home and interment was in Brookside cemetery. Englewood lost a sturdy citizen on December 6th, when William Blaikie passed away, aged 71. Mr. Blaikie was prominent at the bar, having been connected with the famous Fayerweather will case for thirteen years and serving as assistant U. S. district attorney. Mr. Blaikie was captain of the football team of the Boston Latin school. His interest in athletics, begun thus early, continued throughout his A DECORATION DAY PARADE life. At Harvard he stroked a varsity crew that defeated Yale. He later trained and accompanied a Harvard crew that went to England and rowed Oxford. In 1873, through his advocacy, the annual inter- collegiate track games were founded. Mr. Blaikie wrote and spoke much on athletics. His best known book was "How to Get Strong and How to Stay So." The initial council meeting of 1905 found Mr. Johnson reelected as president and Mr. Cooke elected as president pro tern, to serve in the absence of the chair. Mr. Birtwhistle was reappointed street commissioner, resigning later to be succeeded by Cornelius Sweeney. Mr. Cass, city engineer, died during the year and was succeeded by Watson G. Clark, of Tenafly. Mr. Brucker asked to be relieved as member of the board of education, and William Tierney, Jr., suc- ceeded him. During the year, Mayor Piatt appointed Joseph Thom- [ 227 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD son, in place of the late E. B. Convers, and reappointed Mr. Brinck- crhoff as trustees of the library. Early in the year, in an endeavor to obtain a site for the future city hall, the mayor and councilman Christopher purchased from Colonel H. W. Banks the old post-office building on Palisade avenue, the site where Englewood's city hall is now being built. The contract was, for the time, a personal matter, the understanding being that ./^':':h . L FIRST HoSI'lTAL BUILDING, \i the city could take the property without profit. The price was $12,000. There was a great deal of discussion of the subject, Mr. Mackay preferring a Building on the Engle street school property, while good "west siders" were for the site on their side of the city. The upshot of the matter was that the mayor took title in his own name and announced that, if the city wanted the property it would have to vote for it. The question was decided in November by the small favoring majority of seventeen votes. Bonds were issued later ($16,000, thirty year, 4 ' _. per cent, sold at 104) which covered the property, repairs, and additions necessary for occupancy by the coun- cil. It seemed a jest of fate that, in 1921, Mr. Piatt should be found lighting so hard against the same site as the place for the new city hall. Councilman Christopher did a ileal of work in relation [ 228 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD (o the changes in the building ami took criticism in the matter very much to heart, to the detriment of his health, as it proved. During the year the city purchased, for $2,500, its first steam roller. Criticism was also active against this action, with less justi- fication. Surely, time has proven the step to have been in the line of progress. I he school board, convening under Mr. Andrews' presidency, also had a fight on its hands in the building of the Franklin school, THE FIRST CITY HALL so called in memory of one of America's greatest men, with whose second centenary its opening would coincide. The council had agreed upon a bond issue of $75,000 for the school. When bids upon the plans ol the architects, Taylor and Mosley, were opened, it was found that $90,000 would be needed to build and furnish the school. After a great deal of discussion by the public and the press, the council granted the additional sum, the increase in school registration for the year (11 per cent) showing the folly of trying to change the plans and erect a smaller building. During the year the board inau- gurated an evening school for those, over fourteen, not in the day schools, the first week's attendance running to ninety-four. At this time the truancy law was given better enforcement than in the past. Another matter causing great discussion was that of liquor licenses anil Sunday closing. The Civic League took issue with the mayor on the latter subject at a very lively meeting in the council chambers [229] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD in Mackay hall. The league's attitude was, "enforce the law." Mayor Piatt stated that he wanted to cut down drunkenness and that Judge Seufert's plan, whereby those convicted of drunkenness had the option of going to jail or going on the list of those to whom Englewood bar- keepers could not sell, was working admirably. Whenever there was a lapse, things were shut tight, guilty and innocent sharing alike. This had made the holders of licenses mentors, each of the other. Further, the golf club's bar was open, beyond the city line, on Sunday. To create a grievance for the poor man, who had no club, was not desirable. The mayor was much criticized for this attitude, but it may be said that, within eleven months after a different policy was inaugurated, the police records show the doubling of arrests for drunkenness, under the same chief of police acting under identical orders as to making arrests. The parties to the discussion agreed to disagree when the Civic League committee refused, as members of the golf club, the request of the mayor that they petition their board of governors to close the club bar on Sunday. The hospital showed the result of good management in its annual report; receipts were $20,330.92, expenditures, $18,928, leaving a balance of $1,402.92. The institution was meeting increasing de- mands as the months went on. Daisy Fields also reported a good year, but had been obliged to accept with regret the resignation of Mrs. Herbert B. Turner, who had been at the head of this splendid work from its very organization. Mrs. Richard Prosser became Mrs. Turner's successor. Continued illness having caused the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Flichtner, the Rev. Howard Chandler Robbins was called to St. Paul's and entered upon his rectorship on June 1st. Mr. Robbins was a Philadelphian by birth, graduated from Yale, class of '99, and from the Harvard Divinity school in 1903. He was curate of St. Peter's, Morristown, soon after finishing his Harvard course, and was ordained priest in 1904. The Englewood club bought its present home on Palisade avenue from the Homans estate in September, issuing club bonds therefor, purchased by club members, in the sum of $25,000. This was a great advance on the quarters in the Lyceum and meant new growth for the organization. In the early part of the year, the controlling stock of the Bergen County Gas and Electric Light company was bought by the Fidelity Trust company, of Newark, which in turn was controlled by the Pru- dential Life Insurance company. There were rumors rife that the [230] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Hudson River Railway and Ferry company had also passed into the hands of the latter corporation. Whether or not true at the time, something affected the epistolary style of both vice-president Ford and treasurer Barrows of the trolley directorate, and also their man- ner of discourse. Letters were written which led nowhere, and, after a conference, the net result was "nothing explained, nothing said, nothing done" to the intense wrath of councilman Cooke and the per- turbation of Timothy Rafferty, who, seeing no prospect of demand REV. G. F. FLICHTNER FATHER THEODORE J. McDONALD for certain choice building lots, kept up a running soliloquy during Mr. Cooke's more heartfelt utterances. The year was at November again; Donald Mackay was elected mayor over James A. C. Johnson by 196 majority, and Joseph Thom- son won as councilman-at-large over William A. Childs by 332 ma- jority. Mayor Piatt had refused to be considered for re-election and had sailed for Europe in September. The election brought two new and valuable workers to the council, Henry C. Watson being nom- inated by the first ward republican primary, the democrats endorsing the action, and Robert N. Baylis, republican, winning over John L. Weeks in the second ward. Louis S. Coe and James M. Gulnac were elected to represent Englewood in the board of freeholders. [231] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Englewood lost greatly in 1905 through the deaths of citizens who could ill be spared. February 5th took away Col. Henry W. Banks, who had been born in Westport, Conn., eighty-one years be- fore. Colonel Banks was senior elder in the Presbyterian church and a director in the Citizens' National bank from its foundation. He was a big man in every sense of the word and left a vacancy that could not be filled. The following month (March 9th) death claimed E. B. Convers, who had come to Englewood in 1872. A graduate of Yale and the Columbia Eaw school, he devoted himself prominently to admiralty practice, having many foreign clients. Mr. Convers was interested in everything that looked toward the benefit of Englewood, being active in the Improvement Association, a director of the bank, a trustee of the library and for thirty years a vestryman of St. Paul's. Dr. Ashbel G. Vermilye died on July 9th at his home on Palisade avenue, aged S3. He went to Williams and to New York University, graduating at the early age of eighteen and then studying for the Presbyterian ministry at New Brunswick. His early charges included Eittle Falls, Newburyport, Utica, Schenectady and Orange. He mar- ried Helen Lansing De Witt and took up his residence in Englewood, retiring from active service in the ministry. The Reverend George Fredrick Flichtner died on July 25th, in his 59th year, at Ipswich, Mass. For some time editor of The Church- man, he came to Englewood in 1888 and gave sixteen years' devoted service to St. Paul's. His struggle not to surrender in face of grow- ing physical weakness had won the sympathy of all who knew him. Englewood lost another beloved clergyman when Father Theo- dore J. McDonald, of St. Cecilia's, passed away on August 10th. Universally known as "Father Mac," he was beloved by his parish- ioners. His sincerity and geniality endeared him to the community. Father McDonald had just completed his seventy-first year. Dr. D. A. Baldwin, who had been a practicing physician in Engle- wood for thirty-five years, died on August 1 1th, aged seventy-nine. Dr. Baldwin was a quiet, unassertive man, but those who knew him well felt tor him both affection and respect. William Ashury Burdett entered into rest on October 30th. He was a resident of Englewood for thirty years and devoted himself to St. Paul's parish work. He was for years a lay reader. His work in founding the mission of St. John at Nordhoff finds mention else- where in this history. A tablet has been placed in St. Paul's in com- memoration ol his worth and service. [ 232 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Charles W. Valentine, one of Englewood's earliest and best known merchants, died at his home on August 5th, in his seventy-first year. In 1867 he ran unopposed for the office of justice of the peace — an office to which he did credit. Death took one of the younger generation on November 30th, when Willard Cass, city engineer, passed away. Mr. Cass was born in Teaneck in 1860, son of Alexander ("Squire") Cass. He received his professional training from his father and under the tutelage of J. H. Serviss. Outside ol engineering, he was expert in photography, was a skilled violinist, and greatly interested in botany and geology. The city council passed suitable resolutions of appreciation of a faith- ful official. THE ENGLEWOOD CLUB [ 233 ] 8 00 o O X U CO O w Q Z < < Oh O w f-l o > w as H XVII. THE ADMINISTRATIONS OF MAYOR MACKAY 1906-1909 HE outgoing council held its last meeting at eleven o'clock on New Year's morning and adopted appropriate resolu- tions on the death of Willard Cass, formerly city engineer. A message was read from Mayor Piatt, sent from abroad, expressing his thanks for the co-operation of his associates during his administration, and also his best wishes to the incoming mayor and council. As a mark of appreciation, an ivory gavel was presented to acting mayor James A. C. Johnson, by his fellow councilmen. Then, at noon, place was made for the newly elected administration, of which councilmen Cooke and O'Hara, holding over, were the minority members. Mr. Cooke nominated Robert N. Baylis for president, which resulted in unanimous election, and everything was harmonious. Henry C. Watson was chosen president pro tern. The council's appointments were: James Hallahan, collector; George H. Payson, treasurer; George R. Dutton, counsel; Charles H. Eckerson, engineer; Joseph H. Garrison, street commissioner, with Cornelius Sweeney as assistant. Thomas J. Huckin was named as police justice. The new members of the board of health were William C. Tucker, Dr. Robert A. Sheppard, Charles T. Watson, with Gilliam D. Bogert, retained. Messrs. Bates, Tierney and De Witt were reappointed to the board of education. Frank Titus and John J. Pye were reappointed chief and sergeant of the police force. The trusteeship of the tri-township poorhouse was given to Mr. O'Hara. At the first meeting of the council on January 2nd, the resignation of Donald Mackay as library trustee was presented, his position as mayor making him, ex-officio, a member of the board. The resigna- tion of Ernest T. Fellowes from the board was also accepted. There- upon the mayor appointed Clinton H. Blake and William L. Pierce to fill the two vacancies. In view of some newspaper criticism, it was directed that the accounts of the former treasurer and of the board of health be audited by a professional accountant. This was supple- mented by including an audit of the accounts of the board of education THE BOOK OK ENGLEWOOD by a committee of the council. James C. Thomson, of Highwood, now of upper Montclair, an expert accountant, and Messrs. Watson, Baylis and Cooke performed the required service. Reports made subsequently showed everything in perfect order and criticism un- warranted. The bookkeeping method of the board of education was pronounced a model of efficiency. The committee added the state- ment that the president and secretary of the board were ready, upon proper request, to furnish information to citizens. The council took title to the city hall in the early part of the year, the bond issue of $16,000, authorized at the election of Novem- ber 5, 1905, having found a purchaser without difficulty. After all the discussions, the officials found themselves comfortably housed and appreciated the convenience of all departments under one roof. Dry Sunday, January 28th, gave an indication of the administra- tion's views on the liquor question. Several days in advance the mayor sent, to all concerned, a circular calling attention to the ordi- nances governing hotels and saloons in accordance with state law, and the penalties attached to violation of the same. The police were directed to see that the mayor's orders were carried out. General compliance was given the order. When the time for the renewal or granting of licenses came round it was found that drastic change in the manner of handling applications was made. The price of a license was raised from $150 to $500 and no "saloon" licenses were granted. The "saloon"' differed from an "inn and tavern" in that it had no sleeping quarters for guests and was not permitted to sell strong drinks. The council held that the increased fee could not be paid honestly by those who had no permit to sell whiskey, the major profit being in that drink. The granting of a saloon license would thus put a premium on the breaking of the law. Needless to say, the refusal of licenses and the putting out of business of five saloon pro- prietors, caused much remonstrance. Mr. William Dulles, at the head of the committee urging the action, raised a fund for aiding any distressed saloon keeper. The saloons were closed tight on Sundays. The immediate result was not what the committee had hoped for. Illegitimate and hidden sources ol liquor sprang up, with which the police were unable to cope adequately. In order that there should be no discrimination in the application of the license requirements, the mayor communicated directly with the presidents of the Englewood club and the Golf club concerning the excise question. The Court of Common Pleas had jurisdiction over the issue of licenses to social clubs. Both organizations met [ 236 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD the situation as promptly as possible, the Englewood club taking out both a county and government license, the Golf club first incorporat- ing and then taking out a county license. While clubs seemed to be a topic of interest, councilman Watson suggested, in June, the formation of a "city welfare club" and pro- DONALD MACKAY posed that president Baylis name a committee to organize such a club. The idea appeared to "take" and Mr. Baylis appointed Messrs. Piatt, Dulles, Andrews, William Tierney, Jr., E. T. Fisher, D. F. Sweeney and Floyd R. DuBois, who forthwith came together and organized "the city club," which for a number of years aided mate- rially In the development of the city, perhaps more on the moral side than on the physical, though the club will get the credit that will eventually be given for the carrying out of the idea of a public park at the station, on both sides of the track. Mr. Tierney became the president of the club, George B. Case vice-president and D. F. [237 ] THE BOOK OI ENGEEWOOD Sweeney secretary and treasurer. At the first meeting, representatives of the Borough club of Tenafly were present, to tell what had been accomplished in their town, A. C. Willis and J. Spencer Smith giving advice ami encouragement. The Hospital association uttered a plaint in May when its report was made which showed a deficit of s! 1,600. It was shown that two- thirds of this amount was the cost of caring for ward patients resi- lient in l'.nglewood. In view of the service rendered to the city by the hospital, the request was made to the council that the lull appro- priation authorized by law, about $6,500, be appropriated annually to the hospital. This was referred to the finance committee for con- sideration ami recommendation. Grateful mention was made by the association of a new ambulance, the gift of Mrs. Donald Mackay. To every one's regret, George P. Payson terminated at this time his long service as treasurer. The control of the fire department was a matter considered and settled by the council this year. The volunteer force had hitherto elected its own officers, much as club officers would have been elected, on the ground of popularity. The members of the department were "exempt firemen," in that they were exempted from taxation on an assessed valuation of $500. About this time the state courts held that this exemption was unconstitutional. To offset the decision, Englewood took the course of many other municipalities, turning the force into a paid force at a salary of twelve dollars a year, approx- imately equal to the amount previously exempted. The salary was paid those having an attendance percentage of fifty or better. The council felt that a "paid" force should be more subject to supervision and put through an ordinance that caused a ruction among the tire- men, providing that the chief officer of the department and the fore- men and assistant foremen should be appointed by the council. The fire associations could make their own rules, but these must be ap- proved by the council. The number of members was limited, number one to thirty and the other companies to fifteen each. No men were to be dropped, but no new members could join in excess of these quotas. On August 26th of this year, the council lost a valuable member by the death of councilman Edward O'Hara, who passed away in his 66th year. He was a veteran of the Civil war, a member of the 79th regiment, New York Volunteers. He captured a Confederate Hag in the battle of the 'Wilderness, May 5, 1 Sb4, and was wounded on the second day of the battle. Mr. O'Hara was a long-time resi- [ 238 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD dent and business man of Englewood. On the death of councilman Scully he was appointed to the council to fill the vacancy, and was twice thereafter elected to the city's governing body, the second time without opposition. William Conklin was appointed member of the council from the fourth ward, lor the remainder of the year. In the latter part o! the year, the mayor communicated a prop- osition made to the Erie railroad, to lease to the city the land owned by the company on the east ol the track, known familiarly as depot MACKAY PARK PLAYCKOUND park. The compensation proposed was the amount assessed or the amount in future to be assessed on this particular piece of land. The matter was laid over tor future consideration. Mr. Mackay also announced the completion of the extension to the library which pro- vided a children's room. Since the date of incorporation, no administration had been com- plete without several trolley conferences or hearings at stated inter- vals. The present administration, in its first year, received a com- munication from a militant source, reminding the council that "it was time to come to some kind of an agreement about the extension of the line." To councilman Watson was assigned the job of meet- ing the trolley officials and propounding again the oft-repeated ques- tion. The answer had the familiar ring — "no immediate prospect of extension owing to difficulty in crossing the Erie railroad." This was [ 2.39 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD saiil with all the conviction belonging to a new and original propo- sition. Adjournment followed to some time in the sweet but indef- inite future. There were some things accomplished this year in which Engle- wood was interested and from which the city derived benefit. One such accomplishment was the opening of the new filter plant of the Hackensack Water company. Boards of health from Englewood and other towns were in force at the opening. Belonging in the same category was mayor Mackay's Christmas present to the city of a large tract in the fourth ward to be used as a city park. This was accepted with an unanimous vote of thanks by the council on behalf of the city; the resolution carried with it the naming of the city's first playground "Mackay Park." The mayor later added adjacent property to his gift, and also provided for laying out the park, grad- ing, lawn-making and tree-planting. During the summer season, Englewood prospered athletically, the Field club winning the championship of the amateur baseball league under the captaincy of "Tommy" Cuming, for the third suc- cessive year, losing only one game and that in ten innings. Another championship was won by two Englewood women, Mrs. E. S. Coe and Mrs. D. F. Piatt defeating all comers in the women's tennis dou- bles at the national championships in Philadelphia. Something new during the year was the purchase and occupancy of Helicon Hall, on Woodland street, by about sixty-two colonists, some in family groups and others unattached, but all of some kind ot artistic or professional calling, with Upton Sinclair of "The Jungle" fame as the governing genius. The "Hall" had already attracted attention in its first career as an educational institution, conducted on unique principles, with a setting of composite char- acter. When the building was destroyed by fire in the early spring ot 1907, the inmates barely escaping with their lives, Englewood was largely featured in the metropolitan press, an attention the city could well have done without. In religious circles, October of this year was marked by the ded- ication of the West Side Presbyterian church. The building, then known as Dwight chapel, originally stood on the corner of Palisade avenue and William street. It was later moved to the present site and used first as a chapel and then as the West Side church under the pastorate of the Rev. Charles 1. Junkin. It had been greatly enlarged and improved, and was now under the charge of the Rev. Charles Ellis Smith. At the deification service, the Rev. Dr. Ham- [ 240 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ilton and Mr. Thomas B. Kerr assisted, the pastor preaching the sermon. Mr. Kerr and Messrs. F. Murray Olyphant and Louis V. Davison were the prime factors in establishing, years before, the Sunday school held in the Kursteiner school-house, of which the West Side church and its flourishing congregation were the outgrowth. This same year is to be remembered as that in which the Rev. Father Dionysius Best came to St. Cecilia's, taking the place left vacant by the transfer of Father A. E. Murphy to another field of labor. The school budget for the year called for a total of $51,961, an increase of about three thousand dollars. The board of education WHERE THE LAW WAS ALWAYS KEPT seemed to have trouble in securing and retaining satisfactory instruc- tors, anent which appeared a letter from Miss Sterling, calling atten- tion to the scant salaries, which averaged $600, without offering the recipients much prospect of an increase, and also suggesting a more intimate acquaintance of the board with the work of the teacher, thereby reaching a better comprehension of the value, monetary as well as educational, of that work. The board had difficulty in the completion of Franklin school. According to contract, it should have been ready for occupancy at the September opening. Instead, it was not brought into use until after the Christmas vacation. A welcome and appropriate gift to the school, through the generosity of Abram De Ronde, was a bronze bust of Benjamin Franklin, which was placed in the entrance hall. The social columns of the Englewood papers recorded, on April 17th, the marriage of Janet, daughter of ex-mayor Brinckerhoff, to Clarence D. Kerr. Another event of the year was the college men's dinner, notable as the inauguration of a custom that has been both [241] THM BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD a pleasure and a profit for those who have taken part in it. A college census, taken previously, showed there were two hundred and sixty- five college men residing in the city, who represented thirty-five Amer- ican colleges. In addition, the OKI World seats of learning were represented by two Oxford men, and one each from Queen's college, Belfast, and from Heidelberg. Death took its toll this year from the ranks oi those long asso- ciated in the affairs of Englewood, both as township and city. The first death recorded is that of Henry J. DelMott, which occurred on March 3rd at his residence, "Dulce Domum," on TenaHy road. Mr. DcMott was ol Huguenot descent, his ancestors having settled in Bergen county in L685, in what was afterwards the lower part of English Neighborhood. 1 le was a well known business man and for ten years was a justice of the peace, when the office was not the sinecure it later became. Henry J. Reinmund, a prominent figure in the insurance world and a resident ol Englewood lor many years, passed away on August 27th. Mr. Reinmund was born in Lancaster, Ohio, in 1S44, and served in the Civil war in the 61st Regiment, Ohio Infantry. His whole business career was connected with life insurance. At one time he served as state superintendent ol insurance in his native state. Later, as a vice-president oi the Mutual Reserve Lite Insurance company, business brought him to New York city and the family became Englewood residents. Failing health compelled Mr. Rein- mund's retirement from active business in 1898. In his prime he was prominent in democratic politics in Englewood, serving in one campaign as party chairman. l'lie community lost a valued citizen in the death of Charles F. Lark, on September 2 St h . Starting business life as an expert account- ant with 1 I. W. Banks ex Co. and Brinckerhojf, Turner & Co., in 1894 he became cashier ol the Citizens' National bank, a position he held as long as he lived. Mr. Lark was an earnest church worker. having been superintendent ol the Sunday school and clerk ot the session of the Presbyterian church. 1 le had also served as a justice of the peace. Robert Baylis, one ol the pioneers ot '58, died on October 21st, in his 79th year. He was born at Rocky Hill, near Princeton, in his grand lather's house, now preserved as Washington's headquar- ters, where Washington wrote his farewell address to the army. Mr. Baylis decided to be a banker, becoming assistant cashier ot the American Exchange National bank about the time George S. Coe [ 242 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD was made president. In 1863, he became president of the Market bank (later the Market and Fulton National bank), being the young- est bank president in the city. He retired in 1905, with the title of "president emeritus." In 1858, Mr. Baylis was one of lour to join in buying the 125 acre tract that is now the principal residence section of Englewood. Another citizen, whose interest in Englewood dated back to the DAISY FIELDS HOME FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN very early days, was Henry Jones, born in Caernarvon, Wales, in 1827, whose earthly life ended on November 24th. Mr. Jones came to this country about 1848 and lived for a time in Utica, N. Y. Later he came to New York city with his wife, thence moving to Englewood in I860. He was a builder of high standing, erecting many of the first important buildings in the new village, and later built the Ver- milye Memorial chapel which forms part of the present Presbyterian church. In the earlier part of his residence in Englewood, Mr. Jones was interested in real estate dealings. He retired from busi- ness at a comparatively early age and identified himself closely with the work of the Presbyterian church, where he was for years an elder. He was very much interested in the town, especially in all sanitary [243] THE BOOK OK ENGLEWOOD measures and in everything which tended to the beautification of the place. One definite thought of Mr. Jones was that this should be a town ot borne owners, and especially that the working people should own their own dwellings. In this direction he was more than generous in assisting the latter with time and influence to become home builders and home owners. 1 le was also one of the best I riends the colored people ot Englewood had, and he worked with and for them for many years, establishing the first Mission for them, which afterwards grew to be the present colored Presbyterian church. rhough not a resident ol Englewood, there were numerous I riends who heard with regret ol the death, on October 25th, of \hram Blauvelt, known as "Dominic Blauvelt," one of the best liked and respected ol all the conductors in the service ol the Northern railroad. Mr. Blauvelt was horn across the Jersey line in Rockland county, and was still a lad in the eyes of the law when he enlisted in the 22n<\ New Jersey Infantry in 1862, for nine months' service in the Civil war. Always a serious-minded youth, he was a great Bible student, and took his bible with him when he entered service. Not only did he continue his own reading but he interested some ol his comrades in the same pursuit. There was nothing ol the prig about him; he did his duty as a soldier, never shirked danger, and there was in him very much ot the spirit ot Cromwell's covenanters. Alter his time ol enlistment expired he entered the service ol the Northern railroad as brakeman. In the course ol time he went through the various grades until he finally reached the position ot conductor of the express train which carried the major part ot the commuters to and from New York. Ibis was nicknamed the "Gospel Train," and Mr. Blauvelt was addressed as "Dominie." Mr. Blauvelt was a man ol line character, he was courteous in maimer, very careful of the school children who came to Englewood from up the road, knew his regular passengers by name and always had a word ot friendly morning greeting, which was returned in kind. In 1S ( )4 he was ordained as a minister ol the Methodist denomination. lie preached his first sermon in the I'iermont M. E. church and served as supply in the locality, lie had been retired from the railroad ser- vice some years before he answered the last roll call. The closing year ol the administration brought the usual polit- ical ripples on the surface ol things. During the year, the city lathers felt themselves cramped, financially, b\ the passage of a law at Tren- ton, limiting the tax rate. This law had as its purpose the favoring ot railroads and other corporations, whose tax values were fixed at [ 244 1 THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Trenton. It produced, in the end, through the resulting appointment of county boards to equalize taxes as between municipalities, a much more just assessment than had maintained. "Equal Taxation," the cry of the "New Idea'' group, led by Everett Colby and George E. Record, found a warm response among the younger republicans of Englewood. At the September primaries, the Colby delegates carried every ward against the regulars, though the movement was beaten in the county and state conventions. As a matter of record, the names REV. HOWARD C. ROBB1NS REV. DION BEST of the winning delegates follow: Henry C. Watson, Seward Prosser, Louis S. Coe, R. H. Smith, William Marvin Coe, E. A. Tipping, Abram Cornelius, Jr. When the council convened in annual session on January 1, 1907, there was very little change made in the personnel of the city admin- istration. Charles A. Bogert was appointed on the board of health as a new member, and Irving Middleton was named as inspector. Cornelius Sweeney was now a full-Hedged street commissioner, and Dr. Frederick C. Bradner was appointed city physician. Appoint- ments to the board of education were Joseph Andrews, William Dulles and Edward De Witt. Clinton H. Blake was continued as library trustee. The winter of 1906-7 was a cold one, long to be remembered [ 245 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD for the breaking-down of the Erie's train service, due to frozen en- gines. Polities, too, had cold spots, one of which was occupied by Senator Dryden, who failed of re-election, largely through the refusal of Bergen county's representatives in the legislature to attend the republican caucus or abide by its decision. Credit should be given to Louis S. Coe, of Englewood, for the part he took in producing this result. Possibly the weather also affected the meetings o\ the city council, tor nothing in the way of heated discussion is recorded dur- ing the early months of the year. When the applications for licenses were hied in March and various petitions were presented against in- creasing the number, there was no rise in the temperature of the limited discussion on the subject. The matter had been so thoroughly thrashed out the previous year that there seemed to be nothing addi- tional to bring up. The subject ot discussion which opened in the early spring was caused by an obstacle encountered by mayor Mackay in the endeavor to complete his park gift. Dr. Ruch owned a piece of property with a new house on the easterly side of the park, in line with Jay street, il extended. 1 lie property, it was claimed, was bought from a map showing a street continuous from Palisade avenue and crossing Jay street, which would give the particular lot frontage on a thorough- fare. There was much discussion about the map mentioned, as none was found on iile. The mayor sought to settle the matter by pur- chasing the property from Dr. Ruch. The doctor and the mayor failed to agree on a price and much hard feeling resulted, the council siding with the mayor ami threatening condemnation proceedings. The matter was finally settled, however, and the property is now a part of Mackay park. Discussion during the year in the council included a possible mu- nicipal lighting plant. The railway's park, east of the station, was leased for the amount ot the taxes. The trolley's request, to be al- lowed to carry freight during the slack hours, tailed to get favorable action. A truant officer was appointed at fifty dollars a month, hall his time to be given to the schools and hall to acting as handy man for the mayor or chiet 1 itUS. The November election found Mr. Mackay unopposed for re- election. Joseph Thomson won the councilmanship-at-large over Walter Wcstervclt, democrat, b\ 36 votes. William Conklin was returned, unopposed, from the fourth ward and Porter Fitch carried the third ward by a majority oi fourteen over John C. Scully. Mr. Fitch got into hot water shortly thereafter as one ot the sponsors for [ 246 ] THE BOOK OK ENGLEWOOD the Woodland Cemetery association, which asked for a cemetery franchise in eighty-five acres of Englewood territory, bordering on Fort Lee. Great opposition was expressed, it being claimed that the cemetery was for money-making purposes and would bring no benefit to Englewood, being locally unnecessary. The matter was laid on the table. Later in the year an ordinance was passed, increasing the salaries of the city clerk and the collector of taxes to $800 and $700, re- «^*> WEST SIDE ATHLETIC FIELD spectively. The salaries of policemen were graded, according to length of service, those men with ten years of service to receive $80 a month, those with five years $75, new appointees to get $65. Dur- ing the year the bureau of associated relief was organized and a wing was built on "Neighborhood House." The trust company's new building on Park place was opened for business, Aymar Embury being the architect and W. D. Reeve the general contractor. A wedding of importance during the year had, as principals, Louise, daughter of the late Robert C. Baylis and the Rev. Howard Chandler Robbins, rector of St. Paul's, Bishop Lines, of the Diocese of Newark, officiating. Englewood lost a pioneer citizen when Henry Cooper died on February 23rd, aged seventy. His father had a chair factory at Cooperstown, now Bergenfield. Mr. Cooper married Margaret, [247] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD daughter of "Squire" Miller, and lived in the Miller homestead at the south end of Lafayette avenue, known later as the Cooper farm. Here, for thirty-five years, Mr. Cooper carried on a dairy business. He Mas a lite-long democrat and had served the community with credit as road commissioner and collector of taxes. On February 23d, Dr. Israel Whitney Lyon, a retired dentist, who had acquired fame and fortune as manufacturer of a favorite dentifrice, passed away at his home on Dana place. Dr. Lyon came to Englewood in 1891 and purchased the William Stanley house, which he entirely rebuilt. The community was shocked, on April 19th, to learn of the early death of Christine Wetmore Dawes, wife of Henry Franklin Dawes, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Wetmore. Mrs. Dawes' whole life was spent in Englewood. It had been a life of helpfulness to others in many unobtrusive ways. In memory of her daughter-in- law, Mrs. James L. Dawes endowed a bed in the Englewood hospital. Samuel Fay Gold, who had been connected with Englewood's public utilities since his coming in 1871, died on June 9th. Mr. Gold was a man ot inventive ability and was distinguished for his technical knowledge. J. Hugh Peters, of whom mention has already been made in this history, in the record of the early residents, passed on December 3rd, having attained three score and ten years. He was a good citizen, and active in public interests in his earlier years, being at one time president of the Village Improvement association. Two citizens who had rendered service in their respective ways died within a month of each other. Timothy Hickey went to his last home on November 20th, alter almost half a century of service for the Northern railroad. In his later days he was familiar to all as the crossing gate keeper at Palisade avenue. On December 5th, Matthew Beggs, a native of the north of Ire- land, and tor forty years a resident of Englewood, went to his rest. He was a gardener to whom many of the early settlers owed thanks for faithful service. The beginning ol mayor Mackay's second term was marked by the expiration of councilman Cooke's long service to the city. The mayor, on behalt ot a number of citizens, presented Mr. Cooke with a silver loving-cup and an expression ot regret at his leaving the coun- cil. Reorganization found Mr. Baylis again as president of the gov- erning body. A new appointee was Warren Derby, to the board of education in place ot Mr. De Witt. New names in the board ot [ 248 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD health were Floyd R. DuBois, Charles E. Weinman and Alfred Hop- kirk, Mr. DuBois becoming president. Charles Ellis Smith was ap- pointed library trustee. Early in the year occurred the death of city counsel George R. Dutton, a man of sterling qualities, whose opinion on a point of law could be relied upon. He was exceedingly modest, otherwise his qual- ities might have led him to high office. Mr. Dutton had served as police justice and was a founder of the trust company. His place WEST SIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH as counsel was filled by the appointment of state senator Edmund W. Wakelee. In April, another change came about through the appoint- ment of Charles Barr, Jr., as collector of taxes, vice Mr. Hallahan, resigned. In May, Mr. Baylis, removing from Englewood, with- drew from the council, William Dulles taking his place and Mr. Thomson becoming president. Mr. Baylis had made an ideal pre- siding officer. Most likable as a man, with a large amount of tact, he did not hesitate, on occasion, to call a spade a spade. Matters of interest handled by the council during the year included the sus- pension of the license of the Palisade House for a month and the regranting on confession and a promise to comply with the regula- tions in the future. The board of freeholders rented the council chamber for a district court room. The newly-founded Englewood automobile club was given authority to use Dana place as an experi- ment station for different sorts of road surfaces, the expense being defrayed by E. H. Eyon. The city club was authorized to proceed [ 249 ] II IK Book OF K\(.KK\Y001) with its proposed "survey" ol the various elements oi the city life, including a report In its law committee on the status oi the various corporate utilities contracting with the city. Discussion was had ot a petition that the third ward be divided, so that Highwood might have its own councilman, the needs ol that section being deemed peculiar, but not peculiar enough, apparently, as the division has not been made to this day. The city's budget ol the year totaled $ 1 54, ( >27, that tor 1907, $147,120 ami lor 1906, $120,532. FRANKLIN SCHOOI In school matters, with interest be it noted that Winton J. White, Mr. Gambee having resigned, was appointed principal of the high school. Miss Alice S. Coe was appointed secretary ol the school hoard, rhe school budget for the year was $47,000. Mr. Dulles being "promoted" to the council, his place was tilled by the unanimous election ot 1 lammond 1 aniont. Election day, on a registrj list ol 2208, brought the following results: In the first ward councilman Watson won over Dr. George B. Best by thirty votes. Dr. Currie defeated Mr. Dulles in the sec- ond ward by ten votes. Robert [amieson had, as usual, ,\n unopposed election to the city clerkship. Mr. Barr was chosen collector over James J. Markham b\ 289 majority and James 11. Prentice defeated Mr. Baile) tor poormaster by 145 votes. Mr. Kilt carried Engle- w ood over Bryan by 445 votes, congressman Hughes, on the other hand, carrying "the only city" by S3 majority lor the democrats, who were also successful in electing Hezekiah Birtwhistle and Edward I 250] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD De Witt to the board o! freeholders, their opponents being Louis S. Coe and William C. Davies. Englewood was saddened at the beginning oi the new year by the death of councilman I [enry Chapman Watson. Born at Port- chester, N. Y., in 1870, Mr. Watson was left an orphan at an early age, with his own way to make. 1 Ie took up newspaper work, finally specializing on financial and commercial subjects. For nine years he was secretary to Colonel William M. Grosvenor, succeeding him as PALISADES TRUST \NI' (RTAKAN'n COMPANY editor of "Dun's Mercantile Review." In his younger years, Mr. Watson was a member of the Field club, an enthusiastic baseball player, and a great publicity director ol the club's many entertain- ments, lie entered public life in 1906 as member of the council from the first ward, and was immediately placed upon the finance commit- tee, where he rendered important service. Re-elected in 1908, he was present at the first meeting of the new council on New Year's day, though tar from well, and died suddenly on January 6th, a sacrifice to overwork. Mr. Watson's death left the council evenly divided, politically. This caused a holdup in the affairs of the city as Dr. Currie was, at the time, too ill to attend council meetings and he and Mr. Conklin agreed that the latter should not attend any meetings, making a quorum, unless matters to he transacted at the meetings met with their approval by pre-arrangement. The filling of the vacancy was a moot point, the democratic members being will- ing to have a republican appointed hut wishing to have that repub- [251 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD lican one for whom they would be glad to vote. This condition was maintained after Dr. Currie had attended one meeting, at which H. Roland Vermilye was nominated, Mr. J. C. Anderson presenting a numerously signed petition in his behalf. The council divided two and two on the matter. Dr. Currie wanted Clinton H. Blake elected. At a later time, Mr. Conklin said he would be satisfied with either Gerardus L. Miller or Oliver Drake Smith. Mr. Miller refused but Mr. Smith expressed himself as being willing to save the situation. WILLIAM DULLES DR. ELMER C. SHERMAN At this point, however, enter Mr. Fitch. He declared he would not vote for any one named or suggested by Mr. Conklin and would resign rather than do so. He held the whip hand, as he was needed to make a quorum. After five weeks' deadlock, matters came to such a pass that Mr. Conklin gave in and Mr. Vermilye became council- man. At this time the matter of Woodland cemetery was revived by the cemetery association, but the protests renewed by Mr. Dulles on behalf of the city club and by Dwight W. Morrow of the Nord- hoff Land company (the golf club) were so vigorous, that the ques- tion was again left in abeyance, the association later, however, making an application before the board of health, where it was referred to a committee. [ 252 ] DR. BYRON G. VAN HORNE DR. CARRIE VAN HORNE DAVID L. BARRETT CONST ANTINE WEIKERT Till'. BOOK OK KN(.KKWOOI) \i the council meeting on March 16th occurred something that pleased everybody. City clerk Robert Jamieson had completed six- teeri years ol service. As a token of the great esteem in which he was held, he received a gold watch, ex-mayor Piatt making the pres- entation speech, calling attention to his having sat facing the presi- ded ol the council through all administrations, republican and demo- cratic, never missing a meeting and never being late; his courtesy and lovable nature making the citizens fee) that in honoring him they were honoring themselves. "Bob" was rather overwhelmed at the amount of good-feeling that went with the watch and was able simply to how his thanks. An important action of the council was the passing ol a bonding ordinance for $75,000, for building the Cleveland school at Tenafly road and Durie avenue, Mr. Tierney appearing for the hoard oi education and making a telling plea for the necessity ol the new school. The schools later in the year suffered a loss In the death ol I lammond Kamont, who served on the school- hoard I rom the second ward. Mr. Lamont was a native of New York, the son ol the Rev. Thomas and Caroline I). Kamont, and was the brother ol I homas W. Kamont. I le was a I [arvard alumnus, class of \S6, instructor in English at I [arvard in 1892, and later head ol the department oi English composition at Brown University. Then he engaged in newspaper work, was managing editor of the Evening Post in 1901, and editor of The Nation in 1906. lie be- came a member ol the Englewood hoard of education in 1907. Mr. I ,amont's place was filled by the appointment of Charles Paul Mackie. Another appointment was that ol John A. Manson as sanitary in- spector, at a salary of $1,000. At this time Wendell J. Wright was appointed judge ol the newly created district court in Englewood, Joseph I I. Tillotson becoming clerk ol the court. Later in the year, William M. Seufert took the place of judge Wright, resigned, Gov- ernor Fort making the appointment. Dwight W. Morrow was ap- pointed a trustee ol the library to succeed Mr. hitch, who had re- signed to join the council. During the year, the third ward was divided into two voting districts. The city budget totalled $145,227, a decrease ol $10,00(1. The automobile club was active, suggesting traffic regulations that were adopted by the council. An important matter that caused much argument, had to do with the amount paiil by the city to the hospital, the latter claiming that city patients were taken at a loss. Mi - . Conklin was much interested in the subject and brought about an arrangement that city patients must be certified to by the city physician and that they were to be paid lor at regular [ 254 ] LOUIS S. COE HENRY C. WATSON HAMMOND LAMONT .1 \.\1KS M. GULNAC THE BOOK OK KNGKKWOOD ward rates. Complaints were made that a family physician could not attend a patient in the hospital unless he was a member of the hospital's board of physicians. There was a deal of professional hard-feeling in the matter, of which the less said the better. \t the November elections, the democrats were successlul. James A. C. Johnson became mayor, defeating William Dulles by 249 votes. I le/ekiah Birtwhistle defeated (icorge II. Payson by 239 votes in the contest lor councilman-at-large. Mr. Vermilye was returned to the council from the first ward, without opposition. Mayor Mackay retired alter lour years as the head of the city which he had governed so generously. TIMOTHY li \l n:iMY [256] w V. -, 73 n w — o n ARCHITECTURAL GROWTH OF THE FIELD CLUB XVIII. THE ADMINISTRATION OF MAYORS JOHNSON AND BIRTWHISTLE— 1910-11 N "era of good feeling" reigned in Englewood on January 1, 1910, when Mr. Mackay presented his gold badge of office to mayor Johnson, his successor, accompanying the trans- fer with hearty good wishes for the success of the incoming administration. No less cordial was mayor Johnson's expression ol the regret of Englewood on Mr. Mackay's retirement. It is hardly necessary to note that both speakers were generously applauded by the officials and the audience of citizens attending the inauguration of the new council. Mr. Mackay held the floor for a few minutes longer in the presentation of an artistic silver bowl to Mr. Thomson, the retiring president, on behalf of many friends. The council was then called to order and Mr. Birtwhistle was made president. Mayor Johnson named Mr. Mackay as a trustee of the library ami the ex-mayor was also appointed as the lay member of the sinking-fund commission, to serve with the mayor and the city treasurer, ex-officiis. The council appointments were then made. Dr. Best became presi- dent of the health board, the other members being Thomas W. Lydecker, Gilliam D. Bogert and Edward Koster. Thomas J. Huckin was made police justice and James J. Markham appeared in the new office of sealer of weights and measures. Mr. Birtwhistle resigned as freeholder, Mr. Conklin taking his place. A new appointment to the board of education brought into the official life of the city one David |. McKenna. Messrs. Tierney and Derby were re-appointed. There were two surprises at the council meeting of February 1st. The first was the appearance of Dr. Currie after an absence of over a year. He received a warm welcome from his colleagues. Dr. Currie explained his non-appearance as due to a severe spinal injury, received through a fall on an ice-covered sidewalk, while on his way to a council meeting a year before, and added a recommendation that the ordinance regulating the clearing of sidewalks from ice and snow be strictly enforced. Dr. Currie attended occasionally during the rest of the year, but his malady was progressive, and at later TIIK HOOK OK ENGLEWOOD meetings it was necessary to carry him to his scat at the council table. The other unusual happening was an application from the New Jer- sey and I ludson River Railway and Ferry company Tor permission to extend its tracks north from the then terminus at Dean and Chestnut streets t<> the city line. A public hearing on the matter was set for February 21st. Another change of corporate heart reported was the intention ol the Erie railroad to expend $1,200 in the im- provement ol the 1 [ighwood depot. The hearing demonstrated the fad that the long lane had at last reached a turning, and thai Highwood, alter all its tribulations, was at last to have trolley service by a right ol way east ol the railroad. The old idea about crossing the Northern railroad tracks was given up. A ocw ordinance was passed, prescribing the route and the I are. I he fare question, ol course, was the subject ol contention: the Nord- holl association urged a five cent I are, at least to and from Van Nostrand avenue; other contestants wanted a similar tare from the city line to the ferry. Vice-president Barrows said that he could offer no hope for favorable consideration by the company, since the hire was as low as the company could afford ami there must he a line of demarcation. This statement and the announcement by the council thai it could regulate the fare only within city limits, hut had no jurisdiction regarding fare charged through other towns or boroughs, quieted the agitation. About this time it was announced that the trolley company had been acquired by the 1'ubhc Service corporation. The trolley matter removed, the board ol education and the council, in May, agreed to the purchase ol the Jackson house, where the high school now stands, lor temporary school purposes. The price was $13,000, the sinking luml commission buying the bonds. The amount of the city's school contribution for the year was $4S,572, the total levy being $133,729, a decrease of si 1,500. The small be- ginnings of two other matters were first discussed at this time, viz.: the oiling of the streets and the public collection ol garbage. An- other matter causing great discussion was the refusal and later grant- ing of a liquor license to Maker's hotel. I [olding that the license must be granted at the regular time, unless held over, K. Murray Olyphant brought suit against the city and won it, not, however, until the protested license had run its course and a new ami legal license had been granted. The city bore the cost ol the suit. An ordinance was passed, making wholesale and grocers' licenses $250 instead of $500. The collector's salary was raised to $900 and the clerk's to $1,000, also by ordinance. [ 260 | THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Turning away from matters political, an early event of the year was the annual meeting of the Field cluh, held at the Woman's Ex- change hall on January 13th. An election was held for members of the hoard of governors which resulted in returning Thomas B. Cum- ing, James C. Chapin, O. C. Blache, and Eaurence B. Elliman. These, JAMES A. C. JOHNSON with Dan Fellows Piatt, Charles F. Park, Jr., and Alexander Amend, constituted the new board. A decision was reached to build a new club house on the old site and to make a bond issue of $25,000, to meet the cost of erecting the building and for the purchase of addi- tional property. Another annual meeting was held on the 8th of the following month, when the City club elected Vernon Munroe, Charles W. Ilulst, Roy M. Robinson, E. W. Vaill, and Dan Fellows Piatt to the executive committee. Discussion was held as to the club's activ- ities during the coming year. Among the topics considered were [261]' THE HOOK OF ENGLEWOOD tree planting, saving old trees from the assaults oi telephone and electric li^ht linemen, railroad improvements, garbage removal and i ensus. There were two anniversaries commemorated (his year. Mt. Carmel Council, C. 15. I.., celebrated, on January 7th, its twenty- sixth anniversary by a banquet at the Catholic club. The council was organized in 1884, through the inspiration of Father Feehan, as a benevolent association whose purpose should be the care of the families <>l its membership against the loss <>! the breadwinner. Starting with thirteen charter members, it was now a large and prosperous organization, having during the period <>l its existence paid $27,000 to beneliciaries ol deceased members. The chiel officers were William I ierucy, Jr., president, and John Scully, vice-president. It is to be noted also that the Englewood Lodge ol Elks, on January 1 0th, purchased property for a club house on Bennett road, with an eye to future anniversaries. The Hospital hair in October added $4,000 to the treasury of the institution. I he State Federation <>l Women's Clubs met at the Lyceum on May 6th and 7th, for the firsl time since the memorable meeting ol IK°7, as the guests oi the Englewood Woman's Club. Mrs. George I I. Payson, president ol the local club, at the opening session greeted the delegates from the cities, towns and villages oi New Jersey, and mayor Johnson gave the- official welcome ol the city. Mrs. Frank A. Patterson, president oi the Federation, in her address made graceful reply to both speeches ol welcome. A feature ol the business session was the resolution ottered by Mrs. [Catherine J. Sauzade, one oi the pioneers in the movement for the preservation oi the Palisades, thanking Mrs. Edward II. Harriman, in behali oi the assembled clubwomen, lor the gift ol Bear Mountain park to the public. In church matters there is to be noted the Easter gift to St. Paul's of $6,000 cash and $1,600 in pledges. On April ,50th the Rev. Robert Davis entered upon the pastorate of the Presbyterian church; the formal installation took place on May 19th, when Rev. Dr. 1 leni'v Van Dyke, of Princeton, was the preacher, the assisting clergy- men being Rev. Fisher 1 [owe Booth and Rev. Dr. Stanley White. On May 22nd Rev. Charles Ellis Smith, lor four and a half years pastor ol the West Side church, announced his retirement from the ministry to enter business life. Among the things accomplished during his pastorate were the purchase of the West Side athletic field, at a cost of $7,500, the payment of a $1,200 mortgage on the [262] THE BOOK Oh' ENGLEWOOD manse, enlargemenl and improvement of the church building, and doubling <>l the church membership. Much to be regretted was the passing of fire thirl' [acob I llrich, on October 3rd, I nun illness contracted in the line <>f duty. Mr. Ullrich was horn in Germany on February 9th, 1858, coming to this country at an early age. I le entered the first lire department on August 18th, 1888, and was elected foreman of Company 1 in May, 1897. The next year he was elected lire chief and was re-elected each i LEVEI.AND SCHOOL year until 1907, when the office was filled by the appointment of the council. Then Mr. I 'llrich was continued in his position by appoint- ment. 1 .mil Ruch became acting chief upon Mr. Ullrich's death. October 29th was a gala occasion I [ighwood way, for it marked the dedication ol the new Cleveland school, which replaced the incon- venient structure so long known as School No. 2. At the formal exercises Mr. Andrews, president of the hoard ol education, turned the completed building over to the city. Mayor Johnson made the speech o I acceptance. Charles I . Bates, former member oi the board, presented, on behalf ol the I lighwood Association, a large crayon portrait of President Cleveland, lor whom the school is named. Dwight W. Morrow made a f\nc address on "The Value ol Public Education." At the close of the address, Englewood Council, Junior Order of American Mechanics, presented, through Senator Edmund W. Wakelee, a large American Hag. Following the presentation speech the audience gathered on the lawn, the Hag was run to the [ 263 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD top of the pole with proper ceremony, and the principal, Miss Sue C. Kerr, made a ringing patriotic address. Again we must record the names of those who, during the year, heard the "one clear call." On April 7th died Valentine Ruch, a pioneer business man, greatly esteemed by a large circle of friends. Among his surviving family are Dr. Valentine Ruch, Jr., and Dr. Louis Ruch. Mrs. Sheppard Homans passed away on May 2nd at the home of her son, Sheppard Homans, Jr. Mrs. Homans was the daughter of John and Gertrude Nixon Houston, of Washington, D. C, and granddaughter of Commander Thomas Truxton, of the Revolution- ary Navy. She was one of the promoters of the Woman's Exchange, the first president of the Englewood Hospital Association, member of the Woman's Club, and charter member of the Liberty Pole Chapter, Daughters of the Revolution. A long life of usefulness was ended in the death, on May 5th, of Hardy Murfree Banks, M.D., at the residence of his son-in-law, Dr. William Clarke, in New York City. Dr. Banks was the first physician to settle in Englewood, in 1860; for several years he served as vice- president of the Protection Society of Hackensack Township. He was one of the founders of the Englewood Hospital and president ol the Bergen County Medical Society. A skillful physician and a public-spirited citizen, he was universally beloved. On May 5th there passed from earthly life Mary Springer Tillotson, wife of Joseph Hedley Tillotson and daughter of Moses E. and Mary Golding Springer, at her residence on Tenafly road. Mrs. Tillotson was a woman of attractive character, faithful in her church relations, dearly beloved in the home and in the large circle of her many friends, by whom her loss was deeply felt. James M. Gulnac, for many years representative of Englewood on the board of freeholders, died at his residence in Hackensack on October 11th. He was a former member of the building firm of Gulnac and Tallman, which was formed in 1882. This year saw the disbanding as an organization of Dwight Post, G. A. R. The ranks had been sadly thinned by the death of former members and the disability of others from advanced age, and the Post was no more. The political campaign of the year was enlivened by the candidacy for governor of Woodrow Wilson. Mr. Wilson had a distinguished audience when he spoke at the Lyceum on October 27th. His success helped the whole ticket, mayor Johnson winning the office of state [264] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD senator from Mr. Ramsey, former county clerk, by a majority of 2,930. Governor Wilson carried Englewood by over two to one. Walter Westervelt and William Conklin, both unopposed, were elected to the council from the third and fourth wards, respectively, and Frank Gorecki won the freeholdership over William Marvin Coe by 94 votes. Another office, that of city auditor, with a salary of $500, was created by the council at its last meeting of the year, being rilled, in January, by the appointment of Thomas C. Birtwhistle. E. HOWARD FOSTER D. EUGENE BLANKENHORN The closing event of 1910 was the testimonial dinner given at the new Armory to Donald Mackay. The occasion was the seventieth birthday of the ex-mayor, and mayor Johnson presented the guest of honor with a magnificent silver loving cup as a token of the respect and affection of his many friends. Other speakers were Father Best, ex-mayors Piatt and Brinckerhoff, and William Tierney, Jr. At the New Year's meeting of the council, 1911, mayor Johnson presented his resignation, owing to his senatorial duties. It was not accepted until the next meeting, when Mr. Birtwhistle succeeded to the title of "his honor." New appointments to be noted were those of Edward De Witt to the board of education, vice Mr. Andrews, and of Emil Ruch to be fire chief. Under the law for the appointment of assessors, Gerardus F. Miller, Daniel G. Bogert and James J. [ 265 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Coakley were inducted, at a salary of $300 a year. Mr. Brinckerhoff was reappointed a library trustee, a new member of the board being Henry Zuber, in place of Charles Ellis Smith, resigned. At the council meeting on February 28th, clerk Jamieson announced the death, at noon that day, of Dr. Currie. The council adjourned as a mark of respect. At a later date, William M. Probst was elected to the vacant chair. Daniel A. Currie, identified as a physician, an official and in military matters with Englewood, was born at Scarsdale, N. Y., October 10th, 1842, the youngest of the ten children of Thomas and Nancy Lemon Currie, who emigrated from Dumfrieshire, Scotland. The father w as a weaver of sail cloth by trade, but took up farming and stock raising in this country. Daniel A. Currie was educated at the Mont- gomery, N. Y., Academy and the University of Buffalo, and was graduated in medicine in 1865. After two years of practice he took a post-graduate course of two and a half years in Edinburgh, under two eminent instructors, Sir James Simpson and Dr. James Syms, and served also as house physician in the Royal Hospital for Children in the same city. On his return, he practiced in Middletown, N. Y., coming to Englewood in 1872, where he speedily established a good practice. He was a member of the county and state Medical Asso- ciations; surgeon tor the Erie railroad; one of the pioneers of the Englewood Hospital, and a member of the attending board of physi- cians and surgeons. Dr. Currie interested himself in civic affairs, was twice a member of the Englewood Township Committe, and later road commissioner for several years. After the incorporation of Englewood as a city, Dr. Currie was the first elected mayor, March 10th, 1896; re-elected 1898 ami 1901. Elected councilman from the second ward in 1908, Dr. Currie, before the end of January, the first month of the term, met with the injury previously referred to. Thereafter he was able to make but few visits to council meetings. I lis military career began with joining Company B, 2nd Battalion, National Guard of New Jersey. He was shortly chosen captain of the company. In the Spanish-American War he served as second in com- mand of the 2nd Regiment, N. J. Volunteers. Resigning the lieutenant- colonelcy in 1904, he was appointed surgeon-major on the state med- ical staff and was assigned to the 5th Regiment, Paterson. Dr. Currie was a member of St. Paul's and left a bequest for the erection of a rood screen. Nineteen hundred eleven marked much progress in Englewood. It was proposed to pave Palisade avenue from Engle street to Tenafiy [266] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD road and also portions of Engle street and Dean street. Dean street's asphalt block pavement was, however, the only portion put through during the year, largely owing to the trolley company's having to pay a large part of the cost. Undoubtedly the success of the im- provement led to the later paving of the avenue in a like manner. 11EZEKIAH BIRTWHISTI.E It was proposed to discontinue the lease of the park at the station, but no action was taken owing to a protest by the City club. A new building code was adopted during the year, after careful con- sideration, and new fire limits were drawn, building inspector J. J. Ferry being kept busy seeing that compliance was had with the changes. A board of "police examiners" was created, the first in- cumbents being E. A. Brinckerhoff, W. D. McGovern and Win. Marvin Coe. In June a La France automobile fire engine was bought for $7,500. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Conklin suggested that a paid [267] THE hook OF ENGLEWOOD fire department ol four or five men be created, so thai adequate use mighl be made ol the engine. No action was taken on this until 1912. The total tax levy for 1911 was $137,898, an increase of $4,100, the schools taking $49,748, an increase of $1,200. This was good management, considering thai 1908 had shown a total levy of $155,200. Englewood suffered a great loss on October 7th, when acting- mayor Hezekiah Birtwhistle passed away. By action of the- council, Judge rhomas J. Huckin became councilman-at-large, his place on the bench being taken by D. Eugene Blankenhorn. Mr. Conklin became acting-mayor. A check for $75, suit to Mrs. Birtwhistle as payment for the salarj ol the acting mayor, was returned with the statement that her busband had not intended to accept anj salary as mayor, and requesting that the monej be given to the hospital, which was so ordered. By resolution, the citj hall and fire houses were draped for thirty daj s. Hezekiah Birtwhistle was born at Birkenhead, England, August 9th, 1866, and was brought to this country with other members oi the i a ml 1 \ in L869. Young Birtwhistle was educated at Public School 7. Private tuition ami stud) ol engineering prepared him for his pro- fession, lie was associated for eight years with J. II. Serviss. \iuoiil'. the import ant works undertaken In him were the laying out ol the Allison property and the opening ol I afayette park. I [e entered politics In 1895, when he was elected assessor. In IK n S he became councilman from the fourth ward, and street commissioner in 1902 In I 'Mis he was freeholder, the following year becoming councilman- at large. Mr. Birtwhistle served as acting mayor from fanuary, I'M I , taking up the duties ol the office with Ins usual energy. During the summer Ins health began to tail and he passed awaj on October 7th, deeply regretted. Respect to Ins memorj was shown In the closing oi ever) place ol business at the tune ol Ins funeral ami h\ the spontaneous expressions ol his worth as an upright ami t.uthlul public servant. A \ er\ much appreciated feature ol the summer was a series ol three band concerts in Macka) park, provided In the council. Mr. Mackay, noting the attendance, provided three more concerts on his ow n account . Two other m.ittei s oi considerable interest occurred during the year. Police Officer O'Neill, while on dutj at night, shot ami mor- t.ilK wounded [ohn I Ruddock, a young man ol Englewood. I he officer was tried at the count) seat ami was duly exonerated. I he f 268 1 Till'. ROOK OF ENGLEWOOD cost to him of his trial was $2,225. The general feeling was that the city should pay this sum. I lowcver, nothing was done, the council dividing two and two, Mr. I fuckin refusing to vote, having been connected with the defence. The matter was finally decided in 1912, Mr. Huckin finally voting in favor oi the payment, he having been paid his fee by officer O'Neill in the meantime, and having no further WILLIAM CONKLIN pecuniary interest in the vote. Mayor Munroe expressed himself strongly at that time in favor of standing by a city officer who was using his best judgment in the de tense of the city's interests. The other matter was the agreement to disagree between the council and engineer Eckerson, who had been previously appointed for a three- year term at eight dollars a day while working. The council em- ployed Watson G. Clark in the matter of the Dean street improve- ment. Mr. Eckerson protested and later brought suit. The court decided the matter in the council's favor. [269] THE HOOK OK KNOI.KWOOD I here were also happenings which touched other phases of life in the community. The annual meeting and election ol the Field club was held at the new club house on January 1 1th. The officers elected were Peter S. Duryee, president; Gerald M. Curran, vice-president; Charles F. Park, Jr., secretary; Dudley Humphrey, treasurer. A handsome bronze tablet was unveiled — "To the memory ol 1 [enry C. Watson, president of the Field club, 1905-1909." Donald Mackay entertained the Englewood newsboys on Feb- ruary 26th at a dinner at the Palisade I louse. Rev. Robert Davis and judge Thomas J. 1 luekin assisted the host. A colored orchestra furnished instrumental music during the least anil the boys fur- nished the vocal music, singing all the popular songs on the program. The speeches came in between the courses. Mr. Mackay advised the boys that good character would lit them to step into the places ol the "old fellows." The destruction ol the Bergen building, on Engle street, by lire, occurred on March 10th. There was a high wind and the water pres- sure was low. The lact that the telephone exchange, which was located in the building, was put out of commission immediately, handicapped the firemen in summoning aid to prevent the spread of the lire. Pro- tection steam engine came from I Iackensack to assist, after word reached the company in a roundabout way. The loss, as finally esti- mated, was about $40,000. On April 16th lire broke out in the Van 1 lorne building. The flames spread to the l'ress office, located in a frame building. The Van Home building, also a frame structure, was a total loss, and the Press building was badly damaged. The editorial office was moved across the street to the Jackson building. With the help ol friendly colleagues in I Iackensack, tin- next issue ol the paper appeared as usual. As soon as the insurance had been adjusted, Mi'. Tillotson started on the erection ol the brick building which houses the business today. The Rev. I Ioward Chandler Robbins of St. Raul's accepted a call, on May 27th, to the rectorship oi the Church ol the Incarnation, Madison avenue and 35th street, New York City, succeeding Dr. William Grosvenor, appointed Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. At a meeting ol the St. Raul's club, when the outgoing rector was asked to outline the club work for the ensuing year, Mr. Robbins suggested a clock in the church tower, which would strike the hours. Dr. Boynton, who followed the rector, took his cue from the suggestion, made a witty speech ami ended the same by present- [ 270 1 ..I ( IRGE W. BETTS WILBUR F. CORLISS IIIiRHEKT B.MIHKI! JAMES l'.ARHKR THE BOOK OK KNCiKKWOOI) ing ;i handsome gilt and crystal clock to the rector as a gift from the club. July 23rd witnessed the dedication of the African M. E. church, Bishop I [ood conducting the ceremony. Rev. C. I). I [azel, the pre- siding elder, preached the sermon. The church, with a seating capac- ity of 350, cost, with the lot, $5,850, all of which, except $650, had been already raised. In October a novel baseball game was played on the Field club grounds for the benefit of the hospital, between the lawyers and the doctors. The legal profession was represented by Messrs. Worten- dyke, Zabriskie, Harry Ward, Mattocks, Demarest, Huckin, Ellis, Mackay and Foster. Their opponents, who appeared in operating gowns and antiseptic turhans, were Drs. 1 lohnes, Bradner, I taring, Sullivan, Phillips, Proctor, Edwards, Wyler, Ruch and Van Dyke. Dr. Haring, who practiced medicine before baseball had entered the mind oi man, made a gazelle-like home run amid wild applause. Mr. Wortendyke did a marathon, surprising those who knew him only in his dignified legal capacity. The hospital treasury was enriched $210 by the game. In November the hospital received the gift of a newly furnished operating room on the main floor, in memory of Dumont Clark, presented by his daughter, Miss Corinne Clark. The oper- ating room itsell is floored, walled and ceiled with tiles, with tables and shelves <>l enameled metal and glass. Adjoining are a dressing room lor doctors and anesthetizing and recovery rooms lor patients. Through the co-operation ol the hoard oi education and the Civic association, Lincoln school became the first social center in Engle- wood. The school was opened lour afternoons and four evenings and Saturday morning each week. A director was placed in charge ol the building and arrangements were made lor classes in various kinds ol hand work and I oik dancing. This was real progress along social lines. I he community lost this year several residents who had been long identified with the highest interests ol the town. William T. Booth, son of William A. Booth, the head of the family in Englewood, died at the residence ol his daughter, Mrs. Malcolm Campbell, Engle street, on March 2 1st. 1 le was a Williams graduate. I le had for years been in charge ol an important depart- ment of the New York Kile Insurance Company. On April 7th George P. Payson entered into rest at his resilience on Tenallv road. Mr. Payson was born in Boston, Mass., in 1825, coming to Englewood in the seventies, alter a strenuous life in Wall [272 ] THE BOOK OK ENGLKWOOI) street, to enjoy the quiet of country life. He was fond "I gardening, music and literature, and interested himself in the affairs ol his adopted home. Mr. Payson was a devoted friend ol the hospital, serving as treasurer for many years. Mrs. Sallie McRae Chater, who died on May 4th, was well known in the community. She was the wife of Richard Dundas Chater and daughter of John McRae, first mayor of Wilmington, N. C. She settled in the city in 1875 and was identified with church work at St. Paul's. Her children, who grew up in Englewood, are J. Melville Chater, Ellen Dundas Chater and I lenry Dundas Chater. Charles G. Clark, a veteran in the ranks of the early residents, died at his resilience on Dwight place on May 11th. He was horn in Newport, N. Y., in 1826, and settled in Englewood in 1870. His life work was connected with the American Express Company, of which he was vice-president at the time of his death. Mr. Clark was a charter member of the Englewood club and was its treasurer for nineteen years. He also served as a vestryman of St. Paul's. William H. De Ronde, descendant ol a French I tuguenot family, died at his home in Teancck, December 2nd, at the age ol eighty- three. His parents came I mm Rockland county to Teaneck when he was a young hoy. He succeeded to the family farm and engaged in farming for many years. He served in Englewood township days as surveyor of highways. On July 19th William O. Christopher, of the firm ol Christopher anil Mundorf, died at his home on Grand avenue. He was the son ol a German father and a Scotch mother and was horn at sea on a vessel of which his father was captain. Mr. Christopher lelt home- as a lad and came to this country, learned the grocery business and set up for himself when he arrived at age. He came to Englewood in 1890, as partner of A. R. Mattlage. Mr. Christopher prospered in business and invested successfully in real estate. In 1902 he was elected councilman from the second ward and served two terms. The elections in November brought Vernon Munroe into the mayor's chair, a victor over Albert 1. Drayton by 90 votes. Mr. Huckin was returned as councilman-at-large over Peter S. Duryee by 254 votes. Mr. Vermilye was unopposed as councilman from the first ward and Edson B. Gorham won over William M. Probst by 141 votes in the second. Wm. Marvin Coe and Frank A. Gorecki were returned as freeholders. As usual, city clerk Jamieson was re-elected without opposition. An interesting feature of the campaign was the attack on councilman Conklin as the Poo-Bab of a democratic admin- [ 273 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD istration, present or future. A challenge to debate, made by the republicans, was accepted, and the affair staged at the Lyceum on the Saturday before election, Mr. Mackay in the chair, Harold G. Aron speaking for the attack and ex-Mayor Piatt for the defence. Mr. Aron showed that Mr. Conklin had drawn much more money than any other councilman (the basis being two dollars for each meeting of the council or a committee), but lost his audience when, questioned by Mr. Piatt, he admitted that the councilman had earned the money. A surprise feature was the production of city bills for crushed stone from the company for which Mr. Conklin was agent, together with the way-bills on the railroad, totaling a less amount. Mr. Aron refused, when challenged, to charge that the city had paid for more than it received. The truth of the matter was, that the stone company had cheated the railroad by loading cars beyond the legal limit, had been caught at it, and had paid the railroad a large sum as extra freight. T ^Jc&yi a }0 T?*\ ^V*\v«i* 1 ■ ^HEjb' y^MflFJ "; ■' m V '~££Z * l_ mSS4 j^^Sfi FIRST AUTOMOBILE FIRE ENGINE [ 274] ENGLEWOOD'S FIRST FIVE MAYORS MAYORS ELBERT A. BRINCKERHOFF, DANIEL A. CURRIE. DAN FELLOWS PLATT, DONALD MACKAY, JAMES A. C. JOHNSON XIX. THE TWO TERMS OF MAYOR MUNROE 1912-1915 EW YEAR of 1912 extended the greetings of the season to the new mayor, Vernon Munroe, an Englewooder born and bred. At the organization meeting on New Year's day there was the usual attendance of officials departing, officials incoming, citizens generally, with an ex-mayor or two to welcome the new city head. The council organized by electing Thomas J. Huckin president and William Conklin president pro tern. The first appointments made were those of the mayor — Clinton H. Blake, library trustee; Frank Titus, chief of police, and John J. Pye, ser- geant. The other offices in the city staff were filled by council appoint- ment as follows: Edward J. Sheridan, treasurer; William M. Seu- fert, counsel; Dr. Valentine Ruch, Jr., city physician; Charles Barr, Jr., collector; John J. Ferry, inspector of buildings; D. Eugene Blan- kenhorn, police justice; Emil Ruch, chief of fire department. William Schermerhorn was later appointed street commissioner at a salary of $1,800. Messrs. Tierney, McKenna and DeWitt were reappointed to the school board, which organized later with Warren E. Derby, president, and Edward DeWitt, vice-president. The new members of the board of health were Thomas W. Lydecker and Edward Ros- ter, Dr. George B. Best remaining as president. The board of police commissioners, appointed later, comprised Charles W- Hulst, John L. Vanderbilt and George H. Payson. The first act of the administration was the creation of a paid fire department, a plan carefully considered and thoughtfully worked out in detail. The ordinance provided for the organization of the paid department with a chief, lieutenant, drivers and privates. A board of fire examiners was created to pass upon applicants for this depart- ment, the first incumbents being J. A. Stoddard, J. S. Coffin, Charles W. Frost, Frank H. Maloney, with the city physician, ex-officio. Firemen's salaries were fixed as follows: Chief, $1,020; lieutenant and drivers, $840; privates, $780. This movement created a great deal of hard feeling among the volunteer firemen. The mayor and THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD council had acted for the best interests of the city and had expected the volunteers to continue as firemen, supplementary to the men who would give all their time to the work. The men of the old fire depart- ment failed to grasp the logic of the idea of a force of trained men whose one business was to answer the call to fight fires at any hour of day or night. While the grumbling and dissatisfaction were still rife, the ordinance was passed. Emil Ruch was appointed chief, Thomas Markham, lieutenant, with six privates under them. Matters came at last to such a pass, the former firemen as a body refusing co- operation, that the volunteer force was abolished. A new volunteer company was started at fire house number one, of those members still willing to serve. Later in the year the office of fire commissioner was created, Mr. Frost, who was a veteran of the New York fire depart- ment, receiving the appointment at a salary of fifty dollars a month. As the cost of living in those days was getting higher, the city government had to act accordingly in the payment of salaries and wages. During the year a police pension fund was provided for and police salaries were raised, the chief's to $1,500, the sergeant's to $1,140, the other members receiving an advance of five dollars a month. The pay of laborers on the city streets was increased from $1.75 to $2.00 a day. Mayor Munroe brought up the question of a signal service for the police, but nothing was done at the time. While the affairs of the city were thus progressing, the community was saddened by the sudden death, on February 22nd, of ex-Mayor Donald Mackay, while returning from a directors' meeting in New York. Mr. Mackay was born in Portchester, N. Y., December 18th, 1840. Alter spending his early years in Brooklyn, he came, in his young manhood, to Englewood in 1867, at the instance of Colonel Vermilye, the head of the firm of Vermilye and Company, with which he was connected. Mr. Mackay's business life was spent in Wall street, during which he rose to a partnership in Vermilye and Com- pany, and later was head of the firm of Mackay and Company. At one time he served as president of the Stock Exchange. His partici- pation in Englewood affairs began with the Protection society, of which he became president in 1876, continuing in the same office until the dissolution of the organization in the early years of the city gov- ernment. He served as commissioner of appeal in 1881, succeeded John Dougherty as councilman-at-large in the first Currie administra- tion ami was twice elected mayor of Englewood, serving from 1906 to 1910. Beside his political activities, Mr. Mackay was a trustee of the Presbyterian church, first president of the Citizens' bank, mem- [278 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ber of the Englewood club, also life member of the Union Eeague club, of New York, and president of the board of trustees of the Presbyterian hospital. Among his many gifts to the city were the library building and Mackay park. He was also a generous supporter of the hospital, aiding materially in establishing an endowment fund. The appreciation of Mr. Mackay as a man and citizen was shown by VERNON MUNROE the attendance at his funeral of hundreds of persons in every walk of life. At the meeting of the council following Mr. Mackay's death, suitable resolutions were passed and entered upon the minutes. Thomas B. Kerr was appointed to take Mr. Mackay's place on the library board and Dan Fellows Piatt that on the sinking fund com- mission. At this time the board of education placed three propositions be- [ 279 ] THE liooK ()!■' ENGLEWOOD fore (In' council: first, an addition i<> Liberty school necessitated by increased attendance, the estimated cost being $31,500; second, the mum ol $4,000 for repairs o> Lincoln school, the oldest school build- ing, which had a long record ol repairs i<> its account; and third, the purchase <>i ;i lot for a future school at Nordhoff, which increasing population would warrant .11 no ihsi ant i ime. I avorablc act ion was taken on the request and I ' ■ per Cent Ixuiils wi'i'i' issui'il for $ 1-3,000 and sold at about 102. I he city s paymenl for school ex- penses for the year was $53,000 ; the total city budget \\ .is $ 1 68,- .570, an increase oi <>\it $30,000. During the year, much work oi .i progressive nature was un- dertaken. A sub-surface drainage S) stem \\ .is built i>n I*. ills. nlr i \ c nue and an ordinance \\ .is passed for paving the avenue from En- ^lr street i<> lYiulh road, Mr. Huckin nol voting, as he owned .i portion <>i the i rontage at the » est erly end. I he maj or \ etoed (In- ordinance on the ground oi expense, believing it wise to wait and see whether the new drainage would obviate the necessity. Hie ordinance was not passed over the veto, Mr. Huckin not voting and Mr. Vermilye agreeing with the mayor. However, pertinacity has its reward. A new ordinance car- ried tin' paving only as far west as James street. Mr. Huckin, hav- ing no real estate on tins frontage, when the veto was repeated was able to vote to pass over the veto and the work was begun, the mayor vetoed another ordinance and the veto was sustained. I Ins called for the buying ol the plant ol the sewerage company at a reasonable figure or building a city plant, the proposition to be bonded after favorable vote ol the people, I he difficulty in the ques tion oi purchase was the company's idea ol a reasonable figure, which was put at $375,000, subject to the approval ol the stock- holders. A banquet ol the City club, early in the year, over which Rev. Charles II. Boynton presided, was a festive occasion tliat was pro- TIIOM \S J. lll'i'MN I 280 | THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ductive of much civic consciousness. The subject of the removal of the railroad freight station and the coal and lumber switches to the southern end of town was up for discussion. At the first February meeting of the council, William Conklin brought the matter up as a feasible and desirable proposition. The ground acquired could be utilized as a public park and would be a great public improvement. This met with the approval of the council, the local press and the community generally. Mr. Conklin was made a committee of one to communicate with the proper railroad authority. Thus was begun another long-drawn-out negotiation which at this writing has had no physical result, though the contract with the railroad has been signed. An important event of this year was the dedication of the new St. Cecilia's church on St. Agnes' day, January 21st. The services began with early masses in the old church. At half past nine, the pro- cession of acolytes, cross bearer, resident priests, attending clergy and the bishops of the diocese entered the new church and proceeded through the aisles, the Rt. Rev. John J. O'Connor blessing each aisle and the walls of the edifice. The host was placed in the tabernacle and the sanctuary lamp was lighted. Solemn pontificial mass was celebrated, Rev. Father Dion Best, provincial of the Carmelite Order, being the celebrant. The sermon was preached by Monsignor Whelen, of St. Patrick's cathedral, Newark, and the musical part of the service was rendered under the direction of Miss Agnes Bowen, organist, by an enlarged choir of fifty voices. Rev. Dr. Fleming James, of St. Anna's mission, Philadelphia, became rector of St. Paul's, succeeding Dean Robbins, entering upon his work on March 3rd of this year. The Chevra Arvath Torah dedicated its new synagogue on Englewood avenue on September 1st. At the Presbyterian church, on June 23rd, a beautiful window was unveiled in memory of William Walter Phelps, the gift of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Von Rottenburg Phelps. The prominent social event ot the year was the big charity ball given at the Lyceum for the benefit of the hospital, which netted over $3,150. On January 12th, Captain W. Marvin Coe, of Company F, was, at his own request, placed on the retired list with the rank of major. Major Coe gave a farewell dinner to the non-commissioned officers at the armory. Orison M. Hurd succeeded to the captaincy of Company F, second lieutenant H. V. D. Moore became first lieu- tenant and Charles H. May exchanged the chevrons of a sergeant for the shoulder straps of a second lieutenant. The Elks' new club house was dedicated on November 30th, with [282] EDSON B. GORHAM If. ROWLAND VEKM1LYE GEORGE E. HARDY CORNELIUS P. KITCHEL THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD the prescribed ceremony of the order. Following the ritual ceremony, mayor Munroe extended a greeting to delegates from other lodges and to the local members. In the evening there was a social celebra- tion when a huge elk's head, handsomely mounted, was presented to the lodge by Malcolm Mackay, in memory of his father. A change was made in the officers of the Citizens' bank by the election of Clinton H. Blake as president in place of Mr. Mackay. Malcolm S. Mackay was elected a director. On April 23rd occurred the death of Prof. A. R. d'Aymard, for thirty years a resident of Englewood. Mr. d'Aymard was born in Auvergne, France, and was a man of a high order of intellect and education. An ardent Bonapartist, he emigrated from France to this country after the Franco-Prussian war. For many years he was pro- fessor of French literature and supervisor of French instruction in several leading New York schools. Henry Bailey, a veteran of the Civil war, one-time town commit- teeman and poormaster of Englewood, died on October 18th, at the Old Soldiers' home, Kearny, N. J. Nineteen hundred and thirteen saw Mr. Huckin again filling the council presidency. New appointees for the year were Charles Benner and Graham Sumner on the board of education and Daniel G. Bogert and J. Marshall Gorham as assessors. Eater in the year, Mr. Ban- resigned as collector, James J. Markham filling the vacancy. The block pavement on Palisade avenue as far west as James street was completed at a cost of $33,594. Later, the paving was continued to Tenafly road, at a further cost of $12,914. Councilman Conklin received great credit, both for initiating the improvement and for giving the work his careful oversight during its progress. Another benefit was the laying of flags to the full width of the sidewalks on the avenue, as far west as James street. At this time the Interstate Park Commission was building the road down the Palisades, at Engle- wood, at a cost of over $300,000. This was finished in 1915. Bergen county shortly after completed the improvement by taking over Pali- sade avenue, from the Lyceum east, paving it with stone and brick. The paving of Engle street, as far north as Bergen street, was vetoed by mayor Munroe, who was upheld by the council. Another matter that continued to be lengthily discussed was that of the sewer. Engi- neer George \V. Fuller was employed, at a cost of $3,000, to value the sewer plant and to plan its extension. He reported a going value of $305,000. Extensions, to cover the needs of the city for a growth [ 284 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEW'O* >1) during twenty-five years, would cost #437,857. Mr. Fuller advised the purchase ol the plant. The sewer company was not minded to sell on a reasonable basis and the matter dragged. The city budget for the year was $154,609, pared down from a figure greater by $14,000, because the latter would have compelled a change in assessments, the rate being limited by law. Two "social" ordinances were up for discussion. The first regu- lated moving picture shows and was passed, though not in as com- KNICKERBOCKER COUNTRY CI.l'H plete a form as some social workers desired. The second ordinance proposed a "curfew." It progressed as far as final reading, when it failed, not a single favoring vote being cast. The mayor again asked for a police signal system. Nothing was done about it. Discussion was had with the hospital authorities about an isolation ward, with no result. The fourth ward was divided into two election districts, when November showed the ward casting over four hundred votes. The executors of Mr. Mackay presented a check for $10,000 for the maintenance of Mackay park, stating they were carrying out the late mayor's wishes. The library made application to become a "Car- negie library," with the proviso, however, that it be called "The Mackay library." At this time, through the death of Mr. Brincker- hoff, the library lost a trustee and its best friend. Miss Harriet Prosser was appointed a trustee, a most appropriate act on the part of mayor Munroe. In the death of ex-mayor Elbert Adrian Brinckerhoff, on March 23rd, 1913, the city lost a public-spirited citizen and a man of influ- ence in the community. Mr. Brinckerhoff was born in Jamaica, Long [285] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Island, November 29th, 1838, and was the son of John N. Brincker- hoff, principal of the Union Hall Academy of that place. On the father's side he was descended from Joris Brinckerhoff, one of the early Dutch settlers on Long Island. When ready to enter college, an opportunity presented itself to the young man to make a voyage around the world in the clipper ship Adelaide. On arriving at San Francisco, orders were awaiting the captain which changed the ship's course to a return voyage to New York. Mr. Brinckerhoff decided to stay in San Francisco and entered a commercial house. This was the exciting period in San Francisco history and the young man had an adventurous life. lie joined the celebrated vigilance committee which kept order where the law failed, later becoming the agent of Wells Fargo in the mining camps at Shasta, being placed in charge of the transportation of gold on the Sacramento river. When the Wells Fargo pony express was established, he brought the first mail pouch Irom San Francisco to Sacramento and delivered it to the wait- ing rider, who dashed away on his horse to the next relay on the jour- ney across the continent. Returning east in I860, he entered a firm engaged in the manufacture of cotton duck and rose rapidly from junior to senior partnership. This firm became later Brinckerhoff, Turner and Company. 1 le attempted to retire in 1890, but was com- pelled to remain in an advisory capacity. Mr. Brinckerhoff married, in 186°, Emily A. Vermilye, daughter of Col. Washington Romeyn Vermilye. The Brinckerhoffs came to reside in Englewood in 1873, living in the stone mansion on the corner of Palisade avenue and Lydecker street. From this time Mr. Brinckerhoff was identified with the Protection society, the Gas company, the Bank, the Lyceum and the Englewood School for Boys. He was an elder of the Pres- byterian church and president of its board of trustees. I lis political service was comprised in the one term as mayor, l')O()-1902. I lis business connections were numerous, lie was a director of the Mer- chants' National bank and of the Harriman National bank, and had an interest in the firm of Mackay and Co. Mrs. Brinckerhoff was prominent in the social circle of the day, was a member of the Choral club and the Woman's club and was also interested in the Woman's exchange. Among the events oi the year was the great advance made in the public schools. A four room addition was made to Liberty school and a system of scientific ventilation was installed in Lincoln school. I hese buildings were used lor civic and social purposes, thus becoming [286] ST. CECILIA'S CHURCH Till'. BOOK OF KNCU.WOOD a factor in community life. The course <>l study was revised ami broadened and the staff of teachers at the end of the year numbered seventy-five. William M. Seufert received a well-deserved mark of apprecia- tion in his appointment by the governor as county judge. The appoint- THE HEBIiliW SYNAGOGUE ment was continued by the senate on March 1st, 1913. At the same date, James A. C. Johnson became president of the senate. The death roll of the year contains the names of many long-time citizens. Among those who were for long connected with the story ot Englewood were Frederick B. Schenck, Jacob S. Wetmore, Henry R. Wood, John W. Pitkin, Lucius Rockefeller, Henry M. Lichtenberg and William P. Coe. One ot the last incidents of the year was the laying of the corner- [ 288 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD stone (i! the new Methodist church on Tenafly road, in which service- Rev. Robert Davis and Rev. Fleming James took part. At the election in November, 1913, mayor Munroe was re-elected, defeating Charles J. Bates by 92 votes. Clinton 11. Blake, Jr., de- feated Edward De Witt for councilman-at-large by 445 votes. Doug- las (>. Thomson won over l.ouis S. Weber, in the 3rd ward, by a \"l;l!ll.KN RAILROAD freight station majority of 135. William Cantwell nosed out William Conklin, in the 4th ward, by 20 votes. Englewood was honored by the election to the assembly of John J. Johnson. Mr. Johnson had the largest majority on the county ticket, about 2000, running as a democrat. On January 1st, 1914, Mr. Blake was chosen president of the coun- cil. Mayor Munroe's message again showed his interest in a police signal system, whose adoption he urged. The mayor called attention to the weakness of the fire protection system, especially as applied to the water supply. W. S. Gilhuly was made a member of the board of assessors and D. Eugene Blankenhorn police justice. William C. fucker became president oi the health board, to which he and John Onderdonk were appointed. Harry J. Smith became Mr. Ferry's successor as building inspector. The mayor named Dwight W. Mor- row on the library board. On January 6th, David J. McKenna appeared before the council on behall of the City club and urged that the matter of the Depot [289] THE liouk 01 I Nt.l.l Wool) park be taken up. A committee, wuh \li Blake as chairman, was nisi nil ii'il (<> look into i he mal ter, \ matter oi interest to mam citizens was the rounding up oi an emincnth respectable lot oi propert) owners before judge Blanken- horn, mi Februarj 21st. I In. - question was "why have you no( re- moved the snow from your sidewalk?" Some few had alibis but the resl handed over two dollars in standard greenbacks, promising ii> I.UHHOUS1 do better nexl time, \ favorite excuse for residents oi Dean streel w as iha i the trollej sweepei had handed them snow thai didn't belong to them. Plans wnr approved in March for a library to be lunlt under the provisions oi the Carnegie corporation. I he plans, drawn bj Edward I . rilton, oi New 5fork, called for a building oi 70 feet frontage, running back 40 feet, lunlt ol brick and cul stone with tiled roof, rhe interior arrangements were admirabh planned for the comfort oi readers and the convenient distribution ol books. I hi' contract was given to \\ I I Whyte, ol 1 [ackensack, the lowest bidder. Dur- ing the erection oi the new building, the <>M libran was removed to the rear «'i the l\ the mayor for the regulation oi the police department was passed in \pnl. the chiei departure being the creation oi a board oi police commissioners, to pass •.'•w applicants, r 290 I THE HOOK ()!■' ENGLEWOOD etc. I 'Ik' lirst commissioners were Peter S. Duryee, Charles \Y. I lulst and Frank Maloney. An auxiliary force, not to exceed twenty men, was provided it>r. An improvement in the fire department took place during the spring, a volunteer company being formed at Highwood. I In- council had applied salve to the sore spots by voting eight months' pay to the firemen who had served during a portion of 1913. Mayor Munroe stink to Ins colors and vetoed the resolution, but the council repassed it. li\\ HIIIT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS During the summer, the county was in the throes of an attempt to change the large bond of freeholders into a small board, it being claimed that the board was paying too much for road work and that the situation was dominated by the county engineer, Ralph 1). Earle. Former mayor Piatt became so obnoxious to the engineer that the latter sued for libel in the sum of $25,000, withdrawing the suit, however, as it came to trial. The small board proposal won out later on and the engineer was retired. In October, president Derby resigned from the board of educa- tion, Graham Sumner taking his place. In December, R. Maxwell [ngham became city engineer, Watson G. Clark having resigned. Frank Titus, chief of police, died on December 12th. lie had been a most faithful official and his funeral, held in the lodge room ol the Elks, was largely attended, exalted ruler Daniel (.. Bogert [ 291 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD conducting the ritual, the oration being delivered by judge Seufert. The death is recorded on April 26th at Pittsburgh, Pa., of the Very Rev. Dion F. Best, father provincial of the Carmelite Order in America. Father Best was born in Wales, in 1862, and had just COLORED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH completed the twenty-fifth year of his priesthood. Under his rec- torate, the new St. Cecilia's was built and dedicated. The new Methodist Episcopal church was dedicated on June 14th by Bishop Thomas B. Neeley. The service was attended by a large COLORED METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH congregation. The architecture of the church is Tudor-Gothic with square towers and blunt arches. The design was drawn by Charles Granville Jones, and is carried out in light-faced tapestry brick with [292] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD artificial stone trim. Among several memorial windows is one in recol- lection of J. Monroe Mattison, who died on December 29th, 1913. Another event oi the year was the purchase of the Lyceum prop- erty by the Citizens' bank. Englewood suffragists organized, on March 27th, as a separate branch of the Northern Valley Woman's Political Union under the leadership of Mrs. Dan bellows Piatt and Mrs. II. V. 1). Moore with Misses Agnes Cooley. Ethel Barton and Louise box as lieutenants. Mrs. branees Coe Keed and Miss bli/a- THB I'l'ULIC LIBRARY beth Doughty were prominent at this time in the county suffrage organization. At the November election. Cornelius P. Kitehel and Edson B. Gorham were chosen councilmen from the first and second wards. As usual, Mr. Jamieson succeeded himself as clerk. Arthur Gatfield and W. Irving Glover were successful as contestants on the repub- lican ticket for the office of freeholder. The appointments for 1915 were made, as usual, on New Year's day. Messrs. Drayton and Ruch were reappointed as counsel and physician. II. \Y. Zuber became city treasurer and James H. Coe auditor. John Pye became chief of police and the mayor appointed Thomas B. Kerr a trustee of the library. William Schcrmcrhorn was subsequently made street commissioner and Cornelius C. Hayes, a [294] *k %. ^1 ^H{^^» y^rV 1 ^* I'm SSr 1 -' " ^ •= * THE METHODIST CHURCH THE OLD METHODIST CHURCH Tin-: hook of encleavood former inspector of police in New York, was chosen to till the new office of "supervisor of public safety." The supervisor shortly gave a survey of police conditions, requesting a budget increase of $5,000 a year for the department. The matter was referred to the committee of public safety. A police signal system was voted by the council at a cost of not over $2,000. Of interest to Englewood was the induction, on February 1st, of Thomas J. I Iuckin into the position oi prosecutor oi the county of Bergen. Early in the year, the board of education brought forward a plan for the erection of a high school on the site oi the then high school — the Jackson house, a frame structure, entirely inadequate. A public meeting was called and, acting on the sentiment there ex- pressed, the council voted a bond issue ol $150,000 tor the purpose. A committee of citizens proposed the inclusion of a swimming pool in the plans ol the architects, Ernest Sibley and J. J. Ferry. This was done, the money for the pool to he raised in part by private subscription. In October, Englewood lost, through death, the services of her poormaster, Thomas M. I tickey, whose natural kindness and cour- tesy had made him peculiarly suited to the office. The council passed suitable resolutions and named Arthur Gatfield as his successor. At this time, fire-chief Emil Ruch retired on half pay and city treasurer Zuber resigned. Thomas A. Markham became chid and B. I*. Bar- stow treasurer. I [erbert Barber, prominent in mercantile marine circles, died on November 16th. lie was horn in Deptford, England, April 21st, 1S47, and came with his family to the United States in 1880, making his home in Englewood. For several years he was the managing resi- dent agent ol the Monarch Line. Alter the failure of this company, Mr. Barber, in company with his brother, James Barber, started in the ship brokerage business. This developed into the ownership of steam- ships doing a carrying trade to Europe and Africa, known as the Barber Line. Mr. Barber was a devoted churchman and was for many years vestryman and superintendent of the Sunday school of St. Paul's. 1 Ie was a charter member of the Englewood club. In his memory the large west window of St. Paul's was later erected by James Barber. Mrs. Isabella Steele McLulloh, widow of James \V. McCulloh, who passed away on August 28th, was one ol the early residents of [ 29r, i THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD the village ol Englewood. She was the Last of the charter members of the Presbyterian church, established in I860. October 26th ol this year brought the passing into life eternal of Rachel Demarest Lydecker, widow of Abraham Lydecker, at the ancestral home on Grand avenue. Mrs. Lydecker's ancestry went back to the first settlers ol English Neighborhood. The election in November promoted Clinton II. Blake, Jr., into the mayor's chair, David |. McKenna being elected councilman-at- large. Before the end of the year, a special committee on the sew- erage question reported that its engineer, George W. Fuller, ap- praised the plant of the sewer company at $355,000. The company was willing to grant a brief option at the price of $548,862.28 — so nothing was done, except to decide that the matter would be taken up at a later date, it was shown, however, that the price asked was far in excess of all money paid into the company by the stockholders, easily double such amount, plus six per cent interest from the date ot incorporation. PALISADE AVENUE LYDECKER STREE [ 297 ] -a o e — T3 2 I? XX. Till. ADMINISTRATIONS OF MAYOR BLAKE 1916-1 91 S T the last meeting of the Munroe administration, before noon on New Year's day, 1916, the mayor was pleasantly surprised when Grosvenor Backus, on behalf oi a number of citizens, said some nice things about Mr. Munroe's "four years of benevolent despotism," suiting the action to the word b\ the presentation of a gold watch. "I lis honor" replied aptly that he was glad to be the victim of one instance in which public service was not an entirely thankless task. Mayor Blake called the new council to order. Mr. McKenna was chosen president. The mayor's inaugural called attention to the inadequacy of the city hall, suggested action on a city park at the station, from West street to Dean street, urged the absorption of the borough of Fnglewood Cliffs and asked that taxi-cabs be brought within the licensing power of the council. The council's appointees had few new faces among them. They were: B. P. Barstow, treas- urer; D. E. Blankenhorn, police justice; Daniel G. Bogert, assessor; Charles W. Frost, fire commissioner; R. M. Ingham, engineer; 1 larry Smith, building inspector; sealer of weights and measures, James E. Fitzgerald. The lire board consisted of Charles Brucker, Allan C. Hoffman, William Marvin Coe and Walter T. Churchill. Miss Pros- ser was appointed to the library board and, later, Vernon Munroe took the place of Thomas B. Kerr, on the hitter's resignation. The vacancy on the board ol education caused by Mr. McKenna's "pro- motion" was taken by William Tallman. Mr. Benner, resigning at the end ol March, was succeeded by Oscar W. Jeffery. Daniel E. Pomeroy at a later date succeeded George F. Foley, resigned, on the board of police commissioners. As a committee on the depot park project, the mayor appointed Joel S. Coffin, chairman, Dwight W. Morrow, George A. Graham, 1 larlan F. Stone, Abram DeRondc, George Van Keuren, Joseph 11. Tillotson and Henry Zuber. Early in the year, the board of education made the not unusual discovery that more money would be needed to put the new high school in complete shape, asking for an additional $25,000. This amount was subsequently granted, though mayor Blake vetoed an THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD item of $5,000, needed to match the publicly-raised fund for the swimming pool. The council passed the item over the veto. An additional $12,000 was granted later, made necessary by the bank- ruptcy of the contractor. At this time, too, the question of the pur- chase of the sewer plant was again to the fore. Nothing was done, opinions being too divergent. At one extreme was ex-mayor Piatt, who declared that the appraisal of even the city's expert, Mr. Fuller, was far too high. At the other extreme was O. D. Smith, president of the company, who stood pat on the figure of his expert, Clyde Potts, who had figured costs at the high figure then prevailing, instead of average costs, as figured by engineer Fuller. Mr. Piatt claimed that money invested and earning power were the chief factors, and declared that $150 a share was a generous price for the stock. Sub- sequently, the executive committee of the city club memorialized the council, urging that an offer at this figure, good for sixty days, be made to the sewer company. This gave a total price of $262,500. Attention was called to the fact that the company asked payment for rights of way which hail been freely received by it. The biblical text seemed to be not considered by the company. Later, the council de- cided to make an offer of $310,035 for the plant, provided the voters approved. No vote was ever taken, the company declaring it would refuse the offer but would arbitrate the matter, arbitrators to be chosen, two by the council, two by the company, the fifth to be the chief engineer of the public utility commission of the state or any disinterested party chosen by the other four. In April, conditions both in Europe and on the Mexican border led to "preparedness." Mayor Blake urged military training in the public schools. This received the endorsement of the Englewood Rifle club, which had been formed in March, with George B. Case, president; Gilbert U. Burdett, vice-president; E. E. Bennett, secre- tary; H. M. Ingham, treasurer; the real purpose of the club being the formation of a motorcycle machine gun unit in Englewood, in which it was shortly successful. There was much local military activity. Company F held drills every Monday evening, the new law concerning attendance being rigidly enforced. Reverend Robert Davis had been a pioneer in a military way, forming, in February, a military training corps with thirty-two members, with major John W. Loveland as drill-master. A police dog club was formed in April, to train dogs for use on the battle-field. Harry Weatherby was president, the other officers being Rev. Robert Davis, D. E. Pomeroy, Albert Ditman and William B. [300] THK BOOK OF ENGKEWOOD Scarborough. Of more peaceful portent was the departure, on May 4th, of Englewood's ornithologist, Dr. Prank M. Chapman, who voy- aged to South American wilds in pursuit of further knowledge. During the summer there was a call for six hundred members ot the Red Cross, signed by Englewood's clergymen. In June, the local CLINTON II. BLAKE. Jr. branch of the National Security Eeague reported a membership of 272. At this time, twenty Englewood men enrolled for the Plattsburg training camp and forty members of the Motor Rifle battery went for training to Fort Ethan Allen. Company F began recruiting for service on the Mexican border. The company left for Sea Girt on June 20th, after an appropriate leave-taking in depot park, where Rev. Fleming James and councilman Gorham made addresses, Cap- tain Hurd responding, and left for El Paso ten days later, to return, on November 3rd, from its spell of "watchful waiting." In the midst [301] THE I5()()K OF l.N(, 1.1, Wool) oi this increasing preparation, the posl office was quietly moved from Palisade avenue to 1 )ean si reel . While reports mI \\av abroad and rumors <>i possible war at home wen- rill-, Englewood lost one ol its staunches! old-timers when Moses E. Springer passed on, April I -lib, in his 89th year, lie set- tled in Englewood in lS^'', as a partner ol .Vlrianee Van Brunl in the- building business. In IS72 In- became an undertaker, establish- ing also a hardware and house-furnishing store. In 1890 he became secretary oi the Building and Loan Society, continuing as such lor man\ years. Me was superintendent oi Brookside cemetery, served fifteen years as school trustee and was a charter member ol I uscan lodge. Mr. Springer was a lay preacher in the Methodist church. The city budget, adopted May loth, showed an increase ol $23,- 845, because the higher cost oi living necessitated many salary in- creases during the scar. From time to tune, definite statements have been made, relative to increases, which are interesting as a matter of comparison with present figures. lor the future, too many sta- tistics will he avoided. During the summer James II. Coe resigned as city auditor, a new s\stem ol accounting having been installed that required more time than he could give. Mr. J. C. Wohlfert was appointed in his place. The "Englewood Forum' was established in May at a meeting held in Liberty school Its purpose was discussion oi public prob- lems by citizens who were interested in civic affairs. Among those prominent in the organization ol the Forum were Mrs. Fred S. Ben- nett, Leo II. McCall, Edson 15. Gorham, Dan Fellows Piatt and |ohn |. [ohnson. At the first regular meeting, in June, the citj budget was the topic discussed, with the council in attendance. ( >n May I Sth, Clinton Hamlin Blake passed beyond, after a long, active life. Mr. Blake was horn in Brooklyn, November Nth, 1843, was educated at the Polytechnic Institute and came to Englewood in 1863, making his home al the Englewood Mouse. Me was then starting on his business career m the wholesale drygoods district, with Goring, Sawyer and Company. Later he became a member ol the linn ol Sawyer, Blake and Bramhall, which linn was afterward Sawyer and Blake. In IS7J, Mr. Blake married Mary (■. Parsons, daughter ol I .. S. Parsons, a distinguished educator ol Albany, and of Lucy Stanley, a sister oi the late William Stanley. The first home ol the Blakes was the stone cottage on Bravton street. later the\ occupied the Parsons house, directly opposite. Mr. Blake's partici- pation m Englewood affairs began in the days oi the old Protection I 502 | THE BOOK Ol I'NOI.KWOOD society, when he was a member oi its board <>f directors. When the township was incorporated, Mr. Blake was chairman of the commit- tee which framed the charter of Englewood. lie was president of the Improvement Association when the project of a bank was started. The Citizens' bank was organized at a meeting in the Blake house. < )f this institution Mr. Blake became the second president, after the death of Mr. Maekay. Mr. Blake was a staunch republican. I le was councilman from the first ward in 1897, filling the unexpired term ST. IdllNS, NOKMIOI !■' ol Leonard I'.. Curtis. Mr. Blake served several terms as trustee of the library. During the summer, Englewood placed an embargo on visiting children, owing to the widespread epidemic of infantile paralysis. Doctors Phillips, Holmes, Best, Huff, Proctor and Ruch were ap- pointed to assist the board ol health in devising protective measures. The public schools did not open until October .2nd. As a result of these precautions, Englewood fared remarkably well. I lu- completion ol the fund for part payment of the high school swimming pool was announced in July by the committee in charge, ol which Arthur 1'',. Foote was chairman and James 11. Prentice secretary. I he election in November was a quiet one, Messrs. Thomson and Cantwell being re-elected to the council. An event ol the year, which some regarded as a misfortune but [ 303 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD the truly progressive considered a blessing in disguise, was the destruc- tion of Lincoln school by fire in October. The building, opened in 1870, had Long since outlived its usefulness from the modern educa- tional point ol view. Additions had been made to the structure from time to time and a great ileal of money had been spent in the process. The fire terminated the question of patching or rebuilding and there can now be no lingering regret at this dispensation of Providence. I lie board ot education took up the matter of a new school on December 2ml; $31,163 was received from the insurance companies on the old building. At a joint meeting of the council and board, later in the month, it was decided to erect an entirely new school, salvage of the old building being impracticable. Guilbert and Betelle, of Newark, were asked to prepare plans. Construction of the new building began on ( )ctober 20th, 1917. The adoption of the plans for the school was a weary business, the architects seeming unable to meet the city's ideas as to cost. James I.. Bried was the successful bidder on the job, at a price ot $ 135,000, about $25,000 of insurance on hand, plus the bonds, $11(1, (MM), paying for the work. St. Paul's church lost two devoted members this year. John Tip- per, who had been a resident of Englewood lor about fifty years, died on December 7th at the age of 76. For thirty years he had conducted a market on Palisade avenue so successfully that he had been able to retire from business twelve years before his death. Mr. Tipper was born in Quebec, April 25th, 1840, coming to Englewood about 1866. In his will Mr. Tipper made bequests of $500 each to his church, to Tuscan lodge, and to the library, and the remainder to the hospital. All these were to be paid after the death of his wife, who had a life interest in the estate. Mrs. Tipper survived her husband barely a fortnight. Henrietta Lowell Sawtelle, who entered into the higher life on December 29th, was born in Norridgework, Me., May 31st, 1832, coming to Englewood in 1865 in the prime of her young womanhood. She was the daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Sawtelle ami resided with them in the family home on Engle street, north of Spring lane. In her fifty years in Englewood, Miss Sawtelle was an active worker in St. Paul's church from its beginning. She was the founder of the Englewood Exchange lor Woman's work ami was one of the early supporters of the hospital. She was a woman of artistic taste, prom- inent in the intellectual circle of her day. The last member of the immediate family is Miss Katherine L. Sawtelle, of Church street. 1916 was a good year lor the Englewood club, the president, [ 304 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Marinus W. Dominick, building and donating the beautiful east room for use as a library. Again the year ended with a brilliant municipal Christmas tree in Depot park. Nineteen hundred and seventeen entered full of rumors of war, war and its waging. The present historian's duty is to chronicle mat- ters of civil interest which bore small relative value to the part Engle- vvood took in the world struggle. ST. JOHNS LUTHERAN CHURCH The council met on January 1st, with no change in membership or appointees, with Mr. McKenna again chosen as president. A brief glance at the happenings for the year shows the completion of the assessment map of the city, on which street commissioner Schermer- horn had been working for thirty months. The map had long been needed. It cost $6,799 — moderate, considering the amount of work involved. On May 1st, chief John J. Pye was presented with a gold badge to mark his twenty years of service on the police force. In June, an ordinance was passed abolishing the office of fire commis- sioner, creating in its place a board of three commissioners, the first members being Paul A. Salembier, C. B. Hayward and Andrew Snowden. The change made chief Markham the executive head of the department. The budget, adopted in the same month, showed a total of $265,790, of which $86,550 was for school purposes. A state law, enlarging the sinking fund commission from three to five, was complied with in the choice of D. F. Piatt (president), D. F. Sweeney and George E. Hardy, with the mayor and city treasurer, [ 305 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ex officiis. In July, Dr. Louis Ruch became acting city physician dur- ing the absence of Dr. Valentine Ruch on army service. The method oi paying the councilmen was changed by ordinance in October, the charge of two dollars for all meetings yielding to a net figure of three hundred dollars a year, which still stands, pace the high cost ol living. The November election made but one administrative change, Messrs. Blake, McKenna, Kitchel and Jamieson being re- elected. George E. 1 lardy took the of Mr. Gorham, who be- UNCOLN SCHOOL came freeholder. Another Englewood man to till a count) office was Dr. W. F. Willoughby, who became coroner. Later in the month, finis was written upon an old institution when the tri-township poor- house was surrendered to the county, which became responsible for the care of the inmates, who were removed to the count} home. In spite ol war activities, public budding operations in Englewood were numerous, first there was the new Lincoln school, already described. In February, came the dedication of the "Italian Mission," now known as "Memorial I louse," the gift of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Imbrie. In August, the Galilee Methodist Episcopal church, on Armorj street and Englewood avenue, was dedicated. Early in De- [ ^06 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD cember, the renovated Presbyterian church, with a new organ, a chance] and 2011 extra seats, all at a cost of $75,000, was rededicated. Finally, St. Cecilia's Carmelite priory, whose cornerstone was laid on June 24th, was ready lor occupancy. This fine white-sandstone build- ing, James 1.. Bried contractor, became the seat of the novitiate of the American Carmelite province and headquarters of the provincial, Very Rev. Basil A. Kahler. Ten Carmelite fathers and fifteen students entered into residence on Christmas day. ( IOHAR STREET Other incidents of the year included the endorsement, on April 23rd, by the Woman's club, of woman suffrage and local option, the resignation of Vernon Munroe as head of the hospital, for reasons o! health, on March 21st, and the damage done to the Field club house by tire on August 19th, when the loss amounted to twelve thousand dollars. Englewood in wartime is treated fully in the second part of this history. A brie! running chronicle may not be unacceptable, how- ever, in this place. First, we have the drives. The first big drive, that for the Red Cross, in June, netted $210,000. The first Liberty I ,oan had been taken by the banks and had no drive. The drive lor the second, in September, hail S. S. Campbell as chairman. The ^ . M. C. A. drive, in November, went nearly 70 per cent above its [ 307 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD quota. The Y. W. C. A., under Mrs. Robert E. Speer, easily raised the $10,000 asked for. The Bergen county membership drive of the Red Cross, at Christmas (D. F. Piatt, county chairman), was deemed a success. Committees of various kinds, both volunteer and official, helped carry on. In March, mayor Blake appointed a com- mittee of public safety, F. C. Walcott, chairman, and a committee to PRIORY OF THE CARMELITE FATHERS confer with the board of education, relative to military training in the schools, Robert C. Post, chairman. In September, a county organization was formed, under the presidency of D. W. Morrow, to care for the welfare of the soldiers at Camp Merritt. This was later merged into the War Camp Community Service, with D. F. Piatt as president and Harris E. Adriance as chairman of the board. A "religious activities committee"' for the camp, another county organization, had Rev. Fleming James at its head. The mayor instituted a branch of the Women's Council of National Defense, with Mrs. F. S. Bennett as chairman, and appointed a committee to care for the spiritual and physical comfort of soldiers, consisting of Mrs. Bennett, Father Quigley and Edwin M. Bulkier. [ 308 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Mayor Blake became chairman of the "Exemption Board'' of the district, under the draft law, and ex-mayor Piatt became county head of the National Fuel Administration. Home gardens and club gar- dens gave the youngsters a chance to do their bit. Junior activities were limited by the curfew law, which kept the younger citizens off the streets after 8:30 P. M. During the summer, rapid work was done at the camp. The first soldiers to arrive came early in October. Registry day was the 7th of June. Englewood felt the solem- nity of the occasion and gave appropriate observance. The first drafted man to go from Engle- wood was Morrell Birtwhistle. He was given a hearty send-off as he departed for Wrightstown on September 5th. The next day the 5th Regiment, including Company F, entraineci for Anniston, Ala- WILLIAM MORRIS IMBRIE MEMORIAL HOUSE [309] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD bama. Company F was shortly transferred to the ll)4th Battalion of Engineers. On September 4th a big party was given the drafted men at the armory, with dancing, supper and the presentation of "comfort kits." At various times throughout the year the motor battery and the home guards were called upon for night patrol and the protection of vital points in the systems of the various utility companies serving the public. No proof can ever be offered to show danger averted. But the effort was there and the willingness to serve, to give confi- dence against another day of crisis. The administrative slate for 1918 showed iew changes. Again Mr. McKenna was chosen to sit at the top desk. The mayor named Mr. Zuber to the library board, Mr. Sumner to the board of educa- tion and Edson B. Gorham to the sinking fund commission. Dr. E. N. Huff became acting city physician. In March, engineer Ingham resigned to take service with the government. In April, Engle street and Grand avenue became county roads. In May, the budget ordi- nance, carrying $309,490, was passed. In July, A. J. Reed became supervisor of public safety. On September 26th, Mayor Blake re- signed to become a captain in the Signal Corps, U. S. A. Mr. Mc- Kenna was nominated for the vacancy and won without opposition on November 5th, being sworn in the next day, Mr. Thomson taking his place as president of the council and Charles J. Bates being appointed councilman from the third ward. Two faithful public servants were lost to the city in the death of street commissioner and city engineer William Schermerhorn, in November, and of super- intendent of schools Dr. Elmer C. Sherman, in December. Dr. Sherman was sixty-four years old. He graduated at Hamilton Col- lege, taking his Ph.D. at New York University. He had been in charge of Englewood's schools since 1904, the period of their greatest growth. Another matter of local interest was the election of Robert C. Post as president of the hospital, on February 19th. In April, the West Side church had its twentieth anniversary. In July, "Father Angelus" left his charge at St. Cecilia's for St. Joseph's, Leaven- worth, Kansas. Father S. J. Quigley succeeded him. The Fourth of July parade was a very patriotic one. Things were very dubious and our boys were just beginning to reach the front. During the month the Englewood School for Boys, then in use as an inn, was given to the hospital as a nurses' dormitory' by Mrs. W. L. Pierce, in memory of her husband, a former president of the hospital. [310] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Drives continued through the year. George E. I lardy relieved Mr. Campbell when the fourth Liberty Loan, in September, had succeeded the third, raised in April. January saw the filling of the war chest of the Knights of Columbus, William Conklin leading. Next came the drive of the War Camp Community Service under Edward S. Brockie. The Y. M. C. A. drive, in May, netted $1 19,772. Later in the month, the Red Cross, under Mr. Andrews, raised $223,000. In June began the campaign for the sale of war savings stamps, aided by the Girls' Patriotic League. The United War Work drive came in November. Under George E. Hardy and Peter S. Duryee it yielded $123,032. The winter of 1917-18 was a cold one. Snow fell early and often, impeding a full flow of coal, in which there was already a shortage, owing to the speeding up of industry. There was suffering in different places near Englewood, though the local dealers made heroic efforts to get coal to critical cases. "Heatless Mondays" were inaugurated and people were told to conserve electric light. "Light is fuel" came the order from Washington. On this basis, fuel ad- ministrator Piatt got into a controversy with the Public Service Corporation when he ordered street lights out in the county on moon- lit nights, when snow was on the ground. The state administrator was for milder measures and Mr. Piatt had to subside, though most of Bergen's municipalities passed resolutions sustaining him. More trouble for Mr. Piatt came when he opposed an ordinance, intro- uced by Mr. Kitchel, providing for the licensing of news vendors. The intent was to prevent the sale of the Hearst papers in Engle- wood. Mr. Piatt contended that the council had no jurisdiction. Counsellor Drayton said it had. The imminence of a successful suit for damages compelled the repeal of the ordinance. Of the same nature was the decision to bar teaching of German from the schools and German language papers from the city, done by consent and with no opposition. War psychology makes many things seem right and inevitable. Englewood unfurled her service flag, with its 307 stars, at the city hall on January 23rd. Mayor Blake made a brief address and the flag was flown beneath the national emblem. Another impres- sive occasion was on Memorial Day, when Grosvenor Backus was the orator at Liberty school. Many patriotic rallies were held at the historic Liberty Pole throughout the war. A small thing, yet one with appeal to thoughtful citizens, was the conservation of peach and other fruit stones, for use in making gas masks. The world [311] c THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD trouble touched Englewood closest, however, in the suffering under- gone by soldiers and civilians during the influenza epidemic of Octo- ber. As that condition was growing better, came the Armistice, the cause of the greatest rejoicing the world has ever seen. A notable event from the educational standpoint came on Novem- ber 25th, in the opening of the new Lincoln school. Miss Lillian Hover, principal, made the chief address. Other speakers were mayor McKenna, Graham Sumner, president of the board of edu- cation, and Dr. Elmer C. Sherman. William Tierney led the audi- ence in community singing. During 1918 Oscar W. Jeffery was honored by appointment to the New Jersey state board of education. During the last two years of this period many well-known and esteemed members of the community completed their work and en- tered into rest. The first on the roll of those who died in 1917 is Edward Prime Coe, the son of George S. Coe, Sr., and of Almira Stanley, who went away on February 8th. Mr. Coe was a direct descendant of John and Priscilla Alden. He was born in Brooklyn in 1851 and came with his parents to Englewood in 1865, to the first home on the corner of Palisade avenue and Woodland street. He was a graduate of Williams. On the incorporation of the city he served as councilman from the second ward. Mr. Coe married Margaret Duryee, daughter of Peter Duryee, of Brooklyn. He was active in social and civic life and was a charter member and one-time president of the Englewood Club. Andrew D. Bogert died on March 30th. Born in the old Bogert homestead in Teaneck, in 1835, he was a direct descendant of Guil- liam Bougaert, who settled in Teaneck in 1697. His activities as a builder and in politics have been chronicled in the preceding pages. On April 24th, Englewood lost an old resident by the death of Kufus Allen Gorham, who was born at Mattapoisett, Mass., August 18th, 1839. As a young man he came to New York, where he enlisted in the 47th Regiment in the Civil War. On his discharge in 1862, Mr. Gorham married Hester A. R. Smith. They came to Engle- wood in 1869. Mr. Gorham was associated in the real estate and insurance business with Henry C. Jackson. He was active in town- ship affairs and a prominent worker in the Methodist church. Emile Ruch, ex-chief of the fire department, died on March 24th at the age of fifty-four. He was connected with the fire department for over thirty years. On the same date Mrs. Martha J. Burdett, [312 ] > THE HOOK OI ]:N(,I.!.\Voo|) widow oi William A. Burdett, passed away, leaving one son, Lieut. Gilbert U. Burdett. < )n June 30th died Theophilus Crum, a resident of fifty-five years' standing and the oldest surviving member of the Methodist church. Gilliam 1). Bogert, of the old Dutch family of that name, went home on July 2nd. lie was horn in Teaneck, August 15th, 1849, and took up his residence in Englewood as a voting man. He engaged in the business oi building, first in partnership with his brother Arthur and later for himself. He was a long-time member and secretary oi the board of health. Mr. Bogert was a member of the Christian Reformed church, and was laid to rest in the South church cemetery, Bergenfield. Cornelius Sweeney, former street commissioner and a faithful public official, died on July 27th. He was a resident of Englewood for fifty-five years. Mrs. Sarah P. Barber, widow of Herbert Barber, died at her home on Lincoln street on August 6th, at the age of sixty-eight. Timothy Rafferty, born in 1848 in Galway, Ireland, died on August 9th. He had lived in this country sixty-six years, principally in Englewood and vicinity. The story of William C. Davies has already been detailed in this history. Born in Utica, N. Y., October 5th, 1843, he spent fifty-five years in Englewood. His business and political activities fall within that period. The summary shows him as an upright, valuable citizen. Greatly regretted by many friends, Mrs. Marie Antoinette Doughty fell asleep in peace on September 25th at her home on Lngle street. Three months later, on December 13th, a former Englewood woman oi ability as a writer, Martha Burr Banks, passed away at her home at Green Farms, Conn. She was a daughter of the late- Colonel I Ienry W. Banks. James R. De Camp, born in London, December 25th, 1860, resi- lient oi the city since 1882, died on November 19th. He was an ex- service man in the L. S. Navy and was a painter by trade. He was a former president oi the C. H. L. and past grand knight of Madonna Council, K. of C. Among the losses by death in 19 IS was Horace L. Congdon, who passed away on February 19th. He was a director of the Citizens' bank, a charter member of the Englewood club and a warden oi St. Paul's. He was a man of charming personality and culture. Delos Bliss, a resilient oi Highwood for many years, died on July 17th. He was vice-president and general manager of the [314] I III. BOOK OK ENGLEWOOD Dodge and Bliss Lumber Company ol Jersey City, and invented and perfected many devices in the making of boxes. He was vice-president of the Palisades Trust Company, a charter member of the Englewood club and a vestryman ol St. Paul's. Jennie E. Mackay, widow of Donald Mackay and daughter of Dr. Daniel Wise, died on June 10th. Mrs. Mackay began her mar- ried life in Englewood, coming from Brooklyn in 1866. Joseph Thomson, born in Scotland in 1846, who died in Engle- wood July 22nd, 1918, was a man actively identified with the growth of Englewood. I lis name is found in both township and early city records. 1 le served in politics as he conducted his business, with inflexible honesty ami sincerity of purpose. [316] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ENGLEWOOD POCK. THE DYCKMAN STREET FERRY LANDING y, • ■ 3 \\l \DMl\lM i< A I [ONS O] I) WIN I Mi KENNA 1919 1921 s k'l I All I) in i Ik preceding chapter, hi ordei thai thi balance ol the council In restored withoul delaj mayoi Mi Ki mi. i entered upon his duties thi day following thi h ' \u\ i imIh i election ' )n New iTei council hi gani zed according to custom, iln ii uay, \')\ 9, thi mi mbi n unanimousl) choosing Douglas G rhomson ai presidenl I In mayoi mi agi recommended thi erection ol a city hall as a soldiers' memorial with a room designed as i ptach foi trophies and foi thi special usi ■ J ■ Bervici mi n I hi mayoi Buggi Bted thi possibilil y of i ti nding thi citj to its propei limit on thi easl by thi return o I thi borough oi Englewood ( liffs to its original fold Mi< message, with its importanl suggestions, was received with deep attention rhi ma oi announced thi following appointments; Library trustei \liv. Harriet R, Prossei board of education, William Tiernej 1 1 sinl ing fund commission Daniel I Pomeroy polici commissioners Peter S. Duryei Edson B. Gorham and A, G. Wilkin Eatei i ) ighl \V . Morrow was appointed library trustei A changi occurred in thi high school faculty on [anuary 9th, when Raymond I Smith became principal in placi ol Dr. Winton J. White, promoted to thi position of thi lati I >* I Imi i I ' ihi i man I o thi greal regrel ol .ill I ngli yood Ri Robi rl Da April 1 3th, resigned from thi chargi ol thi Presbyterian church, Ai thi annual mei ting of thi hospital Robert ( Posl wai elected presl ■ i' hi [ami U Eschei treasurei and Mrs William B Scarborough i tary, I hi annoum emeni madi thai an ai i angi mi ni had been madi ■.•. ith thi Hem Streel Settli mi nl ■ ■ i 'i oris, thi ough which nurses mighl receivi ti lining in social work, which would fil them to servi in the I" 1 .il babii di pen iry. Ai this timi I ngli pood ■ addi ned by thi m ■ of thi death ol Richard E Cochran ;i long-timi residenl who had served through thi wai as pn ideni oi the loi il bi am h ol thi I ■ agui I )m ing this fii I month THE BOOK OF ENGLKWOOD of the year the city hall flag was displayed at half mast as a mark of respect to the late ex-President Roosevelt. A matter that caused many at this time to side with the mayor was the proposal of the council to pass an ordinance providing special police officers to be appointed by the council. This infringed on the prerogatives of the mayor, but was put through at the end of a four months' controversy, city solicitor Drayton advising that the state law was compulsory in the matter. Many good lawyers thought otherwise. Early in the year a change occurred in the board of health, Dr. F. C. McCormack resigning on account of the pressure of professional duties. Benjamin Woodruff was chosen as the doctor's successor. Changes came, too, in church and school, the Rev. James G. Bailey ot the West Side church and Raymond F. Smith, principal of the high school, tendering their resignations. Mr. Bailey, after eight years in Englewood, left for a wider field under the Presbyterian Board of Publication, with special devotion to Sunday school work. Mr. Bailey was succeeded by Rev. David A. Johnson, who was in- stalled on October 30th. The public library suffered the loss of tour trustees during the year, Messrs. Morrow, Zuber and Munroe resigning for business reasons, and Dean Stone because of his leaving Englewood. The new appointees were J. Archibald Thomson, M. W. Dominick, Joseph H. Tillotson and Joseph Andrews. Later in the year, Reverend Henry C. Myer, of St. John's Lutheran church, resigned to become assistant director of the Wartburg orphanage at Mount Vernon, N. Y., where he had been educated. Mr. Myer was in Englewood for seven years. At the end of the year Mr. Hardy resigned as councilman from the second ward, on account of his health. Alex- ander Turner was appointed in his place. Englewood rejoiced in the return of her soldiers from overseas, a large contingent arriving on the Manchuria on May 21st, compris- ing those members of Company F that had become part of the 104th Engineers, 29th Division. Philip De Ronde, chairman of the mayor's committee of welcome, together with the mayor and Messrs. Duryee, Tierney, Sherwood, Huckin, Wm. Marvin Coe, Thomas E. Curry and others, went on his yacht to meet the steamer. From time immemorial, parades have been the accepted medium of displaying public sentiment, especially when that sentiment has been one of joy. Following the homecoming of the boys, there were three patriotic occasions during the year which called for this time- [320] THE BOOK OF EXGIJAVOOD honored expression of feeling. The Decoration Day parade was in charge of a committee headed by Major W. Marvin Coe. There were new heroes to be honored in connection with the men of '61, there were new ideals to he maintained and new faith to be pledged to country and flag. These thoughts found expression in the patriotic I'Avm J. McKENNA speeches of mayor McKenna and the Rev. E. C. Scudder. Another and more important parade, as to size, occurred on July 4th. Doug- las G. Thomson was chairman of the committee of arrangements and mayor McKenna and Philip De Ronde acted as grand marshals. The festivities ended with a block dance, also a reversion, except the "block," to another and classical form of expressing joy. The first anniversary of Armistice Day was the occasion of the third parade, which was followed by a beefsteak dinner at the armory for about five hundred ex-service men, who were addressed by the mayor and [321] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Dwight W. Morrow, with a vaudeville entertainment as the con- cluding feature of the day. Not to be outdone by mere men, the county organization of the Girls' Patriotic League had a parade on October 11th, followed by a program which included field sports. "Drives" of various kinds were still continuing. The hospital's Mayfair netted $3,500 as against $1,000 in 1918. The Building SUPERINTENDENT AND PRINCIPALS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 1921 Seated: Sue H. C. Kerr, W. J. White. A. S. Davis, Bertha M. Saurman Standing: Hannah W. Mitt-hell, F. I>. Mabrey. Lillian F. Hover ami Loan association's drive resulted in the sale of 4,000 shares, the association previously showing an increase of assets, for its thirty- second year, of $112,000. For Jewish relief about $20,000 was raised. The local Red Cross membership, while large, fell from 8,307 to 6,531 in 1919. In the campaign for Near East relief, Melville Chater and Rev. Charles H. Boynton gave vivid descriptions of their personal experiences and Rev. Major Davis wrote letters to the Press describing the conditions at Erivan. Other drives, of in- terest on account of the prominent part taken in them by Englewood citizens, were those for Smith College (Mrs. Dwight W. Morrow, national chairman), Harvard University (Thomas W. Lamont, national joint-chairman, Vernon Munroc, chairman for northern New Jersey), and for the Roosevelt Memorial (Major D. E. Pomeroy, [ 322 ] -J X w o K O s o o r THE BOOK OF EXGEEWOOD county chairman, Louis S. Coe, Englewood chairman). Ex-mayor Blake was county chairman for the Near East drive early in 1920. It may well be noted here that Englewood's quota for the five loans — liberty and victory — had been five and one-half millions. The amount subscribed was eight and one-half millions. During 1919, a great deal of discussion took place over the pro- posed depot park, in connection with the soldiers' memorial and a new city hall. At this time, sentiment seemed to be entirely in favor ■ ,,,,. £ ■ & fix rat BOll ■M!ii ■ ' mm n *■' "«1 * ' w "ill 141 ^ ENGLEWOOD FIRE DEPARTMENT. 1921 of placing a memorial shaft to the west of the station, in the park, and building the city hall on the west side of West street, facing east. The Press, ex-mayor Blake, Abram De Ronde and others urged the matter, which was in line with the recommendation of the committee appointed by mayor Blake, and J. Frank Howell appeared in several characteristic letters, urging action. Robert C. Post, however, thought a memorial hospital would be a splendid thing. Mayor Mc- Kenna appointed a memorial committee, with Joel S. Coffin as chair- man and Philip De Ronde vice-chairman, which was in favor of a shaft, in combination with the park plan of the Blake committee. The Woman's club showed its interest by requesting that women be added to the committee. No definite action on any feature of the proposals was taken until early in 1920, when the council, on motion of Mr. [324] >T3 O C THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Turner, voted that options be obtained on the property on the west side of West street, facing the proposed park. Of future interest, perhaps, is the report made by the mayor, at the request of the council, on the desirability of the "city manager" plan of government. After a thorough investigation, the mayor's report was very favorable, the fly in the ointment being put there TETER S. DURYEE by the lack of enabling legislation to make the plan feasible in New Jersey. The high cost of living was recognized by the raising of the salaries of policemen, firemen and receiver of taxes. The teachers of Englewood, about ninety in number, received a bonus of $150 each. The state utilities board, with like generosity, granted the water company an increase of 17 ^2 per cent in rates. Another piece of contemporary generosity was Mr. Allison's gift of a site for the proposed memorial at Camp Merritt. The camp, by the way, was still in service, being closed in February, 1920. During 1919, Englewood Post of the American Eegion was formed, with H. V. D. Moore as commander and R. G. Rolston, vice- commander. Highwood formed a post (commander, T. R. Brown) under the title "North Side." Early in 1920, the colored service men formed a post, naming it for Henry Douglas, an Englewood [326] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD man who died fighting in Champagne. William Sanford was chosen commander. A reorganization of the year was that of the Boy Scouts, with Clarence D. Kerr as head of the council and Earle Talbot as scout commissioner. Political results in November showed mayor McKenna winning unopposed; Douglas G. Thomson defeating Dr. M. J. Sullivan for REV. ROBERT DAVIS REV. FLEMING JAMES councilman-at-large by 626 votes; George J. Faulkner defeating Mr. Bates for councilman from the third ward by 138 votes; and Charles H. Greenberg winning the same office in the fourth ward over Wm. F. Willoughby by 68 votes. Of Englewood men to run outside of Englewood, Daniel E. Pomeroy became republican state committee- man, W. Irving Glover was elected to the assembly (to be chosen as speaker of the house), and William M. Seufert had the honor of running unsuccessfully for the state senate. Democratic success, however, came in the head of the ticket, Edwards winning over Bugbee for the governorship. Englewood lost many good citizens in 1919, among them John S. Westervelt, master builder, who passed away at his Brook avenue home on April 30th, at the age of 78. He was born at Schraalen- burgh and was a Civil War veteran. He served as school trustee and commissioner of appeal and was a deacon ami elder of the [328] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Christian Reformed church, where he had heen superintendent of the Sunday school. Few of Englewood's citizens have been as highly regarded. William E. Tillinghast died on May 11th, in his eighty- third year. He also was loyal to his church, St. Paul's, which he served for many years as vestryman and warden. He was a retired member of the stock exchange, employing his last years by attention THE HIGH SCHOOL to the affairs of the Brookside Cemetery. St. Paul's suffered again, on June 16th, when it lost its senior warden, George Whitefield Betts, at the age of 78. Mr. Betts was connected with Devoe & Company, in the paint business, for over sixty years, being long the head of the export department. He gave close supervision to the building of the new St. Paul's and the parish house. Mr. Betts served in the Civil War with the 23rd Regiment of Brooklyn. He came to Englewood in 1870, taking an interest in the Improvement Association and the sewer company, of which latter he was an officer at the time of his death. Ex-councilman Walter Westervelt died on June 30th, in his 76th year. He was born in Teaneck. moving to Englewood in 1871. For many years he was cashier of the West Side Bank in New York. [ 329 ] THE Book OF ENGLEWOOD Ezra Crocker Dillingham died on May 19th. Born in 1837 at Sandwich, Mass., where his ancestor, Edward Dillingham, hail settled in 1637, he came to New York in 1871 and to Englewood three years later. Mr. Dillingham was in the real estate business. For about forty years he was secretary of the hoard of trustees of the Presby- terian church. Julia Jones Duncan, widow of General Samuel A. Duncan, en- tered into rest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. McGregor Jenkins, near Boston, on January 21st. She was born on January 30th, 1841, at blast Washington, N. II., and Mas educated at the district school and neighboring academy. As a child she showed great musical talent and at the age ol nine led the choir in the village church. In adult years, Mrs. Duncan developed rare proficiency as a singer and as a player on the piano and organ. For a while she was a teacher in I he district school, ami later worked among the convicts in the state prison at Concord, organizing choirs and classes. Shortly after the Civil War broke out she followed her brother to Washington, where she engaged m hospital and prison work, having a host of friends among the lust known people at the capital. At the close of the war she married General Samuel A. Duncan, of Meriden, N. II., a village not far from her own home. I he Duncans came to Engle- wood in the early eighties and entered into the social liie ol the day, Mrs. Duncan was one ol the organizers of the Choral club and was the first president ol the Exchange for Woman's Work. General Duncan died in 1895 and lor many years thereafter Mrs. Duncan resided with her son Frederick S. Duncan ami his wile, Emily Brinck- erholl Duncan. I ler later years were passed with her daughters, Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Dull, in one of the suburbs of Boston. Thomas B. Cuming, one ol the most popular among the young set ol Ins day, died m a railroad accident on January 12th. I [e was horn in Rochester, N. V., October 28th, 1873, and resided with his uncle, Roswell I I. Rochester, in Englewood, during his school and college life. I le was an alumnus ol Stevens Institute, with the degree ol mechanical engineer. 1 le was greatly interested in athletics ami was captain and manager ol the Englewood Field club baseball team. Me was also a famous football player. Mr. Cuming saw service in the Spanish-American War as a member of the Naval Reserve as- signed t<> duty on the cruiser Yankee. I le married in June, 1901), I. aura Bliss, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Delos Bliss, of I lighwood. Mrs. Cuming died in 1916. I 330 | THE H')()K OF ENGLEWOOD On New Year's, 192(J, mayor McKenna delivered a line message, his principal emphasis being on the creation of a park at the station to contain a war memorial; on "Americanization"; on daylight saving and the purchase of the West Side field for a park. The new council- men, Messrs. Faulkner and Green- berg, having taken their seats, the following appointments were an- nounced: Thomas J. 1 luckin, to the board oi education; D. Eugene Blankenhorn, police justice; Wil- liam S. Gilhuly, to the board oi assessors; Dennis F. Sweeney, sink- ing fund commissioner; Dr. Wal- ter Phillips and Benjamin Wood- ruff, to the board of health. J he mayor announced the appointment of M. W. Dominick as a trustee ol the library. Later, Edward Smullen ami Joseph Daily were ap- pointed city engineer and street commissioner, respectively. A later appointment came on November 16th, when Mrs. Charles W. Hulst was put on the board of educa- tion in place of Graham Sumner, resigned. An early excitement of 1920 was the capture of a thief who robbed the R. C. Rathbone house. He was arrested by Officer "Larry" Dotson as a suspicious character, shot the officer without removing his pistol from his pocket, and was in turn winged twice and later recaptured. None of the wounds proved serious. More vexatious was the action of the county authorities in accepting a plea ol guilty, with a light sentence, with no notification to the Englewood authorities. I he city budget for the year was increased from $204,600 to $227,194. of which $69,500 was for schools. Increased salaries of the firemen and police accounted for part of the difference. Gold badges were given to Officers John E. Early and Daniel K. Dunshee in token of their twenty years' service on the force. The lire depart- ment was put on a two-platoon basis on April 4th. Early in February, a three-day snowstorm put the trolley out of business and also postponed the college men's dinner under the [331] I HUM AS B. CUMING THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD auspices of Yale. Alter a two months' postponement, this was held with success, the hest feature being the first public appearance of the Rev. Carl H. Elmore, who had been called to the pastorate of the Presbyterian church. Another dinner was given on the thirtieth anni- versary of the Englewood club, the eight remaining charter members being invited guests. Only five were present — Wilbur F. Corliss, Henry B. Palmer, Andrew J. Ditman, Oliver Drake Smith, Joseph H. Tillotson; the other three — William O. Allison, Edward R. Bar- ton and Henry W. Banks, Jr. — missing the festivities. Mr. Smith and Thomas B. Kerr were the speakers of the occasion, both of them to be lost to Englewood later in the year. A third dinner, in May, launched the campaign of the Community club for a new club house. The Field club held its annual meeting as usual, and marked the retirement of Louis S. Coe from the presidency, after three years' service. The president in succession was Edward S. Brockie. The trainmen's strike, which brought Englewood into the news- papers, occurred in April. A tie-up of the Northern was prevented by the volunteer activities of citizens, who performed the duties oi firemen and trainmen. Any mention of the matter would be incom- plete that did not include the prominent part played by Cameron Blaikie. Englewood's esprit de corps here shown, gave birth in the mind of the mayor to the germ that grew into the People's Insti- tute," lor the intelligent discussion of problems of the day. This was launched in May by a committee appointed by the mayor, with C. B. Hayward as president and Daniel G. Bogert as secretary. Englewood celebrated various anniversaries in 1920. The Knights of Columbus reviewed twenty years of prosperity. The Woman's club made record of twenty-five years in a meeting ad- dressed by Miss Sterling, the first president. The Citizens' National Hank showed the growth oi its deposits in thirty years, while Mr. and Mrs. Abram Tallman rejoiced in a golden wedding anniversary on September 27th. In addition to Mr. Elmore, two other newcomers came to Engle- wood pulpits in 1920. Rev. Wilbur B. Mallalieu preached his first sermon at the Methodist church on March 2Sth, succeeding Mr. Scudder, who has found a congenial field in Paterson. On May 14th Rev. Theodore E. Palleske was duly installed as pastor of St. John's Lutheran church. On the other side of the ledger was the departure, lor work in China, of Dr. Lee S. Huizenga of the Christian Reformed church. A date to be noted is November 23rd, when Brown O'Brien post [ 332 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD oi the veterans of foreign wars was formed in Englewood under the leadership of Dr. Sullivan, hill organization occurring in January. Personal notes for the year include the visit to Japan and China of Mr. Lamont, on the business of the consortium, with the sequel, Mrs. Lamont's story of the trip before the woman's club; and the election of D. E. Pomeroy and William Conklin as delegates to the republi- can and democratic national conventions, respectively. Mr. Pom- eroy was elected in the interests of Leonard Wood, against whom Senator Johnson of California made a close race in New Jersey. In the midst oi the contest, complaint was made that the markers at the station, then blazoning the name "Englewood" on the grass of the ten-ace, had been cleverly rearranged to read "Genl Wood." During the year, William S. Gilhuly was made chairman of the republican county committee, being later succeeded by another Engle- woodian, George W. Betts, Jr. The summer was lull oi excitement, due to the action oi the mayor, looking to a strict observance of the Volstead act; to the presidential nominations and campaign; and to the question among the women as to whether the suffrage amend- ment would be put through in time for the election. This was finally decided by the favorable action oi Tennessee. I he election in Englewood was preceded by action of the council in placing three questions on the ballot, for a yes or no vote. The first provided for an issue oi $320,000 of bonds for the putting through of the project oi a park at the station, including a new station and the removal oi the freight yards to below Englewood avenue. The second named $350,000 bonds for the building ol a city hall, lire house and jail, in one structure, and the purchase of a site, location not mentioned. The third provided an increase in pay lor the firemen. The voters carried the first by 76 votes, defeat- ing the other two by 434 ami 1,452, respectively, the administration announcing itsell as opposed to the third proposal. The state-wide proposals ol a $12,000,000 bonus for veterans and for a tunnel under the 1 Iudson were carried in Englewood by 2 ami 1,930 votes, respectively. Mr. Harding carried Englewood by 1,946 majority. Mr. Glover was again sent to the assembly and E. B. (iorham was elected free- holder, topping the republican landslide with the highest majority ever given a candidate in the county. Robert Jamieson became city clerk again and II. Leroy Pitkin and Alexander Turner councilmen from the first and second wards, all three without opposition. On December 12th, the memorial tablet to Dr. Elmer C. Sher- [333 I THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD man, head of the schools during 1904-1918, was unveiled, with appro- priate ceremonies, in which Dr. Sherman's work for the city and his character as a man were extolled. On January 11th, the death of Robert C. Reid, in an automobile accident, at the age of 44, was a shock to the community. This was followed, on January 31st, by the passing away of John G. Murphy, for many years in the employ of Donald Mackay. Thomas B. Kerr died in April, at the age of 71. Only the year before, Mr. Kerr had been given the degree of LL.D. by the L T ni- versity of Pittsburgh, of which he was the oldest graduate. Mr. Ken- specialized in patent law and was counsel for the Westinghouse in- terests at Pittsburgh, 1887-1890, then coming to Englewood, where he served in many public ways — in the West Side church, on the school and library boards, to mention only a few. Englewood owed much to what he did, more to how he did it. William L. Nellman met a distressing death on May 3rd, through being thrown from his motorcycle. He was an Englewood boy, spending his life here until he was taken away at the age of 52. Of riper years was Adolph H. Engelke, who died on August 1st, aged 76. Mr. Engelke was a past regent of the Royal Arcanum and had served as superintendent of the Sunday school of his church, the Methodist. One who had taken a most active part in Englewood's life passed on when Oliver Drake Smith died on August 25th, in his 67th year. The chronicle of his activities is scattered over the preceding pages. To recapitulate, Mr. Smith was the "reorganization" first mayor of Englewood, having previously served as assemblyman and member of the township committee. He had been president of the board of health and the road board, was city treasurer and, for a year, post- master, while a contest for that office was being decided. Mr. Smith was president of the Sewer company ami the Brookside Cemetery [ 334 ] REV. CARL H. ELMORE THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD association and had been president of the Englewood club. He was a director of the Trust company. The death of Dr. Frederick Clarke Bradner, on August 31st, was another loss to Englewood, to which he came in 1902, having com- pleted his course at Princeton and the college of Physicians and Sur- geons and his hospital apprenticeship. Dr. Bradner was on the hos- pital board and was in his 48th year. Thomas Leslie Fox had a longer life behind him when he passed away on November 14th, in his 92nd year. He had been engaged in the dry goods business in Englewood for fourteen years. Another local business man departed on November 29th, when Philip M. Weidig, for long proprietor of a well-known butcher shop, passed away in his 62nd year, leaving a host of friends. The New Year's meeting of the old council, in 1921, afforded an opportunity to say good things about Mr. Kitchel, retiring after six years of service. The pleasant task fell to the mayor, who made his speech the prelude to the gift of a loving-cup, presented by the mayor and council. A further evidence of appreciation was the gift of a fountain pen de luxe, by the heads of the city departments. When the new council convened, Mr. Thomson was made presi- dent. Mr. Pitkin made his debut with a well-received speech. The mayor's message was read, proposing that the salaries of the police be raised, that the sewer plant be bought by the city, that the prohi- bition amendment be strictly enforced, and that the war memorial be promptly provided and that a city hall be built on the old site at a cost of $175,000. In advocacy of the last, he cited the fact that the jail had just been condemned by the state authorities. The council's appointments were made as follows: Counsel, Albert I. Drayton; physician, Dr. Ruch ; to the board of assessors, J. Marshall Gorham; to the board of health, Hugh Hazelton and Henry W. Stone. Other appointments were laid over until the salaries could be raised by ordinance. When made, later, Messrs. Barstow, Markham, Wohlfert and Daily were reappointed as treas- urer, receiver of taxes, auditor and street commissioner. The mayor announced the appointment of Miss Prosser to the library board, of D. E. Pomeroy to the sinking fund commission and of P. S. Duryee, E. B. Gorham and Arthur Wilkin as police commissioners. The mayor also suggested that the fiftieth anniversary of the segregation of Englewood as a political unit would occur on April 10th, and that a celebration would be in order. As a sequel, the mayor later ap- pointed a committee of arrangements, with Douglas G. Thomson as [ 335 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD chairman, and the council, at the request of the mayor, appropriated $490 for the production of a history of Englewood, to include also the record of Englewood's service men in the war. A history com- mittee was later appointed by the mayor, with P. S. Duryee as chairman. The high cost of living was reflected by the 1921 budget, amount- ing to $253,181, not including schools. THOMAS W. LAMONT HENRY 1'. DAVISON The question ol the city hall was again to the fore on February 15th, the point in dispute being whether or no the council should take direct action or appoint an advisory committee of citizens, seem- ingly demanded by the fact that the voters had turned down the city hall proposition when it had been submitted. The mayor and council- men Faulkner and Turner were against a committee, but Messrs. Thomson, Greenberg ami Pitkin were for it. Mr. Greenberg favored the West Side field as a site, the others being for the old location. A committee of thirty-six was subsequently appointed, meeting with the council on March 7th, Mr. Greenberg having been won over to the old site in the meantime. After much discussion, a sub-committee oi live was appointed to report back to the lull committee. Its report was made on March 28th, unanimously in favor of the old site. This report was strenuously fought by ex-mayors Blake ami Piatt ami [ 336 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Messrs. Hazelton, Huckin, Homans, Brockie, Brucker and Melcher, objections being to the noisiness of the location, the lack of space and landscape features and to the increasing of the future traffic problem on Palisade avenue. The report was beaten by a vote of eight to two, President Thomson ruling this to be of no effect, owing to the fact that a quorum was not voting. The meeting adjourned and met again on April 20th, when the report was adopted by a vote of seven- DWIGHT W. MORROW DANIEL E. I'OMEROY teen to seven, providing for a building on the old site at a cost of $175,000. Messrs. Piatt and Blake were not to be convinced by the decision, demanding to the end that the matter be left to the voters. Another important question was that of the war memorial. The organizations of service men advocated making the armory a me- morial, for the use of the men, through its purchase and donation by citizens. Mayor McKenna expressed himself as favoring this, but urged also the erection of a monument. The memorial committee, under Philip De Ronde, appointed a sub-committee, which declared that the armory proposal was not advisable, as the coming formation of a company of engineers in Englewood would be sufficient to hold the armory to its original use, in place of its sale as a garage, as at one time contemplated. The committee decided upon a monument for the memorial, to be erected on the school grounds on Engle street. [ 337 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Another matter of interest was the question of closing the shops on Wednesday afternoons, so that the employees might get the half- holiday impossible for them on Saturdays. To Frances Coe Reed goes the credit for the energetic urging of the reform. Another important event was the formation of the central council of welfare agencies, under the chairmanship of Orlando B. Willcox, to be a clearing house for Englewood's charitable and social work. Events of the late winter were the raising of $52,000 for the NORDHOFF SCHOOL famine-stricken Chinese, through a five cent dinner (sold for a dollar) at the armory, the election of Rev. Robert E. Speer as president of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, the falling of the Liberty Pole (later renewed) in a high March wind, the big fire at Camp Merritt, which occurred in the same month, and the publication of the census figures, showing an increase from 9,924 in 1910 to 11,627 in 1920. The most interesting event of the spring, so far as this history is concerned, was the double celebration of Englewood's fiftieth anni- versary. The first part of the commemoration began on April 9th, with a meeting at the high school. Mrs. F. S. Bennett acted as historian, telling the tale of Englewood from the earliest times. A feature of the evening was the decorating of the older citizens with badges of different colors, according to their length of residence. Gold badges, to those here for seventy years or more, went to Court L. Vanderbeek, Mrs. Mary Vanderbeek, Mrs. Van Wagoner, Mrs. [338 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Josephine Palmer, Abram Demarest, Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Van Brunt, Richard Vreeland, Wm. O. Allison, Rachel Ann Bogert, Mrs. Elizabeth Haring, Jacob A. Bogert, John A. Bogert, Mrs. E. A. Brinckerhoff, Mrs. Wm. H. De Ronde, Cornelius J. Terhune, Jacob Brinkerhoft, Mrs. Rachel Bogert, Mrs. Jennie Bogert, Mrs. Mar- garet Baker, Mrs. Richard Demarest and Harry Jackson. On April 10th, appropriate services were held in all the churches, welcome fea- tures being two hymns, one entitled "Englewood," written by Sophia PHILIP DE RONDE C. Prentice (Mrs. James H. Prentice) and the other, by Amelia J. Burr, beginning "Praise God for memory." The second or outdoor part of the celebration sought to propitiate the gods of the weather by the selection of a later date. Success crowned the delay, May 21st being a lovely day. The festivities began in the morning, when the pupils of the public schools carried out most impressive exercises in Mackay park. In the afternoon everybody paraded, varied "floats" adding to the interest. In the evening Englewood danced on Palisade avenue. It was a great day. Even "Doug" Thomson, chairman of the celebration committee, admitted it. The Englewood Press did itself proud by producing an illustrated anniversary number, so that we could read about ourselves. [ 339 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD A familiar figure passed from the city when Charles C. Townsend, former chief marshal of the Protection society, died on January 12th, at the age of seventy-six. He hail lived in Englewood for over fifty \ ears. William L. Pierce died on August 31st. A graduate of Dart- mouth and an able patent lawyer, he was public-spirited and served the Presbyterian church as elder ami trustee, and the hospital as president. Mr. Pierce at one time taught at his Alma Mater. On September 22nd Charles W. Willis passed on, aged 70. He was known to many as the agent, from 1897, at the Englewood sta- tion, a lesser post which he took in his declining years. George W. Hooven and Frank V. Tildesley were Englewood losses late in the year, on November 11th and 22nd, respectively. Here, properly, this history should i.-tu\. But record should be made that the schools of Englewood are about to have a full-fledged athletic field, to the cast ot Cleveland school, on ground generously donated by Malcolm Mackay and Charles Brucker. Let there be record also ol the fulfilling by mayor McKenna ot his term as mayor and his desire to serve no longer, a desire that resulted in the nomina- tion and election in November, 1921, of Clarence D. Kerr as mayor over Dr. Valentine Ruch, Jr., by a majority of 336. At the same time, Lieutenant-Colonel Harry V. D. Moore won the councilman- ship-at-large over George J. Faulkner by 684 votes, the latter, how- ever, remaining as the representative ol the third ward. Before turning the last leaf in The Book of Englewood there comes before the mind of the writer thought of those of the second generation of the early settlers who in their time gave something to the progress and beauty ot their native place. There is Thornton Floyd Turner, architect of St. Paul's church, who expressed in its design a reverent, poetic spirit. And in memory there comes the spiritual message ot music which William Chester drew from the organ keyboard. Englewood music owes much, also, to Constantine Weikert, pupil in Leipsic ol von Bulow, who has been in charge of the music department at Dwight school since 1889. In his early days here Mr. Weikert was preceptor to the Ladies' Amateur Quar- tette club, organized by Mrs. Samuel A. Duncan. Again there Hashes in recollection William Stanley, Jr., to whom the routine of school was a bugbear, but who became an eminent electrician and inventor. Through the course of years is the shitting picture of men and women, sometimes a little cramped by inelastic doctrinal limita- tions, but with hearts sound and true. Progress was making its way [ 340 ] ri n: BOOK OK KXGLEWOOD in the outlook upon life, with an ever-increasing conception ot human relationship and obligation. Growth slow but sure has given us today a very wide-awake and progressive Englewood, in which we take just pride. And there are men and women, too, in many walks in hie, some- time residents of our city, who have made names lor themselves in CLARENCE D. KERR the land. There is Dr. Francis Carter Wood, pathologist, whose life work is research to find the cause and cure for a dreaded malady. There are men among us now who are deeply interested in well are work, and we have a distinguished art critic whose name it is not necessary to mention. We have Frank M. Chapman, America's leading ornithologist, who first studied in the Teaneck woods. Kiltie- wood claims kin to David Cory, who displays wonderful insight into child life and teaches high ideals in his stories for children, which his [341] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD readers absorb with the tale. Who would have thought that Seward Prosser, given to youthful joking, would ever become a solid financier? His eminent associates in finance, the late Henry P. Davison, Thomas W. Lamont, Daniel E. Pomeroy and Dwight W. Morrow, need no publicity in these pages, but must be mentioned as leaders in the modern Englewood. We have {Catherine Jones Bennett traveling WILLIAM A. BURDETT KATHERINE JONES BENNETT across the continent, speaking and working for the Woman's Board of Home Missions with as much vigor as if it were the first instead of the thirteenth year. And we had William A. Burdett, whose life work remains a blessed memory in the hearts of the congregation of St. John's, Nordhon. We have fine churches, commodious schools, a people's institute, a garden club and the Woman's club, now a civic factor. Girls go to college as a matter of course and adult women go to the polls as a matter of course. All this spells healthful prog- ress. Finally, Englewood has a good government, with the new city hall a-building, a depot park in prospect and a soldier's memorial, a tunnel and a bridge somewhere in the stage setting. May the be- ginning of her second half-century be prophetic of what is to follow! [ 342 ] SEWARD PROSSER DR. FRANCIS CARTER WOOD DAVID M. CORY FRANK M. CHAPMAN W-'t£ , „ VfBt i II \l i:i. AT ISKOOKSIMO (KMKTKIJY Cl.OSINi; AN I.IMW'II. MOVINC INK Ol.l) CITY 1IAI.I, THE BOOK OF ENGLKWOOI) Part II. PARTICIPATION OF ENGLEWOOD IN TIN; WORM) WAR FOREWORD II! proper presentation of the material, gathered from many sources to form a permanent record of Englewood's war-time activities, has caused the committee on the pub- lication of this history much concern. When the call was sent out for the stories of each of the various agencies, which func- tioned so efficiently during the crisis, the response was most satisfac- tory. The president or chairman or secretary of each unit sent in the record in great detail. In general these stories are so voluminous that if they were included verbatim in this history it would be neces- sary to publish two volumes instead of one. The committee feels that raising the price of the history to the minimum at which two volumes could be sold would hamper the general distribution of the books and defeat the plan which the common council had in mind when it author- ized this publication. Therefore the committee, acting as seemed best to it after full consideration, placed all the war-time material in the hands of Miss Sarah J. Day, asking her to write the general story, a perspec- tive rather than an analysis, of Englewood in war-time. This she has most ably done. The manuscripts submitted by each organization have been filed by the committee in the Public Library, for perma- nent reference. A short digest of each article follows Miss Day's narrative. The committee has taken great care in the preparation of the Honor Roll, the list of men who gave their lives in the war, but the list is possibly not complete. Five of the records were obtained from families who had moved away from Englewood after the son or brother or husband enlisted in the service. There may be other men who lived in Englewood at the time of enlistment who paid the sacri- fice with their lives but whose record is not available. The committee extends the thanks and the gratitude of the city to those who compiled and submitted the records which have been II II-: BOOK OF FAX, U.WOOD used lor this section ol The Book of Englewood, and which have been filed in the Library. Englewood presented a striking proof that nowadays it is not merely armies, but whole peoples who prosecute warfare. No sacri- fice was too great, no burden too heavy to be willingly assumed by those who stayed at home. The following pages will give some idea ol what they accomplished. ENGLEWOOD MOTOR BATTERY AT FORT ETHAN ALLEN [348] I NGLEWOOD'S PART IN THE WAR By Sarah J. Day I [E worth nl a community, the spirit that is in it, receives its truest test when some great and sudden need arises, call- ing men away from their common pursuits, asking for ef- fort and sacrifice and devotion to the general good. The community that most eagerly heeds the call, that forgets local issues in a generous absorption in the common cause, is a potent factor in the national well-being. Let us see what I nglewood did and thought and gave forth in the tremendous crisis of the World War. Immediately upon the outbreak of hostilities in 1914, there was work for the women oi our still peaceful nation in providing dress- ings and other supplies for the victims of the battlefields of Europe. One group met at the home of Mrs. Payson that fall, to work for the British War Relic!, and in 1915 a Red Cross Society was organ- ized to work for all the nations engaged in the conflict. The next year this was merged in an Englewood Chapter ol the American Red Cross, with weekly sessions at St. Paul's Parish House. Some of our women took training to qualify them as leaders for the rest, and by February, 1917, we were meeting daily in the disused Methodist church on Grand avenue, and were becoming a thoroughly organized and instructed body of workers under the headship of Mrs. |. II. G. Mills. Hospital supplies were made in enormous quantities, packed and shipped at the rooms, a very high standard being set and main- tained for the Englewood output. One hundred and fifty women were trained here in home nursing, and received certificates from the Washington examiner; classes were also instructed in first aid and surgical dressings. Every Englewood woman was expected to pledge the maximum number of days and hours possible to her time and strength. The older public school students organized as a Junior Red Cross, and the children had their own club for hospital sewing. A nation-wide war fund campaign resulted in 9,000 subscribers from Englewood, almost literally its entire population, and $223,000 was collected, of which 5 per cent was retained for local use. THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD With 1918 the fever of endeavor increased. Our own boys were at the front; the very dressings shaping beneath our hands might be needed for their wounds. Hundreds of boxes of hospital supplies, tons of clothing, bedding and linen were shipped. Every day the scene in the old Methodist church was the same: tables covered with white gauze and supplies, surrounded by women in their lovely Red Cross worker's costume, through whose hands the thousands of yards of merciful softness flowed, taking form in all sorts of bandages and dressings and being endlessly packed in huge boxes in the outer room. Another picture is of the great Red Cross parade in New York, and Englewood's fine ranks of uniformed women, passing the reviewing stand in front of the Public Library. War is a singular and appalling instance of the survival of ancient barbaric custom through centuries of increasing civilization and dom- inance by reason. To defend a principle or adjust a boundary we still resort to wholesale violence and slaughter. Modern science even adds the new arguments of air raids, submarine torpedoes and gas bombs. But the instant the evil is accomplished, the physical hurt given, civilization rushes in, to repair, to reclaim, with all modern skill and Christian pitifulness. The Red Cross is at the heels, nay, by the side of the warrior. And so long as brute force survives among nations as the substitute for reason, so long must our young men stand forth to defend home and country, to give their bodies to be broken for them, and our women must follow after to bind up and console. Christian Scientists of New Jersey did their share in caring for our boys going overseas through their Comforts Forwarding Com- mittee and War Relief Committee which maintained a Welfare House at Camp Merritt. Emily Bliss Roberts and Mary S. Moore were Englewood representatives in this work. Already, in 1915, our Englewood men consulted General Leonard M. Wood as to some plan for preparedness, and the Englewood Motor Battery Rifle Association resulted. Within it was a motor- cycle machine gun battery. The twenty young men forming this went up to Fort Ethan Allen for training in August, 1916, taking part also in the September maneuvers at Plattsburg. There were 337 in the Rifle Association when, in March, 1917, came a call from Mayor Clinton Blake for a quiet mobilization at the city hall. The motor battery was ordered to guard the water supply and pumping stations, and another company the various public utilities. A night in the woods around the reservoir, with a possible Hun behind every tree, [350] w a o - o o o o z - w o f a H o a CO H o THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD a possible bomb in the hands of every passer-by — here was a field for the most adventurous! The motor battery then moved into quarters at the Armory and went forth to guard all vulnerable points, by organized relays, day and night. A Mayor's Committee of Safety, appointed in March, 1917, at the request of the state adjutant-general, acted in the directing of the safety and emergency measures throughout the city. Frederick C. Walcott was chairman and he, with Mayor Blake, attended the organization of the New Jersey State Council of Defense at Trenton, our mayor serving as a member of its council. Upon the dismissal of Ambassador von Bernstorff, Mayor Blake advised Governor Edge that our local defense organization was prepared to co-operate with the state in any way desired, this being the earliest offer of a local municipality for general aid, according to an editorial in the New York Times. A few days before the declaration of a state of war by Congress, on that historic Good Friday, 1917, a mass meeting of our citizens convened to express the eagerness of Englewood for the instant doing of that which national honor and humanity were de- manding as inevitable. With the actual entry of the United States into the struggle, the Rifle Association was merged into the Home Guard, which was divided into three classes of volunteers, formed into six companies, part pledged to active service for the state and city, and part for such duties as men over forty-five or physically disabled might per- form. The city was divided into sections and patrolled continuously from 8 to 1 1 P. M. With the return of these tired warriors, some one of the loyal wives waiting at home served a cozy supper of hot coffee and creature comforts to regale the whole patrol. When the building of Camp Merritt began in 1917, the Home Guard evening patrol was needed to control the conduct of the thou- sands of rough workmen passing through Englewood and lodging here. A strict curfew law was enforced from this time on. The Home Guard was now constantly depleted by its members leaving, as volunteers or drafted men for army service, but the ranks were filled up and the weekly drills and instruction went on vigorously. There was a deep and unselfish determination to that training of body and spirit which would enable our community to face the duties and sacrifices the war imposed, both upon those who went forth and those whose place was at home. It was an Englewood man who was appointed inspector for the Bergen County portion of New Jersey's share in the work of the [352] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD American Protective League, which handled the investigation of sus- picious individuals or circumstances during the stress of war. A lieutenant and three or four assistants were charged with Englewood matters. Another Englewood man was made captain of a district including the northern valley. Possibly the best thing accomplished under this surveillance was the clearing up of unjust suspicions against really loyal German-Americans. One German coachman was sup- posed to be flashing signals to passing troop trains; it was found that a sagging board in his bedroom floor tipped his mirror as he walked about, and caused the reflection of his electric light to flash across the valley! A league member, investigating the report of a woman who was sure her German neighbor had been testing small quantities of explosives in an outbuilding, found that a tame rabbit had caused the miniature detonations by kicking out the sides of his box, on the night in question. But it was also a league man who discovered, in a hut where a lunatic was reported to live, two or three extremely sane and skillful German chemists, who were manufacturing dynamite and had already accumulated a large supply. These aliens were shipped to the internment camp at Atlanta. Extraordinary measures of precaution and surveillance were needed for Englewood, and for her, too, was offered an unusual field of service, because of the nearness to our city of the great embarka- tion camp at Tenafly, Camp Merritt. As soon as this camp was in use for the soldiery, in the fall of 1917, a number of activities for it were put in force by an organized "Community Service." The Meth- odist church opened its very complete club for the use of the men, with bowling alleys, pool and billiard tables, writing facilities, smoking room and showers. The Parish House of the Episcopal church was offered for dances and a weekly entertainment was also given for the boys. Here, too, the community chorus was later organized by Edward Sanger. Officers' dances were held in the high school. The school swimming pool was used by the boys on an appointed day, weekly. Presently a regular War Camp Community Service club was opened on West Palisade avenue, moving later to Dean street, where the boys could gather to smoke and chat, strum or play on a piano, as their gifts enabled, play quiet games or read; and from 5 to 1 1 P. M. they could find, in the cafeteria, sandwiches, coffee, pie and cake in largest proportions at smallest prices. The cafeteria was run by daily relays of women volunteers under the leadership of Miss Mary H. Pratt. Before the base hospital was ready at the camp, the sick men [ 353 ] ' THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD were sent to our Englewood Hospital, where our women visited the convalescents to cheer and care for them. And the well boys at camp were frequently invited to our homes for a "good" dinner. Especially was it a Sunday practice to have a group of soldier boys "come home" to the noonday dinner, and take an auto ride, if it were not a gasless afternoon. On one day each week an auto squad of ten to twenty cars took convalescent soldiers for a two-hour drive. Our service at the camp was as constant as that within our town ONE OF THE FLOATS IN THE PARADE. FOURTH OF JULY, 1917 borders. Our women were there daily, serving in organized relays, at the hostess houses or in the cafeterias. Here it was that one felt the full meaning of war to the boys who went forth and to the families all over the land who were giving them up. From the farthest west, from north and south they would come, lather, mother, little brother or sister, when word came to them that their trained soldier boy, now at the embarkation camp, had been summoned for the over- seas journey. For these dear visitors lodging must be found, orderlies sent to notify their boys, all possible service and sympathy rendered. Numberless were the tragedies witnessed by our women there : of the father who mortgaged the farm that he and the old wife might make the thousand-mile journey to the camp, only to find their son had sailed; of the mother from Dakota, answering a summons to her boy in the hospital, and having to be told that her only son, and [354] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD she a widow, had gone out on a longer journey. Oh, the heartbreak in that sorrow, when the young volunteer, eager to fight for his coun- try and his home folks, met instead the lonely wrestle with the last enemy, Death ! For him an equal honor with his victor-comrades on the field, and for his fireside a deeper sympathy! "There was no talk of the glory of war at Camp Merritt," says one of our hostesses. "The comment we heard most often was, 'It is a hell of a job, but it's got to be done.' Or 'You can't let kids ifil/jM THE FIRST CAMP OF THE MOTOR BATTERY grow up in a world where this sort of thing is happening all the time.' That was the spirit in which most of them went." How unworthy, how disloyal the talk we were forced to hear at times, even in high places, that Americans went into the fight "to save their skins"! It is a repudiation of the best that was in our young manhood. The hostess quoted above says she remembers, with a recurrence of the chill it caused her on that mid-summer day when she asked one of the boys first returned if there were any truth in the stories of atrocity, and the lad, who had run away from college to enlist, looked at her with a still brooding and said, "You haven't any equipment in your mind to make you able to understand the things I've seen, and God knows I couldn't try to put it there." "Say, are you real?" asked one boy, with a funny, shy smile at the Englewood girl behind the cafeteria counter, "or am I just dream- C 355 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ing you? When I was lying out in the mud over there I used to dream about just this — a sure-enough girl handing me sure-enough food, but I always waked up before I got it." Our Englewood girls! What part were they taking in the great drama ? What were they giving, in self-restraint and womanly sym- pathy and girlish gayety, to the thousands of their brothers who thronged our streets and crowded our trolley cars ? How did they determine to make their young womanhood never a hindrance and, to the utmost possible, a help? At two mass meetings held for them, in the fall of 1917, under a plan formed by Mrs. F. S. Bennett of the Council for National Defense, six hundred of our girls ex- pressed their desire for patriotic service and idealism by signing a pledge "to uphold the standards of my country, my community, myself and other girls, and to give personal service whenever possible for my country, my community and other girls." Many of the members of this new Girls' Patriotic League were already organized as Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Girls' Friendly, etc. New groups were formed for the added members and all went to work with a will. To furnish Christmas presents for the 1,900 boys of the 49th Infantry in garrison at Camp Merritt, for that Christmas of 1917, was the first big endeavor. In the spring of 1918 the interest of the girls was asked for the base hospital at the camp and thousands of articles were made by them for the sick and wounded soldiers. Later in the spring they gave a musical revue and raised eleven hundred dollars for materials to carry on their various enterprises. The girls also helped in Red Cross work and in the many drives and campaigns of all sorts. Of course, they were indispensable at the weekly dances for the soldiers in the Parish House. They gave many additional entertainments for the boys at their roomy headquarters in the Twist and Murray building. The high personal standard of conduct to which their pledge held them is best expressed in these lines, written for them by Amelia Josephine Burr and given to each of the league members : TO OUR GIRLS Our Country gives the young men she has treasured, To suffer — and to die, perhaps — for you ; By God's own standard let your gifts be measured; To their own highest, hold your champions true. To keep our Country free, our children fearless, Our women clean, they face the hell of war. Arm them with memories pure to courage peerless! Give them a womanhood worth dying for! [356] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Much enthusiasm was created among our girls and women for the more homely work of canning and other food conservation, which went on apace with the community garden efforts of boys and girls alike. About a hundred young gardeners were employed on a tract of thirty acres on Liberty road, and some five hundred more children had small plots at or near their homes. Demonstrations in canning were given through a term of weeks in the several wards of our city. Some of our girls were prize winners at state and county fairs and some were engaged to give demonstrations in other towns. ENGLEWOOD MOTOR BATTERY STARTING FOR FORT ETHAN ALLEN All this in those summers of 1917 and '18, when our minds were so racked with suspense over the news from the battlefields that we felt the meatless and wheatless days, the sugarless cookery, even the coalless bins of that bitter winter between, only as a relieving outlet to our intense desire for service. Our young, hurriedly trained boys were now at the front, venturing their eager but untried strength, shoulder to shoulder with their outwearied brothers of France and England. Our tears were falling upon gold stars that we were stitch- ing into the spaces of the dark ones on the banners that hung in churches and schools. More and more serious effort was being asked of us as a nation. All eyes were turned to our America; all hands were stretched out to her. "Send us men— and more men! Food, more and more food ! Send money, money, money." [ 357 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Whether because many Englewood men held financial and ad- visory positions of government importance, or because of the more than average prosperity of many others, certain it is that the quota set for our little town, in each of the great loan campaigns, seemed in astounding disproportion to the number of our inhabitants. Yet we always enormously exceeded the amount prescribed ! There was no campaign for the First Liberty Loan, the banks being the sub- scribers. In the Second Liberty Loan, October, 1917, the quota for Englewood, of the two billions required by the nation, was $916,000. The amount subscribed by 2,818 of our citizens was $2,149,600 — two and one-third times the demand! In that anxious springtime of 1918, when a three billion loan was asked by our government, and Englewood's quota was placed at only $699,000, we went over the top with a yet larger percentage of excess, subscribing $1,664,050. The fourth campaign came that same fall, when the government needed the enormous sum of six billions. Englewood's share was set at $1,448,000, being about one four-thousandth part of the nation's need. And still we did more than the required; our sub- scribers increased to 4,309 and the amount of bonds taken was $2,131,000. Again in the contributions to the United War Work Fund, from a total of $500,000 among the 51 towns in Bergen County, Englewood gave one-quarter of that whole. The campaigns for all these and for the Red Cross drives were conducted in the one way, following an organization of the work made by Mr. George Hardy, and carried out in the large upper room in the Lyceum. Volunteer workers, at desks, telephones and type- writers, succeeded one another in relays, from 8 A. M. till 10 P. M. — sometimes, at the height of a drive, until midnight. The city was divided into 25 districts. A captain with his own team of workers made the house-to-house canvass in each. There were also drives carried on by the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A. and the Salvation Army, with results that showed Englewood alert and responsive to every appeal for co-operation. The second Food Administration drive was under the leadership of Mr. George Graham. The women worked untiringly in this, visit- ing and asking pledges from every housekeeper in the town. An incident told by Mrs. W. F. Powers, who went from her desk in our drives to be a part of the Food Administration force in Washington, illustrates the spirit of the times: "On a Friday morning Mr. Hoover, in a small conference, told us to prepare reports for the press, the schools, colleges, women's clubs and other organizations, [358] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD asking the country to save bacon so that it might be sent to our armies and the Allies. On the following Thursday, Mr. Hoover called an- other conference, and said, 'I am overwhelmed with feeling — a most astounding thing has happened! The call we gave out last Friday afternoon and Saturday morning has been answered by the men and women of the country to such a degree that we are in a fearful pre- dicament. All over this country people have stopped buying bacon, and now there is so much that we cannot forward it, we have not means enough to take care of the amount released for the Army, and unless we send forth a request that bacon be eaten for a few days thousands and thousands of pounds will spoil!' ' This spirit per- vaded universally in Englewood. We kept fewer maids; we released our men servants from house and garage (those who had not already gone as soldiers) that they might take up public service; we closed up portions of our homes to conserve coal and met in a smaller room for church services to save heating the large edifice; all formal enter- tainment had been laid aside and when women met at lectures or simple luncheons or by their own firesides, always the knitting needles flew and the thousands of socks grew under the never-resting fingers. The community became a firm, society a family, united daily in every variety of war work. Social distinctions no longer existed; prejudices were laid aside. There was but one interest for all — our boys at the front and in the camps; how was it faring with them? What could we do for them? For, after all, the real, vital history of Engle- wood or any other American town, during the war, might well be just the history of each one of the boys who went forth from and for that town. Volunteers had been going out from Englewood from the beginning of the great struggle, and hosts of our young men enlisted as soon as our nation entered. When the drafting of men began, the President appointed Mayor Blake a member of the Bergen County Board, and he was chosen chairman of that board by his associates, continuing as such from that June, 1917, until he entered the service, September, 1918, when he was succeeded by Douglas G. Thomson. There were 2,400 registration cards to report upon before July 7th, 1917. The entire office organization of the Liberty Loan Committee was placed by Mr. Hardy at the disposal of the draft board. By working night and day the cards were forwarded to the adjutant- general on July 6. County headquarters remained at Englewood thenceforth. An advisory board of local physicians was formed, with Dr. Walter Phillips at its head. From September on, groups of our young men were being sent to the training camps and thence [359] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD overseas. Invariably they were escorted to the trains by officials from the draft board and the city. The Englewood Pipers' Band repeatedly headed the march and the school children went in a body to the station and stood cheering on the green until the train drew away with hands waving from windows and platforms. And you may be sure that our Boy Scouts were right there in the thick, of that excitement and of every sort of service such as they could do. In the acts of our common council we find this resolution, under date of April 16th, 1918 : "Whereas, in the prosecution of the war by the United States against Germany and her Allies, the Boy Scouts of America, in Englewood, N. J., have rendered real service to the country in their willingness to perform at all times and with untiring loyalty, the work assigned to them; be it resolved that the thanks of the City of Englewood be extended; and be it further resolved that an appropriate medal be awarded to each of the Boy Scouts of Englewood, who may be certified by his scoutmaster as deserving of such reward." Alas, that two of the best Scouts would never come forward to claim that medal! On a far-off battlefield they finished "the work assigned to them." Practically all of the Scouts organized under the first movement here, in 1910, then grown to young men, enlisted for the war ami most of them saw actual service. As each of our boys went to battle at his country's bidding, came a letter to his family offering help and advice in any difficulties that might arise. This was from the Home Service Section of our Red Cross chapter, under the headship of Miss Anna Clark and Miss Katherine Gardner. Soon we were asked to assume the care of the people from all over the states, who came flocking to Camp Merritt, following sons, brothers, husbands or would-be husbands. Tempo- rary homes had to be adjusted, care for the sick planned, runaway girls sent home or married, new-born babies welcomed. All this was maintained unceasingly throughout the war and, at the last, was mingled with a yet more serious care. This came when we were nearing the end of the great struggle. The enemy's advance had long since been stayed; every day he gave way a bit, pushed back and back toward his own borders. We could begin to think of respite from the long effort and foreboding. When, suddenly, from all about us, from the very air itself above us, a new and more sinister enemy appeared, one who would, throughout our land, devastate more homes and claim more victims than war itself hail done. In October, 1918, only a month before the Armistice, the great influenza epidemic came [ 360 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD upon us, and the resources that were already overtaxed, the powers that were almost flagging with fatigue, had to be stimulated to a more strenuous effort than any that had gone before. When the Englewood Elospital could no longer hold the sufferers, The Field club gave over its building to meet the emergency. It was transformed almost over night into an adequately equipped hospital, and it commanded an unlimited host of volunteer workers. During the height of the disease it was necessary to erect an additional, tem- THE RED CROSS IN THE PARADE. FOURTH OF JULY. 1917 porary building. This served as a men's ward. In all, 219 patients from the Northern Valley district (129 of these from Englewood) were cared for from October 12th to November 12th. Convalescent care was also provided. Forty-eight youngsters were brought to the day nursery to be nursed and petted and played with until they became strong and rosy. The help given in the homes, throughout the epidemic, included nursing, food, clothing, bedding, scrubbing, laundry work and all that goes to keep a home running. Multitudes of our Englewood women gave here, as in the hospital wards, unstinted service, at the risk of health and relinquish- ment of comfort. The epidemic left broken families and invalided lives to be cared for; the marks of that scourge were long with us. Tragic as it all was, perhaps nothing in the history of Englewood, [361] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD save the Great War itself, of which this seemed a part — the last enemy to be vanquished — so knit together the lives of the community. Those who worked in the homes of the poor came to feel their responsibility for the conditions in which these, their neighbors, lived; those for whom they labored grew assured of their sympathy and interest. Shall we ever feel content in Englewood again until equal opportunities for home, health and happiness are given to every citizen in every ward? Convalescent care for returning soldiers found a splendid outlet in Englewood through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Grosvenor Backus, who turned over their home, "Garryholt," to the government for hospital purposes. On the last day of that hard October, Austria sued for peace. Rumors of a general dissolution were in the air. In the afternoon of November 7th came the thrilling news, which proved to be premature, that the Germans had yielded, the war was over! Across the river, from the great city echoed the tooting of whistles and ringing of bells. We ran forth from our homes to exchange the glad tidings; the school children paraded: all hearts beat high. But this was only a prelude, an over-early signal for the real rejoicing that rent the heavens at early dawn on the eleventh. Then it was that pandemonium broke loose ! We were all children once more, craving for clamor and shoutings, for every sort of grotesque and rollicking action to express our ecstasy of joy and relief. At last, at last, the right had triumphed; tyranny and brutality had been overcome! Our America had greatly helped. And we, in our little town of Englewood, with all our hearts, had done what w r e could. [362] Englewood's Roll of Honor ROBERT ANNETT Robert Annett was the son of Washington Annett and his wife, Margaret Cantwell. He was born at Fort Lee on November 12, 1899. Both his parents died when he was a young boy and Annett lived in Englewood with his uncle and guardian, William Cantwell. He left home in 1916 and enlisted in the navy. Robert Annett con- tracted pneumonia while serving as a sailor in the navy during the war and died at the Base Hospital, at Hampton Roads, Virginia, on January 8, 1918. His nearest surviving relative is his grandmother, Mrs. James Cantwell, of William street, Englewood. No photo- graph is available. CHARLES T. BECKWITH Corporal Charles T. Beckwith lived with his father, C. T. Beck- with, and his mother, Mrs. L. M. Beckwith, on Genesee avenue, Englewood. His family has moved away from Englewood since the war and only meager information is available regarding his service and death. His record in the files of the Adjutant General of New Jersey shows that he was born in Brooklyn. He enlisted in the 23d Infantry, New York National Guard, on March 23, 1914, when he was only sixteen years and nine months old, and stayed in Company I of that regiment when it was federalized, at the entrance of the United States into the war, as the 165th Infantry. With that regiment he went to France and saw active service. He was promoted to be a corporal. The official record states that he died of blood poisoning, following an operation, on November 18, 1918. From other sources comes the information that he was wounded in July, 1918, and captured by the Germans, and that he died in the prison camp at Rastatt about December 1, 1918. The photographs of the men on the Honor Roll were of different sizes and different degrees of clearness. Some of them would not reproduce as cuts for this book as well as the others, and were not susceptible of enlargement. That is the only reason these pictures are not of uniform size. THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD GEORGE BETHUNE BEST, Jr. Gunner's Mate George Bethune Best, Jr., was born on March 29, 1898, the son of Dr. George B. Best of Englewood. He graduated from Englewood High School. He enlisted in the United States Naval Reserve Forces on June 28, 1918, at Pelham Bay, and was GUNNER'S MATE GEORGE BETHUNE BEST, JR. assigned to the 3d Regiment at the naval training camp. September 21, 1918, he was transferred to the Naval Rifle Range at Peekskill, N. Y., where he qualified as an expert rifleman. On October 15 he was assigned to attend the Gunner's Mate School and on November 1 the Submarine Gunner's School at Pelham. December 1, 1918, he was transferred to the U. S. Submarine Base at New London, Connecticut, and assigned first to the Submarine Gunner's Mate School and then to the 6th Division, Submarine Contingent. He [364] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD served on U. S. Submarines M-l and N-6. He contracted recurrent appendicitis while in the service, and died after an operation at the Flower Hospital, New York, on March 13, 1919. FRANCIS JOHN BROWN, D. S. C. Sergeant Francis John Brown was born in New York City on October 4, 1894. His parents moved to Englewood, where he at- tended school. He was one of the first Boy Scouts in Englewood, in SERGEANT FRANCIS JOHN BROWN, D. S. C. 1910. He graduated from Englewood High School with the class of 1913. On May 15, 1917, he enlisted in the 4th Cavalry in the Regular Army, and sailed for France with that unit. He was pro- moted to be a sergeant. He was transferred to Battery F, 76th Field Artillery, 3d Division. On July 15, 1918, repulsing the last big push of the Germans, which started at midnight of July 14, Sergeant [365] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Brown was killed by a shell while in charge of a communication trench. For bravery in action he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, posthumously. His citation read : "American Expeditionary Forces, United States Army, Distinguished Service Cross Citation — Sergeant Francis J. Brown, deceased, Battery F, 76th F. A. Distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United States at Chateau-Thierry, France, on 14-15 July, 1918, and in recognition of his gallant conduct, I have awarded him, in the name of President, the Distinguished Service JOHN J. PERSHING, Commander-in-Chief. "Awarded on 3 January, 1919." FREDERICK H. BROWN, Jr., D. S. C. Sergeant Frederick H. Brown, Jr., was born at Buffalo, New York, on June 15, 1896, the son of Frederick H. Brown. He was educated in the public schools in Buffalo and in Brooklyn. His family moved to Englewood and Brown graduated from Englewood High School. He was an Englewood Boy Scout as a boy, and at the out- break of the war he was serving as an assistant scoutmaster. He had entered the marine insurance business and was well launched on a promising career with the Royal Insurance Company when the United States entered the war. In February, 1916, he had joined the 7th Regiment, N. Y. N. G., and served with that regiment on the Mexican border and was promoted to be a corporal of Company I. When the 7th New York was mustered into the Federal service as the 107th Infantry, Brown stayed with his company and crossed to France. On April 30, 1918, he was made a sergeant. September 29, 1918, he was killed in action at the breaking of the Hindenburg line. For his bravery and example during the action in which he was killed he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The War Department advised his parents as follows: "This office has been advised by cable No. 246 by the Command- ing General, American Expeditionary Force, that he has awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, posthumously, to Sergeant Frederick H. Brown, Jr., Company I, 107th Infantry, for extraordinary heroism in action near Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. On two occasions he averted heavy casualties in his platoon by going forward and single-handed destroying machine gun nests with hand grenades. At [ 366 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD the time of his death he had brought his platoon to the farthest point of advance." He is buried in Flanders Field, American Military Cemetery at Ronssoy, France. SERGEANT FREDERICK H. BROWN. JR.. D. S. C. [367] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD HAROLD KIDDER BULKLEY Lieutenant Harold Kidder Bulkley was born in Englewood on June 30, 1896, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Bulkley. After graduating from the Hill School, at Pottstown, Pennsylvania, in 1915, he entered Princeton College with the class of 1919. But within a LIEUTENANT HAROLD KIDDER KULKLKY few days of the entrance of the United States into the war, in April, 1917, he enlisted in the aviation service, abandoning his college career in the middle of his sophomore year. 1 [e received his first training at the ground school for aviators established at Princeton. He com- pleted his training as a pilot at Mineola, Long Island, and at three of the schools and fields of the Royal Flying Squadron in England. I [e was first commissioned as a second lieutenant, and was awaiting his commission as first lieutenant, which was in transit to him, and orders [368 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLKWOOD for active service in France, at the time of his death. He was killed on February 18, 1918, at Hounslow, England, as a result of a collision in the air. JOSEPH A. CASTMORE Joseph A. Castmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Castmore, was horn at Kingsbridge, New York, on Novemher 12, 1883. I lis parents moved to Englewood and Castmore was educated at St. Cecilia's Parochial School in Englewood. In February, 1917, when it was JOSEPH A. CASTMORE apparent the United States would soon be drawn into the war, he enlisted in Company F, the Englewood unit of the 5th infantry of New Jersey, as the quickest way of getting into active service. I le went overseas with his company, by that time federalized as Company E, 104th U. S. Engineers. He died at Hericourt, France, of pneu- monia contracted while on duty, on September 28, 1918. [ 369 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD JOHN M. COSTELLO Corporal John M. Costello was born in Englewood on September 15, 1893, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Costello. He at- tended the public school at Nordhoft, and after finishing school he worked for his father in the ice business. He entered the paid Engle- wood Fire Department on August 23, 1916, and resigned September 5, 1917, to take a job as a workman at Camp Merritt. On December JOHN M. COSTELLO 15, 1917, he enlisted in the Quartermaster's Corps at Camp Merritt and was assigned to Motor Transport Company 408, which was then being organized. He was promoted on March 18, 1918, to the rank of corporal. March 4, 1918, he was taken sick with pneumonia at home, but was removed to the camp hospital, and died at the camp April 11, 1918. He was given a military funeral from St. Cecilia's Church, Englewood, and was buried at Madonna Cemetery, Fort Lee. His commanding officer, Lieutenant G. G. Beakley, wrote to his family : "Corporal Costello was an efficient and conscientious soldier and Avas very popular with all his comrades, who will feel his loss keenly." [370] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD EDWARD ERROL CROWE Sergeant Edward Errol Crowe, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Crowe, was born in Orange, N. J., July 7, 1893. He was accepted for enlistment from Englewood, N. J., and enrolled at Camp Dix September 19, 1917. He was assigned to Battery C, 308th Field SERGEANT EDWARD ERROL CROWE Artillery, and later became chief of section of the gun crew. He was made corporal in April, 1918; advanced to sergeant in May, just before leaving for overseas. He took part in the battles of St. Mihiel and the Argonne-Meuse, and was instantly killed in action September 27, 1918. His remains now lie in their permanent resting place in the American Cemetery of St. Mihiel, Thiaucourt, Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle. [371] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD JOHN J. DILLON' John J. Dillon was born in Ireland, but emigrated to the United States and settled in Englewood with five sisters and a brother. He enlisted in the Quartermaster's Corps at Camp Merritt, April 7, 1918, and died at the camp from influenza on November 1, 1918, during the influenza epidemic. He is buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetery. JOHN J. DILLON CORPORAL HENRY PHILIP DOUGLASS HENRY PHILIP DOUGLASS Corporal Henry Philip Douglass was born in New York, but moved to Englewood when a small boy. At the age of twenty-one, on August 16, 1917, he enlisted in Company L of the newly organized 15th Regiment, New York National Guard, at Fort Slocum, N. Y. This regiment was later federalized as the 369th Infantry. He went overseas with his company, soon saw active service, and was killed at the battle of Champaigne on September 30, 1918, soon after his promotion to the rank of corporal. He is survived by his wife, Elsie Douglass. JAMES NEWTON ELLIOTT Lieutenant James Newton Elliott was born in Englewood on December 14, 1892, the son of the late James R. Elliott and his wife, Mary E. Elliott. He graduated from the Englewood High School [ 372 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD in 1911, and from the University of Wisconsin in 1916. In April of 1917, when the United States entered the war, he was visiting his mother at Waco, Texas, and promptly enlisted in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps at Camp Funston, at Eeon Springs, Texas. In August, 1917, he was commissioned first lieutenant, Field Artillery, and assigned to the 343d Regiment, Field Artillery, at Camp Travis, Texas. In November, 1917, he was thrown from a horse and broke his leg, and after returning to duty was considered to be incapacitated for duty as an officer of field ar- tillery, and was honorably dis- charged. He made repeated efforts to enter the service again, and finally enlisted as a private in the 19th Field Artillery at Camp MacArthur, Texas, and was as- signed to the Headquarters Com- pany of that regiment. He went overseas with his regiment in May, 1918, and, upon arrival in France, was made a corporal. He took part in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives. While in the Army of Occupation he died at Hespringen of pneu- monia, on January 16, 1919. His company commander, Captain Shutter, wrote a glowing tribute to Elliott's mother. He said: "His work was of the most efficient character and his devotion to duty tireless His resourcefulness and cheery behavior proved his worth and ability as a gallant soldier. He displayed at all times the greatest coolness and good judgment. There is no member of this organization whose loss would be so deeply felt." GABRIEL GARET Gabriel Garet was employed at the Englewood Club in 1914, when his native country, France, entered the war. He was a reservist in the French Army, and left at once to join his regiment in France. Although the French Consul in New York has been appealed to for further information, nothing is available except that he died of disease in France while serving his country in her army. [373 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD WILLIAM G. GRAY William G. Gray was born in Flatbush, New York, in November, 1898, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Gray. He moved to Engle- wood as a boy with his parents. He enlisted in the United States Army Ambulance Service, Section 560, December 17, 1917, at Allen- town, Pennsylvania, and was made a first-class private June 6, 1918. He served overseas in the Ambulance Service from June 13, 1918, to March 4, 1919, when he died of typhoid fever in France. His family has moved away and no photograph is available. ALBERT EDWARD HAMILTON Albert Edward Hamilton was born in Gildford, Surrey County, England, on February 22, 1901, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hamilton. His parents moved to Pleasant avenue, Highwood, ALBERT EDWARD HAMILTON THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD when he was a young boy. He attended the Cleveland School in Englewood, and was well known as an athlete. When the United States entered the war he was only sixteen years old, but made re- peated efforts to enlist in the United States forces and, failing in this attempt, he tried to enlist in the service of one of the allied countries. He failed in this attempt also, but finally was accepted for service at the recruiting station of the United States Naval Reserve in New York on June 25, 1918. He was at home, waiting to be called to active duty, when he was taken ill with influenza, and died at the Englewood Hospital, October 7, 1918. He was buried in Brookside Cemetery, Englewood. PERCY P. KENNEDY PERCY P. KENNEDY Percy P. Kennedy was born in Englewood on October 23, 1896, the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kennedy. He was educated at St. Cecilia's Parochial School. On January 29, 1915, he enlisted in [375] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Company F, of the 5th New Jersey Infantry, and saw service with them on the Mexican border from June 3, 1916, to October 27, 1916. On March 26, 1917, he entered the Federal service with his regiment, thereafter known as 104th Engineers, 29th Division, and was trans- ferred to Company C. He died at Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala- bama, March 6, 1918, just before his regiment sailed for France. SAMUEL McCLOY SAMUEL McCLOY Samuel McCloy was born and educated in County Donegal, Ire- land. With his brother, William McCloy, he emigrated to the L T nited States and settled in Englewood. On May 13, 1918, he enlisted in the Medical Detachment, 49th Infantry, U. S. Army, at Camp Merritt, N. J. He went overseas with his company on July 26, 1918. After active service in France, he was returning to the United States on the steamship George Washington, dying at sea January 21, 1919. [376] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD DONAT GONZALEZ O'BRIEN Lieutenant Donat Gonzalez O'Brien was born on February 7, 1895, at 154 Gates avenue, Brooklyn, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fell O'Brien. He attended the Adelphi Academy in Brooklyn and finished his schooling with two years of Englewood High School, from which he graduated. He attended the Plattsburgh Training Camp LIEUTENANT DONAT GONZALEZ O'BRIEN in 1916. When the United States entered the war he at once enlisted in the Officers' Training Corps, and reported at Fort Meyer, May 15, 1917. He graduated August 15, 1917, with the rank of second lieu- tenant and was assigned to Camp Lee. He was shortly afterward sent to assist in training troops at Camp Sevier, South Carolina, and later on, at his own request, was transferred to Company B, 312th Infantry of the 78th Division, at Camp Dix. He went overseas with his regiment in May, 1918. He was sent to special schools in France [377] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD for advanced training in bayonet work and gas usage. He was in- stantly killed in action on September 22, 1918, in the Bois de Bon- veaux, near Thiaucourt, and was buried in France. Colonel A. V. P. Anderson, as well as other officers of his regiment and company, paid the highest tribute to his soldierly qualities, bravery, and influence on his comrades. DANIEL J. A. O'CONNOR The memory of Daniel J. A. O'Connor as an Englewood soldier who lost his life in the war is entitled to every honor. Very little information, however, is available. The records of the state of New Jersey's Adjutant General merely show that he resided in Englewood, enlisted in the United States Army at New York City on June 30, 1917, and served in Battery B, 104th Field Artillery. ROCCO RAGLIONE Rocco Raglione was born on August 9, 1894, in San Benedetto, Italy. He came to America on June 9, 1913, and went to live with his cousin, Harry Di Blasio, in Englewood. He enlisted in Janu- ary, 1918, and was assigned to Company H, 147th Infantry. After training at Camp Dix, New Jersey, and Camp Lee, Virginia, he went overseas with his regiment in May, 1918. He was wounded and gassed in September, 1918, and died three months later in the hos- pital, on December 10, 1918. His body was brought back and he was buried with military honors on May 29, 1921, in the Brookside Cemetery, Englewood. ROCCO RAGLIONE [378 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD JOHN LEWIS ROSS John Lewis Ross was born at Plainfield, N. J., on April 25, 1898. He had his early education at the Hartridge School, Plainfield, and Phillips Academy at Andover, Mass., and graduated in 1915 from the Englewood High School. He entered business and was employed by Messrs. Bruce and Cook of 190 Water street, N. Y. On April 23, 1917, he enlisted in the 7th Regiment, N. Y. N. G., and upon the SERGEANT JOHN LEWIS ROSS federalization of the New York Guard regiments, he was one of those who volunteered to leave the 7th and join the 69th New York, which was sailing for France at an earlier date. He was assigned to Company K of the 165th Regiment, Rainbow Division, the former 69th New York, and sailed for France with his regiment on October 31, 1917. During the spring of 1918 he and his entire company were gassed, and he was in the hospital for two months, burned and [ 379 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD blind from gas. He rejoined his company in good health in June, 1918, and was instantly killed in action at the battle of the Ourcq River, July 28, 1918. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Sarah G. Ross, of Amityville, L. I. RICHARD BURTON ROCKWOOD, D. S. C. Lieutenant Richard Burton Rockwood was born June 30, 1894, at Mamakating Park, N. Y., the summer home of his parents, Mr. LIEUTENANT RICHARD BURTON ROCKWOOD. D. S. C. and Mrs. William E. Rockwood. His childhood was spent in Engle- wood, but in June, 1899, his father lost his life attempting to save a drowning man, and the family moved to New York. He attended the Horace Mann School in New York, and a school at Northampton, Mass., and later a boys' school near Geneva, Switzerland. He fin- [ 3S0 ] THE BOOK OF EXGLEWOOD ished his preparation for college at the Englewood High School in 1912. He graduated from Williams College in 1916 with two de- grees — Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. He entered the employ of the Bankers' Trust Company in 1916. When the United States declared war, he enlisted in the first officers' training camp at Madison Barracks. At the close of that camp he was commissioned second lieutenant and assigned to the 310th Infantry, 78th Division, at Camp Dix. In May, 1918, he sailed with his regiment for France, where he was detailed for further training in the Officers' Liaison School, because of his knowledge of French. In September, 1918, he returned to the 78th Division on the staff of Brigadier-General Mark L. Hersey, acting as brigade billeting officer. He was with his brigade headquarters at Thiaucourt when, on the evening of September 26, 1918, he volunteered to carry a message of vital importance through severe shellfire, and while returning to report his mission accomplished was fatally wounded by a fragment of shell, dying two days later. Lieutenant Rockwood was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Cross of Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne (Belgium). His citation recommending him for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross, posthumously, read : "For extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty in action against the enemy, it is recommended that the Distinguished Service Cross be awarded, posthumously, to Second Lieutenant Richard B. Rock- wood. During a very heavy bombardment of the 155th Infantry Brigade P. O, it was found necessary to send a message of great im- portance to the Regimental Commander of the 310th Infantry, and Lieutenant Rockwood was entrusted with this mission. Making his way through the bombardment, he delivered the message and was given an answer which it was essential that the Brigade Commander should get quickly. Boldly through the storm of hostile shells he started; was hit by a shell fragment and fatally wounded. He was carried to the dressing station and, regaining consciousness for a moment, with almost superhuman effort he raised himself and told the medical officer to 'notify Fable that Face reports O. K.', repeating it again and again until certain that it was understood. "This young officer's heroic conduct; his devotion to duty; his insistence that the message be delivered; his forgetfulness of self; and the utter disregard of personal injury, were sublime. "After being certain that the message would reach the Brigade Commander, Lieutenant Rockwood lapsed into unconsciousness and died two days later. Flis devotion to his country's cause, and the [381 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD cause of humanity, under circumstances that would have caused most men to forget all but self, will never cease to be an inspiration to his comrades. "Sanford B. Stanberry, Brigadier-General, U. S. A. "Commanding 155th Infantry Brigade, 78th Division." HERBERT E. WINSLOW Corporal Herbert L. Winslow lived with his father, Herbert E. Winslow, on Demarest avenue, Englewood, at the outbreak of the war, having been a resident of Englewood about two years. He en- listed in Company L, 7th Regiment, N. Y. N. G., on April 13, 1917. On April 20, 1918, he was promoted to the rank of corporal. He went overseas with his regiment, federalized as the 107th Infantry. With his company he was in the engagements of Dickebush Lake and Scherpenberg Sectors, Belgium. He was killed in action August 13, 1918, repelling a raid on his company's trenches. A division citation was awarded him for his bravery in action during the raid in which he was killed. [382 ] HISTORY OF ENGLEWOOD MILITARY COMPANY By Colonel Orison M. Hurd jJARLY in 1872, a number of prominent citizens of Engle- wood who had military experience in the Civil War and desired to continue their military associations, decided to ' form a company of militia. After several meetings, the organization was perfected and formally brought into being on May 2, 1872, as Company B, Second Battalion. The officers of the new company were : William P. Coe Captain Washington Romeyn Vermilye 1st Lieut. Frederick G. Coyte 2nd Lieut. Prior to the Civil War, Captain Coe was captain of a militia company in Brooklyn, which was the nucleus of the 23rd Regiment, New York National Guard. He served with distinction in the Civil War as captain of Company A, 176th New York State Volunteer Veterans, under Colonel Nutt in General Nathaniel P. Banks' divi- sion. In 1866, Captain Coe removed with his family from Brooklyn to Teaneck. Lieut. Vermilye, whose family was one of the first to settle in Englewood, equipped the company with dress uniforms, patterned after that of the West Point Cadets. Lieut. Coyte, a Civil War veteran, was a very popular officer. He resigned his commission in 1880 and was succeeded by Jacob J. DeMott, who later was transferred as captain and quartermaster to the governor's staff. The period from the organization until 1877 was taken up with routine drills, exercises, social affairs, and encampments at the Elysian Fields, near Hoboken. In July, 1877, the company received its first taste of real military duty, being ordered by Governor Bedle to report at Little Washing- ton to quell riots and disturbances caused by a railroad strike. From this period the company was engaged in regular routine work, which was broken by the unexpected resignation of Captain Coe on April 3, THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD 1882. All efforts to have Captain Coe reconsider having failed, the vacancy caused by his resignation was filled by Addison Thomas, who held his commission until 1888. He was a son of General Thomas, U. S. Army, was born at West Point and had military training both at home and abroad. He moved later to Rhode Island, where he became colonel of the Newport Artillery. First Sergeant Charles Barr, a Civil War veteran, was elected SECOND BATTALION DRUM CORPS, SEA GIRT, 1890 first lieutenant, and Duty Sergeant Eouis Ruch was elected second lieutenant. Dr. Daniel A. Currie was elected captain on October 19, 1889. Captain Currie being a very popular man, made an active campaign and secured forty-three new recruits. Many of these men later be- came prominent in military affairs, holding commissions in various grades — notably John D. Probst, Jr., Frank S. DeRonde, William Marvin Coe, Arthur H. Mackie, Henry M. Coxe, James A. O'Neill and Russell B. Reid. In looking over the quarterly returns, it may be of interest to quote remarks made to the state authorities by Captain Currie, as, for instance: "About half of the rifles went off half-cocked; condition of clothing: uniforms unfit to parade in in the daytime; besides seven old coats, the others, having become moth- eaten, were sold to the rag man for 50c." Owing to these poor conditions, Captain Currie eventually suc- ceeded in securing entirely new equipment. In 1892 the company became part of the newly organized Second [ 384 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Regiment, New Jersey National Guard. Captain Currie was pro- moted to major, May 22, 1893, and later became lieutenant-colonel of the regiment. First Lieutenant Barr was elected captain, Second Lieutenant Louis Ruch was elected first lieutenant, and John D. Probst, Jr., was elected second lieutenant, all on June 19, 1893. Lieu- tenant Probst resigned November 11, 1895. He was succeeded by Corporal Frank S. DeRonde, February 3, 1896. On October 13, 1896, Captain Barr was retired with the rank of brevet major and was succeeded by Lieutenant DeRonde on October 29, 1896. His officers were Louis Ruch, first lieutenant, and Henry M. Coxe, second lieutenant. On April 26, 1898, war was declared with Spain. On the 2d of May, Company F volunteered 90 per cent strong, leaving Engle- wood on that day for the training camp at Sea Girt with three officers and eighty-one men. Prior to leaving Englewood, the company was marched to the Englewood Field Club, where formal presentation of a stand of colors was made by Donald Mackay. These colors now occupy a post of honor in the company room in the armory. The period from May 2d to 31st was spent in the issue of equipment for war service and intensive training carried out under most depres- sing circumstances— rain for practically the entire period. The com- pany entrained on May 31st, destined for Camp Chickamauga, Georgia. At Harrisburg, Pa., the regiment was met with orders changing its destination to Camp Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Florida, with assignment as part of the Seventh Army Corps under command of General Fitzhugh Lee, and was the only northern organization in the corps. It speedily became known as the best drilled and dis- ciplined organization in the corps, the files of the Jacksonville news- papers being replete with continuous mention of the Second New Jersey Volunteers in terms of the highest praise. The regiment was frequently called upon to furnish details for special work. Due to the untiring efforts of the officers and non-commissioned officers to- ward procuring proper food and compelling athletic exercises by all members of the command, Company F had the proud distinction of being the only company in the Seventh Army Corps that had no deaths during the period of encampment. When the smallest loss of any other company in the regiment was eight men — some having lost as many as 40 per cent — this is a remarkable record. The outstand- ing figure in the accomplishment of this result was Sergeant William Marvin Coe. The purchase of proper food was made possible by an unlimited [ 385 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD amount of funds deposited in the First National Bank of Jacksonville by the citizens of Englevvood. Company F had many a good meal when other companies had nothing. Cook Jack Ruch was the envy of other companies as he was a real cook who could get up a regular dinner out of almost nothing. His hard work and ingenuity had much to do with keeping the men well. As part of the regiment, the company remained until the breaking up of the Seventh Army Corps, when it was ordered to its home station, where it arrived about September 17, 1898. After two months' furlough, the company was mustered out of the United States service, at Paterson, November 17, 1898. In May, 1899, the company was reorganized as Company L, Fourth New Jersey Infantry, Captain DeRonde retaining command, Henry M. Coxe, being first lieutenant and William Marvin Coe second lieutenant. Captian ReDonde resigned January 5, 1900, and on March 19, 1900, Henry M. Coxe was elected captain, William Marvin Coe first lieu- tenant, and Russell B. Reed second lieutenant. Lieutenant Reed resigned on October 1, 1901, being succeeded by John W. Loveland, who was elected October 30, 1901. On February 21, 1902, through reorganization of the National Guard, the company was transferred as Company F to the newly organized Fifth Infantry, New Jersey National Guard, which, in reality, was a reorganization of the old Second Regiment which had served in the Spanish-American War. Lieutenant Loveland was promoted December 12, 1902, to first lieutenant and battalion adjutant, his place being filled on April 20, 1903, by Sergeant Frank Stack. Captain Coxe resigned May 25, 1903. First Lieutenant Coe acted as company commander until November 2, 1903, when he was elected captain, Frank Stack first lieutenant and John J. Burns second lieutenant. In September, 1904, the company took part with the regular army and organizations from other states in the first maneuvers ever held on a large scale in the United States, at Manassas, Virginia. These maneuvers proved to the War Department that the National Guard could be considered as an efficient part of the armed forces of the nation, its work being of the highest character. On May 29, 1905, Lieutenant Stack resigned on account of ill health, his office being filled by Second Lieutenant John J. Burns on June 19, 1905. Sergeant Orison M. Hurd was elected second lieu- tenant on the same day. Lieutenant Burns resigned on July 25, 1908, being succeeded by Lieutenant Hurd on September 11, 1908, [386] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD and Harriot V. D. Moore was on the same day elected second lieutenant. In the spring of 1909 the officers of the company held meetings with several prominent citizens of Englewood at the home of Donald Mackay, for the purpose of formulating plans to raise funds for the erection of a company armory, ground for which was broken LIEUT.-COL. H. V. D. MOORE MAJOR WILLIAM MARVIN COE within sixty days. The building was occupied by the company in the fall of 1909. On January 8, 1912, Captain Coe, at his own request, was placed on the retired list with the rank of major, after an unbroken record of 21 years and 7 months of honorable and faithful service. On January 29, 1912, First Lieutenant Hurd was elected captain, Second Lieutenant Moore was elected first lieutenant and First Ser- geant Charles H. May was elected second lieutenant. In September, 1912, the company took part in maneuvers with the regular army in Connecticut and again acquitted itself creditably. Second Lieutenant May resigned November 8, 1915. In the early part of 1916 Lieutenant Moore was promoted to major and brigade adjutant, after having served for some time as aide to the brigade commander. After the Spanish War and the return of the volunteers, a new [387] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD regiment of the National Guard was formed with headquarters at Jersey City, to replace the old 4th New Jersey Infantry, and Com- pany F of Englewood was reorganized as Company L and assigned to it. This arrangement was continued until February, 1902, when a new regiment was formed by Governor Murphy, to be known as the 5th New Jersey Infantry, and the Englewood company assigned to it as Company F, 5th New Jersey Infantry. The company continued with more or less success until 1912, when a series of fortunate incidents and an awakening of military spirit in the city started it off on a career of efficiency that soon placed it at the head of military organizations in the state. A band was formed that soon grew to thirty-five pieces, social and athletic events became frequent, and the organization was at the height of its career when the call came, on June 19, 1916, for the National Guard to proceed to the Mexican border to assist in patrol work with the regular army. After a week spent at Sea Girt, N. J., in the discharge of men with dependents, issue of new equipment, etc., the company left for El Paso, Texas, arriving there the morning of July 5th, and meeting orders to proceed to Douglas, Arizona, for duty, without delay. On arrival at Douglas the morning of the 6th, the men found that they had to make their own camp site in the desert, but went to work with a will and by night had the camp in at least livable shape, and by the end of the week had constructed streets, drains, etc., and were settled down to the arduous work of guard and patrol, broken only by target practice and occasional practice marches. In September the main part of the New Jersey troops were sent home, leaving the 5th Regiment and the artillery to carry on the work, and early in October the order for the regiment's return was issued, but it was not until the 28th that trains arrived to take it back, making the three weeks' wait a test of discipline. This time was spent in long marches with regular troops, and it is to the company's credit that they met every requirement, and left Arizona with an excellent record to their credit. The company arrived in Englewood the 3d of November and was mustered out of Federal service the 10th and again took up the routine of drills, etc., that the National Guard is required to perform, until March 26th, 1917, when it again marched out in its country's service after twelve hours' warning, reporting in Paterson and being assigned the duty of guarding bridges, railroads and public works. [388] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD This duty continued until the latter part ot August, when the regiment was sent to the training camp of the 29th Division in Anniston, Alabama, and later split up and consolidated with other units. Company F was detached from the regiment and assigned to the 104th Engineers, which designation it retained until the muster out of service. The time at Anniston was spent in the issue of engineer equipment, engineer and infantry training, trench warfare and kindred subjects, COMPANY F, 1916, BEFORE STARTING FOR THE MEXICAN BORDER until June, 1918, when orders were received for it to go overseas with the division. The unit sailed from Hoboken, June 19th, on the U. S. S. North- ern Pacific and arrived in Brest, Fra/ice, the afternoon of June 25th, disembarking the afternoon of the 26th and marching to Pontenazen Barracks, where it made camp under canvas. It was engaged in stevedore work at the docks until July 3d, when it entrained and moved to Maatz, then, by marching, to La Fond, its billeting area. 1 he time here was spent in intensive engineer and infantry train- ing until the 17th of July, when, after a hard march to Chalindry, it entrained and moved to the centre sector. Haute Alsace, detraining at Belfort and being billeted in LePuix until the 24th, when it again took up the march and, moving by way of Anjouty, arrived at Bourbach-le-Bas on the 26th, where it remained until August 18th. Here it received the remaining issue of engineer tools and equip- ment, and went to work on the erection of French high wire entangle- ment, repair of roads, building of dugouts and centres of resistance, [ 389 ] THE BOOK OF EXGLEYYOOD and preparation of bridges for demolition in case the Germans made a determined advance. This was known as a "quiet sector," but much knowledge was gained by the men in the German method of warfare, as they were gassed repeatedly and shelled on several occasions, in addition to being subjected to air raids. March orders were received on the 17th for a move to the sector where the A. E. F. was to make its attack on the Hindenburg line. Passing through Guevenatten, the unit marched to Denny, where it rejoined its battalion and on the 23d entrained for Revignev. It detrained and marched to Marat-le-Petit, and two days later to Marat-le-Grand, where the regiment awaited it for the move to the fighting line. Embussing within sight and hearing of the intense artillery fire that was to open the way to Berlin, the regiment moved, on the night of September 27th. to the front, debussing at the ruined town of Ricicourt the morning of the 28th and marching to the site of what was once Avocourt. where for three days and nights the men worked without food or sleep in the opening up of roads that had lain idle for four years and were merely mudholes. This work was of the utmost importance, as without it no ammu- nition or guns could get up to support the infantry and wounded could not be carried back for treatment, so that the remark made by the Chief Engineer. Fifth Corps. "Thank God, the 104th are workers," was justified. The spirit of the men was deserving of the highest praise and will never be forgotten by those who came in contact with them at that time. The regiment rested on the 4th of October and on the 5th took up the march, moving along the front under fire to Marre. where the 1st Battalion left it and moved to Cumierres, the remainder working on the roads to the Meuse River in preparation of the attack of the 29th Division on the morning of October 8th. This work was done at night under heavy shellfire, both gas and high explosive, the men resting during the day in ruins and dugouts, as nothing could move in daylight without being fired on by planes and artillery. From this time until October 28th the company worked on various engineering duties with the infantry and other arms, being relieved the night of the 28th by the 304th Engineers, and moving under fire to Houdainville. near Verdun, where it embussed the following morning for a rest area in the rear. The rest of the regiment joined it at Mogneville and Xeuville- [390] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD sur-Orne on the 31st and then moved to Sommelonne on November 4th, where it began to prepare to join the 2d Army in its proposed attack on Metz. The morning of November 11th it started its march but was met with the news of the signing of the Armistice and orders to return to billets. On November 18th it left Commelonne and, marching through Maulan, entrained at Ligny-en-Barrois for Jussy on the night of the COLONEL O. M. Hl'Kli 20th, arriving there the morning of the 21st and then marching to Barges, where it remained until it started for the port of St. Nazaire. During its wait for orders to return to the United States it oper- ated quarries, crushers, built and operated light railways and repaired roads, erected barracks and recreation buildings for the troops of other arms, built rifle ranges, wash houses and other structures that were called for by the commanding general, and in its spare time organized a baseball team that won the championship of the division, the last game being played just before sailing. It left France on May 11th, sailing on the Manchuria and arriv- ing at Hoboken May 22d, from which port it was sent to Camp Merritt and then to Camp Dix for discharge, parading in Newark [391] I UK BOOR OF EXGLKWOOD and Trenton before large crowds. It was discharged on May 29th and returned home as individuals. From the date of discharge to March, 1921, the company was out of service, but on that date, at the request of the Adjutant Gen- eral ot New Jersey, it started to recruit and reorganize, and on June 27th was mustered into Federal service as National Guard with three officers and fifty-five enlisted men, being known as Company B, 1st Battalion Engineers. Since then a regiment of engineers has been authorized with head- quarters and two companies stationed in Fnglewood, and in the near future the old company will receive its old letter and will again be Company F. It has now three officers and eighty-five enlisted men and is beginning instruction in the various trades and professions and seems to have an excellent future before it. ENGLEWOOD COMPANY ON DUTY AT WASHINGTON'. X. .1.. JULY, 1877, DURING A RAILROAD STRIKE [ 392 ] THE DRIVES IE First Liberty Loan was subscribed, throughout the country, by the banks, who sold bonds they had bought to their customers. But beginning with the first Red Cross War Fund, closely followed by the Second Liberty Loan, all subsequent funds were raised by highly efficient "drives." An organization under the chairmanship of George E. Hardy was set up for the Red Cross drive, and this served as a nucleus and pattern for all that followed. A national call would reach Englewood, the local committee would be promptly chosen, the headquarters in the Lyceum building would be reopened, much diligent preparation would be quickly gone through, captains ot districts would appoint and supervise their team members, mass meetings or parades would open the campaign, various publicity devices would keep the public constantly posted as to the progress of the drive, and everyone, from the general committee down to the volunteer auditors and the team members, worked night after night with enthusiasm and energy. Finally, our citizens, who ap- proached the later drives not knowing how they could possibly spare or find the money for an additional subscription or gift, revised their household budgets, cut out this luxury or that seeming necessity, bor- rowed on mortage or sold good investments at a loss, and raised the funds for a larger contribution than they first thought possible. And Englewood met and exceeded its obligation once more. A large amount of appreciation was due to Englewood's two financial institutions, the Bank and the Trust company, not only for the ready aid given by them to those in charge of the drives but to the grasp of the whole situation evidenced by their officials. The Liberty Loan drives were visualized as gigantic credit operations, large loans being made to subscribers for bonds, with resultant in- creases in Englewood's already admirable totals. George E. Hardy, with the assistance of Charles H. May, who served as secretary of all the Liberty Loan campaigns and of all the Red Cross drives except the first, prepared and submitted for this history a very complete report of all the various campaigns. This report is on file in the Englewood Library. Following is a digest, THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD grouped by subjects, rather than in the order in which the drives occurred : SECOND LIBERTY LOAN October 10 to October 27, 1917 COMMITTEE Samuel S. Campbell Chairman George E. Hardy Vice-Chairman Rupert J. Fooks Auditor Charles H. May Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE S. S. Campbell, Chairman Joseph Andrews A. I. Drayton Robt. C. Hill E. E. Bennett Geo. A. Graham Jas. F. McKinney Abram PeRonde Geo. E. Hardy Joseph Andrews Chairman Speakers' Committee E. Eversley Bennett Chairman Salesmen's Committee Mrs. Charles \V. Hulst Chairman Women's Committee Joseph H. Tillotson Chairman Publicity Committee ADPITIONAL MEMBERS OF GENERAL COMMITTEE Alex. Livingston, Jr. Chas. F. Park, Jr. Pouglas G. Thomson Clinton V. Meserole Daniel E. Pomerov Prior to the opening of the campaign, Government Liberty Loan Posters were located in conspicuous places throughout the city. The city was divided into 26 districts, each district in charge of a captain, who secured his own team members. Cards were made for every house in the city; these cards, together with other publicity and working material, were distributed to the captains and team members in the several districts, who made a thorough house-to-house canvass. The amount of bonds subscribed was $2,149,600.00 or 233 per cent of quota The quota allotted to Englewood was 916.500.00 Resulting in oversubscription of $1,233,100.00 Number of individual subscribers 2,818 Average individual subscription $762 THIRD LIBERTY LOAN April 6 to May 4, 191S COMMITTEE Geo. E. Hardy Chairman Peter S. Ouryee Vice-Chairman Lance M. Parsons Auditor Charle- II. May Secretary [ 394 ] f*7— Q £■ 73 " rn > 5 H r ■ — C/> O 2 Q D ± m 50 THE BOOK OF EXGLEWOOD EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Peter S. Duryee, Chairman Joseph Andrews Abram DeRonde J. R. Melcher E. E. Bennett A. I. Drayton Geo. E. Hardy Joseph Andrews Chairman Speakers' Committee E. E. Bennett Chairman Salesmen's Committee Wm. Conkliti Chairman Fraternal Organization Mrs. Chas. W. Hulst Chairman Women's Committee Joseph II. Tillotson Chairman Publicity Committee ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF GENERAL COMMITTEE Rev. Father Angelus Thomas B. Kerr (ieorge H. Payson Samuel S. Campbell Joseph Klink Dan Fellows Piatt Joel S. Coffin Joseph Levinsohn Daniel E. Pomeroy George A. Graham Alexander Livingston, Jr. Ludwig Stross John Gross David J. McKenna Everett B. Sweezy J. Frank Howell James F. McKinney Richard Varley Thos. J. Huckin Clinton V. Meserole Prior to the opening of the campaign the city was placarded with Liberty Loan Posters furnished by the Government Liberty Loan Organization. The amount of bonds subscribed was $1,664,050.00 or 237 per cent of quota The quota allotted to Englewood w as 699,200.00 Oversubscription $964,850.00 Number of individual subscribers 3,376 FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN September 28 to October 19, 1918 COMMITTEE Geo. E. Hardy Chairman Peter S. Duryee Vice-Chairman I nice M. Parsons Auditor Charles 11. May Secretary Arthur H. Springer Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE P. S. Duryee, Chairman E. E. Bennett Abram DeRonde A. I. Drayton Geo. E. Hardy F. F. Bennett Chairman Salesmen's Committee Robt. H. Cory Chairman Salesmen's Committee J. R. Melcher Chairman Headquarters Committee Miss Anna B. Clark Chairman Women's Committee Wm. Conklin Chairman Fraternal Societies A. C. Hoffman Chairman Publicity Committee Mr. Bennett was assisted by Robert H. Cory, and S. S. Evans was vice-chairman on Publicity Headquarters: Citizens' National Bank Building. [ 396 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Prior to the opening of the campaign Government Liberty Loan Posters were set up on standards in conspicuous places. The cam- paign was made as usual by a house-to-house canvass by 25 teams. The quota allotted to Engl e wood was $1,448,500.00 The amount of bonds subscribed was 147 per cent 2,131,000.00 Oversubscription $682,500.00 Number of individual subscribers 4,.i(W VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN April 21 to May 10, 1919 COMMITTEE Geo. E. Hardy Chairman Arthur C. Sherwood Vice-Chairman Allan C. Hoffman Vice-Chairman Joseph Andrews Vice-Chairman ( harles I). Bruyn Auditor Charles H. May Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Geo. E. Hardy, Chairman A. C. Sherwood Joseph Andrews Abram DeRonde A. C. Hoffman A. I. Drayton Chas. F. Park, Jr. Edward S. Brockie Chairman Speaker's Committee Frederick B. Clark Chairman Publicity Committee Stanley S. Evans Chairman Supplies Committee Robt. C. Gambee Chairman Headquarters Committee Mrs. Chas. \V. Hulst Chairman Women's Committee Chas. F. Park, Jr Chairman Salesmen's Committee Headquarters: Citizens' National Bank Building. The amount of notes subscribed was. $1,834,550.00 or 157 per cent of quota. The quota allotted to Englewood was 1,1 13,300.00 Resulting in oversubscription of $721,250.00 Number of individual subscribers 2, 1(1? RED CROSS CAMPAIGNS ENGLEWOOD CHAPTER loseph Andrews, Chairman Mrs. J. H. G. Mills Mrs. H. F. Dawes Mr. George E. Hardy Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer FIRST RED CROSS $100,000,000 WAR FEND Campaign from June 17 to June 23, 1917 CAMPAIGN COMM1 1TEE George E. Hardy Chairman E. E. Bennett Field Matiager Mrs. W. F. Powers Publicity Manager James R. Trowbridge Auditor Charles F. Park, Jr Secretary George A. Graham Win. Marvin Coe Joseph Andrews David I. McKenna [ .397'] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Joseph Andrews George B. Case Mrs. Gratz Myers Mrs. J. H. G. Mills Miss Clephane Mrs. Thomas C. Thacher Mrs. H. F. Dawes Miss Laura Drake-Smith Mrs. Joseph H. Tillotson George E. Hardy Mrs. George A. Graham Mrs. William E. Tyson Mrs. Malcolm Campbell Robert C. Hill Frederic C. Walcott Quota for Englewood Chapter $50,000.00 The subscription by Englewood Chapter $223,379.79 Of which Englewood alone raised $175,843.80 SECOND RED CROSS $100,000,000 WAR FUND Campaign from May 20 to May 27, 1918 WAR FUND COMMITTEE (Englewood Members Only) Hon. Clinton H. Blake, Jr., Honorary Chairman Joseph Andrews Rev. Father Angelus Grosvenor H. Backus Rev. James G. Bailey Mrs. F. S. Bennett D. E. Blankenhorn Daniel G. Bogert W. B. Boorum Wm. Cantwell Mrs. Rochester Cuming Rev. John DeKorne John Gross George E. Hardy Robert C. Hill Mrs. Chas. W. Hulst Rev. Fleming James C. P. Kitchel Joseph Levinsohn D. J. McKenna C. V. Meserole Rev. Thornton B. Penfield Rev. C. E. Scudder Wm. M. Seufert I.udvvig Stross D. G. Thomson William Tierney Joseph H. Tillotson EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George E. Hardy, Chairman W. B. Boorum, Vice-Chairman Joseph Andrews Wm. Marvin Coe Giosvenor H. Backus Robert C. Hill D. J. McKenna C. V. Meserole SUB-COMMITTEES A. C. Hoffman Publicity Joseph And re ws Speakers Wm. Conklin Fraternal Organizations Charles A. Bogert Trades R. C. Post Branches and Auxiliaries Harriet O'Brien Office Personnel E. E. Bennett Charles H. May R. J. Fooks Field Manager Secretary Cashier Quota for Englewood Chapter $200,000.00 Subscription of Englewood Chapter $221,840.59 Of which Englewood alone raised $174,047.43 RED CROSS ROLL CALLS Beginning with Christmas time, 1917, the American Red Cross conducted nation-wide campaigns for members, at one dollar each for ordinary membership, and with several other classes of members. These were not drives to raise large sums of money so much as they were campaigns to secure a general distribution of the support of the [398 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Red Cross by enlarging the membership in the local chapters. Dan Fellows Piatt, of Englewood, was chairman for Bergen County of the 1917 roll call. The machinery and personnel of the Liberty Loan and Red Cross War Fund drives was enlisted, the teams under their captains canvassed the city, the Lyceum headquarters were used, and, as usual, thoroughly efficient campaigns resulted. CAMPAIGN COMMITTEES 1917 1918 1919 Chairman Geo. E. Hardy Geo. E. Hardy Lieut.-Col. O. M. Hiird Vice-Chairman A.C.Sherwood A.C.Sherwood Lieut.-Col. H. V. D. Moore Major A. L. Lindley Secretary Charles H. May Charles H. Mai Charles H. May Auditor R. J. Fooks R. J. Fooks Lieut. Howard M. Ingham Field Manager E. E. Bennett Wm. M. Coe Capt. R. G. Rolston Publicity Mrs. W. F. Powers A.C.Hoffman Sgt.-Maj. Geo. D. Tillotson Speakers Joseph Andrews E. S. Brockie Branches and Auxiliaries C. F. Park, Jr. E. E. Bennett Major W. M. Coe Fraternal Organizations Daniel G. Bogert Headquarters Personnel Mrs. R. Cuming R. C. Gambee Lieut. C. B. Burdett Supplies Stanley S. Evans Lieut. V. J. Burger The 1919 Roll Call was conducted by returned service men. Number of Memberships secured : 1917 Englewood Chapter 6,915 City of Englewood 3,363 UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN In the fall of 1918 a nation-wide campaign was conducted for funds for the support of the seven principal welfare agencies (except the Red Cross) engaged in caring for our men overseas and in the training camps at home. The Young Men's Christian Association, the Young Women's Christian Association, Knights of Columbus, Salvation Army, Jewish Welfare League, War Camp Community Service, and American Library Association, all functioning under the supervision of the Commission on Training Camp Activities, united in an appeal on the basis of an agreed division of the amount sub- scribed. Seward Prosser, Peter S. Duryee, C. V. Meserole and Floyd R. DuBois served as officials of the campaign in New York City. [399] 1918 1919 8,549 6,692 3,833 3,163 THE HOOK OF KXGLEWOOD The local Englewood organization was: GENERAL COMMITTEE Geo. E. Hardy Chairman Peter S. Duryee Vice-Chairman L. M. Parsons Treasurer Charles H. May and A. II. Springer Secretaries EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE R. C. Post for the Y. M. C. A Joseph Levinsohn for the I. \V. B. Mrs. R. M. Ingham for the V. W. C. A. E. S. Brockie for the W. C. C. S. Wm. Tierney for the K. of ('. Mrs. T. A. Hackett for the A. L. A. Geo. H. Payson for the S. A. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN learns R. H. Cory Publicity A. C. Hoffman Meetings and Speakers E. S. Brockie Headquarters .J. R. Melcher Victory Boys and Girls Dr. E. C. Sherman In the midst or" this drive the Armistice was signed. The campaign suffered on account of the general relaxation and the natural feeling that the crisis had passed. The campaign was lengthened, however, and as a result of impressing on our people, through the team workers, that welfare work was more than ever needed during demohilization to keep up morale, Englewood, as usual, went "over the top." Englewood suhscrihed $508,537.77, or 25 per cent of the whole amount suhscrihed in Bergen County. OTHER DRIVES Campaigns were conducted on the same general plan, during the war period, for the War Savings Society, to sell Thrift and War Savings Stamps; by the Food Conservation Commission, to encour- age and unofficially to enforce the diets and other means of food conservation suggested by the Eleadquarters in Washington so as to reserve vital food supplies for our army and for our Allies; and, prior to the L T nited War Work campaign, by the Salvation Army and the Y. M. C. A. [400] AMERICAN RED CROSS The work of the Red Cross in Englewood in wartime was of two distinct characters — the work of the local chapter preparing hospital and other supplies for the men overseas, and the work of the Home Service Section caring for families of service men at home and doing much other vital welfare work made necessary by the proximity of Camp Merritt. The story of the general work of the Englewood Chapter has been ably recorded by Miss Helen Elliott, secretary. The Home Service Section story was written by Miss Anna B. Clark, chairman of the section. These reports are filed in the Englewood Public Eibrary. GENERAE WORK OE THE LOCAL CHAPTER Miss Day, in her narrative picture of the spirit of Englewood at War, has devoted considerable space to the Red Cross. This digest therefore, is largely statistical. In the fall of 1914, Mrs. Geo. H. Payson conducted a class for British War Relief work, which made surgical dressings, hospital garments and sand bags. In 1915, two members from each church in Englewood organized a Red Cross Society, to do similar work, minus the sand bags — for all nations at war. The officers were: Chairman, Mrs. Geo. H. Payson; asst. chairman, Mrs. Henry Stock- man; secretary, Mrs. H. F. Dawes; treasurer, Mrs. H. A. Geyer. Meetings were held weekly at the Elks club house. Two other groups worked during this period, one at St. Paul's parish house, and one, for British war relief, at the home of Mrs. Lorentzen. In November and December, 1916, these four original units merged, with additional outside enlistments in the Englewood chap- ter, then newly chartered, ol the American Red Cross, which in- cluded, at the start, Englewood, Leonia, Tenafly and Englewood Cliffs. The officers were: Chairman, Mr. Joseph Andrews; vice- chairman, Mrs. J. H. G. Mills; secretary, Mrs. H. F. Dawes; treas- urer, Mr. G. E. Hardy, and an executive committee of fourteen. Weekly, then daily, meetings were held at St. Paul's parish house, until March, 1917, when the trustees of the Methodist church gave THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD the use, ior the period of the war, of their former church building on Grand avenue. During 1917, other towns in the northern valley joined the Engle- wood chapter until the list included Alpine, Closter, Cresskill, Dem- arest, Harrington Park, Morsemere, Northvale, Norwood, Palisades Park, Ridgefield, Teaneck, Tenafly, and West Englewood. A Junior Red Cross was organized in the schools. An emergency canteen served lunches for soldiers arriving at or leaving Camp Merritt. Local financial results in 1917 were, receipts $17,378.90; expendi- tures, $10,238.68. Nineteen hundred and eighteen showed marked increases in in- terest. Membership increased from 3632 to 8968. Mrs. DeWitt and Mrs. Melcher organized a successful canvass for old clothes for Belgian relief. Mrs. P. S. Duryee and Mrs. Mowry made, with able help, a similar collection of bed and table linen for hospitals in Europe. Five hundred and eighty-six large cases of surgical dress- ings and hospital garments were shipped. Hundreds of navy and thousands of army kits were made at home by members. The work of the Red Cross during the influenza epidemic in 1918 is separately reported under that heading. Christmas packages were forwarded for families in Englewood to their boys overseas, supplemented, where necessary, by gifts from the local chapter. Commenting on the death of Mrs. Dawes, Miss Elliott's report says: "A great loss come to the chapter and community in the death of Mrs. Henry Dawes, who had been the secretary for four years. It was due in large part to her untiring zeal and devotion, combined with a splendid executive committee, that the Englewood chapter had accomplished work that the community could well be proud of, and which had met with appreciative recognition from the Atlantic divi- sion." In December, 1920, the rest of the war-time board retired after four active years of efficient service, and the chapter reorganized for peace-time activities, under the able chairmanship of Mr. E. S. Brockie. HOME SERVICE SECTION OF THE RED CROSS Report by Miss ANNA B. Clark. The Home Service section of the Englewood chapter was organ- ized in October, 1917. Miss Anna B. Clark was appointed chair- man, and Miss Katherine Gardner, director of the Civic Association, [402] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD secretary. The Civic Association, through its board of directors, ac- cepted the responsibility for organizing and carrying on the work. A canvass of the chapter was made by visits and a circular letter sent to the family of every drafted man. This letter offered the services of the section, told the many difficulties that might arise, and offered help and advice. As each draft was called, this letter was promptly g ■-* < ,M " '■ *t» CAMP MERRITT sent. At first there was very little response, but as the days and troubles multiplied, there came a slow stream of anxious people which swelled to a torrent, almost swamping the office, and bringing grateful realization of the advantage of a well established organization of trained workers able to take up the work. There are fourteen branches in the little towns of the northern valley comprising the chapter and in each a Home Service chairman was appointed and an educational campaign was carried on by means of monthly meet- ings. An advisory committee was appointed, numbering Dean Harlan F. Stone, Mrs. George Graham, William Marvin Coe, Mrs. F. S. Ben- nett, Maxwell L T pson, Charles H. B. Chapin, the chairman and Miss [403] I III, hook OK ENGLEWOOD Gardner. For a while the work could be mel hy the small hotly of untrained branch chairmen with superivision, but as the war went on and Camp Merrill grew, ;i wholly new problem arose. Decisions had tO be made very Swiftly, and as accurately as possible, as much money was involved. The whole work was finally centered in the home office, with the very efficient help oi some oi the branch chair- men. I his was noi ihe hesl way lor the education ol the chapter, but was necessary because ol the much heavier work the Englewood section was called upon to do. I he Atlantic division asked the chap- ter to undertake the Nome Service connected with the Camp Red ( loss Service, and assume ihe tare ol the people attracted to the camp and settling in the surrounding towns. This branch oi the work was very interesting but very hard, carrying the chairman and her assistants main hundreds ol miles, ami into every lane and corner oi the surrounding villages. People came Hocking from every State, following sons, brothers, husbands and would-be husbands. Many temporary homes had to be adjusted, transportations arranged for, care for the sick planned, new-horn babies welcomed, runaway girls seni home or married, funerals arranged and attended, and the dead sent home. Besides their varied social service, the care for and in- terest in our own chapter families was incessant and oi great interest. I here was also ihe routine investigation oi the non-payment oi allot- ment and allowances, the lending oi money, and later the careful investigation oi discharge cases, which was required oi the Red Cross In military orders. The influenza epidemic fell as heavily on Engle- wood I lome Service as on the chapter. A visiting nursing service was set up at twenty-four hours' notice and voluntary trained and untrained nurses did a splendid piece oi work in the poorer districts. A small hospital lor convalescent children was carried on. In Octo- ber, l ( 'IS, the work was expanded by adding a trained social worker to the staff, whose time was entirely given to the outlying villages of the chapter. Miss Caroline E. Wilhelm has made a very careful au^\ close study ol all the northern valley and has placed the chapter in a position tO extend the I lome Service into the health service oi the peat e time program. I ( »C \l DEFENSE ORGANIZATIONS Compiled from reports, hied m the library, written by I ton. Clin- ton II. Blake, for the Committee of Public Safety, Arthur Sherwood in collahorat ion with others, for the' I Ionic Guard, Motorcycle Hat- I Mil I THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD tery, Volunteer Police and State Militia Reserve, and an anonymous reporl for the American Protective League. COMMIT! II, OF PI 151. If SAM I V In March, 1917, at the request of the adjutant-genera] of New Jersey, a committee oi public safety was appointed by Mayor Blake as follows: Frederic C. Walcott, chairman, and Geo. B. Case, Vlbert I. Drayton, David J. McKenna, I [enry W. Zuber, Douglas G. Thom- son, George A. Graham, William M. Seufert, William Tierney, Earl Talbot, William Cantwell, Peter S. Duryee, ami Mayor Clinton II. Blake, ex officio. This committee acted as a genera] advisory com- mittee, with the mayor, in the direction ol all genera] public safety and emergencj measures throughout the city "i Englewood, in< hid- ing the formation and supervision oi the home guard, the guarding ot public utility plants and other points, street patrol and auxiliary polite, and cooperation with other communities and with the State authorities. With the only moloreyrle machine gun unit in the State, fully equipped and drilled, with 337 members pledged lor any service as members ol the Rifle association, of which the motor battery was a part, and with its poliee force, both regular and volunteer, augmented lor the emergency, Englewood, through its Committee of Public Salety, was the first community of \ew Jersey or of the \V« York metropolitan district to report ready for any duty at home or elsewhere in the State. This report was made by Mayor Blake to the Governor, before the declaration of war and before the forma- tion ol the Nome Guard. The State authorities availed themselves promptly <>l this condition "i preparedness in Englewood when the) called out the motorcycle unit to guard the water works at New Milford. I V, 1. 1 Wool) MOTOR BATTERY RIFLE ASSOCIATION \s early as 1915, a group ol Englewood citizens began an inves- tigation as to the best means oi furthering the cause of preparedness and being oi some real sejvice to the community. General Leonard E. Wood was consulted and offered some concrete Suggestions. \t a din- ner on March 21, 1916, it was decided to form a motorcycle machine gun unit and to join the National Rifle Association as a means (if securing some official status and governmental sanction. The Engle- [ 405 ] o & z o £ < w . a. > x as w r 3 < £ o fe h as w ft. o 1-1 w W Q H D O os < w THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD wood Motor Battery Rifle Association was formed with the following officers: President, George B. Case; vice-president, Gilbert U. Bur- dett; treasurer, H. M. Ingham; secretary, E. E. Bennett; executive officer, W. M. Coe. Russell B. Reid succeeded Mr. Coe, and Henry M. Coxe succeeded Mr. Reid as executive officer. Within the Rifle Association was formed the Englewood Motor- cycle Machine Gun Battery, the first of its kind in the United States. Baltimore promptly followed suit. Through the influence of General Wood these two units attended a special training camp at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, from August 10 to 29, 1916, afterwards taking part in the maneuvers at Plattsburg until September 5. By voluntary contribution from Englewood citizens, this battery had been fully equipped with four motorcycles with side cars, five single motorcycles, two Ford trucks, rifles, revolvers, uniforms, and full field equipment for twenty men. The Hendee Manufacturing company furnished the motorcycles and side cars at a price which was practically a gift, because of patriotic motives and the value of the Englewood experi- ment. Regular army officers trained the Englewood battery at both training camps and made full reports to Washington. The officers were Capt. H. M. Coxe; First Lieut. G. U. Burden ; Q. M. Sergt. S. M. Howe; Sergt. H. D. Chater; Corp. J. J. Castmore; Corp. Henry C. Stockman; Paymaster H. M. Ingham. Three hundred and thirty-seven citizens were enrolled in the Rifle Association itself. Another detachment was formed of those not in the motor battery, under C. E. Parsons, as first lieutenant, and J. W. Taussig, 2nd Lieut. H. C. Stockman became 2nd lieut. of the bat- tery, succeeded by R. G. Rolston. Both detachments were drilled by Capt. Gilman, of the regular army, until February 6, 1917. March 25, 1917, when war was expected daily, the Rifle Associa- tion was called out by Mayor Blake at the request of the Governor. The Motor Battery was sent to guard the water works at New Mil- ford and the other detachment guarded various public utilities in En- glewood. The next day, Company F, 5th Reg., N. J. N. G., was mobil- ized, and left the armory in charge of the Rifle Association. The bat- tery moved into the armory and a guard stood duty day and night. Streets were patrolled and the public utility stations protected. The battery turned over to Company F its two Ford trucks, four single motorcycles and one side car. April 18, 1917, the Rifle Association formed an active nucleus for the Home Guard, with which it was then merged. [ 4('7 ] CAPTAIN GILBERT U. BURDETT, ENCLEWOOD MOTOR BATTERY. Later Major, Chief of Machine Gun Small Arms Section, Engineering Division. Ordnance Department, U. S. Army THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ENGLEWOOD HOME GUARD The Committee of Public Safety and the mayor, cooperating with New Jersey State authorities, formed the Englewood Home Guard, by a call issued April 18, 1917. Membership was divided into three classes — Class A, tor duty anywhere within the State; Class B, for military duty within the limits ol Englewood; ami Class C. men over 45, or those physically unfit for volunteer duty. Six companies were quickly formed as follows: Charles E. Parsons, Major (.'Ills I , / (1) The Motor Batti i (2) Company A — Class Is (1 ) Company B- 2 ( 'ompanj E- (3) Companj I - Class C Companj C — TlUO Cum /•am, > ( !apt. G. U. Burdett 1st Lieut. II. C. Stockman ('apt. Aymar Embury, 2ml. 1st I.ieut. J. W. Taussig 2nd I.ieut. Clarence D. Kerr Three Companies (apt. Alfred E. Drake 1st I.ieut. ('. Campbell 2nd Lieut. M. Olyphant (apt. C. II. May 1st Lieut. Douglas < ■. Thomson 2nd Lieut. Jas. Emmett ('apt. J. Stuart Eakin 1st Lieut. E. C. I [artshorne 2nd Lieut. David I'. Earle One Company (apt. I . II. Brown 1st Lieut. K. II. Scarborough _'ml Lieut. Arthur II. Bliss Stanley M. Howe and Lance Parsons were very efficient supply officers. 2nd Lieut. P. S. Duryee served as quartermaster. Later Company G (colored men with the exception of the officers) was formed in Class B, under H. D. Chater, captain; F. S. Duncan, 1st lieutenant; and F. Y. Keeler, 2nd lieutenant. I he Home Guard drilled in the armory, conducted outdoor war maneuvers, patrolled the streets and guarded vital points, Perhaps its chief usefulness was the advance military training given men who later joined the fighting forces. Many a man owed his quick pro- motion to non-commissioned rank in the army or navy to the training he received during the first tew months of the Englewood Home Guard. The proximity of Camp Merritt, causing l.nglewood to be filled, first with the workmen building the camp, and later with soldiers, [409 ] . H o -. -a £ 3 * = m SS r . ** 3 a e r # 3iJ>° ) DA 33 5 W Z Q « < a, s o S 5 o a*j=» bO u e ^ 1) J ■H w > « J3 o H a> (> C 1 o si :> V. i-t u. o P. o a) r to X> r m Q, •H s S 0) .>> 3 ■H t. c t; -»-> o P. D +> ■i- 01 O T» JO O V, .O (1 Q) 0) CJ c X 0) CI si ■-4 > H ■H c J^ O 0) n L. C r 3 ffi > a< c hfl t- a J - o O V c 4) ff. s -»-> C ■H rH c — Uj 0) O +3 -rH ** 4> » '»* K H , 3 9 » THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD made the Home Guard a necessity, not only as a remote measure of preparedness, and as a guard against fanatic pro-German vandalism to the public utilities, but as an additional volunteer police force. There were many changes of officers during the life of the Home Guard, and a great many of the original members joined the national forces as volunteers or drafted men. The following held commissions or were promoted from their original posts : A. E. Drake, major; George B. Sadler, 2nd lieut. of Company A; D. G. Thomson, captain of Company E; Joseph Emmett, 1st lieut. of Company E; Le Roy Pitkin, 2nd lieut. of Company E; J. W. Taussig, S. M. Howe and Dudley Humphrey, respectively, captain and 1st and 2nd lieutenants of Company A, consolidated with the Motor Battery; H. R. Vcrmilye, captain of new Company I (vice Company C). During the use of Camp Merritt as an embarkation camp, the rifle range in the basement of the armory was kept open every weekday night for free rifle practice by soldiers from the camp. The range was in charge of Lieut. Frank Brinkerhoff of the Home Guard and a squad of expert marksmen from the ranks, who were detailed to that duty. The range was crowded with soldiers every evening. January, 1918, Governor Edge formed the New Jersey State Militia Reserve of which the Home Guard, as a body, became a part. Drills and other activities continued until after the Armistice. Finally, November 1, 1919, the battalion was mustered out. AMERICAN PROTECTIVE LEAGUE This was a nationwide organization, of a decidedly confidential nature, "organized with the approval and operating under the direc- tion of the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Investi- gation." The New Jersey branch functioned early and efficiently. An Englewood man was made Inspector, in charge of the northern valley. Another was captain, with Englewood and nearby towns un- der his charge; and a lieutenant and three other members operated in Englewood itself. The nearness of Camp Merritt provided more work for the Englewood contingent than might otherwise have been the case. The routine work of the league was to check up the loyalty and general reputation of all applicants for commissions in the army or navy, applicants for passports, and persons employed at Washing- ton or in other vital positions, and to check up the loyalty of the persons acting as references for them. All Englewood matters requiring investigations by the Depart- ment of Justice, Department of State, Military Intelligence or other [411] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD national departments, and all reports to the police (except those of such vital nature that the few regular agents of the Department of Justice handled them personally) were turned over to the League lor investigation and report. < me ol the greatest services which the league rendered was to investigate neighborhood reports and suspicions, and by proving the loyalty and good intentions ot the suspected Americans of German or Austrian descent, neighborhood peace was maintained. There were, unfortunately, cases where suspicion was justified, but they were few. During the year 1 9 1 S the officers of the League in Englewood worked on its investigations and reports practically all of the time not taken up by their regular business, and a good part ot their nor- mal business hours as well. While the other members had less to do, they put in a good deal ol time and did a gooil job well. The League was disbanded February 1, 1919, as the United States, in peace time, has no ntw] anil no liking lor civilian espionage. During the war, however, the work ol the American Protective League was ol vital necessity. WAR CAMP COMMUNITY SERVICE SHORTENED FROM \\" U'coi NT FILED IN Mil. LIBRARY, BY Rev. 1 Iarris E. Adriance In September, 1917, Camp Merritt being then under construction, the War Camp Community Service, at the request of Mrs. Fred S. Bennett, opened a branch in Englewood. The local officers were: President, Dwight W. Morrow (to be soon succeeded by Dan Fellows Piatt); chairman ol executive hoard, Rev. Harris E. Adriance; Englewood members of executive board, Mrs. F. S. Bennett, Mrs. Edwin I lolmes, Rev. Fleming James, Rev. Thornton B. Penfield, J. II. Tillotson, and Miss Katherine Gardner. The function ol War Camp Community Service was to harmonize the contact of the citizens ol garrison towns with the soldiers. In detail, its activities centered on welfare work lor the soldiers ami supervision over their entertainment outside of the camp confines. The Englewood Methodist church, co-operating with W. C. C. S., threw open its bowling alleys, billiard and club rooms to the service men, as did St. Paul's Episcopal church with its Parish House, where a community chorus was one feature ol the work. Chaperoned [412] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD dances in conjunction with the Y. M. C. A. and the Girls' Patriotic League were frequent. A Soldiers' Club was opened on West Palisade avenue, and moved later to the northeast corner of Palisade avenue and Dean street. Here a cafeteria was operated, at low prices, under the charge of Miss Mary H. Pratt. A committee of men divided the work of serving as director-in-charge. The rooms were fitted up attractively and supplied with books, magazines and newspapers, a piano, games, writing paper and desks, and comfortable lounges around an open fire. The place was crowded, first with outgoing and later with returning soldiers. Special parties were held on Christmas and other holidays. The high school swimming tank was opened to soldiers, with a W. C. C. S. director in charge. Officers' dances were held at the high school, in charge of Mrs. Graham Sumner. A large block dance was held on July 4th, 1918, on Palisade avenue. Ender the women ol the W. C. C. S. executive board, the Girls' Patriotic Eeague was formed. Approximately one hundred men each Sunday were invited to Englewood homes for dinner. Mr. Perry, manager ol the Engle- wood Theatre, generously supplied free tickets for his moving pic- tures, which were distributed every night to soldiers at the club. In general, War Camp Community Service succeeded in officially extending the welcome, the interest ami the good wishes ol Engle- wood to the soldiers passing through Camp Merritt and to its garrison. ENGLEWOOD DRAFT HOARD By Clinton 1 1. Blake On June 23rd, 1917. the President appointed the following as the members of Draft Board No. 5 lor Bergen County, New Jerse\ : Mayor Clinton IE Blake, Jr., of Englewood, Mayor William II. Fleet of Dumont, and Dr. Charles A. Richardson ol Closter. This board had jurisdiction over the district from and including Leonia on the south, to ami including Old Tappan on the north, and with the exception ol Fort Lee, over the territory from the I lacken- sack to the Hudson rivers within these limits. The district embraced the following towns: Englewood, Englewood Cliffs, I enally, Eeonia, Cresskill, Demarest, Closter, Alpine, Norwood, I larrington Town- [413] Till'; HOOK OF ENGLEWOOD ship, I [aworth, I [arrington Park, Dumont, Bergenfield, Teaneck Township and OKI Tappan. The board met within a few hours of its appointment and organ- ized by choosing Mr. Blake as chairman, Mr. Fleet as clerk, and Dr. Richardson as the medical member of the board. It immediately took over all of the draft registration cards in the first registration, numbering about 2,400. The instructions ol the provost marshal- general required that all ol these cards be examined to ascertain that no person had registered in the wrong district; that every original card be given a consecutive number; that copies of all the cards be prepared ami given corresponding numbers; that the copies be com- pared with the originals and each copy certified by at least one member of the board; that the copies so certified be forwarded be- fore July 7th to the adjutant-general of New Jersey; and that lists of the names and addresses of the registrants and the number given each registrant be prepared, one to be posted at the office of the committee, one to be given to the press, one to be forwarded to the provost marshal-general at Washington before July 7th, and one to be retained by the committee. It will be seen from the foregoing that the amount of work called lor within the time given was extraor- dinary. Many of the boards, even those having a much smaller registration than the Englewood board, failed to carry out the above instructions within the time limit. Immediately on receipt of the registration cards the board proceeded with the necessary work. Mr. George E. Hardy placed his entire office organization at the disposal of the board, in addition to the facilities which it already had, and by working day and night, aided by Mr. Hardy and Mr. May in bis office, the board succeeded in completing its work, and the cards were forwarded to the adjutant-general and the list of registrations forwarded to the provost marshal-general on July 6th. The board decided to make Englewood its headquarters, the board of trade of Englewood generously placing at the disposal of the board its quarters in the Bergen building, and likewise placing at the disposal of the board the services of its then secretary, Mr. John J. Johnson. Later, the board took over itself the lease of these premises and continued to occupy them continuously throughout its existence. On June 1st, 1918, Mr. Johnson resigned to enter the service, and Mr. Frederick Clausmeyer was appointed as clerk, June 22nd, 1918, holding that position until the termination of the board work, March 31st, 1919. On September 9th, 1918, Mr. Blake resigned to enter the service, and was succeeded as a member of the [414] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD board and as chairman by Mr. Douglas G. Thomson. Olive II. Demarest acted as an assistant to the board from May 27th, 1917, until June 1st, 1918, and Marion A. MacKenzie acted as an assistant from November 11th, 1917, to May 1st, 1918. Mr. William Mac- Allister, Sr., also gave most freely of his time and efforts, rendering valuable service in helping the board to arrange its records and con- duct its work. Shortly after the formation of the board Mr. George E. Tooker was appointed by the governor as the appeal agent. The board, following its organization, called upon a number of the physicians in and about Englewood for aid, and Drs. J. B. W. Eansing, Edmund N. Huff, John E. Pratt and Byron Van Home, under the direction of Dr. Richardson, as medical member of the board, organized the work of physical examination of registrants. Dr. G. Harold Ward attended to special examinations with regard to eyes, ears and throat, and Dr. K. A. Sheppard to dental examina- tion. Doctors II. W. Banta anil W. S. McDannald also acted as examining physicians. A medical advisory board for the district was formed, composed of Doctors Walter Phillips (chairman), Edwin Holmes, James W. Proctor, E. N. Huff, G. II. Ward, R. A. Shep- pard, Andrew J. Nelden, G. R. Pitkin and J. E. McWhorter. To this board registrants might take appeals, on medical grounds, from the decision of the examining physician. The board aided the draft board by general advice on any medical question desired. The total registration in the June, 1917, class was 2,427. The registration in the June, 1918, class was 205. The registration in the September, 1918, class, between the years of 19 and 36, inclusive, war 1,719; between the years 37 and 45, inclusive, 2,601; and of 18 years, 243. Excluding men who were inducted into the work of the Emergency Meet organization, desertions, which were very few, and limited service men, who were held available for special work, but not for ordinary service, by reason of physical disability or other reasons, there were inducted and sent to camp: from the June, 1917, class, 605 men; from the June, 1918, class, 89 men; from the Sep- tember, 1918, 19 to 36 year class, 73 men; and from the 1918, 18 year class, 20 men. Due to the termination of the war, none of the 37 to 45 year, 1918, registrants was sent to camp. The men sent to camp were re-examined physically on their arrival at camp, and it is noteworthy that No. 5 board had fewer physical rejections at camp than any board in Bergen County, and less of these rejections than any board in the state, ol its size and character. The first three men of the draft quota to leave were Morrell [415] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Birtwhistle of Englewood, Frederick Wirth of Closter, and Basil Murphy of Leonia. They left on September 3rd, 1917. At regular intervals thereafter the men went steadily forward, as the govern- ment issued its calls, until the signing of the Armistice. Invariably the men were escorted to the train by the officials of the draft board, and the Englewood Pipers' Band repeatedly gave its services in heading the march. Each man sent to camp was presented with a THE FIRST THREE ENGLEWOOD MEN IN THE DRAFT Fred C. Wirth. Morrell Birtwhistle and Basil Murphy Camp Dix. September, 1017 luncheon and comfort kit by the ladies of the Red Cross, special services in this connection being performed by Mrs. Samuel S. Camp- bell and Mrs. Floyd Y. Keeler. Mention should be made also of the aid which the teachers of the public school gave to the draft board as special assistants in the checking and preparation of lists. The records show that 64 teachers worked from two to six hours per week at this work for a considerable period. The board of education also gave valuable help by placing rooms in the school buildings at the disposal of the board for medical examinations, extra clerical work and other purposes, and Dr. Sher- man, then the superintendent of schools, and Miss Coe, the secretary of the board of education, and others, extended every help possible to the board and its assistants. The work of the board involved a tremendous amount of detail on account of the number of registrants to be examined and classified, irrespective of their final induction into the service. Every case was considered on its individual merits. Investigations were made and hearings held regarding registrants and claims for exemption. Spe- [416] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD cial mention is due the conscientious and untiring work of Mr. Claus- meyer, as clerk. During the active months of the board's work it was in session practically every night until well after midnight, and Mr. Clausmeyer, in addition to his work during the regular office hours, was almost invariably present in the evenings, so as to be available in case of need. THE BOY SCOUTS The story of the local Boy Scout movement, as written for this history by John L. Vanderbilt, and filed in the Library, is more a general history of Englewood Scouting from its inception in 1910 than a special account of Scout activities during the war period. Within seven months of the time when the Boy Scouts of America were chartered by Congress, Englewood had three troops, organized independently of each other. Early scoutmasters and assistants were Robert C. Post, Gerald M. Curran, John L. Vanderbilt, H. Benjamin Clark, Edgar Boody, Floyd R. DuBois, Hugh Peters and Reginald Halliday. After about three years the work was continued under George D. Baker, Morse Burtis, Kent Hawley, J. F. Hawxwell and Earle Talbot. In June, 1916, a charter was obtained for a local Council, with Robert C. Post as president and Earle Talbot as com- missioner. During the war the Scouts cultivated one section of the Com- munity Garden, distributed circulars and posters for Liberty Loan and the other drives, ushered at public meetings, and did well what- ever they were called on to do. Perhaps the most patriotic thing done by Englewood Scouts during the war was to refrain, at the request of the campaign com- mittees, from selling Liberty Bonds and soliciting subscriptions to the various war funds. The committees felt that the adult team members could secure larger subscriptions than the boys. National Scout Headquarters arranged nation-wide competitions between Scout troops and local councils, kept a record of their success in selling bonds and so forth, and awarded badges and other credits for efficient work. The Englewood Scouts voluntarily gave up their participation in these contests, gave up all chance of earning recognition for their troops and opportunity of earning individual medals, and willingly sacrificed the present and future satisfaction which would have been theirs if they had taken part in these drives; and all in the face of their natural confidence that they could do as well as the men. In recognition of this self-sacrifice and of the valuable services along [417] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD other lines which the Scouts efficiently rendered, the mayor and common council presented a medal for meritorious service in war- time to every Englewood Scout certified by his scoutmaster as entitled to that honor. Practically all the original Scouts of the 1910 group enlisted in active service. Two of them, who had become assistant scoutmasters before leaving the Boy Scouts to play a man's part overseas, are on Englewood's Roll of Honor. Scouts Francis John Brown and Fred- eric H. Brown both earned the Distinguished Service Cross, and both were killed in action. In 1919 Mayor McKenna put an added impetus into local Scout- ing. A drive for funds was so successful that no appeal has since been made. Headquarters were obtained, a paid Scout executive was employed, camping equipment was provided, new troops were formed and, under Clarence D. Kerr as president of the local council, Scout- ing in Englewood prospered. The Home Guard and the Motor Battery turned over to the Scouts both equipment and funds, and Major John W. Loveland more recently presented to the Boy Scouts the bank balance and camping outfits of the Training Corps for boys conducted by him during the latter part of the war. The men behind these serious wartime movements appreciated that the Scouts, although not a military organization, by training boys in resourceful- ness and initiative to live up to their motto, "Be Prepared," could best carry on for them in peace times. Y. W. C. A. HOSTESS HOUSES Condensed from an article by Amelia Josephine Burr Upon Englewood women, because of the size of Englewood as compared to other towns in close proximity to Camp Merritt, lay the chief responsibility for such volunteer work at the camp as was needed, and badly needed, by soldiers and their visiting families. On August 13, 1917, Mrs. F. S. Bennett of Englewood, as chair- man of the Women's Committee of the Council of National Defense, called on the local chapter of the Young Women's Christian Associa- tion to co-operate and to take an active interest in the welfare of one hundred and fifty girl clerks to be employed at the camp. The committee formed for this purpose was soon called on to broaden the scope of its work by providing hostess houses, a small one at [418] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD first and later a larger one, built for the purpose. The functions of these houses, situated within the picket lines of Camp Merritt, were to serve the embarking (and later the returning) soldiers passing through the camp by providing a properly supervised place where their families, sweethearts and other visitors could meet the men. The complete service included : (1) General reception and comfort of guests; visiting and rest rooms, nursery, smok- ing room, telephone and checking service. (2) Location and sending for soldiers in camp. (3) Cafeteria, for all meals. (4) A General Bureau for Information, not only about the camp, but regarding travel routes, time tables, and lodgings near the camp or in New York. (5) Emergency work — care of sick visitors, and those in trouble. The last classification, "those in trouble," was all-embracing, and called on our Englewood women for all their sympathy, womanliness and common sense. Miss Burr's story contains statistics, which she calls the "bones of history," but it also tells many pitiful stories of parents, or young wives, who arrived from long distances only to find their soldiers already sailed for overseas; of mothers who spent every available cent to reach the camp and were then stranded without resources, of brave women who sent their men away with a smiling face, only to break down and need care and comfort as soon as the soldiers were out of hearing; and, finally, during the later period, stories of men returning aged, but with an added look of dependa- bility, of their delight at reaching the United States and having home food served by sure-enough American girls, and of joyful reunions with their people. A typical report, that for August, 1918, shows: Total calls for soldiers from Knickerbocker Road Hospital House S.706 Highest day 982 Lowest day 46 Guests lodged in neighborhood 259 Total calls for soldiers from Madison Avenue Hostess House 3,649 Highest day 450 Lowest day 20 Guests lodged in neighborhood 560 During one month the cafeterias served 33,000 meals. Camp Merritt was quarantined the entire month of October, 1918, when the principal work of the hostess houses was in caring for the families of soldiers seriously ill of Spanish influenza at the camp hospital. No list is given here of the Englewood women who served at the hostess houses. So many were needed and so many served efficiently [419] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD and devotedly, taking regular turns at work definitely assigned to them, that the list, if it were available, would include most of the big-hearted women of Englewood. ENTERTAINMENT AND WELFARE FOR SOLDIERS Condensed from an article by Mrs. Charles F. Park, Jr. Englewood women served as volunteers within Camp Merritt's picket lines in other capacities than as hostesses in the Y. W. C. A. hostess houses. The Red Cross convalescent house was for a long time the only place outside of his hospital ward where a convalescent soldier was allowed to go. Here a group of Englewood girls, chap- eroned by older matrons, attended every day to entertain and care for the men. Card games from coon-can to auction bridge, chess, and particularly checkers, reading aloud and general sociability pro- vided relaxation and stimulation for men recovering from wounds or illness. A branch of the American Library Association provided books of all sorts, as well as current magazines and newspapers. Mrs. Park tells of the astonishment of the Southern boys at finding Northern women glad to wait on them. Mrs. Park organized a group of women who drove their own automobiles. They called at the convalescent house once each week and took a earful of soldiers, dressed in pajamas, slippers, bath- robes and hospital caps, for an afternoon's drive. The predicament of more than one woman, separated from the rest of the convoy of cars, marooned on a country road with a puncture or engine trouble, and with a earful of helpless soldiers, fantastically dressed, and overdue at the camp, was an experience those women will never forget. The soldiers thoroughly enjoyed these drives. A motion picture projector was installed in the convalescent house and later, by arrangement with some association of theatrical people in New York, regular vaudeville entertainments were given by top- notch professional entertainers, who volunteered their services. Transportation for these vaudevillians was furnished by the Women's Motor Corps of Ridgewood. Another group of Englewood motorists ran a regular schedule under Mrs. Gratz Myers, of trips between the camp and a series of dances held for convalescent soldiers at St. Paul's Parish House, by the Girls' Patriotic League. [420] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD COMMUNITY GARDEN From a report by Al.ICE S. Coe, Secretary of the Board of Education In response to a call by the President of the United States, urging all citizens to increase and conserve the food supply of the nation, the Committee of Public Safety, with the support of the common council and the board of education, established, in April, 1917, the Englewood Community Garden. C. H. B. Chapin, Edgar Boody and Miss Coe, secretary, acted as the garden committee. THE COMMUNITY GARDEN IN THE PARADE. FOURTH OF JULY, 1917 Thomas P. Gavit assumed the control of the venture. The common council appropriated $1,500 as part of the budget of the board of education and a group of citizens volunteered to underwrite any deficit to the extent of $25 each. The Knickerbocker Realty Company gave the use of a large tract of land on Liberty road. Of this area, about seven acres were cultivated as individual tracts, five acres were planted with beans by the Boy Scouts, and the remaining eighteen and a half acres consti- tuted the Community Garden proper. The land was plowed and prepared by the committee, who also furnished tools. Mr. Daniel E. Pomeroy gave a Ford car to assist in the work. The cultivators of individual tracts and the Scouts paid the committee for this preliminary work and for seed. The produce of the individual tracts then belonged to the cultivators, mostly boys and girls. The community tract was cultivated by school children under the supervision of Mr. Charles O. Smith, the gardening expert of the [421] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD board of education, and two paid assistants. The school children were paid a moderate rate per hour for their work. On Saturday afternoons, when Miss Coe paid the children for their week's work in the garden, Miss Katherine Gardner, of the Thrift Fund, was present at the request of the children, and most of their earnings were turned over to her to pay for Liberty Bonds. The produce of the 18^ acres of the Community Garden was 100 bushels of potatoes, 15 bushels of beans, 175 bushels of tomatoes, 12,000 ears of corn, 100 bushels of field corn, 75 bushels of beets, 200 bushels of carrots, and some cabbages. In addition to the Community Garden itself there were 400 chil- dren of the public schools and 150 of the parochial school who culti- vated home gardens, or small plots in various large pieces of ground loaned for the purpose. All these gardens were also supervised by Mr. Smith and his assistants. In the Fourth of July parade of 1917 the garden work was repre- sented by floats, and signs cleverly conceived and carried out. The Community Garden itself was not a financial success, and a call was made on the underwriters to cover the deficit. But a sub- stantial addition was made to the food supply, and an interest in gardening was fostered which has continued since the war. There were 183 home gardens of school children, supervised by the board of education, in 1920. HOME CANNING From a report by Isabelle J. Tallman As part of the general national plan of food conservation a com- mittee was formed in Englewood, 1917-1918, financed by the Civic Association and under the chairmanship of Mrs. Tallman, to add to the available food supply by preserving, for winter use, perishable fruits and vegetables, principally from home gardens. Miss Winifred Phillco, of Mechanics' Institute, Rochester, N. Y., was employed as demonstrator and teacher of home methods of canning and preserv- ing. Clubs were formed, demonstrations were regularly given in each section of the city, exhibitions were held and prizes awarded. The Woman's Club took an active interest and gave a scholarship at the Woman's College at New Brunswick to a successful member of the Canning Club. The whole program for 1918 was financed by the Woman's Club. Mrs. Hoxie succeeded Miss Philleo as instructor. [422] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD The work of the Canning Committee has been lasting, for during their activity in wartime many housewives were taught to preserve their own winter foodstuffs, who had never done so before. The girls of the Englewood Canning Club exhibited and took prizes at county and state fairs at Hackensack, Trenton and Atlantic City, and at Springfield, Mass. THE ENGLEWOOD WAR SAVINGS SOCIETY From a report by Alice S. Coe, Secretary In 1917, for the double purpose of encouraging thrift and helping to finance the war by the sale of Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates, War Savings Societies, under national supervision, were formed all over the country. The New Jersey State Committee of the War Savings Campaign was particularly well served by Engle- wood men. Dwight W. Morrow, as director; Vernon Munroe, vice- director; Waldo S. Reed, treasurer; and Lewis C. Dawes as head of the Speakers' Bureau, gave all their time to the formation and supervision of War Savings Societies throughout the state, until, in 1919, the organization was absorbed by the Federal Reserve Bank. Locally, the Englewood War Savings Society was one of the first formed and one of those most efficiently and successfully operated. The Englewood officials were: Hon. Clinton H. Blake, Jr., President. Miss Alice S. Coe, Secretary and Treasurer. Graham Sumner, Chairman of Executive Committee. Charles II. B. Chapin, Chairman of Committee on Branch Societies. Josiah R. Melcher, Chairman of Committee on Finance. Stuart Lyman, Chairman of Committee on Agencies. Mrs. C. W. Hulst, Chairman of Committee of Women. E. Eversley Bennett, Field Manager of Membership Campaign. The organization of the Englewood War Savings Society covered the entire city of Englewood, which was districted and each district placed under a team captain and a team of workers. Practically every man, woman and child in Englewood was asked to sign a pledge agreeing to buy a certain number of War Savings Stamps at regular intervals, and to specify the branch War Savings Society he or she wished to join. These branches were formed in all localities and in most existing organizations, such as churches, schools, lodges, etc. All branch societies made monthly reports to headquarters. These re- ports were published in the Press to stimulate interest. There were 46 branches, with 4,288 members. [423] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD In 1918 the total sales of stamps were $109,686.06; and in 1919, to April, the sales were $7,242.21. The War Savings Society, as such, ceased to function in April, 1919, but it had a lasting effect on the community. The present "Thrift Fund" in the public schools is its direct successor. Out of a total school registration of about 2,200, approximately 1,400 are saving through the "Thrift Fund." From May 1, 1920, to May 1, 1921, the school children deposited $10,125.69 in the fund. THE GIRLS' PATRIOTIC LEAGUE From the report of Miss Katherine Gardner When it first became known that a large military camp was to be placed in the vicinity of Englewood, some far-sighted women of the community became concerned as to what this might mean to the girlhood of the towns involved. The Women's Committee of the Council of National Defense, with Mrs. F. S. Bennett as its county chairman, decided to organize the Girls' Patriotic League on a county basis. The Civic Association of Englewood loaned the services of its director, Miss Katherine Gardner, and in September, 1917, the work of organization was begun. In Englewood there were first held four mass meetings for the women of the city, followed by two mass meetings for girls. At these gatherings over 600 girls expressed their desire for patriotic idealism and service by signing the pledge "to uphold the standards of my country, my community, myself and other girls and to give personal service whenever possible for my country, my community and other girls." A local committee was formed, with Mrs. Edward M. Speer as chairman and Miss Ruth Olyphant as vice-chairman. The Girls' Friendly Society, Camp Fire Girls, Girl Scouts, etc., affiliated them- selves with the league and new groups were formed. Headquarters were established in a room kindly donated by the Palisades Trust & Guaranty Company. The first big undertaking of the league was to provide Christmas presents for the 1,900 members of the 49th Infantry, which was then the garrisoning regiment at Camp Merritt. In the spring of 1918, and later, many thousand articles were made by the girls for the sick and wounded soldiers at the base hospital at Camp Merritt. The league also did Red Cross work [424] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD and helped in the War Savings Campaign, Liberty Loans and the various War Fund drives. In the summer of 1918 the War Camp Community Service adopted a program for girls' work and took over the Bergen County Girls' Patriotic League. In September, their representative, Miss Genevieve Forsberg, came to Englewood and became the active director of the organization, Miss Gardner taking the general chair- manship, with Mrs. E. M. Speer as chairman of work. Miss Caro- line Chapin served as local chairman. After the Armistice, more effort was made to develop the social and recreational side of the organization. The girls participated in weekly dances for soldiers at St. Paul's Parish House and gave many entertainments for them at their headquarters in the Twist and Murray building. Athletics, hikes and bird walks have been encour- aged; canning and cooking classes have been organized and many of the girls have taken Red Cross home-nursing courses. THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC OF 1918 By Miss Katherine Gardner As soon as it became apparent that the influenza epidemic of 1918 was spreading rapidly, the American Red Cross and the Civic Asso- ciation took immediate steps to meet the situation. A house-to-house survey of the most congested section of the city disclosed a great many cases, some whole families being ill, with no one to care for them. It was decided to meet the emergency by supplying increased hospital facilities and by setting up a nursing organization to supply home care where that was needed. The work done at the Emergency Hospital, for which the Engle- wood Field Club generously donated its building, cannot be over- estimated. Under the able leadership of the officers of the Red Cross Chapter, the Field Club was transformed, almost over night, into an adequately equipped hospital with an unlimited host of volun- teer workers, who contributed without stint of supplies and personal services. Convalescent care was also provided, adults being taken to one wing of the Englewood Hospital, and children being cared for in the Day Nursery rooms of the Civic Association. A visiting nursing service was established, with headquarters at the Neighborhood House on Humphrey street. During the epidemic 237 patients from 80 families were cared for. Three trained nurses volunteered their [425] TIIK HOOK OK j;\(,i.i;\yooi) services and under their supervision worked a score of volunteers and a few paid workers. The care given included not only nursing, but food, clothing, bedding, scrubbing, laundry work and everything else that must be done to keep a home going. Tragic as was the epidemic, perhaps nothing in the history of Englewood, save the Great War itself, has so knit together the lives ol the entire community. Those who worked in the homes of the poor came to a realizing sense ol their responsibility for the condi- tions in which these their neighbors had to live, and resolved that they would not he content until equal privileges for sanitation and health were given to the whole town. On the other hand, the less favored people learned to appreciate the interest that was taken in them by the "other side." The spirit of unity, in the time of crisis, made the troubles ol the lew the vital concern of all. RED CROSS SHIPPING BOXES. MAMO HY seiliiiil.liOYS, BEING DELIVERED TO RED CROSS WORKROOMS [426] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD RECORD OF CIVILIAN SERVICE, NATIONAL IN CHAR- ACTER, OUTSIDE OF ENGLEWOOD, BY ENGLE- WOOD MEN AND WOMEN DURING JUL WORLD WAR Note. — Practically ever) patriotic Englewood citizen was engaged to ;> greatei or less degree in civilian war work in Englewood or in New York. The following list includes onl) those engaged in national, rather than local activities: THEODORE P. BARBER Served overseas with the V. M. ('. A. MALCOLM CAMPBELL r wo years in office oi Alien Propertj Custodian at Washington. FRANK M. CHAPMAN Director, Bureau of Publications, American Red Cross, June, 1917-July, 1918. Commissioner to Latin America, American Ke\ Council of National Defense. 1918 Served as a member of Advisory Committee to Director ol Finance, War I department. J. STUART EAKIN Athletic director, V M. C. A., from July, 1918, to March, 1919; with the 36th Division in France from September, 1918, to February, 1919. MRS. CARL ELMORE (Amelia Josephine Rurr) A speaker and reciter at soldiers' camps and other war gatherings. Member of the Vigilantes, authors who contributed their writings for war service. MISS MARCIA S. HUMPHREY Military Intejligence Dipt., Washington, January, 1918, to December, 1918. Canteen service, V M. C. A., France and Germany, December, 1918, to August, 1919. GEORGE W. HUNTER Educational director, V. M. C. A„ War Work Council, Washington district, D. C. G. KENNEDY I M BR IK Y. M. C. A., France, February, 1918 February, 1919. R. MAXWKLL INGHAM Engineering section oi tin construction division of the War Department stationed at Washington, D. C, as a civilian. [427 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD MISS [CATHERINE C. KARCHER From June- 1, 191.S, to January 1, 1919, Miss Karchci engaged in doing research work in the Military intelligence Division of the General Staff in Washington. Detailed to M. I. I of thai Division. CLARENCE I). KERR June 20, 1917, entered office ol Director of Council of National Defense, Wash- ington, D. C On Formation of War industries Hoard on July 28, 1917, became assistant fo Robert S. Brockings, Commissioner of Finished Products. Shortly after- wards also became secretary of the clearance committee of the War industries Board, serving in these capacities until April, 1918. April-September, 1918, chief oi tin commodity section of the Purchase, Storage ami I raihe Division of the Gen- eral "stall in charge of representation of the Armj on the commodity sections of the War industries Board, Resigned in latter part of September, 191S, to accept commission as Captain in Chemical Warfare Service. Alter preliminary training at Camp Humphries, V.i., graduated at I. S. Gas School, Camp Kcudrick, N. J., in November, 1918. Discharged December, 1918. HORACE (). KILBOURN With Alun Propertj Custodian, New York office, Dec. 1, 1917, to Nov. 1, 1918. THOMAS W. LAMONT Prior to the entrj of the United States into the war, was active in behall of the Allies. Was one- oi the negotiators in the Anglo-French loan of $500,000,000 in October, L91S. Was also active with other members oi J. P. Morgan St Co. in the purchasing ol munitions and food supplies foi the British and French Govern- ments, such purchases aggregating $3,000,000,000. Was a member ol the national committees on Liberrj loans and on capital issues. In November and December, 1917, at the request of the United States Treasury officials, visited England and France on an unofficial mission; during the first hall ol I'M 1 ' served as financial and economic advisor at Paris to the American Commis- sion to Negotiate Peace; acting as a member of the reparations, the finance and eci nil commissions. Was present at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 30, 1919. Mr. l.amont has been decorated bj the French government with the Legion of Honor — Officier Rank; also by the King ol the Belgians with the Cross ol Grand Officier of the Order ol the Crown, and by the King of Greece with the Cross of Commander of the Royal Order of George the first. (. V. MESEROLE From Oct. >, 1917, to March 18, 1919, served as field representative of the Ordnance Department at large. He established an office in New York City and, working through thi' Civil Service Commission, secured for the Ordnance Department large number oi stenographers, tvpists and clerks of all grades through an extensive recruiting campaign, which supplied many thousand employees for the Ordnance Department. DWI6HT W. MORROW Mr. Morrow was director ol the war savings campaign for the State ol New Jersey until July 11, 1918. He then resigned in order to continue his work as advisor to the Allied Maritime Transport Council, and a civilian member ol General I'ersh- in^'s staff, in which capacities he served in Europe from February to December, 1918. lor his war work in Europe he received the following decorations: United States, Distinguished Service Medal; I ranee, Chevalier ol the Legion of Honor; Italy, Office! of the Crown of Italy; Greece, Chevalier of the Roval Battalion of t .mi ge the First. VERNON MUNROE Vice director ol national war savings committee lor New Jersey with State office at New ark. Assistant director "I war siivin^s, second federal Reserve district, with district office at Federal Reserve Hank, 120 Broadway. ELIZABETH (I. OLYPHANT Miss Olyphanl served nveiseas with tin- Young Men's Christian Association, from Vn: 28, 1918, to Aug. 1. 1919. [ 428 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD D. F. PL ATT U. S. Fuel Administrator for Bergen County, 1917-19. President of war camp com- munity service for Bergen County, 1917-19. Chairman Red Cross Christmas cam- paign, 1917, for Bergen County. Member of committee of diocese of Newark for Camp Dix. D. E. POMEROY Served in France in 191 S as a major in the American Red Cross. Was placed in charge of hospitalization in the British zone and the Red Cross activities of five A. E. F. divisions. On Nov. 24, 1918, he was placed in charge of the organization in the Boulogne zone and given the title of deputy-commissioner, and cooperated closely with the British, Canadian and Australian Red Cross societies. Returned Jan. 14, 1919. MRS. WILLIAM F. POWERS From March, 1918, to Armistice, was connected with the collegiate department of Food Administration which published textbooks for scientific propaganda for food substitution. SEWARD PROSSER Chairman of the membership committee in New York City for the American Red Cross. Chairman of the national executive committee of the American Red Cross war finance committee to raise the first $100,000,000 for the Red Cross upon our entering the war. Succeeded in raising $106,000,000. Campaign chairman of the Red Cross committee which raised $26,000,000 in New York City alone. Member of the New York Liberty Loan committee and active through his official capacity as president of the Bankers Trust Company, in the sale and promotion of allied loans. For this service was elected Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. He made two trips to France in which he inspected the Red Cross activities. R. C. RATHBONE Served as director, department of insurance, at national headquarters, American Red Cross, Washington, D. C, for about two years. RUSSELL B. REID Chief inspector, fabric department, inspection division, gas defense plant, Chemical Warfare Service, United States Army. F. M. REINMUND In February, 1917, went overseas in the American field service for seven months. When this branch of service was taken over by the American Army returned to America. In January, 1918, went overseas in transportation department of Amer- ican Red Cross. E. M. SAWTELLE Represented the Alien Property Custodian in various capacities during the war period and until the sale by the Government of enemy alien interest in various corporations. [429] RECORD OF MEN AND WOMEN OF ENGLEWOOD IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OR THE ALLIES DURING THE WORLD WAR ii MM HE committee in charge of publishing this history has earn- estly tried to make this record accurate and complete, but there are unavoidable errors and omissions. All the avail- able material of the Mayor's Committee of Welcome, and the files of the American Legion, were turned over to the committee. The committee supplemented these two previous attempts to secure a proper record by sending out a questionnaire, and later following this with an urgent letter and a second copy of the questionnaire. Every- one whose name was secured from any source was, therefore, sought four times, and still there are too many gaps in the information. Some of those whose names appear, with no additional information, are themselves to blame for not having furnished the particulars of their service. Some, however, probably no longer live in Englewood, and were not reached by the various letters and personal efforts to find them. The information regarding service chevrons is, in many cases, the only information sent in by a soldier to show he served overseas. The early questionnaires of the Mayor's Committee of Welcome did not call for this information. The committee has tried to make the information regarding service chevrons as accurate as possible, but there are probably some who are entitled to the gold chevron for overseas service who have not been so recorded. Chevrons were awarded as follows: Blue for three months' overseas service; Gold for six months' overseas service. Silver for six months' service in United States. THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD In most cases an officer or enlisted man had no choice as to where he was ordered to serve. Many men in the following list did good work in the United States while they were seeking transfer or awaiting orders to go overseas. MILITARY AND NAVAL SERVICE RECORDS ABRAHAMS, JACOB In Federal Service from: Sept. 6, 1917, to May 21, 1919. Branch of Service: Hdqrs. Co., 30Sth Field Artillery, 7Sth Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Toil I, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Grand Pre. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Mechanic. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. ADAMS, DANIEL L. In Federal Service from: April 16, 1918, to July 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Sub. Chaser, No. 113, U. S. Naval Force. Grade or Rank at Discharge: M. M., 2nd Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. ADRIANCE, EDWIN HOLMES In Federal Service from- Oct. 2, 1917, to April 18, 1919. Branch of Service: Field Artillery — Bat. F, Bat. A, Hdqrs., 2nd Bn., 7th F. A., 1st Div., A. E. F. G-l, G. H. Q. Battles, Engagements: Ansauville, Saizerais, St. Mihiel, Argonne-Meuse, Sedan. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. Decorations and Citations: Cited at order of 1st Brig., cited at order 1st Div. Prior Militarv Service: French Army — Sec. D. T. M. V., 133 Mallet Reserve, May-Oct., 1917. AGGAS, WILLIAM V. In Federal Service from: May 22, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical — 114th F. Hosp., 29th Div., 104th Sanitary Train. Battles, Engagements: Haute Alsace, Campaign North of Verdun. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. ANDERSON, EINAR FREDRICK In Federal Service from: April 13, 1917, to Sept. 6, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf., N. G. Co. F, 104th Engrs. Hdqrs. 104th Engrs., 520th U. S. Engrs. Assigned, Casual Officers' Detach. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Alsace-Lorraine, Meuse-Argonne. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. ANDERSON, HENRY E. In Federal Service to: May 20, 1919. Branch of Service: 104th Engineers, 29th Division. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border. ANDERSON, WILLIAM G. In Federal Service from: July 16, 1918, to Dec. 11, 1918. Branch of Service: Central Machine Gun Officers' Training School, Camp Hancock. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Still in school when peace was declared. [432] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. ANDREWS, JOSEPH, Jr. In Federal Service from: June IS, 1918, to Feb. 14, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, S. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. ANDREWS, MARY BARTOW In Federal Service from: June 10, 1918, to Dec. 10, 1918. Branch of Service: Medical Dept., Base Hospital Laboratories, Camp Dix. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Laboratory Technician. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Silver. ANSLEY, WILLIAM ARGENTI, DAVID J. In Federal Service from: Dec. 13, 1917, to June 6, 1919. Branch of Service: Quartermaster Corps, Utilities Detach. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. ARMS, FRANK H. In Federal Service from: Feb. 26, 1918, to May 3, 1919. Branch of Service: 303rd Trench Mortar Bat., 78th Division. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. ARNEMANN, OSCAR J. In Federal Service from: June 3, 1918, to July 21, 1919. Branch of Service: 472nd and 478th Engineers. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. ATANASIO, CHARLES In Federal Service from: Dec. 14, 1917, to March 29, 1919. Branch of Service: Personnel Department, Q. M. C, Tours, France. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. BABCOCK, WILLIAM EVELYN, Jr. In Federal Service from: Oct. 2, 1918, to Dec. 17, 1918. Branch of Service: Princeton University Battalion, Columbia University Naval Unit. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Cadet. BALE, FREDRICK SEWALL In Federal Service from: Sept., 1918, to Dec, 1918. Branch of Service: Engineers' Training School, U. S. Gas School. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. BALZ, GEORGE J. In Federal Service from: July 24, 1918, to July 2i, 1919. Branch of Service: Ordnance Rapair Shops. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. BARBER, ARTHUR In Federal Service from: Nov., 1917, to Jan. 6, 1919. Branch of Service: Hdqrs. Transportation Corps, Army Transport Service. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. [433] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. BARBER, GEORGE H. In Federal Service from: May 14, 1917, to Aug. 26, 1919. Branch of Service: Adjutant, 2nd Battalion, 152nd Brigade, Camp Upton; A. D. C. to Commanding General, lS4th Brigade, 92nd Div., A. E. F.; A. D. C, Division Hdqrs., Asst. G. 3, 28th Div., A. E. F. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Meuse-Argonne, St. Die Sector; Woevre. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain of Field Artillery. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. BARTOW, CHARLES In Federal Service from: June 2, 1917, to Jan. 24, 1919. Branch of Service: Ambulance Field Service, Royal Air Force. Battles, Engagements: Champagne, Argonne, Monastir, Serbia. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Decorations and Citations: American Field Service Medal. Prior Military Service: Plattsburg. BARTOW, DOUGLAS ERNEST In Federal Service from: April 3, 1918, to Feb. 26, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Marine Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. Prior Military Service: American Ambulance Service, France. BEATTIE, JAMES J. In Federal Service from: March 27, 1917, to March 27, 1919. Branch of Service: 57th Inf. Brigade Hdqrs., 29th Division, 113th Inf. Battles, Engagements: Center Sector, Haute Alsace-Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border, Co. F, 5th Inf. BEATTIE, GEORGE M. BEATTIE, JOSEPH F. In Federal Service from: June, 1917, to July 28, 1919. Branch of Service: 113th Infantry. Battles, Engagements: Alsace, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: 22nd Engineers, N. Y. N. G. BECK, WILLIAM ANDREW In Federal Service from: July 16, 1918, to Nov. 29, 1918. Branch of Service: Officers' Training Schools. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Candidate Officer. BECKER, HENRY PATERSON In Federal Service from : May 28, 1919, to Sept. 27, 1918. Branch of Service: Military Postal Express Service. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. BEGG, CARLETON BEDARD, OSCAR In Federal Service from: July 26, 1917, to Sept. 7, 1919. Branch of Service: S. O. S., 1st Company, Hdqrs. Bat. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. [434] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. BEHR, GUSTAV E., Jr. In Federal Service from: July 2, 1918, to Jan. 31, 1919. Branch of Service: Ordnance Dept., Explosive Section, Productive Division, Washington. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Previous Military Service: Plattshurg, 1916. BELL, ALFRED LEE LOOMIS In Federal Service from: Oct. 6, 1917, to May 23, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical Corps, Base Hosp. No. 90, General Hosp. No. 31. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 4 Silver. BELL, ROBERT A. In Federal Service from: Nov. 2, 1917, to May 9, 1919. Branch of Service: 18th Ry. Engineers, Fiance. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. BELL, WILLIAM W. In Federal Service from: June 27, 1917, to Jan. 22, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Aviation — Various Naval Air Stations in I*. S. and France. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Ensign. BELLSMITH, HENRY W., Jr. In Federal Service from: April 16. 1918, to April 11, 1919. Branch of Service: Tank Corps— Co. A, 328th Bn. (1st Brig.), Light Tanks. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. BENNER, CHARLES VAN ANTWERP In Federal Service from: May 1, 1918, to May 3, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Aviation. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Ensign. BERGENDAHL, WILLIAM B. In Federal Service horn: July 20, 1917, to June 3, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Militia, Armed Guard. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Class Seaman, U. S. N. R. F. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. BERGTHALE, FREDRICK D., Jr. BERGTHALE, JOHN H. In Federal Service from: Sept. 30, 1918, to Dec. 31, 1918. Branch of Service: Tank Corps— Co. C, 305th Bn. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. BERLINGIERI, GUISEPPI In Federal Service from: May 28, 1918, to Dec. 17, 1918. Branch of Service: Co. I, 1st Tr. Bn., 153rd Depot Brigade. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. BERRY, GEORGE PARKER In Federal Service from: Oct. 10, 1918, to Dec. 10, 1918. Branch of Service: Princeton S. A. T. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. [435] THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. BEST, WILLIAM J. In Federal Service from: Nov., 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: 1114th Engineers, 29th Division. Battles, Engagements: Haute Alsace, Argonne-Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. BETTS, W. R., Jr. BIELER, RANDOLPH P. BILGER, CHARLES B. In Federal Service from: June S, 1917, to April 12, 1920. Branch of Service: Medical Corps as Interpreter, 29th Division, 104th San- itary Train, 116th Ambulance Co. Battles, Engagements: Alsace-Argonne, Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. BIRSH, ABRAHAM BIRSH, CHARLES In Federal Service from: April 1, 1917, to June 3, 1920. Branch of Service: 17th Cavalry, Troop C, 3rd Cavalry, Troop H. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Advanced War Areas. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Trooper. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold, 4 Silver. Previous Military Service: Mexican Border, Co. F, 5th N. J. BIRSH, JOSEPH D. BIRTWHISTLE, MORELL In Federal Service from: Sept. 3, 1917. to May 8, 1919. Branch of Service: 310th Field Artillery. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. BISIG, ALBERT E. F. In Federal Service from: April 1, 191S, to May 18, 1919. Branch of Service: 312th Ambulance Co., 303rd Sanitary Train, 78th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Limey Sector, Argonne Drive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. BLACHE, WALTER C. In Federal Service from: Sept. 30, 1918, to Dec. 9, 1918. Branch of Service: Officers' Training School. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Unassigned. BLACKWELL, FRANCIS OGDEN, Jr. In Federal Service from: Oct. 10, 1918, to Dec. 10, 1918. Branch of Service: S. A. T. C, Princeton, N. J. BLAKE, CLINTON HAMLIN, Jr. In Federal Service from: Sept. 19, 191S, to Feb. 1, 1919. Branch of Service: Office of Chief Signal Officer of the Army. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain, Signal Corps, I". S. A. BLAKE, HENRY KINGSLEY In Federal Service from: Nov., 1917, to Jan., 1919. Branch of Service: Medical Corps, Student of Medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. [436] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. BLESSING, GERALD T. In Federal Service from: Aug. 20, 1918, to Feb. 4, 1919. Branch of Service: 11th Supply Train, Co. B. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Prior Military Service: Co. F., 5th N. J. Inf. BLOOMER, RICHARD EARL In Federal Service from: April 12, 1913, to Sept. 13, 1919. Branch of Service: 447th Depot Detachment, Engrs. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. BOGERT, CHESTER H. In Federal Service from: Sept. 27, 1917, to Oct. 13, 1919. Branch of Service: I". S. Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. BOGERT, JOHN V., Jr. In Federal Service from: June 25, 1918, to Feb. 21, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Reserve. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Electrician 3 C. (R). BOGERT, JACOB G. In Federal Service from: Sept. 2, 1918, to May 31, 1919. Branch of Service - Quartermaster Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Silver. BOLAND, EDWARD JOHN In Federal Service from: May 15, 1917, to July 5, 1919. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Torpedoed on July 1, 1918. Branch of Service: Navy; various transports, and Destroyers "Dayton" and "Aaron Ward." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman (gun pointer). Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. BOLAND, HAROLD J. In Federal Service from: July 3, 1918, to May 29, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C, Salvage Co. at Camp Mills. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Silver. BOLAND, WILLIAM SMITH In Federal Service from: May 31, 1917, to May 28, 1921. Branch of Service: Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Petty Officer. BOONE, JERRY In Federal Service from: Aug. 17, 1917, to Oct. 16, 1920. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Reserve Force. Grade or Rank at Discharge: M. A., 3rd Class. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. BOYNTON, JAMES BRECK In Federal Service from: Aug. 8, 1918, to Dec. 21, 1918. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Training Unit at Yale, New Haven, Conn. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Mach. Mate, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Silver. Prior Military Service: Plattsburg. [437] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. BREEN, JAMES C. In Federal Service from: July 11, 1917, to July 12, 1919. Branch of Service: 56th Infantry, 7th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc. : St. Mihiel, Prussel Ridge. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st C. Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. BREEN, JOSEPH M. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: 309 Cavalry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 4 Silver. Prior Military Service: Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf. BRIGGS, JAMES, Jr. In Federal Service from: June 12, 1917, to Feb. 24, 1919. Branch of Service: 369th Infantry (15th Inf.). Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Private. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Champaigne, Argonne Forest, Murhouse. Decorations, Citations: Croix de Guerre. BRIGHTLY, JOHN T. BRIGHTLY, WILLIAM C, Jr. BRINTON, BENJAMIN H. In Federal Service from: July, 1917, to June, 1919. Branch of Service: 311th Field Artillery, 79th Div. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. BRISTOW, W. C. BROWN, THOMAS R. In Federal Service from: Aug. 29, 1918, to Jan. 13, 1919. Branch of Service: Infantry, Fourth Recruit Camp, Camp Greene. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Regimental Sergeant Major. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Silver. Prior Military Service: 23rd Infantry Regt. N. G. N. Y., and N. J. Militia Reserve. BROWN, WILLIAM G. In Federal Service from: May IS, 1917, to July 9, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical Det. 165th Inf. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Lorraine, St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: Gassed March 4, 1918, at Lorraine. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. BRUSK, THOMAS BRUCKER, WILHELM J. In Federal Service from: May 22, 1918, to March 15, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Marine Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. BUNNEKAMP, WILLIAM E. In Federal Service from: June 1, 1918, to Dec. 7, 1918. Branch of Service: Naval Training Station at Pelham. Grade or Rank at Discharge: P. O., Second Class. [438] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. BURDETT, COLEMAN In Federal Service from: March 25. 1917, to Aug. 1, 1919. Branch of Service: 104th Engineers — 813th Pioneer Infantry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. BURDETT, DANIEL P. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 191S, to March 12, 1919. Branch of Service: 22 O. G. Ordnance Dept. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant, 1st Cla^. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Military Service: 15 years Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf. BURDETT, GILBERT U. In Federal Service from: Oct., 1917, to December 23, 1918. Branch of Service: Ordnance Dept. Machine Gun Instructor. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Major. Prior Military Service: Essex Troop — Newark, New Jersey, Guard. BURTIS, MORSE, Jr. In Federal Service from: Aug. 21, 1917, to Aug. 1, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Reserve Force. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Petty Officer. BUTLER, JOHN HERBERT In Federal Service from: June 26, 1916, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Infantry, and Co. F, 104th Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Argonne Forest — North of Verdun, Haute Alsace. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: Co. F, 5th N. J. BUTLER, WILLIAM J. In Federal Service from: April 23, 1917, to May 31, 1919. Branch of Service: 59th Co., 7th Reg., D. S. Marines. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Skirmishes with rebels in Haiti. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. CAMPBELL, JONATHAN In Federal Service from: Sept. 26, 191S, to July 15, 1919. Branch of Service: 63rd Pioneer Inf. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. CAMPBELL, LORENZO In Federal Service from: Oct. 19, 1918, to Dec. 17, 1918. Branch of Service: Students Army Training Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. CAMPBELL, MORGAN SEAMAN In Federal Service from: Sept., 1917, to June 7, 1919. Branch of Service: 3rd Naval District Hdqrs., and U. S. S. "Federal." Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Yeoman. CANONICA, FRANK B. In Federal Service from: March 26, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Company F, 104th Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Center Sector Alsace, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: Co. F, 5th N. J. Infantry. [439] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. CANONICA, MICHAEL J. In Federal Service from: May 30, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf. and Co. F, 104th Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc. : Center Sector Alsace-Meuse, Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. CARLE, THOMAS C. In Federal Service from: Feb. 5, 1918, to Feb. 5, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy, U. S. S. "Philadelphia." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Q. M., 2nd Class. CARLOS, DAVID L. In Federal Service from: May 5, 191S, to April 9, 1919. Branch of Service: Ordnance Dept. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. CARLOS, JOSEPH A. In Federal Service from: June 11, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Eng., 29th Div. Hdqrs. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Meuse Argonne, N. E. Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. CARLOS, ROBERT J. In Federal Service from: Feb. 26, 1918, to Aug. 28, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th F. A., 8th Div., 76th F. A., 3rd Reg. Army. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Meuse Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Decorations, Citations: Conspicuous bravery under shell fire. CARLSON, ARTHUR J. In Federal Service from: Nov. 22, 1917. to June 7, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. N. R. F. Fleet Supply Base, Brooklyn, N. Y. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Yeoman. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. CARLSON, CARL G. In Federal Service from: May 27, 1918, to May 23, 1919. Branch of Service: Quartermaster Corps. Utilities Detach. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. CARMAN, EDWARD M. In Federal Service from: March 30, 1917, to Feb. 13, 1919. Branch of Service: Merchant Marine and Transport Service. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Ensign. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. CARMAN, GLADYS LIVINGSTON In Federal Service from: May 28, 191S, to April, 1919. Branch of Service: Army Nurse Corps, Metropolitan Hosp. Unit No. 48. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Nurse. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. CARTER, RUSSELL J. In Federal Service from: May 15, 1917, to June 8, 1919. Branch of Service: Hq. 155th F. A. Brig.; 315th F. A. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: Squadron A. N. Y. Cav., Mexican Border. [440] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. CARTER, THOMAS HARDEN In Canadian Service from: Jan. 2, 1918, to Feb. 10, 1918. Branch of Service: Royal Flying Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. CASEY, EDWARD J. In Federal Service from: May 6. 1918, to July 20, 1919. Branch of Service: 2nd Artillery Corps. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Aisne, Marne, Oise Aisne, St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: Mustard Gas. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Citations: 3. CASTMORE, JOHN In Federal Service from: March 26, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Engineers, 29th Div. Battles, Engagements: Haute Alsace, Argonne-Verdun, Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Decorations and Citations: Citation Argonne. CERASANI, VINCENT In Federal Service from: Dec. 13, 1917, to Dec. 13, 1918. Branch of Service: 333 Aero Squadron. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Blue. CHAFE, JOHN In Federal Service from: Jan. 26, 1915, to March 16, 1920. Branch of Service: 155 Mine Co. 135 Mine Co. U. S. S. Cable Ship "Joseph Henry," 15th Aero Squadron, 264th Aero Squadron. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. Prior Military Service: Regular Army from Jan. 26, 1915, to March 16, 1920. CHAPMAN, FRANK M., Jr. CHARNLEY, MORTON M. In Federal Service from: June 14, 1917, to May 16, 1919. Branch of Service: 57th Inf. Brig. Hdqrs. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Center Sector Haute Alsace, Campaign North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Decorations and Citations: Division Citation 29th Division. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. CHATER, HENRY D. In Federal Service from: June 6, 1918, to Jan. 30, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Marine Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. CHISHOLM, AGNES In Federal Service from: July 20, 1917, to May 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Base Hospital No. S, A. E. F., France, B. H. No. 66, Red Cross No. 5, Mobile Hospital No. 10. Grade or Rank at Discharge- Nurse. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. [441] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. CHRISTMAN, ALEXANDER In Federal Service from: May 28, 1918, to Dec. 1, 1918. Branch of Service: Central Officers Training School. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. CLARK, EUGENE In Federal Service from: Sept. 2.S, 1919, to Dec. 20, 1919. Branch of Service: Inf. 153 Depot Brigade. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Bugler. CLARK, FREDRICK B. In Federal Service from: Aug. 9, 1917, to Dec. 13, 1918. Branch of Service: Ordnance Dept. Small Arms Div. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Major. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. COCALINO, JOSEPH COIT, GLADDING, B. In Federal Service from: Jan. 12, 1918, to Dec. 12, 1918. Branch of Service: U. S. S. M. A. Princeton, N. J.; Ellington Field, Houston, Texas. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Cadet. CONK LIN, GEORGE B. CONLON, JOHN OLIVER In Federal Service from: April 1, 1918, to Feb. 22, 1919. Branch of Service: 309th Machine Gun Batt., 7Sth Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Arras, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: 1 Gold. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. CONLON, WM. J. In Federal Service from: May 10, 1917, to March 3, 1919. Branch of Service: 105th Field Artillery, 27th Division. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. CONNELLY, CHARLES A. In Federal Service from: February 2^, 1918, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: 311 Amb. Co., 303 Sanitary Train, 78th Div. Battles, Engagements: Tunny Sector, St. Mihiel front, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. COOKE, CHARLES A. In Federal Service from: Aug. 12, 1917, to May 24, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. COOKE, HARRY A. In Federal Service from: Nov. 20, 1917, to Sept. 29, 1919. Branch of Service: 303rd Engineers, 78th Div. and Special Officer on Sani- tation at Base No. 1. Battles, Engagements: St. Mihiel, Limey Sector. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. [442] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. COOKE, JOHN J. In Federal Service from: April 5, 1918, to June 16, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy, U. S. Mine Force. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Fireman, 3rd Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. COOKE, JOSEPH E. In Federal Service from: Sept. IS, 1917, to July 28, 1919. Branch of Service: M. T. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Cook. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. COOKMAN, ARTHUR SHIRLEY In Federal Service from: Oct., 1918, to Dec. 1, 1918. Branch of Service: 41st Training Battery. COOPER, ALFRED MILLER In Federal Service from: Aug. 10, 1917, to Aug. 13, 1919. Branch of Service: 43rd Co. 5th Reg't Marines. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel-Champagne-Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. COOPER, AMBROSE J. In Federal Service from: April 2, 1917, to April 5, 1919. Branch of Service: Administrative Co. F. S. C. Co. 2nd Field Bn. S. C. 1st Div. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sgt., 1st Class. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Soissons, St. Mihiel. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. COOPER, EVERETT K. In Federal Service from: March 30, 1918, to April 11, 1919. Branch of Service: 329th Batt'n Light Tank Corps; 302nd Batt'n Tank Corps; 157th Depot Brigade. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. COOPER, PETER In Federal Service from: Sept., 1917, to June 15, 1919. Branch of Service: 7th Infantry, 3rd Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Chateau-Thierry, Belleau Wood. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. COOPER, SIDNEY J. In Federal Service from: Sept. 26, 1918, to Dec. 10, 1918. Branch of Service: Student Army Training Corps, Co. G., Columhia Uni- versity Unit. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. CORKILL, WILLIAM In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1917, to May 22, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th Field Artillery. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Moselle, Argonne Forest, Grand Pre, Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. [443] THE HOOK OK ENGKEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. CORNELIUS, WALLACE W. In Federal Service from: Dec. 13, 1917, to July 14, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy Aviation, North Bombing Squadron, Calais, France. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Machinist's Mate, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. CORSA, ANDREW WALTON In Federal Service from- July 1, 1918, to Jan. 9, 1919. Branch of Service: Field Artillery Replacement Depot. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant F. A. COSTELLO, MATHEW In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1918, to Dec, 1919. Branch of Service: Engineers. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Cook, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. (KANE, JOSEPH In Federal Service from May 15, 1917, to Sept. 27, 1919. Branch of Service: II. S. S. "Delaware;" U. S. S. "Mercury." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Fireman, 2nd Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. CRUM, ALBERT .1. In Federal Service from: May 5, 1918, to Dec. 11, 1918. Branch of Service: 25 Co. 7 Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade, Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. CRUM, ARTHUR BURR In Federal Service from: July 8, 1918, to June 17, 1919. Branch of Service: 318th Engineers, 6th Div. A. E. F. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: (Sold. CRUM, LESTER M. In Federal Service from: July 21, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F. 104th Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Alsace, Verdun, Argonne. Entitled to Chevrons: Cold. CURRIE, WILLIAM VINCENT In Federal Service from: May 18, 1018, to Dec. 23, 1918. Branch of Service: Base Hospital No. 74, General Hosp. No. 35. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. I muled to Chevrons: 1 Silver. CURRY, T. MORTON In Federal Service from: May 1, 1917, to March 20, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy, U. S. S. "Von Steuben." Battles, Engagements, etc.: Submarine Attack, July 5, 1918, off Coast of France. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Ensign. Entitled to Chevrons: _' Gold. [444] THE BOOK OF KNGLEWOOl) Military and Naval Service Records. DANCO, LEON A. M. In Belgian Service from: August !, 1914. Branch of Service: Infantry, Belgian Army, Machine duns. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Antwerp-Yser (Belgium). All the battles of the Belgian Expeditionary Army in Africa sinci 1916. Grade or Rank: Machine Gun Warrant Officer. Entitled to Chevrons: Six silver chevrons given only for actual service in trenches. Decorations and Citations: African Star, African Medal, Victory Medal, Yser Medal, War Medal, fourragere of the colors of the order of the African Mar and fourragere of the colors of the Belgian War Cross. DAVIS, LAWRENCE In Federal Service from: July 5, 1918, to July 23, 1919. Branch of Service: 540th Engineers. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Serjeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. DAVIES, LEKOY S. In Federal Service from: Sept. 25, 1917, to May 10, 1919. Branch of Service: 304th Field Artillery, 77th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Vesle, Aisne; Argonne; Ar^onne-Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. DAWSON, FRANK In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1918, to Dec. 12, 1918. Branch of Service Co. C. 3rd Engineers. Tr. Re^t. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. DAWSON, HOMER WALTON In Federal Service from: April 12, 1917, to Jan. 20, 1919. Branch of Service: Receiving Ship at N. Y. as Coms'y Officer. Grade or Rank at Discharge: lieutenant 'pay corps). Prior Naval Service: Oct., 1902 to Feb., 1911. DAYTON, SPENCER T. DELEHANTY, EDWARD J. In Federal Service from: Sept. 19, 1917, to April 19, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. I. 7th Inf., 3rd Div. Battles, I n^.i^ements, etc.: Marne-St. Mihiel-Ar^onne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. DELEHANTY, WALTER J. In Federal Service from: July 1, 1918, to Sept. 24, 1919. Branch of Service: 311 Supply Co., Q. M. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. DEMAREST, LAWRENCE M. DE MOTT, GEORGE D. In Federal Service from: Dec. 8, 1917, to July 3, 1919. Branch of Service: Ordnance Dept. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Ordnance Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. [445] THE BOOK OF FNGLFWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. DE MOTT, RAYMOND F. In Federal Service from: Sept. 28, 1917, to May 21, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th Artillery, 78th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc: St. Mihiel-Argonne-Grand Pre, Meuse, Moselle. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Inst. Sgt. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. DENEHEY, FRANK J. DE PUGLIO, JOSEPH In Federal Service from: May 13, 1918, to Jan. 22, 1919. Branch of Service: Machine Gun Group No. 1, Main Training Depot, Camp Hancock. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Band Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Military Service: Co. F. Sth N. J. Inf. N. G. DE RAD, JOHN DE RONDE, ETHEL In Federal Service from: May 12, 1917, to April 8, 1919. Branch of Service: Army Nurse Corps, British Base IIosp. No. 1; General IT. S. Base Hosp. No. 2; U. S. Mobile Hospital No. 2. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Champagne-Marne ; Aisne-Marne; Oise-Aisne; St. Miliiel ; Meuse-Argonne. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. DE RONDE, PHILIP In Federal Service from: March, 1917, to April, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge: l.t. Commander. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. DE WITT, EDWARD, Jr. In federal Service from: March 28, 1917, to March 28, 1921. Branch of Service: Submarine Chaser, Mining Fleet, Transport Service; Logistic Dala Board. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Ensign, Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. DE WITT, WILLIAM G., 2nd In federal Service Iron,: June IS, 1918, to Dec. 20, 1918. Branch of Service: Naval Reserve. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Coxswain. DEZER, CHARLES N., Jr. DIBBLE, THOMAS R., Jr. In Federal Service from: April 21, 1917, to March 8, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy, U. S. S. "Bussum;" I. S. S. "Herbert L. Pratt;" S. P. 579 New York. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Quartermaster, 3rd Class. DITMAN, ALBERT J. In Federal Service from: Feb. 2, 1917, to Feb. 1, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Reserve Flying Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant S. (i. DONAHUE, LAWRENCE M. [446] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. DOREMUS, WILLIAM E. In Federal Service from: April 1?, 1917, to April 3, 1919. Branch of Service: 2nd Field Artillery N. V. N. G. ; in Federal Service, June 9, 1917. Battles, Engagements, etc.: 7 Battles, 19 Engagements. St. Mihiel-Meuse- Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. DOYLE, JOSEPH A. In Federal Service from: July 25, 191/, to May 16, 1919. Branch of Service: Headquarters 57th Infantry Brigade, 29th Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Center Sector — Haute AIsace-Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Regimental Sergeant-Major. F^ntitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. DOYLE, WILLIAM .!., Jr. In Federal Service to Nov., 1918. Branch of Service: Infantry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. DRAYTON, WILLIAM ROOD In Federal Service from: June 19, 1918, to Dec. 29, 1918. Branch of Service: Battery C and Headqrs. Co. 3rd Regiment F. A. R. D. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Silver. Prior Military Service: Private Battery Co. 10th Field Artillery, National Guard of Conn.; Yale R. O. T. C. April, 1917, to June, 1918. DU BOIS, HENRY P. In Federal Service from: Aug. 19, 1917, to Feb. 24, 1919. Branch of Service: Ordnance Dept. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Major. Prior Military Service: Squadron A, N. Y. N. G. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. DUNCAN, FREDRICK B. In Federal Service from: Oct. 22, 1917, to Sept. 26, 1918. Branch of Service: Aviation. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Aviation Student. Previous Military and Naval Service: April 6, 1917, to Aug. 3, 1917, Seaman. Sept. 25, 1917, to Oct. 22, 1917, American Field Service (Ambulance). DUNCAN, FREDRICK S. In Federal Service from: Oct. 28, 1918, to Dec. 22, 1918. Branch of Service: I'. S. Gas School C. W. S. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain C. \V. S. I". S. A. Previous Military Service: Harvard R. O. T. C. DUN< W. SAMUEL A. In Federal Service from: May 7, 1917, to Jan. 27, 1919. Branch of Service: I". S. Naval Reserve Force, Mine Sweeping Squadron. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Boatswain's Mate, 2nd Cla^. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. [447 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. DOUTY, DANIEL E. In Federal Service from: April 17, 1918. Inactive, April 9, 1919. Dis- charged: Sept. 15, 1921. Branch of Service: Navy Constabulary Corps. Superintending Construction, New York Office. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant (senior grade). Prior Military Service: National Guard of District of Columbia. DUNSHEE, CHARLES L. In Federal Service from: June 26, 1917, to July 25, 1919. Branch of Service: 41st Sanitary Sejuad, 29th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Defence Center Sector — Haute Alsace, North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. DUNSHEE, CLARENCE ZWALD In Federal Service from: June, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: 114th Ambulance Co., 29 Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Center Sector — Haute Alsace, Campaign North of Verdun. Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Previous Military Service: 5th N. J. N. G. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. DURIE, CHESTER A. In Federal Service from: May 22, 1917, to March 15, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Marines, 7th Regt. Marines. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. EAGONEANNI, DOMINICK Branch of Service: 304th Engineers. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. EASON, NIGEL H. In Federal Service from: April 29, 1917, to March 25, 1919. Branch of Service: Subchaser No. 201. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Gunner's Mate, 2nd Class. ECKERSON, LAWRENCE B. In Federal Service from: June 29, 1917, to June, 1919. Branch of Service: 11th U. S. Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Cambrai-Arras-Marne-St. Mihiel-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. EDGERTON, T. TRACY In Federal Service from: July 25, 1917, to May 16, 1919. Branch of Service: 57th Inf. Brig. Hdq., 29th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Defence Center Sector — Haute Alsace, Campaign North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. EDWARDS, WM. A. In Federal Service from: March 5, 1918, to Dec. 15, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical Detachment, Base Hospital, Camp Upton. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. [448 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. EHRHARDT, FRED W. In Federal Service from: Oct., 1918, to Nov., 1918. Branch of Service: Coast Artillery. Bat. A. 31st Art. ('. A. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. EINHORN. AUGUST HARRY EINHORN, MARTIN A. In Federal Service from: May 17, 1917, to Sept. 26, 1919. Branch of Service: Battery B. 7th Field Artillery. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Montdidier-Noyai, Soissons. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. ELIOT, DOUGLAS F. A. In Federal Service from: Sept. 23, 1918, to Nov. 25, 1918. Branch of Service: F. A. C. O. T. S.— Field Artillery. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Candidate. Prior Military Service: Squadron A, N. G, N. V. ELLIOTT, GEORGE In Federal Service from: July 30, 1918, to Nov. 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Guard Co. No. 311 Q. M. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Cla^s. ELLIOTT, JAMES In Federal Service from: July 25, 191/, to May 12, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical Corps 165 Amhulance Co., 42 Div. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Battles, Engagements, etc.: 9. Entitled to Chevrons: 5 Gold. ELLSWORTH, RICHARD ROBINSON In Federal Service from: Aug. 4, 1917, to April 1, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. B 105 Machine Gun Battalion, 27 Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Hindenburg Line, La Salle, Jone de Mer Ridge, Vierstrant Ridge, The Knoll, Guillemont Farm, Guennemont Farm, St. Maurice River, F'ast Poperinghe Line, and Dickehusch. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant: Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border Service July 12. 1916, to Dec. 28, 1916. ELMORE, CHARLES E. In Federal Service from: Feb. 25, 1918, to May 20, 1919. Branch of Service: Battery B, 308th Field Artillery, 78th Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel and Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. ELWES, FREDRICK PAYNE, Jr. In Federal Service from: Oct. 1, 1918, to Dec. 10, 1918. Branch of Service: Artillery — Students Army Training Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Prior Military Service: R. O. T. C. Columbia l". 1917-l.X. EMBURY, ALFRED B. [449] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. EMBURY, AYMAR, II. In Federal Service from: Aug. 8, 1917, to May 28, 1919. Branch of Service: 40th Engineers, 305 Engrs. Office of Chief Engrs. G5, G. H. Q. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Defense of Toul Sector, Champagne, Maine Defensive, Marne-Aisne Offensive, Oise-Aisne Offensive, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Defense of Vesle Sector, Defense of St. Mihiel Sector. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Decorations and Citations: Citations, 2; one 26th Div., one G. II. Q. ENGLISH, EDWARD L. In Federal Service from: Jan. 11, 1918, to Max 1, 1918. Branch of Service: 21st Co. Engineers, Tort Slocum. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. ENNIS, THOMAS .1., Jr. In Federal Service from: June 12, 1917, to Aug. 9, 1919. Branch of Service: I". S. Navy. (■rade or Rank at Discharge' Chief Carpenter's Mate. Entitled to Chevrons: Cold. FABENS, ANDREW L. In Federal Service from: Jul} 26, 1917, to April 15, 1919. Branch of Service: Office of Chief of Ordnance, tirade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Silver. FAIR. WILLIAM T. In Federal Service from: April 1, 1917, to fan. 21, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. A, 106th Int., 27th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Cambrai, St. Quentin. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Cold. Prior Military Service- Co. A 23rd U. S. X. G. June 1°-, 1916, to Jan. 17, 1917, Mexican Border. FERRY, ROBERT NBWTONS In Federal Service from: April 26, 1918, to Dec. 3, 1918. Branch of Service: Co. 3 Div. Bn., Camp Wheeler, Ga. (Infantry). Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. ITNBERG, LOUIS REYNOLDS In Federal Service from: May 1, 1917, to Feb. 13, 1919. Branch of Service: Pelham Bay Training School; ( T . S. S. "Indiana;" Pier 72, N. Y. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Yen., 3rd Class. FINK, ROBERT EARL In Federal Service from: May 14, 1917, to Jan. 30, 1919. Branch of Service: 61st Company, Marine Corps. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Prior Military Service: Plattsburg, Aug., 1916; 1st Officers' Training Camp, Fort Myer, Va., May to Aug., 1917. FISCHER, DIETERICH PAUL In Federal Service from: Sept. 4, 1918, to Dec. 16, 1918. Branch of Service: Assigned to Gas Mask Research Dept. as chemist in Gases. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. [450] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. FISCHER, HANS RICHARD In Federal Service from: Oct. 1, 1918, to Dec. 16, 1918. Branch of Service: Columbia University Naval Unit. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Apprentice Seaman. FISK. ARCHIBALD BARTOW In Federal Service from: Nov. 13, 1917, to July 2?, 1919. Branch of Service: Ordnance — 2nd Corps, Artillery Park. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Champagne, Verdun-Argonne, Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. FITZGERALD, JOHN E. In Federal Service from: July 23, 1917, to Maj 27, 1919. Branch of Service: Company D, 104th Engineers, 29th Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Center Sector, Haute Alsace. Argonne-Mei North of Verdun. (,rade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. FITZGERALD, LEWIS JAMES In Federal Service from: June 20, 1916, to June 13, 1918. Branch of Service: Co. ('. 114th U. S. Infantry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. F.ntitled to Chevrons: Silver. FOLEY, GEORGE E. In Federal Service from: 1917 to Feb. 3, 1919. Branch of Service- 1st Lieut. Co. F, 5th N. J.; transferred to 114 Infantry- Appointed Captain as Aid to Assistant Secretary of War, 1918. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Prior Military Service: 4 Years Co. F, 5th N. J. FOOTE, ARTHUR E. In Federal Service from: Aug. 15, 1917, to Dec. 31, 1920. Branch of Service: Staff of Commanding General 76th & 12th Divs. ; Com- mission on Training Camp Activities: Education and Recreation Branch, War Plans Division, General Staff. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Major. Entitled to Chevrons: 4 Silver. FOSTER, FRED H. In Federal Service from: June 24, 1918, to July 10, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. L. 21st Engineer^. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Meuse, Argonne Offensive, Occupation Toul Sector, tirade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Cla^s. F.ntitled to Chevrons: Gold. FROBISHER, DR. HAMILTON B. In Federal Service from: Aug., 1917, to July, 1919. Branch of Service: 102nd Field Hospital, 26th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Engagements of 26th Div. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Sgt., 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: Gassed. Prior Military Service: V. S. Navy, 1909-11. [451] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. FROBISHER, MARTIN, Jr. In Federal Service from: Dec. 11, 1917, to July 5, 1919. Branch of Service: Motor Transport Corps. Motor Truck Co. 408; trans- ferred to Laboratory Service in Medical Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class (Sgt. in Transport Corps). Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Silver. GAINES, ALBERT B. GAROPSKY, STEVE In Federal Service from: May 27, 1918, to Dec. 17, 191S. Branch of Service: Co. C, 1st Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. GARVIN, ROGER BALDWIN In Federal Service from: Aug. 26, 1917, to Jan. 25, 1919. Branch of Service: 57th Artillery, C. A. C. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel-Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. GAVIT, JOSEPH LAMONT In Federal Service from: Oct. 2, 1918; dierl Jan. 22, 1920, while still an Apprentice Seaman, U. S. Navy. Branch of Service: Harvard Naval Unit. Grade or Rank: Apprentice Seaman. Prior Military Service: Three months' service with Field Service of Ameri- can Red Cross at Camp Merritt. GENBERG, JOHN GERACE, ANTHONY In Federal Service from: Sept. 19, 1918, to May 26, 1919. Branch of Service: Headquarters Co., 308th F. A. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Five. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. GERKE, CHARLES W. In Federal Service from: July 1, 1918, to Jan. 23, 1919. Branch of Service: 4th Training Battalion, Signal Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. GILLARD, CHESTER ROSS In Federal Service from: Dec. 10, 1917, to March 14, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Reserve Force. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Electrician, 2nd Class (Radio). GILROY, EDWIN B. In Federal Service from: Feb. 21, 1918, to April 26, 1918. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Deck School. Grade or Rank at Discharge: F. M., 3rd Class. GLASS, LOUIS In Federal Service from: April 1, 1918, to May 17, 1919. Branch of Service: 309th Field Artillery, Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel-Argonne-Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. [452] THE BOOK OF KNGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. GLASSFORD, DAVID C. In Federal Service from: Oct. 22, 1918, to Dec. 5, 1918. Branch of Service: Battery A, 31st Artillery, C. A. C. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. GOLDEN, JAMES P. In Federal Service from: Nov. 21, 1917, to Dec. 12, 1917. Branch of Service: Depot Brigade, Infantry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. GORMAN, EUGENE In Federal Service from: May 28, 1918, to Aug. 23, 1919. Branch of Service: Postal Express, tirade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. GOUBERT, HAROLD VULTEE In Federal Service from: July 25, 1917, to May 16, 1919. Branch of Service: Hdqrs. Detach., 57th Inf. Brigade, 29th Div. U. S. Army. Battles, Engagements: Defense Center Sector, Haute Alsace, Argonne-Meuse Offensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. GOULD, JOHN H. In Federal Service from: July 12, 1917, to March, 1919. Branch of Service: Overseas with Casual Co. 955. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Die, St. Mihiel, Argonne-Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: Gassed. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. GRAHN, MARY THEODORE In Federal Service from: June 24, 1918, to Nov. 3, 142(1. Branch of Service: V . S. N. R. F. at Brooklyn Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Yeoman, 1st Class (Female). Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. GRASING, ALBERT, Jr. In Federal Service from: May 13, 1918, to Dec. 11, 1918. Branch of Service: 3rd Co., M. G O. T. S., Camp Hancock, Ga. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Battalion Sergeant Major. GREEN, JAMES BURD PEARLE In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1917, to May 14, 1919. Branch of Service: 165th Inf., 83rd Brig., 42nd Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Luneville, Baccaset, Champagne, Chateau- Thierry, Ourcq River, St. Mihiel, Army of Occupation, tirade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border, N. Y. N. G. GREEN, JANE ORNE In Federal Service from: Jan. 8, 1918, to July 23, 1919. Branch of Service: Army Nurse Corps; Base Hosp., Fort Sam Houston; Base Hosp., No. 86, Mesves, France ; Camp Hosp., No. 26, St. Aignan, France. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. [ 453 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. GREEN, JOHN ORNE In Federal Service from: Nov., 1917, to Aug. IS, 1919. Branch of Service:' lS6th Aero Squadron. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant (Pilot). Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. GREENE, ROBERT F. In Federal Service from: April 28, 1918, to April 4, 1919. Branch of Service: 303rd Field Artillery Grade or Rank at Discharge: Regimental Sergeant Major. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. GRIFFIN, JAMES F., Jr. In Federal Service from: Dec. 11, 1917, to March 15, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Aviation, Rockaway Air Station. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Machinist, GROWNEY, FRANK J. In Federal Service from: Sept. 2, 1918, to March 13, 1919. Branch of Service: Infantry and Personnel, Hdqrs. Co., Camp Dix, N. J. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. GROWNEY, JOSEPH E. In Federal Service from: May 1, 1918, to Dec. 19, 191S. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Res. Force Training Station, Newport, R. I. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman, 2nd Class. GUDE, H. W. In Federal Service from: April 28, 1917, to Feb. 5, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Auxiliary. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Ensign. HAINES, WILLIAM HOWARD In Federal Service from: Dec. 8, 1917, to Feb. 19, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Reserve Force, U. S. S. "Vermont." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant (Junior Grade). HALLADAY, JOHN STUART In Federal Service from: June 1, 1917, to April 3, 1919. Branch of Service: American Field Section 66. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Craonne Defensive, Aisne Defensive (Chemin des Dames), Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Decorations and Citations: Croix de Guerre. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Ambulance Driver. HAMILTON, MINARD HARDY, ANTON G. In Federal Service from: May 15, 1917, to Aug. 15, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C, Motor Supply Train 413. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne- Woevre, Army of Occupation. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Prior Military Service: One Year 10th Field Artillery, Conn. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. HARDY, D. WHITFIELD In Federal Service from: May 14, 1917, to Aug. 15, 1919. Branch of Service: 315th Field Artillery, 155th Brigade, SOth Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. f 454 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. HARGREAYES, KENNETH In Federal Service from: Nov. 5, 1917. to Aug. 13, 1919. Branch of Service: Headquarters Detachment, 2nd Engineers, tirade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. HARGRAVES, WILLIAM JOSEPH In Federal Service from: Jan. 18, 1918, to Oct. 19, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. N. F. S. Newport; Pelham Bay; City Park Barracks. Brooklyn; U. S. A. T. "Artemis." tirade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman. HARTWELL, GEORGE VAIL In Federal Service from: May 15. 1917, to March 15, 1919. Branch of Service: Overseas as Captain, 314 Field Artillery; transferred to 15th F. A. Brigade as Brig. Adjutant. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Major. Prior Military Service: Squadron A, X. V. N. G. on Mexican Border. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. HASENFLUGH, JOHN W. HAWKES, BENJAMIN W., Jr. In Federal Service from: May 23, 1917, to April 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. C, 107th Inf. Battles, Engagements, etc.: East Poperinghe Line, Dickebusch Sec. Belgium, Hindenburg Line, La Salle River, Jone de Mer Ridge and St. Mau- rice River. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Supply Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. HAYES, ALEXANDER T. In Federal Service from: Dec. 15, 1917, to Jan., 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Army Radio Service. tirade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. HERMAN, MAURICE HERMAN, JOSEPH HERON, JAMES J. In Federal Service from: Sept. 10, 1917, to March 26, 1919. Branch of Service: 307th Infantry, 77th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Oise-Aisne Offensive. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Battalion Sergeant Major. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. HI( KEY, EDWARD J. HIGINSON, LUTHER G. In Federal Service from: July 26, 1917, to Jan. 22, 1919. Branch of Service: 12th Balloon Co. Air Service. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Champagne, Argonne Forest. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. HILDEBRANT, WALTER GEORGE In Federal Service from: Oct. 24, 191S, to Dec. 14, 1918. Branch of Service: Miscellaneous section, Manf. Branch; Clothing and Equip. Div. Quartermaster General Office. Grade or Rank at Discharge- Captain. [455] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. HILL, ARTHUR THEODORE In Federal Service from: May 10, 1918, to Feb. 20, 1919. Branch of Service; 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lt. Inf. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. HILL, JAMES B. In Federal Service from: May 29, 1917, to June 4, 1919. Branch of Service: United States Naval Reserve Force. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Served aboard I". S. Submarine Chaser No. 92, in Atlantic, Mediterranean and Adriatic; 2nd Expcd. against Durazzo. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Machinist's Mate. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. HILTON, HERBERT ROSS In Federal Service from: Oct. 26, 1917, to Feb. 24, 1919. Branch of Service: 369th Inf. (15th Inf. of New York). Battles, Engagements, etc.: Champagne, Marne, Meuse-Argonne Defensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: Yes. Decorations and Citations: Second Highest Bravery Cord — Croix de Guerre. HIRSCHBERG, ROBERT In Federal Service from: March 26, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: 116 Ambulance Co. 104 Sanitary Train. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. HOADLEY, CHARLES WESSON In Federal Service from: Aug. 7, 1918, to Dec. 1, 1918. Branch of Service: 3rd Regt. V. S. N. R. F. Aviation. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Landsman. HOEGER, CHARLES J. In Federal Service from: Feb. 5, 1916, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F 104th Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Defense of Center Sector Alsace, Argonne-Meuse, Campaign North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Sergeant. Prior Military Service: Oct. 9, 1911, to Feb. 6, 1916, Co. F, 5th N. J. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. HOEGER, FREDRICK In Federal Service from: March 25, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: 104th San. Tr. 114th Amb. Co. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Haute Alsace, St. Mihiel, Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Prior Militarv Service: Served on the Mexican Border for 6 Mos. with 5th N. J. N. G. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. HOEGER, GEORGE MICHAEL In Federal Service from: March, 1918, to November, 1918. Branch of Service: Camp Hdqrs. Camp Dix, N. J., 47 Co. 153rd Depot Brig. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Prior Militarv Service: Company F, 5th N. J. N. G. [456] THE BOOK OF ENGEEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. HOGG, HARRY In Federal Service from: Oct. 29, 1917, to Dec. 26, 1919.- Branch of Service: I*. S. Navy — Naval Overseas Transport Service. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant, Senior Grade. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. HOLLAND, SAMUEL In Federal Service from: Aug. 2, 1918, to Jan. 14, 1919. Branch of Service: Pelham Bay Training School. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Petty Officer. HOLMES, ALFRED THEODORE In Federal Service from: July 25, 1918, to July 31, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. N. R. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Stk. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. HOLMES, JOHN McCLELLAN In Federal Service from: June 6, 1918, to Aug. 11, 1919. Branch of Service: Machine Gun Co., 11th Regiment, 5th Battalion, U. S. Marines, France. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. HOLRAN, ROBERT D. In Federal Service from: Aug. 15, 1917, to Feb. 11, 1920. Branch of Service: Infantry 1". S. Army, 00th Inf., 4th Inf. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihicl, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: One. HOOVEN, ROBERT J. In Federal Service from: April 10, 1918, to May 50, 1919. Branch of Service: V. S. Marine Corps, 98 Co. Unattached. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. HOOVEN, WILLIAM A. HOOVEN, THOMAS L. HUBBARD, FREDRICK W. In Federal Service from: April 5, 1918, to Aug. 4, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. N. Experimental Sta. New London, etc. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Electrician, 1st Class. HUCKIN, CHARLES B. In Federal Service from: May 2, 1917, to Feb. 28, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Signalman, 1st Cla^s. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. HUCKIN, LE ROY B. In Federal Service from: Oct. 2, 1918, to Dec. 14, 1918. Branch of Service: Washington and Lee S. A. T. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. HUCKIN, WILLIAM C. [457] THE BOOK OF ENGLKWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. HUGHES, OWEN D. In Federal Service from: Dec. 13, 1917, to July 8, 1919. Branch of Service: 'Field Hospital 34, 7th Sanitary Train, 7th Division. Battles, Skirmishes, etc: (Meuse-Argonne), Occupation Puvenelle Sector. Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. HYDE, FRANCIS STILLMAN In Federal Service from: July 13, 1918, to Dec. 30, 1918. Branch of Service: 1". S. Marine Corps, Reserve Flying Corps. Rank at Discharge: Gunnery Sergeant. HYDE, ROBINSON HAZARD In Federal Service from: Sept. 6, 1917, to April 1, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Navy; Mine Force, Atlantic Fleet, North Sea Mine Barrage. Rank at Discharge: Ensign (R). Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. INGHAM, HOWARD MAXWELL In Federal Service from: Dec. 20, 1917, to June 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Assistant Naval Inspector of Ordnance, 4th Naval Dist. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant, Senior Grade. IPPOLITO, GABRIEL In Federal Service from: April 1, 1918, to Sept. 12, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th Field Artillery, Batt. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. JACKSON, HARRY C. In Federal Service from April 30, 1917, to Dec. 31, 1918. Branch of Service: United States Sub Chaser 240 (Attached to Canadian Navy, Halifax, N. S.). Grade or Rank at Discharge: Quartermaster, 1st Class. JACKSON, SAMUEL W. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1918, to Jan. 1, 1919. Branch of Service: Infantry, Camp Upton. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. JAMES, EDMUND DUDLEY In Federal Service from: April 25, 1918, to April 26, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy, Stationed at N. Y. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Coxswain. JAMIESON, ROBERT, Jr. In Federal Service from: May, 1917, to July, 1919. Branch of Service: Troop Ships and Army Supply Service. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Boatswain's Mate. Prior Military Service: National Guard, 1909 to 1912. JARDINE, HERBERT W. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical, 114 Field Hospital. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. JENKINS, SAMUEL F. [458] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. JONES, ARTHUR E. In Federal Service from: Feb. 25, 1918, to July 5, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. G, 34th Engineers. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. JONES, EVERETT In Federal Service from Sept. 19, 1917, to June 12, 1919. Branch of Service: 303 Eng. Train, 303 Engineers. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: Twenty-one Months. JONES, HARRY In Federal Service from: Nov. 11, 1918, to Nov. 15, 1918. Branch of Service: 1st Provisional Wing Air Service Depot, Garden City. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. JOHNSON, ALFRED A. In Federal Service from: June 21, 1917, to April 12, l^lQ. Branch of Service: 42 Sanitary Squad, 29th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Center Sector, Haute Alsace, Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. JOHNSON, ALVIN H. In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1918, to Dec. 21, 1918. Branch of Service: Naval Unit, Stevens Institute, Hoboken. JOHNSON, FREDRICK MILTON In Federal Service from: April 1, 1918, to Aug. 1, 1919. Branch of Service: 7th Engineers, Co. B, 5th Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne, Saint Die Sector. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. JOHNSON, JOHN J. JOHNSON, THOMAS HERBERT In Federal Service from: May 28, 1917, to April 25, 1019. Branch of Service: U. S. A. Ambulance with French Army, S. S. U. 504. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Noyon Sector, Verdun Sector, Montdidier, Noyon Defensive, Compeigne Sector, Aisne-Mame Offensive; Ypres-Lys Offensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Mechanic. Entitled to Chevrons: 4 Gold. Decorations and Citations: Croix de Guerre (Cited Twice). Entitled to Wound Chevrons: One. JLOSKY, JOHN J. In Federal Service from: May 28, 1918, to June 4, 1919. Branch of Service: Battery D, 311th Field Artillery, Batt. D. JLOSKY, THOMAS In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1918, to Dec. 31, 1918. Branch of Service: Co. E, 4th Engineers. JUDSON, FREDRICK A. In Federal Service from: May 5, 1917, to Dec. 30, 1918. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Reserve Force, tirade or Rank at Discharge: Ensign. [ 459 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. KANE, CHARLES S. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1917, to May 27, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. B, 116 U. S. Infantry. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Center Sector, Alsace; Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: t . S. Revenue Cutter Service. KANE, JAMES P. In Federal Service from: May 4, 1918, to Dec. 5, 1918. Branch of Service: 25th Co., 151 Depot Brigade, Infantry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. KANE, THOMAS J. In Federal Service from: Oct. 22, 1918, to Dec. S, 1918. Branch of Service: 68th Battery, 17th Center Anti-Aircraft Sector. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. KARCHER, PHILIP H. In Federal Service from: March 2, 1918, to July 10, 1919. Branch of Service: Engineers Corps, Army Transport Service. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. KEELER, FLOYD Y. In Federal Service from: July 29, 1918, to Aug. 11, 1919. Branch of Service: Military Intelligence Div. ; Morale Branch — General Staff. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain — Major R. C. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. KELLEHER, RICHARD D. In Federal Service from: Oct. 26, 1917, to April 3, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy, U. S. S. "Leviathan" — 10 voyages. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Petty Officer, 1st Class. KELLEHER, WILLIAM JOSEPH, Jr. In Federal Service from: Dec. 12, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Army, Ordnance. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. KELLSEY, FRANKLIN L. In Federal Service from: July 13, 1917, to Aug. 16, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Navy, U. S. N. A. S., Lough Foyle, Ireland; C S. S. "Northern Pacific." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Electrician, 1C, Radio. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. KERR, CLARENCE DILWORTH In Federal Service from: Oct. 4, 1918, to Dec. 3, 1918. Branch of Service: Officers' Training School, V. S. Gas School. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. KESSER, JULIUS In Federal Service from- Oct. 3, 1918, to Jan. 24. 1919. Branch of Service: Air Service. Detachment No. 2, N. V. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. [460 ] THE BOOK OF KNGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. KIDDER, AMOS MANSFIELD In Federal Service from: April 17, 1917, to Dec. 11, 1918. Branch of Service: Air Service. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant (Flight Commander) ; Captain R. C. KIDDER, DELOS BLISS In Federal Service from: July 25, 1917, to 1919. Branch of Service: Hdqrs. 1st N. J. Inf. Brigade; Ildqrs. 57th Inf. Brigade, 29th Div. ; Aviation Service, Camp Bowie. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. KIEFFER, MARCUS H. In Federal Service from: June 16, 1917, to April 24, 1919. Branch of Service: Field Ambulance with French Army; S. S. U. 591. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Oise. Aisne, Chemin des Dames. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. KIMBLE, JOHN J. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1917, to April 10, 1919. Branch of Service: 104th Engineers, Co. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border Service Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf. KINGSLEY, THOMAS A., Jr. In Federal Service from: March 25, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F (5th Inf. N. J. N. G.), 104th Engineers, 29th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Defense Alsace — Center Sector; Argonne Forest; Argoiine-Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons; 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: Co. D, 19th I". S. Inf., Mexican Border, and Co. F, 5th Inf. N. J. N. G. KLATT, FREDRIC C. In Federal Service from: Dec. 13, 1917, to July 18, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Sub. Chaser 186 and U. S. S. "Indianapolis." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Quartermaster, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. KLATT, WILLIAM FREDRIC In Federal Service from: Oct. 10, 1917, to April 2S, 1919. Branch of Service: Various ships, and shore stations, and Lafayette Radio Station, France. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Yeoman. KLEIN, FREDRICK W. In Federal Service from: Sept. 17, 1917, to June 12, 1919. Branch of Service: 303rd Engineers, Company B. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. [461] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. KLINK, JOSEPH In Federal Service from: May 1, 1917, to Dec. 11, 1918. Branch of Service:' Coast Artillery 4th Co., Balboa, Fort Amador, Canal Zone, and Coast Artillery Training Center, Fort Monroe, \'a. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant, Coast Artillery. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Silver. KNEVALS, ANNA BAXTER KOCENDA, VINCENT LACHMUND, WILLIAM F. In Federal Service from: June, 1916, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Engineers, 29th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Offensive Center Sector, Haute Alsace, Cham- pagne, Argonne Forest; Meuse River; Campaign North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. LAIDLAW, ROBERT R. In Federal Service from: Oct., 1918, to Dec, 1918. Branch of Service: Attached to General Staff, Washington. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. LAMONT, GORDON S. In Canadian Service from: Dec. 13, 1917, to March 1, 1919. Branch of Service: Royal Air Service, School of Special Flying. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant, Flying Instructor. Prior Military Service: May 15, 1917, to Aug. 1, 1917, Officers' Training Camp. LAMONT, THOMAS STILLWELL In Federal Service from: Nov. 5, 1918, to Dec. S, 1918. Branch of Service: Field Artillery, Central Officers' Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. LAUBER, CHARLES G. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1917, to May 14, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical 42nd Div. Rainbow, 165 Ambulance Co. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Champagne, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. LAUD-BROWN, WELSLEY In Federal Service from: March 24, 1917, to Dec. 18, 1918. Branch of Service: Naval Aviation. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant, J. G. LEARY, JOHN P. In Federal Service from: July 9, 1917, to May, 1919. Branch of Service: Hdqrs. 57th Infantry Brigade. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Defense Center Sector, Haute Alsace, Campaign North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. [462] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. LEARY, THOMAS A. In Federal Service from: March 26, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Engineers, 29th Div. Battles, Engagemnts, etc.: Center Sector, Alsace, Meuse, Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sgt., 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: Company F. 5th N. J. Inf. LENEHAN, WILLIAM B. LEVINSOHN, FRANK LEVINSOHN, JULIUS LEVINSOHN, SAMUEL LEVINSOHN, SANDER A. LEWIS, EDWARD JAY, Jr. In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1918, to Dec. 30, 1918. Branch of Service: Co. B, 5th Engrs. Training Regiment, Camp Humphreys. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. LEWIS, WILLIAM H. In Federal Service from: July 7. 1917, to Aug. 28, 1 9 1 M. Branch of Service: Motor Truck Supply Train No. 402, Company 308. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. LEWITZ, MARTIN In Federal Service from: Sept. 7, 1917, to May 20, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th Field Artillery, Bkv. Co. 302. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. LIEBSTER, JOSEPH H. In Federal Service from: Feb. 15, 191S, to Aug. 3, 1920. Branch of Service: First Army Corps — Hdqrs. Co. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Air Raids Only. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. LINDLEY, ALLEN L. In Federal Service from: May 11, 1917, to May, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th Inf. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Vesle, Aisne, Argonue-Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Major. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: Plattsburg Camp. LITTLE, HALSTED In Federal Service from: Aug. 14, 1918, to Nov. 30, 1918. Branch of Service: 18th Co., 4th Bn., Central Officers' Training School, Camp Lee. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Graduated as eligible 2nd Lieutenant, Inf. LIVINGSTON, ABE LIVINGSTON, ALAN V. In Federal Service from: Feb. 18, 1918, to Jan. 18, 1919. Branch of Service: Air Service Radio School, Columbia University, and Fort Sill. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Silver. [463] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. LIVINGSTON, ROBERT, Jr. In Federal Service from: April 20, 1917, to Dec. 10, 1918. Branch of Service: Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Gunner's Mate, 2nd Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. LIVINGSTON, STANLEY D. LODER, CLIFTON C. In Federal Service from: Aug. 30, 1918, to March IS, 1919. Branch of Service: Personnel Adjutant Detachment, Ildqrs. Co. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. LOGAN, JOSEPH B. In Federal Service from: April 7, 1917, to Aug. 28, 1919. Branch of Service: 16th Inf., 1st Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Amiens, Montdidier. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: Two enlistments. LOOMIS, CHARLES DANA In Federal Service from: Nov. S, 1917, to April 3, 1919. Branch of Service: Air Service 2nd Construction B. L. Co., A. S. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. LOOMIS, JOHN PUTNAM In Federal Service from: May 14, 1917, to Julv 31, 1919. Branch of Service: O. C. Q. M., H. S. O. S., A. E. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. LOUNSBURY, ROY E. In Federal Service from: Nov. 17, 1917, to June 17, 191°. Branch of Service: Fort Sheridan, Camp Upton, and Headquarters, Port Embarkation, N. Y. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant-Major. LOYELAND, JOHN W. In Federal Service from: May, 1917, to 1918. Branch of Service: Acting Adjutant General, 34th Artillery Brig., 29th Div. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Major. Prior Military Ser\ice: Graduate, Penna. Military College, 1887. School of Musketry, Fort Sill, 1917. School of Fire, Fort Sill, 1917, 191S. Troop A, N. Y. Volunteers, Porto Rico, Spanish War. 5th N. J. Infantry, Mexican Border, 1917. LOVELAND, JOHN W, Jr. In Federal Service from: May IS, 1917, to July 1, 1919. Branch of Service: 12th Field Artillery, Coast Defense, 6Sth Reg. Coast Art. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Alsace. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. LOZIER, ARTHUR IRVING In Federal Service from: Sept. 29, 1918, to April 10, 191Q. Branch of Service: Detachment No. 2 — Air Service Aircraft Production, N. Y. City. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Silver. [464] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. LOZIER, GRIN L. In Federal Service from: April 30, 1917, to May IS, 1919. Branch of Service: 407th Telegraph Batt. Signal Corps and 1st Batt. Signal Reserve Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. Prior Military Service: 3 Years National Guard, 22nd Engineers, N. Y. N. G. LUCAS, CHARLES B. In Federal Service from: May 29, 1917, to April 5, 1918. Branch of Service: Motor Transport Co. 460. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. LUNDBERG, WALTER In Federal Service from: Aug. 8, 1915, to June 4, 1920. Branch of Service: 100th Co. C. A. C— Motor Transport School, Fort Sam Houston. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Military Service- 4 years 5th N. J. National Guard. LURIE, DAVID D. In Federal Service from: April 1, 1918, to June 4, 1920. Branch of Service: Co. D, 15th Battalion, U. S. G. M. A., Fort Niagara. Grade or Rank at Discharge: First Sergeant. LYFORD, OLIVER S. In Federal Service from: Nov. 26, 1917, to Feb. 20, 1919. Branch of Service: Ordnance, Production Division. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant Col. LYONS, EDWARD J., Jr. In Federal Service from: April 24, 1917, to July 29, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Navy, Mine Sweeping Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Engagement with German submarine. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Pettv Officer. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. McAULEY, WESLEY A. In Federal Service from: May 4, 1917, to Dec. 5, 1918. Branch of Service: U. S. Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge- Storekeeper, 3rd Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Silver. McCALL, LEO H. In Federal Service from: Nov. 16, 1917, to Dec. 31, 191S. Branch of Service: Ordnance Dept.— Motor Transport Corps, Camp Joseph E. Johnson. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. Prior Military Service: N. Y. Guard Capt. Q. M. C. 8/15/17—11/15/17. McCOY, JOSEPH JOHN In Federal Service from: April 19, 1917, to April 30, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. S. "Maury" (Destrover). Grade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman. [465] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. McCLOY, WILLIAM J. In Federal Service from: Sept. 19, 1917, to May 14, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th Field Artillery, Battery C. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Foul, St. Mihiel, Suippes, Moselle, Meuse- Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. McGILL, BENJAMIN THAYER In Federal Service from: July, 1918, to April 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. I, 107th Inf., 27th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Hindenburg Line. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. McGILL, CORNELIUS WILLIAM In Federal Service from: Feb. 25, 1918, to May 29, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. G, 303 Am. Train, 153 Brigade, 78th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Argonne, Grand Pre, Suippes, Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border. McKENNA, EDWIN V. McLARNON, WILLIAM McMURTRIE, LEROY I. In Federal Service from: June 4, 1917, to Dec. IS, 1918. Branch of Service: Coast Artillery, Sandy Flook; transferred to 07 Battery, 17 Anti-Air Sector. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Supply Sergeant. McMURTRIE, WALTER WHYLAND In Federal Service from: Dec. 14, 1917, to July 21, 1919. Branch of Service: I . S. Navy Yard Brooklyn, Bay Ridge Barracks. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Yeoman. McQL AID, JOHN GRANT In Federal Service from: Feb. 26, 1918., to June 10, 1919. Branch of Service: 303 Supply Train, 78th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. McQUAID, ROBERT In Federal Service from: Nov. 2(1, 1917, to July 13, 1919. Branch of Service: Motor Supply No. 1. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Champagne-Mafne ; Mame-Aisne ; St. Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevron-: 2 Gold. MACHLINUS, JOSEPH In Federal Service from: May 6, 1918, to May 5, 1919. Branch of Service: Supply Co., 303 F. A. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel. Grade or Rank at Discharge- Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. Prior Military Ser\ice- 1 Year. [466 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Reconk. MAHER, JOSEPH D. In Federal Service frnm: June 30, 1917, to March IS. 1919. Branch of Service: Hdqrs. Co., 305th Inf. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Lorraine Sector, Chateau-Thierry, Meuse-Argonne. Decorations and Citations: Regimental. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: 22nd Engineers. MAHONEY, JAMES T. In Federal Service from: May 23, 1918, to March 17, 1919. Branch of Service: Motor Transport, Fire & Hose Truck No. 340 — Motor Transport. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. MANX, HENRY EVAN In Federal Service from: July 27, 1918, to April 11, 1919. Branch of Service: 317 R. & S. Co., Tank Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. MARKHAM, TOM B. In Federal Service from: June 4, 1917. to Jul} 9, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Navy; U. S. S. "Niagara." Convoy Duly. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Shipfitter. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. MARKHAM, THOMAS J. In Federal Service from: May 3, 1918, to May 9, 1919. Branch of Service: Hdqrs. Co., 303rd Field Artillery. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Toul Sector. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. MARRIS, HENRY J. MARSAR, DOMIN1CK J. In Federal Service from: Sept. 18, 1917, to Aug. 23, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th F. A. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. MARSAR, FRANCIS C. In Federal Service from: Feb. 16, 1918, 'to Feb. 20, 1919. Branch of Service: 1819 Squadron, 507th Const. Sqtlr., Aviation Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. MARSAR, HENRY In Federal Service from: Oct. 21, 1918, to Dec, 1918. Branch of Service: Battery A, 31 Artillery C. A. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. MARSHALL, GUSTAVUS COLHOl N In Federal Service from: May 24, 1918, to March 11, 1919. Branch of Service: Stationed at Branch Hydrographers' Office, N. V. City. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Storekeeper, 2nd Class. MASON, WILLIAM In Federal Service from: 1917 to 1919. Branch of Service: Army. [467] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. MATTUS, SAUL In Federal Service from: May 31, 1918, to June 20, 1919. Branch of Service:- Reclamation Co., Camp Dix. MAXWELL, THOMAS HARRY In Federal Service from : July 29, 1918, to Dec. 14, 1918. Branch of Service: Chemical Warfare Service, Manufacturing Poison Gas. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Private. MAYNARD, DURANT In Federal Service from: June 23, 1918, to July 22, 1919. Branch of Service: E Co., 364th Inf.; Co. 2, Div. of Criminal Investigation, A. E. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: EngIev>ood Motor Cycle Battery. MEIGHAN, JOSEPH V. MELVILLE, JOSEPH JOHN In Federal Service from: May 5, 1917, to Dec. 20, 1918. Branch of Service: Various Naval Stations and U. S. S. "Federal." Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Class Seaman, Signalman. MESSERVE, CHARLES HENRY In Federal Service from: Dec. 8, 1917, to Jan. 13, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Submarine Chaser, No. 101. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Quartermaster, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. METT, CHARLES In Federal Service from: March 27, 1917. Branch of Service: Army Transport Service, Quartermaster Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 5 Silver. Prior Military Service: 3 years Troop K, 7th V. S. Cavalry, and 4 years Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf. MIDDLETON, RICHARD H. MILLER, FREDRICK R. In Federal Service from: April 7, 1918, to Dec. 16, 1918. Branch of Service: Chemical Warfare Service, U. S. A. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. MILLS, J. H. G., Jr. In Federal Service from: May 12, 1917, to Jan. 20, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th F. A., Battery C, and 139th F. A. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold. Prior Military Service: Federal Training Camp at Plattsburg, 1916. MILLS, WILLIAM In Federal Service from: Sept. 26, 1918, to Dec. IS, 1918. Branch of Service: 63rd Pioneer Infantry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. MILLS, PAUL In Federal Service from: Sept. 26, 1918, to Dec. 17, 1918. Branch of Service: Co. B, 552nd Engineers. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. [468] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. MINER, CHESTER CHARLES In Federal Service from: May 22, 1917, to May 6, 1919. Branch of Service: 11th U. S. Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Somme, Arras, Bethune, Marne, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Decorations and Citations: 4 Regimental (2 British, 2 American). MIRRA, JOHN HENRY In Federal Service from: Dec. 2, 1917, to Jan. 11, 1919. Branch of Service: Armed Guard Service and U. S. S. "Kentucky." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman, Signalman. Decorations and Citations: One Citation from the Armed Guard Service. MOLONEY, WALTER A. MOON, FRANCIS M. In Federal Service from: March 13, 1918, to May 10, 1919. Branch of Service: 13th Aero Squadron, 8th Balloon Co. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. MONTGOMERY, GEORGE E. In Federal Service from: Jan. 15, 1918, to Sept. 3, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical Dept., Embarkation Hospital, Camp Stuart. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Silver. MOORE, FREDERICK YV. In Federal Service from: April, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: 104th Engineers, Co. F. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Alsace, Meuse-Argonne, Argonne, North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Cook. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold, 2 Silver. Prior Military Service: Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf. N. G. Mexican Border. MOORE, HARRIOT V. D. In Federal Service from: July 25, 1917, to June 10, 1919. Branch of Service: General Staff, Adjutant, 57th Infantry Brigade, 29th Div., A. E. F. ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G 2, 36th Div., A. E. F. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Sector Haute Alsace, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant Colonel. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Decorations and Citations: Victory Medal, 2 Battle Clasps. Prior Military Service: 7th N. Y. Inf., 1901 to 1907; 2nd Lieut., Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf., 1908; 1st Lieut., Co. I, 5th N. J., 1912; Major Adjutant, 1st N. J. Infantry Brigade, 1916; Service Mexican Border, 1916. MOORE, JAMES, 2nd In Federal Service from: Jan. 12, 1918, to Feb. 10, 1919. Branch of Service: Air Sen ice. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. [469] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. MOORE, MILTON M. In Federal Service from: Feb. 25, 1918, to May 19, 1919. Branch of Service: .308th Field Artillery, Battery A. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Toul Sector, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. MOORE, WILLIAM W. In Federal Service from: Feb., 1918, to May 21, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th Field Artillery. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Argonne, Grand Pre, Pont Mousson, Suffeto, Moselle, Meuse. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Mechanic. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: One year and three months. MORREALE, JAMES In Federal Service from: June 5, 1917, to March 17, 1921. Branch of Service: H Troop, 13th U. S. Cavalry, and 5th Division, Ammu- nition Train. Grade or Rank at Discharge- Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. MORRIS, HEXRY J. MORRIS, MAURICE B. MOSKIN, ALBERT In Federal Service from: Oct. 1, 191S, to Dec. 22, 1918. Branch of Service: Infantry, Officers' Training School, New York University. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. MUIR, DAVID A. In Federal Service from: July 24, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: 114th Field Hospital, 29th Division. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: 1st Field Hospital Co. of N. J. MURRAY, RICHARD V. In Federal Service from: Nov. 21, 1917, to June 13, 1919. Branch of Service: Military Police, 4th Army Corps Hdqrs., Toul, and 78th Div.. Semur, France. Battles, Engagements, etc." St. Mihiel Offensive, Limey Sector, Meuse-Ar- gonne Offensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: 1st U. S. Field Artillery, 1910 to 1913. MUMFORD, NICHOLAS VAN SLYCK In Federal Service from: July 2, 1917, to Jan. 4, 1919. Branch of Service: Ordnance Dept., Frankford Arsenal. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Silver. MURPHY, BASIL B. In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1917, to Dec. 27, 1918. Branch of Service: 308th Field Artillery, 3rd Regiment, F. A. R. D. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. [470] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. MYERS, FRED In Federal Service from: Oct. 1, 1918, to Dec. 12 1 g 1 N Branch of Service: S. A. T. C. Princeton. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. MYERS. GEORGE APPLETON In Federal Service from: July, 1918, to Nov., 1918. Branch of Service: Infantry, R. O. T. C, Plattsburg; O. T C Camp Lee Prior Military Service: Graduate of Pennsylvania Military College- Piatt- burg Camp, 1916 and 191S. NAPPI, GIOVANNI In Federal Service from: Sept. IS, 1918, to Dec, 1918. Branch of Service: Office of Utilities Officer, Camp Forrest. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. NELSON, GUS J. In Federal Service from: July 27, 1918, to May, 1919. Branch of Service: Med. Detach, of 129th Machine Gun Bn., 35th Div Battles, Engagements, etc.: Verdun Sector. (irade or Rank at Dischaige: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. NEWMAN, ALEXANDER In Federal Service from: Sept. 3, 191". Branch of Service: Field Artillery. Battery B, 15th Field Artillery. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Six. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Pri\ate, 1st Class. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: One. Decorations and Citations: Croix de Guerre. OBLENIS, AMOS In Federal Service from: Nov. 21, 1917, to March 19, 1919. Branch of Service: 350th Field Artillery. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Marbache Sector. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. OBLENIS, WILLIAM In Federal Service from: Dec. 26, 1917, to March 18 1919 Branch of Service: 350th Field Artillery. Battles Engagements, etc.: Raids on Ep'lv, Chemont, Bois De Fehant Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. O'BRIEN. ARTHUR In Federal Service from: June 4, 1918, to Jan. 8, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy (Regular)— V. S. S. "Niagara." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Electrician, 3rd CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. O'BRIEN, HAROLD In Federal Service from: Aug. 2, 1918, to Dec. 2, 1918 Branch of Service: .^2 Coast Artillery, Battery E*. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. [471] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOI) Military and Naval Service Records. O'CONNOR, JOHN In Federal Service from: June 30, 1917, to April 17, 1919. Branch of Service: 104th Field Artillery. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Champagne, Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: 1st N. Y. Field Artillery, Mexican Border. OLYPHANT, MURRAY In Federal Service from: Sept. 8, 1917, to April 3, 1919. Branch of Service: United States Armv Ambulance Service with French Army— S. S. U. 646; S. S. U. 513; S. S. U. 501. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. O'NEIL, CORNELIUS In Federal Service from: May 13, 1918, to April 28, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Infantry. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st CI. Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. O'NEIL, JOSEPH O'NEIL, THOMAS O'NEILL, ROGER A. In Federal Service from: June 24, 191S, to Dec. 24, 1918. Branch of Service: Q. M. C. — Fire Department, Camp Dix. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border, Co. F, 5th N. J. ONDERDONK, JOHN CLARKE, Jr. In Federal Service from: April 28, 1917, to Jan. 8, 191S. Branch of Service: Sub-Chaser 233 — 12 months at sea. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Quartermaster, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. ONDERDONK, HAROLD RYAN In Federal Service from: April 30, 1917, to Feb. 7, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy — U. S. S. "Amphitrite." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Gunner's Mate, 2 CI. ONGARO, EDWARD J. In Federal Service from: June 7, 1918, to Feb. 20, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Aviation. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd CI. Carp. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. OPRANDY, EDWARD In Federal Service from: Sept. 18, 1917, to June 12, 1919. Branch of Service: 303rd Engineers. Engagements: St. Mihiel, Limey Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. O'PRANDY, FRANK In Federal Service from: Feb. 25, 1918, to Oct. 15, 1918. Branch of Service: 308th Field Artillery, Battery D. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. [472] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. OSTLER, ELBERT N. In Federal Service from: May 5, 1918, to July 7, 1919. Branch of Service: Artillery — Mobile Ord. Repair Shop, 4th Corps. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st CI; Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. PACCAZINNI, AMOS PARK, CHARLES F., Jr. In Federal Service from: Jan. 16, 1918, to Dec. 15, 1918. Branch of Service: Ordnance Dept. Supply Div. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. PARKER, GEORGE T. In Federal Service from: May 13, 1918, to Aug. 1, 1919. Branch of Service: Machine Gun Trng. Co. No. 10, M. G. T. C, H. D. G. 83rd Div. 2nd Depot Brig.; Co. B, 322 M. G. B., Co. C, P. of W. E. No. 1 ; P. of W. E. No. 87. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. PARSELLS, CHARLES In Federal Service from: Oct. 22, 1918, to Dec, 1918. Branch of Service: Second Coast Artillery Company, Fort Hancock. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. PARSELLS, ISAAC H. PARSONS, CHARLES EDWARD In Federal Service from : Aug. 26, 1918, to Dec. 26, 1918. Branch of Service: Eng. Officers' Training School — Sapper Engineers — 8th Training Reg., Camp Humphreys. Grade or Rank at Discharge. Captain. Prior Military Service: N. G. State of N. Y., 1896 — Spanish-American War, 2nd Lieut., 2nd N. Y. Vols., 1S9S— N. J. Militia Reserve, Major of Englewood Battalion, 1918. PATTERSON, JOHN F. PAVANTJUS, STAMOS A. PAYSON, LAURENCE GEORGE In Federal Service from: May 26, 1917, to June 16, 1919. Branch of Service: Med. Dept. Sanitary Corps — Base Hospital 8 — Hg. Hosp. Center Savenay — A. E. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain, Sanitary Corps. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. Prior Military Service: Plattsburg Camp, 1916. PEARLMAN, ABRAHAM L. In Federal Service from: June 3, 1918, to April 31, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C. Reclamation Co., Camp Merritt. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. PEARSON, GEORGE W. In Federal Service from: Aug. 2, 1918, to Dec. 15, 1918. Branch of Service: 55th Co. 153 D. B. 14th B. N. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. [473] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. PEECK, CONRAD WM. HENRY PEGIESE, WILLIAM BRADFORD In Federal Service from: May 9, 1918, to Dec. 27, 191S. Branch of Service: Navy — Apprentice Seaman, Matt 3-C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Matt 3-C. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. PENFIELD, THORNTON B., Jr. In Federal Service from: Sept., 1918, to Jan., 1919. Branch of Service: Field Artillery. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. PHILLIPS, LOUIS ALBERT In Federal Service from: April 30, 1917, to Jan. 8, 1918. Branch of Service: Naval Tr. Sta., Pelham Bay Pk., Rec. Ship, Phil., Base 17, U. S. Naval Forces in Europe, Base Hospital No. 2, Base 17, U. S. S. "Texas, ' Rec. Ship, N. Y. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Machinist Mate, 1st Clas^. PHILLIPS, CHARLES E. In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1918, to Jan. 7, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. B, 2nd Engr. Trng. Regt. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. PICKERNELL, ALBERT FRANCIS In Federal Service from: July 24, 1918, to Dec. 2i, 1918. Branch of Service: Engineers, Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va, Grade or Rank at Discharge: Personnel Sgt. Major. PIERCE, H. DENNY In Federal Service from: April 7, 1918, to April 10, 1918. Branch of Service: Tank Corps— Co. C, 327 Battalion, Co. B, 302 Batt., Co. A, 330 Batt. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI, Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: 6 Mos. in French Army. PIERCE, WILLIAM L. In Federal Service from: April, 1918, to Aug. 4, 1919. Branch of Service: Tank Corps — 302nd Battalion. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. POLHEMUS, HENRY M. POLHEMUS, JAMES S. POLHEMUS, MARY BARTOW POLLOCK, EDWARD SLOAN E In British Service from: Dec, 1917, to June 20, 1919. Branch of Service: Royal Flying Corp-.. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Blue (2 years). Prior Military Service: U. S. Naval Air Service. POWELL, SIMEON POWER, JOHN WILLIAM In Federal Service from : June 28, 1918, to Feb. 13, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Navy— 1st Reg. 1st Co.— 11th Reg. 6th Co.— U. S. S. "Constellation;" S. P. 340; Torpedo Sta.. Newport. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd El. [474] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. PRICE, HARRIET MARY In Federal Service from: Sept. 12, 1918, to May 26, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. N. R. F. — Inspector of Powder Office, East Coast, N. Y. City. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Yeoman (F), 1st CI. PRICE, EDWARD ARTHUR PROBST, ARNOLD M. In Federal Service from: Sept. 18, 1918, to Dec. 12, 1918. Branch of Service: Q. M. C. Supply Officer, 445th Reserve Labor Battalion. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lt. Prior Military Service: Florida State Guard. PROBST, JOHN DANIEL, Jr. In Federal Service from: Sept. 1, 1918, to Dec. 12, 1918. Branch of Service: Aviation. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Civilian Flying Instructor and Tester. PUGLIA, CHARLES A. In Federal Service from: April 26, 1917, to Feb. 14, 1919. Branch of Service: I". S. Guards Infantry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Siher. PUGLIA, WILLIAM G. In Federal Service from: Feb. 24, 1916, to May 16, 1919. Branch of Service: 114th Inf. Battles, Engagements, etc." Haute Alsace, Malbrouck Hill, Moleville Farm, Boise d'Armont, Grand Montague, Etraye Ridge, Bois Belleau. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Band Sergt. Decorations, Citations: Commendation C. O. 114th Inf. Hdq. Co. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border, Co. F, 5th N. J. QUING, N. G. JONG In Federal Service from: May 27, 1918, to Aug. 14, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. QUIRK, EDWARD J. In Federal Service from: May S, 1918, to Sept. 16, 1920. Branch of Service: Motor Truck Co. 488 — Wild Cat Division. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. QUIRK, WILLIAM QUINN, THOMAS REED, JOHN ALDEN In Federal Service from: Sept. 26, 1917, to April 26, 1919. Branch of Service: S. S. U. 626, U. S. Army Ambulance Service. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Verdun, Lorraine, Montdidier-Novon, Champagne, Argonne, Aisne, St. Mihiel, Aisne-Marne, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Mechanic. Decorations and Citations: Croix de Guerre, Citation Divisionale. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. Prior Military Service: American Field Service with the French Army, S. S. U. 2. [ 475 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. REEVE, F. HAMILTON In Federal Service from: July 1, 1918, to Jan. 6, 1919. Branch of Service: 223rd Field Battalion, Signal Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Military Service: N. J. State Militia Reserve. REEVE, IRVING S. In Federal Service from: May 25, 1918, to Dec. 31, 1918. Branch of Service: Judge Advocate General's Dept., detached, Jacksonville, Fla. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Reg. Sgt. Major. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Military Service: N. J. Militia Reserve. REILLY, JOHN K. In Federal Service from: July 11, 1917, to Feb. 4, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. D, 1st N. J. Infantry— Co. A, 113th V. S. Infantry. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Argonne, Alsace Sector. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border, Co. D, 18 Penna N. G. REILLY, HUGH JOSEPH In Federal Service from: Nov. 3, 1918. Still in Service at Last Report. Branch of Service: Navy — U. S. S. "Missouri" and "Arizona." REIMAN, FRANK REYNOLDS, ROBERT W. RIVERS, JOHN ROBINSON, CLAUDE In Federal Service from: June 21, 1917, to Jan. 11, 1918. Branch of Service: Infantry — Cook. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. ROHWOHLT, HENRY F. In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1918. to Sept. 16, 1918. Branch of Service: 7th Eng. Training Reg., Camp Humphrey, Va. ROLSTON, ROSEWELL GRAVES In Federal Service from: May 14, 1917, to June 10, 1919. Branch of Service: 315th Field Artillery. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel (Corps Reserve) ; Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Decorations and Citations: Victor} Medal, 2 battle clasps. Prior Military Service: Squadron A, Cav. N. G. N. V. ROOS, FRANK In Federal Service from: April 28, 1917, to Dec. 27, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Training Station; Federal Rendezvous; Gunnery School; Naval Base No. 6; U. S. S. "Amphitrite ;" Federal Ren- dezvous. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Gunner's Mate, 1st CI. ROSELL, ARCADIO [476] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. ROSENBERG, LOUIS I. In Federal Service from: May, 1918. Branch of Service: Naval Training S., Key West. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 3rd CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. ROTH, WALTER In Federal Service from: July 20, 1917, to Oct. 22, 1919. Branch of Service: Marine Corps, 2nd Div. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. ROTH, JOHN C. In Federal Service from: June 4, 1917, to Feb. 7, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy— U. S. S. "Pennsylvania." Grade or Rank at Discharge- Sea Signalman, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. ROTH, ALBERT ROTH, JOSEPH In Federal Service from: May 21, 1917, to April 17, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. B, 11th l*. S. Engineers, Detached; English-French and American Armies. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Cambrai ; Arras; Aisne-Marne; St. Mihiel. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. Decorations and Citations: Regt. English and French. ROTH, WALTER J., Jr. ROWLEY, WILLIAM A. In Federal Service from: June 14, 1917, to May 16, 1919. Branch of Service: Headquarters Detachment 57th Inf. Brig., 29th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Defense Center Sector, Haute Alsace; Argonne- Meuse Offensive; Campaign North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Decorations and Citations: Division Citation for Work at Molleville Farm, Meuse, Oct. 21, 1918. Prior Military Service: Englewood Motor C\cle Machine Gun Battery. ROWRAY, VERN E. In Federal Service from: May 18, 1917, to July 3, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Army Ambulance. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Militaiy Record: Mexican Border Service. RUCH, EMILE, Jr. In Federal Service from: March 25, 1917, to June 2, 1918. Branch of Service: 104th San. Train, 114th Ambulance Co., 29th Div. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service- Co. F, 5th N. J. N. G. [477] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. RUCH, DR. VALENTINE In Federal Service from: June 20, 1917, to March 2, 1918. Branch of Service: Medical Dept. 104th San. Train, 29th Div. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Major, Director of Ambulance Co's. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Military Service: 7 Years State Militia Staff and Corps Dept. \. J.; Mexican Border, 1916. RUCH, GEORGE C. In Federal Service from: April 24, 1914, to July 9, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. C. Slst Pioneer Inf. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Woevre, Meuse and Moselle, Army of Occupation, tirade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. RUDDOCK, BERNARD In Service from: March 26, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Engineer and Medical; 114th Arab. Co. 104th San. Train. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Center Alsace, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge' Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border. RYAN, EDWARD J. In Federal Service from: May 9, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Branch of Service: Quartermaster Dept., Utilities Detachment. (Jrade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. RYAN, GEORGE RYAN, TIMOTHY J. In Federal Service from: June S, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Engineers, 29 Div. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. SAILER, RANDOLPH C. In Federal Service from: Oct. 1, 1918, to Dec. 10, 191S. Branch of Service: Princeton S. A. T. C. ; Infantry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. SAMLER, VALENTINE N., Jr. In Federal Service from Aug. 4, 1917, to June 3, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. L, 114th Inf. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Haute Alsace, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: Co. F, Sth N. J. SAND, LEO L. In Federal Service from: Sept. 19, 1917, to May 25, 1919. Branch of Service: 303 Engineers, Co. A. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. [478] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. SANDFORD, WILLIAM; D. S. C. In Federal Service from: Aug. 11, 1916, to 1919. Branch of Service: 15th Inf. N. Y. N. G. ; 369 U. S. Infantry Medical Dept. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Argonne, German Defensive; Champagne. Alsace- Lorraine. Decoration*- and Citations: Croix de Guerre; Distinguished Service Cross for aiding wounded officers and men under shell and machine gun tire. SAUNDERS, ALEXANDER In Federal Service from: Oct. 19, 1918, to Dec. 19, 1918. Branch of Service: Students' Army Training Corp-, Hampton, Va. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. SAUNERS, HILMOND In Federal Service from: May 6, 1918, to June 30, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. N. R. F.; U. S. S. "New Mexico," U. S. S. "Mobile." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Matt, 3rd CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. SCARBOROUGH, WILLIAM B. In Federal Service from: Oct. 18, 191/. to March 1, 1919. Branch of Service: 829 Aero Squadron. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Toul Sector. L. of A. tirade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieut. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: 4 Years Squadron C, X. Y. SCHOBE, SANDER A. SCHOMP, BENJAMIN In Federal Service from: March 25, 1917, to Mai 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Engineers. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. SCHOMP, LEONARD S. In Federal Service from: Feb. 25, 1918, to June 11, 1919. Branch of Service: 303 Supply Train. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Prior Military Service: 2 Years Co. F, 5th N. J. X. (J. SCHROEN, FRED In Federal Service from: Sept. 5, 1918, to Dec. 15, 1918. Branch of Service: 606th Engineers, Co. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. SCOTT, MILDRED FRANCES In Federal Service from: June 1, 1918, to Dec. 16, 1920. Branch of Service: Navy, Cable Censor. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Yeoman (Fl, 2nd CI. SCOTT, CARL G. In Federal Service from: Oct. 14, 1918, to Dec. 10, 1918. Branch of Service: Students' Army Training Corps, Johns Hopkins Univ. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. SCOTT, ARTHUR F. In Federal Service from: July 18, 1918, to Dec. 12, 1918. Branch of Service: Infantry, Plattsburg Camp and S. A. T. C, Colby College. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Private. [479] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. SCOTT, MARTHA J. SCUDDER, ELMER T. In Federal Service from: March 16, 1918, to July 31, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman. SCULLY, JOSEPH L. In Federal Service from: June 5, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc. : Defense Center Sector, Haute Alsace ; Meuse- Argonne, North of Verdun, Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Decorations and Citations: Regimental Citation. SEACORD, KENNETH P. In Federal Service from: Oct. S, 1918, to Dec. 14, 1918. Branch of Service: Signal Corps, S. A. T. C. Yale University. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. SEDDON, GEORGE H. In Federal Service from: June 4, 1918, to June 13, 1919. Branch of Service: 408 Motor Truck Co.; Detached Service, Post Exchange. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. SEELEY, deBENNEVILLE KEIM In Federal Service from: Aug., 1917, to July, 1920. Branch of Service: 102 Aero Squadron — Hg. Air Service B. S. No. 3, A. E. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. SEELEY, GEORGE P., Jr. In British Service from: Nov., 1917, to March, 1919. Branch of Service: British Renal Flying Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieutenant. SEIBERT, GEORGE WILLIAM In Federal Service from: March, 1918, to June 6, 1919. Branch of Service: Quartermaster Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. SEUFERT, WILLIAM M„ Jr. In Federal Service from: July 1, 1918, to Oct. 18, 191S. Branch of Service: Naval Academy, Annapolis. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Midshipman. SERRANO, MARSHALL In Federal Service from: April 6, 1917, to Oct. 3, 191S. Branch of Service: Casual Dept., Camps Greenleaf, Lee and Merritt; U. S. Genl. Hosp. No. i. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. SHEA, M. JOSEPH In Federal Service from: Dec. 10, 1917, to Jan. 27, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman, 2nd CI. [480 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. SHERIDAN, PERCY G. In Federal Service from: June 29, 1917, to Julv 25, 1919. Branch of Service: Ambulance. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. SHER, DAVID In Federal Service from: May 4, 191S, to Feb. 6, 1919. Branch of Service: Med. Supply Dept. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. SHER, MAX In Federal Service from: Sept. 28, 1917, to Feb. 10, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. M, 306 Inf., 77th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Lorraine, Chateau-Thierry, Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Entitled to Chevrons for wounds: 2; gassed slightly, Sept. 9, 1918; wounded severely Oct. 5, 1918. SHINE, LAWRENCE A. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Piivate. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. SHIRK, BERNARD In Federal Service from: Oct. 26, 1918, to Dec. 9, 1918. Branch of Service: 344 Handley-Page Aero Squadron. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. SIMMONS, JOHN G. In Federal Service from. Oct. 19, 1918, to Dec. 2, 1918. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Aviation Detachment, Mass. Ins. of Tech. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Quartermaster (A). SMITH, FRANK J. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1917, to Jan. 31, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Eng. 114th Amb. Co., 4th O. T. S., 1st Repl. Regt.— 6th Repl. Regt., Co. D, 45 Inf. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sgt. Instr. SMITH, JOSEPH DOMINIC In Federal Service from: April 30, 1918, to May 15, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. Corps, Utilities Detachment, Camp Merritt. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Military Service: l". S. Army, Co. B, 21st Inf. SMITH, PATRICK V. In Federal Service from: June 21, 1917, to April 24, 1919. Branch of Service: 102nd Supply Train, Fire and Truck and Hose Co. 324. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sgt., 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Silver. SMITH, LEROY B. In Federal Service from: May 28, 1918, to Aug. 19, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C, 304 Supply Co. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. [4S1] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. SMITH, JAMES In Federal Service from: Sept. 19, 1917, to May 14, 1919. Branch of Service: 117 Ammunition Train, 42 Div. Battles, Engagements, etc: Baccarat; Champagne; Marne Defensive; Aisne- Marne Offensive; St. Mihiel ; Toul Sector; Meuse-Argonne; Army of Occupation. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. SMITH, RAYMOND F. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1918, to Dec. 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C. — Guard and Fire. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. SMITH, WILLIAM T. SMITH, GEORGE L. SMULLEN, HAROLD In Federal Service from: Aug. ?, 1917, to April 4, 1919. Branch of Service: 102 Supply Train, Co. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: N. V. National Guard. SNOWDEN, ANDREW, Jr. In Federal Service from: June 1, 1917. Branch of Service: Murine Corps — U. S. S. "New Mexico." Grade or Rank at Dischatge: Sergeant. SPRINGER, WARREN G. In Federal Service from: May 10, 1917, to Jan. 27, 1919. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Reserve. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Pay Clerk. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. SPRINGER, HARRY I. In Federal Service from: Aug. 31, 1918, to Feb. 8, 1919. Branch of Service: Marine Corps — 367th Co., Bat. H; Co. D, 10th Separate Rep. Bat. ; Hdq. Co., 14th Reg. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. SPRINGER, RAYMOND G. In Federal Service from: July 7, 1916, to March 31, 1919. Branch of Service: 6th Div. Field Train, 27th Div. Hdqters. Troop — Battery E 106th F. A. Battles, Engagements: St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled toChevions: Gold. SPRINGER, GEORGE W. In Federal Service from Sept. 5, 1918, to Oct. 1, 1918. Branch of Service: Engineers. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. STAINTON, CHARLES R. In Federal Service from: March 26, 1917, to May 13, 1919. Branch of Service: Co. F, 104th Engineers, 29th Div. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Center Sector, Alsace, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: First Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Prior Military Service: Co. F, 5th N. J. Inf. [482] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. STALTER, CHARLES In Federal Service from: June 24, 1918, to r>ec. 13, 191S. Branch of Service: 31st Bat. U. S. G. Int. (Oracle or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. STANFORD, FRANK L., Jr. In Federal Service from: March 3, 1918, to June 17, 1920. Branch of Service: Navy; U. S. S. "1'tah," "Wyoming," "Wainwright," "Mount Vernon," "America." Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Machinist's Mate. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. STANFORD, HARRY B. In Federal Service from: Jan. 16, 1916, to Jan. 14, 1921. Branch of Service: Naval Transport "St. Paul," H. M. S. "Justicia," "Celtic," "Canopic," and "Cedric." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Quartermaster. STEPHEN, ALEXANDER R. In Federal Service from: May 1, 1918, to June 13. 1919. Branch of Service: Medical Dept., Newport News. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. STEVENS, LELAND VV. In Federal Service from: Oct. 22, 191S, to Dec. 6, 1918. Branch of Service: Batten A, 31 Coast Artillery. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. STOCKMAN, HENRY C. In Federal Service from: March 29, 191S,to Nov. 23, 1918. Branch of Service: Signal Corps Radio School, C. C. N. Y. — 3rd Training Battalion, Ft. Leavenworth, Officers' Training School, Camp Meade. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. STOKES, WILLIAM W. In Federal Service from: Nov. 21, 1917, to March 11, 1919. Branch of Service: Battery C, 308 Field Artillery, 153 Depot Brigade, 334 Field Artillery, Battery I. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. STICKNEY, THOMAS B. STODDART, ROBERT D. STRANGE, JOSEPH In Federal Service from: Nov. 21, 1917. to March, 1919. Branch of Service: 350 Field Artillery. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: 1. SULLIVAN, KATHERINE S. In Federal Service from: April 8, 1917, to Oct. 31, 1918. Branch of Service: Chemical Warfare Service, Gas Defense Division, Wash- ington, D. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Secretary. [483] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. SULLIVAN, MICHAEL J. In Federal Service from: July 23, 1918, to March 14, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical Corps — Base Hospital No. 8, Sarenay France, A. E. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: Blue. SUTPHEN, FREDERICK T. SVENSON, EDMUND G. In Federal Service from: Sept. 18, 1917, to July 28, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical— Hdq. Co. Hospital Centre, A. P. O. No. 731. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. SVENSON, GUNNER E. SVENSON, OSCAR N. SWANSON, CARL L. In Federal Service from: April 1, 1918, to May 28, 1919. Branch of Service: 303 Ammunition Train, Co. A; 78 Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: 1 oul Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. SWEETLAND, ELMER N. SWEISBERGER, CHRISTIAN In Federal Service from: Feb. 26, 1918, to Nov. 26, 1919. Branch of Service: 312 Ambulance Co. 303 Sanitary Train, 78 Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Two Engagements. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. SWEISBERGER, JACOB In Federal Service from: May 13, 1918, to May 13, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. TALLMAN, JAMES A. In Federal Service from: May 1, 1918, to May 22, 1919. Branch of Service: Utilities Detach. Q. M. C, Camp Merritt. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. TAIT, MARY EVELYN In Federal Service from: June 15, 1918, to Feb., 1919. Branch of Service: Nurse. TATE, ROBERT WM. In Federal Service from: Sept. 18, 1917, to May 24, 1919. Branch of Service: Battery C, 308 F. A.— 307 Ammunition Train, 157 F. A. Brig., 82 Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Chateau-Thierry, Marbache Sector, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Mechanic. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. [4S4] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. TAPPAN, CHESTER TAYLOR, DANIEL H. TAYLOR, GARRET F. In Federal Service from: June 17, 1918, to June 3, 1919. Branch of Service: Utilities Camp Q. M. C. Grade or Rank at Dischaige: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. TAYLOR, MRS. MARTHA JANE (Scott) In Federal Service from: June 1, 1918, to Nov. 9, 1920. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Reserve, Cable Censor. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Yeoman, 1st CI. (F). Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. TAUSSIG, JOHN WRIGHT In Federal Service from: Oct. 15, 1918, to Nov. 27, 1918. Branch of Service: Engineer Officer's Training School, Camp Humphreys. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. TEETER, DR. JOHN NELSON In Federal Service from: Aug. 16, 1917, to July 26, 1919. Branch of Service: Base Hospital, Camp Dix; Base Hospital 103, A. E. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Lieut. Col. Entitled to Chevrons: 1 Gold, 2 Silver. TAVANTJIS, STAMOS In Federal Service from: July 28, 1917, to May 30, 1919. Branch of Service: 104th Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Alsace, Meuse-Argonne, Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Decorations and Citations: 2 Citations. THISTLE, PAUL In Federal Service from: Dec. 6, 1917, to Jan. 2, 1919. Branch of Service: 2nd Co. Coast Defense Eastern N. Y. — 74th Artillery, A. E. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. TERRY, RAYMOND MILTON In Federal Service from: March 21, 1918, to Dec. 18, 1918. Branch of Service: Aide for Information 3rd Naval District. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Boatswain's Mate. TIEL, HARRY SCHAAD In Federal Service from: March 14, 1918, to Jan. 23, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy — Federal Rendezvous, Brooklyn, N. Y. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman, 2nd CI. TILLOTSON, GEORGE D. In Federal Service from: May 28, 1918, to Jan. 31, 1919. Branch cf Service: 153 Depot Brigade, 13th Bn., I". S. G, Adj't Gen. Dept. Hdqters. Governors Island. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Bn. Sgt. Major, A. G. O. [485] THE BOOK OF ENGLKWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. TIMBERMAN, E. L. In Federal Service from: Oct., 1918, to Dec. 9, 1918. Branch of Service: 8th Co. 2nd Batt. Air Service Signal Corps. TINES, OLIVER In Federal Service from: Sept. 26, 1918, to Dec. 17, 1918. Branch of Service: 552 Service Bal., Camp Humphreys. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. TIPPING, ROBERT STORY In Federal Service from: April 7, 1917, to April 1, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy. tirade or Rank at Discharge: Ensign. TOMPKINS, HOBART In Federal Service from: Dec. 12, 1917. to June 12, 1919. Branch of Service: Motor Transport Co. 388. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. TOUHEY, MARTIN TONINI, FRANCIS C. In Federal Service from: Aug. 27, 1918, to Jan. 30, 1919. Branch of Service: 154 Depot Brigade, 72nd Reg., Co. K, Camp Meade. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Cook. TRUSLOWE, EDWARD T. In Federal Service from: Feb. 25, 1918. to May 16, 1919. Branch of Service: 308 Machine Gun Bn., Co. D, 78 Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Millie! ; Limey Sector; Meuse-Argonne Offen- sive. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. TURPIN, LEAMON In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1918, to July 12, 1919. Branch of Service: 152 Depot Brigade, Camp Upton. TUTTLE, BRUCE ROTHROCK In Federal Service from: Sept. 26, 1918. to Dec. 21, 1918. Branch of Service: U. S. Naval Unit, Yale University. Grade or Rank at Discharge; Apprentice Seaman. TUTTLE, CLIFFORD HORACE, Jr. In Federal Service from: Oct. 10, 1918, to Dec. 16, 1918. Branch of Service: S. A. T. C, Princeton Univ. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. TUTTLE, ROLAND E. UHL, HOWARD VACCARELLO, MICHAEL In Federal Service from: Sept. 18, 1917, to May 29, 1919. Branch of Service: 327 Infantry, 82 Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Toul Sector; Ma>bache Sector; St. Mihiel Offen- sive, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge- Private. [486] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. VALANZO, TONEY In Federal Service from: Sept. 19, 1917, to March 1/, 1919. Branch of Service: Field Artillery; Base Hospital, Tamp Dix. VALENTINE, CLIFFORD In Federal Service from: Aug. 2. 1918, to Dec. 12, 1918. Branch of Service: 153rd Depot Brigade, (amp Dix. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Cheirons: Silver. VALENTINE, JOHN W., Jr. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1917. to May 16, 191b. Branch of Service: Hdq. Det. 57 Inf. Brig. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. VANDERBEEK, DR. JAMES L. VANDERBEEK, STEWART W. In Federal Service from: April 19, 191/, to Nov. 26, 1918. Branch of Service: Medical— Army. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. VANDERBURGH, LEROY In Federal Service from: Aug. 5. 1917, to Sept. 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Judge Advocate Generals De P , I Idqrs I e. achme nt '9 Div.. July to Oct., 1917, Hdqrs. Detach., 2nd D.v., Oct., 191/. to May, 1919. 'Special mission J. A. G. Dept May to Sept. 1919. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Chateau-Thierry, So.ssons St M.htel, Cham- pagne, Meuse-Argonne and all engagements of _nd Uiv. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Regtl. Sgt. Major. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. _ Decorations and Citations: Croix de Guerre, Uct. e. to iu, engagement. VAN WAGONER, BENJAMIN In Federal Service from: May 6, 1918, to Dec. 12. 1918. Branch of Service: 33rd Field Artillery. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st CI. Pvt. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. VAN WAGONER, HOWARD In Federal Service from: Feb. 26, 191/, to May 28, 1919. Branch of Service: 303 Ammunition Tram. Battles Engagements, etc.: Metz, Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. VICARI, JACOB JOSEPH In Federal Service from: Oct. 20, 1918, to Dec. 4, 1-918. Branch of Service: Coast Artillery. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. VICARI, JAMES VICARI. PHILIP In Federal Service from: Sept. 3, 1918, to Sept. 9, 1918. Branch of Service: 153 Depot— Inf. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. [487] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. VICO, LORENZO In Federal Service from: Feb. 25, 1918, to March 6, 1919. Branch of Service: Infantry — Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Prior Military Service: Italian Army. VILLA, JOHN VOUGHT, DONALD W. In Federal Service from: July 26, 1917, to Dec. 14, 1918. Branch of Service: Cavalry, Air Service. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. WALDRON, JAMES ROYALL In Federal Service from: April, 1917, to July 25, 1919. Branch of Service: 6th U. S. Engineers; 56 U. S. Engineers. Battles, Engagements, etc.: With Dubenoy; Rowlinson. Last two weeks on American front. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sgt., First CI. Decorations and Citations: 2; Cross and Cord. WALDRON, LEWIS SHELTON In Federal Service from: 1917 to July 12, 1919. Branch of Service: Ambulance Driver, S. S. U. 574, Par B. C. M. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Class Private. Decorations and Citations: 2. WALKER, FRANK A. In Federal Service from: November 27, 1917, to April 4, 1919. Branch of Service: 59 Artillery C. A. C, Battery F. Battles, Engagements: 5 Engagements. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Decorations and Citations: 2 Citations. WALTERS, GEORGE WARD, DANIEL FRANCIS In Federal Service from: Sept. S, 1917, to May 27, 1919. Branch of Service: 308th Field Artillery, Battery C. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel ; La Suppie; Morsille; Meuse-Argonne; Grand Pre. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. WARD, WILFRED J. WARREN, HENRY W. In Federal Service from: Nov. 20, 1917, to March 19, 1919. Branch of Service: 350 Field Artillery, Battery E. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Lorraine, Marbache. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. WARRICK, FRANCIS H. In Federal Service from: Aug. 22, 1918, to Aug. 15, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C. Domestic Operations Division. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Silver. [488 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. WATSON, GEORGK H. In Federal Service from: June 20, 191 S, to Dec. 15, 1918. Branch of Service: 304 Stevedore Regiment. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant of Engineers. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. WEBBE, FRANK N. In Federal Service from: Aug. 31, 1918, to Dec. 30, 1918. Branch of Service: Infantry — 153rd Brigade, Camp Dix. WENMAN, CHESTER INGLIS In Federal Service from: Aug. 9, 1918, to Jan. 15, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Seaman, 2nd CI. WENMAN, LOUIS PARDEE In Federal Service from: Sept. 3, 191S, to Dec. 7, 1918. Branch of Service: Light Field Artillery, Camp Zachary Taylor. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. WESCOTT, LEO A. In Federal Service from: Oct. 2, 1918, to Nov. 19, 1919. Branch of Service: Battery A, 31 Coast Artillery. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. WESCOTT, DR. MELVILLE H. In Federal Service from: June 11, 1918, to July 8, 1919. Branch of Service: Dental Corps — 20th Engineers, Hdqrs. 2nd Army, Camp Hospital No. 27. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Captain. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. WESCOTT, NELSON M. In Federal Service from: Oct. 24, 1918, to July 7, 1919. Branch of Service: Battery E, 35 Artillery, Coast Artillery Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. WESTERVELT, CLIFTON In Federal Service from: June 30, 1917, to Oct. 14, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Reserve Force. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sea, 2nd CI. WESTERVELT, JAMES BANNISTER In Federal Service from: Dec. 13, 1917, to Feb. 17, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical, Base Hospital, Camp Merritt. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. WESTERVELT, WALTER S. In Federal Service from: Oct. 17, 1918, to March 30, 1919. Branch of Service: 87th Aero Squadron, Park Field, Memphis, Tenn. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. WETZEN, FRANK P. [489] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. WHEELER, WILLIAM P. In Federai Service from: July 17, 1918, to Oct. 31, 1919. Branch of Service: Navy. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Mess Attendant. Entitled to Chevrons: .Blue. WHITSON, M. J. In Federal Service from: June 6, 1917 to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: Q. M. C, Construction Division of Army. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Colonel. Decorations and Citations: D. S. M. WHITTEMORE, HENRY, Jr. In Federal Service from: June 26, 1918. to Feb. 28, 1919. Branch of Service: Drill Instructor, 405th Company, Batt. I"; U. S. Marine Corps. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. WHRITENOR, MARTIN F. In Federal Service from: March 6, 1918, to May 7, 1919. Branch of Service: 116th and 117th Field Signal Battalions. Battles, Engagements, etc.: St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. WHYARD, CLYDE RODNEY In Federal Service from: July 5, 1917, to June 2, 1919. Branch of Service: 114 Field Hospital, 104 Sanitary Train, 29 Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Defense Center Sector, Haute Alsace, Campaign North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private, 1st CI. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. WILLEM, JACOB In Federal Service from: Sept. 19, 1917, to July 19, 1919. Branch of Service: 308 F. A., 502 Engineers. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. WILLIAMS, HARRY J. In Federal Service from July 22, 1917, to June 30, 1919. Branch of Service: Medical Department; Hospital Unit F, Base Hospital 8, Mobile Hospital 10. Cirade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: 3 Gold. WILLIAMS, RAYMOND C. In Federai Service from: July 20, 1917, to June 9, 1919. Branch of Service: Ambulance Co. 130, 108th Sanitary Train, 33rd Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Somme, Verdun, Meuse-Argonne, Chateau-Thierry. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. WILT, HENRY ELLSWORTH In Federal Service from: Nov. 7, 1917, to Jan. 28, 1918. Branch of Service: 56 Regt., Coast Artillery Corps. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Marne and Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. [490] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. WINDMULLER, SIDNEY C. In Federal Service from: June 24, 191S, to June 18, 1918. Branch of Service: Ammunition Train, Co. C, 6th Division. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Wagoner. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. WOOD, COLYEN C. In Federal Service from: Oct. 30, 1917, to May 12. 1919. Branch of Service: Signal Corps, 8th Observation Squadron. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Battle of the Ourcq; St. Mihiel Offensive, Meuse- Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. WOODRIFF, DONALD, Jr. In Federal Service from: March 31, 1917, to Feb. 5, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Reserve, various stations, and U. S. S. "Liberty." Grade or Rank at Discharge: Ensign. WOOLSEY, WILLIAM \V. In Federal Service from: Aug. 27, 191/, to March 5, 1919. Branch of Service: Aviation, Bureau of Aircraft Production. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 1st Lieutenant. WYMAN, BLRT CHRISTIE In Federal Service from: Nov. 8, 1918, to April 10, 1919. Branch of Service: S82nd Aero Squadron. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Corporal. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. Prior Military Service: 2nd N. J. Heavy F. A. WYMAN, PETER PACKER In Federal Service from: June 5, 1918, to Aprii 21, 1921. Branch of Service: Q. M. C, Utilities Division, Camp Merritt. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Sergeant. Entitled to Chevrons: Silver. WRIGHT, HENRY T. YATES, SHELDON S. In Federal Service from: Aug. 29, 1918, to Dec. 11, 1918. Branch of Service: Field Artillery, Officers' Training School, Camp Taylor. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd Lieutenant. U. S. R. ZABRISKIE, ELMER In Federal Service from: May 23, 1917, to April 14, 1919. Branch of Service: Naval Base Hospital No. 1, A. E. F. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Chief Yeoman. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. ZINGERMAN. LUDWIG In Federal Service from: March 25, 1917, to May 19, 1919. Branch of Service: 114th Infantry Band, 29 Division. Grade or Rank at Discharge: 2nd CI. Musician. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Entitled to Chevrons for Wounds: i; Mustard Gas, Oct. 13, 1918. Prior Military Service: Mexican Border. [491] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Military and Naval Service Records. ZINGERMAN, NILS C. B. In Federal Service from: April 15, 1918, to May 22, 1919. Branch of Service: Mobile Operating Unit No. 1 Army. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Verdun, Meuse-Argonne. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. Entitled to Chevrons: 2 Gold. Decorations and Citations. 1 Citation. Prior Military Service. Co. F, 5th Inf. N. J. ZIPPEL, JOHN F. In Federal Service from: Aug. 5, 1917, to May 16, 1919. Branch of Service: H. Q. 57th Inf. Brig. Battles, Engagements, etc.: Defense Center Sector, Haute Alsace, Campaign North of Verdun. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Cook. Entitled to Chevrons: Gold. ZUBER, LESTER BUTLER In Federal Service from: Oct. 28, 1918, to Dec. 10, 1918. Branch of Service: Student Army Training Corps, Stevens Institute. Grade or Rank at Discharge: Private. ■ EiroLxyroos, ^j. r z. .... W* sfffr f*?". ■'/•>/ /if///-/r /,, .1, /-, f. [492 ] INDEX INDEX An asterisk (*) denotes a photograph. Churches and schools are under those heads. The alphabetical roster at the close of the book is not included in this index. Ackerman, Edward, 65 Jacob G., 113 John, 55, 76, 102 Mrs. John, 114, 120 Peter, 161, 167 Adams Express Co., 55 Adriance, H. E., 308, 412 Aeroplane Views, 166,* 18S* Ashasimus, 6 • Albert, F. P., 184 Aldons, G., 205* Alexander, Sidney, 192 Allan, Robert, 129 Allison, W. O., 82, 116, 161, 191,* 218, 326, 332, 339, Preface Amend, Alexander, 261 American Legion, 326 Anderson, Henry J., 75 J. C, 174, '189, 194, 195,* 201, 207, 212, 216, 252 Mrs. J. C, 162 Andrews, E. W., 84 Joseph, 214, 216, 221, 225,* 229, 237, 245, 263, 265, 311, 320, 394, 396-9, 4(11 Angelus, Father, 310, 396, 398 Annett, Robert, 363 Armorv, 64, 116. 132. 387 Aron, H. G., 274 Arrow, Isabella, 168 Athenaeum, 102-3, 102,' 142 Athenaeum Jr., 129 Atwood, George, 138* Automobile Club, 249. 254 Automobiles, 182 B Babb, G. F., 96 Backus, G., 299, 311, 362, 398 Mrs. G., 362 Bailev. H. R., 128, 134, 158, 196, 250, 2S4 J. G., 320, 398 Baker, Geo. D., 417 Margaret, 339 Bakewcll, A. C, 192 Baldwin, D. A., 115, 121," 154. 232 Richard, 177* William, 218 Bancker, Mary C, 36 Banks, Annie, 234* Hardv. M., 57, 61-64, 63,* 105, 108, 122, 124. 125. 155, 137, 142, 146, 154, 158-9, 172, 178, 264 Hardv M., Jr., 145.- 170 Helen W., 168 Henrv W., 57, 80,* SS. 100, 113, 122, 124, 125, 152, 154, 158, 194, 228, 232 Henrv W., Jr., 352 Martha B., 161, 314 Virginia, 124 Banta, E. J., 12 H. W., 415 John S., 21, 2~- Solly, 68-69 Barber, Constance M., 215 Herbert, 271/ 296 Mrs. Herbert, 314 James, 271,* 296 Ralph, 90, 185 St. George, 218 T. P., 427 Barling, H. A., 122, 158. 178-9 H. A., Jr., 125, 127 Barr, Charles, Jr., 60,* 65, 133, 139, 158, 173, 249, 250. 277, 284, 384-5 Barrett, D. L., 140, 158, 172, 178, 215, 253* Barstow, B. P., 296, 299, 335 Barton, E. R., 158, 1S5, :^S2 Ethel, 294 Baseball, 56, 133, 134/ 272 Bates, C. T., 190, 195,* 207, 221, 235, 263, 289, 310, 328 Bayard, B., 6 Bavlis, Louise, 247 ' Robert, 48, 242 Robert N„ 221. 251, 235, 257, 248-9 Bearss, Dariu* M.. 65 Beattie, J. A.. 1S9, 196, 2(11. 202 Beckwith, Charles T., 363 Beggs, Matthew, 24S Bell, E. Y., 15S, 168 Percy, 138* Benjamin, W. H., 84 Benner, Charles 284, 299 Bennett, E. E., 300, 394, 396-9, 407, 423 Elizabeth. 168 Mrs. Fred S., 19S, 302, 30S, 33S, 342,* 356, 398, 403, 412, 418, 424 William, 112, 122, 167 Benson, J. G., 2(1 John, 74 Johannes, 37 Berdan, M., 21 Bergen, 4, 6 Bergen Building; 197, 270 Bergen County, 73 Bergen Count'. Democrat, 119 Bergen County Gas Co., 100, 197 [495] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Bergendahl, F. W., 193 Best, Dionysius, 241, 245,* 265, 282, 292 Geo. B., 207, 250, 259, 277, 303 Geo. B., Jr., 364, 364* Belts, Geo. \V., Jr., 138,* 333 Geo. W., Sr., 271,* 329 Margaret, 234* Biedermann, Miss, 234* Bigelow, W. L., 152 Birtwhistle, Henry, 172 Hezekiah, 168, 173, 174, 184, 189, 207, 227, 250, 256, 259, 265-8, 267* Morrell, 309, 416, 416* Thomas C, 192, 265 Blache, O. C, 261 Blaikie, Cameron, 138,* 161,* 332 Julia, 234* Lillian, 234* Rachel, 234* William, 121,* 136, 145, 227 Blake, C. H., 124, 152, 153, 154, 158, 161, 171, 177, 179, 197,* 202, 224, 235, 245, 252, 277, 284, 302-3 Mrs. C. H., 147,* 168, 178, 218, 302 C. H., Jr., 289, 290, 297, 299-316, 301,* 324, 336-7, 350, 359, 398, 404-5, 413-7, 423 Blankenhorn, Barbara, 223 D. E., 265,* 268, 277, 289, 290, 299, 331, 398 Jacob F., 216 Blauvelt, Abram, 244 Cornelius D., 75 David C, 65, 108 David D., 78 Joseph A., 65 Bliss, Arthur H., 409 Bertha, 234* Delos, 152, 157,* 178, 314, 330 Ethel A., 198, 234* Laura, 143,* 234,* 330 Susan, 143* Blizzard, 145 Blvth, Allen, 234* Beatrice, 143,* 234* Bertram, 234* Boeheim, Eugene, 172, 174 Frank, 172 Bogert, Albert J., 108 Andrew D., 45, 62, 96, 103, 112, 116, 147, 162, 168, 172, 178, 207, 208,* 312 C. A., 245, 398 Daniel G. (the elder), 183,* 219 Daniel G. (the vounger), 183,* 265, 284, 291, 332, 398-9 Gilliam' D.,""lS3,* 207, 216, 235, 259, 314 Huvler, 173-4, 179-80 Jacob A., 114, 152, 339 Jennie, 339 John A., 183,* 339 Peter, 75 Peter, Jr., 75 Rachel, 21, 22,* 339 Boland, M., 205* Bollhardt, Marcus, 201 Bonus, 333 Boodv, Edgar, 417, 421 Boorum, \V. B., 398 Booth, Alice, 234* Charles H., 89, 154, 226 Edith, 254' F. H., 262 H., 205* Henrv M., 89, 96, 98,* 153-4, 156, 162 J. M.', 189, 202, 205* Mary A., 89 Wm. A., 80,* 89, 272 Wm. T., 89, 178, 272 Booth's Pond, 36,* 55, 206* Bougaert, Guilliam, 45, 108 Bont, J. E., 6 Bowen, Agnes, 282 Bowling Club, 205* Bov Scouts, 328, 360, 417-S Bo'vd, N. Z., 133 Boynton, C. H., 270, 280, 322 Bradner, F. C, 223, 245, 272, 335 Brann, Edward, 210 H. A., 85 Bridge Over Hudson, 136 Bried, J. L., 304, 307 Briiirkerhoff, Cornelius, 25 E. A., 116, 122, 142, 152-5, 158, 173, 189- 206, 193,* 228, 265-7, 275,* 285-6 Mrs. E. A., 117,* 117, 286, 339 E. A., Jr., 138* Elizabeth, 234* Henrv, 25 Hetty, 25 Janet, 241 Margaret, 234* Brinkerhoff, Frank, 411 Henrv D., 145, 151, 156 Henry J., 167 Homestead, 37* Jacob, 339 R. R., 174, 222 Brockie, E. S., 311, 332, 337, 397, 399-400, 402 Bronck, Jonas, 14 Brookside Cemetery, 329 Brown, Francis John, 365, 365,* 418 F. H., 409 Frederick H., Jr., 366, 367,* 418 T. R., 326 T. Roswell, 143* Browning, J. H., 154 Brucker, Charles, 221, 227, 299, 337, 340 Bruvn, C. D., 397 Brvan, W. J., 178, 250 Building Code, 267 Building and Loan Association, 139, 141,* 302, 322 Bulklev, E. M., 308 Harold K., 368, 368* Bull's Ferry, 14 Burdett, Addie, 234* Annie, 143,* 234* C. B., 399 Gilbert, 161,* 300, 314, 407, 408,* 409 Laura, 254' Malvina, 143,* 234* [496] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Burden, Wm. A., 140, 232, 314, 342,* 342 Mrs. Wm. A., 312 Burger, V. J., 399 Burns, John J., 386 Burr, Amelia J., 339, 356, 418-20, 427 Burritt, G. H., 178 Burtis, Christine, 234* Morse, Sr., 224 Morse, Jr., 417 Cadv, J. C, 97, 152 Camp Merritt, 309, 326, 338, 353-5 Campbell, C, 409 David, 20 Jane, 21 Malcolm, 178, 427 Mrs. Malcolm, 272, 398 Samuel, 20-1 S. S., 154, 307, 311, 394, 396 Canal Companv, 99 Canfield, Fred, 234* Canning, 422 Cantwell, \Vm., 289, 303, 363, 398, 405 Carman, G. W., 124 Carmelite Fathers, 85, 282, 307, 308* Carteret, Sir G., 11 Carteret, Philip, 11 Case, Geo. B., 237, 300, 398, 405, 407 Cass, Alexander, 75, 158, 204, 2ii Willard, 170, 207, 227, 233, 235 Castmore, Toseph A., 369, 369* J. J-, 407 Catholic Benevolent Legion, 262 Catholic Club, 177, 262 Caulkins, E. B., 215 Census, 338 Chamberlain, A. E., 142-3 C. D., 173-4, 178-9 G. W., 113, 143 Chapin, Caroline, 234,* 425 C. H. B., 403, 421, 423 J. C, 261 Chapman, Elizabeth, 67 F. M., 70, 301, 341, 343,* 427 Mrs. F. M., 427 Lebbens, 70, 71,* 100, 105 William, 67 Charles II, 10 Chater, Ellen, 273 Henrv, 273, 407, 409 Melville, 273, 322 Mrs. R. D., 273 Cheever, G. B., 154 Chester. Charles T., 82, 84, 122 Mrs. Charles T., 84 Marv R.. 84 William, 340 Childs, D. B., 115, 127* Theodore, 218 Wm. A., 126, 127* 211-12, 216, 231 Mrs. Wm. A., 168, 211 China Famine, 338 Choral Club, 125 Christie, Cornelius, 78 Percv, 223 Peter, 20 Christopher, Wm., 216, 228, 273 Church, Caroline H., 49 M. H., 49 Churches — African M. E., 272. _292* Calvary Mission, 127 Catholic. 84-5. 85,* 116, 122, 282, 287,* 307, 308* Christian Science, 211,* 211, 350 Colored Presbvterian, 292" Episcopal, 82-84, 83,* 115, 122, 123,* 128, 196, 203,* 211, 262, 266, 282, 353 Galilee Methodist, 306 Lutheran, 305,* 332 Methodist, 67-68, 69, 289, 292, 295,* 332, 353 Presbvterian, 4S-50, 53,* 96-97, 99,* 117, 162, 211, 262, 297, 307, 319, 332 St. John's, Nordhoff. 140, 232, 303* Svnagogue, 197, 282, 288* True Reformed, 115,* 117 West Side Presbvterian, 127-28, 171,* 185, 240, 249,* 262, 310, 320 Churchill, W. T, 299 Citizens' National Bank, 153, 213, 242, 276,* 294, 303, Zi2, 393 Citv Club, 237, 249, 261, 267, 280, 289, 300 Citv Hall, 55, 190, 228, 229,* 236, 319, 333, 335-7 City Manager, 326 Civic Association, 272 Civic League, 198, 229 Clark, Anna, -360, 396,401-4 Charles G., 152, 157,* 273 Corinne, 272 Dumont, 272 F. B., 397 H. B., 417 LeRov, 67, 427 W. G., 227, 269, 291 Clarke, E. W., 154, 158, 163* Mrs. E. W., 164 S. G., 146 Clausmeyer, Frank, 414, 417 Clegg, Sarah, 154 Clephane, Mrs. J. O., 168, 178 Sadie, 398 Closter, 19 Coakley, J. J., 266 Coardlev, Father, 84 Cochran, Elizabeth, 234* R. E., 158, 319 Coe, Alice S., 250, 416, 421-24 Butler, 143* Edward P., 82, 152, 172, 174, 180, 218,312 George S., Jr., 135, 174, 190, 194, 197,* 214 George S., Sr., 90, 96, 102, 109,* 116, 179, 242 James H., 144, 174, 294, 302 Louis S., 133, 135, 231, 245-6, 251, 255,* 324, 332 Mrs. Louis S., 240 [497] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Coc, Wm. M., 142," 192, 198, 245, 265 267 273, 282, 299, 320-1, 284-7, 387 » 397-9, 403, 407 Wm. P., 60,* S7, 91, 1 13, 133, 135, 288, 3S3 Coffin, J. S., 277, 299, 324, 396 Colby, Everett, 245 Cole, Christine, 161 Homestead, 8* Peter J., 25 Sally, 25 Samuel, 20 College Dinner, 241, 331 Committee of Correspondence, 17 Communipaw, 6-7 Community Club, 332 Community Garden, 421 Company B, etc., see "Military Company" Congdon, H. L., 116, 314 Mrs. H. L., 168 Conklin, E. H., 154 George, 134* Thomas, 177* Walter, 172, 178 William, 239, 246, 251-2, 254. 259, 265, 267-74, 269,* 273, 277, 2X2, 289, 311, 333, 396, 398 Convers, E. B., 116, 154, 171, 180, 2(12, 22S, 232 Cooke, James A., 178 James F„ 175,* 178, 184-5, 189, 202, 216, 226-7, 231, 235, 248 R. K., 84, 95, 122 Coolev, Agnes, 294 Cooper, Henry, 104,* 158, 247 John W., 178 Joseph, 172, ISO Tennis, 20-1 Coppell, Arthur, 142* Corliss, Florence, 143,* 170 W. F., 271,* 332 Cornelius, A., jr., 245 Cornwallis, 19 Corrigan, Bishop, 122 Corrigan, D., 84 Cory, David, 155 David M., 341, 343* Mrs. David V., 18? Robt. H., 396, 400 Uzal, 90, 94* Costello, Christie, 173 John M., 370, 370* Council, Salary, 306 Cowan, Judge, 67 Coxe, H. M., 178, 185, 192, 198, 3S4-6, 4n7 Coyte, C, 134* F. G., 87, 160, 174, 383 Craig, J. W., 162 Crane, H. M., 138* J. H., 124 Crater, Georgia B., 169 Crowe, Edward Errol, 371, 371* Crowell, Miss, 154 Crum, Theophilus, Sr., 199,* 314 Cuming, Mrs. R., 398-9 T. B., 141, 240, 261, 330, 331* Curfew, 285, 309 Curran, G. M., 270, 417 Hen rv, 161* J. E., 140 Mrs. J. E., 185 Currie, D. A., 115-6, 120, 122, 124, 131, 145, 154, 160, 171, 173,* 173-89, 202, 207- 21, 250-2, 259, 266, 275,* 384-5 Currv, Thomas, 218, 320 Curtis, L. F.., 173-4, 177, 303 Mrs. L. E., 178 Daily, Joseph, 331, 335 Daisy Fields, 164, 230, 243* Daily, J. \V., 214 Dana, W. B., 63,* 66, 116, 122 Mrs. W. B., 66-7 Daughters of the Revolution, 164, 168, 198 Davies, W. C, 60,* 65, 127, 133, 139, 169, 216, 251, 314 Davis, A. C, 84 Albert S., 322- Herbert C, 201, 212 Robert. 2i<2, 270, 2S9, 300, 319, 32~> 3'8* 427 Davison, H. P., 218, 336,* 342 L. V., 241 Dawes, Christine W., 248, 397-8, 401-2 D. B., Preface James L., 90, 121 Mrs. James L., 248 L. C, 423 Day, Sarah J., 349, 351-64 D'Avmard, A. R., 284 DeCamp, J. R., 173, 314 De Groot, John, 12 Dc Korne, John, 398 Demarest, Abram, 339 Abram G., 65 Andrew, 2?, 32 Clinton, 161* Cornelius T., 27, 35 David, 18, 25, 27 Francis W., 174 Frank M., 172 Henry P., 117 Jacob, 25 James, 23 Jemima, 25 John, 25, 102 Olive H., 415 Ralph, 172, 174 Ralph I., 79, 105 Ralph S., 29 Mrs. Richard, 339 Samuel R., 29 Samuel S., 7?, 79, 105 Thomas E., 75 Thomas W., 26,* 27, 29, 34-5, 105, 117 DcMott, G., 205* Henry, 36 Henry J., 56, 122, 137, 139,* 242 Tacob, 25, 74 John J., 49 Matthias, 12 [498] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Depot Park, 282, 289, 299, 324, 333 Derhv, Warren, 248, 259, 277, 291 De Ronde, Abram, 158, 170, 178, 180, 181,* 184, 212, 241, 299, 324. 394, 396-7 F. S., 167, 178, 185, 198, 384-6 Hendrick, 108 Philip. 320-1, 324. 337, 339* W. II., 178, 191,* 273 Mrs. W. H., 339 Des Marais, David, 108 Deuel, J. W.. 38, 47. 49,* 50, 56, 96 Mrs. J. W., 204 DeYVitt, Edward, 221, 235, 245, 248, 251, 265, 277, 289 Mrs. Edward, 402 Dey, Theunis, 33 Dillingham, Alice, 254' E. C, 111,* 116, 330 Edith, 234* Dillon, J. J., 372, 372* Ditman, Albert, 300 Andrew ]., 42, 132,* 132, 152, 332 N. E., 161* Dock Company, 116 Dominick, G. C, 161,* 234* M. W., 305, 320, 331 Dotson, L., 331 Dougherty, John, 185, 189, 194, 196, 201, 278 Doughtv, Elizabeth, 244 Sally, 234* Stewart, 138* \V. S., 8(1,* 90, 178, 210 Mrs. YV. S., 21(1, 314 Douglas, Henrv, 326 Henrv Philip, 292, 292* Draft Board, 309, 413 Drainage, 136, 202, 218, 221, 280 Drake, A. E., 409, 411 Dravton, A. I., 154, 273, 294, 311, 3211, 335. 394, 396-7, 405 Drvden, John, 246 Du Bois,"C. G., 427 Flovd R., 237, 249, 399, 417, Preface Dulce Domum, 62, 184, 242 Dulles, Wm., Jr., 218, 236-7, 245, 249-50, 252,* 252, 256 Duncan, F. S., 143,* 173, 330, 409 Mabel, 143* Robert, 138,* 143* S. A., 133, 139, 153-4, 158, 159,* 170-1, 330 Mrs. S. A., 128, 129,* 170, 330, 340 Dunlap, J. R„ 171 Dunshee, D. K., 331 Durie, John, 25 Nicholas, 29 Durvee, Augustus, 142* Gertrude, 198 Jacob A., 90,* 91 Mrs. Jacob A., 91 Margaret, 312 P. S., 91, 270, 273, 291, 311, 319-20, 326,* 335-6, 394, 396, 399-400, 405, 409 Mrs. P. S., 402 Dutch Fast India Co., 2-3 Dutch West India Co., 3 Dutton, Emilj C, 198 Geo. R., 113-16, 120, 131, 142. 155, 176, 189-90, 195,* 220, 235, 249 Duight, Eliza S., 4 I lames H.. 47,* 47, 49, 56, 64, 89 William B.. 49-50, 210 Dwight Chapel. 127, 185, 240 Dwight Po7, 68, 05, 122. 23, Samuel A., 66 Jordan, Archibald, 163* Conrad N., 219 Junkin, C. I., 214, 224, 240 Kahler, B. A., 307 Karcher, Katherine C, 428 Keeler, F. Y., 409 Mrs. F. V., 416 Kellogg, Clara Louise, 103 Lucy, 164 Kennedv, Percv P., 375, 375' Kennel Club, 224 Kerr, C. D., 241, 328, 340, 341,* 409, 418, 428 Sue H. C, 264, 322* Thomas B., 158, 185. 190, 194, 195. 241, 279, 294, 299, 332, 334, 396 Kidder, W. M., 215 Mrs. W. M., 162, 350 Kieft, Governor, 6 Kilbourn, H. O., 42S King, Anna, 84 William, 64, 84, 100 Kitchel, C. P., 283,* 294, 306, 311. 355. 598 Klink, Joseph, 207, 396 Knickerbocker Realtv Co., 421 Knights of Columbus, 311, 352 Knott, John, 67 Sarah, 67 Koster, E., 205,* 259, 277 Kursteiner, August, 32, SI, 125, 204 Lachmund, Fred. K., 207 Lamont, Hammond, 170, 250, 254, 255* T. W., 254, 322, 333, 336,* 542, 428 Mrs. T. \\\, 353 Landers, Chester, 192 Langford, W. S., 84 Lansing, J. B. W., 415 Lawn Tennis Club, 124 Lemmon, George, 138," 155 Levinsohn, Joseph, 396, 398, 400 Lew i*. Henrv, 96 Libertv Loans, 307, 311, 358, 393-7 Libertv Pole, 17, 23, 169-170, 171,* 388 Libertv Pole Tavern, 16,* 17, 19-22, 26,76, 216 Library, 152, 202, 224, 285, 290, 294* Licenses — see "Saloons" Lichtenberg, H. M., 119, 155, 2S8 Lindley, A. L., 399 Lines, Bishop, 247 Livingston, A., Jr., 394, 296 Lock-up, 116 Loder, Nicholas, 172 Loomis, Chester, 109 Mrs. Chester, 108. 184 Lorentzen, Mrs. C. C, 401 I.oveland, T. W., 192, 300. 386, 418 Lyceum, 32, 147, 152, 276, a 294 I. \ decker, Abraham, 297 Cornelius, 35, 95, 110, 125-0, 172, 178 Elizabeth, 54. 57 Garret, 18, 25, 33 Garret A., 33,* 34, 37, 100, 112, 116, 147 Garret J., 35 Gerrit, '32 Homestead, 32r 33 3, 37, 48 James, 25, 220 John, 23, 34,' 34, 37, 226 Kate, 34 Margaret, 35, 226 Martha, 35 Rachel D., 297 Ralph D., 54, 178 Rvck, 55-4 Thos. Wm., 34," 34. 259, 277, Preface Lyell, T. H., 84 J. W., 63-4 Lvman, Frances E., 164 H. A., 90, 94,* 202 Toseph, 96 Stuart, 423 Virginia, 254' Lvon, E. H., 182, 249 I. W., 248 Lvons, E., 154' M Mabre\, F. D.. 322" Macalister, Wm., 415 Machine Gun Unit, 300, 301, 310, 34S,* 350, 357,* 405, 406,* 408,* 418 Mackav, Donald, 88, 122, 134, 142, 143, 147, 153, 154, 171, 174, 185, 192, 201, 202, 224, 231, 235-56, 237,*. 259, 265, 268, 270, 274, 275,* 278, 284. 285, 385, 587 Mrs. Donald, 89, 162, 238, 316 Edith, 234* Jennie, 254' Malcolm, 218, 284, 340 Mackav Hall, 180, 190, 207 Mackav Park, 239,* 240, 246, 257,* 268, 285 Mackie, A. H., 384 C. P., 254 Mackin, C. H., 210 Magaw, Col, 18 Magner, Robt., 115, 114, 142 Mallalieu, W. B., 332 Maloney, F. H., 277, 291 Mandeville, Arthur, 214 Manson, J. A., 254 Map, IS, 305 Marchant, Thos., 174 Marcus, Arnold, 178 Markham. James J., 250, 259, 284. 335 Tohn, 177* Thomas, 278, 296, 305 Martling, S., 29 Masonic Hall, 103 [ 502 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Mattison, J. M., 137, 199,* 294 M. M., 216 Mattlage, A. R., 172, 199,* 273 Mattocks, F., 272 Mav, C. H., 189, 282, 387, 393-4, 396-400, 409, 414 McCall, L. H., 302 McCloy, Samuel. 376, 376* McCormack, F. C, 320 McCulloh, Isabella S., 49, 296 James \\\, 56, 104,* 104-5, 110, 122, 17-. 184, 296 McDannald, W. S., 415 McDonald. T. J., 231,* 2M McGovern, W. D., 267 McKenna, D. J., 259, 277, 289, 297, 299, 305-6, 310-42, 318,+ 321,* 396-8. 405, 418 McKenzie, M. A., 415 McKinnev, J. F., 394, 396 McLean, Adam. 65 McMichael House, 11* McMurtrie, W. E., 185 McWliorter, T- E., 415 Meeker, Charles, 138* Megapolensls, 10 Melcher, J. R., 337, 396, 400, 423 Mrs. ]. R., 402 Memorial House, 306, 309* Memorial, Soldiers', 319, 324, 337 Meserole, C. V., 394, 396, 398-9, 428 Messenger, J. S., 204 Meyers, Cornelius, 65 Middleton, Irving, 216, 245 Military Company, 64, 87, 91, 160, 178, 185, 186, 198, 282, 300, 301, 309-1(1, 320, 383-92, 384,* 389,* 392* Miller, G. L., 212-13, 252, 265 John E., 82, 122, 142, 154, 173 Toseph B., 26, 38, 112, 125, 191,* 248 L A., 141. 142 L. K., 51,* 58-59, 96, 100 Mrs. L. K., 164, 169 Margaret, 247 Miller's Pond, 59* Mills, J. H. G., 184 Mrs. J. H. G., 349, 397-8, 401 Minuit, Peter, 3 Mitchell, Hannah W., M2' Moore, H. V. D., 168, 282, 326, 40, 387,* 387, 399 Mrs. H. V. D., 294, 350 Moore, Samuel, 14 Moore, Thomas, 18 Morris, Lewis, 14 P. H., 127, 128 Morris, Richard, 14 Morrisania, 14 Morrow, D. W., 252, 254, 263, 289, 299, 308, 319, 320, 322, 337,* 342, 412, 425. 428 Mrs. D. \V.. ?i21 Morse, C. W., Ir., 172 J. O., 68, 69,* 100 Mrs. J. O., 68 J. O., Jr., 82 Mortimer, Mrs. C, 128, 146 Motor Battery — see "Machine Gun" Mount Carmel Cemetery, 122 Mown - , Amv, 145," 254' L.' D., 142* Mrs. L. D.. 402 Lulu, 143,* 234' Smith, 141, 142,* 143" W. S., 180 Mundorf, G. 1L, 216 Munn, H. D., 124 Munroe, Alice C, 72 Mi-. C. C, 128 E. S., 72. 102-3 Vernon, 138," 261, 269, 275. 277-07, 279,* 299. 507. 520. .^22, 425. 428 Murphy, A. E.. 241 Basil, 416, 41ii' Terry, 141, 143' lohn G., 334 Murray, Byron, Jr., 46, 48, 70, 91 Mver, H. C., 320 Myers, Alice S., 170 Mrs. Gratz, 398, 420 N National Security League, 301 Near East Relief, i22, 524 Neeley, Thos. B., 292 Neighborhood House, 198, 247, 425 Nelden, A. J., 415 Nellman, Netta, 254* \V. L., 354 New Amsterdam, 5, 9 New Jersey, 4 New Netherland Company, 3 Nichols, Charles A., 49, 51,* 58, 96 Frank B., 67, 94* Mrs. Frank B., 67, 219 Nicoll, Col., 10 Nixon, Alida, 192 Norman, Ann, 68 Fred'k, 68 Northern Railroad, 29-32, 41, 136, 239, 246 First Train, 40* Invitation to Opening, 42* Announcement, 43* First Station, 54* Second Station, 39* Time Table, 44" Engines and Engineers, 101-2 Third Station, 147, 200* Strike, 552 Gates, ISO Van Brunt Street Extension, 190 Norton, S. S., 50 Norwood House, 95 Noyes, Ethel, 234* o Oakev, M., 190, 214, 222 O'Brien, Chris, 205* Donat G., 377, 377* Harriet, 39S Thomas, 173, 174 O'Connor, Daniel J. A., 378 L J., 210, 282 [503] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Ogden, Mrs. H. A., 162 O'Hara, Edward, 181 * 207, 212, 216, 226, 235, 238 O'Neill, James A., 384 Michael, 268-269 Olvphant, Elizabeth G., 428 F. M., 201, 241, 260 M., 409 Ruth, 424 Onderdonk, J., 2S9 Orser, Aleck, 65 Margaret, 105 Outwater, John, 19 Overpeck Canal Co., 98 Overpeck Creek, 12 Palisade Avenue, 118,* 227,* 266, 280, 284, 313* Palisade House, 77, 101, 249 Palisade Mountain House, 116 Palisades, The, 182-4, 284 Palisades Park, 144, 145 Palisades Trust Co., 198, 212-13, 247, 251,* 393, 424 Palleske, T. E., 332 Palmer, H. B., 332 Josephine, 339 Paramus, 19 Park, Charles F., 137, 139,* 146, 174, 242 Charles F., Jr., 261, 270, 394, 397, 399 Mrs. Charles F., Jr., 420 Elizabeth, 234* Katherine, 234* Park Place, 186, 194 Parker, H. G., 65 Parramore, S. S., 112, 122 Parsons, C. E., 407 T. H., 155 L. M., 394, 396, 400, 409 Mrs. Stanley, 34 Patterson, Mrs. F. A., 262 Paulison, J. R., 75 Paulus Hook, 5 Paulusson, M., 5 Panw, M., 5 Pavonia, 5, 6 Pavne, J. \V., 84, 115; 122. 128, 140 Pax son, G. H., 139, 235, 256, 277, 396, 400 Mrs. G. H., 262, 349, 401 G. P., 168, 178, 238, 272 Peabody, C. J., 178, 194, 212, 214 Peck, Mrs., 234* Penfield, T. B., 398. 412 People's Institute, 332 Perrv, Samuel, 413 Peters, Hugh, 417 J. Hugh, 89, 94,* 158, 172, 248 Louise, 143* Marv B., 89, 162, 198 Phelps, F. W., 158, 173-4, 197 T. J., 83, 133, 167 Sheffield, 161, 167, 215 W. W., 67, 85-7, 86,* 116, 122, 125, 135, 14(), 147, 162. 164-5, 282 Mrs. W. \\\. 85, 140 Philleo, Winifred. 422 Phillips, Walter, 272, 303, 331, 359, 415 Pierce, W. L., 235, 310, 340 Mrs. W. L., 126, 310 Pioneer Baseball Club, 133, 134* Pipers' Band, 359 Pitkin, G. R., 415 H. LeRov, 234,* 318,* 333, 335-6, 411 I. W., 132,* 132, 288 Planck, A. I., 6 Piatt, C. B„ 116, 122, 146, 152, 154, 158, 159,* 184-5, 219 Mrs. C. B., 198, 218 D. F., 138,* 155, 192, 198, 202, 207, 216, 220-33, 223,* 235, 237, 254, 261, 265, 274, 275,* 279, 291, 300, 302, 305, 30S-9, 311, 336-7, 396, 399, 412, 429 Mrs. D. F., 164, 240, 294 Sara F., 198, 215 Plumlev, W. E., 125 Poland, Edward, 97, 152 Police Department, 177,* 180, 190, 217, 247, 267, 278, 285, 290, 296, 320, 327* Police Dogs, 300 Police Justice, 116, 207, 217 Police Station, 220* Pomerov, D. E., 299, 300, 319, 322, 328, 333, ' 335, 337,* 342, 394, 396, 421, 429 Pond, H. O., 138* Poorhouse, 306 Post, J. J., 176 R. C, 308, 310, 319, 324, 398, 400, 417 Post Office, 176, 222, 302 Potts, Clyde, 300 Powers, Patrick, Preface Mrs. W. F., 358, 397, 399, 429 Pratt, J. E., 415 Marv H.. 353, 413 Robert, 31, 90 Prentice, J. H., 250, 303 Mrs. J. H., 339 Press, The, 155, 270, 339 Prindle, Miss, 67 Probst, T- D., 158, 175,* 176, 184-5, 189, 204 J. D., Jr., 384-5 W. M., 266, 273 Proctor, J. W., 154, 163,* 184, 190, 272, 303, 415 Prohibition, 333, 335 Prosser, Harriet, 153, 215, 285, 299, 319, 335 Mrs. Richard, 230 Seward, 138,* 141, 142,* 215, 245, 342, 343,* 399, 429 Protection Societv, 104-5, 110, 116, 135-6, 158, 174 Protective League, 352-3, 411-12 Public Safetv Committee, 405 Pye, J. J., 217, 217,* 235, 277, 294, 305 Quiglev, S. J., 30S, 310 Quirk, P. J., 177* [504] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD R Rafferty, Timothy, 214, 231, 256,* 314 Raglione, Rocco, 378, 378* Railroad — see "Northern Railroad" Ransom, Captain, 84 Raque, Philip, 201 Rathbone, R. C, 331. 429 Record, Geo. L., 245 Recorder — see "Police Justice" Red Cross, 301, 307-8, 311, 322, 349-50, 351,* 360, 361,* 397-9, 401-3, 426* Reed, A. J., 310 Frances C, 294, 338 W. S., 423 Reeve, W. D., 247 Registration, 180 Reid, Robert C, 334 Russell B., 192, 198, 384, 386, 407, 429 Reinmund, F. M., 429 Herbert, 161* H. J., 158, 242 Religious Activities Committee, 308 Resnick, J., 197 Richardson, C. A.. 413, 415 Ridgefield Township, 12 Rifle Association, 300, 352, 405 Riker, Samuel M, 133, 139, 158, 171, 174 Road Districts, 160 Robbins, H. C, 230, 245,* 247, 270, 282 Roberts, Emilv B., 350 Robinson, M. W., 224 R. M., 261 Rochester, Anna, 234* R. H., 154, 169, 171, 184 Rockefeller, L., Ill* 115, 288 Rockwood, Richard B., 380, 380* Rolston, R. G, 326, 399, 407 Roosevelt, T., 320 Ross, John Lewis, 379, 379* Roulse, Matthias, 74 Ruch, Emil. 134,* 141, 263, 265, 277, 278, 296, 312 Jack, 386 Louis, 133. 180, 185, 264, 306, 384-5 V., Sr., 264 V., Jr., 21, 207, 223, 246, 264, 277, 294, 303, 306. 335, 340 Ruddock, J. E., 268 Russell, Bertha G., 224 Ryan, Peter, 177* Sabin, I., 197 Sadler, G. B., 411 Salembier, P. A., 305 Saloons, 218, 229, 236, 260, 307 Sanderson, Eugene, 79 Hannah, 68 Sandford, William, 14, 328 Sanger, Edward, 355 Saurman, Bertha M., 322* Sauzade, Katherine 1.. 117.* 182, 184, 262 Sawmills, 55, 57,* 58* Sawtelle, Charles C, 60* Charles G, 71 Cullen, 71, 72.- 84. 145, 304 E. M., 71, 42Q Henrietta L„ 129,- 129, 146, 304 Katherine L., 304 Scarborough, R. H., 409 Mrs. W. B., 49, 319 W. B., 301 Schenck, F. B.. 288 Schermerhorn, W., 277, 294, 310 Scheyichbi, 4 Schools — Public- Athletic Field, 340 Budgets, 177, 1S5, 190, 201, 218, 223, 241, 250, 260, 268, 280, 305, 331 Facultv, i22.- 325* Cleveland, 2 ; 4. 263,* 263 Franklin, 201, 207, 214, 226. 229, 241, 250* High, 223, 260, 296, 299, 323,* 329* Highwood, 177, 201 Libertv, 190, 194, 196, 201, 202, 207-9, 214, 215,* 280, 286 Lincoln, 96, 97,* 147, 177, 272, 280, 286, 304, 306,* 306, 312 Nordhoff, 168, 177, 201, 280, 338* Private — Creighton, 211, 291* Deuel, 50 Dwight and Fowler, 50, 210 Englewood School for Boys, 155, 160,* 196, 310 Gray, 52, SI Kursteiner, 52, 81, 82* Liberty Union, 24,* 24-6 Norton, 50 Parochial, 209,* 210 Piatt (Miss.) 234* Plumlev, 125, 155 Smith, "137. 155 Sterling and Gerrish, 145, 156, 177 Wall, 52. 210 White. 125 Young Ladies' Seminary, 38* Sciver, A., 25 Scott, Annie, 224 Scribner, Ben, 101 Scudder, E. C, 321, 332, 398 Scullv, Tohn, 262 J. C, 246 J. J-, 176 W. J., 172, 174. 181,* 202, 212, 239 Sedore, Conrade, 15 Serrell, Wrn., 74 Serviss J. H., 120, 233 Seufert, W. M., 181,* 221, 230, 254, 277, 2S8, 292, 328, 398. 405 Sewer Co., 140, 198, 280, 284, 297, 300, 335 Sheffield. J. E., 85 Sheppard, R. A., 235, 415 Sheridan, E. J., 221, 277 Sherman, E. C., 222. 252,- 310, 312, 319, 333, 400, 416 [ 505 ] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Sherwood, A. C, 161,* 155, 234,- 320, 397, 399, 4ii4, 409-10 J. D., 113,* 113-114, 122, 139, 144, 145 _ Maud, 143/ 234 Shi mi, Emma ()., 218 Sibley, Ernest, 296 Sinclair, Upton, 240 Sinking Fund Commission, 305 Sisson, May 234" Smeeman, II., Smith, B. D„ 81, 152-3 B. S„ 224 Charles E., 210, 249, 262, 266 C. (>., 421 D. D., 70, 71,' 100, 122, 144 Harry J., 289, 299 Henrietta P., 84 I [omestead, 11* Hugh, 160, 190 James, 180 1. Spencer, 23S I. aura D., 84, 146, 398 Mary, 12 Oliver D„ 81, 124, 140. 152, 153/ 158, 160-1, 167, 171-2, 184, 189, 207, 252, 300, 552, 554 R. F., 319-20 R. H., 245 R. \V„ 65 Rudolph H., 139 YV. E., 65 W. H., 184 \V. \\'., 137, 138* Smits, A. J., 84, 88,* 116, 122 Smullen, Edward, 331 Snowden, Andrew, 305 I. \V., 305 Speer, Mrs. E. M., 424-5 R. E., 338 \1... R. E., 308 Spindler, Peter, 218 Springer, A. H., 396, 400 Charles \V., 175 [osephine, 170 'Moses E., 42, 45,* 56, 95, 113, 129, 139, 142, 264, 302 Stack, Frank, 386 Stage Fine, 26 Stag-, ('has. I., 212. Preface Joseph \\\, 54-56, 56,* 76, 105, 108, 161, 171, 176, 184, 186 Stainton, C. D., 222 Stamp Act, 17 Standard, The, 56, 119 Stanlev, Win., Tr., 340 Wm., Sr., 146, 162, 191,* 502 Starker Thomas, 197, 198 Steam Roller, 22') Steenhuvsen, E., 7 Sterling, A. YV., 129, 146, 168, 169,* 179-80, 184, 185, 190, 194, 207, 221, 241, 332 Stockman, Mrs. IF, 401 IF C, 407, 409 Stoddard, J. A., 277 Stone, IF P., 299, 320, 405 IF W., 555 Strike. Railroad, 332 Stross, Ludvrig, 179, 396, 398 Stuvmets, C, 6 Stuyvesant, P., 6. 9, 10 Suffrage. 204, 307 Sullivan, M. ]., 272. 328, 555 Sumner, Graham. 284, 291, 310, 312, 351, 425 Mrs. Graham, 415 Sneencv, Cornelius, 158, 184, 227, 255, 245, ' 314 D. F., 237-8, 305, 331 Sweet, A. ]., 115 Sweezy, E. B., 396 Swennarton, T. YV., 65 Swett, Ellen, 26 Taft, W. IF. 250 Talbot, Earle, 328, 405.417 Tallman, Abram, 91-2, 148, 151, 153*, 171, 172, 174, 176, 178, 332 Isabelle J., 422 William, 299 Tallman Place, 186, 194 Tappan, Mrs., 154 raussig, F YV., 407, 409, 411 Tax Rate, 244 Tavlor, George, 67 ' Isabel, 170 facob, 124, 142, 148, 149* 178 R. B., 173-4, 180, 189, 207, 212, 216, 218 Sarah, 67 William, 11(1 Taylor and Moslev, 229 Teaneck, 70, 167, 176 Telegraph Office, 143, 144 Telephone Companv, 126, 155, 1S2, 197 Tenafly Road, 24, 69 Terhune, A. A., 75 C. J., 339 I. A., 176, 177- j. V. H., 7'^ Terrv, ]. YV., 125. 154, 163* Thomas, 138* YV. O., 112 Thacher, Thomas, 178 Mrs. Thomas, 124, 598 Thomas, Addison, 115, 120, 122, 133, 384 Thomson, F>. G., 289, 305, 510, 318*, 319, 321, 52S, 335-7, 339, 359, 394, 398, 405, 409, 411, 415 J. A., 192, 520 James C, 236 'foseph, 97, 152, 162, 167, 172, 202, 227, 251, 246, 259, 316 Thorburn, Hattie, 234* Three Pidgeons, 26 Tierney, Wm. |r., 22?r 227, 235, 257, 254, 259, 2i,2, 205, 277, 312, 319, 320, 39S, 400, 405 Tildeslev, F. V., 216, 340 Tillinghast, Paul, 138 s Revnolds, 138* W. E., 329 Mrs. W. E., 129, 1<>4 [506] THE BOOK OF l.N( .I.1\Y< >< >D Tillotson, G. D., 399 J. H., 119. 142, 155, 157*, 171, 196, 198, 254, 264, 270, 299, 320, 332, 394, 96 398, 412, Preface Mrs. 1. II., 398 Msn S.. 264 Tillyou, V., 112, 145 Tilton, E. I.., 290 "Times," The, 119, 155, 209, 211. 214, 216, 217 Tipper, John, 304 Mrs. lohn, 304 Tipping. E. A„ 245 Thomas, 199* Titus, Frank, 180, 190, 217. 217* 235, 277, 291 Tooker, G. E.. 415 Topping. S. 1.. 220 Tories, 18 Townsend, Charle- C, 134, 148, 140*, 340 J. S., 65 Townson, Tohn A., 68 Tramps, 110 Trav, Teresa, 68 Troilev, 170, 171, 180, 193, 201, 213-14, 225-6, 231, 239, 260 Trowbridge, J. R., 397 Tucker, W. C, 235, 289 Turner, Alexander, 318*, 320, 326, 333, 336 H. B.. 84, 110, 131, 140, 144*, 158, 178, 219 Mrs. H. B., 1(4. 230 T. F., 84, 147, 197, 340 Turnure, John, 101 Tyson, Mrs. W. E., 398 u I'll rich, Jacob, 184, 218, 263 United War Work Drive, 311, 360, 399 Urkhart, Gussie, 234* Mary, 234* T'pson, Maxwell, 403 Vaill, E. W., 261 Elizabeth S., 198 Valentine. C. W., 92*, 92-3, 233 D., 134* Van Blarcom, W. V., 1S9 Van Brunt, Adriance, 42, 65, S2, 103, 129, 302 George R., 173-4 Henrv D., 31* 36, 339 Mrs. Henrv D., 339 Homestead. 25*, 28*, 29* 36 John, 25* 27, 29, 36, 48, 56, 75, 7S, 95, 120 Margaret, 49 P. W„ 219 R. J., 27 Rutger, 108 Stephen, 65 Van Buren, J. H., 125 T. B., 87, 104 Mrs. T. B., 87, 204 Van Buskirk, Charles, 138* John, 29 Katherine, 25 Yanderbeek, C. L., 338 David. 2'^ Garret, 158, 173 Jacob, 21 James, 49 Jane, 25 'J. B., 112, 1S4 John, 21, 2i, 75, 103 John S., 103, 215 Margaret, 49 Mary, 338 Nelson K„ 21, Preface Vanderbilt, T. L., 277, 417 S. D., 215 Van Dvke, Henrv, 262 Van Home, B. (,., In.;, 216, 253,* 415, Preface Carrie, 253* Van Houten, A., 154 Van Keuren, G, 299 Wan Xostrand, John, 35 Van Orden E„ 142' Van Putten, A. T., 6 Van Riper, Peter, 101 Van Yleck, T., 6 Van Vleet, Benson, 108 Van Wagoner, Mrs., 338 Van Wart, Abraham, 173-4 Varlet, Nicholas, 6 Varlev, Richard, 396 William J., 113*. 113, 114 Vermilve, A. G, 219 Mrs. A. G, 232 Annie, 234* Chapel, 117 Elizabeth B., 168, 169*. 1S4 H. R., 173. 2'^2, 2?(\ 273, 280, 2S3*, 411 Jane, 234* Nina, 234* W. G, 111*. 122, 173 W. R., 87, 90*, 91, 96, 103, 117, 383 Veterans' Association, 133 Veterans of Foreign Wars, 332-3 Voght, J. A„ 221 Voorhees, F. I... 113, 114, 189, 194, 196 J. C, 117 Vreeland House, 13* Richard, 339 w Wakelee, E. W., 249, 263 Walcott, F. C, 308, 352. 398, 405 Walker, Mrs. Marcus, 198 Wall, Thomas G, 52, 204, 210 War Camp Communitv Service, 311, 353, 412-13, 425 War Savings, 311, 423 Ward, Charles W.. 131 G. H., 415 Harrv, 272 Wards, 172 Washington, George, 18 Waterburv, Anna L„ 153, 185 C. H., SO*. 90 Marv, 234* Waters, 42, 45 [507] THE BOOK OF ENGLEWOOD Watson, C. T., 235 H. C, 231, 235, 237, 239, 245, 250-1, 255*, 270 Weatherby, H„ 300 Weber, L. S., 289 Wednesday Closing, 338 Weeks, J. L., 231 Weidig, P. M., 335 Weikert, C, 253*, 340 Weinman, C. E., 249 Welfare Agencies, 338 Wells, J. A., 154, 163* 176, 204 Mrs. J. A., 146, 168, 204, 218 Wessels, J., 12 West, Henrv, 100, 120 West Side Field, 247*, 262 West Side Improvement Association, 185 Westervelt, David I., 75 Garret, 25 Harriet, 223 Henry D., 25, 179 Henry G., 25 Homestead, 35*, 36 John, 25, 67 John S., 208*, 328 Margaret, 27, 36, 105, 179 Maria, 67 Peter, Jr., 24-5, 27, 36 Rachel, 25 Walter, 144*, 174, 246, 265, 329 Wetmore, J. S., 67, 100, 110, 116, 131, 137, 140, 144*, 148, 173-4, 248, 288 Whelen, Monsignor, 282 Whitaker, O. W., 82, 84 White, Stanley, 262 T. R., 125 W. J., 250, 319, 322* W. S., 221 Whittemore, Mrs. W. L., 129 Whvte, W. H., 290 Wilhelm, Caroline E., 404 Wilkin, A. G., 319, 335 Willcox, O. B., 338 Willis, A. C, 238 C. W., 340 Willoughby, W. F., 306, 328 Wilson, Wood row, 264 Winslow, Herbert L., 382 Winton, Eben, 119 H. D., 119 Wirteson, H., 134* Wirth, F. C, 416, 416* Wise, Daniel, 65, 67-68, 89, 153, 186 Jennie, 89 Wohlfert, J. C, 302, 335 Woman's Club, 16S, 182, 225, 262, 324, 332, 422 Woman's Exchange, 128, 177, 330 Women's Council of National Defense, 308 Wood, F. C, 341, 343* H. R., 288 Leonard, 333, 350, 405, 410* Woodland Cemetery, 247, 252 Woodruff, Benjamin, 320, 331 Woolsey, John, 155 Wortendvke, R. P., 112, 126, 131, 134, 158, 172, 175*, 176, 202, 216,272 Wragg, Tames, 75 Wright, W. J., 254 Yerrington, Fred, 138* Y. M. C. A., 307, 311 York, Duke of, 10 Y. W. C. A., 308, 418 Zabriskie, Isaac J., 128, 131, 134, 137, 161 John J., 75 Zborowski, Albert, 108 Zipple, John, 134* Zuber, H„ 266, 294, 296, 299, 310, 320, 405 [508] PRESS OF ANDREW H KELLOGG COMPANY NEW YORK. N. Y. y—^^crr f^=^^^t^r'- -JZ. : ^^^^waS imi IHIIHIHS UIHiiiti LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ""I'llHiinmi'iiiiMiii 014 208 572 •