uc l ( l9f 2/.J&? M/#St/ 66th Congress, %d Session. HOUSE OF KEPKESENTATIVES. j Document \ No. 364. CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. LETTER THE ACTING SECRETARY OF WAR, TRANSMITTING REPORT TO CONGRESS OF CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER ACT OF CON- GRESS APPROVED MARCH 2, 1919. December 1, 1919. -Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Depart- ment and ordered to be printed. War Department, Office of the Assistant Secretary, Director of Munitions, Washington, D. C, November 29, 1919. Hon. Frederick H. Gillett, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. My Dear Mr. Speaker: Pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of the act of Congress approved March 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the War, and for other purposes," I transmit herewith to the Congress a report in the form of a detailed statement of the agreements paid and adjusted under section 1 of said act, together with a statement of the nature, terms, and conditions of such agreements. These statements are transmitted in 11 file cabinets and in 3 bound volumes, the contents of which are summarized in tabulated form in the accompanying volume, entitled "Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved March 2, 1919." The data furnished constitutes a complete report of adjustments made up to November 1, 1919. As of that date there remained before the several claims boards 2,185 agreements not then adjusted or only partially paid or adjusted, as well as approximately 2,700 claims in which the existence or terms of the alleged agreements had not yet been determined. These are not included in this report. Certain of the pending agreements have CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. \C\ V been finally adjusted since November 1, and I shall have occasion at a later date to report to the Congress the further progress of this work. Referring to the preliminary statement on page 1 of this report, I invite your attention to the fact that, for the most part, the very large total of payments for articles completed and delivered to the United States, aggregating more than $1,000,000,000, consists of expenditures made during the period of hostilities and at various times prior to March 2, 1919, under agreements not executed in the manner prescribed by law. On account of the informality of such agreements it was deemed advisable to include such expenditures in their adjustment, even though such payments had in fact been made at an earlier date, both before and after the termination of hostilities. Very truly, yours, Benedict Crowell, Acting Secretary of War. REPORT TO CONGRESS PURSUANT TO SECTION 1 OF ACT OF CON- GRESS APPROVED MARCH 2, 1919, ENTITLED "AN ACT TO PRO- VIDE RELIEF IN CASES OF CONTRACTS CONNECTED WITH THE PROSECUTION OF THE WAR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." [Data reported as of Nov. 1, 1919.] This report contains on page 2 a summary statement of separate awards made under the above entitled act accompanied by a more detailed statement on pages 3 to 81 as to each such award. Fur- ther accompanying the report in file cabinets numbered 1 to 11 are papers which contain a detailed statement of the nature, terms, and conditions of each agreement paid or adjusted by such award, and the terms and conditions of sucn payment and adjustment. On pages 82 and 83 is presented a summary statement as to cer- tain payments for completed articles delivered and services rendered to the United States under certain agreements not executed in the manner prescribed by law, performance of which was not curtailed. Accompanying the report are volumes 1, 2, and 3, entitled "Report of payments made on agreements not terminated." These volumes contain a detailed statement of the nature, terms, and conditions of such agreements and of the payments thereunder. Recapitulation of payments approved under section 1 of the act of Mar. 2, 1919. Total amounts approved for payment to claimants in compensation for expenditures and obligations incurred by them under agree- ments not executed in tlie manner prescribed by law, such ex- penditures and obligations not resulting in a delivery to the United States of completed articles under the agreements by reason of the curtailment of production at the request of the United States $126,896,442.13 Total payments approved for completed articles delivered and services rendered to the United States during and after hostili- ties under agreements not executed in the manner prescribed by law at the prices and on the terms fixed by such agreements. . 1, 055, 189, 426. 56 D» ©ST .*•• DEC 24 \$l~) CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. ; Summary of claim adjusted by separate awards under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected ivith the prose- , *-*=> cution of the war, and for other purposes. [Adjustments reported to Nov. 1, 1919.) Number of claims adjusted. Name of claims board. (2) Claims board symbol. (3) Articles or serv- ices accepted under agree- ment. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) 3,039 1,037 36 56 107 58 162 8 12 3 27 143 Office Director of Purchase. Ordnance Air Service Corps of Engineers Chemical Warfare Service . . Signal Corps Construction Division Board of Contract Adjustment War Department Board of Appraisers Transportation Service Classification Imperial Munitions Board and Canadian Contract Assessors. Total PC XOBC ASA ECB GOBV, CWS, GD, AU, HHD sc ,767,510.90 , 029, 125. 71 , 550, 504. 02 , 890, 392. 73 , 018, 889. 73 87, 093. 98 196, 332. 72 600. 00 D/A CCB 12, 102. 28 116,699.81 441,719.73 $56,999,241.55 52, 157, 716. 45 2,437,368.23 922, 707. 34 1,897,183.03 631,178.10 23,460.58 203, 638. 14 13, 947. 49 1,600.00 11,608,401.22 509,110,971.61 126,896,442.13 Explanatory Note.— (1) Column 4 of this and succeeding pages contains a statement of sums paid or approved for payment for completed articles delivered and services rendered to the United States at the prices and on the terms fixed by the agreements adjus^d. (2) Column 5 of this and succeeding pages contains a statement of sums approved for payment to claim- ants for expenditures and obligations incurred by them under the agreements adjusted "which have not resulted in the delivery to the United States of completed articles under the agreements by reason of the curtailment of production at the request of the United States. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919. entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes. " OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD. [Adjustments reported to Nov. 1, 1919.] Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Article or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (1) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PCI 2 3 4 5 Biddle & Smart Co Columbia Motors Co Standard Wheel Co Connersville Furniture Co. . Grand Rapids School Equipment Co. Hackney Wagon Co Gramm - Bernstein Motor Truck Co. Militor Corporation, The Warner Gear Co do do Standard Parts Co Muncie Gear Works Hercules Motor Manufac- turing Co. Cadillac Motor Car Co C. A. S. Products Co Griswold Motor & Body Co. . Maccar Co Packard Motor Car Co ....do ....do Cargo bodies and seats . . Chassis (rolling kitchen) . Wagon wheels Escort wagon parts do do Chassis and trucks. Militor trucks Transmissions, clutches, and gears. ....do ....do Springs Transmission " B " trucks Engines for " B " trucks Limousines Steering gears "B" bodies Trucks Auto spare parts. ....do ....do $58,850.00 140, 832. 56 170,364.80 190, 293. 55 $156, 279. 03 124,029.52 238, 129. 02 98, 218. 00 130,532.94 189, 196. 02 64, 556. 00 554,311.13 237,002.12 (Included in No. 10.) (Included in No. 10.) 28,310.42 101,633.33 36, 035. 49 75, 000. 00 275, 720. 00 34,963.37 13,011.67 5, 777. 91 137,523.00 (Included in No. 22.) (Included in No. 22.) 4 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Dunbar Manufacturing Co . . Westfield Manufacturing Co. Moss & Co. (Inc.), Henry do ....do Dort Motor Car Co Detroit Gear & Machine Co. . Sheldon Axle & Spring Co. . Timken Detroit Axle Co Beaudette Bros. Co., O. J... Warren Machine Products Co. Tiffen Wagon Co., The Dunston Gear Corporation . . McCord Manufacturing Co . . Ross Gear & Tool Co Warner & Co., T. W Flower City Ornamental Iron Co. ....do Waukesha Motor Co Ramsey Alton Manufactur- ing Co. Gemmer Manufacturing Co . . Moline Plow Co James & Graham Wagon Co. Arcadia Trailer Co Columbia Axle Co Peters Machine & Manufac- turing Co. Midland Motor Truck Co Starr Electric Motor Co Bethlehem Motor Corpora- tion. Charlotte Manufacturing Co. Nye & Wait— Kilmarnock Corporation. Mather Spring Co Western Tool & Manufac- turing Co. Staughton Wagon Co Gramm - Bernstein Motor Truck Co. Havana Metal Wheel Co Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. Long Manufacturing Co American Mills Co do Ulmann. Bernard & Co Archer & Baldwin Co Briscoe Motor Corporation . . Deslauries Column Mold Co . Deere, John, & Co Deere & Co Hupp Motor Car Co Stewart, W. F & Co*. Grand Rapids School Equip- ment Co. Macey Co., The Onnesboro Wagon Co Thompson Manufacturing Co. Wellington, Sears & Co Richmond Forging Corpora- tion. Wellington, Sears & Co Cohen & Tippin Phoenix Furniture Co Roanoke Spike & Handle Co. do do do Bodies Bicycles Branding irons ....do ....do Wood cargo bodies Clutches Spring class "B" Axles "B" bodies Axles for "B" trucks. $132, 000. 00 Escort wagon and parts . Transmissions Radiator truck Steering gears Transmissions Wire weaving ....do Moti» class " B " Escort wagon parts. Steering gears Escort wagon parts Escort wagons and parts . Trailers and bodies Front and rear axles Universal joints "B" trucks Motors and spares. . Trucks and crating. Escort wagons and parts . Gray duck '. Class " B " trucks Expanding mandrils. Escort wagons and parts. Chassis Escort wagon parts do Radiators Webbing do do Steam engines Tools and differentials . . . Steel shelters Escort wagons and parts . Combat wagons Engines "A" trucks Class "B" bodies " B " bodies and seats Escort wagon parts Escort wagons and parts . Denim trousers Tent duck. Axles Gray gauze Pea jackets Escort wagon parts... Pick-axe handles, etc. Pick handles Ace adz handles, etc.. Ax handles 968. 76 $77, 232. 92 27,327.58 38, 788. 76 (Included in No. 29.) (Included in No. 29.) 32, 766. 24 47,537.46 2,605.23 653, 239. 95 37,571.68 10,641.98 140,137.95 16,999.24 50, 896. 01 26,320.63 232, 735. 92 20, 116. 60 150, 000. 00 171,861.46 68, 750. 00 337,637.11 72, 096. 65 1,018.80 56, 715. 44 (Included in No. '47.) 89, 989. 52 149, 244. 72 33,891.55 416, 605. 51 52, 712. 74 46,334.48 20,334.78 26,650.00 22,074.87 9, 946. 73 55,255.80 50, 039. 61 7,713.94 38,323.03 2, 657. 07 158. 490. 84 3, 757. 17 46,351.31 131,655.96 15,540.38 10, 998. 39 6, 739. 28 4S0. 97 232.50 1, 279. 91 10, 9S3. 31 297. 160. 85 884, 413. 33 4,985.88 24, 193. 05 60,022.87 72,211.69 105,548.99 198.00 24, 275. 79 307,146.74 147, 000. 00 46, 539. 00 1,304.64 927,030.82 273; 556. 70 130,970.00 16,072.10 149,877.83 228.00 82,515.99 6, 750. 00 16,059.65 4,210.70 1,927.20 5,276.55 2, 153, 3.06 1,378.95 678. 73 102, 576. 48 949. 50 208. 20 255.00 193. 50 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 5 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. 0) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 107 108 111 112 113 114 116 117 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 173 174 Roanoke Spike & Handle Co do do do do Smith Iron Works, The A. L Woodstock Cotton Mills Mogul Wagon Co Arrow Electric Co Hame&Co., U. S Detroit Steel Products Co.. Ames Iron Works do Selden Motor Truck Peru Auto Parts Co Ames Iron Works Cleveland Woolen Mills United Motors Co Clark Bros do United Motors Co Alexander Leather Co Ames Iron Works Alexander Leather Co Beach Manufacturing Co.. . Spicer Manufacturing Co do Brecht Co Hender Manufacturing Co. . , Central Manufacturing Co. . Emerson Brantinghaur Co. . Buffalo Hoist Derrick Co Wood, William, & Co Elmers Eng. Works, Charles Gilmer & Co., L. H do do New Jersey Brush Co. (Inc.). Adamant Porcelain Co Atkins &Co., E.C England Walter Co Alexander Leather Co Eclipse Stove Co .....do Abingdon Wagon Co Auburn Wagon Co Derby & Co. (Inc.), P Fields Manufacturing Co Griffin & Co. (Inc.), H. C. . . Wiley Bickford Sweet Co ....do ....do ....do Brill &Co., J. G Indiana Wagon Co Dodge Bros . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Clark & Co. (Inc.), A. C Diamond T. Motor Car Co... Denby Motor Truck Co Minnesota Radiator Co Dyer, Charles N Wehrle & Co Warhensett Shirt Co Hathaway & Co., A. F Gresham Manufacturing Co. Pick handles do do do do , Screw stakes Canvas packing Escort wagons, etc Sockets, bayonet type Bronze rings Springs Steamf engines Steam boilers Trucks "A. A." axles Steam engines Gray flannel Trucks Saw mills Saw mills and spare parts Trailers Russet bridle leather Steam boilers Russet harness leather Portable saw rigs Joints do Escort wagon parts Motor cycles and side cars Machine hup bodies Escort wagons Buckets Flannel Tire pressers Webbing Gray webbing do Horse brushes Porcelain knobs Saws and gauges Russet harness leather Harness leather Timber boxes do Escort wagons and parts Escort wagon parts ....do Blankets Artillery trucks Haversack suspenders Canteen covers Haversack suspenders Breech covers Bodies, limbers and caisson . . . Escort wagons, wheels, and parts. Touring cars and express steel bodies. do do do do do Cuspidors Chassis and trucks Trucks Field crates Stay binding Kettles Flannel shirts do Medical carts and escort wagons $1,301.35 925. 00 146. 00 525. 60 16,560.00 145,850.41 151,748.92 10, 200. 00 104,784.00 150,000.00 33, 818. 85 66,920.00 154,780.25 372,612.18 (Included in 11, 653. 86 92,000.00 80, 543. 76 612. 75 2, 134. 40 446, 541. 86 137, 557. 35 86,241.79 22,497.49 10, 867. 30 38, 220. 00 118, 816. 00 31,085.28 (Included in (Included in (Included in (Included in (Included in 17,910.00 1, 989. 25 3, 587. 04 2, 755. 47 116,535.18 $766. 00 310. 00 154. 00 1,081.87 500.00 20,979.24 27,203.50 86,690.77 1,379.80 1,918.88 22,512.63 9, 762. 50 10,865.71 9,734.74 27, 773. 45 9, 557. 35 8,862.96 4, 198. 07 35, 994. 87 2,017.95 34, 172. 63 34,766.56 8,069.27 3,055.49 1,716.85 278, 172, 10 No. 128.) 45,771.06 288,063.24 65,272.32 761,938.09 12,000.00 4,995.20 3,008.66 1,815.28 2,856.51 254. 83 14,943.38 581.45 1,213.60 100, 123. 13 11,514.91 15,606.46 7,490.95 57,379.33 32, 447. 41 49,966.12 2,258.52 18,043.42 1, 826. 43 4, 590. 11 1, 826. 43 11,629.50 12,339.31 111,050.00 307, 139. 84 No. 159.) No. 159.) No. 159.) No. 159.) No. 159.) 7,887.78 59, 284. 81 5, 255. 00 6, 452. 15 220. 95 96, 773. 86 807. 80 595. 09 35,778.88 6 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 177 178 179 180 184 185 186 187 188 189 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 205 206 207 208 209 213 214 215 217 218 222 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 236 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 251 255 256 257 American Saw Mill Machin- ery Co. Stratton Warren Hardware Co. Baltimore Belting Co Walter Boyt Co. (Inc.) Savage Arms Corporation . . . Brown & Sharpe Co .do. .do. .do. General Fire Proofing Co Cleveland Tanning Co Klicka & Co. , Joseph Monroe Body Co Morris, Wm., Sons & Co American Logging Tool Co. . Lexington Motor Co Atterburv Motor Truck Co. . Gilmer Co., L. H Altamaha Wood Working Co Casey Hedges Co Mavis Co., John M Seiling Furniture Co Archibald Wheel Co Ault & Wiborg Co., The Chippewa Rubber Co Detroit Pressed Steel Co U.S. HameCo Ringrose Co., J. W Oliver Iron & Steel Co do Brown Manufacturing Co. . . Eberly Orris Manufacturing Co. Detroit Pressed Steel Co Cousens & Pratt Eclipse Stove Co., The Little &Co., A. E Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Excelsoir Seat Co Ebert Furniture Co St. Louis Tin & Sheet Metal Works. Champion Forge & Blower Co. do do Wilson Co., J. C Champion Blower & Forge Co. do Bailey & Co., Joshua L Nonihger & Co., John C Champion Forge & Blower Co. Prairie & Bingham Co IIowell-Hinchman Co Bailey & Co., Joshua L Sidgerwood Manufacturing Co. do do Standard Scale & Supply Co. do do National Can Co S.mdford Herman Saddlery Portable saw rigs. Harness Leather belting Ptstol hostlers Truck frames Milling machines and equip- ment. do do ....do Expanded metal sheets Russet strap leather Saddle trees Wood cargo bodies and troop seats. Saddle trees Hook handles Trailers Trucks Webbing Pick handles Repair parts, steam boilers Laboratory supplies Escort wagon parts do Zinc plates Foot raincoats Frames Cartridge belts Horse blankets Carriage belts Rivets Escort wagon wheels and parts Escort wagon wheels Steel wheels Hospital tents Bread boards Officers' belts Rubber boots Escort wagon parts. ....do Hard-bread cans . . . Screw plate dies. Screw plates Screw plate dies. "B" trucks Screw plate dies. do Gauze in gray Cable and kitchen ware chests. Screw plates Truck frames Strap leather Gray gauze Swinging engines and spare parts. do Hoisting engines andparts . . . Portable platform scales do Folding platform scales Radiators Saddletrees $20, 880. 00 8,342.13 180,372.56 232,500.00 (Included in (Included in (Included in (Included in 64.80 75,000.00 1,917.60 3,294.80 124, 613. 46 342. 80 13, 787. 37 28, 196. 45 7, 227. 22 230,349.00 43,658.29 1, 996. 80 180,992.35 22, 078. 17 $4,595.16 322. 97 1,720.32 55, 549. 61 67, 800. 73 801. 15 No. 185.) No. 185.) No. 185.) No. 321.) 72, 607. 54 19,993.01 4, 719. 24 18,522.83 1, 184. 08 74, 882. 57 20, 419. 99 7, 185. 50 2,377.95 575. 00 35.20 67,948.05 71,395.00 811.20 9,284.72 121,024.18 4,902.00 72,732.13 10,972.58 7, 688. 53 44, 187. 38 45,411.48 67, 108. 16 2, 445. 24 12,814.58 11,591.45 15,063.20 33,112.00 76, 553. 79 12, 864. 92 1,386.00 55.44 124. 95 5,889.63 498. 96 291.06 6. 217. 74 1,211.25 13.24 14, 044. 67 4. 893. 75 164. 45 27, 763. 24 (Included in No. 250.) 7, 874. 50 5, 300. 00 4, 755. 00 1, 800. 00 32, 069. 60 2, 890. 49 2,093.32 5, 139. 47 42, 795. 62 2, 179. 91 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. I Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. \ 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Cmtin-ed. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Y nicies jr s:i • ic« (3) Articles or services ac- cent el Ll a '--reel' 0) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 268 270 271 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 2S1 282 283 284 285 286 2S7 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 301 302 303 304 308 309 312 313 314 315 317 319 320 321 322 323 324 320 327 32S ;Co. Massasert Manufacturing Reeves Pulley Co Lammeck & Co., W. E Anchor Webbing Co do Waynesville furniture Co... Gauder Paeschke & Frcv Co. do " Worthington & Ravmond (Inc.). Herman & Snnford Saddlery Co. Reeves Pulley Co Hewes & Pol tcr Scheffer & Rossum Co Buffalo Springfield Roller Co. do do ....do do Davton Engineering Labor- atories. Hewes & Poster Traut & Hine Manufactur- ing Co. Holt Bro'-. Manufacturing Co. Hewes & Potter American Steel Co Traut & Hine Manufactur- ing Co. Chicago Belting Co Watts, Stebbins .V Co Chicago Belting Co & Potter Baker Chemical Co., J. T.... Hincklev Motor Corporation. Springfield Webbing Co Hayes Wheel Co.... Cooper Wagon & Buggy Co. . do Stanley Rule & Level Co.... Floyd Co., lumber Chambersburg Engineering Co. Phoenix Trimming Co North & Judd Manufactur- ing Co. Chicago Belting Co Dale Lighting Fixture Co... Cutter & Co.! A. A Waynesville Furniture Co. . . Acme Wagon Co Chambersburg Engineering Co. do Phoenix Trimming Co Basic Furniture Co Springfield Webbing Co General Fire Proofing Co do do Plant Bros. Co ....do Bimel Sooke & Auto Wheel Co. North & Judd Manufactur- ing Co. Prentice G. E. Manufactur- ing Co. Mops Escort wagon parts. Stovepipe Binding tape Tape Escort wagon parts. Boilers do Dental supplies Breeching bodies. Escort wagon tongues Canvas cases Cart harness Road rollers do do do do Generators.. . Sliding loops. Snap hooks . . Escort wagon wheels Magazine pockets. Animal cages Belt fasteners Point parts for gun slings . Gauze in grav Loop parts gun slings Chin straps with buckles. Laboratory supplies Class "B "trucks Twill webbing Escort wagon wheels Escort wagons and parts . do Surgical sets Escort wagon parts Steam hammers Olive drab webbing Shape, clips, "D" rings, etc. Gun slings Reflectors Lumberman's overs Blocks, pol"s, bolsters, etc. Escort wagons and wheels. . Steam hammers do Twill webbing F-ir-ort wagons and parts Webbing Expanded metal sheets do ....do Pocket flaps Pieces for halter headstalls. . Escort wagon wheels Cartridge belt guides. Bar buckles 13,484.00 :;. 166.80 4,797.37 1,540.00 6,825.33 29.0C3.70 13, 494. 40 5, 925. 20 22, 097. 30 2, 186. 24 25, 157. 15 $8,505.49 23,254.65 890. 22 644.96 760. 86 7.707.31 6,678. 12 18, 458. 06 537. 50 1,563.32 17,863.10 38.19 10, 880. 80 26,599.72 2,1(0.40 6,898 06 34, 785. 87 24.299.00 197.99 74, 123. 78 5, 250. 00 250. 00 652. 32 6, 022. 39 3, 213. 14 li, 1S7. 70 13, 924. 99 120. 00 419,762.40 781.32 783,464.02 55,828.72 No. 295.) 530. 00 3,331.92 1,482.70 30. 858. ! 1 ' 76.58 11,443.44 1, 022. 50 1,712.68 S, 187. 58 20, 945. 62 1,422.20 1.275.50 6,108.31 49, 429. 62 (Included in Xo. 321.) 2,000.00] 31,640.29 (Included in Xo. 321.) 2, 850. 00 4, 760. 00 11,469.60 13,531.16 7,701.33 755. 43 585, 000. 00 1,293,813.47 4,618.17 (Included in 7, 594. 08 41, S80. 00 4, 128. 42 29,782.20 1,319.94 91,785.42 1,410.00 272. 44 323,236. i:: 2,758.04 7,417.15 8 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected tvith the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) A mount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 339 340 341 342 344 345 346 347 34S 349 350 351 352 355 356 357 358 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 370 371 372 373 375 377 378 379 380 3S2 383 381 385 386 387 390 391 392 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 • 401 Woefel Leather Co Welch Manufacturing Co... Sterling Motor Truck Co. . . Daering Milliken Co Gendron Vehicle Co Anchor Webbing Co Moore & Burgess Webbing Co. Sambeth Rope Corporation- Moore & Burgess Webbing Co. Prentice Manufacturing Co. . Woefel Leather Co Columbia Wagon Co Deline Manufacturing Co. . . Plymouth Cordage Co Plant Bros. Co do do do do do Lambert, Charles P., & Co. Plant Bros. & Co Buckman, F. W Wallace, R., & Sons Co White Co Deming, The, Co , Imperial Wheel Co Spaeh Wagon Co Defiance Check Writer Corporation. Pelgram & Meyer Wattuppa Manufactur i n g Co. Kay Schreven Corporation . Ledew, Edward R., & Co. (Inc.). Carr Carolina Metal Prod- ucts Co. Ledew, Edward R., Co. (Inc.). ....do ....do ....do ....do Grapen & Knight Co Louisa Llle Planing Mill Co. . do Hood Rubber Co Cluet Worsted Mills Norlh it Judd Manufactur- ing Co. ....do ...do ....do Dietzgen Engine Co. (Inc.). Quaker Tool Co Phoenix Chair Co Robbins Table Co Portland Sales Co Wiley Bickford Sweet Co., The. Birdsell Manufacturing Co. . Cleveland Machine Tool Co United States Rubber Co . . Autoyre Co Millburn Wagon Co , Morgan Lumber & Manu- facturing Co. Indiana Lumber & Manu- facturing Co. Leather sacks Escort wagon parts. Chassis and trucks. . Gray gauze Rolling chairs Webbing do Bandoleer webbing. Webbing , Snap hooks Leather backs Escort wagons and wheels. Compass cases Manila rope Haversack suspenders Haversack straps Parts for gun slings Loops for gun slings Gun slings do Escort wagon parts Cavalry links Stay binding Forks A. E. F. unit equipment. . . Griplex pump Escort wagon wheels Escort wagon parts Trench mirrors Webbing. do Sterilizer sets. Breast collars. Steel shelters. Gun slings.. . Cart harness Cincha straps Throat latches Headstalls Hatchet cases Escort wagon parts Bottom boards Slippers ' (flicers' uniform cloth. End clips Fasteners Rifle cartridge belts . Fasteners Alidade telescopes. . . Wire cutters Escort wagon bars. .. Escort wagon parts.. Trench mirrors Ration bags Escort wagon parts Milling machines Sprinklers Special wire snap hooks . Escort wagon wheels Ambulance boxes $71, 877. 54 30, 067. 72 298, 369. 22 ""43S." 48 ' Escort wagon parts. 304, 170. 85 11,310.88 17, 236. 02 864.00 7, 688. 25 4,176.75 36, 377. 20 18, 497. 70 8^7, 375. 82 7, 555. 41 42, 000. 00 1, 608. 84 26, 258. 37 435. 00 51, 023. 23 114,630.32 9, 928. 00 sis. 01 15. 75 2, IDS. 72 21, 750. 00 7,312.74 2,1.33.40 4, 122. 14 10, 140. 00 65,424.05 32,367.00 "l," 580.' 66 5,220.00 S3, 015. 41 54, 890. 12 17,311.44 0,438.66 476. 94 3, 907. 57 2. 520. 69 2, 457. 41 1, 558. 84 4. 665. 70 1, 927. 20 57, 802. 70 991. 19 7,383.74 1,812.46 518. 28 6, 472. 62 16. 32 11,488.74 11,122.51 111, 987. 08 287. 68 408. 00 4, 997. 87 105, 679. 76 534. 30 160,567.08 4, 537. 16 25, 000. 00 5, 984. 19 12, 378. 63 1,053.97 63, 209. 81 1, 030. 52 12, 480. 48 152, 108. 74 17, 600. 00 3,615.08 1, 922. 65 11,439.78 14,723.98 1,916.73 5,141.11 8. 333. 75 557. 01 1,515.08 3, 605. 30 1,078.70 10, 896. 47 6, 246. 95 2,350.48 7,191.90 11.571.16 41,222.97 15, 476. 50 895. 00 103.00 7,907.19 168.526.69 2,531.48 7,015.55 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 9 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the ivar, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 402 403 405 407 408 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 434 436 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 453 454 455 456 458 459 460 461 463 464 466 468 469 470 Abresehe Co., Chas Graton Knight Manufactur- ing Co. Frazer & Jones Manufactur- ing Co. Triangle Furniture Co Cook Motor Co., The do Estey Bros. Co Eck Dynamo & Motor Co. . Karges Wagon Co Eck Dynamo & Motor Co. . Graphic Duplicator Co do Cleveland Machine Tool Co ....do Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co. Weight, E. T 7 &Co Graphic Duplicator Co Columbia Harness Co Goshen Sash & Door Co Jamestown Textile Co Anchor Top & Body Co Central Scientific Co Wilson Body Co., C. R Hoyt Shoe Co., F. M Rosenwald & Weil Hoyt Shoe Co., F. M Crow Blacking Co Hovt Shoe Co., F. M National Chain Co., The Anncaut Shovel Co., The Twin City Tent & Awning Co. T. C. Drill Machine Co Selden Truck Sales Graton Knight Manufactur- ing Co. do Keystone Vehicle Co Parker & Co., Charles Oneida Community (Ltd.) . . Mount Hope Finishing Co... King Motor Car Co Hoyt Shoe Co., F. M do .do. .do. .do. .do. Graton Knight Manufactur- ing Co. Hovt Shoe Co., F. M Forman Breen Manufactur- ing Co. Wagner Furniture Co Carver Wagon Co Long, R. H Schuttler Co., Peter Long, R. H Lee Tire & Rubber Co Taylor & Sons, Thomas Harrisburg Foundry & Ma- chine Works. Keller Manufacturing Co Florence Wagon Co 471 Ohio Carriage Manufactur- ing Co. Escort wagon parts . Pistol holsters Buckles, barrel rollers. Escort wagon parts Gas engines Gasoline motors Steel wire weaving Spares Escort wagons and parts Spares Films, engineer duplicator ....do Milling machines Boring, drilling, and milling machinery. Denim trousers Officers' belts Films, engineer duplicator. . Cable trace harness Escort wagon parts Canteen covers Escort wagon parts Periscopic alidades Truck bodies and seats Crown strap halters Overcoats and breeches Chin straps Shoe waterproofing Gun slings Hardware, harness Shovels Canvas cases for belts Slotters "B" trucks. Gun slings . . Hatchet cases Wood truck bodies Spoons Forgings and forceps Dyeing and finishing duck. Chassis for rolling kitchens . Crown chapes for halters. . . Pistol holsters Throat bands Lea reinforcing patches Cavalry links Cheek pieces Gun slings Throat straps Cable trace harness. Escort wagon parts : Escort wagon tongues Tool kits Escort wagon parts Toolkits Rubber bandages Webbing Spare parts for steam engines Escort wagons and wheels Escort wagons, wheels, and parts. Buckboard wagons $31,756.00 48.28 864.00 815,713-27 33,804.75 468.45 14,625.72 4,617.90 2,783.00 10,759.74 3,222.84 1,061.10 (Included in No. 411.) 7,112.80 i 999.43 (Included in No. 414.) 1,790.00 895.00 103, 036. 73 13,731.45 1,143. 03 (Included 13,920.00 5,871.92 57, 200. 00 299.49 179,663.37 712.80 46,826.34 20,848.02 195,216.00 123,142.08 209,524.60 11,250.00 3,060.00 320. 1 1 45, 639. 15 302.51 614.08 53,676.48 442.24 20, 880. 00 18, 580. 00 482,933.04 4, 355. 55 133,537.50 107, 228. 74 14,250.00 675.00 4,683.33 in No. 414.) 2,074.75 121,161.71 8,906.78 4,841.11 2,881.23 6. 560. 47 3,047.12 73,692.89 6,935.48 3,620.26 13,228.25 7,069.99 14, 896. 65 407. 49 3. 806. 48 41,328.14 46,654.03 898.00 8,348.45 628. 72 6,510.69 273.12 27, 606. 60 540.52 49, 000. 11 2,552.20 S19.58 4,862.29 5,216.73 1,613-16 575.66 2,242.24 8,634.88 4,568.07 1,706.45 242,691.80 1,296.43 298. 48 6,074.35 21.65 181,042.76 40, 545. 60 27,052.66 10 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 472 473 474 475 476 477 47S 479 480 481 482 483 484 486 487 488 489 490 492 493 494 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 521 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 537 538 539 Name of claimant. (2) Smith Corporation, A. O New Jersey Fire Escape, Railing & Auto Co. Northwestern Expanded Metal Co. do do Evansville Tool Works Farquhar, A. B Myers, Newton H Evansville Tool Works National Chain Co Mills Woven Cartridge Belt Co. Louisville Tin Tag & Nov- elty Co. AVarren Leather Goods Co... I ong, R. H Warren Tool & Forge Co. . . . Belden Machine Co Bissel Carpet Sweeping Co. . McClelland & Co Zuick & Greenwald Wheel Co. Pioneer Pole & Shaft Co Royal Wheel Co Scott Omaha Tent & Awn- ing Co. do Long, R. H Burch Manufacturing Co., F.J. Huntington Wagon Co do.; do do do Streich & Bros. Co., A Huntington Wagon Co Kentucky Wagon Manufac- turing Co. Diamond Iron Works :....do Thornhill Wagon Co Eclipse Stove Works Crane McMahon (Inc.) Eclipse Stove Works Columbia Can Co Springfield Wagon Co Belber Trunk & Bag Co do do do Ottumwa Mill & Construc- tion Co. Western Cabinet & Fixture Manufacturing Co. Pierce Billings Co Widdicomb, John, & Co Russell Manufacturing Co. . . Conant Houghton & Co. (Inc.). do National Hame & Chain Co President Suspender Co The Bain Wagon Co Harley-Davidson Motor Co. Mutual Wheel Co Walker Webbing Co National Hame & Chain Co Articles or service. (3) Truck frames. Bread boxes.. Expanded metal. do do Hatchets' handles Boiler spares, etc Bed sacks .sledges, handled Hardware, harness chain . Cartridge belts Boiling plates. Pistol holsters Hand ax carriers Pick mattocks Forgings for forceps Potato mashers and spatulas . Escort wagon and parts Escort wagon wheels Escort wagons and ambulance spare parts. Escort wagon wheels Truck covers Paulins Breech lock mechanism covers Pack mule water bags Escort wagons and parts . do do i do do do do ....do Sawmills Sawmills spare parts Escort wagons and wheels. Rolling kitchen chassis Escort wagon wheels Dust covers for kitchens. . . Hard bread cans Escort wagon parts Gun slings Pistol holsters Cart harness Gun slings Escort wagon parts .do. Wool coats Escort wagon spare parts. Olive drab webbing Webbing do Links Twill webbing Escort wheels and spares. . Motor cycles and side cars. Escort wagon wheels Webbing Wagon chains Articles or services ac- cented under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) .196,502.02 (Included in (Included in 10,351.44 ( Included in 27,991.20 3. 363. 16 97.60 $5, 399. 01 750.00 36,464.95 No. 474.) No. 474.) 87.46 708.00 555.36 657.92 No. 432.) 10,883.17 950. 00 88,920.87 2,172.25 3,087.97 178.50 6,0tft.S9 10,555.96 108,718.95 151,019.45 102, 150. 82 2,042.56 4,045.03 4,095.52 17,743.46 78, 059. IS 61,771.92 (Included in No. 501.) (Included in No. 501.) (Included in No. 501.) (Included in No. 501.) 475,436.56| 307,909.48 (Included in No. 501.) 1.369,355.12 764,004.08 7, 134.S4 71,978.44 115,510 00 25, 175. 25 369.75 733,746.90 31,458.39 9,078.00 151,582.69 7,176.00 126, 956. 10 30, 950. 64 5,759.52 11,320.00 28,459.90 110,954.85 ' 'SI," 624. 28 ii, 062. 66 5, 439. 10 111.05 331,322.27 18,061.20 175,S14.32 2,741.24 6,091.49 61,111.58 16,923.39 25,268.36 36, 407. 67 112,990.49 10,982.26 125,000.00 1,759.56 95,074.15 3,197.77 15, 5V. 80 21,830.23 3,115.00 1,600.00 33, 708. 84 240, 076. 44 128,159.73 4,895.54 2,165.03 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 11 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles: or services ac- cepted under agreement. W Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 541 542 543 544 545 546 548 549 550 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 561 562 563 564 565 566 568 569 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 580 581 582 583 584 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 Mclntyre-Burrall Manufac- turing Co. Russell Manufacturing Co. . do do WhitcS. S. Dental Co Bayly Underhill Manufac- turing Co. Schaeger Tent & Awning Co. Davis Bournonville Co American Road Machinery Co. do do Arlington Works, The do Winona Wagon Co Standard Woven Fabric Co New Wapakoneta Co Erie City Iron Works Fidelitv Electric Co do. Economy Harness Manu- facturing Co. Western Tinware Co Simons, Louis Kirsehbaum, A. B Phillips & Clarke Stove Co. . Standard Felt Co do Russell & Irwin Manufac- turing Co. American Car & FoundryCo. Standard Steel Casting Co... Warner Auto Top Co American Mills Co Wood, Frank Manufactur- ing Co. New Conklin Wagon Co Firth Carpet Co Ward Williams & Co Richardson Garment Co Graton & Knight Manufac- turing Co. Protect o Paper Co Hillcs & James Co York, J. W., & Sons Hilliard, E. E., & Co Wilford Hall Laboratories... Warner Gear Co Wood, Frank, Manufactur- ing Co. Woodward Baldwin Co Camden Curtain & Em- broidery Co. Rudolph Wagon Works American Mills Co Johnson-Cowden Co Wicke, Wm., Rubber Co Bray, W. S., & Sons Co American Can Co Lehigh Star Bedding Co Dayton Steel Foundry Lawrence, George & Co Meier, Lewis & Co Smith Worthington Co Lawrence George ing Olive-drab webbing. Webbing ....do Olive-drab webbing. Webbing Rails 25-pound rail Boning bars Rail and angle bars. Duck Field shoes. Grey duck. Spurs Leather gauntlets . Convalescent suits Overseas caps Harness Wool trousers Bayonet-scabbard mouth- pieces. Electric motors Pillows Electric motors do do do do Generators do Hard bread Escort wagon parts do Raincoats Switchboard Escort wagon parts do Escort wagons and parts . . do Escort wagon parts do Canvas buckets Duck Harness leather Wooden handle rests. Duck ....do Wool socks Half soles Heavy leather gloves. Field shoes Flannel shirts Duck Nose bands Olive-drab duck. $48,403.25 5.1S1.44 T 886." 78 3,459.27 48, 418. 56 1,362.91 147, 133. 50 43.294.21 129,000.00 5,553.90 9,000.00 $2, 846. 70 44.69S.10 14,516.13 5,379.65 5,855.21 2,089.82 2,121.79 5,699.56 1,525.81 3,495.24 2. 753. 86 6.136.99 87,343.7 5 25,11955 128.08 48,762.10 1,084.00 28, 777. 71 2. 150. 87 49,292.10 90.00 4,362.50 4,739.27 7,383.97 6,407.85 6,226.30 Steel stamps Olive-drab duck. 956. 55 44,720.00 (Included in No. (Included in No. (Included in No. (Included in No. (Included in No. ( Included in No "67," 129." 84 2,103.66 1,650.84 2,584.82 4,981.39 3,124.24 140.25 86,321.36 4,271.63 6,812.13 5,524.95 30,821.05 9,609.60 6,544.00 37,062.37 4,083.15 589.99 37, 198. 04 2,0S5.00 17, 928. 78 748. 60 1.269.00 1144.) 1144.) 1144.) 1144.) 1144.) 4,720.00 1154.) 2, 303. 53 26, 523. 48 851.16 10,725.97 426. 52 8,961.68 299. 12 8,549.16 2,409.64 2,956.20 45,020.72 1,491.50 4,213.12 25,401. 1,541.93 1,419.66 1,858.20 4,241.70 7,053.93 2,649.14 23,737.19 5,416.66 1,193.42 2,618.85 2, 238. 22 1, 786. 87 1,360.00 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 19 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Conntiued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 1186 1187 1188 1189 1191 1193 1200 1201 1203 1205 1206 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1238 1240 1243 1244 1245 1247 1252 1253 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1263 1266 1267 1269 1272 1273 1274 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 Mayehoff & Co., M. N Atkins, E. C Warren Tool & Forge Co do Frank L. Saddlery Co Keeler Brass Co Clinton Saddlery Co Black & Sons Co., M. S M. S. Black Sons & Co. (Inc.) Smith- Worthington Co Straus Saddlery Co North & Judd Manufactur- ing Co. Keith, George E., & Co Ohio Canvas Goods Manu- facturing Co. American Wood Working Machine Co. North & Judd Manufactur- ing Co. American Wood Working Machine Co. Kronheimer & Oldenbusch.. Brown Shoe Co Slaw & Welt Shirt Co Indiana Lamp Co Hayden-Corbett Chain Co. . . do James, George & Co Germania Mills Wharton, William, jr., & Co Standard Underground Cable Co. Waterbury Manufacturing Co. Buckeye Jack Manufactur- ing Co., The. Providence Body Co Republic Rubber Co do do do Plant Bros. & Co Nettleton Co., A. E Herman, Joseph M., Shoe Co Straus Saddlery Co Holston. Manufacturing Co . . Sweetwater Woolen Mills . . . Plant Bros. & Co do Barber Greene Co do Golden & Sons, H Wilder & Co ....do Chautauqua Towel Mills Germania Mills Gould-Mersereau Co North & Judd Manufactur- ing Co. Atkins, E. C Herschede Hall Clock Co ....do ....do ....do American Sterilizer Co United States Motor Truck Co. Maxim Silencer Co Panama Rubber & Equip- ment Co. Flannel shirts Saw gunners Railroad picks do Bridles Fasteners Pistol holsters Top lifts ....do Headstalls Lead hip straps Barrel-roller buckles. Half soles. Paulins . . . Boxes and extras. Conway loops Machines , saw benches, etc . Collar ornaments Shoes Flannel shirts Lamps Spreader chains Chains, log and jack. Half soles. O vercoating cloth .. . Slip switches Cable Knapsack loops . Wagon jacks Steel dump bodies Suction hose do do do Gun slings Officers' boots Field shoes Straps (increased wage). Wool stockings Cap cloth Pistol holders Brow bands bridle Belt conveyors do Raincoats Half soles Top lifts Turkish towels Serge and Bedford Tongueless bar buckles.. Scrap hooks Saw tools Pocket sextants ....do ....do ....do Sterilizers, portable Chassis and trucks $5,845.94 "i2^S88."66 180.00 50,388.44 20,321.28 2,985.48 33,462.00 35,297.00 7,470.00 331,723.60 3,156.15 Bayonet scabbard ferrules Foot raincoats 341.06 21,080.65 7,862.40 46,250.00 55,638.00 8,257.50 48, 136. 00 64, 507. 63 62,790.25 206, 047. SO 934. 63 1, 535. 00 13, 120. 00 124,775.28 10,817.28 20.00 1, 574. 35 6,322.74 $1,682.97 3,332.00 3,411.20 2,387.10 1,683.67 90.81 9,591.30 100. 56 1,032.32 28,265.02 508. 49 438. 71 85.01 999. 74 191.76 357.33 1,578.60 1,774.95 20,222.64 299. 25 4,358.45 871. 77 1,370.29 1,470.46 19,397.53 8,391.33 5,554.51 932. 06 3,000.00 7,368.99 301.95 1,290.28 168. 30 702. 55 34,651.35 2,402.04 25,326.02 11,864.42 103, 832. 97 1,447.50 28,934.59 1,321.27 2,384.51 18,784.97 23,385.18 101,167.77 29,348.53 1, 577. 78 29,426.06 10,777.20 333. 71 531. 40 49, 235. 44 (Included in No. 1272.) (Included in No. 1272.) (Included in No. 1272.) 35,042.30 49,398.07 3,393.59 2,446.91 20 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected iviih the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes 1 ' — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 1281 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1292 1293 1298 1299 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1312 1313 1314 1315 1317 1319 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1341 1342 1344 1345 1347 1348 1349 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1362 1363 1364 Gould-Mersereau Co Maxim Silencer Co Acme Glue Works (Ltd.). . . Cincinnati Planer Co do do do do Flour City Ornamental Iron Co. Ford Motor Co O'Keefe Shoe Co., C. J do Shaffner Bros Crane & Co do Strand & Co Racine Saddlery Factories . . Frazier &Co.,M. S Eureka Co Karpen & Bros Louisville Woolen Mills Frazer & Jones Co St. Louis Tent & Awning Co . Obermeyer &Co., S Gutterman-Strauss Co Vim Motor Truck Co Cincinnati Galvanizing Co . . Keith, George E Harbison & Gathright Aliens Sons & Co., U. R Columbia Harness Co Harvard Co Taylor, E. E. & Co do Rosenthal & Dias Harbison & Gathright Ingersoll Rand Co , do do do do Grether Fire Equipment Co. Sickles J. B. Saddlery .Co.... do Miller, Joseph E., & Co Burke Manufacturing Co Worthington Pump & Ma- chine Co. Standard Textile Products Co. Wilensky, H., Sons & Co. . . Kansas City Saddlery Co Standard Oilcloth Co TJ. S. HameCo Salmon Falls Manufacturing Co. Luedingham Espenschied Wagon Co. Howell Electric Motor Co. . . Novo Engine Co do..: Auto Compressor Co Warwood Tool Co Worthington Pump & Ma- chinery Co. Smith &MillsCo Watson Wagon Co Double hooks Bayonet scabbard mouthpieces Leather jerkins Planers do do do do Screw stakes $26,901.00 52, 442. 00 Cars , passenger ambulance, etc, Field shoes Shoes Flannel shirts Check valves Valves and fittings Escort wagon parts do do Ration carts Escort wagon parts Jerkin lining Bronze roller buckles Machine gun cart paulins Hammer case machines Half soles Trucks Feed boxes Field shoes Breeching for artillery harness Russet strap leather Wheel harness (increased wage). Dental cabinets Field shoes Half soles Wool trousers Bridles Blacksmith tools Air compressor Boring machines Air compressors Sharpeners Fire hose nozzle Single set cart harness (in- creased wage). do "D" ring Stovepipe joints Steam pumps $5,314.70 7,181.97 17, 564. 49 9, 380. 61 (Included in No. 1285.) (Included in No. 1285.) (Included in No. 1285.) (Included in No. 1285.) I 12,972.22 in No. 617.) 7, 627. 81 13,404.37 2,163.61 36.25 896. 02 9, 165. 89 8,040.37 1,894.22 2S7. 76 248. 93 1,861.89 676. 19 563. 76 558. 00 59,115.31 17,747.89 17, 184. 04 65, 888. 91 2, 347. 02 18,987.29 (Included 70, 281. 45 96, 666. 15 3,764.59 3,275.49 6,272.70 13, 682. 73 15,094.61 64,086.48 12,831.04 342, 549. 00 46.63 24, 195. 50 78,435.50 (Included in No. 1778.) 171,593.38 10,900.50 1,969.85 2,950.00 47,740.16 J, 720. 65 146.60 3,276.77 1, 446. 00 10, 684. 73 2, 883. 02 636. 49 1, 703. 76 66.75 13,052.35 (Included in No. 1337.) 1,000.00 2,986.31 98.75 Coloring and waterproofing... Heal breasters Harness Waterproofing and mildew proofing duck. Gun sling loops Shelter tent duck 41,527.99 29,205.00 26.46 Escort wagon and parts. 110,492.00 113,706.51 Electric motors and spares Gas engine spare parts do Tools Pick mattocks, railroad picks. . Steam pumps and spare parts. Machine tools Wagons, limbers, and caissons. 1,100.00 " 46 ', 897.' 40 187. 80 69.50 26,513.72 61.50 1, 720. 95 341.71 24, 142. 88 1,069.13 335. 50 220. 00 810. 45 9,003.09 1,590.31 275. 00 49,352.62 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 21 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 1305 1366 1367 1368 1370 1372 1374 1377 1378 1380 1383 1384 1385 1386 1389 1390 1395 1396 1397 139S 1399 1401 1402 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1421 1423 1425 1420 1427 14.30 1431 1433 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 141(i 1447 1450 1455 Name of claimant. (2) Bauer & Black do Atchison Saddlery Co . Hamilton Brown Shoe Co. Consolidated Coat Co Atchison Saddlery Co Howell Hinchman Co Perkins Campbell Co Topeka Tent & Awning Co . Williamsport Leather Goods Co. Wilmarth & Mormon Moniger, John C, Co Williamsport Leather Goods Co. Roehm Richards Co Perkins Campbell Co do Voss Barbee Manufacturing Co. Ford Motor Co Gleckner, W. W., & Sons Co. do Dodson, Fisher, Brockman Co. Wanamaker & Brown Cleveland Worsted Mills Snow, George H., & Co Mayer, F., Boot & Shoe Co . Reed, Jacob & Sons (Inc.). . Curran & Barry do . do do do do Williamsport Leather Goods Co. Superior Bedding Works Martin Dyeing & Finishing Co. do do Green wald, B . & Co Mandor Manufacturing Co... Hevward Bros. & Wakefield Co. North & Judd Manufactur- ing Co. Lef kowitz, Louis Hale & Kilbourne Boyle, John & Co Bryden Bros Smith Gray Corp Indianapolis Saddlery Co Boyden Bros Godfrey, G. R do do Perkins Campbell Co American Wood Working Machine Co. Missouri Tent & Awning Co. do do Hamilton Cotton Co. (Ltd.). Hevward Bros. Wakefield Co. Article or services. (3) Absorbent cotton Gauze bandages in boxes Artillery bridles (increased wage). Field shoes Wool service-coats Artillery bridles (increased wage). Strap leather Russet breeching bodies , Escort wagon parts Loops Surface grinders English dog, 10-inch . Loops Duck clothing. Bridles ....do Gun slings Cars, passenger, ambulances, etc. Bridles Breeching , Pistol holsters Service coats Olive drab serge Field shoes do Overcoats Duck Standard Army duck. . Commercial gray duck. Duck Commercial duck Gray duck Loops Felt mattresses. Duck dyeing Dyeing osnabergs Twill dyeing Leather jerkins Tarpaulins Handles and grips assembled. Swivel snaps Knapsack straps Limber bodies Pyramidal tents Pistol holsters Clothing Cart harness Cheek pieces for headstalls. Bridles Straps Breeching Aparejos Saw tables Motor truck covers Pyramidal tents Canvas covers for supply bod- Olive drab webbing. Litters Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $27, 576. 64 495. 00 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $15,629.76 46, 872. 79 5,603.06 56,731.35 29,744.54 5, 304. 91 1, 836. 88 (Included in No. 1367.) 6,715.76 823.41 | 65.75 (Included in No. 1414.) 607.50 | 142.55 (Included in No. 1414.) 12,360.00 334. 92 51, 681. 52 1,087.68 5, 552. 87 (Included in No. 617.) 503. 94 1,620.74 8,374.68 4, 157. 40 116, 028. 90 5,349.60 43, 799. 25 67,269.02 23, 913. 40 32,077.16 404,272.62 12,496.11 159, 213. 00 7,889.00 360. 95 18,000.00 9, 925. 69 17,334.00 13,692.00 20, 597. 50 47. 60 146. 20 9, 116. 46 12, 349. 41 13,482.57 8, 400. 00 114, 583. 65 2,312.89 1,369.25 1,091.30 47, 440. 07 5, 946. 96 566. 76 3. 292. 70 143.46 201.96 38.86 1,457.90 4, 173. 53 8, 630. 52 81.23 4,685.16 369. 55 24,724.28 6,077.24 3,801.60 7,460.38 3,390.59 1,314.31 1,985.48 2. 032. 71 27,948,00 392. 10 19.08 3,802.59 859. 54 3,163.54 12,614.57 22 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 1403 1464 1467 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1500 1502 1503 1504 1507 1510 1511 1512 1513 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1523 1524 1526 1527 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1537 1538 1539 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1550 1553 Name of claimant. (2) Hamilton Cotton Co. (Ltd.).. American Wood Working Machine Co. W.yeth Hardware & Manu- facturing Co. Baldwin Tool Works ....do ....do ....do ....do Robinson Roders Co Robinson Roders Co., The, (Inc.;. do Compac Tent Co Rochester Top Lift Co Velie Motor Corp A merican Woolen Co Ellsmith Haffner Co Long Island Knitting Mills. Prentiss, G. E., Manufactur- ing Co., The. Indianapolis Saddlery Co.... do ....do Ingersoll Rand Co Indianapolis Saddlery Co... — do ....do Acme Manufacturing Co ] arnum, Frank, Co Hart Saddlery Co do ....do Empire Rubber & Tire Co. Ingersoll Rand Co do do Weber Dental Manufactur- ing Co. Indianapolis Saddlery Co.. Janney Semple Mills Co Haney Co., J. H United Hosiery Mills Corp. Orr & Sembower Dayton Steel Foundry Perkins Campbell Co do Crane Co Ryerson, Joseph T. & Sons. Stinson, Edward, Manufac- turing Co. Greater New York Bedding Co. Knestner, John, Manufac- turing Co. Lion Knitting Mills Richmond Leather Manu- facturing Co. Edwards, A. N Articles or service. (3) .do. Hart Manufacturing Co Baums Castorine Co Novo Engine Co do American Wood Working Machine Co. Westboro Trunk & Bag Co. . Webbing Saw and dodo machine. Artillery whips (increased Entrenching shovels. ....do ....do ......do Shovels and spades... Feather pillows Pillows Mixed feather pillows Large wall-tent flies Top lifts Trailers Officers' overcoats Ambulance harness, wheels (increased wage). Puttees Pistol lanyards Wagon harness parts Harness parts Wagon harness parts Boring machines Harness do Gun slings Escort wagon parts Pocket revolver clips Ambulance harness parts. Combat wagon parts Cable trace harness Rubber-lined hose Blacksmith tools do Air compressors Portable stands Aparejos Single set harness Single set cable trace (increased Wool stockings Boilers Trailer and truck wheels Muzzle covers Canteen covers Valves Flue and spring machinery. Escort wagon wheels Feather pillows . Burlap Special mufflers. Latigo leather. . . Artillery saddles (increased wage). do Bake pans Lard oil Gas engine spare parts do Lathes Gun slings . Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $431.75 306. 00 261, 119. 04 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $3,697.14 127. 05 2,909.90 72, 429. 84 (Included in No. 1470.) (Included in No. 1470.) (Included in No. 1470.) 01,692.00 9, 943. 20 321.5S0.60 53, 500. 00 34,083.07 49, 629. 78 22,443.45 16,522.94 11,802.10 4,720.84 615. 17 9, 555. 82 81,882.34 9,814.10 1,622.95 51,595.83 7,877.0 56.32 15,884.61 259. 45 4,782.29 868. 15 7,913.83 339.91 1. 597. 71 6. 223. 72 1, 633. 56 1,814.21 3, 734. 62 95.00 1,330.00 798.00 10, 408. 78 2, 409. 37 10, 107. 21 5,618.98 5,010.21 71,894.10 92,778.63 4,111.50 147.10 (Included in No. 603.) 167.09 87.01 1,384.60 39,900.75 623.62 95,376.00 "3*614.95 28,904.50 27,021.99 17, 400. 00 7, 958. 00 10,971.90 71,109.36 1,603.80 4,747.33 639. 5S 131,869.50 4,358.16 699.98 30,966.80 6, 707. 14 4,777.88 (Included in No. 1543.) 776. 60 1,716.00 100.00 3,500.00 660,00 175. 25 624. 74 68,375.76 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 23 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ai cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 1554 1555 1550 1558 1559 1560 1561 1505 1568 1509 1570 1571 1.572 1573 1574 1575 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 159S 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1600 1608 1609 1010 1613 1614 1615 1610 1017 1618 1620 1021 American Wood Working M achine Co. Fairbanks Morse Co Bradley Knitting Co Fairmount Tool & Forging Co. Delaney, J. M. & Co. (Inc.). . Ross, Joseph & Co Velie Motor" Corp Jewell Belting Co Weyenburg Shoe Manufac- turing Co. Johnson, J. W. & Co Illinois Cabinet Co Kockford Furniture Co Mechanics Furniture ( o Royal Mantle & Furniture Co. I 'ni< >n Furniture Co Wickwire Furniture Co., H. C. Rockford Chair & Furniture Co. Cooperative Furniture Co. . Rockford National Furni- ture Co. Rockford Republic Furni- ture Co. Rockford Palace Furniture Co. Rockford Desk Co Peerless Furniture Co Rockford Bookcase Co Rockford World Furniture Co. Skandi Furniture Co Old Colony Chair Co Forest City Furniture Co. . . Empire Manufacturing Co... Illinois School Furniture Co. Rockford Superior Furni- ture Co. Rockford Standard Furni- ture Co. Schumann Piano Co Rockford Cabinet Co Rockford Cedar Furniture Co. Central Furniture Co Excel Manufacturing Co Continental Desk Co Winnebago Furniture Co... Stewart Wire Wheel Corp. . Standard Manufacturing Co National Enameling & Stamp. Co. Ingersoll Rand Co do do Turkeltaub & Son (Inc.), M General Electric Co do DetlarT, A. J., Co Gillis & Co., J. W Godfrey, G. R Walker Manufacturing Co. . Kittinger Furniture Co Sussman, Steinberg & Ka- likman. do Ward & Co Warren & Co., E. W Lathe with extras. Trailers Wool gloves. Hand tools.. 74.218.92 Half soles Surgical instruments. Chassis and trucks . . . Bayonet scabbards. . . Field shoes Horse blankets Escort wagon parts. do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Machine (Nash quad) wheels. Wool trousers Kitchen utensils Air compressors do do Clear horn buttons Battery charging outfits Switchboards Clutches, "B" trucks Surgical splints Choke straps (increased wage) . Jacks Saddletrees Wool service coats .do. Leather-splitting knives. Fieid shoes 248, 048. 40 427,881. 15 156.91 50. 04 55.41 56.64 150. 94 18. 88 156. 94 37.17 37.17 37.17 56. 64 18.88 37.17 37.17 156.94 37.17 56.64 213. 58 37.17 56. 01 56. 64 18.88 156. 94 18.88 37.17 37.17 is. 88 18.88 40,704.00 47,124.68 6,600.00 12,310.80 3,380.00 22, 806. 00 19,901.80 $002. 90 113,973.45 8,297.9S 22, 478. 97 7,308.00 1,240.40 44,996.09 23,000.46 17, 864. 13 1,033.60 34,271.49 12,337.75 12, 337. 73 12,337.75 34,271.49 4,112.56 34,271.49 8, 225. 10 8, 225. 16 8, 225. 16 8. 225. 16 12,337.75 4,112.58 8. 225. 17 8, 225. 16 34,271.48 8. 225. 16 12,337.73 46, 009. 23 8. 225. 17 12,337.75 12,337.74 4, 112. 59 34,271.49 4,112.57 8, 225. 17 S, 225. 17 4, 112. 59 4,112.50 9,020.81 719. 72 972. .50 12,357.05 2,781.78 8, 793. 90 553. 12 133. 57 423.84 57,921.45 348. 39 980. 98 5,441.72 4, 560. 46 344.00 946. 00 2, 697. 00 39,372.43 24 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of clainis adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 1622 1623 1624 1625 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1661 1662 1663 1665 1666 1667 1668 1670 1672 1673 167.5 1676 1678 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1687 1688 1689 1691 1693 1695 1698 1700 1701 1703 1709 17KI 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1717 1719 1722 1725 1726 Name of claimant. (2) Curtis Leather Co.. J. G. McMonies & Co., W. H . Saunders & Co.. W. B.. Schulman-Bletzer Co do Forstman-HufTman Co. . Hays & Co., Daniel do F. B. O. Clothing Co.... Endicott, Johnson & Co. do Portland Body Works. . Auto Body Co Cobert Saddlery Co Chadbourne & Moore . . . do do do do Krasno Bros. Glove Co.. Wallace & Tierman Co. . do Harry O. K. Steel Co... do do do Lincoln Electric Co Smith & Hemingway... Chase & Co., L. C do .do. .do. .do. .do. Cleveland Motorcycle Man- ufacturing Co. Wanamaker & Brown Oilman, Z. D Wallace & Tierman Co Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills. . Western Manufacturing Co. . Utica Drop Forge & Tool Co. do do Discus, CM Weinbrenner Shoe Co., A. II. Chicago Insulated Wire & Manufacturing Co. do do Mende'son Bros. Uniform Co., A. United States Rubber Co . . . Hannah's Manufacturing Co. Wellington Sears Co A nst in Manufacturing Co . . . Watts Stebins & Co Schwartz Torney Hexter < !o. Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Co. Steger & Sons Manufactur- ing Co. Delaine Mills Strecker Bros. Co Newt in Machine Tool Works do do General Electric Co Kelso Manufacturing Co Griswold Shirt & Collar Co. . Fayssmx, W. .1 Nashville Saddlery Co Articles or service. (3) Russet strap leather Gun slings Medical books Denim garments Breech lock mechanism covers Olive-drab melton Leather gloves Leather gauntlets Leather jerkins Field shoes do Escort- wagon parts do Rope halter shanks Olive-drab twill webbing Olive-drab cotton webbing. . . Olive-drab webbing do do Gloves Chlorinators and spare parts.. Chlorinators and spares Steel shelters .' do do do Arc welding units Bolt cutters Cartridge belts, mounted Cartridge belts Magazine pockets Pistol belts, saber rings Cartridge belts, dismounted.. First-aid pouches Spare parts Wool coats Iodium, potassii Spl. stem tob. outfits Pyramidal tents Gun slings (increased wage). . . Pliers do do Cordwood Shoes Firing wire ....do.... .....' ..... Overcoats. Foot raincoats Esc.irt-wagon parts Duck Road rollers and spare parts.. Gray gauze Cott >n coats (increased wage). Army duck bests, and reels Officer's serge Harness Milling machine Link grinders Milling machine Electric motors and spares Webbing Olive-drab flannel shirts Wood Ambulance harness (increased wage). Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (-1) 82, 720. 34 3, 839, 428. 64 1,443.24 263, 648. 75 71, 606. 85 147. 50 1,151.28 35, 827. 47 13, 223. 52 21,057.48 16, 000. 00 9, 200. 00 1 22, 356. 20 (Included in (Included in (Included in Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) 11,975.30 70, 194. 16 814, 650. 27 967. 60 215. 00 3,923.30 3,651.00 221, 296. 42 576. 04 1, 196. 33 26,536.49 146, 569. 21 7, 103. 88 4, 656. 87 1,916.81 305. 00 21, 939. 84 6,787.62 17, 659. 56 2, 342. 41 15, 599. 98 3, 108. 60 2, 812. 50 2, 812. 50 25, 423. 45 No. 1654.) No. 1654.) No. 1654.) 374. 49 1,732.80 36,971.68 2, 167. 41 1,852.91 8, 564. 22 504. 13 44.63 24, 070. 35 8, 267. 17 611.50 5, 078. 84 3, 429. 68 2, 214. 04 6,022.50 (Included in No. 1680.) (Included in No. 1680.) 4, 383. 00 13, 014. 34 848. 22 38, 947. 45 1,947.83 (Included in No. 1687.) (Included in No. 1687.) 440. 00 103, 698. 72 6,900.86 18, 752. 17 'l2,'695.'5i 23. 95 13, 825. 05 14, 916. 50 48, 535. 83 15,324.61 1,065.92 15,850.60 1, 884. 03 217. 24 2, 340. 59 62, 143. 95 7, 004. 00 7, 850. 36 2, 477. 57 2, 060. 51 2, 177. 57 445. 33 1,650.56 1,217.56 10,922.00 7, 353. 41 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 25 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the ivar, and for other purposes" — -Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Name of claimant. (2) Article or services. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) Keystone Bros . . . American Tool Works McKinnnn Dash Co Rochester Stamping Co do Long, R. H Delapierre, Arthur Maurer, F. W., & Sons Co... Diehl Manufacturing Co Maurer, F. W., & Sons Co... Denver Tent & Awning Co. Lawrence, George, & Co do Radium Luminous Metals Corporation. American Car & Foundry Co do do Goodvear Tire & Rubber Co do do do do American Car & Foundry Co Whartrm, Wm., jr., & Co. . American Car & Foundry Co do do Crane Co Li.ng, R. H., & Co. Southington Hardware Co.. Rischel, J. K., Furniture Co Standard Oil Cloth Co National Sponge & Chamois L.iv.t uce, George W., & Co ...do Silver, M. T., & Co Chadbourne & Moore Columbia Harness Co Union Dress & Skirt Co Tanners Cut Sole Co do do Hilles & Jones Co Stewart Iron Works St. Louis Frog & Switch Co. Lerch Bros. (Inc.) Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co. Ostby & Barton Co Henri s Luebber Manufac- turing Co. Cotrell Saddlery Co Nashville Saddlery Co. Deutsch, Adolph, & Co. (Inc.). Straus Bodenheimer Sad- dlery Co. Delaine Mills (Inc.) ....do McElwain & Co., W. H Hettrick Manufacturing Co.. McElwain & Co., W. H Willvs-0 verland Co Single set, cable trace harness, wheel (increased wage). Lathes and special tools Stirrups Canteen clips Trench mirrors Artillery bridles Handles Gray stay binding Motor spares Stay binding Pyramidal tents Martingales Carriers Luminous paint $2. 300. 00 976. 50 Hook hinges do Pack frame sides Suction hose do Steam hose do Suction hose Pack frame bodies Turnouts Bodies Pack frame sides Pack frame bodies Gauges Miscellaneous surgical instru- ments. Steel squares Desks and typewriter stands . Coloring and waterproofing duck. Chamois skins 1,486.17 'i2,'7ii.9i 22,555.04 47, 256. 00 134. 72 19, 109. 89 11,169.88 1, 981. 67 " 13," 508. 82 15, 750. 00 Single set, cable trace harness (increased wage). do Cotton coats Olive-drab webbing Wheel harness (increased wage) Bed sacks Half soles Taps Top lifts Punch and shears Assemblies No. 8 turnouts Breeching (increased wage) Suction hose $4,990.65 9, 083. 23 21,192.29 44, 600. 87 7, 068. 57 30, 851. 43 155.00 334. 07 59.68 690.44 3, 737. 02 71.00 953. 32 108. 52 551.19 706. 82 3, 857. 36 18, 527. 31 6,344.47 3, 406. 80 410. 00 476. 30 15. 075. 90 13,533.01 16, 645. 66 422. 65 25, 386. 90 378. 52 16,323.44 179.38 2, 950. 00 72.90 25, 000. 00 14,394.01 (Included in No. 1773.) 9,959.17 104, 816. 40 137,185.80 17, 775. 00 4, 165. 00 Band ornaments . Pyramidal tents . Single set, cable trace harness (increased wage). Ambulance harness (increased wage ) . Foot raincoats 549. 68 1,254.07 6.265.37 ' 880. 38 58, 237. 58 24, 369. 28 13,116.85 640. 55 8, 239. 90 1,655.28 18,439.11 70S. 75 254.00 892. 83 414. 55 l No. 1726.) 365. 92 Ambulance harness, wheel (increased wage). Melton do Field shoes Shelter-tent halves Top lifts Canvas covers 295, 469. 89 280, 728. 05 562,338.85 290, 628. 00 8,954.64 5, 614. 84 3, 196. 74 5, 714. 17 39, 507. 26 249. 30 5,621.46 9, 124. 48 26 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved lor payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 1804 1806 1807 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1836 1837 1840 1841 1843 1844 1845 1846 1848 1849 1851 1853 1856 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1S65 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1S72 1873 1874 1875 1877 1878 Johnson Co., F. S. ....do Kreiger Saddlery Co., J. P . Rudolph Shrieber Ellsmith-Haffner Co Kemper Thomas Co. ....do ....do do do do do do do do do do Strecker Bros Ward Pump Co Clark Wire Co., W. A Ingersoll Rand Co Kemper Thomas Co do Eslein Steel Metal Works . . . Peterson &Co.,J Berg Auto Truck & Special- ty Co. Price-Reinhard Corporation. Straus-Bodenheimer Sad- dlery Co. Kemper-Thomas Co Berg Auto Trunk & Special- ty Co. Penman's (Ltd.) McElwain & Co., W. H do Marine Middy Manufactur- ing Co. Chicago Wheel & Manufac- turing Co. Baltimore Harness Co Jenney Semple Mills Co. Hanan & Sons Hanan &Co Republic Motor Truck Co. . . Leathcrware Co. of America. Stern Bros. & Co Cronin & Co., P.J Gordon Hollow Blast Grate Co. do Askew Saddlery Co Dow Wire & Iron Works Goldman & Sons (Inc.), H. Williams & Co., J. H do do Medart Manufacturing Co., Fred. Ward Pump Co Conley Frog & Switch Co. . Brown Rubber Co Verona Tool Works Kuntz & Co., Theodore do Mclntyre-Barnall Co Westbbro Trunk & Bag Co.. Cavalry saddles (increased wage"). ....do Cable-trace harness Spiral puttees Ambulance harness wheels (increased wage). Water rain buckets Pouches Carrying cases for machine guns. Ammunition truck bodies Lantern bracket pads Saddle cloths Cleaning rod cases Breech covers Carrying cases, machine Canvas buckets Trench bandoleers Duck covers Ambulances (increased wage) . Valves and strainers Wire , Air compressors First-aid pouches do Fireless cookers Escort wagon parts Shelling boxes Brassards Ambulance harness and wheels (increased wage). Canteen covers , Quadrant pouches Winter underwear . . Half soles Shoe waterproofing. Pyramidal tents Miscellaneous dental supplies . Single set cable trace (in- creased wage). Single set harness (increased wage). Officers' boots do Trucks and crating Blanket straps Sweat bands Saddles (increased wage) Edgers sawmills Spare parts sawmills Single set cable trace harness (increased wage). Field oven parts Half soles Clamps do do Steel shelters Trench pumps Turnouts Copper wire Pick mattocks Truck bodies do Straps (increased wage) . Straps $5,013.68 (Included in No. 1804.) $70, 156. SO I 18, 221. 62 11,592.00 : 20,005.95 (Included in No. 1486.) 5,931.75 25, 072. 00 3,065.52 3, 150. 00 457. 17 19, 705. 14 2, 105. 64 3,700.00 1,677.32 3, 106. 35 25, 977. 91 975. 95 91,867.02 1,849.08 98.00 3,29.5.17 7,232.44 35.49 (Included in No. 771.) 3,058.34 52,954.57 27,725.62 4, 604. 34 2,350.50 4,237.88 53.754.81 1,560.07 20,367.89 18,565.26 18,157.73 2, 874. 81 6, 560. 86 722. 00 (Included in No. 1797.) 22, 602. 25 1, 240. 00 361,950.73 81,159.00 48, 266. 14 3.25 130. 49 209. 49 90, 235. 26 15. 106. 87 6,310.16 1,663.61 157. 10 321. 05 (Included in No. 1523.) 46, 197. 00 119,271.00 9, 109. 22 6, 285. 60 SOS. 96 40. 690. 59 47. 634. 60 1,486.53 11,850.00 3,026.78 10. 155. 84 692. 73 3, 944. 36 77, 168. 68 999.84 5, 604. 17 397. 90 737. 68 205. 30 1,914.02 10, 175. 81 38, 139. 37 1,189.23 1,141.66 285. 41 4,464.05 3, 433. 38 4, 198. 18 1,964.46 401. 10 58,048:90 (Included in No. 1874.) I 5,458.10 366.62 294.34 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 27 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE. CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Name of claimant. (2) Hunvitz & Son, L Armour Leather Co Ooonley Manufacturing Co. . Brewer Titchener Corpora- tion. Waterman Manufacturing Co. Armstrong & Graham Buescher Band Instrument Co. Mclntyre-Barnall Co K ansa's Saddlery Co Rice Peter & Sons Lichtenberger- Ferguson Co. Taylor Instrument Co ...".do ....do ....do Buick Motor Co Hayes Manufacturing Co. . . Mendelson, A., & Bro Dorries & Co. (Inc.) .do. Roxford Knitting Co Reading Underwear Co ....do ....do Straus Saddlerv Co Gross, Charles E., & Sons.. Hardenberg & Co., P. R. L McAdoo Knitting Works... E mmerich, Ohas . , & Co Fort Wayne Saddlery Co... .do. Schawb Manufacturing Co. . Krieger Sons, J. P., Saddlery Co. Amery Browne Co Gordon & Berman Brockway Motor Co FriendjC'harles, & Son (Inc.) Wood, R. W. A., &Co Bonnard Specialty Co Kreiger Sons, J. P., Sad- dlery Co. New Bedford & Agawam Fin. Co. Taubel Bros C, H. & E. Manufacturing Co. Kanter, J Hynsen, Westcott & Dun- ning. Goodrich, B. F., & Co Sells, J. H. & F. A., Co.... Parish Manufacturing Co Stein-Burn Camp & Field Equipment. do Kansas City Saddlery Co Stein-Burn Camp & Field Equipment. Perm Metal Co Kearney-Trecher Co Articles or service. (3) Pyramidal tents Marching top lifts . . . Bread boxes Cavalry picket pins . Wool trousers Single set harness (increased wage). Band instruments Straps (increased wage) Machete sheaths Single set cable trace harness (increased wage). Lariat straps (increased wage) Aneroid barometers do ....do do Truck bodies and seats Light bulbs Wool coats Ambulance harness, wheels (increased wage). do Winter underwear Cotton undershirts do do Choke straps (increased wage). Straw Cable lead harness (increased Underwear Feather pillows Single set ambulance harness (increased wage). do Turnouts Single set ambulance harness, lead (increased wage). Shelter-tent duck Taps Crating and trucks Cable trace harness (increased wage). Melton Spiral puttees ...'. Single set ambulance harness (increased wage). Sheeting Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $3, 000. 00 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimaal in adjustment. (5) $1,966.54 5, 575. 20 921. 45 1,660.70 2,055.41 4,953.88 13, 675. 00 795. 00 (Included in No. 1877.) I 7, 775. 83 382.65 10,011.63 240,000.00 I 32,192.40 (Included in No. 1902.) (Included in No. 1902.) (Included in No. 1902.) 21,940.72 336. 59 1,401.68 5,455.82 (Included in No. 1911.) 82, 815. 10 1,612.94 1,612.94 5,495.07 (Included in No. 1244.) 209.00 1, 796. 00 2,638,446.31 44, 181. 76 60, 556. 16 10,357.20 32, 959. SO Stockings Portable saw rigs. Single set, cable trace harness (increased wage). Boxes phenol Solid tires Single set ambulance harness (increased wage). Sample frames Bread boxes Fireless cookers . Nose bags Cook chests Sheet metal . . . Machine tools . 620. 20 7, 629. 28 1,878.95 (Included in No. 1924.) 3, 138. 97 2,016.60 177, 465. 60 136, 809. 36 195, 995. 10 (Included in 60,091.44 52. 50 759. 00 70, 620. 21 43,521.86 43,409.70 21,410.59 800.83 8, 893. 15 26, 205. 93 No. 1927.) 652. 80 97,664.44 5,365.81 910.00 105.00 10, 240. 08 1,620.88 524. 61 48, 647. 62 108,908.93 1,133.78 14, 130. 51 22, 812. 43 1,867.00- 28 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected ivith the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 1960 1961 1962 1963 1965 1966 1967 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1976 1979 1980 1981 1982 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 .2029 2030 2031 2032 2034 2036 Dobson, J. J. (Inc.) Buffalo Forge Co Briggs Manufacturing Co Sonthbridge Printing Co Wilson & Co Barcy-Nicholson Co Carter & Rogers Sickles, J. B., Saddlery Co.. Sells, J. H. & F. A., Co Atlanta Tent & Awning Co. Watts, Stebbins & Co Miller, Jacob, Sons & Co Hillsboro Overall Co North & Judd Manufactur- ing Co . North Dakota Harness Co... Kraut & Fite Manufactur- ing Co. Camden Curtain & E mbroid- ery Co. Kraut & Fite Manufactur- ing Co. do Northwestern Knitting Co. . Blickman, S Gender Paeschke & Frey Co., The. Illinois Wire & Cable Co Porter (Inc.), A. E Kent Manufacturing Co ( Hovers, Registered Roulette & Son, J. C Century Ellicott Co World's Star Knitting Co. . . do Brockton Heel Co do Fav& EganCo., J. A Shelby ville Harness Co Nichols Harness Manufac- turing Co., J. C. Hartley Screw Products Co. . Nichols Harness Manufac- turing Co., J. C. Aralen Knit Wear Co Wright Manufacturing Co... Detroit Alaska Knitting Mills. Vogt Manufacturing & Coach Lace Co. do Schaefer Tent & Awning Co. Gutterman & Sons Co., A. M. do do do Haskins, R. H American Textile Banding Co. Ellis Hosiery Co Haskins Co.', R. H Ellis Hosiery Co Frankel Uniform Co Crouch & Fitzgerald Kent Manufacturing Co Oliver Iron & Steel Co Smith Worthington Co , Hamilton Rubber Co Blankets Pressure blowers Top for driver seats Dyeing and finishing duck Black harness leather Wire assemblies Cap cloth Harness Single set ambulance harness (increased wage). Large paulins Grey duck Flannel Denim trousers Cheek slides .$3,927,600.00 Single set cable-trace harness (increased wage). Serving tape Chevrons. 1-inch common stay binding . Olive-drab common stay bind- ing. Worsted drawers Bread boxes Fireless cookers Wire and cable Olive-drab flannel shirts Blankets Wool gloves Undershirts Pyramidal tents Light-weight wool hose Summer undershirts Top lifts do Woodworking machinery Single set cable-trace harness (increased wage). Back straps (increased wage). Buttons and washers Back straps (increased wage).. Worsted yarn Chain hoists Heavy wool stockings . Olive-drab webbing. . . Twill Overseas baling large paulins. Top lifts Marching lifts and half soles. . Half soles do Officers' boots Olive-drab webbing Light-weight wool socks Officers' boots Heavy wool stockings Overcoats Pistol holsters Melton Button-head rivets Gun slings (increased wage). Discharge hose 402,895.25 33,965.25 6, 960. 00 (Included in 2,436.00 1,900.00 14,836.09 780. 00 $191,049.28 333. 79 55, 102. 24 648.07 15,000.61 2, 786. 49 2, 409. 99 35,929.28 No. 1951.) 786. 79 13, 864. 77 58, 293. 06 405. 00 224. 24 404.00 243. 41 230. 41 879. 55 2, 109. 97 212,341.73 9, 176. 12 27,230.98 26,082.59 1,451.19 19, 884. 18 10, 185. 90 163. 92 138. 20 23,378.56 2,411.89 427. 85 4,387. 10 3,623.82 1,608.00 4,524.44 1,046.65 (Included in No. 2004.) 595,546.60 7, US 173 85 284. 86 109.95 857. 56 012. 64 182. 50 655. 40 072. 00 785. 44 23,973.09 56,406.50 40, 800. 90 1,809.76 8,328.97 189,375.60 2,759.64 14,681.25 110,439.00 15,180.00 66, 148. 98 229,238.05 15,730.12 13,504.10 1,495.54 4,233.60 24,368.20 1,799.26 980. 78 3,540.73 655. 47 37,039.09 10, 841. 28 229.73 2,793.41 5,875.01 2,225.94 37,702.79 6,400.00 2,169.06 4,548.77 363. 38 2, 163. 12 292.42 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 29 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the tear, and for other purposes"- — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Name ol claimant. (2) Alligator Oilcloth Co Keighley & Co., Chas. B . . . Hawi horn Mills La l'orte Harness Co .do. American Envelope Co Hilles & Jones Detroit Machine Co Ripon Knitting Works Oliver Pressed Steel Co Perkins Campbell Co Hewes & Potter Signal Motor Truck Co Prest-O-Lite Co. (Inc.) Hewes & Potter Dunn Woolen Co Naylon-Pierson-Hough Co.. Biehl & Btiflerman General Electric Co Ratsev & Sapthorn (Ltd.). Clark & Co., A. L Slrecker Bros. & Co Gross & Co., L. N Hart Saddlery Co do Bliss & Co., Wm. B^jr.... Archer & Baldwin (Inc.)... Hall-Hartwell Co Milwaukee Flush Valve Co. Kelsey Wheel Co. (Inc.).... Columbian Hardware Co. . . Rosenwald & Weil Root Manufacturing Co Gallup Saddlery Co., S. C. Townsend & Co., E. M Phoenix Silk Manufactur- ing Co. Carruth & Co., John G Holeproof Hosiery Co La Crosse Knitting Works . . Bruaer Bros. Manufacturing Co. Cupples Envelope Co., Sam- uel. Walther Manufacturing Co., Louis, .do. Westinghouse Lamp Co Campe Corporation, The Phillips-Jones Co.. Blaw-Knox Co Wood &Co., R. W. A Campe Corporation, The Gilmer & Co., L. H Taubel, Wm. F Consolidated Coat Con- tractor Co. Green Haas Schwartz Co Acme Glue Works (Ltd.) . . . Scotch Glove Co Hoyt Shoe Co., F. M Crown Iron Works Standard Underground Ca- ble Co. Young & Co., W. D Wise Bros Acorn Hosiery Mills Perfex Radiator Co Articles or service. (3) Oilskin suits, hats, etc Field shoes Heavy wool stockings Single set harness, lead (in- creased wage). do Envelopes Punches Drawbars Leather mittens Sprag assemblies Canteen covers Point parts for gim slings Trucks Truck batteries Gun slings Olive-drab melton Single set Artillery trace har- ness (increased wage). Harness parts (increased wage) G enerators Pyramidal tents Hooks and eyes Cable-trace harness Breech-lock covers Brow bands (increased wage). do Tracing tape Generator Grenade haversacks Compressor hose bibbs Escort wheels Pick mattocks Water-sterilizing bags Shirts and drawers Single set cable-trace harness (increased wage). Heavy wool stockings Scarlet banner silk Flannel shirting Light-weight wool socks. Stockings Clip pockets Envelopes Shirting flannel . Melton Mazda lamps Cotton undershirts do Clam-shell buckets Shirting flannel Cotton undershirts Olive-drab webbing Light-weight wool socks. Wool coats Puttees Leather mittens Woolen puttees Breech-lock mechanism covers Screw posts Cables Sutures Flannel shirts Heavy wool stockings . . Radiators, "B" trucks. Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (-4) , 683, 6S0. 28 49,500.00 71,408.10 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $606, 780. 93 3,347.62 33,217.65 3, 147. 06 (Included in No. 2040.) 1,432.60 27, 750. 00 134,391.38 675,926.25 8,446.50 70, 156. 80 146, 824. 20 2,422.70 15,449.50 1,052.22 6,959.39 37,405.63 11,955.65 14,410.84 6,505.20 22,493.90 5, 776. 79 538. 26 5,451.27 1,275.00 2,528.52 80.81 95, 110. 70 6,527.54 3. Mi:i. 37 (Included in No. 2084.) 1,900.30 553. 54 690. 69 117.87 863,425.06 5,771.66 3,785.33 14,208.47 574. 77 62,979.56 273,590.84 31,641.81 9,632.70 353,638.60 79,517.71 2,576.46 161,187.85 145, 634. 65 199, 117. 86 449,325.90 160,306.80 13,573.80 141,904.57 389,012.56 104,040.00 14,928.37 334,952.22 227, 700. 00 160, 758. 00 478,939.50 92,984.70 36, 159. 58 34,295.40 5,587.50 97,234.33 119,972.76 9,504.81 244. 81 28,068.55 21,291.13 13,070.74 319. 86 10.24 10,124.01 ,47, 823. 86 134. 55 30, 785. 80 4,399.05 5,088.97 3,182.19 9,499.99 8,966.73 24,613.46 337. 20 49,017.62 1,323.56 171,491.49 10, 198. 76 2,807.18 72.92 5,822.16 70,904.46 23.109.79 30 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes"— Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 2136 2137 2139 2143 2145 2146 2147 2149 2150 2151 2153 2155 2156 2160 2161 2168 2169 2170 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2179 2183 2184 2186 2187 2188 2189 2191 2195 2196 2197 2198 2200 2201 2202 2203 2208 2211 2212 2213 2215 2216 2217 2218 2221 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2244 Name of claimant. (2) Long& Co., R. H do Russel Manufacturing Co Greeduck Co., The Hiller & Jones Co ( >wen Osborne McKinnon Manufacturing Co., F. Melville Woolen Co Bachner-Hall Co Klein-Logan Co do Leeds Northup Co Dorries & Co Klein-Logan Co do National Can Co Miscellaneous Iron & Wire Works. B ast man Kodak Co Stevens & Co., J. P Bautlin, Julius J Galvin Bros Medf ord Woolen Co Edmonds & Jones Clift & G oodrich Robertson, L. F., Sons (Inc.). do Barger, Bains & Munn (Inc.). American Wood Working Machine Co. Friedman-Blau-Farber Co. . Horstman, Wm. H. & Co. . . Chipman Knitting Mills Continental Carriage Co Progressive Knitting Mills. . do Shafer Saddlery Co Russell Manufacturing Co. . . do ....do Kansas City Saddlery Co Meyer, John II., & Co Kansas City Saddlery Co — Kessler Barkew Saddlery Co. .do. Wellington Sears Co Kansas City Saddlery Co Fort Wayne Knit ling Co Hewes & Potter Dver Co., W. H Long, R- H., &Co Barnes Manufacturing Co. . . Delaine Mills Medart,Fred, Manufacturing Co. Long, R. II Novo Engine Co Bona Allen (Inc.) WestinghouseElectric Manu- facturing Co. Chase, L. C, & Co do do do do do Russell Manufacturing Co . . . Fairbanks, Morse & Co Articles or service. (3) Binding straps Ration bags Cartridge-belt pocket sections. Collar ornaments Alligator shears Heavy wool stockings Escort wagons and parts Olive-drab melton Heavy leather gloves. J 'inch bars Railroad picks Circuit detectors Leather harness Pinch bars ....do AVater cans Wire weaving Flash cartridges Linen and crash towels Harness (increased wage) Breech-lock mechanism covers. Heavy woo) stockings Electric lamps Spiral puttees Strap leather Leather backs Wool stockings Lai lies. Puttees Batons, pouches, camp colors. Heavy worsted stockings Escort wagon parts Carrying cases for rifles Saddle clothes Single set ambulance harness (increased wage). Cavalry bandoleers Cartridge belt pocket sections. Pistol belts Harness Duck Combat harness parts Single set trace harness (in- creased wage). do Dyeing and finishing duck. . . Aparejos Underwear Top parts for gun slings Corned-beef hash Haversacks Pump and spares Flannel Shelter-tent poles Pack carriers Air compressor Cable trace harness Sewing machine motors . Cartridge belt straps Magazine pockets Cartridge belts do Magazine belts Meat-can pouches Cartridge belt pocket sections Gasoline pumping units Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $23,664.71 155,413.40 69,466.95 96,936.38 81,313.70 26,987.58 373,807.50 2,537.55 44,725.60 41,760.00 510. 66 1,638.00 3,760.40 30,744.40 1,175.04 48,645.00 184,061.25 45, 144. 57 284,715.00 21,866.48 35, 539. 70 27, 055. 62 601,953.70 226, 066. 04 339, 403. 20 57,500.00 35, 202. 82 35,065.80 60, 240. 00 230,703.02 128,992.50 7, 635. 25 54,289.02 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $933. 33 34,913.97 1,979.98 767. 50 182.93 43,600.28 20, 361. 59 13,503.25 12, 100. 70 351. 90 713. 62 2,649.42 38,822.23 70.20 783. 09 3,678.09 24,203.69 493. 78 7,666.67 4,869.24 1,488.00 5,401.55 5,873.11 106,890.64 1,077.53 11,259.05 125,254.56 588. 20 03, 162. 13 18,466.66 230,009.57 2, 500. 00 213.88 906. 00 3,071.97 36,322.70 104, 104. 62 48, 694. 44 38, 266. 66 879. 97 15,363.44 989.57 (Included in No. 2212.) 4, 087. 59 69, 160. 00 51,546.25 676,645.05 41,891.85 27, 958. 35 182, 952. 24 150, 605. 55 14,001.05 55,848.30 121,875.00 434,317.60 227,494.00 125,575.78 221,924.10 2,753.78 41,569.67 36, 296. 20 4,084.88 70, 380. 82 213,365.67 4,690.00 256.40 8, 332. 84 55, 956. 81 285.21 10,519.03 515.48 868. 87 262.50 24,691.60 14,506.24 54,942.67 1,184.14 124,745.86 173, 435. 29 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 31 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted tinder agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 2245 2246 2249 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2277 2278 2281 2284 2285 2288 2291 2292 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2303 2304 2306 2308 2313 2314 2315 2316 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2325 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 General Motor Truck Co . . . Haves Motor Truck Wheel Co. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. . Greilich, Henry C Packard Electric Co Cluett Peabody Co Fort Wayne Knitting Co Chalmers Knitting Co do do do do do Evans, William, Co Chalmers Knitting Co Swatmore Textile Co Fay, J. A., AEganCo Standard Parts Co do Wellington Sears Co Walter Bovt Saddlery Co. . do...; : Richard Wilcox Manufac- turing Co.- Phoenix Knitting Mills Calvin Bros. & Co Phoenix Knitting Works. . . Sears Saddlery Co Southern Saddlery Co Horwich Vitkin Co A. B. Stove Co Massey Vise Co Barnes Manufacturing Co . . Bethlehem Steel Co Walker Knitting Mills (Inc.) Tatum, Pinkham & Grey Co., The. do Baltimore Bargain House Shirt Factorv. Talcott Bros. Co United States Hame Co McClellan, A. W. (Alden Mills). Weir Frog Co Tadiabue Manufacturing Co.. C.J. General Electric.Co Sherman Bros. Co Chase & Co., L. C Hewes & Potter Morely Bros Eddystone Manufacturing Co". Morelv Bros Belber Truck & Bag Co., The Hewes & Potter Original Toy Co Eddvstone Manufacturing Co., The. ....do ....do Rossi Saddlery Co Material and labor for crating chassis. Wood wheels Canadian Glue Co Miller Hexter Co Keystone Knitted Fabric Co. Durgin, William B Auto Compressor Co Steel military bridges Surplus kit bags Assemblies Flannel shirts Underwear ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Olive-drab webbing Cotton undershirts Webbing Scroll saws Front and rear springs do Duck Saddlebags (increased wage). do Barn-door hangers and tracks Heavy wool stockings Covers for W. S. rifles Light weight wool hose Harness Cable trace harness Hair cinchas Couplings Vises Direct-current power pumps . Section plugs and rail braces. Blankets Underwear $89, 545. 92 121,575.36 332,310.00 241,900.00 376, 849. 00 2,527,729.06 503,052.00 85,311.20 49,206.30 14,595.75 299,981.50 17,581.66 Summer underwear Olive-drab flannel shirts. Olive-drab melton Saddletrees Wool hose and poultry netting Turnouts . . . Barometers. Transformers, etc Escort wagons and parts, etc. Pistol belts Straps Harness (increased wage). . .. Dyeing and finishing duck. . . Harness (increased wage) Wire-cutter cases Straps Bed sacks • Dyeing and finishing osna- bergs. do Dyeing and finishing duck Single-set cable trace harness (increased wage). Leather mittens Breech-lock mechanism covers. Spiral puttees Spoons Splitting knives 3, 500. 12 (Included in 103,413.52 45,284.01 41,760.00 50,221.76 6,639.65 121,593.07 'i69,'790.'40 270, 056. 60 16, 965. 83 34,055.00 63,300.00 93, 828. 90 37,050.00 213,001.45 163,370.04 188,148.05 3, 607. 28 $9,119.33 38,978.10 147.96 3,002.44 7,863.59 1,462.83 2,493.70 5,294.51 12,844.10 155,825.50 472, 976. 61 11,817.07 11,746.70 451.90 34.48 1,385.44 5,436.60 7, 805. 15 1,463.38 370.92 21,395.78 No. 2269.) 5, 538. 48 66,251.75 3, 602. 44 6,054.45 3,550.55 24, 229. 96 5,574.48 1,749.63 1,889.59 7,710.43 32,253.95 1,400.00 68, 506. 96 54, 184. 51 1,574.04 5, 647. 68 25,963.72 85,761.93 7,743.76 363. 60 2,766.00 133,712.08 8,084.61 266.20 12, 888. 06 214. 06 (Included in No. 2314.) 123.51 1,151.04 2,985.96 1,106.90 7,981.36 1,514.02 2,969.65 21,713.17 85,978.62 300,627.45 61,508.90 1,102.10 263.34 737. 07 5,716.31 11,553.34 187,842.13 2,821.54 8,673.97 32 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (J) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (3) PC 2332 2333 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2347 2348 2349 2351 2353 2354 2362 2364 2365 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2383 2384 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2398 2399 2400 2401 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2412 2415 2419 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 Van Voorhies & Co., A. A... Friedman & Co., J B. Propper Alexander & Co. Burke Golf Co., The Westinghouse Electric Co. . Edwards & Co., H. D Kirschbaum & Co., A. B... Phoenix Knitting Co Sickles & Co., H. P Chambersburg Hosiery Co . Krieg Tanning Co do ....do Allen Lane Co., The Standard Pants Tailors(Inc) Keystone Bros Wellington Sears Co Plant Bros. & Co do Bailev Knitting Mills do Lerch Bros. (Inc.) Rice Sorin Saddlery Co. . .. Lerch Bros. (Inc.).*. do do do Kansas City Saddlery Co. . . do....". Levy & Rosenthal Kalamazoo Railway Supplv Co. Challenge Refrigerator Co... Rice Sorin Saddlery Co TowellCo., The Standard Underground Ca- ble Co. Unexcelled Mfg. Co Winther Motor Truck Co... Clift & Goodrich Alligator Oil Clothing Co. . . Brown Wilson H. (Inc.) Koken Barber's Supply Co. Morris A. V. & Sons Genshvn Henry & Bros. (Inc. ) Little A. E. &Co Oldham New York Saw Works. Patterson Samuel Morris, A. B. & Sons Winchester Woolen Mills M. &C. Skirt Co do Meyers, S. D La "rosea Knitting Co do Mercary Mills, (Ltd.) Roff Underwear Co Bradford & Co Moore, M. Shirt Co La Tosca Knitting Co Harbison-Gathright Co Phoenix Trimming Co American Felt Co ....do ....do ....do ....do Chase, L. C. & Co North Star Woolen Co Single-set ambulance harness (increased wage). Mittens Bed sacks Bridles Exploders Blocks Overcoats Heavy wool socks Tent pins Light wool stockings Half soles and top lifts Half soles Toplifts Olive-drab blankets Cotton breeches Single set cable trace harness wheel (increased wage). Bleaching tent duck Magazine belts Canvas water buckets Cotton undershirts do Breast collars Saddles (increased wage) Harness parts ....do Harness Harness parts Harness (increased wage) . . . . do.-. Wool service coats Hand cars Medical refrigerators Saddles (increased wage). Blocks Wire Fuse lighters Trucks Cotton undershirts Oil skin clothing Spiral puttees Bayonet scabbard bodies. Underwear Woolen puttees Leggins Bend and circular saws... Pick handles Underwear "D D" melton Haversack suspenders Breech-lock mechainsm covers . Saddles Summer undershirts ....do Wool drawers Underwear Web hangers for canteen covers Olive drab flannel shirts Underwear Crown chaps Olive drab webbing Olive drab wool felt Felt ....do ....do Standard gray interlining felt . . Cartridge flaps Olive drab blankets $30, 975. 00 8,124.36 4,703.68 501,605.30 275,819.40 6, 229. 13 145, 500. 00 50, 764. 60 27,293.72 (Included in 563.60 7,095.00 89,220.00 152,874.90 39,658.79 16,290.46 21,532.26 12, 189. 68 33,758.03 (Included in 43,331.60 $455. 11 252. 81 1,789.67 10,929.24 5,019.97 8,055.56 7, 547. 10 9, 082. 54 1,048.10 10, 802. 19 2, 027. 99 2,385.36 1,032.91 1,487.73 834.77 No. 1727.) 15.39 6,739.07 2, 206. 40 146.23 2, 179. 85 2, 036. 69 6,987.70 1,030.07 1,460.58 1,782.16 2,028.37 12,854.63 No. 2374.) 1,874.80 2, 298. 07 25,228.00 7,961.69 (Included in No. 2368.) 18,694.95 28, 637. 72 4, 276. 97 5,315.80 14,039.15 17,673.74 2S9, 1,86. 00 (Included in No. 2037.) 46,481.60 22, 295. 80 290,322.00 224,056.80 18, 637. 36 595, 289. 00 168,937.50 24,326.76 1,665.13 55,437.50 83, 280. 00 76,410.25 413,845.25 13, 808. 62 14,770.56 507,390.50 12, 366. 74 214,487.00 40,500.00 756,900.00 912. 00 3, 957. 83 6,001.87 182, 552. 79 5, 880. 97 1,308.66 2, 496. 52 32,951.32 1,379.11 614. 75 47,683.74 150.00 1,754.22 2,534.85 15,699.86 5, 402 75 24.97 369. 95 32, 275. 10 151.59 6,060.97 17,537.54 3,309.79 433.58 4,747.50 1,451.43 692. 25 18,174.91 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 33 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war. and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 2433 2434 2436 2437 2438 2440 2442 2444 2445 2446 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2454 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2470 2471 2473 2475 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2506 2508 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 Name of claimant. (2) Heyward Bros. & Wakefield Co. Powers Manufacturing Co. . . do Forman Breen Manufactur- ing Co. do Pioua Hosiery Co Williams Steel Wheel & Rim Co. National Leather Belting Co. Henes & Potter do Hoyt F. M. Shoe Co < ihadbourn Bros Taubel, Wm. F., (Inc.) Armour Leather Co O'Keefe, C. J., Shoe Co Kundtz, Theodore, & Co Cnion Cultery Co do Mott, J. L., Ironworks Remy Electric Co do American, National Co Goodrich, B. F., Rubber Co do Leeds & Northrup Co Skinner Engine Co ('lift & Goodrich Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Godfrey, G. R Newton Machine Tool Works Standard Tent & Awning Co Fiskdale Finishing Co. . . Cleveland- Whitthill Co , Maddrix Bros Simplex Wire & Cable Co. . . Lowers Manufacturing Co.. . Alexander Leather Co ....do ....do Alexander Bros Belber Trunk & Bag Co.. do ....do ....do ....do Articles or service. (3) Shovels . .do. .do. .do. Gardiner Gosemer Co Kronauer & Co., Charles. Cincinnati Panel Co Plant Bros. & Co do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Chicago Wholesale Saddlery Co. Perkins Campbell Co ....do ....do ....do Service Clothing Co ....do First-aid pouches Small-articles pouches. Harness (increased wa{ do Underwear Carbon steel rings . Leather belting Pick-mattock carriers Pouches Canteen covers Cable trace harness Heavy wool stockings Underlifts Canteen covers Wagon parts Machetes Gabion and clasp knives Anvils Distributor and coils Wiring assemblies Rolling chairs E ischarge hose Suction hose Circuit detectors Steam engines Winter underwear Shrapnel covers Choke straps Grinder Pyramidal tents Dyeing and finishing duck. . . Denim garments Pyramidal tents Twisted field wire Billets with end clips Russet strap leather Russet straps Bridle leather Stirrup straps Halter headstalls Telescope carrying eases Periscope cases Cavalry bridles Battery commander periscope cases. Gunsling loops Periscope tripod case Latigo straps Air compressors . .' Harness (increased wage) Saddle trees for cart harness. . Magazine pockets Canteen covers hangers Pocket flaps Canvas water-ring buckets Ration bags Cartridge belt flaps Rifle belts Harness Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (1) $82, 350. 00 28, 614. 16 174,354.70 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) 35,470.44 161,159.12 84,937.60 2,305,750.68 Saddles, artillery. Saddle trees Cavalry saddles . . Saddle trees Duck coats Duck trousers 16,532.57 10, 053. 00 5,328.00 700. 00 $5, 660. 53 586.64 93.03 3, 628. 87 (Included in No. 2437.) 1,440,648.40 I 27,689.23 7,742.12 3,845.82 97.43 2, 688. 17 1,751.57 459. 20 10,302.56 1,165,775.93 802. 26 5,315.62 2,021.88 5,186.65 669. 60 1,028.52 10,815.97 5,234.25 1,785.23 655. 20 99.36 2,986.43 1,077.83 22,796.25 16,293.11 1,380.71 2, 060. 51 10,333.18 409.35 928. 34 927. 63 10,180.00 10.19 3,539.90 8,321.29 4, 288. 79 20,656.32 7,961.44 3,861.97 1,743.14 7,294.18 2.963.80 1,560.00 4,559.40 8,782.20 119,204.12 75,727.66 2,940.00 19,760.37 5,403.42 946, 217. 72 538, 895. 36 284,994.54 63,429.52 41,358.90 93, 206. 50 26,959.67 17, 656. 50 16, 542. 50 4,160.50 11,962.50 17,983.46 3,636.80 68, 250. 00 26,598.05 23,141.46 106,792.95 96,032.05 62,243.87 313,421.12 34,242.24 700,056.00 137,732.00 287, 640. 00 96,327.00 2, 797. 20 3,979.08 689. 76 6,649.81 87.60 910. 29 14,035.37 201. 18 2,558.97 242.58 754. 66 13,960.54 46 668.56 356. 37 27,396.27 4,025.33 33,969.33 7, 292. 01 18,909 47 8,556.68 312. 69 229.44 H. Doc. 364, 66-2- 34 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, k- entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected ivith the prosecution of I the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2546 5247 . 2548 2549 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2560 2563 2567 2568 2570 2571 2572 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2691 Name of claimant. (2) Westboro Trunk & Bag Co. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Lonsr, R. H., & Co ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Graton & Knight Manufac- turing Co. ....do ....do Atkins, E. C, & Co. Bucyrus Co Westingh.ou.se Electric & Manufacturing Co. ....do ....do Graton Knight Manufac- turing Co. ....do Mclntyre-Burrall Co , United States Steel Prod- ucts Co. Chadbourne & Moore Jefferson Manufacturing Co . Dresden Woolen Mills , Berg Auto Trunk & Spe- cialty Co. do >■ Gleckner, W. W., & Sons. . Hodgman Rubber Co Panama Knitting Mills do do do do do do do Graton Knight Manufac- turing Co. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Articles or service. (3) Carrying cases Water bucket straps Despatch cases Carrying cases for periscopes.. Carrying cases Straps Harness collars Pannier packs Harness collars Halter headstalls Choke straps Bridles Harness back straps Cruppers Traces Traces and collars Trace covers Bridles Halter headstalls Side straps harness Cinchas Trace covers Bridles Aparejos Gun covers Cartridge belts Breech-lock covers Pouches Feed bags Cartridge belts .- Cases hand detonator fuze set- ter. Knapsack straps Chin straps Circular saws and saw bits. . . . Spares for mobile derricks Exploders do Electric motors. Leather Wire-cutter carriers . Pannier packs Rail braces Gas mask webbing. Blankets Wool stockings Periscope cases Telescope cases Cable trace harness. Foot raincoats Puttees .'... Spiral puttees Puttees Spiral puttees Mufflers Spiral puttees do do Crownpieces Curb reins Reins, left Upper spur straps Headstalls Rifle scabbard straps. do Throat latches Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $3, 237. 50 13,855.00 13,434.00 2,601.00 '479,4U."i6 21,498.75 5, 130. 00 10,077.75 28, 738. 50 14,118.70 56, 298. 60 168, 939. 70 18,585.00 40,731.25 16, 875. 10 24,375.00 45, 447. 80 454, 032. 00 12,611.82 17,770.09 425, 474. 55 88, 307. 25 668. 00 11,214.28 45,000.00 77,454.00 40, 200. 00 36. 715. 20 30. 005. 21 32, 966. 70 139, 200. 00 1,109,854.68 261, 302. 04 1,112,542.24 49, 765. 50 (Included i ii 62,415.00 463,957.20 . (Included in (Included in Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $2, 549. 84 539. 18 2, 520. 13 454. 28 3,387.47 3,669.93 526.04 124, 554. 40 167,281.56 25, 904. 30 7, 569. 22 1,937.18 250, 197. 68 3,531.15 32. 102. 80 12,013.88 36,521.03 7, 623. 13 6, 664. 27 15,346.86 2, 103. 89 17,368.00 1,851.03 889. 80 13, 170. 96 357.72 5,712.41 10, 974. 77 955. 30 4,331.23 687. 04 864. 10 1, 527. 75 7,921.30 513. 74 6, 955. 20 28, 862. 01 23,222.27 7, 186. 13 8,361.62 7,960.45 100, 572. 82 47, 495. 30 5, 656. 51 41, 222. 82 6. 783. 54 8. 875. 55 24,111.00 12, 302. 23 75, 653. 06 88, 297. 38 235, 633. 10 434. 70 No. 2577.) 2, 970. 45 34,465.90 No. 2577.) No. 2577.) 22. 719. 81 8,321.27 7,833.99 386. 42 6, 247. 47 203.01 75.21 420. 51 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 35 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2598 2599 2600 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2624 2625 2627 2628 2629 2630 2632 2633 2637 2639 2644 2645 2646 2647 2651 2653 2654 26.55 2656 2657 2658 2659 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 Name of claimant. (2-) Graton Knight Manufac- turing Co. ....do ....do ....do Padgett Bros Strook, S., &Co Wilson, Thomas H. (Inc.)... New Brattleboro Overall Co. Clinton Saddlery Co do do do Bayley Williams & Co Clinton Saddlery Co do Straus Saddlery Co Textile Manufacturing Co . . . Liberty Durgin Co do Wallace & Smith Co Howell Hinchman Co., The. Wallace & Smith Co Podson FisherBrockman Co. Taylor. C. A., Trunk Works. New England Whip Co Frazer & Jones Co ....do Bates, A. J., & Co Economy Harness Co Piedmont Commission Co. . . Pouers Manufacturing Co DickeToolCo Federal Knitting Mills Co. .. Bray, W. S., & Sons Co ....do Articles or service. (3) Crownpieces. Clark, John, Saddlery Co. . . Black, Joseph, & Sons. Sears Saddlery Co do do do do PlantBros. & Co do do do Bamberger-Reinthal Co Schefler & Rossum Co Bound Brook Woolen Mills. . M. & C. Skirt Co ....do ....do Stratton Warren Hardware Co. Brauer Bros. Manufacturing Co. ....do Peru Plow & Wheel Co Brauer Bros. Manufacturing Co. ....do ....do Summerdale Dyeing, Fin- ishing & Printing Works. ....do ....do ....do ....do Trace breeching loops Bayonet scabbards Reins, right Cable trace harness (increased wage). Olive-drab blankets Officers' serge Denim trousers Backstraps Cavalry saddles Artillery bridles Artillery breast collars Screw stakes Artillery bridles Artillery chokestraps Cavalry saddles Underwear Carriers for rifles Haversacks Canvas for aparejos Russet bag leather Artillery saddles Cavalry saddles Leather carrying cases Whips Bronze loops Halter squares Shell carriers Halters (increased wage) Duck Pack carrier strap retainers Lineman 's climbers Spiral puttees Scabbards Knife scabbards Artillery saddles (increased wage). Light-weight wool socks Single set harness, ambulance (increased wage). Single set harness, ambulance. Harness backstraps Cavalry saddles Pannier packs Canvas water buckets Feed bags Magazine pockets Pistol belts Spiral puttees Cavalry bridles Melton Canteen covers Pack carrier containers Chapes for ax carriers Single set harness (increased wage). Cuers for bayonet scabbards. . . Carrying cases Escort wagons and parts. Bolo scabbards Magazine carrier for rifles. . . Shovel carriers Dyeing and finishing duck. .do. .do. .do. .do. Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $51, 185. 00 387. 60 18, 018. 00 143, 298. 75 10, 237. 50 61,444.50 93,557.08 8, 415. 00 2, 063. 75 128,454.00 104, 275. 00 24,000.00 709, 686. 56 22, 297. 20 35,092.10 377, 853. 66 171,904.00 3,624.90 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) 4,344.55 10, 295. 97 46,753.30 257, 537. 96 9, 596. 52 281, 106. 00 28,361.74 23,130.07 59, 653. 82 (Included in 38,471.40 128,551.50 64, 008. 00 23,383.80 229,724.40 44,850.00 328, 172. 80 258,214.10 356,972.75 91, 459. 85 13,541.00 8, 575. 49 5,384.07 44, 403. 80 39, 445. 73 1,260.00 74, 103. 70 12,203.20 24, 940. 54 $1, 077. 28 2, 080. 58 19, 156. 60 12,852.13 1,598.49 2, 739. 84 18,732.60 854. 10 2,823.22 11,739.88 639. 15 1,129.74 14,772.01 344. 70 331. 82 60,474.50 2, 477. 67 10, 043. 77 537. 60 3,088.61 1,418.81 9, 840. 13 7,979.72 28, 364, 35 2,186.03 644.89 1,072.52 566. 27 875.30 18,349.18 83.40 169. 63 40, 567. 85 3,464.52 5,222.24 4, 182. 18 52, 576. 07 2,913.85 No. 2644.) 240. 76 25, 122. 96 54,844.76 1,281.73 25, 235. 05 3,664.70 18,655.09 24,954.00 49, 212. 33 13, 715. 02 402. 62 220. 19 246. 15 570. 00 5, 782. 57 182.48 915.63 55,756.12 5,203.37 163. 18 97.14 62.24 340.93 105.11 234.08 36 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919* entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. OFFICE DIEECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 2678 2679 2680 2681 2683 2684 2686 2687 2688 2690 2691 2694 2695 2696 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2706 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2719 2720 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2741 2743 2744 2745 2746 2748 2749 2750 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2761 2762 2763 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2772 2773 2774 Name of claimant. (2) Summerdale Dyeing, Fin- ishing & Printing Works. do do Consolidated Manufacturers Corporations. Perkins Campbell Co Scheffer & Rossum Co Messer Manufacturing Co.. . Scuill Manufacturing Co Taubel, William F Langrock Bros. Co Penn. Worsted Co Frank L. Saddlery Co do do Van Nostrand Saddlery Co. Lee Loader & Body Co Campe Corporation. The. . . South bridge Printing Co. . . Burt, Edwin C, & Co do Wate loo Saddlery Co Glorie Underwear Co Republic Knitting Mills. Articles or service. (3) Rhodes & Ripley Co... Perry Knitting Co Burt, Fdwin C, & Co. HUles & Jones Co .do. Dyeing and finishing duck do. do. Beans. Augusta Knitting Co do do do do do do do do American Chain Co Salisbury Wheel & Axle Co. Bast, J. F., & Sons Hooper Sons Manufacturing Co. do Mc Andrews & Forbes Co... Perkins Campbell Co Boyle, John, & Co. (Inc.).. do do Brown Hoisting Machine Co Bethlehem Steel Co Osterman Fried & Co Cavanaugh Knitting Co. (Inc.). Kitzmiller, F. Y do Elgin Silk Waist Co Chandeberg Woolen Mills . . Hadfield Hosiery Co Marshall Wells Co do do do do Kress, Frank F., & Co Parkhurst. J. F., Son Co., The do do Collars Cavalry saddles Wool trousers Zinc buttons Light-weight wool stockings. . . Tents Melton Coat straps, McClellan saddles. Cinch straps Straps, artillery harness (in- creased wage) . Pannier packs ( increased wage) Spare parts for trailers Cotton undershirts Dyeing and finishing drills Periscope tripod cases Gunners pouch Single set harness, ambulance (increased wage). Cotton undershirts Worsted and cotton ribbed undershirts. Wool trousers Summer undershirts Dispatch cases Shearing and punching ma- chines. Double end punches shears Underwear/. do do do do do do do do Sprag stay chains Sprage release assemblies Cotton undershirts Stay binding do Wall board Black cable harness . Paulins do Gun covers Clam-shell buckets . . Switch stands Mittens Underwear Light wool stockings do MosquitO bars Melton Heavy wool stockings Back straps Back strap, wheels Ordnance Artillery harness . . Breast collars Artillery bridles Collars (increased wage) Harness parts Pistol holsters Bridles Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $525, 220. 60 632, 555. 00 55,308.40 340, 403. 14 86,353.31 309, 592. 63 3, 103. 65 94, 400. 00 772. 39 5, 587. 26 6, 680. 96 67, 265. 54 127, 638. 26 177,282.80 19, 936. 80 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $155. 37 729.20 14.51 7, 123. 82 10, 585. 38 59,675.12 2,232.27 9,437.68 143,648.26 10, 393. 53 16,065.00 595. 68 1, 596. 00 11,984.99 2, 549. 23 8,226.28 528. 64 29.35 24,082.67 2,691.64 3, 292. 48 4,663.11 1,256.18 1,000.00 2,285.63 5,013.38 2,298.82 1,166.67 (Included in No. 2727.) (IncludedinNo.2731.) 5,590 045.95 | 473.993.11 (Included inNo. 2727.) (Included in No. 2731.) (^Included in No. 2727.) 1,903.753.00 I 177.567.15 (Included in No. 2727.) (IncludedinNo.2731.) 2, 545. 87 9.402.45 9 14S.56 3,003.48 61,441.80 63,098.40 43,929.98 166.545.50 7,994.40 75,589.60 221,562.70 87,725.44 147,703.15 4,781.82 27.799.20 268, 810. 78 101,174.80 23,271.60 15.776.00 5,512.50 56,839.90 6,914.75 25,184.34 8, 727. 13 2,360.48 142,804.71 5,163.08 3,800.15 3,933.32 27,527.82 4,189.96 377. 50 14,517.91 91,401.35 100,801.83 2,373.73 2,677.70' 72,698.86 1,956.71 2,063.34 10,624.30 7,473.87 1,393.93' 1,932.00 3,253.76 265. 30 3,952.5$ CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 37 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes'' — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. 0) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement (>) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) PC 2775 2777 2784 2785 27S6 2787 2789 2790 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2804 2806 2807 2818 2824 2831 2832 2834 2845 2846 2847 2851 2852 2863 2854 2856 2857 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2867 2869 2871 2877 2879 2881 2883 2884 2886 2887 2888 2889 2894 2895 2897 2905 2911 2912 2913 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2924 Brooks Hosiery Mills.. Hildreth. A. G Davis, W., & Sons Sidney Tanning Co Cooper Underwear Co. Angsten Kox Co Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co. do Progressive Knitting Works Perkins Campbell Co Fetters Co. (Inc.), The Pei kins Campbell Co do ....do Western Saddlery Co Dorman Bros Robinson McGill Manufac- turing Co. Van Nostrand Saddlery Co . Wissen Wagon Co Forest Furniture Co Kuerston & Pick Co Boston Belting Corporation. Lynchburg Hosiery Co Suton, E., & Sons Block, H. L., &Co Leitz.E. (Inc.) ....do Metal Hose Tubing Co Peters, H. S. (Inc.) Electric Storage Battery Co Nolde& Horst Russell Manufacturing Co . . . Paris Saddlery Co Heald Machine Co ....do ....do Becker & Co., W. A Belting Co., Liberty Pilling & Madely (inc.). Farnan Brass Works Keystone Bros ....do McMonies & Co., W. H. ....do Wellington, Sears & Co. ....do Ballard Knitting Co Read Bros. , J. G Frank, L. ( Saddlery Co .Snellenburg Clothing Co., The Acushnet Mills Corporation. Carpenter, Geo. B., Co Lichtenberger Fergusen Co. . Rice Sorin Saddlery Co do do Smith & Son Carpet Co., Alex. do American Mills Co., The do Rosennasser Brothers Resolute Knitting Mills American Mills Co do Heavy wool stockings $121,271.57 Denim trousers 1 . 788. 66 Cavalry saddles 39, 000. 00 Russet strap leather sides 13, 299. 21 Garments 1, 248. 229. 50 Mouthpiece bushings for bay- 2.988. 52 onet scabbards. Hose coupling, brass .do. Web currycomb handles Traces for battery reel Grav inner lining felt Artillery wheel traces Artillery saddles Horse collars and nose bags... Cavalry saddles Blankets Cable trace harness (increased wage). Pannier packs Escort wagon parts , do Light wool stockings Pneumatic hose Light weight woolen hose Light wool stockings Leather mittens Vials Eosin Microtome freezing attach- ments. Hose Denim trousers Storage cells Light weight socks Olive-drab webl ing Single set harness wheel (in- creased wage). Cylinder grinder and spares.. . Cylinder grinders ....do Bed sacks Olive drab webbing Wool stockings Brass hose couplings Single set cable trace harness. . Rifle scabbards ....do Pistol holsters Grav duck ....do Summer undershirts Single set cable trace harness (increased wage). Straps, saddlery harness (in- creased wage). Overcoats Combed cheesecloth Winches Rifle scabbards Point parts for gun slings . Cavalry saddles Blinders Duck Olive-drab blankets. . Olive-drab webbing.. Drab webbing Mounted leggins Light wool stockings. Olive-drab webbing.. do 62.817.84 159,173.19 133.256.88 310,862.88 182,149.60 210,642.75 425,628.45 38,872,00 10.338.45 8,229.39 45,309.25 163,699.20 59.005.00 43,813.96 193. 75 40,606.00 73,232.65 33,224.80 23,064.54 59,044.86 62,640.00 95,835.45 76,260.00 30,600.00 212 580.73 9,774.51 146,403.02 $40,414.12 125. 68 540. 35 552. 42 10,010.29 822. 5S 5, 352. 40 736. 00 4,537.46 10,045.69 2,950.25 1,113.20 8, 395. 96 1,786.26 49,573.39 9,325.17 1,026.67 26,462.44 818. 18 46,608.67 5,767.45 640. 00 1,754.94 47,703.69 956. 66 269. 00 376. 48 1,986.03 889. 58 590. 08 41,611.96 438.42 3,465.64 180.00 800. 00 180.00 253. 81 2,248.69- 98,702.83 828.40 872. 80 675. 88 291.80 235. 37 5,956.50 183. 01 5,937.42 523.20 (Included in No. 2696.) 2, 525. i 21,478.71 153,750.00 48,201.20 248,929.00 27, 596. 36 622,971. 7S 3,594,728.00 S50. 24 32,065.81 417,216.00 57. 203. 80 16,678.20 35,870.97 2,163.48 2,278.33 11,760.66 5.530.66 18,946.19 70.18 38,161.91 55,255.21 13,646.40 1,670.08 42,040.32 19.662.21 1,638.52 8.022.61 38 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Art icles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. PC 2925 2926 2927 292S 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2941 2943 2948 2949 2951 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2966 2'Ji is 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2976 2978 2980 2981 2981 2986 2988 2990 2991 2992 2993 2996 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3009 3010 3011 3012 3017 3018 3019 3020 3022 3023 3021 3025 3026 3039 Davis & Sons, W.... Evans, William H.. do ....do Davis, W., and Sons. .do. Progressive Knitting Works, (Inc.) Meissner Leather Co do do Oak Knitting Co Hubbard & Co Gallup S. C. Saddlery Co.... Wright Underwear Co. , (Inc.). Krich & Sons Sparkes & Co. (Inc.) Rose & Sons, Peter Buck Hosiery Co., Thos.W.. American Road Machine Co. Virginia Bridge & Iron Co... Glen Manufacturing Co Johnson & Co., F. S do Cohen, Goodman Co Barber Manufacturing Co. . . Plant Bros. & Co Wellington Sears & Co Minn. Harness Factory (Inc.) Norristown Woolen Co West, W. I'., & Son .. Ro=enwasser Bros Miller, lacob, Sons & Co Metakcloth Co Bennett, Fied S., & Son Barrell, Win. L., & Co Fiske Rubber Co Woomsocket, Wagon Co Faton, Chas. A., & Co Irwin A uger Bit Co Horstmann, Wm. II., & Co. . Van Cleft & Co Tfarpham Bros. & Co R. 1 . Worsted Mills White L. Q.Co White I . Q. Shoe Co Hame, U. S., & Co Reeves Manufacturing Co. .. Chase, L. C, & Co Trimount Coa t Co Rudd, Edw. G., Ivlffir. Co Batteries Bridge & Iron Co.. Robertson. H. I'. Co Clinton Wire Cloth Co 'i tamilton Cotton Co I [amilton Cotton Co. (Ltd.). Richardson Mfg. Co do Giether T ire Equipment Co Aliens, N.R., Sons & Co... Bemis Bros. Rag Co * Crump, Benj., & Co Plant Rros. & Co Indianapolis Glove Co La Porte Harness Co Rosen wald & Weil Sandford Herman Saddlerv Co. Superior Manufacturing Co. Single set cable trace harness. . Olive-drab webbing do do Cavalry saddlery (increased wage). dO ; Repair pockets for cartridges belts Half soles Top lifts do Shirts Shovels Cavalry saddles Underwear $20,880.00 7,721.00 49.239.19 67,233.35 (Included in No. 2929.) 44,730.00 33,727.20 1,594.08 190.172.28 69,206.80 55,245.28 117,990.00 308,824.20 Denim garments Pyramidal tents Cable trace harness Light weight wool socks Rock crushers Military steel bridge Wagon parts Rifle scabbards Cavalry saddles Wool trousers (increased wage) Olive-drab webbing Mag line belts Dyeing duck Cable and trace harness 277.01 139. 50 264.58 633. 35 113 711 344.50 200. 00 092. 36 664.50 857. 30 022. 40 Melton Towels Breech-mechanism case.-. < sli e-drab flannel shirts Gra j duck Oli •e-drab shelter-tent duck. . ]>uck c oli- i tires Sanitary carts Field shoes Wood-bormg bits Olive-drab webbing Pliers Cavalry saddles Melton Kield shoes do Fog switch snaps and roller. . . Corrueated steel sheets Pistol belts ( > -. ci coa ts Corrugated steel sheets Batteries Escort wa°on paits ! ly screening wire weaving. . . Halter webbing Olive-drab webbing Escort wagon parts do 1 lose nozzles and wrenches R usset strap leather Osnaburgs Cable trace harness Cartri' Ige belts Gloves and mittens Cable trace harness Slickers Harness 60S, 115. 02 52, 208. 62 271,009.52 60,162.21 16,824.30 129,700.01 229, 052. 10 7,296.00 ,529,193.21 7, 527. 24 45, 125.00 273,848.23 362,068.60 151,911.42 13,708.00 134,767.80 5,516.10 383. 563. 16 3,200.00 10,911.48 31,331.96 18,182.29 7,440.00 42,480.44 29, 588. 25 Summei underwear. 800,6U.19 111,871.08 6, 960. 00 64,667.95 653, 680. 00 76; 560. 00 ,386,2 0. 80 41,760.00 114,673.20 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 39 Beport to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment, (5) PC 3040 3041 3042 3046 30 J 7 3051 30.-,.-) 3056 3057 3058 3060 3061 30«2 3063 3065 3066 3068 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 307* 3079 3080 30S1 3082 308 1 3085 3088 3089 3092 3093 3095 3096 3097 3098 3000 3100 3101 3105 3106 3107 .31 OS 3110 3112 3113 3111 3115 3116 3117 3118 3110 3120 3121 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3130 Iron Venna Tool Works . . Continental Belt & Works. Opneral Fleetric Co Mynol Chemical Co., The. . Du Pont I>e Nemours. E. J., Co.. Carolina Cot ton Woolen Mills Parkersburg Iron & Steel Co. do do Nichols, John C, & Co .do. .do. .do. .do. Active Furaituie Co. . . Oreilich, H. C Spaulding, A. G., &Co. do Clift & Goodrich .do. do. Twin City Tent & Awning Co. Meyer Bros. Saddlery Co — Indianapolis Saddlery Co . . . Flias, G., & Bro. (Inc.) National Can Co Mifflinburg Body Co Meyer, John H., & Co Bourn Rubber Co Phoenix Trimming Co Navlor Pierson-Haugh Co. . . L. '& L. Mfg. Co., The Rice & Hutchins Co. (Inc.) . Fi-isbie & Stansfield Knit- ting Co. Straus-Bodenheimer Sad- dlery Co. Burke Flectric Co American Road Maehinerv Co. Hooner Sons MK Co Morse Leopold & Co North Dakota Harness Co. . - Salt Lake Hardware Co Hinds, Thos., & Co.. Southern Overall Co. Sylva Knitting Co. . . Boyd Caldwell Co. ... Augusta Knitting Co. ....do Mattocks, sledge hammers. . . Machine and carriage bolts . . . Madza lamps Gutta-percha points.. Electric blasting caps . $19,966.44 30.332.41 Bleached sheets Individual steel sheltei Corrugated sheets Two-men steel shelters Artillery breast collars Back straps Back st ra p for artillery harness Artillery bridles do." Choke strans Wagon parts Bed sacks Mufflers Steed stirrups Summer undershirts Undershirts Cotton undershirts Truck covers 160,324.08 "70,544." 20 16,591.50 7, 920. 00 S. !IS. 00 3.000.00 3, 780. 00 1,312.50 2, 07 I. 10 2, 067. 36 75,874.05 49,700.00 14,196.00 23 1,832. 10 93,601.80 32,870.00 Cable trace harness (increased wage). Gunslings (increased wage) — Wagon parts Boxes tin fuse Escort wagon parts Dyeing duck Rubber hip boots Olive-drab webbing Cal le trace harness Shelter-tent hal . es Field shoes Underwear 20,115.02 Cavalry saddles. 2, 962. 02 3.311.99 60,131.40 105, 026. 63 20, 880. 00 1, ; 2::.SI 147,175.80 1.15,373.30 4,582.00 Generators Rock crashers. Sewing tape Officers' uniforms Gable trace harness Cable trace harness (increased wage 1. Spring release assemblies Deni n garments Cotton undershirts j feavv wool stockings Underwear do ....do ....do Everlastic (Inc.). ....do .do. .do. .00. .do. .do. Olive-drab webbing do ....do do Pennsylvania Working Home for Blind. Mills, Frederick H Alward Anderson Southard Co. A \ all >n Knitwear Co ....do ....do Stutz-Mar Tractor Corp do Corn brooms. ....do Leather jerkms. Undershirts Winter underwear. Underwear Steel wheels 17,230. 2 55,2 2.02 129,600. 00 (Included in No. (Included in No (Included in No (Included in No 1:1,271.57 108,066.32 33,344.19 4, 139.85 72.130.15 L8, 138.00 52, 800. 87 19,698.75 133,0 2. SO 1,038,190.00 375,220.15 $13, 584. 44 504. 40 555. 32 75. 00" 5, 807. 64 5, 132. 63 2,627.80 8,075.40 7,1711.00 3,210.97 1,111.62 1,081.64 700. 94 1,190.29 364. 3j 3,042.94 2,647. S» 1,871.32 1.624.53 7,623. J 3 13,415.03 20, US. 92 170. IS 306. 58 0. 973. 80> 2.0S6.19 2,029.39- 6.204.28- 91.55 1,167.60 1 1 , 055. 681 3,093.83 711.94 75, 028. 95- 28, 851. 42 26,321.89" 1,356.76- 19,993.60 1.950.00 i; 895. 65 23, 978. 98 1,110.33 3. 738. 73 191.17 6.321.22 13, 187. 13 2731.) , 2727.) .2727.) .2727.) 15,47 31,720.19 12,133.82 63,697.22 5.128.22 9,046.13- 8, 658. 29 4,536.24 .31 100,651.53 3, 995. 92 15,641.22 842.77 40 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. PC 3131 3132 3133 3134 3136 3140 3142 3144 3146 3154 3155 3156 3157 3159 3160 3162 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 31 HI 3183 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 .3190 3192 3194 3195 3196 3197 3199 3201 3209 3210 3211 3215 3216 3218 3219 3227 3228 3229 3232 3236 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3247 Union Electric Mfg. Co National Bell ing Co Purcell, Win., Harness Co.. Hermann-Sani'ord Saddlery Co. Runart Saddlery Co Vaughn Knitting Co Scheffer & Rossum Co Nashville Saddlery Co Edwards, A. N..'. Hardisen & Gat.hright Co . . . Winser & Newton Southern Overall Co Walker Webbing Co Hermann Sanford Saddlery Co. Sehoellkopp Co., The do ^■'tarter and spare parts Pouches Harness Cavalry saddles Stimip straps Lifht wool stocking; Harness Cable trace harness, do CJenenl Fleetric Co Seattle Frog & Switch Co. . Long, R. H., & Co do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Raybestos, The, Co do Deitsch Bros Worthen & Aldrich Rosdale Knitting Co Purcell, Wm., Harness Co. Marlboro Cotton Mills. Urbania Harness Co... Hardcnbergh, P. R. L. & Co Ganter & MatternCo Wellington Scars Co Knestner, John, Manufac- turing Co. Edwards, E., & Sons American Hide & Leather Co. • Bradford & Co do do American Dump Car Co Bernd, G., & Co Randolph Furniture Co Curtis, F. M„ & Co Enterprise Manufacturing Co. Herman Sanford Saddlery Co. Clinton Saddlery Co do Hays, J. M., Wood Products Co. Fishman & Tobin Warner Underwear Co Showers Bros. Co Powell, William, & Co Warren Tool & Forge Co Enterprise Manufacturing Co. Tools . Water colors and brushes . Denim garments Oli . e-drab webbing Gunshngs Cable trace harness Single set cable tiace harness (increased wage). Wire Turn cuts, joints, switch stands Caitridge belts Bandoleers Cartridge belts Ration bags Cartridge belts Meat-can pouches Chapes Ritle belts Coucliats magazine carriers do Cleaning-cases rods Billets Olive-drab webbing Olive-drab lariat webbing Guidon standard carriers Duck Light wool stoclrings Cable trace harness (increased wage). Duck Single set cable trace harness (increased wage). Single set cable trace harness. Underwear Twills for uniforms Burlap Flannel shirts Russet bag leather . Repair pockets for belts Body straps for pack carriers. Haversack suspenders Screw posts Cable trace harness Escort wagon parts do Brow band ornaments Top straps Straps (increased wage) . Cable trace harness Saddle trees $1,844.00 136,088.88 66,120.00 140.225.00 60,377.76 45, 527. 80 57, 656. 00 S3, 520. 00 102, 336. 00 2,609. JH 9, 857. 07 S2, 880. 00 41,350.60 11,286.00 11,309.54 33, 593. 70 78, 772. 23 1,306.69 9,897.50 4,731.47 1.60 9,396.47 54,451.67 328, 613. 07 69, 600. 00 286,429.75 43,439.39 24, 480. 53 43,776.24 53,303.58 33, 454. 40 3, 480. 00 6,815.64 Barrack bags Cotton undershirts Medical and surgical chests . Fittings Pickaxes Brow band ornaments 41,760.00 1,240,S27.00 4,904.07 27,013.86 24,344.00 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 41 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approiwd Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other ptirposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Name of elaiman! . (2) Newport Rolling Mill Co.. Canvas Products Co Art Work Shop, The Marston, C. S., jr Propper, A., & Co Collins, J. Ross Canvas Products Co do New England Cable Co Rosenwasser Bros Roebling, John A., & Sons Co. Wellsten Planing Mill Co. . . - Johnstown Knitting Mills Co Jamestown Lounge Co Cottrell Saddlery Co St it chbound Hosiery Co MetalclothCo MetaklothCo Long, R. H do do do do Paris Saddlery Co Consolidated Manufacturing Co. Reed, Jacob, & Sons Co MetaklothCo American Steel & Wire Co . RiegelSackCo Schoellkopp Co., The Chapman, W. C..^ Bietrich, Edw American Button Co Bigelow Hartford Carpet Co. Allen Lane & Co Wood Manufacturing Co., Frank. American Brass Co Traut & Hine Manufactur- ing Co. do North & Judd Manufactur- ing Co. Turner & Seymour Manu- facturing Co., The. do Flcisher & Co., Louis Bethlehem Steel Co Wellington Sears & Co Dolge Felt Co Leedom &Co., Thos. L Alliance Knitting Mills Brown, Wilson H Guide Motor Lamp Manu- facturing Co. Brown Hoisting Machinerv Co. Baltimore Harness Co Dougherty Bros. Tent & Awning Co. St. Louis Metal Ware Co Clinton Saddlery Co Milwaukee Stove Co Salt Lake Hardware Co Dornan Bros Virginia Awning & Tent Co. Noble-Beverage Co Article.; or service. (3) Corrugated steel sheets Meat-can pouches Collapsible canvas water buckets. Field shoes Spiral puttees Canvas water buckets Cartridge belt repair pockets . . . Pack carriers Wire Spiral puttees Traces Saddle trees Underwear Escort wagon parts Cable trace harness Heavy woolen stockings Dyeing duck ..'..do Shovel carriers Cartridge belts do Canteen covers Pistol belts Single set harness, wheel (in- creased wage). Cotton breeches Music pouches Dyeing duck Traces Pistol bandoleers Cable trace harness (increased wage). Woolen gloves Escort wagon parts Buttons Gray duck Blankets Olive-drab webbing Oblong grommets and washers. Double hooks Brass eyelets and washers. . Chapes and suspender clips. Belt fasteners do Wool service coats 24-pound rails Gray duck Gray canteen felt Gray cotton duck Summer undershirts Knitted woolen puttees. Electric lamps Clamshell buckets. Trace harness . . . Pyramidal tents . Camp kettles Straps Cincreased wage). Field shoes Cable trace harness Gray duck Pyramidal tents Gray duck Articles or sen ices ac- cepted under agreement. (4) 854,619.32 29,294.10 619,812.00 29, 169. 66 62,624.32 85, 788. 00 167,307.00 121,575.00 85,213.70 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) 10, 440. 00 135, 221. 45 18,791.35 (Included in 23, 115. 40 403, 695. 75 39, 260. 02 48,925.08 317, 586. 80 (Included in 49,599.14 886,533.22 1,021.12 2,758.36 29,822.34 54,372.52 1,143.80 953. 31 7,170.00 2,023.98 3,810.18 9,271.76 38,392.67 7, 120. 35 19, 173. 59 2, 510. 53 49,473.57 795. 84 No. 3275.) 3.716.17 6,609.16 1,668.12 2,359. 19 13,970.91 No. 2861.) 2, 667. 35 63,928.00 9,957.22 (Included in No. 3275.) 135,625.00 I 40,697.04 9,877.00 | 569.86 (Included in No. 3162.) 1,054,508.65 45, 495. 65 4, 167. 00 110.02 72, 192. 80 6, 754. 25 296,242.74 11,081.16 580, 488. 79 2,079.19 15,340.70 2,017.56 10, 083. 17 4,304.38 6, 887. 52 3,961.24 2,200.55 13, 706. 88 3,593.67 13,286.85 55, 803. 17 17,050.92 199, 521. 75 21,257.70 150, 124. 80 3,070.00 6, 124. 80 371.30 3,675.82 942.95 901. 73 550. 93 63, 526. 50 106. 68 4,229.50 12,022.60 4,802.58 344,006.16 2,548.27 17,360.63 1,934.70 438. 42 33,991.12 376.96 (Included in No. 3229.) 20,238.64 10, 844. 76 9, 745. 26 455. 00 188.86 45, 240. 00 56, 845. 04 1,364.00 42 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of" the war, and for other purposes" — -Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 3349 3350 3352 3354 3355 3356 3358 3361 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3388 3389 3390 3391 3393 3394 3395 3306 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3410 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 Name of claimant. (2) Fisher Spring Co., Chas Taylor & Co.", H. D Gilbert Knitting Co Noble-Beveridge Co Ratsey & Lapthorn (Ltd.). Voss & Barer Manufacturing Co. Schcffcr & Rossum Hoeges &Co., Wm. H... Aeppli & Smith The H. RlackCo Aetna Hosiery Co Everett Knitting Mills . . . Tatum, Pinkham & Grey... American Felt Co Lawrence & Co Bourn Rubber Co Eastern Finishing Works . . Saxony Knitting Mills Economy Drawing Table Co Waterburv Buckle Co The W. &'K. Co Taylor Armitage &Co. (Inc.) do Contoocock Mills Corpora- tion. Winstcad Hosiery Co De I uc & Co Lawrence & Co United States Worsted Co... Wilev Bickford Sweet Co — do Traut & Hine Manufactur- ing Co. MeMurchy & Sons Co., John . Hotzl, Henry, & Son Buffalo Weaving & Belting Co. do do do do do do do Des Moines Saddlery Co Buffalo Weaving & Belting Co. Kurshan Bros do Jewett Stamping Co Eagle Ottawa Leather Co Squibb* Sons, E. R Beilaine Enamel Co Eclipse Stove Co Edgewater Dyeing & Fin- ishing Co. do do ....do do do Studebaker Harness Co do do ....do Schefler & Rossum. Articles or service. (3) Toggles Paulins Winter underwear Dyeing and finishing duck . Paulins Harness Cavalry saddles (increased wage). Pyramidal tents Mittens Cotton coats (increased wage). Heavy wool hose Undershirts and drawers Summer undershirts Blankets Wool stockings Rubber gailers Coloring and waterproofing — Worsted drawers Pickaxe handles Waist belts Melton Duck do Wool hose Wool stockings Shell er tents Wool stockings Melton Canvas leggins Puttees Brow band ornaments . Heavy wool stockings. Cavalry saddles Olive-drab webbing. . . Olive-drab halter webbing Olive-drab webbing ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Halters (increased wage) . . . Olive-drab webbing Canvas padding do Enamel pots, 12-quart Bridle leather Biologicals Enamel pots Spares for rolling kitchen.. Dyeing and finishing drill. Dyeing and finishing duck Dyeing and finishing osnaburgs Dyeing and finishing duck do do Ambulance harness Single set cable trace harness. . Ambulance harness wheels (increased wage.) do Cavalry saddles (increased wage.) Art icles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $11,331.00 47, 752. 00 202, 593. 30 13, 424. 04 20, 880. 00 45,395.78 260, 153. 41 159,581.40 80,761.80 1,258,252.50 1,351,344.00 19,083.22 38, 728. SO 114, 583.33 170,371.40 862,863..-;. 1,089,074. 7s 1,023,819.39 173, 748. 50 170, 880. 00 17:941.50 ' 81,510.00 2,554,831.50 400,932.00 26, 050. 91 81,592.00 547,811.20 6,942.00 30, 793. 80 4, 883. 00 7, 192. 80 12,464.10 20, 700. 90 53,640.60 1,133.22 29,358.00 30, 968. 64 142,601.00 126, 889. 66 103. 95 15, 192. 66 10,064.40 458, 880. 00 30.S48.00 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (Included in No. 3427.) (Included in No. 335S.) CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 43 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected voith the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 3431 3432 3433 3434 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3450 3451 3452 3453 3458 3450 3460 3470 3471 3473 3474 3475 3470 3477 3480 34S1 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3498 3499 3500 3503 3504 3506 3509 3511 3512 3513 3517 3518 3519 3520 3528 3529 3531 3532 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3551 3552 3553 3554 3557 355S Name of claim an! . (2) Summerdale Dyeing, Print- ins & Finishing Works. do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do I Bradford Dyemg Association do '... t Keller Printing Co Du Pont deNemours E. & 1 . Co Tron King Overall Co Richardson & Sterling Smith & Hemingway I Nieduer's Sons Co., Charles ] Holsters Co. , The : Millville Manufacturing Co. . do Articles or service. (3) Dyeing and finishing duck. Waterbury Button Co Alve Sidney Kirschjbaum & Co., A. B. . . Sigmund Eisner Co Radcliffe, Walter M Stevens, George Taylor Armitage & Co. ( Inc. ) Perseverance Worsted Co... Great Falls Bleachery & Dve Works. Radcliffe, Walter M Taturo , Pinkham & Grey Co Millbank Manufacturing Co. Birdsell Manufacturing Co.. Brahman Shirt Co Johnson & Co. . F. S Buffalo Weaving & Belt Co. CliftA Goodrich Cleveland Tack Co., The... Tanner & Mayer Wright Wire Co Art In Buttons Cine.) Homer Wagon Co McKinnon Industries | Ltd.) McKinnan Industries (Ltd.) Bristol & Sweet Harness Co. Lake Erie Iron Co Storage Battery Supply Co. Rich-Sam pliner Co Moon George & Co. (Inc.).. do Brier Hill Steel Co., The... do do Hvass Co. , Chas do do do United States Hame Co Lord, A. P Martin Dyeing & Finishing Co. Cannon Mills Ames Bag Machinery Co Elastic Spring Knit Cor Simmons Struve Martin Dyeing & Finishing Co. do do do do do do do do do do do Coat tickets Assembly of demolition outfits Denim garments Large wall flies Mire-cutting pliers < Hive-drab webbing , Cleaning rod cases Dyeing and finishing twill. do , ( 'live-drab shirt buttons... Wool breeches Wool trousers Cotton breeches Wool hose Melton < Iray Army duck Olive-drab melton Bleaching duck Wool hose Cotton underwear Mosquito bars Escort wagon parts Flannel shirts Cable trace harness Olive-drab webbing Summer undershirts Copper tacks Light weight wool stockings.. Wire weaving Buttons Escort wagon parts Drop forge hardware Snaps and rubber Cable trace harness (increased wage). Washers for bolts Hydrometer syringes Spiral puttees. Wheel traces Lead traces Corrugated-steel sheets ....do do Tamping bars Sweepers and brooms Push brooms ....do Pieces hardware Pyramidal tents Dyeing and finishing duck Towels Bed sacks Winter underwear Light weight wool socks Dyeing and finishing duck. Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $2,334.71 17, 185. 88 15,993.24 6, 522. 60 1,840.52 5,055.53 10, 520. 96 1,778.11 1,866.3S 5,014.20 24, 422. 73 12, 693. 00 18,393.92 24,838.32 44,242.77 10,450.00 832, 983. 99 16,230.00 163,593.83 48, 169.87 183, 109. 05 454,919.35 139, 739. 27 68, 824. 34 86, 760. 00 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) (Included in 6, 510. 52 41, 760. 00 22, 692. 00 1,955.94 121,008.62 19,019.78 2,981.00 324,191.22 26,062.6S 949. 05 599,315.00 1,551.81 11,311.95 212,971.81 $410. 43 225. 33 180.00 368. 52 426. 53 667. 48 198. 28 129. 92 254. 05 70.22 253. 18 459. 74 139. 40 675. 80 51.72 308. 03 3,641.83 4, 535. 45 2, 355. 90 292. SO 91.01 435. 60 1,229.23 15,615.60 507. 33 1,113.94 23, 709. 60 10,349.02 59,572.12 34.40 2, 615. 22 352. 50 555. 55 No. 395.) 1,110.79 2, 841. 19 612. 12 1,058.40 638. 72 43, 626. 37 230. 37 11,000.00 7,062.08 114, 168. 53 8, 670. 47 1, 465. 64 41.51 57.00 63,213.55 1,226.74 3,046.37 164,519."" (Included in No. 3534.) (Included in No. 3534.) 970. 22 1,072.47 622. 35 1,674.89 62, 860. 22 402. 51 11,666.32 10,167.00 4,201.67 3,286.67 163, 329. 60 108, 812. 16 20, 153. 02 8, 790. 24 140. 322. 00 38,945.25 1.510.34 2,218.40 782. 15 9, 229. 92 15,300.80 119.11 44 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 3559 3564 3566 3570 3571 3572 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 35S0 3582 *3585 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3596 3599 3601 3602 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3623 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3636 3639 3654 3655 3656 3658 3659 3661 3662 3666 3667 3670 3672 3673 3675 3677 Name of claimant. (2) Garfield Worsted Mills Wells Lamont Manufactur- ing Co. Des Moines Saddlery C Sherman H. B. Manufactur- ing Co. do do Belber Trunk & Bag Co 1 Hum Edge Tool Co Gordon H. B. & Co Defender Manufacturing Co. Iron King Overall Co Frazer Jones Marks Brothers Saddlery Co. Kronauer Co. , Chas Plyer Clarence D Schwan-Seybeith Saddlery Co. Mount Hope Finishing Co. . do ....do Atlantic Underwear Co Fiskdale Finishing Co Articles or service. (3) Clyde Cars Co Bailey, Joshua, & Co Whitaker Glessner Co Bradley, G. W., Axe & Tool Co. ....do Goodrich, B. F., Rubber Co New Castle Knitting Mills. . Whitney, W. E., & Co Caledonia Woolen Mills Garner Print Works & Bleachery. Cleveland Tack Co., The.... Hunter Illumined Car Sign Co. Forman Breen Manufactur- ing Co. Scheffler Rossum Co Lippett Woolen Co Mace Manufacturing Co Cook Motor Co Stark Rolling Mil! Co., The.. ....do Marshall Wells Hardware Co. Union Mills Co. (Inc.) Boyd-Caldwell Co Berg Auto Trunk Specialty Co. ....do Frank Samuel & Sons Eaton Rapids Woolen Mills Whitehouse LeCompte Man- ufacturing Co. Gralen & Knight Manu- facturing Co. Wlutman Williams (Inc.).. Mount Hope Finishing Co. . Voss Barbee Manufacturing Co. Graten Knight Manufactur- ing Co. ....do ....do ....do Olive-drab shirting flannel. Leather mittens Halters (increased wage) . Hose clamps Brass hose couplings Hose clamps Picket-pin cases Pick axes Rain coats (increased wage) . . Bed sacks Wool trousers Roller buckles Cable trace harness (increased wage). Harness (increased wage) Wood Cable trace harness Dyeing duck do do Woolen underwear Dyeing and finishing twill and moleskin. "B" trucks Denim 2-man shelters Machet es Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (J) $1,325,328.61 44, 326. 70 do Pneumatic tool hose Light weight wool stockings.. Escort wagon parts Cap cloth Dveing and finishing plain cloth. Flathead copper tacks Ration containers Breast collars. Aparejos Olive-drab melton O live-drab webbing Engines , Corrugated sheets ....do Collars, ambulance (increased wage Underwear Woolen spiral puttees , Dispatch cases Telescope cases Mackinaws Woolen spiral puttees. Steel snafiie bits Revolver holsters Melton and flannel Dyeing and waterproof ng. Collars (increased wage). . . Coupling straps Collar pads Ammunition box fillers. Collar pads Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $1,678.61 467. 05 (Includedin No. 3399.) 2, 753. J 6, 250. 04 4,332.56 19,810.17 11,910.00 22,315.50 4,046.49 1,507.00 10,989.24 316.90 848.40 239. 82 1, 540. 24 986. 23 747. 77 (Included in No. 2496.) 3,000.00 27, 840. 00 3, 010. 58 36,198.46 33, 438. 56 22,047.15 148,485.00 3,216.08 619,085.61 557. 79 817. 34 5, 539. 78 39,214.08 321. 52 11,275.80 20, 182. 88 267. 12 45.00 (Included in No. 3609.) 728. 75 169, 733. 40 740,358.76 772.65 2, 546. 88 69,215.25 546, 187. 52 509, 308. 80 8,040.00 55, 955. 63 (Included in No. 3631.) (Included in No. 4435.) 82.50 14, 260. 87 8,028.20 20,483.79 1,065.99 549. 02 6, 627. 80 5, 936. 40 49, 102. 35 7, 265. 24 300. 00 3, 229. 70 201,084.42 421,430.00 40, 500. 00 14, 792. 50 11,288.00 144,93ii.0(l 71,750.00 227,341.20 8,421,512.94 128,850.53 68,869.89 18,889.20 39, 834. 87 4,574.70 24,917.94 53,647.19 7, 123. 40 4, 065. 55 149. 72 3,651.66 797. 36 29, 184. 76 67, 516. 58 2, 329. 26 2,363.50 17, 272. 35 7,803.99 733. 26 2, 758. 01 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 45 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. .?, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Name of claimant. (2) Lowell Bleachery. ....do ....do ....do do do Columbia Woolen Mills Watuppa Manufacturing Co Angus Park Graten & Knight Manu- facturing Co. do Peerless Co., The Hatzel, George C. Co do Paramount Knitting Co do do Hird Samuel & Sons Tenney, H. A Friedman, Joseph do Standard Knitting Co Geneva Wagon Co Eagle Ottawa Leather Co. . do Buffalo Non-Ferrous Cast- ing & Manufacturing Co. Cincinnati Galvanizing Co. . Whitehouse - Le Compte Manufacturing Co. Gillaland Laboratories (Inc.) The. Whitehouse - Le Compte Manufacturing Co. Graten & Knight Manu- facturing Co. Huskey Manufacturing Co. . Squire-Pinge Co Wright Wire Co Bradford & Co Austem C Reliance Knittine Co Meyer Bros. Saddlery Co Columbus Anvil & Frg. Co. Bulova, Adolph , Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co Heller Bros Schn''ider& Blumberg(Inc) Beattie Mfg. Co Lazarus, H. E Paramount Leather Prod- ucts Co. Walworth Mfg. Co Folkman, Ben Post, Frank H. & Co T efkowitz, Louis & Bro Rosenwasser Bros Sloane, W. & J Tenison Bros. Saddlery Co. , Bell Locomotive Works Articles or service. (3) Montgomery Ward & Co Kenyon&Co.,C Voss Barbee Manufacturing Co. Belber Trunks & Bag Co., The. Chatham Manufacturing Co. Millville Manufacturing Co.. Dyeing and finishing osnabergs Dvcinc and finishing duck. . . ...'..do Dyeing and finishing twill . . . Dyeing raw salvage duck Dyeing and waterproofing duck. Olive drab mills Olive dcab webbing Olive drab melton Rifle scabbards Pistol holsters Foot raincoats Melton Shirting flannel 1 rqavy wool stockings Wool socks Light wool stockings Shirting flannel <. Shoe stretchers Ration containers do Spiral puttees Escort wagon parts Russet harness leather sides. Russet bridle leather Bronze rings Ash cans Carbon steel snuffle bits. Biological supplies . Spurs Bayonet scabbards. Escort wagon parts . .. Pickles Poultry netting Bedding rolls Overcoats Summer drawers Cable trace harness Anvils Bronze buttons Spare coils Files Overcoats Duck Water sterilizing bags . Canvas foot leggins Pipe fittings Wool trousers Escort wagon parts Officers belts Canvas leggins Grav col ton duck Cable trace harness (increased wage). Miscellaneous locomotive re- pairs. Breast collars Cotton breeches Collars (increased wage) Bedding rolls. Blankets Dyeing and finishing duck. Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) 32,991.26 301,206.56 54,805.73 718,551.60 4,090.50 223,760.24 362,951.60 76,358.19 76,805.30 340,380.00 27,430.98 106,416.45 267,436.00 20,941.85 17,330.55 361,008.00 323.40 138, 820. 16 54, 174. 40 13, 600. 00 47, 837. 50 36,750.00 704,801.32 1,698.67 46, 806. 60 31,494.41 14,386.50 37,528.54 10, 688. 00 1,004.56 2,046.72 62,444.00 115,446.94 23.90 172,192.72 971.25 521.50 297,158.00 176,418.70 3,499.80 238,781.25 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $638. 78 118.10 1,258.82 1,980.11 137.73 218. 08 89.69 183. 85 50, 500. 79 6,251.98 22, 136. 56 30,570.29 74,471.62 5,917.09 54,341.81 47,792.92 6,551.47 3,994.38 386. 50 11,474.34 8,603.00 44, 120. 50 3. 584. 35 12,457.98 1, 764. 62 248.08 354. 00 231.12 7. 692. 36 3, 060. 85 10,458.55 11,806.69 21,000.00 32.49 509. 19 87.78 4,647.46 25,717.99 160. 48 6, 636. 30 1,118.10 3, 654. 00 546. 00 3,773.19 22,443.03 1,491.15 534. 52 69. 56 1,463.78 10,610.19 1,095.59 10,248.61 5, 743. 12 46.85 1,434.76 5,534.38 (Includedin No. 3670). 4,345.50 1,885,022.50 5,478.57 45,332.90 98.77 46 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide reliej in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. PC 3808 3809 3811 3812 3816 3819 3823 3824 3827 3829 3838 3839 3846 3849 3851 3852 3855 3856 3858 3861 3862 3864 3865 3868 3869 3870 3872 3874 3876 3878 3879 3880 38S1 3882 3883-4-5-6 3891 3894 3897 3900 3902 3905 3908 3910 3911 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3921 3923 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 Apsley Rubber Co Lustberg Nast & Co Mishawaka Woolen Manu- facturing Co. Lowell Bleachery Brown & Newman Alliance Button Co Pagett, Tom Harrison Bros Broadalbin Knitting Co., The. New York Wire & Spring Co Reed, Jacob & Sons Co do Scotchard, Henry F. Manu- facturing Co. Wood, H. H. &Co Fiskdale Finishing Co do Wright, E. T., &Co Livingstone Worsted Ca. . .. Sawyer, H. M. & Sons E verlastic Inc Cozzens, I. & Co Gregory & Reed Shoe Co Turner Seymour Manufac- turing Co. Bellnew Mills T owell Bleachery Sampson Cordage Co Ansonia, O. & Co Federal Felting Co Chase, L.C.,&Co Roberts, John.. Turner & Seymour Manu- facturing Co., The. do Hadley Mills United States Rubber Co . . . Mossberg, Frank Murphy, J. D., Shoe Co Cass and Dalv Shoe Co., The . Callahan, William C, Inc. .. Haines Moorehouse & Wood- ford. Knit Products Corp United States Gauge Co Cabot, F. H., &Co Wrighl Textile Co United Button Co North & Judd Manufactur- ing Co. ....do ....do Willey Bickford Sweet. Co... Traut & Hine Manufactur- ing Co. Nicholson, James A. & Son.. Blood Knitting Co Chase, L. C. & Co Turner Seymour Manufac- turing Co. do ....do Boston Harness Co Marshall Fabric Co Turner & Seymour Manufac- turing Co. ....do '.. Black Cat Textile Co Assawaga Co Old Colony Woolen Mills Hip rubber boots . Flannel shirts Boots Dyeing duck Flannel shirts Vegetable ivory buttons. Escort wagon parts Flannel shirts Underwear Mogul springs. . Wool trousers . . . Wool coats 20 ounce melton. Wool stockings Dyeing and finishing duck. Duck Officers' belts Melton Oil skin suits Olive drab webbing Wool hose Pocket pistol belts Sliding loops Olive drab melton .... Sateen Laviats Belts and leggins laces. Olive drab felt Cartridge belts Olive drab melton. . . . Halter squares Chape clips, etc Shirting flannel Hip Rubber boots . Wrenches Field shoes do Canvas foot leggins. Gray gauze Spiral puttees Pressure gauges and gaskets. Blankets Shirting flannel Buttons Conway bronze loops Brass eyelets and washers. Brow band ornaments . . . . Legelns Eyelets Large wall flies Summer underwear . Pack carriers Barrel roller buckles. Conway loops Bronze rings Cable trace harness... Leggin laces Bronze er.r. vay loops. Bronze rings Undershirts Olive drab melton. ....do $225, 163. 00 23,460.48 360,911.25 2,161.11 76, 051. 29 3,294.40 7,331.52 310,316.25 63,744.90 66,633.75 89,591.97 1,000.00 61,404.00 3.18 13,677.89 42,624.20 103,400.50 304,874.00 32,410.80 204,048.00 104,700.00 3,644.54 198, 942. 29 5, 140. 12 84,810.60 505,481.77 88,391.09 229,261.30 268,287.50 111,989.25 45,304.55 97,647.06 17,822.29 151,519.20 58,645.25 271, 421. "93 3,509.00 7,901.18 6,902.00 358,983.57 54.334.26 11,304.00 '255,476 04 8, 236. 27 348,000.00 7,531.35 1,957.12 40,513.13 597,712.66 815,390.55 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 47 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim Xo. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or sen ice. (3) PC 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3958 3959 3961 3962 3966 3968 3969 3972 3973 3974 3976 3977 3987 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4002 4007 4009 4010 4012 4013 4014 4017 4018 4022 4028 4029 4031 4032 4039 4040 4042 40-13 4046 4047 4049 4051 4052 Tilton Mills Shaw Stocking Co Taunton Knitting Co Duval, W. H., &Co Black Cat Textile Co Whitman, William, & Co. . . \ ermont Hosiery & Machine Co. Prendergast, W. H Angus Park Lowell Bleachery McCloskey Register Co Jefferson Manufacturing Co. . Old Colony Worsted Mills Co. Worcester Tire Fabrics Co. . . Rutland Garment Co Whitman, William (Inc.). . . Jenckes Spinning Co Hoyt, F. M., Shoe Co Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe Co. Duval, W. II E ldredge & Snyder Dolge Felt Co Turner & Seymour Manu- facturing Co., The. Blood Knitting Co Reliable Safe yeing and finishing twill Underwear Olive-drab shirt buttons Mittens Paulins Straps for pack frames (in- creased wage). Puttees Gray cotton duck Melton Cotton breeches Shelter-tent halves Camp hatchets do Axes Puttees Wall flies Gray duck Canvas foot leggings Olive-drab melton Wool service coats Chopping axes Duck trousers Dyeing and finishing duck Winter underwear Corrugated-steel sheets ....do Wool service coats Paint Gun belt fasteners Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $2, 920. 95 Amount ap- proved for payment, to claimant in adjustment. (S) SI, 013. 32 540. 00 2,349.22 Outer bar buckles "D" rings and rollers. Melton . Dyeing duck ....do Dyeing substitute duck . Dyeing duck Mosquito bars Barbed wire and staples. Underwear Undershirts Camp hatchets Boot bodies Shoeing knives 2,477.80 (Included in No. 3976.) 834,250.00 18,393.01 198,404.54 2,331.04 146,471.16 21,907.14 54,095.50 1,418.21 6,058.80 1,092.58 5,981.96 4,177.45 189,774.00 46,563.33 17.592.00 1,828.40 2,410.80 6,970.00 64,659.30 3,982.57 48, 805. 90 9, 295. 28 1,478.80 (Included in No. 3631.) 160.50 34, 228. 23 128. 83 11.977.01 114.94 362, 422. 40 6, 797. 29 22,984.50 1,806.20 38, 184. 80 56. 25 15,415.05 2,270.52 (Included in No. 40S4.) 144,572.94 1,231.06 46, 195. 21 12,982.03 47, 261. 66 15, 480. 00 19, 267. 44 23, 784. 20 76, 626. 00 8, 100. 00 522,076.73 515, 149. 10 78, 718. 50 82, 896. 50 691. 20 6, 657. 64 1,234,799.80 125, 290. 05 (Included in 87, 115. 00 97,447.49 30, 492. 28 1,975.16 82,370.55 7,967.35 972. 48 8,841.35 3, 475. 17 2, 852. 30 619, 684. 90 45, 715. 01 2, 709. 00 3,431.40 2,023.09 35,984.34 19, 357. 01 575. 65 1, 600. 27 422. 84 1,544.50 1, 101. 67 1,461.30 41,825.65 42.00 777. 99 3,502.23 22, 156. 72 109, 615. 60 3,992.00 3, 979. 32 290. 28 17, 122. 09 18,382.13 No. 4161). 94.60 5, 322. 87 3,245.78 1,560.07 100. 98 5, 533. 57 2, 631. 99 302. 28 766. 32 2,028.81 95. 12 98.73 2, 842. 81 5,165.41 324. 00 667. 53 633. 4 8 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 49 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 4222 4228 4229 42.30 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4258 4259 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4280 4281 4283 4284 4285 4286 Name of claimant. (2) Fall River Bleachery Co. Parker-Wilder Co Fall River Bleachery Sayles Finishing Co United States Finishing Co. Russell Manufacturing Co. . Fall River Bleachery Meyer, John H., & Co Pease & Co., L. F Whitman & Co., William. . Wilson & Silsby (Inc.) American Textile Co Fall River Bleachery Stevens & Co., J. P Fall River Bleachery Mever & Co. (Inc.), John United States Rubber Co. . . United States Finishing Co. Fiskdale Finishing Co American Woolen Co. of New York. Fiskdale Finishing Co United States FinishingCo. Wyandotte Worsted Co Fall River Bleachery Mever & Co. (Inc.), John H United States Finishing Co. Lowell Bleachery United States Finishing Co Fall River Bleachery Worcester Fire Fabric Co . . . Cox &Scheiber Mount Hope Finishing Co. . Regan Manufacturing Co., Jas. United States FinishingCo. ....do Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. Lovering & Co., Wm. H Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. American Woolen Co. of New York. Fall River Bleachery Saugatuck Manufacturing Co. Lovering & Co., Wm. M Fall River Bleachery Olendale Fabrics Co Lowell Bleacherv United States FinishingCo. . Collins, Plass, Thayer Co.. . . Minn Mills Symonds Hatch & Whitten 'Co. Chase & Co., L. C Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. United States FinishingCo. . Southbridge l'rin! ing Co United Stales Finishing Co. . Mount Hope Finishing Co. . . United States Finishing Co . . Articles or service. 13) Dyeing and finishing raincoat lining. Cap cloth Bleaching duck Dyeing and finishing duck do Scabbard webbing Duck Dyeing gray duck Small paulms Duck Large paulins Bobinett Dyeing and finishing duck Olive-drab meltcn Dyeing and finishing twills Dyeing and finishing duck Rubber gaiters Dyeing and finishing twills Dyeing and finishing duck Olive-drab meltcn Articles or services ac- ; cepted under i agreement. (4) $1,396.97 345,390.00 2, 188. 05 16,327.09 25, 755. 84 182.44 8,114.21 1,598.42 Dj'eing and finishing osna- burgs. Dyeing duck Blankets Bleaching duck Dyeing gray duck Dyeing and finishing cloth . . . Dyeing duck Dyeing and finish ing twills. . . Dyeing and finishing duck . . . Army duck Olive drab meltcn Dyeing and finishing twill Olive-drab meltcn 8,268.33 59,859.02 19,165.14 281,108.28 227, 795. 24 673,337.70 5,064.12 20,837.42 15,039,315.49 4,711.42 5,794.09 2,360,486.10 Dyeing, finishing, and water- proofing duck. Dyeing and finishing tent duck. Olive-drab shirting flannel . . . Olive-drab melton Barrack bags Olive-drab melton. Bleaching duck Olive-drab shirt buttons. Olive-drab blankets Dyeing and finishing twills Olive-drab webbing Dyeing gray duck Dyeing and waterproofing duck. Shelter-tent halves Olive-drab meltcn Olive-drab flannel shirts 5,770.14 3,657.81 5,134.87 213,584.^5 861,132.19 50.714.18 505,946.16 49,620.59 8,934.52 7,582,468.70 357,491.00 350, 686. 00 10,521,253.34 593.91 7,260.00 307,453.70 5,541.16 77,713.64 Haversacks Olive-drab cotton uniform cloth. Shelter-tent duck Dyeing and finishing twills ....do Dyeing and finishing duck and twills. Dyeing and finishing duck 15,807.33 5,251.36 620,464.08 15,: 34. 72 697,785.75 2,283,000.87 174,144.96 26, 705. 07 11,715.59 38,054.42 1,772.06 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $120. 14 3,447.47 613. 16 1,073.35 2, 100. 60 580. 47 85.83 113. 25 182. 86 52, 700. 62 97.97 579.96 21.72 7,570.93 22.20 4,665.31 12,177.26 152.96 194.05 17,882.68 166.09 47.52 10,832.54 237. 03 1,823.43 86.16 15.21 251.07 1 3.91 81,432.17 7,291.49 866. 87 13,167.49 1,140.39 577. 86 5,447.95 57,434.14 7,470.60 488,360.77 236.92 360. 00 1,889.98 54.33 760. 11 15.38. 181.08 4,048.36 6,409.30 23.80 4,798.47 7,083.27 406.25 15.31 580.35 2,340.77 102.99 H. Doc. 364, 66-2- 50 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) PC 4287 4289 4290 4*791 4292 4?94 4295 4">98 4301 4304 4305 4306 4313 4319 4321 4322 4323 43?5 43 "6 4327 43?8 43"9 4330 4331 433^ 4333 4339 4340 4342 4344 4345 4346 4356 4359 4361 4363 4365 4368 4385 4396 4397 4368 4399 4400 4401 4402 4411 4413 4415 4419 44'>5 4430 4431 4432 4435 4436 4446 4447 4448 4449 Name of claimant. GO Lowell Bleachery. United States Finishing Co. . ....do Sayles Finishing Plant < tordon & Hutchins Cozzens & Co., I United Slates Finishing Co. . ....do Northwestern Furniture Co. Waterhouse & Co. (Ltd.), Thomas. Ban'-roft & Sons Co., Joseph. Blate & Sons, S Bancroft & Sens Co., Joseph. Stephenscn McGee Co Bancroft & Sons Co., Jos Unite 1 States Rubber Co. .. Hughes Bozarth Anderson Co. Uni'ed States Finishing Co.. Power Knitting Co Bottom & Torraive Co Wilsi n & Silsby (In-.) Mount. Hope Finishing Co. . . Fall River Bleachery Southbridge Printing Co WI'ey-Bi kford Sweet Co.... Uni ed S ates Finishing Co . . do. Articles or service. (3) Dee' in live-drab flannel shirts. Mellon 51,800.00 64,796.13 20, 693. 2S 185, 942. 69 $564. 39 2, 435. 00 99.33 15, 697. 87 720.07 883.20 641.88 677. 46 15,744.51 80. 85 1.012.23 945. 62 198. 88 1,774.63 2, 333. 22 3, 622. S3 21,314.00 3, 523. 89 919. 22 58.311.77 87, 190. 66 4, 738. 99 8, 845. 91 4,718.84 12,531.52 4, 465. 54 181. 13 1,929.25 160. 23 1,524.90 672. 87 47.40 1,988.84 586. 04 1,608.20 7,342.23 1, 420. 65 97. 31 9, 063. 74 8. 856. 55 32, 067. 52 S. 535. 50 No. 2174.) No. 4322.) 65. 09 56,537.57 367. 95 56.96 22, 077. 63 460. 62 104. 13 2, S07. 84 987. .50 162.84 22,015.51 440. 47 871. 30 6,000.00 2. 361. 56 1,366.43 651.00 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 53 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the ivar, and for other purposes" — Continued. OFFICE DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE CLAIMS BOARD-Continued. Claim No. Name of claimant. (2) Article or services. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) 3 C 4869 4875 4878 48S1 4882 4889 4890 Cedarbrook Knitting Co Jennings, E. D., Manufac- turing Co. Underbill, G. F Hess & Hopkins Leather Co. Tenison Bros. Saddlery Co.. Ames Shove) & Tool Co ....do Cotton undershirts Olive-drab flannel shirts Woolen puttees Sing e set ambulance harness (increased wage). Cab.e trace harness (increased wage). Shovel spades do S21.150.77 1,532.76 SI, 951. 20 403.20 6, 363. 37 1,265.56 (Included in No. 3791.) 305,471.78 3,612.00 Tut; 294,767,510.90 1,390.08 1,334.40 56, 999, 241. 55 ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD. XOBC Motor Products Corporation . do Symington Machine Corpo- ration. Bridgeport. Brass Co Premier Special Machine Co. Rome Brass & Copper Co. . . United Lead Co Follensbee Bros. Co ....do Baker Gun & Forging Co.... Vance, J., & Co BeerLondhoimer& Co. (Inc.). Nestor Manufacturing Co. (Inc.). Pittsburgh Iron & Steel Foundry. Modai t, Fred, Manufactur- ing Co. Tredegar Co McDowell Manufacturing Co. American Can Co Bowen Products Corpora- tion. Kismot Machine & Tool Co. Titiflex Metal Hose Corpora- tion. Wheeler Reflector Co Gasoline Engine Equipment Co. Potter & Johnston Machine Co.' United States Ammunition Co. Potter & Johnston Machin- ery Co. Plant Bros. & Co Timkin Detroit Axle Co Standard Screw Products Co. Luptons, David, Sons & Co. .do. Bowen Products Corpora- tion. Phelps Manufacturing Co... American Forge & Machin- ery Co. Bruce Veneer Co Wehrle Co American Multigraph Co.. Buckeye Box Co Cartridge cases . . . Sheets , 75 mm. shrapnel. Copper rotating bands Gauges Disks Shrapnel balls Tin plate Cocking pieces 5-inch high explosive shells.. . Spelter. Miscellaneous test tools Gas shells and increased facili- ties. Spider-top containers S-inch cast-iron shells. B ooster castings .do. Detonator cases and retainers Inspection gauges . Line hose Disks for 4.7-inch howitzer cartridge cases. Gasoline electric generator sets Universal shaping machine. Machining 9.2-inch shells. . . Howitzer shell Helmet linings . Trailer axles... Adapters Components for 240 mm. trench mortar. Components for 16-inch trench mortar. Adapters and booster casings Adapters Breech slides. SI, 570, 458. 48 Gun-stock blanks Shells and castings . . Trench-mortar fuzes. Shell boxes 6,653.44 "45," 854.' 86 26, 425. 40 134,660.13 3,475.00 32,833.80 24.74 200. 00 15, 538. 32 103, 166. 01 "iG9 J "S25."66 28, 290. 00 37,494.00 2, 629. 20 "i," 050.' 66 $81,418.18 810, 698. 29 243, 403. 10 719,898.06 1,860.25 1.00 112,128.24 518. 14 1,142.92 13,598.74 69, 934. 87 5,093.24 3,322.81 45,543.46 111,877.38 2,448.83 1,533.90 26,212.00 3,061.09 332. 75 6, 534. 61 1,407.94 17,402.07 7,200.00 131,611.40 977,967.18 26, 272. 35 266,950.34 4,022.46 46S, 663. 89 352,046.72 590. 27 138,862.49 41,750.45 9,085.42 24,254.97 171, 182. 14 961. 61 54 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) XOBC 55 56 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75. 76 79 80 87 88 90 93 95 97 100 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 113 118 120 121 122 127 128 129 135 136 138 144 145 Heppcnstall Forge & Knife Co. Maxim Silencer Co American Brass Co Stanley YY orks . . Fulton Iron Works Vogelstein, L., & Co. (Inc.). Wall-Chang Trading Corpo- ration. Parish & Bingham Co Bourne Fuller Co do Steel Products Co Norton Grinding Co Mac A bee, G. R., Powder & Oil Co. Marion Steam Shovel Co Globe Machine & Stamping Co. ....do Rochester Box & Lumber Co. Beandry & Co Machine Products Co Globe Machinery & Stamp- ing Co. Rochester Box & Lumber Co. Orabler Manufacturing Co.. Mesa, Fernando C Globe Machine & Stamping Co. Rochester Box i ies & Thomas Co i ,T.A.,Co Da - Chemical Co hiring Co Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. M irshall & Huschart Ma- chinery Co. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Ithaca Gun Co Articles or service. (3) Telescopes Copper dri ring bands Hand guard blanks l l-mm. clips Hand guards and gunstocks. White lead Shell Trench mortar sheiks Terhe plate liners 1 55-mm. shells. Lumber tor gunstocks. . Spe'ter Tiench ! niie scabbards. Can es Bolos Caterpillars 75-mm. gun shrapnel Shrapnel Hand fuse setters , Strip steel Adapters Shells Trench knife scabbards. Fi'.es Tap and die chests Rims for artillery wheels Ro! units lor Mark VIII ma- chines. Packing boxes .do. Groups control, units, silen- cers, and ball bearings. Copper sheet Coke Gunst. >ck blanks Flash liehts and 1 latteries. Adapters and fuse sockets. Rental ol dry kiln Adapters and assembly Adapters and assemblies. Cartridge clips Increased ::ilities Lalor, W. M.Co Sturgen & Burn Manufac- turing Co. Diamond Iron Works Decorators' Supply Co Steger & Sons Piano Manu- facturing Co. Powder containers Trench kni\ es Automatic milling machines.. Railway mounts for spider top containers. 8-inch gas shell Ada iters and booster casings. . Phenol Tank radiators Range finders Milling machines , Ran"e finders Extractors for United States rifles. Automatic water stills Bacon cans Driving and adjusting wheel boss assemblies. Light chests Spare parts Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) 542,208.47 263, 187. 17 2,166.20 196,219.65 "■a," 80s.' 66' 7,538.90 4.50 27,099.60 163. 05 98,417.34 203,010.00 2,341.50 43,261.26 12,358.15 10,387.14 85.589.2S 5,000.00 67,285.92 252,521.49 16,600.00 90,628.-00 1 , 133. 73 80, 556. 55 230, 43S. 73 781,070.82 335,575.00 13,552.00 23,140.80 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $173,133.13 158. 72 1.09 26,536.68 374,282.11 1.09 70,451.59 13,501.69 5.507.08 454,448.55 265. 99 17,196.04 5,674.59 113.62 48,890.18 51,529.35 3,503.08 15,407.49 12,5S5.81 15,020.32 98,309.50 172,966.33 20,437.39 1.09 8,034.24 14.690.95 66,024.74 95.99 3,679.69 92,330.61 8,709.19 1.09 34,955.19 1.09 166,323.07 1,000.09 161,095.18 159,979-68 6.236.51 27,245.87 95,876.04 20,603.16 89,741.09 136,299.21 712.52 26.974.77 398,552.34 21,095.16 131,858.47 1.09 31,533.74 24,013.81 123. 75 2,740.66 1,397.09 46.81 360.38 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 57 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) XOBC 334 335 330 338 340 342 313 34 i 345 350 3"2 354 355 356 357 358 359 361 363 364 36S 371 372 373 374 376 378 379 385 391 393 394 396 397 403 404 405 406 407 409 410 412 413 414 415 418 419 420 422 423 424 425 427 429 431 432 434 435 Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- re]) ted under agreement. (4) Cook, Frank B., Co Sefton Manufacturing Co. Long Manufacturing Co.. Milwaukee Tank Works. . Michigan Copper & Brass Co. Morgan Engineering Co Lafayette Stamping & Enameling Co. Mushon, Eddy, Parker Co... Michigan Copper & Brass Co. Eclipse Machine Co Yeomans Box Co Goodrich I ockhardt Co Hortz, B.C Gas Oil Stove Co , Union Twist Drill Co Hyde Park Lumber Co Stewart Iron Works Wait ton Steel Co Hanssen's, Louis, Sons ttyde Park Lumber Co Carpenter Steel Co Hyde Park Lumber Co McFarlan Motor Co Brown & Sharpe Manufac- turing Co. Davenport Locomotive Works. Mollitor Corp Metropolitan Engine Co [Ilex Optical Co Mueier Metals Co Michigan Copper & Brass Oo Budd, Edward G ., Manufac- turing Co. ....do Rome Manufacturing Co Swedish Gauge Co. (Inc.)... Warner Swasey Co Ford Motor Co Endicott Forging & Manu- facturing Co. Carpenter Steel Co Indiana Coke & Gas Co Budd, Edward G., Manu- facturing Co. Carpenter Steel Oo Hewitt steel Corp I .ehigh Machine Co Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Lehigh Machine Co do Ohio Steel & Foundries Co.. Lafayette Stamping Enameling Co. Lehigh Machine Co , do Stanley Works Oneida Community Co. . Montgomery Bros. & Co. Lehigh Machine Co , do Dunham Co Acme Machinery Co , Vim Motor Co Lehigh Machine Co Electric squibs Liners and disks Radiators Chronograph screens and ac- cessories. Cupro nickel and cartridge strips. 12-inch mortar carriages Booster casings $5,632.56 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) Shell 1 >oxes Brass rods Booster assemblies Packing boxes Picric acid ( 'austic soda and nitric acid Folding benches Taper drill sleeves and spiral shell . Packing boxes f il lerty motor parts Billets Mi scellaneous tools Pac in" bo- es .< nnealed steel wire Packing boxes Artillery tools and accessories. Pumps and relief valves Forgings. Office equipment. . Gas hand grenades 4,265,104.00 913. 05 366,714.00 2,814,82L86 1,734.44 Common steel shells 4.7-inch cartridge cases. Release mechanisms Steel helmet bodies Cupro nickle bands and blocks Spare parts for panoramic si Ids. Machining 75-mm. shell cast- ings and increased facilities. 155-mm. forgings Tool steel Toluol Metal cases for airplane flares. Chrome alloy steel.. Cast-. tool ingots Inspection gauges... Tires and bands Gauges and checks. Caterpillar thread for gun car- ria 1 es. Booster casings Gaii'-es and checks do SI rip steel Trench knives Pack ing boxes Gausres and checks do 75-inch sernisteel shell easing No. 1 all-steel nut machine . Adapters Gauges and checks 2,127.69 23,863.50 17,978.52 29,710.04 2,800.^5 5,393.86 1,766.50 1,121.44 7,604.25 61,876.00 8.105.05 89,225.08 1.222.00 27,974.85 20,344.70 4,970.25 302, 464. SO 2,021.25 745,740.40 418.50 26.914.32 1,670.00 3,406.00 6,400.00 925. 05 3.691.26 1,645.89 7,660.52 3 116.00 17,673.22 444. 00 740.00 130,906.00 2,657.00 $413.46 57.98 55,810.87 5,078.96 110.4S0.30 22,961.02 1,600.65 3,429.77 l,2 r 6.47 27,196.89 1,852.04 209,398.04 1.00 11,404.73 1,762.85 5,106.57 636. 35 30,923.75 1.00 1,207.38 1.00 1 , 068. 55 • 20, 000. 00 1.00 588. 83 42, 146. 52 1.00 78,336.77 71,319.82 52,388.16 6,304.66 8,279.32 1.00 1.00 2,457.50 56.70 1.00 547,509.40 11,611.65 1.00 387,071.11 356. 25 3,190.29 1,0 3.60 486. 00 5,092.53 6,336.61 5,897.45 639. 00 3,612.00 19, 7."3. 83 7,131.55 230. 85 691.00 1,751.43 1.00 128, 907. 75 1,266.00 58 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. '2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) XOBC 436 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 451 452 453 454 455 457 458 459 460 461 463 465 466 467 469 470 471 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 483 Name of claimant. (2) 486 487 489 498 499 501 502 503 505 507 508 511 513 515 516 517 518 519 521 523 525 526 527 Consolidated Car Heating Co Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co Carpenter Steel Co Blanchard, N.C.,Co Japan Paper Co Bay vvav Chemical Co Tip Top Waist & Dress Co.. General Metals Co Consolidated Car He iting Co Buffalo Pressed Steel Co.... I ennox Chemical Co Acme Machinery Co Cleveland Machinery & Sup- ply Co. Warren Tool & Forge Co. . . . People's Power Co Wood, Watter Co., Mowing & Repair Machine Co. Layne & Bowler Co Wright Manufacturing Co... do Louis Hanssen's Sons Consolidated Car Heating Co Lucas Machinery & Tool Co. Foster Merriam Co Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co... 1 ouis Hanssen's Sons Manning, Maxwell & Moore Myers, Willard F., Diamond Saw Co. Stol.-ker-Rumley-Waehs Co Pratt & Whitney Co Hardwood Products Co Acme Steel Goods Co Buffalo Pressed Steel Co Providence Gas Co Griffin Co., Robert Sloan & Chace Manufactur- ing Co. (Inc.). Michigan Chemical Co Keeier Brass Co Sloane & Chase Manufactur- ing Co. (Ltd.). People's Power Co Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Essley, E. L., Machine Co... Columbian Hardware Co Union Salt Co McCord&Co Lycoming Foundry & Ma- chine Co. E vinrude Motor Co International Harvester Co.. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. W hi tall Tatum Co Rome Manufacturing Co Cream City Sash & Door Co. Lackawanna Steel Co Lufkin Rule Co Lackawanna Steel Co Scullin Steel Co ....do \\ illard Storage Battery Co. Lackawanna Steel Co Grasselli Chemical Co Articles or service. (3) Base covets Chisels Nickle steel and wire. Bent felloe segments for 56- inch wheels. Paper parachutes Toluol , Powder bags Detonator fuze sockets 75-min. high-explosive shells. Adapters Nitrate of ammonia Steel nut machine , Precision lathes Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Mattocks Electric current Semisteel castings. 15-inch turbine pump Hoists Screw hoists Bench vices, anvils, and whet- stones. Drop bombs Boring and milling machine.. Bodies machined for live grenade. Screw drivers and chisels Vixen files , Forging machine Gauges Jigs and fixtures Spline milling cutters . Shooks for boxes Strapping sets Adapters I ight oil and toluol . . . Fiber containers Goniometers Ethyl alcohol Oiler and thong cases . Altitude boards Gas Tools, jigs, and fixtures. Grinding machine and steel shoes. Anvils Sodium chloride Drop bombs 4.7-inch semisteel shells Grenade bodies and bushings Ammunition boxes Automatic pistols Carboys Copper base covers for 12-inch shell. Packing boxes Steel billets Tape lines and boxwood rules. Forging steel Slugs lor shell forgings Cast-steel slugs I ead washers Steel billets Mixed acid 8357,491.25 1,284.18 72, 003. 64 1,215.00 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) 33,001.57 48, 120. 00 376, 000. 00 23,997.60 120. 00 6, 838. 05 23,171.53 7, 898. 00 11,875.00 4,489.62 1,127.99 5,474.30 2,180.00 1,627.40 247, 399. 78 13,261.88 32,589.84 10, 779. 60 20,429.44 5,815.00 224, 460. 00 53, 010. 58 18,750.00 18,258.16 11,729.80 1, 089, 185. 61 9,313.70 22, 653. 80 2,519,957.02 1,793,142.79 92,278.82 213,220.82 $88,695.05 1.00 1.00 919.53 60, 180. 94 33, 863. 75 25, 648. 52 4,677.96 98, 993. 49 42,107.20 12, 000. 00 1.00 10,169.25 1.00 1.00 28, 592. 84 1.00 3, 609. 84 9,719.89 1.00 1,242.65 2S2.31 6, 483. 65 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 246, 468. 46 13, 480. 06 13,588.04 24, 424. 55 2,067.84 15,314.03 40,117.53 745. 50 1.00 2.140.S9 1.00 1.00 1.00 291, 160. 81 27, 923. 17 15, 405. 14 27, 877. 80 712. 59 33,189.31 1.00 451.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 25,086.53 87,701.17 1,536.32 1.00 16, 199. 86 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 59 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected vith the ]irosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) XOBC52S 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 541 543 545 550 551 552 558 559 560 561 562 564 567 568 569 573 574 578 5S1 582 583 584 590 591 592 594 597 598 600 601 602 606 607 608 609 610 614 617 Name of claimant. (2) Lackawanna Steel Co , do Seng Co , Cook, Frank B., Co. Phenix Truck Maker Lackawanna Steel Co Warren Tool & Forge Co do Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. International Harvester Co.. American Truss Wheel Co . . do Allyne-Ryan Foundry Co... Omaha Structural Steel Works. Kansas City Press Co Scullin Steel Co. do Standard Steel Car Co. Thomas Railway Track Ap- pliance Co. Penrod Walnut & Veneer Co. Hobart Manufacturing Co... do Toledo Railway & Light Co. Lackawanna Steel Co . Persol Chemical Co Bowers, E. H., &Co. Feekin Can Co Texas Co Buffalo Pitts Co Eureka Co The Brier Steel Co Hercules Powder Co United States Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co. Hercules Powder Co Dow Chemical Co Cotton, H. B.(Inc) Vance, E. J., Box Co Cadillac Motor Co 629 631 632 Willys Overland Co Grasselli Chemical Co McNeil, James, & Bros., Co. Dow Chemical Co Wilson, C. R., Body Co Standard Parts Co Hexth & Milligan Manufac- turing Co. W biting Foundry & Equip- ment Co. Stocker-Rumley-Wacks Co. . Ondebrod Bros. Silk Co National Spun Silk Co. (Inc.). Grasselli Chemical Co Medart, Fred, Manufactur- ing Co. Scullin Steel Co Curtis Manufacturing Co. Metropolitan Engineering Co E vansville Tool Works Weil, J. H.,&Co Article or services. (8) Steel Steel shafts Cartridge clips Field cleaning rods. . . Coil clutches Steel billets Sledges do Range finders Axle groups Truss wheel units do 7.r mm. shell castings. Semisteel shells Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) ?1, 071, 066. 31 "'27,762.66' 2, 662, 475. 28 931.50 10,936.35 573, 424. 00 4,767.53 4,767.52 Semisteel castings and how- itzer gas shells. Ingots .". 8-inch cast-steel plugs plus freight. Increased facilities, carriage parts. Castings and high-explosive shells. Hand guards and gunstocks . . Booster castings Adapters Indeterminate engineering and survey. Steel billets Sodium hydroxide and am- monium sulphate tablets. Primer protector caps Tin containers Algol oil plus expressage Machining and heat-treating shell. Flat drills No. 14 steel Refined TNT 85-inch gun boring lathe Powder boxes Phenol Firing mechanism housings . . , Packing boxes Spare parts for tractor power plants. Spare parts Sulphuric acid Use of building and apartment for labor. Phenol Touring-car bodies Welded steel tubing Colors Motor cranes . LeBIond sliding bed cap, lathe. Three cord spun silk Spun silk miscellaneous test tools. Nitric acid Spider top containers Cast-steel slugs Steel shell forgings Stokes trench mortor shell . . . Tools (hammers) Paper 1,686,621.37 784, 779. 14 18, 000, 000. 00 Amount ap- I in el for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $1.00 175,631.87 17,885.32 1,511.46 36, 648. 30 1.00 716. 68 72.14 1.00 1,289.22 794. 42 794. 42 3,777.52 10, 000. 00 15,614.47 90,321.70 66,503.45 1,300, COO. CO 880.48 (Included in No. 250.) 56,707.39 3, 870. 61 1,987.28 327, 234. 63 423,327.24 3, 600. 66 2, 412. 57 769, 450. 60 355,920.84 453,121.87 258,771.70 323,663.24 162,391.00 935,258.62 576,457.22 2,230.67 2, 750. 00 16, 000. 00 6, 675. 33 507, 059. 42 503,689.80 1.00 56,968.13 1,299.49 729. 59 83.96 43,133.80 1,831.91 2, 475. 91 103,536.06 46,943.27 14,563.89 23,848.54 13,793.85 1,439.67 23,976.85 14,718.02- 16, 520. 14 2, 000. 00 42,140.88 4,175.28 1.00 1.00 45, 105. 05 578,085.22 787,461.70 281,390.85 2,746.80 779. 82 1.00 5S,260.90 58,456.10 146,014.33 75, 556. 66 47, 947. 47 37, 464. 05 595, 969. 36 1.00 1.00 60 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act. to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the tvar, and for other purposes" — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) XOBC634 635 636 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 649 650 651 652 655 656 658 659 660 661 668 669 672 673 674 676 679 681 683 684 685 686 687 692 693 694 697 702 707 715 719 721 722 724 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 Name of claiman' . (2) American Box Co Domestic Coke Corporation Mengal Box Co Hart- Parr Co Pressed Steel Tank Co. Kieckhef er Box Co Emblem Manufacturing Co.. do Bates Machine Co Dave Smith & Sons Jackson Shovel & Tool Co... Elias, G., & Bro. (Inc.) Dove, Smirh & Son Buffalo Sled Co Dove, Smith & Son Consolidated Press Co Mi hirrn Copper & Brass Co, Consoi lated Press Co Milwaukee Steel Co A mer inn n Process Co Kieckhefer Box Co Budd, Edward G. Manufac- turing Co. Maiden & Melrose Gas Light Co. Chillicothe Gunstock Manu- facturing Co. Purccll, Frank Prudrn Wheel Co. Mengel Box Co Purccll, Frank Schutzman, L., & Co. (Inc.). National Tool & Manufactur- ing Co. L T ncxcelIed Manufacturing Co. Chillicothe Gunstock Manu- facturing Co. Buch:m Manuf icturing Co... Mttropo'itan Engine Co New York A Irl Take Co Duriron Castings Co Fairbanks Co., The Delta Flrctric Co Hobart Manufacturing Co. . . Lewin, A. M., The, Lumber Co. Columbia Box Co Ireland, W. S Seiss Manufacturing Co American list. Steam Co... Copper Clad Steel Co Ford Motor Co Pratt & Whitney Co Pollock Steel Co Security Tool Works Studebaker Corporation International Harvester Co. . Jones, W. A.. Foundry & Machine Co. Levin, A. M., Lumber Co... Corcoran Victor Co., The Kosse Shoe Schlever Co Carlton Machine & Tool Co.. Articles or serviec. (3) Packing boxes Construction and operation of toluol plant. Packing boxes Gas shells Units for mobile toxis gas cylinders. Grenade packing boxes Detonating fuzes do Artillery tractors Inspection gauge Shovels Packing boxes Gauges and checks Cannon po~vder boxes Gauges and checks Trimming press Coppi r ind brass Trimming presses Castings for 4. 7-inch gun car- riages. Rotary dryers Boxes Drop bombs Crude toluol. Gunstock blanks. Handguard and gunstock blanks . Spokes and rims Packing boxes Handguard and gunstocks blanks. Ponder bags Gauges Signal rockets Gunstock blanks. Powder bags 240 mm. trench mortar shells.. Cartridge cases Castings Gear cutters and metal split- ting saws. Night firing boxes Adapters and fuze socket holders. Locking boxes Packing boxes Transmission for tanks Grease guns Pumps and accessories Copper clad steel and increased facilities. Tractors Taps and disks 9.2-inch shell forgings Gauges Artillery wheel hubs Rifle grenades Flywheel parts Packing boxes Fuze sockets Gunstock blanks. . . Radial drill presses. 66,012.29 7,063.67 21,252.84 3,451.78 29.92 99.033.34 17.00 (Included in No. 673.) 73, 967. 09 2,421,160.90 1,200,000.00 69,090.00 18,786.90 53, S47. 20 9, S98. 00 147,090.00 263,300.00 3S3, 292. 00 4,609.08 16,337.82 16,090.17 186, 756. 33 1,710.21 271, 814. 53 262. 82 6,507.75 154,053.24 5,015.96 6,605.33 21,438.03 334. 59 1.00 130, 535. 10 29, 889. 89 32, 505. 33 26,744.49 530. 41 5,892.31 84,617.62 46, 770. 15 7,384.54 1,277.01 57,872.03 23,210.00 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 61 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution oj the ivar, and for other purposes" — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (-1) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (■5) XOBC 736 739 740 742 744 746 750 756 757 758 760 761 762 763 764 765 768 771 772 774 776 777 778 780 782 787 789 790 791 792 7^3 795 797 800 801 804 806 807 812 813 815 816 817 819 820 821 822 823 S24 825 827 830 832 Link Belt Co Smith, E.E., Co Budd, Edward G Buffalo Pitts Co Miami Cycle and Manufac- turing Co. Wire Wheel Corporation of America. Udell Works Sparks-Withington Co Michigan Copper & Brass Co, Meeks, L. J Spaeke Machine & Tool Co. . Wire Wheel Corporation of America. Wheeler Schebler Co Dodge Bros United States RadiatorCorp Meeks, L. J Eddystone Munitions Co Worcester Gas Light Co Curtis & Co. Manufacturing Co. Citizens Gas Co Corcoran Victor Co Foundry & Machine Prod- duct Co Sparks-Withington Co United States Cast Iron & Foundry Co. American Cash Register Co.. Western Cartridge Co do Du Bois Ordnance Co Scientific Machine & Tool Works. Koppers, H., & Co Koppers Co American Brass Co Lang & Hoffman Mengel Box Co ....do A merican Optical Co Worthin?ton Pump & Ma- chine Co. American Brass Co Goodrich B. F., Co Blair Tool & Machine Co. . . Koppers Co do Blair Tool and Machine Works. Signode System (Inc.) do ....do American Can Co Knight Light & Soda Foun- tain Co. Standard Forgings Co Poole Engine & Machine Co. Place Manufacturing Co Oothmann Ammunition Co Poole Engineering Co Sprocket drive chains Wood blocks for hand grenades Washers and cups Forgings and adapter heads. . . Bouchon assemblies Machining 3-inch high-explo- sive shells. Packing boxes Steel shin guards Brass disks Gunstocks Rifle grenades Machine banding and attach- ing base covers for 75 mm. shell. Carburetors 75 mm. shells 6-inch trench mortar shells — Handguard blanks Tn nch detonator fuzes Toluol Forgings for 9.5-inch common steel shells. Toluol and ammonia Fuze socket holders Semisteel gas shells Bouchon assemblies. Semi steel shells Control for release mechanism Smokeless powder Powder for .30-cal. ball cart- ridge. Gas check rings Inspection gauges and checks. Toluol plant construction. Toluol plant Brass Cartridge cloth Boxes. Packing boxes Negat ive-finder lenses Centrifugal condensation pumps. Brass rod Tires Gauges and checks Construction of toluol plant do Inspection gauges Straps and seals Strapping and seals. . . Signode strapping Plate clips Lanterns and mantles. 12-inch mortar shell forgings. Shells Poole Engineering & Ma- chine Co. Disstons,Henry,& Sons(Inc) Prismatic compass tripods Loading, assembling, and pack- ing detonating fuzes. Frame groups for 37-mm. tank guns. Smoke shells Oil storage tanks. $29,400.00 29,356.88 49.06 11,629.35 267,000.00 4,500.00 12,032.00 24, 818. 01 102,504.87 8,335.20 306,480.35 35,440.00 832,972.40 1,309.62 521,423.08 999,432.32 "'i', 973.' 75 8,998.10 496,066.60 49, 171. 44 4, 158. 56 260.00 5, 083. 67 10, 133. 70 158,395.82 1,994.29 3,400.00 2,600.00 4, 752. 08 104,007.46 1,315.17 202,239.60 6,730.12 9, 782. 08 13,218.40 4,997.54 8,352.00 39,294.00 276, 190. 20 S107, 787. 45 14,994.68 5,225.23 5,394.66 44, 599. 41 2,633.68 14,234.82 3,740.12 31,299.25 160, 184. 27 105,894.74 6,359.09 4, 104. 64 5,494.60 450. 00 3,490.10 8,408.45 43, 772. 61 519,456.35 1,234.81 6,932.12 37,957.51 7,924.06 49,558.48 184,055.70 15,387.38 34,311.55 425.00 1,784.79 29,768.46 1.00 9,760.12 14,250.40 104.97 1,874.68 1.00 1.00 36,654.30 6,487.10 3,052.25 5,096.33 1,415.50 304.16 79.43 498.42 1,073.25 500. 00 27,043.80 18,927.95 4, 851. 83 76,603.92 32,020.95 179,622.19 12,825.78 62 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the ivar, and for other purposes"— Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) XOBC 838 841 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 853 854 855 857 802 803 Mil 865 867. 869 872 875 876 877 878 880 881 882 885 889 890 891 894 895 896 897 899 900 906 Name of claimant. (2) Chase Metal Wort-s.. Eugene Dietzgen Co. King Chemical Co. . . 914 915 916 918 919 920 921 926 928 934 939 914 946 Bruce, E. L., Co Richmond Malleable Casting Co. Bruce, E. L.,Co Naugatuck Chemical Co do do King Chemical Co Clark Manufacturing Co., J. The Manufacturers Produc- tion Co. United Alloy Steel Corpo- ration. Clark, J. L. Manufacturing. Co. Imperial Drop Forge Co Simoflds Manufacrurin^ Co.. Imp riil Drop Forge Co Bryant Chucking Grinder Co. American Car & Foundry Co. Bull'alo Forge Co Briscoa Motor Corporation - Simon Is Manufacturing Co. e lei trie Auto Lite Corpo- ration. Rausch-Lomb Optical Co Wollensak Optical Co Western Cartridge Co Buffalo Forge Co Articles or service. (3) Tinius Olson Testing Ma chine Co. Riegel Sack Co American Car & Foundry Co. Couier Cartridge Co Chester steel Castings Co Bridgeport Brass Co Kurtz Bros Bridgeport Brass Co Morgan engineering Co Wise, J. B. (Inc.) Scovill Manufacturing Co. . . Chatham Machine & Tool Works. Gould Mersereau Co Chatham Machine & Tool Works. Chatham Machine & Tool Works (Inc.). Toledo Screw Products Co. . General explosives Co Avery Co Douglas & Lomason Co ..do. Wheeler Reflector Co Le Kington Motor Co Wise, J. B. (Inc.) American Ca;tings Co Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Scullion Steel Co Mon;anto Chemical Works. . Hodgart & Co Seamless brass tubing. Paper Nitric acid Packing boxes Malleable body castings. Packing boxes for drop bombs Hydrophloric acid Carboys Nitric acid ....do Breach caps, bodies, and cov- ers for sanitary cart. Machining and" banding 75- mm. shells. Steel slabs Tin containers for detonators. Base plug forgings Armor plate Base plug forgings Chucks, mandrels, etc. Battery pump box carriers. . . Forges P> ifle grenades Sa 'S Tail adjusting boxes. Range finders Trench periscopes Gun shells Generator adapter pieces, fans, anl fan discharge boxes. Testing machine Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) 86,481.44 7, 728. 82 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (•3) SI. 00 1.00 6,079.50 (Paid by contractor to U.S. ) 81,776 22 10,057.49 142,500.00 2,540.30 1,959.32 5.00 1,215.00 345.00 11,279.85 135. 81 376. 50 23, 745. 92 3,914.98 1, 416, 166. 72 112,932.67 Bandoleers 155- mm. shell body forgings... Chrome-steel core's Trunnion hoop casting Brass base covers Artillery wheels Copper band Spare parts and replacements. Brass disks Fuses Inspection gauges and checks. Field cleaning rods. Gauges and checks . 5, 157. 80 164, 926. 25 41,773.50 65,530.00 31,957.20 9, 500. 40 131,370.96 2,731.00 127. 50 673,258.60 390, 555. 66 3, 285. 77 97, 512. 57 5,087.00 Inspection and check gauges. . 37-mm. shell Nitrate of ammonia Tractor gun mounts Loading handles for Yickers machine gun. Trigger motors for machine guns. Cartridge cases Folding benches Cartridge-case disks Setnisteel shells Telescopes 12-inch steel ingots Sulphuric acid Turbine pumps 31,873.04 47,953.97 24, 458. 20 15,654.97 59,319.08 1, 521, 879. 19 585. 00 3, 089. 40 847,470.04 260, 709. 60 704.85 20, 909. 08 305,182.30 21,837.69 350, 040. 95 15,912.14 6, 393. 05 54, 833. 72 4, 858. 01 655. 48 25, 582. 96 62,346.99 10, 924. 70 43,481.24 5,430.67 941. 01 92,979.19 1,268.89 1.00 1.00 1.00 3,751.07 1.00 1.00 23. 579. 23 89,072.79 108, 976. 49 2,619.10 9, 288. 75 106,965.75 11,743.48 64. 792. 24 20,243.91 282,153.82 90.72 11,249.83 4, 672. 68 668. 79 10,001.14 6,871.97 10,112.50 19, 050. 79 45,024.12 22,553.40 20, 490. 88 1.00 922. 50 1.00 7,571.09 4,200.00 1.00 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 63 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) XOBC947 948 949 950 951 953 954 955 956 • 957 959 961 962 968 971 975 977 981 986 1002 1006 1007 1008 1009 1012 1013 1016 1019 1023 1026 1027 10i8 1029 1032 1034 1035 1046 1047 1051 1053 1055 1058 10.59 1060 1064 1065 1066 1070 1071 1072 1074 1078 1085 1092 1095 1096 1104 Name of claimant. (2) Riegel Sack Co do Hart & Cosby Co Poole Engine & Machine Co. Conway Co Continental Metals Co. (Inc.). UrbanaTool& Die Co Fitchburg Machine Co Royal Manu acturing Co Continental i lie Corporation Boston vv'ire Stitcher Co Fibre Container Co Raymond engineering Cor- poration. United states Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co. do Mann & McNeille Long Knight Lumber Co Wagner Electric Manufac- turing Co. Globe Stove & Range Co Long, R.H Chase Cos. (Inc.) Lackawanna Steel Co Allington & Curtis Manufac- turing Co. Pratt Whitney Co Pratt & Whitney Co Lackawanna Steel Co Yale & Towne Manufactur- ing Co. Chase Rolling Mill Co Lackawanna Steel Co Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Liberty Pressed Metal Co . . . General Electric Co Conron McNeal Co Lddystone Munitions Co New York Air Brake Co. . . . Wilton Tool & Manufactur- ing Co. do Mengel Box Co Cleveland Folding Machine Co. Becker Manufacturing Co . . . Ford Smith Rim & Bow Co. Sparke Machine & Tool Co. . Wilson Foundry & Machine Co. Zenith Furnace Co Standard Forgings Co Sparke Machine & Tool Co. . Osborne, C. S., & Co Globe Machine & Stamping Co. Grand Rapids Brass Co Teller Brass Co Bliss, E. W.,Co Grand Rapids Brass Co Kokoma Steel & Wire Co. . . Crosby Co Allegheny Steel Co Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., &Co. Grant Motor Car Co Sterling Motor Car Co Articles or service. (3) Reinforcing bandoleers Bandoleers Metallic belt links No. 1 common steel shells Boxes for adapter and booster casings. Cupro nickel Tools L athes Cotton waste Reculting and sharpening flies Machine-gun belts Filer disks Gauges 8-inch semisteel shells. Shells Housing plans G linstocks Mark 3, 155-mm. adapters . Packing boxes Helmet linings Brass rod and strips Forging steel Sha\ ing and dust collecting system. Gauges and parts Miscellaneous parts for No. 11 and No. 12 profilers. Flat bars •. Hand fuse setters Brass rod Square forging bars. Gun sights Screw drivers for 1917 rifles. Control equipment Packing boxes Shrapnel and facilities Planing guides Inspection gauges Chamber gauge. . . Packing boxes. . .. Cartridge gauging. Packing boxes Bent felloe segments Ritle grenades Casting machining shells . Benzol Shells Hand grenades and Bouchin assemblies. Tools Tin cups for tracer shells Drill projectiles Cleaning rods Squaring shears and press Cartridge kits Rolled steel billets Helmet bodies Shell steel Services rendered in securing option on land. Trailers Cartridge cases Arlicles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $7, 222. 67 2,270.00 22, 833. 83 1,389.50 4,305.00 8, 975. 00 51 15. 62 24,267.33 86,001.90 1,410.00 16, 547. 60 3,264.46 28,253.00 14,300.94 120,388.44 140, 689. 76 23,216.38 14, 972. 59 2,650.00 24,943.08 32, 296. 58 50,236.00 58, 297. 86 17, 926. 50 16, 500. 00 31,960.00 4,319,658.40 2, 6(ft. 93 2,062.00 67,200.00 330,000.00 370, 099. 12 1,815.84 773,034.00 423,000.00 15,023.27 33, 358. 00 71,804.81 6,787.00 91,250.00 41, 558. 79 1, 487, 863. 18 1,219,518.95 Amoo.it ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. m $886. 79 37,340.71 14,019.34 120,611.13 633.49 11,469.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 54,225.41 4,406.24 732.00 27,343.52 4, 526. 95 1,200.00 31,347.12 81, 739. 44 8,376.70 9, 287. 87 913.64 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 99,418.07 71,000.00 1.00 9,454.44 8,232.16 1, 566. 76 996. 81 5, 502. 81 1.00 628.50 1,478.43 853.00 2,428.12 2, 935. 74 ■ 1.00 11,550.38 323.5S7.63 2, 297. 18 64,134.15 70, 192. 09 1.00 380. 12 4,009.41 13, 829. 99 1.00 14,783.49 108,934.85 284. 40 214,257.92 4,634.20 100,784.96 70, 876. 40 64 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of clainis adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) XOBC 1109 1111 1117 1118 1123 1127 1128 1131 1135 1136 1141 1143 1147 1149 1155 1159 1160 1162 1165 1168 1173 1178 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1186 1189 1191 1193 1195 1198 1202 1210 1212 1214 1216 1217 1220 1222 1227 1233 1236 1237 1242 1246 1248 1249 12.50 1261 1262 1263 Name of claimant. (2) Caskey-Dupree Manufactur- ing Co. Stamford Rolling Mills Co... Westfield Manulacturing Co . Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Marlboro Metal Works Co. . . New Jersey Zinc Co Warner i levator Manufac- turing Co. New Jersey Zinc Co Couron McNeal Co Dayton Steel Foundry Co. . . Scoville Manufacturing Co. . Dunbar Manufacturing Co . . Roxbury Iron & Metal Co.. . American Car & Foundry Co. General Chemical Co . . . '. Globe Optical Co Morgan Engineering Co Spencer Lona Co Wilputte Coke Oven Cor- poration. Wise, J. B.(Inc) United States Light & Heat Corporation. Raymond j'.ngineering Co.. Braden Manufacturing Co. . do Princeton Machinery and Tool Co. Kings County Lighting Co . . Smith & Hemenway Dover, Ceo. W. (Inc.) Thermol Syndicate (Ltd.).. Braden Manufacturing Co. . Wood Mosaic Co ao Mai Die jArms & Manufac- turing Co. Westinghouse Electric Co . . . Marble Arms & Manufac- turing Co. Smith & Hemenway Co International Time Record- ing Co. Transure & Williams Steel Forging Co. United States Light & Heat Corporation. Laclede Steel Co Wagner Llectric Manufac- turing Co. Kirby, G. J., Co do Ohio Chemical Manufactur- ing Co. American Radiator Co ....do ....do Kopper Co National Lead Co Koppers, H. Co National Leid Co Presto Machine Works ....do Doehler Die Casting Co Articles or service. (3) Crimping detonators and fuses Brass primer caps Machining and banding 75 mm shells. Hand grenade primers 11 mm. bullets... Spelter Freight elevators. Spelter Drop bombs Steel wheels for 155 mm. ar- tillery. Steel cleaning rods Miscellaneous repairs and spar< parts. Phosphorous scrap Shell forgings Designs for nitrate 75 mm. sights Spare and replacement parts for gun carriages. Aiming circles '. Construction toluol recovery plant. Cartridge case disks Track rollers for tanks Assembling tools.. Gauges and checks. do do Operation of toluol plant. Bolt Cutters Reamers Vitreosil cooling tubes Gauges and checks Gunstocks Hand guard blanks Field Cleaning rods Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement . (4) Discharges for rifle grenades. . Cleaning rods Pliers Strikers for U.S. 1917 rifle and facilities. Shrapnel nose forgings Welding adapter and booster casings. Common shell billets Detonating fuzes Friction primers ....do Construction of building. Cast-iron shot Projectiles Semisteel shells Construction of toluol plant. Lead washers Toluol plant Lead washers Inspection gauge Gnuges and checks Die casting caps 17,688.79 ■ 273, 910. 77 610.21 33,600.00 550. 05 7, 196. 90 7,814.44 5,221.25 2, 765. 00 8,243.40 5, 363. 83 533,577.28 5,110.00 3,431.92 30, 177. 84 212. 42 46,531.29 533,514.26 10.5, 723. 60 309.53 64, 032. 00 125,415.00 6, 191. 26 1,225.87 853.57 4,958.98 3,360.00 109, 117. 65 $19, 106. 40 1,183,974.90 158,914.00 22, 400. 00 480,764.21 35, 718. 18 1,440,000.00 189,977.02 369,571.20 35, 259. 00 223,040.99 190,286.60 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $2, 206. 74 4,327.61 14,955.38 6, 439. 51 15, 243. 06 179. 51 1.00 2,*628. 87 57,361.27 37,804.69 83,536.85 11,469.07 4,254.11 111,092.96 610. 21 5,835.20 1,630.17 1.00 791. 78 644. 15 218, 339. 64 17,869.93 387. 26 196. 49 76.50 10, 753. 16 1, 839. 40 1.00 1, 722. 0f> 2,267.94 509,570.01 1.00 12,623.22 103,487.25 3,614.18 327.00 6, 778. 80 1, 672. 36 1.00 464, 714. 58 342,096.04 125, 573. 78 38,623.45 3,678.31 1.00 1.00 1.00 2,972.60 820. 17 3,689.39 82.84 615. 01 1,629.31 3, 524. 98 1 To be paid United States. CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 65 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the rear, and for other purposes" — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS HOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- i under agreement. (t) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) XOBC 1266 1267 1271 1272 1274 1278 1282 1291 1292 1293 1296 1299 1303 1305 1310 1314 1320 1322 1328 1334 1339 1341 1343 1346 1347 1349 1354 1355 1358 1367 1369 1371 1372 1373 1381 1382 1386 1389 1390 1391 1393 1401 1408 1418 1419 1421 1426 1428 Presto Machine Works Frest City Forge & Machine Co. Wolf, L., Manufacturing Co Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co Barber-Coleman Co Crucible Steel Co Reese, James & Son Master inspection gauges. Booster casings $3,258.50 Hoosier Veneer Co International Time Record- ing Co. Langreck Tiros. & Co , Lewis, John T. & Bros. Co.. Scoville Manufacturing Co. . . Traut & Hine Manufactur- ing Co. Chase Rolling Mill Co Kilboume & Jacobs Manu- facturing Co. Peerless Printing Press Co... Chase Metal VV orks Cleveland Crane & Engine Co. Greenfield Tap & Die Cor- poration. Mc Kinney Manufacturing Co. Connellsville Foundry & Machine Steel Castings Co. Ingersoll-R and Bartlett-Hayward Co Sarnotez, W. & J., Bros New Jersey Brass Corpora- tion. New Process Gear Co Shaw Roberts Manufactur- ing Co. Visigraph Typewriter Manu- facturing Co. American C.r Foundry Co. . . Dickson Rogers Manufac- turing Co. United Manufacturing & Distributing Co. A meiican Seating Co Holt Manufacturing Co The Steele & Johnson Manu- facturing Co. Moline Pressed Steel Co United Manufacturing Distributing Co. Lapointe Co., The J. N New Britain Machine & Tool Co. Seymour Manufacturing Co Traders' Box & Lumber Co Ainswortb, Wm., & Sons.. Sloane & Chance Manufac- turing Co. Ainsv orth, Wm., & Sons.. Penns\ lvania Seaboard Steel Corporation. Hall-Hart", ell & Co Bartlett-Hayward Co Atlas Powder Co f^rop bombs 75-mm. steel shells Cutter and ends Forged steel Roueh machining 75-mm. re- cuperators. Gunstock blanks Ejectors for U. S. 1917 rifles. . . Haversack grenades Sehrapnel balls and increased facilities. Field cleaning rods Metal belt links 423, 400. 00 ""4,"369.60 17,973.60 1,146,396.97 114,592.45 Brass disks for cartridge cases.. Transport cars Sights for 3-inch guns. Seamless brass tubing. Shell forgings Tap rent bushing . . Ammunition boxes. Steel wheels .Mr compressors Primers for fuzes. . Inspection gauges. Brass and forgings. 77, 466. 87 150,357.70 2,408.49 250, 167. 45 1,640.00 214,664.21 14,024.00 3-inch trench mortar shell . Grease guns Gauges and checks . Artillery mobile repair shop... Spoke blanks Fuzes . 536. 00 32,500.00 11,526.01 1,600.00 1,142.00 487,481.20 58,277.51 & Adapter lugs Tractors and accessories Oil droppers and thong weights Chain casing assemblies. Fuzes Celluloid Co Air Reduction Sales Co. Hercules Powder Co. . . Broaches and special fixtures. . Sights for anti-aircraft car- riages. Copper bands Packing boxes Alidade protractors Machining ;,nd assembling gun forgings. Alidade protractors 12-inch high-explosive ingots. - Hand and rifle grenade aprons. Combination fuzes Plans and specifications TNT j plant. Hand grenades Oxygen Pyro cellulose I 121,400.00 15,995.15 20, 697. 60 405,0S8.50 10,498.76 69,0C0.00 30, 348. 79 9,973.26 599,854.72 68,925.88 5,034.68 $1,178.93 S, 180. 94 2, 200. 54 14,415.72 2, 960. 34 1.00 5, 175. 00 199, 788. 37 1,055.49 24, 179. 87 33,939.44 4, 190. 01 3, 436. 42 4,934.17 98,473.32 22,201.14 1.00 2,3S2. 70 1,337.89 2,821.32 4,618.83 1,734.82 8,908.00 772. 50 2,000.00 36,409.63 53.13 213. 92 30, 4S3. 75 1.00 26, 143. 89 S75. 42 2,909.24 5,976.71 6,988.67 6,600.00 1.00 51,312.63 46, 824. 59 341. 00 961. 75 40,049.34 78.07 160,959.34 1.00 6,408.77 3, 798. 93 22,625.58 1.00 1.00 H. Doc. 364, 66-2- 66 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the icar, and for other purposes" — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) XOBC 1432 1439 1442 1452 1454 1456 1459 1462 1471 1472 1473 1478 1482 1490 1491 1492 1493 1495 1497 1498 1499 1505 1508 1510 1512 1515 1517 1518 1519 1522 1527 1530 1537 1546 1552 1556 1561 1566 1568 1570 1571 1573 1577 1582 1590 1595 1597 1601 1606 1607 1622 1623 1624 1628 Name of claimanl . (2) The Recording & Comput- ing Machine Co. Ransom, John B. & Co International Clay Machine Co. American Can Co Bliss,E. W.,Co American Can Co ....do .do. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. ....do ....do Mc Kinney Steel Co Fairmont Chemical Co Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. Wheeling Stamping Co McKinney Steei Co Nixon Fulgent Products Co. McKinnev Steel Co ....do Seymour Manufacturing Co. A merican Tube & Stamping Co. Pennsylvania Seaboard Steel Corporation. Russell Envin Manufactur- ing Co. Wood Machine Co., S. A Prest-O-Lite Co. (Inc.) Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Tiee, Josia H., Engineering & Survey Corporation. S perry Gyroscope Co Seaboard By-Product Co Reigal Sack Co Marks Bros Edison Phonograph Co American Machine & Manu- facturing Co. General Klectric Co Mueller Metals Co Columbian i.'ope Co Ains vorth, Wrn., & Sons... Lawndale.ManufacturingCo. Birdgeford Machine & Tool Works. Des Moines Saw Mills Co ....do Federal Eubber Co Ne w Britain Machine Co Standard Forgings Co Railway Steel Spring Co — Ainsworth, Wm., & Sons... Herschell Spillman Motor Co. Standard Sanitary Manufac- turing Co. Langton Lumber Co do Udell Works International Harvester Co. . Bucyrus Co , American Tube & Stamping Co. Articles or service. (3) Fuze setters. Hand guards Machining 75-mm. shells. Adapter plugs Shell and shrapnel forgings Turn plate liners Loading, assembling, and pad- ing trench mortar shells. Obturators Billets Common shrapnel steel bullets. Shell billets Gothic shell steel Sulphuric acid Machining 8-inch Howitzer shells. Meat cans Shell steel Experimental work on boosters Gothic shell steel Shell steel Copper driving bands Strip steel Steel ingots . Iron body castings 75 mm. high-explosive shells and change in specifications. Oil can and oil can nozzles... Metallographic outfit and ark lamp. Engineering work Prismatic compasses By-product coke oven plant. Bandoleers Paper cylinders 240-mm. adapters Machining shells Motors 75-mm. steel shells 1 J-inch manila rope Lensatic compasses Adapters Standard gun boring lathes. Blanks Hand-guard blanks Gaskets Tripods for Browning machine gun. 155-mm. forgings Springs Protractors Gas engines 155-mm. shells. Guard blanks Gunstock blanks Fuze container boxes Construction and operation of coke ovens. Engineering works for gun mounts. Annealed strip steel Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) $966,000.00 1,968.75 42, 746. 30 87, 562. 50 150,871.05 23,310.00 24,264.18 283,764.43 1,041,845.35 1,229,002.38 2,465,045.39 210, 804. 63 303, 096. 50 116,967.97 19, 812. 49 1,364,261.83 42,735.42 1,075,000.00 170,S32.31 575.00 48, 188. 50 348,245.00 187. 63 67,020.60 580. 00 415, 659. 25 210,296.70 20, 889. 55 40,013.75 169, 603. 00 636,034.00 361,421.75 20, 832. 00 17.70 5, 337. 25 13, 129. 63 912. 00 34,912.50 71, 755. 19 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 67 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, . entitled " An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) XOBC 1631 1635 1637 1640 1641 1642 1643 1647 1643 1649 1650 1652 1653 1656 1662 1664 1670 1673 1674 1677 1678 1681 1685 1687 1690 1694 1697 1698 1702 1707 1712 1715 1718 1719 1721 1722 1729 1732 1746 1752 1754 1755 1757 1759 1760 1761 1762 1770 1771 1778 1781 1785 1786 Hupp Motor Car Co Hills & Sons Co., Edward . . . Railway Steel Spring Co Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co. do Hydraulic Drawn Forging Co. Pain, Henry J Celluloid Zapon Co , S. K. Manufacturing Co Universal Rolling Mills Co.. do Mobile Stone & Pulley Man- ufacturing Co. Hartzell, Geo. W New England Box Co Gillett Bros Barber-Coleman Co American Tube & Stamping Co. Hartzell, Geo. W National Twist & Drill Tool Co. Barber-Coleman Co Barger, C. L., & Sons Brewer-Tichner Corporation Cragin Products Co Brewer-Tichener Corpora- tion. Heller Bros American Tube & Stamping Co. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co. Stanley Aniline Chemical Co. Delaware Engineering Co . . . East Iron & Machine Co Raymond Engineering Co... Baker & Co Savage, A. J., Munition Co.. McMyler Interstate Co Cornwall & Patterson Man- ufacturing Co. ....do Allegheny Steel Co Eddystone Munitions Co Texas Co La Croix, Arthur J. (Inc.)... Public Service Electric Co... Seymour Manufacturing Co. . American Grenade Loading Co. Air Reduction Co. (Inc.) Automatic Bookkeeping Register. Kaufman, B., & Co National Lead Co Salem Gas Light Co Michigan Drop Forge Co Ford Motor Co Handy Bros Corbin, P. & F. Div. (Amer- ican Hardware Corpora- tion. ....do Storage and handling motor salvage parts. Arsenic Springs Lifting plugs Type A lifting plugs . Base plug forgings . . . Flares Pyro cotton... Copper bands. Armor plate. . do Projectiles $11,186.46 158, 250. 00 31,671.88 67, 198. S7 222,011.10 6, 854. 25 729, 871. 72 42, 184. 25 125,367.00 Gun stocks Packing boxes Bent felloe segments . Steel cutters , Booster casings Hand guard blanks . High-speed cutters . Profile and milling cutters. Transits Snaffle bits E thyl alcohol Snaffle bits Farriers' knives . Fuze sockets Powder drums . Phenol Gauges 8-inch barbette mounts... Gauges Weaving platinum gauze. Automatic pistols 5-inch shell forgings Drift pins Drifts 4.7 C. O. shell forgings Assembling, loading, and pack- ing 3-inch shrapnel. Operating plant for 1 month Crating cloth Electric cable Steel fuze stocket holders Loading, assembling, packing trench mortar shells. Designs for 10 cyandis plant. . French tachyscope Forged steel Red lead and litharge Light oil Lifting plugs Helmets 4-inch trench mortar shell boxes. Bouchon assembling for hand grenades. Adapter shells, fuse sockets and holders. 227,567.70 2, 717. 25 3, 735. 55 61,011.50 35,086.76 1,920.80 86, 490. 25 "'5,' 297." 60 35,311.95 11,601.07 264,307.02 152,310.90 10,451.04 19, 433. 86 662, 606. 70 60, 875. 50 '34,"522.'35' 14, 629. 16 317.26 51,294.15 170, 000. 00 279,765.45 $2,018.64 239. 38 32, 155. 75 19, 713. 03 546.71 51,245.37 12, 159. 68 93,587.67 18,052.52 111,838.65 93,385.64 39, 556. 08 25, 836. 80 11,823.05 1.00 1.00 16,969.97 960.00 8,523.60 1.00 1,881.14 1.00 6, 620. 47 1.00 5,954.40 8,642.30 42.23 18,367.64 1,125.22 20,097.81 1,284.79 1,065.00 90. 667. 86 2,024.75 1,233.69 3,331.06 78,661.37 3,622.29 45, 637. 24 8, 496. 60 30. 854. 87 1,533.09 22,314.60 1, 642. 37 437. 69 1.00 1.00 695. 63 1.00 9,580.49 1,262.56 49,289.60 103, 968. 51 68 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes" — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or sen ices ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. XOBC 1787 1794 1795 1802 1807 1808 1815 1818 1820 1824 1827 1828 1830 1835 1837 1840 1843 1844 1845 1695 1846 1847 1849 1850 1851 1852 1858 1860 1869 1871 1879 1880 1881 1886 1888 1903 1909 1915 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1929 1936 1937 1941 1945 1949 1950 1969 1970 1975 1978 1983 Sturtevant, B. F.,Co United States Industrial Al- cohol Co. Parrish Alford Fence Ma- chinery Co. Atwater Kent Manufactur- ing Co. Raymond Engineering Co... do Vogel, Win. & Bros. (Inc.).. do Acme Die Casting Co Dorris Motor Car Co Electric Auto-Lite Corpora- tion. do Allison Experimental Co — Cygnit Manufacturing Co.... DeLisser Men. & Tool Co. (Inc.). Oliver, The Wm. J., Co The Cornwall & Patterson Manufacturing Co. B riggs & Stratton Co Central Scientific Co Pressure blowers . Ethyl alcohol Stapley Manufacturing Cor- poration. Dunbar Manufacturing Co... The American Hardware Corporation. Universal Stamping & Man- ufacturing Co. Krasberg Manufacturing Co . Ingalls Sheperd Forging Co. Deagan, J. C Krasberg Manufacturing Co. American Cutlery Co Nacke, A., &»Son Pickrel Walnut Co Rome Manufacturing Co — ....do Dove-Smith & Son Driggs Ordnance Co Crescent Chemical Co Ansonia Manufacturing Co.. Single Service Baggage Cor- poration. Atlantic Steel Casting Co.... Nordberg Manufacturing Co National Tool Co Rudolph & West Co General Electric Co Universal Rolling Mills Co. Standard Steel Car Co... American Steel Foundries Co. Valley Forging Co Seymour Manufacturing Co do do..... Rome Manufacturing Co... do..... Modern Machine & Tool Works. Hancock Manufacturing Co Interstate Electric Novelty Co. Adriance Machine Works . . Manning, Maxwell & Moore (Inc.). SI, 027, 683. 86 Collapsible folding benches. Hand fuse setters Copper washers Gauges and checks. Fuse sockets Steel fuze Cleaning rod knobs. Driving pulleys Sight levels Sight extensions... Remodeling office . Field mounts Gauges 4,727.19 14,373.49 82, 036. 19 3,363.01 6, 000. 00 12, 450. 75 20,925.00 54,400.93 155-mm. steel shells. Extractors Dies and material Telescopes and special test gauges. Oilers and thong cases 1,100,000.00 140,375.42 641,712.83 41,275.00 Hinges and parts for tractors. Hand grenade body castings. Mount groups, tools, disks, and gigs. Breech group assemblies Forgings Elevation quadrants Breech group assemblies Bolos Rifle stock gauges Blanks Copper base covers do Gauges and checks for 75 mm. shells. Rifling machine Sulphuric acid Detonator fuses Grenade boxes 214,819.61 412, 087. 50 63, 150. 00 29, 250. 00 244,756.78 78,251.25 Hub boxes and rings Differential pressure gauge High speed end mills Files Switchboards Armor plate covers for tractors 8-inch shell body forgings Steel ingots 75-mm. shell forgings. . . Copper driving bands . . Copper drawing bands. Fuse sockets Cupro nickle bands do Inspection gauges Trench mortar fuses — Flashlights Adapter and booster casings. . Bolt cutters 17, 493. 00 4, 973. 76 12, 507. 42 338,660.00 188,988.31 26, 998. 05 3,000.65 6, 665. 00 21,807.90 10, 028. 00 146, 922. 00 3,569,304.16 746, 442. 39 56,310.85 23,233.32 12,699.62 49,317.92 3,417.40 60.00 213,348.00 17,233.69 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 69 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected luith the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Arl ieles or services ac- cept ed under agreement. M) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) XOBC 1986 1990 1991 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999 2000 2002 2013 2014 2018 2019 2021 2022 2040 2051 2054 2059 2020 2086 2082 2096 2098 2099 2104 2108 2113 2122 2125 21 2S 2131 2132 2139 2146 2149 2150 2160 2087 2164 2168 2175 2176 2185 2189 2196 2207 2212 2237 2244 Nixon Nitration Works Eberly Wheel Works Cook,'Frank B Railway & Industrial Engi- neering Co. Cincinnati Electric Tool Co. Smith Corp., A. O Molitor Box Co Rome Manufacturing Co International Harvester Co.. National Brass & Copper Tube Co. Contract Process Co Monsanto Chemical Works. . Mengel Box Co. Laclede Steel Co Unexcelled Manufacturing Co. ....do ....do Forest Box & Lumber Co . . . Hercules Engineering Corp. . Schantz, Wm. D.,Co. (Inc.). Hart & Cooley Co Unexcelled Manufacturing Co. Stewart Warner Speedome- ter Corporation. Allis-Chalmers Manufactur- ing Co. C Ilins, J. Ross Crouse Hi -ids Co Young, Corley & Dolan (Inc.) Crouse Hinds Co Farris Hardwood Lumber Co. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. BcallToolCo Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. Michigan Motor Specialty Co. Russell Motor Car Co American Cadi Register Co.. We t.rn Cartridge Co Smith & Hemenway Co Republic Iron & Steel Co Stewart Warner Speedome- ter Co. ....do do Stanley Works Bueyrus Co Federal Pressed Steel Co Ansonia Manufacturing Co. . Aluminum Co. of America. . Western Drop Forge Co Tacony Steel Co Eastman Kodak Co Schoelittle, Edwin J., Co.... Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co. International Silver Co Air Reduction Co. (Inc. ) General Electric Co Airplane flares Artillery wheels Barrack cleaning rods . Common steel shells.. . Tool post grinders and port- able electrical drills. Material parts for gun car- riages. Paper boxes Cupro nickel bands 56-inch wheel hubs Brass rod $284,380.62 170, 686. 50 9, 650. 64 615,444.65 51,476.24 709,290.97 Nitric Acid Muriatic acid Packing boxes. . . Steel shell billets. Signal lights 2,429.10 74,065.00 10,712.77 14, 646. 80 4,002.24 93,213.06 553, 663. 19 Position lights Rifle lights Packing boxes Experimental work on picric acid. Wood plugs for hand grenades. Transfer presses, tools, etc Signal rockets Motor busses . 233,778.24 1,870.00 24, 580. 56 18, 500. 74 35, 127. 00 83,304.00 Resen e and spare parts for gas engi 1 Pow dcr bags Pipe fittings 57, 750. 00 15, 462. 21 Conduits.. Bass wood. Ride grenade dischargers. Pickaxes and mattocks 8-inch shells 1,450.52 9, 035. 77 1,033,929.80 47, 335. 84 2258 Spears, C. A., & Sons. Cartridge disks , Mark I fuses Tools Increased facilities Pincers Forging steel Machining grenade bodies. Rifle grenades do Difference in freight and ex- press charges. Recuil slide forgings i Hui cork cases Tool steel and wire Meat can bodies 9.2-inch base plug forgings Forged steel Trench periscopes Paper boxes Stokers and ash handling equipment. Lead washers Nitrogen equipment Generator motor and gear cases. Packing boxes 21,110.00 931,623.00 4,292.51 67, 644. 30 261,228.56 546,301.50 405, 275. 03 281,61':.. nil 1,903,170.00 78,480.00 31,730.40 3, 066. 31 16, 103. 03 5,821.77 4,961.86 $220,324.68 7, 005. 42 164.60 45,581.65 42.56 19, 447. 16 4, 013. 69 1.00 83, 533. 63 123. 28 1.00 1.00 7,749.21 426. 99 187.41 172. 66 3,358.11 19,121.70 4,326.90 1, 830. 44 13,749.33 19.68 77,286.85 1. 723. 55 7,144.96 1.00 500. 00 1.00 1.00 3,146.72 1.00 1,065.62 43, 017. 71 462,115.46 3,251.75 1.00 323. 00 1.00 25,871.97 121,729.72 19, 778. 65 3,046.40 46,312.11 26,819.47 1,231.65 2, 034. 54 699. 10 1.00 117,381.37 1. 066. 56 38, 500. 00 1,416.84 228, 784. 50 1.00 251. 03 70 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or services ac- cepted under agreement. (4) Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (*) XOBC 2262 2266 2267 2277 2279 22S7 2290 2295 2298 2299 2302 2305 2312 2313 2315 2319 2321 2322 2325 2342 2349 2351 2352 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2368 2381 2383 2394 2395 2399 2401 2407 2410 2411 2412 2413 2419 2429 2431 2438 2476 2494 2503 2504 American Brass Co. United Lead Co ....do American Brass Co United Lead Co Nixon, Lewis (Nixon Nitra- tion Works). do Hooper Bros. & Darlington (Inc.). Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Allis-Chalmers Manufactur- ing Co. Kieckhefer Paper Co Root & Vandervoort Engi- neering Co. Carbon stool Co Semet-Solvay Co Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanical Institute. Brewer- Titchener Corpora- tion. Otto, Albert T., & Sons (Tnc.) Wood, John, Manufacturing Co. Eddystone Munition Co Wood, John, Manufacturing Co. Mengel Box Co Ravmer Hardware Co Briggs AStrattonCo Paine Lumber Co do Federal Rubber Co Keickhefer Paper Co do do Presto Machine Works Illinois Tool Works Wise, J. B. (Inc.) Kokomo Steel . do. Oliver Iron & Steel Co Jones n J. Richard Pennsyh ania Salt Manufac- turing Co. Baldwin Locomotive Works Baeder AdamS'on & Co ....do Stewart Warner Speedome- ter Corporation. Hindley Gear Co Vermont Marble Co Frasse, Peter A. & Co.(Inc) Universal Rolling Mill Co.. Sterling Steel Foundry Co... Norristown Magnesia & Asbestos Co. Globe Iron Co Dove-Smith & Sons Tac my Steel C> Ball Grain Expl >sive Co Universal Rolling Mills Co. . Standard Metal Work Co... . Washington Steel & Ord- nance C i. Nati nal ' ireworks Manufac tilling C :. General Electric Cj Chase 1 'arker & Co Articles or service. (3) Equipments for handling fur- naces. Primer protectors Lamp and sight brackets Copper base covers Signal rockets do Posil i m lights Caps for offensive greni Replacement parts for 240-mm h-iw itzer. Dummy drop bombs Packing cases Boxes Experimental and research wort on catalyzers. Recuperator forgings l r 155- mm. guns. 155-mm. forgings Loading barrows Benzol lings for rifle grenades Casting and machining 155- mm. shells and increased fa- cilities. Tools Forgings for 6-inch gun shell.. 6-ii oh sh< 11 I irgings finch liars Toluol and ammonium sul- phate. Fuse sockets, holders, and boost "i ....do .do. Bomb sights Adapter and fuse bushings Musketry rules and traveling expenses. ( lauges Fuse boxes Packing boxes Cau tic soda Railway gun mounts Tube containers for powder. . . Containers for propelling charges. Hand grenades and cng. charges. ' I ears fi r gt m carriages Machining fi iut jackf ts for 155- mm. howitzers. Alloy bullet steel Armor Cast ste« I ing its Asbestos strips Special Bessemer ferro silicon. Inspection gauges Forged and r lied steel bars.. Primers for rifle grenades A rmor plate covering Oil cans 12-inch gim and mortar shells Parachute rockets Research work Extract is an 1 wrenches. Articles or sen ices ac- cepted under agreement. ft) $S0,S10.00 1,474.44 79,576.75 2,361.60 12,910.00 51,760 00 19,825.00 53,417.25 28,625.00 5, 022. 00 4,754. 16 1,058.60 579, 170. 40 158, 709. 20 25,015.20 L9,649.87 77,343, 28 50,986.05 3,737.57 100,688.86 387,929.25 2, 400. 00 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) $1,148.57 219. 49 6,978.90 LOO 3,411.20 154.00 175.00 290.72 7,091.39 653. 32 148.03 1,444.14 906. 62 7, 913. S5 1,438.99 1,417.48 3, 070. 32 617.33 42, 736. 18 1.00 69.06 138. 15 547. 08 3,675.987.00 45,106.21 50.110 96 (Included in No. 2780.) (Included in No. 2780.) 166,250.00 63,068.22 2, ssi) 80 71.557. SI I 4,281.14 33,058.19 622, 500. 00 7,728.00 2, 278. 75 13,134.21 21,4S3.25 28, 789. 76 7,074.88 1,550.00 36,902.16 3, 204. 60 2. 234. 50 1. litis, 653. 00 13,603.10 181.90 11,918.49 46. 95 165.46 215,345.85 1,558.82 1,641.96 41,895.58 21,555.00 20,455.32 15, 522. 20 1, 568. 51 410. 85 4,213.65 320,411.78 23,309.63 450. 50 230, 699. 26 1.00 9,386.72 219. 51 160,790.63 662. 80 12, 769. 46 3,745.62 9,813.34 5,541.69 72 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under net of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes'' — Continued. ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Continued. Claim No. (1) XOBC 3009 3010 3029 3031 3031) 3038 3039 3049 3075 3382 3083 3>s4 Name of claimant. (2) Western Drop Forge Co 1 1 -I \ orks, tV. A Manning, Bowman & Co Page-Stern Drop Forge Co.. Wilcox Manufacturing Co... Eastern Bridge & Structural Co. do / ,C! isen Manufacturing Co I.rbi-I Machine Co... Billii gs & Speni < i. ....do ....do T it I Articles or service (3) Drop forgings Woi k u iron fence Adapter and booster casings... Drop f >rgings Ira-ram. how itzer rings Steel mats, U mplates, and angles. Sh 1 1 rucks Bandoleers plus storage and in- insurance; Gai ges Pro)) f irgings Forgirgs. Dr ip ! irgings Articles or sen ices ac- cepted under agreement. (4) 83,748.50 92,574.96 2, 759. 20 1,499 30 23, 600. 00 1 15, 945. 00 17,913.56 4,021.20 200. 28 108.029,125.71 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. $1,357.68 1,831.15 12,565.00 5.85 566. 80 16,467.29 20, 352. 26 75.32 1, 016. 55 47.19 30. 46 33.62 52,157,716.45 AIR SERVICE CLAIMS HOARD. ASA 4 6 9 10 13 14 16 19 21 23 25 28 29 .32 37 38 40 41 43 58 60 61 63 89 91 121 132 137 142 153 218 248 358 500 Macy Engineering Co Pittsburgh Model Engine Co. Union Switch & Signal Co.. do do do Hardman Pack & Co McKelvev. J. Eugene Harding, Tilton A Co I iranite Mills Fires! one 1 ire & R ubber Co Heine < Ihimney Co Alcohol Products Co Chemical Co. of America Burns* Knapp LumberCo. Automatic Engineering & Manufacturing Co. i Henn Li. Martin Co Ford Mo 1 or Co Cunningham, Son A Co., Jame Detroit Lubrical or Co Eastman Kodak Co Manufacturing Co... Olobe Sprinkler Co do ....do Perelstrous & Storms Pearce Co., Frederick I }eorge, E. S. We 1 1 mi Electric Co Vict or Sere < Works Packard Motor Car Co MetzCo Griswold MachineCo.,G. W. North Easl Electric Co Packard Piano Co Atherton & Co., Charles Experimental work . Bolts Experimental work Work on cylinder liners. Expense on engines oes. Propeller pitch tables. . . Services Cloth Balloon cloth Balloon production Radial brick stack Alcohol Benzyl-benzoal e Walnut Iuml er Thread gauges Services in testing bombs. Spare parts Services in crat ing Ca mpaign parts Erection and operation recov- ery plant. Balloon cloi h Spares for sprinkler system ....do ....do Miscellaneous expenses Machine gun equipment Bent Photographic work Packing and oiling screws Experimental work on motors. Reimbursement of int eresl ] 'ropeller protractors Volt age regulators Combat propellers Southern spruce Total 1,550,504.02 15, 000. 00 297. 03 1,532,037.23 58. 13 4,833.20 837. 29 187.50 145. 42 165. 00 446. 25 874,763.72 2,126.60 2,890.32 9,973.61 3,273.94 9,975.83 520. 58 10, 589. 75 2,290.51 64.003.38 2,000.00 5, 330. 95 31,038.41 2,057.33 8,851.95 983.39 1,724,216.88 5,172.75 2, 244. 77 11,688.33 61.68 83.94 118.08 295. 40 450, 333. 80 9,482.23 367.53 156.64 712.93 1,763.00 2,437,368.23 CLAIMS ADJUSTED UNDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. 73 Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919, entitle'! "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes " — Continued. CORPS OF ENGINEERS CLAIMS BOARD. Claim No. 90 92 93 95 98 lit; lis 127 130 138 Name of claimant. (2) Cummings Machine Co. Whitcomb Co., Geo. D. do Western Electric Co do .do. .do. .do. .do. Joliet Bridge & Iron Co Vulcan Iron Works Terry Manufacturing Co., Edward F. Western Electric Co Sperry Gyroscope Co do .do. .do. .do. .do. Matisse, C. & A Orton & Steinbrenner Co — Fate Co., J. D Genera] Electric Co do Bucyrus Co American Locomotive Co. . Clyde Iron Works Waterbury Tool Co Dravo-Doyle Co I ewis .Manufacturing Co. . . Orton & Steinbrenner Co. . . do General Electric Co White Fireproof Construc- tion Co. Brown Hoisting Machine Co Stewart & Co. (Inc.), James. Stuyyesant Motor Co., E. S. Birmingham Rail & Loco- motive Co. Tropical Paint Co Ca ml >ria Steel Co General Electric Co do Western Electric Co do Westinghouse Manufactur- ing Co. DymaLkon Metals Corpora- tion. General Electric Co Buffalo Hoist & Derrick Co. Browning Co Pullman Co General Electric Co Link Belt Co do Variety Iron & Steel Co Osgood Co Magar Car Corporation Total. Articles or service. (3) Gasoline locomotives ....do .- ....do.... Tucker recording sets Development of 60-inch search- light. I levelopment of stellite mirror. Development of 36-inchsearch- light. Developing of searchlight Development of searchlight training control. Locomotive cranes Locomotives Raised pier cranes Sound ranging sets Antiaircraft searchlight Developing one 60-inch search- light. ....do Development of 36-inch search- light. Developing high intensity searcnlighl . Development of 60-inch search- light. I arabolie mirrors Locomotive cranes Gasoline locomotives Development of searchlight . . I I igh intensity searchlight . . . Locomotives cranes Steam locomotives Spare carts for unloaders Speed gears Locomotive cranes Port able buildings Locomotive cranes ....do Switchboard Shelters Expenses recruiting men for France. Designing marine derrick Searchlight carriages Locomotives I'aint and putty Railroad cars 25 kw. sets Searchlighl power units Control device for detectors. . Control apparatus for anti- aircraft. Searchlight remote control. . . Backing for mirrors Starting panels Locomotive cranes Raised pier cranes Box and gondola cars. Electrical apparatus. . Raised pier cranes Locomotive cranes. ... Raised pier cranes Locomotive cranes Experimental truck. . . Articles or service • ac- cepted under agreement. W $107,500.00 122, 174. 00 45,225.00 9, 070. 21 1,963.00 3,370.29 8, 129. 68 518. 78 105, 450. 00 271,674.60 217,000.00 77,438.67 5, 088. 00 5,922.00 1,522.62 5, 670. 00 4,415.89 17,640.21 Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) 101,595 I-' 18,050.27 202,150.00 15,317. tl 132,900.00 14,828.00 3,102.46 1,897.19 9,450.00 5, 655. 20 22,383.00 35,028.00 221,468.00 304,500.00 484,000.00 2, 890, 392. 73 860, 359. 62 82,566.05 93,439.80 15, 868. 96 36,282.48 146,640.63 99, 277. 70 11,867.60 3, 755. 70 735. 81 50,168.04 56,758.91 72.95 1,920.39 662. 30 1,228.80 4, 407. 60 3,731.85 1,466.00 27,118.94 6, 184. 35 4,461.61 2,392.99 2,746.04 71,960.79 16,111.80 11,549.91 2, 835. 00 25,000.00 15,353.05 37,114.00 4, 389. 50 14,801.47 6,904.64 2, 572. 00 922, 707. 34 74 CLAIMS ADJUSTED TJXDER WAR CONTRACTS ACT. Report to Congress of claims adjusted under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1919 * entitled "An act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution of the war, and for other purposes'' — Continued. CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE CLAIMS BOARD. Claim No. (1) Name of claimant. (2) Articles or service. (3) Articles or service? ac- cepted under agreement . Amount ap- proved for payment to claimant in adjustment. (5) GD1A 3 A 4 A 5A 6A 7 A 8A 9A 10 A 11A 12A 13 A 14 A 16A i;a 18A 19A 20A 21 A 22 A 24A 25A 26A 27 A 28A 29A 30A 31 A 32 A 33 A 34 A 3.5A 36A 37 A 38A 39A 40A 41 A 42A 42B 43 A 45A 46A 47A 48A 49A 50A 51 A 52A 53A 5 i a 55A 56A 57A 58A 59A 60A ATJ IB 2A 3 A 4 A Astoria Light, Heat & Power Co. Lee Tire & Rubber Co Hero Manufacturing Co Crawford & Co., H. L Empire Tire & JRubl Franklin Knitting Mills Beistle Co French & Ward Elmira Knitting Mills Auerbach, Louis One.) Goodrich Rubber Co.. B. F . Hooker Electrochemical Co . WirzCo., A. H. (Inc.) Waterbury Manufacturing Co. Mendelson Corporation Goodrich Co., B. F Fulford Manufacturing Co... Columbia Narrow FabricCo. I.vons & Sons, I. W Mill, r Rubber Co Kales Stamping Co Stanley Works, Everlastik (Inc.) Stanlev Works Colgate A- Co Murrav Manufacturing Co., J. W. Williams Co.. LB Murrav Manufacturing Co., J. W. Carbon. Springfield Gas Light Co Spaulding & Bros.. A. G Arnericah Can Co Seaman Waste Wood Chem- ical Co. Colgate cv Co Ritter Can cV- Specialty Co. . . National Lead Co " do Waterbury Manufacturing Co. Larkin Co General Chemical Co Doehler Fie Casting Co Gerhart Mennen Chemical Co. Fisk Rubber Co Miller Rubber Co Tver Rubber Co Art Metal Works (Inc.) Stanlev Works KenyonCo. C. (Inc.) Continental Rubber Works . Dupont Fabrikoid Co Federal Rubber Co VitroceU Co United States Rubber Co. . . Art Metal Works General Aluminum & Brass Co. Plymouth Rubber Co Enameling