qass n h c> k S Book /u^ . DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY O. H. TITTMANN, Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS KENT COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR / 'o COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY •7 O. H. TITTMANN. Superintendent SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS KENT COUNTY MARYLAND DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES AND LANDMARKS AND REPORT OF WORK OF UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN COOPERATION WITH UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES AND MARYLAND SHELL FISH COMMISSION By C. C. YATES CHIEF OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY PARTY ASSISTANT, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OKHCL 1912 n. 35 1912 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. department of commerce and labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, October 5, igii. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of the officer detailed from the Coast and Geodetic Survey to cooperate with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission in surveying the oyster bars of the State of Maryland, together with certain technical results which are necessary for the interpretation and use of the plats of the survey made by the Government. This work has been done under the provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shell fish com- missioners of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland," approved Ma)' 26, 1906, and of the acts of Congress making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, and 1912. Respectfully, O. H. TiTTMANN, Superintendent. To Hon. Charles Nagel, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. 3 CERTIFICATION Baltimore, Md., October 4, igii. The following publication is certified to contain correct technical descriptions of all boundaries and landmarks established in Kent County by the Maryland Shell Fish Commission in cooperation with the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. C. C. Yates, Chiej of Coast and Geodetic Survey Party, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Examined and certified to be correct. Baltimore, Md., October 4, igiz. Walter J. Mitchell, Caswell Grave, Benjamin K. Green, Maryland Sliell Fish Commission. SwEPSON EarlE, Hydrographic Engineer. Note. — Certified copies of this publication and of the charts of the natural oyster bars of Kent County were filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Kent County and in the office of the Board of Shell Fish Commissioners on October 5, 1911. 5 CONTENTS. Page. Progress map follows Letter of submittal 3 Certification 5 Introduction: Publications '-5 Cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey '4 Cooperation of the Bureau of Fisheries ^4 General statement of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey i4 Report of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: Instructions Organization and equipment ' " Chronological statement of work '7 Statistics ^^ General remarks ^9 Charts and maps: Charts of natural oyster bars ^° Leasing charts • ^ ^ Projections ^^ Progress maps ^^ Boundaries of the county waters: Waters within territorial limits of county 23 Waters contiguous to county ^4 Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations): Explanation ^S Method of describing triangulation stations 25 Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters— Chart No. 2S (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity Tolchester Beach)— Worton Point 2 2S Pooles Island Light -^ Pooles Island 2 ^° Bramble 29 Mitchells Bluff 2 =9 Craighill Channel Light (Front Range) (see progress map) 3° Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range) (see progress map) 3= Fort Howard Taller Water Tank (see progress map) 3° Seven Foot Knoll Light (see progress map) 3° Bodkin Point (Old Tower) (see progress map) 3' Swan Point 3 (see also Chart No. 29) 31 Bank (see also Chart No. 29) 3' Tavern (see also Chart No. 29) i- Corr 32 Urie a 7 fj Contenls. Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey tri angulation stations) — Contiimcil . Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters — Continued. Chart No. sS (Chesapeake Bay, vicinity Tolchester Beach) — Continued. Page. Spike 33 Elliason 34 Rail 34 Fork 35 Haven (see also Chart No. 29) 35 Treasure (see also Chart No. 29) 36 Orchard (see also Chart No. 29) 36 Gratitude (see also Chart No. 29) .' 37 Chart No. 2Q (Chesapeake Bay and entrance to Chester River) — Swan Point 3 (see also Chart No. 28) 31 Bank (see also Chart No. 28) 31 Tavern (see also Chart No. 28) 32 Haven (see also Chart No. 28) 35 Treasure (see also Chart No. 28) 36 Orchard (see also Chart No. 28) 36 Gratitude (see also Chart No. 28) 37 Windmill Point 37 Stevens 38 Baltimore Light (see progress map) 38 Sandy Point Light 38 Ring 39 Love Point Light 39 Amour 39 Railway Water Tank 40 Wickes Beach 40 Narrows Point (see also Chart No. 30) 40 Macum 41 Thin 42 Muddy (see also Chart No. 30) 42 Bridge 42 Railroad ; 43 Chart No. 30 (Middle Chester River and tributaries) — Narrows Point (see also Chart No. 29) 40 Muddy (see also Chart No. 29) 42 Bluebeard 43 Blakeford 44 Rain 44 Break 45 Overton 45 Fir 45 Bay Bush Point 46 Gordon 46 Bird 47 Crow 47 Grove 48 Reeds ; 48 Little Gum 48 Weeks 49 Spring 49 Lucy 50 Goose 50 Contents. g Landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations)— Continued. Descriptions of triangulation stations in county and adjacent waters— Continued. Chart No. SO (Middle Chester River and tributaries)— Continued. Page. Prussian „ Gray ; ; ; ; ; ^ i Herring ^j No Road ^2 Cut :.:::::::;:::::;:::::::::::;;;::;:: s. F°« S3 Island 5, Tray '....'.'.' '.'^.'' ''.'.'.''.'.'.''.'.''.'.''.'.'.'.' ''.'^.'. 53 I«n 54 Holton Point .' , . Earle ^^ Hydrographic .. Ruth :;;;:;;:::::::::::::::;:::::::::::: 6 Melfield ^6 Bath ; !!'!!!!!!!' 57 Ship jy Engineer ^g Swepson _. ^g Corsica ^ _ 39 Deep Cove _„ Snub jg Lawyer go Drum 6o Davis 6j Isle 6j Eagle 6j I^rd 6, Kinsley gj Whale. 63 Bungay 6^ Locust g Nat Mill .....^. '..... West 64 64 64 Homor g- King 6- Ash Noth 66 66 Leary 66 Nest 67 Won 67 Harp • 68 Clay 68 Lovely 6^ Gut 69 Philip 69 We 70 Hoo Cult 70 Wann _j Com -J Neck _2 1 o Contents. I_,ANn:MARK.s (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey trian(;ui'land 128 Appendix D. — Statistics of results of tne combined operations of the Government and State . . 130 SURVEY OF OYSTER BARS, KENT COUNTY, MD. INTRODUCTION. PUBLICATIONS. The preparation of publications relating to the sur\'ey of the oyster bars of Maryland has been divided between the Government and the State in accordance with the laws ' authorizing the work and the natural division of the sur\-eying operations - of the cooperating forces. The publications prepared and issued by the Govenunent under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey consist of a series of charts and a technical report for each county surveyed.^ The charts show all legal boundaries of oyster bars within the adopted boundaries of the waters opened up for leasing with each county, and the location of all landmarks (Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used as a foundation for the delineation of these various boundaries. The technical report gives technical and legal descriptions of all oyster bar and other bound- aries, and descriptions of all landmarks shown on the charts, and includes the report of the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in charge of the work of that service in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission. These charts and technical reports are prepared and certified for file with the courts and the Commission, as required by the laws of the State, and contain all infor- mation necessary to make a permanent record of the work of the Commission and the Government for all future requirements of the courts, or for any resurveys that may become necessary.^ The publications prepared and issued by the State under the direction of the Shell Fish Commission consist of annual reports ^ of all the operations of the Commission performed under the provisions of the laws of Maryland," including results of biological ^ See Appendix A for laws relating to the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and Bureau of Fisheries with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. 2 See Appendix C for a summary of the particular surveying operations which constitute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland. 3 These charts and technical reports can be obtained by apphcation to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington, D. C. The publicationsnowreadyfor issue are those for Anne Arimdel, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys, Baltimore, and Kent Counties. * The technical records and charts for each county are published separately, on account of the requirements of the oyster-culture laws of the State and the practical considerations which make it desirable to have each coimty "opened up" for oyster culture as soon as practicable after the completion of its survey. For these reasons and the fact that these reports-are each arranged for distribution and use in one coimty only without reference to other published records, much of the text of this publication is of necessity identical with similar previous publications for other coimties. * These reports can be obtained by application to the Shell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Building, Baltimore, Md. They are issued annually in October, and the first, second, and third reports are now available for distribution. * See Appendix B for an extract from the "Second Report of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, " giving i mary of the "Haman Oyster Culture Law. " '3 14 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. and economic oyster investigations, methods and results of the hjdrographic sur\-ey of the boundaries of oyster bars and crab bottoms, the administrative report and financial statement of the Commission, information relating to oyster culture, methods of sur- veying and leasing of oyster lots, and much other important matter of legal and scientific value. These two sets of publications are planned and arranged to supplement each other without unnecessary duplication, and when combined they form a complete report of operations, methods, and results of the work of both the Government and State.' COOPERATION OF THE CO.^ST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, as the name of the serv'ice indicates, includes a survey of the coasts of the United States made on a geodetic basis. This has involved the gradual construction of a great framework of interstate triangulation for use as a foundation for detail hydrographic and topographic surveys, from which there has been compiled and published a complete set of charts of the coasts of the United States, including all waters of Maryland where oysters grow. This existing triangulation, hydrography, and topography is essential as a foundation for a correct and practical survey of natural oyster bars; and it being one of the fundamental func- tions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to furnish such data, the cooperation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission is a practical and natural development of Government work leading to the conservation and increase of the supply of food. COOPERATION OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The Bureau of Fisheries has cooperated with the Coast and Geodetic Sur\-ey and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission principally as an adviser in matters relating to the biological and economic survey of oyster bars and the methods to be employed for that purpose.- A steam launch, rowing boat, and certain apparatus have also been furnished. The primary function of the Bureau of Fisheries is to increase the productiveness of marine and fresh waters by such measures as may be best suited to the purpose, and the services rendered in connection with the surv^ey of the oyster bars of ^Maryland are strictly in line with the fundamental law under which it acts. In certain States other than Maryland similar work has been conducted by the Bureau acting independently, the same ends being attained at greater expense to the Government. GENERAL STATEMENT OF WORK OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY.^ The results obtained from the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in coopera- tion with the Bureau of Fisheries and the Maryland Shell Fish Commission need very little other summary than is indicated by the published "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" and theindex ot hydrographic projections and triangulation stations shown on the county progress maps attached to each report. ^ See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State. '* ' Hon. George M. Bowers, Commissioner of Fisheries, has detailed for this service Dr. H. F. Moore, Assistant, Bureau of Fish- * For a detail statement of the very large amount of excellent oyster-survey work of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission sec the "Annual Reports of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. " Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 15 The triangulation has been carried on in accordance with the standard methods of the Coast and Geodetic Sur\-ey, making this work and that of the " Descriptions of Triangulation Stations" of permanent value, not only to the State of Maryland in the survey of her oyster bars, but also to the Government for any future work it may do in the regions covered by the oyster-survey operations. The hydrographic projections and published charts are prepared with all the accu- racy permitted by their large scale, especially as to the boundaries of the various shell-fish bottoms in relation to landmarks, but this accuracy of location on the charts is further added to and permanently fixed by published technical descriptions which should minimize the probability of any future dispute as to either landmarks or boundaries. Stated another way, and quoting from the report of the "Survey of Oyster Bars of Anne Arundel County": The geographic positions of the permanent landmarks and signals have been determined with the usual precision of a trigonometric survey, and their locations at all points necessan.- to provide ample foundation for the surveying and charting operations permitted great accuracy of definition and loca- tion for the natiual oyster bar and other boundaries established. At the same time, the very important element of permanency of the positions of boundaries has been secured, as the relocation of geodetic positions can always be accomplished by a competent surveyor, even though the original landmarks and monuments have been washed awa)-, as has been the fate of hundreds of such points established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay during the last 65 years. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY IN KENT COUNTY. INSTRUCTIONS. The following letters, together with the laws ' of the United States relating to the subject, constitute the "instructions" received by the chief of the Coast and Geodetic Survey party engaged on work in connection with the Maryland Shell Fish Commission. They are short and definite, but furnish ample authority and leeway for all legitimate development of the cooperation of the Government and the State in the survey of oyster bars. The "free hand" permitted by these orders, together with the aid and many valuable suggestions received from the officers of the survey at Wash- ington, have proved very beneficial to the work and are greatly appreciated. Department of Commerce and Labor, Office of the Secretary, Washington, June 2, igo6. Sir; In reply to your letter of May 28, requesting me to designate officers of the Coast and Geo- detic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries to cooperate with the State of Maryland in making survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, I have the honor to inform you that Mr. C. C. Yates will be designated to cooperate on the part of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as soon as Congress makes the provisions of the act effective by providing an appropriation for the purpose. Respectfully, Lawrence O. Murray, Assistant Sccrelary. His Excellency Hon. Edwin WarfiEld, Governor of Maryland, Annapolis, Md. Department of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, July 3, IQ06. Sir: Upon the receipt of these instructions you will surrender the command, accounts, etc., of the steamer Endeavor to the Hydrographic Inspector. * * * As soon as this transfer is completed you will enter upon the duties of Coast Survey representative on the Shell Fish Commission of Maryland. You will consult the Commissioners, prepare a programme of work, and submit estimates in the usual form. You are authorized to come to Washington for consultation from time to time as may be necessary. Very respectfully, O. H. TiTTmann, Superintendent. Capt. C. C. Yates, U. S. C. and G. S. Steamer Endeavor, Baltimore, Md. * For these laws see Appendix A. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 17 ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. The personnel and occupation of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the "oyster survey." Besides the chief of party, it consists of the necessary triangulators, computers, draftsmen, and temporary employees required to carry on both the surveying operations in the field and the preparation for publication of oyster charts and technical records in the office at Washington. The equipment for the work of the party has been ample and satisfactory. The large living and office quarters furnished the Government on the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house boat Oyster have been very convenient for the work, besides facili- tating efficient cooperation with the surveying and oyster investigation parties of the State. In addition to the accommodations on the Oyster, the Coast and Geodetic Survey party has had the constant use of the large steam launch Inspector and several other boats furnished by its own service, and the occasional use of the Bureau of Fisheries launch Canvasback ' and the steamer Governor McLane ^ of the State fishery force. The greater part of the equipment of instruments for the operations of both the Government and State has been furnished by the Coast and Geodetic Survey and con- sists of all necessary theodolites, levels, sextants, drafting instruments, hydrometers, etc., required for all field and office work. CHRONOLOGICAL ST.'ITEMBNT OF WORK. The field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Kent County ' dates from April 14, 1909, when the Maryland Shell Fish Commission house hoa.t Oyster was moved from her winter quarters at Baltimore to an anchorage off Rock Hall Landing in Kent County. The surveying operations carried on from this harbor covered a period of about six weeks in which practically all triangulation was completed on the Chesapeake Bay shores of both Kent and Baltimore Counties as well as a considerable part of the same class of work in the mouth of Chester River in both Kent and Queen Annes counties. On May 26, 1909, the Oyster was moved from Rock Hall Landing to an anchorage in the upper part of Chester River near Cliffs Landing where she remained for a little over a month. On June 30, 1909, the house boat was moved to a temporary anchorage off Queens- town in the lower Chester River. This date marked the practical completion of the work in Chester River, the triangulation of which was especially notable for the month of June on account of there having been 92 triangulation stations established which were all marked by monuments and signals, locations described, and then occupied for theodolite observations. On July I, 1909, the house boat Oyster was towed by the State steamer Governor McLane to Baltimore Harbor, where the following four days, which included a Sunday and a holiday, were spent in taking on coal, water, and other supplies. ' By courtesy of Dr. H. F. Moore, United States Bureau of Fisheries. * By courtesy of Capt. James A. Turner, commanding. ^ Tfie field work of Kent. Baltimore, and Queen Annes counties was so intermixed that the chronological statement of the worl^ of one of these counties necessarily includes a considerable part of the work of the other two counties. 141 26 — 12 2 i8 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. On July 6, 1909, (he Governor McLaiw again moved the Oyster, this time from Baltimore to an anchorage in Queen Annes County in the Eastern Bay entrance of Kent Narrows. From this harbor as headquarters a few additional triangulation observations were made in Kent County although the greater part of work while the house boat was at this anchorage was confined to Queen Annes and Talbot counties. On July 22, 1909, the house boat was again moved to the vicinit}' of Rock Hall Landing to complete certain oyster survey operations not finished when the Oyster was anchored there in the spring. On August 5, 1909, the house boat was towed to Worton Creek which is located at the extreme northern limit of oyster growth in Chesapeake Bay. From this harbor all the remaining oyster survey work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in both Kent and Baltimore counties was completed, although some weeks later a Maryland Shell Fish Commission party returned to these counties to finish certain oyster investiga- tions and hydrographic observations. The office work connected with the "oyster survey" of Kent County, including compilations of geographic information and drafting necessary for the preparation for pubHcation of the oyster charts and the technical records, was continued inter- mittingly with the office work of other counties from the beginning of the field work in Kent County to the time of filing of the certified oyster charts and technical reports in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission and with the clerk of the circuit court of Kent County on October 5, igii. STATISTICS.' Landmarks and triangulation signals erected 1.55 Monuments planted to mark triangulation stations 133 Triangulation stations occupied for observations of horizontal angles 133 Old triangulation stations recovered 20 New triangulation stations established - 127 Total old and new triangulation stations marked and described 147 Linear miles ot shore line covered by triangulation (approximate) no Square miles covered by triangulation (approximate) 130 Hydrographic projections prepared and completed as records of oyster boundaries 10 Triangles computed 270 Geographic positions computed 132 Corners of oyster boundaries established by computation 271 Back azimuths and distances computed from corners of boundaries to triangulation stations 813 Descriptions of triangulation stations prepared for publication 147 Descriptions of oyster boundar.ies prepared for publication 64 " Charts of Natural Oyster Bars" prepared for publication 3 Progress map prepared for publication i ' These statistics only ipclude field and office work directly performed by the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the oyster survey of Kent County, and do not include the many thousands of soundings and examinations of the character of the bottom made b>- the engineers of the Commission, which are of considerable value to the Coast and Geo- detic .Survey as hydrofiraphic records for future use in connection with the preparation of new editions of charts of the waters of Maryland. Sec .\ppcndix n of this publicaliciu for ".Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and the State." Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 19 GENERAL REMARKS. Before ending this report the representative of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wishes to renew his statement of appreciation of the courteous assistance received from various Government and State officials and others interested in the oyster industry of Maryland, especially to the following: To his colleague from the Department of Commerce and Labor, Dr. H. F. Moore, of the Bureau of Fisheries, whose well-known scientific knowledge of all matters relating to oysters has been of great value to the work. To Mr. Walter J. Mitchell, chairman of the Maryland Shell Fish Commission, who, by his administrative ability in carrying out the complicated requirements of the oyster laws and by his unfailing tact, has made the cooperation of the various services engaged on the work both agreeable and effective. To Dr. Caswell Grave, secretary of the Commission, who, as editor of the Com- mission's annual report and Commissioner in charge of the biological and economic oyster investigations, has been brought into constant contact with the Government work and aided its operations in every way. To Mr. Benjamin K. Green, treasurer of the Commission, who has looked after the equipment and commissary of the house boat in such a way as to add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the party of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. To Mr. Swepson Earle, hydrographic engineer to the Commission, whose knowledge of the work from former service in the Coast and Geodetic Survey has greatly facilitated his practical use of the technical data furnished by the Government. And to the many others connected with the Commission or who as residents in the locality where the work was being carried on have greatly assisted by furnishing impor- tant information or willing services. CHARTS AND MAPS. CHARTS OK NATURAL OYSTER BARS. The charts ' of the natural oyster bars of Kent County, published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from results of surveys of the Government in cooperation with the Maryland .Shell Fish Commission, consist of three sheets covering a portion of the waters of Chesapeake Bay and all of Chester River, including all oyster-producing bottoms of Kent County. They are published on a scale of i part in 20,000 (approxi- mately .'5|'i inch to a statute mile) and are constructed on polyconic projections and based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Surv-ey. These charts show all oyster bars and other boundaries established by the Com- mission, and are certified for the purpose of filing in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of Kent County and in the office of the Commission, as required by the oyster laws of Maryland. In addition to the oyster bar and other boundaries, the charts show the location and name of all landmarks (U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation stations) used in making the survey, together with the hydrography and topographv - necessary to make the technical definitions and delineations of boundaries readilv understandable both by the people engaged in the oyster industry and the general public who may become interested through leasing of barren bottoms for oyster culture. The names of the oyster bars are those used locally, as nearly as could be ascer- tained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. When there was no local name in common use, a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity. By the use of recognized names or those that would naturally suggest certain sections of water, it is believed that much confusion will be avoided in the location on the charts of the oyster bars, especially by those not familiar with the use of maps. The corners of the oyster bars are numbered from i to the total number of corners in each area under consideration. Where boundaries adjoin, making one point a corner of two or more oyster bars, these points have two or more numbers, each number corre- sponding to the bar in which the figure is located. The numbers of the corners corre- spond with the technical and legal descriptions of this publication under the heading "Boundaries of natural oyster bars." The landmarks and oyster bars have been grouped in the "Contents" of this publi- cation in accordance with the charts upon which they are shown. To find a particular oyster bar or landmark which is only known by name, consult the "Contents" and the desired chart and general location will be indicated. To find the name of a bar or landmark which is only known by location, consult the progress map at the end of this publication for the number of the chart on which it is to be found, and then examine the known locality on the chart for the name of the bar or landmark in question. ' These charts can be obtained by apphcation to the Superintendent of the Coast anrl Geodetic Survey, at Washington. D. C. " Much of the detail of the inshore topography was obtained from the excellent map of Kent County, prepared and published by the Maryland Geological Survey under the direction of Dr William Bullock Clark from surveys of the Maryland Geological Survey iu cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey. 20 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 21 The contours on the charts showing the depth of water at mean low tide have been taken from the hydrographic sheets of former work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Four curves were selected as being the most convenient for taking off from the original hydrographic sheets and the ones of greatest value to those interested in shell fish indus- tries. The I -fathom contour (6 feet) and the 5 -fathom curve (30 feet) correspond in a general way to the inner and outer limits of all the oyster bars surveyed. The 3-fathom contour (18 feet) furnishes the curve of about the average depth of water on the oyster bars and the lo-fathom contour (60 feet) serves in a general way to indicate the outer limits of probable oyster culture. The boundaries of the waters within the "territorial limits of the county" and the boundaries of the "waters contiguous to the county" opened up for the leasing with Kent County are plainly indicated on the charts. A full technical description of these boundaries is given in this publication under the heading "Boundaries of county waters." The areas in acres of the oyster bars were determined under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by two independent planimeter measurements of the areas as delineated on the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These areas are given in small figures in parentheses on the face of 'the chart within the boundaries of the different shell fish bottoms. The symbols used on the charts for the different kinds of boundaries, triangulation stations, contours of depth of water, etc., require no other explanation than that given in the legend and other notes on the face of the charts. LEASING CH.'\RTS. The leasing charts of Kent County, like those for Anne Arundel, Somerset, Wicom- ico, Worcester, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys, and Baltimore counties, have been prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are con- structed on polyconic projections which are based on the United States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and are made on the scales of i part in 5,000 or i part in 10,000 as the needs of oyster culture may require. These charts show all the oyster bars, crab bottoms, and clam beds and other boundaries established by the Commission, and also all boundaries of oyster lots leased for the purpose of oyster culture, thus making them comprehensive and valuable records of the results of the operations of the oyster-culture laws. The lots leased under the provision of the "old 5-acre law" are frequently of irreg- ular shape, but the lots leased under the provision of the new oyster laws must be of rectangular shape by the terms of that act. For this latter purpose the leasing charts have been divided by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude into small rectan- gles of I acre or 5 acres, as may be best suited to the area under consideration, and prospective leaseholders by the rules of the Commission are compelled to select whole rectangles as far as possible. For reasons of the present changeable nature of the number of lots leased and the large number of charts required, the leasing charts are not likely to be published for some years, but they can be seen at an\' time on file at the offices of the Commission, in the Marine Bank Building at Baltimore. 22 Survey nj Oyslcr Bars, KrnI Cciinfy, Afil. rKOjECTioxs. The ])olyconic projections' covering Kent County waters are lo in number and on the scale of i part in 10,000. They were constructed by draftsmen of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but the sextant positions which determine the location of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars as delineated by the Shell Fish Commission were plotted by the draftsman of the Commission. A copy of each of these projections, with all the plotted positions of triangulation stations, shore Hues, sextant positions, and boundaries of oyster bars, was made under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission by pricking through with a sharp needle the intersections of the projection lines and all other points as plotted on the original sheets. These projections (in duplicate) are the original records of all oyster-bar and other boundaries established by the Commission, one set being filed in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, and the other set in the archives of the Shell Fish Commission. PROGRESS M.\PS. The progress map to be found at the end of this publication is on a scale of i part in 100,000, and shows in outline the work accomplished by the United States Coast and Geodetic vSurvey in Kent County and contiguous waters. It gives the scheme of all the charts and smooth projections constructed in connection with the survey, the location and names of all triangulation stations used as a basis for the surv^eying work, and the "boundaries of county waters" established b}' the Commission for the purpose of carrv- ing out the laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture. Besides indicating the amount of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with the work of the Shell Fish Commission, this progress map will be of special value for index purposes to engineers and others searching for the particular chart or projection covering the locality of the oyster bars or landmarks that may be under consideration. The progress maps ^ accompanying the first and second annual reports of the Mary- land Shell Fish Commission were prepared under the direction of the hydrographic engineer of the Commission. They are on the scale of i part in 400,000, and show the outline of the tide-water counties of Maryland, with shaded areas to indicate the waters already covered by the operations of the oyster survey. 1 For the scheme of these projections see the progress map at the end of this publication. 2 These maps and reports can be obtained by application to Maryland Shell Fish Commission, Marine Bank Building;, Baltimore, Md- BOUNDARIES OF THE COUNTY WATERS.' WATERS WITHIN TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF COUNTY. The laws of Maryland relating to oyster culture provide that "no person shall be permitted, by lease, assignment, or in any other manner, to acquire a greater amount of land than ten acres situated within the territorial limits of any of the counties, or one hundred acres in any other place." The boundary line- between the waters "within the territorial limits" of Kent County and the waters in "any other place," as established by the Shell Fish Com- mission for the purpose of carrying out the oyster laws, and delineated on the "oyster ' charts and the smooth projections of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is technically described and defined as follows: Following the boundary line between Kent County and Cecil County along the middle of Sassafras River as laid douTi on the " Progress map" accompanying the report of "Survey of Oyster Bars. Kent Coimty, Maryland," to a point defined by the intersection of this boundary line with a straight line across the mouth of .Sassafras River defined by a point at its northern extremity situated on the northern side of Sassafras River in latitude 39° 23' 15". o and longitude 76° 02' 22". 5 and by a point at its southern extremity situated on the southern side of Sassafras River in latitude 39° 22' 15". 6 and longitude 76° 03' 24". o; thence along a straight line across the southern part of the mouth of Sassafras River to a point situated on the southern side of Sassafras River defined by latitude 39° 22' 15". 6 and longitude 76° 03' 24". o; thence along the mean low water line or a line across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the southern shore of the entrance to Sassafras River, around Howell Point and along the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay to a point situated on the northern side of Still Pond defined by latitude 39° 20' 35". o and longitude 76° 08' 11". 8; thence in a straight line across the entrance to Still Pond to a point situated on the sautheni side of Still Pond defined by latitude 39° 20' 02". o and longitude '76° 08' 46". 5; thence along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than TOO yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Ba)- around Plum Point and VVorton Point to a point situated on the northern side of Worton Creek defined by latitude 39° 17' 56". 7 and longitude 76° 10' 40". 8; thence in a straight line across the entrance of Worton Creek to a point situated on the southern side of Worton Creek defined by latitude 39° 17' 28". 3 and longitude 76° 10' S4".3; thence along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay across the mouth of Fairlee Creek past Tolchester Beach to a point situated on Swan Point defined by latitude 39° 08' 19". o and longitude 76° 16' 42".! ; thence in a straight line across the entrance to Swan Creek and Rockhall Harbor to a point situated on Huntingfield Point defined by latitude 39° 07' 16". o and longitude 76° 14' 57".4; thence along the mean low water line or across the mouth of all inlets less than 100 yards in width, as the case may be, of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Ba\' to a point situated on Wilson Point defined by latitude 39° 03' ii".2 and longitude 76° 13' 4o".o; thence in a straight line across the mouth of a small bay to a point situated on the eastern side of the entrance to Chester River defined by latitude 39° 02' 45'''.3 and ^ For a complete historical and legal description of the boundaries of the counties of Maryland, the valuable publication entitled " The Counties of Maryland — Their Oricin, Boundaries, and Election districts." prepared bj- Dr. Edward B. Mathews and published by the Maryland Geolocical .Survey under the direction of Dr. William Bullock Clark. Superintendent, should be consulted . as the boundaries described in this publication have been established and technically defined for the purpose of carryinc out the oyster laws of the State, and may or may not be correct for other purposes. "■ See Charts of Natural Oyster Bars, published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the progress map at the end of this publication. 24 Survey of Oyxter Bars, Kent County, Md. longitude 7O" 14' 05". 3 ; thence iu a straight line ending at a j)oiiil situated on Love I'oLiit on the western side of Chester River defined by latitude 39° 02' 25". 5 and longitude 76° 18' io".o to a point on this straight line defined by its intersection with the channel boundary line between Kent County and Queen Annes County as laid down on "Chart No. 29, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland;" thence up the channel of Chester River following the boundary line between Kent County and Queen Airnes County aslaiddouTion "Charts Nos. 29 and 30, Natural Oyster Bars, Maryland; "thence continuing up the channel of Chester River following the boundary' line between Kent County and Queen Annes Coimty to the State boundary line between Maryland and Delaware.' WATERS CONTIGUOUS TO COUNTY. The oyster laws of Maryland provide that a true and accurate delineation of all natural oyster bars shall be made on copies of charts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur\-ey, "which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said Commissioners in the city of Baltimore," and "in the office of the clerks of the circuit courts for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie." For the purpose of carrying out the latter part of this section of the law and for the purpose of establishing the limits of the oyster-culture area to be opened up for leasing with each county surveyed, it is necessary for the Shell Fish Commission to establish a boundary line between the waters contiguous to but not within the terri- torial limits of each county and the waters contiguous to but not within the territorial liniits of adjacent counties. This boundary line has been delineated on "Charts of Natural Oyster Bars, ' and "Progress Maps" published by the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey, and is technically described and defined as follows: Commencing at a point defined by the intersection of a straight line across the mouth of Sassafras River which straight line is defined by a point at its northern extremity situated on the northern side of Sassafras River in latitude 39° 23' 15". o and longitude 76° 02' 22". 5 and by a point at its southern extrem- ity situated on the southern side of Sassafras River in latitude 39° 22' 15". 6 and longitude 76° 03' 24". o and the boundary line between Kent County and Cecil County along the middle of Sassafras River as laid down on the " Progress map " accompanying the report of "Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Marj'land;" thence in a straight line along the channel of the entrance to Sassafras River and across a part of Chesapeake Bay to a point in Chesapeake Bay about i ' 2 miles northwest by west of Howell Point and 1J-4 miles south-southeast of Stony Point defined by latitude 39° 22' 55". o and longitude 76° 08' 05". o; thence in a straight line with Chesapeake Bay to a point about 2^ miles west of Worton Point and 2j4 miles northeast of Pooles Island defined by latitude 39° 19' oo".o and longitude 76° 13' 43". 5; thence in a straight line with Chesapeake Bay to a point about i ^j miles south of Pooles Island and 3^^ miles west by south of Fairlee Creek defined by latitude 39° 15' 30". o and longitude 76° 16' 2o".4; thence in a straight line with Chesapeake Bay to a point about 4 miles west by north of Swan Point and 3-rj miles east of Seven Foot Knoll Light defined by latitude 39° 09' 10". 6 and longitude 76° 21' oo".o; thence in a straight line with Chesapeake Bay to a point about 25-§ miles east of Baltimore Light and 3% miles west of I^ve Point Light defined by latitude 39° 03' 30^.0 and longitude 76° 21' 00". o; thence along the boundary line between Kent County and Queen Annes County across a part of Chesapeake Bay and along the channel of the entrance of Chester River as laid down on "ChartNo. 29, Natural Oyster Bars, Mar>-land," to the intersection of this county boundary- line with a straight line defined by a point at its eastern extremity situated »n the eastern side of the entrance of Chester River in latitude 39° 02' 45". 3 and longitude 76° 14' 05". 3 and by a point at its western extremity situated on Love Point on the western side of the entrance to Chester River in latitude 39° 02' 2^".^ and longitude 76° 18' 10". o.' * Latitudes and longitudes based on the United States standard datum of the tJnited States Coast and Geodetic Survey. LANDMARKvS (U. vS. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATIONS). EXPLANATION. The oyster laws of Maryland authorizing the survey to be made by the Shell Fish Commission provide for "an accurate report of said surve3^ setting forth such a descrip- tion of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by delineation on the maps and charts." The law of the United States author- izing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the erection of "such structures as may be necessary to mark the points of triangulation, so that the sam.e may be u?ed for such future work of the Coast and Geodic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Maryland." Under the provisions of the sections of the laws stated above, the markings and descriptions of landmarks must be sufficient for the present and future needs of both the Government and the State. With this end in view, considerable work has been expended in erecting permanent monuments at the triangulation stations and in the proper description of their location. An effort has been made to arrange the descriptions of location and character of landmarks in a uniform and logical manner. The descriptions start with the assump- tion that the individual seeking a landmark has only an indefinite idea of its location. They gradually proceed from description of the general locality of a landmark to the descriptions of its immediate surroundings. This is followed by specific details of the character of the center and reference marks and a "roimd" ol reference angles and distances which in themselves frequently contain enough information to furnish an independent and reliable location of the triangulation station. .MKTHOn OF DESCRIBING TRIANGUL.-^TION STATIONS. Tlic uf^iiiiitc (/(•vfr//'/)(iKv I)/ trianqulation stations shoulJ not he used inthont reading the fo/hncing explanation of the method o} describing the triangulation stations, as it con- tains certain details that are common to all the landmarks described in tliis piibliealion and which are omitted in the separate descriptions as being needless repetitions: Name. — The title at the top of each separate description is the name by which the landmark or triangulation station is known and designated in all work and pub- lished oyster records or oyster charts of both the Government and State. The selec- tion of the name is usually left to the triangulator establishing the station, and it may or may not have geographic or other significance in reference to the locality. General locality. — Under this heading is given the general locality of the landmark in reference to well-known and prominent natural or artificial features, such as the 25 26 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Mil. nearest body of water, town, river, steamer wharf, well-defined point ot land, church, or anv other feature that is likely to remain both permanent and prominent. This heading also covers a reference to the published chart or map which shows the location of the station most clearly. Nearly all the triangulation stations described in this pubhcation are plainly indicated by name and a triangulation symbol on the published charts of oyster bars of Maryland. In this case they are referred to by serial number only, the words "charts of oyster bars of Maryland" being omitted to avoid needless repetition. These published oyster charts are on the large scale of i part in 20,000 (approximately 3J inches to a statute mile) and show the location of the trian- gulation stations so clearly that in many cases the written descriptions will not be required to find them. Immediate locality. — Under this heading is given the description of the "observed station" in reference to its immediate surroundings. This is supposed to include a statement of the station's estimated elevation above high water or some other well- defined level of the locality, such as a road or house; the character of the ground on which it is located, such as marsh land, sand beach, cultivated field, or meadow; esti- mated bearings in points of the compass and estimated distances in yards jroni {not to) easily recognized features, such as extreme end of point, edge of bluff, bank of creek, line of telephone poles, shore line, barn, house, fence, ditch, trees, or any other definite detail, such as being on range with the tangent of an island and a church; and so forth. When a standard monument has been established near the station as a "reference station," this heading also covers a statement of the true bearing of the monument in degrees and minutes and its measured distance in meters, as it is the first object that is likely to catch the eye when the immediate vicinity of the desired station is reached and might be mistaken for the center mark of the "observed station" unless special attention is called to it. The distinction between the "observed station" and "reference station" should be carefully noted by anyone making use of the description of stations for any future surveying. operations. The "observed station" is located at the particular triaiigulation point covered by the description of stations, and is the one whose geographic position is first computed, as it is the point which was "occupied" and "observed on" for horizontal angles. How- ever, in spite of the primary importance of the location of the "obsers-ed station," it will be noted from the description of stations that frequently it is not marked as well as the "reference station," and in many instances has only a pine stub to indicate its position. This is the case for the reason that the necessity of inter^^sibility of land- marks usually made it compulsory to locate "observed stations" on edges of banks and ends of points of land, which in the tide-water section of Maryland generally means they will be washed away in a short period of years. The past experience of the Coast and Geodetic vSurvey in this region has shown the great need of "reference stations," if the frequent reestablishment of a new framework of triangulation is to be avoided. The chief reason and need for the establishment of the "reference station," or secondary station, as it might be well named, is explained in the preceding paragraph, but in several instances other reasons, such as the location of the "obser\-ed station" on an unstable sand dune, in a cultivated field, in front of a residence, or other places objectionable to the landowner, have led to establishment of "reference stations." Siirvry oj Oyslcr Bars, Kent County, M<1. 27 The location of the "reference station" in relation to the "observed station" is tixed for plotting on charts or for computation of its geographic position by checked measure- ments of its distances and azimuth from the "observed station." ' Marks. — Under this heading is given a description of the character of the permanent monuments or other marks of the location of the "observed station," and of the "refer- ence station" where one has been established. All the marks designated in the descriptions as "the center point of triangle on standard cement monument" are exactly alike. These monuments are made of cement, sand, and gravel, and are 2 feet long and 8 inches square at top and bottom. Their tops are all marked with the same brass mold and show a center hole surrounded by a triangle, with the letters "M. S. F. C. " arranged around the vertex and the letters "U. S. C. S." underneath the base of the triangle. The center hole is always in the center of the top of the monument bv construction, and if this is found to have been broken off without disturbing the bottom the center of its square section can be used as the location of the station. All the "standard cement monuments." whether used for marking the "observed station" or "reference station." have been planted upright in exactly the same manner, with their tops projecting 3 or 4 inches above the surface of the ground, unless otherwise stated. Therefore, as the above facts in reference to the "standard cement monuments" are a constant element in all cases, the repetition of these facts in the description of stations is made needless by this one statement. References. — Under this heading are given the "rounds" of directions and distances to all objects that might be useful in locating the stations when the surface marks can not be found. It is also contemplated that for general purposes of topography, hydrog- raphy, or location of boundaries of oyster bars these references will be sufficient in many cases to relocate the position of an "observed station" or "reference station" when both of them have been destroyed. The first reference object given in the descriptions is always a triangulation station visible from the station being described, this, if possible, being a lighthouse, church spire, or other permanent and prominent point. Its direction is taken as being 0° 00' 00", and the directions of all other objects are measured from it as an initial point, the angles being taken in a clockwise direction (left to right). The true bearing - of the initial object is always given in parentheses alongside its name. This furnishes means for the calculation of the bearings of any of the other reference objects for the purposes of locating a station by horizontal angles or for the relocation of corner buoys of oyster-bar boundaries by the method of compass directions described in this publication under the heading of "Boundaries of oyster bars. " The distances in the last column under "References" are given in three different units, which vary according to their accuracy. The "miles" are statute miles and may be considered only as rough estimates. The "yards" are more accurate, but must be looked on as results generally obtained by pacing or careful estimating. The "meters," ' Geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude, distance, and azimuth) relating to any of the "observed stations" or of the " reference stations " described in this publication can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, at Washington, D. C. 2 The mean magnetic variation for Kent County was 6° 15' west of north in 191 1 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. 28 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. however, are accurate to the degree indicated by their decimals, and in every case have been measured with a steel tape. In the same manner the accuracy of the directions are indicated by the refinement of angular measure with which they are recorded. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRIANGULATION STATIONS. WORTON POINT 2. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, on Worton Point, about 1^4 miles north of mouth of Worton Creek and 45< miles northeast of north end of Pooles Island. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on tree and bush fringed bluff about 30 feet above high water, 2 yards east-southeast of edge of bluff and i yard south-southwest of a very small ravine. Cement monument marking reference station is 14.05 meters S 61° 17' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 4-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // •' Pooles Island 2 " (S 62° 18' W) o 00 00 4^ miles. Right tree on Pooles Island 3 17 4' 2 miles. South peak of small house 42 46 4 '-2 miles. Left peak of house 74 43 4J 2 miles. Nail in blaze in ash tree (2' 2 inches diameter) 88 42 40 i. 06 meters. Chimney outside of right end of old house. . 94 07 3' 2 miles. Chimney near left end of roof of house with gables 116 04 4^4 miles. Nail in blaze in ash tree (3 inches diameter) . 154 28 10 4.24 meters. Reference station 236 25 00 1405 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diameter) 310 44 20 4.61 meters. POOLfes ISLAND LIGHT. General locality. — Upper Chesapeake Bay. on northwest side of Pooles Island. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a detached tower known as Pooles Island Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on tower. References. — "Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" o / // (S 44° 19' W) o 00 00 10 miles. POOLES ISLAND 2. General locality. — Upper Chesapeake Bay, on Pooles Island, about one-fourth mile southeast of Pooles Island Light and one-fourth mile north by west of Pooles Island Wharf. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a peach orchard on highest ground on northern part of Pooles Island, about 500 yards southeast of Pooles Island Light and 370 yards north by west of farmhouse. The angle at the southwest comer of the farmhouse between the windmill at the barn and the observed station is 84°, and the angle at the observed station between the light tower and the fog-bell tower is 2° 47'. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. (NoTE. — These marks replace old ones of 1896.) Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 29 References. — o / // ''Pooles Island Light" (N 47° 16' W) o 00 00 452 meters. Break in bluff on east shore of bay showing through peach trees 153 12 7,i'^ miles. Center of chimnej- of small house in rear of dwelling 215 00 .'4 mile. Center of middle one of three chimneys on dwelling 218 03 , "<^ mile. Center of cupola on small building 220 50 . '4 mile. Near gable of barn 238 06 '4' mile. Windmill 241 56 '4 mile. Center one of four nails in apple tree 336 24 10 ?,?,-l^ meters. BRAMBLE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, about 3 miles southeast of center of Pooles Island, 3 miles north-northeast of Tolchester Beach, and i'4 miles southwest of entrance to Fairlee Creek. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a tree and bush fringed bluff about 30 feet above high water, 3 yards east of edge of bluff, 3 yards west of edge of cultivated field, 35 yards southwest of trees at edge of gully, and 200 yards west of other trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 47.10 meters N 67° 05' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is 2-inch stub projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Sulisurfacc mark is beer bottle buried below base of stub. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. References . — "Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range/' o / // (S 78° 44' W) o 00 00 q' s miles. Left tree on Pooles Island 37 33 3 miles. Windmill on middle of long building on Pooles Island 54 00 2J8 miles. North peak of house with several gables on Pooles Island 55 21 2yi miles. "Pooles Island Light" 57 19 00 3^8 miles. Reference station 168 21 00 47.16 meters. Cupola on barn 259 24 40 i mile. " Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)". 344 34 10 io'4 miles. ■' Fort Howard Taller Water Tank" 354 30 00 12 '2 miles. Left one ol two smokestacks at Sparrows Point 359 35 14 '2 miles. MITCHELLS BLUFF 2. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, on Mitchells Bluff, just north of first break in bluff, about five-eighths mile north-northeast of Tolchester Beach Wharf. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated ground about 30 feet above high water, 13 yards southeast of edge of bluff, 50 yards northeast of point of gully where fishermen haul up gear, 70 yards south of small clump of trees, and one-fourth mile northwest of a large farmhouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is wire in center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. (NoTE. — Subsurface mark is cither a part or replaces the original one of i8g6.) 30 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — "Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range)" ° ' " (N 87° 52' W) o 00 00 8J s miles. Chimney at left end of house on opposite shore 57 00 (>% miles. Chimney at left end of house on Pooles Island..: 71 11 434' miles. Chimney on middle of roof of Ijuilding beyond trees 170 10 ^/i mile. Spidle of weather vane on middle cupola of barn 200 2S 30 X mile. Near comer of large west chimney of house . . 210 54 j4 mile. West peak of barn 260 07 | s mile. " Seven Foot Knoll Light" 330 18 30 loX miles. "Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)". . 341 20 40 8J^ miles. CRAIGHILL CHANNEL LIGHT (FRONT RANGE). General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay, about 2 miles offshore and about 23-^ miles ea-^t of North Point at entrance to Patapsco River. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on dwelling on cylindrical foundation known as Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Craighill Channel Light (Front Range). Rejerences. — " Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range)" ° ' " (N 0° 01' W) o 00 00 2Jf miles. CRAIGHILL CHANNEL LIGHT (REAR RANGE). General locality. — Western side of upper Chesapeake Bay about 200 yards offshore from the soutli- westem end of Hart Island. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a tall square pyramidal skeleton steel frame structure known as Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Craighill Channel Light (Rear Range). References. — "Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" o / // (,S 0° 01' E) o 00 00 2^4' miles. FORT HOWARD TALLER WATER TANK. General locality. — Northern side of entrance to Patapsco River about one-half mile north-northwest of North Point. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is the taller of two steel water tanks on steel towers at Fort Howard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of pipe attached to center of bottom of tank. References. — None necessary. SEVEN FOOT KNOLL LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay off entrance to Patapsco River about 2K miles north-northeast of Bodkin Point and ^14 miles southeast of North Point. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on an octagonal screw pile structure known as Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Seven Foot Knoll Light. References.— o 1 ir "Bodkin Point (Old Tower) "(830° 03' W). . o 00 00 iX ™iles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 31 BODKIN POINT (OLD TO\Vl{R). (k'Hcrijl locality. — Southern side of entrance to Bodkin Creek on Bodkin Point. (See progress ma]).) Immediate locality. — Observed station is aljout 15 yards east of an old stone dwelling on top of an old tower formerly used as a lighthotise. .Marks. — Observed station is center of drill hole abut 2 inches in diameter and .:; inches dec]) in stone ()latform on and near center of top of tower. References.— ° ' " ■■ Seven Foot Knoll Light" (N 30° 04' E). . . o 00 00 i'., miles. SWAN POINT 3. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Swan Point about 5' , miles south-southwest of Tolchester Beach WTiarf and 7 miles north of Love Point. (See Chart No. 28.1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 5 feet east of shore, 60 yards south-southwest of a fisherman's cabin, and 250 yards from the extreme end of Swan Point. Cement monument marking old reference station is in marsh 21.43 meters N 8g° 13'' E of observed station. Standard cement monument marking new reference station is on line to old refer- ence station 13.26 meters N 8g° 13' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is '4-inch copper rod set in an 8-inch square cement monument with top about 5 inches below surface of ground. Subsurface mark is the neck of a flask set in cement about 4 feet below the surface. New reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monu- ment. Old reference station is eastern one of two ■4-inch copper rods in an 8-inch cement monument. References.— ° ' " " Love Point Light" (S 2° 11' Wi o 00 00 5^ miles. " Baltimore Light" 46 07 00 8j .. miles. Stack on garbage plant at Bodkin Point. ... 82 21 8^4' miles. " Seven Foot Knoll Light " 95 04 50 7 miles. Left stack at Sparrows Point iii 12 12^4 miles. " Fort Howard Taller Water Tank " 112 28 20 9" s miles. " Craighill Channel Light (Front Range)" . . 114 59 50 7 miles. "Craighill Channel Light (Rear Rangei". . . 131 46 20 8^^ miles. Chimney of cabin -. 203 54 58 yards. Gable of Rockhall Wharf house 264. 07 i mile. Old reference st.\tion 267 02 20 21.43 meters. New reference station (st.\ndard ce- ment MONUMENT) 267 02 20 1,1-26 meters. Chimney of house to right of Windmill Point 292 12 2 miles. Gable of barn 303 49 2 ' j miles. Gable of bam near Wickes Beach 340 52 75,8 miles. BANK. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on western side of entrance to Tavern Creek, about 5 s mile northeast of Swan Point. (See Charts Nos. 28 and 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 7 feet above high water, 12 yards inshore, and 2 yards from edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 32 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 9 miles, miles. I meters, mile. ' miles. ! mile, i mile. ' mile, i miles. I mile. i mile. I mile. 10.32 meters. References. — ° ' " Love Point Light" (S 7° 27' W) o 00 " Baltimore Ligrit" 42 32 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diame- ter) 56 04 Chimney of fishing shack on Swan Point. .. . 71 17 " Seven Foot Knoll Light " 88 14 West gable of Strong bam 153 39 Southwest comer of Strong house 1 74 09 Chimney of tenant house 212 55 North gable of bam 2 50 47 Thompson windmill 271 47 West gable of Rockhall Wharf house 274 08 North gable of Downey house 278 49 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 292 56 South one of twin trees on Little Neck Island 352 59 }4 mile. TAVERN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on western side of Tavern Creek about three- eighths mile north of entrance to creek, i mile northeast of Swan Point and one-haU mile northwest of Rockhall Landing. (See Chart No. 28,) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in the eastern side of peach and apple orchard about i foat above high water. 152 yards northwest of shore, 165 yards west of shore, 8 yards west of edge of sage land, 15 yards west of a wire fence, 18 yards south of another wire fence, 52 yards nortn of still another wire fence , and 125 yards east of a house . Marks. — Observed station is cencer point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of Reference.^. — "Orchard" (S 50° 31' El Gilt ball on lightning rod near left end of house Apple tree (18 inches diameter) Nail in blaze in apple tree (20 inches diame- ter) Nail in blaze in apple tree (24 inches diame- ter) Nail in blaze in peach tree (5 inches diame- ter! Nail in blaze in apple tree (18 inches diame- ter) Center of chimney at right end of roof of house with ell 38 f)3 83 mile. ', mile. 49 yards. 35.02 meters. 166 42 30 276 14.99 meters. 10.39 meters. ig.49 meters. iX miles. CORR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Swan Creek about ijj' miles north of Rockhall Landing. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 6 yards northeast of rounded point of shore, 13 yards northwest of square cut in shore, 13 yards southeast of point where wire fence meets shore, and 50 and 65 yards south by west of two large trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 33 References. — " Spike " (S 0° 4<»' \V I o 00 00 ■ '4 iiiiU-. Chimney of housi- . 14 58 . 1 ' s miles. Chimney of old house 35 50 H mile. Right chimney of Strong house 48 12 i mile. Near peak of house between two bams 99 35 '-^ mile. Large square chimney of large brick house . . 142 52 'imile. North chimney of brick house 204 34 1 50 yards. East chimney of large house 245 41 M mile. Chimney of old house 311 05 W mile. URIE. General locality. — Western .shore of Swan Creek about i mile north of Rockhall Landing. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a slight projection of the shore about i foot above high water and 4 yards west of shore. Cement monument marking reference station is 4.76 meters S 21° 35' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2 inch tile pipe projecting i inch above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface mark. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Corr" (N 79° 13' E) o 00 00 'i' mile. Near peak of bam near several buildings . . 27 24 '2 mile. Chimney of large house 54 05 i mile. Near peak of large house 75 58 i 'j miles. Gilt ball on weather vane 89 12 i '4 miles. Reference station 124 21 45 4.76 meters. Nail in blaze in black thorn tree (6 inches diameter) 124 34 40 5.37 meters. Nail in blaze in black thorn tree (6 inches diameter) 134 4° 3° 4-84 meters. Nail in blaze in water bush (3 inches diame- terl 200 26 10 3.69 meters. Nail in blaze in water bush (4 inches diame- ter) 257 42 40 10.82 meters. Near peak of bam 277 15 J^ mile. West large chimney on west end of large brick house 340 24 i mile. Left chimney of Corr house 347 10 X mile. SPIKE. General locality. — Eastern shore of Swan Creek, about seven-eighths mile north-northeast of Rock- hall Landing. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among trees and bushes about 2 feet above high water. 30 yards east of shore, and i yard west of edge of cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 14126— 12 3 34 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. % mile. .02 meters. .11 meters. I mile. '2 mile. I mile. .61 meters. li mile. H mile. 5 s mile. 'A mile. References. — o / // "Rail" (S 23° 07' E) o 00 00 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diame- ter) 13 II 40 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diame- ter) 28 22 10 Windmill at Gratitude 42 29 Chimney of old house 76 04 Chimney on main part of Strong house 83 52 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 133 31 10 Right peak of right-hand bam 143 51 Large square chimney of large brick house . . 179 19 North chimney of brick house 209 32 North peak of old barn 271 06 ELLIASON. General locality. — Western shore of Swan Creek on a point of land at north side of entrance to a small cove about three-fourths mile north of Rockhall Landing. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 16 yards west by north of shore, 23 yards north-northwest of shore, 30 yards northeast of shore, and 33 yards north by east of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siu^ace of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Corr" (N 33° 57' E) o 00 00 Jgmile. Large chimney of 2 '^-story house 9 08 i^'i miles. West peak of barn 40 53 'i mile. South chimney of house . : 60 58 J/i mile. Right chimney of house 98 12 1% miles. Main chimney of house on Rockhall Road. . 106 56 1^4 miles. Large house on Rockhall Road 114 04 1^-4 miles. Windmill at Gratitude 152 43 Jf mile. Gilt ball on lightning rod 155 34 30 % mile. Weather vane on Rockhall WTiarf house ... 160 53 40 i mile. East chimney of Strong house 202 52 ^8 mile. Near peak of very large brick house 320 02 ^ mile. South chimney of large house 359 14 yi mile. RAIL. General locality. — Eastern shore of Swan Creek about three-fourths mile northeast of Rockhall Landing. (See Chart No. 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low point about 2 feet above high water, 3 yards back from shore, and west of a number of small locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 35 References. — '' ' "Fork" (S 72" 56' W) o 00 Chimney of tenant house 12 01 South gable of Henson barn 56 36 South gable of comcrib 86 18 South gable of Svvatska house 143 41 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 161 38 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 192 52 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 235 52 North chimney of house 255 16 Highest chimney of house 268 50 East chimney of Frank Ayers's house 288 15 East chimney of Georgia Ayers's house 306 20 Chimney of Sullivan house 310 34 Thompson windmill 322 09 North chimney of Burgess house 327 18 Chimney of fishing shack 339 26 FORK. J4 mile. yi mile. s 8 mile. I mile. -^ mile. .94 meters. ;.96 meters. 1.24 meters. ^ mile. I mile. i^ mile. % mile. yi mile. ^ mile. Yt, mile. yi mile. General locality. — Western shore of Swan Creek, about one-half mile north-northeast of Rockhall Landing and three-eighths mile northwest of entrance to The Haven. (See Chart No, 28.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land aboxit 2 feet above high water, 25 yards inshore, and 200 yards from extreme south end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / /i "Treasure" (.S 24° 29' E) o 00 00 . East chimney of Georgia Ayers's house 14 30 Chimney of Sullivan house ^2 14 Chimney of house 52 07 East chimney of Strong house 105 ■;5 . . , . Chimney of EHiason house 119 42 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 234 20 10 . . . Chimney of Swatska tenant house 252 52 North chimney of Biglow house 279 57 North chimney of house 322 06 Rockhall M. E. Church Spire 334 41 50 . . . Highest chimney of house 350 35 East chimney of Frank Ayers's house 359 25 HAVEN. !s mile. 's mile, <4 mile. ' .. mile, '• R mile. y^ mile. 1 1. 1 5 meters. 5-^ mile. T4. mile. yi mile. lyi miles. I mile. yi mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Swan Creek at northern side of entrance to The Haven about five- eighths mile east-northeast of Rockhall Landing. (See Charts Nos. 28 and 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a long marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards back from high-water mark, and 7 yards west and 8 yards north of large pine trees, Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 36 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — o / // "Fork" (N 57° 38' W) o 00 00 Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter) 21 28 50 South gable of comcrib 36 46 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter) 108 47 10 North chimney of Shamokin house 136 18 North chimney of house 166 44 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter) 175 43 50 North gable of house 215 44 . . Thompson windmill 299 28 40 South chimney of Burgess house 301 29 Chimney of tenant house 348 59 . . . TREASURE. 3-^ mile. 9.82 meters. 1% miles. 6.69 meters. yi mile. % mile. 7.20 meters. ^i mile. yi mile. ^'s, mile. 5's mile. General locality. — Eastern and southern shore of Swan Creek on a point at western side of entrance to The Haven, about one-half mile east-northeast of Rockhall Landing. (See Charts Nos. 28 and 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point below high \vater, about 25 yards inshore, and 300 yards northeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Orchard " (S 85° 00' W) o West gable of Strong barn 17 South gable of barn 60 South gable of barn 108 Lone pine tree on opposite shore 155 West gable of bam 183 Rockhall M. E. Church Spire 218 North gable of house 230 West gable of houSe 235 East pine tree of group 243 East chimney of Ayers's house 311 East gable of small barn 338 Nail in blaze in dead locust tree (8 inches diameter) 344 Nail in blaze in dead locust tree (8 inches diameter) 353 28 *'s mile. I mile. %■ mile. X mile. X mile. 14 mile. i,!-4 miles. 5 s mile. I mile. "4 mile. 300 yards. j s mile. 7.08 meters. 36.32 meters. ORCHARD. General locality. — Eastern and southern shore of Swan Creek on point of land about one-eighth mile north of Rockhall Landing. (See Charts Nos. 28 and 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sand and grass point about 3 feet above high water, 7 yards west of peach orchard, 6 yards east of shore, 33 yards west-southwest of shore, 31 yards south of extreme end of point, 23 yards north of a wire fence, and 53 yards north of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.67 meters N 83° 04' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface mark. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 37 References. — "Bank" (S 78° 45' W) o 00 East chimney of house 42 23 South peak between two chimneys of large house •■■ 105 51 Chimney of an old long building 144 20 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 176 02 Reference station 184 Nail in blaze in peach tree (5 inches diam- eter) 226 Right corner of i^^-storj- building 229 Northwest comer of house 267 Nail in blaze in tree (13 inches diameter) .... 274 West peak of 2-story wharf house 294 19 H lU 21.85 9.67 8.07 32-57 53 21.60 mile, mile. miles, mile. meters, meters. meters. meters. yards. meters. mile. mile. Chimney of house on Swan Point 360 00 GRATITUDE. General /oca/z<>'.— Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay at eastern side of entrance to Swan Creek, oppo- site middle of Little Neck Island, and near old Rockhall Wharf. (See Charts Nos. 28 and 29.) Immediate /oco/jiy.— Observed station is on a marsh meadow about i foot above high water, 12 yards cast of shore, 150 yards southwest of a house, and 400 yards south-southwest of Rockhall Landmg. A/oi*i-.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projectmg 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of mpnument. References. — "Love Point Light" (S 11° 46' W) o 00 00 "Sandy Point Light" 26 05 10 "Baltimore Light" 41 21 20 Chimney of fishing shack on Swan Point. ... 90 47 Left tangent of piles of old Rockhall Wharf . . 124 15 West gable of Strong bam 130 49 Chimney of tallest wharf house at Rockhall Landing 162 15 Chimney of house 166 19 Post on northwest comer of Downey porch . . 196 57 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diame- ter) 273 02 40 North gable of old bam 276 36 North gable of bam 309 21 5Js miles. io3-4 miles. 93 s miles. I mile. 200 yards 34^ mile. % mile. I mile. 150 yards. 107 yards. 200 yards. 1^ miles. WINDMILL POINT. General /oca/i7y.— Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on Windmill Point at northem side of entrance to Rockhall Harbor. (See Chart No. 29.) I m mediate /ocaZjVy.— Observed station is on low marsh land about level with high water, about 30 yards back from end of point, and 20 yards south of a group of large pine trees. Cement monument marking reference station is 24.13 meters N 20° 14' E of observed station. Marfo.— Observed station is center point of 2-inch tile pipe filled with sand with top about flush with surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument. 38 Survey of Oyskr Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — o / // "Love Point Light" (S 17° 47' ) o 00 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diame- ter) 146 39 30 Nail in blaze in pine tree (24 inches diame- ter) 178 03 00 Reference station 182 27 00 Nail in blaze in pine tree (20 inches diame- ter) 216 10 20 Rockhall M. E. Church Spire 238 05 40 Highest gable on Sharps Wharf 246 42 East chimney of house 271 27 Chimney of small house 287 55 West chimney of small house 311 04 . . 5,''2 miles. 17.33 nieters. 23.57 nieters. 24.13 meters. 16.52 meters. I mile. }-i mile. ^ mile. J4 mile. I mile. STEVENS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay about one-fourth mile south of Huntingfield Point at entrance to Huntingfield Creek. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 55 yards back from edge of vertical bank 3 feet higher than station, and 450 yards south of the extreme end of Huntingfield Point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Love Point Light" (S 25° 03' W) o 00 00 Right tangent of Love Point 12 13 Southeast comer of fishing shack on Swan Point Ill 24 East gable of Strong bam 125 42 Thompson windmill 135 01 20 Chimney of house 150 32 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diame- ter) 155 24 20 Wicks windmill 223 16 20 Nail in blaze in locust tree (18 inches diame- ter) 227 23 00 Chimney of small house 239 58 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (10 inches diameter) 275 26 20 Chimney of Stevens tenant house 320 39 4?s miles. 614 miles. 2,'.2 miles. 2'2 miles. 2 miles. i>4 miles. 200 yards. I mile. no yards. I mile. 130 yards. yi mile. BALTIMORE LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay offshore about i)4 miles east of mouth of Magothy River and one-eighth mile west of entrance to dredged channel leading to Baltimore. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on brick octagonal dwelling on cylindrical foundation known as Baltimore Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Baltimore Lighthouse. References. — None necessarj'. SANDY POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Western side of Chesapeake Bay offshore about one-half mile east of Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 29 and progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on brick dwelling on cylindrical foundation know-n as Sandy Point Lighthouse. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 39 Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Sandy Point Lighthouse. References. — o / // " Bodkin Point (old tower) " (N 14° 35' W) . . o 00 00 &% miles. RING. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay on western side of Kent Island about 2% miles south-southwest of Love Point and 3^ s miles east of Sandy Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 12 yards inshore, and 2 yards from edge of bank. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.36 meters N 79° 21' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 4-inch tile pipe with top 3 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Sandy Point Light" (N 84° 56' W) o 00 00 3*8 miles. Cupalo on bam 117 51 i mile. South chimney of house 141 00 ^ mile. Reference station 164 17 10 9.36 meters. Lone tree (2 inches diameter) 224 10 300 yards. South chimney of house 238 56 300 yards. LOVE POINT LIGHT. General locality. — Eastern side of Chesapeake Bay at entrance to Chester River offshore about 1% miles northeast of Love Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on hexagonal screw-pile structure known as Love Point Lighthouse. Marks. — Observed station is center point of lantern on Love Point Lighthouse. References. — o / n " Wickes Beach" (S 47° 55' E) o 00 00 3'2 miles. AMOUR. General locality. — Northern end of Kent Island at western side of entrance to Chester River, about one-fourth mile southeast of Love Point and three-eighths mile north of Love Point Landing. fSee Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point, about 2 feet above high water, 25 yards inshore, and 55 yards north of fishing shack. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' '^ " Love Point Light" (N 33° 42' E) o 00 00 if4 miles. Left chimney of house 28 28 4}i miles. West gable of house on East Neck 48 00 3^^ miles. North gable of bam 54 30 3^ miles. North gable of house on Cedar Point 76 30 5 miles. Gable of bam 128 18 4}4 miles. Left tangent of Kent Island Landing 132 59 1^ miles. Northeast comer of fishing shack 140 38 57 yards. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diameter) 174 43 12. 46 meters. " Railway Water Tank " 199 53 50 pi mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diameter) 206 *io 11. 30 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 295 02 38. 88 meters. 40 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. RAILWAY WATKR TANK. General locality. — Northern end of Kent Island, about half-way between Chesapeake Bay and Chester River and three-fourths mile south by west of Love Point. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on the only large elevated water lank located just north of the center of the bend of the railway that leaves Love Point Landing. Marks. — Observed station is center point of top of water tank. References . — None necessary. WICKES BEACH. General locality. — Eastern shore of mouth of Chester River on western side of East Neck Island near Wickes Beach. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a narrow sand beach about on level with high water. 10 yards back from low water, and 2 yards west of swamp which extends back to woods. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " " Love Point Light " ( N 47° 54' W) o 00 00 3 miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter) 60 45 40 300 yards. Nail in blaze in gum tree (12 inches diam- eter) 70 59 00 250 yards. Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter) 114 05 50 200 yards. North cupola of bam 155 15 s^ mile. Lone tree on Cedar Point 178 23 i^s miles. East gable of barn 200 21 4 miles. North gable of Jackson Wharf house 214 26 4' 's miles. North gable of barn 276 32 ^j.i miles. Cupola on farmhouse 299 16 3 '/s miles. "Railway Water Tank " 321 45 00 3' s miles. North flagstaff on Love Point Hotel 323 27 3^5 miles. NARROWS POINT. General locality. — Northern shore of Chester River on southwest end of East Neck Island, about one eighth mile north of Cockeys Island and three-eighths mile west-northwest of Cedar Point. iSec Charts Nos. 29 and 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low marshy point about level with high water, about 7 yards from low water, and 325 yards west of a fishing shack. Cement monument marking reference station is 12.28 meters N 7° 58' E of observed station. Marks. —Observed station is center of 3-inch tile pipe filled with cement with top 4 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument pro- jecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. Reference": . — " Wickes Beach " (TM 4&° 58' W) o 00 Reference station 64 56 ■ Chimney of fishing shack 133 08 West gable of Qiieenstown elevator 153 44 Cupola on barn 164 05 North gable of house i8g 51 North gable of bam 194 53 Cupola on barn 216 26 North gable of house 228 16 North gable of house on Jackson Creek 231 47 East gable of Jackson Wharf house 233 52 North gable of bam 254 28 West chimney of house 285 16 Chimney of house near Macum Creek 293 36 East chimney of house 318 01 " Railway W'ater Tank " 334 n .South flagstaff on Love Point Hotel 335 26 Flagstaff on Love Point Wharf 335 42 Right tangent of Love Point 341 30 MACr.M. ij/i miles. 2. 28 meters. 325 yards. 3K miles. 25.^ miles. 2^ niiles. 2^^ miles. 2yi miles. 2>^ miles. 2j4 miles. 2^4 miles. 3 miles. 3'"^ miles. 4's miles. 45-4 miles. 5 '4 miles. 5''S miles. 4f^ miles. c; miles. General /oca///j.— Southern shore of Chester River on Kent Island, about 4';' miles south of Love Point Light, 3 miles south-sjutheast of Ixjve Point Landing, and one-half mile north -northwest of Macum Creek. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate /oco/ifj'.— Observed station is in cultivated field, about 7 feet above high water, 25 yards inshore, and 16 yards south of two cedar trees at edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile jiipe Iniried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Love Point Light" iN 0° 19' E) o North cupola of bam on East Neck Island. . 50 Chimney of house on East Neck Island ... 52 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree <6 inches diameter) 57 South comer of fishing shack on Cedar Point . 72 West gable of large bam 89 Cupola on small house 97 West gable of house 102 Cupola on bam 108 Gable of house near Jackson Creek 119 East chimney of brick house 195 East chimney of house 212 Cupola on house 221 East chimney of house 225 North chimney of house 257 Lone cedar tree 266 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diam- eter) 314 "Railway Water Tank" 333 East gable of wharf house on Kent Islajid Landing 339 Flagstaff on wharf house on Love Point Landing 342 Chimney of fishing shack 343 17 03 00 4J2' miles. 3-'4 miles. 3' 4 miles. 50 22. 24 meters. 4 miles. 5 miles. 5 miles. 4>2 miles. 3 miles. 35-s miles. X mile. I mile. i>' 8 miles. ^-8 mile. 400 yards. 500 yards. 30 30-98 meters. 20 3)4 miles. 1^-2 miles. 3>8 miles. 3X miles. 42 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. THIN. General locality. — Southern shore of Chester River on western side of entrance to Kent Narrows, about three-fourths mile north of Narrows railway station. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh poinc about i foot above high water, 55 yards north of shore, and 55 yards west of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Muddy " (N 37° 5s' E) o 00 00 /i mile. Smoke pipe on shanty 75 13 i mile. Large low telegraph pole 99 27 ^ mile. Smoke pipe on slant-roofed shanty 107 58 ^ mile. Near comer of fishing shanty 196 21 X mile. Tangent of Long Point 356 41 X mile. MUDDY. General locality. — Southern shore of Chester River on Long Point, between Muddy Creek and Jack- son Creek, about 2}^ miles southwest of Cedar Point and ;}','2 miles west of Queenstown. (See Charts Nos. 29 and 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land covered with mjTtle bushes, about 2 feet above high water, 7 yards inshore, 25 yards southwest of extreme end of point, and 70 yards north of group of pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle, on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Love Point Light" (N 28° 41' W) o 00 00 East chimney of house 34 54 Lone pine tree on Cedar Point 53 36 South gable of bam 79 35 Cupola on bam 103 11 Cupola on barn 114 53 West gable of bam 134 ;^^ Chimney of house 146 39 North gable of wharf house on Jackson Creek Landing 179 21 North gable of house 1S2 10 Chimney of small house 202 56 Nail in blaze in pine tree (8 inches diame- ter) 221 12 50 63 yards. Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches di- ameter) 243 25 67 yards. South flagstaff of Love Point Hotel 339 43 30 s'-g miles. North gable of wharf house on Love Point Landing 341 46 5^ miles. Right tangent of Love Point 345 12 55^ miles. BRIDGE. General locality. — Southern side of Chester River on western shore of Kent Narrows, about one- eighth mile west of Narrows railway station. (See Chiirt No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a telegraph pole at a point about 25 feet above high water, 4 yards south of near rail of railroad, 8 yards west of end of railroad bridge, and 7 yards from tie line of bridge. Marks.- — Observed station is a small staff nail.'d to telegraph ix>le. Reference.'. — None neccssar}'. 6 miles. 2^4 miles. 2)4 miles. 4'< miles. 3 miles. 2X miles. ij^ miles. I X miles. I mile. iX miles. X mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 43 34^ mile. 2}i miles. 2^ miles. 75 yards. 3^ mile. 38.07 meters. 27.09 meters. 30.33 meters. 100 yards. 1^4 miles. I '4 miles. I ' , miles. I '• s miles. RAILROAD. General locality. — Southern side of Chester River on eastern shore of Kent Narrows, about three- eighths mile east-southeast of Narrows railway station and one-eighth mile south of railroad. (See Chart No. 29.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land about 8 feet above high water, 35 yards south by west of telephone line on north side of county road. 75 yards east of shanty, and So yards north- east of shore of small cove. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Marshy" (S 2° 38' E) . o 00 00 . . . Cupola on bam 29 36 Chimney on ell of large house 38 04 Right tangent of shanty 96 32 South peak of Fisherman Inn 118 01 Nail in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter). . . . 139 44 10 . . . Nail in blaze in cherry tree (14 inches di- ameter) 163 29 40 . . . Nail in blaze in telephone pole No. 2848. . . . 197 15 20 . . Smokepipe of shanty 209 50 Near peak of ell-shaped house 269 00 , Near ])eak of house 292 t() Left peak of barn . . 345 37 House in trees 354 10 BLUEBEARD. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on point at entrance to a small creek, about five- eighths mile northeast of Blunt Creek and i mile southwest of entrance to Queenstown Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand beach about i foot above high water, 5 yards inshore, 2 yards east of small persimmon tree, 55 yards northeast of a small stream, and 200 yards north- northeast of a pond. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Love Point Light" (N 47° 53' W) o 00 00 7 miles. South gable of house 12 03 2j-^ miles. Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 29 48 3VS miles. Largest of four pine trees on Piney Point. . . 48 58 4 miles. East chimney of house 70 23 2^^ miles. Black beacon at entrance to Queenstown Creek 90 23 40 i mile. Nail in blaze in sw-amp-oak tree (4 inches di- ameter) 122 01 10 10.60 meters. Nail in blaze in chestnut tree (18 inches di- ameter) 197 34 10 150 yards. Nail in blaze in oak tree (6 inches diameter) . 270 04 20 125 yards. Cupola of bam 278 50 i>2 miles. East chimney of house 279 24 i\4 miles. North gable of Jackson Creek Landing house 290 II 2 \s miles. East gable of house 329 17 sji miles. Gable of Love Point wharf house 344 oS 6^^ miles. Right tangent of \jove Point 347 46 7 miles. 44 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. BLAKEFORD. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River, about three-eighths mile north of Blakeford Point, at entrance to Queenstown Creek. (See Chart No. ^o. i Immediate locality. — Oliserved station is about 15 feet above high water, 8 yards inshore, 2 yards back from top of bank with uniform slope to beaeh. 25 yards north of gully, and 25 yards south of large sycamore tree at foot of slope. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / 1/ "Rain" (N 74° 56' W) o 00 Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 27 7,1, Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diame- ter) 83 12 Northwest comer of house in woods 155 39 West gable of small house 174 ig West gable of large bam 215 41 West gable of house 235 20 Northeast corner of elevator at Queenstown . 23Q 21 Nail in blaze in ash tree (15 inches diame- ter) 247 00 First black beacon at entrance to Queens- town Creek 294 49 Chimney of fishing shack on Cedar Point. . . 352 26 00 . . . I's miles. 3 miles. 10 13.31 meters. 300 yards. ;'s mile. 5 s mile. y^ mile. 5-^ mile. 20 21.30 meters. '2 mile. 2'^ miles. RAIN. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on Hail Point, about ivs miles south-southeast of Bogle Wharf. (See Chart No. 30. 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 5 feet above high water, 3 yards north of shore, and 20 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 29.84 meters N 65° 20' W of observed station. Marks. — Ob.served station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle, on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark of reference station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Bluebeard" (vS 21 ° 17' E) o Chimney of house n Cupola on bam 2,1 Chimney of house on Jackson Creek 45 Chimney of small house 48 Chimney of fishing shack loi Nail in blaze in i)ine tree (10 inches diame- ter) 119 Reference statio.n 135 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diame- ter) 147 South gable of house 17 ■ Right tangent of piles of Bogle Wliarf i.^n Williams water tank 255 Black beacon at entrance to Queenstown Creek 318 C npola on ham 338 59 i".s miles. 2i% miles. 2}i miles. 3.'-l5 miles. 1% miles. 7-8 mile. 15.45 meters. 29.84 meters. 18.09 meters. I '2 miles. I' I miles. 2 miles. I ' 2' miles. i?^ miles. Siirvey of Oyster Bars, Kent Comity. Md. 45 BREAK. General locality. —'Eastern shore of Chester River on Break Puinl iiljout one-eighth mile nortli of north side of entrance to Tilghmans Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 13 yards inshore, 4 yards from edge of bank. 200 yards north of extreme end of point, and 300 yards west of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — " Blakeford " (S 23° 21' E) o 00 00 North chimney of house at Queenstown .... 6 55 Chimney of house 37 48 Cupola on bam near Jackson Creek Landing 49 05 Chimney of small house 55 05 Chimney of small house 58 35 Chimney of Greens fishing shack 84 38 South chimney of house 103 42 East gable of house 131 23 Riglit tangent of piles of Bogle Wliarf 133 30 East chimney of house 151 35 East chimney of house 176 46 Williams water tank 200 58 Knob on door of fishing shack 349 58 OVERTON. 1} 2 miles. 2 ' 2 miles. 3~s miles. 4' s miles. 4' 2 miles. 5' 2 miles. I ' < miles. 2 ' s miles. 2', 8 miles. I-; 8 miles. 2!2 miles. 334' miles. '4' mile. Jj mile. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on north side of entrance to Durdin Creek and about 100 yards south of Bogle Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above liigh water, 4 yards inshore, 100 yards south of Bogle Wharf, 250 yards southeast of Bogle store, and 300 yards west of Bogle Wharf house. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.26 meters S 73° od' W of ob served station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle 4 miles. 3 miles. 4>'s miles. 3 miles. GORDON. General locality. — Eastern side of Chester River about 55 yards off shore, three-fourths mile southwest of entrance to Reeds Creek and seven-eighths mile north-northeast of Piney Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in about 3 feet of water at high tide, 55 yards off shore, and 300 )'ards soutliwest of end of woods and cultivated field. Cement monument marking reference station is 57.49 meters S 71° 15' E of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 47 Marks. — Observed station is nail in 2-inch by 4-inch pine stub driven vvitli tup to high water. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Fir" (825° 18' W) o Left tangent of piles of Bogle Wharf 15 East gable of bam 42 vSouth chimney of house 103 West chimney of Harris house 118 South gable of Strong tenant house 129 South chimney of house 145 Spindle on Brown house 167 South gable of com crib 197 Nail in blaze in pine tree (10 inches diame- ter) 252 Reference station 263 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diame- ter) 286 55 yi mile. 2yi miles. 2 miles. 2 miles. 2^ miles. 3 miles. 3 miles. 3 \4 miles. 3 miles. 57.93 meters. 57.49 meters. 57.02 meters. BIRD. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Gordon Point at southwest side of entrance to Reeds Creek about i'^ miles southwest of Holton Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow about 2 feet above high water, and 7 5 yards west of shore . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Crow" (S 14° 23' W) o 00 00 3 s mile. Lone pine tree (12 inches diameter) 6g 59 300 yards. North chimney of house 85 13 3'<,' miles. South gable of bam 115 56 2 J-s miles. Northwest corner of house . . 230 16 ' s mile. North chimney of house ... . 300 01 1 mile. North gable of house 343 41 1 '2 miles. Windmill 358 43 >-^ mile. Chimney of house ' 359 09 3-8 mile. CROW. General locality. — Eastern side of Chester River on western shore of Reeds Creek about one-half mile south of extreme end of Gordon Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in yard of tenant house about 4 feet above high water, 12 yards west of shore , 5 yards south of a pear orchard, and 7 yards north of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Bird" (N 14° 23' E) o 00 00 ^.^s mile. South gable of house near Cliffs Landing .... 3 03 3^ miles. South gable of bam 36 18 iX miles. Cupola of bam 73 23 lyi miles. Northeast comer of Camell tenant house 99 01 30 8. 71 meters. Northwest comer of Camell tenant house .... 128 43 10 6. 65 meters. Northeast comer of bam 198 25 20 14. 06 meters. Northwest comer of bam 221 37 10 12. 68 meters. 48 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. GROVE. (iintial tocalily. — Eastern side of Chester River on a point Ijetwecu Keeds Creek and (irove Creek about one-half mile southeast of Gordon Point. (See Chart No. 30. 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a meadow about 2 feet above high water. 2(1 )'ards south of shore , 8 yards west of three persimmon trees, and 3 5 yards west of a pond . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Reeds" (N 20° 32' E) o East chimney of house 13 South gable of bam iq Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 53 Cupola on bam 75 Cupola on Wright bam. 108 North gable of bam 168 East gable of house 181 South gable of house 230 Lone pine tree on Gordon Point 282 Cupola on bam 316 South chimney of house 326 Nail in blaze in sassafras tree (5 inches diameter) 33S ,' , mile. |<4 mile. 3/i mile. . 98 meters. 5.^ mile. 34' mile. ^4 mile. J^ mile. >2 mile. }{ mile. 4 miles. 4 miles. 10. 34 meters. REEDS. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River at northeast side of entrance to Reeds Creek and about five-eighths mile south of Robins Cove. (See Chart No. 30. 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh hnd about 2 feet above high water. 34 yards cast of shore, 9 yards north of ditch draining swamp, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush w-ith marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 2 inches above surface of ground. Substirface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of uiouument. References. — o / /> "Bird" (S62°26'W) o East chimney of Harris house 60 Chimney of house 101 East chimney of Brown house 112 Chimney of cabin 186 Cupola on bam 276 North gable of house 316 Chimney of house 337 4b >.. mile. 3>^ miles. 2i/4 miles. 3 miles. 300 yards i^'4 miles. 1^4 miles, l/i mile. LITTLE GUM. General locality. — Western shore of Chester Ri\-cr on Little Gum Point at southwest side of entrance to Grays Inn Creek. (See Chart No. 30. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 2 yards siuth of shore, and 12 yards southeast of a 4-foot ditch. Cement moniuncnt marking reference station is 40.97 meters N 33° 31' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches belo\v base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 49 References. — ° "Weeks" (N 29° 53' W) o East gable of old house on opposite shore .... 29 South chimney of house 81 Southgableof house near Cliffs Landing . ... C)^ North gable of bam 115 North gable of bam 130 South gable of bam 170 Left tangent of Gum Point 212 North gable of bam 220 South chimney of Harris house 347 RBPERENCE STATION 356 22 GO WEEKS. 3-i mile. I mile. I mile. 3X miles. 3X miles. 3X miles. 2^8 miles. fi mile. Pi mile. 1^ mile. 40. 97 meters. General locality.- — Western shore of Grays Inn Creek about three-eighths mile northwest of Chester River, and one-eighth mile southeast of Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30. ) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 7 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, 5 yards west of vertical bank 5 feet high, 50 yards northeast of low cedar tree at edge of peach orchard, 250 yards north of a wharf, and 200 yards north-northeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu-ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Inn" (N 89° 27' E) o 00 00 J^ mile. Left tangent of gable of barn 43 07 3^ miles. Chimney of Harris tenant house 93 48 175 yards. East gable of Harris house 107 38 200 yards. East gable of Harris bam 142 45 250 yards. Chimney of Harris tenant house 211 50 300 yards. Right tangent of piles of Harris Wliarf 260 03 300 yards. East gable of Strong tenant house 288 59 J^ mile. Chimney of Strong distillery 324 46 ^ mile. Lone sycamore tree on opposite shore 335 05 ^-a mile. SPRING. General locality. — Western shore of Grays Inn Creek about one-half mile northwest of Chester River, on Spring Point, near Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 10 yards west of a barn, 4 yards southwest of top of slope, and 100 yards southwest of an old wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monximent. References. — o / // "Island" (N 56° 37' E) o 00 00 I,eft tangent of piles at northeast comer of old wharf 3 12 Lone sycamore tree on opposite shore 27 58 .. Nail in northwest corner of Harris bam 40 12 30 Lone cedar tree near orchard 105 03 Nail in post in southwest comer of Harris hay shed 143 Stack of I^ary sawmill 271 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (3 inches diam- eter) 273 Chimney of Strong tenant house 336 14126 — 12 4 58 ^4 mile. 100 yards. K mile. 9. 10 meters. 350 yards. 20. 69 meters. 2 miles. 10. 73 meters. }4 mile. 50 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. LUCY. General locality. — Western shore of Grays Inn Creek abour three-fourths mile northwest of Chester River and one-fourth mile northwest of Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on wooded shore about 5 feet above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 2 yards west of top of vertical bank, and 3 feet north of a stump 4 inches in diameter. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.55 meters S 36° 59' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o 1 n "Spring" (S 48° 33' E) o 00 00 % mile. Nail in blaze in twin chestnut tree (18 inches diameter) 71 38 10 g. 54 meters. Reference station 85 32 20 n- 55 meters. Nail in blaze in twin chestnut tree (10 inches diameter) iii 56 50 8. 31 meters. Stack of Leary sawmill 198 51 20 i^ miles. East gable of bam 210 59 2 miles. Left tangent of piles of Strong old wharf ... . 213 34 J^ mile. Southwest comer of Strong house 310 53 >^ mile. Nail in blaze in gum tree (15 inches diam- eter) 338 07 10 4. 73 meters. Left tangent of piles of Harris old wharf ... . 345 48 X "lile. Northeast comer of Harris bam 359 13 X mile. GOOSE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Grays Inn Creek about ij4 miles northwest of Chester River, on point between Browns Cove and Goose Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field at edge of peach orchard about 12 feet above high water, 8 yards southwest of shore, 6 yards southwest of top of vertical bank, and i yard north of row of peach trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° / // " Prussian" (N 18° 50' W) o 00 00 X mile. East gable of house o 49 iK miles. West chimney of house 31 32 1J4 miles. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 36 09 00 5. 32 meters. West chimney of house 37 46 1 mile. Left tangent of piles of old wharf 38 51 ^ mile. West chimney of house 87 21 J/2 mile. North post of Harris hay shed 156 55 X mile. Nail in blaze in peach tree (6 inches diam- eter) 248 59 10 10. 42 meters. East gable of bam 328 26 X mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 348 08 20 14. 47 meters. Stack of Learys sawmill 353 22 50 iji miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 51 yi mile. i}4 miles. yi mile. yi mile. I mile. yi mile. 5 miles. I mile. I mile. X mile. y^ mile. PRUSSIAN. General locality— Western shore of upper Grays Inn Creek about iH miles northwest of Chester River, opposite Strong's old wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality.— Observed station is in a marsh meadow about i foot above high water, 9 yards southwest of shore, 25 yards west of extreme end of point, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. A/arfei.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Gray" (N 13° 48' W) o South chimney of house 34 West chimney of house 45 West chimney of house 62 West chimney of small house near shore ... 70 Right tangent of piles of Strong old wl.arf ... 92 Right tangent of tin roofed bam 149 Left tangent of piles of Harris old wharf 154 South gable of Harris hay shed 158 Chimney of house 287 South chimney of house 294 GRAY. General locality.— Western shore of upper Grays Inn Creek about iK miles northwest of Chester River, 250 yards west of Browns Point, and i mile south-southeast of Learys Mill Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality.— Observed station is in a cultivated field about 3 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 200 yards north of a group of five pine trees, and about on line with two cedar trees north Marks.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Herring" (N 44° 12' E) o °o South gable of bam 9 55 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 22 05 Chimney of Harris house 107 22 West one of group of pine trees (12 inches diameter) 15° 45 North chimney of house 178 58 Stack of Learys sawmill 283 09 Wicks windmill 284 47 Chimney of small house 289 55 Nail in blaze in dead cedar tree (6 inches diameter) 3°? 16 East chimney of house 3^5 24 Lone dead pine tree 359 32 HERRING. General locality. -Uastem shore of upper Grays Inn Creek about i^ miles northwest of Chester River, at north side of entrance to Herringtown Creek and about five-eighths mile east-southeast of Leary saw- mill. (See Chart No. 30.) . Immediate locality. -Observed station is in a marsh meadow about 2 feet above high water, 20 yards north of shore, 5 yards west of a rail fence, 7 yards south of a lone dead pine tree, 75 yards south of a lone cedar tree, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. yi mile. ;,i mile. 14. 67 meters. i}4 miles. 200 yards. yi mile. yi mile. lyi mile§. yi mile. 4. 43 meters. yi mile. yi mile. 52 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. A/orAj. ^Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " No Road ' ' (S 14° 43' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. North chimney of house 58 28 y4 mile. Nail in blaze in dead pine tree (30 inches diameter) 201 30 10 6. 66 meters. Chimney of house 215 40 yi mile. Chimney of house 223 53 }^ mile. East chimney of house 273 48 }4 mile. West chimney of house 300 02 300 yards. NO ROAD. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Grays Inn Creek about iX miles northwest of Chester River at south side of entrance to Herringtown Creek, near Strong old wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a clay and sand beach on a wooded shore about i foot above high water, 5 yards east of shore, and 17 yards east of end of piles of an old wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Cut" (S 12° 04' E) o Left tangent of piles of Strong old wharf. ... 87 South chimney of house 100 Stack of Leary sawmill 148 Wicks windmill 153 East chimney of house 157 East gable of bam 168 Nail in blaze in pine tree (18 inches diam- eter) 199 25 50 Nail in blaze in gum tree (18 inches diam- eter) 316 00 00 % mile. 10 100 yards. 57 X mile. I mile. 2% miles. 1% miles. ^4 mile. 24. 75 meters. 8. 16 meters. CUT. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Grays Inn Creek, on point about i}i miles northwest of Chester River, and one-half mile south of Herrington Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land below high water, about 13 yards north of shore, 60 yards northwest of three large cedar trees, 35 yards southwest of a wire fence at edge of woods, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu"ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " No road" (N 12° 04' W) o 00 00 }i mWt. Nail in blaze in pine tree (6 inches diame- ter) 67 32 10 22.31 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diame- ter) 97 06 10 28.19 meters. West gable of bam 145 52 4 miles. Left tangent of piles of Harris old wharf ... . 164 09 fi mile. East chimney of Harris house 171 22 f^ mile. East gable of bam 299 34 K mile. North chimney of house 304 41 X mile. South gable of house 341 41 iX miles. Left tangent of piles of Strong old wharf 348 25 % mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 53 FORE. yi mile. 1% miles. 1% miles, loo yards. 3-8 mile. ;'4^ mile. 4^4 miles. 33-8 miles. yi mile. yi mile. M mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of Grays Inn Creek, on point about i mile nortliwcst of Chester River, and three-eighths mile north of Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point, about i foot above high water, 3 yards nortli- west of shore, 11 yards north-northeast of extreme end of point, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 12 inches above surface of marsh. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Lucy " (S 36° 11' W) o North chimney of house 78 East gable of small house 80 Swamp oak tree (2 feet diameter) 131 Southwest comer of Strong tenant house. . . . 234 Lone s>'camore tree (12 inches diameter) .... 274 West gable of barn on Grove Creek 278 North gable of barn with two cupolas 287 Chimney of Harris tenant house 319 Left tangent of piles of Harris old wharf 321 East gable of Harris barn 328 ISLAND. General locality. — Eastern shore of Grays Inn Creek, about five-eighths mile northwest of Chester River, on Island Point opposite Harris Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land, about i foot above high water, 3 yards north- cast of shore, and 400 yards west of a house. Cement monument marking reference station is 9.01 meters N 43° 38' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe, with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center, point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Tray"(S36°22'E) o Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 33 Lone poplar tree 65 East gable of Harris house 68 East gable of Harris barn 73 Right tangent of piles of old wharf 93 Chimney of small house 153 East chimney of house 171 East gable of Strong tenant house 197 Reference station 259 Chimney of Strong old distillery 308 Lone cedar tree near shore 354 13 5° ;; 8 mile. $yi miles. yi mile. yi mile. X mile. yi mile. iX miles. ^'i mile. ■4 mile. y.oi meters. ,'4 mile. 300 yards. TRAY. General locality. — Eastern shore of Grays Inn Creek, about one-fourth mile ii(.>rthwest oi Chester River, three-eighths mile southeast of Island Point, and one-half mile cast of Harris Wliarf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point, about i foot above high water, 4 yards northeast of shore, 10 yards southwest of a small locust stump at foot of bank, and 12 yards southwest of foot of slope. Cement monument marking reference station is 8.86 meters N 53" 42' R of observed station. 54 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe, with top flush with surface of ground. Sub- surface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground . References. — o / // " Island" (N 36° 21' W) o 00 00 3/^ mile. Reference station 90 02 50 8.86 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 90 28 40 10.60 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 129 25 10 9.75 meters. Right tangent of woods on Hail Point 217 29 5 miles. Northeast comer of barn 239 43 i mile. East gable of Harris house 287 44 }i mile. Chimney of Harris tenant house 304 05 ^ mile. North gable of house near shore 312 02 ^ mile. North gable of barn 338 10 ij 2 miles. South chimney of house 354 21 ij^' miles. INN. General locality. — Eastern shore of Grays Inn Creek, about one-eighth mile northwest of Chester River and one-half mile southeast of Island Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a peach orchard, about 4 feet above high water, and 25 yards northeast of shore . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 3 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "HoltonPoint " (S 72° 50' E) o 00 00 2S smiles. Nail in blaze in sycamore tree (30 inches diameter) 13 24 30 4. 53 meters. North cupola on barn 38 57 2j4 miles. Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 74 54 4X miles. East gable of Swatska barn loi 19 iX miles. East chimney of house ■. 119 02 yi mile. East gable of Harris house 150 53 i/i mile. East gable of small house 175 15 f^ mile. Nail in blaze in peach tree (8 inches diame- ter) 252 41 50 II. 71 meters. Southwest comer of Earle bathhouse 359 28 3 miles. HOLTON POINT. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River on Holton Point, at south side of entrance to Corsica River. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on low sand beach, about on level with high water, and one- fourth mile west of small bathhouse. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.40 meters S 48° 06' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cement-filled tile pipe, with top about 6 inches below surface of ground, encased in a cement cake bearing the legend "U. S. C. S. 1896." Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 55 References. — o / // "Bay Bush Point" (S 64° 15' W) o 00 00 2>^ miles. East chimney of house 19 49 3 miles. Chimney of small house 27 23 3 miles. East gable of bam 38 39 3^^ miles. East gable of small house 57 08 2X miles. South gable of bam 67 37 similes. South gable of house 80 09 2yst miles. East chimney of house 94 17 i}4 miles. West chimney of house 130 52 2 miles. South gable of corn crib 157 14 ^ mile. West gable of bam 184 04 i mile. Reference station 247 38 20 5.40 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 321 38 00 28.35 meters. North gable of bam 329 38 2^ miles. North gable of bam 343 06 4^ miles. East gable of bam 357 02 4X miles. EARLE. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River on To\vn Bar Point about one-half mile east of Chester River and 100 yards north of Earle Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 5 yards south of shore, ig yards north of a pond, and 100 yards north of Earle Wliarf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monumonl ijrojccting 3 inches above surface of groimd. Suljsurfuce mark is center of 3-inch tile pipe buried with to]) 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ■ o / // "Hydrographic" (S 64° 38' E) o 00 00 ,'2 mile. Lone sycamore tree 10 43 3^ mile. East chimney of house 18 56 J/2 mile. Southeast pile at end of Earle Wharf. ....... 48 59 100 yards. Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 63 18 00 12.92 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 87 58 50 . . . . . . IT. 07 meters. Earle windmill 118 07 300 yards. East gable of bam 165 21 35 s miles. East gable of small house 179 26 2^ miles. Church steeple at Crosby 196 20 3^^ miles. South gable of Brown house 209 09 2!^' miles. West chimney of Sissel house 244 53 i,s mile. South gable of Emory bam 298 08 ;'-i mile. West chimney of house 338 10 i^s miles. HYDROGRAPHIC. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River about i',^ miles east of Chester River and one- half mile east of Earle Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is near edge of cultivated field about 3 feet above high water, 20 yards south of shore, 4 yards south of edge of bank 3 feet high, and 400 yards nortli of lone .sycamore tree. 56' Survey nj Oystrr Bav:, Krni County, Md, Marks. — Observed slatioii is center i)oint of triangle on standard cement moniiinent projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Earle" (N 64° 37' W) o 00 00 fi mile. Church steeple at Crosby 14 03 4^ miles. East gable of bam 19 13 ^y^ miles. South gable of Sissel bam 33 12 J^ mile. South gable of Emory bam 73 18 f^ mile. Southwest comer of Emory Wliarf house. .. . 75 44 i^ mile. West gable of bam 114 51 i/^ mile. West gable of bam 135 37 1^ miles. West chimney of house 148 56 1% miles. East chimney of house 231 23 |4^ mile. Nail in blaze in apple tree (12 inches diam- eter) 327 14 30 16.00 meters. Southeast comer of Earle WTiarf house 354 51 yi mile. RUTH. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River about i'-< miles east of Chester River and one- eighth mile northwest of entrance to Tilghmans Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 15 feet above high water. 10 yards south of shore, 2 yards west of edge of slope, and 6 yards south of edge of slope. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Hydrographic" (N 82° 13' W) o 00 00 simile. East chimney of Earle tenant house o 11 i mile. South gable of Sissel bam 36 30 i mile. Southeast comer of Emory Wharf house .... 54 13 ^ mile. South gable of Emory bam 60 05 J^ mile. Chinmey of Emory house 64 17 }/i mile. East post of front porch of house : . 109 34 J^ mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diameter) 119 49 10 9.98 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 223 53 20 14.30 meters. East gable of small bam 308 56 '/i mile. Lone sycamore tree 319 36 ^ mile. MELFIELD. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River about I's miles east of Chester River, i mile southeast of Emory Wharf, and one-eighth mile cast of entrance to Tilghmans Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated field about 18 feet above high water, 10 yards south of .shore, 5 yards south of edge of bluff, and 10 yards west of a ravine. .1/orfe.f.^Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey oj (Jysirr Bars, Kent Cnunly, Md. 57 References. — "Ruth " (N 71° 32' W) o East gable of bam 11 Left tangent of Emorj- Wharf 29 East chimney of Emor>- hou^e 38 Southwest corner of house 74 Cupola on Emory Wharf house 96 Nail in blaze in walnut tree (8 inches diam- eter) iig Nail in blaze in gum tree (7 inches diameter) 179 West gable of bam 195 Nai! in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 336 South chimney of Earle house 350 BATH. ;"'-s mile. 5 miles. Js mile. I mile. yt mile. iVg miles. ' 3.81 meters. 16.18 meters. 3 s mile. 13.85 meters. li s miles. General locality. — Southern shore of Corsica River on Wash Point about 2 miles east of Chester River, one-half mile west of Roclo.- Point, and one-fourth mile southeast of Ship Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards cast of shore, 13 yards west of a pond, and surrounded by dense growth of bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 8 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Melfield" (S 30° 54' W) o Left tangent of peak of bam 24 Earle windmill S3 Left edge of Earle Wharf house 56 East chimney of house 86 South chimney of house 120 West chimney of house 217 12 North one of two cedar trees on hill 267 01 Nail in blaze in hackberry tree (12 inches diameter) 326 23 50 Nail in blaze in pear tree (15 inches diam- eter) 345 " 5° 55 % mile. I mile. lyi miles. iK miles. I mile. Vs mile. ^ mile. y^ mile. ^.06 meters. 6.79 meters. SHIP. General locality. — Northern shore of Corsica River on Ship Point at west side of entrance to Emorys Creek, about i]/i miles east of Chester River, and five-eighths mile east of Emor)' Wharf. (Sec Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point co\'ere^ mile. 125 yards. 300 yards. 250 yards. iH miles. 156.94 feet. SWEPSON. General locality. — Northern shore of Corsica River opposite Town Bar Point about one-half mile east of Chester River, three-eighths mile north of Earle WTiarf . and three-eighths mile west of Emory Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on m-vshland about i foot above high water, 12 yards north of shore, 10 yards south of lone cedar tree, and 12 yards east of small ditch draining swamp. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° " Hydrographic " (832° 06' E) o East chimney of house Chimney of house 44 Karle windmill 71 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (15 inches diame- ter) 230 South gable of Emor>' bam 282 West gable of bam 332 North chimney of small house 355 Chinuicy of small house . 357 30 :'■ g mile, f:,' mile. i/i mile. >2 mile. 9.50 meters. X mile. :3< miles. I 'i miles. J '2 miles. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Add. 59 CORSICA. General locality. — Eastern shore of Chester River at north side of entrance to Corsica River about three-eighths mile south of Lower Spaniard Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 7 feet above high water, i6 yards east of shore, 11 yards east of edge of bank, and 5 yards south of young peach orchard. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Swepson" (S 54° 31' E) o 00 00 ',mile. North chimney of house 19 17 iH miles. Earle windmill 52 39 ?-4 mile. Northwest comer of Earle bathhouse 54 01 .K mile. Left tangent of woods on Gordon Point 93 59 aj^ miles. Chimney of small house 145 49 3M miles. South gable of bam 1S7 43 2,'/^ miles. West gable of Sissel corn crib 318 25 yi mile. Locust tree (24 inches diameter) 359 07 150 yards. DEEP COVE. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River on point at west side of entrance to Langford Creek and south side of entrance to Deep Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marshland about i foot above high water, 10 yards inshore, 50 yards east of a dead tree 2 feet in diameter, 80 yards southeast of a tall poplar tree, and 300 yards east of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of groiuid. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with toj) 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Gordon" (S 6° 44' E) o 00 00 2^ miles. East pine tree of group on Piney Point 5 25 3>2 miles. Spindle on gable of bam 47 08 lyi miles. Lone poplar tree 59 20 V.' mile. Northeast corner of Ashley house 87 57 300 yards. Southeast corner of fishing shack 124 34 200 yards. Lone pine tree 136 01 ]4 mile. South gable of house 193 59 _ zV^ miles. West chimney of house 200 47 i>1i miles. W'est gable of bam 243 30 i mile. North chimney of house at Cliffs Landing. . 256 16 2 miles. North gable of bam 288 41 . 2M miles. Southwest comer of Earle bathhouse 307 oy 2-ys miles. North gable of bara 355 07 2% miles. SNUB. General locality. — Western shore of Langford Creek on prominent point about three-eighths mile north of Chester River between Deep Cove and Long Cove (.See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand point about 2 feet above high water, 8 yards west of shore, and 75 yards north of cedar trees on shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement niouuiiiLiit projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-incli tile )>ipe l>uricd with top j inches below base of monument. 6o Survey nj Oyster Bars, Coiuily, Md. Rejerence!:. — ° ' " Dec-]) Cove " (S 5° 21' W) o 00 pine tree 11 37 Lone poplar tree (18 inches diameter) 140 34 East chimney of house 160 56 West chimney of house 174 57 West chimney of house 193 06 South chimney of house 212 17 West chimney of house 228 09 South chimney of Brown house 249 07 West gable of house 267 36 Left edge of Earle bathhouse 305 40 West gable of bam on Reeds Creek 334 41 LAWYER. J^ mile. 75 yards. 300 yards. I mile. I mile. y^ mile. 2j^ miles. 1}/% miles. iH miles. 4 miles. lYi miles. 4 miles. General locality. — Western shore of Langford Creek on Long Point about i mile north of Chester River between Long Cove and Lawyers Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality .^Ohserved station is on a low sand point about i foot above high water, 8 yards west of extreme east end of point, and 30 yards east of group of pine trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument proiecting.5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monament. References. — ° ' " "Peach" (S 41° 41' E) o 00 00 . . East gable of barn 20 38 Southeast chimney of Strong house 84 03 Nail in blaze in twin pine tree (18 inches diameter) ... 121 07 20 . . . Nail in blaze in pine tree (12 inches diame- ter) 134 41 50 ... South chimney of house 141 ^j, East chimney of house 170 21 East chimney of house 194 05 West chimney of house 242 39 West chinmey of Brown house 323 45 DRUM. i'i mile. 3>^ miles. !< mile. 26.76 meters. 26.07 meters. ^4. mile. ^ mile. X mile. X mile. ]/i mile. General locality. — Western shore of Langford Creek on Drum Point about 1% miles north of Chester River, between Lawyers Cove and Davis Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow, about 2 feet above high water, 13 yards north of shore, 15 yards south of shore, and 13 yards west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. vSubsurface m;u-k is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Major" (vS 54° 41' E) .' o West gable of Brown house 9 Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 65 East chimney of Ashley house 88 East gable of house 171 Chimney of small house 215 South gable of bam 249 West chimney of house 271 West chimney of house 305 18 f-g mile. fi mile. 6 miles. iX miles. }^ mile. }4 mile. i?-^ miles. !■■ g miles. H mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 6i i/i mile. 16.50 meters. I mile. 1% miles. lyi miles. I mile. 10.46 meters. i>s miles. 6 miles. DAVIS. General locality. — Western shore of Langford Creek on point about lyi miles north of Chester River, one-eighth mile northeast of entrance to Davis Creek, five-eighths mile north of Drum Point, and nearly opposite Orchard Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 10 feet above high water. 20 yards northwest of shore, and 10 yards northwest of top of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Drum" (S 1° 07' E) o 00 00 . . . Nail in blaze in oak tree (4 inches diameter). 21 47 30 . . . Chimney of small house 207 06 South gable of barn 234 11 West chimney of house 267 34 West chimney of house 294 35 Nail in blaze in oak tree (15 inches diameter). 324 22 lo . . . Chimney of house 337 30 North gable of house on Reeds Creek 357 28 ISLE. General locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on Island Point, about one-fourth mile north of main body of creek and three-eighths mile northwest of Cacaway Island. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand point about i foot above high water, 5 yards south of shore, 8 yards north of shore, 50 yards west of extreme end of point, and 20 yards east of foot of wooded bluff 15 feet high. Cement monument marking reference station is 5.55 meters S 79° 32' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Ref- erence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above sur- face of ground. References. — o / // "Eagle" (N 43° 25' W) o 00 00... South gable of Leary corncrib i 41 West chimney of house 47 i* Chimney of small house 75 51 North chimney of house 142 13 North gable of bam 153 58 Lone cedar tree on Drum Point 234 51 Reference station 302 57 00 . . . South chimney of house 355 56 ]4 mile. 1% miles. iX miles. % mile. 1% miles. I mile. I mile. 5.55 meters. i}i miles. EAGLE. General locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on Eagle Point at south side of entrance to Graveyard Cove, about three-fourths mile northwest of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on prominent bluff about 20 feet above high water, 26 yards west of extreme end of point, 11 yards south of top of bank, 8 yards north of top of bank, and 2 yards north of small cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. 62 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — o / // "Homor" (N 84° 09' E) o 00 00 y^mWa. Left tangent of Cacaway Island 42 07 % mile. Nail in blaze in stump near top of bank .... 85 52 40 9.96 meters. North chimney of house 131 49 i mile. Lone oak tree (12 inches diameter) 153 29 % m\\it. Nail in blaze in stump (15 inches diameter). 202 06 10 4.54 meters. East chimney of De Ford house 216 44 yi mile. South chimney of house 224 39 J^' mile. Lone cedar tree 268 44 J^ mile. Chimney of small house 280 49 i>^ miles. FORD. Genvral locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek about i mile northwest of main body of Langford Creek, three-eighths mile northwest of Ragle Point, and one-half mile south of Whale Point. (See Chart No. 30.) immediate locality. — Observed station is in garden about 20 feet above high water, 9 yards south- west of shore, 7 yards southwest of top of bank, and 80 yards southeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Kinsley" (N 21° 24' W) o 00 00 X 'ni'<=- Nail in blaze in cherry tree (12 inches diam- eter) 18 56 20 10.76 meters. Lone cedar tree 5° °i X ™'le. South gable of old bam 71 i5 ' ™'l^- Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 136 05 20 6.23 meters. Twin oak tree on Eagle Point 148 51 X mile. East gable of De Ford house 311 47 80 yards. Walnut tree (12 inches diameter) 324 13 50 yards. KINSLEY. General locality.— ySIestem shore of West Fork of Langford Creek on Pastor Point about i}4 miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek and one-fourth mile south of Whale Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality.— Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, 200 yards north of a wharf, and at foot of slope rising to an elevation of 10 feet. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Whale" (N 3° 10' E) o 00 00 yi mUe. Chimney of house 22 01 i>< miles. Lone cedar tree 63 18 H mile. South gable of barn 71 35 J^ mile. West chimney of De Ford house 168 05 >i' mile. End of Kinsley wharf 178 58 200 yards. Nail in blaze in wild-cherry tree (12 inches diameter) 195 .S' 10 4.oi meters. Nail in blaze in twin stump 242 42 30 2.57 meters. North chimney of Leary house 329 45 >i mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 63 WHALE. General locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on Whale Point, at south side of entrance to Bungay Creek, about iK miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek, and three- eighths mile southwest of Vickers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 6 yards south- west of shore, and 300 yards northeast of a Cement monument marking reference station is 8.75 meters S 35° 27' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Nat" (S 76° 46' E) o 00 00 J smile. Left tangent of Eagle Point 46 25 i^ mile. West chimney of De Ford house 73 51 ^s mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (6 inches diam- eter) 82 53 50 7.20 meters. Reference station 112 12 10 8.75 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diam- eter) 130 49 20 13.55 meters. North chimney of house 307 45 %■ mile. Left tangent of piles of Vickers Wharf 307 54 X mile. West chimney of house 354 11 f^ mile. BUNGAY. General locality. — Western shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on point at north side of entrance to Bixngay Creek, about i^A miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek and one-fourth mile west of Vickers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a low sand point at north side of entrance to Bungay Creek, about i foot above high water, and 16 yards west of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Nat" (S 28° 21' E) o 00 00 X mile. Left edge of bank on Eagle Point 7 25 ]4 mile. West gable of bam 38 01 \4 mile. North chimney of Kinsley house 45 08 3^ mile. North chimney of Leary house 58 02 % mile. North gable of house 60 26 J-< mile. South gable of house 205 43 i^ miles. South gable of barn 238 01 % mile. North chimney of house 268 18 J/^ mile. West chimney of house 292 48 i-^ mile. Lone cedar tree (12 inches diameter) 344 58 % mile. . LOCUST. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, near Vickers W'harf, about i|4 miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards southeast of shore, and immediately back of loading platform on Vickers Wharf. Marks. — Observed station is nail in root of a leaning locust tree 12 inches in diameter. References. — Drift pin in top of pile head at southeast end of Vickers Wharf 5.78 meters. Drift pin in top of pile head at northwest end of Vickers Wharf 7.78 meters. 64 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. NAT. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, opposite Whale Point, about i^A. miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek and one-fourth mile south of Vickers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 7 yards souUi of shore, 8 yards north of shore, 25 yards east of extreme end of point, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 3 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Mill" (S 29° 19' E) o 00 00 J-^ mile. Left tangent of Eagle Point 10 49 i/i mile. West gable of house 31 29 i}4 miles. Left edge of De Ford kitchen 48 38 yi mile. North chimney of house 71 35 Ji mile. North gable of bam 75 40 J^ mile. East gable of bam 134 57 yi mile. Chimney of house 227 58 J^ mile. Persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 266 01 70 yards. South gable of bam 302 15 3/g mile. MILL. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on point at west side of a small cove about I'i" miles northwest of main body of Langford Creek and three-eighths mile south of Vickers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about 2 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, 7 yards east of shore, 15 yards northwest of extreme end of point, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven flush with marsh to support theodolite. Cement monument mark- ing reference station is 9.48 meters N 2° 57' E of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2 -inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Ford" (S 32° 51' W) o 00 00 >-8 mile. East chimney of De Ford house 9 46 yi mile. South chimney of house 38 14 Ji mile. North chimney of house 72 11 yi mile. South chimney of house 142 59 2 miles. Reference STATION 150 06 20 9.48 meters. Lone cedar tree 163 32 300 yards. South gable of bam 213 24 ^ mile. Chimney of house 343 48 |^ mile. WEST. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek, on Cedar Point, at west side of entrance to Long Cove, about seven-eighths mile north of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 5 yards west of shore, 8 yards east of shore, and 25 yards northwest of extreme end of point. Cement monument marking reference station is 21.85 meters N 27° 40' E of observed station. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Aid. 65 Marks. — Observed station is center of 2-inch tile pipe projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of surface pipe. Refer- ence station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Mill" (N 53° 43' W) o 00 00 . . . Nail in blaze in cherrj- tree (6 inches diam- eter) 77 22 30 . . . Reference station 81 22 30 . . . Nail inblazeinoaktree(i2inchesdiameter). 93 38 40 . . . Twin oak tree on Eagle Point 267 17 Chimney of house 282 45 East chimney of De Ford house 3L5 37 South chimney of house 330 57 North chimney of house 348 50 HORNOR. J-^ mile. 15.45 meters. 21.85 meters. 26.24 meters. X mile. ^ mile. K mile. f^ mile. iJi' miles. General locality. — Eastern shore of West Fork of Langford Creek on point between Long Cove and Homors Cove about three-fourths mile north of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate Iffcality. — Observed station is in a marsh meadow about i foot above high water, 15 yards northeast of shore, and 30 yards south of fringe of woods parallel with shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with to]3 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // . "Eagle " (S 84° 10' W) o 00 00 X mile. West chimney of De Ford House 20 40 ^ mile. South chimney of house 29 03 iX miles. North chimney of house 40 41 iX miles. Left edge of small house 242 40 i mile. Right tangent of Cacaway Island 261 55 % mile. Chimney of house 353 56 ^ mile. KING. General locality. — On point between East Fork and West Fork of Langford Creek about 150 yards north of Cacaway Island. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a point about 14 feet high at edge of cultivated field, 3 yards northwest of edge of bank, 3 yards east of edge of bank at gully, and 8 yards east-northeast of point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ash "(N 44° 53' E) o 00 00 >i mile. Left peak of large house 55 52 iX miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (8 inches diameter) . 70 26 6.25 meters. Left chimney of house 113 18 3 miles. Nail in blaze in tree (4 inches diameter) .... 163 48 10 8.27 meters. Right peak of bam 174 35 2 miles. Nail in blaze in tree (4 inches diameter) . . . 246 34 20 7.49 meters. Left chimney on mansion house 259 16 Chimney of house among trees 295 12 14126 — 12 5 66 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. ASH. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about one-half mile north of main body of Langford Creek and one-eighth mile northeast of north end of Cacaway Island. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 10 feet above high water, 35 yards northwest of shore, 14 yards northwest of edge of low bank, 20 yards northwest of line of trees along shore, and 36 yards south-southwest of point of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsiulace mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Noth" (S 81° 49' E) o 00 00 yi mile. Left peak of long bam g 25 i^-i miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter) 13 43 10 19.55 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (14 inches diameter) 69 49 10 27.87 meters. Left peak of house 128 38 i mile. Chimney of small house 183 37 1% miles. Near peak of large house 196 17 lyi miles. Left chimney of large mansion 200 11 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in oak tree (5 inches diameter). 324 03 50 21.37 meters. NOTH. General locality.— Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on point opposite Kings Creek about three-foiuths mile northeast of main body of Langford Creek and one-half mile east of north end of Cacaway Island. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 3 feet above high water, 6 yards west of shore, 23 yards northeast of shore, and 40 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Leary" (N 36° 47' E) o Southwest peak of large bam 24 Nail in blaze of oak tree (8 inches diameter) . 53 Left chimney of Stoop store 74 Left peak of Stoop long bam 77 Near peak of bam 125 Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 141 Chimney of house 174 Chimney of house 200 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 354 18 40 35 % mile. y-i mile. 3.95 meters. 3/^ mile. ^i mile. 54 mile. 4.91 meters. l,i mile. 3 miles. 8. 1 1 meters. LEARY. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about i mile northeast of main body of Langford Creek and three-eighths mile north of Haw Bush Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point near Lear}''s old wharf, about i foot above high water, 6 yards west of shore, 10 yards northeast of shore, and 10 yards north of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsiu-face mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below b;usc of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 67 References. — "Nest" (N 33° 43' E) o North chimney of house 38 House among trees IS° Chimney of house 179 Chimney of house 194 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (14 inches diam- eter) 255 Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diam- eter) 280 Nail in blaze in locust tree (7 inches diam- eter) 298 NEST. 3^ mile. '» mile. S'i mile. yi mile. 2^s miles. 17.45 meters. 15.75 meters. 15.80 meters. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on point about ij-g miles northeast of main body of Langford Creek and five-eighths mile southwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture about 10 feet above high water, 11 yards north of edge of bank, 12 yards west of edge of bank, 16 yards west-northwest of point of bank, and 125 yards south of clump of trees. Morfe,r.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Woll" (N 18° 22' E) o 00 00... Large chimney of house 4 41 Near large chimney of house 62 00 Nail in blaze in hickor}- stump (4 inches diameter) 115 06 10 . . . Chimney of small house 166 21 Chimney of rambling house 194 49 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 212 15 Large tree in small clump 275 24 Nail in blaze in oak tree (20 inches diam- eter) 334 44 00 ■ ■ ■ East peak of shed 346 12 WOLL. General locality.— Vfestem shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about i mile north of Haw Bush Point and three-eighths mile southwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality.— Ohseived station is in comer of cultivated field about 10 feet above high water, 10 yards southwest of edge of bank, 17 yards north of edge of bank, 19 yards northwest of extreme point of bank, and 125 yards east-northeast of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. X mile. ■ 3 miles. 1 mile. 10.07 meters. 2 miles. i^'i miles. 12.59 meters. 38. 40 meters. 68 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — o / // "Harp" (N 5° 32' W) o 00 00 X mile. South peak of bam 8 52 54 mile. Large chimney of house 29 32 2>i miles. Chimney on ell of large house 37 37 if^ miles. Chimney of shanty 56 06 1 mile. Right comer of west chimney' of large brick house 107 59 ^ mile. East peak of large bam 151 18 !< mile. Right comer of north chimney of brick house 155 52 ?^ mile. Left tangent of chimney of house 247 13 125 yards. HARP. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on point opposite entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at soutlieast end of row of bushes on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 20 yards southwest of edge of marsh, 20 yards west of edge of marsh, 24 yards northwest of edge of marsh, and 40 yards from a tree-fringed bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement mojument projecting 4 inches above surface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Clay " (N 46° 44' W) o 00 00 '-i mile. East chimney of brick house 23 45 ^4 mile. South peak of large bam 52 31 i mile. Chimney of house 76 58 2 miles. Large square chimney on west end of house 167 17 X ™ilE- Northeast peak of long bam 201 39 J^ mile. Chimney of small house 204 11 % mile. CLAY. General locality. — Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about one-eighth mile south of Lovely Cove and five-eighths mile northwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in woods about 20 feet above high water and 6 yards south- west of edge of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Lovely " (N 7° 19' E) o 00 00 J^ mile. Left tangent of chimney of brick house 31 46 '2 mile. Nail in blaze in oak tree (12 inches diameter) 50 30 4.61 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (12 inches diameter) log 36 30 4.13 meters. West chimney of large brick house 118 24 i^ miles. Nail in blaze in chestnut tree (10 inches di- ameter) 141 50 50 6.23 meters. Nail in blaze in chestnut tree (10 inches di- ameter) 172 22 50 6.24 meters. Nail in blaze in chestnut tree (13 inches di- ameter) 220 44 20 8.15 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (9 inches diameter). 255 37 50 5.06 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 69 LOVELY. General locality. — ^Western shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on north side of entrance to Lovely Cove and three-fourths mile northwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is at edge of cultivated field about 5 feet above high water, 12 yards north of shore, i yard north of top of slight slope, and 70 yards east of a cut in shore. Mark;. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Gut" (S 48° 15' E) o 00 00 ^ mile. Chimney of large brick house 5 32 ij^ miles. East peak of long barn 22 39 2 miles. Nail in blaze in gum tree (3 inches diameter) 84 51 40 5.24 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diame- ter) 132 22 30 1399 meters. Chimney on east end of brick house. . 219 10 X rnile. Near chimney of brick house 291 03 >4 mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diame- ter) 326 51 40 2.28 meters. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diame- ter) 327 37 20 4.55 meters. GUT. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on point at north side of entrance to a small cove about one-fourth mile east of entrance to Lovely Cove and one-half mile northwest of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point about i foot above high water, 15 yards northeast of edge of marsh, 16 yards north of edge of marsh, 21 yards east of edge of marsh, and 65 yards north -northwest of extreme point of marsh. Mark.!. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monimient. References. — o / // " Philip " (S 38° 26' E) o 00 00 }4 niile. Northeast peak of long bam 19 32 i^ miles. Chinmey on southwest end of small house. . 140 06 i mile. East end of small shed 185 04 J; mile. Near comer of brick house 234 02 j/4 mile. Southeast peak of bam 238 07 i]4 miles. Chinmey on ell of house 268 40 3'< mile. Chimney on west end of house 357 47 i>s miles. PHILIP. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek at north side of entrance to Pliilij)s Creek and about five-eighths mile southeast of entrance to Lovely Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 10 yards east of edge of marsh, 15 yards northeast of edge of marsh, 17 yards southeast of edge of marsh, and southwest of a small group of cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biuied with top 2 inches below base of monument. 7« Survey of Oyster Bars, Kiiil County, Md. References. — o / // " Ide " (S ,^3° 46' E) o 00 00 Northeast peak of large bam 22 22 Chimney on ell of house 24 40 . . ■ North peak of building no 21 .. Southwest chimney of small house 160 38 . . East peak of small shed 178 21 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diame- ter) 241 i:i 20 Nail in blaze in water bush (3 inches diame- ter) 272 24 10 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (4 inches diame- ter) 340 46 00 IDE. yi mile. I mile. ^ mile. ^ mile. li/i miles. 1^4 miles. 15.79 meters. 9.00 meters. 13.97 meters. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek at south side of entrance to Philips Creek about 2 miles northeast of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 17 yards east of shore, 15 yards southeast of a cut in shore, and 18 yards northeast of another cut in shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / /> "Hoo"(Si7°22'W) o Northeast peak of house 19 Chimney of house 49 Soutli peak of bam 148 Chimney of True house 293 East peak of large bam 346 45 27 X mile. if^ miles. 14, mile. %■ mile. 14, mile. y% mile. HOO. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek about i^-i miles northeast of main body of Langford Creek, seven-eighths mile north of Haw Bush Point and three-eighths mile south of entrance to Philips Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 10 yards southeast of shore, 14 yards east of shore, 20 yards nortli of shore, and in front of water bushes. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / /> '■Cult"(S;37°2o'W) o North peak of bam 23 South peak of bam 74 East peak of bam 115 Soutli peak of bam 135 North peak of large bam 311 Left comer of east chimney of brick house . . 318 56 y^ mile. y mile. y, mile. iX miles. 2 miles. % mile. yi mile. CULT. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on point about 1% miles nortlieast of main body of Langford Creek and one-fourth mile east of Leary 's old wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 12 yards south-southeast of shore, 16 yards east of shore, 4 yards south-southeast of a road, and 40 yards southeast of a wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siuface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe biu-ied with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 71 References. — ° / // "Warm" (S 28° 24' W) o 00 00 Peak of house showing through trees 12 57 Chimney of house 22 32 South peak of house 53 03 South peak of house 147 08 Chimney of house 170 26 North chimney of house 224 39 Near peak of bam 355 43 WANN. yi mile. I mile. 2X miles. yi mile. ^ mile. I mile. K mile. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on Haw Bush Point at west side of entrance to Kings Creek and Wanus Cove, and about seven-eighths mile northeast of main body of Langford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate /oca/ji v. ^Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 2 yards south of shore, 2 yards north of shore, and 16 yards west-southwest of a persimmon tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Com" (S 58° 36' W) o Chimney of house near shore 6 Chimney on south end of house 11 South peak of large bam 58 East chimney of house 93 Peak of house among trees 134 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (g inches diameter) 184 Nail in blaze in oak tree 196 North chimney of Stoop storehouse 226 North peak of Stoop long bam 230 South chimney of house 271 54 ^ mile. ij4 miles. 2j4 miles. ^ mile. }4 mile. ^ mile. 15 12.76 meters. 1. 3 1 meters. }4 mile. ^2 mile. X njile. CORN. General locality. — Eastern shore of East Fork of Langford Creek on east side of a small cove about three-eighths mile east of main body of Langford Creek, and one-half mile southwest of Haw Bush Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated land about 3 feet above high water, 12 yards east-southeast of shore, and 4 yards east-souUieast of line of trees between shore and station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Neck" (S 55° 31' W) o Chimney of house near shore 13 Chimney of large house 20 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter). 41 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 83 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 132 Near peak of bam 144 Near comer of house 320 00 00 H mile. 0.1 I mile. 38 2 miles. 48 20 3. 98 meters. 31 00 4.60 meters. 57 00 10.47 meters. 10 42 3/ mile. ys mile. 72 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. NECK. General locality. — Eastern sliore of Langford Creek on Orchard Point at soutli side of entrance to East Fork of Langford Creek about one-fourtli mile south of Cacaway Island. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 6 feet above high water, 6 yards south of shore, 12 yards east of shore, 10 yards east-southeast of point of bank in cultivated field, and 30 )'ards northwest of corner of peach orchard . Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Major" (S 4° 41' W) o 00 00 J^ mile. Right peak of bam 31 47 ij^ miles. Right chimney of house 51 44 J4 mile. Right chimney of small house 73 59 i>^ miles. Chimney on right end of house among trees. ig6 18 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (3 inches diam- eter) 218 40 00 11.67 meters. Nail in blaze in peach tree (3 inches diam- eter) 305 26 50 27.58 meters. MAJOR. General locality. — Eastern shore of Langford Creek about i^s miles north of Chester River, three- eighths mile southeast of Drum Point and three-fourth mile south of Orchard Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 15 feet above high water, 25 yards southeast of shore, 17 yards southeast of edge of bluff, 9 yards southeast of wire fence, and 18 yards south of locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Peach " (S 24° 02' W) o 00 00 ^ mile. North chimney of house 19 35 3X miles. East gable of house 25 54 i}4 miles. North chimney of Ashley house 47 01 i mile. East gable of house 68 32 i}4 miles. East gable of house 93 52 i mile. East chimney of house ....*. 103 30 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (6 inches diameter) 128 02 10 16.49 meters. North chimney of Brown house ... 305 20 _!4 niilu. PEACH. General locality. — Eastern sliore of Langford Creek about one-half mile north of Chosler River and 1 liree-fourths mile south of Drum Point. (Sec Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 4 yards east oi shore, 300 yards west of peach orchard, and in center of triangle formed by three pine stubs driven Hush with marsh to support theodolite. .Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 73 References. — " Langford " (S 15° 55' E) o Nortli gable of house 11 Left tangent of woods on Hail Point 2S North chimney of house 72 East gable of barn 123 East chimney of small house 158 East chimney of house 167 Chimney of small house 179 East chimney of house 199 LANGFORD. ^ mile. 3 j s miles. 6X miles. 2>2 miles. }4 mile. lyi miles. }-i mile. iX miles. 2^ miles. General locality. — Western shore of Chester River, on Nichols Point, at east side of entrance to Lang- ford Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate /oca/tZj'.— Observed station is on a sandy point among persimmon trees about 2 feet above high water, 12 yards inshore, and 200 yards south of a marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Gordon" (S 10° 42' W) o East one of group of four pine trees 2 East chimney of house 45 Chimney of small house 56 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 72 East chimney of house S7 South gable of bam 115 South chimney' of house 141 Chimney of house 152 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 218 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (4 inches diameter) 287 Northwest corner of Earle bathhouse 299 Cupola on bam 332 North gable of house 346 45 39 30 30 2^8 miles. 3'/< miles. 2^ miles. 2X miles. 4-.S9 meters. I mile. ij's miles. iK miles. 1/2 miles. 2.23 meters. 763 meters. iK miles. 2 miles. 2^ miles. •SPANIARD POINT 2 UPPER. General locality. — Southeastem shore of Chester River on Lower Spaniard Point about i^ niiks east of Nichols Point, seven-eighths mile south of Cliffs Landing and one-half mile southwest of Spaniard Wliurf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Obscrveil station is on a sand beach about i foot above high water, 8 yards southeast of shore, and 300 }-ards northwest of woods. Cement monument marking reference station is 11.72 meters S 70° 51' E of ob.served station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in 3-inch cenient-fdled tile pipe bearing the legend "U. S. C. vS. 1896, " with top 6 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on stand- ard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. 74 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. References. — ° "Langford" (N 87° 27' W) o South gable of barn 2 East gable of bam 16 Church steeple 29 West chimney of Brown house 37 West chimney of house 76 Right tangent of piles of Cliffs Landing. . . . 100 South gable of house loi " Westcotts Windmill" 117 Reference station 196 North gable of barn 295 Right tangent of woods on Gordon Point .... 302 East chimney of house on Grays Inn Creek. . 352 QUAKER. i^ miles. 2j/i miles. 2fi miles. 3 miles, iji miles. I mile. ]4 mile. lyi miles. 2X miles. 11.72 meters. 3 miles. 3 miles. 3f^ miles. Genera! locality. — Western shore of Chester River in Cliff Bight about three-fourths mile north of Nichols Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about 3 feet above high water, 8 yards north- west of shore, 8 yards southeast of a wire fence and a row of pear trees, and 6 yards south of a group of persimmon trees. Martis. — Observed station is center point of trieuigle on standard cement monument p.'-ojecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Brown" (N 80° 42' E) o West gable of bam 15 Left tangent of Spaniard Wharf 24 Northeast corner of Earle house 70 North gable of house near Reeds Creek 102 Right tangent of woods on Gordon Point. . . 114 Lone oak tree 147 Nail in blaze in hackberr\- tree (6 inches diameter) 203 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (8 inches diameter) 319 West chimney of house 351 08 yi mile. 2}i miles. \% miles. 2 miles. 3^^' miles. ^yi miles. % mile. 4.81 meters. 3.43 meters. yi mile. EVANS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River on Upper Spaniard Point about five-eigfiths mile south of Cliffs Landing and one-eighth mile northeast of Spaniard Wliarf . (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on marsh land about i foot above high water, 10 yards north of shore, and 200 yards east of end of Spaniard Wharf. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey oj Oystey Bars, Kent County, Md. 75 References. — " Chester " (S 80° 13' E) o 00 Lone walnut tree (6 inches diameter) 106 17 South gable of fishing shack near shore 136 00 "Spaniard Wharf i8g6" (old triangulation station) 124 49 Right tangent of piles at end of Spaniard Wharf 167 23 North chimney of house 189 26 West chimney of house 212 13 Chimney of Martin cabin 219 20 North gable of Cliffs Landing house 234 31 East chimney of house 247 28 North gable of barn 276 23 "Westcotts Windmill" 282 55 East gable of barn 308 31 North gable of Hay bam 318 03 East gable of barn 348 39 BROWN. H mile. yards. mile. I meters. I yards. miles, i miles. mile. mile. mile. miles. miles. miles. miles. miles. General locality .—^ort\\v;c^tc'm shore of Chester River on Cliffs Point between Cliffs Bight and Commegys Bight about one-fourth mile west of Cliffs Landing. (Sec Chart No. 30. ) Immediate locality.— Observed station is in a cultivated field about 12 feet above high water. 25 yards north of shore, 7 yards north of edge of bank, and 45 yards southeast of a large cherr\' tree. i\/aMfei.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Deep Point 2 " (N 80° 15' E) o 00 00 ... . West gable of liam 4 49 West chimney of house 22 55 North gable of small fishing shack 82 04 North gable of barn 115 26 Nail in blaze in locust tree (5 inches diam- eter) 157 07 1° ■ - • Nail in blaze in walnut tree (15 inches diam- eter) 209 09 50 East gable of house 220 55 East gable of bam 334 o4 West chimney of house 338 ss Northwest corner of Martin shack 343 03 West gable of wharf house 355 27 STRATTON. ij-l miles. 2'/< miles, i^ miles. 3/^ mile. 3 '2 miles. I3-S5 meters. 14.13 meters. 300 yards. 300 yards. i'^ miles. 77 yards. 'X mile. General /oc'.— Northwestern shore of Chester River at west side of entrance to Commeg>'s Bight near Cliffs Landing and about one-fourth mile northeast of Cliffs Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. —OhserveA station is on marsh land about on level with high water, 5 feet north of shore, and 21 yards southwest of entrance to a small creek. Macfej.— Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent Coiinly, Md. References. — o / // "Deep Point 2 " (N 83° 53' E) o 00 00 Cupola on bam 7 50 West gable of comcrib 23 27 Southwest comer of wharf house 82 04 . . North gable of house 114 03 Right tangent of woods on Gordon Point ... . 125 14 Pine tree on line with bulkhead of wharf. .. . 154 29 North chimney of house 266 37 West gable of Westcott bam 319 58 West gable of bam 340 32 CHESTER. iJ-X miles. 2 miles. i>i miles. 100 yards. 3 miles. 3>i miles. 100 yards. 400 yards. 1% miles. lyi miles. General locality. — vSoutheastem shore of Chester River about three-fourths mile east of Upper Span- iard Point and seven-eighths mile south of Deep Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a low meadow about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards south of shore, 2 yards south of board and wire fence. 2 yards east of rail fence, and 35 yards northwest of gate to front yard of a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / /> "Evans" (N 80° 12' W) o South chimney of house 6 East gable of Cliffs Landing house 23 East gable of house 35 Chimney of house 51 South chimney of Westcott house 76 West gable of bam 85 Left tangent of piles of Indiantown Wharf . . . 116 South cupola of bam 139 West chimney of Emor\- house 158 West chimney of Emor)' tenant house 218 Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (6 inches diameter) 247 Nail in blaze in locust tree (12 inches diam- eter) 328 54 50 i3 i/^ mile. 2].'^ miles. 1.]/% miles. I '2 miles. -s]/2 miles. \^/i miles. I mile. ij'2 miles. -1% miles. % mile. 100 yards. 11.67 meters. 24.18 meters. WESTCOTT'S WINDMILL. (iciicral locality. — Northwestern side of Chester River about one-eighth mile inshore from northern end (if Coniraeg>'S Bight and ifs miles northeast of Cliffs Landing. Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 35 feet high and on a bam. It is separate from the water tank which is back of the bam. Marks. — Observed station is center point of windmill. References. — None necessary'. CORPSE. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River about three-eighths mile southeast of Deep Point, lyi miles east-northeast of Spaniard Wliarf, and five-eighths mile southwest of Indiantown Wliarf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded marsh strip about i foot above high water, 3 yards east of shore, 18 yards soutli-southeast of a point, 43 yards north by east of another point, and one- eighth mile west of a large house. H mile. 1V2 miles. iK miles. % mile. I mile. fs mile. y% mile. M mile. H mile. T/i mile. Surrey of Oyster Bars, Kent County. Md. 77 Maiks. — Observed station is center [joint of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 3 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface center of 2-incli tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " " Chester " (S 39° 24' W) o 00 00 Right tangent of Spaniard Wharf 30 29 Chimney of house near Cliffs Landing 61 43 Right peak of house on Deep Point 83 48 Left one of two chimneys on south end of brick house 147 03 . . * Left tangent of Indiantown WTiarf 173 17 Chimney of ell of house near Indiantown Wharf 181 53 Left tangent of large house 228 11 Right chimney of house 297 55 Chimney outside of old house 359 07 DEEP POINT 2. General locality. — Northwestern shore of Chester River on Deep Point about i}-^ miles east of Cliffs Landing, ly^ miles nortlieast of Spaniard Wharf, and three-fourths mile west of Indiantown WHiarf . (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, among several cedar and poplar trees on a point, 13 yards northeast of shore, 21 yards southwest by west of shore, 40 yards north- west of extreme end of point, and 120 yards southeast of a i/<-story house. Cement monument marking reference station is on line with west end of house 17.14 meters N 53° 52' W of observed station. Marks. — Observed station is nail in center of 2-inch tile pipe set in cement with top 2 inches below surface of ground. Reference station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument project- ing 4 inches above surface of ground. References. — o / // "Thorn" (N 40° 10' E) ,. o 00 00 ;'^ mile. Left chimney of house 11 43 3 J^ miles. Left tangent of Ashland Wharf 13 04 i>i miles. . Near chimney on west peak of house 22 58 2'2 miles. Southwest peak of house near Indiantown Wharf 31 23 ".smile. Nail in blaze in branch of cedar tree (15 inches diameter) 45 27 00 11.48 meters. Cupola on bam 61 43 i mile. Nail in blaze in poplar tree (11 inches diam- eter) 93 54 00 15.02 meters. Largestoneof three chimneys of house 102 07 1% miles. Chimney of brick house 153 25 i mile. Chimney on near peak of house 233 39 i '4 miles. Reference STATION 265 58 20 17.14 meters. Nail in blaze in poplar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 266 00 20 17. 78 meters. Right tangent of back of Westcott house 279 56 120 yards. Nail in blaze in branch of double tree (8 inches diameter) 340 43 00 ig. 74 meters. 78 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. INDIAN. General locality. — Southeastern shore of Chester River near Indiantown Wharf about three-fourths mile east-northeast of Deep Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate tocality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 10 yards east of shore end of Indiantown Wharf, 10 yards southeast of shore, 2 1 yards nortli of curved fence of yard of a small house, and 40 yards north by west of a house. Marlis. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. • References. — ° ' " "Corpse" (S 38° 10' W) .- o Right tangent of Spaniard Wharf 22 Right chimney of Westcott bungalow 34 Near comer of wharf house 72 Left tangent of Massey brick house 96 Large chimney of house beyond trees 146 Chimney of small house near Quaker Neck Wharf 161 Left tangent of Ashland Wharf. 176 Lone cedar tree 182 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (12 inches diame- ter) 287 Near comer of house 288 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diame- ter! 305 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (20 inches diame- ter! 319 Right tangent of curved fence 324 Chimney of large house 334 THORN. 55 08 19 59 58 y?, mile. 2 miles. 3.^ mile. 100 yards. '2 mile. I mile. i'4' miles. '^s mile. 120 yards. 31.24 meters. ;' !j mile. 18.68 meters. 30.92 meters. 40 yards. '2 mile. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River opposite White Cove near Westcott Wharf, and about three-fourths mile northeast of Deep Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 6 feet above high water, 15 yards northwest of shore, 5 yards southwest of corner of board fence. 60 yards south-southeast of a brick house, and 42 yards southwest of piles of old wharf at shore line. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above siuface of groimd. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — "Shippen"(N 43° 17' E) o Near peak of large house 18 Left tangent of Ashland Wharf 23 Comer post of fence (4 inches diameter) .... ;i:i Cupola of bam 104 13 Chimney of small house 159 09 Near comer of Massey house 208 40 Nail in blaze in peach tree (6 inches diame- ter) 283 57 Nail in blaze in fence post (3 inches diame- ter) 3i^ 27 40 23 ' 2 mile. 4'i miles. 5 8 mile. 4.33 meters. Js mile. i}i miles. ]^i mile. 13.74 meters. 5.35 meters. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 79 ASHLAND. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River near Ashland Wharf and about one- fourth mile northeast of White Cove. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about i foot above high water, 5 yards southeast of shore, 32 yards southwest of fence, and 20 yards west-northwest of persimmon trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Indian" (S 43° 29' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Right tangent of Indiantown Wharf 5 44 >2 mile. Chimney on ell of Massey house 37 46 '4 mile. Chimney of small house 116 46 }^ mile. Peak of Quaker Neck Wharf house 145 43 -5-^ mile. Nail in blaze in fence post (4 inches diame- ter) 171 12 50 28.80 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameter) 247 22 50 22.81 meters. Nail in blaze in persimmon tree (3 inches diameterl 289 34 10 17.29 meters. Chimney of summerhouse 356 04 J-2 mile. SHIPPRN. General loaility. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River opposite Ashland Wharf on point at southern side of entrance to Shippen Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sand and marsh point about i foot above high water, 6 yards southwest of shore , 1 2 yards northeast of shore , 1 5 yards north of end of sand point . and 2 5 yards southeast of trees along edge of cultivated field. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument with top pro- jecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a / // "Oyster" (N 38° 22') o 00 00 ... Chimney on left end of house 18 37 Peak of bam , 26 49 Chimney on end of house 27 59 Chimney on right end of house 54 23 Left tangent of piles of Ashland Wharf 69 40 Chimney on near end of house 79 08 Spindle on bam cupola 135 58 Tangentof piles at Indiantown Wharf 154 35 Tangent of Deep Point 182 24 Near chimney of house 189 40 Nail in blaze in pear tree (12 inches diam- eter) 263 35 40 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 292 46 10 . . . . Near peak of bam 341 44 Smoke pipe on Quaker Neck wharf house . . 359 56 K mile. 2>-2 miles. 2% miles. 2% miles. I mile. ^•4 mile. I mile. I mile. y^ mile. i}i miles. }i mile. 22.59 meters. 20.70 meters. 5-s mile. S-s mile. 8o Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. BURNS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River opposite Quaker Neck Wharf, about one-half mile northeast of Ashland Wharf, (See Cliart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in meadow land about i foot above high water, 10 yards southeast of shore. 50 Aards southwest by south of point, 145 yards northeast by east of a fence, and 200 yards northwest of another fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 7 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Ashland" (S 45° 22' W) o 00 00 sgmile. Chimney of house on Westcott Wharf 18 36 i}i miles. South peak of large bam 78 48 5 s mile. Near chimney of Quaker Neck Wharf house . 89 20 '2 mile. Left chimney of old house 108 41 Left tangent i f hook-shaped point of marsh . 183 22 '2 mile- Near peak of nouse 196 25 I '2 miles. Windmill 234 22 30 3^ mile. Chimney of house 280 56 i mile. Left chimney of house on Ashland Road. . . 323 57 i mile. OYSTER. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about one-eighth mile northeast of Quaker Neck Wharf and one-half mile southwest of entrance to Jarretts Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a cultivated field about 20 feet above high water, 8 ■\ards west-northwest of edge of bank, 9 )-ards north-northwest of edge of bank, 25 yards northeast by north of a cedar tree, 100 yards southwest of low land, and 115 yards east of fence near a house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Jarrett" (N 67° 48' E) o 00 00 -'smile. Left peak of Bookers Wharf house 21 00 lyi miles. Cupola 50 14 I mile. Windmill 50 55 " s mile. Left chimney of house 107 14 i-' s miles. Cupola on bam 123 50 i^' 4 miles. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (7 inches diame- ter) 143 13 30 24.90 meters. Smoke pipe of wharf house 151 03 yi mile. Left chimney of house 180 43 130 yards. Left chimney of old house on near side of Jarretts Creek 277 29 ^i mile. Chimney of house among trees 309 06 1J4 miles. STARKLEY. General locality. — Southeastem shore of upper Chester River, about three-fourths mile east of Quaker Neck Wharf and one-half mile southwest of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Obsers'ed station is in meadow land about i foot above high water, 10 yards east by south of shore, ^t, yards south of first cut in shore, 140 yards north by west of a fence, 145 yards southwest of point where another fence meets shore, arid 275 yards south of large cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Aid . 8i References. — o / // "Bums" (S 6i° 34' W) o 00 00 Smile. Left chimney of Quaker Neck Wharf house. 39 02 "s mile. Right peak of bam 66 43 i mile. Peak of middle dormer window of large house 114 30 -'^' mile. Left peak of large house 163 49 i '4 miles. Left peak of Bookers Wharf house 187 48 ^2 mile. Large cedar tree 191 11 275 yards. Spindle on left cupola of bam 262 00 20 ' i mile. Weather vane on barn 320 01 50 ' ., mile. JARRETT. General localily. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River, alxiut fivf-cigliths mile southwest of Melton Point, one-fourth mile east of entrance to Jarretts Creek, and five-eighths mile west of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed staticm is about i foot above high water. 14 >ards north of shore. 5° yards from a short fence at shore, 65 yards west of entrance to slough, and 175 vards from another fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — a 1 // "Melton" (N6i°34' E) o Left peak of house on ridge i Right peak of small house 47 West peak of Bookers Wharf house 48 Spindle on left cupola on bam 96 Weather vane on cupola on bam 125 Chimney of house near Indiantown Wharf. . 155 Large chimney of Massey brick house 169 Smoke pipe of Quaker Neck Wharf house. . . 182 Peak of middle dormer window of large house 299 BOOKER. Cencral locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River, air Wharf and one-half mile south of Melton Point. (Sec Chart No. 30. j Immediate locality. — Observed station is on sanded marsh about i foot above high water, 6 yards southeast of shore, 13 yards east by south of a small point, 30 3-ards southwest by south of locust trees, 125 yards northwest by north of a house on 20-foQt bank, and 140 yards northwest of a creek. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o , ,/ "Starkley " (S 67° 55' W) o 00 00 s.^ mile. Left chimney of Quaker Neck Wharf house . 17 46 i^ miles. Near peak of hoiise in woods 53 23 ^ mile. Peak of middle dormer window on left side of house among trees 68 05 J-i mile. Chimney of house 113 38 i mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diameter) 182 23 40 29.46 meters. Near peak of house on bank 293 48 125 yards. Right peak of Bookers Wharf house 350 47 175 yards. 14126 — 12 6 00 00 . . ?s mile. .1,1 i,'2 miles. ,=;8 ii mile. 50 01 48 ' s mile. 3-^ mile. I mile. 29 I's miles. 16 i"8 miles. so 07 3/ mile. 'j mile. iver , aljout 175 yards northeast f Bookers Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. JOURNEY. (JiiH-ni! locality. — Eastern shore of upper Chester River, opposite Melton Point, about one-half mill- northeast of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in cultivated land about 20 feet above high water, 3 yards southeast by east of edge of bank, south of large elm tree, and northeast of several sycamore and locust trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° "Booker" (S 28° 15' W) o Right peak of Bookers Wharf house 4 Smoke pipe of Quaker Neck Wharf house ... 41 Near peak of house with three dormer win- dows 77 Right chimney of 2 ■ 2-stor>- house 107 Nail in blaze in elm tree (10 inches diameter) 134 Large cedar tree in yard near fence 187 Near peak of old house 318 Nail in blaze in sycamore tree (8 inches diameter) 355 40 °5 ^2 mile. X mile. i}4 miles. ]/s mile. iK miles. 22.70 meters. 400 yards. 200 yards. 21.00 meters. MELTON. General locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River, on Melton Point, about one-half mile north of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 4 yards south of shore, 40 yards north of shore, 32 yards northwest of extreme end of point, 2 yards northeast of marsh, and 125 yards east-southeast of clump of cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Pomona" (N 53° 38' W) o 00 00 Right chimney of house on knoll i ; 17 Right peak of roof of building 58 07 Left chimney of house ii8 37 Northwest chimney of house on bank near Bookers Wharf 219 20 Northwest peak of Bookers Wharf house .... 226 38 Smoke pipe of Quaker Neck Wharf house . . . 296 46 Near chimney of house w'ith dormer windows 346 50 ^ mile. iK miles. 5.^ mile. J/i mile. >2 mile. )4 mile. iX miles. H mile. CAKE. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Chester River, about three-eighths mile north of Melton Point and seven-eighths mile north of Bookers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a marsh about i foot above high water, 13 yards east- southeast of shore, 35 yards northeast by north of shore, 35 yards northeast of rounded point, 150 yards north -north west of entrance to a creek, 200 yards south-southwest of buildings, and 300 yards south of a house among trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Survey uj Uyslei Burs, Kent Luuiily, Md. 8.3 '2 mile. ^■i mile. 'i mile. H mile. I 'A miles. '4 mile. '4 mile. ■4 mile. References. ° / // " Journey " (S 36° 29' E) o 00 00 . . . . Chimney on ell of house to left of trees 3 40 Northwest peak of Bookers Wharf house . 38 53 South chimney of near one of twin houses . 142 49 East chimney of brick house among trees on ridge - 169 16 South peak of building - 229 41 Large lone tree on ridge 299 10 - .Left chimney of large house 324 39 POMONA. General locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River about five-eighths mile northwest of Melton Point and one-half mile south of entrance to Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is among small trees near edge of cultivated field, about 12 feet above high water, 6 yards west of edge of bank, and 8 yards from top of slope to marsh. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Taste" (N 5° 30' W) ." o 00 00 ;■< mile. Nail in blaze in locust tree (3 inches diam- eter) 14 28 20 . . . Windmill 52 29 30 . . . Right corner of house . 71 49 Large lone tree in field . 93 20 Left chimney of large house 103 47 Ell of house to left of trees 126 48 Nail in blaze in locust tree (4 inches diam- eter) 167 lo 50 ... Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 196 39 40 . . . Large cherry tree 277 32 BILL. General locality. — Eastern shore of upper Chester River about three-fourths mile north of Melton Point and nearly opposite Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30, 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is in grove of elm, ash, and oak trees on north side of a point about 20 feet above high water, 7 yards south-southeast of edge of bank, 30 yards east-northeast of a small house, and 40 yards west-southwest of a fence. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Cake" (S 15° 41' E) o 00 00 3 smile. Right peak of Bookers Wharf house 12 04 1J4 miles. Nail in blaze in elm tree (10 inches diam- eter) 20 43 40 12. 37 meters. Nail in blaze in elm tree (9 inches diameter) . 69 23 10 9. 92 meters. Nail in blaze in oak tree (24 inches diam- eter) 129 28 40 2. 95 meters. East chimney of brick house 137 29 J^ mile. Peak of sharp roof 155 53 K mile. " Robertson Windmill" 243 52 40 2X miles. Spindle on peak of house on Rolphs Wliarf . 247 37 40 2}^ miles. Nail in blaze in tree (8 inches diameter). .. . 280 24 50 7. 60 meters. Left chimney of house on ridge 322 17 ^ mile. Nail in blaze in tree (15 inches diameter) . . . 343 25 10 12- 30 meters. Chimney on ell of house 349 32 i mile. 5. 23 meters. 2 miles. 1J4 miles. i>4 miles. 1J2 miles. I ' 2 miles. 7. 74 meters. \2. 18 meter.s. 300 yards. 84 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. TASTE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River on point at east side of entrance to Browns Creek, about i mile northwest of Melton Point. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a marsh point between Chester River and Browns Creek, about 5 yards north of shore of Chester River, 30 \ards south of shore of Browns Creek, 50 yards south- west of point of shore of Browns Creek, and 55 yards west-southwest of cedar trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of groimd. Svibsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Make" (N 52° 14' E) o 00 00 |s mile. Windmill 7 " .5° iK miles. Chimney of house 25 20 1% miles. Left chimney of house on ridge 68 58 1% miles. Chimney on ell of house 84 20 i^ miles. West chimney of left one of twin houses. . . . 142 ig ;''s mile. Right chimney of brick house 266 13 ^ mile. Largest cedar tree in clump (15 inches diam- eter) 350 28 54 yards. MAKE. General locality. — Western shore of upper Chester River about i',s miles north of Melton Point and three-eighths mile northeast of entrance to Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30. 1 Immediate locality. — Observed station is in a pasture land, about 2 feet above high water. 10 yards north of shore, no yards west of tangent of point of curve of shore, and 325 yards southeast of farm buildings behind trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on sUmdard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References . — "Broad" (N 61° 13' E) o 00 00 Windmill o 22 30 Near peak of canning house at Wilmers Wliarf 18 26 Chimney on ell of house on ridge 45 45 Left chimney of house on ridge 80 05 Spindle on cupola on barn 118 55 Left chimney of left one of twin houses .... 155 18 West chimney of house 227 30 South peak of building in woods 307 04 DOWN. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River about 2 miles southwest of entrance to Southeast Creek and i mile east of entrance to Browns Creek. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a small rounded point of sanded marsh, about i foot above high water, 5 yards south of shore, 40 yards east by south of an inlet, and 95 yards west of a fence beyond trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. ■'2 mile. iVi miles. I;' 8 miles. I '4 miles. iK miles. 2J4' miles. i/i mile. I mile. I mile. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 85 References. — o / // "Bill" (S 73° 52' W) o 00 00 yi mWe. East peak of large barn 33 37 ' mile. Chimney of house 75 53 i}.4 miles. " Robertson Windmill " 138 57 20 i mile. Right peak of small house near Rolphs Wharf 153 54 2X miles. Left peak of taller of two bams 197 17 }4 mile. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 232 06 10 52. 50 meters. Nail in blaze in cedar tree (5 inches diam- eter) 253 25 40 47- 18 meters. Nail in blaze in pear tree (3 inches diam- eter) 348 29 50 14-34 meters. JULIUS. General locality. — Southeastern shore of tipper Chester River about one-half mile southwest o Wilmers Wharf. (See Chart No. 30.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a sanded grass point fringed by cedar trees and about 2 yards south of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Down" (S 56° 12' W) o 00 00 . . Chimney of left one of twin houses 10 37 . . . . Near peak of large bam 37 29 . . . . Middle one of three large trees 39 50 .... " Robertson Windmill " 130 23 30 . . South chimney of house at Rolphs Wharf . . 165 38 .... Weather vane on large bam 176 18 . . . . Northwest peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery . . 187 53 .... Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) ■ 198 52 . . . . Nail in blaze in cedar tree (8 inches diam- eter) 318 o5 20 . . Nail in blaze in cedar tree (9 inches diam- eter) 345 21 .... ,H' mile. I '--2 miles. I mile. yi mile. iX miles. is 8 miles. iX miles. -V^ mile. 4. 77 meters. 4. 30 meters. 13. II meters. BROAD. General locality. — Northwestern side of upper Chester River, on an island at entrance to Broad Creek, about i mile northeast of entrance to Browns Creek. (See progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on western end of a marsh island, about 9 yards north of shore, 43 yards south of shore, and 52 yards east-southeast of shore. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 6 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Nils" (N 80" 24' E) o 00 00 >2 mile. Near peak of cannery 7 17 i>i miles. Chimney on ell of house on ridge 51 09 2^ miles. Right peak of bam 98 26 i mile. Peak of middle dormer window of large house 132 08 I'A miles. East peak of large bam to left of large tree . . 190 34 i mile. " Robertson W'indmill " 341 25 30 i J-2 miles. 86 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent Cownty, Md. NILS. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River, about three-fourths mile west of entrance to Southeast Creek and one-half mile east of an island at entrance to Broad Creek. (See prog- ress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is in edge of cultivated field, about 5 feet above high w;ilcr, 4 yards north of shore, 1 10 yards east by south of tangent of point of curve of shore, and 450 yards south- west of a house and windmill. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // " Robertson ' ' (N 59° 04' E) o 00 00 }i mile. Weather vane on southwest peak of largest bam on ridge 10 46 i>2 miles. North peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery 37 03 j4 mile. Chimney of house near Wilmers Wharf 41 52 '-2 mile. West chimney of large house on ridge 133 32 i mile. Near peak of roof of house on hill 158 22 i mile. " Robertson Windmill " - 336 55 3-^ mile. WILMERS General locality. — .Southeastern shore of upper Chester River on southwest side of entrance to Soutli- Creek, about 175 yards northeast of Wilmers Wharf. (See progress map.) Innneiiialc locality. — Observed station is on a sanded grass point between river and marsh, aljout 3 feet above high water. 7 yards east of shore, 5 yards southwest of shore, and 6 yards s.iutheast of extreme end of point. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle im standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Julius" (S 60° 34' W) o 00 00 >^ mile. Chimney on near one of twin houses 4 58 2% miles. East peak of large bam 27 14 z}4 miles. " Robertson Windmill " 74 09 30 f| mile. - Cupola on Robertson barn 83 23 ]4 mile. Flagpole on Rolphs Wharf 154 06 20 1^4 miles. Weather vane on large bam 169 23 iy4 miles. Cupola on bam 212 59 300 yards. Cupola on bam 284 57 s s mile. Right peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery 348 26 175 yards. ROBERTSON WINDMILL. General locality. — Northwestern side of upper Chester River opposite entrance to Southeast Creek, about ijj miles southeast of Rolphs Wharf. (See progress map.") Immediate locality.- — Observed station is on windmill on high tower in rear of house. Marks. — Observed station is center point of windmill. References. — None necessary. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 87 ROBERTSON. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River near Riverside Wharf opposite entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 2 feet above high water, 5 yards northwest of shore, 45 yards northeast of shore end of a wharf, and 100 yards southwest of a point of land. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 4 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — o / // "Thorsten" (N 52° 00' E) o 00 00 5 s mile. Weathervane on large bam 9 30 1}^ miles. Cupola on old barn 50 31 il4 miles. Chimney of house near Wilmers Wharf 97 11 J-s mile. Pinnacle on cupola on bam 105 15 % mile. Northwest peak of cannery. 117 41 X nii'^- Weathervane on cupola on bam 256 15 20 yi mile. Spindle on cupola on another bam 260 56 % mile. Spindle on peak of Rolphs lower wharf house 359 29 1 5^ miles. SOUTHEAST. General locality. — Southeastern shore of upper Chester River on Deep Point at northeastern side ol entrance to Southeast Creek about three-fourths mile south -southwest of Rolphs Wharf and one-half mile northeast of Wilmers Wharf. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on cultivated land about 15 feet above high water, 19 yards south of edge of bank, 21 yards east by north of edge of bank, and 27 yards east by south of extreme point of bank. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. .Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. Reference'!. — .° ' " " Wilmers' ' (S 57° 46' W) o 00 00 yi mile. Right tangent of Wilmers Wharf 2 57 }4 tniie. "Robertson Windmill" 34 41 20 ^ mile. Spindle on cupola on bam 38 02 }4 mile. Weathervane on cupola on bam .38 32 f^ mile. Near peak of long, small shanty 118 31 2 miles. Left peak of large bam 134 39 iK miles. Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf house 140 54 10 yi mile. Right peak of long bam 191 46 ^ mile. I^ightning rod between two chimneys on house 248 51 J4 mile. Right peak of Wilmers Wharf cannerj- .... 358 34 s-^ mile. THORSTEN. General locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about three-fourths mile northeast of Wilmers Wharf and one-half mile north of entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is about 3 feet above high water, 12 yards northwest of shore, 10 yards northeast of short fence, and 4 yards southeast of lone cedar tree. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. ■'i mile. 1J-4 miles. I mile. js mile. 1^4 miles. I mile. i}4 miles. 8. 85 meters. 2^ miles. ^ mile. ^ mile. 88 Survey (>l Oystir liars, Ktut i'ouuty, Mil. References. — ° ' " " Blank " ( N 19" ,57' K) o 00 00 Northwest peak of large barn, ... 4 ,i4 Northwest peak of large barn 21 09 Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf 23 53 Weathervane on very large barn 48 01 West peak of bam behind wharf 81 03 Lightning rod to right of two chimneys of house Ill 15 Nail in blaze in fence post 115 15 30 Top point of roof of large brick house on ridge 135 05 40 Spindle on cupola on left one of two bams at Wilmers Wharf 177 08 40 Northwest peak of Wilmers Wharf cannery • 190 15 Nail in blaze in cedar tree (10 inches diam- eter) 279 43 30 3. 40 meters. BLANK. (iencral locality. — Northwestern shore of upper Chester River about one-fourth mile west of Rolphs Whiirf and three-fourths mile north of entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grassy point about 2 feet above high water. 7 yards west of .shire, g yards north of slnre. 8 yards northwest of extreme end of point, and 40 yards from a dense clump of trees. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. References. — ° ' " "Rolphs" (N 82° 37' E). .. . .- o 00 00 Weathervane on wharf house 10 19 Left peak of wharf house 71 30 Left peak of small house among trees 104 28 30 . . . Spindle on bam cupola 115 06 Peak of middle dormer window of house. .'. . 271 38 Peak of large bam 333 25 Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf lunise 356 27 ROLPHS. J4 mile. X mile. }4 mile. iK miles. if^ miles. iJ4 miles. 5-i mile. ''4 mile. (ieiieral locahly. — Eastern shore of upper Chester River about 100 jards southeast of Rolphs Wharl and three-fourths mile north of entrance to Southeast Creek. (See Progress map.) Immediate locality. — Observed station is on a grass bank between two large willow trees about 6 feet above high water, 5 yards northeast of shore, 19 yards south-southwest of side gate to yard, and 7 yards southwest of a road 3 feet higher than observed station. Marks. — Observed station is center point of triangle on standard cement monument projecting 5 inches above surface of ground. Subsurface mark is center of 2-inch tile pipe buried with top 2 inches below base of monument. SiirTcr of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Mil. 89 References. — "Southeast" (S 22° 53' W) o 00 00 Peak of Wilraers Wharf cannery 15 06 Flagstaff on Rolphs Wharf 76 59 Nail in blaze in willow tree (24 inches diam- eter) 88 06 20 Chimney on ell of Story house 151 36 Nail in blaze in willow tree (27 inches diam- eter) 220 31 10 Chimney on ell of Story house 261 56 Nail in blaze in willow tree (25 inches diam- eter) 309 26 40 Weathervane on middle of lower wharf house 347 4^ J< mile. 1)4 miles. 100 yards. 7. 16 meters. S3 yards. 13. 96 meters. 120 yards. 8. 51 meters. 100 yards. BOUNDARlEvS OF OYSTER BARS. EXPLANATION. The law of the United States authorizing the cooperation of the Department of Commerce and Labor in the survey of natural oyster bars of Maryland provides for the designation and employment by the Department of Commerce and Labor of such officers, experts, and other technically qualified persons "as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State Board of Shell Fish Commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland." The oyster laws of Maryland provide that the Maryland Shell Fish Com- missioners, with the aid of such persons as may be designated by the Government, shall proceed "to have laid out, surveyed, and designated on the said charts the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as accurately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an accurate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as mav be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks, as shown by a delinea- tion on the maps and charts." The oyster laws of Maryland also provide in another section that there shall "be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks * * * with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a written report of said survey." Under the provisions of the laws quoted above the State of Maryland, in coopera- tion with the Department of Commerce and Labor, must define the boundaries of the natural oyster bars "as accurately as practicable" and also "with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances." The requirement of "as accurately as practicable" is easily fulfilled by definition of the location of the corners of the oyster bars by latitude and longitude. In fact, this method is probably the most satisfactory and accurate one that could be used for all purposes of legal definition or for relocation of the oyster-bar boundaries by competent engineers. There- fore the additional requirement of "giving courses and distances" is superfluous and is only fulfilled in the published definitions on account of the specific provisions of the law making it compulsory. This part of the description of boundaries has involved an immense amount of extra computations in order to prevent technical discrepancies between the latitude and longitude of a corner of an oyster bar and its distance and bearing from objects on shore of known latitude and longitude without adding anything to the accuracy and very little to the convenience of practical use of the descriptions of the oyster-bar boundaries. As provided by law the boundaries of the oyster bars are all straight lines, but in the work already completed they have inclosed areas of all shapes from triangles to 9" Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 9a complicated 14-sided figures, and of all sizes from 4 acres to 7,548 acres. The sizes have varied in length from 93 to 7,529 yards, and in some cases the comers of the bound- aries have been practically at the triangulation stations from which they are located, while in other instances they were over 13,600 yards from the landmarks most available for the purpose of fixing their position. The varied characteristics of the legal boundaries of the oyster bars indicated by the above statement, together with the complicated requirements of the law under which the survey has been made and the magnitude of the work with the consequent need of fixed and uniform methods, have made the problem of describing the boundaries one of considerable difficulty and great importance. The boundaries of the oyster bars of Maryland, as establisiied by the Shell Fish Commission and delineated on the Coast and Geodetic Surs'ey charts and projections and on the leasing charts of the Commission, are technically defined and described by a method somewhat different from that used in other oyster surveys. But it is believed that the forms finally adopted will fulfill all needs of the survey for both the present and the future. METHOD OF DESCRIBING BOUNDARIES. The descriptions have been arranged in tabular form, thus avoiding many hundred repetitions of the same words by making one explanation of the tables sufficient for all oyster bars in each county. Title. — At the top of each tabular form is given the legal name of the oyster bar to be described, and the one by which it is known and designated in the published oyster records and on the oyster charts. The adopted name of the oyster bar is the one used locally, as nearly as could be ascertained by the hydrographic engineer of the Commis- sion; and when there was no local name in common use a name was selected from one of the prominent features of the vicinity that would naturally suggest the section of the waters where the oyster bar was located. Underneath the name, in parentheses, is given the general locality of the oyster bar and the serial number of the Maryland Oyster Chart on which its legal boundaries are shown.' First column. — This column, under the heading of "Corner of bar," gives the number corresponding to the corner of the boundary as shown on the charts and to the number on the buoy marking the actual corner of the bar. The numbers of the corners have been assigned by naming the southernmost point No. i, thence proceeding in a clock- wise direction around the bar. Where a corner of one oyster bar is identical with the corner of the boundaries of one or more other oyster bars, only the number of the corner of the oyster bar being described in the table is given in this column. Second and third columns. — These two columns, under the headings of "Latitude" and "Longitude," give the geographic positions of the corners. These positions have been adopted by the Commission as the primary technical definition of the location of the corners, and should be considered as final in case of a dispute arising from discrep- ancies caused by other means of location. The latitudes and longitudes given in these columns are based on the Ll^nited States standard datum of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the points thus defined can be relocated from distant triangulation stations * These cliflrts can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Stirvej- at Washington, D. C. 92 Survey of Oyster Bars, Keiil County, Md. of the survey, even though all the landmarks and buoys originally used for their loca- tion have been destroyed by natural or other causes. Fourth and fifth columns. — These two columns, under the general heading of "True bearing"' and the specific headings "Forward" and "Back," give bearings measured from a true north-and-south line. The three "Forward" bearings are from the corner of the boundary designated in the first column to the triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and the three "Back" bearings are from these same stations in the last column to the corresponding corner of boundarv in the first column. The difference in minutes of arc between the forward and back bearings shown in some cases is actual and not accidental, and is due to the fact that the com- putations took into account the spheroidal shape of the earth. Sixth column. — This column, under the heading of "Distance," gives the three computed distances in yards from the corner of the bar noted in the first column to the three triangulation stations named on the corresponding lines in the last column, and vice versa. Seventh column. — This column, under the heading of "U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station,"^ gives the names of the landmarks from which were computed the corre- sponding "Latitude," "Longitude," "True bearing," and "Distance" of the "Comer the bar" designated in the first colimm. A full description of the location and markings of these triangulation stations is given in another part of this publication under the heading of "Descriptions of triangulation stations." SURVEYING METHODS FOR RELOCATION OF BOUNDARIES. There are a number of methods that can be used in the relocation of the actual boundaries of the natural oyster bars as technically described in this publication and delineated on the published charts of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the leasing charts of the Shell Fish Commission. The following brief descriptions of five of these more or less different methods assume a certain amount of experience and knowledge on the part of the engineer in the particular kind of surveying under consideration, and are only intended as reminders of ways and means that can be used. There are two problems that are likely to present themselves to those interested in the boundaries of natural oyster bars: one, to determine whether the buoys marking the corners have been dragged or otherwise moved from their correct positions, and the other, to relocate or reestablish a buoy at the point from which it was removed. The different ways of solving these two problems partly depend upon the instruments possessed by the engineer and his assistants and partly on his training and experience. (i) Triangulation. — This method is the one that will give the greatest accuracy, but on account of its requiring special data and instruments, and being an operation rarely used by engineers not engaged in geodetic sur\-eying, it is recommended only for cases in dispute that can not be settled satisfactorily by some other method. An explana- tion of this dass of work would be too long for a report of this sort, and those not familiar ' The mean magnetic variation for Kent County was 6* is' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of s' yearly. - Geographic positions of these triangulation stations can be obtained by application to the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington. B. C. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 93 with this method are referred to the publications on the subject by the Coast and Geo- detic Survey. (2) Hydrographic.—1h\s method is the most simple and satisfactory one that can be adopted if the surveyor can obtain the use of the necessary instruments and assistants. It is the one best suited for the work of the engineers of the Commission in relocating comers of boundaries, as it gives results of the accuracy ordinarily required and is rapid in execution. Besides, it has the advantage of being available whenever three triangu- lation stations of suitable relative positions are visible from the offshore points needing relocation. . Most navigators and others familiar with the use of a sextant are well acquamted with the graphic three-point method of fixing a position on water, and only a brief description of the operation will be stated. In the case where there is only one engineer having a single sextant, the three-pomt method can be used if the two angles determining the position of a buoy are first derived from the "Forward" bearings given in the tabular forms describing the boundaries of the oyster bars. For example, take " Phoenix Shoal" oyster bar, which is the first one described in this publication, and assume that "Corner No. 3," is to be examined as to its position. The angle between the two landmarks "Worton Point 2" and "Pooles Island 2 " as determined from right to left from the forward bearings from this corner is 132° 04' and the angle between " Pooles Island 2 " and "Bramble" is 68° 13'. Having these two angles, the engineer proceeds to the buoy of doubtful location and measures the actual sextant angles between the landmarks for which the calculations were made.. If the measured and calculated angles do not agree the buoy is not in its correct position and the boundary corner must be relocated. This is accomplished by moving the boat about until a point is reached where the angles do agree, and this point being the desired location, the buoy can be placed in its correct posirion. If the engineer can obtain the use of both a sextant and a three-arm protractor ("position finder"), the availability of the hydrographic method is increased, as the use of the protractor is essential in case of the washing away or destruction of one or more of the landmarks originally used in describing the boundaries. Under these circum- stances, any three landmarks of suitable relative position that are visible from the point to be located can be utilized. For example, the engineer can proceed to the buoy of doubtful position and measure the two adjacent sextant angles between the three landmarks selected. These two angles are set off on the three-arm protractor and the actual position of the buoy plotted on the chart by shifting the protractor about until the edge of each of the three arms passes through the center of the symbols on the chart marking the position of the three landmarks selected. The center of the hub of the protractor will indicate on the chart the actual position of the buoy, and if the point thus obtained does not coincide with the true position of the corner of the boundary as given on the chart, the surveyor can proceed to locate the buoy correctly by reversmg the operation. This is done by placing the center point of the hub of the protractor over the corner of the boundary in question and measuring on the chart the two adja- cent protractor angles between the three selected landmarks. One of the angles thus obtained is set on the sextant and the boat moved about unUl the two landmarks are shown by the sextant to subtend the same angle obtained from the protractor. The 94 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. second angle is then placed on the sextant and the same operation gone through, and so on, first using one angle on the sextant then the other until a point is. reached where both observed sextant angles are practically identical with the protractor angles. The point thus located is the desired one and the buoy can be placed to mark the true posi- tion of the corner of the boundary in question. If the engineer possesses two sextants and a protractor, this problem is far easier of solution, as the two angles can be set off on separate sextants and the observer can quickly find the desired point where they agree with the protractor angles by using one sextant after the other without the need of resetting either. If there are two observers, two sextants, and a protractor, it can be seen that the best conditions for both rapid and accurate hydrographic location of a point is attained. In fact, this is the method by which the buoys at the corners of the boundaries were originally placed by the hydrographic engineer to the JZommission. (3) Magnetic hearings from offshore. — This method of fixing a position on water is a simple and well-known one in navigation. It is available to anyone having a boat compass and will be of special use to the State fishery force in investigating cases where buoys are supposed to have been moved for illegal purposes. In the case where a buoy is supposed to have been moved from its true position the observer can take compass bearings to the three landmarks given in the last column of the tables opposite the boundary corner in question. These bearings are then corrected for the local declination,' and if the results agree with the published bearings the buov is correctly located. In the case where the buoy is not in its correct position, or has disappeared altogether, the desired point can be determined by maneuvering the vessel until the corrected bearings agree with the ones in the tabular descriptions, when the buoy can be anchored in its proper location . In the case where the landmarks, for which the bearings are published, have been destroyed or washed away, any landmarks whose positions are indicated on the charts can be used. This can be done by getting their bearings directly from the chart bv parallel rulers or a protractor and then applying these new bearings in the same manner as the ones published in the tables. (4) Magnetic bearmgs from shore. — This method will be of special value to engineers having an ordinary surveyor's compass. The compass can be set over the point mark- ing a " triangulation station" on shore, the name of which is given in the last column opposite the "corner" in question. The instrument is then set at the corresponding "back" bearing (corrected for local magnetic declination) given in the fifth column of the tables opposite the "corner" in question. The direction thus determined will give one range on which the desired point must be located. The compass can then be moved to a second triangulation station and another range located in a similar manner. The intersection of these two range lines will give the desired point; but in general it should be checked by an additional range line determined from a third station. (5) Horizontal angles fneasured at landmarks. — This process is a modification of the triangulation method, and will be useful to engineers who have a transit and desire considerable accuracy. ^ The mean magnetic variation for Kent County is 6* 15' west of north in 1911 and increasing at the rate of 5' yearly. Survey of Oyster Bars. Kent County. Md. 95 The instrument is placed over a " triangulatiou station," the name of which appears in the last column of the tabular description opposite the "corner" in question. The telescope is then pointed to the landmark indicated in the "Descriptions of landmarks" as having a direction of o° oo" oo" from the triangulation station being occupied by the transit. The tabular description of the boundaries is next examined and the "back" bearing of the questionable boundary "corner" from the landmark being occupied is taken out. The angle calculated from this "back" bearing and the bearing given in parentheses alongside the zero landmark in the "Descriptions of landmarks" is then set off on the transit and a range line established on which the desired point must be located. A similar process is then carried on at a second station, and so on until the position of the buoy is satisfactorily fixed. BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL OYSTER BARS. PHOENIX SHOAL. {Chesapeake Bay— Chart A'u. ^-. Noth. 4 39 °7 37- 85 76 08 59. 64 N 25 40 E N 15 12 W N 81 44 W S 25 41 w S 15 12 E S 81 44 E 670 483 434 Cult. Leary. Noth. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 117 BAILEY. {Langford Creek {East Fork) — Chart No. jo.) Cor- True I earinc ner Latitude Longitude Distance u. s. c oil bar^ Forward Back tion station / // , / Yards. I 39 °7 46. 33 76 09 03. 50 N SO 55 E N 8 01 W S 55 42 W S 50 55 W S 8 01 E N 55, 42 E S°5 183 397 Cult. Leary. Noth. 2 39 07 48. 83 76 09 06. 87 S 37 51 W S 8 46 E N 64 00 E N 37 51 E N 8 46 W S 64 00 W 390 515 535 Noth. Wann. Cult. 3 39 08 02. 92 76 08 47. 82 N 51 20 E N 22 57 W S 49 06 w S 51 20 w S 22 57 E N 49 06 E 539 184 579 Hoo. Nest. Leary. 4 39 08 00. 40 76 08 44. 30 N 37 55 E N 32 51 W S 61 00 w S 37 55 W S 32 51 E N 61 00 E 535 303 606 Hoo. Nest. Leary. PHILIPS. (Langford Creek (East Fork) — Chart No. jo.) 1 39 08 09. 97 76 08 43- 38 N 71 58 E N 9 45 W S 70 01 W S 71 58 W S 9 45 E N 70 01 E 320 334 200 Hoo. Woll. Nest. 2 39 08 36. 04 76 08 40.31 N 28 27 W S 45 19 w S 44 45 E S 28 27 E N 45 19 E N4444 w 581 245 5°5 Gut. Harp. He. 3 39 08 35. 95 76 08 35. 33 N 66 59 W S 60 59 W S 32 17 E S 67 00 E N 60 59 E N 32 17 W 959 349 421 Clay. Harp. Ide. 4 39 08 10. 16 76 08 37. 42 N 57 54 E N 33 29 W S 77 45 W S 57 54 W S 33 29 E N 77 45 E 175 386 353 Ill WARE. (Langford Creek (East Fork)— Chart No. JO. I 39 08 59. 38 76 08 54. 90 N 73 39 W S 41 34 W S 12 19 E S 73 39 E N 41 34 E N 12 19 W 316 556 982 Lovely. Clay. Haq). 2 39 09 01. 97 76 09 00. 33 N 89 24 W S 24 II W S 18 35 E S 89 24 E N 24 II E N 18 35 W 161 551 1105 Lovelv. Clay. ■ Harp. ' ■' 30 09 oS. 03 76 08 55. 65 S 54 28 W S 26 15 W S 10 23 E N 54 28 E N i6 15 E N 10 22 W 348 788 1272 Lovely. Clay. Harp. 4 39 09 05. 60 76 08 50. 16 S 74 15 w S 38 15 w S 4 0^ E N 74 15 E N ^8 15 E N 4 0^ W 445 796 1172 Lovely. Clay. Harp. ii8 Survey of Oysier Bars, Kent County, Md. HBK POINT. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) Cor- True bearing Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. iriantula- el bar Forward Back tion station o / // , „ / Yards. I 39 °5 :^^- °° -b oq 47. 26 S 37 17 E . N 8s 37 E N 46 26 E N 37 17 W S 8s 38 W vS 46 26 W 1973 1721 2297 Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown . 2 39 o6 13. 72 76 09 28. 55 S 13 26 E S 44 37 E N 79 SI E N 15 26 W N 44 36 W S 79 S2 w 3025 1744 1191 Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown. 3 39 06 00. 20 76 09 10. 92 S 530 E S 44 06 E N 46 49 E N 5 30 W N 44 06 W S 46 49 W 2498 1095 973 Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown . 4 39 05 35- 30 76 09 32. 67 S 26 14 E N 87 41 E N 40 23 E N 26 14 W S 87 41 W S 40 24 W 183s 1334 1976 Holton Point. Spaniard Point 2 Upper. Brown. CLIFF. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. JO.) I 39 06 00. 20 76 09 10 92 S 5 30 E S 44 06 E N 46 49 E N 5 30 W N 44 06 W S 46 49 w 2498 lOQS 973 Holton Point. Spaniard Point Brown. Upper. 2 39 °6 13- 72 76 09 28 55 S 13 26 E S 44 37 E N 79 SI E N 13 26 W N 44 36 W s 79 52 w 302s 1744 1191 Holton Point. Spaniard Point Brown. Upper. 3 39 06 12. 68 76 08 40 08 S 2 19 W S SI 34 E N 30 40 E N 2 19 E N SI iS W S 30 40 w 1208 953 517 Spaniard Point Evans. Stratton. Upper. 4 39 06 21. 9S 76 08 23 98 N so 18 W S 82 38 W S IQ 39 E S so 18 E N 82 38 E N 19 39 W 207 529 960 Stratton. Brown. Evans. 5 39 06 12. s6 70 08 n '" N 67 34 E N 47 00 W N 7s S7 W S 67 35 w S 47 01 E S 73 37 E 1771 658 883 Deep Point 2. Stratton. Brown. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. COMMEGYS BIGHT. {Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) 119 Cor- True be&ring ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- tion station ot bar Forward Back / // / // / / Yards. I 39 06 12. 56 76 08 11. 72 N 67 34 E N 47 00 W N 73 37 W S 67 35 W S 47 01 E S 73 37 E 1771 658 883 Deep Point 2. Stratton. Brown. 2 39 06 21.9s 76 08 23. 98 N 50 18 W S 82 s8 W S 50 18 E N 82 38 E 207 S29 Stratton. Brown . S 19 39 E N 19 39 W 960 Evans. 3 39 06 38- 73 76 08 14. 70 S 42 54 w S 3 OS E S 83 07 E N 42 S4 E N 3 is W N 83 06 W 592 1473 1727 Stratton. Evans. Deep Point 2. 4 39 06 25.00 76 07 12. 53 S II 25 W S 80 30 E N 17 33 E N II 25 E N 80 30 W S 17 33 W 1258 681 269 Chester. Corpse. Deep Point 2. SHEEP (KENT COUNTY). (Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 06 23. 28 76 07 08.81 S 16 26 W N 16 26 E 1225 Chester. S 84 36 E N 84 36 W 576 Corpse. N 3 04 W S 3 04 E 314 Deep Point 2. 2 39 06 36. 86 76 06 50. 13 S 9 12 E N 9 12 W 520 Corpse. N 65 54 E S 65 54 W 820 Indian. N 19 52 E S 19 52 W 851 Thorn. 3 39 06 34. 74 76 06 47. 60 S 2 09 E N 2 09 W 441 Corpse. N 59 13 E S ^9 13 W 794 Indian. N 14 19 E S 14 20 W 900 Thorn. DEEP POINT. (Middle Chester River — Chart No. ?o.) ' 39 Ob 41. Oo 76 00 52. 05 S 11 14 E N 77 39 E N 27 56 E N ii'm W S 77 30 W S 27 56 W 68:; S[8 Corpse. Indian. Thorn. 2 39 06 43- 87 76 oO 57. 40 S 20 oO E N 84 01 E N 40 25 E N 20 06 V\' S 84 01 W S 40 26 W 707 740 Cnrpst-. Indian. Thorn. 3 39 07 04.49 76 06 29. 43 S 62 38 W S 18 56 E N 82 48 E N 62 38 E N 18 56 W S 82 is w 287 631 883 Thoni . Indian. Ashland. Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. SHIPPEN CREEK. (Middle Chester River — Chart No. 50.) Cor- Trae bearing ner Latitude Longitude Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- ot bar Forward Back tion station / „ / // / / Yards. I 39 07 '3- 72 76 06 14. 53 S 55 34 W S 67 29 E N 65 45 E N 55 34 E N 67 29 W S 65 46 w 784 524 1386 Thorn. Ashland. Bums. 2 39 07 15-47 76 06 17.35 S 48 44 W S 6s 03 E N 69 07 E -N 48 44 E N 65 02 W S 69 08 W 763 616 1433 Thorn. Ashland. Bums. 3 39 07 27- 58 76 06 05. 95 S 21 09 E N 84 24 E N 3-5 47 E N 21 09 W S 84 24 W S 35 47 W 716 1043 952 Ashland. Bums. Oyster. 4 39 07 25- 53 76 06 02. 93 S 16 39 E N 79 54 E N 29 33 E N 16 39 W S 79 54 W S 29 34 W 626 974 967 Ashland. Bums. Oyster. HADDAWAY. (Middle Chester Ri-ver — Chart No. jo.) I 39 07 43- 52 76 05 44. 28 S 14 27 W S 47 07 E S 86 47 E N 14 27 E N 47 07 W N 86 47 W 1246 641 1 1 56 Ashland. Bums. Starkley. 2 39 °7 4S- 08 76 05 45. 80 S 12 09 W S 46 12 E S 84 23 E N 12 09 E N 46 II W N 84 23 W 1287 70s 1200 Ashland. Bums. Starkley. 3 39 07 53. 66 76 05 33. 76 S 13 57 E S 65 08 E N 67 09 E N 13 37 W N 6s 07 W S 67 09 W 799 967 819 Bums. Starkley. Jarrett. 4 39 °7 51-65 76 05 31. 78 S II 13 E S 67 40 E N 61 14 E N II 13 W N 67 40 W S 61 14 w 724 892 803 Bums. Starkley. Jarrett. HOLLYDAY (KENT COUNTY). (Middle Chester River — Chart No. jo.) I 39 07 45- 52 76 05 27. ss S 79 31 E N 44 58 E N 3 23 W N 79 31 W S 44 59 W 504 726 839 Bums. Starkley. Jarrett. 3 39 08 00. 77 76 05 00. 72 S 77 SI E S 50 E S 33 34 W N 77 50 W N 50 W N 33 34 R 1072 646 1221 Booker. Starkley. Bums. 3 39 07 S3- 80 76 05 00. 86 N 89 29 E N 19 07 W S 84 2S w S 89 30 W S 19 07 E N 84 25 E 1051 333 "59 Booker. Jarrett. Oyster. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. MELTON POINT. {Middle Chester River— Chart No. 30.) Cor- Latitude Longitude True bearing Distance U. S. C. & G. S. triangula- of bar Forward Back I 39 08 20. 56 / // 76 04 30. 15 S 79 04 E N 18 47 E N 57 27 W N 79 04 W S 18 47 w S 57 27 E Yards. 668 550 1036 Journey. Cake. Pomona. 2 39 08 31. 66 76 04 45- 37 S 41 09 E N 75 46 E N 28 21 W N 41 09 W S 75 46 w S 28 21 E 617 595 1 169 Melton. Cake. Taste. 3 39 08 25. 78 76 04 29. 37 S 64 31 E N 24 26 E N 66 53 W N 64 31 W S 24 26 W S 66 54 E 704 378 972 Journey. Cake. Pomona. NORTHWEST (KENT COUNTY). {Middle Chester River— Chart No. 50.) I 39 08 25. 78 76 04 29. 37 S 64 31 E N 24 26 E N 66 S3 W N 64 31 W S 24 26 W S 66 54 E 704 378 972 Journey. Cake. Pomona. 2 39 08 49. 92 76 04 53- 37 S 59 II E N 66 46 E N 39 52 W N 59 10 W S 66 46 W S 39 52 E 916 636 538 Cake. Bill. Taste. 3 39 08 3°- 13 76 04 28. 43 S S3 39 E N 33 40 E N 75 40 W N S3 39 W S 33 40 W S 75 40 E 7S9 238 948 Journey. Cake. ■ Pomona. APPENDIXES. Appendix A -LAWS RELATING TO THE COOPERATION OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND BUREAU OF FISHERIES WITH THE MARYLAND SHELL FISH COM- MISSION. The work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Marjdand Shell Fish Commission, in surveying the oyster bars, establishing permanent landmarks at triangulation stations, and preparing for publication the necessao' charts and technical and legal descriptions of boundaries and landmarks shown on these charts, has been executed m compliance with a request from the governor of the State of Maryland to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and by the authority of the following laws of the United States and Maryland : [Act of Congress approved May 36, 1906.] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to cooperate, through the Bureau of the Coast and GeodeUc Survey and the Bureau of Fisheries, with the shellfish commissioner of the State of Maryland in making surveys of the natural oyster beds. bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Marj'land. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress- assembled. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon the request of the governor of the State of Mar>nand, to designate such officers, experts, and employees of the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the Bureau of Fishenes as may be necessary to cooperate with the Maryland State board of shellfish commissioners in making a survey of and locating the natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Maryland; and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the officers, experts, and employees of said Bureaus so detailed as aforesaid such instruments, appliances, and steam launches as may be necessary- to make the survey aforesaid; and the Secretar)^ of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to have made in the Bureau of the Coast and Geodetic Survey all the plats necessary- to show the results of the aforesaid survey and the locations of the said natural oyster beds, bars, and rocks in the waters within the State of Mar>'land, and to furnish to the board of shell- fish commissioners of the State of Maryland such copies as may be necessary, and for this purpose to employ, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, such technically qualified persons as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretar\' of Commerce and Labor is hereby further authorized to have erected or constructed by the officers 'so detailed as aforesaid, while making such survey, such structures as may be necessar)' to mark the points of triangulation, so that the same may be used for such future work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as the said Bureau may be hereafter required to perform in prosecuting the Government coast survey of the navigable waters of the United States located within the State of Marj'land. jt * * * » * * * Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. [Act of Congress approved June 30, r9o6.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America^ in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, namely : Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including the expenditures authorized under Public Act Numbered One hundred and eighty-one, approved May , twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six. and contingent expenses incident thereto, five thousand dollars. 124 Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. together with the unexpended balance under this appropriation for nineteen hundred and six and prior years which is hereby reappropriated and made available on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven. * * * [Act of Congress approved March 4. 1907.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by tlie Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, namely: * * * Co.^sT AND Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Marj'land, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, twenty-five thousand dollars. * * * [Act of Congress approved May 27. rgoS.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Maryland, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved March 4. 1909.] AN ACT Making appropriation for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year enduig June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten. namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey: * * * For any special siu-veys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Mar>'land, which expenses, including cost of plats and charts, shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars in any one year, to be immediately avail- able, twenty thousand dollars. [Act of Congress approved June 25, 1910.] AN ACT flaking appropriations for sundry' civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, namely : * * * Coast .\nd Geodetic Survey': * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Mar>'land, to be immediately available, fifteen thousand dollars. [.\ct of Congress approved March 4, 1911.] AN ACT Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen himdred and twelve, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein- after expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, namely: * * * Coast and Geodetic Survey': * * * For any special surveys * * * including expenses of surveys in aid of the shellfish commission of the State of Marj-Iand, to be immediately available, thirteen thousand dollars. * " * Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 125 [Act of the Legislature of Maryland approved April 2, 1906.] AN ACT To establish and promote the industry of oyster culture in Maryland, to define and mark natural oyster beds, bars and rocks lying under the waters of this State, to prescribe penalties for the infringement of the provisions of this Act, and * * *. Section i. Be it enacted by tite General Assembly of Maryland, Tliat the following sections be, and they are hereby, added to article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters." * * * Sec. 86. The Board of Shell Fish Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, cause to be made a true and accurate survey of the natural oyster beds, bars and rocks of this State, said siu-vey to be made with reference to fixed and permanent objects on the shore, giving courses and distances, to be fully described and set out in a wTitten report of said survey, as hereinafter required. A true and accurate delineation of the same shall be made on copies of published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, which said copies shall be filed in the office of the said commissioners in the city of Annapolis, and the said commissioners shall further cause to be delineated upon copies of the published maps and charts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, of the largest scale, one copy for each of the counties of this State in the waters of which there are natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, all nattu'al beds, bars and rocks lying within the waters of such county, which maps shall be filed in the offices of the clerks of the Circuit Court for the respective counties wherein the grounds so designated may lie. * * * Sec. 87. The Governor of this State is hereby requested to ask the assistance of the United States coast and geodetic survey, and of the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of the preceding section. Sec. 89. As soon as practicable after the first day of April, igo6, the said commissioners shall organize, and shall at once proceed, with the assistance of such person or persons as may be detailed by the United States coast and geodetic survey and the United States Fish Commissioner, to aid them in their work, and of such persons as may be appointed under the preceding section, to have laid out, surveyed and designated on the said charts, the natural beds and bars, and shall cause to be marked and defined as acciu'ately as practicable the limits and boundaries of the natural beds, bars, and rocks as established by said survey, and they shall take true and accurate notes of said survey in writing, and make an acciu'ate report of said survey, setting forth such a description of landmarks as may be necessary to enable the said board, or their successors, to find and ascertain the boundary lines of the said natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, as shown by a delineation on the maps and charts provided in this Act; said report shall be completed and filed in the office of the board in the city of Annapolis within ninety days after the completion of the survey of any county. Said commissioners shall cause the same to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit copies of the said to the Clerks of the Circuit cotut for the respective counties, where the charts have been filed or directed to be filed as hereinafter provided; the said report to be filed by the clerks of the several cotmties in a book kept for that ]3urpose. And the said survey and report, when filed, subject to the right of appeal hereafter provided for in this Act, shall be taken in all of the courts of this State as conclusive evidence of the boundaries and limits of all natural oyster beds, bars and rocks, lying within the waters of the county wherein such survey and report are filed, and shall be construed to mean in all of the said courts that there are no natural oyster beds, bars or rocks lying within the waters of the counties wherein such report and survey are filed other than those embraced in the stu-vey authorized by this Act, and that all areas of the Chesa- peake Bay and its tributaries within the State of Maryland, not sho^vn in the survey to be natural oyster beds, bars or rocks shall be construed in all the courts of the State to be barren bottoms and open for disposal by the State for the purpose of private planting or propagation of oysters thereon under the provisions of this Act; provided, that the said survey and report shall not be construed as to affect in any manner the holdings by citizens of this State in any lot which may have been appropriated or taken up under the laws of this State prior to the approval of this Act. The law of the State of Maryland, passed March g, 1842, authorizing officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey to' enter upon the lands within the State limits for the piu-poses of the survey, is as follows: AN ACT Concerning the Survey of the Coast of Mar>iand. Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assetnbly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons employed under and by virtue of an act of the Congress of the United 126 Survey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. States, * * * at any time hereafter to enter upon lauds uilhin this State for the purpose of exploring, surveying, triangulating, or leveling, or doing any other matter or thing which may be necessary to effect the objects of said act, and to erect any works, stations, buildings, or appendages recjuisite for that purpose, doing no unnecessary injury to private or other propert)-. Sec. 2.' And be it enacted, That in case the person or persons employed under the act of Congress aforesaid, can not agree with the ow'ners or possessors of the land so entered upon and used as to the amount of damage done thereto by reason of the removal of fences, cutting of trees or injury to the crop or crops growing on the same, it shall and may be lawful for the said parties or either of them to apply to the chief justice for the time being or one of the associate judges of the judicial district in which such land may be situated, who shall thereupon appoint three disinterested and judicious freeholders, residents of the same judicial district, to proceed with as much despatch as possible to the examination of the matter in question, and the faithful assessment of the damages sustained by the owners or posses- sors aforesaid, and the said freeholders or a majority of them, having first taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation before the chief or associate justice aforesaid or other person duly authorized to administer the same, that they will well and truly examine and assess as aforesaid, and having given five days' notice to l^oth parties of the time of their meeting, shall proceed to the spot, and then and there upon their own view and if required, upon the evidence of witnesses (to be by them sworn or affirmed and examined), shall assess the said damages, and shall afterward make report thereof and of their proceed- ings in writing under their hands and seals and file the same within five days thereafter in the office of the clerk of the county in which the land aforesaid is situated, subject to an appeal by either party to the county court of the said county within ten days after filing as aforesaid, and the said report so made as aforesaid if no apjieal as aforesaid be taken, shall be held to be final and conclusive as between the said parties, and the amount so assessed and reported shall be paid to the said owners or possessors of the land so damaged within twenty days after the filing of said report, and the said chief or associate justice as aforesaid, shall have authority to tax and allow upon the filing of said report, such costs, fees and expenses to the said freeholders for the performance of their duty as he shall think equitable and just, which allowance shall be paid by the person or persons employed under the act of congress afore- said, within the time last above limited, but if an appeal as aforesaid be taken, the case shall be set down for hearing at the first term of county court aforesaid, ensuing upon and after appeal, and it shall be lawful for either party immediately after the entry of such appeal, to take out summons for such witnesses as may be necessary to be examined upon the hearing aforesaid, and the said court shall have power in its discretion to award costs against which ever the final judgment shall be entered, and such appeal at the option of either party may and shall be heard before and the damage assessed by a jury of twelve men tp be taken from the regular panel and elected as in other cases. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall wilfully injure or deface or remove any signal, monument or building or any appendage thereto, erected, used or constructed under and by virtue of the act of congress aforesaid, such person or persons so offending shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars with costs of suit to be sued for and recovered by any person who shall first prosecute the same before any justice of the peace of the county where the person so offending may- reside, and shall also be liable to pay the amount of damages thereby sustained, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action on the case, in the name and for the use of the United .States of America, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Appendi.x B.— the HAMAN OYSTER CULTURE LAW. Ilixtmct from Second Report of Shell Fish Commission.] OBJECT. "The legislature in placing chapter 711 of the acts of iqoO. better known as the Haman Oy.stcr Culture Law, upon the statute books of Maryland, had a twofold object in view: " I. To encourage an industry in o)-ster culture upon the barren bottoms beneath the tidewaters of the State. "2. To prevent the leasing of natural oyster bars for the purpose of oyster culture." ' Under the rulings of the Comptroller of the Treasury no damages can be collected except through the United States Court of Claims unless an agreement has been made in advance. Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 127 "To make the leasing of barren bottoms possible and the leasing of natural bars impossible, pro- vision was made for a survey of the natural bars for the purpose of accurately locating and marking the same. It was definitely provided tliat no barren bottoms should be leased in any part of the State until the natural bars of that region had been surveyed, charted, and marked with buoys. " Definition of a Natural Oyster Bar. n.aturai, bar not defined. "The Shell Fish Commission is instructed by section go of the Haman Oyster Culture Law to exercise its judgment liberally in favor of the natural bars when surveying, charting and buoying them, but other than this the Commission is uninstructed in this important matter. The responsibility of defining a natural bar is placed upon the Commission." DIVERSITY OF OPINION. " No definition of a natural oyster bar could be formulated by any man or l5od)- of men which would meet with the approval of all parties concerned. Oystermen, as a rule, hold that all bottoms where oysters grow or have grown naturally even though now practically barren of oysters should be considered natural bars. Other citizens of the State who are not directly interested in the oyster business, but interested in the oyster industrj' from the standpoint of revenue, hold, as a rule, that no bottoms should be excluded from leasing for oyster culture which, by methods known to oyster cultiu-ists, may be made to yield a greater number of oysters than they now produce. "It should be evident to every one that neither of these definitions could be adopted by the Com- mission as a working basis for determining which of the grounds surveyed are natural oyster bars." THE GOLDSBOROUGH DEFINITION. The definition of a natural oyster bar which very nearly approaches a reasonable and satisfactor)' compromise between the views of the subject held by oystermen on one hand and by oyster culturists on the other is that contained in an opinion rendered by Judge Charles F. Goldsborough in the circuit court for Dorchester Covmty in the July term, 1881, in the case of William T. Windsor and George R. Todd V. Job T. Moore. This definition has been adopted by the Shell Fish Commission as the basis for the determination of the status of the various oyster bottoms surveyed and is as follows: What then is a natural bar or bed of oysters? It would be a palpable absurdity for the State to attempt to promote the propagation and growth of oysters and to encourage its citizens, by a grant of land, to engage in their culture, if the lands authorized to be taken up were only those upon which oysters do not and can not be made to grow. That there may be lands covered by water in the State where no oysters can be found, but where, if planted, they could be cultivated successfully, may be possible, but, if so, I imagine that their extent must be too limited for them to be of much practical, general advantage for the purposes of such a law as the one under discussion; but there are thousands of acres of hard and shifting sands where oysters not only are not found, but where it would be folly to plant them, and these latter it can not be supposed that the State intended to offer to give away, for the simple reason that the State could not help knowing that nobody would ha\e them. Upon the other hand there are large and numerous tracts where oysters of natural growth may be found in moderate numbers, but not in quantities sufficient to make it profitable to catch them, and yet where oysters may be successfully planted and propagated. In my opinion these can not be called natural bars or beds of oysters, witliin the meaning of the Act of Assembl}', and it is just such lands as these that the State meant to allow to be taken up under the provisions of the above-mentioned section of the Act. But there is still another class of lands where oysters grow naturally and in large quantities and to which the public are now and have been for many years in the habit of resorting with a view to earning a livelihood by catching this natural growth, and here, I think, is the true test of the whole question. Land can not be said to be a natiwal oyster bar or bed merely because oysters are scattered here and there upon it, and because if planted they will readily live and thrive there; but whenever the natural growth is so thick and abundant that the public resort to it for a livelihood, it is a natural oyster bar or bed and comes within the above-quoted restriction in the law, and can not be located or appropriated by any individual. 128 Survey o} Oyster Bars, Kent Courtly, Mil. APPLICATION OF DEFINITION. Before this definition may be of use in determining, accurately and scientifically, the status of an oyster ground, its central idea, "livelihood," must be expanded into accurately determinable factors, and these factors must be combined into a practical scheme of investigating the condition of the ground imder consideration. Stated briefly, a livelihood is represented by a sum of money obtained from the sale, at a fixed price, of a certain quantity of oysters gathered in a given time from an allotted area of ground. Knowing the value of each of these factors it becomes possible to calculate the number of oysters an oyster ground must produce per square yard in order that oystermen may secure a livelihood by working upon it. Note. — The factors into which the Commission resolved the livelihood problem, the value assigned to each factor, and the scheme devised for practical use in examining and applying the definition to oyster bottoms are given in outline in their second report imder the heading of the preceding extract, and in detail in their first report on pages 32 to 69. Appendix C— SUMMARY OF THE PARTICULAR SURVEYING OPERATIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE AN "OYSTER SURVEY" AS NOW BEING CARRIED ON IN MARYLAND. Exj>lanation. — A brief account of the particular surveying operations which consti.tute an "oyster survey" as now being carried on in Maryland will assist in the interpretation of records contained in the technical part of this report, and will be of interest to many who may not understand the necessity for the great amount of work being done or its complicated character. To those familiar with methods used in surveying and charting the characteristic features of large bodies of water there is an evident necessity for the various operations performed, especially when it is known that the boundaries of the public oyster bars and of the private lots leased for purposes of oyster culture must be surveyed and charted with the greatest practical accuracy. To others it will be sufficient to state that the actual experience gained from oyster surveys in other States has proven that in order to avoid endless dissatisfaction and litigation it is necessary to accurately locate and per- manently establish oyster boundaries as is now being done in Marj-land. Triangulation survey. — Such refinement of survey work as that demanded by the conditions of an oyster survey when carried on at considerable distances offshore can only be obtained by the use of a system of triangulation as a framework or foundation. Therefore, a triangulation survey including the permanent marking of the positions of landmarks with monuments and a record of the descriptions of their locations for future recover)- is a necessary- operation of a complete oyster survey. Topographic survey. — The technical records which establish the relation between the offshore oyster boundaries and triangulation landmarks are sufficient for the requirements of engineers in making resurveys, but do not supply the needs of others who are interested in the same boundaries by reason of their occupation as oystermen concerned as to the public oj-ster bars, or oyster culturists concerned as to the leasable bottoms. For these it is necessarj- to have the charts of the survey show the relation of the shore line and other topographic features to the boundaries of the public oyster bars and private oyster farms. Therefore, a topographic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Hydrographic survey. — In the settlement of the important question of what is. or what is not, a natural oyster bar, and in the consideration of bottoms to be selected for purposes of oyster culture, information as to the depth of water and the character of the bottom is required. Therefore, a hydro- graphic survey is a necessary operation of a complete oyster survey. Necessary foundation for an oyster survey. — Consequently, the necessary components of a satis- factory foundation for a complete oyster survey are the three classes of survey operations technically named triangulation, topography, and hydrography, or, stated in another way, the foundation of a practical oyster survey includes the surveying operations usually followed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey leading up to the preparation and publication of nautical charts. Special surveys and investigations pertaining to oysters. — Having obtained this cartographic survey for a foundation, partly by new work and partly from records of previous work of the Government, the combined operations ' making up an "oyster survey" are completed by superimposing on this founda- tion special surveys and investigations pertaining particularly to oysters or other shell fish. * See Appendix D of this publication for "Statistics of results of combined operations of the Government and State." Survey of Oyster Bars, Kent County, Md. 129 Tlie special surveys pertaining to oysters furnish information as to tlie location and outline of oyster- shell liottoms, and are carried on by the sounding boat p;irt)' in addition to the usual hydrographic work.' This operation consists of the observation and record of the character of vil^ration of a wire and chain apparatus which is dragged over the bottom, the vibrations or lack of vibrations indicating the presence and quantity of shells or absence of shells. The special oyster investigations - consist of the actual determination of the kind and quantity of oysters on the bottom, and such economic and biological studies of the supply of oyster food, density of water, character of the bottom, and other important matters as affect the growth of oysters. In this work the oyster investigation stations are located and buoyed by the hydrographic party while engaged in the survey of the oyster-shell limits. They are selected with the view of obtaining characteristic data which can be used for the interpretation of the recorded vibrations of the chain apparatus at all other points covered by the survey. Preparation of results. — The actual surveying operations and oyster investigations having been completed for any one coimty, there still remains technical work of nearly equal magnitude to that described.' This work consists of the preparation of charts and technical descriptions of boundaries and landmarks for publication by the Government, the preparation of that part of the annual report of the Commission covering the special oyster survey^s and investigatiofls, the making of the leasing charts and finished projections, and finally the filing of the oyster charts and records with the courts and the Commission, thus opening a count)^ for oyster culture. Summary. — From the foregoing • accotmt it can be seen that a complete oyster survey properly conducted so as to answer all practical requirements of the ])resent and permanency of results for the future is a very complicated affair, involving many lines of surveying and other scientific work, and requiring the professional services of experts in the various operations of cartographic surveying and shell-fish investigations. 1 See pages 104 to 123 of "First Annual Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." 2 See pages 30 to 67 and 129 to 199 of "First Annnal Report of Maryland Shell Fish Commission." s No mention is made here of the large amount of administrative work of the Commission, which is greatly complicated and increased by the effect of the oyster-survey operations on many thousands of people whose interests are more or less involved: or of the large amount of survey work involved in the survey and record of the boundaries of oyster lots leased from the State by private individuals for the purposes of oyster culture. 14126 — 12 9 «3o Sui~vey oj Oyster Bars, Kent County, Mil. <^0 i^:; XW ^> t >-H '"'^ M o