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VV^79/^ 1892. Z?JL BEING. REAL. .APPARENT. { D SEC 1 GOI MA] PERS( BOD , c ( «>»■ j - ;;::,;: PRINCIPLE. Substance. -» Sul.sisiL.-ncc. ™, Wisdom. INTELLIGENCE. Light. Love. GOOD. Divinity. LAW. Order. FORCE. Centre. ( * ) EN1 "' A POWER Calm. Iv.„ . jjjjj] Sufficiency. ■ all -I CHRIST - mi \. [nfraiti i bou hi Effect. Reflection. Expression. Existence. Conception. Understanding. KNOWLEDGE. Ray of Light. M , Breath. Person. Religion. Law revealed. Obedience. MOTION. Circumference, ( Q ACTION. STRENGTH ' leni 1 A ,|.#.ii..i. [ndi [dualized f. iu SELF. Separation, Abstraction. rcrsonific.it ion. Inversion. Ajipc:ir.>lu i:. Deception. MUcornq.iion. Misunderstanding. Ignorance. — . Pride. Belief. Perversion. Theology. Mythology. Violation. Vibration, j Radius. ( j\ Ina. ti..„ IVel ... ,1 I ,. .,,. *- ;;, 'v:l f -v. „4 :v,v.;.. ?:,;;;,: - Phenomenon. Illusion. Delusion. - «- Imbecility. •Dar.nes, tHatc Death. tEvil. Atheism. Idolatry. (Confusion.) U->^.i»n. End. (■-,<■ > "»' ' , » r, Want. u v '7 •«.„,« oILfelt. tAbK.clI*". l««.„. l O» „. 4, « 44 4S 4. 4, 4. 4, , v ; HfHITl m: i ■ 1 ■ 1 1 M ■ Spirituality. ■"i Light — i livinc tnli mil 1 ■ ■ Red II .,!■.. It! | (Lack.) !'■ llil|M Tin 1. Mortal. i I.II-. .in.il. Mutablt 1 1 ii. i tern & ■ — * \ A~ METAPHYSICAL CHART WITH EX PLANA TION By Leander Edmund Whipple SECOXD F.D1TIOX.-REVISED New York PUB MS A BW V ORK : *~ \f HF.U BY THE AUTHOR */ T ^ / «* ' 1892. Copyright 1892, by L. E. Whipple. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. l^ To those who seek truth through knowl- edge of principles, this book is hopefully inscribed. Principles are the foundation of correct Theories. -PREFACE - THE Second Edition This chart was originally prepared for class use in teaching theoretical metaphysics. Its objective feature is the presentation in relative position, of words in common use expressive of the Elements and Attributes of Being, both real and assumed, and of the various phases of Life activities, in suitable form to convey to inquir- ing minds the idea described by the root meaning of each word, as well as to express its true relation to each other idea. The first edition was so well received by those engaged in metaphysical research that, in revising for a second edition, it has been thought best to add a partial explanation suggestive of the variety of ways in which it can be used to develop thought. This is calculated to render clear the concep- tion of many metaphysical principles and truisms, which in ordinary use of the English language remain obscure, as well as to clear away erroneous opinions in regard to life principles, which act as obstructions to the full enjoyment of health, thus rendering the chart of service to metaphysical students of all schools. The chart itself can only contain essential words relatively placed, to lead the student in his own thought action from one idea to another, leaving him with a clear comprehen- sion of the relation existing between the ideas examined. The explanation given in this edition will help to familiarize the student with the gen- eral plan, which is all that has been attempted in the present work. Full detailed explanation of the possible uses of this chart, with elucidation of all the problems involved, would fill a volume much too large for im- mediate publication. The manuscript of such a work is now in preparation and will be published in due course of time. In the author's course of Instruction in Metaphysical Healing, the chart r is used as the foundation on which to build a permanent knowledge of theory, and has proved to be of great value in making difficult problems clear. The idea resting back of each word is explained singly and in its association with each other idea, bring- ing to light its own office and object in the construction and continuance of the Universe on each and every plane of consciousness — physical, mental and spiritual. As a help to immediate realization of principles for practical use in the act of treating patients, it is believed to have no equal in any printed publication. In its present form it is designed to be a valuable acquisition to every col- lection of Metaphysical literature, and of inestimable value to every student in similar lines, as well as a ready help to all who in any way practice mental healing. For shortcomings, which seem in- evitable under the present degree of illumination, the author asks the reader's kind indulgence. In future revisions every effort will be made to keep pace with the growth of knowl- edge, in clearer understanding of prin- ciples which in their breadth cover the entire field of human knowledge. L. E. W. I 'v/', July, 1892. Conscious reality is the one living BEING. A METAPHYSICAL CHART. EXPLANATION. BEING is the subject which this chart is written to elucidate. Being is the One conscious reality of the Universe^ The word Universe is here used in its broadest possible sense, extending to the spiritual or living, and includ- ing all actual reality. For examination the subject is di- vided into two parts, each of which holds an important position in man's understanding of the problem of life ; each possesses characteristics and qualifications peculiar to itself and exclusive of the other. The entire subject is Being: Part First is described as Real Being, which upon close examination is seen to possess all possible quali- fications of absolute unconditioned reality. Part Second is described as Ap- parent Being. On impartial examina- tion it is distinctly seen that nothing which is classified in this part pos- sesses any of the absolute uncondi- tioned qualities of the first, or bears any strictly true relation to it ; but on the contrary that each and every idea here expressed is conditional and rel- ative only — not in any sense perma- nent, but constantly changing and passing from view, it being in fact in some decree different in the conscious recognition of every observer. This suggests that it may be more the result of personal consciousness than a state of actual independent reality. Part First, therefore, represents Being — that which is ; while Part Second represents Seeming — that which appears or seems to be, but since it is always changing it never is strictly what it seems to be. To learn the nature of and differ- ence between Being and Seeming, what each part of Being is and what position it really occupies in the sphere of living activity, is the object of metaphysical investigation and the purpose for which this chart is written. The body of the chart is drawn in four divisions, viz.: Divisions A, B, C and D, and in Sixty Sections, num- bered respectively i to 60. Each Division, therefore, is in sixty Sections, each of which is a word descriptive of such part of Being as is represented by that Division. Each of the first thirty-two Sections also has four Divisions, each word of which bears direct relation, either real or seeming, to all of the others. In Section 33 and succeeding Sections, Divisions A and B unite in one part, explained by one word which de- scribes the quality or character of each and of both combined. Divisions A and B constitute Part First of the chart : Being — Reality. Divisions C and D constitute Part Second of the chart : Seeming — Ap- pearance. That which seems to be, inevitably seems to be real', that is what the Seeming is — a seeming reality. If it seemed to be a Seeming it would not continue to appear, but would disap- pear and vanish as any illusion when the truth about it is discovered ; therefore, Seeming Being requires the most careful investigation possible to give, in order to learn the absolute truth about it ; even more so than the real, because man's intuitive nature makes it quite easy for him to take the Real on faith, as it were, while still clinging to the illusions of the Seeming, thereby confounding his theories and confusing his reasoning faculties. It is claimed for the plan of ar- rangement of words in this chart that each word in its true root meaning belongs absolutely in the division in which it is placed, although it may be interchanged between Sections and occupy other sectional positions in the same division often with equally good effect. This rule holds good with possibly an occasional exception in Divisions C and D. In no instance can any word in either of the divisions of either part be removed to the other part without stating a false premise, which if logic- ally followed to its limits will disap- pear in nothingness, as will any falsity when forced to its final limits ; hence, to group together in mind the ideas expressed by the words used in any one division, understanding what part of Being that division represents, is to learn the ideas which constitute that part of Being, to understand its qualifications and to know its real nature. This rule holds good abso- lutely in regard to all divisions. The final results of repeated demon- stration prove the correctness of any theory, and it has been repeatedly proved that the understanding of all the activities of Being as represented by the nature and relation of all four divisions of this chart, develops in every mind possessing that under- standing, the power to so control the «9 forces of mental concentration as to perform the act of mental healing with scientific accuracy and universality of application. DIVISIONS. There are two ways to read direct problems from the face of the chart in consecutive words : First — In divisions from left to right, which may also be re-read back again from right to left, thus produc- ing varying combinations of ideas all within the same subject and bearing strict relation to each other, no matter what the combination may be or what portion of the division is read. Thus the wholeness, evenness and perfection expressed in this division may be com- prehended ; in this wholeness lies an entire explanation of the One Essential Being, which is the fundamental sub- ject of Metaphysics, as of all science. EXAMPLE. Division A, Section i : God, — real Being ; read to Section 2, and we have the statement God is Spirit. Sections 2 and 3: Spirit is Creator. Sections 1 to 3 inclusive: God, Spirit, is the Creator ; — all are real. Sections 1 to 4 inclusive : God, the spiritual Creator, is Mind ; Infinite mind. 1 to 5 inclusive : God, the one spiritual creative Mind, is Cause ; the one infinite Cause of all that is. God [1], Infinite Mind [4], the one Spiritual [2] Cause [5] is Principle [6] ; the one fundamental principle of Being. The all of living reality. Sections 2 and 6 : Spirit is Prin- ciple ; — real living principle. Sections 1 , 2 and 6 : God, Spirit, is the Principle of all things. — Actual life. Sections 2, 6 and 7 : Spiritual prin- ciple is Substance ; that which stands under or underlies all reality. Sections 7, 2, 6 and 8 : the Sub- stance of spiritual Principle is Reality; the one eternal reality of the universe; and so on through all sections. The first word in any section may be coupled with the first in Division A, forming an affirmative statement which will truthfully and undeniably express some fact of Being ; e, g., Division A, Sections 1 and 12, God is Intelligence. The same rule will hold good taking Section 2 for the first, and coupling any other section with it; e.g^ 2 and 7, Spirit is Sub- stance ; 2 and i5, Spirit is Life. Most words in the same division can be interchanged in this manner, resulting in excellent Metaphysical development ; e.g., Sections 12 and 13, Intelligence is Light, or vice versa. Sections 1 5 and 6, Life is Principle. Sections 13 and 20, Light is Force. Sections 19 and 23, Order is' Power. The perfect order of the eternal Law is the one forceful power of the Universe. The energy [22] of Divine Will [26 ] is the Orderly [19] Force [20] of the one Centre [21] of Intelligent [12 J Being; the lawful [18], orderly [19] and harmonious [58] expansion of that Centre [21] of forceful [20] Energy [22] is the one Power [23] of the Universe ; the subsisting [9] power of spiritual [2] Principle [6] in intelligent activity of living Light [1 3], the pure Wisdom [11] and perfect Love [14] of which are reflected in the eternal [47] Calm [24] and per- petual peace [25] of Christ [29], the spiritual principle of living Reality [8], in the pure realization of which rests that consciousness of an ab- solute sufficiency [27] in which no desire [C, 26] can be ; a perfectly calm contemplation of the Harmony [58] of the divine [17] Truth [10] of the one absolute All [34] of Being. The same plan of reading may now be applied to Division B, and the results obtained will be strictly true statements in regard to the true char- acter and the real being of Man in his fundamental nature, unpolluted by any false opinions on his own part, or through following erroneous opinions advanced by others. Man, the one whole, pure and real creation of Intelligent Being — the true son of God. Division B, Section i : Man, the spir- itual Soul [2] ; the created [3] Idea [4] of Infinite Mind [A, 4] ; the one infinite thought [4] resulting from the spiritual activity of Infinite Mind is the legitimate Effect [5] of the one active [22] Cause [A, 5] of all Reality [A, 8], equally as inseparable from the mind in which it was conceived as is any effect from its cause, or any Idea from the mind which conceived it. The one infinite ideal Effect [5] is the perfect Manifestation [6] of the spiritual [A, 2] Principle [A, 6] of creative [A, 3] Being; or, that prin- ciple manifested. It is Principle [A, 6] in the act of manifestation [6]. A complete Reflection [7] of the under- lying Substance [A, 7] of Being, ~ Division A represents the Subsist- ence of Being itself, the one and only God. Division B represents the Existence of Being, or the living activity of the one Being, while reflecting its own sub- stance ; expressing its own reality ; effecting a perfect manifestation of* its own fundamental principle. God subsists within Himself. Man exists from God, retaining his exist- ence ^God. These two divisions are united in one perfect whole [34] of In- dividual [33] Being, combining Prin- ciple and Manifestation [6], Reality and Expression [8], Light and its Ray [13], Life and the Breath of Life [i5], Intelligence and Knowledge [12] of that intelligence in one active whole of divine Energy, Action [22], Power and Strength [23]. Considered together these two represent the one entire all of real Being. Man is the Manifestation [6] of God. Division B is only Division A made manifest or outwardly expressed. Division A represents the Essence of all Reality ; therefore it is the whole : hence, God is the entire Es- sence of Being. Man is that Essence in Manifestation ; or Manifested Being : the Essential Manifestation of living conscious Reality. SECTIONS. The second way of reading the chart is by sections. In this reading we find a concentrated statement in regard to all the recognized parts of Being, in each section. Each section may be studied inde- pendently, or in its relation to the adjoining or any other one. Section i may be said to be a section of Personality, in which we find the names of all the personal characterizations of Being recognized by thinking man : God, Man, Person and Body.* Section 2 is a section of Element; each element describes the personality expressed by the name preceding it in the same division ; thus living Being is recognized under four personal forms, each represented by an element recognized as belonging to it — e. g.\ a God, who is Spirit; a Man, who is Soul — the spiritual soul ; a Person, which is personal sensation or sense recognition of things, and a personal Body, which is constructed of the Ma- terial elements of the earth and is a part of the earth, never leaving it. Section 3 is a Section of Action, and * The term body liere signifies all bodily form. Section 4 represents definite, conscious, active intent, both real and assumed. Section 5 is one of natural result of definite form of action. Each Section is in itself an entire explanation of some one phase of Being or its activity, and is complete in its own sense. Each Section in its entirety may be read in immediate connection with the preceding or the subsequent section — e.g., Sections 14 and i5 — A, Love is Life. B, Faith is the Breath of Life. C, Pride is a mere belief based upon an erroneous opinion in regard to Life; and D, Hatred, which follows Pride, leads to Death, or that sense of ab- sence which results from lack of com- prehension of the real character of the true Breath of Life. — Clear com- prehension of the Breath of Life re- sults in true Faith [Div. B, Sec. 14], which rests only upon actual knowl- edge [12] of the substance [A, 7] of the real things of Being. Section 14 to 13 — Love is Light. Love sheds a warm, glowing, living light within, around and through the Soul which rightly loves in clear com- prehension of pure Life. Faith is the Ray of Light [B, 13] — the light of pure understanding — streaming forth unobstructed by any false opinion, from Love the active Centre of the one Life of Being itself. Pride is a cold, loveless and lifeless refraction — a seeming ray unassoci- ated with the centre of light; turned aside— bent from the true course — cold, fading and ending in nothingness of light; or darkness, the utter lack of comprehension of Light, Love, Life, Law, Principle, Truth. Each section presents some prob- lem in regard to the activities of life which, if carefully studied, will yield a return in knowledge of law which gives power of control over many of the vicissitudes of life. A full comprehension of the true relation existing between two sections frequently is a revelation, throwing a flood of light on some heretofore dark and mysterious problem of life. Espe- cially is this true of the relation shown to exist between Parts i and 2 of any sec- tion ; the Real and the seemingly real. Actual, unconditioned BEING is all represented by Div. A. The other divisions represent only different views and varying degrees of comprehen- sion of the living activities of this one ubiquitous Being, of the eternal truth and infinite goodness of which we are all living and participating manifesta- tions, lacking only comprehensive recognition, and living lives solely for the purpose of coming to know the laws of our being, in growth which can only come through conscious ex- perience in living the law. Experiencing, we consciously recog- nize element of law; Recognizing, we comprehend; Comprehending, we un- derstand ; Understanding, we realize; Realizing, we come in possession of, and Possessing, we become that ele- ment. Thus existing man, through that existence rightly apprehended and properly developed in continuous, persistent effort to know the entire truth, regardless of opinion or selfish desire, may daily grow nearer in con- sciousness to the character and quali- fications of that perfect model of Man- hood from which he springs, and for the perfect manifestation of which he now enjoys life on this earth, which is filled with expressions of the love- liness of unchanging spiritual reality. No one is debarred from Principle. " Seek and ye shall find ; knock and it shall be opened unto you." «^s^ ^S)$y THE PfllLOjSOPfir OF HEALTH Is taught to classes in a course of Lec- tures, which explain each word of the within Chart and the principle of each idea in its relation to each other one and to the whole, thus developing correct understanding of all parts of Being and all forms of Life Activities. Knowledge of Laws of Life and com- prehension of the principles of Being give ability to remove sickness by means of natural thought action. A pamphlet explaining the course of instruction will be mailed upon request, 36 J{ JV[eta)Dt$sical • dtjari I^eaxder Kdmuxd "Whipple. This work classifies about two hundred words expressive of Being, its Attributes and Activities, both real and illusory, ex- plains the meaning and importance of each word in a correct understanding of princi- ples, and demonstrates the relative bearing of one idea upon another in Science, Phi- losophy, Logic and Reason. The Chart is especially prepared for classes, but is valuable as a guide and for reference for teachers and students of Men- tal Science and Occultism. Printed on Bond Paper. Handsomely Bound price, postpaid, $2.50. PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY THE AUTHOR. % a - ->b $ ^ V^" M* fr v % # «, * c5> v> 6 ,^>" a,x v N .^ s r> :# -*/s^:*. %^ -0^-^ ^'' ' V „ *b <£ * *> ^ 0« = o: .*v > « i ^* * V •*• > V ^ l 8 « M r % * ^ j& ? ^\ v £ , ;-/\w/ ° ^ o* a0 v *b o 5 % Q : V , o ^6 <# ^> '#>. » V r ^ ^ & / v '-^^/^ ;v '?»•>* . . . %>:> • • • ^> ( * V , -? r % / * <> - n\ '<* %. <* v -V. ^ ,*< \ ' ^ v^ 0* A' i sV • t* -