T^Ct ^ Jirst Number. ^ -•«♦♦ /^K "♦• 1. AVHAT IT IS; 2. WHAT IT DOES;^ 3. WHAT IT ENJOYS; 4. WHAT IT NEEDS. I» !<>■ * By FI.AVIU§ J. COOK. — ■♦'— / V W. L/INSING & SON, Sook and Job Printers, KeeseTilI«4 I^T/Y^ 1858. I Entered according to Act of CongresSj in the year 1858, by FLAVIUS J. COOK, In the Clerk's Office of the Northern District of New York. PREFACE. To fix historical facts of interest and value from vanishing, to encourage and enliven local industry, to strengthen local desire for improvement, to do justice to merit, to bring to no- tice natural advantages and internal resources, to inform and elevate public sentimenc, to suggest general and special local reform, and to begin a plan which it is hoped may be extend- ed to other towns with the same benefits, are the principal ob- lects for which the Home Sketches op Ticonderoga have 3n written. [t was required, by the proposition made, to write a full, ar, honest history of the Town; a distinct, truthful, and re- 'jle document concerning Ticonderoga; not a careless surface restigation, not an advertisement for any man, not a pom- as parade of local vanity, but a select and well-studied re- d, a sober view of good qualities, a clear admission of faults, oamphlet distinctly purposing usefulness. This has been • model which the writer has proposed to himself continual- ; and, in endeavoring to approach it, much more time and ce than at first expected have been found necessary, and '.siderably more carefulness and labor. j?or facts, in that portion of the pamphlet requiring origin- al investigation, the writer has canvassed the town with pen- cil and portfolio, questioned and cross-questioned individuals competent as witnesses, desired every man to speak as though on the stand under oath, taken testimonies from parties inter- ested and uninterested concerning the same facts, recorded personal observations, obtained access to private papers, let- ters, notes, deeds, ledgers and other records ; and spared no time or pains to secure for every statement sufficient proof for its confirmation even by the rules of legal evidence. The ma- terials thus gathered he then sat down at leisure and sorted ; compared, silted and verified the facts with each other ; meth- odised them all into sections ; made the subject of each a spe- cial study ; and recorded the whole with us much accuracy, clearness, brevity and elegance of expression, as the pen of a farmer'is boy, making no literary pretensions whatevvor, could command. Thus made out, the sections were always submitted to the parties interested, either in manuscript or proof sheet ; not for revision of any of the anilior's opinions, but with the IV urgent invitation to make sncli corrections in the facts or sug- gestions as to the mode of expression, as accuracy and justice should require. Having thus enjoyed every opportunity and taken all pains to secure nnirapeachable accuracy, the articles were published to the County in the JVorihern Standard, and immediately scanned for mistakes by friends and critics, and in one or two instances by individuals eager to lind matter for a charge of libel against the writer. All statements questioned in this last examination have been reinvestigated, and every mistake of any importance proved, placed in the very brief list of errata at the end of the volume. In a rural locality the absence of all public records increases the labor of ascer- taining dates and events ; but, when it is remembered that most of the facts mentioned in the original history are within the memory of persons now living, a large portion of them of very recent occurrence, a major part from the keen memory of men concerning their own business, and all of them verified by the course above indicated, it is hoped that the statements will receive that confidence which is their due. If anything is wrong, the author is confident it will be found among the statements of minor consequence; and even there, if incorrect, it is because he has been misinformed, not once but half a doz- en times. For any inaccuracies of this kind the author is heartily sorry, and though he cannot hope but that among a multitude of particulars a few may be criticised, yet he can say that he has done his best to write reliably, some of the sec- tions costing a fortnight's canvass, and that he does not now know, in the^whole pamphlet, of one mis-colored statement. A few minor faults, every scholar knows, do not impair the gen- eral validity of the whole. To name all the authorities consulted would of course be impossible. They are among the old men, the business men, the prominent men, and the clear-headed men of the town. — To each one of them the writer returns most heart}' thanks, in his own name and in that of Ticonderoga. As to opinions, and inferences from facts, having consulted no authority, the author supposes that he alone is to l)lame. For the chapter ou what the town needs, the estimates of so- cial evils, public efforts, advantages, virtues, &c., sometimes differing from the popular opinion, he must exhonerate every one from responsibility. All selections of facts and express- ions of oi)inion, are to be borne by the writer alone. Special pleasure and pains have been taken in gathering Historical Reminiscences, of which few towns have more or stand in greater need of a thorough record. One evening last summer, while planning work for a years' vacation 131 an educational course, it occurred to the writer th.at a few .articles on the Historical ivjiuiuisconces ot Ticon- deroga, written for a friond connected witli the County Pre??, miglit not be unacceptable. And if of the past wliy not of the present, and if for one town why not for others, and tlius the plan of the Home Sketches suggested itself, was matured, written down next morning, and the proposition sent to the Editor, the writer hardly hoping it would bo printed. It has borne fruit, however; and the promise made concerning one town is now fulfilled. The short' work has occupied the leis- ure of but a twelve month. Yet God be thanked for all the joy given in gathering facts and writing, for some discipline, for some instruction, for some knowledge of mens' ways, for some usefulness. His blessing be with the Record to make it accomplish good, in its humble and limited sphere. Others have a life-time, but the writer had but one year to work for liis native town, and has done far less than he ought, yet what he could, in that year. So the Home Sketches are begun. Other and better vmters are expected and besought to give themselves the valuable dis- cipline, their respective towns the profit, and the public at large the instruction cud pleasure, of continuing them through the County, and through every locality, indeed, where authori- ties, a writer and a publisher can be found to unite in a work, which, though humble, is yet one of usefulness and of love. — Not until the common people are more fully understood; not until common affairs are more thoroughly investigated; not until men believe every fact of some value in some connection; not until the nation is taken up, by states and counties not on- ly, but town by town and neighlwrhood by neighborhood, and every corner searched by the lighted blaze of Benevolence and Christianity, guaging progress, noticing errors, sympa- thizing with difliculties. inciting to improvement, asking how the people do down here where lordly literature passes by — not until then will Reform thoroughly begin, not until then will comprehensive History have blossomed, and Experience ..and Philanthropy have borne their perfect fi'uits.. F. J. C. TicoMDEROGA, N. Y., Augugt 23, 1858. (From till- N'ortliorii Ptaiulard of SoptciubiT Srd, IK'.) IfO:nE SKETCHES OF ESSEX COUNTY,— A PROPOSITION TO EACH TOWN. To Tire Editor of the XoRTtiKRN Standard: — Every one has folt or seen with what interest lociil items in newspapers are searched for, though sometimes of the most trivial character. — Hut local items, ably chosen and written, have a positive and permanent vahie. There is reason for the interest talcen in them. They arouse the activities, elevate the views, express the wants, manifest the excellencies, sustain the g'ood reputation, spread the acquaintance, excite the inter- est, and record the history of the persons, institutions, or communities to which they relate. — Directly, indirectly, and by intercnange, they interest, instruct, arouse, uphold, elevate, reform. And, in this age of the press, when it is complained, with so much justice, perhaps, that the me- tropolis paper eats up the circulation of the state paper, and these both that of the county paper, it seems that, to secure interest and value by developing the local interests of its sphere, is for the latter the course of necessity, of good judgment, and of positive duty. Certainly, at, least, the interest which attaches to local matters is a means of doing good, for which every ed- itor or speaker is responsible. In view of considerations like these, I have a little plan to propose to any friend in each of tho towns of this County who may view this matter in a favorable light, to be carried out, ilr. Editor, \>y vonr kind consent, through communications to your paper. 1.' What it is ? 2. What it docs? 3. What it enjoys? 4. What it needs ? Let these four ques- tions be carefully, intelligently, and ably answered by some competent correspondent in each lo- cality, concerning each rf the eighteen towns of Esses County. If necessary, I will begin in the southern corner with Old Ti. What think you ? Under the nR.sT question, the location, extent, natural features resources and adaptation of each town ; whether to farming, lumbering, mining, or "manufacturing, would be noticed. The work of the town, its part and consequent worth among the activities of the County, in what oc- cupation its inhabitants are cniefly engaged, would appear in answer to the seoind question. — What the locality enjoys in mUural resources, improvements upon the farm, in the workshops, &c., what in material wealth; especially what in schcols, in chuTches, and in general intelligence and means of social improvements, and perhaps, even what its natural scenery and historical as- sociations, would be accurately detailed hi answer to the third inquiry. What each town needs in each and all of these respects also, should be kindly, fully, and fearlessly brought out in an- swer to the FOURTH question, the proper reply to which is, perhaps, more difficult as it is more important to give than either of the others, but which it will be seen is arrived at logically, and therefore the more easily, after answering the other three in order. Among the many who would doubtless be eager to answer these questions for their own locality, a correspondent could be procured (by a note of solicitation, perhaps from you. Mr. Editor) who to his love for his native town would join a thorough acquaintance with it, a spirit of investi- gation which should make his letters v.aluable, and the ability to combine clearness, brevity, and elegance in his words. What if it should take an article to answer each inquiry, and a year or more to go through the county ? What is anything worth that is not done thoroughly and well ? What good. then, would this plan do, supposing it to be carried out ably and thoroughly? That the Home Sketches, though containing of course, many things already very well known, would be as fa-;t as written, and especially when all written and collected, of interest and value, I think all will readily see. Of interest, because local, home-touching, and home-made. Of vALCK, because a means of promoting acquaintance with the features of the county itself, with its communities and occupations, and thus of mutual esteem and attachment, of collecting fact:^ of possibly unknown value to the workers and thinkers of the county, of making known the at- tractions of the county abroad in a manner agreeable if not of material proDt to its business men, but esoocially of exposing the advantages and excellencies as well as the necessities and de- flciencics (if each locality, and thus of silently or openly suggesting to the editor, the reader, and the towns theinselve-!, the best means of increasing those advantiiges and of supplying those dc- licieucies. Tlift List is the main obji-ct, and if attained for the whole county, or even for a part of it. or for a few of its Uwling and active minds in any department of its business, would be of a value well worth simie little care and effort. Can the icii>a be ciinieil out ? Is there matter of interest enough in Essex County to sustain a home corre.-ipondence of this kind ? The noble county answers. Yes I In what God has done and in what man has done for the lo- cality there is enough of iiUere,-t. We are on the highest land of the State. From our mountaino, over whose grandeur swi-ep lire and snow alternately, ujion whose sides forests yet unhewn, and mines of e.vtent and value vi't unknown, and at whose feet rich v.a'lies, intervals, and rollii g plains invite thrifty labor to its rich reward, flow down to the wist tlie rapids of the Racket, to the south the gloiy of the Hudson, and to tlnMiorth the cotnmenial highway of Chamiilain. Mt. Marcy, the Adiroiidark. and tln^ Mohogan range, rise high and healthily above their surroundings. The clouds that sweep up from thr valley of the Hudson and Moh.uvk, from Ontario, from the lovel plain of the St. I,'i\vr.ui<-c, and miwards froni the county's watiTv boundnry on the r-fir-i , groiuid and g.itlii'i- Hud elim.' about thi'n- siimiiiils until thesoiirci'-; of the laki'S and rivers nr.> Qil^-d, The natural seen. >rv. resources ,»nd hi.itoriral association.--- uf the county are nin-lj »\;r VII ivi.'sed. The farm, tlie forest Bull the mine, also, llic three preat rcsourof and placpo ofpmplny- mont of llio country; the factory, the forgo, the merctiaul, the fajmer, the schoolF, llie churrhci-, ;'nd the social position of each community, whether these be prosperous anrt attractive, or wheth- er by unhappy reverses, management or emigration, the ashes be cold in the furnace, llie proUtv! of trade and labor in some localities be low, or the influence of school and church be less in cer- tain places than the health of community requires, all have, nevertheless, in their history, each of them, a voice of thankful interest, and to the worker and thinker for his home, of practical, ur- gent, and undeveloped value. Four questions, then — will some friend in each of the towns of the coimty answer thorn, and al- kiw local interest to be a means of arousing local elTort unto local progress ? F. J. C. TicoxcERoUA, Aug. 22, 1857. (From the Northern Standard of August 19, 185S.) TiCO.NDEROGA, N. Y., August 3, 1S58. W. Lansing, Very Dear Sir : — It may seem to you that my Home Sketches are expanded to an unreasonable length. You have made no complaint, but I shall take the liberty to forestall all necessity of your doing so. Justice no loss than good judgment and taste, requires the space 1 devote to these matters. I found that if I mentioned no man by name, my account of our various branches of industry would be very tame indeed. But if I mention one man I must mention two; and if two, four : and if four, eight, &o. , to be just. Absolute impartiality requires this, and i am willing to secure that good quality at the risk of some criticism. Again, good taste has dictated the course I have taken. I think a sketch of a' county should be like a county map; of a state, like a state map, general and unspeciflc; but of a towu,"like a town map, descending to trace every road and brook, and lot-line and dwelling, It is upon that model of taste that I have conducted the Home Sketches, and I think them much more valuable to the town and county, if they have any value at all, than any hasty generalizations, llie more spe- cific and personal the account, the stronger the interest in it in the town and the vicinity and where, as in this case, gexeral interest is not expected, the stronger the local interest the better. It has been nearly a year since the Sketches of Ticonderoga were commenced, and to go through the county in the same style will require the tenth part of a century ! What if it does ? I had rather be connected with a work so thorough and accurate and extensive in its plan that it will take ten years to perfect it, than with any hasty fly-sheets, got up without care, without any com- parative value, and apt indeed to do much injustice both to the writers and their subjects. ITiero is something attractive in the idea of a gazetteer of a county which it requites half a score of years to complete. Such a work will have value and be worth the effort of the writer and publisher no less than the time of the reader. Of all the County Sketches I have neard of since the plan of these was originated, I cannot say that any seem to be on a more thorough plan or one better calcu- lated to benefit the localities interested. I believe, at the beginning, the proposition was for some- thing thoroughly and ably written, and I should have been faithless to that promise if I had not endeavored to be accurate and impartial. You know that I write an advertisement for no man having been threatened with two slander-suits for telling the truth, but in order to be just it has been necessary to make the treatment full. Of course, I expect no one of those who may write hereafter to follow my plan, or to receive any suggestions from it, further than they please, but to originate their own method as I have been obliged to originate mine. Doubtless a much different and perhaps shorter treatment can bo adopted for other towns. But I go for accuracy at any length ; for impartialitv at any cost to tha •nd of the cliflpter. F. J. C. CONTENTS, X Page. Preface, 3 Home Sketches of Esses Co. , Propositiou and Plan, 6 CHAPTER I. WOAT TlCO.NDEROOA I.S,— N-WCRAL DinSIO.NS, PRO- DUCTS, .AND ADV.«TAGES. Sect. I. The Plateau, 9 " 11. ThoValley, 10 " in. The Mouutains 11 " IV. The Water Power and its Shores, 14 CHAPTER BI. What Tico.vderoga Does,— Its Past and Prbse.vt. Sect. v. Indian Battle Grounds, 17 " VI. Qiamplain's Battle, 1609, 18 " \TI. Military Reservations, 20 " VIII. Hindrances, 21 " IX. Early Grants, 21 " X. S. Dealt and his Letters, 1767,.. 23 " XI. The Old Fort from 1763 to 1776, 26 " Xn. Settlers after the Revolution,... 27 JohuKirby, 28 Judge Hay, 28 Geo. and Alex. Tremble, 30 Judge Kellog, 30 Gideon Shattuck, 30 Elisha Belden, 31 Samuel Cook, 31 Sect. XIII. Good Old Times, 32 " XIV. Want, AVork, and Wolves, 33 " XV. Pioneer School Teaching, 36 " XVI. Religious Reminiscences, 37 " XVa. Town Records, 39 " XVni. Lumber Business, 41 " XIX. Iron Business in Forge and Fur- nace, 42 " XX. Blacksmiths' Business, 43 " XXI. Mechanics' Business, 45 " XXII. Mercantile Business -46 " XXII. Hotels, 55 " XXrV. Woolen Factories 56 ' ' XXV. Black Lead Business , 57 " XXVL Tanneries, 59 " XX Vn. Agriculture, 59 1. Soil, 59 2. Crops, 60 3. Implements, 61 4. Cattle, 62 5. Sheep, 63 6. Horses 64 Pack 7. Fair,... , , 68 Sect. XXVIII Boat Building 70 XXtX. Legal Profession and Politics,. 71 XXX. Medical Profession and Health. 74 XXXI. Temperance,. 76 XSXn. Education, 81 1. District Schools, 81 2. Select Schools, 83 3. Scholars sent abroad , .... 84 4. Ticonderoga Academy,.... 84 Sect. XXXIII. Religion, 92 1. Universalists,.... 92 2. Episcopalians, 92 3. Catholics, 92 4. Congregatioualists, 93 5. Baptists, 94 6. Methodists, 94 CHAPTER in. What Ticonderoga Enjovs,— Historicai, Remlt- ISCBSCE3, Scenes of Celebrated Evems, Natural Sce.very. Sect. XXXrV. Wants ofVisitors and Tourists, 96 " XXXV. Historical Summary,. 98 " XXVI Roger's Escape, 1758, 100 " XXXVn. Abercrombie's Defeat, 1758,. 101 " XXX Vin Capture by Amherst, 1759. . .104 " XXXIX. Captureby Ethan Allen, 1775, 106 " XL. Thacher's Journal at Ticonder- oga, 1776-7, 108 " XLI. Captureby Burgoyne, 1777, ..111 " XLn. Subsquent History, IIC " XLHL Present state of the Ruins, ,..116 " XLIvr Natural Scenery 122 CTHAPTER IV. Waat Tico.nderoga Needs,— Material, Sooai, Moral and Intellectual Improvements. Sect. XLV. More Progress equal to that of Sister Towns, 126 " XLVI. More Improvement of Natu- ural Advantages, 126 XLVII. More Men of Enterprise and Capital, 127 XLVni. More Regard for the General Welfare, ■ 128 XLIX. More Zeal for tho Moral and Intellectual, 130 L. More Self-Respcct,- Perse ve- rancoand Hope 132 HOME SKETCHES OF ESSEX COUNTY CHAPTER I, WHAT TICONDEROGA IS , Natural Divisions, Products, and Advantages. A plateau, contaiaing some twenty square miles in the northwest part of the town, upon the shore of Champlain ; a valley, some six miles long and about one in average width, running centrally south to the shores of Horicon* ; the mountains, boldly intruding upon almost half the territory, mainly toward the west and north ; and the water power with its shores, formed by the outlet of Horicon into lake Champlain, and constituting by far the most striking and valuable feature of the locality, — these are fottr distmct parts into which that nearly square tract of laud in the south east corner ot Essex County, called Ticonde- roga, or the place of Sounding Waters, as its Indian name signifies, is naturally divided. We will visit each of these sections, ( not as hasty and careless sur- face-gazers, who take time neither to see nor to appreciate ; but, if possible, with that kind of observation which in the commonest objects will find ample reward of interest and value,J beginning with Sect. I— The Plateau. This broad field of clay, sloping from the feet of Miller and Back mountains to the lake, forming the north part of the town and in- eluding its richest farms, is evidently an ancient alluvial deposit. Once, it is supposed that yonder channel where the creek flows and the valley to the south were of equal height with this plateau. Then lake Horicon and Champlain were united, and the water stood level from here to the Green Mountains ! Th^s was long before man occupied the earth ; but •Lake George, throughout these sketches, is called by itsoriginal and Qnlv appropriate name, and the one which writers now generally adopt, 1*. Horicon, or the Silver Water. 10 WHAT TICONDEROaA 18. what scenes of magnificent instruction must that age have presented of eloquent, awful, and immortal testimony to the Creative Power and Goodness which was then fitting up man's future abode, the meadows for the husbandman, the hills for the cattle, the valleys for the watter courses, with the sounding wheels or the white sails of commerce ! We stand where the alluvial earth, sinking to the bed of the waters, lay down in level strata for the plow and scythe. As the great waters, in the . course of the Creator's ordering, were drained ^way, ( and it seema that they must have gone suddenly, j the mountain bowls yet held the young lakes and gathered from the clouds the early sources of the streams. These, following the call of gravitation onward and downward, channeled the earth into valleys. The village yotider stands in a great depression scooped by the outlet of Ho'icon, and not a gully in this plateau, not a ridge in the sides of tlie valley around the Brothers there, but shows full proof of being moulded by flowing streams. The moun- tains not so : they are of sterner stuff than to have been washed put by water : they are the product of that age, in which, by heaving fire and sudden change, earth boiled into bubbles and in that shape cooled. Look not their rounded swells like bubbles ? And .^luch they are of the huge earth. But along their sides, jutting out under the soil which clothes their feet, we find sand-stone and level strata of rocks with ridges of the washing wave, far from any flowing water now, marks of that great sea which overspread and moulded this region and all its fellows of the continent. Such, probably, was the geological formation of the town of Sounding Waters. At present, this plateau lies nearly two hundred feet above the level of Champlain. Tbe Lower Village valley is about one hundred, and the Trout Brook valley to the south slopes from three hundred to one hun- dred and fifty feet above the lake. The plateau we are now leaving js in the form of an isocoles triangle, eight miles from Mt. Defiance north to Crownpoint line, eight from thence south-west to the Chilson hill road, and four from thence east across the base through the village to the place of beginning. It must contain,, by these rough measurements, between fifteen and twenty square miles. We notice few water courses or springs upon this plateau : the stumps in tbe pastures mark the graves of the massive pines of the first forest ; but the noblest trees now standing are the oak and the sweet-walnut, the latter remarkably rich in growth, abundant and fruitful. We ride south now to Sect. II.— The Valley. By those sloping rocks, at the top of what was the old plastered school-house hill, opposite the mountain named the Lower Brother, we atop. A valley, beautiful as any vale of Switzerland or Italy, lies before us, forming the southern portion of the town, between bold mountains toward the sunset, the sunrise, and the south. More beautiful than Italy we may say, for it is free politically and religiously, and those farm houses and yellow harvest-fields tell of a higher cultivation. The jt,reate8t breadth of the valley cannot be over a mile ; its length from the mountain opposite us, to near the feet of the one which bounds our vision to the south-west, cannot be over six. That stream, shining out ■WHAT TICONDEROGA IS. 11 in its meanderings along the rich fields beneath the spreading elms of the valley, is called Tioui Brook, famous at a former day for trout holes that would till a barrel in six hours with only a single expert hook- man for conveyance. Ah ! they are gone now, scared by rod and spear, some up the little foaming tributaries of this brook to lay spawn in the sides of the mountains, others to return no more. But there are bills enough in the valley — rocks, too, at the south end. Never mind ! it is called Toughertown forithat: but many an oc're here, for richness and beauty, would not be exchanged by the owners for any in the world. We ride on now. The road is upon the east side close under the mountain's edge. Over this mountain to the east are Horicon and its outlet. Do you hear the sound of rippling water, if it is spring ? The rocks are full of its sources. We cross many a little dashing rill : and underneath us, trickling along through the strata of clay or over the beds of sand-stone, water finds its way to the bubbliug-out places of the springs in the sides of the valley, pure and cool as ever blessed the thirsting lips. Not a farm-house lacks water ; not a meadow hardly in this whole valley where cattle may not drink, in hottest drouth or deepest snow. The pure air of the valley is tainted by no marsh or rotting bog ; the waters are all alive. We notice the beech and maple us predominating trees, and instead of the sweet walnut alone, that and the butternut wave alternately over the carriage road. But-all kinds of trees are here. At the edge of this noble grove whose shadowy arches, full of the song of birds, yet stand, as in the primeval woods, near the centre of the valley next the mountain, we stop and count. Here are the elm, maple, butternut, basswood, beech, pine, black-birch, white-birch, ash, iron-wood, oak, hemlock, red cedar, walnut, poplar, planted by no mortal hand, within the circle of a dozen rods ! And along the edges of this mountain, too, a»e some remarkable traces of the power of waters, whose flowing has long since ceased. Just back yonder from this grove, worn into the solid rock whose per- pendicular bulk foots the ledge above that orchard. Is a cavity five feet broad and fourteen feet deep, round and smooth as a cauldron cast at the furnace! The common explanation is that the Indians made it : but the man of science would regard it as the couch of some gouging rub- ble-stone, ( for long ages it must have been, as rocks wear now,) set in motion, if not by a river pouring down from above, which seems scarcely probable, then by the eddies of some swift-moving torrent that coasted along the mountains. On both sides of the mountain are many like cavities, though none so large, confirming by their position and appeal - ance, this theory. What hear we, as we stand under the waples, by these cavities ? With the song of bird, the chip of squirrel, the breathing of pines, the dash of waterfall, come the bleating of sheep from the mountain pas- ture, and the lowing of cattle from the valley. We count the lambs upon the heights — the farm-houses below. This is the valley of good farmers, who keep sheep and cattle and are happy. To the mountains with their forests and mines, to the water-power and its shores we have yet to go, ere our first question is answered. Sect. III.— The Mountains. Between the cliffs of Horicon and the shores of Champlain, the J12 WHAT TICONDEROGA IS. pritnitive forest seems to have been a dense Jabyrintb, remarkably cora- bining the fearful and the grand. Under its arches for ages ran the Jndian war-path, and for a century the French and English portage between the lakes : but Dieskau was bewildered in it, the French rangers from fort Carillon missed their way, and the gallant Howe was lost and shot there, at the head of his sixteen thousand. The Indian under- stood its intricacies : the white man destroyed them. Before the saw- gates of the French, erected while they built their fort ; before the axes of gathering woodsmen, cutting down piles to be burnt for potashes, then selling promptly at high prices in the Canadian market, or felling massive spars to be rafted to Quebec for the British navy ; before the multiplied gangways of the increasing lumber trade ; before the de- xnands of progressive settlement, agriculture and commerce, and latterly before the sweeping mountain fires, have perished the primitive spruce and cedar, ash and hemlock, white grained oak and Norway prne. Tim- ber has gone to all quarters and money to the laborer's hand : but th« valleys and mountains are substantially stripped of their first garments. In the second growth, by the usual but curious law, soft wood has generally taken the place of hard and hard of soft — poplar where the oaks stood, beech and maple where the pines grew. The limits of the town hardly provide lumber enough for home use ; but the low lands yet furnish cedar and agh enough for the rails of fences ; the hill sides hard wood enough for the cheerful winter fire ; and the valleys walnuts and butternuts enough to call for,th bands of rejoicing children, at the first frosts of Autumn. Upon the mountains, on either side of Trout Brook valley, until the demantling of the primitive forest had far progressed, the deer used to find their winter residence. Horicon, the silver water, was near ; and by fives, or twenties, or fifties, they lay herded under the shelter of the evergreens west of Tremble and Paron mountains or behind the summits of the Brothers or the Old Fort. Despite the fierce howling of wolves and the rifles of the settlers, who were often obliged to make venison their principal meal, " the .deer, fifty years ago," says an aged pioneer, " were more abundant in our fields than sheep." The clearing up has driven them farther back to yard under the arches of evergreen in Sohroon and around Brant Lake : bat they make these mountains their summer residence. Peaceaoly they can wander here, for they are not hunted as farther baek. Often the hayfield or the l.arvest is enlivened by a deer crossing the valli;y : through the pastures, where they are sometimes seen feeding with the cattle, and even through the gardens more than ouco a summer do they yet follow their runway to the waters of Horicon. Learned Rich, the old hunter, whose father Nathaniel planted the first orchard of the valley near the time of the revolution, shot many a buck and doe without leaving his door-yard. A few strag- gling bears, taking refuge like the deer from hounds and bullets, and seldom seen save in their deeds where now and then the oarcass of a lamb or the lessened number of the mountain herd mark their ravages, complete the list of the larger wild game. Rattlesnakes, when the first settlers of the town came, were, by their testimony, " literally as thick as toads." They infested barns and gardens, and were even found upon the pantry shelves behind the dishes and between the logs of bed-rpom walls ! This dangerous reptile is now rarely see;n, save '^^ WHAT TICONDEROGA 13. IS the famous Rattlesnake den near Roger's Rock. Foises and muskrats abound, and in pursuit of the Ibrmer, during the late fall months and at the fir.st full of snow, the mountain sides are vocal with the bark of eager hounds. The rich soil of the mountain uplands, the pure springs, the rugged Bleeps, the cool shadows of green browse and overgreeii, afford to nu- merous flocks an abundant and healthy pasturage, pf^culiarly adapted to their natural habits. The sheep remain all summer upon the hills without care, and often the mountain s-ides are greener than the valleys. For upon the mountains walk the showers and storms. In the eddies and peculiar currents of the atmosphere, formed by the gorges, ravines, and summits of ths elevations, the clouds are often carried along the mountain-tops, while the valleys, save in the swollen brooks, recieve but little of the shower. The scenery along these pathways of storms is sometimes fearful and imposing beyond description. The various changes of the sky and of the aspect of the landscape, produced by changes of the atmosphere, seem, as bounded by these bold summits, invested with rare and exceeding beauty. Every citizen of Ticonde- roga may witness, from his own door, sky and mountain scenery bold and beautiful enough to awaken all, from priest to plough-man, to poetry and painting. But forest, and game, and pasturage, and showers, and grandeur, and beauty, are not the only products of these rocky eminences. Iron and black-lead ore are abundant and probably cxliaustless. The iron ore is injuriously mixed, in certain localities, with sulphur ; but the testimony of many competent examiners is not wanting to assert the fact of valuable deposits in the north and west of the town. The pro- gress of science, enterprise, and above all the developing ot the resour- ces of the town and county, will reveal a value in these veins not yet anticipated. The minerals of Roger's Rock, at tiie south of the town, afford rare attractions to the naturalist Tons of augite, plumbago, feldspar, and titanium, first discovered here, the four combined in one mass, have been taken from this place to adorn cabinets in all parts of the world. Massive garnet, red, yellow, black and green coccalite, sphene, &o., are found in specimens of rare beauty. This town seems to be the peculiar district of graphite or black-lead. In 1852, 61,000 pounds were manufactured at the works of W. A. G. Arthur, Esq. During the past year, ( 1857 ), about a hundred tons have been raised and manufactured by Mr. C. P. Ives, in whose works the purity of the ore and the skill and industry displayed in its manu- facture combine to produce an article unsurpassed in quality and value. The deposits upon the premises of these gentlemen alone are sufficient to make the manufacture susceptible of any expansion the demand will justify. Deep seains of one or two feet in width spread over a great extent between walls of quartz or trap rock. Enormous specimenp of great beauty and purity taken from these mines ; a peculiar fitness for the making of crucibles existing in the freeness of portions of the ma- terial from lime ; the extent and value of the deposit, pronounce it, as well as other veins abounding in the same district which have been par- tially worked, of the greatest and most permanent value among th» natural resourcee of the mountains. 14 WHAT TICONDEROGA IS. Sect. IV.— The Water Power and its Shores. Cheonderoga, of che Indians, is Horicou's ouflet, that is, the Sound-- ing Waters the outlet of the Silver Water. The ' noi?e-chiH« / CHAPTER II. WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES-Its Past and Present. Antecedents explain and emphasize consequents, A brief sketch of the past of thiiS town is needed to illustrate its present. Upon their own merits j too, these reminiscences of early days, we trust, will bo valued, not only as matters of interest by restricted local circles, but by all as a meed of remembrance well due to the hardy pioneers, and especially by the curious thinker as faithful and important illustrations of early social states, of ancestral virtues and vices, occupations and privileges, discouragements and rewards, whence the much-needed les- sons may be derived, of gratitude and wisdom for the present, and, for the future of hope and action. Sect, v.— Indian Battle Grounds. The aboriginal possessors of the continent had few dwellings between Horicon and Champlain. Upon these rugged mountain peaks, through arching forests, rocky pass and dark ravine, was spread the terror of civil butchery, of wily hate, of bloody revenge. It was the place where two great waves of Indian warfare met, struggled, sank, and left their ruins. Few sounds, save of the warwhoop and of wild bird and beast ; few movements, save of human or brute forms, crouching, contending, retreating or simply passing by, disturbed the western shore of Cham- plain in its earliest ruggedness and beauty. " These parts though agreeable," writes Samuel Champlain, in his journal of 1609, as ho glided along the eastern shore of our County, " are not inhabited by any Indians, in consequence of their wars." Upon the eastern shore of the lake, however, toward the Green Mountains, the Iroquois, the 18 WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. Huvons assurcil him, bad many villages, wliich embraced "beautiful valleys and fields fertile in corn, with an infinitude of other fruits." — But along its gloomy and fearful western borders, few vestiges of Indi- an dwellings have been discovered. Weapons of war, however, some of early but most of late date, are disturbed by the spade and plow- share with painfully significant frequency. Arrows from six inches to half-an-inch in length of the most perfect finish; mortars, pestles, chiz- els and gouges turned with the most surprising ingenuity ; long knives of stone shaped to a point and thickened at the back for strength ; tom- ahawks of varied sizes and states of preservation ; Indian tobacco boxes, as they are called, curiously hollowed out of rounded stone ; stray spe- cimens of pottery, of great hardness, plowed up on the plateau at the north part of the town, along the creek, the flats of Trout Brook, and especially near the Bapids at the head of Horicon's outlet where the early Carrying Place between the waters began, together with the bul- lets, gun trapnings, knives^ buckles, buttons, coins and other traces of a later race, bear sad, eloquent and undeniable testimony to the history of savage passion, ingenuity, struggling and extermination, and also of pioneer discoveries, dangers, and sacrifices. From the fact that lake Champlain afi^orded an avenue and facility to the reciprocal attacks of Huron and Iroquois, it probably received its appropriate and impressive name, " Caniaderi-guarante," i. e. " The lake that is the gate of the country." A remarkable description of the war-path through Ticonderoga occurs in the programme of the route given to Champlain and his companions, by the party of some sixty Hurons and Algonquins with whose hostile expedition against a remote tribe of the Iroquois he joined himficlt as an ally and companion in that bold and characteristic expedition in which he discovered the lake. — After traversing the lake now bearing his name, they informed Cham- plain that they '" must pa55 J?/ a %DaUr-fail and thence enter another lake three or four leagues long, and having arrived at its head, there were four leagues overland to be travelled to pass to a river which fiows toward the coast of the Almouchiquois." A precise description of the route from Lake Champlain by the Sounding Waters and Lake Horicon lo the Hudson, save in the distances — a little shotrened, perhaps, not to discourage Champlain. Sect- Vl.-Cliamplain's Battle, 1609. As this party of savage warriors and the three Europeans — the first who evor entered this magnificent Northern gateway — coursed along the western shore of the lake, many incidents occurred of which the record in Champlain's journal, preserved now in the Documentary History of the State, possesses great value and the deepest interest. The simple clear and descriptive language of Champlain has given us a graphic and unicjue pictxu'e of the main incident of his voyage, which, occurring as it did upon the soil of this town, eleven years before the Mayflower sought the shores of New England, and being a piece of history of gen- eral interest not generally known, it is a duty and pleasure to insert entire : from Doct. History, Vol. 3. p. 5. " Now on coming within about two or three days journey of the enemy's quar- ters, wo travelled (mly by night and rested by diiy. Nevertheless, they never omitted their usual superstitions to ascertain whether their enterprise would be successful, and often asked me Avhethcr I had dreamed and seen their enemies. WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. 19 " At nightfall we embarked in oiu- Cauoes to continue our journey, ami as v/e advanced very softly and noiselessly, we encountered a war party of Irocjuois, on tlie twenty-ninth day of the month, about ten o'cdock at night, at the point of a cape which juts into the Lake on the West side. [From this language, from the distinct designation of the place on Champlain's map. from the fact afterwards stated that the battle was fought in 43 degrees some minutes latitude, it iscci-tain that tlie conflict took place between lake Horiccn and Crownpoint, and probably upon the promontory occupied by the Old Fort.] They and wo began to shout, each seizing his arms. We withdrew towards the water and the Iroquois repaired on shore, and arranged all tlieir canoes, the one beside the other, and began to hew down trees with villanous axes, which they sometimes get in war, and others of stone, and fortified themselves very securely. Our party, likewise, kept their canoes arranged the one along side of the other, tied to poles so as not to run adrift, in order to fight altogether should need be. We were on the water about an arrow shot from their barricades. " When they were armed;;and in order, they sent two cauoes from the fleet to know if their enemies wished to fight, who answered they desired nothing else ; but that just tftn there was not much light, and that we must wait for day to distinguish each other, and that they would give us battle at sunrise. This ■was agreed to by our party. Meanwhile the whole night was spent in dancing and singing, as well on one side as on the other, mingled with an infinitude of in- sults and other taunts, such as the little courage they had ; how powerless their resistance against their arms, and that when day would break they should expe- rience this to their ruin. Ours, likewise, did not foil in repartee; telling them they should witness the effects of arms they had never seen before ; and a multi- tude of other speeches, such as is usual at the siege of a town. " After the one and the other had sung, danced and parliamented enough, dny broke. My companions and 1 were always concealed, for fear the enemy should see ms in preparing our arms the best we could, being however separated, each in one of the canoes of the savage Montaquars, After being equipped with light armor we took each an arquebus and went ashore. I saw the enemy leave their barricade ; they were about two hundred men, of strong and robust appear- ance, who were coming slowly towards us, with a gravity and assurance which greatly pleased me, led on by their chiefs. Our's were marching in similar order, and told me that those who bore three lofty plumes were the chiefs, and that there were btit these three and they were to be recognized by those plumes, which were considerably larger than those of their companions, and tliat 1 must do all I could to kill them. I promised to do what I could, and that I was very sorry they could not clearly understand me, so as to give them the order and plan of attacking their enemies, as we ehoidd indubitably defeat them all, but there was no help for that ; that I was very glad to encoitrage them and to manifest to them my good-will when we should be engaged. " The moment we lauded they began to run about two hundred paces toward their enemies who stood firm, and had not yet perceived my companions, who went into the bush with some savages. Our's commenced calling me in a loud voice, and making way for me opened in two, and placed me at their head, march- ing about 20 paces in advance uutill wasM'ithin thirty paces of the enemy. The moment they saw me they halted, gazing at me andl at them. AVhen I saw them preparing to shoot at us, I raised my arquebus, and aiming directly at one of the three Chiefs, two of them fell to the ground by this shot one of tlieir companions received a wound of which he died afterwards. I had put four balls m my arqu- ebus. Our's on witnessing a shot so favorable for them, set up such tremendous shouts that thunder could not have been heard; and yet, there was no lack of arrows on one side and the other. The Iroquois were greatly astonished seeing two men killed so instantaneously, notwithstanding they were provided with arrow-proof armour, woven of cotton thread and wood ; this frightened thcni very much. Whilst I was reloading, one of my companions in the bush, fired a shot, whicli so astonished them anew seeing their chiefs slain, that they lost courage, took to flight and abandoned their fort, hiding themselves in the depths of the forest, whither pursuing them, I killed some others. Our savages also killed several of them and took ten or twelve jjrisoners. Tlic rest carried off tho wounded. Fifteen or sixteen of oua'S were wounded by arrows ; they were promptly cured. " After having gained the victory they amused themselves plundering Indian corn and meal from the enemy; also their arms which they had thrown awny to 20 WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. run the better. And having feasted, danced and sung, we returned, three hours tiftorward, ■with the prisoners. " The place •\\here the battle was fought is in 43 degrees some minutes latti- tude, and I named it lake Champlain." Such was the opening of the sanguinary conflicts yet to follow upon the same promontory. It has beau suggested that the fact that thi.s first shedding of Aboriginal blood by the Christian invader occurred upon the very soil which in another age witnessed the bloody and fruit- less contests of the two greatest powers of Christendom for the posses- sion of the same territory, which neither was permitted permanently to enjoy, — was & singular coincidence and possibly significant of the pres- ence and retribution of an overruling Providence. This thought at- tracts by its solemnity, yet its foundation is not sure. To Champlain there was no other way of entering the country safely than as the ally of some savage tribe. And that battles were afterwarj^ iought upon that same cape is not miraculous since its position between two waters that were gates to the country, necessitated the long line of struggles for its possession. The truth is, by its position and surroundings, God created Ticonderoga historic ground. But passing by, for the present, those warlike reminiscences of th© French and Indian War of the Revolution, well known and better sought in general history, it is fit that we should notice somewhat par- ticularly the almost lost and obscured, yet none the less important and interesting facts, pertaining to the early settlement, the political and social organization of Ticonderoga. Sect. VII.— Military Reservations. Irons were brought from England to Ticonderoga for the construction of the Old King's saw-mill, soon after the close of the French and In- dian War in 1763. It seems that the French had built a saw-mill some seven years previous, which had been destroyed in the war. The line of three forts, commanding the passage from the head of Horicon to Crownpoint, depended upon this mill for planks and timber, as did also the flotillas and batteaux of the two lakes for additions and repairs. For the location of this mill, land was reserved by the Crown, beginning, according to the old deeds, " one chain above the High Falls," at Ti- conderoga, which fixes the locality, as this land was all upon the south side, at the south end of the lower falls. Mr. Deall's mills, constructed some years later, seem to have stood on the opposite side of this water- power. The reservation of crownland extended along the south shore of the creek to the long bridge, ruins of which are still apparent, where the Military Road from Crownpoint and Ticonderoga to Fort George crossed the outlet of Horicon. To this bridge, boats from Champlain came by the creek, and here began the carryiag-place between the waters. This important spot lies exposed immediatly under the old French lines on the east, Mt. Hope on the west and Mt. Defiance^ on the south. A broad road, most of which is now on the public high- way, was cut through the forest from this bridge one mile to the head of the Rapids at the place of embarkation on the eastern shore of the Silver Water. Here fifteen acres of land were reserved by the Crown for the erection of the Block House, used as a place of storage, a hotel, a dwelling-house, and as a place of winter (juarters and repairs for the ferry-boats of the lake So much of the territory of Ticonderoga was used for military purposes, and really belonged to the three forts. WHAT TICONDEROGA UOES. 21 After the Revolution, however, General Schuyler, being appointed by the colonial Legislature to make a report of all the lands reserved ior military purposes in the state, artfully left out these patches along the creek and at the Rapids from his general Report ; but presented them as unlocated lands, left out of all deeds and grants, and belonging to no one. He therefore influenced the Land Office, of which he was a member, to make him a special grant of them, by which he claimed the territory of the King's saw-mill, the Military Road, the reservation at the landing, and moreover all the land under the creek, which waa the most valuable part of his acquisition. Sect. VIII.— Hindrances. But the valley of Champlain, covered with conflicting French and English titles, swept by the armies of three nations, and even after its separation from New France left as a territory of uncertain destiny, oS'ered to the emigrant, notwithstanding the attractions of its forests, soil, game, and mines, glowingly described by officers and men who had explored it in the wars, but feeble allurements, previous to the year 1762. The ceding of Canada to England by the treaty of this year and the proclamation of the King of Great Britain, issued in October of the following year, authorizing the colonial governors to issue grants of land on either side of Champlain, opened the way to purchase, emi- gration and improvement, and gave new impulse to the enterprise of capitalists and pioneers. Large grants, as a return for services in Ca- nadian campaigns, were generously made to the reduced British soldiers and officers. Sect. IX.— Early Grants- Among these officers John Stoughton, Richard Killet, and John Kennedy, secured possessions " in the county of Albany in the province of New York between Ticonderoga and Crownpoint," by grants given by the King "("in pursuance of Our Royal Proclamation of the Seventh Day of October, in the Third Year of Our Reign,) at Our Fort, in Our City of New York," Aug. 7, 1764. These old parch- ment letters ^patent of " George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Brittain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c.," fiom which the following facts are mainly token, are interesting relics — browned, blackened and mouldy with moisture, ink and time, and bear- ing pendent from their greasy borders the great wax seal of the province of New York stamped with the arms of Great Brittain and figures of Aborigones kneeling to the King with furs and game, the whole as sizeable as a common turnip or a watchmaker's sign. " x\ll mines of Gold and Silver, and also all White or other Sort of Pine Trees fit for Masts of the Growth of Twenty-four Inches Diameter and upwards, at Twelve Inches from the Earth," were reserved unto the King and his successors forever. The grants were to be held for ten years "in free and common Socage, exempt from all Quit Rent, and after the expi- ration of the said Ten Years, then Yielding, Rendering and Paying therefor yearly, for every year thereafter, unto Us, our Heirs and Suc- cessors, at our Custom House in Our City of New York, unto Our or their Collector, or ^Receiver General there for the Time being, on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commonly iiiJ WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. •called Lady Day, the yearly Rent of Two Shillings and Six-pence, Sterling, for each and every hundred Acres' of the above granted Lands." To " settle as many Families on the Tract of Land as shall amount to one Family for every Thousand Acres thereof ;" " to plant and effectually cultivate at the least Three Acres for every Fifty Acres of such of the hereby granted Lands as are capable of Cultivation," both improvements to be made " within Three Years" from the date of the grant ; to abstain from injuring any of the reserved pine-trees with- out royal license ; to register the grant at the Secretary's office and docquet the same at the Auditor's office in New York, were conditions *' provided always^," which, if unpreformed, annulled the grant. A line circling the Fort at a distance of fifteen hundred yards from its bastions embraced the military reservation for the fortress, and is the general starting point in the old deeds, at its intersections with the creek and lake, for all the boundaries of the neighboring grants. The land of Lt. John Stoughion, as appears from the old maps of the grant, lay in the general form of a trapezium bounded by straight lines, of which the four corners may be roughly stated as the old block- house on Mt. Defiance, the White Hocks near Gr. Wicker's, John Stone's toward lioger's iiock, and Bugby's point, across the lake. It lay thus wedged between the mountains, the butt north, and extending from the lower village to Lake lioricon on both sides of the creek, without inclu- ding, however, according to Gren. Schuyler's claim above mentioned, the land under it. The sudden death of Lt. Stoughton by drowning in Lake Horicon, left this property to "Mrs. Stoughton and child," as appears by Samuel Deall's letters, without any will and in considerable legal confusion. By purchase from the hands of this child, after she had become the wife of Crov. Wolcott of Connecticut, the title of the Rt. Hon Edward Ellice, the present owner of the larger part of the land, was procured. Of the legitimacy and consequent heirship of this child grave doubts have been entertained and no satisfactory proof, it is believed, as yet brought to view. Whether or not " Mrs, Stough- ton " was the wife or mistress of the British Lieutenant, and the child born under marriage or not, are questions upon which the validity of the title now held over the most important lands of Tieondftroga, de- pends. Nothing positive either way has been established a.<< yet by tho researches of the writer, except the important position of aflJ'airs above stated, which he brings thus clearly to view in the hope that others, wherever situated, having information and better opportunities of in- quiry, will aid in deciding a question so vital to the interests of the town, with honesty and justice to all concerned. The grant to Roger Kellet, bearing date of Aug. 7, 1764, is thus bounded: " On the west side of the River or Waters which empty out of Lake George into Lake Champlaiu, Begiiraing at the North West Corner of a Tract of Land lately granted to Lieutenant John Stoughton, and runs thence North nine degrees forty-five minutes East, one hundred and twenty-five Chains ; then north seventy-seven dcg. thirty minutes East, two hundred and thirty-seven Chains to the aforesaid River or Waters. Then up the stream thereof as its runs to the North East corner of the Tract lately returned for Lieu- tenant John Kennedy ; then along the line of his Tract, Nqrth eighty degrees West, one hundred and forty Chaias, and South nine degrees WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. 23 and forty-five minutes West one hundred and fifty-four Chains to tlie North side of the aforesaid lliver or Waters ; then up along the said North side of the aforementioned River or AVaters as they run to the above mentioned tract granted to Lieutenant John Stoughton ; And then, along his line, North fifty-three degrees and forty Minutes West, seventy-one Chains to the place where this Tract began ; Except as much of the said lands as shall be sufficient for a Public Road, of the Breadth of Sis Rods, to be laid out through this and other Tracts, in the most convenient manner, from the Landing Place at the North. End of Lake George, to the Fon at Crown Point." The tract granted to John Kennedy extended from the lower falls along the north side of the creek to the fort grounds, thence across to Lake Champlain and down along its shore, from which his north line took in a broad flank of the plateau of the north part of the town in its course to the mountains. At his death this property came into the hands of " Henry Kennedy, Surgeon, the oldest brother of John Ken- nedy, gentlemen diseased," who sold it Sep. 26, 1765, for 150 pounds sterlina: to Abraham P. Lott and Peter Theobaldus Curtenius, '^ mer- chants of the City of New York," who sold the same to Samuel Deall, " merchant," &c., Dec. 10, 1767, for ISO pounds lawful money. Such were the ancient landmarks of the early grants, of which the lands yet retain the names and other reminiscences, though now broken up by leasing, sales, and improvements into hundreds of minor possessions. Sect- X.— S. Deall and his Letters, 1776. Samuel Deall, then, a wealthy merchant in New York City, purch- ased, as early as 1767, a tract of five thousand acres between Horicon and Champlain. Possessed of enlarged views, remarkable energy, foresight, business capacity, active benevolence and means equal to his desires, this English gentleman entered into the improvement of hiti possessions with a zeal, whole-heartedness, sagacity and enthusiasm to do good, which-deserve to be brought to the knowledge, and to entitle him to the admiration and imitation, of every citizen of this town, county an«l surroundings of which he so prominently promoted the early developement and well-being. He was the father of trade, manu- factures, and agriculture in Ticonderoga. To William Gilliland, also a merchant of New York City, whose settlement in 1765 at the mouth «f the Roquet so largely influenced the affairs of Clinton and Essex Counties, due and most careful remembrance by other writers has been paid. It is but a matter of justice and we think it will be found one of general interest and value, that the efforts of Samuel Deall also should be carefully recorded, and the two merchants, so much alike in time of settlement, character, and kind of labor, be ranked together in the common honor of brother pioneers. Mrs. Ethelindo Deall, wife of the son of the proprietor above named, now living among us in her ninety-first year, and yet showing a clear, calm and happy mind, has allowed the writer access to family papers in her possession from which the following extracts from the letters of Mr Deall to Lt. John Stoughton, his partner in trade, and to several others in his"employ in Ticonderoga as early as 1767, arc copied. The curious revektions these extracts make of the carjy condition of busi- 24 WHAT TICONUEROGA DOES, ness affairs — the amount of Intoxicating Beverages sold — the difficulties of transportation to and the erection of mills in a new country then as compared with the present time — the mention of the boats on Lake George, the carrying place between the lakes, the early business of the Saw-mills, the condition of the country before the revolution, — especi- ally the revelations made by the extracts of the character above claimed for their author, and the fact that what he did and was is so little known, it being generally supposed and stated that Ticonderoga was settled after the Revolution — have induced the writer as a matter of justice, as as well as of general value and interest, to insert largely from these re- liable papers of local history. We charge the printer, as he venerates ihe olden times, to present the capital letters, punctuation and orthog- ^ raphy of that period found in the extracts, without fault in their an- cient dress, and we insert no italics as hardly a word is without inter- est. Eeginning some eight years before the Revolution, the narrative runs as follows : — JVew York, May 4th, 1767, To Mr. John Stoughton, at Ticonderoga Landing. We was glad to hear you was got safe to your Landing, we often Pittied Mrs. .S^toughton, and the young Lady. I shall first wright you Business and then JVews. I have agree.able to your desire, got, and shall ship on board an Albany -Sloop, about Wednesday next, the 7th, at your and my Risque, on Acct., 4 casks fine Jamaica Spirits, 2 Do Powder sugar, and 1 Do Molasses, and one box or cask which will contain Capt. Morris box and your clothes, the Fish hooks and a few seeds, all which I hope in God will come safe to you. * * * You had better send down your own team, as the Load will be heavy. * * pray send a careful Hand and not Trust, to them Dutch Waggoners, as it will be your Risque as much as mine. * * the Spirits is very fine and High, and you may add at least 6 gallons of W. to each of those Casks to bring them down to Common Rum. To the same. New York, Nov. 4th, 1767, I have not had time to answer to this day, [2 or 3 letters from you] was preven- ted by 2 London ships coming in with a large cargo for me, and since have been 12 Days on the grand Jewery-^the afternoon I was dismissed I got Rum taster and we Searched the Town for Spirits, which is very scarse and high from 5s to 4s 6d. I have taken 2 Hhds of the latter of G, W. Beekman for cash direct- ly. I dont, think it so high as the first I sent you, but it is very good and the best in York, we may not get so good as the first was, and at the Price this seven years again. * * * i am glad you have got all your cattle salfe home and that the sheep came to so good a market, hope the next will do the same. New York, Dec. 28th, 1767. To Mrs. Ruth Stoughton, do. do. Yesterday I reed, your Melancholy Acct, of Poor Mr, Stoughton'^ death [in lake George, where his boat and goods sunk.] You may depend on the Strictest Honor and .Justice, on my part in your unhappy .situation, and all the advice and assistance in my power for you and your dear child. * * * ]VJr_ Stough- ton and I am not only jointly concerned in the goods I have sent up as such but in the Purchase of some Lands also. * * j am surprised Mr. Stoughton never informed you of the agreement we made of being jointly concerned in the sale of the goods sent up by his order and the Risque of Loss or Damage on these goods coming up. * * i j,ad promised myself much pleasure of spending next sum- mer in your Neighborhood to build a Saw Mill. I have bought all the land be- tween the King's Saw Mill and the Port Land. I Beg the Shingles, the Boards and the Timber that is Cut for me, may be taken care of till I come, as likewise my Mare. New York, .Lany 9th, 1768. To Mrs.Ituth Stovghton, at the Carrying Place, at Ticonderoga Landing. I hope you do not think of leaving the Landing or Neglect your improvements I WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. 25 as T intend if please God to be up next Spi-ing to bcQ;iii bulldinir a Saw Mill and other improvements wliich will be to the advantage uf Loth yours and my Laud. I Lave the laud from the fort to the Mountain. New York, Dec. 23th, 1768. To Mr. John Jonei,, at Fort George. I hope your Team will be able to bring up all my goods that is now at Alba- ny, as I think your Man Abel is very Honest and careful. The Mill Stones is very heavy — they will require strength and Great Care in the Carriage of them, the best way to carry them safe will be to lay them on a good Bed of Hay or Straw on the Sled, otherwise they may Breaiie, and that will be a great Loss. New York, Dec. 29th, 1768.^ 2''o Capt. John F. Pntyn, at Albany. Ordering the Boat [afterwards called the Petty Anger, used on Lake George, and made the subject of many careful directions to his hands,] to be made. — Beg jf^ou'll have her made of the best Materials and Neat and make her with a Kudder to stear her w/th, instead of stearing with an Oar, let her have Seats in the Stem for Passengers to set on, and i Good Oars, tell the Builder to give her a Little Rise in the Head .and Stern, she will look the better for it and will keep out the Water better if it Blows hard. New York, Jany 16th, 1769. To Fox and Huntington, at the Saw Mills near Ticondcroga. I beg you will let me know on what Terms Mr. Fox you will take care of my Petty Anger and Battoe's on Lake George next summer, to live in the Block House at the landing and keep Tavern, and Mr. Huntington you to Assist at Building my Mills or anything Else I shall have occasion to Employ you about. * * * I think I ordered the shingles to be cut 2 feet long, 18 inches will be too short. I was in hopes I should have seen one or both of you at York with a load of Venison before this. Beg my compliments to Mrs. Fox and all Friends, &c. The enterprises thu.s begun were variously but steadily and entbusi- astically carried on. Fox it Huntico;ton cut timber during Tfinter of 1769 for him, Samuel Adams was to draw it in for the mills, James Spardiag with their assistance and that of Mr. Jones of Fort George were to '•'get the Petty Anger afloat and rig out her cordage and sails early in the next spring," in May of which Mr. Deall was to be at Ft. Greorge "with his team all complete for use ;" the Petty Anger was to traverse the lake "if any freight offers worth going over;" and, if Mr. Fox and family "found it more convenient," they were to move into "the Block house at the Landing to the two Rooms at the North End up Stairs till I come to fix it otherwise;" but in March, 1769, Mr Deall writes to John Jones of Ft. George : "I think I shall be obliged to defer my Mills for this Summer by what I can learn ol Mr. Mackin- tosh, he is very angry with Fox. [for a debt of ten pounds.] I dont think I shall be ablo to get up my Mill-Stones this Winter, would not have them up in a wagon by no means ;" also he sends "walnuts to be put into earth till spring, then to plant out, at the same time I sent Peach Stones &c. to Mr. Fox, should be glad if you could send him the "Walinuts and order him to dig the ground where Mr. Stoughton's Hay Rick stood and sow them all there as soon as he can," but now the whole territory is covered with walnut trees, whether from these or indigenous is a curious question. In reply to Mr. Jones' conmunii- cation about encroachments upon his laud, under date of March 30, 17fi:i, he speaks of his land and purposes thus definitely : — ■I am much obliged to youfor your kind inlormation. The Gentleman's Pow- •■■ is not so cxtcnaivc as hclmacrines. Be ai-sured he has no Power further tlian 26 WlIAl ilCUMjKUiJCA DOhH. fifteen liniKhod yards IVijin tl|0 Fort, !ind from that between tho two AVjiteis 1 have live Tliousand Acres of Land that no raau Living has any Rights to but myself. That other Gentleman knows it very well tho' lie deceives his Friends. 1 am sorry to be dissajjointed this Summer of Building my Mills but hope next to compleat them." Huntington was engaged to huild the saw and grist mill in August, 1769, "provided jou will engage to finish thera in the most wprkman- like manner, which is my full intent to have done." Mr. Deal) adds ; "I cant spare but one Acre of the Clear Meadow next to tlie Mill, to Pam up from the Mill Dam to the Road that crosses from the Clear Laud Down to the great Swamp that the Army made to go to the Breast PFork, and you may Clear and work as much of the Laud as you please between that lload aud the River." To John Spardiug, Oct. 26, I7G9, he writes : "You give me pleasure to hear you are going to clear some land for Wheat over the Bridge, as I hope Mr. Huntington will have tlic Mills ready to grind it. * I hope you and every one will do all they can to forward so useful an undertak- ing. I am in some Hopes I shall see you all next Summer and I hope in God I shall find you all friends and trying to serve each other." The sickness of Huntington delayed the completion of the saw mills until the winter of 1771, and of the gristmill till about the summer of 1772. At last the anxious care and energy of their projector was sat- isfied, but not long rewarded. Soon after, the Hevolution broke out, and, near its opening, Samuel Deall died at his post of duty in New York and his family returned to England during the Revolution, leaving their property in the wilds of Ticouderoga to the ravages of war and the di- lapidations of time., Samuel Deall was a violent loyalist, very firm and outspoken against the cause of the American Rebels; but to the aged man with bis fixed and cautious opinions and large property and other- wise noble course, this can be pardoned. If every man following him in Ticonderoga and these northern abodes had labored with his enthu- siasm, sagacity and unselfish devotion to the public good, what would have been our commercial, social and moral advancemnt now } Sect. XI .-The Old Eort from 1763 to 1776. Gradually, while the improvements described in Mr. Deall's letters were going on, the Old Fort at Ticonderoga, garrisoned by indolent red-coats, was getting out of war-like repair. A white heifer calf that roamed about the fort is mentioi),ed by Mr. Deall as a valuable purchase he had made lor one of his workmen. Letters accompanying boxes of ".spirits," and "sushong tea," sent to the order of commandants of Car- rillon and Crownpoint, are among the interesting revelations of the state ot society prevailing in the fort in those quiet days from 1763 to the ]{evolutiou. Mr. Francis Arthur, a relative of Jlr. Deall, who was hont while a young man to oversee his mills, often took dinner with (Japtain La Place, and glad were the two Englishmen to see each other. Though young Aithur held firmly to Temperance principles, it was nearly impossible to leave the fort without getting drunk : a man who could not stand spirits in tliose days was no man at all. The fat table of Captain La Place, who would seem to have been something of an epicure, contained at these dinners as a choice rarity, rattlesnake scup^ and for this dish twenty-five cents a piece were paid for the reptiles. It was daring these seven years, too, preceding the revolution, while Deali was building his millh and the taxation troubles brewing in the colonies, that the heroic men of tiiu (ireoi: Mountains were struggling for the possession of their homes against the proscriptions aud penalties fulmin- VTH AT TlroNnEROGA nOKS. 27 ated against tlietn by the Legislature of New York, whicb ctaiined jn- tisdiction to the top of the Green Jlountains. Ethan Allen, SetU Warner, Eemember Baker, and Pete Jones, often looked towards Ti- conderoo-a as the sore spot of support and refuge for the hirelings of York upon whom they so justly, merrily and unmercifully applied the hzeck seal, f rom fort Ticondoroga more frequently than from any oth- er place were sent out by New York, the executors of that infamous attempt to eject the settlers of the New Hampshire/ grants, which made them apply to our State the biting words of shameful history: — " Thus, spite of prayers, her schemes pursuing, She went on still to work our ruin ; Annul'd our charters of releasee, And tore our title deeds to pieces ; Then signed her warrants of ejection. And gallows raised to stretch our necks on ; And straightway sent, like dogs to bait us, MuNROE, vfithposse comitatus.'" It is well to mark how by these noble struggles, God was preparing the men of the Green Mountains for the greater yet kindred struggle "of the Revolution, and how were gathering slowly the clouds and the power of that seven years storm which was to beat so wildly about the grey fortress of Ticonderoga, ere the purified heavens should clear away into the air and sunshine of Independence and Peace. One morning Capt. La Place was served by Ethan Allen with something more pungent than his usual fare of spirits and rattle-snake soup. The great war began : and in its caiirse the mills of Samuel J^eall wove burnt by a battalion of Burgoyne's army, and the early beginnings of the peaceful arts around the Sounding Waters obliterated to give room for more startling inscriptions in the history of blood. Sect, XII.— Settlers after the Revolution. Pioneers are picked men. Physical endurance, unbending energy, practical foresight, courage and experience, must unite in the man who dares and delights to meet, and successfnlly convert to his own use, the wilds of a new country. Amoog the early settlers of this town after the Revolution nearly every one exhibits this character. The country, despite its historical prominence, was wild, rugged, and remote. "Ti ! why, that is out of the world!" said the inhabitants of our southern Coiicties; and excursionists from the opposite shores of Vermont, when asked of the extent of their travels, used to reply that "They had been all over creation, a?i^ a part of York State. ''^ Ah ! give us again the era of the axe and the sword, say some ; it was a time that called out man's energies and gave him power tliat our present life cannot inspire. Nay, we reply, though we speak of the pioneer days as sustaining and quickening to huro.an energy and worvh, we would still recognize as far nobler the struggle of the present era, the subduing of moral obstacles as greater than physical perils, and the call of Humanity for knowl- edge, and liberty, and elevation, in our day, as more inspiring and im- perative to the working energies of the responsible soul than aught that could appeal to the woodman or the soldier. But it is for the benefit of the present that we speak of the past : for the moral that we sketch the physical. There is yet pioneer work to be done in all knowledge and progress for the good of man, and cabins to build, and first crops to sow, and regions remote and rugged to subdue. 28 WHAT TICONDEROGA D0K3. John Kirhy, Judge Oliarlos Hay, Georsjc and Alexander Tremble, Uideon Shattuck, Abner Beldeu, Jud^e Kellog, and Samuel ('ook, are among the pioneers of Ticonderoga, who with George Clinton and John Jay, first governors of New York after the Revolution, cooperated in extending the settlement, improvement and social organization of the State. What was their character and ability ? JOHN KIRBY. Upon the points which jut into the lake to the north of Fort Ticon- deroga along the flank of theiplateau, are yet to be seen ruins of half a a score of houses, evidentl}' occupied soon after the revolution. A lit- tle low cape called Corn Point, because it was the only place where corn was raised in that early day, had washed up on its sandy beach not long since the skull abd other remains of what were supposed to be eai;- ly settlers buried where the intrusive waters of the lake disturbed them. Among these points, one known as Kirby's point, was the residence of John Kirby, before the revolution. His family were often left alone, in his services at Ft. George. Being sent from the head of Horicon to Saratoga, he violated his charge and come on towards his home, but was taken by the Indians and severely maltreated on his way. U.e was rescued by Capt. Fraser and sent into St. Johns, and Capt. Carleton came and took his family from the point in batteaus and sent them into Canada after the opening of the Revolution. Recovering a consider- able sum from the British Government as its subject for damages to his lands during the Revolution, the tory, as some have called him, re- turned to his location on Kirby's Point as early as 1792. He was probably the first settler of the plateau in the north part of the town, though Mr. IMunroe and Mr. Thompson located themselves further back soon after. Mr. Kirby conducted a large business, was justice of peace for thirty years, and as an officer and citizen, by his activity and ability, exercised a controling influence upon the town. JUDGE HAY. At the opening of the Revolution Judge Charles Hay, then a weal- thy merchant in Montreal, received oi'ders from the King, in common with other American residents, to take up arras against the colonists or to quit the country and leave his property to confiscation. An ofi"er of any commission he might choose was made him by the British of- ficials, and in addition to these powerful inducements, his wife said, "Go, take up arms and save your home and property and life perhaps, — you can sjioot over their heads or the other way if brought to battle.'' ''I make no false pretensions," was the patriotic reply, — "the cause of the colonists is just, and I shall not prove false to it, though I lose all." And this noble ro?olution stood through severest trials. Letters of the wealthy merchant to his brother Udney Hay, afterwards a Colonel in the stafi' of General St. Clair, for which theivish sentinels had been lying in wait, being at last intercepted, testimony was thence adduced by v>'hich his property was confiscated, and he himself cast into prison for three years, eighteen months of which he passed in close confine- ment. The penalty of his patriotism having at last expired, he was allowed to go free to an unsafe and impoverished home, but, refusing tbe injustice, he began a suit before the King'.s Bench for false impris- onment. His wife, who had seen the streets of Montreal strewn with ^Y^AT ricoxDEROGA Dor.s. 29 the broken boxes, provisions, and household goods of their confiscated property, was obliged to cross the ocean three times to give testimony before a court, which finally allowed barely damages enough to cover her expenses. Leaving Canada about the close of the Revolution, and tiiereby setting the seal to the loss of his property. Judge Hay spent three years at Poughkeepsie,%nd then removed to Fort George, at the head of lake Horicon. A Mr. Nesbit, during his residence of two years at this place, kept store for him in the Old King's Store near the present steamboat landing from Champlain at Ticonderoga. Having sent forward to Nesbit, cattle, implements, and grain to start a farm, with a large cargo of merchandise for the store, that infamous trades- man and employee, who, we are happy io say, if he was prebably the first, was not a model or a prophecy of those to follow in his line of bus- iness, sold the whole, and availing himself of the proceeds, crossed the thirty rods of water which separated him from the Vermont shore, where he enjoyed his robbery in defiance of the law. The Old King's Store thus left empty, was next occupied by Judge Hay himself and family. He was a Scotchnjan by birth, had been lib- ertdly educated for the ministry, and was descended from the old Scotch, as was also his wife from the old English, nobility. A fellow country- man of the Hays, of a neighboring town, relates a curious incident ex- plaining the origin of the name, — that a worthy ancestor of the family in a certain skirmish arising out of the troubles between England and Scotland, having at hand no better weapon than a hickory club, leaped with this among the enemy and belaboured them about the ears, crying as the blows fell vengefuUy, "hey ! hey ! hey !" — whereupon the King, riding up, knighted him under that syllable for a name, siucc written Hay. Of such origin, of such education, experience, patriotism and ability, was the first prominent settler of Ticonderoga after the Revolution. — Charles Hay was made Judge immediately after his arrival, and, as he held that honorable and influential position until his death, is better known as Judge Hay than by any other appellation. He opened a ho- tel in the Old King's Store, where travelers from Vermont on hunting aad fishing excursions to the Silver Water, or on the ice from White- hall, getting in late at midnight sometimes, with chance passengers up and down the lake, wore aecommodared. Bowls of merry punch, and grog for merry Campfields, are among the less pleasant reminiscences of this tavern. It was at Judge Hay's house that the elections of the town of Crownpoint, then embracing Ticonderoga, Moriah, W'estport, Elizabethtown, Sohroon, Minerva, Newcomb, North Hudson and a part of Keene, were held. The first town meeting of Crownpoint was held in Decen^ber, 17SS. The town business, also preaching and public meetings, were held here. These facts point to Judge Hay as one of the most prominent and influential citizens of the extensive town of which he was the earliest settler. The old King's Store stood until a few years ago, so low roofed as to almost touch the ground on the upper side, and but one story high on the lower side, where boats come up to a stoop built to receive pro- vision. It was laid out in largo apartments, and in every way an eulo- gy upon the mortar and skill of the French builders, who erected it in 1755 with Fort Carrillon. 30 WITAT TlrONDEnOHA DOE":. CEOKGE AND ALEXA^'DEFl TREMBLE. Through a location made by General Schu3'ler, George Trerahle ob- tained possession of the site of the mills of Samuel Deall, at the north side of the lower falls, and had a grist-mill and saw-raill there as early as 1792. He was the first to establish business at the Lower Village after the revolution ; bought a^l the wheat that the vicinity offered for sale ; sent flour to market, and lumber north and south •, acquired con- f^iderable property ; was justice of the peace several years, and show- ed himself a man of ability, energy and influence. George Tremble lived in a respectable frame-house, opposite the present location of the old red grist-mill on the south side of the lower falls. By an act of the JiCgislature the possession of the mills, which he claimed -ander the location of General Schuyler, was eventually restored to the heirs ol Samuel Deall. After the death of George, by lingering consumption, Lis brother Alexander went to law about the property. It is said that strong drink and litigation almost ruined Alexander fiuancially and physically, so that, barely escaping jail, he died indigent, about ISIS. "Tremble Mountain" at the south of the town, and "Tremble Mead- ow'' near the fort, preserve the names of the brothers, and our neigh- boring town, Crowupoint, numbers their descendants among its most prosperous farmers and worthy citizens, ■H'DGEKELLOG. Isaac Kellog lived on the east shore of the Rapids at the outl.^t of Horicon. He was a man ol large experience, education and ability ; had great iuflnence iu his town, and represented his district for several 3'ears iu the State Legislature. ^Mlen a boy he had been taken from ^\'illiam3town, Mass., by the Indians, and used to say he owed many of his habits, especially his worst ones, to the years spent in their society. He is remembered as the most able man among the early settlers. A friend describes him as looking much like Geo. Washington, and that his prudence and-ability were such that he had great influence with the Governor and Legislature. He was no orator, but a man of superior intellect, information and energy. Though his family were accustomed to pass the winter in Albany, they seem to have been free at home alike from the luxuries and effeminacy of fashion. Mrs. Ethelinde Deall says that the last time she visited Mrs. Kellog their house was so poor that blankets were hung up to keep out the cold. Yet this wo- man was the one who tied an Indian to her bed-post with bark rope for his insolence, and left him there all night to be jeered at by his compan- ions, and who was noted for a heart and a hand ever open to the poor of the neighborhood. GIDEON SHATTUCK. In 1793, this man of the rifle and fish-hook, came in across the Eap- ids around Roger's Rock through Cook's bay into the south end of Trout Brook valley, n6w called Toughertown. "How do you get along.-" said friends in Vermont to the early settlers of this rocky locality.- — "Well, pretty hard times— but I'll tougk it yet^''^ was the reply, and this answer was given so often and uniformly that the place was laugh- ingly named Toiighcrtoion. Roaming among the wild mountain scene- ry, and swarming in the neighboring Silver Water, the game of the n-oods and lake, attracted the first as it does the latest dwellers in this WHAT TUONULROGA UOES, HI spot. I'liclo Gidcou U'^ed to yay tliat he had seen the time when he could sink a canoe in six hours fishing in Lake Horicon, and his skill- ful, remunerative, and almost constant piscatory labors usually wound up for the day by the arrival of one of the boys with a horse and cart to drag home the fat and scaly proceeds. ELLSHA BELDEN, "Was a near neigh'bor of Mr. Shattuck's, closely following him in time of Settlement, tastes and occupations. Provision was so plenty around the waters of Horicon in those days that a deer shot down in the clear pine woods a mile from home, where no rocks or underbrush made travel troublesome, was not thought worth bringing home. If a hunter went as far then for a deer as we do now to find a squirrel, it was thought a great distance. Father Elisha was famous for hunting rattle-snakes, which he sent from the Rattle-snake's den near Roger's Rock, as curiosities to various parts. The stories of his captures of that reptile with a crotchod stick, and of his peculiar power over them, are no less wonderful than well authenticated. In one of his trips to the den, on a sabbath afternoon, he was badly bitten, but he. said "it ■was because the varmints did not know him, as he was dressed up and had on white stockings — they thought he was Judge Kellog." At last going out one day alone, to fill a basket with this dangerous game, tho old man did not return. AVhen found he was sitting upon the rocks, leaning back, frightfully swollen and blackened with poison — dead. — A snake, cut to pieces with his jack-knife, lay by his side, with frag- ments of the fiesh, thought to be a remedy for the poison, which he had applied to the bite beneath his arm, to which, it is supposed, the chafing of his side against the cover of the basket, as he carried it had let out the heads of the reptiles. It was said, as before, that a change of clothes he had lately made put it beyond the wisdom of the rattle- snakes to recognize him, and hence his power over them was lost, but a better explanation was a half empty whiskey-bottle found near the spot, whose contents had so fatally palsied the truly remarkable courage and skill of the old hunter. SAMUEL COOK, From New Milford, Ct., made tho first clearing by the 'cold spring'' north of the creek towards the gallows gate, back of the Lower Village, and settled there in 1796. He introduced many important improi^e- ments in agriculture and Live Stock, and was well known as having the largest number of cattle and horses of the vicinity at that time, and for his zeal and extended efforts for the good of the town in that direc- tion. Friend's Point, upon Lake Horicon, just over the southern bor- ders of the toWn, to which he afterwards removed, was covered with conflicting titles. Of a Mr. Lester and his wife, who had built a tem- porary hut there, Samuel Cook purchased his title. Sometime after, the brothers of Mr. Lester, who had removed west, come from the city of New York to claim the Point as legal heirs, but found Samuel Cook, as tho story goes, in the door of his house, with a cocked musket, and ^-worn to defend against the first interloper all his improvements, of which they ineffectually attempted by law to get possession. Sam. Cook is described as a stirring, active man, distinguished for any amount of per- severance, practical judgment, energy, and ability to plan. Under the 32 WHAT TICONDKROGA DOES* s influence of liquor, mth regard to which at times be most uuliappily followed the fashions of the day, he was pugnacious, and prodigal of money, but when sober those who knew hi'.n say that he was always called a man of excellent heart, information and judgment, and that many came to him for advice. Sect. XIII.-Good Old Times- Industrial effort, more than anything else, has changed its aspects since pioneer times. For want of markots it was narrow, circumscribed to its own wants, and full of barter then ; now, by the opening of canals .and railroads, it is broad, special, and is paid in cash. Most of the pioneers of this town obtained their land by squatting. — ■ Then they built a rude dwelling ; made a little clearing ; did little but hunt and fish ; kept perhaps one poor cow, a few hogs and a dog ; had a little strip of moadow ; kept cattle in the wood on browse during the winter ; raised a little corn in the garden and a few potatoes ; brought their provisions from Vermont mostly ; and finished their farming by planting a few apple trees, to grow when they were gone. A few of our first s'ettlers, as we have seen, had larger bbjects in view than gam"fe for their rifles : but in most families, especially the humblest, this was the first aspect of industrial effort. They could not sell for want of market, and hence they could not buy. They were therefore obliged to supply all their wants themselves : the man who did "everything with- in himself," was considered the best manager. Those, therefore, were pioneer days when ox-yokes were made in the long evenings by the blazing fire-place. Then and there, too, men scraped their own axe-helves ; and bent their own ox-bows; and smooth- ed their own whip-stocks ; and braided their own whip-lashes ; and put handles to their own jack-knives ; and peeled their own brooms out of white birch or sweet walnut, or braided them of hemlock ; and shaved their own barrel staves ; and hooped their own beer-casks ; and sewed up their own harnesses; and shaped their own horse-shoes; and run their own bullets; and tapped their own boots; and swingled their own flax ; and hollowed their^own wooden dishes ; and ironed their own ox- carts : and mended their own bob-sleds. And, as the meO worked, the crackle of the big fore sticks and back sticks mingled with the hum of the little linen-wheel, or the large spinning-wheel, or with the rattle of shuttle and treadles, for there, too, before the fire, the women picked their own wool, and carded their own rolls, and spun their own yarn, and drove their own looms, and made their own cloth, and cut their own garments, and did their own making and mending entire, (and made then not half so much fuj^s and ado about it as modern ladies make who have simply to bu7 the cloth and see it put together,) and dipped their own candles, and tried their own soap, and bottomed their own chairs and braided their own baskets, and wove their own carpets, and quilted their own coverlids, and picked their own geese feathers, and milked their own cows, and tended their own calves and pig-pens, and went a visiting on their own feet, or rode to meeting or wedding on ox-sleds with a bundle of straw for a seat, and at their backs two hickory stakes and a log chain. Lihor was exchanged upon the same principle. There were logging bees, and husking bees, and paring bees, and raisings and quiltings. ■WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES, 33 So strong was the sense and necessity of this mutual dependence that some who would refuse to pay a note of hand did not dare to stay back from a logging bee or a raising. All hands, with teams and hand- spikes, turned out cheerily, and not a small attaaction at their otherwise unexceptionable gatherings, most unhappily, was riim. Even for ladies at quiltings, we are told, rum was provided at times, or wine, or hot sling. To 'Bring on the bottle' was an essential part of hospitality and manliness. And now and then, fiery spirits, men used to muscu- lar effort and the open air, got ablaze, and a free fight enlivened the smoking fallow or made the timbers of the raising echo laughter. In- terchange took place everywhere. The pastor, when tbey had any, was paid by donation parties, and the school master boarded round. The qualifications for marriage in young girls were neither education nor dress nor wealth particularly, but to be strong and steady and to know how to do housework and get a living. The wheel and the axe, the loom and the plow, were joined at marriage. "They used to have large families then, fifteen' or twenty," we are told : "they dont have children now." And by and by, after friendly interchange of labor had helped raise the house, clear the land, and secure a livelihood, when death come, the neighbor was borne to his last home, not in a hired hearse, but upon the shoulders of strong armed friends, somewhat lacking cul- ture, it may be, but not heart or mind. Limited productions, the want of a full monied demand, and the ab- sence of highways of commercial interchange, were the essential causes of this state of Industrial effort. The laborer was not then as he is now brought into connection with the whole world ; open channels of inter- course did not necessitate his study of foreign or distant markets, and a general knowledge of commercial matters such as the man must now have who strives successfully against competition ; but, it must be ad- mitted, that their system was nevertheless wisely adapted to the con- dition of the country, and no less marked by sagacity than by heroic man- liness, and the most noble neighborly love. . ^Ve make our picture of this era fuller than we should and place it higher in the Home Sketch- es, were it not passed away, and did we not believe that age would be blessed and youth profited by the memory of the worthy traits, well- belovedj of the good old times. Sect. XIV.— "Want, Work, and Wolves. We have a rich treat for any reader in the following narrative. It presents more points of interest, and gives a completer view of pioneer life, than any reminiscences of the old times we have lately read or heard. It is from the grand-mother of one of our most highly respect- ed families, Mrs. Adolphus Sheldon. It begins when she was a girl, and follows her through marriage to a hard-working life. Want, work, wolves, woods, bears, deer, energy, and love, enter into the simple story. Sitting by her side with our note-paper we will imitate her yet clear, vivacious and energetic style of conversation, as nearly as possi- ble : — '•I am now 74 years old. I was 13 -when I came. This then was in T7y7. — We came tkrough fromtlie head of lake George on an awful cold day on tho ico. No stage, or mail, or hardly any travel, so we had no track. Mother wan sick that day and lying in tho Ijottom of the sleigh come once or twice near fainting. We thought for our eouls we never should get through where we could get wu- 34 WHAT ticoxderoga does. tor for mother. We did start to bring a little spirits in the morning bnt for^jot it. On neither side of the lake -was there any settlement except at Sabbath day jjoint. There botli sides and whole length of the lake the great pines stood, all around on the iiioiintains, one unbroken wilderness. Not an axe had been heard there then or hardly a gun to scare the deer — Well, we got in at the Upper Falls, where there were only 2 houses, Capt. Bailey's and Mr. Cole's. We lived in a Kinall wood house just above the Rapids two weeks and then went to the Thorn- ton place, just south of the Lower Village, where we lived six years. We had heard that Ti. was a Paradise, that we should hnd pigs and fowls ready cooked running about with knives and forks stuck in their backs, crying, '•Eat uk!" But when we got there it was all bushes. ■ In the new roads the stubs stuck up as thick as your fingers, and down you would go at every careless step. The land was densely timbered. We had one cow and a yoke of cattle. I'll tell you the way we built our lirst cabin. Father took 14 feet boards and withed them up to four staddles that stood just right and covered them ovec^ hovel fash- ion. "\ye moved in. On the loth of April come snow breast deep and there we were,. It was a terrible storm, — you could walk over the fences, and we gath- ered sap on snow shoes. We all went to cutting logs and when we got four walls locked together, half a roof and the chamber floor, we moved in. When we want- ed groceries we had to cross the lake to J. Catlin's for them, but oftener went without them. I remember going once to a mill and dusting up flour from be- hind the bolt that had M'orms in it, picking them out, and so making broad. We had brown bread, and wheat cracked in milk. Laud alive ! when we wanted flsh, all we had to do was to run down to the brook— there were schools as big as a washtub. Father drew out 18 great trout one morning, I remember, in a- bout three minutes. Wo had provision left back on the way at Hoosack Falls, but we could not get it. Finally father gave a man half of it for going with his team for it. Father had to work over the lake in Vermont to get hay for his critters. — Mother and I when he was gone used to take the axe and bush hook and go out to our clearing at the back of the barn and work all day. We used to cut out all the underbrush and staddles, and pile them up. I tell you sir, as slick as bean poles ; and then, when he came home, he cut the big timber. Once we logged there three days on a black fallow — father, and mother and I — and had not a piece of bread to eat as big as your Angers, but only fat pork. La, me ! / could not eat it, but just took my fish hook and line and ran do\rn to the brook for fish. No sheep. Land ! you could have no sheep, the wolves would tear you right down. You could hear them away off in the night— one would howl, then an- ■ other would answer — howl, howl — then another, way off, howl, howl, howl. — till they got up such a roar that it would almost tear you down. One day I and my brother were standing ou the bridge and three wolves came along the road close to us. AVe thought they were three grey dogs till they got near, and then Ave scampered, I tell you. Oh ! they were awful thick and dangerous. We never had any sheep. You could not keep any. The animals we feared most were bears, wolves, catamounts, and rattlesnakes. Deer were thick as sheep are now. Shot one from the house door once. Gracious ! we did'nt have any calico. Calico was worth a dollar a yard ! I took flax and spun it, colored it with copperas and made a dress that lasted 10 years, and I went to balls in it. Little cloth enough in ladies' dresses in those days. Two breadths, one in front and one behind, with a couple of chinks to widen out the sides, were all that we could aflbrd, and then ihey were only just a little puckered up behind. Calico short gowns some had. We had to card and spin our own cotton, you understand, buying it in bales at 25 cts. a pound. — Land alive ! the first calico dress I had cost me $7,00, the next $5,00— cala- miiik, they called it. I had a red broadcloth cloak thatcost$21. Fur bats tied under the chin were used for dress bonnets. Girls used to wear handkerchiefs tied over tlieir heads in turbans witli a bow to dance in. Father made his own shoes. 1 made my own with cloth and old felt hat for soles. Went barefoot in summer. 1 was married in velvet shoes that father made. T must tell you abuut my marriage. You see Squire Perrego married us and he was a Squire and a Doctor. So lots of folks came down, having been invi- t.'d. Wc had a stew pio made for them in a three pail iron kettle, all nice, and it was a good one (oo, but i: would be an awful thing now-a-days to boil in a big kf itlc over a fu'c place. ■VV!IAT XrCONDEROGA DOES. 35 After we were married we moved across the valley westward to' tlie Sheldon place where we had to tough it. I had touglied it at fathers and now 1 hud to tough it here. Only half an acre was cleared. There we lived live years with- out a stove or fireplace. We absolutely had no chimney. We burned wood right against the logs of the cabin and when they got afire we put it out. AVe used to draw logs right into the house, great backsticks and foresticks. Sap from the maple trees was so plenty that we could hear it in the night, drip. drip, drip, till morning. Deer used to come and stand riglit across the run where I used to get water, and once one knocked down the door to my oven not two rods from the house. bu,t he didn't get the pie crust. Now come a trouble upon us. My husband had just got a grand ftvllow burn- ed as black as a coal, had worked out and paid for seed wheat, been to get it, and coming home, in getting over a log, fell and almost cut his hand in two on his sickle. He come home after I was a-bed groaning: "I've cut me to death.'' And he did come near bleeding to death. It absolutely bled a small pail full and run out at the door though I did every thing to stop it. I halloed, and yell- ed to make distant neighbors hear, and could hear nothing but George Cook's shee^ bleat and the patter of rain on the leaves. It rained dreadfully that night. At last a woman that lived on the mountain' above us came, but she could do nothing. I resolved to make a dc.?i)erate attempt, for we believed that my hus- band would die. So I seized a great fire-brand and ran. I had no shoes or stock- ings, but I swung my fire-brand ahead and to each side to scai'e the wolves as I ran along the edge of the mountaila and crossed the valley to my father's place. Only a few days before my husband had come along the path with a leg of mut- ton. He set it down on tlie leaves a minute, and the next day around that place half an acre of leaves was torn up by the wolves. When I had crossed the brook I heard something splash in the water behind me. The rain roared so I could not hear for sure, but 1 thought it might bo something and looked back, but could see nothing. I tell you the grass did not grow under my feet that trip. It was not bears, or rattle snakes this time, but wolves, wolves ! I was afi'aid of ihe wolves. I came back, after rousing my folks, Avith a candle. I heard Mrs. Ward- well from my house, crying out, Murder ! Murder! I cried back, and my folk^? thought it was to them, and so they cried to me, and the doctor a little beyond Avith my brother to them. I to her, they to me, and my Ijrother and the doctor to them, and so it kept up a stream of halooes and yells through woods. It was a wild time, but I only thought of my husband. He was 3 weeks getting well. I did every thing. I used to harness up my horse,,.go to the woods, get my staddles, draw them in, and cut them up for wood. Three months I worked so. for he was obliged to go off to work. Our fallow was now ripening a nice crop of wheat. Said I to him. "That wheat roust be cut." "I cant do it ; I must work in my place," said my husband. — "Then I guess I shall reap it to day, myself I" So I set to Avork with my sickle alone. I remember I had reaped through twice, raked, bound, and set up my grain, and was coming through the third time, when I found a place where the sprouts stuck up thick in the grain. I put my sickle round them and was draw- ing it in, when — out run a great black rattle snake from the other side ! I got me a club and killed him, and tried his fat. He had no gall, for he had been eating mice. I put his body across a stump and nine days after his head was cut off, when I went there and pi-es.sed a sharp stick into him, the flesh Avould gquirra. % We took 14 sheep, but one night we could not find them to yard, and that same night the wolves killed all but one. One dead carcass we found in the crotch of a tree a good way from the ground. I umst tell you about one or two tussles we had M'ith bears. There was ono- that come into our cornfield and used to tear it down like a dozen hogs. My husband tried every way. and at last set a gun for her, just before dark. "Now, old woman," said he, "when that gun goes off you must go A\ith me and I will find the bear." "What can I doj" said I, "Oh. you can carry a fire brand, if nothing more." Just as we Avere getting into bed, bang Avent the old gun. — "Here aa'c are," said I. He seized a big brand and I folloAved him out into the clearing. "Give the brand to me." said I. "Just as avcU." said he, "I'll go for- ward and find the old critter."' "Take care," I warned him, "if she i.s Avounded, old man, she Avill make shoe strings of your hide." "No," he Avonld not hear to the old Avoman. He had not gone far when he tumbled right OA-er the bear I He hopped up, I guess near Iavo feet at tbc bear's growl, and cried~ii bhorL 36 WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. ^ quick cry— "0 God !'' Bear weighed 200 lbs : we tried the fat ; the meat cut like pork, but I could not bear to cat it. iVuothcr bear was so cunaiug that when we set a. gun for her she would take it out of its place, as w6 knew because it was never fired and by finding the prints of her teeth on the stock. Then they watched for lier. Says my husband to Ben Sevens, "About dark she will be coming down the ledges and we'll get in the brush and let her have." So they did, but she run when wounded, and they ai'ter her lickety swingle up the ledge. She turned and cuffed, they clubbed and ^jacked up till my old man backed against a tree. Little dog jelped and nipped so behind that she turned round or she might have killed him. One more good v.ipe of the hickory club and she was down. They found seven balls in that bear's head. When I wanted a broom I went out and cut a hickory club, dried and peeled it. A fan kept us three months. Berries were thick. I remember going out to pick berries when my oldest son weighed 23 pounds. I laid him down among the bushes after mu-sing and picked two pailfuls. Then I picked another pailful in my great apron, and took the three pailfuls and my babe and carried them to the house. Next day I carried these over the lake to Vermont on horseback and brought back j^heese, pork and flom-. That was the way we got our groceries. I have given you a true account of how we used to live and what adventures we met with. It don't seem scarcely possi))le now that the woods are cleai'ed oft", that such wolf-howling and kind of work ever were in these valleys. When I had nothing to do I helped my husb^d. I did not care what I wore, had. or did—any thing to help him. I worked there and was black as a nigger_ We lived, you might say, on worii and love." Nothing need be added. This compact and graphic delineation of hardships and perilous labors, ought not merely to interest but to in- struct those of the present generation. It might be well to mention that two brothers of that boy that was cradled among the berry bushes, afterwards resolved to get an education. ' As they were too busy to study in the day time they studied at night. As they had no candles they burned pitch pine. They prepared lessons by torches like those with which their mother had scared the wolves. They succeeded by most diligent labor, most stern determination, most rigid economy, and very remarkable ability. Both are liberally educated, and stand high as men of intellectual influence, one having long held the Professor- ship of Mathematics in the Free Academy of- New York. Any sketch of Ticonderoga would be incomplete without a mention of these self-* made men, I>. A. and D. Sheldon, who do not forget their own and their father's old home in Trout Brook Valley. Sect. XV— Pioneer School Teaching. Older towns in Vermont and beyond the Green Mountains furnished most of the early school teachers. Qualifioation.s were to teach reading and writing and to keep order. Arithmetic and grammar were rarely taught ; sewing and knitting were a part of school tasks, piecing calico and making fancy articles ; and now and then au enterprising teacher had a tea-party for his scholars , or an exhibition. Four months in sum- mer, three in winter, were usually allotted to education. The first school house of Ticonderoga seems to have stood on what is now called the Tobias place, south west from the 'bloody gallows gate,' where so many hundred of Abercrombia's men fell before the French lines. A Mr.Hethington is said to have been the first teacher. Judge Hay found him at Poughkepsie, put him in business, but he was dissipated ami so he juU him i;i school ! Among the urchins who swung their feet from the front benches, was a black girl from Samuel Deall's family, bat it is related that the children of ISOO would not sit on the same scat with her, and so she was taken home. The north part of the WHAT TICOXDErxOGA DOES. 37 town was early supplied with means of instruction, also tlic village and Toughertowa. We have noted down few educational reminiscences of this time more interesting and graphic than the following, which wo have from one now in her seventy-eighth year, whose young life was do- voted to gaining and giving instruction — Mrs. Deborah Cook. It was in 1S05; Mr. Rich, the old hunter, came over into Shoreham after her. "I had only an old lame horse," says she, "and was obliged to bring my things in a pillow bier, tied on behind. They all laughed at me, at my starting place, as I rode off, for Roming to such a place as Tougher- town. I was glad when I got out of sight. My gallant trustee left me to find my way alone down to Shoreham ferry. After we landed on York side I could no more give you a description of our ride than I could take you back to it in time — but — he went by the side of my horse and helped me along. It was nothing but mud and woods. A road bad been out out and worked some, to be sure, but such a road ! — old logs to tumble over, long limbs to rake you off the horse, dripping leaves, rocks, slough-holes, mire and mud, mud, mud, and my old lame horse scarce able to carry my pillow bier, half staggering with my weight. There was not much of anything at the Lower Village. At the Upper Village there was a little more, and out through Trout Brook valley, George Cook, Handy, and Rich had made .claims. Much heavy timber we rode under, beech and maple mostly, some pine on flats and hills ; no underbrush ; and a great many wind-falls. Went on by the School House to Rowley place, all woods there, and then on to Wilson Spen- cer's log-house and orchard, and there rested for the night, some people from Vermont, and boarded there that summer. We used to take a big red dog to protect the children going to school through the woods in the morning. My education was not very extensive ; I knew a little of grammar and geography, but taught them very little, nor did I have any scholar even in the winter school in arithmetic. To read, spell, and write was all they thought necessary. My wages were $1,25 a week, a great price in those days : no one hardly could get more than six or eight shillings. Parents come in often at my school, and once we had a party for the scholars with tea. Scholars always took their places in spelling. We always gave presents or some trifle on the last day of school. I had pieces learned and spoken by boys and girls, too, and now and then we had a regular exhibition. I remember borrowing sheets to hang up to trim a petty stage, and reading myself an address to the people at the close of the exhibition. It was only about four minutes long, giving them good advice of course ! and I read it for I had not confidence to gpeak it." Those who had the iier.ns and children who manifested talent, se- cured for them a better education. Sam. Deall, Jr., was sent from Ti- conderoga to England to study from his ninth to his sixteenth year, and his daughters wero aftcfward? sent to New York to school, and his feons to Middlebury and Bchcnectaily. SecL. XVI -Religious Eeminiscenees. Old men, with couuteuances showing age from the marks of time and of life-wisdom, but uiade youthful nevertheless by inward upright- ness and steady pietj, w'so we;;- in our town early, and whose lives have proved that upon tlo z^acal faith and works of a community de- 38 "WHAT TICONDEROGA DuE3 ■ponds its progress, bear important witness to the neglected but all-im- portant facts of our early religious history. "When we came here in .1800-9," they say, "there was no man to care for our souls. We came, most of us, from New England. We had been trained to love the Bible and to uphold the church and ministry which expound the Word of God as the law of life. Pious men were here, but they were few, separated, and without organization, leader, or instructor. Some of us used to cross the lake to IShoreham and other towns in Vermont to receive the instruction and consolation of religious esercises. Now and then a minister from Vermont preached for us at some neighbor's dwelling or in a school house. We bad traveling missionaries, too, at times, who come on horse-back or more often on foot, to explain the Book of Truth to the people. The absence of regular religious in- struction and worship was felt in the community by the greater preva- lence of a covetous spirit, Avant of refinement, unkindness between neighbors, litigation, drunkenness, and private immorality. Not that we were worse than other towns deprived of religious priviliges, for these evils arise everywhere where the Bible is not studied and obeyed. We had what were called "reading meetings," in which a deacon or some active member of the church led the exercises and read a printed sermon. Usually these were respectably attended and we remember seasons when much good was done to wavering brethren within, and to immortal souls without yet unresolved in duty. Some of the good men and women with whom we sung and prayed have gone down to the grave — and we are going after them — but we remember the precious times of old when we sat together, and the voice of praise, thanksgiv- ing or supplication, went up from the same seats out of all our hearts, even to those seats in Heaven where we hope to sit with them again, in the church triumphant ! Many without pastors lived holy lives and died in peace. It was between 1815 and 1S20 that we began to think of regular ministrations of God's Wotd and of building houses of wor- ship. Large meetings had been held before in large private houses, in barns, or in the open air." "I was converted," says one, "in yon- der barn on that rising hill at the foot of the mountain." "The first sermon I ever heard which caused me to resolve to do my duty," says another, "was heard as I stood in a stable and the minister preached from the barn-floor to people seated on slab-benches, blanketed and stayed up in the bay, stable, granary and lofts. I was baptized in n barn ; /in such a neighbor's house ; I where the willows bend over such a flowing stream ; and /through a square hole cut in the ice of Lake IToricon. We remember few families in this period who main- tained family worship ; few who thoroughly understood their Bibles or the practical duties of life ; for all were sheep without a shepherd. — And if we had preaching it was not always so instructive, so enlighten- ed, or so arousing, as homely, practical, and adapted to common minds. It led onward, perhaps, but not much wpirnrd. Our exhorters came, not from the seminary and the study, but from the plow, the axe, and from practical life ; whereas they ought to have come, not from one of "these means of preparation, but from all of them harmonized and com- b'tne^. Brief, energetic, unstudied, but powerful words were uttered then us now by practical men, illiterate, yet esruest and full of piety. WHAT TICONDEEOGA DOES.' 39 AVe blessetl God that tbough unlearned and ignorant of many things, we could yet know the path of duty, ol^ joy, and of eternal liCo. Wu bad little money to pay for the Gospel, but it wa.s borne to us without price upon the wings of human benevolence, and of providential eur- roundinga. Yet without actual organization and effort we had difficul- ty in maintaining our own strength and failed to exert much positive iu- fluence for the purification and elevation of society." Such is the account old men give us of the religious history of their first years in the century. It is sad and humble, true-hearted and full of simplicity. No upright heart can dwell upon it without interest. Sect XVII— -Town Eecorcls. Crownpoint and Willsboro', it will be remembered, in their original limits, embraced the whole county of Essex. Ticonderog^j Moriah, Westport, Elizabethtown, Schroon, Minerva, Newcomb, North Hud- son, and a part of Keene, were all included iu Crownpoint previous to JSOO, together with the present town of that name, making a territory of about nine hundred square miles. Ticonderoga was separated from Crownpoint in 1S02, and its first recorded Town meeting was in 1804. The record of cattle and sheep marks begins as early as 1794. We extract from the Town Records a few curious items on wolves, foxes, crows, black birds, school districts, roads and bridges, and sla- very. WolveSf 1805. "Voted, that Forty Dollars be rai.sed for the pur- pose of Destroying Wolves, and that five Dollars be paid to any Per- son that does actually Ketch and Kill a full grown W^olf within the' limits of this town, until the whole sum of 40 dollars be Expended."' Thirty dollars was raised, and expended in the same way, the next year. In 1808, twenty-five dollars was raised, of which two dollars and fifty cents should be paid for "each whelp killed." In 1812 the same bounty was offered for "each whelp that can walk alone." In 1814 the definition was made more specific still, embracing "each whelp which is not able to take care of itself, provided they have their tn/et open and can see.'''' This last foray against the innocent peepers must have swept the race, for after this we find no more votes about wolves. Foxes, 1811. "Voted, that eight dollars be raised for the purpose of destroying Foxes, and that tweniy-fiye cents be paid for killing each," &c. Croivs and BladMnls, 1811. "Voted, that ten dollars be raised for the purpose of destroying Crows and Blackbirds, three cents for each crow, and one cent for each black bird." School Districts. June 20, 1813, Samuel Biglow, Francis Arthur, and Levi Wilcox, Commissioners of Schools divided the town into six- school districts, "in conformity to the requisitions of the Act entitled Ad Act for the establishment of Common Schools, passed the 19th day of June, 1812." The Town Records are largely taken up, thereafter, with accounts of changes in the boundaries of these districts. Every year conferences were necessary, and diligent care required for the in- terests of education. Ail honor to these early School Commissioners. Roads and Bridges. From 1804 to 1820 the Records overflow with reports of coramissione-rs appointed to lay out roads. Few who travel 40 \VHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. thiak how much of care, <3iscussion and ability was required, to inter- sect a town properly with highways. Commorf roads are works of pub- lic importance. To lay out the roads and erect the bridges of a single town, with all the conflicting array of local interests, is by no means a Ibol's business. The Upper Falls bridge was rebuilt in 1807 and sixty dollars raised for that purpose. Bridges had existed at the Lower Falls from the earliest military possession of the territory. , Slavery. The only trace of this institution which tradition or pub- lic documents have afforded us relating to Ticonderoga, is the following record, made about the time abolii.ion was thoroughly begun by the laws of the State. "A record of the birth of a female black child. — This may certify that I, John Arthur, of the town of Ticonderoga, Essex Co., State of New York, have had a female black child born (the services of which I claim) by the name of Sylva, which child was born on the eleventh day of December, the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Given under my hand this eighth day of De- cember, 1815. John Arthur." 1827 put an end to Slavery and its claims in the State. Stray Cattle, ISOS. "Voted that the cow-yard of Kichard Handee be appi'opriated for the use of a Pound, and that he be pound-keepet." Several yards in different parts of the town were afterwards made pounds and their owners pound keepers, but the town does not appear to have ever had any regular enclosure for the purpose. Sn^cr visors. "We append a list of the Supervisors of the town from its organization to tho present time. Nothing, fixes the character of a town more than the efforts of its prominent men, and nothing shows the character of the people better than the names of those whom they held in sufficient esteem to make their officers. ]S04-8. Levi Thompson. 1S09. Manoah Miller. 1810-11. Peter Deall. 1812-14. Ebenezer Douglass. 1815. Levi Thompson. 1816. Ebenezer Douglass. 1817-20. "William Kirby. 1821. Francis Arthur. 1822-23. Isaac Kellog. 1824-26. Ebenezer Douglass. 1827-28. Joseph S. Weed. 1829. Almeron Smith. 1830. Joseph S. Weed. 1831. Almeron Smith. 1832-33. Joseph Weed. » 1834. Joseph S. Weed. 1835. Melancton W. Blin. 1836-37. John Smith. 1858. William 1838. Levi Thompson. 1839. John H. More. 1840. Levi Thompson. 1841. Henry B. Hay. 1842-43. Thomas J. Treadway. 1844. Palmer M. Baker. 1845. Geo. R. Andrews, 1846. George Grant. 1847. Joseph Weed. 1849. Cornelius Tan Veghten, and Johnathan Burnett. 1850. Francis Arthur. 1851. William E. Calkins. 1852. Levi Thompson. 1853-54. William E. Calkins. 1855. Moses T. Clough. 1856. Henry F. Hammond. 1S57. Benj. H. Baldwin. E. Calkins. Francis Arthur was town clerk from 1807 to 1820. Amotig the School Commissioners and Inspectors we often find the names of Wil- liam Calkins, Lucius C. Larrabee, Dr. John Smith, and Hon. Johna- than Burnett. It is a fault that town records are allowed to be so What ticondeeoca Tjoes. , 41 rncager. WLat an iatorosting series of docimiciit& if tlicy were mado to embrace, as they should, an anuual record of every public improve- ment and of every important event, in the industrial, educational, so- cial, and moral history of the town. Private papers, however, ledgers, and tbc keen memory cf experienced business men, are very good au- thorities, which we have for the following sections. Sect. XVIII.— Lumber Susiness. A delight to the lumberman was Ticonderoga with its surroundings, at the opening of the century. To commence with, the town itself was very heavily timbered ; and, in the nest place, it was iho outlet of a large lumber region. Thirty miles on both sides of Lake Horlcon stood in wilderness, and toward Schroon were lake Pharoab, Putts Creek, Pyramid Pond, Paradox Lake, Alder Brook, Alder Sleadow, Crane Pond, Long Pond and Brant Lake. From all these places tim- ber come to and through Ticonderoga. We -have g.iven the names, iu order according to the comparative amount of timber yielded by each locality. Lake Horicon standing first. Perhaps few places exist where so much lumber could be manufactured and brought to one point. It was an immense pine-timbered country, well supplied with .water-pow- er. Lumber lay on each side of the creek below the lower falls, for half a mile, as far back and as high as it could bo piled, just at the great commercial highway of Champlain. At the upper faJJs the wa- ter was filled with logs and tie land covered with timber, until the busy mills, running night and day, were almost shut out of sight by the fruits of their own labor. About 25 saw mills have existed in town, of which about 16 v/ere in operation during the most prosperous period of the lumber business. The work of about 40 saw mills canio through the town to find an outlet by the lake. The lumber trade of Ticonderoga began as early as 1S14 and kept on until 1820, when it received a great impulse by the openiDg of the Champlain Canal. From 1S.30 the business was very brisk up to 1840 and even to 1S44, since which time it has very much diminished. Its highest point of activity and profitableness was during the years of 1834-35 and 36. In each of these years an amount of lumbev was exported which is cficulated to have been equal, all kinds together, to 800,000 pieces of plank. Of this large business, perhaps two-thirds was under the efHcient con- trol of Mr. Joseph Weed. About 30 teams were employed in the summer, and at logging and all about 150 in the wiuter. Mr. Weed.gent out one year 340 boat loads of lumber (each then containing about 3000 "pieces) and one winter day had 150 loads drawn by his door. Some spruce and hemlock were obtained from lake Horicon, also an immense amount of four feet timber for lathes. Among others who were ex- tensively engaged in the lumber trade, were John Harris, William and Warner Cook, RussqU Bly, and Alonzo Moses. Busy, indeed, wore the winters then for man and beast. .Early up and off in the moruioij, late and tired in at night, large loads, a bufr'ct with cold snaps and drifts now and then, euough good cheer at shanty and log heap, and pretty rouud solid pjiy, made up the life of the luuu- bermau. Merchants had heavy bubinoss, but the credit system unhap - V ;!•; made it unsafe with mtmy JiUmbcring, while it (juii.-kencd other 42 WHAT TICOXDEROGA DOES. biane!ac3 of industry, was perhaps injurious to agriculture. Much Ij.ay was fed out in the woods, so that the farm that produced it received no jnauurc from the refuse. Stock at home could not- be well aftcudcJ to by the lumbermen in the wiutcr, and their own teams, jaded and worn, were hardly ready for the plow in the spring. Yet lumbering cleared up the wood?, opened commercial highways, set millions of money moving, and prepared the rural districts for the agricultural pe- riod, now in progress. Lumbering is over, for the most. Of plank, boards and joice Ticon- deroga now manufactures about 300,000 pieces a year, of which about half is pine und the rest hemlock, spruce, and hard-wood. This is mainly the work of three mills remaiuiug at the upper falls, the rest haviug been burnt in 1853. A second growth on some of the old grounds is advancing; but, for the present, the hay rack has superseded the lumber sleigh in Ticonderoga, binders are turned into hoe-handlcs and bush-hooks into sheep-shears. Sect. XlX.—Iron Business in Forge and Furnace- A forge was put in operation at the Upper falls by the father of Beers Tomblcbon as early as the year 1800, or before. Liberty Newton built a forge at the same water power about ISOL A third fire was kindled up soon after, so that forge* flames blazed in three places, one on the north bank of the fall, one in the place since occupied by Mr. Miller's a. New York, June 6, 1857. Mr. Geo. D. Clark : Dear Sir : — My agent, Mr. , says you have a- c,'rced to act as local agent in the neighborhood of Ticonderoga for the sale of my mowing machines, and I have accordingly ordered one to be sent you from M.& J. H. Buck & Co., of Lebanon, N. H., who are manufacturing a few for me this year. •By making an immediate and thorough canvass among the farmers and espec- ially by exhibiting my mower successfully at work, I have no doubt you will se- cure a sale to every farmer who needs a mower, and I hope to have very consid- erable orders from you. You will find my mower far superior to Ketchum's, drawing with i or at most f the power required for that or any other machine, and working perfectly in a,ny kind of grass. I hope you will give the machine an instant trial when re- ceived, and as soon as you get it to work perfectly call in all your friends to see it and, put all the other machines to be found to work by the side of it and let the farmers make up their minds which is the best. I would like to receive your orders early as I am quite sure of a deficiency to supply the demand, and I par- ticularly desire that there should be some in your county this year.* Very truly yours, R. L. ALLEN. Please reply soon. * This dale and that of 1847 in which the' full-blood Jarvis sheep were intro- duced, shows Ticonderoga to have been among the first towns of the county to begin the late remarkable improvements in stock. "I cannot ascertain," says W. C. Watson in his thorough and able Survey, "that a thorough bred animal was owned in the county, until about the year 18i9.'' WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. 63 movement toward a thorough improvement of the breed of cattle be- gan with the Devons. H. Kimpton and D. McCaughin own the larg- er share of Durham cattle. Some of the animals exhibited by these gentlemen at a late Town Fair excited much admiration, the oxen for their size, weight and power, and the cows for the same and thciv milk- ing qualities. The Devons are highly esteemed as tough, hardy, ma- turing young, enduring our winters well, easily kept, good milkers, and as valuable for beef at two years old as ordinary cattle at three. A bull of this blood owned by C. D. Smith is considered a very valuable pos- session for the whole town. Perhaps Russel Ely winters the largest number of cattle of any of our farmers, mainly, however, of the grade varieties, and bought to sell again. The best lot of calves in 1857 was decided by a Fair Committee to belong to W. H. Cook. The daries kept, vary in number according to the convenience of the owners, from 6 to 12 usually, but sometimes 30 — at D. McCaugbin's — the product being mainly cheese through the summer months, and butter in autumn and spring, which finds a considerable home market but goes largely down the Hudson or to Boston. The commendable attention to the se- lection, care, and management of cattle, which has been benefitting Ticonderoga for several years, is yet on the increase. •5. Sheep. In Spanish Merino Sheep the farmers of Ticonderoga have some flocks rivaling Vermont, said to be the best wool state of the Union. But here too, as in cattle, we are indebted to Shoreham and Orwell, older and wealthier towns, for the origin of improvement in stock. In 1847 Gr. D. Clark purchased 32 full-blood Jarvis sheep, then called Merinos, though not of the kind now known by thai name, in Shoreham, selecting them from difi'erent flocks. In the fall of 1851 \V. H. Cook, G. B. Clark, and W. V. Cook brought into Ticonderoga the first full-blood Spanish Merinos from the flock of E. Eobinson in Shoreham and began to disseminate the stock to their neighbors, W. H. Cook having paid ^60 for two yearliog bucks. Our largest flock of fjtll-bhod Merinos, owned by T. Delano, number about 150. Grade Merinos being less expensive and by some thought more hardy than the pure blood, while shearing hardly less, make up the greater part of the » flocks. J. G. Hammond has nearly all the Bakewcll sheep and O. Phelps all the Canada sheep in town. In 1S52 T. and J. M. Delano bought Merino bucks in Shoreham and a choice flock of full blood ewes. The fever for improvement spread rapidly. Among the present own- ers of superior flocks should be mentioned, besides the gentleman al- ready named, 0. Phelps, T. Rogers, H. Kimpton, B. P. Delano, D. S. Gibbs, C. Miller, J. Thompson, G. Grant, G. N. and C. L. AVicker, A. J. Cook, H. Moses ; and, in fact, there is hardly a farmer in town upon whose flock the improved breed has not made a valuable impres- sion. Of the collection, H. Kimpton's flock and that of W. H. Cook are the largest, numbering about 500 each. The farmers think that they have sheared some heavy fleeces ; but, as we are desirous, not of a showy but a truthful record, we must confine ourselves to facts that have been well ascertained. A very pleasant and valuable reunion of the farming community was held at a sheep shearing at the Lower Village, May 31, 1S53. Among other results of the rival trial wc find the following : — 64 WHAT lllONDKROGA DOE- Owner. Bucks. Age. Whole Wt Fleece. \Ym. II. Cook, 2 llSi 16A Washed. do do 2 134 m Washed. ,G. D. Clark, 2 99 16 T. Delano, 2 in| 13^ G. D. Clark, 11 mo 52 5 5-S On the last duy of May again, 1S54, at the Hotel of J. W. Holcomb, about 50 sheep of the Spanish Merino stock were brought together for comparison, 27 of which were sheared, the clip being from 11 months 10 days to 12 months growth, with the following result, made out by Wm. E. Calkins, one of the judges at the shearing : — Yelvrlixg ISwes. 2 Year Old TLwfs. Wm. H.Cook, do Ct. D. Clark do Thomas Delano,. ., do do Benj. P. Delano,. ., do Jas. M. Delano, do Sylvester McMli-stc Henry Moses, do Andrew J. Cook.. . Hiram Kimplou,. . ao David S. Gibhs,. Carlton Miller, . . "RTiole Wt. Fleece. Whole Wt. Fleece. 174 16,^^ 91 >i 11 S.5 n?4 97 10 90 IOIjC 1*5;;^ 1-1?4 7fi '[:;; 5il,'2 V'a 12.t'^ n\' 1 Ty?.i ^Ja TO)' "1' 1.35 12^i 59;i 6,'.4 102 11 >= 1 139 11 98 lOM 78 9 96 9 96 10)^ 88 '.i 8k< 1 84 501,' In 1S57 the average weight of fleece in G. D. Clark's flock of near- ly two hundred, washed, was 6^ pounds. W. H. Cook sold a buck to go west for ^100 cash ; a buck of Mr. Clark's, shearing 15 lbs. 15 oz., was sold back again to Mr. llobiuson for $115, and .$8 a head offered for the flock above mentioned by a Vermonter, was refused. T. Dela- no's full bloods would probably be priced higher. The heaviest fleece yet sheared was from the buck of W. H. Cook, weighing IS-*- pounds. It is understood that all the above fleeces, except when stated other- wise, were weighed unwashed, but it is within the personal knowledge of the writer that no more oil or weight of any kind was in the wool than the natural vigor of the cleanly kept, and well fed animal himself supplied. Excellent care is found to be repaid by heavy fleeces, and it is a pleasure to visit the establishments of Messrs. T. Delano, Clark, Cook, Kimpton and others at midwinter, and find shelter, well arranged housing, battened and warm, full racks, water, and daily care supplied to the dumb flocks as regularly as to the firmers' families themselves. 6. Horses. It has been sometimes claimed by vex-y fair judges that no other town of its size has raised as many horses of superior blood and value within the same time as Ticonderoga. Whether this claim, which we do not endorse,has any foundation at all, will appear from the following list of the names, owners and (jualities of certain of our best horses. Since ISOO, there have been two periods of improvement : WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. 65 the first, from tlic olJ stock, valued particularly for size, endurance and power ; the second, from the new stock, whose chief good qualities arc fepeed, docility and beauty. Wc arrange their names, as nearly as pos- sible, in the order of their age and time of service, with brief notes of the qualities claimed for each. OLD STOCK. 1. Siveepslakes. Folded in ISOO. Owned and used by Henry B. Hay till 1S22, sometimes for 125 mares a season. Left sonie of the best stock for size, power, and general utility the town has ever had. 2. Driver. Sired by Old Priver and owned by Wm. Kirby. His stock is represented by the friends of the old style of horses as much ahead of the present Black Hawk stock for size, power, beauty, and even speed, llunning was the racing gait in those days ; but if Dri- ver's stock had boon trained to it, as Blackhawks are now, they would have distanced them, it is thought, in trotting. They were tough as iron and for running they were not beat. Some of the stock is known to have endured hard labor to the age of 25 and 30 years. 3. Harris Dunn Horse. Owned by John Harris about 30 years ago. Stock for the general purposes of the country claimed as good as any other. Of fair speed, good roadster, above medium size, compact form, and much of his stock yet in town, highly valued. This horse was sold to a gentleman of Vergennes, and a .somewhat romantic story is told of his takmg the animal out of town one night by back roads, hiding in the woods for a time, and ferrying the lake by moon light, to avoid an attachment about to be levied upon him by Harris. 4. 5, 6. Superior^ Duroc, and Floxighboy. Owned by Stephen D. Clark about 1830-34. Good sized bay horses, heavy strong stock for all work. The town is much indebted to the zeal of S. D. Clark, for improvement in horses. 7. Innocent, or Young Jehu. Sire and dam both full blood import- ed English horses. Owned by Steph. D. Clark. Stock of superior qualities for speed, beauty, and general utility. 8. Old Mike. Of Messenger blood. Brought from Ohio by Clark Bennet about 1834, and afterwards owned by A. L. Bennet and Beers Tomlinson. Stock large, and of superior qualities for general utility. 9. Young Sir Charles, or Burge Horse. In service herefrom 1837 to 1843. liaised and owned by Benj. P. Delano. Sired by Sir Charles that was brought from Long Island in 1821 by D. Hill of Bridport, owner of Blackhawk. Sir Charles was sired by Duroc, the sire of Eclipse. The stock of the Burge Horse had, therefore, some high characteristics. Valued for power of endurance, compactness, and gen- eral utility. The Burge Horse finally went into the hands of Truman Kimpton, brother of a citizen of our town, in Canada, where he left much valuable stock. 10. Rogers'' Gray. His Sire, Old Mike, already mentioned. He has left a larger number of colts perhaps than any other horse of the old stock. Owned by Thomas Bogers. 11. Emperor. A celebrated trotting horse, speed 2. 37^, brought to Ticonderoga from long Island in 1851 by W. A. O. Arthur and W. V. Cook. Kept here several years for his stock some of which have shown superior speed. B. P. Delano has a very superior horse of the Emperor stock now 7 years old. Bay rulnam, owned by AV. A. G- G6 WHAT TICONDEROOA DOES. Arthur and C. L. Wicker, 3 yrs. old, is a very superior colt of the Km- pcror stock, speed 3 minutes or less. Old Emperor taken west to Il- linois. NEW STOCK. 1. Felton Horse, or Ticondcroga. First horse of the Blackhawk blood prominent in Ticonderoga. All black, said to have been the handsomest horse in America. Sold to Franklin Felton at 3 yrs. old for $1125. Taken to Baltimore by Felton, who bought a farm a few miles from the city and built an extensive Brick Hotel upon it for the accommodation of the patrons and friends of the horse. A doguerrco- type of this horse is said to have been taken to serve as the model of the famous crjucstrian statue of Gen. Jackson, at the National Capitol. Speed claimed at 2 m. 50 seconds. At a National Fair held at Louis- ville, Kentucky, Ticonderoga took the first premium, had $8000 of- fered tor him and refused, was taken suddenly ill, and died, 1857. 2. Fhfmg Cloud. Kaised by Gustavus N. AVicker. Speed 2.50. Now 13 yrs. old, in Ohio, of great celebrity there. Left some excel- lent stock in this vicinity. Sold out of town at 4 yrs. old for $1300. 3. Ethan Allen, The most celebrated horse of the state and per- haps of the nation, tor combined speed, power, and beauty. Sired by Old Blackhawk. Dam. Cook's 'Old White Mare.' Raised and bred by Joel W. Ilolcomb. ' Now 9 yrs. old. Owned by 0. S. Roe & Co., at Shoreham, Vt. Earned $11,000 in 1857. Service $100. The sprino- he was 4 yrs. old he trotted with Rosa Washington at the Un- ion Course, L, I., in 2.36, and in 1S56, at Boston with the horse Hi- ram Drew, in 2.32i. An offer of $20,000 for Ethan Allen, actually made by Gustavus Austin of Orwell, Vt., was refused. Qne half of Ethan Allen, when 2 yrs. old, was bought by 0. S. Roe for $1000. 4. Henry Ckn/. Sired by Old Blackhawk. Raised and owned by Hiram Wilson. 'Speed 2.50. $6000 offered for him. Service $30. Stands now at Poughkeepsie. Beautiful dapple gray. Has taken pre- mium in his class at National Fair in Springfield, Mass., several times, for general utility. Last year he carried off a prize of $200, having eleven competitors to contend with. 5. Calkins'' Horse. Sired by Old Blackhawk. Hamiltonian dam. Superior style and action. Stood at Keeseville in 1S51, where he sired some l3 colts. Bred by Wm. E. Calkins. Sold in 1852 at 4 yrs. old to F. Felton for SlOOO. Taken to Baltimore and kept for stock for several years and sold by Mr. Fojton in 1856 for $2000. 6. Goo. Clark. Sired by Sherman Blackhawk or Myrrick Horse. — Owned by J. A. and A. M. Pinchin. Of superior speed, beauty, do- cility, compactness, and power. Medium size, black, 6 yrs. old. — Speed, 3 minutes, or less. 7. Prince Albert. Sired by Blackhawk Daniel Webster, or Perry Horse. Owned by L. R. Woolcot. Five years old. A very hand- some horse, above medium size, well proportioned, heavy mane and tail, compact, docile, strong. Color, red roan. Speed, 3| minutes. Has some valuable stock in town. S. Riddler. Sired by old Black Hawk. Bred by Wm. B. Calkins. Five yrs. old. Handsome jet black. Heavy mane and tail. Great proportion lone, remarkably well developed, powerful and vigorous in WHAT TICONDEKOGA IJOKS. 67 action, exhibiting prominently Morgan cliaracterislics, and showil^g good speed. 9. Young' Ilcnry Clay. Sired by TTcnvy Clay or Wilson ITorse. — Mahogany bay. Bred by Wm. E Calkins. Five yrs. old. Superior style and action. Speed shown at Albany track, fall of 1857, 3.20. — Stands in Albany for stock the present season, very favorably regarded. 10. Vinco. Sired by Old Blackhawk from W. 11. Cook's Abdalhih Mare. Of superior speed, beauty, docility, compactness, and potver. Speed 3 minutes or less. On the ice, in the winter of 1S5S, claitncd at 2.5-5. Now 4 yrs. old. Owned' half by W. II. Cook, and half by (jr. W. Wicker and C. H. Bennet. Has some very promising stock in town. One half of Vinco at 3 yrs. of age sold to C. H. Bennet by C. Lapier for S550. Three year olds. Superior three year olds are owned by W. Gr. Bald" win, a. N. Wicker, and C. L. Wicker of Old Blackhatvk ; by W. A, Gr. Arthur of the Emperor; by J. Gr. Hammond of (Black Hawk) Hardroad ; by J. Harris of the Fellon Horse. The first four of these have already shown superior speed. One of these owned by W. Gl. Baldwin, is considered in color, figure and gait, nearly a facsimile of Old Black Hawk. Mares. Much attention has been given in Ticonderoga to securo good blood in the dam as well as in the sire. Among mares that have brought superior colts and been a source of much profit to their own- ers the following deserve mention : The Old White Mare., formerly Owned by Wm. H. Cook and latterly by J. \{ . Holcomb was the dam of Ethan Allen, Black Hawk Maid, of Red Leg and of several other celebrated horses. She was taken from the harness and used as a breed- ing mare up to. the age of 27, and the result was a superiority of stock entirely unexpected. From examination it seems now ascertained sat- isfactorily that she was a Messenger mare and sired in Massachusetts. A mare of Gr. N. Wicker, called Mink^ was the dam of the celebrated Fclton Horse Ticonderoga, also of the Ty Boy, and of several very superior colts from Old Black IlaVvk and Ethan Allen. B. P. Delano Las a very fine breeding mare sired by Sir Charles, and sister to Burgc Horse. The Burge Horse was also the sire of W. A, Gr. Arthur's brood- ing marc, Yoiing Poll, from Col. Wrn. Cook's "Old Poll," also of Wm. H. Cook's Old Bay from the "Old White Mare," all very highly valu- ed for the speed, power and beauty of their colts. W. G. Baldwin's black IMare Jenny is the dam of two very fine horses now owned by him, a Blackhawk mare of superior qualities. Fanny Childers is the name of a valuable mare of Flying Childers and Messenger blood, own- ed by C. L. Lapier. Benj. H. Baldwin owns a breeding mare, sired by Old Black Hawk, her dam sired by the Burgc horse. Geo. D. Clark has a breeding marc that has brought many colts of superior value. — W. H. Cook's Chestnut mare Fanny should also be mentioned, sired by old Abdallah, from a dam by old American Star, he by Old EcH^jsc. — She was brought to Ticonderoga from Orange Co., and is the dam of Vinco and other colts ot superior qualities, from Ethan Allen. 11. Kimptou, C. L. Wicker, J.. W. Holcomb, and L. K. Woolcott and other gcnllcmeu arc owners of prcmiuui mares; in fact, attention to good blood on the bide of the dam ha;^ been aa general as on the bide oi the sire 08 WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. Tbcrc is at present much valuable stock of the Blackbawk blood in town sired by old Black Hawk and bis male progeny. Colts by tbc side for which tlu-ee, four, and five hundred dollars have been actually refused are not uncommon, while some will not sell to pay the services of the sire. What is the sura of the whole matter ? While Ticonderoga is just- ly noted for high priced horses tor the race-course, her team horses are by no means superior. Staunch, heavy, compact, spirited draught horses, such as the hilly roads and rugged soil of the town require, arc rarely seen. Blackhawks are absurdly petted, the common breed mis- erably neglected, and this widens the distance between them. Some excellent teams there arc, no doubt, but the attention to improvement of farm-horses, as a general thing, is far too small. Even some of the friends of the Blackhawk breed confess that they are such, not for im- provement of their stock, but for improvement of their pockets. A few individuals have sold for enormous prices and others have rushed in, as miners rush, dropping every thing else, to where some one has found a larger lump of gold. No remarks of ours can lessen the prices of Blackhawks. The fever has been rising for a dozen years, and it may run a dozen more. Ticonderoga has been near the centre of that influ- ence, and shared largely in the profits of that Blackhawk furor , which has agitated this and neighboring states and radiated to all parts of the Union. We wish it were possible to speak of this agitation as an un- mixed good. To say nothing here of the moral interests involved, it is confessed by some of the best friends of the popular stock, that if real improvement of the general utility of horses is desired, many of our farmers are acting in a way little calculated to secure that end. A friend of the old style of horses made to us a prophecy which we will put ou record, as its spirit if not its letter may prove true. "Our farmers miss it," said he, "in preferring speed and beauty to power and cndurauce : they may get big prices, but those in the end will fall, and what will be worse, they won't have a team by and by, out of their present fancy stock, stout enough to draw a shad off a gridiron." 7. Farmers^ and' Mechanics^ Fair. The propriety and benefit of holding a Town Fair were ideas dating from the sheep shearings of 1853 -54, but first brought before our town practically in the fall of 1857, mainly by the efforts of C. II. Delano and Wm. E. Calkins. A gen- eral cull, issued by the instrumentality of these gentlemen and others, resulted in a meeting Sep. l2, of many of our most substantial farmers and mechanics, who resolved, after discussion, to make the experiment oV organizing themselves into a Farmers and Mechanics' Association of Ticonderoga. The committee appointed to draft a preamble and regu- lations, reported at an adjourned meeting, by Wm. E. Calkins their chairman, as follows : "That oxpcrioncc has tausbt that mncli benefit may be deriveil from the form- ation and ))iop('r management of Town Agricultural anil Mechanical Associa- tions, adoniiug ojiportunity, as such associations legitimately do, by bringing the ])eople together \\ ith their animals and products, to compare, notice and sug- ge:-;t improvements, and to intereliangc opinions, thereby encouraging laudable ambition .and fostering social and kindly Cerlings, all being mutually useful and, joint contributors to rational and mi'utal t'lijoyment. Convinced of the truth of tiic.-o positions, tlie undersigned agree toform them- selves into a society to be called the J^irmers and Mechanics' Association of Ti- WHAT TICONDEUOGA DOES. G'J coiideroj^a, its oljoct licin.tc to promote imprnvonicnt in agilcuUuic, liorticiiUurc, uiid lunil tasto and the liiechaiiic niiil houseliold aily."' Tlic annual fee of nierabership, to provide for incidental expenses, was fixed at $1,00, and premiums were to ho simple certificates of rank as No. 1, 2, or 3. All these regulations were adopted, and the society duly organized by the election of officers as follows : President, B. 1*. Delano; Vice Frcsidciits, G. I). GlavktindVi. A. Gr. Arthur; .SVc/e- tary,'Wm. i^l. Calkins; Treasurer, Gcorgo "Wright; Executive Com- ?rti«cc, B. ]'\ Frazier, J. McConnick, C. N. ChiLon, A. J. Cook. — About 50 forthwith paid in their dollar each, subscribing to the consti- tution, and resolved to hold what they dared call only an experimen- tal Fair, on the 15th of October ensuing. The morning of Thursday, the 15th, was rainy and the whole day dampened by a drizzling mist, very unfavorable to the pro.spects of the Fair. The grounds chosen, at last, after considerable discussion and difference of opinion, were on the elevation at the head of Main Street, a site whose beauties the town had hardly noticed before, adopted af- terwards as the location of the Ticonderoga Academy. About 9 o'clock, the rain having subsided, the people began to arrive, and the day w:t3 finally passed, despite all previous evil prophecies, with numbers and success entirely satisfactory. In a full report of the Fair published ia the ElizabellUnwn Post o{J)oQ. \\, 1S57, over the signature of the President and Secretary of the association, we find the following state- ments: "The entry list showed about 100 actual contribitors, presenting fo^r corapetion and exhibition in the aggregate as follows: Horses, 61; cattle, 96 ; sheep, 111 ; swine, 14; poultry, 6; mechanic and house- hold manufacture, 40 ; packages of butter, 9 ; cheese, 2 ; varieties of fruit, 26 ; varieties of vegetables, 22 ; packages of honey, 6 ; bottlca of wine, 2 ; paintings, G. "And to add to the pleasures of the day we were addressed by P. J. Cook and C. li. Delano, farmers' boys who claim old Ti. as the land' of their nativity. "The drift of Mr. Cook's remarks was that the exercises of the day proved the public spirit of the town, its hope of permanent prosperity, and its ability to sustain itself despite the injuries done to its manufac- tures by reason of its unsurpassed Water power having been held in> jeopardy by a foreign hand. Hence, the main subject presented was, The Necessity, to the Practical Farmer and Mechanic of a High Stan- dard OF Education, of Effort, and of Virtue, lor the reasons, 1. That they have for it abundant opportunity in time, in talent, and ia» means of instruction ; 2. Because it is demanded by the intrinsic na- ture of their occupation in its sources of improvement, of profit, and oi' pleasure ; 3. ]>ecause it is made of vital self-interest by the progress of the age in intellectual, mechanical, and cora:iiercial matters ; 4. De- cause it is their duty to protect their own interests in public laAVS by tbo proper exercise of the controlling political power they possess ; and 5. Dccausc they arc conse<]ucntly responsible for the political, moral, edu- cational, and social character of the town, of the state, and of the nation. "Mr. Delano, after alluding to his position as the 'off steer' on exhi- bition, ably expressed his appreciation and permanent choice of agricul- ture as his pursuit, and dwelt at length upou the value of Scientifk: 70 WJIAT TICONDEROGA DOES. Farminxs as demonstrated particularly, 1. In draining; 3. In tlic •()roscrvation and preparation of fertilizing Bubstanccs ; and 3. In tlio rotation of crops." After giving a full list of premiums, of wbich wc have already notic- ed tlic most important, and returning acknowledgments, the report cited above represents the officers of the Association as 'under many obliga- tions for the friendly feeling exhibited by Putnam, Crownpoint, Hague, Shoreham and Orwell.' "And permit us," they conclude, "to say to one and all, that you should not let your ambition languish with the de- cayiug leaves of Autumn," then covering hill and valley about the fair grounds with drapery of gold and crimson, "but gather information and strength daring winter ready to come forth another season with renew- ed energy and vigor prepared for more complete success." Most heartily do we add our earnest hope and expectation that dayg of pleasure and of profit like the one above recorded — and recorded fully because it was the first, — may be, in our town, of perpetual annual recurrence. This closes our section on Agriculture, but the bu.oitiess will only end ■with time. While our farmers look over the record of the improve- ments in cattle, in sheep, and in horses, which for the last ten years have been so marked, we hope they may be incited for the nest ten years to carry forward certain other improvements, particularly in soil culture, draining, rotation of crops, and fruit raising, in which we are yet be- hind. It ought to be added that the farmers of Ticondcroga have good houses and out buildings, the last four or five years having shown evi- dences of prosperity by the erection of many new dwellings and the fit- ting up of nearly every considerable establishment with convenience and taste. A high standard of education, of cfibrt and of virtue, will secure to the members of our farming community, not merely financial prosperity, but that preponderating social and political influence for good, which their numbers and the wants of the town make at onco their right, their duty, and their necessity. Sect. XXVIII.— Boat Building. "With the exception of one or two stores, boat building is the largest business in Ticondcroga at the present time. The first load of Lake! Pharoah lumber that turned from its usual course through lake HoricoU to the Hudson and sought an outlet southward by the Champlain Canal, was drawn to the Ticondcroga Pocks, by Stephen Sayre, in 1820. — From that time the business of building and running canal-boats has employed a considerable share of the industry of the town. The Ti- condcroga was the first boat built, launched 1819. From 1820 to 1825 ttic boat yards were intensly active in supplying the orders of several business men of the town. Park Freeman, John Harris, Wm. Stewart, Josoph Weed, Alex. McDole, Almcron Smith, and Nathan Pelano, were all building boats together. The clatter of hammer and saw caused con- siderable business excitement; the new canal had raised a fever; all the town were about to become boatmen. Among the mechanics engaged in boat building, Asa Egglestoa was foremost from aljout 1S25 to 1835. Asa Simmons has been a promi- nent boat-builder at Port Marshall for the last thirty years. Henry Cosscy, who bugau bu.>iuc.ij with Simmoujj hdo been engaged in bout- WHAT TICONDEROriA DOES. 71 building at the foot of Lowor Exchange Street, since lfi43. Cliarles Wcthoiby, though living in Orwoll, Vt., shoukl be nieutioned among tho boat builders of Ticonderoga, during the last six" yoars, as his materials came from this town the boats are sent back here for use. Ten boats a year is the average number launched. In 1S4G there were fourteen; in 1847, there were seven and one large schooner, tho largest sail-craft of the Lake; in 1S57, there were thirteen. T'niil within about two years all the timber has been obtained from Ticonde- roga and its vicinity. Long pine timber is now procured from Canada. Iron work for the boats is done at the Lower Village. The first boat.s cost from $G0O to $700; built with ?pruce bottoms, no decks, steered with an oar, simply to carry lumber. The next price was from $S0O to $1000. Now a better class are built; costing from $1200 to $1600. Fluctuations of the iron and lumber trade, and occasionally oversupplics of boats, make the number built each year variable. The boat-building interest, however, averages $15,000 annually. Over 40 boats, plying between New York and Lake Champlain ports, now hail from Ticonderoga, with about 140 boatmen from this town. — Lumber from Ticonderoga and Crownpoiut, and ore, iron, from Crown- point, Port Henry and AYcstport, are the main articles of the loading carried south. The cargoes brought back are merchandise of all kinds and coal from Rondout and Jersey City. Several boats take in potatoes in the fall and quarter in New York, preserving their hulks in the salt water, to come up loaded with early new goods in the spring. It is a pleasure to state that much improvement has taken place ia {he morals of the boatmen for the last few years, especially as to habit.s of temperance, observance of the Sabbath, peaceable demeanor, and up- right conduct generally. Captains are now usually accompanied by their wives and sometimes by their families. A laborious, hardy, gen- erous class of men, it is to be hoped that the boatmen will soon leave nothing in their habits to be regretted. Sect, XXIX.— Legal Profession and Politics. S. A. Gibson was a lawyer of considerable practice at the Upper Til- lage in 1814. Mr. Northrup, Lebbeus Ilaskill and Lemuel Wicker were lawyers of Ticonderoga in 1822 and onward. After them camo llichard Smith, Johnathan Burnett, James J. Stephens, brother to Samuel Stephens a more noted lawyer, and Elipbalct Pearson, between 1824 and 1834. Since then, Geo. Pt. Andrews, Wm. Calkins, J. Col- ins Wicker, Moses T. Clough, have been among the legal gentlemen of the town nearly to the present time, also Augustus Haight, M. F. Nich- olson and C. N. Flint for a shorter period. At present the otily lawyers in regular practice are Hon. J. Burnet, Alfred Weed andM. A. Shel- don. Among the earlier lawyers, Haskill, Wicker, Smith, and Stephens, though men of ability and influence, are said not to have escaped en- tirely the habits of intemperance so deplorably prevalent in their day. Ilaskill, who was a man of considerable cluquencc, went West, reform- ed, became a Temperance Lecturer, and afterwards lived to address the citizens of Ticonderoga in that capacity. Of the later lawyers it is not necessary to speak, as their characters are mainly well known. Of representatives to the Legislature from Ticonderoga, Manoah Mil- 72 WHAT TICONDEROOA DOES. Icr was the first, in 1S13. Levi Thompson followed him ia 1814. Kb- cnczer I)ougla.s.s was in the Assembly in 1821, anJ about the same time Ticonderoga and tlie county were represented in the Senate by Judge Kellog. In 1830 Wm. Kirby was sent from Ticonderoga to Ihe As- sembly ; in 1831, Jos. S. AVoed ; in 1833, Almeion Smith, a close suc- cession of representatives quite creditable to the town. Though not prominent as speech-makers, these representatives were thorough bus- iness men, and upon many important questions acquitted themselves well. Johnathan Burnet, who had been County Judge from 1841 to 1845, was chosen to the Assembly for 1853-54. lie was a leading debater in the House during a very active session, in which the cana! enlargement, the impeachment of Mather, and the Prohibitory Law were prominent subjects of discu.ssion. Geo. R. Andrews, from Ticon- deroga, was in Congress from 1849 to 1851. Ticonderoga, in politics, as represented in Presidential and most lo- cal elections, has stood Whig as she now stands Republican. The following account of the votes of Ticonderoga, made out from the Records in the County Clerk's office,* will be read, we think, with interest. It contains all the votes of 1811 and 1813, the two earliest recorded, and then skips to 1828, the first year, we believe, in which the Electors of President and Vice President were elected by the peo- ple. The electors, it will be remembered, were chosen by the Legis- lature until 1825. ELECTION OF 1811. Member of Assembly, Delevan Delance Jr. Francis Arthur Lieut. Governor, Pc Witt Clinton Nicholas Fish For Senators, John Taylor, Ruggles Hubbard, Kitchcl Bishop & Elisha Arnold, cock 40 " Stephen Van Rensselaer, David Allen, Leb. R. Shipard, & Wm. Bailey, each 18 " ELECTION OF 1813. Governor, Stephen Van Rensselaer 40 " Daniel D. Tompkins 25 " Lieut. Governor, George Huntington 40 " John Taylor 25 ' ' Senators, \ James Cochran and Samuel Stewart, each 40 " John Veeder and Salmon Child, each 25 " Assembly, Levi Thompson 108 " Ezra C. Gross 1 " ELECTION OF 1828. Governor, Smith Thompson 169 " Martin Van Buren 153 " Lieut. Governor, Francis Granger 168 " EnosT.Throop 153 " * We are gi-eally indebted to R. W. Liviiu;ston, County Clerk and fnrmcr Ed- itor of l^hf Elizdhi'thtovn Post, for a day and a half labor grafts m colleet- \nii tlic above facts, an exhibition of f^encrous and intelligent regard for local interests which we conimeud to the iruitatiou of others. 69 votes. 30 u 40 (C 18 (( WHAT TIC'ONDEROGA DOES. 73 Senator, John McLean, Jr. Duncan Cameron Congresg, Isaac Finch William Ilogan Electors of Pres. & Vice Pres., Jas. Campbell for Joslah Fisk Assembly, Joseph S. Weed Ezra C. Gross Sheriff, Leander J. Stockwood Jared Pond Horan Heath Coroners, Joseph Storrs Robert Hawley Edmund P. Williams Ebenezer Douglass ' Alanson Mitchell KobertForsayth Edward S. Cu3'ler James Tefft, 2nd. Justice of the Peace, Beers Tomlinson Richard D. Arthur Elections from 1832 to 1836 not recorded. 169 votes. 153 '' 175 " 151 ♦' Jackson 175 " 151 " 197 " 137 " 147 " 127 " 50 " 159 " 161 " 160 " 147 " 166 " 166 " 167 " 160 " 247 " 63 " ELECTION OF 1840. Governor, Lieut. Governor, Senator, Congress, Electors of Pres. & Assembly, Sheriff, Coroners, 1844, Electors, 1848. Electors, 1852. Electors. 1856. Electors, William H. Seward 276 William . Bouck 154 Luther Bradish 277 Daniel S. Dickinson 154 John W. Taylor 277 Gardner Stow 15*4 Thomas A. Tomlinson 282 Augustus C. Hand 148 Vice Pres. Whigs for Harrison 280 Democrats for Van Buren 150 George A. Simmons 277 Hiram Wilson 145 Alanscm Wilder 276 George Brown 151 Adams Fletcher, John Purmont, Jr., Nathan Perry &Hosea Treadway, mcli 277 Artemas White, Russell Gibbs, Rob- ert G. Arthur, & L-a Henderson, tach 150 Whigs for Clay 325 Democrats for Polk ,i 132 Whigs for Taylor 293 Democrats (Hard") 75 do (Soft or Free Soil) 60 Whigs for Scoit 268 Democrats for Pierce 120 Republicans for Fremont 244 Democrats for Buchanan 130 Americans for Fillmore 31 74 WHAT TXCONDERUGA DOES. It will be seen from the above table that Harrison's majority, in 1840, was 130 ; Clay's, in 1S44, was 193; Taylor's, in 1848, was 158; Scott's, in 1852, was 148 ; Fremont's in 1S56, over both opponents, was 83. In local issues the friends of Temperance had a minority at first when the question was brought into politics in 1828 ; then for years an equality ; and latterly they have a majority. The present number of voters, it will be noticed, is 406, while in 1811 it seems to have been only about 100. Sect. XXX.— Medical Profession and Health. Essex County, with its pure air, swift waters, considerable elevation and crystal springs, is among the healthiest regions of the state. As a town, Ticonderoga combines in high perfection most of the health-giv- ing features common to the county. The Upper Village and the Plat- eau have always been remarkable for health. Physicians long acquaint- ed with the place assure us that they would not fear to risk their repu- tation on the assertion that Trout Brook Valley is among the healthiest spots of the town or county. Lying elevated near lake Horicon, all its .springs emulating the Silver Water for purity, no vegetable or animal miasmata afloat, a circulation of pure air kept up by the lake and moun- tains, its inhabitants have few bodily ills, and no endemic but cheerful- cess. Local causes have at times rendered the Lower Village less healthy* than its surroundiogs. Billious fever was a very prevalent disease of rather malignant character, in the vicinity of the water-power and its shores, from about 1828 to 1832. It had a well-ascertained local cause in the immense amount of vegetable matter then afloat in the creek. — Numerous saw-mills were at that time busy at both the upper and low- er falls, and lumbermen had not then learned to use their sb.bsfor wood Of lath. All these were sluiced into the creek, which became literally full of rotting vegetable fibres. People died of fevers along its shores beyond all account. Almost every household was sick with billious fe- ver. Cures could not be effected until freezing weather choked the ex- halations from the outlet. From the bottom of the lower falls to Port Marshall, along the only sluggish currents of the creek, where saw-dust bad accumulated many feet deep, these fevers were especially formida- ble ; and, from the same causes, this section has always been consider- ed the unhealtbiest of the town, especially in those diseases which arise from accumulations of decomposing vegetable matter. '"How I have seen children shake there," says one of our physicians, "with fever and ague, when they were so thick as to stick out at the windows, six fami- lies in a house, cellar and garret full." The disease was popularly called 'lake fever,' as it occurred in the vicinity of the lake and depend- ed upon vegetable miasmata for its origin. Green slime lay on either shore of the creek and extended in many places over large marshes of lake grass and flag. Water lillics grew fit in thousands. The un- healthiness of the locality was urged as an objection to the occupancy of the lower falls by the Lowell company about 1825 ; but, they pro- posed, what has now been done to some extent, to quicken the current.x'e, it properly forms a part of the Homk SKEiaiES. Its plan of organiziition, list of duties and provisions are as fol- lows : — To .MD i\ SKcuRixG, srsTAixiNG, AXD PERPETriATiNG A PROHIBITORY LIQUOR LAW, IX OUR OWN State, and TO PROMOTE THE CAVSE OF TEMPERANCE GENERALLY, We, the undersigned, firmly relying upon (iod's Word and Providence for the necessity, the jus- tice, and the trimnph of our cause, do mutually, individually, and heartily resolve, and hereliy sftcredly jiledge to each other, that henceforth, until the above objects or something better shall bo attained, we will, I. Each of us, according to his position, best judgement, and the number who shall join in the work, apportion and set olf to himself a certain definite sphere for tenipcranc<; effort ; if a farmer, among his help ; if a tradesman, among his customers ; if a laborer, among his companions ; if a jKistor, among his people, &c,; until the whole town is fully taken up, and each post definitely oc- cupied. II. In person, in family, and in all those whom we employ, (1) require the strictest abstinonro from alcoholic liquors as a beverage; (2) secure some definite system of instruction in the history of the Temperance Reform, in the nature, uses, and necessary effects of intoxicating drinks, and es- pecially in the local duties of our sphere. IIL Among the people in our circle of influence, (1) scatter temperance papers, secure occasion- al lectures,assemblies for the discussion of the cause, and every means of instruction within reach; (•2) use every suitable opportunity to show the defects of the license system as proved by its tri- al and failure for two hundred years, and by its results in the increase of pauperism, crime, and taxes, but fiiithl'ully support, nevertheless, inferior temperance laws and all legal provisions as far as they yield good fruits, yet making Prohibition alone the finality ; (3) call to mind, most clearly and persistently, the arguments which may refute,couvert,and arouse anti-prohibitionists, the bless- ings which did flow from the Maine Law where best enforced, and what benefits in taxes, in virtue, in health, in safety, in progress, must ensue to the farmer, the tradesman, the manufacturer, tho schools, the church, and every department of community by Prohibition; (4) avoid bitter dispute, and steadily illustrate and recommend the Truth, to the understandings and consciences of all, by tho arguments of consistency, of philanthropy, of sound instruction, and of fearless and untiring la- bor. IV. Among public officers, (1) early be vigilant that right men arc nominated; (2) at the ballot box, strenuously endeavor to secure such changes in public sentiment, in the legislature, in the ju- diciary, and if necessary in the Constitution of the State, as shall effectual!}' promote tho vit;il in- terests of Prohibition, with a suitable regard to other great issues; (3) sustain and encourage pub- lic officers to the utmost in the discharge of their duty and hold them up to pubUc contempt in its neglect. V. Among our friends (1) allow no trifling differences of opinion or modes of action to lessen tho barmony and efficiency of the effort for Prohibition; (2) secure the activity of every church mem- ber, and bring the forces of the sabbath school and the pulpit to effect as much as possible for the instruction of the young, the arousing of the community, and the triumph of Bible Temperance as the basis of individual action and of public policy. \'I. At suitable intervals meet together for mutual encouragement and consultation, to hear def- inile reports from each neighborhood, and to discuss publicly before the people the wants of the Inwn, the progress of the cause, and such other topics, in connection with Temperance, as may ri- pcii. the undeistanding, iiislrui t the judgment, and promote the vital interests of every citizen. VII. And we, the undersigned ladies and children, in order to iinitc tho whole strengtn of tha •■onimuiiify in the above effort, in view of our interests concerned thercin.and of our responsibility in the formation of character, for the happiness of ouv families and tijo moral health of society, do hf Abercombie's dwfcat, Mt. Deliance and the ruins of Fort Ticouderoga ; the success of similar institutions ; the plan of financial support hereinafter propos- ed ; and the power of wise, uiuted and persevering eftbrt in a good cause, from ■which considerations it will appear that in starting the proposed institution there •would be no exti'aordinary obstacle but nearly every ground for conlidence in be- ginning and surety in executing a permanent success. Therkfore. it is proposed, by the favor of Providence, to take measures for founding and sustaining a permanent and worth-v High School or Acad- emy in Ticonderoga, N. Y., after the following plan. Citizens of the town shall be stockholders of the institution, to incur first all expenses of starting the school, and to receive in return all the proceeds arising from tuition or board furnished by the establishment, from which teachers' sala- ries and all other out goes necessary for the worthiest support of the school shall be paid, and the surplus, if any, distributed rightfully to the stockhokkrs as a revenue. Shares shall be transferable, in case of the removal of the holders from town, always however to citizens of Ticonderoga. A competent Board of Trustees and Directors shall be chosen to oversee and regulate, under the guid- ance of a Constitution and by Laws, the business matters and various interests of the Institution." , Ticonderoga, Monday, Feb. 1, 1858. These were the two propositions, the arguments sustaining each, and the plan, with which effort for the Academy was begun. On present- ing this paper the morning after drawing it to farmer Russell Ely in his barn threshing oats, he said immediately : "I will pledge to that enterprise $100, only be sure to have no sham, no failure." It Wiss next taken to D. S. Gibbs, and on Saturday, Feb. 6, presented to farm- er G. D. Clark. "When you speak of such things 1 have nothing else to do :" said he, "if you wish to canvass the town mv Blackhawk shall go as long as he can stand up." "A thousand dollars, then, for the Academy before that sun sets," was the reply, and the two canvassers rode away over the snows to farmers Kimpton, Phelps, Grant, B. P. Delano, T. Delano, D. McCaughin and to the village, and nt four o'clock had realized their expectations, set the town to talking, and moreover paced off and marked a site for the building, afterwards ad- opted, on the sunny southern side of Mt. Hope. On the following Sabbath, a notice was read, with favorable com- ments by Revs. D. H. Gould and S. Wright, as follows : "Notice.— A meeting will be held at Mr. Tefft's Hotel, in this A-illr.ge. on Wednesday evening, Feb. 10, 1858, to consider what can be done toward found- ing and sustaining a permanent and worthy High Scliool or Academy in Ticon- deroga, N. Y. Every citizen admits that Ticonderoga need.i a good High School ; and, after carefully considering the number of children taught in town (659 by the census of 1850) ; the amount spent in sending scholars abroad, (not less than $;1000 a year from our town) ; the location of Ticonderoga on t!ie thor- oughfare of fashionable travel ; its position in the centre of a large district un- supplied witU any but district schools; the wealth and enterprise of the town (^1000 having already been Eubscril)ed for this object) ; it is firmly believed that such a school can be maintained to be an honor and a blessing to the town. All interested in the above object are requested to be present at the meeting, espec- ially freeholders and heads of families. By request of several citizens. Sabbath, Feb. 7, 1858. To supply home wants was the main end in view — to provide a good school for home scholars. Very little stress, of course, was laid upou p.X) WHAT riC0M)l::RUGA DOLS. \ the hope of foreign Bcbolars or of dividends, thougli reference was mncTe to both among the arguments used. P^very favorable fact was needed, for the croalvings of the hopeless or indifferent already prophesied thai every thing would fail. The Records thus commence : * , * TicoNDERooA, Wednesday Eve., Fch. 10, 1S5S. At a meeting of the citizens of Ticonderoga. held at the hotel kept by Mnj. James Tetft ou the tenth day of February, 1S58, for the purpose of considering the propriety of foundiiis: and maintaining a vforthy High School or Acad; my in said town, the following persons were present :—BeiiJ. Cheney, Wm. Lindley, >]. Downs, C. V. Sawyer. -1 from the Street ; G. D. Clark, H. Kimpton. C. II. Del- ano. T. Delano. B. p' Delano, 5 fi-om the north part of the town; W. H. Cook and F. J. Cook. 2 from Trout Brook Valley; A. J. Cook, 1 from the Upper Vil- lage and vicinity; W. E. Calkins. G. C. AVeed. "W. A. G. Arthur, L. R. Sayres, It"v. D. 11. Gould, A. L. Bennett, B. H. Baldwin, H. G. Burleigh, C. D. Smith, N. Porter, and C. Bugbee, 11, with some young men as spectators, from the Low- er Village. Hiram Kimpton was chosen President ; and Clayton H. Delano, Secretary. Voted, on motion of F. J. Cook, That we discuss the feasibility of our plan and the bej^t means of sustaining an Academy. Voted, on motion of F. J. Cook, That the following paper be signed by the Btockholders and define their privileges, viz : We, the vn lersigned, hereby agree to pay the sums set opposite our names for the purpose of founding and maintaining a permanent and icorthy 'High School or Academy in Ticonderoga, A". F. Every twenty-five dollars signed shall constitute a share and entitle to one vote in the disposal of the funds. Voted, on motion of F, J. Cook, That a committee of five be appointed by this meeting to propose the size, cost and location of the proposed building. B. V. Delano, Russell Bly. A. J. Cook, W. H. Cook and Wm. E. Calkins were ap- pointed as such committee. Voted, on motion of H. G. Burleigh. That a committee of three be appointed to solicit subscriptions of stock. Wm. E. Calkins, W. A. G. Ai'thur, and G. D. Clark were appointed as such committee. Voted, to adjourn until Feb. 18, 1858. CLAYTON H. DELANO, Secretary. On adjourning, $1400 bad been subscribed to the paper given above in italics. On the following Sabbath it was announced from the pulpits t!mt $1800 had been sub.scribed. G-. D. Clark had devoted whole days to canvassing ; W. E. Calkins bad worked actively ; W. A. Gr. Arthur had given efficient aid. and by their exertions, when the time for the next meetiag came, $2000 had been taken. All this had been pledg- ed liberally without regard to the site, to fix which was now a vital question. Tefft's Hotel, Thursday Eve.. Feb. 18. On moiion of Wm. E. Calkins it was. Voted, That M. A. Sheldon, Esq., act as chairman 7)/'0^<>m. Wm. E. Calkins, from the committee on size, cost and location, having report- ed in favor of a spot just south of the summit of Mt. Hope overlooking lake Champlain, the Fort Grounds, Mt. Defiance, the Creek and the two villages, as site, * From this point, having bppn partially connected, thouph in an inferior degree, with efforts made for the Acaiiemy, and th.^refore liable to misjadge or possibly to be thought unfair iu stating their history, the writer, though aware that a more condensed and graphic account might be giv- en, is obliged, regarding accur:icy and justice above all, to let the Records of the meetings speak — on'y connecting them with a few necessary statements — as they can uovi-here be suspected of the least incorrectness or partiality. No more valuable and interesting account co\ild be given than these piipers contain, of a i)art of the history of Ticonderoga. In the course of the eflbi't for tho Academy liere its friends often wished that they had the records of how some similar institutioit elsewhere w.'is founded for their guide. As good schools are needed in many places, the writer hopes, without claiming anything at all extraordinary for these Records, that they may possibly at some time be of the same vise elsewhere, that similar ones would have been put to here, h.id T • possessed them. WHAT TICONDEROGa BOES. S7 Voted, on motion of F. J. Cook, That in view of accommodating the lurgest number aucl of the sightliness of tlie location, that the Mt. Hope Site recommend- *;d by the committee be adopted by the stock holders for the location of the pro- posed school. Kemarks in favor by Messrs. Calkins, Cook, and Ely, none speak- ing against it. Voted, on motion of^Wm. E. Calkins, That the'stockholders do now formally organize and be known as the Ticonderoga Academy Association. Voted, on motion of Wm. E. Calkins, That the capital stock of this Associa- tion be hxed at twenty-five hundred (!gi2500) dollars. * * * * Voted, on motion of F. J. Cook, That a coramittee of three be appointed to draw up a series of Regulations for the Association io define the responsibilities of the society as a body and of its members as individuals and to set the whole upon a proper legal tooting. J.I. A. Sheldon, Wm. E. Calkins, and B. H. Baldwin were appointed as such committee. Voted, on motion of F. J. Cook, That the committee on the Cost, Plan, and Location of tlie building, be authorized, by the Ticonderoga Academy Associa- tion, to purchase suitable grounds for a scltool on Mt. Hope, of the Orwell Bank, at the lowest possible price, as soon as the same can be done under the appro- priate legal forms. Voted, on motion of F. J. Cook, That the Whitehall Academy plan recom- mended by the committee for tlie Building be adopted with such variations, as, without materially increasing the cost, may appear necessary in the course of construction and consultation with mechanics. * * * * Voted, on motion of Wm. E. Calkins, That this plan be submitted to difl'er- ent architects to report any improvements and the probable cost at the next meeting. Much feeling had been manifested in town as to the location of the house. That point was now settled, satisfactorily. A plan for the' Building had been decided upon, without knowing which, its cost could not be ascertained. Mr. C. P. Fobes of Crownpoint and Mr. E. Downs, mechanics, who were present, communicated valuable informa- tion. To the passage of these necessary motions, however, not a few legal objections were raised, such as that the stockholders were not in- corporated, could do nothing until responsible under the law, were a mere mass meeting, &c. The good sense of a majority of the stock- holders, nevertheless, did not fear to advance business despite . minor informalities. There was a hope that timber might be moved for the building before snow should be gone. The debate on the legal position of the stockholders, however, led to the vote for a formal organization and for application to the Kegents of the University for a charter. At the next meeting — one having been adjourned to give full notice of its objects— the question of most interest was the appointment of Trus- tees. The meeting was unusually full. Tefft's Hotel, Monday Eve., March 8. M. A. Sheldon, from the committee on Regulations, read a paper drawn in the form authorized by the Regents under the Laws of 1851 and Chap. 184 of the laws of 1853, for a conditional incorporation of an Academy, and also a paper legally binding the stocldiolders for the amount subscribed by each, both of which were signed by all the stockholders present. Moved by Wm. E. Calkins, That the Trustees of this Association consist of thirteen. Voted, on amendment by H. G. Burleigh, That the Trustees consist of nine. Moved by F. J. Cook, That B. P. Delano, R. Bly, A. J. Cook, W. II. Cook, and W. E. Calkins, the committee on the Site, be a committee to nominate Trustees, and to include themselves among the number. Amendment by J. A.. Piuchin, That the Trustees be nominated by the stockholders, (Lost.) Amendment by J. A. Pinchin that a committee of seven be elected by ballot to nominate Trustees-. (Lost.) The former question being then called for was adopted, the last clause having been withdravrn. 88 Wl r TlCOXDEROGA Dots. The committee, after Vv..^ wing, reported the following named gentlemen' as such Trustees : — Benj. p. Dklano, Benj. H. Baldwin^ G. D. Clark, Wm. G. B iLDWiN, Rus^sEL, Bly, H. G. Burleigh, Wm. H. Cook. Wm. E. Calkins, Creorge Grant. Mgved by F. J. Cook, That the stockholders proceed to elect the nominees by calling the at/es and nays. Amendment by W. A. G. Arthar, That they be vot- ed on by ballot — carried. A debate ensued, when the question of ballot was again called for and lost. The former question of ayes and nays was called again and carried. The gentlemen aI)ove named were elected Trustees of the Ticonderoga Acade- my witli the exception of Geo. Grant, who declined, and his place was supplied by the election of George C. Weed. The Orwell Bank property could not be bought. Again and again the committee rode to Orwell and returned without gaining the location. It had completely united the town, and where another could be chosen as just, as convenient, as sightly, was hardly known, while divisions up- on any other sue were feared to an extent that would greatly retard, and might crush the enterprise. A site on the south side of the creek had all along been oifered as a gift to the Association by the Ellice Party, but it was doubtful whether men north of the ereek would ac- cept it. The Records continue : Tefft's Hotel, Thursday, P. M., April 1. Benj. P Delano, chairman of the Board of Trustees, presiding. Wm. E. Calkins from the committee on Site reported that strenuous efforts had been made to carry out the vote of the Association concerning the Mt. Hope lo- cation : That the Orwell Bank, though repeatedly importuned, had refused to sell a part of their land upon any consideration, or to trade at all unless they sold the whole : That Mr. Russel Bly had made the Bank an oft'er for the whole but that the negotiations had been unsuccessful and that it now seemed impossi- ble to ol)tain the desired site ; therefore Voted, on motion of F. J Cook, In view of the failure to obtadn a site on Mt. Hope ; in view of the prefei-ence of Districts containing a majority of the schol- ars of the town ; in view of the cost of any other pi-oposed location ; and in view of the fact that this land is a free gift to the Association from Mr. Ellice by iiis agent, that tlie stockholders do fix upon lot No. 6 and a part of lot No. 8 of block No. G, as represented on the donor's map, these lots containing about one acre and lying in the woods between the present premises of H. G. Burleigh and Wm. E. Calkins, for the location of the proposed Academy. Remarks were made in favor of tliis motion by Messrs. Calkins, Bly, Cook, Grant and C. H. Delano, and carried by an unanimous vote, the roll call show- ing 40 yeas. A financial necessity compelled this vote. Most of the stockholders north of the creek supposed they must allow the Academy to go to the south side, though the location was removed from the travel-centre of the town, or else not have the Academy at all. No site near the one on Mt. Hope that had so united the stockholders, could be obtained, for any sum within the means of the Association. Of necessity, there- fore, the south side was chosen. Immediately after the meeting, how- ever, that necessity was removed. One of the stockholders, G. D. Clark, offered to secure for the Association what was afterwards called the "Snow Site," a spot north of the creek, and, like the former loca- tion, on Mt. Hope, overlooking the lake, the village, and the localities of historical interest. This spot was much nearer the travel-centre, and, though intensely opposed by many on the south side of the creek as small, contracted and unsightly, was thought nevertheless, by a ma- jority of the stockholders, to be "more central, more just to scholars north and northwest of the village without inconveniencing other sec- WHAT TICONDEROGA DOES. 89 tiong, and the one which would secure the hirgest atteudauce from each district." Therefore, at the next meeting, Apr. 17, it was ^•Resolved, That tlic vote accepting tlie EUicc Gift Site be reconsidered. — This motion wr.s unanimously passed. Mr. G. D. Chirli, the question, 'Shall the Ellice Gift Site he accepted ?' being then before the meeting, moved an auiendmont to it : That the location on Mr. Wm. Snow's premises enclosing about eight rods front by fourteen deep on the cast of his lot, be tlie same more or less, as contracted, be purchased for the site of the proposed Academy. About one hour's discussion ensued in -which Messrs. Geo. Grant. Russell Bly, Wm. E. Calkins and 11. G. Burleigh favored the South Side ; and G. D. Clark, F. J. Cook and the Secretary, the Snow location on the north side of the creek. Several stockliolders went out and examined the Snow location. The roll being called on the question : Shall the Snow location be purchased ? Mr. Clark's amendment was carried by yeas 29, nays 25."' This was supposed to be a final vote. The application for a charter had been once returned, ou account of a "deficiency in the subscrip- tion, it being stated in the application as $1500, but the law requiring ^2500, and that of this ten per cent should be paid in." A commit- tee of young men appointed at the last meeting having diligently can- vassed the town ; the land given by the Ellice party having been count- ed as $200, and certain gentlemen arranging for the remainder, the application was returned to the Regents April 3, before the close of their session, with all its deficiencies removed. At this meeting of April 17, an ofiicial letter was read from S. B. Woolworth, Secretary of the Hegents, stating "that at a meeting of the Regents of the Uni- versity on the Sth inst.," just two months from the time effort for the school began, "the application of the inhabitants of Ticonderoga for the charter of an Academy was presented and granted." Having commit- ted, therefore, the plan of the building, about which there had been much discussion,and all the other interests of the school to the Trustees, under the charter now granted, this fifth meeting of the stockholders adjourned without day, hoping soon to see the will of the majority car- ried out by the commencement of a building on the Snow Site, at the foot of Mt. Hope. Not so, however. Some of the stockholders south of the creek took the change of site very badly. The Snow location, preferred by the majority, was unfit, in their opinion, for any public building. It seemed evident at last that if the Academy were to be begun there, it would be necessary to elect several new trustees, and to collect some of the subscriptions by legal process. It was claimed that a majority were not in favor of the Snow Site, that the last meeting was informal and unfair, &c. After several stormy meetings the Trustees agreed, May 12, to call the stockholders together once more, and pledged themselves "to carry out the will of a majority of said meeting," "their decision to be final and binding on the Trustees." Any stockholder was allowed to vote by proxy by sending in his wishes in writing. Attracted by the hope of a final meeting in a series already too long^ each one having cost the town not only division but now loss of valu- able time, the meeting. May 20, was unusually full. In the discus- sion, the stockholders preferring the north of the creek pledged them- selves to make the vote unanimous should a majority, as was expected, be found for the south side. Union was heartily desired : all would 'i;o with the majority. 90 ■VVilAT .riCONDEnOGA DOF..«. After discussion a vote was taken resulting in a majority of two for the Snow Site.* The stockholders prefering the south side of the creek Were entreated to make the vote unanimous, but in vain. Before the vote was formally announced many of them left, the meeting having become confused. Even the trustees, pledged to carry out the will of a majority, were not all agreed. One of them,t having changed his vote, moved a reconsideration. Four of the Trustees! voted not to lay this motion on the table, and carried a motion to adjourn to try a seventh decision. The adjourned meeting, however, amounted to nothing, the Records of the Association closing by recording it adjourned. May 29, for want of a quorum, sine die. An unhappy state of feeling, however, was caused by the closing action of the meeting, above recorded. Some of the most quiet and conscientious of the stockholders regarded the prac- tical refusal of four of the Trustees to carry out the will of the major- ity, twice expressed in favor of the Snow Site, as the breaking of their public pledge. The trustees in question earnestly denied this last charge, but did nothing toward proceeding with the building, though entreated by the rest to go forward immediately. The majority of tho stockholders felt agrieved and one or two threatened to revoke their public pledges on tho subscription paper. Affairs were jangled. The Academy had surely failed. One of the Trustees§ tendered his resignation. A former merchant of the town who had heard that there was to be an Academy in Ticondero- ga,. wrote back that "the timber had not yet sprouted which was to bo put into its frame ; that the grand-mother of the first child to attend it was not yet born.'' This was the key note of the croakers against the {success of the enterprise. Nothing could be done in Ticonderoga for Avant of union. A standing and sometimes jeering salutation to the foremost friends of the school, was : "Good morning, sir. Is the tim- ber sprouted } Is the grand-mother born .'" Hopeless, indifferent, and supremely lazy individuals, with nothing to do but find fault, every where reported the failure of the enterprise ; and some of its friends fell back, discouraged and sore, with the ridiculous complaint that they 'had been abused' and their 'feelings hurt,' fitter speech for women than for men. Only a few kept their attention steadily upon the well- being of the town, and knowing how hopeless other efforts for improve- ment might b(«3ome were this to ftxil, verily resolved that the Acade- my should rise, be occupied, and prosper, if they had to raise the dead! It was evident, finally, that two-thirds of the friends of the school must agree upon its Site or nothing could be done. It was further evi- * This final vote on the SitP, as it shows the preferences of individuals and also the amount sub- scribed by each, is here recorded. For THii; north sidu of the Creek, (Sxow Site) . — W. H. Cook, 4; Geo. D. Clark, 4; Ben.1. F. Delano, 4; Hiram Kimpton, 4; Tnomas Ropers, 4; 0. Phelps, 2; J. G. Hammond, 2; C. P. Sawyer, 2; V. J. Cook, 1; N. T. Ma.son, 1; Dan'l Thompson, 1: Apollos Skinner, 1; 0. JI. Burl, 1; Chas. L. Lanier. 1; Jas. TeiTt, 1; Kdw. Dowm~, 1; D. 6. Gibbs, 1; Charlotte Coob, 1; Carlton Miller, 1; Carlos Bu.ebne. 2. Total, 39. For. THE SOUTH SIDE, (EU-ICE GiiT Site). — Beu.). H. Baldwin , 1; W.A.Ci. Arthur,!; Geo.C.Woert, 2-, H.G. Burleigh, 4: A. J. Cook. 4; W. G. Baldwin, 1; .\. 3. Pinchin. 1; Nekton Rogers, 3;!:. Woo^lard, \\ C. P. Ives, 1: A. L. Bcnnet, 1: I,. R. Saycrs, 1; L. B. Woolcot. 1; J. B. Ramsay, J; Ales. Marshall, 1; Wm. E. Calkins, 1; Geo. WriKhl, 1; Dan'l Scott, 1; John Porter, .ir., 1; Rubsell Blv. 4; H. Field, 1: T. .T. Trcadwav, 1; W. P. Ganon, 1; M. .\. Sheldon, 1; Geo. R. Thompson, I; II. V. lU-mmouri. ]. Total. ,17. Not TOTiNr,.— T. Belaiio, |; F. F. Friziev, 1; A. I,. Bennet, 1; J. Thompson 1; H, Jloic;;. 1; T. D. Harvey. 1. ' T B. H. Baldwin. % B. H. Bii'dwiii. W. G. Baldwin. B. T. Be'.ano. ami R. Biy. ^^ R. Bly. f WHAT TICONDEUOGA DOE'S. 91 ^cnfc that the Fair Ground, already mentioned, sovUli of the creek at the head of Main Street, was the only location that would unite the said two-thirds. Actual justice seeming impGssible,concession was resolv- ed upon. The minority would not yield to the Snow Site ; but the ma- jority, expressing; themselves "willing to bear and forbear for the pub- lic good," would yield, it was thought, rather than loose the school. — A paper to this efiect, drawn by a stockholder,* May 25, was adopted by the Board of Trustees, May 29, and two young menf appointed to circulate it. It was with difficulty that some of the stockholdcr.s pre- fering the north side were induced to take this position of Bioral tri- umph by the side of a minority twice out-numbered. But magnanimi- ty and the love of the school prevailed. Yet holding the north side to be the only just location, the majority adopted tlie south side as the only expedient one, more willing to forgive than to irritate. The two- thirds were obtained. Harmony was restored. The site upon the Fair grounds, beautifully shaded by a hundred oaks, at the head of Main Street, was fixed upon. The Trustees and the town were united. Fifty days delay to find a mechanic to take the erection of the house as a job ; considerable labor in drawing plans and in consultation with home and foreign mechanics, and the ]^uilding Committee, G-. T>. Clark, Q. C. Weed, and Wm. E. Calkins, closed a contract for a building 3G by 56 ft. in size, costing $2,300, and to be completed by the fifteenth of November, 1858. C. P. Fobes of Crownpoint and Benj. Cheney of Ticonderoga, were tlie contractors. The last sand-bars before the ■erection of the building were its size, and the guaranty of payment. — A proposal to cut down the building one-third, after plans had all been made out and the bargain nearly concluded, caused by fears that some portions of the subscription list would prove deficient or unreliable, was rejected as unjust, unmanly, and unnecessary, the deficiency being credited to renewed effort in canvassing for its removal. The stock of the Association not being entirely sure in the view of the contract- ors, the Trustees agreed to become jointly responsible as individual se- curity for the cost of the building, and thus the contract was finally sealed, July 21. A day long-waited-for came August 21. Under the foundations ot the corner stone of the Academy, raised without ceremo- ny on that day, were of course buried all regrets, despairs, conten- tions ; and upon the same were founded hopes, and prayers, and reso- lutions, for the future well-being of the school. Though not large or costly, the worth of this Academy, already much to our citizens in the effort for its commencement, should be con- tinually augmenting to their children and to themselves, in its occupa- tion. For one, the writer is glad that the obstacles met with, in found- ing the Institution, have not been less in number or in power. They have taught the town perseverance, energy, hope, qualities in which Ti- conderoga is lamentably deficient. It has afl:brded an opportunity oi' usefulness to some friends of education and social virtue, which they will ever remember with gratitude ; and of liberality to many citizen.s whose subscriptions will be repaid tenfold by their effect on the well-be- ing of the town,. There is no nobler zeal than that for the mental cul- ture and moral illumination of mankind, and for those ends, ever stead- ily kept in view and cherished, may this Institution prosper, working « F. J. C. t '-• ". Delauo wiU K.J. C. ' 92 AVHAT TICONDEROGA DOKS. year after year for God and good, and carrying forward the usefulness of its early friends, long after they are gone. Sect. XXXIII.— Seligion. In giving now a few facts in the history of the different denomina- tions of Christians in our town, we must of course pass over the details of particular men's activities, and give only such of the prominent dates, names, and causes of awakening or decline, as may be of interest at home or in the county, or of the character of just remembrance to those who have ceased from their labors. 1. Of the Universalist doctrine the preachers in Ticonderoga have been in 1810 and onward Rev. Kerrog, from Shoreham, Vt.; then El- der "Wm. Farewell, from 'Neif England, a large, portly man, energetic, social, and a great singer even to his seventieth year ; then Caleb Rich of Vermont occasionally ; Hosea Ballou, the distinguished advocate of Universalism in New England ; and ot late years Kittredge Havens, from Shoreham, Vt., a man of much native eloquence and popular tal- ent. At no time have regular services been held by the adherents to this doctrine uninterruptedly for a year on each Sabbath ; and though a building which had been erected at Weedsville for another purpose was fitted over in 1841 at considerable expense into a small church, it is now unoccupied and going to decay ; and the members who supported servi- ces there are perhaps rather on the decrease than on the increase of members and activity. 2. Of the Roman Catholic church, services were provided for by the erection of a small Chapel on Mt. Hope, by the liberality of Edward McCaughin a wealthy land owner in the Catholic communion, who also apportioned a suitable place near it for the Catholic burying grounds. lu this Chapel, services were numerously attended — often by families from adjoining towns of this state and Vermont — once in nine weeks. In 1849 the people assisted by funds from their priest erected a large church on the site over looking the village ffom the south-west where services are held every month. Michael Olivetti of Whitehall, has been the priest for the last ten years. 3. Of the Episcopal form of worship and doctrine a church was or- ganized as early as 1800. Samuel Deall, Jr., Wm. Kirby, and nearly all the early and prominent citizens of the town, were among its mem- bers. vServices have usually been held at the Upper and Lower Village schoolhouses ; on the occasion of a visitation from the Bishop, in one of the churches; and latterly, at the Hall of James Tefft's Hotel. No nhureh has been erected solely for the use of the denomination, though lis members assisted largely in the erection of the White House on Mt. Hope in 1819, and sabsequently h^d services there conjointly with the Congregationalists, for several years. Rev. Burt, already mentioned as keeping one of the first and best select schools at the Upper Village, had the care of the church about 1825. After the Revival during the visit of Burchard in 1837, under the care of Rev. Dyer, then at White- hall, the church was re-orgauized. Among the pastors named to us are Ilev. Drvis, about 1833-40 preaching every Sabbath ; Rev. Cleveland, every Sabbath; Rev. Wadhams, (connected with the family giving name to Wadham's Mills in Westport,) in 1844, 'every Sabbath; Rev. Bpooner, in 1851, preaclung once in four weeks; Rev. Hecock, in ^V^AT TICONDEUOCA ])OF.S. 93 1S54-55, once in four weeks; Rov, Coit, and Ptev. F. C. Putnam, now of Keeseville, in 1S56, occasionally; Rev. Webb, in 1S5S, once in four weeks. In 1844 we are informed that the number of Episcopalians in Ticondero^a was ninety-Ove, and at present somewhat less, 4. Of the CoiigregatinnalisCs, the church society was organized in 1809. Their church, the first erected in town, was built, with some aid from the people generally, in 1819, on a site overlooking the whoh; town and near its travel centre, on Mt. Hope. It was a magnificent building for those days in a country town and used for some years as a union house. Under the pastorate of Rev. D. Gibbs in 184.3, througli the perseverance of Dea. J. Harris and other prominent members "of the church, the house was removed to what was considered a more favor- able location on a hill jyist west of the lower village centre, where it now stands. It is a fact worth notice that since its organization this society, despite frequent destitution of a pastor's service, has maintained regular meetings for religious worship on the Sabbath. From the church records the pastors are found to be as follows : In 1810 Abial Jones, one jear or more. From 1811 to 181G Rev. Chapin of Brid- port and Rev, Ball occasionally. From 1817-18, Asabel Stone of Bridport ; in 1820, Rev. Manly ; in 1821, Rev. Wilder and Rev. A. Stone occasionally: in 1824, Oria Brown; in 1826, E. D. Kinney, remembered as a revivalist, not by extra meetings but by visitation and prayer 34 were added to the church. In 1828, A. C. Tuttle from New England, a strong revivalist ; in 1831, J. B. Baldwin from Con- necticut, each two years. In 1836, Ovid Miner, an eloquent and faith- ful pastor, who had been printer and editor at Middlebury ; a powerful revivalist, of excellent memory and stirring mind. He had a revival in June ; had students under his teaching here ; was a thorough abo- litionist and vehement against slavery, for which some opposed him, and he finally went west to Oberlin. In 1839 Rev. Cady, a young man, under whose pastorate, Jedediah Biirchard the celebrated evangelist, came into town and stirred the whole people by a series of protracted meetings. Burchard came, Feb. 12, 1837, and continued bis labors in this and other churches for six weeks, holding meetings every day and every evening except on Monday, large numbers at each resolving to do their duty. "Pray in faith," said Burchard, "for it's awful bad weather." " Put down your names as christians with God's help, and if any sectarian comes to proselyte you, ask if the devil didn't send him." In his prayers he made mention of every convert, and could remember faces and names to call a hundred. The boldness, earnest- ness, and vigor with which he presented the truth made a deep im- pression upon the whole town, and the fruits of the revival were large and rejoicing. Very many, however, have fallen back, dishonoring not the truth or Burchard, but themselves. From 1840 Rev. Bailey was pa«tor two years ; from 1843, D. Gibb.«!, one year; in 1844, Stores Howe, one year; from 1845, H. 0. Schermerhorn, nearly three years, during whose pastorate the society was much improved and an interest- ing state of religious feeling manifested in the town. In 1848 Rev. Woodruff and Sylvester Hynes ; in 1849, J. B. Eastman; from 1S50 Henry Herrick, a scholar and faithful pastor, two years. A destitution of three years then followed, during which meetings were held but no preaching. From the ftill of 1855 the c'hurch Las enjoyed the pastor- 04 UltAT T[CONDKUO(rA DOES. r.te ot Rev. D. H. Gould to the present time, under wlrose labors many cheering additions have been made to its nunnbcrs, activity, and influ- ence. EijC^hty members have at one time belonged to the Congregation- al Church, but now only about sixty, owing to emigration veestward. 5. Of the Baptist Churchy organized iu 1820, the present Brick House of worship, overlooking the village from the elevation at the head of Main Street, was erected in 1S36, previous to which time there was hardly any regular preaching, though the names of Elders A.' Stearns, Ebenezer Mott, Lane, Isaac D. Hosford, Henry Cham- berlain, M. L. Fuller, J. II. Barker, Levi Seofield and Isaac Wescott appear on the church records as occasional supplies of the pulpit. Tho pastors have been from 1 834, Sidney A. Estee, three and one half years. From 1838 till 1841, James Delaney, once an Irish Catholic in the British army iu Burmah, a fruit of the labors of Judson, and a young man of strong, well disciplined mind. He was somewhat eccentric iu his manners and vehement in his phillipics against formalism and the Bomish errors. LTnder his pastorate, partly in connection with the la- bors of Burchard, already mentioned, an extensive revival took place bringing nearly fifty into the church by baptism. From 1841 to 1843 Thomas Brandt of Troy was pastor, additions to the church of twenty four by baptism being made under his labors ; then several months des- titution and a sifting time under the well known Miller excitement, con- cerning the end of the world. From 1845 to 1846, J. P. Huntington, under whose pastorate the debt for the church, which bad been hanging heavily on the society, was paid up. From 1846 to 1848, A. A. Sawin, ordained here ; then a years destitution ; and from 1849 to 1853, Thom- as C. Morley, ordained here in 1850. After pome months of irregular supply. Rev. Stephen Wright became pastor of the church, in June 1854, and has so continued, much to its enlargement and edification, fifty having been added by baptism under his labors, to the present time. Some twenty of these were the fruits of a cheering revival during the past winter, in which Elder Wm. Grant of Whitehall assisted. One hundred and thirty one, in 1839, is the largest number reported within the fellowship of the Baptist Church ; the present number of members is one hundred and ten. 6. Of the Methodist Churchy the circuit through Ticonderoga was or- ganized in 1811. It embraces at present Ticonderoga and a pan of Hague, but at different periods it has embraced a part of Schroon, of Crown Point, of Bloriah, and of Westport. The following is«. list of the circuit preachers, the year commencing usually in May or June : 181 1 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 IS22 John Haskins, 1834-35 Henry R. Coleman, Timothy Miner, 1836 Alden S. Cooper, and John B. Stratton, William Hickhara, Jacob Beman, 1837 Alden S. Cooper, J. S. Adams, 1838 Albert Champlin, Moses Amadou, 1839 Albert and Alpheus Wade, Phineas Doaos, 1840 Gilbert S. Palmer and Eli Barnet, Edward Noble, Seymour Landon, 1841 Gilbert S. Palmer and James Covel, Ira Holmes, Seymour Landon, 1842 Adam Jones and W. 11. Ibri Cannon, Hall, ]8'ii3 Orriu Pier, 1824 Salmon Stebbins, 1S25 u u 1826 Asa Busbnell, 1827 Orris Pier, A. Busbnell and Cyrus Meeker, ~T 828-29 Cyrus Meeker, 1S30-31 Samuel Eio;bmey, 1S32 Amos Hazleton, 1833 Alansou Eicbards, WHAT 'ri('()Nbiii;oi;A UuKS. 95 1823 I'eter II. Smith, 1844 Ivodman H. llobicsoD, 1845-46 Lorenzo D. Sherwood, 1847-48 Sylvester W. Clemens, 1849-50 Gideon II. Townsend, 1851 Jedediah D. Burnham, 1852-53 PtobertM. Taylor, 1854-56 1857-58 Louis N. Boudrye, 1858 A. J. Ingalls. The Presiding Elders of the Methodist Church have been as follows: 1811, Samuel Draper ; 1815, Henrj Stead; 1819, John B. Stratton ; 3823, Buel (loodsell ; 1827, James Quinlan ; 1829, John Clark ; 1830, Tobias Spicer ; 1833, Cyrus Prindle ; 1836, John M. Weaver ; 1838, Benjamin Marvin ; 1842, Trumau Seymour ; 1844, John Clark ; 1846, Joseph Ayers ; 1848, Cyrus Meeker ; 185i, A. Witherspoon ; 1855-6, 1). P. Hulburd ; 1857-S, J. B. Stratton. No house of worship has been erected by the Methodists, the meet- ings iu Ticonderoga being held in the school houses at Chilson Hill, the Back Street, the Upper Village, and in Trout Brook Valley, and in a Tlnion House at Hague, built by the inhabitants. Many earnest faith- ful and able men have labored upon this circuit, and the Methodi.st communion is among the largest of the denominations of Ticonderoga, uow numbering over 100. Interesting revivals have been experienced tinder the labors of several of the pastors. * All the circuit preachers have been from abroad except Louis N. Boudrye, a young man of a Catholic family in Ticonderoga, converted to Protestantism while at Kccseville Academy. A peculiar interest at- tached to his labors io the town of his youth, which has every reason to remember his zeal, sincerity, and usefulness with gratitude. Of all the religious denominations together it may be said that they have always been found friends of social reform, and have directly and indirectly preserved the honor, purified the public sentiment, elevated the aims, and sustained the progress of the town. Temperance, edu- cation, anti-slavery, private manners and public peace in Ticonderoga, owe much to all our churches. Such strong limitations of their influence for good, however, have existed among themselves, not of a spiritual, but of a financial and numerical kind that Ticonderoga hardly knows from experience what good a church may accomplish. Pastors, receiv- ing but from $300 to $500 a year and preaching to congregations not averaging over 100, have iu Ticonderoga n^ver been able to hold that commanding influence for good over the social life, the education, and the public sentimerft of the people, which, in other towns, has been their high privilege, their unavoidable duty, and their largest sphere of usefulness. A preacher of the truth has no opportunity to show his full power until all the people come to hear him ; nor a church to pro- duce its full harvest of good fruits until all the people give it financial, numerical, and spiritual support. A majority of the more wealthy and prominent citizens of Ticonderoga have never resolved to ca.«t their iu- ilucnee publicly in favor of Christianity, but have maintained a neutral position upon gravest questions of private and public virtue, much to the injury of the town, the misdirection of itf young men, and tlic pre]- 00 \V11AT TICONDEUOCJA ENJ0V3. udice of their own interests. The neutrality of many mot-al men has f];iven power to a class positively wrong, whose influence has been at home one of our severest evils and abroad a well-known dishonor. — Exceedingly erroneous opinions, however, have often been formed con- cerning the moral atmosphere of Ticonderoga by judging of its present by its past and of the whole town by a few infected localities. A fair ma- jority are right in principle, and would be always victorious in practice, had they according to Divine Law, as much ability to do as to hca^, to execute as to adopt, to perform as to profess. Not a few facts might bo drawn from the history of the churches of Ticonderoga to add to the arguments of those who believe the sectarian organization of christiap- ity an enormous evil. Much denominationar scrambling needs to give way to a world-convincing fraternity of spirit ; much care for sectarian supremacy to a co-operative and aggressive manliness, tinder these difficulties, necessarily stated in a true record, the general prosperity ot the churches acquires a double significance ; their efforts a double worth ; and every child taught, every vice reformed, every family blessed, eve- ry hope of men anxious to do good, every struggle, every tear, every prayer, a double preciousness. CHAPTER III. WHAT TICONDEUOGA ENJOYS-Historical Associations, Scenes of Celebrated Events, Natural Scenery. In the previous chapter we have sketched the main branches of trade, industry, public improvement and social progress in Ticonderoga from its earliest settlement to the present time, matters of no little local in- terest and value. In the present the subject is enlarged to events in the history of our country, of influence not upon one town or county, but upon the nation at large, and therefore of general interest and im- portance. Every improvement in moral or material interests the town has achieved by labor ; but its rich historical associations and the gifts of nature, it has received by inheritance. The former, then, are among the things which Ticonderoga does, the latter among those it enjoys. Sect. XXXIV—- Wants of Visitors and Tourists. It is high time that some full and accurate account should be made out of the historical localities of Ticonderoga with brief notes of the events that have given them celebrity. Since 1820 a concourse of trav- elers, fashionable and curious, averaging now five thousand a season, have passed through the town from Lake Horicon every summer to visit the ruins ol' Fort Ticonderoga. A few have remained a week, some a day, some au hour, but a majority have been satisfied with a mere pass- ing glance. Any due appreciation of the extent or interest of the ruins has been impossible with the greater number from want of time, of guides, or of information. It so happens that the most interesting localities are unnoticed or rarely visited by travelers, The star fort and old barracks on t ic WHAT TlCONDEROGA ENJOVS. 97 promontory, near the pavillion, so assiduously scoured for rellca, is, with the single exception of its capture by Ethan Allen, by no means the locality most rich in stirring associations. Ticonderoga as a military post, it will be remembered, had a peculiar history. It passed three times between hostile nations without a battle. It was taken every time without bloodshed, by Amherst, by Allen, by Burgoyne. Once an un- successful attempt was made for its capture, and this, under Abercrom- bie, with terrible loss. The outposts rather than the heart of the for- tress have borne the terrors and therefore deserve now the honors of war. If loss of life can give any spot historical interest ; if intense conflict, unparalleled bravery, and the stake of vast interests occurring upon any locality, can attract reverent remembrance, then the old French lines, stretching a thousand paces through the woods north of the Fort, are among the most interesting places of the vicinity. But travelers rarely go there. Nor to Mt. Hope, near the village, with its entrenehmenia where Burgoyne's right wing, panting and anxious^ gained their first confidence and foothold, against the fortress. Nor to the top of Mt. Defiance, where the sunrise of July 6, 1777, revealed to the garrison the British red coats with their battery and block house, a summit easily accessible and worth visiting for its splendid outlook upon natural scene- ry, if for nothing else. Nor to Mt. Independence, with its old picket fort, its breastworks, its circular battery, and its burial grounds. Even in the star Fort, few travelers seem to notice the spots of special interest. Many cannot find the oven, the 'best preserved under ground room of the fortress. And how many know where Ethan Allen landed, where the sentinel snapped the fusee at him, where ran the covered way, where were the stairs up which he strode to the door of Capt. La Place, what spot of the grey plaster was actually within the commandant's chamber ? How many know the dimensions of the parade ground, the counterscarp, the bastions, the underground rooms, and the locality of the magazine ? And how many guide-books give any account of that earliest battle of all, eleven years before the Mayflower landed, in 1609, between Cham- plain with his party of Hurons and Algonquins and the Iroquois?§ Indeed, from the questions often asked by many visitors, it would seem not uninstructive if some one should erect a guide board on the grounds and put upon it the inscription following : Upon this Promontory occurred, A. D. Champlain's battle with the Iroquois, - - - 1609 Erection of Fort Carillon* by the French, - - - 1756 Defeat of Abercrombie by Montcalm, - - - 1758 Capture of the Fort by Amherst, . . - - 1759 Capture by Ethan Allen, l775 Evacuation before Burgoyne by St. Clair, - - - 1777 It might be even then, necessary to remind a few of the distinction between the old French war and the Revolution, of the nationality of the generals named, and of the issues at stake. Especially concerning f.iSee Sect. VI. *The French name of Fort Ticonrleroga, meaning the same as the Indian Chc- I .' Toga. the original of Ticonderoga, signifying chime of bells, chime, pother, >.et, music — Spiers and Surreties Diet. The allusion is to the falls and the c properly means Sounding Waters.. 98 AVUAT HlONDEROGA enjovs. the particulars of each action, the intimate succession of events, and their connection with the general history of the colonies and of the Revolu- tion, many have been too busy or too careless to be thorou£;hly informed. All these historical associations, however, must be fully understood be- fore the interest of the localities can acquire its full power. Of noble places as of noble men it is true that " He that knoweth well, loveth well." Actuated by that love and by the necessities of visitors above indicated, the writer invites attention to a sketch of the several events, largely made up from original sources, and also to a description of the present state of the ruins, with which he has been familiar for years, visited under every variety of circumstances, and carefully studied with all the aids that are at command. Sect. XXXV— Historical Summary. As history is but a series of logical connections, a brief sketch of the general course of military events in Champlain Valley, is necessary to^the description of those connected with Ticoudei'oga. It will be remembered that of this region two great nations of Europe claimed the exclusive sovreignty. France asserted a right to all the territory traversed by waters flowing into the St. Lawrence, Champlain, the Great Lakes, and the Mississippi. This vast area her rulers claimed by the right of discovery, and her people made it the subject of high hopes, of ambitious desire for power, and of jealous defence, under the title of " New France." England, on the other hand, asserted a right to the whole region, by virtue of her early discoveries and grants, ex- tending claims northward to the St. Lawrence and westward to the Pa- cific ; and especially from the recognition by France in the treaty of Utrecht of her paramount sovereignty over the possessions of the Iro- quois. These conflicting claims, despite the sanctions of treaties, con- tinually produced war. The llurons and Algonquins along the St. Lawrence, became the firm friends of France ; and, as one result, the Iroquois and Mohawks, in Vermont and New York, became her enemies. Fierce but indeci- sive forays were made along the pathway of Champlain year after year by the French upon the Indians and by the Indians upon the French- Iq 16S9 the savages took Montreal and threatened the very citadel of Quebec. Previously to this defeat the French had built the forts at Charably and at Sorel to protect Canada against incursions from the south. The English made the Iroquois their war-dogs ; the French used the llurons and Algonquins. Instigated by the passions of Euro- pean sovereigns and poured forth upon defenseless settlements, savage warfare, in itself unspeakably terrible, acquired new arts and augmen- ted ferocity. A treaty was made at last between the French and the Iroquois; but it operated little to the restraint of either party. The possession of Lake Champlain was coveted by both nations. Crownpoint peninsula, at a nairow point of the lake, was intensely de- sired by the French. Violating the obligations of a profound peace, a French aimament, in 1731, seized a promontory opposite Crown Point, and soon after, the peninsula itself, and erected there Fort iSt. Frederic. This was within the land.s of the Iroquois, which by the treaty of I- trecht were guaranteed to remuiu "iuviolate by any occupalion or WHAT TtCONDEROGA ENJOYS. 99 encroachment of France." The government of New York was then in nerveless and inefficient hands, that made no effort to repel this en- croachment. Gov. Shirley of Massachusetts at last indignantly ap- pealed to the Governor of New York and aroused his attention to the alarming exposure of the Colonies from the fortress so far within the limits of his asserted jurisdiction. Accepting Shirley's offer of aid. New York and Massachusetts, joined in raising an army, which, under Generals Johnson and Lyman, proceeded against the French on Lake Champlain, erecting Fort Edward on the way. At the head of Lake Horicon they met Dieskall, June, 1775, and after one repulse, routed his army, took him prisoner, cut off the retreating, and threw their dead bodies into " Bloody Pond." Had Johnson followed up this victory he might have'captured Fort, Frederic, then dilapidated, and Fort Carillon on the bold promontory of Ticonderoga, but just begun. But he fell back and wasted the summer in building Ft. AVm. Henry, on the scene of his exploit. Meanwhile the colonies besought England to interfere, but she would not. Only a few rangers kept up the warfare. Important results, how- ever, followed this neglect. Left to their own resources in extremest peril the colonies learned valor. Around the walls of Ticonderoga, along the shores of Champlain and Horicon, were the school-grounds of the Revolution. In the French war Providence prepared the colonies to endure the war for liberty. Prcscott and Stark, Pomeroy and Put- nam, as rangers around Ticonderoga against the French,^ were formed to guide and conquer in the battles of Freedom. Events connected with the soil of Ticonderoga largely unfolded the elements and formed the agents of the war of the Revolution.^ Every stone laid at Ticonderoga was a weight of terror upon tho hearts of the colonists. Slowly ambitious France was encircling their feeble outposts, and connecting two of the largest rivers of North Amei'- ica with a cordon of fortresses, continually pouring the horrors of sav- age warfare upon their extended and unprotected settlements. Schenec- taday blazing at midnight, the valley of the Connecticut ravaged, the whole country north of the Mobawk depopulated by torch and toma- hawk and terror, were scenes, consummated by the enemy now at Crowu Point and Ticonderoga, which exasperated to the intensest pitch the care and solicitude of New England and excited all the enthusiasm of the colonists for vengeance. At last, having passed the matter silently for many years, England demanded with emphasis and decision the demolition of the fort at Crownpoint. What inefficiency or corruption had allowed to ba con- summated, diplomacy could not then retrieve. Fully aroused by the refusal of France to comply with their demand and with the finishing of the fort at Ticonderega in 1756, England, in the same year declared war. Two seasons, though the colonists presented the required con- tingents fully and promptly, were wasted by the inefficiency and delays of the British officials. Gathering boldness from these failures of the colonists Montcalm col- lected the Indians at Ticonderoga and passing through Lake Horicon with an army df nine thousand, ( 1757J boseigcd and captured Ft. Wm. Henry. Here occurred the terrible massacre of the 1500, which marks the culmiaating point of French power upon this continent. Uissatis- 100 WHAT TICONDERCfGA ENJOYS. fied at the conduct of the war, the people of England, now thoroughly awake to the conquest of New France, at last found in William Pitt, the greatest statesman of English annals, a prime minister who compre- hended the wants of the colonies and by whose splendid combinations and stirring appeals the colonists were roused to execute the grand plan of attacking all the French fortresses at once. For this purpose the immense armament of Abercrombie and Howe was raised, and passed through Lake Horicon. It fought and failed. Amherst suc- ceeded in 1759 ; Carillon passed into English hands, and New France was doomed. Driven from Ticonderoga and Crownpoint the French bad no longer power to enforce their claims and finally were compelled to relinquish them entirely in the treaty of 1763. Such is a summary of the events and motives operating previous to the Revolution to form that halo of historical associations now envelop- ing Ticonderoga. Sect. XXXVI— Roger's Escape, 1758. As the traveler from the head of the Silver Water nears the southern end of his voyage, a bold mountain on the west of the lake called Rogers' Rock, deserves his attention. The whole elevation is 400 feet, half of which distance is a bare rock called the slide, inclined at an angle of 25 degrees from meridian. The story of Rogers, the ranger, whose escape gave names to these localities, is well known but often misstated. Tradition and various relies would seem to fix the scene of the skirtnish, not at the outlet of the lake as intimated by some authorities, but in the centre of Trout !Brook Valley. With a small scouting party in the winter of 1758, tradition says, Rogers was returning from the vicinity of Crownpoint to Fort George. The French then occupied Fort Ticonderoga and had outposts along the outlet of the lake. Avoiding these he plunged across the Plateau into the forests of Trout Brook Valley, hoping to reach lake Horicon without provoking a skirmish. The spot is still pointed out on the premises of James Covel where the party first saw an Indian lying down in the act of drinking from the brook. Firing upon him, they soon found that they were in a large ambuscade of infuriated savages. A fierce battle ensued on the sloping ground between the brook and the east mountain. Any number of bullets and Indian arrows, with knives, tomahawks and gun trappings, since plowed up on these grounds, af- ford unmistakable proofs of the correctness of the tradition making this the scene of the battle. All of Rogers' men were killed, and he re- treated on snow shoes up the gorge just east of the present residence of "W. H. Cook, closely pursued by the Indians. Traversing the summits of the mountains separating Trout Brook Valley from Lake Horicon, he soon came to its abrupt southern terminus, having meanwhile devised a means of escape. With the savages not a half mile in the rear, he walked boldly down to the edge of the precipice and hurriedly unlashed his knapsack, and slid it down the face of the rock. Then unbinding the tight thongs of his snow shoes, he turns himself about upon them, taking care to scuffle the snow somewhat, and retreats, making reversed tracks, along the southern brow of the rock, descend? a gorge, comes around to the foot of the Slide, reshoulders his knapsack and is olF up the ice to Ft. George. This ruse of course left two trT'^"^ ^'-^^ '^•fforcnt directions wkAT TICONDEKOGA ENJOYS. 101 meeting at the edge of the precipice. The savages on coming up supposed that two individuals had met there, and cast themselves down the rock, either in a scuffle if they were foes, or in fear if they were friends rather than ftill alive into savage hands. Many a deer, made to leap ofiF that height in the hunt, had been crushed to death, and what was, therefore, their astonishment to behold the active major hur- rying off yet alive with legs unbroken and without a limp after a fall of two hundred feet. He must be under the protection of the Great Spir- it, thought the savages on the mountain top. and with characteristic veneration they resolved not to pursue him. It is a little remarkable that the keen woodscraft of the savage that could mark a footprint among dry leaves did not notice that the two tracks were of snow shoes precisely alike and therefore suspect the ruse ; but it is probable that heat of battle and perhaps the kind north wind drifting the snow upon the tracks, favored the success of this inimitable expedient. The summit of Rogers' Rock abounds in attractions to the mineralo- gist ; and has furnished many brilliant specimens to cabinets in various parts of the world. The gorge down which Major Rogers retreated . contains a famous rattle snakes' den, almost the only remaining home of that dangerous reptile in the vicinity. Peaceful flocks of sheep now lie among the breezy pines on the summits along which Rogers was pur- sued, and sometimes a party after berries or on some fourth of July, slide great rocks down the precipice in memory of the route of the knap sack. The water opposite the Slide is of extraordinary depths fishermen, who find superior sport in this vicinity, having sounded it with their longest lines without finding bottom. Sect. XXXVII.— Abercrombie's Defeat, 1758. The splendid historic scene of the passage of Abercrorabie through Lake Horicon on the morning of July 6, 1758, with his flotilla of nine hundred batteaux, rafts manned with artillery, and one hundred and thirty four boats, bearing nine thousand provincial troops and seven thou- sand British veterans, against Ticonderoga, at once the scourge, the terror and the coveted prize of England and her colonies, is familiar to all. As this magnificent armament landed in the little cove on the west side of the Jake, yet retaining the name of Howe's Landing, they saw something to arouse their valor in Prisoner's Island opposite them where English prisoners had been confined in chains and under guard, after the first company left there had unluckily waded off to liberty. Yet more they had to excite the enthusiasm of revenge in the memory of the massacre at the bloody pass only twelve short months before, of Montcalm at Ft. Wm. Henry, that gay French marquis, whose forces they were now to meet at Carillun. Before noon Stark and Rogers were pressing forward through the dense forest toward the French lines, four miles distant. Montcalm had 4000 men, and daily expected a reinforcement of 3000 under M. De Levi. Abercrombie knew this, and hence, without waiting ior his artillery, made preparations for an immediate attack. Cautiously Putnam with one hundred rangers was sent in advance, while behind came the fifteen thousand, drawn up in four columns, the front one led by the eager Howe. " Keep back," said Putnam as they neared the place of exjiected conflict, "keep bade, my lord, you are the ■JOS WHAT TICOXDEROGA KXJOYS. idol and soul of the array, and my life is worth but little." " Putnam," was the young man's only answer, '' your life is ac dear to you as mine is to me. I am determined to go," A single battallion of French and In- dians, stationed as an outpost, arc met and retreat, leaving their camp of log huts in a blaze. Immediately Howe with his advance column take up the pursuit, eager to enlarge this prestige of victory. It was a hot July day of buzzing flies and sweltering leaves, the tim- ber and under brush stood thick, and despite their superior discipline and dress Howe and his battallion, were somewhat confused. With re- markable independence of fashion the young nobleman had accommo- dated himself and regiment to the nature of the service by cutting off bis hair and fashioning his clothes for activity. After crossing a bridge over Trout Brook where amid thick cedars and pines of enormous growth it emptied into the brawling outlet of Horicon,* they fell in with a party of French and Indians, confused in the dense forest, while retreating without guide to the lines. A sharp report of muskets mingling with the roar of the water, a rattle of balls among the trees and leaves, began the skirmish. At the first fire Howe fell with an- other officer and several privates. Leaping behind the trees and crouch- ing in the under brush, Stark, Putnam and Rogers, with their rangers, accustomed to the Indian style of warfare, fought on. The rear col- umns coming up spread out along the bank of the creek, and soon the French battallion heard the scattering roar of small arms breaking out all around them. In brief time, falling one by one, three hundred of their number were dead, and the remaining one hundred and forty eight, surrendered. Thrown out of rank by the skirmish and the forest, confused for want of guides, fatigued by the hot sun pouring in through the branch- es ; and most of all discouraged by the death of their leader, the army marched back to the place of landing to bivouac until the next day. All that night they wept for Howe, and told his virtues. " With him," says Mante, "the soul of the army seemed to expire." A rip- ple of crystal waves upon the white sandy beach ; a gush of melody from the nightingale in the pines; stars setting behind the bold western mountain mirrored in the Silver Water, but the soldiers on their bear-skin couches or watchins: by the sentinels' posts, admired none of them. — Howi was dead. Till day appeared they thought of that, and of the re- venge to come. Early nest morning Col. Bradstreet advanced and took possession of the French Saw Mills at the lower falls, which the enemy had abandoned. Then an engineer was sent out slyly toward the fort, and the army wait- ed at Lake Horicon. Peacefully rippled the Silver Water : bright rose the sun. The engineer returned after a rash and hasty survey, and re- ported that the French lines were unfinished and easily pregnable. — Sure of victory the host again marched toward the death place of Howe, and passed it toward the fatal lines. Meanwhile from side to side of the promontory of Ticonderoga, French axes, spades, and ammunition wheels had been engaged. A breast-work nine feet high, twenty teet thick at the base and ten at the *After comparing sevei-al accounts and traditions of the death of Howe |this seems to be the spot where the fatal skirmish took place. It is central between' tlic two [villages. WHAT TIC0>'JJL;U0GA KN'JOVS. ]0o top, full of angles, and surmounted by heavy artillery, stood in perfect repair a thousand paces crossing from the bold northern bank of the creek toward Champlain. In front of this ran a deep and wide trench, and beyond, for a hundred yards, the ground was'covored with felled trees with sharpened branches pointing outward. Behind all stood Montcalm with his lour thousand, their heads only visible, with muskets levelled against the assailants. Unsuspicious of the strength of the enemy ^s entrenchments, the Brit- ish and provincial army moved boldly forward. Loud rang the arches of the forest along the present site of the village to sound of fife and drum, and louder as they turned the bend of the creek. The sparrow sang loud upon the bank; the robin and the blue-bird carolled over head. Peacefully lay the flat leaves of the water lillies on the stream, and how many in that host saw the pale flowers, opening in the shade, for the last time. Presently, ascending the gentle western slope of the promontory, they near the lines Every moment they expect a shot. One by one the regiments wheel into battle array with all the calmness and precision of a military parade. The signal for assault is heard among the French. Suddenly forth from the fatal lines springs a sheet of flame and a thou- sand pounds of metal are on their way. A shower of cannon balls crash through the forest beyond the abattis. The old leaves are plowed up; young saplings are bent and cut; soldiers reel, ranks open, death notches out one here and there, and the ranks close again. On the summit of the embankment, partially hid in a cloud of smoke, English bullets rain. Out of that cloud return tongues of fire and leaden hail. Each drop on cither side hums its minstrelsy of blood, a stinging pierc- ing song heard above the thunders of the war-cloud. The abattis is reached, and impedes the approach to the entrenchments. Screaming with rage, beneath a galling fire, the Scotch Highlanders leap among the branches and rave and hack and hew with their broad swords. — A few officers and men pass the ditch, scale the embankment, and leaping among the French, are instantly bayoneted. Slowly the morn- ing July sun rises in the heavens, but the grey cloud of musket and cannon smoke broods among the oaks and pines and shuts out the light from the combatants. Four hours they breast the storm. The green bark of the freshly fallen trees of the abattis grows red with gore. The water in the ditch shrouds groaning men. Scores are mowed down at every discharge of the French artillery. The dying and wounded, carried far to the rear, lie bleeding under the shadows of the forest. Blood oozes from two thousand dying and mangled forms, till it runs a rill. Why is the outlet of the Silver Water bloody.' Why do the lillies along the bank turn purple, the sensitive yellow leaves of the corolla seem blotched and stained ? It is blood from the battle field.* Secure in the rear Abercrombie standi and orders batallion after battallion against the French entrenchments only to see them borne back, dead and wounded. At last the bugles sound. Refrain. How the dying men groan as they are taken up to be borne hastily back to their morning camp. — * T'lc authenticity of this fact is established by the testimony of Ihose who re- ceived it from the surnvors of this defeat, as well as by history and numerous traditions. IU4 UHAT TICONDEUOCIA ENJOYS, IMany of the dead are left behind unburied, many die on the Way. Stained and sore, and panic-struck — the sun of noon shines upon the retreating columns. Nature is as clear as ever. Tramp, tramp, tramp go the heavy regiments, loaded with defeat and dying comrades, along the banks of the Sounding Waters. Trout Brook Valley and the Pla- teau rolled full of foliage of beech and maple, breathing pine and song of birds, all undisturbed by the terror of that day. The deer drank at the laughing rivulets, or, standing on the mountain crags, snufiFed the sulphureous taint of battle in the pure air of the valley, shimmering in the still summer noon. Though no pursuit was attempted a sudden panic seized the defeated troops. They rush to their landing, and embark hastily vpith the few prisoners and the many wounded. Groans now for bugle notes. Dis- appointment and disaster now in place of anticipations of victory. A recoil of surprise and sorrow now for the English colonies, people an<3 government, instead of a burst of joy. Marbles in Westminster Ab- Isey now and crape and mourning instead of glory from the fatal Ticon- deroga lines. Not as they came, indeed, did that proud armament return. Such was the Battle of Ticonderoga, July 8, 175S. Sect. XXXVIII.— Capture by Amheist, 1759. Pitt was disappointed and the English people profoundly chagrin at the inglorious retreat of Abercrombie. Lord Amherst, the next ye was sent out to succeed him. Having collected 11,000 men at Fo. Edward and the vicinity, Amherst moved cautiously along Lake George, crossed the outlet of Lake Horicon, and appeared, without opposition, before Ticonderoga, July 26^ 1759. Montcalm, alarmed at the impend- ing descent of Wolfe upon Quebec, had hastened with the greater part of his forces to its defence, leaving Ticonderoga in the command of Boula- marque. Confident of victory from past achievements and present strength, the garrison seemed determined to hold out to the last. They soon found, however, that Amherst was not Abercrombie. His plan was not to assault the lines, but to take the fort by a prolonged siege. On the fourth day of the investment Boulamarque abandoned and dis- mantled Ticonderoga, and having secured his munitions, retreated to Crown Point, leaving Carillon on fire. Thus the grey promontory, for which so much bipod and treasure had been spent, was at last taken with hardly the loss of a single man. — England and the colonies mourned the death of Townsend, the counter- part of Howe, young, valorous and noble ; but they exulted in the com- mand of Lake Champlain. Every blow of the French in dismantling the fortress, and every stroke of Amherst, who immediately enlarged and improved the works on a scale of imposing magnificence, was a solemn knell for the approaching doom of New France. Crown Point, also evacuated and dismantled, was soon occupied by Amherst, and a new fort erected there, at the enormous expense of ten millions of dollars. In the interval of a delay of three months, made necessary by the prc- fcribed formula of military progress, but which should have been occu- pied in perfecting his dominion of the lake, Amherst caused a small flotilla to be constructed at Ticonderoga. With this naval armament he * Bancroft. WHAT TICONDEROGA ENJOYS. 103^ designed to proceed to Canada, but, forced back by an autumnal tem- pest, the main force remained at Crown Point and Ticonderoga, while the boats pursued and atcackcd the French fleet near Plattsburgh. Thia first naval conflict upon the waters of Lake Champlain, was with the gun boats buiJtat Ticonderoga. Sect. XXXIX— Capture by Ethan Allen, 1775. From 1759 to 1775, during which time Ticonderoga remaioed near- ly unused in the hands of the British, time was slowly forcing it out of war- like repair. In 1773, Gren. Haldibrand, commander at Crown Point and Ticonderoca, announced to the government that the fort at Crown Point was "entirely destroyed," and that at Ticonderoga in a " ruin- ous condition," and that both could '' not cover fifty men in winter." — But no lapse of time could change the natural features of the country which gave importance to these fortresses as military posts. Eemem- boring their position and aroused by the opening of hostilities at Lex- ington, it was natural that many patriotic individuals and associations throughout the colonies should conceive almost at the same time the project of capturing these fortresses in their dilapidated and exposed condition. To Ethan Allen belongs the honor of executing this bold design. The immortal story of hiiexpedition has been often told, but never so accurately or so well, peruaps, as in his own words, first pub- lished in his ''Narrative," in 1779: " Ever since I .arrived at the state of manhood, and acquainted myself with the general history of mankind, I have felt a sincere passion for liberty. The history of nations, doomed to perpetual slavery, in consequence of yielding up to tyrants their natural-born liberties, 1 read with a sort of philosophical horrorj ho that the first systematical and bloody attempt, .at Lexington, to enslave Amer- ica, thoroughly electrified my mind, and fully determined me to take part with my country. And while I was waiting for an opportunity to signalize myself in its behalf, directions were privately sent to me from the then colony, (now state) of Connecticut, to raise the Green Mountain Boys, and, if possible, with them to surprise and take the fortress of Ticonderoga. " This enterprise I cheerfully undertook; and. after first guarding all the sev- eral passes that led thither, to cut oft" all intelligence between the garrison and the country, made a forced march from Bennington, and arrived at the lake op- posite to Ticonderoga, on the evening of the ninth day of May, 1775, with two hundred and thirty valliant Green Mountain Boys ; and it was with the utmost difficulty that I procured boats to cross the lake. However, I landed eighty three men near the garrison, and sent the boats back for the rear guard, commanded by Col. Seth Warner, but the day began to dawn, and I found myself under ne- cessity to attack the fort, before the rear could cross the lake; and, as it was viewed hazardous, I harrangued the officers and soldiers in the manner follow- ing : '• Friends and fellow soldiers, you have, tor a number or years past been a scourge and terror to arbitrary power. Your valor has been famed abroad, and acknowledged, as .appears by the advice and orders to me, from the General As- sembly of Connecticut, to surprise and take the garrison now before us. I now propose to advance before you, and in person conduct you through the wicket gate; for we nmst this morning either quit our pretensions to valor, or possess ourselves of this fortress in a few minutes; and, inasmuch as it is a desperate at- tempt, which none but the bravest of men dare undertake, I do not urge it on any contrary to his will. You that will undertake voluntaril}% poise your tire-locks.' •' The men being at this time drawn up in three ranks, each poised his fire- lock. I ordered them to face to the right, and at the head of the centre file, marched them immediately to the wicket gate aforesaid, where I found a sentry posted, who instantly snapped his fusee at me; I ran immediately toward him. and he retreated through I luscovsred way into the parade within the garrison. gave a halloo, and nm under a bomb-proof. Aly party, who followed me into the fort, 106 WHAT XICONDEROGA ENJOVS- I formed on the pavaJc in such a maimer as to face the two Itarracks which faced each olher. '* The garrison beiui;- asleep, except the sentries, we g;ive tl)rce huzzas which greatly surprised them. One of the sentries made a a pass at one of my officei'S Mith a charged oaj'onet. and slightly wounding him. I^Iy iirst thought was to kill him with my sword; but in an instant, I altered the design and fury of the blow to a sliglit cut on tlie side of the head; npon which he dropped his gun and asked quarter, whicli I readily granted him, and demanded of him the place ■where the commanding officer kept; he sliowed me a pair of stairs in the front of a barrack, on the west part of the garrison, which led up a second story iu said barrack, to which I innaediatoly repaired, and ordered the Commander, Ca])t. De La Place, to come fortli instantly, or I would sacrifice the whole giirrison; at ■which the Capt. came immediately to the door with his lu-eeches iu his hand-; ■wlien I ordered him to deliver me tlie fort instantly; he askad me by what au- thority I demanded it; I answered him •' In the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress.''''* The authority of the Congress being very little known at that time he liegan to speak again; but I interrupted him, and with my drawn sword over liis head, again demanded an immediate surrender of the garrison; with which he then complied, and ordered his men to be forthwith par- aded witiiout arms, as he had given up the garrison. In the meantime some of my officers had given orders, and in consequence thereof sundry of the barrack doors were beat down, and about one-third of the garrison impiisoned, whicli consisted of the said Commander, a Lieut. Feltham, a conductor of artillery, a gunner, two sergeants, and forty-four rank and file, about one hundred pieces of cannon, one thirteeii inch mortar, and a number of swivels. This surprise was carried into execution in the grey of the morning of the tenth of I\Iay, 177."). The sun seemed to rise on that morning -^vith a superior lustre; and Ticondero- ga and its dependencies smiled to its conquerors, who tossed about the flowing bowl and wished success to Congress, and the liberty and freedom of America. Happy it was for me. at that time, that those future pages of the book of fate, which afterwards unfolded a miserable scene of two years and eight months im- pri.soumeut, were hid from my view." The extract would not be complete without Allen's account of the expeditious from Ticonderoga agaiciht Crown Point and the sloop of war at St. Johns : '•r>ut to return to my narrative ; Col. Warner, with the rear guard, crossed the lake, and joined me early in the morning, whom I sent off, without loss of time, with about one hundred men, to take 2>ossession of Crown Point, which was garrisoned with a sergeant and twelve men; which he took jwssession of the same day, as also of upwards of one hundred pieces of cannon. But one thing now remained to be done, to make ourselves complete masters of Lake Cham- plain; this was to possess ourselves of a sloop of war, which was then lying at St. Johns, to eifect which, it w."s agreed in a council of war, to arm and man out a certain schooner, wliich lay at South Bay, and that Capt. (now general) Arnold should command her, and that I should command the batteaux The necessary preparations being made, we set sail from Ticondei'oga, in quest of the eloop, wh wasich much larger, and carried more guns and heavier metal than the fchooner. General Arnold with tlie schooner, sailing faster than tlie liatteaux, arri\'ed at St. Johns, and by surprise, possessed himself of the sloop, before I could arrive with the batteaux. He also made prisoners'of a sergeant and twelve men, who were garrisoned at th.at place. It is worthy of remark that as soon as General Arnold had sis-cured their prisoners on board, and had made preparation for s.iiling, the wind, wliich was but a few hoiu's was fresh in the south, and v.ell served to carry us to St. Johns, nov/ .«hifted, and came fresh from the north; and in about an hour's time. General Arnold sailed with the prize and scliooner for Ticonderoga. When I met him with my party, williin a few miles of St. John^, he saluted me with a di.«chavge of cannon, which I returned with a volley of small arm?. This being repeated three times, 1 went on lioard the sloop w ith my par- ty, w!iere several loy;il Congress health,^ were drank." Also Allen's estimate of the uiilitary aud political importance of Ti- conderoga. *W'ith an oath to wind up with, which Alh^n does not record. See Losoing's I'icld Boukof Jlcvolution, 1, IJi. WHAT TU.-ONDEROOA ENJOi>:. 107 '' Wh were now masters of L;iko Cli;imj>l;iiii, and flit> jj-arriyon tlqipiidiiiff there- the fa- vorable etlisct of the remedies. The alarming symptondolas were sunk bj' our fleet, and one blown up with sixty men. Their loss in men is supposed to \)B equal to our own, which is estimated at about one hun- dred. 1 r.FPArtATIONS TO r.ECFlVK AX ATT.VCK. '• A large number of troops were on board the Criti.-!i fleet, consistiniT; of reg- nlnrs, Canadians and savages, which have been l-.inded on each side of the lake, and it is now expected that Sir Guy Carleton. at the head of his army, reported to be about 10,000 strong, will soon invest this jiost. By order of (li'n (lates, our commander, the greatest exertions are constantly making, by strengthening our works, to enal)le us to give them a warm recei)tion; and our soldiery express a strong desire to have an opportunity of displaj-ing thefr courage and prowess; both officers and men .ire full of activity and vigilance. " 18th. — It is now ascertained that the British army and fleet have established themselves at Crownpoint, and are strengthening the old fortifications at that jilace. Some of their vessels have ap)n-oaciied within a few miles of our garrison, and one boat came within cannon shot distance of 6ur lower battery, in order to recoiinoitre and sound the channel; but a few shot having killed two men, and wounded another, soon obliged her to retire. All our troops are ordered to repair to tlieir alarm ]iosts, and man the lines and works; every morning, our continen- tal colors are advantageously displayed on the ramparts, and our cannon and spears are in re adiness for action. " 20th.— Ever since the defeat of our fleet we have been providentially favored with a sti-ong southerly wind, which has prevented the enemy's advancing to at- tack our lines, and aflbrded us time to receive some reinforcements of militia, and to prepare for a more vigorous defence. It seems now to be the opinion of many of our most judicious officers, that had Sir Guy Carleton apjiroached with his army, imnudiately after iiis victory on the lake, the struggle must have been most desperate, and the result precarious; but we new feel_more confidence in our strength. CAIiLKTON RETIRES TO CANADA. ^- JVovember 1st. — The enemy remain at Crownpoint, and evince no disposition to molest our garrison, having probably discovered that our means of defence are too formidable for them to encounter. Gen. Gates has now ordered a detachment of troops to march towards Ci'ownpoint. to reconnoitre their position, or to at- tack them. A report was soon retnrneil that the whole fleet and army have abandoned Crownpoint, and retired into Canada, where they will probably occu- py their winter quarters in peace, and it is not probable that Sir Guy Carleton intends to invest our garrison, at this advanced seasmi, unless, however, he shoidd attempt it by marching his army over the ice, when the lake is frozen, which will probably be very practicable. WINTER LIFE IV THE BARRAOv?. " 15th. — Ticonderoga is in about latitude forty-four degi'oes. I have no means in possession of ascertaining the precise degree of cold ; but we all agree that it is colder here than in Massachusetts at the same season. The earth has not yet been covered with snow, but the frost is so considerable that the water of tho lake is congealed, and the earth is frozen. We are comfortably situated in our barracks; our provisions are now good, and having no enemy near enougli _ to alarm or disturli us, we have nothing of importance to engage our attention. Our troops are quite healtliy. a few cases of rlieumatism and pleurisy comprise our sick-list, and it is seldom that any fatal cases occur." . A FAT BEAR QUELLS A RIOT. Deremher 26th. — \ singular kind of riot took place in our barracks last cve- *0n the beach at I'auton. Vt. WHAT TICONDEROGA ENJOVS. Ill siinu;, iittendcd hy Koiiie unploasaiit consequPiiccs. Col. A. W. of Mussaclin«ctts, made choice of his two s^iis, wlio were sohliev.s in liis regiriKMit, to discharge the menial duties of waiters, aiid oue of tlieiii having lieeii In-onglit up a sLoe- makcr. tlio Colonel was so inconsiderate as to allow him to work on his bencli in the same room with himself. The ridiculous conduct ha.s for some time drawn on the good old man the contemptuous sneers of the gentlcmeu otiicers, etpe- cially those from T'inupylvania Lieut. Col. C. of Wayne's regiment, being warmed with wine, took on himself the task of reprehending the "Vaukee" Colonel for thus degrading his rank.* With tliis Aiew he rushed iulo the ro(un ia tlie evening, and soon dispatched the shoemaker's bench ; after wiiich, he - made an assault on the Coloners person, and bruised him severely. '• The noise and coufusion soon collected a number of officers and soldiers, and it was a cousideraltle time before tlie rioters could be quelled. — Some of the soldiers of ddoiiel Wayne's regiment actually took to their arms, and dared the Yankees, and then ])roceeded to tlie extremity of tii-ing their guns-. Aliout thirty or Ibrty rounds were aimed at the soldiers of our regiment, who were driven "from their huts and barracks and several of them were severely wounded. Col. C. in niakingan assault on a superior officer, and encouraging a riot, is guilty of oue of the highest crimes in our articles of war. It was in the power of Col. W., and in fact it was his duty, to bring the audacious offenders to exemplary puaishraout; but, as if to complete the disgrace of the transaction, • -Col. C.sent some soldiers into the woods to shoot a fat bear, with which lie made an entertainment, and invited Col. AV. and his officers to partake of it ; this af- fected a reconciliation; and Col. W. was induced to overlook the high-handed as- sault on his o^\^l person and on the lives of his soldiers. Our Colonel is a serious, good man, but is more conversant with the economy of domestic life than the etiquette practised in camp."' \\V.\X FROM X tnCH MOrXTAIX. " June, 1777. — Byway of amusement I Ment Avith three gentlcmaH of our bospital to endeavor to explore a high mountain in this vicinity. "With much difficulty we clambered up and reached the summit. From this com- uiauding eminence we had oue of the most singularly romantic views which imagination caa paint. Northward we behokl Lake Champlaiu, a prodig- ous expanse of unruffled water, -widening and straitening as the banks and cliffs project into its channel. This lake extends about 100 miles toward Quebec, and is from one to five miles wide. On each side is a thick unin- habited wilderness, variegated by hills and dales; here the majestic oak, ches- nut and pine, rear their ioity heads; there the diminutive shrub forms a thicket for the retreat of wild beasts. Looking southwest^ from our stand, we have a view of a part of Lake George, emptying its waters into Lake Champlain, near Ticonderoga. Turning to the east, the prodigious hcighbs^ called Green Mountains, ascending almost to the clouds, are exhibited to view, with the settlements in that tract of territory called New Hampshire grant. The ancient fortress at Crown Point is about twelve miles north of this place; it is by nature a very strong position but it has been abandoned by both armies." Thus the garrison at Ticon(ieroga, though guarding an import.int fron- tier, led an easy life, a merry life, a well-fed happy life, while Washing- ton was retreating in gloom across the Jerseys, and while his troops had revived courage for the American cause by the victorie.« at Trenton and at Princeton. Very soon, however, England gave Ticondoroga some thing to do. Sect- XLI.— Capture by Burffoyne, 1777. In the summer of 1777, General John Burgoyne, the brave, the no- ble, the accomplished, the pompous, came ?weoping down Champlaiu Valley, fulminating sanguninary proclamations, hiring savage mcrcena- ^it is noticatile how innuy irieas of ruuk, " gcutlerncn ofliceis,'' tlio ■•• menial (iufios of waitiiis," ., prevalent at Ihc dale of thia extract, are obsolete now iu tne United states. i From this description it it; certain that the clovatinn merilioued could have hccn no other tliuu Mt. liuiA.vcs, just across Horitou's outlet frum the I'oM', 112 WHAT TICONDEROUA ENJOVS. rics, arraying his lordly titles, and ra»3naciiig all opposcrs of Lis nutlior- ity with his avenging power. All New England, all the United States, were looking with intense expectation upon Ticonderoga to place obsta- cles, perhaps a terminus, to his torniidable march. As a scene of his- torical interest, and as a determining cause of American liberty, the event of Burgoyne's expedition and defeat, is unsurpassed in impor • tauce in the whole history of the Kevolution. The appointments at Ticonderoga, the plan of the British government, and the state of the defences at the fortress and vicinity, are exceedingly well stated by Thaoher, an anxious eye-witness of the event. "June, 1777. — Congress have appointed Maj. Gen. Schuyler to command fn the northern department, including Albany, Ticonderoga, Fort Stanwis and their dependencies, and Maj. Gen. St. Clair has the immediate command of the posts ol Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence. It isalso understood that the British government have appointed Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne Commandei in ('hief of their army in. Canada, consisting, it is said, of eight or len thou- sand men. " According to authentic reports, the plan of the British government for the present campaign is that Gen. Burgoyne's army shall take possession of Ticonderoga, and force his way through the country to Albany; to facilitate this event, Col. St. Ledger is to march with a party of British, Germans, Canadians and Indians to the IMohawk river, and make a diversion in tb-it quarter. The royal army at New York, under command of Gen. Howe, i3 to pass up the Hudson river, and, calculating on success in all quarters, the three armies are to form a junction at Albany. Here, probably, the three commanders are to congratulate each other on their mighty achievements, and the flattering prospects of crushing the rebellion. This being accom- plished, the communication between the southern and eastern states will be interrupted, and, New England, as they suppose, may become an easy prey. " Judging from the foregoing detail, a very active campaign is to be ex- pected, and events of the greatest magnitude are undoubtedly to be unfolded . " The utmost exertions are now making to strengthen our works at Ticon- deroga, and, if possible, to render the post invulnerable. Mt. Independence, directly opposite to Ticonderoga, is strongly fortified and well supplied with artillery. On the summit of the Mt., which is table land, is erected a strong fort, in the centre of which is a convenient square of barracks, a part of which are occnpied for our hospital. 'J'he communication between these two places is maintained by a floating bridge; it is supported on 22 sunken piers of very large timber, the spaces between these are filled with 'separ- ate floats, each about fifty feet long and twelve wide, strongly fastened to- gether with iron chains and rivets. A boom composed of large pieces of timber, well secured together by riveted bolts, is placed on the north side of the bridge, and by the side of this is placed a double iron chain, the links of which are one and a half inch square. The construction of this bridge, boom and chain, of tour hundred yards in length, has proved a most laborious undertaking, and the expense must'have been immense. It is, however, sup- posed to be admirably adapted to the double purpose of a communication, and an impenetrable barrier to any vessels that might attempt to pass our works. Julij 1st. — We are now assailed by a proclamation of a very extraordinary nature from Gen. Burgoyne. * * The miHtia of New England are daily coiniug in to increase our strength ; the number of our troops, and our abil- ity to dcl'cnd the works against the approaching enemy, are considerations which belong to our conlmanding officers. ^ * One fact, however, is no- torious, that when the tioops are directed to man the lines, there is not a sufficient number to occupy their whule extent. It appears, nevertheless, so far as 1 can learn, to be the prevalent opiuiouj that wc shall be able to repel WHAT TxC0NDEI>O(iA ENJOYS. 113! the meditated attack, find defeat tnc views of the royal cominaikicr; botl^ officers and men arc in higli spirits and prepared for the contest."* With all these precautions, Mt. J>efiance, overlooking and connmand- iag the fortress, was not fortified. This was not a result of ignorance or inattention entirely, as is often stated, but mainly of want of men. The danger arising {rom the height and prosiinity of this mountain ; then called Sit^ar Loaf Hill, had been pointed out only the year be- fore by Col. Trumbull, then Adjutant General for the northern depart- ment. His assertions were laughed at, at the tide, by soldiers and of- ficers; but he soon demonstrated the superiority of his own judgment by throwing a cannon ball to the summit of the mountain, and after- ward clambered up to the top, accompanied by Col. Wavnc and Ar- nold.! Meanwhile the formidable army of Eurgoync, composed of British rank and file 3724 ; Grermans, rank snd file, 3016 ; Canadians and pro- vincials, about 250; Indians about 400, hired at the mouth of the Bo- quct — total 7490 — was cautiously approaching Ticonderoga. Having established at Crownpoint, from which a few American soldiers had fled, a hospital, magazine, a store housQ, these forces encamped before Ticon deroga, July 1, 1777. On the west side of the lake were light infan- try, grenadiers, Canadians, Indians, and 10 pices of light artillery un- der command of Brig. Gen. Fraser at Putts Creek. These were moved up to Five Mile Point, yet retaining the same name, from its being that distance below Ticonderoga. At the same time, on the east side of the lake, the German reserve, were moved up to a point in Shorcham, nearly opposite, under Lieut. Col. Breyman. The remainder of the array were on board the gunboats and the frigates Royal George and Inflexible, under the immediate command of Burgoync himself. This naval armament was anchored between the two wings of the army, just out of reach of cannon shot from the fort. It was soon ascertained by scouts that St. Clair had left Mt. Hope and Mt. Defiance unfortified. On the second of July, Burgoyne's right wing moved forward. It was hoped by St. Clair that an attack was about to be made on the old French lines, and accordingly, after slight resistance, the regiments at the block houses toward lake Iloricon, at tho saw mills, and at the block house near the lines, abandoned and burnt their works, and came within the entrenchments. Immediately availing themselves of this advantage. Generals Phillips and Fraser, with the advanced light infantry and artillery, took possession of a rocky eleva- tion, just north of the present site of the lower village, which, as it commanded to a considerable degree the American lines and completely cut off their communication with Lake George, and, therefore, gave ground for expectations of taking the fortress, they named Ml. llofe. Here they rapidly threw up entrenchments, and, after two days of ex- traordinary energy and activity, succeeded in bringing up their artillery, stores, and ammunition.;]: A cannonade was immediately begun be- tween these heights and the French lines. *fhaU-licrs Military Jnui-u;il during Ihc American Rc>>olntioii, pp. 79-8'2. ■j-Bordcr Wars of the American Revolution, by Wm. Stone, Vol. I, p. 179. JMt. Hope is an iiliriipt auil rocky elevation on tlio west side of the outlet of Lake Horicon near llic lower falls. It is especially I'oiigh andprecii)itous on the north east side, llangcs of breast-works, angles lor cauuon, &c., enclosing about four acres arc yet to be seen upon this interesting locality, also near by a log Viviflge over a marsli, built for (he trauspoi-taliou ot the cuunon- 114 WHAT TICONDEROUA ENJOYS. Unsuspected l)y the Americans, Lt. Twif^s, the chief engineer in Bur- jjoyne's army, had meanwhile rcconnoitercd Sngaj- Hill. He reported that it was unoccupied; that it completely overlooked and commanded the works on the Promontory and on ]\It. Independence ; and that a cannon road could be cut to its summit in 24 hours. By arduous and prolonged labor the road was completed on the night of th& fourtlj. — The cannonade out-noised the asesand falling trees, and the pale moon- light shimmering through the arches of the mountain pines hardly re- vealed the laboring soldiers to each other. That afternoon the Thun- dcrtr^ one of Burgoyne's squadron, had landed several pices of artillery, which, before morning, were, with incredible celerity and exertion, transported to the summit, light twelve pounders, medium twelves and eight inch hoswitcrs. So well occupied and guarded was the space be- tween the French lines and Mt. Hope that this movement was executed without being discovered by the Americans. As the British officers, weary and anxious but elated, drilled their cannon to the summit crag of Sugar Hill, and waited looking down upon the strongest fortress of the rebels, for the sun to rise, they changed the name of that com- anding eminence to Mt. Defiance. It was with terror and astonishment that the garrison of St. Clair perceived on the morning of the 5th, the flaunting cross of St. George among the pines of Mt. Defiance Their enemy could look down into all the fortifications, count every man, and inspect every movement. The distance in a straight line from the battery was perhaps over two miles; but heavy shot fired at a sufficient elevation from that height would soou demolish their barracks, and red hot balls might fire their magazine. Anxious and care worn, St. Clair called a council of war. To evacu- ate the fort would be to sacrifice his reputation ; to remain in it, would sacrifice his soldiers. His defences were strong, but Congress had not supplied the garrison with food, clothing, ammunition andreinforcemeotg. The tardiness or inability of Congress in these particulars had precluded the possibility of occupying Mt. Hope or IMl. Defiance. The entire force under the command of St. Clair consisted of only 2546 continen- tals, and 900 militia of whom not one in ten had bayonets. These were not sufficient to man the lines when all on duty, and of course could not endure the necessity which would arise of being kept in con- tinued action during a protracted seige. In this emergency St. Clair displayed a disregard of personal consequences no less noble than wl^^e and patriotic. An evacuation was immediately resolved upon as the only alternative that would save the army. As all the movements of the garrison could be seen from Mt. Defiance, nothing was done till dark, and the troops were not told of the deter- mination of their officers until the evening order. At dusk a tremen- dous cannonade was commenced from the battery near Mt. Hope, and kept up till the moment of departure. Every cannon that could not be moved was spiked. All the lights were put out before the tents were t-truck. Then came the gathering of provisions, arms, ammunition, and stores, and the hurrying to and fro between the fort and grena- diers battery, and across the bridge. There was much confusion. With iorrow the regiment.; departed one by one in haste, and not long after midnight the grey old walla of Ticondcropa were left silent. At till ce o'clock ja the morning of the uixth the tioop& began to WHAT TiCONDEROfiA F.NMOYS. 1 !•"> cross the briJge. The tramp of heavy feet couli] hardly be distinguislied from the ripple of waves on the tunhers in the breezy summer night, while the pale light of the moon was not Rufliciont to reveal the .scene to the sentinels on Mt. Defiance. Suddenly the luminary in the sky \h aided by another, rising, with broader and more fatal glow, fiom the bosom of Mt. Independence. Contrary to express orders, (jcn. De Fermoy, in leaving his works, had set his house on fire. Immediately revealed by the light of this burning building, which glared far acros.s Champlain, to the watchful enemy, the troops hasten their flight and become more confused. It was four o'clock, and the morning dew had begun to fall, and some notes of wakeful robins had been heard when the rear guard, under Col, Francis, left Mt. Independence. Of the moonlight voyage to Skeensboro, it were unpardonable no tto quote the account of so competent and appreciative a witness as the surgfion of St. Clair's army: "At about twelve o'clock, in the night of Hth instant," writes Thacher iu iis Journal, " I was urgently called from sleep, and informed that our army was in motion, and was instantly to abandon Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence. I could scarcely believe tliat my informant was in earnest, but the confusion and bustle soon convinced me that it was really true, and that the short time allowed demanded my utmost industry. It was enjoined on me immediately to collect the sick and wounded and as much of the hos- pital stores as possible, and assist iu embarking tliem on board the batteaux and boats at the shore. Ifaving with all possible dispatch completed our embarkation, at three o'clock in the morning of the 6tli, we commenced our voyage up the south bay to Skeensboro, about thirty miles. Our fleft con- sisted of five armed gallies and two hundred batteaux and boats, deeply laden with cannon, tents, provisions, invalids and women. We were accom panied by a guard of 600 men, commanded by Col. Long of New Hamp- shire. " The night was moonlight and pleasant, the sun burst forth in the morn- ing with uncommon lustre, the day was fine, the water's surface serene and unruffled. The shore on each side exhibited a variegated view of huge rocks, caverns and clefts, and the whole was bounded by a thick impenetrable wilderness. My pen would fail in the attempt to describe a scene so en- chautingly sublime. 'J'he occasion was peculiarly interesting, and we could but look back with regret and forward with apprehension. Wc availed ourselves, however, of the means of enlivening our spirits. The drum and fife afforded us a favorite music; among the hospital stores we found many dozen bottles of choice wine, and, breaking off their necks, we cheered our hearts with the nectarous contents. " At three o'clock in the afternoon we reached our destined post at Skoens- boro, being the head of navigation for our gallies. Ilere we were unsus- picious of danger ; but, behold ! Burgoyne himself was at our heels. In less than two hours we were struck with surprise and consternation by a dis- charge of cannon from the enemy's fleet , on our gallics and batteaux lying at the wharf. By uncommon efforts and industry they had broken through the bridge, boom and chain, which coat our people such immense labor, and had almost overtaken us on the lake, and horribly distastrous indeed would have been our fate. It was not long before it was perceived that a number of their troops and savages had landed, and were rapidly advancing towards our little party. The officers of our guard now attempted to rally the men and form then; in battle array ; but this was found impossil)le ; ev- ery effort proved unavailing : and in the utmost panic they were seen to Hy in every du-ection for personal safety. In this desperate condition, I per- ceived our officers scampering for their baggage ; I ran to the batteau, seized my chest, carried it a short distance, took from it a few articles, and 116 WHAT TIL'ONDEROGA ENJOYS. instantly followed in the train of our retreating party. We took the route to Fort Anne, through a narrow defile in the woods, and were so closely pressed by the pursuing enemy, that we frequehtly heard calls from the rear ■to " march on, the Indians are at our heels." " Having marched all night we reached Fort Anne at five o'clock in the morning, where we found provisions for our refreshment. A small rivutet called Wood Creek is navigable for boats from Skeensboro' to Fort Anne, by which means some of our invalids and baggage made their escape ; but all ou^ cannon, provisions, and the bulk of our baggage, with several inva- lids, fell into the enemies hands."* Meanwhile, the battle at Hubbarton had been fought by Colonels Warner and Francis, with Col. Breyman, who had started on the pur- suit as soon as the burning house revealed the retreat. St. Clair was advancing toward his superior in command, General Schuyler, with whom he was to suffer a storm of reproach and be deposed from his military rank until Congress and the people could overcome the surprise caused by the evacuation, and weigh justly the reasons which induced it. At daylight on the morning of the retreat. Gen. Frazer ran up the British flag at Ticonderoga, where the stripes of America and the tri- color of France had waved before; and when the sun rose above the Green Mountains, and flooded the wide valley of Champlain with sum- mer morn, it beheld that proud ensign of Burgoyne, victorious for the last time. Sect- XLII.— Subsequent History. One more battle, as important to the interests of Freedom as any that had preceded it, was to be fought at Ticonderoga. This was not between generals, but between diplomatists. After the battle of Ben- fiington Col, Brown advanced and took all the outposts of Ticonderoga except Mt. Defiance, rescuing one hundred prisoners, making two hun- dred and ninety three more, and recovering the continental standard that had been left by St. Glair. On hearing of the retreat of Burgoyne at Saratoga, the garrison left at Ticonderoga retreated to Canada, and were pursued, and forty nine of their number, with cattle, horses and boats, taken by the Green Mountain Rangers ; but the fortress was again occupied in 17S0 by the British Gen. Haldibrand and became the scene of those diplomatic negotiations between Vermont and England which have been so often discussed and which historians have enveloped in such obscurity. Public documents however, are not wantingf to show that the armistice established between Haldibrand and the Ver- mont authorities and the negotiations which followed were not dictated by any disloyalty to Congress on the part of Allen, Chittenden and others who were engaged in them, but by the most consummate political sagacity. A masterly diplomatic bait and inactivity were used to shield the whole northern frontier, and effectually arrested for a long period the action of Haldibrand's 10,000 troops. Soon came peace, then de- stroying time, crumbling walls, venerablencss, and visitors, to the pres- ent day. Sect. XLIII.— Present State of the Ruins. In approaching the ruins of Fort Ticonderoga, as a majority of visi- tors do, by walking up along the road from the lake or the Pavillion, the "^Thacher's Military Journal during the American Revolution, pp. 824, 1 11. W. DePuy's Ethan Alien ami Green Mountain Heroes of '76, pp. 410-23 WHAT TICONDEROGA EN.IOVS. 11/ 'lirst object of interest is the old well by the roadside at the right, wLidi supplied water to the garrisons. Though not as safe as if within the fortress, it is protected from capture by its nearness to tho covering bastion.^ of the fort, and by its position on a side on wliieli the enemy would not be likely to approach. The sally post of tho fortie.ss is upon the opposite side. You notice the size and depth of the well. Its in- ner diameter is seven feet and four inches ; the depth to which a polo can now be run down, ten feet and three inches ; the thickness of tho wail, thirty inches. Though an unfailing spring* the water is rendered unfit for use by the old rotting logs, and green moss and slime, that are allowed to fill it. Bunches of elder cling to the inner wall and tho frogs on the iioatiug slabs are not too far down to be out of the sunlight. Turning to the left from the well you follow a path up the ascent to the opening of the covered way which led out to the well. That path is the very one along which in the gray dawn of the May morning, guided by Nathan Beman, a Vermont boy familiar with the passages of ■ the garrison, Ethan Allen and his eighty men, approached the fort. — Those two elm trees covered with vines stand just beyond the wicket gate, or entrance to the covered way, where the sentinel snapped the fusee. This was the back door of the fortress and Ethan entered with- out knocking. You cannot enter the covered way for it is now filled up and marked only by a lengthened hollow. On each side of this^ however, especially near the outer extremity, under the trees, you can trace the walls of the passage, along the surface of the ground, 33 inches apart, and, it you care for relics, may gather a lock of moss or pound off a piece of the limestone, from the very opening of that marked spot in history. There is no doubt about the locality: Ethan Allen's narra- tive, other accounts, tradition, the position of the well, the sunken way and walls before you, all go to establish the identity of the spot. You follow the depression to the left 25 paces to the edge of the counters- carp, which you mount, and tumbling across the ruins of the eastern line of barracks, at their extreme southern end, of which the foundations only remain, you find the passage entering the parade ground at its south east corner, seven feet wide. Here with swift feet poured in Ethan Allen's men; on the two longer sides they were arranged; forty in a jL-ow facing the barracks so as to be ready to receive the garrison, then waked by the invading party's tremendous cheers. To havo a clear idea of Ethan Allen's memorable surprise, you muFt imagine the ruined barracks on the south, east and north to be restored, windows in, oak doors on their hinges, roofs renewed, a galley running around the entire enclosure in front of the second story, and this bright flood of summer light exchanged to the deep shadows of the hour be- fore sunrise. In the norlli west corner of the parade ground toward Mt. Defiance you mu.st see a pair of wooden stairs mounting to the gal- lery. Up these stairs Ethan Allen hurries, with young Beman at his elbow, and stands before the first door in tho second story at the south end of the west line of barracks. You hear the loud rapping with the bilt of his sword; you sec La Place open the door yet in his night dres.s with a candle in his hand; you sec his pretty wife peeping over his ehoulder, shuddering while the barrack doors arc beaten down. You hear the parley, the demand, the expostulating, the ring of Ethan Allen's sword, and oaths, and the surrender. Then if you wait you may see US NVllAX TlCONDEROrrA E>;JOY>;. tliR frarrison paraded witliniit arms, the wild delight of tho victors, that sunrise which Allen rcoorded ar5 one of ' superior lustre,' while all the while around the counterscarp boom the cannon that announce to the continent the first victory of American Liberty. If you turn back to Ethan Allen's own graphic account of the scene, you will find nothing to contradict the correctness of your information as to localities. Tho persons and events are not more sure. The testimony of Isaac Kice, whose brother was with Ethan Allen at that time, and who himself per- formed garrison duty here under St. Clair, often given to the writer and to travelers, establishes all other traditions and records, that the door in tho iipjycr s/ory sov.th e^td of the western Ihie of barracks was actually that of the chamber of La Place. Some curious tourists take the trouble to carry away a bit of the plaster from that chamber or of limo- ptone from the casing of that door, and whatever value one's taste may set upon the relics, their authenticity cannot be questioned. '5> You stand now in the centre of the fortress, an open square made by two story barracks, substantially built of lime stone. Those to the west, are yet standing; those to the south, partially ruined; those to the cast and north, entirely destroyed, except the foundations and cel- lar walls. This square was the parade ground. You pace it, and make it 160 feet long by about 70 broad. The thistles stand thick about the ptones scattered over tho green sward on which the lengthening shadows of the ruins fall. Roofless, doorless, windowless^ the old barracks have a ghastly appearance as they stare at you across the parade ground. — Two stories, each with six ghastly window holes with no panes but air, no sash but spider webs and ivy, remind one strongly of the dilapida- ting power of time. Yet Fort Ticonderoga is one of the best preserved ruin.s of its age and material, on the continent. You enter the barracks and find the old plaster firm yet on the walls of the apartments. Large fire places with chimneys carried up within the walls remind you of the cosy times officers and men must have had there when wood was plenty and enemies few. Yet cosy times bred indolence, and indolence riot and desertion, and so punishment was needed now and then. In this alley between the cuds of the west and south barracks was a gallows, and that portion of a burnt and rotting beam, standing out of the wall, is «aid (o have been a part of it. Immediately before you as you leave the alley ten feet wide toward Mt. Defiance, are several abrupt grassy mounds, said to have been made by the blowing up of the magazine, an underground room located under them, in this unexposed part of the fortress. , In the warm sunlight of this summer's day, the time will be well spent if you find your way down the steep bastion toward the south and sit *Sce I/).s.siiig's Fiolil Book of the Rovolutiou for an oxcollent portrait of Kice, his personal hi.'^. tory, an^ Hous sky. The heavons by day and by nigbt, at raorning, midday and cveuiag, ever with ns, vast, changeable, and yet pormancct, do n.ore than aught else we can look upon show forth the glories of the Creator. In this peculiar beauty of the sky Trout Brook ^'alley is especi.-illy pre- eminent. In few places is the line forming the limit of the horizon on all sides so near and high, so varied and so bold. Hence the ?ky next the horizon has a purer blue, a richer, deeper cerulean tint, than is of- ten seen. The . sun, and moon, and ea.stern stars all rise within six hundred feet of some dwellings nestling in the foliage close under the mountain on the east. It is not twenty, forty, or five hundred miles away to the sunrise, as oo the prairie or the ocean ; but only, in appear- ance, as many yards. The Valley i.s a huge high bird's nest, and wheia the glowing clouds of summer, the black masses of thunder beads, or the howling storms of winter rise and hang over its bold rim, they seem nearer than were tbe horizon more distant and hence are inves- ted with a more rare and exceeding beauty, and a grandeur more im- pending and sublime. The glory of rich foliage, sun-lit, wind-stirred or autumn-colored, is not far away as in wider landscapes, but near and lience more impressive. At times, when the valley is full of sunlight, to look upon its groves and mountain sides so near through crystal air and so rich in gorgeous light and shade, ten thousand timos ten thou- sand boughs close enough to be counted and to hear their breathing, all the host flooded, glad and glancing in the limitless radiance; or, the same mountain sides in winter when icy drops congealed on every twig give acres of forest with a foliage of crystals, glowing as no brilliants of the caves ever glowed at a royal festival,-— wakes an admiration in the dullest hearts that cannot repress espression, and an enthusiasm of de- light in those who fully appreciate nature as though in some unearthly vision. The farmers usually say: ' It's a splendid morning,' and when continued for weeks, ' It is fine weather.' Indeed, they ought to know that the boldness and nearness of the mountain ranges about their homes, bringing ev'ery beauty of earth and sky close at hand, are fitted to give them of all men impressions of the glories of the visible earth, pecu- liarly clear, distinct and vivid.* A wide magnificent expanse towards the east, of cultivated lands and groves, with boldness of rugged heightB in the distance, is the peculiar charm of the view from the Plateau of Ticonderoga, and indeed from all the western shore of Champlain. Hundreds along the eastern towns of Essex County know and admire tbe beauty of the Grjeen Moun- tains. We have heard old men speak of it, especially of the risings of the sun, shooting level early rays across the wide undulating valley, * The following extract from a hasty letter of tbe writer to a frieud among the level lands of Ohio, will picture further a part of the scenery of Ticonderoga. It would be much for the hap-' piness and profit of our citizens to cultivale a more appreciative admiraticin of Xaturc: '' Nest, you wish to see the fields, the groves, the hills, Iho valleys, the pleasant places, where you lived. Now to preserve these and carry them away with you " is a great study. You should make drawings of the several localities' il" you desire the freshest: remembrancers. But I have not had time for that. I have carefully painted the scenes in this valley on my memory. For this purpose I have watched it intently through all the changes of the seasons. I know just how it lookti when the mountains are robed in gold and crimson, in purple and orange, in mingled green, and gray, as no dyer on earth ever cctorod royal tapestry. I know how it looks when the hills are whitod with .snow .as no fuller on earth could while them I have fi.\-ed in my ears the sound of the rushing wind in the mountain pine, the drifting of the, sifting snow through the maple groves , the roaring of the storm along the bed of the valley. All my most vivid ideas of natural scener\- a.re connected with the. outlook about my home. Oflen have t been out in winter by starlight, or driven my sleigh slowly whilv. returning home from some evening meefinsr. to notice the draperv of the valley, the wood.--, the hills, and the solemn sky overarching the nwuDU\;u tops. I havo 124 WIl/VT TICO>DEROGA ENJOY.*. Hgbted up at that time with peculiar loveliness, r?)rely seen, however, by the late risers of the present generatiuu. Travelers ypeuk of ii, and compare the soft bine of the distant heights to the azure summits ui the landscapes ol Italy. Even among the records left by rough milita- ry leaders in the days when the f^hores of the lake, though but an un- explored and howling wilderness, were yet fiercely disputed terrifory, we find frequent allusions to the surpassing beauty of the natural scenery. Ethan Allen, Thacher, Burgoyne are among the recorded admirers of (Jhamplaia 'N'^alley. If, as is often asserted, the natural scenery among which one is born and bred, exerts an influence in moulding the charac- ter and the intellect, the inhabitants of the lake towns of Essex Coun- ty ought to take wide, bold and cheerful views of life, for these are the characteristics of the landscape ever before them to the east. The changes of the atmosphere in this wide area produce some of the most varied and striking objects of admiration. To see Champlain Valley covered v/ith a sun-lit fog from the lake, lying low so that pine tops and liills jut through it like islands ; to see the same fog rise under the morn- ing sun and float oif in cubic miles northward and -upward = to watch the storms that rise in the distance, spread, and fill the wide panorama with pattering rain or light falling snow; to think how many homes are standing, how many hands are laboring, how many hearts beating, in the region within view; to mark the clouds that float about the sum- mits of the Green Mountains, now barely touching, now hiding entirely, and now rolling up from the forest-clad heights as though a giant were raising massive locks of hair from his mighty forehead, are scenes fitted to impart to every appreciative mind both a pleasure and a blessing. But we do not claim for TiooTideroga superiority over other portions of the handiwork of the Great King. "Beautiful, most beautifulJs all this visible earth," and our feeble sketch of this portion of it is only to attract greater ad- miration to what our citizens have never held in sufficijent esteem. A delight in every work of nature is a health giving sentiment, stirring the blood and inspiring strength and joy, and if not worth cultivating for these spiritual and physical blessings, it could bo justified lor its conse- quent material advantages. before my eyc-s the melting snow, the springing grass, the swollen hrooks, the wings of the clear Yoiuocl robin, the maple trees dripping sap, the early plowing, the young lambs, the first swallow.s under the eaves, the Urst^iightingak in the grove. It were a volume to catalogue the dehghts of iUiy or June, or of fervent and rich July, llie summer in this valley I have been studying to-day . The wide expanse of sky without cloud, and shimmering with iieat at summer noou; and then the (lepth.s of shade in the woods, and the glow of sunshine upon Ihe sea of mountain green ! Or anon, the storm growling behind the hills, rising dark, and close, and portentous, and lowering low with thunder. Our house is where it can never be struck by lighting, being near a lofty ele- vation that olfectually attracts the clouds. But the thunder echoes terribly at times between our hills. While batliing the other day I .stood in the middle of the brook in the centre of our valley in the rain and heard the explosions of sound bound and rebound from mountain to mountain, while electricity s-ireaked the ripples about me with unearthly fire. I thought I had never seen or heard aught more fearful and imposing. All these are paintings upon memory's page to carry Hway with me, aad 1 think I should not loose them though I weul to the emis of the earth." CaiAPTER IV. WHAT TICONDEROGA KEEDS.— Material, Social, Moral, and Intellectual Improvements. Sect- XLV.-'More Progress Equal with Sister Towns. Having now gathered, methodized and recorded the facts that show •what Ticonderoga is, what it does, and what it enjoys, the writer is bet- ter prepared to answer logically the last question concerning what Ti- conderoga needs. Doubtless the town has faults and necessities, and v?hy shall they not be reviewed kindly, fully, fearlessly? Best and man- liest of friends is he who tells us frankly of our failings. It were im- possible to carry out the main design of the Home Sketches, that of benefitting the town, elevating its public sentiment, and suggesting gen- eral and special reforms, without a bold exposition of its deficiencies. — Sensible of the important, and also of the delicate nature of this task, the writer, having consulted no one's opinions, oiFers his own with diffidence, desiring that they be weighed with candor and taken only for what they are worth. The data already collected will afford the reader the means of forming his own judgment. Figures, however, are the authorities. Many of the deficiencies pointed out are unanimously confessed, the larger portion are matters of personal observation,, and all are inferred more or less directly from various official records. As a basis of the entire chapter we introduce the following table, constructed from the Census, and Supervisor's Statements, in which Ti- conderoga is compared with four of her sister lake towns. Essex and Willsborough are omitted, having a somewhat smaller territory, and the other towns are not selected for criticism as the tabic contains nothing to their discredit as far as this comparison extends. The record con- tains many iatercstiug particulars to which earnest attention is invited: 1 26 WHAT tl'C6XDI:;i{0GA NELDS. ^ - ^ CO (C >i- tC lO "o "co ">— ~bi c: C3 Oi ^ ^1 Ci Q, (C — QO CO Population by Census; of 1850. ; r > H «0 M/ CO (O (O "— "o "be "to "*— ' Poimlution by Census' O 'J, k (o rf:^ (o I-- ^^ 1855. ] H^ O H- -4 Oi CP ~~ i~^ CO ^ jiTco'oj I *>. c CO cji cr- 00 V, 'iJ--! ^ CO iC CO CO ^ ^ CO CO »fc. Value of Real Estate c dj— CO ^jo t^ K "ci"— "oi '^lo by Supervisors, 1855- c C2 4^ O iCx >t^ 2 iX' as 'fc' O' cji CO 00 iO JJi J.O jO Total tax by Super- ft a:- '<}"b1p>"'-3"-^ visors, 1855. G tP^ 1— i— O" o 1— Kj ^ ^ CO = hr* Cji *>■ CTj ^ C O en C3 CD O Am't. Public Money .J CO CC OJ-i-JJi rec'd for schools, 1850 "tolo^o'V)^ ►> CO aid (0 lo ■ No. Vols, in District 'ci'co"co"aj"oi «.l — O CO Oi Libraries, 1850. ^ to CO — >— oc g ^^ kl^ (O ^ --J CO CO OO Oi Ci en Oi 0> C5 CO CO Am't raised by rate "«o "bi "o "oi "tn bills, 185.0. 5 H ^ iO ^ 00 CO CO ip !_• y O 05 <35 C» Kj 05 >-- — . Average No. mouth? school, 1850. 1 1 H- , 1— 1 i—l (O Ci it- o o CO O CO CO C3i Number of children JO CJ1 *>. lO Oi ►— CO CO lO CO taught in 1850. Sect. XL VI. —More Improvement of Natural Advantages. From the central columns of the above table it will be seen that other towns, far less favored by nature, have distanced Ticonderoga in mate- rial progress at a rate to be accounted for not by greater numbers, or advantages, but only by superior enterprise, industry, and development of internal resources. The value of real estate at large, it will be no ticed, has increased — A little over three times, in thirty years, in Ticonderoga; More than five times, in thirty years, in Crownpoint; 'i>rore than five times, in thirty years, in Chesterfield, More than four times, in thirty years, in Wcstport; More than six times iu thirty years, in Moriah. WHiT TirONDF.ROOA NKK.I)S. 127 Men wlio weicfh these faots may well prononnno tlirm startling ior Tif.onderon;;i, and ask how her backwardiu'ss can be explained? ff 290,000 spindles, including looms and preparations, eould bo driven by the outlet of Lake Iloricon at its upper tails,* as much more power ooivid be exerted between that point and its mouth, so that it is safe to say that force e({aal to the labor of ten thousand men has been wasted in Ticonderoga and is yet, for want of enterprise and capital. Ten thousand men are lying idle in Ticonderoga, and every one who crosses the Sounding Waters may hear the babble of their voices. True, we do not literally feed and clothe them in their indolence, yet they might be at work to feed and clothe themselves, and thereby immensely en- Innce the value of our soil, our merchandise, and our manufactures. — ■ This is the first great material evil in Ticonderoga, confessed and lamented indeed but not reformed, — its uudevelopment, neglect, and abuse of its natural advantages. Any citizen who shall remove but a part of this evil will do much for the genera! welfare of the town. Nor can all the injury done, be fathered upon the Ellice party, though their conditions of sale long repelled purchasers. These were difEcul- ties no greater than have elsewhere been met, and which enterprise, wisdom and perseverance have broken through. Besides, the blight of these conditions never extended over the entire water-power at anytime and is now entirely removed from those portions once the subject of complaint.! It is a conviction which forces itself irresistably upon one who reviews candidly the history of the Ticonderoga Water-Power ami its shores, remembering at the same time what enterprise has accom- plished elsewhere, that if the occupation of these great sources of pros- perity has been somewhat difficult, it has never been so nearly impossi- ble as to become excusable, or fail of being culpable neglect. The recent opening of the door to these privileges, albeit it comes almost the day after the fair, increases the weight of the evil by removing its excuse. Ticonderoga has never developed its great natural advantages in this, nor, indeed, in any other department. Almost every branch of trade, of manufactures, and even of our agricultural pursuits, but most of all the Water Power and its shores, furnish facts to prove the reality of the want named at the head of this section. To these facts we ask distinct and earnest attention, hoping for reform in due time. All of them point to another and a deeper want, namely, Sect. XL VII. —More Men of Enterprise and Capital. It is continually admitted that if some well known men of enterprise had been in Ticonderoga for the last quarter of a century, it would not be what it is now; and this admission, with the condition of the town, proves that these men were not here. Of a celebrated English scholar it was said that if he had been left naked and alone when a boy in the centre of Salisbury plain, 1 friendless, penniless, without bread or direc- tions, his natural vigor and activity of mind would have secured him wealth, knowledge and high position. Men of suffieient enterprise in *Sse p. 1.5. tU is just to stato that Uic r|Uostion concprning Mrs. SlonKliton and Cliild, nipntionod p. 22, sort. IX, is claimod by the Kllicc party to be set completely at rest. That thry Lave ttstimoTiy in their posse?sinu conoerninjf the heir.ship, transfer, &c., which niaUes their title to the land unimprarha- hly secure, seems to be proved not only by their asset tion ,ind their exhibition of docnnivnts, but Viy the facts that no one successfully attempts to (lueslion lluir title ;it law. and that the lands system, committees of the proper kind, an understanding between the several towns, provision for interchange, remuneration, &c. Home Lectures are possible, much needed and valuable in many ways. It is a duty that every good citizen ought religiously to perform, to seek out talent and desire for usefulness and give it a field of action. Let our best speakers and v^riters be called on to pass to and fro throuuh their own county, not ridiculous enough to bo ambitious of fame, impossible on so narrow a field; but of thalusefulness and self-improvement which are possible everywhere. Will nut the friends of the County see that this effort to supply Home Wants, this provision for moral and intellectual cul- lure, is made, sustained, enjoyed, and renewed at every lecture season? 132 \VHAT TICONDEROGA NEEDS. tinents, cities, peoples and tongues, are placed within an hour's distance of each other by trans-Atlantic magnetic communication, the intelli- gence and intellectual habits of any community are pretty plainly iadi~ cated by the number and kind of the periodical publications they re- ceive. From ^the Post Office Records, and other sources we make out the list of received in Ticonderoga in 1857 as follows: ^ Dailies. Northern Standard, 13 Tribune, 3 Essex County Republican,. .. 13 Herald, 3 Monthlies, Semi-Weeklies, Harper's Magazine, 2 Courier and Enquirer, 2 AYater Cure Journal, 8 Tribune, 2 Am.PhrenologicalJournal,. . 3 Weeklies, Waverly Magazine, 1 Tribune, 50 Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1 Albany Evening Journal,. .. 15 Christian Repository, 4 New York Times, 6 Godey's Ladies Book, 4 Journal of Commerce,' ■'* . 1 Peterson's Magazine, 15 Life Illustrated, 7 Young Reapers, 80 Evangelist, 4 Guide to Holiness, 12 Christ. Advocate and Jour., 21 Baptist Family Magazine, ... 13 Christ. Watch, and Reflector, 4 Sunday School Advocate, .... 50 The Examiner, 9 American Agriculturist,.... 5 Brother J ohnathan, 7 Journal and Prohibitionist,. .60 In political, moral and literary qualities this list shows well enough, but in number it falls far below the wants of the town. Only five ag- ricultural papers once a month among fifty farmers, a political paper once a week for only about one in twenty, and a religious once a week for only one in seventy of the total number of inhabitants, with due al- lowance for the known carelessness of readers, leaves actually the start- ling margin of nineteen twentieths in one view, or fifty-nine seventieths in another, of our citizens in the dark. When to these figures are ad- ded the facts that the public libraries of the town are small, and little used; that the Book Store has a greater trade in varieties than in the articles from which it takes its name; that few citizens have private li- braries of any extent; that though many seem to have leisure very few improve it by reading, or eifort for self-improvement of any kind ; and that lectures even in their season are rarely enjoyed, is;it unjust to say that Ticonderoga, though not worse than some other places, has by no means paid suiHcient attention to either public or private education, and to urge most earnesfly upon all its classes a greater zeal for moral and intellectual training.^* Sect. L.— Mere Self-Respect, Perseverance, and Hope- After all, one of the worst fiiults of the citizens of Ticonderoga, has over been that they have too little faith in themselves, too little respect lor their own town. Everybody continually runs down Ticonderoga ; rarely a man points to its true worth. Since the days when the^syllable tnugh was added to the name of a wild and rugged portion of our ter- ritory; since the time, years ago, v.'hen it was tauntingly proposed to erect' a guide-board at the lake, pointing village-ward, with the inscrip- *Kurtii'.hiae Shoi>, ,\ 43 M.i:iuractures, Capability for,. . » 15 Miple Trees, and Sugar Making JlKchaiiics' Business, W'-i i-aniile Business, 'M Stores mentioned, 46, 54 Vliree periods of trade.... 54 Mi'.iiary Pvcservations, 20 .yiieri^ls of Rogers' Rock 13 ilir.mg Plumbago early, 57 X.'int Denrmce, II3 • Hopx, 113 Jiidcpendeuce, 114 V' •:.'itain Pastures, 11. 12 J', ■■.ntains, the. 11 j Mo.vtT, flr.stiiscd, 61 I .N»tuva! Advantage? 14, 127 I .■*i;ival ^cfii'.TV i-i-i Pm.k. Xeglcct of Natural .Advantages. iJT Xicknames 4;< Officers of Farmers and Mechanics' Associat'n li* " " Sons of Temperance, 77 " " Peoples' Temperance AUiance,.. . 7y Old times, peculiarities of, o2 Orwell, and Shoreham, t^i Outlet of Iloricon described, 14 Physiciiins, 75 Pioneers, characteristics of 27 Plifteau, in ^^. E. of town, I* Pledge, of Alliance, so Politics of Ticonderoga, 7'i Potashes, timber burnt for Vr Presidential majorities, 74 Progress, signs of, i.(."j Prohibition iu Ticonderoga , 7s Public Spirit, more needed, 12S Rattle Su:\kes in Old Times, 12. ;).'/, losi Rattlesnakes for Soup, 27 Representatives from Ticonderoga. 72 Religion, Churches and Pastors 02 Religious Reminiscences, :!7 Revivals in Ticonderoga, 'M. 'M Rhymes by Mike SiJicer, 44 Rogers" Escape, 175S, : U'O '• Rock, 101 • Slide, lot Roller, first made, ti- Ruins of Fort Ticonderoga, MC 01<1 Well 117 Allen's Entrance, 1 1 T Parade Ground. 117 La Place's Door. 1 IT Barracks, 1 1 > Callows, lis Magazine lis Sally Port, Ii'.' Trench, Pio Counterscarp, P.;o Oven, 12! Saw Mills ;, I! Old King's, 20 S. D«n's, 2". J. Weed's, 41 Present Business of, 42 Schuyler, Gen., his claims, 21 Select Schools, 8;i Self Respect, more needed, 132 Settlement, Hindrances to, , 2J School Histricts organized, ?i School Teaching in old times, 30 School Houses, old and new, S2 Scholars sent abroiul, 84 Schools, improvements needed 8'i Shiittuck, Gideon, early settler, 3o Sheep, destroyed by Wolves, M '• on the mountains, H. 1*. '• breeds of, improved, i'jB ■■ Shcariri-s H Index. i3s »Pagr. Sbefp. rieoce*. weight of, T. 64 ?lieldon, Nfrs. A., her narrative, 33 Slavery- iiaco nf, , v 40 Soil, ihroo kinrts of, 59 Hpicer. MlU'e, his rhymes, 44 •Springs, ii^T. B. Valley, 11 >i. Clair. Gon., , 112 ' ' prepares to meet Burgoyne , 112 '• No. of his forces, 113 '• Evacuates Fort Ticonderoga, 114 Stores, 46 Old K'm^'-s 29, 4" aoui,'hlon & llcalPs, 24, 47 Ki'llog & Doujjlass', 47 .1. &F. Harris', 47 ■Weed & Douglass', 48 Old Red, 4S North of Creek 48 J.*S. Weed's, 49 Old Weed's, 49 Fields", , 49 Brick, 50 . Bugbee's, 51 Tread way's, 51 Weedsville, «... 53 ■G. C. Weed's, 52 Thompson s. 52 ExobaDge, 52 Baker's, 53 luion. 1850-52 53 MoConnick's, 53 Burleigh,.,. ' 53 Groceries, 54 ■< inperance, 76 First. Organization. 76 Ro.su lis of Early ECfort, 76 No License Vote, 76 Wijsbiiigvoniauism, , 77 f AGB. Sons of Temperance, 77 Charter Mem's. & W. ?'s., .",.. Prohibition, 7s Peoples' TemperauceVAlliance, Results of Alliance, I-cctures before Alliance, '. 79 Pledge of Alliance jio Reform yet needed. .sx Thacher's Journal at Fort Ti los March to Fort Ti., los Rattlesnakes ,,. , 10s Defences described. lou Arnold's Battle on Lake, log Winter Life in Fort, 110 Bear quells riot, 1K« Retreat hefore Burgoyne,. ..... .115 Titles, conflicting, French and English, . 31, OS Ticonderoga, meaning of, & Travel between Lakes,.. -.,......05 Trees, kinds of, . . . ]i Tremble, George and Alexander, ;iO Trout Brook Valley, . 11, 74,125 Universalists Church, r'2 Valley, the, in south of town, .......]2 Valley remarkably healthy, ........ 74 Valor, learned around FortTi., ...... H» Value of Real Estate, • . . . . 12?» Visit to Lead Mountain, ---..-..58 VotesbfTi., 1811,-1858, 7ii Water Power and its Shores, - - ~ - - - 14 Wants of Tourists, - - 96 Wealth, in whose' hands, ----•..?.& Why Ticonderoga is Historic Ground,". - - -* Wolves, - - 12, 34, C;3 Woolen Factories, - - - - 55 Worthiness in every Citizen, - - - - - l'?'i Zeal for the Moral and Intellectual, - - - 1J8 K R E A T A ; Pag^e 9, liuc 1, for northwest XQA^-northeatt. " 20, line 21, after War insert and. 23, line 25, for 177G read 1767. 42, line 43, for Alpheus read G. C. 49, line 40, for 1821 read 1831. 67, line 11, for G. W. read G. JV. 99, line 10, for Dieskall read Diakati. 123, line 41, for undulateral read undulating. '■ In a few places, for corne read ca?ne, aud correct slight misprints HOME SKETCllES OF ESSEX COUNTT t^ i 1 n b f r o f| a : 1. WHAT IT 1.S: 2. WHAT IT DOES; 3. WHAT IT E>J()Y8 4. WHATITXEEDS. By FI^AVirS J. (OOK.. W. E&NSINtf & SON; "'' " '"58*, ■ ' ■"^■< 2f6. 2 '/ HOME SKETOtlES^ OF TIGONDEROGA.