E 462 .9 .P114 Copy 1 •n ^ ^ ^ I ITUTIONS, Iffooulaiions ^OR THE GOVERNHENT OF THE 3ns of Veterans, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Edition of 1894, as Revised at Davenport, Iowa. 5HED BY THE COMMANDERY IN CHIEF. T CONSTITUTIONS, I?!!l6Sinif?6oulations FOR THE QOVERNriENT OF THE Sons of Veterans, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Edition of 1894, as Revised at Davenport, Iowa. PUBLISHED BY THE COMMANDERY IN CHIEF. >wS^r>/7.'C ^Ar^ 6. V CONSTITUTIONS, Rules and Regulations Qoverninff The Sons of Veterans, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PREAMBLE. r.fYl:^-^^ undesigned, male descendants ot soldiers, sailors and marines who served m the Army or Navy of the United States during the civil struguJe of 1861-1865, here- by unite and form a military Association for the purpose and objects hereinafter set forth, and by so doing, pledge ourselves to be governed by the Constitutions, Eules, Regulations, Rmles of Order and By-Laws which are based on the same. CHAPTER I. ARTICLE I. TITI^E. Q ™%^?l'''^'^*^'^^ ^^^" be known as the bons of Veterans, United States of Amen- ca. ARTICLE II. PRINCIPLES. •^1^/ V. f ^^^ b®^i®^ and trust in Al- migMy God, and a realization that under Wis beneficent guidance the free institu- tions of our land, consecrated by the ser- vices and blood of our fathers, have been preserved, and the integrity and life of the Nation maintained. Sec. 2. True allegiance to the Govern- ment of the United States of America, baaed upon a respect for, and devotion and fidelity to, its Constitution and Laws, mani- fested by the discountenancing of anything that may tend to weaken Loyalty, incite to Insurrection, Treason or Rebellion or in any manner impair the efficiency and per- manency of our National Union. ARTICLE IIL OBJECTS. Sec, 1. To keep green the memories of our fathers, and their sacrifices for the maintenance of the Union. Sec. 2. To aid the members of the Grand Army of the Republic and all honorably discharged Union soldiers, sailors and mar- ines in the caring for their helpless and dis- abled veterans ; to extend aid and protec- tion to their widows and orphans ; to per- petuate the memory and history of their heroic dead, and the proper observance of Memorial Day and Union Defenders i'ay. Sec. 3. To aid and assist worthy and needy members of our Order. Sec. 4. To inculcate patriotism and love of country, not only among our member- ship, but among all the people of our land, and to spread and sustain the doctrine of equal rights, universal Libert v, and justice to all, ' ^ ARTICLE IV. ORGANIZATION. ' The several constituted bodies of the As- sociation shall be as follows : First.— Oi organizations, known as Camps ; each Camp to have an appropri- ate name and number (except Davis Camp of Pitttburg, Penn., which is to be without number), providing, however, that no two Camps in the same Division shall be allow- ed to use the same name or number, -nd further provided that the Division of Penn- sylvania may have duplicate numbers of Camps numbers, 2, 4, 9, and 33 and the Di- vision of New York duplicate numbers of Camp number 1. Second. — Of State Organizations known as Divisions. Third.— Oi the Commandery-in-Chief. ARTICLE V. ELIGIBILITY TO MEMBERSHIP, Sec. 1. All male descendants, not less than eighteen years of age, of deceased or honorably discharged soldiers, sailors or marines who served in the Union Armv or Navy during the Civil War of 1861-1865, shall be eligible to membership, provided that no person shall be eligible who has ever been convicted of any infamous crime, or who has, or whose father has ever borne arms against the Government of the Un- ited States of America. CHAPTER II. CAMP CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. FORMATION. Sec. 1. A Camp may be formed by the authority of the Division Commander, act- ing by the direction of the Commander-in- Chief, on appUcation made in due form, of not less than fifteen persons, eligible to membership in the Sons of Veterans, and no Camp shall be recognized by the Sons of Veterans unless acting under a legal and unforfeited charter. Sec. 2. No charter shall be surrendered by any Camp so long as ten members thereof demand its continuance, nor unless a proposition to surrender the charter shall have been made at a stated meeting at least four weeks before the time of action, and ten days notice in writing given to every member of the Camp, df-livered per- sonallv, or by mailing such notice ad- dressed to his last known place- of resi- dence, and also to the Division Comman- der. Sec. 3. Camp shall rank from date of muster. ARTICLE II. ADMISSION TO MEMBERSHIP. Sec, 1. Every application for admission to membership* shall be m writing, and shall, in detail, upon the blanks furnis-hed by Commandery-in-Chief headquarters give the applicant's date of birth, birth-Dlac^ . ancestor was, or is a mPmbeT ^^^^^^'^ ^'^ feEc. 2. The application shall be present- sts'-" "' >» »"■ '«' ■" -sr. 'ni'i'if; ^\- '^^? committee shall make care- apiSiof '3° h'^' '""'^ ''' font, in Z application, and the moral character and n Pn^^'fif'^V^^-^PP^i^^^^t' ^»d shall recom mend the election or rejection of the apDh- cant at a meeting subsequent t , thefr an- caTon'"' ' ^^ ^^d^^«^^«nt upon the appil ii^^^^r ^: A^^^^ the reading of the renorf DosifPd //'o'''' ^ ^^"/'<^ °f t^e ballots de- fvvoif ' '^ appears that not more than 1 Sf^ f e cast, and two or moro of them ?^^et'ed''bufif^'^'l^ ^^^" beMt'e^ Jt-jeciea, but if more than twentv arc^ n«Qf an additKmal black ball for everyVddition-' al twenty shall be necessary to refect iZ less number of black balls than Xve xL vided be cast, the candidate shall be de 8 clared elected, and no reconsideration of a ballot shall be had after the Captain has announced the result thereof. But should the result of a ballot be unfavorable, and the Captain suspect any mistake, he may, at his discretion, before declaring the vote, order a second ballot, the result of which shall be final. Sec. 5. If any applicant be rejected, his admission fee shall be returned, and he shall not be ?gain eligible, in any Camp, until six months after such rejection. A second application may be made in the same form, and subject to the same condi- tions as the first. Sec. 6. Each applicant, upon his elec- tion, shall be at once notified thereof in writing, and on presenting himself for membership shall be properly mustered. But unless he present himself for mus- ter within three months from the date of such notice, his election shall be void, and all moneys which may have been re- quired bv the Camp to accompany the ap- plication shall be forfeited to the Camp Treasury. Sec. 7. A member-elect shall pay before his muster an admission fee of not less than one dollar and a half, which shall ac- company the application. Upon his mus- ter he shall be presented with a badge, and shall subscribe to and receive a copy of the Constitutions, Rules and Regulations, and the By-Laws of the Camp. ARTICLE III. ADMISSION OF BROTHERS FROM OTHER CAMPS. Sec. 1. A brother having a valid trans- fer-card may be admitted into any Camp, or re -admitted to the Camp which granted the transfer-card, by a three- fourths vote, after his name has been proposed, re- ferred and reported upon as in the case of an applicant for membership, or he may be a charter member of a new Camp ; ex- cept that the fact stated in such transfer- card in respect to the applicant's eligibility by virtue of his ancestor's military service shall be treated as conclusive of such fact ; and, if such applicant be elected, he shall be admitted without re-muster or taking anew the obligation. Sec. 2. Each Camp may establish such admission fees, to be paid by brothers join- ing by transfer, as they may think proper, not exceeding the amount required for re- cruits. ARTICLE IV. LEAVE OF ABSENCE, TRANSFER AND DIS- CHARGE. Sec 1. Any brother applying to his Camp, either in person or by letter, for a leave of absence, shall be granted the same by the Captain, attested by the First Ser- geant, under seal, and good for a specified time, not exceeding six months, commend- ing him to the good offices of all brothers of the Order, provided he has faithfully dis- charged all duties enjoined upon him, and has paid in advance all dues for the time specified in the leave of absence. 10 Any Camp giving relief to a needy, worthy, visiting brother, shall endorse the amount upon his leave of absence, and shall at once notify the Camp of which he is a member. Sec. 2. Any brother against whom no charges exist, and who has paid all debts, shall, on written applicatioti to the Capiain of his Camp, at a stated meeting of the Camp, receive a transfer-card, duly signed by the Captain, attested by the First Ser- geant and under seal. If, at the expiration of one year, he has not been admitted to any Caiinp, the transfer-card shall be void, and the holder shall be considered as hon- orably discharged from the Order. Until admitted into another Camp, or until such transfer becomes an honorable discharge, the holder thereof shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Camp or Division issuing such transfer. Sec. 3. Any broth '^r in good stnnf'ing on written application to the Captain of his Camp, at a stated meeting of the same, shall receive at the next stated meeting an honorable discharge dulv signed by the Captain, attested by the^ First Sergeant, and under seal ; pro vi' ling that at the time of such application there are no pecuniary or other charges against liim on account of the Camp. A brother thus discharged can be received again only in the same manner as an applicant for original membership, but upon his election he' may be admitted without the ceremony of 'muster upon taking anew the obligation of member- ship. 11 Sec. 4. Mf Otti- 34 15. At the second and each succeeding session, the minutes of the preceding seosion shall be read immediately after the opening ceremonies. This shall also be done before the closing exercises at tlve last session. Communications to any committee shall be in writing, and shall be referred without debate. This order of business may be suspend- ed at any time for a definite purpose by a three-fourths vote of the Encampment, to be taken without debate, except that the election and installation of officers shall not be taken up until the regular order of business prior thereto has been completed. 35 CHAPTER IV. Comaiflery-iD-Cliief Coislititloii, ARTICLE I. POWERS AND AUTHORITY. Sec. 1. The Cominandery-in-Chief shall be the supreme source of power for the bons of Veterans. It shall make all need iul rules and regulations to insure a uni- form system of government, and the per- manenpy and continued success of the Order. To this end, no form of trovern- meut, either general or local, shlill be considered as legally established until the same has been submitted to and duly approved by the Commandery at a stated yearly meeting of the same.' The Com- mandery, through its proper oflicers, from tmie to time, shall publish all necessary orders, give all detailed instructions neces- sary to maintain uniformity and for the further information and guidance of all concerned, and shall make it its special duty to see that in all the different branches of the Order the same are faith- fully and fully complied with. Sec. 2. The Commandery-in-Chief shall act as a final Court of Appeals from all Or- ders, decisions and rulings of the Comman- der-in-Chief, and the determination of such «-in appeal at any meeting of the Comman- dery-in-Chief shall not be subject to review at any subsequent meeting of the Comraan- dery-m-Chief. 30 ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP. Sec 1. The membership of the Com- mandery-in-Chief shall be made up as fol- lows: First— ItB own elective and appointive officers and life-members, except Special Aides and Aides-de-Camp, Assistant In- spector Generals and ^^on-Commissioned Staff. ^ , Second— Oi all Past Commanders-in- Chief who served for a full term of one vear, or having been elected to fill a va- cancv, shall have served to the end -of the terin, so long as they may remain in good standing in their respective Camps. Xhird—Oi all Past Commanders of the several Grand Divisions who have served for a full term of one year, or having been elected to fill a vacancy, shall have served to the end of the term, so long as they remain in good standing in their respec- tive Camps. ^. . . /-, Fourth— Oi all sitting Division Com- manders, and of all Past Colonels and Past Commanders of the several Divisions who have served for a full term of one year, or having been elected to fill a vacancy, shall have served to the end of the term, so long as they remain in good standing m their respective Camps. Pifth—Oi one representative at large from each Division of the Order. Sixth— Oi Eepresentatives elected by the several Divisions in the ratio of one for every 500 members in good standing, and an additional representative for d 3: final fraction of more than one-half of that number, providing that each Division liaving less than 500 members, in addition to the Delegate at large, be entitled to one Representative. Sec. 2. The Representatives duly elect- ed from the several Divisions to the Com- mandery-in-Chief with an equal number of Alternates, shall serve for one year. Sec. 3. All delegates to the Command- ery-in-Chief, including their Alternates, shall be furnished with credentials, under seal, and signed by the proper Division officers, and immediately after the elec- tions a list of those entitled to seats in the Commandery, including Alternates, shall, under seal and signed as above stated, be forwarded to the Adjutant General. Sec. 4. The number of representatives to which each Division is entitled in the Commandery-in-Chief shall be deter- mined by the Adjutant's report next pre- ceding their election. Sec. 5. The Commandery-in-Chief shall not elect Constitutional Life Members, and the name of any such member who shall, at any time, lose his membership in the Order shall be stricken from the roll of the Commandery-in-Chief. 4 ARTICLE III. MEETINGS. Sec. 1. There shall be an annual meet- ing of the Commandery-in-Chief in the month of August or September of each year. Sec. 2. At said meeting provision may be made for the stated yearly meeting of 3S the succeeding year. In case of failure of the Encampment to make Buch provision the Council-in-Chief is authorized to act. Sec, 3. Due notice of the stated yearly meeting shall be sent to each Division Headquarters and to each member of the Commandery, at least six weeks prior to the time named for the same, and due no- tice of any change in the time named for said meeting shall be }>romptly made pub- lic. Sec. 4. Special meetings may be con- vened by order of the Commander-in- Chief by and with the consent of the Council-in-Chief, providing that no busi- ness except that named and specified in the order for such special meetings, shall be transacted thereat. Sec. 5. A majority of all the officers and representatives reported present and entitled to a vote in the Commandery-in- Chief shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business. Sec. 6. The Commander-in-Chief shall each day during the session of the Com- mandery-in -Chief detail one member thereof to act as officer of the day, and another tc^ act as officer of the guard. Whenever it shall appear that a quorum is not present at any session of the Com- ii'andery-in-Chief all business shall be suspended until a quorum is present ; the Commander-in-Chief shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to cause absen- tees to be brought into the Encampment by the Officer of the day, and the officer of the guard, and those officers mav make 39 such details to assist them in the perform- ance of their duties as may be necessary. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS OF THE COMMAN;)EflY-IN-CHIEF. • ^nth PT, officers of the Commandery- m-Ohief shall be as follows, and rank ac- cordingly : First Commander-in-Chief ; Second, benior Vice Commander-in-Chief • Third .Tumor Vice Commander-in-Chief -'Fourth' Adjutunt General ; Fifth, Quartermaster General; Sixth, Inspector General; Sev- enth, Judge Advocate General; Eighth ni^^^r^ general; Ninth, Chaplain-in- Chief ; Tenth, Council-in-Chief, consisting ot three elective members, together with the Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief, and the Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief. Sec. 2. The Commander-in-Chief, the Senior \ice Commander-in-Chief, the Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief and the Council-in-Chief shall be chosen at the stated yearly meeting of the Commandery- in-Ohief and a majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary for a choice. Such election shall be conducted as follows • The Adjutant General shall call the roll of Divisions in alphabetical order and when each Division is called the Comman- der of such Division, or the Chairman of Its delegation, shall arise and announce the vote of his Division. If any member 1 ^Pi^ision shall request it, the names of the delegates from such Divisions shall be called, and each delegate respectively, 40 shall thereupon arise and announce the candidate of his choice. The officers of the Commandery-in-Chief , all Past officers and Life members shall vote with their respective Divisions. Sec. 3. The officers thus elected shall enter upon their respective duties imme- diately upon their installation, and they shall hold their office until their successors are duly elected and installed. Sec. 4. Any vacancies vshich may occur in the elective offices of the Commandery- in-Chief shall be filled by the next officer in rank, who shall assume command and perform the duties of the office. Sec. 5. The Commander-in-Chief shall. on his accession to the office, appoint an Adjutant General, an Inspector General, a Judge Advocate General, a Surgeon General and a Chaplain-in-Chief. The Commander-in-Chief may remove any officer appointed by him, at pleasure. Sec. 6. The Commander-in-Chief shall also have power to detail from the Order any Officer or Past Officer required for any special service or duty connected with the business of the same. ARTICLE V. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Sec. 1. The Commander-in-Chief shall preside at all meetings of the Comman- dery-in-Chief. He shall enforce a strict obedience to the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the Commandery, and shall perform such other duties as are incum- bent upon him. In the performance of his duties the Commander-in-Chief shall 41 have power to make and enforce such or- ders for the good of the Order as he may deem advisable, not inconsistent with the Constitution, Rules and Regulations. Sec. 2. The Senior Vice Commander-in- Chief and the Junior Vice Commander-in- Chief shall assist the Commander-in-Chief in the performance of his duties, and in his absence or disability shall assume command according to rank. Sec. 3. The Adjutant General shall attest the approval of applications for charters, all orders issued from the Com- mandery-in-Chief headquarters ; also all commissions, dispensations, circulars and other documents issued by the Command- er-in-Chief. He shall report to the annual meeting of the Commandery-in-Chief the business transactions of his office during his term, and at such other times as may be required by the Council-in-Chief or the Commander-in-Chief. He shall consoli- date the quarterly reports of Division Adjutants, which consolidation shall be published quarterly in General Orders, and shall prepare a roll of all members of the Commandery-in-Chief who are enti- tled to vote therein. Sec. 4. The Adjutant General shall keep in books properly prepared : First, a list of applications for charters, giving date of approval, date of muster, number of applicants, and date of issue of all charters. Second, a Roster, in which shall be entered each year the names of all elective and appointive Commandery-in- Chief and Division officers. Third, a Com- mission Record, in which shall be recordecl 42 :ili commissions issued by the Commaiidei- iii-Chief. Fourth, a Dispensation Record, in which shall be recorded all dispejiisa- lions issued by the Commander-in-Chief. Fifth, a Record of Courts-Martial, in which shall be recorded the decisions of the Commander-in-Chief tliereon. Sixth, a record of Camps, in which shall be re- corded the name, number and location of Camps, together with all other necessary information appertaining thereto. Sev- enth, a Record of Decisions, in which shall be entered the facta of each case de- cided by the Commander-in-Chief, with an index reference thereto. Eighth, an Index of Documents, in which shall be indexed all documents filed in Comman- dery-in-Chief headquarters, other than those entered in the Record of Decisions and Records of Courts-Martial. Ninth, a book in which all Division charters shall be recorded. Tenth, a Cash Book, in which shall be kept an account of all cash received at the Commandery-in-Chief headquarters for charter fees and per capita tax, and he shall immediately turn the same over to the Commander-in-Chief, taking his receipt therefor in the Cash Book. Eleventh, a Requisition Book, from which shall be issued all requisitions on the Quartermaster General for the ex- penditure of money, to be approved by the Commander-in-Chief. Twelfth, a Record of Adjutant's Consolidated Reports. Sec. 5. The Adjutant General shall preserve all records of the proceedings of each meeting of the Council-in-Chief, and ^hall make and preserve an accurate 43 record ol all Annual and Special meetings of the Commandery-in. Chief, and prepare the same for publication. He shall per- form all other duties pertaining to hi.^ otiice in obedience to the orders of the Comman- der-in-Chief. Sec. 6. The Quartermaster General shall receive, receipt and hold all moneys belonging to the Commandery-in-Chief. He shall also be the custodian of supplies and other property belonging to the Commandery-in-Chief (except such prop- erty as pertains directly to the Depart- ments of the Adjutant General and Commander-in-Chief, for which the Com- mander-in-Chief shall be responsible, and of which he shall be the custodian), and upon the order of the Commander-in-Chief, countersigned by the Adjutant General, shall provide all' supplies. He shall fill all requisitions for supplies from Divisions and other sources. He shall no+ pay out any money except upon requisition in due form from the Commander-in-Chief, coun- tersigned by the Adjutant General, and shall render quarterly in general orders a detailed account of the receipts and expen- ditures for the preceding quarter, together with the cash value of all supplies on hand. He shall perform, such other duties as per- tain to his office. Sec. 7- The other officers of the Com- mandery shall, under the orders and direc- tion of the commanding officer, perform the duties pertaining to their respective offices, and such other duties as circum- stances require of them. 41 ARTICLE VI. COU>:CIL-IN-CHIEF. Sec. 1. The Council-in-Chief shall, im- mediately after their installation, meet and elect a Chairman and Clerk. They shall enter upon their dutiei immediately alter the adjournment of the meeting at which they were chosen, and they shall hold ofhce* until their successors are duly elected and installed. ISec. 2. They shall, with their advice and counsel, aid and assist the Coniman- der-in-Chief in the performance of his duties. They shall be charged with the control and supervision of the investment of the funds of the Commandery-in-Chief, and shall be responsible to and look after its material interests. They shall devise and recommend such measures as will enable the Commandery to meet all its necessary expenditures, and shall examine and pass upon all accounts and bills in- curred by any and all officers and com- mittees of the same. They shall examine the books, vouchers and other papers of the different officers of the Commandery, and shall audit all their accounts. They shall keep a full and detailed record of their proceedings, and shall present a complete report to the Commandery-in- Chief at each stated yearly meeting of the same, and at such other times as the com- manding officer may direct. Sec. 3. The Council-in-Chief Fhall have one stated meeting each year, the same to be held prior to and at the same place as that of the stated, yearly meeting of the 45 Commandery. Special meetings of the Council-in-Chief may be convened by the commanding officer at such times and places as he may direct; providing that due notice of the same shall, in due form, be sent to each member of the Council at least four weeks prior to the tinje named for the meeting, and the notice shall set forth in due form the emergency and tlie business to be transacted. Sec. 4. Three members of the Council- in-Chief shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the same at which business is to be transacted. Sec. 5. All matters requiring the official vote of the Council-in-Chief shall be sub- mitted by the Commander-in-Chief upon printed blanks for that purpose and the vote of the Council-in-Chief in all cases thus submitted shall be filed and preserved in the office of the Adjutant General. Sec. 6. Vacancies as they occur shall be filled by election the first meeting there- after. ARTICLE VII. COMMITTEES. Sec. 1. The Standing Committees of the Commandery-in-Chief shall be : First, a Committee on Credentials; Second, a Committee on Constitution, Rules and Regulations; Third, a Committee on Rituals and Ceremonies ; Fourth, a Com- mittee on Resolutions; Fifth, a Com- mittee on Reports of Officers and Distri- bution of Work. The foregoing commit- tees shall each consist of five members, selected from the different Divisions. The 46 Adjutant General shall be Chairman of tlie Committee on Credentials. Sec. 2. The person lirst named on all Standing and Special Committees shall act as Chairman until another is chosen by the Committee, and no Committee shall be finally discharged until all debts legally contracted by it are settled. Sec. 3. Vacancies which may occur in the membership ot" any Standing or Special Committee shall be tilled by the Comman- der-in-Chief. ARTICLE VIII. ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. The Constitution, Rules and Regulations, and the Ritual of the Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., shall only be altered or amended by the Commandery-in-Chief, by amajority vote of the members reported present and entitled to a vote, at a stated annual meet- ing thereof, but any section herein may be suspended for the time being at any an- nual meeting of the Commandery-in-Chief by such majority vote. ARTICLE IX. ORDER OF BUSINESS. L Opening of the Commandery in due form. 2. Roll call of officers and constitutional members. 3. Appointment of Committee on Cre- dentials. 4. Report of Committee on Credentials, o. Roll call of members as reported from the Committee. 0. Appointment of committees : 47 First- Oh Constitution, Rules and Regu- lations. Second — On Rituals and Ceremonies. Third — On Resolutions. Fourth — Reports ol otlieers and Distribu- tion of Work. 7. Reception and reference of communi- cations from Divisions to be called alpha- betically. 8. Reception and refer e of communi- cations from Camp^ or individuals. All communications will be referred to the proper Committees without debate. 9. Unfinished Business. 10. Reports of Committees. 11. New Business. 12. Election and Installation of Officers. This order of business may be transposed by a two-thirds vote at any stated meeting «'f the Commandery-in-Chief, a quorum being present, except that the election and installation of officers shall not be held un- til ah other work of the Commandery-in- Chief has been completed. 48 CHAPTER V. (JfiDeral Riles aiil Eeplatiois, ARTICLE I. CHARTERS. Sec. 1. All Camp Charters shall })e signed by the Division Commander, and countersigned under seal by the Adjutant of the Division within which the appli- cants reside. The same shall then, under seal, be approved and published by the Commander-in-Chief. The application for a charter shall be signed by at least fifteen persons eligible to membership in the Sons of Veterans, as provided in Chapter II, Article I, and shall be accom- panied by a charter fee of not less than ten or more than twenty dollars, as may l)e provided for by the By-Law^s of the Di- vision, in which it is proposed to establish tlie said Camp, two dollars of which shall be forwarded to the Adjntant General ivith the application, and be turned over to the Commander-in-Chief on receipt. Sec. 2. On receipt of an application for a charter the Division Commander shall promptly proceed to examine into the qualifications of the applicants, and if satisfied of their eligibility, and that it is for the interest of the Sons of Veterans to form such Camp, he shall so recommend to the Commander-in-Chief, and on ap- proval by him shall either in person or by an officer properly detailed, proceed to 49 muster applicants into the Order, iustall the duly elected ofhcers and staff of the Camp for remainder of the term, and complete the organization of the Camp. Sec. 3. Camp charters may be surren- dered when less than ten members desire the continuation of the Camp, as is pro- vided for in Chapter II, Article I. In case of the surrender or forfeiture of a charter, all the property of the Division or Oi;der, including all books of record, Order, Rit- uals and Camp papers, shall be imme- diately turned over to the Division Adju- tant, who shall immediately report the dis- bandment of said Camp to the Adjutant General. Sec, 4, Division Commanders may sus- pend delinquent Camps in their discretion for failure to make quarterly reports, or to perform any other duties required ot them by the Constitution, Rules and Reg- ulations, subject, however, to the I'lgli* ot appeal to the Commander-m-Chiet. ihe Commander-in-Chief may, upon recom- mendation of the Division Commander, annual and declare forfeited the charter of any Camp more than six months in ar- rears for reports and per capita tax. Sec. 5. Charters of Divisions shall be signed by the Commander-in-Chief and countersigned by the Adjutant General, attested by the Commandery-m-Chiet s seal, and the same shall be issued on the permanent organization thereof. The members of new Divisions nam.ed in the charter shall, in the order named, be re- spectively the Division Commander, the Senior A^ice Division Commander, the 50 Junior Vice Division Commander, the Adjutant, tlie Quartermaster, the Cap- tain, First Lieutenant and Second Lieu- tenant of the several Camps in such Divi- !?ion. The charter fee of a Division shall Lt fifteen dollars. The Commander-in-Chief, upon satis- factory evidence, that a charter has been lost or destroyed, may issue a duplicate thereof under the seal of the Comman- dery-in-Chief. Sec. 6. The Commandery-in-Cliief, at its stated yearly meeting, may revoke the charter of any Division, which for three- fourths of the year, or more, has failed to forward its reports and per capita tax. ARTICLE II. RETURNS AND REPORTS. Sec. 1. The Captain of each Camp shall make quarterly returns to the Adjutant of the Division on the first days of January, April, July and October. He shall also at the same time forward a list of the names of all recruits who have been mustered during the last three months, and all re- quired details concerning them. Sec. 2, The Adjutant of each Division shall, on the receipt of returns, note the date of reception thereon, and shall turn over the Quartermaster Sergeants' s return with cash accompanying, to the Division Quartermaster. He shall, within thirty days after the commencement of the quarterly term, and for the information of the Division Commander, consolidate the quarterly returns of the several First 51 Sergeants, and shall prepare a copy of such consolidated returns, in full, to be forwarded by the Commanding Officer to the Adjutant General within the time specified. Sec. 3. Each Division Commander, on behalf of his Division, shall make final settlement with the Quartermaster Gen- eral at least fourteen days prior to the stated annual meeting of the Council-in- Chief. Sec. 4. The Adjutant General shall, on the receipt of returns, note the date of reception thereon ; he shall, for the infor- mation of the Commander-in-Chief, con- solidate the quarterly returns of the Adjutant, and shall present a copy of such consolidated returns to the stated yearly meeting of the Commandery-in-Chief. Sec 5. The Quartermaster Sergeant of each Camp shall, through the Camp Com- mander, make quarterly returns to the Division Quartermaster, on the first days of January, April, July and October. Sec. 6. These returns shall be consoli- dated by the Division Quartermaster within thirty days after the commence- ment of the quarterly term, and such consolidated returns shall be forwarded by the Division Commander to the Quar- termaster General, a copy thereof being retained for the information of the Com- mander. , , 11 Sec 7. The Adjutant General shall , under the direction of the Commander-in- • Chief, carefully establish and maintain suitable forms and shall provide neces- sary blanks for making the foregoing reports and returns, and all supplies of whatever kind shall be furnished by the Commandery-in-C'hief through the Quar- termaster General. ARTICLE III. DUES AND REVENUES. Sec 1. The Commandery- in -Chief shall, at its stated yearly meeting, assess a per capita tax on each Division of not exceeding twenty cents on each and every member in good standing; the said tax shall be payable in four instaJlments of equal parts, and the same shall be for- warded by Division Quartermaster to the Quartermasters General on or before the last days of January, April, July and October. Sec. 2, Each Division Encampment shall, at is stated yearly meeting, assess a per capita tax on each Camp within its jurisdiction not exceeding one dollar on each and every member in good standing: this tax shall include the Commandery-in- Chief tax, and it shall be payable in four installments of equal parts, and the same shall be forwarded by the Quartermaster Sergeant to the Quartermasters of their respective Divisions on the first days of January, Ajjril, July and October. Pro- vided, that neither Camps nor Divisions shall be required to pay per capita tax on any Camp for the quarter in which the Camp was mustered. Sec. 3. Each Camp shall cause to be paid into the Camp fund by each and every member, such sums as dues as the Camp shall determine upon, and the Camp 53 per capita tax shall, in manner heretofore stated, be drawn from said fund. Sec. 4. It Ghall be the duty of the Camp Captain and the Division Commander to see that the foregoing provisions are com- plied with in their respective organiza- tions. ARTICLE IV. ARREARAGES. Sec. 1. Any Division in arrears for re- ports or dues shall be excluded from all representation in the Commandery-m- Chief until the same are paid. Sec. 2. Any Camp in arrears for re- ports or dues shall not be allowed any representation in the Division Encamp- ment to which it is attached until the same ure paid. Sec. 3. Any member of a Camp who is six months in arrears in the payment of his dues shall- be prohibited from voting ; shall not be permitted to enter any Gamp room while the Camp is in session ; shall be ineligible to any office in the Sons of Veterans, and shall be reported 6«^- pended" in the Quarterly report to the Division headquarters, until such dues are paid. While so suspended the Camp shall not be subject to the per capita tax on such member, and he shall not be counted in the representation of the Camp at the Division Encampment ; providing, however, that when a brother is unable by reason of sickness or misfortune to pay his dues they may be remitted to him on the investigation and favorable report by the Camp Council or a special committee appointed for the purpose and a tliree- fourths vote of the members present and voting at a stated meeting of the Camp. Sec. 4. Any member of a Camp who is one year in arrears of the payment of his dues shall be dropped from the roll of membership, and may be re-instated by any Camp upon the payment of one year's dues to the Camp which dropped him, and in the same manner as provided in Sec- tions 1-7, Article II, Chapter 2, of the Camp Constitution. Sec. 5. All Camps that have failed for one year or more to make their quarterly reports and pay their per capita tax shall be considered disbanded, and their charter shall be revoked by the Division Comman- der. ARTICLE V. INSPECTION'. Sec. 1. There shall be a thorough and complete inspection of each Camp of the Order between October 1st and December 1st of each year. To this end the Inspec- tor (xeneral shall, through the several Di- vision Commanders, canse each Division to be divided into as many sub-divisions as circumstances may demand, and in ad- dition to the different Inspectors already j.rovided for, shall cause to be detailed or appointed an Assistant Inspector for each sub-division. Sec. 2. The Inspector General, subject to the approval of the Commander-in- Chief, shall prescribe the form of blanks t'P be used for the inspection of Camps and Divisions, and he sliall, with the ap- proval of the Commander-in-Chief, issue such instructions in detail as he may deem necessary for the })roper perform- ance of the duty. He shall prepare an abstract of all the reports received from Division headquarters, and shall present the same with a report to the Comman- der-in-Chief. Sec. 3. All books, papers, accounts, re- cords and proceedings pertaining to the Sons of Veterans shall be open for exami- nation at all times to all the duly desig- nated officers of the Inspector Creneral's department, and they shall make it their special duty to see that the same are cor- rectly kept; that all details are properly attended to ; that all orders are properly understood and obeyed, and that in aJl respects the written and unwritten work of the Order is uniformly and properly carried out in their respective jurisdic- tions. Sec. 4. In making inspections provid- ed for in this Article, in Divisions wherein state laws prohibit the carrying of arms by the Sons of Veterans, the fact that Camps are not armed and equipped shall not affect their rating. ARTICLE VI. DISCIPLINE. Sec. 1. The offenses cognizable by the Sons of Vpterans shall be : i^zV^/— Disloyalty to the United States of America, or nny other violation of any l)ledge given at tlie time of muster or the violation of any obligation given at the time of assuming any office in the Order. 0<) Second — DiHobey 63 a Camp which may have ceased to exist, provided the applicant forwards to the Commander issuing the dispensation the sum of twc dolhirs. Sec. 5. A member having been dropped by any Camp which afterwards ceased to exist may be granted an honorable dis- charge by the Commander of the Division in which he was dropped upon the pay- ment of two dollars, ARTICLE X. SEALS. Sec 1. The Commandery-in-Chief, the several Divisions and Camps shall be pro- vided with seals as follows : The seals of the Commandery-in-Chief and the several Divisions of the Order shall consist of the full Coat of Arms of the Order, surrounded, for the Comman- dery, with the words, "Commandery-in- Chief, Sons of Veterans, United States of America," and for the several Divisions of the Order, with the words, " Division, Sons of Veterans, United States of America."' The Camp seals shall consist of the Crest of the Coat of Arms, surrounded by thir- teen stars, and under the roll shall appear, in Roman numerals, the year of the organi- zation of the Order (1881). The whole shall be surrounded with the words, " Camp No , Sons of Veterans," and the location, town or city, and state shall be added to the same, Sec. 2. The Adjutant General shall attest with tlie seal of the Commandery-in- CliitM' :ill cliarters, cnniiuissio)is, Absence of Captain, w'ho acts! '. ■.;;;"■ n_i2 Special Meetings, how called 10 Called fnr, how worded 10 ^ hat business may be transac"te"d w Quorum, what shall constitute. " " " " 12 Omcers of ,„ jo How formed . -^^^f How shall rank... ^ Charts IS, how annulled ...'."."." 40 Charters, may be surrendered, how g Camp Council When shall be elected n \ acancies in, how filled 62 Duties of .c"^ Who shall not serve on . ." ! ly Bond, shall give i^ 89 Camp Packet Page Shall consist of Avhat 79-80 Captain Duties as to application for member ship 7 Shall grant leave of absence, when — 9 Tenure of office 13 Duties of, in Camp 14 Chaplain Captain shall appoint 13 Duties of ]o Rank of 15 Chaplaiu-in-Chief Appointment of 39 Charters Approval of 48 Signed by whom 48 Duties of Division Commanders, as to 48 Dut'es of AdjulHUt 48 Number of applicants necessary 48 Fee 48 May be surrendered, how 49 May be annulled, how 49 May be revoked 54 Division Charters, by whom signed — 49 Fee 50 Commander-in-Chief may revoke.when 50 Bov/ surreodered 60 How revoked 50 Colors (See Flags) Color Sergeant Captain shall appoint 13 Duties of . , 17-18 Coat of Arms Description of '^■4 .Commander-in-Chief May grant dispensations 62-08 Mav appoint whom 39 Duties of 40-41 Bond of t>l-62 Commandery-in-Chief Attendance of members, how com- pelled 38-39 Powers and authority 3a 9() Membership, who shall constitute 37 Ratio of representation 36-37 Basis of representation in, how deter- mined 36-37 Delegates to. how elected 'M Term of office • «« Meetiugdof, when held 3(5 Notice of meeting, to whom sent ;^ Special meetings, how convened 38 Officers of. and rank .39 Officers of, how elected 39-40 Vacancies, how filled 39-4 > Officers, duties of .39-43 Council-in-Chief, who shall constitute 44 Council-in.Chief. meetings of 44-4.') Council-in-Chief. vacancies in, how filled 45 Committees of Commandery-in-Chief 45 Chairman of 45 Vacancies on, how filled 4X Order of business 47 Commissions By whom issued 66-(»7 Committees. Commandery-in-Chief of 4.^-46 Division of 3;^ Visiting and Relief 19 Compensation Who to receive and how fixed 61 Comrades and Brothers Members addressed as 7S Divisions, Committees of Division Commanders shall appoint 32-33 Constitutions, Rules and Regulations Amendments made, how 48 Copy of,:presented to recruit 6 Constitutional Life Members Shall not be elected 37 Corporal of the Guard Captain shall appoint li Council-in-Chief Who shall constitute 39 Duties of 44 Vacancies, how filled 46 91 Page Meetings of 48 44- Counterslgn (See Password) Courts Martial Offenses punishable by 55 56 Who may order 56 Officers and members Commandery-in- Chief, how tried by 56 57 Members of, who eligible 57 Rules governing 57 59 Evidence, who may give 58 59 Sentence of, how executed 59 Accused suspended from office, when. . 59 Record of conviction, competent evi dence, when 59 Appeals may be taken, how 59 D, Disbursements Commander-in-Chief may make 76 Divisions may make 76 Purposes .76 • How may be made 76 Disbanded Camps Members of 11 Shall receive transfer cards II Discipline What offenses punishable 55 56 Disclosing secret work, etc 21 Accusations, how made 56 How tried.. 5« 57 Discharge, honorable When and how granted 62 63 Dispensations Commander-in-Chief may grant, when 62 63 Division Commander may grant, when 62 63 Divisions What shall constitute 22 Shall be governed, how 22 Encampment of 22 Membership in, who entitled 22 28 Compulsory attendance of members. . . 25 Representatives to, how selected 23 ' Credentials to 23 Vacancies, how filled 24 92 Page Basis of representation in 24 Meetings of 2i By-Laws, may adopt a'2 Special meetings of, how called '24 Notice of 24 25 Otttcera of 25 20 Duties 27 ol Divisions Oflicers, election of 2(3 Time of election and installation 34 Vacancies, how filled 2G Commanders of, duties 27 May appoint, wlio 27 May make details 27 Standing Committees of, Division Commanders shall appoint 32 Division Commanders Duties in forming Camps G May grunt d ispensatious f)2 (')>! Duties as to Division Encampments. ... 27 2s Divi.'-ion Quartermaster Shall give bond Division Charter (See Charters) Dropped Members May receive honorable discharge, how. . . (>:j Dues Maybe remitted, when 6o Elections Camp, how conducted .' ];'. Of applicants, how conducted ^ When applicant's ele<-tion is void > To fill vacancies in Camp olfices GJ Duties of First Sergeants in regard thereto 1". Who entitled to vote at ]:5 Commandery-in-Chief , of 39 4(t Division, of j ; JT Eligibility to membership K. Fees For muster, amount paid s Forfeited, when ,s 93 Page For admission by transfer ft Each Oamp may establish fi Fines Power of Camps to iniiict 19 Penalty for non-payment 19 First Lieutenant How chosen, and duties of 13"14 Tenure of oifice IS First Sergeant Captain shall appoint 13 Duties of 15 16 Duties in regard to elections 13 Flags Camp, description of 71 72 Division, Description of 72 7a Commanderv-in-Chief, description of. . 73 74 Q. General Orders When and by whom issued 64 65 Shall be of uniform size 6G H. Honorable Discharge When granted 10 63 I. Inspection When shall be made 54 Duties of Inspector General 54 5r) Inspector General Appointment of 39 Ineligibility Application for membership, of S Insignia of Rank What shall constitute 68 6» Investigating Committee Duties and report of 7 W4 Page J. Judge Advocate Appointment of 27 Duties of, in cases of Courts-Martial 57 ns Judge Advocate General Appointment of 39 Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief How chosen, and duties of ;:;' i L Junior Vice Division Commander How chosen, and duties of jr, js PC. Leave of absence Granted by Captain, when 9 Duties of Camp Officers, in regard to. . . Ki Duties of Division Officers, in regard to 11 Void, when n To whom applied for 77 Camp Officers should have, when 77 Division Officers should have, when... 77 Membership Who eligible to 5 How attained 6 7 Of Division Encampments 22 *2:^ Of Commandery-in-Chief 3(5 37 Meetings of Camps When held... 11 Who to preside at 11 12 May be dispensed with, when 12 Special meetings, how called 1-2 Mustering Officer Appointment of '27 Muster of Recruits s N. Name of Order Must not be used for advertising pu. poses 78 Title of organization 3 95 O. Page Objects 4 Offenses What cognizable 55 56 Officers Of Camps 12 How elected 13 Shall be elected, when i:^ Shall be installed, when 13 Captain shall appoint, who 13 Duties of 14 18 Rank of 13 Commandery-in-Chief 39 Division 25 26 Order of Business For Divisions 33 34 For Commandery-in-Chief 46 47 For Camps, as provided in Ritual Orders By whom issued 64 65 Shall be of uniform size 66 Organization Title of 3 Objects of 4 Principles of 3 4 What shall constitute 5 P. Password Commander-in-Chief shall select 76 Who entitled to receive 76 Shall be changed, when 76 Per Capita Tax (See Tax) Picket Guard Captain shall appoint 12 "Politics Discussion of in Camp room, prohibited 20 Commandery-in-Chief, duties in regard to 77 Political Position Official signature, must not recommend for 20 21 96 Page Preamble 6 Principal Musician Captain shall appoint vd Duties of IS Principles 3 4 Q. Quarterly Reports Captain shall make SO Duties of Adjutant 50 51 Duties of Quartermaster 51 52 Duties of Adjutant General 51 Duties of Quartermaster Cergeant 51 Duties of Divisou Commanders 50 51 Quartermaster General Bond of 78 Election of 78 Salary of 78 Should vacancy occur 78 79 Term of office 78 Quartermaster Sergeant Captain shall appoint 13 Duties of 17 Shall give bond 60 Quartermaster Appointment of 27 Duties of 30 Quorum Of Camps, Avhat shall constitute 12 Couucil-in-Chief, what shall constitute 44 Division Council, what shall constitute 31-32 Division Encampment, what shall constitute 25 Commandery-in-Chief Encampment. . . 38 R. Representatives Division, Credentials of 23 24 When elected 23 Number of 24 TermofOflu'p i^ 97 Pae^e Vacancies, how filled 24 Commandery lu, Credentials of 37 When elected 3(j ?.7 Number of, how determined yti 37 Term of office 37 Vacancies, how filled 37 Rank Insisrnia of GM r>9 Camps, rank of (j Relief Committee Who shall constitute 19 Duties of 19 Relief Funds Camp may establish ' 21 Relief Cixraps granting to visiting brothers. . . 10 Religion Discussion of in the Camp room pro- hibiT.ed 20 Commandery-in-Chief, duties in re- gard to 78 Removal Of Camp staff officers 13 Of Division staff oincers 27 *0f Commandery statf officers 40 Remustered Dropped member of dead Camp, may be how 6-2 G3 Representation Camps not entitled to, when 5?> Divisions not entitled to, ^^'heu 53 Resignations Officers shall forward, when 77 Returns and Reports By Camp ., made 5) 51 l5y Divisions, made. ol Revenues Commandery-in-Chief shall receive — 52 53 Div'sions shall receive 52 53 Revocation of Charter Commander-in-Chief may revoke,when 50 98 Ribbons Page (Jommanderv-in-Chief, description of Division, description of Camp Officers, description of Rituals Amendments of, how made (jieueral use prohibited 70 71 71 46 77 77 Captain, duty of, in regard to Rules of Order 77 81 86 s. Salaries Adjutanl General and Quartermaster General 61 Seals For Commandery-in-Chief , Divisions Camps and 63 64 Second Lieutenant How chosen and duties of Tenure of office 13 15 13 Secrets •21 Sergeant of the Guard Captain shall appoint 13 17 Sergeant Major Appointment of 27 Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief How chosen and duties of Senior Vice Division Commander How chosen and duties of S9 41 2(5 •■*7 Sick Members To be visited by Avhom Special Committees Who shall appoint Who can not be appointed Duties of Chairman of AVho can be excused from service Division Commander shall appoint, when 19 20 20 20 20 32 99 Special meetings of Camps Page Call for, how worked 22 Surgeon Appointment of 27 Surgeon General Appointment of ^^ Suspension Of members, for Avhat 50 Of Camps, tor what.... 40 Of Divisions, for what .'.'.'.'.. .'.'.' 53 T. Tax Commandery-in-Chief, shall levy 59 How pa able 59 Duties of Division Commander as to ' ' 53 Divisions shall levy 52 Camps may levy, when 53 Title of Orgauizatton 3 Transfer Card Privileges granted under 9 Camps may admit on, when and how ' <) Who entitled to Void, when u. Uniforms What shall constitute Unwritten Worl: Must not be divulged, and penalty. . V. Vacancies Camp offices, how filled 14 Commaudery- in -Chief offices, how filifcd 40 Council-in-Chief offices. ) o\v tilled .' " " " -jr, Division offices, how fi lied 2(1 Standing, or Special Ciimmittees,hov,- filled 4(5 Quartermaster General, how filled. .... 77 Visitors Uuion Soldiers. Sailors and Marines. . . 7G 77 Members of u. A. K 7C. 77 Vote " , * Members notcrititled to, when f;8 10 11 11 21 ^At> ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 189 577 8 ♦ f