LIBRARY in CONGRESS, Shrll I Mil D SI vii sot VMERIC \ tvijL « ,: \Kf K - > • l ; v v<" j.- ' '- T $ id *J» l% k ^ -^ J^ d AL >i*< x ■ IS99. V\ \ M ( A war-time photograph. ) MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY HIS CAREER AS A CONTRACTOR, BANK PRESIDENT, POLITICIAN AND MAJOR-GENERAL OF VOLUNTEERS IN THE CIVIL WAR TOGETHER WITH HIS WAR CORRESPONDENCE EMBRACING* the period FROM BULL RUN TO CHANCELLORSVILLE BY EDWARD K. GOULD ROCKLAND, MAINE PRESS OF THE COURIER-GAZETTE 1899 38744 Copyright, 1899 By EDWARD K. GOULD JUL 2o 1899 J 4S5T 0/ Co?f PREFACE The biographical articles treating of Major-General Berry, which were prepared by the author and published in the Rockland Courier-Gazette, have met with such flattering recep- tion, crude though they were, that, yielding to my own inclina- tions and the importunities of the many admirers of General Berry, I now offer, in more enduring form, this life story of Maine's greatest soldier; first .subjecting the original sketches to a thorough revision, adding much matter that has since become available, and eliminating many things that would not prove of interest to the general reader. A great quantity of material for this biography was col- lected through the energetic and intelligent efforts of the General's only daughter, the late Lucy Berry Snow, of Brooklyn, New York, whose untimely demise, after a brief illness, I in common with others deeply deplore. I have had occasion to consult and make extracts from the following works, for which I now make acknowledgment, viz. : Eaton's History of Rock- land, Thomaston and South Thomaston ; Reports of the Adjutant-General of Maine for the years 1857, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864; Official Records of the Union and Confederate armies, War of the Rebellion, published by the War Depart- ment; De Peyster's Life of Major-General Philip Kearny; Webb's Peninsular Campaign ; Doubleday's Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; Palfrey's Antietam and Fredericksburg ; Report of the Adjutant-General, State of Michigan, 1866; Michigan in the War, by Robertson ; De Trobriand's Four Years with the Army of the Potomac ; Reports of the Committee on the Con- duct of the War; and Stine's History of the Army of the Potomac. The publishers of the Rockland Courier- Gazette have freely entrusted to me the early files of that paper from 1854 to 1863, and they have proved to be an inexhaustible source of information, of which I have made frequent use. E. K. G. Rockland, Maine, July 1, 1899. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. His Youth and Early Manhood II. His Political Career III. The Rockland City Guards IV. Fourth Maine Infantry V. From Portland to Philadelphia VI. Washington . VII. The Advance to Bull Run VIII. Battle of Bull Run IX. After the Battle X. Camp Life ..... XI. A Monotonous Existence . XII. Berry a Brigadier-General XIII. Assigned to the Michigan Brigade XIV. Battle of Williamsburg . XV. Hero of Williamsburg XVI. Berry's Account of Williamsburg XVII. Battle of Fair Oaks or Seven Pines XVIII. Berry Covered with Glory XIX. Retreat to the James XX. Seven Days' Fight XXI. Berry's Sickness XXII. Reception in Rockland XXIII. Rejoins His Brigade . XXIV. Fredericksburg . XXV. Berry a Major-General XXVI. Berry Commands Hooker's Old Division XXVII. Chancellorsville XXVIII. Berry at Chancellorsville XXIX. Death of Berry XXX. The Remains Borne to Rockland XXXI. The Obsequies .... XXXII. Berry's Character and Services APPENDIX Inauguration of Berry's Statue Tributes from Generals Hooker, Sickles, How Funeral Address by Rev. Nath'l Butler INDEX ard 9 i5 2 3 3* 40 46 55 62 69 78 89 97 106 116 126 x 39 H7 i57 167 '75 189 197 204 213 228 239 247 2 55 263 271 278 285 290 292 297 304 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Major-General Berry .... Frontispiece Mrs. Hiram G. Berry ....... 25 Camp of Fourth Maine at Rockland, Maine . . . 41 Mrs. Lucy Berry Snow ....... 57 Residence of General Berry, Rockland . . -73 Camp of Fourth Maine near Fort Lyons, Va. . . .89 Colonel Elijah Walker in 1861 ..... 105 Brevet Major-General Davis Tillson . . . .121 Vice President Hannibal Hamlin . . . . .168 Brevet Major-General Adelbert Ames .... 200 Major-General Joseph Hooker ..... 249 Colonel Elijah Walker in 1899 ..... 265 Lieutenant-Colonel L. D. Carver ..... 281 Simmons' Statue of General Berry at Rockland . . 291 CHAPTER I. HIS YOUTH AND EARLY MANHOOD. His Birthplace. — His Grandfather a Revolutionary Soldier. — His Father in the War of 1812. — His Brothers and Sis- ter. — Educational Advantages. — Boyhood Character- istics. — A Born Leader. — Fond of Horses. — A Close Student. — A Private of Artillery in the Militia. — Learns the Carpenter's Trade. — Becomes a Contractor and Builder. — Erects a Fine Residence. — Builds Many of Rockland's Substantial Blocks. — Forms Co-partnership with his Brother. — President and Director of Limerock National Bank. — Berry and Elijah Walker Engage in Business. — His Marriage. — Birth of his Daughter. HIRAM GREGORY BERRY was the fourth child of Jere- miah and Frances Gregory Berry. He was born on the parental farm at the Meadows in what is now the City of Rockland, Maine, August 27, 1 824. Rockland at that time was a part of the town of Thomaston, so, to be accurate, that town is the place of his birth. The farm on which he first saw the light of day is now owned, and until recently was occupied as a resi- dence by the Honorable G. L. Farrand. His ancestors are a part of that hardy New England stock in which the foundations of many of the best families are laid. His grandfather, Thomas Berry, was an officer in the Revolution, and in his declining years was pen- sioned by the government for his services in that war. At the breaking out of hostilities between this country and England in 1812, the father of Hiram buckled on his sword, determined to match his valor with the old foes of his native land. He was 10 MA JOE-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. appointed Orderly Sergeant of a company which was stationed at the fort at Eastport, at which place he continued until mustered out. Those were days of suspense and of thrilling adventure- British men-of-war skirted the shores of Maine and invested her harbors and inlets, bombarding her villages, murdering the inhabitants and spreading waste and devastation far and wide. The small force of militia and volunteers on which devolved the defence of the long coast line and scattered villages could offer but little resistance to the ravages of the enemy. By reason of its exposed condition on the Canadian frontier, Eastport was one of the objective points of the British attack, and during these trying times, the valor and patriotism of Sergeant Berry must have been severely tested, and many is the tale of thrilling adventure and hair-breadth escape it must have been his privi- lege to tell. We can imagine with what eager interest young Hiram listened to the stories of the Revolution, and of 1812, and what influence they must have had in shaping the course of his life to its untimely close. Four brothers and one sister shared with Hiram the home life on the Meadow farm. They were Jeremiah 2nd, John T., William G., George W. and Frances E. Berry. Of this num- ber, Jeremiah 2nd and William G. died many years ago. The sister, Frances E. Berry, married Edward H. Fosdick and took up her residence in Brooklyn, N, Y. John T. and George W. Berry still remain in the city of their birth, honored, respected and prosperous. Hiram's advantages of education were limited to such public schools as the town of Thomaston afforded way back in the 'thirties. But he made the most of these meagre advantages. With diligence did he apply himself to his studies, and his indomitable will, which in after life carried him over so many seemingly insurmountable obstacles, showed itself ' in his youth- ful struggles to acquire an education. His was a practical mind, and while the beauties of the classics were clear to his vigorous EARLY EDUCATION. 11 intellect, yet instinctively he turned to mathematics, and with dogged determination mastered its most difficult problems. Joyous by nature, when the labors of the school were over he joined in the rude sports of those days as only a young boy full of animal life and overflowing spirits can. Courteous and affa- ble, he was ever a favorite with his companions and a leader in their sports. Even at this early age, his love for military affairs manifested itself. The stories of Lexington, Bunker Hill and Yorktown fired his youthful heart, and he longed to emulate the example of those hardy patriots whose valor had made this nation possible. He early acquired the correct habits of thought and meth- odical ways which made his business career a phenomenal suc- cess. No detail was too trivial to be slighted, and whatever he had to do was well done. Genius has been defined to be an unlimited capacity for hard work, and measuring by this truthful standard the subject of our sketch can lay claim to that title. Possessed in youth and early manhood with a robust physique, he was an inde- fatigable worker and never wasted the precious moments of his short life. Hours were golden to him, and it was a crime to idle them away. It would seem as though a premonition of his early end must have made an impression on his nature, impell- ing him to make the most of the few short years that were his to enjoy and improve. A companion of his early years in speaking of him says that he was a born leader and a natural diplomat. As a youth he never entered into squabbles, and was always dignified and self-reliant, but never reticent. He was regarded by his youth- ful associates as possessing superior judgment and discretion, and when differences arose, as they sometimes will in youth as well as in later years, the question always asked was : " What does Hi Berry say about it?" His decision was regarded as final, and from it there was no appeal, there being no dissenting voice. 12 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Young Berry was an inordinate lover of that noble animal the horse. Like many others of even greater renown, he believed a horse was next to man in instinct if not intelligence, and when a mere youth he would take the wildest steed from among the many in his father's stable, and by force of will and natural courage soon bring the animal to such a state of docility that a lady might handle it. Berry by nature was a gentle, unassuming but courageous youth, and while never aggressive, he would never permit a deliberate insult to a friend or himsef to pass unrebuked. He possessed a great fondness for books, and devoted much time to the biographies of the leading generals of the world, and the history of campaigns. Night after night he sat in his chamber poring over the pages of some favorite volume, and laying up knowledge that was to be devoted to his country's service in after years. He always regarded it as a great mistake that he was never permitted to enter West Point, when a cadetship in that institution was within his reach, but his mother was very much opposed to his going, and he dutifully deferred to her wishes. However, his military instincts were strong, and in the autumn of 1 841, we hear of him as a private in an artillery company commanded by the late Francis Cobb, when with his early friend, Elijah Walker, he was assigned to load one of the guns at the trainings, a duty he performed with skill and caution. After completing his school life, Hiram learned the trade of a carpenter, and for several years he industriously pursued this occupation. In 1843 ne entered into an agreement with Elijah Walker to labor at carpenter work and share profits. In this occupation, young Berry developed great physical strength, and it is said that these two young men, during the eight months in which they worked together, accomplished great results. In 1845, having thoroughly mastered the details of his chosen occupation, he became a contractor and builder on his own account, establishing the lumber yard now owned by the A CONTRACTOR. i3 W. H. Glover Co., and which they acquired from him. With but little capital and relying principally upon his native energy, the business rapidly prospered. Among the buildings erected by him is the Second Baptist Church, and his magnificent residence on the corner of Beech and White streets, now owned by Hon. John S. Case, and which today is one of the most imposing private residences within the city limits. April 21, 1852, the Rockland Steam Manufacturing Com- pany was incorporated with power to hold property not exceeding $30,000. The incorporators were Hiram G. Berry, I. K. and A. H. Kimball and Joseph C. Libby. This corpora- tion did a good business in the manufacture of doors, sashes and blinds, until its buildings were destroyed by fire in 1855. For many years General Berry was a director in the Limerock National Bank, the oldest national bank in his native city, having been elected Oct. 8, 1853. On the death of its president, Knott Crockett, in 1857, he was elected to that place, Oct. 19, continuing as such until he resigned to enter the army, June 5, 1 861. In addition to these various interests, Berry owned largely in shipping. As a bank-director and president he is said to have been a success, and the rapidity with which he added long columns of figures was marvellous, and he very rarely made an error. It is also said of him that he would move lumber from a pile, keeping an accurate account of the pieces in his mind, and at the same time carry on an animated conversation with several parties, or transact some other business. As a business man he was always benevolent and accom- modating, freely granting credit to any person who could lay claim to the faintest sense of honor. He made but few bad debts, and was never known to importune a debtor for an unpaid balance, when such a person called at his place of business. On the twenty-third of March, 1845, Hiram G. Berry and Almira M. Brown were united in marriage. The bride was a 14 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. daughter of John Brown, a respected citizen of Thomaston, and was regarded as one of the most promising young ladies of her native town. One daughter, Lucy F. Berry, came to bless this union. She was the idol of her father, and upon her he lavished the wealth of his affection. She was the wife of Albert D. Snow, a prosperous commission merchant, and resided in Brooklyn, N. Y., at the time of her death in November, 1895. Of her illustrious father she retained a most tender memory, which the passage of many years never effaced. CHAPTER II. HIS POLITICAL CAREER. Elected Representative to the Legislature. — Stirring Politi- cal Times. — Berry's Legislative Associates. — Candidate for Mayor of Rockland. — Desperate Contest and Tri- umphant Election. — His Efficiency as Chief Executive. — Renominated Mayor. — Defeated on National Issues. POLITICS always fascinated the strong manly nature of Berry. He enjoyed the sharp encounter of party against party, the marshalling of forces, the sudden surprises, the swift defences. Perhaps the semblance of these elections to the conflict of arms satisfied in a measure his military instinct. The maneuvers of party were to him the operations of a brigade. The joining of issues at the polls and the struggle for the mastery were to him the impact of contending armies, requiring skill, intuitive judgment, and quick, courageous action to win the victory. He was never a bitter, narrow partisan. It was not his nature to be that. He was generous to his political foes, and even in the heat of a desperate political struggle would seek out his opponents and talk to them in a jocose way of the probable results. He was never embittered by defeat, but was always first to present his compliments to his victorious opponent, and ever after cordially supported him while in office in every honest and patriotic endeavor. In the Fall of 1852 Berry was nominated for Representative to the Legislature from the town of East Thomaston. His opponents were Elkanah S. Smith and Jonathan Spear, both prominent and influential men, and active politicians. The 16 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. town meeting for the election of state officers was held in the Congregational meeting house on the thirteenth of September, 1852. In this struggle, Berry's talent as an organizer manifested itself. As a popular young man he had a large following, and with consummate tact and skill he united various elements to his support, and came off triumphant, receiving 590 votes to 319 for Mr. Smith and 117 for Mr. Spear. Thus at the early age of 28 years was he elected by his fellow-townsmen to repre- sent them at the seat of government. The Legislature that assembled at Augusta in the early part of 1853 was the center of much interest. The stirring cam- paign of the previous September had resulted in no choice for a Governor by the people, and the young Representative from East Thomaston found himself in a hot political cauldron which in many respects was quite agreeable to him. From the num- ber of candidates voted for at the polls, the House chose the names of John Hubbard and William G. Crosby, to be sent to the Senate, one of whom was to be elected Governor by that body. Of these two men the Senate chose Crosby, a Whig, and he was duly qualified and entered at once upon the duties of his office. It does not appear that Representative Berry took a prominent part in these proceedings, but he was present at the sessions and was an interested participant in the voting. When the committees of the House were announced, Rep- resentative Berry found himself honored by appointments on the committee on elections, on railroads and bridges, and on the state prison. His duties on the elections committee were oner- ous and important. The close vote in many Senatorial and Representative districts resulted in several contested elections, and much testimony was introduced before the committee. Representative Berry was always in attendance at these pro- longed hearings, an attentive listener and an intelligent judge, carefully weighing the testimony as it was adduced, and forming his own opinion therefrom without regard to the views of his associates upon the committee. REPRESENTATIVE IN LEGISLATURE. 17 That he was faithful to his constituents, the journal of the House gives abundant evidence. Among the matters of local interest presented by him was a petition of Henry C. Lowell and others for the incorporation of a bank in East Thomaston ; an act to incorporate the Atlantic Ship, Wharf & Lime Com- pany ; and a petition of L. Snow and others to prevent the throwing of lime core in the docks at East Thomaston. An important question before this Legislature was the acquirement of the Massachusetts lands within the limits of Maine, and commissioners were elected to effect this result, reporting at a special session of the Legislature, called by Gov- ernor Crosby for that purpose. In many of the yea and nay votes taken by the House upon these important matters, we find that the young Representative from East Thomaston had early acquired the habit of thinking for himself, as his vote is recorded on the side of the minority, and in some instances stands almost alone in its protest against the pending proceedings. The election of a United States Senator to succeed Hon. James W. Bradbury was one of the most desperately fought legislative battles ever known since Maine became a state. The bitterness of feeling engendered, the desperate measures employed by the friends of the various candidates to secure their election, the skillful parliamentary maneuvers, the power- ful influences brought to bear on the members of the Senate and House, all had their part in making this contest an ever memorable one. William Pitt Fessenden, a member of the House from Portland, afterwards Secretary of the Treasury, was the leading candidate and came within a few votes of election. But his opponents outgeneraled him by combining and voting to indefinitely postpone the election. Representative Berry was an active participant in these proceedings. Among Representative Berry's associates in the Legislature were William Pitt Fessenden, afterwards United States Senator, Artemas Libby, late Associate Judge of the Maine Supreme Court, Alonzo Garcelon, ex-Governor of Maine, and Hon. John 18 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. C. Talbot, who was Speaker of the House. In the Senate were such men as Nelson Dingley, and Nathan A. Farwell of Rock- land, afterwards United States Senator. Returning from his duties as a legislator, General Berry gave his undivided attention to the building up of his rapidly growing business as a contractor and builder. He did not again enter politics until the spring of 1856, when he became the candidate of the Democrats and straight Whigs for Mayor of the new city of Rockland, which two years earlier had been created from the town of East Thomaston. With his usual energy he entered actively into the canvass, drawing about him many active campaign workers and influential citizens, and directing the efforts of the party with judgment and skill. While party feeling ran high and personal recriminations were freely indulged in by individuals of the opposing parties, General Berry remained calm and collected, repressing "personal politics " whenever it appeared among his followers, and concil- iating his opponents by his frank and manly bearing and courteous demeanor. The polls opened on the morning of March 3, and all day long the battle waged fierce and hot, and at its close when the votes were counted it was found that no choice had been made. The number of votes cast was n 26, and it required 564 votes to elect. Of this number Hiram G. Berry had 484, Joseph Farwell 262, George S. Wiggin 254, Harvey H. Spear 125, and John Bird 1. Commenting on the result of this ballot, the Rockland Gazette of that day says : " The vote given in on Monday was larger than was generally anticipated. Whether the Republican vote at the next trial will be centered upon Wiggin or Farwell or upon some new man, we are not able to state. The election produced quite an excitement compared with any other we have had since the organization of the city government, and on that account was quite a relief from the monotony which has existed amongst us since the election in September." The board of aldermen warned the voters of Rockland to MAYOR OF ROCKLAND. 19 assemble at the polls on the twelfth of March and again cast their ballots for Mayor. According to the Gazette, a spirited meeting of the straight-out Democrats and Whigs was held at Beethoven Hall on Saturday evening before the election, and an equally spirited Citizens' caucus was held. At the latter meeting, Charles Crockett, Esq., was nominated for Mayor. Messrs. Wiggin and Farwell, who at the preceding election received most of the votes in opposition to H. G. Berry, Esq., acquiesced in the nomination. The scenes about the voting places during this election were a repetition of the preceding one. If it were possible, the uncertainty that shrouded the result intensified the excitement, and increased the interest and efforts of the partisans. Again the ballots were counted, and again did the news fly from lip to lip, " No election ! " There were 12 12 ballots cast in this elec- tion, and of this number, the successful candidate must secure 607. Hiram G. Berry had 541, Charles Crockett 561, and Harvey H. Spear 103, scattering 7. It looked as though the chances of election of Mr. Berry were dubious, and the friends of Mr. Crockett were jubilant because of the strength devel- oped by their candidate. But Mr. Berry was not cast down by the result. He believed another determined effort would win him the victory, and quietly laid his plans. Again we quote from the columns of the Gazette : "A second trial for the election of Mayor was held yester- day afternoon. There is still no choice. The vote was large, being an increase over the vote last week of nearly ninety. The heavy vote thrown indicates the interest which was felt in the election. The vote will probably increase somewhat at the next trial, which is to be on Monday afternoon next and which will doubtless settle the question, since a plurality then elects." The third and last battle of the ballots took place March 17, with increased excitement and turmoil. When the approach of darkness put an end to the strife, Hiram G. Berry had triumphed over his opponents, and was made by his fellow 20 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. citizens Mayor of his native city, — the second man to hold that office. The ballots cast at the third election numbered 1282, Berry receiving 642, while his principal opponent, Crockett, polled 612 with a scattering of 24. Editorially, the Gazette says of this result: "The third and last trial for Mayor of this city came off Monday, and resulted in the election of Hiram G. Berry, Esq., by a plurality of thirty votes over Charles Crockett, and a majority of one vote over all others. The excitement had been increasing from the previous election up to the time the result of the voting of Monday was known , and it is universally remarked that there never was before so much interest manifested in any election in Rockland. Indeed, the vote of last September, when it was thought that every live man turned out to the polls, and it is certain there were considerably more voters in the city than at the present time, was sixty-three less than the vote of Monday. At a little before six o'clock, the result of the election was known, viz.: that ' Berry was elected,' and a large number of his friends gathered about the Commercial House, when speeches were made and a grand jollification was had by those who had voted for the successful candidate. In the evening, guns were fired, bonfires lighted, etc. The Mayor-elect also invited his supporters to a supper, given at the Commercial and Thorndike hotels, at which several hundreds were present. A procession also marched to the Mayor's house and called him out for a speech, which he made, appropriate to the occasion. In short, the ' party' generally were in high spirits at their success. We will say of Mr. Berry that he is a man of energy and business expe- rience, and, like his opponent, has the general confidence of his fellow citizens. Indeed, high as the ' steam ' was on the Mayor question, we recollect of hearing scarcely a word spoken derog- atory to the personal character of the candidates. And we believe that they are on the best terms with each other per- sonally." RENOMINATED MAYOR. 21 The happy close of this desperate and hard-fought struggle came near being marked by a serious accident. A cannon was placed in the field in front of the residence of Mayor-elect Berry and was repeatedly discharged to celebrate his victory. After a few rounds were fired, this cannon burst and a man named Nash was struck by a flying piece of gun metal and injured. Another piece of the gun was thrown some distance through one of the lower lights of a window of Wm. Young's house on Union street while two children were looking out of the window. Neither was hurt, and the wounded man was but slightly injured. Mayor Berry's inauguration took place with the usual cere- monies. On March 19, both boards of the city council met in joint convention in the common council rooms to listen to the Mayor's address, which was brief, concise and business-like, written in the easy, flowing style characteristic of the man. With no attempt at rhetoric, he plainly sets forth the city's needs and impresses on his associates that they are public servants invested with a public trust that should be faithfully administered. He modestly expresses the deep sense of his inability to fulfill the expectations of his fellow-citizens, but pledges his unselfish devotion to their interests. Mayor Berry's management of the affairs of the munici- pality was characterized by shrewdness and wisdom. The work of some of the departments Was in a crude state. They were by him reduced to order, and systematized. A seal was pro- vided for the city. The financial affairs received the closest and most intelligent attention. Every department began to give evidence of the domination of a master mind ; and at the close of his term of office, it was universally admitted that Mayor Berry had made a model chief executive. In the spring of 1857, Mayor Berry was renominated by his party, but as party feeling was running high over national politics, it affected the city election to the extent that Mayor 22 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Berry suffered a defeat at the hands of his former opponent, Charles Crockett, and retired again to private life. In 1858, Berry was chosen chief engineer of the fire department, which is the last civil office held by him. His duties in this department did not require much effort and he was fully satisfied with one term, at the expiration of which he gave place to his successor. CHAPTER III. THE ROCKLAND CITY GUARDS. Berry Inspector 4th Division Maine Militia. — Organizes the Rockland City Guards. — Berry Chosen Captain. — Pre- sentation of Flag by Mayor Crockett. — Captain Berry Receives an Elegant Present from the Guards. — Gu< of the Warden of the State Prison. — Guards Entertain the Camden Rifles. — Regimental Muster at Rockland. — Muster at Portland. — Rockland Brass Band. — Ludi- crous Incident. — Muster at Belfast. — The Guards Escort Jeff' Davis, then Secretary of War. — Adjutant-General Webster's Famous Description of this Event. — Guards Disband. — Its Officers. — Furnished Twenty-one Officers to the Volunteer Service. AS we had occasion to mention, the subject of our sketch always had a keen interest in military matters from early boyhood. He was in frequent demand as chief marshal of processions on Fourth of July and other occasions, and took pride in skillfully managing these affairs. March 19, 1853. he was appointed Inspector of the Fourth Division of Militia with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In 1854, Colonel Berry with others organized a light infantry company, which was called the Rockland City Guards, and was mustered into the Maine Volunteer Militia as Company B of the 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade, 4th Division. The 1st Regiment at one time was commanded by Colonel G. J. Burns, with Davis Tillson as adjutant, both citizens of Rockland, and the 4th Division had for its chief, Major General William H. Titcomb, also of that city. -4 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. At the election of officers of the Guards, Hiram G. Berry was chosen captain ; G. J Burns, Jonathan Spear and A. S. Dyer, lieutenants; William H. Titcomb, orderly sergeant; and O. J. Conant, ensign. Arms were furnished by the state, but the beautiful uniforms of blue and gold, with the tall bear-skin cap and gold tassel, were purchased by the company. Drill commenced under the direction of Adjutant Davis Tillson, who was a graduate of West Point, and the company soon became proficient in the manual of arms and evolutions of a company. The occasion of a presentation of a beautiful flag to the Guards by the Mayor of Rockland, Hon. Knott Crockett, who had purchased the same at a cost of $40, was a memorable one. It occurred May S, 1 S 5 5 . and on the afternoon of that day the Guards paraded the streets under the command of Captain Berry. They were accompanied by the Rockland Brass Band, and at about three o'clock proceeded to the house of the Mayor where the presentation was made, His Honor making an appro- priate address to which Ensign O. J. Conant responded in behalf of the company. For two hours following the presentation, the company paraded the streets, delighting the citizens with the precision of their movements and the sight of their beautiful new banner. At five o'clock the company repaired to the restaurant of C. A. Harrington, where refreshments were served, which terminated the exercises of the afternoon. The following August, the members of the company, to show their appreciation of his services, presented Captain Berry a magnificent silver pitcher with gold chain and plate attachment. The first appearance of the Guards in their new uniforms, which have been previously described, was on the occasion of the official visit of the Governor and Council to the State Prison at Thomaston. Warden Hix had invited the Guards to be his guests on that occasion, and early in the day coaches were taken for Thomaston. The Guards arrived at their Mks. Hika.m G. Herry ROCKLAND CITY GUARDS, 25 destination at about ten o'clock and were received by the State of Maine Fire Company, a crack fire brigade of Thomaston. After a short drill on the part of the Guards near the prison, the members of the company were permitted to inspect that institution. A photograph of the company was also taken during this visit. The Governor was absent on account of sick- ness, but the Secretary of State and members of the Council were present as guests of the warden. Dinner was partaken of at one o'clock, and at a later hour, the Guards paraded on the green in front of the prison, under command of Captain Berry, where Hon. Noah Smith, one of the Councillors made a short speech in which he complimented the company on its fine appearance. At four o'clock the Guards took conveyance for home after an enjoyable day. The following September, the Guards entertained the Camden Rifles. On the afternoon of September 7, the Guards took up their line of march for Blackington's Corner, where they received their guests with military honors and escorted them to the city, where they found the sidewalks and windows filled with admiring spectators, while numerous flags, thrown to the breeze by citizens, waved over their heads as they passed. After performing their evolutions, which reflected great credit both upon officers and soldiers, they repaired to the armory of the Guards, where they deposited their arms, and thence to Beethoven Hall, where the Rifles and other guests were feasted to their hearts' content, the members of the Guards doing the honors of the table. After refreshments, speeches, toasts and music enlivened the scene until a late hour, when the lines were re-formed, and the Guards escorted their guests some distance on their way home. The Rifles were delighted with their entertainment, and very favorably impressed by the drill of the Guards. In 1856 the encampment of the First Regiment, Second Brigade, Fourth Division, of the militia of the State, was held in Waterman Fales' pasture in Rockland, continuing two days. 26 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. This was the regiment to which the Rockland City Guards was attached. The encampment is said to have been a fine affair, and passed off to the entire satisfaction of all. On Tuesday- morning the regiment, consisting of nine companies, was formed under the direction of Adjutant Tillson, on Main street, in front of the Thorndike Hotel, and was immediately taken in charge by G. J. Burns, commander of the regiment, under whom it marched through Main street to Camp Knox, as the camp had been called. Tuesday was occupied in battalion drill on the field, where the evolutions were witnessed by thousands of people. At nine o'clock on Wednesday, the regiment was formed under the direction of Adjutant Tillson, and given up to Colonel Burns, who detached the Rockland City Guards and the Conrad Guards to escort Major General William S. Cochran and staff and Adjutant General G. M. Atwood from the Thorndike Hotel to the field. At about eleven o'clock the regiment was reviewed by Major General Cochran and Adjutant General Atwood. The review occupied the remainder of the forenoon and was among the most interesting exhibitions of the camp. A line was formed again at two o'clock in the afternoon and the regimental drill performed. At four o'clock the tents were struck and the line of march taken up through the principal streets of the city, the parade being dismissed at about five o'clock, the whole affair ending in a ball. The City Guards continued to maintain its high standard of efficiency through all the years of its existence, giving frequent exhibition drills, and parading on every public occasion. Regimental musters were held at Waldoboro and Portland and the City Guards were in attendance on both occasions. At the Portland muster, which was held two days, the Rockland Brass Band, then the leading band in Maine, accompanied the Guards, and the two organizations attracted special attention by the military precision of the one and the fine music of the other. The position of the Rockland City Guards was on the ESCORTS JEFF DAVIS. 27 left of the regimental line, and so well did they fill this impor- tant and difficult place, that Colonel Harding, the commander of the encampment, was heard to exclaim: " What would the left have been without the Rockland City Guards ! " One of the ludicrous features of this encampment was the mock parade conceived by some of the mischievous youngsters in the Rockland City Guards. Clad in the wolf skins and buffalo robes which were used for bedding, fifteen or twenty of these hilarious fellows, under the lead of L. D. Carver, after- wards lieutenant colonel of the Fourth Maine, sallied forth about midnight and went on dress parade, introducing several features which were not in strict accordance with tactics. They then took up their line of march through the encampment, making night hideous and sleep impossible by their howls, cheers and cat calls. Colonel Bodfish, a veteran of the Mexican war, was officer of the day of the encampment, and toward the small hours of the morning it became clear to him that something was not just right about the encampment, so rising from his cot he donned his sword and sash and ventured forth into the night, just in time to see a line of grotesque figures, executing the manual of arms to the commands of a figure with a stentorian voice. " By what authority are these troops paraded? " thundered the irate colonel, striding up the line. " By the same authority by which they have raised h — all night," thundered back the imperturbable Carver, and in the shout of laughter which followed, Colonel Bodfish beat a hasty retreat. At this encampment the Guards formed a close friendship with the Bath Greys, which was continued after the members of both organizations had entered the Union army ; the former in the Fourth Maine, and the latter in the Third. This friendship is kept up by the survivors to this day. A most important and significant event, in which Captain Berry and the Rockland City Guards took a prominent part, 28 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. was the Brigade muster at Belfast, August 31, 1858, when Jefferson Davis, the Secretary of War, afterwards President of the Southern Confederacy, reviewed the troops and was escorted by the Rockland City Guards. On his way to Belfast, Mr. Davis stopped at the Thorndike Hotel in Rockland, and some good stories are told of two or three prominent citizens, who prompted by the desire to say some- thing polite to the distinguished visitor, and becoming somewhat confused in his presence, got their sentences very much mixed, saying things that evidently were not in the speeches they had prepared. The troops present at the Belfast muster were of the Fourth and Ninth Divisions, Major Generals Cushman and Titcomb commanding, and parts of the Third and Seventh Divisions, the whole constituting a brigade under the immediate command of Colonel G. J. Burns, as acting brigade commander. Captain Berry, with the City Guards, left Rockland for the encampment on the steamer Daniel Webster, early on the morning of the first day of the muster, and arriving at Belfast, formed and marched through the streets, halting at the New England House and depositing their arms. On this occasion, as on many others, the City Guards were accompanied by the Rockland Brass Band. Subsequently line was formed and the City Guards marched to the steamboat landing to receive and escort other companies to the camp ground, where the Guards pitched their tents in true military style, their proficiency in this respect exciting the favorable comment of their superior officers. Thursday, Hon. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi was to review the troops, he having been brought from Rockland by carriage for that purpose. Adjutant General Webster in his report of this affair says : "The most active preparations were now made to place the troops in the best possible condition for the duties of the day. The Hon. Jefferson Davis, by direct invitation of the com- REVIEW OF BRIGADE. 29 mander of the encampment, was tendered the honor of review- ing the brigade, which he accepted with that grace peculiar to the man. At nine o'clock the united corps of division officers presented themselves at the quarters of that distinguished gen- tleman, (the residence of Hon. H. H. Johnson,) and escorted him to the confines of the encampment. This cortege was met at a convenient distance from the parade by the Rockland Guards, Captain H. G. Berry, a company richly entitled to position in the front rank of the M. V. M., with a full band led off by Adjutant Tillson. The escort was gracefully performed, and the soldier who had bled at Buena Vista was presented to the line amid the bugle's cheer and the roar of artillery. Colonel Davis was received with the highest marks of respect, and the honors due his rank and position cheerfully tendered. He now proceeded to review the troops with that air of ease and manliness which attaches to his every movement. The ceremonies of the review concluded, the brigade was formed in close column of companies on the right, when, on invitation of General Cushman, the guest of the occasion addressed the sol- diery in an eloquent and fervid manner, thanking them for the honor and courtesy they had so generously bestowed upon him, and concluded by saying that, ' With such troops as are now before me, we may defy the combined forces of the world and shout the song of freedom forever.' " At about half-past twelve o'clock the Governor reviewed and addressed the brigade. This review ended, the Rockland City Guards, (who occupied the right,) withdrew from the line, and in twenty-two minutes were on the line of march for the boat, attended by the Rockland Band. They marched from the field in excellent style, with open ranks, having the wagons convey- ing their baggage between the sections. Speaking of this encampment and review, the Rockland Gazette of September 9, 1858, says: "The Guards won high encomiums by the high degree of military discipline which they exhibited and the skill with which they performed their various 30 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. evolutions." The company had 45 officers and men in attend- ance at this encampment. The City Guards did not continue as an organization much longer. Its captain, Hiram G. Berry, having resigned, it dis- banded. Besides the officers already given, promotions were made May 13, 1856, when O. J. Conant was created second lieutenant; O. P, Mitchell, third lieutenant; and Edward A. Snow, fourth lieutenant. July 16 of the same year, O. J. Conant was promoted to first lieutenant; O. P. Mitchell, second lieutenant; Edward A. Snow, third lieutenant; and Thomas B. Glover, fourth lieutenant. August 6, 1858, an entire new board of officers was chosen, except the captain, Hiram G. Berry, and the third lieutenant, Edward A. Snow. They were, Iddo K. Kimball, first lieutenant; William A. Banks, second lieutenant; Orin P. Tolman, fourth lieutenant. A few years later many of these men rendered important service to their country in the Civil War, and it is a fact, the significance of which the reader can appreciate, that the Rockland City Guards furnished 21 commissioned officers to the Union armies, among whom were one major-general, one colonel and one lieutenant- colonel. As captain of the Guards, Berry received his training for the important events in which he was to be a prominent figure. In his zeal to acquire military knowledge, it is said that with beans and coffee spread out before him on a table, and his books of tactics beside him, he would devote many evenings to mastering the intricate evolutions of a company. In this way he became the best drilled officer then in the service of the State. CHAPTER IV. FOURTH MAINE INFANTRY. Sumter Fired On. — Berry's Luxurious Circumstances. — Excitement in Rockland over the Insult to the Flag. — Berry Tenders his Services to the Governor of Maine. — Raises the 4th Maine Infantry. — Companies Rendez- vous at Rockland. — Enthusiastic Reception. — Election of Regimental Officers in Atlantic Hall. — Berry Chosen Colonel.— The Camp on Tillson's Hill.— The Daily Routine. — Visit by Governor Washburn. — Winterport Company Disbanded. — The Brooks Company takes Its Place. — Men Re-enlist for Three Years. — Discipline in Camp Knox. — Regiment Breaks Camp. — Take the "Daniel Webster" for Portland. OMINOUS clouds had been gathering on the political hori- zon. There was a general feeling of uneasiness and suspense ; a foreboding of some impending evil that no person attempted to define. Southern aggression was only equalled by Northern inertness. Secession was loudly advo- cated and threatened even in the Houses of Congress ; and the national dissolution which the matchless eloquence and irresist- ible logic of Webster had averted, now seemed about to be an accomplished fact. How prophetic are these words of this immortal statesman, when he says, " When my eyes shall be turned to behold for the last time the sun in heaven, may I not see him shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious union ; on states dissevered, discordant, belliger- ent ; on a land rent with civil feuds, or drenched, it may be, in 32 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. fraternal blood ! " What a pen picture there is in these majestic words ! It would seem that by some Omnipotent power the mind of Webster penetrated the veil of the future, and his gaze rested in horror on the truthful scene he so vividly portrays. But the vision of this prophet was not heeded by the North. If thought of at all, it took the form of a matchless piece of rhetoric and not as a warning of coming strife. But the South was arming. Already it flaunted treason's banner in the face of the President, who, through natural tim- idity, or an inability to fully grasp the situation, permitted the Northern forts to be stripped of their armament, the ships of war to be scattered to earth's remotest bounds, and the little army of regulars to be given over to the enemies of the Union. Treason did not now sing with the siren's voice. The time for pleasing had passed, and the dogs of war howled in loud and discordant tones. Lincoln had been elected and inaugurated as President of the United States, and the Southern states, following the lead of South Carolina, were seceding one after the other. Anderson and his little band were besieged in Fort Sumter, surrounded by hostile batteries and threatened by armed hosts. The country watched with breathless interest the futile efforts of President Lincoln to reinforce and provision this garrison. But the spell was soon broken and the thunder of the cannon directed at Sumter's walls summoned the North to arms. When the news of the bombardment of Sumter reached Rockland all was excitement. Public meetings were held, patriotic speeches were made, resolutions passed, and volunteers flocked to the recruiting offices that were soon opened in the city. The outbreak of hostilities found Berry in the midst of a prosperous business career. Living in a magnificent house, made bright by the presence of wife and daughter, and with prospects for the future bright and promising, it would not have been a matter of wonder if Berry had failed to hear the call to duty, and remained passive in his comfortable surround- RAISES FOURTH MAINE. 33 ings. But he was cast in a heroic mould. The pleasures of luxury were as nothing to the security and preservation of his country. The delights of domestic life and the profitable pursuits of peace must all give way to the stern exigencies of war. True to the traditions of his family, he had always been a Democrat in politics, but like thousands of others he sank party in patriotism and declared for country first and party afterwards. " I know no politics while this conflict lasts," he responded, to the invitation to exchange his sword for the honors of political office. This answer reveals the man. Berry hastened to Augusta and tendered his services to the Governor, returning post haste with the papers to recruit a regiment. Four companies were raised in Rockland for the Fourth Maine, and were commanded by Elijah Walker, L. D. Carver, O. J. Conant, and G. J. Burns. Companies were also raised in Belfast, H. W. Cunningham, commanding; Damaris- cotta, Stephen C. Whitehouse, commanding; VVinterport, Oliver Crowell, commanding; VViscasset, Edwin M. Smith, commanding; and another company, commanded by Silas M. Fuller, was also raised in Belfast. The companies of the 4th Maine were ordered to ren- dezvous at Rockland, and on Thursday morning, May 16th, the four Rockland companies went into camp on Tillson's Hill, a high eminence back of the thickly settled part of the city, between Middle and Rankin streets. The Damariscotta company was the first to arrive, and their reception as they appeared in carriages on Main street was most enthusiastic. The company proceeded to the Lindsey House, where they left their carriages, then forming line, marched to the Kimball Block, where they were bountifully fed, after which they were received and escorted to their quarters by the Rockland companies. The Wiscasset company arrived in the coaches of Mr. John T. Berry at about six o'clock, Sunday. They formed line out- 34 major-generAl hirAm g. berr*. side the city limits, and marched in to the stirring music of the Damariscotta Band. They were received with military honors by Capt. Carver's company of Rockland, and the Damariscotta company, and were enthusiastically greeted by the citizens. On Monday forenoon the two Belfast companies arrived on the steamer Daniel Webster, and were escorted to the camp ground by Captain Conant's Rockland company and the Wiscasset company. They received an ovation from the spectators. Monday afternoon the Winterport and Searsport companies arrived on the steamer Sanford. Captain Walker's Rockland company and the Damariscotta company, attended by the Rockland Band, were in waiting to receive them. The battalion marched to the foot of Limerock street, when the escort stacked arms, and the newly arrived companies went to supper. Subsequently they were escorted to the encampment, and Camp Knox, as it was called, was then completed. The commissioned officers of the companies composing the 4th Maine, held their election of regimental officers at Atlantic Hall, Rockland, Wednesday afternoon, May 8th, Major- General William H. Titcomb of the State Militia presiding. Hiram G. Berry was elected colonel, Adelbert Ames of Rock- land, a member of the class just graduated from West Point, was chosen lieutenant-colonel, and Thomas H. Marshall of Belfast, major. As the War Department would not permit Ames to accept a commission in the volunteers, Marshall was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, and Frank S. Nickerson of Searsport was chosen major. The land on which Camp Knox was situated was high and dry, and though not level, made a fine parade ground. On the right looking from Middle street, and on the southeast side of the encampment, was the quarters of the regimental officers ; next beyond these were the tents of the company officers, next the kitchens, and next the company tents, six to each company, in ten parallel rows. In front of these at the northeast side of INCIDENT OF CAMP LIFE. 35 the camp was the parade ground. The tents were made by General William S. Cochran, and each tent had a flooring of boards raised several inches from the ground. At first the troops were fed by Robert Anderson, but the camp utensils having been made by J. C. Libby & Son of Rockland, and delivered to the companies, rations were issued and cooked in true army style. The regiment now began the routine of camp life. At five o'clock A. M. reveille was sounded, when the morning gun was fired, and sentinels ceased challenging. The companies formed on company parade, and the roll was called, after which the tents and grounds were put in order ; seven o'clock, breakfast ; half past eight o'clock, guard mounting; ten o'clock, regimen- tal line formed and company drill; twelve o'clock, dinner; two o'clock P. M., regimental line was formed by adjutant for bat- talion drill; six o'clock, supper; at forty-five minutes past six, dress parade and retreat, when the evening gun was fired, and the flag hauled down, after which the sentinels commenced chal- lenging; at half-past nine o'clock, tattoo, when the companies fell in for roll call on the company parade grounds. At half- past ten o'clock taps sounded, all loud talking and noise must cease, lights were extinguished in all except guard and officers' tents, and all non-commissioned officers and soldiers except those on guard, must be in bed. Governor Washburn visited the regiment while in camp and witnessed the dress parade, when he addressed the troops, expressing himself as well pleased with their appearance, and pronouncing the regiment the best looking body of troops Maine had yet sent to the front. The health of the troops while in camp was generally good. A few cases of measles were reported, and Atlantic Hall was used as the hospital for the regiment. The men were not uni- formed on going into camp, but the Damariscotta and Wiscasset companies were provided with army shirts, which they received before leaving home. 36 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. The men of the 4th Maine were originally enlisted for three months, but orders came to enlist for three years, and the men were asked to re-enlist for that period. Most of them did, but a number of the men of Company F of Winterport, refused to enlist for the three years term, and the company was disbanded. A large number of the men of this company remained with the regiment, going into other companies. The Brooks company, Captain Andrew D. Bean, arrived on the Sanford, Monday, May 27th, and was given the place in the regiment left vacant by Company F. An incident of camp life is worth relating to illustrate the discipline maintained at Camp Knox by Colonel Berry. A man who had come to the camp ground for the purpose of selling rum was summarily arrested by Adjutant J. B. Greenhalgh and sent off to the prisoners' tent. Subsequently he was taken out and escorted down the line by a sergeant and three men, with his bottle hung around his neck, bayonets at his back, greeted with laughter and jeers by the soldiers, and the drums beating the Rogue's March. Friday, May 31st, the regiment paraded the streets without arms, preceded by the Rockland Band. The companies made a fine appearance, and large numbers of citizens filled the streets to witness the display. On the return of the regiment from the South-end a halt and rest was ordered, the line extend- ing from Sea street to Kimball Block. This was the first appearance of the regiment on parade outside of the encamp- ment. Monday, June 17th, the anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill, the 4th Maine broke camp and started for Washington. On the preceding Saturday, the troops were inspected and mustered into the service of the United States by Captain Thomas Hight, U. S. A. Sunday, knapsacks were packed as well as camp equipage and baggage, and each soldier received one day's rations. On Monday morning the reveille sounded at four o'clock, and at five o'clock the soldiers took their last breakfast in Camp Knox. THE DEPARTURE. 37 The men in each company were subsequently divided into squads, and at the proper time, proceeded to lower and pack their tents. After the cords had been unfastened, and the pegs taken up, at the tap of the drum all the tents were simultan- eously lowered to the ground, every man cheering as the tents came down. The camp grounds were thronged with people. Many were light hearted and gay, enjoying the beautiful morning, and the varying scene before them ; many were sad and weeping and the bright day was to them one of the saddest of their lives. Some were there to take a sad leave of husbands, sons and brothers, whom they might never see again, and yet there were few of those wives, mothers and sisters who were not ready to say, with a true devotion to their country's cause, " Go, and God bless you." Most of the men appeared cheer- ful, many of them merry. Some were serious and thoughtful, but ready to go to their work with stout arms and brave hearts. Adjutant Greenhalgh began to form the regimental line at about eight o'clock, and when all was ready, Colonel Berry took command, and the regiment began its march about nine o'clock. First, the crowds on foot and lines of carriages came pouring down Middle street, and then the platoons of the soldiery appeared, their bright bayonets flashing in the morning sun. The whole route of march was densely thronged with people, every window along Main street was occupied, and carriages stood in all the avenues looking on the street. At Main street the troops were joined by the Rockland Band in full uniform, who accompanied the regiment to Washington. The regiment carried on the march a large white banner, bearing the inscrip- tion, " From the Home of Knox," and when the head of the column had arrived opposite the Kimball Block, a halt was made, and Major-General Titcomb presented to Colonel Berry, for the regiment, a small silk banner bearing the arms and motto of the State of Maine. 38 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. The troops were then greeted with enthusiastic cheers by the throng of citizens, which were heartily returned by the soldiers, when the column moved forward again at a quick march, directly to Atlantic Wharf, where the steamer Daniel Webster, stripped of her furniture and bedding, waited to receive them. The wharf, and the ground, sheds, buildings and shipping in the vicinity were densely thronged with spectators to witness the embarkation. Probably not less than eight or ten thousand people were assembled in the vicinity of the wharf. The troops were embarked in order, each company going on board and taking the position previously assigned it by Colonel Berry's special order. During the embarkation a salute was fired from two or three small cannon on board the ship Alice Thorndike lying at the wharf. When the troops were embarked Major- General Titcomb addressed the citizens assembled, after which the boat moved away, the crowds cheering, handkerchiefs waving, and the band playing a cheerful air. The regiment arrived in Portland at four o'clock, where the troops were received by the city authorities, and escorted by the 5th regiment. They were quartered in the City Hall, and on Tuesday morning at quarter past seven o'clock took the train for Boston, in good spirits, arriving in Boston at twenty minutes past one. Thousands of citizens cheered the soldiers as the long train drew out of the Portland depot, and as they swept through towns and villages of Maine and New Hamp- shire, the troops were greeted with cordial and encouraging tokens of friendship and sympathy. They arrived in Portsmouth at ten o'clock and ten minutes* where the Eastern Railroad corporation took them in charge. The train consisted of twenty cars drawn by the locomotive " Governor Endicott," and conducted by a Mr. Cram and Superintendent Prescott. At Portsmouth the 2d New Hamp- shire regiment had engaged to meet them at the depot and give them a welcome, but the train being ahead of time, the GREETINGS ALONG THE ROUTE. 39 pleasure was denied both regiments. The train stopped a few minutes at Newburyport, and again at Ipswich and Salem. At the latter place a salute was fired, and at all the stations on the route the people were abroad in great numbers, and greeted the volunteers with cheers, approving smiles, the waving of handkerchiefs and flags, and hearty shouts of " God speed you." CHAPTER V. FROM PORTLAND TO PHILADELPHIA. The First Accident. — Reception in Boston. — Mrs. Walter Baker. — Enthusiasm of the Ladies at Fall River. — Arrival in New York. — The Men Suffer from the Intense Heat. — Presentation of Flags. — Dramatic Scene when Colonel Berry Receives the Colors. — Arrival at Phila- delphia. — Cordial Reception and a Bountiful Repast. — The Pretty Waiting Maids. THE first accident in the regiment occurred while the Fourth was marching to the cars in Portland. A soldier named Roland of Company F of Brooks stepped upon a rolling stone, slipped and fell, breaking his leg in two places. The poor fellow was cared for by the citizens. On arriving in Boston the 4th Maine was met by the Cadets and escorted to the Common, where a collation was pro- vided for them. The Boston Herald said of them : " The Cadets escorted the regiment to the Common, where the afternoon was passed away very pleasantly by means of a collation, the joint production of the Regimental Quartermaster and the City of Boston, music and fun. This was the merriest lot of men we have ever seen on the Common since the war commenced. They were continually at some rough and tumble games which neither fatigued them nor the thousands of laugh- ing spectators. Nearly every company has a wag which kept them all in good humor. The lower part of the Common was enclosed for their accommodation, and those who had friends inside or favor at the gateway were admitted. Outside there ARRIVAL IN BOSTON. 41 were thousands enjoying the fashionable amusement of the time — a military display. This is getting to be an every day affair, and fashionable audiences flock to the Common as they do in the season thereof to balls and the opera. The Common never looked better than in its elegant June dress this year, but the carpet of green on the hills and parade ground is now gravel bare by the great audiences of late. The Maine boys stacked their arms on Charles street mall, and the Cadets kept guard for them while they ate and rested. The Brigade Band was out with the Cadets, and together with the Rockland Band, which accompanied the Maine Regiment, they issued some good notes to pay the visitors for their trouble. They were better than the Confederate bonds. It was enough to make a man wish to go for a soldier — all the pretty faces and the music. There were whole troops of Maine girls about cheering the soldiers and making them more unhappy when they left. A soldier's life is not always gay, but these boys were bound to go in and enjoy it as it comes. " The moments flew away and at six o'clock the regiment was assembled and fell into column by platoons and marched through Beacon, Park, Tremont, Winter, Summer streets, Har- rison Avenue, and so on to the Old Colony Depot where a train of twenty cars was filled. Here the jocularity continued. John L. Kalloch of Company B made himself the center of an audience wherever he moved. He was a rare wag and his grimaces will be remembered for a long time. He kept the whole company and a crowd of outsiders in a roar. We should be sorry to see his name among the dead or missing, for he is better than a medicine chest in a company. The train started without accident at 7:22 o'clock amidst a volley of cheers, the last of which was for the Boston ladies, from the soldiers." An incident happened while the regiment was in Boston that illustrates the patriotic ardor of the ladies of that city. I give it as it was told me by an officer of the 4th Maine. When the -regiment arrived in Boston, a detail had been made 42 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. of a certain number of men to care for the baggage at the depot, and while the rest of the regiment were on the Common feasting, this detail was toiling with the baggage, hungry and disconsolate. Mrs. Walter Baker, wife of the proprietor of the far famed Baker's chocolate, was returning in her carriage from the Common when she came upon this detail, and stopping her carriage, asked them to what regiment they belonged. " The 4th Maine," came back the courteous reply. " Why, I left the 4th Maine at dinner on the Common. How does it happen that you are not with them? You must be hungry." One of the soldiers briefly explained the situation to the lady, who listened attentively, then bidding the soldiers remain where they were, drove on. Very soon the message came for the detail to repair to the nearest restaurant, where they were regaled with the best that Boston afforded, at the expense of this generous and high born lady. The passage of the troops from Boston to Fall River was marked at every point by enthusiasm. At Fall River the ebul- lition of feeling was intensified. Ladies were eager to take the hands of the soldiers and some noble-hearted women, refined and beautiful, said: "Let us kiss a soldier!" and suited the action to the word. At Fall River the regiment was embarked on the steamer Bay State. The officers and men were incensed at the arrangements to which they were subjected on board this transport, which conveyed them to New York. The supply of provisions on board the steamer was small, but officers and men bore the hardship with creditable patience, until New York was reached. Here a pleasant surprise was in store for the regiment. We are indebted to the New York Herald for the following account of the arrival and reception of the 4th Maine in that city : " This fine body of volunteer militia, from the Pine Tree State, arrived in this city at about eleven o'clock, Wednes- day, June 19. The transport in which they arrived came to her moorings at pier No. 3, North River, where a large crowd of THE PARK BARRACKS. 43 men and women were assembled to greet the stalwart strangers. The men, who were all strong and sturdy specimens of Maine's true nobility, reminding us of the old northern warriors of Gustavus Adolphus, were soon landed, and put in marching order. The line of march was up Broadway to the Park barracks. " Despite the overpowering heat of the sun, there were thousands collected in the vicinity of the Park, awaiting the arrival of the regiment. The men, heavily hampered with their full knapsacks and blankets, marched steadily up Broadway, receiving a continuous tribute of applause as they slowly approached the barracks. Many of them looked worn and fatigued, as well they must have been while tramping under the almost perpendicular beams of a scorching midsummer sun. Their swarthy cheeks were wet with perspiration and the weight of their knapsacks pressed heavily on them, but they marched with undeviating regularity, and with a firmness of step betok- ening well developed strength and muscle. On arriving at the Park barracks, on the Broadway side, the regiment was marched to the front of City Hall, where it was received by commit- tees of the Sons and Daughters of Maine. The scenes which then ensued were very interesting and in some instances even affecting. Friends who had not met for years soon recognized each other, and then there were impulsive rushes here and there to shake hands and to exchange friendly words of greet- ing. Some little time was consumed in these conventionalities and the formal ceremonies of handshaking might have lasted much longer but for the stentorian voice of the commanding officer ordering the men to ' fall in ' and ' dress.' The colonel then came to the front and announced to the regiment that the Rev. Isaac S. Kalloch, formerly of Boston, would invoke the Divine blessing on their cause and themselves. The men were soon as quiet as could be desired, and the clergyman proceeded to deliver a brief but fervent prayer. At its conclusion the regimental colors were advanced to the front. One was a silken 44 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Federal flag, of the regulation size, heavily fringed with gold. The other was a blue silk flag, heavily and chastely embroidered. The first was ornamented with arms of the State of Maine, with the name of the regiment, and the Latin inscription ' Dirigo.' The other was inscribed, ' Presented to the Fourth Regiment of Maine Volunteers by the Daughters of Maine in Brooklyn, June 19, 1861.' " The Rev. Dr. Hitchcock presented the first flag, and in doing so addressed the regiment in very warm and affectionate language. In his response to this address Colonel Berry said that his men were foot-sore, and fatigued by the heavy weights on their backs. He thanked the generous people of New York for all their kindness and the reverend gentleman for the elo- quent speech he had addressed them. Then taking the flag he ascended a small platform and asked : ' Shall this flag ever trail in the dust?' Loud cries of ' No, no ! ' 'Will you defend it so long as you have a right arm? ' ' We will, we will ! ' shouted the men of the regiment, and a simultaneous shout of applause broke from the assembled thousands. " Mr. H. Brockman then presented the other standard, addressing the regiment in eloquent terms. By invitation of Colonel Berry the flag was received in behalf of the regiment by Rev. Isaac Kalloch in his usual happy manner. After the ceremonies of the presentation were concluded, the officers retired to the Astor House and the privates to their barracks in the Park. "While arrangements were being completed for the depart- ure of the regiment, the men were ordered to stack arms and dispersed around the Park. They left by the late train for Philadelphia, en route for the seat of war." The regiment arrived in Philadelphia at about eleven o'clock at night. Both officers and men were somewhat exhausted by the long journey and were most agreeably sur- prised when they were met at the depot at that late hour by a delegation of citizens and invited to partake of such refresh- IN PHILADELPHIA. 45 ments as they had hastily prepared. The line was formed and the regiment marched to a building temporarily erected, about ioo feet in length, along the outside of which were arranged some fifty wash stands with soap and towels, each stand supplied with cool running water. These bathing facilities were turned to good use, after which the doors were thrown open and the soldier boys invited to enter. There upon some half- dozen tables, extending the length of the building, lighted by gas, were huge platters of cold beef, ham, plates of sandwiches and bread, crowned by that good old New England dish of baked beans and brown bread. A fragrant cup of coffee was placed at each plate. The pretty waiting maids were very attentive to the wants of the boys from Maine, who were ready to affirm that the girls of Philadelphia could not be excelled except by those of the Pine Tree State. CHAPTER VI. WASHINGTON. Start for Baltimore. — Ammunition Distributed to the Men. — The March through Baltimore. — Silence and Sullen Faces Greet the Troops. — The Run to Washington. — First Glimpses of Army Life. — Quartered on the Avenue. — Accident to a Member of the Searsport Company. — Camp on Meridian Hill. — Severe Rain Storm. — Berry Describes Camp Life. — The First Death. — The Presi- dent Reviews New York Troops. — President Lincoln. — General Scott. — Formation of the Regimental Band. — Alexandria. — Change of Camp. — Reconnaissance. — "On to Richmond." THE regiment remained in Philadelphia until six o'clock the next morning, when, with many cheers for Philadel- phia, they looked forward to Baltimore as the next point of interest. Havre de Grace was soon reached, and here was found a regiment of New Jersey Volunteers, whose pickets the 4th Maine had encountered some miles out. The officers of this regiment were very gentlemanly and improved the spare moments in pointing out various points of interest. Colonel Berry now began to prepare his men for the march through Baltimore. Ammunition was distributed to each soldier, and the command given to the officers to permit no stray brick-bats or paving stones to be thrown at the men with- out an emphatic response on the part of the soldiery. Interest now began to increase, for although trouble was not really anticipated, still a wise precaution might enable the regi- IN FRONT OF WASHINGTON. 47 ment to give a good account of itself in case of emergency. Baltimore is at length sighted, and the train halts in the suburbs of the city, and the soldiers are greeted with cheers by the sturdy, honest workmen in the foundries. The regiment is soon in line, the New York colors are flying, the band is play- ing " Hail, Columbia," and the march for the other side of the city is begun. An immense crowd of spectators line the streets. Here and there a modest little flag timidly waving from some upper window may be seen, but no cheers greet the troops, no glad faces beam a kindly welcome, no friendly hand minis- ters to their necessities. How different from the march through Boston, New York and Philadelphia ! The regiment passes through Baltimore without molestation and is soon speeding on its way to Washington. Relay House is reached. The soldier boys gather branches of evergreen and decorate the train, giving it the appearance of a moving forest. Again the train moves off, and some of the boys, leaving the inside of the cars and climbing to the top, are making the sur- rounding country echo to the music of their muskets. A halt is made at Annapolis Junction where the boys fill their can- teens with pure water and observe the evening parade of the regiments there encamped. The regiment reached Washington about eight o'clock and was quartered for the night in a large building on Pennsylvania Avenue. Here one of the Searsport boys had a most hazardous adventure. Being in the third story he was sitting in an open window, and falling asleep he lost his balance and fell. In his descent he struck an iron railing and finally landed on the pave- ment below. Fortunately no bones were broken, and aside from a little bruising, occasioning some lameness, no harm was done. The following morning (Friday) the regiment went into camp on Meridian Hill, about two miles from the city, where they found the 3d Maine encamped. The march from the city was severe, the day was intensely hot, and several of the men suffered sun stroke, Colonel Berry himself being thoroughly 48 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. exhausted when the camping ground was reached. Seeing the exhausted condition of the men of the 4th Maine, the gallant fellows in the 3d Maine volunteered to pitch the tents while the tired soldiers rested in the shade of a grove in which the camp was laid. The constant care and responsibility attending the trans- portation of a regiment from Maine to Washington cannot be well imagined, but it can be said to the credit of Colonel Berry that it arrived in Washington in excellent condition. The fourth or fifth day after getting into camp, the 4th Maine was treated to one of those storms of rain for which that part of the country is noted. It seemed as though the flood gates of heaven must have been opened, inundating the tents and spreading discomfort far and wide. The tents of the com- panies on the left of the regimental line suffered the most from this deluge, the men standing in water up to their knees, and boxes and trunks floating about, This experience taught the officers a practical lesson in selecting a camp ground, and ever after, the 4th Maine camped in the open fields when possible, and the forest was carefully avoided as a camping place. In a letter to his family, Colonel Berry describes his camp and incidents of his journey to Washington. Camp Knox, Meridian Hill, June 1, 1861. Thinking that anything concerning myself would be of interest to you, I will therefore just give you a description of the camping ground and my tent — my home at present. We are encamped fronting exactly to the south; on our east is Fourteenth street, leading from Pennsylvania Avenue, which is two and one-half miles distant. The 5th Maine Regiment encamped yesterday on the west of us, and immediately adjoining is encamped the 3d Maine and on the west of them the 2d Maine, and west of them is the 1st Maine. Our camping ground is in a fine grove of oaks, sufficiently large to admit of all our tents. The parade ground is immediately in front and is really very fine, being about twenty-five acres in extent, and as level as any spot can well be. In front of the parade — that is, south of it, stands Columbia College, a fine old structure surrounded by large shade trees and fine grounds. My own tent is in the rear of the company officers' tents, under the shade of large trees. The ground in the grove is level and is carefully swept every morning. On the right hand entering my tent is a box on which is my wash bowl and water; next to that my writing table,which occupies an entire side; next, and opposite the door is my baggage A LETTER HOME. 49 > and boxes of material belonging to myself and the regiment; next, and last, stands my camp bedstead and bed, also my saddle and riding equipments. On the pole in the cen- ter I have arranged to hang my hat, sword and belt, pistols, etc. I have no floor in the tent, that luxury we left behind at Rockland. Take it all in all I feel quite comfortable. We have a black cook, and a dining tent in which all the staff eat — some six of us. We use little meat, live mostly on light articles of food, use no liquor or but very little — none allowed in camp. Our men are quiet and seem disposed to do almost anything for me. We are now drilling the new tactics of quick movements. Shall be pretty well along by the last of this week in the new drill, so we can drill it publicly. We have any quantity of compliments on our discipline. In fact, many say we have the best regiment of volunteers that has yet come into Washington. Today is Sunday. Any amount of drunkenness all around about us. I have had but one case today; the rest of my men are all right. 'Tis now evening, about nine o'clock. A prayer meet- ing is being held on my right, and another on my left. Almost all tents have men singing psalm tunes, and it really seems tonight more like one vast camp meeting than like a soldiers' camp, and were it not for the occasional challenging of stragglers by the guard, and my own men coming in from visits, I should almost forget the fact that we are now in the midst of soldiers' life. Twenty-one regiments have arrived here this week. I know not how many sol- diers there are now in Washington, but do know the number to be very large. Our journey here was very pleasant and at the same time fatiguing. We had a splendid collation on Boston Common; had three flags presented to us in New York, and three long speeches, notwithstanding my plainly spoken intimations that my men were tired, their knapsacks heavy, and that the sun was beating down upon them with thermometer at ninety-five degrees. We passed through it, however, got the flags, heard the speeches, got my men to dinner all nice and comfortable, and then went over to the Astor House to get lunch and see friends. We left New York at four o'clock for Philadelphia via Camden and Amboy, and arrived at Philadelphia in the night at twelve o'clock. Were till nine next morning shifting horses and baggage into train for Baltimore,where we arrived at two o'clock P.M. ; got out of cars, formed regiment and marched to Washington depot with band playing, colors unfurled, guns loaded and twenty rounds of ammunition to a man with us. We had no cheers to speak of, and no kind word spoken; men looked dark and sullen; did not know but we might have trouble. None occurred, however, and all passed off well. It has not been customary for regiments to march through as we did. They have done so quietly, by tap of drum simply. We chose to go through Baltimore as we had through other cities and did so. The 4th Maine set an 'example which will probably be followed in the future. We arrived here at nine o'clock in the evening. The companies went into quarters at Woodworth buildings on Pennsylvania Avenue, and I passed the night with the staff officers at National Hotel. The next morning marched to the spot where we are now encamped as described. We have been visited by the Secretaries of War and Treasury, many prominent military men in the Regular Army, and also by members and senators in Congress without number. I am pleasantly situated as far as one can be so circumstanced. I ride about six miles a day and do very well, in fact I do not see why I do not ride as well as the best 50 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. of them. My duties are hard and I am hard at work most of the time. Should think I had worked off some twenty pounds. Shall have to grow thinner yet, then I think I can stand the climate. I shall endeavor to take care of my health; "I shall try and preserve myself in all cases, but shall do my duty so far as I understand it, knowing and feeling that those nearest and dearest and in fact my all on earth would have me do no less. All news we get in the papers comes from New York. Everything is known there before it is here. All is seemingly quiet here, but in the night time troops and munitions of war are moving incessantly. A very large force is now collected here, preparatory to some huge movement, the character of which is only known by the President and Cabinet and General Scott. Enough, however, is known to judge pretty accurately that no movement will be made onward until all is properly organized, and then when it does go it will travel fast, secure and effectively, and accomplish its purpose. Troops are coming in by three, four or five regiments per day; in a short time all the land within a circuit of rive miles will be completely covered. In fact, Washington and the District of Columbia, Alexandria, and the railroad line to Relay House is one vast camping ground. It is now eleven o'clock and I have to be up at four. Washington, D. C, July 7, 1861. Our first death occurred yesterday, the subject a young man by the name of Hatch, [ Joseph L. Hatch of Nobleboro,] belonging to a Damariscotta company. He had the measles in a very mild form, was duly discharged from hospital, and sent to quarters. He lay down in the tent where the air had free access to and over him, caught cold, and lived but twelve hours. His remains have been kindly cared for, having been placed in a metallic case and will be forwarded to his friends at home. The 3d Maine Regiment broke camp yesterday and passed into Virginia. No doubt but we shall follow this week. The men are now pretty well posted in their duties and are uneasy to be off. The fatigues of the long journey to Washington and the hot weather had affected the health of many of the men of the 4th Maine, and some of them were discharged and sent home, receiving three months' pay in advance. On the morning of the Fourth of July, the regiment was awakened by the boom of cannon and sweet strains of music from the band of the 3d Maine, who in this manner were cele- brating the birthday of American independence. Many of the men for the first time saw President Lincoln and General Scott, who reviewed twenty regiments of New York troops from a stand erected in front of the White House. Mr. Lincoln stood ORGANIZATION OF THE REGIMENTAL RAND. 51 with uncovered head, Mr. Seward on his right with his hat on, and Gen. Scott on his left, gorgeous in military trappings. They seemed deeply interested in the scene before them, although the long line of troops was more than two hours in passing. General Scott is described as of massive frame, and at this time appeared to be very old. His movements of the head and hands were rapid, but he walked slowly and carefully. He had a pleasant word for the soldiers, who approached the aged hero with reverence and admiration. Mr. Lincoln's expression of countenance was genial, kind and benignant. His hair and whiskers were black, and he inspired the beholder with the desire to be better acquainted with him. About this time the regimental band was formed from musicians in the several companies, with John F. Singhi of Rockland as leader. The cornets with which this band was supplied were made in Baltimore. The band made its first public appearance in a serenade in front of Colonel Berry's tent, where it surprised the spectators by the good time and general efficiency of its efforts. July 8th the long expected orders to move arrived, and prep- arations were at once made to change camp. The day was hot, and everybody was busy and excited, the men packing their knapsacks and the officers their trunks. Rations for one day were issued to each man, and the grey uniforms which had been worn since leaving Rockland were now discarded for the regulation blue of the United States Army. The sick, of which there were not many, were placed in Columbia College where they were left when the regiment took up its march for Virginia. These preparations were soon completed, and at about four o'clock in the afternoon, at a given signal, the tents of the regi- ment fell to the ground amid the ringing cheers of the men. Twenty rounds of ammunition were distributed to each man, and at five o'clock the regimental line was formed and the march begun for Alexandria. Passing down Fourteenth street, 52 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. the men amused themselves by singing " Dixie " and other favorite songs, until Pennsylvania Avenue was reached, when the regiment came to " attention," marching with steady tread and martial bearing down the avenue and attracting general attention as they passed. At nine o'clock P. M. the regiment was on board the steamers with their camp equipage, and in one hour more landed at Alexandria on the south side of the Potomac. By twelve o'clock, midnight, the baggage was dis- charged and the men scattered to find places to sleep, and although the beds of many were made on logs, boards and bales of hay, yet sleep came to the tired fellows and the morning found them refreshed and ready for the duties of the day. Regimental line was formed at five o'clock A. M. and the march for camp began. As the regiment marched out of the city, it passed in review before the quarters of General Heintzelman, its division commander, who complimented Colonel Berry on the fine appearance of his regiment. At this time Alexandria was hostile to the Union, and for that reason was under martial law. Houses deserted, stores untenanted, and grass growing in the streets, gave to the place a general appearance of dilapidation, making it indeed a fit nursery of secessionists. The regiment arrived at the place designated for its camp at half-past six o'clock, and the tents were soon pitched, not- withstanding the intense heat. This camp is about two miles from Alexandria and twelve from Washington. The land rises in moderate elevations all around and was well cultivated by the natives, who were Southern sympathizers. On the left was the camp of the 3d Maine ; on the right was that of the 5th Maine, and the Ellsworth Zouaves. The Scott Life Guards and other regiments were encamped near by. On the arrival of the regi- ment at its camping place, Companies B and D, Captains Walker and Carver, were detailed under Major Nickerson to make a reconnaissance toward the Pohick in search of the enemy. After marching ten miles in the broiling sun, the companies returned THE ADVANCE. 53 about dusk in a drenching shower of rain without encountering any serious opposition from the rebels. We will let Colonel Berry give his experience up to this point: Headquarters 4TH Regiment, Maine Vols., Road to Richmond, below Alexandria, On original Washington Farm. We are temporarily encamped at this point, being at present the advance guard of the army. We are some two miles ahead of the New York Fire Zouaves. The march was fourteen miles, and from the fact that we were continually challenged all along our route (it being a night march, starting at 7 P. M. and arriving at 4 A. M.) we were some hours on the road. My regiment is in line condition. We yesterday dispatched Captain Walker's and Captain Carver's commands under the charge of Major Nickerson on the Fairfax Road. They advanced under my orders to within a short distance of Fairfax Court House, having marched within the twenty-four hours, reckoning from the break- ing of camp, thirty miles, and strange to say are all well and anxious to start again this morning. None of them seem to be tired; none sick since their arrival here, and none foot-sore. We shall probably stay here one week, then onward. We are in a division under one of the best officers of the U. S. Army, Colonel Heintzelman, Brevet Briga- dier-General. One brigade is commanded by Colonel Franklin, one by Colonel Wilcox and one by Colonel Howard. All are West Point graduates, and what is more strange, all are members of the Engineer Corps in the U. S. Army, the highest grade of 1 I feel great confidence in the officers placed over us. Our brigade is composed of my regiment, right regiment; Howard's, the left; Daniel's and 2d Vermont, center. We are now dressed in the U. S. regulation uniform. * * * My greatest difficulty is now to restrain my men to keep them inside the lines. We are surrounded by seces- sionists, and have pickets stationed three miles in every direction. It takes two whole companies every night. July 1 1 th orders were given to move forward toward Mt. Vernon and Richmond. One day's rations were cooked, and officers and men were allowed but two blankets and two pairs of stockings beside the ones worn. The regiment struck tents about eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and marching five miles by a circuitous route, encamped about six miles from Alexan- dria. It was manifest to all that a great battle was impending, but when and where the enemy were to be encountered was still a matter of conjecture. The prospect of a fight did not prevent Colonel Berry's men from being light-hearted and gay, and on the march and at bivouac familiar songs and good-natured banter prevailed. 54 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. The regiment was now passing through a country which seemed like nature's paradise. Peach, cherry and apple orchards dotted the landscape here and there, and comfortable country houses stood invitingly on the hillsides, or snuggled cosily away in some quiet dell, tempting the tired soldiers to linger and enjoy their loveliness and cool shade. But stern duty urged them onward and they left this beautiful scene with reluctance, to meet the dangers of the battlefield, many of them never again to gaze upon nature's loveliness with mortal eye. CHAPTER VII. THE ADVANCE TO BULL RUN. Reconnaissance. — Southern Sympathizer. — First Prisoners. — Their Statements. — Berry Writes Home. — Occupation of Abandoned Breastworks. — Supplies Captured. — Berry's Devotion to the Union Illustrated by an Incident. — Manassas. — Troops. — McDowell Prepares for Battle. — Success of the Union Troops in the Morning. COLONEL BERRY had now advanced with his regiment to a point fifteen miles south of Washington, conforming to the movement of that part of the Potomac army to which his regiment belonged. Captain Walker's company, with that of Captain Conant, was detailed by Colonel Berry for a scout- ing party. Colonel Berry gave detailed instructions, and plans of the forest to be explored, and the command started at five o'clock in the morning, taking up their line of march along the Orange and Alexandria railroad, directly into the heart of the enemy's country. The scouting party advanced along this route to a little place called Acotink, when a detachment was sent to the right under Lieutenant Litchfield of B, and another from C company was to scour the woods thoroughly. A third detachment was sent along the railroad in the direction of the 4th Maine's camp, to prevent the escape of the enemy across the road, the three detachments being kept within supporting distance of one another. Lieutenant Litchfield's detachment soon came upon a negro from whom it was learned that a num- ber of rebels had been to the house of a Mrs. Fitzhue in the 56 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. morning, and that the notorious Ab. Miner, a spy, who had amused himself by shooting the Union sentinels at night, had departed from her house at ten o'clock that forenoon. This Mrs. Fitzhue, whose plantation was near by, had been harbor- ing Southern troops and furnishing information to the rebels, although she was enjoying a written "protection" from General Scott. On learning of her treasonable conduct, Lieutenant Litchfield did not hesitate to supply his squad with bread and milk from her larder, notwithstanding her indignant protest, and the order of General Scott which she thrust in his face. A negro was pressed into service as a guide and the squad started on the trail of the rebels. About a mile out, rebel scouts were encountered, three of whom fell into the hands of our men. The prisoners were bright looking young fellows. One of them, D. D. Fiquet, was a young lawyer and a graduate from Harvard Law School. When the captors arrived in camp with the prisoners the excitement was intense. Men crowded about the Southerners eager for a glimpse of them, as these were the first Confederate soldiers they had ever seen. The prisoners seemed grateful for the kind treatment they had received at the hands of their captors, and were prepared to suffer imprison- ment like men. The prisoners were delivered to Colonel Berry, who caused them to be brought before General Heintzelman, at whose head- quarters they were carefully examined. They seemed to be apprehensive that immediate death was to be their lot, as the Southern leaders had created the impression in the rank and file of the Confederate army, that such was the manner in which all Southern men were treated who fell into the clutches of Yankee soldiers. It was evident from the information obtained from these prisoners that the enemy was in force at Fairfax Court House, and Colonel Berry was anxious to attack them with the 4th Maine, but was not permitted to advance at this time. We will now permit Colonel Berry to give his experience : Mrs. Lucy Berry Snow, Daughter of Major-Gen eral Berry. ON TOWARD FAIRFAX. 57 Headquarters 4.TH Maine Vols., \ Camp Knox, Fairfax County, Va., July 13, 1861.J Since writing my last we have moved onward apace. We are now encamped on the east side of Alexandria and Manassas Gap railroad, near the town of Fairfax. I am well and never experienced so good a climate as this of Virginia. The country through which we have passed since we left Alexandria is one of the finest imaginable. The plantations are of the medium size, of about 1,000 acres on the average. I louses large, airy, comfortable and well arranged. Must of the people are to my mind sionists. 'Tis sad indeed to see so fine a country in so bad a tix; nevertheless, no help for it now but to fight it out. We move forward again in a day or two from live to ten miles. The whole line is some eighteen miles long, and advances at the same time. Our route is down the railroad spoken of above, on its eastern side, or its left flank. We build bridges as we go along, and also a telegraph. The regiment is in fine health and works hard. I am at work from four in the morning till eleven at night, sleep on the ground and am as well as ever in my life. I dress in blue flannel, have also uni- formed. my entire regiment in same manner. All feel better since they put on flannel. 'Tis the only fit thing to wear in this climate. Headquarters 41 11 Regiment, Maim. Vols.,) Fairfax Station, July 15, 1861. / We are under marching orders and leave at three o'clock this afternoon with three days' food in haversacks Baggage of all kinds, tents, everything left behind. The whole line, some 18 miles, advances today. We form its left wing. I hope all will be well with us, and trust in God it will lie. Tuesday, the 16th of July, Colonel Berry moved his regi- ment promptly at three o'clock in the afternoon on the road to Fairfax, accompanying nearly 12,000 troops, the left wing of the Army of the Potomac. For several miles the roads were in good condition, and Colonel Berry's command made rapid progress, but towards night the roads became muddy and narrow, many steep hills and unbridged streams crossing the line of march, impeding the progress of the troops. Many streams were crossed in single file over narrow planks or logs, and when these facilities were not at hand, officers and soldiers forded the streams, holding high their arms and ammunition as they waded to their arm-pits in the swift and muddy current. For miles on either side of the line of march were forests of scrubby pines and oak, with here and there a dwelling, which was promptly visited by the soldiers who appropriated the 58 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. bacon, beans and other provisions found therein, and supplied the wagons and mounted officers with fresh horses. The prospect of an encounter with the enemy served to stimulate the efforts of the men, and despite the difficulties encountered, cheerfulness prevailed. At eleven o'clock at night, Colonel Berry gave orders to encamp, and the tired soldiers sought rest on the cold ground wherever they happened to be, and calm and peaceful was their slumber after the toil of the day's march. Reveille sounded early in the morning, and the march was resumed towards Fairfax Court House. Colonel Berry's advance guard labored hard to clear the obstructions from the path of the regiment. Heavy trees had been felled by the enemy to impede the progress of the Union army, but the work of obstruction had been done in such a clumsy manner, that before the strong arms and sturdy blows of the men from Maine they soon disappeared. Colonel Berry had advanced with his command within a short distance of Fairfax Court House, when he encountered breastworks of the enemy which gave evidence of having been hastily evacuated on his approach. Acting under orders from Colonel Berry, Captain Walker took possession of the works. Among the spoils left by the enemy were flour, fresh beef, wines and whiskey, which were very soon converted to patriotic uses. But Colonel Berry will now tell his own story : Camp Knox, two and one-half miles from ) Fairfax Court House, July 18, 1861. J (Written by camp-fire.) We are now two and one-half miles from Fairfax Court House, on south side, having turned the enemy's position and taken some twenty prisoners. They report the main column to have left over two hours before us. We have taken their camp, tents, 200 barrels of flour, bacon, sugar, tea, etc. — a pretty good show for hungry men. Cap- tain Walker's men took possession of these works, called Fairfax Station, in the name of the United States, and the 4th Regiment in particular. The works consist of three earth batteries or breastworks, with no guns. They were constructed to cover infantry, and in good style. My men are in excellent condition. We have fifty axe-men to BEKItY WHITES HOME. 59 clear the way, as the enemy have felled trees across the road, torn down bridges, etc. We clear the way, make the roads, scout the country for half a mile ahead, and advance main column. My men work like tigers, and are the admiration of all the army officers. We have one thirty-two and two twenty-eight pound rifle cannon, mounted on carriages, with ammunition, etc. My men (under command, of course,) have dragged these guns the last twelve miles. The army men who had them in charge got them stuck in a dreadful ravine — hills one-half mile on each side — and gave them up. The Massachusetts 5th tried a hand and gave up also. Colonel Heintzelman said he would try the 4th Maine Regiment and they would bring them if power could do it. I got the request and dispatched Bean and Carver, with their companies, and went also myself. We manned the guns, made our arrangements, and in one-half hour had them at the top of the hill, and turned them over to Colonel Heintzelman in front of the earthworks of the enemy, having dragged them ten miles. Long roll sounds to fall in. We are now only eight miles from Manassas (lap, and bound thither, enemy in front all the way, trees across the roads, bridges all burned, etc. Hard labor to clear the way. We shall take position in the rear of the enemy to cut off retreat. The left wing, in which we are, has to march in a circuitous road in consequence. I have not yet had an accident of any kind in the regiment since I left Portland. The Fifth lost two men by accident yesterday. Regimental organization stronger every day. New York Fire Zouaves are with us. They are a fine body of men, and the strongest ties of friendship exist between them and this regiment. Morning — No more now; I am ordered to march. As the following indicates, Colonel Berry had thrown him- self into the contest in earnest, sinking all personal interests in the greater cause of humanity. A battle with the enemy was now impending, and on the eighteenth of July, the regiment bivouacked near Centerville with the expectation of attacking in the morning. Captain Elijah Walker, who was a partner in business with Colonel Berry, received a letter from the Colonel's brother, George, saying that he had notified the Colonel of a serious loss that his business had sustained and requesting Walker to ascertain if the letter had reached its destination. Calling at Berry's tent Captain Walker found him as calm and unruffled as though such things as financial losses were unknown. The Captain asked him if the letter had been received. "Yes," answered Berry; "but I have something of more importance to look after now." The Army of the Potomac under General McDowell had now advanced within striking distance of the enemy, who were 60 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. heavily intrenched at Manassas Gap and Bull Run. The battle takes its name from a small sluggish stream that is a branch of the Occoquan River, and has its source in Loudoun County, near the Blue Ridge, and runs southeasterly. From Centerville its windings can be traced through a wide valley, mostly wooded, with here and there an opening in the forest. At short inter- vals its slow current spends itself in pools of stagnant water, enclosed by high banks or wide, marshy meadows, and bordered with sand hills, clumps of trees, dark forests, or almost impen- etrable thickets. Manassas is a plain or a plateau well adapted for defensive purposes. Its approaches were difficult and there- fore easy to defend. Bull Run stream could be crossed by several fords, two of which are on the line of the roads leading from Alexandria and Washington direct, and are east of Manas- sas. Beside these fords was the railroad bridge, also strongly defended. There is also a direct road from Centerville to Manassas, and the next crossing is on the Warrenton Turnpike where the battle of Bull Run was mainly fought, about five miles from Centerville. Beauregard with the main body of the rebel army was strongly posted on the other side of Bull Run. His position was protected by Bull Run stream and could only be reached by the fords, which were from a half mile to a mile apart. His lines were eight miles long, extending from Union Mills to the Stone Bridge, at which point the Warrenton Turnpike crosses. Miles took position on the road leading from Centerville direct to Manassas. General Tyler took the Warrenton Turn- pike. The remainder of the force, of which Berry's 4th Maine formed a part, took a road which led to the rear of the enemy's position, fording Bull Run stream at Sudley's Spring, and attack- ing the enemy some distance beyond Tyler. McDowell's plan of attack was to force the enemy back to Manassas by bringing the Union army to bear on him in front and flank, and to men- ace his rear. Miles was simply to make a demonstration at Blackburn's Ford, and then to maintain his force on the defen- THE ENEMY FORCED BACK. 61 sive, holding Centerville and covering the base of supplies at Arlington. The other two were the columns of attack, and to one of these, as we have previously stated, Colonel Berry's regiment was attached. Early on the morning of Sunday, July 21, Tyler commenced the attack by opening with artillery, and pressed forward along the Warrenton Turnpike a part of his infantry under Sherman. Although the several commands were slow in taking position, the Union attack was successful, and the enemy was pushed back toward Manassas. Tyler attacked with vigor on the Warrenton Turnpike, while Hunter and Heintzelman were doing their part on the flank of the enemy near Sudley's Ford. At half-past ten o'clock the Union troops occupied the enemy's ground, and orders were sent to the rear for the pioneers to advance with the bridge which had been prepared to throw across the stream. CHAPTER VIII. BATTLE OF BULL RUN. Held in Reserve during the Morning. — Ordered into Battle. — Rapid March to the Battlefield. — Many Fall by the Wayside. — Assailed by a Murderous Fire. — Position of the 4th Maine. — Sergeant-Major Stephen H. Chapman Killed. — Wild Excitement. — Berry's Coolness and Gal- lantry. — He Bore the Standard. — The Retreat to Alex- andria. — Letter Describing Battle. — Berry's Official Report. COLONEL BERRY'S regiment had been held in reserve during the fight of the morning. They could hear the roar of artillery and the rattle of small arms, and were consumed with impatience over the delay which prevented them from sharing the dangers of their comrades. At two o'clock in the afternoon Colonel Berry received orders to advance at double-quick and engage the enemy. A run of one or more miles in the broiling sun, accoutered for battle, is no child's play, and it told heavily on the inexperi- enced soldiers of Berry's regiment. The route of their advance was lined with material which the soldiers had cast aside in their rapid march. Some fainted and fell by the wayside, others kept their places in column with the greatest difficulty, the staggering step and the veins standing out like whip-cords on the heated brow telling how severe was the strain to which their physical being was subjected. The regiment arrived on the field about three o'clock when the tide of battle had already turned against the Union army. The tired soldiers formed their BATTLE OF BULL RUN. 63 line of battle in an open field on high ground with the enemy in the woods in their front. Colonel Berry's men were assailed by a murderous fire of artillery and small arms, which laid many a gallant fellow low, and gave the regiment its first baptism of fire and blood. Beyond the Warrenton road, and to the left of the road down which our troops had marched from Sudley's Spring, is a hill with a farm-house on it. Behind this hill the enemy had early in the day planted some of his most annoying batteries. Across the road from this hill is another hill, or rather elevated ridge or table land. The hottest part of the contest was for the possession of this hill with a house on it. Heintzel- man's division was engaged here, Howard's brigade, of which Colonel Berry's regiment formed a part, being on the right. Colonel Berry was ordered to support a battery in his front. and forming his regiment in line of battle, with the 2d Vermont on his left, he advanced up the hill through the thickets, where he found one caisson. Here also he found Lieutenant Kirby with his face covered with blood, on a horse that had been shot through the nose. This was all that was left of the battery. The 4th Maine was delayed a little by the thicket in getting into position, but soon came into line with the 2d Vermont, and opened fire. Rebel batteries on the right and left poured a steady fire on Berry's regiment. Sergeant-Major Chapman was the first victim, and he fell, pierced in the heart by a rifle ball. " Tell my wife I am shot — God bless her ! " murmured the gallant fellow, as a comrade stooped to catch his last words. Stephen H. Chapman was the first man to enlist in the 4th Maine and the first in that regiment to offer his life for his country. He left a wife and five children to mourn his loss. Asahel Towne of Captain Conant's company was killed by a shell. B. W. Fletcher of Captain Walker's company had an arm shot off and his side injured. Lieutenant Clark of Com- pany G, Wiscasset, was killed by the bursting of a shell as he was cheering on his men. Lieutenant W. E. Burgin and D. 64 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Blanchard of Company I, and Captain S. C. Whitehouse of Company E, were wounded. P. Henry Tillson of Thomaston, a member of Company C, and a young man of high character and worth, had both legs shot off by a cannon ball, and expired almost instantly. The 4th Maine withstood this murderous fire most gal- lantly. All was excitement and turmoil. The thunder of artillery, the rattle of small arms, the hoarse commands of the officers, the whistle of bullets, the shriek of shells, the shouts of the combatants, the cries of the wounded, made it a scene never to be forgotten. Men became wild with excitement, discharg- ing their muskets in the air, and in the frantic endeavor to reload forgetting to cap their pieces, when, after several charges had been put in the gun, it would be discharged, damaging the man who held it more than the enemy at whom it was aimed. Through all this scene of wild excitement Colonel Berry manifested great coolness and bravery, encouraging and cheer- ing on his men, and directing their movements with judgment and discretion. When the color bearer was shot down, Colonel Berry seized the fallen standard and bore it aloft through the fray. His stalwart figure was a conspicuous mark for the foe and his clothing was riddled with bullets and his horse shot under him. The sight of so many of his brave boys killed and wounded overcame him and he wept bitterly over this loss, and could not be consoled. The muskets of the men soon became heated and unfit for use. The retreat commenced on the left of the brigade and Colonel Berry's regiment was the last to leave the field. In falling back it became disorganized in the confusion, losing its regimental formation, but many of the captains succeeded in keeping their men together, and brought their companies into camp at Centerville in good order. At Centerville Colonel Berry collected his scattered companies and continued the retreat to Alexandria, where they arrived the next day and went into quar- ters. Colonel Berry gives his experience in the following letter: TERRIBLE FIGHTING. 65 Alexandria, July 23, 1861. I am here again with my regiment, acting under orders, having arrived last even- ing amidst a most pitiless rain storm. We broke camp at Fairfax, near a place called Claremont on Thursday morning at two o'clock, marched to a spot near Centerville, some fourteen miles and located. Stayed there Thursday, Friday and through Saturday. On this last march we drove some 5,000 of the enemy before us. Sunday morning at half-past one o'clock, we broke camp and marched with the main column of some 30,000 men to attack the enemy at a place called Bull Run, some fourteen miles distant. The brigade my regiment was in was halted till two r. M. some six miles from battlefield to act as a reserve, to go when needed. At that time we moved forward to join our own division, which was having a dreadful light. We moved at double-quick time in one of the most melting of days. Men threw away everything except their guns and equipments, and arrived on the field in less than an hour. The ammunition of our artil- lery gave out, and also of the regiments which had been in action. The ammunition trains for some reason did not get up to us. We were ordered into position at once, and stood our ground until ordered off by General McDowell We stood the fire about one hour, holding the enemy in check till the retreat of the main body took place, and we were ordered to move. Two full batteries of the enemy played upon us and if the shot had been well aimed, it would have been worse for us. As it is, it is bad enough — sergeant-major shot through the heart, twenty-five privates killed, three company officers wounded, (Bird, Bean and Clark,) two prisoners, sixty-odd wounded, some very slightly, one hundred and nineteen missing; most of these, however, will soon be in. My regiment fought bravely and stood their ground manfully. T have no cause of complaint in that respect. We marched fifty miles without halting except to tight a battle — without sleep also. I have lost everything. No change of clothing — nothing. Lost one of my horses, the best one — killed. Say to General Titcomb that one of my flags was carried through the fight — the stars and stripes presented in New York. It is riddled with bullets. I have done my best and my whole duty, as I hope. I am sorry indeed to have lost so many, many men in a losing affair. Not less than 3,000 killed and wounded on our side and prisoners — say twice as many more of the enemy. The victory was ours up to one-half hour of our arrival on the ground. At that time the enemy was reinforced by 17,000 men, and that fact together with the failure of ammu- nition lost the battle. Our part was to fight, and cover as far as possible the retreat. I am well, but exhausted, and my men are nearly so. I will mention names of men belonging to Rockland killed : Company B — Asahel Towne, B. W. Fletcher, Chas. O. Fernald.* Company C — Dennis Canning, P. H. Tillson, S. P. Vose, Jarvis B. Grant. Company D — J. A. Sparlock, Wm. B. Foss, Geo. C. Starbird, James Bailey. Company H — G. F. Cunningham, James Finn, West W. Cook, E. W. Anderson. Colonel Berry is given especial mention for his conduct at the battle of Bull Run in the report of his brigade commander, *Taken prisoner and reported killed. Afterwards exchanged and now living. 66 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Colonel Oliver 0. Howard, and, indeed, it was his gallantry at this battle which insured his promotion later on. The official report made by Colonel Berry of the part his regiment took in the battle of Bull Run was evidently prepared before accurate returns of the killed, wounded and missing could be obtained, as the statistics given in that report do not agree with the return afterwards made by him. The 4th Maine lost at the battle of Bull Run in killed, one commissioned officer and twenty-five enlisted men ; wounded, three officers and forty- three men ; missing, two officers and one hundred and nineteen men, making the aggregate of officers and men killed, wounded and missing, one hundred and ninety-three. The report is as follows : Headquarters 4.TH Regiment Maine Vols., \ Claremont, Va., July 26, 186 1. J Sir : I have the honor to report to you my regiment now in quarters at this post. The engagement with the enemy on Sunday, and the long march incident thereto, have exhausted my men, and some time must necessarily elapse before the regiment will be fitted for active duties. As near as can be ascertained, the loss in killed in the engage- ments at Bull Run consists of two commissioned officers, Lieutenant Clark of Company G, (Wiscasset,) and Lieutenant Bird of Company F; two commissioned officers wounded, Captain Bean and Lieutenant Huxford; Sergeant-Major Chapman killed; twenty-eight privates killed and thirty-three wounded. This indeed has been an unfortunate affair for this regiment. I herewith hand you report of wants for regiment, in accordance with orders so to do. In doing so, I must beg leave to say that my men have no confidence whatever in the kind of arms with which they are now partially supplied. Had they been prop- erly armed, the result of Sunday's loss would have been somewhat different. It will take some time to bring the regiment up to that state of confidence in the managers of this war that it had prior to Sunday's affair. I mention these things for the reason that a commander should know all the facts material to the efficiency of his command. Truly, your servant, H. G. Berry, Colonel 4th Regiment. Col. O. O. Howard, Commanding Brigade. As a result of the fatigue and excitement of the battle of Bull Run, many of the officers and men of the 4th Maine were on the sick list and some were sent home on furlough to recover. At home preparations were actively going on to supply the BORE THE FLAG. 67 soldiers with necessities, as the rapid march to the battlefield and the subsequent retreat had left all in a destitute condition. Many of the missing were coming in, having got lost in the turmoil of retreat, and some who were taken prisoners by the enemy had effected their escape and now rejoined their comrades in camp. The defeat of the Union forces had a disheartening effect on many of the men, and the letters home were full of expressions of despair and discouragement. Homesickness was prevalent, seriously affecting the health of many and pre- venting the speedy recovery of some of the sick and wounded, who in their misfortune gave themselves up with intense yearn- ing to thoughts of home life and the dear ones left behind. In a letter home Colonel Berry says : Claremont, Va. My health is better than for the past two weeks. I feel quite the thing again. I have not been sick, but somewhat exhausted, growing out of the fatigues consequent upon the movements of two weeks ago. The regiment is now getting over in a meas- ure its recent troubles. I hope they will soon be themselves again. Never was a braver set of men than those who went into battle under my command. They were perfectly cool, did exactly as I wanted, obeyed all my orders and behaved nobly. They should have the thanks of those they battled for and I doubt not will have them. As for my poor self, I tried to do my whole duty. Strange as it may seem to you I was no more excited than ordinarily when in earnest. I did not believe I should be hit in any way, and I did not think of it at all. My mind was occupied by my command entirely. Men fell all around me, killed and wounded. The ground was covered with men and horses, some mine and some of other regiments, who had passed over the same ground. Chapman left me only one minute before he was shot. He came for orders to my post by the Regimental colors; asked for orders with a smile. I gave them, he extended his hand, we exchanged blessings, he cautioned me against unnecessary exposure, and we parted for the last time. He was shot through the heart immediately on resuming his post. I shall come out all right I have no doubt; shall do my whole duty, and I never again, probably, shall be placed in such a position should the war last for years as that at Bull Run. You ask me if reports are true concerning carrying the flag, etc. I do not care to say much about myself; I leave that to others. My color-sergeant was shot in the battle. I did carry the flag throughout the entire engagement. It was my post in battle beside or near it. I at once raised it after it fell. Poor flag ! 'Tis indeed a sorry looking concern for one so pretty when presented. Cannon shot and musketry have well-nigh ruined it, but torn as it is, it is the pride of the regiment. My labor 68 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. has been to get the confidence of my men, their entire confidence on all occasions. I think I have succeeded, and whilst I am severe on them in the discharge of their duties, nevertheless I try to take care of them in all emergencies. I do not believe there will be any more engagements for some time, and then when they do come it will be princi- pally with artillery. Colonel Berry's troops remained quartered at Alexandria until July 24th when they went into camp at their former loca- tion at Bush Hill. Great difficulty was experienced in securing supplies for the regiment, which was partly due to the inex- perience of the officers of the commissary and quartermaster departments, and partly to their incompetency. In his zeal for the welfare of his men, Colonel Berry lodged a complaint against the quartermaster of the brigade, but before the com- pletion of the investigation which the brigade commander ordered to be made, the quartermaster resigned, and thereafter the men were better supplied. August 13th, Colonel Berry moved his camp about two miles to a beautiful and healthful eminence near Fort Ellsworth, overlooking the broad Potomac. Here the warm weather that had been enjoyed for weeks gave place to an unusual degree of northern temperature, and the men suffered severely from the cold. CHAPTER IX. AFTER THE BATTLE. Liberality of Friends at Home. — Letters. — Revolt in the Regiment. — Lieutenant Robert H. Gray. — His Capture and Escape. — Thrilling Experience. — The 4th Maine Building Earth Fortifications. — First Pay Day in the Regiment. — Reviewed by General McClellan. — Mc- Clellan Described. THE energetic efforts of friends at home to relieve the des- titute condition of Colonel Berry's men now began to be felt. Thirty-three packages, weighing three tons and a half, were shipped from Rockland for the soldiers of the 4th Maine. They were made up of private parcels sent by relatives and friends, packages for general distribution, the gifts of generous citizens, and articles purchased by the committee appointed for that purpose, such as pickles, dry fish, stockings, towels, and stationery. Seven of these packages were sent by the patriotic ladies of Thomaston, several from Damariscotta and Wiscasset, and the remainder from Rockland. Belfast also sent packages weighing a ton and a half to the regiment. Money contributions were freely made by the citizens of these various towns to purchase articles for the soldiers, and the men of the Fourth were made to feel that their sacrifices were not forgotten, nor did they lack appreciation from those who were left behind. Under date of August 10th, Colonel Berry in a letter home gives matters of interest. 70 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Clouds Mills, Va., August 10, 1861. We are now encamped on the side of a hill fronting the Turn- pike Road leading to Fairfax Court House. Three New Jersey regiments are on our right and the rest of our brigade, the 2d Maine and one Vermont regiment, are on our left. We have a battery of ten-pound rifle cannon in our front, and a cavalry camp in our rear. I should judge by appearances that no move onward would be made for some time to come. Weather is very warm here, thermometer 130 degrees in sun every day and 95 to 105 degrees in the shade. General McDowell called on me yesterday and reviewed the regiment. He complimented me somewhat. Again he writes under date of August 18: "We are now encamped near Fort Ellsworth, some three miles in toward Alexandria from place of last encampment. We are located on a hill and have good grounds, good air and a very pleasant place generally. We are no longer the advance regiment and we have less to do, less cares and less responsibilities. I am in hopes to go through this month without sickness in camp. We are now quite healthy — very few cases of fever and ague, and those only where the subjects have had it heretofore. We know but little that is going on, even here — all is a profound secret. I could find out if I desired ; but if I know nothing then I have no fears of speaking improperly. I have all con- fidence in the management of our new commander," [General McClellan]. " He works hard and keeps his own counsel." The rigors of an active campaign and the terrible experi- ences of the battlefield had done their part in removing the glamour and romance of a soldier's life. The transition was not a pleasant one to many of the men of the 4th Maine, whose conception of a soldier's duties was far different from what experience had proved them to be. Fun and frolic were not the prevailing characteristics of life in the army, as many had led themselves to believe, and great was the chagrin and disap- pointment of the deluded ones when the stern necessities of the situation confronted them. It is not therefore a matter of sur- REGIMENTAL REVOLT. 71 prise that one fine morning Colonel Berry awoke to find a portion of his regiment in revolt. In fact, this was quite a common experience with regimental commanders in the early days of the war; but Colonel Berry, who had such a fatherly care over " his boys," and had striven to make their condition comfortable and agreeable at all times and under the most unfavorable circumstances, was sorely grieved at this mark of dissatisfaction. His fertility of resource seemed at this time to desert him, and he was at a loss just how to meet the emer- gency. His kind heart shrank from administering the nummary punishment which such a flagrant breach of discipline made it his duty to inflict. Calling in his advisers, it was finally decided to transfer the malcontents to the 38th New York, Colonel J. H. Hobart Ward commanding, and this was done. This trouble arose from a misunderstanding concerning the term of enlist- ment, and it is but just to say that these men served honorably and faithfully thereafter; many of them died on the field of battle, in hospital and in Southern prisons, and when the term of enlistment of the 38th New York expired, and it was mustered out of the service, what remained of this number, about forty, were transferred to the 4th Maine, with which regiment many of them served to the end of the war. In his series of excellent articles on the 4th Maine, which appeared during 1893, in the Rockland (Me.) Tribune, Colonel Elijah Walker, who succeeded General Berry in the command of this regiment, says : " General Berry failed in one respect as a regimental com- mander. He was too tender-hearted. He would not punish a man nor allow others to do so to any extent, and when men became homesick they took advantage of his kindness. I will relate an incident to illustrate General Berry's sensitive nature. While I was acting as regimental officer of the day, a soldier became fighting ugly and refused to go to his quarters and keep quiet. I put a line about his wrists and tied him to the limb of a tree, so that he was reaching his full length, and told him he 72 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. should remain until he would promise to behave himself, which promise he refused to make. I left the spot and as soon as I disappeared he screamed ' blue murder.' He was near the Colonel's tent, who, hearing the cries, ran out and saw the man suspended. He took him in his arms, and holding him up, called for a man to loosen the cord. Then he took the culprit to his tent and bathed his wrists, expressing for him all the affection of a kind father. He gave me a scolding that I remem- ber to this day. " Had Colonel Berry included in his makeup some of the ' ugly' of General Benjamin F. Butler, who could without wink- ing more than one eye, take a man from the arms of his wife and hang him, and then, as a reward to the widow, get her a clerkship in a government department at Washington, his men would not have been sent to the 38th New York. As a general commanding a brigade or division he had no superior. In those capacities he was not brought in direct contact with the discipline of the men. In actual conflict he was brave as a tiger. I have seen his sword wave bravely in the smoke of battle. I have seen him weep over his fallen comrades, and almost refuse to be comforted." August 1 2th, Colonel John Sedgwick became the com- mander of the brigade to which Colonel Berry's regiment was assigned, and it was about this time that Major-General Geo. B. McClellan assumed command of the Army of the Potomac. In a letter previously quoted, Colonel Berry expressed his confi- dence in the new army commander, on whom the country was basing such high hopes. Under the date of August 25th, 1 861, Colonel Berry writes : " My camp and home is now where it was when I last wrote, on a high hill overlooking the country lor miles, and the Potomac River down to Mt. Vernon — the home of Washington. Alex- andria is to the east of my camp, stretched out on a plain bordering on the river's bank for some three miles, extending to the rear some mile and a half to the high range of hills, on S U Q"tfl 2 C -J "3 L^ — > ° § o! o as a) x Z LIEUTENANT GRAY. 73 one of which is my camp. This plain is as level as a sea. These hills are covered with encampments as far as the eye can reach, and are in most cases fortified with field works, having mounted artillery. The entire line of works on this side extends from the southeast side of the city of Alexandria to a chain bridge north of it and of Washington, a line of ten miles. On this is located some seventy thousand men, armed with all the implements of war. 'Tis a sight never beheld on this continent before. " The health of my regiment is fair and the regiment is in good condition, as good as the best. My camp is in a fine locality and in good order. I have been engaged on courts- martial for the past eight days, trying officers for misconduct. Most cases are foolish ones growing out of petty jealousies and ought not to have had a hearing. 'Tis tedious, foolish business in some cases and in other ones a fearful responsibility. They sentence a man to death for small things. Military law is not to be trifled with. " I trust you have met Lieutenant Gray, [R. H. Gray of Stockton,] for such he now is, and have learned from him all the little particulars of camp life and other matters more or less interesting to you. He is a gallant fellow, and has won for himself his commission. I hope the good people of Rockland will not fail to show proper civilities and attention to so worthy a man. " Many officers who came into the service with me have resigned, some from sickness and some from other causes. Many more will have to go home for similar reasons, and when the 4th Maine again returns to the State it has had the honor in part to represent, the most of the officers will be men who were in the ranks at the start. I promote the privates as fast as they show themselves to be men of the right spirit." Lieutenant Robert H. Gray, to whom Colonel Berry refers in such a complimentary way, was wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run. He received his wound just before the order 74 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. came to retreat. On his way to the rear Lieutenant Burgin of the Searsport company found him and bound up his wounded arm, and afterwards sent some men to conduct him to a place of safety. They did not find him, however, as his wound com- menced bleeding soon after the lieutenant left him, and he started for a stream near by for water. Before he reached it he fainted from loss of blood, and on reviving, saw the retreating column of the Union army nearly a mile away. Replenishing his canteen at the brook, he attempted to rejoin his comrades by a short cut, but soon came in view of rebel troops who began firing on him, but he escaped further injury. His wound was so painful that he was indifferent to the danger he run, and con- tinued steadily on his course until he had nearly reached his friends, when he beheld rebel cavalry rapidly approaching. Hastily entering a house which had been converted into a hospital by the Union forces, he lay down among the wounded, and had just made himself comfortable, when the cavalry dashed up, shooting two unwounded men. The rebels entered the hospital and proceeded to relieve the wounded of such valuables as they possessed, after which a guard was placed over them and from that time they were prisoners of war. The rebel officers were kind and courteous, but the soldiers used abusive language toward the prisoners. A rebel officer approached Gray and attempted in a pleasant manner to extract information, but it is superfluous to say that he got no satisfaction. The good woman of the house pre- pared some goose broth for the wounded. The dish was with- out much salt, and being strongly flavored with the oil of the goose was not a palatable dish for the sick. Gray was seven days in the rebel camp, when, his condition becoming intoler- able, he determined to escape or die in the attempt. Purloining some biscuit, and secreting bandages and salve about his person to dress his wound, he watched for a favorable opportu- nity and then made a break for liberty. Enveloped in a rebel blanket which effectually concealed his uniform, he safely CAMP LIFE. 75 passed several rebel officers and soldiers and shaped his course toward Georgetown. During the first fourteen hours of his journey he was constantly dodging rebel pickets, and on reach- ing the Potomac river boldly plunged in and by wading and swimming soon reached the opposite side. After being thirty- four hours on the road, he reached Georgetown in an exhausted condition, and suffering from a high fever. Here he received kind care and was sent home on furlough. For gallantry at Bull Run, Gray was promoted to lieutenant. Afterwards he became captain of Company I, and subsequently was promoted to major. As will be seen by the letters of Colonel Berry, written about this time, there was little to disturb the monotony of camp life. McClellan was putting forth every effort to reor- ganize the army, and to intrench Washington and its approaches. In the building of fortifications the men from Maine were in constant demand, and heavy details were daily made from the 4th Maine for this purpose. September 9th, 1861, Colonel Berry writes : "This army is now engaged in building earth fortifications to cover our entire line of defenses. My detail daily takes one- half of the regiment. We are now very strong in position and in numbers. No fears need be entertained but we shall sustain ourselves here. Such is the opinion of military men of great- est experience." Camp Knox, September 15, 1861. I have no news to write you, as we now have but the daily routine of camp life. You speak of the reading of my letters. I am glad to have you know all, but I do not care to have the public know much of my private correspondence. I care nothing now for public sentiment. I am here on a stern duty, and if I perform it in a manner acceptable to my commander, myself, and those with whom I am immediately associated, I am content. I did not come here to make any political capital, nor do I again desire to hold a political position. 76 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Camp Knox, September 29, 1861. Today is Sunday, but how different from home Sundays. Here all is noise and bustle consequent upon military arrangements and discipline. My health is fair again although I have had a slight sick spell. The positions of the armies are changing. I may move with my regiment, if so I will inform you. We are working hard building earth fortifications to defend the city of Washington. After they are completed, no doubt but active movements will be had with a portion of this army. The first pay day came at last and Colonel Berry's men were made glad by their hard-earned wages, $18,000 of which was sent to relatives at home, through General Wm. H. Titcomb, who was then visiting the regiment. This event had a cheering effect on the soldiers, and the merry laugh was heard in every part of the camp. The soldiers were now confined to the army ration, but provided themselves with such luxuries of living as money alone could procure. September 24th, 1861, orders were issued to prepare for a review by General McClellan, which took place the following day. At half-past nine the next morning regimental line was formed, and accompanied by the band, the 4th Maine marched to Fort Franklin to take part in the review. From Fort Frank- lin could be seen the rebel fort on Munson's Hill, and the rebels were no doubt interested spectators of the military pageant then taking place. The review occurred in a large field to the left of Fort Franklin, which was well adapted to the maneuvers of large bodies of troops. The brigade to which Colonel Berry's regiment was attached formed on the western side of the field, while two or three other brigades formed on the southern and eastern sides. The artillery and cavalry occupied the northeastern portion of the field. The troops to be reviewed numbered between twelve and fifteen thousand, and they made a most impressive spectacle. Gaily dressed officers galloped here and there, and generals of brigade resplendent with gold epaulettes and black plumes rode up and down the lines arrang- GENERAL m'CLELLAN REVIEWS THE ARMY. 77 ing their men. The center of the field was filled with carriages of civilians, who patiently awaited the arrival of the general-in- chief. Soon the booming of cannon on the right announced his approach, and he appeared at the head of a group of horse- men and commenced the review, passing down the line, and raising his hat gracefully as he approached each regiment, whose band played " Hail to the Chief" as he passed. The men of the 4th Maine were struck by his boyish appearance and it was hard for many to believe that one apparently so young could be the chief of the magnificent army now gathered about Washington. General McClellan is described as plainly dressed, and at the review was mounted on a gray horse. He critically exam- ined the 4th Maine, as he passed along its front, and seemed well satisfied with the appearance of the men. After riding along the entire line of horse, foot and artillery, General McClellan took his stand in the center of the field, and each brigade breaking into column of companies, marched in review before him. This concluded the ceremony. After the confusion and uncertainty following the battle of Bull Run had given place to system and order, it was found that Lieutenants Clark of Company G, and Bird of Company F, who had been reported killed by Colonel Berry in a letter home and in his official report, which are given without change on preceding pages, were alive, and one of them at least is living today. These gallant officers were severely wounded, but lived to read their own obituary notices. CHAPTER X. CAMP LIFE. A Change of Camp Grounds. — New Rifles and Saber Bayo- nets. — Death of Colonel Thomas H. Marshall. — Recon- naissance at Pohick Church. — Berry's Official Report. — Cold Weather. — High State of Efficiency in the Regi- ment. — Captain Pitcher Arrives with the Bangor Com- pany. — Lieutenant-Colonel Nickerson Promoted to the Colonelcy of 14th Maine. — Other Changes. — Lieutenant R. H. Gray Arrives with Recruits. — Visit of Rev. Isaac Kalloch. — Preaches to Slaves on the John A. Washing- ton Farm. MONDAY, September 30th, 1861, the regiment again moved camp. They did not relish leaving the delightful spot on which they had encamped for six weeks, during which time the tents had been made as comfortable as secesh lumber could make them. Every tent had a flooring of boards, and a berth for each man, and one company boasted a cosy little house well lighted by glass windows. Cane-seat chairs and well constructed tables were not uncommon articles to see in many of the tents — but all this must be left behind on break- ing camp. Baggage packed and regimental line formed, the command " forward " was given in Colonel Berry's ringing tones, and with the band playing a popular air, the regiment marched down past Fort Ellsworth, then to the right to Happy Valley, where a halt was made for a few moments to rest the men whose knap- sacks hung heavily upon their shoulders. Resuming the march BEAUMONT AND BRIDE SERENADED. 7!» the new camp ground was soon reached, and after sentinels were posted, tents were pitched, and a barn near by was cleared of its store of straw to fill the bed-sacks of the soldiers. The camp was located on high land and was healthy, although the broken condition of the ground made it undesirable for parade and drill. A little brook run through the field at the foot of the high land, and here a good opportunity was afforded the soldiers for washing clothing. General Sedgwick's headquarters were located twenty rods in front of the 4th Maine's camp, and on the left, crowning the summit of a rugged hill, a large earth- work appeared, commanding the Potomac and Alexandria. October 21st, a large detail was made from the regiment to chop trees, for which service the men of the Pine Tree State were well adapted, a fact that army commanders were not slow to take advantage of. Two or three light frosts now whitened the ground, and the bracing air of autumn infused new life into the men. About this time General Sedgwick's aid, Beaumont, whom many of the men of the Fourth will remember as a courageous and dashing young officer, brought from New York his bride of a few days to share with him the fortunes of war, and a serenade was given them on their arrival. October 17th, 1 861 , Colonel Berry writes: "I am now encamped with my regiment on the extreme left wing of the Army of the Potomac, in the same brigade as when I last wrote you, [Sedgwick's,] and under my old division commander, Heintzelman. The men and boys from Rockland are all well and happy." Under date of October 22d, he writes: " This is a rainy day and in consequence I have sat in my tent all day long, the rain pouring down in a perfect deluge. Surely one in the North has poor ideas of a rain storm. We are now encamped as when last advised. Have just finished another large fort, making the second one by this brigade, besides cutting down miles of forests, and also heaving up miles of rifle pits or 80 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. breastworks. The enemy are again retiring before our advances. What the plan of operations will be I know not. I should not be surprised if we stayed here all winter, for if we do not move soon the roads will be so injured by the heavy rains as to render them impassable. This army is a big machine, extending as it now does over at least 1,000 square miles, which would be as you know forty by twenty-five miles. One could ride all day long and see but very little compared with the whole. This is indeed a great sight, 240,000 men at least, encamped as near each other as wood and water will admit of. My regiment is in good condition and is called the best drilled in this part of the army. We yesterday drilled battalion exercises, going through the whole second volume in the presence of many officers. All pronounced it very fine. I fear I have no news to make my letters interesting. Camp life is one of monotony at best. I some think of going to Washington tomorrow." While encamped at Lawson's Hill, Colonel Berry's men were cheered by a visit from Hon. S. C. Fessenden, A. D. Nichols, Esq., and Benjamin Litchfield, and their familiar and well-remembered countenances brought back memories of home. They received a soldier's welcome and were well pleased with their reception. Through the persistent efforts of Colonel Berry, four com- panies of the 4th Maine were now supplied with rifles and saber bayonets, the old smooth-bores with which the regiment had fought the battle of Bull Run giving way to these modern weapons. The change was a pleasing one to the men, the shoulders of many of whom gave evidence of the vicious ten- dencies of the antiquated arm with which the government expected them to preserve the Union. About this time came the sad news of the death of Colonel Thomas H. Marshall, once the popular lieutenant-colonel of the Fourth, who had left that regiment for the colonelcy of the 7th Maine. His lofty character and pleasant ways had endeared him to officers and men alike, and his early demise was univer- DEATH OF COLONEL MARSHALL. 81 sally regretted. In a letter home, Colonel Berry speaks of Colonel Marshall's death in the following terms : " Poor Mar- shall is gone. He died of typhus fever brought on by overwork and the care of a volunteer regiment." He also issued the following order as a tribute to the dead : Headquarters 4TH Maine Regiment, ) Camp Knox, October 29, 1861. j It is with feelings of sorrow and sadness that I announce to this regiment, in an official manner, that an all-wise Providence has thought proper to remove from the scenes of his earthly labor, our late lieutenant-colonel and beloved companion, the Hon. Thomas H. Marshall, colonel of the 7th Regiment Maine Volunteers. This is indeed sorrowful news to all of us. Colonel Marshall was beloved, respected and honored by all for his many virtues. As an officer ever faithful, allowing none to excel him in the perform- ance of his duties, in the depth of his patriotism and love of country. In his death the Government has lost a valuable officer ; the State he has in part represented in the tented field, an honored son ; the 7th Regiment a valuable and beloved commander ; we with whom he has shared the dangers and privations of a soldier's life, a true and beloved companion and friend; his family, a model husband, son and father. We can only exclaim " Peace to his ashes," all honor to his memory. Ordered, That the officers of this regiment wear crape on the left arm for a period of thirty days, and that the regimental colors be hung in black for the same length of time. H. G. Berry, Colonel. J. B. Greenhalgh, Adjutant. In order to locate the position of the enemy, and to ascer- tain what they were doing, General Heintzelman determined to make a reconnaissance toward the Pohick and issued his orders accordingly. From the officers in Sedgwick's brigade, Colonel Berry was selected to command the troops, and the following instructions were given him : 82 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Headquarters Sedgwick's Brigade, \ Camp Sacket, November n, 1861. j Colonel : In pursuance of orders from the general command- ing the division, you will take your entire regiment, leaving only a sufficient number to take care of the tents, and, omitting to send the detail heretofore ordered for work on the fort, make a reconnaissance on the Old Fairfax road as far as the Accotink, there to halt, and push forward a detachment to reconnoiter as far as the Pohick, if it is found safe, taking care to observe well the roads on the right flank, it having been reported that 400 rebel cavalry were today at Acco- tink and that two regiments were about to encamp at Pohick Church. General Heintzelman will send out a force upon the roads on our left leading to Pohick Church. You will take a day's rations in the haversacks of the men, and will return in the evening, and upon vour return make your report to these headquarters. You will be accompanied or followed by a company of the Lincoln cavalry. By order of Brigadier-General Sedgwick. Wm. D. Sedgwick, Colonel Berry, Assistant Adjutant-General. 4th Maine. At two o'clock on the morning of November 12th, 1861, the men of the Fourth were awakened from their quiet slum- bers and ordered to prepare to march with one day's rations. Although this order was a surprise, the men had become veter- anized to such an extent that they speedily adjusted themselves to circumstances, however startling and unexpected, and the camp fires were soon lighted and little groups gathered about them to cook the rations for the expedition. After a hearty breakfast, ammunition was issued, and at four o'clock regimental line was formed, and under the command of Colonel Berry, the regiment moved off without the tap of a drum or the inspiring notes of the cornet to cheer them on their way. Every soldier fit for service was in the ranks and the band was left to do guard duty around the camp. Colonel Berry was soon joined by a troop of cavalry and with this force he was to make a recon- naissance to Pohick Church. After a march of ten or twelve RECONNAISSANCE. 83 miles, a reserve of six companies was stationed by Colonel Berry, and Companies A, B and K were ordered forward as skirmishers, taking position two or three miles in advance of the regiment, their line being concealed by a forest. The detach- ment of cavalry in its forward movement got beyond support- ing distance, and were attacked and roughly handled. Having now advanced some distance into the enemy's country and the object of the reconnaissance having been accomplished, Colonel Berry fell back on his reserve, and then returned to camp, where the regiment arrived just at sunset, weary and foot-sore. It subsequently appeared that the attack upon the cavalry had not been made by armed troops, but by persons whom they were plundering, and which resulted in a loss of seven men to the cavalry. The captain of the cavalry was put under arrest for this occurrence. The following is Colonel Berry's official report of this affair : Hdqrs. 4th Regiment Maine Vols., ) November 12, 1861. J Sir : In conformity to your orders, I left camp with my regi- ment at precisely four o'clock this morning, and proceeded on the road to the Accotink Creek. At 4.30 o'clock I was joined by Captain Todd and some forty-odd men of the Lincoln cavalry. We passed our outer line of pickets, halted, loaded the guns, and hove out a full company of skirmishers in advance and on the flanks. In this manner we proceeded carefully along the Old Fairfax road, examining all cross-roads minutely. We found no signs of the rebels having been on this side of the Accotink in force for some four or five weeks. Large bush tent accommodations were discov- ered on the road leading from Fairfax Station to Accotink, sufficient to accommodate at least ten full regiments ; these tents bore the appearance of having been deserted some four or five weeks since. We arrived at Accotink about 9 o'clock and halted. After making a careful reconnaissance of the creek and hills surrounding, I ordered my skirmishers across, followed by two more companies 84 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. of riflemen. I ordered my main body to remain on this side of the creek, in conformity with your instructions. I crossed with the cavalry in this manner. We proceeded carefully along for two miles to the road leading from Burke's Station to Pohick. This road bore the marks of recent extensive travel. I halted, and whilst making a careful survey, my skirmishers sent in three men, evidently farmers. On questioning them minutely I learned that a large force of infantry was encamped on this road, and about two miles on my right, estimated by them to be fully 5,000. They also informed me that that was the main traveled road for the rebels between Burke's Station and the Pohick. I therefore placed a small body of men here at the junction in the woods. Retaining the prisoners, I proceeded on some three-fourths of a mile, halted my men, and instructed Captain Todd to take his cavalry and make a personal reconnaissance towards Pohick Church. He did so; reported that the enemy were drilling a cavalry and infantry force some three-fourths of a mile in advance. Not hearing any- thing from the force sent down by the other road, and as it was evident that we were in the vicinity of a large force of the enemy, who controlled roads in my rear, I deemed it best under the instruc- tions I received to return to the Accotink and halt and give my men their dinner. I therefore ordered the cavalry in, and also faced about my skirmishers and the column, and came back to Accotink. Capt. Todd informed me a few minutes after that some of his company were still out, and that he would go out and bring them in. I said to him I should take a position near the top of the hill con- trolling a cross-road and await his arrival. I moved my regiment into a proper position, hove out sentries and awaited the captain's arrival. After waiting an hour or more we heard the reports of some thi-ee or four guns. In a few minutes three of the absent men came in, two wounded and one unhurt, all three having plunder strapped on their horses, consisting of a side saddle, bed-clothes, etc. On questioning them I found they had been wandering in all direc- tions and plundering the inhabitants. I therefore concluded that the persons robbed had fired upon them. Knowing the enemy to be near in force, and thinking it most likely they had been made aware of our presence through the indiscretions of these wandering men, I concluded, as the object of my reconnaissance had been accom- ARRIVAL OF THE BANGOR COMPANY. 85 plished, to return to camp. The lieutenant commanding the cavalry informs me that the captain is absent and four men. Respectfully, your obedient servant, II . G. Berry, Colonel 4th Maine Volunteers. William D. Sedgwick, Assistant Adjutant-General, 3 o w Orq > 3 * r o - CHAPTER XL A MONOTONOUS EXISTENCE. Christmas in Camp. — Roast Turkey — Distinguished Visitors from Maine. — Changes in the Commissioned Officers. — Berry's Letters. — Berry is 111. — His View of the Policy of the Government. — Prisoners Rejoin the Regiment. — The Temperance Movement. — The "Berry Quartet Choir." — Berry's Plan of Campaign. — Building Earth- works. — Visits Washington. — Sunday in Camp. — News of Burnside's Victory at Roanoke. THE thunder of the cannon on the battlements of Fort Lyon, adjacent to the camp of the 4th Maine, heralded a " Merry Christmas " to the gallant soldiers of the Pine Tree State — their first in camp. The day was indeed a merry one to Camp Knox. Thoughtful friends had provided Christ- mas viands, and all the companies feasted on roast turkey and concomitant luxuries which the generosity of the company commanders had supplied. So, also, they had holiday exemp- tion from usual duties, and officers and men gave themselves over to the pleasures of the day unreservedly. The almost summer mildness of the atmosphere gave to the scene a strange- ness and an unreality quite unlike the bleak meadows and snow-clad trees and housetops which are associated with thoughts of Christmas in the mind of every New Englander. Then, too, the chatter of childish voices making merry over the season's offerings, the presence of father and mother, and the palatable viands which only a New England housewife can produce — the absence of all these lent a tinge of sadness to 90 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. the merry-making and turned the thoughts of many with intense yearning toward home and loved ones. Chaplain B. A. Chase of the 4th Maine gives the follow- ing incidents in a letter to the Rockland Gazette : " Camp life has its pleasant incidents, among which there is none more welcome to the soldier than the arrival of visitors from his native state. It shows him he is not forgotten, but that his sacrificing toils are appreciated. Only a few days since we were cheered and honored by a company of distinguished guests from Maine. They were Vice President Hamlin and wife together with the following members of Congress, namely: L. M. Morrill, senator, accompanied by his daughter; Hon. A. P. Morrell and Hon. Mr. Rice, representatives ; also Mr. S. P. Brown, (of Orland,) naval agent at Washington, accompanied by his sister-in-law, Miss Grendell. They arrived in the early part of the day, were Colonel Berry's guests at dinner, and wit- nessed the appearance and performance of the regiment at dress parade, which, much to the praise of Colonel Berry and his command, they unanimously pronounced the best exhibition of the kind they had ever seen. Not to feel an honest pride in so high a compliment would be to withhold that deference which is due to the opinions of those eminent men — men who had honored Maine, and whom Maine loves to honor. They complimented our camp as a model one, for its tidy appearance in general. * * * * During the afternoon the whole party, under escort of Colonel Berry, visited the 3d Maine and enjoyed a brief entertainment by Colonel Staples and wife. They also, upon the route, called upon General Sedgwick at his headquar- ters. These calls being over, a portion of the party returned to Washington. The best of the occasion, however, is that Senator Morrill, his daughter, Mr. Brown and Miss Grendell decided to pass the night in camp, the two young ladies being so enamored by the attractions and novelties of the tented field as to desire a fuller experience of its accommodations. This addition and truly genuine compliment to camp life was shared DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. 91 between two regiments, the ladies stopping with Mrs. Lampson, matron of the Third, while the gentlemen remained in the Fourth, guests of Colonel Berry." Time had wrought a number of changes in the commis- sioned officers of the Fourth. Silas M. Fuller of Belfast was now lieutenant-colonel, and Elijah Walker of Rockland, major. Of the original ten company commanders, but four now- remained, resignations and promotions having removed the others. Those remaining were Captains Carver, Smith, Bean and VVhitcomb. December 15th, 1861, Colonel Berry writes: " I am today quite busy answering letters. I have much to do in that line, as almost everybody who has a son, husband or lover in my regiment writes me making anxious inquiries, some to know if their friends are well provided for, others on business matters, whilst some are anxious to have their dear ones dis- charged and state long reasons. Among the most prevalent is the excuse that when the naughty one enlisted he was a minor and that dear Pa and Ma failed to give their consent. To all of these besides hundreds of other inquiries I am obliged to answer weekly at least. The weather here is very fine, much like our October, particularly the latter part of that month. We are now in a very fine camp, the best we have ever had ; streets are wide and well made, the main street turnpiked and lined with cedar trees which grow in splendid form in this section. It is said those who are conversant with the different camps pronounce ours to be the best kept of any. How long we are to remain here is still in doubt ; uncertainty as to move- ments still prevails." Again on December 29th he writes : " We were visited Christmas Day by Vice President Hamlin and Representatives Morrill and Rice, together with other gentlemen and ladies of the same party. They all witnessed the drill and discipline of my camp and regiment and seemed delighted, so much so that they stayed all night. I think the 4th Maine hard to beat." 92 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. January 9th, 1862, he writes : "I am not really sick but have been poorly of late. I have been off duty for some five days and have spent the time mostly away from camp. This rebellion is a most stupendous affair; none can know about it that are not conversant with such things, or are not on the scene of operations. We are spending millions every week. How long Government will be enabled to go on this way is a problem I cannot solve. All I can say is this, the Government must be sustained or all are engulfed in one common ruin. " If Government is not sustained, property loses its value, the sun goes down for generations and those who come after us will have a sorry prospect in view for home, a country and a Government to sustain and protect them, as we have heretofore been protected under the old flag. We have not yet made the first point in the whole contest. Tremendous operations are about being made by sea and land, on the Atlantic border and in the West. The result no one knows. I do not think we are much stronger than the South. They fight at home, we far from home. They take from the country over which they pass what- ever they can find that they need. We buy and pay for it. We have to pay large sums of money, while they seem to get along without much of any. I confess I am at a loss how to judge of the contest, as the above are not all the things that tell against us. There is no doubt but officers in the U. S. Regular Army are now in pay of the Confederate government. They are among us and we know them not. We can do nothing that Jeff Davis does not know, even more than our most prominent generals. We are betrayed daily. Now about England. I think we have got to fight her or take all her insults. She is bound to ruin this Government if possible, and now is her most favorable time. I think she will improve it, if so all are ruined together. If it is so to be, then none can help it. This Mason and Slidell affair has terminated just as I expected it would, for I thought the capture wrong. This Government went to war in 181 2 for the very thing we have in this instance been guilty of. THE TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT. 93 Nevertheless England's doctrine has been such as to sustain us in the Trent affair. Our own policy for fifty years has been in direct contradiction to it. But a few days will elapse before something else will turn up, from which we as a nation cannot with honor recede, then the fight must come. These are my opinions ; they are not worth much ; I feel that I am nobody and am not disposed to say much anyway. Carver [L. D.] has arrived and has been telling me about his visit home. He had a good time and I am glad of it. He is a good fellow." During the latter part of February, Berry's whole regiment was frequently detailed for picket duty, and reconnaissances were also made by detachments of that regiment. Lieutenant Thomas B. Glover of Company B, and Hospital Steward Charles S. McCobb, who were taken prisoners at Bull Run, now rejoined the regiment. About this time a temperance movement was started in Camp Knox, and some 500 of Berry's 4th Maine arrayed them- selves against King Alcohol. The number included many com- missioned officers. The regiment could also boast of a club of glee singers styled the "Berry Quartet Choir of the 4th Maine Regiment." The music composed by S. K. Whiting was very popular and the regiment was justly proud of his productions. Among them were : " Memories of Home," with words by H. G. Tibbetts of Rockland, "Ole Massa on his Trabbles Gone," and " Home Visions." A cyclone visited the camp about this time and made sad havoc with the tents and equipage. Colonel Berry's tent suffered with the others, but being absent in command of the picket, he experienced no inconvenience, and the men speedily restored it to its place. The sutler's covered wagon performed a gyration over the tent of the surgeon, Dr. Libby, damaging it somewhat, then speeding away at random, making havoc along its course. January 19th, 1862, Colonel Berry writes: "The weather here is awful, it rains most of the time and 'tis dreadfully 94 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. muddy. Can do nothing but sit in our tents, which is lonely enough. No drill, no marches, but a steady confinement to quarters. This weather will probably last some weeks, during which I cannot see how we can do anything ; still there is talk of an advance, as a simultaneous movement down the Mississippi by Halleck, through Tennessee to the Cumberland Gap by Buell, and an attack on the Wilmington & Weldon railroad by Burnside, and on Norfolk by Wool, Winchester in Virginia by Rosecrans, and lastly by McClellan to hold Beauregard in check at Manassas, to prevent him from sending troops to reinforce the other points which I have named. I have no doubt but decisive events will soon take place, but I think most of the fighting will be done West. You can look at my maps and get the whole plan of the campaign. Buell takes posses- sion of the railroad through Cumberland Gap, cutting off sup- plies from Manassas from that direction. The Atlantic expedi- tions, that line running south through Wilmington and Weldon, tie here to dispute the passage into Maryland. Rosecrans in the mountains of Virginia, General Dix on the eastern shore in Accomac and Northumberland counties. When their armies are once so placed, the supplies necessary for a large army cannot be obtained in so small a district as he [Beauregard] will have left, and he cannot hold out but a very short time. Such is the plan. God grant it may prove successful." Again he writes under date of January 22d : "I am still hard at work building earthworks, rifle pits and breast- works. For nine nights I have slept scarcely an hour a night. Picket and artillery firing going on all the time within a few hundred yards." February 3d: "I was in Washington yesterday. The weather is still very stormy. It has been snowing since day- light, and is today more like home than any day thus far this winter. The mud has been awful. We suppose in Rockland that the mud is deeper than anywhere else, but such is not the fact. The mud in Virginia exceeds in depth and stickiness any LETTERS. 95 I ever saw; it will fairly draw one's boots before giving way. Last night was cold and the ground is now frozen. This will not last, as the sun takes off the snow by midday." February 9th : " Today has been a good nice day, the air very like April with us. We had our usual religious services, morning inspection, and dress parade in the afternoon, something new for us, as for many days it has rained or has been so muddy we have postponed drills and military parades in order to keep the health of the regiment good. I have no doubt but that the next few weeks will tell on the rebellion wonderfully. My greatest anxiety is now that Burnside may do something handsome on the coast. If so we shall have the rebels in Virginia in a tight place, flanked on both sides and their communications either cut off or threatened, so no way will be left but to evacuate their stronghold. You must remem- ber that when once we get things moving favorably we shall make short work, as none can tell the disaster of a retreat, especially to soldiers fighting with a halter around their necks as they are ; all will be equally anxious to get home and out of the scrape. I do not think we shall have much fighting to do on this line, as the movements are mainly in the West. The Government does not want in any way to jeopardize Washing- ton, as it would be followed, if taken, by an immediate recog- nition by European powers." February 12th: "We have the news today of the capture of Roanoke Island by Burnside and of the taking of some 10,000 prisoners, etc., etc. It seems that the spring cam- paign is to be on our side. A few such victories and the power of the rebellion is over, and the end will soon come. We are all quite well. Have not been doing much of late as the weather has been very bad until the last three days. We improve every good day in military drills, and shall one of these days be pretty good soldiers. The troops are joyous tonight over our recent victories in Kentucky and North Caro- lina. The campaign is working as I wrote you some days ago 96 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. it would. There is no doubt but all will go pretty well. We have occasional reverses, but the general plan will be carried through." Sunday, February 17th: "This is an age of events and notwithstanding many things connected therewith may be unpleasant to all of us immediately connected with the great struggle now going on, I hope and firmly believe that we will yet thank God that we have lived to participate in the events now transpiring among us. You will remember that I wrote a month since giving the plan of campaign as I understood it. I did not derive the information from any one, but will say it was simply my own plan or what I would have done had I had the command. I have endeavored to study the art in which I am now engaged, and so far have hit pretty near. The next thing that will be done will be the taking by force or otherwise of Columbus (Kentucky), next Knoxville and Nashville. That done we have possession of the upper line of railroad to Manassas. Burnside will take possession of the shore or lower railroad leading into Virginia. After that Halleck and Commo- dore Foote will proceed down the Mississippi to New Orleans; Hunter through Arkansas to western Texas ; Buell and Burn- side will stretch an army across North Carolina to Tennessee. Manassas will be cut off from supplies and the force bagged, providing they do not retreat South into the cotton states before the cordon of soldiers are stretched across the country. We have no doubt about the result of the war. We shall wind up this rebellion in ninety days. Then, with the exception of say one-fourth of our present force to maintain order, all will go home again. I have no doubt about the result of any battle that may be fought hereafter." CHAPTER XII. BERRY A BRIGADIER-GENERAL. President Lincoln Commissions him Brigadier-General of Volunteers. — Joy in the 4th Maine. — Comments of the Press. — Letter from Governor Washburn. — Presentation of a Sword by the Sergeants of the 4th Maine. — Elegant Silver Service from the Commissioned Officers. — Assigned to a Brigade. — 4th Maine Moves to Hamp- ton. — Colonel Elijah Walker Succeeds Berry in the Command. COLONEL BERRY'S promotion to the rank of Brigadier- General of Volunteers was the occasion of much rejoicing. He was commissioned as such March 20th, 1862, by Presi- dent Lincoln, in recognition of his gallant services at Bull Run. Commenting on this important event, the Rockland Gazette says: "We are pleased at the promotion, not only because it is gratifying to Colonel Berry's friends and fellow citizens, but because we believe it an honor justly due to the merits of an able and efficient officer." That these sentiments were shared by the men he com- manded in the field, is evident from the following letter, written at the time the promotion was made known to the 4th Maine, by a private in that regiment : "We learned with mingled pleasure and regret of the pro- motion of Colonel Berry to the rank of a brigadier-general. Our pleasure was because we love to see those deserving of merit rewarded, and those whom we admire and respect pro- moted to that position where their talents can have full scope ; 98 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. and our regret was because when our colonel shall leave us we shall suffer an irreparable loss. Those who have been our companions through adverse circumstances and privations seem dear to us ever afterwards, and therefore 'tis natural that he, who has been at our head and looked out for our best interests in the most careful manner ever since the regiment was first organized, should occupy a large place in our hearts. While other regiments about us have languished and become disgraced by having unqualified and unworthy commanders, we have flourished and lived through the trying ordeal occasioned by Bull Run, and have come to such perfection in arms that army officers who are present at inspections or parade are loud in their commendations ; and even General Heintzelman, who never says anything unless he means it, speaks of the 4th Maine Regiment in the highest terms to General McDowell and the War Department. The natural military ability of Colonel Berry, together with the amount of knowledge of warfare which he has acquired by studious application and practice since coming into the service, eminently fits him for his new position, and there is no doubt that he will always prove himself an honor to his State. It may be some weeks before he leaves us, and many of us, I fear, are selfish enough to hope that he may remain with the regiment to the close of the war." Governor Washburn of Maine, in the following note, extended his felicitations : State of Maine, Executive Department, \ Augusta, March 5, 1862. j Dear General : I see by last evening's paper that the Presi- dent has nominated you to the Senate for brigadier-general. I rejoice that he has done so, and heartily congratulate you on your success. It was just to you and to our honored and gallant State. Please advise me in reference to the appointments in the 4th Regiment made necessary in consequence of your promotion. Will the 4th Regiment be in your brigade? Very truly yours, I. Washburn, Jr. Brig.-Gen'l H. G. Berry. A BRIGADIER-GENERAL. The sergeants of the 4th Maine showed in a substantial way their appreciation of their commander. Immediately after the news of the promotion of Colonel Berry was known to them the sergeants ordered a beautiful sword to be made and for- warded to the regiment. It arrived a few days before the 4th Maine left Yorktown. On the day of its presentation, the sergeants marched in a body to Colonel Walker's quarters, and formed line in front of his tent. On each side of them were grouped the officers and soldiers of the regiment, interested spectators of the ceremonies then taking place. Colonel Wildes and other gentlemen from Maine were also present. When all was ready Sergeant H. H. Burpee advanced to the front, and took the sword from its box. General Berry, with arms folded, stood in the center of the open area, while Sergeant Burpee delivered the presentation speech. At the close of his remarks the sergeant delivered the sword to General Berry, who exam- ined it for a moment, and then responded in substance as follows : " Sergeants, Soldiers and Brothers — for such you all are to me: This is one of the happiest moments of my life. But one year ago — and it has been a short year to me notwithstand- ing its privations — I undertook the task of disciplining the regiment. I myself was undrilled and I felt my own incompe- tency, but with the assistance of the non-commissioned officers and the faithfulness of all under my command, I have succeeded in making this one of the best regiments in the volunteer serv- ice. You speak of my name going down to posterity, but the name of every man in the Potomac Army, and of the armies of the West, will always live, and their brave deeds will shine on the pages of history. Accept my thanks for this beautiful sword, and I assure you that I shall always look upon it with feelings of fond remembrance of this regiment. I hope you all may live to return to your homes in our own Pine Tree State, to receive the thanks of a grateful people." This scene was a most affecting one to all present. At the 100 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. conclusion of the presentation the sergeants were marched away to quarters. The sword was manufactured by J. H. Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia ; the mountings of the hilt were of solid silver and beautifully wrought, the blade was Damascus steel, and flowered one-third of its length. The scabbard was of bur- nished steel with solid silver mountings, and on a silver plate in its center was this inscription: "Presented to Colonel H. G. Berry, by the Sergeants of the 4th Maine Regiment." The elegant service of silver plate presented to General Berry by the officers of the 4th Maine was another token of the love and esteem in which he was held by those associated with him. It consisted of seven pieces and cost nearly $1000. The silver bears a very fine representation of the old encampment of the 4th Maine near Alexandria. This silver service, the presentation sword and other keepsakes remain in possession of General Berry's family, at their home in Brooklyn, N. Y. On the coffee urn is the inscription which follows, the first part of which is also upon each of the other pieces : Presented by the Commissioned Officers of the 4th Maine Regiment Volunteers to Brigadier-General H. G. Berry. On his promotion from the Colonelcy of said Regiment. A token of respect and regard to a faithful and gallant officer. 17th March, 1862. We will now let General Berry give his experience : " Feb- ruary 1 8th, 1862 — You have doubtless heard the good news ere this, as you hear by telegraph as soon as we do. The battles are now with our side and will be to the end, as we are as well prepared as the enemy. Formerly, in Bull Run days, they were better off than we were. An appeal from General BRUSH WITH THE ENEMY'S SCOUTS. 101 McClellan for New England regiments to furnish men for gun- boat service on the western rivers was read to my regiment. I asked for sailors to step forward ; over two hundred responded from whom I selected thirty, and they are now on their way to Cairo. So you see we are alive to the good work that goes steadily on. Expect to go out with the regiment on picket Saturday." Under date of February 26th, he writes from Camp Knox : " I had [last evening] just come in from the front where I had been three days in command of the pickets of the left wing — over ten miles front — for my share. By order of General Heintzelman I extended our lines, or rather advanced them three miles nearer the enemy, but not without a brush with the enemy's scouts, in which affair we lost ten killed and three wounded. The posts are permanently established, and we shall no doubt advance them again in a day or two. The loss fell on the 39th New York Regiment, which was under my command. The enemy's scouts attacked our lines in the front. I sent out two hundred of my men [4th Regiment] under Major Walker and scoured the country to the Occoquan River for miles, so no more danger is apprehended. I have injured my right thumb so that I cannot use my right hand, and I only write by holding my pen between my fingers. T am well and in pretty good spirits. I think this rebellion is badly damaged and hope on its way to ruin. I see you have had a demonstration on the 22d inst. Am glad indeed to know the people of my city are alive to the welfare of our country. Have just received orders to be ready to march at a moment's notice ; baggage to be reduced to carpet bag for officers and knapsacks for men. No tents ; wagons of 4th Regiment for provisions only." The following letter from General Berry throws a flood of light on his promotion. A Democrat in politics, with- out political friends who could be of assistance to him, pro- motion could not be hoped for by the usual methods then employed. By attention to duty and by valor and skill in battle 102 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. did General Berry win his star. The Government needed just such officers to command its brigades. The high ability of General Berry attracted the attention of his superiors and secured for him well-deserved promotion. Camp Knox, March 4, 1862. I have just returned from Washington, having been summoned there by the Vice-President [Hannibal Hamlin] relative to my pro- motion. On my arrival I found I had already been appointed by the President, and my name with others had been sent to the Senate for ratification. What pleased me most and what will be the most joyful news to you is that I was informed that I had earned my promotion by faithful duty, and good conduct at Bull Run, and that I was not under obligation to any one, having been the builder of my own promotion. I came here friendless so far as influence goes, having been a Democrat, and of course not especially in favor. I have worked hard, and have done all in my power to serve the Government properly. I have made them all my friends, and I judge they are as anxious for my friendship as I am for theirs. I also learned another fact : Mr. Hamlin informs me that my regi- ment is considered the very best in the Army of the Potomac. General Heintzelman said it is the best he ever saw, so I am indeed entitled to the favorable consideration which I have obtained. I do not know what my future will be. I know not where I may be sent, or to what brigade I may be assigned. I learn tonight that General Heintzelman is trying to make an arrangement by which another brigade may be formed and placed in his division, and for me to command it, being determined to keep me with him. I hope it is so, for I like him much. Am quite well. My hand is still lame, but I manage to write more easily than a few days ago. On the 9th of March, 1862, the entire regiment went for three days grand guard. While performing this duty informa- tion was received of the retreat of the entire Confederate army, and General Berry was the first to telegraph this fact to General McClellan. FIRST TO REPORT ENEMY'S MOVEMENTS. 103 Headquarters 4.TH Maine Vols., j March 13, 1862. j I have just received orders to have my regiment ready to move at a moment's notice. We go to Fortress Monroe. I shall stay with the regiment until my nomination is confirmed by the Senate, which will be in a few days, after which my movements are uncertain. General Heintzelman will probably keep me with him, but I am not positive how it will be. I was commander of the outposts when the enemy left, and was first to give the intelligence to General McClellan of the enemy's movements, and got much credit for it. I ascended in a balloon at 12 o'clock at night, 2,000 feet, and took sketches of what was going on, and then descended and sent my regiment to the front and captured some of the enemy, and took inhabitants, and got the whole thing so the Army of the Potomac moved the next morning at four o'clock. We have telegraph stations along our picket lines communicating with headquarters, so one can work pretty quickly. I am sorry to go farther from home, but I feel that the campaign will be a short one. I shall have to work all night." Some little time elapsed before General Berry was assigned to the command of a brigade, and while awaiting orders he remained in charge of the 4th Maine. March 17th, the regiment broke camp and marched to Alexandria where they embarked on transports for Fortress Monroe. Soon after their arrival at this place, the Fourth went into camp at Hampton, pitching their tents in a delightful spot. Before his assignment to his brigade, General Berry wrote as follows : Headquarters near Fortress Monroe, \ March 23, 1862. j We are now encamped on the ground with rubber blankets only. I have a small tent for Walker [Elijah Walker] and myself. It has rained very hard for a number of days, so we have been rather uncomfortable. I am not yet assigned to a brigade. I expect to be in a day or two. Whatever success I have had here I have worked hard for, more so than almost any man I know of. I have 104 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. tried to do my duty to my country, my friends, my family and myself. I do not wish to saci'ifice my standing as a man, nor have I, in my opinion. My promotion was obtained not by political favor. Now one word about my political sentiments. Glad indeed am I that I never did anything toward bringing this trouble on the country. I am more glad probably than I should be if at home, for here I see the full effects of war, ruin stares you in the face every- where. Some may say they brought it on themselves ; so they have, in part, but are we not one people? Are we not fighting to continue to be one people? And does not this ruin affect all? Certainly it is with nations as with families, and civil war is the same to a nation as trouble in a family. What affects one part affects the whole. As to my sentiments, I do not know as they have changed, except that change is continually going on with one as experience may dictate. I am a Democrat still. I am not, however, a Southern Democrat. If I were I should not be here, for I find Democracy here nothing less than aristocracy, to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. I shall try hard to continue with General Heintzelman. I do not think he will consent for me to go from him, anyhow. He is a good general and my friend. I have always been under him and feel great confidence in the man. I enclose you his photograph, the only one I have, and that was given me by the general himself. The order assigning Brigadier-General Berry to the com- mand of a brigade having arrived, that officer took leave of the regiment in the following order : Hdqrs. 4TH Maine Regiment Vols., i Camp near Hampton, Va., > March 25, 1862. j Having been ordered by the War Department to report for orders to Major-General McClellan, Commander of the Army of the Potomac, it becomes my duty now to take my official leave of this regiment. I part with the officers and men composing this command with very much regret. My intercourse with all has been of the most pleasant nature. My friendship for officers and men alike is one of Colonel Elijah Walker ( A war-time photograph. ) TAKES LEAVE OF THE FOURTH MAINE. 105 the strongest ever formed by me. I have every reason to believe that it is more than reciprocated by this entire command. I can only say, mav it continue. I shall watch with great interest your future, and, judging by the past, I feel assured the 4th Maine will stand second to none during the period of its service. I shall be ever ready to assist whenever and wherever my poor service may avail you. When the time arrives and you are brought face to the foe, remember you carry with you your own reputation and that of your State. Strike, then, with a will, for vour country, your God and the right. If, in the discharge of my duty, I have in any way wounded the feelings of an}', I beg of them to forget. None are perfect and very few have more imperfections than myself. The duties I have had in organizing, disciplining and drilling a new regiment have not been light. I hope I may have done the service assigned me by His Excellency, the Governor of Maine, passing well ; at any rate, I feel that I have endeavored to do my duty by you all, by my State and by my country. God bless you all. General Berry was succeeded in the command of the 4th Maine by Colonel Elijah Walker, one of the bravest men who ever wore a shoulder strap or drew a sword. Under his com- mand the 4th Maine sustained its reputation as a fighting regiment throughout the war, and rendered conspicuous service in the important battles in which the Army of the Potomac was engaged up to the time when the regiment was mustered out of service July 19th, 1864. CHAPTER XIII. ASSIGNED TO THE "MICHIGAN" BRIGADE. The Regiments of the Brigade. — Splendid Troops. — General Berry's Staff Officers. — Incident Relating to Berry's Assignment by General McClellan. — His Modesty as Told by Captain Earle. — Plan of Peninsula Campaign. — Army of the Potomac Moved to Fortress Monroe. — The Advance. — Siege of Yorktown. — Berry Active and Efficient during the Siege. — Pleased with his New Com- mand. — Inspires the Confidence of his Men. — Sharp Skirmishing with the Enemy. — Berry's Letters Home. BRIGADIER-GENERAL BERRY, as we must now call him, was assigned to the command of the 3d Brigade of Hamilton's Division of the 3d Army Corps. His division commander was Brigadier-General Charles S. Hamilton, who was afterwards succeeded by Brigadier-General Philip Kearny, " the bravest of the brave." The other brigade commanders of Hamilton's Division were Brigadier-General C. D. Jameson, formerly colonel of the 2d Maine, who died in the service November 6th, 1862, and Brigadier-General David B. Birney of Philadelphia, who afterwards became conspicuous as a division commander in the Army of the Potomac. They commanded the 1st and 2d Brigades respectively. The 4th Maine was in Birney's brigade. Berry's brigade consisted of four regiments: the 2d Michi- gan, Colonel Orlando M. Poe, commanding ; 3d Michigan, Colonel Stephen C. Champlin, commanding; 5th Michigan, Colonel HIS STAFF. in, H. G. Terry, commanding; and the 37th New York, Colonel S. B. Hayman, commanding. General Berry was fortunate in his assignment to this brigade. His regiments were ably commanded and well disci- plined, and as an officer of the 4th Maine remarked to the writer, they were always ready to go into a fight and never knew when they were beaten. Patriotic, courageous and intrepid, these Michigan and New York troops under the lead of General Bern- rendered signal service for the cause of the Union in the Peninsula campaign, and made their title, "Berry's Brigade," a synonym of honor and glory. General Berry's staff consisted of Captain Edwin M. Smith, 4th Maine, assistant adjutant-general; Captain James H. Tall- man, 3d Maine, quartermaster; Captain Edward S. Earle, commissary; Lieutenants VVm. N. Ladue, 5th Michigan, and Henry H. Sturgis, aides-de-camp. The day General Berry assumed command of his brigade he received orders to march from Hampton the next morning, and notwithstanding the very short time allowed for preparation (about eight hours) moved his command with his accustomed punctuality at the appointed time in the direction of Yorktown. The following story in connection with the assignment of Brigadier-General Berry to the command of the Michigan brigade is worthy of preservation. This brigade had formerly been commanded by General I. B. Richardson, an officer of the regular army. General Heintzelman was anxious to have General Berry command this brigade, and he made personal application to General McClellan to have Berry assigned to it. McClellan said : " No ; I am reserving that brigade for an officer of the regular army. You already have two volunteer generals [Jameson and Birney] in command of your other brigades, and I want a regular officer for the Third." But Heintzelman persisted, and seeing his earnestness, General McClellan finally said : " Send General Berry to my quarters and let me look him over." Accordingly General Berry repaired 108 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. to the quarters of General McClellan, and ten minutes after- wards returned to the camp of the 4th Maine, bearing in his pocket the order assigning him to the command of the 3d Brigade. The following incident related by Captain James D. Earle of Berry's staff, illustrates the modesty that was ever the chief characteristic of the general : " I distinctly remember the first time I saw him. Our brigade commander had been promoted and it was rumored that Colonel Berry of the 4th Maine Infantry had been made a brigadier and was to be our commander. I was sitting before my tent just at dusk, when an officer rode up with but a single orderly and asked, ' Is this the head- quarters of the 3d Brigade?' Answering in the affirmative and recognizing the tone and manner of an officer, it flashed over me at once that this was our new brigade commander. I then asked, ' Is not this General Berry?' His reply impressed me. 'Yes; I suppose so,' he said modestly. 'Colonel sounds more natural to me, but I believe I am General, now.' This was my first acquaintance with what proved to be the uniform characteristic modesty of the man. That night he shared my tent, and for many an hour he plied me with questions as to the command, and then, tired out, it was all I could do to induce him to take the only cot in the tent. The next morning he called for his horse and asked me to ride with him and introduce him to the regimental commanders. During the ride he spoke of his staff, merely saying, ' I intend having one or two of my Maine boys with me.' Naturally upon a change of general officers I expected to be relieved, and you may imagine my astonishment when the announcement of the staff was made by the adjutant-general, to find myself a member of his military family, and most pleasantly situated." The Army of the Potomac under General McClellan had a difficult task before it. Its first duty was to protect Washington, which was unfortunately situated near the Confederate army, a tempting bait as a point of attack, and could either be PLANS FOR THE CAPTURE OF RICHMOND. 109 approached by way of Manassas or the Shenandoah Valley. It was also the duty of the Army of the Potomac to take Rich- mond. The nature of the country between Richmond and the Potomac is such as to make the passage across it of an invad- ing army very difficult. Several rivers traverse the country, all having a general southeasterly course and serving as natural barriers, which can be successfully defended against vastly superior numbers by a resolute force well commanded. Indeed for four long years did the Potomac Army attempt to force these barriers, but the army under Lee kept it at bay until Grant overwhelmed the defenders and forced them to surrender. There were several ways by which Richmond might be attacked from Washington. The Army of the Potomac might march directly against Johnston who was encamped at Bull Run, or it might move down the east bank of the Potomac through Maryland, crossing the river at Fredericksburg and marching directly on Richmond by the road leading from that city to Richmond. General McClellan desired to move the greater part of the army to Urbana on the Rappahannock River, leaving a sufficient force to defend Washington. He claimed that this was the best route to Richmond, and if occupied by the Potomac Army, would force Johnston to leave his position at Bull Run in order to prevent the United States forces from getting between him and Richmond. The President, however, did not regard this plan with favor, fearing that the withdrawal of the Army of the Potomac from the vicinity of Washington would endanger the safety of the capital. General McClellan made a written statement to the Presi- dent, giving at length his reasons why the proposed movement against Johnston was not so good as the one suggested by him. This statement of General McClellan seemed to convince the President that that officer's plan was the better one, and he at once ordered the Secretary of War to gather transports to convey the army to the Rappahannock. However, Mr. Lincoln appears 110 MAJOR-GEKERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. to have been not altogether satisfied that the plan of General McClellan was a safe one, for he asked that officer to submit the two plans to a council of the principal officers of the army, which was done, and General McClellan's plan was approved by eight out of the twelve generals present. Before this plan could be carried out, Johnston suddenly evacuated Manassas and Bull Run for a position below the Rappahannock, where he would be better able to oppose the Union army should it attack by way of Fredericksburg or the Rappahannock. This led to another change in the plan of attack, and it was now determined to transport the army to Fortress Monroe, and to advance on Richmond by way of the " Peninsula," the long isthmus between the York and James Rivers. Hamilton's division, of which Berry's brigade formed a part, was the first to move to Fortress Monroe, and was followed by the division of General Fitz John Porter. These divisions were placed in position on roads leading to Newport News and to Yorktown. For lack of transportation the troops were slow in arriving at Fortress Monroe. However, on the 4th of April the forward movement began in two columns commanded by Heintzelman and Keyes, the former advancing directly on Yorktown. Reconnaissances made under fire determined that the Warwick River, which has its source near Yorktown, was controlled by the Confederate gun- boats for some distance from its mouth on the James River ; that its fords had been destroyed by dams, the approaches to which were generally through dense forests and deep swamps, and defended by extensive and formidable works ; that timber felled for defensive purposes and the flooding of the roads caused by the dams, had made these works apparently inacces- sible and impossible to turn; that Yorktown was strongly fortified, armed and garrisoned and connected with the defenses of the Warwick by forts and intrenchments, the ground in front of which was swept by the guns of Yorktown. It was also ascertained that the garrisons had been and were daily being YORKTOWN. Ill reinforced by troops from Norfolk and the army under General J. E. Johnston. (See McClellan's report.) The columns of Heintzelman and Keyes advanced from ten to twelve miles and bivouacked. Although the enemy was in sight, serious resistance was not offered to the advance of these columns, and on the following morning the forward movement was continued. General Heintzelman was to advance with the 3d Corps and halt two and three-fourths miles from Yorktown, while Keyes was to continue by way of Warwick Court House to an old landmark known as the " Halfway House," between Yorktown and Williamsburg, and was to occupy and hold the narrow dividing ridge near the " Halfway House," so as to prevent the escape of the garrison at York- town by land, and prevent reinforcements from being thrown in. Keyes was unable to carry out these instructions in detail. The rain had been falling in torrents all the morning making the roads almost impassable for artillery, and it was not until about noon that the advance under Keyes struck the enemy's skirmishers. The enemy interposed a determined front to Keyes at Lee's Mills, and finding the march thus seriously obstructed, he encamped for the night. Heintzelman's advance was also stopped, being upon Yorktown itself, and was therefore expected. McClellan had therefore failed to occupy the posi- tions contemplated in his forward movement of the 5th, and it was at this point that the delay of one month at Yorktown began. Yorktown was the base of operations of the Confederates, with outposts thrown out several miles in advance. As early as March 1st, 1862, three defensive lines across the Peninsula from Williamsburg down to Fortress Monroe had been laid out and partially completed by the Confederate General J. Bank- head Magruder. His real line of defense was at the front, seven miles below Yorktown, at a point between Howard's and Young's Mills, where the setting back of the Poquoson River 112 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. from the York and the mouths of the Warwick and Deep Creek, on the James, contracted the intervening solid ground to the short distance of three miles. In describing his position here, Magruder says : " Both flanks of this line were defended by boggy and difficult streams and swamps. In addition, the left flank was defended by elaborate fortifications at Ship Point, connected by a broken line of redoubts crossing the heads of the various ravines emptying into York River and Wormley's Creek, and terminating at Fort Grafton, nearly in front of Yorktown. The right flank was defended by the fortifications at the mouth of the Warwick River and at Mulberry Island Point, and the redoubts extending from the Warwick to James River. Inter- vening between the two mills was a wooded country, about two miles in extent. This wooded line forming the center, needed the defense of infantry in a sufficient force to prevent any attempt on the part of the enemy to break through it. In my opinion this advanced line with its flank defenses might have been held by 20,000 troops." These works were pronounced by General Barnard, chief engineer of the Potomac Army, too strong to be carried by assault. General McClellan therefore decided to lay regular siege to them. For nearly a month the troops toiled, building batteries and redoubts, and digging trenches. Many were dis- abled by sickness, and the continual fire which was kept up by the enemy rendered the situation of the working details dan- gerous. Preparations were made to open fire on Yorktown on May 6th, but the rebel General Johnston, who had now assumed command of the opposing forces, frustrated this plan. Learn- ing that General McClellan was mounting heavy rifled guns to bombard his works, and having only old-fashioned smooth-bore guns to defend them, he evacuated Yorktown on the night of May 3d, the United States troops entering the next morning. During the siege of Yorktown, General Berry was very often called upon to move his command to the extreme front, LETTERS. 113 either to act as working parties, or to support them and the batteries on outpost duty ; and it was at this place that he won the confidence and respect of his superior officers and of his entire command, which continued to increase during his service with them. It was here that he also won that high reputation for valor which on many occasions afterward was so conspicuously displayed. General Berry writes : Headquarters Berry's Brigade, Hamilton's Division, Near Yorktown, Va. I was assigned to this brigade on Thursday night and assumed duty next morning. I am under General Heintzelman as usual, he having been promoted to chief of our Army Corps. Hamilton commands his old division, and I the brigade formerly commanded by General Richardson. It is composed of three Michigan and one New York regiments. It is one of the largest and best brigades in the army. I had my choice and chose this one, and was placed in command of it immediately. We are now before Yorktown in immense strength. The enemy are strong. We have a fleet of gunboats co-operating with the land forces. Some fighting has taken place between the artillery forces. I am well located. The brigade is perfectly satisfied and so am I. I hope all will go smoothly and well. I think we shall close this campaign in Vir- ginia very soon. McClellan is with us. McDowell is on the Potomac line, advancing on the enemy's front, and we are attacking their right flank. In a few days you will hear of stirring events. Headquarters Berry's Brigade, ) April 12, 1862. j I am now located with my brigade in front of Yorktown. We came in here a week ago, since which time we have had an occa- sional shell, and also some picket shooting going on most of the time. Nothing of moment has transpired. We are getting ready for a siege and an assault. They are doubtless prepared for a vig- orous defense. I think this battle will in a great measure decide the contest. I have a fine command and am pleased with the officers. They are, I think, pleased with me, and I see no reason 114 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. why I may not be as well located as I could wish. The old regi- ment [4th Maine] is near by me; all quite well, and in good spirits. I hope they will continue to prosper and have no doubt they will, as Walker [Colonel Elijah Walker] will strain every nerve to keep the command up to its good condition. My health is first-rate. I have the full confidence of Generals Hamilton and Heintzelman. They have both been to see me today. I never appreciated home as I shall hereafter. My way of living here is not that which any one would court ; sometimes we eat, and some days we eat not at all. We sleep on the ground, but all are cheerful. In has rained three days at a time, during which we were all drenched to the skin, but all feel willing to go through anything to assist in closing this cursed war. April 20, 1862. I received a letter yesterday from Governor Washburn that was just thirty days on the way. I am quite well, have a tent to sleep in and my cares are not half what they were in the regiment. I now have some one (all the colonels) between me and the men, so all I have to do is to give orders ; it is the colonel's duty to see them executed, and all the care of men, clothing, provisions, drill, etc., etc., I get rid of, except simply to see that the proper officers attend to it. I therefore shall be less likely to get sick in consequence of severe duties. We are still before Yorktown and hard at work, building roads, getting up siege guns, establishing pickets and doing all that is to be done preparatory to a siege. This place is strongly fortified, still I have no doubt of our ultimate suc- cess. It may be weeks before we accomplish the task before us, still it will be done. The war in the Southwest is rapidly drawing to a close ; another fight and victory will end the battles there. A victory here will do the same and will end all the hard fighting here. I think by July 1st the rebellion will be about played out. The loss of Johnson [Albert Sidney] is great to the rebels. His place cannot be filled. I do not think a hard battle will be fought here, but think the strategy of our plans when developed will cause an evacuation of this place. The outpost duty here is arduous ; we have heavy guards and they are commanded by generals, who go out by turns and stay twenty- four hours. We have some fighting. I was out on Wednesday last and FALL OF NEW ORLEANS. 1 1 5 had quite a time; had twelve pieces of artillery and shelled the rebel troops twelve hours. My men were covered and the enemy the same. Our loss, one killed and one wounded. The enemy lost as near as we could judge some forty killed and wounded. Our gunners fire with fearful accuracy. April 27, 1862. Mr. Farwell is now here and has been staying with me for the past three days. I am well yet, although we are having a very hard time. We are encamped in a swamp and work day ami night. I like my brigade very much, and hope to get along pretty well. We are all doing our best to carry out the plans of the general-in-chief and feel confident that we shall succeed in our efforts against the enemy. We are now at work preparing for active operations. If we are successful at Yorktown, it seems to me, and also to all, to be the last stand the enemy can make in Virginia. Halleck will finish Beauregard at Corinth, and the news has just arrived of the fall of New Orleans. CHAPTER XIV. BATTLE OF WILLIAMSBURG. Versatility of Volunteers. — Confederates Evacuate York- town. — Slow Pursuit of the Retreating Confederates. — Hooker Opens the Battle. — Fort Magruder. — Long- street's Vigorous Attack. — Hooker's Perilous Position. — Berry Hastens to the Rescue. — Pushes Past Lagging Columns. -Heintzelman Weeps for Joy. — Orders Bands to Play. — Berry Gallantly Charges the Enemy. — Poe's 2d Michigan. — The "Fighting" 5th Michigan. — 37th New York. — Colonel Terry Wounded. — Berry Saves Hooker from Defeat. AT the siege of Yorktown, General Berry furnished an illus- tration of the versatility of the character of volunteers. With the men of his brigade he repaired and put in oper- ation two steam saw-mills, nearly destroyed and abandoned by the Confederates, took beef cattle from the cars which supplied the army, extemporized yokes and bows and wheels, hauled timber from the forests, and sawed many thousand feet of lum- ber, accomplishing all within twenty-four hours. These mills furnished nearly all the lumber used in the fortifications built in the siege of Yorktown. The evacuation of Yorktown by the Confederates was a surprise to General McClellan, who had made preparation for a long stay in camp, hence the troops were slow in starting in pursuit. Several hours were consumed in supplying the troops with rations for the march, and although the retreat of the WILLIAMSBURG. 117 Confederates was discovered at dawn, the infantry and cavalry did not start in pursuit until noon. That it was the purpose of the enemy to delay as much as possible the advance of McClellan up the Peninsula is apparent, but it was never their intention to hold Yorktown longer than was necessary for this purpose. They had held the Union army before the intrenchments of Yorktown for a month, and effected their escape before serious injury could be inflicted upon them. The Confederate General Johnston says: " It seemed to me that there were but two objects in remaining on the Peninsula — the possibility of an advance upon us by the enemy, and in gaining time in which arms might be received and troops organized. I determined, therefore, to hold the position as long as it could be done without exposing our troops to the fire of the powerful artillery, which, I doubted not, would be brought to bear upon them. I believed that after silencing our batteries on the York River, the enemy would attempt to turn us by moving up to West Point by water. * * * * Circumstances indicating that the enemy's batteries were nearly ready, I directed the troops to move toward Williamsburg on the night of the 3d." Having fairly got started in pursuit, the Union troops were pushed forward with vigor. The troops detailed for the pursu- ing force were Stoneman's cavalry, which was to be supported by the divisions of Hooker of the 3d Corps, and Smith of the 4th Corps, Hooker taking the direct and shorter road on the right from Yorktown to Williamsburg and Smith filing from his posi- tion opposite Dam No. 1 into the Lee's Mills road on the left. Kearny was to follow Hooker, and the divisions of Couch and Casey were to follow Smith. The divisions of Sedgwick and Richardson of Sumner's Corps were set in motion late on the following day, while Franklin and Porter were to go up the river in transports. General McClellan did not go in person with the pursuing columns, but left the command to General Sumner, the next 118 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. officer in rank. He regarded the advance of Franklin by water as of more importance, and remained behind to superintend it. General Kearny, who had now succeeded to the command of the division of which Berry's brigade formed a part, did not move in pursuit of the enemy until 9 o'clock on the morning of the 5th of May. Between the divisions of Hooker and Kearny was Sumner's corps. After daylight of the 5th the rain fell in torrents, making the roads almost impassable, and the progress of the troops was therefore slow. The different com- mands also became intermingled, and the state of affairs between the divisions of Kearny and Hooker, who had the advance of the infantry, was decidedly mixed. Heintzelman and Sumner were both ordered by McClellan to assume command at the front, a fact which did not improve the complicated condition of affairs. Smith's division was moving on a road parallel with Hooker, and was making greater progress, when he was stopped at the head of Skiff Creek by the burning of the bridge. Acting under orders from Sumner, Smith turned from the right and entered the road Hooker was following, thus compelling the latter to halt for over three hours. As Hooker now could not act as the immediate support of the cavalry, he asked permission of his corps commander, Gen- eral Heintzelman, to cross over to the road Smith had left and to pursue or attack from that direction. This request was readily granted, and after advancing three miles, Hooker's division made the change to the other road. Hancock's brigade of Smith's division came up with the cavalry about half-past five in the afternoon. Sumner deter- mined to attack the enemy at once and Smith formed his division in line of battle, but being unable to preserve his formations in the increasing darkness and tangled undergrowth, the troops bivouacked for the night without making the attack. Hooker continued his march until eleven o'clock at night, when he halted within attacking distance of the enemy. THE BATTLE. 110 The following morning the battle of Williamsburg opened. General Alex. S. Webb, in his work on the Peninsula campaign, says it was "a battle without a plan, with inadequate numbers, and at a serious sacrifice without compensating results. The responsibility has been laid by some upon the shoulders of McClellan because of his absence from the field ; and by others upon Sumner, who seems to have directed the movements of the day without method. Whatever may have prev* McClellan's presence with the advance, one might at least expect that his senior corps commander should have been com- petent to fight a battle of moderate proportion^." At 7.30 o'clock the next morning Hooker began the attack by throwing forward his skirmishers. In his official report of this affair Hooker says : "Being in pursuit of a retreating army I deemed it my duty to lose no time in making the disposition of my forces to attack, regardless of their number and position, except to accomplish the result with the least possible sacrifice of life. By so doing, my division, if it did not capture the army before me, would at least hold them, in order that others might. Besides, I knew of the presence of more than 30,000 troops not two miles distant from me, and that within twelve miles — four hours march — was the bulk of the Army of the Potomac." In Hooker's immediate front at the junction of the York- town and Hampton roads was Fort Magruder, and on each side was a cordon of redoubts, thirteen in number, extending entirely across the Peninsula, the right and left of them resting on the waters of the York and James Rivers. Approaching them from the south they were concealed by a dense forest until within less than a mile of their locality. Where the forest trees had been standing nearer than this distance, the trees had been felled in order that the defenders of the redoubts might have timely notice of the approach of an enemy. In this manner the trees had been felled on both sides of the road on which Hooker had advanced, for a breadth of almost half a mile. This had also 120 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. been done on the Yorktown road, giving the enemy an unob- structed view of the approaches of Fort Magruder and the redoubts, and affording them every opportunity to use their artillery upon columns attacking by these roads. Between the edge of the felled timber and the fort was a belt of clear arable land, 600 or 700 yards in width, which was dotted all over with rifle pits. The redoubts themselves were advantageously located near the eastern and southern verge of a slightly elevated plain, the slopes of which were furrowed with winding ravines, with an almost boundless and gently undulating plain reaching across the Peninsula and extending to the north and west as far as the eye could reach. Two miles distant could be seen the spires of Williamsburg. Fort Magruder was the largest of the redoubts, its crest measuring half a mile, with substantial parapets, ditches and magazines. It was located to command the Yorktown and Hampton roads, while the redoubts in its vicinity commanded the ravines which the guns of Fort Magruder could not sweep. The skirmishers thrown out by Hooker advanced into the felled timber to the left and right of the road by which he had advanced. Grover's brigade was soon engaged, and Webber's and Bramhall's batteries were brought into action on the right, some 700 yards from Fort Magruder. By nine o'clock the fort was silenced and all the enemy's troops in sight on the plain dispersed. Two regiments that had been directed by Hooker to open communication with Sumner on the Yorktown road found no enemy in the roads between the two commands, and this being reported to Hooker, he now fek that he was not fight- ing in an isolated position, but on the right of a general line which could be l Third Corps, May 6, 1862. ) 1 have the honor to report that I moved my brigade from camp in advance of Yorktown yesterday morning in conformity to orders, my brigade taking the lead of the column. Nothing of interest occurred until near 10 a. m., when I found the road blockaded by troops and trains in advance. Hearing heavy firing at the front and seeing that the troops that immediately preceded me moved very slowly — or at least it seemed slow to me — I resolved to push my brigade through to the front at all hazards. I have the gratification of knowing that my course in this respect met with the approval of the General, who was pleased to instruct me to continue to move rapidly, keeping along the artillery and ammunition train. I at once dispatched Lieutenant Sturgis, of my staff, to the rear, with instructions to push forward all the regular artillery of the division, and also to do anything requisite and necessary for the rapid advance of the troops and ammunition. I am happy to say that Lieutenant Sturgis was successful in his efforts and contributed much to the advance. I pushed forward with my brigade to the rebel earthworks to the left and in rear of the Brick Church, and there ordered my men to lay aside their knapsacks and everything cumbersome. After halting a few moments for rest, I ordered my command forward. Arriving within two miles of the field, I turned over to Captain HIS REPORT. 135 McKeever, assistant adjutant-general 3d Corps, the 3d Regiment Michigan Volunteers, Colonel Champlin, to act as reserve and support on our left ; consequently they were not engaged in the action. I advanced with the three remaining regiments and arrived at the scene of action at about 2.30 o'clock p. m., and at once put my command into action under the eye and supervision of the General ; the 5th Michigan, Colonel Terry, taking the left side of the road in timber, supported on the left by the 37th New York, Colonel Hayman. I formed these regiments in loose order, the left extend- ing far into the timber, for the purpose of outflanking the enemy on that side. I placed one company in rear of the extreme left as a support. The 2d Michigan Volunteers was placed part on either side of the road, six companies being held as a reserve and located on the left side. As soon as these hurried arrangements were completed (and no time was to be lost, as all our artillery was in jeopardy) I ordered the troops on the left to advance and charge. Thev nobly responded and charged with much enthusiasm, driving the enemy entirelv out of the timber and into and partly through the fallen timber, causing him to leave a large number of his killed and wounded on the ground. The enemy was strongly posted in an old rifle pit, and caused the previous (General Hooker's) troops much annoyance in the forenoon. In the rifle pit in front of the 5th Michigan, sixty- three of the enemy's dead were found, the majority of whom were shot through the head. The 5th Michigan held possession of the rifle pits until the close of the action, and remained in them till morning. The 37th New York, still farther to the left, was con- tinually engaged. The enemy made frequent attempts to turn our left at this point, and was as often repulsed, and always gallantly and quickly. The 2d Michigan operated mostly under the immedi- ate eye of the General, and I saw only those on the left side of the road. They behaved gallantlv and prudently, always making sure of their aim when firing. Those companies held as reserve were ordered into action by the General, and most nobly did they acquit themselves. I take great pleasure in noticing the gallant conduct of Colonel Terry, of the 5th Michigan. He was injured in the early part of the engagement by a spent ball, but continued in the battle to the 136 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. end and conducted his men gallantly. Colonel Hayman, 37th New York, led his men in fine style, always being where most needed, and by his cool, quiet manner, assured his officers and men around him. Colonel Poe, 2d Michigan, brought up his men gallantly, not unnecessarily exposing any of his command, but when the time came all were brought into action in a soldierly manner. We cap- tured some twenty prisoners, who informed us they were from different regiments, numbering 1,600 men, and were posted in front of our left. It was this number that some 800 of our men charged and forced to return at the point of the bayonet. I am pleased to make favorable mention of the conduct of Lieu- tenant-Colonel S. E. Beach, wounded in the thigh; Major J. D. Fairbanks, who had his horse shot under him ; and Lieutenant C. H. Hutchins, acting adjutant, all of the Michigan 5th ; and am glad to learn from Colonel Poe, 2d Michigan, that all his officers bore themselves throughout in a soldierly and brave manner. Colonel Hayman, 37th New York, reports the conduct of all his officers worthy of commendation, particularly those of the six left companies, commanded by Captains Maguire, Clark, De Lacy, O'Beirne, Diegnan, and First Lieutenant Havs ; also deems worthy of special notice First Sergeant Lawrence Murphy, Company K, and Sergeant Martin Conboy, Company B ; also to favorable con- sideration Corporal Patrick Kiggan, Company C, Corporal James Bo) le, Company C, Private Charles O'Brien, Company C, and Private Henry Brady, Company F. I would also call your attention to the conduct of my aides, Lieutenants Sturgis and Ladue, both of whom by their coolness and bravery were able to render me important service during the day ; and I wish to make particular mention of my acting assistant adjutant-general, Captain Smith, 4th Maine Volunteers, who was continually under fire during the engagement and rendered me great aid in leading and directing the troops. His conduct was, indeed, most gallant and noble. The casualties of the day have been many, comprising some of the finest officers and best men in my brigade, the names of whom will be furnished as soon as can be correctly ascertained. The number is as follows : Fifth Michigan. — Lieutenant James A. Gunning, killed ; Lieu- tenant-Colonel Beach, severely wounded ; Captain E. T. Sherlock, CASUALTIES. 137 Company A ; Captain Heber Le Favour, Company F ; Lieutenant Tillotson, Company H ; twenty-nine non-commissioned officers and privates killed ; ninety-nine non-commissioned officers and privates, wounded ; fifty-four non-commissioned officers and privates missing, most of whom will come in. Second Michigan. — Lieutenant R. D. Johnson, Company A, wounded ; Captain W. R. Morse, Company F, severely wounded ; Captain W. B. McCreery, Company G, wounded ; fourteen non- commissioned officers and privates killed ; thirty-seven non-com- missioned officers and privates wounded ; fourteen non-commissioned officers and privates missing. Thirty-Seventh New York. — First Lieutenant Patrick H. Hays, and First Lieutenant Jeremiah O'Leary, killed ; Captain James T. Maguire, Captain William De Lacy, Second Lieutenant John Mas- sey. Second Lieutenant Edmund VV. Brown and Second Lieuten- ant James Smith, wounded ; twenty non-commissioned officers and privates killed ; sixty-four non-commissioned officers and privates wounded ; five non-commissioned officers and privates missing. Aggregate killed, sixty-five ; aggregate wounded, 208 ; aggregate missing, seventy-three. Total aggregate, 346. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. G. Berry, Brig. -Gen. Vols., Com'ding 3d Brigade. Lieutenant W. E. Sturgis, Act. Asst. Adjt.-Gen., Kearny's Division. General Berry's revised statement of casualties gives the loss of the 2d Michigan as seventeen men killed, three officers and thirty-five men wounded, and five missing, making an aggre- gate of sixty. The 5th Michigan lost one officer and twenty- eight men killed, five officers and 1 10 men wounded, making an aggregate of 144 officers and men killed and wounded. The loss of the 37th New York was two officers and twenty-one men killed, five officers and sixty-five m " wounded, two men miss- ing, making a total of ninety-five. The loss in Berry's brigade in killed, wounded and missing at the battle of Williamsburg was therefore 299 officers and men. 138 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Major H. L. Thayer of Michigan, who served at General Berry's headquarters as clerk to the assistant adjutant-general until appointed provost marshal after the battle of Fair Oaks, says of General Berry's conduct at the battle of Williamsburg: " When darkness stopped the dreadful carnage of that memor- able 5th of May, there was not a man who was left alive in our brigade who was not proud of our general, and the confidence he then and ever after expressed in the 'Michigan Brigade' was fully reciprocated." CHAPTER XVI. BERRY'S ACCOUNT OF WILLIAMSBURG. An Attempt to Rob him of his Hard Earned Glory. — Spirited Protest to Vice President Hamlin. — That Statesman's Reply. — Berry Writes Home. — Sent for by McClellan and Thanked for his Gallantry. — Heroic Conduct of Captain Edwin M. Smith. — Berry's Clothes Riddled with Bullets. — Terrible Scenes After the Battle. — Wil- liam and Mary College. — Kindness to Confederate Pris- oners. — Camp Life at Cumberland. — Residence of Tazewell Tyler, Son of Ex-President Tyler. — Church Where Washington Was Married. ATTEMPTS had been made to rob the gallant troops who saved the day at Williamsburg of the credit due their heroic conduct, the dispatches that were first sent broad- cast over the country giving to another brigade the honors of these achievements. But General McClellan on discovering the mistake promptly made the truth known, and gave to Berry's brigade the public commendation it deserved. Before this had been done, however, General Berry wrote a spirited letter to Vice President Hamlin protesting against the injustice done him and his men by those in authority. The relations between these two men were most intimate and cordial, and General Berry freely expressed his mind to the Vice President. The Vice President replied in his characteristic vein and assured General Berry of his constant faith in his ability and patriotism. 140 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Washington, May 23, 1862. Dear General : I returned here yesterday and received your letter by General Heintzelman and also yours of the nth. I need not assure you that your gallant conduct at Williamsburg, and the signal service which you performed is gratifying to all of your friends and particularly so to me. I feel proud of it for yourself, and for our State. It was what I had faith you would do. I want to see General Heintzelman a major-general, and if I can do it he shall be. I have faith in him as you well know. In haste, yours truly, H. Hamlin. Brig. -Gen. H. G. Berry. In a letter home after the Williamsburg fight, General Berry says under date of May 9th, 1862 : " I am safe and telegraphed you yesterday of the fact. Monday morning we broke camp about three miles in advance of Yorktown at 4.30 A. M., march- ing on this place over one of the most muddy roads you ever saw, and in a bad rain storm. Our division was the second of Heintzelman's on the road, the first being some six or eight miles in advance in the vicinity of this town and immediately in front of the enemy. " The corps of Keyes advanced on the right by another road, and Sumner on our left by also another road. The divi- sion of our corps [Hooker's] in advance engaged the enemy about the time we broke camp. The roads were full of wagons and artillery, and many of them stuck in the mud. I passed all the troops on the road, some thousand who had to march by our road to reach their respective positions on the right and left, as they changed places relatively from that occupied in the old camp, and also all the baggage trains, ammunition trains and artillery. I had off all the knapsacks of my men, and rushed forward to support Hooker's division, which was fighting the whole force of the enemy, General Heintzelman being with it and fighting the ground inch by inch, the fight being in felled timber and thick woods. All of the horses and nearly all of m'clellan's congratulations. 141 the men of the artillery and the infantry were either killed, wounded or exhausted. I arrived at 2.30 P. M., and immedi- ately went into the fight, fired three volleys on the enemy, and charged bayonets, recaptured all the artillery, drove the enemy from the woods into the plain field and held full possession of the ground, manned the artillery again with my own men, and served it until the close of the day. At six, other troops arrived, the fight ceased for the day, we in possession of the field. I took one of the enemy's rifle pits from which they had dealt destruction to all. * * * Have taken some hundreds of prisoners, besides killing and wounding some 800 of the enemy. " General McClellan sent for me today. I went to his headquarters, and there in the presence of Heintzelman received his thanks and congratulations. It is conceded by him and by all that my brigade won the fight. My clothes are somewhat torn with bullets ; other than that I am all right. Captain Smith of Wiscasset, my assistant adjutant-general, led a charge most gallantly. He had two caps shot off his head, besides bullets through his clothes. Our horses are scratched with balls but are not disabled. I was mounted throughout the entire fight. My brigade is a splendid one and I am much attached to it, and I trust beloved by it. I have lost many valuable officers and men, but have rendered the country a service by a forced march and hard fight, and I trust will be appreciated by it. I have no doubt of it. The 4th Maine was held in reserve after it arrived to support me if I wanted help. I did not call for it as I could get along without exposing them. The enemy has lost in killed and wounded at least 2,500 men, many thousand prisoners, thousands of muskets, six cannon, and the roads for miles are strewed with knapsacks and everything that appertains to an army. " Now imagine me after dark setting pickets, amidst a terri- ble storm, dead and dying all around me ; horses in their last agonies, men calling for help, some on God in prayer, others groaning, friend and foe side by side. 142 major-general siram g. berr^. " We worked all night, bringing the wounded to the camp fires. We could do nothing except give them water, as we had no food, no covering. I had eaten nothing since early morning; had no overcoat. My men, many of them, were in shirt sleeves. Well, we passed away the night, morning came, the enemy were just in sight (their rear guard). We took possession of the works and town. We found every house, church and building full of wounded. The battlefield next morning was an awful sight. We have now got the wounded together, and the dead mostly buried. I am somewhat worn down, as I was under fire in front of Yorktown for some eight days. This town is the site of William and Mary College, the oldest and most historic in the country. 'Tis a fine old place and looks like a town of refinement and prosperity in times of peace." Again General Berry writes under date of May iith: "We are now encamped in advance of the battlefield of Wil- liamsburg. My command is getting recruited again. We move tomorrow in the direction of Richmond. I have the credit of saving the troops engaged from defeat and shall be handsomely reported by my division commander, my corps commander, and also the commander of the army. All the officers acknowledge it, and when the mist which always obscures the facts in every fight blows away, and you get the official reports, then you will see my name made honorable mention of. As my command has been in, I shall not be likely to have the burdens of a hard fight again, unless all are brought into action. I lost one-fourth of all the men I took into action, either killed or wounded, but I saved the day by a dashing bayonet charge of the left wing, on the enemy's right. I think the war is on its last legs and that the enemy will soon give up, as they cannot keep their army out of our reach. The killed and wounded on our side in some 12,000 men engaged was 2,063, tnat °f the enemy much larger. I have seen the dead and dying, have lain among them and heard their prayers and groans. 'Tis indeed awful, friend and foe alike, side by side. Enough of LETTERS 143 this, however. I will say we take all the care of the poor mis- guided men we take prisoners who are wounded that we do of our own, and a more grateful set of men I never saw. I have walked through all the hospitals and talked with scores and find but few who show disposition to continue the fight. They, however, are taught to believe us demons and do not find their mistake until we take them prisoners. The leaders, however, know better; the rank and file are the dupes." Again General Berry writes under date of May 17th: " I have been moving my brigade hither and thither. We are now at a place called Cumberland. We are in the rear and I suppose according to military usage will not have much to do in the next fight unless it is a general engagement. Many think there will not be a general fight, as McClellan may turn the flank of the enemy and thereby avoid it. I am here in a canvas tent six feet wide, eight feet long, a small table on one side and my camp bed on the other, a single chair and one tallow candle. My floor is the earth, and of course when the weather is wet, that is wet and damp enough. I have to eat as follows: For breakfast, coffee, (sometimes with, sometimes without sugar,) hardbread and salt beef, occasionally a piece of tough fresh beef. I have not seen a potato or any other vege- table for many weeks, or a chicken or hen. Beef, pork and hardbread is our fare when we can get it, which is not always. Still the soldiers do not complain ; they are willing to bear any kind of hardships, providing they can render service to their country. The particulars of the battle of Williamsburg will gradually be known. I lost one-fourth of all the men I carried into the fight. It almost made my heart bleed to see them fall right and left by my side, by dozens, at every volley of the enemy. Still the object in view had to be accomplished, and by God's providence I was selected as the one to lead on the men, who saved our forces from defeat on that day. I now think that we shall be in Richmond in a few days ; if by a fight or not, you will have the intelligence before you get news from me." 144 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Again under date of May 21 : "I write this from a point some twenty miles from Richmond, at a place called Baltimore Cross Roads, and some three miles in advance of Kent Court House. I visited on Sunday the place where Washington first met Martha Custis. The house I visited (now the headquarters of General McClellan) is on the site of the one history refers to ; it is a plain house, two stories high with a portico, bay windows, etc., flanked on either side by outbuildings, all in good repair, and very well arranged. The plantation is on both sides of the Pamunky River, contains about 2,000 acres, and is worked by over 300 slaves. It is now owned by General Lee of the rebel army, descendant of ' Light Horse Harry ' of the Revolu- tion, who you will remember was a son of Washington's first love, the lowland beauty, who afterwards married Richard Henry Lee, of Revolutionary fame also. The whole country about here wears an ancient look ; the soil is good and to all appearances it has been well worked, up to the time of this trouble taking place. " My camp is just opposite the house of Tazewell Tyler, a son of ex-President Tyler. He is a doctor in the rebel army. I learn from the slaves that he is not well liked, being rather dissipated. I am quartered in a house owned by a Mr. Tally, who left, it seems, everything on the approach of our forces. The retreating rebels have broken everything to pieces here as elsewhere on the line of their retreat. Our men inter- fere with nothing, protect everybody, and the inhabitants say they are much better treated by us than by the rebels." Continuing in the same reminiscent vein, General Berry writes home under date of May 22d : "We are encamped at same place, ' Baltimore Cross Roads.' The entire army has passed on to the front, leaving our corps to get rest. We have heretofore done all the work and fighting, others are now in front building roads and bridges. We shall move tomorrow or next day and shall set ourselves down before Richmond prepar- atory to the assault or siege as the case may be. I don't think SLOW ADVANCE TOWARD RICHMOND. 145 the rebels will meet us. They were so terribly whipped at Williamsburg that their soldiers have contracted a dread of our troops, so say all contrabands and deserters who have come into our lines of late. I have had a few days' illness and am not well today. I was out riding today with General Heintzel- man to the White House as it is termed, where I wrote you that Washington first met his wife, and we passed the little church in which Washington was married. It stands in a grove of very large oak trees, is quite small, of ancient appearance, and is built of imported brick, one story high, sufficiently wide for two rows of benches, one on either side of the entrance, which is as usual in the end. The building is about fifty feet long, a small dingy affair indeed, but of much interest to the stranger for its history. The building is evidently very old — I should say something over ioo years, perhaps 125." Lieutenant J. B. Greenhalgh, the adjutant of the 4th Maine, who had been home on recruiting service, now joined General Berry's staff as senior aide-de-camp and continued in that capacity until the General's death. After the battle of Williamsburg a rapid pursuit of the retreating Confederates was prevented by the wretched condi- tion of the roads. In two weeks the army had not marched more than forty miles from Williamsburg, and the prospect of a rapid advance was despaired of. But by the 2 1st of May the Army of the Potomac had concentrated and was in line once more, with Richmond from seven to twelve miles distant. Between it and the Union forces lay the formidable army which the Confederates, profiting by the slow advance, had collected. The Chickahominy River was also to prove a difficult obstacle to overcome and served as a strong natural defense to the Confederate capital. McClellan was calling for reinforcements, believing that he did not have a sufficient force to make decisive the result of any victory he might gain over the opposing forces. The President turned a favorable ear to all of General McClellan's requests for troops, and an endeavor was made to 146 MAJOR-GENERAL SlRAM G. BERRY. strengthen the forces under his immediate command. In the meantime Heintzelman's corps, in which was General Berry's brigade, was acting as a reserve force to the Army of the Potomac and was therefore relieved of much of the hard labor and responsibility which fall to the forces at the front. May 26th, 1862, General Berry writes home: "We are now encamped only ten miles from Richmond. We are under marching orders for tomorrow morning. The battle will come off tomorrow or next day. I trust our arms will be successful and that the fall of Richmond will virtually end the war." Again he writes under date of May 30th: "The sword you have [presented by the sergeants of the 4th Maine] was in the battle of Williamsburg, so it becomes a relic, as well as a keepsake and present. I have been very unwell of late, I got a dreadful cold the day and night of the battle [Williamsburg]. I had no overcoat with me and was drenched with rain for thirty-six hours and had nothing to eat, so I got pretty badly used up in consequence of that, and the care and anxiety of a fight. I am now mending fast. We shall not attack Richmond for some days, not until we have the corps of McDowell and Wool to co-operate with us, then we shall take Richmond and bag, I trust, a large portion of their army." CHAPTER XVII. BATTLE OF FAIR OAKS OR SEVEN PINES. The Confederate Position. — Chickahominy Divides the Army of the Potomac. — Confederate Attack. — Casey and Couch Meet the Enemy. — Forced Back. — Berry Six Miles in Rear at Opening of the Battle. — He Hastens to the Front. — Ordered to Turn the Confederate Left Flank. — Brilliant Attack by the 3d and 5th Michi- gan. — Colonel Champlin Severely Wounded. — Enemy Driven Back and Lost Ground Recovered. — Threatened by a Flank Movement. — Promptly Met by the 37th New York. — General Kearny Leads the Charge. — Colonel Poe and the 2d Michigan. UNDOUBTEDLY Johnston, the rebel commander, believed that McDowell would attempt to form a junction with McClellan, and to prevent this, he determined to assume the offensive and attack McClellan before he could be reinforced. Accordingly he made disposition of his forces with this idea in view. Huger's division was ordered up from Petersburg. Hill was stationed on the north side of the Chickahominy at Meadows Bridge. Smith was ordered to take position on the left of Magruder on the Mechanicsville Turnpike, while Longstreet was placed on the left of D. H. Hill's division, and Huger in the rear of the interval between these divisions. Hill supported by Longstreet was to advance by the Williamsburg road to attack the Union troops in front. Huger with his division was to move down the Charles City road in order to attack in flank the troops who might be engaged with Hill and Longstreet, 148 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. unless he found in his front force enough to occupy his division. Smith was to march to the junction of the New Bridge road and Nine Mile road, to be in readiness either to fall on Keyes' right flank or to cover Longstreet's left. Keyes with his entire corps had crossed the Chickahominy and on the 25th of May had taken up a position at the Seven Pines, on the main turnpike leading to Richmond, about five miles from the city. Heintzelman's corps had also crossed on that date, while Hooker moved northward to guard the White Oak Swamp bridge, and Kearny's division, including General Berry's brigade, took position in advance of Savage's Station. On the left bank of the Chickahominy were the corps of Sum- ner, Franklin and Porter ; thus did the river divide the Potomac Army, which numbered May 31st, according to the official returns, 126,089 officers and men and 280 pieces of field artillery. Under direction of General McClellan, a position a mile and a half in advance of Seven Pines had been selected and the work of fortifying had commenced. This position was considered important as it was at this point that the Williams- burg road made a junction with the Nine Mile road. The work of fortifying had not been completed when the Confederate attack was made upon this position. The advance of the left wing of the Army of the Potomac was composed of the brigades of General Casey's division, and occupied the unfin- ished works at Seven Pines. Couch's division was also encamped at Seven Pines about half a mile in the rear of Casey. General Keyes, to whose corps these divisions belonged, expected a battle and was preparing for it by sending his wagons to the north side of the river. On the 29th there was heavy skirmishing along Casey's front, and large bodies of the enemy threatened both flanks of Keyes' corps. This skirmish- ing became so severe on the 30th, that Casey called for rein- forcements, and Peck's brigade was sent to him. This was a reconnaissance made by the Confederate General Johnston to PREPARING FOR BATTLE. 149 determine the time and manner of his attack. Heavy and protracted rains during the afternoon and night of the 30th of May had swelled the Chickahominy so that it appeared to the Confederate commander that the corps of General Keyes was cut off from the Army of the Potomac by the raging torrent, and he determined to throw his whole force upon Keyes and crush him. But the roads were in bad condition and the Con- federate troops did not get into position for attack as soon as expected by General Johnston. This attack was looked for by General Keyes, and he gave orders for the troops to be under arms at 1 1 o'clock, and had the artillery put in readiness for action. Heavy columns of the enemy appearing on his right, Keyes anticipated the weight of attack from that quarter. During the forenoon the firing in front of Casey became severe and as a precaution Keyes ordered up the brigade of Peck to his support. In his account of this attack, General Casey says : " On the morning of the 31st my pickets toward the right of my line succeeded in capturing Lieutenant Washington, an aide of General Johnston, of the rebel service. This circum- stance, in connection with the fact that Colonel Hunt, my general officer of the day. had reported to me that his outer pickets had heard cars running nearly all night on the Rich- mond end of the railroad, led me to exercise increased diligence. Between 1 1 and 12 o'clock a mounted vidette was sent in from the advanced pickets to report that a body of the enemy was in sight, approaching on the Richmond road. I immediately ordered the 103d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers to advance to the front for the purpose of supporting the pickets. It was soon after reported to me by a mounted vidette that the enemy was advancing in force, and about the same time two shells were thrown over my camp. I was led to believe that a serious attack was contemplated, and immediately ordered the division under arms, the men at work on the rifle pits and abattis to be recalled and to join their regiments, the artillery to be harnessed 150 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. up at once, and made my dispositions to repel the enemy. While these were in progress the pickets commenced firing. " The enemy now attacked me in large force on the center and both wings, and a brisk fire of musketry commenced along the two opposing lines, my artillery in the meantime throwing canister into their ranks with great effect. Perceiving at length that the enemy were threatening me upon both wings, for want of reinforcements, which had been repeatedly asked for, and that his column still pressed on, I then, in order to save my artillery, ordered a charge of bayonets by the four supporting regiments at the center, which was executed in a most gallant and successful manner under the immediate direction of Briga- dier-General Naglee, commanding ist Brigade, the enemy being driven back. When the charge had ceased, but not until the troops had reached the edge of the wood, the most terrible fire of musketry commenced that I have ever witnessed. The enemy again advanced in force, and the flank being again severely threatened, a retreat to the works became necessary. To be brief, the rifle pits were retained until they were almost enveloped by the enemy, the troops with some exceptions fighting with spirit and gallantry." The troops then retreated to the second line in possession of General Couch's division. So fierce was the Confederate attack upon Casey that his troops were thrown back in confusion upon Couch's division who was in line a half mile in the rear. All this time the men had been fighting in front of the intrenchments, but as the Union line fell back an opportunity was afforded the artillery, which opened with good effect with grape and canister upon the rebels as they pressed forward in pursuit. This checked for a time the advance of the enemy. Casey's division having been driven from the field, the brunt of the Confederate attack was now upon Couch whose division constituted the second line of defense. Here by the most desperate fighting did Couch endeavor to stem the rebel advance. Casey succeeded in rallying a portion of his troops couch's desperate struggle. 1.51 and brought them into line with Couch. The Confederates now occupied Casey's camp, and flushed with success attacked with renewed vigor this second line of defense. Couch with a portion of his command was cut off from his division and endeavored to force his way through the rebel lines, but finding the odds against him, he withdrew toward the Grape Vine Bridge on the Chickahominy, and took a position facing Fair Oaks. In the meantime Berry's brigade had been encamped six miles in the rear, on the night previous to the attack upon Casey. The next morning he was ordered up to support the front. When halting for dinner, the firing on Casey's troops commenced. Hastening forward, General Berry met large masses of troops straggling to the rear. Already had Casey been driven in and now Couch was struggling desperately against an overwhelming force of the enemy. Hastening the march of his brigade, General Berry soon met large numbers of Couch's troops, who cried that they were defeated ; still the little brigade of 2,500 men, with General Berry at their head, pushed on toward the front with unbroken ranks, through the masses of disordered fugitives. At this point General Kearny overtook Berry. "Are you not afraid to take your troops through this crowd of flying men?" he said. " No, sir," replied Berry, "not with such men as I have !" And through them he forced his brigade to the front, forming them in the open space and in the woods, and held the enemy in check until the arrival of reinforcements ; then concentrating his brigade on its left flank he advanced and retook that portion of Casey's camp which the enemy had taken on the left of the road. On receiving orders to turn the flank of the enemy, General Berry sent out the 3d Michigan, Colonel Champlin, to take position in the woods on the left of the Williamsburg road. Colonel Champlin executed this order in a most gallant 152 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. manner. His regiment advanced into the woods, preceded by- fifty sharpshooters detailed from this regiment and under com- mand of Captain Judd. The 5th Michigan, Colonel Terry, under orders of General Berry, followed the 3d Michigan and supported it, while the 37th New York, Colonel Hayman, followed the 5th Michigan. Thus General Berry advanced his brigade to the attack in three lines of battle. The other regi- ment of his brigade, the 2d Michigan, Colonel Poe, was on picket duty when the order to attack in force was given. General Berry promptly concentrated this regiment on the right flank and held it in readiness to move to the front. To protect the flank of the 37th New York, General Berry detached two companies from the 2d Michigan, under Major Dillman, who formed on the flank of the New York regiment and did excel- lent service throughout the engagement. In the meantime the 3d Michigan, which constituted the advance line of battle, attacked the foe vigorously. It had advanced but about a mile and a half when it encountered the enemy. Colonel Champlin promptly deployed his regiment in line of battle upon the left of the road, his right resting upon an abattis, while the left advanced at double-quick into a thicket of pines. Here the troops found it difficult to advance because of the mass of fallen timber, but Captain Judd's sharpshooters soon began their deadly work and the engagement now became general. The sharp crack of the sharpshooters' rifles was mingled with the deep-toned volleys of the enemy, and the clouds of smoke soon filled the woods, rendering obscure the embattled lines of the opposing forces. The dense woods, the din of battle and the shower of leaden hail were enough to shake the courage of less dauntless men than those of the 3d Michigan, but the men remained cool and steady, and each discharge of their rifles was delivered with telling effect. Colonel Champlin now ordered the regiment to charge. Leveling their bayonets they sprang forward with a yell that carried consternation to the hearts of their foes. A deadly volley was poured into their FAIR OAKS. 153 advancing ranks and the gallant Champlin fell, severely wounded in the hip. Captain Judd was also killed by the enemy's fire. Lieutenant-Colonel Stevens now took command and pressed forward the long line of glittering steel. This formidable array was too much for the courage of the enemy, and they fell back some eighty rods beyond the fence in the rear of the camp of General Palmer's brigade, where they rallied and made another stand. General Berry now brought forward in person the 5th Michigan to relieve the Third which had borne the brunt of the fight up to this time. After getting into the woods, Colonel Terry formed the Fifth in line of battle and promptly moved to the front, where he found the Third at a halt awaiting orders. Colonel Terry ordered his men forward, passing the 3d Michi- gan, two companies of which joined the Fifth in the forward movement. Soon the advancing line came upon the enemy, and a severe fire was opened on him, which soon compelled him to fall back. The 5th Michigan moved steadily forward, supported by the Third, halting and firing until the standing woods in front were clear of the enemy, who retired somewhat to the right into a slashing or abattis of fallen timber, adjoining to and between General Berry's men and a camp which had been occupied by Union troops. From this cover the enemy poured deadly volleys on the steady ranks of the Fifth. Twice was the enemy reinforced, but Colonel Terry steadily maintained his advanced position. But his cartridges were now gone ; the enemy kept up his merciless fire and the ranks of the Fifth were rapidly thinned under the shower of leaden hail. Lieutenant- Colonel Stevens brought the 3d Michigan into line with the Fifth, and together the two regiments presented a stubborn front to the foe. The cartridge boxes of the dead and wounded were now opened and furnished a limited supply of ammuni- tion, which enabled the men to continue the fire until about sundown. About an hour after General Berry became engaged, por- tions of regiments of other brigades came up and these General 154 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Berry formed on the left of the troops of his brigade, where they rendered conspicuous service. General Berry had now driven the enemy back so far that he had serious fears of being flanked by the heavy masses of infantry opposing him. Already they were driving the troops of other brigades down the road and plain, as well as those on the right of the road. General Berry, however, determined to hold his advanced position as long as possible. His troops were posted in such a manner as to command with their rifles the old camping ground of General Casey's division, which was now in possession of the enemy. A galling fire could also be maintained on the earthworks which Casey had abandoned early in the fight. General Berry now passed down through the slashings some one hundred and fifty yards and found the 37th New York, and two companies of the 2d Michigan, under Major Dillman, in position and at work. This regiment had consti- tuted the third line of battle of Berry's brigade and had followed the Richmond road to a point near a farm house, located in a clearing. During this movement it had been sub- jected to a heavy fire of artillery, which it withstood most gallantly. Colonel Hayman was unable to determine the pre- cise locality of the 3d and 5th Michigan regiments, which were fighting in the timber, and which he had been ordered to support. Having advanced to the farm house, he then pro- ceeded to the left until he found that the 3d and 5th Michigan regiments were in his front. He endeavored to find a position to co-operate with these regiments, which were now heavily engaged. While getting into position a heavy musketry fire was opened upon his right flank, and it appearing that the enemy was attempting to turn the right flank of the brigade and get in its rear, Colonel Hayman promptly disposed his regiment to meet this new danger. While he was personally conducting the leading company, in the movement then being made to get into the new position, and before it was completed, Colonel Hayman observed that his left wing was moving to the major pierce's hazardous service. 155 front. He soon learned that this change of front had been ordered by General Kearny, the division commander, who had put himself at the head of the troops and was leading them in the charge. Colonel Hayman then faced his right wing to the left and followed the movement General Kearny was leading. This demonstration of the 37th New York effectually checked the enemy, who recrossed the road, where he was strongly reinforced, and opened a terrible fire on the Thirty-Seventh, which engaged in the unequal strife with spirit. The enemy was still moving a strong force to the right and rear. The reg- iment retained its position, however, until General Kearny ordered it to file to the rear and incline to the right, which it did in good order, taking its wounded with it. General Berry, finding that the Thirty-Seventh was moving to the rear under orders of the general of the division, ordered the other regiments to fall back also. In the meantime the advanced regiments of the brigade, the 3d and 5th Michigan, had steadily and courageously kept up the fight. When the ammunition of the Fifth gave out, Major Pierce of that regiment volunteered to procure cartridges and further orders. This was a hazardous service as the enemy now enveloped both flanks, and these regiments were in an isolated position, by reason of the falling back of the troops upon their right. Colonel Terry of the 5th Michigan was the senior officer present on this part of the line. Hearing rapid discharges of musketry nearly a mile in the rear, at the point where he had entered the woods, and his ammunition having been exhausted, with no troops to support him, and daylight fast disappearing in the gloom of night, he gave orders for the line to retire, which it did in good order, the regiments getting into camp about nine o'clock. Colonel Poe's 2d Michigan had in the meantime been doing good service on the right. He promptly obeyed General Berry's order to concentrate his regiment. Three companies were deployed across the road by order of General Heintzel- 156 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. man with orders to stop all stragglers from passing to the rear. The other five companies as soon as concentrated were con- ducted by Colonel Poe to the scene of action, where they were assigned a position to support a line which was then being formed on the right of the road. This front line when ordered forward, did not number more than sixty men, who broke and passed to the rear of the 2d Michigan without firing more than five or six rounds. At this moment Colonel Hays, of the 62d Pennsylvania, urged Colonel Poe to advance, but seeing the forces on the left of the road in full retreat, he declined to do so, believing such a course would needlessly sacrifice his small command. Colonel Poe then fell back about five hundred yards, and took position in a wooded ravine which he was confident he could hold, as the ground over which the enemy would have been compelled to attack was clear, while he had the advantage of cover. At this time the enemy occupied the woods nearest him, with no troops in his front or on his flanks. Upon representations made by Colonel Hays, General Jameson gave Colonel Poe an order to move forward, which was obeyed with alacrity. The solid line of blue had no sooner emerged from cover into the open space than the enemy poured in a murderous fire from both sides of the road. With men dropping in the ranks like autumn leaves before a gale, the 2d Michigan continued to advance until within fifty yards of the enemy, when finding it impossible to hold such an exposed position, Colonel Poe received the assent of General Jameson to retreat, which was done in line of battle and in good order. This regiment was the last to leave the field on this part of the line. CHAPTER XVIII. BERRY COVERED WITH GLORY. His Recklessness at Fair Oaks. — Death of his Assistant Adjutant-General Edwin M. Smith. — Care of his Body. — His History. — The Prince De Joinville Compliments Berry's Brigade. — McClellan, Heintzelman, Kearny and Hooker Acknowledge his Services. — Glowing Tribute from the New York Tribune. — Losses in Berry's Bri- gade. — Berry's Official Report. — Gallantry of Father Peter Tissot of the 37th New York. — Zeal of the Sur- geons of Berry's Brigade. — Berry's Tribute to his Dead Assistant Adjutant-General. — Great Credit Due Lieu- tenant-Colonel Stevens of 3d Michigan. GENERAL BERRY'S brigade suffered severely in the desperate engagement at Fair Oaks and came out of it much reduced. The ground fought over was swampy and thickly wooded and it was almost impossible to keep the lines connected. General Berry remained mounted throughout the entire engagement, a conspicuous mark for the foe. Here as at Williamsburg his intrepidity and manly bearing inspired every man to do his best. It was during this engagement that General Berry's assistant adjutant-general, Captain Edwin M. Smith of Wiscasset, Maine, was killed while gallantly leading troops to the charge. Major H. L. Thayer, one of General Berry's staff officers, says : " I met the General shortly after Captain Smith was killed. He was mounted, bare-headed, having lost his hat in the slash- ing, his face blackened with the smoke of powder, his eyes 158 MAJOR-GENERAL SIRAM G. BERR¥. filled with tears, and his chin quivering with deep emotion as he told me the Captain's death was a great personal loss to him. He then directed me to mark the spot, and as soon as the firing had ceased so that men could be spared to assist me, to take the body to Corps Headquarters and remain with it until I either delivered the body at Rockland, Maine, or trans- ferred it to some one whom I knew would do so. After dark, with the help of three soldiers, we carried the body in an army blanket through the wet swamp and out of the timber about three miles, where, at midnight, Captain McKeever of the corps staff told me the orders just received from Washington were to send only the wounded, and that we must bury the body at once. We obeyed his order, but found a sandy spot in the orchard and made the grave shallow, as I still hoped to carry out my original instructions. Early the next morning, Mr. Z. F. French, sutler of the 4th Maine, came with his ambulance, in which we placed our friend's remains, and French hastened away with them to his vessel at some point on the river. As the advance pickets from the enemy were already firing on us from the farther side of the orchard, this spot was hurriedly abandoned, except by some surgeons and their assistants, who volunteered to remain with the wounded who had been brought to this point during the night." Captain Edwin M. Smith was the son of Hon. Samuel E. Smith, ex-Governor of Maine. He was born in Wiscasset, and completed a full course at Bowdoin College, after which he studied law, and then finished his education by travel in Europe. Shortly after his return from abroad, the war broke out, and with all the ardor of a youthful nature he enlisted in the conflict. He was the first volunteer from his native town. His company unanimously elected him captain, and with it he joined the 4th Maine, and fought his first battle at Bull Run. Captain Smith is said to have been one of the last officers in his regi- ment to leave the battlefield, and then barely escaped with his life by the use of his revolver. Soon after he was CAPTAIN EDWIN M. SMITH. 159 commissioned major of his regiment, but declined the office, preferring to follow his colonel, then made a brigadier-general, as assistant adjutant-general upon his staff. At Williamsburg Smith led the 5th Michigan in the charge upon the enemy's works, and carried them with a storm of fire. Four bullet holes through his clothes proved the risks he run. After the battle he was introduced by General Kearny to other officers as " the hero of the day." In his official dispatches, the same general spoke most flatteringly of Smith's bravery and predicted for him " a career of usefulness and glory." At the battle of Fair Oaks, Smith again led the 5th Michigan in a charge, but it was his last, for a rifle bullet striking him in the temple quenched at once his gallant young life. His body was brought safely home for burial and committed to earth with military, Masonic and civic honors. On the night before the attack on Yorktown, in the noise of camp and the bustle of preparations for the morrow, he made his will of which this is the closing paragraph : "And now, having arranged for the disposition of my worldly estate, I will say, possessing a full confidence in the Christian religion, and believing in the righteousness of the cause in which I am engaged, I am ready to offer my poor life in vindication of that cause, and in sustaining a government, the mildest and most beneficial the world has ever known." As night fell, shrouding in gloom that terrible field of blood and carnage, the rebel advance had been stopped and the Army of the Potomac was again saved from disaster. None contributed more to this result than General Berry and his gallant brigade. In the words of their intrepid division com- mander, "They accomplished all that I hoped for." The fury of the fight may be understood by the fact that on the field of battle fought by Berry's brigade, there were counted 537 dead rebels, and upon a spot sixteen feet square lay twenty-five of the enemy's dead. Of Berry's brigade at Fair Oaks, the Prince de Joinville says: " Meanwhile Heintzelman rushes to the rescue. 160 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. As at Williamsburg, Kearny arrives in good time to re-establish the fight. Berry's brigade of this division, composed of three Michigan regiments and an Irish battalion, [37th New York,] advances firm as a wall into the midst of the disordered mass, which wanders over the battlefield, and does more by its exam- ple than the most powerful reinforcements ; about a mile of the ground has been lost, fifteen pieces of cannon, the camp of the division of the advance guard, that of General Casey; but now we hold our own." Other portions of the Federal lines were broken, but Berry's brigade was not driven one foot. Of them General Heintzel- man says : " These troops, however, most gallantly kept their position on the rebels' right flank and kept up such a deadly fire that no effort the enemy made could dislodge them. They remained until dark, firing away sixty rounds of ammunition to each man, and then supplying themselves with cartridges from the dead and wounded. Their fire completely commanded the open space in their front, and not a mounted man succeeded in passing under their fire." At the battle of Fair Oaks, Generals McClellan, Heintzel- man, Kearny and Hooker personally complimented General Berry for his skill and bravery. General McClellan in his official report, says : " General Berry was ordered to take pos- session of the woods on the left, and pushed forward so as to have a flank fire on the enemy's lines. This movement was executed brilliantly, General Berry pushing his regiments for- ward through the woods until their rifles commanded the left of the camp and works occupied by General Casey's division in the morning. Their fire on the pursuing columns of the enemy was very destructive, and assisted materially in checking the pursuit in that part of the field. He held his position in these woods against several attacks of superior numbers, and after dark, being cut off by the enemy from the main body, he fell back toward White Oak Swamp, and by a circuit brought his men into our lines in good order." FRESH LAURELS. 161 General Heintzelman says in his report: "Our reinforce- ments now began to arrive. General Berry's brigade was sent into the woods on our left and ordered to outflank the enemy, who occupied in force General Casey's camp, and had a battery of artillery near a large woodpile in rear of the unfinished redoubt. This position General Berry held till dark. * * * * When the troops on the right of the road near the Seven Pines gave way, the enemy pushed several regiments across the main road, placing them between General Berry's brigade, part of Jameson's and the portion of our troops who gave way from the right of the road. * * * * When night came on they fell back about a mile, took the Saw Mill road, and by 8 p. M. joined their division. When we reoccupied their ground again the rebel dead covering their front attested their coolness and accu- racy of fire." General Phil Kearny, who commanded the division to which General Berry's brigade belonged, says in his report: " On arriving at the field of battle we found certain zigzag rifle pits sheltering crowds of men and the enemy firing from abattis and timber in their front. General Casey remarked to me on coming up, 'If you will regain our late camp the day will still be ours.' I had but the 3d Michigan up, but they moved for- ward with alacrity dashing into the felled timber and commenced a desperate but determined contest, heedless of the shell and ball which rained upon them. This regiment, the only one of Berry's brigade not engaged at Williamsburg, at the price of a severe loss, has nearly outvied all competitors. Its work this day was complete. The next regiment that came up, the 5th Michigan, again won laurels as fresh as those due them from Williamsburg. Its noble officers did their duty. I directed General Berry with this regiment to turn the slashings, and, fighting, gain the open ground on the enemy's right flank. This was perfectly accomplished. The 37th New York was arranged in column to support the attack. Its services in the sequel proved invaluable. This was perhaps near six o'clock, 162 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY . when our center and right defended by troops of other divisions, with all their willingness, could no longer resist the enemy's right central flank attacks, pushed on with determined discipline and with the impulsion of numerous concentrated masses. Once broken, our troops fled incontinently, and a dense body of the enemy pursuing rapidly, yet in order, occupied the Williamsburg road, the entire open ground, and penetrating deep into the woods on either side interposed between my division and my line of retreat. It was on this occasion that, seeing myself cut off, and relying on the high discipline and determined valor of the 37th New York Volunteers, I faced them to the rear against the enemy, and held the ground, although so critically placed, and despite the masses that gath- ered on and had passed us, checked the enemy in his intent of cutting us off against the White Oak Swamp. This enabled the advance regiments, averted by orders and this contest in their rear, to return from their hitherto victorious career, and to retire by a remaining wood path known to our scouts (the Saw Mill road) until they once more arrived at and remanned the impregnable position we had left at noon at our own forti- fied division camp. The loss of the 37th New York is severe. Colonel Hayman, its colonel, has ever been most distinguished. He revived this day his reputation gained in Mexico." The New York Tribune, of June 4th, 1862, pays a glowing tribute to General Berry's men. It says : " My veneration of the fighting done by the warriors of Berry's brigade, and by the men whom Kearny led up, and by all the others who stood by Peck and Couch and Keyes, and who rallied under the fluttering cloak of the fiery Heintzelman, is glowing. Com- panionship in arms with such men would to me be the most satisfactory distinction. I would covet the honor, if usage could confer it, of adoption into either of the Michigan regi- ments whom I saw on the leap through shot and shell infested wood — on the leap to the ruin advancing upon us from the front to take in flank and stay it — an adoption with a visible " CHARGE." 163 sign, so that when asked, ' To what service do you belong?' I could proudly reply, ' I belong to Berry's brigade.' " Cromwell never had better troops than those, who, under command of this good officer, swept with fire and steel the whole rebel force from Casey's camping ground and earthworks, piling it with monuments of their terrible marksmanship. A North Carolina regiment sent against the 3d Michigan had its front file wholly knocked down by a volley. The next file turned and run. A line of bayonets depressed behind them held them fast. ' Charge ! ' ordered the Michigan colonel. Over the rail fence leaped our men, with a yell that ever smites terror. Their bayonet points were not waited for. The Caro- linians broke and ran." The losses in Berry's brigade at the battle of Fair Oaks in killed, wounded and missing, were 463 officers and men. Of this number the 37th New York lost in killed one officer and eleven men, wounded six officers and sixty-two men, missing two men, making a total loss of eighty-two officers and men. The 2d Michigan, ten men killed, two officers and forty-five men wounded, making an aggregate loss of fifty-seven officers and men. The 3d Michigan had one officer and twenty-nine men killed, nine officers and 1 15 men wounded, and fifteen men missing, making a total loss of 169. The 5th Michigan, lost and killed two officers and twenty-nine men, wounded five officers and 100 men, and nineteen men missing, making a total loss of 155 in this regiment. These figures will give an idea of the desperate fighting done by this brigade. General Berry graphically relates the part his brigade took in the fight at Fair Oaks in his official report written at thet ime. It is as follows : Headquarters Berry's Brigade, Kearny's Division, June 1, 1862. Captain : Yesterday morning^ in obedience to orders, I moved my brigade from its camping ground, some three miles below, to the vicinity of these works, where we bivouacked at 12 m. I placed 164 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. the 37th New York Volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel Riordan com- manding (Colonel Hayman having been previously detailed by yourself as division officer of the day), in the works along the sides (west and north). At one o'clock I received an order from your headquarters to place my entire command in rear of the intrench- ments. I had scarcely got my men into their several positions when I received an order from your headquarters to have one regiment placed in the woods on the left of the Williamsburg road on our front. I ordered out the 3d Michigan, Colonel Champlin, for that purpose, preceded by fifty sharpshooters detailed from the regiment, and under the command of Captain Judd. This regiment I moved across the plain, when I received an order to move the balance of my brigade to the front ; also to send for all my men then on other duties in the field to report to their commander at the front. The 5th Michigan, Colonel Terry, followed the 3d Michigan, the 37th New York following the 5th Michigan. The 2d Michigan, Colonel Poe, was on picket duty. I ordered the colonel to concentrate his regiment on the right flank and hold it in readiness to move to the front. On my order Colonel Poe sent forward two companies, under the command of Major Dillman, who took position on the flank of the 37th New York and did excellent service. The 3d Michigan moved into the woods about one mile in advance of this camp on the left of the road, and by gallant fighting drove the enemy for more than a mile along the left of the woods into and through the slashings. At this time the 5th Michigan came into the field and was conducted forward by myself, and with it I relieved the 3d Michigan and placed the Third in reserve to the Fifth. About one hour later a portion of regiments of other brigades came up. I formed these on the left of the troops of my brigade into the timber. We steadily drove the enemy forward so far that I had serious fears of being flanked by the enemy, as they were driving our troops down the road and plain as well as on the right of the road. We were at this time in the woods, extending from the edge of the slashings below, up the woods, and on the left of the camping ground of General Casey's division, completely commanding his old camp and the earthworks with our rifles. I then passed down through the slashings some 150 yards, and found the 37th New York OFFICIAL REPORT. 165 Volunteers and Colonel Poe's two companies, under Major Dillman, in position and at work. On my return to the front I learned that Captain Smith, my assistant adjutant-general, had been killed. We held the enemy in check, and could have driven them back farther had the center and right of our line been able to hold their position. About 5.30 p. m. I discovered the 37th New York moving to the rear. On inquiry I found they had been ordered to fall back by the general of division to prevent being flanked and captured. I then gave orders to the other regiments to fall back also, some portions of which did not get the order in consequence of the thick woods, but all did make good their movement to the rear and came into camp in order. The brigade has suffered severely and is much reduced. The ground we fought on was swampy and thicklv wooded. It was almost impossible to keep our lines connected. The enemy repeat- edly attempted to turn our left, but by the exertions of Lieutenant- Colonel Stevens, and Majors Fairbanks and Pierce, were as often handsomely repulsed. Colonel Poe's three companies, first concen- trated, were sent by order of General Heintzelman, to form a guard line across the rear of our army to prevent straggling. The balance, five companies, were reported to General Heintzelman, and went into action on the main road, under command of Colonel Poe in person. These last named companies suffered severely, as they fought largely superior numbers, for the particulars of which I respectfully refer you to Colonel Poe's report. I have to say that the regiments of this command fought a hard fight in a most difficult and trying position under great disadvantages and against fearful odds. They fully sustained their former reputa- tion as good soldiers and gallant men, and I am constrained to say did their part to secure a victory to our arms. I have to make honorable mention of Colonel Champlin, of the 3d Michigan Volunteers, who was wounded in the fight. Lieutenant- Colonel Stevens and Major Pierce, of the same regiment, did their duty nobly. I am pleased to add that Colonel Champlin's wound is not dangerous, though severe. I have to report the loss of Captain Judd, of this regiment. He commanded the body of sharpshooters. He fell at their head. This regiment's fire told fearfully on the enemy. The sharpshooters raked the road and field with their fire. 166 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Colonel Terry and Major Fairbanks, of the 5th Michigan, both displayed their accustomed bravery. Their regiment fought well and gallantly, and fully maintained their previous reputation gained at Williamsburg. Colonel Poe makes honorable mention of Lieutenant- Colonel Williams and Adjutant R. H. Mahon, and I wish to add Major Dillman, who it will be remembered commanded two compa- nies on the flank of the 37th New York. Colonel Hayman fought his regiment mostly under the eye of the division general. I would therefore refer you to Colonel Hayman's official report. Colonel Hay- man mentions as worthy of special notice Lieutenant James Henry, adjutant ; also Captain J. R. O'Beirne, Lieutenant W. C. Green and P. J. Smith. It will be seen that the list of missing in my brigade is ver) small. The withdrawal of my men under the circumstances was accomplished without much loss. I wish to accord great credit to Lieutenant-Colonel Stevens, of 3d Michigan, for valuable services rendered in getting a portion of the men of the 3d and 5th Regiments well off the ground after our retreat was made difficult. The men of these regiments were unwilling to leave the ground they won, and it was not until they had fired their last cartridges, and all they could obtain from the boxes of the killed and wounded, that they were willing to fall back. Being accustomed to the woods, they came into the camp in order and without losing any men as prisoners. Father Peter Tissot, chaplain of the 37th New York Volunteers, was in the engagement and rendered valuable service to his regiment. He had his horse killed under him. He was also in the thickest of the engagement at Williamsburg. I take great pleasure in commending him to the general of the division as in every way a worthy and model chaplain. I would call the attention of the general of the divi- sion to the uniform good conduct of the surgeons of this brigade. They have been very attentive and industrious in rendering to those of my command who were wounded the aid so necessary. The brigade is indeed fortunate in having the services of so good a board of surgeons. 1 feel particularly the loss of my accomplished and brave assistant adjutant-general, Captain Smith. A more gallant man did not exist. He fell while nobly discharging his duty. H. G. Berry, Captain W. E. Sturgis, Brig. -Gen., Com'ding 3d Brigade. Asst. Adjt. Gen. CHAPTER XIX. RETREAT TO THE JAMES. Changes on Berry's Staff.— Letter from the Vice President. —His Command Much Reduced.— Tribute to Colonel Elijah Walker and the 4th Maine.— Terrible Losses — The 1st New York Assigned to Berry's Brigade.— Colonel Dyckman.— Pickets Attacked.— Major H. L. Thayer Relates an Important Incident.— Kearny Seeks Permission to Enter Richmond and Release Union Pris- oners.— McClellan Refuses.— Kearny Denounces him in Severe Terms.— Excitement and Fatigue.— Berry Shares Hardships with his Men. AFTER the death of Captain Smith, General Berry's assist- ant adjutant-general, Lieutenant E. H. Shook of the Michigan Volunteers, acted in that capacity, until Captain George W. Wilson of the 5th Michigan was promoted to that position. Other changes were made in the staff, Lieutenants George W. Freeman of the 2d Michigan and S. S. Huntley of the 37th New York being appointed aides-de-camp in the place of Ladue and Sturgis. Lieutenant H. L Thayer of the 3d Michigan, who had served as clerk at General Berry's headquar- ters up to this time, was also appointed provost marshal of the brigade, and instructed to select forty picked men to remain at headquarters for such special duties as might be required. Vice President Hamlin wrote General Berry after the battle of Fair Oaks, condoling him on the death of Assistant Adjutant- General Smith. His letter follows : 168 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Washington, June 8, 1862. Dear General : It made me feel sad to receive your letter of the 3d, for only two days before receiving it I had written you of the appointment and confirmation of your assistant adjutant-general. Let me know who you may want in his place, and I will attend to it for you at once. * * * * You had a most desperate fight on Saturday and Sunday, and I have no doubt the rebels expected to annihilate you all. And it was the valiant officers and men who alone prevented it. You must have been outnumbered two or three to" one. And we all leel proud of the gallant officers and noble men from our Pine Tree State. Yours faithfully, H. Hamlin. Brig. -Gen. H. G. Berry. Under date of June 3d, 1862, General Berry writes home: " I am yet in health, and so far unhurt. That is, I have not been injured by ball or bullet although somewhat bruised by tumbling over logs, etc. On Saturday, the enemy, 30,000 strong, attacked the most advanced divisions, some two miles ahead of ours. They drove our people in on our lines. We were ordered to the front, my brigade being under arms on my own order. Having taken this precaution, I moved out to check the enemy in the advance. I took the left, and the enemy were handsomely checked at my command. Jameson took the center, (of Kearny's division,) Birney the right. They did not succeed so well in keeping the enemy at bay. So night closed in. My loss was 463 killed and wounded. Poor Smith is no more [Captain Edwin M. Smith]. He was shot through the head. He was my best man and I cannot replace him ; he died while nobly doing his duty. Jabez Greenhalgh is with me now. I have Mr. Tallman of Bath also, as quartermaster [James H. Tallman]. On Sunday the enemy attacked our lines again and were whipped terribly. The 4th Maine had a hand in the fight and behaved nobly. Walker [Colonel Elijah Walker] handled his men well and has great CL^^^d^L Z&^t^L The War Vice-President. LETTERS. 160 credit for it. The Commander-in-Chief McCIellan, Heintzel- man, Kearny, Prince de Joinville and the Count of Paris have all acknowledged my services of Saturday last. My brigade is much reduced. I have not one-half a command left, as many who escaped are sick by constant excitement and exposure. The last fight is named Battle of Seven Pines (or Fair Oaks)." Again he writes, June 5th: "Probably ere this you have full accounts of the fight, or Battle of Fair Oaks. Casey's division was in advance of that portion of the forces that we had got over the Chickahominy, some 40,000. Kearny came next. On Saturday Casey was attacked by the entire rebel army and driven back. My brigade was placed under arms as soon as it was evident that Casey was retreating. When the fact was evident, General Heintzelman ordered me to go forward and take the left of our line, push the enemy back and recover the lost ground. I brought my brigade to the front at double quick, and succeeded in first checking, and then driving, the enemy back over the ground they had advanced upon. The right, which was composed of two other brigades, did not suc- ceed so well; in consequence the enemy held a portion of our ground during the night. We reinforced our right and next morning drove the enemy at the point of the bayonet out of all the ground of our old position. I am well although suffering great privations. The old regiment [4th Maine] did finely, and is one of the best in the service. Walker [Colonel Elijah Walker] is one of the bravest of men. Poor Smith [Captain E. M. Smith] was killed instantly. A more gallant and prom- ising officer was not in the army. We shall push on to Rich- mond in a day or two, and I shall write all about that hot-bed of secession. I have only 1,560 men left out of 3,400 that I took to Hampton, near Fortress Monroe. I have had about 900 killed and wounded, and about 1,000 broken down by sickness and fatigue. My brigade has fought more than any other and has done its work to the entire satisfaction of all. I under- stand I am to have more fresh regiments ; of that, however, I 170 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. do not know. I shall have a chance at new regiments, as all are friendly." Again General Berry writes home under date of June 8th : "The smoke and excitement of the battle of May 31st and June 1st have just died away. On summing up we find our army has lost 7,000 men; the rebels admit a loss of 10,000 — a terrible battle indeed. God only knows how many more of the kind we are to fight. We are now close in to Richmond, being but four miles from there with our advance. We are now await- ing reinforcements which are coming in daily, and we judge the fight will not come off for days yet. I have had a new regi- ment assigned to me, the 1st New York, Colonel Dyckman, which makes my command quite large again. I am quite well, having got over in a measure my sickness, and I am quite black and hard looking. I do not think you would know me. The 4th Maine was engaged and did splendidly. They fought mostly from cover, which accounts for their small loss. Walker [Colonel Elijah] did splendidly; none could do better. The regiment is in fine condition." June 14th, General Berry writes: "Since the battle [Fair Oaks] I have had the 1st New York assigned to me, Colonel Dyckman, the officer to whom the committee awarded the ' gold snuff box ' of General Jackson, as being the bravest man in the Mexican War from New York State. I have the sole charge of the front (our front). It makes it pretty hard, and it is wearing on me somewhat. I shall do all I can and if my health fails me I cannot help it. At the present time I am pretty well, but greatly careworn. The army is receiving reinforcements daily. How long we shall remain here none can tell, nor do we know how or where the battle is to commence before Richmond. I have just come in from the front and have passed over a portion of my fighting ground in the last battle. Many are yet unburied ; we are at work covering up rebel bodies daily. I have no news. One thing certain, I never in all my eventful life endured so many sufferings and AN IMPORTANT INCIDENT. 171 privations as I have the past ten months. I hope, however, to come out all right. I have done all my duty here. The fight of my brigade in the late battle was a success." June 15th, he wrote as follows: "I was obliged to stop writing, owing to pressing duties. I resume at this moment — 7 P. M. I have just come in from the front. My pickets were attacked by a rebel regiment, one of my men shot; we killed two rebels, wounded others and took six prisoners. The 4th Maine was on picket and did the work. I now have charge of the outposts, and, consequently, all regiments detailed for that duty are under my immediate charge. We are reinforcing quite rapidly. I suppose the enemy is doing the same, and we shall finish the war here, as the strength of the two armies will be concentrated here." Major H. L. Thayer, of General Berry's staff, relates the following incident which is of historical importance: " My pro- motion to provost marshal on the staff of General Berry gave me still better opportunities for knowing our general and his personal opinions on many subjects which, as soldiers, were only discussed among ourselves, as members of one family. Of one incident, which seemed of great importance to all of us then, I will speak. When the plans of the commanding general for the retreat from the Peninsula were made known to the general officers, our corps [Heintzelman's] still comprised the two divisions under Kearny and Hooker. We were on the extreme left and facing toward Richmond, whose church spires could be seen from our picket lines and only three and one- half to four miles away. These plans were earnestly discussed and so strongly opposed, that Generals Kearny and Hooker, accompanied by Heintzelman, together with General Berry and some other brigade commanders, rode to General McClellan's headquarters, where General Kearny, as principal speaker, ear- nestly insisted that he should be granted permission to march our division at once into Richmond to liberate the 14,000 of our men known to be held there in Libby as prisoners, and, if 172 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. not deemed best to hold possession of the city, to return; that as there was only a small force of the enemy between us and the city, the main part of General Lee's army being opposite our extreme right where the fighting was then going on at Gaines Mills, nearly fourteen miles away, he believed this could be done successfully. It would also tend to divert the enemy and possibly make our retreat unnecessary. General Hooker also heartily approved of the plan, saying that in his opinion one division could alone do all that Kearny had pro- posed, but, for safety, suggested that one division should advance into the city while the other should remain in reserve guarding the flank. General Heintzelman's views coincided, but all their united arguments having no effect in changing General McClellan's plans, General Kearny denounced him in language so strong, that all who heard it expected he would be placed under arrest until a general court-martial could be held, or at least he would be relieved from his command. " On their return in the evening, General Berry with a heavy heart detailed the exciting incidents of that conference to us, and while little of the occurrences of that particular event was then allowed to be generally known to the Army of the Potomac, our two divisions were never afterward as enthusi- astic for * Little Mac ' as we had been while fighting our way up the Peninsula." After Sumner had thrown his corps across the Chicka- hominy to the assistance of Keyes and Heintzelman, and hurled back in defeat the exultant enemy, whose advance had been so gallantly stopped by Berry's brigade and other troops the preceding day at Seven Pines, the Army of the Potomac supinely sat itself down to ponder on the victory and permit the Confederates to escape. Why the retreating enemy were not vigorously pursued after the battle of Fair Oaks has never yet been explained to the satisfaction of military men. After the battle of Fair Oaks, General Berry was assigned a position on the extreme front and left, a most dangerous and CHANGE OP BASE. 173 exacting position, as the Union pickets were daily attacked with greater or less force. For more than two weeks this state of affairs continued to exist. From this time till the completion of the " change of base " to Harrison's Landing, General Berry's brigade, and the entire army, was in a state of great and continual excitement and anxiety, the effect of which was most fatiguing and disheartening to officers and men alike. Indeed, from the ist to the 27th of June, there was hardly a day or night, and scarcely an hour, when it was not necessary to be constantly on the alert. General Berry shared with the men the danger and fatigue, but his anxiety for the welfare of those under his command much exceeded that of the men themselves. He was constantly among them, solicitous for their well-being and zealous in promoting their efficiency. The knowledge that he shared their perils and fatigue enabled his command to endure every danger and trial with the most heroic fortitude, and they looked upon their general with a fond regard which the survivors of the gallant old brigade cherish to this day. General Berry writes under date of June 17th, 1862: " It is just one year today since I left you — the saddest, or one of the saddest of my life — a year that has indeed been eventful in more ways than one to me. That it has brought with it hardships and perils is even so, but perhaps I should have met them at home or elsewhere by sickness or accident. Enough it is to know that so far I have passed through all, have fair health and a good position. I trust that the worst has passed and that the power of the rebellion is broken by the downfall of Beauregard and the loss to the enemy of the Mississippi River. They have no natural boundary left; their country is divided by our occupancy of the great river, and the same can never be retaken. Richmond is sure to fall, and I feel that its fall will end the war. Now one word of encouragement : I shall try to be with you at our birthdays in August. Our daughter will be sixteen. I feel I must be at home in that 174 MAJOR-GEttERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. month. I go home at peace with all mankind. I have sought the front in the two battles, and Providence has seen fit to spare my life, though many have fallen by my side, even whilst I have been giving them orders. I shall seek no more exposed places. All say (Heintzelman, Hooker, Keyes, Kearny, De Join- ville and many others) that I have done enough. I trust when Richmond falls the war closes. I shall then be with you. I have accomplished my object, and shall feel ready, willing, yes, anxious to retire at the earliest moment. I want nothing ; no place, no position that takes me from home. I hold the left of the front towards Richmond. The division is under my charge, as Kearny has given me control of the same for all purposes needed in the carrying out of orders. This post (the left) is a post of honor. Michigan men say I must hereafter live in their State. It is flattering, but I shall live in Rockland to the end." CHAPTER XX. SEVEN DAYS' FIGHT. Battle of Oak Grove or the Peach Orchard. — 2d and 3d Michigan Move to Support the Pickets. — The 1st and 37th New York at the Post of Danger. — Saves Beam's Battery. — General Berry's Report. — Gaines Mills. — Strat- egy of Magruder. — Berry Ordered to Fall Back. — 4th Maine Repair Fisher's and Jordon's Fords. — Passage of Fisher's Ford. — White Oak Swamp. — Battle of Charles City Cross Roads. — Battle of Glendale or Nelson's Farm. — Battle of Malvern Hill. — Lieutenant J. B. Green- halgh Leads Charge of 24th New York. — Major Fair- banks Badly Wounded. — Retreat to Harrison's Landing. — Casualties. AFTER Fair Oaks the Potomac Army was engaged in that most arduous of tasks in inclement weather, intrenching. The line laid out beyond Seven Pines was strengthened and completed from Golding's to White Oak Swamp. Changes were also made in the positions of the troops, the front at Seven Pines being heavily reinforced. Heintzelman's corps was on the left, his line extending toward the White Oak Swamp, with Sumner on his right and Keyes in reserve. Franklin's corps, which had crossed the Chickahominy, held the right of the line. In the meantime Lee had been heavily reinforced, and had opposed to the Potomac Army during the Seven Days' Fight 80,762 men. McClellan had 92,500. McClellan now decided to advance his lines in front of Seven Pines to a large clearing, on the other side of a stretch of country heavily timbered, and 176 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERR¥. divided by a small stream, which up to this time had served as a defense to the picket lines of both armies. The attempt to occupy this clearing resulted in an engagement known as the battle of Oak Grove or the Peach Orchard. This was the first of those desperate and hotly contested conflicts known as the " Seven Days' Battles." The force engaged in this battle was the corps of Heintzelman, Palmer's brigade of Keyes' corps, and a part of Sumner's. The Union troops advanced in good order through the timber, and repulsed a strong force of the enemy, occupying in force the clearing which was the objective of the attack, and throwing out pickets within four miles of Richmond. General Webb in his " Peninsular Campaign," says : " This advance makes manifest the fact that while General McClellan may, and doubtless did, entertain the plan of moving his base of supplies from the White House to the James, he was induced to make this latter move by Stewart's cavalry raid on the i ith, rather than with any intention of changing his line of attack or transferring his army to that point." Although General Berry was not so heavily engaged as at Williamsburg and Fair Oaks, yet the regiments of his brigade did their part in winning the victory at Oak Grove. The brunt of the attack, however, fell upon the brigade of General Robin- son, who sustained the contest most gallantly, and hurled the enemy back defeated. At 7 o'clock on the morning of June 25th, when this battle was fought, General Berry was ordered to advance his picket line and support it with the remaining regiments of his brigade. The 37th New York and ten companies of the 1st New York were on outpost duty when General Berry was ordered to advance. Taking the 2d and 3d Michigan, General Berry promptly moved to their support, and the 2d Michigan, Major Dillman, was directed to relieve them. After it was relieved from picket duty, the 37th New York was assigned the post of danger on the direct road to the OAK GKOVE. 177 Charles City road, with the ten companies of the 1st New York about 1,000 yards in advance. General Berry posted the 3d Michigan in an advantageous position near the road, and then threw out skirmishers along the front. After these dispositions had been made, the order to advance was given, the enemy's pickets retiring as General Berry's troops came up. In the meantime the brigade of General Robinson had become heavily engaged, and General Berry sent the 37th New York to his assistance, the 5th Michigan taking its place in line. General Berry held his position until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when the fire of the enemy became quite heavy. Believing that an attempt was about to be made to take Beam's battery, the right wing of the 1st New York was ordered to advance and hold the road at all hazards. This was done, and when the 87th New York was driven back, later in the day, the First held its advanced position most gallantly, and, together with the 5th Michigan, prevented the brigade line from being broken by this partial success of the enemy. General Berry personally conducted the 5th Michigan to a position in reserve in the rear of the 3d Maine, which was then on picket duty. Here the regiment remained until 5 o'clock, when the enemy succeeded in breaking through the lines in front, and troops rushed by in disorder, calling out that the enemy were attacking in great force. Colonel Dyckman of the 1st New York promptly advanced four of his companies and formed on the right of the 5th Michigan, and together this force advanced upon the enemy. A few well-directed volleys were sufficient to check the enemy, and the line was halted in a clearing, where it maintained its position to the end. This demonstration saved Beam's battery from capture and closed the engagement for Berry's brigade. At dark the regi- ments of the brigade were put on outpost duty, having held during the day all the ground gained, and advanced about one-half mile. General Berry's report of this affair is as follows : 178 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Headquarters 3D Brigade, \ June 27, 1862. j Captain : At 7 o'clock, morning of the 25th instant, in compli- ance with orders from your headquarters, I moved forward to support and advance mv picket line, the 2d and 3d Michigan Volunteers, the 37th New York, and ten companies of the 1st New York, being then on outpost duty. I immediately relieved the 37th New York and the ten companies of the 1st New York with the 2d Michigan, Major Dillman commanding. I placed the Thirty-Seventh after it was relieved, at the danger- ous road (direct road to Charles City road), and the ten companies of the 1st New York in advance, some 1,000 yards on said road. I placed the 3d Michigan between the dangerous road and the pine tree, some 1,000 yards in advance of the road, and had skirmishers out here along my front 100 yards. I advanced the line, keeping the connection on the right. The enemy's pickets were driven in by my right at the same time that they were met by the forces of General Robinson, the enemy supporting on the left of General Robinson in foixe. At this time you called on me for a regiment to support on the left of the 1st Brigade. I sent the 37th New York, and immediately ordered over the 5th Michigan to take its place. On its arrival I changed and placed the Fifth in position on my right, and placed the 37th New York down the dangerous road 500 yards, in line with the 3d Michigan, but some hundred yards from it. At 3 p. m. the firing was heavy for a time. The two pieces of artillery of Beam's battery were now at work. The enemy seemed to be arrang- ing for something. I judged it to be to make a dash for the road in rear of the field pieces. I placed the right wing of the 1st New York Regiment on my extreme right, with orders to advance and hold the road at all hazards. This regiment, together with the 5th Michigan, contributed much to sustain our lines when the 87th New York broke. It now became dark, and in accordance with orders from the general of division I kept the regiments of my brigade on outpost duty; also ten companies of the 1st New York. We held all the ground gained during the day, having advanced our right about one-half mile. GAINES MILLS. 179 I will send you a detailed report, together with a list of casual- ties of the day, as soon as my regimental reports are in. Very respectfully, H. G. Berry, Captain Sturgis, Brigadier-General Volunteers. Assistant Adjutant-General. Note. — I had out during the day the 2d, 3d, and 5th Michigan, the 37th and 1st New York. I had to guard a line of two and one- half miles long, and as my left is the dangerous point, my attention was particularly directed to that point. All my men behaved hand- somely. At night I established my picket line on my line of skir- mishers, having advanced it on the right more than one-half a mile. H. G. Berry, Captain Sturgis, • Brigadier-General Volunteers. Assistant Adjutant-General. Again we quote from Webb's " Peninsular Campaign : " " It is to be noticed here that McClellan's base of supplies at the White House had become a source of anxiety, since he seemed to doubt his ability to keep his connection with it secure, and because the rain and mud had rendered the roads almost impassable for wagons. Some time in June, the General called General Porter to a meeting with himself alone, half" way between their respective headquarters, to discuss the advantages of the James River as a base. The conclusion reached was that necessity and necessity only would warrant such a move- ment ; that it was dangerous and difficult in the face of such a vigilant foe as General Lee, and a disaster would endanger our cause at home and abroad. The necessity of keeping a con- stant threat upon Richmond itself for the purpose of showing our confidence in our strength, was then felt. However, it was considered that the necessity might come, and it was determined that we should be prepared for the emergency." June 27th, the battle of Gaines Mills was fought by the troops of Porter's corps. General Berry's brigade, being in Heintzelman's corps, took no part in the engagement. 180 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. While the battle of Gaines Mills was in progress, the Confederate General Magruder, with a force of 25,000 men, was making a succession of demonstrations at different parts of the Union line south of the Chickahominy. This was done for the double purpose of preventing the sending of reinforce- ments to the hard-pressed troops of Porter's corps, who were fighting superior numbers at Gaines Mills, and, also to frustrate any attempt to advance on Richmond, which was now exposed by the concentration of the main body of the Confederate army at Gaines Mills. Kearny, Heintzelman and Hooker were quick to observe this advantage, and hastened to McClellan to get his permission to advance Kearny's division into Richmond, but their arguments were without avail, as has already been detailed. In these feints, Magruder was repeating the tactics of the siege of Yorktown with the same success. He was in constant fear of being swept away by the advance of McClellan's left, and that Richmond would fall into the Federal Commander's hands. Magruder says: " I received instructions enjoining the utmost vigilance. I passed the night without sleep. Had McClellan massed his whole force in column and advanced it against any point in our line of battle — as was done at Austerlitz under similar circumstances, by the greatest captain of any age — though the head of his column would have suffered greatly, its momentum would have insured him success, and the occupation of our works about Richmond, and, consequently, of the city, might have been his reward." After the battle of Gaines Mills arrangements were made to transfer the base of supplies to the James. Casey's troops, who were at the White House, were ordered to the new base, and all the material that could not be put on board the transports was burned. The rolling stock, loaded with supplies, was run into the river. Five thousand wagons, laden with everything portable, were sent to the James by the way of White Oak Swamp. The reserve artillery was also moved by this road. Twenty-five hundred head of cattle made a part of the long RETREAT. 181 column. What could not be carried was destroyed, and blazing bonfires marked the camps and depots of the Union troops. Webb says: "Millions of rations, hundreds of tons of fixed ammunition and shells for the siege guns were thus lost. Lee's uncertainty as to the movements of McClellan gave the latter twenty-four hours to perfect and carry out his arrangements, and when Lee saw the intention of the Union general, the retreat was well advanced, and the roads across the swamps guarded to protect the passage of the trains from attack by way of the New Market, Charles City and Williamsburg roads." About midnight of the 29th of June, General Berry received orders to fall back from his advanced position at Seven Fines. After the 1st and 2d Brigades had moved, General Berry com- menced the retreat at 4 o'clock in the morning, taking with him a section of Thompson's battery. The 3d Michigan covered the retreat. The brigade soon reached the second line of defenses, by the way of the Saw Mill road, and took position. By direction of the division commander, General Berry person- ally inspected the fords and found one of them (Jordon's) in bad condition. Fisher's Ford was found available, and by the energy of Colonel Walker and the 4th Maine this latter ford was soon made passable for infantry. General Berry then rode to division headquarters to report. On his return he met his brigade on the march under command of Colonel Hayman, who informed him that they were ordered to cross the swamp at Jordon's Ford, and that the division as well as the army was on the move. General Berry again rode to division headquar- ters for instructions, but as General Kearny was absent, he returned to his brigade. Being satisfied that it was not possible to pass a large body of men over Jordon's Ford with rapidity, and knowing that Fisher's Ford had been put in good condition by the 4th Maine, General Berry made the passage at this point, taking the Charles City road to the left, and joined the com- mand of General Sykes. The next morning General Berry reported to General Kearny, who stationed his brigade on the 182 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. left of the Charles City road, his left flank being protected by a swamp, and his right resting upon that road. Orders soon arrived for General Berry to move his brigade to the rear to act as support to the other brigades of the division. This order was executed on the double-quick, the men laying aside their knapsacks. McClellan's retreat soon became known to Lee, and Longstreet and A. P. Hill started in pursuit, moving by the Darbytown road to the Long Bridge road, and coming upon the Union troops strongly posted about a mile from the inter- section of the Long Bridge and Charles City roads. General Kearny being sick from exhaustion and exposure, the command of the division was given to General Berry, who directed its movements during the latter part of the battle of Glendale. McCall's division halted on the New Market road and formed line of battle. Slocum formed to the right of the Charles City road, and General Kearny's division was posted so as to guard the space between the Charles City road and the New Market road. Robinson's brigade formed the left of his line, and also supported Thompson's battery. General Birney was on the right, and, as previously stated, General Berry was in reserve. By 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Robinson's brigade and Thompson's battery became engaged with the enemy and were subjected to a severe fire. So determined was the attack upon troops to the left of Berry's brigade, that they gave way. Gen- eral Berry ordered the ist New York to the support of Thomp- son's battery, and at the request of General Robinson, the 2d Michigan was sent to his assistance. The 3d Michigan was also ordered forward to support General Birney. The enemy made a desperate attempt to capture Thompson's battery, but were mowed down by showers of canister. The supporting line of infantry also poured in deadly volleys, and this determined resistance prevented the enemy from gaining ground. It was now apparent that a strong column of the enemy was about to make a desperate attempt to pierce the Union GREENHALGH LEADS THE CHARGE. 183 lines. General Berry promptly formed the 5th Michigan, which had in line but 200 men, and the 24th New York, of General Burns' brigade, which had been sent to his assistance. Lieuten- ant J. B. Greenhalgh, one of Berry's aides, gallantly led the charge which was now ordered, the troops bravely advancing upon the strong force of the enemy, who could not resist so determined an attack and fled instantly, leaving a stand of colors in the hands of the victorious troops. For his courageous conduct in leading this charge and driving back the enemy at one of the most critical periods of the battle, Lieutenant Greenhalgh received special mention in official reports. The ground gained by this charge was held. General Berry was reinforced, and with the troops now at his disposal, he success- fully resisted every effort of the enemy to retrieve the disasters that had come upon them. General Berry maintained his formation until midnight, when orders came to continue the retreat to Malvern Hill. So near were the opposing lines of the enemy that strict silence was enjoined, that the retreat might not be discovered by the rebel pickets. With cautious tread and at whispered command the brigade withdrew from the front, leaving behind in the darkness the dead and dying, the stern exigencies of war making it impossible to succor the injured or bury the slain. In this engagement General Berry was slightly wounded by a musket ball which severed his sword belt. General Berry had followed the retreating army to Malvern Hill and took position on the right of the advanced general line, supporting the 2d Brigade. At 10 o'clock the enemy commenced shelling from the plateau opposite the position occupied by General Berry's brigade, and although many men were struck, the line maintained its position all day without wavering. In his report of this battle General Kearny says : " The 4th Maine particularly distinguished itself for its coolness in holding the ravine in our front and daringly engaging the skirmishers of the enemy's attacking columns. Their loss was 184 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. considerable." As the brigade of General Berry was held in reserve it did not become engaged, although under a severe fire all day. General Berry's ofhcial report of these battles is as follows : Headquarters 3D Brigade, ) July 5, 1862. j Captain: At 12.30 at night of 29th June I received orders to be prepared to fall back from the position that my brigade occupied on the left of the line, to the second line of defenses, and to pass to the same by the Saw Mill road, my pickets to be kept to the front and my brigade to fall back after the 1st and 2d Brigades. I made the necessary preparations, and at 3 a. m. the 1st and 2d Brigades moved, together with two sections of Thompson's battery, which was in the redoubt on my immediate front. At 4 A. m. I filed my command to the rear by regiments, the 3d Michigan covering our rear, taking with them the remaining section of Thompson's battery. We passed to the second line of defenses by way of the Saw Mill, having succeeded in withdrawing our pickets without confusion or loss. We took position on the left of the earthwork in the skirt of the woods fronting the plain, the 2d Michigan Volunteers, Major Dill- man, guarding the approaches via Saw Mill, as well as picketing our front to connect with those of the 1st Brigade, which together covered our front from the Saw Mill to the Williamsburg road. At 2.30 p. M. the general of division sent for me to pass down and examine the fords, in conformity to an order from corps headquarters. I immediately did so. I found Jordon's Ford in a bad condidon, requiring some considerable labor to finish the cross- ing, and I ordered it done by the 4th Maine Regiment, there on fatigue duty. I also passed down to Fisher's Ford, and found that a little labor would put that in good condition for infantry. I also ordered that work commenced immediately. Colonel Walker put on extra men, and I am happy to state the ford was in an hour made passable. At this time, say 3.45 p. m., an orderlv came for me, ordering me to report to division headquarters. I returned as rapidly as possible, and when within a mile of camp met my brigade, under command of Colonel Hayman, moving toward the ford. Colonel OFFICIAL REPORT. 185 Hayman informed me that we were to cross the swamp at Jordon's Ford, and that the division as well as the army was on the move. I passed on to headquarters of division for instructions, and when I reached there the general of division was absent. I immediately returned to my brigade. I passed down the road and when I reached Jordon's Ford I examined it again, and concluded it was not possible to pass a large body of men over it with any rapidity, and know- ing the next ford was in good condition I pushed on for that. I passed over it with my command, except the 2d Michigan, which had been on picket and was in the rear of troops of our corps. After passing the ford I took the Charles City road to the left and joined General Sykes' command, and took position on his front. At 3 A. m., June 30th, I reported my command to the general of division. We were moved, by order of the general of divi- sion, forward to a position on the left of the Charles City road, my right resting upon it and my left on a swamp. We arrived in this position at 5 a. m. At 11.30 A. m. I received orders to move my command to a new line to the left, and while making arrangements to get my pickets relieved, an order came to hurry at double-quick. My men laid aside their knapsacks, placing a guard over them, and moved as ordered. We took up a position to the rear and in reserve to the two brigades. At 4 p. M. I received orders to place my brigade on the right of the central road, in the skirt of the woods, directly in the front of division headquarters. At 5 A. M. the action in front of Robinson's brigade and Thompson's battery opened severely. It was evident that the troops on the left of the road (McCall's division) were giving way. At this time I placed the 1st New York, Colonel Dyckman, in support of Thompson's battery. General Robinson called on me for a regi- ment to sustain his line, and I sent him the 2d Michigan, Major Dillman. Captain Sturgis, acting assistant adjutant-general, took the 3d Michigan Volunteers, Major Pierce, to support General Birney. Thompson's battery was severely assailed, and by the use that gallant officer made of canister, and the support rendered by General Robinson's brigade, together with that rendered by the 1st New York, and afterward by the 37th New York and 5th Michigan, Major Fairbanks, of my own, prevented them from advancing their lines toward us. This regiment operated in front 186 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. of General McCall's line and the road. The enemy were pressing in that direction very hard, and I thought it my duty to check them to save our left flank. At 7.30 A. m. it was evident that the enemy was preparing a column to make a strong effort to pierce our lines. I made known the fact to General Burns, who was forming a second line to McCall's. That officer gave me the 24th Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel . I marched up to the road and placed the 5th Michigan, of less than 200 men, and they, the remaining one, on its right ; filed by the right across our front, and in rear of Thomp- son's battery and ordered to charge the enemy, who had appeared in a strong column. Lieutenant Greenhalgh, one of my aides, gallantly led the regiment, drove back the enemy, and captured a stand of colors belonging to the regiment, of . Other reinforcements arrived, and we held our line without falling back an inch. At 12 m. I received orders to draw off my men immediately and to follow General Robinson's brigade. I did so without loss of any pickets, leaving my dead and wounded on the ground. My loss in this engagement was considerable, including Major Fairbanks, badly wounded. We followed the retreating army to Malvern Hill, and after having collected stragglers, took position under orders from your headquarters on the right of the advanced general line, supporting the 2d Brigade. At 10 A. m. the enemy commenced shelling us from the plateau opposite with considerable effect. My men, how- ever, kept their position all day without flinching, although some fifty men were hit; among others Captain Pulford, of the 5th Michigan Volunteers. At 1 A. m. of the 2d we were ordered to fall back and follow the 2d Brigade. We did so in order, arriving at this locality at 10 A. M. of the 2d instant. I have to mention that my brigade behaved admirably at the battle of Charles City. The position was strongly contested. Night closed in upon us in possession of our own ground. The 1st New York Volunteers, Colonel Dyckman, behaved handsomely. This regiment received a charge of a rebel regiment, and charged in turn and broke the enemy in confusion. The 37th New York Volunteers, Colonel Hayman, charged a rebel regiment and broke OFFICIAL KEPORT. 187 it into confusion. The 5th Michigan again fought as usual. Major Fairbanks, its only field officer, was here badly wounded. The 3d Michigan was with the 2d Brigade and the 2d Michigan was with the rst Brigade. They behaved as Michigan soldiers always do — well. None flinched. At the battle of Malvern Hill my brigade was exposed to the shot and shell from morning till night. Notwith- standing many were killed and wounded, the regiments maintained the most perfect order. I have to make honorable mention of Captain Wilson, my acting assistant adjutant-general ; also Lieutenants Freeman and Greenhalgh. They were active in carrying out my wishes during the battles mentioned. Lieutenant Greenhalgh led the 24th Regi- ment New York Volunteers, of General Burns' command, gallantly into the fight, repulsing the enemy, and capturing a stand of rebel colors at one of the most critical periods of the fight. All my com- pany officers behaved well. I have no fault to find with any. For the particular ones who distinguished themselves more than others I respectfully refer you to the regimental reports. Respectfully, your obedient servant, H. G. Berry, Captain W. E. Sturgis. Brig. -Gen., Com'ding Brigade. During the night of the battle of Malvern Hill, the Union troops were withdrawn and continued their retreat to Harrison's Landing, seven miles distant. On the arrival of the army at this place, General Berry was assigned a position on the center of the front line, and by reason of the great losses his brigade had sustained, and the large amount of service it had performed during the retrograde movement, it was excused from fatigue duty. The casualties of the brigade during the Seven Days' Bat- tles were as follows : 2d Michigan, two men killed, nineteen men wounded, total twenty-one ; 3d Michigan, one man killed, four men wounded, twenty-seven captured or missing, total thirty- two ; 5th Michigan, one officer and two men killed, four officers and twenty-nine men wounded, and one officer and twenty-two men captured or missing, total fifty-nine; 1st New York, 188 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. twenty-two men killed, five officers and 122 men wounded, two officers and eighty-five men missing, total 236; 37th New York, forty-two men wounded, thirty-nine men missing, total eighty- one ; making a total loss in the brigade of 429 officers and men. CHAPTER XXI. berry's sickness. General R. de Trobriand. — Berry Worn Out by Fatigue and Malaria. — General Berry's Wound. — Letters from Vice President Hamlin. — Communications Cut Oft*. — Desper- ate Fighting of Confederate Soldiers. — Whiskey and Gunpowder. — General Adelbert Ames. — Berry's Dilapi- dated Condition. — His Horsemanship. — Describes his Quarters. — Urging the Use of the Draft. — On Furlough. AMONG the new regiments now assigned to Berry's brigade, which had become reduced by the severe fighting of the Peninsula, was the 55th New York, commanded by that gallant French officer and cultivated gentleman Colonel (now Brevet Major-General) R. de Trobriand. In his "Four Years with the Army of the Potomac," General de Trobriand describes General Berry as he appeared after passing through the perils and privations of the Seven Days' Fight. He says : " I called on General Berry with the order assigning the Fifty-fifth to his command. He was a plain, straight-forward man, tall and broad-shouldered. His blue flannel blouse and his whole dress gave him very little of a military air. But whoever judged him from his appearance would have judged badly, for, although he had rather the appearance of an honest farmer than that of a brigadier-general, he was not the less a good officer, as faithful to his duty as he was devoted to his soldiers. The Peninsular campaign, and that of the North of Virginia, had already sensibly affected the health of General Berry, but in him the moral energy strove against physical weakness, and it was only 190 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. when it could not be avoided that he consented to take leave of absence, to re-establish his exhausted strength." As is stated by General de Trobriand, the health of General Berry had become very much impaired. He had put forth superhuman efforts during the campaign just closed and his physical being now uttered its protest. For nearly a month he did not sleep in his tent, but usually on the ground with his horse's reins in his hands. It was this incessant labor and anxiety that induced an attack of fever which threatened his life; but he continued at his post until it was impossible for him to longer remain and perform the duties of his station. General Berry writes : Headquarters Opposite City Point, ) Berkley Wharf Landing. j I am here — that is, what is left. Since I last wrote you we have had five battles ; three of them were in great force. Our right wing was turned, and our communications cut off. We had to cross the White Oak Swamp, then fought and whipped the enemy and retreated at night. Next day we fought the battle of Charles City, drove the enemy four miles with great slaughter, and at night retreated to this place. We were obliged to do this, as our com- munication by way of railroad to the Pamunky river was cut off, and we could get nothing to eat. Our men have had but very little for the past two days. We are now at a point where supplies can reach us, and we are in conjunction with our gunboats. I have been in the thickest of three of the fights since I last wrote you. I am slightly wounded in the arm by a piece of shell. Greenhalgh [Lieutenant J. B.] is wounded in the shoulder slightly, also by a piece of shell. I am also somewhat bruised by my horse falling on me when he was shot, but am not injured so badly but that I can do my daily duty. Out of some 4,400 men that I have had in my command since I joined the brigade, I now have less than 1,500. They are scattered, some 1,200 are killed and wounded. The dead lie on six different battlefields and some half-dozen places where we have had skirmishes. This army is now much reduced. We are getting reinforcements daily, and will soon be right again. I am not well tonight. 1 shall try to recruit my health if possible. VICE PRESIDENT HAMLIN'S LETTERS. 19l Harrison Cowing is dead ; was killed instantly. Charley Wood [Charles F. Wood of Rockland] is dangerously, probably mortally, wounded. My new assistant adjutant-general is also wounded, [Captain Geo. W. Wilson of Michigan]. To give you an idea of the losses, I will state that in my opinion the army is not half so numerous as when we landed at Fortress Monroe, and the rebels have suffered nearly twice as much as we. Touching the Seven Days' Fight and the policy of the Government in the conduct of the war, the Vice President writes General Berry as follows : Bangor, July 17, 1862. My Dear General: I received your letter of the 5th two days ago at this place where I have been for two weeks. We all feel sad at the disaster before Richmond, but are still of good cheer. We think we can see a new policy laid down such as will meet your views, I am sure, and upon which the war must be conducted. We cannot longer afford to protect rebel property with loyal arms. It should be used in all cases where it will give comfort to our men, and all means should be used to relieve our men. It must come to this and the sooner the better. We are all at work like beavers to raise men, and while it is the worst time in the year, still we will have our quota, and I think by enlistment and not by draft. I have been speaking some, and I do not fail to do full justice to our noble officers and men. Our people shall know their valor and worth, I assure you. The North will be equal to the crisis, you may be sure of that. H. Hamlin. Bangor, July 18, 1862. Dear General : We had a very large meeting here last night. General Howard and others addressed it. I think it will do good. It was all for more promptness in action and demanding the use of all means within the reach of Government. I endorse every word you say in relation to what should be done. Oh, how I wish the same spirit would animate all in control of affairs, from the President down to the lowest official, then we would begin to see the end. Out of this sad reverse I gather fresh hope ; it will, it must, compel another policy, a policy of action and 192 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. not delay. It will compel Government to seize on all means to relieve our noble soldiers, and no longer compel them to guard rebel property, while the rebel is hurling his blows at the heart of the Republic. Let the loyal colored man be used in all possible ways to relieve our soldiers, and all rebel property be taken to make our troops comfortable. Then will we end this unholy and wicked war. That course is coming and in that I have faith in our success. Yours faithfully, Brig.-Gen. H. G. Berry. H. Hamlin. Under date of July 4th, 1862, General Berry writes home: " For the past week our communication has been cut off, and we neither have sent nor received letters. I am not well — have been so much exposed and have worked so hard. I hope for and must be able to get some rest and recover somewhat. I wrote you that Charles Wood was badly wounded, but I have not yet been able to find out how badly, or where the poor boy is. All is excitement on the battlefield, and but little attention is paid to anyone. As we fell back that night, all our wounded were left on the battlefield. I have sent to the regiment [4th Maine] repeatedly to find out about Charley, and all I learn is that he is very badly wounded by a shell. Nothing but woods inside our lines — outside, the enemy." Again he writes under date of July 5th: "Well, I have passed through five more battles, and although wounded by a shell on my right arm, I am comparatively uninjured. My wound is merely a flesh one and is already healing. I think in a week it will be almost well. My poor horse is getting better. In a few days he too will be all right. My poor brigade now numbers 1 ,500 men left of the 4,400 placed under my command. The balance are wounded, sick in hospitals, or their bones lie mouldering at Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, White Oak Swamp, Charles City and Malvern Hill battlefields. Over 50,000 have fallen on the battlefields of this locality within the past week. I am spared, for what purpose God only knows. My cap has been twice shot from my head, my clothes are riddled with LETTERS. 193 bullets, still I am here. I shall never be killed by cannon or musket shot, I sincerely think, as I have faced the deadliest fire for hours when all have been hit but myself. Greenhalgh [Lieutenant J. B.] is slightly wounded but is all right. He distinguished himself, having led a regiment in a charge at the crisis of the battle and captured a stand of colors. We have had a bloody time, but for every one of our men injured the enemy have lost two. We have fought on empty stomachs. The men fight splendidly, the enemy desperately. All their canteens are found with whiskey in them and mixed with gunpowder. All the prisoners we take on the battlefield are intoxicated ; made so to make them fight desperately. All our retreats have been well conducted — not a cannon lost, men behaved splendidly, no panic, all were cool and bound to turn and fight if attacked, as we have been twice. We are now in a safe place waiting for reinforcements. The North will have to stir itself. Now is the time for all patriotic men to come here. Men are wanted ; men we must have. I am off duty, being too unwell for active service. I shall resume again in a day or two. Keep the dear old home in good order. I hope to visit it soon." He writes again under date of July 8th: " I am in much better health than for the past month. The air is good here and the men improving rapidly. The army is in good condi- tion ; we are receiving reinforcements. The battle of the Seven Days was most destructive to human life; not less than 50,000 fell on both sides. We repulsed the enemy in every battle on our retirement from the White Oak Swamp. I cannot learn about Charley Wood. That he is badly wounded is a fact, still I think it is not a mortal wound. He must be a prisoner, yet I hope he will have care, as many surgeons of our army are left behind with stores for the wounded. I know the boy was hurt on the battlefield, as young Spear [Josiah C] asked me where there was a surgeon. I could only answer, to take the boy to the rear out of range of fire. It seems he was so taken, 194 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. a surgeon found and his wounds dressed. He was taken on towards this point and left in a house used as a hospital — where, I cannot learn. Poor boy ! My heart bleeds for him. If it is possible to find him when we again advance I shall do so. On the retreat across the White Oak Swamp I took my command across at a point over which none others passed, and nearer Richmond than any troops, passed the swamp and got into position on the other side four hours ahead of General Kearny, who took the other two brigades. It is considered here a good thing among military men, as my men were compara- tively fresh, whilst others were exhausted." Under date of July ioth, he writes: "It is very dull; nothing doing. Report says the enemy have retired from our front to Richmond and that they are in bad condition, etc. Lieutenant Ames, [now Major-General Adelbert Ames] is in the tent with me. He is well. He fought his battery splen- didly at Malvern Hill." Again, July nth: " I am tanned so that I look about as black as a mulatto. I wear a blouse and black wide-rimmed felt hat, an old leather belt, cavalry sword and large pistols. I have another iron-gray horse that jumps fences or ditches, high and wide, so that I go over fields, pas- tures, through woods, or anywhere in regular Dick Turpin style. I have ridden so much that my legs are getting almost useless. It seems strange, too ; I used to walk so much, now I cannot walk without tiring myself excessively." Again, July 12th: "Today is Sunday. We are now quiet, the enemy not very near us. They have been repulsed so severely they grow cautious. We shall move in a few days and shall commence active operations I have no doubt." He writes July 17th, as follows: " Imagine me seated under a shade made of small trees in front of a small canvas tent, in which is a small table. On one side is my bed of oak leaves covered by a rubber blanket, and on that a woolen one. On the other side is the bed of Lieutenant Greenhalgh. A passage- way between of two feet is covered by a piece of woolen carpet, DRAFT NECESSARY. 195 obtained in a clandestine manner. I am dressed in pants with- out suspenders, as I have done away with them long since. My head is crowned with an ugly felt hat, my feet encased in heavy military boots and spurs, large enough for a church vane. I am now quite well and engaged in drilling and disciplining my brigade. I have got everything about completed to my mind. In a few days more I shall have everything fit for active opera- tions. My brigade is in good condition. It is small compared with what it was, but is now composed of veterans. I have no news to communicate. I look for news from home. It now depends on the people to save the Government, as we can do but little unless strongly reinforced. My own opinion is that a draft is necessary. Action is wanted now and a draft would give us all the men we want in a day. That's what we want done, and any man who is unwilling to stand his draft is not the man for whom to spend money or blood to sustain the Government." July 23d, he writes : " I have been quite ill, but I am now able to sit up. My system was completely poisoned by the malaria of the White Oak Swamp region, which has lost so many thousands of lives. The army still lies here. We are drill- ing, arranging and bringing our men up to the standard they were at when before Washington. I understand we are getting some reinforcements. How many I do not know. I usually get all these things at General 's, but as I have been unable to visit him for some days I have no news. If the North is to send us men, the sooner the better. Drafting is the only fair way. The army can be filled quickly in that way." Again, July 24th : " I am now on the right center. At Malvern Hill we were on the center of the outer front; we were in action all day. My position at Charles City road, as I wrote you, was on the right center. We shall have no fighting at this point; we are too strong. Our position is one of immense strength. We shall leave here in a few days, and then work will commence again. I see that the Government is out with a 196 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRtf. proclamation for volunteers. Tis of no use. Men must be drafted, and that too immediately, if we are to have aid and expect to put down the rebellion. It must be no longer ' my neighbor can go and I cannot.' The strong arm of military law will have to take hold and compel men to fight for that Government that gives them protection and a home. Facts are stubborn things, and this war is a stubborn fact, as all will yet find out. The North can no longer play with it, it must meet force by force. We have fought two to one, long enough." July 28th, he writes : " I am on duty again but quite weak. My flesh is all gone. I don't think I was ever so thin. I see no end to this war at present. The South seems determined to fight to the bitter end, and we have made no progress in the Campaign of Virginia, and have lost in killed, wounded and disabled by sickness more than 60,000 men, besides at least 20,000 more at home on sick furloughs who may or may not return. * * * * I have a most thorough contempt for anything that smacks of politics. I shall in my future keep clear of it. I should like a chance somewhere, where I could honestly make some money. Other than that, and to be once again in my own home, I have no earthly ambition. I shall have a commis- sion for Charles Sawyer soon. I know all about the boy. No better lad lives. He does his duty handsomely. I have had him advanced just as fast as I thought it for his interest, no faster. He is now sergeant-major of his regiment and has risen to that position from the ranks. He will soon be lieutenant. " * * * We leave for home tomorrow. Shall not see you till first of the week as I have to travel slowly. I shall be well again, after a few days at home where I can get good air and careful nursing. I am worn out and must get rid of care." CHAPTER XXII. RECEPTION IN ROCKLAND. Starts for Home. — Lieutenant J. B. Greenhalgh Accompanies Him. —Cavalcade of Citizens Meet Him at Thomaston. — Received by the City Government Near the City Line. — Mayor Wiggin's Stirring Address of Welcome. — Gen- eral Berry Responds. — Enthusiastic Reception as he Passes Through the Streets. — Kind Expressions from his Comrades in the Field. — Letter from Assistant Adjutant- General George W. Wilson. — Colonel Adelbert Ames. — Colonel O. M. Poe. — Congressman F. A. Pike. — Senator Lot M. Morrill. REGARDLESS of the ravages of a fever which had wasted his stalwart frame and stripped his face and head of the luxuriant growth of chestnut-brown hair that had been the crowning glory of a once vigorous and beautiful manhood, General Berry remained at his post of duty until he placed his command once more in a high state of efficiency. Not until then did he regard with favor the solicitation of friends at home, and the importunities of brother officers, to accept a leave of absence, that his wasted energies might be revivified by the rest of home life and the care of loved ones. The following telegram was received by Mrs. Berry : New York, August 4, 1862. I leave tonight, Fall River boat. At Adams House tomorrow morning. H. G. Berry. 198 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. His reception in Rockland was most enthusiastic, and the demonstrations in his honor were imposing, as befitted the high rank and distinguished services of him whom his neighbors and friends thus delighted to honor. For an account of this recep- tion we quote from the Rockland Gazette of August 9th, 1862 : " Our distinguished fellow-citizen, Brigadier-General H. G. Berry, arrived at his home in this city on Wednesday evening, on a brief furlough, it being his first visit since he left us as Colonel of the 4th Regiment. General Berry, who was accom- panied by Lieutenant Greenhalgh of his staff, left Bath at about nine o'clock on Wednesday morning, and was received with hearty and enthusiastic demonstrations of the public regard and approval at every point on the route to this city. At Wiscasset he was welcomed by the firing of a military salute of the num- ber of guns with which an officer of his rank is honored, and other demonstrations of the public feeling, and at Damariscotta, Waldoboro and Warren he also met with a warm public recep- tion. On his arrival at Thomaston, General Berry was met and welcomed by a cavalcade of our citizens, and accompanied to the junction of the New County road with Pleasant street, near the city line, where the members of the City Government and a concourse of citizens, with the fire companies, and the Rockland Band, were waiting to receive him. He was greeted with enthusiastic cheers and the music of the band, and after receiving the usual honors from the fire companies, General Berry rode up to the carriage containing the members of the City Government, where he received a hearty welcome from Mayor George W. Wiggin, who addressed him in eloquent terms, to which General Berry briefly responded. " The fire companies, led by the band, then formed as an escort and moved towards the city, General Berry riding next, attended by the cavalcade of citizens and followed by the mem- bers of the City Government and large numbers of private citizens in carriages. Throughout the city flags were displayed at various points, and the streets were crowded by our citizens, RECEPTION IN ROCKLAND. 199 to give a warm and earnest ' welcome home ' to the man who had done himself and his fellow-citizens so much honor, and who had rendered his country such brave and efficient service. After the procession had passed on towards Middle street, the throng immediately proceeded to General Berry's residence, whither he was being escorted, and there welcomed him with three times three hearty cheers. General Berry appeared much fatigued and enfeebled, and at his request it was announced that in his present condition, he was unable to address his fellow- citizens, as he desired. " The reception given General Berry was but the expres- sion of the universal appreciation and respect in which he is held by his fellow-citizens and their united testimony to the bravery and merit of the services which he has rendered to his country. He left us as colonel of the 4th Maine regiment, a band of men to whom he was earnestly devoted, and who were most ardently attached to him. His present brigade is com- posed of the 2d, 3d and 5th Michigan, and the 1st and 37th New York. Of this brigade the General speaks in most enthu- siastic terms, and its record is written deeply in the hearts of their countrymen. Rockland is grateful to and proud of Gen- eral Berry, and it will be the heartfelt prayer of his fellow- citizens that this brief respite from his arduous duties in the field may give him new health and strength for the service of the noble cause to which he has so efficiently devoted himself." During General Berry's furlough he kept in touch with affairs at the front through letters written by members of his staff and others. Some of these follow. Captain G. W. Wilson, of Berry's staff, thus gives the events transpiring in the brigade : Headquarters Berry's Brigade, ) August 1, 1862. J My Dear General : By this morning's mail quite a bundle of letters was received here for yourself and Lieutenant Greenhalgh, which I herewith enclose. 200 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. I am very glad that you were able to leave yesterday morning, for I fear the excitement in camp might have had a very bad effect on your health. The rebels got several guns in position on the oppo- site side of the river, among them two heavy pieces, and at about one o'clock opened a rapid fire on our shipping and army camp. They fired one shot through the ordnance ship, and report says damaged one or two others more seriously. Several men were killed and wounded, but the statements of the number are very conflicting. The 4th Michigan and 16th Michigan (Stockton's regiment) lost some in wounded, not exceeding six. Most of this brigade heard the firing about half an hour, but nothing was done. It sounded quite natural to hear the cannon once more at night. The siege guns and gunboats did not get into posi- tion very promptly. But when they did they soon put an end to the imprudent movements of the enemy. Today our side of the river bristles with heavy guns frowning upon the opposite bank, and if the enemy again open on us they will get dearly paid for their trouble. Everything thus far has moved on smoothly here. But we miss you very, very much. General Kearny received notice today (official) of his appointment as major-general. His commission is dated 4th July, 1862. He says it is an insult to him and his division to date it on that day ; that it should have been dated on the day of some one of our battles. I admire his taste in that respect. Our rulers are not half military in that regard yet, and probably won't be during the war. Colonel Adelbert Ames of the 20th Maine, expresses his appreciation : Headquarters 20th Regiment Maine Vols., \ Camp near the mouth of the Antietam Creek, Md., > October 9, 1862. ) My Dear General : I was disappointed while in Maine in not seeing you and thanking you for what you did for me. I now thank you with all my heart, and I assure you that what I can do in my position to repay you for your confidence and kindness I will most readily do. You know where we are. It is not necessary to tell you how I like. We have discussed this point before. We are in General Brevet Major-General Adelbert Ames. (A war-time photograph. ) NEWS FROM THE FRONT. 201 Morell's division. Of course you know his value. I should like to be in your command. Situated as we are that idea had to be aban- doned. I can form no idea of what we are to do. Colonel O. M. Poe, of the 2d Michigan, who was com- manding Berry's brigade in his absence, writes : Edward's Ferry, Oct. 21, 1862. My Dear General: Everything here is in very good condi- tion. We have eight miles of picket, which requires two regiments, but the ground is such that a small force answers just about as well as a large one. The escape of Stuart was a most disgraceful arlair. I am not prepared to say who is to blame, but certainly some one is, and I don't believe it was General Stoneman. I have a theory of my own concerning the matter, and when I see you will talk with you about it. One thing is certain, if this brigade had come within reach of Stuart there would have been some fighting, and somebody would have been hurt. The list of killed and wounded would not have been a perfect blank. Freeman brought me your kind message, and I hasten to tender you my thanks for your interest in my behalf. Believe me, sir, I am not one to forget a kindness done, or a favor shown. I hope when you rejoin us that you will find everything in good condition. The health of the brigade is good, and the men appear to be contented and cheerful. Congressman F. A. Pike, of Maine, writes to General Berry- on current matters as follows: Washington, D. C, July 12, 1862. My Dear General : Yours was received just before I went down into Maine and for that reason I have not yet answered. I saw your Rockland people at Ellsworth, the Farwells, Colonel Williams, etc , and wherever else it maybe otherwise, if anywhere, I can assure you your brilliant military successes are fully appreciated at home. I told the convention I reckoned you our hero, and this reminds me of a little incident: In the Senate the other day, while they were in secret session, a case of confirming an officer came up, and Chandler of Michigan got up and objected because he wanted to put his man ahead, and gave as a reason that he had served under Berry of Maine and was as brave as Berry and that was brave 202 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. enough ! There was considerable more of the same sort, but this part of it struck me with force and I thought you would like to know it. The President has got back and it is generally understood that he finds the army in better care than he supposed he should. It is quite evident that your great fights lately are to have a decided effect about the manner of carrying on the war. The plan of taking such excessive care of rebel property will undoubtedly be abandoned hereafter. It seems so absurd to detail a force of a captain and nine men to watch Fitzhugh Lee's "White House " and keep it from use even for hospital purposes, when Lee was leading a force to fire into our railroad trains. McDowell, I understand, has been acting in an equally foolish manner, saying he would detail a man to protect every line of fence rail rather than have them destroyed. I have no idea of being ruthless or barbarian in this warfare, but there is a just medium about the matter, and hereafter I don't believe we shall make fools of ourselves. And the blacks are discussed again in full force. Lew Wallace of Indiana was serenaded here the other evening (when you come up we will do the same thing) and Wallace made a sensible talk about the negro question. He is an old Demo- crat and spoke of the employment of the negro as a military measure, using him just so much as he would be found valuable. You have the Tribune, I presume, and have noticed it. In the Senate, such Democrats as Wright of Indiana, and Rice of Minnesota, have been speaking in favor of using the negro. So we go. There has been a good deal of talk about changing the commander of your army, and I don't know what the President's notions are since he got back. I have not supposed it would be done. We have not yet been able to get at any details regarding our Maine troops except what we get in our New York papers. Elliot of Brunswick, who is on the Governor's staff, was down there but came back at once and did not seem to know much about our regiment. Of course we have all been anxious to know. We adjourn next Wednesday, and shall have to go home to aid in getting up recruits. I have a notion of going into it, and if I do, shall go into the ranks. There will be plenty of officers to be had but soldiers may be scanty. There is talk of drafting, and that would be well enough, only it might be complained that rich people SBNATOB LOT M. MORRILL. 203 could buy substitutes but the poor would have to go anyway. We must raise the troops anyhow. There are no two ways about that. There was a good deal of despondency for a while after the late fights, but it is pretty much got over now and the usual state of feeling prevails. With a good smart reinforcement at once we ought to have Richmond early in the fall. Write me. Below are the views of Senator Lot M. Morrill, of Maine: Washington, 1). C, July S. 1S62. My Dear General: Your Eavor is received. I am thankful to hear from you in person after the terrible ordeal through which you have passed. I had heard of your safety and also of the peril in which you had been during the engagements of the army. I want to sav to vou — to assure you — that although you may not get what so rightly belongs to you — what your heroic conduct in many fields merits from those who are in a position over you — your countrymen will not fail to award it. Be assured your friends and fellow-citizens of your own State appreciate your services and sacrifices, and will honor vou and render you the thanks of grateful hearts. God only knows what is in store for our beloved country. I hope and trust that it will triumph over all its foes, and am sure if all had served it as faithfully and heroicallv as you. its day of triumph would not have been so long postponed. The people. I am confident, will fill up your ranks without delay and put vou in position to avenge your countrv's wrongs and vindicate her cause. We are sad at the dis- comfiture of our army— its retreat when we were hoping for a victorious advance upon the rebels. I do not stop to criticise. I do not know that I am possessed of (acts to authorize a criticism. I only hope that we are to be more successful in the future. I have o-reat faith in the army and through it I have faith that we are to prevail. I want to go down and see our troops but am told there is no way to get down ; can't get permission. I hope to be able to get Mr. Abbott appointed, but such has been the rush of business that it has been difficult to get a hearing. I wish you would write me as often as you have time, and freely, feeling assured that I am in deepest sympathy with you in your great peril, and will always be glad to serve you. I have a nephew in the Massachusetts nth, named Blackwell. Can you tell me if he is safe? CHAPTER XXIII. REJOINS HIS BRIGADE. The Pope Campaign. — Kearny's Death. — Poem by Stedman. — Movements of Berry's Brigade. — Berry Narrowly Escapes Capture. — Confederate Women. — Berry Pro- tects Their Property. — Their Discourteous Conduct. — Berry Brings Them to Terms. — More Letters. — The Branding of a Deserter. — Berry's Keen Sympathy. — The Brigade in Maryland and Virginia. — Guarding White's Ford. — Search for Concealed Powder. — Discov- ery of Artillery Harnesses and Cavalry Equipments. — The "Buckwheat Seed."— " Stop ! It is Powder."— Changes in the Brigade. — Letters. DURING General Berry's absence on leave, his brigade took part in the Pope campaign and was engaged at Groveton and Second Bull Run, August 29th, and at Chantilly> September 1st, where the gallant Kearny gave up his life. General Kearny was one of those rare specimens of manhood to whom fear was an unknown quantity. He had served in the Mexican War where he suffered the loss of an arm in a desper- ate cavalry charge. Again, in the French army, he rendered conspicuous service, and at the breaking out of the Civil War he promptly tendered his services to the Government. His brilliant career during the Peninsular campaign made him a prominent figure in the stirring events of those days, and his untimely end deprived the Union cause of a brave and skillful general. Edmund Clarence Stedman in his poem, " Kearny at Seven Pines," makes this allusion : ESCAPES CAPTURE. 205 So that soldierly legend is still on its journey, That story of Kearny who knew not to yield ; 'Twas the day when with Jameson, fierce Berry and Birney, Against twenty thousand he rallied the field. Where the red volleys poured when the clamor rose highest; Where the dead lay in clumps through the dwarf oak ami pine; Where the aim from the thicket was surest and nighest, No charge like Phil Kearny's along the whole line! Returning from the disastrous Pope campaign, Berry's brigade was encamped for a few days at Hunting Creek, Fort Lyon, Fort Ward and Upton's Hill. In September General Berry resumed his command. He was not in the best condi- tion for the field, but the rest and quiet of home had improved his health, and he longed to be with his troops and share with them the perils to which they were exposed. On his journey to join his brigade, General Berry and his aide, Lieutenant J. B. Greenhalgh, had a narrow escape from capture. They had forded the Potomac and reached the west- ern side. Continuing their journey for four or five miles they stopped at a tavern in a small town. There was much excite- ment, the Union troops having left but a short time before General Berry's arrival, and the place was swarming with Con- federate sympathizers. Lieutenant Greenhalgh was feeding his horses, when General Berry came out of the tavern, and said that he did not like the appearance of things— that he had overheard that Confederate troops were expected. Directing Lieutenant Greenhalgh to take the horses to a point a mile away, General Berry quietly returned to the tavern and in an unconcerned manner remarked that he must rejoin his brigade at once. He succeeded in getting away without arousing sus- picion, and joining Lieutenant Greenhalgh the two hastily retraced their way to Washington. Three hours after their departure the town they had left was raided by Confederate cavalry. September 12th, 1862, General Berry writes home: " I am now with my brigade in front of Alexandria, in the vicinity 206 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. of the spot occupied by us about one year since. The officers and men of my command were very glad to see me and gave me a warm reception. My health is improving, but I am very weak and cannot bear much exertion. The old 4th Maine has had severe fights and acquitted itself handsomely. Their loss was quite heavy, much more so than I supposed. I have little to write except it be that many of the troops require rest, especially my poor brigade. Will they have it? I hope so. We are now located with a view to guarding Alexandria and its approaches." Soon after rejoining the brigade the following little incident occurred, which Major Thayer of General Berry's staff relates : " At this time my wife who was stopping with friends in Alex- adria wished to visit me in camp, and as our headquarters were established in the yard of a house occupied by two middle-aged ladies, I engaged a room in the house which Mrs. Thayer could use in rainy weather. The two ladies asked protection from General Berry for their property, consisting of a span of horses, carriage, some poultry and a large flower garden, which was about all there was left of value outside of their house. The General directed guards to be placed, as was usually done over such property near our camp. On Sunday morning, learning from the colored boy who drove the carriage that the ladies would attend church at Alexandria, and that there would be a vacant seat in their carriage, I asked them to call for Mrs. Thayer after church to ride back with them, which they flatly refused to do. I stated the case to General Berry, who said, ' Say to them, it is my orders that the carriage shall bring the Lieutenant's wife, if she desires to come, and if you object to riding with the wife of a Northern soldier you can stay at home, and your carriage will go after her.' This brought them to terms, and the three returned together after church. The next day Mrs. Thayer, while walking in their garden, picked a few flowers, of which there was a profusion, and while arrang- ing a bouquet was met by a little colored girl with a note from blSCOtJRTEOtJS CONDUCT. 207 the ladies, on a silver tray, in which they objected emphatically to her trespassing by picking any flowers on their premises. She carried the bouquet and note to General Berry, who said in a quaint way he often had, ' Tell your husband that as we will probably move from here in a day or two, the soldiers need all the rest they can get, and that any guards now doing duty around these premises or elsewhere, who are not needed for pro- tecting public property, can be relieved and go to their quarters.' The following day Mrs. Thayer received from the soldiers more bouquets than she could supply with vases, and very possibly some of them came from this same garden." General Berry writes under date of September nth: "Today is my first Sunday in camp since my return, and not- withstanding the crowd, how lonely ! I feel more inclined to murmur than when I first came into service, when I had many things to drive me everywhere and keep my mind employed. Things have somewhat changed since then, I hope and trust for the better, so I find myself wishing to be at home rather than here sleeping on the ground again and living poorly enough for a hungry dog. The army under Pope got a tremendous thrash- ing at Bull Run. It is a fact, and no efforts will avail to keep it from leaking out. McClellan's forces, particularly Heint- zelman's corps, opened the way to the rear by the battle of Chantilly, which was a victory, in which poor Kearny was killed, and made an open road for Pope to fall back. McClellan is again in command, and all seem to feel easier, thinking that no great blunder will be committed, if no decisive victories are obtained. This corps is still in front of Alexandria for the defense of that city. How long we will remain no one knows, but think for the next two weeks at least, perhaps longer. I go to Washington tomorrow to see about some matters concerning my brigade. Shall return in the afternoon. The boys of the 4th Maine have indeed had a hard fight. The regiment has lost over one hundred in killed and wounded. Company B took into the fight on Monday at Centerville twenty-four men; 208 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. RERRY. sixteen were killed and wounded and four others had holes shot through their clothes. Company C and also A suffered severely. They behaved splendidly ; in fact their conduct was unexcep- tionable. They have won honors for themselves that will be a lasting monument to their bravery. Colonel Elijah Walker handled his regiment in a manner that shows him to be a brave soldier." September 16th he writes : "Well! McClellan has whipped the enemy severely [at Antietam] and I trust decisively, so much so that his retreat in Virginia will be as much as he can attend to at present. Thus ends the invasion of the North. The new troops are pouring in rapidly. I. trust that in a few days we shall have an army large enough to warrant our moving onward towards Richmond in pursuit of the enemy. I hope that this campaign may be decisive in its character, sufficiently so to end the war. I send you two copies of a photograph of the lamented Kearny. I prize them more than money. I wish them kept sacredly. He was my friend and I had a great love for him, as I well know' he had for me. We are under orders to march at a moment's notice, I do not know when, but probably in a few hours, within at least two days. My health is improving." September 20th he writes : " We are still watching the front of Alexandria. How long we are to remain is a matter of doubt. The rebels, it seems, have left Maryland, and are again on Virginia soil. They found invasion a different affair from what they supposed. I had hoped that the battles would have been attended with more decisive results than they seem to have been, but so it is, and it is no use to complain. It is very lonely here, more so than before I went home. Kearny is dead, Hooker is in command of an army corps, and many others have left or been promoted. I feel discontented, and camp life seems tiresome enough. I suppose you know all about the 4th Maine boys that are wounded. George Redlan has lost an arm, Charles Sawyer wounded in the foot, George Wall wounded, and so on. Oliver Blackington is uninjured. I am Litchfield's bravery. 209 glad it is no worse. Julius Litchfield is one of the bravest men in the army, and one of the best of officers in an engagement. He is entitled to the respect and good-will of all his friends for his heroic conduct under fire. No man more distinguished him- self in that noble regiment than Julius. He was in the front and cheered on his men continually. So, too, with the Abbott boy of Thomaston, also Captain Davis, one of the best of officers, and so with very many others. Walker's horse was hit, but he escaped unhurt." September 23d he writes: "I am still in front of Alex- andria. The 4th Maine is now up the river near Potsville, the precise locality I know not. I do not hear that they have had any fight, but infer that they have moved around considerably. I may go with General Hooker ; he has applied for me. I should like him much better than any man I have seen. I consider him the best man in the army." October 5th he writes : "I am still with my brigade at the outposts in front of Alexandria. How long I shall remain here I know not. I shall try to get away to more active service as soon as possible, as I dislike this kind of life very much. My health is not so good as I wish it were. I find myself weak and easily overthrown by the least exposure. I fear it will be some time ere I am as well as I was last winter." October iithhe writes: "My health is better. I have had a relapse of my old fever of Harrison's Landing. I came back too soon ; it would have been better had I stayed till now, but under the stringent orders of the War Department I did not feel at liberty to remain longer. I have now nine regiments in my brigade, one of the largest brigades in the army. I have it in most thorough drill and discipline and it is the pride of all who belong to it." In speaking of General Berry, Major Thayer, his provost marshal, whom we have quoted before, says : " As a disciplina- rian General Berry was firm but with a heart as tender as a woman's. While in camp at Alexandria, one of our men was 210 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. RERRY. iound guilty by a court martial held some distance away, on the charge of desertion, the sentence being to have his head shaved, to be branded with the letter ' D ' on the left hip, and then drummed out of camp, the brigade to be formed in a hollow square to witness the execution of the sentence, under the direction of the provost marshal of the brigade. General Berry handed me the order, saying, ' I see no way of evading the order. Have it done as quickly as possible, and caution your men neither to shave close, nor burn deep.' He felt it was a disgrace to his brigade as well as to the soldier. When we returned to our quarters he said to his staff that he would rather lead his men into battle than to be compelled to degrade another soldier for desertion." Continuing, Major Thayer says : " In October the 3d Corps was sent as a corps of observation up the Potomac. Our brigade marched on October 11th across Chain bridge, up the river road, through Tenallytown, Rockville and Darnestown to Edward's Ferry, Maryland, doing picket duty until the 28th, when we moved via Poolsville to White's Ford, and again cross- ing the Potomac into Virginia. While guarding the ford and watching for a return of Stuart's cavalry, our headquarters was near a house where we suspected powder was stored to be used in destroying the Monocacy stone bridge in Maryland. The owner of the premises and his wife both protested stoutly that there was nothing of the kind, that they were Union people, and that the rebels knew better than to seek their assistance in any way. Notwithstanding their assertions, I searched the house, finding only an overcoat with Confederate buttons, which they explained had been left there by a Confederate officer, who stopped for dinner, and had left hurriedly when some of our men were approaching. Our forage running short we began using hay from the barn, giving receipts for which the owners could be paid on proof of loyalty. When two or three loads had been removed we found, hidden beneath the hay, artillery harness and cavalry equipments enough for supplying CONCEALED POWDER. 211 several hundred men, and as it all bore the unmistakable marks of the ' C. S. A.' we gave the couple no more hay vouchers. General Berry then directed me to make a more minute search for powder. The owner followed me, and when I found in a dark attic an open keg, and asked what it contained, he said it was buckwheat saved for seed, but when I struck a match he said ' Stop ! it is powder,' and sure enough there were three kegs of blasting powder. This was reported at once to General Berry, who directed me to take some men and assist the family in removing everything of value from the house to some other place, and find out with fire whether we had found all the muni- tions of war stored there by the enemy. In less than an hour several distinct explosions demonstrated that we had been advised correctly. The overcoat belonged to their son, as admitted to me by his mother, while the house and barn arsenals were being purified by fire." The next movement of the brigade was by the way of Lees- burg, Millville, Waterloo and Warrenton, camping October 23d at Falmouth. About this time the 2d Michigan was transferred to the 9th Corps, and the 1st and 101st New York and 17th Maine regiments were added to the brigade. General Berry writes under date of November 12th: "I am now in command of my brigade, under General Stoneman, he being in command of the division. My health is better, the weather cooler, and I hope to get rid of my long-continued sickness. General Stoneman is a good officer and a gentleman. I am pleasantly situated. This is a fine, mountainous region, the air is bracing, the country furnishing in times of peace many of the comforts of life. Now all is swept away by the armies advancing and falling back as the case may be. You will probably next hear from me by the way of the Lower Rappahannock." November 17th he writes: "I have not written for some days, owing to my having been for the past ten days continually on the move. We are now encamped in advance of Warrenton, 212 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Va., in a country seemingly very long under cultivation, and of most picturesque appearance. High hills, sweeping valleys, dotted over with old-fashioned Virginia farm houses, at least a century behind the times, inhabited only by old men and women and a few blacks, make up all that is worthy of note in this part of the ' Old Dominion.' My health is somewhat better. I am very lame in my legs and right shoulder, so much so in my legs that I can scarcely walk. My shoulder is lame also, and my arm is almost useless at this time. Still I think I am improving, and believe that the cold weather will end my attacks of intermittent fever, but I have to take medicine daily to guard against a return of it. We shall move again soon." November 20th General Berry writes : " We shall go to the immediate vicinity of Fredericksburg tomorrow. We are now ten miles distant at the Rappahannock River." Writing from near Falmouth, November 24th : " We now confront Fredericksburg, and shall doubtless storm the place in a day or two. The city will most likely be destroyed, as we shall burn it if opposition is made therefrom to our crossing. Entirely destitute of news." Near Falmouth, November 30th : " I am now quite smart, having got better of my troubles. Although thin in flesh I am comparatively well. My command is in fine condition. I am complimented on all sides in relation thereto. The President was here in consultation with General Burnside a few days since, and doubtless made known to the General the future plan of operations. Of that, however, none know the particulars and will not till the moves actually commence." CHAPTER XXIV. FREDERICKSBURG. General Burnside in Command. — Proposes to Attack Rich- mond by way of Fredericksburg. — Delay. — Positions of the Opposing Forces. — Opening of the Battle. — An Unsuccessful Attack. — Slaughter at Marye's Hill. — The 17th Maine. — Berry's Love for It. — Berry Crosses the Rappahannock and Prepares for Battle. — His Brilliant Generalship. — "Steady the 17th Maine! The State of Maine is Looking at You To-day." — Berry and the Backwoods Boy. — "Keep Those Heads Down." — Fierce Attack on Berry's Brigade. — "What Shall I Do with the Knapsacks?" — Berry Drives Back Ihe Enemy. — Confed- erate General A. P. Hill Compliments Him. — Lieutenant- Colonel Gilluly. — General De Lacy. — A Bad Scrape. — Berry's Official Report. — His Grief. M'CLELLAN was now relieved of the command of the Army of the Potomac and General Burnside had assumed his place. Promptness of action was of the utmost importance to insure success to the Union army ; but instead of attacking the enemy at once, Burnside spent several days in reorganizing his force. His plan of attack was to move on Richmond by the way of Fredericksburg, a design that Lee speedily fathomed and disposed his troops to disconcert; and while the Union army marched toward Fredericksburg on the upper side of the Rappahannock, the Confederates moved in the same direction on the other side. Burnside reached Fal- mouth, nearly opposite Fredericksburg, on the 17th of Novem- 214 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. ber, several days in advance of Lee. The town was then occupied by a small garrison of Confederate troops, and Sumner sought permission to cross the river with his corps and occupy the heights behind the town, which would have resulted in its fall. Burnside, however, withheld his consent, and before the Union commander was ready to act, Lee had possession of the hills and had strongly fortified them, so that desperate fighting and heavy losses must ensue before the Stars and Stripes could float over them. Fredericksburg at this time was a small town of but little importance, except as a point of military operations. It is located on the bank of the Rappahannock, on a plain which stretches away to a line of hills that curve to the river banks, a short distance above the village of Falmouth. Below Fred- ericksburg these hills, broken by the intersection of a broad ravine, make a wide sweep away from the river to a point where they terminate abruptly to give passage to Massaponax Creek, a stream which crosses the plain at its widest point, to empty into the Rappahannock. The heights along the north bank of the river completely command Fredericksburg and the plain beyond, and it was here that the Union army was encamped. The little city was thus in a perilous position between the two armies, and could be destroyed by the artillery fire of either. Sharpshooters were also posted by the enemy in the houses along the river bank, to oppose the crossing of the Union forces, by preventing the rebuilding of the bridges. By the ioth of December Burnside was ready to attempt the passage of the river. The weather was very cold and the poorly clad troops suffered severely. Snow fell to the depth of several inches on the 5th, bending the pines under the weight until the curving trunks formed arcades above the tents of the sleeping men, while the sentinels under their mantle of snow looked like statues half confounded with the trees. One hundred and fifty cannon were posted on Stafford's FREDERICKSBURG. 215 Hills to protect the Union troops who were to lay the pontoon bridges. Work began on the iith under cover of a heavy fog, but the Confederate sharpshooters soon got in their deadly work, compelling the engineers to desist from their labors. It was evident that these sharpshooters must be driven away before the passage of the river could be effected, and the Union artillery opened fire upon the city. Columns of smoke arising above the mist showed that Fredericksburg had been set on fire by the shells, but neither the shelling nor the conflagration dislodged the tenacious sharpshooters. Another attempt to rebuild the bridges failed, and volunteers were called for to cross the river in boats and attack the riflemen. This was a most desperate undertaking, but the volunteers were soon forth- coming, and the attack upon the sharpshooters resulted in the capture of many of them and the driving away of the remainder. On the iith and 12th the Union army crossed the river on the bridges and prepared to give battle to the enemy. The morning was foggy and did not clear until about eleven o'clock. The battle opened by General Meade attacking Jackson, who occupied the right of the enemy's line, posted on the hills back of Fredericksburg. Meade succeeded in driving back the first lines of the enemy and reaching the top of the hills, but not being reinforced in time, was driven back with great loss. Sumner on the right had attacked the enemy vigorously. Marye's Hill just back of the town was crowned by strong batteries of the enemy. Along its base is a sunken road with a stone wall bordering the side nearest the city. The existence of this road was unknown to the Union generals, and it served as a place of concealment for a strong body of Confederate riflemen, whom the stone wall, which was four feet high, com- pletely sheltered. The Union troops made several attempts to carry this height by storm, but in vain. Finally, the lines were formed for a desperate assault and the troops advanced across the plain in front of the hill in the face of a terrible fire from the Confederate batteries. The stone wall was reached, and in an 216 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. instant a fringe of flame leaped from the rifles from behind it, while batteries at the ends poured grape and canister into the surging mass in front. This was too much for human nature to endure, and the broken Union lines came reeling back, the dead and dying lying in piles along their course. General Burnside, when he saw the result of the assault, went to Hooker, whose division had not yet crossed the river, and ordered him to carry the hill. On examination Hooker became satisfied that such an attack would only be sending the men to certain death without accomplishing the result sought for. He therefore returned to General Burnside and tried to persuade him to countermand his order, but without avail. Hooker opened with artillery, and about sunset ordered General Humphrey to assault the hill. Laying aside knapsacks and relying on the bayonet, the troops gallantly rushed to the attack, but on reaching the stone wall they were met with such a fire that they were driven back, leaving 1,700 of their number behind. Night ended the conflict, which had resulted in a loss of more than 12,000 men to the Union army. Nor was the struggle renewed the following day, General Burnside yielding to the entreaties of his principal generals, who were unanimous in their opinion that the enemy's position was too strong to be taken. At this time Berry's brigade consisted of the 17th Maine, 3d and 5th Michigan, 1st and 37th New York. December 23d, 1862, the 55th New York was consolidated with the 37th, which increased its effective strength. The 17th Maine, which had just arrived from home, was among the new regiments added to Berry's brigade. It was a magnificent body of men and gave evidence even at that early date of the brilliant career it was juit entering upon. General Berry was in Washington when this regiment reported at the front for duty in his brigade. On his arrival at headquarters, he immediately ordered the 17th Maine to parade for inspec- tion, desiring in this manner to become familiar with the men, INSPECTING NEW REGIMENTS. 217 and to give the regiment a " sizing up." The regiment was drawn up in an open field and the ranks opened. Dismounting, Gen- eral Berry commenced a thorough examination of the men and equipments, nothing escaping his practiced eye. As he came slowly down the line he suddenly stopped opposite Captain George W. Verrill, who was then an orderly sergeant, and asked his name and where he was from. Unconscious of having committed any offense, other than partaking of some unpur- chased morsels that others had given him, yet the sergeant was quaking with apprehension lest he was about to be severely disciplined. For what other reason could he be singled out of this line of 600 men and thus addressed by this general of brigade? Summoning what remained of his vanishing courage for one supreme effort, Verrill blurted out his name and resi- dence. "Where is your sergeant's sash?" asked General Berry, with a merry twinkle in his eye. Alas, he had it not, and in a few words he explained that when the regiment was ordered from the defenses of Washing- ton to take the field for active service, the sash had been packed up and left behind. General Berry laughed with delight at some humor in the situation ; told the sergeant that he " guessed he would do," and moved on. Verrill was not court martialed. Berry continued his searching inspection, and noticing that the men of one company were of small average height, he called the captain to him, and said that they would make good skirmishers and advised the captain to drill them thoroughly in skirmishing. Never before nor since was this regiment sub- jected to such a rigid examination, but it came out of the ordeal crowned by the confidence and esteem of its brigade com- mander, who ever after spoke with pride of the 17th Maine. On the morning of the 13th of December Berry's brigade left its camp and with the other brigades of Birney's division moved to the bank of the Rappahannock below Falmouth. 218 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Here Berry crossed over the upper bridge and took position on the left of the 2d Brigade, remaining in this position until 12 o'clock. The division to which Berry's brigade was attached was deployed in a field in the rear of General Meade's division, as a support to the intended movement by that division. The road bounding the rear of the field was edged with high embankments, with ditches next to the road some six feet deep. Through these embankments were two narrow wagon-ways, making it possible to retire from the field only by the flank of a regiment. The brigades of Ward and Berry were deployed in two lines, leaving Robinson's brigade, which had not then reached the field, as a reserve. The enemy's batteries commanded the open field, and in order to get into position under the brow of the hill, General Berry was obliged to advance over ground that had been staked by the enemy in order to gauge their guns, that is, lines of stakes had been driven into the ground at certain intervals so that the rebel artillerymen would know at what elevation to fire their pieces, in order to make their shots effective upon the attacking force. General Berry resorted to strategy to protect his men from the shells that rained upon them. Ordering them forward at the double-quick, the line would advance at a run for eight or ten rods amid the storm of shot and shell, then lie down, whereupon the firing would stop. Again the troops would rise, rush forward until the fire became too hot, then drop to the ground. These tactics were repeated four times before the brigade got into position under the brow of the hill. The significance of the stakes being now discovered, they were removed by General Berry's order. The severe shelling that the 17th Maine received was quite a test to the nerves of the new troops, who were receiving their first baptism of fire and blood. As the regiment was forming line of battle in front of the enemy, with the bullets whistling merrily about their heads, General Berry rode along the line accompanied by his staff. Glancing down the long line of men, THE SEVENTEENTH MAINE IN ACTION. 219 he cried: "Steady, 17th Maine! The State of Maine is look- ing at you today ! " whereupon the men cheered lustily, took new courage, and as the records show acquitted themselves well, then and ever thereafter. It is related of General Berry that at the time the troops were lying flat to escape the shells that were hissing over them, he noticed that several men had sought shelter in a deep ditch a few yards in the rear of the line of battle. Addressing a tall backwoods boy he said : " Get out of that and join your company ! " The soldier straightened up, bowed to the General, and replied in a drawling tone of voice: " Ya-as, Gineral, I will, jest as soon as them fellers quit throwin' railroad iron at us." The General rode along. In another position of the 17th Maine, when General Berry desired to conceal the exact location of his line, and the enemy was vainly trying to shell him out, the orders were to " keep down out of sight," but the men were curious to know what was going on and would raise their heads to take a look. Observing this, General Berry galloped up at a furious pace, swinging his sword and shouting in stentorian tones, " Keep those heads down or I'll cut them off! " The owners of the heads obeyed, fearing the General more than the shells of the enemy. In the meantime General Meade's division was being sorely pressed ; Ward's brigade was detached by General Birney and sent to his assistance, and Berry's brigade was returned to its position on the left. Meade's troops were now in full retreat, and no efforts of the officers could rally them. The enemy appeared in force in front of Birney's division and charged upon the four batteries in the front. General Berry promptly sent forward the 5th Michigan to support the batteries, and advanced his remaining regiments to the front and right, filling the gap in the Union 220 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. lines caused by sending forward a part of Ward's brigade. On came the rebel line at a charge, flushed by the victorious encounter with the troops of General Meade. The brunt of this attack fell upon General Berry, who met it with the 5th Michigan, Lieutenant Colonel Gilluly ; 37th New York, Colonel Hayman ; 101st New York, Colonel Chester; and the 17th Maine, Colonel Roberts. The 1st New York and 3d Michigan acted as a reserve. Volley after volley did the steady ranks of Berry's infantry pour into the masses of the enemy, until the lines were obscured by the sulphurous smoke and the rattling volleys blended in one continuous roar. Before this terrific fire the enemy melted like chaff before the wind. The men lay in ranks just as they fell, and wide gaps were left in the advancing line after each discharge. It was too much for human endurance. The shattered line of the enemy halted, then wavered, then went reeling back, broken and defeated. A member of the 17th Maine relates an incident that occurred during this fight. He says: "The men, being raw when we started for that engagement, were encumbered with their knapsacks, loaded with clothing, testaments and other books, playing cards, etc. When the critical moment arrived that General Berry concluded to put in our large regiment to meet an advance of General Hill, he rode up to our Colonel Roberts and ordered him to move forward. [General Berry had the good habit, lacking in many other generals, of giving orders in person when possible.] It was a muddy place we were in. Colonel Roberts was uncertain whether to unsling knapsacks or have the men wear them, so he asked the General what he should do with the knapsacks. The General replied, ' I don't care what you do with the knapsacks, if you will only go forward.' Thus he taught us how to behave in action." The action had now ended for the day, so far as Berry's brigade was concerned, although the men were subjected until night to a severe artillery fire. Sunday and Monday the Incidents of the battle. 221 brigade lay on the ground under the enemy's batteries, during which time they conducted themselves in a courageous manner The next day Lieutenant J. B. Greenhalgh was sent under a flag of truce to the rebel lines to make arrangements for the removal of the wounded who were lying between the two lines of battle. Meeting an aide of General A. P. Hill, he inquired of Greenhalgh what brigade came up after their heavy artillery fire. " General Berry's brigade," responded Lieutenant Green- halgh. " General A. P. Hill sends his compliments to General Berry," said the Confederate officer, " and say to him that it was the best behaved brigade that he ever saw under fire." Lieutenant-Colonel Gilluly of the 5 th Michigan was killed in the charge of the enemy upon his command. It is said of him that having a most sensitive nature he was under the impression that his courage had been misrepresented to General Berry, and he went into this action with a determination to refute any such representation by a display of bravery most convincing. He led his regiment mounted, and knowing it was a most hazardous undertaking, he arranged with his quarter- master, Lieutenant H. B. Blackman, that should he fall, every effort should be put forth to recover his body and have it buried in Michigan. Gilluly fell during the bloody fight of that day and the Union army had fallen back, rendering any attempt to recover the body a difficult and perilous undertaking. True to his promise, and caring not for the dangers of the quest, Blackman secured an ambulance and a (ew men, and in the darkness of night returned to the battlefield, secured the body and returned with it to the regiment. Subsequently the body of the gallant lieutenant-colonel was taken to Michigan and given burial. General Berry says of this officer in his report: " I have again, as upon every field where this brigade has fought under my command, to make honorable mention of the 5 th Michigan. Its brave chief, the gallant Lieutenant-Colonel 222 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Gilluly, fell at the head of his regiment in repelling a charge of the enemy upon the battery which his regiment was support- ing. The conduct of this war-worn regiment was, indeed, most noble." General William De Lacy, formerly major of the 37th New York, says that he had been appointed brigade officer of the day on the morning of the battle. Anxious to participate in the conflict with his regiment, he hastened to General Berry and asked permission to remain with it during the impending battle. At first he denied the request, but in a few moments smiling at the impetuosity of the Major, he said, "All right; do as you please." Major De Lacy galloped back and rejoined his command, as it was leaving the road to form line of battle on the brow of the hill. The formation had not been completed when back came a portion of the Pennsylvania reserves, defeated and panic stricken. Colonel Hayman of the 37th New York and Major De Lacy attempted to rally them about the latter regiment, but without success. At this time General Berry appeared on the scene and addressing the regiment said : " Men of the 37th, this position has been abandoned. I expect you to hold it as long as I deem it necessary, and I feel sure you will do it." The men greeted these words with cheers and successfully resisted every attempt of the enemy to drive them from this position. General De Lacy adds : " I never remember seeing General Berry after that day, but I shall never forget him, how fine and powerful he looked — always calm, unruffled, with a genial smile, never a harsh word, and never theatrical, but he was, as he looked, always reliable, ready at all times for any emergency. All the soldiers loved him. I remember saying often that the men never waited for orders to cheer Kearny, Sickles or Berry. Their applause came from their hearts involuntarily." The following Monday, at 10 P. M., Berry was ordered to SOLICITUDE FOR HIS MEN. 223 form his brigade in the rear of the road and be prepared to move at a moment's notice. Soon after orders came to recross the Rappahannock and go into camp. Speaking of this retreat, William Hobson, captain in the 17th Maine, says: "We retreated to the north bank of the Rappahannock on the night of the 15th, having been on the front line for more than fifty- six hours. Our regiment was the rear of the brigade, and as we climbed the bank we passed General Berry sitting on his horse, anxiously watching for the safety of his beloved brigade. As I passed him he said, ' Ah, boys, I've got you out of a bad scrape.' He did not leave until the last man was across the river." As a further illustration of General Berry's solicitude for the welfare of his men, the following incident is given : "On a bleak night in December, when the guard around his quarters were nearly frozen as they paced the beat, each for a long two hours, one of the 17th Maine men as he went past the door of the General's tent was surprised to see the tent-flap open and the General appear. He came out to the beat and held out a dipper, saying to the astonished private, ' Drink this, it will do you good.' He drank it obediently and it did him good. It was whiskey." In his report of the battle of Fredericksburg, General Stoneman, commander of the 3d Army Corps, and General Birney, his division commander, gave General Berry honorable mention for his conduct during the fight. General Berry's official report of this battle is as follows : ,j Headquarters 3D Brigade, Camp below Fredericksburg, Va. December 14, 1862. Sir : In conformity to orders from your headquarters we broke up camp yesterday morning at 4 A. M., and moved, with the other brigades of this division, to the bank of the Rappahannock, just below Falmouth, where we were halted until 10.30 A. m. At this time we moved to the river to cross. 224 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. In obedience to orders from corps headquarters I crossed this brigade over the upper bridge, and connected with the ist [2d] Brig- ade, General Ward, upon this side, arriving on our present ground about n.30 o'clock, and took up a position on the left of the ist [2d] Brigade. At 12 o'clock I was ordered by General Birney to take one reg- iment over to the right of our first line, and to sustain the rifle batteries ; also to guard our left flank with the other regiments of my brigade. I sent the 5th Michigan, Lieutenant-Colonel Gilluly in command, to the ridge, and placed the 37th New York, Colonel Hayman, 101st New York Volunteers, Colonel Chester, and 17th Maine, Colonel Roberts, in support of the batteries, keeping as a reserve the ist New York and 3d Michigan. These dispositions being made, I awaited the result of the attack then going on in front. I received orders about this time (1.30 p. m.) from the general of the division to be prepared fully to sustain a charge on our batteries should our forces then engaged be driven back. At 2 p. m. it was evident that our forces were being driven in. I extended my left by moving the 17th Maine to my extreme left. At this time the charge took place on the batteries in my front. The disordered troops, who had been driven in, by passing my front to the rear, did not dampen the ardor of my command, and when the enemy came within range, the 5th Michigan, 37th New York, 101st New York and 17th Maine poured a withering fire into their ranks, which sent them to the right-about, they having met with a bloody repulse. This ended the infantry fight, as far as my brigade was concerned. We were subject, until night, to a heavy artillery fire, during which my men behaved handsomely. We lay on the ground under the enemy's batteries Sunday and Monday. Monday at 10 p. m. I received orders from the division general to form my brigade on a third line in rear of the road, and to be prepared to move at a moment's notice. A half-hour later I received orders from General Stoneman, commanding the corps, to move my brigade by its left flank to the rear, and form a line of battle, the left resting on the river, and the right resting on General Sickles' left flank. Captain Sumner, of the corps staff, was sent with me to place the brigade in position. As I was about forming my line, I received a second order from corps headquarters, through Captain REPORT OF THE BATTLE. 225 Livingston, of the artillery, to march my brigade directly to the lower bridge, to cross and go into camp near corps headquarters. I proceeded on with my brigade, crossed the lower bridge, and went into camp within 400 yards of corps headquarters at 1 a. m. At daylight I reported in person to General Stoneman, and sent Lieutenant Freeman, of my staff, to report to division headquarters. At 8 A. M. I received orders from division headquarters to join the division, and place my brigade in rear of the 1st Brigade. I did so, and followed it to its camp and then, under direction of the general of the division, I placed my brigade in its present camp. This brigade has sustained in this battle its former good reputa- tion ; forming as it did on the plains of Fredericksburg, under fire of the enemy's batteries from the heights in front, and from their batteries on our flank, without any signs of wavering, is proof of its reliability. I have to again, as upon every field where this brigade has fought under my command, make honorable mention of the 5th Michigan Volunteers. Its brave chief, the gallant Lieuten- ant-Colonel Gilluly, fell at the head of his regiment in repelling a charge of the enemy upon the battery which his regiment was supporting. The conduct of this war-worn regiment was, indeed, most noble. The 37th New York Volunteers was no less conspicuous. Colonel Hayman was ever on the alert. His regiment was in sup- port of a battery, and always ready. It contributed largely in repulsing the enemy. It has won new laurels in the fight, which, added to its very many old ones, makes this organization one of the most noted in the volunteer service. I have also to mention the good conduct of the 101st New York Volunteers, Colonel Chester commanding. They nobly per- formed their duty during the fight ; also as picket on the night of the retreat. This regiment, though small in numbers, did good service, and its conduct, together with all its officers, was unexcep- tionable. The 3d Michigan Volunteers and the 1st New York Volunteers formed my second line. They were not actively engaged, but by their steady bearing and devotion to duty have again won my admiration. The conduct of these two regiments could not be bettered. Next, I have to mention the 17th Maine Volunteers. This was 226 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. its first engagement ; but very few of its members were ever before under fire. Officers and men alike nobly performed their duty ; no one would have known but they were veterans. Colonel Roberts, Lieutenant-Colonel Merrill and Major West acted nobly, and per- formed their duties in a most satisfactory manner. This regiment assisted in the repulse of the enemy's attack on our batteries. I cannot close this report without making honorable mention of Captain G. W. Wilson, my acting assistant adjutant-general, and my aides, Lieutenants J. B. Greenhalgh, George Freeman and S. S. Huntly. They were active in the performance of their duties, and rendered the most efficient service. I also feel it my duty to mention Father Tissot, chaplain of the 37th New York Volunteers. He was with his regiment during the engagement, and by his bearing and teachings rendered valuable service. He is, indeed, a model chaplain. The several surgeons of this brigade were on the field, and were very active in the performance of their duties. Herewith please find a complete list of killed and wounded. You will observe we have no missing. I am happy to be able to state that I have not a straggler in the whole brigade. Respectfully, your obedient servant, H. G. Berry, Captain F. Birney, Brigadier-General of Volunteers. Asst. Adjt.-Gen., 1st Div., 3d Corps. General Berry writes his daughter December 17th, 1862: " Your last two letters, my child, were handed to me by the brigade mail-boy on the field of battle on Saturday. I read them with much pleasure, under the most murderous artillery fire I have ever been subjected to. My brigade thought it very queer that I should read letters at such a time, but as I was not to move for a few moments I thought I would know what was in the letters, as I might not have the privilege an hour after- wards. I am pretty well, although very much exhausted, having slept on the ground for seven nights, and part of the time in wet places. My hair is all out of my head and I have had it shaved. I hope it will grow again, as I look queer enough." CASUALTIES AT FREDERICKSBURG. 227 He writes again under date of December 26th : " I have been confined to my tent of late. I am now improving slowly but am indeed a frightful looking chap. The battle of Fred- ericksburg was a bloody affair and without results, except they be unfavorable ones so far as we are concerned. My brigade lost 180 killed and wounded. I lost one colonel killed. The artillery fire was very heavy and plenty of iron flew through our ranks. I escaped unhurt, although in the midst of the fray from Saturday at ten till the recrossing of the river. I got cold sleeping on the ground and getting wet and chilled." The casualties of Berry's brigade at the battle of Freder- icksburg as given in the official returns are as follows: 17th Maine, one man killed, nineteen wounded ; 3d Michigan, six men wounded and one officer captured ; 5th Michigan, one officer and nine men killed, one officer and seventy-two men wounded; 1st New York, seven men wounded; 37th New York, seven men killed, twenty-seven wounded, one captured ; 101st New York, one man killed, twelve wounded. Total loss in the brigade of killed, wounded and missing, 165. In speaking of General Berry's love for his old regiment, Colonel Walker says : " The next morning after the battle of Fredericksburg, where the 4th Maine met with such fearful disaster, the General walked to my side, laid his head on one of my shoulders and his hand on the other and wept bitterly, refusing to be comforted, until two of his staff officers led him away. Thus we parted without uttering a word. One hour later he was in his saddle, directing his brigade, as cool and calm as though nothing had happened." January 8th, 1863, General Berry was temporarily in com- mand of the division during the absence of General Birney, and on the 15th, having secured a leave of absence, he hastened to New York to join his family, who were then in that city. But his vacation was of short duration, as in response to a tele- gram from his superiors summoning him to the field he returned to his command next day. CHAPTER XXV. BERRY A MAJOR-GENERAL. General Charles Hamlin Relates How Berry was Promoted. — Meets Berry for the First Time. — Visit to Major-Gen- eral Hooker. — The Latter's Glowing Tribute. — Expresses Wish that Berry Command his Old Division. — General Heintzelman Interviewed. — His Letter. — President Lin- coln's Words of Praise for Berry. — Delay in Making the Appointment. — General Hamlin's Call on General Hal- leck. — The Latter's Boorishness. — Anecdote of Senator Zach Chandler. — Berry Appointed Major-General. — Letters. — Assigned to Hooker's Old Division. — Farewell Address to the Brigade. — The 37th New York's Address. — Berry's Affection for his Old Brigade — General Hooker Assigned to the Command of the Army of the Potomac. — His Great Admiration for Berry. — Assigns him to the Command of the 2d Division, 3d Corps. GENERAL BERRY'S qualities as a leader of men had long since brought him to the favorable notice of his superiors. His friends now took it upon themselves to see that his patriotic services received the reward that their importance merited, and urged his promotion to major-general. General Charles Hamlin, son of the War Vice President, gives the following account of General Berry's promotion : " Soon after Antietam I learned that General Berry, at the close of the Peninsular campaign, had been ordered to his home in Rockland in consequence of severe sickness. About the middle of October the Vice President came to Washington and I hooker's endorsement. 220 found him at the National Hotel in consultation and conference with the General. I had never met the General and as I entered his room I was met by him in a most cordial manner. Although showing the effects of malaria, he possessed a fine, martial spirit which seemed to sit natural and easy upon a powerful form. I knew very well the confidence that was reposed in General Berry for his soldierly qualities by the Vice President and the personal interest the latter took in his success; so that when the conversation turned upon the General's promotion to the command of a division with the rank of major-general, I was not surprised and was much pleased with an invitation of both to go with them to see General Hooker whose advice and recommendation could be relied upon to bring about the desired end. " General Hooker, who had been wounded in his foot at Antietam, was then under the care of Dr. Nichols, at the Insane Asylum, where we found him lying upon a lounge in a room assigned to him which afforded cool and pure air to his wound. His greeting of our party was as hearty as his criticism of the handling of the army at Antietam was severe. As he was not an admirer of General McClellan — not even a believer in him as an army commander — he found a good listener in the Vice President, who prophesied that McClellan would not retain his position at the head of the army much longer. When General Hooker was informed of the special object of the visrt, he at once expressed his willingness to do all in his power to aid General Berry's promotion, adding that he had earned it, and that he desired above all things to see him in command of his old division which, wearing the White Diamond, was composed of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and New Jersey troops and the Excelsior Brigade that had been raised by General Sickles. I was prepared for his declaration of confidence and interest in General Berry ; and he having promised to give him a strong letter recommending his promotion, we sat there prolonging our visit while listening to this recital of General Berry's valuable 230 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. services and fine conduct as it had fallen under his eye on the Peninsula. " He gave many details of the battle of Williamsburg, especially, naming General Berry's opportune arrival with his brigade, from the Kearny division, which enabled him to hold his position and save the day. General Hooker endorsed him without reserve. He says : Headquarters Insane Asylum, D. C, ) October 19, 1862. j Major-General H. W. Halleck, Commanding the Army: General: The friends of Brigadier-General H. G. Berry desire that he should be promoted to the rank of Major-General of Volunteers, and have applied to me fur a testimonial in his behalf. He commanded a brigade in Kearny's division, and it was in that position I had an opportunity to witness his services through several eventful months. He led his brigade with great judgment and gal- lantry at Williamsburg and Fair Oaks, and I was informed by his late division commander [General Kearny] that his conduct was no less conspicuous in the subsequent engagements of his division on the Peninsula. But it was not in the presence of the enemy alone that my attention was attracted to this officer, but in the preparation of his brigade for active service, and in his arrangements for the defense of his position while encamped on mv left at Fair Oaks, and the soldierly manner in which he held his command, when the driving in of a picket by the enemy or a false move in the disposi- tion of his brigade would have endangered our whole line. He enjoyed the entire confidence of his division and corps commanders. I am not informed of his early opportunities for acquiring information in his profession, and only know that I regard him as an accomplished officer, and well qualified to fill the place he aspires to. He is practical, intelligent, enterprising, intrepid and devoted. In my own mind I have classed him among the promising officers who have grown up during the Rebellion, and from whom I have learned to expect great deeds before it is ended. Of this class, I know of no superior to General Berry, and but few, if any, equals. In consideration of the many recommendations you must have presented to you, General, it may not be necessary to add that I heintzelman's letter. 231 shall commend no one to your favorable consideration, whose services I should not desire, were it admissible, in my own command. In view of the great responsibilities which belong to those high stations I have adopted this as an inflexible rule for my government. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Joseph Hooker, Major-Genera 1. " Upon returning to the hotel I was excused for the day and requested to return in the afternoon of the next day. I did so, and with a note of introduction to General Heintzelman called upon him at Arlington to obtain the second letter of recommendation that was filed. Riding over the Georgetown bridge with a friend who knew the way, we reached Arlington in the evening and were ushered into the house at once, as soon as I had sent in my note of introduction. I found General Heintzelman with several members of his family sitting in a large room before an open wood fire, where he kindly received us. I recall with pleasure how soon the gray-bearded veteran, looking at us with his keen eye, put us at ease ; and as soon as he learned the object of our call spoke in the strongest terms of his admiration of General Berry and promised to send a letter in his behalf to the President the next day; and he did so. Here is the letter : Headquarters Defenses of Washington, i South of the Potomac, Arlington, Va., > October 15, 1862. ) His Excellency, A. Lincoln, President of the United States, Washington : Sir: I have the honor to recommend to your notice Brigadier- General H. G. Berry who served under my command first as colonel near Fort Lyon, afterwards as brigadier-general during the campaign on the Peninsula. He has always performed his duties with energy and good judgment. On the Peninsula he was highly distinguished for his 232 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. gallantry and activity in the various battles, and more particularly at Williamsburg and Fair Oaks. At the former place he commanded the leading brigade that relieved the troops who were then engaged and almost out of ammu- nition, thereby saving the day. At Fair Oaks he held our left wing until after dark. I have the honor to be, sir, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, S. P. Heintzelman, Major-General. " These letters were placed in the President's hands. He expressed his satisfaction with the gallantry, efficiency and merits of General Berry and remarked that it would be a pleas- ure to make this promotion. It was understood that the letters were to be sent to General Halleck to be placed in his office and the nomination already agreed on to go to the Senate in a few days. The Vice President returned to his home and General Berry went to the front, shortly afterward. "After the lapse of a fortnight, the appointment not having been made, I received a letter from the Vice President asking me to inquire into the cause of the delay. I called upon the Pres- ident, who informed me that it should be made as soon as the Senate convened, and, to insure against mistake, gave me a card to General Halleck requesting him to see me. I went to General Haileck's office and waited in his ante-room during the afternoon until he closed his office for the day. Coming out with the card in his hand, and on being informed who was the bearer of it, he very haughtily said, before I could tell him I was there only in the capacity of a messenger from the Presi- dent : ' Young man, I am too busy to attend to such matters. You better go to your regiment.' I always thought that General Kelton, his adjutant-general, was more annoyed than was the President's messenger with the boorish action of General Halleck toward the President. The appointment came, however, as soon as the Senate convened, and Berry SENATOR ZACH CHANDLER. 233 was confirmed without delay, to date from November 29th, 1862." It is said of Zach Chandler, the War Senator from Michigan, that when asked for his endorsement to papers requesting the promotion of General Berry from the rank of brigadier- to that of major-general, and it was suggested that Berry's political faith was not the same as his, he exclaimed in his bluff way: " D — n his politics ; his military record is good enough," and seizing a pen he signed the documents. Vice President Hamlin notified Berry of his promotion in the following terms : Washington, January 22, 1863. Brigadier-General H. G. Berry : Dear Sir : I am directed by Mr. Hamlin to avail myself of the honor to inform you that you have been today nominated by the President as Major-Genera 1 of Volunteers in the United States Army. You may be sure your friends and all who know you will rejoice in an event which confers so well-earned and well-merited honor upon you, and secures in a wider sphere the skill which will, we think, be used most earnestly and successfully for your country. Truly yours, N. Butler, Private Secretary to Vice President. Thus at the early age of 38 years did General Berry attain this high rank in military life solely because of superior service and ability. The press of business was so great in the Senate, however, that General Berry's nomination, with others, was not then acted upon; but on March 7th, 1863, he was renominated by the President and two days afterwards the nomination was confirmed by the Senate, to rank as Major-General of Volun- teers in the service of the United States from the 29th day of November, 1862. January 23d, 1863, General Berry writes home: "We have just got back to our old camp again, having been out for seven days. I passed from the cars at Washington immediately to 234 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. the boat for Aquia Creek and thence by rail to this point. On my arrival I found my brigade had moved up river. I started at once and overtook it and have been with it ever since. "Tuesday it commenced raining and continued through the night and Wednesday and Wednesday night. Our wagons and artillery all stuck fast in the roads and we have been obliged to build corduroy roads to get back to camp again. I have had a dreadful attack of earache again, and I am well-nigh used up. This move has been a most miserable failure." Under date of Sunday, January 25th, 1863, General Berry writes: "I received notice last evening from Mr. Hamlin that I had been appointed by the President as Major-General of Volunteers." We quote from the diary of one of General Berry's staff officers: "January 21st, 1863. Called at 5 A. M. and at day- light brigade ready to move. Waited for orders till 10 A. M., when we made ourselves as comfortable as possible for the day. Still raining. Sent orderly on horseback, and we were allowed fires and got along very comfortably. About 1 1 A. M. General Berry arrived, and such another shout was never heard from one brigade, as at this time. The officers flocked around him as though he were their saviour. General Berry writes, February 2d : "I am now at my old camp, but not in command, having turned it over to the senior colonel. I shall be assigned another place in a day or two." On the 25th day of January General Burnside was relieved of the command of the Army of the Potomac, and Major-General Joseph Hooker (Fighting Joe) was assigned as its commander. We have had occasion many times to refer to the warm friendship existing between Hooker and Berry, since the latter saved Hooker from disaster at Williamsburg. The admiration Hooker cherished for the judgment and military skill of the subject of this biography he had expressed in unlimited terms in his letter to General Halleck recommend- ing his promotion, and in his often expressed wish to have ASSIGNED TO HOOKER'S OLD DIVISION. 235 General Berry assigned to his command. Now as commander of the Army of the Potomac he was in a position to demon- strate the sincerity of his regard. Nor was Hooker slow to avail himself of the opportunity. Among his first official acts on assuming command of the army was that of assigning General Berry to the command of his (Hooker's) old division. This he did in the following order: Headquarters Arm? oi the Potom.u , Camp near Falmouth, Va., February 5, 1863. Special Orders, ) No. 36. j I. Brigadier-General H. G. Berry is assigned to the command of the 2d Division, 3d Corps, and will report accordingly. By command of Major-General Hooker. Jos. Dickinson, Assistant Adjutant-General. General Berry writes home of his assignment to the 2d Division as follows : Headquarters 2d Division, 3D Corps, j February 8, 1863. j I am located again, having been assigned to the command of this division. I have the assignment as a matter of compliment. This is the Hooker Division, the largest in the army and the best. I have three good brigadier-generals and five batteries of artillery and some seventeen regiments of infantry, and am well satisfied with my command. General Berry was not now in good health. During Febru- ary he had suffered severely from chills and fever, and ague in the face. However, at 11 o'clock A. M. on the 8th day of February he arrived at the headquarters of his new command and assumed control of the division. His headquarters were in the Thomas Fitzhue house, an ancient colonial residence, built 236 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. in 1752. Prior to leaving his old brigade, General Berry issued the following farewell order : Hdqrs. 3D Brig., ist Div., 3D Corps, Army of the Potomac, Camp near Falmouth, Va., January 29, 1863. Having received an order to report to the War Department for orders I hereby turn over the command of this brigade to Colonel Roberts, 17th Maine Volunteers. I cannot part with my old comrades in arms without specially thanking them for the handsome manner in which they have always conducted themselves, both in camp and in the field. Their triumphs have been many. They have won by their heroism a name that will live as long as the history of this rebellion and they have the proud satisfaction of knowing that they have never yet been driven a rod on any field. This gallantry is acknowledged not only by this army, but by the enemy himself. Continue thus to demean yourself, and I assure you, that when your several terms of enlistment expire you will be welcomed home by your friends as brave and gallant men ever are; and besides, you will individually have the proud con- sciousness of knowing that you have sincerely endeavored to perform your duties and that you deserve well of your country. Parting with you is indeed painful to me. How can it be otherwise ? I came among you a stranger, and to fill a place before occupied by a brave and gallant officer [Major-General I. B. Richardson] who has since given his life to his country. You at once determined to give the same support to me that you gave to him and I have to thank you for it. I shall watch your future with great interest and I trust it will be as brilliant as the past. I now take my leave of you imploring Heaven's blessing on my old brigade. H. G. Berry, Lieutenant G. W. Freeman, Major-General Volunteers. Aide-de-camp and A.A.A.-G. The 37th New York, one of the regiments of Berry's brigade, in an address to him said : " We feel as though we were losing in you a father and a protector who has watched over us in moments of danger, but we hope and trust you will AFFECTION FOR THE SEVENTEENTH MAINE. 237 have a command commensurate with your abilities, and a posi- tion worthy of your devotion to the cause which you serve, and we sincerely trust that this regiment will be a portion of that command. Rest assured, dear General, that wherever you are, or in whatever position you are placed, the heartfelt gratitude of the officers and men of the 37th New York Volunteers [Irish Rifles] will be with you." An officer of the brigade, in a letter to the author, says : "While there is a warm spot in our hearts for Generals Rich- ardson, Pierce, De Trobriand, Poe, Mays, and others who subsequently commanded, ours will always be known as ' Berry's Brigade.' " A member of the 17th Maine says: "I did not see General Berry again until the grand review of the Army of the Potomac by President Lincoln in April, 1863. In the meantime he had been made Major-General and assigned to the command of the 2d Division of the 3d Corps. While we were waiting for the review he said to his staff, ' Come with me down to my old brigade and I will show you some boys who know how to fight.' " Although we had no warning of his coming, it is needless to say that he was received in a manner which showed the place he held in the hearts of his old brigade. On Sunday, the 19th of April, just two weeks before he was killed, he again visited the brigade in its camp at Potomac Creek. He called at the headquarters of the other regiments, but when he came to the 17th Maine he requested Colonel Roberts to call out the reg- iment as he wished to talk to the boys. The assembly sounded and the regiment was drawn up in double column closed in mass without arms, in front of the Colonel's quarters. The General made an eloquent and patriotic speech. He said that he wished to speak to us in particular because we were from Maine, and were the only troops from his own State which had ever been under his command, excepting the 4th Maine. He spoke of his sorrow at leaving his old brigade, and said that arrange- 238 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. ments'were in progress by which he hoped to have it again with him. He said that a great battle was at hand, that he knew something of General Hooker's plans, and hoped and predicted a glorious victory for the Union Army. " Speaking of the magnitude of the issues involved in the coming battle, he expected the regiment to maintain the repu- tation of the brigade, ' for,' said he, ' it is a fact that this brigade has never been driven a foot on any battlefield whatever.' Con- tinuing, he said, ' And now, boys, let us give three cheers for old Joe and the next fight.' They were given with a will, and then three more were given for General Berry. We never saw him but once after: on the first day of May, as our division had halted for a rest he passed us at the head of his division. As soon as the boys recognized him they rose and cheered him and he returned their salute. Words cannot express the sorrow which not only we of his old brigade, but the whole army felt, when on the following Sunday we learned that he had been killed. It is safe to say that the loss of no general officer could have been more deeply felt. He had improved his rare military genius both by study and by the experience of actual warfare, and at the time of his death was competent to com- mand a corps or even an army. No emergency ever found him unprepared, and no general ever received in higher degree the love and the confidence of those who served under him. " Entirely free from the petty jealousies which disgraced the record of so many officers, his only aim was to give his best and highest services to his country. If he had lived we know not to what higher honors he might have attained, but he could not have added to his reputation as a soldier satis peur et sans reproche." CHAPTER XXVI. BERRY COMMANDS HOOKER'S OLD DIVISION. Berry's Staff Officers. — His Brigade and Regimental Com- manders. — The Regiments and Batteries in his Division. — An Army Wedding. — Ball at General Sickles' Head- quarters. — Mrs. Le Grand Benedict Relates an Anecdote of General Berry. — His Love of Fun. — His Splendid Horsemanship. — St. Patrick's Day in the Army. — Review by President Lincoln. — He Compliments Gen- eral Berry's Command. — Annie Etheridge. THE gallantry of this 2d Division had earned for General Hooker the sobriquet of Fighting Joe. He had commanded it through the entire Peninsular campaign, and at Williamsburg from early morning until the middle of the afternoon it had sustained the attack of the rebel army until General Berry relieved it from its desperate situation. Its brigades and regiments were ably commanded, and many of its subordinate officers attained high rank and national prominence later in the war. Hooker had infused into it much of his spirit and daring, and it had the dash and elan which that officer alone could impart to those under his command. In no better way could Hooker have manifested his regard and confidence in General Berry than in making him the chief of this magnificent organization of fighting men. On assuming command of the 2d Division, General Berry appointed the following staff officers : Captain J. S. Poland, chief of staff and assistant inspector-general ; Captain Le Grand Benedict, assistant adjutant-general ; Captain James D. Earle, 240 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. commissary of subsistence ; Captain James A. Cross, provost marshal; Captain Charles W. Squier, engineer officer; Captain William H. Chester, judge advocate; Captain Thomas W. Osborn, chief of artillery ; Captain Benj. W. Hoxsey, ordnance officer; Major J. Theodore Calhoun, medical director ; Captain James F. Rusling, chief quartermaster; Lieutenant Seth Cushman, commissary of musters; Lieutenant William J. Rusling, chief of ambulance corps ; Captain Jabez B. Green- halgh, senior aide ; Lieutenant George W. Freeman, aide-de- camp ; Lieutenant I. Henry Washburn, aide-de-camp. The division of Major-General Berry consisted of the following troops : ist Brigade — Brigadier-General Joseph B. Carr; ist Mass- achusetts, Colonel Napoleon B. McLaughlen ; iith Massachu- setts, Colonel William Blaisdell ; 16th Massachusetts, Lieutenant- Colonel Waldo Merriam ; nth New Jersey, Colonel Robert McAllister; 26th Pennsylvania, Colonel Benj. C. Tilghman. 2d Brigade — Brigadier-General Joseph W. Revere ; 70th New York, Colonel J. Egbert Farnum ; 71st New York, Colonel Henry L. Potter ; 72d New York, Colonel Wm. O. Stevens ; 73d New York, Major Michael W. Burns; 74th New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. H. Lounsbury; 120th New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Cornelius D. Westbrook. 3d Brigade — Brigadier-General Gershom Mott; 5th New Jersey, Colonel Wm. J. Sewell ; 6th New Jersey, Colonel George C. Burling; 7th New Jersey, Colonel Louis R. Fran- cine; 8th New Jersey, Colonel John Ramsey; 2d New York, Colonel Sidney W. Park; 115th Pennsylvania, Colonel Francis A. Lancaster. Artillery — Captain Thomas W. Osborn, chief; ist New York Light, Battery D, Lieutenant Geo. B. Winslow ; New York Light, 4th Battery, Lieutenant Geo. F. Barstow ; ist United States, Battery H, Lieutenant Justin E. Dimick ; 4th United States, Battery K, Lieutenant Francis W. Seeley. As above organized the division entered upon the cam- AN ARMY WEDDING. 241 paign that ended with the battle of Chancellorsville. At one time, prior to this battle, the 1st New Jersey, Battery B, Captain J. A. Clark, was also attached to Berry's division. With his characteristic energy Major-General Berry began at once to drill and discipline his large command, and when the movement on Chancellorsville began, it never had been in better heart and trim. Among the pleasant incidents of camp life was a wedding in the division. The ceremony took place under a tent and was enlivened by every kind of festivity. The groom was a captain in the 7th New Jersey, and if he had been of higher rank he could not have had a more imposing demonstration. The bride had brought with her from Washington ten grooms- men and ten bridemaids, a retinue fit for a queen. Generals were present in great number, General Hooker being among them, full of gayety and life. There was dancing, drinking and banqueting, succeeded by a ball at General Sickles' headquar- ters — a grand affair indeed. The monotony of camp life at the headquarters of Berry's division was also enlivened by the advent of the charming and vivacious young bride of the assistant adjutant-general, Captain Le Grand Benedict, who courageously came to share the discom- forts of army life with her husband. Her presence was hailed with delight by the chivalrous young officers of Berry's staff, who racked their ingenious brains to devise contrivances that would add to the comfort of her habitation and the pleasure of her novel experience. In " Outing" for December, 1887, she relates in an entertaining way her experiences with the army, and gives an incident that is illustrative of another side of General Berry's nature, namely, his inordinate love of fun : " It was dusk when she, accompanied by her husband, was quietly proceeding homeward. A deep gulch separated the camp from the main road, through which flowed a lazy stream, where the horses regularly expected a drink. Laying the bridle on the neck of her steed to permit this indulgence, she 242 MAJOR-GENERAL flIRAM G. BERRY. rested indolently in her saddle, reviewing the events of the day. They had just descended one precipitous bank, while another equally steep rose before them. Bucephalus stood knee-deep in the water, enjoying the draught, when suddenly from the rear came a frightful roar, a rushing tramp as of the approach of the whole Confederate army. Oh ! what a moment of conster- nation ! One to test the spirit and bravery of a northern woman, a would-be heroine, a soldier's wife ! She had not even time to collect her bridle reins, when the sharp sound of horses' feet clattered about her, a confused mass of flying cav- alry surrounded her, and she was conscious that this was the most trying moment of her life. Should she ever again see home and friends? Bucephalus made a desperate bound for freedom, and dashed up the hill with fury, his bewildered mis- tress, grasping his mane, his neck, and feeling that she was flying through space on the wings of a whirlwind. At this moment a strong hand caught at the curb of the animal, there was a firm and powerful grasp about her waist, while a voice in trumpet tones shouted closely in her ear the awful, awful com- mand, ' Surrender ! ' She had not a moment to think more than that she would sell her freedom as dearly as possible ; her life was at stake, and having about her no other weapon of defense, with her slender riding whip she struck one noble, terrible blow at rebellion, and then burst into cowardly tears. Next she felt her feet upon the ground, her husband's arm supporting her, the enormous body of cavalry vanquished and vanished, save for one peaceable orderly soothing her stamping charger, while a firm, loving, tender-hearted general, big and impulsive, stood before her in abject remorse, overwhelming her with apologies. He explained that returning with his mounted staff to his quarters, at their usual break-neck speed, he had jestingly thought to lift her from her saddle, transfer her to his own and bear her captive to camp." The officer mentioned in this narrative was General Berry, and it was related of him that one of his favorite pastimes was THE PRESIDENT VISITS CAMP. 243 to seize a staff officer, when going at full gallop, and transfer the hapless victim to the pommel of his own saddle, bearing him off in triumph, in spite of his desperate struggle to get free. General Berry writes under date of March 5th: "No news other than ' all is quiet along the Rappahannock.' I like my command very much. I shall get along with them nicely." Under date of March 18th, he writes : "We had a wedding in the camp of one of my regiments followed by a dinner and ball in the evening. Next night a ball was given by General Sickles in honor of the party. All the ladies in camp were present. I went, took supper, did not dance, returned to my camp at 11.30 in the evening. Yesterday (St. Patrick's day) we had a hurdle race, a regular Irish affair. Everything was conducted in Kilkenney style. All the ladies in camp were in attendance. The horses were jumped over fences and ditches to the amusement of all, particularly the foreign part of the army. Result: Large lot of whiskey punch drank, mass was said by the priests, the races commenced, stakes of money large, accidents not a few, one man and two horses killed, two nearly so, many with arms broken, and much horse-flesh used up. So you see we have our amusements." He writes April 8th: "We had a review of the infantry of four army corps today. The President is here. I have got pretty well acquainted with him, and like him very much." Again, April 15th: " I am well and have a fair pros- pect of good health. I sincerely hope so, as the duties of an active campaign are arduous for even a well person. We shall move soon. I have a fine command. The President compli- mented my division very much. I was with him three days, most of the time." Again, April 20th : " The army is under marching orders, and has been for some days. It is uncertain what day we shall move." Again, April 24th : " No news to write. I am well and have a fair prospect of good health. I shall go into the field better prepared to live comfortably than 244 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. last year ; besides I have more help and no more work, if as much." There was a very remarkable personage connected with Berry's old brigade. This was Miss Annie Etheridge, a young lady who was serving with the Michigan contingent as a nurse. She was to be seen on the march accompanying the staff of General Berry, riding her horse with ease and grace, and when in camp quartered with the medical department of the brigade. She was looked upon by officers and men as a noble, high-minded, honorable young lady, whose disinterested service for the sick and wounded will long be remembered by the soldiers of Berry's brigade. Her present address is 115 Sixth street S. E., Washington, D. C. Under date of July 20th, 1895, Miss Etheridge furnishes the following interesting account of her services with General Berry : " I remember better than anything else, all that is associated with General Berry, because I was so deeply attached to him, in common with all the soldiers — for we all worshipped him for his bravery, and for all that goes in the highest degree to make an ideal soldier and perfect gentleman. Although I knew General Berry as one of the prominent officers at headquarters, I really became acquainted with him at a private house, which had been turned into a temporary hospital, on what was called Upton's Hill, not very far from Washington. He had been taken there from camp very ill with fever. This was before I was seventeen years old, and he must have looked upon me as a child, for at that time I had not attained my full stature. I recall bathing his head very often, and doing everything for him as directed by the surgeon, until he recovered sufficiently to get a ' leave ' and go home. I remember he lost a great deal of his hair after the fever, and his saying ' You did it, Annie, bathing my head so much.' " I recall that when we were in winter quarters near Falmouth he decided to give a dinner party in camp. I ANNIE ETHERIDGE. 245 remember that he inquired : ' Annie, will you cook the dinner?' I thought I could do anything for the soldiers in those days and I replied, ' Of course, I can cook the dinner ! ' So my tent was turned into a kitchen. I had a mud fireplace with a barrel for the chimney, and a tin contrivance that I could set up before the fire where I could bake the pies and other things. I hung up the turkey and basted it. There was no cook but myself. There was a ' bill-of-fare,' and the com- pany would have me in to be thanked, though I begged hard to be let alone. I felt ashamed of my army shoes, but I had no others, and all I could do to ' fix up ' was to polish the metal on my soldier-belt. General Berry's guests were Vice President Hamlin, two Senators, and the members of Congress from Maine, and his staff. I cannot recall the names of all the com- pany that day. With all my experience I could not begin to do now what I did then. I look back upon it all with perfect amazement, but the officers, and indeed all of us, felt that we must do everything expected of us; that we must not fail. " I do not recall any incidents, except those usually con- nected with marches and the routine of army life, prior to the awful battle of Chancellorsville where General Berry lost his life. I recall it was May 3d, my birthday. I was always with headquarters, marching with it. The night before, I had filled my canteens with hot coffee and started down the Chancellorsville road in company with the surgeon of the regiment. I knew that General Berry was stationed at the right. When we were seen coming we were met by an artillery officer, who told the surgeon that we were on the line of battle within the rebel lines, and he must take me back. I knew General Berry was on the right and I said he must take me to him — I must see him ! The officer wheeled his horse, rode back and reported. General Berry said : ' It is Annie ; bring her here, I would risk my life for her ! ' This the officer told me after Berry was gone. When I reached the General, who was on the line of battle, he drank the coffee and said : ' We are going to have a midnight 246 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. charge,' at the same time pointing to a white house in the dis- tance. ' Go there, where you can attend to the wounded, and if I get killed I want you to go home with my body.' He was killed, as near as I can learn, the morning of the midnight charge, and before I knew it his body was carried off the field and sent away. I remember the bitter tears I shed that day, for I felt at the time that if he had been my own father, my grief could not have been deeper. Two years ago I visited the battlefield and stood on the very spot where he fell. I have no words to express the sorrow of the regiment [5th Michigan] at his early death. He had the power to inspire the highest qualities in friend or foe ; and he was a man — a great and noble soldier, whose deeds will never die." CHAPTER XXVII. CHANCELLORSVILLE. Hooker's Brilliant Plan — Description of Chancellorsville.— Slocum, Howard and Meade Make Passage of the Rappa- hannock. — Sedgwick and Reynolds Make a Demonstra- tion below Fredericksburg. — Sickles Supports Sedgwick and Reynolds. — Concentration at Chancellorsville. — Bat- tle Commences. — Hooker Withdraws to Chancellorsville. — Jackson's Brilliant Flank Movement. — Crushes the nth Corps. — Disaster Threatens the Army of the Potomac. THE Army of the Potomac rested on the left bank of the Rappahannock when the Chancellorsville campaign com- menced. It was still opposite Fredericksburg, in a position among the Stafford Hills, a position that was regarded as almost impregnable. It numbered 124,500, and of these 1 1,500 were cavalry. Lee had 62,000 men and 3,000 cavalry. It is stated, however, on reliable authority, that Hooker did not have over 1 13,000 men for actual combat, as it is a well estab- lished fact that 100,000 men on the rolls are equivalent to about 80,000 muskets in action. The difference in the actual strength of the two armies was amply compensated by the wide river in front of the enemy with its well fortified fords and strongly guarded approaches. Stonewall Jackson kept under his watchful eye the line of defense below Hamilton's Crossing to Port Royal. One ol Longstreet's divisions under McLaws held the line from Ham- ilton's Crossing to Banks' Ford. The fords of the Rappahan- 248 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. nock for miles above the position of both armies were narrowly watched by the eagle-eyed Confederate cavalry leader, J. E. B. Stuart, and his fleet-footed horsemen, supported by Anderson's division of Longstreet's corps. Indeed, every precaution that a skillful general like Lee could devise to prevent the Union forces from crossing the river and surprising his camp was taken, until the Confederate generals were led to believe that Hooker's slightest move could be quickly discerned and promptly thwarted. Both armies had secured a much needed rest, and Hooker had brought the Army of the Potomac to such a high state of discipline, that it would be difficult to find a finer body of fight- ing men than made up the various organizations of this vast army. Hooker inspired the utmost confidence as a commander, and there was dissatisfaction in but one part of the army. General Franz Sigel had been removed from the command of the iith Corps, composed mostly of German troops, and Gen- eral O. O. Howard was given his place. This quenched the enthusiasm of this corps, who regarded the removal of Sigel as a blow to their nationality. In his plan of campaign Hooker displayed the high quali- ties of a strategist. Major-General Sedgwick was to cross the Rappahannock and make a demonstration below Freder- icksburg, while four corps under Major-General Slocum made a detour and crossed twenty-seven miles above at Kelley's Ford. Slocum was then to proceed down the river and fall upon the left flank of the rebel army, and reopen Banks' Ford, which would accomplish the double object of reuniting the two wings of the Union army and giving a safe line of retreat in the event of disaster. This accomplished, it was Hooker's purpose to give battle in the open country near the ford, taking the whole rebel works on the heights of Fredericksburg in reverse. As the Union encampment at Falmouth was in full view of the Confederate forces on the opposite bank of the river, Gibbon's division was left behind as a blind to the move- Majok-General Joseph Hooker. From portrait by J. Harvey Young. CHANCELLORSVILLE. 249 merits of the troops, that the surprise of the enemy might be complete. Stoneman with 10,000 cavalry was to start about two weeks in advance of the main body, cross the river by the upper fords, and cut Lee's communications with Richmond. Averill with one column of cavalry was to attack Culpeper and Gordonsville ; the other under Buford wai to move to Louisa Court House and thence to the Fredericksburg railroad, both uniting behind the Pamunky. Should success crown the efforts of the main body of the Potomac Army, Stoneman was to take an advantageous position behind a river on Lee's line of retreat, and hold him in check until Hooker could attack and compel the surrender of the Confederate forces. A nicely devised plan, truly, worthy of the brain of a Napoleon ! But a severe storm of rain that converted the roads into a sea of mud, every ravine into an impassable river and rendered the Rappahannock unfordable, prevented Stoneman from start- ing on his expedition until the 28th. This was too much for Hooker's impatient nature, and his troops were over the river and the battle ended before Stoneman got fairly at work. Chancellorsville is a solitary house in a cultivated clearing surrounded on all sides by a forest, which is correctly named " the Wilderness." The dense growth and tangled underbrush made the deploying and quick maneuvering of an army extremely difficult, if not quite impossible. Hooker had never dreamed of giving battle here, but thought it a favorable point to concentrate his forces that he might the more effectively take the enemy in reverse, or force him to come out of his strong position. On the 28th the corps of Slocum, Howard and Meade made the passage of the Rappahannock at Kelley's Ford, under cover of darkness, and on the 29th, having successfully crossed the Rapidan, the columns stretched away in a rapid march toward Chancellorsville, which was reached the afternoon of the 30th of April. This successful movement of the three corps opened United States Ford and prepared the way for Couch's 250 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. corps, which promptly crossed at this point and joined the troops at Chancellorsville that night. Hooker himself came to Chancellorsville to give personal direction to the contem- plated movements. Meanwhile Sedgwick's and Reynolds' corps had moved three or four miles below Fredericksburg and bivouacked, Sickles' corps, in which was the division of Major-General Berry, taking up a position in the rear of these two corps as a reserve. The next day Sedgwick and Reynolds crossed the Rappahannock in the face of vigorous opposition from the enemy, but as it became evident that the enemy would not continue the attack, Sickles' corps was withdrawn and ordered to Chancellorsville. Notwithstanding the fact that Sedgwick so disposed and marched his forces as to give to the enemy the impression that the real attack was to come from him, Lee was soon undeceived, and on discovering Hooker's movements, he promptly started for Chancellorsville with the main body of the Confederate army. Early's division and Barksdale's brigade were left to defend the heights of Fredericksburg against Sedgwick's attack. Hooker planned to give battle to the enemy in the open country about half-way from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg. It was of the utmost importance to reach this coveted position at the earliest possible moment. This position could be reached by two excellent roads which formed a junction near the Tabernacle, while a third ran near the river and came out at Banks' Ford. After concentrating five corps of the Army of the Potomac at Chancellorsville, Hooker had 64,000 men at his command. For some unaccountable reason he delayed action all that night and until 1 1 o'clock the next day. Before Hooker advanced from Chancellorsville Lee had started to meet him, and between 10 and 1 1 o'clock his advance guard encountered our cavalry skirmishers and drove them in. At 1 1 o'clock on the first day of May, Hooker moved from Chancellorsville in four columns. The corps of Slocum THE BATTLE. 251 and Howard took the Plank road, the divisions of Sykes and Hancock advanced by the turnpike, and Griffin's division, followed by that of Humphrey, took the river road. French was to turn off and march to Todd's Tavern with his division. In the meantime Sickles' corps, consisting of the divisions of Birney, Berry, and Whipple, had arrived at Chancellorsville and were posted as a reserve in the rear of the Chancellor house. Sykes moved forward to the support of the cavalry pickets, which were being driven in, and deploying his division charged the enemy, driving him back for more than a mile and occupy- ing the position assigned him by his instructions. On the right Slocum moved forward without opposition, while Meade on the left arrived in full view of Banks' Ford without encountering the enemy, and had only to form promptly his line of battle. Indeed everything was favorable to the Union forces. The general line of battle was a good one, as the army was mostly in the clear country and the chance to maneuver artillery was excellent. But now occurs the inexplicable. Instead of continuing the advance of his troops and supporting Sykes strongly, Hooker ordered the three columns back to the positions they had occupied the night before. Couch protested against the order, and Warren hastened to expostulate with Hooker on a course that certainly was suicidal. Hooker turned a deaf ear to all arguments and entreaties, until it was too late to regain the advantage he had voluntarily surrendered to the enemy. When the order was finally countermanded the enemy was in possession of the field and would not be driven. The Confed- erates followed our retreating columns closely, but Hooker resumed the positions occupied by his army the night before in good order. Meade held the left of this new line of battle, his flank resting on the Rappahannock near Scott's Dam. Couch's corps continued the line to a point near to and east of Chancellors- ville. Slocum's corps was next, facing south, and west of him 252 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. and some distance away was the nth Corps, formed en echelon to the rear along the Plank road. Sickles' corps, in which was Berry's division, formed the reserve, and was stationed in the rear of the mansion. The right flank of the Union lines, held by the iith Corps, was, according to military parlance, "in the air;" that is, it rested on no obstacle. Here the Union lines were the weakest, a fact that the Confederate commander was not slow to discover. Lee began his attack with artillery before darkness set in, but as the thick undergrowth concealed the position of the Union troops, he devoted the rest of the day to a series of attacks designed to disclose the strength and location of our troops. The next day the enemy made an attack upon Hancock's pickets, but did not advance in force. Hooker was in a state of uncertainty as to what was transpiring beyond the curtain of woods in his front, and the 12th Corps was sent forward to uncover the enemy's movements. These troops were met by such a deadly fire that they were compelled to fall back, leaving Hooker in the same uncertainty as before. However, through openings in the forest, heavy columns of the enemy were seen rapidly marching from the left to the right, presenting their flanks to the whole Union line. On discovering the defenseless condition of the right flank of the Union army, Stonewall Jackson asked and obtained permission to take his corps of 26,000 muskets, traverse the front of Hooker's forces, depending on the thick forest to conceal his hazardous maneuver and secure him from a flank attack, and fall upon the defenseless right flank of the Union army, thereby bringing about the defeat and probable annihila- tion of the Army of the Potomac. It was a bold plan, boldly executed. When this movement was begun by Jackson, Lee opened with artillery and musketry against our centre and left, to divert attention from the real attack. As has already been stated, Jackson's column had been observed and its numbers accurately estimated. Hooker believed this movement to be a THE ELEVENTH CORPS DRIVEN BACK. 253 retreat of the Confederate army on Gordonsville, and neglected to take precaution against surprise. Sickles ordered out a battery to shell the Confederate col- umn passing along the front, which resulted in driving him on to another road, running in the same direction, but farther back in the forest and less exposed to attack. Sickles then started with the divisions of Birney and Whipple to attack Jackson and cut him off from the main body. Woods and swamps delayed the advance, however, but these detentions afforded Berry's division, which had been in reserve, an opportunity to support the movement. Sickles captured some prisoners and met with resistance, but was not permitted to attack McLaws in force as he desired. Jackson was now separated from Lee by nearly six miles of pathless forest. On reaching the turnpike, he halted his command and ascended a high hill to reconnoitre. Finding no preparations had been made to meet his attack, he formed line of battle overlapping the iith Corps in front and rear for long distances. The first notice the Union troops had of his attack was from the wild animals of the forest driven from their coverts by his advance. The surprise of the I ith Corps was complete. Doubleday, in his work on " Chancellorsville and Gettysburg," says : " An officer of the I ith Corps, who was present, informed General Wainwright, formerly colonel of the 76th New York, that he was playing cards in a ditch, and the first notice he had of the enemy was seeing them looking down on him from the parapet above." A distinguished officer of the 3d Corps says that when this attack occurred, Sickles' troops were at a halt, the officers laughing and relating different episodes of their advance. Sud- denly in the distance came the crash of musketry. All are silent as if by magic, and each listening ear is turned toward Chancellorsville. The volleys of musketry increase and soon the boom of cannon adds to the din, at first by a volley of batteries, then by shots hurried and furious. 254 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. " Jackson has crushed our right ! " is the appalling cry. Sickles' men swiftly returned on the road over which they had just advanced. The nth Corps, taken by surprise, and overwhelmed by superior numbers, was driven back in confusion. Wagons, ambulances, horses, mules and fleeing men were min- gled in the wildest disorder. In vain did the officers endeavor to stop the flight. Here and there a regiment or parts of divisions heroically endeavored to hold together and make a stand, but all to no purpose. Dire disaster seemed to have overtaken the Union army. CHAPTER XXVIII. BERRY AT CHANCELLORSVILLE. Berry Moves to Franklin Bridge with 3d Corps. — Supports Demonstration of Sedgwick and Reynolds. — Ordered to Chancellorsville. — Bivouacs at United States Ford. — Berry Crosses the Rappahannock. — Heavy Firing in Front. — Berry Takes Position near the United States Ford. — Advances to Chancellor House with Two Bri- gades. — Mott Left Behind to Guard United States Ford. — Reconnaissances. — Berry's Presentiment of Impending Death. — Anxious About Wife and Daughter. — Panic of the nth Corps. — Hooker Orders Berry to the Rescue. — "General, Throw Your Men into the Breach." — Berry Forms in Woods. — Meeting of Howard and Berry. — Hill Attacks Berry. WE will now return to General Berry and follow his move- ments from the time of breaking camp before Freder- icksburg, until he appears upon the scene of action at Chancellorsville. At 5 o'clock on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 28th, Berry's division was under arms in its position at Fredericksburg, and with the 3d Corps to which it was attached it moved down the river to Franklin's bridge to act as a support to the 1st and 6th Corps that were to make a demonstration at this point. Arriving at the bridge on the morning of the 29th, it went into position on the heights covering the bridge. The 1st and 6th Corps now attempted the passage of the Rappahannock, which was successfully accomplished, after which the 3d Corps was 256 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. withdrawn from the heights and took up its march for Chancel- lorsville. On Thursday, at 1 1 o'clock in the forenoon, Berry's division again broke camp and started with the 3d Corps toward the United States Ford, which it reached too late to cross that night. Having bivouacked about three miles from the ford during the night, Berry succeeded in crossing his large division Friday forenoon and at 1 o'clock of that day he took up position by brigades, with the object of connecting Whip- ple's division of the 3d Corps with the ford. This he succeeded in doing, his pickets being thrown out on the right flank of the division. Two regiments of Mott's brigade were detached and sent to the north side of the Rappahannock to guard the supply trains. Berry did not remain in this position long, for about 4 o'clock in the afternoon he received orders to march to Chancellorsville, some two and a half miles distant. Mott's brigade was left behind with orders to guard the ford, supported by Seeley's battery. By 7 o'clock Carr's and Revere's brigades were in position, resting in the woods to the left of the Chancellor house and adjoining the cleared space west of the Banks' Ford road. The heavy firing in front indicated that a portion of the Union troops were hotly engaged. Berry formed his troops in mass as a reserve and in this position bivouacked for the night. On Saturday, the 26th Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Tilghman, was ordered to make a reconnaissance on the Plank road. At the same time the nth Massachusetts, Colonel Wm. Blaisdell, was to make a reconnaissance to the left on the Banks' Ford road. In execution of this order, Colonel Blaisdell moved at 8 o'clock A. M. as far as the batteries stationed in front of General Hooker's headquarters. He entered the Plank road and had advanced about a mile when the enemy's sharpshooters were encountered. The detachment of sharpshooters that accompanied Colonel Blaisdell were thrown forward as skir- mishers, and the regiment commenced to feel the enemy's position. The sharpshooters who were acting as skirmishers Reconnaissance. 257 broke before the enemy's fire, and Lieutenant-Colonel Tripp, commanding the advanced skirmishers of the regiment, was obliged to advance his own men, armed only with smooth-bore Springfield muskets, to take their places. Colonel Blaisdell was now attacked by a Confederate brigade, that made stren- uous attempts to drive him back. After nearly two hours of desperate fighting the enemy gave up the contest. Having obtained much valuable information, Colonel Blaisdell returned to camp, and for the services rendered received the commenda- tions of General Hancock, commanding the lines to the left of the Chancellor house. Colonel Tilghman and the 26th Pennsylvania had in the meantime successfully performed the duty assigned them. The enemy's pickets retreated before the advance of the regiment. About a mile to the front, Colonel Tilghman came upon the enemy in force, drawn up in two lines of battle, with a battery of artillery. General Hooker sent orders for the regiment to retire, which it did, with a loss of two killed and four wounded. Up to this time Berry's division had been held in reserve at the Chancellor house. Desperate fighting had occurred along the front of the Union lines, but the veterans of this division had not yet been permitted to share in the conflict. At the time the movement on Chancellorsville had com- menced, General Berry received his orders to march, with gloomy foreboding. About 9 o'clock at night he sent for his chief quartermaster (now Brevet Brigadier-General) James F. Rusling, told him of the impending battle and of the present- iment that he would not survive it. He committed to Captain Rusling's care certain papers and valuables, and got his pledge that, should he fall, the captain would use every endeavor to recover his body and send it home to Maine. Captain Rusling tried to dissipate the foreboding from Berry's mind but without success. Captain James D. Earle, Berry's commissary of subsist- ence, on his arrival at headquarters that night, found the 258 MAJOR-GENERAL fllRAM G. BERRY. General greatly depressed. He seemed anxious to hear once more from his wife and daughter, and Earle volunteered to return to Stoneman's Switch, a ride of eighteen miles, and bring him the mail. At first Berry refused to permit the young officer to take the journey, but as he persisted, asking only for a fresh horse, Berry consented and gave him one of his own horses for the trip. As Earle galloped into camp at 2 o'clock the next morning the General came out to meet him, eagerly seizing the package of letters which was handed to him, and hastening to the camp-fire to devour their contents. After car- ing for his horse, Earle returned to the camp-fire, where Berry was still reading the letters, and on his approach the General thanked him warmly for his kindness, showed him photographs of his daughter which the mail had brought and read extracts from the letters. " Now," said Berry, " I will try to get some sleep, as I look for warm work in the morning." When the 11th Corps was attacked by Jackson, Berry was still near the Chancellor house acting as a reserve. The noise of the rapid flight of the panic-stricken fugitives and the close pursuit of Jackson's victorious troops was borne to the ears of his men, first in faint, indistinct murmurs, constantly increasing in volume until it seemed as though pandemonium had broken loose. Then came the fugitives, frantic and terror-stricken, blindly pushing their way through the steady ranks of Berry's division. In the midst of the rout and tumult Hooker hurried up. Near by was his old division under command of his true and trusted friend, Major-General Berry. " General," he shouted, " throw your men into the breach — receive the enemy on your bayonets — don't fire a shot — they can't see you ! " Berry at once advanced with his 1st and 2d Brigades. In the meantime, General Pleasonton, with twenty-two pieces of artillery, double-shotted with canister, had poured a well-directed fire at short range into masses of the enemy. (Hamlin in his " Battle of Chancellorsville," questions Pleasonton's part in this ehemy^s advance checked. 259 encounter.) This, together with a desperate charge of a small cavalry detachment, checked the advance for a time until Berry could get into position. Berry's orders were to form perpen- dicular to the Plank road. In the execution of this movement, Captain Poland, Berry's chief of staff, led the Excelsior brigade into the woods to the right of the road, the 4th Excelsior being placed on the edge of the timber to the left. The 1st Massa- chusetts, Colonel McLaughlen, was detached from Carr's brigade and posted to the left of the Excelsior brigade, prolonging the line to the Plank road ; the remainder of Carr's brigade formed a second line of battle 150 paces to the rear. Sickles says these dispositions were made without the steadiness of these veteran troops being in the least disturbed by the torrents of fugitives breaking through their intervals. The regiments of the first line, covered by their skirmishers, immediately threw up a strong breastwork of logs and abattis. Osborn, Berry's chief of artillery, during these .dispositions of the infantry, placed Dimick's and Winslow's batteries on the crest of the hill, perpendicular to the road and 300 or 400 yards in the rear of the line of battle. In this position the guns could fire over the heads of the infantry of Berry's division, and be effective against the enemy. At Berry's suggestion, Osborn advanced two guns of Dimick's battery to the line of battle and went into position on the Plank road in line with the infantry. After the guns were in position, General Berry stated to Osborn that as his head- quarters were in the woods a little to the right, he was unable to see the movements of the enemy in front of the guns. He then directed Osborn to use his own judgment as to the neces- sity of opening fire on the enemy and to govern the length of time the fire should continue. He also ordered the batteries on the ridge to govern their fire by Osborn's, on the Plank road, and the same instructions were given to the infantry. This placed the government of the fire that night solely in Osborn's charge on that line, a most fortunate circumstance. 260 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Berry had now formed his division in two lines of battle, Revere's brigade and a portion of Carr's brigade constituting the first line, and the remaining regiments of Carr's brigade act- ing as the second line. Acting on information that a line of Union troops was in his front, and to verify this information, Captain Poland, his chief of staff, was sent forward to reconnoitre. It was now 9 o'clock at night and the darkness made it difficult to locate the enemy. Poland went to the skirmish line, where he found a prisoner who had just been captured, and who gave him the information that the enemy's line of battle was but two hun- dred yards distant. In his anxiety to be promptly informed as to what was transpiring in his front, General Berry rode forward to the skirmish line and joined his chief of staff. Just at this moment the pickets brought in prisoners, who proved to be an aide to the Confederate General Stuart, and his orderly. They had been ordered to draw off a caisson left by the 1 ith Corps between the lines, and being unaware of the proximity of Berry's division had stumbled on our pickets. As soon as the first line of battle had been formed, scouts were sent out and skirmishers deployed, who reported the enemy's pickets in front supported by heavy masses of infantry. Alarms were now frequent and several times Berry's pickets were driven in. Twenty soldiers of the enemy were captured, all of whom agreed that General A. P. Hill of Jackson's com- mand was in Berry's front, with a large force, and was massing on the right and left flanks of Berry's line of battle, with a view to gaining possession of the cross roads and thereby cutting off his communications with the river. General Berry personally attended to the final disposition of his troops to resist the attack that was soon to come. He was in a critical position and the fate of the Army of the Potomac depended upon him at this hour, yet he faced danger calmly and with a confident manner, inspiring his men by his presence and reassuring his anxious subordinates by a few quietly spoken sentences. MEETING OF HOWARD AND BERRY. 261 General Howard had come up and the two officers cordially greeted each other. Howard was despondent and downcast, and is said to have referred bitterly to the disaster that had overtaken his command, the iith Corps. General Berry responded cheerfully. Asking General Howard where the line would be hardest pressed, and learning that the point of danger was at the right, he said to Howard: "Well, General, if you will take care of the left, here, I will go to the right." Berry's division was now in position on the Plank road. Twice before midnight, in obedience to General Berry's order, did Captain Osborn open fire on the enemy, which was the prearranged signal for the whole line of infantry and artillery to pour in their volleys. At sunset a rebel battery had opened fire on the batteries of Berry's division stationed on the brow of the hill. A portion of Dimick's battery promptly replied and quickly silenced the enemy. The silence that followed the cannonade was only broken by the sounds from the enemy's lines as they massed their troops and moved their artillery under cover of the woods. It was now evident that their force was large, as the voices of their officers, swearing and shouting orders, sounded like the chattering of a multitude. This continued until 9.30 o'clock P. M., during which time several rebel officers rode within Berry's line of pickets and were captured. Now by the light of the moon the head of a column moving down the road could be distinctly discerned. It seemed to cover the entire breadth of the road and stealthily approached until within 150 yards of Berry's batteries, when it began to deploy in line of battle. Dimick opened with canister which swept the road clear of troops. At the same time the batteries on the crest opened fire upon the road beyond, making havoc in the rebel lines, and together with the infantry fire effectually checking the advance. This attack lasted thirty minutes. General Berry's prompt disposition of his troops at a crit- ical moment, the severe fire of his artillery, and the imposing 262 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. attitude of his infantry had effectually stopped the advance of Hill's troops, flushed as they were with their victorious encounter with the nth Corps. The magnitude of this service can better be comprehended when the fact is considered that Berry's division numbered but 460 commissioned officers and 7,183 enlisted men present for duty. Then, too, he was compelled to advance his line of battle through the panic-stricken mob of the 1 ith Corps. Doubleday says : " Few people appreciate the steadiness and courage required, when all around is flight and confusion, for a force to make its way through crowds of fugitives, advance steadily to the post of danger in front and meet the exulting enemy, while others are seeking safety in the rear. Such men are heroes, and far more worthy of honor than those who fight in the full blaze of successful warfare." General Robert McAllister, then colonel of the nth New Jersey, in a letter home after the battle, says of General Berry: " As I filed my regiment into the line, General Berry rode up to me and said : ' Now, Colonel, do your very best.' ' Yes, General, I shall,' was my reply. I knew I had the boys who would fight, and felt confident that we would make a good one. That noble and brave man rode along the lines of battle that night wherever there were points of danger, and words of com- fort and encouragement fell from his lips. He knew well the responsibility resting upon him, and like Leonidas with his brave band, was ready to do or die. The last night he spent on earth was a night of toil, trouble, danger and watchfulness for our army and our country. These scenes I shall never forget. The night was beautiful and clear, the moon shone brightly, but the heavy forest shade above cast a gloom around us. All would be still and calm one moment, then crack ! would go a gun, followed by many others, tejling us we were again attacked and our pickets engaged, soon followed by a tremendous roar of musketry. The enemy marched in front of us and were deter- mined to break our lines." CHAPTER XXIX. DEATH OF BERRY. Hill's Second Attack. — Skill of Berry's Artillerymen. — Revere's Brigade Drives Back the Enemy. — General Mott Comes up from United States Ford. — General Berry and Captain Rusling and the "Presentiment." — Hill's Third Attack. — Withdrawal of the 3d Maryland. — Berry Attacked in the Flank. — His First Line of Battle Forced to Retire. — Death of Lieutenant Dimick. — Confederate General A. P. Hill Wounded by the Fire of Berry's Guns. — Mott Reinforces Berry's Second Line of Battle. — Berry Attempts to Close the Breach in his Line. — Killed by a Sharpshooter near the Plank Road. — Grief of Gen- eral Hooker. THE enemy made a second attack on Berry's position at 10.30, moving their troops through the woods to escape the fire of the artillery. The first notice given of the impending attack was the volley poured into the Union lines by the advancing foe. Berry's troops responded with vigor and then began a desperate struggle for the mastery. The enemy used his artillery but his guns were badly served, and he suc- ceeded in wounding but a few artillerymen and killing a few horses. Berry's guns, however, were admirably served, and although the lines of battle several times became closely engaged, the batteries on the crest poured a steady fire over the heads of our infantry into the ranks of the foe, with such precision that not a Federal soldier was struck, while the Confederate line was torn and shattered by the iron hail. 264 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Revere's brigade sustained the brunt of this attack with great gallantry, and the deadly volleys of the infantry, together with the artillery fire, was too much for Jackson's veterans, who again fell back, shattered and broken. About 12 o'clock, midnight, the I ith Massachusetts arrived from its position on the left, occupied in the morning, and was placed on the left of the second line. At 2 P. M. the 4th Excel- sior Regiment was relieved by the 3d Maryland, of General Williams' troops, which was placed on the left of the road, in reserve to the second line. At 2 o'clock the next morning, General Mott also came up from the ford with the other brigade of Berry's division, which had been left behind to guard the ford when Berry started for Chancellorsville. Seeley's battery also came with this brigade. During the night Captain Charles W. Squier, Berry's chief engineer, threw up small works in front of the guns on the crest, which were of much service in protecting the artillerymen from the fire of sharpshooters. On the morning of May 3d, as Captain James F. Rusling, Berry's chief quartermaster, rode to the front, he found the division in line of battle, as it had fought the evening previous. General Berry was seated on a stump by the roadside, an eighth of a mile in front of the Chancellor house, superintending the planting of a battery. As Berry had passed through the engagement of the previous day unhurt, Captain Rusling, during the conversation, joked him about his " presentiment;" but the General was still grave of manner and remarked : " Rusling, the battle is not over yet." After spending a half hour with the General and lunching with him and the staff, Rusling rejoined the trains on the other side of the Rappahannock, and when he again saw his chief it was when the dead body was brought back to Falmouth in an ambulance, and there he wrapped it in the large garrison flag that flew at Division Headquarters. At daylight, on the morning of the 3d of May, the enemy advanced again on the front line of Berry's division, held by -^ filUaJL ^W^ 1899. LIEUTENANT DIMICK. 265 General Revere's brigade and the ist Massachusetts and 26th Pennsylvania regiments, driving in the pickets and opening with a terrific fire of artillery and musketry, while his sharpshooters were also actively engaged. Our gallant soldiers undauntedly returned their fire from behind their low defenses, and defiantly answered savage yells by lustily cheering. The single line of battle, aided by its rude defense, successfully resisted the onslaught of the heavy columns which the enemy sent against it, until the withdrawal of the 3d Maryland, which exposed the left of the line to an enfilading fire, obliging it to retire, but reluctantly. Osborn with his artillery played upon the enemy with tell- ing effect. The section in the Plank road under Lieutenant Dimick was of special service, notwithstanding its exposed position. A galling fire was maintained upon this section by the Confederate sharpshooters and line of battle. Lieutenant Dimick held this position for an hour, his men fighting bravely but falling rapidly around him. His horse was shot under him. The infantry crowded back until his flanks were exposed. Not until then was the order given him to limber up and fall back. In doing this his horses became entangled in their harness, and in freeing them Lieutenant Dimick received a shot in the foot. This wound he hid from his men, but in a moment he received another in the spine, and died two days after from its effects. He was an educated and accomplished officer, just rising into the full vigor of manhood. He had shown superior ability as an officer of artillery, and on the battlefield was unsurpassed for gallantry. Speaking of the service of his batteries, Captain Osborn, chief of artillery of Berry's division, says : " Our artillery fire about 10 o'clock upon Jackson's troops, which we could locate only by the general topography of the country, was very severe. Colonel Augustus C. Hamlin in his investigations learned from the several Confederate generals that our fire was exceedingly destructive, and had it been continued twenty minutes longer 266 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Jackson's troops would have been driven from the field. Many of Jackson's officers confirm this statement. How destructive our fire was, of course we could not know. When we thought we had quieted them for the night we ceased our fire. General A. P. Hill was wounded just in front of Dimick's battery, say 200 yards. It was my order to open fire on him and his staff, who were then in sight, which brought on the heavy fire I speak of." Mott's brigade was placed in position in Berry's second line of battle, its right resting on the Plank road and connect- ing with Carr's brigade. The retreat of the Maryland regiment exposed Revere's brigade to a flank attack, which the enemy was not slow to take advantage of, turning Berry's left flank and enfilading the breastworks. Slowly Revere's brigade retired to the second line of battle, breaking off gradually, regiment after regiment, from the left, reluctantly yielding their ground to a vastly superior force. This brigade lost all its knapsacks, shelter-blankets and rations, which were left at the bivouac near the cross-roads during the enemy's terrific assault upon its left flank. General Berry, with characteristic energy and coolness, attempted to meet and repel this flank attack of the enemy. It was now 7 o'clock in the morning and Captain Poland, his chief of staff, was vainly attempting to bring a regiment forward to replace the one that had fled. The battle had now ceased for a few moments, and turning to Captain J. B. Greenhalgh, his senior aide, General Berry told him to ride to General Hooker's headquarters and inquire if he were to continue to hold his position. Greenhalgh galloped away and the General and his staff dismounted. General Mott's brigade of his division was then in position a few rods away across the Plank road. General Berry had the habit, rarely found in a division commander, and before referred to in this biography, of communicating orders in person when it was possible to do so. Following out this custom, he told his staff to remain where they were, while he crossed the DEATH OF BBRRY. 267 Plank road to communicate with General Mott. His officers remonstrated and offered to go in his stead, pointing out to Berry that the rebel sharpshooters were posted in the trees and sweeping the Plank road with their unerring rifles. The General replied that he preferred to communicate the order in person and started on his way, crossing the Plank road in safety. Reaching General Mott, they conversed for a short time ; then the General started to return. He had gained the Plank road, crossed it, and had nearly reached the place where his staff officers were standing, when from the trees in which the North Carolina sharpshooters were posted came a wreath of smoke, followed by the sharp crack of a rifle, and Major- General Hiram G. Berry had fought his last battle. The minie- ball struck him in the arm close to the shoulder, passing down- ward through his vitals and lodging in his hip. " Poland ! Poland ! " he called to his chief of staff, who was but a short distance away. Seeing their General prostrate upon the ground, Poland, Benedict, Freeman, Earle, and others hastened to his assistance. " My wife and child ! " he murmured, as he was raised in the arms of Captain Benedict. " Carry me off the field," he added, as the staff officers gathered anxiously about him. A tremor passed over his body, then calmly, peacefully, at 7:26 o'clock, the heart ceased its throbbing and the warrior was at rest. Thus on that beautiful Sabbath morning, the 3d of May, at the early age of 38, with the embattled lines of his division all about him, perished one of the most promising young generals the Civil War had produced. His body was carried back to the road and covered with a cloak. Just then General Hooker rode up, and seeing the group of staff officers, asked : "Whom have you there, gentlemen?" At the reply: " Major-General Berry," he sprang from his horse and approached the prostrate form, weeping bitterly. Kneeling reverently he kissed the cold forehead, murmuring sadly : 268 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. " My God, Berry, why was this to happen? Why was the man on whom I relied so much to be taken away in this manner? " Then turning to the sympathetic group of officers, he said that he had lost one of his best officers and warmest friends. When General Hooker had paid his tribute to the lifeless form of General Berry, he ordered it carried to the rear at once. After the fall of their commander, confusion reigned for a time in Berry's division. General Mott, the senior brigade commander, had been severely wounded, and General Joseph B. Carr was notified by Lieutenant Freeman, of Berry's staff, that he was in command of the division. The other brigade commander, Brigadier-General Revere, believing himself to be the senior officer, had already assumed command, and heedless of their murmurs, led to the rear the whole of the 2d Brigade and portions of two others, thus subjecting these proud soldiers for the first time to the humiliation of being marched to the rear while their comrades were under fire. For this conduct, in an officer who had hitherto proved brave and efficient, General Revere was convicted by court martial and sentenced to be dismissed. By direction of the President this dismissal was revoked and General Revere's resignation accepted. This officer's explanation of his conduct was that the ammunition of the troops was exhausted and they were without rations, hence he considered further resistance useless. Notwithstanding the break in the line of battle caused by the withdrawal of these troops, the remainder of Berry's division, under the lead of the gallant Carr, continued to resist the overwhelming forces of the enemy until night closed the scene of carnage. Hooker had been checkmated in the execu- tion of his brilliant plan, and Lee added another chapter to his great record of military achievements. In his report of the operations of Berry's division, Briga- dier-General Carr says of the lamented commander: "It is with pain I close this report with the record of the death of TRIBUTES. 269 Major-General Hiram G. Berry, late commander of this division. On Sunday, the 3d instant, at 7 A. M., he fell, mortally wounded, and at 7.26 A. M. he died, peacefully, heroically. I cannot describe the vacancy his absence creates, not only in the hearts of his command but in the army with which he has served in so distinguished a manner. He had become endeared to all under him, around him, and to many above, through his honest kind- ness, amiability and steady friendship. Gentleness and courage undaunted marked him as commander and leader. Endowed with sound judgment, actuated by a burning patriotism, impelled by a fiery ardor, his military career has appeared a success." Captain Osborn, Berry's chief of artillery, in a letter written immediately after the General's death, says : " The death of General Berry, our division commander, was not only a severe loss in itself, but the occasion of special sadness to those who knew him well. His reputation was that of an exceptionally brave and reckless officer. He was exceedingly ambitious and was gaining prominence rapidly. He was fully aware of the desperate position in which his division was placed, and was determined to carry it through its work successfully. When the enemy attacked in the morning he ordered his officers and men to cover themselves as much as possible by the earthworks the men had made during the night. These were about eighteen inches high and gave good protection to the troops lying on the ground. He however refused to make any effort to screen himself, but walked to and fro along the line, encouraging all to hold the line and keep themselves well covered. In this way he was exposed to the fire of the sharpshooters, and four-fifths of his person to the general fire of the enemy. He had escaped a considerable time and was confident he would not be struck. While standing close to me, and near the section (of a battery) on the road he was hit by a bullet and in a few minutes after died. His body was at once carried to the rear and a few hours later staff officers were detailed to proceed with it at once to Washington." 270 major-generAl hirAm g. berr¥. Upon the same subject Colonel Robert McAllister, com- manding the nth New Jersey in Berry's division, writes on May ioth, 1863: "Saturday afternoon we lay in mass column near Chancellorsville. Our corps (the 3d) was lying as a reserve. Though we had been almost twenty-four hours in that position we were not to remain much longer. The enemy made an attack on our right and left and forced our first lines hard. The firing became hard and harder and the enemy seemed to approach. Our left stood firm but the right fell back. In a moment we were to arms and moved rapidly for- ward to the Plank road, past General Hooker's headquarters. As I looked up the road I beheld the nth Army Corps coming down it, wagons, ambulances, horses, soldiers armed and unarmed, pell-mell, real Bull Run style. We now had to throw ourselves into the breach or all was lost. It was a trying moment. Good generals and brave hearts only were equal to the task. It was do or die with us. A few moments lost and all would be gone. The gallant Hooker, the brave Sickles, the noble Berry, to say nothing of General Carr and other brave officers, rode at the head of our gallant division. The order came down the line, ' double-quick ! ' Three times three cheers rent the air. Our boys were ready and willing for the fight. The flying soldiers of the 1 ith Army Corps heeded not our orders to halt and fall in with us. They were panic-stricken and perfectly worthless. But our brave boys heeded them not, treating them with perfect contempt. On, on we went, regiment after regiment filed into line of battle to the right and left of the road. ' Charge ! charge ! ' resounded through the wood. The roar of musketry, the booming of cannon was terrific. The tide of battle was turned, the rebels stopped, their onward progress stayed — the day was ours, and the Army of the Potomac saved from utter destruction. I am told that General Sickles was in advance of our lines among the enemy for fifteen minutes. The wonder is how he got out. Several rebel aides rode out with our officers thinking they were their own. Great credit is due Generals Sickles and Berry." CHAPTER XXX. THE REMAINS BORNE TO ROCKLAND. In State at Falmouth. — Grief of a Squad of the 4th Maine. — Governor Coburn Visits the Remains. — President Lin- coln's Wish. — Reception of the Dead in Portland. — Lying in State at City Hall. — 7th Regiment a Guard of Honor. — News of his Death Received in Rockland with Profound Sorrow. — Action of the City Council. — Thirty-four Prominent Citizens Chosen to Arrange Reception. — Minute Guns and a Sorrowing Multitude Greet the Steamer. — Lying in State at Rockland. THE remains of Major-General Berry were conveyed to the old camp at Falmouth, accompanied by his aides-de- camp, Captain Jabez B. Greenhalgh, Lieutenant George W. Freeman and Lieutenant I. H. Washburn. There it rested, draped in the headquarters flag, in the room which the General had occupied previous to the late movement of the army. While on the way, a squad of the 4th Maine, learning that the body of their former commander was being carried by, desired to have it laid down, and each one of the brave fellows came forward, kissed the cold brow of the man they had loved and had first followed into battle, and then silently and tearfully took their places in the ranks. At Falmouth the remains were visited by Governor Coburn of Maine. On Monday morning Captain Greenhalgh and Lieutenants Freeman and Washburn started for Aquia Creek with the body. Arriving there Chief Quartermaster Ingalls ordered a special boat to convey them and their mournful charge to Washington, and by noon they 272 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERR^T. were in the city and had deposited the body at the undertaker's where it was embalmed. No burial case could be furnished in Washington large enough for the body and one had to be obtained in Baltimore. President Lincoln, learning that the remains were in Washington, sent for the officers having it in charge, and he and General Halleck expressed their desire that funeral ceremonies should be performed there, but the officers did not feel authorized to grant their request. Before they left the city President Lincoln sent down a beautiful wreath to be placed upon the body, and at the funeral it could be seen resting upon the right shoulder of the fallen warrior. It is said that on the arrival of the officers with the remains in Washington, an officer from General Halleck waited upon them, and seeing Lieutenant Freeman, directed him to report to Gen- eral Halleck. Freeman did not at once comply with this order, but remained to assist Captain Greenhalgh in the preparation of the body for embalming, and when at length he did make his appearance at the War Department, he found President Lincoln and General Halleck in consultation. Upon reporting to General Halleck, the latter turned to him in an angry manner and broke out in a severe reprimand, asking Freeman if he knew the penalty for disobedience of orders. Freeman replied that he did, and was quite ready to be dismissed from the serv- ice as he had no further disposition to remain, and turning on his heel he started to leave the office, when the President, who had remained silent during the angry colloquy, interposed. Requesting General Halleck to desist, he recalled Lieutenant Freeman, saying that no messenger had as yet arrived from the battlefield and they were ignorant of the state of affairs at the front and were very anxious about the army. He then requested Freeman to give them such information as he pos- sessed. This Freeman did, and as he was an observant officer, was able to give the President a faithful account of the battle so far as it had progressed when he left the field. General Halleck joined in the conversation, which lasted some little time, and IN PORTLAND. 273 after Freeman had imparted all the information he possessed upon the state of affairs the President permitted him to go. But for Mr. Lincoln's presence, Halleck would have without doubt dismissed the lieutenant from the army by special order for his tardy response to the order of the general-in-chief. Nothing special occurred in the passage home until reach- ing Portland, the first stopping place within the limits of Berry's native State. In relation to the proceedings there we copy from the Argus of that date : " The telegraph announced yesterday forenoon that the body of Major-General Berry would arrive in this city on the noon train from Boston, and preparations were made to receive it. A hearse bearing the body and covered with the American flag was followed by two carriages containing the friends of the deceased, from the depot to the City Hall, the bells tolling as the procession, slow and solemn, passed through the streets. Arrived at City Hall, the body was taken to the City Council room, where it lay in state throughout the day, and was visited by hundreds of our citizens, notwithstanding that no notice was given of the fact except as word was passed from one to another. A guard of honor was volunteered by Colonel Mason, of the 7th Regiment, and also an escort from City Hall to the boat. Accordingly, at 6 o'clock, the remains were taken from the Council room, placed in a hearse, and escorted to the steamer Harvest Moon by a detachment of the 7th Regiment, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and Council, and a large representation of the Masonic fraternity. * * * A guard of honor, consisting of Colonel Mason and his officers and the officers of the 10th Maine, accompanied the hearse. The Portland Band and the band of the 7th Regiment furnished music for the solemn occasion. Thus has Portland done what she could, in the short time allowed, to do honor to the brave defender of his country." The news of the untimely end of Major-General Berry was received with profound sorrow in Rockland, the city of 274 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. his birth and residence. On Wednesday evening his death was announced in the City Council, and the following gentle- men were appointed a committee of arrangements, to make all necessary preparations for the reception of the body and the obsequies of the deceased : George S. Wiggin John S. Case Wm. H. Titcomb Joseph Farwell George Thorndike Timothy Williams Freeman Harden William Wilson O. P. Mitchell Joseph Kalloch O. J. Conant E. A. Snow George W. White S. C. Fessenden A. T. Low Francis Cobb Thomas Frye N. A. Burpee Charles Crockett James Wight Philo Thurston H. M. Brown O. H. Perry Benj. Litchfield, Jr. C. L. Allen Calvin Hall Wm. McLoon Robert Crockett Alden Sprague T. W. Hix C. G. Moffitt Ira B. Ellems Jonathan Spear J. T. Young At the same meeting the following were appointed a com- mittee on resolutions for the City Council: Joseph Kalloch, G. W. White, Edwin Sprague. The pall-bearers were selected from the survivors of the old Rockland City Guards, and were as follows: O. J. Conant, O. P. Mitchell, J. L. Giofray, John T. Berry, 2d, Jesse Richardson, M. C. Andrews, H. M. Brown, Charles Greenhalgh. At a subsequent meeting of the City Council, May nth, resolutions of respect were passed. On Friday, at noon, a committee of citizens, chosen to go to Portland to receive the body of General Berry, went aboard the steamer bound for that place, which they reached in the evening. There they met Adjutant-General Hodsdon on the wharf awaiting their coming, with whom they made arrange- Deception rsr rockland. 275 merits for the funeral, and in a short time received the remains of General Berry on board the steamer. On Saturday morning at 7 o'clock the boat left Portland, and at about noon reached Owl's Head, at the mouth of Rockland harbor. As soon as the boat came in sight a cannon was fired from the city, and minute guns were continued until she reached the wharf. All the colors on the shipping and throughout the city were at half- mast. The stores and offices were closed, and all business and labor suspended. The buildings on Main street were dressed in funeral colors, presenting an appearance of mourning never before witnessed in the city. The day was beautiful, the sun bright, the air bland, and not a cloud flecked the sky. At an early hour crowds began to pour toward Atlantic wharf. When the steamer arrived, the buildings and streets adjacent were covered with people. The committee of arrangements and some other citizens formed in procession in front of City Hall, and preceded by the hearse, marched to the landing place in silence. The long wharf had been kept completely clear by the police early stationed there, and reserved for carriages for the mourners, and for the formation of a procession. When the boat touched the wharf the Guard of Honor, a detachment of the 7th Maine, Captain Warren, marched ashore and formed in rear of the hearse. The pall-bearers immediately stepped forward from the procession — men who had once belonged in the Rockland City Guards — and removed their former com- mander's lifeless remains from the steamer to the wharf. The wife, daughter and brother of General Berry, with Captain Greenhalgh and other friends who had accompanied them from New York, took seats in the carriages for the mourn- ers. The multitude that covered the space in front were silent as death. Joseph Farwell, Esq., chairman of the committee sent to Portland, then came forward to the head of the burial case, and in a voice choked with emotion, formally tendered the remains to the Mayor of Rockland. Hon. S. C. Fessenden responded eloquently in behalf of the Mayor. 276 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. The remarks of Mr. Fessenden concluded, the coffin was lifted into the hearse, the escort wheeled into the rear with arms reversed, and the procession, led by a large body of Masons, took its way through the crowded streets, nothing disturbing the quiet of the solemn scene except the tolling of the bells and the occasional boom of the minute guns. Along the route of the procession the streets were full of spectators, and in every alley and window were sober faces peering at the strange, sad sight. Arrived at the residence, late the abode of the deceased, the mourners alighted. The entrance to the house was tastefully draped with two large national flags, which, parting in the middle, made a passage similar to the entrance of a soldier's tent. The remains were then carried into the parlor, where they lay in state. The procession was dismissed, the crowd dispersed, and sentinels from the guard of honor were posted in front of the house, where alternately they kept their beat until the final ceremonies. The scene at the General's residence on the following Mon- day is thus graphically described by an eye-witness : " On a little grass plat a few rods in front of the house, two soldiers' tents were erected, and near by the soldiers were going through their morning drill and inspection. On the lawn at the right and left of the front door, sentinels were pacing to and fro, their polished rifles glistening like silver. Entering the door, a brother of the General received us, and we passed into the parlor where the body lay in state. Two sentinels in uniform were marching backward and forward, guarding their trust with soldierly care and devotion. The body lay in one of Weaver's patent burial cases. The case was lined with white satin, and covered outside with black silk velvet. The lid of the case bore a silver plate, with the following inscription : MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY, Killed at Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 3, 1863. Aged 38 Years, 8 Months, 6 Days. LYING IN STATE. 277 " Inside of this lid was another lid of glass, through which appeared the whole form of the body, clad in the uniform of a major-general, as became a man who, ten days ago, commanded seven thousand men, and at whose word thirty pieces of artillery spoke in thunder. At the feet was a bouquet and on the body another. Around the neck and under one arm was the wreath which President Lincoln sent with the remains. On the breast was the Kearny Badge, presented by Major De Lacy, 37th New York Volunteers. Photographs on a small table at the head showed the features as they were in life. On the same table lay the sword Berry used in battle and a sword presented to him by the non-commissioned officers of the 4th Maine Regi- ment. In one corner of the parlor stood the tattered colors of the 4th Maine, presented to the regiment in New York. They have outlived the hand of him who received them in behalf of his men, but they show that they have been where the bullets flew. In another place I noticed the picture of General Kearny. All was in keeping with the character of the deceased and the occasion. The place of burial will be in the cemetery near Blackington's Corner. There lie the remains of the father and mother of the General. He will rest at their side. A grave has been prepared, bricked over at the bottom, sides and ends, so as to make it as close as a tomb, and covered with a slab of marble." CHAPTER XXXI. THE OBSEQUIES. A Cloudy Day. — Order of Arrangements. — Arrival of the Artillery. — Distinguished Guests. — Vice President Ham- lin a Private in the Ranks of Co. A, State Guards. — Large Concourse of Masons. — Services at the Residence of the Deceased. — Horses of the General and Grief of his Orderly. — Masonic Ceremonies at the Grave. — Requiem by Z. Pope Vose. THE obsequies of General Berry took place on Thursday, and were performed in a manner befitting his rank and the place which he held in the hearts of his fellow-citizens. The morning was wet and portended a rainy day, but the atmos- phere grew drier, and though a cold wind prevailed and the sky continued clouded, no rain fell. The order of arrangements for the obsequies which had been previously issued by the com- mittee, were as follows : One gun to be fired at sunrise Half-hour guns from sunrise till the procession starts for the grave Minute guns from the time the procession starts till it halts Half-hour guns until sunset Flags to be set at half-mast at sunrise Bells to be tolled from 7 to 8 a. m. Buildings to be draped in mourning by 10 a. m. Order of Procession Major-General Win, H. Titcomb, Marshal of the Day Aides, Major Charles A. Miller, Major E. W. Stetson, Major G. W. Kimball, Jr., and Lieutenant-Colonel John S. Case Bangor Cornet Band and Drum Corps THE FUNERAL CEREMONIES. 279 Masonic Fraternity Military Escort Rockland Band Major-General Butler and Staff Adjutant-General Hodsdon, Colonel Harding and Lieutenant-Colonel Osgood of the Governor's Staff Guard of Honor Bearers Pall Bearers Funeral Car Pall Bearers The General's War Horses Family and Relatives in Carriages General's Military Staff Vice President of the United States and Governor of Maine Ex-Governors and Members of Congress Justices of Supreme Court Members of Legislature Officiating Clergymen Disabled Soldiers Tnvited Guests Mayor and City Council of the City of Rockland Committee of Arrangements Citizens and Strangers Half-hour guns were fired during the morning, commencing at sunrise, and the bells of the churches were tolled. Flags were displayed at half-mast throughout the city and on the shipping, and nearly all the stores and blocks on Main street, and many of the residences of citizens, were hung in mourning. All places of business were closed, and Rockland citizens and hundreds from other towns filled the streets in waiting for the beginning of the solemn pageant of the day. The military escort consisted of a detachment from the 7th Maine, Captain L. J. Morse's Company A, State Guards, and a detachment of Captain R. H. Tucker, Jr.'s, company of artillery, Coast Guards. The squad of artillerymen who were detailed from the Wiscasset company, for ordnance service, arrived in the city on Wednesday. They were men of sturdy appearance, and per- formed their duty well. The Bangor Fusileers (Company A, State Guards), Captain Morse, arrived at about half-past ten 280 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM Q. BERRY. o'clock, on the steam tug Terror, accompanied by the Bangor Cornet Band. They marched in full numbers, and with their bright uniforms and military bearing presented a very fine and soldierly appearance. The company marched to the City Hall, where the city authorities had prepared a collation for them, and where also they made their quarters for the night. Adju- tant-General Hodsdon, with Colonel Harding and Lieutenant- Colonel Osgood of the Governor's staff, as well as Major-General Butler and staff of Bangor, were present at the obsequies, and the Portland steamer brought Lieutenant Nickerson, post adju- tant at Camp Lincoln, Portland, Captain Freeze and Lieutenant Bachelder of the 7th Regiment, and Lieutenant Clarke of the 5th Maine Battery. Lieutenant I. H. Washburn of General Berry's staff was also present. The Vice President of the United States was a member of the Bangor company, and per- formed duty as a private in its ranks during the day. " We have heard," says the Rockland Gazette of the time, " that this course of Mr. Hamlin was unfavorably remarked upon by some, who thought he should have appeared in his official character as Vice President, on this occasion ; but those who know the regard in which the Vice President held General Berry, the great estimation which he set upon his services, and the depth and sincerity of the sorrow with which he mourned him, will be furthest from criticising the manner in which he paid the tribute of honor to his memory. Mr. Hamlin felt that his mere appearance at the obsequies as Vice President of the United States would be a representation of official character which might be borne by any man upon whom that position might have devolved, but would fail to express the deep feeling with which he mourned, and desired to honor, the memory of General Berry; that he could not speak to the mourning widow any words of formal consolation that would mitigate her grief or express his own. He desired to render the highest honor in his power to the memory of General Berry, and he felt that he could best do this by serving in his place in the ranks of this .ielt.-Col. L. D. Carver 4th Maine Infantry. DISTINGUISHED G [JESTS. 281 company, in performing the last sad duties with which the soldier pays his farewell tribute to a fallen commander. To perform this duty, the Vice President would have marched leagues, with gun and knapsack, if necessary, and those who saw him, standing unmarked in the ranks of his company, and paying the tribute of his tears at the obsequies of the man he loved and honored, must have felt that in no other way could he have more deeply honored the fallen brave." The Masonic ceremonies were under the direction of Aurora Lodge, of which General Berry was a member, although in the arrangements for the entertainment of the brethren from abroad, and in all expenses connected with the preparations, equal share was borne with Aurora Lodge by Rockland Lodge and King Solomon Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. A large number of the fraternity were brought to the city in the steamer which conveyed the Guards, and many others arrived by other means of conveyance. Lodges were present from Thomaston, Warren, Rockport, Camden, Union, Belfast, Bucks- port, Orland and Ellsworth. A collation was prepared in Atlantic Hall by the Lodges of the city, of which the members of the fraternity partook at noon, and where they also returned for supper. Those from abroad who remained over night were entertained at the houses of the brethren. The number in the Masonic procession was about three hundred. The military, Masonic and civic processions were formed between I and 2 o'clock, and the united bodies proceeded to the late residence of General Berry. A vast concourse of peo- ple had collected in the small field opposite the house and in the streets in the vicinity, and the windows and balconies of all the houses near were crowded. The number of persons in the vicinity was estimated at 5,000 to 6,000, while large numbers were waiting at points which the procession was expected to pass, and many others had already gathered at the cemetery. A platform had been erected in front of the house, covered by an awning, from which the funeral address was given. The 282 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. platform was occupied by Rev. Nathaniel Butler, of Auburn, the officiating clergyman, and the clergymen of the city, and by Governor Coburn, Ex-Governor Washburn, Senator Morrill, Judge Rice, of the Supreme Judicial Court, Hon. S. C. Fessenden and others. The Scriptures were read by Rev. H. A. Hart, of Rockland, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Butler, who then delivered an able and fitting address, after which the benediction was pro- nounced by Rev. Joseph Kalloch. At the conclusion of these services the body of General Berry was borne reverently and mournfully out, to the solemn music of the band, and deposited in the funeral car which was to bear it to its last resting place. The procession was formed and moved in order, proceeding down Limerock and up Main and North Main streets, to the Achorn cemetery at Blackington's Corner, there to rest in the family lot beside the dead warrior's parents. The funeral car was tastefully draped with national flags, two flags rising and crossing each other in the center, and with heavy black plumes at the corners of the car. The burial case was visible within, wrapped in the flag which had floated over the General's headquarters. The car was drawn by four white horses, with funeral trappings, and led by grooms. The horses of General Berry (three in number) were led immediately behind the car. The horse which he rode in battle, equipped as when the General dismounted from him a few minutes before his death, was led by a young man who had long been in General Berry's service. When the procession arrived at the burial place the ceme- tery was lined with a large throng of people, who pressed as near as they were allowed to approach. The Masonic ceremo- nies were impressively performed by Past Grand Master Hiram Chase of Belfast. The sacred scroll and the lambskin were deposited in the grave, with the usual ceremonies, and the brethren sadly and silently dropped upon the hero's coffin the evergreen emblems of immortality. The flag which had been REQUIEM. 283 wrapped about the burial case was also deposited upon it. The Masonic ceremonies being concluded, the State Guards were ordered forward, and in three divisions fired separate volleys over the grave, and the last sad duties of love and respect to the honored dead were concluded. Z. Pope Vose of Minneapolis, at that time editor of the Rockland Gazette, offered the following poetical tribute : REQUIEM In memory of Major-General Hiram G. Berry. Boom ! brazen cannon, boom ! Low in the silent tomb Our gallant warrior lies ! Dust unto dust goes down, Spirit, to wear its crown Of life, ascends the skies ! Bravely, his ranks beside, He stemmed the battle's tide; Nobly he fought and well, But in the strife he fell; Stricken, he fell and died. Boom ! Boom ! Speak from each brazen throat, Grief in each measured note, — Boom ! brazen cannon, boom ! Toll ! bells, in sadness, toll ! Your solemn anthem roll ! City that gave him, weep ! Claiming this mournful trust, Take back his lifeless dust, Safely to guard and keep. When Sumter's cannons spoke, And at that summons woke Thousands to Freedom's call, He came, to win or fall, Where treason's fire outbroke. Toll! toll! Speak from each iron tongue, Grief that our hearts has wrung, — Toll ! bells, in sadness, toll ! 284 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Droop ! starry banner, droop ! Your blazoned glories stoop Low o'er the hero's grave ! From the embracing sky, Waft downward Freedom's sigh — Freedom, he died to save ! Freeman, revere his name ! Honor the patriot's aim. One in the noble band Dying for native land, His is his country's fame ! Droop ! Droop ! Flag of the brave and free, He gave his life for thee ! Droop ! starry banner, droop ! Write ! pen of history, write ! In words of burning light, Deeds of this mighty day ! And to the brave and free, Saviors of liberty, Millions shall praises pay ! Tell how the Wrong assailed; Tell how the Right prevailed; And on thy deathless page, Bright'ning from age to age, Be its Defenders hailed ! Write! write! High on the roll of fame, Blazon our hero's name ! Write ! pen of history, write ! CHAPTER XXXII. berry's character and services. A Self-Made Man. — Never Made a Military Blunder. — Hooker's Quick Insight into his Character. — Lincoln's Tribute. — Mentioned as Commander of the Army of the Potomac. — General Charles Hamlin's Interesting Narra- tive. — His Interview with Stanton. — Hamlin Appointed Adjutant-General to Berry. — News of Berry's Death. — His Devotion to Duty. — Politics Give Way to Patriotism. — His Courage — His Gentle Nature. — The Devotion of his Troops. — Love of the Old Fag. — The End. GENERAL BERRY was one of those remarkable products that is only possible under a free government. Springing from a humble origin and compelled to rely solely upon the latent forces of his own nature, he surprised men by what he accomplished and never disappointed them by failure. As a carpenter toiling with his hands for his daily bread, as a contractor and builder, as a Representative to the Legislature, as a bank director and president, as the Mayor of his native city, as an officer of militia and as a Major-General of Volunteers, he displays the same untiring energy, the same great resources, strength of will and power of execution, which were never measured by what other men could do. Elevated to high command when a novice in the science of war, and when faulty generalship was the rule, yet no single blunder can be charged to him. His dispositions for defense were always admirable, and his attacks were made with the dash and vigor of a trained veteran, never bordering on rash- 286 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. ness, nor needlessly sacrificing precious lives. Rare military- genius lay concealed beneath a modest and unassuming exterior. Hooker with his keen perception was quick to note the possi- bilities of such a nature. Had Berry survived the Chancellors- ville battle, Hooker would have made him a corps commander, for we have his own words to that effect before that battle took place. Already had he attracted the attention of the powers at Washington. President Lincoln speaks of him as one of the best officers in the service, and Lincoln was a man who weighed his words, Indeed, Berry's ability as a military com- mander was so marked that already his name was being discussed as commander of the Army of the Potomac. Here is what General Charles Hamlin says, and no living man is better able to speak with authority upon this point than he : "I accepted General Berry's invitation to join his staff as adjutant-general. Upon going to the War Department with his nomination, I called upon Mr. Stanton, Secretary of War, who ordered the appointment to be made and spoke of General Berry in the highest terms. I recall his words : ' He is one of the most reliable officers in the field. He never gives us any trouble, and can always be counted on to do his whole duty without being urged. He belongs to that class of volun- teer generals destined, if I live, to have the command of an army.' Mr. Stanton afterwards told the Vice President that he intended to give General Berry the command of the Army of the Potomac. This was Friday morning, May I, 1863, and as I was desirous to reach the General without delay, for rumors were afloat that the Army of the Potomac was crossing the Rappahannock, I asked Senator Ramsay, of Minnesota, to take me with him past the guard into the Secretary's private office. He did so, and kindly permitted me to state my business first. While waiting for his son to bring back my appointment from the Adjutant-General, the Secretary used the words I have quoted. " Having bade farewell to my regiment, I took the steam- GENERAL HAMLIN *S NARRATIVE. 287 boat for Aquia Creek, Sunday morning, May 3d, to join the 2d Division, 3d Corps. The steamboat had hardly left the pier in Washington before I heard a group of officers, returning to the front, speaking of the recent movement that had taken place. Drawing near to learn what I could, I was asked to what command I belonged. Upon replying that I was adjutant- general for Major-General Berry, one of them informed me that as he left the War Department, it was reported that General Berry was killed at Chancellorsville that morning. There was no means of verifying this distressing and painful news except by proceeding to the front. Upon reaching Falmouth I found that the depot quartermaster was Luther H. Pierce, a Bangor friend, and learned from him that my information was correct. My grief was profound and my situation perplexing. The first thought was to return to my regiment ; the next, that I belonged to the division as a department officer, differing in this respect from a personal aide-de-camp. There were reports that our army was falling back across the river. There was no one to guide me to the command, and, night coming on, I remained with my friend, Captain Pierce, who hospitably shared his tent with me that night. The next day I joined the divi- sion, reporting to General J. B. Carr, commanding, and with it returned to its former camp ground, having witnessed the 6th Corps resist a final attack south of Banks' Ford, where it rejoined the main army. " I have thus given some facts relating to the military history of General Berry — the most of them occurring within my own knowledge — and mainly such as cannot be found in the official records. It is due to his memory and patriotism that those who come after us should know not only how he served so well the country he loved, but also how he acquired the strong friendship and active interest of those under whom he served and those who, recognizing his inestimable valor as a soldier and officer, were ready at all times to assist in procuring just recognition and reward for his brave deeds." I 288 MAJOR-GENERAL HlRAM G. BERRlr. To those who did not know the man, his conduct in the battle in which he lost his life may seem like rashness, but he could not commit to another what he felt could be done better by himself. His soldiers fought immediately under his eye and by his side, and by his personal presence he held them to their position. A Democrat in politics, he buried party prejudices and political preferences when he entered the service of his country, and permitted his patriotic zeal alone to dominate every act of his eventful military career. His was a courageous nature. Calmly did he face the battle's fiercest storm. Shot and shell whirled about his head, the smoke of battle enveloped him in sulphurous embrace, his faithful chargers sank beneath him done unto death, men fell at his side like the leaves of autumn before the gale, but he faltered not. Death had no terrors for such as he. With undaunted courage he also possessed a heart of great tenderness. We behold him bitterly weeping over his fallen comrades with a grief so profound that it can not be assuaged. His first care was the comfort and welfare of his men. " Just a little further, boys, and I will throw you into some green meadows with plenty of rails at hand," rang out his cheery voice over that long dusty column of weary troops as they toiled up the Peninsula. And he always kept faith with his men. Again do we behold him at the midnight hour of a bitter cold winter's night, issuing from his quarters to administer to the wants of the surprised sentry pacing the lonely beat in front of his tent. It is not therefore a matter of surprise that his soldiers loved him with a warmth of affection that has stood the test of many years, and that despite the many able and worthy officers who succeeded him in command, his troops to this day call their organization " Berry's Brigade." He loved the flag of his country and all that it represents with a fervor and zeal that consumed all other impulses. He followed wherever it might lead. He saw its lustre dimmed love for the flag. 289 by the smoke of many battles, yet he faltered not in his stead- fast faith. He beheld it torn and rent and storm-tossed, its bright emblems obscured in the darkness of defeat; yet he clung to it still — clung to it until its starry folds wrapped him in eternal slumber. Thus we will leave him until that time when the touch of the wand in angel hands shall endow death with glorious life, and give for the lethargy of sleep the bright- ness and exhilaration of the morning. APPENDIX INAUGURATION OF BERRY'S STATUE. THE relatives of the deceased General had caused to be made a colossal statue to mark the last resting place of the departed. The services attending its unveiling occurred October 31st, 1865. This magnificent marble statue of Major-General Berry is the work of Simmons, the celebrated sculptor, and represents the General standing in a martial attitude, gazing into the dis- tance, contemplating as it were the sullen ranks of foemen. It now stands above the grave of the General in Achorn cemetery, Rockland. The services attending its inauguration were impressive. They were conducted under the auspices of King Solomon's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and Aurora and Rockland Lodges of Free Masons, General Berry having been a member of the Chapter and Aurora Lodge. The committee of arrangements were Charles N. Germaine, G. W. Frost and Leander Weeks on the part of the Chapter ; E. E. Wortman of Aurora and Eli Hall of Rockland Lodges. General Wm. H. Titcomb was chief marshal of the procession, which con- sisted of the Masonic bodies, city officials, fire companies, and citizens. For an account of this event we quote from the Rockland Gazette of that day : " The statue of Major-General H. G. Berry was inaugurated with appropriate ceremonies, by the Masonic fraternity, on Tuesday afternoon, in accordance with the programme arranged for the occasion. The weather was not unfavorable, for though cloudy it was not too cold, and the Photo by Davies, Rockland, Me. The General Berry Statue. Achorn Cemetery, Rockland, Maine. ttNVElLlNG THE STATttE. 291 roads were in good condition for the walk to the cemetery. The Masonic and civic procession was formed at about half- past one o'clock, led by the Rockland Band and escorted by Defiance Engine Company No. 4, in uniform. Following the band and escort came Rockland and Aurora Lodges, members of neighboring lodges, and King Solomon's Chapter. Then came the members and past members of the City Council, on foot, and after them the relatives of General Berry in carriages, followed by a long line of citizens in carriages, which closed the procession. " Besides those in the procession, hundreds more gathered in the cemetery at Blackington's Corner, to witness the ceremo- nies, and it was estimated that perhaps 3,000 persons were present. When the procession arrived at the cemetery it was formed on three sides of a hollow square around the grave of the General, the relatives of General Berry occupying the remaining side of the square. The large concourse of spec- tators gathered around outside this square. The statue was draped in the American flag as the procession came into the cemetery, but was uncovered as the ceremonies proceeded, and the work of the sculptor was received with as much approval by the large assembly as by the few who had before looked upon it. " The exercises were introduced with a dirge by the band, followed by a fervent and appropriate prayer by Rev. J. Riley Bowler, chaplain of King Solomon's Chapter. The band then performed ' God Save America,' after which Rev. Nathaniel Butler, of Camden, delivered the dedicatory and commemora- tive address. This address was an able, feeling and eloquent production. At the close of Mr. Butler's address, the band played ' Star Spangled Banner,' after which an appropriate address to the Masonic fraternity was delivered by D. D. G. M. Dr. C. N. Germaine. A dirge by the band closed the exercises, and the procession then formed again and returned in the order in which it came. 292 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. " The statue of General Berry has thus been fittingly and publicly inaugurated, in a manner creditable to his native city, for which fact much credit is due to the Masonic fraternity, who undertook and carried out the arrangements so successfully. These ceremonies were fitting and appropriate, not only as a tribute to the patriotism and gallant services of General Berry, but as an expression of the public gratitude to all who, with him, have fallen for their country." TRIBUTES. [Letter from John Neal.] Portland, October 17, 1863. Madam : Though personally a stranger to your late husband, Major-General Berry, I am no stranger to his character and great worth as a soldier and as a man. And I take the liberty now of expressing my sympathy for you and your daughter, and my unqualified admiration of your gallant husband, because I have just understood that the family have it in view to perpetuate the memory of that brave man by a marble or bronze statue, life-size, to be executed here in Maine, by a native of Maine, who was never abroad, and who, like General Berry, is a self-educated man in the truest sense of the word. Allow me to congratulate you on your determination, and to say that from my knowledge of sculpture, and of this young man Simmons, I feel myself entirely justified in saying that I am sure of his work being not only a comfort and consolation to the family, but an honor to the State and to the country. Allow me to add that if the original plaster model should be properly preserved, or reproduced, it may lead to a bronze statue by order of the State, with comparatively small expense. [Letter from General Joseph Hooker.] Major-General Hooker in a letter to the 17th Maine Regi- mental Association, written many years after the war, pays a TRIBUTES. 293 worthy tribute to the deceased. Hooker was evidently under the impression that Berry had been Colonel of the 17th instead of the 4th Maine, as many expressions in this letter indicate: Glen House, N. H., \ August 14, 1879. j Wm. H. Green, Esq., President 17th Maine Regiment Association. My Dear Mr. Presidp:nt : * * * I was prepared to be an admirer of General Berry long before it was his fortune to belong to my command, from frequent conversations in regard to him with his former commandant, and all that I now have time to say is that he grew in my esteem from the day I made his acquaintance to the end of his brief, but very brilliant career. Your state furnished the army with manv noble soldiers, but I am sure I never met with one more deserving the love and admiration of his associates, and indeed I may almost add, of the whole country, than him who is the subject of these lines. But I cannot tell the members of his old regiment anything new of General Berry. They each felt his humanity and often had occasion to witness his valor. In my estimation these are the must conspicuous qualities in a great commander in a republican army, and it was in these qualities of character your old Colonel shone brightly. In the field at Chancellorsville where he fell he com- manded my reserve, as it were, and when the emergency of the battle presented itself at the time Howard's corps gave way, Berry was thrown forward to arrest the advance of the rebel army in overwhelming fprce, threatening to sever my army, and probably insuring defeat if not disaster; but the enemy's rush was arrested, the army saved, but Berry fell. The history of the battle is yet to be published, when, I trust, full justice will be done to the character and services of our beloved comrade. It was for these and other reasons that I particularly desired to meet the surviving members of his glorious old regiment, but prior to coming into the mountains and during my sojourn here I have entered into so many engagements that I find it utterly impracticable for me to join you in your reunion on its seventeenth anniversary. If you should again honor me with an invitation, I shall make every effort in my power to be with you. 294 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. [Letter from General D. E. Sickles.] House of Representatives, U. S., Washington, D. C, January 30, 1895. Edward K. Gould, Esq_., Rockland, Maine: Dear Sir : In reply to your inquiry of the 29th instant, I have to state that Major-General Hiram G. Berry succeeded me in the command of the 2d Division of the 3d Army Corps, when I was promoted to the command of the corps. He was killed at the battle of Chancellorsville on his line of battle. A moment before he fell, mortally wounded, I was in conversation with him, and having made a suggestion to him, touching a contemplated movement, was proceeding to another part of the field, when an aide-de-camp con- veyed to me the sad news that General Berry had fallen an instant after I had left him. He was an intelligent, capable and zealous officer, beloved by all of his command, and his associates and his comrades of the 3d Army Corps. I felt his loss most sensibly, for he was a gallant and efficient commanding officer. [Letter from General Oliver O. Howard.] Portland, Oregon, j February 8, 1895. j Edward K. Gould, Esq,., Rockland, Maine: My Dear Sir : I am glad to hear that you are preparing a biographical sketch of Major-General Hiram G. Berry. I saw him a few moments before he deployed his brigade [division] and marched into the woods to catch the Confederates under Stonewall Jackson. He was very happy and sympathetic at the time. We shook hands cordially and he asked me what he could do. I do not remember my reply, but his gallant action, ending in his death, showed what he undertook. He was but a short time under my command and then when we both knew little of actual warfare. I remember that I thought him a man of quick intelligence and an excellent administrator ; he organized well and commanded well, was a true man and patriot and gave his life for his country. Who could do more? TRIBUTES. 295 [Letter from L. G. Benedict, Assistant Adjutant-General.] Headquarters 2d Division, 3D Corps, Camp at Chancellors ville, Va., May 4, 1863. My Dear Greenhalgh : I sent by one of my orderlies a leave of absence for fifteen days for yourself and Lieutenant Wash- burn, also the effects which I took from the poor General's uniform after his death, viz. : one silver watch, one pocket-book containing $21.25 in money and a lot of papers, one knife and the General's commission. The General died in my arms at twenty-six minutes past seven on yesterday morning. His last words were: " Take me from the field, Benedict." This loss is severely felt in our division. [Letter from J. S. Poland, Chief of Staff.] Headquarters 2d Division, 3D Army Corps, ) May 20, 1863. ) Mrs. General Berry and Daughter : It is my duty (so I regard it), but approached reluctantly, for fear that reference to the sad bereavement with which it has pleased God to afflict you will open anew the heart springs of sorrow, but it is for your cheer that I dare to write. When the General fell he called me. I was by his side imme- diately, in time to hear: "Poland — my wife and child." He remained silent, sinking calmly and placidly for ten or fifteen min- utes. The emergencies of the battle then raging fearfully compelled me, despite a longing desire to stay with him to the last, to leave him in the excellent and tender care of Captain Benedict, assistant adjutant-general. The General's last words were addressed to the Captain: " Take me off the field, Benedict." Peacefully as a saint he yielded his life for his country. His last words uttered all that was dear to him on earth — " My wife and child." His last thoughts embraced you with tender devotion. Though dying a hero's death, for you he would have asked yet a little while. Though dying like a hopeful Christian, for you he would stay the parting hour, but God called him. It is written, " I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." I send you the memorial of " Our General's Staff," whose sorrow, though 296 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. nearly obscured by the busy scenes of ruthless war, is deeply felt. They beg to be remembered, and are earnest in their prayer that God will ever watch over you. [Letter from General O. O. Howard.] Headquarters iith Corps, 's, | Near Brooks Station, Va., > May 14, 1863. Dear Sir : My relations with the late General Berry have been such as to induce me to give some public testimonial to his merits as a patriot and a soldier. At the first battle of Bull Run he was in command of the 4th Maine Regiment, which was in my brigade. While under my com- mand he showed himself to be an energetic and efficient officer. He was always gentlemanly in his bearing and ready to co-operate heartily in any measure for the good of his regiment or the advan- tage of the service. Upon the Peninsula he commanded a brigade in Kearny's division. I remember that I met with General Kearny soon after the battle of Williamsburg, who spoke in the highest terms of Berry's bravery, and said that his own success was owing in great measure to General Berry's skillful and vigorous co-operation. Attempting no enumeration of his distinguished services, I desire to record one more instance of personal contact with General Berry. I met him close to his line of battle on Saturday evening, May 2d, near the Plank road, south of Chancellorsville. He had drawn up his division of veteran troops, perpendicular to and upon both sides of the road, to cover the retreat of the nth Corps, and check any further advance of the enemy in that direction. He met me with great cordiality, consulted as to where the line would be hardest pressed, and in answer to my suggestion that the chief diffi- culty would be upon his right said : " Well, General, if you will take care of the left here, I will go to the right." And he went in that direction. I afterward saw him during the night at General Hooker's headquarters. He fell in the morning when his line was attacked with great fury, and died a hero and a soldier at the post of duty. As a brother officer I most heartily deplore his death. He has met me of late with the most frank TRIBUTES. 297 demeanor and cordiality, and I could not help remarking after we had parted Saturday night, " How noble was the bearing of General Berry." General De Peyster, in his " Biography of Major-General Philip Kearny," says of Berry : "Always reliable, always a grand specimen of a natural born soldier, his brigade was the first which, under Kearny, brought relief to Hooker. He distinguished himself in almost every battle in 1862, and fell at Chancellorsville crowned with glory. * * * On May 3d, 1863, when the nth Corps had given way on the right of Chancellorsville, broken and driven by the furious practical strategy of Stonewall Jackson, Hooker selected Berry's division, formerly his own, to stem the seemingly irresistible flood. " 'Go in, General ! ' said Fighting Joe, ' throw your men into the breach; don't fire a shot; they can't see you, but charge home with the bayonet.' " Berry's boys did charge home, and held for three hours all that their bayonets so boldly won. The next day the struggle was renewed, and the brunt fell again on Berry, who again and again headed the charge of his division, and, first to meet the foe, received a bullet which ended his grand career. Thus, in the arms of victory, as far as his division was con- cerned, Berry fell and died, another one of the purest and noblest of the type of volunteer generals of our war — a finer West Point has never produced." FUNERAL ADDRESS BY REV. NATH'L BUTLER. " There is a grief too profound to find utterance in words, a sorrow which is best indulged in by folding the mantle about the head, and sitting upon the earth in sackcloth and ashes. Such is ours today and were it not that the glorious dead have solemn demands upon us, and that to the living there is left a 298 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. life real and earnest, which will be made more noble and more real by the memories which the dead have bequeathed to us, we would sit silent in the august presence of the hero's lifeless form, and with silence, broken only by sighs, lay him to his rest. It is only in the lifetime of but one of many generations that men witness the combinations of events like those which have a consummation in such a scene as transpires before us today. The nation is rising up to honor its brave and living sons, and, ah ! it is part of its passion, too, to rise up to mourn its dead. To this sad duty we now address ourselves, and among the duties belonging to the hour, there are none more fitting than a review of the eventful life which has now found its close and a record of the characteristics which have made it renowned. "General Berry was a man of marked ability. The suc- cesses of his life have shown it. Under the guidance of a benignant Providence he was the architect of his own fortune- His own ability and industry raised him from the more humble position of his early life to the eminence which he reached. In all the greater efforts of his life it may be truly said he never failed. He surprised men by what he did accomplish, never by what he failed in doing. Although he possessed advantages for literary training not at all beyond what is possessed by nearly every young man in the State, yet he acquired a degree of culture that characterized him as an educated man, and those who have a right to judge affirm that his official reports and his correspondence were rarely excelled, in perspicuity and accuracy, by the most gifted among our public men. He never spent a day in a military school, and yet, when he entered the army, he was versed in the art of war so far as military reading could make him so. He knew his own strength, and was confident in it. He quietly formed his own plans, and depend- ing on himself, he entered upon their performance, and men knew little of them till their completion announced them. " He was a man of untiring energy. During the latter years of his life he maintained a constant and almost ceaseless MR. butler's address. 299 struggle with disease, and yet his record is what could be expected only of a man of iron frame and perfect health. While in the army, he often issued his orders from a sick bed or rose from that sick bed to lead his soldiers. When friends and superior officers urged him to suspend his active labors, he remained performing the duties of camp and field when he seemed more properly a subject for the surgeon's care. The siege of Yorktown, the battles of Williamsburg and Fair Oaks, and the thirty days' duty along that fatal White Oak Swamp, attest the energy of his character. The world knows already how at Williamsburg he outstripped the ablest generals of the army, and with his little brigade pressed on through the blind- ing storm and a sea of mud, to the front, where weary troops were giving way, and how, at the last, the only moment to save the wavering army, to the music of the glorious airs of the Union, he hurled his brave band upon the foe, and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. And the world knows, for the highest military authorities have told it, how, at Fair Oaks, he led his small but firm band of twenty-five hundred men, through the flying, frightened crowd of defeated Federal troops, till he reached the enemy, and then stood with them, firm as a rock, till ten thousand sent against him fled in disgraceful defeat ; and for his daring energy the great men of the nation delighted to do him honor. His whole military career attested the strength of will, and power of execution, which were never measured by what other men could do. " General Berry was always faithful to the trust committed to him by the country. He was a leader and a favorite in the political party that opposed the present administration. But when he had girded on his sword in his country's cause, he buried all party prejudices, and sectional ties and political preferences, and he knew his country first and only his country. He never indulged the cavilling spirit which swayed smaller and weaker minds. No man more heartily than he condemned that political bitterness which weakened the hands of the friends of 300 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. the Union, and seemed to have more sympathy with foes than with friends. He loved the glorious flag of his country. He followed, with all who loved it, wherever it led. He fought beneath it, and though it were tattered and rent by the storms of a hundred battles, he clung to it still — clung to it unto death. Well may ye wrap the glorious stars and stripes around his life- less form. He loved it in life, let it be his shroud in death, and let the precious memory of his fidelity be as immortal as the stars which are emblazoned there. " With the lion's heart, General Berry joined the utmost gentleness and consideration. He would never ask a soldier to go where he feared to go himself. He could weep over a fallen comrade, but his eagle eye never quailed before a foe. He had a tender regard for human life and suffering, and while other officers sought the comforts and luxuries of the metropolis, from the day he left yonder pier with his regiment till his last battle was fought, he shared the camp, the watch, the painful march, the deadly struggle, with his men. His brave heart never refused to bear all his duty demanded. And so it was to the closing scene. A weaker nature might have been living today. But his was one that could not accept life at the price of falling back one step from his post. Whatever imperfection may have marked his life, whatever weakness an enemy might boast over, of this no man can deny him : he died without the stain of cowardice upon him. His meed of praise, here, is full ; and without a breath of reproach upon his valor, his work is done. " While he must have been conscious of his unusual ability and extraordinary success, he possessed the unassuming mod- esty which is always a part of true greatness. It may not be improper that I should here bear the testimony of a somewhat intimate friendship with General Berry during the last years of his life. Although always characterized by a serious earnest- ness through life, this character appeared with peculiar strength after the commencement of his military career. Remembering MR. botler's address. 301 now his demeanor, he had the bearing of a man who had a great work to do, and a brief time in which to perform it, and who addressed himself to it with a solemn earnestness becoming the magnitude of his mission. Those months were spent as no pastime of war, no holiday of recreation, but conscious of his lofty trust he seriously gave himself to it, as the last commission to be held on earth. Who shall say that omniscient Providence did not prepare him for his work, and then prepare him for its glorious consummation? " And shall not the memories bequeathed to us soften the sorrows and alleviate the grief which this event brings? I see around me the pageant of a mighty grief — I witness the mourning of a great sorrow. And well may it be so. It is the nation's second birth, and its agonies are greater than at the first. Ah ! at what a price are our liberties retained ! God asks for them life, and that, too, the most precious. It would seem that the noblest, bravest, best must die. No mean sacri- fice must lie on Freedom's altar. Read the roll of the dead heroes of the land : Ellsworth, and Lyon, and Mitchell, and Kearny, and Mansfield, and Berry. Truly only priceless treas- ures could demand such sacrifice as this, and most unworthy must a people be who shall not cherish the purchase of such blood. But is it a mourning over unmitigated calamity? A widowed heart is smitten to the earth in unutterable desolation, and youth, when most needing the protection of a father's strong arm, sees that cherished trust torn away. But in addition to that greatest of all consolations, the promise of the widow's God, and of the Father of the fatherless, what a legacy of comfort and of joy has the departed bequeathed to this smitten flock ! To the name he bore he has given imperishable honor, and in distant generations men will be honored as belonging to his race. Then not to a cold and bitter world is this stricken household given. The dead hero's country shall be protector of this widowhood and guardian of this childhood. To that country he has left them, and well will it keep the holy trust. 302 MAJOR-GEttERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. " It is manifestly true that a definite value cannot be set on human life, but will it not, in part, at least, compensate for the loss of one so precious as this, to know that, in the best human judgment, by his industry, skill and bravery, he twice saved the Federal army from disastrous defeat, and that, too, under circumstances that warrant the belief that no other man in the army would have done it? He entered the army to lose his life, but is it too much to believe that he entered the army and lost his life to save the army of his country? " In addition to this, it is not hard to say this life was finished — its work was done, and well done. This is no untimely death. Future generations will not ask his age. They will only ask to know how he lived, and what he did, and when they know, they will account his life as among heroes, most complete. It is glorious to live in such a day as this, if one so fully meets the demands of his day. It is sweet to die when such a price is given for life. " By the benignant dispensations of a merciful Providence, General Berry is brought to the home of his fathers, to find sepulchre. No traitor's hand shall touch his hallowed dust. No rebellious soil shall furnish him a grave. Then carry him to his rest, citizens of Maine, and of his native city. Let the hoary-headed come to do him honor, for he bled that you might bequeath to your children the sacred liberties you have so many years enjoyed. Let the strong men come, for he has shown you how to fight for the land you live to defend. Let woman and childhood bedew his grave with their tears, for he died to preserve inviolate your happy homes. Bear him to his rest. Tears are bedewing the path as he goes, but blessings shall be on his memory, and the nation's songs shall perpetuate his fame. Rear high the monument above his dust, till its morning shadow shall lie far over the land for whose honor he gave his blood, and its shadow at evening is flung far out upon the sea, for he died for the honor of that flag which proudly floats o'er every ocean; and at morning and at evening bring the little MR. butler's address. 303 children of the land to the foot of that lofty pile to teach them how to be patriots and heroes. " He is Freedom's now, and Fame's; One of the few, the immortal names That were not born to die. " As it was said of another, we say of him, we had prayed God that he might long live, for greater deed and service, and to enjoy the well-earned consciousness of heroic deeds hero- ically done. That prayer has not been answered as we would have had it; but who, save God, knows what is best? He has gone in the fullness of his young renown, from the lavish admiration and love of those who knew him best. Farewell from him to all who loved him, and they are many ! Farewell from them to him ! But his thrilling story, his fidelity, his patriotism and his precious memory are our imperishable inher- itance, and we will guard them well, and emulate them as we may. We will enshrine them in the deepest thoughts of our affection, even as, with tender veneration, we soon shall lay in our soil his hallowed form, just borne through the land on the sobbing bier of a people's heart, the wreaths that cover him sparkling beneath the smiles of God with the spray of the nation's tears." INDEX. Abbott, Captain Isaac C, 203. Alexandria, 52, 53. Allen, C. L., 274. Ames, General Adelbert, 34, 194, 200. Anderson, E. W., 65. Andrews, M. C, 274. Atwood, Adjutant-General G. M., 26. Aurora Lodge, F. & A. M., 281, 290, 291. Bachelder, Lieutenant John A., 280. Baker, Mrs. Walter, 41, 42. Baltimore, 46. Banks, Surgeon Wm. A., 30. Bangor Fusileers, 279. Bangor Company, 4th Maine, 85. Bangor Cornet Band, 280. Bailey, James, 65. Barstow, Lieutenant George F., 240. Bath Greys, 27. Battery D, 1st New York, 240, 259. Battery, 4th, New York Light, 240. Battery H, 1st U. S., 240, 259, 261, 266. Battery K, 4th U. S., 240, 264. Battery B, 1st New Jersey, 241. Bean, Captain Andrew D., 36, 59, 66, 91. Beaumont, Captain Ralph, 79. Beach, Lieutenant-Colonel S. E., 136. Belfast Muster, 28. Belfast Companies, 4th Maine, 34. Benedict, Captain Le Grand, 239, 267, 295- Benedict, Mrs. Le Grand, 241. Berry, Jeremiah, 9, 10. Berry, Frances Gregory, 9. Berry, Thomas, 9. Berry, Jeremiah, 2d, 10. Berry, John T., 10, 33. Berry, Wm. G., 10. Berry, Frances E., 10. Berry, George W., 10, 59, 275. Berry, Mrs. Hiram G., 13. Berry, Lucy F., 14. Berry, Major-General Hiram G., birth and parentage, 9; his brothers and sister, io; love for military affairs, 11; learns carpenter's trade, 12; becomes con- tractor and builder; director and presi- dent of Limerock National Bank; his marriage, 13; his daughter, 14; elected representative to the legislature, 15; his legislative associates, 17; nominated as candidate for Mayor of Rockland; des- perate and protracted struggle at the polls, 18; his triumphant election, 20; organizes Rockland City Guards, 23; elected captain, 24; his company escorts Jefferson Davis, 28; his pros- perous condition at opening of Civil War, 32; organizes 4th Maine Infantry, 33; elected colonel, 34; strict disci- pline at Camp Knox; mustered into U. S. service, 36; starts for Washington, 37; presentation of flags at New York, 43; preparing for trouble at Baltimore, 46; at Washington in camp on Meri- dian Hill, 47; letters descriptive of camp life, 48; regimental band gives serenade, 51 ; camp changed to Alex- andria, 52; letter describing reconnais- sance, 53; advance to Bull Run, 55; first prisoners, 56; letters, 57; enemy's breastworks, 58; incident showing Berry's devotion to duty, 59; battle of Bull Run, 62; ordered to support a battery, 63; he carries the flag, 64; letter describing the battle of Bull Run, 65; official report of the battle, 66; letter giving incidents of Bull Run, 67; he complains of the brigade quarter- master, 68; General McDowell calls on him; encamped near Fort Ellsworth; confidence in McClellan, 70; regimen- tal revolt; his tender heart, 71; de- INDEX. 305 General Berry scribes his camp, 72; commends Lieu- tenant Gray, 73; did not enlist for political effect, 75; letter descriptive of camp life, 79; visitors from Rockland, 80; his tribute to Colonel Thomas H. Marshall, 81 ; ordered to make recon- naissance to the Accotink, 82; his report of the affair, 83; high state of discipline in his command, 85; letter describing reconnaissance, 86; visits Mt. Vernon, 88; visited by Vice Presi- dent Hamlin and others, 90; he writes about the anxiety of parents to obtain discharges for their boys, 91 ; his views of the condition of the country, 92; the Berry Quartet Choir, 93; his plan of campaign, 94; his progress in the art of war, 96; promoted to brigadier- general, 97; letter of congratulation from Governor I. Washburn, Jr., 98; presented with a sword by the sergeants of the 4th Maine, 99; silver plate pre- sented by the officers, 100; his letters on current events, ioi; letter telling of his promotion to brigadier-general, 1 02; writes of his balloon ascension, 103; his political sentiments, 104; farewell order to the 4th Maine, 105; assigned to Michigan brigade, 106; his staff appointments; anecdote relative to McClellan's assignment of him to the Michigan brigade, 107; his mod- esty as told by Captain Earle, 108; let- ters giving his first impressions of his new command, 113; battle of Wil- liamsburg, Berry's push for the front, 121; his valor and skill in battle, 122, 123; Heintzelman's commendation, 126; was under fire four hours; Kear- ny praises him, 127; his congratulatory order, 128; Kearny's letter to Gov- ernor Washburn concerning Berry's part in the fight, 129; Governor Wash- burn's reply and letter to Berry, 130; General Berry his modest response; his tribute to Michigan soldiers, 132; his letter to Vice President Hamlin, 133; his official report of the battle of Williamsburg, 134; his brigade was proud of him, 138; the attempt to rob him of his honors, 139; Vice President Hamlin's spirited defense, 140; his letters de- scribing the battle of Williamsburg, 140, 141, 142, 143; his visit to house where Washington first met Martha Custis, 144; his sword that he carried at Wil- liamsburg, 146; battle of Fair Oaks, his march of six miles; incident con- cerning him and Kearny, 151 ; his brilliant attack, 152; brings forward in person the 5th Michigan, 153; his grief at Captain Smith's death, 157; distinguished generals acknowledge his services, 160; the New York Tribune's commendation, 162; his official report of Fair Oaks, 163; additions to his staff, 167; Vice President Hamlin's let- ter of condolence, 168; his letters descriptive of the battle of Fair Oaks, 168,169; his commendation of Colonel Dyckman, 1st New York, 170; Major Thayer's incident concerning release of prisoners in Libby Prison, 171 ; his zeal for the comfort of his command; his letters, 173; the Seven Days' Battles, 176; his official report, 178; his retreat from Fair Oaks; skillful passage of Fisher's Ford, 181; his victorious attack, 183; his official report of retreat to the James, 184; he is described by General de Trobriand, 189; his letters describing Seven Days' Battles, 190; letters from the Vice President on pol- icy of the Government, 191; his letters concerning the retreat to the James, 192, 193; he describes his personal appearance after the campaign, 194; is ill, 195; commends Lieutenant 306 MAJOR-GENERAL- HIRAM G. BERRY. General Berry Charles F. Sawyer, 196; ravages of a fever, 197; home on furlough; enthu- siastic reception in Rockland, 198; letter of Assistant Adjutant-General Geo. W. Wilson, 199; letter from Gen- eral Adelbert Ames, 200; Colonel O. M. Poe writes concerning escape of Stuart; letter from Congressman F. A. Pike, 201; Senator L. M. Morrill also gives his views, 203; Stedman's poem " Kearny at Seven Pines," 205; Berry's narrow escape from capture, 205 ; his treatment of discourteous southrons, 206; his letters on battle of Chantilly and other events, 207, 208, 209; brand- ing a deserter, 210; search for con- cealed munitions of war, 210; his opinions of General Stoneman, 211; describes condition of the people in Virginia, 212; searching inspection of 17th Maine; incident of the sergeant's sash, 217; battle of Fredericksburg, Berry's strategy to protect his men, 218; his enthusiastic reception by the 17th Maine on the battlefield; incident of Berry and the backwoods boy; orders troops to " keep heads down," 219; incident of Berry and the knap- sacks, 220; he is complimented by Confederate General A. P. Hill, 221; he touches Colonel Gilluly's sensitive nature, 221; his consideration for the impetuous Major De Lacy; his appeal to the 37th New York; his men always cheered him without orders, 222; gets his brigade out of a bad scrape, 223; his official report of the battle of Fred- ericksburg, 223; his letter to his daugh- ter, 226; his grief over the terrible losses of the 4th Maine, 227; pro- moted to major-general; the account of General Charles Hamlin, 228; Hooker's glowing praise, 229, 230; Heintzelman's unqualified endorsement, General Berry 231; Senator Zach Chandler's compli- mentary allusion to Berry, 233; con- firmed as major-general, 233; his letters concerning the promotion, 234; friendship of Hooker for Berry; his assignment to the 2d Division, 3d Corps, 235; farewell order to his old brigade, 236; address to him of the 37th New York, 236; affection for him of the old brigade, 237; appoints his division staff, 239; regiments and bat- teries in his division, 240; wedding in the camp, 241 ; incident related by Mrs. Le Grand Benedict, 241 ; his let- ter describing the wedding; review by President Lincoln, and Sickles' ball, 243; the army nurse, Annie Etheridge, gives incidents concerning Berry, 244; battle of Chancellorsville, 250; his arrival at Chancellorsville, 25 1; recon- naissance, 256; his presentiment of death, 257; Captain Earle gets his mail; photographs of daughter, 258; battle commences, rout of the nth Corps; Hooker orders Berry to the rescue, 258; his line of battle formed, 259 ; Osborn ordered to govern fire, 259 ; he inspects skirmish line, 260 ; meet- ing of Generals Howard and Berry, 261 ; letter of General Robert McAllister describing Berry's part in the battle, 262; practice of Berry's artillery, 263; Captain Rusling writes of the presenti- ment, 264; coolness in repelling assault; directs his aide to get orders, 266; goes to Mott to give orders; staff caution him against sharpshooters, 267 ; is killed by a bullet; grief of General Hooker, 267; General J. B. Carr's tribute in official report; Osborn's account of Berry's death written at the time, 269; Colonel Robert McAllister's description of Berry, 270; aides-de-camp convey remains to Falmouth; grief of squad INDEX. 307 General Berry of 4th Maine, 271 : President Lincoln's request, 272; reception of remains in Portland, Me., 273; names of committee of reception, Rockland, 274; arrival home, 275; lying in state, 276; order of arrangements of obsequies, 278; military escort, 279; Vice President Hamlin a private in the ranks, 280 ; Masonic bodies in line, 281 ; distin- guished mourners; funeral cortege; his chargers, 282; poetical tribute by Z. Pope Vose, 283; Berry's character and services, 285 ; probable commander of the Army of the Potomac ; General Chas. Hamlin's reminiscences, 286; coura- geous but not rash; Democrat in poli- tics; kindness to his soldiers, 288; his statue and the ceremonies of inaugura- tion, 290; tribute from: John Neal, 292; General Hooker, 293; General D. E. Sickles, General O. O. Howard, 294, 296; Assistant Adjutant-General Le Grand Benedict; Captain J. S. Poland, 295 ; tribute in De Peyster's Life of General Kearny, 297; funeral address by Rev. Nathaniel Butler, 297- 3°3- Berry's Division, 235, 239, 252, 253; at Chancellorsville, 255, 257, 258, 260, 261, 263, 264, 268, 270, 287, 294. Berry, John T., 2d, 274. Berry's Brigade, 106-115; at Williams- burg, 1 16-138; at Fair Oaks, 147, 166; at Seven Days' Fight, 175, 188, 189, 204; at Fredericksburg, 213-227, 236. Bickmore, Colonel Chas. S., 86. Bird, John, 18. Birney, General David B., 106, 107, 182, 223, 224. Blanchard, D., 64. Blackington, Sergeant Oliver N., 208. Blackman, Lieutenant H. B., 221. Blaisdell, Colonel William, 240, 256. Bodfish, Colonel C. N., 27. Bowler, Rev. J. Riley, 291. Boyle, Corporal James, 136. Bradbury, Hon. James W., 17. Brady, Henry, 136. Brockman, H., 44. Brooks Company, 4th Maine, 36. Brown, John, 14. Brown, Almira M., 13. Brown, S. P., 90. Brown, Lieutenant Edmund W., 137. Brown, H. M , 274. Bull Run, battle of, 62-68. Burling, Colonel George C, 240. Burns, Colonel G. J., 23, 24, 26, 28, 33. Burns, Major Michael, 240. Burgin, Lieutenant W. E., 63, 74. Burpee, Sergeant H. H., 99. Burpee, N. A., 274. Butler, Rev. Nathaniel, 233, 282, 291. Butler, Major-General James II., 279, 280. Calhoun, Surgeon J. Theodore, 240. Camp Knox, 26, 34, 36. Camden Rifles, 25. Canning, Dennis, 65. Carver, Lieutenant-Colonel L. D., 27, 23, 34. 5 2 > 53. 59. 9*> 93- Carr, General Joseph B., 240, 268,270,287. Carr's Brigade, at Chancellorsville, 256, 258, 259, 260, 266. Case, Hon. John S., 13, 274, 278. Casey, General Silas, 149, 169. Chase, Past Grand Master Hiram, 282. Chancellorsville, battle of, 245, 247. Champlin, Colonel Stephen C, 107, 135, 151, 152, 165. Chandler, Hon. Zach, 201, 233. Chase, Chaplain B. A., 90. Chapman, Sergeant-Major Stephen H., 63, 66, 67. Chester, Captain William H., 240. Clark, Captain Wm. IL, 63, 66, 77. Clark, Captain, 37th N. V., 136. Clark, Captain J. A., 241. Clark, Lieutenant Ezra, 280. Cobb, Hon. Francis, 12, 274. 308 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Coburn, Governor Abner, 271, 282. Cochran, General Wm. S., 26, 35. Conboy, Sergeant Martin, 136. Conant, Captain O. J., 24, 30, 33, 34, 55, 63. 274- Cook, West W., 65. Cowing, Harrison, 19 1. Crockett, Charles, 18, 20, 22, 274. Crockett, Knott, 13, 24. Crockett, Robert, 274. Crosby, Governor William G, 16. Cross, Captain James A., 240. Crowell, Captain Oliver, 33. Crowell, Quartermaster John, 86. Cunningham, Captain H. W., 33. Cunningham, G. F., 65. Cushman, Major-General G. G, 28, 29. Cushman, Lieutenant Seth, 240. Damariscotta Company, 4th Maine, 33,34. 35. 5°- Davis, Jefferson, 28, 29, 92. Davis, Captain George G, 209. De Lacy, General Wm., 136, 137, 222, 277. De Peyster, General J. Watts, 297. De Trobriand, General P. R., 189. Diegnan, Captain, 37th New York, 136. Dillman, Major Lewis, 124, 152, 154, 166, 176, 185. Dimick, Lieutenant Justin E., 240, 259, 261, 265, 266. Dingley, Hon. Nelson, 18. Doubleday, General Abner, 262. Dyckman, Colonel Garrett, 170, 177, 185. Dyer, Lieutenant A. S., 24. Earle, Captain Edward S., 107. Earle, Captain James D., 108, 239, 257, 258, 267. Ellems, Ira B., 274. Ellsworth Zouaves, 52. Etheridge, Annie, 244. Excelsior Brigade, 259. Excelsior, 4th, 259, 264. Fales, Waterman, 25. Fair Oaks, battle of, 147-169. Fairfax Court House, 53, 56, 58. Fairbanks, Major J. D., 136, 166, 185, 186. Farwell, Nathan A., 18. Farrand, G. L., 9. Farwell, Joseph, 18, 19, 274, 275. Farnum, Colonel J. Egbert, 240. Fernald, Chas. O., 65. Fessenden, Hon. Wm. Pitt, 17. Fessenden, Hon. S. C, 274, 275, 282. Fiquet, D. D., 56. Fitzhue, Mrs., 55, 56. Fletcher, B. W., 63, 65. Fosdick, Edward H, 10. Foss, Wm. B., 65. Francine, Colonel Louis R., 240. Fredericksburg, battle of, 213. French, Z. F., 158. Freeman, Lieutenant Geo. W., 167, 187, 201, 225, 226, 240, 267, 268, 271, 272. Freeze, Captain John W., 280. Frost, G. W., 290. Frye, Thomas, 274. Gaines Mills, battle of, 179. Garcelon, Governor Alonzo, 17. Germaine, Charles N., 290, 291. Gilluly, Lieutenant-Colonel John, 221, 225. Giofray, J. L., 274. Glendale, battle of, 182. Glover, Lieutenant Thomas B , 30, 93. Grant, Jarvis B., 65. Gray, Major R. H., 73, 74, 75, 86. Green, Lieutenant W. C, 166. Greenhalgh, Adjutant J. B., 36, 37, 81, 145, 183, 186, 187, 190, 193, 194, 198, 205, 221, 226, 240, 266, 271, 272, 275, 295. Greenhalgh, Captain Charles, 274. Grendell, Miss, 90. Guards, Rockland City, 23-30, 275. Gunning, Lieutenant James A., 136. Hall, Eli, 290. Hall, Calvin, 274. Halleck, General H. W., 94, 232, 234, 272. INDEX. 300 Hamlin, Hannibal, 90, 91, 102, 132, 139, 140, 167, 191, 228, 232, 233, 234, 245, 280, 286. Hamilton, General Chas. S., 106, 114. Hamlin, General Chas., 228, 232, 286. Hamlin, Colonel Aug. C, 265. Hancock, General W. S., 11S. Harding, Colonel Edward K., 27, 279, 280 Harden, Freeman, 274. Hart, Rev. H. A., 282. Hatch, Joseph L., 50. Hays, Lieutenant Patrick H., 136, 137. Hayman, General S. £-., 107, 123, 124, I2 5. *35> I 3 6 > I5 2 . 154, 162, 184, 222 Heintzelman, General S. P., 52, 53, 56, 59,61,79,81,82,104,107, in, 114, 118, 121, 122, 126, 132, 140, 160, 161, 169, 180, 231. Henry, Adjutant James, 166. Hight, Captain Thomas, 36. Hill, General A. P., 221, 260, 266. Hitchcock, Rev. Dr., 44. Hix, Warden Maine State Prison, 24. II ix, T. W. 274. Hobson, Capt. Wm., 223. Hodsdon, Adjutant-General John L.,274, 279, 280. Hooker, Gen. Joseph, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 133, 140, 160, 171, 180, 209, 216, 229, 230, 234, 235, 239, 241, 248, 257, 266, 270, 293, 297. Howard, Gen. O. O., 53, 66, 191, 248, 261, 294, 296. Hoxsey, Captain Benj. W., 240. Hubbard, Governor John, 16. Hunter, General David M., 61. Huntley, Lieutenant S. S., 167, 226. Hutchins, Adjutant C. H., 136. Huxford, Lieutenant James S., 66. Ingalls, General Rufus, 271. Irish Rifles, 237. Jameson, General Chas. D., 106, 107, 129, I3°» !3i< !5 6 - Joinville, Prince de, 159. Johnson, H. H., 29. Johnston, General Joseph E., no, 1 1 1» 112, 117, 148, 149. Johnson, General Albert Sidney, 114. Johnson, Lieutenant R. D., 137. Judd, Captain Samuel A., 152, 153, 165. Kalloch, Corporal John L., 41. Kalloch, Rev. Isaac S., 43, 44, 86, 88. Kalloch, Joseph, 274, 282. Kearny, General Philip, 106, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 127, 129, 133, 151, 155, 159, 161, 171, 174, 180, 182, 183, 200, 204, 208, 222, 277, 296. Kelton, General J. C, 232. Keyes, General E. D., Ill, 148, 149. Kiggan, Corporal Patrick, 136. Kimball, I. K., 13, 30. Kimball, A. H., 13. Kimball, Major G. W., Jr., 278. King Solomon's Chapter, 281, 290, 291. Kirby, Lieutenant, 63. Ladue, Lieutenant Wm. \., 107, 136. La Favour, Captain Heber, 137. Lancaster, Colonel Francis A., 240. Libby, Judge Artemus, 1 7. Libby, Joseph C, 13. Libby, Captain Arthur, 87. Libby, Surgeon Abial, 93. Libby Prison, 171. Lincoln, Abraham, 50, 51, 97, 243,272, 273, 277. Litchfield, Captain Julius B., 55, 56, 87, 209. Litchfield, Benjamin, 80, 274. Livingston, Captain, 224. Longstreet, General James, 120, 1 21. Lounsbury, Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. H., 240. Low, A. T., 274. Magruder, General J. B., in. Maguire, Captain James T., 136, 137. Mahon, Adjutant R. II., 166. Maine, 1st, 48. Maine, 2d, 48, 70. Maine, ^\, 27, 47, 48, 50, 52, 177, 181. Maine, 7th, 273, 275, 279, 280. 310 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Maine, loth, 273. Maine, 17th, 211,216, 217,219,220,223, 224, 225, 227, 237. Maine, 5th, 48, 52. Maine, 4th, 31; at Rockland, 33; start for the front, 37; at Boston, 40 ; Mrs. Baker's generosity, 42; flag presenta- tion at New York, 44; at Philadelphia, 45; march through Baltimore, 46; Washington, 47; regimental band, 51; Alexandria, 51 ; first prisoners, 56, at Bull Run, 62-68; at Fort Ellsworth, 70; building earthworks, 75; recon- naissance to the Accotink, 82; Bangor Company arrives, 85; sword presented to Berry, 100, 105, 169, 170, 171, 183, 184, 192, 206, 207, 227, 271, 277. Malvern Hill, battle of, 183. Marshall, Colonel Thomas II., 34, 80, 81. Mason, Colonel Edwin C, 273. Maryland, 3d, 264, 265, 266. Massey, Lieutenant John, 137. Massachusetts, 1st, 240, 259, 265. Massachusetts, 5th, 59. Massachusetts, nth, 240, 256. Massachusetts, 16th, 240. McAllister, Colonel Robert, 240, 262. McClellan, General Geo. B., 70, 72, 75, 76, 77, 85, 102, 103, 107, 109, 112, 113, 116, 117, 119, 139, 141, 145, 148, 160, 171, 175, 180, 213, 229. McCobb, Charles S., 93. McCreery, Captain W. B., 137. McDowell, General Irwin, 59, 60, 65, 70, 202. McKeever, General Chauncey, 135, 158. McLaughlen, Colonel Napoleon B., 240. McLoon, Wm., 274. Merrill, Lieutenant-Colonel Chas. B.,|226. Merriam, Lieutenant-Colonel Waldo, 240. Michigan, 2d, at Williamsburg, 135, 137; at Fair Oaks, 152, 154, 155, 162, 164; at Oak Grove, 176, 178; Seven Days' Battles, 182, 184, 185, 187, 199, 211, 227. Michigan, 3d, at Williamsburg, 135; at Fair Oaks, 151, 153, 161, 162, 164; at Oak Grove, 176, 178; Seven Days' Battles, 181, 182, 184, 185, 187, 199; at Fredericksburg, 220, 224, 225, 227. Michigan, 5th, at Williamsburg, 124, 135, 137; at Fair Oaks, 152, 153, 159, 161, 162, 164; at Oak Grove, 177, 178; Seven Days' Battles, 183, 185, 186, 187, 199; at Fredericksburg, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225, 227, 246. Miller, Major Chas. A., 278. Miner, Ab., 56. Mitchell, Captain O. P., 30, 87, 274. Moffitt, C. G., 274. Morrill, Hon. Lot M., 90, 91, 203, 282. Morrell, Hon. A. P., 90. Morse, Captain W. R., 137. Morse, Captain L. J., 279. Mott, General Gershom, 240, 264, 267,268. Mott's Brigade, at Chancellorsville, 256, 264, 266. Murphy, Sergeant Lawrence, 136. Naglee, General H. M., 150. Neal, John, 292. New Jersey, 5th, 240. New Jersey, 6th, 240. New Jersey, 7th, 240, 241. New Jersey, 8th, 240. New Jersey, nth, 240. New Jersey, 1st, Battery B, 241. New York, 1st, 170; at Oak Grove, 176, 177; Seven Days' Battles, 182, 185, 186, 187; at Fredericksburg, 220, 224, 225, 227. New York, 1 st Light Artillery,BatteryD,240 New York Light Artillery,4th Battery, 240. New York, 2d, 240. New York, 24th, 183, 186, 187. New York, 37th, at Williamsburg, 124, 135, 137; at Fair Oaks, 152, 154, 161, 165; at Oak Grove, 176, 177, 185, 186, 188, 199, 216; at Fredericksburg, 220, 222, 224, 225, 227; farewell address to Berry, 236, 277. INDEX. 311 New York, 38th, 71, 72. New York, 39th, 101. New York, 55th, 189, 216. New York, 70th, 240. New York, 71st, 240. New York, 72c!, 240. New York, 73d, 240. New York, 74th, 240. New York, 87th, 177, 178. New York, ioist, 211; at Fredericksburg, 220, 224, 225, 227. New York, 1 20th, 240. New York, Sons and Daughters of Maine, 43- New York Fire Zouaves, 53, 59. Nickerson, General Frank S., 34, 52, 53, 85, 86. Nichols, A. D., 80. Nickerson, Lieutenant, 280. Oak Grove, battle of, 176. O'Beirne, Captain J. R., 136, 166. O'Brien, Charles, 136. O'Leary, Lieutenant Jeremiah, 137. Osborn, Captain Thomas \V., 240, 259, 261, 265. Osgood, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry L., 279, 280. Park, Colonel Sidney \V., 240. Peach Orchard, battle of, 176. Pennsylvania, 26th, 240, 256, 265. Pennsylvania, 115th, 240. Perry, O. H., 274. Pierce, Major Byron R., 155, 165, 185. Pierce, Captain Luther H., 287. Pike, Hon. F. A., 201. Pitcher, Major Wm. L., 85. Pleasonton, General Alfred, 258. Poe, General Orlando M., 106, 123, 136, 152, 201. Poland, Captain J. S., 239, 259, 260, 266, 267, 295. Portland Muster, 27. Potter, Colonel Henry L., 240. Pulford, Captain John, 186. Ramsey, Colonel John, 240. Ramsey, Senator Alexander, 286. Redlan, George, 208. Revere, General Joseph W., 240, 268. Revere's Brigade, at Chancellorsville, 256, 258, 260, 264, 265, 266, 268. Rice, Hon. Mr., 90, 91. Rice, Judge Richard D., 282. Richardson, General I. B., 107, 113, 236. Richardson, Jesse, 274. Roberts, Colonel Thomas A., 220, 236,237. Robinson, General John C, 176, 178, 182, 185, 218. Rockland Brass Band, 26, 29, 36, 37. Rockland Muster, 26. Rockland City < iuards, 23-30, 275. Rockland Lodge of Masons, 281, 290,291. Rusling, Captain James F., 240, 257, 264. Rusling, Lieutenant Wm. J., 240. Sawyer, Adjutant Charles F., 196, 208. Scott, General Winfield, 50, 51, 56. Scott Life Guards, 52. Searsport Company, 4th Maine, 34, 47, 74. Sedgwick, General John, 72, 79, 81, 82, 90. Sedgwick, Wm. L)., 82, 85. Seeley, Lieutenant Francis \\\, 240,256,264. Seven Pines, battle of, 147, 169. Seven Days' Battles, 175, 176. Sewell, Colonel Wm. J., 240. Sherman, General W. T., 61. Sherlock, Captain E. T., 136. Shook, Lieutenant E. H., 167. Sickles, General Daniel E., 222, 241, 243, 259, 270, 294. Sigel, General Franz, 248. Simmons, Franklin, 290. Singhi, John F., 51. Smith, Captain Edwin M., ^, 91, 107, 134, 136, 141, 157, 158, 166, 168, 169. Smith, Elkanah, 15, 16. Smith, Noah, 25. Smith, Lieutenant James, 137. Snow, Albert D., 14. Snow, Lieutenant Edward A., 30, 274. Sparlock, J. A., 65. Spear, Jonathan, 15, 16, 24, 274. 312 MAJOR-GENERAL HIRAM G. BERRY. Spear, Harvey H., 18, 19. Spear, Josiah C, 193. Sprague, Edwin, 274. Sprague, Alden, 274. Squier, Captain Charles W., 240, 264. Starbird, Geo. C, 65. Staple-, Colonel H. G., 90, 129. State of Maine Fire Co., 25. Stanton, Edwin M., 286. Stedman, Clarence Edmund, 204. Stevens, Lieutenant-Colonel A. A., 153, 165, 166. Stevens, Colonel Wm. O., 240. Stetson, Major E. W., 278. Stoneman, General George, 201, 211, 223, 224, 225. Sturgis,Lieutenant Henry H., 107, 134, 136. Sumner, General Edwin V., 117, 172. Talbot, John C, 18. Tallman, Captain James H., 107, 168. Terry, Colonel H. G., 107, 123, 124, 135, I 5 2 > 153. *55. l66 - Thayer, Major H. L., 138, 157, 167, 171, 206, 209. Thayer, Mrs. H. L., 206. Thorndike, George, 274. Thompson's Battery, 182, 184, 185, 186. Thurston, Philo, 274. Tibbetts, H. G, 93. Tilghman, Colonel Benj. C, 240, 256. Tillotson, Lieutenant Wm. K., 137. Tillson, General Davis, 23, 24, 26, 29. Tillson, P. Henry, 64, 65. Titcomb, General Wm. H., 23, 24, 28, 34, 37. 38. 65, 76, 274, 278, 290. Tissot, Father Peter, 166, 226. Todd, Captain, 83, 84. Tolman, Lieutenant Orin P., 30. Town, Asahel, 63, 65. Tripp, Lieutenant-Colonel Porter D., 257. Tucker, Captain R. H, Ji., 279. Tyler, General, 60, 61. United States Art., 1st, Battery H., 240. United States Art., 4th, Battery K., 240. Verrill, Captain Geo. W., 217. Vermont, 2d, 53, 63. Vose, S. P., 65. Vose, Z. Pope, 283. Wall, George E., 208. Wallace, General Lew, 202. Walker, Colonel Elijah, 12, 23, 34. 52, 53, 55. 5 8 > 59, 63, 7L 87, 91. 99, KM, 103, 105, 114, 129, 168, 169, 170, 181, 184, 208, 209, 227. Warren, Captain Henry, 275. Ward, General J. H. Hobart, 71, 218, 219, 224. Washington, Lieutenant, 149. Washburn, Gov. Israel, Jr., 35, 98, 129, 130, 131, 282. Washburn, Lieutenant I. Henry, 240, 271, 280, 295. Webb, General Alex. S., 1 19. Webster, Adjutant-General Sam'l U., 28. Weeks, Leander, 290. Westbrook, Lieutenant-Colonel Cornelius D., 240. West, Major Geo. W., 226. White, George W., 274. Whitcomb, Major E., 91. Whitehouse, Captain Stephen C, 23, °4- Whiting, S. K., 87, 93. Wight, James, 274. Wiggin, George S., 18, 19, 198, 274. Wilcox, Colonel O. B., 53. Wildes, Colonel A. W., 99. Wilson, Wm., 274. Wilson, Captain Geo. W., 167, 187, 191, 199, 226, 259. Williams, Colonel Timothy, 274. Williamsburg, battle of, 116. Williams, Lieutenant-Colonel A. W., 123, 166. Winterport Company, 4th Maine, 34, 36. Winslow, Lieutenant Geo. B., 240. Wiscasset Company, 4th Maine, 22, 34, 35. Wiswell, Sergeant J. H, 86. Wood, Charles F., 191, 192, 193. Wortman, E. E., 290. Yorktown, 111. li 5- W23R. ^---: <• ^