'^c \Ow>J< LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. Copyright No. Shelf„i3.._^5&| —- 'A<^G UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. FLAY EL S. THOMAS. M.U.. LL.D. ■A- DICTION ARY -OF- lIlfERSlT! r' hM m /" -liV FLAVEL S. THOMAS, M.D., LL.D., Editor of the Depaktment of University Degrees in the Standard Dictionary of the Knglish Language SYRACUSE, N. Y. €. W. BARDEEX, PUBLISHER 1898 /p^ 39487 TWO COPMi R£C::iVEO. fm.2-wm --vV TO REV. CHARLES F. THWTNG, D.D., LL.D. PRESIDENT OF WESTERI^ RESERVE UNIVERSITY PREFACE There is an entrance examination to every course of study leading to a primary degree, like B.A., B.S. This examination varies somewhat in the different institutions, but it may be said that the average entrance examination is upon those branches which are studied in the average high school. Usually a man must be a bachelor before he can commence the course leading to a master degree, and a master before he can become a candidate for a doc- tor degree. There is always an examination before a degree is conferred, although this may not be distinctly stated in this work. In the case of an honorary degree, there is an examination of the character, professional and scholastic standing, and of the literary, scientific, and professional works of the candidate. I know that some of these degrees are conferred by institutions which could not properly be called univer- sities, yet as any of them might be a department of a university I have ventured to use the title: A Dic- tionary of University Degrees. If I had used no limit- (11) 12 UNIVEESITY DEGKEES ing word it might have been thought that the work included all scholastic and perhaps Masonic degrees. I do not consider this book perfect nor my work finished. I rather look upon this as a step toward a larger and more exhaustive book which will deal more fully with the history of each degree. To assist in this expansion I have had the work printed with alter- nate blank pages, so that every reader may make his own notes, which I shall be glad to have him send to me. I shall be very glad to receive criticisms, con-ections, information relative to new degrees and the history of old ones. « In explaining a degree which is not common it is usually stated what institution confers it, but this does not always mean that it is not conferred by any other. OUR NOBILITY " There is no aristocracy in the United States but that of intellect." — Boston Herald. " ' Our only nobility now ' said the Major turning to the collegian." — Old Town Folks. " During the mediaeval period an academic degree was almost equivalent to an order of nobility." — President Barnard. " New Englanders have always looked upon a degree from Harvard in the light of a title of nobility." — Charles Bacon. *' A graduate of a great university passes down into history as a man of talent and culture, although he may not continue his studies a single day after graduation. " Without his diploma one may spend a lifetime in severe study and gain little credit for scholarship." — Boston Musical Herald. " To pass successfully these examinations (examina- tions by the government for position, rank and degrees) (13) 14 Ui^IVEESITY DEGEEES is the aim of every literary man and is the highest hope of parents for their sons. All the noblemen of Korea have obtained their positions not by inheritance, but by their rank at these examinations. This rank of nobleman is open to everyone, and even servants who by their education can pass this ordeal are at once raised to the nobility." — Education in Korea, in U. S. Dep^t Education, 1890-91.- ERRATA Page 41, under C. E.^ Civil Engineering should read Civil Engineer. Page 45, under D. C. L.^ last paragraph should read, " It is also sometimes conferred as an honorary degree in America, where it usually ranks with and indicates the same as LL.D."- Page 55, under D. Th., S.T.B. should read S.T.D. Page 101, under S. E.^ Sanitary Engineering should read Sanitary Engineer. Page 105, T. F. should read T. E. Page 105, Topographical Engineering should read Topographical Engineer. UNIVERSITY DEGREES What they Mean and Indicate A. B. Bachelor of Arts. See B. A. A. C. Analytical Chemist. Lehigli (and some others) confers A.C., upon the completion of a course of study four years long. This time is devoted largely to the study of Analytical Chemistry. See P.C., B.C.S., Ph.C. A. 1). «. Bachelor of Domestic Arts. Missouri formerly conferred A.D.B., upon the com- pletion of a course prepared for women. See M.D.E., A.D.M. A. D. M. Master of Domestic Arts. Missouri formerly conferred A.D.M. upon holders of A.D.B., for post-graduate work. See M.D.E. (17) 18 UNIVERSITY DEGREES ' UNIVERSITY DEGREES 19 Agr. B. Bachelor of Agriculture. See Jl Agr. AgT. M. Master of Agriculture. See M. Agr. A. M. Master of Arts. See M.A. A. M. B. Bachelor of Mechanic Arts. Conferred by Tufts upon the completion of a three years course in Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical En- gineering. A. M. M. Master of Mechanic Arts. Conferred upon an A.M.B., who takes an additional year of study. A.M., P.T. Master of Arts and Professional Teacher. Formerly conferred by the State Normal school of Missouri. A. 0. M. Master of Obstetric Arts. A Vienna degree. Archt. Architect. This degree is conferred by the University of Penn- 20 UN'IVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 21 sylvania upon a B.Sc, in iVrchitecture, at the end of a " Post Senior " year. B. A. Bachelor of Arts. The course leading to B.A., has usually been four years long. These four years have, for many years, been devoted almost entirely to the study of Latin, Greek, and Mathematics. But now our best univer- sities allow students to elect their studies. The course has been but three years in Great Britain, and it is being reduced to three in America. This degree is said to have been instituted by Greg- ory IX. about 1227. B. Acct. Bachelor of Accounts. Conferred by the Business Department of some institutions. The course is usually a year or less. B. Agr. Bachelor of Agriculture. Conferred upon the completion of a four years course in Agriculture and allied sciences. SeeB.S.A., B.A.S., B.Ag. B. Ar. Bachelor of Architecture. Syracuse confers B.Ar., upon students who have 22 UJs'IYERSITY DEGEEES UXIVERSITY DEGREES 23 completed a four years course in Architecture and allied liberalizing studies. B. A. S.i Bachelor of Agricultural Science. Harvard confers B.A.S., upon graduates of the Bussey Institution. See B.Agr., B.S.A. B. A. S.~ Bachelor of Applied Science. McGill confers B.A.S., upon students who complete the four years course in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering, or Practical Chem- istry. ' See B.Ap.Sc, C.E., E.M., M.E., P.C., A.M.B., B.M.E. B. Ap. Sc. Bachelor of Applied Science. See B.A.S,^ B. B. S. Bachelor of Business Science. Drake confers B.B.S., upon those who take the first two years of the college course and then spend two years in the Business Department. B. B. Sc. Bachelor of Business Science. Same as B.B.S. 24 UNIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 25 B.C.' Bachelor of Chemistry. Formerly conferred by Washington University upon the completion of a five years' course in Chemistry. See B. Chem., B.C.S., P.C, Chem., Ph.C. B. C.2 Bachelor of Commerce. Conferred upon the completion of a short Commer- cial Course. B. C.^ Bachelor of Surgery (Chirurgiae). SeeB.S.i B. C. £. Bachelor of Civil Engineering. A four years' course in Civil Engineering and allied branches. B. Chem. Bachelor of Chemistry. Same as B.C. B. C. li. Bachelor of Civil Law. Indicates the same as LL.B. B. C. 8. ' Bachelor of Chemical Science. Georgia confers B.C.S., upon the completion of a four years' course in Chemistry. 26 ' UJS^IYEKSITY DEGEEES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 27 B. C. S.~ Bachelor of Commercial Science. Indicates the same as B.B.Sc. B. D. Bachelor of Divinity. B.D., is conferred upon the completion of a three years' course in Theology. Some schools admit only such as hold the degree of B.A. B. E. " Bachelor of Elements. The Pennsylvania Normal schools confer B.E., upon the completion of a two years' course. See L.L, B.E.D., B.S.D., Pe.P., Pe.B. B. E.^ Bachelor of Elocution. B.E., is conferred by the National School of Elocu- tion and Oratory, upon those who complete the first year of its course. See B.O., M.O. B. E. ' Bachelor of Engineering. The course leading to B.E., is four years long and is preparatory to a professional course in Civil, Mechanical or Mining Engineering. 28 UNIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 29 B. E. D. Bachelor of Elementary Didactics. Drake confers B.E.D., upon those who complete the first three years of the formal course. See L.I., B.E., B.S.D. B. E. E. Bachelor of Electrical Engineering. Ranks with B.E.=^ B. E. L. Bachelor of English Literature. Indicates the same as B. Lit. B. F. Bachelor of Einance. B.F., equals B.A., in value and was conferred upon five students by the Wharton School of Finance of the LTniversity of Pennsylvania in 1884. Since then Ph.B., has been conferred in its place. B. F. A. Bachelor of Fine Arts. This degree is conferred by Yale upon the comple- tion of a four years' course in Fine Arts. B. Hy. Bachelor of Hygiene. Conferred by the LTniversity of Durham, England. 30 UNIVEESITY DEGKEES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 31 For registered medical practitioners. One year's study and examinations. See D.Hy. B. L.1 Bachelor of Law. See LL.B. B. L.2 Bachelor of Literature. See B. Lit. B. L. A. Bachelor of Liberal Arts. Indicates the same as B.A. B. Lit. Bachelor of Literature. B. Lit., is conferred upon the completion of a four years' course in English Literature and other liberal studies. SeeB.L., Lit.B. B. L.L. Bachelor of Laws. See LL.B. B. L. 8* Bachelor of Library Science. The degree of B.L.S., is conferred by the University of the State of Xew York, on all candidates who pass 32 UXIVEKSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 33 all the required examinations and submit an original thesis and bibliography and complete the full two years of professional study to the satisfaction of the faculty of the Library School. See M.L.S., D.L.S. B. M.i Bachelor of Medicine. See M.B. B. M.2 Bachelor of Metallurgy. Represents a four years' course in Metallurgy. B. M.^ Bachelor of Music. See B. Mus. B. >I. E. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. Indicates the completion of a four years' course in Mechanical Engineering. B. M. S. Bachelor of Medical Science. Conferred by the University of Geneva, Switzer- land, upon the completion of three years' course in medicine. B.M.S., must be taken before one can study for M.D. 34 UNIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 35 15. Mus. Bachelor of Music. Indicates the completion of a four years' course in music and allied studies. B. N. S. Bachelor of Natural Science. " Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute gave the degree of B.N.S., to upwards of 75 previous to 1850." — Norval War drop. Oxford, England, has recently discussed the advisa- bility of conferring B.X.S., and M.X.S. B.N.S., indicates the same as B.Sc. B. 0. Bachelor of Oratory. The National School of Elocution or Oratory confers B.O., upon those who complete the first two years of its course. B. 0. L. Bachelor of Oriental Literature. Conferred by the Punjab University. B.O.L., seems to rank with B. Lit., and B.E.L. B. P.i Bachelor of Painting. Syracuse confers B.P. upon the completion of a 36 - UNIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 37 four years' course in painting in its fine arts depart- ment. Bachelor of Pliilosophy. This degree is abbreviated B.P. by Brown. It is nearly always written B.Ph., or Ph.B. B. Ph. Bachelor of Philosophy. The course leading to this degree is four years long. Shurtleff and Yale confer it upon the completion of a scientific course; but most institutions grant it upon the completion of a course in History and Political Science. Ph.B. was first conferred by Yale in 1852. Bachelor of Physics. This was a medical degree in 1700. John Locke held it. B. S.i Bachelor of Science. The course leading to B.S. is four years long. The studies are languages, literatures, mathematics, history, and natural science. Natural science is the chief study. First conferred by Harvard in 1851. See B.Sc, S.B., and B.X.S. 38 UNIVEESITY DEGKEES UNIVERSITY^DEGREES 39 Bachelor of Surgery. Conferred by London University. The candidate must hold the degree M.B., attend a course of instruc- tion, and pass a written and practical examination in Surgery. See C.B., Chir. B., B.C. B. S.A. Bachelor of Scientific Agriculture. See B.A.S., B. Agr. B. S.D. Bachelor of Scientific Didactics. Drake confers B.S.D., upon the completion of its four years' normal course. B. S.F. Bachelor of Scientific Forestry. To be conferred by the New York State College of Forestry at Cornell University at the end of a four years' course in Forestry. B. Sc. Bachelor of Science. See B.Si., and S.B. C. B. Bachelor of Surgery (Chirurgiae). Conferred by Boston at the end of the third year of the four year's M.D. course. 40 UKIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 41 See B.S.,2 B.C., Chir. B. C. E. Civil Engineeriiag, Some institutions confer C.E., at the end of a four years' course; others confer B.S., B.E., or B.C.E., at the end of the four years' course and require one or more years of post-graduate study before C.E., is conferred. Ch. D. Doctor of Surgery or Doctor of Chemistry. See Chir. Doct., Dr. Chem. Ch. E. Chemical Engineer. The University of Pennsylvania has a course leading to this degree. " This course has been arranged with the view of enabling chemical students to familiarize themselves with mechanical subjects to such a degree that they will be able to overcome the many difficulties which are constantly presenting themselves to those who are engaged in extending the applications of Chemistry." The degree conferred upon graduates of "this course " is Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineer- ing. Three years after graduation those who have shown marked progress and submit a satisfactory thesis, may receive the degree of Chemical Engineer (Ch. E.). 42 UNIVEESITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 43 Chir.B. Doctor of Surgery (Chirurgiae). See C.B., B.S. Chir. Doct. Doctor of Surgery (Chirurgiae). A European degree ranking with M.D. C. M. Master of Surgery. See M.S. 2 Candidate. This degree is conferred in Belgium and seems to rank with our bachelor, or perhaps in some cases with our master degrees. Thus they have Candidate and Doctor of Xatural Science, etc. Clieiu. Chemist. This degree is conferred by Washington University upon the completion of a five years' course in Chemistry. D. M. Doctor of Esthetics. This degree is conferred, honorarily, by the College of Archaeology and Esthetic of Xew York city. 44 UNIVEESITY DEGREES UN^IVEKSITY DEGREES 45 D. B. Bachelor of Didactics. D. B., is conferred upon the completion of a two years' post-graduate ISormal course. I>. C. L. Doctor of Civil Law. D.C.L., is conferred upon an LL.B., or a B.C.L., who takes a two years' course, or upon an M.L., LL.M., or M.C.L., who takes a course of one year in post-grad- uate Law. Oxford, England, confers D.C.L., as an honorary degree instead of LL.D. It is also conferred as an honorary degree, when it ranks with and indicates the same as LL.D. D. r. L., orD. Cn. L. r ■ ,i< Doctor of Canon Law. An honorary degree but rarely conferred. D. D. Doctor of Divinity. D.D., is conferred as an honorary degree upon eminent clergymen. See S.T.D. D. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery. D.D.S., is conferred upon the completion of a three 46 U]!^IVEESITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 47 years' course in most dental schools. Harvard confers D.M.D. See M.D.S., L.D.S. D. E. Dynamical Engineer. Yale confers D.E., upon the completion of a two years' post-graduate course in Mechanical Engineering. See M.E., Doc. Eng., E.D. 1>. Hj. Doctor of Hygiene. D.Hy., is conferred upon a B.Hy., for post-graduate work. The requirements are two years practice as a medical officer of health, an essay and examination. Conferred by Durham College, England. D. L. 1 Doctor of Law. Indicates the same as D.C.L. D. L.2 Doctor of Literature. Same as D. Lit. 1). Lit. Doctor of Literature or Letters. D. Lit., is conferred upon a B. Lit., for two years of post-graduate study, and upon an M.L^., or M. Lit., for one year of post-graduate study. 48 ~ FKIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 49 D. L. D. Doctor of Letters and Didactics. 3ee letter page 109. D. L. S. Doctor of Library Science. " The degree D.L.S., shall be granted only for con- spicuous professional merit and only on unanimous vote of the regents as provided in their ordinances regarding honorary degrees." University of the State of New York. See B.L.S., M.L.S. D.M.i Same as M.D. See D. Mus. Doctor of Music. Doctor of Mathematics. Ranks with Ph.D. D. M.^ Master of Didactics. See letter page 109. I). M. D. Doctor of Dental medicine. 50 UKIVEESITY DEGEEES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 51 Conferred by Harvard upon the completion of its three years' course in Dental Medicine. See D.D.S. D. M. D. Doctor of Mathematics and Didactics. See letter page 109. D. Miis. Doctor of Music. D. Mus., is conferred upon a B. Mus., who takes a four years' post-graduate course and upon a M. Mus., who takes a post-graduate course of two years. Usually conferred as an honorary degree for eminence in music. Doc. Eug'. Doctor of Engineering. Stevens Institute of Technology has conferred Doc. Eng., three times as an honorary degree. It indicates eminence in mechanical engineering. Also written E.D. D. 0. Doctor of Oratory. P. P. 1 Doctor of Pharmacy, See Phar. D. 52 nsrivERSiTY degeees UNIVERSITY DEGREES Do- I). P. 2 Doctor of Philosophy. See Ph.D. D. P. H Diploma in Public Health. This is not a degree, but as these letters are some- times written after a person's name it seemed best to explain. They indicate that an examination in public health has been passed and a certificate given. Lon- don University grants certificates in this department. D. P. S. Doctor of Physical Science. See Doctor of Physical Science. D. 8. Doctor of Science. D.S., is conferred upon a B.S^., who takes a two years' post-graduate course in Science. D. 8c. Doctor of Science. See D.S. D. Sc. D. Doctor of Science and Didactics. Equals — nearly — D . S. See letter page 109. 54 UlS'IVEKSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 55 D. T. Doctor of Theology. Ranks with and indicates the same as D.D., S.T.D. D. Th. Doctor of Theology. See D.T., D.D., S.T.B. ' . D. y. M. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. D.V.M,, is conferred upon the completion of a three years' course in veterinary medicine. The following degrees are conferred by schools of veterinary medicine and they all indicate about the same thing, viz. : D.V.M., D.V.S., D.V.M.S., V.S., V.M.D., M.D.Y. D. y. M. s. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. D.V.M.S., is conferred by the Northwestern Veter- inary College upon the completion of a three years' course. D. y. s. Doctor of V^eterinary Science. McGill confers D.V.S., upon graduates of its De- partment of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science. The course is three years. See D.V.M. D. y. HJ Doctor of Veterinary Surgery. 56 UNIVERSITY DEGREES UKIYERSITY DEGREES 57 The American Veterinary College confers this degree upon its graduates. See D.Y.M. D. Z. Doctor of Zodlogy. A European degree ranking with Ph.D. Dr. Bot. Doctor of Botany. A European degree ranking with Ph.D. Dr. Cheiii. Doctor of Chemistry. A European degree ranking with Ph.D. Dr. Nat. Hist. Doctor of Natural History. A European degree ranking with Ph.D. Dr. Nat. Pliil. Doctor of N^atural Philosophy. A European degree ranking with Ph.D. Dr. Nat. Sc. Doctor of Xatural Science. A European degree ranking with Ph.D. Dr. Phil. Doctor of Philosophy. See Ph.D. 08 UNIVEESITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 59 Dr. Zool. See D.Z. Doctor of Philogogy. Conferred as an honorary degree by Madison in 1872. Doctor of Pliysical Science. Was conferred by Diclvinson upon AVm. Darlington in 1855 and npon Spencer F. Baird in 185G. Doctor of Sculpture. This degree was conferred upon Augustus St. Gait- dens by Princeton University in 1897. It was con- ferred as an honorary degree. Probably this is the first and only time this degree was ever bestowed. Doctor of Zoology and Botany. " As to my degree of Doctor of Zoology and Botany, it is one degree, and procures me the right of teaching only Zoology, Botany, and Pol^ontology at middle class schools and gymnasia in our kingdom. This de- gree may be conferred at the three national universities of Leiden, Utrecht, and Gronigen, and the University of the City of Amsterdam. "The requirements are to pass an examination in Zoology, Botany and PoLTontology."' — A. C. Oudemans. 60 Uis^IVEESITY DEGEEES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 61 E. 1). Doctor of Engineering. See Doc. Eng. E. E. Electrical Engineer. E.E., is conferred upon the completion of a four years' course in Electrical Engineering. F. M. Engineer of Mines. E.M., is conferred upon the completion of a four years' course in mining. 0. P. Graduate in Pharmacy. G.P., is conferred upon the completion of a two years' course by some schools of pharmacy. See Ph.G., Ph.C, Phar. M., Phar. D. 1. E. Instructor of Elocution. Conferred by the Southern ISTormal University at Huntingdon, Tenn., upon the completion of a course in Elocution. Irrg. E. Irrigation Engineer. Conferred by the University of Arizona upon a Bachelor of Science who devotes one post-graduate year to the study of Irrigation Engineering. 62 UisTiVEKSITY DEGKEES UNIVEKSITY DEGREES 63- J. C. D. (Juris Civilis Doctor.) Doctor of Civil Law. See D.C.L. J. U. D. (Juris Utriusque Doctor.) Doctor of both Laws; that is, Canon and Civil. SameasLL.D., U.J.D. L. A. Literate in Arts. L.A., is conferred in England and Scotland. It ranks with and indicates the same as M.A. See L.L.A.2 L. B. Bachelor of Literature. See B. Lit. L. D. Doctor of Literature or Letters. See D. Lit., L.H.D. L. 1). S. Licentiate in Dental Surgery. An English title ranking with D..D.S. L. mL, Jj, Laureate in English Literature. L.E.L., indicates the same as B. Lit. 64 U^Tiy^RSITY DEGKEES UNIVERSITY DEGREES G5 L. H. 1). (Litterarum Hiimaniorum Doctor.) Doctor of Literature or Letters. L.H.D., indicates an extended knowledge of the more humane letters, i. e. the humanities, or university studies. Ranks with Ph.D. and D. Lit. L. I. Licentiate of Listruction. Peabody Xormal College confers L.I., upon the com- pletion of a three years' course. Lit. B. or Litt. B. (Litterarum Baccalaureus.) Bachelor of Literature or Letters. See B. Lit. Lit. D. or Litt. D. (Litterarum Doctor.) Doctor of Literature or Letters. See D. Lit. Lit. M. or Litt. M. (Litterarum Magister.) Master of Literature or Letters. See M. Lit. GO UKIVEKSITY DEGREES U2sIYERSITY DEGREES 67 L.L. A.i Laureate in Liberal Arts. Equals B.A. Conferred by Frances E. Willarrl, LL.D., when at the head of Evanston College. L.L. A.' Literate in Arts. L.L. A., ranks with and indicates the same as L.A.,. and M.A. LL.A., is the abbreviation used when the degree is conferred upon women. It is conferred in England and Scotland. LL. B. Bachelor of Laws. "B.C.L., B.L., LL.B., all indicate the same thing, i. e., that the holder has taken a course of study of three years in a Law School. LL. D. Doctor of Laws. This degree has been conferred since the twelfth century. At this time those learned in Civil Law received the degree of Doctor of Civil Law, and those learned in Canon Law received the degree Doctor of Canon Law. Those eminent in both Laws received Juris Utriusque Doctor or Legum Doctor. L.D., would"seem to be the 68 UXIYERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 69 proper abbreviation, but the two L's are used to indi- cate the two kinds of Law. But these L's now stand for any and all kinds of Law. Li every department of knowledge we find rules or Laws which are the real essence of that knowledge. AYhen LL.D., is conferred upon a man, it indicates that he has a profound knowledge of the Laws of his profession, or that department of knowledge in which he is working. LL.D., is the oldest, the highest, and most valuable university degree, and is conferred only on such as have made themselves very eminent by their skill, learning and original work. It is seldom conferred before the recipient is fifty years of age. LL.D., is usually conferred as an honorary degree, but Shurtleff, Chicago and McGill propose to confer it upon the completion of required work and examina- tions in any of the higher departments of knowledge. LL.D., is sometimes conferred as the third degree in the line: LL.B., LL.M., LL.D., for work in Law schools, but D.C.L., is more often conferred in this way. See D.C.L., LL.L., J.U.D., J. CD. LL. L. (Lavalensis Legum Licentiae.) Licentiate in Law of Laval. LL.L., is conferred by Laval University of Quebec. 70 UKIVEESITY DEGKEES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 71 Laval confers three degrees: LL.B., LL.L., LL.D. LL.L., seems to rank with M.L., M.C.L., LL.M. By three years of study in the higher department of Law-and examinations, a LL.L. can win a LL.D. LL.M. Master of Laws. LL.M., can be earned by a LL.B., by one year of post-graduate study and examinations. L. M.1 Licentiate in Medicine. Ranks between M.B.i,and M.D., in France and some other countries. L. M." Licentiate in Midwifery. L.M., is conferred in Great Britain for a special ex- amination in Midwifery. L. S. Laureate in Science. Same as B.Sc. Conferred by Frances E. Willard, LL.D., at Evanston College. M. A. Master of Arts. M.A., is conferred upon a B.iV., who takes a post- graduate course of one year. 72 UNIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 7o M. Acct. Master of Accounts. M. Acct., is sometimes given upon the completion of a business course. Ma. E. Master of Engineering. McGill confers Ma. E., upon a B. Ap. Sc, who has been engaged three years in the active practice of the engineering profession and who passes an examination. M. Agr. Master of Agriculture. M. Agr. , is conferred upon a B. Agr., who takes a post-graduate course of one year. ifl, A. IS. Master of Applied Science. McGrill confers this degree as follows : The candi- date must be a B. Ap. Sc, of three years' standing and pass an examination. M. A p. Sc. Master of Applied Science. See M.A.S. M. Ar. Master of Architecture. M. Ar., is conferred upon a B. Ar., of three years 74 UNIYEKSITY DEGEEES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 75 standing who passes the required examinations and presents an approved original work in Architecture. M. B. ' Bachelor of Medicine. Boston confers M.B., upon the completion of the third year of its four years M.D., course. M. B.2 Bachelor of Music. See B. Mus. M. B. Sc. Master of Business Science. Granted to a B.B. Sc, for one year of post-graduate study. M. C. Master of Surgery (Chirurgiae). See M.S.'-^ M. C. D. Doctor of Comparative Medicine. M.C.D., is conferred by University of the State of Missouri upon those who after graduating as Doctor of Medicine takes a full course in Veterinary Medicine. M. C. E. Master of Civil Engineering. Cornell confers M.C.E., upon a C.E., who takes one year of post-graduate study. 76 „ UIs^IVEHSITY DEGEEES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 77 M. Ch. Master of Surgery (C'liirnrgiae). See M.S.- M. C. L. Master of Civil Law. Granted to a B.C.L., for one year of post-gradnate study. M. D. Doctor of Medicine. The candidate for M.D., is pre-supposed to hold a bachelor degree. The course is four years long and will be extended to five. M. 1)., C. M. Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery (Chirurgiae). McGill confers M.D., CM., upon the completion of its course of four years in medicine. It ranks with and indicates the same as M.D. M. D. E. Master of Domestic Economy. Iowa confers M.D.E., upon college graduates who takes a two years' course in Domestic Economy. See A.D.B., A.D.M. M. D. S. Master of Dental Surgery. In 18<)8 the State of Xew York passed a law empow- "^8 U^IYERSITY DEGREES rXIVERSlTY DEGREES 79 ering the State Dental Society to confer M.D.S., upon examination. The object of this law was to provide a degree for Dental Surgeons who had not graduated at a Dental School. But the degree has become so valu- able that holders of D.D.S., frequently take the exam- ination for the degree. In Canada and England Dental graduates receive L.D.S.,and M.D.S. M.D.S., bears the same relations to L.D.S., that M.A., does to B. A. When M.D.S., is taken L.D.S., is dropped. M. D. V. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. M.D. v., is Harvards arrangement of the abbreviation of this degree. See D.V.M., V.M.D., M.V.D. Master of Elements. The Pennsylvania Xormal Schools confer M.E., upon a B.E., who has practiced his profession, successfully, two years. M. E.~ Mechanical Engineer. Some schools confer M.E., upon the completion of a four years' course, and M.M.E., as a post-graduate degree. Others confer a Bachelor degree (B.S., B.E., B. Ap. Sc, or B.M.E.,) upon the completion of the 80 UlN^IVEKSITY DECtKEES UIs^IVERSITY DEGREES 81 iour years' course, and M.E., as a post-graduate degree. See B.M.E., D.E., E.D., Doc. Eng. M. E. C. L. Mistress of English and Classical Literature. M.E.C.L., indicates about the same as B.A. M.E. D. Master of Elementary Didactics. Drake confers M.E.D., upon a B.E.D., wlio has taught, successfully, two years. See M.E., L.I., B.S.D., M.S.D., Pe.P., Pe.B. M. L. E. Master or Mistress of English Literature. About the same as M.Lit. 31. G.^ (h'aduate in Music. Kansas confers M.G., upon the completion of its four years' course in music. M. G. Medical Gymnast. The Royal (rymnastic Institute of Sweden confers M.G., upon those who take its three years' course. The candidate is examined in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, pathology, and the theory and practice of medical gymnastics. 82 UKIVEESITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 83 M. H. Master of Horticulture. Iowa Agricultural College confers M. H., as an honorary and as a post-graduate degree. M.H., is con- ferred in Austria, Prussia and Russia. M. L.i Master of Law. M.L., is conferred upon a LL.B., who takes a post- graduate year of study. M. L.~^ Master Literature. See M. Lit. M. Lit. Master of Literature. A B. Lit., can earn a M. Lit., by taking one post- graduate year of study. M. L. A. Master or Mistress of Liberal Arts. Indicates the same as M.A. M. L. S. Master of Library Science. "Any person of recognized fitness and character hav- ing the degree B.L.S., who has been successfully en- gaged for not less than five years thereafter in the work 84 UNIYERSITY DEGREES UKIVERSITY DEGREES 85 of ci professional librarian and who presents a satisfac- tory thesis, bibliography or catalogue and passes such further examinations as the faculty of the Library school may prescribe shall receive the degree M.L.S." University of the State of New York. See B.L.S., D.L.S. M. M. A, (Magistri Artium.) Masters of Arts. The plural of M.A. Used when but one title is used with the names of two or more persons. >r. M. E. Master of Mechanical Engineering. Cornell confers M.M.E., upon a M.E., of tAvo years' standing, who presents a thesis and passes an exam- ination. M. M. P. Master of Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy. In addition to the courses in Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy required for the degree of Master of Arts the candidate for M.M.P., must devote one year to the study of Advanced Mathematics and Astronomy. A thesis and an examination are also required. This degree is conferred by Furman University at 86 UXIVEESITY DEGEEES r DIVERSITY DEGREES 87 Greenville, 8. C. In the fifty years of her existence Furnian has conferred the degree upon fifteen persons. M. Mus. Master of Music. Syracuse confers M. Mus., upon a B. Mus., who has practiced his profession three years and who presents an approved work in Music and passes an examination. M. N. S. Master of Xatural Science. About the same as M.S.^ See B.X.S. M. 0. Master of Oratory. The National School of Elocution and Oratory con- fers M.O., upon the completion of its three years' course. See B.E.,1 B.O. M. P. Master of Painting. Syracuse confers M.P., upon a B.P., who has prac- ticed his profession three years and who presents an approved original Painting and passes an examination. M. Ph. Master of Philosophy. 88 UNTVERSTTY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 89 M.Ph., is granted to a B.Ph., who takes a post-gradu- ate year of study. See Ph.M. M. P. L. Master or Mistress of Polite Literature. About the same as M. Lit. M. 8. ' Master of Science. M.S., is granted to a B.S.^ for one year of post- graduate study. M. S.'-' Master of Surgery. Conferred by London University. The candidate must be a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery ; must take two years of hospital work or five years of practice in surgery, and pass a written and a ])ractical examination in Surgery. M. 8c. Master of Science. See M.S.i M. S. A/ Master of Scientific Agriculture. M.S. A., indicates the same as M. Agr. 90 UJSriVEKSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 91 M.S. A. 2 Mistress of Science and Arts. Albion College formerly conferred this degree. It seems to indicate the same as M.A. M. S. I). Master of Scientific Didactics. Drake confers M.S.D., npon a B.S.D., who has tanght, snccessfnlly, two years. Met. E. Metallnrgical Engineer. Met. E., is conferred upon the completion of a four years' course in Metallurgy. See B. Mus. See D. Mus. See M. Mus. Mus. B. Bachelor of Music. Mus. D. Doctor of Music. Mus. M. Master of Music. M. y. (Medicus \"eterinarius.) Veterinary Physician. ^^ V^LYERSITY DEGEEES UNIVP:RSITY DECtREES Ho M.V., is the title and degree conferred by School of Veterinary Medicine in France and Germany. The conrso is fonr or Hve years in length. M.V.D. Doctor of N^eterinary Medicine. Sec D.V.M. X.H.I). Doctor of Natural History. See Dr. Nat. Hist. N.S.I). Doctor of Natural Science. See Nat. Sc. D. Nat. Sc. 1). Doctor of Natural Science. A European degree ranking with Pli.D."-^ 0. H. Bachelor of Oratory. See B.O. 0. M. y. Master of Obstetrics of Vienna. (Iranted for a special examination. P. c. Practical chemist. Pennsylvania confers P.O., upon one who takes the 94 Ui^IVEESITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 95 B.Sc, in Chemistry Mnd then takes a " Post-Senior " year in Chemistry. See A.C., PhC, B.C.S. P. J). Doctor of Pharmacy or Philosophy. See Ph.D. Pd. D. Doctor of Pedagogy. Conferred by the University of the City of New York. The requirements are : College diploma, seven years' experience as a teacher, two years' course and examinations. Pd. M. Master of Pedagogy. Same as Pd.D., but only three years' experience and one year's course. Given by the University of the City of New York. Pe. B. Bachelor of Pedagogy. Missouri confers Pe.B., upon students who after taking B.L., B.A., or B. Sc, supplement their aca- demic work by two semesters of normal instruction. See B.E., M.E., B.E.D., M.E.D., B.S.D., M.S.D., L.I., Pe.P., Pd.D., Pd.M. Pe. P. Principal in Pedagogics. 96 UXIYEKSITY DEGKEES UN'IVERSITY DEGREES 97 Missouri confers Pe.P., upon the completion of its two years' course in Pedagogics. See Pe.B. Phar. D. Doctor of Pharmacy. Some schools of Pharmacy confer Phar. D., upon the completion of their two years' course; others confer it upon the completion of a post-graduate year of study and laboratory work. Phar. D., is also conferred as an honorary degree upon those who are eminent in Pharmacy. Also written: Pharm. D., Ph.D., D.P. See Ph. CI., Ph.C. Pilar. M. Master of Pharmacy. Michigan confers Phar. M., upon a Ph.C, who takes a post-graduate year of study. Ph B. Bachelor of Philosophy. See B. Ph. Ph. C. Pharmaceutical Chemist. Michigan confers Ph.C, upon the completion of its two years' course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. See A.C, Ph.C, B.C.S., Phar. D., Phar. M. ^8 FiTlYEESITY DEGKEES UXIVERSITY DEGREES '.>'.) Ph. D.i Doctor of Pharmacy. See Phar. D. Ph. D.- Doctor of Philosophy. Ph.D., is conferred upon a Bachelor who takes a post-graduate course of two years. Ph. D., M. A. Doctor of Philosopliy and Master of Arts. This form of the Ph.D.,-^ degree has been conferred in Germany, and at Harvard and Johns Hopkins in America, when the student did not take M.A., on his Avay to Ph.D. It ranks with and indicates the same as Ph.D., alone. Ph. 0. Graduate in Pharmacy. Most schools of Pharmacy confer Ph.G., upon the completion of their course of two years'. See Ph.C, G.P., Phar. D., Phar. M. Ph. M. [ Master of Philosophy. See M. Ph. L R. P. D. (Rerum Politicarum Doctor.) Doctor of Political Science. R.P.D., is a German degree and ranks with Ph.D. 100 UNIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 101 The required studies are: Law, Political Economy, Statistics, Finance, etc. S. B. Bachelor of Science. See B.S. See D.S. S. D. Doctor of Science. S. E. Sanitary Engineei'i The course leading to this degree is two years long and includes the study of hygiene, chemistry, water supply, air, soil, house drainage, sewerage, ventilation, heating, inspection, etc. S. M. Master of Science. See M.S.i S. M. K. or S. M. C. Sacri Ministerii Candidates. Conferred by the Universities in Upsala in Sweden. About the same as Bachelor of Divinity. Sc. B. Bachelor of Science. See B.S. 1 102 UNIVERSITY DEGREES See D.S. UNIVKKSITY I)l-:(iREES lO:) Sc. D. Doctor of Science. Sc. M. Master of Science. See M.S.i S. T. B. (Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus.) Baclielor of Sacred Theology. The Latin form of the degree B.D. S. T. 1). (Sacrae Theologiae Doctor) Doctor of Sacred Theology. The Latin form of D.D. Th. G., Th. H., Th. M., Th. D. Graduate in Theology, Bachelor in Theology, Master in Theology and Doctor in Theology. These degrees are conferred by the Southern l^aptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky. The Seminary consists of ten schools as follows: Church History, Systematic Theology, Pastoral Duties, Old Testament English, Junior and Senior Greeks, Homiletics, Biblical Introduction, Polemics, Junior and Senior Hebrew, New Testament English. 104 UNIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 105 Graduation in all the schools, except the Hebrew and Greek entitles the student to the degree Th.G., Gradu- ate in Theology. Graduation in Junior Hebrew, Junior Greek, Sys- tematic English, Homiletics, Church History, and four other classes entitles the student to the degree Th.B., Bachelor in Theology. Graduation in all the schools entitles the student to the degree Th.M., Master in Theology. If one who has taken the degree of Master in Theol- ogy afterwards spends at least one full session of eight months in the seminary, devoting h mself to graduate study and presents a thesis showing original thought or research he shall be entitled to degree Th.D., Doctor in Theology. Th. Ph. (and. Candidate in Theology and Philosophy. This degree is conferred by the Universities in Up- sala in Sweden for- college and theological studies and examinations. It has about the same value and ranks as M.A. Sometimes abbreviated T.F. T.Ju Topographical Engineering. T. E., is conferred upon the completion of a four years' course in Topographical Engineering. 106 UNIVERSITY DEGREES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 107 T. F. 8ee Th. Ph., Cand. U. J. D. (Utriusqiie Juris Doctor.) Doctor of both Laws, i. e., civil and canon. The same as LL.D. Y. M. ( Veterinarius Medicus. ) Veterinary Physician. See M.V. y. M. I). (Veterinariae Medicinae Doctor.) Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Pennsylvania arranges the letters of this abbreviation as above. See D.V.M., M.D.V., D.V.S. V. s. Veterinary Surgeon. V.S., is conferred as a degree by some schools of Veterinary Medicine, and also may be used by any veterinary graduate as a professional title. See D.V.M., V.M.D.. 108 UNIYEESITY DEGEEES UNIVERSITY DEGREES 109 University of the Church or Jesus Christ of Latter-Da Y Saints Dr. Flavel Thomas: Dear Sir. — Yours asking for information concern- ing the D. Sc. D., degree has been welcomed. The degree is Doctor of Science and Didactics, and is the highest title of its chiss bestowed by the educa- tional authorities of tlie Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Corresponding to it are D.L.D., Doctor of Letters and Didactics and D.M.D., Doctor of Mathematics and Didactics. These degrees are preceded by the more common degrees, D.B., Bachelor of Didactics, and D.M., Master of Didactics. The degrees are bestowed in the School System of this church. The requirements are as high as are made for corresponding degrees anywhere. As you see, all the degrees have reference to the profession of teaching. The governing authorities in matters edu- cational in this church is the General Board of Educa- tion, which directs all school, college, and university work of this religious denomination. The degree re- ferred to has been already recognized in Europe. * '^' Very respectfully yours, Jame-s E. Talmage, D. Sc. D. Salt City, Utah. MAR g 1899