* v .. ► %-Wty t ^jf^-y %*^y .. %^-y %^-y .. - ■«, W » « , S. ^ '-'EilS'- ,£°* ^. -J °°... v^v %^ 5 V v^v' v^V v^V o ^ .^..^.t.% /^^X ^°/^k>- y^^x ^° G^ V * ^o 4 * 'bV o % ^ ■ y% VSW-" /X .^^ \.**7^T'*.^ 4- <*> * .«*" °o. '^d* ^°^ ^ y v^ v "On A* ' V* " * * ' A W ^ ' . «, °^<1^ A G ^ - • • » .V ^ A°+ »»»' ^ ^ A> ... * 0^ .'!'. ^o V^ 'oko 9 .a 1 ^. tjiep tact ice tiand al tJ/LGci&i <^fa\\}rt& exftiatfeti o« fjlaudtJjtot/ii e id /at /Jte Q)pte/ia Q)e ■ /3 <-Jlue \2e/ii/ia ^/hejj a/ I) At/e Itazt/i Q)att in tJltMZS KA)lO-t/l&l iJci zt*i - t%> r/t. Model No. 101. White Worth Satin No. 16938. Waist and Tunic of crystal beaded net, studded with rhinestones. Satin panel front with three rhine- stone ornaments. Net sleeves. tJ/tattiui 62 tit /it a iic/ JLace (5i ileni/i ',7 & a id/t UltHi.i i/izoj/ieni. , J a z/j - rJlcnO • /azK. Model No. 1 02, of Black maline. Lace flouncing. Tunic of flesh-colored chiffon covered with white renaissance lace. Belt and sash of shell pink satin, 1 6926. Rhinestone buttons trim front of dress. Pink chiffon waist with same lace as underskirt forms sleeves and bodice with a shawl drapery, collar of renais- sance lace. 9/Ue/y^/^rlll id §atin iJtaaA ^Hi "//i£ lesrl. ,Ja lis - iJ c/a>tK. Model No. 127. Sand color Crepe Chinois draped skirt and Tunic with shadow embroidery in green with wide accordion pleating edging Tunic. Sage green silk, belt and bow. Embroidery on waist to match tunic. Net top lace forms bib. tJeoraette ^//ioc/ei oJ tzepe L/u/iq/s t/-. Model No. 105. Cafe au Lait Crepe Chinois, No. 16810. Gracefully draped skirt with tassel to match heavily embroidered waist on chiffon with white embroidered undersleeves and collar. Ornament at waist, and back of brown, blue and silver embroidery. ac/tft/t rJ/L octet oY r J/ Loin? QJeza Ui.aa.£ iJjzo//ie/v. to//ier&. <_S . ,/ C/o i/. Model No. 1 1 3. One-piece dress of navy Needle Cord Clolh embroidered in black soutache and black buttons. Plain cloth belt and gold buckle and eyelets. Collar and sash of Roman colored silk. Beaded fringe to match sash and yoke of pleated net. 9, reme t rJ/Lode/ ol ^^vepe C/t//?o/j /l i so tA: Model No. 137. Cote de Cheval, No. 6998. White silk serge trims re- veres and black satin edged with white trims cuffs and collar. Buttons covered with material. Bouquet of Bulgarian colors. tJio/tc/eaei is/LQ-cief q£ tJeait cfe t/a/tt , <7> \ • /a <•/•.! ry( //ierj. n\. • /a rr'.s - rJieul , Jo r/\ Model No. 1 5 7. Tailor gown, tan Cheruit Suiting. Draped skirt. Drop link bone buttons to match material. tjjet/tatc/ rJ/ioc/ei oJ Llol/i ,/otA. Model No. 121, of navy blue Faille de Laine, No. 1909. Draped skirt Pannier effect. Gold ball buttons trim sleeves and front of coat. Vest of chamois cloth with red silk button holes and buttons. White silk girdle em- broidered in red and French blue. t^xx/r. Model No. 1 12. Cafe au Lait. Needle Cord No. 1560. Draped skirt with fine soutache of embroidery on side of skirt. Buttons trim coat and French blue moire silk trims collar and side pocket. Coat and skirt lined with satin to match. Blouse of white chiffon cloth over tucked net. French blue moire silk in strap effect over shoulders. Front of waist and sleeves embroidered in gold and green stones. Collar of Bohemia lace. y^citlat f/iens. fallal ^JJz<2dd i A: No. 1 48. Theatre Gown of Besnard Color Moire Crepe Gilda No. 1 6946. Skirt draped. Buttons to match material. Beads and silk embroidery at foot of skirt. Deep girdle of material. Waist of ecru shadow lace. Sleeves trimmed with two deep ruffles of same lace. Wide ribbon to match material with a loop and two ends and bouquet. Narrow gold lace at neck. Coat embroid- ered as bottom of skirt. Buttons to match. y^attai //ier&. iJa rid - f ■(J- 40, A°* ^ > v »•!£:♦ %. 4? »»* % *••'•" <* ^'"^ ' <& <** ^L%*°o /.*,V "<»» ". '« • » * A ,4> ^.o, ^ ft 4 ,i... ^ . ..«., -^j. n * ,1.1, ■%> .& ^V* -4<2* ^o< ^°^ *bv" ^°«fc -^ 'AM'. rf. A^ 'SIB* ^J> ^ 5^ &^-\. ,o*.-^.*o, ^\^%V- ,0*^/0, ^ V ..^%V A o\o^%*o, >*\.;J J > 4,^ * ^ \ *3 ^°< V /^ ° 4_< 4- v ^ & *P^ c^ * A* % ^^^^ ^ \. 'f^ A* % *5lfi?* ^ V '-ftV* A' J o. ;. ^d* • •* ,1> **°* v*>^ 3* «,V ^>, - i 1 o j\J V^. * t (5°* *$&* <& % * ♦•'^» "^\ 4.* oil?* ^ <* *'..• g°*>;».% <, •/rr.-'Vo* v* % OS? «& > V o-""* «P^ «5«^ -i S °^ »i <^ *^ ^f. *•»' »*^y -^&-A /•^-•% /.a&% *^-aK--*\ / ^ ** '\o ^^r^^ %.'?S** a *^ •*w* g* fl5 °^ -1 O^ * « » o ' "£- w iCKMAN DERY INC. ^ DEC 90 ■-St N. MANCHESTER, J* & <%. oVJCX^* AT "^4. •raffle* 4? ^. »^OIaK» <& "^s "% A^.«.t.\_ /^^k^o >*\.^:-X. *..^-.V