w •> v • y o ^ V ^ *? ■ 1 1 is ** <* JL" $»** /' 1 fi # ' 7 > * ^ r O0^ o, > VI. * -Yd"' 1 '. > - t: > * ^ y THE PHILOSOPHY LAUGHTER AND SMILING. ?1 INTELLIGENT, THOUGHTFUL, AND REFLECTING, OF EVERY RANK AND STATION, THIS LITTLE BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. PBEFACE. Although its subject is laughter, the pre- sent volume is by no means a jest-book. Quite the contrary. In the following pages this subject is investigated carefully and elaborately, and with all the seriousness and gravity becoming a scientific or philosophi- cal inquiry. The phenomenon of laughter is brought into the field of vision in all its most impor- tant phases — anatomical, physiological, in- tellectual, and moral, by which it will be perceived that the subject of laughter is