LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Cliap. Shelf PEESENTED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ' -v 6 /U* ■,.,. Suborn ' MinliaU. BurWa. Towk, I°M»r. 1 p cCw K^ T irii^i* ' i, it A*jc*Tl-«-am T -inJtfTiYlB \> vi\ This meeting, on February 22, 1845, was fully attended. A series of resolutions was presented and adopted, asserting the principles of human equality and universal justice to be the basis of the Democratic faith; that the advocacy of slavery was wholly inconsistent therewith, denouncing it as an institution disgracing " our Republic in the eyes of the whole civilized world ; " supporting the course persued by Hon. John P. Hale, in Congress, declaring "that the nomination of another candi- date for Congress at this period is wholly uncalled for by the people," etc., and following said resolu- tions with a long address to the Democrats of New Hampshire. - .. ■ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS