)X\ fXX lAl JAl IKK Ml tj^\ />.T y.v /v^TTO B©©^®m^MMS5® Ig^fflLia®^® u% NEW ENGLAND LAKES PUBLISHED WITH A VIEW OF INTERESTING THOSE IN SEARCH OF AN ATTRACTIVE AND HEALTHFUL PLACE TO SPEND THE SEASON OR VACATION PERIOD ISSUED BY THE PASSENGER DEPARTMENT BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD C. M. BURT, General Passenger Agent jUBRARYofCONiiWESS. '. Two Copies KecoitrZ I JAN 18 ia08 /CLftSS/)- XXC. No '■' /f 7(5/7 cep^ 6. Copyright, rgoS By Boston and Maine Railroad THE UNU'ERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, U. S. A. NEW ENGLAND LAKES WHEN New England was set aside as one of the great vacation playgrounds of a continent, it was liberally endowed with all the attributes that go with the ideal summer resting-place, and notably in respect to its water sheets. The lakes which gem this part of the United States are among the most beautiful in the world, and in these days of universal summer outings they enter into the economy of the annual vacation in a most important way. These limpid and laughing sheets are so numerous that New England well deserves the name of " the lake country." In size they range from a mile or so to thirty or forty miles in length, not including the queen of them all, regal Lake Champlain, which lies partly in New England and partly in that portion of New York which is essentially New England. The larger of these lovely lakes include Moosehead, in the fascinating wilderness section of Maine, VVinnipesaukee, in the peerless vacation state of New Hampshire, and Memphremagog, in that lovely commonwealth of verdant hills and smiling valleys, Vermont. There are scores of other beautiful lakes and ponds throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine, some of them a few feet above the sea level, others at an altitude of one thousand teet, and each of them in summer time the mecca of rest-seekers who number in the aggregate thousands. Sunapee, Dublin, Asquam, Sebago, Belgrade, Connecticut, Willoughby, Rangeley, and Quinsigamond are a few of the names that will readily occur to him who knows something of New England's outdoor attractions, and these could be multiplied many times, and each be well worth a descriptive story by itselt. Practically all these lakes have their regular summer colonies of dwellers in hotel, cottage, camp, or tent, and they afford to all the delights of fishing, bathing, rowing, canoeing, and motor-boating. Several of the larger lakes have regular steamboat lines and their own postal service. Ideal summer camps for boys, and likewise for girls, are found on the shores or islands of some. Aquatic carnivals and illuminations are among the characteristic features of lakeside enjoyment, and it can be truthfully said that nowhere in all outdoors can the vacationist get a better and more satisfactory return for his investment of time and money than at the typical New England lake resorts. The illustrations in the following pages set forth some of the scenic charms of the more important of these lakes upon the lines of the Boston & Maine System, but no mere photograph or written description can convey the real beauty, color, and romance of these magnificent water sheets. A COVE AT WEIRS Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire Located on IFhite Mountains Division and on line of Steamer " Mount IFashington" Boston and Maine R. R. SENTER HOUSE Centre Harbor, New Hampshire Reached by Steamer " Alount ll'aihlngton "from Alton Bay, Heirs, and JVolfeboro, Boston and Maine R. R. ^_< CT — -^ " ^ ^ g-*- /ait^T^^^ MAINE y- ^i ,^^- AMONG THE ISLANDS Green's Basin, Lake Winnipesaukee New Hampshire Reached /rom Aleredhh, N. //., or IVcst Ossipee^ N. //., on White Mountains and Eastern Divisions respectively, Boston and Maine R. R. fe^ ^ <• — o ^ ^ ^ ■■ ■ ^ < "< . ■a rfc ^ir,!^^ i^ ^-^ c;^^^\ i^.o^ /r^^^:2^ BELKNAP POINT Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire Located on Dover and Lakeport Branch of IV est em Division^ Boston and Maine R. R. STEAMER "MT. WASHINGTON Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire Reached at Alton Bay, JVolfeboro, and IFeirs, on IFestern, Eastern, and IVhite Mountains Divhions, Boston and Maine R. R. — ^ ^^- >J O ■ HJ u (^ ■.•;:i ;iT+:i»^:. j*»ci«abs5«is3r.ri-i25^ >s ^ ^ e^ ..A ^:»— LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE AND OSSIPEE RANGE View from Belknap Pointy located on Dover and Lakeport Branchy of IVeUern Division Boston and Maine R. R. ■ *^ ^> ■■■■''**«(**.. «-» <~1 ■ I <•* -.-..^ THE WEIRS Lake VVinnipesaukee, New Hampshire Located on White Mountains Division and on line of Steamer " Mount IFashington," Boston and Maine R. R. LOOKING NORTH FROM LONG ISLAND Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire On line of Steamer " Mount If'ashington " LAKE WINNISQUAM, FROM STAR HOTEL Near Laconia, New Hampshire On IVhite Mountains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. '■^~- f-^ WEST END OF SQUAM LAKE New Hampshire Reached from Ashland, N. //., on Jl'hhe Mountains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. - *>^ ^ l -J *=« ==^^^g?» LOOKING ACROSS SQUAM LAKE FROM ASQUAM HOUSE Reached from Ashland, N. //., on ff'hite Mountains Division, Boston and Maine R. R. THE BREAK OF DAY LOVELL'S POND Sanbornville, New Hampshire ^^ Located on Conivay Branchy Eastern Division^ Boston and Maine R. R. ^ w. ^ «r> ^ -" - I i~i A TRANQUIL MORNING White Pond, West Ossipee New Hampshire ^"O^ Located on Conway Branch, Eastern Division, Boston and Maine R. R. a?^. —K ^ ^ *^ ^ ■— ^^^ ^^S^ "m SILVER LAKE AND MOUNT CHOCORUA Madison, New Hampshire Located on Conway Branchy Eastern Division, Boston and Alaine R. R. ■-^ CHOCORUA LAKE AND THE SANDWICH RANGE Tamworth, New Hampshire Reached from JVeit Osilpee^ N. //., on Coinuay Braiieh^ EeiUern Divh'ion^ Boston and Alaine R. R. — ^^^ (^ ■ I »-m 1^^' ECHO LAKE AND MOAT MOUNTAIN North Conway, Nf.w Hampshire Located on Conway Branchy Eailern Division^ Boston and Alaitie R. R. 1^ o «:a— ^^1 ^dmaine vVlv LOOKING UP THE LAKE Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire Located on Claremotit Branch, Concord Division, Boston and Maine R. R. t-f V jjjfi^liiiniiiiiirftti'iltai,! n I— A VIEW OF SUNAPEE LAKE AND MOUNTAIN Near Sunapee, New Hampshire Located on Claremont Branch, Concord Division, Boston and Maine R. R. ■ J ^ to ^ r^ 1 1 n r^cM Xv,^ DOWN THE LAKE FROM BURKEHAVEN HILL Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire 2S; -~ ^ -^-^^ SUNAPEE HARBOR FROM QUARRY HILL Reached from Lake Sunapee Station^ located on Clareinont Branchy Concord Division^ Boston and Alaine R. R. ■■I ^ --^^ ») ^^.- LAKE SUNAPEE FROM SUNAPEE MOUNTAIN New Hampshire Located oil Clarcmont Branch, Concord Division, Boston and Alaine R. R. W5£ ^e^ ' f-j— Reached from Lake Sunapee Station, located on Clareniont Branch, Concord Division, Boston and Maine R. R. THE BOULDERS' SuNAPEE Harbor, New Hampshire ^3 ^ Reached from Lake Sunapee Station^ located on Claremont Branchy Concord Division, Boston and Alaine R. R. STEAMER "ARMENIA WHITE" Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire 'd7/' One of the IVoodium Steamboat Co.^ jleet sailing fro/n Lake Sunapee Station^ located on Claremont Branch Concord Division, Boston and Maine R. R. (^ (/^ ^J ^^ r-> I— _^ ^^- ECHO LAKE FROM OUTLET Franconia Notch, New Hampshire v"^-^^^-^^ Reached via Bethlehem Junttion and North Woodstock^ on IVhlte Aloiin tains Division^ Boston and Maine R. R. ^ A COTTAGE AT LAKE MASSABESIC Near Manchester, New Hampshire Located on Southern Division^ Boston and Alaine R. R. ^^ ^1 rc:*— ^ ^"»— rf^ 1 ^ ■ ' ■ ft ^^■^^ OTTER LAKE Greenfield, New Hampshire i^/ Located on Kecne Branchy IVorcater^ Nashua, and Portland Division, Boston and Alaine R. R. ■^ ^ -*_» *-■ ■ *^ ^ ">^)S. 1 1 l~l WILLOUGHBY LAKE LOOKING NORTH Vermont Reached from IFest Burke^ Vt.^ located on Conn, and Pass. Division., Boston and Maine R. R. /alt^T°'^ m^ . , -T~'^..'. ^»MAINE , LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG STEAMER AT WHARF Located on Conn, and Pass. Division., Boston and A'laine R. R. -^ - » ^ ■ *>J ^ «a^ '^fei —a ^:s-- Reached h Steamer " Lady of' the Ltiie," from Neiuport, /'/., located on Conn, and Pass. Division., Boston and Alaine R. R. ^^ ^^- ^ LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG AND OWLS HEAD, FROM GLEN BROOK Province of Qvebec ,^^ Ret7ci:'fa P\ Steamer " Ls/iy if the Lakc^" frtm Ne^ipoj-t, Ft., heated on Ccnn, and Pass. Divisicn., Bosten and Maine R. R. '::M^4>^' Reached by Ueamer from Newport^ It.., on Conn, and Pan. Division., Boston and Alaine R. R. -«=»— ^— A BIT OF GEORGEVILLE, LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG Province of Quebec z^ On line of Steamer " Lady uf the Lake," reached from Nnvport, Ft., on Conn, and Pass. Division, Boston and AJaine R. R. ^ - o ^ ^ ^ o t^ <^ a r-w Lake Massawippi, Province of Quebec Located on Conn, and Pass. Division., Boston and Alaine R. R. THE EDGE OF THE LAKE Lake Massawippi, North Hatley Province of IJuebec Located on Conn, and Pass. Division., Boston and Maine R. R. ■^ < ■> ^ <"*■ SHORE AT BLACK POINT Lake Massawippi, Province of Quebec Located on Conn, and Pass. Division, Boston and Maine R. R. A BIT OF THE SHORE Lake Massawippi, Province of Quebec Located on Conn, and Pass. Division, Boston and Maine R. R. i^^^^l WACHUSETT LAKE AND MOT-"NTAIN Princeton, Massachusetts LucaUd on Worcester Branchy Fitchhurg Division, Boston and Maine R. R. / \rf*% ^ IJOSTOK Ai i>main:b I RAILROAD ^ S LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 042 571 I THE [7NITBRSITY PCESil