FS&^ <^^^y^ F 264 .S7 C9 Copy 2 lapiitittinnmiiiiniinrinnnnifltiiiimriiniirirtiiiinirainiittfiiiiiiiiMrtfnntiniinriinniiiriin eg Reminiscences Of Wilmington And SmithviUe-Southport. . . . . 1848-1900 . . By DR. WALTER OILMAN CUROS. RESERVt STORAGE COLLECTION Baeerve Storage Collectioc i DR. WALTER OILMAN CURTIS. FORSITAN MEMINESSE UIVABlT. REMINISCENCES BY DR. W. G. CURTIS. 1848-1900. FOR THIRTY YEARS STATE QUARANTINE SURGEON FOR THE PORT OF WILMINGTON, COPYRIGHT APPLfED FOR HKKAl.l.) JOB OFFICK. 80UTHPORT. N. a. LIBRARY of CONGRESS One Copy Received DEC lo 1905 Copyright Entry CLASS a. XXc, No / 3 S ^ C 6 COPY A. Reminiscences — OF— Wilmington and Smithville. CHAPTER ONE. and ciuders which accompauied at In the year of 1848 aud from that time the traveller on railroads, that time ou until 18G1, Wilming- he would take a good supper and ton was in her zenith of prosperity come down into the waiting room as the gi-eatest naval-store produc- of the hotel, to continue the friend- er in the world. A traveller com- ship so pleasantly initiated on his ing down the line of the Wilming- arrival. The next morning he ton & Weldon Eailroad, and hav- would take a trip around the city, ing almost arrvied, and could con- and would find its business to con- gratulate himself on having escap- sist mostly of saw mills, tiupentine ed the dangers of a journey upon distilleries to carry away the pro- those rails which existed, not only duct of which the wharves were on that railroad but nearly every lined with vessels mostly schoon- other railroad in the country, with ers in the coastwise trade, and on a mind free from anxiety would be the street bordering the river on likely to ask '^ what Avas the mean- the wharves, commission mer- of that dense cloud which hung chantsdealinginlumber, and naval over the city as if escaping from the stores. These he would find to be horrible Stygian smoke from the men of large experience in that pit which is bottomless?" and he line of business. He would be told would be told, that that was the that the raw turpentine used in smoke caused l)y the manufacture the manufacture of these articles of turpentine into various articles before mentioned was extracted which are commercially designated from the pine trees with which by the name of naval stores in the country was covered for many which is included tar, pitch, rosin, miles, and which lined every creek, aud spirits turpentine; and being river and estuary in the eastern interested in what was new to him part of iNTorth Carolina. Being he would say he must go immed- inclined to examine further into lately aud investigate the business, this business he would employ the Having arrived at his hotel in the services of a carriage, and driver, city, and as is customary, having or perhaps a saddle horse, and l)een introduced to all the bystau- would go across the ferry to the ders, and established a record as a mainland beyond, from whence he friend to all man-kind especially would continue his journey toward the southern man-kind, he would Shallotte. At every turn he would take a bath to rid himself of smoke, meet negi'oes with the tools neces- sary to cut into the trees that the be l)ron!iht out, and the barrels turpentine might run out there would be hauled to the nearest from, and he would be surprised landing- place, and from thence to hear the musical yodling which transported to Wilmington where resounded through the woods in the owner would probably be wait- e very direction that it seemed to ing to receive his money, turpen- him for miles away, and he would tine always ]»eing sold for cash on conclude, that the makers of tur- delivery. The peculiarities of this pentine were a set of men Avho l)usiness whicli a tarvellea would made themselves happy by this observe, were that the negroes peculiar yodling as they passed were always fat, slick, and greasy from tree to tree hacking each till and consequently iiappy; that the each negro had finished his task, farmer himself had plenty of mou- which was to hack ten thousand ey and generally hrul a large roll of boxes or trees, once a week. You bills in his i)0cket, Sind expected would see the turpentine running the business to be always prosper- down the tree into boxes notched ous. The Inisiness of makitig tuc- for catchingit. then where trees are i)e7itine was an irttrnense otic in the hacked more than one year, he city of Wilmington^ and the haj- would see the white face of the bor was usiially crowded Mith ver- tree as far as his eye could reach, sels of all sizes, and descriptions ex- stopping at night Y.-ith a turpen- cept larae vessels, c.f whi(h tljcie tine farmer who was always glad were few or none; they geuercilly to see him, and invite him to par- carried from t\\o thoasa^ul to fou)- take of his hospitality. As the thousand barrels, and the river be- negroes came in from their work at ing full of shoals these were obliged night, they continued their yod- to have skillful pilots to get them ling until the Avoods resounded, to sea. This was Wilmington in her and when some happy, and melo- palmydaysofthejiaval-stoi-etrade. dious sound could le heard every As may be readily imagined, this where. The whole country seem- Inisiness could not last forever as ed to be devoted to this business; when the ti'ecs vrere once diaiued there were few fields of corn to be of their sap they were woithless Cor seen or any other crop, for the most purposes, and so with the end turpentine farmer was engrossed of the naval store business the lum- in the occupation of making tur- ber business could also see its eiul jientine. I^ear every dwelling approaching ])ecause these trees house, there was to be seen a coop- did not make valuable lumber ers shed, where the rough barrels whensav.-ed. f-^o in the year 1S(>I were made for containing turpen- the whole business was at at end tine; when the barrels were filled during the years of vrar, and re- Avith this product of the forest, construe' ion. After civil gover- the mules, ami the wagons v.onld ment was re-estaldished both the 2 naval store, and lumber lui.siuess 1^ reeommeiiced with great vigor, but its time of prosperity was nearly at an end for want of the material which had ])een used for this trade and Wilmington saw its business decline, so that where once the docks were lined with vessels there were but few. In this crisis of com- mercial affairs Wilmington had to look around for a substitute, but there was none apparent. Fortu- nately there v/ere a few mer- chants of gxeat business experience who started the cotton trade, of which before this time there had been none, and so successful did they make it, that at the present time there is nearly four hundred thousand bales exported from AVilmington yearly. But naval stores did not build up a city, al- » though it was a prosperous, busi- ness. Neither did the lumber bu- siness l)uild wyt the city to any ex- tent, and it is also true, that the mere exportation of cotton will not ])uild up a city. Its growth was slo^\' up to 1861, but after the war was over it has seemed to prosper in the building of public buildings and private residences, in the im- jjrovement of its stieets and thoroughfares, in its water supply and in its electric lighting, a long- step was made along the line of improvement. During all this time which I have described the social conditions x)revailing in Wilmington, and Smithville were I very attractive in their nature. The gentlemen of Wilmington were triendly, and hospitality entertained in every household. The ladies were gentle, retined, and beautiful, and once they had taken a stranger to be their friend the kindly relations lasted through life. Alas! all or nearly all, of the class I have descrilied of that gen- eration have gone to their last res- ting place, but their memories are fresh and green, and to be handed down to succeeusi- ness but which were f;ili of inter- est in their tiiue but which more especially refers to the Smitiuille of those days. CHAPTER TWO. Smithville was reached from Wilmington by the line of ocean steamers which were a continua- tion of the great line to the soutli. These were four steamers named ''The Gladiator,"' the *'C. Vander- bilt, the ' 'Governor Dudley'" the "North Carolina," the last of which was a spare ship to be used in case of accident to any of the others. They were commanded respectively by Captain Isaac B. Smith, Captain Sterrit, and ('apt Bates, and were very poijular. making their trips for many years to Charleston, South Carolina without accident. They started daily from Wilmington on the ar- rival of the northern train. Break- fast, and dinner were served on board between Wilmington, and Smithville, and they were fine re- pasts as they had the maikets of ever freight was offered, and this Charleston, and Wilmington to was nearly all the northein freight rely upon, with all the luxuries they becp-use the railroad was very afforded. These steamships took uncertain. Mrs. Duffy was re- passengers, and freight for Smith- markal^le in her powers of ville, and made their landing at a seeing and hearing, and her busi- wharf near where the steamer ness was, in addition to supplying Wilmington now has her lauding, meals to wake up passeugeis who Returning from Charleston they wished to take the steamer to Wil- stopped at the same v\'harf and miugtou as these steamers entered breakfast served between Smith- port l)elore light in the morning, ville, and Wilmington. I will it was necessary that Mrs. Dulfy here mention the name of a woman go by the sense of hearing,and she quite celebrated in the annals of could always hear these boats Smithville; her name was Mrs. which were side wheelers, far en- Mary Duffy, who kept an eating ough out to sea to enable the pass- house on the waters edge, which eugers she had collected to get up was long patronized by the citi- and dress, and go down to her es- zens of Smithville, especially by tablishment for a cup of coffee be- the pilots. For over twenty five fore going on the steamship wharf; years Mrs. Duffy arose about three as may be well imagined Mi-s. o'clock in the morning, and pre- Duffy was a very important char- pared breakfast for all passengers acter in the life of Smithville, and intending to go up in the steamer, she was duly appreciated by all A cup of coffee, or anything else the citizens of Smithville as a wanted by the i^ilots, who wanted good, and faithful woman; she a morning meal before going to lived to a great age and all sea in search for vessels. There through the war she continued were several fine deck boats which the same occupation so far as were very fast, and able to go to the waj- would permit but her sea in all weather; each of these house was finally burned and her pilot boats corried as mauy pilots business was destroyed, and she as were necessai'y, and sometimes retired to live with her daughter did not come into port again until in the house which is now the re- they had put all their pilots ctory of St. Philips Episcopal aboard of incoming vessels. The Church, and ended there her long- bar at that time had about 12 feet and useful life regretted by all but of water upon it, consequently by none more than the children vessels coming into thus port of Smithville to whom she supplied must be of that draft, and built to cakes which were so celebrated as carry from 1000 to 2000 barrels of to acquire the name of ''Duffy naval stores; they also brought Cakes," This steamship line was from the northern markets Avhat discontinued on the completion of the railroad, called The Wilminj>- travelled the eirouit in a ''one horse toil & ]\[auchester whioh carried shay," aud beiuji; a man of varied all through passengers for south- resources of entertaining the peo- ern ports Or cities. As may be pie they were always glad to see well imagined, this left Smithville him approach. The Rev. Mr. aground upon the shoals, and what Pickett was a man who preached to do was a matter for serious con- the gospel strictly on Sundays and sideration. How to get any during the rest of the days of the where from Smithville was a week, he sat and smoked his pipe difficulty not easily solved; there in peace, and left his parishoners were few horses or vehicles of any to enjoy life in their own way. At kind in Smithville, but the river this time the people of the church- was there at any rate, and if you es, and their preachers had'nt gone did not wish to go by land, and into politics, or any of the side is- riie in a cart you could take a sues which at the present day per- boat, of which there were plenty, plex the minds of the people, and and plenty of skillful boatmen to draw their attention away from to manage them; but neither of sacred things; so when the time these modes of travel suited the came, when this reverend gentle- public. Mr. Elijah Owen who kept man was expected, thecitizens who an old fashioned house of entertain- had been sitting on logs or in ment in Smithville had two horses boats gazing out upon the broad but no buggy; besides one of these Atlantic for ships to heave in sight horses was an ancient quadruped turned their backs upon the river, whose business it was to attend to and the ocean, and gazed out in the transportation of all persons the direction of the country anx- who died to their last resting ously awaiting his approach that place, and his services might be they might grasp his friendly required at any moment, and in hand in their own, and bid him consideration of these services, he welcome. It may be well here to was granted the freedom of the remark, that though they were town, and was pastured in the mostly engaged in maritime pur- streets of Smithvi le, from which suits they did not forget that there place he did not wish to go. The was a better country ahead of other horse was, during the inter- them to which sooner or later they vals I letweeu courts, mostly engag- mu,st all travel, and they wanted ed in transporting i^eople in the to have the way jpointed out to country and ploughing iields be- them so they would not be likely to longing to "Uncle Elijah." So the get ashore or lost in any fog which people sat down, and waited, and might arise. waited for the arrival of the Rev. In the absence of steam com - INlr. Pickett, and his wife m ho munication it was found necessary 5 to utilize the river as the best way ability, and well fitted for the bn- for getting to Wilmington, vso one siuess. She brought down all the or two enteri)rising men provided sunimer residents, of whom there sailing packets on which they em- Avere now a great many, and her barked and if the wind was fair decks were crowded with passeu- they made good time to the city, gers, and excursionists. It was If the wind was ahead however about this time that the first tug or a dead calm and they had to boats ever on the Cape Fear Eiver anchor it has come down to us by were put into service. One of common report that they had a these was the "Mariner" under pretty good time on board; plenty commamd of Capt. John Davis, to eat, and something also to drink the other was the^Equator" under which seemed to keep up their command of Jacob A. T. Price. spirits while they waited for some These tug boats however, did not body on board, to stick jack kuiv- wish to carry i)assengers and only es in the main mast, and whistle did so as a favor; so that the means for the wind. These adventurous pro\'ided for travellers was very people ahvays arrived in Wilming- unsatisfactory .They assisted great- ton Some-Time which was suflici- ly in towing of vessels which ent. Capt. Samuel Potter, and was all was wanted by the mer- Capt. Samuel Price were captains chants of Wilmiugtou. The time in whom they could put implicit of their service on the Cape Fear trust, and as they wtre n(.t in River was very shrot as the war a hurry they did not complain, which shortly afterwards begun But the necessity of a better captured nearly every thing which mode of travel between Wilming- floated upon the sea. The summer ton, and Smithville, soon led to residents of Smithville^did not how- the establishment of a steamboat ever depend upon these tug boat,^ passenger line by Mr. A. H. Van as they came to Smithville for Boklen the largest distiller of tur- fun and enjoyment and did not peutine in the city of Wilming- care much whether they went to ton. Wilmington or not until the season He put on the line the steamer was over. They were planters along "Spray" greatly to the satisfaction the Cape Fear river , and retired of Wilmington, and Smithville, merchantsof Wilmington, and they but her schedule was only for formed the most delightful society summer trade, and at the close of in Smithville for they believed in the summer season she was laid Smithville as a mo* t- delightful up, and soon afterward she was place of residence, and were inter- burned. This steamer was under ested in everj-thing that was done the command of Capt. John B. and participated in all the amu- Price, a Cape Fear pilot of marked semeut'-i of the place. But we 6 are now getting close iTponatime troops were sent to Smithville, nn- wh en every amusement and every der command of Major Ridgely interest commercial or otherwise (18.52) and there were quite a was to feel the dreadful shock of number of j'oung officers under impending war, and go out of ex- his command which at once inter- istence, leaving Smithville as lone- ested all the young people of both some and bereft of all pleasure as Smithville, and Wilmington, with its worst enemies could desire, the prospect that there would be In the next chapter of these rem- much gaiety such as is usual at a iuiscences I will go back, and give military post in time of peace. The some account of what happened in people of Smithville therefore re- more peaceful times. sumed all those friendly relations which they had been accustomed to CHAPTER THREE. in former years when Col.Childs, During the ten years from 1850 Major Churchill had been station- to 1860, being cut off from daily ed at Fort Johnson. In those communication with Wilmington, days there was something more Smithville relapsed into a state of than friendly relations, as these re- quietude which was first broken by lations ripened into marriage. Du- the news that a company of Unit- ring that time also the officers in e«i States troops had been ordered command, initiated many improve- to Smithville. As this was expec- ments not only in the garrison ted to enliven the place to a great grounds, but also in the town of degree, and much interest was Smithville. A beautiful double manifested to find out why sold- row of ceders was planted on the iers had been ordered to occupy front, which in a few years grew the place which was so far from into a shady walk, where the young anything war-like, that it might people could prominade, and wit- be called a ''haven of rest." It ness the military operations and was explained however, that in the drill and dress parade, to^see which adjoining state of South Carolina all the residence population gath- trouble was brewing on account of ered iu the gai'rison. A friendly certain laws which had Ijeen pass- relation grew between the people, ed by Congress which did not suit and the military. The officers all people of that state. Threats were joined with the citizens of the made that they would not support town in their desire to have a or obey the law and couseciuently church in Smithville, and a little the Goverument thought that they Church was built which afterwards would prepare for any emergency received the name of St. Philips that might occur, and that it would Chapel, named after the old Church be best to have troops within call, at Brunswick which was desert- and that was the reason why these ed and in ruins. The new Church was not orn;aiu/ea nutil isr>3, Avheu a meeting of the parishion- ers was held and the tbllo\vin.u- per- sons were elected vestryman, viz: John Hamlin Hill, Owen D. Hol- mes, Frederick J. Lord, Samnel Langdou, ])r Walter G. Cnrtis, of which nnmber Dr. John H. Hill, and Owen D. Holmes, were elected wardens, and Dr. Walter G. Cur- tis secretary and treasnrer. Ser- vices were occasionally held by the Rev. Dr. Draine of St James Parish, Wilmington, and lay read- ing by Dr. Hill, and Samnel Lang- don. This Church was consecrated by the Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, Bishop of Xorth Carolina. The Company of United States troops was ordered away in 1S52, and two companies of the third Artillery took theii' place under command of Capt. J. P. McCown. The second company was under comnmnd of Capt. Getty, who after- wards was promoted to the rank of Major Genl. in the Federal service and served with distinction during the entire civil war. Capt. McCown resigned ftom the Fed- eral service, and so soon as war was declared was appointed Major Genl. in the (Confederate service. The difficulties which threatened in Korth I'arolina having been amicably adjusted, the two compan- ies nnder the command of Capt. McCown were ordered away, leaving Fort Johnston in charge of ordinance Sergt. John Belger. The troops were ordered away greatly to the sorrow of the people 8 of Wilmington, and Rniithvillo who had one and all endeared themselves to the people. During their stay however <'apt. Johu A. Brown had become engaged to Miss. Mildred Holmes, and they were shortly after mariied. The next year after these com- panies of the army left Fort John- ston a large force of officers and civilians employed by the United States Coast Survey under command of C'apt Johu N. Maffatt were or- ordered to make a survey at the mouth of the Cape Fear river; then the festivities which had been inter- rupted were recommenced, Capt. Maffatt being the chief promoter, and leader in all social enterprises as well as commander of the sur- veying force at the mouth of the Cape Fear. The principle social ev- ent was the formation of a troupe of private theatricals, the company comprising nearly all the officers and civilians engaged in the survey together Avith all the society peo- ple of Smiteville who felt them- selves competent to appear upon the stage; and many plays were acted greatly to the satis- faction, and amusement of their audiences; the l)arrack building on the Garrison ground being titled upas a theater. In perforumnce of these plays Capt. Malfatt was easily the most brilliant star. In the theatrical company were Capt. Charles Bol- les, Lieut A. C. Ryan of the U. S . Navy, M ho was elected by Genl Benj.F. Butler to (ommand the celebrated powder ship which of Simithvme;,l)ut as . inhabitaJits was expected to blow up Fort and residents were connected Fisher, aud drive its garrison in with the:?e l^istoric^il events it has terror into the woods and adjoin- been deemed propei' to insert them ing swamps, But none of these dire here. results happened. The summer of We will now return to Smith 1854 passed away in Smithville ville proper^ aud describe some and much happiness prevailed in of the things whjoh happened town The young men of the Coast, during thattinie. But before I Survey were unable to resist the proceed, let me say that e\ ery attractions of the young ladies thing whi ch has hitherto hap who were present that summer, and peued has been peaceful and calls Capt. Charles Bolles was soon to my mind the beautiful words after married to Miss Eliza Walker of the poet; ofWilmington. Mr Gregory of coast ut they are as clouds which obsure the sun for a moment then pass by. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof is a motto which might will be inscribed upon the ban- ners of this ancient town. There were interesting scenes often happening which partially changed the even tenor of her way. There were the Courts of law, and the Magistrates Courts which ex- cited great interest, but this in- terest was temporary in its char- acter. There were four terms of the (^■ourtsof law each year; two for the Superior Courts of Law, and and two Courts held by the Jus- tices of the Peace of the county, in Avhich county alfairs were mostly dealt with. The holding of these Courts, and the transaction of their business was solely in the hands of the white people of the state; there they were the wards of the white population who attended to their needs, their interests, with as much care, and fidelity as they did their own. There were no criminals among the negro population; their place of business was at homt , and their work was in the fields, in workshops sometime and the fam- ily residence of their owners; they were a quiet, and happy people having plenty to eat, clothes t wear, and a doctor to administer to their ailments which were very few, and simple. If they commit- ted any deeds which were contrary to the rules, and regulations of their home life, they were punish- ed with great moderation, for they were a part of the family and their lives and their good health was essential to the prosperity of the home which was so valuable to them; they had no responsibility except responsibilities to work, and perform their duty and it was a rare thing for one of them to be over-burdened by excessive laboi-. Indeed it was not required of them that they should put forth all theii' energies because it was seldom necessary that they should do so. Most of them were docile, polite, aud devoted to the interest of their home. Of what use was it to them to conjmit murder, or burglary or arsons or assaults with intent to kill? It was not their nature or in- terest to commit such offences, and therefore thev were not re- 10 quired to go to court except as could do no harm. In loj-mer carriage drivers, or body servants years which was a long time ag<». to their masters. It follows there the Judges were attended to the fore as a matter of course, that the Court House by the Sheriff with a white people went to court for drawn sword in his hand. On his various reasons such as pleased approach, and entiance into the them. Some had business in the court room, a great hush settled courts, and were jurors, and wit- upon the audience who desired to nesses and officers of the court; but show their respect for law, and or- mauy went for the mere pleasure der. The trials were conducted of meeting their friends, and ac- with great dignity on the part of quaintances from distant parts of the Judge, and strict attention to the County. A good many of the the evidence on the part of the younger men went for the purpose jury, and decisions of the Court of showing off their fine horses, were usally just, so that appeals to and their skillful horsemanship; the Supreme Court were not as and always they Avere ready for a common as at present. Mr. John horse trade. At times when elec- Brown, a gentleman of great re- tions w ere going on, they w ent to spectability and a long resident in hear the public speaking, and to Smithville was clerk of this court post themselves on the issues of and being so quiet and inoffensive the lay. T"p to 1861 they were in his manners, it seemed very devided into two parties only, hard that in the later years of his which were Whigs and Democrats, life, when confusion worse con fouii- Both of these parties were compos- ded prevailed everywhere, that he ed of men of the highest respect- should have been so pressed with ability, and they loved to talk to trials which would have killed each other of the respective mer- many a man before those trial>4 its of their candidates. The prin- were finished. In 1862 an ep:- ciples also of these two parties demic of yellow fever started in were respectable, and so much as Wilmington, the disease having they believed to be for the interest been brought thither by a block- of their common county which ade steamer. It raged with ex- they lored with great devotion and treme virulence in that city, and there were no side issues attach- caused the death of a large portion ed to principles of either party, of its in habitants, includingmany These side issues were left to the of its most distinguished citizens, people to talk over in their homes All who could, escape from the and neighborhood, so each man city, and went where they could could decide what he thought was find places to live. A large num best, and keeping them out of ber of these refugees came to national politics and where they Smithville, and brought the dis- 11 ease with them. Robt. W. Brown, old people, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, a son of Mr. John Brown, who had and Miss Valeria, their daughter sailed to Kassau in his schooner, destitute upon the streets of Smith- contracted fever in Nassau, and ville and while death, and fire wrs died there. Aboutthis time when destroying all this valuable prop- Mr. Robt Brown died in Nassau, erty in Smithville, many of his the news was brought home, that negroes escaped to the blockade Capt John B. Price had also died steamers which lay outside the and both these gentlemen were bur- bar. ied in a foreign soil. Mr. Brown's As before mentioned there were next succeeding misfortune was two Superior Courts, and two the death of his daughter Mrs. R. County or Majistrates courts each Cr. Rankin, and his daughter-in year; during the session of these law Mrs Robt. W. Brown both of latter courts, the bench was o.-- wh<>m contracted the disease from cupied by the principle justices a trunk containing the clothing of of the peace of Brunswick County Capt .Robt Brown which was sent from which body Mr. Danl. L. home from Nassau. The disease Russell, Sr. was Chairman, and then spread to the house of Mr. Saml. Langdon, clerk of the said Phillip Prioleau, whose wife, the court. Mr. Russell was a man daughter of Mr. John Brown, of acknowledged ability as pre- together with two of her sons, siding majistrate, and otherwise, Thomas and John Prioleau died in and was re-elected year after year the midst of the confusion which for many years. While Mr. Saml. reigned in the town of Smithville, Langdon lived he retained his and the universal terror which office of clerk, and was in fact, the prevailed, lest other victims might chief adviser of the court, the fall in quick succession and while lawyers and the people, who de- Mr. L. McGinuey, Mr. Brown's pended upon him for assistance in son-in-law, was lying sick almost every trouble they might have in to death in the family residence of their affairs. Mr. Langdon was Mr. Brown, and there seemed none par excellence friend to the people to help or nurse the sick, a lire whom he served with the utmost broke out in an adjoining house geniality, and interest always belonging to Dr. S. B. Everett, without compensation; and Soon the tire spread to Mr. Brown '^ it was thought by the people that house, and these fine residences he so much belonged to them and were all burnt to the ground, Mr. would serve them cheerfully even McGinney was carried out of the if he had to do so without food, The house while it was l)urning in al- majistrate's courts were conducted most a dying condition, but he with dignity, and under the same afterwatrds recovered; leaving . the o- guished for learning and in several sition. He received the appoint- walks of life. He was descended ment, and eutared West Point from Dr. Samuel Langdon who was Military Academy. After grad- born in Boston, Mass., 1722 and uating he decided to change his was settled over the old Xorth name from Fish to Fremont, which Church of historic fame. Paul wasdone through an act of the Leg- Revere started from that point istatiire. After graduation at on his famous ride. His pastor- West Point he served in the U. S. ate lasted twenty nine years when army. For several years he, with he resigned to accept the Chap- his family were on board the troop- laincy of troops under Sir. William ship San Francisco which was Pepperel], going with them on the wrecked off the Atlantic coast on famous expedition to Loiiisburg. her way to the Isthmus. Miss. Later he was elected president of Emeline Everett, daughter of Dr. Harvard college, and held this S.B. Everett, who married Maj. position for six years. In 1780 he Taylor, who was also on board the returned to the pulpit and was steamship was lost with her hus- settled over the Parish Church in band, but Col. Fremont, and f.im Hampton Falls. He died in 1787, ily v.ere saved and came home to still pastor of his church then a Smithville from M^hich place he re- prominent organization covering signed as officer of the IT. S. a large territo^'y in the southeas- Army. tern part of New Hampshire. The Many other officers who suffered Society of theTheDaughters of The great destruction in the civil Mar, 14 resided in Smith ville at different But there were many others who times during this period, among ought to be mentioned and whose whom may be mentioned Capt. D. names ought not to be forgotten. P. Woodbury afterwards General, Mr.Thos. McTlhenny, Frederick J. and commanded the Engineer force Lord, Philip Prioleau, Dr. John which brought the Federal Army H.Hill, Owen D. Holmes, Dr. in safety through the swamps of Fred Hill, Thos. Cowan, and the Chicahomiuy to the banks of Henry N. Howard, were all rice the James river -where one of the planters from the Cape Fear river, greatest battles of the war was men of education and refinement fought. Captain Whiting, after- who spent their summers in Smith- wards Major-General in the Con- ville, and were friends of that federate Army was statioued at town to the very last. Mr. Robt. Fort Johnson in Smith ville, a con- W. Brown also had a fine resi- siderable time. He married Miss deuce in Smithville, and after a Kate Walker daughter of Major long life as a commission merchant John Walker of Wilmiugton. in Wilmington, he loved to spend Mr. Thomas D. Meares, well his summers in ease and tran- knowu and remembered in Bruns- quility. These gentlemen have all wick county, and who represented passed over the river, and are the county in the North ('arolina forever at rest from theii' labor?, Legislature, who owned a large and they leave behind them a re- rice plantation which now belongs cord of being Southern gentlemen to the Navassa Guano Co. made than which there can be no higher Smithville his summer home, and reputation to be desired. Th^^re were built a fine residence on the cor- many others scattered through ner of Bay and Potts sts. where he the conuty who uever lived in brought his family to live and no Smithville, but they were- well doubt expected to spend the last known to all its inhabitants as years of his life in ease and com- good citizens, and men of the fort, but who was deprived of that highest worth; many of them sat pleasure by the wai", which wreck- in the county Board of Magis- ed his fortune. He left a large trates, making the county court of family of children. He married Brunswick the equal of any in the Miss Jane Iredell, the daughter of state of North Carolina. Judge Iredell, a man distinguished But the clouds that had been in the state of North Carolina for gathering over the country, and his learning. Among his children constantly thickening, and casting we take the liberty of mentioning over the whole country a shadow Iredell Meares Esq. who became a of impending danger were now lawyer, and keeps up the family fast coming to an issue. AH kinds name for learning and distinction, of business ceased, all improve- 15 ments ceased, and all men stood in vessels of light draft could ])e used doubt of what was to come. They and these could not be relied upon did not know anything about war for oc«au navigation, and shipment for they had lived in peace. of cargoes to New York, and other The two great parties which had northern cities, hitherto governed the country were The value of the pine tree had the Whig, and Democratic parties been discovered both for lumber, and the people generally believed and naval stores. The lumber they were wise and patriotic, and trade was mostly carried on with well fitted to take the lead in what- the West Indies, and the naval ever events were to follow, and store trade with domestic ports those events did follow thick and north, and it was necessary that fast, and it was war which follow- larger vessels be u«ed and vessels ed, and all good citizens believed of deeper draft; consequently this it was their duty to defend their subjectwasiuvestigated by civilian country, and more especially their engineers who were supposed to native state. have some knowledge of such mat- There were no vessels coming in ters, and opinions were given free- from the north and most of those ly as to what should be done. It which were already here were was at first considered that the loading, and departing as fast as river ought to improve itself with possible. Even the small vessels some help by the engineer's project, which ran up the creeks and inlets The state made some small appro- found little business awaitiug them priations, and jetties were con- at the landing. The distilleries at strueted below Wilmington in or- Wilmington ceased their opera- der to concentrate the force of the tious and the saw mills only sup- tide in the channel which would plied the local demand for lumber, become deeper by the force of the The works of improvement upon water. But this produeeafefclesof effect that the troops occupying his country. They saw alsa::that Fort Johnston and Fort Caswell civil law, had also ceased ' to should evacuate those places and operate and that there might be return immediately to Wilmington much disorder among and between where they were to disperse and the soldiers and the citizens who return to their homes. It was were about to occupy the place, explained that North Carolina had They discussed the - situation as not yet seceded from the Union, regarded the women and children and until she had done so the of the place who might be un- united States were the right- protected. They felt that the fill possessors of all such prop- little property that they; possessed ci'ty. might be very insecure since thej'^ The inhabitants of Smithville had heard that the Confederate looked at each other and wondered, soldier believed that one of the They had not thought that the war functions of his position was to would end so soon, without^the loss defend women and children and of a single man. But North Caro- that therefore anything lying lina soon after seceded from the around they had a right to 20 take without leave or license, also being tluly reported to Captain without compensation to the own- Bell he would reply by say lug that ers. They actually did take such ''he was sorry for their infirmities fences as they saw would be but that Mustang liniment was a convenient for fire wood. They good thing to rub on the aching also discovered a turpentine dis- places and that a small quanity of tillery in the yard of which there Plantation Bitters taken internally was about four hundred barrels of would finish the cure." Captain rosin; they thought it very con- Bell issued orders then that they venient to make fijes with; they should all meet for drill the next therefore took, and burnt up the morning and one member of the whole of it as they wanted it. force proposed to the Captain that The full worth of this rosin was the soldiers of the ''home guard" about two or three thousand dol- should be required to bring camp lars. Much confusion prevailed stools with them so that when they at first and the old citizens of the were tired they could sit down and town proposed the establishment rest. Captain Bell then gave the of the "home guard" for the pro- order of "attention" and put them tection of their home interests, through the various drills march- Consequently a public meeting was ing around the town and it was called to meet at the court house, observed that when one of the and aftei' much discussion an or- company got opposite to his own ganization was formed. Mr. John home he left the ranks and was no Bell was elected Captain, his chief more seen. The "home guard" qualifications being that he was being thus weakened so that they good natured and not likely to en- could not face any kind of an force any military discipline what enemy, it was moved and second- ever. Much wisdom was apparent ed by one of the members that the in the proceeding of the conversa- "home guard" be now discontin- tion of these ancient gentlemen, ued, to which motion Captain Bell They therefore proposed to the remarked that he"thought so too" Captain a great number of things and the motion being unanimously heretofore unheard of in any mili- carried thus ended the famous tary organization;the principal one "home guard", being that as they were liable to It may here be mentioned that become fatigued by the exertion of Ord. Sergt. Jas. T. Riley resigned marching and inquiring of the citi- his position in the Ord. Corps of zeus "if they were well" and lis- the United States Army and as tening to their replies that "they soon as his resignation was accept- were not to say well, that they had ed he enlisted in the Artillery ser- a mighty hurting in their heads vice of the Confederate Army. He and a misery in their backs" which was soon promoted to the rank of 21 -dajor in vvhich position he served plete ramp pfjiiipage. r.iKt thev through the Avar Avith great gallan- pitched their camp alougtide the try distinguishing himself in many brick Avalk in the Garrison and in of the hard fonght battles of the the shade of the beantifnl cedars war. Sergt. Dardankiller however which had been planted many as soon as he could procnre trans- year,s ago by Col.Chnrehill of the portation retnrned to the north and United States Army, at a time nothing further was ever heard Avhen all were at peace, and no from him. l»ody expected that thishappy and prosperous govtrnuient would CHAPTER EIGHT. ever be otherwise than of peace. As has been related in previous Then followed in quick suc- chapters, the procession of events cession two companies from Gabar- now continued with increasing nis county which wore the^'Gahar- rapidity. Day by day the condi- rus Black Boys"uuderGapt. — One ion of affairs in SmithviJle was of these co)npauies took up their different from Avhat it had been quarters in the barracks. The the day before. Orders were "Black Boys'' had theii- quark r.s issued by the Governor of the in the hospital bnildiug whic'j state that all able bodied men that the Ignited States had erected, were liable to do military duty Other companies followetl in must immediately report to the quick succession. Two companies nearest enrolling oificer for the from Columbus county wlio found purpose of being attached to some quarters in the Garrison enclosure, military company or regiment. Other companies who found the By this order Smithville was Garrison t'nW were quartered on deprived of a large number of its the town. Company G. 20th N. ('. male citizens, and the streets of f:Jarlaud's Brigade was from Bruus- the town began to assume a look wick county, and ((uartered on entirely foreign to its hitherto J'ranklin Square, under Capt. (|uiet, and peacefuf aspect; for as John H. Brooks, Jst Lieut. Oliver soon as the Smithville contingent E. Meicer, 2nd Lieut. Thos. C.' had left, their place was tilled Fulwood. (^'ompany C. :>Oth N. C. with whole companies of soldiers Anderson's Brigade, (.'apt. Green, from other counties and towns of 1st Lieut. D. C. Allen, 2ud Lieut, the state. The first company that S. P. Tharp from North West, arrived was the Rowan Rilio D. L. Russell's company of artil-' Guaros. commanded b\ Captain lery, and Capt. ,U)hu D. Taylor's Hamilton .bmes. The next com- company' were ordered to Fort pany was the DapliuGuards under Caswell foj'duty. There were al- Capt. Claude Denson. These t.vo so two companies from Sampson companies Itrought with tlifm com- county who were sent t*i Smith- 32 ville for (iriH. Smiths illf was be wauted anU noro >i]«ii f'i«.vno=. now full of soldiers, and the town as he could get. Now the soldiers presented the appearance of a mill- havnng departed it was felt that tary camj). Patrols were ordered Smithville was a lonely spot on to patrol tliestieets, and sentinels the earth's surface. Bur as if for. at the corners of the s-treets. and the purpose of enlivening' matters the Avork of drilling commenced, somewhat great ships were dis- The sound of "hep, hep. " Mas covered on the 0(.'ean approaching continual and was the only music the Cape Fear bar and live or six except that of the drum. These of them dropped their anchors, companies being detached com- This was the ])lo;'kading tiect panics, were many of them from which had l)een sent by the I'nit time to time ordered away to join ed States to shut up the door of regiments in other parts of the theCape Peai- and pi event either state. ingress or egress. To the eyes of a Steamboats such as were then pilot this fleet of great ships was a on the Cape Fear river^ — most of glorious sight to look upon as they them hardly fit for sei-vi<'e — were had not seen any ships for a long passing to and from SmithN'ille to time. They thought of the time Wilmingtonbringing recruits, Com- which liad passed when the river missary and Quartermaster's stores was full of ships waiting a pilot the wives and children of soldiiers and they hoped for a " time in the camp who came to see their when peace should arrive and husbands and sweethearts Itefore commerce be re I'stablished. They the linal paiting which was not did not have to wait long however expected to happen for all these before they were notified by the soldiers were needed to help tight Confederate Govei-nment to hold the battles of the Confederacy to themselves in readiness to carry. Virginia. It seems proper to sa> out such vessels as might be ready at this jjoint that the citizens part- to run the blockade. This block- ed with these soldier boys with ade running business had already considerable regret for they were begun and one steamship, "The sober and stalwart men not addic- Kate" commanded by Captain ted to strong drink or the vices Tom Lockwood a native of Smith- which at the present day of ad ville, a skillful and daring officer vanced civilization recjuire acts of had attempted to bring her into Legislature to keep them within port, and had been fired upon by the the bounds of propriety. Prohib- blockaders, and injured to such an. ition as a moral agent had not extent that she sank inside the been invented at that time and river in spite of all effort to keep in reality it was not required, her afloat. It was understood there Every Soldier ate and drank what were many other steamers loading 23 in Nassau and preparing to try the than the army in the field. Late perilous experiment of running in the summer of 1862 a block- in the port through the blockade, ade running steamer entered the They found it easier to get in than port of Wilmington. There were they expected and most of them cases of sickness on board the made the voyage a success although steamer and Mr. Fanning, Health they were fired upon. As fast as Officer of the port had beendriveu they got ready to go out again a from the vessel which required pilot was assigned to each vessel and sanitary inspection, with indignity notified when he might be wanted. Physicians were summoned to see Thus the pilots got again into busi- the sick on board this steamer and ness and were of great service to though they suspected the nature the Confederacy. of the disease they did not pro- The army in the field required claim it to be Yellow fever to the more supplies than the country public for several days. Then it could produce and they had to be was too late for the disease had imported. Vast quantities of arms penetrated to various parts of the and ammunitions, clothing, shoes city and soon became epidemic, and food were required to support The populatiou of the city were the army in Virginia and it re- terror stricken and they made quired the genius of men having every eifort to escape to any place great political and commercial ac- to where they could find refuge, tivity. Fortunate was it for the Before they could escape, people North Carolina troops that so were beginning to die and were great a man as Zebulou B. Vance stricken down so they could not was governor of North Carolina, leave. A considerable number of His patriotism and his sympa- refugees however, came to Smith- thies were aroused to that extent ville where they occupied every that he devoted his entire time to available house. They brought the furnishing through the blockade, fever with them and many of these supplies for North Carolina sol- refugees died .But fewof the perma- diers. Without the supplies fur- nent residents of Smithville con- nished by the aid of Governor tracted the disease and most of Vance a large part of the army these recovered except the family in Virginia would have found of Mr. John Brown which has been themselves destitute. But we can- heretofore narrated. During the not follow the fortunes of the army prevalence of Yellow fever in in the field as those of the South- Smithville nearly all the troops ern people who had to remain at were ordered to leave the town home soon found themselves in and camp outside in the forest and the presence of an enemy more there to await orders, powerful and more to be dreaded 21 riTAPTER XTNE. Imt no one took the disease from It is worthy of notice that Smith- him. Added to these examples ville though often exposed in years the terrible misfortunes which goue by did not contract yellow happened to Mr, John Brown's fever even though brought in con- family during which so many of tact with those who had the disease, them died were directly traceable Capt. Isaac IJ. Smith commanding to the clothes of his son Eobt. W. the line steamer "C Vanderbilt" Brown which were sent home from contracted the disease inCharleston ISTassan and those who handled while it was raging in the city these clothing contracted the dis- in great intensity in 1852. He was ease and died bnt no case occnrred brought directly to his own home outside his immediate family; so in Smith ville and after beng sick that it may be reasonably consider- for several days, under the medic- ed that Smithville possesses con- al care of Doctor S. B. Everett, an siderable immunity from yellow old physician of great experience, fever. The immigration from ke died in the midst of his large \Yilmington soon erased, there family who were constantly in at- being no more quarters obtainable, tendance upon him. Hewasburi- Although the disease lasted in ed from his home. A large attend- Smithville more than a month ence of the people of Smithville there were not more than two or were at his funeral. No one con- three cases in the town, one of Iracted the disease from him. There whom died and the other two re- was another case which happened covered. It was some time before before this time, of a pilot or a sea it was considered safe for the refu- captain who also contracted the gees to go back to their homes in disease in Charleston and was Wilmington. In that city many brought home to Smithville where hundreds died and the city being he died without communicating almost depopulated it was acom- the disease to anyone. There was mon sight to see the dead carried still another case of a seaman from to their last resting place in common one of the steamers of the U.S. piue boxes hauled by drays with Coast Survey who died in the Gar- few or no mourners attending the rison in the midst of a great num- ceremony and no clergyman to say ber of his fellow seaman. A phy- a prayer over these graves. This was sician in the Confederate service in the year 1862. But in the natural went to Wilmington and stayed a course of events the disease declin- couple of days and came back to ed as cold weather set in and frost Smithville where he died in a day occurred. Anxiously did the people or two with the most virulent case of Smithville and Wilmington look of yellow fever: he died in most for the first frost but no frost came thickly populated part of the town until the 20th November which was a mouth later than the usual could be saved; this kind of sal- time when the disease became al- vage was indulged in by soldiers m.ost extinct. at the forts, and by everybody Affairs now began to assume that could get a boat to their natural aspeet,and there was get alongside. This was a safe pro- nothing to excite special notice ceeding when a blockade steamer except the roaring of the great had gone ashore on the beach, l)e- guns from the blockading vessels, cause they were out of range of the and it was facetiously remarked enemies' cannon. There was a that it was intended to strike ter- great deal of i)lunder saved which ror to the hearts of the "rebels" as was of great use to everybody in thereseemed nothingelse to shoot vicinity of the wreck. Articles at. Blockade running continued such as medical stories of all kinds, to increase, and the pilots were the most important of which was one bj^ one notified to come to Wil- quiniue, and Smithville did not mington and take charge of ve,ssels suffer during the whole course of which were loaded and ready to sail war for lack of that valuable drug, on the first dark night which should Much clothing, including shoes occur. The citizens of Smithville and blankets for the soldiers use watched these matters with the and sometimes large quantities of greatest interest, and once in a l:)acon, which was a valuable food while a great cannonading was for everybody. Chickeiy in hogs- heard at sea, and dense clouds of heads was also found and used by smoke issued from the funnels of tlie people making them think that the blockaders. There was noth- they were drinking coffee. A great ing to do however but to wait for many valuable boxes of surgical news, and it was very seldom that instruments were saved, but they any reached Smithville until the were apt to be somewhat damaged steamers returned from another by salt water. The steamer voyage. Once in a while news "Modern Greece" is an example came to friends of the pilots, that of one of these ships, which went one of their- number had been cap- on the beach, under the guns of tured; this meant generally that Fort Fisher. The steamer "Ei la", they would not return until the whose boues project above the end of the war. It wa« a great waters of "Bald Head" was a total event in the history of blockade loss. navigation when a vessel was at- There was very little else doing tacked coming into port and was in Smithville except the welcoming forced to run ashore to save the home of an occasional pilot, or bid- lives of the crew. Then a great ding farewell to some other one excitement prevailed to get to the who was about to leave. The citi- stearaer ashore, and save all that /.ens who, during the last year, had 2(> been biiriiiiig tallow, into which But as usual everywhere when a a wick of indilfereut length Aras man is knoAvn to have money, dipped, then wound upon a stick everybody wishes to share it by and then unwound, were eminent- fair means or by foul, no matter ly pleased when a pilot would which. But in accordance with bring home a kerosene lamp, and the generous nature which mar- a gallon of kerosene, and these val- iners are apt to possess the money u able articles were introduced first slipped from their possession very by Capt. Thomas M. Thompson, fast. They lent it to anybody they This running of the blockade was a considered a friend without seeuri- most interesting and exciting bus- ty and they spent very freely for iness, and it continued to the very every thing they wanted and a great night when Fort Fisher was cap- many things they did not want. If tured. Two blockade steamers they had known that the time came in on that eventful night would come when they would be when the great lleet off Fort Fisher pilots no longer, they might have was celebrating their victory by been desirous of saving their small illuminations and fireworks of fortunes for such an emergency. every description. There were two steamers that came in on this night C'HAPTEE TEX. commanded by Captain Maffett, The epidemic of yellow fever and sending a boat ashore and which made such ravages among linding that Fort Fisher had been the population was over, and theje captured, he weighed anchor, Avent Mas great hope that it would not immediately out to sea again appear the next year, but still passing directly thro the blockad- they could not feel entirely easy iug fleet, who were so busy celebra- in their minds on the subject, ting their victory that they did Germs might be hidden away in not notice the passing of the ship some uulooked for place awaiting which made a safe passage back to development, but the people re- Xassau. solved to meet the future with all The pilots and their families the equinimity they could com- throve wonderfully during this mand. period of the war as the risk was Oai^t. John AV. GalloAvay had great, also the pay and gold money been relieved from command of the which had not been seen iu a long Coast Guard, and ordered to report time began to make its appeareuce for duty on a blockade runner, greatly to the joy of all beholders; When he was next heard from it and if the pilots had known so was to the effect that he had died much about finance as they did of yellow fever at Xassau; and this about navigation they would most was the second death from that of them have been rich men today, disease among the pilots. Capt. 27 Galloway was a man of great abil- indoed. The Garrison with iis ity as a pilot, and much confidence beautiful grounds, and its shidy was placed in him to meet any walks where so many had taken emergency. He was a sincere pleasure in former days, was re- friend and those who knew him duced to a ruinous condition. One were filled with regret that he had day an officer, purporting to be an gone from them to be seen no engineer, made his appearance more. and ordered that the beautifnl Blockade running had now been row of cedar trees should be cut carried on to such an extent that it down, and that a battery of heavy seemed almost as if there were gnns should be erected for some regular lines of steamships running purpose. It was not usual to place to foreign ports. Their services to batteries of eight inch guns in the the Confederacy were great, as middle of a populous town where they brought food and clothing there were no soldiers to man these for thousands who were in the guns and no enemy in sight or ex- field fighting for their country, pected. In order to get there- while their families were left at quired material to l)uild the trav- home to fare as they could with- erses between the guns, the soil out their natural protectors. It of the entire town to tiie depth of was with pleasure and pride that several inches was dug np and car- their fellow citizens looked upon ted away to build this battery .Bat- the efforts which helpless women teries wei-e also erected on Dutch with cheerful faces were making man Creek, on High Biufiftppo- to support their families. But it site Deep Water Point, and also was sad to often meet women and at Reaves' Point. Xone of these children in the streets, wan, pale batteries were ever manned by and dispirited and poorly clad. Confederate soldiers. But war When they were sick, medical at- does many things that are iuex- tendance was freely given them plicable and perhaps the engineers without reward or hope of i-eward. knew their business. As they never Many of them needed medicine, fired a gun from these batteries dur- and food alone could bring color ing the war, it M'as left for a Ped- to their faded cheeks. But the eral ofticer to take away the guns women of the Confederacy were and level dowa the ground again noblewomen even in iDoverty, and to its former plane. These defen- they made little or no complaint ses were the only things the civili- as long as they believed the war ans who were left in the town com was waged for their good; and pliined of during the whole course they waited patiently for the result of th3 war, and this wa-i because But the aspect presented bj- the they could not see in their unfami- town of Smithville was sorrowful liarity of military engineering, 28 Avhat it v> as done for .The citizens of Federal officer who was rcportetl to Smithville and those all a'ongthe have gone to Wilmington several coast as far as Little Elver, now times and walked about the town turned their attention to the man- without being discovered. We ufactnre of salt. There were two shall see more of this daring otVuer works in the town of Smithville, later on. and as the works were inexpensive As these things were going on a they made salt to amuse themselves Confederate soldier came from and drive away dull care and sor- Richmond in 18()8 to Smithville on row. They hoped of course to a visit to his relatives and laought make a little money with which to the smallpox with him. The few- supply themselves with the ne- citizens who remained in Smith - cessities of life, but when they had ville were terror-stricken and they money by the bushel, (C'onfedei-ate felt that all the misfortunes which money) and there was nothing to attend humanity in this life had sell, they gave it np as a l>ad now come to wipe them and their job, families off the face of the earth. On a dark and dreary night dur- There was no vaccine virus within i7ig this period. Lieut. Cusbing of thelimitsof the Confederacy that theT^. S. Xavy with a small boat's was known and they therefore felt crew slipped noiselessly from the themselves obliged to take their blockade and landed in Smithville. chances. The smallpox spread with The object of this expedition was fearful rapidity until every house to capture the Confederate (Jeneral in the town was full of it and it was- and his staff whose headquarters the most virulent epidemic of that were in Smithville. As it happen- disea.se ever known and every case ed the General had gone to Wil presented the appeai-ance most re- mington and was not at home to re- pulsive. The odor pervaded every ceive his unwelcome guests; but house and even the streets and they captured two of his stalf ofli- there wereonly a small number of cers, marched them to the boat and immunes to bury the dead. There went out of harbor unobserved were some cases of smallpox among with the captured ofticers; and also immunes and one man who had sentries were placed at short dis had the disease and who had been tances all along the beach. They badly marked had it very lightly, were not seen or hailed and noth- The blessing conferred upon lin- ing was known of this raid until manity however by vaccination the next morning. On his return was perfectly well marked. Almost General Hubert was much aston- all who had been vaccinated in ished to find his ofticers absent infancy or in early years were per- from duty. This was one of several feetly safe which they soon discov- dariug expeditions made l)y this eredgreatly to their joy. T here take 29 occasion to say that the doctors of ing vessels from the public. Then 75year8ago were very particular to in the early part of 1864 a block- vaccinate every child so soon as ade running steamer came into possible after its birth, and I regret port, having onboard pilot An- also to say that this practice has derson of Smithville, who had the been very much neglected in late yellow fever and perhaps others, years mostly I think from careless- Pilot Anderson was in the last ness and neglect on the part of the extremity of yellow fever as the parents. ship approached the blockade; aud ]Sfow having related some of the and it was necessary to get through sorrows which befell Smithville, it the blockade or lose his ship. On can be said that the people who being apprised of the danger, he were left breathed more freely, for told the captain to have him car- "hope springs eternal in the hu- ried to the deck on his cot, and he man breast- ', and they hoped with would direct the helmsman how to some degree of assurance that they steer. The ship arrived in port were safe. The Confederate in safety, but was fired upon while authorities medical or otherwise, this pilot was sick unto death had found out by sad experience and directing the hehnsman. The that war was not the only thing ship anchored opposite Deep that reciuired attention, and hav Water Point, where this brave ing discovereefall them. There was also in Smith- ville one company of Confederate had had for some years, ft was somewhat after the manner of Nero playing among the flames of burning Kome. Mr. Owen I). Flolmes, and fami- ly and Dr. John H. Hill Mere on their plantations of Kendal and Lilliput trying rather vainly to soldiers and the headquarters of keep up theii- si)irits as there were the Commissary and Quartermas- ter's department. These were in charge of Major John Blount and his two clerks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eobiusou. Mr. John E. Lippit^^and his wife also occupied quarters in Smithville. There were also two ladies from Wa.shington, N. C., visitors of Major Blount. The Rev. Mr. Greer w as also iu Smithville and held services iu St. Phillips church. Mr. Prioleau and his son and two daughters. Dr. Frink, his wife and daughters had returu- newspaper reports thai Fort P^'isher would shortly be attacked by a great force of the enemy. The writer well remembers ( and at this period of time it seems like a huge joke) that Doctor Hill insisted that if the Yankees came about his plantation that he would have one shot at them at any rate; but he thought better of this the next day when he gathered together his ne- groes and started to the interior of the country. Mr. Owen Holmes did the same thing and escaping as ed here from the interior of the they thought into Sampson county state which they found was no safer than Smithville. Miss Mary Catheiine Lord was also here visi- ting at the Frinks. She afterwards married the late Rt. Rev. A. A. Watson. Mr. Sidney Lanier and his brother, the former of whom was afterwards highly distinguish ed at the north as well at the south as the foremost poet in America. He was a most skillful performer upon the flute and it was related where they thought no enemy would ever discover them. But sad and bitter was their experience for they got right in the tract of Sherman aud his bummers and all the negroes who had been so care- fully taken to this place of safety went over to the enemy aud assist- ed them in their work of destruc- tion and depredation. The geutlemeii and ladies here- tofore mentioned, who tried to for- 31 get the war and have a little amuse- ment here in Smithville, actually acoomplished their purpose to a considerable extent. Most of them met together in the evenings, and beguiled the time with delightful mnsie; and while the cannon at Fort Fisher and Fort Caswell were being inspected and put in condi- dition for a battle this little com- pany in Smithville were singing "Dreams," "What are The Wild WavesSaying,"and so delightfully they passed the time that it really seemed as though peace had ac- tually come. But only a few days after these happy times a great fleet of ships of war and their at- tendant transports under command of General B. F. Butler, sailed down the coast and dropped their anchors in front of Fort Fisher. These ships presented a magniti cent spectacle to lookers on in Smithville who were at safe dis- tance from the battle. They opened fire shortly after noon in Dec. 18G4, and the most terrific bom- bardment of modern time ensued. The writer was informed by Gen. Whiting, who was in command of the di8trict,andCol.Lamb who com- manded the fort, that sixty thous- and shells were fired into the fort on that afternoon. As night ap- proached it seemed to the spec tators in ymithville, that the fort must certainly be in the hands ot the enemy. There Avas a very small force in the Garrison at Fort Fisher, and they were not vet- erans either. Thev consisted most- ly of the last levy upon the Con federacy, and were mostly boys not inuured to danger or the hard- ships of battle; and there were very few troops in the vicinity, by which the fort could be re-in- forced. It was therefore a great surprise to the people to hear the next morning that the fort had not been captured, but that Gen. Butler had sailed away with his great tieet and given up the con- test. It was reported however in a few days, that the Government had removed General Butler from his command, and that a General of great ability had been chosen to command the fleet, and that the attack would shortly be renewed. So the condition of affairs in Smith- ville assumed a peaceful aspect again. By this time there were very few left in Smithville of either soldiers or citizens, and all who could get away from the place with- drew to a safer locality. The Q. M. and Commissary stores were re- moved partially and Maj. Blount an 1 his family and their visitors left Smithville. Then thei-e was another period of waiting. In about three weeks the great fleet returned, and the attack re-com- menced under the command of Ad- miral Porter. A lai-ge force was landed upon the !)each above the lort, and they stretched across the nai'row neck of land from the ocean to the Cape Fear river. Nothing could be seen of the enemies' ships or what they were doing, at Smith- ville; but the bombardment was i2 iiicessaiit and after twenty four soon became evident tliat an at- hours the fort AA-as captured by as- tack upon Wilmin-tou on that side sanlt a1)ont9 o' clock P. M. Fan- of the river had been adandoned nary 15th. ,1865. The hrst inti- and that they wouid cio.-\s Iht^ ination they had in Sniithville of river and j'enew the attick on the the result, was when the boni])aj'd- western side. They had se;'ured raeut ceased, and there as seen a nnmber of negro3-^ to show them to be a great display of fireworks the way, and transport*^ cai'rying of every discription which annonn- thousands of sokliers Avit'i their ced the fact that the fort had fal- baggage and stores landed in len. All was nov,' quiet in Smith- Sniithville, and marched throngh ville and it remained so until the thetowii. They mar.-hed to the next night when it was seen that rear of the place tn the nnmher of Foi-t Caswell and all the forts in about live thousand men and en- the vicinity wei'e on hre. As the camped for the night. The citi- 2 flames spread from fort to fort the /en population of Smithville which *niost territic explosions occured. were few in number, now had an shaking the very earth, and an- opportunity to see something of nouncing the fa:'t that all the foi-ts war; and it seemed to them that below FortFisher and at the mouth the enemy were as numerous as the of the river had been abandoned sands upon the seashore. The and the troops withdrawn. The next morning they resumed their troops manning thpse forts march- march up the river guided by Lem ed down the beach to a crossing Brown, a negro, besides other ne- about four or live mile* below and groes. Fort Anderson and all the crossed by the mainlaiul, contin- other forts on the west side of the ning theii' march in the direction ri\er were evacuated and there was of Wilmington. The. few soldiers little tightiug on theb- way to Wil- who were left in Smithville follow- mington which fell into their ed this army, and left Smithville a hands without a shot !»eing silent and deserted place, whose tired. inhabitants wondered what was Xow Sniithville had jelapsed to happen next. But the next again into its state of tiuiet, but day after the capture of Fisher, not the quiet of former days, for heavy cannonading was heard on tliere were"camp followers'* and the eastern side of the river, and "bummei's" in the rear to pickup it was evident that the enemy were anything which might come to trying to make their way up that hand, which amounted to very lit- side to capture ^Yilmingtca^. But tie. Negroes however reaped a the country on that side of the rich harvest in the shape of cloth- river was not suitable for an ad- ing from soldiers and blankets of vance, and tiring ceased, audit which the forest was strewn. 33 On reviewiug the situatiou it where they joet a boat i'roui the seemed as though Smithville must eiieray flj'ing the Vuited States be the most lonely, deserted spot flag. Captain Cnshiiig it appears, upon the lace of the Southern had turned up again and the sui- Confederacy. But there were a render of the town of Smithville considerable number of wounded was made to him. In a few appro- men belonging to both armies who priateremarksCaptainCushing was were left in buildings in the town infoi-med that the town had been which had been occupied l^y the entirely evacuated by troops and Confederacy. One or two doctors that it's population consisted of remained to care for the wounded women and children aiid a few non- men, competent men who requested that he would protect their lights as CHAPTER TWELVE. citizens. Both boats theji turned Although civil government had towards Smithville and landed at practically ceased to operate, for a the Garrison wharf from which long time a few of the old officials place the committee departed to called a meeting of the citizens to their homes; but l)efore doing ^o consult as to what should be they were informed l>y Capt. Cnsh- done. ing that the citizens must bring all It had been observed that two of fire aims in their possession and the enemies' ships had come around surrender them to those in charge Frying Pan Shoals and were an- of the boat. A few of his men were chored olf Fort Caswell.lt was co«n- directed to proceed to the officer's eluded that they had arrived to quarters of Fort Johnston and take take possession of those abandoned possession and to haul down the fortifications. This proved to be white Hag upon the flag staff and to true for soon men were seen on the hoist the flag of the Tuited States parapetsof Fort Casvrell engaged in in it's place. This concluded the erecting a flag stafffrom which the ceremony of the surrender. But Stars and Stripes could float upon there was more yet to ])edone. A the breeze. The citizens of Smith- large assembly (;f negro men. ville therefore determined to raise A^omen and chiidieu had collected a white flag on the flag staff which at the boat in order to greet their stood in the Garrison and to send "saviors'', and to fall upon their a boat containing a committee of necks and kiss them if such li))- prominent citizens bearing also the erty ^lu)nld be allowed. Captain white flag. to meet 1 he enemies' boat Cashing then addressed the sable which was seen coming aiouud the crowd and informed them that they point. Appointing one of the com- were free, that they were in all re- mittee spokesman they rowed out spects equal to the whites and boldly into the middle of the stream would be so treated. In order to 31 make sure that this was true he ^'Fuele Gibi)", aud his posterity, directed that they (the negroes) ''Uncle Gibb" had been treated should form a procession and give during his entire life as kin of free" and ''Massa Lincum is cum- food and clothes, and a horse and in in a day or two to bring each of dray; and it was diflicult to per- ns a mule and a deed for forty ceive how he had betteied his con- acres of laud.'' The procession dition by freedom; but he soon then started to move, amid wild found out as he was brought a cheering for ''Massa Lincum." prisoner into the Garrison for some There were some small United Stat- alleged offence. Here he was tied es tlags scattered amongst the up by the thunil)s to an oak tree crowds which they waved frantical- which stood there, and hoisted till ly in the air crying, ''hallelugah, his toes barely touched the groimd . hallelugah." The procession then This was done in full view of his moved through the garrison to own sister who was cook iu an ad- Moore St. a motly crowd dressed joining kitchen, and who fainted in every conceivable style bearing and fell at the awful sight. He banners of anything that Avas a thus had an opportunity to tind bright color and they started down out whether the new friend^of the Moore St. amid cheering for"Massa coloied race were any better than Lincum.'' They marched doMn the old fiiends who had treated Moore St., to Boundary St., up him with such kindness. Boundary to Nash St., up Xash to The ceremony attending the the Garrison where they dispersed, surrender having been completed. Thus ended the surrender of Smith- the boat containing the plunder ville which was now inmilitary po- was dispatched l)ack to the'OFon- session otibc Ignited States. The ticello",an(l there being ai)[)aieiit- otficers of the T'nited States Xaval ly nothing to do on shore, the ship ''ilontieello" under comnmnd sailors were given liberty and the of (^apt. Gushing took possession of officers proceeded to enjoy them- the Garrison building where they selves. The sailors spread them established themselves as comfort- selves ever the towji. and proceed- ably as they could. Ke-inforcements ed first to inspef-t the pul)li(' build arrived Irom the ships and sen- ings. They broke open the court tinels were placed all around the house and it's oflices, tore up such town with orders not to allow any papers as they found lying around one to pass out or in without wiit among which happened to be the ten permission. entire record of the Court of Efjuity In the procession which had and scattered them about the marched around the town was streets. They went to the Aca- 35 demy l)uilding in which was a VrilmiDgtou was a centre to wliifh Masonic Hall, and stole the jewels all sick and maimed, and disabled of the Order, and carried them on soldiers were brought to embark on board the ship. It is fair however steamships which carried them to say that these jewels fell into away to their Northern homes the hands of the ship's surgeon and hospitals. It was a pitiable who being a Mason hiraself,return- sight while they were vraitingfor ed them as soon as possible to the transportation, to see hundreds of lodge. They did not however dis- them sitting around on doorsteps tiirb any of the churches of which or any pla 'e where they could find there were but one or two, one rest. The Quartermaster and Episcopalian and one Methodist. Commissary Departments which The Episcopal church had beeu were on duty in Wilmington, assis- thoroughly desecrated by others ted these disabled men as fast as before the town surrendered. This they could; but the war was not state of things continued for a few yet over, and the military govein- days only, Mheu this force of sail- ment had to be established inWil- ors were relieved of duty, and the mington. It was not long before 149th New York Eegimenf was the end came. The (•onfederate sent to occupy the position. This soldiers who had evacuated all the regiment was composed of good places in the vicinity of W'iiming- and Avell-disciplined men under ton, marched up by way of the rail- command of Col. A.M. Barney, road, and couceutrated thereunder who proceeded to restore order ai the command of General Jos. E. once in the town, the soldiers com- Johusou, and the batileof Benton- mandedbyhim being well discip- ville was fought, in whi-li Col. l^ued. ]{ubt. G. Kankiu was killed, and In tliis way fi-iendly relations Col. John D. Taylor so se\'erely were established between the mill- wounded as to lose one of his taryand the civilians, who no. v arms. considered themselves safe. Daring I shall not per.sue the sul.)Je{'t the period of three or four months of the war any further, it being in which he commanded Fort John- evident thitit was approaching ston, there was order throughout its end, and I am not tiying to the town, and nobody was perjnit- discribe anything minutely that ted to i)e disturbed. does not etiW't the destinies of Transports wej-e placed upon the Smithville. river, running every day to Wil- After the surrender of Gen. Lee mington, and these cities wore once at Appomattox, there was not again in friendly relations to each much more to relate of military otherjbut there was greatconfasion proceedings. The Confederate in Wilmington for a long time, army disintegrated, and the sol- 36 (liers who remained hastened to hooks; and that all these things their homes as rapidly as they were deposited in the boat in per- conld. Both Smithville and Wil- snance to military order number 1; mington remained in military occn- and that all these weapons had pation of the Federals. been transported to the great ship The description of the landing lying outside the harbor, in strict of General Cushing's boat, and of obedience to orders. Now it is a his famous order to the people of most interestingqnestiou what has Smithville, to wit: that they should become of all the weapons which briDg all firearms and weapons of it was necessary to capture in or- oftence, and dangerous to human der that the slaves might peacefal- life was obeyed to the minutest ly and without danger traverse particular. Since the citizens re- the streets of the town, and cele- maining in Smithville consisted al- brate the great event which to most entirely of women, children them seemed only second to that and pilots it is natural to suppose other arrival which we have meu- that the weapons they surrendered tioned as the arrival of the wonder- were extremely varied in their ful, the Councellor the Great, and character, and we may also reason- Almighty Lord. Now they could ably suppose that there were old wave their flags, and shout ''bress Queen's arms of the Eevolutionary de Lord", and '^Massa Lincum for period, bird guns and shotguns for what he has done for us", with- of all kinds including pistols of the out fear of old Marsters or Misses, flint lock variety, probably with- or any other dangerous person out flints; that there were bind- whatever. We hope that this col- geons, swords, guns aud steel traps, lection of weapons may sometime Also since it had been some years come to light in the great museum since the blessed period which we which will illustrate the capture now call Christmas, which was of Smithville and ''de close ob de so wonderful and important to the wah." world by the arrival of the Prince of Peace, that the children of CHAPTER THIRTEEN. Smithville must have turned up It would take much time and all their little weapons including space to describe everything that blow-guns, spring guns, and every happened for the next two years, other variety of gun which so de- The Confederates who belonged in lights the childish fancy, and Brunswick county aud Smithville which had been for four years laid were working their weary way aside, and almost forgotten; and homew^ard. The pilots who had the pilots brought those weapons been in prison were released and which appertain to their calling came slowly home, somewhat, viz: harpoons aud fish Smithville had seen continual 37 change; white troopvS and colored electiou. (Should he i»e ordered he troops went and came according to was to march to the polls to the orders. Some of them were muster- music of the drum and under colors ed out in the Garrison here and of the United States. As he could proceeded immediately to Wash- not read his vote he was ordered to ington. As a general thing the supply himself with tickets from troops had been quiet and under certain persons designated for that control of their officers.The Freed- purpose. All these things and man's Bureau had established it- many more had to be taught to the self in Smithville and was con- negio because in the beginning his stantly issuing rations to negroes mind was blank but he was apt to who applied for them. There was learn these foundation principles a detachment of Yankee '^school upon which his freedom was marms" who sat down here, and guarranteed. But these things instructed the young colored "idea which have been described only how to shoot." The army strag- applied to Smithville. It was in- glers and carpet baggers and bum- tended by the rulers of the Eepub- mers and "school marms"continued lican party at Washington under the work of instructing the color- the lead of Thaddeus Stevens, Char ed voter. Mauy important ideas les Sumner, Wendell Philips and a had to be instilled into the vacant host of others scattered through minds of the colored man who was the northern country, and by the to be a voter, a legislator, a judge. Congress of the United States so a member of Congress and makers far as they could govern it, that re- of laws to govern the white race construction should begin with the who were mostly disqualified from coufiscatiou of all lauds heretofore exercising any fuuction. What the owned by the whites and cultivat- colored man had to learn was im- ed by slaves. That the white owu- portaut.Hehad to learn thathe was ers should be made to surrender free and the equal of the white their rights in favor of the ex slaves man; he had to learn that he must It was expected that by this means not take off his hat while speaking the land owners should be made to a white man or woman and that paupers and the negroes rule the above all things they must not ad- country. President Lincoln whose dress them as master or mistress, policy was beneficial and intended and to continually remember "dat to heal all the injuries which the de "publikiu party-'had freedhim war had inflicted had been assasi- from slavery and that if he had nated by the bullet of John Wilkes voted for a Democrat for awy office Booth. The ultra members of the he would immediately be put back Republican ring made a great pre- into slavery . These principles were tense of mourning but in reality necessary as preliminaries to an they believed that an obstruction 38 to their fiendish policy had been had been declared. AYhat they removed. Vice president Johnson did is a matter of history. Bruus- had become president and it was wick connty was represented in his policy to carry on the beneficent this Legislature by a carpet bagger ideas of Mr. Lincoln, but that did named Edwin Legg an ex-suttler not suit the view of Thaddeus Ste- of the Federal army. It is not vens and his band of conspirators, proposed to go into any description so they brought articles of im- or criticism of the Legislature, for peachmentagainst President John- it was a body of men to forget son and would have succeeded in rather than remember. The elec- removing him had it not been for tion held in Smithville was the a very few voters which they could first trial which the new voters not control. Failing in reconstruct- went through, and was intended ing the country on this plan they to establish their capacity to be passed laws which rendered voters and their strength in this President Johnson powerless to do district. All Federal offices had anything and vested the powers been filled by Republicans, who* which should have been exercised exercised all their powers to insure by the president, in Congress. a solid negro vote. The negroes They repudiated what President were gathered together and provid- Johnson had done in the way of ed with votes and marched to the reconstruction and put the South polls where their votes were in- under military government. The spected to insure that they had not first election in N^orth Carolina was been tampered with. The military held by orders issued through Gen- were statione 1 within convenient eral Canby commandiug the de- call in case any obstruction was of- partment in which North Carolina fered to prevent the voter from was situated. This election was voting the' ^publican ticket." The held under rules and regulations interest with which every negro of military orders eminating from voted was a terror because he was headquarters from Charleston. A instructed that a continuance of ticket was formulated which con- his freedom depended upon his sisted of such men as the ultra voting against his formei* master; Republicaus approved. The Demo- and he has never forgotten the les- crats held an election and nomina- son then instilled in his mind.But ted a ticket. The ballot boxes it is beyond the purpose of this were sent to General Canbj^ for paper to go into descriptions the votes to be counted and certi- of the outrageous work which was ficates of election were issued to carried on during this time. It such as could be trusted. continued until the great states- Hence orginated the first Legis- man and patriot, Zebulon B. Vance lature which was held after peace redeemed the state from negro dom- 89 ination. After bis election the tieal strife bat O'.ir common coiintiy people breathed more freely, and has been elevated to a higher plane felt that they were once more to of unselfishness whicli will now direct public affairs. Even Bruns- become a pai^t of the world's his- ■wick county which held a large tory, and when that history is negro majority, once more passed written it is to be hoped that what into the control of conservative we have gone through will be the men. Through all this trying per mere episode in the history of the iod there were a few men scattered United States which will not dis- through the county who labored turb the mental quiet and peaceful- zealously to bring about relief, and ness in which we ought to remain finally better councils prevailed as friends and companions as broth- so that the white population con- ers in arms on land and sea with trolled the county and every part our tlag floating in every harbor uf of it. I will merely in concluding the world as the token of our great- this chapter say; that had Abra- uess as a united people, ham Lincoln been permitted to In reviewing the pei'iod which live he would have carried out a elapsed from the close of the war humane policy which would have up to the election ot (lovernor brought relief from the dreadful Vance it will be seen that wise and calamity which the war had en- patriutic men whose names should tailed and the whole people of the be known and insc-ribed upon the United States would ha\'e been pages of history were laboring happy and prosperous, and the continually to restore peace and miseries which have come upon us prosperity and in doing this they would have been entirely averted, had to act with great judgement Many years ago we might have had and discretion. It is impossible the same result in which we now to name all these men, but it may enjoy peace and prosperity. he said with truth that they were Our universities and our public all Democrats. This writer does school system had been re-estab- lished upon a sure basis, and our young men are going out to estab- not remember the name of one white Kepublican who, during this period acted upon any other i)rin- lish the reputation of our state ciple than to retain power in the in every branch of commerce, and hands of his party. While the every branch of scientific culture Democrats of Br.vaswick county, and improvement. There is now and I think of the whole stite, act- no real reason why the citizens of ed on the principle of restoring the United States should be divid- peace and making a genuine, happy ed by ultra x^artizan ideas. ^^> and reunited country in whose have had a long and tempe-^tuous breast patriotism was th,' moving journey through rough seas of poll- principle. Vo\. John D.Taylor, 40 William AVatters,Oweii D. Holmes, had shown by the war that it pos- D. S. Cowan, Saml. E. Chiuuis, tressed almost unlimited power. D.C. Allen, John M. Bennett, John Great as was the war it had not Mercer, Wilson McKethan, Saml. exhausted the north whi-h had and Jabez Friuk, John II. Min':z, had the world's power ready to D. L. Butler, Jesse Lancaster, come to ifs assistance whenever Peter Eouik, Eufus Galloway, disaster had befallen its arms. It David Gilbert, S. J. Standland, was but a reasonable conclusion Thomas G. Drew, Francis Moore, therefore, that the south must give W. G. Curtis, and a host of others "P the contest. Had it not been equally as good, whose names there for the institution of slavery, the is not sufficient space to record, south could not have maiutained Avere the men who worked in sea- itselfas long as it did, for the son and out of season to bring back south had put all its men of tight- peace to Brunswick county and to ing age into the conllict. Old men, the state. These men were assisted young men and boys had joined as opportunity offered, by nearly the army of the Conlederacy, and every member of the legal profes- i-^ had fought v.ith brilliant energy sion who practiced at the Bruus- ami enthusiasm. Their leaders wick bar, and they were always had been of greater military capa- ready to come over Irom Xew Plan- city than those from the north, and over and other counties to help us. their brilliant strategy had excited The names of those who acted on the admiration of the whole world, the other side are well known to lu particular the great genius of thi-i community, but I will not General Robert E. Lee which was record the names of one of them, displ.nycd in all the battles bet-.veen They went by the names of ''black the Union and the Confederacy. In republicans," ''fushionists," and all arms of the service they had generally speaking their principles heen almost invincible and they were anything to beat the Demo- were only weak in point of number, crats, and they remain without But it must be set do-.vn to the cre- the love of the citizens of Bruns- dit of the slaves of the south, that wick who belong to the Demo- although in their untutored minds cratic party. the desire of freedom existed, yet it , did not display itself in lighting to CHAPTER FOURTEE:?^. gain that freedom. They remain- We shall now lay aside for a ed at home on their plantations and brief period the subject of war and worked deligently for the ''old reconstruction but we must say marster" who had gone to the war here that the war had developed and for the "old mistisses and and shown the great resources of yo"ugi"i«tisses" who remained at both north and south. The north home and who with unflagging zeal 41 did what they could to assist in the es would have goue back peaceably great work which laid before the into the Union v.ithout the difflcal- soldiers in the field. The majority ties which coutinualiy arose and of the slaves remained faithful to made the process of reconstrnctiou the last, and made the corn, pota- by the Republicans almost an im- toes,cottou and all the agricultural possible task. But instead of this^ products which were produced on the time consuaied in reconstruc- southern soil. Thus the slaves tiou occupied many years of the made it possible for the armies of wildest confusion which has been the Confederacy to exist because heretofore descri])ed in these pa- men will not fight when they know pers and now time with leaden that their wives, and children are wings had passed away.had traver- starving. A few of them compar- sed the space consumed by war, atively speaking, were mustwed pestilence aud famine and reeoii- into the service of the Union, structiou, and peace seemed to be mostly on the frontier while a few hovering over the laud. of them all along the coast escaped All thebusiue.'-s operations which to the blockading ships. Bat the had been discontinued, i-esumcd intellect of the negro v.as not sulti- life again aud work began every- cieut to originate libei-ty nor did where where the white man was in they know what to do with itafter possession of tlie field. Planta- they got it; therefore they fell into tions wereagaiis put in order, and the hands of designing men, poll- the splendid rice plantations which ticians^ cirpet-baggers, seallawags bordered the Cape Fear river be- and school ^'marnis" who emigra- gan to look green aud promised ted to the south in great numbers fruitful crops. The waters of the all assisting to make true their Cape Fear aud the Atlantic gleam - contention that the negro was ed with their white sails. The equal to the white man. meichauts of AVilmiugton and In the process of reconstruction producers of all commercial crops it was the chief aim of the politi- began the various 'operations cou- cians to make the negroes tit for the nected with their businesses. The liberty which had come to them laborers who had returned home without their elforts. Siuce tSiey carrying their axes and turpentine were to be free, wise councils on- hackers with them, now resumed the pai-t of the Democratic states- their tuols and returned to the men of the north would have en- forests. The distillers in \\'ilmiug- abled Mr. Lincoln aud others of his ton prepared for business. Tiie class to reconstruct the Federal Goverumeut of the United States Union viithout the terrible scenes showed itself willing to assist in which were enacted by Republican such great woj'ks as the improve- politicaus and all the southern Stat- ment ofrivers and harbojs. Men 42 of enerijy aud eutbnsiasm had been l^ew York and uortheru cities. It seut to WasliingtoQ and appropri- ations were procured for carrying- on work "on the river and bar.Geu- eral William P, Craighill, an en- gineer of distinction was appointed was necessary to accomplish this, that square rigged vessels such as barques and brigs should be used and the successful results of several voyages established this foreign to take charge of the Avoi'ks on the commerce permanently for the Cape Fear river with his able as- city of Wilmington. The business sistant, Mr. Henry Bacon and the of making turpentine and distilling work was taken up where it had it into spirits aud rosin was resum- been left at the beginning of the ed with great activity and contin- war.It was determined then to close ued for sevei'al years. As a natural up the new inlet and turn all the consequence of this great business waters into one channel. This was the turpentine was exhausted and a great work but not too great for the business began to decline. The money, skill and energy to accom- plish and it was accomplished after several years of persistant labor and results immediately followed, show- ing the gradual deepening of the river and bar. This was eminent- ly satisfactory not only to the merchants of Wilmington but to great pine regions of tSouth (Uro- lina, Geoigia aud Florida Mere brought into use and the centre of this trade had to be transferred to Savannah, Ga. Of course no hu- man foresight or energy could pre- vent this, as the pine forest must of necc^ssitv A'ield uo this vital all citizens of Xorth Carolina who tiuid,and go into a state of exhaus- were interested in commercial per- tion in a certain length ot time, suits. The results were not pre- This condition was shown con- cisely as expected but they show- clusively by a gradual but sure ed a deep harbor and plenty of decrease in the number of sailing water on the bar. It showed also ships which came to the port of Wil- that a good channel up the river niingtou for cargoes. If Wimiug- could now be dredged out which ton had not possessed men of great would remain more or less permau- commercial ability, and untiring ent. If shoals accumulated up the energy, the commerce of Wilming- river they could be easily reuioved ton would have entirely ceased, by the expenditure of money. It Cotton must besubstitute, and the was at this crisis of affairs that soil aud climate of the south was certain merchants in the city of such that this business had only Wilmington of whom Mr. E. E. to be started to insure ijermanent Heide was the pioneer, determin- success and this was done by the ed to establish direct shipments firm of Alexander Sprunt & Sous, to the various ports of Europe merchants of Wilmington, which had hitherto beeu sent by The most important results of 43 the opening of the Cape Fear river CHAPTER FIFTEEX. were the facts plain to all observers Smith ville, which abon t fifteen that Kcrth Carolina now had a deep years ago became Sonthport, was water port all the way from the at the time when these remiuis- new inlet which had been closed, cences began in 1848, a small town to the ocean; and this port was to at the mouth of the Cape Fear be permanent and not liable to be river^coramereially of no iaipor- filled np or even obstructed by tauce whatever. It became how- shoals. It was also plainly seen ever through the investigations of that no more great appropriations enterprising people of the city of would be necessary because the Wilmiugton, a place of refuge dur- Fwift and strong current of the jng the summer mouths from mos- Cape Fear would sweep everything qnitoes and malaria. The site of an obstructing nature through on which this small town was its length into the ocean.It seemed built had been given by Governor to the people that this new harbor Benjamin Smith for the purpose deserved a new name, audit was of laying out a town with streets therefore changed from Smithville and publicsquare, and other prive- to Southport. This was the first leges pertainiug to an incorpor- time in the history of the world ated town. The General Assembly that Xorth Carolina possessed a of Xorth Carolina incorporated deep w-ater harbor. It was natural this town uuder the name of Smith- to suppose that North Carolina yiUe, and it was surveyed and would immediately utilize the ad- laid out bv a competent engineer vantages she possessed, by build- into streets, squares and citylots. ing up a town of considerable im- A few of these lots were sold at portauce at the mouth of the river, first, and persons of no small im- But the building of a new city, and portauce purchased them and new lines of commerce is a slow b^Ht houses upon them, moved business, and it requires men of their families to Smithville and large capital who are able to see foaml it a place where they could far m the future to de\elop a new enjoy life, it beiug free from all an- city. Up to 1905 no new city novances. had been developed and the most ihe streets were named after that can be said of it is that at distinguished men who had gained this time the attention of the world their public distinction by acts has been directed to it with a cou- ^-hieii ^ade them known through- siderable probability that some- out the state. Such names as body will do something befcre Moore street, named for Judge much more time rolls by. Alfred Moore; Xash street, for General Xash; Howe street, for General Howe; Rhett street, for 44 Colonel Ehett of 8011111 ('arolina; Potts street and others, and a pub- lic square named Franklin squaie after Beujamiii Franklin, which was devoted to public and charita- ble purposes. The site upon which the town was laid out was of considerable military importance as was amply testified by the construction of a block house in the centre of the town, commanding the entrance to the river; and this fort was named Fort Johnston after a Gov- ernor of that name. Fort Johns- ton was built for defense against Indians mostly or perhaps for de- fense against artillery, the cannon of which at that date were of small size compared to those of the pres- ent day .There were embrazures for cannon and small arms, and wells dug inside showing that the block house or Fort Johnston was inten- ded to stand a siege if there should be war at any time. The block- house was built before the fort, by the English government to pro- tect the citizens from the Indians. This blockhouse after standing for one hundred and fifty years, was finally demolished by railroad promoters who moved toSmithville for the purpose of building a rail- road. The old citizens looked on with disgust at the vandalism they thought would attract the at- tention of capitalists. Then it was that the proposition was mado to chance the name of the town and a petition signed almost unan- imously by the citizens ofSraith- ville was introduced in the Legis- lature, and after much discussion and some lierce opposition the pe- tition was granted. It will be seen therefore that the sight on which Smithville was laid out, had a his tory which was both ancient, and honorable. It had not degenerated except that at the time the town of Smithville was chartered, it was used solely for peaceable purposes but afterwards was the scene of most stirring events. About 1763 Great Britain at- tempted to tax the colonies by means of the Stamp Act which ex- cited the people very greatly, and they determined that it should not be carried out within the limits of North Carolina; and when Great Britian attempted to eaforce the Stamp Act by armed force, they were met by the citizens of the town of Brunswick who seized and destroyed the stamps, and also the vessels which brought them. It has been chronicled in these papers how Smithville has been devastated again and again by war, pestilence and almost by which was willing to destroy these famine. The citizens of Smithville monuments of colonial times for the purpose of merely putting a few more dollars in their pockets and causing the place to assume a more modern appearance which assisted in every way to promote the building up of the city of Wil- mington, as did the citizens of Wil- mington who could never have ar- rived at the distinction of being the 45 r \ greatest naval store market in the mum. It was alsoshowu thatSouth- world, had it not been for the as- port was nearer to the cities of the sistance of the pilots who lived great west by sixty or seventy miles mostly in Smithville. In all the than any other port on the Atlau- strenuous efforts which Wilming- tic coast. It was also in a cou- ton has made to be a city of impor- veuieut position for the exporta- tance, Smithville and Wilmington tion or importation of goods of have acted together in all matters all kinds from the West Indies whose object it was to develop a and South America, that molasses great commerce. But when that and salt which had been heretofore great work of stopping up the J^ew brought from the West Indies to Inlet by building a stone dam across Wilmington and been distributed it had been completed, it was found from thence could be brouglit to that a great basin into which the Southport, and be distributed all largest ships could enter, and find over IS^orth Carolina and the west a safe port of anchorage, and the now more conveniently and cheap- depth of water on the bar increased ly than from any other place. It to 25 feet, thus making it possible was also shown, that vessels com- to build a great city where was ing to Sonthport from any point once Smithville. The great object south would avoid the dangers obtained was met with incredulity of Hatteras, which was, and is a instead of joy. There was not a dread to all who navigate the single port in the state of North ocean. It was also shown for the Carolina in which a great commerce great exportation of coal, South- could have been tiansacted. The port was the best point to start citizens of Smithville saw it, and from. A gieat correspondence they labored in season, and out of was held with people both of the season, to introduce to the world north and west, and large numbers the new harbor, but they had only of railroad promoters came to the mails by which they could dis- Smithville and made thorough iu- tribute this important iuforma- vestigations, and so reported to tion. Using this means, they did business men in places from in the course of a few years, bring M'hence they came, the subject to the attention of the It was thought by the citizens of public in all other states excepting Smithville that Wilmington would North Carolina. It was shown con- take up these matters, and euter- clusively by maps and chajts, by prises with great energy. and avi- reliable information obtained from dity but such has not been the the pilots, that there was actually case and Wilmington with her the depth of water stated and that railroad system running north and the cost of carrying on commerce south has been a solid bar against would here be reduced to a mini- this work, which meant the build- 46 i^jg of railroads from the east to by skillful mechanics antl had been the west. Lately, however this occupied by gentlemen of the olden vigilance which prevented every time. Altho the architecture of attempt to develop the new harbor their houses was of the simplest and its pr(.posed railroad connec- kind, still in every house were tions with the west has been some- evidences of an aesthetic taste, what relaxed .The newspapers pub- Especially their taste ran in the lished in Wilmington and through- direction of mantle pieces and out the state, have discovered now stair cases with carved ballusters what ought to have been discover- for altho the houses were of one ed twenty years ago and have ta- story there were always finished ken up the subject of developing rooms in the attic as was plainly this North Carolina port, with con- evident by the dormer windows siderable interest. which existed in every house and at these modern times are almost CHAPTER SIXTEEN. always leaky did not leak from the There is a history of Smithville time they were built till the houses in its ancient day then known as were in ruins. A dining room of Fort Johnston, ancient because considerable dimensions and side there is no one living to describe board which had been imported accurately its monuments, and fromEngland,also chairs and tables its residences. Even the village of solid mahogany, of that cele- cemetery can tell but little. Its brated maker Chipendale which tombs and its tablets are decayed cannot be duplicated at the pres- and fallen into utter ruin but it is ent day. There was sometimes a learned that many of these tombs piano in the parlor manufactured contained the bodies of persons by Broadwood of Loudon, inlaid who have lived and been respected in the most beautiful manner with and whose good works have out- brass ornaments. Ten years^ago lived even their tomb stones .There there were specimens of these is no one at present living who pianos sitting around in out of the lived in the days of Governor Ben- way places or in the back yard altho jamin Smith or who can tell from the musical part of the instrument personal knowledge who lived in was worthless. The cabinet work or who built most of the houses was of the finest construction and which stood in Smithville in 1848. did not come to pieces even when Yet they were built for persons exposed to wind and weather. The to live in who were gentlemen of bricks which were used for the culture and refinement. They construction of foundations and possessed a style peculiarly their chimneys were brought over from own and this style indicated beyond England and many lie buried n doubt that they had been built the soil at the present day as good 47 as when they were new. EDOugh was and highly oruani en tal stair ease left of these buildings so that per- which led to the upper rooms. On sons who nov>- live could testify that the lower tloor, there were draw- they were built by careful and ing rooms, on one side the grand skillful mechanics and many of entrance hall and a large dining our modern mechanics could learn hall thirty or forty feet long ou the lessons from an inspection of this otherside. old work and would see at once This summer home ofGov.Smith's that the houses and all parts of was his favorite resort as its situa- them were built by workmen who tiou was healthy and overlooked did honest work and built not the beautiful bay and Atlantic- only for money but also for repu- ocean and the island across the tation. bay on the south formed a lovely In 1848 there were at least twen- green spot for the eye to rest up- ty of these houses in Smith ville, on making an agreea))le variety in now there is not oue.The question is the scenery which without it an interesting one. Who built would have been a water view these houses and who lived in somewhat monotonous and glaring them? The owner, and the artisan to look upon a hot summer day. have long crumbled to dust and We may believe and in fact we their names are forgotten. In the know that this mansion was a home year 1848 there was one exception where lavish geueiosity and hos- to this rule. A large and perhaps pitality prevailed. Many distin- at that time a palatial residence quished visitors from both the which might have been called the Carolinas were entertained in this Governor's palace stood at the coi- delightful home. Gov. Smith was ner of Bay and Potts streets. It was prominent in all political affairs not built by Gov. Smith forhisresid- only in North and South ('aioliua ence stood ou the most beautiful but in the new Republic which was spot than then existed or does now being forjued and it was after the exist on the Cape Fear River. It death of Gov. Smith found to be remained intact but neglected and a suitable residence for another out of repair up to the year 1858, governor of North Carolina, Gov. E. when Mr.ThomasD.Meares became B. Dudley who made his summer the owner of the property and home in Smithville in 1838. Mr. finding it too much out of repair, Thomas D. Meares erected a tine took the old house down and built residence upon the ruins of the a modern structure upon the ruins, old house and it has maintained its The old house was entered from the reputation ever siuee the untimely front and as you entered and look- death of Mr. Meares and many dis- ed towards the back your eyes tinguislied men including three would have rested upon a specious other governors of North Carolin i 48 have eujoyed visits to this resid- gieat business in itself in Bruns- ence and perhaps have found it as wick county but it had a serious pleasant a place to visit as it was a drawback in 1849. The principle hundred years before. The old makers of turpentine in Brunswick house built by Gov, Smith on this county came originally from Pitt^ spot and many others in the town Edgecomb and Craven counties, of smaller dimensions were prob- They came and purchased or leas- ably designed and built by Benja- ed lands which were throughout min Blany a man esteemed by the county very attractive to this every one who resided in Smithville class of our fellow citizens. At as a man of fine abilities^generous, the date above mentioned the trees charitable, fond of field sports and had not been tapped,and there was a personal friend of Gov. Smith, gieat competition to see who could He lies buried in the old cemetery get the most of this valuable tim- at Smithville but his tombstone ber; they set the example to the which has fallen into much decay original <;itizeus of the county and revivals the fact that he was a man they too commenced the business, of high character in every respect. Dropping the plough, and the hoe There is at present standing but and the planting of all kinds of one house which may be called an- field crops they began tapping the cieut in Smithville and that is the trees for turpentine and to hire house now known as St. Philips large numbers of negroes to do the rectory, but this house altho built work. At the same time they of materials which had stood the began to tap the trees, they began ravages of time for a century or to buy provisions; corn, bacon more does not display any of the andmola»ssesall those things which architectural merits which reveal constituted rations. They hired all themselves so plainly in the hous- the negroes they could giving their es which had been built more than notes at pretty high prices for the a century ago by Benjamin Blany. years work and as was the custom of that time getting their friends, and CHAPTER SEVENTEEN. neighbors to endorse their paper. It is curious to observe, in how Having advanced to this stage the dev'elopment of cities and of the business they proceeded to states the ideas commercial or look over their property with gi'eat otherwise which stand at the foun- complacency and to discount their dation of progress can always be profits. What was the horror there- traced to the active brains of a few fore of a great number of these men individuals and this is especially as they passed through the beauti- the case in the development of the ful pine forest to see large numbers city of Wilmington, of these splendid trees showing The turpentine interest was a signs of some direful disease 49 Avhich .spread in one eeason over a fences tobuild and new implements large part of Brnuswick connty. to be purchased. So that on the The trees died ^ in some places all whole, the turpentine interests in of them, leaving hundreds of acres Brnnswick connty did not prove to with nothing bat dead trees upon be profitable. If all who owned tur- them ; in other places half the trees pentine lands had only worked them more or less died and it was seen to such extent as they could Avith that the prospect was very gloomy their own force and had not ne- aud that their great expecta- glected the farm crops which were tious of profit must be disappoin- essential, they would have made ted. This disease apparently was money invariably and their trees confined mostly to Brunswick would have lasted a very long time county and large losses were sus- before they were used up. tained by these enterprising men But the active minds of the busi- instead of great gains. Then in ness men of Wilmington saw much addition to these responsibilities farther ahead than did the proprie- were the notes which had to be tors and laborers of the pine forest, paid at maturity. Large expenses So they began to investigate the were incurred for supplies for condition of the Cape Fear River the turpentine laborers vtml farms with the improvemeutof its naviga- on the'r hands were neglected with tion as au ultimate necessity. They growiug crops upon them. This proceeded in a manner which will disease was new and very remark- be hereafter described to improve able and there was nothing v.hich the conditions by which they could could be done to stop it. Fortu- get this great product of the pine nately it did not extend much be- tree into the markets of the world; j^ond this county and lasted but they went on however the same one year; it was caused by an in- way for many years and it was not sect pest which bored through the until after the war that Mr. R. E. bark and deposited their eggs uu- Heide,Mr. Alexander Sprunt and a der the baik, which prevented the tew others conceived the idea of ex- growth of the tree. Many turpen- porting the naval stores which tine makers were, ruined but the were made in Wilmington, direct- business as it appeared in the <:*ity ly to Europe. The feasability of of Wilmin^-tou did not show any ef- doing this was denied by many but fects as it was confined to such a the originators of this new idea pro- limited.ai^ea,, But farming which ceeded to develop their plans. At is the4"Qundatiott of prosperity in first only a few foreign ships could any countvy^ was temporarily des- be induced to come into the Cape troy^d and that business: had to be Fear River where they knew the done over again, from the begin- navigation was bad for square rig- uingjuew lands .to dear, and new ged vessels. The few that tried it 50 first being vessels of light draft and mother country, and who iinally coming as they did from the Brit- accomplished the purpose on which ish Korth American Provinces of they started. England, K^orway, Denmark and Germany and also a good many CHAPTER EIGHTEEN. small brigs from the West Indies The men thought th<:'ir all of which loaded for European rights were invaded by the Fedeial ports, and making safe voyages, Government and did not hesitate soon distributed the news all over to go to war with a power many foreign ports that they could find times greater than they were, and cargoes of naval stores in the port who fought for four long years of Wilmington, North Carolina, with the fortitude and bravery So the foreign export business which has seldom been witnessed was established on a sure founda- in the world's history. Now peace tion, and continued successful. had '.succeeded to war and to a The Cape Fear Eiver and the peiiod called "recoustr action'' port of Wilmington was soon which was worse than any calamity crowded with foreign vessels, in- which had pj-eceded it, and it creasing in size and draft as the had left the commercial city of river and navigation was improv- Wilmington without commerce, or ed.The tore-and-aftschooner which anything on which to build a corn- had been used exclusively, had to merce. At this time it seemed to withdraw from the business, and be necessary that men of character this continued until the product previously mentioned should of the pine began to diminish come forward with the energy rapidly, and had to be discon- which they possessed to develop tinned in a large measure. The the arts of peace and commerce, scenes which have been described, Fortunately one commercial house of sailing vessels coming in and in the city of Wilmington was going out of the harbor of Smith- equal to theemergeucv. Mr. James ville had begun to be a thing of Sprunt of the house of Alexander the past and now came another Sprunt & Sons proposed that cot- period of the low tide of prosperity; ton should be made the basis of a but there were men equal to the new commerce. But it was impos- emergency; men who could, do sible even to make a respectable things when required and do them beginning with only sailing ships well, no matter how difficult; men which were loaded with cotton for who dared to seize the stamps, different foreign ports but it became when sent over to tax the colonists; evident immediately that this was men who stood shoulder to shoulder too slow to give any hope of suc- with the men of Massachusetts in cessful competition with other resisting all oppression by the ports. Then Mr. James Sprunt 51 determined to proceed persoually trade of Wilmington began, and to Europe, and sec what he could Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son, d9 iu the establishment of steam were found to be the parties who lines to foreign ports. There were could handle the business success- many difficulties to overcome, fully. Gradually, and year by Wilmington was not known any- year larger vessels were substi- ^ where in the outside world as a tuted for the smaller ones which cotton port and the old nj.-chin'^, had made safe trips without acci- ship masters and owners looked dent and the trade grew rapidly Upon Wilmington as a port, where until it was found that steamships there was too little water on the drawing twenty feet of water, some bar and difficult and unsafe navi- of them carrying over twenty gation up the Cape Fear River to thousand bales of cotton could Wilmington, But Mr. Sprunt make their trips to and from Wil- knew that the depth of water was mington as safely as from any increasing by means of the new other port on the South Atlantic works which were inaugurated by coast. In this manner commerce the general government for the was re-established in the port of purpose of increasing the depth of Wilmington, and it consisted very water. Mr. Sprunt succeeded in largely of the single article of cot- convincing ship owners and mer- ton export, which remains to the chants that they might try a few of present day, when over three their smallest steamships with hundred thousand bales are ship- safety, ped yearly, with a prospect of an It was therefore a surprise and increasing trade, a great pleasure to see these iron But it must be evident to every tramps, which though small in observer that large cities cannot size, looked very large to those be built up solely on one article of who were well accustomed to sail- commerce. The next most impor- ing vessels:. At this point fears taut article, which is a necessity were expressed that the pilots is coal. Bit Wilmington could not would antagonize this new trade monopolize the article of coal; she by means of steam tramps, but is too far up the river to handle it this was an imaginary difficulty successfully. Therefore her mer- purely, for the pilots concerned chants changed their opinions and themselves about nothing except- agreed that coal should be carried ing the vessel which required their to Southport, where there is deep services, and it was a point of water and easy access to and from honortocarry these vessels through the ocean but this trade has not the obstructions, and safe to Wil- yet been developed, mington. There are signs however that it Sain this small way the cotton will soon become a fact that ships 52 of the largest capacity will ccnie eut ccuuties through which the to Sonthport for their cargoes. In these papers which have been line was to pass were enthusiastic about the great beuetit Avhieh Avritten, the distance, though a would acc-rue to the state of Xorth short one, has been travelled in spite of the greatest natural obsta- cles which are not yet entirely re- moved but which will be before the Cape Fear river, Wilmington and Sonthport become cities and a port of recognized importance. To the energetic, and well direct- ed action of the business men of Carolina. The corporation was organized with a board of directors and a president and it was repoi ted that a Trust Company iniSTewYork had promised to float its bonds. Then a second corps of engineers started from Smithville to locate the line. They proceeded about forty miles. Throughout North Wilmington, will be due the credt Carolina from Smithville to Bris- when their object is finally ac- complished. CHAPTER NINETEEN. About twenty years ago the dis- covery of this new harbor iuNorth tol, Tenn., it was pronounced by the people living anywhere near the line that it was a grand enter- prise, Mhich would open North Carolina to the commerce of the west. So far the ^'bulls'' had had Carolina had been jjublished in full charge of the scheme: but it many papers at the North and West, and the opportunities for was time that the ^'bears'' should have their "innings,-' ami they developing it had reached the immediately prepared to depreci- ears of capitalists. Promoters ate the value of the scheme, and began to pour into Smithville from all parts of the West, and even from England. One corporation was formed called^'The SonthAtlantic &North Western R. R. Co." The pro- the ''bears" were even found in the company itself. Brunswick county had sub- scribed large sums, and it was perfectly evident that the people, were almost unauimouslv in favor moters of this scheme were men of of the enterprise. But the money considerable ability. David Risley and J. B. Bilheimer were the names of the principal promoters. Apparently these promoters had some money of their own which they were willing to spend. They put a force of engiueersin the field and surveyed a line through from Sonthport to Bristol, Tenn. All went favorably and the differ- centers had been infected with distrust. The locating corps of engineers were called in and all active work ceased . It is not the purpose of this writer to go into particular des- cription of the i^ronioting schemes which had been launched since 1883. Suffice it to say, that they 53 might be numbered by the dozens that the tide ol' prosperity h s and no matter how influential the ebbed and flowed many time's since promoters of all or any of them the turpentine industry was at its have been, those who did not want flood. Natural causes have caused the ioad to be built, have proved prosperity to decline, and the to be the strongest. great energy of Wihnington mer- At the present time there is a chants, has caused it again to rise plan said to be in course of pro- to a considerable height; but what motion by capitalists having un- is required, is that industries told vrealtli; owuiug railroads and should be varied and large enough steamship lines to theWest Indies to keep the golden tide of pros- toSouth America and having large perity always at high water mark, coast wise interests, because they We suggest with great deference have positive information, that to the opinion of others, that an Southport has a harbor equal to ample supply of coal lies at the their wants, and they propose foundation of all kinds of pros- therefore to utilize it. But of perity. The city of Wilmington "what prospective value this infor- must offer to the world favorable mation may be, must be left for conditions for all kinds of mauu- time to develop. facturing, it must offer to the As all matters of this kind world good and cheap markets for belong to the present, and can be all the productions required for in no way coujected with the the use of manufacturers and the reminiscences of the past, I leave thousands of operatives which this subject merely saying that it they must employ. It must have is a great pity that money and a lirst class railroad to Southport enterprise sufficient for the pur- where people can pujchase build- pose cannot be found in North ing sites and build houses for Carolina, so that some of the great permanent occupation for both schemes proposed could be carried winter and summer. The climate! out; particularly that one which is eminently suited to this. The ■will brinj coal to our doors at as rich lands which are suited for cheap rates as it is supplied to trucking and farming purpose* citizens and manufacturers at the must be connected with South- north and west. Wilmington port and Wilmington by fast lines needs cheap coal and Southport of railroad. needs cheap coal. Without it Then, as it seems to the writi?r manufacturers cannot thrive, and of these articles, Wilmington and the high price which individuals Southport will be one and the have to pay is simply ruinous. same city, having the same in- On looking over these series of terest and it would be a cheerful papers, it is plainly to be seen, day for the inhabitants of this 54 section wheu all petty jealous- peutine business, bt cause the ies are wiped away. farmers engaged in that business had al)audoned their farms and CHAPTER TWENTY. made no corn aud uo pork and the The low country of the southern laborers in the turpentine woods states consists of a strip of land had to be fed with corn and meat about one hundred miles long ex- which had to be purchased else- tending along the coast from the where. This was one of the mis- Atlantic and Gulf coast for nearly fortunes attending the turpentine their whole length. This immense business; that farming was neg- territory is intersected by some lected,the farm suffere 1 to become large rivers and a great many delapidated. small ones emptying into the Turpentine being a cash business Atlantic Ocean andGulf of Mexico, produced nothing but cash as the There are many swamps of large result of working the trees, and size, and most of them are sus- every farmer imagined he could ceptible of being drained, aud see a golden harvest at tlie end of when drained they form the most a years' work, but be did not see fertile lands which this country that he had nothing to do with can exhibit, producing immense making the price of his product quantities of corn;and so large has which was fixed by speculators been this crop of corn in former who engineered and controlled years that these swamps were prices after the material had called the grainery of the country, reached market, and made it im- The dweller in Smithville had possible for tlie farmer aud owner previous to the closing up of the of the land to calculate with any New Inlet, seen fleets consisting certainty what would be the final of hundreds of vessels loaded with result of his years' labor, corn coming through the New This great strip of land which Inlet by which they saved a long was upon the sea coast aud ran up voyage around Frying Pan Shoals the rivers, was covered with the on their way to Wilmington, most beautiful giowth of pine Charleston, Savannah and all the trees that it was possible to imagine Southern ports. These vessels Only here and there in the swamps were of fine construction. They and along the margins of streams, were built in the sounds by the was there any other growth ex- inhabitants themselves of that ceptiug pines and as the country region. Probably as many more was perfectly level and very little of the same size, loaded with the undergrowth to obstruct the vine same cereal sailed along the north- it was often possible to see for ern coast, supplying the northern miles a forest in which the giant cities with corn. It was a necessity of the tur- boles of these pine trees ascended to the hight of a hundred feet or 56 more, and beneathjthegroaiul was themselves have been bariied and CO verad with grass and flowers. It there is a desert exposed to view ^■&s certaiuly a niofit boautiful instead of the beantifui lorest prosp3jfc and one which could not l)ef()i'e described, and the visitor be seen iu any other country. would be surprised to see that no ^ot onl^y were these forests trees of any kind havesprung upto .Jep.i^t;fu], but iL;y weje valuable make a second growth on the lands bej'oad any estimate v, hich their and he will be informed tliat this owners were apt to make of them, isbeciu^e the woods are full of The turpentine which might be hogs who root up the ground and made to flow from vi'ounds in their e-t up every s.^ed v.iiich a-cident surface made by the axe and tur- or design may have deposited, peutino hacker to bring large sums The farmer will deplore his im- of moaey into the pockets of the providence^ and wish he had not owners and they were also more been so deeply infected wilh the vala;iblti than any other trea for numia which destroyed the county building purposes. and value of his laud to a great In cousequence of these values extent, and he will study how he and others attached to a pine can recompense himself in some forest they were attacked with degree for what has been lost. the vigor of desperation to get At this point the lumber getter their products to maiket and no makes his appearance, and pro- estimste wasmade of theloss which poses to buy every tree wdiich will would accrue of the using up of produce a raili'oid tie. lie in- these valuable trees. Hence it is vades the swamj s, and sees thous- now certain that the business was ands of cyi)res;> trees, the growth v.'asteful in almost every respect, of (Centuries perhaijs, and he pro If one now in the year 1905 goes poses to buy the trees or even lauds out into these lands to examine upon which they grow. Here the them, he will flnd thej'^ have been own-r sees his chancQ to make hacked as high as the laborer can something, andso he sells the trees reach with a long pole and the or rents or buys the land, and the turpentine exhausted in the tree work of getting railroad ties for never to be replaced; that there northern market begins. Saw- beauty is gone, and that here and mills are est iblished upoj all the there very frequently lire has gone navigable streams, and soon the through these iuHammable trees clang of the saws is heai-d in every and destroyed them outright and place wdierc there is a tree of what forerer. That in CDu^equguce of ever kind it may be;- pines, cyp- burnlng the woadj so that new reise^, bla.*k gum and every other grass cauld spring up every year tree which can be shipped and for pasturage for cattle, the trees manufactured into anything is cut 56 and prepared for shipmeut. records that any attention of con- The people of the state generally sequence was paid to education or consent to this business a id great public schools previous to 1845. corporations are chartered by the There was a tradition of roving legislature. school masters from the old country Soon large schooner^ make their who traveled about teaching appearance for the purpose of tak- schools here and there as they ing on cargoes of railroad ties, could find enough pupils to give The owners of these vessels and them siipport. These men would merchants, who may have become teach a short while in a place, interested in this business, seek then move on to some other fitl I. for everj' chance that may offei to Some of them were delapidated reduce the cost of shipmeut and in- gentlemen, who passed as gradu- duce vessels to engage in the trade, ates of Oxford or Cambridge, but They make it appear that the cost uone of them seemed to be of much of pilotage is prohibitory to their value to the cause of education, business, therefore pilotage must But about the year 1850 Mr. be abolished, in which ciise the Jeremiah Murphy moved to money paid to pilots would go in- Smith ville for the purpose of to their own pockets. Thus the establishing a school. Mr. Mur- clearing of North Carolina of every phy was a very agreeable gentle- nseful trade goes on with fearful man, reliable and a man of tine rapidity and the owners of the character and abilities. He was lauds find themselves but very a scholar and a gentlemen of little richer on account of this weried talents. He was well know business, and the glory and beauty to the writer as a genial companion of the scenery is destroyed forever, and good friend. He, with other friends, took a i active interest in CHAPTER TWENTY-OXE. the promoting of teaching, for It must not be considered, that which he was well fitted, being a because these papers have hitherto teacher by profession, well versed chronicled the rise and fall of Wil- in the classics, and in all branches mington and also the rise and fall of mathematical science and polite ofSmithville along with it, that literature. Besides he had a very nothing had been done in Smith- interesting family consisting of his ville of sufficient importance to be wife and several children all of noted. whom were calculated to exercise On the contrary many things a refining influence upon the corn- have happened which has eflfected munity. not only Smithville itself, but the Mr. Murphy saw at once the State of North Carolina. necessity of a good and permanent Neither history or tradition school at Smithville, and he, with, others, iniTnediately set about the Murphy and the Rev. J. H. Brent, promotion of a permanent one. The school prospered gieatly for Hut there was no school house in sevejal years, and np to the begin- the town, and it was a matter of ning of the war, when it with all prime necessity to have a good other schools >vas discontinued to school house, if there was to be a await happier and more peaceful gco I school. The matter was at times. once discussed among the people During the war the building was of Smithville and county of Bruns- treated very roughly being taken wick, and much interest in the by the Confederate authorities for .subject of education was developed, a store house for commissary sup - "Which resulted in a liberal sub- plies for the army. At the close scription by many of the perma- of the war it Mas found to be in a nejjt citizens of the county. wrecked and delapidated condi- Di\ L'rederick J. Hill, of Orton tiou, and the Masonic Lodge had Plantation, contributed three gone out of existence, hundred dollars, and the other It has before been stated in rich planters on the Cape Fear these papers that the Federal contributed from fifty to two huu- Xavy under Capt. Cushing had dred dollars each. Mr. John C. broken open the Lodge and stolen Swain and Mr. McRacken, con- the jewels, while they were en- tributed liberally, and Mr. Daniel gaged in the business of destroying L. Russell, Sr., contributed two such records of the county, as hundred dollars. St. Johns Lodge they could find in the court house. Xo. 110 of Free ]\rasons, being The building remained in this con- about to lose their rooms in the ditiou until the political crisis of old court house, ]>y reason of that reconstruction was furnished and building being torn down for the a reasonable amount of security for purpose of erecting a new court private and public property had house, contributed six hundred been secured, and then the few sur- dollars, with the condition, that viviug Masons secured a new the property should be put under . charter for their lodge under the their charge for Lodge purposes name of Pythagoras Lodge Ifio. and that a deod should be made 219, and the work of repairing and to them by the town authorities rebuilding the delapidated acad- for educational and charitable pur- emy was begun by means of funds poses as provided by the charter contributed by citizens of South- of the town. port and others until the building The building was accordingly was made habitable for the purpose ;: erected on Franklin Square, and for which it was originated. school immediately began under During the time which had the personal direction of Mr. elapsed since the close of the war 58 up to the present time, a school of new and more modern structure more or less importance has been built of brick in 1S54 about the kept in this building. Of these same time when the academy before schools a few deserve a special described was erected . mention as having laid a foua- While these improvements have datiou for a good education, and a been going on the citizens of good character for many pupils. It Smithville and Southport had not is estima*^ed that over fifty of the neglected the building of churches young men of Southport through and where there were onlv two the careful training and education in 1850 there are now seven of of Rev. H. A. Duboc and his wife different denominations, all posses- and Dr. Samuel W. Murphy, (the sing bells of greater or less size, latter a son of Mr. Jeremiah 3Iur- which ring every day of the week. phy before mentioned) have gone out into the world topersue those CnAPTEIi TWKXTY-TWO. professions for which the founda- As the courts and the practite tiou was laid in the schools of of law in Brunswick county, have these gentlemen. We may further been spoken of in these papeis, as add that among these boys there being entitled to the greatest res- are two lawyers, three doctors, pect, it seems proper that tlie one professor of architecture in names of thelawyers who practised the University of ^'^orth Carolina, in this court should have some one editor, one (Ca-shier of a Wil- mention as a token of remcmbr- mingtou bank, one bank teller in anceof the times of peace which a Xew York Trust Co., three grad- prevailed up to 18G1. The Hon. nates in pharmacy, and one in Robt. Strange was an attorney dentistry, several in the employ- practising in Brunswick county. Hjent of the governmept, besides He was eminent in his profes:--iu:i numerous others occupying re- of law, and had also represented sponsible positions as book keepers his district in Congress. He was and clerks in North Carolina and spoken of by Franklin Pierce — other states. Music has also i-e- aifterwards as President of the ceived macit attention, and pianos United States— in a letter of intro- may now be found in many fami- duction given to the writer in 1847 lies whose childrjen were instructed as"my valued friend Strange^and under the iniluence of this school, there seemed to be much alTection The old courthouse which was between these twomen. Col. Re bert originally at Lockwood's Folly, Strange, son of above mentioned was removed to Smithville in 1805 gentleman, and his partner Dun- and became the second old court can K. McRae practised in the house of Brusnwick county, which courts of Brunswick, both being was torn down to be replaced by a men of real-ability, Thomas Q. Miller, Dave. B. Bater, Manger tnry. The iialf century, \s'bich London, John L. Holmes and preceeded this one, was a most in- Robert L. French who was after- teresting period in the history of ward Judge, and was distinguised North Carolina, many oftheaetors for his ability as a lawyer, for his and public events of that period gentle and social qualities, and have been ably detailed by Col. who had the courtly manners of Alfred M. Waddell, Mr. James the olden time gentleman, and was Sprunt and others, and the history greatly beloved by his host of written by them continues as friends. The Hon. George Davis, records of great men and great afterwards the Attorney General deeds which honored themselves of the Confederate States, honored and the nation, and has given to and beloved by his friends and North Carolina a high position in associates to the last of his life, every branch of law, science, medi- and Moody B. Smith, a lawyer of cine, poetry and fiction, ability, was a member of the Great changes are now impend- Brunswick bar and practised here ing over the political condition cf until the close of the war when he State and Nation, and it is im- removed to the city of New York, possible to fortell what the result Duncan J. Devane, Alfred M. may be; and it is safe to say that Waddell and Col. Charles M.Sted- no half century of the nation's man, also practised in Brunswick history can be more interesting or County; also the Hon. Samuel J. more pregnant with |;great events, Person, a man of great ability in than the on which these pages the legal profession, was elected a imperfectly describe, judge of the Superior Court of During the time when the tur- law, which position he held with pentine industry engrossed a honor to himself and credit to the large part of the business of east- ■tate. ern North Carolina, agriculture There are so many others con- was at a low ebb; the decline of nected with the legal profession in this industry has led to the sub- Brunswick County, that it is im- stitution of a new kind of agri possible to mention the names of culture, more varied and interest- all of them. Nearly all of those ing in every respect than that whose names are herein subscribed which existed when the pine tree have passed away leaving honor- occupied so much of the attention ablercQordsof their distinguished of the land owners of Eastern service to their clients and to the North Carolina. Great plantations country. have been devided into smaller The period of time embraced in ones and new lands have been these reminiscences is that between brought into cultivation. Neat 181S ko IWO or over a half a cen- cottages have been built in large 60 numbers and the smaller farms beautiful and profltable of all tt\e have been fenced with durable farmers' crops, adding millions or fences, so that in some places the dollars to the value of his property, whole face of the country appears and giving him that one of nature's like an immense market garden, products which is more often Better stock has replaced the old spoken of in that Great Book which and most of the farmers pride should be the rule and guide of themselves upon their fine stw-k of every one's faith viz: The Holy of cattle, horses aud mules, which Bible. the profits of their trucking in- Let us hope that the apple, the dustry enables them to possess, peach and every variety of fruit The improvements in agriculture which grows so luxuriously in a is so great it would take much large part of North Carolina will space to detail it. When these be added to the farmers produc- farmers shall be able to see their tious; that above all, the interests way clear to dispose of the thou**- of sheep husbandry shall be culti- ands of worthless cur dogs, so as vated, and many more thousands to add sheep husbandry to the of dollars be added to the farmers other labors of the farm, and the purse. These last mentioned "razor back" hog shall disappear products all are possible when from the forest, and trees of all agriculture is varied, kinds will be permitted to spring The next great changes which up and grow, then we may conti- havecometopassduriugtheperiod dently predict that eastern North of which these chapters have been Carolina will be the garden spot of written is of course the period of the world . While these improve- war, in which the Cape Fear section mentsare going on, aud in process took prominent position. The far of developement there will be time reaching effects of the war between to find out that there are classes of the States has already taken muuy persons whose brains cannot be schemes, written by able historians developed to any great extent, and of the times, and will take mrjny it is a waste of time and money to more schemes before the effects of try to make preachers, lawyers, that great contest can be described doctors and school masters out of in detail. At the time when men- whose ;highest developement these reminiscences were could^only :make them skillful in begun. North Carolina and every the developement of the soil, some part of it, was indeed a happy ideas of a political nature, which land, its inhabitants both male goby the names of prohibition, will and female were filled with love be-smoothed away to such extent, for their country, and the fires of that the grape vine and its patriotism burned in every breast, products will be one of the most The changes made by war which 61 peaerratofl every home, aud r-vei y lire skle have not changed that lofty patriotism wiiich existed be- fore the war, and althongh lor a few short years the citizens of North Carolina and the sonth gene- rallj- gave their entire ener<^ies to the war, for principles which they believed to be just. They still believe in their conntry and the whole of it as the 'Hand of the frcC; aud the home of the brave,*' aud they love it with abiding de- votion, bat they caunot forget, that they fought for a principle which seemed to them to be just aud right. They will never for- get the dear ones who fought so bravely, so many of whom lie buried beneath the soil, but these memories do not make them less true to the country which is agaiu reunited by ties which can never again be broken. at { 63 6.4 .^m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ililllllliililliill 014 496 002 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 496 002 6 C Conservation Resources