§>ongg in Qi\\t Ntgt|t t SONGS IN THE NIGHT SONGS IN THE NIGHT BY ELIZABETH MARGARET HAMPTON PUBLISHED BY THE ALDINE PUBLISHING HOUSE XENIA, OHIO COPYRIGHTED 1915 \c\\ <, TO MY FATHER AND MOTHER CHARLES AND SARAH HAMPTON MAY "8 1915 ©CI.A397921 THE SONG TRIUMPHANT PRELUDE Let me but sing for Thee "Who, from discord brought harmony. Sing of Thy love: That all may know, When Thou art friend. No powei' can prove a foe. Sing of Creation, When from chaos, Thou did'st order bring. And good, pronounced Every living thing. Of man, in whom, Thine image Thou did'se place. The serpent's tempting. And the sure disgrace. The curse — Thy mercy. Sent by Thine own Son, By whom, the victory O'er sin is won. SONGS IN THE NIGHT Of whom the prophets, Many years* had sung: Whose birth, by heavenly choir. O'er Bethleliem was rung. Whose star, the sheplierds saw. And hastened tlien. With eager footsteps And hearts filled with awe. To whom, the wise men, Their rich treasures brought. Knowing the star would lead them To the Child, they sought. Who now is risen, And at God's right hand, Still, day and night. Doth plead for sinful man. PART ONE THE CREATION Long, long ago ere Time began to serve. Ere earth knew aught of man or beast; The Triune God, All-knowing, Omniscent, His messenger, thro' space was quickly sent. Down, down to earth he came: In chaos found. No life of creature cumbered yet The ground. All was in Darkness Nor desired the light: Sin reigned supreme: Enjoying still, the Night. SONGS IN THE NIGHT Back to the pearly gates The angel flew. His pinions sparkling, Fresh with morning dew. Sad was his story: Sin on earth has sway: Nor angel messenger Can crave to stay. Then spoke the Father, "Light!" And there was light. And then he spoke again, And it was night. Seven times he spoke: At each, the day awoke: Thus, was the gentle news To old earth broke. Then into being brought He Forth a man A thing unknown before Think mortals, if you can. A being, formed by God, Him to adore. Within, a soul, His image Then he bore. Within a garden. With all beautiful, Trees, fruits and flowers. And birds in leafy bowers. All this, for man. The highest, then, of all the creaturea. Made, to kno\\ His call. But bird, and beast, and fowl. Have mate to love. The Almighty heedeth this, in heaven abore, SONGS IN THE NIGHT And so, to finish and surround Him quite, with all good things, He giveth him a wife. THE TEMPTATION A goodly thing To look upon. But lo, one of His creatures, Serpent is his name — For Sin, consents This creature to defame. So, coming stealthily By night. And knowing, these Knew only of the right, He whispers and pretends, If she — still innocent. Shall pluck from Wisdom's Tree, Some fruit. She wise as God shall be; And know both good and evil. Same as He. Oh cursed knowledge! Then, by God denied. By this one creature Man, is most desired. Tho' warned to taste not, Still he looks and yearns And ever more The desire within him burns. And so, an easy victim Does he fall To Sin, by Serpent's tempting. Then list! A call From that fair thing His wife; Come Adam! Eat! And know new life. SONGS IN THE NIGHT THE FALL So leaving all the pleasures Still behind, She plucks and eats, Gives Adam the same kind. They eat. — O woe! For now, they know Themselves in nakedness; And shame doth glow In every nerve. Right hastily did Eve Some fig leaves tear, And quick some garments Sews for wear For self and Adam; Hiding thus the shame. And fearing God's stern voice Shall call his name. To farthest corner of the garden Adam flies, Himself and mate I'rom wrath of God to hide. But lo, He comes. And knowing all, doth cry, "Adam, where art thou, Why, my presence fly?" And trembling still, He comes and bowing low, "The woman. Thou gavest Sorely tempted. So To satisfy, I yielded Then I saw. That I was naked For I broke Thy law." 10 SONGS IN THE NIGHT THE CURSE Forth from His presence From the garden sent O, sad the story Awful punishment. REPENTENCE Long years, nay ages Earth has grown Full many offspring, Sinful Adam's own. The Lord of heaven Looks on the creatures fair His highest being And He heeds his prayer. THE HEAVENLY COUNCIL Again in council Sit the Triune band This time to save the creature, Known as Man. Who'll take the burden? Share his self-bought woes? Who'll dare to suffer Self in flesh to clothe? The brighest of the Trinity, The Son, Pleads, "Father, send me Let me go for Thee And die, if need be; Then shall man be free And live with Us, Throughout eternity. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST The Father grants His wish. In flesh bedight He makes His entry SONGS IN THE NIGHT 11 On one starry night. And Angel heralds In mid-air proclaim, This is the Saviour, Honor, man, His name." HIS EARTHLY CAREER Years thirty-three This Son of virgin, served As man; lived spotless; Still unswerved from purpose, Same as when with Triune band He chose to plead The cause of sinful man. THE CRUCIFIXION Then came a day When on the cross. He died. The Son of God By man is crucified. Three days. He lay In tomb, by Joseph given Before His ascent On a cloud to heaven. THE PROMISED REST And lo, with Him We all may claim a part, In God's sure dwelling, If we give our heart. With Him, we all May have a mansion, fair, And live fore'er And in His presence snare. ^2 SONGS IN THE NIGHT A LESSON We get what we give: Be it joy or sorrow. The deeds of to-day Bring harvest to-morrow. Pat a child on the cheek. She returns with her dolls Paper dolls, rag dolls Tabbies and all. Give love to all, then. But seek no return. As bread to the waters. Tenfold it will earn. The sweet trustful child Gives a lesson to all. She offers her best, Tho' only a doll. Said the Master and Lord Except you repent And be as a child You shall lose your reward. SONGS IN THE NIGHT 13 CHRISTMAS POEMS ODE TO THE CHRIST CHILD O Jesus, who wast born, In Bethlehem on that blest morn, When on the night The shepherds saw, All round about, a light; And angel voices did proclaim "Peace on earth, good will to men." And wise men hastened to the spot. And precious presents to thee brought; Thy birth to-day we celebrate With mirth and gladness Or relate some tale of sadness or of joy. May not a tear or sigh annoy The hearts of men to-day; But let us keep the charge as when Angels sang "Peace on earth, good will to men." MERRY CHRISTMAS Merry Christmas! Once again. To the hearts of weary men, 14 SONGS IN THE NIGHT Joy and comfort You are bringing; As of old on Bethleliem's plain, When the angel choir triumphant, Loud, the Saviour's birth proclaimed; While the wondering shepherds listened, "Peace on earth, good will to men." This the Saviour thro' all ages Offers freely to all men. Whosoever on Him calleth Shall have life and peace, Amen. CHRISTMAS JOY Touch your harp strings ye angels. Sing aloud O heavenly choir. Lying in a humble manger Is your Lord and Saviour. Lift your eyes on high, ye shepherds, Listen to the chant's refrain. Hark! the angels now are singing, "Peace on earth, good will to men." Leave your studies, O ye wise men. Look above, behold his star. Haste and bring your choicest presents Come and worship from afar. Open to Him your hearts, ye people. Let the King come in to-day. Let all thought of care or sorrow, Be forever put away. SONGS IN THE NIGHT 16 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE FACE TO FACE I cannot love Thee as I ought, For with Thy blood I know: My dearest pardon Thou hast bought, And paid the debt I owe. Thou dids't from sin, my soul set free From heaven dids't Thou come down To loose the chains, and liberty Give to thy ransomed own. O precious Saviour, ever may I The trust which Thou hast left. Keep well and guard until the day, For which all days are kept. Onward and upward, Be my cry Till heaven, at last, I gain on high. A PRAYER ♦ O Lord, my prayer is only this: That I may use aright. The power that Thou dids't give Into my keeping while I live. 16 SONGS IN THE NIGHT That not in folly, may I pass The golden moments of to-day; But cherish time, and ever grasp The Present, ere it slips away. Whatever in this world, my lot. Let from mine eyes the veil be rent; That 1 may know that cares are sent For profit often, and not punishment. Keep too, my heart, nor let it dwell, On thoughts which Thee, I would not tell: But purify my soul, as with a fire And save in heaven at last, my one desire. OH ! FOR A CLOSER WALK ♦ I would that I might fly On wings of faith to Thee: In deep distress am I. Save, Father, even me. O let me know once more, The bliss of feeling near. To Thine own precious side: And take me in Thy care. Remember not the sin That tore me from Thy breast: But cleanse me from within. And do Thou give me rest. Give me the Comfortor: And help me take my cares And cast them all on Thee, Who heareth faithful prayers. I 80NG8 IN THE NIGHT 1? ALONE WITH JESUS Alone, yes all alone Nay Lord Thou whispereth Not alone, For ever to my soul Thou speaketh, " 'Tis when my child Thou seemest ^^eakest The greater strength is shown." Alone with Thee! blissful thought Thy loving care Has to me brought. When friend with Thee, No night too drear No shade too deep. In slumber sweet. My weary eyes May gently sleep. With Thee for Friend, 1 have no fear; But joy unfeigned. Without a tear. I'll brave the tempest's Maddening roar I'll stem the tide On Jordan's shore Alone, alone with Thee. 18 SONGS IN THE NIGHT THE THREE PRAYERS One day I prayed I listened for an answer. No sound that mortals know Came to my ear But lo, a voice Deep in my soul replied "Wait, Do not fear." I prayed again "O Lord, a sign from heaven." "Be still," the voice replied, "None shall be given." I prayed again This time for strength to do, Not my own will, but Thine Oh Lord; For me, this shall be peace: And lo, a peace I never knew; before; The peace that passes knowledge Came to me. THRO' A GLASS DARKLY The night is dark, I see no ray of light To guide me on. But in my heart, hope speak* And cheers me on. To gain the portals Of eternal day: SONGS IN THE NIGHT 19 Nor fear the night Tho' like a monster grim. He hovers near. Faith tells me that the day Is even now at hand. Be of good courage Patience yet shall win for thee The Promised Land. Love says, Behold the gates Of endless day The white robed angels Beckoning this way. Heaven at last, Tho' gained thro' years of strife Thou hast thro' trials Gained eternal life. Eternal Life That never fades aviay, A life of love, which knoweth No decay. O heart Was't not worth while A grief to have on earth? Since in this kingdom bright We may have mirth; That ceases not, For God Himself is there. Grief cannot enter And unknown is care. Trust on All will be right Faith, Hope and Love Shall win the Light. 20 SONGS IN THE NIGHT A HYMN OF ADVERSITY Lord, to Thee I cry. Make no delay. No other help have I, To Thee I pray. The shadows of the night Around me steal: I'm groping in the dark. Lord, give me zeal I'd conquer by Thy spirit: Not by night. For in the cruel sword, Thou hast no delight. I want Thy grace alone To help me now To bear me safely upward To Thy throne. Create in me a clean heart O my God Nor let me faint, beneath The chastening rod. Help me to bear the cross And win the crown That in all ages, here, Thy saints have won. And when it pleases Thee To summon me Before Thy bar of Justice To appear, SONGS IN THE NIGHT 21 Oh let me see Thy face in peace And share Thy joy of heaven, That knoweth not a tear. MORE LOVE TO THEE I want to love Thee more Saviour mine And every day and hour Be thine. On "nlngs of faith to soar Up to Thy throne And trust Thee evermore Till life is done. Written for the occasion of the Christening of Lin- coln School, Xenia, Ohio. ODE TO LINCOLN Should you ask me 'Whence this pageant?" Why these songs and yells and speeches, Why this gathering of the people Grave and gay, both men and women? I should answer, I should tell you Of a son of humble parents, Born in cabin, schooled by Nature. Friend of fishes, birds and beast; He Saw in man a friend, a brother, 22 SONGS IN THE NIGHT Loved then aiid desired to help them: In our land, — now free to all men Lived a giant, strong and mighty, Terrible in form and feature. Slaying, crushing in his pathway All who bore the mark of Ham. Fiercer was he than Goliath, Slain by David, son of Jesse. More destructive than the dragon Claiming England's fairest children. For this giant claimed not only Fair and young; but old and feeble Men and women all alike, of dusky hue. And the people called him "Slavery" Whispered "Who shall free our land now?" "Who shall rid us of our foe?" Up and spake our good friend, Lincoln, He, the brother, Friend of bondmen. "I will strike the blow and kill him. Strike him hard and rid the country Of this curse. Lound he called, then to his summons Many thousand freeman came. Hard they fought, 'twas sixty-one, when To his call the warriors came. Sixty-five saw slaves once — freedmen. So upon this Autumn day. We the heirs of Lincoln's fervor, Gather here, and tribute pay To our friend, our father, brother To the warriors old and gray Who responded, fought so nobly Won so gloriously, the day. Words are poor, but in our hearts are Graven deep, with living fire Love and honor, thanks and reverence For thee Lincoln, everywhere. SONGS IN THE NIGHT 23 POEMS OF SENTIMENT * THE END OF THE RAINBOW They say, at the end of the rainbow Pots of gold and silver are found Who reaches the end shall forever In luxuries abound. When only a child, I sought it: But my search a vain one proved:. Now, groun older, I've found it In the heart of one I loved. Sometimes the clouds of sorrow Obscure my bow for a time Still I know that ere tomorrow It will shine, in glory sublime. I know at the end is treasure: The heart of my love is gold: In it is room without measure Its love for me to hold. So I seek not for treasures that perish Here on this earth below The heart of the one I cherish Is for me the end of the bow. A DAY DREAM Ah love, my heart is aweary: I am sighing ever for thee. Tho' bright, the skies are not cheery For my eyes are starving for thee. 24 SONGS IN THE NIGHT I hear thy Voice in my slumbers I see thy face in my dreams I hear thee call, times unnumbered, Thou art everywhere, it seems. The breezes whisper your name, love: The flowers reflect your face: It is ever, thus, since you came love, Where I am, you have a place. A TOAST TO MY PA Here's to dear old dad! My best wishes. And glad Am I to be here To give it. All honor to ma But there's something in pa That I'd give all my life to win it. No matter how chill He goes with a will To work for us kids, with pleasure. He's never too tired To help if desired In anything Game or lessons. So I take off my hat To my dad for all that And say at parting God bless him. SONGS IN THE NIGHT 25 THE LOST TREASURE There's something seems to me I've lost, I've counted all my gain I'd get it back at any cost And never more complain. I have both wealth and honor, too. But these are empty bubbles I'd give them all, for one fond breast To lean upon in trouble. SPRING Old earth is gay in her greenness: Her face beams with sunshine bright: The zephyrs gently caress her: Peach blossoms blush at the sight. LOVER'S LANE All sunshine and mirth Where joy has its birth And blisses unending remain Where sorrow's forgot And care comes not The path of Lover's Lane. The weather is always pleasant there And the scenery ever fair, It's haunts are palaces unmatched By gilded mansions rare. 26 SONGS IN THE NIGHT Those who seek it once are fain It's paths again to tread And rest in the shadows And cool retreats. Where love alone is bread. Oh, the memories grow sweet with age, They are treasured by old and young, And many a wrinkled visaged sage, Doth treasure, his gems, among. So if you've not found The enchanted spot This peaceful Lovers Lane Just seek it with one Whom you love, and anon Your seeking will not be vain. A SONNET Dear little lover My heart craves for thee. Mate of my soul I am yearning for thee. Wedded in spirit Eternally thine Clinging to thee As the rose to the vine. Ah! Could you know it My treasure, it seems You have always been near me Ideal of my dreams. SONGS IN THE NIGHT 27 And my soul answered yours In ecstatic bliss When you poured out your love In one rapturous kiss. Aye, e'er to be near thee My lover and friend Is pleasure supernal And joy without end. AN AFTER THOUGHT We met One day in June. Neither of us knew how soon, In each others' being mingling Our two souls Should be as one. All thro' life, May I, no never. For one moment Wish to sever, Ties once dear; But as on that afternoon, When we met One day in June, Ever true. A REMNANT You came And of my life You seemed a part. A joy 28 SONGS IN THE NIGHT Thatfseemed divine, Sang in my heart. Life then, for me, was dear And heaven to earth so near. Then in one rapturous kiss My soul did taste the bliss Of all eternity. But in a ^ord Spoke light Nor for my ear I knew my doom; Then came a night of gloom And sorrow reigned supreme. But Hope and Faith Twin brothers, two of Love Entered, and now we three True friends are And a merry company. ONLY TRUSTING * Let down your bucket -where you are And weary not of waiting: Stand still and trust the Saviour's power, Thy courage not abating. By faith, the sun and moon stood still; By faith, were Israel's children Led forth, 'gainst Pharaoh's stubborn will, Into the land of Canaan. By faith, did Gideon's army small With brands of fire and pitchers Cause Jericho's strong walls to fall By faith, their only weapon. SONGS IN THE NIGHT 29 By faith, did David slay Goliath, Tlie uncircumcised Philistine When he defied God's army of His own peculiar children. By faith, did Abram in old age Still trusting God's sure promise, Beget of Sarah, a son. Who too, was in her dotage. By faith, alone we too shall win Tho' tossed about by Satan On waves of sorrow, pain and sin And many tribulations. WHAT IS HEAVEN FOR ME ? * Some call it the "Isle of Somewhere" And others the "Land o' Leal" 'Tis called by some, a resting place Where no languor do we feel. Some say "It's a kingdom of riches" Where thieves neither enter nor steal Where everyman's home is a mansion And joys unfeigned we feel. Some say "It never existed" Since none of the vast host gone, Has ever returned to tell us Of the bliss, which there, is known. But to me, it will be Heaven, To behold my Saviour, King. To sit at His feet forever And help. His praise to sing. To know that I shall be like Him, And in His glory share To know that by His grace I'm redeemed Shall be bliss beyond compare. 30 SONGS IN THE NIGHT To be one of the countless number That shalV crown Him "Lord of All" When waked from the final slumber, Roused by the trumpet's call. A LULLABY * I Good night honey Take yo' rest Mammy's little baby. Lean yo' head On mammy's breast Mammy's little baby. Mammy sees dem eyes so bright Look like stars shine In de night Mammy's little baby. II Go to sleep now, Shet yo' eyes Mammy's little baby. Hush, let mammy still yo' cries Mammy's little baby. Yes de bugga man done gone Done lef mammy's baby 'lone Mammy's little baby. Ill Bless dat pretty little mouf Mammy's little baby Ain't yo' worried mammy nouf? Mammy's little baby Mammy sees you nod yo' head Cause for sleep you mos' nigh dead Mammy's little baby. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS llliiilllllllllllilllllll 015 907 526 6 (