ctcir LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. :|taf.1';?>..'^'|op!tisu| <9^/. ^ \jJ.Ah.. 5! UNITED STATES OK AMERICA . ip ''!»,'%»'%-<»»'■■* CsC . ..^. erg ^cS'^ ^ '. Celtic c^iCKccc cs: sc<^ x^e . ^c:^^^4~ 6 OP" HB M. BY J. W. WELCH. . jr'YiUGHl CO HUNTIKGDOIsr, PA. J. R. DURBORROW & CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. 187*3 - T5315I 'ft THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. F^^I^X FIPIST. When Eden's blooming bowers Were closed to guilty man, And storm-clouds darkly lowered Conveying Heaven's brn ; Whilst he in gloom departed, The mighty scheme was laid; Ood's justice was asserted, And hell's dark torrent stayed. Could Heaven produce a power To turn the sweeping tide Which in that fatal hour From Justice's throne did glide. And yet maintain the honor Of God's eternal word ? 'Twere surely a misnomer, Jehovah-Jireh God. THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. Behold ! 0, man, the heaiity Salvation's plan displays ; How holily, astutely, Was formed its golden maze. Though Justice was unable. Rebellious man to save. And lift the curtain sable From off' his hopeless grave, And gentle Mercy weeping. Gazed on the moving scene; She, too, aloof is keeping, As angels bright convene. Yet Love, within the person Of God's most holy Son, Incurring Hell's aspersion, Redemption's work begun. While Justice unrelenting, And Mercy weeping stood, Love, unto man repenting. Poured out the cleansing flood, God to his creatures human, Li sweetest accents said: "The seed of fallen woman Shall bruise the serpent's head." "For My own Son hath taken The place of man condemned; 'Twill not My justice weaken — On Him My wrath I'll send ; THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. "^^For He for man's transgression Hath promised to atone, Before the congregation That circle Heaven's throne." And in the time appointed, The great Jehovah saith : *'I on Mine own Anointed Will pour mj withering wrath." Now down the shadowed valley Through which time's current flowa, Our hastening vision sallies, Nor ceases for repose. And when th' allotted ages To eternity have flown, Foretold by all the sages, The promised gift is shown; And lo ! in Bethlehem's manger, 'Mid angel praises loud, Appears the Holy Stranger, The infant Son of God. The Jewish skeptics cavil. And point with haughty scorn Toward the lowly stable Where Christ, their King, was born, *'Is this the great Messiah, Judea's mighty King, Declared by old Isaiah The captives home to bring ? THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. " Oh ! wliere's the royal sceptre That He in might shall sway, And as a Prince and Captor The foul oppressor slay ? "And shall not God's Messiah, With proud, majestic mien, And chariot of fire, Appear upon the scene ? " Whilst to Him He shall gather The rulers of the land, The rabbis and the fathers Shall sit at His ri^ht hand. "Likewise the great Redeemer Must be of royal blood ; His unrestrained demeanor Would speak Him sent of God. "But this pretended Savior We will not thus accept, Nor will we sw^ervo or waver; His offers we reject." THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. P.A-I^T SECOHSriD. The veil of night has fallen Upon the verdant plain, The shepherd groups recalling From anxious care again. In silence deep, reclining Upon the ground, they lie ; The silver stars are shining From out a cloudless sky. So quiet, weird and tragic Appears the shadowed scene, As though the hand of magic Upon its face had been. And slowly, softly, falling Upon their yielding frames, Came slumber's fetters, sealing Their powers in his chains. THE CIIOWNIKG GIFT OF HEAVEN. But suddenly around tliem Appears a dazzling light ! Its brilliant rays astound them And rend tlie robe of night. A band of forms Celestial Their sweetest anthem raise, And fill the air terrestrial With the Redeemer's praise. "To God be ever glory, On earth abounding peace!" So ran the pleasing story That signal'd man's release. And brought the cheering tidings From Heaven's radiant court, That Christ, on earth abiding, Would change the sinful heart, And win the Father's favor — The light from man withdrawn ; For this a potent Savior Was found in His own Son. " Come ! let us haste to view Him !' The shepherds gaily cry, " We'll journey gladly to Him, With praises swelling high, And with the angel voices Our humble notes we'll blend. While Heaven and earth rejoices O'er Christ, the sinner's friend!" THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. Thus saying, quick they hasten, Their homage deep to pay, To where the guide-star glistens, Above where Jesus lay ; Where sages rich oblations Pour at His sacred -feet, The world's great consolation With gratitude they greet; And with intense emotion, Upon the babe they gaze. Evincing their devotion By shouting loud his praise. Although by some rejected With insolence and scorn — Of infamy suspected, Because so lowly born ; Yet, to the soul enlightened By wisdom from on high. It was a scene inviting And pleasing to the eye, Incif)ieut redemption Before their eyes they saw ; Satanic intervention Could not the work destroy. To time's remotest limit The holy scheme extends ; JN^o power can condemn it While God His sanction lends. 13 DISPUTING WITH THE DOCTORS. 1. Within the Jewish temple, 'mong the rabbis sage and gray, Behold the youthful Jesus, as with power he displays The wisdom that elicited the wonder of their band ; The force that clothed his arguments the Jews could not with- stand. 2. The humble Son of Mary and the obscure Nazarene — His father but a carpenter, with chisel, saw and plane — Possessor of such wisdom, was to them a mystery ; Of Heaven's golden store-house he appeared to have the kc}*, 3. With questions deep he plies them, till discomfited they yield ; Against their vain traditions he presents a mighty shield, Till, seeking him, retuiniiug now his parents close the scene, An^ leave them still to wonder at the gifted Nazarene. Oh I well may Israel's rulers, of his power stand in awe ; The downfall of their cherished rites the doctors soon foresaw; The Jewish dispensation, with its altars erimson-staincd, THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. 11 Its priesthood, loved and honored, was most clearly on the wane. 5. While hidden from the Israelites, because of unbelief, Became the bold assertions of Salvation's lovely Chief, Yet slowly and securely rose the structure of his hand. The great highway of holiness to Canaan's fertile land. 6. Around their vain traditions clung the homage of their heai-ts, Though waiting for Messiah, who His power should impart. But blinded by their prejudice, they failed their King to see Presented in this Jesus, of detested Galilee. 7. Alas ! that Israel's scions, the elect and loved of God, Should angrily reject the Gift that He in love bestowed — Descendants of good Abraham, who, on Moriah's brow, The type of reeking Calvary obediently did show. 9. Oh ! weep, Jerusalem's daughters ; sit in ashes on the ground; From Judah's potent altars has gone out the light profound ; But know, that in the coming of the Man of Galilee, A Lamp is lighted that will burn throughout eternity. AT THE TOMB OF LAZARUS. 1. Pale death had enshrouded the household Of Mary and Martha with gloom, And swept, by his heart-chilling power, Their brother beloved to the tomb. 2. Bereft of the comfort afforded By unrestrained brotherly love, '^N'eath sorrow's drear canopy cow'ring, They mourn like the unmated dove. 3. "Oh ! had but the Master been present When death found our happy abode. His word the intruder had banished, And joy to His servants bestowed. 4. E'en now, were He here in His power. Our brother to life should arise. And death's racking scenes should no longer Greet darkly our tear-flooded eyes." THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. 13 6. Thus sorrowed the heart-broken sisters Bemoaned death's power to crush, And longed for the coming of Jesus, Believing their grief He could hush. 6. Oh ! how their fond hearts glow'd with rapture When they tlie Deliv'rer beheld. Receiving the cheering assurance Their gloom should be quickly dispell'd. 7. And now to the grave of their loved one, Half doubting, they wend their sad way; Yet hoping, by Faith's intercession, A triumph o'er death they shall see. Arrived at the mouth of the cavern, The Master's full power they own. And Faith, indicating her presence, Rolls off from its mouth the great stone. 9. And now comes the test of His power To sunder the fetters of death. And hurl from his throne the dread monster Whose victims bestrew his dark path. 10. But forth rings the cry of the victor, And death, from his iron embrace, 14 THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. Releases the cold, rigid tenant Of darkness, to life's noontide rays. 11. Beliold ! at the mandate of Jesus, Whose tones thrill each mortal of earth, The dead wakes to power and action, And, bursting his shackles, comes forth ! 12. Thus, roused by the trumpet's loud echoes, We shall, on the last morn of time, Arise from our graves in bright triumph, To dwell in a sorrowless clime ! ON MOUNT TABOR. 1. On Tabor's lofty summit stands The Man whose life was given To save a world from Satan's bands — The Crowning Gift of Heaven ! 2. His chosen followers are dismayed ! As to their mortal vision, In dazzling brightness are arrayed Forms from the world elysian. 3. Upon Him fulls the piercing light Of Heaven's unveiled grandeur, Outshining, by its radiance bright, All scenes of earthly splendor. 4. Here law and prophecy combine In mystic adoration ; Here Moses and Elias join To pour a rich oblation. 16 THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. 5. While law to Calvary's mighty King Her homage great is giving, Prophetic counsels to us bring The light o'er darkness driven. 6. Oh! glorious light from Tabor's brow, To cheer the soul believing ! It images the joy that glows Where saints are crowns receiving. 7. Well may the trembling Peter shrink From rays of light immortal ; He stands upon the river's brink That flows from Heaven's portal. A tabernacle he would build, Within the halo golden, Whose beams his doubtings calmly still, And his faint heart embolden. 9. And longs his heart to sojourn here, Where law and mercy blending, Inspire his soul with joy and fear, While angels near are bending. 10. He fain would tarry on the mount, With Heaven's tenants near him, v THE CROWNlNCx GIFT OF HEAVEN. 17 And gaze upon life's open fount — 'Twas oped from sin to clear him. 11. Let Tabor's light our souls inflame With joy and peace abiding, Until we gaze upon the Lamb, Where crystal streams are gliding. 12. Beyond the surging waves we'll stand. Released from earth's commotion, AVith conquering palms in every hand, And view the jasper ocean. 13. Then let us toil and struggle on. Until the crown be given : Our feet, through grace, shall stand upon The golden streets of Heaven ! And Tabor's light shall there illume The plains that skirt the river That flows hard by the golden throne, Where sits the Kiusr forever. HIS ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM, 1. Behold ! an unusual commotion IsTear the city of Jewish devotion ; I'll meekly attempt a solution Of this wild, tumultuous scene : 'Tis Jesus who heads the procession — The one who for Israel's transgression Is destined to suffer oppression. Insult and derision extreme! 2. Toward the city His way He is wending^ The people their voices are blending,. His right to the sceptre dh ! cease the mad cravings of malice most dire, And free from His fetters the Man, Who, walking your streets as a Herald of Truth, Assumes a demeanor so low and uncouth — Who, e'en fi-om the days of His earliest youth, No ambitious fancies did scan." 9. But louder their fierce accusations arise, Lest some timely friend, by a cunning device, The Roman may from his firm purpose entice. And thwart their inhuman designs. The guilt of His blood they are willing to bear. Though deep as the chasm of utter despair, Where Hell's lurid light on the lone victim glare— Who in its dark cavern may pine. 34 THE CxIOWNING GIFT OF HEAVElSr. 10. " Behold Him V the Governor feeliogly cries, "Beneath the stained hand of Ilis brethren He dies I To envy and hatred a free sacrifice He yields Plis last treranloiis breath. Oh ! hearken, ye JewSy to humanity's call ; Permit not the veil of bleak vengeance to fail Upon yonr steeFd hearts^ like a funeral pall, Exulting in Jesus' death !" 11. And long-er unable to quell their demands, He yields the Great Prisoner into their hands, And, clothing His form in mock royalty's bands, They bend the false, suppliant knee. His sacred head pierced by the thorn-woven crown. Till from His fair brow the red blood trickles down. Yet in Him no sign of resentment is found — He suffers by Heaven's decree. 12. Oh ! let us 2>reserve this unequalled display Of love by our Savior, while life's fitful ray Continues to 'lumine these temples of clay; And when from life's scenes we depart, On faith's mighty pinions our spirits shall soar To hail Him with joy on the glorified shore. Where we shall remain, to go out nevermore. And bask in ineffable day. HIS CRUCIFIXION. {Jp Calv'ry's steep and rugged side, A frantic concouree urge their way ; ImpeU'd by hatred's madd'ning tide, They, chaiing, will not brook delay. Within this phrenzied circle moves A haggard, yet nndaunted, form ; The meekness of the plaintive dove Is mirrored in His features wan. And, heeding not the din that falls So harshly on His sens'tive ear, En answer to fair mercy's call — 'Tis His the crushing cross to bear. Thus staggering 'neath the ponderous beam. He labors up the wearying steep, Whilst Heaven imparts no radiant gleam, Despondency at bay to keep, JSTow, fainting 'neath the load He bears. Unable longer to sustain The galling weight, His murderers Relieve the excess of His pains. 36 THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVExV, LTpon a native of Gyrene They lay the gibbet, then in haste Resume their jonrney toward the scene Where Pity hides her tearful fjice. At length they reach the dreary spot — That gloom-encircled place of skulls; 'Tis here the battle must be fought, That from his throne the monster hurls- And quickly now they rear the cross, A felon vile on either side ; Their maledictions at Him thrust, l^ov strive their groundless hate to hide. Around its base, with tearful mien, His faithful followers, filled with grief; His friends till death they e'er have been. Yet lack the power to give relief. Whilst in the background dim, convene A flame-scarred horde of Satan's realm ; They, jeering, would His soul serene, With doubt's black surges overwhelm. Oh ! how they o'er His woes exult ! Evincing bursts of hellish iov. The while they heap their foul insults Upon the King of Heaven high ! Upon a molten lava sea Within the regions of the damn'd, i'Tude devils dance in ecstacy As life pours out its golden sands. THE CROWNIfrG GIFT OF HEAVEN. Oat o'er the plains of mornless niglit, In piercing tones brief vict'ry's notes Take now their Heaven-defying flight, And o'er the dismal chasm float. And as the sinless Son of God In agony extreme expires, Each cell within the dark abode Ke-echoes with the jargon dire. All ITell rejoices as the pall Of death athwart the scene is thrown, And flashing from its gloomy walls A momentary power is shown. For to the eye which fails to j)ierce The veil that dims Golgotha's scene, Xo tower of redemption rears Its summit clothed with peace serene. Thus Satan's unprophetic gaze, Unable through the mist to scan The structure of salvation raised For vile, unfaithful, fallen man, Rejoices in a short-lived bliss, That soon must vanish as the dew, And power's fancied gleam erased, No longer gilds with hope's bright hue. But as the moments hasten on Toward the fiercest of His woes, O'er nature's face a veil is drawn To hide the horrors here disclosed. 38 THE CROWNING GIFT OP HEAVEN. Tlio sun's keen rays refuse to pierce Tlie gloom, upon the scene to gaze Where raged the contest long and fierce, AVaged for Apostate Adam's race. And as the midnight shadows lie Upon the earth in misty gloom, (See the I Am His power display — The dead in Jesus leave the tomb ! The temple's veil in twain is rent, Declaring Jewish off' rings void; For this is the Messiah sent To quench their fires ^\'ith His blood. No more shall Israel's rites appease The anger of the King of Kings ; They have no merit now to please, Or turn the point of Satan's sting. Ko more the smoke of sacrifice, Upon the balmy evening air Shall to the God. of Jacob rise, And pardon to his sons declare ; For now a nobler oflT'ring burns Upon an altar greater far. No less a ransom e'er shall turn His wrath, or mercy's boon secure. For this, as spoken by the seers, It well became the loving Son To bear the scofiSng and the jeers Which were in malice at Him thrown. THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. r!(» Thus hy His meritorions death He purchased every sinful soul, Aud with His last expiring breath, Declared His conquest of the Avorld ! And as the moving picture fades From Fancy's graven scenery. What gratitude each heart pervades Which feels the light of Calvary ! Our sympathies shall centre there Wliile life's mysterious current flows ; And when our spirits cleave the air, It will exquisite bliss bestow. Then from the consecrated cross They'll spread their pinions on the breeze, And join the great undying host Who on the Mighty Conqueror gaze. There Calvary's power inspires each tongue, And fills each raptured, bounding heart ; There loudly swells redemption's song, Where saved and Savior ne'er shall part! 'Twas Calvary's merit stayed the tide That swept in mighty torrents on ; Its turbid waters now subside, As back its surging waves are thrown. In Calvary's anguish culminates The sufferings of Eden's King, Who, through the massive golden gates, Came down his lost ones home to brino-. 40 THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. And when from mundane scenes releas'd, We on the great Redeemer gaze, 'Twill till each heart with rapt'rons bliss, To dwell with Him throusrh countless days. HIS RESURRECTION. lu the dark sepulchre, silent and lonely, Lies the stark form of the poor !Mazarene; Loved by the Gallilean fishermen only, And the fond Marys who haste to the scene. Kre the soft light of the rose-tiuted morning Falls on the hills in enchanting array, Ushering day, on its journey returning, With deep emotion they hasten away. Great scalding tears through their lashes are j'trest^iiiij Showing their love for the Master so dear ; Glieerless their hearts 'neath the cloud so distressing, Whose murky shadow enhances their fear. But a bright being the mourners discover. Who has removed the obstructions with haste; And the great stone, which the entrance did cover, By Divine Power is hurled from its place ! Silent they gaze on this child of the valleys, Where bloom the flowers of perpetual spring; There in their beauty the seraphim rally. Sweeping the throne on their jubilant wings. 42 THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. '' Seek ye the Master in death's mouldy cavern ?" The lovely tenant of Paradise cries ; "Know that the Gift of Omnipotent Heaven Must from the tomb in His majesty rise, Scaling the walls that forbiddingly tower, Barring a sin-condemned world from release ! Thus He achieves, by His infinite power, Victr'y o'er Satan — securing man's peace. Yes; the great Jesus indeed has arisen. Crushing the last of man's merciless foes; Bursting the bands of His granite-bound prison, Though flaming legions their arms interpose !'* Thus speaks the angel to Mary, who's weeping O'er the dark vault where the Savior had lain ; He whom she deemed in death's bonds to be sleeping. Stolen away by some miscreant hand ! '•'■ Mary!" the voice soft and tender is falling On the poor sorrowing follower's ear, Heart-cheering scenes to her memory recalling, (^f the home-circle when Jesus was there. (Quickly she turns to behold the kind Master; To His blest arms she would lovingly haste ; High beats her pulses, yet taster and faster Deep prints of sorrow by joy are effaced. But He eludes ail her tender embraces, Kindly declaring flis work incomplete ; Yet He has power to bUnish grief's traces, Ere He assumes His sin-conquering seat. THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. 4o Softly and faintly she felters, "Rabboni!" Teeming with love is her wild, throbbing heart ; Fondly she gazes upon the Atoner ; From His blest presence she ne'er would depart. " Tell my disciples and impulsive Peter, That I have sundered the chains of tbe slave; Though the huge conflict to me w^as most bitter, Yet I have scattered the gloom of the grave !" Swiftly she flies to His lonely adherents, And the glad tidings to tliem she imparts ; But overawed by her frantic appearance. Mystic delusions seize hold on their hearts. But, on their secret assemblage intruding, Soon in their presence He openly stands! AVords of encouragement sweet interluding With invitations to view His torn hands. Yet feeble faith fails to comprehend fully All the deep scheme of redemption from sin ; ]^ature's dull powers conceive very slowdy How He the prize by His rising shall win. " Come! doubting Thomas, reach hither thy flnger; Thrust thy rude hand in my spear-mangled side ! Let no dark shade in thy bosom now linger; Know that 'tis He who on Calvary died!" Faith now declares all misgivings are banished ; By these deep mysteries he's greatly awed ; Swift as the wind does his unbelief vanish ; Hear him exclaiming — "My Lord and m}^ God!'" 44 THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. t Tliurf, by His presence, the gloom He has liiclited. That in dense volumes enshrouded the grave, Cheering- the hearts of a people benighted, Winning the title of " Mighty to Save !" "■ Soon I shall rise!'' He exclaims, "to My Father Where, on the raediatonal throne, I shall the straying of all nations gatlicr To the delights of a sorrowless home !" " Take ye My blessings ; remember My Avarnings ; Watch and be ready ; taith"s helmet have on ; Thus, while My grace all thy lives is adorning. Ye shall prepare for eternity's da>vn. Wage ye the warfare till Satan's dark forces Fly from the glitter of brave christian steel. Till his great army in panic disperses, And his fierce onslaughts, by love, are j-epelled. Then shall ye sit mid the light that is streaming. Lucid and wide, o'er the glorified plains, ' Where the pure joy of the Father is beaming. And love infinite eternally reigns. HIS ASCENSION. The Savior stands amid His band. His earthly mission all fultilled ; He, at the Father's own command, Has shown obedience to His will. The scheme of free salvation wrought, And all its mighty struggles past, He now a quiet nook has sought, Reviewing all His conflicts vast. He, ere He speeds His happy flight, To fill the Intercessor's seat, Mis band incites to truth and right, By pointing to His vict'ry great. Through scenes of darkness and of gloom He kept secure the sacred trust — E'en through the portals of the tomb, The heritage of mortal dust. And now he stands upon the line Where mortals taste immortal bliss, And gazes on His work sublime, Which gives to man eternal peace. 40 THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. And as upon His cliosen few, Like incense sweet Ilis blessing falls, Their vows they solemnly renew To heed fair Mercy's plaintive calls. With retrospective vision, now He scenes surveys of pain and woe, When He in innocence did bow To dark oppression's torrent low. He gazes on the victor's meed Presented to His rrpturons view. From earth's debasing inlinence freed. He cleaves the veil of ether blue; And through the misty cloud that hides Elysian scenes from mortal gaze. The conquering Christ so swiftly glides, Whilst men and angels shout His praise. The heavenly host around the throne, With shouts of ecstacy are seen To greet with songs the Holy One Who paid the penalty of sin. And on the brow of Sorrow's Child They place the conq'ror's sparkling crown By sin's pollutions undefiled, He by His Father's side sits down. He now in majesty assumes The power that to His name belongs, Death's shadowed valley to illume, And fill each heart with vict'ry's song. THE CROWNING GIFT OF HEAVEN. Behold ! He sits endowed with power To raise the taint, despondent heart, And, from this most important hour, Good gifts to needy man impart. Oh, come ! ye straying sonls that roam Through shades unblessed by mercy's i-ay, Forsake the dense, depressing gloom That hovers o'er thy cheerless way. Come ! fall in anguish at Ilis feet, Who suffered 'neath the smiter's rod ; Whose mighty conquest now complete. Sits pleading by the throne of God. His arm the vengeful weapon stays, Which on the sinful head would fall I Was ever love so great displayed ? — Releasing man from Satan's thrall. Hew great the Gift to mortal given, To open wide the healing stream I Kaught else could still the wrath of Heaven, Or claim the power to redeem. For this let men their praises pour, In melting strains, to earth's extent, To Him w4io liveth evermore — Whose pains the rocks in chasms rent I Let all the world to Him award The honor that to God belongs; Their voices raise with sweet accord, And fill the air with holy songs. 48 THE CROWNING (HFT OF HEAVEN, Awiikc I vc LH'lioes of tlio throne; Ifiiiu' forth o'er all creation's })laiu I In honor of the liglit that shone Fj'oni Heaven, on the head of man. 3>30T 3 ^^ ►> ;|3 3il>,J>D3'1i> ^3>- ^ >> ^>2> ':>>>> Z>B> ->^>ilS3> :5> 30 S^^^ ^3> > - M>m3M 3 ^^ "^''"SSJS^ 3 ^> "5> ^- 3l> ':^>€mw^ ■ 3j* ■>: ^> :3> .^ ^^ ^ ■ a»i> ^>3 m^^>l. 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