PS 2094 .S3 Copy 1 Studies in Irving Studies in Irving M I wo CoDles Rbfpg l|oUnui STUDIES IN IRVING ll STUDY I. PABT FIRST. Word Study. What is a legend? Where is Sleepy Hollow? Where is the Hudson river? Who were the Ancient Dutch Navigators? Where is Tarry To,wn? Why so called? Explain: "shortened sail," "implored protec- tion of Saint Nicholas," "precise and authentic," "inveterate propensity," "vouch for the fact," "lap of land," "advert to it," "uniform tranquil- lity," "sound breaks in upon." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for: indent, implore, adjacent, vouch, linger, advert, repose, uniform. PART THIRD. Use of "Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — coves, spacious, indent, bosom. 2. — river, denominated, Hudson, sail. 3. — brook, murmuring, tranquillity, lull. 4. — propensity, inveterate, village, linger. 5. — im.plore, adjacent, vouch, uniform. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences by introducing relative clauses, adverbial phrases, adjective phrases, appositional phrases and the like. I. — Standing on the bank of the Hudson, — Lingering about the village tavern. — Reposing on the brink of a babbling brook at noon-day. — Entering Tarry-town on a market day. — ^Listening to the tapping of a woodpecker. 12 STUDIES IN IB VING STUDY II. PART FIRST. Word Study. Describe a squirrel, a woodpecker. Explain; "Sabbath stillness," "prolonged and reverberated," "angry echoes," "listless repose," "se- questered glen," "haunted spots," "twilight superstitions," "stars shoot," "meteors glare." Who was HenTick Hudson? What is a wizard? a nightmare? a spell? a reverie? What are powwows? visions? trances? PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : vision, reverberated, remnant, ex- ploit, pervade, sway, frequently. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — life, troubled, echoes, stillness. — lads, drowsy, bewitched, rustic. -wizard, beliefs, marvelous, pervade. — exploit, reverie, remnant, vision. Jistless, sequestered, glen, echoes. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Breaking the Sabbath stillness. -Startled by the angry echoes. -A drowsy and dreamy boy at his books. — Watching the stars shoot across the clear sky. -Giving chase to the nightmare of Sleepy Hollow. STUDIES IN IR VING 13 STUDY III. PART FIRST. Word Study. Who were the Hessians? What was the cause of the Revolutionary War? Where was the first battle fought? What is an apparition? a specter? a ghost? Explain: "dominant spirit," "enchanted region," 'ever and anon," "wings of the wind," "collecting and collating," "float- ing facts," "belated ghost," "visionary propensity," "unconsciously im- bibed." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : dominant, apparition, gloom, be- lated, allege, purport, legendary, imbibe. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — quest, specter, speed, nightly. 2. — enchanted, figure, haunts, ghost. 3. — anon, vicinity, confined, extends. 4. — collecting, collating, allege, specter. 5. — gloom, purport, wild, region. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — ^Meeting a ghost on a narrow bridge. 2. — ^Crouching down to avoid the headless horseman. 3. — Walking home in the gloom of night. 4. — The Hessian trooper riding forth in quest of his head. 5. — A belated traveller caught in a snowstorm. 14 STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY IV. PART FIRST. Word Study. Who was Ichabod Crane? What was his chief occupation? Explain: "witching influence," "all possible laud,"' "grow imaginative," "torrent of migration," "incessant changes," "drowsy shades," "by-place of Na- ture," "vegetating in its sheltered bosom," "worthy wight." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : propensity, restless, unobserved, sweeps, reside, inhale, laud. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — ^migration, customs, imbibe, embosomed. 2. — laud, elapsed, torrent, confined. 3. — mimic, bubbles, shades, undisturbed. 4. — vegetating, retired, unconsciously, families. 5. — drowsy, by-place, incessant, remote. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Watching the bubbles riding at anchor in their mimic harbor. 2. — Breasting a sweeping torrent. 3. — Angling in a nook of still water. 4. — Treading the drowsy shades of an African jungle. [ 5- — Making the acquaintance of a hero. STUDIES IN IRVING 15 STUDY V. PART FIRST. Word Study. Describe the personal appearance of Ichabod Crane. Describe the exterior of his school house. Where was it situated? What is a cog- nomen? a pioneer? an ell-pot? a scarecrow? a withe? an architect? Explain : "profile of a hill," "genius of Famine," "ingeniously secured," "rudely constructed," "vacant hours," "native of Connecticut." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : native, frontier, dangled, huge, perched, inapplicable, spindle, elapsed. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: . -supplies, forest, country, frontier. ' '"^' — lank, frame, exceedingly, hung. — profile, bagging, clothes, hill. — striding, genius, Famine, eloped. — dangled, sleeves, long, arm. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : -Striding along the profile of a hill. — The wind bagging and fluttering my coat. — The genius of Famine knocking at the door. — As I sat twisting a withe for the barn door. , — The children patching the windows with old copy-books. 16 STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY VI. PART FIRST. Word Study. What maxim did Ichabod, the schoolmaster, ever bear in mind? Ex- plain: 'conning over their lessons," "authoritative voice," "appalling sound," "tardy loiterer," "cruel potentate," "puny stripling," "flourish of the rod," "sulked and swelled," "grew dogged and sullen," "smart- ing urchin," "formidable birch," "tone of menace," "flowery path of knowledge." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : conning, peradventure, potentate, convey, sullen, winced, indulgence, sulked, dogged, consolatory. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — hum, heard, voices, pupils. 2. — menace, birch, urged, sound. 3. — loiterer, path, conscientious, master. 4. — discrimination, winced, wrong-headed, urchin. 5. — puny, consolatory, stripling, sullen. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : | I, — ^Conning over my lessons at twilight. 2, — Ichabod applying the birch to a wrong-headed urchin. 3. — ^Visiting the homes of his students. 4. — The schoolmaster consoling a smarting urchin. 5. — The day I grew dogged and sullen. STUDIES IN IRVING 17 STUDY VII. PART FIBST. Word Study. Explain : "he lived successively," "it behooved," "grievous burden," "a huge feeder," "dilating powers of an anaconda," "dominant dignity," "gentle and ingratiating," "boarded and lodged," "worldly effects," "rustic patrons," "absolute sway," "mere drones," What is a shilling? a psalmody? PART SECOND. Synonyms. . Get two or three- synonyms for: revenue, dilating,- maintenance, drone, onerous, dignity, ingratiating, sufficient. PART THIRD. Use of "Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — psalmody, neighborhood, vocation, folks. 2. 3- 4- revenue, sufficient, lodge, furnish. — effects, worldly, onerous, patrons. , >'^ — drones, ingratiating, whilom, magnanimously. rustic, grievous, agreeable, burden. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Going the rounds of the neighborhood. 2. — Driving home the cows. 3. — Cutting wood for the winter fire. 4. — Rocking the cradle for his rustic patrons. 5. — Taking the horses to water. 6. — The ducks pairing cozily in dishes. 18 STUDIES IN IR VING STUDY VIII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "carrying away the palm," "voice resounded," "peculiar quavers," "divers makeshifts," "by hook and by crook," "country swain," "whole bevy," "supernumerary dishes," "legitimately descended," "in- genious sway," "got on tolerably enough," "vastly superior.' PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : vanity, quaver, ingenious, person- age, labor, parade, saunter, resound. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — station, palm, singers, parson. 2. — resounded, quavers, mill-pond, peculiar, -tolerably, makeshifts, ingenious, superior. 3 , 4 5 — legitimately, personage, importance, parson. — supernumerary, parade, sweetmeats, peradventure. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences: I. — Directing a country choir. 2. — Listening to a distant echo. 3. — Sitting at the tea-table of a friend. 4. — 'Gathering grapes in the wildwood. 5. — Reading epitahs in a lonely graveyard. 6. — Sauntering along the edge of a mill-pond. -S TUDIES IN IR VING 19 STUDY IX. PABT FIRST. Word Study. Who was Cotton Mather? What is witchcraft? Where is New Eng- land? Describe a whippoor-will. A tree-toad. A screech-owl. Ex- plain : "half-itinerant," "travelling gazette,'' "budget of local gossip," "great erudition," "potently believed," "small shrewdness," "simple credulity," "appetite for the marvelous," "spell-bound region," "wended his way," "awful woodland," "boding cr}'," "harbinger of storm." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : itinerant, erudition, potently, shrewd- ness, gross, direful, marvelous, moan. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — gazette, budget, satisfaction, gossip. — erudition, mixture, marvelous, equally. — gross, tale, capacious, spell-bound. — clover, whimpered, dusk, wended. — 'dreary, excited, screech-owl, sound. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Stretching myself on a rich bed of clover. 2. — Poring over a favorite' story in the gathering dusk. 3. — Wending my way by swamp and stream. 4. — Lost in an awful wood. 5. — Frightened by the hooting of an owl. 20 STUDIES TN IRVING STUDY X. PART FIRST. Word Study, What are fireflies? goblins? .anecdotes? comets? What is a beetle? Explain: "sparkling vividly," "give up the ghost," "fearful pleasure," "huge blockhead," "blundering flight," "nasal melody," "direful omens," "portentous sights," "topsy-turvy," "filled with awe,' "snugly cuddling," "ruddy glow," "drown thought," "haunted house." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : sparkled, vividly, token, direful, dusky, anecdotes, ruddy, resource, fearful. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — uncommon, startled, darkest, steam, stream. 2. — floating, melody, hearing, nasal. 3. — evening, hearth, roasting, tales. 4. — earlier, omens, portentous, woefully. 5. — direful, absolutely, vividly, fire-flies. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Watching the fire-flies, at the fall of night. 2. — Encountering a huge blockhead of a beetle. 3. — Returning along a dusky road. 4. — The old Dutch wives spinning by the fire. 5. — The children watching the apple sputtering on the hearth. 6. — Snugly cuddling in the chimney corner on a cold night. t^TUDIES IN IhVING 21 STUDY XI. PART FIRST. Word Study. Who is the heroine oi the story? Explain: "fearful shapes and shadows," "beset his path," "dim and ghastly glare," "wistful look," "trembling ray," "uncouth being," "complete dismay," "lonely peram- bulations," "terrors of the night," "curdling awe" "phantoms of the mind," "rushing blast," "cause perplexity," "substantial farmer," "uni- versally famed," "vast expectations." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : shapes, beset, glare, wistful, shrink, trembling, universally, substantial. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — shadows, snowy, glare, ghastly. . '' . 2. — wistful, frost, ray, streaming. 3. — shrink, dread, terrors, perplexity. 4. — mortal, despite, phantoms, darkness. 5. — substantially, trembling, universally, farmer. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — ^Meeting a fearful shadow on a stormy night. 2. — Looking wistfully in the direction of the wreck. 3. — Frightened toy the tramping of an uncouth being. 4. — Fleeing from a howling blast. 5- — The galloping Hessian on one of his nightly scourings. 6.— Sighting a plump partridge on the wing. 22 STUDIES JN IRVING STUDY XII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Describe a martin, a swallow. Where is Saaradam? What is an alder? a dwarf willow? Explain: "modern fashions," "soft and foolish heart," "paternal mansion," "well-conditioned," "piqued himself," "hearty abundance," "spring of softest and sweetest water," "fertile nooks," "stole sparkling away," "skimmed about the eaves," "swelling and cooing," "tempting morsel," "found favor in his eyes." PART SECOND. Synonyins. Get two or three synonyms for : charms, fashions, mixture, tempt- ing, foolish, provokingly, thriving, piqued. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — ^modern, ornaments, olden, provokingly. 2. — 'foolish, wondered, morsel, especiall3\ 3. — thriving, seldom, snug, abundance. 4. — stronghold, banks, springs, stole. 5. — dwarf, willows, paternal, mansion. \ PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Nestling in a sheltered nook. — Swinging on the branch of a wide-spreading elm-tree. — Dripping water from a little well formed of a barrel. — The dwarf willows listening to the chattering brook. — A vast barn bursting with the treasures of autumn. STUDIES IN IR VINQ 23 STUDY XIII. PART FIRST. "Word Study. What is a porker? a squadron? a regiment? a pedagogue? a chanti- cleer? Explain: "unwieldly porkers," "repose and abundance," "sallied forth," "fleet of ducks," "burnished wing," "crowing in pride and glad- ness of his heart," "generously calling," "sumptuous promise," "ducks pairing cozily in dishes," "decent competency," "daintily trussed up," "sprawling on his back," "craving quarter," "disdained to ask." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : sleek, unwieldly, abundance, ad- joining, pattern, burnished, competency. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — unwieldly, abundance, snuff, sleek. 2. — squadron, adjoining, carved, fretted. 3. — gallant, pattern, burnished, heart. 4. — ducks, generously, fare, sumptuously. •' 5. — competency, craving, decent, quarter. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — A snowy squadron of 'battle-ships in the offing. — The Texas convoying a fleet of provision ships. — A young actor striding across the stage. — A mother fretting about a wayward son. — Handing a rich morsel to a beggar. 24 STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY XIV. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain: "enraptured Ichahod," "fat meadow lands," "burthened orchards," "ruddy fruit," "warm tenement," "heart yearned," "imagin- ation expanded," "realized his hopes," "household trumpery," "bestrid- ing a pacing mare," "conquest of his heart," "untensils of husbandry," "wondering Ichabod," "rows of resplendent pewter," "fancied all this," "usual residence." PART SECOND. Synonyra.s. Get two or three synonyms for : enraptured, fancied, yearned, inherit, conquest, domains, expand, various. » PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — fancied, conquest, enraptured, complete. 2. — ruddy, orchards, burthened, fruit. 3. — domains, inherit, year, expand. 4. — idea, imagination, realized. 5. — ^bestride, pacing, wilderness, mare. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Rolling his green eyes over the fat meadow lands. — 'Mounted on top of a wagon load of trumpery. — Farmer Jones bestriding a pacing mare. — Examining the various utensils of husbandry on the piazza. — ^Climbing an apple tree that is burthened with ruddy fruit. — Admiring the rows of resplendent pewter. STUDIES IN IRVING 25 STUDY XV. PART FIRST. Word Study. What are conch-shells? mock-oranges? what is a loom? Explain: "hung in gay festoons," "linsey-woolsey," "gaud of red peppers," "claw- footed chairs," "dark mahogany tables," "regions of delight," "peerless daughter," "fell to the lot of," "enchanters," "fiery dragons," "walls of adamant," "castle keep," "beset with a labyrinth of whims and capri- ces," "difficulties and impediments," "easily achieved," "matter of course." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for: huge, festoons, covert, whims, beset, caprice, glistened, peerless, host. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — portal, beset, adversaries, numerous. 2. — competitor, watchful, host, fearful. 3. — knight-errant, easily, conquered, seldom. 4. — well-mended, knowingly, decorated, glistened. 5. — immense, treasures, generally, displayed. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Encountering a fearful host of adversaries. Cutting your way to the center of a Christmas pie. — ^Making my way through gates of brass and walls of adamant. , — ^Displaying immense treasures of old silver. ■Robbing a bird's nest in early summer. 26 STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY XVI. PART FIRST. Word Study. Who were the Tartars? Don Cossacks? Who was Hercules? Ex- plain: "formidable blade,'' "roystering fellow," "Herculean frame," "dexterous as a Tartar," "mingled air of fun and arrogance," "strong dash of waggish good humor," "boon companions," "scoured the coun- try," "scene of feud," "whisking about," squad of hard riders," ''stood by for a squall," "whoop and halloo,'' "hurry-scurry,' "descried a well- known crest." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : formidable, hardihood, burly, hero, skill, arrogance, ascendency, feud, surmount, flaunt. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — feats, formidable, burly, hero. 2. — blufif, mingled, countenance, unpleasant. 3- — universally, great, skill, dexterous. 4. — foremost, ascendency, bodily, gainsay. 5. — humor, dash, model, descried. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Meeting the full-back going for a touch-down. . — Scouring the country on a recreation day for game. . — Startled from slumber by the clattering of a fire department. • — Giving chase to Brom Bones and his gang. . — Dashing down a side street to escape the truant officer. • — The boy who is overbearing and rough. *S TIT DIE IS IK IR VI NG 21 STUDY XVII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Who was Achilles? What is a rantipole hero? To whom does it refer here? What is a supple-jack? Explain: "mad cap prank," "shrink from competition," "take the held against," "gently insinuating," "indulgent soul," "meddlesome interference," "sagely observed," "plied the spin- ning-wheel," "watching the achievements," "matters of riddle," "tri- umph of skill," "redoubtable fellow," "entitled to renown." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : admiration, gentle, inclination, formidable, thwarted, competition, pliability, insinuating. PART THIRD. Use of "Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — brawl, admiration, madcap, rustic, despair. 2. — discourage, retire, formidable, rival, sign. 3. — competition, pliability, perseverance, gentle. 4. — insinuate, thwarted, sagely, observe, man. 5. — 'indulgent, achievements, valiantly, path. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences: I. — -Standing by to witness a rustic bravvl. 2.— Brom Bones wrestling with a bear. 3. — Crossing a lion at hi,s prey. •, .;; - ■ 4. — Taking the field against a (deadly enemy. S. — Honest Bait smoking his evening pipe. 28 STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY XVIII. PART rmsT. Word Study. Explain: "degree of rough chivalry," "settled their pretensions," "con- cise and simple reasoners," "knight-errant of yore," "by single combat," "to enter the lists against," "obstinately pacific," "left no alternative," "funds of rustic waggery," "boorish jokes," "harried his domains," "relative situation," "pensive mood." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : degree, fain, wary, mode, adversary, pacific, boorish, opportunity, alternative, pensive. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — perceptor, fain, wary, adversary. 2. — combat, obstinately, boorish, disposition. 3. — pacific, alternative, conscious, pretentions. 4. — domain, harried, whimsical, peaceful. 5. — annoy, ludicrous, relative, pensive. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Brom Bones boasting to his gang. 2. — Smoking out a singing school in Sleepy. Hollow. 3. — Breaking the fastenings of Ichabod's school-house. 4. — The witches of the country holding a meeting. 5. — Brom Bones teaching his dog to whine like Ichabod. 6. — The pensive schoolmaster enthroned on a lofty stool. .^ TUDIES IN IR VING 29 STUDY XIX. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "to sway the ferule," "scepter of despotic power," "birch of justice," "terror of evil-doers," "sundry contraband articles," "ram- pant game-cocks," "appalling act of justice," "buzzing stillness," "tow- cloth jacket," "cap of Mercury," "petty embassies," "bustle and hubbub," "skipped over with impunity," "to quicken speed," "help over a tall word." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : ferule, despotic, detected, sundry, contra- band, rampant, busily, impunity, petty, effort, intent. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — scepter, terror, prohibited, detected, legions. 2. — half-munched, contraband, rampant, apparently. 3. — recently, appalling, buzzing, intent, master. 4. — clattering, scampering, mission, negro, apt. 5. — importance, bustle, impunity, application. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentenc 3S. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — The master swaying the scepter of despotic power. 2. — The idle urchins eyeing the birch of justice. , 3. — The negro servant clattering up to the door on a half-broken. colt. 4. — Ichabod reading the invitation to a quilting party. 5. — Hurrying the scholars through their lessons. 6. — Helping a tardy lad over a tall word. 30 STUDIES IK IRVING STUDY XX. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "legion of young imps," "yelping and racketing." "early emancipation," 'gallant Ichabod," "brushing and furbishing," "style of a cavalier," "choleric old man," "issued forth," "knigiht-errant in quest of adventures," "looks and equipments," "gaunt and shagged," "glar- ing and spectral," "fire and mettle," "furious rider." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for: emancipation, furbishing, cavalier, domicil- iated, choleric, adventure, romantic, equipment, lurking. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — early, imps, racketing, loose, usual. 2. — gallant, extra^ furbishing, toilet, suit. 3. — appearance, cavalier, borrowed, style, choleric. 4. — mounted, quest, issued, spirit, adventurer. 5. — equipments, horse, outlived, viciousness, gaunt. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences: I. — A legion of 3^oung imps racketing about. 2. — ^Ichabod arranging his toilet before a bit of broken glass. 3. — Borrowing a horse from a choleric old farmer. 4- — Removing the burrs from the tangled tail of Gunpowder. 5. — Helping Ichabod to mount a broken-down plow-horse. 6.— Ichabod setting off mounted in short stirrups. j STUDIES IJy IR VING 31 STUDY XXI. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain: "horse jogged on," "shambled out of the gait," "sky clear and serene," "nature wore rich and golden livery," "forests put on sober brown and yellow," "streaming files of wild ducks," "querulous note," "sable clouds," "broad black gorget," "chirping and frolicking," What is a montero cap? Describe a cedar-bird. PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : shambled, serene, associate, brilliant, files, 3able. coxcomb, querulous, nodding, splendid. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: — scanty, flapping, leisureh', shambled, wings. — serene, sober, livery, tenderer, nipped. — files, intervals, pensive, appearance, groves. — banquets, birds, revelry, profusion, variety. — querulous, favorite, cock-robin, sable, streaming. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — The schoolmaster and Gunpowder shambling out of the gate. 2. — Admiring the golden livery of autumn. 3-. — Jack Frost nipping the tenderer trees into brilliant dyes. 4. — 'Listening to the pensive whistle of a quail. 5. — The blue-jay acting as toastmaster at the autumnal banquet. 6. — The cock-robin interrupting the revelry with his querulous note. 32 STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY XXII. PART FIRST. "Word Study. Explain: "symptoms of culinar}- abundance," "treasures of jolly autumn," "apples hanging in oppressive opulence," "golden ears peep- ing out from lofty coverts," "holding out promise of cakes and hasty puddings," "ample prospects," "soft anticipations," "slap-jacks garn- ished with treacle," "sugared suppositions," "amber clouds," "goodli- est scenes," "sun wheeled his broad disk down into the west." PART SECOND. Synonym.s. Give five synonyms for : slowly, symptoms, culinary, ranged, ample;, covert, oppressive, anticipations, undulations, gradually. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — slowly, jolly, symptoms, delight, beheld. 2. — opulence, stores, oppressive, hanging, vast. 3. — coverts, promise, hasty, golden, leafy. . 4. — luxurious, prospects, fragrant, ample, odor. 5. — goodliest, stole, dainty, delicate, soft. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — The sun wheeling his broad disk below the horizon. 2. — Feeding the mind on sugared suppositions. 3- — Breakfasting on a dish of slap-jacks garnished with treacle. 4. — The golden ears of corn peeping out from their leafy coverts. 5. — The eyes of Ichabod ranging over the treasures of autumn. STUDIES IN IRVING 33 STUDY XXIII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "a slanting ray lingered," "woody crests of precipices," "a sloop loitered in the distance," "dropping slowly down with the tide," "a castle thronged with the flower and pride of the adjacent country," "a spare leathern-faced race," "homespun coats," "close crimped hats," "symptoms of city innovation," "a lad of spirit," "a potent nourisher," "a tractable horse." PART SECOJSTD. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for: lingered, crest, loiter, thronged, potent, bux- om, magnificent, innovation, antiquated, tractable. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — woody, dark-gray, slanting, lingered, crests. 2. — precipices, rocky, overhang, river, sides. 3.— thronged, spare, flower, leathern-faced, farmers. 4. — sloop, tide, uselessly, dropped, reflection. 5. — antiquated, stupendous, innovation, tractable. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — A slanting ray lingering on the woody crests. 2 3 —Admiring the dark-gray and purple of a rocky precipice. — Hailing a sloop in the distance. ■The leathern-faced farmers thronging to the party. ^Brom Bones arriving on his favorite steed Daredevil. 34 STUDIED IN^ IRVIXG STUDY XXIV. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "world of charms burst upon." "enraptured gaze," ''state parlor," "sumptuous time of autumn," "doughty dough-nut," "crisp and crumbling cruller," "delectable dishes," "broiled shad," "motherly tea- pot," "mingled higgledy-piggledy," "ample justice," "heart dilated," "his skin filled with good cheer." "spirits rose with eating," "niggardly patron." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : pause, enraptured, genuine, sumptuous, crisp, delectable, niggardly, deserve, discuss, ample. PART THIRD. Use of "Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — dwell, burst, enraptured, state, gaze. 2. — luxurious, genuine, sumptuous, charms, display. 3. — doughty, crisp, cakes, slices, delectable. 4. — shad, discuss, broiled, deserves, eater. 5. — unimaginable, niggardly, creatures, spirits. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — A world of charms bursting upon the gaze. 2. — Ichabod entering the state parlor of the mansion. 3. — A dialogue between a doughty dough-nut. and a crisp cruller. 4. — The hungry pedagogue doing ample justice to every dainty. 5. — Snapping the fingers in the face of a niggardly patron. IS TUDIES IN TR VI NG 35 STUDY XXV. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain: "a face round and jolly as the harvest moon," "hospitable attentions," "brief but expressive," pressing invitation," "fall to," "not a fiber was idle," "loosely hung frame," "a pyramid of shining black faces,"' "flogger of urchins," "animated and joyous," "smiling gracious- ly,'' "sorely smitten," "sat brooding." PART SECO'^D. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : content, humor, expressive, summoned, fiber, batter, loosely, animated, graciously, fiogger. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — guests, jolly, hospitable, invitation, pressing. 2. — orchestra, musician, gray, summoned, dance. 3. — battered, scraped, bowing, accompany, start. 4. — fiber, idle, loosely, figuring, admiration. 5. — delight, gathered, animated, graciously, tiogger. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — ^Honest Bait pressing the guests to fall to. 2. — The gray-headed musician scraping on two strings. 3. — The loosely hung frame of Ichabod in full motion. 4. — Forming a pyramid of shining black faces. 5.— Brom Bones brooding in the corner. 36 STUDIES IN IE VING STUDY XXVI. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "a knot of sager folks," "drawing out stories," "highly fav- ored places," "scene of marauding," "infested with refugees," "border chivalry," "dress up a tale with becoming fiction," "blue-bearded Dutch- men," "British frigate," "lightly mentioned," "an old nine-pounder," "parried a musket ball," "happy termination." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : sager, attracted, gossiping, chronicle, infest, whiz, marauding, fiction, parried, lightly. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — knot, smoking, sager, attracted, former. 2. — gossiping, stories, abound, chronicle, highly. 3. — marauding, scene, infested, border, enable, story. 4. — ^fiction, elapsed, indistinctness, recollection. 5. — blue-beard, frigate, discharge, breastwork. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — The sager folks gossiping on the piazza. — Visiting highly favored places. — Fleeing from a band of marauding cow-boys. — Dressing up a tale with becoming fiction. — Discharging a nine-pounder at a British frigate. — Parrying a musket-ball with a small sword. STUDIES IN IB VI NG 31 STUDY XXVII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain: "rich in legendary treasures," "tales and superstitions thrive," "sheltered retreats," "shifting throng," "encouragement for ghosts," "prevalence of supernatural stories," "contagion in the very air," "an atmosphere of dreams and fancies," "doling out wild and wonderful legends," "dismal tales," "funeral train," "te'thered his horse," Who was Major Andre? Tell story very briefly. PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : treasures, thrive, shifting, prevalence, doling, eontagion, infecting, unfortunate, favorite. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — retreats, thrive, deeds, illustrious, settled. 2. — population, shifting, scarcely, country, seat. 3. — surviving, acquaintance, prevalence, immediate. 4. — atmosphere, infecting, fancies, dismal, "favorite. S- — wailing, unfortunate, contagion, breathed. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — A ghost seeking shelter in a long-settled retreat. 2. — Jostled about by the shifting throng. 3. — ^The sexton making the rounds of a lonely churchyard. 4. — Taking up my abode in an atmosphere of dreams and fancies. 5. — Tethering the horse for the night. 6.- — ^Joining the funeral train of a departed hero. 38 . S TUBIES Ii\ IK VING STUDY XXVIII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "shine modestly forth,"' "shades of retirement," "a gentle slope," "silver sheet of water," "peeps may be caught," "blue hills of the Hudson," "grass-grown yard," "sunbeams sleep quietly," "a wide woody dell," "brook raves," "fearful darkness," "frequently encount- ered," "returning from his foray," "gallop over bush and brake," "thrice marvelous adventure," "errant jockey." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five S}non}-ms for: lofty, modestly, gentle, quietly, raves, foray, bolted, formerly, frequently, heretical. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — decent, modestly, beaming, retirement, always. 2. — peeps, silver, bordered, lofty, river. 3. — grass-grown, quieth^ woody, extends, rest. 4. — raves, formerly, stream, bridge, shaded. 5. — thickly, trees, gloom, overhanging. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences: I. — Troubled spirits knocking at the door. 2. — Viewing a silver sheet of water from a gentle slope. 3. — Chasing shadows across a grass-grown yard. 4. — Coming upon a raving brook in a woody dell. 5. — Pursuing the headless horseman over bush and brake. 6.— The Hessian vanishing over the tree-top with a clap of thunder.. STUDIES IN IRVING 39 STUDY XXIX. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "drowsy undertone," "a casual dream," "invaluable author," "sank deep into the mind," "the revel gradually broke up," "hollow roads," "mounted on pillions," "light hearted laughter," "late scene of noise and frolic," "silent and deserted," "have a tete-a-tete," "fully con- vinced," "no great interval," "desolate and chop-fallen," "conquest of his rival," "sacking a hen roost." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for: undertone, countenance, casual, invaluable, mingle, convince, interview, gloat, frolic, revel. PART THIRD. Use of Words, Write a sentence containing: I. — listeners, undertone, talk, casual, gleam. 2. — repaid, invaluable, extracts, nightly, walks, 3. — mingle, families, convinced, light-hearted. 4. — interview, interval, desolate, conquest, sham. 5. — uncourteously, roused, gloated, comfortable. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences: I. — Talking in drowsy undertones. 2. — ^Listening to the wagons rattling along the hollow road. 3. — Catching an echo from the distant woodland. 4. — Sacking a hen-roost at midnight. 5. — A plow-horse dreaming of mountains of corn and clover. 6, — ^Ichabod rousing his steed from a deep sleep. 10 STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY XXX. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "witching time of night," "heavy-hearted," "crest-fallen,** "dusky and indistinct waste of waters," "dead hush of night," "vague and faint," "dreaming sound," "gutteral twang," "stories crowding upon the recollection," "stars sink deeper and deeper in the sky," "driving clouds," "tree gnarled and fantastic," "tragical story," "ill-starred name- sake," "doleful lamentations." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : pursue, cheerily, dusky, waste, vague, hush, faithful, melancholy, fantastic, tragical. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — heavy-hearted, witching, dusk}^, hills, traverse. 2. — cheerily, crestfallen, dismal, hush, hour. 3. — midnight, barking, vague, faithful, long-drawn. 4. — awakened, occasionally, marsh, sudden, frog. 5. — clouds, sky, stars, deeper, lonely. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : — Pausing on the lofty hills above Tarry-town. — Frightened by the barking of a dog in the dead hush of night — Awakened by the crowing of a cock at day break. — Startled by the gutteral twang of a bull-frog. — Disturbed by the melancholy chirp of a cricket. STUDIES IN IB VI NG 41 STUDY XXXI. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain: "blast sweeping sharpW," "looking more narrowly," "tree scathed by lightning," "knees smote against saddle," "new perils lay before him," "cavernous gloom," "identical spot," "sturdy yeomen," "perverse animal," "lateral movement," "kicked lustily," "starveling ribs," "margin of a brook,' "black and towering," "gigantic monster," "sensitive ear," "affrighted pedagogue." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : doleful, fearful, blast, cease, smote, perils, cavernous, identical, thump, lustily, sway. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — respect, sympathy, fate, doleful, fearful. 2. — cease, blast, sharply, swayed, lustily. 3. — narrowly, ill-starred, traitor, approach. 4. — scathed, suddenly, smote, lightning, flash. 5. — marshy, glen, cavernous, identical, bridge. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. ■ Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Approaching a tree scathed by lightning. • 2. — Entering a thickly-wooded glen at night fall. 3. — Enduring the severest trial. 4. — The sturdy yeomen lying in wait for Major Andre. 5. — Ichabod kicking lustily at the starveling ribs of Gunpowder. 6. — Meeting a gigantic monster at the witching hour of night. 42 STUDIES IN IB VINO STUDY XXXII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "summon up a show of courage," "stammering accents," "agitated voice," "involuntary fervor," "shadow object of alarm," "made no offer of molestation," "kept aloof," "bethought himself," "quickened steed," "fell into a walk," "lag behind," "to utter a stave," "moody sil- ence,' "pertinacious companion," "figure in relief against the sky," gigantic in height." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : courage, stammer, agitate, cudgel, molest, resume, ascertain, moody, pertinacious, involuntarily, gigantic. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — goblin, wings, ride, courage, show. 2. — stammering, voice, answer, demand, agitated. 3. — cudgel, involuntary, inflexible, fervor, time. 4. — ascertain, molest, resume, silence, moody. 5. — sociability, aloof, pertinacious, companion. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Riding on the wings of the wind. — Summoning up a show of courage. — Halting before a shadowy object of alarm. — Ichabod quickening his horse in hopes of escape. — Endeavoring to start a psalm tune. STUDIES IN IRVING 43 STUDY XXXIII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "horror-stricken," "terror rose to desperation," "rain a shower of blows," "give companion the slip," "Spectre started up full jump with him," "flimsy garments fluttered," "possessed with a demon," "beyond swells the green knoll," "panic of steed," "goblin was hard on his haunches," "horrible missle," "encounter his cranium," "stroll idly about," "an inquiry was set on foot." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for: perceive, desperation, flimsy, famous, panic, wrath, cleave, convulsive, tremendous, missle. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — horror-stricken, observed, head, terror, desperate. 2. — perceive, rained, kicks, shower, slip, sudden. 3. — flimsy, famous, panic, flight, convulsive, pursue. 4. — wrath, cleave, unskillful, comfort, eagerness, confront. 5. — verily, reflection, missle, tremendous, stroll. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Ichabod makes a last attempt to flee from the goblin. — Gunpowder plunges headlong down the cliff. — The girth of Ichabod's saddle gave way. — The goblin hurling his head at Ichabod. — The horrible missle encountering the cranium of Ichabod. — Finding Gunpowder on the following morning. 44: STUDIES IN IR VING STUDY XXXIV. PART FIRST. Word Study. Who was Hans Van Ripper? Who was the headless horseman? What became of Ichabod Crane? What were the current stories at the time? What became of Brom Bones? Katrina Van Tassel? Explain: "fur- ious steed," "water ran deep and black," "executor of the estate," "mys- terious event," "knots of gazers and gossips," "Ten Pound Court," "ob- ject of superstitious awe," "diligently consider." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : dent, evidently, executor, scrawl, consign, suspect, speculation, conclusion, triumph, altered, faricy. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : . ^ I. — trampled, deeply, dented, evidently, furious. 2. — executor, examined, estate, consigned, fortunate. 3. — community, scrawl, speculation, furniture. 4. — knots, collected, gazers, diligently, considered. 5. — triumph, altered, fancied, laugh, hearty, event. . PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Finding the hat and saddle of Ichabod near the bridge. — Disposing of all the worldy effects of the schoolmaster. — Knots of gossips discussing the mysterious event. — Brom Bones recalling the story of the shattered pumpkin. — The whole country engaged in a heated discussion. Sip Vm Wmkit S TUDIEIS IN IB VING 47 STUDY I. PART FIBST. Word Study. Who was Peter Stuyvesant? Where are the Kaatskill Mts. ? the Appalachian? Explain: "dismembered branch," "noble height," "lord- ing it over," "magical hues and shapes," "perfect barometers," "Mts. print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky," "a hood of gray vapors," "crown of glory," "fairy Mts.," "blue tints of upland melt into fresh green," "village of great antiquity," "original settlers," "latticed windows," "gable fronts," "weather cocks." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get two or three synonyms for : remember, disremember, noble, per- fect, gather, glow, descried, original. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — voyage, remember, swelling, branch. 2. — noble, lording, magical, produces. 3. — regarded, barometers, change, season. 4. — purple, print, weather, settled. 5. — ^tints, green, melt, landscape. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences by introducing relative clauses, adverbial phrases, adjective phrases, appositional clauses, etc. I. — ^Making a voyage up the Hudson. — Climbing the Kaatskill mountains. — The mountains putting on a hood of gray vapors. — Standing at the foot of a snow-capped mountain. — Watching the light smoke curling up from the village roofs. — Roaming over a cloudless landscape. 48 STUDIES IN IB VING STUDY II. PART FIRST. Word Study. Where is Great Britain? Describe the personal appearance of Rip Van Winkle. Where was Fort Christina? Explain: "sadly time-worn and weather beaten," "chivalrous days," "meekness of spirit," "universal popularity," "martial character," "hen-pecked husband," "later circum- stance," "apt to be obsequious and conciliating," "discipline of shrews," "pliant and malleable tempers," "fiery furnace of domestic tribulation," "a curtain lecture," "patience and long-suffering," "termagant wife," "tolerable blessing," "family squabbles." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get three or four synonyms for : sadly, simple, siege, inherit, martial, meekness, popularity, obsequious. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — time-worn, province, simple, descendant. 2. — siege, inherited, martial, character. 3. — moreover, hen-pecked, kind, meekness. 4. — circumstances, popularity, obsequious, universal. 5. — shrew, conciliating, tempers, pliant. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Standing in the doorway of a time-worn cottage. 2. — Consoling a hen-pecked husband. 3. — Going to the siege of Fort Christina. 4. — Trying to conciliate a termagant wife. 5. — Teaching the children of the village to fly kites and shoot marbles. 6. — Playing tricks on a simple good-natured fellow. STUDIES IN IR VING 49 STUDY III. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "great error in Rip's composition," "an insuperable aver- sion," "profitable labor," "want of assiduity," "Tartar's lance," "fowl- ing-piece," "trudging through woods," "up hill and down dale," "rough- est toil," "formost man," "country frolics," "pestilent piece of ground," "in spite of him," "patrimonial estate," "dwindled away," "worst-con- ditioned farm," "trooping like a colt," "equipped in a pair of cast-off galligaskins," "had much ado to hold up." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get three or four synonyms for : error, aversion, insuperable, labor, assiduity, encourage, trudge, foremost. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — composition, profitable, want, perseverance. 2. — aversion, assiduity, want, trudge. 3. — fowling-piece, dale, assist, roughest. 4. — errands, obliging, employ, ready. 5. — pestilent, wrong, ground, declared. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. I Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Cutting a long heavy fishing-rod. 2. — ^Carrying a heavy fowling-piece up hill and down dale. 3. — AsS'isting a neighbor in the roughest toil of the farm. 4. — Performing odd jobs about the neighborhood. 5. — Building a stone fence around the cabbage patch. 6.— Falling heir to a pair of cast-off galligaskins. 50 STUDIES IN IB VINO ' STUDY IV. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain: "happy mortals/' "well-oiled dispositions," "take the world easy," "keep dinning in his ears," "torrent of house-hold eloquence," "cast up the eyes," "draw off his forces," "sole domestic adherent," "scour the woods," "ever-during and all-besetting terrors," "crest fell," "sneaks about with a gallows-like air," "fly to the door with yelping precipitation." "a tart temper," "a sharp tongue," "perpetual club of sages," "rubicund portrait," "talking listlessly." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get threeor four synonyms for: mortal, contentment, dinning^ habit, shrug, provoke, volley, droop. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — well-oiled, world, mortals, disposition. 2. — contentment, dinning, whistled, continually. 3. — ruin, torrent, house-hold, produce. 4. — lectures, habit, shrugged, however. • 5. — adherent, befitting, domestic, scoured. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : * I. — Whistling away the troubles of life. 2. — Dame Van Winkle pouring forth a torrent of house-hold elo- quence. 3. — Rip shrugging his shoulders in reply. 4. — Wolf looking on with a falling crest and drooping tail. 5. — Frequenting a club of sages and idlers. 6. — Telling endless sleepy stories about George the III. >S TUniE^ IN IB VING 51 STUDY V. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain: "profound discussions," "listen solemnly," "drawled out,'" "a. dapper little man," "daunted by a gigantic word," "sagely deliber- ate," "opinions of this junta," "patriarch of the village," "sun-dial," "gather dpinions," "smoke vehemently," "frequent and angry puffs," "light and placid clouds," "perfect approbation," "call the members all to naught," "habit of idleness," "august personage," "terrible virago," "charged him outright." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get three or four synonyms for : profound, solemnly drawl, dapper, placid, deliberate, accurately, control, approbation, august. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — profound, solemnly, contents, drawled. 2. ■3- 4.- 5- PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences: I. — ^Listening to the contents of the newspaper. dapper, daunted, deliberate, events. — opinions, junta, patriarch, landlord. controlled, accurately, adherents, understood. — smoke, emit, clouds, placid. —A dapper little man drawling out the village gossip. .—Nicholas Vedder sending forth short angry puffs of smoke. , — Inhaling the fragrant vapor from his pipe. —Dame Van Winkle breaking in upon this stronghold of sages. 52 _ STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY VI. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : ''reduced almost to despair," '"only alternative," "share the contents of his wallet," "fellow-sufferer in persecution," "look wist- fully," "reciprocate the sentiment," "long ramble," "unconciously scram- bled," "still solitudes," "panting and fatigued," "green knoll," "crowned the brow of the precipice," "lordly Hudson," "silent and majestic course," "sail of a laughing bark," "glassy bosom," "mountain glen," "impending cliffs." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get three or four synonyms for : clamor, stroll, wallet, persecution, wistfully, reciprocate, sentiment, knoll, majestic. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — reduced, clamor, escape, stroll. — wallet, persecution, sometimes, share. — reciprocate, verily, sentiment, wistfully. — rambled, scrambled, solitudes, reechoed. — knoll, herbage, crown, threw. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Strolling through the woods. 2. — Sharing the contents of your wallet with a beggar. — Wolf trying to reciprocate the kindness of his master. — Scrambling up to the highest point of a mountain. — Stretching yourself panting and fatigued upon a green knoll. STUDIES IN IRVING 53 STUDY VII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain: "musing on this scene," "mountain threw long blue shad- ows," "heaved a deep sigh," "solitary flight," "bristled up his back," "skulked to master's side," "vague apprehension," "unfrequented place," "antique fashions," "stout keg," "shy and distrustful," "usual alacrity," "transient showers," "azure sky," "strange and incomprehensible," "looked anxiously," "mutually relieving one another," "narrow gully." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get three or four synonyms for: sigh, descend, advance, solitary, skulk, antique, alacrity, mutually, transient. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — musing, evening, shadows, valleys. 2. — heaved, descend, flight, solitary. 3. — 'bristled, looking, skulked, growled. 4. — yield, unfrequented, bending, assistance. 5. — singularity, nearer, surprised, dress. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : ' I. — ^A crow winged its solitary flight across the glen. 2. — Lost among the mountains. 3. — ^Wolf skulks to his master's side. 4. — ^A strange figure slowly toiling up the rocks. 5. — Bending under the weight of a stout keg. 54 STUDIES IN IB VING STUDY VIII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "amphitheatre," "quaint outlandish fashions," "short doub- lets," "enormous breeches," "peculiar visages," "sugar-loafed hat," "broad belt and hanger," "gravest faces," "mysterious alliance," "melancholy party," "suddenly desisted," "statue-like gaze," "lack-lus^- tre countenances," "knees smote together," "flavor of excellent 'Hol- lands," "a thirsty soul," "repeat the draught," "one taste provoked an- other," "reiterated visits," "senses overpowered," "eyes swam,' PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get three or four synonyms for : quaint, enormous, similar, style, visage, entirely, commander, mysterious, melancholy. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — amphitheatre, wonder, compan}^ odd-looking. 2. — fashion, enormous, quaint, style. 3. — visages, entirely, various, consist, 4. — painting, settlement, group, reminded. 5. — desisted, lack-lustre, smote, stare. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — Rip entering the amphitheatre in the mountains. — A company of odd-looking personages playing at nine-pins, — Trying to put on a sugar-loaf hat. -Quaffing the liquor in profound silence, -Sampling a flagon of excellent Holland. STUDIES IN IB VI NG 55 STUDY IX. PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain : "eagle wheeling aloft," "breasting the pure mountain breeze," "recall occurrences," "wild retreat," "woe-begone party," "wicked flagon," "barrel incrusted with rust," "grave roysterers," "fit of rheumatism," "babbling murmurs," "made shift to scramble," "im- penetrable wall," "tumbling torrent," "sheet of feathery foam," "cawing of idle crows," "secure elevation," "felt famished," "coils and tendrils," "old firelock." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get three or four synonyms for : aloft, occurrence, excuse, suspect, activity, preceding, entangle, astonishment. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — whence, rubbed, wheeling, aloft. 2. — 'breasting, breeze, occurrence, recalled. 3. — retreat, woe-begone, excuse, delay. 4. — suspected, activity, rheumatism, astonishments. 5. — shift, entangled, tendrils, impenetrable. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — An eagle breasting the pure mountain breeze. — Rip awaking after a profound sleep. — The grave roysterers of the mountains. — Revisiting the scene of a favorite gambol. — Listening to the cawing of a flock of idle crows. 56 STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY X. , '■ PART FIRST. Word Study. Explain: "skirts of the village," "village was altered," "populous village," "mind misgave him," "sorely perplexed," "that flagon has addled my poor head sadly," "silent awe," "forlorn and abandoned," "connubial fears," "singular assemblage," "singularly metamorphosed," "bustling and disputatious people," "bilious-looking people," "harangu- ing vehemently," "Babylonish jargon." PART SECOj^D. Synonyms. Get five svnonA-ms for : strange, hoot, alter, perplex, harangue, addle, abandon, resort, assemblage, metamorphosed. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — troop, hooting, altered, misgave, strange. 2. — precisely, perplexed, addled, sadly, brain. 3. — shrill, expecting, voice, decay, shattered. 4. — unkind, abandoned, overcame, desolateness, loudly. 5. — assemblage, singular, metamorphosed, decorated, PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences: I. — A troop of strange children hooting at him. 2. — A large and populous village. 3. — A half-starved dog skulking about. 4. — Entering a house that is empty and forlorn. 5. — Rip eyeing a singular assemblage of stars and stripes. 6. — A bilious looking fellow haranguing the citizens. STUDIES IN IRVING 57 STUDY XI. PART FIRST. Word Study. What is a Tory? a spy? a refugee? Explain: ''grizzled beard," "un- couth dress," "enormous lapses of time," "army of women and children," "great curiosity," "stare in vacant stupidity," "Federal or Democrat," "planting himself," "one arm akimbo," "austere tone," "to breed a riot," "self-important man," "a sharp cocked hat," "ten-fold austerity of brow," "unknown culprit," "drowned in a squall," "a precise counter- part," "completely confounded," "doubted his own identity." Where is Stony Point? Anthony's Nose? PART SECOND. Synonyms. . Get five synonyms for : attract, curiosity, stupidity, important, loyal, penetrate, austere, restore, culprit, confound. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — grizzled, rusty, attracted, tavern, politician. 2. — curiosit}^, bustled, stupidity, tip-toe, comprehend. 3. — self-important, akimbo, penetrate, austere. 4. — riot, loyal, subject, dismayed, bless. 5. — culprit, unknown, confound, squall, drowned. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — An army of women and children. 2.— Rip staring in vacant stupidity. 3. — A self-important man planting himself before Rip. 4. — Going to an election with a mob at his heels. 5. — Elbowing your way through a crowded street. 6. — The British storming Stony Point. 58 STUDIES IN IRVING STUDY XII. PART FIRST. Word Study. Who was Judith Gardenier? Peter Vanderdonk? In what way was Rip indebted to him? Explain: ''winking significantly," "tapped their fingers against their foreheads," "retired with precipitation," "critical moment," "a train of recollections," "drop of comfort," "stood amazed," "put their tongues in their cheeks," "screwed down the corner of his mouth," "faltering voice," "well-versed," "events and traditions," "corroborate his stor}-," "at his wits end." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for : significantly, mischief, suggestion, critical, precipitation, comely, faltering, totter, peering, corroborate. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing : I. — bystanders, wink, significantly, whisper, mischief. 2. — suggestion, precipitation, critical, comely, moment. 3. — peep, chubby, throng, look, frightened. 4. — intelligence, contain, comfort, longer, drop. 5. — tottering, women, brow, peering, exclaimed. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — The bystanders winked significantly. 2. — A comely woman presses through the crowd. 3. — Rip meeting his daughter Judith. 4. — Breaking a blood-vessel in a fit of anger. 5. — An old woman tottering up from among the crowd. 6. — Peter Vanderdonk corroborating Rip's story. STUDIES IN IB VING 59 STUDY XIII. PART PIRST. Word Study. Explain : "assured the company," "kept a kind of vigil," "crew of the Half-Moon," "scenes Oif his enterprise," "guardian eye," "make a long story short," "stout cheery farmer," "evinced an hereditary disposition," "former cronies," "grew into great favor," "idle with impunity," "dur- ing his torpor," "species of despotism," "resignation to his fate," "re- mained flighty," "life hangs iheavy," "quieting draught." PART SECOND. Synonyms. Get five synonyms for :ancestor, affirm, vigil, enterprise, guardian, cheery, evinced, hereditary, resume, crony. PART THIRD. Use of Words. Write a sentence containing: I. — Half-Moon, enterprise, guardian, ancestor. 2. — cheery, evinced, ditto, de.-potism, hereditary. 3. — cronies, impunity, patriarch, track, torpor, 4. — politician, disposition, impression, species. 5. — precisely, flighty, credit, draught, quieting. PART FOURTH. Picture-Sentences. " Build up the following picture-sentences : I. — The crew of the Half-Moon keeping vigil. 2. — A stout cheery farmer. 3. — Rip meeting his former cronies. 4. — Caught in a thunder storm. 5. — Playing a game of nine-pins. STUDIES IN IB VING 61 APPENDIX. The following scenes taken from the several "Studies" of the "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," have often proved fruitful topics for orig- inal composition. They were also found to be very helpful to beget in the pupils a habit of attentive and careful reading, by requiring them to be on the look- out for similar scenes in Scott, Dickens, Hawthorne, or in any work of classic fiction assigned for side reading. They should note accurate- ly the title of the book, chapter and page where the same or a kindred scene is to be found. _ A report of their progress in this work should be had two or three times a month. The pupils will he only too anxious to cite their refer- ences and show the points oi similarity in the portrayal of the same scene by different authors. This is an easy entrance to a more serious and detailed comparative study of models in the higher classes. Scenes From ''The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Study I. — A market town. Study 2. — (a) A squirrel hunt. (b) Description of Sleepy Hollow. Study 3. — (a) The haunts of the dominant spirit. (b) A haunted house, a haunted spot, a haunted stream. Study 4. — A little retired valley. Study 5. — -Personal appearance of Ichabod Crane. Study 6. — (a) The exterior of an old Dutch school-house. (b) The interior of an old Dutch school-house. (c) Ichabod Crane during school hours. Study 7. — (a) Ichabod Crane after school hours, (b) A tramp pedagogue. Study 8. — (a) Ichabod the singing-master. ...■•,- (b) Ichabod the social lion. Study 9. — Ichabod in his true light. Study 10. — Ichabod as a story-teller. Study II.— A lonely walk. Study 12. — (a) Personal appearance of Katrina Van Tassel. (b) Personal appearance of a well-conditioned Dutch farmer. Study 13. — (a) Description of a barn-yard. (b) The pleasures of anticipation. 62 STUDIES IN IRVING Study 14. — (a) A pleasant fancy. (b) A spacious farm house. Study 15. — (a) Ichabod enters the hall. (b) Ichabod loses his peace of mind. Study 16. — The hero of the country round. Study 17. — A formidable rival. Study 18.— Description of Brom Bones. Study 19. — (a) The scepter of despotic power. (b) A sudden interruption. Study 20. — (a) Making ready for the party, (b) Description of Gunpowder. Study 21. — (a) Mounted for the frolic. (b) A perfect autumn day. (c) The farewell banquet. Study 22. — (a) The treasures of autumn, (b) A glorious sunset. Study 23. — A varied throng of guests. Study 24. — A country tea-table. Study 25. — (a) A rustic host. (b) The dancer in full motion. Study 26. — (a) Gossiping with the sager folks. (b) True stories. Study 27. — The sexton's experience with a ghost. Study 28. — (a) The favorite spectre of Sleepy Hollow. (b) A country church. (c) A thrice marvellous adventure. Study 29. — (a) The departure. (b) A rude awakening. Study 30. — (a) Homeward bound. (b) Gruesome recollections. Study 31. — (a) A memorable tree. (b) Wiley's swamp. (c) A severe trial. Study 32. — (a) A shadowy object. (b) A strange midnight companion. Study 33.^A race for life. Study 34. — (a) The finding of Gunpowder. (b) The passing of Ichabod. (c) The search. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 971