Glass ^BS- 3 . 5" I S' Book_X3.i-£^ CopigtaN". ijto COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Oregon Pioneers By MARIA L. T. fllDDEN Illustrated By CoLisTA Murray Dowling Copyright 1910 PUBLISHED BY C. C. CHAPMAN CO. Portland. Oregon 2)CI.A261#'a6! VOU followed the trail long years ago, With footsteps light and hearts aglow, To this Western land, now a nation's pride, Where Columbia rolls to the ocean wide. VOU felled the trees and tilled the soil, And builded your homes amid hardships and toil, And planted churches and schoolhouses fair, In valleys, on hillsides, everywhere. & J a ^. 1-f '\X/'HERE the war-whoop rang is the whistle of trains, Over mountains and rivers and fertile plains; And flowers and fruits and pro- ducts rare, Blossom and flourish in Oregon air. ^..^eU "^^J 'Y^HE old mill-wheel, the **schooner," canoe, Gave place to the cry for all things new. And the wigwam's smoke and the camp-fire' s gleam Have passed from your sight as a midnight dream. JN * forty-nine and the days of old You dug your wealth from the mountain's bold. Now the mills and the mints lay the world' s vast stores Of treasure and gold at your very doors. r^N the trail of life you have traveled far, You have built a state, and now ajar, See the gates to that city of love and light, In the Fatherland where there is no night. 'Y'HE days of old, and the days of gold, Have passed away as a tale that is told; But their memory dear will linger still, And brighter grow down life's long hill. » £^2p npHE trail of life leads on to that sea, Which washes the shores of eternity, But the glory of sunset illum- ines the tide As you launch away for the other side. T^HERE loved ones who journeyed with you through the years, Bravely sharing your hardships and joys and tears, Now joyously, lovingly wait, as of yore, To welcome you home when life's journey is o'er. One copy del. to Cat. Div. iJiW tit-"