E U. S. Sawitaty Cor»fni5sion . Statist- ical bureau. PS Kcw York 1566. ■^ t v^-- — -~~~[ »x 1 \ /, I >*; > j- : .■ & *T>^ \ € : .*"' ^~^ N^ ^V^ v i Class E.4g i_ Book__ AJj^ luU' U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. STATISTICAL BUREAU. AGES OF U. S. VOLUNTEER SOLDIERY. NEW YORK 1866. University Press : Welch, Bigelow, & Co., Cambridge. Cambridge, January, 1866. Dear Sir, — Inclosed is my Report on the Ages of Volunteers in the late war. The general results were communicated, by permission, to the National Academy of Sciences at its session in August last, and tins Report was read before the Commission in November ; but the Appendix, concerning the Ages of a Population in general, has been prepared since that time. For most of the troops comprised within the limits of the present discussion, no descriptive muster-rolls exist. The Ages, Nativities, and Statures of those troops whose descriptions are on record will soon be made the subject of another Report. I am, dear Sir, Very respectfully and sincerely yours, B. A. GOULD, Actuary U. S. Sanitary Commission. John S. Blatchford, Esq., General Secretary U. S. Sanitary Commission. CORRIGENDA. Pa// z Jed and/wmputed namdc/w. represent the recorded numbers i ■>l(? are computed. Those for officers i, for greater distinctness. ) 22< •ion IM IttO 140 G&O I«KI SO <)() K» 20 - r === -:- \.$e, IS + » + i + ■» t i 4 + S t- Years. Chant Ji. Exhibiting fortach year #f age f/te relation oetmxn the recorded andjcomputed numbers, of volunteers. (The dotted lines represenl the recorded numbers) Ulp contimioua oneg are computed. Those for officers are multiplied by ten, for greater distinctness.) Ave. ik |,q 20 ii i'i 23 2* ' i6 2 ** H S6 17 W 10 V»'.l Xiimlifi 10,00(1 \ \ 9.000 A \ ,S.O(ll> V v., \\ 7.UIIO K \\ OOOO \^, 5,000 tpoo .'l.itOO Age 18 l!» 20 „'i 2 XiiiiiImT 10,0 CM >r,. L/iart //. .)/*//> •///,/ //*,- re/afire tuimter 0/' , population of mi/ifari/ /?///> ,//„>„/ O) rr ff////fpY//-o/Vu/r/ro/// M/o /->', Y <- fTI.,. ,!„»-... 1 l: !..JJ- . .1 1 1 8,000 1 1111 ii.M.r.i lilies IIKMCIle MIC ITCOnlCd IIHIIllXTS £5, the continuous lilies thiToiiiuiiteil ones.) \ -. \\ 7,000 - — - V, \ 5,000 tDOO \. 1 £ V^r '"*■ s* -t> ^ \^s s^jfe So 'sT aooo \^i ^ 5^ 1 Lz J_J . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Age 18 19 20 ii 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .12 33 ;<4 35 36 37 38 if) -to U 42 -f;i 44 (.'. Yearn Number - ^: 6000 _Jl -■- j ■• — — 6.000 5000 4000 2,000 ~~i # [ A%e IS ID i0 U 1000 aooo 2,000 CAart C ExkiditingJbreacA year of age tAenum- bn •»/ >//// ?ted men and officers among Mr first million i vlnnteers, and ihe number o/t i hilt males in ^population WWi/offhr / hi ted . S Votes andqftAe loyal ■ S inte »-. The doited lines are straight. The number of officers is multiplied by ten for distinctness. M<~ W 19 20 21 22 23 2* 25 26 27 28 2? .11 32 ;5.'l 3# 3* ;J6 •' 17 ;,H ~'> *° M K 13 ^ M ffl W *fl W ■'>•• Ve.'i* Numbej 10,000 •1000 80(10 7001) ('hurt /). ShoH /'//{/ /or ////// r.sf > vhtatfn x. the n///o of tffieexs&mtn /»//// n -hifc male populatwn qfithe loyal states at the same ages. • (Thenumber of officers is multiplied byten.) toon aooo lOOO A§e 18 ; li 20 21 22 83 2* 25 2« 27 28 2!) .10 31 32 33 34 3,5 .16 37 -IK 38 Wi H VI 43 44 f"> Yc.ir.s. Number 10,000 J^5 ^> ;— 9,000 8,000 r.iiiio 6000 5,000 4,000 .1,000 2,000 L0O0 Aye 18 19 20 21 ; Number 10,000 /'/,., ,-t /<' -S — - 9,000 r^ "^ 4 ^ H'/tifr ////■///■ population o/'//h United' •States, Loyal States A'- IhsuryrentStates. i^a ^ "& ~- "* \*& 8,000 *s-- ^ t* i • -? t r 'i ^4 » * •■ 5S; -§?= *»^< ^ •*i s *s- P^ 3r> <^ : v* '&, ■o, *» \ «,* r> » •n^* 1 v, **, "-. *•« 5,000 siy •// *-, "■ 5& i» - ./" ?\ 4,000 .1,000 2,000 4- 1 . Age lfi 10 20 21 ZZ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 to 40 W 48 49 r >() Y.-ars. Number to.OOO 1 \ \ 35,000 \ s ,'JO.OOO - 35.000 ■^1 30.000 14000 i i r 5,000 - -4-4 — & Aye 80 00 Yea Chart F. Showing tfte distribution qfct million of population, //// //ror.s- ofi'f/c Jbrt/tr United States, England, & France. Nil lll'lIT 10,000 - 9,000 - 8,000 - 7, (ion - 6000 6000 4(000 .1,00 2J0OO i.ooo Age -. =^"^ : . -p ■ I — L- i . | j J i 1 ! j : i . i 7a 80 «.■> 90 !) 5 Years Number CAart & Exhibiting the reiativie numder of dhe population under each succefsii v yea/ ■o/'a//c,Jb/'/ltr / r //i//ri . ftates, JEngland, durance. 0,000 - 1 1 — — — = Mh m 1 1 ■ — - _L 4- \ L i i - "* r~ - - - ! i "^ L- ", \ l« v 1 jS 1 ,0 u i | ?> l V 1 Jj \ l v \ f, W ,< ,\ v V ,« )$* V \ a f 3 ,\ # \N I) \ $ fc 1 1 \ L l jj u> 1 „ A v^ *' / »' \ 1/ vt , > l f