1 CO SfiAf^ *t/eo BY DAVIS ADVERTISING AND SALES CO. 414 BROWN MARX SLW eiRMINGHAM.ALA. fGHAM, ALABAMA ings, EtcMoqinl i^oM sdi lo'emog-lo nafta*^! j 39 Post Office 40 Hotel Florence —, 41 Alabama Trust & Savings Co. ^2 f E. K. Forbes Piano Company \ Guarantee Shoe Company 43 Farley Building 44 Spencer Business College 45 First National Bank Building 46 Alan Jemison 47 Hotel Jefferson 48 Batterton Coffee Company 49 St. Nicholas Hotel 50 Virginia Theatre 51 Abbott & Bro. 52 Friedman & Company 53 Kmpire Building 54 J. R. Brown Cigar Store 55 Brown-Marx Building 56 Jefferson County Savings Bank 57 Strickland & O'Barr 58 B. R. t. & P. Co., Office Building 59 Birmingham Realty Company 60 Martin Plumbing Company 61 Chamber of Commerce Building 62 Hotel Morris 63 R. D. Burnett Cigar Company 64 Woodward Building 65 American Trust & Savings Co. 66 Seals Piano & Organ Company 67 Steiner Building 68 Commercial Printing Company 69 Oliver Electric Company 70 h. & N Depot 71 Geo. E. Lum Machinery Company 72 Moore-Handley Hardware Co, 13 Geo. F. Wheelock Company 74 Moore-Handley Warehouse 75 Paul Haynes School 76 Highland Baker\ Company 77 Hillman Hospital MAI* OF THE BUSINESS SECTION OE BIRMINGHAM, AL YBAMA Showing Location oi" Some of the Most Important Buildings, Etc. in ii mi High li hool I ,, J m.i I Buildin ■ ;, il I Lhe Advent fl ,i,,„irlM,n Mill, tic ( lull ] ,,nlli. )i I llll) '. 8Cenlia I'rci byte rian I hurdi O/'/rHl liptisl < li"'. li JOPowfllScI I I | a | , Saw X- Son I ■< li.i tin I I" l8Agi'Ikultl IfBlrmiiifliiiiii View Companj 15 l'lrnl I 'i «!>} Li ihii ' h inch i ||l i iiinberli 'resbyt'n Chi i; IV, in iim! -I U New Terminal Mull, hi 10 Cur Hums, II r I, .". P. Co. % Car Hurra, II. R. I,. & P. I o ■'I Bijou I inn I,. 'SK Mcwbourne .' ! ,] 3B Until Ulllaiiin •.'I I'ilv II ,11 B Southern Hotel '.'II MiiIiiiui,, Bug] .,. ,,,,■ i pan; II 'lull l.iliiiiuiUv I'.nil.lini; "S County Courl lion h 20 St. Paul's Catholic Church 1 Majestli rii,,,i i. 31 Robertas Son B| 1. IU„, h S Sum; 88 Si I.inlvnii, I omtmll) Bj ll,„i,l Building : , Pii : I s 88 Hippudromc TlieuUi :; . h ' i Theatre ■ ;s Birmingham Hotel no pnanannann □ I II II I! II . □^•□□□sconnnnn □□□□□□□ 007/0030 □□'□□□□□ jf] B'HAM y\ ROLLING ■ MILL I LaN R.R. YARDS 1 => O (—7 ncm '-o 1/ °=>=J tZDCZHCZ □□□□a QfDOOaiODDCI] □ O'" FTWI II II I ^l^jEJhdhdHU "^ A. 6.5. YARDS 013 SHtrrtlLIMIl ; ' ' ' : .' JnDnnn DDDSDDLXt □□□□anna □□nauooc □ E=l CZIIZZ1IZZI CZJCZl a JDnnDDDDLlDD DODDOODDODD innnnnDDDDnn OOQODC JDOOU □□□□□ □ □□□□ I',. st Ofl Hotel Plo Alabama Trust ,\ Savings Co. orbea Piano Company Guarante ! 1I101 I ompanj Parle] Building Spencei Bualneai Co 1 irsl National Bank Building Mini [ainlaon Hoti 1 1 li. or Battertou Coffee Company [otel 1 1 heat re Ibbott 8 Bro Prii dman & Company Empire Building I. H Brown I Igai Store i'.i,,\\ 11 M.n \ Building liii, in, 11 i ountj 1 i\ Ingi 11 ,,,1 Strickland S O'Ban B. R. 1.. & P, Co., Office Building Birmingham Realtj C impan] Martin Plumbing I pan} Ch "i 1 Ci ,m Building Hoti I 1; i> Burnett dgai Company Woodward Building ,,,■ Co ieals Piano Oi npau ding 1 "i rcial Printing pan "i npanj 1 li pot Geo E 1 tint 1 ichin rj < ompnnj Mm in- 1 [andli Hard Geo , v I, i npany tfoore 1 [andlej l \ arel 11 Paul 1 ii 1 n, ■ ' li 1 10I Highland Bake ' omp trj Ihllin.in I *'U'HAM rfn.-. toojfoe d 8 ;H m B £ dotudD teihodi gaibiwa .a . ctofi* ohsldiA mad dtiO a dotudO ashsjy-dssjqi dotudD j-ri C j| foodfiij bMJ •°s •* a .J .s .ffitwa i •OO .1 £ .J JJ .gr^g ., 3*dT no, ai.eq3 j&u/odws ~ WfiH Yii S nib fmff SfiarrO afrf ' 98/JoHoO ^rtxi ^ < j8 eiisdo.g . <•# rfojeJa J ibtiuH booH enoS j8 89 f^ 3^f3moTboqqiH / I 15he SHOPPERS' GUIDE OF GREATER BIRMINGHAM THE TRADE CENTER OF ALARAMA Length, 720 feet NEW TERMINAL STATION Cost over $2,000,000 FINELY ILLUSTRATED-A COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FACTS, SHOWING THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE MAGIC CITY OF THE SOUTH-SHOWING HER SKYSCRAPERS, STORES, RESI- DENCES, BEAUTIFUL STREETS, AVENUES, ETC. ENDORSED BY THE BUSINESS MEN'S LEAGUE OF BIRMINGHAM PUBLISHED BY THE DAVIS ADVERTISING AND SALES COMPANY PUBLICITY PUBLISHERS 414 BROWN-MARX BLDG., BIRMINGHAM, ALA. $wl> City Hall, Fourth Avenue and Nineteenth Street Go little booklet, go Bearing an honored name, Till everywhere that you have went They're glad that you came. ©CIA 2521 46 A BIRMINGHAM PRODUCTION It is with pride that the publishers of this, the first number of "The Shoppers' Guide of Greater Birmingham," present to the public one of the finest and most costly publications, ever issued from the press of a Guide for a city. Every statistic that could be obtained, relating to Greater Bir- mingham, has been carefully compiled, and is as accurate as time and money can make it, and many of the articles are from the pens of those who have made a life study of the article appearing above their names. This "Guide" is published and compiled by a Birmingham corpora- tion of high repute, who make a specialty of high class publications. It was printed by a Birmingham firm, and every engraving was made by a Birmingham engraving company. In fact the "Guide" was born and made in Birmingham, Ala. Every manufacturer, jobber or retailer represented in the "Guide" are leaders in their respective business, who have ever before them the civic pride and patriotism that goes to make a city great, and we can assure every reader of this "Guide" of courteous treatment and honest values in every transaction they have with them. Publicity Publishers, DAVIS ADVERTISING & SALES CO. H. J. DAVIS President and manager of The Davis Advertising and Sales Co.; President Clerkease Manufacturing Co.; First Vice-President Post B., T. P. A. of Alabama; one of the best known machinery men in the South, having been manager of the machinery depart- ment of Moore-Handley Hardware Company for nearly sixteen years. 'THE INLAND METROPOLIS" "THE MINERAL CITY OF THE SOUTH" GREATER BIRMINGHAM 1871 AITII f%P OPPORTUNITIES IM Y L SKYSCRAPERS ill r CONVENTION S VI 1 1 Vl ENTERTAINERS 1909 First House Built in Birmingham Was located on the southeast corner of First Ave. and Twenty-first St. ROM A CORNFIELD to the Metropolis of Alabama in thirty-eight years! Such is the remarkable record of the "Magic City of the South," and one that every citizen of Greater Birmingham is proud of. Little did the most confined optimist realize that on that bright June day that came for the marketing of Birmingham lots. 5 These had all been numbered and wooden pins driven into the ground to mark the limit, and on June 1, 1871, nearly six months before the date of the city charter, Major A. Marre bought the first lot in the city for #150. 00, now in the heart of the city, on the corner of First avenue and Nineteenth street. The value of this property now, after thirty-eight years of steady growth , may be indicated in the market value of real estate in Greater Birmingham today when, about the last of July, The Birmingham Trust & Savings Co. bought the property adjoining their bank, No. 114 North Twentieth street, for $65,000.00, or $2,600.00 a front foot. The visitor is quick to sense the spell which Birmingham casts over its Twentieth Street, Looking North from the L,. & N. Depot citizens. It is the grip of a drama, wherein expectation is never closed, and suspense, though sometimes poignant, is tempered by the intuition that forces are moving in an orderly way to a splendid climax. The Birmingham man himself is unconscious of the appeal to his dram- atic instinct. He will tell you he would rather live in Birmingham than any- where else, because things happen naturally here. There is no forcing of effort ; no theatrical clap-trap, none of the fireworks with which some of the Please mention ""The Shoppers'' Guide" to the advertisers Newest First Class Hostelry to New Terminal Station— Three Blocks "A REFINED HOME FOR NICE PEOPLE" HOTEL JEFFERSON 2nd Ave. and 24th St. Birmingham, Ala. Official Headquarters, Post B, T. P. A. of A. STEAM HEAT Porter Meets All Trains PRIVATE BATHS AMERICAN PLAN. Your only regret when leaving that you can't stay longer. Rates $2.00 to $4.00 Per Day. OUR SIX O'CLOCK SUNDAY DINNERS A SPECIALTY J. B. KENNEDY, Proprietor This adv. was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide'" to advertisers Hardie-Tynes Manufacturing Co. Builders of Corliss Engines and Heavy Duty Throttling Engines, Air Compressors and Hoisting Engines* For prices and catalogue, address Hardie-Tynes Mfg. Co., Birmingham, Ala. STRENGTH Newest and Best Satfe in the Market. That is only one of the points of superiority. Our safe is ahead of 'em all in every other way. Shelves are rigidly held in place, cannot warp or twist out of shape, and may be removed for cleaning. No tools needed to set up. Patent applied for. We also make a fine line of kitchen tables and oak bedsteads. THE SOUTHERN M'F'G CO. Birmingham. Ala^a-ma. Ad. by Davis Advertising & Sales Co cities he has in mind are wont to usher in their star events. Developments come, he holds, because they must— slowly or quickly, as they may, but inevitably. What are a few months or a few years to a city whose place on the map is permanent, and whose future a century hence is assured as if it were a total of a simple sum in addition ! There is iron ore in the mountains and the valleys to last longer than that, and coal enough hard by to melt it and feed furnace mouths on land aud sea besides. The steel problem is worked out, and the building of more furnaces and mills and factories are matters of detail. Why, then, should he boast and cram statistics down the throats of his guests? A little over thirty-eight years ago Birmingham was not on the map. Today it is an enterprising city of 125,000 population, with skyscrapers, four theatres, six vaudeville and moving picture theatres, nine banks, ninety churches and with a total trade volume of more than $175,000,000 a year. vSituated in the heart of Alabama, which is the heart of the old South, Bir- mingham commands a geographical advantage as a distributing point superior to any other Southern city. Nine railroads afford facilities for transporta- tion, and open up and reach an area conspicuous for iis development. Every great trunk system in the South has already aline to Birmingham, attracted, of course, by the tonnage of this district, which is 40,000,000 tons a year, cr thirteen times as much as the cotton crop of the South. Birmingham's pros- perity may be traced to its wealth of raw material. It is the center of a region which enjoys the distinction of being the only known district in the world where coal, iron and limestone and other fluxing material are found in quantities together. In the making of pig iron, therefore, Birmingham enjoys the advantage of being able to turn out this product at from $2 to $3 a ton cheaper than it can be made elsewhere. In Jefferson county, in which Birmingham is situated, there are thirty- two furnaces and one large steel mill, giving employment to 7.440 men and paying wages that amount to $5,600,000 a year. In this connection it may be stated that the total industrial pay roll of Jefferson county amounts to $37,170,000 per year, and 52,166 men are employed in the various industries. The opportunity in this district for making glass, both window and bottle, are so obvious that they must, in time, make this the seat of the Southern glass industry. We have cheap fuel, the mild climate and enough sand to make a crystal globe to envelope the world. Railroad Schedules TERMINAL STATION (Effective August 22, 1909) Southern Railway. Arrive from — Corona 8:45 AM Atlanta .. 5:20 AM Greenville 7:35 PM Columbus... ..-12:50 PM Mobile 8:10 PM Selma 10:30 AM Atlanta 10:00 PM Washington.. .12:15 PM New York 4:00 PM Depart to — Corona. 12 Greenville 7 Columbus 4 Mobile 6 Selma 3 Charlotte 6 Atlanta 12 Washington 4 New York 9 :30 PM :10 AM :10 PM :00 AM :25 PM :30 AM .15 AM :25 PM :30 AM Queen and Crescent Route Arrive from Cincinnati 10:10 PM N. O. & S'p't.. 6:10 AM Cincinnati 10:15 AM N. Orleans 6:u0 PM Chattanooga... 11:55 AM Chattanooga... 9:00 PM Meridian 11:38 AM Meridian 11:35 PM Depart to — N. O. & S'p't-10 Cincinnati 6 N. Orleans 10 Cincinnati 6 Meridian 4 Chattanooga... 4 Chattanooga.. . 6 Meridian ...... 5 :15 PM :15 AM :20 AM :05 PM :10 PM :05 PM :25 AM :30 AM Frisco System Arrive from — Kansas City Kansas City Winfield 4:05 PM 6:45 AM 10:15 AM Memphis 6:00 Depart to — Kansas City 12:20 PM Kansas City 10:30 PM Winfield 3:45 PM Memphis 7:00 AM Central of Georgia Railway Arrive from — Macon 9:05 PM Savannah 11:55 AM Depart to— Macon 7:00 AM Savannah 4:10 PM Seaboard Air Line Railway Arrive from — New York 8:45 PM Atlanta 10:15 PM New York 12:10 PM Depart to— New York 7:00 AM Atlanta 5:30 AM New York 4:10 PM Illinois Central Railroad Arrive from — I Depart to — Chicago... 3:15 PM ! Chicago 2:00 UNION STATION Effective September 12, 1909 Louisville and Nashville Railroad Arrive from— Depart to— Cincinnati 8:25 AM N. Orleans 8 N. Orleans 12:10 PM Cincinnati 12 Cincinnati 3:25 PM N.Orleans 3 N. Orleans 8:3? PM Cincinnati 8 *Decatur 7:15 PM *Decatur 6 *Decatur 10:00 AM *Decatur 3 Montgomery __ 7:15 PM Montgomery ._ 6 Montgomery -.10:45 AM Montgomery .. 3 Birmingham Mineral Railroad :33 AM :22 PM :40 PM :45 PM :15 AM :45 PM :20 AM :50 PM Arrive from — Anniston 10:40 Anniston 6:50 *Blocton 5:45 Praco 5:00 Blocton 11:15 Blocton 6:45 Depart to — Praco 8 Blocton 6 Blocton 2 Anniston 3 Anniston 8 *Blocton 6 :25 AM :30 AM :00 PM :40 PM :35 AM :55 AM Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Arrive from — I Depart to — Brunswick 11:45 AM Brunswick 4:10 PM Trains marked thus * run daily except Sunday. IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS "The merchant who leaves the PLAC- ING of his ADVERTISING EXCLU- SIVELY to bis ADVERTISING MAN not only WASTES TIME and USE- LESS SPENDING of HIS MONEY, but at the same time LOSES VALUA- BLE BUSINESS that he CANNOT REACH with the DAILY PRESS," said one of the Merchant Princes of New York. 10 Please mention "The Shoppers" Guide" to the advertisers The First National Bank Birmingham, Ala. Capital, , . . $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits . 800,000 Depositary of the United States and of the State of Alabama Every Branch of Legitimate Banking. Domestic and Foreign Exchange Commercial and Savings Accounts Safe Deposit Vaults, Storage Vaults, Bonds and Investments Particular Attention Given to Accounts by Mail. W. P. G. HARDING, President J. H. WOODWARD, V.-Pres't J. H. BARR, V.-Pres't THOMAS HOPKINS, Cashier F. S. FOSTER, Ass't Cashier THOMAS BOWRON, Ass't Cashier J. E. OZBURN, Secretary Savings Department 11 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers Let us prove to you that — MALT AND MILK BREAD is the best bread made in the South. Made only by Highland Barkery Co. Birmingham. Alabama. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. WE EXPECT TO BE IN OUR NEW BUILDING 2106=2108 Fifth A venue After November ist, 1909. In making this change we are giving to Birmingham the best equipped establish- ment of the kind in the South. OUR POLICY IS PRO- GRESSIVE. We ask your confidence in us. E. T. Shaw & Son Undertakers and Emb aimers Both Phones No. 9. 12 CAR ROUTES IN CENTER OF CITY SIGNS ON THE CORNERS TELL WHICH CARS PASS THERE On the principal business corners of Birmingham there are large signs on the poles telling which street cars pass that particular corner. Strangers find them a great convenience. They save the necessity of asking a world of questions and serve the same purpose as the names of the streets and avenues prominently displayed. When you want to know what car passes a certain corner, ask the sign board. Avondale — In 22d street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 20th street, 20th to Third avenue and out 22d street. Avenue C — In 22d street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 20th street, 20th street to Tnird avenue and out 22d street. Boyles — In 21st street to Second aveuue, Second avenue to 19th street, 19th street to Fourth avenue, Fourth avenue to 21st street and out 21st street. Cleveland — In First avenue to 20th street, 20th street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 17th street and out First avenue. East L,ake — In First avenue to 19th street, 19th street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 24th street and out First avenue. Fountain Heights — In 20th street to First avenue, Fi st avenue to 21st street, 21st street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 20th street and out 20th street. Gate City — In Fourth avenue to 22d street, 22d street to First avenue. First avenue to 19th street, 19th street to Fourth avenue and out Fourth avenue. Highland Avenue and I^akeview — In 22d street to First avenue, First avenue to 19th street, 19th street to Third avenue and out 22d street. Idlewild — In 20th street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 19th street, 19th street to First avenue, First avenue to 20th street and out Avenue B. Mountain Terrace — In 20th street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 19th street, 19th street to Third avenue, Third avenue to 20th street and out Avenue F. North Birmingham — In Third avenue to 19th street, 19th street to First avenue, First avenue to 23d street and out 2Hd street. North Fnsley — In Fourth avenue to 19th street, 19th street to First avenue, First avenue to 18th street, 18th street to Fourth avenue and out 17th street. North Bessemer — In Third avenue to 18th street, 18th street to First avenue, First avenue to 19th street and out Third avenue. North and South Highlands— In and out 20th street. Norwood — In 19th street to First avenue, First avenue to 20th street, 20th street to Second avenue, Second avenne to 19th street and out Eighth avenue. Owenton — In 18th street to First avenue, First avenue to 19th street, 19th street to Eighth avenue and out Eighth avenue. Railroad Terminal — All cars pass Second avenue and 19th street, First avenue and 19ch street and First avenue and Twentieth street. South Ensley — In Third avenue to 18th street, 18th street to First avenue. First avenue to 19th street and out Third avenue. South Bessemer and Powderly — In First avenue to 21st street, 21st street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 17th street and out First avenue South Fifteenth Street — in Avenue B to 20th street, 20th street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 19th street, 19th street to Third avenue, Third avenue to 20th street and out Avenue B. Twentieth Street and Avenue B IyOop — In 20th street to Third avenue, Third avenue to 19th street, 19th street to First avenue and out 20th street. Twenty-1 hird Street — In 22d street to Second avenue, Second avenue to 19th street, 19th street to First avenue and out 22d street. 13 PIACES OF AMUSEMENT THE JEFFERSON— Second avenue, between 17th and 18th streets. Tragedy, drama, comedy, etc. THE MAJESTIC— Third avenue, between 18th and 19th streets. Vaudeville THE BIJOU— Third avenue and 17th street. Popular prices. Every night. Matinees Tues. Thurs. and Sat. THE HIPPODROME— Third avenue and 17th street. Vaudeville, pictures, Songs. 10c. THE MARVEIy— North Twentieth street, near Third avenue. Vaudeville, pictures, songs. 10c. Nineteenth Street, Looking North from First Avenue THE VIRGINIA (I^ate O'Brien's Opera House) —First avenue and 19th street. 10, 20 and 30c. Vaudeville, pictures, songs. 10c. THE AI^AMO— Third avenue, between 18th and 19th streets. Vaudeville and pictures. 10c. THE BONITA— Third avenue, near 20th street. Pictures only. 5c. THE PASTIME— Second avenue and 19th street. Vaudeville, pictures, songs. 5c. THE AMUSE-U— 211 and 213 North 19th street. Vaudeville, pictures, songs. 5c. 14 Please mention '''The Shoppers" Guide'''' to the advertisers QUALITY AND PURITY Start housekeeping right — then dreams will come true. If you have one of the following well known brands of Coffee in your pantry. Made and put up only by The Batterton Coffee Co 2409 2nd Ave. Birmingham, Ala. ROASTED DAILY M AGIC CITY, 4|-lfa BUCKETS ROYAL CUP, 3-lb CAN "Fine Cup and Saucer Packed " As Name^ Implies- Fit for in Same." Kings/ HOME LUXURY, 1-Ib GARLAND, Mb CANS CARTONS "It's Perfect" "For Luxurious Drinkers" They are all made in Birmingham CHALLENGE, 1-lb BAGS OUR COFFEE IS SERVED "The Unequaled Popular Price at the Chamber of Commerce Coffee" Drug Store. Sold by all dealers of Good Coffee. This adv. was written by The Davis Advertising' and Sales Co. 15 Please, mention "The Shoppers" Guide" to the advertisers Birmingham Realty Company 2118 First Avenue Largest Owners of Property in the City of Birmingham Creators and developers of Norwood, ''The Pla- cid Place," Hanover Place, and other high-class residence centers. Holdings include choice resi- dence property in all sections of the city; also desirable manufacturing sites. ;: :: :: :: You Can Bank With Us By Mail If you live out of Birmingham, you can bank with this strong, new bank by mail. We pay 4% interest on savings, compounded quarterly on our coupon certificates. Write us for any information. Merchants and Mechanics Trust and Savings Bank 212 Twentieth Street, Birmingham W. A. PORTER, President W. H. NEVINS. V.-President MOSE LEVY, Cashier JOHN W. SPARKMAN, Ass't Cashier AI,. C. GARBER, Ass't Cashier H. C. Abbott, B. G. Copeland, George H. Harris, R. G. Hewitt, T. W. O'Byrne, E. D. Smith, James Ashworth J. J. Shannon. DIRECTORS W. H. Nevins, J. K. Warren, Wyatt Heflin, John H. Adams, Allen J. Krebs, W. O. fanning, George H. Stubbs, W. J. Varley, R. M. Henderson. Sol Caheen, G. W. Yancey, John T. Morgan, T. E. Brooks, R. E. Collins, Mose Levy, W. A. Porter, W. M. Burgin. 16 GREAT IS BIRMINGHAM AND IT IS GROWING GREATER— A FEW FACTS SENT BY MAIL AND EXPRESS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY BY THE BUSINESS MEN OF BIRMINGHAM WHICH ARE UNDENIABLE BUT THEY MAKE A CITY GREAT Third Avenue Arcade at Night, Looking East from Nineteenth St. BIRMINGHAM AS A JOBBING CENTER Birmingham offers unusual inducements as a wholesale market, afford- ing to the merchants of Alabama and surrounding states, goods both in quality and price which cannot be excelled, and the further advantage of quick delivery. Dry goods, shoes, groceries, produce, hardware, machinery, farm supplies, plumbers' supplies, crockery, furniture and numerous other lines are represented by wholesale houses. The geographical position of Birmingham, its railroad facilities, give it the advantage of any other market in the South as a distributing point. 17 BIRMINGHAM AS A MANUFACTURING POINT Birmingham is rapidly growing as a manufacturing center. The cen- tral geographical position of the city, nine trunk lines of railroad, cheap First Avenue, Looking East from Nineteenth Street fuel, ideal climate, and a constantly expanding market give it the advantage over all rivals. Manufacturing sites can be secured at a reasonable price, concessions 18 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers "The Big Four Per Cent. Bank" American Trust & Savings Bank Birmingham, Ala. Offers the public the guarantee of safety and efficiency represented by large resources, experienced man- agement, a strong directory and a complete and competent working force. Pays 4 per cent, on savings deposits, and compounds the interest twice a year. Yours solicited. W. W. CRAWFORD, President H. I,. BA.DHAM, Vice-President C. M. WII^IAMSON, Cashier B. B. CRAWFORD, Ass't Cashier W. C. HAMII/TON, Ass't Cashier G. B. McCORMACK, Chairman of Board 19 ?tisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co 43 Please ?nention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers "IT COSTS LESS AT COLLIER'S" COLLIER DRUG CO THE 'oMaJUL STORE 109-11 North Twentieth Street Next to Brown-Marx Building. Birmingham, Ala. The La.rgest Retail Drug Store in the South. EVERYTHING SOLD ATA CUT PRICE J. H. SCRUGGS Suite 522 Brown-Marx Bldg. General Southern Agent The General Fireproofing Co. Youngstown, Ohio. Manufacturers ALL STEEL Furniture and Filing Equipment for courthouses, banks, offices, etc., where protection is desired against fire, mice, rats, vermin and dust. Will not swell or shrink. Finishes in perfect imitation of finest wood. Library equipment, steel lockers. Special designs and estimates glad- ly furnished. Let me send you Typical Stack Filing Devices Catalogues. for Office 44 Birmingham was the first city in the state to establish a modern high school in place of the old academy ideal. The influence of the Birmingham school system upon public education in Alabama and in the South will never be fully appreciated because of its quiet, pervasive character. In 1888, Birmingham erected the Powell school, then the most modern school building in the South. That building became the standard for Bir- mingham and for many cities throughout the South. Since then there has been great development in school buildings and the city today has many buildings that are both larger and better than the Powell. Birmingham High School The schools of Birmingham are widely known throughout the United States, and people who come here to live from the older and more settled cities of the North and East contrast favorably the school facilities of this young city with those of the older cities of the country. During the past year, the school enrollment was nearly 10,000, with about 250 teachers. Fifteen separate buildings were devoted to the work of the elementary schools which lead to the doors of the great Manual Train- ing High school, the capstone of the city's educational system. The High 45 School occupies a magnificent structure erected at a cost of $200,000, and accommodates 1,000 students. In addition to the academic studies which lead the student to the threshhold of the best colleges in the country, it provides a technical and manual training equipment second to no institution of its kind in the entire South. It offers courses in carpentry, cabinet work, wood turning, pattern making, forge work and machine work, together with freehand and mechanical drawing. Girls have an opportunity to take sew- ing, dressmaking, millinery, cooking and household art. The excellent L_ Southern Hotel, Twentieth St. and Fourth Ave., Most Popular Priced European Hotel in the South— Strictly First Class equipment of the physical, chemical and biological laboratories provides facilities for learning the elements of modern science in the most practica way. In the commercial department, boys and girls may learn the require- ments of the business world and through stenography, typewriting, book- keeping and commercial law, may learn something of the individual equip- ment necessary to meet these requirements successfully. In addition to these facilities, the school has a large gymnasium, with shower bath and swimming pool adjoining, a large dining room for the noonday lunch 46 Please mention " The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers Established 1873. Thirty-six Years of Continuous Business in Birmingham. H. C. ABBOTT & BRO. JEWELERS We beg to call special attention to our magnificent stock of DIAMONDS In all the latest designs of mountings. Necklaces, I om the firm thai pays him for his services, to advertise Us business to the best advantage, should be condemned by all honest men. 50 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide'' to the advertisers CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. We have at Birmingham full stocks of cement, lime, plaster, roofing, fire brick and general building materials. Agents for the Standard Brand Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Apex Plaster, Wood Fiber Plaster, Superior Graphite Paint, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Pipe and Boiler Cover- ing, etc., etc. Keystone White Lime is the cheapest because it is better. We can reach you anywhere in the Southern states, and solicit your inquiries and orders. Birmingham Alabama, Offices at - Long Distance Telephone Bell 557. Atlanta, Ga. Charleston, S. C. New Orleans, La. GIBSON REALTY COMPANY 216 N. 21ST STREET REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE We always have something "worth while" for the investor, and we guarantee substantial profits to those who come first and get pick of lots in WOODLAWN HIGHLANDS. We make a specialty of caring for the prop- erty of non-resident owners, protecting it with insurance, collecting rents, paying taxes, attending to repairs, etc. Be sure you see us before you leave the city. For Signs that Beautify and tend to make "A City Beautiful" CALL UP BELL 3194 MAIN UNION SIGN CO. P. W. McDonnell, 1801 Second Avenue. SIGNS ON GLASS, BOARD, MUSLIN AND METAL WALL AND BULLETIN ADVERTISING JOHN P. M'COY CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY AUDITOR OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA SUBJECT TO THE ACTION DEMOCRATIC PARTY 51 Please mention ''The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers H. J. DAVIS, Pres. & Gen. Mgr, EVERYTHING IN MACHINERY' J. W. MINOR, Secretary & Treas. HINDS PEEVEY Vice-President The Davis Advertising & Sales Co. MACHINERY AND SALES DEPARTMENT, H. J. Davis, Manager Machinery, Boilers, Engines, Road Rollers, Motors and Generators Feed Water Heaters AGENTS FOR Good Roa^s Machinery Company, Kennett Square, Pa. Bradford Machinery Too' Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Celebrated Reilly Feed Water Heaters Griscome, Spencer Co., New York AGENTS FOR Ames' Iron Works, Engines and Boilers Oswego, N. Y. Willey Electric Motors and Generators, Louisville, Ky. Clerkease Advertising Cabinets, for Jefferson County, Ala. "Autobrite," the great Metal Polisher. "Absolutely no acid." Its the magic cleaner of the 20th century. It cleans anything on earth, without injury. When in the market, write us. 414 Brown-Marx Bldg, Birmingham, Alabama BELL PHONE 1455 MAIN 52 HEALTH AND SANITATION OF GREATER BIRMINGHAM BY DR. R. B. HARKNESS In order that a clear understanding may be had of the plans for health betterment in Greater Birmingham, a brief explanation of our health ma- chinery should be made. The laws of Alabama provide each county in the state with a Board of Health, which is composed of physicians. This Board of Health, has as its executives, the health officer and his assistants, for the county at large, also St. Vincent's Hospital for each incorporated city or town in the county. Through these executives, known collectively in Birmingham as the city health department. The Board of Health is expected to care for the health interests of the citizens. Before taking up in detail the duties of the health department of Greater Birmingham, some general considerations may be disposed of. Birmingham is between 550 and 650 feet above sea level, its citizens are not subjected to extremes of temperature either in summer or winter; the sur- face is sufficiently rolling to give good natural drainage. We will now con- sider in detail the more important features in public health work. The fol- 53 lowing are some of the most important matters that engage the attention of the health department in daily routine. 1st. Supervision of communicable diseases. 2d. Inspection of milk, meat and other foods. 3d. General sanitary inspection. 4th. Overlooking garbage, collection and disposal of same. 5th. Sewerage. It will easily be seen from the foregoing summary that the work of the health department is largely educational in its character. Hillman Hospital "Be a teacher first — a policeman second," should be a rule practiced by every officer connected with any health department. However, the most important feature of this work, is that of awakening an intelligent interest in communicable diseases among the people. We must teach the public that tuberculosis is a germ disease that is fostered only in unwholesome sur- roundings, that to spit in a street car or public building may endanger the life of some fellowman. Every man and woman should be taught that a 54 Please mention " The Shoppers' 1 Guide" to the advertisers Phor\e Bell 708 Phone Peoples 727 Ashby Brick Company Manufacturers of High Grade Fire Brick 8Lnd Shippers of Fire Cla.y Plant a.t Ashby, AIql. General Offices: Brown-Marx BIdg., Birmingham, Ala. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. BELL PHONE 708 PEOPLES PHON E 727 DAVIS DRILL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: 1127-8 BROWN-MARX BLDG. DRILLS, DRILLING & PROSPECTING. Yolande Coal & Coke Co. Make a Specialty of High-Grade 72-Hour Foundry Coke and Washed Blacksmith Coal. Phones: Bell 708. Peoples 727 General Offices: 1129-1133 Brown-Marx Building, Birmingham, Ala, Mines and Ovens at Yolande, Ala. 55 Please mention ' ' The Shoppers' 1 Guide' ' to the advertisers THE AGE-HERALD Greater Birmingham's Greatest Newspaper DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY The best advertising medium in the Famous Birmingham District. THE AGE- HERALD published every day of the week; only MORN- ING AND SUNDAY PAPER; is the favorite paper of all classes in the Birmingham Dis- trict, which is increasing more rapidly in pop- ulation than any other section of the South. THE S. C. BECKWITH SPECIAL AGENCY SOLE AGENTS FOREIGN ADVERTISING NEW YORK - TRIBUNE BUILDING - CHICAGO 56 New Age-Herald Building, Fifth Avenue, near Twenty-first Street Finest Newspaper Building South sufficient air space in a well ventilated room is his or her right when sleep- ing, and that in order to live healthful, wholesome lives, we must live largely out in the air and sunshine. Typhoid fever comes directly or indirectly from some previous case; that the typhoid germ is contained in the discharges from the body of a typhoid victim and unless these germs are killed by proper disinfection that 57 they will be carried upon the hands or by flies to some other person. We must teach that the house fly is one of the most potent factors in the spread of typhoid, and can be exterminated by caring properly for stables. MILK INSPECTION The most important factor in preserving the public health is during the past few years that the milk supply of Eirmingham has been subjected to systematic inspection. Great progress has been made and the next few years will see more rapid progress. The dairies are visited regularly and the dairymen are carefully instructed in modern dairy methods. The public, too, Residence oi J. H. Scruggs, Highland Avenue is being taught to demand clean milk, and that dirty milk and a high infant mortality always go together. Recently a system of score cards has been introduced in the dairy inspection work, and this makes the dairyman's comparative standing perfectly clear to those who read the reports. All meats sold in Birmingham are carefully inspected by trained men, and more attention will be given to the inspection of the general food sup- ply as the health department is allowed additional help. 58 Please mention " The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers J. W. Minor, President Lewis Minor, Secretary-Treasurer Bessemer Fire Brick Company Manufacturers of Fire Brick and Fire Clay Products Bell Phone 978 Main Works at: Bessemer, Ala., Ensley, Ala. General Offices: 415-416 Brown-Marx Building BIRMINGHAM, ALA. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 59 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers WHERETO EAT- GOLD LION TEA & LUNCH ROOM BROWN-MARX ANNEX Appetizing Lunches and Breakfasts. Home Cooking and Quick Service our Specialties. EVERYTHING THE BEST 1888 — ESTABLISHED— 1888 A, A. ADAMS & CO. 2103 1ST AVE. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. If it's good insurance you want, write us. Nothing but the best handled. Fire, accident, health, plate glass, steam boiler, liability, burglary, tornado and bonds. If it's real estate we will buy, sell or rent your property and assure you of con- servative management. the OLIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. BIRMINGHAM No. i South Twentieth Street Rewinding Motors and Generators a Specialty, This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. BELL PHONE 1663 MAIN STRICTLY UNION MADE GOODS F. HAR1CH TAILOR AND MEN'S OUTFITTER Merchant Tailoring ^^SSH^ 2523 N. Fifth Avenue Opposite Terminal Station. Birmingham," Ala. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 60 SEWERAGE SYSTEM Years ago men of vision saw that ample provision should be made for sewerage in Jones Valley. Accordingly, at the expense of several hundred thousand dollars, a magnificent system of trunk sewers was laid from one end of the district to the other. At the lower end of these sewers, modern septic tanks purify the sewerage to a marked degree. In every direction sewer mains extending from the trunk sewers to every thickly populated portion of our territory are being laid. This will give us a sewerage system unex- celled by any city in America. As soon as the sewer mains are laid into new T. C. Bradley's Residence, at Idlewild territory a chart of the new sewers is put into the hands of the sanitary inspector for such district. He sees that all citizens connect with sewers at the earliest possible time. LABORATORY Because of its important bearing upon every phase of health department work, our laboratory will be mentioned here. As soon as the work of organ- izing a city health department for Birmingham was undertaken the necessity for a microscopical and chemical laboratory was seen. The small beginning 61 that was made several years ago, has already grown into large proportions and will have to be greatly enlarged to take care of the increasing amount of work. In this laboratory examinations of water, milk and foods are made. Examinations are also made for the detection of infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, typhoid, diphtheria, malaria and others. WATER SUPPLY Birmingham is particularly fortunate in the purity of its water supply. Residence of W. P. G. Harding, at Glen Iris Park Naturally of good quality, our water is additionally safeguarded by being passed through modern sand filters before reaching the consumer. In addi- tion to this, frequent examinations are made in our laboratory in order that no contamination may pass unnoticed. "GREATER BIRMINGHAM" That great city you have heard so much about — the city of opportunities — the city of progress— the city that built skyscrapers during the panic. 62 Please mention The Shoppers' Guide to the advertisers OF ADVERTISING THERE IS NO END' H. J. DAVIS, J. W. MINOR. HINDS PEEVEY, Pres. and Gen'l Mgr, Secre'ary and Treasurer Vice-President THE Davis Advertising&Sales COMPANY 414 Brown-Marx Bldg. Birmingham, Ala, Bell Phone 1455 Main. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, FRANK S, REA, Manager do a general Advertising business, are the Publicity Publishers of the South, make a specialty of high-class publications, employ only experienced and live advertising writers, control the advertising in Jefferson County, in the Clerkease Advertising Cabinets, published the history of the Alabama National Guard, represent a number of Trade Publications for Alabama, are the publishers of the following well-known publications "The Shoppers' Guide of Greater Birmingham" "The T. R A. Commercial and Industrial Review/' If you want a booklet or catalog compiled to increase your business, ''that's our business." See us first — then you won't see anyone else. 63 Please mention "The Shoppers'* Guide''' to the advertisers Jacob-Evans Co. Expert Steam Heating Engineers and Contractors* We furnished the Steam Heating plants in both the Chamber of Commerce and Empire Building Shown in this Book* No better work can be done. Let us figure with you. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Call and see us. Ground Floor Steiner Building 2 1st Street and 1st Avenue Birmingham, Ala. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 64 Birmingham Trust & Savings Co.'s Building— One of the Finest South $6,385,834 INCREASE IN BANK CLEARINGS FOR EIGHT MONTHS Clearing House Statement Shows Remarkable Increase in Money Handled.— $940,929 Increase for August This Year Over August Last Year The clearings of Birmingham banks for the month of August shows the remarkable increase of nearly one million dollars over the clearings for the same month last year. An increase of nearly six and a half millions for the 65 General Offices and Salesrooms Birmingham Ry., Light & Power Co. first eight months of this year compared with the same period of last year is further evidence of the stability of Birmingham banks. The monthly report of Miss Ina Sheppard, manager of the Birmingham Clearing House Association, issued today, shows a steady and continual in- crease month by month. Followimg are the comparative figures: 1908 1909 January $ 8,738,474.61 $ 9,775,531.83 February 7,164,733.00 7,763,650.95 March 8,082,525.46 8,495,129.79 April 7,606,490.28 8,256,410.07 May 7,221,050.68 8,361,738.12 June • . 6,758,075,93 7,705,558.18 July 7,131,513.18 7,879,763.00 August ••.... 6,506,441.50 7,447,371.45 Totals 159,299,304.62 $65,665,144.02 The increase for August of this year over August of last year is $940,- 929.95. The increase for the first eight months over the same peiiod last year is $6,365,839.40. 66 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers . M- Breiclley 901 Farley Building Birmingham, Ala, Real Estate Timber and Mineral Lands a Specialty, Big Money Opportunities. Values Increasing Rapidly, This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. "THE PROGRESSIVE BANK OF GREATER BIRMINGAHM" im Alabama Trust and Savings Go. 223 Norih 19th Street Birmingham, Alabama CAPITAL STOCK $100,000, FULLY PAID Prompt attention given all Commercial Business. Time Certificates "Interest Bearing" 4 to 6 months 4 per cent. Ten Branch Banks at Childersburg, Edwardsville, Vincent, Berry, York, Fort Payne, Altoona, Waverly, Oakman, Vernon. officers: GUS. T. BRANNON, President ECTOR H. SMITH, Vice-President JAS. R. I^EWIS, Sec'y and Treas. THOS. STOBERT, Cashier CHAS. M. SPENCER, Auditor This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 67 Please mention " The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers Oldest and Largest House of Its Kind in the State of Alabama ROBERTS & SON (Incorporated) Printers, Lithographers, Blank Book Makers, En- gravers and Manufactur- ing Stationers, Rubber Stamps and Office Sup- plies, We Rebate Rail- 1810-1812 Third Avenue, Local and Long Distance BIRMINGHAM 68 Interior of H. C. Abbott & Bro.'s Jewelry Store, Finest in Alabama POSTOFFICE RECEIPTS No better indication of the growth of a city can be shown than the in. crease in the receipts of the postoffice in the various departments. Below will be found the receipts of the Birmingham, Ala., postoffice for five con- secutive fiscal years, beginning with the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904, and the money order department from the fiscal year beginning with the fiscal year ended, June 30, 1906. MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AND PAID Year Issued Paid 1906 $ 59,314 | 92,707 1907 68,165 111,474 1903 78,190 128,645 1909 79,933 113,913 POSTOFFICE RECEIPTS Year Amount 1904 $ 153,832 1905 216,372 1906 258,491 Year Amount 1907 $ 292,460 1908 . . 322,784 1909 317,217 69 THE CLIMATE OF BIRMINGHAM The climate, the sum total of meteorological conditions in so far as they affect animal or vegetable life of the Birmingham district, compares favora- bly with the climate of any other place in the Union. Its merit lies in the rare occurrence of those extreme deviations from normal weather conditions f/ r 5r a n HBP - :: * U. S. Weather Bureau Building, Fountain Heights that continually enlarge the statistics of loss of life and property. But the normal conditions of all the seasons are such as will accustom in a short time and satisf} 7 any foreign individual in search of a moderate clime. As a newspaper man puts it, "You can write up stories about the good weather 70 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers J. H. SCRUGGS K. T. MORRISON Southeastern Engineering Company Engineers and Contractors Suite 522 Brown-Marx Bldg. Designers of reinforced concrete buildings of all kinds, bridges, water towers, etc. We make a specialty of fireproof cotton warehouses. General Southern Agents The General Fireproofing Company Youngstown, Ohio Manufacturers concrete reinforcing bars, expanded metal, wire fabric, trusset, expauded rnetal lath and steel studding, corner beads, wall tiles, etc. We also design and furnish structural steel and cast iron work of all kinds. LET US HAVE YOUR INQUIRIES. "To Get ihe Right Treatment From the Trusts, Patronize Their Competitors" Alabama Oil Company AVENUE E AND THIRTY-SECOND STREET BIRMINGHAM, ALA. If It Is Our Oil, It Is Oil— And It Is Good Oil BELL PHONE 1147 MAIN WHOLESALE DEALERS IN OILS AND GREASE This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 71 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers Southern Bridge Company Engineers, manufacturers and build- ers of bridges, roofs, buildings and steel structural work. Highway bridges a specialty. Estimates cheer- fully furnished. ::::::: SOUTHERN BRIDGE CO. AVE. A AND 39TH ST. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. This advertisement was written by the Davis Advertising and Sales Co. If You Are Going to Build— DON'T FAIL TO GET OUR PRICES. To build wisely and well, you must buy the best at the lowest price. We feel that we can assure you not alone the highest class materials, but all at a price that will effect you a considerable saving. Among other things we handle Heath & Milligan's Best Prepared Paints, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Pratt Lambert's Varnish, Oils and Railroad White Lead. Sash, Doors and Blinds, Mantels, Tile and Grates, Lime, Sand, Hardwall Plaster (Agatite) Cement and a full line of Shelf Hardware. So let us repeat — "If you are going to build, dont fail to get our prices." Come to the GOOD LUCK STORE, No. 13 N. Twentieth street, and save monev. WOODLAWN SUPPLY CO. WOODLAWN AND 13 N. 20TH ST., BIRMINGHAM This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 72 of Birmingham all the year round and not bring forth a single good weather story." Thus the Birmingham newspapers may be excused for giving undue prominence to some trivial atmospheric disturbances or changes that would go unnoticed in other localities. Birmingham owes its agreeable climate to its convenient situation at the Alabama terminus of the Apalachian mountain ranges, at an elevation above sea level of 6C0 feet, which gradually increases to somewhat above 700 feet in the northern and southern residence sections. This position is beneficial in both the summer and the winter seasons. In the summer Eleventh Avenue Methodist Church, South Highlands months periods of abnormally high temperature are scarce, while compara- tivelv cool nights are the rule. These favorable temperature conditions are only surpassed by those of the Shades Mountain and Shades Valley regions which lie, within walking distance, south of the city and are justly acclaim- ed as healthful summer resorts. To one attached to horticulture the sum- mer climate of Birmingham may be summarized in the statement that roses will bloom all through the summer in almost any year. But while Bir- mingham thus shares in the advantages of other Southern districts at higher 73 New Undertaking Building Shaw & Son, on Fifth Avenue Finest and Most Complete in the South altitudes, its intermediate elevation renders its winter seasons notable for the scarceness of snow, sleet storms, and high northerly winds. The following table shows the temperature and rainfall averages and is computed from the official records kept since 1893; Mean Average Average Average No. of days Temperature Maximum Minimum Rainfall with rain. 01 Temp. Temp. Inches in. or more January 46 57 38 4.77 11 February 46 57 38 4.97 9 March 58 66 51 5.77 11 April 63 74 52 4.65 10 May 73 84 61 4.26 10 June 78 88 68 3.62 11 July 81 92 70 5.26 11 August 8L 91 70 4.57 12 September 76 87 65 2.93 6 October 65 76 54 2.26 5 November 55 66 45 2.42 7 December 47 58 38 4.77 10 Year 64 75 54 50.25 113 74 Please mention "The Shoppers' 1 Guide" to advertisers THE STORE OF GOOD VALUES 1908 FIRST AVE. SIRMINGHAM.ALA EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN MEN'S WEAR AT POPULAR PRICES. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. TERMS CASH The Lacy Realty Company 2008^ Second Avenue Birmingham, Ala* We have been continuously in the Real Estate business 23 years and can please you when all others fail. BELL PHONE 720 MAIN Fies & Sons 3rd Ave. and 16th St. Birmingham, Ala. Wholesale and retail dealers in horses and mules. Every animal sold under guarantee. Finest livery in the city. Telephones Bell 952 Main Peoples 466, 2 Rings HOW ABOUT YOUR COTTON SEED? Do you haul them to the depot, sell them at ten to fifteen dollars per ton, buy the meal at twenty to twenty-five per ton and give away your hulls in the trade? Why not make your real and hulls at [your g n and save this enorrrous loss? We build a line of plantation cotton seed hullers and separators, (3 to 18 tons daily capacity), trat can be run in connection with any g'n or saw mill and will grind your seed into meal and hulls as they ccmef om the gin. They are fully guaranteed and are in succe -s- f ul operation all over the South. Write for catalogue. FERRYMAN « CO. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide'" to the advertisers J. B. Adams, Pres. & Gen Mgr. Established 1874 Capital $100,000 LONGVIEW LIME WORKS Birmingham, Ala. CREAMOLI M E (THE CREAM OF LIME) Will Not Air Sleke. Will Keep Indefinitely. The Ideal Lime For YOU Write For Descriptive Literature. CREAMOLIME is made from LONGVIEW LIME, which is over 99 per cent, pure, and which has stood the test for over a third of a century. LONGVIEW LIME was awarded the medal and diploma at the WORLD'S EXPOSITION, ST. LOUIS, and at every exposi- tion and fair where shown, it stands without a peer. Be progressive and begin to use CREAMOLIME NOW — it saves you money. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. "The Diversified Industrial Center" FRANK NELSON, Jr., President W. H. DURAND, Secretary and Treasurer NORTH BIRMINGHAM LAND COMPANY Don't you want to prepare for the future? Then invest NOW in North Birmingham property. For ideal homes and manufacturing sites. There is more diversified indus- tries located at North Birmingham than any other section of Jefferson County. ::::::: :-: INVESTORS SHOULD INVESTIGATE AT ONCE :-: This advertisement zvas written by The Davis Advei Using and Sales Co 76 The highest temperature experienced was 104° on July 12, 1901, and but few temperatures of 100° or above were recorded before and after that date. Of the amounts of rainfall in summer little is due to continuous rains caused by general storms; they are chiefly produced by local showers of short duration. This fact and the somewhat sheltered location insure humidity conditions that are sufficient to sustain plant life without causing any inconvenience to the population. The depressing state of the atmos- Besidence of K..F. Enslen, Highland Avenue phere sometimes met with in summer in the city, is due rather to the absence of air circulation than to a high degree of humidity. The average wind velocities range from 4 miles per hour, in the early morning, to 8 miles at 2 p.m. Damaging high winds and hail are seldom encountered. The autumn is the finest season of the year. The temperature seldom falls to below freezing before the latter half of November. The first light frost usually occurs in the middle of October. The earliest date of killing frost is October 22, while the average date is Nov. 5. Wind velocities are 77 somewhat higher than in summer, especially in November. Snow and sleet are unknown in autumn. The lowest temperature occurring at Birmingham was 10° on February 13, 1899, the only temperature below zero recorded, and there are but 8 dates in 16 years when the temperature was below 10°. Temperatures sel- dom continue below freezing for more than three days, and snowfalls, amounting to more than a flurry, are few. The greatest depth of snow Southern Club, Fifth Avenue and Twentieth Street recorded is 8 inches. Fresh winds prevail during the winter months; they become high, at times, with the approach of a general storm area. The average wind velocity does not decrease until May, while the temperature rises rapidly in March. There are few dates with freezing weather recorded in March. The average date of the last killing frost is March 19, and the latest date on which a killing frost occurred is April 17. W. F. LEHMAN, Official in Charge Local Office, Weather Bureau, Birmingham, Ala. 78 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to advertisers Geo. a Blinn, Jr. J. W. Donnelly I BOTH PHONES 222 | Excelsior Steam Laundry 1805-1807 Second Avenue Birmingham, Ala. Why called Excelsior? Because it excells all others in high-grade work, using the most modern methods to get the best results. It's results we are after, not promises. ::::::::::::: This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. BELL PHONE 3571 MAIN W. T. Sanborn & Go. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS 1010-12-14 NORTH NINETEENTH STREET BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA Gear cutting in all its branches, reboring steam and air cylinders without removing from bed plate. Builders and repairers of engines, locomotives, mill and mine machinery. Special automobile parts constructed and repairing of fine machinery. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 79 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to th,t advertisers Carl iH. Seals & Co. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND BONDING Real Estate Bought and Sold. "If its Insurance, we have it." Let us know your wants. We will do the rest. 2003 First Avenue, opposite Brown-Marx Building. Both Phones 1750. Furniture Stored in Dvist-Proof Lock Up Rooms. J. T. CAMP Transfer and Warehouse Special attention given to moving household goods. Heavy hauling a specialty. Bell phone 1632. Peoples phone 108. 2113 to 2131 Ave. C. Birmingham, Ala. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sates Co. & Wm. Reckling <*& Manufacturer of Saddles, harness and carriage trim- ming and dealer in horse goods. ALABAMA PRODUCTS MADE iN SIGN OF BLACK HORSE 1811 Second Avenue. Phone 506. Automobile trimming done on short notice. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. Greater Birmingham's Favorite Furniture House" STRICKLAND-O'BARR FURNITURE COMPANY Furniture, Matting, Art Squares, Stoves. Anything you need to furnish the home. Cash or easy payments. 2111 Second Avenue Peoples Phone 55 BIRMINGHAM Ad. written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 80 HI ff f life 4 *fc£* w 5 * * fiEE HE II Brown-Marx Building— Largest in the South BROWN-MARX OFFICE DIRECTORY AMES IRON WORKS 414 ANDERSON, F. Y 307=09 Ala. State Land Co 201 Ala. Real K=tate & Ins. Co 801 Ala. Fuel & Iron Co 742 Ala. Coal Operators' Association 1138 ALA. WHITE MARBLE CO.... 1342-43 AMERICAN ADV. & SALES CO .__ 1315 Aetna Ins Co 1146 BURNETT, R. D., CIGAR CO { G pJUJJ d Brown, D. H 210 Baltimore Investment Co 314-15 Brooks Lumber Co 320 81 BROWN-MARX OFFICE DIRECTORY- Continued Baugh, J. H B 410 BESSEMER FIRE BRICK CO -_ 415=16 Berry, Philips & Blue 405-06 Burkett, I. D 620 Birmingham Coal & Iron Co 907 Birmingham Engineering Co 918 Birmingham Ore &Mining Co 1238 Birmingham Car & Mortgage Co 1240 Bessemer Coal & Iron Co 1201 Badham & Hassinger 1204 DAVIS, H. J 414 BLOUNT, J. S. & CO 1248=49 Budwig-Meyers Clay Mfg. Co 1250 BRADFORD MACHINERY TOOLCO-414 Cameron & Walker 804 Central of Ga. Ry. Co Ground Floor Cocke, Paul Lee 216 Cambs, J B 721 Continental Casualty Co 1015 Coosa Pipe & Foundry Co 1229 Crowder, J. M 816 Cameron, W.J 515 Cleary, L- C. & Co . 1104 Connell, Geo. R 838 Chicago & Alton R. R. Co 927 Crocker-Wheeler Co 938 C. B, & Q. R. R. Co 1122 CROWE, Q. B 1129 CLERKEASE MFG. CO 414 Conney, H. W 1150 Cole, E. G 1246 DAVIS ADV. & SALES CO 414 Davis, G. H. Co 1235 Dickerson, J. D.__ 527 Donelson, J. E 814 Dawson & Hamrick, Drs 501 Daugette, P. P 510 Dennison Mfg. Co 310 Dickerson-Baker Lumber Co 848 Douglas, Dr A. G 809 Drenneu, W. E 427 Edgar, Allen 214 Empire Coal Co 716 EVANS, E. B 524=26 Edmunson, N. D 729 Evans, R. V 229 EBORN, B. F 632=33 FOWLKES BROS. & CO 222=23 Fuller, Frank D 227 First Church of Christ 730 Foster, Dr. A. C 811 Fox, C. A 6u7 Faren Realty Co 815 Frisco R. R. Co Ground Floor FALLS, H. J 1229 Fruit Dispatch Co... 1308 GOLD LION TEAROOM ^Hoot* Goldstein, H. H 1309 GOOD ROADS MACHINERY CO 414 Galloway Coal Co 1222 Grinder, F. A 1134 Hobbs, I. D 601 Hayes, Dr. Oscar 604 Heflin, Dr. W 920 Hoadley & Miller ___ 524 Hickman-Williams Co 831 HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSP. & INSURANCE CO 1051 Hazen Greenhouses 1152 Hammond-Byrd Co 1230 Hayes Rapid Trav Mining & Mch Co 62i Hobson Coal & Coke Co 816 Hail & Thomas 22L HALL AIR COMPRESSORS 414 Johnston, W. H. & Co 224 Joseph, M 950 Jordan, Dr. M. H 727 Johnston, R. D. Jr 1314 Kingsbury, E. C 209 Layton, T. A 301 Long & Whelden 739 Leake. J P 834 Lindsay, C. E 850 Lathrop Lumber Co 930 MONTGOMERY COAL WASHER CO 1239 Moon, Dr. E. K 424 Minor, Lewis 1318 MINOR. J. W 415 Moore Lumber Co 12'9 Missouii Pacific R. R. Co 719 Missouri State Life Ins. Co 508 Marx, Otto Co 204 MONARCH ROAD ROLLER 414 Niles Bement Pond Co 1207 Neivell, A. T 629 Overton Oil Co 1150 OTIS ELEVATOR CO 422=23 PEEVEY HINDS 1310=12 Pantaza, Charles D Subway Pegram & Meade 215 Perkins & Dupuy 407 Perkins & Perkins 6U 82 Please mention " The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers O. D. MEDLOCK BIRMINGHAM, ALA. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CAN BUILD ANYTHING FROM A SKYSCRAPER TO A BARN I am a practical mechanic. All contracts fin- ished on time. Estimates cheerfully furnished for any kind of buildings. I am a Twentieth Century contractor and builder. Enough said. SEE ME BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. W. 0. MERRILL, Manager, W. W. OTTO, Sec'y-Treas. 7916 Walker Ave., East Lake 7916 Walker Ave., East Lake MONARCH PLUMBING AND STEAM HEATING COMPANY We Furnish Material and Install all Kinds of Plumbing, Steam Heating, Hot Water, Sanitary Work, Gas Fittings, Etc. Prompt Service and First-Class Workmanship Office and Salesroom: 2420 N. 4th Ave, Bell Phone 1433. Peoples Phone 1613. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. We have executed the Plumbing and Steam Heating in the fol- lowing prominent buildings: Central Office of the Southern Bell Telephone Co., the Walker County Court House, The Boys' State Industrial School, The East Lake High School, The Snead Seminary, The Henley School, The Powell School, The Alberto Martin School, The Lakeview School, The Jno. G. Farley Building (Skj scraper). Prompt shipments of all Plumbing Goods made to all points in the State. Send for our Prices, 83 Please mention " The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers Invest Your Money in "Birmingham and Suburban "Property. It has made thousands indepentent. It will do as much for you. We represent the best aud surest of all kinds. We recommend only that to which there is merit and future increase. We handle the properties of the C. M. Green Realty Co., North Birmingham Land Co. and the Wilson Land & Improvement Co. In factory location we have any size tract with railroad frontage from one to one hundred acres, at prices and terms reasonable, 6% deferred payments. A few dollars placed conservatively now will reflect many times in future years the wisdom of your forethought and good judgment. We can place well secured first mortgage loans that will pay you 8% net if you have idle funds. Call or write us. W. G. Tyler & Company 2009 1st Ave. Ground Floor opposite the New Brown-Marx Bldg. JEFFERSON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK 24 YEARS OLD Birmingham Alabama C. F, ENSLEN, President CHARLES E. THOMAS, Vice-President E. F. ENSLEN, Cashier WILLIAM C. STERRETT, Asst. Cashier E. K. CAMPBELL, Attorney CAPITAL $200,000.00 RESOURCES $1,600,000.00 SURPLUS & PROFITS $100,000.00 Accounts of merchants, manufacturers and individuals in- vited. Interest allowed on special time and savings deposits. 84 BROWN MARX OFFICE DIRECTORF— Continued Pullman Co 809 Peuruddocke, F. L 10(8 PRATT CONSOLIDATED COAL CO Eleventh Floor PROVIDENCE OIL & OAS CO 1021 Postal Telegraph Co Ground Floor Perry, Sam 230 Perry, T. B 231 Pugh, J C 1124 Robinson Co., J. B 929 Robinson, Dr E. M 624 REA, FRANK S 414 REALTY BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. __. 210-12 Southern Mining Co 40W Southern R. R. Co 709 Scoot, W. O. N _. K21 Selheimer, H. C H 09 STANDARD PORTLAND CEMENT CO 327=28 SCRUGGS, J. H 522 Steel City Lumber Co 822 Smith & Mudd 824 Shook & Fletcher 827 SOUTHERN REDUCTION CO 414 Simmons. W. A . 389 SIBLEY=MENGE PRESS BR»CK CO 842 STANDARD HOME CO 942=49 Southern Steel Co 1022 SOUTHEASTERN ENG. CO —.522 STRINGFELLOW, H. E 1051 Tennessee Coal, Iron & R. R. Co 13, 14, 15 and 16 Floors Tidewater Development Co 1316 THE WICKS BOILER CO 1021 Tramwell, W. V 515 Thompson, Miss Hulit 750 Ullman& Winkles 735 UNION DISCOUNT CO 609 White & Heflin 204 Woodruff, T.L 220 Walton, Johnson & Snyder— 616 Williams Iron Co 1001 Westinghouse Electric Co 324 Wells J C 625 Webb, J. F 732 WILLEY ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GENERATORS 414 Winkler, Max J 734 Waite, J. G 752 Weston, W. C 1142 Yancey, G. W.__ 314 YOLANDE COAL & COKE CO 1129 Orr & Lanning Livery Stable, Finest in Birmingham Second Ave. and Seventeenth St. First National Bank Building FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFFICE DIRECTORY Ala. Consolidated Coal & Iron Co 819 Atlantic dumber Co 1023 Allis-Chambers Co 605 Avondale I^and Co 436 Birmingham Mortgage & Trust Co ._ 323 Birmingham Loan & Discount Co 638 Black Diamond Coal Co 1U06 BENTON, S. A.— 212=14 Birmingham Fertilizer Co Ballard & Ballard, Drs Berry & Berry Bastick, P. E 633 829 627 503 BESSEMER COAL, IRON & LAND Co., Realty Dep't— 219=220 Brown, C. G 337 Birmingham-Bessemer Land Co 501 86 Please mention ''The Shoppers' Guide" to the adertisers R. G. BULLARD, PEYTON NOWELL, B. M. BULLARD, EUGENE F. ENSLEN, President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer BULLARD Car Door Equipment Go. GENERALOFFICES: ROOMS 220-221 EMPIRE BUILDING BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA BELL PHONE 4580 MAIN THE CAR DOOR FIXTURE OF THE CENTURY. THE ONLY BURGLAR-PROOF CAR DOOR MADE. The time saved by a local freight train on one trip more than pays for the at- tachments on the entire train. FOR FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES IT HAS NO EQUAL Being adopted by the Great Railroad Systems of the Country. FACTORY: 50TH ST. and southern ry. WOODLAWN, ALABAMA This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 87 Please mention " The Shoppers' Guide" to the adrerhsers EVERYTHING THAT'S GOOD TO EAT" First National Bank Building ' BELL PHONE 3907 MAIN Birmingham, Ala. "Good morning; I certainly enjoyed my breakfast," said one of our many satisfied customers, to our restaurant. We have the finest lunch room in the center of the shopping district. Our menu contains every delicacy from the land and sea which, with our prompt service, makes it the favorite lunch room of Greater Birmingham. At the Ba- kery counter you will find cakes and pastry, made from recipes of celebrated chefs, and bread and rolls like we alone can make them. This advertisement was vuritten by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. E. E. FORBES PIANO COMPANY ALABAMA'S PIANO HEADQUARTERS We positively offer piano buyers more important advantages than can be se- cured elsewhere. We have more pianos and better pianos for buyers to select from. Doing by far the largest business in the state, we control the sale of the very finest makes. Only at E. E. Forbes Piano Company will you find the king of all Pianos— Chickering, the Everett, the wonderful Autopiano. and the fol- lowing well known makes, each a leader at its price:— Kranich & Bach, Bush & Gerts, Krell-French, Ivers & Pond, McPhail, Story & Clark, Harvard, Wegman, Smith & Barnes, Forbes, Pease, and others. Our values are absolutely unap- proached Here are a few of the reasons why we can and do save money for our customers:— We are among the largest buyers of pianos in the United States, consequently command the very lowest prices known to the trade. Our business is so vast that the expense of selling is reduced to the minimum, necessitating but a very small margin of profit on each sale. We have our own repair expei ts, tuners, movers, delivery wagons, etc , and we effect economies in every branch of the business. Every dollar we save is passed along to our customers. Our immense output and ample capital enables us to take advantage of special op- portunities where large purchases mean a big saving. Piano buyers will always find many matchless bargains in our stock. If you want to be sure of obtaining the best Piano your money will buy; if you want the easiest and safest payment terms, if you appreciate service of the highest order, if you value the assurance of perfect satisfaction, then come to E. E. Forbes Piano Company, Alabama's leading Music House, where thousands of buyers have ah eady found these and many other advantages. Victor Talking Machines at wholesale and retail. I,arge stock of records and Edison Business Phonographs. Write for our illustrated catalog. It's free for the asking. E. E. FORBES PIANO COMPANY, headquar- ters, 1909 Third Ave., Birmingham, Ala, with stores at Montgomery, Anniston, Mobile, and eight other stores. 88 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFFICE DIRECTORY— Continued Casey & Massey, Drs 515 Carmichal & Wynn 637 Crowder, J. M 237 Compton & Whitfield, Drs — 315 Gaston, H. R., Dr 417 Carmiehael & Merrell, Drs 708 CRUMLEY, DR 227=228 Crow, F. C 838 Campbell & Johnson 731 Calhoun, C. A 837 Caiman & Hogue 221 Clapp & Meadow 217 Cooper & Scott, Drs 51? Copeland-Inglis Shale Brick Co 608 Comer & Watts 508 Cabiness> & Bowie 833 Deedmeyer & Michael 621 Dupont-DeMemours Powder Co 223 Dearbourne Dental & Chem. Works. 911 DeSoto Coal Mining Development Co. 631 Davis, Cammack Ground Floor Davis, David J 1012 Eubank, Geo., Dr. 810 Edmonson, J. H., Dr 1027 Eubank, A., Dr 710 FOSTER-CREIGHTON=GOULD CO 206=07 FISCH, W. H. & W., LUNCH ROOM Ground Floor Furtwangle & Smith 301 Florence, D. T., Dr 427 Going & Merrell 610 Graves-Matthews Paving Brick Co.-. 702 Graves Shale Paving Brick Co 701 Gazzam, Clement 336 Harris, A. B Dr 412 Hawks Osment Co 737 HAIL, JOE C 408=09 Hall, P. W 2 8 Hodgess, Dawney & Co 712 GREAT SOUTHERN LIFE INS. CO 301 Interstate Casualty Co 321 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND= ENCE SCHOOL 938 JORDAN, W. M., DR 419 Jones, R. Y., Dr 317 Kaufman, S , Cigar Co Ground Floor Kennedy, J. S 815 Kerr & Haley _. 617 Kelley Co.— - 1001 Looney & Logan — 636 London, John 533 Locke, Hugh A 437 Lowe & Cocke, Drs 421 Lowe, P. M 310 Little Warrior Coal & Coke Co 623 Lynch, F. M Ground Floor Lathem, Frazier *m Lane, A. O 933 Morris Adler Co 1029 McDowell & Esteb 910 Motley & Dryer 808 Mitcheal Minis Co 536 Miller & Walker 502 MAY, E. E., DR 431 Moorefield & Levy, Drs 423 Moon & Attwood, Drs ___ 308 Minge, J. H _' 210 Morris, Loveman 906 Moore, M. K 1017 Montgomery, J A 905 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO 212=14 Nabers & Wood, Drs 602 North Alabama View Co 205 New York Life Ins. Co . 719 Oden Elliott Lumber Co ^35 Perkins & King, Drs 510 Parke, T. B., Dr 415 Robbins & Reynolds 1015 Reliance Life Ins Co 812 R^ese Dental Supply Co 706 Reese, G. W., Dr . 705 Ratliff & Leavell 527 Rimmer-Long Co 401 Southwestern Underwriters' Ass'n ..1010 Sage, I. Y 736 Stalling & Drennen 723 Stouts Mountain Coal & Coke Co 629 Saunders, B. J. & Co 611 Smith cNt Bondurant 1019 Slocumb, R. G 739 Sellers & Jernigan, Drs 215 Snedecor, F. F., Dr 410 Shropshire, C. W., Dr 327 Southern Weighing and Inspection Bureau 405 Thomlinson & McCullogh 423 Turner & Kindrick 601 TARRANT, FELIX S., REAL ESTATE 914 Wheeler & Washington 506 Whitman & Knowlton, Drs 519 89 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFFICE DIRECTORY— Continued Woodall. P. H . 6L5 WOOD. STERLING A " 202 White, H. K 937 Weller, T. A 23L Weatherly & Stokely. Whatley & Adams Wyman, B. ~L, Yeilding, C. E Dr __. 801 319 715 406 Jefferson County Savings Bank Building Second Avenue and Twenty-second Street 90 Please mention ''"The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertiser's H. J. DAVIS, Pres. & Gen, Mgr, J. W, MINOR, Secretary & Treasurer HINDS PEEVEY, Vice-President "EVERYTHING MOVED BY ELECTRICITY" CLERKEASE ADVERTISING CABINET Clerkease Manufacturing Co. 414 Brown-Marx Bldg. Birmingham, Ala. Bell Phone 1455 Main Plant at Woodlawn, Alabama The Sign=board of Prosperity points to the business man who moves his business by Electricity Clerkease Store Fixtures and Moving Shelving. Brings your goods to the cus- tomer quickly. When through it puts them away. Protects your stock from dust and from being shop worn. Clerkease Office Cabinet and Desk Combined. The wonder of the age. Every- thing at your fingers end. You never have to leave your desk all day. Your ledgers, files, etc come to you. Clerkease Advertising Cabinets. The moving advertising me- dium of the times. It advertises your business when other me- diums sleep. Signs can be changed daily. Results are quick. Cost is small. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 91 Please mention "'The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers "THE EMPIRE CORNER" 1ST AVE. AND 20TH ST. J. R. BROWN EMPIRE CAFE The Finest South. In the Latest Skyscraper — the Empire. Also the Finest Imported and Domestic Cigars Cigarettes and Tobacco. "THE FAVORITE CORNER" Second Avenue and Twentieth Street J. R. BROWN The best of everything: for the most fastidious smoker. At the Fountain — the best drinks and light lunches. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 1923 1ST AVENUE 19?3 1ST AVENUE BANDMAN-MARX i i FASHION TAILORS" No man who is at all interested in Good Clothes ought to miss seeing our display of All Wool Reliable Woolens It's the most complete line of desirable fabrics ever assembled by a tailoring house. Birmingham Tailored Clothes 92 The Empire Building, Birmingham's Latest Skyscraper EMPIRE OFFICE DIRECTORY Anderson, D. S 3404-19 Arnold, B. F. & Co 518-19 Anderson, Albert J. Mfg. Co 1303 Birmingham Macaroni Co 617 Badwin M. M 1404-19 Benners, T. H. & Co 503-05 Bradley, I,ee C 1401-19 Brazelton, A. W Burt, N. H Bell & Louman Bell, F. H Bell, Dr. A. W Beavers, Dr. J. R BRANNON LUMBER CO .__. 1404-19 —.518-19 --.1612-15 .—1612-15 —1218-19 — .1218-19 1316 93 EMPIRE OFFICE DIRECTORY- Continued BRANNON, GUS -1316 BULLARD CAR DOOR EQUIPMENT CO 220=21 Brandon, E. W 201-08 Bolton, M. H 512-14 Cairns-Marx dumber Co 1317-20 Cairns, T. C 1317-20 Central Coal Co 818-20 Chaffee, W. C 3619-20 Chesway, A. W 715-20 Colonial Electric Co 1317-20 Cairns Co 1317-20 Cain-Williams Iron Co 1317-20 Callen, Dr. Russell 609-10-1 L DICK, BURT 1600=07 Dedman.J. E., Dr 1304-16 DUNLAP, JAS. T 312=14 DOUGLASS, ALVIN M 401=05 Detroit Fuse Mfg. Co 1301 Equitable Life Assurance Society. .16U2-08 Ewing, Wm 1620 Empire Life Insurance Co 418-20 Equitable Realty Co 701-00 Floyd, Oscar__- 4014 6 Fidelity Trust Co 701-06 Florence, Dr. V. V Goodwin, G. N 1120 Gault, O. P 201-08 Harrison, W. G 1208-09 Huly, W. M 1601-06 Huffman, C. S 506 Heacock, Dr. J. D 901-06 Hill W. T 701-0 6 Hall, H. S 512-14 Haley, L J 804-0546 Hemphill, R. C 803 Hastings, E. M 1517 Hessler, W. J 1301-02 Iron City Lumber Co 701-06 Jenkins, W. D 2018-0 Johns-Manville Co., H. W 1220 James, S. E 1317-20 JEFFERSON POWDER CO. 1517=18=19 KAUL LUMBER CO - 1505=14 Kida &Darden 301-07 King, J. C 318-19 Lea, Sumpter J 522 LADINA CONSOLIDATED MINES CO 1118=19 Ledbeat^r, L. C 14' 4-19 LOCKHART, H. R., CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 520 Lockhart, Dr. B. S 901-06 Luckie, Dr. L. F 1203-06 Little Cahaba Coal Co 512-14 Louman, G. S 1612-15 Mabry, Ranee 1520 Mabry, R. V 1520 MABRY, THE CO 1520 Mabry, W. R 1520 Marbury Lumber Co 1101-11 Marks, J. S.. Jr 1317-2J McLester, Dr. J S 1616-18 MEADE &HUEY 1301=07 Marks, Lee J 1015-16-17 McGEE, DR. F.A 1304=05=06 Metropolitan Life Ins. Co 715-20 Miles, r. W. Co 310 Moore, Walter 615-20 Morris, Dr. L. C 1203-06 Miller, S. P 910 Morrow, Hugh 1404-19 McLean, Dr. L. C 1201-02 Mason, Heacock & Lester, Drs 901-06 Michigan Mutual 815 Mason, Dr. J. M 901-06 Middleton, D. K 1209-11 Mason-Maun Co 509 NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF VERMONT 312=14 Nutt, Miss Mabel — 1321 Norwood. J. M 306 NESBIT, V. J 1301=02 O'Hear, G. S-i 815-17 Peoples Oil & Gas Co 621-22 Palmer, C.J 201-08 Pearson, R. H 818-2f) Protective Life Ins. Co 210 Prudential Life Ins. Co 30346 RAND, SAMUEL 1517=20 Red Star Coal Co 615-20 R1VOLUTE BLUE PRINT CO __. 1601=06 Rice, C. E 1404-19 Riley, J. F 802 Robeitson.L. W 1303 Stenogiaphic Bureau, Miss E. Roff--- 801 Sessions, W.L 303-06 Sibley, G. T 602-08 Simmons, C. S 615-20 SOUTHERN BRIDGE CO 1518 Standard Bond & Guarantee Co... 50102 Standard Lumber Co 915-18 Schulte, E. V 212-17 Selheimer, H. C 1007-( 8 Smith, J. R 512-14 94 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers BIRMINGHAM VIEW COMP'NY J. F. KNOX, PROPRIETOR 416-17 21st Street Bell Phone 860 Main THE KNOX •dfe STUDIO . , v-*- ^:§W\ Branch of Birmingham View Company. OUR PORTRAIT WORK CAN- NOT BE SURPASSED \ Our work the finest, our artists the best. Kindly ^BaaJIk give us a trial, then you Wbl ^P^H will smile with content- ment, like our old friend -' ^B Bl ■ . - . ; " , ; \ '' , «* • .* " in the cut. Commercial photographs a specialty. We made all the photo- W ^^S^TOPJO' graphs in this booklet. Ad. written by Davis Advertis- ing and Sales Co. 95 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the a dertisers Thirty Thousand Dollars Saved By the South Per Annum In Freight on Press Brick Sold by the Sibley-Menge Press Brick Company Birmingham, Alabama Does not that justify the building public in having fostered and encouraged this Southern Home industry? Over a million Sibley-Menge Press Brick were used in buildings shown on page 2i of this "Guide." For some other notable build- ings in which they were used see buildings shown on pages 27, 45, 57, 81, 86, 93, 98, 102, 105 and 107 of this Guide. This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. 96 EMPIRE OFFICE DIRECTORY— Continued Stevenson 310 Smith, C. J 512-14 Seakoole Battery Co 1303 Strauss, W. C 305 Shorter, H. R 201-06 Thomas, Dr 412-14 Tillman, Bradley & Morrow 1404-19 THOMPSON. T. C. & BROS1018=19=20 Tillman, J. P 1404-19 Travelers Ins. Co 1112-14 Urquhart, W. B 401-06 U.S. Realty Co 910 VAUGHN, WM 1615=16=17 Walton, Dr. Frank 1201-02 WARREN & WELTON 1607=1 1 Weakley, J. B 1001-06 Whitman, W. J 1001-06 Wooten, W. t, 1302-03 Wingfield, Thos. H 4(1-06 Walker, J. H 804-06 Wirth, J. J 307-08 Warren, W. T 1607-11 Walton, Wm. Leslie 1607-11 WARNER ELEVATOR MFG. CO 1301=02 Williams, R. G 1317-20 Wood, H. B 915-18 Whaley, Dr. Lewis 609-11 Birmingham Athletic Club Building Woodward Building, Birmingham's Pioneer Skyscraper WOODWARD OFFICE DIRECTORY A. G. S. R. R. Co. Ground Floor A. G. S. R. R. Co 801 Andrews, F. H 414 Andrews, Harry 230 Birmingham Cual & dumber Co 814 Aetna Powder Co 616 Bradstreet Co 216 Brilliant Coal Co __. 902 B'ham Rail & locomotive Woiks 314 Castellas Bros Ground Floor City Bank & Trust Co Ground Floor Colbourne & Hurst, Drs 220 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide"' to the adveitisers THE TWO METHODS THE OLD METHOD Did you ever stop to consider that by the old method of buying anything in the machinery line, the expenses of the salesman who visited you, his salary, railroad fares and the cost of doing business in his department, was all added on the cost of the machinery you purchased, and in many eases the salesman was not an expert in the machinery line, which in many cases cause delays in completing, may be your mill, or the starting of the machinery, on account of some very important part being missing, causing tiresome letter writing and unsatisfactory answers, following the "Old Red Tapeism" your letter of recent date has been referred to our Mr. Jones, etc., for investigation and still the delayed machinery is further delayed? This is the old method. THE NEW METHOD Is how to save time and money, and have your machinery de- livered promptly, and the cost of same very materially reduced, and the profits on same not charged on the cost, as of old, in paying a lot of unnecessary expenses, as any business man knows it takes to run an expensive machinery department The leading manufacturers of the country have, after 3 ears of study and experience, and to meet prices in this the age of competition have adopted the state agency plan, for it saves you money, and you deal with the manufacturer direct. When in the market for any kind of machinery, all you have to do is write to The Davis Advertising and Sales Co., then Mr. H. J. Davis, President and Manager, will mail you a catalogue and any information you may require. Mr. Davis is an expert machinist, was manager of the machinery department for Moore-Handley Hardware Co., Birmingham, Ala., for nearly 16 years, and is the best known machinery salesman in the country, and has sold more machinery than any salesman south of the Ohio. Try the new method! See how much more satisfactory it will prove over the old method. Write us when in the market; we will mail you a catalogue at once for any kind of machinery made. See our estimate first, then you will always follow the new method. Let us prove it to you. The Davis Advertising and Sales Company 414 Brown-Marx Building: Bell Phone 1455 Main. Birmingham Ala. 99 Please mention "The Shoppers' Guide" to the advertisers VJtti') th H.F.WOOD GENERAL CONTRACTOR NINTH FLOOR, EMPIRE BUILDING All work finished according to specifications. Nothing but first-class work- manship. Don't fail to let me figure for you. PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE GO,, of PHILADELPHIA Write all forms of mutual life insurance at cost. Has loaned in Birmingham over A MILLION AND A HALF DOLLARS to help develop the city in the erection of office buildings, stores and residences. For insurance or agency see P. C. RATLIFF, General Agent 527 First National Bank Building: vo TE fob SAM M. BLAKE FOR CLERK AND REGISTER OF CITY COURTOF BIRMINGHAM. Because he has worked for 15 years in the office as a deputy clerk. Because he is always accommodating and pleasant to deal with. Because he will appreciate your support and influence. Subject to action of Democratic party, pri- mary 1910. 100 WOODWARD OFFICE DIRECTORY— Continued C C C. & St. D. R. R. Co. Crawford, E. A _„" Dun, R. G. & Co East Piatt Coal Co Frisco R. R. Co Frisco R. R. Co Grasselli Chemical Co ... Howell Cotton Co Hammell, E Hopkins, F W Hill, O &Co Irvin, F, H 916 310 614 2 825 520 330 224 203 211 Inman, Akers & Inman . 516 Jolinck & Putman, Drs 617 Jacobs, .Sol 504 Kirkpatrick Sand & Cement Co 501 Deake, W. E 620 Moore, J. W 924 Milner, B. C. Sons Cn 530 Merchants Manufacturing Co 509 McMichael & I y ide_. 4 9 McCrossin, F. J 305 Mobile & Ohio R. R. Co 307 Mosley & Billah 425 Myatt, A M 227 Mclvaws, G. H. & Co 625 Nice, C. M., Dr 316 National Coal & Coke Co 311 Orcutt, M. D -„- 830 Peters, W.J W., Dr 416 Pittsburg Tes'ingDab. Co 322 Phoenix Steel Co.— 320 Parker, J I, Ground Floor Rucker, E. W., Dr H25 Rucker, E. W 901 Robinson, C. C , Dr. .. 828 Rogers-Brown Co 725 Republic Iron & Steel Co 701 Reid Powers dumber Co 518 Robbins & Austin . 327 Ryan Real Estate Co 203 S. A. L. R. R. Co Ground Floor Smith & Smith 3' 3 Spurgeon, S P.. 411 Southern Fuel Co 418 Smith, A. G & E D 422 Stubbs, Geo. H , Dr 522 Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Co 1001 Shannon, J. S 1025 3. A. D. R. R Co 525 State of Alabama Mining Dept 727 Toole, A. T., Dr 9u7 Tarrance, G., Dr 325 V. T. & G. Air Dine 507 Woodson, I y . G., Dr __ 822 W. S. Health-Accident Ins Co 403 W. S. Health-Accident Ins. Co 426 Watson, E. C 425 Williams, Jno R 401 Wm Mason 226 Woodward Stenography Bureau 225 Whitcomb, Geo. D. Co 211 Woodward Barber .Shop ...Ground Floor Woodward & Stil'man 420 Hotel Hillman Birmingham Chamber of Commerce CHAMBER OP COMMERCE DIRECTORY Alabama Anti-Saloon League. 501-02 Alabama Christian Advocate 516-17 Aldrich, W. F 301-02 Alabama Demurrage.- 301-02 Beecroft, H. W 4'6-07 Birmingham Home Inv. Co 308-9-10 Birmingham Engineering Associa- tion of the South 414-16 Hiles, W. A 319 BIRMINGHAM TIMES 301=02 Building Material Men's Exchange 206-10 Bolton, James 401-02 Brown, H. M 318 BUSINESS MEN'S LEAGUE —.218=20 Birmingham Plating Co 226 Barton, J. K... Ground Floor 102 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DIRECTORY— Continued Bartlett, H. S 514-15 Carrutes-James Shoe Co 318 Campell, Miss I,. P 506-07 Chadwick, J. S 516-17 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE— 414=17 Copeland, Dr. M. A 314-16 Clarke, C. M 318 Clark, G. M Ground Floor Dean, H. T 6l8 Eisman, Mark 408-10 Elliot-Fisher Co 518-19 Employment Office 626 Estes, J. R 626 Fisher, Otter El 506-07 Floyd, Ed 424-25 Fuller Merchantile Co 317 Fowlkes, J. H 514-15 Friedman, A 417 Goodbar & Co 320 Grau, Dr. F. G 314-16 Gray, W. H 424-25 Hawthorne, R. W 616-17 Heyman, & Heythone Co 616-17 Hillhouse, James 421-25 Hillard, Mrs. N. J 60'-12 Howell, I. H 618 Harris, I,. M 514-15 Ingersoll-Rand Co.. 308-9-10 Jefferson County Medical Society-. 619-25 Jemison, J. S 508-10 Kay, W. A 303-05 I^andsburger, H 511-12 Iyawrence, Brooks -- 501-02 I.eadbeater, H. I 518-19 Iyongergan, G. B 618 Landaw, M 321-22 Marshall Field & Co 601-02 McClary- Jemison Mach. Co 508-10 Mathews, Z. W 323-26 Murphy Advertising Co 308-10 Murphy, R. E--- 3(8-10 McDaniel, Dr. W. A 311-12 Manley, R. T. & Co Ground Floor McAdory, Dr. W. P 314-16 Neil, Robert 424-25 Nevins, W. H 601-12 Navy Recruiting Station 520-26 Orr, C. P 419-23 Pollock & Co 321-22 Quigley, E. P 301 Robinson, A. M. Co 303-05 Rankin, J. W Ground Floor Shall, Dr. E. H 314-15 Silk, W. W 418 Snow, E.J 305-07 Southern Building Supply Co 406-07 Southern Dental Mfg. Co 323-26 Southern Mosaic Tile Co !___ 319 Southern Mutual Aid Association.. 419-23 State Mine Inspector 424-25 Swan-Abram Hat Co 306-07 Storage Co 414 16 Stephens, Miss Willetta 514-15 Sloss, T. & M Ground Floor Schleihaif Still dumber Co 319 Swanson, E. C Ground Floor Tarr, C. B 320 Towerson, John 301-02 Union Realty Co Ground Floor Vail, T. L. C— . - 406-07 Walls, J. W . 520 Westhimer-Swats Shoe Co 511-12 Williams, Rinaldo 523-25 Williams. G. W 418 Withington Pharmacy Ground Floor White, Frank Ground Floor Yates, J. A. & Co 514-15 Publicity Advertising It is considered by everyone that Publicity Advertising, such as Street Cars, Bill Boards and Signs over their place of busi- ness, to be good advertising, and that it never becomes old. If this holds good, why are not signs that are moving constantly in a public place better than ones that are always stationary? They are so con- sidered by everyone that is not looking for graft. 103 Please mention '''The Shoppers" Guide" to the advertisers J. C. ORR Both Phones 1062 W. 0. LANNING ORR & LANNING Livery, Feed and Sales Stables Carriages, Broughams, Traps and Light Livery, Special Attention Given to Boarders. 1 7th Street and Second Avenue Birmingham, Alabama Chris's Place Chris's Place 1926 First Avenue 406 N. 26th Street Peoples Phone 630. Next to Near Terminal Station Empire Bldg. Bell Phone 3962 Birmingham, Ala. OUR MOTTO: Clean and CHRIS COLIAS > Pfo P- quick service. Open Day and Night This advertisement was written by The Davis Advertising and Sales Co. J. M. Robinson, Norton & Co. (incorporated) Importers, Mfgs. and Jobbers Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Shirts, Etc. Alabama Department, J. E. Russell Headquarters and Sample Rooms, Morris Hotel, Birmingham, Ala. "HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE" Ladies: — We call your attention to our handsome line of Millinery, Suits and Waists. Suits from $9.95 to $40.00. Hats from $2.48 to $35.00. Waists from 95c to $12.50. Take advantage of week-end rates to shop with us. T. C KING, 1923 Second Avenue 104 Farley Building FARLEY OFFICE DIRECTORY Allen, U.Iv 808 Allen & Bell . 307 Black & Weakley.. 210 Bromberg, F. W , Jewelry Company Ground Floor BRADLEY, T. M., REAL ESTATE 901 Bevil, Dr. R. F 606 Boyd, A. S 202-03-04 Bowman, Harsh & Beddow. Coffman, R. D Copeland, Dr Coff, J. B , Ins Co Dillard, Dr. W. R Florence, Dr. D. F Gaston & Pettus Glover, J. T — 503 .--510 — 404 — 208 -402-C3 -- 705 -. 702 .. 805 105 FARLEY OFFICE DIRECTORY— Continued Green & Howard, Drs 801 Glass, Dr 701 Hill Shoe Co Ground Floor HILL, L. P., REAL ESTATE 605 James, Dr R. A 3i'8-(9 Joy, T. H 902-03 Leatherwood, R. L 807 MASTERSON, DR. W. T 813 Moore, E. S 601-3 McFadden, Geo. H. & Bros 611 MeCarty, Taylor 313 Margon Adv. Co 907 O'Connell, Dr 4(6 Onlie Barber Shop Ground Floor Penn. Casualty Co 202-04 Pugh, Miss E. E-- 908 Pugh, J. E - — . 206 POWELL, C. B 500-16 Rosamond, Dr 1 302 Rittenburg, Dr. P. E 806 Southern Indemnity Assn 709 Strange & Chappel 511 Smith, C. B 507 Stalling-L,acey Court Reporters 400 Strickland, Dr 300 Sibley, Dr 910 Thagard, Dr. R. C 311 Vowell, Dr. T. P 607 Williams, Clark 913 Country Club and Grounds Title Guarantee Building TITLE GUARANTEE OFFICE DIRECTORY American School Furniture Co 901 Andrews, F. S 309 Aird, J. B 211 American Labor Supply Co 514 Adams, G. G Arnold, J. H. & Co. Brown, A. L, Buckshaw, T. C 809 109 311 . 703 Buck Coal Co 9t5 Citizens Ins. & Realty Co 401 Cartwright, J. M... 903 Cbatman, H. C 512 Clayton. R. A _ 901 Chambell, J. W 207 Chambell, R 207 CONTINENTAL GIN CO 600 Collins, J. T 906 Crane, H. C 205 107 TITLE GUARANTEE OFFICE DIRECTORY— Continued Constantine, K. W 803 Cannift, W £05 Denson & Denson 907 Dillard, M.J 911 Dryer, J. B 206 Educational Exchange 901 Forney, J. G 906 Gentry, Dr. W. T 403 Green, Dr. J. K 803 Hillman-Watts Land Co 905 Howelite, W. T 211 Huddleston, George 314 Jefferson County Sand Co 305 Jones, A. A 411 Johnston, T. H. & Co 708-09 Johnson, Ben F 407-08 Lamkin, Griffin 412 Locke, H. A 801 Martin, W. J 2U Miller & Martin 909 Molton, T. H. & Co 108 Munger, R. S 704 Patterson & Brandon.. _ 714 Philadelphia Dental Rooms 403 Republic Land Co 206 Rigg, Dr. E. P --- 905-06 Robinson, J. B. & Co 911 Russell, R. A __ 401 Smyer, E. J 102 Smyer, R. B 205 State Mining Department 714 Scholl, H — _ 801 Sullivan, J. A. Spink, W. E - - 801 Stone, Lee 214 Thomanson, S. T 301-02 Thomas Fraser Lumber Co 506 Thomas Bradston Co £01 Title-Guarantee Laud Co 101-06 Terrell, R. A 706 Turner. J. S 503 Watts, R. B 412 Ward, J. H 209 Warren & Welch 707 Whelan, Dr. Charles 807-8 White, Frank & Son_. _ — 201 Whilldin, D. O _ 711 Woolverton, W. H 408 HOOD BUILDING OFFICE DIRECTORY ALLEN, D. F., REAL ESTATE LOANS 332 BOWEN, THE W. H. CO., SCHOOL SUPPLIES 336 CUFF, F., PERFECTION MILL QOODS 221 DENEGRE, JOHN, ROYAL LIFE & ACCIDENT CO.... 452 Davidson & Mccarty, misses stenographers, notary PUBLIC 216 HEAD, J. D., REAL ESTATE 212 LABOR ADVOCATE 450 McNALLY, RICH ARD P., LAWYER 455 PEARSON, RALPH, MANUFACT= URER'S AGENT 324 YE1LD1NG, C. M 444 MISCELLANEOUS LIST MIMS B. STONE, SOFT DRINKS AND LUNCHES AT COLLIER DRUG CO- THE GRIDLY=LEE ICE CREAM CO 412 N. 21st ST. MANN & ANDREWS 2021 4th AVE. GEO. O. MABRY- 1905^ 2nd AVE. PAUL'S CAFE. 217 N. 19th ST. DRS. DOZIER & DOZ1ER 113^ N. 21st ST- B'HAM BROKERAGE CO., UUDB BUILDING 2nd_AVE & 20th ST. 108 C. W. UFFORD President of The Business Men's League; President Alabama State Pair Association; President Roberts & Son, Printers, Stationers and Lithographers; one of Greater Birmingham's Most Progressive Business Men 109 FRANK P. CHAFFEE Secretary of The Business Men's League 110 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS C. W. Ufford, President M. V. Joseph, Vice-President H. J. Porter, Second Vice-President John L. Parker, Treasurer DIRECTORS A. H. Ford Hugo Marx Sol Caheen L. Pizitz R. D. Burnett J. D. Collins VvT. T. Cox A. W. B. Johnson Herman Saks J. Burger "To Bring More Trade to Birmingham 1 ' DIRECTORS H. D. Drennen Eugene Fies Coleman Blach George McCleery C. H. Nabb Bertram Jacobs J. H. Holcombe Dan A. Hogan G. B. McVay John W. O'Neill F. P. Chaffee, Secretary 218-219-220 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bell Phone, Main 4492 Office hours 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. "GREATER BIRMINGHAM" The city whose mercantile and mamifacturing interests of bat a few years ago was that of the average city of the South, has now reached the proportions of one of the really great cities of the United States 111 (I R EATER BIRMINGHA BRIGHT SPOT KLCOMB, VISITOR, welcome ! Birmingham salutes you, what- ever your mission may be, and wants you to look us over, visit our parks, and beautiful residential districts, our fine theatres and other places of amusement, and last but not least, call at our splendid retail establishments and investigate our commercial and in- dustrial activities. Birmingham is the "Bright Spot Trading and Industrial City of the South." It enjoys world-wide fame as the most rapidly growing city in America, as regards population and industrial importance. It is now tak- ing its place as the recognized trade center of a very large territory. You will find this booklet contains much valuable information as to Bir- mingham's attractions as a city of homes, as an educational center, as an industrial center, etc. This portion is to tell you why Birmingham is the natural and logical retail trade center of Northern and Middle Alabama, and why it is to your advantage to trade here. Birmingham wants your trade, and wanting it, offers such genuine in- ducements as will convince you that it is to your interest to trade here. Birmingham has the most up-to-date stores in the South, with the largest and most complete stocks to be found in Alabama. Birmingham merchants are live, energetic, constantly looking the markets of the world over, and buying things you need at lowest possible cost to themselves to sell at lowest prices to you, and are imbued with a liberal policy toward their customers. Birmingham has nine trunk lines, radiating in all directions, with schedules arranged for your special convenience. The railroads have on special week-end and two-day rates, enabling you to come here at very small cost. Birmingham's splendid railroad connections with the large markets of the North, East and Middle West, enables its getting everything the shopper wants, and getting it well in advance of the season. Birmingham's large trade emporiums enable you to shop in less time 112 than at any other one city in Alabama, for frequently everything from a pin to an automobile can be found in one establishment. Birmingham has a most complete and up-to-date street car system of 131 miles trackage, which radiates from the city's center to its most remote parts. The entire system is under one management, with universal trans- fers, making it possible to ride from one extreme of the city to the other for one fare. Birmingham's places of amusement are noted as the most complete in the South. Four large and well equipped theatres, an airdome, and numer- ous vaudeville and picture shows leave nothing wanting in amusements. A magnificent summer pleasure resort at beautiful East Lake park furnish all that any one could wish in the way of a pleasant ride over its approach, capped with amusement attractions equal to those of similar resorts in any of the large cities of the North and East. Birmingham maintains a Business Men's League, composed of all of the leading business men of the city, for the special purpose of maintaining pleasant relations between the out-of-town shopper and the business inter- ests of our city. The Magic City offers you unequaled purchasing advan- tages. The merchant members of the League all offer special inducements to out-of-town shoppers, and Birmingham's beautiful parks and amusement places beckon' you to come and share their pleasures for a day or longer. The hotels offer special rates to week-end visitors, and all of Birmingham extends a cordial welcome to you. BUREAU OF INFORMATION. The Business Men's League occupies a suite of rooms in the Chamber of Commerce building, where may be found full information concerning the city, its pleasure spots, how to reach them, its magnificent business houses, its various industries; in fact, everything that visitors might desire to know. Courteous attention will be given all inquiries, either in person, mail or by telephone. If you desire information not contained in this booklet, call on or address THE BUSINESS MEN'S LEAGUE. 218-219-220 Chamber of Commerce Building, Birmingham, Ala. Bell Phone 4492 Main. OUT-OF-TOWN TRADE The merchant who has the idea that out-of-town business can be reached by advertising in the daily press alone, and who will turn down other legitimate means to reach such business, will soon wonder where the other fellow is getting all the new business. The tide of trade once set in will be hard to turn. 113 THE BUSINESS MEN'S LEAGUE LIST OF MEMBERS, WITH BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION AND ADDRESS ABSTRACT AND TITLES Birmingham Title & Guaranty Co., 225 N 21st St. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS The Southern Audit Co., 208 First National Bank Building. ADVERTISING AGENCIES Morgan Advertising Co., 2018 1st Ave. BARBER SHOPS O. K. Barber Shop, 217 N 20th St. BANKS American Trust & Savings Co., 1st Ave. and 20th St. Birmingham Trust & Savings Co., 112 S. 20th St. City Trust & Savings Co., Woodward Building. First National Bank, 2nd Ave. and 20th St. Traders National Bank, 3d Ave. and 20th St. Jefferson County Savings Bank, 2nd Ave. and 2 1st St. BANKERS AND BROKERS Otto Marx & Co., Brown-Marx Building. BUGGIES AND WAGONS Birmingham Buggy Co., 112 N. 17th St. BUSINESS COLLEGES Wheeler Business College, 1909g 1st Ave. CARPETS, DRAPERY, ETC. Hoy-Ratterman Carpet Co., 2018 1st Ave. 114 CAFES AND RESTAURANTS Easonville Creamery Co., 303 N. 2uth St. Fisch Bakery & Lunch Co., First National Bank Building. Little Gem Cafe, 221 N. 19th St. Paul's Cafe, 215 N. 19th St. CIDER, VINEGAR, ETC. Southern Cider & Vinegar Co., 1704 1st Ave. CIGARS AND TOBACCO J. R. Brown, 2nd Aye. and 20th St. R. D. Burnett, Cigrar Co., (Wholesale] 1909 1st Ave. CLOAKS AND SUITS Loventhal Cloak & Suit Co., 1818 3rd Ave. A. Kaufman & Co., 1925 2nd Ave. CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, ETC. Armstrong Hat Co., 117 N. 20th St. Antwine-McGuire-DeShazo, 19 L4 3d Ave. J. Friedman & Co., 1908 1st A\e. Porter Clothing Co., 1922 1st Ave. Reynolds & White, 316 N. 20th St. Sommer Tailoring Co., 1912 1st Ave. Louis Saks, 1st Ave and 19th St. Reynolds Haberdashery Co., 121 N. 20th St. J. Blach & Sons, 3d Aye. and 19th St. CONTRACTORS Birmingham Building & Improvement Co., 2109 1st Ave. CROCKERY AND TINWARE John W. O'Neill Co., 2020 2nd Ave. DECORATORS W. D. Colby Decorating Co., 1818 2nd Ave. 115 DRUGGISTS Barber-Ramseur Drug Co., 4th Ave. and 20th St. Collier Drug Co., 109 N, 20th St. Dewberry Drug Co., 2nd Ave. and 21st St. Gunn Drug Co., 3d Ave. and 20th St. Gunn-Gambill Drug Co., 3d Ave. and 19th St. Jacobs Pharmacy, 209 N. 19th St. John Iv. Parker, Woodward Building. DRY GOODS, DEPARTMENT STORES, ETC. Burger Dry Goods Co., 2013 2nd Ave. Caheen Bros., 1924 2nd Ave. Feder & Burk, 1908 2nd Ave. Ferd Marx Store, 1920 2nd Ave. Loveman, Joseph & Loeb, 3d Ave. and 19th St. King's Kush Store, 1923 2nd Ave. Louis Pizitz, 2nd Ave. and 19th St. Steele-Smith Dry Goods Co., 1913 2nd Ave. The Leader (M. H. Burger), 1911 2nd Ave. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Alabama Supply Co., 1917 4th Ave. Burney Electric Co., 2117 1st Ave. Walker-Middlebrooks Co., 313 N. 19th St. ENGRAVERS AND PLATE MAKERS Alabama Engraving Co., Thomas Building, 210 N. 21st St. FIVE, TEN AND TWENTY-FIVE CENT STORES S. H. Kress & Co., 2nd Ave. and 3d Ave. McClure Five and Ten Cent Co., 1908 3d Ave. FURNITURE, ETC. Broyles & Cooper, 2210 2nd Ave. Ben M. Jacobs & Bros., 1911 3d Ave. Hood & Wheeler, 2010 3d Ave. McCarty-Rawson Furniture Co., 2105 1st Ave. Preston Furniture Co., 2014 2nd Ave. 116 GENERAL MERCHANDISE Earle Bros., 1918 1st Ave. Yeilding Bros., 304 N. 20th St.. HARDWARE AND SPORTING GOODS Birmingham Arms & Cycle Co., 1916 2nd Ave. Spiro Hardware Co., 1920 3d A\e. Warren Bros. 2012 2nd Ave. HARNESS AND SADDLERY J. F. Ehrhart, 321 N. 20th St. HORSES, LIVERY, ETC. Fies & Sons, 3d Ave. and lGth St. Orr & LanniDg, 2nd Ave. and 17th St. HOTELS Morris Hotel, 1st Ave. and 19th St. Hotel Hillman, 4th Ave. and 19th St. Hotel Florence, 2nd Ave. and 19th St. JEWELERS, OPTICIANS, ETC. H. C. Abbott & Bros., 1905 2nd Aye. Jobe-Rose Jewelry Co., 117 N. 19th St. . Lowinsohn, 1921 2nd Ave. F. M. Lynch, First National Bank Building. Max Robinson, 214 N. 20th St. I. R. Rubenstein, 1924 3d Ave. James H. Tinder, 306 N. 19th St. LAUNDRIES Excelsior Laundry Co., 1805 2nd Aye. MILLINERY Hirsch Millinery Co., 1910 2nd Ave. NEWSPAPERS The Birmingham Age-Herald, 1813 2nd Ave. The Birmingham Ledger, 2119 2nd Ave. The Birmingham News, 213 N. 21st St. 117 PAINTS AND GLASS Acme White Lead and Color Works, 2015 3d Ave. Southern Paint Manufacturing Co., 2011 1st Ave. PIANOS AND ORGANS American Advertising and Sales Co., Brown-Marx Bldg. Cable Piano Co., 1816 2nd Ave. E. E. Forbes Piano Co., 1909 3d Ave. Jesse French Piano & Organ Co., 1921 3d Ave. Seals Piano & Organ Co., 2017 1st Ave. PHOTOGRAPHERS Bert G. Covell, 3d Ave. and 19th St. PHYSICIANS Dr. J. H. Sims, 221 £ N. 19th St. PRINTERS AND STATIONERS, ETC. Alabama Paper & Printing Co., 1709 2nd Ave. Birmingham Paper Co., (Wholesale) 1821 1st Ave. Roberts & Son, 1812 3rd Ave. Roberts Printing Co., 2007 3d Ave. PUBLIC UTILITIES Birmingham Railway, Light & Power Co., 2100 1st Ave. Southern Express Co., 2016 1st Ave. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE R. A. Brown & Co , 222 N. 21st St. Hill Ferguson, 2120 1st Ave. Jemison Real Estate & Insurance Co., 2024 3d Ave. Jemison-Seibels Insurance Agency, 2024 3d Ave. W. B. Leedy & Co., 112 N. 21st St. Simon Klotz, 2111 1st Ave. Molton Realtv Co., 2028 3d Ave. Messer Real Estate & Insurance Co., 224 N. 21st St. Ed. S. Moore, Brown-Marx Bldg. L. G. Pettyjohn, 1826^ 3d Ave. John G. Smith & Co., 212 N. 2lst St. B. Aden Thompson. 2113 3d Ave. 118 SHOES Collins Shoe Store, 1910 1st Ave. Hill Shoe Co., 220 N. 20th St. and 1929 3d Ave. Hann, The Shoe Man, 1917 2nd Ave. D. & A. Rich, 1913 1st Ave. Cox Shoe Co., 1918 2nd Aye. SIGN PAINTERS Hill Sign Co., 213| N. 20th St. TAILORS Frank Harick, 2523 N. 5th Ave. The Peoples Tailors, 1 19 N. 20th St. Williams & Dewey, 1921 § 2nd Ave. TRUNK FACTORIES Gilbert Trunk Factory, 1910 3rd Ave. TYPEWRITERS Remington Typewriter Co., 2015 1st Ave. MISCELLANEOUS Ch*s. Z. Daniel, Advertising Manager, J. Blaeh & Sons, 3d Ave. and 19th St. W. F. Fry. Advertising Manager, Louis Saks, 1st Ave. and 19th St. Walter K. McAdory, Clerk Circuit Court, Court House. Frank P. O'Brien, Mayor, City Hall. Gus F. Thum, Superintendent Roberts & Sou, 1812 3d. Ave. Note : Certain of the above named business firms refund railroad fares to out-of-town shoppers. For further information concerning same, write or call on THE BUSINESS MEN'S LEAGUE, 218-219-220 Chamber of Commerce Building. Bell 'Phone 4492, Main. 119 RAILROAD FARES OF OUT-OF-TOWN SHOP- PERS PAID BY THE REBATE BUREAU OF THE BUSINESS MENS LEAGUE OF BIRMINGHAM, ALA. THE PLAN Persons living twenty-five miles or more from Birmingham may have their railroad fares refunded on purchasing as mnch as $25.00 worth of goods from any or all of the stores of the refund members of the Rebate Bureau of the Business Men's L,eague of Birmingham, Ala., on a basis of one mile both ways for each dollar's worih of goods purchased. Thus cus- tomers coming from any distance outside the twenty-five mile radius may, on purchasing a sufficient amount, have their fares refunded. For example : Persons living twenty-five miles from Birmingham on making total purchases amounting to $25 00 ma)' be refunde I their fare both ways. Persons living twenty-eight miles from Birmingham on making total purchases amounting to $28.00 may be refunded their fare both ways. Persons living one hundred and fifty miles from Birmingham on mak- ing total purchases amounting to $150.00 may be refunded their fare both ways. Customers who come a greater number of miles than the number of dollars spent, may have portions of their fare refunded. To illustrate: A man who lives forty-five miles away on purchasing $25.00 worth of goods from the stores of refund members of this Bureau will be refunded twenty- five miles of his fare both ways by the Bureau, and he pays for the remain- der of the distance traveled. One per cent, additional cash refund will be paid to refund customers on all pur- chases in excess of the sum necessary to secure the refund of their fare. RULES 1. Fares will not be refunded on refund books after ten days from the date on which the books are issued. 120 2. No refund of fare will be allowed unless application for trie refund book is made at the time of purchase. 3. No store shall refund fares or parts of fares direct. Application for the refund must be made at the Bureau's offices on completing all purchases. 4. The total amount of each purchase must be entered on the refund book. 5. This Bureau will take advantage of excursion or reduced rates in refunding fares when such rates are secured by refund customers. 6. Persons must live at least twenty-five miles from Birmingham and must pur- chase at least $25 00 worth of goods from any or all of the stores in this Bureau to be benefitted by this refund plan. 7. Office hours from 9:00 a. m. to 6:C0 p. m. Sectional View of the Ensley Steel Plant, from Which Rails are Shipped to Every Civilized Country on the Globe Convincing Reasons Why You Should Trade In Bir- mingham 1. You can take advantage of the week-end rates of the railroads. Tickets on sale Saturday and Sunday, good to return until midnight of Monday following. 2. Two railroads, the Frisco and the Southern, have on special two- day rates, tickets on sale any time, good for any two consecutive days. 3. The members of the Rebate Bureau of the Business Men's League will refund your railroad fare both ways. See the plan on another page of this booklet. 4. The hotels offer special week-end rates to out-of-town shoppers. 5. Birmingham has the best stores, the best stocks, every shopping advantage. Furthermore, Birmingham's merchanis want your trade, and desire the opportunity to meet you personally and show you this. 6. When you finish your shopping, and between times, you will find plenty of good, clean amusements in the Magic City. A fine street car sys- tem, which will carry you through beautiful resident districts, or to any of Birmingham's busy industrial works, furnaces, rolling mills, etc. 7. The train schedules of the various railroads are such as to allow you to leave home at a convenient morning hour and to return during the after- noon or evening. 122 Post Office Building How to Locate Street and Avenue Numbers AH the avenues run from west to east, with Morris avenue the dividing line for the north and south sides. Avenue numbers commence at the west and run east. street numbers commence at Morris avenue and run north on northside and south on the southside. ... . Even hundreds commence and end on same block. Same system tollows on streets. All avenue numbers end with 31 on south side of avenue with 30 on north side. All street numbers end with 25 on east side of street 26 on north side of street. Note -If you were looking for 211 North 19th street, it would be corner of Second alley, between 2nd and 3rd avenues. 311 would be cor. third alley, between 3rd and 4th avenues. 2010 3rd avenue would be between 20th and 2 1st streets. 2421 3rd avenue would be between J4th and 2oth streets. 712 2nd avenue would be between 7th and 8th streets Follow the above and you will save time and trouble locating any number. 123 "Modern Business Methods" ' There is no doubt that a great many of the business men of this day believe that to get values in any way is legitimate, so they escape business condemnation or the clutches of the law. They certainly entertain this kind of an opinion or they would not resort to the means that are so often used to deceive or decoy others. A great many are proud of the fact that some acquaintance will say, that they are smooth and slick, using such terms as are only applicable to the crooked, and are proud of the fact that some one will joint them out on an opposite corner, that he turned a trick on old Smith or Jones and beat him out of several hundred. There are a number of instances known of quite recent occurrence, where business men formed large organizations for the building up of a city or state, electing officers to conduct the organization, granting them powers, at the same time giving the officials assurance that they would have their support in what- ever they did, and when the time came to act in any way towards sustaining them in their promises, that they would not only refuse to support or stand by what their officials did, but often renounce them in unmeasured terms* saying that they could not be responsible and would not stand by the endorsement of their officials, yet were willing to receive all the benefits that could be brought to them by any contract or agreement entered into in their name by these officials. In other words, willing to eat the bread that should go on another one's table. Something for nothing seems to be the prevailing idea. To mislead and get one's services or money and give nothing in return is considered modern business and very legitimate; provided the beneficiaries can go unharmed. Such methods deserve the condemnation of every right thinking person, and they should speak out in unmeasured terms, condemning such modern busi- ' ness and be willing to line up with every business formed for the building up of the business institution of a city, state or nation, refusing to counte- nance anything that would not give full values for one's services or his money. This being a great day of reforms, some of which are very much needed, yet it behooves every one to be consistent, and do unto his neighbor as he would be done by. It is a known fact that the law against obtaining goods under false pretence is only applicable when the offender is in the lower walks of life. In other words, it is usually applied and made applicable to the unfortunate or unsuccessful. It is never thought of when it comes to an organized body skinning another, or a private individual, that any kind of a pretence to influence them to do a paid service with a promised compensa- tion, which afterwards turns out to be a false promise, and the makers know- ing it at the time, is nothing more nor less than false pretence. , 24 ,C0PY n * TO CAT on NOV 23 1 1909 I