jffl- 9/J3 LB 2851 .15 Copy 1 THE School* Book Ljaws INDIANA, Acts of 1889, 1891 arjd 1893 SYNOPSIS OF THE DUTIES OF SCHOOL OFFICERS, DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS UNDER THE SCHOOL BOOK LAW. • %ISSUED BY%I HERVEY D. VORIES, Superintenoent of public Instruction. INDIANAPOLIS, \VM. B. P.l'REIIRD, PRINTER. S VN O PSIS Duties of School Officers, Dealers and Contractors UNDER THE SCHOOL BOOK LAW. TRUSTEES. To order books for use in schools s. 7, p. 4; s. 2, To base orders on reports of teachers and advice of County Superintendent 8 Maximum total orders for any one year s To take charge and custody of books s To receipt County Superintendent and contractor for books s 7, p. 5 ; s To preserve books in original packages s To sell books to patrons and pupils s. 7, p. 5; s May arrange for disposition of old books s Misdemeanor to sell books for more than contract price. 3, 12, 3, 7, Penalty for selling books in excess of contract prices To make quarterly reports and settlements s. 8, p. 5 ; s To be sworn to book reports s. 8, p. 5 ; s. Liable on bond for failure to report and settle s. 9, p. 5 ; 8. Embezzlement to fail or refuse to turn over any money or books sec. 13, p. 7; 8. 10, p. 13; s. Penalty for failure to turn over money or books s. 13, p. 7; s. 10, p. 13; 8. 7, p. 19 May pay for books out of township funds 8. 3, p. 9 12, 12, • 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, p. 9 p. 9 p. 9 p. 5 p. 9 p. 14 p/9 p. 5 p. 7 p. 7 p. 10 p. 9 p. 11 p. 19 11 SYNOPSIS OF DUTIES OP SCHOOL OFFICERS, ETC. Shall not contract debt to pay for books s. 3, p. 10 Liable for safe keeping of books s. 3, p. 10; s. 12, p. 14 To return surplus books to contractor s. 3, p. 10 To return damaged or defective books s. 12, p. 14 -UL-To furnish booJs:s to the poor free ; s. 4, p. 10 To report books furnished the poor s. 5, p. 11 To sell books to dealers at 10 per cent, discount s. 1, p. 17 To pay 5 per cent, out of special school fund s. 2, p. 17 Shall not deliver books to dealers except for cash ...s. 1, p. 17 To make monthly reports and settlements s. 2, p. 17 Exempt from making quarterly reports ..s. 5, p. 11 ; s. 2, p. 18 To make annual reports s. 5, p. 11 ; s. 4, p. 18 To see that only adopted books are used s. 11, p. 13 To see that the name and price of the adopted books are printed on outside covers of all books used s. 13, p. 14 To see that a supply of books is kept on hand s. 3, p. 18 To notify dealers of introduction of new or revised books s. 10, p. 21 Penalty for failure to perform any duty s. 6, p. 19 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. To give special bond.. s. 10, p. 6; s. 8, p. 12 Penalty for failure to give bond s. 10, p. 6; s. 8, p. 12 To make requisitions for books s. 7, p. 4 To notify Trustees of receipt of books s. 7, p. 4 To sell books to other than public schools s. 7, p. 5 To enter suit against Trustees s. 9, p. 6; s. 7, p. 11 To make quarterly reports and settlements. .s. 11, p. 6; s. 9, p. 12 To be sworn to quarterly reports s. 11, p. 6 ; s. 9, p. 12 To file copy of quarterly reports with Au- ditor ...s. 11, p. 6; s. 9. p. 12 Penalty for failure to report and settle.. ..s. 11, p. 6; s. 9, p. 12 Embezzlement to fail or refuse to turn over money or books s. 13, p. 7; s. 10, p. 13; s. 7, p. 19 Penalty for failure to turn over money or books s. 13, p. 7; s. 10, p. 13; s. 7, p. 19 To see that only adopted books are used s. 11, p. 13 To keep books and see that a sufficient supply is on hand s. 3, p. 18 To see that the name and price of the adopted books are printed on the covers of all books used s. 13, p. 14 ? OCT 1905 D. of D, SYNOPSIS OF DUTIES OF SCHOOL OFFICERS, ETC. ill To make monthly reports and settlements s. 5, p. 18 To file copy of monthly report with Auditor s. 5, p. 19 To scale down requisitions s. 10, p. 21 To notify dealers of introduction of new or revised books s. 10, p. 21 Penalty for failure to perform any duty s. 6, p. 19 DEALERS. Allowed 10 per cent, discount s. 1, p. 17 Must pay cash for books s. 1, p. 17 Make annual statement of books on hand........ s. 4, p. 18 Penalty for failure to report books on hand s. 4, p. 18 Forbidden to sell in excess of contract prices s. 8, p. 19 Penalty for overcharging for books s. 8, p. 19 Shall not handle or sell books on consignment s. 1, p. 17 CONTRACTORS. To ship books to County Superintendents. .s. 7, p. 4; s. 12, p. 13 To print name and price on outside covers s. 13, p. 14 To wrap books in packages s. 12, p. 18 To label packages s. 12, p. 13 To have right of action s. 6, p. 19 To give consent to act of 1898 s. 1, p. 16 To pay cost of revision s. 9, p. 20 To give bond s. 10, p. 22 ; s. 14, p. 25 ; s. 16, p. 25 To furnish blanks s. 4, p. 18; s. 5, p. 18 STATE SUPERINTENDENT. To make requisitions s. 7, p. 4 To scale requisitions s. 2, p. 9 ; s. 10. p. 21 To print and distribute laws s. 14, p. 14; s. 17, p. 25 SCHOOL BOOK LAW. [ Passed in 1889. AN ACT entitled an act to create a Board of Commissioners for the purpose of securing for use in the common schools of the State of Indiana, of a series of text-books, defining the duties of certain offi- cers therein named with reference thereto, making appropriations therefor, defining certain felonies and misdemeanors, providing pen- alties for the violation of the provisions of said act, repealing all laws in conflict therewith, and declaring an emergency. [Became a Law by Lapse of time without the Governor's Approval.] Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly ofthe BoSiTd of Edu . State of Indiana, That the State Board of Education cation - shall constitute a Board of Commissioners for the pur- pose of making a selection, or procuring the compila- tion tor use in the common schools of the State of Indi- ana, of a series ol text-books in the following branches of study, namely : Spelling, reading, arithmetic, geog- studies. raphy, English grammar, physiology, history of the United States, and a graded series of writiug books. The matter contained in the reader shall consist of lessons commencing with the simplest expression of the language, and by a regular gradation, advancing to and including the highest styles of composition both in poetry and prose: ^Provided, That none of said text- Proviso books shall contain anything of a partisan or sectarian character: And, provided further, That the foregoing books shall be at least equal in size and quality as to matter, material, style of binding and mechanical exe- cution, to the following text-books now in general use, namely : The speller to McGufi'ey's Spelling-book, the Text books, reader to Appieton's Readers, the arithmetic to Ray's New Arithmetic Series, the geographies to the Eclectic Series of Geographies, the grammar to Harvey's Gram- mar, the physiology to Daltou's Physiology, the history of the United States to Thalheimer's History of the United States, and the writing-books equal to the Eclectic Copy-books. Sec. 2. The said Board of Commissioners shall, im- Advertising, mediately upon the taking effect of this act, advertise SCHOOL BOOK LAW Authors. Compilation. for twenty-one consecutive days in two daily papers published in this State, having the largest circulation, and in one newspaper of general circulation in the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, that at a time and place to be fixed by said notice, and not later than six months after the first publication thereof, said board will receive sealed pro- posals on the following: Proposals. First. From publishers of school text-books, for fur- nishing books to the School Trustees of the State of Indiana for use in the common schools of this State, as provided in this act, for a term of five years, stating specifically in such bid the price at which each book will be furnished, and accompanying such bid with specimen copies of each and all books proposed to be furnished in such bid. Second. From authors of school text-books, who have manuscripts of books not published, for prices at which they will sell their manuscript, together with the copyright of such books for use in the public schools of the State of Indiana. Third. From persons who are willing to undertake the compilation of a book or books, or a series of books, as provided for in section one (1) of this act, the price at which they are willing to undertake such compila- tion of any or all of such books, to the acceptance and satisfaction of the said Board of Commissioners: Pro- Proviss. vided, That any and all bids by publishers, herein pro- vided for, must be accompanied by a bond in the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars, with resident freehold surety, to the acceptance and satisfaction of the Gover- nor of this State, conditioned that if any contract be awarded to any bidder hereunder, such bidder will enter into a contract to perform the conditions of his bid to the acceptance and satisfaction of said Board : And, Proviso. provided further, That no bid shall be considered unless the same be accompanied by the affidavit of the bidder that he is in nowise, directly or indirectly, connected with any other publisher or firm who is now bidding for books submitted to such board, nor has any pecuni- ary interest in any other publisher Or firm bidding at the same time, and that he is not a party to any com- pact, syndicate or other scheme whereby the benefits of competition are denied to the people of this State : Proviso. And be it further provided, That if any competent author or authors shall compile any one or more books of the first order of excellence, and shall offer the same as a free gift to the people of this State, together with the copyright of the same and the right to manufacture and OF INDIANA. 3 sell such works in the State of Indiana for use in the public schools, it shall be the duty of such Board of Commissioners to pay no money tor auy manuscript or copyright for such book or books on the subject treated of in the manuscript so donated ; and such Board shall have the right to reject any and all bids, and at their option such Board shall have the right to reject auy bid as to a part of such books, and to accept the same as to the residue thereof. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of such Board to meet Examine bids, at the time and place meutioned in such notice, and open and examine all sealed proposals received pursu- ant to the notice provided for in section two (2) of this act, and it shall be the further duty of such Board to make a full, complete and thorough investigation of all such bids or proposals, and to ascertain under which of said proposals or propositions the school books could be furnished to the people of this State for use in the com- mon schools at the lowest price, taking into considera- tion the size and quality as to matter, material, style of binding and mechanical execution of such books: Pro- p rov i lo . vided, always, That such Board shall not, in any case, contract with any author, publisher or publishers, for the furnishing of any book, manuscript, copyright or books which shall be sold to patrons for use in the pub- lic schools of this State at a price above or in excess of the following, which prices shall include all cost and charges for the transportation and delivery to the several County School Superintendents in this State, namely: For a Spelling book, ten (10) cents; for a First Reader, Prices, ten (10) cents; for a Second Reader, fifteen (15) cents; for a Third Reader, twenty-five (25) cents; for a Fourth Reader, thirty (30) cents; for a Fifth Reader, forty (-40) cents; for an Arithmetic, intermediate, thirty-five (35) cents; for an Arithmetic, complete, forty five (45) cents; for a Geography, elementary, thirty (30) cents; for a Geography, complete, seventy- five (75) cents; for an English Grammar, elementary, twenty-five (25) cents; for an English Grammar, complete, forty (40) cents ; for a Physiology, thirty-five (35) cents ; for a History ot the United States, fifty (50) cents ; for Copy Books, each, five (5) cents. Sec 4. If, upon the examination of such proposals, Bid too high, it shall be the opinion of such Board of Commissioners, that such books can be furnished cheaper to the patrons for use in the common schools in the State by procur- ing and causing to be published the manuscript of any oj all of such books, it shall be their duty to procure such manuscript and to advertise for sealed proposals SCHOOL BOOK LAW Contract. Liability. Proclamation of Governor. Duty of School Trustees. Requisition. Duty of Co. School Super- intendents. Duty of Trustees. for publishing the same, in like manner as hereinbe- fore provided, and under the same conditions and re- strictions. And such contract may be let for the pub- lication of all of such books, or for any one or more of such books separately; and it shall be the further duty of such Board of Commissioners to provide, in the contract for the publication of any such manuscript, for the payment by the publisher of the compensation agreed upon between such Board and the author or owner of any such manuscript for such manuscript, to- gether with the cost or expense of copyrighting the same. Sec 5. It shall be a part of the terms and conditions of every contract made in pursuance of this act that the State of Indiana shall not be liable to any contractor hereunder for any sum whatever; but that all such con- tractors shall receive their pay and compensation solely and exclusively from the proceeds of the sale of the books, as provided for in this act. Sec 6. As soon as such Board shall have entered into any contract for the furnishing of books for use in the public schools of this State, pursuant to the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of the Governor to issue his proclamation announcing such fact to the people of this State. Sec. 7. When such proclamation shall have been duly issued, it shall be the duty of the School Trustees of each a_d every school corporation in this State, within thirty days thereafter, and at such other times as books may be needed for use in the public schools of their respective corporations, to certify to the County Superintendent of their respective counties the number of school text-books provided for in such contract re- quired by the children for use in the schools of their several school corporations. Such County Superin- tendent shall forthwith make such requisitions for books as the schools in the said several counties may require upon the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and that said State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion shall immediately thereafter make a requisition for said books upon the contractor, who shall within ninety days ship the books so ordered directly to the County School Superintendents of the several counties of this State. Upon the receipt of such books it shall be the duty of such County School Superintendents to immedi- ately notify all the School Trustees of the school cor- porations as shown by the last school enumeration of their counties of the receipt of such books. It shall then be the duty of such School Trustees to immediately OF INDIANA. 5 procure and take charge and custody of all the books assigned to their several school corporations, receipting therefor to the said County School Superintendent; and upon the receipt of such books by said School Trustees they shall furnish them on demand to the school patrons or school children of their respective corporations at the price fixed therefor by the contract entered into be- tween said Board of Commissioners and said contractor; and it shall be the duty of such school officers to sell 3S2£f Boho01 such books for cash only; and if they shall sell or dispose of any books other than for the cash price thereof they shall be held personally liable, and liable upon their official bond for the price of such book or books: Pro- Proviso. vided, That any patron or pupil of auy school or schools other than the public schools, and also any child be- tween the ages of six and twenty-one years of age, or the parent, guardian or teacher of such child, shall have the right to purchase and receive the books, and at the prices herein named, by payment of the cash price thereof to the School Superintendent of any county in this State, and it is hereby made his duty to make requisition upon the contractor for any and all books so ordered and paid for by any such person or persons: And provided further, That nothing in this act shall Proviso. operate to prevent the State Board of Education, Boards of School Trustees or Boards of School Commissioners from devising means and making arrangements for the sale, exchange or other disposition of such books, as may be owned by the pupils of schools under their charge at the time of the adoption of hooks under the provisions of this act. Sec. 8. At the expiration of three months after the Reports. receipt of such books by the County Superintendent, and every three months thereafter, ir shall be the duty of each School Trustee receiving and chargeable with books under the provisions of this act, to make a full and complete report to the County Superintendent of the number of books sold and the amount of money re- ceived therefor, and the number of books on hand ; and at the time of making such report he shall pay over to the County Superintendent 'all moneys received by him or with which he is chargeable, from the sales of books in his hands; which report Bhall be duly verified by the oath of the party making it. Sec 9. If, at the expiration of teu days from the tinu Failure to required by this act for the making of such report oi re|or any School Superintendent chargeable with books under this act, any such officer shall have failed, neglected or refused to make such report, or turn over auy moneys SCHOOL BOOK LAW Suit. Judgment. Bond. Sureties. with which he is chargeable, it shall be the duty of the County School Superintendent, within fifteen days, to enter suit upon his official bond for an accounting and recovery of any moneys due from him on account of such books with which he is chargeable; and all judg- ments recovered upon such bonds shall include a rea- sonable attorney's fee for the attorney prosecuting such suit; and such judgment shall be without relief from valuation or appraisement laws, and shall' be without stay of execution. Sec 10. It shall be the duty of the several County School Superintendents of this State, within thirty days from the issuing of the proclamation by the Governor, as hereinbefore provided for, and of every County School Superintendent hereafter elected, before he en- ters upon the discharge of his official duties, to enter into a special bond, with at least two freehold sureties of such county, payable to the State of Indiana, condi- tioned that they will faithfully and honestly perform all the duties required of them by this act, and account for and pay over all moneys that may come :nto their hands, pursuant to the provisions of this act, in a penal sum which shall be equal in amount to one hundred dollars for every one thousand inhabitants of their respective counties as shown by the last census immediately pre- ceding the giving of such bond, to be approved by the Board of Commissioners of their respective counties ; Failure to give and upon the failure of any County School Superintend- ent to give such bond, his office shall become imme- diately vacant, and the Board of Commissioners of his county shall immediately appoint some competent and suitable person to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term of his office. Sec 11. It shall be the duty of each County School Superintendent in this State, within ten days after the quarterly reports of the School Trustees, as hereinbe- fore provided for, to make a full, true, complete and detailed report to the contractor of all books sold by the several School Trustees of his county, and of the number of books in the hands of the Trustees of each school corporation, which report shall be accompanied by all cash received by him from the school officers from sales of books by them sold, and which report shall be duly verified by him, and a duplicate thereof shall be filed in the office of the Auditor of his county. Upon the failure of any County School Superintendent, to make the report and to transmit the cash, as required by this section, a right of action shall immediately accrue to the contractor against the said School Super- bond. Co. Superin- tendents to make reports Penalty for failure. OF INDIANA. 7 intendent aud the sureties upon the bond provided for in this act, for an accounting and for the recovery of any moneys received and not transmitted by him, and for any damages which may have resulted from his neg- lect or failure to comply with provisions of this act, and any judgment upon any such bond shall include a rea- sonable fee for the attorney prosecuting such suit, and such judgment shall be without relief from valuation and appraisement laws and shall be without stay of execution. Sec. 12. Any school Trustee charged with the sales Misdemeanor, of any books under the provisions of this act, who shall directly or indirectly demand or receive any money for any book or books in excess of the contract price, as hereinbefore provided, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, to which may be added imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding sixty days. Sec i3. Any County School Superintendent or Trus- *£)£*$„ tee of any township or school corporation in this State moneys.^ who shall fraudulently fail or refuse, at the expiration of the term for which he was elected or appointed, or at any time during such term, when legally required b}^ the proper person or authority, to account for and de- liver and pay over to such person or persons as may be lawfully entitled to receive the same, all moneys or school books which may have come into his hands by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed Penalty, guilty of embezzlement, and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the State prison for au} T period not more than five years nor less than one year, and fined in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, and rendered incapable of holding any office of trust or profit for any determinate period. Seo. 14. The sum of one thousand dollars is hereby Appropria- appropriated out of auy funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the purpose of paying the cost and expenses incident to the giving of the notices herein provided for and carrying out the provisions of this act. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec 15. Whereas, an emergency exists for the im- Emergency. mediate taking effect of this act, therefore it shall be in force from and atter its passage. SCHOOL BOOK LATy Supplemental School Book Law, Approved March 5, 1891. AN ACT for an act entitled an act concerning text books for use in the common schools of Indiana, defining the duties and compensation of certain officers and persons in this act named, with reference to the adoption, use, purchase and accounting for of such books; de- fining certain felonies and creating certain civil liabilities for a vio- lation of certain of such duties; making an appropriation of money out of the State Treasury to carry out a certain provision of this act ; providing what effect this act shall have upon a prior law on the same general subject and upon contracts entered into with the State thereunder; providing for the publication of this act, and declaring an emergency. [Approved March 5, 1891 ] Duties.ofCom- Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of missioned. ^ e $ tate f j n diana, That it shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners for the purpose of securiug for use in the common schools of the State of Indiana of a series of text books, as constituted by the act of the General Assembly in this section mentioned, to im- mediately advertise' for bids, and to act upon such bids as may be submitted for the furnishing for use in the Books. common schools of the State of Indiana of a spelling book, a primary physiology, a more advanced work on physiology and hygiene, an elementary grammar, a complete grammar, and a history of the United States. In advertising for such bids, and in acting upon any bid which may be submitted, such Board of Commis- sioners shall be governed as far as possible by the same terms, conditions and limitations concerning them, and shall require bidders and contractors to comply with all terms, conditions and limitations concerning bidders or contractors, so far as applicable, as are contained in an Acts of 1889. act of the General Assembly of Indiana, entitled, "An act entitled an act to create a Board of Commissioners for the purpose of securing for use in the common schools of the State of Indiana of a series of text books, defining the duties of certain officers therein named with reference thereto, making appropriations therefor, defining certain felonies and misdemeanors, providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of said act, repealing all laws in conflict therewith, and declaring an emergency." Acts of the General Assem- OF INDIANA. » bly of the State of Indiana, 1889, p. 74- Provided, That the standard ot Physiologies shall be Hutchin- son's Laws of Health and Hutchinson's Physiology and Hygiene: And provided further, That no bids shall Proviso. be considered in which the price of a Primary Physiol- ogy shall exceed thirty cents for the volume, or in which a Physiology and Hygiene shall exceed sixty cents for the volume, or in which a history of the United States shall exceed sixty-five cents for the vol- ume. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Township Board to order Trustees and School Boards of the State, severally, on the boo ^ ? * first Monday of June in each year, and at such inter- mediate times a3 the necessity therefor shall exist, after considering the number and kind of adopted books al- ready sold in the corporation, the number and kind of such books on hand, and ascertaining from their teach- ers or Principal and Superintendent, as the case may be, the enrollment of scholars in the different classes or grades of the schools of the corporation, to order such quantities of the books which the State has at that time adopted as may seem to him or it to be necessary for use in the schools of such corporation until the first day of June then next succeeding; the estimate being based upon the information which it is above provided shall be gathered ; and on the advice of the County Superintendent : Provided, That the total orders p roviso . for any school year of the books adopted heretofore, and those mentioned in section one of this act, shall not exceed the amount of one dollar for each child enu- merated for school purposes in the corporation : And, provided further, That it shall be the duty of the State Superintendent to properly scale down any order for books which may piss through his hands, in case that it shall seem clear to him that such order is for a quan- tity of books in excess of the needs of the corporation during the period for which such books were ordered. Sec. 3. Whenever an order for the books which the Acknowledge State has adopted, or may adopt, shall have been filled E ece k ipt of by a contractor with the State and the books delivered to the Township Trustee or School Board making such order, it shall be the duty of such Trustee or Boards to immediately acknowledge the receipt of such books to the contractor, and also to make a report thereof to the County Superintendent, and it shall be lawful for any such Trustee or Scnool Board to at once make pay- ment for such books to the contractor through the Superintendent of the county out of any school funds in excess of the needs of their respective townships or 10 SCHOOL BOOK LAW school corporations for current expenses or other special needs, in the hands or control of such Trustee or Board, aside from the principal or interest of the common Con- gressional School Fund or the " School Revenue for Proviso. Tuition :" Provided, hoioever, That no debt shall ever be contracted or warrantor other evidence of indebtedness ever be issued by a Trustee or Board on account of a purchase of books : And provided farther, That whenever any books are paid for by any Trustee or School Board, such Trustee or School Board shall be liable personally and liable upon their official bonds respectively for the preservation, custody and safe keeping of all such books until the same are sold and accounted for, or otherwise Trustees to re- disposed of according to law. Whenever a book paid ofsai P e!° ceeds for as aforesaid is sold by a Trustee or School Board, it shall be the duty of such Trustee or School Board to turu the entire proceeds of such sale into the fund, out of which payment was made to the contractor, to reim- burse the fund for such advancement. In case a Trustee or School Board receiving books from a contractor with the State shall not pay tor such books, as provided in this section, he, or it, shall make quarterly reports under oath of the sale of such books, accompanied by all cash received therefor, to the County Superintendent for transmission to the contractor as now provided by law, until such books shall have been fully paid for. The provisions of this section shall apply to all. orders here- Proviso. tofore filed : Provided, That if any Trustee or Board shall have on hands any books heretofore ordered for which he, or it, may have no immediate use, the same shall upon the order of the County Superintendent, or the State Superintendent of Public Instruction,be returned to the contractor, or be shipped to such other poiat as the Freight. contractor may direct, the contractor to pay all freight charges on such shipment; and the County Superin- tendent and such Trustee or Board shall thereupon have credit for such books so returned or shipped. Booksforpoor. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of each Township Trustee and each School Board to furnish the necessary school books so far as they have been or may be adopted by the State, to ail such poor or indigent children as may desire to attend the common schools of his or its corpo- ration, as in his, or its opinion would be otherwise Proviso. unable to attend such schools : Provided, That no Town- ship Trustee in this State shall receive an amount ex- ceeding five dollars as compensation for his services in any one year for duties performed in carrying out the provisions of this act, or the act to which it is supple- mental. » OF INDIANA. 11 Sec. 5. When books are fully paid for out of the Books paid for funds of a school corporation as provided in section 3 of this act, it shall not be necessary for the Township Trustee or School Board of such corporation to make quarterly reports of the sale of the adopted books, but instead thereof a report shall in all cases be made by him, or it, upon oath on the first Monday of August in each year to the County Superintendent, and like report upon oath shall at the same time be made to the Board of Commissioners of the county, which report shall Report of severally state the number and kind of books on hand money use \' at last report •; the number and kind sold ; the number then on hand ; the disposition of the money received on such sales; the amount of money used from any school fund in payment for books received ; and the condition of such funds. Such reports shall also state the number and kind of books furnished as provided in section 4 of this act; for the price of which books so furnished the Township Trustee or School Board furnishing the same shall have credit. Sec. 6. The sum of one thousand dollars is hereby Appropriation appropriated out of the general fund in the State Treas- ury to enable the Board of School Commissioners men- tioned in Section 1 of this act to advertise for bids as in said section provided. Sec 7. Any Township Trustee or member of a School Faiim-eito Board receiving or being in possession of any moneys reporttnoney ' which at the end of the next quarter should be turned over to the County Superintendent to pay a contractor for books sold which have not been paid for out of the funds of the corporation, who shall fail to report the sale of such books at the end of such next quarter, or who shall fail to pay therewith the full proceeds thereof to the County Superintendent, or so much thereof as may be necessary to fully pay the contractor, shall be liable, after demand upon him, to a suit on his official bond, brought on the relation of the County Superin-Suit. tendent, whose duty it shall be to bring the action for the amount due from him, and damages, if any, and any judgment which shall be rendered in favor of the plaintiff in the action shall contain a reasonable attor- ney's fee and shall be payable without relief from valu- ation or appraisement laws. The same liability upon Liability on his bond shall accrue against a Township Trustee or bond - member of a school board who shall refuse to pay over as in this act required any moneys drawn from the funds of his corporation on account of books purchased or who shall fail to apply all moneys for books sold that have been purchased by the corporation to the reim- 12 SCHOOL BOOK LAW Special bond. Amount of bond. Full reports required. Failure to report. bursement of the proper fund. Any judgment rendered against a Township Trustee, School Board, or member of a School Board because of the nonperformance of any duty, shall include a reasonable fee for the plaint- iff's attorney. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of each County School Superintendent of this State within thirty days from the taking effect of this act, and of each County School Superintendent hereafter elected, before he enters upon the discharge of his official duties to execute a special bond with at least two freehold sureties of his county, payable to the State of IndiaDa, conditioned that he will faithfully and honestly perform all the duties re- quired of him by law, and account for and pay over all moneys which may come into his hands pursuant to law, in a penal sum which shall be equal to one hundred dollars for every thousand inhabitants of his county, as shown by the last census immediately preceding the giving of such bond, which bond shall be executed to the approval of the Board of Commissioners of his county, and upon failure of any County School Superintendent to give such bond, his office shall become immediately vacant and the Board of Commissioners of his county shall immediately appoint some competent and suitable per- son to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term of his office. Sec 9. It shall be the duty of such County School Superintendent within ten days after the receipt of any report, or money from a Township Trustee or School Board as hereinbefore provided for, to make a full, true, complete and detailed report thereof to the contractor, which report shall be accompanied by all cash received by him from the school officers. The report above pro- vided for shall be duly sworn to by the County Super- intendent and a duplicate thereof shall be filed by him in the office of the Auditor of his county. Upon the failure of any County School Superintendent to make report to the contractor and to transmit the cash as re- quired by law, a right of action shall immediately ac- crue to the contractor against the said County School Superintendent, and the sureties upon his bond provided for in this act, for an accounting and for the recovery of any moneys received and not transmitted by him and for any damages which may have resulted from his neglect or failure to comply with the provisions of this act, and any judgment upon any such bond shall include a reasonable fee for the attorney prosecuting such suit, and such judgment shall be without relief from valua- tion or appraisement laws and shall be without stay of .execution. OF INDIANA. 13 Sec. 10. Any County School Superintendent, orFaiiureto Trustee of any Township or member of any school ?ount r for a °" board in this State who shall fraudulently fail or refute monays - at the expiration of the term for which he was elected, or appointed, or at any time during such term, when legally required by the proper person or authority to ac- count for and deliver and pay over to such person or persons as may be lawfully entitled to receive the same, all moneys, or school books which may come into his hands by virtue of the provisions of law shall be deemed Penalty, guilty of embezzlement and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the State Prison not more than five nor less than one year and fined in any sum not ex- ceeding one thousand dollars and rendered incapable of holding any office of trust or profit for any determi- nate period. Sec. 11. The books which have been, or may here- Uniform, after be adopted by the State of Indiana for use in its common schools by virtue of this act, or the act men- tioned in section one hereof, shall be uniformly used in all the common schools of the State, in teaching the branches of learning treated of in such books, and it shall be the duty of the proper school officers and authorities to use in such schools such books for teach- ing the subjects treated in them. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of any person or per- Supply of sons, firm or corporation who shall hereafter furnish and furnished! 8 supply books under the provisions of this act, or under the provisions of the act of 1889, title whereof is set out in the first section of this act, to ship to and to notify the consignee of such shipment, and deliver the books ordered by the various County Superinten- dents, at such railway stations as may be most conven- ient for the various Township Trustees or School Board in the several counties to receive the same as may be directed by the said County Superintendent. And in preparing such books for such shipment it shall Preparing!! be the duty of every such contractor to wrap each sev- s ,pment - eral kind of books by themselves in packages of not to exceed five or ten books, according to their size, each such package to be securely wrapped in good substan- tial paper of sufficient weight to protect the books en- closed therein and to be closed at each end thereof, and each package to have plainly and clearly marked or printed on the outside thereof the kind and number of books contained therein, and as many of such pack- ages shall be enclosed in larger packages or b may be safe and convenient for shipment. And upon DutyofTown- the receipt of such books it shall be the duty of each ship Trustees - 2— Sch. Book Law. 14 SCHOOL BOOK LAW Labels for books. Townsihp Trustee or School Board to carefully care for and protect such books until sold, and to preserve the same in the original packages in which they are wrapped without opening, until all copies of the same books heretofore received by him or it have been sold, and thereafter not to open any such package until all copies contained in packages previously opened have Proviso. been sold : Provided, If upon the opening of any such package, any Township Trustee or School Board shall discover that any of the books therein contained have been damaged, or are defective at the time of their re- ceipt by him, or it, so as to be unsalable, he, or it, shall not be required to offer the same for sale, but in such an event, he, or it, shall immediately notify the County Superintendent of such damaged or defective book or books,- who shall immediately thereafter give notice thereof to the contractor furnishing the same, and there- after such damaged or defective book or books shall be subject to the order of the contractor.. Sec. 13. It shall be the duty of any person or per- sons,, firm or corporation who may hereafter furnish and supply books under the provisions of this statute, or of the act of 1889, the title whereof is set out in the first section of this act, to print in large letters upon the outside of the first cover of each book so furnished and supplied by him or them, the name of the adopted book, and upon the outside of the back cover the price at which such book is furnished to be sold to pupils, under such contract, and it shall be the duty of all County Su- perintendents, Township Trustees, and other school offi- cers, and school teachers to see that all books so furnished to pupils, and bought by pupils for use in the schools of the State shall bear such imprint : Provided, This section shall not apply to copy books. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to cause to be printed at the ex- pense of the Printing Fund, and to send to each of the County Superintendents as soon as possible after the passage thereof, a sufficient number of copies of this act to provide such Superintendent and each Township Trustee and each member of a School Board in such county with one copy of such act. Each County Superintendent shall, at once, upon the receipt of the copies intended for his county, mail or otherwise de- liver to each Township Trustee and member of a School Board in his county a copy of this act. Act construed. Sec. 15. Nothing in this act shall be construed to in anywise affect the act mentioned in section one of this act, and the two acts shall be regarded as each supple- Distribution of this act. OF INDIANA. 15 meriting the other, except where this act shall provide a different procedure from the first act, in which case the provisions of this act shall govern. Nothing in this act shall be construed as affecting or impairing any contract right secured by any contractor under the act mentioned in section one of this act, but all such con- tracts are hereby declared to be, and are hereby made binding on the State to the same extent as they would have been had this act not been passed. Sec. 16. Whereas, an emergency exists for the im- Emergency, mediate taking effect of this act therefore it shall be in force from and after its passage. CERTIFICATE. STATE OF INDIANA, \ Office of the Secretary of State. J 88- I, Claude Matthews, Secretary of State of the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is a full, true and complete copy of House Bill No. 558, which passed the Fifty-seventh General As sembly of the State of Indiana, and now on file in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Indiana. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the State of Indiana, at the City of Indianapolis, this 16th day of [seal.] March, A. D. 1891. CLAUDE MATTHEWS, Secretary of State. 16 SCHOOL BOOK LAW SUPPLEMENTAL SCHOOL BOOK LAW, APPEOVED MARCH 1, 1893. AN ACT further regulating the furnishing of books for use in the common schools of the State of Indiana; authorizing Township Trustees aDd School Boards in certain instances to sell such books to merchants and dealers; providing for the revision of such books at the cost of the contractor when deemed neces- sary by the State Board of School Book Commissioners, and their continuance in use when so revised; providing for the introduction of an intermediate grammar or language lessons if deemed necessary by such Board ; prescribing the duties of school officers, dealers and contractors in such books; providing penalties for the violation thereof ; empowering said Board to require new bonds of contractors in certain cases ; making an appropriation to carry out the provisions of the act, and declaring an emergency. [Approved March 1, 1893.] Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That whenever the contractors, or either of them, to the extent that they might be affected in their contract rights under prior laws, to-wit: An act entitled "An act entitled an act to create a Board of Commissioners for the purpose of securing, for use in the common schools of the State of Indiana, of a series of text books, defining the duties of certain officers therein named with reference thereto, making appropriations therefor, defining certain felonies and misdemeanors, providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of said act, ' repeal- ing all laws in conflict therewith and declaring an emergency,' " passed by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana in the year 1889, and published on page 74 of the acts of 1889; and an act supplemental thereto and upon the same general subject, approved March 5, 1891, shall have filed with the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction an agreement in writing duly executed by them, or either of them separately, consenting to the operation of this act, as affecting the sale of school books turnished by them, under contract with the State pursuant to the provisions of existing laws, it shall then be lawful for, and it is hereby made the duty of the Township Trustees and School Boards of this State, to sell for cash to all merchants and dealers who may apply therefor, and in sueh quantities as they may require, a sufficient number of adopted school books, furnished by the contractor or contractors, so consenting, to OF INDIANA. 17 supply all demands of school patrons and pupils attending the common schools and residing in their immediate neighbor- hoods, respectively; which books shall in no event be sold to school patrons or pupils by such merchants or dealers at a price in excess of the price fixed in the contract for such books between the State Board of School Book Commissioners aud such contractor. In making such sales, the Township Trustee and School Boards shall be authorized, and it is hereby made their duty to deduct ten per cent, from the contract price at which such books are required by law to be sold to the school patrons and school children of the State, to compensate the dealer for handling and selling such books; one-half of which deduction shall be borne by the contractor and one half thereof by such school corporation. And hereafter no adopted books shall be delivered or sold to merchauts or dealers by any County School Superintendent, Township Trustee or School Board, except upon the terms and conditions hereinbefore specified. Sec. 2. When sale shall be made of any books by any Town- ship Trustee or School Board to any merchant or dealer, pursuant to the provisions of section one of "this act, it shall be the duty of such Trustee or School Board, at the end of such calendar month, to make a report thereof to the County School Superintendent of the number and kind of books sold, and the amount of money received therefor, and the number and kind of books on hand ; and at the time of making such report, to pay over to the County School Superintendent all money received by him or them from any such sale or sales ; and at the time of making such report such Trustee or School Board shall also pay to such Superintendent, for transmission to the contractor, the one-half of the amount of the deduction in the price of the books so sold, which last amount shall be paid out of and charged to the special school fund of such school corpo- ration ; and for such amount the said Trustee or School Board shall take the receipt of such Superintendent. And in their reports to and settlements thereafter made with the Board of Commissioners of their respective counties, the said Trustees and School Boards shall be entitled to full credit for the money so paid out of said fund when such Superintendent's receipt is tendered and filed with such reports : Provided, That when- ever any Township Trustee or School Board shall have sold all 18 SCHOOL BOOK LAW books ordered by him or them, or in his or their hands for sale to merchants or dealers, as herein provided, they shall not be required to make quarterly reports, as now provided by law. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of County School Superintend- ents, Township Trustees and School Boards to see that at all times there are a sufficient number of books on hand, either in the hands of such Superintendents, trustees or School Boards respectively, or in the hands of the dealers in the different neighborhoods of their respective school corporations, to sup- ply the patrons and pupils of the common schools with all needed books ; and nothing in this act shall be construed so as to relieve them from any of the duties now imposed by law in this respect. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of all merchants or dealers who may be supplied with books by virtue of the provisions of this act to furnish the Township Trustee or School Board of whom such books may have been purchased and received with a de- tailed statement of the number of books of each kind on hand on the fifteenth day of May of each year, and at such other times during the year as the same may be called for by such Trustee or School »Board ; and any merchant or dealer who shall refuse for the period of five days after request to do so, by any Trustee or School Board entitled to receive the same, to furnish such statement as above provided, shall not be entitled thereafter to purchase or sell any school books under the pro- visions of this act. And upon the receipt of any such report it shall be the duty of such Trustee or School Board to forthwith transmit a copy thereof to the County School Superintendent, who shall, within ten days after the receipt of any such report, transmit a copy thereof to the contractor, for which reports the contractor shall furnish the necessary blanks. Sec 5. It shall be the duty of each County School Superin- tendent in this State, within ten days after receiving any report or money on account of the sale of any books, from any Trustee or School Board of his county, as hereinbefore provided, to make a full, true and verified report to the contractor of the number and kind of books so sold by the several Township Trustees or School Boards of his county, and of the number and kind of books on hands with the said school officers, and himself, which report shall be accompanied by, all cash re- ceived by him from such Trustees or School Boards on -account OF INDIANA. 19 of such sales; and he shall tile a duplicate thereof in the office of the Auditor of his county. The necessary blanks for which reports shall be furnished by the contractor. Sec. 6. Upon failure of any Township Trustee, School Board or County School Superintendent to perform any duty or to make report of any cash received by him or them, as re- quired by the provisions of this act, a right of action shall im- mediately accrue to the contractor against the said officer so in default, and the sureties upon his offical bond, for an account- ing, and for the recovery of any money received and not trans- mitted by him or them, and for any damage which may have resulted from his or their neglect or failure to comply with the provisions of this act; and any judgment in favor of the con- tractor in any such action shall include a reasonable fee for the attorney prosecuting the suit, and such judgment shall be collectible without relief from valuation and appraisement laws, and shall be without stay of execution. Sec. 7. Any County School Superintendent, Township Trustee or member of any School Board of this State who shall fraudulently fail or refuse, at the expiration of the term for which he was elected or appointed, or at any time during such term, when legally required by the proper person or authority, to account for and pay over to such person or per- sons as may be lawfully entitled to receive the same, all money or school books not previously accounted for, which may have come into his hands by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement, and upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the State Prison not more than five years nor less than one year, and fined in any sum not ex- ceeding one thousand dollars, and rendered incapable of hold- ing any office of trust or profit for any determinate period. Sec. 8. Any merchant or dealer who shall knowingly or willfully charge, receive, collect or attempt to charge or collect, for any school book or books by him sold to any school patron or pupil, any sum in excess of the price at which such book or books are required to be sold by law, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the county jail not more than six months nor less than thirty days, and fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars. Sec. 9. Whenever the contractors for furnishing books for 20 SCHOOL BOOK LAW use in the common schools, under the provisions of existing laws hereinbefore specified, shall have filed with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction their consent, in writing, to the revision or the introduction of an intermediate book, as hereinafter provided, duly executed by them, and the State Board of School Book Commissioners shall determine that a revision is needed of any or all of the books in use in the com- mon schools under contract made pursuant to law, or that an intermediate grammar or language lessons is needed, then it shall be lawful for the State Board of School Book Commis- sioners to order a revision to be made of any or all of such books as in their judgment may be found necessary for the welfare of the common schools of the State, in the manner and under the conditions following: The said Board of School Book Commissioners shall select a competent author or authors to perform the w T ork of revision of the subject matter of such book or books so ordered to be revised. The entire cost of such revision, including the man- uscript, illustrations, engravings, maps and plates therefor shall be paid by the contractor or contractors who may at the time of such revision be required to furnish such book or books under their contract with the State. The cost and expense, however, of such- revision shall first be agreed upon by the State Board ot School Book Commissioners and the contractor or contractors before such work of revision is commenced : Provided, If said Board and contractor or contractors shall, for a period of sixty days after an estimate of the cost of any pro- posed revision has been furnished by such State Board to the contractor, be unable to agree upon an amount, which in the opinion of such State Board, would be necessary to cover the cost of any such revision, then the said State Board may adver- tise for bids from publishers of school books for furnishing any such book or books, the cost of revision of which could not be agreed upon ; and in such advertisement, selecting and con- tracting for such book or books, the said Board shall be gov- erned by the provisions of laws now in force respecting such matters. Sec. 10. Whenever the revision of any book or series of books shall be determined upon by the State Board of School Book Commissioners, and they shall have contracted with an author or authors to furnish the manuscript for such revision, OF INDIANA. 21 sufficient time shall be given to the author in which to perform the work of revising the subject matter of such book to the acceptance and satisfaction of such Board, and when the revis- ion of the subject matter of any such book is completed by the author and the manuscript thereof furnished to the con- tractor, at least six months' time shall be given the contractor in which to make the necessary illustrations, engravings, maps and plates, manufacture and ship the books to the various school corporations of the State before any such contractor shall be required to furnish any such book or series of books so revised for use in the schools of the State under his contract. And no new book, or revised book, or series of books shall be introduced for use in the schools of the State at any time by virtue of the provisions of this act until the State Board of School Book Commissioners shall have given notice to the County Superintendents, Township Trustees and School Boards of the State by printed notice mailed to each of said schcol officers, last above named, at least twelve months in advance of the time when such book or series of books are to be used in the public schools, and like notice shall be given by said County Superintendents, Trustees and School Boards to all merchants and dealers in their respective school corporations, who may be selling the adopted books. And it shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the County Superintendents of each county to scale down to the minimum number all requisitions for school books, which, may be made after such notice is given, thereby enabling all Township Trus- tees, School Boards and dealers to dispose of the stocks of books in their hands ; but no dealer shall buy or carry on hand at any time more books than are actually needed to supply the demands therefor for the purpose or with the intent of preventing the introduction of any new or revised book, ac- cording to the spirit of this act. And for the purpose of enabling the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to determine when any requisitions should be scaled down in anticipation of the expiration of any existing contract, it shall be the duty of the contractor to furnish to said State Superintendent a copy of the quarterly verified reports made by County Superintendents to the contractor, giving the number and kind of books on hand with the various dealers and Township Trustees and School Boards of their respective 22 SCHOOL BOOK LAW counties; and at the expiration of such notice such book or books shall only be required to be introduced in the schools as new classes in the study of such branches are being formed, and all classes in such study or studies who, at the time of the expiration of the term of such notice, shall have purchased books for use in such classes, shall be allowed time to complete such books before being compelled to buy new or revised books. And at the expiration of any contract now in existence, or which may hereafter be made by the State Board of School Book Commissioners for furnishing books for use in the com- mon schools of the State of Indiana, the books then in use in the common schools of this State under such contract or con- tracts shall be continued in use therein at the same price and upon the same terms and conditions until such time or times as the State Board of School Book Commissioners shall determine that a revision thereof is necessary for the best interests of the schools, when such revision shall be made or a new book con- tracted for and introduced for use in the schools as herein- before specified : Provided, That at the expiration of any such contract, the State Board of School Book Commission- ers shall require such contractor or contractors furnishing such books to execute a new bond, conditioned that they will continue to execute such contract in all regards as they had theretofore executed the original contract : Provided, Jurther, That nothing herein contained shad be construed as restraining or preventing said State Board of School Book Commissioners, after any such school book or any such revised book shall have been in use in the schools of the State for a period of five years from proposing to the contractor furnishing the same, such reduction in the price at which such book or revised book shall be continued in use in the schools for the next ensuing five years, as in the judgment of said Board may seem reasonable. If such contractor shall accede to such proposed reduction, then the price of such book or revised book shall for such ensuing period of five years be fixed at the original contract price thereof less the amount of the reduction so agreed upon, and such price shall be printed on the back of said book as now required by law. In event said contractor shall not be willing to accede to such terms, the said Board may appoint a disinterested person, conversant with such matters, and require the said contractor to select another OF INDIANA. 23 such person and the two so chosen shall select a third, and thereupon the three so chosen shall inquire into and consider what, if any, reduction ought to be made in the price at which such book or revised book should be furnished for use in the schools of the State for the next ensuing period of five years, and if they shall determine that any such reduction ought to be made, they shall fix the amount of such reduction and shall certify to the said Board and to such contractor their determ- ination in that behalf, and thereupon if said contractor shall accede to the price thus arrive at, the price of said book for the next ensuing five years shall be fixed at that sum and the same shall be printed on the back of such books as now pro- vided by law, and said contractor shall be required to furnish the same at such price, but otherwise in all regards under the provisions of this act and acts to which it is supplemental. But if such contractor shall decline to accede to such price thus arrived at, then such Board shall have the right in their discretion to proceed to advertise for bids to furnish a book in the place thereof; and in so doing, and in all subsequent steps therein, they shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of this act and of the acts to which it is supplemental: And provided, further, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to prevent the State Board of School Book Commissioners from exercising their discretion in deciding whether they shall order any of the books already in use under coutract to be revised, or whether, instead, they shall advertise for books to be adopted instead of said books already in use. Sec. 11. If, in the opinion of the State Board of School Book Commissioners, an intermediate grammar or language lessons is needed for the better teaching of such branch of study, instead of a revision of the series of grammars now in use, it sball then be lawful for such Board to provide for such intermediate book, and for that purpose shall proceed, as now provided by law, to advertise for proposals to furnish such book, requiring bond in such sum as they deem sufficient to insure the compliance with such proposals, consider such pro- posals and contract for such book : Provided, however, That such intermediate grammar shall be equal in quality as to mate- rial, style of binding and mechanical execution to Long's Lessons in English, and in subject matter shall embrace not less than 110 pages, and shall be adapted to follow in sequence 24 SCHOOL BOOK LAW to that of the Language Lessons book of said series now in use, and to be properly introductory to the matter contained in the complete book of the series as now adopted ; and if revision of the grammar now in use should be determined upon by the State Board of School Book Commissioners, then such modifi- cation shall be made of each or either of the books now con- stituting said course in grammar as shall adapt them more per- fectly to use in the same series, and as shall cover more per- fectly the entire subject matter necessary to a complete educa- tion in this branch of learning. And said intermediate gram- mars shall not be sold to patrons or pupils of the public schools of this State at a price above or in excess of twenty cents each. Sec. 12. For the purpose of determining what book or books, if any, may need revision, or whether an intermediate grammar is needed, the State Board of School Book Commis- sioners shall meet on the first Monday of April, 1893, and shall then and there make such inquiry and examination of the books then in use under contract with the State as shall enable them to determine upon the propriety of ordering any such revision or intermediate book or Language Lessons. And such Board shall, within sixty days thereafter, determine and give notice to the contractors of any and all revisions that shall be required to be made before the time of the expiration of the existing contract for any such book or books. Sec. 13. In no case shall a revision of any book or books be required by the State Board of School Book Commissioners oftener than every five years, except in geographies and his- tories, which said mentioned books may be ordered to be re- vised as often as in the opinion of the said Board shall be nec- essary to keep said books accurate and modern in all matters pertaining to those branches of study. Sec. 14. Whenever any book or series of books shall be re- vised by order of the State Board of School Commissioners such book or books, when completed and ready for use in the schools, shall be equal in every respect to the standard now fixed by law, as to subject matter, material, style of binding and mechan- ical execution. And said State Board, when contracting for any such revision, shall require the contractor or contractors to enter into a written agreement for the furnishing of such books, and to execute bond with resident freehold sureties to the ac- ceptance of the Governor of this State for the faithful compli- OF INDIANA. 25 ance with their contract, such bond to be in such amount as said Board shall deem sufficient for the purposes contemplated. Sec. 15. The sum of one thousand dollars is hereby appropri- ated out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise ap- propriated for the purpose of paying costs and expenses inci- dent to the giving of notices herein provided for by said State Board of School Book Commissioners, and to pay the expenses of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction incurred in the distribution of this act, and of the acts to which this is supplemental, as herein required, and to carry out the pro- visions of this act. Sec 16. If at any time the State Board of School Book Commissioners shall find that the bond of any contractor, contracting to furnish books for use in the common schools of the State of Indiana, under this act, or the acts to which it is supplemental, has become insufficient to secure the faithful performance of such contract, or from any other reason be- come inoperative, they #hall have the right to require such contractor to execute a new and sufficient bond to secure the faithful execution of such contract. And upon failure of any such contractor to furnish such new bond within thirty days after being so required by said Board, the said Board shall give notice thereof to the Attorney-General of the State of Indiana, who shall immediately upon receipt of such notice bring suit to procure the cancellation of such contract of such contractor so refusing. And service of summons in such cause upon the agent of such contractor in the State of indiana shall be deemed and held to be sufficient service upon the con- tractor; and in such case the Attorney-General shall receive a reasonable fee for the prosecuting of such action. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, immediately upon the passage of this act, to cause to be printed a sufficient number of copies thereof, as well also of the acts referred to in the first section hereof, to furnish each County Superintendent, School Trustee and mem- ber of School Boards in the State of Indiana, with one copy thereof, and promptly to distribute the same to such school officers through the County Superintendents. Sec 18. This act shall be construed as supplementary to the acts referred to in the first section hereof, and said former acts are continued in full force and effect, except so far as modified by the provisions of this act. 26 SCHOOL BOOK LAW. Sec. 19. Whereas, an emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of this act, therefore it shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. CERTIFICATE. STATE OF INDIANA, Office of the Secretary of State ' I, William R. Myers, Secretary of State of the State of In- diana, do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is a full, true and complete copy of Enrolled Act No. 321, Senate, as the same was passed by the Eifty-eighth General Assembly of the State of Indiana. Iu witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the State of Indiana, at the City of Indianapolis, this 16th day of March, A. D., 1893. /,—*—%■» W. R. MYERS, | SEAL I Secretary of State. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS