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Adams, Printer, Washington, D, C. 1891. v>^ >1f In the Gompilation of this catalogue all previously published historical catalogues and lists of graduates have been examined and collated and carefully compared with the manuscript records of the Trustees and Faculties. Much information has been obtained from C3^clop8edias of biography, while a large mass of facts was contributed by living alumni from more than a thousand of whom have been received replies to letters and circulars sent them. It is a matter of regret that the necessary limits of tlie catalogue made it impossible to give more extended notices of the many graduates who have attained eminence in their various walks of life. From the nature of the publication absolute accuracy is impossible, but it is hoped that the errors are not numerous. Notwithstanding the most diligent efforts, it has not been possible to obtain information relating to several hundred graduates. All interested are urged to send to the compiler such facts in their possession as will aid in making future editions of the catalogue more accurate and more complete. CONTENTS. Page. Historical Sketch 5 The Corporation 29 Trustees 31 Overseers. 36 Presidents 38 The College Faculty 41 Faculty op the Medical School 48 Faculty of the Law School 58 Faculty op the Scientipic School ; ... 61 Faculty op the Dental School . 64 Trustees and Overseers, 1891 66 Faculties, 1891 67 The Alumni Association 74 Alumni op the Columbian College 85 Alumni op the Medical School 103 Alumni op the Law School. 133. Alumni of the Scientific School , 172 Alumni op the Dental School 173 Honorary Graduates 174 Summary. 182 Index 183 Notes and Explanations. The names of Ministers of the Gospel are in itahcs. Those to whose names an asterisk is prefixed are dead. Only those of whose deaths reliable information has been received are so marked, though it is probable that many others, especially among the early College and Medical graduates, are dead. In the arrangement of information about each graduate, after stating his occupation and residence, all facts in relation to his connection with the University are given ; then his birth-place, or if this is unknown, the state which was his legal residence when he entered the University ; then follow the other facts of general interest. If the name of a graduate occurs more than once, reference is made, by giving his degree and the year it was obtained, to the place where detailed information can be found. HisTORieAL Sketgh. PRESIDENT WELLING is now preparing a history of the Columbian College and the Columbian University, which will be published by the U. S. Bureau of Education. The follow- ing sketch is intended to serve, for the time, as an uncritical sum- mary of important events in the annals of the institution and to furnish a general view of the patient and persevering labors which, running through a period of seventy years, have laid for the Columbian University a foundation at once firm and broad. On this foundation Schools of learning have been built which now have their graduates in every State and Territory of the Union. The Columbian College, in common with Harvard, Yale and Princeton, owes its origin to the zeal of a Christian Denom- ination for an educated Ministry. Early in the year 1817, the Rev. Luther Rice, a returned missionary from India, conceived the idea of founding a college in the city of Washington for the education of * ' gospel ministers ' ' in the special service of the Baptist denomination of Christians. Around this School of Theology he projected Schools of Classical Culture, of Science and of Philosophy which should be entirely unsectarian in their disciplines and national in their aims. In 1819 the Rev. Luther Rice, in company with the Rev. Obadiah B. Brown, the Rev. Spencer H. Cone and Enoch Rey- nolds, citizens of the District of Columbia, formed a " Literary Association ' ' for the purpose of buying a lot of land, imme- diately adjoining the city of Washington and comprising 46^ acres, with the understanding that it should be held for the use of an educational establishment under the direction of the Gen- eral Convention. They paid $7,000 for the land, and among the contributors to this sum are found the names of John Quincy Adams, William H. Crawford, and John C. Calhoun (y The Columbian Univeesity. (members at that time of President Monroe's Cabinet), together with thirty-two Members of Congress, and many among the leading citizens of Washington. In February, 1821, during the Presidency of James Monroe^ a charter was procured from Congress erecting "The Colum- bian College in the District of Columbia," for the "sole and exclusive purpose of educating youth in the English, learned and foreign languages, the liberal arts, sciences and litera- ture," with full power to confer all degrees "usually granted and conferred in colleges." The constituent Trustees named in the act of incorporation were Obadiah B. Brown, Luther Rice, Enoch Reynolds, Josiah Meigs, Spencer H. Cone, Daniel Brown, Return J. Meigs, Jr., Joseph Gibson, Joseph Cone, Thomas Corcoran, Burgiss Allison, Thomas Sewall and Joseph Thaw. The first meeting of the constituent Board of Trustees of the College was held March 5, 1821. The Charter was then formally accepted, and on the next day the Rev. O. B. Brown was elected President of the Board, Enoch Reynolds, Secretary and lyUther Rice, Treasurer. It was resolved that the College should be divided into two departments, the Classical and the Theological. It was planned that the Theological Department should be opened for the reception of students on the first Wednesday in September, 1821, and the Classical Department on the second Wednesday in January, 1822. The construction of a College building had been commenced in 1820, and it was completed in 1822 at a cost of about $35,000. Dr. Staughton, a native of England and an eminent pulpit orator, was elected as the first President of the institution. The first circular of the College was issued June 27, 1821. It bore on its forefront the following statement : ' ' This insti- tution, originated by the Baptist General Convention, but of National locality, consideration, and benefit, is founded on the most liberal principles." In affirmance of this statement, the language of the 7th clause in the charter was textually recited ; that ' ' persons of every religious denomination shall be capable of being elected Trustees, nor shall any person, either as Presi- dent, Professor, Tutor or pupil, be refused admittance into said College, or denied any of the privileges, immunities, or advan- Historical Sketch. 7 taares thereof for or on account of his sentiments in matters of religion." The circular contained a warm endorsement of the College by President Monroe, who laid special emphasis on its National position and relations " if it should hereafter receive the proper encouragement." Members of the Cabinet, especially John Quincy Adams, Smith Thompson, Return J. Meigs (a constituent Trustee), John C. Calhoun, William Wirt, and John McLean, joined in this expression of sympathy. T® this followed a declaration made by the Professors of Andover Theological Seminary (Doctors E. Porter, Leonard Woods, and Moses Stuart), to the effect that they considered the establish- ment of the Columbian College " as an event of great import- ance, and as likely to be of extensive and lasting utility to the best interest of men. ' ' Attention is invited to these statements as indicating the broad aims of the men who founded the Columbian College. It having been recommended that agents should be sent to England and other parts of Europe in order to investigate the best methods of higher education, as also to solicit funds, books, etc., for the College, the Trustees commissioned Prof. Alva Woods, of the College, and James M. Staughton (son of Presi- dent Staughton), of the Medical School, to go abroad for this purpose. Prof. Woods visited the seats of higher learning at Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Paris, Geneva, Genoa, Milan, Florence, Bologna, Pavia, Verona, Venice, Rome, and Naples, gathering useful hints and, in England making collections for the benefit of the College. Among eminent Englishmen who thus contributed to the founding of the College (subscribing ^50 or less) w^ere the Chancellor of the Exchequer (the Right Honorable Nicholas Vansittart, Lord Bexley), the Bishop of Durham (the venerable and evangelical Dr. Shute Barrington, previously Bishop of Llan- daff and of Salisbury), Joseph John Gurney (philanthropist), Alexander Baring (afterwards Lord Ashburton, who negotiated with Daniel Webster the Ashburton Treaty of 1842), William Wilberforce (philanthropist). Sir James Mackintosh (author and stateman), Joseph Butterworth (son of a Baptist Minister in Coventry, Member of parliament, co-founder of British and Foreign Bible Society and Treasurer of Wesleyan Foreign 8 The Columbian University. Missionary Society), Dr. Olinthus Gregory (biographer of Robert Hall and Professor in Woolwich College), Thomas Bab- ington (uncle of lyord Macaulay), the Rev. Rowland Hill, (popular preacher), Dr. Edward Bickersteth (devotional author). Dr. Adam Clarke (Wesleyan divine, linguist, commentator on the Bible), John Rippon, D. D. (Baptist minister and hymn- ologist), the Rev. Joseph Ivimey (Baptist minister and bio- grapher of Bunyan, Milton, and Kiffin), Hannah More (the popular authoress), and many others of distinction in church and state. The Hon. Richard Rush, at that time United States Minister in Uondon, subscribed to the funds of the Col- lege and afterwards became one of its Trustees. June 30, 1821, it was resolved to establish a Preparatory School, which should be strictly a fitting school for the College, the study of Latin being made obligatory on all its pupils. The scheme of a Medical School had been projected as early as November 15, 1821, and a few days afterwards it was decided that a Law School should be established " at no distant day." It was ordered that provision should be made for the pur- suit of advanced studies. Uuther Rice as early as 1822 pro- jected the establishment of a *' Philosophical Department" for the culture and encouragement of such studies, and this measure was formally adopted in 1823. A circular was addressed by the College to all military and naval officers of the United States, invoking their assistance in collecting illustrative ma- terials and specimens for the use of the institution. The National character of the College, ajid the *' university " range of its proposed studies, were thus emphasized at the begi7i7iing of the enterprise. The first Commencement of the College was held on the 15th of December, 1824, the President of the United States, the Secretaries of State, of War, and of the Navy, leading members from both houses of Congress, and General Lafayette being present at the exercises. At a later hour on the same day a formal address of wel- come was made to General Lafayette by the President of the College, after which the General and his suite, the Secretary of State (John Quincy Adams), the Secretary of War (John C. Historical Sketch. 9 Calhoun), the Speaker of the House of Representatives (Henry Clay), and other distinguished citizens dined with the Faculty and Board of Trustees at the house of President Staughton. On the 3d of February, 1826, a I^aw School was organized, and the Hon. William Cranch, LI/. D., Chief Justice of the Circuit Court of the United States, and the Hon. William Thomas Carroll, afterwards Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States, were appointed Professors in the School. The School was organized, but had only a short-lived existence at that date. The attendance during the first year was very gratifying, but troubles soon arose. There were differences of opinion among the Trustees and other friends of the institution as to the relative importance of the Theological and the Classical Depart- ments. This soon led to the almost total abandonment of the Theological Department, and the concentration of effort on the Classical. More serious were the financial difficulties. Though there had been many contributions, the expenses had been heavy in the construction and equipment of suitable buildings and in the payment of salaries and other current expenses. The receipts from tuition fees were entirely inadequate to meet the regular expenses, and, with no productive endowment, an indebted- ness was sure to arise and to grow. The plans of the projectors were on a more liberal scale than the contributions, and the reaction came in 1827 when the Faculty resigned in a body and the exercises were suspended. In the spring of 1828 the College reopened and from that date its progress has been steady, if at times slow. For the first fifteen years there was indeed a con- stant struggle rather for existence than for progress, and only the continued exertions and self-denying labors of Trustees and Faculty kept the College alive. Yet during all this time faithful and learned Professors, serving for but meagre salaries, and refusing more liberal offers from other institutions, imparted instruction to students whose zeal and abilities have been proven by the honorable stations the}^ have since attained in the service of the Church and the State. Dr. Staughton resigned the presidency in 1827, and in 1828 the Rev. Stephen Chapin, D. D. was chosen as his successor. 10 The Columbian Univeesity. On the 25th of September, 1836, occurred the death of the Rev. lyUther Rice, the man to whom, more than any other, the founding of the College was due. In the tribute paid to his memory by the Board of Trustees it was gratefully recognized that the College was ' ' mainly in- debted for its existence to his generous and laborious efforts," and that in the days of its "deepest adversity" it had been ' ' sustained by his unwearied and persevering assiduity more than by any other means. ' ' It was added : ' ' No discourage- ment could ever damp his zeal, no opposition could allay his ardor for its prosperity." Resolutions of respect for his memory were adopted and the President of the College was re- quested to deliver an obituary discourse in honor of his life, character, and services. President Chapin resigned in 1841, after an administration of thirteen years, during which the College gradually escaped from the burdens of distrust and debt, under which it was staggering when he accepted the Presidency. In 1843, the Rev. Joel S. Bacon, D. D.,- became President. At this time the College was freed from debt, though it had no endowment. Under President Bacon the collection of a perma- nent endowment was commenced, and efforts to increase that endowment have been continued during the succeeding admin- istrations. Dr. Bacon having resigned the Presidency in 1854, the Rev. Dr. Binney, a returned missionary from Burma was chosen to succeed him. He engaged to hold the ojB&ce for only a brief term, and gave place in 1859 to the Rev. Geo. W. Samson, D. D., whose difficult task it was, with the aid of his colleagues, to carry the institution through the fires of the civil war. At the outbreak of the war the number of students in at- tendance was greater than at any previous period, but most of them soon left, and shortly afterward the College buildings were occupied by the Government for hospital purposes. The Col- lege exercises, however, were not suspended, and the few students who continued in attendance received able instruction in the class rooms. It was provided in the charter, granted in 1821, that the College should be under the management of a number of Historical Sketch. 11 Trustees, " not exceeding thirty-one, to be elected triennially by the contributors to the College, qualified to vote, in such manner and under such limitations and restrictions as may be provided by the ordinances of the College. ' ' This created a governing body liable to periodical cliange in its entire constitution. By an act of the IvCgislative Assembly of the District of Columbia, passed July 25, 1871, it was provided that the Trustees elected in May of that year "should constitute the corporation of said College until their successors in office should be chosen and qualified as hereinafter provided;" that the "said Trustees should meet in the city of Washington on the 25th day of June, 1872, for the purpose of electing thirteen Trustees and thirteen Overseers who shall, upon their election, constitute the College corporation ; ' ' that the Trustees should be " residents of the District of Columbia," and that the said Trustees and Overseers should have power, at each annual meeting of the corporation, to fill all vacancies in either of these Boards, to establish ordinances, to elect professors, etc. That is, the Board was empowered to become a self-perpetuating body, and thereby to ensure continuity and stability in the government of the institution. This change was the indispen- sable condition of public confidence, and was made at the be- ginning of the Presidency of Dr. James C. Welling, who was chosen to succeed Dr. Samson in 1871. March 3, 1873, an Act of Congress was passed, supplemental to the organic Act of 1821, confirming and approving the Act of the I^egislative Assembly of July 25, 1871 ; removing the restriction placed by the organic Act on the annual income of the College from its vested funds ; creating the President of the Faculty, ex-qfficio, a member of the Board of Trustees ; author- izing the corporation to increase the number of its Trustees and the number of its Overseers to twenty-one of each ; and providing that the corporation shall hereafter " be known and called by the name of THE COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY." It should be added that this supplemental act was passsed by Congress in pursuance of a request from the Board of Trus- tees and Overseers. On September 10, 1877, Prof. William Ruggles, Lly. D. , 12 The Columbian University. for fifty-five years a faithful and honored professor of the Col- lege and University, died at Schooley's Mountain, N. J. In announcing his death to the Trustees, President Welling said : ' ' The extraordinary length of his service in connection with the College, the conscientiousness with which he discharged his duties, his high intelligence and his blameless character are all so many titles to the respect he commanded while living and to our grateful commemoration now that he is no more. ' ' The Trustees adopted resolutions paying high tribute to his character and to the services he had rendered the College. * In 1879 it was decided to remove all departments of the University into the heart of Washington, and in 1884 the present University building at the corner of Fifteenth and H Streets was occupied by the Academic, I^aw and Scientific Schools of the University. This building is four stories high and has a frontage of 1 2 1 feet on Fifteenth street and 64}^ on H street, with an annex extending back on the south line 156 feet. The fagades are built of pressed and moulded bricks, which latter were espec- ially shaped and modelled for the building, while its terra cotta ornamentations are artistically designed to give architectural expression to the educational purposes of the edifice. The as- cent to the main floor is by iron stairs 12 feet wide, and to the floors above by a massive and ornate staircase 7 feet wide. In the main story are contained the I^aw lyccture Hall, 45 feet by 60 feet (capable of seating five hundred persons), the Museum, the University I^ibrary, the President's Office, the Reception Room, and one lyccture Room. The upper stories contain I^ecture Rooms, Professors' Studies, the Chemical Uecture Hall, the Enosinian Society Hall, &c., while the pavilion which surmounts the building is designed for use by the teacher of Astronomy. The basement story, which is at an average depth of only 12 inches below the pavement, contains several Uecture Rooms, the Assay Department, steam-heating rooms, fuel rooms, store rooms, &c. The Chemical Uabora- tories are relegated to the lateral annex on the south line of the lot and are separated from the main building by a heavy brick wall. Access to the laboratories is obtained by a spacious stone staircase, built around the main ventilating shaft, and encased Historical Sketch. 13 by brick walls to make it proof against fire. Heavy brick par- titions and iron beams running through the whole building render each tier of rooms secure from communication in case fire should occur in any part of the structure. The building is heated throughout by steam and by a combination of both direct and indirect radiation. The ventilation is effected by a general system dependent on two large shafts and by a special system of flues connecting with these shafts, or with chimneys, and reaching to ever}^ room occupied for purposes of instruction. The contributors to the building and endowment funds of the University have been many, but the contributions in most cases, have been small in amount. Among the earliest friends of the College to aid it in its need, was John Quincy Adams, who loaned it $18,000, part of which debt he remitted. From 1835 to 1 86 1, John Withers of Va., made frequent gifts to cancel debts, to make repairs to buildings, and for general purposes, amounting in the aggregate to nearly $70,000. In 1865 William W. Corcoran presented to the College a building for the Medical School, valued at $30,000. In 1872 he offered an estate near the city on condition that $100,000 additional should be raised for a permanent endowment. The required sum was obtained, and, with Mr. Corcoran' s gifts, constitutes the present endowment. The estate was sold in 1885 and the University realized $85,000 from it. In 1883 Mr. Corcoran gave $30,000 toward the cost of the new University building, and in 1886 he added $25,000 to the endowment fund. In 1873 Mrs. Elizabeth J, Stone, of Washington, made a gift of valuable works of art, now in the Museum of the University. The Medical Department, as we have seen, was established in 1821, and Thomas Sewall, M. D. and James M. Staughton, M. D. were chosen as the first Professors. But not until March 30, 1825 was the school formally opened. The first course of lectures lasted three months and was attended by 22 students. The second course, with an enlarged Faculty, was delivered before an increased number of students, and at the conclusion of this term, in March, 1826, the first Commencement was held and the degree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred upon six graduates. The school was very successful for several j^ears, 14 The Columbian University. even continuing its exercises during 18,27-' 8 when the College was closed, but from 1834 to 1839, for causes not now clearly known, the regular lectures were suspended, though the Pro- fessors gave instruction to private classes. In 1839 the Faculty was reorganized, and regular classes were again formed. The sessions of the School were held in a building at the corner of Tenth and K streets until 1844, when Congress granted the Faculty permission to use a building in Judiciary Square which had been fitted up for an Insane Asylum, but was found unsuited for that purpose. The building was pre- pared for the use of the School and for an infirmary, and was known as the Washington Infirmary. In 1853 the building was remodelled and enlarged and the hospital and infirmary facilities were greatly improved. At the outbreak of the war the U. S. Government resumed possession of the building, and the Medical College occupied temporary quarters in different places until 1866. In that year Mr. W. W. Corcoran gener- ously presented the College with the building on H street which has since been used by the Medical School. In 1887 $10,000 was spent in enlarging the building and adding to the apparatus, and the rapidly increasing number of students is even now demanding further enlargement. In April, 1847, the Medical College, by authority of the Board of Trustees, assumed the title of " The National Medical College, Medical Department of the Columbian College, in the District of Columbia." The Medical Department has had great influence upon the Medical Profession in the District of Columbia, upon the medical institutions, upon charitable institutions and upon the community at large. It has been foremost in the establishment of Medical Societies in the District ; it has seen a rival institu- tion spring up at its side, and has often felt a mother's pride in the Professors recruited from the ranks of its alumni to maintain this rivalry ; it has furnished distinguished graduates to fill Professorships in some of the best Colleges in the land ; it was largely instrumental in founding the National College of Pharmacy. During most of its history it has had a free dispensary service at the College, and its Professors and alumni have ever been foremost in establishing hospitals. Historical Sketch. 15 Providence Hospital is the direct outcome of the abandon- ment of the Infirmary. The Children's Hospital and Garfield Hospital both owe their existence largely to the exertions of the members of the Columbian Faculty. The Law School, as organized in 1826, was discontinued on account of the embarrassments of 1827, and was not re-estab- lished until 1865. In that year a building on Fifth street, now known as the Columbian Law Building and used to-day for office purposes, was fitted up for the purposes of a Law School. The success of the School was immediate and marked, and with its constantly enlarged faculty as well as by reason of its broadening curriculum it attracts each year an increasing number of students from all parts of the countr}^ Since 1884 it has occupied a lecture hall especially designed for it in the new University Building. Other rooms in the building are assigned to the various ' ' quiz clubs ' ' and study classes which are formed among the students. It is the oldest Law School in Washington, even if its founding be dated from 1865, and it was the first School in the country to establish a Graduate course leading to the degree of Master of Laws. This School of graduate studies inlaw is called the School of Practice, and furnishes an invaluable training in legal procedure and pleadings. The Law School has its alumni in every State and Ter- ritory of the Union as also in foreign lands. It carries to-day on its alumni roll the names of 1,345 graduates who have received the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and of 318 graduates who have received the degree of Master of Laws. Some of these alumni have filled, and are still filling, stations of high trust and honor in the administration of the Government at Washington, in the halls of Congress, and in the foreign service of the country. Many have achieved distinction on the bench of the State Judiciary, while a countless number have achieved, and are still achieving, distinction at the bar. Some have become Professors of Law, and are paying in this way the debt due to their pro- fession and to their Alma Mater. For this splendid record the University has to thank its peerless Law^ Faculty and the felicity of its position at the National Capital. The authorities of the University hope at an early day to 16 The Columbian University. establish in connection with the lyaw Department a ' 'School of Comparative Jurisprudence," in which the law of the world shall be taught as an historical evolution and as a philosophy, for the nurture of graduate studies in law, and for the promo- tion of juridical science and statesmanship. The Scientific School was established in 1884, and though the time has been too short to give it much of a history, it has been very successful this far. It is organized on a broad basis and though it has not as yet been able to give instructions in many branches, owing to its want of adquate endowments, it provides a well assorted range of studies which lead to technical pro- ficiency in the arts and sciences most conducive to modern life. The Dental School, the youngest professional school of the University, was established in 1887. ^^ has a most efficient and learned faculty who maintain a high standard, and the school is rapidly growing in favor among students. The Preparatory School was established early in the history of the College. At first it was meant to be a fitting school for college, with a required course of study, but afterwards a Scien- tific course and a High School course were established, and it now prepares for college, for the Scientific School, for the Mili- tary or Naval Academy, or for business. Its sessions are held in a building designed with special reference to its needs and erected in 1883. The number of its students is limited to 100, and it is seldom that there are many vacancies. The lyibrary of the University has been slowly accumulat- ing since 1 82 1, and contains many valuable works. In recent years the Alumni have contributed a number of useful books, and have established and maintained a reading-room, supplied with a large number of magazines, reviews, and other periodi- cals. The Trustees have for some years made annual appro- priations which have been mainly expended for I^aw books, and the Law Library now contains an exceedingly valuable set of U. S. Reports, State Reports, English Common Law Reports and other volumes of daily use to the student and the practising lawyer. The first Alumni Association of the Columbian College was formed July 14, 1847, ^t a meeting of twenty-seven gradu- ates of the College. Only those who had received the degree Historical Sketch. 17 of Bachelor of Arts could become active members of this Asso- ciation. Annual meetings were held until 1874, when, through lessening interest, the organization practically ceased to exist. In 1886 an attempt was made to reorganize the Association, and a meeting was held at which a constitution was adopted and officers were elected. Afterwards it was thought best to enlarge the scope and membership, and a meeting of graduates of all departments of the University was called. At this meet- ing, held February 28, 1887, the present association was organized. Regular meetings have been held each year for the transaction of business and the consideration of plans for aiding the University ; and a social reunion and banquet is partici- pated in each spring by a large number of members. The preceding pages summarize the formal history of the College, and its successor, the University. But a better history than is here found can be read in the accounts of what has been done in every walk of life by those who have graduated from the College and the professional schools. And to the records of honorable standing which are found on the following pages should be added, if a true estimate of what the institution has done is to be formed, those other records, which cannot at this time be here given, of former students who went into active life before they could complete the full course required for a degree. The past yields to the present ; the present looks to the future. A College, struggling for existence, yet yearly pro- viding instruction and training that made that existence a widening influence for good, has developed into a University, with the mother College surrounded by four professional schools, and with an aggregate attendance during the past session of seven hundred and fifty-five students. The possibilities and the plans of this growing University can be best expressed in the language of President Welling. From a pamphlet published by him in 1889 the following para- graphs are here appended as being of interest to every alumnus and every friend of the University : WHAT the: university NOW IS. " In 1873 the Columbian College, already an embryo uni- versity in the practical range and compass of its studies and 18 The Columbian University. teachings, received a formal university charter at the hands of Congress. It has to-day its College, its Medical School, its School of Dentistry, its School of Law, and its School of Science. [The attendance during the session of iSqo-'qi was: — In the Preparatory School, 95 ; in the Columbian College, 66 ; in the Corcoran Scientific School, no; in the Medical School, 155 ; in the school of Dentistry, 17 ; in the I^aw School, 312 ; an aggregate of 755.] "And all this University work is done on the basis of a small and inadequate endowment of less than $250,000. Our buildings, newly constructed and situated in the most eligible part of Washington (within a stone's throw of the Presidential mansion), are worth half a million of dollars. "The reason why the Columbian University has been able to achieve such large results, on a capital so small, is not far to seek. It is to be found in the felicity of its situation, and in the intellectual character of its social environment. Washington is to-day a great educational centre, not simply because it is a great political centre, and not simply because it has become since the civil war a brilliant social centre, but because it has become the great scientific centre of the whole country, and is the favorite meeting place of learned societies, many of which gather in Washington from all quarters of the land for an annual exchange of discussions and ideas. When Professor John Tyndall was delivering in Washington, some years ago, his course of popular lectures on light, he remarked to me that he knew of no city in Europe which could gather a congrega- tion of scientific workers and original investigators so large as that which he then met in ' ' The Philosophical Society ' ' of Washington, under the presidency of Joseph Henr3^ This Society, the oldest of its kind in Washington, is only one of the scientific bodies which surround that parent organization at the present time. For here we have the Anthropological Society, the Biological Society, the Chemical Societ)^ the Botanical Society, the Mathematical Section of the Philosophical Society the National Geographic Society, etc., etc. — together compris- ing a body of 600 learned men connected with the different departments of scientific work conducted under the patronage of the National Government. It is because this work is con- ducted under the auspices of the Government that these depart- ments must have their central seats and their foremost workers in the city of Washington. These foremost workers are con- nected, accdrding to their respective specialties, with the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum, the Geological Survey, the Bureau of Ethnology, the Patent Office, the Army Medical Museum, the Naval Museum of Hygiene, the Weather Bureau, the Coast Survey, the Bureau of Hydrography, the Historical Sketch. 19 National Observatory, the Agricultural Department, the Botan- ical Garden, the Department of Education, etc., etc. The National Acadeni}^ of Sciences holds its annual meetings here. The American Historical Association holds its annual meetings here and deposits its collections in the Smithsonian Institution. The Congress which adjourned on the 4th of March (1889) has just made provision for the establishment of a Zoological Gar- • den under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution — so that the living study of zoology will now be brought to our doors. A GREAT KDUCATIONAL PLANT. " It remains to say that all these great centres of scientific study and activity are surmounted, sustained and replenished by the best and largest collection of books in the whole country. This collection consists not only of the library of Congress, the largest single collection in the land, but it is also supplemented by important special libraries connected with each of the great departments of the general Government, and \yith each of the several bureaus among which the scientific work of the Govern- ment is here distributed. Every branch of human knowledge has a literary deposit in Washington. For instance, under the head of science alone, the Smithsonian Institution has a deposit reckoned by more than 250,000 titles in the alcoves of the librar}^ of Congress. In law the same library comprises an in- valuable collection of more than 50,000 volumes, covering the jurisprudence of the civilized world. We thus have in the city of Washington more than a million of volumes, selected by ex- perts in the several departments of knowledge, and so housed and administered in close juxtaposition that they are easily ac- cessible to students, whether for reference, for comparative re- search, or for careful reading ; and all this without money and without price on the part of the University or its pupils. How .large a saving of University funds may be effected under this head in Washington can be inferred when I recall the fact that the Congress of the United States has just made an appropria- tion of $6,000,000 for the proper preservation of the literary treasures of the Government in a National Library Building to be erected almost under the eaves of the National Capitol. That library will be to all intents and purposes an adjunct of the Columbian University in the conduct of its educational operations — so soon as the University shall have endowments, under which to appoint the professors and lecturers who can be teachers and guides in the wise use of these accumulated treas- ures in law, science, history, politics, public economy, literature and theology. ' ' In the Corcoran Gallery of Art, the most richly en downed institution of its kind in the country (it has a free endowment 20 The Columbian University. of $1,000,000), provision is also made among us for the study of the fine arts. Free instruction in drawing and painting is given in the art school of this gallery. * ' To show how all these appliances may be made directly tributary to university studies with a vast saving of expense on the score of university administration, let me take one or two illustrative examples — say, the National Museum,, and the Chemical Bureaus of Washington. ' ' The National Museum has twenty- two distinct scientific departments under its jurisdiction : The departments of com- parative anatomy, of mammals, of birds, of reptiles, of fishes, of mollusks, of insects, of marine invertebrates, of plants, of fossil vertebrates, of paleozoic fossil invertebrates, of mesozoic fossil invertebrates, of cenozoic fossil invertebrates, of fossil plants, of geology and petrology, of mineralogy, of metallurgy and mining, of prehistoric archaeology, of ethnology, of oriental antiquities, of American aboriginal pottery, of arts and indus- tries, comprising under these last-named heads numismatics, graphic arts, foods, textiles, fisheries, historical relics, materia medica, naval architecture, history of transportation, etc., etc., etc. * ' Bach of these departments is placed under a curator, and is provided with the necessary appliances for original research ; and these appliances are yearly increasing in completeness and efficiency. In addition to these special appliances each curator has his laboratory with its necessary aparatus, his working library, and his study-series of specimens for use in original investiga- tion. In connection with his sectional library each curator has access to the central library of the museum, now containing over 2o,oco volumes, as also to the library of Congress. These scientific laboratories are always open to students and investi- gators who come either to observe methods of work or to pursue researches of their own with the aid of these appliances. It should be added, as bearing directly on the problem of univer- sity education, that each of these departmental libraries and laboratories is of the kind which a university would require if it has a specialist of its own engaged in a minute subdivision of science corresponding to that of the museum. Some of these laboratories, notably those of zoology, geology, and botany, have a fuller outfit than those of any American university, while others of these laboratories have no analogues at all in the best equipped of our educational institutions. Professor Otis T. Mason, Ph. D., so honorably known to the scientific world as one of the learned curators of the National Museum, can authenticate all that I have said concerning the possible relations which this great scientific workshop is actually bearing, and can be made to bear, to the cause of university education. Historical Sketch. 21 thk sevkn chemicaiv centres. 'Xet US now turn to consider, for a moment, the opportu- nities which Washington offers for the study of chemical science — that science which to-day is transforming in so many aspects the private and the public economy of the world. There are at least seven centres of chemical activity conducted under the auspices of the Government at the National Capital. First, there is the chemical laborator^^ of the United States Geological Survey, in which six chemists and two physicists are employed. Analyses are here made of rocks, minerals, ores, clays, etc., etc., collected from all parts of the country by the field parties of the sur\^ey, acting under the conduct of the Hon. John W. Powell, the learned director of the survey, who is, I may add, one of the trustees of the Columbian University. Researches pertinent to chemical geology are also pursued in this laboratory, with a view to the extension of abstract science. Secondly, there is the laboratory of the Department of Agricul- ture, in which from six to eight chemists are engaged upon problems relative to soils, fertilizers, the manufacture of sugar, the chemistry of food products, the detection of adulterants, etc., etc. The chemical work is done here in a broadly scien- tific spirit, b}^ able men armed with an excellent equipment. Thirdly, the surgeon-general of the army maintains a laboratory in which drugs are analyzed previous to their purchase. Fourthly, the Museum of Hygiene, under the control of the surgeon- general of the navy, conducts investigations in prophy- laxis, disinfectants, bacteriology, etc. A fifth laboratory is connected with the Bureau of the Mint. The sixth laboratory is under the direction of the Internal Revenue Bureau for rea- sons connected with the national excise system of taxation, while the seventh of these great governmental laboratories is connected with the United States Patent Office. Patents are annually issued in large numbers bearing on chemical industries, and it is under the United States examiners in chemistry that the practical scientific activity and inventive industry of the country (where it bears on chemistry) are brought to a focus in the Patent Office. ' ' The exposition above given, with regard to the educa- tional facilities offered by the National Museum and by the Chemical Bureaus of Washington, might, as I have hinted, be extended with like detail to other departments of scientific work here conducted by the Government. But such an exposition would confuse the reader by its prolixity. Suffice it to say ^ that the Governvient of the United States fnakes an ajinual appropria- tion of nearly three millions of dollars for the support of scientific work which^ in its several depart7nc7its , has its headquarters iii 3 ^2 The Columbian Uniyersity. Washington. This is not a rough guess, but an estimate which has been accurately deriYed from the ' ' Digest of Appropria- tions ' ' made by the Treasury Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889. A University founded here might immediately profit by the fruits of this vast expenditure. HOW AVAII.ABI.B TO THK UNIVERSITY. " But, it may be said, what relation has all this affluence of scientific apparatus to the special behoof of a great University in Washington ? I answer, much every way. A very large part of the sum required for the establishment of a University at Cambridge, at New Haven, and at Princeton, must needs be expended for what is technically called ' ' the educational plant' ' — buildings, books, costly apparatus, specimens, collections in zoology, botany, archaeology, etc., etc. And then large sums must be annually expended for the preservation and adminis- tration of these buildings and of these illustrative materials. The necessar}^ expenditures of this kind are reduced to a mini- mum at Washington, for here the choicest materials of educa- tion already exist under the custody of the Government, and are offered ready made to the hands of the University which is able to wield them in its service. Nor is this all. In connec- tion with these scientific departments may be found very many of the foremost men of science in our country, and (in certain specialties) in the whole world. I need but call the names of New- comb, of Major Powell, of Asaph Hall, of I^anglej^ of G. Brown Goode, of Dr. John S. Billings, and of many others to set this fact in a clear light. Scientific experts in the Government service are already connected with the Columbian University — men of highest science, like Godding, Mason, Gill, Gore, Abbe, Winlock, Knowlton, Prentiss, Yeates, Pletcher, Gray, and others. " It is because of the felicity of our position at this seat of American law and justice that the Columbian University is able to enlist, in the service of its law school, the most eminent teachers — ^Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, assistant attorneys-general, judges of the Supreme Court of the District, and illustrious jurisconsults like Dr. Francis Wharton, the late Solicitor of the Department of State, whose recent death the University is called to mourn in common with the friends of religion and jurisprudence throughout the land. It is be- cause of our close proximit}^ to the Army Medical Museum that we can profit by its peerless library and pathological collections, as well as by its learned collaborators, like Dr. Gray, the demonstrator of normal histology in the medical school of our University. The whole theory of medicine can here be taught with the richest and widest illustrative material, and the largest Historical Skegdch. 25 collection of medical books in the country. And these distin- guished teachers in jurisprudence, in medicine, and in science, can afford to give their services to a Washington university at a rate of compensation which is reckoned by hundreds of dol- lars, where elsewhere it would be reckoned by thousands, be- cause they draw the main part of their livelihood from their salaries as Government officers. ECONOMY OF UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION. " It is in this way that one dollar will accomplish in Wash- ington, for educational purposes, the work of many dollars applied to similar objects at university seats which lack the advantages above specified. ' ' The educational plant ' ' here offered for the highest ends of the highest university could not be commanded elsewhere without an outlay ranging, according to the judgment of wisest men, from fifteen to twenty millions of dollars. In some departments, the educational materials of Washington could not be commanded by money at all. And hence it is that, as the least possible expenditure is here re- quired for the indispensable tools and appliances of university education, the largest possible sum can be directly utilized in employment of professors, teachers, and lecturers in every branch of learning, and the largest possible sum can be applied to the encouragement of worthy pupils by the establishment of scholarships, fellowships, etc. ' ' With such a vantage ground already occupied by the Columbian University, and in some small measures already bearing fruit, it is easy to see the greater things it might achieve if only its endowments were made in some degree commensu- rate with its educational opportunities and the nationality of its position. THE NEW EXTENSIONS REQUIRED. * * The University has reached a stage in its growth and development where it seems to call for three things : First, for a strength ing of all its undergraduate courses of study and of its existing professional schools ; Secondly, for additions to its courses of professional stud}^, and Thirdly, for structural changes reaching through its whole organism, in virtue of which ad- vanced and graduiate courses of study shall be provided, so far as practicable, in every department of knowledge embraced in the scheme and scope of the University's teachings. ' ' In connection with our college we ought to have learned men who shall not be exclusively occupied with the recitation drill of the class-room, and who shall have leisure for the prosecution of original research in language and science. ' We have not fully learned,' says President Patton, of Prince- 24 The Columbian Univeesity. ton College, ' the diiference between a professor and a peda- gogue, and that while the one may hear lessons the other should inspire with the thirst for knowledge and speak with authority. But are we coming to this position. We are finding that the professor who has ceased to learn is unable to teach.' ' ' In connection with our School of Science we ought to have at the end of each professional curriculum at least one or two educators endowed with the spirit of original investigation, and keeping abreast with the progress of discovery in some high specialty. The presence of one such teacher is an inspira- tion — an inspiratton alike to the teachers and pupils who come in contact with him. ' ' In our Medical School we ought to be able to place our- selves in more intimate relations with the Army Medical Museum and the Navy Bureau of Hygiene by calling to our aid the eminent medical scholars and experts connected with these two departments. Some of these scholars and experts not only stand at the head of the medical profession in point of learning, but are actively conducting original researches for the advancement of medical science. Professor John Tyndall, of London, has expressed the opinion that it is in the science of medicine that the greatest discoveries are to be made in the near future for the alleviation of disease and the promotion of human well-being. The art of medicine depends for its efficacy on the science of medicine, and in no part of the country are the facili- ties and means for the increase of medical science so abund- antly supplied as in Washington. Moreover, at the Govern- ment Hospital for the Insane, in Washington, with its patients numbering more than a thousand (the number was 1361 at the date of the last annual report), important work in the patho- logical study of insanity, and its physical conditions is con- ducted on lines of original investigation by a trained expert, who preserves and publishes the results of his microscopic analyses in the form of photographic records and descriptive annotation. Dr. W. W. Godding, the accomplished Superin- tendent of the Government Hospital for the Insane, is already a lecturer in the Medical School of the University, and the Presi- dent of the University has been for many years one of the Visitors appointed by the President of the United States to supervise the operations of this institution, and is thus in a position to be- come intimately acquainted with the opportunities it offers for the higher medical education. ' ' In our School of Law the undergraduate course of two years is already supplemented with a graduate course of one year, called the * ' Course in Practice, ' ' in which the student is trained to the art of practically applying the principles of law to the actual proceedings of courts of justice in the United States. Historical Sketch. 25 The Columbian University was the first to establish such a graduate course in connection with its Law School, but simi- lar courses have since been created in other leading schools. The next step in the order of development in our Law School is that we should have a graduate course of legal and scien- tific studies culminating in the history and philosophy of uni- versal jurisprudence. Such a course, even if attended by only a few pupils, would strike a quickening influence through all the studies of the courses lying below it. The University of Ley den is perhaps best known to-day as having been the nurs- ing mother of Grotius, the founder of international law, though it was also the home of Descartes, Scaliger, Boerhaave, and of our own John Quincy Adams. The lectures of Savigny marked an epoch in the history of German jurisprudence, as the lectures of Sir Henry Sumner Maine at Oxford have un- sealed the fountains of a new and broader exegesis for the scientific interpretation of English and American law at the present day. The science of the world thrives more and more on the comparative study of like phenomena. Indeed," so fruit- ful is the comparative method of research in its application to the phenomena of society that Freeman, the English historian, has not scrupled to say that this method stands second only to the Revival of Learning in the impetus it has given to all intel- lectual progress. It is by this method that analogical reason- ing, with its possible errors resulting from mistaken appearances, is converted into homological reasoning, with its demonstrative proofs drawn from the deeper relations of things. The student of law who has saturated his mind with knowledge drawn from the institutes of primitive civilization ; who knows the stages b}^ which the Gregorian, Hermogenian, and Theodosian codes paved the way for the compilations of Justinian ; who knows the place which the Capitularies of Charlemagne hold in the evolution of European jurisprudence, and who, by a compara- tive study "of the Roman civil law and of the English common law, can trace the grounds of the jurisprudence common to both, would enter upon the practice of his profession with a knowl- edge of its principles rooted in history and philosophy. Prof. Henry E. Davis, LL. M., the accomplished Lecturer on the Histor}^ of English and American Law in our Law School, is already pushing inquiry beyond the boundaries of Sir Henry Maine, as knowledge grows concerning the customary law of primeval man, and at the same time he keeps his chair abreast with those original and profound investigations by which Scrutton and Maitland, in England, are giving new significance to Bracton, and to the fountains of English Law in general. In all this we are but returning to a well-known maxim of Lord Coke — ?nelms est peter e fontes quam sedari rivulos. 26 The Columbian University. * ' The Columbian University will never reach the height of its misson until it shall comprise in its university system a School of Politics and of Public Economy. For such a school its situation in the National Capital is pre-eminently favorable. Steps have been taken again and again in this direction, but no progress has yet been made for the want of an adequate endow- ment on which to found the school. Eminent statesmen and eminent scholars in political economy have pledged their co- operation in connection with such a school. An outline sketch of the studies to be pursued in it was submitted by the Presi- dent of the University to the authorities of the institution in the year 1881. "It is because I believe that the next great problems of our social and political order are to be fought out on the field of economics that I advocate the establishment of a School of Politics and of Public Economy in connection with the Colum- bian University. In support of this prognostication, I need but point to the political agitations of the present hour. The " burning questions " of the day in all civilized States are pre- eminently economic and societary. These questions need to be discussed in the light of history, science, philosophy, and Christianity, that they may be settled on the sure foundations of truth and righteousness. ' ' Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times." And where can the wisdom and knowledge required for the right solution of these great prob- lems in applied economics be more intelligently sifted or more effectually promulged than in the lecture halls of a great uni- versity at the seat of the National Government ? ' ' The learning of the world at the present day has ceased to be cloistral, and walks abroad in the market-place, that the discoveries of science may " come home to men's business and bosoms. " It is a fine phrase of Thucydides, that " discussion is the teacher of measures, " and the scientific discussions of a university, if conducted by men of foremost intelligence with academic serenity'-, can never be brought too near to the legis- lative halls of our Congress. " While the city of Washington, for reasons already given, offers unrivalled facilities for the cultivation of the physical sciences, I do not propose that the Columbian University shall be exclusively addicted to studies which move in number, matter, space and motion. I wish to see it the seat also of highest studies in humanities, in linguistics, in pedagogics, in philosophy and in theology. In the humanities, because the high literature of the world is the artistic expression of the best minds of the human race in all ages, and as such, needs to be pre- served in our university cultures " on purpose to a life beyond life," as Milton phrases it. In linguistics, because the scientific Historical Sketch. 27 study of human speech in Egyptology, in the cuneiform records, in the Shemitic dialects, in the classical tongues of Greece and Rome, and in modern tongues of all kinds, is placing in our hands the keys of sound biblical criticism as well as the essen- tial propaedeutic to polemical divinity and philological science. In pedagogics, because we already have in the Department of Education in Washington (with its collection of books, nearly 20,000 in number, devoted to the history, science and art of education), a vast repository from which to draw useful materials for lecture-courses on that art of teaching which, more than printing, is really ' ' the art preservative of all arts. ' ' In phi- losophy, because it is not enough that the studies of a university should aim at professional dexterity ; they should aim to lay the foundations of the broadest and deepest culture even in the case of those who particularly devote themselves to some specialized study or profession. FACTS IN CONNKCTION WITH FIGURES. * ' Bringing the foregoing suggestions to the focus of a more precise definition, I may say that — ' ' The Columbian College (the collegiate department of the University) needs an additional endowment of at least $200,000 for the establishment of new professorships and lectureships in the modern languages, in the ph5^sical sciences and in political science. "The Corcoran Scientific School, except in the depart- ment of chemistry, is almost totally destitute of the necessary appliances for class-room instruction in science. Five years ago the Trustees of the University issued an urgent appeal for $60,000, to be expended under this head. The professors in this school are now giving their services without any stipend save that which results from an equitable division among them of the tuition fees. A free endowment of $200,000 would yield an income of $10,000, and this income if applied to the purposes of this school would give to it a very respectable efficiency, it being premised that the expense of conducting such a school in Washington is greatly less than in other cities not so favorably situated in the matter of eminent teachers and illustrative ma- terials. ' ' The Medical School depends in like manner upon the an- nual receipts derived from tuition fees, and is practically sup- ported by the munificence of its learned faculty, who give their services to the University at a rate of compensation widely at variance with the divine rule that " the laborer is worthy of his hire." An annual income from $200,000 would only partially repair these deficits of salary, while still leaving something for the extension of medical lecture-courses and the improvement of the Dental School. 28 The Columbian University. ** Our I^aw School, as at present established, has no endow- ment whatsoever. It depends entirely upon the receipts from tuition fees for the salaries of its professors and for the means of defraying the expenses incident to its administration. The an- nual income from an endowment of $100,000 would give new supports to the school, and would pave the way for the establishment of the fourth-year's course in universal jurispru- dence. ' ' To found the School of Politics and of Public Economy a free endowment of $300,000, with an annual income of $15,000, would suffice. This school ought to have at least two permanent professors of the first rank in point of learning and distinction. The services of such men could not be secured at a rate of compensation less than $5,000 per annum for the salary of each. The residue of the annual income should be applied to the employment of resident and extraordinary lec- turers — for whom Washington offers an inviting field. HIGH graduate: COURSKS. ' ' For the establishment of high graduate courses of study in connection with each department of the University there is no limit to the endowment that could be wisely and effectively used in Washington. The annual income from ten thousand dollars would not be too little to give some impulse to the University in this right direction, and the annual income from several millions of dollars would not be too much to exhaust the possibilities of Washington as an educational centre. Working with reference to the proximate future, the authorities of the University could perhaps best use the income from a sin- gle million in providing the additions and structural changes above indicated — the structural changes looking in the direction of highest studies." Since the publication of this pamphlet, from which the foregoing extracts are taken. President Welling has projected a ' ' School of Comparative Jurisprudence ' ' as an annex to the Law School, and the scheme of its studies, after being approved by eminent jurists and teachers in Europe as well as in the United States, has been formally approved by the governing body of the University, and now only awaits an endowment of $100,000 as the foundation of its establishment. It is hoped that some friend of learning will see and seize the opportunity thus offered for the promotion of juridical learning in the proper sense of that term. WILLIAM W. CORCORAN, LL. D., Trustee 1869-1888. President of the Corporation 1869- The Corporation. 29 THE CORPORATION. ORIGINAL CORPORATORS. Appointed by Act of Congress, approved February 9th, 18'21. *The Rev. Obadiah B. Brown, A. M., D. C. *Enoch Reynolds, Esq., T>. C. *The Rev. Spencer H. Cone, D. D., D. C. *The Hon. Return J. Meigs, Ohio. ^Joseph Cone, Esq., Md. *The Rev. Burgiss Allison, D. D., Pa. ^Joseph Thaw, Esq., D. C. *The Rev. Luther Rice, A. M., D. C. *Josiah Meigs, LL. D., D. C. *Daniel Brown, Esq., D. C. ■* Joseph Gibson, Esq., D. C. ^Thomas Corcoran, Esq., D. C. . *Thomas Sewall, M. D., D. C. PRESIDENTS. Elected. Resigned. 1821 *The Rev. Obadiah B. Brown, A. M 1827 1827 *The Rev. Robert B. Semple, D. D died 1831 1832 *The Rev. Obadiah B. Brown, A. M 1832 1832 ^The Rev. Samuel Cornehus, Hon. A. M., 1844 1838 1838 *Col. James L. Edwards died 1867 1867 *The Hon. Amos Kendall died 1869 \ 1869 *The Hon. Wilham W. Corcoran, LL. D., 1869 died 1888 j 1888 James C. Welling, LL. D., 1868. 30 The Columbian University. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Elected. Resigned. 1871 *The Hon. John A. Bolles, LL. D died 1878 1878 *William Gunton, M. D died 1880 1881 The Eev. James H. Cuthbert, D. D. SECRETARIES. Elected. Resigned. 1821 ^Enoch Reynolds 1820 1826 *The Rev. Baron Stow, A. B., 1825 ; D. D 1827 1827 *John S. Meehan 1828 1828 -=^George Wood 1835 1835 ^Andrew Roth well 1839 1839 *George AVood 1845 1845 The Rev. George W. Samson, D. D., 1858 1851 1851 ^William Q. Force, A. B. 1839 ; A. M., 1842 1852 1853 *Samuel C. Smoot, A. B., 1835 ; M. D .' . . . died 1866 1866 ^Robert C. Fox, Hon. A. M., 1858 ; LL. D 1871 TREASURERS. Elected. Resigned. 1821 *The Rev. Luther Rice, A. M. . 1826 1826 *The Rev. Elon Galusha 1827 1827 *Prof. Alexis Casweh 1827 1827 *Enoch Reynolds died 1833 1833 ^Robert Johnston " 1837 1837 -^George Wood 1839 1839 ^Andrew Rothwell 1852 1853 -nVilliam Q. Force, A. B., 1839 ; A. M., 1842 1855 1855 ^Joseph Reynolds 1856 1856 The Rev. Wm. T. (h-eer 1858 1858 The Rev. Joseph Hammitt 1862 1862 -=nVilliani Gunton, M. D 1871 SECRETARY AND TREASURER. Elected. Resigned. 1852 nVilliam Q. Force, A. B., 1839 ; A. M., 1842 1853 1871 *The Hon. William Stickney died 1881 1881 -=^Robert C. Fox, Hon. A. M., 1858 ; LL. D died 1891 The Corporation. 31 TRUSTEES. Elected. Resigned. 1821 *The Rev. Burgiss Allison, D. D Pa. 1826 " *Daniel Brown D. C. 1827 " *The Rev. Obadiah B. Brown, A. M D. C. 1826 Re-elected 1832 1832 " ^Joseph Cone Md. 1821 " *The Rev. Spencer H. Cone D. C. 1826 Re-elected 1832 1844 " *Thomas Corcoran D. C. 1826 , " ^Joseph Gibson D. C, died 1832 " ^Josiah Meigs, LL. D Ct. 1821 " ^The Hon. Return J. Meigs Ohio, died 1825 " *Enoch Reynolds D. C, died 1833 " ^The Rev. Luther Rice, A. M . D. C. 1827 " ^Thomas Sewall, M. D D. C. 1823 Re-elected 1839 1845 " ^Joseph Thaw D. C. 1826 " *The Rev. Robert B. Semple, D. D Va., died 1832 '' *The Rev. Richard Furman, D. D S. C, died 1825 " *The Rev. Thomas Baldwin, D. D Mass., died 1825 1823 ^The Rev. Eh Ball, Hon. A. M., 1831 Va. 1826 Re-elected 1827 1844 1847 1853 " *The Rev. Lucius BoUes, D. D Mass. 1826 " *Wm. Britton Pa. 1826 " *The Hon. Nicholas Brown, A. M R. L, died 1841 " ^The Rev. Thomas Brown N. J. 1826 '' *The Rev. John Bryce Va. 1826 '' *The Rev. Joseph B. Cook S. C. 1826 " *The Rev. John L. Dagg, D. D Pa. 1835 " *The Hon. Abner Forbes Vt. 1829 " *The Hon. John T. Johnson Ky. 1826 " *The Hon. Richard M. Johnson Ky. 1844 " -*The Rev. Jesse Mercer, D. D Ga., died 1841 " *John C. Richards Pa. 1823 " "^The Rev. James A. Ronaldson La. 1826 " *The Rev. David Roper .*Va. 1826 " *The Rev. Daniel Sharp, D. D Mass. 1826 " *The Rev. Adiel Sherwood, D. D Ga. 1826 Re-elected 1829 1836 '' ^Thomas Stokes : . . . N. Y., died 1832 " *The Hon. James Johnson Md. 1825 1825 *The Rev. David Benedict, D. D R. I. 1832 " *The Hon. John B. Yates . . . N. Y. 1838 32 The Columbian University. Elected. Besigntd. 1825 *The Hon. James Johnson Ky., died 1826 1826 *The Hon. Daniel Coney * . Me. 1829 " ^Thomas Cooper Ga. 1829 " *The Rev. Samuel Cornelius, Hon. A. M., 1844 D. C. 1838 " ^Richard Gregory Va. 1827 " *The Hon. Heman Lincoln Mass. 1826 Re-elected 1829 1838 1841 1847 " *Chas. McAllister S. C. 1829 " ^Aaron Marvin Vt. 1829 " *Tlie Rev. Baron Stow, A. B., 1825 ; D. D. . . . . ." . . Mass. 1827 " *A. R. Thornton Va., died 1828 " ^John F. Wilson Md. 1838 " *The Hon. James Barbour Va. 1828 " ^Charles Worthington, M. D D. C. 1827 " *The Hon. John McLean O. 1827 Re-elected 1827 1838 " ^The Hon. Richard Rush Pa. 1828 *' *The Hon. Samuel H. Smith '. . . D. C. 1827 " *Roger C. Weightman D. C. 1827 " ^Daniel Cawood Va. 1827 " ^The Rev. Reuben Post, D. D . . . D. C. 1829 " *John S. Meehan D. C. 1828 Re-elected 1832 1844 1827 ^Henry M. Morfltt D. C. 1828 " *Col. Nathan Towson Md. 1835 " ^he Rev. John Johnson Va. 1829 " ^he Rev. Wilham T. Brantly Pa. 1838 " .-^The Rev. Elon Galusha N. Y. 1835 " *The Hon. Matthew St. Clair Clarke D. C. 1838 '' ^Jesse Leach. Md. 1829 " ^Col. Chas. K. Gardner D. C. 1835 1828 *The Hon. Wilson Lumpkin Ga. 1832 " *The Rev. J. L. Skinner D. C. 1844 " *Isaac Clarke ' D. C. 1832 Re-elected 1853 '. 1862 " ^George AVood D. C. 1835 Re-elected 1837 1845 1862 died 1870 " *The Rev. Abner W. Clopton, A. M Va., died 1833 1829 *The Hon. John Conant Vt. 1832 " *l')avid Cooper Miss., died 1829 " ^The Rev. John Kerr Va. 1838 '' nVm. W. Todd N. Y. 1838 JOHX WITHERS, Trustee 1832-1861. The Corpoeation. S3 Elected. Resigned. 1829 *The Kev. D. M. Woodson • ' Va. 1832 " ^Robert Johnston Ky. 1841 1832 *The Hon. John Quincy Adams Mass. 1832 " *John T. Temple, M. D Md. 1835 " *The Rev. John Armstrong, A. B., 1825 ; A. M., 1829 ... Pa. 1835 " *The Rev. WiUiam B. Johnson, D. D S. C. 1853 " *John Rathbone . N. Y. 183,5 " *John Withers Va., died 1861 " *Gen. J. P. Van Ness D. C. 1835 " *The Rev. Gideon B. Perry, Hon. A. M., 1831 Pa. 1835 1833 *Ck)l. James L. Edwards D.C, died 1867 " *John Sessford D. C. 1845 183.5 ^he Rev. J. G. Binney, D. D., 1854 Ga. 1838 " *The Rev. Iveson L. Brooks, A. M S. C. 1844 Re-elected 1850 1859 " *Wm. Crane . . Md. 1844 Re-elected 1847 1865 " *Peter Force D. C. 1851 " *The Rev. Jonathan Going, D. D N. Y. 1838 " *The Rev. Jesse Hartwell, D. D S. C. 1838 " *The Rev. S. P. Hill, D. D . Md. 1838 Re-elected 1844 1850 1851 1864 1865 • died 1884 " -^he Rev. Thos. Meredith N. C. 1844 " -^Michael Nourse D. C. 1844 " *Andrew Roth well D. C., died 1883 1836 ^he Hon. Jno. M. Brodhead N. H. 1838 Re-elected 1840 1844 1838 ^he Rev. Rufus Babcock, D. D Pa. 1844 *The Rev. Joseph S. Baker • Va. 1841 *The Rev. Wm. F. Broaddus, D. D Va. 1841 Re-elected 1859 1872 *Col. Thomas Hudgins Va. 1844 *The Rev. J. B. Jeter, D. D Va. 1844 *Thoma8 P. Jones, M. D D. C. 1839 Re-elected 1840 ... 1847 *George M. Kendall D. C. 1847 ^he Rev. T. S. N. King Miss. 1844 ^he Rev. C. C. Park D. C. 1841 ^he Hon. Albion K. Parris Me. 1847 *The Rev. James B. Taylor, D. D., 1856 Va. 1847 1841 ^Henry L. Ellsworth D. C. 1847 " *The Rev. G. B. Ide, D. D Pa. 1847 34 The Columbian University. Elected. Resigned. 1841 ^The Rev. Abner Webb Ga. 1844 " ^G. W. Norris Md. 1847 " *The Rev. S. C. Chapin, D. D D. C, died 1846 1844 *The Rev. Jonathan Aldrich Md. 1847 '' -=^The Rev. John L. Burrows, D. D Pa. 1847 " *The Rev. A. D. Gillette, D. D Pa. 1847 Re-elected 1864 1872 '' *Thos. Haynes Va. 1853 " *The Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D. D Pa. 1853 " -^Chas. M. Keyser Md. 1847 " '^Tf. B. Kinman Pa. 1847 " *The Rev. A. M. Poindexter, D. D Va. 1852 " "^Samuel Scribner ^ Md. 1847 " ^T. Watson Pa. 1847 " ^Geo. S. Webb . '. • Pa. 1847 " *James Wilson Md., died 1851 1845 -W. V. H. Brown, A. B., 1831 ; M. D., 1834 . . . . D. C, died 1862 " ^WilUam Collins, A. B., 1825 ; M. D Ya. 1850 The Rev. Geo. W. Samson, D. D., 1858 D. C. 1859 1847 *The Rev. Geo. F. Adams, A. B., 1829 ; D. D., 1874 .... Md. 1868 Chauncey Bestor D. C. 1859 The Rev. 0. W. Briggs . . . Md. 1853 TheRev.^R. A. Christian Va. 1862 " *The Hon. Isaac Davis, LL. D., 1846 Mass. 1872 " ^Robert Farnham D. C. 1853 Re-elected 1853 died 1857 " ^<-The Rev. Richard Fuller, D. D., 1844 S. C. 1872 " -^The Rev. Thos. Hume, A. M., 1839 Va. 1865 Re-elected 1868 1871 Alexander D. Kelly D. C. 1859 " ^Wm. Kerfoot Va. 1853 The Rev. Wm. H. Kirk Va. 1865 The Rev. Samuel G. Mason, Hon. A. M., 1849 Va. 1853 The Rev. J. A. McKean Md. 1850 E. T. Montague Va. 1853 The Rev. Franklin Wilson, D. D., 1865 . Md. 1872 " nVm. Gunton, M. D D. C, died 1880 " *The Rev. C. D. Mallary, D. D., 1850 Ga. 1862 1851 *Wm. Q. Force, A. B., 1839 ; A. M., 1842 D. C. 1862 1852 Lawrence P. Bayne Va. 1859 " -^Samuel C. Smoot, A. B., 1835 ; M. D D. C, died 1866 1853 Geo. J. Abbott, A. M D. C. 1868 " *The Hon. Stephen Adams Miss., died 1857 The Rev. Henry W. Dodge, A. B., 1839 ; D. D., 1868 . . . Va. 1868 The CoeporatioN. S5 Elected. Resigned. 1853 -Leonard J). Gale, M. D. . .' D. C. 1872 '' ^Chas. C. Jewett, A. M D. C. 1855 " *John W. Maury D. C, died 1855 The Rev. J. W. M. Williams, A. B., 1843 ; D. D., 1866 . . Md. 1872 1855 ^Thomas "0. Walter, LL. D Pa. 1872 " ^Joseph Reynolds . D. C. 1859 Re-elected 1865 1868 1859 The Rev. James P. Boyce, D. D., 1859 ; LL. D. S. C. 1872 A. A. Chapman Md. 1865 " ^-The Rev. Isaac Cole, M. D Md. 1868 " *John P. Crozer Pa. 1862 Re-elected 1865 died 1866 " Fred. Harrison Md. 1868 " *Geo. W. Riggs D. C. 1859 James C. Welling, LL. D., 1868 D. C. 1867 1862 nVm. Bucknell Pa. 1865 " *The Rev. Wm. Crowell, D. D 111. 1868 " ^Joseph Henry, LL. D D. C. 1871 The Rev. Edwd. Lathrop, D. D . N. Y. 1868 S. H. Wheeler, M. D N. C. 1865 1863 Robt. J. Powell, M. D D. C. 1871 1865 ^The Rev. Richard H. Bagby, A. B., 1839 ; D. D., 1867 . . . Va. 1868 The Rev. A. J. Huntington, A, B., 1843 ; D. D Ga. 1865 '• ^The Hon. Amos Kendall D. C, died 1869 /' Hiram Woods Md. 1872 1866 ^Robert C. Fox, Hon. A. M., 1858 ; LL. D D. C, died 1891 Moses Kelly '. . . D. C. 1871 1867 ^The Hon. Llenry D. Cooke . D. C. .1872 The Rev. E. H. Gray, D. D D. C. 1870 1868 The Rev. Thomas D. Anderson, D. D N. Y. 1871 " -'^he Rev. Wilham T. Brantly, D. D Md. 1872 The Hon. Daniel D. Johnson, Ph. B., 1860 W. Va. 1872 " -The Hon. Wm. McPherson Mo. 1872 William F. Mattingly, Ph. B., 1857 ; A. M., 1861 ... . D. C. " ^Charles H. Nichols, M. D.; LL. D., 1879 D. C. 1877 Willie J. Palmer, Ph. B., 1854 ; Ph. D., 1870 N. C. 1871 Henry Taylor Md. 1872 J. Ormond Wilson D. C. 1869 ^William W. Corcoran, LL. D., 1869 D. C, died 1888 1870 *The Hon. William Stickney D. C, died 1881 " ^The Hon. John A. Bolles, LL. D D. C, died 1878 1871 Henry Beard D. C. 1889 Anthony W. Dimock, Hon. A. M., 1871 N. J. 1872 " -^The Hon. William A. Graham N. C. 1872 36 The Columbian Umversity. Elected. Resigned. 1871 The Hon. Matthew G. Emery D. C. 1872 The Rev. J. W. Parker, D. D D. C. 1882 TRUSTEES. Elected. Resigned. 1872 Henry Beard D. C. 1889 *The Hon. John A. Bolles, LL. D D. C, died 1878 ^WilUam AV. Corcoran, LL. D., 1869 . . ... . . D. C, died 1888 The Rev. James H. Cuthbert, D. D D. C. *Robert C. Fox, Hon. A. M., 1858 ; LL. D D. C, died 1891 *Winiam Gunton, M. D. . D. C, died 1880 *The Rev. S. P. Hill, D. D D. C, died 1884 William F. Mattingly, Ph. B., 1857 ; A. M., 1861 . . . . D. C. ^Charles H. Mchols, M. D.; LL. D., 1879 D. G. 1877 ^The Rev. J. W. Parker, D. D . D. C. 1882 ^Andrew Rothwell D. C, died 1883 *The Hon. Wilham Stickney D. C, died 1881 James C. Welhng, LL. D., 1868 . D. C. J. Ormond Wilson D. C. 1873 *The Hon. Henry D. Cooke . D. C. 1878 1874 ^Spencer F. Baird, LL. D., 1875 D. C. 1877 1878 John T. Given D. C. 1881 The Hon. John Eaton, LL. D .- . . D. C. 1887 The Hon. John W. Powell, LL. D., 1882 D. C. Edward M. Gallaudet, Ph. D., 1869 ; LL. D D. C. 1883 Gardiner G. Hubbard, LL. D., 1888 D. C. The Hon. John M. Gregory, LL. D D. C. 1889 1885 *Gen. Wm. McKee Dunn, LL. D D. C, died 1887 1889 G. Brown Goode, Ph. D D. C. The Rev. Samuel H. Greene, D. D D. C. Otis T. Mason, A. B., 1861 ; Ph. D., 1879 D. C. Theodore W. Noyes, A. M., 1877 ; LL. M., 1883 D. C. The Rev. Charles A. Stakely, D. D . D. C. OVERSEERS. Elected. * Resigned. 1872 The Hon. W. Yeirs Bouic . Md. 1881 " *The Rev. William T. Brantly Md., died 1882 The Rev. William F. Broaddus Va. 1874 A. F. Crane Md. 1878 ROBERT C. FOX, LL. D, Trustee 1866-1891. Secretary and Treasurer 1881-1891, The Corporation. 37 Elected. Resigned. 1872 *The Rev. Richard Fuller, D. D., 1844 Md., died 1876 Chas. A. Keyser Md. 1881 " Eugene Levering Md. The Rev. C. H. Ryland Va. 1882 " Henry Taylor Md. " *TheHon.ThomasU. Walter, Ph. D.; LL. D Pa. 1883 The Rev. J. W. M. Williams, A. B. 1843 ; D. D., 1866 . . Md. The Rev. Franklin Wilson, D. D. 1865 Md. " Hiram Woods Md. 1873 *The Hon. Edwards Pierrepont, LL. D., 1871 N. Y. 1878 The Hon. Nathan Bishop, LL. D N. Y. 1878 1874 -The Rev. William Hague, D. D N. Y., died 1887 1878 The Rev. F. Howard Kerfoot, Ph. B., 1869 ; D. D Ky. 1881 George 0. Manning Md. " James Pollard Md. 1883 The Hon. James B. Edmonds D. C. 1891 The Hon. William L. Wilson, A. B., 1860 ; LL. D., 1883 . W.Va. The Hon. J. L. M. Curry, LL. D Va. The Rev. Thomas D. Anderson, D. D N. Y. 1889 Edward Austen Md. 1889 1889 The Rev. Geo. Dana Boardman, D. D., LL. D. . . . ... Pa. 1891 The Rev. Frank M. Elhs, D. D Md. The Rev. H. L. Morehouse, D. D N. Y. " Gen. Thomas J. Morgan R. I. 38 The Columbian University. THE FACULTIES. PRESIDENTS. THE REV. WILLIAM STAUGHTON, D. D. 1821-1827. Professor of General History, Belles-Lettres and Moral Philosophy : and of Divinity and Sacred Rhetoric. He was born at Coventry, England, January 4, 1770, and died at Wash- ington, D. C, December 12, 1829. He graduated at Bristol Theological College in 1792, and shortly afterward came to this country. He preached for a year-and-a-half at Georgetown, S. C, and then removed to New York City, and later to Bordentown, N. J., wiiere he was pastor of the Baptist Church and principal of the seminary. He was pastor at Burling- ton, N. J., from 1797 to 1805, when he accepted a call to the First Baptist Church, at Philadelphia, where he remained until 1811, when he joined with many members of the First Church in forming the Sansom Street Church, of which he was pastor until 1822, when he resigned to enter upon the duties of President to which office he had been elected in 1821. He resigned from the College in 1827, and in 1829 was elected President of Georgetown College, Ky., but died before assuming office. He was considered the most eloquent preacher in his denomination ; he was an earnest worker in educational lines, being engaged in teaching most of his life ; and he was a leader in missionary work. He received the degree of D. D. from Princeton in 1801. He published a volume of poems when but a youth, and a few sermons and discourses. THE REV. STEPHEN CHAPIN, D. D. 1828-1841. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, and Belles-Lettres. He was born in Milford, Mass., Nov. 4, 1778, and died Oct. 1, 1845. He graduated from Harvard in 1804, and then studied theology under Rev. Nathaniel Emmons, of Franklin Mass. He entered the Congregational ministry and served as i)astor at Hillsborough, N. H., from 1805 to 1808, and at Mount Vernon, N. H., from 1809 to 1818. Having changed his views on the mode and subjects of bai)tism, he entered the Baptist min- istry, and in 1819 was ordained pastor of the church at North Yarmouth, Me. In 1822 he accepted the professorship of theology in Waterville College (now Colby University), and remained there until 1828, when he became President of the Columbian College. This position he retained until 1841, when failing health compelled him to resign. He was a man of culture and learning, and won the regard of all with whom he asso- ciated. In Washington he was intimate with the leading statesmen and scholars of his day. His published works include but a few sermons, addresses and essays. Presidents. 39 THE REV. JOEL SMITH BACON, D. D. 1843-1854. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy. He was born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Sept. 3, 1802, and died Nov. 9, 1869 at Richmond, Va. He studied at Homer Academy and Hamilton College, graduating from the latter in 1826, with the highest honors. He taught in Virginia for a year, and was in charge of a classical school at Princeton for a year, and in 1829 entered the Theological Seminary at Newton, Mass. In 1830 he was elected president of Georgetown College, Ky., but held the office only until 1833 when he became Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy at Hamilton College, N. Y. At his request, shortly after entering upon his duties, he was transferred to the chair of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy which was erected especially for him. The necessity of settling the estate of his father-in-law who died in 1837, compelled him to resign and remove to Salem, Mass., and while living there he was for two years pastor of the church at Lynn. In 1843 he became President of the Columbian College, and held the office until 1854. From 1855 to 1866 he was engaged in female education in the South, and in 1866 he accepted an appointment from the American and Foreign Bible Society to distribute Bibles among the colored people, and though seem- ingly a lowly work he enjoyed it with his whole heart, and continued this labor until his death. " He was a true man of pure and lofty sentiments, with broad and generous sympathies, with kindly affections, and singularly free from all partisan prejudices and bitter jealousies." THE REA\ JOSEPH GETCHELL BINNEY, D. D. 1855-1858. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy. He was born at Boston, Mass., Dec. 1, 1807, and died at sea Nov. 26, 1877, while returning to Burma. He was educated at Yale and Newton Theological Seminary, and was ordained in 1832. He settled at Savannah, Ga., but in 1843 he went to India to engage in missionary work among the Karens. He established in 1845 the Karen Seminary for the training of native ministers, but after some years he returned to America, owing to the precarious health of Mrs. Binney. He was engaged for a time as pastor at Elmira, N. Y, and Augusta, Ga., and in 1855 accepted the Presi- dency. He resigned in 1858 to resume his work among the Karens, where he labored with great success until 1875 when failing health caused him to take a trip to America. On his return, in 1877, he died at sea and was buried in the Indian Ocean. THE REV. GEORGE WHITEFIELD SAMSON, D. D. 1859-1871. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy. He was born at Harvard, Mass., Sept. 29, 1819. He studied under Rev. Chas. Train and Principal Silas Bailey, of the Worcester Manual Labor School, and graduated from Brown University in 1839. For a year he was Assistant Principal of the Worcester Manual Labor School^ and in 1840 entered the Newton Theological Seminary, from which he graduated in 1843. In the same year he became Pastor of the E Street Baptist Church, Washington, D. C, where he had preached during his seminary course. For the two years from 1850 to 1852, he was Pastor at Jamaica 40 The Columbian University. Plains, Mass., and then returned to the E Street Church, where he re- mained until he became President of the College in 1859. It was his difficult task to have the direction of the College affairs during the trying times of the war, but, with the aid of his colleagues, he kept the College open, and was even planning further extension of its work. In 1862, upon his recommendation, a committee from the Trustees was appointed to consider the re-establishment of the Law School ; and largely through the exertions of President Samson, a building was purchased and the School was opened in 1865. After the war, large sums were expended in improvements of the buildings and grounds of the College. He re- signed from the College in 1871, and accepted the Presidency of Rutgers Female College, New York City. This office he resigned in 1875, but resumed it in 1886. In addition to his college work he has been engaged in preaching and training young men for evangelistic labors. He has been a constant contributor to the periodical press, and has published a number of volumes. In 1852 appeared " To Daimonion, or the Spiritual Medium," issued, in 1860, with a supplement as " Spiritualism Tested," and in 1868, as " Physical Media in Spiritual Manifestations." Other works are : " Outlines of the History of Ethics," 1860 ; " Elements of Art Criticism," 1867 ; " The Atonement," 1878 ; " Divine Law as to Wines," 1880 ; " English Revisers' Greek Text shown to be Unauthorized," 1882 ; " Guide to Self-Education," 1886 ; '' Guide to Bible Interpretation," 1887 ; and " Idols of Fashion and Culture," 1888. JAMES CLARKE WELLING, LL. D. Elected 1871.' Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy and Lecturer on History in the College. Professor of Public and Private International Law in fJw Law School. He was born July 14, 1825, at Trenton, N. J. He prepared for college at the Trenton Academy, and entered Princeton, from which he graduated in 1844. He was a private tutor in Virginia for two years, and then be- gan the study of law. In 1848 he became associate principal of the New York Collegiate School, but after a short time he accepted the posi- tion of Literary Editor of the National Intelligencer at Washington. He became Associate Editor of that journal in 1856 and was charged with its chief conduct until 1865 when failing health, induced by his arduous labors, compelled him to resign. As editor of the Intelligencer during the trying period of the Avar, he occcupied a place of singular difficulty and of great importance and in- fluence. The discussions in the journal during this period often took the form of elaborate papers on questions of constitutional or international law, and exercised an acknowledged influence on pul)lic opinion. After his resignation from the Intelligencer, he spent a year of travel and study in Europe. Returning to Washington, he resumed the duties of Clerk of the U. S. Court of Claims, to which office he had been appointed in 1863. In 1867 he became President of St. John's College, Md., and in 1870 he was called to the chair of Belles-Lettres in Princeton. In 1871 he was elected President of the Columbian College. Under his administration the name of the institution has been changed to the Columbian University, a permanent endowment fund has for the first time been raised, large and conveniently arranged buildings have been erected in the heart of Washington, the Law School has been greatly enlarged, the Scientific School and the Dental School have been estab- lished, the number of students has increased from 326 in 1871 to 755 in The College Faculty. 41 1891, the number of the Faculty from twenty-five in 1871 to fifty-six in 1891, without counting more tlian once several Professors who teach in more than one department. President Welling is connected with many literary, historical and scientific societies. He is the President of the Anthropological Society of Washington, is President of the Board of Trustees of the Corcoran Art Gallery, is a Regent of the Smithsonian Institution and Chairman of its Executive Committee. He has written a great deal, but most of his pub- lished work, as yet, has appeared in the form of editorials and literary addresses, and of contributions to various periodicals. It is understood that he is now preparing for publication his Lectures on Literature at Princeton College and his Lectures on History at the Columbian Univer- sity, and that he is engaged on a history of the Civil War in the United States, as regarded in its civil, political and juridical aspects. THE COLLEGE FACULTY. PROFESSORS. *The Rev. Irah Chase, D. D., Professor of Ancient Languages and of Biblical Literature, 1821-25. Born 1793, Vt. A. B., 1814, Middlebury Coll. Graduate ofAndover Theo. Sem., 1817. A founder of Newton Theo. Sem., and Prof, there till 1845. Author of a number of works. Died 1864. *The Rev. Alva Woods, D. D., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and of Ecclesiastical History and Christian Discipline, 1821-24. Born 1794, Vt. A. B., 1817, Harvard. Graduate of Andover Theo. Sem., 1821. D. D., 1828, Brown Univ. Prof, of Math, and Nat. Phil., Brown Univ., 1824-28. Pres. of Transylvania Univ., Ky., 1828-31. Pres. of Univ. of Ala., 1831-37. Died 1887. ^JosiAH Meig>s, LL. D., Professor of Experimented Philosophy, 1821-22. Born 1757, Conn. A. B., 1778, Yale. Tutor, Yale. Editor. Lawyer. Prof., Math, and Nat. Phil., Yale, 1794-1801. Pres. Univ. of Ga., 1800-10. Com. of Gen. Land Office, 1814-22. Died 1822. *James M. Staughton, M. D,, Professor of Chemistry, 1821-30. Born in Pa. M. D., 1821, Univ. of Pa. Died 1833. 42 The Columbian University. *WlLLTAM RUGGLES, LL. D., Acting President, 1841-43 ; 1854-55 ; 1858-59. Tutor, 1822-24. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1824-55. Professor of Mechanical Philosophy and Astronomy, 1855-60. Professor of Mathematics and Civil Polity, 1861-65. Professor of Political Economy and Civil Polity, 1865-74. Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1865-77. Bom 1797, Mass. A. B., 1820., LL. D., 1852, Brown Univ. Died Sept. 10, 1877. *TiiE Rev. Alexis Caswell, D. D., LL. D., Tutor, 1822-25. Professor of Ancient Languages, 1825-27. Born 1799, Mass. A. B., 1822, D. D., 1841, LL. D., 1865, Brown Univ. Pastor, N. S. and R. I. Prof, of Math, and Nat. Pliil., Brown Univ., 1828-63. Pres. of Brown Univ., 1868-72. Died Jan. 8, 1877. *Alexander McWilliams, Hon. M. D., 1841. Professor of Botany, 1824-27. *WlLLIAM BOULWARE, A. M., Tutor, 1829-32. Professor of Ancient Languages, 1832-33. *JoHN O'Brien Chaplin, A. M., Professor of Latin and Greek, 1833-43. Acting Professor of English, 1847-52. Born 1807, Mass. A. B., 1825, Waterville Coll. Tutor and Prof., Water- ville Coll. Died 1872. *TiiE Rev. Adiel Sherwood, D. D., ■ Professor of Ancient Languages and Biblical Literature, 1836-38. Born 1791, N. Y. A. B., Union, 1817. Prof., Mercer Univ., Ga. Pres. of Shurtleff Coll., of the Masonic Coll., Mo., of Marshall Coll. Ga. Died 1879. The Rev. Adoniram Judson Huntington, A. B., 1843 ; D. D. Principal of the Preparatory School, 1842-43. Tutor, 1843-46. Professor of Greek and Latin, 1846-49, 1852-59. Professor of Greek, 1865- Acting Professor of Latin, 1865-66, 1871-82. *RicnARD P. Latham, A, M., Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, 1852-54. The College Faculty. 43 Lewis Henky Steiner, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, 1853-56. Born 1827, Md. A. M., 1849, Marshall Coll. M. D., 1849, Univ. of Pa. Lecturer on Chem., St. James Coll., Md., Md. Inst., Md. Coll. of Pharm. Inspector, U. S. San. Com., 1861-65. Md. State Senator, 1871-83. Lib- rarian, Enoch Pratt Library, 1884- ^WlLLIAM E. JiLLSON, A. M., Professor of Rhetoric and of Modern Languages, 1855-60. Edward T. Fristoe, A. M., LL. D. Professor of Mathematics, 1855-60. Professor of Chemistry, Physics and Natural History, 1865- Acting Professor of Mathematics, 1871-82. Born 1830, Ya. Graduate, Va. Mil. Ins., 1849. A. M., 1855, Univ. of Va. LL. D., 1868, William Jewell Coll. Pharm. D., 1872, Nat. Coll. of Pharm. Prof, of Math, and Ast., Univ. of Mo., 1860-62. Col., C. S. A. Prof, of Chem., Nat. Coll. of Pharm, 1872-84. John Strong Newberry, M. D., LL. D. Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, 1856-57. Born 1822, Conn. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Geologist. Prof, of Geologv, Columbia School of Mines, N. Y„ 1866- Nathan Smith Lincoln, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, 1857-60. Born 1828, Mass. A. B., 1850, Dartmouth. M. D., 1852, Univ. of Md. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1861-65. *Edwin John Cull, A. B., 1858, Tutor, Greek and Latin, 1858-60. Adjunct Professor of Greek and Latin, 1860-62. The Rev. Samuel Moore Shute, D. D., Professor of Greek and Latin, 1859-61. Professor of Rhetoric, and Greek and Latin, 1861-64. Professor of the English Language and Literature, and of Anglo- Saxon, 1864- Instructor in German, 1869-80. BorA 1823, Pa. A. B. 1844, Univ. Pa. Pastor, N. J. and Va. Autlior of an "Anglo-Saxon Manual," and of many magazine and review articles. James G. Clark, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1860-61. " Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1865-71. Theodore Gill, Ph. D., 1870, Adjunct Professor of Physics and Natural History, 1860-61. 44 The Columbian University. ^George C. Schaeffer, A. M., M. D., Professor of Chemistry, Physics and Natural History, 1861-65. William Lyne Wilson, A. B., 1860 ; LL. D., 1883. Adjunct Professor of Latin, 1865-66. Professor of Latin, 1866-71. Daniel Gang Gillette, A. B., 1865., Tutor in English, 1865-67. Adjunct Professor of English, 1868-70. Lnstructor in French, 1869-71. Roger W. Cull, A. B., 1870., Tutor in Greek and Latin, 1870-72. Adjunct Professor of Greek and Latin, 1872-73. Frank AVilton Freeborn, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, 1871-72. A. B., A. M., Brown Univ. *Henri Masson, Professor of French, 1871-75. Andrew P. Montague, Hon. A. M., 1879 ; Ph. D., 1888. Tutor in Latin, 1875-79. Adjunct Professor of Latin, 1879-82. Professor of Latin, 1882- Principal of tJie Preparatory School, 1884- *Antiiony H. Janus, Professor of French, 1875-80. Professor of French and German, 1880-87. Harry C. Davis, A. B., 1878, Tutor in Greek, 1878-80. Adjunct Professor of Greek, 1880-82. J. PIowARD Gore, B. S., 1879 ; Ph. D., 1888. Tutor in Mathematics, 1878-80. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, 1880-82. Professor of Mathematics, 1882- Professor of German, 1887- HOWARD L. HODGKINS, A. M., 1883, Tidor in Mathematics, 1882-84. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, 1884- The College Faculty. 45 Lee Davis Lodge, A. M., 1885, Tutor in Greek, 1884-85. . Adjunct Professor of Latin, 1885- Professor of French, 1887- Edward Roome, a. M., 1885; M. D., 1888. Tutor in Latin, 1884-85. Adjunct Professor of Greek, 1885-88 ; 1890- TUTORS. Elected. 1821 *Rufus Babcock, D. D. . . . , "'. 1823 Born 1798, Conn. President Waterville Coll., Me., 1833-36. Founder of the " Baptist Memorial" Author of many works. Died 1875. 1822 *Winiam Euggles 1824 " *Samuel Wait, Hon. A. M., 1834 ; D. D 1826 " ''Alexis Caswell, D. D., LL. D. 1825 1824 *Henry K. Green. A. B 1826 " ^George Leonard, A. B 1825 Born 1802, Mass. Pastor in Mass. and Me. Died 1831. 1825 ^/amesi). ^nou'Zes, A.B.,1824 1825 " * Thomas Jefferson Conant, D. D 1827 Born 1802, Yt. Prof, of Languages, Waterville Coll., 1827-33. Prof, at Hamilton, 1835-50. Prof, of Hebrew, Rochester Theo. Sem., 1851-57. Reviser of the English version of the Bible for the American Bible Union. Author of a Hebrew gram- mar, and other works. Died 1891. 1826 "^Pobert Everett Pattison, D. D 1827 Born 1800, Vt. Prof, of Math. Pres., Waterville Coll., 1836-39. Pres. Western Baptist Theo. Inst., 1845. Prof, in Newton Theo. Inst., Shurtleff Coll. and Union Baptist Theo. Sem. Died 1874. " * William Heath, A.B 1827 Born 1798, N. H. Pastor in Mass. Merchant. Died 1869. 1827 ^John Boulware, A. B., 1826 died 1829 1829 -Wihiam Boulware, A. M 1832 1831 Henry J. Foster, A. B., 1831 1832 1832 Washington Leverett,IA..T> 1833 Born 1805, Mass. Tutor, Brown Univ., 1833-34. Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Shurtleff Coll., 1836-68. 1837 John Larkin Lincoln, LL. D 1837 Born 1817, Mass. Tutor, Brown Univ., 1838-41. Prof, of Latin, Brown ITniy.^ 1844- Editor of Livy, Horace, Ovid, etc. 1841 Kendall Brooks, D. D 1843 Born 1821, IMass. Prof. Waterville Coll. President Kala- mazoo Coll., 1868- 5 46 The Columbian University. Elected. Resigned. 1843 A. J. Huntington, A. B., 1843 ; D. D 1846 1848 ^Thomas Pollard, A. B., 1847 1850 1850 Henry F. Lane, A. B., Brown 1852 1853 Luther R. Gwaltney, A. B., 1853. Greek and Latin 1855 1855 *Kobt. C. Fox, Hon. A. M., 1858 ; LL. D. Greek and Latin . . . 1857 1857 Samuel G. Willson, A. B. Greek and Latin 1858 1858 ^Edwin J. Cull, A. B., 1858. Greek and Latin 1860 " ^Charles W. Hassler, A. B., 1859. Preparatory School 1859 1860 John Pollard, A. B., 1860, D. D. Greek and Latin 1861' 1861 T. Edwin Brown, A. B., 1861, D. D. Greek and Latin .... 1862 1861 William A. Gordon, Ph. B., 1861. Mathematics 1862 1862 Leonidas E. Coyle, A. B., 1862. Latin and Mathematics ..... 1863 1863 R. B. Williamson, A. M. Latin 1864 " Richard B. Cook, A. B., 1863, D. D. Greek 1864 " ^Benjamin G. Lovejoy, A. B„ 1863. Mathematics and Greek . . 1865 1864 Reginald Fendall, A. B., 1864. Mathematics 1865 " Thomas S. Samson, A. B., 1864. Latin . 1867 1865 Henry J. Handy, A. B., 1865. Greek . . 1866 " Daniel G. Gillette, A. B., 1865. English 1867 1867 Andrew B. Duvall, A. B., 1867 ....;.. 1868 1870 Roger W. Cull, A. B., 1870. Greek and Latin ...... . 1872 1872 James H. Bremerman, A. B., 1872. Mathematics 1875 1873 /. Hartwell Edwards, A. B., 1873. Greek and Latin 1875 " Jesse H. Wilson, A. B., 1874. French 1876 1874 P. Parker Phillips, A. B., 1875. Preparatory School 1875 1875 ^Alpheus G. Lyne. Greek 1878 " Andrew P. Montague, Hon. A. M., 1879. Ph. D., 1888. Latin 1879 " Howard Winston, C. E. Mathematics 1878 " Edwin B. Hay, B. S., 1873. Penmanship ... : 1880 1878 Harry C. Davis, A. B., 1878. Greek 1880 " J. Howard Gore, B. S., 1879, Ph. D., 1888. Mathematics . . . 1880 1882 Howard L. Hodgkins, A. M., 1883. Mathematics 1884 1884 Edward Roome, A. M., 1885, M. D., 1888. Latin 1885 " Lee D. Lodge, A. M., 1885. Greek 1885 " James Corridon. Penmanship 1887 1886 M. F. F. Swartzell, A. B., 1886. Preparatory School 1887 1887 Leonard G. Spencer. Penmanship 1889 1888 Eugene B. Jackson, B. S., 1888. Preparatory School 1889 1889 Albert R. Stuart, A. M. Preparatory School 1891 " H. Grant Hodgkins, A. B., 1890. Preparatory School ..... 1890 " Alva C. Starin. Penmanship 1890 Edgar W. Williams. Preparatory School 1891 1891 E. Hilton Jackson, A. B., 1891. Preparatory School .... 1891 Woolsey Aspinwall. Preparatory School The College Faculty. 47 LECTURERS. Elected. - Resigned. 1864 N. S. Lincoln, M. D. Anatomy and Physiology 1865 Theodore Gill, Ph. D., 1870. Natural History 1865 1873 Simon Newcomb, LL. D., 1874. Astronomy 1884 " Theodore Gill, Ph. D., 1870. Natural History 1884 PRINCIPALS OF THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Elected. Resigned. 1822 *Samuel Wait, Hon. A. M., 1834 ; D. D 1825 1825 *John Armstrong, A. B., 1825 1826 1826 "^Harvey Ball, A. B., 1826 1827 1829 ''George F. Adams, A. B., 1829 ; D. D 1830 1830 Henry J. Foster, A. B., 1831 1831 1831 ^James H. Clark, A. B. 1831 1832 1832 Sidney Webster, A. B 1834 1834 *SamuelC. Smoot, A. B., 1835; M. D • . . 1836 1836 *John A. BoUes, LL. D 1837 Born 1809, Conn. Sec. of State, Mass. Judge-Adv., etc., U. S. Vol. Trustee, Col. Univ., 1870-78. Died 1878. 1837 ^Adoniram J. Chaplin, A. B., 1838 1840 1840 Daniel P. Noyes 1841 1841 *James H. C. Jones, A. B., 1841 1842 1842 A. J. Huntington, A. B., 18^3; B.J) 1843 1843 /. W. M. Williams, A. B., 1843 ; D. D 1844 1844 Thomas W. Tobey, A. B. 1844; D. D 1846 1846 John Picket, A. B., 1846 1848 1848 Jonathan Tilson, A. B. 1848 1849 1849 Zalmon Eichards, A. M 1851 Born 1811, Mass. A. B., 1836, Williams. First Pres. Nat. Educa. Asso. Supt. of Schools, D. C. 1853 ^George S. Bacon, A. B., 1851 1855 1855 ^Alexander J. Quinche, A. B., 1849 ; LL. D 1857 1857 Giles F. Eubank, A. B., 1857 1859 1859 John T. Griffin, A. B., 1859 1861 1861 Otis T. Mason, A. B., 1861 ; Ph. D., 1879 1884 1884 Andrew P. Montague, Hon. A. M., 1878 ; Ph. D., 1888 .... REGISTRAR AND LIBRARIAN. Elected. Resigned. 1886 Martin B. Bailey, LL. B., 1885 . 1887 1887 Oscar A. M. McKimmie, M. D., 1891 1888 1888 George L. Wilkinson, B. S., 1888 ; LL. B., 1891 1889 1889 John Goode Urquhart 1890 1890 H. Grant Hodgkins, A. B., 1890 . , , , 48 The Columbian University. THE MEDICAL SCHOOL. THE NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE. PROFESSOES. ANATOMY. Elected. Resigned. 1821 ^Thomas Sewall, M. D 1839 Born 1786, Mass. M. D., Harvard, 1812. Corporator Feb. 9, 1821. Trustee 1821-'23, 1839-'45, Columbian College. Died 1845. 1830 Robert A. Coney, M. D., 1828. Adjunct 1832 1839 ^John Frederick May, A. B., 1831 ; M. D., 1834 ... .... 1840 1840 *Thomas Miller, M. D 1859 Born 1806, Va. M. D., 1829, Univ. Pa. Died 1873. 1848 ^Robert King Stone, M. D. Adjunct 1854 Born 1822, D. C. A. B., 1842, Princeton. M. D., 1845, Dniv. Pa. ; 1849, Univ. Louisville ; 1851, Univ. N. Y. Died 1872. 1854 ^Alexander Yelverton Peyton Garnett, M. D 1855 Born 1820, Ya. M. D., 1841, Univ. Pa. Ass't Surg., U. S. N., 1841-'50. Surg. C. S. A., 1861-'5. Died 1888. 1859 ^Thomas Miller, M. D. Emeritus died 1873 1859 ^Benjamin Johnson Hellen, A. B. 1850 ; M. D., 1854 1859 1860 Nathan Smith Lincoln, M. D 1862 Born 1828, Mass. A. B., 1850, Dartmouth. M. D., 1852, Univ. Md. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S.. A., 1861-65. 1862 Joseph H. Warren, M. D. 1863 M. D., 1854, Bowdoin. Surg., U. S. YoL, 1861-65. 1863 *John A. Liddell, M. D .« . . . 1866 Surg., U. S. YoL, 1861-65. Died 1883. 1866 Joseph Ford Thompson, M. D 1872 Born 1837, Md. M. D., 1857, Univ. Md. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1861-65. 1872 ^William Beverly Drinkard, M. D., 1866 1877 1882 Elliott Coues, A. B., 1861 ; M. D., 1863 1887 1888 Daniel Kerfoot Shute, A. B., 1879 ; M. D., 1883 (Physiology was joined to this chair at times until 1867.) PHYSIOLOGY. 1821 ^Thomas Sewall, M. D 1839 1839 *John Frederick May, A. B., 1831 ; M. D., 1834 1842 1842 *Thomas Miller, M. D 1844 1844 *John Moylan Thomas, M. D . 1848 Born 1805, Md. M. D., 1826, Univ. Md. Died 1853. The Building of the Medical and Dental Schools. Faculty of the Mr:DicAL School. 49 Elected. Resigned. 1848 ^Robert King Stone, M. D 1854 1854 ^Thomas Miller, M. D 1856 1856 ^Thomas Miller, M. D. Emeritus died 1873 1856 James J. Waring, M. D. . 1859 Born Ga. M. D., 1853, Univ. Pa. 1859 ^Benjamin Johnson Hellen, A. B., 1850; M. D., 1854 ..... 1859 1861 Nathan Smith Lincoln, M. D 1862 1862 Joseph H. Warren, M. D 1863 1863 *John A. Liddell, M. D 1866 1866 Joseph Ford Thompson, M. D 1867 1866 John Ordronaux, Hon., M. D., 1859 1871 1872 William Lee, M. 1) Born 1841, Mass. M. D., 1863, Coll. Phys. and Surg., N. Y. Act. Med. Cadet, U. S. A., 1861. Belle vue Hosp., 1863-65. (This Chair was joined to Anatomy at times until 1867 ; to Medical Juris- prudence, 1844-49, 1866-71 ; to Microscopical Anatomy, 1856-59.) CHEMISTRY. 1821 *James M. Staughton, M. D 1825 Born Pa. M. D., 1821, Univ. Pa. Died 1833. 1825 ^Edward Cutbush, M. D 1827 Born 1772, Pa. M. D., 1794, Univ. Pa. Surg., U. S. N., 1799- 1829. Died 1843. 1828 ^Richard Randall, M. D 1828 Born Md. M. D., 1818, Univ. Pa. Died in Liberia, 1829. 1830 ^James Jones, A. B., 1825. M. D., Adjunct 1832 1832 ^Thomas P. Jones, M. D 1840 Born 1773. Trustee 1838-39, 1840-47. Founder and Editor Journal Franklin Institute. Died 1848. 1840 ^Frederick Hall, M. D.; LL. D died 1843 Born 1780, Va. A. B., 1803, Dartmouth. Tutor, Dartmouth 1804-05. Middlebury, 1805-06. Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Middlebury, 1806-24. M. D., 1827, Castleton, Vt. Prof., Trinity Coll.; Pres., Mt. Hope Coll., Md. 1843 ^Benjamin Hallowell 1844 Born 1799, Pa. Minister, Spe. of Friends. Pres., Md. Agri. Coll., 1859. Died 1877. 1844 ^Charles Grafton Page, M. D. 1849 Born 1812, Mass. A. B., 1832, Harvard. Examiner U. S. Patent Office. Discoverer of the Ruhmkorff Coil (?). Died 1868. 1847 ^Leonard D. Gale, M. D. Associate 1849 1850 Edward Foreman, M. D 1853 1853 *Lewis H. Steiner, M. D 1857 50 The Columbian University. Elected. Resigned. 1858 Henry Wurtz 1860 Born 1828, Pa. A. B., 1848, Princeton. Ph. D., 1877, Stevens. Tutor, Yale. Chemist Geol. Survey, N. J., 1853-55. Examiner U. S. Patent Office. Editor Amer. Gas-Kght Journal, 1868-74. Original investigator. Author of sixty memoirs. 1860 ^George C. Schaeffer, M. D. . 1870 1870 ^George C. Schaeffer, M. D. Emeritus . 1873 1870 Thomas Antisell, M. D 1871 Born 1817, Ireland. Surg. U. S. Vols., 1861-65. Prof., Med. Dept. Georgetown Univ. 1871 Edward T. Fristoe, Parm. D.; LL. D (This Chair was joined to 'Surgery 1821-25 ; to Pharmacy, 1839-54, and to Toxicology, 1871-) BOTANY. 1822 ^Elijah E. Craven, M. D died 1823 1824 ^Alexander McWilliams, Hon. M. D., 1841 1834 SURGERY. 1821 *James M. Staughton, M. D 1830 1830 *James Crowdhill Hall, M. U 1839 Born 1805, Va. A. B., Jefferson Coll., Pa. M. D., 1827, Univ. Pa. Died 1880. 1839 *Thomas Miller, M. D 1840 1840 *John Frederick May, A. B., 1831 ; M. D., 1834 1842 1842 ^-William Patrick Johnston, M. D 1845 Born 1811, Ga. A. B., 1833, Yale. M. D., 1836, Univ. Pa. Died 1876: 1845 *John Frederick May, A. B., 1831 ; M. D., 1834 1858 1858 *John G. F. Holston, M. D 1861 Born 1809, Germany. M. D., Cleveland Med. Coll. Surg., U. S. Vols., 1861-65. Prof. Surg., Med. Dept., Georgetown Univ. Died 1874. 1861 Nathan S. Lincoln, M. D 1872 1872 J. Ford Thompson, M. D ' • • 1879 Nathan S. Lincoln, M. D. Emeritus (This Chair was joined to Chemistry, 1821-25.) THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 1824 *Thomas Henderson, M. D 1833 Born 1789, Va. M. D., 1809, Univ. Pa. As^'t Surg., U. S. A., 1833. Died 1854. 1839 ^Thomas Sewall, M. D died 1845 1845 ^Harvey Lindsley, M. D., 1828 1846 1846 ^Grafton Tyler, M. D 1859 Born 1811, Md. M. D., 1833, Univ. Md. Died 1884. 1859 Nathan Smith Lincoln, M. D 1860 Faculty of the Medical School. 51 Elected. Resigned . 1860 ^George McCauley Dove 1863 Born 1817, D. C. M. D., 1839, Univ. Pa. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1846. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1861-65. Died 1874. 1863 ^J. W. Williams, M. D 1864 Born 1839, D. C. Ass't Surg., XJ. S. A., 1862. Surg. U. S. A., 1877. Died 1889. 1865 *George McCauley Dove, M. D 1871 1871 ^George McCauley Dove, M. D. Emeritus 1873 1871 William Waring Johnston, M. D Born 1843, D. C. Med. Cadet, U. S. Vol. M. D., 1865, Univ. Pa. Bellevue Hosp., 1865-66. 1879 ^Grafton Tyler, M. D. Emeritus died 1884 MATERIA MEDICA. 1824 ^Nicholas William Worthington, M. D 1839 Born 1879, D. C. M. D., 1815, Univ. Pa. Died 1849. 1839 *John Moylan Thomas, M. D 1844 1844 *Joshua Riley 1859 Born 1800, Md. M. D., 1824, Univ. Md. Died 1875. 1859 *John Campbell Riley, M. D., 1851 died 1879 1879 Daniel Webster Prentiss, Ph. B., 1861 ; M. D (In 1839 Therapeutics was joined to this Chair.) OBSTETRICS. 1825 ^Frederick May, M. D 1839 Born 1773, Mass. M. D., 1795, Harvard. Died 1847. 1839 *Harvey Lindsley, M. D., 1828 1845 1845 ^William Patrick Johnston, M. D 1859 1859 James J. Waring, M. D 1863 1863 John B. Keasby, M. D 1866 Born N. J. M. D., 1854, Univ. Pa. Surg., 2d D. C. Vols., 1861-65. 1865 ^William Patrick Johnston, M. D. Emeritus 1867 1867 nViUiam Patrick Johnston, M. D 1871 1871 William Patrick Johnston, M. D. Emeritus died 1876 1871 Albert Freeman Africanus King, M. D., 1861 (Diseases of Women and Children were added to this Chair in 1839.) INSTITUTES OF MEDICINE. 1828 ^Richard Randall, M. D 1828 (This Chair was associated with Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence.) MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. 1828 ^-Richard Randall, M. D 1828 1844 -John M. Thomas, M. D 1849 1863 John Ordronaux, Hon. M. D., 1859 1871 (This Chair was associated with Chemistry and the Institutes of Medicine, 1828 ; and with Physiology, 1844-49, 1866-71.) 52 The Columbian University. PATHOLOGY. Elected. Resigned. 1839 ^Thomas Sewall, M. D died 1845 1845 ^Harvey Lindsley, M. D., 1828 1846 1846 *Grafton Tyler, M. D 1859 1867 John Ordronaux, Hon. M. D., 1859 1868 (This Chair was associated with Practice of Medicine 1830-59 ; and with Physiology 1867-68.) PHARMACY. 1839 ^Thomas P. Jones, M. D 1840 1840 ^Frederick Hall, M. D. ; LL. D died 1843 1843 ^Benjamin Hallo well 1844 1849 Edward Foreman, M. D 1854 (This Chair was associated with Chemistry.) MICROSCOPICAL ANATOMY. 1851 ^Robert King Stone, M. D 1852 1856 James J. Waring, M. D 1859 . (This Chair was associated with Physiology.) OPHTHALMOLOGICAL MEDICINE. 1858 Robert King Stone, M. D 1859 CLINICAL MEDICINE. 1858 ^Grafton Tyler, M. D 1859 1858 ^Alexander Y. P. Garnett, M. D. . 1861 1861 John B. Keasby, M. D . 1867 1866 ^Alexander Y. P. Garnett, M. D. Emeritus died 1888 HYGIENE. 1850 ^Joshua Riley, M. D 1859 1859 *John Campbell Riley, M. D., 1851 1863 1863 John Ordronaux, Plon. M. D., 1859 1864 (This Chair was associated with Materia Medica and Therapeutics 1850-63, and with Medical Jurisprudence 1863-64.) DEMONSTRATORS. ANATOMY. Elected. Resigned. 1840 *Samuel Clement Smoot, A. B., 1835 ; M. D. 1844 1844 ^Johnson Eliot, M. D., 1842 1849 1849 *James Ethelbert Morgan, M. D., 1845 1852 Faculty of the Medical School. 53 Elected. Resigned. 1853 nVilliam H. Saunders, M. D 1854 Born District of Columbia. M. D., Univ. Cal. 1854 Edward M. Scott, M. D., 1853 1855 1855 James J. Waring, M. D 1858 1858 Selden W. Crow, M. D., 1858 1862 1863 ^Frederick Schafhirt 1864 Born, 1814, Germany. Grad. in Anat., Univ. Guttingen. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1862-77. Died 1880. 1866 *William Beverly Drinkard, M. D., 1866 1871 1871 James French Hartigan, M. D 1872 Born, 1843, Ir. M. D., 1868, Univ. Georgetown. Prof., Med. Dept., Univ. Geo. Private, 96th N. Y. Vols., 1861-65. 1872 Zachariah Turner Sowers, Ph. B., 1869 ; M. D., 1870 1879 1879 Arthur C. Adams, M. D., 1873 1889 1889 William P. Carr, M. D., 1888 PHYSIOLOGY. 1879 Clayton A. Hoover, M. D., 1875 1880 1880 George Nicholas Acker, M. D., 1874 . 1888 PATHOLOGICAL HISTOLOGY. 1879 George Nicholas Acker, M. D., 1874 PEACTICAL CHEMISTEY. 1881 *Winfleld Peter Lawver, M. D., 1874 1888 NORMAL HISTOLOGY. 1888 William Merrick Gray, M. D Born, 1858, Pa. M. D., 1882, Univ. Pa. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 1888 *Frank Chnton Fernald, M. D 1889 Born New Hampshire. M. D., Harvard. Died 1889. 1888 William W. L. Cissel, M. D., 1886 1889 PROSECTOES. ANATOMY AND SURGERY. Elected. Resigned. 1858 *Charles Fairchild Force, M. D., 1852 1859 ANATOMY. 1878 Arthur C. Adams, M. D., 1873 1879 1879 Frank Baker, M. D., 1880 1883 1883 Leon Leigh Friedrich, M. D., 1881 .- . . . 1884 54 The Columbian University. Elected. Resigned. 1884 Benjamin George Pool, M. D., 1879 1886 1887 William Phillips Carr, M. D., 1888 1889 1887 Harry V. Wurdemann, M. D., 1888 1889 1890 William F. R. Phillips, M. D, 1890 1890 Charles S. Kalb, M. D., 1890 ASSISTANTS. ANATOMY. Elected. Resigned. 1849 *James Ethelbert Morgan, M. D., 1845 , . . 1852 PHYSIOLOGY. 1877 Clayton A. Hoover, M. D., 1875 1879 ASSISTANT DEMONSTRATORS OF ANATOMY. 1868 James L. Suddarth, M. D., 1868 1869 1880 Frank Baker, M. D., 1880 1883 1883 Leon Leigh Friedrich, M. D., 1881 . 1884 1884 Benjamin George Pool, M. D., 1879 1886 1885 ^Alexander Y. P. Garnett, Jr., M. D., 1882 . 1886 1885 George Woodruff Johnston, M. D 1886 Born 1858, D. C. A. M., 1879, Princeton. M. D., 1882, Univ. Pa. Hosp., Univ. Pa., 1882-83. Woman's Hosp., N. Y., 1883-84. 1886 Henry Madison Cutts, M. D 1888 1886 WilliamK. Butler, A. M., 1879; M.D., 1882 1888 1888 PhilipGray Wales, A. B., 1881; M.D., 1883 1889 1888 Middleton F. Cuthbert, M. D., 1883 1889 1889 WiUiam J. Dillenback, M. D., 1888 1891 1889 Lewes D. Wilson, B. S., 1884 ; M. D., 1888 1890 1890 Sterling Ruffin, M. D., 1890 1891 Glendie B. Young, M. D., 1888 MATERIA MEDICA. 1884 Henry Davidson Fry, M. D 1886 Born Va. M. D., 1876, Univ. Md. PATHOLOGICAL HISTOLOGY. 1888 William L. Miller, M. D., 1883 1889 1891 Veranus A. Moore, M. D., 1890 Faculty of the Medical School. 65 LECTURERS. DIAGNOSIS AND PATHOLOGY OF CHEST DISEASES. Elected. Resigned. 1841 ^William Patrick Johnston, M. D 1842 MEDICAL JUEISPRTJDENCE. 1859 John Ordronaux, Hon. M. D., 1859 1860 1884 fRobert Fletcher, Hon. M. D., 1884 1888 MILITARY SURGERY. 1865 *Thomas Russell Crosby, M. D 1871 Born 1816, N. H. A. B. ; M. D., 1841, Dartmouth. Prof. Chem., Norwich Univ. Surg., U. S. Vols., 1861-65. Died 1872. HYGIENE. 1867 *Thomas Russell Crosby, M. D. . 1868 OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 1866 *tHorace Pachin Middleton, M. D 1867 Born 1839, D. C. M. D., 1863, Univ. Pa, Died 1867. 1870 A. F. A. King, M. D., 1861 1871 SURGERY. 1866 *iSeth J. Todd, M. D 1867 Born 1842, District of Columbia. Died 1874. 1882 John Brown Hamilton, M. D 1883 Born 1847, 111. M. D., 1869, Rush Med. Coll. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1874. Ass't Surg., M. H. S., 1876. Surg., M. H. S., 1877. Super. Surg. Gen., M. H. S., 1879-91. Prof. Surg., Univ. Georgetown, 1883. Prof. Surg., Chicago Polychnic, 1886. LL.D., 1889, Univ. Georgetown. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 1866 JA. F. A. King, M. D., 1861 1867 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. 1866 JJames Thomas Young, M. D 1867 Born 1839, D. C. M. D., 1864, Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. fin 1886, given, by courtesy, the title of Professor. |With title of Adjunct Professor. 56 The Columbian University. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Elected. Resigned. 1866 JWilliam Lee, M. D 1867 1871 ^William Beverly Drinkard, M. D., 1866 1872 CHEMISTRY. 1849 Edward Foreman, M. D 1850 1857 Eugene Waldemar Hilgard, Ph. D., LL. D 1858 Born 1831, Bavaria. Ph. D., 1858, Heidelberg. Prof., Univ. Mich., 1866-73. Prof., Univ. Cal., 1875- 1866 D. W. Prentiss, Ph. B., 1861 ; M. D 1867 ANATOMY. 1877 Elliott Coues, A. B., 1861 ; M. D., 1863 1882 1887 D. KerfootShute, A. B., 1879; M. D., 1883 1888 ZOOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 1877 Elliott Coues, A. B„ 1861 ; M. D., 1863 1878 DISEASES OF THE EYE. 1877 fFrancis B. Loring, M. D 1887 1889 Francis B. Loring, M. D 1890 1891 William K. Butler, A. M., 1879 ; M. D. 1882 HISTOLOGY. 1878 Clayton A. Hoover, M. D., 1875 1878 MINOR SURGERY. 1875 Z. T. Sowers, Ph. B., 1869 ; M. D., 1870 1879 1879 Clayton A. Hoover, M. D., 1875 1879 1886 tWilliam K. Butler, A. M., 1879 ; M. D. 1882 1887 1888 tThomas E. McArdle, M. D Born 1852, D. C. M. D., 1879, Univ. Georgetown. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. 1879 fGeorge N. Acker, M. D., 1874 1887 LARYNGOSCOPY AND DISEASES OF THE THROAT. 1881 Frank Hyatt, M. D 1886 Born 1851, Md. M. D., 1872, Univ. Md. tWith title of Adjunct Professor. fin 1886, given, by courtesy, the title of Professor. Faculty of the Medical School. 57 Elected. Resigned. 1886 fJoseph Hammond Bryan Born 1856, D. C. M. D., 1877, Univ. Va. Ass't Surg. U. S. N., 1880-85. PRIMITIVE MEDICINE. 1881 John Wesley Powell, LL. D., 1882 1881 VISCERAL ANATOMY. 1881 Frank Baker, M. D. 1880 1882 MENTAL DISEASES. 1884 tW. W. Godding, M. D Born, 1831, Mass. A. B., 18e54, Dartmouth. M. D., 1857, Castleton. Supt., Govt. Hosp. for the Insane. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1879 F. C. Van Vliet, M. D 1879 1884 fHenry Crecy Yarrow, M. D Born, 1840, Pa. M. D., 1861, Univ. Pa. Surg., 5th Pa. Cav. DISEASES OF CHILDREN, 1884 fGeorge Byrd Harrison, M. D Born, 1844, Virginia. M. D., 1879, Univ. Va. SURGICAL GYNECOLOGY. 1886 George Woodruff Johnston, M. D 1889 1890 tHenry L. E. Johnson, M. D., 1882 BACTERIOLOGY. 1886 ITheobald Smith, M. D Born New York. M. D., 1883, Albany Med. Coll. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 1889 Robert Thaxter Edes, M. D Born, 1838, Me. A. B., 1858 ; M. D., 1861, Harvard. Ass't Surg., U. S. N., 1861-65. Prof., Materia Medica, Harvard. fin 1886, given, by courtesy, the title of Professor. JWith the title of Professor, by courtesy. / 58 The Columbian University. THE LAW SCHOOL. PROFESSORS. ■^William Cranch, LL. D., Professor of Law, 1826-28. Born 1769, Mass. A. B., 1787; LL. D., 1829, Harvard. Ass't Judge, Circuit Court, D. C, 1801-05. Chief Justice, Circuit Court, D. C, 1805-55. Died 1855. * William T. Carroll, Professor of Law, 1826-28. Clerk, Supreme Court, U. S., 1827-62. Died 1863. *JoHN C. Kennedy, LL. D., 1873. Instructor of the Junior Class, 1865-74. Professor of the Law of Real and Personal Property, of Contracts, and of Crimes and Misdemeanors. ^William M. Merrick, Instructor of the Senior Class, 1865-67. Born 1818. Asso. Justice, Circuit Court, D. C, 1854-63. M. C, from Md., 1871-73. Asso. Justice, Supreme Court, D. C, 1885-89. Died 1889. *Samuel Tyler, LL. D., Instructor of the Senior Class, 1867-78. Professor of Equity Jurisprudence, of Common Law and Equity Plead- ing, of the Law of Evidence and the Law of Partnership. Born 1809, Md. Commissioner to revise pleadings and practice, Md., 1852. Author of several works on Metaphysics. LL. D., 1858, Coll. of S. C, 1859, Columbia. Died 1878. ^William Beach Lawrence, LL. D. ; D. C. L. Lecturer on the Law of Nations, 1872-73. Professor of the Law of Nations, 1873-78. Born 1800, N. Y.. Lecturer, Col. Coll., N. Y. Lieut. Gov. and Acting Gov., E. I. Author of many published works. Charles C. Nott, Professor of Legal Practice, 1873-74. Walter S. Cox, LL. D., 1875, Professor of the Law of Real and Personal Property, of Contracts and of Crimes and Misdemeanors, 1874- Faculty of the Law School. 59 William A. Maury, LL. D., 1880, Professor of Equity Jurisprudence, of Common Law and Equity Plead- ing, of the Law of Evidence, and of the Law of Partnership, 1878- George F. Appleby, Judge of Moot Court and Associate Professor of Practice, 1880-87. William Strong, LL. D., Lecturer on Constitutional Law, 1881-86. Professor of Consiiiulional Law, 1886-88. Born 1808, Conn. A. B., 1828, Yale. LL. D., 1867, Lafayette Coll.; 1870, Yale and Princeton. M. C, 1847-51. Justice, Supreme Court Pa., 1857-68. Associate Justice, Supreme Court U. S., 1870-80. ^Francis .Wharton, LL. D., Lecturer on Criminal Law, 1885-86. Professor of Criminal Law, 1886-88. Born 1820, Pa. A. B., 1839, Yale. LL. D., 1865, Kenyon Coll.; 1883, Univ. of Edinburgh. D. D., 1883, Kenyon Coll. Ass't Att'y Gen., Pa., 1845. Prof., Kenyon Coll., 1856-63. Solicitor, Dept. of State, 1885-88. Author of many standard works. Died 1888. Henry E. Davis, LL. B., 1878 ; LL. M., Associate Professor of Practice, Judge of the Moot Court, and Lecturer on the History of English and American Laiu, 1888-91. Professor of Common Law Practice, and Lecturer on the History of the Law, 1891- JoHN M. Harlan, LL. D., Professor of the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States, 1889-91. Professor of Public and Private Lnternational Law, 1890-91. Professor of the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States, of the Law of Domestic Relations, of Com mercial Paper, and of Torts, 1891- Born 1833, Ky. A. B., 1850, Centre Coll. Adj. Gen., Ky., 1851. Judge, Franklin Co., Ky., 1858. Col., 10th Ky. Inf., U. S. Vol. Att'y Gen., Ky., 1863-67. Associate Justice, U. S. Supreme Court, 1877- AUGUSTUS S. WORTHINGTON, LL. B., 1868, Lecturer on Criminal Pleading and Practice, 1887-89. Professor of Criminal Pleading and Practice, 1889-91. Lecturer on Legal Bibliography and the Use of Authorities in Court, 1891- David J. Brewer, LL. D., Lecturer on the Laiu of Corporations, 1890-91. Professor of the Law of Corporations, 1891- Born 1837, Asia Minor. A. B., 1856, LL. D., 1891, Yale. Judge of Pro- bate, Kan., 1862-65. Judge, First Judicial Court, Kan., 1865-69. Judge of Supreme Court, Kan., 1870-81. Judge, U. S. Circuit Court, 1884-90. Asso- ciate Justice, U. S, Supreme Court, 1890- 60 The Columbian University. James C. Welling, LL. D., 1868., Professor of Public and Private International Law, 1891- WiLLiAM Edgar Simonds, A. M., LL. B., Professor of the Laiv of Patents, 1891- Born Conn. Member of Congress from Conn. Lecturer on Patent Law, Yale Univ. U. S. Commissioner of Patents, 1891- WiLLiAM G. Johnson, LL. B., 1883, Judge of the Moot Court, 1891- LECTURERS. The Rev. George W. Samson, D. D., 1858., Ethics and Ethical History, 1865-69. John Ordronaux, LL. B., Hon. M. D., 1859, Medical Jurisprudence, 1865-73. *Ira Harris, American Law, 1865-71. Born 1802, N. Y. A. B., 1824, Union Coll. Judge, Supreme Court N. Y., 1848^60. U. S. Senator from N. Y., 1861-67. Prof., Albany Law School. Died 1875. A. A. Griffith, A, M., Elocution, 1867-68. *Caleb Gushing, LL. D., State, Federal and International Laiv, 1870-71. Born 1800, Mass. A. B., 1817, Harvard. Member of Mass. Legis. and of Congress. Atty. Gen. U. S., etc., etc. Died 1879. James C. Welling, LL. D., 1868, English Literature, 1871-76. ^William Beach Lawrence, LL. D., International Law, 1872-73. George F. Appleby, The Application of the Science to the Practice of the Law, 1873-77. Alexander B. Hagner, LL. D., Criminal Law, 1880-81. William Strong, LL. D., Constitutional Law, 1881-86. ^Francis Wharton, LL. D., Criminal Law, 1885-86. Augustus S. Worthington, LL. B., 1868, Criminal Pleading and Practice, 1887-89. Legal Bibliography and the Use of Authorities in Court, 1891- Faculty of the Law School. 61 William F. Mattingly, Ph. B. 1857 ; A. M., Practical Commercial Law, 1888- Henry E. Davis, LL. B., 1878 ; LL. M., History of English and American Law, 1888- Geokge Ticknor Curtis, Law of Patents, 1888-89. Born 1812, Mass. A. B., 1832, Harvard. Author of many legal works. David J. Brewer, LL. D., The Law of Corporations, 1890-91. Edward Edmund Bermudez, LL. D., Civil Laiu, 1890- Chief Justice of Louisiana. Andrew C. Bradley, Criminal Law, and Criminal Pleading and Practice. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. THE CORCORAN SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL. PROFESSO*RS. GENERAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, AND DEAN OF THE FACULTY. Elected. Resigned. 1884 Edward T. Fristoe, A. M., LL. D MENTAL AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 1884 The Rev. A. J. Huntington, A. B., 1843 ; D. D 1889 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1884 The Rev. Samuel M. Shute, D. D : . . . . MATHEMATICS AND GEODESY. 1884 J. Howard Gore, B. S., 1879 ; Ph. D., 1888 1887 62 The Columbian Ui^iversity. THE FRENCH AND GERMAN LANGUAGES. Mected. 1884 ^Anthony H. Janus 1887 ASTRONOMY. 1884 Simon Newcomb, S. D. ; LL. D., 1874 . . 1886 1886 William C. Winlock, A. B Born 1859, Mass. Ass't Astronomer, U. S. Naval Observa- tory, 1880-89. Curator of Exchanges, Smithsonian, 1889- CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1884 Henry W. Blair, C. E 1884 1886 R. S. Woodward, C. E 1888 1889 Francis R. Fava, Jr., C. E . BOTANY. 1884 Lester F. Ward, A. B., 1869 1886 1886 Frank H. Knowlton, M. S Born 1860, Vt. B. S., 1884 ; M. S., 1887, Middlebury. ZOOLOGY. 1884 Theodore N. Gill, Ph. D., 1870 GEOLOGY. 1884 Thomas C. Chamberlain, LL. D., 1887 ■. 1886 1890 WiUiam S. Yeates, A. M ANTHROPOLOGY. 1884 Otis T. Mason, A. B., 1861 ; Ph. D., 1879 ARCHITECTURE. 1884 William M. Poindexter 1886 METEOROLOGY. 1884 Cleveland Abbe, LL. D Born 1838, N. Y. A. B., 1857 ; A. M., 1860, N. Y. Citv Free Coll. LL. D., 1889, Univ. Mich. Director Cincinnati Obser- vatory, 1868-71. Prof, of Meteorology, U. S. Signal Service, 1871- DRAWING. 1884 Harry King, LL. B., 1870 . 1889 1889 William A. Wansleben, C. E 1891 1891 Harry King, LL. B., 1870 Faculty of the Scientific School. 63 MATHEMATICS. Elected. 1884 Howard L. Hodgkins, A. M., 1883. Adjunct 1887 1887 Howard L. Hodgkins, A. M., 1883 PHYSICS. 1884 William Hallock, Ph. D 1886 1887 Eobert W. Prentiss, M. S 1891 Born 1857, Mass. B. S., 1878 ; M. S., 1881, Eutgers. Fellow in Math,, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1879-81. Ass't, Nautical Aim. Of. Prof, of Math., Rutgers, 1891- GEODESY. 1887 J. Howard Gore, B. S., 1879 ; Ph. D., 1888 FRENCH. 1887 Lee D. Lodge, A. M.. 1885 GERMAN. 1887 Henry Meier ' . 1889 1889 The Rev. J. Mueller 1890 1890 Llermann Schonfeld, Ph. D GENERAL AND DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY. 1889 William S. Yeates, A. M., Instructor in Determinative Mineralogy, 1884-89. Born 1856, N. C. A. B;, 1878 ; A. M., 1881, Emory and Henry Coll. Clerk, Fish Com. and Census. Ass't Curator, IJ. S. Na- tional Museum. LATIN. 1890 Andrew P. Montague, Hon. A. M., 1879. Ph. D., 1888 .... PSYCHOLOGY. 1890 Lee D. Lodge, A. M., 1885 INSTRUCTOES. Elected. Resigned. 1884 Edward M. Schaeffer, M. D., 1868. Microscopy 1886 1884 D. Kerfoot Shute, A. B., 1879 ; M. D. Assistant in Microscopy. . 1886 1884 Frank Waldo. Practical and Mathematical Meteorology .... 1885 1884 William S. Yeates, A. M. Determinative Mineralogy 1889 1884 *W. P. Lawver, M. D., 1874. Metallurgy and Assaying 1886 l(S9l E, V, LewJS; B, S.^ 1.888, Physics an4 Astronomy. ,,.,,, 64 The Columbian Univeesity. THE DENTAL SCHOOL. PROFESSORS. OEAL SURGERY. Elected. Resigned. 1887 J. Ford Thompson, M. D. . . .' 1890 DENTAL PROSTHETICS. 1887 J. Hall Lewis, D. D. S Bora 1857, D. C. D. D. S., 1879, Balto. Coll. of Dentistry. OPERATIVE DENTISTRY. 1887 Henry C. Thompson, D. D. S CHEMISTRY. 1887 E. T. Fristoe, A. M. ; LL. D PHYSIOLOGY. 1887 William Lee, M. D MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. 1887 D. W. Prentiss, Ph. B., 1861 ; M. D ' ANATOMY. 1887 D. Kerfoot Shute, A. B., 1879 ; M. D., 1883 DEMONSTRATORS. Elected. Resigned. 1887 *Henry Bliss Noble, Jr., D. D. S 1888 1887 Mark F. Finley, D. D. S 1888 DEMONSTRATOR IN CHARGE OF INFIRMARY. 1888 Charles R. Davis, D. D. S., 1888 1891 1891 R. Finley Hunt, D. D. S DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY. 1889 Arthur C. Adams, M. D., 1873 1890 1890 WilUam P. Carr, M. D., 1888 ASSISTANT DEMONSTRATOR IN INFIRMARY. 1891 Jonathan R. Hagan, D. D. S., 1891 Faculty of the Dextal School. 65 CLINICAL OPERATORS. Elected. Resigned. 1887 R. B. Donaldson, D. D. S 1887 Henry Bliss Noble, Sr., D. D. S Bom 1832, Conn. D. D. S., 1857, Balto. Coll. Dental Surg. 1887 D. W. McFarland, D. D. S 1888 1887 J. Curtiss Smithe, D. D. S Born 1836, Conn. D. D. S., 1870, Md. Dental Coll. D. D. S., 1872, Balto. Coll. of Dental Surg. Lieut. U. S. Vols. 3 yrs. Clinical Lecturer, Balto. Coll. Dental Surg. 5 yrs. 1887 L. C. F. Hugo, D. D. S \ Born 1852, Mo. D. D. S., 1880, Balto. Coll. of Dental Surg. 1887 W. S. Harban, D. D. S 1889 Edgar Rose Rust, D. D. S Born 1859, Ya. D. D. S., 1881, Balto. Coll. of Dental Surg. 1889 Mark F. Finley, D. D. S 1891 1889 Henry M. Scliooley, D. D. S Born 1857, Va. D. D. S., 1878, Md. Dental Coll. 1889 Williams Donnally, D. D. S. . ^6 The Columbian University. TRUSTEES AND OVERSEERS. 1891. JAMES C. WELLING, LL. D., President of the Corporation. Honorary Overseers. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES. THE ATTOENEY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES. Overseers. The Rev. FRANKLIN WILSON, D. D Baltimore, Md. The Rev. J. W. M. WILLIAMS, D. D. Baltimore, Md. HIRAM WOODS, Esq Baltimore, Md. HENRY TAYLOR, Esq Baltimore, Md. EUGENE LEVERING, Esq Baltimore, Md. The Rev. F. HOWARD KERFOOT, D. D . Louisville, Ky. GEORGE 0. MANNING, Esq. . * Baltimore, Md. JAMES POLLARD, Esq , . . Baltimore, Md. The Hon. WILLIAM L. WILSON, LL. D Charlestown, W. Va. The Rev. H. L. MOREHOUSE, D. D New York City. The Rev. FRANK M. ELLIS, D. D. Baltimore, Md. Gen. THOMAS J. MORGAN, Providence, R. I. The Hon. J. L. M. CURRY, D. D., LL. D Richmond, Va. Trustees. WILLIAM F. MATTINGLY, Esq. J. 0. WILSON, Esq. The Rev. JAMES H. CUTHBERT, D. D. JAMES C. WELLING, LL. D. JOHN T. GIVEN, Esq. The Hon. JOHN W. POWELL, LL. D. EDWARD M. GALLAUDET, LL. D. GARDINER G. HUBBARD, LL. D. G. BROWN GOODE, Ph. D. OTIST. MASON, Pit.' D. TifE Rev. SAMUEL H. GREENE, D. D. THEODORE W. NOYES, LL. M. The Rev. CHARLES A. STAKELY, D. D. ADONIEAM J. HUXTIXGTOX, D. D., Professor of Greek. The Faculties, 1891. 67 FACULTIES. 1891. THE COLLEGE FACULTY. JAMES C. WELLING, LL. D., PRESIDENT, And Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Lecturer on History. The Rev. ADONIRAM J. HUNTINGTON, D. D., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. The Rev. SAMUEL M. SHUTE, D. D., Professor of the English Language and Literature, and of Anglo-Saxon. EDWARD T. FRISTOE, A. M., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry, Physics, and Natural History. ANDREW P. MONTAGUE, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, and Principal of the Preparatory Department. J. HOWARD GORE, B. S., Ph. D., Professor of Mathematics, and of the German Language and Literature. HOWARD L. HODGKINS, A. M., Adjunct Professor of Mathematics. LEE D. LODGE, A. M. Professor of the French Language and Literature, and Adjunct Professor of Latin. EDWARD ROOME, A. M., M. D., Adjunct Professor of Greek. H. GRANT HODGKINS, A. B., Registrar and Librarian. 68 The Columbian University. THE MEDICAL FACULTY. JAMES C. WELLING, LL. D., PRESIDENT. N. S. LINCOLN, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Surgery. J. FOED THOMPSON, M. D., Professor of Surgery. W. W. JOHNSTON, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. A. F. A. KING, A. M., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children, and Dean of the Faculty. EDWARD T. FRISTOE, A. M., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. WILLIAM LEE, M. D., Professor of Physiology. D. WEBSTER PRENTISS, A. M., M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. D. KERFOOT SHUTE, A. B., M. D., Professor of Anatomy. WILLIAM P. CARR, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. G. N. ACKER, A. M., M. D., Demonstrator of Pathological Histology. VERANUS A. MOORE, B. S., M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Pathological Histology. WILLIAM M. GRAY, M. D., Demonstrator of Normal Histology. STERLING RUFFIN, M. D., GLENDIE B. YOUNG, M. D., Assistant Demonstrators of Anatomy. WILLIAM F. R. PHILLIPS, M. D., CHARLES S. KALB, M. D., Prosectors to the Chair of Anatomy. The Faculties, l89t. 69 PROFESSORS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS IN THE SPRING SESSION. FACULTY. Prof. W. W. GODDING, M. D.,* Mental Diseases. Prof. H. C. YAREOW, M. D., Diseases of the Skin. Prof. GEORGE BYRD HARRISON, M. D., Diseases of Children. Prof. H. L. E. JOHNSON, M. D., Gynecology. Prof. J. H. BRYAN, M. D., Laryngoscopy and Diseases of the Throat. Prof. THEOBALD SMITH, M. D., Bacteriology. Prof. WILLIAM P. CARR, M. D., Visceral Anatomy. Prof. THOMAS E. McARDLE, A. M., M. D. Minor Surgery. Prof. ROBERT T. EDES, M. D., Diseases of the Nervous System. Prof. W. K. BUTLER, M. D., Diseases of the Eye. Prof. STERLING RUFFIN, M. D., Applied Anatomy of Cranial Nerves. ^Superintendent of the Government Hospital for the Insane. 70 The Columbian University. THE LAW FACULTY. JAMES C. WELLING, LL. D., PRESIDENT, And Professor of Public and Private International Law. The Hon. JOHN M. HAKLAN, LL. D., (associate justice of the supreme court of the united states,) Professor of the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States, of the Law of Domestic Relations, of Commercial Paper, and of Torts. The Hon. WALTER S. COX, LL. D., (associate justice of the supreme court of the district of COLUMBIA,) Professor of the Law of Real and Personal Property, of Contracts, and of Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Hon. WILLIAM A. MAUEY, LL. D., (assistant attorney-general of the UNITED STATES,) Professor of Equity Jurisprudence, of Common Law and Equity Pleading, and of the Law of Evidence. The Hon. DAVID J. BREWER, LL. D., (ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES,) Professor of the Law of Corporations. The Hon. EDWARD EDMUND BERMUDEZ, LL. D., (CHIEF-JUSTICE OF LOUISIANA,) Lecturer on the Civil Law. HENRY E. DAVIS, A. M., LL. M., . (SOMETIME ASSISTANT ATTORNEY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,) Professor of Common Law Practice, and Lecturer on the History of Law. The Hon. AUGUSTUS S. WORTHINGTON, LL. B., (SOMETIME DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF THE UNITED STATES,) Lecturer on Legal Bibliography and the Use of Authorities in Court. WILLIAM F. MATTINGLY, Esq., (OF THE WASHINGTON BAR,) Lecturer on Practical Comrhercial Laiv. The Hon. WILLIAM EDGAR SIMONDS, A. M., LL. B., (UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS,) Professor of the Law of Patents. The Hon. ANDREW C. BRADLEY, (ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,) Lecturer on Criminal Law, and on Criminal Pleading and Practice. WILLIAM G. JOHNSON, LL. M., (OF THE WASHINGTON BAR,) Judge of Moot Court. The Faculties, 1891. 71 THE SCIENTIFIC FACULTY. JAMES C. WELLING, LL. D., PRESIDENT. EDWARD T. FRISTOE, A. M., LL. D., Professor of General and Analytical Chemistry, and Dean of the Faculty. The Rev. SAMUEL M. SHUTE, D. D., Professor of the English Language and Literature. ANDREW P. MONTAGUE, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of Latin. J. HOWARD GORE, B. S., Ph. D., Professor of Geodesy. HOWARD L. HODGKINS, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. WILLLiM S. YEATES, A. M., Professor of General and Determinative Mineralogy. LEE D. LODGE, A. M., Professor of the French Language, and of Psychology. WILLIAM C. WINLOCK, B. S., Professor of Astronomy. FRANCIS R. FAVA, Je., C. E., Professor of Civil Engineering. F. H. KNOWLTON, M. S., Professor of Botany. THEODORE N. GILL, M. D., Ph. D., Professor of Zoology. W. S. YEATES, A. M., Professor of Geology. OTIS T. MASON, A. M., Ph. D., Lecturer on Anthropology. CLEVELAND ABBE, A. M., Professor of Meteorology. HERMANN SCHONFELD, Ph. D., Professor of the German Language. HARRY KING, LL. B., Professor of Drawing. EXUM PERCY LEWIS, B. S., Instructor in Physics and Astronomy. 7^ The Columbian Universii^Y. THE DENTAL FACULTY. JAMES C. WELLING, LL. D., PRESIDENT. A. F. A. KING, M. D., Dean. HENRY C. THOMPSON, D. D. S., Professor of Operative Dentistry. J. HALL LEWIS, D. D. S., Professor of Dental Prosthetics. E. T. FEISTOE, A. M., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry. WILLIAM LEE, M. D., Professor of Physiology. D. W. PRENTISS, A. M., M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. D. KERFOOT SHUTE, A. B., M. D., Professor of Anatomy. WILLIAM P. CARR, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. R. FINLEY HUNT, D. D. S., Demonstrator in Charge of Infinnary. J. R. HAGAN, D. D. S., Assistant Demonstrator. CLINICAL OPERATORS. R. B. DONALDSON, D. D. S. H. B. NOBLE, Sr., D. D. S. J. CURTIS SMITHE, D. D. S. L. C. F. HUGO, D. D. S. W. S. HARBAN, D. D. S. E. R. RUST, D. D. S. H. M. SOHOOLEY, D. D. S. WILLIAMS DONNALLY, D. D. S. The Faculties, 1891. 73 THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL FACULTY. ANDEEW P. MONTAGUE, A. M., Ph. D., PEINCIPAL, And Instructor in Latin and English. The Eev. ADONIRAM J. HUNTINGTON, A. M., D. P., Instructor in Greek. The Rev. SAMUEL M. SHUTE, A. M., D. D., Instructor in Beading. HOWARD L. HODGKINS, A. M., Instructor in Mathematics and Physics. LEE D. LODGE, A. M., Instructor in Latin and French. EDWARD ROOME, A. M., M. D., Instructor in Greek. E. HILTON JACKSON, A. B., Instructor in Arithmetic, English, and Latin. WOOLSEY ASPINWALL, Instructor in English and Greek. ALVA C. STARIN, Instructor in Penmanship and Bookkeeping. 74 The Columbian University. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Organized February 38, 1887. CONSTITUTION Article I. This Society shall be called The Alumni Association of The Colum- bian University, D. C. Article II. The objects of this Association shall be to unite the graduates in closer sympathy, and to promote the general welfare of the University, Article III. Section 1. All the graduates in any of the Schools of the Columbian University, and all who have received from the University any honorary degree, shall be eligible to membership in this Association. Sec 2. Members shall be elected by the Executive Committee. Sec 3. Members of the different Faculties, who are not graduates of the University, shall be considered honorary members of this Association. Article IV. Section 1, The officers of this Association shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall perform the duties commonly assigned to such officers. Sec 2. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds upon order of the Executive Committee, and shall make a report at the annual meeting. Sec 3. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association and two members from each of the Schools, to be appointed by the President ; of which Committee five shall constitute a quorum. This Committee shall have power to call extraordinary meetings, and to transact any necessary business in the interval between the annual meet- ings of the Association. Article V. The officers shall be elected by ballot at each annual meeting of the Association, and the votes of a majority of the members present at any such meeting shall constitute a choice, The Alumni Association. 75 Article VI, The annual meeting and each special meeting of the Association shall be held at such time and place as the Executive Committee may- appoint. Article VII. The attendance of fifteen members shall be necessary at any meeting for the transaction of business. Article VIII. The annual dues are fixed at one dollar, and no member shall be entitled to vote who is in arrears. Article IX. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any two mem- bers and voted on at the annual meeting, a two-thirds vote being required for adoption. Notice of such proposed amendment shall accompany the notice of the annual meeting. By a resolution adopted June 6, 1887, the initiation fee was fixed at one dollar. PRESIDENTS. Elected. Resigned. 1887 William F. Mattingly, Ph. B., 1857 1888 1888 Otis T. Mason, A. B., 1861 ; Ph. D., 1879 1889 1889 D. W. Prentiss, Ph. B., 1861 ; M. D 1890 1890 B. H. Warner, LL. B., 1870 1891 1891 Theo. W. Noyes, A. M., 1877 ; LL. B., 1882 VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1887 D. W. Prentiss, Ph. B., 1861 ; M. D 1888 1887 T. A. Lambert, LL. B., 1869 1888 1888 WiUiam Lee, M. D. 1889 1888 A. B. Duvall, A. B., 1867 ; LL. B., 1869 1890 1889 W. A. De Caindry, LL. B., 1868 1890 1890 The Rev. J. E. Grammer, A. B., 1850 ; D. D., 1867 1891 1890 D. Kerfoot Shute, A. B., 1879 ; M. D., 1883 1891 1891 J. Holdsworth Gordon, A. B., 1866 ; LL. B., 1869 1891 C. W. Franzoni, Ph. B., 1858 ; M. D., 1869 SECRETARY. 1887 H. L. Hodgkins, A, M., 1883 76 The Columbian University. TEEASUKERS. Elected. Resigned. 1887 Otis T. Mason, A. B., 1861 ; Ph. D., 1879 1888 1888 A. P. Montague, A. M., 1879 ; Ph. D., 1888 1890 1890 John B. Earner, LL. B., 1879 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. FROM THE COLLEGE. Elected. Resigned. 1887 Theo. W. Noyes, A. M., 1877 ; LL. B., 1882 1888 1887 The Rev. A. J. Huntington, A. B., 1843 ; D. D. 1888 1888 William F. Mattingly, Ph. B., 1857 1889 1888 J. Howard Gore, B. S., 1879 ; Ph. D., 1888 1889 1889 Otis T. Mason, A. B., 1861 ; Ph. D., 1879 1890 1889 The Rev. A. F. Steele, A. B., 1858, 1890 1890 A. P. Montague, A. M., 1879 ; Ph. D., 1888 1890 Theo. W. Noyes, A. M., 1877 ; LL. B., 1882 1891 1891 William B. King, A. B., 1878 ; LL. B., 1880 FROM THE MEDICAL SCHOOL. 1887 Elliott Coues, A. B., 1861 ; M. D., 1863 1888 1887 C. W. Franzoni, Ph. B., 1858 ; M. D., 1869 1890 1888 D. W. Prentiss, Ph. B. 1861 ; M. D 1889 1889 WilHam Lee, M. D 1891 1890 D. W.. Prentiss, Ph. B., 1861; M.D 1891 D. Kerfoot Shute, A. B., 1879 ; M. D., 1883 FROM THE LAW SCHOOL. 1887 M. M. Parker, LL. B., 1877 1889 1887 E. B. Hay, B. S., 1873 ; LL. B., 1874 1890 1889 John B. Earner, LL. B., 1879 1890 1890 Henry E. Davis, LL. B., 1878 1891 1890 Jno. Joy Edson, LL. B., 1868 1891 1891 M. M. Parker, LL. B., 1877 1891 H. K. Willard, LL. B., 1881 The Alumni Association. OFFICERS 1891-92. 77 President : THEO. W. NO YES. Vice-Presidents : J. HOLDSWORTH GORDON. C. W. FRANZONI, M. D. Secretary : H. L. HODGKINS. Treasurer : JOHN B. EARNER. Executive Committee : THEO. W. NOYES, Chairman. C. W. FRANZONI, M. D., J. HOLDSWORTH GORDON, H. L. HODGKINS, WILLIAM B. KING, JOHN B. EARNER, A. P. MONTAGUE, M. M. PARKER, D. W. PRENTISS, M. D., D. KERFOOT SHUTE, M. D., H. K. WILLARD. MEMBERS. Prof. Cleveland Abbe. Dr. George M. Acker. Dr. John M. Adler. J. H. Adriaans. Alden H. Alvord. Frank L. Averill. Dr. W. W. Ayres. Rev. George F. Bagby. Louis Bagger. Edmund A. Bailey. Martin B. Bailey. Dr. Charles A. Ball. A, L. Barber. H. S. Barbour. • Charles H. Bates. James W. Bayard. Fillmore Beall. Howard Beall. Dr. Tarleton H. Bean. Dr. Frank D. Beane. Dr. Louis K. Beatty. Walter V. R. Berry. Dr. Eugene Bettes. Dr. H. H. Birney. Judge John W. Bixler. Dr. M. y. B. Bogan. Dr. S. W. Bogan. 78 The Columbian University. Eev. Francis E. Boston. W. Yeirs Bouic, Jr. A. 0. Bourn, Jr. Dr. J. Wesley Bovee. Dr. Charles H. Bo wen. Francis C. Bo wen. J. E. M. Bowen. Justice A. C. Bradley. R. E. Bradley. C. A. Brandenburg. Dr. Samuel Breek. Dr. L. T. Bremerman. Dr. Madison M. Brewer. Alexander Britton. Chapin Brown. Charles E. Brown. Eobert B. Brown. Eev. T. Edwin Brown. Aldis B. Browne. Dr. M. Bruckheimer. Dr. Joseph H. Bryan. Eev. E. L. Buckey. C. L. Buckingham. ]S^. Landon Burchell. J. M. Burnett. AVm. R. Bushby. Eev. Charles H. Butler. Dr. C. T. Caldwell. Henry Calver. Francis E. Camp. Frank L. Campbell. Harry E. Carmack. Dr. William P. Carr. A. Latrobe Carroll. Dr. J. J. Carroll. Dr. J. Flemming Carrow. Dr. Stephen B. Cassin. Charles L. Catlin. Dr. John W. Chappell. Alex. S. Christie. Samuel E. Church. John W. Clampitt. Frank W. Clancy. Charles E. Cleaves. Dr. Fred. H. Cleaves. Dr. Paul Clendenin, U. S. A. Walter C. Clephane. President Chas. L. Cocke. Dr. Anton Coe. Myer Cohen. John E. Collette. Eev. Eobert Coltman, M. D. Miss Mary A. Connelly. Lendell A. Conner, Jr. Miss Louise Connolly. Dr. J. S. Conrad. Eev. Eichard B. Cook. Edward D. Cooke. . J. Walter Cooksey. J. Weed Corey. John B. Corliss. George E. Corson. Dr. ;Eniott Cones. J. D. Coughlan. Dr. Chas. S. Cowie. Justice Walter S. Cox. Charles H. Cragin. Jefferson B. Cralle. John F. Cromelien. Dr. C. P. Cronk. Clarence E. Curtis. A. Frank Custis. Dr. Geo. W. N. Custis. Dr. J. B. G. Custis. Bart. Daly. J. J. Darlington. C. A. Davis. George B. Davis. Prof. H. C. Davis. Prof. Henry E. Davis. AVm. A. De Caindry. Dr. Alfred De Carre. Dr. H. M. Deeble, IJ. S. A. W. Eiley Deeble. Edward L. Dent. • Philip T. Dodge. Dr..E. B. Donaldson. Dr. Williams Donnally. The Alumni Association. 79 Wm. H. Doolittle. Dr. A. S. Douglas. John T. Doyle. Judge George Driggs. Dr. Geo. A. Drury. A. G. Du Bois. W. K. Duhamel. Lanier Dunn. A. B. Duvall. P. Edwin Dye. Dr. George L. Fox. Dr. William H. Fox. Charles L. Frailey. Prof. Fabian Franklin. Dr. C. W. Franzoni. Howard R. French. Dr. William B. French. Dr. L. L. Friedrich. Prof. E. T. Fristoe. Lee W. Funk. . Edw. H. Eakle. Ray P. Eaton. John Joy Edson. Joseph R. Edson. George B. Edwards. Rev. J. Hartwell Edwards. John N. Ehle. Dr. Chas. S. Elliott. Dr. R. M. Ellyson. Wm. L. Elterich. Dr. Amelia Erbach. Benj. L. Fairchild. Charles E. Fairman. Joseph G. Falck. Dr. Robert Farnham. Prof. Francis R. Fava, Jr. John C. Fay. Dr. G. P. Fenwick. William J. Fife. Geo. M. Finckel. H. J. Finley. Dr. Mark F. Finley. Dr. Geo. W. H. Fitch. La Fayette Fitzhugh. Dr. Thos. M. Flandrau. Geo. E. Fleming. Dr. Robert Fletcher. Weston FUnt. Joseph Forrest. Dr. R. A. Foster. • Edward S. Fowler. John P. Fowler. Duane E. Fox. Charles B. Gafney. President E. M. Gallaudet. Allen H. Gangewer. Dr. C. H. Gardner. Henry Wise Garnett. Dr. James M. Gassaway, M. H. S. Dr. Wm. F. Gatchell. Frank Geise. Leon D. Geneste. Edwin B. George. Dr. Theodore N. Gill. Daniel G. Gillette. Dr. James D. Glennan, U. S. A. Dr. W. W. Godding. Dr. John Godfrey, M. H. S. Dr. Eugene Goodwin. J. Holdsworth Gordon. William A. Gordon. Prof. J. Flo ward Gore. Rev. J. E. Grammer. Dr. Leonard K. Graves. Rev. R. H. Griffith. Dr. Francis M. Gunnell. Dr. Revere R. Gurley. Wm. D. Hadger. Will Haight. Dr. Arthur J. Hall. Asaph Hall, Jr. Robert Hall. M. F. Halleck. Dr. F. W. Halsey. Pennington Halsted. Dr. Arthur M. Hamilton. 80 The Columbian University. Harris C. Hamlin. Dr. William E. Handy. Benj. W. Hanna. Dr. W. S. Harban. E. G. Harbaugh. Dr. Gena Russell Harding. Robt. H. Harkness. Justice John M, Harlan. Dr. H. S. T. Harris, U. S. A. Dr. George Byrd Harrison. F. L. Harvey. Rev. Frank H. Havenner. Edwm B. Hay. Dr. George W. Hay. Dr. Walter Hay. Robert H. Hazard. William A. Hedrick. W. G. Henderson. Dr. Meyer Herman. Dr. George L. Hicks. Thomas B. Higgins. Dr. Clara Bliss Hinds. Dr. Joseph Hobbins. H. Grant Hodgkins. Prof. H. L. Hodgkins. Dr. Andrew F. Hofer. Alexander H. Holt. Wm. F. Holtzman. James F. Hood. W. B. Howell. Hubert Howson. Edmund Hudson. Dr. L. C. F. Hugo. Prof. A. J. Huntington. Judge Geo. A. Huron. Dr. R. C. Hyatt. E. Hilton Jackson. Eugene B. Jackson. William H. Jackson. Dr. A. E. Johnson. Arnold B. Johnson. Charles S. Johnson. Henry C. Johnson. Dr. H. L. E. Johnson. Dr. Jos. Taber Johnson. William A. Johnson. William G. Johnson. Dr. W. W. Johnston. Jacobus S. Jones. William H. Jones. Maurice M. Kaighn. Arthur L. Keene. Daniel S. Keller. Abner B. Kelly. Henry A. Kelly. Harry C. Kennedy. WiUiam T. Kent. Rev. F. H. Kerfoot. George W. Kern. Judge I. G. Kimball. Dr. A. F. A. King. Dr. C. E. R. King. Prof. Harry King. William B. King. Dr. John W. Klemm, J. P. Khngle. Prof. F. H. Knowlton. Dr. John Kurtz. G. H. La Fetra. Tallmadge A. Lambert. John B. Earner. Philip F. Lamer. Clarence E. Latimer. Dr. George Latimer. John E. Latimer. James V. Lawrence. Lawrence N. Lee. Dr. William Lee. Dr. D. Ohn Leech. Rev. George V. Leech. R. H. T. Leipold. Carl Lentz. Wharton E. Lester. E. P. Lewis. Dr. J. Hall Lewis. Dr. N. S. Lincoln. ^Y. Edgar Linn. The Alumni Association. 81 Irwin B. Linton. J. McLean Lipscomb. Prof. Lee D. Lodge. M. A. W. Louis. Rev. Edson A. Lowe. Woodbury Lowery. Nathaniel A. Lowry. Dr. Thos. E. McArdle. Frank 0. McCleary. James B. McCrellis. Dr. James C. McGuire. Edwin A. Mclntire. Fred. D. McKenney. Dr. J. S. McLain. Herbert L. McNair. Dr. Dorsey M. McPherson. Leonard Marbury. W. H. Marlow, Jr. F. L. Marshall, Jr. Noah H. IMartin. Dr. George Marx. Prof. Otis T. Mason. William B. Matthews. William F. INIattingly. Prof. William A. Maury. Dr. Chfton Mayfleld. Rev. C. C. Meador. John T. Meany. Dr. Oscar A. Menocal. Dr. Arthur C. Merriam. W. P. Metcalf. J. Fred. Meyers. Guion Miller. Dr. S. C. Miller. Dr. Thomas B. Mohun. W. W. Mohun. Prof. A. P. jMontague. Ballard Morris. John W. Morris. Robert E. Morris. Dr. William F. Morsell. Brice J. Moses. Maurice L. Muhleman. Charles F. Munday. Dr. Reginald Munson. Bentley P. Murray. Prof. Jesse G. Nash. Charles Newell. J. C. Nichols. Dr. H. B. Noble. Masaichi Noma. Dr. Phebe R. Norris. Theo. W. Noyes. John R. Nunn. W. M. Offley. R. W. F. Ogilvie. Dr. Daisy M. Orleman. Dr. L. C. Osmun. Richard E. Pairo. O. G. Palmer. M. M. Parker. Fred. R. Parks. Wilham S. Parks. Dr. Warren Parsons. Dr. A. C. Patterson. F. A. Pease. Dr. M. D. Peck. C. D. Pennebaker. Dr. Armistead Peter. B. F. Peters. Dr. Augusta M. Pettigrew. Rev. P. P. Phillips. Dr. Wm. F. R. Phillips. James H. Pierce. Henry R. Pollard. James Pollard. Rev. John Pollard. Dr. B. G. Pool. C. Clarence Poole. Dr. Charles E. Postley. George W. Pratt. Dr. D. W. Prentiss. H. L. Prince. D. Gray Purman. Dr. Richard A. Pvles. §^ The Columbian UNiVEHsitY. John Raum. James K. Redington. Wilson G. Reed. H. F. Reich. Chas. N. Richards. Asa B. Richardson. Dr. C. W. Richardson. Chief Justice Wm. A. Richardson. S. W. Rittenhouse. T. A. Robbins. William B. Robison. Charles Roller. Dr. Edward Roonie. Dr. Sterling Ruffin. E. G. Runyan. J. Steuart Rusk. Dr. Edgar R. Rust. Rev. Robert Ryland. Charles E. Samson. Rev. Thomas S. Samson. L. M. Saunders. George A. Sawyer, TJ. S. N. Dr. E. M. Schaeffer. Ernest L. Schmidt. Prof. H. Schonfeld. Dr. H. M. Schooley. Dr. Wm. H. Seaman. Judge D. B. Searle. , F. Howard Seely. Cassell Severance. H. A. Seymour, P. H. Seymour. Geo. H. P. Shaw. Rev. T. B. Shepherd. J. P. ShepiJerd. Raleigh Sherman. J. B. Shiley. Dr. R. ^Y. Shufeldt, U. Si A. Dr. D. Kerfoot Shute. Prof. S. M. Shute. George Simmons. William Small. Richard Smith. AV. Herbert Smith. Dr. J. Curtiss Smithe. Luther R. Smoot. Rev. Wm. Tayloe Snyder. J. Russell Soley. Judge Edward Spalding. James H. Spalding. Albert Speiden. Dr. Clement C. Speiden. Patterson Sprigg. Dr. William M. Sprigg. T. J. Staley. William H. Stay ton. Rev. A. F. Steele. George Steiger. Edw. J. Stellwagen. Frank H. Stephens. H. C. Stewart, Jr. John S. Stewart. Wilham C. Stuart. Charles L. Sturtevaht. Frank Suter. M. F. F. Swartzell. E. S. Templeton. J. D. Terrell. Chas. H. Thompson. Duncan Thompson. Dr. H. C. Thompson. Dr. J. Ford Thompson. John B. Thompson. Dr. M. F. Thompson. 0. T. Thompson. Ward Thoron. Miss Mabel N. Thurston. Rev. Jonathan Tilson. Lemuel Towers, Jr. Dr. Smith Townshend. Alvan T. Tracy. Decatur B. Treadway. Edw. A. Trescot. Matthew Trimble. S. D. Trimble. Dr. J. B. Trudgian. Charles C. Tucker. John Tweedale. The Alumni Association. 83 E. D. Vanderlieth. Dr. A. Yander Veer. Foshay Walker. Dr. John E. Walsh. Dr. George W. AValter. Dr. Joseph R. Walton. Richard Ware. B. H. Warner. Dr. William E. Waters, U. S. A. Dr. E. Douglas Webb. William B. Webb. George W. Weber. President J. C. Welling. G. C. Wells. G. Wiley Wells. A. J. Whitaker. Benjamin White. Rev. Samuel R. White. Dr. A. G. Wilkinson. George L. Wilkinson. Henry K. Willard. Rev. J. W. M. Williams. Jesse H. Wilson. Dr. Lewes D. Wilson. William L. Wilson. Prof. William C. Winlock. .Dr. Wiiham D. Wirt. Dr. Edward E. Womersley. Court F. Wood. Prof. Joshua C. Wood. Henry F. Woodard. A. S. Worthington. ]^ev. Henry H. Wyer. Lewis B. Wynne. Akira Yamamoto. Dr. H. C. Yarrow. Prof. WiUiam S. Yeates. Rev. David I. Yerkes. Jose M. Yznaga. Bartram Zevely. Alumni of the Columbian College. §5 ALUMNI OF THE COLUMBIAN COLLEGE. Bacheloes of Arts, of Science, op Philosophy and of LETrERS: Masters of Arts and Doctors of Philosophy. 1824. ^Alexander Ewell. A. B., Virginia. ^Albert Fairfax. A. B., Virginia. ^ James D. Knowles. A. B.; A. M.. 1831. Tutor, 1825. Born 1798, R. I. Pastor Second Baptist Church, Boston, 1825-32. Prof, of Pastoral Duties and Sacred Rhet., Newton Theol. Inst., Mass., 1832-88. Editor of Christian Review. Author of memoirs of Mrs. Judson and Roger Williams. Died 1838. 1825. ^Jolin Armstrong . A. B.; A. M., 1829. Prin. of Prep. School, 1825-26 ; Trustee 1832-35. Born 1798, Penn- sylvania. Pastor in Newherne, N. C., and Columbus, Miss. Prof, of Languages, Wake Forest Coll., N. C. Died 1844. "^Joseph Borrows. A. B.;M.D.,1828. Born 1807, D. C. Pres., Medical Society, D. C. Member City Coun- cil, Board of Health, etc. Died 1889. "^Thomas S. Bracl5;enridge. A. B., District of Columbia. *Jolin Brewer. A. B., Maryland. *John Apthorp Bulfinch. A. B.; M. D. 1828, District of Columbia. ^William Collins. A. B.; A. M., 1829. Trustee, 1845-50. Born n Va. M. D.. Univ. of Pa. * Robert W. Cushman. A. B.; A. M., 1829. Born 1800, Me. D. D., 1849, Granville Coll., O. Pastor, Pough- keepsie, N. Y., Boston, Mass.. Charlestown, Mass. Pres. Cushman Collegiate Inst., Phila. Died 1868. ^Thomas Dawes Eliot. A. B.; A. M., 1829. Born 1808, Mass. Mem- ber of Mass. Legislature. Member of Con- gress, 1854-55 ; 1859-69. A founder of Rep. party in Mass. Died 1870. *Jaines Jones. A. B.; A. M., 1829. Adj. Prof, of Chem., 1830-32. Born 1807, D. C. M. D., Univ. of Pa., 1828. Prof. Med. Dept., Univ. of La., 1836-73. Died 1873. *Jolin Albert Jones. A. B.; A. M., 1829, District of Columbia. William A. Smalhoood. A. B.; A. M., 1835, D. C. Coll., O. D. D., Kenyon *Baron Stow. A. B., Trustee 1826-27. Born 1801, N. H. A. M., 1830, Waterville Coll. D. D., 1846, Brown. D. D., 1855, Harvard. Pastor in Portsmouth, N. H., 5 yrs.; in Boston. 35 yrs. Author of "Memoir of Harriet Dow'" (1832). "History of Baptist Mission to India" (1835). "Daily Manna" (1842). "Christian Brother- hood" (1859), and several others. Died 1869. Ambrose L. White. A. B.; M. D., District of Columbia. 1826. ^Harvey Ball. A. B.; A. M., 1831. Prin. of Prep. School, 1826-27. Died at age of 86, N. J. 86 The Columbian University. *John Boulware. A. B.; Tutor, 1827-29. Died 1829, Va. *Thonias Bruen Brown. A. B.; A. M., 1829. Lawyer. Member of Ind. Legislature. ^Stephen G. Bulfinch. A. B.; D. D., 18&4. Born 1809, Mass. Uni- tarian Clergyman in Augusta, Ga., Pitts- burg, Pa., Washington, D. C., Nashua, N. H. and Boston, Mass. Published many volumes including "Manual of the Evidences of Christianitv " (I86G), and "Studies in Evi- dences of Christianity " (1869). Died 1870. * William D. Cowdrey. A. B.; A. M., 1831. M, D., South Carolina. Edward Pope Cranch. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. A. B, Born 1809, D. C. Clerk of Com. Court, Register in Banliruptcy, etc. *John Cranch. A. B., Born 1807, D. C. Artist. Asso. of Nat. Acad. Died 1891. ^Charles W. Davis. A. B.; M. D., 1828, D. C. U." S. Consul to Mexico. Thomas Harney. A. B ; North Carolina. Lawyer. *John W. James. A. B., Virginia, Episcopal Clergyman. Robert Ryland. Minister, Lexington, Ky. A. B.; A. M., 1831. D. D., 1860. Born 1805, Va. D. D., 1860, Shurtleff Coll., 111. Pres. Va. Baptist Seminary, 1830-44. Pres. of Richmond Coll., Va., 1844-66. ^-John Thaw. A. B. Born D. C. Clerk, U. S. Gov. Died, 1887. *John Hill Wheeler. A. B.; A. M., 1835. Born 1806, N. C. Member of Legislature, N. C. Supt. U. S. Mint, (Charlotte, N. C, 1836-41. Treasurer N. C, 1842. U. S. Minister to Nicaragua, 1854-57. Author of "History of North Carolina." "Legislative Manual of North Carolina." " Reminisences and Memoirs of North Carolina." Died 1882. 1829. * George F. Adams. A. B.; A. M., 1866. D. D., 1874. Prin. of Prep. School, 1829-30. Trustee, 3847-68. Born 1802, Mass. Pastor of Baptist Church in Washington, Hampton, Baltimore. Editor True Union. Chaplain, C. S. A. Died 1877. ^Thomas Bruen Brown. A. B.; M. D., 1831. New Jersey. *Thomas Buchanan. A. B., Maryland. * William Greeideaf Eliot. A. B. Born 1811, Mass. Pastor of the Church of the Messiah (Unitarian). St. Louis, Mo., 1834-72. Chancellor of Wash- ington Univ., St. Louis, 1872-87. Of great influence in educational matters. Author of many volumes, among them, "Discourses on Doctrines of Christianity," " Home Life and Influence," "Unitv of God." D. D., 1854, Harvard. Died 1887. ^Thomas J. Hellen. A. B., District of Columbia. ^Daniel T. Jewett. A. B., Maine. U. S. Senator from Mo. ^Rollin Heher Neale. A. B. Born 1808, Conn. D. D., 1850, Brown. D. D., 1857, Harvard. Overseer Harvard Coll. Pastor First Baptist Church, Boston, 1837-77. Published "The Burning Bush" and many sermons and addresses. Died 1879. 1831. George K. J. Bowdoin. A. B., Massachusetts. ^Matthew Walker Brooke. A. B. Born 1813, Va. Lawyer. U. S. Senator from Miss., 1852-53. Member C. S. Congress. Died 1869. ^William Van Horn Brown. A. B.; M. D., 1834; A. M., 1838. Trustee 1845-62, D. C. Died 1862. ^ James H. Clark. A. B.; A. M., 1834. Prin. of Prep. School, 1831-32. Born Va. Christopher Pearse Cranch. Artist and Author, Cambridge, Mass- A. B. Born 1813, Va. His paintings in- clude "October Afternoon," (1867) "Wash- ington Oak," (1868) Venice, (1870) "Roman Citizen," and many others. He has pub- lished several voluraes of poems and prose tales, and a translation of "^neid" in blank verse. *Alonzo B. C. Dossey. A B.; M. D., South Carolina. "^Robert J. Doughty. A. B., District of Columbia. Henry J. Foster. A. B.; A. M., 1833. Prin. of Prep. School, 1830-31. Tutor 1831-32. Va. Alumni of the Columbian College. §7 *John Thompson Hill. A. B., Virginia. *John Frederick May. A. B.; M. D., 1834. Prof, of Anat. and Physiol.. 1839-12. Prof of Surg., 1845-58. Born D. C, 3812. Prof. Surg. Univ. of Md. Died 1891. ^William Morton. A. B.; M. D., 1833, District of Columbia. James W. Philips. A. B., Virginia. 1832. William J. T. Briggs. A. B., New York. *Elias Boudinot Caldwell. A. B., District of Columbia. *John H. Schoolfleld. A. B., Virginia. 1833. James Colegate. A. B., District of Columbia. ^Walter Hellen. A. B., District of Columbia. * Jonathan E. Lazell. "A. B., Massachusetts. Frederick Perry Stanton. Lawyer, Stanton, Marion Co., Fla. A. B. Born in 1814, Va. Rep. in Cong., from Tenn., 1845-55, (Chairman, Com., on Naval Affairs and of Judiciarv Com., H. R.) Sec. of Kan., 1857; Gov. of Kan., 1858-61. 1834. William Meade Addison. A. B.; A. M., 1839, D. C. U. S. Atty., Md. 1835. ^'Benjamin F. Brabrook. A. B.; A. M., 1841, Massachusetts. "^Freeman G. Brown. A. B.; A. M., 1838, Mass. Pastor of Bap- tist Churches in N. H. and Mass. Agent A. and F. Bible Society. *Eobert G. Edwards. A. B., South Carolina. *Andrew Washington Hunter. A. B., South Carolina. *Samuel Clement Smoot. A. B.; A. M., 1838. Prin. of Prep. School, 1834-36. Trustee, 1852-66. Born 1818, D. C. M. D., 1838, Med. Coll., Phila. Ass't Surg., U.S. N., 1861. Died 1866. 1836. * William B. Cooper. A. B.; A. M., 1839. Born 1807, S. C. Bap- tist Minister in Fla. Died 1878. * William Carey Crane. A. B.; A. M., 1839. Born 1816, Va. D. D., Howard Coll., Ala. LL. D., Baylor Univ., Tex. Pres. of Yazoo Classical Hall, Miss. Miss. Female Coll., Semple-Broadus Coll., Miss. Mt. Lebanon Univ., La., and Bay- lor Univ., Tex. Published several books and many reviews, etc. Died 1885. "^'Joseph S. Walthall. A. B.; A. M., 1840, Virginia. 1837. ^James G. Andrews. A. B., New Hampshire. ^Shadrach Standish Bradford. A. B.; A. M., 1840. Born 1813, Mass. Pastor of Baptist Church, Pawtucket, R. I., 1841-51. Trustee and Fellow, Brown Univ. *John F. Burhank. A. B.; A. M., 1840. Born 1812, Me. Pas- tor, Mass. Farmer. Pres. Common Coun., Worcester, Mass. Died 1853. Hartley Wood Day. A. B., Maine. ^Thomas B. Johnson Frye. A. B.; A. M., 1840; M. D., 1840, D. C. Francis Alonzo Gates. A. B., New Hampshire. *John D. Kurtz. A. B.; A. M., 1841, D. C. Graduate U. S. Military Acad., 1842. Engineer Corps. Lieut-Colonel, 1866. During civil war, Chief Eng., Dept. of Annapolis, of Shenan- doah, and Ass't to Chief of Eng., Washing- ton. Supt. of many works, including foundation of Washington Monument. Died 1877. Solon Lindsley. A. B.; A. M., 1841, Indiana. George N. Townsend. A. B., Massachusetts. ObedB. Walker. A. B., Maine. 88 The Columbian University. 'Nathaniel M. Williams. A. B. Bom 1813, Mass. Pastor of Bap- tist Churches in Me. and Mass. D. D., 1871, Univ. of Chicago. 1838. Erastus M. Chapin. Physician, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1841. M, D. 1841, D. C. "^Adoniram Judson Chaplin. A. B.: A. M., 1843. D. D. Prin. of Prep. School, 1837-40. Born N. Y. Joseph H. Fox. Minister, Scottsville, Va. A. B. Born 1813, Va. *John Chambers Hamner. A. B.; A. M., 1841. Born 1813, Va. Baptist minister; educator. Died 1875. "^Traverse Daniel Herndon. A. B., Born 1810, Va. Baptist Pastor in Va. Died 1854. "^Thomas D. Hoover. A. B.; A. M. 1855, District of Columbia. Marshall W. Leland. A. B., Vermont. ^Robert M. Noxon. A. B., North Carolina. ^Robert Ould. A. B.; A. M., 1841. Born 1820, D. C. U. S. Dist. Att'y, D. C. Codified laws of D. C. C. S. Com. of Exch. of Prisoners. Judge Adv. Gen. C. S. A. Ass't Sec. of War, C. S. A. Member Va. House and Senate. Died 1882. ■^Oliver Porter. A. B., Massachusetts. Daniel Renner Russell. A. B.; A. M., 1841, District of Columbia. ^Joseph Nathaniel Schoolfield. A. B.; A. M., 1841. M. D., Virginia. ^Charles Henry Smoot. A. B.; A. M., 1841. Born 1820, D. C. chant. Died 1845. Mer- * Thomas Wliite Sydnor. A. B.; A. M., 1841. D. D., 1873. Born 1817, Va. Supt. Pub. Schools, Nottoway Co., Va. Died 1890. ^Henry Holcombe Tucker. A. B.; A. M., 1841. D. D., 1860. Born 1819, Ga. Lawyer, 1846-48. Prof. Belles Lettres and Metaphysics, Mercer Univ., 1856-62. Pres. Mercer Univ., 1866-71. Chancellor Univ., of Ga., 1874-78. Editor of Christian Index. Author of "The Gospel in Enoch" (1868) . ' 'The Old Theology Restated in Ser- mons" (1884). Died 1889. 1839. ^'Richard Hugh Baghy. A. B.; A. M., 1842. D. D., 1867. Trustee, 1865-68. Born 1820, Va. Baptist Pastor at Bruington, 1842-70. Asso. Sec, State Mis- sions, Va. Died 1870. ^Edmund C. Bittinger. A. B.; D. C. Chaplain, U. S. N. Samuel P. Davis. A. B.; A. M., 1842, Ga. Henry W. Dodge. A. B.; A. M., 1844. D. D. ,1853-68, Born 111. LL. B., Harvard. 1868. Trustee, ■^William Quereau Force. A. B.; A., M. 1842. Trustee, 1851-62. Born 1820, D. C. Editor, Army and Navy Chroni- cle. In charge Dept. of Meteorology, Smith- sonian Institution, 1857-68. Ass't to Peter Force in preparing the 'American Ar- chives." Died 1880. ""John F. Griffin. A. B., South Carolina. ^Fpenetus A. Marshall. . A. B., Ga. Sec. Georgia Legislature, 1866. ^Thomas J. Shepherd. A. B.; A. M., 1842. D. D., 1865. Va. ^Levi Thomas Walker. A. B. Born 1809, N. H. Preacher and Farmer. Died 1874. 1840. ^Fleming W. Berryman. A. B., Virginia. Charles L. Cocke. President Holhns Institute, Virginia. A. B.; A. M., 1844. Born 1820, Va. Prof, of Math., Richmond Coll., Va., 184046. Pres. Hollins Inst, since 1846. ^Adonirani Judson Finch. A. B., Virginia. * Nicholas A. Purefoy. A. B. Born 1811, North Carolina. Alumni of the Columbian College. 89 X James E. Sanders. A. B.; A. M., 1843, Mississippi. S. John Thomson. Teacher, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1843, District of Columbia. WilHam McKendree Tucker. A. B.; A. M., 1843; M. D., 1844, D. C. ■^John W. Williams. A. B.; A. M., 1843, Mississippi. 1841. ^Samuel C. Clo^yton. A.B. ; A. M., 1844, Va. IVHss. to China. ^John B. French. A. B.; A. M., 1844, D. C. Miss, to China. Joshua John James. Minister, Yanceyville, N. C. A. B.; A. M, 1844. Born 1814, Va. Editor Biblical Recorder, 1854-61. * James Hawkins Claggett Jones. A. B.; A. M., 1844. Prin. of Prep. School, 1841-42. Born 1823, Md. Member Va. Leg., 1865-67. County Judge, K. and Q. Co., Va., 1870-80. Died 1885. William Hiter Jones. Lawyer, Fort Wayne, Ind. i A. B.: A. M., 1845. Born 1819, Va. LL.B. I Univ. Va. ,1843. Author of ' ' Federal Taxes and State Expenses," 1890. Thomas James Pearce. A. B.; A. M., 1844, South Carolina. * James C. Welch. A. B.; A. M., 1844, New Jersey. *John A. Wroe. A. B.; A. M., 1844. M. D., D. C. 1842. ^George G. Exall. A. B.; A. M., 1845, Va. Baptist Minister. -John W. Garlick. A. B.; A. M., 1854, Va. M. D., Jeff. Med. Coll., Pa. Died 1866. Henry A. Gibson. A. B., Georgia. M. D. Thomas P. Janes. A. B.; A. M„ 1846, Georgia. M. D. William F. Janes. A. B., Georgia. ^George Pearcy. A. B.; A. M., 1845, Va. Miss, to China. James M. Saunders. A. B.; Marj'land. 1843. Elias C. Caldwell. Civil Engineer, Washington, D. C. A. B. Born 1825, D. C. C. S. A. Chief ofDiv. C. S., P. O. D. *Thomas J. Cathcart. A. B.; M. D., 1848, District of Columbia. *Heman Lincoln Chapin. A. B., District of Columbia. William J. Fife. A. B., Virginia. Joseph P. Garlick. Minister and Teacher, Bruington, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1846. Born 1825, Va. D. D., 1874, Richmond Coll. Pres. Rappahan- nock Female Inst., 1855-69. Baptist Pastor at Hampton and Richmond. ^Cornelius Graham. A. B.; A. M., 1846, North Carolina. '■^ James A. Haynes. A. B.; A. M., 1846. Born 1822, Va. M. D., Jeff. Med. Coll., Pa., 1846. D. D., Rich- mond Coll., 1873. Teacher and Preacher. Died 1880. Adoniram Judson Huntington. Prof, of Greek, Columbian Univ., Washing- ton, D. C. A. B. ; A. M., 1846. Prin. of Prep. School, 1842-43. Tutor, 1843-46. Prof, of Latin and Greek, 1846-49 ; 1852-59. Trustee, 1865-65. Prof, of Greek since 1865. Actinsc Prof, of Latin, 1871-82. Born 1818, Vt. D. D., Brown Univ., 1868. Pastor in Va., Mass., Ga. John Wilson Montgomery Williams. Minister, Baltimore, Md. A. B.; A. M., 1846. D. D , 1866. Pi'in. of Prep. School, 1843-44; Trustee, 18;53-72; Over- seer, 1872- Born 1820, Va. Pastor in Va., 1845-49. Pastor of First Baptist Church, Baltimore, since 1850. Pres. of Md. Tract. Soc, for 18 years. Has published several pamphlets and sermons. 1844. *John Peckworth Baldwin. A. B., Pennsylvania. ^Samuel Cornelius, Jr. A. B.; A. M., 1847, N. J. D. D., 1875, La Grange Coll., Mo. 90 The Columbian University. ^William J. Darden. A. B.; A. M., 1847. Bom 1825, Va. Law- yer. Private 4th Tex. Inf., C. S. A. Rep. in Tex. Legis. Died 1881. Edward Tyng Ingraham A. B., Maine. James W. H. Lovejoy. Physician, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1847, Born 1824, D. C. M. D., 1851, Jeft. Med. Coll, Pa. Prof, in Georgetown Med. Coll., D. C, 1851- Oscar Gunnell Mix. Physician, Charlottesville, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1847. M. D., 1847. Born 1822, Va. Jeremiah L. Sanders. A. B.; A. M., 1848. Mississippi. Luther Rice Smoot. Sec. Consolidated Gas Co., Baltimore, Md. A. B. 1844. Born 1824, D. C. Quarter Master Gen. of Va. "^Thomas W. Tohey. A. B.; Prin. of Prep. School, 1844-46. Born R. I. D. D., 1875, FurmanUniv, S. C. Miss. to China. Prof, of Greels, Bethel Coll. Ky. Prof, in Judson Female Inst. Prin. Col- legiate Inst., Eufala, Ala. Pastor in N. C. and Ala. WiUiam Benning Webb. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1847. Born 1825, D. C. LL. D., 1888, National Univ. Supt. of Police, 1861-64. Commissioner of D. C, 1885-89. Author of "Webb's Digest.'-' 1845. * Francis M. Barker. A. B.; A. M., 1849, Virginia. ^Solomon Charles Boston. A.B.; A. M., 1848, Born 1820, Md. Baptist Pastor in Md. and Va. Died 1887. '^ Wentworth Larkin Childs. A. B.; A. M., 1848. Born 1802, D. C. A. M., Trinity Coll., Conn., 1849. Died 1868. WiUiam Cunningham Hunter. A. B., North Carolina. ^Christopher B. Jennett. A. B.; A. M., 1848, Virginia. Alfred Jamisson King. A. B., Georgia. ^Joseph B. Pleasants. A. B.; A. M., 1848. Born 1830, Va. Jour- nalist and Bank-officer. Died 1860. Patrick Henry Winston. A. B., North Carolina, 1846. ■^John Christopher Bagby. A. B. Born 1826, Va. Dentist. ^John Robert Bagby. A. B. Born Va. Merchant. Major, C. S. A. Died 1890. Walter J. Brooks. A. B.; A. M., 1849, South Carolina. ^Robert Burton. A. B.; A. M., 1849, Virginia, William L. Challis. A. B., New Jersey. "^Joseph Hammitt. A. B.; A. M., 1849. Born 1815, N. Y. Died "=^Robert S. Haynes. A. B., Va. M. D., JeflF. Med. Coll. Pa. ^Thomas W. Haynes. A. B., Virginia. ^George Philip Nice. A. B.; A. M., 1849. Born 1817, Pa. Supt, Pub. Schools, Somerset Co,, N. J. Baptist Pastor, Balto. Author of "Truth Sought and Found," etc. Died 1890. "^John Picket. A. B., Va. Prin. of Prep. School, 1846-48. Horace Stringfelloiv, Jr. A. B.; A. M., 1849, District of Columbia. 1847. Alfred Bagby. Minister, Chester, Virginia. A, B, Born 1828, Virginia, Joseph Christian, Lawyer, Richmond, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1853. LL. D., 1872 Born 1828, Va, Member Va. Senate. Judge 6th Dist., V-i. J^^idge Court of Appeals, Va, ^William Louis Claybrook. A. B., Virginia, John P. Craig. A. B., Maine, ^Robert French. A. B,; A, M,, 1850, District of Columbia. Alum XI of the Columbian College. 91 * William Thomas Hendren. A. B.; A. M., 1850. Born 1827, Va. Com- momvealth Att'v, Norfolk Co., Va. Died 1862. George W. Hervey. A. B., New York. Richard Sexton James. Clergyman and Educator, Mammoth Spring, Ark. A. B. Born 1824, Pa. M. D., Homeopath. Med. Coll., Pa. A. M., 1850, Brown Univ. D. D., 1880. LL. D., 1885, Judson Univ. Pastor in N. J., Mass., and O. Prof, in Hillsdale Coll., Mich. Pres. of Judson Univ., Ark. Pres. of Buckner Coll., Ark. Chap- lain 58th Penn. Vol. *Rohert H. Land. A. B.; A. M., 1852, Virginia. ^Bradford H. Lincoln. A. B.; A. M., 1859, Massachusetts. John Robert Nunn. Bank Cashier, Berryville, Virginia. A. B. Born 1827, Va. In 2d Va. Inf., C. S. A. ^Thomas Pollard. A. B.: A. M., 1850. Tutor, Greek and Latin, 1848-50. Born, Va. *Williain Stickney. A. B. Trustee 1870-81. Born 1827, Me. Pres. of Council D. C. Sec. of Peace Com. Compiler of "Autobiography of Amos Ken- dall" and of "Memorial of W. S. Stickney." Died 1881. 1848. ^George W. L. Bosher. A. B., Virginia. ^\. J. H. Carleton. A. B.; A. M., 1851, Georgia. AViliiam Steptoe Christian. Physician and Druggist, Urbana, Va. A. B. Born 1830, Va. M. D., Jeff. Med. Coll., Pa., 1851. Col. 55th, Va. regiment, C. S. A. Co. Supt. of Schools. Andrew Browne Evans. Farmer and Lawyer, Churchview, Va. A. B. Born 1830, Va. Member Va. House of Delegates. Judge 9th Dist., Va. *John Mason Evans. X. B., Va. M. D., Jeff. Med. CoU., Pa. ^Joseph E. HoUiday. A. B. BornGa. Planter and Broker. C. S. A. Judge Co. Court, Died 1869. Azariah Francis Scott. Minister, Tappahannock, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1853, Virginia. Stephen W. Taylor. A. B., Massachusetts. Jonathan Tilson. Pastor of Baptist Church, Rowley, Mass. A. B.; A. M., ia51. Prin. of Prep. School, 1848-49. Born 1818, Vt. Pastor at Hiug- ham, Mass. 25 yrs. John Henry Wilson. A. B., Virginia. ^Richard H. Woodward. A. B.; A. M., 1&51, Va. M. D., Jeff. Med. Coll., Pa. David John Yerkes. Minister, Plainfield, N. J. A. B.; A. M., 1851. D. D., 1870. Born 1825, Pa. D. D., Univ. at Lewisburg, 1870. Pastor in Pittsburg and Brooklyn, and in Plainfield since 1863. 1849. John J. Berryman. Minister and Teacher, Bryan, Texas. A. B.; A. M., 18.52. Born 1821, Va. Prin. Homer Sem., Va. Prof of Math,, Chula- homa Coll, Miss. Pres. Baptist Sem., Brj'an, Tex. Pres. Odd Fellows Univ.^ Bn-an, Tex. Pres. Shilough Coll., Tex. ^Andrew Jackson Boulware. A. B., Virginia. M. D. ^John B. Canada. A. B.; A. M., 1852, Virginia. "^Andrew Given Carothers. A. B.; A. M., 1852, District of Columbia. Frederick Hill Collier. A. B.; A. M., 1852, District of Columbia. . "Charles Wesley Collier. A. B., District of Columbia. B. Z. Goulden. A. B., Georgia. Richard Henry Griffith. Minister, Gaffney City, S. C. A. B.; A. M., 1853. Born 1825, Va. D. D., 1887, Furman Univ., S. C. Thomas Jones. Clerk, U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1852, Marjdand. 92 The Columbian University. / *Jesse Gent Nash. Principal, Sherman Inst., Sherman, Tex. A. B.; A.M., 1856. Born 1822, Ala. Major 41st Ala. Vols., C. S. A. *Charles A. Price. A. B.; A. M., 1853, South Carolina. ^Alexander J. Quinche. A. B.; A. M., 1857. Prin. of Prep. School, 1855-57, 111. LL. D., 1874, Univ. of Miss. Prof, of Latin, Univ. of Miss., 1860-89. Died 1889. Robert R. Richardson. A. B., Georgia. Bohvar Stark. Merchant, West Point, Va. A. B. Born 1830, Va. Com. Dept., C. S. A. J. P. * William Mcintosh Young. A. B.; A.M., 1852. Born Scotland. D. D., Will, and Mary Coll., Va. Pastor in Va., N. C, Mass. and Pa. Died 1879. 1850. WilUam J. Arrington. A. B., Georgia. James W. Asbury. A. B.; A. M., 1853, Georgia. *Ebenezer Tucker Blake. A. B., D. C. M. D., Jeff. Med. Coll., Pa. Elbert G. Catchings. A. B., Georgia. Andrew F. Davidson. A. B., Vixginia. Caleb Davison. A. B., England, *Edward L. Force. A. B.; A. M., 1856, District of Columbia. ' Julius E. Gramm.er. Minister. Baltimore, Md. A. B.; A. M , 1853. D. D., 1867. Born 1831, D. C. Rector, St. I'eters P. E. Church, Bal- timore since 1864. Thomas B. Greer. Physician and Surgeon, Rocky Mt., Va. A. B. Born Va. M. D., 1852, Phila. Med. Coll. Member of Va. Board of Med, Ex, ^Robert Hall. A. B.; A. M., 1854. Born Va. C, S, A. Editor, Supt, Pub, Schools, Warsaw, Va, Lawyer. Died ISai. ^Benjamin Johnson Hellen. A. B.; A. M., 1854. M, D., 1854, Prof, of Anat. and Physiol., 1859, Born 1830, D, C, Died July 2, 1864. ^John James Byron Hilliard. A. B., N. C, LL. B, 1852, Harvard. ^William J. Houston, A. B.; A. M., 1856, North Carolina. Robert G, Lewis. A. B.; A. M., 1853, North Carolina, Davis H. McCoy. A, B,, Pennsylvania, ^John T. Merger. A, B,, Georgia, Asa Bond Richardson. i^ Commission Merchant, New York City, A. B. Born 1821, Me. Teacher and School Com., Me., 1850-54. Teacher, Brooklvn, 1854-62, Com. Merchant since 1862. Mem- ber, Board of Educ, Brooklyn, 1872-82, * William P. Solomon. A, B,; A, M,, 1853, North Carolina, Clement C. Speiden. Physician, Marshall, Virginia, A. B.; A. M., 1854, M, D., 1854. Born 1833, D. C. Thomas R. Thornton. A, B.; A, M,, 1858, Georgia, "^ William A. Tyree. A. B.; A. M., I860, Born Va, Died 1884, James J. Wallace. A. B,; A, M., 1854, Georgia, Daniel D. Winn. A. B,, Massachusetts, Joshua C. Wood. Teacher and Farmer, Larissa, Texas, A. B. Born 1826, Ala, A. M., 1869, Univ, Miss, Supt. Public Schools, Cherokee Co., Tex. 1851. ^George Samuel Bacon. A, B,; A. M., 1854. Prin, of Prep, School, 1853-55, N, Y, John Browne Bud well. Professor, Johnston, S; C. A, B.; A, M,, 1855, Born 1829, Va. Prof. Ancient Lang, and Math., Chesapeake Fe- male Coll., 1855. Prof. Math, and Nat. Sci„ Richmond Female Ins., 1857. Pres. Baptist Female Coll,, Mo. Otficer C. S, A, Alumni of the Columbian College. 93 William Erastus Duncan. Teacher, Hales Forcl, Virginia. A. B.; A. M., 1856. Born 1825, Va. Major, C. S. A. Pres. Alleghany Coll., Va, Supt. Pub. Schools, Franklin Co., Va. Prin. Hales Ford Class, and Normal School. *T. Brooke Edwards. A. B., District of Columbia. *William C. Gunnell. A. B., District of Columbia. Joshua Peirce Klingie. Washington, D. C. A. B. Born 1835, Pennsylvania. Reuben R. Owens. A. B.; A. M., 1855, Virginia. ^Peyton K. Randolph. A. B. Born 1833, Va. Maj. of Eng., C. S. A. Gen'l Supt. Va. Midland R. R. Third V.-Pres. Richmond and Danville R. R. Died 1891. William Y. Titcomb. A. B.; A. M., 1859, Massachusetts. M. D. George G. Whitfield. A. B., Mississippi. *Ulysses Somerville Willey. A. B., Virginia. 1852. James H. Aljen. A. B., Virginia. WilHam D. Riee. A. B.; A. M., 1856, South Carolina. Henry Hartstene Wyer. Minister, Warrentou, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1856, Born 1829, S. C. D. D., 1886, Richmond Coll., Va. Prin. Fau- quier Female Inst., 1866-71. 1853. *Josiah Allen Green. A. B., D. C. Lawyer and Editor. Luther R. Gwaltney. Preside'nt, Shorter College, Rome, Ga. A. B.; A. M., 1856. D. D., 1876. Tutor, 1853-55. Born Va. Pastor in N. C, S, C, Ga, Pres. Judson Female Inst., Ala. George Van Derlip Leech. Minister, Govanston, Md. A. B.; A. M,. 1863, D. D., 1883. BornlS^S, N. Y. Metl).p(?lst Minister, Marshall White Reed. Minister, Chatham, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1859, Virginia. 1854. George French Bowie. Ph. B., Maryland. Stephen John Cook. Ph. B., District of Columbia. Lorenzo Doui Gowen. A. B., Maine. Edward Hartley. A. B., District of Columbia. Willie J. Palmer, Ph. B. Hon. A. M., 1860. Ph. D., 1870. Trustee, 1868-71. Born N. C. Richard Herndon Rawlings. Professor, Charlottesville, Va. L^-^ A. B.; A. M., 1857. Born 1829, Va. C. S, A. Pres. Judson Female Inst., Ala, 3 yrs. Pres, Albemarle Inst,. Va., 7 yrs. WiUiam T. Robbins Ph. B., Virginia. John D. Stanford. Ph. B., North Carolina. 1855. George F. Baghy. Minister, Farmville, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1856. D. D., 1888. Born Va. Private and Chaplain, C. S. A. Mod'r, Bethel Asso., Ky., 8 years ; of Gen. Asso., Ky., 24 years, Albert E. Carter. Ph, B., Louisiana. Charles H. Council. A. B., Virginia. Joseph J. McRee. A, B., Georgia, 1856. James Garland Board. Teacher and Farmer, Chambhssburg, Va, A. B ; A. M., 1859. Born 1834, Va. Capt. C, S, A. Supt. of Schools, Bedford, Co., Va. ■^Mahlon Aw Hensly. A. B,; A, M,, 1859, Va, Lieut, C, S, A, 94 The Columbian University. John Boulware Kidd. Manufacturer, Richmond, Ya. A. B. Born 1836, Va. Civil Service, C. S. A. Thomas Michael Scott. Lawyer, Onancock, Ya. Ph. B. Born 1836, Ya. Private, C. S. A. Mem. Ya. Legis. Sheriff of Northampton County. *Charles Henry Utermehle. A. B.; A.M., 1859. Born N. Y., 1837. Law- yer. 1st Lieut., D. C. Light Inf. Yol. Mem- ber City Council, D. C. Died 1867. 1857. Travis Bagby. Farmer and Merchant, Newtown, Ya. A. B. Born 1838, Ya. Private, 34th Ya., C. S. A, Justice and Notary. Luther J. Barnes. A. B., North Carolina. *Richard A. Christian, Jr. A. B.; M. D., 1861, Yirginia. Giles F. Eubank. A. B.; A. M., 1860. Prin. of Prep. School, 1857-59. Born Ya. John W. Kennedy. Ph. B., District of Columbia. William Francis Mattingly. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Ph. B.: A. M., 1861. Trustee, 1868- Lec- turer on Pract. Com. Law, 1888- Born 1837, D.C. Chastain C. Meador. \j Minister, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1860. Born, Va. Pastor Fifth Baptist Church, D. C, since 1857. Alexander Davis Moore. A. B., District of Columbia. ^ George AV. Hopkins Morgan. Dennison, Ohio. A. B.; A. M., 1862, Virginia. 1858. Joseph Darden Barnes. A. B., North Carolina. Benjamin Watkins Carpenter. A, B,, Tennessee. *Edwin John Cull. A. B.; A. M., 1859. Tutor, 1858-60. Prof, of Greek and Latin, 1860-62. Born 1841. Died at Univ. of Berlin, 1862. Charles William Franzoni. Physician, Washington, D. C. Ph. B.; M. D., 1869. Born, D. C. Thomas Frederick Hampton. Ph. B., District of Columbia. ^James Landrum Holmes. Ph. B., Ya. Miss, to China. Murdered by insurgents in China. Isaac LaRue Johnson. Lawyer, Wasliington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1862, New Jersey. Thomas Daniel Jeffress. Lawyer, Chase City, Va. Ph. B. Born 1810, Va. Capt. 56th Va. Eegiment, C. S. A. Editor. Thomas Benton ShepJierd. Minister, Bayard, Yirginia. A. B.; A. M., 1865, Yirginia. Ashbel Florldus Steele.. IMinister, Washington D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1861, District of Columbia. Edgar Williamson Tucker. A. B., Louisiana. Henry Clay Upperman. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B., District of Columbia. 1859. Joseph Franklin Deans. ]Minister, Windsor, Yirginia. A B.; A. M., 1866. Born 1839, Y'a. Chap- lain C. S. A. Prin. Herndon Acad. John Thomas Griffin. Cliurchland, Ya. A. B.; A. M., 1860. Prin. of Prep. School, 1859-61. Born Ya. William Alexander Harris, Jr. Ph. B., Missouri. Trezvant Harrison. A. B. Born 1839, Virginia. C. S. A. ^Charles William Hassler. A. B.; A. M., 1875. Born 1838, U. C. LL. B., 1876, Col. Coll., N. Y. Paymaster U. S. N., 1861-70. Lawyer. Editor and prop. "Hassler's Weekly Financial Report and Bai Iroad Times, ' ' 1871-83. Died 1888. Alumni of the Columbian College. 95 Samuel Rlclierson White. Minister, Rockville, Md. A. B.; A. M., 1862. Born 1834, Va. Pastor at Rockville, 1857-81. Sec, Treas., and Exam. Pub. Schools, Montgomery Co., Md. John Henry Wright. Lawyer, Suftbld, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1867. Born 1839, Va. Capt. C. S. A. Commonwealth Att'y, 1873. ^WiUiam Stephen Wright. j A. B. Born 1811, Va. First Lieut, and i Adjt. 61st Va. Inf., C. S. A. Lawyer. Died | 1860. * Alfred Ltither Bond. A. B., Md. Miss, to China and Japan. Lost at sea. John Wesley Clampitt. r~ LaAvyer, Fort Sheridan, 111. Ph. B., 1860. Born 1839, D.C. Counsel for INIary E. Surratt in the trial of conspirators for the assassination of President Lincoln. U. S. A. Spl. insp. overland mail service, 1866. Author of man v articles in ' ' Political Cyclopedia," and iii reviews. Author of "Echoes from the Rocky Mts." " Story o± Clouds Mills," etc. Declined nomination for Congress, 1880. Samuel Forrer. Basic City, Va. Ph. B. Born 1838, Va. Contractor and Private, C. S. A. Pres. Basic City Min., Manf. and Land Co., 1890- John B. Gorman. Cotton Planter, Talbotton, Ga. A. B. Born 1839, Ga. Col. C. S. A. Au- thor of " Round the World in 1881." ■^Thomas .Clinton Lovett Hatcher. A. B., Va. C. S. A. Fell in battle 1862 Daniel D. Johnson. Farmer and Lawyer, Long Reach, W. Va. Ph. B.; A. M., 1868. Trustee 1868-72. Born 1836, W. Va. Col. 14th Va. Reg., U. S. Vol. Mem. W. Va. House of Del., 1866. of Cons. Conv., 1872, of Senate, 1872-80. Pres. of Senate 1872-76 ; 1878-80. Pres. Board of Regents, W. Va. Univ. 10 vrs. Pres. Dem. State Conv., 1876 and 1880. Agriculturist, W. Va. Agr. Ex. Station, 1890, etc., etc. James Oscar KirJc. Minister, Clarksville, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1868, Virginia. Adolphus Madison McClenny. Stock Raiser and Farmer, Brown Sta., Mo. A. B. Born 1839, Virginia. r John Pollard. Minister and Teacher, Richmond, Va. A. B.; A. M., 1867. D. D., 1877. Tutor, 1860-61. Born 1839, Va. Pastor in Balti- more and Richmond. Prof. Richmond Coll., Va. William Lyne Wilson. Lawyer, Charlestown, W. Va. A. B.; A. M., 1865. LL. B., 1867. LL. D., 1883. Prof, of Latin, 1866-71 ; Overseer, 1883- Born 1843, Va. LL. D., 1886, Hampton Sid- ney Coll., Va. Pres. W. Va. Univ., 1882-83. Regent of Smithsonian, 1883-87. Rep. in Congress from W. Va., 1883- 1861. Thomas Edwin Brown. . / Minister, Providence, R. I. A. B.; A. M., 1862. Tutor, 1861-62. Born 1841, D. C. D. D., 1875, Rochester Univ. Author of " Studies in Socialism and Labor Problems." Pastor in Brooklyn and Rochester, N. Y. ^John Y. Bryant, Jr. Ph. B. Born 1841, D. C. C. S. A. Died 1867. Elliott Cones. Scientist, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1862. M. D., 1863. Ph. D , 1869. Prof. Anat., 1877-87. Born 1842, N. H. Ass't '• Surg. U. S. A., 1863-81. Prof. Zool. and Comp. Anat., Norwich Univ., Vt., 1869. Sec. and Naturalist, U. S. North. Bound. Com.. 1873-76. Prof. Biology, Va., Agr. and Med. Coll.. 1883. Perpetual Pres. Esoteric Theosophical Soc. of Amer. , 1887. Member of a large number of Scientific Societies. Author of numerous works on ornithology, mammalogy, her- petology, comp. anat.^ psychical research, etc.. aniong them "Kev to North American Birds" (1872). "Field Ornithology" (1874). "Furbearing Animals" (1877). "Birds of the Colorado Valley" (1878), etc., etc. Charles B. Fleet. Druggist and Manufacturing Chemist, Lynchburg, Va. A. B. Born 1843, Va. Artiller^^ Service, C. S. A., 1861-65. Sec, Va. Phar. Asso. Wilbur F. Fort. Ph. B., New Jersey. William A Gordon. Lawj^er, Washington, D. C. Ph. B.; A. M., 1866. LL. B. 1866. Tutor, 1861-62. Bornl84LD.C. Lieut. Eng. C. S. A. Harris Corbin Hamlin. Clerk, U. S, Pension Office, Washington,D.C. Ph. B., District of Columbia. 96 The Columbian University. *Charles Pascoe Harmon. A. B.; A. M., 1866. LL. B., 1866. Born 1839, Va. Four years, C. S. A. Died 1875. ^Townsend Jesse McVeigh, Jr. A. B., Virginia. >i Otis Tafton Mason. Curator, U. S. National IMuseum, "Washing- ton, D. C. A. B.: A. M., 1862. Ph. D., 1879. Prin. of Prep. School, 1861-81. Prof, of Anthro- pology, 1884- Trustee, 1889- Born 1838, Me. Curator of Dept. of Ethnology, U. S. Nat. Mus.. 18S4- Author of many papers on Natural History of Man in publications of the Sdiithsonian Institution, Nat. Mus. etc. James L. Xeale. A. B. Daniel Webster Prentiss. \ Physician, Washington, D. C. Ph. B.;A. M., 1864. Prof, of Mat. Med. and Thera., 1879- Born 1843, D. C. M. D., 1864, rniv. Penn. Ass't Surg., Q. M. Hosp., 1861-63. A.A.S., U.S. A., 1864-65. Member Board of Health, D. C, 1865. Com. of Phar- macy, D. C, 1888-90. Member of numeroas scientific societies. *John McGill Roane. A. B., Virginia. ♦Samuel K. Sorsby. A. B., Mississippi. *Jolin Wheeler, Jr. A. B., North CaroUna. C. S. A. Francis L. Wilkinson. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. A. B.; A. M., 1875, Virginia. 1862. Leonidas Edmond Coyle. Minister, Bridgeton, N. J. ! A. B.; A. M., 1855. Tutor, 1862-63. Born ' 1842, D. C. I 1863. j Richard Briscoe Cook. Minister, Wilmington, Del. A. B.; A. M., 1866. D. D., 1882. Tutor of Greek, 1863-64. Born 1838, Md. Author of '■Early and Later Delaware Baptists," "Story of the Baptists," "Storj" of Jesus," etc. Pastor in Phila. 11 years ; in Wilming- ton since 1875. William' E. Edmonston. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1866, District of Columbia. Abner Young Leech. Clerk, W^ar Dept., Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1866. Born 1814, D. C. "Benjamin G. Lovejoy. A. B.; A. M., 1866. LL.B., 1866. Tutor, 1863-65. Born 1842, D. C. Ass't Dist. Att'v, D. C. Author of "Life of Bacon." Died 1889. 1864. Robert Farnham. Physician, Washington. D. C. Ph. B.; A. M., 1867. Born 1843. D. C. M. D., 1867, Univ. of Pa. ^Arthur Fendall. Ph. B.; LL. B., 1868, District of Columbia. Reginald Fendall. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.: A. M.. 1865. LL. B., 1867. Tutor, 1864-65. *Thomas J. Miller. A. B.; LL. B., 1866, District of Columbia. *J. Abbot Moore. A B., D. C. B. L., Harvard Univ. Thomas Smallwood Samson. Minister, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B.; A. M., 1865. LL. B., 1867. Tutor, 1864-67. Born 1S45, D. C. ^Albert J. Wheat. Ph. B., District of Columbia. *Clarence J. Young. Ph. B., D. C. A. M., Harvard Univ. 1865. . Judson T. Cull. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1868, District of Columbia. ^John W. Custis. A. B.; A. M., 186<^. Born 1842. D. C. D. D., 1878, Chicago Univ. Died 1888. Daniel Gano Gillette. Manager, New York City. A. B.; A. M., 1866. Tutor, 1866-67. Adj. Prof, of Eng. Lit., 1868-70. Born 1842, Pa. U. S. A., 1861-64. Chief, Court Martial Div., Navy Dept. Clerk of Probate, N. Y. Co. Henry J. Handy. Minister, Pocomoke City, Md, A. B.; A. M., 1869. Tutor, 1865-66. Alumxi of the Columbiax College. 97 r George C. Samson. Physician, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1868. M. D., 1867, D. C. Oliver T. Thompson. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Ph. B.; LL. B., 1873, District of Columbia. Samuel M. Yeatman. Chief of Div.. Indian Office, Washington. D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1868. 1866. *Henry A. Dancanson. Ph. B.; M. D., 1870. Bom 1&47, D. C. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. Died 1878. J. Holdsworth Gordon. LaAvyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1869. LL. B., 1869. Bom 1847, D. C. John Kurtz. Physician, Moorhead, Minn. Ph. B.; M. D., 1870. Bom 1848, S. C. James Xelson. ^Minister, Staunton, Ya. A. B.; A. M., 1869. D. D., 1883. Bom 1841, Ya. Chaplain, C. S A. Woodbury AVheeler. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B'.; A. M., 1869. LL. B., 1867. Bom 1842, N; C. Major of Art'y, C. S. A. Author of "Testamentary Law of District of Co- lumbia." 1867. Valerius Chiswell. Poolesvllle, Md. A. B.; A.M., 1870, Md. Joseph Talbott Clarke. Physician, Erie. Pa. A. B.: A. M., 1870 : M. D.. 1870. Born 1846, D. C. U. S. Exam. Surg., Pen. 0. Anch'ew B. Duvall. Lawyer, AYashington, D. C. A. :B.; LL. B., 1869. A. M., 1871. Tutor, 1867-68. Born 1847, D. C. *John N. Le Conte. Ph. B., Pennsylvania. 1868. Lingan B. Allen. Lawyer, Norfolk, Ya. A. B.; A. M.. 1871. Born 1S48, Ya. Com- monwealths Att'y. Norfolk Co. Town Counsel for Berkley. Ya. John T. Beckley. Minister, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B.; A. M., 1871, Md. D. D , Chicago Univ. William Yeirs Bouic, Jr. Lawyer, Rockville, Md. A. B.; A. M., 1871. Bom 1846, Md. Mayor of RockviUe. Francis Clare Bowen. La^^-yer, New York Cit5\ Ph. B. Bom 1847, D. C. Mortimer Clarke. La^vy•er, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M.. 1871. LL. B., 1870. Bom 1848, Md. Clerk, Treas. Dept. 1870-72, Na^T Dept. 1878-88. *Leonidas Crendiropulo. A. B., Greece. Joseph H. France. Minister, Canandaigua, X, Y. A. B.; LL. B., 1869. A. M., 1871. D. D., 1881. Born 1847, D. C. Ass't Prof, William Jewell Coll., Mo. Pastor of Presbyterian Churches in Mo., Mch., and N. Y. ^Sidney W. Handy. A. B.; A. M., 1871, Mar\Tand. * Joseph Everett Martin. Ph. B.; LL. B., 1870, District of Columbia. James Pollard. Lawyer, Baltimore, Md. Ph. B.: LL. B., 1868. Overseer, 1881- Born 1842, Ya. C. S. A. Chsirles E. Samson. Merchant, East Orange, X. J. A. B.; LL. B., 1870. A. M, 1871, D. C. Born 1850, D. C. 1869. John "Willis Bidgood. Ph. B., Yirginia. Francis Rylancl Boston. Minister, Memphis, Tenn. A. B.; A. M., 1872. Born 1846, Md. Grad. Crozer Theo. Sem., 1872. Pastor Central Baptist Chiu-ch, Memphis. Edward C. Carrington, Jr. Lawyer, Baltimore, Md. A. B.; A. M., 1880. District of Columbia. George Y. Coffin. Clerk, Treas'y Dept., Washington, D. C. A. B.;LL.B., 1871. Bom 1850, Pa. Churchland, Vi 98 The Columbian University. 7 William Henry Finckel. Solicitor of Patents, Wasliington, D. C. Ph. B. Born 1852, District of Columbia. Fabian Franklin. ^ Associate Prof. Math., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Ph. B. Born Hungary. Ph. D., 1880, Johns Hopkins Univ. Fellow, J. H. U., ]877-79. Assoc, in Math., J. H. U., 1880. Author of numerous papers on Pure Math, in Amer. Jour, of Math , etp. Frmiklin Howard Kerfoot. Minister and Professor of Theology, Louis- ville, Ky. Ph. B.; LL. B., 1869. A. M., 1872. Over- seer 1878- Born 1817, Ya. D. D., 1879, Univ. of N. C Prof, of German, George- town C^oll., Ky., 1875. Baptist Pastor in Ky. and Md. Edward Owen Leech. Director of U. S. Mint, Washington, D. C. A. B. Born 1850, D. C. LL. B., LL. M., National Univ. Law School, D. C. Samuel Smoot Pleasants. Lawyer, Baltimore, Md. A. M. Born 1851, District of Columbia. Zackariah Turner Sowers. Physician, Washington, D. C. Ph. B ; M. D., 1870. A. M., 1874. Lecturer on Minor Surg., 1872. Dem. of Anat., 1872-79. Born 1846, Va. Alexander Tait Stuart. Public School Principal, Washington, D. C. Ph. B. Born District of Columbia. / Lester Frank Ward. Botanist and Geologist, Washington, D. C. A. B.; LL. B., 1871. A. M., 1872. Prof of Botany, 1884-85. Born 1841, 111. Librarian Bu. of Statistics. Geologist U. S. Geol. Sur- vey. Mem. of many scientific Societies. 1 Author of " Guide to the Flora of Washing- ton and Vicinity," 1881. " Dvnamic Socio- logy," 2 Vols., 1883. "Sketch of Paleo- Botany," 1885. " Synopsis of the Flora of - the Laramie Group." 1886. "Types of the j Laramie Flora" 1887. " The Geographical Distribution ,of Fossil Plants," 1889, and 250 scientific papers and magazine articles. 1870. S. Eugene Atkinson. Ph. B., District of Columbia. Charles H. Cragin. / Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Ph. B.; LL. B., 1872. Born 18;51, D. C. Eoger W. Cull. Lawyer, Baltimore, Md, A. M ; LL. B., 1873. Tutor, Greek and Latin, 1870-72. Adjunct Prof., 1872-73. Harrison Howell Dodge. Sec. and Supt. of Mt. Vernon, Va. Ph. B. Born 1852, D. C. George Anderson King. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1871. LL. B. 1872. Born 1855, Minn. Samuel W. Rittenhouse. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Ph. B.; LL. B., 1872. Born 18-50, D. C. Law Clerk, Interior Dept. 1881-85. T. Judson Wright. Churchland, Va. Ph. B.; M. D., 1870, M. D., Bellevue Med. Coll. N. Y. 1871. Laban T. Bremerman. Physician, Dowuington, Pa. A. B.; A. M., 1874. M. D., 1874. Born 1849, D. C. Mayor of Downington, 1887- George Whitfield Brown. Banker and Real Estate Broker, Washing- ton, D. C. A. B. Born 1853, D. C. Edward Cranch. Physician, Erie, Pa. Ph. B. Born 18.51, N Y. M. D., 1873, Georgetown Med. Coll., D. C. M. D., 1875, N. Y. Homeop Med. Coll. Hospital Stew- ard, U.S. A., 1871-74. Frederick E,. Goodridge. Ph. B , District of Columbia. Robert Henry Harkness. Lawyer's Clerk, Wa.shington, D. C . A. B.; A. M , 1874. LL. B., 1874. Born 1850, D. C. Clerk U. S. Pension Office. Edward C. Harrison. Ph. B., Virginia. Frank H. Havenner. Minister, Hereford, Md. A. B.; A M., 1874, D. C. Chapman L. Johnson. Ph. B., District of Columbia. Alumni of the Columbian College. 99 Richard D. Locke. Lawyer, Macon, Ga. A. B.; A, M., 1874. Born 1846, Ala. Enter- ed C. S. A. at age of 15 and served through the war. Supt Public Schools, Eufaula, Ala. U. S. Marshal, S. Dist., Ga. Has de- clined five nominations for Congress. Post- master of Macon, Ga., 1890- W. Hallett Phillips. Lawyer, Washington. D. C. Ph. B., District of Columbia. Lewis B. Wynne, Jr. Examiner, U. S. Patent Oflace, ^^'ashing- ton, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1874. Born 1851, 111. Ass't and Prin. Exam., Patent OflBce. 1872. James Edgar Bangs. Journalist, Portland, Ore. A. B.; A. M., 1875. LL. B., 1876. Born 1850, Md. Sec. North. Bound. Survey. Dis- bursing Officer, U. S. Geol. Survey. Ass't Chief Div., Census Office, 1881-83. James Howard Bremerman. Lawyer. Kansas Citj', Mo. ' A. B.; LL. B., 1874. A. M. 1875. Tutor, 1872-75. Dem. Candidate, Att'v Gen. Iowa, 1882. Henry AVard Brown. Lawyer, San Fi^ancisco, .Cal. A. B.; A. M., 1875. Born 1852, Me. Dep. Surv. Customs; Dep. Shipping Com., San Francisco. i'Frank T. Browning. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M., 1875, District of Columbia. *Walter E. Havenner. A. B.; A. M , 1875, District of Columbia. John Thomas Judd. Minister, Lewisburg, Pa. A. B.; A. M., 1875. Bom 1851. Canada. Baptist pastor, Harrisburg, Pa , 1875-84 ; at Lewisburg, 1884- 1873. *James H. Cuthbert, Jr. A. B. Born 1853, Georgia. Died 1874. Jesse HartiveU Edwards. Minister, Cheraw, S. C. A. M. Tutor, Greek and Latin, 1873-75. Born 1858, S. C. Full Grad., 1878, S. Bap. Theo. Sem., Louisville, Ky. Henry C. Fuller. L. B., District .of Columbia. Arthur L. Green. B. S.. District of Columbia. Richard Hamilton. Clerk, City P. O., Washington, D. C. B. S., District of Columbia. Edwin B. Hay. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. B. S.; LL. B., 1874. Tutor, Prep. School, 1875-80,. D. C. Charles Frank Rowe. Washington, D. C. B. S.; LL. B., 1875, District of Columbia. 1/^ Benjamin White. Breeder of improved stock, Adamstown, Md. A. B.: A. M., 1876. LL. B., 1876. LL. M., 1879. Born 1852, Md. 1874. George R. Gott. L. B.; LL. B., 1874. Maryland. Theo Ingalls King. i Professional Organist, Washington, D. C. A. M. Born 1854, Me. Computer, U. S. Naval Observatory. Charles H. Thompson. Accountant, San Francisco, Cal. A. B. Born 1852, New Jersey. Jesse H. Wilson. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; LL. B., 1876. Tutor, French, 1873-76. Born 1855, D. C. 1875. Alfred Frank Custis. Lawyer, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B. Born 1851, District of Columbia. J. B. Gregg Custis. Physician, Washington, D. C. A. B. Born 18-55, Del. M. D., 1878, N. Y. Homeopathic Med. Coll. j Ralph Meade Dement. I Lawyer. Portland, Ore. ! B. S.; LL. B., 1877. Born 1856, Ore. Citv i Att'v, Portland, Ore., 1883-85. Judge of i Municipal Court, 1885-88. V^ Wm. A. Dutton. A, B„ District of Columbia, 100 The Columbian University. Moung Edwin. Preacher and Pleader, Bassein, British Burma. A. B.; A. M., 1876. Born 1849, Burma. B. D., 1878, Crozer Theol. Sem. LL. B., 1879, Iowa State Univ. Peter Parker PJiiUips. Minister, Berryville, Va. A. B. Born 1852, D. C. Rector of Grace Church, Berryville, Va. ^\ A B. Frank AVhite. B. S., Md. 1876. Chapin Brown. ,~4 Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; LL. B., 1877. Born Me. Trustee, Pub. Schools, D. C, 1879-82. Edward Burchell. A. B., District of Columbia. A. H. Waldo Clum. A. B.; M. D., 1880, N. Y. Lucius Montrose Cuthbert. Lawyer, Denver, Col. A. M.; LL. B., 1878. Born 1856, Pa. William B. Frisby. Minister, Boston, Mass. A. M., District of Columbia. Frank Fuller. A. B., Illinois. 1877. Gonzalez W. Bingham. B. S., Florida. John William Chappell. Physician, Tennallytown, D. C. B. S.; M. D., 1881. Born 1855, D. C. Teacher, Pub. Schools, D. C. Clarence E. Curtis. Clerk, Washington, D. C. A. B., Now York. C. T. C. Earle. A. B., Md. Theodore Wilhams Noyes. Editor, Washington, D. C. A.M.; LL. B..1882. LL. M., 1883. Trustee, 1889- Born 1858, D. C. Editor Evening atar, D. C, / 1878. Harry C. Davis. Principal, Harry Hillman Academy, Wilkes Barre, Pa. A. B.; A. M., 18S1. Tutor, Greek, 1878-81. Adjunct Prof, of Greek, 1881-82. Born 1858, D. C. Author of "Brief Declamations." Randolph Clark Hyatt. Ass't Examiner U. S. Patent Office, Wash- ington, D. C. A. B.; M. D., 1882. Born 1857, N. Y. William Bruce King. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; LL. B., 1880. LL. M., 1881. Born 1861, Minn. William A. Leetch. Merchant, Washington, D. C. B. S.; LL. B., 1881. LL. M., 1882, D. C. ■^John C. S. Richardson. A. B.; A. M., 1883. (Hon.) D. C. Died 1887. 1879. William Kennedy Butler. Physician, Washington, D. C. A. M.; M. D., 1882. Ass't Dem. of Anat., 1886-87. Lecturer on Minor Surg., 1886-87. Born 1857, D. C. Examiner U. S. Pension Office, 1880-85. James Howard Gore. Professor of INIathematics and of German, Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C. B. S.; Ph. D., 1888. Tutor of Math., 1878- 81. Adj. Prof, of Math., 1881-83. Prof, of Math., 1883- Prof, of German, 1887- Born 1856, Va. Author of " Key to New comb's Algebra'; "Elements of Geodesy"; "Bib- liography of Geodesy "; " History of Geod- esy"; "German Science Reader." Some- time Astronomer, U. S Geol. Survey, and Acting Assistant, U. S. 'Coast Survey. Daniel Kerfoot Shute. Physician, Washington, D. C. A. B.; M. D., 1883. Prosector to chair of Anat., 1886-87; Lecturer on Anat., 1887-88; Prof, of Anat., 1888- Born 1858, Va. Res. Phys. Children's Hosp., Wash. Asylum Hosp.. Columbia Hosp., Wash., D. C. Clin. Ass't, Royal London Ophthalmic Hosp., Eng. Author of sundry medical mono- graphs. W. Herbert Smith. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; LL. B., 1882, District of Columbia, 1880. Miles Fuller. Washington, D, C, A. B.: LL. B. 1882. LL. M. 1883, D. C, Thomas A. Murray, A. M„ Maryland, Alumxi of the Columbian College. 101 Samuel Breek. 1881. Physician, Boston, Mass. \ B. S. Born 1862, D. C. M. D., 1886, Har- vard. Edward Linthicum Buckey. ' \ ]Minister, Newport, E. I. i A. M. Bom 18G2, D. C. B. D., 1889, Gen. Theol. Sem. ■ i •^Anthony H. Janus, Jr. j A. M., District of Columbia. Died 1885. Antonio Gabriel Touceda. B. Let., Cuba. Philip Gray Wales. : Ass't Surgeon, U. S. Army. A. B.; M. D., 1888. Born 186i; Pa. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1881-86, 1889- 1882. Charles Henry Butler. Minister, Washington, D. C. A. M. Born 1860, D. C. A. B., 1883, Am- herst. Edward Linthicum Dent. Mech. Engineer, Georgetown, D. C. B. S. Born 3861, D. C. M. E., 1884, j SteveiLS Inst. Tech. Prop. Iron Foundrj^, i D. C. Arthur Livingston Keene. Teacher, Brightwood, D. C. A. M. Bom 1859, D. C. Teacher, Pub. Schools, D. C, 1882- JEdson A. Lowe. Minister, Ottawa, Ohio. A. M. Born 1859, Iowa. Presbyterian Clergyman. I 1883. Alden Henry Alvord. Banking, Union Tnast Co., N. Y. City. A. M. Born 1862, Washington. Norval Landon Burchell. j Merchant, Washington, D. C. A. M.; LL. B., 1891. Born 1862, D. C. Henry Sutton Taring Harris. Ass't Surgeon, U. S. Army. A. M.: M. D., 1884. Born 1863, Ya. Capt. and Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Howard Lincoln Hodgkins. Prof, of Math., Columbian Univ., Washing- ton, D. C. A. M. Tutor Math., 1882-84. Adj. Prof, of Math.. 1884- Prof, of Math., Corcoran Scientitic School. 1887- Born 1862, 111. Com- puter^ Nautical Almanac Office. Frederick Eeuben Parks. R. K. Officer, Washington, D. C. B. S. Born 1864, Ohio. With Penn. R. R. Co., 1882- IMason Xoble Richardson. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. M.: LL. B., 1884. Born 1863, D. C" Ass't Att'y, D. C, 1890- 1884. Samuel Robbins Church. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. B.; LL. B., 1886. LL. M., 1887. Bom 1863, III. Joseph George Falck. Sec'y, Trustees of Public Schools, Washing- ton, D. C. B. S. Bom 1862. Germanv. Teacher Pub. Schools, D. C, 1884-91. Charles Henr}^ Gardner. Surgeon, U. S. Marine Hospital Service. B. S.; M. D., 1890. Born 1864, Md. Ass't, U. S. Coast Survey, 1887. William A. Hedrick. Teacher, Washington, D. C. A. M. Born D. C. Ph. D., 1887, Johns Hopkins Univ. Teacher, Wash., High School, 1887- Oiiando G. Wales. ■\A'ashington, D. C. B. S., District of Columbia. Lewes D. Wilson. Physician, Washington, D. C. B. S.; M. D., 1888. Ass't Dem. of Anat., 1889-90. Ass't Examiner U. S. Patent Office. 1885. Ignatius Thomas Davis. Chemist, Georgetown, D. C. A. B. Born 1866, D. C. Chemist, U. S. Museum of Hygiene. Edward Sturges Hosmer. Washington, D. C. A. M.; LL. B., LL. M., 1891. Bom D. C. Lee Davis Lodge. i/ Prof, of French, Columbian Univ., Wash- ington, D. C. A. M. Tutor, Greek, 1884-85. Adj. Prof, of Latin, 1885- Prof, of French, 1887- Prof, of Psychologv, Corcoran Scientific School, 1890- * Born 1865, Md. Author of "A Study in Corneille." ^Owen M. Miller. A. B. Born 1860, W. Ya. Died 1891. 102 The Columbian University. Edward Eoome. Physician, Washington, D. C. A. M.; M. D., 1888. Tutor, Latin, 1884-85. Adj. Prof. Greek, 1885-88; 1890- Born 1863, N. Y. M. D., 1889, Hahnemann Med. Coll., Pa. Raleigh Sherman. Eeal Estate Broker, Washington, D. C. B. S. Born 1863, District of Columbia. Francis Henry Stephens. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. M.; LL. B., 1887. LL. M., 1888. Born 18&4, Ohio. Teacher Public Schools. D. C. 1885-87. Charles Lyon Stnrtevant. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C. B. S.; LL. B., 1888. LL. M., 1889. Born 1867, D. C. Frank Siiter. Student of Chem., Johns Hopkins Univ. A. M. Born 1865, Ya. 1886. Jesse Eastman Christy. Teacher, Metropolitan Bus. Coll., Chicago, 111. A. B. Born 1864, District of Columbia. Henry Benjamin Hedrick. Ass't, Nautical Almanac, Washington, D. C. A. B. Born 1865, D. C. Ass't, Naut. Almanac, 1886- Mosheim Fletcher Fair Swartzell. Teacher, Washington, D. C. A. B.; A. M. 1891. Tutor Prep. School, 188(;-87. Born 1864, Pa. Teacher, Wash. High School, 1887-90 ; 1891- 1887. Charles Bradford Hudson. Artist, Washington, D. C. A. B. Born 1865, Ontario. Illustrator, IT. S. Nat. Museum. Illustrator, U. S. Fish Com. 1888. Eugene Beauharnais Jackson, student, Crozer Theol. Sem., Chester, Pa. B. S.; A. B., 1889. Tutor, Prep. School, 1888-89. Born 1867, Va. F. Howard Seely. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. B. S. Born 1868, Mo. Ass't U. "fe. Geol. Survey. George Laurance Wilkinson. Ass't Exam., U. S. Patent Office, Washing- ton, D. C. B. S.; LL. B., 1891. Reg. and Lib., 1888-89. Born 1868, D. C. Ass't Exam., U. S. Patent Office, 1889- 1890. Harry Grant Hodgkins. Librarian, Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C. A. B. Tutor Math., 1889-90, Prep. School. Reg. and Lib., 1890- Born 1868, 111. Proof- reader, Nautical Almanac Office. 1891. Charles Leonard Frailey. Law Student, Columbian Univ. A. B. Born 1870, Massachusetts. Eva y. Heth. student, Columbian Univ. B. S., Mrginia. E. Hilton Jackson. Tutor, Columbian Coll., Washington, D. C. A. B. Born Virginia. Horace W. Jones. student of Theology, Princeton, N. J. A.-B., District of Columbia. Charles P. Kindleberger. student of Medicine, Univ. of Pa. A. B., District of Columbia. Walker Davis INIaclean. LaAV Student, Columbian Univ. A. B., District of Columbia.- Mabel Nelson Thurston. Washington, D. C. A. B. Born 1869, Rhode Island. GRADUATE DEGREES. 1888. J. Howard Gore. B. S., 1879. Ph. D. Andrew Philip Montague, Ph. D. Prof, of Latin, Columbian Univ. Born 1854, Ya. Student, Univ. of Ya. Hon. A. M., 1879. Col. Univ. Tutor in Latin, 1875-79. Ad]. Prof., 1879-82. Prof.. 1882- Prin. of Preix School, 1884- Editor of "Selected Letters of Cicero," "Selected Letters of Pliny the Younger." 1891. M. F. F. Swartzell. A. B., 1886. A. M. Alumni of the Medical School. 103 ALUMNI OF THE MEDICAL SCHOOL, The National Medical College of the Columbian University, DOCTOES OF MEDICINE. 1826. *Eichard Wheat. Virginia. Eichard Angel. England. James Cooke. Maryland. Jesse Ewell. Physician, Hickory Grove, Ya. Born 1802, Virginia. "^Charles K. Laub. Born 1804, D. C. Surg., U. S. A., 1836-76. Died 1876. Thomas J. Moore. District of Columbia. Charles H. Stone. District of Columbia. 1827. Thomas Evans. Man-land. ^^ James Hagan. Born Ireland. Died 1830. Henry King. District of Columbia. Eobert Kirkwood. Maryland. John G. Stanhope. Virginia. William L. Wharton. District of Columbia. ^Benjamin F. Wing. Born Massachusetts. Died 1884. 1828. "^Joseph Stevens Baker. Trustee, 1838-11. Born 1798, Ga. A. B., 1823, Haanpden Sidney Coll. Merchant, Physician, Baptist Clergyman. Editor, " Christfdu Index," 1843-19. Died 1877. ^'Joseph Borrows, A. B., 1825. "John A. Bulflnch, A. B., 1825. ^'Silas Lewis Cbnclict. Born 1806, N. J. A. B., Princeton. Died 1863. Eobert Alexander Coney. Born Me. Adj. Prof, of Anat. and Phvs. 1830-32. "^'"Alexander McDonald Davis. Born 1807, D. C. Died 1872. -Charles W. Davis, A. B., 1826. John F. Edmonds. Virginia. ■^Harvey Lindsly. Prof of Obst. and Dis. of Women and Children, 1839-45. Prof, of Path, and Pract. of Med., 1845-46. Born 1804, N. J. A. B., Princeton. Pres. Am. Med. Asso. Died 1889. Charles McLean. District of Columbia. 104 The Columbian University * William Nelson Waters. District of Columbia. ^Noble Young. Born 1808, Md. Prof, of Prin. and Pract. of Med., Georgetown Univ., D. C. Died 1883. 1829. J. F. Boon. District of Columbia. 'M. Irvin Dunn. District of Columbia. John B. Elliot. District of Columbia. *James Montgomery Higgins. Born 1808, ]\Id. Surg. 114th 111. Vols., 1862-63. Rep. in 111. Leg. Supt. 111. Hosp. for Insane, 1848-54. Died 1889. Gonsalvo Hodges. Maryland. Joseph L. Mc Williams. Milestown, Md. ■^Benjamin F. Noutse. Born 1806, Maryland. Died 1836. A. M. Stanford. England. James E. Stewart. Maryland. Timothy Upham. New Hampshire. Thomas AVaters. District of Columbia. 1830. -=^Rol3ert T. Barry Born D. C. Ass't Sm-g., U. S. N., 1834. Died 1857. -H. P. Condict. Born New Jersey. John E. Craig. District of Columbia, ^Thomas R. Ditty. Maryland. George Fillebrown. Maine. John W. Graves. Massachusetts. John Hamilton. Virginia. "^Alfred Holmead. A. M. (Hon.), 1851. Born D. C. "^Therris Jacobs. District of Columbia. P. T. Richardson. Georgia. ^Thomas R. Sewall. Maryland. 1831. "'^Thomas Bruen Brown, A. B., 1829. Benjamin B. Edmonson. Maryland. Richard Foote. Maryland. Abel W. Kingman. Massachusetts. *John Paul Quinn. Ireland. Surg., U. S. A. Died 1869. Phihp Smith. Ireland. Albert C. Thayer. Maine. James Warring. Chaptico, Maryland.. J. J. Waters. Maryland. Francis W. Weems. Virginia. 1832. ^Robert M. Baltzer. D. C. Ass't Surg., U. S. N., 1832. Died 1838. Stephen R. Chapin. Distriqt of Columbia. Charles W. Handy. District of Columbia. Elkon Jones. District of Columbia. Alumni of the Medical School. 105 "Samuel J. S. Ker. Maryland, "*Charles G. Parsons. Born 1808, X. H. Died 1844. Abner V. Row. Virginia. Allen F. Siiter. District of Columbia. ■^Samuel J. Wheeler. A. M. (Hon.), 1845. N. C. 1833. William Maffit. Virginia. ■^William Morton, A. B., 1831. Xeonard Neal. District of Columbia. nSTathan Ramsdel. Rhode Island. M. B. Robertson. District of Columbia. Benjamin F. Rose. District of Columbia. Addison H. Sanders. Virginia. Charles White. Virginia. 1834. Thompson jNI. Bennett. Virginia. ^William Y. H. Brown, A. B., 1831. Warren Cooke. Rhode Island. Levin Hodson, District of Columbia. *John Frederick May, A. B., 1831. ^Charles McCormick. Born 1807, D. C. M. D., 1835. Univ. Pa. Surg., U. S. A., 1836-53. Died 1877. :Edward M. Millard. District of Columbia. J. F. Powers. District of Columbia. F. L. Sewall. Alabama. 1840. ^Thomas B. J. Frye, A. B., 1837. Peter E. Minor. Physician and Surgeon, JeflPerson, N. Y. Born N. Y. Coroner of Schoharie Co., N. Y. Private, U. S. Vol. 1841. Richard Bond. Maryland. Erastus M. Chapin, A. B., 1838. William E. Clarke. Missouri. John Costigan. District of Columbia. i David Dodge. ' Born 1816, Va. M. D., 1871, Rush Med. I Coll. j ^Anthony Holmead, Jr. District of Columbia. Died 1855. I John G. House. I Born 1816, New York. i *Flodoardo Howard. Born 1814, Va. Prof, of Obst., George- I town Univ., D. C. Died 1887. I John W. Lugenbeel. i ; Hanson T. Murphy. North Carolina. Daniel H. Quirk. ♦Louisiana. I ^William H. Waters. I Missouri. Died 1865. AVashington D. C. E. K. White. Florida. 1842. Rufus Baker. Physician, Middletown, Conn. Bom 1815, Me. Author of several medi- cal monographs. James N. Banks. Chicago, 111. Born 1817, New Jersev 106 The Columbian University *James Hyman Causten, Jr. Born 1818, Maryland. Died 1856. Joshua Clark, New Hampshire. Charles T. Disbrow. New Jersey. Joseph J. Duvall. Davidsonville, Maryland. "^Johnson Eliot. Born 1815, D. C. A. M., 1869. Pharm. D., 1872, Georgetown Univ., D. C. Demon, of Anat., 1&12. Prof, of Anat., 1850- 61. Prof, of Surg., 1861-76. Emeritus Prof, of Surg., 1876-83. Prof of Clin. Surg., 1876-83, Geo"rgetown Univ., D. C. Died 1883. *Granville S. Farqiiar. Marj'land. Jacob Brown Gardner. District of Columbia. ^- James F. T. McCleary. Born 1820, D. C. Surg., C. S. A. Died 1871. Wilfred A. Manning. District of Columbia. Thomas Mattingly. District of Columbia. Warren Parsons. Physician and Surgeon, Rye, N. H. Born 1818, N. H. Surg., 1st Reg't, N. H. Militia. George F. Pitts. Kentucky. John Keid. Knoxville, Md. John Alfred Shade. Pennsylvania. *James Allen Tibbets. New Hampshire. Norton Ciuincy Tirrell. Massachusetts. Charles Whipple. Vermont. William II. Willis. Massachusetts. 1843. Jacob Miller Bell. Virginia. Charles F. Berry. New Hampshire. John E. Bishop. New York. Ambrose Pratt. Physician, Chester, Conn, Born 1814, Conn. A. B., 1837 ; A. M., 1840^ Yale. Surg., 22ud Conn. Vol. Inf. Samuel S. Prudden. Connecticut. George Newton Thomson. Physician and Surgeon, Boston, Mass,. Born 1813. Conn. Rep. in Mass. Legis. Member of Boston School Board. ^Joseph Walsh. Born 1806, Ireland. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Died 1879. Cephas F. Willet. Maryland. 1844. ■^Cornelius Boyle. Born 1817, D. C. Provost Marshal Gen.^ C. S. A., 1862-65. Died 1878. *Richard C. Cochrane. District of Columbia. ^Charles H. Cragin. Born N. H. Died 1887. Waitman Jones. Maryland. William S. Keech. Maryland. N. B. Maniater. Greece. William D. Newell. New Jersey. Edward W. Taylor. Maryland. William McK. Tucker, A. B., 1S40. 1845. Thomas Cammack. Milford, Ind. Alumni of the Medical School. 107 *Lewis R. Fechtioj. District of Columbia. Philander Gould. Maine. Joseph H. McChntock. Fort London, Pa. *James Ethelbert Morgan. Born 1822, Md. Dera. of Anat., 1848-52 ; Ass't Prof, of Anat., 1849 ; Prof, of Physiol., 1852; Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therapu., 1858-76, Georgetown Univ. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1861-65. Died 1889. Charles T. Simpers. Md. Surg., 6th Md. Vols., U. S. A., 1862-65. 1846. *Alfred Ball. Born 1820, Va. Surg., U. S. A. Rec'd first officer's Cora, in Ohio. On staff of Genls. Kellv, Shields, Hooker, etc. Died 1886. Wilham Beall. Maryland. *G. Erving Bomford. D. C. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Cyrus Colby. Alabama. William L. Frazer. D. C. Pes. Phys., Wash. Infirmary, 1846. James K. Gregory. New York. Francis M. Gunnell. Surgeon, U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C. A. M. (Hon.), 1852. Born 1827, D. C. A. B., 1845; A. M., 1848, Georgetown Univ., D. C. Surg., U. S. N.; Surg. Genl., U. S. N., 1884-88. John U. Heckerman. Physician, Tiffin, Ohio. Born 1825, Pennsylvania. Alexander McWilliams. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1827, District of Columbia. *John C. Morflt. Born 1830, D. C. Died 1858. *Aaron Wooley ]\Iiller. Born 1818, Pa. Surg., C. S. A., 1861-65. Died 1881. 1847. Alexander Chapman. Virginia. John Ignatius Dyer. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1827, District of Columbia. George F. Harris. Maryland. Oscar G. Mix, A. B., 1844. Nathan D. Tompkins. Indiana. Francis Wills. Maryland. 1848. *Thomas J. Cathcart, A. B., ]843. Thomas INIacomb Flandrau. Physician and Surgeon, Rome, N. Y. Born 1826, N. Y. Surg, and Surg.-in-Chief, U. S. Vols., 1862-65. Brevet Lt. Col. U. S. Vol. Health Officer; Member B'd of Educ, Rome, N. Y. Member Am. Med. Asso., etc. *Cg,leb G. E. Nichols. District of Columbia. *John AY. D. Stettinius. Born 1826, D. C. Died 1863. 1849. Thomas J. Adams. North Salem, Ind. Elijah D. Everhart. Maryland. James S. Gunnell. Born 1829, District of Columbia. Francis Hamilton Hill. Washington, D. C. Born 1827, D. C. Marmaduke C. Johnson. Turners, Miss George Latimer. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1S24, D. C. Pension Exam. Surg. ^Washington Miller. District of Columbia. ■^William James Hamilton White. Born 1827. D. C. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1850. Surg., U. S. A., 18.55. Died Sept. 17, 1862— killed on field of Antietam. First Med. Officer killed in War of Rebellion. 108 The Columbian Uxiveesity. 1850. John Mercer Adler. Physician, Philadelphia, Penn. Born 1828, D. C. A. B., 1847; A. M., 1853, Princeton. Surg., Panama R. R. Co., 1851- 55. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1861-65. *Samuel B. Blanchard. Born 1817, Massachusetts. Died 1877. ^William Beale Butt. Born 1827, Maryland. Died 1877. J. Edward Chase. Ohio. Eobert Keith Compton. Pomonkey, Md. ^Wihiam A. Douglass. Born 1825, Va. Deni. of Anat., 1873. Adj. Prof, of Descriptive Anat. and Clin. Surg., 1874. Prof, of Clin. Surg., 1875, Med. Coll. of the Pacific (Cooper Med. Coll.) Visiting Phys. to many Hospitals. Died 1890. Leopold Victor Dovilliers. Physician, Washington, D. C. Eusebius Lee Jones. District of Columbia. Powhatan Jordan. Physician and Surgeon, Beaumont, Tex. Born 1828, Ya. Surg., C. S. A. Surg., Army of Guatemala, 1869-70. Surg., North Dist. of British Honduras, 1870-76. Mem. of various Med. Societies. Frisby R. Smith. Maryland. -William A. Williams. Virginia. ^Alexander 8. Young. District of Columbia. 1851. Martin Van Buren Bogan. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1829, Illinois. Samuel Q. A. Burch. District of Columbia. *James Davidson. District of Columbia. Henry Peyton Howard. San Antonio, Tex. Born 1829, D. C. Surg., 2d Texas Inf. Med. Director, Dept. of Texas, C. S. A. Postmaster, San Antonio, 1885-89. Henry P. Martin. Virginia. ^John Campbell Eiley. Born 1828, D. C. A. B., 1848 ; A. M., 1851, Georgetown Univ. Prof, of Materia Medica, 1859-79, Col. Univ. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1861. Author of " Compend of Materia Medica and Therapeutics." Died 1879. ^Henry Powers Ritter. New York. Surg., C. S. A., 1862-65. Alexander Jenl-ins Semmes. Sharon, Ga. Born 1S28, D. C. A. M., 1853, George- town Univ., D. C. Surg., C. S. A., 1861-65. Prof, of Physiol., Savannah, Ga., 1870-76. 1852. Barlett W. Anderson. District of Columbia. ■^Samuel J. Anderson. District of Columbia. William 0. Baldwin. Physician, Washington, D. C." Maryland. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. *J. W. Bowie. Maryland. Thomas B. Chace. Maryland. ^George M. Dale. Virginia. ■^^Charles Fairchild Force. Prosector, Anat. and Surg., 1858-59. Born D. C. Act. Ass't Surg., C. S. A. Died 1884. John William Hilleary. Physician, Petersville, Md. Born 1831, Md. M. D., 1854, Jettl'rson Med. Coll., Pa. Samuel A. H. McKim. Physician, Washington, D. C. *B. W. Morrison. District of Columbia. Alumni of the Medical School. 109 1853. "^Bennett A. Clements. Born 1831, D. C. Surg., U. S. A. Died William H. Decker. Marj'land. Walter Hay. Physician (retired), Annapolis, Md. Born 1880, D. C. LL. D., 1878, St. Ignatius •Coll., Chicago. Surg, in charge St. James' Episc. Hosp., 1858; St. Luke's Hosp., 1864, Chicago, 111. Editor, Chicago Med. Journal, 1867-75. Adj. Prof, of Theo. and Prac. of Med., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1871-77. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1875. Prof, of Nervous and Mental Dis. and of Med. -Jurispru., Northwestern Univ., 1882-90. Thomas W. Hebb. Maryland. ■John Moore McCalla. Physician, AVashington, D. C. Born 1835, District of Columbia. Edward M. Scott. Dem. of Anat., 1851-55. Born N. C. 1854. ^William Alfred Bradley. Born 1831, D. C. Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1861-69. Died 1869. ^George Alexander Dyer. Born 1829, D. C. A. M., Georgetown Univ., D. C. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A^ols. Died 1879. *Benjamin J. Hellen, A. B., 1850. Ferdinand S. Holmes. Maine. Edward C. Moore. District of Columbia. •Clement C. Speiden, A. B., 1850. P. H. Wever, Maryland. 1855. James B. P. Hank. Maryland. *John Theodore Eeily. Born 1835, D. C. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1862. Died 1864. 1856. "^Philip Chapman Davis. Virginia. Surg., U. S. A. Died 1871. P. W. Hale. Fostoria, Ohio. C. L. McDonald. Massachusetts. Jonathan Slater Prout. Physician, Brooklyn, N. Y. Born 1833, D. C. Surg., 26th Reg't, Mo. Vols., U. S. A. nVilliam Henry Taylor. Born 1834, Pennsylvania. Died 1889. 1858. ^Cyrus Bacon. Mich. Ass't Surg., U. S. A.. 1862. Died 1868. Robert S. Bernard. Mrginia. Benjamin C. Cooke. North Carolina. Seidell W. Crow. Dem. of Anat., 1858-62. Robert W. Hales. Ohio. Isaac R. Jones. Iowa. John W. Lackey. Louisiana.. Ass't Surg., C. S. A. Charles Miller. District of Columbia. *Henry Waldron. Born New York. Died 1889, Wisconsin. William E. Waters. Surgeon, U. S. Army. Born 1833, D. C. Ass't Surg., D. C. Militia, 1861. Surg, of Vols., U. S. A., 1861: Ass't Surg.. 1862"; Surg.. 1879, U. S. A. Inspec- tor of Hosp., D. C, 1862-64. 1859. John E. Atwell. Ohio. A. B. Campbell. District of Columbia. John A. Drake. North Carolina. . James W. Fennell. Alabama. 110 The Columbian University. George Philip Fenwick. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1838, D. C. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Member, Board of Health, D. C. P. A. Gardiner. Maryland. ^Christian Matthew Hines. District of Columbia. Died 1882. Wescom Hudgin. Virginia. Fernando C. James. Physician, Bethel, N. C. Born 1834, N. C. Ass't Surg., C. S. A. Thomas W. Johnson. Danville, Ind. Claudius Edward Richard King. Physician and Surgeon, San Antonio, Tex. Born 1839, Eng. Surg., C. S. A. H. B. Martin. Snowville, Va. P. H. Martin. Virginia. W. G. Mathis. Tennessee. William R. Moye. South Carolina. William D. Murray. Physician, Tonawanda. N. Y. N. Y. Surg., 161st Keg't, N. Y. Vols. D. M. Russell. South Carolina. J. Richard Sowers. Physician, Warrenton, Va. Born 1837. A'a. Act. Ass't Surg, and [.lent., C. S. A. B. V. Sweringen. Ohio. J. M. Trevey. Virginia. *Williain Walton. Born O. Surg., 25th Ohio Vols. Phvs., Clarington, O. Died 1891. Joshua Way. Pliysician and Surgeon, Way, O. Born 1^36, Ohio. V. S. Pension Surg. Thomas E. Williams. Physician and Farmer, Peakes, Va.. Born 1836, Virginia. Surg., 2d N. C. Cav. William G. Williams. Wood ward ville, Md.. Born Maryland. Surg., C. S. A. A. ]^. Williamson. North Carolina. 1860. Lee M. Alexander. Missouri. Med. Director, C. S. A. Samuel William Bogan. Physician, Washington, D. C- Born 1840, District of Columbia. James H. Brown. Virginia. M. Van Conardon. Calhoun, Illinois.. James F. Culpeper. Physician, Timmonsville, S. C. N. C. Grad., S. C. Mil. Acad. Capt. of Artillery,' C. S. A. Silas Murray Dinsmoor. Physician and Surgeon, Keene, N. H.. Born 1836, N. H. U. S. Pension Exam. Surgeon. Thomas H. Elder. Physician and Surgeon, Wintield, Kan. Born 1836, O. Priv., Hosp-Stew. Act.. Ass't Surg, of Vol. School Director 15 yrs. Phys., Kiowa Indian Agency. C. Hurley Foreman. Missouri. Henry P. Fricker. Ashtabula, Ohio.. Ohio. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1861-64. John E. Gowland. Massachusetts. Jefferson Monroe Harbison. Physician, Knpxville, Tenn_ Born 1832, Tennessee. Charles W. Harper. Kentucky. John S. Hoagland. Indiana. Alumxj of the Medical Scpiool. Ill Ephraim Brevard Holland. Physician. Dallas, N. C. Born 1831, N. C. Ass't Surs?., C. S. A. Mayor of Dallas, N. C. Sup't, Board of Health, Gaston Co. *Samuel H. Jackson. South Carolina. *Edwin W. Latimer. Virginia. Died 1880. Nathaniel M. Lawrence. North Carolina. Charles O. Lewis. Physician, Bladensburg, Md. Born 18>i8, Virginia. C. E. Lippett. Virginia. Edward Xealley Mayo. Physician and Surgeon, Orono, ]\Ie. Born 1837, ]Me. Pension Exam. Surg. School Com., Orono, 6 yrs. Little C. Osmiin. Physician, Phillipsburg, N. J. Born 1831, N. J. Surg., U. S. Vols. *Lewis Mackey Osniun. Born 183.1, Va. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1863- 65. Died 1884. John M. Pettigrew. Physician, Rural Valley, Pa. Born 1835, Pennsylvania. William O. Slade, Jr. Virginia. C. S. A. Thomas Smith. District of Columbia. Isaac Holden Stearns. Milwaukee, Wis. Massachusetts, Surg., U. S. Vols., 1862-65. David B. Sturgeon. R. G. Syme. Virginia. Philadelphia, Pa. Dowe Daniel Talman. New York. 1861. ^A. J. Borland. Pennsylvania. 0. D. Brown. Virginia. Whitfield Brooks. South Carolina. George Duttoii. Born Vermont. Charles Eayres. Massachusetts. J. R. Fraley. North Carolina. T. C. Hancock. North Carolina. Albert Freeman Africanus King, Physician, Washington, D. C. Prof, of Obst., 1871- Dean of Med. School. Born 1841, Eng. M. D., I8(i5, Univ. of Pa. A. M., Univ. of Vt. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Prof, of Obst., Univ. of Vt. Author of "A Manual of Obstetrics," etc. Joseph Little. Physician, Washington. Pa. Edmund L. Massie. Virginia. ^Edward S. Matthews. Born 1810, Pa. Ass't Surg., U. S. X., 1861- William D. Myers. Physician, Minneapolis, Minn. Born 1830, N. Y. Surg. 88th Ind. Vols. Benjamin i'ranklin Ouzts. Physician, Kosse, Tex. South Carolina. Surg., C. S. A., 1862-64. Armistead Peter. Physician, Georgetown, D. C. Born 1840, Md. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A.^ 1861-65. Ebon J. Russ. St. INIary's, Pa. Samuel C. Smith. Virginia. C. S. A. T. A. Stewart. Ohio. J. W. Strickland. Ohio. Thomas A. Sutherland. Physician, Cade P. O., Tex. Born 1840, S. C. Ass't Surg., C. S. A. 112 TiTE Columbian University. "Yan B. Thornton. Physician, Hempstead, Tex. Born 1840, D. C. Private, C. S. A.; Ass't Surg., C. S. A. Health Officer, Hempstead, Tex. John W. WilHams. Mississippi. WilUam T. WiUiams. North Carolina. Eobert H. Wilson. Missouri. Thomas A. Wilson. Indiana. 1862. Edward Alexander, Germany. Hubert L. Becker. Kentucky. Charles H. Bowen. Physician and Surgeon, 'Washington, D. C. Born 1838, D. C. Ass't Surg., V. S. A., 1861-6.T. Surg, to Navajoe Indians, 1881. ^William Herbert Combs. District of Columbia. Died 1873. 'John Summertield Conrad. Physician, St. Dennis P. O., Md. Born 1839, Va. Ass't Surg., C, S. A., 1862-65. Prof. ilat. Med., Washington Univ., Balto., 1872-73. Prof, of Surg., do., 1873-74. Supt., Md. State Hosp. for the In- sane, 187 J - John N. Lyman. New York. 1863. Ambrose Bareroft. Walshville, Illinois. Elliott Cones, A. B., 1861. *George H. Hopkins. District of Columbia. Samuel T. Kingston. Oswego, New York. Theodore B. Lashells. Physician and Surgeon, Meadville, Pa. Born 1831), Pa. A. M. (Hem.), 1887, Alle- gheny Coll. Burg., 171st Pa. Inf., 1862-65. ■^Marcellus King Moxley. Born 1839, O. Surg., V. S. A. Died ir89. Born 1841, N. banv Med. (;o]l V Is., ISIVi-ln. Albany. Pres.. Didactic, Abd( George L. Rice. Physician and Surgeon, North Adams, Mass. Born 1838, Mass. Ass't Surgeon, U. S. A. Postmaster, North Adams, 1887-89. T. B. Sackets. New York. Abner Thorpe. Born 1840, O. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. N., 1863-65 Albert Vander Veer. Surgeon, Albany, N. Y. Y. M. D., 1869 (Hon.\ Al- . Ph. D. Surg., 66th N. Y. Chairman B'd of Health. S])Hcial Water Com. I'rof., minal and Clinical Surg., Albany Med. Coll. Member and Fellow of numerous Med. Asso's. Attending Surg., Albany Hosp., etc., etc. Peleg Wads worth. Physician and Surgeoii, Maiden, :Mass. Born 1834, Me. A. B., 1859, Dartmouth Coll. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1863. liesi- dent Surg., Qr. Masters' Hosp., D. C, 1864. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. N., 1865. *Bodisco Williams. D. C. Ass't Surg., C. S. A. Died 1873. 1866. Robert Coltman. Supt., Indian School, Albuquerque, N. M. Born 184], D. C. Supt. and Phys.. Neal- aka Indian School, Creek Nation, 1887. Supt.. Albuquerque Indian School, 1888. Ordained Apr., 1889. ^William Beverly Drinkard. Dem. of Anat., 1866-71. Lect. on Anat. and Physiol., 1871-72. Prof, of Anat., 1872- 77. Born 1842, Ya. Died Feb. 13, 1877. George Luther Hicks. ' Physician, Cornersville, Md. Born Ya. Private, C. S. A. Pres., School B'd, Dorchester Co., 1870-78. Edward Wiedfeldt. Germany. 1867. "Francis A. Ash ford. Born 1811, Ya. C. S. A. Prof. Surg., Georgetown Univ., I). C. Died 1883. * Joseph Francis Eck. Missouri. Died 1889. George C. Samson, A. B., 1865. Alumni of the Medical School. 113- Yon Beverhout Thompson. Physician and Surgeon, New York City. Born 1.S46, Md. Visiting and Attending Phys. to various hospitals. Contributor to nie'd. journals. 1868. Moses Briicklieimer. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1835, Germany. Private, U. S. Vol. C. C. H. Fenwick. Maryland. *H. F. C. Krumme. Nebraska. J. P. Richardson. Centreville, Gal. ^WiUiam L. Eider. Virginia. Edward Martin Schaeffer. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1843, N. Y. Hosp. Stew., U. S. A. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Ass't Coroner, D. C. Author of "Illustrations Phocene Skull." James L. Suddarth. Phj^sician, Washington, D. C. ^Benedict Thompson. Born 1843, Marvland. Died 1875. 1869. George G. Colby. James M. Davidson. Missouri, Linierick, Me. Charles W. Franzoni, Ph. B., 1858. James Knox Polk Gleeson. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1844, New Hampshire. Charles Henry Humphreys. Physician, Dayton, Ohio. Born 1845, O. 16th 0. Battery, U. S. A. At ending Surg., St. Elizabeth's Hosp. Pen- sion Exam. Surg. Albert Eugene Johnson. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1840, N. Y. 5th Pa. Reserve Corps, 1861-62. AV. AV. Munson. .Otisco, Ne^v York. Jesse W. Parker. Professor of Music, Northfield, Minn. Born 1842, Ohio. Druggist. Melvin De Witt Peck. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. Born 1842, N. Y. Serg., 10th N. Y. Cavahy. Chief Clerk, U. S. Pat. O. Charles A. Prentiss. Druggist, Washington, D. C. . Born 1837. District of Columbia. 1870. John Ely Brackett. Physician, Washington, D. C. . Born 1846, Ind. Prof. Mat. Med. and Therap., Howard Univ., D. C. Phys. to poor. D. C. Joseph Talbott Clarke, A. B., 1867. Wilbur F. Crutchley. Physician, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Born 1842, West Virginia. *Henry A. Duncanson, Ph. B., 1866. Eobert G. Dyrenforth. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. LL. B.. 1875, niinois. Thomas T. Eaiie. Greenville, South Carolina. _ John M. Knott. Physician, Sioux City, Iowa. ^ Born 1846, Ohio. U. S. A. John Kurtz, Ph. B., 1866. Zachariah T. Sowers, Ph. B., 1869. Smith Townshend. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1837, Md. U. S. A., 5 vrs. Health . Officer, D. C, 1876-91. ^Walter Bowie Tyler. Bom 1817, D. C. Died 1889. 1871. Henry M. Bannister. Physician, Kankakee, 111. Born 1844, N. Y. B. S., 1863, Northwest- ern Univ. 114 The Columbian University Frank Dudley Beane. Physician aud Surgeon, New York City. Born 1851, N. H. M. D., 1874, Bellevue Med. Coll., N. Y. A. M. (Hon.), 1877, Gon- zaga Coll., D. C. Author of numerous articles in Med. journals. Austin Brockenbrough. District of Columbia. Frederick Wadsworth Halsey. Physician, Boston, Mass. Bom 1849, N. Y. Prof., Bost. Univ. Med. Coll. Surg., INI urdock Free Hosp.for Women. ■^Jolin C. Howard. District of Columbia. Died 1889. ^Eichard Joseph. Massachusetts. John Speed McLain. Physician. Washington, D. C. Born 1848, D. C. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1874-77, 1878-83. Alexander Fitzhugh Magru'der. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1849, D. C. Ass't Surg., U S. K, 1871. Surg., 1885— W. L. Newlands. Maryland. William Tyler Eamsey. Physician, Cambridge, O. Bom 1847, Md. Subsistence Dept., U. S. A. Clerk, War Dept., 1865-69. 1872. James H. Bonebrake. Clerk, U. S. Treasury, D. C. Seward B. Chapin. Massachusetts. James Morsell Gassaway. Physician, Cairo, 111. Bom 1848, D. C. Ass't Surg., U. S. Marine Hosp. Sei-A^ce. 1876. Passed Ass't Surg., 1879. Surg., 1881- James Palmer Hawes. Physician, North Hector, N. Y. Born 1839, New York. Joseph AV. Little. Physician, Washington, D. C. Jerome B. Ten Eyck. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Mich. D. D. S., 1.S73, Bait. Coll. of Dental Surg. Walter Whitney. Maine. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. 1873. Arthur C. Adams. Physician, Washington, D. C. Dem. of Anat., 1879-89. Pros, of Anat., 1878-79. Bom 1847, D. C. A. B., 1870 ; A. M., 1873, Univ. of Mich. Pri., 24th N. Y. Cav. Henry R. Case. Physician, Grand Blanc, Mich. Bom 1848, Michigan. S. L. Crissey. Washington, D. C. Robert Charles Grove. Physician, Shepherdstown, W. Va. Born 1850, Maryland. Walter C. Murphy. Physician and Surgeon, Burgaw, N. C. Born N. C. Manager, Dept. of Health, Sanitation and Climatology, Southern Inter-State Immigration Bureau. Jeffrey Conway O'Connell. Physician, Philadelphia, Pa. Bom 1839, Ireland. Special Exam., U. S. Pension Bureau for 25 yrs. ^Cornelius Scannell. California. Frank D. Squires. Railroad Official, Birmingham, Ala. Born 1850, New Y^ork. Charles AVhite. Born 1834, Ireland. AVashington, D. C. William Leonard Worcester. Physician, Little Rock, Ark. Born 1845, Vt. A. B., 1869; A. M., 1874, Dartmouth Coll. Phys., State Lvinatic Asyl., Ark. 1874. George Nicholas Acker. Physician, Washington, D. C. Dem. of Prac. Physiol., 1881-80; of Path. Histol., 1879- Lecturer on Path. Anat., 1879- 87. Born 1852, I). C. A. B., 1872; A. M., 1875, Penn. Coll. M. D., 1877, Univ. of Ber- lin. Laban T. Bremerman, A. B., 1871. Alumni of the Medical School. 115 J. Flemming Carrow. Prof, of Ophthalmology and Otology, I'niv. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. Born Md. Surg, to Native Hospital, Can- ton, Chiha, 1876-80. U. S. Consul at Canton, 1881. ; William H. Faulkner, Jr. } District of Columbia. ; Eomulus Adams Foster. , Physician, Washington, D. C. ! Bor^ 1852, District of Columbia. *Winfield Peter Lawver. Dem. of Prae. Chem., 1881-88. Born 1848, 111. Assayer, U. S. Mint Bureau. Died 1891. *H. OfHey Paulding. Born 1852, D. C. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Died 1883. Eudolpli Ravenl3urg. Physician, Washington, D. C. Thomas C. Rich. 1 Indiana. I I E. A. Sellhausen. Physician, Washington, D. C. 1875. John Godfrey. Siu'geon, U. S. Marine Hosp. Service. Born Ala. Author of "Medicine and Medicine Men," etc. Clayton A. Hoover. Ass't in PhvsioL, 1877-79. Dem. of Physiol. , 1879-80. Lecturer on Histol., 1878 ; on Minor Surg., 1879. Born I). C. •Gabriel F. Johnston. Physician, Washington, D. C. George Luniney. Physician, Maiden, Mass. Benjamin S. Seymour. Surgeon, P. M. S. S. Co., San Francisco, Cal. Wilfred W. Streeter. Pennsylvania. Walter Taylor. West Virginia. ^Roswell Waldo. Born 1846, Ohio. Ass't Surg., U. S. Ma- Tine Hosp. Service, 1877-78. Died of yellow fever,. Cairo, 111., Oct. 16, 1878. 1876. AVilliam M. Backus. Clerk, Interior Department. Carlin Springs, Virginia. Tarleton Hoffman Bean. Ichthyologist and Curator, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Born 1846, Pa. M. S., 1883, Indiana Univ Author of several papers on fishes and birds. Editor for U. S. Fish Com. Charles Loomis Dana. Physician, New York City. BornVt. A. B.: A. M., Dartmouth Coll. Author of many papers on Physiology and nervous and mental diseases. " Prof." Nerv- o\is Diseases, N. Y. Post-graduate Coll. , and in Dartmouth Med. Coll. H. Alden Dobson. Physician, Galesburg, 111. Hobart S. Dye. Physician, New Berlin, N. Y. Born 1848, New York. Charles H. J. Linskey. Virginia. Samuel J. Xewman. • Maryland. ^Charles J. Nourse. Born 1855, Md. . Asst. Surg. U. S. N., 1876- 80. Died 1880. Fames B. Rankin. District of Columbia. "^Gustamis L. Bietz. Born Gemianv. Lutheran Clergvman. Died N. Y., 1887. Robert Wilson Shufeldt. Surg. U. S. A. and Naturalist, Smithsonian Institution, D. C. Born 1850, N. Y. Surg. U. S. A., 1876- Curator of Comp. Osteology, U. S. Armv I\Ied. Museum. Hon. Curator Smithsonian Inst. Author of upward of 300 papers, works, etc. on Ethnology, Zoology, Anthro- pology, etc., etc. Charles Smith. Massachusetts. 1877. Charles A. Ball. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1851, Virginia. 116 The Columbian Uxiversity. Eugene Bettes. Plate Printer, Washington, D. C. Born 1838, Maine. James Joseph Carroll. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born D. C. B. S., 1876, St. John's Coll. Resident Phv. Children's Hos., D. C, 1877- 78. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1878-85. James W. Graham. Examiner, U. S. Patent OflBice, Waslaing- ton, D. C. J, A. Harrison. Washington. D. C. 1878. Horace W. Durnall. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. ■^J. McLean Eastman. District of Columbia. C. J. Graves. Georgetown, Ky. Clarence T. Lewis. Physician and Surgeon, Clifton Forge, Va. Born 1852, District of Columbia. William E. Eice. Maine. E. F. Smith. Denver, Colorado. 1879. Horatio B. Bigelow. Mass. 2d Lieut. U. S. M. C, 1865-70. Charles Tufts Caldwell. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1855, Mass. U. S. Exam. Surg and Med. Exam'r, U. S. Pen. O. Minneapolis, Minn. James R. Freeman. John Y. Gibson. Virginia. Samuel B, Lyon. District of Columbia. James C. McGuire. Physician, Washington, D. C. D. C. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. William Nicholson. Born 1853, Arkansas. Albert Clarke Patterson. Physician, Gov't Hospital for the Insane,. Washington, D. C. Born 1854, Ohio. Benjamin George Pool. Physician, Washington, D. C. Ass't Dem. of Anat. and Prosector of Anat., 1884-86. Born 1854, Va. Interne, Columbia and Barnes' Hosp. Med. Sani- tary Inspt., D. C. John F. Russell. Physician, New York' City. D. C. M. D., 1880, Coll. Phys. and Surg.,, N. Y. Solon B. Stone. Surgeon, U. S. Army.. Born District of Columbia. 1880. Frank Baker. Manager, National Zoological Park, D. C. Born 1841, X. Y. A. M.; Ph. D., George- town Univ., D. C. Ass't Supt. Life Saving Service. Prosector of Anat., 1879-83 ; Ass't Dem. Anat., 1880-83 ; Lect. on Visceral Anat., 1881-82; Prof, of Anat., Georgetown ITniv., D. C. A. H. Waldo Clum, A. B., 1876. Horace Morgan Deeble. Physician, Fort Yates, N. D.. Born 1851, D. C. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A.. *John W. Dunn. Born 1858, Pa. Died Dec. 30, 1890. "'^Thomas John Claggett Maddox. Born 1852, Md. Ass't Surg., U. S. A.. Killed by the Indians Dec. 19, 1885. Clifton Mayfield. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1858, District of Columbia. -H. B. Quinby. New Hampshire. James S. W^oodward. District of Columbia. 1881. Louis K. Beatty. Physician, Washington, D. C- Born 1857, la. Phys. to Poor, D. C, 1883-86. *Philo H. Bennett. New York. Alumni of the Medical School. 117 John William Chappell,B. S., 1877. Leon Leigh Friedrich. Physician, Washington, D. C. Ass't Dem. Anat, 1883-84; Prosector to Anat., 1883-84. Born 1857, D. C. Agg't Surg., Emergency Hosp., etc. Ass't, Gen'l Hosp. on Skin and Venereal Diseases, Vi- enna, 1 year. John Hepburn Yarnall. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born Georgetown, D. C. 1882. John A. Black. Physician and Surgeon, Pueblo, Colo. Born 1857, W. Va. City Phys., 1885. Cor- oner, Pueblo, Colo. William K. Butler, A. M., 1879. ■^Alexander Yelverton Peyton Gar- nett, Jr. Ass't Dem. of Anat.. 1885-86. Died 1886. Charles E. Gorham. Washington, D. C. Eandolph G. Hyatt, A. B., 1878. Henry Lowery Emilius Johnson. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1858, D. C. Lecturer and Dean, Wash'n Training School for Nurses. ^Franklin P. Grosvenor MacLean. Born 1854, Cal. Prof, of Chem., Univ. of Cal. Prin. Exam., U. S. Pat. O. Died 1891. Thomas IST. JMcLaughlin. Physician, Washington, D. C. 1883. William Cline Borden. Ass't Surgeon, U. S. Army. Born 1858, N. Y. 1st Lieut, and Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1883-88. Capt. and Ass't Surg., 1888- Henry Clay Corbett. Physician, Arlington, Va. Born 1858, A^irginia. Middleton F. Cuthbert. Physician, Washington, D. C. Ass't Dem. of Anat., 1888-89. Lecturer, Wash'n Training School for Nurses. William L. Miller. Physician, Washington, D. C. Ass't Dem. of Path. Histol., 1888-89. Reginald Munson. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1858, Va. M. D., 1884, Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 111. Richard A. Pyles. Physician, Anacostia, D. C. Born 1861, Maryland. Daniel Kerfoot Shute, A. B., 1879. Philip Gray Wales, A. B., 1881. Edward E. Womersley. Physician and Surgeon, Omaha, Neb. Born 1851, Mass. Clerk, War Dept., 3 yrs. Peter Bryson Wood. Physician, Baltimore, Md. Born 1859, Pa. Police Surg., Balto., Md., 1888- 1884. Thomas Andrew Berryhill. Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Born 1861, 111. Ass't Surg., U. S. N., 1886. Paul Clendenin. Ass't Surgeon, U. S. Army. Born 1860, 111. Librarian, Bu. of Statis- tics, U. S. Treas. Charles A. Crampton. Chemist, Washington, D. C. Born 1858, Iowa. B. S., 1882, Univ. of Mich. Chemist, Dept. of Agr. Chemist, Int. Rev. Bureau. George A. Drury. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1860, D. C. A. B., 1880, Rock Hill Coll., Md. Act. Med. Exam., U. S. Pen. Bu. William Henry Fox. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1857, D. C. Ass't Phys., Children's Hosp., D. C. Revere Randolph Gurley. Assistant, U. S. Fish Com., Wash'ton, D. C. Born 1861, D. C. Henry S. T. Harris, A. M., 1883. Walter H. Illman. Physician, Matamoras, Pa. Dorsey Mahon McPherson. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1857, Md. M. D., 1877, Howard Univ., D. C. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1878-83. 10 118 The Columbian University. Stephen C. Miller. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born 1S42, Pa. Phar. D., 1888, Howard Univ., D. C. Priv.. Corp. and 2d Lieut., 6th and 7th INrinn. Vols. Capt. and Brevet Major of Vols. Charles W. Eichardson. Physician, AVashington, D. C. Born 1861, D. C. M. D., 1884, Univ. of Pa. Author of various monographs. Willard Fillmore Thompson. ■ Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1857. D. C. D. D. S., 1880, Balto. Coll. of Dental Surg. Lecturer, Med. Dept., Kat. Univ., D. C. Joseph Richardson Walton. Chemist and Druggist, Washington, D. C. Born 1846, Eng. Pharm. D., 1882, Nat. Coll. of Pharmacy. Prof, of Analytical Chemistry-, Nat. Coll. of Pharmacy, D. C. George H. Wright. | District of Columbia. | 1885. j John Wesley Bovee. > Physician, Washington, D. C. ■ Born 1861, N. Y. Visiting Phys. to Wash, j Asylum Hosp., D. C. [ Alanson S. Douglas. Physician, Washington, D. C. i George Lyman Fox. Physician, Washington, D. C. Conn. A. B. 1878, Williams Coll. William Bates French. j Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1855, D. C. Clerk, U. S. Coast Sur- vey, j Eugene Goodwin. j Physician, Washington, D. C. Leonard Knight Graves. Physician, Pil?tird, N. Y. Born 1856, Vt, A. B., 1879; A. M., 1886, Dartmouth Coll. M. D., 1887, Bellevue nosp. Med. Coll., N. Y. Resident Phvs. and Surg., W. H. and A. H. Hospitals, Blackwells' Island, X. Y. William E. ILandy. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1858, District of Columbia. Francis Ransom Lane. Principal of High School, Washington, D. C. Born 1858, N. H. A. B., 1881, Dartmouth Coll. Author of " Books and Reading." "Outlines of English Lit." Outlines of American Lit." (Syllabi.) George INIarx. Naturalist and Phvsician, Washington, D. C. Born 1838, Germanv. Priv., Hosp. Steward, Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Chief Draftsman, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Author of " Catalogue of the Spiders of North Am.\ James P. Saffold. Physician, Washington, D. C. William Mercer Sprigg. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1864, Va. Resident Phvs., Garfield Hosp., 1885-88. Phys. to the Poor, D. C, 1889. Member of various societies. David Clark Stockstill. Physician, Washington, D. C. Francis Joseph Woodman. Physician, Washington, D. C. N. H. A. B., 1876, Yale. Med. Exam., U. S. Pen. Bureau. 1886. WilUam W. L. Cissel. Maryland. John F. Collins. Physician, Washington, D. C. James Denver Glennan. Ass't Surgeon, U. S. Army. Born 1862, N. Y. M. D., 1885, Howard Univ., D. C. Ass't Surg., U. S. A., 1888- Henry L. Gosling. Physician, AVashington, D. C. Arthur J. Hall. Physician, Washington, D. C. Andrew F. Flofer. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1&59, Penn. Phar. D., 1880, Nat. Coll. Pharm., D. C. William G. Stimpson. Surg., U. S. Majine Hosp. Service. Maryland. Surgeon, Fish Com., 1888-89. Stephen Stuart White. Ass't Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Born 1863, Maryland. Alumni of the Medical School. 119 1887. Henry W. Aiken. New York. Oharles J. Barrett. Ireland. Frederick Henry Cleaves. Physician, Portland, Me. Born 1864, Maine. George W. N. Custis. Physician, Washington, D. C. Hon. A. M., 1868. Born 1830, D. C. M. D., 1888, Hahnemann Med. Coll., Phila. Member of X. J. Legislature, 1866-67, and Speaker of the House. Henry Buckmaster Deale. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1862, Md. A. B., 1882; A. M., 1885, Dickinson Coll. William T. Gill. Physician, Washington, D. C. Emergency Hosp. and Ky. Res. Phys. Central Dispen. Olara Bliss Hinds. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born Mich. Author of " Child Growth ; " j ■"Is Discrimination Against Women by Life Insurance Companies Wise?" Charles K. Koones. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1865, Ya. Phys., Emergency Hosp., "Wash'n Asylum Hosp., and Providence Hosp., D. C. ^Michael A. Leary. District of Columbia. Daniel Olin Leech. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1862, Ya. Ass't Phvs. E. Dispensary, D. C. William C. ^McKinney. Plate Printer, Washington, D. C. *Henry D. Nourse. District of Columbia . Died 1 890. Josiah B. Trudgian. Physician, Washington, D. C. William Douglas Wirt. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. Born 1863, District of Columbia. Jacob L. Wortman. Washington, D. C. 1888. Herman Hoffman Birney. Physician, West Philadelphia, Pa. Born 1866, 111. M. D., 1889, Univ. of Pa. Ezra T. Campbell. Physician, Tabor, la. Born 1864, Neb. Author of Med. mono- graphs. Charles W. Cannon. Physician, Bridgeport, Tex. William PhilUps Carr. Physician. Washington, D. C. Prosector of Anat.. 1887-89. Dem. of Anat, 1889- Prof. Yisceral Anat. Lect. on Anat. Born 1858, Ya. Anton Coe. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1848, Conn. Ass't, Oph. Surg., R'ovi- dence Hosp., 2 years. Ass't, Oph. and Oral Surg., Wash. Eye and Ear Infirmary. Corydon P. Cronk. U. S. Signal Service, Baltimore, Md. Born 1859, Mich. B. S., 1879, Mich. Agr. Coll. Cooper Curtice. Veterinarian, Dept. of Agriculture, D. C. Born 1856, Conn. B. S., 1881, Cornell Univ. D. V. S., 1883, Columbian Yet. Coll., N. Y. Ass't Paleontologist, U. S. G. S. Special Agent, Bureau of Animal Industry. Author of "Animal Parasites of Sheep." William J. Dillenback. Physician, Children's Hosp., D. C. New York. Ass't Dem. of Anat., 1889-91. E. Maitland Ellyson. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1862, Yirginia. Arthur "M. Hamilton. Surgeon, P. M. S. S. Co., San Francisco, Cal. Born 1866, New York. Samuel L. Hannon. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1858, Maryland. Joseph A. Horigan. Physician, Kansas City, Mo. Born 1864, D. C. Phar. D., 1885, Nat. Coll. of Pharm., D. C. Res. Ass't, Columbia Hosp., D. C. 120 The Columbian University. Ephraim Gardner Kimball. Teacher, Washington, D. C. Bom 1858, N. H. A. B., 1881, Dartmouth. William F. Morsell. stenographer, Washington, D. C. Born 1860, District of Columbia. David M. Ogden. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1851. District of Columbia. Edward Eoome, A. M., 1885. Edward J. Sexton. Physician, Sturgis, S. D. j Born 1860, Va. A. B., 1882, Emory and ! Henry Coll.. Va. i Lewes D. Wilson, B. S., 1884. Harry Vanderbilt Wiirdemann. Physician, Milwaukee, AVis. Prosector of Anat., 1887-89. Born 1865, D. C. Attending Surg., Wash. Eye and Ear Intirmary, etc. Ophthalmic and Aural | Surg., Milwaukee Hosp. for Chrcmic Insane. | Author of Med. monographs. i Glendie B. Young. i Physician, Washington, D. C. 1 Ass'tDem. of Anat., 1890- Md. 1889. Charles R. Clark. Physician, New York City. Born 1862, N. Y. U. S. P. O. Inspector. Horace Fletcher Clark. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1863, Missouri. William F. Cole. Clerk, U. S. Treasurj-, Washington, D. C. Born Georgia. Alfred Lucien De Carre. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1850, France. Lieut, of Marines, Franco-German War, 1870-71. Amelia Erbach. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1860, D. C. Gena Russell Harding. Washington, D. C. William Dennis Horigan. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1861, D. C. Ass't Resident Phvs., Columbia Hosp. Henry A. Johnson. Washington, D. C. *Samuel R. Means. Born 1863, Pa. Ph. G., 1886, Phila. Coll. of Pharm. Ass't Phys., Govt. Hosp. for Insane, 1889-90. Died 1890. Arthur C. Merriam. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1866, D. C. Rosier Middleton. Physician, Washington, D. C» Thomas B. Mohun. Physician, Washington, D. C. D. C. Resident Phvs., Wash. Asvlum, D. C. Jose V. Nunez. u. s. of Col. Alexis L. Pratt. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born 1851, Wisconsin. Alexander L. Robinson. Physician, Seattle, Wash. ^ Born 1863, New York. James H. Stone. ■ Physician, Washington, D. C. Robert Lee Sutton. Physician, Opelika, Ala. Born 1864, Ala. A. B., 1883, A. and M. Coll. of Ala. County Health Officer. Fred. Kimball Swett. Physician, Washington, D. C. LL. B., 1880. Born 1857, Maine. • John Van Rensselaer. Physician, Charity Hosp., N. Y. City. Born 1862, N. J. A. B., 1882, Hobart Coll. Edwin Douglas Webb. Physician, Washington, D. C. 1890. Edwin Welsh Ashford. Washington, D. C. Born 1867, D. C. Clerk, U. S. Nat. Museum, 1888-90. Clerk, U. S. Census, 1890-91 William Watson Ayres. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1867, Pennsylvania. Alumni of the Medical School. 121 Madison Miles Brewer. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1866, Kan. Res. Phys., Garfield Hosp. €harles S. Elliott. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, _D. C. Born 1858, 111. Master of Acc'ts, ' 1881, Kan. Normal toll. George W. H. Fitch. Physician, Washington, D. C. Harris H. Freeze. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. Charles Henry Gardner, B. S., 1884. Henry S. Goodall. Physician, Bennington, Vt. Bom 1866, Vt. A. B., 1887, Williams Coll. Charles S. Kalb. Physician, Children's Hosp., D. C. Prosector of Auat., 1890. Born 1867, Ya. Ass't Curator, U. S. Nat. Museum. John T. Kelley, Jr. Washington, D. C. John William Klemm. €lerk, U. S. Pension Bu., Washington, D. C. Born 1858, N. Y. Daniel P. McCornack, Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Louis Mackall, Jr. Physician, Washington, D. C. Oscar Albert ^lenocal. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1869, Cuba. Ass't Surg., Nicaragua Canal Construction Co. Yeranus Alva Moore. Ass't, Bureau of Animal Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. Ass't Dem. of Patholog. Hist., 1890- Born 1859, N. Y. B. S., 1887, Cornell Univ. Au- thor of microscopical articles. Daisy M. Orleman. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1868, Kan. Teacher, Pub. School, ria. Clerk, U. S. Pension Bu. AVilliam F. E. Phillips. Physician, Washington, D. C. Prosector of Anat., 1890- Born 1863, Va. Sterling Ruffin. Physician, Washington, D. C. Ass't Dem. of Anat., 1890- Born 1866, N. C. Clerk, War Dept. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y. John J. Shirley. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. John E. Walsh. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1865, D. C. Pes. Phys., Wash'n Asyl. Hosp. 1891. Edmund Barry. Sin-geon, U. S. Marine Hospital Service. Alexander F. Berryhill. Draftsman, Washington, D. C. Rufus D. Boss. Physician, Washington, D. C. New York. Res. Phys., Garfield Hosp. Cornelius Breckinridge Boyle. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1861, Va. Author of "A Bibli- ography of North American Mesozoic In- vertebrate Paleontology." Charles Stuart Cowie. Physician, Newport, R. I. Born 1866, D. C. Pay Clerk, U. S. N. George S. Davidson. Washington, D. C. Charles ]Moore De Yalin. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1869, N. Y. Grad., Va. Mil. Inst., 1888. William Forrest Gatchell. Clerk, U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C. Born 1860, O. Teacher, Clerk, Ass't Cashier, Monroe Bank, 3 vrs. Ass't And., B. F. ct C. Ry. Clerk, U. S." Treas., 1886- Horatio C. Gibson, Jr. Clerk, W'ar Department, Washington, D. C. William S. Gibson. Clerk, Na-sH' Department, Washington, D. C. Meyer Herman. Physician, Washington, D. C. Born 1860, D. C. Observer, U. S. Signal Service, Henry B. Hitz. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. 122 The Columbian University. Henry E. Kalusowski. Washington, D. C. Samuel H. Knight. Frank Leech. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Alexander B. McDowell. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. James A. Maloney. Otacoustician, Washington, D. C. Oscar Addison Mack McKimmie. Physician, Washington, D. C. Registrar and Librarian, 1887-88. Born 1868, D. C. John H. Metzerott. Physician, Washington, D. C. D. C. Res. Phys., Garfield Hosp. John Benjamin Nichols. Clerk, War ])ept., Washington, D. C Phebe R. Norris. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. Born 1860, Md. B. E., 1879, Brethren'^ Normal Coll., Pa. Augusta M. Pettigrew. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. Born 1860, Maine. Harry V. Pyles. Washington, D. C> John P. Wellington. Physician, Washington, D. C. Maine. Res. Phys., Children's Hosp. Alumni of the Law School. 123 ALUMNI OF THE LAW SCHOOL BACHELOES OF LAWS. 1866. James Franklin Allen. Lawj' er, Rockville, Md. Born 1&41, N. H. A. B., 1862, Dart. Coll., N. H. M. Bailey. District of Columbia. Henry ]M. Baker. Lawyer, Concord, N. H.; Washington, D. C. Born N. H. A. B., 1863 ; A. M., 1866, Dart. Coll. Judge Adv. Genl., Nat. Guard of N. H. Stale Senator, X. H. William D. Blackford. Clerk, U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C. Born 1833, Pennsylvania. George Burgess. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. J. Irving Burns. Washington, D. C. A. B., Union Coll., X. Y. George S. Coleman. Clerk, Dept. of Labor, Washington, D. C. John Cruikshank. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. John Deering. Lawyer, Saco, Me. Born 1842, Me. I'rivate. 13th Me. In/., 1861-62. Theodore A. Dodge. A. B., London Univ., England. J. Monroe Donnell. Mass. LL. B., Harvard Coll., Mass. Adams Emerson. District of Columbia. William A. Gordon, Ph. B., 1861. ^Charles P. Harmon, A. B., 1861. Josiah Hilton Hohbs. Lawyer, Wakefield, N. H. Born 1836, X. H. A. B., 1859, Dartmouth Coll., X. H. Clerk, Judiciary Com., H. K, U. S., 1860-62. Chief Clerk, U. S. Pension Olfice, 1879-80. Arnold Burges Johnson. Chief Clerk, Light House Board, Wash- ington, D. C. Born 1834, Mass. Author of ' ' The Modern Light House Service." "The Aberrations of Audibility of Fog Signals." " History of U. S. Light House," etc. Contributor to various magazines. Ivory George Kimball. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1843, Jle. Joint Author of " Davidge and Kimball's Comp. of Int. Rev. Law." Private, Ind. Vol. Justice, Police Court. D. C. Edward De Witt Kinne. Lawyer, Ann Arbor, Mich. Born 1842, N. Y. A. B., 1864, Univ. of Mich. Mavor of Ann Arbor. Member of State Legis., 1879-80. Judge, 22d Judicial Dist. "^Benjamin G. Lovejoy, A. B., 1863. James 0. McClellan. Lawyer, Batavia, 111. Born 1840, 111. A. B.: A. M., Univ. of Chicago. Cap. 69th Ill's Vols. Master in Chancery, Circuit Court of Kane Co., 111., 1873- 124 The Columbian University. George Mason. Washington, D. C. Mass. A. B., Univ. of Vt. William S. Mills. Michigan. *Thomas J. Miller, A. B., 1864. James Chester Normile. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. Born 1844, La. A. M., Georgetown Coll., D. C. List. Att'y, St. Louis. Judge Criminal Court, St. Louis. J. Van Oflenbacher. Lawyer, Custer, S. Dak. Born Ohio. . County Judge, Lawrence Co., S. D. Maurice D. O'Connell. Lawyer, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Born 1840, N. Y. Dist. Atty., 11th .Tudi- cial Dist., Iowa. U. S. Atty., N. Dist., Iowa, 1883-85, 1890- Charles Henry Patterson. Bank Cashier, New York City. Born 1840, N. H. A. B., 1864, Dart. Coil. Deputy Ass't Treas. U. S. at N. Y. Cashier Fourth Nat. Bank, N. Y. Thomas Raftery. D. C. A. B., Princeton. ■^Gilbert J. Raynor. Born 1842, N. Y. A. B., Y^ale. Died Jan. 28, 1874. George B. Sherman. Lawyer, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Born 1833, Vt. A. B., 1854, Bethany Coll., W. Va. Mayor and Justice of the Peace, Fort Dodge. Frederick H. Smith. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1841, Germany. In 5th Wis. Vol. Clerk, War Dept. Myron Lawrence Story. Lawj^er, Washington, D. C. Born 1839. N. H. A. M., 1866, Middle- burg Coll., Vt. Clerk, U. S. Pension O. *Edward Royall Tyler. Born 1842, Conn. A. B., 1864. Yale. Prin. Exam., U. S. Patent 0. Died 3891. Jacob Kendrick Upton. Special Agent, U. S. Census, Washing- ton, D. C. Born 1837, N. H. Chief Clerk, U. S. Treasury, 1877. Ass't Sec. of the Treasury, 1880-85. Author of "Money in Politics," 1884 ;" Financial Sketch." W. Frank Warren. Pennsylvania. Alexander H. Wright. Massachusetts. A. B., Yale. 1867. ^Henry W. Barry. Born N. Y. Entered Union Army as private, became Maj-Genl. of Vol. State Sen., Miss., 1868. Kep. in Congress, 1868-75. Died 1875. Henry I). Beam. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. Born 1842, N. J. Private, Capt. and A. A. Genl., 72d 111. Vols. Charles H. Buxton. Clerk, U. S. Treasury, Falls Church, Va. New York. A. B., Oberlin Coll., O. Charles Leland Catlin. Lawyer, Superior, Wis. Born 1842, Pa. U. S. Vol., 1861-65. Pres., Bank of Commerce, 1888- "^Frederick Chase. ISTew Hampshire. Died 1889. A. P. Childs. District of Columbia. Alex. W. Chilton. District of Columbia, Henry Y. Cole. New York. James Weed Corey. Lawyer, Washington. D. C. Born 1842, N. Y. " Dictionary of Religio- Scientific Terms," (in preparation). Charles Eaton Creecy. , Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born Miss. Chief, App't Div., Treasury Dept. Supervisor of Int. Rev. for JNIiss.. La., Ark. Theodore E. Davis. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Mass. A. B.. Oberlin Coll., Ohio. Alumni of the Law School. 125 "^Yilliam H. Day. Clerk, Washington, D. C. William S. Dodge. Illinois. William H. Doolittle. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1844, Ohio. Sergt., 141 Pa. Vols. Clerk in War and Treas'y Depts. Ass't and Act. Cora, of Patents, i876-80. Author of numerous decisions and articles on patent law, trade-marks, etc., in Patent Office Ga- zette and other publications. Benjamin Eglin. Pennsylvania. A. B., Yale. Edgar Tarbell Ensign. Lawyer, Colorado Springs, Col. Born 1839, M. Y. LL. B., 1866, Iowa Law -School. Four and a half years in 2d Iowa Inf. and 9th Iowa Cav. Second Serg't to Brevet Col. List. Att'y in Iowa. State Forest Com.. Col. Reginald Fendall, A. B., 1864. E. E. Forsyth. New York. Howard R. French. Cashier of Bank, Mt. Sterling, Ky. Born 1847, Va. City judge, Mt Sterling, ■4 yrs. Cashier, Mt. Sterling Nat. Bank, 1876- Elkanah M. Gibson. Lawyer, Oakland, Cal. Born 1842, Ind. Army of Potomac, 3 vrs. In battle of Gainsville,"'Bull Run, Freder- icksburg, Chancellorsville, South Mount- ain , Antietam, and Gettysburg. List. Att'y, Alameda Co., Cal., 3 yrs. Judge Superior Court, do., 1885- J. Mason Goszler. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. George F. Graham. Real Kstate, Washington, D. C. Born 1845, District of Columbia. M. E. Hall. Vermont. H. C. Harmon. Chief of Div., U. S. Treas., Mt. Pleasant, D. C. H. C. Herr. Pennsylvania. G. B. Holden. Wisconsin. W. A. Hunt. Ohio. E. P. Jacobson. New York. J. G. Kimball. Indiana. R. G. Kirkpatrick. Pennsylvania. Young Lanktree. New York. Henry Knight Leaver. Clerk, Treas'y Dept., AVashington, D. C. Born 1838, Nassau, N. P. A. B., 18.59, Trinity Coll., Conn. Deputv First Auditor, U. S. Treas'y Dept. James B. McCrellis. Lawj'er, Washington, D. C. Born 1839, Pa. 16th 111. Vol., 3 yrs. Judge, pro tem., 5th Circuit, Ind. Author of " Law of the Farm." M. C. McCullough. Illinois. -C. G. McLeraw. Kansas. J. M. Mason. District of Columbia. J. Fred. Meyers. Editor, Washington, D. C. Born ] 833, Bavaria. Pres. of School Board. Postmaster. Mayor of Denison, Iowa. N. Byron Milliken. Clerk, War Dept., W" ashington, D. C. Born 1839, ^Me. Sergt. 26th Me. Vols. Con- tributor of Prose and Poetry to various periodicals. S. A. Moulthrop. District of Columbia. John L. ]Murpliy. Seattle, Washington. John ]McClary Perkins. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Born 1834, N. H. Serg. 1st Me. Cav. Henry R. Pollard. Lawyer, Richmond, Va. Born 1845, Va. Private, 24th Va. Cav. Commonwealth Atty., K and Q. Co., 12 yrs. Member Va. Legis. 8 yrs. Counsel for Va. in Coupon-Litigation. ' 126 The Columbian University. Charles N. Richards. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born lail. Mass. Private, 13th Mass. Vol. Keeper of stationery, U. S. Senate since 1864. Charles Roller. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born Germany. U. S. Vol., 1861-65. Thomas S. Samson, A. B., 1864. William F. Scott. New York City. Albert N. Seip. Lawyer, Easton, Pa. Born 1840, Pa. A. M., 1870, Lafayette Coll. 1st Lieut, and Capt., 2d Pa. Cavalry, 1861-64. 2d Lieut., U. S. Signal Corps, 1864- 6.5. Supt., Schools, 1869. Co Atty., 1879, St. Louis Co.. Minn. Member State Board of Equalization, Minn, 1877-82. Frank Austin Spencer. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1842, Conn. A. B , 1863, Dartmouth Coll. Law Clerk, Treasury Dept., 1865-68. Merchant, New York, 1868-74. Lawver, Cleveland, O., 1874-85. William E. Spencer. Journal Clerk, U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C Born 1842, O. A. B.; A. M , Univ of Wis. Clerk, U. S Treas.; P. O. Dept.; Senate. Winfield S. Strawn. Iowa. Amory K. Tingle. Washington, D. C. Born l&il, Ind. Special Agt., U. S. Treas. Dept. William David Todd. • Law and Real Estate, Denver, Col. Born 1846. Penu. Priv. Sec, V. Pres., Colfax. Member Col. Legis. Sec, B'd of Edu., Denver, 14 yrs. On Staff of Gov. Edward Tompkins, Jr. Conn. Matthew Trimble. Assessor, Washington, D. C. Born Ohio. Member of D. C. Legis. A. B.,; A. M , Kenyon Coll., O. John B. Warfel. Pennsylvania. Woodburv Wheeler, A. B., 1866. • H. A. Wilder. Massachusetts. John C. Wilson. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. D. C. A. B., Georgetown Coll., D. C. Wilham Lyne Wilson, A. B., I860.. Joseph Woodruff. Ohio. 1868.' Harry H. Alexander. District of Columbia. *E. K. Allen. District of Columbia. ^T. D. Anderson. D. C. A. B., Bowdoin Coll. B. M. Barker. New York. W. R. Bartlett. Ohio. John W. Bell. Clerk, Interior Dept., Washington, D. C. H. T. Bingham. Portland, Ore. Hiram W. Brelsford. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. George W. Bridgman. Michigan. ■^Edmund Smith Brosius. Born 1844, Pa. Lawyer. Died 1889. W. H. Browne. Maine. S. E. Carrington. W. W. Chase. New Hampshire. A. B., Dartmouth Coll. George C. Chipman. Clerk, U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C. Thomas J. Connor. New York. George L. Cook. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Alumni of the Law School. 127 J. M. Cyrus. Illinois. James M. Dalzell. Ohio. William Aiigustin De Caindrv. Chief Clerk, Office Com. Genl. Subsis- tence, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born 1843. Ga. Private. 4th D. C. Vols. Sec, Gov't Board, Phila. Exposition, 1876 ; New Orleans Exposition, 1884-85. George Driggs. Lawyer, Chicago, Ills. Bom 1846, X. Y. Practiced in Washing- ton. Xew York, Columbus. Pinsburs. Judge, Circuit Court of 111. at Chicago, 1889- William Preston Dunwoody. Equitable Life Ass. Soc'y. X. Y. Citj'. Born 1838. Ohio.' Sec. Xational Board of Health. Author of Digest of Decisions of Third Auditors Office, Treas. Dept.: of U. S. Tax Tables. John Joy Edson. Sec, Equitable C. Building Asso., Wash- ington, D. C. Born Ohio. Private, Federal Armv of Potomac 1861-63. Clerk. U. S. Treas'y Dept. until 187.5. Joseph Eomanzo Edson. Lawyer. Washington, D. C. Bom 1847, Ohio. J. F. Evans. Illinois. E. K. Evans. Texas. *Charles M. Fay. District of Columbia Died April, 186S. John Coningham Fay. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Bom 1818, X. J. Private, 1st X J. Cav. Ass't Att'y, Dept. of Justice. *Ai-thur Fendall, Ph. B., 1S64. W. L. Findley. Pennsvlvania. A. B. Westminster Coll. Eugene Allen Fiske. Lawyer, Sante Fe. X. M. Born 1818. X'. H. 2d Lieut.. 8th Reg't. U. S. Vols. Chief Private Lands. Genl. Land O. Ass't Sec. to Pres. U. S. Grant. L. S. Att'vforX. M.,1889- P. J. Flatley. Xew York. E. B. Fogg. Pennsylvania. Joseph Forrest. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Bom 1846, D. C. A. B , 186-5. Georgetown Univ., D. C. Charles B. Gafney. Lawyer, Rochester, X. H. Bom 1843, X. H. Lt. and Capt.. U. S. Vol. Clerk, U. S. Senate. Clerk, U. S. Treas'v. Of firm of Worcester & Gafney. Att'v, B. &. M. R. R. X. L. Gage. Ohio. Hiram F. Garretson. Lawyer, Tacoraa. Wash. Bom 184.^, Pa. Sergt., 136th Pa. Vol. Inf. Mayor. Member and Sec'y. B'd of Harbor Line Com., Wa.sh'n. Of firm of Garretson, Hodson, Rosling & Worden. Edwin Beecher George. Lawyer, Groveland, Mass. Born 1829, Mass. Com. Serg't 4th Reg't Mass. H. A. Member Mass. House of Rep., 18.59-60. Of Senate 1861-62. Chief of Stamp Div., P. O. Dept. Paul Goepel. District of Columbia. Thomas H. Graham. Connecticut. Edward 0. Graves. Banker, Seattle, Wash. Born 1843. X. Y'. Hon. A. M . 1885. Hobart- Coll. Ass't Treas., U. S. Chief, Bureau En- graving and Printing. AV. D. Harlan. Surveyor, Washington, D. C. AVilliam F. Holtzman. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1841. Va. A. B. 1860. Pleasant Ridge Coll., Mo. James T. Howenstein. Journalist. Washington, D. C Bom 1814, Ohio. Examiner of Xational Banks. George A. Huron. Lawyer, Topeka, Kan. Bom 1838, Ind. Q. M. Serg't, 7th Ind. Vols., 1861-64. Ind. Sanitan- Agt , Army of Potomac. 1864-65. Judge of Probate Court, Jefferson Co., Kan., 1879-88. li The Columbian University. '^E. C. Ingersoll. Maine. A. M., Bowdoin Coll. A. Roszell Jacobs. Virginia. Frank Johnson. Michigan. T. R. Jones. Pennsylvania. A. M., Lewisburg Univ. Joseph C. Kelly. Iowa. Daniel M. Kessinger. Pennsylvania. George W. Knox. Minnesota. George Henry LaFetra. Hotel Manager, Washington, D. C. Born 1840, O. M. D., 1885, Howard Univ., D. C. Private, 39th O. Vols. Prop. Hotel Fredonia, D. C. Tolbert Lanston. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1844, O. In 84th and 124th O. Vols. Chief, Record Div. Chief, 1812 Div. Chief. Special Service Div. Chief, Board of Re- Heview, and Chief Clerk, U. S. Pension Ofiice. ■^Jerome Lee. Ohio. A. M., Jefferson Coll., Ohio. ■^David Lewis. Ohio. Died 1879. George E, Loweree. New York. August© McCafferty. New York. ^Andrew INIcCallnm. Born 1837. Lawyer. Died 1891. J, H. McKean. Illinois. Noah H. Martin. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1840, Pa. Private. 122d Pa. Vols. •Clerk, War Dept. and Qm. Genl's Office, D. C. Gharles A.Merrill. N. H. A. M., W'eslevan Univ. Franklin Butler Miller. Clerk, War Dept., District of Columbia. Born 1840, Pa. Private, Corp., Regimental Com'y S'gt, and 1st Lieut., 9ist Pa. Vols. Theodore Mungen. Clerk, Washington, D. C. Charles Theodore INJurray. Journalist, New York City. Born 1844, Ind. Private, 30th Ind. Inf., 3 yrs. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, 18G7-74. Author of "Sub Rosa." " Summer Girls." '"A Pair of Pistols." "A War Claim," and other stories. AVilliam J. L. Xicodemus. Md. A. M. Georgetown Coll., D. C. John H. Nicolay. Illinois. Henry H. Northup. Lawyer, Portland, Oregon. Born 1839, Mass. Private, 1st la. Inf.. and 49th Mass. Inf. Chief Clerk, 6th Auditor's Office, D. C. Mem. Oregon Legis. J. A. Osborn. Pennsylvania. W. H. Parker. New Hampshire. Maurice Pechin. Clerk, AVar Dept., Washington, D. C. Horace L. Pix:»er. Life-Saving Service, Washington, D. C. Born 1842, Me. 2d Lieut., 27th Me. Vols. Brev.-Maj., U. S. Vols. Received medal of honor from Congress. U S. Commissioner of Immigration, 1873. Special Agent, Treas'y Dept. Ass't Genl. Supt., U. S. Life- Saving Service James Pollard, Ph. B., 1808. Thomas Proctor. New York. Samuel A. Rapp. West Virginia. G. Quin Richmond. Denver, Colorado. J. H. Ruddell. Lawyer, Indianapolis, Ind. Thomas B. Sanders. Lawyer, Washington. D. C. Born Mass. U. S. Vols , 18(52-6o. Ass't Chief, Customs. Ass't Chief, Navigation Div. Deputy Com. of Navigation. Alumni of the Law School. 129 Francis Preston Blair Sands. Lawj-er, 'Washington, D. C. Born 1842, D. C. A. B., 1861 ; A. M., 1872, Georgetown Univ., D. Navy during war. C. Master in Vol. Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Lorin M. Saunders. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born New York. William E. H. Searcy. Editor, Griffin, Ga. Born Ga. Official Law Reporter of Flynt Circuit Court, Ga.. 8 yrs. Author of " Searcy's Lessons in Short-hand." Editor. Pres., Farmer's Co-operative Manf. Co. Dolson B. Searle. Lawyer, St. Cloud, Minn. Born 1840, X. Y. Private, 64th N. Y. Inf., 1861-63. Citv Att'v, St. Cloud. County Att'y, 1881-83. U S. List. Att'y, 1882-85. List. Judge, 7th Judicial List., Minn., 1887- Elected without opposition. G. W. Sharretts. S. F. Sharretts. *A. A. Shissler. ] Pennsylvania. | Junius Simons. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. t Washington H, Stephens. I Clerk, Washington, D. C. ' E. C. Sterhng. I Lawyer, Xcav York City, j ■^Robert H. Strahan. New York. Member of N. Y. Legis. John R. Thompson. Clerk, U. S. Senate, AVashington, D. C. N. Hibbard Thompson. Washington, D. C. Charles B. Tilden. Clerk, Com. Cus., Washington, D. C. J. H. Townshend. Maryland. John Tweedale. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1841, Pa. Private, 15th Pa. Cav. Chief Clerk, War Dept. Alfred H. Vance. Lawyer, Topeka, Kan. G. L. Vance. Vermont. J. C. Wall. :. New York. Richard L. AVallach. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. William H. Walton. Massachusetts. Augustus Ward. Ohio. Xorman C. Warner. Lawyer, Rockford, 111. Born 1840, N. Y. 111. Vols., 3 vrs. City Att'y, Rockford. . -Charles H. AVatson. Rhode Island. B. AVells. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo.. G. Wiley Wells. Lawyer, Los Angeles. CaL Born N. Y. A B.; LL. B., Svracuse Univ. Col, U. S. A., lb61-65. U. S. List. Atty. Member of Congress. Consul Genl. to China. F. C. Wood. A''irginia. Augustus Storrs Worthington. Lawyer, Washington, I). C. Lecturer on Criminal Pleading and Practice, 1889-91 ; on Legal Bibliography and the Use of Authorities in Court, 1891- Born 1843, Pa. U. S. Attv., List, of Col., 1884-88. 1869. *I. N. Arnold. Ohio. William Henry Babcock. Lawyer, Rock Haven, D. C- Bom 1849, Mo. Ass't Ex. of Patents. Author of " Lord Stirling's Stand and other Poems," "Lays from Over Seas." "Cy- press Beach." "The Two Lost Centuries of Britain." Short stories to various maga- zines, etc., etc. U. J. Baxter. Michigan. Frank Bell. Pennsvlvania. 130 The Columbian University. Roger Bellis. Clerk, College Park, Md. Born 1840, Eng. Sergt. and Lieut. U. S. A. A. B., St. John's Coll., Md. Robert V. Belt. Lawyer, Washington, T). C. Born 1842, Md In Md. Vol., (Union) 1862-65. Clerk, War and Interior Dept. Ass't Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1889- Daniel E. CahilL Lawyer, Washington D. C. Born 1844, Ireland. Ass't Dist. Atty. D. C. William H. Castle. Ohio. Richard H. Chinn. Washington, D. C. T^. F. Cleary. Lawyer, Denver, Colo. "Warren I. Collamer. First Ass't Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Born 1842, Vermont. C. R. Conner. Ohio. M. J). Connolly. District of Columbia. ^Randolph Co vie, Jr. Born 1843, D. C. Ass't Clerk, Supreme Court, U. S. Sec, Mexican Claims Com. Ass't U. S. Dist. Att'y, D. C. Framed the indictment of Guiteau for murder of Pres. Garfield. Died 1891. Robert George Cunningham. Govt. Clerk, Alexandria Co., Va. Born Scotland. Serg't, 13th Pa. Cav. Justice of the Peace, Alex. Co., Va. Henry dishing. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. George Boynton Davis. Lawyer, Ithaca, N. Y. Born New York. U. S. \'ols. James A. Decker. New York. ^William Augwitine Dunphy. Born N. Y. Clerk, War and Treas'y Depts. A. B., 1875 ; A. M., 1876, St. John's Coll.. N. Y. Ordained as Catholic Priest by St. Joseph's Sem.. N. Y. Died 1891. Andrew B. Duvall, A. B., 1867. John N. Ehle. Clerk, Libr'y, Surg. Gen. O., Washington, D. C. Born 1844, N. Y. Private, 2d Wis. Vols. C. ^y. Eldridge. Massachusetts. J. B. Evans. Iowa. J. H. Ferguson. Pennsylvania. Joseph H. France, Jr., A. B., 1868. James FuUerton. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1823, Balto., Md. Q. M. Dept., Union Army. John R. Garrison. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1880. Born 1838, Garrisonville, Va. Deputy First Comptroller, U. S. Treas'y, 1885- Frank Geise. Lawyer, York. Pa. Born 1837, Pa. Private, Serg't-Maj., 87th Pa. Vols. 2d Lieut., 32d Reg't, U. S. C. T. 1st Lieut., 54th N. Y. Vet. Vols. Protho- notary, Court of Common Pleas, York Co., Pa., 1872-75. J. Holdsworth Gordon, A. B., 1866. William A. Gray. Branchville, Md. Born 1835, D. C. Pharmacist ; now re- tired. *Michael Green. District of Columbia. G. W. Guthrie. Pennsylvania. A. B. Western Univ., Pa. Thomas Snell Hopkins. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1845, Maryland. ICth Me. Vol. Inf., 3yrs. William J. Johnston. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1843, N. Y. Three years in Union Army. Thomas G. Jones. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. Va. Ph. B , William and Marj^ Coll.. Va. Alumni of the Law School. 131 ^Maurice M. Kaighn. La\vj-er, Salt Lake City, Utah. Born 1843, N. J In 44th and 197th Pa. Vols. Law Clerk, Interior Dept., 1868-77. Daniel S. Keller. Lawyer, Belle fonte, Pa. Born 1844, Pa. P'v't and Corp., 148th Pa. Tols. P'v't., Corp., Serg't , 112th Bait. V. R. C. Lt. Col. and A. A. G.,5thDiv. Maj. and A. A. G , 2d Brig., Nat. G'd of Pa. Franklin H. Kerfoot, Ph. B., 1869. John S. Kidwell. Missouri. Tallmadge A. Lambert. Lawyer, AVashington, D. C. Born 1842, Wis. A. B., 1862 ; A. M., 1871, Georgetown Univ., D. C. School Trustee, D. C, 1878-81. Eobert H. T. Leipold. Lawyer and Real Estate Broker, Wash- ington, D. C. Born 1842, Germany. Officer, 6th Pa. €av., -A yrs. Chief of Div., U. S. Treas'y. Com. of Freedman's Savings and Trust Co. George H. Leonard. Alfred Lindsay, Jr. Lis rict of Columbia. ^. King Longley. Wisconsin. Chicago, 111. •George G. Lyon. •John McCrone. New York. Seattle, Washington. George W. jMcCullongh. Ohio. John N. McElwaine. Clerk, City P. O., Washington, D. C. Thomas M. McEoberts. District of Columbia. Joseph Xarcissus Edmond JMallet. Civil Service Employe, Washington, D. C. Born 1842, Canada. Adj., 81st N. Y. Vols., 3 yrs. Indian Inspector, Chief of Div., G. L. O. Author of numerous magazine arti- cles (historical). A. G. Mills. New York. M. M. Moore. Michigan. Walter Newlin. District of Columbia. George AY. Pratt. Clerk. War Dept., Washington, D. C. Charles Eoeser, Jr. Clerk, P. O. Dept., Washington, D. C. Wisconsin. A. B., Lawrence Univ., Wis. Charles H. Eoyce. New York. William H. Salter. New York. J. E. Satterfield. Alabama. William M. Shuster, Jr. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. WilUam Small. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born Scotland. U. S. Vols., 3 yrs. Clerk, Treas'y Dept. Special Agent, P. O. Dept. L. Major Soper. New York. Edward Spalding. Lawyer, Norfolk, Va. Bornl842, Me. Judge, Norfolk Co., Va., 1880-86. Thomas J. Staley. Real Estate Broker. AVashington, D. C. Born 1833, Ohio. Union Army, 4 yrs. Valentine Nelson Stiles. Clerk, U. S. Treasury, AVashington, D. C. Born Massachusetts. E. L. Stillson. Mining Engineer, AA^ashington, D. C. Born 1838, Mich. 1st Lieut., 2d Mo. Cav. f Union). Supt., Santo Domingo Silver Min- ing Co., Batopilas, Mexico. Alva E. Tichenor. Clerk, AA'ar Dept., Washington, D. C. ^^J. Henry Truman. Rhode Island. John B. Tyler. Maryland. 132 The Columbian University. J. M. Vale. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. J. H. AVhitaker. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Alexander Drummond "Willard. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. Born 183G, Me. A. B., 1863 ; A. M., 1866, Bowdoin Coll. Ori^s N. Wilson. Pennsyh'ania. 1870. Frank Y. Anderson. District of Columbia. Matthew C. Baxter. Clerk, Pension Office, Anacostia, D. C. *W. Pierce Bell. District of Columbia. Lvman H. Bennett. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Henry C. Bliss. Vermont. A. B., Dartmouth Coll. Arthur Browning. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Livingston Browning. Washington, D. C. Thomas H. Callan. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Fielder B. Chew. District of Columbia. Mortimer Clarke, A. B., 1868. James H. Clendenin. Missouri. John Richard Collette. U. S. Civil Service, Hyattsville, Md. LL. M., 1878. Born 1815, Ky. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, 1868- Thomas A. Connolly. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Glenn W. Cooper. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. John A. Cor wine. Paymaster, U. S. 'Nayy. Michael L. Courtney. District of Columbia. William E. Creary. Major and Paymaster, U. S. Army. Born 1842. N. Y. U. S. Vol., 1861-65. Post- master, U. S. Senate, 8 yrs. John S. Crocker, Jr. Lawyer and Real Estate Broker, Wash- ington, D. C. Born 1847, N. Y. Justice of Peace, Fairfax Co., Va. Dep'y, Aud. and Sec'y, Board of Asses&ors, D. C. Charles Henry Dickson. Patents, Washington, D. C. Born 111. 13th Ind. Vols., 1861-64. Clerk,. U. S. Treas'y, and Indian Office. Henry R. Elliott. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. John Preston Fowler. Lawyer, Bastrop, Texag.. Born 1850, Tex Mayor, Co. Att'y, List. Att'y, State Senator, ^Nathan A. Fuller. New York. Henry Wise Garnett. Lawyer, AVashington, D. C Born Washington, D. C. * William G. Green. Born N. Y. M. D. Died 1887. William F. Hall. District of Columbia. ■^John F. Hanna. Virginia. A. B., Va. Mil. Inst. *Fred. D. Hard. Illinois. Lost olf coast of Oregon, 1872. John Jay Hawkins. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1837, Ind. Private, 134th Ind. Vols.. Journal Clerk, Ind. Senate, 1861-67. Dist. Att'y, Ind., 1864-66. Chief, Judiciary Diy., U. S. Treas'y Dept. Maulsby L. Hewett. Maryland. Wyllys F. Hodges, District of Columbia. Curtis Wilson Holcomb. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born Conn. Member, Conn. Legis., 1868.. Act. Com., Gen. Land Office, etc. Alumni of the Law School. 133 Aaron Johns. ' stenographer, Wa:>bingtoil, D. C. Henry Clay Johnson. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. [ Born 1849, D. C. Justice of Peace. Clerk, ; Wash'n P. O. j Charles D. Kasson. ' i New York. j *John Price Kepner. i Born 1840, Pa. Co. J, 6 Pa. Cav., 1861-64. ! Hosp. Ste'\\^ard, 1864-66. Surg. Gen. O., War j Dept , 1866-81. Died 1881. ; Harry King. ! Top. Eng. and Lawyer, Washington. D. C. Born Washn., D. C. Chief Draughtsman : 10th U. S. Census, 1879-83, of U. S. Geol. Sur- } vev, 1883- Prof, Top. and Mech. Drawing, I Columbian Univ.. 1884-89; 1891- Chair., Special Tech. B'd of Exam., U. S. Ci-sal ' Service Com. ' Henry F. King. Commercial Agent, West Newton, Mass. ' Born 1845, D. C. A. B., 1868, Harvard. ; Louis P. Levy. | Virginia. j Charles F. Lewis. i Insurance, Takoma Park, D. C. I Edwin A. Mclntire. Real Estate Broker, Washington, D. C. I Born 1844, Pa. Chief Div. of Advertising, ! War Dept., 1864-76. ! i ^Daniel McMahon. ! New York. Died 1888. j *James Monroe McNielL I Illinois. I Robert W. McPherson. j Lawyer, Washington, D. C. ' James H. Mandeville. j Lawyer, Wasliington, D. C. Born, 1842, N. Y. Private 140th New \ York Vol., 1862-65. ''^J. Everett Martin, Ph. B., 1868. ' Robert Mason. ; LaAvyer and Patent Att'v, Washington, D. C. Henri F. T. Merrill. Me. A. M., Bowdoin Coll. Bentley P. JMurray. Chief of Div., War Dept.. Washington, D. C. Born 1844, N. Y. Employe of N. Y. Legis., 1862-63. In War Dept. 1883- Lecturer. John Clifford Phillips. District of Columbia. 0. L. Prescott. Massachusetts. ^William J. Quinn. N. H. Died 1882, Minn. James K. Redington. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. BoruN.Y. U.S. Att'v. Chief Law Clerk, Int. Dept. Henry P. Sanders. Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washing- ton, D, C. LL. M., 1880. Charles E. Samson, A. B., 1868. William A. Short. Washington, D. C. *David Sinsabaugh. Pennsylvania. Cassias M. Thomas. Iowa. James Toomey. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. John A. Toomey. Pennsylvania. Charles H. Underwood. Insurance, Washington, D. C. Brainard H. Warner. Real Estate Agent, Washington, D. C. Born Great Bend, Pa. Serg't, U. S. A. Dep. Coll., Int. Rev. and Dep. U. S. Mar- shal, 9th Dist.. Pa. Pres., Columbia Nat. Bank. Pres., Wash'n Loan and Trust Co. George E. Webster. Rhode Island. Andrew J. AVhitaker. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1845, 111. In Co. H. 139th 111. Vols. Dep. 4th Auditor, U. S. Treas'y. Frank I. Willis. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D, C, ■■■■ 134 The Columbian University. *Lee Roy Woods. Indiana. Lost off coast of Oregon, 1876. Thomas C. Woodward. District of Columbia. Maurice Lauchlin Wright. Lawyer, Mexico, N. Y. Born 1845, N. Y. In U. S. Navy during war. Judge of Oswego Co., N. Y. Member N. Y. Const. Com., 1890. 1871. Fendall E. Alexander. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1850, Washington, D. C. Horace Alleman. Pennsylvania. A. B., Peun. Coll. Edward AVilloughby Anderson. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born Fla. Capt., Artil. and Eng. Staff duty, C. S. A. Fred. W. Archibald. Kansas. Charles H. Amies. Ass't List. Att'y, Washington, D. C. J. Melville Armstrong. Iowa. George W. Bagg. Notary Public, Washington, D. C. ^Charles W. Banes. Born Indiana. Died 1876. Ellery C. Bartlett. District of Columbia. Buchanan Beale. Lawyer, Washington, D. C, Felix Brannigan. Ass't Att'y, Dept. of Justice, D. C. Oec;l Brown. New York. Henry Browne. Iowa. James T. Buchanan. Pennsylvania. Charles Butler. Illinois, Elverton R. Chapman. Pennsylvania. John B. Clark, Jr. Stenographer, ^^'ashington, D. C. George Y. Coffin, A. B., 1869. France L. Cook. Illinois. George H. Cooper. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. BornlMO, Vt. U. S. A, 3 yrs. MailAgt., Army of Potomac. George Edgar Corson. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Born 1842, Me. 17th U. S. Inf., 1861-64. Chief of Div., Surgeon Gen. Office, 1874-88. John F. Cox. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. D. C. A. B., Gonzaga Coll., D. C. James E. Doughty. Minnesota. Adolph Erdman. Missouri. ^William Moore Evans. Born 1849, Virginia. Died 1879, Oregon. John E. Farnnm. District of Columbia. George S. Ferris. Pennsylvania. A. B., Alleghany Coll. George H. E. Fletcher. New York. Charles E. Eraser. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1848, Washington, D. C. William Freshour. Ohio. Benjamin C. Fuller. Chief of Div., Agricul. Dept., Washing- ton, D. C. Allen H. Gauge wer. Lawyer, Philadelphia, Pa. Born 1849, Pa. Member, N. J. Legis., 2 terms. *John E. Hatch. A. B., 1869; A. M., 1872, Dartmouth Coll. Clerk, U. S. Senate Com., 1870-72. Lawyer, in Cincinnati, 1872-80. Joint editor of "Jieports of Patent Cases." Died 1880, Alumni of the Law S(/hool. 135 David K. Holston. District of Columbia. Alexander H. Holt. Druggist, Washington, D. C. Born 1838, N. Y. Lieut. Col., U. S. Vols. Dep'y U. S. Marshal, X. D. 111. Dep'y Cir- cuit Clerk in 111. Chief Clerk, Int. Rev. Bureau, Treas'y Dept. Marcus S. Hopkins. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Martin V. Hottell. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. Born 1837. Ya. Capt., Co. K, 59th Ind. Yols. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, 1866- AVilliam D. Hughes. Publisher of "The Sun," \Vashington. D. C. Philip Carver Hyam. I Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. I Bom 1815, Jamaica, B. W. I. James H. Jennings. Clerk, Washington, D. C. Charles Sweet Johnson. Dept. of Justice, Washington, D. C. Born 1817, N. Y. In business. N. Y. Citv. U. S. Civil Service, 1868. Sec, B'd of Pub. Works, D. C. W. H. B. Kittson. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Benjamin C. Lacy. Virginia. James Valentine Lawrence, Lumber Merchant, Yonkers, N. Y. Born Yonkers, N. Y. Private to Capt. and Brevet Major, U. S. Vol. Clerk and Special Agent, U. S. P. O. Dept. Super- visor, Member of B'd of Edu., Yonkers. Joseph H. Lawrence. Ohio. George E. Lemon. Pension Claim Agent, Washington, D. C. Robert B. Lines. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1848, Wis. U. S. Mil. Tel. Corps 2 yrs. Com. to World's Fair in Vienna, 1873. *Josiah McLeod, Iowa, John S. Manning. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. Ames Furbee Medford. Clerk, Washington, D. C. Born lail, Ohio. Private. 40th and 51st O. Int., 1861-65. Recorder of Deeds, Darke Co., O. 1866-69. Charles E. Miller. District of Columbia. Thomas F. Miller. Lawyer, Takoma Park, D. C. Va. Justice, Police Court, D. C, 1888- Olie W. Minor. Laurel, Maryland. John ^y. Morris. La\\Ter, Washington, D. C. Robert James Murray. Lawyer, Washington. D. C. Born 1850, D. C. Ass't Dist. Att'y, D. C. John T. Noyes. District of Columbia. William H. O'Brien. Lawyer, Philadelphia, Pa. Charles G. Page. Lawyer, New York City. D wight J. Partello. LaAvyer, U. S. Consulate, Dusseldorf, Ger- many. Bom 1841, X. J. 1st Lieut., Meigs' Guard. Sec. to Gen. McCallum. Chief Clerk and Act. Chief, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Xa\'v Dept. U. S. Consul to Dusseldorf, 1885- Washington, D. C. John B. Peyton, *James F. Russell. District of Columbia. B. F. Schwartz. Xew York. John W. Seyboh. Illinois. James W. Shaw, Ohio. William F. Slinev. Sligo, Md. R. Emmett Smith. Clerk, Agri. Dept., ^Vashington, D, C, 136 The Columbian University Richard Smith, Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born December 24, 1844. Frank H. Sprague. Philadelphia, Pa. Samuel L, Stephenson. Clerk, U. S. Tyeas'y, Washington, D. C. Born 1838, O. A. B., 1862; A. M., 1863, Monmouth Coll. Union Army 3 yrs. Charles Tabor. Wisconsin. H. Maurice Talbott. District of Columbia. Thomas C. Taylor. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. John B. Thompson. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1845, Md. Chief, App't Div., Interior Dept., 1874. Henry H. Tilley. Rhode Island. William Washington AVallace. Clerk. U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. Born 1844, Iowa. Lester Frank Ward, A. B., 1869. Leonard Watson. District of Columbia. William Holcombe Webster. Chief Examiner, U. S. Civil Service Com., Washington, D. C. Born 1839, Conn. A. B., ]861 ; A. M., 1864. Trinity Coll., Conn. Lieut., Co. I, 5th Conn. Vol. Inl"., 1861-63. Lieut., Vet. Reserve Corps, 1864-68. Chief Div , Pen. O., 1876-86. Chief Examiner, U. S. ('ivil Service Com.. 1886- Joint Author, " Digest of Pension Laws," 1885. Edward A. AVetmore. New York. Horace F. Wliite. Vermont. James W. Wisncr. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, I). C. Born 1842, 111. Capt, of Co. D, 97th 111. Inf,, 3 yrs, Isaac B. Wunderly, Pennsylvania. Jose Maria Yznaga. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1840, Phila.. Pa. C. S. A. 1872. Howard S. Abbot. Pennsylvania. W. Addison, Jr. District of Columbia. William H, Appleton. Lawyer, New York City. LL. M., 1884. Born 1843. N. H. Private to Maior, N. H. Vols., 1861-66. Pi-incipal Examiner, U. S. Pat. O. Stark W, Arnold. West Virginia. Edgar P. Berry. Teller, Washington, D. C. John W. Bixler. Lawyer, North Platte, Neb. Born 1842, Ind. Lieut., 30th Ind. Vols., 4 yrs. Dist. Att'y, 35th Ind., and 10th Neb. Dists. Judge, Lincoln Co. Court, Neb. Chairman, Board of Pen. Appeals, 1890- I^ewis C. Black. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. Born 1846, O. A. B., 1871, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Of firm, Foraker. Black and Rock- iTOld. Albert E. Boone. Tennessee. Paul T. Bowen. Clerk, Ti-eas'y Dept., Washington, D. C. A. T. Brice. Washington, D. C. Eugene J. BroMn. Probate Judge, McConnelsville, O. Born 1849, 0. Mayor of McConnelsvile. Probate Judge, Morgan Co., O. W. D. Burbage. Clerk, Treas'y Dept., Washington, D, C. Frank L. Campbell. Lawyer, Mt. Pleasant, D. C, Born 1843, W. V, Private, 58th Pa. Vols. Chief Law Clerk, Interior Dept, Alumni of the Law School 137 "Zachary Taylor Carpenter. Bora 1848. Conn. A. B., 1870 ; A. M., 1873, Yale. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y. Com. to England for transfer of U. S. Bonds. Law- yer. Died Aprill, 1891. John J. Chew. Sec'y, U. S. Legation, Vienna, Austria. 'Bornl851, D. C. Clerk, State Dept. Priv. Sec'y to Sec'y of State. W. P. Clark. District of Columbia. ^Luke Clarke. U. S. Army. B. C. Coon. Takoma Park, D. C. L. T. Cowie. Iowa. Charles H. Cragin, Ph. B., 1870. *\Viniam F. Crane, Jr. . Pennsylvania. Died 1889. H. E. Curtiss. Connecticut. E. F. De Camp. New Jersey. James Peterson De Mattos. Lawyer, Whatcom, Wash. Born 1854, 111. LL. B., National Univ., D. C. Mayor, etc. Silas J. Douglass. New York. J. E. Dow. Clerk, Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. -J. B. Durnall. Colorado. Patent Attorney. P. Edwm Dye. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1830, N. Y. Teacher, N. Y., 16 vrs- Capt. 100th N. Y. Vols. Capt. 26, U. S. C. T. Maj. and Paymaster, U. S. A. Justice of Peace, Polk Co,. Iowa. George Earle. Law Clerk, Interior Dept. Washington, D. C. Eay Palmer Eaton. Agent for Oil Refiners, Brunswick, Me. Born 1846, Me. U. S. Vol. Clerk, U. S. Treas., 1865-73. P. O. Dept., 1873-77. Supt. Mail Service, 1877-81. Dep. Col. of Customs Bath, Me., 1882-85. Com. of Subsistence, Nat. Home for Vol., 1888-89. *Pierre W. Fornej'. Pa. Died Oct., 1885. Remus F. Foster. Clerk, Interior Dept., Washington, D. C. Edward S. Fowler. Lawyer, New York City. Born 1850, N. Y'. Clerk, War and Treas. Dept. Declined, 2d Lt., U. S. A. Capt. Ordinance Dept., N. Y. First Ass't Ap- praiser of Port of N. Y''. Contributor to Magazines and NcAVspapers. Lee W. Funk. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. Born 1846, Ohio. Samuel Arthur Galpin. Wire Manufacturer, New Haven, Conn. Born 1846, Conn. A. M., (Hon.) 1880, Y'ale. Chief Clerk, Ind. Affairs, 1876-78. Allen B. Hayward. Mt. Pleasant, D. C. Arthur Hendricks. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. Thomas G. Hensey. Real Estate Broker, Washington, D. C. Bom N. Y. Merchant. Vol. Navv, 1861. N. Y. Vol. Clerk, U. S. Treas. *J. W. House. Indiana. F. H. Howe. Wisconsin. Washington, D. C. James Marion Johnston. Lawyer and Banker, Washington, D; C. Born 1850, D. C. A. B.. 1870. A. M., 1873, Princeton. Of Riggs & Co., Bankers. George Anderson King, A. B., 1870. E. A. Kreidler. Washington, D. C. N. Y. Chief, Pre-emption Div., Gen'l Land Office. Thomas R. Lally. Wilmington, Del. William A. McKenney. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1846, Washington, D. C. Edwin J. McLain. Marvland. 138 The Columbian University * James F. Meguire. Pennsylvania. Frank T. Mix. St. Paul, Minn. Montague T. Moses. San Francisco, Cal. James Newlands. Illinois. George W. Partridge. Att'v, Real Estate and Insurance, Detroit, Mich. Born 1831, Mass. First Ass't Exam., U. S. Pat. O. Special Inspector, Treas'y Dept. Special Agt., Dept. of Int., etc. A. S. Pinney. Iowa. Mayhew Plater. Sec, Potomac Ins. Co , Washington, D. C. Charles E. Postley. Physician, Washington, D. C. Henry G. Potter. Chief of Div., Interior Dept., Washington, D. C. Alfred E. Quaiffe. Vault Clerk, U. S. Treas'v, Washington, D. C. ^Thomas J. Reigart. Iowa. Died 1890. Sam'l W. Rittenhouse, Ph. B., 1870. W. H. Rowe. District of Columbia. Martin Ryan. Virginia. William Henry Seaman. Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washing- ton, D. C. Born 1887, N. Y. M. D., 1883, Howard Univ., D. C. Author of numerous articles in scientific journals. Prof, of Chem., Howard Univ. Dennis Kingsley Sickels. Lawyer, Seattle, Wash. Born 1851, Mich. Author of "Sickels' Mining Laws and Decisions," 1881. Samuel J. Skinner. North Carolina. Walter Y. Smith. Oregon. F. D. Stephenson. Clerk, U. S. Pension Office, Washington, D. C. Jared D. Terrill. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1841, Mich. 1st Mich. Cav., 18 mos. C. D. Van Aernam. New York. Thomas R. Willard. Illinois. Roger Williams. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1851, N. Y. Assessor, D. C. Clerk, Exec. O., D. C. B. F. Worrell. Chief of Div., U. S. Treas'v, Washington, D. C. 1873. James A. Babson. Clerk, Com. Customs, Washington, D. C. Fillmore Beall. Lawyer, Washington. D. C. Born 1837, Md. Member of Md. Legis. 1886. E. R. Bliss. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. Born 1846, N. J. Countv Att'v, Cook Co., 111., 5yrs. Elias Huntington Bottum. Lawyer, Milwaukee, Wis. Born 1850, Vt. A. B., 1871, Middleburg. Los Angeles, Cal. T. B. Brown. Alexander B. Butts. District of Columbia. Charles D. Campbell. Ohio. Campbell Carrington. Lawver, Washington, D. C. W. H. Chadsey. Chicago, Illinois. Fi-ank W. Clancy. Lawyer, Santa Fe, N. M. Born 1852, N. H. Clerk, Dist. Couit, First Jud. Dist., N. M., 1879-83. Clerk, Supreme Court, N. M., 1880-83. Alumni of the Law School. 139 J. B. Coghlan. Commauder, I'. S. Navy. Marrinns W. Conway. Ohio. Edward Dean Cooke. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. Bom 1849, Iowa. Rep. in 33d 111. Genl. Assembly. Henry T. Crosby. Falls Church, Virginia. Roger W. Cull, A. B., 1870. Philip T. Dodge. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. Wilton C. Donn. New York Citv, Waverley Dodson Drinkard. Clerk, Engineer's Office, Washington, D. C. Born 1851, Richmond, Va. R. C. Du Bois. U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. Walter P. Floyd. Virginia. Leonidas F. Hunt. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. *Thomas Henry Janvier. Born 1817, Del. Clerk, P. O. Dept. Law- yer. Died 1890. ^Rowland M. Jones. Pennsylvania. Abner Bailey Kelly. Chief Clerk, Washington Gas Light Co., D. C. Born 1847, D. C. A. B., 1870 ; A. M., 1871, Princeton. John D. Kerr. Texas. ^William E. Kindrick. Tennessee. Ohio. Died October, 1873. Carl Lentz. Lawyer, Newark, N. J. Born 1845, Bavaria. 1st Conu.Cav.,1861-64. Edward McMahon. Clerk, Washington, D. C. James F. Medbery. Claim Agent, Washington, D. C. Born 1849, Milwaukee, Wis. J. Arthur Patterson. Maine. Electus A. Pratt. Mortgage Loans, Minneapolis, IMinn. Born 1836, N. Y. A. B., 1858, Yale. Capt., U. S. A. Clerk, War Dept., 1865-83. George Croghan Reid. Captain, U. S. Marine Corps, Navy Dept. Born 1840, O. 2d Lieut., U. S. Marine Corps, 1864 ; 1st Lieut., 1869 ; Capt., 1884. W. B. Remey. Col., U. S. Marine Corps, Navy Dept. Iowa. Judge Advocate Genl., U. S. N. John Ridout. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1850, Md. (Name changed from John R. Williamson.) } George Simmons. ! Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. I Born 1840, Ind. 11th Ind. Inf , 3)^ yrs. i Julius Solger. 1 Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. Richmond Joseph South worth. ' Physician, Washington, D. C. \ Born 1841, Wis. M. D., 1866, Coll. Phys I and Surg., N. Y. Act. Asst. Surg., U. S. A. j Rufus Hildreth Thayer. I Lawyer, Washington, D. C. i Born 1849, Mich. A. B., 1870. A. M., 1874, : Univ. of Mich. Trustee, Pub. Schools, D. C. \ Duncan Thompson. I Lawyer, Washington, D. C. ' Born 1829, N. Y. Chief of Indian Trust i Fund Div., Custodian of Bonds, Dept. of I Int., 1871-84. i I OHver T. Thompson, Ph. B., 1865. I Henry Clark Townsend. '■ Lawyer, Patents, New York City. j Born 1850, Miss. A. B., 1871, Harvard. I C. F. Whiteley. I ' Brauchville, Md. Irving Williamson. 1 Lawyer, Washington, D. C. k 140 The Columbian University John R. Williamson. See John Ridout. 1874. ^Eafael A. Bayley. Massachusetts. William C. Behrens. Patent Solicitor, New York City. Born 1845, Germany. Chief Clerk. U. S. Treas. O. Prin. Ex., U. S. Pat. O. H. H. Bliss. Lawyer, "Washington. D. C. James E. M. Bo wen. Patent Lawyer, New York City. Born 1849, D. C. Prin. Ex., U. S. Pat. 0. James H. Bremerman, A. B., 1872. C. J. Clark. Massachusetts. Reuben Clearj'. District of Columbia. George Lyon Douglass. Lawyer, Wichita, Kan. Born Pa. Ass't Att'y, Dept. of Justice. Member Legis. of Kan., and Chair, of Jud. Com. James M. Durant. Merchant, Washington, D. C. Charles Eaton. New Hampshire. J. D. D. Farrell. District of Columbia. W. W. Flint. New Hampshire. George R. Gott, B. Let., 1874. Edwin B. Hay, B. S., 1873. Robert Henry Harkness, A. B., 1871. William G. Henderson. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1852, District of Columbia. J. A. Hovey. New York City. John J. Knox. Michigan. Phili]) F. Larner. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. *Wells W. Leggett. Born 1847, Ohio. Capt. and Additional Aide de Camp, 17 A. C. Chief Eng. 3d Div. 17, A. C, U. S. A. Graduate of West Point, 1869. Pres. Brush Electric Co., Thompson Houston Co., at Detroit. Died 1891. AV. B. Lord; Lawyer, Washington. D. C. H. R. McCalmont. Franklin, Pa. Ohio. Special Agent, P. O. Dept. WiUiam C. Murdock. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. W. B. Xichols. Massachusetts. Worth Osgood. NeAV York. Moritz Bernard Philipp. Lawyer, New York City. Born Ohio. Prin. Ex. Ex. of Inter- ferences, U. S, Pat. O. George Evett Reardon. Lawyer, Baltimore, Md. Born 1852, Va. Justice of the Peace, 1885- Author of "Reardon's Forms of Acknowl- edgements." Charles C. Rhodes. Lawyer, Baltimore, Md. Born Md. PoUce Justice, Balto., 6 yrs. Charles C. Royce. Manager "Rancho Chico," Chico, Cal. Bom 1846, Ohio. Mate. U. S. Navv, 1863- 65. Chief, Land Div., Indian Office. Ethnologist, Smithsonian Institute. Dept. Com., G. A. R., 1880. Author of many papers on Indian questions. Henry A. Seymour. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. Louis AV. Sinsabaugh. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. J. W. Smith. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. A. S. Tompkins South Carolina. John Walker. Illinois. E. L. C.'Ward. North Carolina. Alumni of the Law School. 141 B. B. Winborne. North Carolina. 1875. Alfred W. Arrington. Illinois. ^Jedediah H. Baxter. Born 1837, Vt. A. B.; M. D.. Univ., Vt. Siu-g., 12tli Mass. Vols., 1861-62. Brigade Surg., 1862. Ass't Med. Pun'evor, 1865. Chief Med. Purveyor, 1872. Surg. Genl , 1889-90, U. S. Army. Died Dec. 1. 1890. Charles G. Biggs. Marv'land. George H. Breaker. Lawyer, Houston, Texas. Born 1851, North Carolina. E. T. Bullock. ' ■\^'est Virginia. ^George B. Cobaugh. i Iowa. James Fairbanks Colby. Prof, of Law and Political Science, Dart- mouth College, N. H. Born 1850, Vt. A. B., 1872, Dartmouth. | A. M.. 1877, Yale. Author of many legal , papera. Frank L. Coombs. j Napa, California. ' John B. Corliss. ; Lawyer, Detroit, Michigan, i Born 1851, Vt. City Att'y, Detroit, 1882-86. Joseph James Darlington. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. BornS. C. A. B., 1868, Erskine, Coll., S. C. LL. D. 1888, Georgetown Coll., D. C. Charles M. Davis. Clerk, Glenn Springs, S. C. ; Born 1855, South Carolina. ; William K. Duhamel. | Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born D. C. A. M., St. John's Coll. } George Leland Dyer. | Naval Oflacer, Na^T Dept., D. C ' Born 1849, Me. Grad. Naval Acad., 1870 Hydrographer to Bureau of Navigation Nav>' Dept. Robert G. Dyrenforth. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C. M. D., 1870. Born 111. Ass't Com. of Patents. John G. Ehiott. Patent Lawyer, Chicago, 111. LL. M., 1877. Born 18.51, Ind. Clerk, U. S. Treas'v, 1873-75. Exam., U. S. Pat. 0., 1876-79. George Congdon Gorham, Jr. Lawyer, San Francisco, Cal. Born 1854, Connecticut. John C. Heald. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Patent Law, Cleveland, O. Born O. M. D., 1870. Jeff. Med Coll. M. D., 1871, Cleveland Med. Col. (Homeopath). Jacob Henry Lichliter. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Bom 1853, Va. A. M., 1876, Franklin and Marshall Coll., Pa. Irwin Breese Linton. La^vj-er, Washington, D. C. Born 1852, Pa. Prin. Clerk, Office Sup. Archt, Treas'y Dept. George T. Lovell. Vermont. ^Charles H. Luff. District of Columbia. Died Feb., 1888. •^J. Waher Lynch. Indiana. Samuel Maddox. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1850, Maryland. Thomas Mitchell. Clerk. Pension Office, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1879. Born Connecticut. Henry Theodore Munson. Lawyer, Washington. D. C: New York City. Born New Haven, Conn. W. N. Newbold. North Carolina. Eichard E. Pairo. Lawyer. Washington, D. C. 142 The Columbian University. Henry Clay Pearson. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. Born 1845, Pa. 1st Lieut., Co. H, 21st Pa. Cav. * William D. Postal. Missouri. Charles Frank Rowe, B. S., 1873. Edward J. Stellwagen. Real Estate Broker. Washington, D. C. Harold Green Underwood. Lawyer, Milwaukee, Wis. Born 1852, N. Y. Exam., U. S. Pat. O., 1873-81. Paul E. Williams. P. 0. Inspector, Delaware, O. Born 1851, O. A. B., 1873 ; A. M., 1875, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. W. Redin Woodward. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. 1876. James Edgar Bangs, A. B., 1872. Joseph, William Barton. New York. Daniel Birtwell. Clerk, U. S. Pension Office, D. C. Henry B. Blandy. Clerk, U. S. Pat. Office, Washington, D. C. Otis Bowver. Lawyer, Baircl, Texas. Born Virginia. William H. Bradley. District of Columbia. Albert A. Brooke. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Richard W. D. Bryan. Lawyer, Albuquerque, N. M. Born 1819, N. Y. A. B., 1870, Lafayette Coll., Pa. Astronomer, U. S. North Polar Expedition, 1871-73. Allen Coffin. Massachusetts. Howard Baldwin Crittenden, Real Estate, San Diego, Cal. Born 1853, Indiana. Madison Davis. Chief Clerk, Third Ass't Postmaster-Gen- eral, Washington, D. C. Linton Adams Dean. Lawyer, Rome, Ga. Born 1855, Ga. A. B., 1875; A. M. 1878, Mercer Univ., Ga. Member, Ga. Senate, Patrick James Donahue. Catholic Priest, Baltimore, Md. Born, 1849, Eng. S, T. B., 1884 ; S. T. L., 1885, St. Mary's Univ., Md. Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Balto., 1886- H. H. C. Dunwoody. Major, U. S. Signal Corps, Washington, D. C. Thomas J. Godwin. Clerk, Washington, D. C. Sherwood F. Gorham. Seattle, Washington. R. E. Hamilton, Texas. W. J, B. Hill. Maryland. Robert B. Hine. New York. James Franklin Hood. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1851, Ohio. Chief Appt. Div. In- terior Dept., 1880-85. W. W. Johnson. Montana. Charles G. Love. New York. Samuel Davies McDonald. Pennsylvania. Robert Henry Macgill, Jr. Maryland. Charles F. Markell, Maiyland. W. H. Mitchell. Rome, Georgia. Eugene E, Osborn, Connecticut. ■'^'Stephen Carr Parrish. Ohio. Alumni of the Law School 143 James Harvey Peirce. Lawyer, Chicago, Illinois. Bom 1853, Del. B. S., 1S74, Cornell Univ. Prin. Exam, and Law Clerk, U. S. Pat. O. Charles Darwin Pennebaker. ! Lawyer, Washington, D. C. | Born 1854, Kentucky. Perr}^ Benjamin Pierce. j Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1840, N. Y. A. B., 1865 ; A. M., 1868, I HobartColl. Prin. Exam., U. S. Pat. O, 1882- John Caldwell Poor. Treas., Washington Gas Light Co., Wash- ington, D. C. Howard Lyman Prince. Librarian, U. S. Patent Office. D. C. Born 1840, Me. A. B., 1862: A. M.. 1865, Bowdoin Coll. Sergt., Lieut., Capt., 20th Maine Vols., 1862-65. *Lenox W. Simpson. District of Columbia. Bradford P. Sparrow. Bowling Green, Virginia. Percy Thompson. Warehouse, Kansas City, Mo. Born 1855, X. Y. City. Statistician of Mining, 10th Census. Edwin Mortimer Truell. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. Born 1841, Mass. M. Ace, Eastman Bus. Coll., Chicago. Co. E, .12th Wis. Vols., 3 yrs. Received Congressional "Medal of Honor" for valor in action. Register of Deeds, 1867-68, Juneau Co., Wis. George E. Upham. Illinois. Benjamin White, A. B., 1873. Charles Fauntleroy Whittlesey. Lawyer, Seattle, Wash. Born 1855, N. M. A. B.. 1874 ; A. M., 1877, Princeton. Regent, Territorial Univ., Wash'n, 1888-90. Jesse H. AVilson, A. B., 1874. Charles Henry Winston. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. Born 1853, Missouri. W. W. Woodward. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. 1877. ^Henry Thomas Ash. Kentucky. Thomas Grafton Ash. Washington, D. C. Peter Anton Auer. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1879. Born 1849, Prussia. U. S. Vol. Amzi Lorenzo Barber. Real Estate and Pa^dng, Washington, D.C. Born 1847, Vt. A. B., 1867; A. M., 1870. Oberhn Coll., O. Edward Deering Boyd. Texas. Robert Edmond Bradley. Real Estate Broker, Washington, D. C. Born 1856, District of Columbia. Samuel Gordon Brent. Alexandria, Va. Chapin Brown, A. B., 1876. Daniel Norman Burbank. Chief of Div.. U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1878. New York. Charles Louis Burdett. Massachusetts. Benjamin Hudson Butcher. Lawyer, Denver, Colo. Born 1855, W. Va. Member Legis., W. Va. Rep. and State Senator, Colo. Dist. Att'y, 9th Judicial Dist., Colo. *J. Mandeville Carlisle, Jr. District of Columbia. Ralph Meade Dement, B. S., 1875. Edwin Forrest. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Frank Leslie Freeman. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1&17, Mass. Prin. Exam., U. S. Pat. Of. Com. to the Univ. Elect. Expos, at Paris. William Breech Gonsalves. California. Jonas Willard Greene. Virginia. 144 The Columbian University William Augustus Gwyer, Jr. Clerk, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1879, Nebraska. Abraham Depue Hazen. Third Ass't Postntiaster-Geueral, AVash- ington, D. C. Born Pennsylvania. Charles Herr. Clergyman, Jersey City, N. J. Leonard Rossitus Hill. South Carolina. Hubert Howson. Lawyer, New York City. Born 1856, England. Edmund Hudson. Editor, Washington, D. C. Born Mass. Author of " Memorial of Mary Clemmer." Editor of "Army and Navy Register" weekly, founded 1879 ; "U. S. Gov. Advertiser," weekly, founded 1883; " Hudson's Army and Navj^ List," monthly, f. 1885: "The Nat. Democrat," weekly, f. 1889. Simeon Francis Johnson. Kansas City, Mo. LL. M., 1879, Kentucky. ^Israel Kimball, Jr. N. H. Died Feb. 15, 1886. Legare Phenix. New York City. * Joseph Wheat Milburn. D. C. Died Nov. 8, 1879 William Naylor. Clerk, Interior Dept., Washington, D. C. Henry Clay Nevitt. Lawyer, Albany, N. Y. LL. M., 1878, D. C. County Judge, Ind. Jared Chamblin Nichols. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1837, Va. Dep. Col., C. & 0. Canal. Special Exam., U. S. Pen. Bu. Henry O'Connor,. Jr. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Myron Melvin Parker. Lawyer, Real Estate Broker, Washington, D. C. Born 1843, Vt. 1st Vt. Cavalry, 3 years. Ass't P. M., Wash'n, D. C. Pres., Board of Trade, D. C. Frank Lee Perley. District of Columbia. Ivory Hurd Pike. Lawyer, Bloomington, 111. Born 18i4, Me. LL. B., Nat. Univ. U. S. Vol. 3 yrs. Twice Memf)er of 111. Legis. John Caldwell Robertson. South Carolina. Charles David Sloan. LL. M., 1879. Born New York. William Tayloe Snyder. Minister, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1879. Born 1856, D. C. Jacob Webster Starr. Clerk, War Dept., Herndon, Va. ^William Soule Stickney. Born 1852. A. B., Rochester Univ. Law- ver. Sec. and Disburs. Officer, two Com. to the'-Utes." Died 1880. Gustave P. Strum. Draftsman, Washington, D. C. Harrj^ Roland Sullivan. Passed Ass't Paymaster, U. S. Navy. Born O. Sec, Naval Com., U. S. Senate. I Russell Brooks Taylor. I Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, Washington, D. C. I Born 1814, Mass. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf. ' Edwin Starr Templeton. Lawyer, Greenville, Pa. i Born 1854, Pa. A. B., 1875; A. M., 1878, Coll. of Greenville, Pa. School Director. Samuel Thomas. Clerk, P. O. Dept., Washington, D. C. \ Leon Tobriner. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. ! LL. M., 1878, District of Columbia. ! Frederick Mandevill Tryon. j Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washing- ton, D. C. LL. M.,1885. Born 1853, N. Y. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y. James Sterling Ashley Turner. U. S. Marine Corps, Mare Island, Cal. Born 1856. Md. 1st. Lieut., U. S. Marine Corps. Alumni of the Law School. 145 Hugh Brady Wilkins, Jr. Banker, Pittsburg, Pa. Born 1854, Pa. Priv. Sec. Ass't Post- master Genl., 1875-81. Priv. Sec. to Gov. of Montana, 1881-86. Iron City Nat. Bank, Pittsburg. Bartraiu Zevely. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1855, District of Columbia. 1878. Harrington Brown. Los Angeles, California. J. Walter Cooksey. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1879. Born D. C. John Dennis Coughlan. LaAvyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1857, District of Columbia. Lucius M. Cuthbert, A. M., 1876. Henry Edgar Davis. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1879. Associate Prof, of Practice, I Judge of Moot Court, and Lecturer on tlie i History of Law, 1888- Born 1855, D. C. A. > B., 1876; A. M., 1879, Princeton. Ass't Att'y, D. C. 1885-89. ■^ James Gait Davis. Born District of Columbia. Died 1889. Charles Dufief Fowler. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. and New York City. ^^Arsenius Thomas Harve3\ \ District of Columbia. Died 1882. George Washington Kern. Claim Attorney, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1879. Born 1856. D. C. Leonard Marbury, ■ Lawyer, Alexandria, Va. Born 1856, Alex., Va. Att'y for Common- wealth for Alex., Va., 1882-88, 1890- Grand Chancellor, K. P., Va. John E. Mason. Lawyer, Comorn, Va. Born 1854, Va. State's Att'v for King Geo. Co., 1877- Mem. Va. Legis., 1889. Charles Tully Parker. Clerk, Washington, D, C. i William Archer Purrington, Lawyer, New York City. LL. M., 1878. Born D. C. A. B., 1873, Harvard. LL. B., 1880, Univ. of City of New York. Consular Clerk, Rome, Italy, 1874-75. Sec. of Legation and Charge d' Affaires, Brazil, 1875-77. Daniel F. Raum. Born 1857, Illinois. Lawyer, Peoria, 111, George Augustus Sawyer. Officer, U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C. Born 1889, Vt. Paymaster, U. S. N. John Day Smith. Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Born 1845, Me. A. B., 1872; A. M., 1875, Brown Univ. Co. F. 19th Maine U. S. Vols. Rep. and Senator, Minn. Legis. Douglass Twombley. France. ^Edward D. Wright. LL. M., 1879. Born D. C. 1879. Edmund C. Blunt. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Frank Bolles. Sec. of Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Born 1856, Mass. LL. B., 1882. Harvard Univ. Sec. of Harvard Univ., 1886- Author of a Genealogy of the Family of Dix ; of papers on Ornithology ; of official papers of Harvard Univ. Editor of " A Collection of Important English Statutes." Charles Edgar Brown. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. Born 1853, W. Va. Pres. of Police Com., Cincinnati, O. » Frank T. Brown. Patent Lawyer, Chicago, 111. Born Kv. Priu. Exam, and Att'v, U. S. Pat. Of. ' Of firm Butter worth, Hall c*^ Brown. ' Aldis Birdsey Browne. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 18;57, D. C. Shelton T. Cameron. Clerk, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1880, 111. Melville Church. Lawyer, Washington, D. C, LL. M., 1880. Born 1856, N. Y. 146 The Columbian University W. B. Cooley. i Chief Clerk, P. O. Dept., Washington, i B.C. i William T. S. Curtis. | Lawyer, Washington, D. C. ' LL. M.,1880. Born 1857, D. C. * James H. Day. LL. M., 1880. Texas. | Charles G. Gould. Principal Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, j Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1880. Born 1844, Vt. Priv., Co. G, nth Vt. Vols., 1862. Discharged as Capt., j Co. H, 5th Vt. Vols., and Brevet Maj., U. S. j Vols., 1865. ! Frank H. Hall. i Clerk, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1879. Maine. Pennington Halsted. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Born 1857, Pennsylvania. Frederick Loviad Harvey, Jr. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1880. Born 1856, D. C. Prin. Exam., Land Claims and Contests, U. S. G. L. O., 1888-90. Author ol "Monograph of the Washington Monument." Sec, Joint Com. for completion of Wash'n Monument, 1878-88. Franck D. Johns. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. 0. A. Jones. District of Columbia. Isaac N. Kalb. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. Henry Arthur Kelly. Clerk, P. O. Dept., Washington, D. C. Born 1842, N. H. Staff Officer, 8th Tenn. Cav., U. S. Vols. John Bell Larner. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1858, District of Columbia. Frank Osgood McCleary. Lawy^, W'ashington, D. C. Born 1859, New Castle, Pa. Thomas J. MacNamee. Clerk, War Dept., Washington. D. C. LL. M.. 1881. Born 1H47, Scotland. U. S. \'ol., l±, D. C. Arthur S. Mattingly. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1891. Born District of Columbia. John T. Meany. Real Estate Ag't, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1891. Born District of Columbia. Joseph H. Ricketts. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1891, District ot Columbia. Joseph Schneider, Clerk, U. S. Pension Bu., Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1891, Illinois. John F. Seag^r. Stenographer, Washington, D. C. Charles W. Smedes. Clerk, P. O. Dept., Washington, D. C. LL. M.. 1891, North Carolina. Leslie P. Snow. Clerk, U. S. Pension Bu., Washington, D. C. James Russell Soley. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1850, Mass. A. B., 1870, Harvard. Prof, U. S. Navy, 1890. Ass't Secretary of Navy, 1890- Author of " The Blockade and the Cruisers," N. Y., 1883 "Rescue of Greely," (with W. S. Schley) N. Y., 1885. "Boysot 1812," Bost., 1887. "Sailor Boys of '61," Bost., 1888. Edward W. Spalding. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Alonzo H. Stewart. Employee, U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C. LL. M.,1891. Born 1865, Iowa. Emplovee U. S. Senate, 1877- Henry Gordon Strong. Wisconsin. R. Dorsey Trundle. Lawyer, Gaithersburg, :Md. LL. M., 1891. Born 1865, Maryland. 164 The Columbian University. Nelson Parley Webster. Patent Attorney, AVashington, D. C. LL. M., 1891, New York. Jere H. Wheelwri2;ht. Lawyer, Seattle, Wash, Born 1867, Virginia. Mortimer Whitehead, Jr. Clerk, U. S. Pension Bu., Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1890, New Jersey. Edwin Williamson. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. William Henry Sigel Wood. Lawyer, Lansing, Mich. Born 1858, Mich. Postal Clerk, Teacher, Clerk, P. O. Dept. Clerk, Board of State Au- ditors, Mich. Charles M. Yeates. U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C. 1891. Eobert J. F. Allen. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. Avery D. Andrews. U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. Ernest S. Bartlett. Clerk, Census Office, Washington, D. C. William 0. Belt. Washington, D. C. Augustus Osburn Bourn, Jr. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. Born Rhode Island. N. Landon Burchell. A. M., 1883. S. D. Caldwell. Employee, U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C. George Campbell. Washington, D. C. John H. Campbell. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. Frederic Carragan. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. Frank E. Carstarphen. James J. Corridon. Clerk, P. O. Dept., Washington, D. C. Thomas S. Crocker, Washington, D. C. Paul H. Cromelien. Teller, Washington, D. C. D. T. Cross. Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1891. Born Virginia. George B. Davis. Washington, D. C. Clarence E. Dawson, Washington, D. C. Clarence Woods De Knight. stenographer, AVashington, D. C. Born 1867, Virginia. Horace B. Durant. Clerk, Interior Dept., AVashington, I). C. Edward H. Eakle. Clerk, U. S. Patent Office, AA^ashington, D. C. Born 1860, District of Columbia. R. F. EUiott. AA^ashington, D. C. William L. Elterich. Professor of Languages, AVashington, D. C. Born 1840, Bavaria, Germany. A. M., 1861, Univ. of Erlangen, Bavaria. C. Fenton Fadeley. AA^ashington, D. C. Louis C. Ferrell. Clerk, U. S. Treas., AVashington, D. C. Henry H. Flather. Teller, AVashington, D. C. Isaac Frohman. Washington, D. C. E. Allen Frost. AA'ashington, D. C. T. K. de GrafFenried. Washington D. C. J. G. Cohen. Denver, Col. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. H. F. Griffin. J. H. Harmon. AVashington, D. C. AA''ashington, D. C. Alumni of the Law School. 165 Porter D. Haskell. Ass't . Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. W. T. Hewetson. Washington, D. C. Edward S. Hosmer, A. M., 1885. Mateo H. Jepper. Washington, D. C. J. Claude Keiper, Washington, D. C. John M. Lackey. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. Wharton E. Lester. Teacher, Branchville, Md. Fulton Lewis. Real Estate Broker, Washington, D. C. James H. Lightfoot. Ass't Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, L>. C. James Longstreet, Jr. Clerk, Interior Dept., Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1891, Georgia. Alexander McArthur. Washington, D. C. Charles S. McCoy. Computer, Washington, D. C. H. S. McKnight. Clerk, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Charles E. McNabb. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington. D. C. William B. Mathews. Washington, D. C. W. A. Mearns. Washington, D. C. Bellum Miller. Claim Agent, Washington, D. C. George W. Miller. Lawyer, Chicago, 111. T. Percy Myers. Book-keeper, Washington, D. C. Harry Newcomb, Harry W. Newton, Book-keeper, Washington, D. C. Jar vis P. O'Brien. Washington, D. C. Orlando Gray Palmer. Teacher, Washington, D. C. LL. M., 1891. Born 1864, Iowa. B. S., 1887, Kansas State Agri. Coll. Capt., Kan- sas Nat. Guard. Clerk, U. S. Census Office. Writer of newspaper articles and of music. Henry L. Parker, Jr. Washington, D. C. Zera D. Patterson. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. J. VanNess Philip. Washington, D. C. Henry W. Reed. Washington, D. C. Lawrence 0. Robbins. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. J. C. Ross. Teacher, Washington, D. C. J. Harrison Smith. Washington, D. C. Herbert Baird Stimpson. Librarian, U. S. Nat. Museum, Washing- ton, D. C. LL. M., 1891. Born Maryland. J. Frank Stoner. Otis D. Swett. Frank D. Syrich. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D, C, J. Bradley Tanner. Clerk, U. S. Pension Office, Washington, D. C. A. Y. Taylor. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Frank C. Townsend. Washington, D. C . Irving FT. Townsend. Ass't Examiner, U. S, Patent Office, Wash- ington, D, C, 14 166 The Columbian University. Edward Amory Trescot. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1867, S. C. Sec. to U, S. Delegates to Internat. Amer. Congress, Francis W. Vaughn, Jr. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. Alfred A. Wheat. Teacher, Washington, D. C. L. Prevost Whitaker. Washington, D. C. George L. AVilkinson, B. S., 1888. J. Edward Wilhams. Washington, D. C. Steve W. Williams. Washington, D. C. Thomas A. Witherspoon. Washington, D. C. Henry F. Woodard. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1864, District of Columbia. Akira Yamamoto. Washington, D. C. Born 1866, Tokio, Japan. MASTERS OF LAWS. 1878. Charles Frederick Benjamin. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1842, England. LL. B., 1876, George- town Univ., D. C. Sergt.-Maj., 55th N. Y. Vols. Correspondence Clerk, War Dept., 1865-71 Secretary, Southern Claims Com., 1871-80. Daniel N. Burbank, LL. B., 1887. John R. Collette, LL. B., 1870. Michael A. W. Louis. Washington, D. C. Henry C. Nevitt, LL. B., 1877. Wm. A. Purrington, LL. B., 1878. Leon Tobriner, LL. B., 1877. 1879. Peter Anton Auer, LL. B., 1 877. J. Walter Cooksey, LL. B., 1878. L. Berkley Cox. Virginia. Harry Edgar Davis, LL. B., 1878. John G. Elliott, LL. B., 1875. Weston Flint. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1835, N. Y. A. B., 1860 ; A. M., 1863, Union Coll., N. Y. Ph. D., 1886, Alfred Univ., N. Y. Ohio State Mil. Agt., 1862-65. U. S. Consul, Chinkiag, China, 1871-74. Librarian, U. S. Pat. ()., 1877-85. Chair- man, B"d Exam., U. S. Civil Service Com., 1884-88. Statistician, U. S. Bu. of Educa- tion, 1889- Benjamin George Green. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. Born 1855, N. C. LL. B., Georgetown Univ., D. C. Of firm Van Dorston & Green. William A. Gwyer, Jr., LL. B., 1877. Frank H.Hall, LL. B., 1879. Simeon F. Johnson, LL. B., 1877. George W. Kern, LL. B., 1878. Thomas Mitchell, LL. B., 1875. Frank W. Pagenhoff. Special Examiner, U. S Pension Bureau, Washington, D. C. Born 1851, Wisconsin. Charles D. Sloan, LL. B., 1877. AVilliam T. Snyder, LL. B., 1877. Benjamin White, LL. B., 1876. ^Edward D. Wright, LL. B., 1878. 1880. Shelton T. Cameron, LL. B., 1879. Melville Church, LL. B., 1879. William T. S. Curtis, LL. B., 1879. *James H. Day, LL. B., 1879. John R. Garrison, LL.. B., 1869. C. G. Gould, LL. B., 1879. Frederick L. Harvey, LL. B., 1879. John R. Hickcox. New Y''ork. William H. Pearce, LL. B., 1879. Alumni of the Law School. 167 Henry P. Sanders, LL. B., 1870. William H. Upton, LL. B., 1879. vAlbert M. Wooster. Patent Lawyer, Bridgeport, Coun. Born 1850, N. Y. LL. B., 1876, Nat. Univ., D. C. Exam., U. S. Pat. O., 1876-83. 1881. William R. Bushby, LL. B , 1880. Louis Dale Carman, LL. B., 1880. Charles J. Hayes, LL. B., 1880. William T. Kent, LL. B., 1880. j William B. King, LL. B., 1880. i Horatio J. Lauck, LL. B., 1880. | Woodbury Lowery, LL. B. 1880. ' J. H. Mason, LL. B., 1880. Thos. J. MacNamee, LL. B., 1879. ! Robert W. F. Ogilvie, LL. B., 1880. ' William S. Parks, LL. B., 1880. Joseph H. Parsons, LL. B., 1879. George D. Seymom% LL. B., 1880. John Day Smith, LL. B., 1878. \ Philip Creveling Warman. Stenographer, Washington, D. C Born 1859, X. .J. LL. B., 1880, George- town Univ., D. C. Clerk, U. S. Geol. Surv. William W. Wishart, LL. B., 1880. 1882. John Arthur, LL. B., 1881. E. E. Bryant. Mississippi. Henry Calver, LL. B., 1881. William H. Chapman, LL. B., 1881. Charles E. Conant, LL. B., 1882. William F. Cooper, LL. B., 1881. \ Charles W. Dorsey, LL. B., 1881. \ Seward A. Haseltine, LL. B., 1882. Thomas J. Johnston, LL. B., 1881. i A\^illiam A. Johnson, LL. B., 1881. John E. Latimer, LL. B., 1881. William A. Leetch, LL. B., 1881. Harry Mies Low, LL. B., 188L j William B. ^latthews. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Born 1850, Va Deputy Clerk, Essex Co., Va. Ass't Chief, Pre-emption Div., U. S. Genl. Land O. Author of " Matthew's Forms of Pleading, etc. ; " " Matthew's Dige.'^t of>Land Decisions;" "Matthew's Guide" (Public Lands); "The Settler's Map and Guide Book" (Oklahoma'; "Guide for Executore and Administrators in Va." Editor of "The National Do- main." Edmund J. Moffat. New York. Oscar Xauck, LL. B., 1881. Millard K. Page, LL. B., 1881. ^Marshall H. Parks, LL. B., 1881. Amasa C. Paul. Minneapolis, Minn. John A. Perry, LL. B., 1881. Eugene Rosis, LL. B., 1881. Samuel D. Trimble, LL. B., 1881. Charles J, Tryon. New York. Cadwell C. Tyler. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. New York. A. B., 1877, Yale. A. D. Wilcox. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Tennessee. Henry K. Willard, LL. B , 1881. ^Edmund R. Williams, LL. B., 1881. 1883. Harvey S. Durnall, LL. B., 1882. Miles Fuller, LL. B., 1882. ^Thomas S. Hampson. Born 1819, N. Y. B. Lit., 1874, Cornell. Chief of Editorial Div., U.S. Geol. Survey. Died 1888. Blair Lee, LL. B., 1882. Louis W. Maxson, LL. B., 1882. Theodore W. Xoyes, LL. B., 1882. John W. Phillips. Illinois. David Gray Purman, LL. B., 1 880. S. G. L. Roberts, LL. B., 1882. 168 Tpie Columbian University. C. F. Sundell. Illinois. J. Foshay Walker, LL. B., 1882. 1884. William H. Appleton, LL. B., 1872. Clarence F. Barrett, LL. B., 1881. J. B. Diver, LL. B., 1880. Addison G. DuBois, LL. B., 1883. Duane E. Fox, LL. B., 1883. William B. Greene, LL, B., 1883. Otto Gresham, LL. B., 1884. Edwin P. Hanna, LL. B., 1883. Sumner C. Haseltine, LL. B., 1884. George Drum Hedian, LL. B., 1883. ^George R. Israel, LL. B., 1883. Jourdan Maury Israel, LL. B., 1883. Thomas M. Johnson, LL. B., 1884. William G. Johnson, LL. B., 1883. W. H. Landvoigt, LL. B., 1883. William M. Lytle, LL. B., 1883. Julius A. Maedel, LL. B., 1883. E. A. Main, LL. B., 1883. M. L. Muhleman, LL. B., 1879. Hancock Neagle, LL. B., 1883. Benjamin F. Peters, LL. B., 1883. John C. Rathbone, LL. B., 1883. Charles F. Randall, LL. B., 1883. -R. R. Shellalmrger, LL. B., 1883. Milnor R. Sulhvan, LL. B., 1883. Edward F. Waite, LL. B., 1883. A. W. WilHams, LL. B., 1883. 1885. U. N. Bethell, LL. B., 1885. Charles R. Cleaves, LL. B., 1884. Alfred Clum, LL. B., 1883. Harry P. Coolidge, LL. B., 1884. Benjamin F. Crawshaw. Clerk, General Land Of., Washington, D. C. Born 1846, Pa. Register of Wills. Clerk of Orphan's Court, Schuylkill Co., Pa., l!S72-74. Editor. Thomas F. Dennis, LL. B., 1884. Irving B. Dudley, LL. B., 1885. J. T. Downes, LL. B., 1884. G. A. Eversole, LL. B., 1884. B. L. Fairchild, LL. B., 1883. A. W. Fleming. Real Estate Broker, Washington, D. C. D. Riley Gale, LL. B., 1885. Walter B. Grant, LL. B., 1884. Charles C. Halpine, LL. B., 1884. William D. Henry, LL. B., 1884. Thomas B. Higgins, LL. B., 1884. H. Clay Howard, LL. B., 1884. : F. W. Matteson, LL. B. 1884. F. A. Meyer, LL. B., 1885. James H. Pierce, LL. B. 1884. T. W. Sargent, LL..B., 1884. Cleon J. Sawyer, LL. B., 1884. Angelo C. Scott, LL. B., 1885. Joseph ShiUington, LL. B., 1884. F. DeL. Smith, LL. B., 1885. William M. Steuart, LL. B. 1884. Joseph Stewart, LL. B., 1884. George F. Stone, LL. B., 1884. Frederick M. Tryon, LL. B., 1877. Martin Welles, LL. B., 1884. S. Laing Williams, LL. B., 1884. W. W. AYilshire, Jr., LL. B., 1884. Court F. Wood, LL. B., 1884. 1886. James P. Babcock. New York. M. B. Bailey, LL. B., 1885. John A. Blevins, LL, B., 1886, Alumxi of the Law School. 169 E. Schley Cassin, LL. B., 1885. John E. Clarke, LL. B., 1885. Henry J. Fmley, LL. B., 1885. Frank ]McCoy Harshberger. Lawyer, Tcxcoma, Wash. Born 1862, Pa. A. B., 1883 ; A. M., 1886, Lafayette ColL F. H. Keller, LL. B., 1886. John M. Kilhts, LL. B., 1885. Thomas T. Knox. Officer, U. S. Army. Born 1849, Tenn. LL. B., 1885, Nat. Univ., D. C. Graduated, U. S. Mil. Acad., 1871. Ass't Compiler, "Official War Records," 1882- F. L. Marshall, Jr., LL. B., 1885. Guion Miller, LL. B., 1885. J. F. Moore, LL. B., 1885. Ballard Morris, LL. B., 1885. W. B. Norris, LL. B., 1885. Frank A. Xute, LL. B., 1885. Edward H. Patterson, LL. B., 1885. Walter B. Patterson. LL. B., 1885. Green B. Raum, Jr., LL. B., 1885. John Raum, LL. B., 1885. William B. Robison, LL. B., 1885. S. A. Shipman, LL. B., 1885. Bruce Simmons, LL. B., 1885. James H. Spalding, LL. B., 1885. Fred. E. Tasker, LL. B., 1886. Alvan T. Tracy, LL. B., 1885. A. M. Tillman, LL. B., 1886. W. W. Townsend, LL. B., 1885. W. F. Warriner, LL. B., 1885. 1887. F. S. Bright, LL. B., 1887. J. B. Chamberlain, LL. B., 1887. Fred. F Church, LL. B., 1886. Samuel R. Church, LL. B., 1886. Myer Cohen, LL. B., 1886. : Thomas Durant, LL. B., 1886. Arthur P. Greeley, LL. B., 1886. WiUiam B. Greeley, LL. B., 1886. J. H. Himes, LL. B., 1887. Robinson L. Johns, LL. B., 1886. *Q. E. C. Kendall, LL. B., 1886. I Fred. D. McKenney, LL. B., 1886. A. C. MacXulty, LL. B., 1887. Grafton Mason, LL. B., 1886. William Quiiiby, LL. B., 1886. H. F. Reich, LL. B., 1887. ! W. S. Roudebush, LL. B., 1886. I J. M. Sprowls, LL. B., 1886. . A. S. Steuart, LL. B., 1886. Henry C. Stewart, Jr., 1886. A. T. Stoutenburgh, LL. B., 1886. E. F. Walker, LL. B., 1886. L. L. Waters, LL. B., 1887. 1888. W. S. Armstrong, LL. B., 1887. Robert B. Bagby, LL. B., 1887. Alexander Britton, LL. B., 1887. Eugene A. Byrnes, LL. B., 1887. Frederick E. Chapin, LL. B., 1887. R. Stuart Coleman, LL. B., 1887. Sidney H. Dent, LL. B., 1887. WiUiam E. Dyre, LL. B'., 1887. Leon D. Geneste, LL. B., 1887. D. Lauck Grayson, LL. B., 1887. Theodore H. Greene, LL. B., 1887. William H. Huston, LL. B., 1887. Fred. W, Keam. Ohio. Harry C. Kennedy, LL. B., 1887. Wihiam R. Kennedy, LL. B., 1887. Russell H. Landale, LL. B., 1888. Edwin Xauck, LL. B., 1887. Fred. H. Parkhurst, LL. B., 1888. 170 The Columbian University John Pelham, LL. B., 1888. William C. Prentiss, LL. B., 1887. Henry \V. Price, LL. B., 1887. Charles E. Saekett, LL. B., 1887. Frederick L. Siddons, LL. B., 1887. Frank H. Stephens, LL. B., 1887. George W. Titcomb, LL. B., 1887. William Grant Webster. Clerk, Interior Dept., Washington, D. C. Born 1864, 111. A. B., 1886, Harvard. John T. Williams, LL. B., 1887. 1889. Kurnal R. Babbitt, LL. B., 1888. Charles H. Bates, LL. B., 1888. C. A. Brandenbm-g, LL. B., 1888. James C. Bushby, LL. B., 1888. Lewis W. Call, LL. B., 1888. Wesley G. Carr, LL. B., 1888. Eseck H. Carver, LL. B., 1888. Morris W. Chase, LL. B., 1889. John F. Cromehen, LL. B , 1888. Benjamin W. Hanna. LL. B., 1888. Elmer W. Hart, LL. B., 1888. Frank W. Holt, LL. B., 1888. William D. Lambuth, LL. B., 1888. Luther M. Longshaw. Lawj'er, Washington, I). C. Ala. Of firm, Longshaw & Ballard. Herbert L. McNair, LL. B., 1888. Manton JNIaverick, LL. B., 1888. Charles Newell, LL. B., 1888. Edward E. Perley, LL. B., 1888. Wilson G. Reed, LL. B., 1888. Ernest L. Schmidt, LL. B., 1889. John H. W. Schmidt, LL. B., 1888. Albert D. Shewsbury, LL. B., 1888. Charles L. Sturtevant, LL. B., 1888. John B. Torbert, LL. B., 1888. Lemuel Towers, Jr., LL. B., 1888. Perry B. Turpin, LL. B., 1883. Laomer West. Clerk, U. S. Treas., Washington, D. C. 1890. David C. Bangs, LL. B., 1889. Richard W. Barkley, LL. B., 1889. James W. Bayard, LL. B., 1889. Francis J. Byrne, LL. B., 1889. A. L. Carroll, LL. B., 1889. Pierre de Chambrun, LL. B., 1889. J. J. Chickering, LL. B., 1890. Walter C. Clephane, LL. B., 1889. Lendell A. Conner, LL. B., 1889. Hedley V. Cooke, LL. B., 1886. J. Paul Earnest, LL. B., 1888. Stephen D. Fessenden, LL. B., 1889. George E. Fleming, LL. B., 1889. Benjamin C. Garrett, LL. B., 1889. George H. Hammond, LL. B., 1889. William M. Hatch, LL. B., 1889. Robert H. Hazard, LL. B., 1889. A. A. Hoehling, LL. B., 1889. W. B. Howell, LL. B., 1889. Homer M. Kintz. Clerk, P. 0. Dept., Washington, D. C. Walter S. Lamon, LL. B., 1889. Oscar Luckett, LL. B., 1889. Masaichi Noma, LL. B., 1889. J. Steuart Rusk, LL. B., 1889. Cassell Severance, LL. B., 1889. D. E. Sharretts, LL. B., 1889. Albert Speiden, LL. B., 1889. Wilham H. Stayton, LL. B., 1889. Claude G. Stephenson, LL. B., 1889. William C. Stuart, LL. B., 1889. Charles C. Tucker, LL. B., 1889. M. Whitehead, Jr., LL. B., 1890. Frederick B. Wright, LL. B., 1889. Alumni of the Law School. 171 1891. Theodore G. Arnold, LL. B., 1890. E. C. Brandenburg, LL. B., 1890. Arthur L. Bryant, LL. B., 1890. D. T. Cross, LL. B., 1891. W. D. Davidge, Jr., LL. B., 1890. Ambrose F. Dudley, LL. B., 1890. Harry EngHsh, LL. B., 1890. James T. Gibbs, LL. B., 1890. Peyton Gordon, LL. B., 1890. H. G. Griswold, LL. B., 1890. Edward S. Hosmer, LL. B., 1891. Percy M. Hughes, LL. B., 1890. Isaac G. Kennedy, LL. B., 1890. S. J. Kmg, LL. B., 1890. Xathaniel A. Lowrv, LL. B., 1890. James Longstreet, Jr., LL. B., 1891. W. H. Mario w, Jr., LL. B., 1890. Arthur S. Mattingly, LL. B., 1890. I John T. Meany, LL. B., 1890. j Eugene Morgan, LL. B., 1881. ; 0. G. Palmer, LL. B., 1891. I Joseph Schneider, LL. B., 1890. ; Daniel H. Shea, LL. B., 1889. I Charles W. Smedes, LL. B., 1890. I Alonzo H. Stewart, LL. B., 1890. ' Herbert B. Stimpson, LL. B., 1891. E. Dorsey Trundle, LL. B., 1890. Xelson P. AYebster, LL. B., 1890. Ernest AV. Young. Clerk, U. S. Pension Bu., Washington, D. C. Born 1860, Pa. A. B., 1887, Williams. LL. B., 1890, National Law School. 172 The Columbian University. ALUMNI OF THE CORCORAN SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL. BACHELORS OF SCIENCE AND CIVIL ENGINEERS. 1888. Edward Hallaran Booth. Clerk, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. C. E. Born 1860, La. B. S., 1878, Emory and Henry Coll., Va. Elizabeth Preston Brown. (Mrs. Arthur P. Davis.) Computer, Washington, D. C. B. S. Born 1863, Va. Louise Connolly. Teacher, Washington, D. C. B. S. Arthur P. Davis. Topographer, U. S. Geol. Survey. B. S. Born 1861, Illinois. Exum Percy Lewis. Instructor in Physics and Astronomy, Columbian Univ. B. S. Born 1863, North Carolina. George W. Littlehales. U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C. C. E. 1889. E. G. Runyan. B. S., Michigan. Washington, D. C. 1890. Charles Allan Davis. Principal, Business High School, Washing- ton, D. C. B. S. Born 1866, Ohio. George Steiger. Chemist, Washington, D. C. B. S. Born 1869, Pa. 1891. Frank Lloyd Averill. Civil Engineer, Washington, D. C. C. E. Born 1861, Iowa. First Lieut., Eng. Corps, D. C. Nat. Guard. Mary Ann Connelly. Teacher, Washington, D. C. B. S. Born 1866, District of Columbia. Bartholomew Daly. Merchant, Washington, D. C. B. S. Born 1848, Ireland. Clerk, War Dept. Calvin C. J. Norris. Washington, D. C. C. E., Illinois. Clerk, Treas. Dept. W. G. Steward. Washington, D. C. C. E., District of Columbia. Alumni of the Dental School. 173 ALUMNI OF THE DENTAL SCHOOL. DOCTORS OF DENTAL SURGERY. 1888. Charles R. Davis. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Dem. in charge of Infirmary, 1888-91. Born 1816, Me. Began practice 1866. Benjamin J. Eslin. Dentist, Washington, D. C. George W. Hay. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Born New York. William G. Schafhirt. Dentist, Washington, D. C. 1889. John K. Halley. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Edith Jewell. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Born, 1865, District of Columbia. Charles Bishop Munson. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Born 1868, Virginia. 1890. Stephen B. Cassin. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Born 1868, District of Columbia. Mrs. Jessie Kappeler. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Born England. Charles M. O'Leary. Dentist, Washington, D. C. John L. Reid. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Thomas W. Stubblefield. Dentist, Washington, D. C. 1891. Jonathan R. Hagan. Dentist, Washington, D. C. Ass't Dem. in Infirmary. Born Va. Benjamin F. Odell. Dentist, Washington, D. C. 174 The Columbian University. HONORARY GRADUATES. Masters of Arts, Doctors of Medicine, Doctors of Philosophy, Doctors of Music, Doctors of Divinity, AND Doctors of Laws. 1827. *John Spence, M. D. Born 1766, Scot. Active in introducing vaccination into the U. S. Author. M. D.. 1828, Univ. Pa. Died 18'J9. 1831. ^Eli Ball, A. M. •'• Born 1786, Vt. Pastor, Mass., N. Y., Va. Agent, Bible Soc, Foreign Mission Board, etc. Agent, Col. Coll. Died 1853. ^John L. Dagg, A. M. Born 1794, Va. Pastor, Va. and Pa., 1817- 36. Pres., Mercer Univ., 1844-56. Author. Died 1884. John C. Keeny, A. M. South Carolina. *Jesse Olney, A. M. Born 1798, Conn. Prin., Stone School, Conn,, 1819-31. Author of " Geography and Atlas,'' 98 editions and millions of copies sold. Member Legis., Conn. Comptroller, Conn, Died 1872. George 3- Perry, A. M. Pennsylvania. 1833. ^William Beaumont, M. D. Born 1796, Conn. Surg., U. S. A., 1820-40. Made experiments on digestion, etc., on St. Martin. Died 1853. Ephraim K. Gaither, M. D. Thomas T. Smiley, A. M. Pennsylvania. ^■Levi Tucker, A. M. Born 1804, N. Y. A. B., 1829, Hamilton. PastoB, N. Y., Pa., O., Mass. Died 1853. 1834. *Smniiel Wait, A. M. Prin. of Prep. School, 1822-25. Tutor, 1822-26. Born 1789, N Y. D. D., 1849, Wake Forest. Pres.. Walce Forest Coll., 1833-46. Pres., Female Sem., Oxford, N. C, 1851-56. Died 1867. 1835. Dr. WilUam K. Wells, A. M. Rhode Island. 1837. *Rohert B. C. Howell, A. M. Born 1801, N. C. D. D., 1844, Georgetown Coll., Kr. Pastor, Va. and Tenn. Author. Died 1868. 1838. "^E. W. Dickenson, A. M. Born 1810,. N. J. Pastor in N. Y., N. J., O., Pa. D. D., Lewisburg. Died 1875. 1839. ^TJwmas Hume, A. M, Born 1812, Va. Pastor, Portsmouth, Va., 25 yrs. Trustee, Col. Coll., 1847-65, 1868-71. Died 1874. Dr. Joseph D. Nichols, A. M. Massachusetts. ^Jolm Ogilvie, A. M. Born 1793, Va. Teacher. Pastor in Va. 25 yrs. Died 1849. 1840. ^Jos^eph Baker, A. M. Virginia. *John A. Kearney, M. D. Born 1793. Surg., U. S. N., 1809. Died 1847. Honorary Graduates. 175 1841. William Brand, A. B. ; A. M., 1845. -/. B. Jeter, A. M.; D. D., 1849. Born 1802, Va. Pastor, Va. and Mo. Editor of Religious Herald. Author. Died, 1880. ^Henry Keeling, A. iNI. Virginia. *J". B. Taylor, A. M.; D. D., 1856, Born 1804, Eng. Pastor in Va. Editor. Author. Trustee, Col. Coll., 1838-47. Died 1871. * Thomas C. Thornton, A. ^l. Born 1794. Pastor (Meth.) Md. and Miss. Pres. of a Coll., Miss. Author. Died 1860. * Alexander 3fc Williams, M. D. Born 1775, Md. Ass't Surg.. U. S. N., 1802-05. Prof, of Botany, Col. Coll.. 1824-27. '■ Died 1850. William Zollikoffer, M. D. Fellow, Coll. Phys. and Surg., N. Y, 1842. ^ James Acw"rth., D. D. 1833. Pres., Rawdon Coll. Born Eng. Pastor. Eng., 1836-63. ^Benjamin Godirin, D. D. England. ^Archibald Maclay, D. D. Born 1778, Scot. Pastor, Scot, and N. Y. Agent, A. & F. Bible See. Organizer of Bible Translation Soc. Died 1860. ^Abram 31. Foindexter, A. M. Born 1809, N. C. Pastor in Ya. Agent, Col. Coll. Trustee, 1844-52. Died 1872. 1843. ^Andrew Broaddus, D. D. Bom 1770, Va. Pastor, Va. Author. Died 1848. William M. Cornell, A. M. Born 1802, Mass. A. B.. 1827, Brown. Pastor, Mass. M. D., 1844, Berkshire. Prof. Anat., Western Univ. Editor. Author. LL. D., 1865, Western Univ. Charles H. Pendleton, A. M. Massachusetts. 1844. ^Samuel Cornelias, A. M. Born 1794, Eng. Pastor, Pa., Va., Mich. Trustee, Col. Coll., 1826-38. Died 1870. ^Joseph JI. Eaton, A. M. Born 1812, O. Prof.: Pres., Union Univ., Tenn. Died 1859. ^Richard Fuller, D. D. Born 1804, S. C. Pastor, S. C, Md. Trus- tee. 1847-72. Overseer, 1872-76, Col. Coll. Died 1876. Calvin Howard, M. D. District of Columbia. "^ William Massie, D. D. England. Fhiletus B. Spear, A. M. Born 1811, N. Y'. A. B... 18.36, Hamilton. Tutor and Prof, there since 1835. ^Thornton Strvngfellow, A. M. Virginia. Thomas C. Teasdale, A. ]M. Born 1808. X. J. Pastor, Vt, Pa.. D. C, Miss. Prof., Univ., Tenn. Axithor. D. D., 1852, Union Coll. 1845. Wm. Brand, A. M. (Hon. A.B.,1841.) Joseph Banvard, A. M. Born 1810, X. Y'. Pastor, Mass., N. Y., P. I., N. J. D. D., Shurtleff Coll. Author of many volumes. Norman W. Camp, A, M. Washington, D. C. P. E. Clergyman. D. D. Author. ^George C. Chandler, A. M. Born 1807, Vt. A. B.. 1835. Madison. Pres., FrankUn Coll., 1843-50. Pres., Bap- tist Coll., Ore. "^Daniel Eldridge, A. M. Born 1805, N. Y'. Pastor, X. Y Died 1876. 0., Wis. William M. Fratt, A. M. Born 1817, X. Y. A. B.. 1839, Hamilton. Pastor, Ky. D. D. Benjamin F. Taylor, A. M. Born 1822. Editor. Author. Lecturer. ^Dr. S. J.Wheeler, A. M.; M. D.,1832. Robert M. Worthington, M. D. North Carolina. 176 The Columbian University. 1846. Philip A. Aylett, A. M. Alabama. Eichard L. Butts, A. M. Georgia. ^Isaac Davis, LL. D. Trustee, 1847-72. Born 1799, Mass. A.B., 1822 ; LL. D., 1860, Brown. Lawyer. Mayor of Worcester. Member, Mass. Senate 11 yrs. A zealous promoter of education. Died 1883. Abram Gindrat, A. M. Alabama. *Dr. A. B. McWhorter, A. M. Born 1791, South Carolina. Died 1859. *John Belton O'Neall, LL. D. Born 1793, S. C. Member and Speaker, House of Rep., S. C. Associate Justice, Judge of Court of Appeals, Chief Justice of S. C. Major-Gen. of Militia. Author. Died 1863. Edward F. Small wood, A. M. North Carolina. 1847. John Milton Thayer, A. M. Born 1820. A. B., 1841, Brown. Brig.- Gen. of Militia. Brig.-Gen., U. S. Vol., 1862. U. S. Senator, Neb., 1867-71. Gov. of Wy- oming Ter., 1871. Gov. of Nebraska, 1886- 1848. * William J. Berryman, A. M. Virginia. 1849. '^Elijah Hutchinson, A. M. Born 1810, N. Y. Pastor at Windsor, Vt., 25 yrs. Died 1872. */. B. Jeter, Hon. A. M., 1841 ; D. D. Samuel G. Mason, A. M. Virginia. Trustee, 1847-53. 1850. Stephen M. Allen, A. M. Massachusetts. Thomas Bellamy, M. D. England. ^John Taylor Jones, J). D. Born 1802, N. H. Missionary to Siam, 1831-51. Translator of the New Testament into Siamese. Died 1851. "^Charles Button Mallary, D. D. Trustee, 1850-G2. Born 1801, Vt. Pastor, Ga. Agent, Mercer Univ. Author. Died 1864. L. G. Marshall, A. M. Born Tennessee. A. B., Madison. ^Daniel Witt, Jr., A. M. Texas. 1851. Franklin Haven, A. M. Massachusetts. Joseph Hobbins, M. D. Physician, Madison, Wis. Born 1816, Eng. M. R. C. S., Eng., 1840. Surg., in charge of Confed. prisoners at Camp Randall. U. S. Pension Exam. Surg., Madison. "^Alfred Holmead, M. D., 1830 ; A. M. Dr. Samuel G. Kerr, A. M. Maryland. . 1852. F. M. Gunnell, M. D., 1846 ; A. M. 1853. -'^Matthew Fontaine Maury, LL. D. Born 1806, Va. Commander, U. S. Navy. Naval Agent, C. S. Cabinet officer. Mexi- can Empire. Prof., Va. Military Institute. Scientist. Author. Inventor. Died 1873. Dr. Edward Maynard, A. M. District of Columbia. James Rernley, A. M. Virginia. James Patterson Tustin, A. M. District of Columbia. 1854. Adolph F. T. Blewend, A. M. Missouri. * Joseph G. Binneij, D. D. Trustee, 1835-38. President, 1855-58. * William F. Broaddus, D. D. Born 1801 , Va. Pastor and Teacher, Va., Ky. Trustee, 1838-41, 1859-72. Agent, 1851. Overseer, 1872-74, Col. Coll. Died 1876. 1855. Lawson Chase, A. M. Virginia. Honorary Graduates. 177 1856. Charles Sexton James, Ph. D. College Professor, (retired) Allentown, • Pa. Born 1820, Pa. A. B., 1843 ; A. M., 1846, Brown. Prof., Math, and Nat. Phil, Lewisburg. Emergency Service, 28th. Pa. Vol. ^Alfred Spencer Patton, D. D. Born 1825, Eng. Pastor in Pa., N. J., Mass., N. Y. Editor of "The Baptist Weekly." Author. Died 1888. */. B. Taylor, Hon. A. M. 1841; D. D. 1858. ^Howell Cobb, LL. D. Born 1815, Ga. A. B., 1834, Franklin Coll. Rep. in Congress, 1843-51. Speaker, H. R , 1849. Gov. of Ga., 1851-53. Sec. of Treas., 1857-60. Maj. Gen., C. S. A. Died 1868. Robert C. Fox, A. M. Tutor, 1855-57. Trustee, 1866-91. Sec. and Treas., 1881-91. Born 1834, Va. LL. D., Richmond Coll. Real Estate Broker and Banker. Died 1891. VVilham J. Martin, A. M. Professor in University of N. C, 1858. Sydney H. Owens, A. M. Prof, of Greek, Richmond Coll., 1857-59. George W. Samson, D. D. President, Rutgers Female College, New York City. Trustee, 1845-59. Pres. of Columbian Coll., 1859-71. 1859. James Petigru Boyce, D. D. Born 1827, S. C. A. B., 1847, Brow^n. LL. ' D., 1872, Union Univ., Tenn. Prof. Theol., Furman Univ., 18o5-59. Prof., Baptist Theo. Sem., S. C, lo59-6]. Debt. Com., C. S., 1863. Prof., S. Baptist Theo. Sem., Ky. Author. Trustee, 1859-72, Col. Coll. John Ordronaux, M. D. Lawyer and Professor in Law and Medi- ■ cal Schools, Roslyn, N. Y. i Born 1830, N. Y. A. B., 1850 ; A. M., 1853, Dartmouth. LL. B., 1852, Harvard. LL. D., 1870, Trinity. Prof of Med. Juris., 1859-60, 1863-71 ; ex Physiology, 1866-71, Col. Coll. . Prof. Med. Juris, in Dartmouth, Univ. of i Yt., Boston Univ. , Cornell, Columbia, N. Y., etc. Contributor to magazines. Author "Manual for Military Surgeons," 1863; " Jurisprudence of Medicine," 1869 ; " Con- stitutional Legislation," 1891, etc., etc. J. R. Thomson, A. M. Virginia. John Watkins, M. D. Ohio. A. G. Wilkmson, A. M.; Ph. D., 1878. Principal Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Born Conn. A. B., 1856; A. M., 1859, Yale. M. D. Prof., Univ. of Mo., 1861. Examiner, U. S. Patent Ottice, 1864- Juror of Awards, Paris Expositions, 1878 and 1890. Pres., 4th Section, Internat. Patent Con- gress, Paris, 1890, 1860. ^Henry K. Brown, A. M., N. Y. Born 1814, Mass. Sculptor. Died 1886. James Denison, Ph. B. Professor, Columbia Institute for Deaf and Dumb, D. C. -* William McLain, D. D. Born 1806, 0. A. B., 1831, Miami Univ. Pastor, First Pres. C iurch, D. C, 1836-40. Agent and Sec. and Treas., Am. Coloniza- tion Soc, 1840-73. Died 1873. John Thompson Mason, M. D. Ass't Surg., U. S. N., 1837-61. Willie J. Palmer, Ph. B., 1854 ; A. M. T. H. Roberts, A. M. Georgia. Robert Ryland, A. B., 1826 ; D. D. * William Stimpson, M. D. Born 1832, Mass. Naturalist. With N. Pacific expedition. At Smithsonian Inst. 9 yrs. Curator, Chicago Acad of Sci., 1864- 72. Author. Died 1872. "^Henry H. Tucker, A. B., 1838 ; D. D. 1862. W. F. Mattingly, Ph. B., 1857 ; A. M. 1863. H. H. Durand, A. M. New Jersey. George V. Leech, A. B., 1853 ; A. M. John Orcuft, D. D. Connecticut. 1864. *S. G. Bulfinch, A. B., 1826 ; D, D, 178 The Columbian University. James H. Parts, A. M. Born 1829, N. Y. A. M., Princeton. Pastor in Conn., N. Y., Pa., and O. Cliaplain, U. S. Vols. D. W. Prentiss, Ph. B., 1861 ; A. M. Warrt'n Randolph, D. D. Born 1826, N. J. A. B., 1851, Brown. Pastor in R. I. and Pa. Member, Com. on International Sunday School Lessons. 1865. John H. Booth, A. M. Rhode Island. M. F. D. Brown, A. M. Prin., Charlotte Hall School, Md., 1863. Theodore Nicholas Gill, A. M. Curator. U. S. National Museum. Born 1837, N. Y. Assistant, 1863, Saiith- sonian Institution. Librarian ot same. Hon. M. D„ 1866; Ph. D., 1870, Col. Coll Adj. Pn.f., Phys. and Nat. Hist., 186U-61. Lecturer, Nat. History, 1873-81. Prof, of Zoology, 1884- Col. Uiiiv. Member, Nat- ional Acad, of Science since 1873. Au- thor of over 400 scientitic papers and several larger works. *T. /. Shepherd, A. B., 1839, D. D. Franklin Wilson, D, D. Baltimore, Md. Trustee, 1847-72-. Overseer, 1872- Born 1822, Md. A. B., 1841, Brown. Pastor in Md. Editor, The True Union, 1851-57. Sec, Md. Baptist Asso. Author. ^ Wdllarn M. Wlngate, D. D. Born 1828, S. C. A. B., 1849, Wake Forest Coll. President, Wake Forest Coll., 1854, until his death in 1879. 1866. Theodore N. Gill, Hon. A. M., 1865 ; Hon. M. D. R. J K>e'ing,B.D. District of Columbia. '^George Peabody, LL. D. Born 1795, Mass. Founder of the Pea- body Institute of Baltimore ; the Peabody Museum of Harvard Univ.; of the Peabody Fund for education in the Soutli, etc., etc. Died 1869. Hiram C. Sparks, A. M. New York. W. TF. Williams, A. M.; D. D., 1871. i ! 1867. ' *i?. H. Bajhy, A. B. 1839 ; D. D. I Wilhani T. Bell, A. M. i Pennsylvania. /. E. Grammer, A. B., 1850; D. D. S. L. Helm, D. D. Kentucky. Williim Landells, D. D. England. A. R. Rangabe, LL. D. Minister from Greece to the United States, 1867. : E. A^oung, A. M.; Ph. D., 1871. Born 1814, Nova Scotia. Publisher. Chief, U. S. Bureau of Statistics, 8 yrs. Delegate from U. S. to luternat. Statisti- cal Congress, 1872. Author. i 1868. Samuel Cathcart, D. D. ; England. ' G. W. N. Curtis, M. D., 1887 ; A. M. Henry W. Dodge, A. B., 1839 ; D. D. D. D. Johnson, Ph. B., 1860; A. M. -"Wdliam H Mcintosh,!). D. Born 1811. Ga. Pastor in Ga. and Ala. James C. Welling, LL. D. President of the Columbian University. : ^Joseph S. Wilson, Ph. D. District of Columbia. 1869. "•^"William Wilson Corcoran, LL. D. Trustee of Columbian College, 1869-88. Born 1798, I). C. His father was one of the Corporators of the Col. Coll. In charge of real estate of U. S. Bank, 1828-;^6. Banker, 183 -40. Banker, of firm Corcoran & Riggs, 1840-54, and negotiated nearly all the loans of the U. S. Government during the Mexi- can war. Founded aird endowed the Cor- coran Art Gallery ; the Louise Home, etc., etc. Died 1888. " /. W. M. Williams, A. B., 1843; D. 1). | Elliott Cones, A. B., 1861 ; Ph. D. Honor AEY Graduates. 179 Edward Miner Gallaudet, Ph. D. President, Columbia Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, D. C. Born 1837, Conn. B. S. , 1856 ; A. M. , 1859 ; LL. D., 1869, Trinity Coll. Hon. Commis- sioner to Vienna Expositiun, 1873. Trustee. Col. Univ., 1881- Author of "A Manual of International Law," " Life of Thomas Hop- kins Gallaudet." George HoivAl, A. M. Washington, D. C. Jos. Taber Johnson, A. M. Physician and College Professor, Wash- ington, D. C. Born 1845, Mass. M. D., Georgetown L'niv. M. D., Belle vue Hosp. Med. Coll. Graduate in obstetric operations, Univ. of Vienna, Austria. Pres., various medical societies. Author of many pamphlets, etc. Sylvanus Landrum, D. J). Born 1820, Ga. Pastor in Ga. and Tenn. James K. Nichols, D. D. Maryland. Amos Webster, D. D. Massachusetts. 1870. Charles T. Brown, A. M. Tennessee. Walter Clark, LL. B. North Carolina. A. F. Fleet, A. I\L Professor in William Jewell Coll., 1870. T. N. Gill Hon. A. M., 1865 ; Ph. D. W. J. Palmer, Ph. B., 1854 ; Ph. D. Emanuel Felavet, D. D. Switzerland. David J. Yerkes, A. B., 1848 ; D. D. 1871. "^'Xahum Capen, LL. D. Born 1804, ' Malls. Publisher. Editor, " Massachusetts State Record," 1847-51. Postmaster of Boston, 1857-61. Author. Died 1886. , Anthony W. Dimock, A. M. Trustee, 1871-72, New Jersey. *Edwards Pierrepont, LL. D. Born 1817, Conn. A. B., 1837 ; LL. B., 1840; LL. D., 1873, Yale. Judge, Superior Court, N. Y. Citv, 1857-60. Attorney-Gen- eral, U. S , 1875-76. U. S. Minister to Eng- land, 1876-78. D. C. L., Oxford. Overseer, Col. Univ., 1873-78. Cornelius Tyree, D. D. Baptist Minister, Salem, Va. Born 1814, Va. Author of ' ' The Living Epistle," "Glorious Sutficiency of Christ," " Baptism and Communion." E. Young, Hon. A. M., 1867 ; Ph. D. 1872. Jos. Christian, A. B., 1847 ; L' . D. Archibald J. Batlle, D. D. Born 1826, Ga. A. B., 1846, Univ. of Ala. Tutor and Prof, of Greek, Univ. of Ala. Pres., Ala. Central Female Coll , Judson Female Inst., and in 1872 of Mercer Univ. 1873. William H. Kable, A. M. "West Virginia. ^John C. Kennedy, LL. D. Professor of Law, 1865-74. ^William Pinkney, LL. D. Born 1810, Md. A. B., 1827 ; D. D., 1855, St. John's Coll. Ass't Bishop of Md., 1870- 79. Bishop, 1879-83. Author. Died 1883. ^Yilliam A. Richardson, LL. D. Chief Justice, U. S. Court of Claims, Washington, D. C. Born 1821, Mass. A. B., 1813 : A. M. and LL. B.. 1846, Harvard. LL. D., 1881, George- town Univ. LL.D., 1886, Dartmouth. Com- missioner to revise statutes of Mass., 1855. Judge of Probate, Middlesex Co., Mass, 1856. . Judge of Probate and Insolvency, same, 1858-72. Ass't Sec, U. S. Treasury, 1869-73, Sec:, U. S. Treas., 1873-74. Judge of Court of Claims, 1874-85. Chief Justice of same from 1885. Professor of Law, Georgetown Univ. Author of many legal works, in- cluding Supplement to Revised Statutes of U. S., 1873-81, to be continued to 1891. *T. W. Sydnor, A. B., 1838 ; D. D. 1874. ^(?. F. Adams, A. B., 1829 ; D. D. Addison B. Atkins, D. D. District of Columbia. 180 The Columbian Univeesity. Simon Newcomb, LL. D. Professor of Mathematics, U. S. Navy, Superintendent Nautical Almanac Of- fice, Washington, D. C. Born 1835. Nova Scotia. B. S., 1858; LL. D , 1884. Harvard. LL. D., 1875, Yale. LL. D., 1887, Columbia, N. Y. Ph. D„ 1886, Univ. of Heidelberg. Member and ofiicer of numerous scientific societies in this country and Europe. Prof, of Math., U. S. Navy, 1861- Lecturer on Astronomy, Col. Univ.. 1873. Prof of Math., Johns"^ Hop- kins Univ., 1884- Author of more than 100 scientific papers ; of a series of text-books, etc., etc. Z. T. Sowers, Ph. B., 1869 ; A. M. 1875. *Spencer F. Baird, LL. D. Trustee, 1874-77. Born 1823, Pa. A. B., 1840, Dickinson Coll. Prof., Dickinson Coll., 1845-50. Ass't Sec, Smithsonian In- stitution, 1850-78. Sec. of same, 1878-87. U. S. Fisheries Commissioner, 1871-87. Author of 1200 memoirs, etc. Died 1887. Walter S. Cox, LL. D. Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Professor of Law, 1874- Born 1826, D. C. A. B., 1843 ; A. M., 1845, Georgetown Coll. 1876. X. R. Gwaltney, A. B., 1853 ; D. D. Samuel J. Kirkwood, LL. D. j Vice Pres. and Professor of Mathematics j and Astronomy, Univ. of Wooster, Wooster, O. Born 1840, Ohio. Ph. D., 1876, Lafay- ette Coll. ^Charles Devens, LL. D. Born 1820, Mass. A. B., 1838, Harvard. State Senator, 1848-49. U. S. Marshal, 1849- 53. Major to Maj. Gen , U. S. Vols. Justice Superior Court, Mass., 1873-77, 1881-91. Att'y Gen., U. S., 1877-81. Died 1891. John Pollard, A. B., 1860 ; D. D. 1878. Thomas Duncan, D. D. Knoxville, Tenn. Charles Woodruff Shields, LL. D. Professor of the Harmony of Science and Revealed Religion, College of New Jer- sey, Princeton, N. J. Born 1825, Ind. A. B., 1814 ; D. D., 1861, Princeton. ' Pastor, Presbyterian, N. Y., Pa., 1849-65. Professor at Princeton since 1865. Author of many essays, and several volumes, iiicUidiug " "Philosophia Ultima" 2 vols, A. G. Wilkinson, Hon. A. M., 1859 ; Ph. D. 1879. Otis T. Mason, A. B., 1861 ; Ph. D. A. P. Montague, A. M.; Ph. D., 1888. *Charles Henry Nichols, LL. D. Born 1820, Me. M. D., 1843, Univ. Pa. Phys., N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum, 1847-49. Phys,, Bloomingdale Asylum, 1849-52. Or- ganized Govt. Hosp. for Insane, 1852. Supt. of same until 1877. Supt., Bloomingdale Asylum, N. Y., 1877-89. Trustee, Col. Coll., 1868-77. Died 1889. 1880. William A. Maury, LL. D. Professor of Law, Columbian University. Assistant Attorney-General of the U. S. 1881. Joseph H. France, A. B., 1868 ; D. D. William D. Redden, D. D. Clergyman, East Orange, N. J. Born 1829, N. J. Pastor at East Orange since 1855, William R. A^aughan, A. M. Born 1827, Va. A. B., William and Mary. M.D.,Va. Med. Coll. Surg., C. S. A. Prin., Gordonsville Female Ins. 1882. R. B. Cook, A. B., 1863 D. D. WiUiam M. Mew, M. D. Ass't Surgeon, U. S. Army. John Wesley Powell. Director, U. S. Geological Survey. Born 1834, N. Y. Priv. to Lt.-Col., U. S. Vols. Prof., 111. Wesleyan Univ. Ph. D., 1886, Univ. of Heidelberg. LL. D., 1886, liarvard. Lecturer, Col. Univ., 1881. Trustee, 1881- Author of many reports and memoirs. George William Walter, Mus. D. Organist and Composer of Music, Wash- ington, D. C. Born 1851, N. Y. Clerk, U. S. Treas'y, 1870- Author of various musical composi- tions, etc. 1883. George V. Leech, A. B., 1853 ; D. D. James Nelson, A. B., 1866 ; D. D. *J. C. S. Richardson, A. B., 1878: A.M. Honorary Graduates. 181 W. L. AVilHOii,, A. B., 1860 ; LL. D. 1884. Robert Fletcher, M. D. Armv Medical ;Museum. Washington, D. C. Born Eng. M. R. C. S., 1844. Surg., Ist Ohio Vols., 1861-65. Act. Ass't Surg., U. S. A. Lecturer on Medical .lurisprudence. 1884-88, Col. Univ. 1885. Albert E. Stuart, D. D. Rector. Christ Church, Georgetown, D. C. 1887. Thomas C. Chainberliii. LL. D. ^^^ President, University of Wisconsin. Born 1843, 111. A. B., 1866, Beloit. Prof. Geol., Beloit, 1873-84. Chief Geologist. Wis., 1876-81. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Sur- vev, 1881- Prof, of Geol.. Col. Univ.. 1884- 86, Pres,, Univ. of Wis.. 1886- 1888. G. F. Baghy, A. B., 185.) ; I). D. Charles S. Fahx-hild, LL. D. Lawyer, New York City. Born 1842, X. Y. A. B., 1863. Harvard. Att'v Gen'l, X. Y., 1876-78. Ass't Sec, U. S. Treas., 1885-87. Sec, L'. S. Treas., 1887-89. Gardiner Greene Hubbard, LL. D. Washington, D. C. Tmstee, Col. Univ., 1883- /. X. ^fassey, A. :\L 1890. Staunton, Va. John M. Wilson, LL. I). Colonel, U. S. A. Superintendent, West Point Military Academy. i 182 The Columbiax Uxiyeksity SUMMARY, Graduates of the College Graduates of the Medical School . Graduates of the Law School : — Bachelors of Laws Masters of Laws . Graduates of the Scientific School . Graduates of the Dental School . . Aggregate . . Xames counted twice .... Whole Number. Dead. Alive. Add re? KllOWL 47(3 171 305 208 (309 115 494 301) 1,348 87 1,261 964 318 tl t28 tl9 14 14 14 14 14 14 779 369 374 17 2J16 63 1,528 61 >,410 357 2,053 1,46; Degrees m course .... Degrees for graduate work Honorary degrees .... 201 200 AVhole number of degrees conferred 3,183 Number of persons receiving degrees 2,578 fXot iiic'ludiiig those who received the degree of Bachelor ofLaw.s. Index. 188 INDEX The numbers refer to pages. This index contains references to all names excei)t those found on pages 77 to SO in the list of members- of the Alumni Association. Abbe, Allen, Arnold, Cleveland 22 , 62, 71 E.k. 126 I.N. 129 James F. 123 Stark W. 136 Abbot, James H. 93 Theodore G. 162, 171 Howard S. 136 Lingan B. 97 Robert J. F. 164 Arlington, Al)bott, Stephen M. 176 Alfred W. 141 George J. 34 Allison, ^^^illiam J. 92 Acker, Biirgiss 6, 29, 31 Arthur, George N. 53, .^i6. 68, 114 Alvord, John 148, 167 At'vvortb, Alden H. 101 Asbury, James 175 Anderson, James V,'. 92 Adams, Barlett W. 108 Ash, Arthur C. 53, 64, 114 E. Willoughby 134 Henrv Thomas 143 George F. 34, 47 J. H. 86, 179 157 Frank Y. Samuel J. 132 108 Thomas Grafton 143 John Quincy 5. 7, f . 13, 33 Thomas J). T. D. 35, 37 126 Ashford, Edwin W. 120 Stephen Thomas J. 34 107 Andrews, I'^rancis A. 112 Addison, Avery D. James G. 164 87 A spin wall, Wool.se y 46, 73 William, Jr. 136 Mark Percy 162 William Meade. Adier, 87 Angel, Kichard 103 Atkins, Addison B. 179 John Mercer Adriaans, 108 Antiseil, Thomas 50 Atkinson, S. Eugene 98 J. H. 154 At well, Aiken, Appleby, John E. 109 Henrj^ W. no George F. 59, 60 A tier. Aldricb, Appleton, William H. Peler Anton 143, 166 Jonatiian 34 136, 168 Austen, Alexander, Arcliibald, Edward 37 Edward 112 Frederick W. 134 Fendall E. 134 Averill, Harry H. Lee M. 126 110 Amies, Charles H. 134 Frank Lloyd 172 All Britain, Avlett, J. T. 162 Armstrono-, J. Melville 134 TMiilip A. 17(i Alleman, John ;;!. 47, 85 Avres. Horace 134 W. Spencer 157, 169 ■ William W. 120 184 The Columbian University. Babbitt, Bangs, Baxter, Kurnal R. 159, 170 Da\dd C. 161, 170 George T. Jedediah H. 154 James E. 99, 142 141 Babcock, Matthew C. 132 James P. 168 Banks, U.J. 129 RUfus 38, 45 James N. 105 William H. 129 Bayard, Bannister, James W. 161, 170 Babington, Henry M. 113 Thomas 8 Baylev, Banvard, Rafael A. 140 Babson, Joseph 175 James A. 138 Bayne, Barber, Lawrence P. 84 Backus, Amzi L. 148 William M. 115 Beale, Barbour, Buchanan 134 Bacon, Harrison S. 147 Cyrus 108 James 32 Beall, George y. 47, 92 Fillmore 138 Joel S. 10, 89 Barcroft, Howard William 154 107 Bagby, Alfred 90 Ambrose 112 Beam, (leorge F. 98, 181 Baring, Henry D. 124 John C. 90 Alexander 7 John R. 90 Bean, Richard Hugh 85, 88 178 157, 169 94 Barker, Tarleton H. 115 Robert Bruce Travis B. M. Francis M. 126 90 Beane, John Shepard 156 Frank D. 114 Tfeorge W. 184 Barkley, Richard W. 161,170 Beard, Henry 35, 36 ^^S 147 Barnes, Beatty, Louis K. 116 Bailey, Edmund A. 147 Joseph D. Luther J. 94 94 Beaumont, M. Martin B. 47, 123 154, 168 Barrett, Clarence F. 148, 168 William 174 Baird, Charles J. 119 Becker, Hubert L. 112 Spencer F. 86, 180 Barrington, Philip F. Shute James J. 162 Baker, Frank 5:-',, ^ , 57, 116 llil 7 Beckley, John T. 97 Henry M. 123 Joseph Joseph S. Rufus 174 88, 103 105 Barry, Eamund Henry W. 121 124 Behrens, William C. 140 Robert T. 104 Bell, Alexander H. Frank Jacob M. Baldwin, John Peckworth iSy Thomas 81 Bartlett, Ellery C. lU 159 129 10(5 \\ iinam (). JLUO Ernest S. 164 John W. 126 ■ W. R. ■ 126 W. Pierce 182 Ball, ■ William T. 178 Alfred (;harlesA. Eli 1 larvey 107 115 81, 174 17, 85 Barton, Joseph W. William K. 142 159 Bellamy, Thomas 176 Baltzer, Robert M. 104 Bates, Charles H. 159, 170 Bellis, Roger 130 Banes, Battle. Belt, Robert \'. 180 Charles W. 181 Arohibiild J. 179 William 0. 164 NDEX. 18.-) Bendheim, Binney, Bolles, Charies 15(i Joseph G. Frank 145 10, 33, 39, 176 John A. 30. ; 5, 36, 47 Benedict, Lucius 31 David 31 Birney, Herman H. 119 Bomford, Benjamin, G. Erving 107 Charles F. 166 Birtwell, Daniel 142 Bond, Bennett, Alfred L. 95 Lyman H. Philo H. 132 Bishop, Richard 105 116 John E. 106 Thompson M. 105 Nathan 37 Bonebrake, James H. 114 Bermudez, Bittinger, Edward Edmund Edmund C. 88 Boon, 61,70 J. F. 104 Bernard, Bixler, John W. 136 Boone, Eobert S. 109 Albert E. 13(5 Berry, Black, John A. 117 Booth, Charles F. 106 Lewis C. 136 Edward H. 172 Edgar P. Walter V. R. 136 John H. 178 152 Blackford, Berryhili, Alexander F. 121 William D. Blair, Gist 123 Borden, William C. 117 Thomas A. 117 150 Boreman, Henry W. 62 K. S, Jr. 152 Berry man. Montgomery 159 Freming W, 88 Borland, John J. 91 Blake, A. J. 111 William J. ■ 176 Ebenezer T. 92 Bestor, Chauneey 34 Blanchard, Howard ^^^ 161 Borrows, Joseph 85, 103 Bethell, Samuel B. 108 Bosher, r. X. L54, 168 Blandy, George W. L. 91 Better, Henry B. 142 Boss, Eugene 116 Blazer, Rulus D. 121 Bexley, Lord 7 Peter W. Blevins, 148 Boston, Francis R. Solomon C. 97 90 Bickersteth, John A. 156, 168 Edward 8 Bliss, E. R. Bottum, 138 E. Huntington 138 Bidgood, Henry C. 132 John W. 95 Hem-y H. 140 Bouic, W. Veirs 36 Biewend, Blodgett, W. Veirs, Jr. 97 Adolph F. T. 176 G. R. 157 Boulware, Bigelow, Horatio R. Blunt, Andrew -.1. 91 116 Edmund C. 145 ' John Willi ani 45, 8(; 42, 45 Biggs, Board, Charles (i. 141 ' James G. ■ 93 1 Bourn, Augustus 0.. Jr. 164 Billings, Boardmaii, John S. Bingham, 22 George Dana Bogan, 37 Bourne, Caleb P. 156 Gonzalez W. 100 :\rartin V. B. 108 Bovee, H. T. 126 Samuel W. 110 J. Wesley 118 186 The Columbian Uxiversity Bowdoin, Brel^ford, Brown, George R. .1. 8(5 Hiram W. 12(1 Henrv W. James H. 99 110 Boweii, Breiiierman, M. F. D. 178 Charles H. 112 James H. 4 i. 99, 140- Nicholas 31 Francis C. Laban T. 98, 114 Obadiah B. 5. 6, 29, 31 James E. M. 140 0. D. 111 Paul T. l:](; Brent, Samuel G. 143 Robert B. Thomas T. B. 152 31 138 Bowie, Ttiomas B. 86 George F. 93 Brewer, Thomas Bruen 86, 105 J. W. 108 David J. 59, til, 70 T. Edwin 46,95 John 85 ^Villiam Y. H. Bowver, Madison M. 121 34, 86. 105 Otis 14-2 Brice, Browne, Bovee, Arthur T. 13ti Aldis B. 145 \Tames P. 35, 177 Henrv- 134 Bridgman, \y. H. 126 Boyd, George ^^■. 12(1 Browning, Edward D. 14:5 Brio'ss Arthur 132 Bovie, o; w. 34 Frank T. 99 Cornelius 10(i William J. T. 87 Livingston 132 Cornelius B. 121 Bright, Bruckheimer, Bozemaii, Frank Steele 157, 169 :Moses 113 Albert S. loO Britton, Br van, B)rabrook, Alexander 157, 1()9 'Joseph H. 57, 69 Benjamin F. 87 William 31 Richard W. D. 142 ]>rafkenridge, Broaddus, Brvant, Thomas S. 85 Andrew 175 Arthur L. 162, 171 William F. 3 1 36. 176 E. E. 167 Brackett, .lohn v.. Jr. 95 John Ely ll:i Brockenl:)roiigh Austin 114 Bryee, Bradford, S. Standish John 31 s~ Brodhead, John M. 33 Buchanan, James T. l:',4 Bradley, Brooke, Thomas 86 Andrew C. Robert Edmond (il, 70 143 Albert A. Afatthew W 142 86 Bnckey, S. Isodore 157 ^iJ-O I Linr \> » * . Edward L. 101 \yilliam A. William H. 109 142 Brooks, Iveson L. Kendall 33 45 Buckinohani, Charfes L. 147 Brand, Walker J. 90 Ayilliam 175 WhitHeld 111 Backnell. ,. William 35 B]'aiideiiburo-, Clarence A. 159, 170 Bmsius, Edmund S. 126 kudwell, Edwin C. W2, 171 Brown, .John Browne 92 • A. S. 151 Bulfinch, l)raiiiii,uan, Bedford, 157 .lohu A. 85, 103. Felix 134 Cecil ( hapiu 134 100. 143 Stei)heu (i. 86, 177 Brantlv, .Charles Edgar 145 Bullock, William T. 32 Charles T. 179 E. T. 141 William T., Jr. 35. :',t; Daniel 6. 29. 31 Breaker, Elizabeth P. luiueue J. Frank T. 172 136 145 Burbage, William D. 13,6 George II. in Freeman G. 87 (ieorge W. 98 Burl)ank, r.reck, Harrington 145 Daniel X. 113, 166 Samuel 101- Henry K. 177 John F. 87 Index IS- Biirch, • Call, Carroll, Samuel Q. A. 108 Lewis \y. ]r)«i, 170 A. Latrobe Kil, 170 Biircliell, Callan, James J. William T. in; 9, 5. 138 iy Richard L. 176 m Buxton, B Charles H. 124 Byrne, Francis J. ](i], 170 Byrnes. Engene A. 157, 169 Cahill, Daniel E. 130 Caldwell, Charles T. 116 Elias B. 87 Elias C. 89 S. D. 164 Calhoun, John ( '. .-). 7 I) George 164 John H. 164 Willard S. 157 Canada, John B. m Cannon, Charles W, 119 John 148 Capen, Xahum 179 Carleton, w. J. H. 91 Carlisle. J. Mandeville, Jr. 143 Carmack, Harry E. 162 Carman, Louis D. 147, 167 Carothers, A. Given 91 Carpenter, B. A^'atkins 94 Za chary Taylor 137 Carr. Wesley Gould 1.59. 170 William P. 53, 54, 64, 6S, ^}\)^ 72, 119 Carragan. Frederic 164 Carrington, Campbell 138 Edward C, Jr. 97 S. E. 126 Castle, William H. 130 Caswell, Alexis 30, 42, 45 Catehings. Elbert G. <)2 Cat heart, Samuel 17s Thomas J. 89, 107 CatUn, Charles L. 124 Causten, James H., Jr. 106 Cavitt, Bruce 150 Cawood, Daniel ^ 32 Chace, Thomas B. 108 Chadsev, W. H. I3,s Challis, William L. 90 Chamljeiiain. J. B. ' 157.169 Chambeiiin, Thomas C. 62. isi Chambrun, rierre, Comte (^^' 188 The Columbian University. Chandler, Church, Cochrane, George C. 175 Frederick F. Melville 156, 169 145, 166 Richard C. 106 Cbapiii, Samuel R. 101 156, 169 Cocke, Erastus M. 88, 105 Charles L. 88 Frederick E. 158, 169 Cissel, He man L. 89 William W. L. 53, 118 Coe, S. C. 34 Anton 119 Seward B. 114 Clampitt, Stephen Stephen K. 9, 10, 38 104 John W. 95 Coftin, Allen 142 Chaplin, Clancv, Frank W. 138 George Y. 97, 134 Adoniram J. John O'B. 47, 88 42 Clark, Coghlan, J. B. 139 Chapman, C.J. Charles R. 140 120 Cohen A. A. Alexander Elverton K. \Villiam H. o5 107 134 148, 167 Charles S. Horace F. James G. James H. 156 J 120 43 \ 47, 86 ! Hen'rv M. J. G. ' Myer 162 164 1.56, 169 Cliappell, John W. ICO, 117 John B., Jr. Joshua ^^•alter 134 106 179 Colby, Cyrus 107 W. P. 137 (^eorge (i. 113 Chase, .Tames F. 141 Frederick 124 Clarke, Irah 41 Adam 8 Coldren, J. Edward 108 Isaac 32 Frederick G. 152 Lawson 176 John E. 1-54, 169 Morris ^V. 161, 170 Joseph T. 97, 113 Cole, W. W. 126 Luke 137 Henry ^^ Isaac 124 Matthew St. C. 32 35 Cherry, Mortimer 97, 132 William F. 120 u. y. G. 158 William E. 105 Chew, Claybrook, Colegate, Fielder B. 132 William L. 90 James 87 John J. 137 Clearv, Coleman, Chickering, N. F. 130 George S. 123 John J. 162, 170 Reuben 140 R. Stuart 1.58, 169 Childs, Cleaves, Collamer, A. P. 124 Charles R. 1.52, 168 Warren I. 130 Wentworth L. 90 Frederick H. 119 CoUette, John R. Chilton, Clements, 132. 166 Alexander W. 124 Bennett A. 109 Collier, Charles W. Chinn, Clendenin, 91 Richard H. 130 James H.' Paul 132 117 Frederick H. 91 Chipman, George C. Collins, 126 Clephane, John F. 118 Walter C. 161, 170 William 34, 85 Chiswell, Valerius 97 Clopton, Coltman, Abner W. 32 Robert 112 Christian, Samuel C. 89 Joseph 90, 179 Combs, l^iehard A. 34 Clum, William H. 112 |{ichard A.. Ji 91 A. H. Waldo 100, 115 William S. 91 Alfred 151, 168 Compton, Robert K. lOS Christie, Cobaugh, Alexander S. 154 George B. 141 Conant, Charles E. 150, 167 (Miristv, Cobb, John Jcss'c E. 102 Howell 177 Thomas .1. 15 Index. 180 Oondict, Cooper, Coyle, H. p. lU-1 David 32 Leonidas E. 46, 96 Silas L. 103 George H. Glen W. 134 132 Randolph, Jr. 130 Cone, Thomas 32 Cragin, Joseph 6, 2U, 81 William B. 87 Charles H. 106 Spencer H. 5, (i, 29, 31 Wm. Fenimore 148, 1(57 Charles H. 98, 137 Coney, Daniel o2 Corbett, Henry C. 117 Craig, John E. 104 Robert A. 48, 103 Corcoran, John P. 90 Congdon, Thomas 6, 29, 31 Ch^alle, M. Van 110 William W. 13, 14, 2 ), 35, 36, 178 Jefierson B. 158 Conklino', B. D. 151 Corev, J. Weed 124 Craniptoii, Charles A. 117 Connelly, Corliss, John B. Cranch, Mary A. 172 141 Christopher P. Edward 8(i 98 Conner, Cornelius, Edward P. 86 C. R. 130 John 8() Lendell A.,. Ir. 1()1, 170 Samuel 29, 32, 175 William 9,58 Samuel, Jr. 89 Connolly, Louise 172 Cornell, Crane, A.F. 36 M. D. 130 William M. 175 William 33 Thomas A. 132 William Carey 87 Cornett, William F., Jr. 137 Connor, * Thomas H. 158 Craven, Thomas J. 12(i Corridon, Elijah R. 50 Conrad, John S. 112 James James J. 46 164 Crawford, John J. 150 Conway, Corson, William H. 5 Marrinus W 139 George E. 134 Crawshaw, Cook, Corwine, Benjamin F. KiS France L. 134 John A. 132 George George L. 151 126 Costigan, - John Creary, William E. 132 Joseph B. 31 105 Richard B. 46, 96, 180 Stephen J. 93 Cones, Creecy, C. Eaton Elliott 124 Cooke, 48, 56, 76 95,112,178 Benjamin C 109 Coughlan, Crendiropulo,. Leonidas Edward D. 139 97 Hedley V. 156, 170 John D. 145 Henry D. 35, 36 James 103 Council, Crissev, Warren ■ 105 Charles H. 93 S. L. 114 Cooksey, Courtney, Crittenden, J. Walter 145, 166 Michael L. 132 Howard B. 142 Coolev, W.B. • 146 Cowdrey, William D. 8() Crocker, Johns., Jr. 132 Coolidge, Cowie, Thomas S. 164 Palmer 152, 168 Charles S. Lewis T. 121 137 Cromelien, Coombs, John F. 159, 170 Frank L. 141 Cox, Jobn F. 134 Paul H. 164 Coon, L. Berkley 166 Cronk, B.C. 137 Walter S. 58, 70, 180 Corydon P. 119 190 The Columbian University. Crosby, Cuthbert, Davison, Henry T. 139 James H. 30, 36, ()6 Caleb 92 Thomas R. 55 James H., Jr. 99 Lucius M. 100, 145 Dawson, Crosman, Middleton F. 54, 117 Clarence E. 1(54 Charles S. 152 Cutts, Da^', Cross, Henry M. 54 Hartley W. 87 D. T. 11)4, 171 James H. 146. 166 Cyrus, William H. 125 Crosthwaite, J. M. 127 Frank B. 158 Deale, Dagg, Henry B. 119 Crow, John L. ;n, 174 Selden W. 53, 109 Dean, Dale, Charles R. 150 Crowell, George M. 108 Linton A. 142 William 35 Dalrymple, Deans, Crozer, George B. 162 Joseph F. 94 John P. 35 Daly, DeCaindrv, Cruikshank, Bartholomew 172 William" A. 75, 127 John 123 Dalzell, DeCamp, Crutchley, James M. 127 E. F. 137 Wilbur F. 113 Dana, DeCarre, Cull, Charles L. 115 Alfred L. 120 Edwin J. 43, 46, 94 , , , Judson T. 96 Daniels, Decker, Roger W. 44, 46, 98, 139 Rees P. 154 James A. William H. 130 109 Ciilpeper, Dardeii, Deeble, Horace M. James F. 110 William J. ■ 90 116 Cunninghaiii, 1 Darlington, W. Riley 150 Robert G. 130 Joseph J. 141 Deering, Curry, Davidge, John 123 J. L. M. 37, 6,6 Walter D., Jr. 162, 171 DeKnight, Curtice, Davidson, Clarence W. 164 Cooper 119 Andrew F. 92 DeMattos, Curtis, George S. H. Bradley 121 150 James P. 137 Clarence E. 101) James 108 Dement, (Teorge Ticknor (il James M. 1 13 William T. S. 146, 166 Ralph M. 99, 143 Curtiss, H.R. 137 Davis, Alexander McD. 103 Arthur P. 172 Denison, James ■ 177 Cushins?, Mrs. Arthur P Charles A. 172 172 Dennis, Cale^ 60 Charles M. 141 Thomas F. 152, 1()8 Henry 130 Charles R. 64. 173 (^harles W. 8(i, 103 Dent, Edward L. (yUsliiiian, (Tcorge B. 130 101 Robert W. 85 (ieorge B. Harry C. 164 44. 4(i, 100 Sidney H. 15S, 1(19 C'ustis, A. Frank Henry E. DeValin, 99 25, 59, 61 , 70, Isaac 76,145,166 34 17() Charles M. 121 George W. N. J. B. G. John W. 119,178 99 96 I. Thomas James (}. Madison 'lOl 145 142 Devens, Charles 180 Cutbush, Philip C. Samuel P. 109 88 Dewees, Edward 49 Theodore E. 121 Louis L. 159 Index. 191 Dickenson, Doughty, Dunphv, E. W. 17J James E. Robert J. 184 86 William A. 130 Dickey, Dunwiddie, Lorenzo E. 159 Douglas, Alanson S. 118 J.D. 152 Dickson, Dunwoody, Charles H. VP>-2 Douglass, H. H. c. 142 Charles A. 149 William P. 127 Dillenback, • George L. 140 William J, r>4, 119 Silas J. 187 Durand, William A. 108 H.H.' 177 Dimock, Dove, Anthony W 85, 179 Durant, George McC. 51 Horace B. 164 Dinolev, James M. 140 Edward N. 154 Dovilliers, Thomas 156, 169 Dinsmoor, Leopold y. 108 Durment, Silas W. 110- Dow, Jesse E. 137 Edmund S. 152 Disbrow, Durnall, ^ Charles T. 10() Downs, Harvey S. 150, 167 J. T. 152, 168 Horace W^. 116 Ditty, Thomas E,. Diver, ^ J. B. 137 104 Do3de, John T. 156 Dutton, George 111 J. B. 147, 168 Drake, William A. 99 Dobson, John A. 109 Duvall, H. A] den 115 Andrew B. Driggs, 46, 75, 97, 130 Dodge, George 127 Joseph J. 106 David 105 J Harrison H. 98 Drinkard, Dye, Henrv W. 84, 8S, 178 AVaverly D. 139 ' HobartS. 115 Philip T. Theodore A. 139 128 Wm. Beverly 48, i8, 56. 112 P. Edwin 137 William S. 125 Dyer, Donahue, Patrick J. 142 Drurj', George A. DuBois, 117 George A. (leorge L. John I. 109 141 107 Donaldson, Addison G. 151,168 Dyre, R. B. 65, 72 Richard C. 139 William E. 158, 169 Donn, Wilton C. 189 Dudley, Ambrose F. Arthur S. 168, 171 161 Dyrenforth, Robert G. 113, 141 Donnally, Irving B. 151, 168 Eakle, Williams 65, 72 Duhamel, Edward H. 164 Donnell, William K. 141 J. Monroe 128 Earle, Duncan, C. T. C. 100 Doolittle, Thomas ISO George 137 William H. 125 William E. 93 Thomas T. 113 Dorian, Marion ■ Duncanson, Earnest, 158 Henry A. 97, 113 • J. Paul 159, 170 Dorsey, Charles W. 148, 167 Dunn, George M. J. Irvin 147 104 Easterling, J. Morgan 152 Dossev, John W. Lanier 116 149 Eastman, Alonzo B. C. 86 Wm. McKee :!6 J. McLean 116 192 The Columbian University. Eaton, Elliott, Fairchild, Charles 140 Charles S. 121 Benjamin 1 151,168 John 36 Henry R. 132 Charles S. 181 Joseph H. 175 John G. 141, 166 Ray P. 137 R. F. 1(14 Fairfax, Eavres, Ellis, Albert 85 Charles 111 Frank M. 37, m Fairman, Eck, Ellsworth, Charles E. 159 Joseph F. 112 Henry L. 33 Falck, Eckels, James H 152 Joseph G. 101 George IL 158 Ellyson. R. Maitland Farnham, 119 Robert 34 Eckstein, Robert 96 Otto G. 156 Elterich, William L. 1()4 Farnum^ Edes, John E. 134 Rohert T. 57, 69 Emerson, Adams 123 Farquar, Edmonds, Granville S 106 James B. 37 Emery, John F. 103 Matthew G. 36 Farrell, Matthew G. , Jr. 150 J. D. D. 140 Edmonson, Benjamin B. 104 English, Harry 163, 171 Faulkner, William H. Jr. 115 Edmonston, Ensign, Fava, William E. 96 Edgar T. 125 Francis R., Jr. (i2, 70 4 Edson, Erbach, T^ay, John Joy 76, 127 Amelia 120 Charles M. 127 Joseph R. 127 Erdman, John C. 127 Edwards, Adolph 134 Fechtig, George B. James L. 147 29,38 Eshn, Lewis R. 107 John C. 158 Benjamin J. 173 Fendall, J. Hartwell 46, 99 Arthnr 96, 127 Robert G. 87 Eubank, • Reginald 46, 96, 125 T. Brooke 93 Giles F. 47, 94 Fennell, Edwin, Evans, James W. 109 Moung 100 Andrew B. 91 J. B. 130 Fen wick, Eglin, J. F. 127 C. C. H. 113 Benjamin 125 J. Mason 91 Edward T. 163 R. K. 127 George P. 110 Ehle, Thomas 103 John N. 130 William M. 134 Ferguson, 130 l^:ider. Everhart, Thomas H. nn Elijah D. 107 Fernald, Frank C. 53 Eldridge, Eversole, Green A. 153. 168 Ferrell, C. w. 130 • Louis r. 164 Daniel 175 Ewell, Alexander 85 Ferris, Eliot, Jesse 103 (leorge S. 134 Johnson 52, 106 Thomas D. 85 Exall, Fessenden, William G. • S() (Tcorge G. 89 Stephen D. KH, 170 Elliot, • Fadeley, Fife, John ]{. 101 C. Fenton 164 William J. 89 Index. 193 Fillebrown, Foreman, Freeze, George 104 C. Hurley Edward 110 49, 52, 5() Harris H. 121 Finch, French, Adoniram .f. 88 Forney, Howard R. 125 Pierre W. 137 John B. 89 Finckel, Robert 90 • George M. l(i3 Forrer, William B. 118 William H. 98 Sainuel 95 Freshour, Findley, Forrest, William 134 W. L. 127 Edwin 143 Joseph 127 Fricker, Finley, ' Henry P. 110 Henrv J. 154, 169 Forsyth, Mark F. 64, 65 E.E. 125 Friedrich, Leon L. 53, 54 , 117 Fiske, Fort, Eugene A. 127 Wilbur F. 95 Frisby, William B. 100 Fitch, Foster, George W. H. 121 Henry J. 45, 47, 86 Fristoe, J. H. 153 Edward T. Fitzhugh, LaFayette 150 Remus F. Romulus A. Fowler, 137 115 43, 50, 61, (U, 67, 68,7 Frohman, 1,72 Flandrau, Albert C. 150 Isaac 164 Thomas M. 107 Charles D. 145 Edward S. 137 Frost, Flather, John Preston 132 E. Allen 164 Henry H. 164 Willis 151 Flatley, 127 Fox, Charles M. 149 Fry, Henry D. 54 Duane E. 151, 168 Fleet, George L. 118 Frye, A. F. 179 Joseph H. 88 Thomas B. J. 87 , 105 Charles B. . 95 Robert C. Fleming, 30, 35, William H. 36, 46, 177 117 Fuller, . Benjamin C. 134 A. \\^alton 168 Frailey, Charles L. Frank 100 (George E. 161, 170 102 Henry C. Miles 100, 150 99 , 1G7 Fletcher, Nathan A. 132 G. H. E. 184 Fraley, J.R. Richard 34, 37 .175 Robert 22, 55, 181 111 Flint, Weston 166 France, . Joseph H. 97, 130, 180 Fullerton, James 130 W. W. Flovd, 140 Franklin, Fabian 98 Funk, Lee W. 137 Walter P. 189 Franzoni, Furman, ^°f'B. Charles W. Richard ;',l 127 75, 76, 77, 94, 113 Gafney, Charles B. Foote, Fraser, 127 Oscar 154 Charles E. 134 Richard Forbes, 104 Frazer, William L. 107 Clinton N. L. 1.54 127 Abner 31 Freeborn, Force Frank W. 44 Gaines, Charles F. 53, 108 Ludwell G. 151 Edward L. 92 Freeman, Peter 33 Frank L. 143 Gaither, William Q. 30, 34, 88 James R, 116 Ephraim K. 174 194 The Columbian University. Gale, Gibson, Goodridge, D. Riley 1.54, 168 Elkanah M. 125 Frederick R. 98 Leonard D. :;5, 49 Henry A. 89 Horatio C, Ir. 121 Goodwin, Gallaudet. Edward M. 36, 66, 179 John Y. Joseph William S. 116 6, 29, 31 121 Eugene 118 Gordon, Gal pin, Giesv, J. Holdsworth 75, 77, 97, 130 Samuel A. 137 S.*^ Herbert ■ 1.58 Pevton ' 163", 171 William A. 46.95,123 Galusha, Gilbert, Elon 30, 32 Charles C. 1.50 Gore, J. Howard Gan^ewer, Gill, 22,44,46,61,63,67, Allen H. 134 Theodore X 22.43,47.61: ,71,178.179 71. 76,100, 102 Gardiner, William T. 119 Gorham, Charles E. 117 P. A. 110 Gillette, George C, Jr. 141 A.D. 34 Sherwood F. 142 Gardner, Daniel G. 44, 47, 96 Charles H. 101, 121 Preston B. 154 Gorman, Charles K. Jacob B. lor; Gilmore, John B. 95 Milton B. 161 Garlick, Gosling, John W. 89 Gindrat, Henry L. 118 .loseph R. 89 Abram 176 Goszler, Garnett, Given. J. Mason 125 Alexander Y P. 48,52 John T. 36, 66 Alexander Y Henry AVise P. .Ir., .54, 117 132 Gleason, Edward F. 1.51 Gott, George R. 99, 140 Garretson, Hiram F. 127 Gleeson, James K. P. 113 Gould, Charles (t. 146, 166 Philander 107 Garrett, Glennan, Benjamin ('. 161, 170 James 1). 118 Gonlden. B. Z. 91 Garrison, Godding', John R. 130, 166 w. ^^■^ 22, 24, 57, 69 Go wen, Garst, Perry Godfrey, Lorenzo D. 93 163 John 115 Gowland, Godwin, John E. 110 Gassaway, Benjamin 175 James M. 114 Thomas J. 142 de Gratienried. Gatchell, Goepel, Paul T. K. 164 William F. 121 .1-' Graham, Gates, Francis A. S7 ( Joing, Jonathan Gonsalves, 33 Cornelius 89 . Lauck 158, 1C)'d 1 William A., , i r. 144, 166 Hammitt, Hadger, Joseph 30. 9(1 (Ti-eelev, Arthur P. 156, 169 1 William D. 161 Hammond, William B. 156, 169 Hagan, .Tames Jonathan R. George H. 161, 17(1 Green, 103 64, 72, 173 Haniner, Arthur L. 99 John C. 88 Benjamin (I. 166 Ha sue, Henry K. 15 William 37 Hampson, Josiah A. 93 Thomas 167 Michael William G. 13U 132 Hagner, Alexander B. 60 Hampton, Thomas R. 94 Greene, Jonas W. Samuel H. 143 36, m Haight, Will 149 Hancock, T. C. 111 Theodore H. 158, 169 Hale, John C. Wm. Bartlett 151, 168 151 Handv, Greer, R. W. 109 Charles W. 104 Thomas B. 92 Henry J. 46, '.16 William T. 30 Hales, Sidney W. 07 Robert \\'. Kill William E. 118 Gregory, James K. 107 Hall, Hank, John 31. A. B. 156 James B. P. i();i Olinthus Richard 8 Alberton H. A;thur J. 1.54 118 Hanna, W. F. C, Jr. 149 Asaph 22 Benjamin W. 160, 170 Frank H. 146. 166 Edwin P. 151, 168 Greshani, Frederick 49, 52 John F. 132 Otto 153, 168 James C. •50 M. E. 126 Haniion, Griffin , Robert 9-' Samuel L. 119 H. F. 164 '• William F. 132 John F. 88 Harban, John T. 47, 94 ! Halleck, ^\. s. 65, 72 Griffith, A. A. (iO 91 Millard F. 147 Harbaugh, Richard H. Halley, Edgar G. 147 Griswold, Harry (i. 163, 171 John K. Hallock, 173 Harbison , Jefferson M. 110 Grove, Rohert C. 114 William Hallowell, 63 Hard, Frederick D. 132 Gunnell, Benjan-in 49, 52 Harding, Francis M. James S. William C. 107, 176 107 93 Halpine, Charles C. 153, 168 Gena Russell Harkness, 120 Giinton, Halsey, Robert H. 98, 140 William 30. 35, 36 Frederick ^^■. 114 Harlan, Gurley, Revere R. 11" Halsted, Pennington 146 John M. John M. W. D. 59. 70 158 127 196 The Columbian- University. Harmon, Haven, Helm, Charles P. 9(1, 123 Franklin 176 S. L. 178 Henry C. 125 J. H. 164 Havenner, Henderson, Frank H. 98 Thomas 50 Harn, Walter R. 99 William G. 140 James L. 147 Hawes, Hendren, Harney, James P. 114 William T. 91 Thomas 86 Hawkins, Hendricks, Harper, John Jay 132 Arthur 137 Charles W. 110 William J. 160 Joseph 154 Hav, X. Columbus 160 Edwin B. 46 76, 99, 140 Heiirv, George W. 173 Edwin S. 163 Harris, ' (Teorge F. 107 W^alter 109 Joseph Wiinam D. 35 153, 168 Henry S. T. 101, 117 Haves, Hugh W. 149 Charles J. 147. 167 Hensev, Ira 60 Thomas G. 137 Wm. Alexander, Jr., 94 Havnes, David A. 151 Hensly. Harrison, James A. 89 Mahlon A. 93 Cary H. Edward C. 150 98 Robert S. Thomas 90 34 Herman, Frederick 35 Thomas \\. 90 Meyer 121 George Byrd J. A. John E. 57, 69 116 163 Hav ward, Allen B. 137 Herndon, Traverse D. 88 Trezvant 94 Harshbe]"ger, Hazard, Robert H. 161, 170 Herr, Charles 144 Frank M. 169 Hazen, H. C. Willis B. 125 158 Hart, Abraham D. 144 Elmer W. 160, 170 Heald, John C. 141 Hervey, George W. 91 Hartigan, James F. 53 William H. Heath, 160 Heth, Eva V. 102 Hartley, Edward 93 William Hebb, 45 Hewetson, W. T. 165 Hartwell, Jesse 33 Thomas ^^'. Heckerman, 109 Hewett, Maulsby L. 132 Harvey, Arsenius T. 145 John U. 107 Hickcox, John R. 166 Frederick L., Jr. Hedden, 146, 166 William 1). 180 Hicks, Haseltine, Hedgman, George L. 112 Seward A. 150, 167 Travers B. 150 Sumner C. 153, 168 Hedian, Higgins, James M. 104 Haskell, Porter I). 165 George D. 151, 168 Thomas B. 153, 168 Hassler, Hedrick, Hilgard, Henry B. 102 Eugene W. 56 Charles W. 46, 94 Hugh R. William A. 158 101 Hill, Hatch, Francis H. 107 John E. 134 Hellen, John T. 87 William M. 161, 170 B. Johnson Leonard R. 144 48, 49, 92. 109 Rowland 8 Hatcher, Thomas J. 8(i Stephen P. 33, 36 Thomas C. I.. 95 Walter 87 W. J. B. 142 IXDEX. 197 Hillearv, Holmead, Howenstein, John'W. 108 Alfred Anthony, Jr. 104 , 176 105 James T. 127 HiUiard, Howley, John J. B. 92 Holmes, Ferdinand S. 109 John J. 163 Hillver, James L. 94 Howson, William L. 160 Holston, Hubert 144 Himes, David K. 135 Hubacheck, J.h! 158, 169 John G. F. 50 Frank R. 156 Hinds, Holt, Hubbard, Clara Bliss 119 Alexander H. Frank W. 160 135 ,170 Gardiner G. 36, 66, 181 Hine, Robert B. 142 Holtzman, .AylettT. 158 Hudgin, Wescom 110 Hines, William F. 127 Hudgins, Christian M. 110 Hood, Thomas 33 Hitz, James F. 142 Hudson, Henrj' B. 121 Hoover, Charles B. 102 Hoagland, John S. 110 Clayton A. 53, 54, 56, 115 Thomas D. 88 Edmund Hughes, 144 Hobbins, Joseph 176 Hopkins, George H. 112 Percv M. William D. 163, 171 135 Hobbs, Josiah H. 123 Marcus S. Thomas S. 135 130 Hugo, L. C. F. 65, 72 Hobson Horigan, Hume, Samuel A. 161 Joseph A. William D. 119 120 Thomas 34, 174 Hodges, Hosmer, Humphreys, Charles H 113 Gronsalvo 104 Edwards. 101 165 171 Vyi-LCArX J.C/0 J_L, Wyllys F. 132 Hottell, Hunt, Hodgkins, H.Grant 46, Howard L. 47, 67, 102 Martin V. House, .a I.eonidas F. R. Finley W. A. 139 64,72 125 44, 46, 63 67, 71, 73 John G. 105 75, 77, 101 J. W. 137 Hunter, Andrew W. 87 Hodson, Houston, ., William C. 90 Levin 104 WiUiam J. 92 Huntington, Adoniram J. Hoehling, Hovey, J. A. Adolph A., Jr 161, 170 140 35, 42, 46 ), 47, 61, 67 73, 76, 89 Hofer, Andrew F. 118 Howard, Huron, Holcomb, Curtis W. 132 Calvin CliflFord Flodoardo H. Clav 153 175 163 105 , 168 George A. Huston, 127 Henry *P. 108 William H. 158, 169 Holden, G. B. 125 John C. 114 Hutchins, Howe, Lee 156 Holland, F. H. 137 Hutchinson, Ephraim B. 111 Howell, Elijah 176 Hollidav, George Robert B. C. 179 174 Hyani, Josept R. 91 W.B. 161 ,170 Philip C. 135 18 198 The Columbian University. Hyatt, Jepper, Jones, Frank 56 Mateo H. 165 0. A. 146 Randolph C. 100, 117 Rowland M. 139 Jeter, Thomas 91 Hyde, Jeremiah B. 33, 175, 176 Thomas G. 130 Charles R. 149 Thomas P. 33, 49, 52 F. S. 149 Jewell, T. R. Waitman 128 106 Ide, Edith 173 AVilliam H. 89 George B. 33 Jewett, Charles C. 35 Jordan, Illman, Daniel T. 86 Powhatan 108 Walter H. 117 Jillson, Joseph, Ino^ersoll, William E, 43 Richard 114 E. C. 128 Johns, Judd, Ingraham, Aaron 133 John T. 99 Edward T. 90 Franck D. 146 John, Jr. 160 Kable, Israel, Robinson L. 156, 169 William H. 179 George R. Jourdan M. 151, 168 151, 168 Johnson, Kaighn, Albert E. 113 Maurice M. 131 Ivimev, Arnold B. 123 Joseph 8 Chapman L. 98 Kalb, Jackson, Charles S. Daniel D. Frank 135 35, 95, 178 128 Charles S. Isaac N. 54, 6S, 121 146 E. Hilton Eugene B. 46, 73, 102 46, 102 Henry A. Henry C. Henry L. E. Isaac L. 120 133 Kalusowski, Samuel H. AVilliam H. 111 156 57, 69, 117 94 Henry E. 122 James 31 Kappeler, Jacobs, James 32 Jessie 173 A. Roszell 128 John 32 Therris 104 John T. 31 Kasson, Jos. Taber 179 Charles D. 133 Jacobson, Marmaduke C. 107 E. P. 125 Richard M. Royal A. 31 .149 Kaufman, E. S. 151 James, Simeon F. 144, 166 Charles S. Fernando C. Joshua J. 177 110 89 Thomas M. Thomas W. William A. 153, 168 110 149, 167 Keam, Frederick W 169 John W. 86 William B. 33 Richard S. 91 William G. 60, 70, 151, 168 Kearney, John A. 174 Janes, W. W. 142 Thomas P. William F. 89 89 Johnston, F. w. ■ Gabriel F. George D. George ^\^ James M. 147 Keasby, John B. 51, 52 Janus, Aiithony H. 44, 62 115 149 54, 57 Keech, William S. 106 Anthony H., Tr. 101 137 Robert 30, 33 Keeling, Janvier, Thomas J. 149, 167 Henry 175 Thomas H. 139 William J. William P. 130 50, 51, 55 R.J. 178 Jeffords, William W. 51, 68 Keene, Tracy L. 160 Jones, Arthur L. 101 Jeffress, Elkon 104 Keeny, Thomas D. 94 Eusebius L. Horace W. 108 102 John C. 174 Jennett, Christopher P 5. 90 Isaac R. .Jacobus S. James 109 153 49,85 Keigwin, Charles A. 160 Jennings, James H. C. John A. 47, 89 85 Keiper, James H. 135 John T. 176 J. Claude 165 Index. 199 Keller, ' Killits, Knight, Benjamin F. 150 John M. 154, 169 Samuel H. 122 Daniel S. 131 F. H. 156 169 Kimball, Knott, Ephraim G, 120 John M. 113 Kellev, Ivorv G. 123 John T., Jr. 121 J. G. 125 Knowles, Samuel H. 153 Israel, Jr. 144 James D. 45,85 Kelly. Kimmel, Knowlton, Abner B. 139 John 154 Frank H. 22, 62, 71 Alexander D 34 Henrv A. Joseph C. Moses 146 128 35 Kindleberger, Charles P. 102 Knox, George W. 128 Kemp, Kindrick, William E. 139 John J. Thomas T. 140 169 J. A. 153 Kino" Koehler, Kendall, A. F. A. George 156 Amos 29, 35 51, 55, 68, 72, 111 George M. Quincy E. C. 156 o3 169 Alfred J. C. E. R. George A. 90 110 9S, 137 Koones, Charles K. 119 Kennard Harry 62, 71, 133 Joseph H. 34 Henrv 103 Kreidler, Henrj^ F. 133 Edward A. 137 S.J. 163, 171 Kennedy, Harry C. 158 169 Theo Ingalls T. S. N. 99 33 Krumme, Isaac G. 163 171 William B. H. F. C. 113 John C. 58 179 76, 77, 100. 147, 167 John ^Y. 94 Kurtz, William R. 158 169 Kingman, Abel W. 104 John John D. 97, 113 87 Kent, William T. 147 167 Kingston, Lackey, Samuel T. 112 John M. 165 Kepner, J. Price John W. 109 133 Kinman, " D.B. 34 Lacy, Ker, Benjamin C. 135 Samuel J. S. 105 Kinne, Edward D. 123 Lafayette, Kerfoot, Kinney, w. p. General 8 F. Howard 37, 66,98 131 156 La Fetra, William 34 Kintz, George H. 128 Kern, Homer M. 170 Lally, Thomas R. George W. 145, 166 Kirk, 137 James 0. 95 Kerr, William H. 34 Lambert, John 32 Tallmadge A. 75, 131 John D. 189 Kirkpatrick, Samuel G. 176 R G. 125 Lambuth, William D. 160, 170 Kessinger, Kirkwood, Daniel M. 128 Robert 103 Lamon, Samuel J. 180 Walter S. 161, 170 Kevser, Charles A. 37 Kittson, Land, Charles M. 34 W. H. B. 135 Robert H. 91 Kidd, Klemm, Landale, J. Boulware 94 John W. 121 Russell H. 160, 163 Kidwell, Klingle, Landells, John S. 131 Joshua P. 93 William 17fc 200 The Columbian University. Landram, Le Conte, Lighter, Sylvanus 179 John N. 97 John T. 149 Landvoigt, Lee, Lightfoot, William H. 151, 168 Blair Jerome 150, 167 128 James H. 165 Lane, Lawrence N. 161 Lincoln, •Frank R. 118 William Bradford H. 91 Henry F. 46 49, 56, 64, 68, 7 2, 75, 76 Heman John L. 32 45 Lange, James H. Leech, Nathan S. 147 Abner Y. 96 43, 47, 48 , 49, 50, 68 D. Olin 119 Langley Samuel P. 22 Ed\yard 0. Frank George V. 93, 98 122 177, 180 Lindsay, Alfred. Jr. 131 Lanktree, Young 125 Leetch, William A. 100 149, 167 Lindsly, Harvey 50, Solon 51, 52, 103 87 Lanston, Tolbert 128 Leggett, Levcrett L. Mortimer M. 141 139 Lines, Robert B. 135 Larner, Wells W. 140 Linn, John B. 76, 77, 146 Philip F. 140 Leipold, W, Edgar 150 Lashells, Robert H. T. 131 Linskey, Charles H. J. 115 Theodore B. 112 Leland, Latham, Marshall W. b8 Linton, Irwin B. 141 Richard P. 42 Lemon, Lathrop, George E. 135 Lippett, C. E. 111 Edward 35 Lentz, Latimer, Carl 139 Lipscomb, J. McLean 153 Clarence E. 161 Leonard, Edwin \V. 111 George 45 Little, George John E. 107 149, 167 George H. 131 Joseph Joseph W. 111 114 Laiib, Lester, Wharton E. 165 Littlehales, Charles K. 103 George W. 172 Lauck, Horatio J. 147, 167 Leverett, Washington 45 Locke, Richard D. 99 Lawrence, Levering, Eugene 37, 66 Lodge, James V. 135 Lee D. Joseph H. 135 Levy, Louis P. 45, 46, 63, 67, 71, 73, 101 Nathaniel M. William B. 111 58, 60 133 Longlev, Lewis, Charles F. Charles 0. E. King 131 Lawver, Wintield P. 53, 63, 115 133 111 Longshaw, Luther M. 170 Clarence T. 116 Lazell, Jonathan E. 87 David E. Percy 63 Fulton J. Hall 128 , 71, 172 165 64, 72 Longstreet, James, Jr. 165, 171 Leach, Robert G. 92 Loomis, Jesse 32 S. H. 155 Karl S. 150 Leary, Michael A. Lichliter, Lord, 119 Jacob H. 141 W. B. 140 Leaver, Liddell, Loring, . Henry K, 125 John A. 48,49 . Francis B. 56" Index. 201 Louis, McArthur, ' Macgill, M. A. W. 166 Alexander 165 Robert H., Jr. 142 Love, McBee, McGuire. Charles G. 142 KA. 147 James C. 116 Lovejoy, McCafferty, Mclntire, Benjamin G. 46, 96, 1-23 Angusto 128 Edwin A. 133 James W. H. 90 McCalla, Mcintosh, Lovell, John M. 109 William H. 178 George T. 141 McCallum, Mackall, Low, Andrew 128 Douglass S. 155 Harry N. 149, 167 J.I. 147 Louis, Jr. 121 Lowe, McCalmont, McKean, Edson A. 101 H. K. 140 J. A. J. H. 34 128 Loweree, George E. 128 McCleary, Frank'O. 146 McKenney, James F. T. 106 Carroll 160 Lowery, Frederick D. 156, 169 Woodbury 147, 167 McClellan, James 0. 123 William A. 137 Lowry, McKim, Nathaniel A. 163, 171 McClenney, Samuel A. H. 108 Luce, Adolphus M. 95 McKimmie, John A. 155 McClintock, Oscar A. M. 47, 122 Luckett, Joseph H. 107 McKinney, Oscar 161, 170 McCormick, William C. 119 Luff, Charles 105 Mackintosh, Charles H. 141 McCornack, Sir James 7 Lugenbeel, Daniel P. 121 McKnight, John w. 105 McCoy, H. S. 165 Lumney, Charles S. 165 McLain, George 115 Davis H. 92 Edwin J. John S. 137 114 Lumpkin, McCrellis, Wniiam 177 Wilson 32 [ James B. 125 Lyman, McCrone, McLaughlin, Thomas N. 117 John N. 112 John 131 Lynch, McCullough, INIaclay, Archibald 175 J. Walter 141 George W. M. C. 131 125 Lyne, Alpheus G. McLean, 46 McDonald, C. L. 109 Charles John 103 7,32 Lvon, Samuel D. 142 George G, 131 Maclean, Samuel B. 116 MacDonald, Theodore B. 155 Walker D. 102 Lytle, William William M. 151 151. 168 McDowell, Alexander B. 122 MacLean, Franklin P. G. 117 McAllister, McElwaine, McLeod, Charles 32 John N. 131 Josiah ■ 135 McArdle, McFarland, McLeraw, Thoma.s E, 56, 69 D, W, 65 C, G, ' J2& 202 The Columbiax University. McMahon, - Mandeville, Matteson, Daniel 133 James H. 133 Frederick W. • 153,168 Edward 139 Maiiiater, Matthews, McNabb, N. B. 106 Edward S. 111 Charles E. 165 Henry S. 151 Manning, William B. 167 McNair, George 0. 37, 66 Herbert L. 160, 170 John S. 135 Mattinglv, Wilfred A. 106 Arthur's. 163, 171 MacNamee, Thomas 106 Thomas J, 146, 168 Marbury, Leonard 145 William F. 35, 36, 61, 66 , 70, 75, 76 McNeel, 94, 177 J. M. 147 Markell Mauro, Charles F. 142 Phihp 147 McNiell, William N. 147 James M. 133 Maurv, Marlow, Jofin W. 35 McNulty, Alexander C. William H., Jr. 163, 171 Matthew F. 176 158, 169 William A. 59, 70, 180 Marshall, McPhersoii, Epenetus A. 88 Maverick, Dorsey M. 117 F. Lewis, Jr. 155, 169 Manton 160, 170 Robert W. 133 L.G. 176 \Mlliam 35 Maxgon, Martin, Louis W. 150, 167 McEee, H. B. 110 Joseph J. 93 Henry P. 108 May, J. Everett 97, 133 Frederick 51 McRoberts, John M Noah H. 147 128 John F. 48, 50, 87, 105 Thomas M. 131 P.H. William J. 110 177 Mayfleld, McVeigh, Clifton 116 Townsend J., Jr. 96 Marvin, Aaron 32 Mavnard, Edward McWhorter, 176 A.B. '176 Marx, George 118 James 155 McWilliams, Mayo, Alexander 42, 5C, 175 Mason, Edward N. 111 Alexander 107 George 124 Joseph L. ]04 Grafton 156, 169 Meador, J. H. 147, 167 Chastain C. 94 Maddox, J. M. 125 1 Samuel 141 John E. 145 Means, Thomas J. C. 116 John T. Otis T 177 Samuel R. 120 Maedel, 20, 22, 36, 47 75, 62, 66, 71 76, 96, 180 Meany, Julius A. 151, 168 P. H. Todd Robert 147 133 John T. 163, 171 Maffit, William Samuel G. 34, 176 Mearns, 105 W. A. 165 Magruder, Massey, J. L. 181 Mechling, Alexander F. 114 Massie, George J. 155 Main, Edmund L. 111 Medbery, E. A. 151, 168 William 175 James F. 139 Mallet, JNIasson, Medford, J. N. Edmond 131 Henri 44 Ames F. 135 Mallary, Mathews, Meehan, Charles D. 34. 176 William B. 165 John S. 30,32 Maloney, Mathis, Meguire, James F. James A. 122 W. G, no 138 Index. 203 Meier, Miller, Morns, Henry 63 Thomas J. 96 124 Ballard 155, 169 Washington 107 John 148 INIeio's William L. 54 117 John W. 135 Josiah 6 , 29, Bl, 41 Robert E. 148 Return J. 6, 7, 29, 31 Milliken, N. Byron 125 Morrison, Me'nocal, B. W. 108 Oscar A. Mercer, 121 Mills, A. G. William S. 131 124 Morse, Hiram B. 158 Jesse John T. 31 92 Minor, Morsell, William F. 120 Meredith, Olie W. ■ Peter E. 135 105 Thomas 33 iMorton, Merriam, Mitchell, Howard William 148 87, 105 Arthur C. 120 Thomas 141 166 J. Howard ,61 W. H. 142 Moses, Merrick, William M. 58 Mix, Frank T. Oscar G. 90 138 107 Brice J. Montague T. 152 138 Merrill, Charles A. Henri F. T. 128 133 Moffat, Edmund J. 167 Moulthrop, S. A. Moxlev, 125 Merwin, Mohun, M. King - 112 Charles D. 158 Thomas B. 120 Metcalf, William W. 146 Moye, William R. 110 William P. TV T*-^ -4- ™ ^ -M <-^ -4- 4- 155 Monroe, James 6,7 Mueller, Metzerott, J. 63 John H. 122 Montague, Andrew P. Muhleman, Mew, 44, 46, 47, 63 67,71 73, Maurice L. 146, 16S William M. 130 76, ^ E. T. 7, 102 180 34 Mever, Mundav, F.A. 155, 168 Moore. Alexander D 94 Charles F. 146 Meyers, Edward C, 109 Mungen, Charles K. 151 Hannah 8 Theodore 128 J. Frederick 125 J. Abbot 96 J. F. 155 169 Munson, Middleton, Horace P. Rosier 55 120 M. M. Thomas J. Veranus A. 54, 68 131 103 121 Charles B. Henry T. Reginald W. W. 173 141 117 113 Milbarn, Joseph W. 144 Morehouse, H. L. 8 7, 66 Murdock, William C. 140 Millard, Edward M. 105 Morfit, John C. 107 Murphy, Hanson T. 105 Miller, Aaron W. Morfitt, John L. 125 107 Henry M. 32 Walter C. 114 Bellum Charles 165 109 Morgan, Murray, Charles E. 135 Eugene 149 171 Bentley P. 133 Franklin B. 128 George W. H. 94 Charles T. 128 George W, Guion 165 155, 169 James E. J. H. 52,54 107 147 Robert J. Thomas A. 135 100 Owen M. 101 Thomas J. 3 7,66 William D. 110 Stephen C. Thomas 118 48, 49, 50 Morrill, Musgraye, Thomas F. 135 Janaes S. 150 H. M. 153 204 The Columbian University. Myers, Nichols, O'Connell, T. Percy 165 James K. 179 Jeffrey C. 114 William D. 111 Jared C. J. Benjamin 144 122 Maurice D. 124 Nash, Joseph D. 174 O'Connor, Jesse G. 92 W. B. 140 Henry, Jr. 144 Nauck, Nicholson, Odell, Edwin 158 169 William 115 Benjamin F. 173 Oscar 149 167 Nicodemus, Offenbacher, Naughton, William J. L. 128 J. Van 124 John F. 146 Nicolay, Offley, William M. Naylor, John H. 128 155 Levi W. 157 William * 144 Noble, Ogden, Henry B. 65, 72 David M. 120 Neagle, Henry B., Jr. 64 Hancock 152 168 Ogilvie, John Pickens 157 Noma, 174 Neal, Masaichi 162, 170 Robert W. F. 148, 167 Leonard 105 Normile, Olds, Henry W. 160 Neale, James C. 124 James L. 96 O'Leary, Rollin H. 86 Norris, Charles M. 173 , Calvin C. J. 172 Nelson, G. W. 34 Olney, James 97 180 Howard I). Phebe R. 162 122 Jesse 174 Nevitt, Hqnry C. 144 166 W. B. Northup, 155, 169 O'Neall, John B. 176 Newberry, John S. 43 Henry H 128 Orcutt, John- 177 Newbold, W.N. 141 Nott, Charles C. 58 Ordronaux, John 49, 51, 52, 55, 60, 177 Neweomb, Harry 165 Nourse, Benjamin F. Charles J. 104 115 Orleman, Daisy M. 121 Simon 47,62 180 Henrv D. Michael 119 33 Osborn, Newell, Charles 160 170 Noxon, Eugene E. J. A. 142 128 William D. 106 Robert M. 88 ^^^Sr^'^.l Newlands, Noyes, Daniel P. Worth 140 James 138 47 Osmun, \V. L. 114 John T. 135 Little C. 111 Newlin, Theodore W. 36. 6G, 75, 76, 77 Lewis M, 111 Walter 131 100 , 150, 167 Ould, Newman, Nunez, Robert 88 Samuel J. 115 Jose V. 120 Ouzts, Newton. Nunn, . Benjamin F. 111 Harry W. 165 John R. 91 Owens, Nice, Nute, Reuben R. Sydney H. 93 177 George P. 90 Frank A. 155, 169 Page, Charles G. Nichols, O'Brien, 49 Caleb G. R. 107 Jarvis P. 165 Charles G. 135 Ct^arli^s U, 35, 36, 180 William H. 135 Millard K. 149, 167 Index. 205 Pagenhoff, Frank W. Pairo, Richard E. Palmer, Orlando G. Willie J. 35, Park, c. c. Parker, Charles T. Henrj^ L., Jr. J. W. Jesse W. Myron M. W. H. Parkhiirst, Frederic H. Parks, Frederick R. James H. Marshall H. William S. Parris, Albion K. Parrish, Stephen C. Parsons, Charles G. Joseph H. Warren Partello, Dwight J. J. M. T. Partridge, George W. Patterson, Albert C. Charles H. EdAvard H. J. Arthur Walter B. Zera D. Pattison, Robert E. Patton, Alfred S. Paul, Amasa C. Paulding, H. Offley Payne, "George C, 166 141 165, 171 93, 177, 179 145 165 36 113 76, 77, 144 128 160, 169 101 178 149, 167 148, 167 33 142 105 146, 167 106 135 146 138 116 124 155, 169 139 155, 169 165 45 177 167 115 152 ' Peabody, ! George Pearce, Thomas J. William H. j Pearcy, j George \ Pearson, ; Henry C. Pease, Frank A. Pechin, Maurice Peck, Melvin D. i Peirce, James H. Pelavet, ; Emanuel i Pelham, John ' Pendleton, Charles H. I i Pennebaker, Charles D. Perkins, J. McL. Peiiey, Edward E. Frank L. Perry, George B. Gideon B. John A. Peter, Armistead . Peters, Benjamin F. Pettigrew, Augusta M. John M. Peyton, John B. Phelps, Myron H. Phenix, Legare 178 89 146, 166 142 155 128 113 143 179 160, 170 175 143 125 160, 170 144 174 33 149, 167 152, 168 122 111 135 153 X44 Philip, J. Van Ness i Philipp, Moritz B. Philips, James W. Phillips, John C. John W. P. Parker William F. ] W. Hallett Picket, John Pierce, James H. Perry B. Pierre pont, Edwards Pike, Ivory H. Pinkney, William Pinnev, A. S. Piper, Horace L. Pitts, George F. Plater, Mayhew Pleasants, Joseph B. Samuel S. Poindexter, Abram M. William M. Pollard, George N. Henry R. James John Thomas 54, 165 140 133 167 46, 100 68, 121 99 153, 168 143 37, 179 144 179 138 128 106 188 90 34, 175 62 153 125 37, 66, 97, 128 46, 95, 180 46,91 Pool, Benjamin G. Poole, C. Clarence Poor, John C. 54, 116 150 143 206 The Columbian University. Porter, Purman, Rawson, E. 7 D. Gray 148, 167 Zephaniah B. 160 Oliver 88 Purrington, Raynor, Post, William A. 145, 166 Gilbert J. 124 Reuben 32 Pyles, Reardon, Postal, Harry V. 122 George E. 140 V/illiam D. 142 Richard A. 117 Redington, Postley, Quaiffe, James K. 133 Charles E, 138 Alfred R. 138 Reed, Potter, Quinby, Henry W. 165 Henry G. 138 H. B. 116 Marshall W. 93 William 157, 169 Wilson G. 160, 170 Powell, Quinche, Reich, Charles S. John W. 21, 22, 36, Robert J. 155 Alexander J. 47, 92 H.F. 159, 169 57, 66, 180 35 Quinn, John Paul 104 Reid, George C. 139 Powers, William J. 133 John John L. 106 173 J.F. 105 Quirk, Daniel H. 105 Reigart, Pratt, Thomas J. 138 Alexis L. 120 Rafter V, Ambrose 106 Thomas 124 Reily, Electus A. 139 John T. 109 George W. William M. 131 175 Ramsdel, Nathan 105 Reinohl, David C. 159 Prentiss, Charles A. 113 Ramsey, William T. 114 Remey, W. B. D. Webster 139 51, 56, 64 76, Robert W 68, 72, 75 77, 96, 178 22, 63 Randall, Charles F. 152, 168 Remley, William C. 158, 170 Henry E. Richard 150 49, 51 James 176 Prescott, 0. L. Prevost, 133 Randolph, Peyton K. Warren 93 178 Reynolds, Enoch 5, 6. 29, 30, 31 Harry L., Jr. 155 Joseph 30, 35 George A. 153 Rangabe, A. R. Rhodes, Price, 178 Charles C. 140 Charles A. 92 Rankin, Eames B. Rice, Henry W. 159, 170 115 George 1j. James Q. 112 153 Prin(;e, Howard L. 143 Samuel A. 128 Luther 5, 6, 8, 10, William D. 29, 30, 31 93 Proctor, Rathbone, William E. 116 Thomas 128 John 33 Rich, Prout, John C. 152, 168 Thomas C. 115 Jonathan S. •109 Raum, Richards, Prudden, Daniel F. Green B., Jr. 145 155, 169 Charles N. John C. 126 31 Samuel S. 106 John 155, 169 Zalmon 47 ''''S'L Ravenburg, Richardson, 159 Rudolph 115 • Asa B. 92 Charles W. 118 Purefoy, Rawlings, John C. S. 100, 180 Nicholas A, 88 Richard H. 93 J. P. 113 Index. 207 Richardson, Rogers, Rusk. Mason N. 101, 153 James R. 149 J. Steuart 162, 170 P. T. 104 Robert F. 162 Robert R. 92 Russ, William A. 179 Rohrer. Harry M. 148 Ebon J. 111 Richmond, Russell, G. Qmn 128 Roller, Daniel R. 88 Charles 126 D. M. 110 Ricketts, James F. 135 Joseph H. 163 Rollins, John F. 116 Rider, George F. 149 Rust, William L. 113 Ronaldson, James A. 31 Edgar R. 65,72 Ridout, Rvan, John 139 Roome, Edward " Martin 138 Rietz, 45, 46, 67, 73, 102, 120 R viand, Gustavus L. 115 " Charles H. 37 George W. 35 ''°Sid 31 Robert Sackets, . 86, 177 Rilev, John C. 51, 52. 108 Rose, Benjamin F. 105 T. B. Sackett, 112 Joshua 51, 52 Rosis, Charles E. 159. 170 Rippon, Eugene 149, 167 Saffold, John 8 Ross, James P. lis Rittenhouse, J. c. 165 Salter, Samuel W. 98, 1B8 Rothwell, William H. 131 Ritter Andrew 30, 33, 36 Samson, Henrv P. 108 Charles E. 97, 133 Roudebush, George C. 97, 112 Roane, William S. 157, 169 George W. 10, 11, 30. :34 3Q fin 177 John McG. Samuel B. 96 146 Row, Thomas S. 46! 96^ 126 Abner V. 105 Sanders, Robbing, ^""1^% ^. Addison H. 105 Lawrence 0. 165 Henry P. 133, 167 Thomas A. 157 C. Frank 99. 142 'James R. 89 William T. 93 W. H. 138 Jeremiah L. Thomas B. 90 128 Roberts, Royce, T H 177 Charles C. 140 Sands, S. G. L. 150, 167 Charles H. 131 F. P. B. 129 Robertson, Ruddell, Sargent, John C. 144 J.H. 128 Thornton W, 153, 168 M. B. 105 Robinson, Ruff, William H. 149 Satterfield, J. R. 131 Alexander L. 120 Conway, Jr. C. Elmo Nathaniel E. 148 160 155 Ruffin, Sterling 54 68, 69, 121 Saunders, E. T. James M. Lorin M. 148 89 129 Robison, Ruggles, William William H. 53 William B. 155, 169 11, 42, 45 Sawyer, Rochfort, RunA'an, Cleon J. 153, 168 Thomas E. 150 KG. 172 George A. 145 Roeser, Rush, Sayre, Charles, Jr. 131 Richard 8,32 William N, 160 208 The Columbian University. Scannell, Cornelius Schaeffer, Edward M. George C. Schafliirt, Frederick William G. Schimmelfennig, Hermaun A. Schmidt, Ernest L. John H. W. Schneider, Joseph Schonfeld, Hermann Schooley, Henry M. Schoolfleld, John H. Joseph N. Schwartz, B. F. Scott, A. Francis Angelo C. Edward M. Thomas M. William F. Scribner, Samuel Seaojer, John F. Seaman, William H. Searcy, w. E. H. Searle, Dolson B. Seaver, G. W. Seely, F. Howard L. Warren Seip, Albert N. Sellhausen, Ernest A. 114 63, 113 44, 50 53 173 148 162, 170 160, 170 163, 171 63, 71 65. 72 135 91 155, 168 53, 109 94 126 34 163 138 129 129 149 102 150 126 115 Semmes, Alexander J. Semple, Robert B. Sessford, John Severance, Cassell 108 29,31 33 162, 170 105 Sewall, F. L. Thomas 6, 13, 29, 31, 48, 50, 52 Thomas R. 104 Sexton, Edward J. 120 Sevbolt, Vohn W. Seymour, Benjamin S. George D. Henry A. P. Hinkle Shade, John A. Sliarp, Daniel Sharretts, David E. G.W. S. F. Shaw, George H. R James W. Shea, Daniel H. Shellabarger, Robert R. Shepherd, Thomas B. Thomas J. Shepperd, Sherman, (ieorge B. Raleigh Sherwood, Adiel Shields, Charles W, 135 115 148, 167 140 148 106 31 162, 170 129 129 162 135 162, 171 152, 94 89, 178 155 124 102 31,42 180 Shiley, Jacob B. ShilUngton, Joseph Shipman, S. A. Shirley, John J. Shissler, A. A. Short, William A. Shrewsbury, Albert D. Shufeldt, Robert W. 160 153. 168 155, 169 121 129 133 160, 170 115 Shuster, William M., Jr. 131 Shute, D. Kerfoot 48, 56, 63, 64, 76, r Samuel M. 43, 61, 68, 72. 75 ■, 100, 117 67,71,73 Sickels, D. Kingsley 138 Siddons, Frederick L. 159, 170 Simmons, Bruce George 155, 169 139 Simonds, William E. Simons, Junius Simpers, Charles T. Simpson, Lenox W. Sinsabaugh, David Louis W. Skinner, J. L. Samuel J. Slade, William 0., Jr. Sliney, William F. 60, 70 129 107 143 133 140 32 138 111 135 Index. 209 Siemens, Sorsby, Stanton, L. E. 148 Samuel K. 96 Frederick P. 87 Sloan, Southworth, Starin, Charles D. 144, 166 Richmond J. 139 Alva C. 46,73 Slocum, Sowden, Stark, H. W., Jr. 155 John W. 152 Bolivar 92 Small, Sowers, Starr, William 181 J. Richard Zackariah T. 110 Jacob W. 144 Smallwood, 53, 5b, 98 113, 180 Staughton, Edward F. 176 James M. WilUam A. 8.5 Spalding, 7,13, 41, 49, 50 Edward 131 William 6, 9, 38 Smedes, Edward W. 163 Charles W. 163, 171 James H. 156, 169 Stavton, Smilev, Sparks, William H. 162, 170 Thomas T. 174 Hiram C. 178 Stearns, William H. Smith, Charles E. F. 152 115 116 Sparrow, Bradford P. Spear, Philetus B. 143 Isaac H. Steele, A. Floridus 111 76, 94 F. DeL. Frederick H. 155, 168 124 175 Steiger, Frisby R. George M. J. Harrison John D. J. W. 108 153 165 145, 168 140 Speiden, Albert Clement C. 162, 170 92,109 George Steiner, Lewis H. 172 43,49 Philip R. Emmett Rexford M. 104 135 152 Spence, John 174 Stellwagen, Edward J. 142 Richard 136 Samuel C. 111 Spencer, Stephens, Francis H. 102 Samuel H. 32 Frank A. 126 , 159, 170 Theobald Thomas 57, 69 111 Leonard G. William E. 46 126 Washington H 129 Walter V. 138 W. Herbert 100, 151 Spoflford, Harry W. Stephenson, William R. 152 151 Claude G. F. D. 162, 170 138 Smithe, J. Curtiss 65,72 Sprague Frank H. 136 Samuel L. Sterling, 136 Smoot, Sprigg, Patterson William M. E. C. 129 Charles H. Luther R. 88 90 151 118 Stettinius, Samuel C. John W. D. 107 30, 34, Snow, 47, 52, 87 Sprowls, James M. 157, 169 Steuart, Alexander S. 157, 169 Leslie P. 163 Squires, Frank D. William M. 153, 168 Snvder, 114 Steward, Wm. Tayloe 144, 166 Stakely, W. Gf. 172 Soley, Charles A. 36,66 Stewart, • J. Russell Solger, Julius 163 139 Staley, Thomas J. 131 Alonzo H. H. Clay, Jr. James E. John S. 163, 171 157, 169 104 157 Stanford, Joseph 153, 168 Solomon, A.M. 104 T. A 111 William P. 92 John D. 93 Stickney, Soper, Stanhope, William 30, 35, 36, 91 L. Major 131 JohnG. 103 William S. 144 210 The Columbian University. Stiles, Stubblefield, ! Taylor, Valentine N. 131 Thomas W. 173 ! A. V. Benjamin F. 165 175 Stillson, Sturgeon, ' Edward W. 106 E. L. 131 David B. 111 Hawkins Henry 156 35, 37, 66 Stimpson, Sturtevant, James B. 33 Russell B. 175, 177 144 Herbert B. 165, 171 Charles L. 102 , 160, 170 Stephen W. 91 William 177 Thomas C 136 William G. 118 Suddarth, Walter 115 James L. 54,113 William H. 109 Stockstill, David C. 118 Sullivan, Teasdale, Harry R. 144 Thomas C. 175 Stockwell, N. S. 157 Milnor R. 152, 168 Temple, John T. 33 stokes, Thomas 31 Sumner, Charles E. 157 Templeton, Edwin S. 144 Stone, ■ Charles H. 103 Sundell, C.F. 168 Ten Eyck, Mrs. Elizabeth J. 13 Suter, Allen F. Jerome-B. 114 George F. James H. 153, 168 120 105 Terrell, Robert K. 48, 49, 52 Frank 102 Jared D. 138 Solon B. 116 Sutherland, Thacher, Stoner, Thomas A, . 111 G. A. 152 J, Frank 165 Story, Myron L, 124 Sutton, Robert L. 120 Thaw, John Joseph 86 6, 29, 31 Stoutenburgh, Swartzell, Thayer, Arthur T. 157, 169 Mosheim F. F. 46, 102 Albert C. John M. 104 176 Stow, Baron 30, 32, 85 Sweringen, B. V. 110 Rufus H. Thian, 139 Strahan, Robert H. Strawn, 129 Swett, Frederick K. Otis D. 120, 148 165 L. R. Thomas, Cassius M. John M. 148 133 48,51 WinfieldS. 126 Svdnor. Samuel 144 Streeter, Thomas W. 88, 179 Thompson, Wilfred W. 115 Svme, R. G. Benedict Charles H. 113 99 Strickland, 111 Duncan Henry C. 139 64,72 J. w. 111 J. Ford 48, 49, 50, 64, 68 Stringfellow, Syrich, Frank D 165 John B. John R. 136 129 Horace, Jr. 90 J. l.aiXJLX%. JL/» Millard F. 118 Thornton 175 Tabor, N. Hibbard Oliver T. 129 97, 139 Strong, Charles 136 Percy 143 Henry G. 163 Smith 7 William 59, 60 Talbott, Von Beverhout 113 William N. ]51 H. Maurice 136 Thomson, Strum, Talman, George N. J. R. S. John 106 177 89 Gustavc P. 144 Dowe D. 111 Stuart, Albert R. 181 Tanner, Thornton, Albert R„ Jr. 46 J. Bradley 165 AR. 32 Alexander T. 98 . Thomas C. 175 Moses 7 Tasker, Thomas R. 92 William C. 162, 170 Frederick E. 157,169 , VanB. 112 Index. 211 Thoron, 1 Townsend, Twombley, Ward 162 Frank C. George N. 165 j 87 ! Douglass 145 Thorpe, Abner 112 Henry C. Irving U. William W. 139 165 156, 169 Tye, John L. 146 Thurston, Mabel N. 102 Townshend, Tyler, Cadwell C. 167 J. H 129 Edward R. 124 Tibbets, James A. 106 Smith Towson, 113 Grafton 50 John B. Samuel 51, 52 131 58 Tichenor, Nathan 32 W. Bowie 113 Alva R. F. A. 131 152 Trabue, Edward 153 Tyree, Cornelius 179 Tilden, Charles B. 129 Tracv, Alvan T. 156, 169 William A. Underwood, 92 Tilley, Henry H. 136 Treadwav, Decatur B. 152 Charles H. Harold G. 133 142 Tillman, A. M 157, 169 Trescot, Edward A. 166 Upham, George E. Timothy 143 104 Tilson, Jonathan 47,91 '"'Ti: 110 Upperman, Henry C. &4 Tingle, Amory K. 126 Trimble, Matthew 126 Upton, George W. 152 Tirrell, Samuel D. 149, 167 J. Kendrick 124 William H. 146. 167 jSTorton Q. 106 Trudgian, Josiah B. 119 Urquhart, Titcomb, John Goode 47 George W. 159, 170 Truell, Edwin M. William Y. 93 143 Utermehle, Charles H. 94 Tobev, Thomas W. 47, 91 Truman, J. Henry 131 Vail, Tobriner, Leon 144, 166 Trundle R. Dorsey 163, 171 John A. Yale, 153 Todd, Seth J. William D 55 126 Trvon, 'Charles J. 167 J. M. Van Aernani, 132 Wniiam W. 32 Frederick M. 144, 168 CD. 138 Tompkins, A. S. Edward, Jr. Nathan I). 140 126 107 Tucker, Charles C. Edgar W. Henrv H. , L€Vi ' 162, 170 94 88, 177 174 Vance, Alfr«d H. G. L. Van Congdon, 129 129 Toomey, James William McK. 89, 106 Merton 110 133 ^ Turner, Vanderlieth, John A. 133 James S. A. 144 Edward D. 148 Torbert, Turpin, Vander Veer, John B. 160, 170 Perry B. 152, 170 Albert 112 Touceda, Tustin, Van Ness, Antonio G. 101 James P. 176 J. P. 33 Towers, Tweedale, Van Eensselaer, Lemuel, Jr. 160, 170 John 129 John 120 212 The Columbian University. Van Vhet, Wansleben, Weems, F. C. 57 William A. 62 Francis W, 104 F. C. 154 Ward, Weightman, Vaughan, Augustus 129 Roger C. 32 William R. 180 E. L. C. 140 Lester F. 62, 98, 136 Welch, Vaughn, Spencer 159 James C. 89 Francis W., Jr. 166 Ware, Welcker, Wadsworth, Richard 162 J.H. 148 Peleg 112 Warfel, Welles, Wainwright, John B. 126 Martin 154, 168 Richard Wait, 154 Waring, James J. 49, 51, 52, 53 Welling, James C. Samuel 45, 47, 174 Warman, 5, 11, 12, 17, 36, 40, 60 28. 29, 35 66, 67, 68 Waite, Philip c. 167 70, 71, 72, 178 Edward F. 152, 168 Warner, Wellington, Waldo, Brain ard H. Norman C. 75, 133 129 John R. 122 Frank Roswell 63 115 Warren, Wells, B. G. C. G. Wiley William R. 129 162 129 174 Waldron, Henry 109 Joseph H. W. Frank Warriner, 48,49 124 Wales, W. F. 156, 169 West, Laomer Orlando G, Philip G. 101 54, 101, 117 Warring, 170 Walker, E. F. 157, 169 James Waters, 104 Wetmore, Edward A. 136 Foshay John 151, 168- 140 J.J. L. L. 104 159, 169 Wever, Levi T. 88 Thomas 104 P. H. 109 Obed B. 87 William E. 109 Wall, William H. William N. 105 104 Wharton, Francis 22, 59, 60 J. C. 129 Watkins, William L. 103 Wallace, John 177 Wheat, James J. William W. 92 136 Watson, Charles H. ]29 Albert J. Alfred A. Richard 96 166 103 Wallach, Leonard 136 ±.\>i.K^x±a.i~\A. Richard L. 129 T. 34 Wheeler, Waller, 161 Way, Joshua 110 John, Jr, John H. S. H. 96 86 35 Walsh, John E. 121 Webb, Abner 34 Samuel J. Woodbury 105, 175 97, 126 Joseph Redmond D 106 146 E. Douglas George S. J. Bruce 120 34 159 Wheelwright, Jere H. 164 Walter, William B. 90 (ieorge W. Thomas U. 180 35,37 Weber, Whipple, Charles 106 Walthall, George W. 151 Whitaker, Joseph S. 87 Webster, Amos 179 Andrew J. Jesse H. 133 132 Walton, George E. 133 L. Prevost 166 Joseph R. 118 Nelson P. 164, 171 Robert C. 154 Sidney 47 White, William 110 William G. 170 Ambrose L. 85 William H. 129 William H. 136 Benjamin 99, 143, 166 Index. 213 White, Williams, Winlock, B. Frank 100 A. W. 152 ,168 William C. 22, 62, 71 Charles 105 Bodisco 112 Charles 114 Edgar W. 46 Winn, E. K. 105 Edmund R. 150 167 Daiuel D. 92 Enoch L. 154 J. Edward 166 Horace F. 136 J. W. 51 Winston, Maurice P. 151 John T. 159 170 Robert E. I;. 1.54 Jolin W. 89 Charles H. Howard 143 Samuel R. 95 John W. 112 46 Stephen S. William J. H. 118 John W. M. Patrick H. 90 107 35, 37, 47 , 66, 89 ,178 William W. 148 Nathaniel M. 88 Wirt, Oliver E. 156 W. D. 150 Whitehead, Paul E. 142 WiUiam 7 Mortimer, Jr., 164, 170 Roger S. Laing, Steve W. Thomas E. 154 138 168 WilUam D. 119 Whitehouse, 166 110 Wishart, William W. 148, 167 J. S. 157 Walter W. 178 Whiteley, C. F. 139 William A. William G. WilUam T. 108 110 112 AVisner, James W. 136 Whitefield, Williamson, Withers, John 13,33 George G. 93 A.N. Edwin Irving John R. 110 164 139 W^itherspoon, Whitman, 140 Thomas A. 166 Vernon H. 154 R. B. 46 Witt, Daniel, Jr. W^hitnev, Willis, 176 Walter 114 Frank I. WilUam H. 133 106 Womerslev, Whittlesey, Wills, Francis Edward E. 117 Charles &. George P. 143 149 107 Wood, William H. 146 Willson, Court F. F. C. 154, 168 129 Wiedfeldt, Samuel G. 46 George Henry C. 30, 32 157 Edward Wilberforce, 112 Wilshire, William W., Jr. 154,168 Joshua C. P. Bryson W. H. S. 92 117 164 WillLam 7 Wilson, ■ Woodard, Wilcox, Charles S. 152 Henry F. 166 A.D. 151, 167 Franklin 35, 37, 66, 178 James 35 Jesse H. 46, 99, 143 Woodman, Wilder, JohnC. 126 Francis J. 118 H. A. 126 John F. John H. 32 91 Woodruff, Wilkins, Hugh B., Jr. 145 John M. J. Ormond Joseph S. Lewes D. 181 35, 36, 66 178 54, lOl. 120 Joseph Woods, 126 Wilkinson, Oriss N. 132 Alva 7, 41 A. George 177, 180 Robert H. 112 Hiram 35, 37, 66 Francis L. 96 Thomas A. 112 Lee Roy 134 George L. 4 7, 102, 166 William L. Leonard 37, 44, 66, 95, 126 181 Willard, Woodson, Alexander D. 132 Winborne, D, M. 33 Henry K. 76,' ■7, 149, 167 B. B. 141 Thomas R. 138 Woodward, Willet, Cephas F. 106 Wing, Benjamin F. 103 James S. Richard H. Robert S. 116 91 62 Willey, Wingate, WilUam M, Thomas C. W. Redin 134 142 Ulysses S, 93 178 W. W. 143 214 The Columbian University. Wooster, Wunderly, Yeatman, Albert M, 167 Isaac B. 136 Samuel M. 97 Worcester, Wurdemaim' Yerkes, William L. 114 Harry V. 54, 120 David J. 91 179 Worrell, Wurtz, Benjamin F. 138 Henry 50 Young, Alexander S. 108 Worthington, Augustus S. 59, Wyer, Henry H. Clarence J. 96 60, 70 l'>9 93 Edward Ernest W. 178 179 171 Charles Nicholas W. Robert M. 82 51 175 AVynne, Lewis B. 99 Frederick B. Glendie B. James T. Noble 54,68 157 120 55 104 Wortman, Yamamoto, Akira . • 166 William M. 92 Jacob L. 119 Yarnall, Yznaga, Wright, Alexander H. John H. 117 Jose M. 136 124 Edward D. Frederick B. 145 162 166 170 Yarrow, Zachry, George H. 118 Henry C. 57,69 James G. 146 John H. 95 Maurice L. 134 Yates, Zevely, T. Judson 98 113 John B. 31 WiUiam S. 95 Yeates, Bartram 145 Wroe, Charles M. 164 Zollikoffer, John A, 89 Williams. 22, 62, 63, 71 William 175 *,. •s^ % V