.5- LD 1650 .5 1826 OS^SW Copy 1 OF m CARLISLE, Penns'a. AS REVISED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, MAY ist, 1826. TO WHICH ARE ANNEXED, THE RULES iroR THE GOVERJ^MEJ^T OF THE STEWARD ; AN iipCOUNT OF THE EXPEJ^rSES i AND THE :^rLES OF THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, PRINTED AT THE HERALD OFFICE, 14 It THE FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE, WILLIAM NEILL, D, D, Princifial-^\ectures on the Truth and Evidences of Divine Revelation, and assists in vaiious branches of Study alloited lo the different classes. HENPY VETHAKE, J. M. Professor of J^athematics and J^atu- rat Philosofihy who albo teaches Chemistry, and Political Ecoijomjr. Rev. ALEXANDER M'CLELL^ND. A. M. Professor of Rheto^ ric^ and Moral Philosofihy — who also teaches Geograph)^ and History. Rev. JOSEPH SPENSER, A, M. Professor of the Latin ^ Greek Languages. Rev. LEWIS MAYER, Professor of History and German Lite" raiure. JAMES M'NEELY, d. M, Teac/ier of the Grammar School. ERRATA. In fiage lOy sec, l\y — Introduce the word to before ^2l certificated fiage \2,'--Strike out the words at least two weeks previously, at the close of sec. 5, Let see, 10, of chap, 6, be the 8th sec* of chap,, 1. STATUTES OP CHAPTER I. (^ THE IMMEDIATE GOVERNMENT OF THE COLLEGE. Sec, 1. The government of the College is essentially vested in the Faculty. 2. It shall be administered, as nearly as possible, after the manner of a well regulated family. 3. Private advice, affectionate entreaty, and frequent ad- monitions shall always precede the more stern measures of public admonition, and exclusion from the institution, ex- cept when offences are flagrant and publicly c6mmitted. 4. The Principal and Professors constitute, and shall be styled THE FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE. 5. The Faculty shall hold a stated meeting on the day preceding the commencement of each session in every year, and as often as a majority may direct, and the Principal shall have authority to summon special meetings at his discretion. 6. The Faculty shall have power to direct the applica- tion of the ensuing statutes, to make all regulations for the government of the College, not contrary to these statutes, and to annex thereto, such means of enforcement, as ta them may seem just and necessary. 7. The Faculty, in the absence of the Principal, shall have full power to perform such acts of government, as may to them seem necessary ; and their acts shall have as full force and virtue, as if he were present. CHJPTER IL OF THE CLASSES, OP ADMISSION INTO THE COLLEGE, AND OF THE COURSE OF STUDY. Sec. 1. The Students shall be divided into four classes : each class to continue one year : those of the first year shall he dmommatGd Freshmen; those of the second y^ar, Sopho- mores ; those of the third year, Juniors ; and those of the fourth year, Seniors. 2. Applicants for admission into the Freshman Class must be approved by the Faculty on an examination, in Latin, on Caesar's Commentaries ; the Orations of Cicero against Cataline; and the first four books of Virgil's Eneid: in Greek, on the Gospel of John, and Dalzell's Collectanea Minora: and in Arithmetick, as far as the Double Rule of Three. 3. When any particular book, above mentioned, shall not have been studied, it is expected, that the applicants for admission shall be prepared in an equal amount of Latin and Greek. 4. Applicants for admission, who shall not have been in any College before, must, on examination, satisfy the Facul- ty of their acquaintance with the subjects of study, which are required of the students of Dickinson, previous to that stage of the course at which they propose to enter. 5. No student shall be received from any other College, without satisfactory testimonials of character. 6. Students from other Colleges, with good credentials of their character and standing may be admitted ad eundenj. 7. The commencement of each Session shall be the stated periods of admission, particularly of the winter session, which applicants are requested to bear in mind. 8. Every student, inVm^f-iSi^tely at his entrance, shall at^ test in writing (in a book kept' fcr that purpose by the Faculty) as follows : I, A. B. solemffty J>Tx)mise, on my truth and honour, to observe and obey all the laws, rules, and regulations of Dickinson College. 10 9. Each student shall write in a book, called the -Mz^ triculation hook^ his own name at full length, and the name and place of abode, of his parent, guardian, or person by whom he is sent to College : and no young man shall be considered as fully a member of the Institution, until he be matriculated : But, after his literary qualifications are approved, he shall attend with, and do the duties of the class he proposes to enter, for six weeks, during which time he shall be on trial : and if his behaviour shall be rude, disorderly, or immoral, he shall at the expiration of that time, or sooner if circumstances require, be sent home. 10. Young men who may not find it convenient to go through a complete College course, may, at the request of their parents or guardians be admitted and allowed to at- tend such recitations and prelections of the professors as they and their parents or guardians may select — provided, that such students shall have undergone an examination in- to their qualifications to pursue the particular studies. 11. Young men pursuing their studies in this manner, shall not be entitled to Academical degrees or honours un- less they shall have made up for all deficiencies, by the middle of the senior year ; but a certificate with the seal of the Corporation (and signature of the Professors) attesting the degree of their proficiency and attainments. 12. Students of this description shall in all other respects be under College Laws and Regulations, except by special permission of the Faculty. 13. The College course shall be divided into two sessions, the First with which the Academical year com- mences, beginning precisely Jive weeks after the fourth Wednesday of September, and continuing for the twenty- three weeks following ; the Second, beginning precisely nineteen weeks before the fourth Wednesday of September^ and continuing till the Commencement. 11 14. THE FRESHMAN CLASS SHALL STUDY FIRST SESSION, Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetick, Algebra, as far as the end of sim- ple Equations, Ovid's Metamorphnses, Xenophon's Cyropsedia, English Grammar, revised? English Reading, Composition, and Declamation. FIRST SESSION, Euclid's Elements, The last eight books of Virgil's Eneid, The first half of the 1st volume of Dalzell's Collectanea Ma- jora, English and Latin Composition, Reading & Declamation, in Eng- lish, Ancient & Modern Geography. FIRST SESSION, Plane and Spherical Trigononne- try, Mensuration, Surveying, Navigation, The use of the globes, Conic Sections, Quinctilian, Virgil's Georgics, Dalzell's Collectanea Majora, 2 vol. Greek & Latin Composition, Beading and Declamation in En- glish, Rhetoric, English Composition, Elements of Logic. SECOND SESSION, Sallust, Homer's Iliad, Algebra, to the end of Quadratic ' Equations, Reading of English, English Composition and Decla- mation, Elements of Ancient and Modern I Geography, SOPHOMORE CLASS, SECOND SESSION. lEuclid's Elements, Algebra continued, Terence or Livy, Dalzell's Collectanea Majora, (re-? maininghalf of 1st vol.) English and Latin Composition, Declamation, History, Chronology, Grecian & Roman Antiquities* JUNIOR CLASS, SECOND SESSION, Theory of curved lines, Fluxions, Mechanics, Horace, Demosthenes, especially his Oration, de Corona, Gre6kand Latin Composition, Elements of Moral Science, English Composition, Declamation. FIRST SESSION, Experimental Philosophy, Chemistry, Cicero de officiis ct de Natura Deorum, Longinus, Greek and Laun Composition, Universal Grammar, Declamations in English of the Student's own composition, Philosophy of Mind, I^ecessity and Evidences of Di vine Revelation* SENIOR CLASS, SECOND SESSION, Astronomy, Tacitus, Horace de arte poetica, The Medea of Euripides, The Oedipus Tyrannus of Sopho- cles, Greek and Latin Composition, Declamations in English of the Student's own composition, Criticism, Principles of Political Economy, Evidences of Divine Revelation, Moral Philosophy. 12 CHAPTER IIL OF ASCERTAINING THE PROGRESS OF THE STUDENTS. Sec, 1. Every instructor shall keep a roll of his class, which shall be called over at the hour of lecture, and the manner of their attendance noted. He shall also mark their performance in every exercise. This mark shall be common to all the instructors ; and, in connection with other circumstances, which the Faculty may deem import- ant, shall determine the relative standing of the student, at such stated times as the Faculty shall appoint. 2. A circular letter, addressed to the parents or guardians of each student respectively, shall be forwarded by the Fa- culty at the close of each session, or oftener if they shall think necessary, containing a statement of his relative stand- ing in his class, and how often he has been reported for ne- glect of studies or for violation of the College laws. (p. 210, minutes. ) 3. If a student shall be found incapable of proceeding in his class, with advantage to himself, the Faculty may arrest his progress ; it being always understood, that if he shall make up his deficiency, he may regain a standing in his former class. 4. There shall be a general examination of all the stu- dents of College immediately preceding the close of each session, on the subjects of studies they shall have pursued from the beginning of the session to the date of the exam, ination. 5. The Senior class shall be examined for their degrees at a period not exceeding four weeks previous to the day of commencement : and during the interval, the members of this class shall continue to pursue their studies under the direction of tlie Faculty, unless they receive permission to return home ; but shall not be required to recite nor be subjected to any examination with the other classes at the close of the session, at least two weeks previously. 13 6. When any examination of the classes in College is to take place, notice shall be given by the Faculty at least two weeks previously in two or more of the public prints in Carlisle, both of the subjects on which the respective clas- ses are to be examined, and the days or hours appointed for such examinations. 7. The examinations shall be very strict, but not pro- tracted : and shall be conducted by the Faculty in the presence of the Trustees and such other gentlemen as may think proper to attend. CHAPTER IV. OF EXPENDITURE. Sec. 1. Every student whose parents or legal guardian do not reside in the borough, shall have a guardian therein or some member of the faculty, to take charge of his neces- sary expenses ; with whom shall be deposited such a sum of money as his parent or legal guardian may think proper for the purpose. In the article of pocket money, which is left to the discretion of the parent or guardian, strict econo- ^ my is earnestly requested. 2. No student shall, on any account whatever, contract any debt, except with the permission of his guardian in writing ; or he shall be considered as withdrawing from the College ; and if a parent or guardian shall pay a debt of a student unlawfully contracted, he shall, ipso factOy be con- sidered as removing his son or ward from the College. 3. The dues for each session, shall be paid within four weeks after its commencement ; and any student having neglected during that time, to exhibit to the President of the College (who shall keep a regular record upon this sub- ject) the Treasurer's receipt for the same, & the receipt of the person with whom he may board, for charges for board- ing, shall be required to absent himself from the recitations of his class until he slvdU have complied with this rule. 14 4. In case of the non-payment of money for boarding when the student is at private lodgings in the borough, such arrangement must be made between the parties, as shall meet the approbation of the Faculty, 5. Should a young man, arriving after the commence- ment of a session, enter College before the one half of it shall have expired, he shall pay all the college-charges for the session ; but at any time after that, but one half of the same. 6. The Faculty shall some time during the first four •weeks of each session, furnish the Treasurer of the Col- lege with a correct list of the names of all the students, de- signating precisely the abode of each — whether boarding ^nd lodging in the College edifice, or in the town. CHAPTER V. OF THE DEPORTMENT OF THE STUDENTS. Sec, 1. The students are to consider themselves, and each other, as young gentlemen, associated for the purpo- ses of mutual improvement ; and are to behave themselves accordingly ; avoiding all turbulence, rudeness, and vi- olence. 2. They are to treat the Principal, Professors, and Tu* tors, on all occasions, with the most profound respect ; obeying, implicitly, all their law^ful commands; and in every respect, so demeaning themselves, as those who know that their character for correct behaviour, is not less important/ nor less at stake, than their character for intellectual acquirements. CHATTER VI. OF MISDEMEANORS AND OFFENCES. Sec, 1. If any student shall neglect his studies, or shall interrupt the studies of another, or disturb any officer in his lawful employment, or be guilty of profane cursing or swear- ing; of intoxication; of riotj of striking a fellow student; 15 of keeping the company of persons of known immorality; of playing at cards, dice, or other games of chance ; or of any other thing grossly immoral, of which the Faculty shall be the sole judges, he shall, at their discretion, receive any punishment short of dismission or expulsion, but, when in their opinion the offence shall merit the punishment of dismission or expulsion, it shall be the duty of the President of the Faculty to report the case, in writing, to the President of the Board of Trustees, with the attendant facts & circum- stances, who shall immediately convoke the said board, and submit the matter for its decision. But the Board shaU act exclusively on the written report of the Faculty, taking the facts therein set forth as conclusively established, and shall inflict such punishment as a majority of the Board may direct. 2. If any student shall fight, or propose to fight a duel, or be in any wise concerned in promoting or abetting it, or in the giving or accepting of a challenge, or shall reproach, traduce, or treat disrespectfully, any student, for having refused to accept a challenge, he shall be expelled. 3. If a student shall contumaciously resist the authority of the Principal, or any of the Professors or Tutors, he shall be dismissed or expelled, as the circumstances may render proper. 4. If any student shall visit a tavern, house of entertain- ment, or eating house, without permission from some mem- ber of the Faculty, he shall be suspended or dismissed. 5. If any student shall bring into his room, or have in his possession, any spirituous or fermented liquor, he shall be dismissed or expelled. 6. No student shall keep for his use or pleasure, any riding beast; nor a dog, or gun, fire arms or ammunition; nor sword, dirk, sword-cane, or any deadly weapon what- soever; nor shall any student be permitted to ride out, without the permission of some member of the Faculty. 16 7. If, in the opinion of the Faculty, the character of a student shall be so vicious, as to render him an unworthy member of the College, and a source of corruption to the other students, he shall be admonished, and if he do not forthwith reform, his parent or legal guardian shall be requested to remove him from the College, and in case of refusal or delay, the Trustees are to remove him in such way as they may think proper, 8. A Student who shall have been expelled, or twice dismissed, shall not be re-admitted. ' 9. Every case not specifically provided for in these statutes, is remitted to the discretion of the Faculty or the Trustees as the case may require ; it being under- stood that the discretion of the former shall extend to the infliction of any punishment short of dismission or expul- sion; and in all cases where dismission or expulsion is specifically annexed, as the punishment of any particular offence; or where the quantum of punishment is discre- tionary, and the Faculty may be of opinion that dismis. sion or expulsion ought to be inflicted, it shall be the duty of the Faculty, and of the Trustees respectively, to pro- ceed accordmg to the provisions of the first section of this chapter. 10. The Faculty shall record their proceedings in a minute-book to be kept for that purpose. CHAFTER VII. OF THE LIBRARY. Sec, 1. The Library shall be subject to such regula- tions as the Faculty and * 'Library Committee'^ may pre- scribe. 2 They shall particularly designate the kind of books, which are not to be taken out. CHAPTER nil. OF RESIDENCE. Sec. 1. The boarding of the Students and the assigning k 17 of their rooms, shall be under the controul and direction of the Faculty. 2. There shall be no change in places of boarding or rooms of lodging, without permission of the Faculty* 3. No student out of Commons shall be allowed to hire a room and lodge out of the house in which he boards. 4. Every student, except at lecture, shall keep his room during study hours, which shall be regulated by the Fa- culty ; and no stranger, without the knowledge of one of the Faculty, shall be permitted to visit the rooms during these hours. 5. The rooms of the students shall be visited as the Fa- culty may direct ; and, if any obstruction shall be put in the way of the visiting officer, he is authorized to cause it to be removed, even to the breaking of the door, at the ex- pense of the occupants ; who may otherwise be called to account for their improper conduct. 6. Any damage to the College property, ascertained to have been committed by a student, shall be paid for by him. Damage done, when the offender cannot be discov- ered, shall be charged equally, to all the students. 7. There shall at all times reside with the students in the College edifice, some member of the Faculty, or some of the Tutors. 8. The rules in Appendix No. 1, with the exception of the 13th, are in full force, and to be respected accord- ingly. CHAPTER IX. OF RELIGIOUS DUTIES. tSec, 1. There shall be prayers and the reading of the Holy Scriptures, every morning and evening observed in the College Chapel by the Faculty, at such hours as they shskll appoint* 18 2. "The students shall attend divine worship, at such place as their parents or guardians shall prefer. 3. Every student upon his entrance into college shall signify, the church or religious society to which he belongs, or with which he prefers worshipping; and be required by the Faculty to provide himself a seat in the same, unless his parent or legal guardian, disapprove thereof in writing* 4. The Faculty may appoint such other religious exer- cises as shall not interfere with their regular studies. CHAPTER X, OF COMMENCEMENTS AND DEGREES. Sec. 1. The commencement shall be held on the fourth Wednesday in September, and the usual degrees conferred. 2. On the day of Commencement, such candidates as the Faculty shall have previously selected, shall perform the exercises assigned to them, under peril, in case of non- compliance, of being refused their degree. 3. Alumni of the College, who shall have demeaned them- selves in a worthy manner for three years after their com- mencement, shall receive the second degree, viz : of Master of Arts. The honorary degree of A. M. shall be awarded according to merit. 4. No person shall be admitted to the degree of Doctor of Divinity^ or oi Doctor of Laws, unless his name be an- nounced to the Trustees, three months before the com- mencement, and upon the favorable report of a committee, appointed at the time of his nomination, upon proofs of his literary merit in that department of literature which the de- gree required may respect. 5. Ail Bands of Music, or professional singers, that is, those who sing for hire; all Balls and Dances, and all Din- ners and Suppers are prohibited from being accompani- ments of the Commencement, under penalty of the stu* dents being refused a Degree, or under such other penalty as the Faculty may see proper to impose. 19 6. No student shall recite any Speech embracing political or national subjects, which might have a tendency, in any degree, to excite party feeling : and the Faculty are charged with enforcing this injunction. CHATTER XI, OF VACATIONS. Sec. 1. There shall be an intermission of the studies on the 4th of July, Christmas and New-year's days, and the 22d of February. 2. There shall be two vacations in the year : one be- ginning at the day of Commencement and continuing five weeks, the other beginning at the close of the Winter Session and continuing five weeks. CHAPTER XIL OF THE SOCIETIES. Sec. 1. The literary societies of the students shall be un- der the protection and controul of the Faculty. 2. Their stated times of meeting shall be at such hours in the day as the Faculty may direct. Nocturnal meetings shall not be on any account permitted. 3. They shall have power to adopt such regulations as they may think proper for the management of their busi- ness during the prescribed periods of meeting, except that it shall be unlawful to admit to their Halls any of their mem- bers who may have been expelled, dismissed, or suspended from College, during the period of such dismission or suspension. Of the Steward ; of Commons ; and of the Payment of the students. Article 1. A STEWARD shall, annually, be appointed, XJ^ who shall hold his office, from year to year, at the pleasure of the Trustees: The 8ieward shall have the right of resigning his office at the end of any one year, on giving to the Trustees three months previous notice of his determination; and he shall have similar notice from ihe Trustees, when they in- tend to remove him. 2. The Steward shall have the use of such apartments in the Col- lege edifice, for the accommodation of his family and the StudentS| as shall be stipulated in his contract with the Board. 3. He shall contract, with the advice and consent of the Faculty, with the servants ©f the College, who shall obey the directions of the Faculty in the discharge of the several duties incident to their stations, & shall be immediately dismissed by the Steward, when, in the opinion of the Faculty, it shall become improper for theiw to be connected with the College. The Faculty anc! Steward shall pre- scribe the duties of the servants, ^o females shall be employed as servants in the College ; nor shall the Steward retain, in the kitch- en department, any servant, in opposition to the advice and repre- sentations of the Faculty. 4 He shall furnish all students, professors, and tutors, who shall be admitted to lodge in the Colletie edifice, with good and suf- ficient food, well prepared and cooked, & regularly served up three times a day, at the rate stipulated in his cntract with the Board. 5. He shall publish proposals, annually, for supplying wood for the use of the students in College, and shall contract for sufficient quantities, on the best terms he can procure the aanie ; to be de- livered previous to the 1st day of December; the expenses of which, and of cutting and piling the same in the wood house, and in the students chambers, shall be paid when he shall have presented to the Committee of Accounts, the receipts of those from whom he has purchased the wood, and by whom it has been cut 4nd piled, and received the order of the President upon the Treasurer, 6. He shall contract with contpetent and proper persons to wash for all who shall lodge in the College edifice, at a rate not exceed- ing twelve dollars a year, and shall, once a week, send all clothes, or such as shall be put in readiness by the students, to be washed and mended ; and at reguiar and proper times return the same : the expenses of which to be paid, when the receipts for washing shall have been presented as above. 7. He shall keep a book, in whicn he shall make fair entries of the time when each student shall c ramence lodging in the College, or enter into Commons, and shall make all other entries that niay be necessary or the settlement of his own accounts, from time to time, as well as those of every student lodging with him, which book shall be subject to the inspection of the Trustees. 21 8. In paying the StewarJ, a deduction shall be made for the privileges he may enjoy, in such sum as shall be stipulated m his contract with the Board. 9. The Steward shall be entitled to draw from the Treasury, od orders given by the President, such sums as may be due to him, agreeably to his contract with the Trustees, for boarding the stu- dents, professors, and tutors lodged in the College ; Provided, That payment shall at no time be demanded for more than three months in advance : And, provided further, that he shall not draw for more money than will be actually due to him at the expiration of a term. 10. The accounts of the Steward and Students, severally, shall be closed on the books at the end of each term. 1 1. The students shall find their own beds, bedding, candles, and all the necessary furniture of their chambers. 12 Before the name of any student shall be entered on the books of the Steward, he shall, at the commencement of each term, or im- mediately after his arrival, exhibit to the President of the College the Treasurer's receipt for the dues of that term, who shall furnish him with a certificate of the fact, to be handed to the Stew- ard, and filed as a voucher ; except in the following case, viz. If a student shall not, at the commencement of the term, be in funds to pay the dues of that term immediately, he shall nevertheless, have his name entered upon the Steward's books, and be permitted to be in Commons, for the space of four weeks ; but if at the expira- tion of that period he shall not have paid the dues of the term, and produced his certificate, he shall give his note to the Steward, for the payment of his board and washing during that time, and with- draw from the College edifice; it being distinctly understood, that the Steward is to look to the student alone for payment. 13. No student who is capable of attending on the exercises of the College, shall be permitted to be out of Commons, unless he lives with his parents, or legal guardian, or a professor, or relative; the relative being at the same time a householder: until, in the opinion of the Faculty, it shall be improper to intr<)duGe any more into the College edifice. 14. No student that has previously been admitted into College, arriving after the commencement of a session, shall sustain any de- ductions, whatever, in any of the charges for the term, except it shall appear to the Faculty to be proper and necessary. 15. The Steward shall commence boarding the Students on the 1st day of each session; on which day, the students shall enter into Commons: and he shall continue to provide for them, without in- termission, till they are dismissed. 16. The students shall cease to be in Commons on the day after the commencement, and shall withdraw from the College edkfice during the whole period of each vacation. 17. No student shall be permitted to put himself, at any time, out of Commons, without a written order from the President, or some member of the Faculty ; nor shall such order be granted, except in case of sickness rendering it necessary — ; 22 to be certified by a physician— or, in case it shall appear to the President or Professor, that there are other reasons, sufficiently great and urgent, to justify the same. The Faculty shall judge in all such cases ot exemption from being in Commons, whether any, and if any, what amount of money, advanced for board, shall be refunded; and when such money shall be repaid, a proportional reduction shall be made from the Steward's charge. In all other cases of students withdrawing from College, the Fac- ulty shall judge whether any part of the nioney advanced by them to the Treasurer shall be refunded. 18. The wood account shall be opened at the commencement of the first or Winter Session, and kept with each lodging room and professor's hall in the College edifice. The Steward shall desig- nate on his books the No. of each lodging room, &c. with the names of the students occupying it. No change shall be made or allowed by the Faculty in the occupants of any room, or recognized on the Steward's books, until the wood and stove account of that room is brought up to the date of the change, and closed by information and order of the Faculty, and when any such change shall take place, each occupant shall be assessed and debited on the Steward's books with his proportion of the amount charged against the room, and a new account opened with it as at first. This rule is to be understood as applying to all changes whatever, made in the occu- pants of any room, whether by increasing or diminisliing the num-> ber, or changing the individual occupants. 19. The Faculty may allow students to procure lodging rooms for themselves in the vicinity of the College edifice, and exempt them from the charges of room rent (except as made against all students not in Commons) fuel and stove rent, firovided, that they board with the Steward, and are subjected to the same system of visitation established for those in the College edifice. The Stew- ard is authorized to supply such with fuel should they wish it, at the same rate at which he furnishes it to those in the College build- ing, provided, that on delivery payment be made him, for which. he shall account to the Board. 20. No student shall be allowed to withdraw from the College edifice to board or lodge in town, (except in case of sickness,) un- til his accounts with the Steward for washing, boarding, fuel, and stove rent shall be settled, and the drawback on other charges (if any shall be allowed) shall have been determined by the Faculty, and officially certified to the Treasurer. When this drawback is certified, the different items of which it may be composed shall be specified. 20. In all cases of such removal, the Treasurer's and Steward's accounts must be previously settled, and the student must hence- forth procure his washing, fuel, &c» upon his own and his guardian's responsibility. % 21. The Steward shall sell nothing: to the students, nor take money from them, on any pretence, whatever, except that he shall Ijiave the privilege of furnishing them with oil and candles. 23 22. The Steward shall not be compelled to provide any by- meal, except in cases of sickness. 23. The order to be observed in the dining-room shall be pre- scribed by the Faculty. 24. In all cases not specified in the above detail, the Faculty arc authorized to act for the good of the Institution. REGULATIONS OF THE jirticle 1. f |iHE supenntendance of the Grammar School is 1 vested in the President of the College and a committeeof three Trustees, to be annually appointed, who are em- powered to visit the School, as often as shall be deemed necessary for its interests; to exercise any discipline sho.t of expulsion, aod to adopt such regulations as may be necessary to carry into effect the general plan of instruction, not contract to the following rules : 2. There shall be two sessions in the year— the first, called the Winter Sessionj commencing on the third Monday of October, and the second called the Summer Session, on the third Monday of May* 3. The hours bf instruction shall be from 9 a m. to 12, and from 2 p. M. to 5, during the winter session, except from the lOth day of November to the 1st of February, when the school shall be dis- missed at t past 4, p M. During the summer session the hours of instruction shall be from 8 to 1 1, a.m. and from 2 to 5, p. m. On Saturdays there shall be no school in the afternoon. 4. The students shall remain in the school during the hours of instruction, and pursue their studies under the instruction of the teacher, excepi ihose in the fourth form, who may attend and be dismissed at such hours as the teacher and superintendants of the school /nay direct. 5. The Grammar School, attached to the College, shall contain four foims. In the First, or lowest, the scholars shall learn by heart the gene- ral rules o/the Philadelphia Grammar, or such other as the teacher may prefer, and their application to parsing: They shall regular- ly recite l»^ssuns out of some approved vocabulary of the Latin lan- guajjf until the 'ieac^ier s ^aii judge ihem fit to be advanced to read- ir.jC, v-l en t»ie\ shall study the colloquies of Cordenus. They ihall ai^o cimuier.ce the writing of Latin from Mair's Exercises. In ( -t Sen»i{i"S* - - 6 00 Tuition . . 19 50 Janitor's wages - - 2 50 Use of Library - . 1 00 SECr ND, OR SUMMER SESSIOJ\r, Commencing firecis fly nineteen weeks before the fourth Wednesday of Seht ember, and continuing till the Coinmencement on that day. Boarding for Nineteen weeks at gl 87J per week g35 62| Room rent - . 6 00 Washing* - - 6 00 Tuil on, . . 19 50 Januor's wages - . 2 50 Use of Library - . j qq Sro 62| Su7n total of Annual Exfienses (entrance excluded) S164 25 * Whenever ihe number of pieces delivered for washing shall average in the quarter, more than fifteen per week, the Student so delivering shall be cliarged at the rate of thirty-three cts. per dozen, for such excess. Damages in the rooms will be assessed at the expiration of each Session, and charged to the occupants. Extraordinary damages, or such as are committed out of the chambers, when the individuals commitlifjg them cannot be discovered, will be assessed on all the Students, whether boarding in the building or out of it, and charged accordingly. Students, who do not board in the College edifice, are exempt from the charges of Fuel and Stove rent, Washing and Room rent in part— Two Dollars each Session being required from them for the use of Recitation rooms. VHE END»