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'/tS~ an. *-" -f <^^*3£ :J$&* fe*d ■Mm &- ^4 -%^ <*t^ '-*?*%>^.jf< ~n«J | From the back of the deed] Peg-ge, Deed of Seale. FOURTH GENERATION. 1 5 Our age to seventy years is set How short the term how frail the state And if to eighty we arrive We rather sigh and groan than live. 37. Mary, born April 7, 1710. 38. Benjamin, born March 12, 17 14. He fought in the French and Indian war. His cavalry sword, with the date 1744 cut into it, was also used by his son, Colonel Andrew Beard, in the War of the Revo- lution. It has followed in the family from oldest son to oldest son, and is now in the possession of Seymour R. Beard, of Shelton, Conn. He married Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Mary (An- drew) Clark. He died 1769. 13. Children of Samuel and Sarah (Clark) Beard. 39. Samuel, born April 8, 1697. He married Sarah Buckingham. He was a physician in Long Hill, Huntington, Conn., and lived on the spot occupied later by William Bennett. He died Feb. 3, 1754. Wife died 1772. No children. The following is a copy of the inscription on his tombstone in the Long Hill cemetery: Here lyes Buried ye Body of Dea SAMUEL BEARD Doct of physick who Died Feb. ye 3d Anno Domini 1754 in the 57th Year of his age Secure Beneath the Gloomy Dust He Rests till the last trumpet Sound Then he Shall Rise Immortalized And with Eternal Life be Crowned The inscription on Mrs. Beard's stone is illegible. 40. Deborah, (afterward called Elizabeth), born Oct. 14, 1699. She mar- ried Enoch Davis, of Huntington, and they lived in Long Hill, where Silas Hurd lived later. 41. James, born Feb. 4, 1703. He married Joanna, daughter of Robert and Ruth Walker, of Stratford, in 1723. He died March 4, 1768. Wife born Oct. 3, 1702. Wife died March 4. 1788, in Ripton, now Huntington. They lived in Huntington, Conn. This James had a gun given him by his great-uncle, James, for whom he was named, which he (the uncle) brought with him from England. The following is a copy of a deed of sale from George Clark to James Beard of a negro woman and her child. The original copy is now in the possession of Oliver G. Beard, Sr., of Shelton, Conn. Know all men By These presents That I George Clark The Second of ye name in Milford In ye County of New Haven In His majesty's Colony of Connecticut In New England for and In Consideration of ninty Pounds In Good and Lawfull money Bills of Credit To mje In hand paid by my Kinsman James Beard of Milford In ye County and Colony aforesaid whereof I Do here By acknowlidge the Receipt and mySelf Therewith fully and Intirely Satisfied have Bargained Sold Set over and Delivered and by these premises Do Bargain, Set over and Deliver unto ye Said l6 BEARD GENEALOGY. James Beard one negro woman aged about Thirty years named Pegge and one negro Girl about Six months old and now at the Breast of Pegge etc To have and To hold The Said Bargained premises unto The Said James Beard his heirs Executors adminis- trators and assignees forever and I The Said George Clark for my Self my heirs Executors aministrators The Said Bargained prem- ises unto ye said James Beard his heirs executors and assignees against all and all manor of persons or person Shall and will war- rant and Defend forever By These presents In witness whereof I have herento Set my hand and Seal This Twenty and Eight day of January In The year of our Lord one Thousand Seaven hundred and Twenty Six or Twenty Seaven GEORGE CLARK (Seal) Signed Sealed and Delivered In the presence of Ephraim Burwell Sam'l Baldwin 42. Nathan, born Feb. 14, 1706. He married Sarah, daughter of John and Ruth Smith, of Milford. He died 1769. Wife born 1710. Wife died Feb. 15, 1787. He had a grist mill in Stratford, Conn., where Silas Judson lived later. 43. Abigail, baptized Sept. 12, 1708. She married Israel Woodward, of Watertown, Conn., March 31, 1730. She died Dec. 2.J, 1803, aged 96. In 1755, her husband commanded a company in the French and Indian war. Husband died Aug. 17, 1799. A great-great grand- son of this Abigail wrote that her descendants are legion. She had eleven children. They all married and had large families. He could not assist in giving their genealogy, as he was himself lost in such a maze of names. 44. George, baptized Aug. 23, 1719. He married Mary . 14. Children of Jeremiah and Martha (Pettit) Beard. 45. Sarah, born April a, 1698. She married Samuel Piatt, of New Milford, Conn. No further record. 46. Ann. born June 30, 1701. She married Rev. John Eells, pastor in New Canaan, Conn. She died May 8, 1736, in New Canaan. Husband was a graduate of Yale, 1724. From the early history of Milford we learn that he preached the first sermon that was delivered in the new meeting house there. No further record. 47. Mary, born April 9, 1706. She married John Smith. FIFTH GENERATION. 34. Children of John and Martha (Burwell) Beard. 48. John, baptized Dec. -28, 1729. He married Abigail, daughter of Elder George and Abigail (Law) Clark, in 1753. He was a justice of peace and called Esquire Beard. His death was caused by his lifting too hard at a cart wheel to help the team into the barn with a load of hay. He left a good property, his son, Ephraim, having the most, but the widow lived with John, a younger son, . after his marriage. He died July 7, 1761. His gravestone is in the Milford cemetery. FIFTH GENERATION. 1 7 35. Children of Joseph and Sarah (Piatt) Beard. 49. Sarah, born June 9, 1738. She married Abraham, son of Charles Baldwin. She died Nov. 27, 1780. Husband born Feb. 18, 1733-4, in Milford, Conn. Husband died 1823, "aged considerably over eighty." He was a tailor in Milford. 50. Abigail, born April 21, 1740. She married John, son of Rev. Jonathan and Abigail (Beard) Arnold. (See 24). Husband died Aug. 15, 1783. No children. They are buried in the Milford cemetery. 51. Mary, born Feb. 26, 1743. She married Timothy Camber, of Water- bury, Conn. No children. 52. Joseph, born July 6, 1751. He died Aug. 30, 1751. He and his mother died on the same day, and the inscription on the tombstone tells that they are buried together. % > . • 38. Children of Benjamin and Abigail (Clark) Beard. 53. Abigail, born 1750. She married Joshua Baldwin. She died March 29, 1832. Husband born Dec. 14, 1726. Husband died Dec. 21, 1821. 54. Andrew, born March 9, 1752. He married Susan, daughter of Joseph Rogers, Nov. 30, 1779. He died Jan. 3, 1838. Wife born June 13, 1759. Wife died June 5, 1841. He fought in the Revolutionary War. They are buried in the Milford cemetery. 55. Sarah, 56. Mary, 57. Ann. No further record of these three daughters. 58. David, born June 7, 1762. He fought in the Revolutionary War. In 1788 he removed to New Milford, Conn. He married (1) Polly, daughter of John Comstock, March 30, 1790. Wife born Nov. 1, 1769. Wife died March 8, T812. He married (2) Sarah, daughter of Rev. Daniel Hine, April 24, 1814. No children. Wife died March 11, 1861. =;9 Comfort, born April 22, 1764. She married Benajah Nettleton, Dec. 9, 1789. She died 1848. 40. Children of Enoch and Deborah (Beard) Davis. 60. Samuel Beard, born 1734. He married Rebekah . He died Sept. 29, 1779. No further record. 41. Children of James and Joanna (Walker) Beard. 61. David, born Oct. 28, 1725, in Long Hill, Huntington, Conn. He was known as Deacon David Beard. He lived in Isinglass, Hunting- . ton. He fought in the Revolutionary War. He married Anne . He died March 30, 1812. Wife born 1724. Wife died Nov. 3, 1776, in Ripton. 62. James, born Aug. 28, 1728. He was a graduate of the College of New Jersey, 1750, received the degree of M. A. at Yale, 1754, became a lawyer and lived in Derby, Conn., on Holbrook's Hill. He was a deputy from Derbv, May, 1777; May and October, 1779; October, 1785, and May, 1786. He fought in the Revolutionary War in i8 BEARD GENEALOGY. Capt. Holbrook's company, under the command of Nathan Smith. For many years he was a judge of the Court of Common Pleas for New Haven county. He married (i) Ruth, daughter of David and Elizabeth Holbrook, Oct. 31, 1754. He married (2) Mrs. Hobart, of Guilford, Conn., Dec. 29, 1781. No children. He died 1812 in Trumbull, Conn. 63. Sarah, born Feb. 10, 1730. She married Zechariah Blackman and lived in New Haven, Conn. Husband born 1753. Husband died April 23, 1835. No further record. 64. Samuel, born July 22, 1734, in Long Hill, Huntington, Conn. He was known as Deacon Samuel Beard. He lived in Huntington. Ser- geant Beard fought in the Revolutionary War in Capt. Birdsey's company and was also a private in the Connecticut militia during the War of 1812, under Commander William Edwards. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Deacon Moses Wheeler, of Stratford, Conn., 1757. He died April 4, 1816. Wife born 1740. Wife died Nov. 17, 1815. 6v Eunice. 42. Children of Nathan and Sarah (Smith) Beard. 66. Sarah, born Feb. 12, 1730. She married Henry Garlick. record. 67. Samuel, born July 5, 1734. 68. Nathan, born Feb. 22, 1742. 69. Azariah, married Thankful . No further 70. Dolly, married Whitmore Beardslee, March 2, 1780. No further record. 43. Children of Israel and Abigail (Beard) Woodward. 71. Nathan, born 1732. He married (1) Sarah Hickox. He married (2) Eunice Painter, July 1, 1773. He died aged 91 years. 72. Anna, born 1733. She married Wait Scott, '1752. They had nine children. J2>. Abel, born April 1, 1736. He married Lucy Atwood, March 20, 1765. He died aged 85 years. 74. Abigail, died in infancy. 75. Israel, born March 17, 1740. He married Abigail Stoddard, Oct. 28, 1765. He died aged 75 years. They had five children. 76. John, born 1741. He married Lydia Trobridge. He died aged 75 years. They had five children. 77. Asa, born 1743. He died aged 85 years. 78. Eunice, born 1746. She married Asa Curtiss, Oct. 9, 1765. She died aged 78 years. They had eight children. 79. Elijah, born June 21, 1747. He married Marjorie Hickox. He died aged 93 years. They had six children. 80. Samuel, born Oct. 25, T750. He married Polly Griswold, Feb. 10, 1782. They had eight children. No further record of this Woodward family. FIFTH GENERATION. IO, 44. Children of George and Mary ( ) Beard. 81. Timothy, baptized February, 1746. 82. Gideon, baptized July, 1747. He lived where Capt. Crofut lived in Huntington, Conn. 83. Jeremiah, baptized March, 1750. He married Phebe Riggs, Aug. 14, 1785. 84. Charles, married Sarah Ann Clark, April 13, 1788. No further record of this Beard family. 47. Children of John and Mary (Beard) Smith. 85. Mary, born July 16, 1731. She married John Gibb. She died Oct. 21, 1769. 86. Beard, born Nov. 24, 1733. He died March 25, 1736. 87. Mehetable, born Sept. 8, 1735. 88. Beard Still, born Nov. 12, 1737. He died July 28, 1750. 89. John, born July 8, 1740. 90. Amniel, born May 31, 1745. He died July 21, 1750. No further record of this Smith family. SIXTH GENERATION. 48. Children of John and Abigail (Clark) Beard. 91. John, born September, 1754. He died Aug. 14, 1756. 92. Ephraim, born August, 1756. 93. Martha, born May, 1758. She died Sept. 1, 1788. 94. John, born 1760. He evaded the efforts of his guardian, who was an uncle on his mother's side, to have him educated at college, or learn a trade by enlisting for the king's army in the fort at New Haven, Conn. He was a member of the White Button company at the time of the Revolution. He married Ann, daughter of Barsillai Benjamin. He died, 1861, in Illinois. 95. Abigail, born December, 1761. She died Sept. 11, 1787. 49. Children of Abraham and Sarah (Beard) Baldwin. The follow- ing children are entered in his family record in his account book. 96. Sarah, born Dec. 23, 1769. She was buried Dec. 20, 1770. 97. Beard, born June 9. 1771. He married Sybil . She was born 1777. They had eleven children, Elijah, Charles, Amy, Joseph Beard, Mary, Comfort, William Clark, Abigail Ann, Abraham, Sybil Elizabeth, and Nathan Andrew. 98. Sarah, born Jan. 26, 1773. She died about 1823, unmarried. 99. Comfort, born Nov. 27, 1774. She died July 25, 1807, Unmarried. 100. Mary, born Jan. 31, 1778. She was living unmarried in 1818. 701. Abigail, born November, 1780. She was living unmarried in 1818. No further record of this Baldwin family. 20 BEARD GENEALOGY. 53. Children of Joshua and Abigail (Beard) Baldwin. 102. Hezekiah, born 1775. 103. Mary, born 1779. She died Dec. 19, 1867. 104. Abigail, married Joseph Fowler. 105. Elizabeth, married Joel Hine. 106. Sarah, married Samuel Tibbals. 107. Elijah, born June. 1789. He was a graduate of Yale, 1812, and was a minister. He died June, 1819, in Derby, unmarried. No further record of this Baldwin family. 54. Children of Andrew and Susan (Rogers) Beard. 108. Sally, born Nov. 29, 1781. She married Samuel Baldwin, Oct. 6, 1802. She died May 4, 1862. 109. Andrew, born Dec. 12, 1784. He died Sept. 6, 1785. no. Andrew, born June 12, 1786. He was called Colonel Andrew Beard. He married Nancy Camp, Jan. 2, 181 1. He died Feb. 12, 1826. Wife born Nov. 15, 1787. Wife died Nov. 15, 1882. in. Benjamin, born Sept. 25, 1788. He died June 12, 1876. 112. Susan, born Aug. 30, 1790. She married William Smith, Nov. 19, 1812. She died Dec. 28, 1876. Husband born 1792. Husband died Nov. 14, 1862. 113. Abigail, born Jan. 1, 1793. She died Feb. 2^, 1793. 114. Abigail, born Dec. 31, 1793. She married Samuel Clark. She died March 31, 1866. Husband born 1784. Husband died June n, 1869. No children. 115. Maria, born July 6, 1796. She married Hezekiah Smith, Dec. 24, 1818. She died Jan. 14, 1864. Husband born March 2, 1795. Husband died April 1, 1874. 116. David, born June 18, 1798. He died Feb. 2y, 1879, unmarried. 117. Joseph, born May 18, 1800. He married Mary Ann, daughter of Heze- kiah Baldwin, May, 1839. He died Oct. 4, 1870. Wife born Sept. 23, 1800. Wife died Feb. 17, 1892. 118. Minerva, born Feb. 28, 1802. She died April 7, 1887, unmarried. 58. Children of David and Polly (Comstock) Beard. 1 19. Homer, born Nov. 28, 1791. He married Phebe, daughter of Jair and Elizabeth Morehouse, June 10, 1841. He died Feb. 23, 1871. Wife born Feb. 2, 1805. Wife died Sept. 10, 1874. No children. 120. Benjamin, born Oct. 28, 179J. He died Feb. 28, 1816, unmarried. I2T. Maria, born April 1, 1797. She died April 15, 1876, unmarried. 122. Minerva, born Sept. 2, 1800. She married Samuel Beebe, son of Ephraim and Lucy Sterling, of New Milford, Conn. Husband born Jan. 30, 1805. Husband died June 12, 1880. T23. Seymour, born March 25, 1805. He died March 5, 1836, unmarried. T24. Eliza, born March 7, 1809. She married Daniel Morehouse, Dec. 24, 1850. She died April 3, 1856. Husband born April 15, 1813. No children. SIXTH GENERATION. 21 59. Children of Benajah and Comfort (Beard) Nettleton. 125. William, born Sept. 24, 1790. 126. Abigail, born Nov. 6, 1791. 127. ' Seman, born Dec. 22, 1793. 128. Hezekiah, born Oct. 10, 1796. 129. Joseph, born March 9, 1798. 130. Anna, born Sept. 22, 1801. 131. Edward, born March 17, 1804. 132. Charles A., born Sept. i, 1807. No further record of this Nettleton family. 61. Children of David and Anne ( ) Beard. 133. David, born June 7, 1755. in Huntington, Conn. He married (1) Polly (or Mercy), daughter of Capt. Beach and Charity (Shelton) Tom- linson, June 21, 1789.' Wife died July 28, 1793, aged 31 years. He married (2) Ruth, daughter of James and Ruth (Holbrook) Beard, in 1795. (See 141). In 1834, he moved to Pompey, N. Y., with his son, David, and died there. 134. Sarah, born 1757. She married Zechariah Blackman, of Oronoque, Stratford, Conn., July. 1791. She was his second wife. Husband born 1753. Husband died April 23. 1835. 135. Ebenezar, born April, 1759. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. He lived in Isinglass, Conn. He married Anne Thompson, Sept. 2/1, 1785. He died Feb. 14, 1809. Wife born 1767. Wife died July 7, 1807. 136. Anna, born June 25, 1761. She married (1) David Curtiss of Strat- ford, Conn., June 15, 1780. She married (2) James Blakeman, of Oronoque, Stratford, Conn., May, 1784. She was his second wife. She died Jan. 5, 1843. Husband born April 6, 1747. Husband died May 7. 1835- 137. Samuel Buckingham, born 1764. He died Oct. 20, 1776. 138. Mary, born 1766. She died Nov. 8, 1776. 62. Children of James and Ruth (Holbrook) Beard. 139. Amelia, born March 21, 1756. She married Levi Tomlinson, of Derby, Conn., Dec. 29, 1774. She died April 8, 1832. Husband born Feb. 15, 1752. Husband died March 4, 1831. 140. Samuel, born October. 1757. He died Jan. 7, 1758. 141. Ruth, baptized July 22, 1759. She married David Beard. (See 133). 142. Lucy, baptized Oct. 24, 1762. She married Rev. Daniel Tomlinson^ brother of Levi, Nov. 23, 1786. She died Sept. 6, 183 1. Husband born May 20, 1759, in Derby, Conn. He was a graduate of Yale, 1781, and was a pastor in Oakham, Mass., 1786-1842. He died Oct. 29, 1842, in Oakham. 143. James, born July 25, 1765, in Derby, Conn. He married Harriet Wolcott, of Hartford, Conn., Feb. 10, 1811. She was a niece of Governor Wolcott. He was a sea captain all his life, sailed the 22 BEARD GENEALOGY. Atlantic and afterwards the Great Lakes. He built a house near the old Episcopal church in Derby. During the latter part of his life his residence was in Painesville, Ohio. He died November, 1824. Wife born 1788. Wife died 1876. 144. Daniel, born 1767. He married Betsey, daughter of Dr. Spenser Field, of Oakham, Mass., Oct. 5, 1798. He was a physician in West Brookfield, Mass., in Trumbull and Stratford, Conn. He died Oct. 26, 1815, in Stratford. Wife born 1779. Wife died Aug. 26, 1833, in Norwalk, Conn. 145. David, born June 13, 1770, in Derby, Conn. He married Eliza Chapin, Nov. 1, 1812. He was a commissary in the War of 1812 and was in the army at Detroit when Hull was defeated. He died Nov. 3, 1838, in Buffalo, N. Y. Wife born Jan. 11, 1790, in Kinderbrook, N. Y. Wife died March, 1852. 146. Elizabeth, baptized March 9, 1772. She died unmarried. 147. William, baptized May 23, 1775. He received his academical education at Leicester Academy, Worcester, Mass., and studied medicine with his brother, Daniel, then a practitioner in Brookfield, Mass. Im- mediately after the completion of his medical studies or course of reading, in 1799, he commenced the practice of medicine in Reading, Mass. Soon after his second marriage he moved to Lanesboro, Mass., and there pursued the business of his profession until 1820, when a bad state of health obliged him to relinquish almost wholly the practice of medicine. He removed to Hinsdale and devoted the most of his time to agricultural pursuits. In 1823, he purchased a farm in Washington, on which he lived until 1831, when he went to Otis, Mass., where he devoted his time principally to his pro- fession. "As a scientific man, a learned physician, a rare scholar, I need not speak, they are familiar to you all. He became early attached to the Episcopal church in his native town, Derby, under the ministry of the late Rev. Richard Mansfield, D. D. He was baptized in infancy, and in 1800 received the apostolic rite of con- firmation from the Rt. Rev. Bishop Jarvil, at Derby, Conn. He has been a communicant in the Episcopal church 54 years. On the 27th of March, 1837, he was elected to the office of Junior Warden of St. Paul's church, Otis, to which office he has been annually elected to the present year." (Written by Lester Tilley, who was probably rector of St. Paul's church, Otis, Mass.) He married (1) Abigail Blakeslee, of Derby, Conn., Dec. 13, 1801. She died 1802, in Reading, Mass. He married (2) Hannah Farnum, of Lanesboro, Mass., Nov. 5, 1803. Wife died April 21, 1856. He died Feb. 5, T854, in Otis, Mass. No children. 64. Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Beard. All born in Huntington, Conn. 148. Lavinia, born Dec. 19, 1760. She married (1) Lewis Judson, of Huntington, Conn., June 25, 1780. They had two children. She married (2) Lemuel Wooster, of Litchfield, Conn., June 25, 1790. They had seven children — Lewis, Anna, Rebecca, Judson, Lyman, Harriet and Fannie. She died Nov. 23, 1830, in Litchfield, Conn. No further record. 149. Rebecca, born March 19, T763. She married Joseph Smith, Feb. 10, T788. She died June, 1807, in Torrington, Conn. They had nine children. No further record. •*^»T m ^-■iv ;r *";.:. ^jfii bHbwihg piece rting to.be a c^oWecV^ccount of the cele w 4th of July? in the town of Huntington, "appeals! in'the Republican Farmer :-*» - " ....... • -lit _ '^ * * Huntington, |li| 1864. f 1 ^^he day IE] ^ MM ^epnblican.siis^'^cord ijfJ'gjpS^^to^ » 3t.^Xhe &ift^^@B^BijaWWr^*umble^ Ephraim Woofter, on of theii:.^^|r:4iiiC£5.if6ap;fneaked a^gy.?'* .ce'jtnov. r fi'^l«r^%f--t6e \a'me Vif P oufal-fkeet, | tire conies 6f die' toWm on which the chees^ -? i^gjays of the fup.ljut faintly fhines, and,' in^thatf ^retreat, performed their bacchanalian orgiesJ| ii^tfieionli^pyJi^J^rt of republican cannon The jftenwWiij^&y^^ufpicious day was fpent b; feftive and rational map: ank, underft'a difbharge of artillery.' " Luxury crowned the board; win?; fparkled in the flowing bowl ; harmony charmed. fhe " \he"'~r^p6Blican^ jn -a truly fei ~"~n~er feighfeen toaits were drs the above -mentioned publication, lb the public, and. particularly to the ^^^^ of Huntington ; do certify, that we .Have g. jfjK&nse, that <|?phj3kGUR Judso*,' -^Dr. Willi. a at "^^on, and PhIlo A .NDRUg J *Efq. were the au- . ■ (Signed^a*^ * '• ., *£g& Jbfeph WoDfter, T^Jofeph Bircfe; ^..Jg$& Joel BcarH", > % - Silas Yfh$d$:?&? William Hawle^ ^.vRobett ^ejjg;^ l^Jary Blackmah, ,. \ Nathan Woofter> ''J^fci}. J®{9">U J,-, Adam Raffirif «?» ^- Lemuel - Jugfcpi, \jB5alm0rine Judd, ~ - . H *>/ * ' rWhe^^j^fc^^'wasprefenr^^Mri-Ofborrre oyfcnv ~ d,- thaf^^^B^^Sfc^miblifh it that wee^^f jjr ivaoit oi Scm, Th^|iei?riSl«rW who handed ,jtJ^ptlbik : Ti1on,->-< epliedythat urilefs he would engage to publifh if^fere "re emeu's Meeting, he would procure it to fee J-nfe^.c^^j ' the NewrEogland Republican,., fo pre^nt tljM^pfJ* mepf6mifed,unconditionaily, that it itioukt ap^RfT" -%3 Jjwiar ederalifts, belon^ag'toHuntington, drew up andlifcund that ifhe publifhed it this weekyhis party would- 'following correction* "which was handed' torOQt hj^^trme toanfwer it before Freemen'slvleeting: of the <■• Farmer" for publication : ""■-.„^Now the plain Engliih of this i&^^houj^ -* %-'K^^^' 'huntisgton, AUG. 17,1804. j|ublifhed a number of falfehoods, we wi'l ,^ ^flfSt of the « republican farmer," • [them .until they have had their effea ; but OBSMVIKG ft.T?anonymous Piece, publifhed in the iWev'ent you from publifhing 90 d RWWF'n Farmer," No. 38, giving a description offSrorxtift to do it, the weefci^fre F c ccle^atiodg the 4th of July, by the Republicans^ t j, at) though wc do n(£ jBtend of the town offfuntington; and likewife.fome obfer---l£i veSj it will be too late for yW to* ?ations rcfpe&ing the ' conduft oi the Federalists tellingjone more lie, we will-prevent the „ .,■011 that day 1 and believing that (as the ^tor of a | V7h}ch W e have already publifhj>d, from being^ntra 1 - > -iilV-fpnper) you would I not knowingly, publifh an erro- Med, unt il the purpofe, is arrfwere^Twhich we fab- ' ncmis itatemeht,«y<%L3rc requefted to publifh the fol- | r f C ated them.". '^W"^ ■ <'J^r': lowing CerJ We the ricated them. Th^s Ofborne, Fellojv-Gfl^es^ .is fhe Editor of |he ncd certify, That the piece publifh- Republican Farmer ; and is employed For the -ptlfpjE)f|. ^ ^w^^f?i a -►j in ^h: R^p^^l^n Farmer," "No. 3S,*ptfrporting to be .of^iying eorreft information to thol^ublic upoa-fh^ cqatairis |hat fame little infigniffcanf fcoundrel wha^ft' f > ,«f--. '.Kip "ien charged the Federalifts with falfeHoo^^i ..This'lfs fo'oftA the RepublkaM ^>f the' town of Huniingt^n;, rainy n.(aifto6g;fal?chbods. it^^'S '"■4jt ) . rro:fl"'" t^ye^inceitors ; ,|f iand laftly, it^isaiot true, that 9 <%c^*uicrikc(l away* to an obfeure^^prner of the town d'gJRh.Tra^ g^ cin^i./-iieaded p-'vm- (by whom is evi- ^ofo,whoafhort time fince^-addi-effing the Federaafls,% " »F" UNCOMMON" Tl^l^ TL'DE ! WHERE WILL YOUR FALSEHOODS E Fellow-Citizens ! Can you any longer giv«.credit ■' the ariftocratic friends pj order lier-l! /. meant u our fechyral neighbours") are defcended Reclaimed, " Miscreant^ -*j._,'* torf^i;e* known here b/^b^itame of Poufal-ftreetj^-4 man. who thus difregardaj)ifi own promife?? W •■ « y>1;ere the chceritag %ays of tfie fun doth but faintly Ian wilfully tell a lie to ac.cofn'plifh the proBigji . u flu ittj^.i there pei Foiled their bacchanalian orgies."' jiefignS of his party? Who, after publifhing falfchooc A^l vve the unjerflf^'cd, ^^ieving.that the authors jias not the candour to retracl them ? ••^_? 1 iftiff !1tP '^* -' : * * -i \v-x_ — ^ - — v SIXTH GENERATION. 2^ 150. Joel, born Aug. 16, 1765. He married (1) Mercy Blackman, Sept. 23, 1787. Wife born July 27, 1765. Wife died March 18, 1829. He married (2) Mrs. Abby Betsey Hawley, June 14, 1829. Wife died 1846. No children. He lived in Long Hill, Huntington, Conn.,, in the house which was built across the road from the original Beard homestead. It was built when he was 18 years old and since his death has been owned by his direct descendants, Oliver G. Beard being the present owner. He died Nov. 15, 1849, in Hunt- ington, Conn. That our ancestors sometimes took a lively interest in politics is evidenced by the account of a Fourth of July celebration printed on the opposite page. Joel Beard's name appears as one of the signers. 151. James, born June 19, 1768. He married (1) Phebe, daughter of Jonah and Sarah (Woodruff) Newton, of Milford, Conn., March 12, ijg7. Wife died Aug. 4, 1821, aged 49 years. He married (2) Mary Ann, daughter of John Ford, in 1826. No children. Wife born 1781. Wife died March 13, 1853. He died Feb. 7, 1855, in Milford, Conn. 152. Elizabeth, born May 17, 1771. She married John Wooster, Jr., of Huntington, Conn., Aug. 24, 1791. She died Oct. 3, 1863, in Clinton, Mich. Husband born Nov. 14, 1768. Husband died Jan. 11, 1826. They lived in Wells Hollow, Huntington. After her husband's death Mrs. Wooster lived with her daughter, Mrs. Chandler, in Michigan. 153. Sarah, born Dec. 13, 1773. She married Stiles, son of John and Mary Curtiss, Oct. 5, 1794. She died July 26, 1862, in Woodbury, Conn. Husband born April 13, 1777. Husband died Jan. 20, 1850, in Woodbury, Conn. 154. Joanna, born April 14, 1776. She married William (Billey) Summers, Nov. 15, 1798. They removed to Woodbury, Conn. She died April 24, 1866. They had seven children — Eli, Mary, Eliza, David, Sarah,. Sheldon and William. No further record. 155. Samuel, born April 16, 1779. He married Articretia, daughter of Ephraim Wooster, Sept. 23, 1804. About 1824, he moved to Oxford, N. Y., and later to Troy, Penn. He died Sept. 24, 1875, in Troy. Wife born Feb. 10, 1784. Wife died Jan. 17, 1855, in Troy. 156. Polly, born Nov. 17, 1783. She married (1) Augustin Beardsley. As- he died away from home there is no definite date of his death. She married (2) Joel Camp, Nov. 16, 1803. No children. He lived in New Preston, Conn. Husband died March, 1842. She married (3) Elijah Sherman, of Woodbury, Conn., Jan. 1, 1850. No children. She died Jan. 25, 1872, in East Troy, Wis. 69. Children of Azariah and Thankful ( ) Beard. 157. Jehoida, born September, 1770. He died Dec. 9, 1773. 158. Hoda, baptized Sept. 7, 1777. 159. Anna, baptized March 24, 1782. 160. Charity, baptized April 25, 1784. No further record of this Beard family. 24- BEARD GENEALOGY. 5E.VLNTH GE.NE.RATION. 94. Children of John and Ann (Benjamin) Beard. 161. Nancy, married (1) Fitch, of New Haven, Conn. They had one son, George. She married (2) David Smith, of Milford, Conn. Xo further record. 162. Poll}', married (1) McNeal. They had two children. She mar- ried (2) Thaddeus Nettleton, of Milford, Conn. No further record. 163. Abb}*, married John Plumb, of Milford, Conn. No children. 164. John, died in infancy. 165. John, died in infancy. 166. Frederick, born Dec. 28, 1794. "Father was' a hard working, indus- trious man ; not rich but had a good living. Lived and died hon- orably." (Written by his son, John Gustavus, to Rev. John Gunn Beard). He married Roxanna Cone, June 2, 1818, in East Haddam, Conn. He died September, i86t, in Edford, Til. Wife born Nov. 4, 1798. Wife died March 16, 1866, in Colorado City, Colo. 108. Children of Samuel and Sally (Beard) Baldwin. 167. Noah, born April 17, 1804. 168. Lavinia, born March 27, 1806. 169. Sally, born Aug. 22, 1807. 170. Sybil C, born Feb. 3, 1810. 171. Samuel, born Jan. 1, 1812. 172. David, born Jan. 1, T814. 173. Susan, born Oct. 21, 1815, and lived only seven days. No further record of this Baldwin family. no. Children of Andrew and Nancy (Camp) Beard. All born in Milford, Conn. Their burial plots are also in the Milford cemetery. 174. Rogers Andrew, born June 18, 181 1. He married Martha, daughter of Hezekiah and Mary Ann Baldwin, Sept. 17. 1833. He died Feb. 28, 1894. Wife born March 3, 181 1. Wife died Dec. 26, 1891. 175. Allen Camp, born Jan. 28, 181 3. He married Abigail Smith, 1840. (See 184). He died Aug. 29, 1897. 176. Addison, born March j, 181$. He married Annie Maria Baldwin, March 15, T837. He died Feb. 16, 1895. Wife born Oct. 20, 1820. Wife died May 19, 1904. 177. George Newton, born 18*7. He married (1) Sarah Peck Glenny, Sept. 30, '8=13. Wife died June 16. t8=*8. No children. He mar- ried (2) Abby Lee Perkins, of St. Louis, Mo. T78. Eleazer Judson, born Aug. 2d, 1819. He married Martha J., daugh- ter of Nelson and Mary Carrington, Oct. 25, 1864. He died Nov. 9, t886. Wife born July 2, T839. She resides on Broad St., Milford, Conn. No children. SEVENTH GENERATION. 2$ George Newton and Eleazer Judson lived in St. Louis, Mo.. Their business was the making of safes and scales. 179. Ira, born Aug. 19, 1821. He married Isabella Orr, daughter of Rev. Peter Hattrick Shaw, of Brooklyn, N. Y., July 3, 1850. He died Feb. 4, 1880, in Brooklyn, N. Y., where they lived. 180. Andrew, born 1824. He married Mary . 112. Children of William and Susan (Beard) Smith. 181. William, born April 10, 1807. He died Oct. 19, 1812. 182. Beard, born Sept. 15, 1815. He married (1) Mary Hine, Oct. 9, 1839. Wife born June 16, 1814. Wife died Feb. 1, 1863. He married (2) Susan Piatt, Dec. 25, 1863. Wife born Aug. 19, 1828. Wife died April 7, 1891. He died Jan. 19, 1885. 183. Susan, born March 31, 1817. She died Dec. 13, 1897. 184. Abigail, born March 22, 1821. She married Allen Camp Beard, May 10, 1840. (See 175). She died June 20, 1870, in Bethany, Conn. 185. Grace Ann, born Feb. 16, 1822. She married Nathan Clark, Jr. She died May 20, 1873. Husband born Oct. 4, 1815. Husband died May 6, 1901. 186. Celia Katherine, born Jan. 14, 7826. She died May 10, 1881. 115. Children of Hezekiah and Maria (Beard) Smith. 187. Minerva, born Jan. 15, 1822. She married Almon Nettleton. No* further record. 188. Dennis, born May 15, 1826. He married Abigail Alicia Beard, June 22, 1863. (See 2)22,). He died 1895. 189. Lucretia, born May 15, 1828. She died Sept. 7, 1870, unmarried. 190. Martha Maria, born May 20, 1833. She married Joel Smith. 191. Hezekiah Prosper, born Feb. 11, 1835. He died Jan. 18, 1863, in the army near Falmouth, Va. 117. Children of Joseph and Mary Ann (Baldwin) Beard. 192. Joseph Treat, born April 19, 1840. He married Alice A. Davis, March 27, 1872. Wife born Feb. 2, 1854. He is a farmer and lives in Milford, Conn. 122. Children of Samuel Beebe and Minerva (Beard) Sterling. 193. Homer, born December, 1829. He died Jan. 14, 1865. 194. Edward, born July 29, 1832. He married Cornelia S. Hine, of Mil- ford, Conn., June 3, 1875. They had one son, Herbert Chester,. born Nov. 1, 1878. 195. Martin, born June 9, 1834. 196. Henry, born Sept. 12, 1836. He died April 20, 1863. 197. Mary Elizabeth, born March 4, 1839. She married Ambrose B. Judy,. Jan. 19, 1879, in Illinois. 198. George, born July 27, 1842. No further record of this Sterling family. 26 BEARD GENEALOGY. 133. Children of David and Polly (Tomlinson) Beard. 199. Unnamed, born May, 1790. Died June 6, 1790. 200. Beach, born May 8. 1791. He married Frances Curtis, March 25, 1816. He died Nov. 1, 1881. Wife born April 15, 1798. Wife died July 24, 1880. Their residence was in Fayetteville, N. Y. 201. Linson, born 1793. He died Aug. 28, 1803. 133. Children of David and Ruth (Beard) Beard. 202. Ruth Maria, born 1796. She married Elsar Cook, of Burton, O., a native of Cheshire. Conn., June 7, 1829. She died March 12, 1871. Hus- band born Aug. 30, 1799. Husband died Oct. 21, 1870. They lived and died in Ohio. 203. Fabian, born May 4, 1798. He was a farmer and lived in Ohio. Of him it was written in one of the letters sent to Rev. John Gunn Beard, "Fabian was born into the world a Christian. Never did a wrong thing. Always most conscientious." He married Alice, daughter of Levi Tomlinson, Nov. 27, 1819. (See 239). He died Feb. 1, 1870, in Iowa. 204. David, born Dec. 1, 1799. He was a farmer and lived in Jamesville, N. Y. He married Eliza Leavenworth, April 7, 1824. He died Nov. 30, 1884. Wife born March 22, 1806, in Roxbury, Conn. Wife died Aug. 1, 1883. 205. James, born May 22, 1801. He was a farmer. He married (1) Phoebe Beardsley, Sept. 24, 1826. Wife born July 22, 1808. Wife died Aug. 1, 1833. He married (2) Caroline Woods, May 19, 1836. Wife born Aug. 16, 1812. Wife died June 9, 1888. He died Aug. 7, 1885. 206. Linson, born 1803. He was a farmer. He married Anna B. Hawley, of Monroe, Conn.. 1830. He died Nov. 14, 1883. Wife born 1809. Wife died Jam 24, 1877. Residence at Cascade, Mich. 134. Children of Zechariah and Sarah (Beard) Blackman. 207. David. 208. Beard, baptized April, 1799. He died July 15, 1875. 209. Elizabeth, married David C. Booth. 210. Ann. No further record of this Blackman family. 135. Children of Ebenezar and Anne (Thompson) Beard. 211. Samuel, baptized June 10, 1787. He died Aug. 22, 1837. at the old homestead in Huntington, being trodden underfoot by oxen. He was unmarried. 212. Ebenezar, born April 4, T789. He married Betsey Piatt, May, 1835. He died Dec. 3, 1842. Wife born March 12, 1806. Wife died March 29, 1897. 213. Pamelia, born August, 1791. She died Sept. 25, 1794. 214. Aaron, born Nov. 24, T793. He married Catherine McEwen, Dec. 29, T817. He died Jan. n, 1853, in Stratford, Conn. Wife born Dec. 7, T792. Wife died April 7, T883. SEVENTH GENERATION. 2/ 215. William, born Feb. 17, 1796. He married (1) Catherine Hawley,. March 17, 1817. Wife born June 1, 1799. Wife died June 1, 1822. He married (2) Sarah Hawley, March 17, 1824. No children. Wife born June 10, 1809. Wife died Nov. 22, 1861. He died Nov. 4, 1870, in Newtown, Conn. All are buried in the Huntington cemetery. 216. Pamelia, born August, 1798. She married John Judson, January, 1818. She died June 20, 1834. Husband died May 17, 1873, aged J J years. Their burial plot is in the Huntington cemetery. 217. Elam, born March 6, 1801. He married (1) Esther Cables, Feb. 15,. 1824. Wife born Aug. 26, 1803. Wife died Sept. 8, 1841. He married (2) Mrs. Minerva Coles, in 1843. Wife born Jan 24, 1808. Wife died April 4, 1882. He died July 8, 1880, in Monroe, Conn. 218 Ely, born Jan 26, 1805. He married Ruth Ann Beach, of Trumbull,. Conn., Nov. 27, 1827. He died April 2, 1887, in Pompey, N. Y. Wife born May 26, 1808. 136. Children of David and Anna (Beard) Curtiss. 219. Polly, born April 22, 1781. No further record. 136. Children of James and Anna (Beard-Curtiss) Blakeman. 220. Eben, born Feb. 28, 1785. He married Sarah Wheeler, 1809. 221. Anna, born Aug. 8, 1787. She died aged 22 years. 222. Ard, born June 23, 1789. He married Melissa Curtiss. 223. Sarah, born Dec. 14, 1791. She married Eben Wheeler. 224. Katy, born Dec. 5, 1794. She married Abijah Lewis. 225. Pamela, born Nov. 3, 1796. She married William Miles. 226. Dolly, born April 28, 1799. She married Alvan Curtiss. 227. Abby, born Sept. 3, 1801. She married Enoch Woodruff. 228. James, born March 29, 1804. He married Cornelia Salmon. 229. Gould, born April 8, 1809, in Oronoque, Stratford, Conn. He mar- ried Harriet Birdsey. He died Oct. 17, 1868. Wife born July 2, 1812. Wife died June 21, 1883. They had nine children: Anson Hawley, born May 23, 1831, married Frances Wheeler Wakelee,. Nov. 9, 1857, and died March 20, 1901 ; Betsey Curtiss, born Oct. 2, 1834, and died July 18,-1879; Phebe Birdsey, born Sept. 13, 1837, married Gideon Wakelee, Nov. 5, 1861, and died May 16, 1888; Selah Gould, born May 23, 1841, and married Cordelia Augusta Wakelee ; Fannie Amelia, born Sept. 10, 1843, and died Feb. 13,. 1867 ; Myra Curtiss, born April 18, 1846, and married Charles C. Wells ; Carlos D., born June 6, 1849, and married Helen Beecher ; Harriet Estelle, born July 12, 1852, and married Stephen Tomlin- son Palmer, Sept. 30, 1874; and Frank Ernest, born Dec. 31, 1857, and married Nellie Elizabeth Beard. (See 838). No further record of this Blakeman family. 139. Children of Levi and Amelia (Beard) Tomlinson. 230. Betsey, born Nov. 30, 1775. She married Eleazer Patchin. No further record. 231. Amelia, born Dec. 3, 1777. She died April 29, 1794. ^8 BEARD GENEALOGY. 232. Ruth, born March n, 1780. She married Chauncey Johnson. She died March 9, 1807. No further record. 233. Deborah, born Nbv. 20, 1782. She married James Herrick. No fur- ther record. 234. Levi, born Feb. 23, 1785. He died Sept. 22, 1794. 235. Lucy, born March 20, 1787. She married Isaac Chatfield. No further record. 236. Phebe, born June 19, 1790. She died May 11, 1794. 237. Urana, born Oct. 28, 1792. She died Oct. 1, 1794. 238. Amelia, born Feb. 23, 1795. She married Myron Hutchinson. She died Feb. 27, 1821. No further record. 239. Alice, born July 11, 1797. She married Fabian Beard. (See 203). 240. Phebe, born June 23, 1799. She married Henry Hewins, July 23, 1818. She died Sept. 20, 185 1. Husband born March 12, 1796, in West Stockbridge, Mass. Husband died Dec. 24, 1876. 241. Eliza, born Dec. 28, 1802. She married Benjamin Mastic. No further record. 142. Children of Daniel and Lucy (Beard) Tomlinson. 242. Daniel, born Oct. 20, 1787. He died Sept. 4, 1810. 243. James, born March 20, 1789. He died Aug. 9, 1792. 244. Fabian, born Jan. 19, 1793. He married Sarah F. Hunter, March 28, 1816. He died Aug. 6, 1885. Wife born Dec. 9, 1794. Wife died March 21, 1879. They had ten children — James, Daniel, John, William, Dolly, Fabian, Jane, Lucy, Maria and Nancy. 245. Lucy, born Feb. 19, 1796. She lived but a short tkne. 246. Lucy Beard, born Jan. 4, 1798. She married (1) Dr. Simon Jacobs, of Oakham, Mass. He died early. She married (2) Rev. Lucius W. Clark. They had two children. Husband died in Middlebury, Vt. She died in New York city. 247. Spencer Field, born Dec. 31, 1801. He died Jan. 28, 1802. 248. Angeline Maria, born June 28, 1803. She died July 14, 1804. No further record of this Tomlinson family. 143. Children of James and Harriet (Wolcott) Beard. 249. James, born May 20, 1812, in Buffalo, N. Y. i !> was an artist and especially known as an animal painter. His studio was at no Fifth Ave., New York city. All his children are artists as well as their father and uncle, William Holbrook. He married Mary Caroline Carter, Aug. 28, 1833, i" Cincinnati, O. Residence in Flushing, L. I. 250. Harriet W., born June 6, 1814, in Painesville, O. She died unmarried. 251. Julia Eliza, born July 2, ]8t6. She married William Blair, Dec. 18, T845. She died Feb. 19, 1881. Husband born Jan. 13, 1815. Hus- band died June 1, 1897. 252. Hannah Ann, born Nov. 7, 1822, in Black River, N. Y. She married William C. Chambers, of Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. \, iS^. She died June 29, T902. Husband died T878. SEVENTH GENERATION. 20, 253. William Holbrook, born April 13, 1824, in Painesville, O. He was an author and a painter and has been called "The American Land- seer." He was a member of the National Academy of Design, being elected in 1862. Residence was in New York city. He mar- ried (t) Flora Johnson, of Buffalo, N. Y., in 1859. Wife born 1827. Wife died the same year that she was married. He married (2) Carrie R. Le Clear, of New York, July 7, 1863. Wife born July 30, 1845. Her address is 176 Richmond Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. He died Feb. 20, 1900. 144. Children of Daniel and Betsey (Field) Beard. 254. Spencer Field, born July 4, 1799, m West Brookfield, Mass. He was a graduate of Amherst, 1824, and of Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1827. He was an agent of the American Board of Commis- sioners for Foreign Missions in Massachusetts and was pastor of churches in Massachusetts and Connecticut. He married (1) Lucy Allen, daughter of Jonas Leonard, of Paxton, Mass., July 26, 1831. Wife born July 30, 1805. Wife died May 23, 1842, in Montville, Conn. He married (2) Mary Ann, daughter of Dr. Ephraim Fel- lows, of Montville, Conn., May, 1842. No children. Wife born March 18, 1808. Wife died Oct. 4, 1891, in Andover, Mass. He died Jan. 8, 1876, in Andover, Mass. 255. Algernon Edwin, born June 11, 1801, in Oakham, Mass. He was a manufacturer in Norwalk, Conn., and was president of the Fair- field County Bank, of Norwalk. Also he was representative in the State Legislature, 1839, '4°. '44, '45 and '50. He married Mary Esther Mallory, of Norwalk, Conn., May 7, 1828. He died May 27, 1870. Wife born June 26, 1804. Wife died Oct. io, 1857. 256. John Frink, born March 6, 1803. He married Lois Ann Wildman, June 12, 1826. He died July 8, 1888. Wife born Nov. 24, 1804. Wife died Jan. 12, 1880. 257. Elizabeth Field, born March 8, 1805. She married William B. Wildman, of Danbury, Conn., Sept. 29, 1829. She died Dec. 15, 1842. Husband born Dec. 8, 1797. Husband died Jan. 15, 1859. 258. Catherine Jane, born Jan. 11, 1808. She married Levi Hopkins, of Hebron, N Y., Oct. 5, 1831. She died Jan. 1, 1885. Husband born April 19, 1807. Husband died Dec. 2, 1874. 259. Isabella Maria, born June 20, 1810. She died November, 1827. 260. William Otis, born Aug. 22, 1812. He married (1) Julia Ann Hoyt, Jan. 4, 1844. Wife born Dec. 20, 1821. Wife died Oct. 20, 1844. He married (2) Julia E. Wilcox, May n, i8d8, in South Norwalk, Conn. Wife born Dec. 9, 1827. Wife died Oct. 23, 1913, in Nor- walk, Conn. He died June 24, 1866, in Philadelphia, Pa. 261. Mary Ann, born March 10, 1816. She married Charles Hendrie. She died Nov. 2, 1850. Husband born Feb. 3, 1814, in Stamford, Conn. Husband died June 21, 1886, in Denver, Colo. They lived in Bur- lington, Iowa. 145. Children of David and Eliza (Chapin) Beard. 262. Parthenia, born Aug. 9, 1813, in Salisbury, Conn. She died Aug. 16, 1846, in Buffalo, N. Y., unmarried. 30 BEARD GENEALOGY. 263. Daniel C, born Nov. 26, 1815, in Bloomfield, N. Y. He married Jeanette Burton, of Buffalo, N. Y., May 2, 1837. He died March 13, 1899, in Buffalo, N. Y. Wife born Feb. 3, 1817, in Winsted, Conn. Wife died June 15, 1908, in Buffalo, N. Y. 264. Eliza R., born June 5, 1817, in Buffalo, N. Y. She married Joel Phelps. She died at St. Catherine's, Ontario, Canada. No children. 265. Lucy Amelia, born Oct. 30, 1819, in Buffalo, N. Y. She married Henry Beach Welton, August, 1852. She died June 19, 1902. Husband born Sept. 27, 1823. Husband died Feb. 9, 1877. They lived in Atlanta, Ga., during the war, then in Hartford, Conn. 266. David, Jr., born Feb. 21, 1822, in Buffalo, N. Y. He died Dec. 10, 1822. 267. Albert Tracv, born Dec. 15, 1824, in Buffalo, N. Y. He died Aug. 5, 1825. 268. David Holbrook, born May 9, 1826, in Buffalo, N. Y. He died Nov. 3, i853- 269. Clara T., born Aug. 3, 1828, in Buffalo, N. Y. She died Feb. 21, 1848. 270. Mary E., born Aug. 20, 1831, in Washington. D. C. She died Aug. 7, 1836, in Buffalo, N. Y. . 150. Children of Joel and Mercy (Blackman) Beard. All born in Huntington, Conn. All, excepting Anna and her husband, are buried in the Long Hill cemetery. 271. Eli, born Oct. 8, 1788. He died May 22, 1799. 272. Sally, born July 3, 1790. She died July 12, 1790. 273. Nancy, born Aug. 2J, 1791. She married Nathan Bennett, Oct. 17, 1810. She died Sept. 23, 1874. Husband born Jan. 4, 1782. He died Dec. 2, 1869. He was a farmer and lived in Long Hill, Hunt- ington. 274. Laura, born Dec. 19, 1793. She died Oct. 14, 1818, unmarried. 275. Lucy, born May 7, 1796. She died May 14, 1870, unmarried. 276. Catherine, born June 4, 1798. She died Feb. 21, 1819, unmarried. The following is a copy of the inscription on her tombstone : Tn Memory of Miss Catherine daughter of Mr. Joel & Mrs. Mercy Beard who died Feb. 21, 1819 aged 20 years Some hearty friend shall drop a tear On our dry bones and say These once were strong as mine appear And mine must be as they. 277. Polly, born Jan. 17, 1801. She married Lucius Gilbert, of Derby, Conn., April 15, 1821. She died Jan. 21, 1880. Husband born May 29, 1790. Husband died Dec. 3, 1859. He was a shoemaker and a farmer and lived in Wells Hollow, Huntington. SEVENTH GENERATION. 3 1 278. Anna, born April 13, 1803. She married George Wells Smedley, of Hinesburgh, Vt, March, 1831. She died July 10, 1881. Husband born December, 1799. Husband died Sept. 5, 1879. They lived most of their lives in Vermont, where he was a farmer, but latterly moved to Williamstown, Mass. 279. Joel, born July 25, 1805. He was a representative in the State Legis- lature, 185.5. He married Maria Chatfield, of Huntington, Conn., May 10, 1830. He died July 30, 1868. Wife born Nov. 1, 1813. Wife died Nov. 17, 1880. They lived in the Beard homestead in Long Hill, Huntington, and he was a farmer. 151. Children of James and Phebe (Newton) Beard. All were born in Milford, Conn., and are buried in the Milford cemetery. 280. Jonah Newton, born Dec. 10, 1797. He married Minerva, daughter of Samuel B. and Catherine (Niles) Gunn, May 1, 1823. He died April 7, 1853. Wife born March 28, 1799. Wife died Dec. 13, 1882. They lived in the Beard homestead in Milford, Conn. 281. James Wheeler, born Oct. 19, 1802. He married Frances Lewis, of Huntington, Conn., Oct. 2, 1853. He died April 10, 1876. Wife born June 6, 1823. Wife died Dec. 26, 1898. 282. Samuel, born June 13, T809. He married Abigail, daughter of Joel Smith, Nov. 13, 1833. He died Feb. 8, 1859. Wife born Sept. 28, 1812. Wife died Feb. 19, 1886. 283. Catherine Phebe, born April 19, 1816. She died April 8, 1863, unmar- ried. 152. Children of John and Elizabeth (Beard) Wooster. 284. Roswell, born Nov. 24, 1792. He married Harriet Francis, July 29, 1823. He died July 31, 1824. Wife born June 3, 1792. They lived in New Orleans, La. No children. 285. Joel, born March 25, 1795. He died July 21, 1829, unmarried. 286. Ephraim, born Oct. 14, 1803. He married Harriet Lewis, Sept. 30, 1833, inAugusta, N. Y. He died Oct. 22, 1886. Wife born April 13, 1813. Wife died July 29, 1889. They lived in Augusta, N. Y. 287. Abby Betsey, born Nov. 29, 1801. She died Aug. 3, 1829, unmarried. 288. Eliza, born Sept. 5, 1806. She married Charles Chandler, March 20, 1833, in Augusta, N. Y. She died Nov. 25, 1881, in Saline, Mich. Husband born Dec. 3, 1805, in Augusta, N. Y. He was a graduate of Hamilton College. He lived in Michigan and was a member of of the Constitutional Convention of 1850, which framed the present State Constitution of Michigan. He was postmaster in Clinton, Mich., at the time of his death. He died March 10, 1871. 153. Children of Stiles and Sarah (Beard) Curtiss. 289. Amzi, born Sept. 14, 1795. He died Nov. 17, 1869, unmarried. 290. John, born July 31, 1797. He married Maria Gilbert, Oct. 18, 1818. He died Feb. 20, 1888. Wife born Oct. 9, 1797. Wife died Feb. 18, 1880. 291. Maria, born Nov. 13, 1800. She married William Graham Moseley, of Southbury, Conn., Nov. 12, 1821, in Woodbury, Conn. She died 32 BEARD GENEALOGY. Oct. 30, T895. Husband born Aug. 6, 1799. Husband died Aug. 15, 1896. They lived in Boston, Mass. 292. Caroline, born May 29. 1802. She married Samuel Smith, of South Britain. Conn. She died Sept. 19, 1846. Husband born Feb. 2, 1804. Husband died Oct. 30, 1856. 293. Harriet, born March 29, 1804. She married Truman Minor, of Wood- bury, Conn., Dec. 18, 1827. She died June 30, 1885. Husband born Oct. 24, 1802. 294. Eliza, born Dec. 29, 1806. She died Sept. 4, 1840, unmarried. 295. Charles, born May 23, 1812. He married (1) Emily A. Lambert, March 14. 1838. Wife died Oct. 20, 1841. He married (2) Mary (Gleason) Goodwin, Aug. 3, 1842. Wife born Sept. 30, 1813. Wife died May 6, 1896. He died Dec. 27, 1872. Thev lived in Cleve- land, O. 296. Henry Stiles, born Feb. 24, 1814. He married Elizabeth Benham, June 10, 1840. He died Oct. 23, 1869. Wife born Nov. 22, 1814. Wife died Nov. 29, 1890. 155. Children of Samuel and Articretia (Wooster) Beard. All born in Huntington, Conn. 297. Juliette, born July 25, 1805. She married John Fred Hopkins, June 10, 1827. She died April 4, 1861, in Troy, Penn. Husband born Jan. 10, 1806, in Derby, Conn. No children. 298. Ephraim Wooster, born May 1, 1807. He was a lawyer in Towanda, Penn. He married Amelia M. Thayer, Dec. 23, 1830. He died March 28, 1864, in Philadelphia, Penn. Wife born Jan. 11, 1812. Wife died Jan. 21, 1864, in Elmira, N. Y. No children. 299. Eli, born Nov. 7, 1808. He intended to enter the ministry and his inability to carry out that plan caused him sore disappointment. He was for many years in the wholesale coffee business in New York, and was a director of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com- pany, of New York. He was succeeded in business by his son, Samuel Shelton Beard. He married (1) Nancy Shelton, Aug. 7, 1833. Wife born Oct. 10. 1810, in Huntington, Conn. Wife died March 2T, T851. He married (2) Emily (Cummings) Hubbell, April 6, 1852. Wife born May 5, 1812. Wife died March, 1894. He died Jan. 10, 1899. They lived in Towanda, Penn. 300. Sylvester Mills, born Dec. 11, 1810. He married Lucy Maria Cum- minsrs, May 18, 1840. He died Dec. 15, 1885. Wife born Sept. 27, 1818. Wife died July 9, 1884. 301. Elvira Adelaide, born Sept. 22, 1812. She married John Marvin Fox, Feb. 17, 1836. She died Feb. 13, 1898. Husband born Nov. 5, 1810. They lived in Towanda, Penn. 302. Elizabeth Ann, born Feb. 13, 1816. She married Alvan Stephens, Sept. 30, 1834. She died June 17, 1881. Husband born Aug. 7, 1813, in Oxford, N. Y. Husband died Jan. 13, 1873, in Troy, Penn. After his death his widow lived in Cleveland, O. 303. William Hawley, born April 17, 1817. He married Frances C. Barstow, Dec. 21, 1842. He died July 15, 1865. Wife born Jan. 23, 1815, in Nichols, N. Y. Wife died March 1, 1884. SEVENTH GENERATION. 33 304. Henry Carlos' DeForest, born July 7, 1820. He married Clara B. Burtt, Aug. 29, 1854. He died Oct. 31, 1901. 156. Children of Augustin and Polly (Beard) Beardsley. 305. Clarinda, and 306. Lucinda, were twins, born May 4, 1805. Clarinda married Rufus Clark. No further record. Lucinda married Daniel Banks, of Ridgefield, Conn., Sept. 28, 1835. Husband died March, 1842. 307. Samuel, born April 27, 1818. No further record. LIGHTH GENERATION. 166. Children of Frederick and Roxanna (Cone) Beard. All changed their name to Baird. 308. Mabel Maria, born Feb. 27, 1819, in East Haddam, Conn. She died Aug. 29, 1850, in Alabama, N. Y. 309. Sarah Louise, born Feb. 21, 1821, in East Haddam, Conn. She mar- ried James Wheeler, of Ogden, N. Y., May 12, 1840. She died Aug. 12, 1840, in Penalton, N. Y. 310. John Gustavus, born Aug. 28, 1823, in East Haddam, Conn. He mar- ried Louisa M. Failing, April 26, 1855, in Hamlin, N. Y. Wife born May 27, 1833. 31.1. Frederick Norman, born May 14, 1827, in Bethany, N. Y. He married Carrie Patridge, March 12, 1856, in Attica, N. Y. Wife born July 24, 1832, in Middlebury, N. Y. 312. Solomon Truman, born Nov. 18, 1829, in Orangeville, N. Y. He died May 11, 1831. 313. William Johnson, born May 9, 1832, in Orangeville, N. Y. He married Emma Bixby, Nov. 23, 1856, in Gates, N. Y. No further record. 314. Hannah Elizabeth, born Feb. 13, 1834, in Orangeville, N. Y. She married Joel Roe, 1877, in Colorado Springs, Colo. No children. 315. Rosalthe Louise, born Feb. 2, 1840, in Ogden, N. Y. She married Alfred T. Cone, April 10, 1859, in Genesee, N. Y. Husband died Nov. 30, 1889, in Colorado Springs, Colo. 174. Children of Rogers Andrew and Martha (Baldwin) Beard. All born in MElford, Conn., and their burial plots are in the Milford cemetery. 316. Seymour Rogers, born Sept. 7, 1834. He married (1) Susan Cynthia Baldwin, Dec. 1, 1858. Wife born Aug. 11, 1837. Wife died April 29, 1900, in Aiken, S. C. He married (2) Mrs. Sarah (Griffin) Sears, Nov. 26, 1907. Wife born May 27, 1853. No children. He is a contractor and builder. His address is 211 Coram Ave., Shelton, Conn. 317. Miles Newton, born Jan. 7, 1836. He married Martha Parker, July 5, 1866, in Wilkesbarre, Penn. During the first part of his life he was in the safe business in St. Louis, Mo., then he moved to Milford, Conn., where he was a farmer. He died May 31. 1857. Wife born March 31, 1844, in London, Eng. Wife died Aug. 15, 1910. 34 BEARD GENEALOGY. 318. Charles, born Feb. 3, 1838. He died Dec. 4, 1864. 319. Martha Alice, born March 13, 1841. She married Joseph Wooster Beard, Jan. 23, 1867. (See 520). She died Nov. 11, 1910. 320. Ira Pennington, born Sept. 9, 1842. He married Katherine W. Peck. Nov. 15, 1870. Wife born Dec. 15, 1847. They live in New York city. 321. Gideon Wakelee, born Oct. 10, 1846. He died Jan. 1, 1867. 322. Elizabeth Alfrida, born April 14, 1848. She died May 5, 1881. 175. Children of Allen Camp and Abigail (Smith) Beard. 323. Abigail Alicia, born Sept. 7, 1840. She married Dennis Smith, of Milford, June 22, 1863. (See 188). She died June 10, 1904. 324. Susan Allen, born Sept. 9, 1842. She married (1) William Harlow Lounsbury, of Bethany, Conn., Sept. 8, 1873. She married (2) William Noble. They live in Cheshire, Conn. No children. 325. Marion Cecelia, born Dec. 2, 1844. She married Caleb Smith, of Milford, Conn., Feb. 16, 1865. 326. Son, born May 23, 1847. He died June 20, 1847. 327. Andrew Allen, born May 22, 1848. He married Electa Anzolette Robinson, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1890. He died June 10, 191 1. They had one child, Leroy, who died aged eight months, in Colorado. Mrs. Beard lives in Denver, Colo. 328. Kate Smith, born Sept. 3, 1850. She married Arthur J. Lacey, of Thompsonville, Conn., 1881. Husband born March 25, 185 1. They live in Bethany, Conn. 329. Sarah Maria, born July 14, 1853. She married Zerah Pierpont Beach, of Wallingford, Conn., June 3, 1873. She died Nov. 28, 1896. Hus- band born Nov. 7, 1845. Residence, Wallingford, Conn. 330. Flora Grace, born. Nov. 24, 1855. She married M. Ferdinand Reiner, of Colorado. Husband died Jan. 5, 1908. Address, 13 Hawthorne Place, Milford, Conn. 176. Children of Addison and Annie Maria (Baldwin) Beard. 331. George Harrison, born Aug. 12, 1838. He married (1) Mary Wheeler, of Stratford, Conn., Sept. 28, 1865. No children. He married (2) Emma Coley, March 4, 1889. Wife born Oct. 14, 1852. 332. William Addison, born June 2, 1842. He married Alda Grace Clark, of Milford, Conn., Sept. 28, 1862. (See 359). He died May 19, 1905. They are buried in the Milford cemetery. 333. Herbert Edmond, born Feb. 15, 1844. He married Flora Adelle Bailey, of Derby, Conn., Nov. 2^j, 1867. Wife born July 12, 1849. Address — Milford, Conn. 334. Anna Maria, born June 4, 1849. She died Feb. 22, 1893. She is buried in the Milford cemetery. 335. Elliott Judson, born Aug. 28, 1851. He married Emma Fanshaw, April 15, 1874. He died May 16, 1891. Wife born Jan. 27, 1857. Their burial plot is in the Milford cemetery. EIGHTH GENERATION. 35 177. Children of George Newton and Abby Lee (Perkins) Beard. 336. Harry Lee. 337. May. She married William Garrison. 338. Ida. She married Hoffman. 339. Arthur. 340. Algernon. 341. Edward. He died in infancy. 342. Florence. She died young. No further record of this Beard family. 179. Children of Ira and Isabella Orr (Shaw) Beard. 343. Isabella Shaw, born May 2, 1851. She is living in Brooklyn, N. Y. 344. Ira, Jr., born Oct. 26, 1853. He married Nellie Louise Hobbs, of Phila- delphia, Pa., Sept. 24, 1891. He died March 27, 1900, in Phila- delphia, Pa. Wife born Feb. 1, i860. Wife died Feb. 18, 1899, in Philadelphia, Pa. No children. 345. James Thomas, born Oct. 19, 1855. He was a graduate of the Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, 1874, C. E., E. M., Columbia School of Mines, 1877. Assistant engineer of Brooklyn bridge, 1877-9, Resident division engineer C, B. & Q. R. R., 1880-3. U. S. deputy mineral surveyor, Colo., 1883-5. Mining engineer, 1885-91. Proprietor Iowa Coal Exchange, 1891-6. Associate editor Mines & Minerals & Prin- cipal School of Mines, International Correspondence School, 1896- 191 1. Secretary Iowa State Mine Examining Board, 1888-97. Senior associate editor Coal Age, 191 1 to date. Inventor and author. He married Amelia Elizabeth Lawson, of Omaha, Neb., May 9, 1887. Wife born April 20, i860, in Dekalb, 111. Address — 369 Waverly Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 346. George Rogers, born Aug. 29, 1858. He is living in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is cashier and bookkeeper, Wilber & Hastings, Wholesale Sta- tioners, N. Y. City. 347. Edward Whiting, born Oct. 12, 1861. He died March 29, 1896, in Brooklyn, N. Y., unmarried. 180. Children of Andrew and Mary ( r) Beard. 348. Nancy Cosella. She died aged 20 years. 349. Frank. 350. Vine. 351. Vinnie. She died about 12 years old. No further record of this Beard family. 182. Children of Beard and Mary (Hine) Smith. All born in Mil- ford, Conn. 352. Mary Elizabeth, born Nov. 12, 1840. She died Dec. 7, 1907. 353- William Rogers, born Aug. 30, 1842. 354. Lyndon, born April 11, 1846. 36 BEARD GENEALOGY. 355. Serena Beard, born Oct. 6, 1852. She married (1) Elliott H. Baldwin, of Milford, Conn., May 6, 1880. Husband born July 12, 1838. Hus- band died Nov. 6, 1894. She married (2) Sumner W. Bray, of Dover, Me., Dec. 12, 1906. Xo children. Address — Milford, Conn. 182. Children of Beard and Susan (Piatt) Sir.ith. All b?rn in Mil- ford, Conn. 356. Susan Adelia, born Aug. 18, 1865. She married Charles M. Xettleton, April 6. 1887. Husband born Nov. 23, 1865. Address — 51 Cherry Street, Milford. Conn. 357. Hattie, born July 31, 1868. She married (1) Sherman Smith, of Mil- ford, Conn., May 15. 1887. Husband born July 18, 1866, in Milford, Conn. Husband died Oct. 18, 1902. Xo children. She married (2) Burton S. Hall, of Shelton, Conn., Oct. 19, 1907. Husband born Feb. 26, 1863, in Bethany, Conn. Xo children. Address — 84 Grove Street, Shelton, Conn. 358. Herbert A., born Oct. 16, 1887. 185. Children of Nathan and Grace Ann (Smith) Clark. 359. Alda Grace, born Feb. 15, 1843. She married William Addison Beard, Sept. 28, 1862. (See 332). She died Oct. 22, 1908. 360. Xathan Smith, born April 3, 1846. He married Caroline Mackerness, May 27, 1872. Wife born Oct. 21, 1849, in Luton, Bedfordshire, Ensrland. He has been blind since his youth and is a piano tuner. Address — 47 West Town Street, Milford, Conn. 361. Charles William, born March 5, 1852. He married Sarah Esther Beardsley, May 13, 1874. Wife born February, 1856. Address — 299 Union Ave., West Haven, Conn. 362. George Wilbur, born Oct. 15, 1857. He married Helen Amelia Dicker- man, June 9, t88t. Wife born July 31, 1859. He is a building con- tractor and his address is 344 Sherman Ave., X T ew Haven, Conn. 192. Children of Joseph Treat and Alice A. (Davis) Beard. 363. Xellie Steele, born March 21, 1873. She is a school teacher in Milford, Conn. 364. Ernest Treat, born Nov. 24, 1874. He married Fannie Wakelee, daughter of Lewis Walter and Idella Jane (Crofut) Booth, of Shelton, Conn., Oct. 17, 1899. Wife born Dec. 26, 1874. They reside in Milford, Conn. His business is with Terry Bros., a wholesale house for vegetables and grain, in Bridgeport, Conn. 365. Alice May, born Feb. 19, 1877. She married Frederick Marshall Smith, Xov. 8, 1899. Husband born June 23, 1875. He is a farmer in Milford, Conn. 366. Warren Winfield, born June 9, 1880. He lives at home on the farm. 367. Harold Joseph, born April 5, 1887. He married Grace C. Dolbec, Oct. 30. 1906. Wife born Jan. 26, 1887. EIGHTH GENERATION. 37 200. Children of Beach and Frances (Curtiss) Beard. 368. Beach Curtiss, born March 17, 1817. He married Caroline Hannah Callender, Sept. 24, 18 jo. He died April 22, 1891. Wife born Sept. 22, 1822. Wife died Nov. 2"], 1884. 369. Henry Linsori, born April 7, 18 19. He married Ann Maria Callender, April 23, 1846. He died May 9, 1888. Wife born Sept. 21, 1824. 370. Morris, born March 10, 1821. He married Almira C. Wells, Oct. 8, 1845. Wife born April 24, 1823. 371. Ira, born July 10, 1822. He died May 27, 1844, unmarried. 372. Huntinston, born March 12, 1826. He married Sarah E. Hale, April 6, 1869. Wife born Dec. 2, 1831. No children. 373. Frances, born Dec. 21, 1828. She married Napoleon B. Gardner, May 4, i8j8. She died Tan. 3, 1862. Husband died Nov. 22, 1870. 374. Randolph, born June 24, T831. He married Helen A. Knapp, Sept. 22, 1852. Wife born April 6, 183 1. 375. Ellen, born Sept. 26, 1838. She married Robert Crouse, Aug. 19, 1858. Husband born March 17, 1830. Husband died Dec. 16, 1884. 202. Children of Elsar and Ruth Maria (Beard) Cook. 376. Libbie (Elizabeth), born March 24, 1830. She married Philander Parmelee, May 13, 1868. No children. They resided in Burton, Ohio. 203. Children of Fabian and Alice (Tomlinson) Beard. 377. Martha Ann, born Nov. 16, 1821. She married Seymour Stratton, November, 1841. She died Feb. 10, 1883. They lived in Iroquise, South Dakota. 378. Mary Maria, born Sept. 22, 1826. She died Sept. 7, 1845. 379. Lazarus Tomlinson, born June 16, 1830, in Middlefield, Ohio. He married Mary White, July 27, 1857. 380. David, born July 17, 1833, in Middlefield, Ohio. He married Elizabeth N. Rose, Feb. 5, 1856, in Hambden, O. He removed to Grinell, Iowa, March, 1873. 381. Ruth Elizabeth, born April 23, 1835. She died Feb. 1, 1857. 204. Children of David and Eliza (Leavenworth) Beard. 382. Spencer, born Feb. 4, T830, in Huntington, Conn. He married Mary Cornelia Kershaw, June 5, 1850. Wife born March 17, 183 1, in Eastville, N. Y. They lived in Jamesville, N. Y. 205. Children of James and Phoebe (Beardsley) Beard. 383. David C, born July 27, 1830. He married Eleanor Smith, Aug. 22, 1857. Wife born March 21, 1838. 384. Phebe, born May 27, 1832. She married Austin Sherman, Nov. 30, 1852. Husband born Sept. 16, 1826. Husband died May 17, 1889. 38 BEARD GENEALOGY. 205. Children of James and Caroline (Woods) Beard. 385. Anna Maria, born Feb. 24, 1837. She died April 10, 1857. 386. Betsey Lucinda, born July 7, 1839. She died Aug. 21, 1842. 387. James Mortimer, born March 1, 1841. He died May 7, 1864. 388. Henry Beach, born Jan. 25, 1843. He was a graduate of Yale and was a minister. During the greater part of his life he was in the insurance and real estate business in Minneapolis, Minn. He mar- ried Sarah Rebecca Reid, June 23, 1869. He died July 9. 1915. Wife born May 21, 1846. Address — 2120 Emerson Ave., Min- neapolis, Minn. 389. Samuel Maxwell, born June 5, 1844. He married Mary Reeves, June 5, 1882. 390. Mary Lucinda, born Sept. 6, 1849. She died June 16, 1866. 206. Children of Linson and Anna B. (Hawley) Beard. 391. Edgar, born Jan. 14, 1831, in Connecticut. He married Marilla Williams, of Canada. He was a Methodist minister. He died March 4, 1875. They had two children, Edgar and Minnie. 392. Linson, born Dec. 25, 1833, m Connecticut. He married Sarah Niles, of Maulins, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1867. They had two children, Ella and Gertie. 393. Ann Maria, born May 10, 1835, in New York state. She married Charles Dennison. She died March 11, 1883. They had one child, Carrie. 394. Caroline, born Sept. 15, 1838, in New York state. She married D. P. Aldrich, April 7, 1870. They had one child, Cora. 395. Nelson, born Nov. 18, 1846. He married Carrie Burris. They had one child, Glen. 212. Children of Ebenezar and Betsey (Piatt) Beard. 396. Charles, born May 11, 1836. He married (1) Emily J. Burritt, May 19, 1859. Wife born Aug. 4, 1835. Wife died March 23, 1875. He married (2) Amanda Fahnestock, May 5, 1880. No children. He was a representative from Huntington, 1877. He died March 21, 1912. He lived in Huntington, Conn. 397. Nelson, born July 31, 1837. He died Nov. 13, 1861. 398. William Henry, born May 16, 1839. He died March 13, 1841. 399. Emma E., born July 31, 1841. She married Patrick McDonald, July 4, 1864. She died July 4, 1894. They had two children, Etta B. and Gertrude. 214. Children of Aaron and Catherine (McEwen) Beard. 400. Alfred Henry, born Jan. 30, 1822. He died Dec. 25, 1823. 401. Frances Maria, born Dec. 23, 1823. She died May 5, 1843. 402. Ann E., born July 19, 1819. She married Capt. Loudy H. LaField, Aug. 4, 1844. She died Jan. 13, 1882. Husband born June 10, 1819. Husband died April 1, 1869. EIGHTH GENERATION. 39 215. Children of William and Catherine (Hawley) Beard. 403. Catherine Ann, born Nov. 22, 1818, in Newtown, Conn. She married Alfred N. Sharp, March 20, 1838. She died June 24, 1901. Hus- band born March 30, 1813. Husband died Sept. 1, 1879. 216. Children of John and Pamelia (Beard) Judson. 404. Sarah Ann, born Nov. 29, 1818. She married Gould Tomlinson, Feb. 16, 1841. She died Jan. 15, 1865. Husband born Nov. 22, 1816. Husband died Jan. 21, 1902. 405. Emily Pamelia. She married Moses Wheeler. She died March 2, 1882, aged 55 years. Husband died March 18, 1885, aged 82 years. No further record of this Judson family. 217. Children of Elam and Esther (Cables) Beard. 406. Henry Hanford Baird, (changed spelling of his name to Baird), born Oct. 1, 1825. He married Orphia Charlotte Shepard, Nov. 18, 185 1. He died Sept. 26, 1897. Wife born May 29, 1833. 407. John Judson, born July 19, 1827. He died Jan. 6, 1899, unmarried. 408. Eliza, born Aug. 24, 1829. She married (1) George H. Winton, Nov. 25, 1873. Husband born Sept. 21, 1818. Husband died Sept. 27, T875. No children. She married (2) Andrew Leavenworth W r inton, Dec. 11, 1889. Husband born Nov. 20, 1822. Husband died July 19, 1892. No children. Her address is Stepney Depot, Conn. 409. Julia Ann, born Sept. 20, 1831. She married Everett Stern Sherman, of Ohio, May 21, 1856. She died April 18, 1864. Husband born Jan. 20, 1831. Husband died June 16, 1897. 410. William, born April 9, 1833. He married Emily Edwards, Nov. 12, 1857. He died Aug. 22, 1913. Wife born June 30, 1841. Wife died Dec. 9, 1913. 411. Pamelia, born March 6, 1835. She married Charles Banks Wheeler, Nov. 19, 1851. Husband born April 11, 1821. Husband died Jan. 19, 1901. No children. 412. Sarah Jane, born April 9, 1837. She married Ira Penfield, Oct. 19, 1856. Husband born Oct. 17, 1835. They live in Stepney, Conn. 413. George Harvey, born Aug. 31, 1840. He married Julia Shepard, May 25, 1864. He died July 1, 1876. Wife born May 2, 1843. 217. Children of Elam and Mrs. Minerva (Coles) Beard. 414. Mary Esther, born Feb. 17, 1844. She married Edward Corning, June 5, 1872. Husband born March 19, 1843. 415. Catherine M., born May 3, 1845. She married Clemence Trimble, Feb. 10, 1869. She died Dec. 2, 1901. Husband born March 16, 1836. Husband died Feb. 14, 1898. 416. Frances J., born May 28, 1847. She married Benjamin Hurd, Nov. 18, t868. Husband born June 14, 1845. He is a farmer and his address is Stepney Depot, Conn., R. F. D. 14. 417. Anson H., born Jan. 17, 1849. He died Nov. 28, 1887. 418. Caroline, born December, 1850. She died December, 1852. 40 BEARD GENEALOGY. 419. Caroline D., born Aug. 20, 1852. She married Birdsey Sherman, Oct. 18, 1881. No children. 218. Children of Ely and Ruth Ann (Beach) Beard. 420. Ebenezer, born Oct. 30, 1824, in Trumbull, Conn. He married Helen E. Pratt, Oct. 20, 1852, in Pompey, N. Y. Residence in Denver, Colo. 421. Theodore, born March 10, 1831. in Monroe, Conn. He was a graduate of Hamilton College, 1856. He died May 24, i860, unmarried. 422. Franklin, born Feb. 22, 1834. He died April 21, 1857, unmarried. 423. Pamelia Judson, born April 7, 1837, in Pompey, N. Y. She married Rev. Joseph Emerson Tinker, May 14, 1863. She died May 22, 1900. Husband born Jan. 20, 1833. He was pastor of the Presbyterian church in Rockstream, N. Y., for several years and now lives in Canaan, Conn. 241. Children of Henry and Phebe (Tomlinson) Hewins. 424. William Henry, born Feb. 25, 1819. He married d) Matilda Snyder. They had six children, Amelia, Margaret, Sherman, Augustin, Joseph and Corell Tomlinson. He married (2) and had three children, Henry, Daniel and Phebe. Residence — Newburgh, Ind. 425. Levi Tomlinson, born Sept. 16. 1821. He was a physician. He mar- ried Rachel Fallis. He died July 26, 1873. They had three children, Charles Henr}^, Charles Fallis (a physician in Loda, 111.), and Levi Edwin. 426. Julia Maria, born Oct. 29, 1823. She married James Price. She died April 11, 1858. No further record. 427. Daniel Augustin, born Feb. 14, 1826. He died Nov. 16, 1848, unmar- ried. 428. Phebe Minerva, born June 14, 1828. She married John R. Bowers. She died April 5. 1863. They had five children, John H. (lived in Redwood Falls, Minn.), Charles Levi, Lizzie, Walter Crooks (a physician in La Place, 111.), and William S. 429. Susan Eliza, born May 22, 1830. She married Europe Stryker. She died Nov. 5, 1854. They had three children, Emma Selissa, Rosella Sophrona and Julia Minerva (she married (1) Usal Lusk and (2) James Price). 430. Emeline Sophrona, born Dec. 8, 1833. 431. Laura Melissa, born July 6, 1835. She died Nov. 26, 1835. 432. Charles Storrs, born June 17, 1837. He died Dec. 5, 1851. unmarried. 433- John Seward, born May 6, 1843. He was a writer. He served in the war, entering a& a private and returning as second lieutenant. He married (1) Rose N. McQuiston, April 29. 1875. Wife died Nov. 26, 1877. They had one child, Henry Augustin, born June 1, 1877. He married (2) Emma O. Lamb, May 20, t88o. They had three children. Lester Garfield, born July 15, 1881 ; Mildred Minerva, born March 8, 1885, and Homer Hull, born March 8, 1887, and died Sept. 18, T890. Residence — Ranlin, 111. EIGHTH GENERATION. 4I 249. Children of James and Mary Caroline (Carter) Beard. 434. James Carter, born June 6, 1837, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was admitted to the bar in 1861 and practiced law a short time. He does much work as an illustrator of hiq-h-class books and periodicals, making a specialty of pictures of animals. He is also an author. He mar- ried Martha J. Bray, of Terra Haute, Ind., Dec. 25, 1864. 435- William Henry, born May 4, 1840, in Cincinnati. Ohio. He went into the Civil War at its commencement and fought to the end in the Union army. He was a painter and illustrator, also a writer of verse and prose for the magazines. He was associated with his brother, Daniel Carter, for ten years prior to his death. He died Nov. 16, 1889. 436. Thomas Francis, "Frank,"' born Feb. 6, T842, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He served in the Civil War in the 7th Ohio regiment. From the age of twelve he furnished pictures for all the leading periodicals. When seventeen years old he lectured at Chautauqua, N. Y. For twenty-five years he lectured for lyceums ; his first lecture was entitled "Chalk Talk," from which the name originated. He was a professor of esthetics in Syracuse University, 1881. For some time he took charge of "Judge" and he made many cartoons, some of which became famous. He married Helen Augusta Goodwin, in Painesville, Ohio, May 1, 1867. He died 1900. No children. 437. Daniel Carter, "Dan Beard," born June 21, 1850, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He received his academical education in Covington, Ky. He studied at the Art Student's League, N. Y., 1880-4. He has done illustra- tions' for Harper's, Century, Scribner's, Life, books, etc. He origi- nated and was the instructor of the pioneer class of illustration and teacher of animal drawing at the Woman's School of Applied Design, 1893-1900, supposed to be the first organized class in animal drawing in the world. He edited Recreation, 1905-6, was a mem- ber of the Flushing Board of Education, and of the Queen's Borough Library Board, vice-president of the Mark Twain Library, of Redding, Conn., president of the Society of Illustrators, presi- dent of the Camp Fire Club of America, and national scout com- mander of the Boy Scouts of America. He ori.e-inated and founded the first Boy Scout society from which the English scouts and others were modelled. Recently he discovered Mt. Beard, the peak adjoining Mt. McKinley. He is also an author. He married Beatrice Alice Jackson, of Newtown, L. I., Aug. 15, 1894. Wife born April 16, 1865. No further record. Address — Redding, Conn. 438. Mary Caroline, "Lina," born July 20, 1852, in Cincinnati; Ohio. She was educated at Mrs. Collin's' private school, Covington, Ky., at Wesleyan Academv. Cincinnati, O., and at Dr. Charles West's Brooklyn Heights Seminary. She studied at Cooper Union and the Art Student's League. She is a contributor to magazines and newspapers, and joint author and illustrator of many books with her sister, Adelia Belle. She was the founder of the Good Citi- zenship League, of Flushing, L. I., and was its delegate to the first National Arbitration and Peace Congress, N. Y., 1907, also she was one of the original members of the Equal Franchise Asso- ciation of Flushing, L. I. Address — Flushing, L. I. 439. Adelia Belle, born April t, 1857, in Painesville, Ohio. She was edu- cated at private school. Her childhood was spent in Covington, 42 BEARD GENEALOGY. Ky. Later she went to New York and studied drawing at Cooper Union and the Art Student's League, and portrait painting with Wyat Eaton and Wm. Chase. She is a teacher of drawing and painting. Her first painting was exhibited in the National Academy of Design. She is an illustrator of books and magazines. She was a charter member of the Good Citizenship League of Flushing, L. L, and one of the original members of the Equal Franchise Asso- ciation of Flushing. L. I. She is joint author and illustrator of many books, with her sister, "Lina." Address — Flushing, L. I. 251. Children of William and Julia Eliza (Beard) Blair. 440. Harriet Mary, born Jan. 12, 1847, in Painesville, Ohio. She married Henry Abel, May 20, 1910. She died July 22, 191 1. Husband born April, 1 841. Husband died Nov. 3, 191 1. No children. 441. Frederic William, born Oct. 31, 1848, in Painesville, Ohio. He mar- ried Mira Eliza Vesey. Feb. 9, 1876. He died May 16, 1908. Wife born Aug. 16, 1850. Wife died February, 1906. No children, 442. Caroline Julia, born April 2, 185 1. She married Jared Tyler, Nov. 18, 1873. Husband born Aug. 31, 1847. 443. Robert Franklin, born March 16, 1853. 444. Katherine Ann. born Sept. 9, 1855. 445. Harry Beard, born Jan. 17. 1858. He married Vernie Laffoon, March 5. 1913. Wife born March 5, 1884. Address — Kentridge, Va. 446. Flora Margaretta, born Dec. 11. 1859. Address — Painesville, Ohio. 252. Children of William C. and Hannah Ann (Beard) Chambers. 447. James E., born Oct. 24, 1844. He married Kate Beard LeClear, of New York, April 28, 1881. Wife born July 7, 1855. Wife died April. 1893. 253. Children of William Holbrook and Carrie R. (LeClear) Beard. 448. Wolcott LeClear, born Nov. 10, 1866. He was a graduate of Hobart College, B. S.. 1889. C. E., 1891. For a time he was engaged in irrigation works in Arizona and he was 1st lieutenant of the U. S. volunteer engineers in 1898. He contributed numerous stories to magazines and wrote "Sand and Cactus." He held government positions in Lingayen, province of Pangasinan, as civil engineer, supervisor and head of administrative boards, and commanded an exploring expedition to the Bolivian headquarters at Amazon. He married Gabriella Smyth. June. 1901, in New York. Wife born April 24. 1876. Residence — New York City. 254. Children of Spencer Field and Lucy Allen (Leonard) Beard. 449. Edwin Spencer, born May 15, 1832. in Methuen. Mass. He was a graduate of Yale. 1859, and of Andover Seminary, 1862. He was a pastor in Connecticut. He married Emma M. Bard, of Brooklyn, Conn., June 2. 1884. He died Dec. 25, 1891, in Brooklyn, Conn. Wife died Oct. 29, 1895. No children. 450. Susan Huntington, born F(b. 14. 183J, in Norton, Mass. She mar- ried William Augustus Corinth, of Bridgewater, L. I., Aug. 21, i860. EIGHTH GENERATION. 43 451. William Henry, born April 1, 1836, in Norton, Mass. He was- a minister and a graduate of the Union Theological Seminary, 1865. He married Mary Adelaide, daughter of Abishai Alden and Caro- line (Fellowes) Parker, of Montville, Conn., June 10, 1869. He died Oct. 2, 1896, in South Killingly, Conn. Wife born Aug. 20, 1842. 452. George Miller, born May 8, 1839, in Montville, Conn. He was a graduate of Yale, 1862, and of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., 1866. He was a specialist in nervous diseases and electro-therapeutics. He married Elizabeth Ann, daughter of William i\lden, Dec. 25, 1866. He died Jan. 23, 1883, in New York City. Wife born 1838. Wife died Jan. 31, 1883. 255. Children of Algernon Edwin and Mary Esther (Mallory) Beard. 453. Edwin Lewis, born Feb. 9, 1827. He died Oct. 27, 1835. 454. Isabella Frances, born March 28, 1831, in South Norwalk, Conn. She married James Nail, Jr., of Detroit, Mich., Dec. 18, 1862. She died Feb. 20, 1899, in Detroit, Mich. Husband born April 17, 1828, in Huddersfield, Eng. Husband died Aug. 12, 191 1, in Detroit, Mich. 455. Augustus Field, born May 11, 1833, in South Norwalk, Conn. He was a graduate of Yale, A. B., 1875, and A. M., i860; received the honorary degree of D. D. from Syracuse University, 1870. He was pastor of the Central Congregational Church, Bath, Me., for seven years, of Plymouth Church, Syracuse, N. Y., for fourteen years, and of the American Church, Paris, France, for three years. Since 1886 he has been secretary of the American Missionary Association, New York, and is now secretary and editor of the same. He was a member of the Yale University corporation for several years, and is now a trustee of the Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., Tougaloo University, Mississippi ; Talladega College, Alabama ; Howard University, Washington, D. C, and Piedmont College, Georgia. He has written numerous magazine articles' and pam- phlets on educational topics, and also, while in France, on its religious conditions. He married (1) Eliza Payson Goddard, Aug. 19, 1861, in Portland, Me. Wife born 1835 in Portland, Me. Wife died Jan. 27, 1863. He married (2) Annie Deming Barker, Jan. 2, 1865, in Lewiston, Me. Wife born March 12, 1838. Address — Corner 22d Street and Fourth Ave., New York City. 456. Harriet Elizabeth, born July 5, 1835. She died April 9, 1889. 457. Edward, born Sept. 14, 1837. Residence — South Norwalk, Conn. 256. Children of John Frink and Louis Ann (Wildman) Beard. 458. Edwin Wildman, born June 24, 1827. He died Aug. 8, 1843, unmar- ried. 459. William Spencer, born April 1, 1829. He died Oct. 3, 1848, unmarried. 460. Martha Maria, born Feb. 21, 1833. She married Phillip W. Somers, Feb. 4, 1858. Address — Lebanon, Mo. 461. John Payson, born March 21, 1836. He married Susan Higby, May 9, t86t. No children. 44 BEARD GENEALOGY. 462. Marv Ann, born Sept. 16, 1839. She married Samuel Closson Holley, Oct. 6, 1858. She died Oct. 28, 1897. 463. James Bradley, born April 30, 1842. He married Julia M. Dodge, of Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 29, 1868. Wife born Jan. 14, 1843. 257. Children of William B. and Elizabeth Field (Beard) Wildman. 464. Isabella Beard, born Oct. 15, 1831. She married Mcrris W. Lyon, of Fairfield, Conn., Oct. 3, 1853. She died April 24, 1912. Husband born Sept. 26, 1826. Husband died April 21, 1906. No children. 465. John William, born Aug. 8, 1834. He married Alice L. Rockwell, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1865. He died March 9, 1913. 466. Alfred Nirum, born Dec. 31, 1838. He is president of the City National Bank of Danbury. He married Ellen Watkins Dellicker, Dec. 19, 1867. Wife born March 11, 1847. Address — 324 Main Street, Danbury, Conn. 258. Children of Levi and Catherine Jane (Beard) Hopkins. 467. Mary Elizabeth, born Jan. 15, 1835. She married Dr. Samuel Chap- man, of Philadelphia, Penn., Feb. 26, 1856. Husband born Aug. 29, 1825. He was a graduate of Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., 1850, and from Albany Medical College, 1854. He was a lineal descendant of Robert Chapman, one of the original settlers of Saybrook, Conn. He died June 19, 1876. 468. Levi, Jr., born Aug. 15, 1837. He died Oct. 4, 1837. 260. Children of William Otis and Julia Ann (Hoyt) Beard. 469. Julia Hoyt, born Oct. 9, 1844, in South Norwalk, Conn. She mar- ried Capt. Charles Augustus Frick, Oct. 21, 1869. She died Feb. 19, 1888. Husband born April 2, 1838, in Catawissa, Penn. At the commencement of the Civil War he enlisted in the 17th Illinois infantry and, because the company was full, he entered the band as a musician. Later he became lieutenant in the same company, but was soon made captain of the 9th Iowa cavalry, which position he held during most of the war. Husband died Oct. 17, 1912, in Shelton, Conn., where he lived for several years with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Gordon. They resided in Keithsburg, 111. 260. Children of William Otis and Julia E. (Wilcox) Beard. 470. William Spencer, born May 3T, 18^9, in Norwalk, Conn. Address — Reno, Nevada. 471. Frederick Augustus, born Feb. 19, 1851, in Norwalk, Conn. He died May 24, 1871. 472. George Katchum, born July 29. 1853, in Norwalk, Conn. He married Jane H. Gayle, Oct. 10/1876. He died May 1, 1880. Mrs. Beard's address — Keithsburg, 111. 473. Edward Wilcox, born May 2J, t8s7, in Philadelphia, Penn. Address — The Rough Hat Co., South Norwalk, Conn. 474. Charlotte Wilcox, born Dec. t8 1859, in Philadelohia, Penn. She married George A. Jennings, Oct. 3, 1883. She died Nov. 10, 1910. Husband born April 3, 1850. Address — 50 West Street, South Norwalk, Conn. EIGHTH GENERATION. 45 261. Children cf Charles and Mary Ann (Beard) Hendrie. 475. Charles Francis, born Oct. 26, 1838. in Marietta, O. He mar- ried Sarah C. Adams, Oct. 3, 1866. Address — 741 Washington Street, Denver, Colo. 476. William C, born Feb. 2.A. 1840, in Marietta, O. He married Caroline L. Barlow, Oct. 26, 1887. ajj. Elizabeth Field, born Oct. 24, 1842, in Marietta, O. She married Robert John Cory, Oct. 15, 1868. Husband born April 2, 1844, Husband died April 11, 1912, in Denver, Colo. 478. Edwin Beard, born Jan. 7, 1848, in Burlington, la. He married Marion Curnes, July 3, 1879. Wife born July 4, 1857. 263. Children cf Daniel C. and Jeanette (Burton) Beard. All born in Buffalo, N. Y. 479. Mary C, born Jan. 10, 1839. She married Lieut. George P. Thyng, of the U. S. Army, Sept. 3, 1868. Husband born Sept. 23, 1839, in Laconia, N. H. Husband died Nov. 30, 1876. Mrs. Thyng's address — 307 Fargo Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 480. Georee C, born Feb. 7. 1840. He married Belle Randolph, Nov. 26, 1861. Address — 320 Prospect Street, Beloit, Wis. 481. Philo D., born Nov. 17, 1845. He died May 21, 1898, unmarried. 265. Children of Henry Beach and Lucy Amelia (Beard) Welton. 482. Clara Parthenia, born Oct. 2, i860. Address — 608 Prospect Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. 483. Owen Lowing, born September, 1862. He died 1864. 273. Children of Nathan and Nancy (Beard) Bennett. 484. William Lewis, born July 3, 181 1. He was a farmer. He was chosen representative to the State Legislature several times and was elected senator, 1863 and 1864. He married Mary Benjamin, of Putney, Conn., Nov. 16, 1837. He died Sept. 25, 1871. Wife born May 8, i8to. Wife died Sept. 30, 1881. They lived in Long Hill, Huntington, Conn. 485. Erastus, born April 6, 1813. He died May 9, 1818. 486. Elizabeth, born Sept. 11, 1815. She married Willis Turney, April 26, 1866. She was his second wife. She died Dec. 9, 1899. Husband born Jan. 21, 1803. Husband died June 30, 1879. 487. Lucius, born April 6, 1818. He married Lucinda Higgings, April 24, 1845. He died Feb. 27, 1899. Wife died May 14, 1889. 488. Laura Ann, born June 4, 1821. She married Henry Shelton Wells, Nov. 26, 1857. She died March 4, 19 n. Husband born Sept. 25, 1825. Husband died March 20, 1910. They lived in Wells Hollow, Huntington, Conn. 489. Erastus, born July 28, 1824. He married Martha Washington (Dimon) Bulkley, Nov. 29, 1854. He was chosen representative to the State Legislature, 1872. He died Jan. 3, 1910. Wife born Feb. 22, 1832. Mrs. Bennett's address — Shelton, Conn., R. F. D., No. 8. 4.6 BEARD GENEALOGY. 490. Caroline, and 491. A son, twins, born Aug. 28, 1829. Caroline died Sept. 29, 1896, unmarried. Son died Aug. 30, 1829. 277. Children of Lucius and Polly (Beard) Gilbert. 492. Edward, born March 12, 1822. He died Aug. 7, 1823. 493. Ann Eliza, born Aug. 19, 1824. She married James Webster, Nov. 29, 1853. She died March 15, 1900. Husband born March 18, 1827. Husband died Aug. 2, 191 1. They lived in Wells Hollow, Hunt- ington, Conn. 494. Mary Louisa, born May 18, 1827. She married William Coggswell Wooster, Sept. 22, 1847. She died June 13, 1903. Husband born March 30, 1819. Husband died Aug. 7, 1864. 495- Joel Thomas, born Dec. 2, 1829. He died Sept. 1, 1863. 496. Edward, born Aug. 12, 1832. He married (1) Martha Elizabeth Holmes, Dec. 18, 1857. Wife born July 4, 1827. Wife died May 19, 1865. He married (2) Laura Sophia Lovell, June 10, 1867. Wife born April 20, 1839. He died Jan. 21, 1874. He was a lawyer in New York city. Mrs. Gilbert lives in Plainfield, N. J. 497. Celustus Beard, born Dec. 5, 1843. He died June 1, 1861, unmarried. 278. Children of George Wells and Anna (Beard) Smedley. All born in Hinesburgh, Vt. 498. Ellen Elizabeth, born Jan. 9, 1832. She died May 17, 1904, unmarried. She resided in Williamstown, Mass. 499. Charles Beard, born Feb. 7, 1834. He died March 14, 1866, in Northampton, Mass. 500. Frances Charlotte, born April 13, 1836. She died Jan. 31, 1839, i° Charlotte, Vt. 501. Frederick George, born Oct. 10, 1842. He was a lawyer in New York city. He married Emma Zacharina Miller, Oct. 25, 1871, in New York city. He died Dec. 11, 1907. Wife born Dec. 24, 1847. Mrs. Smedley's address — Williamstown, Mass. 279. Children of Joel and Maria (Chatfield) Beard. 502. William Thomas, born Dec. 5, 1831, in Huntington, Conn. He and his brother, Theodore Edward, erected the first paper mill that was built in the town of Huntington, and manufactured paper for several years under the firm name of W. T. & T. E. Beard. Later he became a farmer. He married Sarah Maria, daughter of Judson and Hannah (Lewis) Shelton, of Huntington, Conn., Oct. 18, 1855 He died Oct. 30, 191 t, in Oronoque, Stratford, Conn. Wife born Oct. 6, 1830. Wife died Sept. 5, 1898. They lived in Huntington, Conn. 503. Theodore Edward, born Dec. 21, 1833, in Huntington, Conn. He and his brother, William Thomas, erected the first paper mill that was built in the town of Huntington and manufactured paper for several years under the firm name of W. T. & T. E. Beard. Latterly he was in the grist and saw mill business in Wells Hollow, Hunt- EIGHTH GENERATION. 47 ington, Conn. He married Julia Ann, daughter of Agur and Levina Stowe (Wood) Wheeler, of Huntington, Conn., Nov. 10, 1857. He died Dec. 9, 1901. Wife born July 23, 1833. Address — Shelton, Conn. 504. James Henry, born Jan. 16, 1839, in Huntington, Conn. In 1868 he erected and occupied as a grocery the first store built in the village of Shelton, Conn. He was honored with many positions of public trust and was representative to the State Legislature, 1883. Lat- terly he was in the real estate and insurance business and in this business he was succeeded by his nephew, Bennett N. Beard. He married (1) Emily Elizabeth, daughter of Ezra and Elizabeth (Wells) Hurd, of Huntington, Conn., Oct. 6, 1868. Wife born July it, 1846. Wife died Jan. 28, 1888. He married (2) Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of James U. and Samantha Blue, of Ohio, Sept. 9. 1889. Wife born Oct. 2, 1862. No children. He died April 17, 1906. No children. 505. Oliver Gould, born Feb. 18, 1842, in Huntington, Conn. He is a farmer and lives in the old Beard homestead. He espoused the prohibition cause in its infancy and has since been run for prac- tically all the offices of the party from constable to governor of the state. He married Nancy Maria, daughter of Nathan Bennett and Phebe Ann (Drew) Nichols, of Huntington, Conn., Jan. 20, 1864. Wife born Jan. 30, 1843. Address — Shelton, Conn. 280. Children of Jonah Newton and Minerva (Gunn) Beard. 506. Elizabeth Wheeler, born Aug. 25, 1824. She married Merwin Andrew, of Orange, Conn., Sept. 19, 1849. She died April 6, 1884. Husband . born Feb. 19, 1825. Husband died Feb. 11, 1873. 507. John Gunn Baird, (he changed the spelling of his name for a youthful fancy), born Nov. 27, 1826. He worked on his father's farm until he was twenty-one, fitting himself for college meanwhile. He was a graduate of Yale, 1852. For three years he taught in Mr. Edward Hall's school in Ellington, Conn. He graduated from Andover Theological Senimary, 1858, and became pastor of ai church in Centerbrook, Conn., where he was ordained and installed, June, 1859. He left there 1866, and removed to Ellington, Conn. He worked on the State Board of Education until the early eighties. Credit is due Mr. Beard for collecting and verifying many of the early iccords of the Beard family, and he was the originator oi this genealogy. He married Eliza, daughter of John and Sophia (Kingsbury) Hall, of Ellington, Conn., June 15, 1859. He died Dec. 22, 1891, in Ellington, Conn. Wife born Feb. 16, 1816. Wife died Feb. 2, 1902, in Ellington, Conn. No children. 508. Catherine Newton, born Aug. 18, 1828. She died unmarried. 509. Martha Miles, born June 20, 1830. She married Owen T. Clark, of Milford, Conn., Dec. 6, 1871. Husband born Nov. 16, 1832. Hus- band died May 8, 1893. No children. Mrs. Clark's address — Broad Street, Milford, Conn. 510. Anna Augusta, born Feb. 12, 1832. She married William Andrew, May 8, 1878. She died Aug. 10. 1892. Husband born May 1, 1813. Husband died Dec. 22, 1887. No children. 48 BEARD GENEALOGY. 511. James Wooster Baird, (changed his name to Baird), born Nov. 28, 1833. He married Martha Frances, daughter of P. W. Bruce, of Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 24, 1872. He died March 19, 1912, in Wash- ington, D. C. Wife born Nov. 17, 1851, in Webster, Mass. Wife died July 8, 1883. 512. Charles Samuel, born Feb. 13, 1836. He married Sarah L., daughter of Alanson and Maria (Gilbert) Smith, Dec. 29, 1864. He died Dec. 4, 191 1. Wife born Aug. 8, 1842, in Hudson, Ohio. He resided in the Beard homestead in Milford, Conn. Mrs. Beard's address — Milford Conn., R. F. D. 513. George William Baird, (he changed the spelling of his name), born Dec. 13, 1839. In 1862 he left Yale College to enter the Union army as private in the First Connecticut Light Battery. He was promoted to Colonel of the Thirty-second Regiment, United States colored troops, in 1864. Thus he was promoted from private to colonel during the war — the only case on record. At the close of the war he entered the regular army. In the battle of Bear Paw Moun- tain he was wounded so he was unable to do active service and he was appointed paymaster of the army. In 1904 he was promoted to Brigadier General and retired. He married Julia Catherine, daugh- ter of Joseph Harris and Julia (Upson) Rogers, July 31, 1866, in Cheshire, Conn. He died Nov. 28, 1906. Wife born Aug. 16, 1842, in Fairhaven, Conn. 514. Emily Joanna, born Jan. 22, 1842. She lives with her sister, Mrs. Clark. 281. Children of James Wheeler and Frances (Lewis) Beard. 515. Catherine Prudden, born Sept. 20, 1854. She married Almon E. Clark, Jan. 17, 1872. Husband born Oct. 13, 1840. Address — 21 Broad Street, Milford, Conn. 516. Maria Piatt, born March 8, 1856. She died March 31, 1890, unmarried. 517. Frances Lewis, born Dec. 10, 1857. She married (1) George W. Merwin, Dec. 23, 1880. Husband born September, 18S9. Husband died March 28, 1887. She married (2) Herman D. Case, Oct. 27, 1892. She died Dec. 3, 1894. 518. Caroline Wheeler, born Jan. 26, i860. She married Frank W. Smith, Jan. 26, 1881. Husband born May 18, 1857. 282. Children of Samuel and Abigail (Smith) Beard. 519. Mary Josephine, born Nov. 3, 1834. She married Merritt Baldwin Clark, Dec. 26, i860. Husband born April 26, 1829. He is a farmer and lives in Milford, Conn. 520. Joseph Wooster, born April 26, 1839. He married Alice Martha, daughter of Rogers A. and Martha (Baldwin) Beard, Jan. 23, 1867. (See 319). He died Dec. 2^, 1910. He lived in Plainville, Conn. 521. Abigail Sophronia, born Aug. 29, 1813. She married Albert Thomas Bishop, Oct. 14, 1871. She died Nov. 4, 1889. No children. 522. Harriet Francelia, born Nov. 18, T846. She died Sept. 13. 1901, unmarried. EIGHTH GENERATION. 49 523. Samuel Herbert, born Aug. 15, 1859. He married Annie Brewster, daughter of Charles William and Sarah (Peck) Miles, Jan. 5, 1881. Wife born Aug. 18, 1861. They live in Reading, Penn. 286. Children of Ephraim and Harriet (Lewis) Wooster. 524. Roswell John, born Oct. 15, 1835. He died June 17, 1836. 525 526 527 528 Henry Lewis, born Dec. 8, 1837. He died Sept. 22, 1848. Joel, born March 8, 1841. He died May 9, 1841. James Wells, born March 22, 1849. He died Sept. 8, 185 1. Charles Chandler, born Jan. 22, 1852. He married Lydia A. Lyman, Nov. 17, 1875. Wife born April 12, 1858. No children. Address — Oriskany Falls, N. Y. 288. Children of Charles and Eliza (Wooster) Chandler. All born in Clinton, Mich. 529. Abigail Eliza, born Sept. 28, 1834. She died Aug. 16, 1835. 530. Samuel Wooster, born March 22, 1836. He died Aug. 30, 1837. 531. Charles, Jr., born April 16, 1838. He was a graduate of Michigan University, 1862, and received the degree of A. M. from, the same university, 1865. Until 1877 he was principal of the Grammar School in Grand Rapids, Mich. He graduated from the Law Department of the Michigan University, 1879, and practiced law until his death. He married Louisa Harwood, daughter of Capt. Thomas W. and Caroline N. White, of Grand Rapids 1 , Mich., 1865. He died Jan. 9, 1905. Wife born Feb. 13, 1838. Wife died March 2 3^ T 9 T 3- No children. He lived in Grand Rapids, Mich. 532. Mary Gleason, born May 12, 1841. She married Capt. Jacob Hicks Stark, Feb. 14, 1867. Husband born Jan. 12, 1827. He served in the Union army in the Civil War. Husband died April 18, 1892. 533. Abigail Eliza, born Nov. 6, 1843. She was postmistress at Clinton, Mich. She died July 16, 1873, unmarried. 534. Samuel Wooster, born July 18, 1847. He was a graduate of Michigan University, 1872, and was a physician in Saline, Mich. He married (1) Mary Ida Kies, of Clinton, Mich., May 8, 1872. Wife died Oct. 24, 1888. He married (2) Mrs. Ida Donaldson, Oct. 30, 1889. Wife born in Saline, Mich. No children. 535- William Lansing, born June 8, 1850. He died March 5, 1853. 290. Children of John and Maria (Gilbert) Curtiss. 536. Sarah. She married Benjamin Russell. 537. Harriet. She married James H. Linsley (see 543), a descendant of Johanna (Beard) Summers (154), Oct. 9, 1849. She died June 22, 1879. Husband born April 18, 1827. Husband died April 7, 1901. No further record of this Curtiss family. 291. Children of William Graham and Maria (Curtiss) Moseley. 538. Maria Curtiss, born Oct. 4, 1822, in Southbury, Conn. She married George Hinman, Nov. 6, 1839, * n Sullivan, Me. She died May 2, 50 BEARD GENEALOGY. 1906, in Boston, Mass. Husband born Nov. 6, 1818, in Sullivan, Me. Husband died April 10, 191 1, in Boston, Mass. 539. Charles William, born May 6, 1824. He died Aug. 20, 1840. 540. John Graham, born Feb. 14, 1833, in Sullivan. Me. He married Mary Augusta Perry, Nov. 6. 1856. Wife born Feb. 12, 1833, in Sullivan, .Me. Wife died April n, 1003, in Boston, Mass. Address — 555 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. 292. Children of Samuel and Caroline (Curtiss) Smith. 541. Stiles C, born March 20. 1831. He married Catherine M. Gleeson, of Bedford. O., Jan. 17, 1855. He died Dec. 7, 1907. Wife born April 22, 1831. 542. Samuel D.. born July 12, 1833. He married Susan M. Hurlburt, of Great Barrington, Mass., Sept. 2/, 1855. He died Feb. 27, i860. Xo further record. 543. Sarah E.. born Feb. 15. 1835. She married James H. Linsley (See 537), Sept. 23, 1880. She was his second wife. Xo children. Ad- dress — Woodbury, Conn. 544. Charles B.. born April 18. 1837. He married (1) Caroline Guthrie, of South Britain, Conn.. May 13, 1858. Wife born Oct. 6. 1840. Wife died Dec. 2, 1882. He married (2) Emily . Xo further record of this marriage. 545. George, born Aug. 15. 1839. He died Jan. 22, 1841. 546. Harriet M.. born X'ov. 15. 1840. She married Colvin Lines, of South Britain, Conn., March 27. 1859. Husband born April 27, 1831. Husband died June 29. 1903. No further record. 547. Caroline D.. born June 27, 1843. She died Oct. 5. 1849. 548. George H.. born Aug. 22, 1846. He married Belle McKay. Wife born in Edinburg, Scotland. June 26, 1855. No further record. 293. Children of Truman and Harriet (Curtiss) Minor. 5_!9. Henry Stiles, born Oct. 1, 1830. He died Oct. 25. 1833. 550. Truman Smith, born Sept. 8, 1832. He married Margaret S. Atwood, Sept. 10, 1862. 551. John Henry, born Dec. 14, 1837. 552. Harriet Eliza, born X'ov. 7. 1843. She married Edward U. Bishop, Nov. 20. 1865. X~o further record of this Minor family. 295. Children of Charles and Emily A. (Lambert) Curtiss. 553. Charles Lambert, born June 24. 1841. He died Aug. 29, 1841. 295. Children of Charles and Mary ( Gleeson-Goodwin) Curtiss. 554. Charles Edmund, born June 9. 1844. He died Jan. 22, 1879, unmarried. 555. Stiles Henry, born May 27. 7846. He was a graduate of Western Reserve University. 1867. He married Lucia Marcia Stair, Sept. 30, 1875. He died April 15, 1899. Wife born July 7. 1853. Mrs. Curtiss' address — 2443 Prospect Ave.. S. E., Cleveland, Ohio. EIGHTH GENERATION. 5 1 556. Anna Maria, born Aug. 28, 1849. She married Thomas Hope Brooks, Sept. 9, 1873. Husband born Oct. 10, 1846. They live in Cleveland, Ohio. 296. Children of Henry Stiles and Elizabeth (Benham) Curtiss. 557. Henry Benham, born Feb. 21, 1842. He died Oct. 19, 1853. 299, Children of Eli and Nancy (Shelton) Beard. 558. Anna Elizabeth, born July 13, 1835, in Towanda, Penn. She married John R. Welles 1 , Oct. 25, 1854, in Brooklyn, N. Y. She died Sept. 11, 1864, in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. Husband born March 15, 1827, in Wyalusing, Penn. He afterwards changed his name to John W. Hollenback. 559. Samuel Shelton, born Oct. 4, 1839, in Troy, Penn. He was associated with his father, Eli Beard, in the wholesale coffee business in New York and succeeded him in that as well as in his connection with the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. He was for many years an active member of the Mendelssohn Glee Club of New York, having a trained voice of rare quality. He married (1) Mary Elizabeth Potter, Feb. 4, 1864, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Wife born Feb. 2J, 1838, in Wilmington, N. C. Wife died Sept. 22, 1884, in Saratoga, N. Y. He married (2) Elizabeth Budington, June 7, 1887, in New York city. She was a daughter of Rev. William Ives Budington, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and widow of Dr. Duncan Willson. Wife died Jan. 19, 1915, in Lakewood, N. J. He died Jan. 11, 1905, in Lakewood, N. J. Residence — Lakewood, N. J. 560. Ephraim Wooster, born Nov. 17, 1842, in Troy, Penn. He died March 7, 1844. 561. Amelia, born Nov. 12, 1844, in Troy, Penn. She married John W. Hollenback, whose first wife was Anna Elizabeth Beard, June 18, 1874, in Suffern, N. Y. Address 1 — 460 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 562. Julia Adelaide, born Nov. 29, 1848, in Troy, Penn. She died Jan. 16, 1887, in Brooklyn, N. Y., unmarried. 299. Children of Eli and Emily (Cummings-Hubbell) Beard. 563. Emily Wells, born March 4, 1855, in Brooklyn, N. Y. She married Jordan Gray Miller, March 4, 1880, in Suffern, N. Y. She died June 11, 191 1, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Husband born Jan. 31, 1850. They resided in Brooklyn, N. Y. 300. Children of Sylvester Mills and Lucy Maria (Cummings) Beard. 564. Sylvester Mills, Jr., born Feb. 6, 1842. He married Hester Emma Truslow, March 9, 1864. He died Oct. 24, 1886. Wife born Nov. 8, 1843. Residence in New York city. 565. Charles Curtiss. He married Charlotte Swan Godwin, June 4, 1873. Wife born Oct. 28, 1853. Residence in Brooklyn, N. Y. 566. William Augustus, born June 9, 1848. He died Jan. 9, 1867, unmarried. 567. Lucy Maria, born March 9, 1852. She married William T. Allen, April 13, 1882. She died 1902. Husband born Aug. 12, 1849. No children. Residence in Brooklyn, N. Y. . . ; 52 BEARD GENEALOGY. 568. Louisa Isabella, born July 12, 1854. She died Feb. 12, 1857. 569. Elizabeth Mills, born May 12, 1856. She died Dec. 12, 1861. 570. Isabel Frances, born Nov. 4, 1857. She married Alfred Bancroft, Jan. 29, 1889. She died Nov. 8, 1889. Husband born July 25, 1854. No children. He lives in Manchester, Eng. 301. Children of John Marvin and Elvira Adelaide (Beard) Fox. 571. Charles Miller, born Oct. 16, 1837, in Towanda, Penn. He died July 18, 1856, unmarried. 572. George Henry, born March 2, 1840. He died unmarried. 302. Children of Alvan and Elizabeth Ann (Beard) Stephens. 573. Henry Alvan, born Jan. 7, 1837. He married (1) Mary May, Jan. 5, i860. He married (2) Sallie Tallmage, July 19, 1888. No children. Residence — Cleveland, Ohio. 574. Samuel Ross, born Feb. 6, 1841. He married Abbie Mix. He died Oct. 11, 1878. No children. 303. Children of William Hawley and Frances C. (Barstow) Beard. 575. William Hawley, born Aug. 30, 1843. He died Aug. 17, 1846. John C, born July 30, 1845. He died Dec. 15, 1847. Walter, born March 6, 1849. He died April 14, 1854. William H., born March 4, 1852. He died May 21, 1887. Frances C, born Dec. 5, 1854. Residence — Nichols, N. Y. 304. Children of Henry Carlos and Clara B. (Burtt) Beard. 580. Elnor Elizabeth, born Nov. 3, 1858. Residence — Athens, Penn. 306. Children of Daniel and Lucinda (Beardsley) Banks. 581. George, born Jan. 25, 1837. He died Sept. 23, 1864, unmarried. 582. Mary, born Nov. 15, 1838. She died unmarried. 583. Daniel, born June 5, 1841. He died unmarried. 576 577 578 579 NINTH GENERATION. 310. Children of John Gustavus and Louisa M. (Failing) Baird. 584. Berton Gustavus, born Feb. 27, 1868, in Greece, N. Y. 585. Helen Pauline, born Oct. 22, 1872, in Alabama, N. Y. 311. Children of Frederick Norman and Carrie (Patridge) Baird 586. Charles Erwin, born Tan. 9, T857, in Edford, Til. He married Ei R. Dull. May 31, 1883, in Hamlet, Ind. 587. William Norman, born March 22, 1863. in Edford, 111. NINTH GENERATION. 53 313. Children of William Johnson and Emma (Bixby) Baird. 588. George Herbert, born March 10, 1858, in Edford, 111. 589. Lillian Glady, born Aug. 15, 1863, in Colorado City, Colo. She married Marcellus Douglass, March 4, 1883, in Colorado Springs, Colo. 590. Frederick Edgar, born June 22, 1865, in Colorado City, Colo. 591. Charles William, born Sept. 9, 1872, in Colorado City, Colo. 592. Jessie Murral, born Nov. n, 1880, in Colorado Springs, Colo. 315. Children of Alfred T. 2nd Rosalthe Lonise (Baird) Cone. 593. Nora Ella, born Oct. 11, i860, in Kansas. She died Dec. 14, 1862. 594. Thurlow Thurston, born June 23, 1862, in Kansas. He died July 7, 1864, in Georgetown, Colo. 595. Matie Lou, born May 22, 1867, in Colorado City, Colo. She married Lincoln Bainter. They had two children. 316. Children of Seymour Rogers and Susan Cynthia (Baldwin) Beard. 596. Nellie Christine, born Jan. 22, i860. She married Dr. Arthur E. Broqra, of Oneida, N. Y., June, 1891. Husband born Oct. 12, 1857, in West Becket, Mass. He was a graduate of Electic Medical College, New York city. Address — 90 Madison Street, Oneida, N. Y. - 597. Alice, born Jan. 5, 1864. She died April 4, 1864. 598. Charles Chauncey, born Jan. 27, 1867. He is a builder. He married Sara Elizabeth Shelton, of Huntington, Conn. Oct. 18, 1899. Wife born Jan. 9, 1870. Address — 22 Kneen St., Shelton, Conn. 599. Susan Isabella, born May 24, 1869. She married Albert Goodrich Clark, June 27, 1906. (See 880.). 600. Clarence Seymour, born Sept. 20, 1871. He died July 14. 1878. 317. Children of Miles Newton and Martha (Parker) Beard. 601. William Rogers, born March 1, 1868. He married Sarah E. Blakeslee, of Stratford, Conn., April 26, 1899. Wife born Feb. 1, 1873. Ad- dress — Stratford, Conn. 602. Miles Northrop, born March 16, ^871. He died Aug. 7, ii 603. Elvira Violet, born Feb. 2^, 1874. She died Aug. 28, 1876. 320. Children cf Ira Pennington and Katherine W. (Peck) Beard. 604. Daisy, born Feb. 2, 1873. 323. Children cf Dennis and Abigail Alicia (Beard) Smith. 605. Allie Maria, born Nov. 13, 1864. She died Feb. 19, 1874. 606. Helen Abigail, born June 16, 1866. She died July 10, 1900. 607. Arthur Dennis, born Aug. 25, 1870. He married Mary J. Bracken, Feb. 6, 1895. Wife born July 4, 1875. Address — Milford, Conn. 54 BEARD GENEALOGY. 608. Bertha Justine, born Feb. 18, 1872. She died Jan. 14, 1 609. Emmons Andrew, born Jan. 1, 1882. Residence — Seattle, Wash. Xo further record of this Smith family. 324. Children of William Harlow and Susan Allen (Beard) Louns- bury. 610. Etta May, born June 6, 1874. She married Hollis Munson, of Bethany, Conn., June 30, 1909 611. Son, born June 8, 1876. He died August, 1877. 612. William Harlow, born Oct. 3, 1879. He married Edith Renslow, 1906. Xo further record of this Lounsbury family. 325. Children of Caleb and Marion Cecelia (Beard) Smith. 613. Lucia Estella, born March 11, 1866. She married Arthur J. Piatt, Feb. 13, 1889. She died March 20, 1896. Husband born Oct. 24, i860. 614. Egbert Livingston, born Aug. 19, 1871. He married Althea Allen, of Hotchkissville, Conn. 615. Caleb Sumner, born Oct. 8, 1875. He married May Fowler, of Mil- ford, Conn., March 5, 1908. Wife born May 6, 1876. 616. Wallace Parker, born Jan. 21, 1877. 617. Mabel Cecelia, born July 2, 1878. She died Nov. 13, 1880. 618. Grace Iola, born Oct. 18, 1880. She married Arthur J. Piatt, Dec. 25, 1900. (See 613). She was his second wife. 619. Elwood W^inthrop, born June 15, 1882. He married Dorothea Bald- win, March 26. 1914. Wife born April 11, 1889. 620. X"elson Carrington, born Oct. 21, 1884. He married Sophie Fowler, May 2, 191 1. Wife born May 20, 1885. 621. Clifford X T orton, born Feb. 9, 1887. He married Mayme Seng- stacken, May 20, 19 14. Wife born Oct. 26, 1887. 622. Charles Allen, born March 21, 1889. 328. Children of Arthur J. and Kate Smith (Beard) Lacey. 623. Mabel Kate, born May 27, t88i. She married Frederick Andrew, of Beacon Falls, Conn., xA.pril 9, 1901. 624. Ethel May, born July 23, 1883. She married Courtland Van Deusen, of Canaan, a Corners, X". Y., Oct. 25, 1906. She died X T ov. 8, 1907. X"o children. They were both student volunteers and he is now a Presbyterian missionary in China. 625. Abigail Lillian, born July 18, 1891. 329. Children of Zerah Pierpont and Sarah Maria (Beard) Beach. 626. Lorenzo Allen, born Feb. 23, 1876. He died July 15, 1914. 627. Flora Celona, born Oct. 5, t88o. She married Curtiss M. Hull, June 20, 1914. Husband born April 23, if 628. Zerah Nathan, born July 16, 1885. NINTH GENERATION. 55 330. Children of M. Ferdinand and Flora Grace (Beard) Reiner. 629. Christine, born Mhy 25, 1892. 630. Victor, born Aug. 15, 1893. 631. Grace, born July 15, 1895. 331. Children of George Harrison and Emma (Coley) Beard. 632. Harry George, born Feb. 7, 1891. He died Feb. 10, 1891. 633. Eva, born July 31, 1892. 332. Children of William Addison and Alda Grace (Clark) Beard. 634. Willie Sherman, born Sept. 23, 1864. He died July 13, 1865. 635. Carrie Isabelle, born April 22, 1866. She married James Hall, April 28, 1891. Husband born September, 1867. Address — Lee Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. 636. Arthur William, born Nov. 17, 1871. He died Feb. 1, 1889. 637. Grace Smith, born June 28, 1874. She died Aug. 29, 1877. 638. Walter Judson, born Sept. 30, 1876. He married May Lucille Nye, Dec. 25, 1900. Wife born April 22, 1876. 639. Lillian Clark, born May 28, 1879. She died Dec. 11, 1879. 640. Roland Addison, born July 2, 1881. He died June 6, 1912. 333. Children of Herbert Edmond and Flora Adelle (Bailey) Beard. 641. Albert Eugene, born April 14, 1870. He married Jennie Diller, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1891. Wife born March 2, 1870. 642. Frederick Herbert, born June 22, 1872. He married Minnie Roberts, Nov. 28, 1895. He died Dec. 26, 1909. Wife born Jan. 13, 1875. No children. Address — Shelton, Conn. 335. Children of Elliott Judson and Emma (Fanshaw) Beard. 643. Luella Fanshaw, born Dec. 6, 1876. She married (1) Albert Boyce, Oct. 29, 1902. Husband died April 29, 1904. She married (2) Dr. William C. Ralston, Sept. 5, 1906. 345. Children of James Thomas and Amelia Elizabeth (Lawson) Beard. 644. James Thomas, Jr., born Nov. 6. 1889. in Burlington, la. He was a graduate of the Scranton High School, 1906, and of Columbia University, A. B., 1910. M. E., 1914. He is an engineer and is connected with the American Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Penn. 645. Howard Iranaeus, born June 17, 1893, in Ottumwa, la. He was a graduate of the Scranton High School, 191 1, and of Pratt Institute, .Steam and Machine Design, 1914. He is assistant superintendent of the Danbury Ball & Roller Bearing Co., Danbury, Conn. He married Caroline Adeline Hawker, of Scranton, Penn., June 19, 1914. $6 BEARD GENEALOGY. 646. Amelia Elizabeth, born Jan. 13, 1896, in Ottumwa, la. She is a graduate of the Scranton High School, 1912, and entered Coucher College, Baltimore, Md., 1913. 355. Children of Elliott H. and Serena Beard (Smith) Baldwin. 647. Raymond Elliott, born Aug. 22, 1881. He married Emma Louise Snow, Dec. 13. 1906. He is engaged in clerical work in Bridgeport, Conn., where he lives. 6_j8. Clarence Beard, born May 21, 1884. He is a graduate of Yale, 1896, and is doing constructional engineering work with the Berlin Construction Co., Berlin Conn. He married Genevieve Smith, May 30, 1906. Residence — Kensington, Conn. 649. Harold Xewell, born Oct. 14, 1885. He married Amelia M'ay Dolbec, April 16, 1910. He operates a seed and vegetable farm in Milford, Conn. 356. Children of Charles M. and Susan Adelaide (Smith) Nettleton. All born in Milford, Conn. 650. Edith Adelia, born July 24, 1888. She married Arthur Jeremiah La Montague, Dec. 30, 1914. 651. Robert, born July 25, 1891. He died April 5, 1892. 652. Helen Harriet, born Dec. 7, 1894. 653. Leroy Albert, born June 14, 1896. 654. Louise Madeline, born Nov. 27, 1900. She died April 25, 1907. 360. Children of Nathan Smith and Caroline (Mackerness) Clark. 655. Herbert Spencer Smith, born Feb. 27, 1873. He married Maud Augusta Shipley, Nov. 28, 1898. Wife born Aug. 15, 1876, in Waterbury, Conn. Address — 47 West Town Street, Milford, Conn. 656. Eva Beatrice, born 1877. She died Jan. 2, 1901. 361. Children of Charles William and Sarah Esther (Beardsley) Clark. Baby died at birth. 657. George Wilbur, born Oct. 2, 1876. 658. Elwocd Russell, born February, 1879. 659. Daisy, born Feb. 17, 1882. She died April 11, 1883. 362. Children of George Wilbur and Helen Amelia (Dickerman) Clark. 660. Mabel Grace, born Aug. 21, 1885. She is a graduate of Xew Haven High School, 1904. 66t. Mildred Helen, born March 8, 1892. She is a graduate of New Haven High School, 19TT, and of Vassar, 1915. 364. Children of Ernest Treat and Fannie Wakelee (Booth) Beard. 662. Howard Booth, born May 26, 1904. NINTH GENERATION. $? 365. ChiMren of Frederick M. and Alice May (Beard) Smith. 663. Russell Davis, born Aug. 29, 1903. He died Jan. 5, 1909. 664. Mildred Jeanette, born Aug. 25, 1905. 665. Helen Christine, born March 25, 1910. 367. Children of Harold Joseph and Grace C. (Dolbec) Beard. 666. Earl Merritt, born Jan. 28, 1908. 667. Florence Louise, born April 25, 191 1. 368. Children of Beach Curtiss and Caroline Hannah (Callender) Beard. 668. Augusta Frances, born July 31, 1841. She married Lewis H. Eaton r June 12, 1861. Husband born July 14, 1838. Husband died Aug. 28, 1881. 669. Ellen M., born Nov. 13, 1842. She died Sept. 15, 1843. 670. Caroline Anna, born June 24, 1845. She married John Orville Evans,. Nov. 5, 1865. Husband born Feb. 7, 1837. Husband died Dec. 25, 1881. No further record. They lived in Washington, D. C. 671. Ira C, born Nov. 12, 1846. He lived in North Carolina. 672. Ida, born July 29, 1848. She married John A. Ecker, Dec. 19, 1872. Husband born April 16, 1847. They lived in Fayetteville, N. Y. 673. Henry Beach, born March 30, 1852. He married Josephine M. Matthews, July 31, 1833. Wife born Sept. 1, 1857. They lived in Fayetteville, N. Y. 369. Children of Henry Linson and Ann Maria (Callender) Beard. 674. Ellen M., born Dec. 22, 1848. She died Aug 19, i860. 675. Frederick C, born Sept. 7, 1850. He married Georgine W. Hall, Dec. 27, 1881. Wife born Dec. 23, 1857. No children. 676. Henry C, born July 15, 1855. He married Nettie C. Hickson. Wife born July 7, 1857. No children. 677. Frank, born July 9, 1858. 370. Children of Morris and Almira C. (Wells) Beard. 678. Laura Amelia, born Aug. 21, 1850. She married Herbert A. Clapp r July 2, 1879. Husband born Dec. 25, 1850. 679. Wells, born April 10, 1862. He married Florence Wilcox, March 29^ 1882. Wife born April 3, i860. 373. Children of Napoleon B. and Frances (Beard) Gardner. 680. Frank Beard, born June 8, 1856. He died Jan. 30, 1872. 374. Children of Randolph and Helen A. (Knapp) Beard. 681. Gertrude L., born May 21, 1854. She married Charles H. Price, Oct. 30, 1873. No children. 58 BEARD GENEALOGY. 682. Minnie A., born May 29, 1856. She married Seth D. Baker, Jan. it, 1877. She died Dec. 29, 1881. 683. Frances A., born April 26, 1858. She died Feb 7, 1874. 684. Robert Huntington, born March 30, 1863. No further record of this Beard family. 375. Children of Robert and Ellen (Beard) Crouse. 685. Florence B., born Oct. 24, 1864. 686. Minnie R., born March 25, 1867. She died Sept. 16, 1867. 687. Ellen Augusta, born Aug. 1, 1868. She died Sept. 14, 1868. 688. Fred Huntington, born Aug. 29, 1872. No further record of this Crouse family. 377. Children of Seymour and Martha Ann (Beard) Stratton. 689. Chauncey Beard, born April 29. 1843. He married Etta Miller, Sept. 29, 1870. 690. Fabian Levi, born March 16, 1853. He married Augusta Douglass, November, 1887. 691. Linson Seymour, born March 2, 1862. He married Carrie Eeffemzer, Dec. 2, 1888. They had one son, Linson Harold, born Aug. 24, 1890. No further record of this Stratton family. 379. Children of Lazarus Tomlinson and Mary (White) Beard. 692. Alice Belle, adopted November, 1869, born Nov. 12, 1867. She mar- ried Robert Johnson, June 16, 1889. No further record. 380. Children of David and Elizabeth N. (Rose) Beard. 693. Rhoda Orrville, born Nov. 26, 1857. She was a graduate of Iowa College, 1882. She married Clinton A. Rand, Dec. 6, 1888. Resi- dence — Salt Lake City, Utah. 694. Lillie Alice, born March 4, 1859. She married Jesse B. Bowers, Nov. 28, 1882. They lived in Alden, Iowa. 695. Alton Rose, born Oct. 14., 1861. He married Alice Matthew, Feb. 24, 1890, in Lincoln, Neb. 696. Florence Adella, born Feb. 13, 1864. She was a graduate of Iowa College, 1884. She married Rev. J. L. Bright, July 17, 1890, in Grinnell, Iowa. At one time they resided in Columbus, O. 697. Elmer Lester, born Aug. 1, 1869. He was a graduate of Iowa Col- lege, 1891. 698. Fabian Emmett, born Sept. 17, 1873. No further record of this Beard family. 382. Children of Spencer and Mary Cornelia (Kershaw) Beard. 699. Clara Cornelia, born March 24, 185 1, in Pompey, N. Y. She married Hurd Levi Curtiss, Dec. 9, 1869. Husband died March 20, 1870. 700. Amelia Matilda, born Sept. 22, 1857. She died March 26, 1862. NINTH GENERATION. 59 701. Edwin Spencer, born Feb. 24, 1863. He married Alice Macracken, Sept. 5, 1883. 383. Children of David C. and Eleanor (Smith) Beard. 702. Joseph Myers, born April 5, 1865. He died Feb. 4, 1868. 384. Children of Austin and Phebe (Beard) Sherman. 703. Homer A., born May 12, 1856. He died Jan. 8, 1859. 704. Wilber B., born March 13, 1861. He married Emma R. Johnson* Sept. 21, 1881. Wife born Dec. 14, i860. 705. Anna C, born Dec. 15, 1864. She married John Benedict, June 23,. 1887. Husband born Aug. 13, 1862. ^388. Children of Henry Beach and Rebecca (Reid) Beard, 706. Harry W., born Aug. 22, 1872. He died Sept. 10, 1872. 707. William S., born March 15, 1874. He married Frances Shattuck, June 12, 1901. Wife born May 24, 1878 He is manager of the Nicollet Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn. Address — 2120 Emerson Ave. r So., Minneapolis, Minn. 708. Minnie B., born April 25, 1883. She married Ernest Jenks, Sept. 13, 1905. She died Oct. 3, 1907. Husband born Feb. 18, 1881. 389. Children of Samuel Maxwell and Mary (Reeves) Beard. 709. Lester, born June 10, 1883. 396. Children of Charles and Emily J. (Burritt) Beard. 710. Nelson K., born May 26, 1862. He married Jennie E. Blackman, Feb. 19, 1885. He died Dec. 13, 1910. Wife born Jan. 28, 1867. Wife died April 1, 1887. 711. Edward L., born July 20, 1867. He married Jennie L. Sherman, Sept. 27, 1890. Wife born Aug. 28, 1867. Wife died July 1, 1907. 712. Frank E., born April 20, 1869. He married Carrie M. Owen, Oct. 29, 1901. Wife born Aug. 12, 1874. 713. Edith C, born May 22, 1871. She married Henry F. Greene, Oct. 24, 1893. -Husband born Nov. 25, 1870. 402. Children of Loudy H. and Ann E. (Beard) LaField. 714. George Henry, born May 6, 1852. He died Nov. 9, 1852. 715. Francis Howard, born June 24, 1846. He married (1) Josie Lewis, Nov. 14, -1871. Wife born Aug. 3, 1850. Wife died June 16, 1874. He married (2) Emma Rudge, Oct. 6, 1876. Wife born Aug. 15, 1856. He died Feb. 6, 1882. 403. Children of Alfred N. and Catherine Ann (Beard) Sharp. 716. Catherine Hawley, born May 12, 1841. She married Alva Parmelee, Dec. 24, 1862. Husband born July 28, 1835. Husband died Jan. 9, 1902. 60 BEARD GENEALOGY. 717. William Beard, born March 16, 1843, in Xewtown, Conn. He mar- ried Louisa Roff. of Danburv, Conn., Jan. 1, 1866. He died March 8, 1896. Wife bom, 1849. Wife died Oct. 17, 1876. 718. Sarah Elizabeth, born Dec. 6, 1848. She married Eleazar Bevans Feb. 5, 1867. Husband born Aug. 9, 1844. 406. Children of Henry Hanford and Orphia Charlotte (Shepard) Baird. 719. John Henry, born March 9. 1858. He married Bertha Grace Car- penter, June 16, 1880. Wife born Dec. 20, 1859. 720. George Shepard, born Feb. 4, i860, in Bethel, Conn. He married Xellie Virginia Brush, of Danbury, Conn., May 8, 1883. He died Oct. 16, 1886. Wife born Oct. 31, 1864. 409. Children of Everrett Stern and Julia Ann (Beard) Sherman. 721. Elam Thompson, born July 21, 1858. He died Jan. 18, i860. 722. Eliza Annette, born Jan. 1, 1861. She died Oct. 18, 1879. 410. Children of William and Emily (Edwards) Beard. 723. George Edwards, born Sept. 19, 1858. He married Cora A. Barnum, Dec. 31, 1885. Wife born June 16, 1857. Address — Bethel, Conn. 724. Theodore Holt, born May 31, 1861. He married Esther A. Keeler, Jan. 17. 1889. He died Jan. 27, 1900. Wife born Nov. 16, 1865. Xo children. 412. Children of Ira and Sarah Jane (Beard) Penfield. 725. Esther Jane, born May 15, 1859. She was a graduate of Mt. Holyoke Colle.ee, 1881. She married Rev. Ernest Linwood Staples, M'arch 30, 1885. Husband born Sept. 10, 1856. He is a Unitarian clergy- man. Address — 38 Columbia Boulevard, Waterbury, Conn. 726. Arthur Ellsworth, born June 8, 1861. He married Annie Farist, April 22, 1886. Wife born March 25, 1864. 727. Florence Pamefia, born Oct. 9, 1867. She married George P. Rice, March 16, 1897. Husband born Aug. 18, 1869. 413. Children of George Harvey and Julia (Shepard) Beard. 728. William Hall, born June 7, 1865. He died May 25, 1891, unmarried. 729. Eliza Smith, born Aug. 1, 1868. She married Amos Starr Schoon- maker. Husband born March 18, 1866. 730. Howard Henry, born April 24, 1871. 414. Children of Edward and Mary Esther (Beard) Corning. 731. Edna May, born May 25, 1874. She died Aug. 5, 1896. 732. Elam Beard, born Sept. 5. 1876. He married Mary Amanda Osborne, Jan. 26, 1902. Wife born Oct. 6, 1877. Wife died March 18, 1907. 733. Benamin H.. born Jan. 25, 1878. He married Jennie Adesta Banks. June 1, 1901. Wife born Sept. 27, 1878. Wife died October, 1912. 734. Mildred Antoinette, born Aug. 23, 1885. NINTH GENERATION. 6l 415. Children of Clemence and Catherine M. (Beard) Trimble. 735. Frederick C, born May 20, 1875. He married Carrie Imogene Perrine, Oct. 29, 1902. \)/ife born July 23, 1876. 736. Anson B., born N^et, 14, 1877. 72,7- Francis M., born Jan. r5>,.i88i. 738. Katie B., born March 13, 1874. She died Nov. 19, 1874. 416. Children of Benjamin and Frances J. (Beard) Hnrd. 739. Samuel Beard, born Jan. 7, 1870. He married Flora Elizabeth Burr, Oct. 26, 1904. Wife born Nov. 24, 1872. 740. Ambrose Shelton, born June 24, 1872. He married Florence Emily Wales, May 22, 1901. Wife born Jan. 10, 1878. 741. Martha Cornelia, born April 6, 1874. She married Mervvin Wheeler Johnson, Oct. 24, 1894. Husband born July 3, 1873. 420. Children of Ebenezar and Helen E. (Pratt) Beard. 742. Theodora Louise, born Dec. 30, 185.5. in Pompey, N. Y. She died May 30, 1889, in Lincolnville, N. Y., unmarried. 423. Children of Joseph Emerson and Pamelia Judson (Beard) Tinker. 743. Theodore Reuben, born Sept. 15, 1867, in Franklinville, N. Y. He died Jan. 26, 1877. 744. Robert Ely, born May 18, T871. He married Cornelia T. Cook, April 11, 1901. Wife born Sept. 9, 1874. 745. Joseph Beard, born April 2, 1873. He married Harriet Estelle Slate, Oct. 13, 1904. Wife born Jan. 28, 1881. 434. Children of James Carter and Martha J. (Bray) Beard. 746. Alice, born July 23, 1867. 747. James Henry, born June 22, 1879, in Brooklyn, N. Y. No further record of this Beard family. 442. Children of Jared and Caroline Julia (Blair) Tyler. 748. Frederic Jared, born June 15, 1875, in Perry, O. He married Harriet Burr, Nov. 4, 1905. Wife born 1873. 749. Florence Julia, born Sept. 15, 1882, in Perry, O. She married Homer Woodworth, Oct. 22, 1902. Husband born 1878. 445. Children of Harry Beard and Vernie (Lafroon) Blair. 750. Anna Katherine, born Jan. 15, 1914. 447 Children of James E. and Kate Beard (LeClear) Chambers. 751. Zadie Caroline LeClear, born Feb. 24, 1882. 62 BEARD GENEALOGY. 448. Children of Wolcott LeClear and Gabriella Smyth (June) Beard. 752. Wolcott LeClear, born June 28, 1905. 753. Eugenie, born Aug. 15, 1908. 450. Children of William Augustus and Susan Huntington (Beard) Corinth. 754 755 756 757 758 Anabel Jerusha, born Aug. 15, 1861. Eliza Miller, born Sept. 25, 1862. She died Oct. I, 1862. Lucy Miller, and William Spencer, were twins, born Feb. 14, 1866. Cornelia Edgar, born March 19, 1870. 451. Children of William Henry and Mary Adelaide (Parker) Beard. 759. William Spencer, born June 9, 1870, in South Killingly, Conn. He was a graduate of Yale, 1894, and of the Theological Seminary, 1897. 760. Edward Chester, born July 11, 1874. in South Killingly, Conn. 761. Morris Lyon, born Jan. 26, 1884, in South Killingly, Conn. 452. Children of George Miller and Elizabeth Ann (Alden) Beard. 762. Edith May, born Jan. 7, 1873, in Brooklyn, N. Y. She died July 26, 1873. 76s. Grace Alden, born Sept. 28, 1874, in Westville, Conn. She was a graduate of Vassar, 1895. 454. Children of James and Isabella Frances (Beard) Nail. 764. Edwin Beard, born Feb. 27, 1866, in Detroit, Mich. He married Fushia M. Case, Oct. 30, 1908, in Detroit, Mich. 765. Mary Winfield, born Aug. 4,-- 1870, in Detroit, Mich. She married George Van Dusen Candler, Oct. 30, 1902. Husband born Nov. 2, 1863, in Detroit, Mich. Address — 2>7 Hendrie Ave., Detroit, Mich. 766. Louis Algernon, born Dec. 6, 1873, in Detroit, Mich. 455. Children of Augustus Field and Eliza Payson (Goddard) Beard. 767. Eliza Isabel, born June 19, 1862, in Cape Elizabeth, Me. 455. Children of Augustus Field and Annie Deming (Barker) Beard. 768. Annie Beatrice, born Dec. 20, 1867, in Bath, Me. 769. Mary Esther, born June 6, 1870, in Syracuse, N. Y. 770. Harriet Elizabeth, born Sept. 4, 1872, in Syracuse, N. Y. 771. Ethel Forrest, and 772. Emma Patten, were twins, born July 19, T878. Ethel died July 31, 1880. NINTH GENERATION. 63 460. Children of Phillip W. and Martha Maria (Beard) Somers. yj2>- George Farnum, born Dec. 19, 1858. He died April 7, 1859. 774. Anna Wildman, born April 27, 1861. She married Charles W. Dunn, July 2, 1885. 775. William. Beard, born Aug. 30, 1863. 462. Children of Samuel Closson and Mary Ann (Beard) Holley. Jj6. Harriet Beard, born Sept. 16, 1861. She married Harry Robert Williams, of Hartford, Conn. Husband born Oct. 14, 1861. Ad- dress — 836 Prospect Ave., Hartford, Conn. yyj. Mary Louise, born Nov. 29, 1863. She married George Raymond Tweedy, May 24, 1888. Husband born Sept. 3, 1889. 778. Alfred Wildman, born Aug. 31, 1865. He married Jennie Perry Robinson, June 3, 1895. He died April 1, 1912. Wife born May 9, 1870. 463. Children of James Bradley and Julia M. (Dodge) Beard. 779. Edwin Spencer, born July 8, 1870. He died July 24, 1909. 780. Greenville Dodge, born Aug. 24, 1872. He married Nellie B. Kolp, Feb. 24, 1901. Wife born June 24, 1876. 465. Children of John William and Alice L. (Rockwell) Beard. 781. Isabell L., born July 30, i\ 466. Children of Alfred Nirum and Ellen Watkins (Dellicker) Wildman. 782. Leonard Dellicker, born Oct. 12, 1868. He is president of the National Pahquioque Bank, Danbury, Conn. 467. Children of Samuel and Mary Elizabeth (Hopkins) Chapman. 783. Samuel Spencer, born Feb. 5, 1857. He is a graduate of the Law Department of the University of Pennsylvania and is practicing law in Philadelphia. He married Elizabeth Ireton McDonough, of Bryn Mawr, Penn., Dec. 19, 1889. Wife born June 27, 1854. Ad- dress — 232 Wynona Ave., Philadelphia, Penn. 784. Howard Hopkins, born Nov. 3, 1864. He died June 26, 1889. 785. Edwin Hendrie, born Oct. 20, 1865. He married Margaret Allen, of Parnassus, Penn., June 9, 1908. Wife born May 2, 1875. 786. Herbert, born March 9, 1867. He died Aug. 13, 1867. 787. Francis, born Aug. 19, 1869. He is a graduate of the Law Depart- ment of the University of Pennsylvania and is a practicing lawyer in Philadelphia. Address — 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. 788. Sarah, and 789. Catherine, were twins, born April 9, 1871. Sarah died Sept. 22, 1871. Catherine died Oct. 3, 1871. 64 BEARD GENEALOGY. 790. William Edwards, born March 6, 1873. He is a graduate of the Law Department of the University of Pennsylvania and is a practicing lawyer in Philadelphia. He married Mary Blanchard McCormick, of Philadelphia, Penn., Nov. 22, 1902. Wife born July 25, 1869. Address — 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. 469. Children of Charles Augustus and Julia Hoyt (Beard) Frick. 791. Jessie May, born Sept. 1, T870, in Keithsburg, 111. She married William Alexander Gordon, June 19, 1900. Husband born July 28, 1871, in Springfield, Mass. He is a graduate of Cornell Uni- versity and is now general superintendent of the Birmingham Iron Foundry. Address — Corner Myrtle Ave. and Park St., Shelton, Conn. 792. Benjamin Otis, born Jan. 1, 1881, in Burlington, la. He is a graduate of Cornell University and of the Law Deoartment of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a lawyer in Philadelphia. He married Harriet Wanning, of Shelton, Conn., April 16, 1913. Wife born Nov. 3, 1879, m Shelton, Conn. Address — 328 Bryn Mawr, Cynwyd, Penn. 472. Children of George Katchun and Jane H. (Gayle) Beard. 793. William Gayle, born Jan. 15, 1879. Address — 745 New York Build- ing, Seattle, Wash. 474. Children of George A. and Charlotte Wilcox (Beard) Jennings. 794. Irving Callender, born July 27, 1884. Residence — South Norwalk, Conn. 475. Children of Charles Francis and Sarah A. (Adams) Hendrie. 795. Jennie Frances, born July 9, 1867. 796. Edna Florence, born May 14, 1873. 797. Marion Grace, born Sept. 26, 1875. 476. Children of William C. and Caroline L. (Barlow) Hendrie. 798. Gladys Lorain, born March 21, 1892. 799. Charles Francis, born Jan. 11, 1899. 477. Children of Robert John and Elizabeth Field (Hendrie) Cory. 800. Fannie Marion, born June 11, 1873, in Council Bluffs, la. She mar- ried Lieut. Harry Lightfoot Jordan, April 2, 1912. Husband born Aug. 28, 1875, in Smithfield, Va. Address — 173 Riverside Ave., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 478. Children of Edwin Beard and Marion (Curnes) Hendrie. 801. Gertrude Hallidie, born June 11, 1886, in Philadelphia, Penn. She married William West Grant, Jr., Nov. 3, 1906. 479. Children of George P. and Mary C. (Beard) Thyng. 802. Florence H., born May 16, T874, in Buffalo, N. Y. NINTH GENERATION. 65 480. Children of George C. and Belle (Randolph) Beard. 803. Daniel C, born Sept. 8, 1863, in Cherry Valley, 111. 804. George, born Dec. 17, 1864, in Cherry Valley, 111. He married Edith M. Smith, of Harvard Junction, 111. 805. Jeanette, born Aug. 14, 1866, in Little Valley, 111. She married Leonard W. Miller, of Beloit, Wis., June 5, 1888. No children. 806. Harry, born July 14, 1874, in Rockford, 111. 807. Arthur, born June, 1877, in Rockford, 111. Walter, born March, 1879, i n Rockford, 111. 484. Children of William Lewis and Mary (Benjamin) Bennett. 809. Mary Elizabeth, born Oct. 27, 1838. She married Frederick J. Wheeler, July 19, 1866. She died Dec. 24, 1907, in Meriden, Conn. Husband born March 4, 1834. Address— 87 Cherry St., Meriden, Conn. 810. Frances Sarah, born Feb. 2, 1845. Address — 87 Cherry St., Meriden, Conn. 487. Children of Lucius and Lucinda (Higgings) Bennett. 811. Carrie Elizabeth, born June, 1857. 488. Children of Henry Shelton and Laura Ann (Bennett) Wells. 812. Esther, born Jan. 9, 1859, i n Huntington, Conn. She died Jan. IS, 1859. 813. Franklin Henry, born Nov. 21, i860, in Huntington, Conn. He is a farmer. He married Mrs. Rose Beach (Lattin) Beach, Jan. 18, 1898. Wife born Aug. 16, 1868. Address— R. F. D. No. 8, Shelton, Conn. 489. Children of Erastus and Martha Washington (Dimon-Bulkley) Bennett. 814. Ida Finson, born Nov. 17, 1856, in Huntington, Conn. She married William Fowler Metlar, Dec. 29, 1897. Address — Boundbrook, N. J. 815. Nathan Seymour, born Nov. 28, 1859, in Huntington, Conn. Address — R. F. D. No. 8, Shelton, Conn. 816. Arthur Dimon, born March 11, 1863, in Huntington, Conn. He mar- ried Elizabeth F. Pitcairn, Oct. 10, 1888. He died Aug. 23, 1892, in Derby, Conn. 817. Cora May, born Aug. 12, 1867, in Huntington, Conn. Address — Shelton, Conn. 818. Frederick Humphrey, born Oct. 7, 1869, in Huntington, Conn. Ad- dress — Shelton, Conn. 493. Children of James and Ann Eliza (Gilbert) Webster. 819. Mary, born July 1, 1858. She died March 21, 1876. 66 BEARD GENEALOGY. 820. Celestus Gilbert, born Dec. 18, 1864. He married Gecrgieanna La Chapelle, June 7, 1899. Wife born May 25, 1863. Address — 6 Lin- coln St., Thompsonville, Conn. 494. Children of William Coggswell and Alary Louisa (Gilbert) Wooster. 821. Albert Mills, born April 15, 1850. He is a patent lawyer and solicitor in Bridgeport, Conn. He married (1) Fannie Brownie}' Bowen, April 15, 1875. Wife born July 7, 1850. Wife died Nov. 11, 1912, in Bridgeport, Conn. He married (2) Salome Williams Atherton, March 18, 1914.. Wife born Jan. 5, 1878. Address — 778 Park Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. 822. Wilfred Gilbert, born Jan. 30. 1853. He died Feb. 3, 1853. 823. Edward Gilbert, born March 29, 1855. He died Mareh 29, 1855. 824. Edward Gilbert, born Nov. 22, 1858. He married Mary Amelia Jones, March 22, 1882. Wife born Nov. 6, 1856. Address — 309 Xorton St., Xew Haven. Conn. 825. William Leonard, born March 23. 1861. He married Mary Kirby Fisher, June 12, 1883. Wife born Sept. 8, i860. Address — Litch- field, 111. 826. Joel Thomas, born Aug. 31, 1864. Address — 344 John St.. Bridgeport Conn. 496. Children of Edward and Martha Elizabeth (Holmes) Gilbert. 827. Edward Holmes, born April 15, 1859. He is in the real estate busi- ness in Xew York city. He married Virginia Burd Boye. Oct. 29, 1890. Wife born March 3. 1864. Address — Cvpress Ave., Flushing, X. Y. 828. Anna Hawkins, born Sept. 8, i860. Address — 135 Beechwood Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. 829. Grace, born March 18. i86_l. She studied music in Xew York with Miss Olive Rogers and Caroline Crawford, and was a teacher of piano in Xewburgh, X. Y., until her marriage. She married Oliver Gould Beard, Jr., June 12, 1895. (See 848). 496. Children of Edward and Laura Sophia (Lovell) Gilbert. 830. William Borden, born Dec. 4. 1868. Residence— Plainfield. X. J. 831. Lucius Lovell. born March to, 1870. He is a lawyer in Xew York city. He married Jennie Earle Stone, March 6. 1906. Wife born Jan. 6, 1887. Xo children. 832. Edith Laura, born April 19, 1872. Address — Plainfield. X. J. 833. Ariadne, born Nov. 5, 1873- She is a graduate of Radcliffe College. She is an author and is an instructor in the Plainfield High School. Address— Plainfield, X. J. 501. Children of Frederick George and Emma Zacharina (Miller) Smedley. 834. Frederic Miller, born April t8, 1873. Ke married Mary Elizabeth Barber, Nov. II, 1898. Wife born Aug. 16. 1875. 835. Emma Harwood, born March 9. 1875. NINTH GENERATION. 67 502. Children of William Thomas and Sarah Maria ( Shelton) Beard. 836. Estelle Lavinia, born Sept. 12, 1856, in Huntington, Conn. 837. Lucy Maria, born March 5, 1858, in Huntington, Conn. She began teaching school in her native town at the age of 16, and taught there continuously until her death, occupying the position of Prin- cipal of the Grammar School, eighth grade, for nearly 35 years. She was noted as a most painstaking, faithful teacher, having the faculty of not only teaching the pupils book knowledge but that more rare quality of teaching them the higher, better things of life, making all her pupils her life long friends. She died March 16, 1910, in Oronoque, Conn., having devoted her life to public service. 838. Nellie Elizabeth, born June 3, 1862, in Huntington, Conn. She mar- ried Frank Ernest Blakeman, son of Gould and Harriet (Birdsey) Blakeman (see 229), Nov. 13. 1884. Husband born Dec. 31, 1857, in Oronoque, Conn. He has been a member of the Conn. Board of Agriculture, represented his town in the Legislature in 1903, has been a member of the Board of Education for 15 years, Secre- tary for 12 years, is life trustee of the Stratford Library, a prominent member of the Stratford Congregational Church, and lecturer of the Connecticut State Grange. Xo children. Address — Oronoque, Conn. 839. Harriet Shelton, born April 2^ 1867, in Huntington, Conn. She is clerk of the superintendent of schools in Stratford, Conn. Ad- dress — Oronoque, Conn. 503. Children of Theodore Edward and Julia Ann (Wheeler) Beard. 840. Joel Agur. born July 3, 1859, in Huntington, Conn. He married Grace Frances, daughter of Benjamin Franklin Morse, Oct. 15, 1889. Wife born Aug. 10, 1866. He is a merchant in Saybrook, Conn. 841. Frederick Wheeler, born Jan. 2, 186 1, in Huntington, Conn. He died Oct. 19, 1909. unmarried. 842. Zina Chatfield, born May 2^, 1863. He married May Hawkins, daughter of Thomas Willard Turney, June 3, 1885. Wife born April 20. 1863, in Easton. Conn. Address — 71 Wooster St., Shelton, Conn. 843. Theodore Edward, born Feb. 7. 1866, in Huntington, Conn. He was a graduate of Yale Medical School, 1897, and practiced medicine in Xew Haven, Conn., until his death. He married Mary Jane Carroll, May 15, 1893. He died Jan. 1, 1906. Wife born July 1, 1870, in Deerfield, Mass. 844. Lavinia Maria, born Aug. 29. 1868, in Huntington, Conn. Address — Shelton, Conn. 845. Anna Smedley, born April 27, 1871, in Huntington, Conn. She is a court stenographer. Address — Shelton, Conn. 504. Children of James Henry and Emily Elizabeth (Hurd) Beard. 846. Helen Willard, born Dec. 19, 1875, in Shelton, Conn. She was a graduate of Wellesley, 1902. Until her marriage she was librarian of the Plumb Memorial Librarv, Shelton, Conn. She married Dr. 68 BEARD GENEALOGY. Fred Johnson Peck, Nov. 22, 1909. Husband born Jan. 25, 1869, in Seymour. Conn. He was a graduate of the University of Michigan, 1892. Since completing his medical studies he has been a physician in Ansonia, Conn., specializing in eye, ear, nose and throat diseases. Address — 6 William St., Ansonia, Conn. 505. Children of Oliver Gould and Nancy Maria (Nichols) Beard. 847. Willard Livingston, born Feb. 5, 1865, in Huntington, Conn. He was a graduate of Oberlin College, 1891, and of Hartford Theological Seminary, 1894. He was a missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Foochow, China, for eight years, during which time he founded the Foochow Theological Seminary of that mission. From 1905 to 1910 he was Y. M. C. A. secretary for Fukien Province, China. He resigned from this position to become secretary of the Middle District of the American Board in this country. In 1912 he returned to Foochow and is president of the Foochow College of the American Board. He married Ellen Lucy, daughter of Myron and Mary Jane (Corbin) Kinnev, Seot. 5, 1894, in Putnam, Conn. Wife born March 29, 1868. in Union, Conn. She was a graduate of the State Normal School at New Britain, Conn., 1890. She also studied at Oberlin College. Ad- dress — Foochow, China. 848. Oliver Gould, Jr., born Oct. 27, 1866, in Huntington, Conn. For several years he was a merchant, now he is treasurer of The B. N. Beard Co., contractors and road builders, of Shelton. Conn. He is a prominent member of the West End Congregational church and has been a deacon of that church for ten years. He married Grace Gilbert (see 829), June 12, 1895, in Newburgh, N. Y. Ad- dress — 135 Beechwood Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. 849. Flora, born Feb. 25, 1869, in Huntington, Conn. She was a graduate of the State Normal School at New Britain, Conn., 1890. She taught school for several years in Connecticut and New Jersey and conducted a private school for foreign children in Foochow, China, i90.:;-o8. She was principal of the Primary Department of Columbia School, South Orange, New Jersey, 1908-T4. At present she is in charge of a school in Peking, China, which is being estab- lished by the Protestant Mission Boards in Northern China for the education of foreign children. Address — Tungchou, Peking, China. 850. Bennett Nichols, born Aug. 2, 1871, in Huntington, Conn. He suc- ceeded his uncle, James Henry Beard, in the real estate and life insurance business. He is president of the B. N. Beard Co., contractors and road builders, of Shelton, Conn. He was chosen representative for the State Legislature, 191 1. He married Abbie Jane, daughter of Oscar Wells and Mary Jane (Ferris) Hubbell, March 28, 1900, in Shelton, Conn. Wife born June 7, 1876, in Huntington, Conn. Address — Shelton, Conn. 851. Phebe Maria, born Aug. 3, 1873, in Huntington, Conn. She was a graduate of the Kindergarten Department of the State Normal School at New Britain. Conn.. 1898. For a year after graduation she was retained as assistant in the Kindergarten Training Depart- ment. She was principal of the Kindergarten Department of the State Normal School at Framingham, Mass., 1899-1912. Address — Shelton, Conn. NINTH GENERATION. 6g 852. Elizabeth, born Aug. 11, 1875, in Huntington, Conn. Address — Shelton, Conn. 853. James Daniel, born Feb. 20, 1878, in Huntington, Conn. He was a graduate of Amherst, 1902. He was principal of schools in Broad Brook, Litchfield, and the Waterville School, in Bridgeport, Conn. The last position he held at the time of his death. He married Leolyn Seaver, daughter of Aaron Rowland and Fannie (Seaver) Smith, of Shelton, Conn., Nov. 24., 1904. He died Dec. 7, 1906, in Bridge- port, Conn. Wife born Oct. 27, 1881, in Derby, Conn. She was a graduate of Smith College, 1903. Wife's address — Mrs. William Morgan, 1639 La Loma Ave., Berkeley, Cal. 854. Ruth, born May 12, 1880, in Huntington, Conn. She is the compiler of this genealogy. Address — Shelton, Conn. 855. Mary Louise, born May 26, 1882, in Huntington, Conn. She was a graduate of Mt. Holyoke College, 1905. For several years she had charge of the Science Department at Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, 111. She is now connected with the school for foreign children in Peking, China. Address — Tungchou, Peking, China. 856. Stanley Drew, born M'arch 27, 1884, in Huntington, Conn. He was a graduate of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, 1907. Since that time he has been connected with the Lederle Antitoxin Laboratories of New York. He is now director of their laboratories in Pearl River, N. Y. Address — Pearl River, N. Y. 857. Ruby, born May 9, 1887, in Huntington, Conn. He died June 17, 1887. 506. Children of Merwin and Elizabeth Wheeler (Beard) Andrew. All born in Orange, Conn. 858. Frank Newton, born July 21, 1850. He died April 4, 1859. 859. Joseph Dwight, born May 6, 1852. He died April 10, 1859. 860. Charles Merwin, born Dec. 31, 1854. He died March 23, 1859. 861. Nelson Stowe, born Dec. 6, 1856. He died April 2, 1859. 862. Mary Eliza, born July 4, T8-9. She is assistant supervisor of sewing in the New Haven schools. Address — 98 Ward St., New Haven, Conn. 863. Elizabeth Merwin, born May -i6, 1863. She is a school teacher in New Haven. Address — 98 Ward St., New Haven, Conn. 864. George Merwin, born Feb. 21, 1867. He died April 10, 1876. 511. Children of James Wooster and Martha Frances (Bruce) Baird. 865. Catherine Bruce, born July 21, 1877. Address — 815 Webster St., Washington, D. C. 512. Children of Charles Samuel and Sarah L. (Smith) Beard. 866. Albertus Newton, born Nov. 22, 1875, in Milford, Conn. He mar- ried Minnie Vara, daughter of Edward Eugene Hubbard, Dec. 31, tqt/i. Wife born Nov. 15, 1878. He is a farmer and lives in Mil- ford, Conn. yO BEARD GENEALOGY. 867. Anna Christine, born Sept. 7, 1880, in Milford, Conn. She married George Hubbard Lawrence. Sept. 14, 1905. Husband born April 19. 1883. Address — 44 Fourth St., Attleboro, Mass. 513. Children of George William and Julia Catherine (Rogers) Baird. 868. Julia Georgiana Rogers, born Dec. 2, 1868, in Fort Union, New Mexico. She married George Da}' Holmes, June 2, 1896. Hus- band born June 15, 1867. Address — 22 Waterbury Road, Upper Montclair, X. J. 869. Martha Minerva, born Feb. 22, 1875. in Fort Leavenworth, Kan. She married Tom Hall. Sept. 17, 1902. Husband born March 19, 1879. Residence — Upper Montclair, N. J. 870. George Hathaway, born Nov. 2$, 1876. in Fort Leavenworth. Kan. He married Florence Randolph Taylor. Oct. 22. 1908. Wife born Oct. 14, 1884. He is a Lieutenant of Artillery, West Point, N. Y. 515. Children of Almon E. and Catherine Prudden (Beard) Clark. 871. George Beard, born Nov. 8. 1874. He married Agnes Marion Thompson, Jan. 26, 1898. Wife born May 3. 1875. Wife died March 27. 1913. 872. Sarah Luella. born Jan. 1. 1882. She married Clifford Buckingham Morris, Oct. 19. 1904. Husband born July 12, 1882. 517. Children of George W. and Frances Lewis (Beard) Merwin. 873. Florence Albertina, born March 14, 1884. 874. Georgia Webster, born March 31, 1887. 517. Children of Herman D. and Frances Lewis (Beard-Merwin) Case. 875. Wilber James, born May 3, 1 8-94 . 518. Children of Frank AY. and Caroline Wheeler (Beard) Smith. 876. Howard Lamont. born Dec. 8. 1886. He married Verna Ostrander, Dec. 2j, 1909. Wife born May 25. i< 519. Children of Merritt Baldwin and Alary Josephine (Beard) Clark. All born in Milford, Conn. 877. Minnie Abigail, born Dec. 24, 1861. She died Sept. 6. 1862. 878. Frank Andrew, born May 26, 1864. He died Aug. 2J, 1864. 879. Gertrude Josephine, born March 8. 1868. She married William Weller. Nov. 31, 1901. Husband born Aug. 22, 1862. 880. Albert Goodrich, born March J. 1870. He married Susan Isabella Beard (see 599), June 2j, 1906. Address — 23 Cherry St., Milford, Conn. 881. Cecil Rogers, born April n, 1878. He married Minnie Marie Downs, Oct. 5, 1905. Wife born June 25, 1875. He is a farmer and lives in Milford, Conn. NINTH GENERATION. 7 1 520. Children of Joseph Wooster and Alice Martha (Beard) Beard. 882. Ada Rogers, born Dec. 21, 1868. She married Irving Williams, Oct. 28, 1897. She died Jan. 16, 1908. 883. Minnie Alice, born March 3, 1871. She died March 11, 1873. 884. Hattie May, born May 20, 1879. She died Aug. 1, 1881. 523. Children of Samuel Herbert and Annie Brewster (Miles) Beard. 885. Harold Brewster, born Feb. 11, 1885. Address — Spring St., Reading, Penn. 886. Samuel Lester, born Jan. 3, 1889. He died March 29, 1891. 887. Raymond Miles, born Sept. 29, 1891. Marian, born June 24, 1895. 532. Children of Jacob Hicks and Mary Gleason (Chandler) Stark. 889. Charles Chandler, born Oct. 29, 1872. He married Olga Oliva Grassle, of Joliet, 111., July 3, 1912. Address — Grassle Building, Joliet, 111. 890. William Jacob, born Sept. 2^, 1874. He married Bessie La Bonta Spencer, June 1, 1914. Wife born July 14, 1878. Address — 1160 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 891. Samuel Chandler, born Nov. 28, 1877. Address — Western Ave., Mus- kegon, Mich. 892. Don Austin, born Nov. 18. 1879. He married Marie Morrison, Jan. 10. 1903. Wife born Jan. 18, 1883. Address — 307 Thompson St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 893. Mollie Eliza, born Jan. 2, 1884. She married Arthur John Hillman, Sept. 6, 191 1. Husband born May 18, 1884. He is a lawyer and his address is 607 N. Fifth St., Niles, Mich. 534. Children of Samuel Wooster and Mary Ida (Kies) Chandler. All born in Saline, Mich. 894. Frederick Kies, born Dec. 20, 1873. 895. Gecrge Francis, born Feb. it, 1875. 896. Abigail Ida. born April 8, 1877. She married Frederick Koernig, of Denver, Colo. 538. Children of George and Maria Curtiss (Moseley) Hinman. 897. Georgia Maria, born Jul}- 24, i8j2. in Sullivan, Ale. She married Hon. Halsey J. Boardman, Nov. 6, 1862, in Boston, Mass. They had two children. Flora Maria and Emily Isabel. 898. Charles Graham, born Oct. 18, i8_u, in Sullivan, Me. He married Hannah Gerish, Nov. 6, 1869, in Franklin, Me. No children. 899. William Moseley, born July 25, 1850. He married Georgia W. Nichols, Nov. 6, 1886, in Boston, Mass. He died January, 1889. No children. 72 BEARD GENEALOGY. 540. Children of John Graham and Mary Augusta (Perry) Moseley. 900. Caroline Augusta, born July 9, 1859, in Boston, Mass. She married Francis Augustus Pierce, Feb. 6, 1893. Husband died July 9, 1910. Xo children. 901. Helen Graham, born Feb. 17, 1865, in Boston, Mass. 541. Children of Stiles C. and Catherine M. (Gleeson) Smith. 902. George Stiles, born Sept. 12, 1857, in South Britain, Conn. He mar- ried Alary Poppleton, June 5. 1887. He died March 27, 1907. 903. Caroline Alary. She married Clarence H. Stockwell. Xo further record. 904. Anna K., born Dec. 12, 1861. She married Henry Stanley Abbott, Nov. 5. 1885. Husband born Aug. 3, 1861, in Columbus, O. He was a graduate of the Military Academy at Poughkeepsie, X. Y., 1877. Husband died Jan. 8, 1895. Address — 2422 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O. 905. Samuel Lewis, born Aug. 22, 1867. He was a graduate of Yale, 1889. He married Ellen Brown Lucas, Oct. 14, 1896. 906. Flora Marietta, born Sept. 4, 1873. She married Frank Rust Gilchrist, Jan. 30, 1901. 544. Children of Charles B. and Caroline (Guthrie) Smith. 907. Harriet, born Sept. 1, 1862. She married Robert Westwood. She died a few years later, leaving one son, Walter M. 555. Children of Stiles Henry and Lucia Marcia (Stair) Curtiss. 908. Charles Edmund, born Aug. 18, 1876. 909. Henry Stiles, born Sept. 14, 1879. 910. Edwin Stair, born April 2, 1881. 911. Anna Marcia, born Xov. 24, 1885. She married John Clem McNutt, April 22, 1913. Husband born June 28, 1880. 556. Children of Thomas Hope and Anna \ [aria (Curtiss) Brooks. 912. Mary Curtiss, born Oct. 14, 1874. She married Harrison Grey Otis, June 5, 1900. 913. Stiles Curtiss, born Oct. 21, 1876. He died Jan. 17, 1885. 558. Children of John AY. and Anna Elizabeth (Beard) Hollenback. 914. Walter Matson, born Aug. 15, 1855, in Wyalusing, Penn. He died May 10, 1862. 915. Samuel Beard, born July 20, 1857, in Wyalusing, Penn. He died June 30, 1858. 916. Emily Beard, born Jan. to, T859, in Elmira, X T . Y. She married Dr. Lewis Harlow Taylor, June 4, 1884, in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. Hus- band born July 29, 1850, in Taylorsville, Penn. Residence — Wilkes- Barre, Penn. NINTH GENERATION. 73 559. Children of Samuel Shelton and Mary Elizabeth (Potter) Beard. 917. Josephine Curtiss, born Sept. 22, 1865, in Brooklyn, N. Y. She was a graduate of Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y. She married Dr. William Chase Canfield, of Bristol, R. I., Nov. 7, 1889, at Lakewood, N. J. Address — Box 1533, St. Petersburg, Fla. 918. Anna Hollenback, born Jan. 17, 1870. She married Edward Mayhew Bacon. Nov. 7, 1903, in Bristol, R. I. Husband born June 5, 1855, in Nassau, Bahamas. No children. Address — "Maple Crest Farm," Wingdale, Dutchess Co., N. Y. 561. Children of John W. and Amelia (Beard) Hollenback. 919. Julia Adelaide, born July 10, 1875, in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. She died May 19. 1876. 920. Amelia Beard, born April 26, 1877, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 921. Juliette Geneve, born Nov. 29, 1881, in Geneva, Switzerland. 563. Children of Jordan Gray and Emily Wells (Beard) Miller. 922. Florence Louise, born Oct. 19, 1881. She married Henry Phelps, 1901. They had one son and two daughters. 923. Ethel Cummings, born Aug. 16, 1890, in Brooklyn, N. Y. She mar- ried Clifford G. Chamberlain, Feb. 28, 1912, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 564. Children of Sylvester Mills and Hester (Truslow) Beard, Jr. 924. Eliza Mills, born Jan. 11, 1865. 925. Lucie Cummings, born Nov. 13, 1866. She is Principal of Miss Beard's School for Girls, Berkeley Ave., Orange, N. J. 926. Hester Truslow, born June 12, 1875. She married Harold Sheldon, Dec. 14, 1901. Husband born Nov. 1, 1877. Address — Berkeley Ave., Orange, N. J. 565. Children of Charles Cnrtiss and Charlotte Swan (Godwin) Beard. 927. Charles Curtiss, Jr., born June 19, 1874. He married Grace Taylor. Wife born Oct. 4, 1874. 928. Godwin, born March 26, 1880. He married Margaret Hudson. Wife born Jan. 13, 1890. 573. Children of Henry Alvan and Mary (May) Stephens. 929. Etha May, born Jan. 7, 1861. She died Sept. 17, 1861. 930. William Alvan, born Dec. 16, 1863. TENTH GENERATION. 586. Children of Charles Erwin and Emma R. (Dull) Baird. 931. Carrie Ruse, born March 5, 1884, in Portland, Ind. 932. Charles Glen, born April 14, 1887, in Geneseo, 111. 933. Nellie Merle, born Jan. 16, 1889, in Helena, Mon. 74 BEARD GENEALOGY. 589. Children of Marcellus and Lillian Glady (Baird) Douglass. 934. Arthur Melvill, born March 18, 1885, in M'onaton, Colo. 935. Pauline, born Jan. 4, 1889, in Monaton, Colo. She died Feb. 2, 1889. 936. Leroy, born June 23, 1891, in Monaton, Colo. 596. Children of Arthur E. and Nellie Christine (Beard) Broga. 937. Hazel Beard, born June 27, 1892. 938. Susie Demaris, born Nov.' 11, 1894. 939. Arthur Seymour, born Nov. 8, 1898. 598. Children of Charles Chauncey and Sarah (Shelton) Beard. 940. Miriam Cynthia, born March 11, 1901. 601. Children of William Rogers and Sarah E. (Blakeslee) Beard. 941. William Miles, born Feb. 25, 1900. 607. Children of Arthur Dennis and Mary J. (Bracken) Smith. 942. Howard Edwards, born Nov. 7, 1895. 943. Ethel May, born Aug. 8, 1897. 944. Minnie Louise, born July 23, 1901. She died Sept. 7, 1901. 945. Hazel Rosalthe, born June 13, 1905. 946. Elsie Josephine, born May 21, 191 1. 610. Children of Hollis and Etta May (Lounsbury) Munson. 947. Olive Susan, born April 3, 1910. 612. Children of William Harlow and Edith (Renslow) Lounsbury. 948. Inabelle E., born July 21, 1907. 949. William R., born March 2, 1909. 950. Clarence A., born Oct. 26, 1910. 951. Hilda May V., born July 19, 1913. 613. Children of Arthur J. and Lucia Estelle (Smith) Piatt. 952. Carlton Arthur, born July 31, 1892. 953. Lillian Lucia, born Aug. 12, 1894. 615. Children of Caleb Sumner and May (Fowler) Smith. 954. Marian Barnett, born March 19, 1909. 955. Philip Sumner, born Jan. 29, 1912. 956. Doris Louise, born Feb. 15, 1914. 618. Children of Arthur J. and Grace Iola (Smith) Piatt. 957. Marian Grace, born Dec. 2^, 1903- 958. Winthrop Rogers, born Nov. 4, 191 t. TENTH GENERATION. 75 623. Children of Fred and Mabel Kate (Lacey) Andrew. 959. Arthur Russell, born May 25, 1902. 960. Ethel Elizabeth, born Aug. 2, 1905. 635. Children of James and Carrie Isabel (Beard) Hall. 961. Leland Beard, born Feb. 24, 1893. 962. Marjorie Isabel, born Jan. 24, 1895. 963. Grace Carolyn, born March 26, 1902. 964. James Addison, born April 12, 1903. 965. Eunice Anna, born Sept. 14, 1905. 638. Children of Walter Judson and May Lucile (Nye) Beard. 966. Ruth Elizabeth, born Sept. 13, 1901. 967. Kenneth Judson, born Feb. 29, 1904. 968. Alda Louise, born April 18, 1906. 641. Children of Albert Eugene and Jennie (Diller) Beard. 969. Hazel Diller, born Nov. 8, 1892. 648. Children of Clarence Beard and Genevieve (Smith) Baldwin. 970. Elliott Bray, born Jan. 5, 1908. 971. Doris Serena, born April 25, 1909. 972. Barbara, born July 21, 1913. 649. Children of Harold Newell and Amelia May (Dolbec) Baldwin. 973. Wesley Eugene, born July 28, 1912. 655. Children 01 Herbert Spencer Smith and Maud Augusta (Shipley) Clark. 974. Marguerite Winifred, born Oct. 30, 1900. 668. Children of Lewis H. and Augusta Frances (Beard) Eaton. 975. Lewis B., born May 17, 1863. He died Aug. 21, 1864. 6j2. Children of John A. and Ida (Beard) Ecker. 976. J. Orville, born June 18, 1875. 977. John Beard, born July 16, 1878. 978. Lewis Charles, born May 22>, 1883. 673. Children of Henry Beach and Jcsephine M. (Matthews) Beard. 979. Caroline Augusta, born May 9, 1884. 678. Children of Herbert A. and Laura Amelia (Beard) Clapp. 980. Evelyn B., born Aug. 23, 1880. 981. Almira J., born June 14, 1883. 982. Morris B., born Oct. 9, 1886. 983. Leroy H., born Aug. 19, 1889. j6 BEARD GENEALOGY. 679. Children of Wells and Florence (Wilcox) Beard. 984. Robert W., born Oct. 30, 1884. 985. Bessie H., born Aug. 9, 1886. 986. Wells Morris, born Nov. 10, 1887. 987. Donald A., born Aug. 26, 1889. 699. Children of Hurd Levi and Clara Cornelia (Beard) Curtiss. 988. Elbert B., born Oct. 20, 1870. 704. Children of Wilbur B. and Emma R. (Johnson) Sherman. 989. Phebe M., born Aug. 14, 1882. 990. Henry W., born March 5, 1886. 705. Children of John and Anna C. (Sherman) Benedict. 99T. Laura P., born Oct. 23, 1888. 707. Children of William S. and Frances (Shattuck) Beard. 992. Chester Sherman, born Nov. 24, 1905. 993. Frances Emily, born May 15, 1914. 710. Children of Nelson K. and Jennie E. (Blackman) Beard. 994. Leroy Nelson, born March 17, 1887. He died July 2^, 1887. 713. Children of Henry F. and Edith C. (Beard) Greene. 995. Charles, born Sept. 11, 1896. 715. Children of Francis Howard and Josie (Lewis) LaField. 996. Lewis Howard, and 997. Joseph Howard, were twins, born June 15, 1874. Lewis died Aug. 31, 1874. Joseph married Aleine Gertrude Eaton, Sept. 10, 1903. Wife born June 8, 1878. Address — Plainville, Conn. 715. Children of Francis Howard and Emma (Rudge) LaField. 998. Catherine Rudge, born Sept. 14, 1878. 999. William Arthur, born March 6, 1881. He is a physician in Bridge- port, Conn. He married Edith Robinson, May 14, 1912. Address — 433 Golden Hill, Bridgeport, Conn. 716. Children of Alva and Catherine Hawley (Sharp) Parmelee. 1000. Lillian Kate, born March 5, 1866. She married Joseph Starr Sherman, Nov. 4, 1885. Husband born Jan. 25, 1865. 1001. Grace L., born April 16, 1871. Address — 13 Bahnforth Ave., Dan- bury, Conn. 717. Children of William Beard and Louisa (Roff) Sharp. T002. Willetta L., born Aug. I, i* TENTH GENERATION. *]J 718. Children of Eleazar and Sarah Elizabeth (Sharp) Bevans. 1003. Alfred E., born May 14, 1871. He married Claribel Comstock, Nov. 1, 1893. Wife born July 20, 1871. 719. Children of John Henry and Bertha Grace (Carpenter) Baird. 1004. Laura Grace, born July 9, 1881. She died Jan. 1, 1892. 1005. Harry Carpenter, born Oct. 13, 1884. He died June 7, 1885. 1006. Maylah Louise, born Nov. 26, 1889. She died Dec. 5, 1891. 1007. Charlotte Estelle, born Aug. 13, 1891. She was a graduate of Brad- ford Academy, 1912. 720. Children of George Shepard and Nellie Virginia (Brush) Baird. 1008. Georgia Orphia, born March 15, 1885, in Bethel, Conn. She married Frederick Samson Tipson, Jr., Nov. 21, 1908. ' 1009. Julia Shepard, born July 7, 1886, in Bethel, Conn. 723. Children of George Edwards and Cora A. (Barnum) Beard. 1010. Bertha Grace, born June 19, 1887. She married William Gardner Sturtevant, June 11, 1910. ion. Theodore Hemingway, born June 9, 1892. He is a graduate of New York University, School of Applied Science, 1913. He received the Samuel B. Duryea Fellowship for highest standing. He is now instructor in the college. 725. Children of Ernest Linwood and Esther Jane (Penfield) Staples. 1012. Abigail Rosilla, born March 5, 1886. She was a graduate of Smith College, 1908. She married John Andrew Viele, Jan. 1, 191 1. Hus- band born Nov. 3, 1882. He was a graduate of Middlebury Col- lege, 1909. Address — 279 Orange St., Springfield, Mass. 1013. Dorothy Jean, born July 16, 1900. 726. Children of Arthur Ellsworth and Annie (Farist) Penfield. 1014. Florence E., born Oct. 27, 1888. She married Norman Hildreth, Oct. 19, 1912. Husband born July 3, 1887. He was a graduate of the Civil Engineering College of Cornell University, 1909. Resi- dence — Springfield, Mass. 1015. Joel Farist, born March 6, 1893. 727. Children of George P. and Florence Pamelia (Penfield) Rice. 1016. George Penfield, born Feb. 9, 1908. 1017. Sarah Florence, born June 12, 191 1. 729. Children of Amos Starr and Eliza Smith (Beard) Schoonmaker. 1018. Julia Beard, born April 13, 1897. 1019. Amos William, born Aug. 15, 1904. 78 BEARD GENEALOGY. 732. Children of Elam Beard and Mary Amanda (Osborne) Corning. 1020. Sherman Osborne, born Oct. 22, 1906. 733. Children of Benjamin H. and Jennie Adesta (Banks) Corning. 102 1. Olive Marion, born Feb. 8, 1902. 1022. Edward Banks, born June 23, 1903. 735- Children of Frederick C. and Carrie Imogene (Perrine) Trimble. 1023. Ruth Imogene, born Sept. 10, 1906. 739. Children of Samuel Beard and Flora Elizabeth (Burr) Hurd. 1024. Elizabeth Frances, born Jan. 8, 1906. 1025. Lewis Burr, born Feb. 18, 1909. 740. Children of Ambrose Shelton and Florence Emily (Wales) Hurd. 1026. Benjamin Smith, born Aug. 16, 1904. 1027. Frances Wales, born April 26, 1907. 1028. Martha Caroline, born May 7, 1909. 741. Children of Merwin Wheeler and Martha Cornelia (Hurd) Johnson. 1029. Herbert Hurd, born Sept. 22, 1895. 1030. Marion Frances, born Feb. 9, 1903. 744. Children of Robert Ely and Cornelia T. (Cook) Tinker. 1031. Sheldon Townsend, born Feb. 17, 1902. 1032. Theodore Beard, born Sept. 14, 1903. 745. Children of Joseph Beard and Harriet Estelle (Slat.e) Tinker. 10 33- Josephine Pamelia, born Nov. 22, 1905. 1034. Robert William, born Oct. 28, 1907. 1035. Harriet Ora, born Nov. 13, 1909. 1036. Ruth Norris, born Jan. 12, 1912. 748. Children of Frederic Jared and Harriet (Burr) Tyler. T037- John Burr, born Jan. 12, 1909, in Perry, O. 749. Children of Homer and Florence Julia (Tyler) Woodworth. 1038. Margaretta Katherine, born April 3, 1904. 765. Children of George Van Dusen and Mary Winfield (Nail) Candler. 1039. George Van Dusen, Jr., born Jan. 28, 1908, in Detroit, Mich. T040. James Nail, born April 2, 1910, in Detroit, Mich. TENTH GENERATION. 79 774. Children of Charles W. and Anna Wildman (Somers) Dunn. 1 041. Theodore Somers, born June 22, 1886. 1042. Charles F., born April 6, 1890. 1043. Martha Angeline, born June, 1892. 1044. Emma Cornelia, born Feb. 14, 1894. 1045. Harold. 776. Children of Harry Robert and Harriet Beard (Holley) Williams. 1046. Beatrice Holley, born July 21, 1893. 1047. Lois Paulding, born Aug. 16, 1895. 1048. Elizabeth Wolcott, born Oct. 30, 1896. yyy. Children of George Raymond and Mary Louise (Holley) Tweedy. 1049. Raymond Holley, born Sept. 3, 1889. He married Marguerite Lawson Senior, Oct. 8, 1912. Wife born Sept. 30, 1891. 1050. Margory Beard, born April 18, 1892. Address — 160 Deer Hill Ave., Danbury, Conn. 778. Children of Alfred Wildman and Jennie Perry (Robinson) Holley. 105 1. Mary Beard, born Dec. 2, 1896. Address — 8 Terrace Place, Danbury, Conn. -1052. Classon, born May 1, 1901. 1053. Alfred Wildman, born Oct. 30, 1904. 780. Children of Greenville Dodge and Nellie B. (Kolp) Beard. 1054. Greenville Dodge, Jr., born Jan. 27, 1903. He died Jan. 28, 1903. 1055. Helen Louise, born June 28, 1906. 783. Children of Samuel Spencer and Elizabeth Ireton (McDonough) Chapman. 1056. Jessie, born Nov. 17, 1890. She died Nov. 21, 1890. 1057. Walter Hopkins, born Sept. 13, 1892. 785. Children of Edwin Hendrie and Margaret (Allen) Chapman. 1058. Margaret, born March 28, 1909. 1059. Anna Loraine, born Nov. 7, 1910. She died Nov. 10, 1910. 791. Children of William Alexander and Jessie May (Frick) Gordon. 1060. William Alexander, Jr., born Dec. 19, 1901, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 1061. Hubert Field, born Feb. 1, 1904, in Norwalk, Conn. 1062. Jean, born May 15, 1905, in Derby, Conn. 792. Children of Benjamin Otis and Harriet (Wanning) Frick. 1063. Julia Wanning, born April 5, 1914. 80 BEARD GENEALOGY. 801. Children of William West and Gertrude Hallidie (Hendrie) Grant. 1064. Edwin Hendrie, born Sept. 23, 1908, in Denver, Colo. 1065. William West, Jr., born Aug. 29, 1910, in Estey Park, Colo. 804. Children of George and Edith M. (Smith) Beard. 1066. Blanch E., born Sept. 11, 1887, in Harvard Junction, 111. 809. Children of Frederick J. and Mary Elizabeth (Bennett) Wheeler. 1067. Willie Bennett. He died Sept. 10, 1882, aged 14 years. 813. Children of Franklin Henry and Rose Beach (Lattin-Beach) Wells. 1068. William Bennett, born Nov. 16, 1898. 1069. Edith Louisa, born March 25, 1900. She died Aug. 6, 1900. 1070. Henry Shelton, born June 18, 1901. 1071. Benjamin Franklin, born Oct. 7, 1902. 816. Children of Arthur Dimon and Elizabeth F. (Pitcairn) Bennett. 1072. Marjorie, born June 23, 1890. She died Sept. 4, 1892. 821. Children of Albert Mills and Fannie Brownley (Bowen) Wooster. 1073. Alberta Jewell, born Feb. 13, 1876. She died July 10, 1876. 1074. Julian Scott, born Sept. 15, 1877. He married Edith Gertrude Castle, Nov. 17, 1909. 1075. Myra Estelle, born June 2^, 1879. She married James Orton Buck, Jr., June 5, 1912. Address — 1601 North Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. 824. Children of Edward Gilbert and Mary Amelia (Jones) Wooster. 1076. Bertha Gilbert, born Dec. 27, 1887. She died Jan. 28, 1897. 825. Children of William Leonard and Mary Kirby (Fisher) Wooster. 1077. Lawrence Fisher, born Aug. 2, 1884. He is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Illinois, 1906, and is an electrical engineer. He married Veva Ilene Magers, Aug. 12, 191 1. Wife born Aug. 12, 1885. Residence — Portand, Ore. 1078. Grace Kirby, born May 31, 1887. She was a graduate of Roanoke College, Roanoke, Va.. 1908. She married Kenyon Montgomery, Nov. 3, 1909. Husband born Nov. 21, 1881. 1079. Russell Hill, born April 29, 1891. 827. Children of Edward Holmes and Virginia Burd (Boye) Gilbert. T080. Frederick Boye, born Aug. 22, 1891. io8t. Edward Holmes, Jr., born Oct. 22, 1892. TENTH GENERATION. 8l 84.0. Children of Joel Agur and Grace Frances (Morse) Beard. 1082. Merwin Clark, born Oct. 15, 1896. 1083. Joel Morse, born Dec. 26, 1899. 842. Children of Zina Chatfield and May Hawkins (Turney) Beard. ic8^. Theodore Willard, born Nov. 1, 1890, in Oronoque. Conn. He was a graduate of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, 1912. He is a civil engineer and is connected with C. A. Ferry, of New Haven, Conn., being one of the engineers who helped in the con- struction of the Yale Bowl. 1 ©85. Harold Chatfield, born June 27, 1898, in Shelton, Conn. 846. Children of Fred Johnson and Helen Willard (Beard) Peck. 1086. Ruth Emily, born Nov. 25, 1913, in Ansonia, Conn. 847. Children of Willard Livingston rnd Ellen Lucy (Kinney) Beard. 1087. Phebe Kinney, born June 18, 1895, in Foochow, China. 1088. Myron Gould, born Nov. 13, 1896, in Foochow, China. 1089. Geraldine, born Aug. 25, 1898, in Fccchow, China. 1090. Dorothy, born Feb. 26, 1901, in Foochow, China. 1091. Marjorie, born Feb. 17, 1905, in Focchow, China. 1092. Kathleen Cynthia, born Aug. 10, 1908, in Foochow, China. 848. Children of Oliver Gould and Grace (Gilbert) Beard, Jr. 1093 Anna Gilbert, born April 25, 1896, in Bridgeport, Conn. 1094. Olive, born July 25, 1898, in Bridgeport, Conn. She died Feb. 4, 1915, in Bridgeport, Conn. 1095. Grace Gilbert, born Oct. 10, 1902, in Bridgeport, Conn. 850. Children of Bennett Nichols and Abbie Jane (Hubbell) Beard. 1096. Oliver Wells, born Feb. 17, 1903, in Shelton, Conn. 1097. Daniel Nichols, born Sept. 7, 1907, in Shelton, Conn. 1098. Edith Louise, born Feb. 16, 1911, in Shelton, Conn. 853. Children of James Daniel and Leolyn Seaver (Smith) Beard. 1099. Leolyn Seaver, born Jan. 26, 1906, in Bridgeport, Conn. Address — 1639 La Loma Ave., Berkeley, Cal. 868. Children of George Day and Julia Georgiana (Baird) Holmes. 1 100. Catherine Baird, born March 15, 1903. 869. Children of Tom and Martha Minerva (Baird) Hall. 1101. George Baird, born April 30, 1903. 1 102. Rosemary, born Dec. 9, 1913. 82 BEARD GENEALOGY. 870. Children of George Hjathaway and Florence Randolph (Taylor) Baird. 1 103. Nancy Rogers, born Jan. 13, 1910. 871. Children of George Beard and Agnes Marion ( Thompson) Clark. 1 104. George Beard, Jr., born Oct. 14, 1906. 872. Children of Clifford Buckingham and Sarah Luella (Clark) Morris. 1 105. Ruth Clark, born Dec. 24. 1906. She died Dec. 29, 1906. 1 106. Beulah Buckingham, born June 13, 1910. 881. Children of Cecil Rogers and Minnie Marie (Downs) Clark. 1 107. Marion, born Aug. 1, 1906. 882. Children of Irving and Ada Rogers (Beard) Williams. 1 108. Wooster Beard, born Aug. 28, 1899. Address — Plainville, Conn. 892. Children of Don Austin and Marie f Morrison) Stark. 1 109. Donald Morrison, born Feb. 2j, 1906. 902. Children of George Stiles and Mary (Poppleton) Smith. 1 1 10. Houston Poppleton. born Sept. 8, 1890. mi. Stiles Curtiss, born Feb. 6, 1895. 904. Children of Henry Stanley and Anna K. (Smith) Abbott. 1 1 12. Catherine Smith, born Dec. 18. 1886. She married Ralph Wilkinson Cobb, Jan. 3, 19 12. Husband born Aug. 2j, 1885, in Cleveland, O. 1113. Mary Stanley, born July 12, 1888. 1 1 14. James Samuel, born July 14. 1894. 906. Children of Frank Rust and Flora Marietta (Smith) Gilchrist. 1 1 15. Katherine Mary, born Nov. 3, 1901. 1 1 16. Frank William, born Jan. 31, 1903. 1 1 17. Flora Marietta, born June 17, 1906. 916. Children of Lewis Harlow and Emily Beard ( Hollenback) Taylor. 1 1 18. Anna Hollenback, born June 10. t886, in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. 1 1 19. Margaret, born Sept. n, 1889, in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. She died March or April, 1895. 917. Children of William Chase and Josephine Curtiss (Beard) Canfield. Daughter, who died in infancy. TT20. Kenneth B., born March 6, 1892. TENTH GENERATION. 8$ 1 121. Donald T., born Sept. 25, 1895. 1 122. Harold K., born July 25, 1897. 926. Children of Harold and Hester Truslow (Beard) Sheldon. 1123. Katherine Edwards, and 1 124. Hester Truslow, were twins, born Dec. 25, 1902. 927. Children of Charles Curtiss and Grace (Taylor) Beard, Jr. 1 125. Doris, born Dec. 4, 1905. 928. Children of Godwin and Margaret (Hudson) Beard. 1 126. Margaret Godwin, born April 6, 191 1. 1 127. Ruth, born April 20, 1912. ELEVENTH GENERATION. 999. Children of William Arthur and Edith (Robinson) LaField. 1 128. Elizabeth, born March 12, 1913. 1000. Children of Joseph Starr and Lillian Kate (Parmelee) Sherman. 1 129. Katie Starr, born June 8, 1887. She died Sept. 1, 1913. 1 130. Mary Amelia, born March 17, 1889. She married Hurbert A. Humphreys, Oct. 22, 1913. Husband born March 5, 1881, in Eng- land. 1008. Children of Frederick Samson and Georgia Orphia (Baird) Tipson. 1 131. Ada Virginia, born Feb. 23, 1913, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 1010. Children of William Gardner and Bertha Grace (Beard) Sturtevant. 1 132. William Beard, born March 26, 191 1. 1012. Children of John Andrew and Abigail Rosilla (Staples) Viele. 1 133. Agnes Staples, born Oct. 28, 1912. 1075. Children of James Orton and Myra Estelle (Wooster) Buck, Jr. 1 134. James Orton, born July 1, 1913, in Bridgeport, Conn. 1 135. Beverley, born Jan. 10, 1915, in Bridgeport, Conn. 1078. Children of Kenyon and Grace Kirby (Wooster) Montgomery. 1 136. Wooster Sheffield, born May 6, 1912. BEARD GENEALOGY. BEARD GENEALOGY BEARD GENEALOGY. BEARD GENEALOGY. BEARD GENEALOGY. BEARD GENEALOGY. BEARD GENEALOGY. BEARD GENEALOGY. BEARD GENEALOGY. BEARD GENEALOGY. BEARD GENEALOGY. Beard Index. The Figures Refer to the Number of the Descendant. Aaron 214 Bessie H 985 Abby 163 Betsey Lucinda 386 Abigail .... 24, 43, 50, 53, 95, 113, 114 Blanche E 1066 Abigail Alicia 188, 323 Abigail Sophronia 521 Caroline 394, 418 Ada Rogers 882 Caroline Anna 670 Addison 176 Caroline Augusta 979 Adelia Belle 439 Caroline D 419 Albert Eugene 641 Caroline Wheeler 518 Albert Tracy 267 Carrie Isabelle 635 Albertus Newton 866 Catherine 276 Alda Louise 968 Catherine Ann 403 Alfred Henry 400 Catherine Jane 258 Algernon 340 Catherine M 415 Algernon Edwin 255 Catherine Newton 508 Alice 597, 746 Catherine Phebe 283 Alice Belle 692 Catherine Prudden 515 Alice Martha 319, 520 Charity 160 Alice May 365 Charles 84, 318, 396 Allen Camp 175, 184 Charles Chauncey 598 Alton Rose 695 Charles Curtiss 565, 927 Amelia 139, 561 Charles Samuel 512 Amelia Elizabeth 646 Charlotte Wilcox 474 Amelia Matilda 700 Chester Sherman 992 Andrew 54, 109, no, 180 Clara Cornelia 699 Andrew Allen 327 Clara T. 269 Ann 46, 57 Clarence Seymour 600 Ann E 402 Comfort 59 Ann Maria 393 Anna n, 136, 159, 278 Daisy 604 Anna Augusta 510 Daniel 144 Anna Christine 867 Daniel C 263, 803 Anna Elizabeth 558 Daniel Carter 437 Anna Gilbert 1093 Daniel Nichols 1097 Anna Hollenback 918 David 58, 61, 116, 133, 141 Anna Maria 334, 385 14S, 204, 266, 380 Anna Smedley 845 David C 383 Anne 61 David Holbrook 268 Annie Beatrice 768 Deborah 40 Anson H 417 Dolly 70 Arthur 339, 807 Donald A 987 Arthur William 636 Doris 1125 Augusta Frances 668 Dorothy 1090 Augustus Field 455 Azariah 69 Earl Merritt 666 Ebenezar 15, 135, 212, 420 Beach 200 Edgar 391 Beach Curtiss 368 Edith C 713 Benjamin 38, in, 120 Edith Louise 1098 Bennett Nichols 850 Edith May 762 Bertha Grace 1010 Edward ." 341, 457 86 BEARD GENEALOGY. Edward Chester 760 Frank 349, 67 j Edward L 711 Frank E 712 Edward Whiting 347 Franklin 422 Edward Wilcox 473 Frederick 166 Edwin Lewis 453 Frederick Augustus 471 Edwin Spencer 449, 701, 779 Frederick C 675 Edwin Wildman 458 Frederick Herbert 642 Elam 217 Frederick Wheeler 84T Eleazer Judson 178 Eli 271, 299 George 44, 804 Eliza 124, 408 George C 480 Eliza Isabel 767 George Edwards 723 Eliza Mills 924 George Harrison 331 Eliza R 264 George Harvey 413 Eliza Smith 729 George Katchum 472 Elizabeth 8, 146, 152, 852 George Miller 452 Elizabeth Alfrida 322 George Xewton 177 Elizabeth Ann 302 George Rogers 346 Elizabeth Field 257 Geraldine 1089 Elizabeth Mills 569 Gertrude L 68 1 Elizabeth Wheeler 506 Gideon 82 Ellen 375 Gideon Wakelee 321 Ellen M 669, 674 Godwin 928 Elliott Judson 335 Grace Alden 763 Elmer Lester 697 Grace Gilbert IC95 Elnor Elizabeth 580 Grace Smith 637 Elvira Adelaide 301 Greenville Dodge 780, 1054 Elvira Violet 603 TT j?i v 218 Hannah Ann 252 Emily caa Harold Brewster 885 Emily Joanna " .' ." .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' * .' 514 Harold fhatfield 1085 Emily Wells 563 Harold Joseph 367 Emma E 399 Harriet Elizabeth 456, 770 Emma Patten 772 Harriet Francelia 522 Ephraim 92 Harriet Shelton 839 Ephraim Wooster 298*, 560 Harriet W. 250 Ernest Treat 364 Harry 806 Estelle Lavinia 836 Harr y George 632 Ethel Forrest 771 Harry Lee 336 Eugenie 753 g a "7 ^ if Eunice 65 Hattle Ma >' 8 ?+ jr va m $„ Hazel Diller 969 Helen Louise 1055 Fabian 203, 239 Helen Willard 846 Fabian Emmett 698 Henry Beach 388, 673 Flora 849 Henry C 676 Flora Grace 330 Henry Carlos DeForest 304 Florence 342 Henry Linson 369 Florence Adella 696 Herbert Edmond 333 Florence Louise 667 Hester Truslow 926 Frances 373 Hoda 158 Frances A 683 Homer 119 Frances C 579 Howard Booth 662 Frances Emily 993 Howard Henry 730 Frances J 416 Howard Iranaeus 645 Frances Lewis 517 Huntington 372 Frances Maria 40 t INDEX. 87 Ida 338, 672 Linson 201, 206, 392 Ira 179, 344, 371 Louise Isabelle 568 Tra C 671 Lucie Cummings 925 I ra Pennington . . t 320 Lucy 142, 275 Isabel Frances 570 Lucy Amelia 265 Isabel L 781 Lucy Maria 567, 837 Isabella Frances 454 Luella Fanshaw 643 Isabella Maria 259 Isabella Shaw 343 Margaret Godwin 1126 Maria 115, 121 Tames . . 2. to, 41, 62, 143, 151, 205, 249 Maria Piatt 516 James Bradley 463 Marian 888 James Carter 434 Marion Cecelia 325 James Daniel 853 Marjorie 1091 James Henry 504, 747 Martha 1, 6, 93 James Mortimer : 387 Martha Alice 319, 52b James Thomas 345, 644 Martha Ann 377 James Wheeler 281 Martha Maria 460 Jeanette 805 Martha Miles 509 J eh cida i§7 Mary .... 9. 37- 44, 47. 51, 56, 138, 180 Jeremiah 4, 14, 83 Mary Ann 261, 462 Joanna 154 Mary C 479 Joel 150, 279 Marv Caroline 438 Joel Agur 840 Mary E 270 Joel Morse 1083 i\*ary Esther 414, 769 J° hn 3, 7. 34, 48. 91, 94, 164, 165 Marv Josephine 519 J° hn C 576 Marv Louise 855 John Frink 256 Marv Lucinda 390 John Judson 407 Mary Maria 378 John Payson 461 May . ^" Jonah Newton 280 Merwin Clark .................. 1082 Joseph 12, 35, 52, 117 Miles Newton 317 Joseph Myers 702 Miles Northrop 602 Joseph Treat 192 Minerva 118, 122 Joseph Wooster 319, 520 Minme A 682 Josephine Curtiss 917 Minnie Alice 88} Julia Adelaide 562 Minnie B 708 Julia Ann 409 Miriam Cynthia 940 Julia Eliza 251 Morris 370 Julia Hoyt 469 Morris Lvon 761 Juliette 297 Myron Gould 1088 Kate Smith 328 Nancy 161 273 Kathleen Cynthia 1092 Nancv Cosella 348 Kenneth Judson 967 Nathan 42, 68 Nellie Christine 596 Laura 274 Nellie Elizabeth 838 Laura Amelia 678 Nellie Steele 363 Lavinia 148 Nelson 395, 397 Lavinia Maria 844 Nelson K 710 Lazarus Tomlinson 379 Leolyn Seaver 1099 Olive 1094 Leroy Nelson 994 Oliver Gould 505, 829, 848 Lester 709 Oliver Wells 1096 Lillian Clark 639 Lillie Alice 694 Pamelia 213, 216, 411 88 BEARD GENEALOGY. Pamelia Judson 423 Susan Isabella 599, 880 Parthenia 262 Svlvester Mills 300, 564 Phebe 384 Phebe Kinney 1087 Thankful 69 Phebe Maria 851 Theodora Louise 742 Philo D 481 Theodore 421 Polly 156, 162, 277 Theodore Edward 503, 843 Theodore Hemingway ion Randolph 374 Theodore Holt 724 Raymond Miles 887 Theodore Willard 1084 Rebecca 149 Thomas Francis 436 Rhoda Orville 693 Timothy 81 Robert Huntington 684 Robert W 984 Vine 350 Rogers Andrew 174 Vinnie 351 Roland Addison 640 Ruby 857 Walter 577, 808 Ruth 133, 141, 854, 1 127 Walter Judson 638 Ruth Elizabeth 381, 966 Warren Winfield 366 Ruth Maria 202 Wells 679 Wells Morris 986 Sally 108, 272 Willard Livingston 847 Samuel 13, 39, 64, 67, 140, 155 William 147, 215, 410 211, 282 William Addison 332, 259 Samuel Buckingham 137 William Augustus 566 Samuel Herbert S23 William Gayle 793 Samuel Lester 886 William H 578 Samuel Maxwell 389 W T illiam Hall 728 Samuel Shelton 559 William Hawley 303, 575 Sarah 7, 16, 23, 36, 45, 49, 55, William Henry 398, 435, 451 63,66, 134, 153 William Holbrook 253 Sarah Jane 412 William Miles 941 Sarah Maria 329 William Otis 260 Seymour 123 William Rogers 601 Seymour Rogers 316 William S 707 Spencer 382 William Spencer 459, 470, 759 Spencer Field 254 William. Thomas 502 Stanley Drew 856 Willie Sherman 634 Susan 112 Wolcott LeClear 448, 752 Susan Allen 324 Susan Huntington 450 Zina Chatfield 842 Index to All Other Names. The Figures Refer to the Number of the Descendant. Abbott, Catherine Smith 1112 Henry Stanley 904 James Samuel 11 14 Mary Stanley 1 1 13 Abel, Henry 440 Adams, Sarah C 475 Alden, Elizabeth Ann 452 Aldrich, D. P 394 Allen, Althea 614 Margaret 78s William T 567 Andrew, Arthur Russell 959 Charles Merwin 860 Elizabeth Merwin 863 Ethel Elizabeth 960 Frank Newton 858 Frederick Andrew 623 George Merwin 864 Joseph Dwight 859 Mary Eliza 862 Merwin 506 Nelson Stowe 861 William 510 Arnold, John 50 Jonathan 24 Atherton, Salome Williams 821 Atwood, Lucy 73 Margaret S 550 Bacon, Edward Mayhew 918 Bailey, Flora Adelle 333 Bainter, Lincoln 595 Baird, Berton Gustavus 584 Carrie Ruse 931 Catherine Bruce 865 Charles Glen 932 Charles Irwin 586 Charles William 591 Charlotte Estelle 1007 Frederick Edgar 590 Frederick Norman 31 1 George Hathaway 870 George Herbert 588 George Shepard 720 George William 513 Georgia Orphia 1008 Hannah Elizabeth 314 Harry Carpenter 1005 Helen Pauline 58s Henry Hanford 406 James Wooster 511 Baird Jessie Murral 592 John Gunn 507 John Gustavus 310 John Henry 719 Julia Georgianna Rogers . . 868 Julia Shepard 1009 Laura Grace 1004 Lillian Glady 589 Mabel Maria 308 Martha Minerva 869 Maylah Louise 1006 Nancy Rogers 1 103 Nellie Merle 933 Rosalthe Louise 315 Sarah Louise 309 Solomon Truman 312 William Johnson 313 William Norman 587 Baker, Seth D 682 Baldwin, Abigail 101, 104 Abraham 49 Anna 26 Annie Maria 176 Barbara 972 Beard 97 Billings 27 Clarence Beard 648 Comfort 99 David 17, 172 Doris Serena 971 Dorothea 6ig Elijah 107 Elizabeth 105 Elliott Bray 970 Elliott H 355 Harold Newell 649 Hezekiah 102 Joshua 53 Lavinia 168 Martha 174 Mary 25, 100, 103 Mary Ann 117 Noah 167 Raymond Elliott 647 Sally 169 Samuel 108, 171 Sarah 96, 98, 106 Susan 173 Susan Cynthia 316 Sybil 97 Sybil C 170 go BEARD GENEALOGY. Baldwin, Timothy 9, 28 Wesley Eugene 973 Bancroft, Alfred 570 Banks, Daniel 306, 583 George 581 Jennie Adesta 733 Mary 582 Barbor, Mary Elizabeth 834 Bard, Emma M 449 Barker, Annie Deming 455 Barlow, Caroline L 476 Barniim, Cora 723 Barstow, Frances C 303 Beach, Flora Celona 627 Lorenzo Allen 620 Rose Beach (Lattin) 813 Ruth Ann 218 Zerah Nathan 628 Zerah Pierpont 329 Beardslee, Whitmore 70 Beardsley, Augustin 156 Clarinda 305 Lucinda 306 Phoebe 205 Samuel 307 Sarah Esther 361 Beebe, Samuel 122 Benedict, John 705 Laura P 991 Benham, Elizabeth 296 Benjamin, Ann 94 Mary 484 Bennett, Arthur Dimon 816 Caroline 490 Carrie Elizabeth 8ti Cora May 817 Elizabeth 486 Erastus 485, 489 Frances Sarah 810 Frederick Humphrey . . . 818 Ida Finson 814 Laura Ann /88 Lucius 487 Marjorie 1072 Mary Elizabeth 809 Nathan 273 Nathan Seymour . . 815 William Lewis 484 Bevans, Alfred E 1003 Eleazer 718 Birdsey, Harriet 229 Bishop, Albert Thomas 521 Edward U 552 Bixby, Emma 313 Blackman, Ann 210 Beard 208 Blackman, David 207 Elizabeth 209 James 136 Jennie E 710 Mercy 150 Zecheriah 63, 134 Blair, Anna Katherine 750 Caroline Julia 442 Flora Margaretta 446 Frederick William 441 Harriet Mary 440 Harry Beard 445 Katherine Ann /\/ \ /\ Robert Franklin 443 William 251 Blakeman, Abby 227 Anna 221 Ard 222 Dolly 226 Eben . 220 Frank Ernest 838 Gould 229 James 228 Katy 224 Pamela 225 Sarah 223 Blakeslee, Abigail 147 Sarah E 601 Blue, Margaret Elizabeth 504 Boardman, Halsey J 897 Booth, David C 209 Fannie Wakelee 364 Bowen, Fannie Brownley 821 Bowers, Jessie B 694. John R 428 Bo}'ce. Albert 643 Bcye. Vir^ inia Burd 827 Bracken, Mary 607 Bray, Martha J 434 Sumner W 355 Bright, J. L 696 Broga, Arthur E 596 Arthur Seymour 939 Hazel Beard 937 Susie Demaris 938 Brooks, Mary Curtiss 912 Stiles Curtiss 913 Thomas Hope 556 Bruce, Martha Frances 511 Brush, Nellie Virginia 720 Buck, Beverley 1135 James Orton 1075, 1134 Buckingham, John 16 Sarah 39 Budinetou. Elizabeth 559 Bnlkley, Martha Washington INDEX. 9* Bulkley, ( Dimon) 489 Burr, Flora Elizabeth 739 Harriet 748 Burris, Carrie 395 Burritt, Emily J 395 Burton, Jeanette 263 Burtt, Clara B 304 Burwell, Ephraim 22 Martha 34 Cables, Esther 217 Callender, Ann Maria 369 Caroline Hannah 368 Camber, Timothy 5 1 Camp, 25 Joel ...... 156 Nancy no Nicholas 5 Candler, Gecrge Van Dusen 765, 1039 James Nail 1040 Canficld, Donald T H2T Harold K 1122 Kenneth B 1 120 William Chase 917 Carpenter, Bertha Grace 719 Carrinstcn, Martha J 178 Carroll, Mary Jane 843 Carter. Mary Caroline 2 '9 Case, Fushia M 764 Herman D 517 Wilbur James 875 Castle. Edith Gertrude 1074 Chamberlain. Clifford G 923 Chambers, Tames E 447 William C 252 Zadie Caroline LeClear 751 Chandler, Abigail Eliza 529, 533 Abigail Ida 896 Charles 288, 53T Frederick Kies 894 George Francis 895 Mary Gleason 532 Samuel Wooster . . 530, 534 William Lansing 535 Chapin, Eliza 145 Chr.pman, Anna Loraine 1059 Catherine 789 Fdwin Hendrie 785 Francis 787 Herbert 786 Howard Hopkins 784 Tessie 1056 Margaret 1058 Samuel 467 Samuel Spencer 783 Sarah 788 Chapman, Walter Hopkins 1057 William Edwards 790 Chatfield, Isaac 235 Maria 279 Clapp, Almira J 981 Evelyn B 980 Herbert A 678 Leroy H 983 Morris B 982 Clark, Abigail 38, 48 Albert Goodrich 599, 880 Almon E 515 Cecil Rogers 881 Charles William 361 Daisy 659 Elwood Russell 658 Eva Beatrice 656 Frank Andrew 878 George 16 George Beard 871, 1104 George Wilbur 362, 657 Gertrude Josephine 879 Grace Alda 332, 359 Herbert Spencer Smith . . . 655 Lucius W 246 Mabel Grace 660 Marguerite Winnifred . . . 974 Marion 1107 Merritt Baldwin 519 Mildred Helen 661 Minnie Abigail 877 Nathan 29, 185 Nathan Smith 360 Owen T 509 Rufus 305 Samuel 114 Sarah 13 Sarah Ann 84 Sarah Luella 872 Closson. Samuel 462 Cobb, Ralph Wilkinson 1112 Coles, Minerva 217 Coley, Emma 331 Mary 19 Thomas 21 Comstcck, Claribel 100^ Polly 58 Cone, Alfred T 315 Matie Lou 595 Nora Ella 593 Roxanna 166 Thurlow Thurston 594 Cook, Cornelia T 744 Elsar 202 Libbie 376 Corinth, Anabel Jerusha 754 <)2 BEARD GENEALOGY. Corinth, Cornelia Edgar 758 Dodge, Julia M 463 Eliza Miller 755 Dolbec, Amelia May 649 Lucy Miller 756 Grace C 367 William Augustus 450 Donaldson, Ida 534 William Spencer 747 Douglass, Arthur Melvill 934 Corning, Benjamin H 723 Augusta 690 Edna May 721 Leroy 936 Edward 414 Marcellus 589 Edward Banks 992 Pauline 935 Elam Beard 722 Downs, Minnie Marie 88t Mildred Antionette 724 Dull, Emma R 586 Olive Marion 991 Dunn, Charles F 1042 Sherman Osborne 990 Charles W 774 Cory, Fannie Marion 790 Emma Cornelia 1044 Robert John 477 Harold 1045 Crouse, Ellen Augusta 677 Martha Angeline 1043 Florence B 675 Theodore Somers 1041 Fred Huntington 678 Minnie R 676 Eaton, Aleine Gertrude 997 Robert 375 Lewis B 975 Cummings, Lucy Maria 300 Lewis H 668 Curnes, Marion 478 Ecker, J. Orville 976 Curtis, Frances 200 John A 672 Curtiss, Alvan 226 John Beard 977 Amzi 289 Lewis Charles 978 Anna Marcia 931 Edwards, Emily 410 Anna Maria 556 Eeffemzer, Carrie 691 Asa 78 Eells, John 46 Caroline 292 Evans, John Orville 670 Charles 295 Charles Edmund . . . 554, 898 Fahnestock, Amanda 396 Charles Lambert 553 Failing, Louise M 310 David 136 Fallis, Rachel 425 - Edwin Stair 900 Fanshaw, Emma 335 Elbert B 958 Farist, Annie 726 Eliza 294 Farnum, Hannah 147 Harriet 293, 537 Farrand, Nathaniel 26 Henry Benham 557 Fellowes, Mary Ann 254 Henry Stiles 296, 899 Field, Betsey 144 Hurd Levi 689 Fisher, Mary Kirby 825 John 290 Fitch, 161 Maria 291 Ford, Mary Ann 151 Melissa 222 Fowler, Elizabeth 29 Polly 219 Hannah 30 Sarati 536 Jonathan ^ Stiles 153 Joseph 104 Stiles Henry S55 Margaret 3T May 615 Davis, Alice A 192 Sophie 620 Enoch 40 William 1 1, 32 Rebekah 60 Fox, Charles Miller 571 Samuel Beard 60 George Henry 572 Dellicker, Fllen Watkins 466 John Marvin 30T Dennison, Charles 393 Francis, Harriet 284 Dickerman, Helen Amelia 362 Frick, Benjamin Otis 792 Diller, Jennie 64T Charles Augustus 469 INDEX. 93 Frick, Jessie May 791 Julia Wanning 1063 Gardner, Frank Beard 680 Napcleon B 373 Garlick, Henry 66 Garrison, William 337 Gayle, Jane H 472 Gerish, Hannah 898 Gilbert, Ann Eliza 493 Anna Hawkins 828 Ariadne 833 Celestus Beard 497 Edith Laura 832 Edward 492, 496 Edward Holmes . . . 827, 108 1 Frederick Boye 1080 Grace 829, 848 Joel Thomas 495 Lucius 277 Lucius Lovell 831 Maria 290 Mary Louisa 494 William Borden 830 Gilchrist, Flora Marietta 1117 Frank Rust 906 Frank William 1116 Katherine Mary 1115 Gleeson, Catherine M 541 Glenny, Sarah Peck 177 Goddard, Eliza Payson 455 Godwin, Charlotte Swan 565 Goodwin, Helen Augusta 436 Mary Gleason 295 Gordcri, Hubert Field 1061 Jean 1062 William Alexander 791, 1060 Grant, Edwin Hendrie 1064 William West 801, 1065 Grassle, Olea Oliva 889 Greene, Charles 995 Harry F 713 Griswold. Polly 80 Gunn, Minerva 280 Guthrie, Caroline 544 Hale, Sarah E 372 Hall, Burton S 357 Eliza 507 Eunice Anna 965 George Baird 1101 Georgine W 675 Grace Carolyn 963 James 63 =5 James Addison 964 Leland Beard 961 Hall, Marjorie Isabel 962 Rosemarv 1 102 Tom ..". 869 Hawker, Caroline Adeline 645 Hawley, Abby Betsey 150 Anna 3 Anna B 206 Catherine 215 Sarah 215 Hayes, Eunice 32 Hendrie, Charles 261 Charles Francis . . . 475, 799 Edna Florence ........ 796 Edwin Beard 478 Elizabeth Field 477 Gertrude Halliedie 80 t Gladys Lorain 798 Jennie Frances ........ 795 Marion Grace 797 William C 476 Herrick, James 233 Hewins, Charles Storrs 432 Daniel Augustin 427 Emeline Sophrona 430 Henry 240 John Seward 433 Julia Maria 426 Laura Melissa 431 Levi Tomlinson 425 Phebe Minerva 428 Susan Eliza 429 William Henry 424 Hickox, Marjorie 79 Sarah 71 Hickson, Nettie C 676 Higby, Susan 461 Hioo-inss, Lucinda . 487 Hildreth, Norman 1014 Hillman, Arthur John 893 Hine, Cornelia S 194 Joel 105 Mary 182 Sarah 58^ Hinman, Charles Graham 898 George 538 Georgia Maria 897 William Moseley 899 Hobart, Mrs 62 Hobbs, Nellie Louise 344 Hoffman, 338 Holbrook, Ruth 62 Hcllenback, Amelia Beard 920 Emily Beard 916 John'W 558, 561 Julia Adelaide 919' Juliette Geneve 92r 94 BEARD GENEALOGY. Hollenback, Samuel Beard 915 Walter Matson 914 Holley, Alfred Wildman .•-. . 778, 1053 Classon 1052 Harriet Beard 776 Mary Beard 1051 Mary Louise 777 Samuel Classon 462 Hollingsworth, Abigail 7 Holmes. Catherine Baird 1100 George Day 858 Martha Elizabeth 495 Hopkins. John Fred 297 Levi 258, 468 Mary Elizabeth 467 Hoyt, Julia Ann 260 Hubbard, Minnie Vara 8S5 Hubbell, Abbie Jane 850 Emily Cummings 299 Hudson, Margaret 928 Hull. Curtiss M 627 Humphreys, Hurbert A 1130 Hunter, Sarah F 244 Hurd, Ambrose Shelton 740 Benjamin 416 Benjamin Smith 1026 Elizabeth Frances 1024 Emily Elizabeth 504 Frances Wales 1027 Lewis Burr 1025 Martha Caroline 1028 Martha Cornelia 741 Samuel Beard 739 Hurlburt, Susan M 542 Hutchinson, Myron 238 Jackson. Beatrice Alice 437 Jacobs, Simon 246 Jenks. Ernest 708 Jennings, George A 474 Irving Callender 791 Johnson, Chauncey 222 Emma R 764 Flora 253 Herbert Hurd 1029 Marion Frances 1030 Merwin Wheeler 741 Robert 692 Jones, Mary Amelia 824 Jordan, Harry Lightfoot 800 Judson, Emily Pamelia 405 John 216 Lewis 148 Sarah Ann 404 Judy, Ambrose B 197 Keeler, Esther A 724 Kershaw, Alary Cornelia 382 Kies, Mary Ida 534 Kinney, Ellen Lucy 847 Knapp, Helen A 374 Koernig, Frederick 896 Kolp, Nellie B 780 Lace}', Abigail Lillian 625 Arthur J 328 Ethel May 624 Mabel Kate 623 LaChapelle, Georgieanna 820 Laffcon, Vernie 445 LaField, Catherine Rudge 998 Elizabeth 1 128 Francis Howard 715 George Henry 714 Joseph Howard 997 Lewis Howard 996 Loudy H 402 William Arthur 999 Lamb, Emma 433 Lambert, Emily A 295 LaMontague, Arthur Jeremiah ... 650 Lawrence, George Hubbard 867 Lawson, Amelia Elizabeth 345 Leavenworth, Eliza 204 LeClear, Carrie R 253 Kate Beard 447 Leonard, Lucy Allen 254 Lewis, Abijah 224 Frances 281 Harriet 286 Josie 715 Lines, Colvin 546 Linsley, James H 537, 543 Clarence A 950 Lounsburv, Etta May 610 Hilda May V 951 Inabelle 948 William Harlow 321, 612 William R 9.9 Lovell, Laura Sophia 496 Lucas, Ellen Brown 905 Lyman, Lydia A 528 Lyon, Morris W 464 Mackerness, Caroline 360 Macracken, Alice 701 Makers, Veva Ilene 1077 Mallory, Mary Esther 255 Mastic, Benjamin 241 Matthew, Alice 695 Matthews, Josephine M 673 May, Mary 573 McCormick, Alary Blanchard .... 790 McDonald, Patrick 399 INDEX. 95 McDonough, Elizabeth Ireton .... 783 McEwen, Catherine 214 McKay, Belle 548 McNeal, 162 McNutt, John Clem 911 McQuiston, Rose N 433 Merwiri, Florence Albertina 873 George W 517 Georgia Webster 874 Metlar, William Fowler 814 Miles, Annie Brewster 523 William 225 Miller. Emma Zacharina 501 Ethel Cummings 923 Etta 689 Florence Louise 922 Jordan Gray 563 Leonard W 805 Miner, Harriet Eliza 552 Henry Stiles 549 John Henry 551 Truman 293 Truman Smith 550 Mix, Abbie 574 Montgomery, Kenyon 1078 Wooster Sheffield 1136 Morehouse, Daniel 124 Phebe 119 Morris, Beulah Buckingham .... 1106 Clifford Buckingham .... 872 Ruth Clark 1105 Morrison. Marie 892 Morse, Grace Frances 840 Moseley, Caroline Ausrusta 900 Charles William 539 Helen Graham 90 r John Graham 540 Maria Curtiss 538 William Graham 291 Munson, Hollis 610 Olive Susan 947 Nail, Edwin Beard 764 James 454 Louis Algernon 766 Mary Winneld 765 Nettleton, Abigail 126 Almon 181 Anna 130 Benajah 59 Charles A 132 Charles M 356 Edith Adelia 650 Edward 131 Helen Harriet 652 Hezekiah 128 Joseph 129 Nettletcn, Lerc-y Albert 653 Louise Madeline 654' Robert 651 Seman 127 Thaddeus 162 William 125 Newton, Phebe 151 Nichols, Georgia W 899 Nancy Maria 505 Niles, Sarah 392 Noble, William 324 Nye, May Lucile 638 Osborne, Mary Amanda 732 Ostrander. Verna 876 Otis, Harrison Grey 912 Owen, Carrie M 712 Fainter, Eunice Parker, Martha Mary Adelaide Parmelee, Alva Grace L Lillian Kate Philander Patchin, Eleazer Patridge, Carrie Peck, Fred Johnson Katherine W Ruth Emily Penrleld, Arthur Ellsworth Esther Jane Florence E Florence Pamelia Ira Joel Farist Perkins, Abby Lee Perrine. Carrie Imogene Perry, Mary Augusta Pettit, Martha Phelps, Henrv Joel r Pierce, Francis Augustus Pitcairn, Elizabeth F Piatt, Arthur J 613, Betsey Carleton Arthur Lilian Lucia Marian Grace Samuel Sarah Susan Winthrop Rogers Plumb. John Poppleton, Mary Potter, Mary Elizabeth Pratt, Helen E • 71 317 451 716 100 1 1000 37^ 230 3ii 846 320 1086 726 725 1014 727 412 1015 177 735 540 • 14 922 264 900 816 618 212 952 953 957 • 45 • 35 182 958 163 902 559 420 96 BEARD GEXEALCGY. Price, Charles H 68t James 426 Prudden, Samuel 36 Ralston, William C 643 Rand, Clintcn A 693 Randolph, Belle 480 Reeves, Mary 389 Reid, Sarah Rebecca 388 Reiner, Christine 629 Grace 631 M. Ferdinand 330 Victor 630 Renslow, Edith 612 Rice, George P 727 George Penfield 1016 Sarah Florence 1017 Riggs, Phebe 83 Roberts, Minnie 642 Robinson, Edith 999 Electa Anzolette 327 Jennie Perry 778 Rockwell, Alice L 465 Roe, Joel 314 Roff, Louisa 717 Rogers. Julia Catherine 513 Susan 54 Rose, Elizabeth N 380 Rudge, Emma 715 Russell. Benjamin 536 Salmon, Cornelia 228 Sanford, Sarah 12 Schoonmaker. Amos Starr 729 Amos William ... 10 19 Julia Beard 101 Scott, Wait 72 Sears, Sarah (Griffin) 316 Sengstacken, Mayme 621 Senoir. Marguerite Lawson 1049 Sharp, Alfred N 403 Catherine Hawley 716 Sarah Elizabeth 718 Willetta L 1002 William Beard 717 Shattuck, Frances 707 Shaw, Isabella Orr 179 Sheldon, Karold 926 Hester Truslow 1124 Katherine Edwards .... 1 123 Shelton, Nancy 299 Sarah Elizabeth 598 Sarah Maria 502 Shepard. Julia 413 Orphia Charlotte 406 Sherman. Anna C 705 Austin 384 Sherman, Birdsey Elam Thompson Elijah Eliza Annette Everett Stern Henry W Homer A Jennie L. Joseph Starr Katie Starr Marv Amelia Phebe M Wilbur B Shipley, Maud Augusta Slate, Harriet Estelle Smedley. Charles Beard Ellen Elizabeth Emma Harwood Frances Charlotte Frederic Miller Frederick George George Wells Smith, Abigail 175, 184, Allie Maria Amniel Anna K Arthur Dennis Beard 86, Beard Still Bertha Justine Caleb Caleb Sumner Caroline D Caroline Mary Celia Catherine Charles Allen Charles B Clifford Norton David Dennis 188, Doris Louise Ebenezar Edith M Esrbert Livingston Eleanor Elsie Josephine Elwood Winthrop Emily Emmons Andrew Ethel May Flora Marietta Frank W Frederick Marshall Genevieve Georpe George H George Stiles 419 721 156 722 409 990 703 711 1000 1 129 1 130 989 704 655 745 499 498 835 500 834 50T 278 282 605 . 90 904 607 182 608 325 615 547 903 186 622 544 621 161 323 957 30 804 614 383 946 619 544 609 943 906 5i8 365 648 545 548 902 INDEX. 97 Smith, Grace Ann 185 Grace Iola 618 Harriet go? Harriet M 546 Hattie 357 Hazel Rosalthe 945 Helen Abigail 606 Helen Christine 665 Herbert A 358 Hezekiah 115 Hezekiah Prosper 191 Houston Prppleton it to Howard Edwards 942 Howard Lamont 876 Joel 190 John 47, 89 Joseph 149 Leolyn Seaver 853 Lucia Estella 613 Lucretia 189 Lyndon 354 Mabel Cecelia 617 Marian Barnett 954 Martha Maria 190 Mary 85 Mary Elizabeth 352 Mehetable 87 Mildred Jeanette 664 Minerva 187 Minnie Louise 944 Nelson Carrinstcn 620 Philip Sumner 955 Russell Davis 663 Samuel 31, 292 Samuel D 542 Samuel Lewis 905 Sarah 12, 42 Sarah E 543 Sarah L 512 Serena Beard 355 Sherman 357 Stiles C 541 Stiles Curtiss nil Susan 183 Susan Adelia 356 Wallace Parker 616 William 112, 181 William Rogers 353 Smyth, Gabriella 448 Snow, Emma Louise 647 Snyder, Matilda 424 Somers, Anna Wildman 774 George Farnum yy^ Philip W. 460 William Beard 775 Spencer, Bessie La Bonta 890 Stair, Lucia Marcia 555 Staples, Abigail Rosilla 1012 Dorothy Jean .. 1013 • Ernest Linwood 725 Stark, Charles Chandler 889 Don Austin 892- Donald Morrison 1109 Jacob Hicks 532 Mollie Eliza 893 Samuel Chandler 891 William Jacob 890 Stephens, Al van 302 Etha May 929 Henry Alvan 573 Samuel Ross 574 William Alvan 930 Sterling, Edward 194 George 198 Henry 196 Herbert Chester 194 Homer 193 Martin 195 Mary Elizabeth 197 Samuel Beebe 122 Stockwell, Clarence H 903 Stoddard, Abigail 75 Stone, Jennie Earle 831 Stratton, Chauncey Beard 689- Fabian Levi 690 Linson Seymour 691 Seymour 2>77 Streame, Abigail 18 John 6, 19 Martha 21 Mary 17 Sarah 22 Thomas 20 Stryker, Europe 429 Sturtevant. William Beard 1132 William Gardner . . . 1010 Summers, William 154 Tallmage, Sallie 573 Taylor, Anna Hollenback it 18 Florence Randolph 870 Grace 927 Lewis Harlow 916 Margaret 11 19 Thayer, Amelia M 298 Thompson, Agnes Marion 871 Anne . 135 Thyng, Florence H 802 George P 479 Tibbals. Samuel 106 Thomas 18 Tinker, Harriet Ora 1035 Joseph Beard 745 Joseph Emerson 423- c8 BEARD GENEALOGY. Tinker, Josephine Pamelia 1033 Robert Ely 744 Robert William 1034 Ruth Norris 1036 Sheldon Townsend 1031 Theodore Beard 1032 Theodore Reuben 743 Tipson, Ada Virginia 1131 Frederick Samson 1008 Tomlinson, Alice 203, 239 Amelia 231, 238 Angeline Maria 248 Betsey 230 Daniel 142, 242 Deborah 233 Eliza 241 Fabian 244 Gould 404 James 243 Levi 139, 234 Lucy 235, 245 Lucy Beard 246 Phebe 236, 240 Polly 133 Ruth 232 Spencer Field 247 Urana 237 Trimble, Anson B 736 Clemence 415 Frances M 737 Frederick C 735 Katie B 738 Ruth Imogene 1023 Trobridge, Lydia 76 Truslow, Hester Emma 564 Turney, May Hawkins 842 Willis , 486 Tweedy, George Raymond 777 Margory Beard 1050 Raymond Holley 1049 Tyler, Florence Julia 749 Frederick Jared 748 Jared 442 John Burr 1037 Van Deusen, Courtland 624 Vesey, Mira Eliza 441 Viele, Agnes Staples 1133 John Andrew 1012 Wales, Florence Emily 740 Walker, Joanna 41 Wanning, Harriet 792 Webster, Celestus Gilbert 820 Tames .493 Mary 8T9 Weller, William 879 Wells, Almira C 370 Benjamin Franklin 1071 Edith Louisa 1069 Esther 812 Franklin Henry 813 Henry Shelton 488, 1070 William Bennett 1068 Welton, Clara Parthenia 482 Henry Beach 265 Owen Lowing 483 Westwood, Robert 937 Wheeler, Charles Banks 41 t Eben . , 223 Elizabeth 64 Frederick J 809 James 309 Julia Ann 503 Mary 331 Moses 405 Sarah 220 Willie Bennett 1067 White, Louisa Harwood 531 Mary 379 Wilcox, Florence 679 Julia E 260 Wildman, Alfred Nirun 466 Isabella Beard 464 John William 465 Leonard Dellicker 782 Lois Ann 256 William B 257 Williams, Beatrice Holley ..... . 1046 Elizabeth Wolcott .... 1048 Harry Robert 776 Irving 882 Lois Paulding 1047 Marilla 391 Wooster Beard 1108 Winton, Andrew Leavenworth . . . 408 George H 408 Wolcott, Harriet 143 Woodruff, Enoch 227 Woods, Caroline 205 Woodward, Abel 73 Abigail 74 Anna 72 Asa 77 Elijah 79 Eunice 78 Israel A3, 7$ John 76 Nathan 71 Samuel 80 Wood worth, Homer 749 Margaretta Katherine 1038 Wooster, Abby Betsey 287 INDEX. 99 Wooster, Albert Mills 821 Wooster, Jcel Thomas 826 Alberta Jewell 1073 Articretia 155 Bertha Gilbert 1076 Charles Chandler 528 Edward Gilbert . . . 823, 824 Eliza 288 Ephraim 286 Grace Kirby 1078 Henry Lewis 525 James Wells 527 Joel 285, 525 John 152 Julian Scott 1074 Lawrence Fisher 1077 Lemuel 148 Myra Estelle 1075 Roswell 284 Roswell John 524 Russell Hill 1079 Wilfred Gilbert 822 William Coggswell .... 494 William Leonard 825 e , 1 * ^ W *' v * o • a O N J ^9 ^ V "' ,- ^ °* 3 N ° *9° V o « S <\ " ff ^ £ ;v A O o A ^ ; t ^ y ^> *° . * * A <\. / i ^ V tf V y v^9 4? ^ -^ *° 9 ' ^ A^ »V 4 o^ * ^ $> V "J .r ,^ f- * *?"jk .- ^ J : «. 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