CS 71 .F855 1901 Copy 2 Class _o ^/ l/. right iN^ /aol COPYRIGHT DEPOSnV EARLY HISTORY ..OF THE. FREEMAN-FAMILY of Surrey, England, and Nexu Jersey, cMkhigan, cHprth Carolina, and . . . California. :•> -• • IN THE UNITED STATES COMPILED FOR D. FREEMAN By GUST AVE ANJOU J/riahlist and Ci-iiralogist. Member Harleian Society, Parish Regnter Snciely, AVrc ^ork Genealogical Snciety, American HksIoi nal Assoria/ioii, etc., etc.. New York. iVrms nf tlir Frrrinans nf Surmj and L,nndnn, in gngland, and thrtr drfii-rndants in thr Hlnitcd States. AZURE, three lozenges argent. Crest, a demi-lion rampant gules, charged on the shoulder with a lozenge argent. MOTTO : Liber et audax. PART I. EARLY HISTORY OF THE FREEMAN FAMH.Y. We caniK^t at this date decide how tlie name oris^inated. All autliors on nomenclature believe that it was adopted by some one who desired to indicate his position of a free man. A genealo.qical authority says, "Another ori^rinal of names was. clearly, the existence of some peculiar qualify in the indi- vidual, — moral, physical, accidental, or otherwise, — of which illustrations may be cited, such as Jolni-flic-stniiii^, becoming;' /()///; S front:;: and, as is related of Ednumd, a Saxon Kini;', that he was surnamed Ironsides; or' of persons who could not i)e subjected by invasion; Itut by well chosen position, jiersist- ence or valor, maintained their independence, never in vassal- ag"e or made tributary, and who were appropriately denomi- nated FREE. Of this number, it naturally followed that Joliu- fhc-fyccmcu came to be called John Freeman, and from the FREEMEK of an early day, has, as it is claimed and les^iti- mately concluded, come the patronymic FREF^MAX." We have at an earlv date one John le Freeman. The name does not ap])ear in the Uattle of Abl)ey Roll of Honour, and the family is ])robably not of Norman origin, as has been claimed; for few. if any, of the early Normans were left out of this remarkable Roll; but, on the contrarw a lari^e number of names were added without any authority vvhatever. The name ap])ears several times in old Oerman chronicles, and also in the v'^candinavian "v'^aj^as"; l)ut it is more than l)ro])al)le tliat it was assumed in these countries f(_)r the same rea'^ons as in ''ritain. That all the I'ritish 1>ranches of the I'reeman family came from one i;on.imon stock is evidenced by the almost identical anus Imrne bv the diitcrent houses of this name, both in \\n\^- land and Ireland. It is curious to note that this name was assinned by the Duchess of MarlborouLdi in licr well-known correspondence GENEALOGY - ] witli Ouccn Anne. 'I'lu< Duchess hoastcfl that slic callr.l l)rr- M If "Mrs. Frrcman." lucausc the name "was pccuh'arly suited to the trankniss aud hohhicss of her cliaracter." Why all the houses of Freeman sliould have adopted the device of "the Lozen.qc or Fusil" in their arms I caiui.,1 say, unless it was to indicate their industry and perseverance in tlie husiuess entrusted to them. We shall now proceed to indicate the origin of the different houses of Freeman, and the armorv thev carried. (Ferguson, "Surnames as a science.") (Lower, "I'atronymica Britannica.") fDnchess Cleveland, "I'.attle of Abbey Roll of Honour.") ( Murke's Commoners and Landed Cuiilrv.) TiiK Frkrm.xns of C.nstlk Cor, Co. Cork, Irki^.vni). de.scend h"oui JOHN FREEMAN, who built the Castle in the middle of the T7th century. lie died ;ilMiut 1690, and was succeeded bv his son. WILLLAM FREEMAN. who married a Miss O'Calla.j^iian of the house of I'.antyre, and had with her a son, WILLIAM FREEAIAN, who. with his wife Ellen, a dau^-bter of Sha])land Carew, had two sons, Robert and William, the latter of whom married into the Deanc family, leaving- a son Matthew, whose property was inluriled by the Deanes. who assumed the name of Freeman, which, they bear to this day. This family bear for armory, in a (|uarterin<,'; of four, first and fourth, "ules, three lozen<:^es arti^cnt, for Freeman: with a crest a demidion rampant ofules, boldiui^- in his paws a lozen_<;-c arq-cnt, for iMveman ; Motto: "Liber et audax," for iM-eeniau. THE YORKSHIRE BRANCH OF THE FREEMAXS can be traced back to about 1657, when lived 8 GENEALOGY li ( ) W S LE Y F R EE M A N , of Howslev Ilall, Parish of Ecclcsficld, Co. Yorkshire, Encr- land, w ho married Mary, daughter of Thonias Steel Tliev hore for arms: (tlarleiau AISS. 566) THE FREEMANS OF VVALLINGFORD, BERKSHIRE, flesccnd from THOMAS FREEMAN, of Preston, in Crowmarsh, in Oxon, who married Frances, daughter of a Bennett of London. One of their children, John Freeman, of Wallingford, Berkshire, horn 1624, married Alice, a daughter of Sir John Keeling, a Justice of the Court of the King's Bench, and Chief Justice of Englanch 1668. GENEALOGY TIk'n hore as arms (N'isitation of I Jcrksliirc.) MARTIN" FREEMAN of LONDON, who was the son of Edward Freeman, of Hannin,<;ton, Xorlh- liamplon Co., married Elizabeth, dau,q-hter of xAfatthew Law- rence, and used on account of this marriage, tlie arms of Wash- ington in the second and third quarter of the arms ; ihe idmti- cal arms used I)y (jcneral Geori^e Washington on liis seal. We shall have occasion to refer to this later. THE ESSEX BRANCH OF THE FREEAI AXS descend frt^m one JOHN FREEMAN, of Bromfield, Essex Co., whose son Richard, was a servant to Queen Eliza])eth. was knighted, and granted 1)\ Sir William Segar, Garter King of Arms, as arms : ( \ i.-italion of Essex.) lo GENEALOGY THE FREEMANS OF SURREY AND NORTHAMPTON can be traced as far liack as to the rei.qn (»f Khv^ Henry \ T. The first one of this name we find is I. JOHN FREEMAN, of Bentley, Northampton Co.. who Hved anno 20. Henry \'T. (A. D. 1442.) He married a daughter of Tsham of North- ampton. Arms of tlie Isliams : (llaker. Hist, of Xortliampton. 1.20.235.) ^.^ j,^j^^ (\isitati(Mi of London. 1633-35, ^'^^'-J 2. LAWRENCE FREEMAN, of I'.entley and VVall.G:rave, Northami)tonshire. of 2 Ricliard HT., married Anne, dan.qhter of Tliomas Frehodye of North- ami)titnshire. .Arms of the Frel)odyes: GENEALOGY II His son, 3. HEXRV FREEMAN of Wallf^ravc. married Mar}-, daughter of Richard W'inter- shaH, of Surrey. Arms of tlie W'intershalls. They had several clu'ldren. viz. : 4. I. Willi. \M, who was slain in l''rance in \$()^. He wasted his estate, and left a son llinr\, who died without issue. *5. II. Edward. 6. III. L.NWRKXCR, w^hf) died without issue. 7. IW Rai.i'II, of Ilighham Ferrers, who left two sons: a. Christopher, 1). George, of London. The second son, 5- EDWARD FREEMAN, of Hannington, or honington. .Xorthamptonshire. married Elizaheth, daughter 01 Mansli, and left children : *8. I. Marty N. 9. II. Lawrence. 10. TIT. Tno.MA.s. who died without issue. The first son and heir. 12 GENEALOGY 8. MARTYN FREEMAN, of P)ech\vnrth, Surrey, and London, married Elizal)eth, daugh- ter of ]\lattlie\v Lawrence, son of Sir ( )liver Lawrence. Knight. He (juartered on account of this marriage with an heiress, the arms of Lawrence and Washington. 'Ihev had several chikh'en : 1 1 . I 12. LS 1 6 17 II IlL Ralph, liorn 1589. William, liaptised at St. Mary at lliU. Jan. 14th. 1592-3. A[artin. John. Francis. VL James. V'lL Elizaretii, who married SfepJien Hardcy. The arms home by Martyn Freeman, as alwve mentioned, and which liis descendants are entitled to bear, are : In a quartering of four : i. Freeman, 2. Frebodye, 3. Lawrence, 4. W^ashington. GENEALOGY 13 II. SIR RALPH FREEAIAX, of ncechworth. Surrey, and London, born 1580. son of Martyn Freeman, was baptised at St. Mary at HiH, London, jidy 6, 1589, as "Randoli)b," was knighted at Windsor. Sept. 15, H)!/, was Master of the Mint to Kin<;- Charles I., was also one of the Masters of the Request, built the Mansion House. London, and married Catherine, daui^hter of William Lretl, of Wrolh- eden, Leicester, and had with her: iS. L R.xLPii. \(). H . Sir George. 20. 111. K.vni.M^ixE. 21 . I\'. SCSAN. Rvelyn, in his Diary, under date of Nov. 2y. 1662, says: "l)iiK(l with old Sir Ralph Freeman, and the .M astir or the Mint." Chalmers "Political .\nnals" savs, toucliiu'^' the Cdiar- ter of Massachusetts, that "His Majesty's pleasure was si'.nii- fied bv Sir Ralph Freeman upon direction of the Lord-keeper of the ^reat seal." (Mannins^- & Uray. Surrey, 11, 20H.) 12. ■ ' • W^ILLL\M FREEALW, brother of Sir Ralph, was baptised at vSt. ALary at Mill. Ian. i^ph. I5(;2, married Nov. 3rd, 1638, Mary, daui^iiter of Lewis Orell, of Wisbech, Cambridge, died at the at;e oi ()•,. and was buried at Lcchworth, May 27th, 1657. They had children : '^'22. L JosEFii. born Oct. 2, 1639; married in the Par- ish of St. P)Otolph, P)ishop's Ciate, London, Mar. 14, 1666, Eli.:obcth Gossc. (born 1636.) 23. H. John, born Sept. 13, 1643, married in St. Po- tolph's Parish, London, Jan. \(). \()()(->. Mrs. Sarali lid-auirds : and thev had children: \ 14 GENEALOGY (i) Elizabeth, liorii 1670, married 9, Sept., 1692, at St. (rik'S, London, William West. (2) John, l)orn 1667, married 10 Dec, 1692, at Christ's Church, London, Mrs. .Avis Wal- let. 22. JOvSEPH FREEM/XN. horn Oct. 2, 1639; married. Mar. 14th, i666, ELizAr.ETii GossE. Issue : 24. I. loiiN, horn 1^)69, married at v^t. Lotol|)hs ( )ct. 5, ir)93, Mrs. Mary Ih>ckiu-(i. of St. Hel- ens. He married 2nd. Jan. 14, 1743, in St. Paul's Cathedrrd, London, Hester Colcunni. ^25. n. Enw AKi), horn jul\- 12, 1670, in London, Enq-- land, married Mar. 11, i6(/v in W'ood- hrid'.^-e, New Jersey, 1 lautw.h f^hilllf^s. *26. in. Hri\r>', hornAuq". 7, jf>/2, in London; married May 16, 1^)95, in Woodhrid^c, N. J., lilirju- hcth Biuiiic. "of 1 1 }i;^}ic)u>t urii^ni." (Vicar General of the Archd. of Canterhury. Marriage Li- censes, 1667.) (vSt. Sapulchres Records.) If these two hrothers, Edward and Ilenry Freeman, sons of josei)h h'reeman (and hdizaheth Ciosse ) , had remained in lui^-- land, we should haye some records of their marria<";es and deaths, as we haye of the other memhers of the f.amily. The records of the other members of the faniily in iuiq-land are ver\- com])lete; but we find no entry of the marriaij^e or death of cithi r of these hrothers. Hut just about the time wlun these \()un"; nun attained their majority, and would l)e shifting' for themsilves, there appear in Woodbrid5;e, New Jersey, two per- sons of the saun' names and aq"es. There can h;irdl\ he any diuibt that thev are identical, as the eyidence that Ivlwnrd Free- man and I b'urv Freeman, of \Voodhrid<_;e, came from \'AV<:;;- GENEALOGY 15 land is positive and conclusive. Emig:ration to Anurica was at its heiq-ht about this time. Hotton, in his "Orij^inal Lists," says, of this period, "We learn, incidentally, that ships left England daily for America." About this time, also, (juite a number of Surrey families went to Xew Jersey, and among- them the Phillips and Bowne, with whom the two Freemans intermarried. We feel," for these reasons, justified in assuming the relationship between the Surrey Free- mans and the New Jersey Freemans as being fully established. Another strong item of proof lies in the fact that Daniel Freeman, of Los Angeles, California, owns a very old seal, the possession of which can be traced back to his great grand- father, Andrew^ Freeman, the grandson of Edward. This seal was, in all iirobability, brought over from England by Edward himself. It has cn,qrave(l u\Hm it the crest of a demi-lion rampant gules charged on the shoulder with a lozenge argent, and the style of the seal and the engraving shows it t(^ be the work of the latter half of the seventeenth century. As this crest was borne only by the Surrey branch of the Freeman family, this old seal affords strong testimony that the Freemans of New Jersev are descended from that branch of their house, and tliat the Edward of Woodbridge. N. J., and the Edward of London were one and the same person. AUTHORITIES. Inquisitiones per totam Angliam, &c., Dodesworth Ms. 47. Collecteanea In(|uisitionem. &c. Harlean Ms. 301, fol. 210. Knight's fee in vSurrey and Xorthampton. Abstracts of Inq. porte mortem in Surrey, B. M. Ms 6t68. Abstracts of Escheats in Surrey, B. M. Ms. 6169. Sequestrat. in North. U. M. Ms. 5508, fol. 75. Harlean Ms. 890, 1177, 1138, 1184, 1553, 1094, 1187. C. of Arms, Ms. H. 4 C. 14- Harl. Ms. 1561, 1533, fol. 25 b. 1483, fol. 167, 1046, 1561, etc. Works on familv names referred to. '1 he r.cnealogist. Marriage licenses. 1 6 GENEALOGY \'isitation.s of Nortlinnil)crlaii(l, Surrey, Essex, London, IVrk- shirc. Parisli Registers of London J'arishes. Histories of Nortliumberland, Surrey, etc. Family histories and collections. Anti(|uities of Surrey and Middlesex. C'liurch notes in .Surrey, etc. Grants of Arms. Crown Grants of land. Poll books for Northumberland, Lansflalc Ms. 523-4. Cotton Ms., Calig-. P.., VL f. 432. Names of Gentry in SiuTey, P. M. Ms. 6771, fol. 22. Justices of the Peace in .Surrey, H. M., 6850, f. 251. Lists of Gentry, etc., etc. A MEMORIAL ...OF... ^ HENRY FREEMAN ^ of Woodbridg^e, New Jersey, and some of his descendants Compiled for D. FREEMAN By Tiev. T. F. CHAMBERS, D. D., Dover, Nem) Jersey Aulhcr of "F.aily (.ioinaiis of New. Jersey." The folldwinq- Aremorial of the descendants of rienr\- Free- man is fras^mentarv and incnni])lete. The cnm])iler was i)rin- ci])allv interested in g"atherinq- information concerniniL;- tlie de- scendants of Edward Freeman, tlie l)rother of 1 lenr\- : hnt it fre(|nently hapjK'ned that in liis searches anion*;- the old records ^^\ Xew Jersey he came across data concerning' some of the de- scenthmts of Henry. These were jotted down, and afterwards arrani^ed .and are now ])ul)hshe(h in the hope that thev may l>e of use to some memlier of that family who may wisli to com- plete the i^enealoi^y. Note. — An asterisk (*) opposite a name in the following- mcm(;rial indicates that the .q-enealog-y of the descendants of that ])erson will he found under a corresp(^ndin,!L;- nuniher on a suhsefjuent pai^c of this hook. ,\v J 8 GENEALOGY MEMORIAL OF HENRY FREEMAN AND HIS DE- SCENDANTS. 26. HENRY FREEMAN. ^ liorn in London, Ens^^land, Au^s:. 7, 1672, married May 16, 1695, in \Voodl)ridge, N. J.. Elizabeth Bonne. They had issue: I. L Ann Elizabeth, b. 16 Feb., 1696; m. a Run- yon. ^. *2. TL John, b. 5 Nov., 1698; m. Martha Moore, "from Glasgow": d. 1761. His will, dated Woodbrid,2:e, 8 June, 1752 prob. i April, 1761. 3. HI. Jonathan, b. 13 July, 1700; m. Charity. His will, Woodbridp:e, 15 April, 1760, i^rol). 22 Dec., 1761. 4. IV. Mary, b. 5 June, 1702; m. Dunham. 5. V. Sarah, b. i Feb., 1703. 6. \'I. Rachel, b. 18 Jan., 1705; m. a Runyon. *7. \II. Samlel, b. 31 Mar., 1708; m. Mary. His will, Woodbridge. 8 July, 1777- P^ob. 23 Feb., 1778. *8. VIII. Joseph, b. 31 Dee., 1709 :m. Susannah. His will, Woodbrido^e, 10 May, 1791. pi"ob. 18 Mar., 1797. 9. IX. Hannah, b. 21 Oct., 1711. *io. X. Benjamin, b. 3 June. 1713; m. ist Rachel, 2nd. unknown, 3rd Esther. He died 17 Jan., 1789. His will, Hanover, 10 Jan., 1789, prob. 24 Jan.. 1789. *TT . XT. Lsaac, b. 25 May. 171 5 ; m. Sarah Tappin. His will Woodbridfje, 21 Mar., 1771. *I2. XII. Henry, b. 2^, Mar., 1717. IVrhaps adm. of his estate .qrantcd to his widow, Mary, 17 Dec., 1760. GENEALOGY jg * 13. XIII. James, b. i Nov., 1719. Perhap.s his will, Middlesex, 21 Mar., 1793, prob. 8 April, 1793- Xov. 16, 1701, ten acres of ui^land are laid out for Henry Freeman at Woodliridj^^e. He was appointed attorney for the town of Woodbridge. Mar. 25. 1720. His will, dated Wood- bridge, June 7, 1763, probated Oct. 13. 1763. JOHN FREEMAN, born 5 Nov., 1698; married Martha Moore, "from Glasgow." Issue : H- I. Henry, married (?) Mary Tappin, Mar. 30, 1748, and had children: John, born 1750; Martha and Lewis. 15. H. Alexanl:)ER, married Crrace Randolph, and had Josiah, Henry and Alexander. Adminis- tration of the estate granted Nov. 8, 1763, to James Freeman. *i6. HI. Isaac, born Feb. 26, 1737; married Phebe Randolph ; died 1819. *i7- IV. James, born 1740; married Elizabeth Payne. 18 • V. Sarah, married John Smith. 19- ^ F Mary, married Samuel Force. 20. VH. ElJZAl'.ETH. 21. VIH. Martha. 22. IX. Charity. The will of John Freeman, dated Woodbridge, June 8, 1752, v.as probated April i, 1761. 7- SAMUEL FREEAL\N, born Mar. 31, 1708; married Mary. Issue: 23. I. Jonathan, had children: Hannah, Catherine, Elizabeth, Samuel Stone, and James. 20 GENEALOGY II. SAMrEK. had cliildrcii : Samuel, Jcdcdiali and Henry. III. James, married Catherine. I\'. Sarah, married Force. V. MAK^•. married l^ain. VI. Rachel, married Tucker. VTI. Hannah, married Frazec. \'HI. EiJZAP.ETH, married Morris. Samuel iM'eeman's will dated July 8, 1777, probated Fel). 23, 24. 25- 26. 27- 28. 29. //' 8. JOSEPH FREEMAN, l)orn Dec. 31, 1709 ; married Susannah. Issue: 31. I. Matthew, left one son Azel, who died with- out issue. ^ *3?. II. Joseph, horn Feb. 16. i^; married Deborah Rowdand. III . Jane. IV. Naomi. V. Eeizadeth. - . VI. Dezer. VIT. Melancthon, executor, and ])erhaps a son. The will of Joseph Freeman is dated, Woodbridg-e, May 10, I7gi, probated Mar. 18, 1797. 10. BENJAMIN FREEMAN, born |une 3, 1713; married, ist Rachel, 2nd unknown. 3rd Esther. Issue : 38. T. Gh.man. 39. II. Benas, (Bennui), baptised Oct. 2S<, 1744: die.' June 24, T777. 40. III. Rachee, bap. Oct. 12, 1746; married Dec. 21, 34 35 36 37 GENEALOGY 21 1766, Malcolm McCoiirry. 41. i\'. v^Ai^Aii, ha]). April 21, 1749. 42. V. Uenja.m 1 x, bap. Aug. 10, 1754: married May 30, \'/'/^, Elizabeth Carter. 43. \'I. Sa.mi 1:1,, hap. Dec. 8, 1756; married. 1st Sarali Crane, .Vug. i, 1764, 2n(l Joanna Wood. 44. \'il. Ki.iz.\i.i:tii. married Johnson. ilcnjaiiim h'reeman died Jan. 17, 1789. He resided in 1 Ian- over, Morris Co. irlis will is dated Jan. 10, 1789, probated Jan. 2|, 1789. 1 1. ISAAC FREEMAX. horn Ma\- 25. 1715; married Sarah Tappin. Issue: 45. I. Elijxok. ^46. II. AiiK.MiAM, married Clarkson. 47. III. Is.\AC. married hunies of X. \'., and had Aloses. *48. I\ . Asiir.RLi,, horn 1755 ; married, ist .\nna Crane. 2n(l Zeruiah Freeman, (dan. James 1 : re- moved to Herkimer, then I'atavia. 4(). W \\'iijjA>r, died in Canada. 50. \'I. Henry, l)orn 1761; had children: Ezra and Lorraine. 51. VII. JoNATHAX, born \y(^, dicfl 1844: had sons: Isaac. Henr\-. Ellis. William and Johnson. 52. VIII. ELizABPrni. 53. IX. Mary. 54. X. Sarah. 55. XI. Hannah . The will of Isaac Freeman, dated Woodbridge. Mar. 21. 1771. 12. HENRY FREEMAN, born Tvlar. 23, 1717. Perhaps administration of his estate granted to his widow Mary, Dec. 17. 1760. Issue: 6i. VI. 62. VII. ^V VIII. 64. IX. 22 GENEALOGY 56. 1 . Israel, had son Joel. ^57. [[. Melancthon. M. D.. lx)rn 1746; died Nov. II, 1806; married Hyndes; resided New Brunswick ; had son Matthias, M. D., lK)rn 1775, and he had son Mehincthon, M. D. 58. III. Oliver. 59. IV. Amos, liorn 1748; (hed April 13, 1833, at 85; had isaac R.. Lncretia, who married W. r>urtsell of N. Y. ; Jacoh. and Sarah, who married Henry Oswald, of T'.rooklyn. 60. V. Henry, had children: Phineas B., Edoar, Is- rael, Reed, Oliver and Mary. Samuel, lived at Woodbridge. Thomas. Isaac, went West. "Aunt Visey." JAMES FREEMAN, born Xov. I, 1719: married Euphemia. Perhaps his will Mid- dlesex, Mar. 21, 1793, probated April 8, 1793. Issue: James. John, had daughter Pollv. Jonathan*. Elizap.etii, married Rock, and had James Freeman and Andrew P>ennew Rock. Euphemia, married Preese. . . Anne, married Williamson. Abigail, married Amos Rogers. 16. ISAAC FREEMAN, born Feb. 26. 1737; married 1788, ist Phebe Randolph, 2n(l unknown, 3r(l Charity, and had issue: y2. 1. Benjamin, born Nov. 25. 1759 : married Sarah Jennings; moved to UniontowiL Pa.; he died Jan. 2T,, 1837. ^'5- I. 66. II. 67. III. 68. IV . 69. V. 70. M. 71- VII. GENEALOGY 23 yi)- II. D.wu), horn Nov. 29, 1760; married, ist Jeanet Campbell, 2x\<\ Lettie Brokaw ; he resided at New Brunswick. *74. TTI. John, oorn Mar. 16, 1761 ; married Feb. 24, 1782, Marc^aret Shotwell. 75. IV. Randolph horn Aug. 17, 1764; married Agnes Bloomneld. He died Nov., 1848. 76. V. Rachel, born Sept. 20, 1766; married, 1795, Thomas Burnett, of Rahway. She died Nov., 1848. yy . W. Martha, horn Sept. 22, 1768; drowned at Sandy Hook. 78. MI. Nathaniel, born July 6, 1772; died 1812, at Natchez, Miss. 79. MIT. Mary. twin, born July 6, 1772; married Na- than Plarned. 80. IX. Reui'.kx, horn Jan. 24, 1775; died Oct. 20, 1807, at New Irunswick. 81. X. Phineas, horn Feb. 13, 1777; married Maria M. Giles; died in 1851, at Ravenswood. 82. XI. Nathan, horn May 29, 1782; died Oct. i, 1801. Isaac Freeman was a Quaker, and lived at Union town, N. J. He died Aug., 181 9. 17- JAMES FREEMAN, horn at W'oodbridge, 1740; married Elizabeth Payne. Issue: 83. I. James. 84. II. Mary. 85. III. Alexander, married Brown. 86. IV. BET.SY. 87. V. Charity. 88. M. Zeriiah, horn 1755; married Ashhell Free- man. 89. VII. Daniel. 90. VIII. Jeremiah, had son Erastus. of N. Y. 24 GENEALOGY 91. 9.?, IX. Nancy, married Gat^^e I'lood'^KKl, of mcr. She died 1807. X. Alpheus. lerki- )(irn I'd). \(\ 1 93- 1- 94- 11. - 95 • 111. 9O IV. 97 V. 98 VI. 99 Vll. Jc. ,e])h Free 1805. 32- JOSEPH FREEMAN, 769; married Delwrah Rowland. Issue: John, born Mar. 12, 1764. , JONATHAN, 1)orn April 5, 17O5. Eno.s, born July 4, i7<^7- Martha, born May 20, 1770. Elisel'S, born Feb. 11, 1773- Ezra, born July 15, 1775- DoziAH, born Dec. 2, 1779. man resided at Meluclien. lie died An.-:. 9- 42. BENJAMIN FREEMAN, baptised Au-. 10, 1754; married xMay 30, 1773- Elizabeth Car- ter. Issue: 100. 1 . Charles F., born Dec. 30, i7«'^7 : married Har- riet Beach, and had Sarah C, Caroline 1'.., and Hannah M. r.fuiamin Freeman died Au.Q'. 7, 1826. 46. ABRAHAM FREEMAN, son of Isaac, married a Clarkson, and had issue 101 . I . Cearkson. 102. II. Ezra. 103. 111. Isaac. 104. IV. FIenry and two others. GENEALOGY 25 48. ASHBELL I'kEEMAN. horn in 1755; married, 1st Anna Crane, Jnd Ziruiah hrcmian. Issue : 105. I. HuLDAii, married Smith Freeman. 106 107 108 I 0() 1 10 1 1 1 113 114 '15 II. xAnna. III. , married Ay res. IV' . , married Denman (if X. Y. V. , married J. Lee. VI . , married R. lUird. \^II. Catiii:rixe. \'III. Poi.iA . married judi:,''e Ten Uroeek. IX. Nanca , married E. Reech X. H.XNNAii, l)()rn 1800. XI. , drowned Au,q-., 1807. Ashliell Freeman died June <;, 1823. 74- JOHN FREEMAN, horn Mar. 16, 1761 ; married Feh. 24, 1782, Mar,L;aret Shot- well. Issue: 116. I. PiiEiiE. horn Afar. 8, 1783; ditd \])ril 10, 1785- 1 17. II. Is.\Ac, l)orn July 5, 1785 ; died ( )ct. 2h. 1807. 118. III. Jackson, hiirn A])ril 30, 1787. IK). \y . Martha, horn Oct. 21,, 178<); married May 28, 1807, William Lain.q-, and had children Thomas and Martha. 120. \'. PllEr.E. horn July 14, 171JI ; died Se])t. (). 1808. 121. \'I. Raxdoi.i'h, horn Feh. 25, I7(;r); died May 26. 1801. 122. \'IT. Jo.sEi'Ti, horn .\u,g^. iq, 1708. T23. \dll. M.\RG.\RET, h(irn Jan. 14, t8ot ; died May I, 1804. John Freeman died Dec. 17, 1832. 26 GENEALOGY GENEALOGY 27 A MEMORIAL ...OF... ^ EDWARD FREEMAN .•* of Woodbridge, New Jersey, and His Descendants Compiled by D. FREEMAN PREFACE. The descendants of Edward Freeman, of Woodbridge, New lersey are scattered over Canada, and the States of New Jer- sey, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina and California; and it has taken the author several years to collect the mate- rial, (scant, though it is) for the following genealogy. Exten- sive searches were made in England, and the services of the Reverend '1\ F. Chambers, D. D., of Dover. N. J., a genealog- ical authority, were enlisted to search the records of New Jer- sey. Sometimes it has taken weeks of work to find the date of a birlh or marriage, or to establish the connection between two or more individuals to determine whether they were of the family or not. In America it has been found impossible to trace all the members of the family. Sometimes the record against a name is simply "Went West" or "Went to Califor- nia.' and no further trace of the person named could l)e found. Sometimes letters of ineiuiry addressed to members of the family have remained unanswered from causes unknown to the author. A few blank pages have been inserted at the end of the book for future genealogical entries. Any member of the family who may be able to correct any date or entry herein or fill in any date or entry left blank, will confer a great favor ui)on the author ])v sending such information to him, so that in the event of another edition being published such corrections may be made therein. Danip:l Freeman, Los Angeles, California. GENEALOGY 29 It is uiiccrlain at what date Edward Frcetnan and llnirx Freeman arri\cd in America fnnn England. An old gentle- man named Freeman, of Newark, X. J., told the Rev. l'\ Free- man, author of the genealogy of Edmund and Sanuiel Free- man, in 1848, that "A Freeman, whose name was prohahly John, came from ( ).\tnrd, England, bringing wife and chil- dren, in company with William I'enn's first Colony, June;, 1O81, and was drowned in the Delaware River in the act of landing his chattels; and from his family originated the New Jerse\ Freemans." Note on above l)y Mr. F\ : "Supposing the man alleged drowned was John, or any other, the legend that he left a widow and three sons, Edward, Henry and Sanniel, pro- posed one of these, viz., Flenry as the progenitor ; and this Henry, it was said, was apprenticed in Philadelphia, married a PVench woman, and located in W'oodbridge, N. J., where 1)) induslrv and enterprise he secured an ample fortune, and died leaving large landed possessions." At least, part of this tra- dition is correct. Henry Freeman married a woman, Eliza- '"■'?' \ beth lionne. ot French Huguenot extraction, and lie died leav- ing large landed possessions. Mrs. Ashbell Freeman, wl o was a daughter of James Free- man, who was a grandson of Henry, says, in a letter to Rev. F. Freeman, dated June 2/. 1^5/. when she was 81 years old, "i\Iy father, oorn 1740, said that his forefather was from Eng- land : mv husband, born 1755. told me the same. Three ])rotli- ers came over. " This establishes the fact that Henry Free- man and Edward Freeman came from England, but, unfortu- nately, does not give the date of their arrival on this continent. If the fact is, as stated by Mrs. Freeman, that "three brothers came over," then John, the elder brother of Edward and I ii'ury, accompanied them to America, or came over at some other time. We find the name of John Freeman on a petition of the inhabitants of Middlesex Co., N. J. (the County in which Woodbridge is situated), to the Government in 1710, and we find no further trace of him. This would be in accordance with the facts; as. if John came to America, he certainlx re- turned to England, as we find him marrying a second wife in St. Faul's Cathedral, London, Jan. 14. 1743. ^o GENEALOGY The traditinn that "three brothers came over" may owe its ori<^nn to the fact tliat the family consisted of l)ut three lirothers. The records of the ships tliat sailed from England for Amer- ica between A. D. i()00 and 1700 are very incomplete. In lO.y Thomas Mayhew was appointed, for a term of twenty-one vears, to keep a record of all those persons who left England "to passe into forraigne partes," but of JMayhew's lists nothmg is to be found but the fragment commencing at page 287, and that continues but for a few months. In 1874 John Camden Hotten made a search among the State Papers in the Public Record Office in England for the names of "those who went from Great Britain to America between i^oo and 1700," and published the result. In the introduction to his book he says : "It must not be imagined that the following pages furnish a complete list of the early settlers in z\merica." Then, after referring to ]\Iayhew"s list, he says. "It cannot be doubted l)ut that other lists were made, but they are either lost, or among the mass of papers still uncatalogued at the Record Office. We learn incidentally that shi])s left England daily for America, but no records of them, or of their passengers remain. We know that man\- ships sailed from IJristol, among others The Aiis^cl in,hncl and the James, conveying the Rev. Richard Mather, and the Kev. Daniel Maude, but no records of dei^ar- tures from that port remain. Where are the lists of IVic .Ira- bc/la. and otlur ships in which John Winthrop, and the found- ers (if Massachusetts embarked? These are bui a few instances to show how ver}- imi)erfect are (un- records of the early set- tlers." 25. EDWARD FREEMAN, born in London, England, July 12, 1670: married Mar. 11, 169^), in Woodbridge, N. J.. Hannah Philips. Issue: 27. I. MosiiS, born Aug. 24, 1700; resident of New Providence, Morris Co., N. J. 28. IT. Rachel, born Mar. 6, 1702; died Oct. 3, 1704. GENEALOGY 3 1 29. III. Hax-Xaii. (lied ( )cl. 19, 1704. 30. 1\'. Rachel, born Alar. 29, 1706. 31. V. Benoxi, born Mar. 19, 1709; (Hrd 1785. His will, dated July 2/. 1782. at Woodbridgc, mentions son Robert, grandson bilin Mar- shall, and son-in-law Robert Stanbarv. '^^2. VI. William, born Alar. 18, 1713; married vSarah. Administration of his estate granted to his wife Sarah, Oct. 20, 1756. T,T,. \'II. Edward, born Alar. 2, 1714. 34. \'lll. C.\TiiERiXK, married a Ross. The will of Edward Freeman, dated Woodbridge, Felx 24, 1750, probated A lay 16, 1750, names wife Elizabeth and son iJenoni as executors. Elizabeth is, of course, a second wife, and probabl}- a sister of Robert Hayes, of Newark, who men- tions "sister Elizabeth Hayes Freeman"' in his will. Alar, i, 1759. The witnesses to the will of Edward Freeman were Joseph Shotwell, and Daniel v^liotwell. The Shotwells were an old Surrey and London family, and probably some of them came over with Edward Freeman and Henry. Andrew Free- m.'ui, the grandson of Edward, married Alary Shotwell, and John, the grandson of Henr\ , married Alargaret Shotwell. 32. WILLIAM FREEMAN. born in Woodbridge, N. J., Mar. i8th. 1713 : married Sarah, and had issue : *35. I. AxDREW, married Alary Shotwell. Oct. 2ofh, 1756, administration of estate of William Free- man, of Woodbridge, N. j., granted to his widow Sarah. Jan. 2ist, 1760, administration of estate of Sarah, widow, granted to Frazee Ay res. Jan. 31st, i7'>3, "Whereas William Freeman, late of Wood- liridg'e, deceased, did not by deed in his lifetime, nor b}- his last will and testament dispose of the guardianship of his son. Andrew Freeman ; and wdiereas the said Andrew Freeman, be- inc" above the aiie of fourteen vears, and under the age of 32 GENEALOGY twcnly-onc, liath ]irayc(l that the said Joseph vSmitli may hv ai)i;()inU«l .uuarchaii of his person and estate, nntil he should attain the a.^e ot twenty-one years ; now know ye, &e." (1 ren- te m reeords.j 35- ANDREW FREEMAN, horn in Woodhridg-e, N. j.; married Mary ShotwelL He (Hed in 1815. Issue: *36. I. William, born July 27th, \'/(')y: married in 1794, Mary Swayze, daus^hter of Jose])h Swayze. He died Jan. 9th, 1S21. *37. II. Daniel, liorn Oct. 21st, 1769; married Jan. 4th, 1794, Phehe Swayze, dauohter of Jos- eph. He died April loth, 1835. *38. HI. Hannah, horn Sept. 23rd, 1772; married a Mackay. She died in 1794. A few vears after his marriage Andrew Freeman left Wood- bridge, and moved to Wyoming-, Pa. On one occasion during his absence from home, the Indians attacked the settlement, and the inhabitants only saved their lives by escaping to the block-house built to repel such attacks. Mr. Freeman return- ing while the attack was in progress, was shot at by the In- dians, but was enabled to reach the block-house nniiurt. ( )n account of the hostility of the Indians he was com- pelled to leave Wyoming. Putting his wife and the little Hannah on one horse, and the eldest son William on another, he took the other b(W' on a horse with hiuL and, by the hv\]) of a friendlv Indian, they escaped and returned to New Jersey, f'.efore thev left Wyoming they secreted the most valuable of their household goods in the hollow of a large tree that had been shown them by the Intlian who assisted in their escape. .Afterwards, Mr. Freeman rctm-ned to Pennsylvania and found the i)roperty intact. After his return to New Jer- sey he bought a farm near Hope, Warren Co., on which he spent the remaining days of his life. Late in life his wife Mary died, and he married Anna Sutton, widow of William GENEALOGY 33 SulUm, by whom he liad lut issue. Aiidrrw I'^recniairs will. lii(lei)en(lence, Sussex Co., X. J., dated l""el). 13th, 1815, ])rol:)atcd May iQlli. 1S15, nRiilions sous William and Daniel, and grandson John l""reeman Ahu- kay, and /\udre\v, son of William. 36. WILLIAM FR ICEMAN. horn in Woodl)rid![;c, New Jersey, July 27th, 17(^7, married, 1794, Mary Swayze, daughter of Joseph Swayze. He died Jan. 9, 1821. They had issue: *39. I. Raciiei,, horn Nov. 4th, 1794; marrie.l ( k't. 30th, 181 2, Micaiah Sutton. She died July 22nd, 1885. *40. II. Andrkw, l)orn Nov. 2r)th, 1797; married Fdsie Andrews. * 41. III. Joseph, horn Feb. 4th, 1799; married Louisa Kimliall. He died Sept. 11, ^^Ch). *42. IV. Phebe, Ixjrn Mar. 19th, 1801 ; married L. S. Kennedy. *43. V. Mary Ann, horn June ist, 1803; married Rev. Isaac Winner. *44. \'I. Patience Ro.sictta, horn May 2n(l, 1807; married Joseph Tindall. *45. \^II. Daniel S., horn Nov. 8th, 1809: married Rettany J. Curie. /<46. VIII. WiLiJAM H. S., horn Oct. 23rd, t8tj; died 1819. William Freeman died on the "old Freeman farm" in Sus- sex Co., N. J. Five of his children, viz., Rachel, Andrew, Jos- eph, Patience Rosetta and Daniel S., moved to Flint, Michi- gan, where many of their descendants are now living-. 37- REV. DANIEL FREEMAN, horn in W^oodhridg"e, New Jersey, Oct. 21st, 1769; married 34 GENEALOGY |an. 4II1, 1794, riicbe Swayze, daus^hter of Josejih Swayze. Mc (lied April loth, 1835. Issue: John Ogden, born Oct. 12th, I7orn Atay 23rd, 1826; married Sarah TaN'Ior; (hed Xov.. 1896. 93. II. Axx hj.i/A, liorn Afar. lotli, 1828: married Samuel Copperwaite. She died 10 lulv, 1858. 94. III. r.vTiKNCR JosRi'iiiNR, boru Mar. 8, 1830; mar- ried Dr. W. I. Moore. She thed iS(.;^. 95. IV. Makv. horn April 12, 1833; married James T. Rushinq-. She died .\])ril. 1856. 96. V. William \\'.. horn Jan. 28, 1836: marric-d Jennie I'crq'en. He died June 10, 1863. 97. \'\. ?>Lsii()p H., horn Sept. 10. 1838. 98. \'II. I.SA.\c, horn Xov. 9, 1841. 99. VIII. Isabella H., horn Sept. 7. 1845; married Georsje RerQen. 44- PATIEXCE ROSETTA FREEAFAX, horn May 2, 1807; married Feh. 3, 1824, Joseph 'i'indall. Issue: 100. I. Enwixr, horn Jan. 4. 1825; died han. 2;^,, 1825. /loi. II. PiiEP.E Ann, horn Fel). i. 182-6; married I'\-h. 6. 1845, Philo \'an Wagoner. Slie died Jan. 26, 1895. 102. III. Alonzo Al\"ill. horn Mav 2?^, 1827. Went to California. 103. IV. Jefferson K.. horn May 28, 1829; married / / 38 GENEALOGY Jennie Day. He died Dec. 3, i<*^95. 104. A". Almed.\, born Dec. 16. 1S31 : married Samuel Lawrence. T05. M. Emmaline K., liorn Xov. 25, 1S33 : married John Crawford. She died June 28, 1866. 106. MI. ^VtLLI.\^^ Edwix, liorn Mar. 21. 1836; died Mar. 4. 1 84 1. 107. VITI. George, horn April 14, 1838; married Sarah. Townsend. 108. IX. C.AROLIXE H., horn ]\Iar. 11, 1840; died Sept. 22, 1856. 109. X. Oscar X., horn Feh. 10. 1842: married Sept. 25. 1869, Harriet E. Hudson, no. XI. Edgar, horn Mar. 26, 1844; married Mary C)s- trander. 111. XII. Charles Wesley, horn Aug. 18, 1846: died July 10, 1882. 112. XIII. Martin Luther, horn Feh. 2, 1848; died Jan. 2. 1890. 113. XTA'. Delia Augi'.sta, horn ^Tay 14. 1850; died Mar. 4, 1852. 45- REV. DAXIEL S. FREEMAX. horn Xov. 8. 1809; married 1835, L.ethany J. Curie. Issue: 114. I. Mary Jane, horn Dec. 25, 1836: died Feh. 24, 1838. *ii5. II. Joseph S.. horn Jan. 9. 1839; married Jan. i, 1870, Martha Seller.s. 116. HI. JoHX S.. horn Au.q-. 12, 1841; dietl Sept. 9. 1888. 117. \y . Sarah H., horn Sept. 26. 1843: married May 5, 1863, George E. Xewall. She died Xov. 30, 1897. 118. V. Mary B., born April 8. 1854: married Fel). 13, 1873, George H. McOuigg. 119. VI. Geor(;e D., Ijorn Aug. 23, 1861. GENEALOGY 39 Rev. Daniel vS. Freeman, above nienlioiu'd. nmved to l-'liiu, Mielii^an, in 1835, soon after he was married. 1 K' was a Metli- odist minister and was instrnmenlal in or^anizin^'' the first Methodist Chm'ch in iHint in 1836. He was tor man\- vears Alissionary to the ln(hans. I lis son, Jolni S. iM-ccman, was Captain 8th :\Iiehi<:;an lnfantr\, l". S. \'., in tlic War ol' the RebelHon, from 18O1 to 181)5. I lis son, (k'or^e I). I'"rrinian, of Flint, Mich., assisted larj^elv in collecting;- information l(n" the author respecting tlu- Alichi,L;an branch of tlie famils-. 47- JOIIX or.DFX FRFFMAX, born in Hope, New Jersey, Oct. 12, i/*/); married Ian. 2^. 1825, Jvachel Moore. He died April 4, 1850. Issue: 120. I. Mahetai'.I':i,, born Feb. T2, i82(); died .\'ov. 2, 1899. '*'i2i. H. Daniei. Wesley, born May 9, 1831. "Went West." 122. HI. Eliz.mietii. born Ma\- 7, 1833; died |unr 15. 1833- 123. IV. Mary Eliza, born Jan. 5, 1844. 5T- MARY ANN FREEMAN, born .\u,<;-. 5, 1805; married, ist, 1822, John Beemer. Issue: 124. 1. I'liEr.E ELiZAi.irni, born Feb. 22, 1823. 125. II. Da n 1 EL Freem .\ x . Married 2nd, May 7, 1833, Daniel Lewis. She died .Xu^ 23, 1848. Issue of second marria.^e : 126. I. John Wesley, born Jan. i, 1834. 127. II. James H.\r\ev, born Oct. 2, 1835. 128. . HI. Fr.xxcis George, born April 24. 1838. 129. IV. Mary /\mell\, born Ai)ril 19, 1840. 130. V. Clarkissa Almena, born June 3, 1843: die( Jul}- 24, 1869. 40 GENEALOGY DANIEL WESLEY FREEMAN, born in \V(X)dlionse, Canada, July 31, 1807; married Si.'i)t. 3, 1834, Isabella IJailey. He died May 4. 1874. Issue: 131. I. John ILmi.ev, born Au-^-. 2,2, 1835; married Jan. 31, 1 861, Jane Scatcherd. He died Nov. 2^, 1890. No issue. *132. II. Daniki., born June 30, 1837; married July 13, 1866, Catberine Crace I liq-qinson Cbristie, dau£^hter of Captain John Christie. R. N. =^=133. III. William, born June 18. 1839; married April 15, 1863, Emily Seatcherd. He died Sept. 15, 1868. PnEi'.E Amelia, born Mar. 22, 1841. Henrietta Jane, born Jan. 8, 1843; married Aui?. 5, 1868, Peter Gilbert. Frances Wesley, born May 11, 1845; died May 13, 1 87 1. Charles Edwin, born Auq-. 24, 1847: mar- ried, Ai)ril 5, 1876, Mary Eleanor Scateh- erd. 138. WW. Marianna. born July 2-j , 1849; married .April 28, 1898, Thomas J. Doak. *I39. IN. Isaac Wiliur, born Jan. 2, 1852: married Sept. 2, 1876, Minnie I'eemer. He died June 7, 1885. 140. N. Rachel Isap.ella. born July 23, 1854; mar- ried Nov. 20, 1877, Thomas J. Doak. She died Mar. 24, 1894. Daniel Wesley Freeman was a successful and scientific farmer. His home place, "The Cedars," in Norfolk Co., On- tario, was one of the model farms of Canada. He took a "reat interest in public schools, and was for many years Superin- tendent of Public Schools, and Ju.stice of the Peace in his na- tive Countv. Pie was a pious, God-fearinq- man, and was re- spected and beloved by all who knew him. T34- TV '35- V 136. VI Py- VI T GENEALOGY 41 Tsal>ella Bailcv. his wife, was a daui^htor of the Rev. jolin Uaiky, of Lonckin. Canada, who was a ])roiniiKiU and al)lc Minister of the Melhochsl Episcopal Church, lie was the son of W'ilhani IJailev, and grandson of I'hiHp liailey, a Uuii^uenot refugee, who tied to Ireland in 157-'. during the ])ersecution of the Huguenots in France. John IJailey was liorn in Ireland. Co. Armagh, in 1782, and emigrated to America in 1803. llis mother was a daughter of the 1 Ion. William Dunljar, a Scotch- man, son of the l{arl of March. John Bailey Freeman, eldest son of Daniel Wesley Free- man, was for many ^ears a meml)er of the Provincial Parlia- ment of ( )ntario, Canada. The Toronto Glol)e. in an editorial on the death of Mr. Freeman, says: "As whi]) of the Iviheral I)arty, his position was one of great importance, lie filled it with infinite tact and al)ility. In his death, Xorth Xorfolk loses an hcMiored representative, the I^egislature a useful mem- her, and the country a man whom all may he proud to hold u]) as a tvpical Canadian. He was a good man and true, — one whose memory all Canadians will delight to honor." 53- RACHEL AM ELLA FRELM \X. horn Aug. 5. 180Q: married Rev. Edwy M. Rycrson. She died Jan. r, i83(). Lssue : 141 . I. W^.LI.\^r. 142. H. E^^L^,, married Edwin Powell. 54- PHELE .\LMF.X A FREEMAX, horn June 2, 1812; married Rev. Edwy M. Ryerson. She died 10 Mar., 1901. Lssue : 143. L Alkert. 144. H. Josephine, married William Fitzgerald. 55- ISAAC SW.\^'ZE FREEMAX, bom at \\'oodhouse, Canada, July 5, \S\(^: married X'ov. 12, 1838, Mary M. Bradley, lie died .May 13, 1853. Issue: 42 145- I. *i4r). II. *147- III. 148. IV. 149. V. GENEALOGY D.vNiEL Lewis, born Nov. 8, 1839; died .Ajn-il 25, 1867. loiix Livingstone, born April 18, 1843; mar- ried Jan. 19, 1874, Mil(b-C(l Maria liay- worth. III. Enr.AR Alonzo, born Oct. 13, 1845; married May 28, 1873, Sarab J. Robinson. Mary Amelia, l)()rn Aui^-. 15. 1849; ^1''^'<1 ^^^t. 2, 1851. Emalinda SwAYZi-:, born Inh' ('\ 1853; died Jnne 15. 1872. 64. P. WILSON FREEMAN, born Pel). 11, 1824; married Mar., 1850, Mary E. Eaton. Issue: *ic;o. I. Andrew P., l)orn Oct. 2S,, 1852; married b\b. 21, 1877, Mattie Joslyn. y*i5i. II. Ceeia Etta, born Dec. 31, 1855: married Dec. 23, 1875, Eu.^ene Vleit. *IS2. III. Alice J., liorn Fel). 2, 1870; marrie. Au'^. 12, 1890. 158. IT. Sa.M'OKD S., Ixirn v^e])t. 26, 1853; married, Oct. 10, 1870, ]'",stlier .\. Iniller. 159. III. Li'Ni':'iT Iv, Ixirn Xov. 10, 1857 ; married, July 4, 1877, Allison S. Fuller, and llie\- had: I, Allen, h. Jan. 25. 1882. 2. hUn^ra .\l., h. May 5, 1888. 3. Clara G., h. Mar. 21, 1895. 4. luipheniia M., b. Xov. 30, 1897, d. .Ai)ril I 1 , 1898. 160. IV. Raciii:l .\.\.\, hiirn Sept. 0. 18O0; married ( )ct. 14, 1881, William 11. .Misni'r. and they had: 1. Ao-nes M., h. Mar. 12. 1S84. 2. Jessie Iv'irl, h. Xov. 8, 1890, d. .Xul;-. 22, l8()i. 161. V. Lena .May, horn \)(.x-. 13, 18O8; married Dec. 13, i8()4. George II. Nelse. Charles Allen resides at I'.randon, Mich. 67. HAMITOX l'KI':h:.\l.\.X. liorn May 19, 1830; married. Mar., 1854, Sydney 1". Mummer. Issue : 162. I. Hampton, 1)orn June 20, 1853; married Emma La I'lamhow . , GENEALOGY 69. DANTEL FREEMAN, liorn Sept. 2, 18^:55; married, Mar. 22, 1863, Rosalinda Tor- rance. Issne: jf,:^ I. Ferdinand, liorn (X't. 10, 1866. ^i^ifH. II. MiNA. Ixirn June 15, 1876; married Chas. Hannah 165. III. Robert, born July 3- i<^<^^^- This family is living- at Greenville, Mich. 70. EUPHEMIA A. FREEMAN, born Dec. 1, 1837; married, Jan. i, 1871, George E. Taylor. Issue : iCf). I. Howard E., born Feb. 12. 1872; married June 22, i8(j6, Grace McKcrcher. 167. IT. r>ERTiTA G., born Oct. 21, 1875; married Sept. 28, 1898, Edwin W. Atwood. George E. TavliM- is an attorney-at-law at Flint, Mich., t(^ whom the author is indel)ted for assistance in compiling this gcneahigy. 72. ALICE J. FREEMAN, born April T2, 1842; married Feb. 7, 1867, Oliver iVrry. Issue : ,68. I. I/nis F., born Aug. t2, 1874, This family live at Washington, D. C. 74- ELLEN FREEMAN, born Aug. 3. 1842; married Sei^t. 8, 1862, James Fishrr. Issue: 169. I- Wintered Elizai'.etii, born Sei)t. 17. 1861: married, Dec. 26, d8(;5, James P.. Tuthill, GENEALOGY 45 aiul ilay had Ivorainc. Ixirn Sept. 14. iXijj. 170. IL. Ai:i;y Milicent, born Mar. 30. icSOj; married Wx. 3, 1SS7. Charles j. Reilly ; and they had: l\al])h James. Ixirn Xov. 4. 1S88; I'Veeman, horn .\h'iy 14. iSijo; Ivsther, l)iirn Sept. 24, i8(;3. 171 • Iir. Jami:s IlKXin-. horn Xov. 15. iS^S; marrierl. .'\])ril 23, iS(;5. Lottie Cole. 75- CEORC^E S. Fl^h:E.M.\\". horn Fel). JJ. I S45 ; married. A])ril 15. 1S73. 1 )ella h'ord. Issne 17.^. I. John 1m)ki), born .\lav (k 1S74. 173. II. Fi.oRiM': Loii.sA, born Xov. 2y. 1(886. 76. DELASKIb. 1). FRF.F.. MAX. born .\n,q-. t8, 1852: married Jan. 1, 1874. Minnie D. AIcKer- fher. He (h\'d Jan. 3. K/x). Tlu'\- had issne: '74- F Rossii', ^l.\^•, born Au.l;'. i). 1875: die<| April 1 1. 1885. 175. IF l)i:i,i.\ F.. born Sipt. 12. 1*876. Ml. b'ki:!) I ).. born Jan. 3, i87(). 1\'. F.i-.M-Aii'Ai'. Iv. born Xov. 13. 1 87(;. \'. .Maim 11 A W., born Xov. 20. 1882. \ I. Faw Ki;.\{ !■: K., born ()ct. 2/. 1883. \ II . 1 Ia/ki.. born ( )et. (>. 1888. \ III. l'>i-:iii.\.\N- .M.. born Inly 30, i8(j6. 176 '// 178 17') 180 181 JOSEPH S. FREE^FAX. born Jan. g, i83(j: married, ist. Jan. ist. 1870. Martha Sellers; 2nd, Se])t. 2ij. i88(). .^lar\ Merrill. Issue: 182. I. II Ai.i 11:. born v'~^el)t. 2(). 1870; inrn'ried. .\])ril 21. l8(;f). b'ri'derick W. .Xiehols. 46 GENEALOGY 183. TT. Frank U., bom May 4, 1872. 184. III. 1 Iarrv. born Jan. 24, 1874 ; died Jan. 26, 1876. 117. SARAH H. FREEMAN, Inn-n Sept. 22, 1843; married May 5, 1863, George E. Newall. Sbe died Nov. 30, 1897. They had issue: 185. I. J. Winnie, born May 16. 1864; cHed May 17, 1887. 186. II. John W., born Jan. 16, 1866: married Aug". I, 1896, NelHe E. Reynard. 118. MARY B. FREEMAN, l)orn Ajiril 8, 1854; married Fel). 13, 1873. Geo. H. MeQuigg. Issue : 187. I. Edward H., l)orn Nov. 14, 1873; married, Sept. 23, 1895, Luella Mason ; and they had: Gladys M.. lK)rn Nov. 6, i8(;6; George Mason, born Felx 22, 1899. 188. II. Nina R.. born April 8, 1875; married, Jan. i, 1896, H. Harrison Lovell. and tliey had P.cthanv Freeman, born July 26. 1898. 132. DANIEL FREEMAN, l).)rn in Nissouri, Canada, June 30, 1837; married July 13, 1866, Catherine Grace Higginson Christie, daughter of Cap- lain John Christie, R. N. Issue: *j89. I. Archibald Christie, born in London, Can- ada, Mar. 14, 1867; married Feb. t8, 1890, Nora Kirkpatrick. *j(jo. II. Charles, born in Port P.urwell, Canada, Sept. 4, 1868; married Feb. 4. 1897, Jessie Will- iams Clark, lyi. III. Grace Elizabeth Isai-.ella, born in Port GENEALOGY ^y I'.urwt'll, C'aiiada. Jan. ]\, 1870; married, v^c'pt. 22, 1888, Charles 1 k-iirv Howland, of Toronto, Canada. Daniel Freeman studit-d law under Samuel lUack l'"reeman, O. C. one of Canada's most famous lawyers. He was admit- ted Attorney and llarrisler-at-l .aw in 1864, and practised liis profession until 1873. when the poor health of his wife com- pelled him to seek a warmer climate for her. lie went to California and bought a large rancho near Los Angeles, where he became a successful farmer and horticulturist, lie was for some years President of the Los Angeles Chamber of Com- merce. He has been a Director of the Southern California Railway, of the Santa Fe system, ever since the latter road entered California. WTLLT AM FREEMAN, born in \issouri, Canada, June 18, 1839; marrit'd April \^, 18(33, Emily Scatcb.erd. He died Sei)t. 15. i8f)8. Issue: *iy2. ]. M.\K\- Rri.i.. born A]iril 12. 1863: uiarried Fred A lace. LS5- HENRIETTA JAXE FREEMAN, born in \A'in(lham, Canada, Jan. 8, 1843: married, Aug. 5 1868, i'eter Gilbert. Issue: 103. I. William, born Mar. 5, 1870, dierth. Issue: *20i I. IIf.ri'.I'.rt Ei>r,AR, born Oct. 13, t874; married, Ian. 30, i8()7, .\raminta Anrlrews. 20?. II. M.\RV MvRTLE, born Feb. .?y). 1876: nnrried, Feb. :^S, 1893, Herbert A. Tomlinson. 203. HI. Joseph Wray. born Oct. 21, 1877. 204. TV. T ENA Alver.x, born Jul\- ^2, i87(;. 205. v. M.\i!EL, born July 22. i88t. 206. \'I. TviTH ELizAT.i'.'ni. born Nov. 15, 1885. 207. \'II . \A'n,LL\Ar Clinton, born May 12, 188;); died May 27, 189T. 208. \^III. I\MES SoiTiio A'i'E. born Sei>t. ro. i8<;2. '■diis famil\- rt'side at Archdale, North Carolina. GENEALOGY 49 147. EDGAR ALONZO FREEMAX, born Oct. 13. 1845: married. ATay 2S, \^/^^. Sarali J. RoMnson. Issue : 209. I. Lena A[ii,i)Ki:i). lioni June 21. 1876. 210. IT. Edgar R., l)oni June _'S. 18S4. 211. III. Gl,Ei\n L., horn Feb. 6, 1886. ISO. ANDREW P. FREEMAN, born Oct. 28, 1852; married, Fe1). 2T, 1877. Maltie Joslyn. Issue : 212. T. R.\^• I.. l)()rn May 24, 1882. Andrew i'. Freeman resides at Chicago, Illinois. 152. ALICE E. FREEMAN, born Feb. 2, 1870; married Mar. 20, 1889, Henry L. Holmes. Issue : 213. I. Ethel, born ?^Iar. 26, 1891. 214. n. Ettik. born Dec. 24, 1894. This family reside at Fenton. Mich. 153- WILLIAM S. FREEMAN. l)orn Feb. 13. 1856; married. May 9, 1887. Mary Rawson. Issue : 215. T. Fra\'k Hekhert. born May t, 1889. 216. 11. Ivv Arabella, l)orn Dec. 23, 1893. 217. 111. Ir\in. born May 3, 1898. William S. Freeman resides at Harrison, Mich. LS4- CLARENCE HERBERT FREEMAN, . born Nov. 7, 1858 married Jan. 27,. 1884, Caroline P. I'.ras- in::;lon. Issue: 218. I. AxDKi'.w EiK"..\R, born Nov. 24, 1884. ^o GENEALOGY 219. II. Altiiea Frances, born Sept. 14. 1888; died Nov. 24, 1 89 1. 220. Til. Jennie Leah, born Jan. i, 180T. 221 . IV. Herbert Alfred, born Mar. 15. 1893. 222. V. Li'ETTA, (twin), born May 10, 1900. 223. VI. Loi,A. (twin), l>orn May 10, 1900. This family reside at Clark, Mich. T55- ELSIE FREEMAN, born Nov. 6, i860; married, Feb. 3, 1880, Roliert D. Hubbard. Issue: ,, 224. I. Mabel Elsie, born Dec. 22, 1880. 225. IT. Maud Bella, born Mar. 8, 1884. 226. III. George Freeman, born Nov. 29. 1887. Robert D. ITubbard resides at White Lake. Mich. 156. EMMA P.. FREEMAN, born April 15, 1863; married. May, 1888, Andrew Iv. Ed.c^ar. Issue : 227. I. Claire William, born Sept. i, 1889. 228. IT. Harry Freeman, born May 13, 1893. This family reside at Clarkston, Mich. 164. MINA FREEMAN, born Tune 15, 1876; married. May 28, 1894, Charles Hannah. Issue : 229. I. Gladys, born Feb. 19, 1895. 230. H. Percy, born April 12, 1896. 189. ARCHTPALD CHRISTIE FREEMAN, born in London, Canada, Mar. 14, 1867; married, Feb. 18, 1890, Nora Ivirkpatrick. Issue: 231. I. Inez Grace. l)orn at Inc^lewood, Cal., June 18, 1894. GENEALOGY 190. CHARLKS FKKEAIAN, lH>rn in Port P.urwcll. Canada. Sept. 4, 1868: married Feb. 4. 1897, Jessie Williams Clark. Issue: ^3-2. I. CiiARi.Ks Dkwkv. horn at I/is An.j^dcs, Cal June 23, 1898. Charles Freeman. <.t T.os An-elcs. Cal.. served with the 35th Infantry. U. S. V.. in the Philippines, thn.n.nh iJu. cam- pai.^iis of 1899. 1900 and 1901. 192. MARY BELL FPFJ<:aiaN, born April ,2. 1865 ; married. AFar. 2, 1891. Fred Mare. Issue: ^^i- F ILxzEi., horn \ov. 7. 1892. 234. IF LORNA. horn Jan. 10. 1895. 235. III. Joii.\, horn July 16, 1897.^ 201. HERBERT EDGAR FREEALW, born Oct. 13. 1874: married. Jan. 30. 1897. Araniinta Ai drevvs. Issue : -i^'- I- ^^■Tr.TTELMI^TA EvAT.vxA. hom !\Iav 7. 1898. 2 GENEALOGY AMERICAN AUTHORITIES. Record (^f wills at Trenton, Newark, Elizabeth, New Bruns- wick, New Jersey. Record of deeds at same places. Records of First Rresbyterian Cluirch of Morristown, N. J. Records of T.aptist Church of Morristown. Records of the Cemeteries of Morristown, Whippany, Han- over, Orange, Newark, Elizabeth. WocMlbridse, Piscat- away, N. J. Records of Presbyterian Church, of Woodbridge. Records ..f Ouaker Churches of Piscataway, Rahway, and \Voodl)rid2:e. Marriage Licenses of Trenton, N. J., and of Friends Mectm-s, and Dutch Church, New York. Elizabethtown Pill in Chancery. Histc.ry c^f Woodbrid-e, N. J., by Rev. J. W. Dalley. Colonial Archives of New Jersey. Hist(^ries of the Counties of Sussex and Warren, of Essex and Middlesex, and Union and Monmouth, and P>urlingtLMi. N. J. History of Elizabeth, N. J., by Hatfield. Condict, Halsey, Swayze, and Canfield crenealot^ics. Wick's History of Orang-e, N. J. Little's Letters of the Passaic Valley, N. J. liaptismal and other Records of the German and Lutheran Churches of Germant(nvn, German X'alley, Stillwater, N. L Records of the Hutch Reformed Church of Readmotou, N. J. MSS. of Rev. T. F. Chambers, D. D., Dover, N. J. MSS. of 1). Freeman, of Los Angeles, Cal. Family Ihbles. INDEX Abby M. Fisher 45 Abigail Freeman ,2 Abraham Freeman 21, 24 Alexander Freeman 19' 23 Alice I-Vccman 49 Alice .1. Frcman 36,' 4-'r44 Alphens !• reeman 24 Althea Freeman 50 Amos Freeman 22 Andrew Freeman 3,, 3^,' '33/3^ Andrew P. 1- reeman 42, 49 Andrew F,. Freeman 49 Anna Freeman 25 Anne FVceman 22 Anne F. Freeman ig Archibald C. Freeman 46^50 Ashbell Freeman 21, 25 Anna F. C.ilbert . T. ! .47 -Anna M. Kennedy 36 A. C. Kennedy •J7 A. F. Sntton ,, A. A. Tindall ..'.'.'.'.'.'.' 37 Almeda 'J'indall 38 Ann F. Winner 37 Renas Freeman 20 Benjamin Freeman. .. 18, 20. 21, 22, 24 Renoni l-'reeman .'.31 Hethany !•" reeman • • .^45 Betsy Freeman ' ' 23 B. Kennedy T, B. G. Taylor '.'.'.'. [lllllZ B. II. \\ inner 37 Claire \V. Fdgar -o Catherine FVeeman 25, 31 Celia I'Veeman '. .42 Charles Freeman 24, 46. 51 Charles A. S. Freeman '. . . . .48 Charles I). Freeman 5, Charles F. Freeman 40! 48 Charity Freeman ,9^" ,3 Clarence Freeman 42^ 40 Clarkson Freeman . . T! . 24 C. J. Kennedy 36 C. S Kennedy '.'.'.'.'.'.. 36 C. A. Lewis ,„ C. II. Tindall is C. \V. Tindall '.'.'.'.! ".".'.■. i! 38 Haniel Beemer ,„ Daniel Freeman .. . . . . . .23, 32, 33. 36, 40, 44. 46 Daniel L. Freeman 4, Daniel S. Freeman t/'i8 Daniel W. Freeman 34. •^3^9; % David Freeman 'i 5- Dclaskie D. Freeman .....".'."."."■ 36 ' ll Delia A. Tindall ^ ' ts Delia Freeman 4- Dezer Freeman [, [] ,p I )oziah Freeman \\\[ ', D. I. Kennedy "5 D. E. Sutton. I. 33 E. A. Freeman 42, 49 E. R. Freeman 49 Edward Freeman m, 14, 30, 31 Eleanor Freeman 21 E. .M. M. Freeman 48 Eliseus Freeman 24 Elizabeth Freeman , 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, IQ nllen !• reeman 36, 44 Elsie Freeman 42, 50 Emma F'reeman 42, 50 E. S. Freeman 42 Enos I'recman 24 Euphcmia A. I'reeman 22, 36, 44 Evelyn^ I.. Freeman 48 Ezra F^reeman 24 Ethel Holmes '49 Ivttie Holmes 49 K. M. Kennedy x6 E. H. Mcouigk :::.:::i6 I'.mily Powell 4, Edgar Tindall ,8 E. Tindall '.'.'.'.'.'..37 K. K. Tindall .... 38 Ferdinand Freeman Francis I'reeman 44 1 2 Francis W. Freeman .40 Frank II. I'reeman ■« Frank U. Freeman. Fred 1). Freeman . . . Florine h. Freeman. F. G. Eewis 49 46 45 39 Genevieve Freeman 45 C>eo. D. Freeman * .38 Geo. S. Freeman 36, 4 :; ('.ilman Freeman ' . 20 r.lenn I,. Freeman . . . .4g Grace E. I. Freeman .46 Gladys Hannah co G. F. Hnbbard ,0 G. W. Sutton 3. Geo. Timlall !.!!!!. 58 [;• F- Hdgar -o ampton 1- reeman 35, 43 ilalhe Freeman 4- Ilannah Freeman ,[,' Harry Freeman ,(, Hazel Freman .4^ H. J. Freeman Jo j7 n,^ •+^» 4/ enry F reeman II, 14, 18, 19, 21 22 24 Herbert A. Freeman .' cq I lowsley Freeman g Hnldah I'reeman . . . .2- H. .\. Kennedy ' ' ' ' ,2 Hazel Mace .'. '.', ,^ II. E. Taylor .....'.'.'.'.'.'.[44 Inez G. Frt-enian 5° Isaac Freeman. .. i8, 19, 21, 2j, 24. 25 I. S. Freeman 34- 4' I. \\'. Freeman 40, 48 Israel Freeman 22 Trwin Freeman 49 I. A. Freeman 49 Isaac Winner 37 I. H. Winner 37 T. H. Fislier 45 j. E. Gilbert 47 Jackson Freeman 25 James Freeman 12, 19, 20, 22, 23 J. S. Freeman 48 Jane Freeman 20 J. L. Freeman 50 Jeremiali Freeman 23 John Freeman 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 John 1!. F'reeman 40 J . 1 ). Freeman 48 J. F. Freeman 45 I. Iv. Freeman 42, 48 J. O. Freeman 34. 37' 39 J. S. Freeman 38 3. \V. Freeman 46 Jonathan Freeman. ... 18, 19, 21, 22, 24 Josejih Freeman 13, 14, 18, 20, 24, 25, 33, 34. 36. 48 J. S. Freeman 38, 45 Josephine F'reeman 37 J. Winnie Freeman 46 T. V. Kennedy 37 T. W. Lewis 39 T. H. Lewis 39 J. Mace 51 J. Ryerson 41 John Sutton 35 Toseph Sntton 35 J. K. Tindall 37 J. O. Winner 37 Katherine Freeman 13 M. r.. Hubbard 5° M. K. Hubbard 50 M. K. Kennedy 37 M. A. Lewis 39 M. L. Tindall 38 Mary Winner 37 Nancy Freeman 24, 25 Naomi Freeman 20 Nathan Freeman 23 Nathaniel F'reeman 23 N. B. McQuigg 46 Oliver Freeman 22 O. N. Tindall 38 P. G. Allen 43 P. E. lieemer 39 Percy Hannah 50 Phebe Freeman 25, 33. 36 P. A. Freeman 34. 40. 4 ' Phineas Freeman 23 Polly Freeman 25 P. W. Freeman 35. 42 P. R. Freeman 33- 37 P. A. Tindall 37 P. T. Winner 37 Rachel A. Allen 43 Rachel Freeman 18, 20, 23, 30, 31, 33. 35 R. A. Freeman 34- 36. 41 R. I. Freeman 40 Raljih Freeman 11, 12, 13 Randolph Freeman 23, 25 Ray Freeman 49 Reuben Freeman 23 Robert Freeman 44 Rossie M. Freeman 45 Ruth Freeman 48 R. R. Kennedy 37 Lena M. Allen 43 L. E. Allen 43 Lawrence Freeman 10, 11 L. K. Freeman 45 Lena A. Freeman 48 Lena M. Freeman 49 Lola Freeman 50 Luetta Freeman 50 Laura J. Gilbert 47 Lorna Mace 51 L. F. Perry 44 Mabel Freeman 48 M. Freeman 39 Margaret Freeman 25 Marianna Freeman 40 Martha Freeman 19, 23, 24, 25 M. W. Freeman 45 Martin Freeman 9, 12 Martyn Freeman 11, 12 Mary Freeman 18, 19. 20, 21, 23, 34. 39 M. A. Freeman 33, 34, 37, 42 M. E. Freeman .....35, 43 M. J. Freeman 38 M. M. Freeman 48 Matthew Freeman 20 M. I'reeman 20, 22 Melissa Freeman 36 Mina Freeman 44, 50 M. R. Freeman 38, 46, 47, 51 Moses Freeman 30 Sanford S. Allen 43 Samuel Freeman 18. 19. 20, 21, 22 Sarah Freeman 18, 19, 20, 21 Sarah H. Freeman 38, 46 Sir George Freeman 13 Sir Ralph Freeman 13 Sir Richard Freeman 9 Susan Freeman 13 S. Iv Kennedy 36 S. W. Kennedy 36 Thomas Freeman 8. 11, 2- T. J. Kennedy 3/ "Visey, Aunt' W. E. Fisher 44 Willielmina Freeman 51 William Freeman 7, 11. [2, 13. 21. 31, 32, 33, 34. 35. 40. 42 W. C. Freeman 48 W. S. Freeman 33, 42, 49 W. Gilbert 47 W. F. Kennedy 36 W. Sutton 35 W. E. Tindall 38 W. W. Winner 37 Zeruiah Freeman 23 h J. \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 007 752 372 8