PKKSKNTFJ) BY / THOMAS FOX OF CONCORD AND HIS DESCENDENTS BY WILLIAM F. FOX ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, PRINTERS 1909 3 laf <5irt AuthoP 17 Ap '09 In compiling the genealogical notes contained in the following pages, the work was not prompted by any feeling of ancestral pride, but by a natural and proper desire to know^ who our progenitors were, no matter what their station in life may have been, rich or poor, whether persons of distinction or of humble life. The work was tmdertaken, more especially, for the purpose of determining the parentage of Daniel Fox of East Haddam, Conn., who died July 28, 1801, at West Stockbridge, Mass., in the seventy-ninth year of his age, and was buried in the cemetery near Richmond Furnace. The search starts with a statement made by one of his sons, Gabriel Ely Fox, from which it appears that Daniel was born in New London, Conn. ; that while a boy he went to the neighbor- ing parish of East Haddam, where he was ap- prenticed to Lieut. James Cone of that place, and that he had brothers, John and Isaac. Although there is no official record of Daniel's birth or parentage, the records of the other Fox families in New London and vicinity are so com- plete that, by a process of elimination, it became possible to assign Daniel to his proper place, and to the onlv one that would accord with certain accepted facts. In arriving at this conclusion I was assisted greatly by the intelligent, conscientious work done by Gen. Simeon M. Fox of Manhattan, Kansas, who is also a descendant of Thomas Fox of Concord,* and who has devoted much time and labor to the task of tracing out, or accounting for, the various male descendants of Thomas down to and including the fourth generation, to which Daniel Fox of East Haddam belonged. General Fox has also kindly written the introductory pages of the following genealogy. It was not expected that the records would reveal anything conducive to family pride — the w^ork was not undertaken with any such purpose. At the same time nothing was dis- closed that might be deemed discreditable. Neither is it expected that these pages will offer anything readable or interesting, consisting as they do of a mere mass of dates and statistical notes. But these documentary transcripts and figures were all necessary in accounting for each of the other descendants of Thomas Fox of Concord down to a certain period in order to prove that Daniel Fox of East Haddam, my * Thomas^ Fox of Concord, Mass., Isaac^ of Medford, Eben- ezer,3 Ebenezer,* Jr., Moses, ^ Dana,^ Simeon.'' ancestor, could not have belonged to any other family than the one to which he is here assigned. These notes and memoranda are therefore submitted as an argument rather than a formal genealogy; and, as they were collected onl}^ through a voluminous correspondence lasting many years, they have been printed in order to preserve them in convenient form, and to avoid any necessity of doing this work a second time. WILLIAM FREEMAN FOX. Albany, N. Y., March i, 1909. Slljnmtia ^ox of Olottrorb, Mubb., mh ijfta ^^BnnhnntB For more than a quarter of a century I have been searching among the records of New Eng- land in an endeavor to gather additional facts relating to the descendants of Thomas Fox of Concord, Mass. My own line of descent I had perfected long ago, but I desired a more com- plete knowledge of collateral lines. During my early search I found how little trust could be placed in the genealogies which are given in the local histories of many New England towns, and, also, that there were many slips in Savage's great " Genealogical Diction- ary." -Mr. Baker in his " History of Montville " makes a sad mix-up of the Foxes of New London. He gives the first wife of Thomas Fox of Concord, the founder of the family, as Rebecca French. This first wife is mentioned only as Rebecca; her family name is not known. The Rebecca French came into the family nearly a century later, as the wife of Thomas' Fox (Eliphalet^. Mr. Baker had failed to discover — a fact that had also escaped Miss Caulkins — that Isaac' Fox, the youngest son of Thomas of Concord, had come down with his family a Httle before 1 700, and settled near his brothers, Samuel and John, and sister, Hannah Lester, in the " General Neck " a few miles south of New London vil- lage. In trying to account for this Isaac Fox and his family as the children of Samuel and John, Baker has helped to increase the confusion. Again, in relation to two Benjamin Foxes of the third generation — the Benjamin who dwelt in New London, and the Benjamin who dwelt in Colchester — the former has been with much persistency treated as the son of Samuel,^ and the latter as the son of John% when the New London records, as well as Hempstead's Diary, show beyond question that the reverse was the case. Mr. Baker has also given the wife of Samue? Fox the elder (so designated because he had a younger brother also named Samuel, who was known as Samuel Fox the younger), as Margaret Brintnall, doubtless basing his guess on the fact that a son, Ezekieh Fox, had named a son Brintnall. The fact is, however, that Samuel Fox the elder married Margaret, the daughter of Samuel Stebbins, March 25, 1703. The name " Brintnall " came into the family through the wife of Ezekiel,* she being Mehitable Lamson of Boston, and the maiden name of her mother being Mehitable Brintnall. I have men- tioned the above in hope that it will save some 8 Fox hunters the trouble and confusion that will result if they follow the false clues corrected here. The descendants of Daniel Fox of East Had- dam, Connecticut, have for many years searched diligently to trace his connection with the New London Fox families, but without satisfactory results. Although it was not my own line, I became interested in the puzzle and sought to solve it. I began the long and tedious process of elimination, and one by one have set aside the impossibles until I have proven, to my own satisfaction at least, that Daniel Fox of East Haddam was the son of Isaac^ Fox, and wife Mary Jones of Colchester. His line is duly traced out in the following pages. This process of elimination involved not only the New London Foxes but a search through the several other apparently distinct Fox families of Connecticut, a long and tedious study. It is difficult to set forth the many fine points of collateral proof that present themselves to the searcher and which lead him to his conclusions; for the cor- rectness of these conclusions cannot be as evi- dent to others as to him. In the study I have presented in the following pages, in a number of cases I have made no positive claim as to absolute correctness, and in these cases I have referred to them as tenta- tive conclusions. Uncertainty appears especially in the cases of Benjamirf Fox (Samuel-), and Jedediah^ Fox (Isaac,^ Samuel-) ; no probate record in either case has been yet found, nor did either appear to have left a record of his children. Certain fatherless Foxes of their respective periods, who seem to have no other available home, have been assigned to them rather than leave them as orphans out in the cold world. There are, doubtless, records hidden away in obscure places which would give additional light and make plain many doubtful points, if we could only find them. The old church records of the New Salem parish, which was organized about 1724, in Paugwonk, down in the southern part of Colchester — the part now the town of Salem — would doubtless greatly aid — but they were burned many years ago. It was in this parish that the Colchester Foxes dwelt, between the North parish of New London (now Montville) and East Haddam. The parish of Exeter, in the southern part of Lebanon, would doubtless also give light, but the early records of this parish are also lost. There were four distinct Fox families in Con- necticut between whom no blood relationship has been traced. There was an early Fox family in Windsor of whom but a meagre trace remains. The Taintor 10 line of Colchester reaches back into this family through Thomas Loomis. There was Richard Fox, born about 164 1, who came to Glastonbury and married Beriah, the daughter of Richard Smith of Wethersfield, and who has left a numerous posterity. Thomas* Fox, the great grandson of Thomas Fox of Cambridge, came down to Connecticut and settled in Woodstock. He married Mary (or Mercy) Lawrence of Killingly in 1729. He, too, has left descendants. And, fourth, the New London Fox families, the descendants of Thomas Fox of Concord. It is possible that Richard Fox of Glastonbury was of the old Windsor family. And it is not improbable that a relationship existed between Richard and the family of Thomas Fox of Con- cord, for in 1 71 7 Benoni^ (Eliphalet-), the grandson of Thomas Fox, sold out in Concord and came down into Connecticut and immedi- ately settled among the descendants of Richard in the east parish of Glastonbury. The induce- ment that led Benoni to chose this place in which to pass the rest of his days one would naturally guess to be a kinship with the other Foxes.* But who knows? * The Foxes who appear in Hartland just before the Revo- lutionary War were the sons of Ebenezer* Fox (Isaac^), who came up from East Haddam. II There was a Thomas Fox — apparently not of the Glastonbury families — who appears at Wethersfield, and marries there, November 6, 1729, with Mary, the daughter of Thomas Boardman. It seems to me to be quite probable that this was Thomas^ Fox, son of Isaac,- born in 1693, came to New London with his father, and in 1722 was admitted an inhabitant of Norwich, where his elder brother Isaac was then living. He does not appear further in any of the records in New London county and evidently removed elsewhere. He was living in 1735, for he is men- tioned in his father's will of that year. He seems to be an available husband for Mary Boardman, although he would be about thirty- five years old at the date of marriage. No other Thomas Fox has been found to suit the case, that is not otherwise accounted for. Thomas Fox of Concord seemed to have been a man who stood well among his neighbors; and he apparently had education above the average of the people around him. Although " feble & weake in body " he signed his will with his own hand, his name appearing neat and legible. We, his descendants, are to be con- gratulated that our first ancestor in America did not have to make his mark. It has been suggested that Thomas Fox of Concord was the son of his contemporary, 12 Thomas Fox of Cambridge. I do not think this is so, although I am sure that Thomas Fox of Cambridge was the elder. He was born about 1608, and was, doubtless, the Thomas Fox made freeman in 1638. Thomas Fox of Concord was then the one made freeman in 1644, and was therefore born as early as 1623 (it was not until 1645 that a man under twenty-one years of age could be made freeman) when Thomas Fox of Cambridge was but fifteen years old. It is probable that Thomas Fox of Concord was born as early as 1620; and that he married his first wife, Rebecca, labout 1641, or perhaps earlier. He was the brother-in-law of Eleazer Bateman and Moses Wheate. Eleazer Bateman doubtless married a sister of Hannah Brooks, Martha, who died in 1665. I hope that some day some one of the descendants of Thomas Fox of Concord, with money enough to indulge in luxuries, may be stirred to trace his English ancestry. An absurd line has been given him in Stiles's new history of Windsor, Conn., giving him left-handed royal descent, as a grandson of Sir Stephen Fox — and a son of Henry — and a brother of the statesman, Charles James Fox. If this is true, we have a case of a man who is older than his grandfather. Thomas Fox was a man older than Sir Stephen, and he had lived his span and been gathered to 13 his fathers ninety years before his alleged brother, Charles James Fox, was born. A little thing like chronology, however, should not be permitted to stand in the way when you want a royal ancestor. I submit this short study of the ancestors of Daniel Fox of East Haddam hoping that his descendants will find as much comfort in its pages as they do in the sturdy character of Daniel Fox himself, and in his patriotic sons whose revolutionary service would make a bright page in history. Many ancestors of Daniel Fox were soldiers in the French and In- dian war; and it is probable that many of the New London Fox family died in the armies of the different wars; and it was here that they disappeared rather than that they removed to other parts. I invite a correspondence with any descend- ant who has accumulated or possesses any items of family interest, or with any one who may wish for further light. Manhattan, Kansas. S. M. FOX, 14 Shnmaa J^ox of (Slonwth nnh sttmt of i^xB ^tBtmhnntB Thomas* Fox of Concord, Mass., was an Englishman who emigrated to Am.erica prior to March, 1644, at which time he was elected a freeman of the Massachusetts Colony. His name appears on the rolls of the Concord church. According to one authority he came to America in 1630, in the train of Governor Cradock. Thomas of Concord was married twice. By his first wife, Rebecca, he had children: Mary% bom September 18, 1642, Elizabeth% born Sep- tember 18, 1642, twins; Eliphalet', born 1644. Rebecca, his first wife, died May 11, 1647. Thomas married for his second wife Hannah Brooks, daughter of Henry Brooks, of Woburn, Mass. They wete married December 13, 1647, and had children: Hannah, born September 25, 1648; Thomas, born February 26, 1649-50; Samuel, born 1651; John, born about 1653; David, born about 1656; Isaac, born October 17. 1657. It will be noted that the above assignment of children to the second wife of Thomas* Fox 15 of Concord, does not follow Savage, the genealo- gist, who made a manifest error in including a daughter Mary. Thomas' Fox died at Concord, Mass., April 14, 1658. In his will, dated January 25, 1658, he makes his wife, Hannah, an executrix. This will names only the eldest son, Eliphalet, and his daughter, Elizabeth, although it speaks of others. It mentions also Uncle Thomas Brooks, who returned the inventory April 23, 1658. In signing his will, Thomas spells his name " ffoxe." His signature is accompanied by a seal displaying a coat of arms, which may have given rise to the tradition mentioned by some genealogists that he was a descendant of the Rev. John Ffoxe of England, author of the famous " Book of Martyrs," and who, in recog- nition of this work, received from his sovereign a royal grant, giving him the right to a coat of arms. There was another Thomas Fox who at one time lived in Concord, and wiio moved from there to Cambridge, Mass. He is always re- ferred to by genealogists as Thomas of Cam- bridge to distinguish him from Thomas of Con- cord. As both lived in Concord at one time, there is a tradition that they were cousins. Thomas of Cambridge was made a freeman in 1638 and a selectman in 1658. He was an 16 older man than Thomas of Concord. He was married three times, but " had no children ex- cept Jabez (born 1647, Harvard College, 1665) to bear up the uncertain traditional honor as- cribed to him of descent from the author of the Book of Martyrs." [Savage's New England Genealogies.] This Jabez Fox was a clergy- man; and his son, Rev. John Fox, and grand- son, ?Ion. Jabez Fox, were also graduates of Harvard. Thomas Fox of Cambridge died April 25, 1693, aged 85*. Mary^ Fox, daughter of Thomas of Concord, and twin sister of Elizabeth, was born Septem- ber 18, 1642, at Concord, Mass. She died the next month. Elizabeth- Fox, daughter of Thomas of Con- cord, was a twin sister of Mary. Savage, the genealogist, thinks that she is the Elizabeth Fox who was married October 3, 1665, to John Ball, of Watertown, as his second wife, his first wife having become insane and rendering a separation necessary. He had five children by first wife; and by Elizabeth he had a son, *For his descendants see volume "Descendants of Thomas Fox of Cambridge, Mass.," by N. M. Fox, Union Printing Co., St. Joseph, Mo., 1899. 17 Joseph, born March 12, 1670. John Ball moved to Lancaster, where he, with his wife and son Joseph, was killed by the Indians September 10, 1675. Eliphalet- Fox, oldest son of Thomas of Con- cord, was born about 1644, and was made a free- man of the colony in 1690. He was married October 26, 1665, to Mary, daughter of George Wheeler, of Concord, by whom he had six chil- dren. She died February 24, 1679; ^^^ o^ Sep- tember 30, 1681, he married for his second wife Mary, widow of Isaac Hunt and daughter of John Stone, of Sudbury. Eliphalet had chil- dren: Thomas,^ Eliphalet,^ Samuel,^ Joshua,^ Benoni^ and Joshua^ (2d), all by his first wife. By his second wife he h^d two sons. [See Genea- logical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England. By James Savage.,] Eliphalet^ Fox was the ancestor of the Massachusetts Foxes of Concord, Dracut, Littleton, Fitchburg, etc.> and of the descendants of Benoni^ Fox of Glaston- bury, Conn.* Hannah- Fox, daughter of Thomas* of Con- cord, was born February 26, 1650, at Concord, Mass. She married at New London, Conn., October i, 1668, Daniel Lester, son of Andrew Lester. *Among the sons and grandsons of Eliphalet^ Fox there was none by the name of Daniel. ' 18 Thomas- Fox, son of Thomas^ of Concord, was born February 26, 1650, at Concord, Mass. He is supposed to have died young. SamueP Fox, son of Thomas' of Concord, was born in Concord, Mass., in 165 1. He settled in New London, Conn., about 1675. He married there, March 30, 1676, Mary Lester, daughter of Andrew Lester. She was born in Gloucester, Mass., December 26, 1647. After this he con- tracted a second, third and fourth marriage. His second wife, Joanna, died in the epidemic of 1689. His third wife, whom he married in i6go, was Bathsheba — or Bathshua — Rogers, widow of Richard Smith. She died November 3 , 1 7 1 1 . Bathsheba was born in Milford in 1650, and was the daughter of James Rogers, " the wealthiest man in the colony of New London after Governor Winthrop." Samuel's fourth wife, who survived him, was named Esther, and is mentioned in his will. She was probably the " Hester " Allen who was married to " Samuel Fox of New London," August 9, 1715. Samuel's name was added to the roll of the " First Church of Christ in New London," No- vember 20, 1681. The Patent of New London, issued in 1704, also contains his name. He was an extensive landholder, some of his land being situated at Great Neck, in the vicinity of New London. He also owned 500 acres in the North 19 Parish, now Montville, upon which he erected a sawmill and a gristmill. He died September 4, 1727, aged seventy-six years. His will, dated April 6, 1727, and ad- mitted to probate September 6th following, names his wife, Esther Fox ; and his son, Samuel, spoken of as his eldest son and called " Samuel Fox the elder;" and another son, whom he calls " Samuel Fox the younger;" also his sons, Isaac and Benjamin ; and his daughters, Elizabeth and Anna. This will also mentions his sons-in-law, James Smith and John Smith; the children of his " daughter-in-law (stepdaughter), Bath- shua Rogers, deceased; " the children of his daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Camp, deceased ; and his granddaughter, Elizabeth Piatt. He gives to his son, Samuel the elder, his lands in the North Parish, with the mills known as the Fox mills, and all his wearing apparel. He gives to his son, Samuel the younger, all his farming tools, and all his lands in Newbern, with Great Neck, subject to certain legacies which are to be paid to other children. He gives to his wife, Esther, a living out of the whole, and appoints as executors his son, Samuel, and " his friend," Timothy Green. Samuel- Fox, son of Thomas of Concord, had children: Abigail, Elizabeth, Anna, Samuel, Isaac, Benjamin and Samuel. Of these, Abi- /^ 20 gail, Elizabeth, Anna, and Samuel "the elder," were the children of Mary Lester, his first wife; Isaac and Benjamin were the children of Joanna, his second wife; and Samuel " the younger" was the son of Bathshua, his third wife. It was not unusual in that day to give the same name to two children b}^ a different mother; and the repetition is not always an indication that the first named had died before the birth of the other. Samuel and Bathsheba, after their marriage, became Seventh Day Baptists. Samuel was arraigned once for catching eels on Sunday, whereupon he said that he made no difference in days; and Bathsheba went " openly " to the meeting-house to proclaim that she had been doing servile work on their Sabbath. She was accompanied at this time by her brother, John Rogers, who interrupted the minister by pro- claiming that he had committed a similar offense. This John Rogers became the founder of the sect of Rogerenes. Samuel and Bathsheba seemed to have courted persecution and to have taken no pains to avoid the martyrdom which fell to their lot. Bathsheba's brother, James, was sentenced by the court to receive fifteen lashes and to pay a fine of 5 pounds for " re- baptizing " people. 21 The troubles and differences which SamueP Fox had with his neighbors appear to have re- sulted from his marriage with Bathsheba. Her father, James Rogers, and his children also, as early as 1676, attracted attention by their de- clared opposition to infant baptism, and Samuel evidently was a convert to their views. John^ Fox, son of Thomas^ Fox of Concord, was born about 1653 at Concord, Mass. He settled in New London, Conn., about 1675. He was married four times. His first marriage oc- curred June 28, 1678, when he wedded Sarah, daughter of Greenfield Larrabee. About 1690 he married for his second wife Hannah Isbell, daughter of Robert Isbell and widow of Thomas Stedman ; third, he married, about 1707, Susanna, daughter of Ralph Parker and widow of Thomas Forster; she died April 3, 1718; and he married for his fourth wife, November 9, 1719, Mary, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Wells) Lester. She was a granddaughter of his sister, Hannah^ and over fifty years younger than her husband. [New England Weekly Journal, April 20, 1730.] In 1700, John united with others in a com- plaint to the General Court against the " elder of the Church of Christ in New London." The elder's party seems to have been the stronger, for they were all suspended from church privi- leges. The Patent of New London, 1704, con- 22 tains the name of John Fox ; his brother Samuel's name was added afterwards. /John- Fox died at New London in April, 1730. He must have been about seventy-five years old at his death. He had children: John, Jr., Sarah, Thomas, Jonathan, Benjamin and Hannah. The three first were children of Sarah Larra- bee; the others were the children of Hannah, his second wife. All these children died without issue except Benjamin. In a deed, dated in 1 718, John Fox calls Benjamin " my only child which it hath pleased God to continue in the land of the living." This deed was for a farm in Montville, Conn., which he deeded to his son, Benjamin. David^ Fox, son of Thomas^ Fox of Concord, was born about 1656. His name appears on the tax list at Woburn, Mass., in 1677. He married L3^dia Jaquith at Woburn, January 10, 1678, but the town records do not show that there were any children by this marriage. For his second wife he married, at sometime prior to 1694, Mary, a daughter of Samuel Hay ward (or Howard) of Maiden. They had a son, David, Jr., born September 7, 1794. It appears that David- Fox served in the Phipps Expedi- tion to Quebec in 1690, for in 1738 Eleazer Bate- man, calling himself a " kinsman of David Fox," was a claimant for his rights. 23 Isaac- Fox, youngest child of Thomas of Con- cord, was born in Concord, Mass., October 17, 1657. He was married in Billerica, Mass., July 18, 1678, to Abigail Osban, and settled in Med- ford, Mass., where his children were born. He lived there until 1693, or later, and then moved to New London, Conn., where he settled on a farm south of New London village, in the imme- diate neighborhood of his brothers, Samuel and John, and his sister, Hannah Lester. His wife, Abigail, died March 12, 1718, and he married a second time, September 4, 1720, with Elizabeth Beebe. By a deed, dated January 9, 1729-30, he gave the land for the first Baptist meeting house in New London*. His brother, Samuel, was one of the trustees. This house was given to the Seventh and First Day Baptists together, and they worshiped in it on different days. It stood on Fort Hill, and from its height and peculiar proportions was called the " Pepper Box." It was taken down in 1847. Isaac died in New London in 1735, aged about seventy- nine years. His w411, which describes him as " Isaac Fox, late of New London," is dated July I, 1 73 1, with a codicil dated March 24, 1734-5, and was admitted to probate May 15, 1735. It names his wife, Elizabeth Fox, and sons, Isaac, ♦History of New London, Conn. By F. M. Caulkins. H. D. Utley. 1895. 24 John, Samuel, Ebenezer and Thomas; and his daughter, Abigail Davis. The executors ap- pointed were his son Samuel and Ensign Beebe of New London. Isaac' Fox had eight children by his first wife, all of whom were born while he was living at Medford, Mass. They were: John, born April lo, 1679; Isaac, born December 12, 1680; Abigail, born March 11, 1682; Hannah, born November 15, 1683; John (2d), born April 24, 1685 ; Samuel, born April 30, 1687 ; Ebenezer, born October 14, 1689; Thomas, born Novem- ber 10, 1693. Elizabeth^ Fox, daughter of Samue? Fox and Mary Lester, was baptized June 13, 1677. She married Frederick Platts of Killingsworth, about 1700; and on December 7, 17 13, she mar- ried her second husband, John Bailey. Hannah^ Fox, daughter of Samuel- Fox and Mary Lester, was born October 6, 1678, and was baptized December i, 1678. She is called Hannah in her baptismal record, and Anna in her father's will. SamueP Fox, oldest son of Samuel-, was bom in New London, Conn., April 24, 1681, and was baptized April 9, 1682. He married, March 25, 1703, Margaret, daughter of Daniel and Bethia 25 (Comstock) Stebbins.* She was born Novem- ber 3, 1680; died October 4, 1752. Samuel mar- ried again, April 27, 1753, taking for his second wife Zipporah, the daughter of John Bolles. He settled on the land bequeathed to him by his father, which was situated in the north parish of New London, and in what is now known as the town of Montville. His father had built a sawmill and gristmill on the property, and the place became known as Fox's Mills. Samuel " the elder " was the first settler here, and is the ancestor of most of the Foxes of Montville. He lived on this farm until his death, which occurred February 12, 1754, in his seventy- third year, and was buried on the farm, a short distance from his house, in what is called the "Fox burying ground." This farm is still owned and occupied by his descendants. Samue? the elder and wife, Margaret, had children: Samuel. Bathshua, Margaret, Elizabeth, Con-, tent. Amy, Caron (or Keron), and Ezekiel. Isaac^ Fox, son of Samue? Fox of New Lon- don, was born in New London about 1683. He was Samuel's eldest son by his second wife, Joanna. Isaac was married, February 28,1 705- 1706, by the Rev. Gurdon Saltonstall, to Mary, *Baker's History of Montville says that Samuel the elder married Margaret Brintnall, a manifest error as shown in the vital statistics of the town, recorded at that time. 26 daughter of Thomas and Catherine (Gamble) Jones. On September 4, 1732, he married Mary Reynolds, but separated from her not long after, and she was obliged to seek aid from the parish authorities.* Isaac moved into the neighbor- ing parish of Colchester in 1716, where his name appears on the early land records; but in 1734 he returned to the north parish of New London. All of Isaac's children are clearly identified in the old land records, deeds and conveyances except Daniel, and his place in the family is plainly established by his age, known relation- ship to two of his brothers and the fact that he could not have belonged elsewhere in that generation. The children of Isaac^ Fox (son of SamueP Fox of New London) , and wife, Mary Jones, were: Samuel, Thomas, Isaac, Mary, Jedediah, John, Gershom, Gideon, Ann and Daniel. Benjamin^ Fox, son of SamueP Fox of New London, by his second wife, Joanna, was born in New London, Conn., about 1688. He was apprenticed to Joseph Beckwith of Lynn, and in 1709 was a soldier with his master on the Wood Creek Expedition. Joseph Beckwith died while on this service. The term of Benjamin's apprenticeship expired in the fall of 1709, and on December 15th of that year he — then called *Hempstead's Diary: p. 290, July 18, 1735. 27 "Benjamin Fox of Lyme" — bought 65 acres located in Colchester of Samuel Gilbert. This land lay in Paugwonk, the south part of Col- chester, which later became the town of Salem. It was near the place where his brother Isaac afterw^ard settled, and was but a few miles west of the north parish of New London, where his elder half-brother, Samuel, lived. On April 15, 1 7 1 2 , Samuel Fox of New London made a deed of gift of 60 acres in Colchester to his " loving son, Benjamin Fox." Under the same date he made a deed of gift of land in the north parish of New London to his loving sons, Samuel Fox the elder and Isaac Fox. The youngest son, vSamuel the younger, had been provided for by a deed of gift by Samuel Fox and his wife, Bathshua, on December 27, 1703, when they conveyed " all our lands, meadows and housings lying in the General Neck ' ' to said Samuel Fox the younger, " when he shall become of age." > Benjamin^ Fox (Samuel^) sold the land in Col- r"- Chester, given him by his father, on October 22, 1728, to Lieutenant James Harris; and on April 3, 1730, Benjamin Fox "of Colchester" bought 12 acres of land of Samuel Borden of Lyme "at a place commonly called ye northeast branch in ye bounds of Lyme." This is the last record of Benjamin Fox of Colchester found in New London county. His father, Samue?, died 28 September 4, 1727, and Benjamin had, doubt- less, received his diminished share of the estate, " my son, Benjamin Fox, and he to have only half so much as any of the Rest, considering that the one-half will with what he hath already given him by me be his full shares or Propor- tion." On December 31, 1711, Benjamin Fox was ' ' granted the liberty of setting up a saw mill on the long meadow brook," and on December 31, 1 712, he was elected a way warden. But, on January 26, 1718, "the town abated Ben- jamin Fox's ministers and town rates," from which it would appear that he had left Col- chester before 17 18. Benjamin^ Fox (son of Samuel-), married Azubah Tuttle, April 13, 1 710, at New Haven, Conn. They had children: Ebenezer, Mary, Samuel, Azubah, Jonathan, Amos, Benjamin and Mercy. SamueP Fox, son of SamueP of New London, and known as " Samuel the younger," was born in New London, Conn., about 169 1. He mar- ried Rachel Rogers, who was born in 1692. Samuel died July 15, 1745, " in an appopleptick fitt," according to Hempstead. The records of the probate court, district of New London, show that there was a division of the estate of " Samuel Fox, late of New' London," ordered by the court, August 19, 1746, on an applica- 29 tion of Rachel Fox, widow of deceased and ad- ministratrix on his estate, among widow and children as follows : £. s. d. Rachel Fox, widow, one-third. ... 252 14 3 Jonathan, eldest son, double por- tion 126 7 2 Hannah, wife of David Lester, single portion 63 3 7 Samuel, single portion 63 3 7 James, single portion 63 3 7 Rachel, single portion ' 63 3 7 Naomi, single portion 63 3 7 Bathshua, single portion 63 3 7 Samue? Fox " the younger" and Rachel Rogers had children: Jonathan, born October 5, 1 71 5; Hannah, born May 4, 171 7; Samuel, born June 29, 17 19; James, born July 21, 1722; Rachel, born May 24, 1724; Naomi, born April 30, 1 73 1 (married Ebenezer Rogers); Bathshua, born August 31, 1733 (married James Ryan). Benjamin^ Fox, son of John- Fox, ThomasS was born in New London, Conn., about 1680. He was married, February 25, 1707-8, to Naomi Rogers, who died October 28, 1725; and to his second wife, Susannah Daniels, January 17, 1728. He died in 1746, aged about sixty- six years. His will, dated February 23, 1745- 1746, was admitted to probate March 13, 1745- 1746. It names his wife, Susannah, and his 30 sons, Thomas, Benjamin, Jesse, John, Daniel Stephen and Joseph; and his daughters, Sarah, Lydia Douglas, Lucy Thompson, Hannah, Mar- garet, Naomi and Tacy. Mention is also made of a son-in-law, David Lester.* His son, Ben- jamin Fox, Jr., is named as executor. An in- ventory, dated March 13, 1745-6, was filed. Benjamin^ Fox, son of John- Fox of New Lon- don, had five brothers and sisters, all of whom died without issue. In 17 18, his father deeded him a farm in Montville, Conn., in which deed his father refers to Benjamin as " my only child which it hath pleased God to continue in the land of the living." Benjamin settled on his farm, and some of his decendants are living in Montville now. Johrf Fox, Jr., first child of John- Fox of New London, was born Jime i, 1680. He was married, January 16, 1710-11, to Elizabeth Clark of New London. He died December 12, 1 7 1 1 , leaving no children. Sarah^ Fox, daughter of John^ Fox of New London, was born in 1681. She died before 1718. Thomas^ Fox, son of John- Fox of New Lon- don, was baptized April 9, 1682. He died prior to 1 718, leaving no children. *David Lester's wife was Rachel Fox, daughter of Benjamin*, John2. 31 Jonathan^ Fox, son of John^ Fox of New Lon- don, married Mary Daniels August 19, 1713. He died December i, 17 13, of an accidental gun- shot wound, having shot off his hand while " ordering " (putting in order) his gun. His widow married one Chapman, and died April 2, 1727, having been blind a long time. [Hemp- stead's Diary, page 182.] Hannah^ Fox, daughter of John- Fox of New London, was baptized March 26, 1693. John^ Fox, first child of Isaac- Fox of Med- ford, was born April 10, 1679, ^^ Medford, Mass. He is supposed to have died young, for in 1685 Isaac named his fifth child John. Isaac^ Fox, son of Isaac- of Medford, was born December 12, 1680, in Medford, Mass. He settled in Groton, Conn., and later in Norwich. He married at New London, April 21, 1707, Hannah Stark, daughter of John Stark. They had children: Abigail, born March 6, 1710; Hannah, born March 4, 1712; Sarah, born No- vember 6, 1714; Isaac, born August 4, 171 7; Martha, born May 12, 1720, Eliphalet, born March 23, 1723; Elizabeth, born July 21, 1725. Isaac, having moved to Norwich, Conn., was admitted an inhabitant in 1721, and died there January 27, 1728, in the forty-eighth year of his age. His widow, Hannah Fox, died Oc- tober 10, 1768. 32 AbigaiP Fox, daughter of Isaac- of Medford and Abigail Osban, was born in Medford, Mass., March ii, 1682. She married at New London, August 28, 1 701, Charles Hill, Jr. He died in 1 710, and vShe married, second, July 9, 1720, William Davis, who died June 19, 1725. Hannah^ Fox, daughter of Isaac- of Medford, was born in Medford, Mass., November 15, 1683. She died there March 7, 1684-5, before her father moved to New London. John^ Fox, son of Isaac- of Medford, and second of the name among Isaac's children, was born April 24, 1685, in Medford, Mass. He moved to Groton, Conn., the village adjoining New London on the opposite side of the river^ While living there he married Elizabeth Bailey, daughter of John Bailey, December 25, 1707. They had children: Elizabeth, born November 4, 1708; a son, born January 15, 17 10; Lydia, born December 31, 1714; James, Ex- perience, twins, born April 7, 17 19; William, born May 2, 1721; Joseph, born June 29, 1723; Abigail, Zerviah, twins, born March 29, 1726. This John^ Fox of Groton (son of Isaac-) moved from Groton to Norwich (Bosrah Parish) , and the land records show that in 1736 he bought ninety-one acres of land in Norwich of Gideon Dunham; and that in 1743 "John Fox of Norwich " deeded to his son James, 20 acres 33 of land at New Concord (Bozrah). In 1744, John Fox of Norwich deeded to his son WilHam, 21 acres of " my farm in Norwich;" and in 1766, John Fox of Norv\^ich deeded to Joseph Fox of Norwich, 1 5 acres of " m^^farm at New Concord." Samue? Fox, son of Isaac^ of Medford, was born April 30, 1687, at Medford, Mass. He married Mary, daughter of John Fanning of Groton. Samuel lived in Groton, Conn., and later in Preston, after which he returned to Groton, where he died in 1752. His will, dated February 16, 1748-9, was admitted to probate April 14, 1752. This will names his wife, Mary, his eldest son, Samuel, his youngest son, John, and his daughter, Mary. His son Samuel was made sole executor. The inventory, also on file, dated May 12, 1752, amounts to ;^2 ,936: 14s. Ebenezer^ Fox, son of Isaac- Fox of Medford, was born October 14, 1689, at Medford, Mass. His home appears to have been in New London, Conn., from 1722 to 1732, after which he lived in East Haddam, Conn. He was married in New London by the Rev. Eliphalet Adams, March 25, 1 719, to Jane Stedman, daughter of John Sted- man of New London. Ebenezer died in East Haddam, parish of Millington, prior to April 25, 1752, for at that time his children, who were then living in Lyme and East Haddam, disposed of his property. Ebenezer Fox and Jane^Sted- 34 man had eight children, all of whom except one were baptized at New London. They were: David, Ebenezer, Jr., Zephaniah, Jane, Nathan, Elkanah, Hannah, and Joshua. The latter's name does not appear on the baptismal records of the New London Church. Thomas^ Fox, son of Isaac- of Medford, was born November lo, 1693, in Medford, Mass. He settled in Norwich, Conn., where he was ad- mitted an inhabitant in 1722. He moved to Colchester, and thence to East Haddam, where he died in 1763. His wife, Margaret, survived him. They had two children, Joseph and Ann. Joseph died before his father, leaving Catherine Fox as his only heir. The record of the distribu- tion of the property of Thomas Fox, on file in the office of the Judge of Probate, Colchester, Conn., speaks of Joseph as being the eldest and only son ; and of Ann as the only daughter. Ann was a married woman at the time of her father's death. Samuel* Fox, son of Samue? the elder, Samuel,^ Thomas,* was born about 1707. He married Abigail Harris, November 12, 1729. He died about 1785, his will having been admit- ted to probate on April 12th of that year. He had children: Margaret, Sarah, Abigail, Amy, 35 Delight, Anna, Elisha, Zoviah, Rachel, Alpheus, and Abigail. Margaret* Fox, daughter of Samue? the elder, Samuel,- was born April 21, 1709, in North Comstock. She married Nathaniel Comstock. Elizabeth'' Fox, daughter of Samue? the elder, Samuel,- married Isaac Avery. Bathshua* Fox, daughter of Samue? the elder, Samuel,- married Robert Chapman, September II, 1726. Caron* Fox, daughter of Samue? the elder, married John Allen, February 24, 1742-3. Ezekiel* Fox, son of Samue? the elder, was born about 1 7 2 1 . He married Mehitabel Lamson of Boston. He died March 20, 1800, in the 79th year of his age. His wife died June 20, 1776, aged 56 years. They had children: Mehitabel, Samuel, Brintnell, Margaret, Charlotte, and Ezekiel. Samuel" Fox, son of Isaac,^ Samuel,- was born about 1706. He married, April 27, 1724, Mary, daughter of Daniel Stebbins. He bought land in Paugwonk, the southern part of Colchester (now Salem), of Israel Dodge on September 14, 1726, and sold the same to James Harris on August 9, 1729, his wife Mary joining with him in the deed. In " Hempstead's Diary," page 187, August 9, 1727, this Samuel is referred to as " Isaac's son." He was admitted to the church 36 in Millington, May 12, 1749. His younger brother, Daniel, subsequently joined the same church. In 1756 Samuel served in the French and Indian War as a soldier in Captain Edmond Wells's company. Samue? Fox, and MarySteb- bins, his wife, had children: Israel, William, Joel, Silas, Samuel, Asa, Ezekiel, Oliver, Win- throp, Amasa, and Naomi. Thomas* Fox, Isaac,^ Samuel,^ was born about 1 709. His wife's name was Margaret. He died before 1763, for in that year Abner Beebe, as his administrator, asked permission to sell real estate to pay his debts. On January 5, 1728-9, Isaac^ Fox of Colchester makes a deed of gift to his son, Thomas Fox, of twenty acres of land in East Haddam, " east side of Eight Mile River, near L3^me bounds." Thomas sold this land to his " brother John Fox " on August 24, 1 741, Thomas* and Margaret Fox had two children only: Joseph and Ann. Isaac* Fox, Isaac,^ Samuel,- was born about 1708. His wife's name was Elizabeth. He bought land in East Haddam of William Bogue on June 13, 1729, and settled there. The land records of that parish show that he made other purchases of land. He sold his house and lands to Nathan Jewett in 1759 and moved to Camp- ton, N. H., in 1762. Isaac* Fox had children: Isaac, Lemuel, Elizabeth, Joel, Silas, Uriah, 27 and Uriah, second. Four of his sons served in the War of the Revolution. Mary^ Fox, daughter of Isaac,^ Samuel,- was married February ii, 1728-9 to Samuel Borden of Lyme. Jedidiah* Fox, son of Isaac,^ Samuel,^ was born March 16, 171 2, and his birth was recorded in New London, although in the same record his father is mentioned as " Isaac Fox of Nor- wich." In 1755 he bought land of David Gardner in Bozrah, where he died in 1785. He had two sons, Jacob and Jedediah. John"* Fox, son of Isaac,^ Samuel,^ was born about 1 713. He, recorded as "John Fox of Millington," married at New London, February 24, 1742-3, his cousin, Jemima Rogers. She was a daughter of Adam Rogers and wife Catherine Jones, and was born January 27, 17 18. Cath- erine Jones was a sister of Mary Jones, mother of John* Fox. On October 16, 1734, Isaac^ Fox makes a deed of gift to his son John of land on Chestnut Hill, North Parish, New London. On August 20, 1740, John Fox buys land of his brother, Thomas Fox of East Haddam, and the records show that he made other purchases of real estate. There is no record of children born to John Fox at Millington. On April 16, 1759, he sold his homestead to Nathan Jewett and evidently removed elsewhere, for his name ap- 38 pears no more on the records of East Haddam, Colchester, etc. Daniel* Fox of East Haddam is said to have told his son Gabriel that one of his brothers went south. If correct, John was the one. Gershom* Fox, son of Isaac,^ Samuel,^ was born in Colchester December 23, 1716. He was of East Haddam on September 17, 1744, when he sold his land to Isaac Fox. He married Elizabeth Purple at East Haddam, September 8, 1760. She died in Millington, November 13, 1 81 5, " aged 72." He died in Millington, April 5, 1804, "aged 80." Gershom had children: Mary,^ Darius,^ and Alice,^ and possibly others. Gideon* Fox, son of Isaac,^ Samuel,^ was born in Colchester, October 24, 1 719. He served in the French and Indian War at Lake George, 1758, in Capt. Henry Champion's company. During the War of the Revolution, in the spring of 1777, Gideon Fox, then in the fifty-eighth year of his age, enlisted for three years, but he died, Septem- ber II, 1777, while in the army. His son, Amos, was a soldier in the same company — Captain Shumway's. Gideon's sons, John and Jacob, also served in the War of the Revolution. Gideon's name appears in a memorial from Colchester, in 1774, asking that the First Society of Colchester be made a distinct society. He had children: Gideon, Jr., John, Jacob, Lois, Amos, Ezekiel, Elizabeth 2d, Isaac, and Elijah. 39 Ann* Fox, daughter of Isaac,^ Samuel,^ died November 13, 1736. She is mentioned in the town records as " daughter of Isaac Fox." The church records say she was " maid to PhylHs Caverly. ' ' DANIEL* FOX, son of Isaac,=* Samuel,^' and Thomas* of Concord: See page 47. Ebenezer* Fox, eldest son of Benjamin,^ Samuel,^ was born November 25, 17 10. He was apprenticed by his father, " Benjamin Fox of New London," on September 22, 1719, to Peter Talman, cordwainer, of Guilford, " to learn his trade, art and mystery, to serve till twenty which will be on the 26th day of November, 1730." After his indenture expired, Ebenezer settled in Wallingford, Conn. He had wife, Lidia, and a son Daniel, born January 15, 1736; a daughter Abigail, born March 22, 1737-8; and son Ebenezer, born August 10, 1740. Mary* Fox, daughter of Benjamin,^ Samuel,- was born about 171 2. vShe was married, Febru- ary II, 1728-9, to Samuel Borden, who lived one time at Hartland, Conn. Jonathan* Fox, son of Benjamin,^ Samuel,^ had wife Mary, and in 1738 was living in Lyme. A child was born to them that year, probably the Hannah Fox who was baptized at New London in 1 741 . He was the father, also, of the Jonathan Fox (born 1752) who was killed in battle in 40 lySi during Arnold's attack on New London. Jonathan Fox, the father, served in the French and Indian War, and in 1757 his name was borne on the rolls of Captain Adonijah Fitch's com- pany. Samuel* Fox, son of Benjamin,^ Samuel,^ was born in 1720, in New London, Conn. He served in 1762 as a soldier in Captain Timothy Northam's company, the descriptive roll .of which shows that he was 42 years old at date of muster. May 17, 1762. He was mustered at Albany, N. Y., he having been absent when his company originally mustered. Captain Timothy Northam was a resident of Colchester, Conn. Azubah^ Fox, daughter of Benjamin^ and Azubah Tuttle, was married, November 17, 1742, to Nathaniel Hurlburt of Wethersfield, Conn. She joined the church at Wethersfield in 1743. They had children: Nathaniel, born 1744; Luce, born 1747, Azubah, born 1750, and Mary, born 1752. Amos" Fox, son of Benjamin,^ Samuel,' mar- ried Deborah Minor and lived in Lyme, Conn. They had children: Hannah (born 1755), Elisha (born 1757), Mercy (born 1760), Amos (born 1762), Timothy (born 1764), and Benjamin (born 1766). Amos* Fox served as a soldier, in 1755, in Captain Robert Dennison's company; 41 in 1758, in Jonathan Lattimore's company; and in 1759, in Captain Nicholas Bishop's com- pany. Benjamin* Fox, son of Benjamin,^ Samuel,- was married, April 10, 1754, at Oxford, Conn., to Esther, daughter of Lieutenant John Chatfield. They had children: Comfort (born 1754), Huldah (born 1756), and Amos (born 1758). Benjamin was a soldier in Captain David Baldwin's com- pany, and died while in the army, September 18, 1759. Mercy Fox, daughter of Benjamin,^ Samuel,^ was married August 15, 1751, to Benjamin Atwell of North Parish, New London, Conn. Samuel* Fox, son of SamueP the younger (Samuel-) and Rachel Rogers, was born June 29, 1 7 19. He was non compos mentis, and died January 12, 1751-2,* unmarried. Jonathan* Fox, son of Samuel,^ the younger (Samue?) and Rachel Rogers, was born October 5, 1 715. He was unmarried, of unsound mind, and died prior to 1784. James* Fox, son of Samuel,^ the younger (Samue?), and Rachel Rogers, was born July 21, 1722. He was unmarried, of unsound mind, and died before 1753. * Where different years are given here for a date it means "Old Style" and "New Style" calendar. The change from the Julian to the Gregorian reckoning was not made in Great Britain until September, 1752. 42 Benjamin* Fox, son of Benjamin,' John,^ Thomas^ Fox of Concord, was born August 29, 1 715. He married, November 7, 1745, Abigail Brockway, daughter of Mr. Richard Brockway, of Lyme, Conn. They had children : Elizabeth (born 1746), Lucy (born 1752), Samuel (born 1762), and Nathan (born 1766). Jesse* Fox, son of Benjamin,^ John,^ was married, October 10, 1744, to Abitha Chapman of New London. John* Fox, son of Benjamin,^ John,- was married, March 19, 1745-6, to Mary Pierce, daughter of Mr. William Pierce of South Kingston. Their daughter Mary was born Jan- uary 10, 1746-7. Sarah* Fox, daughter of Benjamin,' John,- was an apprenticed child, and the parish register of New London contains the following entry: "June 15, 1729, John Plumbe engaged for the education of an apprenticed child, daughter of Benjamin Fox, who was baptized Sarah. Daniel* Fox, son of Benjamin,' John,- was bom in 1734. In 1748 he was a minor, fourteen years of age, and chose William Main waring as his guardian. He had a daughter who married Asa Fitch Rodgers of Montville, Conn. This Daniel Fox evidently was not the Daniel Fox 43 of East Haddam who married Hannah Burr in 1747- Isaac* Fox, son of Isaac,^ Isaac,^ was born at Norwich, August 4, 171 7. He married, April 25, 1744, Deborah Johnson, who died January 14, 1744-5. He married a second wife, Mehitabel Haskins, March 10, 1745-6. Isaac* Fox and Deborah Johnson had children : Deborah, Abiall, Hezekiah, Eunice, Hannah, Eunice 2d, Asa, and Amy, all born in Norwich. Samueh Fox, son of Samuel,^ Isaac,^ resided in Plainfield, Conn. He was born in Preston, Conn., June 15, 1724; married Prudence Turner. John* Fox, son of vSamuel,^ Isaac,' lived at Groton, Conn. He had children: Amos, William, Daniel, Samuel, James, and Asa. One of these sons, Daniel, born in Groton, March i, 17 71, lived to be 102 years, old. He died at Adams, Jefferson county, N. Y., where he was known as the "Centenarian Farmer." [See History of Jefferson County, N. Y., by Durant & Pierce. Lippincott: Phila., 1878.] David* Fox, son of Ebenezer,^ Isaac ,^ w^as baptized July 24, 1720. His wife's name was Mary. He lived in East Haddam, Conn., until 1770, or later, when he moved to Hartland, Conn., where he died March, 1803. Ebenezer* Fox, son of Ebenezer,^ Isaac,^ was baptized July 24, 1721. He married in East 44 Haddam, September 8, 1748, Esther, daughter of Richard and Hannah (Spencer) Purple. He died February 16, 18 13. Zephaniah" Fox, son of Ebenezer,-^ Isaac,^ was baptized March 31, 1722-3. He married EHzabeth, daughter of Jacob Sawyer of Lyme. He dwelt in Lyme for a time, but evidently remioved elsewhere, and the whereabouts of him- self or children have not been traced. Jane* Fox, daughter of Ebenezer,^ Isaac,^ was baptized February 7, 1724-5. She married John Hudson of Lyme. Nathan'' Fox>, son of Ebenezer,^ Isaac,- was baptized June 25, 1727. He married January 1 1 , 1758, Sarah Sanders of Lyme. He lived in Lyme, but died in East Haddam, January 16, 1773. Elkanah* Fox, son of Ebenezer,^ Isaac,^ was baptized July 26, 1730. He settled in Hartland, Conn., and died there in 1776. His wife (name not found) and son Elkanah died the same year. Hannah* Fox, daughter. of Ebenezer,^ Isaac,- was baptized September 10, 1732. She was living in East Haddam, April 25, 1752. Joshua* Fox, son of Ebenezer,^ Isaac,- was married in Millington, January 24, 1760, to Sarah Fox. She may have been the widow of JoeP Fox (Samuel,* Isaac,^ Samuel,- Thomas'), Stephen* Fox, son of Benjamin^ (John-') Fox and Susanna Daniels was born about 1736. He 45 > married, April 12, 1764, Jane Whipple. He died about 1775, and his widow married, November 26, 1776, Daniel Roberts. His estate was dis- tributed, October 10, 1775. Two daughters mentioned: Naomi, eldest daughter; and Jenny, youngest daughter. Joseph* Fox, son of Benjamin^ (John^) Fox and Susanna Daniels was born about 1743. He married, June 16, 1772, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Coit. They had children: Elizabeth, born June 11, 1 773 ; and Joseph, born March 30, 1775. Joseph Fox, Sr., enlisted in Captain Benjamin Troop's company, January 12, 1777; died October 4, 1788. This company was recruited in New London county. Eliphalet* Fox, son of Isaac% (Isaac-) was born March 23, 1723. He doubtless never married. He lived for a time in Franklin, but was called " of Norwich "in 1 789, when his will was probated. He mentions: brother Isaac Fox; and sisters Sarah, Martha, and Elizabeth Fox. James* Fox, son of John^ Fox (Isaac^), was born April 7, 1719. He married, first, March 10, 1748, Anna Hide, who died March 20, 1749. They had a son, Simeon, born February 8, 1748-9. James married a second wife, Grace Chapman, January 24, 1 750. They had children: Benjamin, Oliver, Anne, George, Molly, and Betty. On May 8, 1 764, the court appointed Silas 46 Hide of Norwich guardian to Simeon Fox, " son of heir Anna, wife of James Fox, late of Norwich, late removed to some foreign part, etc." . William* Fox, son of John^ Fox (Isaac-) was born May 2, 1721. He married, first, February 23, 1744, Hannah Lyon. They had children: John, Esther, Allis, John, Sybil, Esther, Allis, Nehemiah and Keziah. His wife Hannah died November 10, 1778. For his second wife he married Jemima Spicer, September 8, 1779. He died before 1790; his wife Jemima died in 181 5. Joseph* Fox, son of John^ Fox (Isaac-) was bom June 29, 1723. He married, October 13, 1746, Hannah Crocker. They had children: Jabez, Roswell, Jesse, David, Hannah, Ruth, Elizabeth, Joseph, and Mary. DANIEL* FOX of East Haddam, Isaac,^ Samuel,^ Thomas,' was the youngest son of Isaac Fox who lived at New London and at Colchester, Conn., the grandson of Samuel Fox of New London, and the great grandson of Thomas Fox of Concord, Mass. Daniel was born in New Lon- don in 1722. In accordance with the custom of those days he was apprenticed at an early age, and went to the adjoining town of East Haddam where he was bound out to Lieutenant James Cone of that place " to tan and shoe make." It is known, also, that he had two brothers, John and Isaac, one of whom went south and 47 settled there. These facts, indicating that he was a son^^of Isaac Fox of New London, were furnished by his son Gabriel in a conversation with Rev. Norman Fox of Ballston Spa, N. Y., who made a written memorandum at that time of such information as Gabriel could give re- garding his ancestry. Daniel* Fox of East Haddam married, Oc- tober lo, 1747, Hannah, daughter of Jonathan and Abigail (Hubbard) Burr of East Haddam. She died August 17, 1761, and he married for his second wife, November 12, 1761, Elizabeth, daughter of David and Hannah (Ackley) Gates. By his first wife he had children: Sibyl, born July 3, 1749, and baptized May 27, 1750. She married Joseph Rowley, and lived in Richmond, Berkshire county, Mass. Reuben, born July 8, 1751, and baptized April 19, 1752. He married Hannah Williams, and lived at Cornwall, Litchfield county. Conn. In 1778, he, with Daniel Rexford, askedtobe set apart from Society of Cornwall to Society of East Greenwich, Kent. Reuben'^ Fox (Daniel*) had children: Charles,® Ansel," Helen," Huldah," Lovina," and Hannah." Hubbard'^ Fox (Daniel* Fox) was born May 22, 1753; baptized June 24, 1753. His name appears on some of the records as " Hobart." He married Luna Perry, and lived in West 48 Stockbridge, Mass. He had children: Hub- bard" (m. Harriet Clark) ; Allen" (m. Polly Cole) ; Daniel" (m. Harriet A. Chapman and dwelt in Pitcher, N. Y.); Reuben" (m. Mira Smith and moved to Ruggles, Ohio) ; Laura" (m. David Raymond) ; Cordelia Lovina" (m. Moses Sackett) ; Luna" (m. Thomas Reed) ; and Sophronia" (m. Miles Rouse). Allen^ Fox, born July i, 1755; baptized, July 13. 1755- Dimmis'^ Fox, born May 13, 1757; baptized, July 3, 1757. Married (i) Brown Chamberlain; had a son, John Brown Chamberlain. Her hus- band died in 1782, and she married (2) Daniel Brainard (see Brainard Genealogy). They had children: Daniel, born in Richmond, Mass., October 20, 1787, removed to Canandaigua, N. Y., in 1789; had, also, Hester, Electra, Jere- miah Gates, William, Charles, Franklin (died in Mexican war), George, and Selden. Daniel above mentioned married his second cousin, Marcia Fox of Buffalo, N. Y. ; Jeremiah Gates, his brother, married her sister Polly (or Mary). AnseP Fox (son of Daniel^ was bom February 16, 1759, and baptized April 22, 1759. He was killed at the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778, at the age of nineteen, " by a grape shot which struck him in the groin." The tombstone of his father in the old cemetery near Richmond 49 Furnace, Mass., bears an inscription to his memory also. By his second wife, Daniel* Fox had children: Jehiel,^ born August 21, 1762, and baptized September 26, 1762. He married Jerusha Baldwin. They had children: Alanson, Solymon B., Norman, Selina, and Sophia. [See pamphlet " Daniel Fox of East Haddam, Conn., and his Descendants." Albany, N. Y., 1890.] Leavitt,^ born September 10, 1764, and bap- tized October 14, 1764. He lived at Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Luna,^ born September 10, 1764; a twin of Leavitt; married Alger. Amasa,^ born February 14, 1767, and bap- tized April 5, 1767. Lived at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., where he was one of the pioneer settlers in the town of Houndsfield. [See Hough's History of Jefferson County, N. Y.] Daniel,^ born July 27, 1769, and baptized August 27, 1769. He married Nancy Land on. First settled in New York state; then went to Chester, Va. Returned to New York and settled near Buffalo. Enlisted from Buffalo in the Ninth U. S. Infantry and died while in the army at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., June 10, 1815. He had children: Augustus Carlton (born March 11, 1792, at Westmoreland, Oneida county, N. Y.), Champion (served in the War of 50 i8i2). Betsey Landon (born January 8, i8oo,at Jamestown, Va. ; married (i) William Kennedy, married (2) at Buffalo, N. Y., October 10, 1827, William Parker Daniels; she died at Lockport, N. Y., November 27, 1787). Marcia (born at Chester, Ya., March 28, 1801; married, 1818, Daniel, son of Daniel and Dimmis Fox Brainard). Polly, or Mary (married Jeremiah Gates Brain- ard, brother of Daniel, just mentioned). Benja- min Franklin, Betsey Crane, Winthrop, Charles, and Chauncey. Orange^ born September 8, 1771, and baptized October 6, 1772. She married Jonathan Towns- end; resided near Watertown, Jefferson county, N. Y. Candace, born June 16, 1774; died at Canaan, Columbia county, N. Y., when eight years old. Gabriel Ely,^ named after a favorite family physician. There is no record of his birth or baptism on the books of the church at Millington, Conn., where the names of the thirteen other children appear. Gabriel lived one time' at Sackett's Harbor, Jefferson county, N. Y. Gabriel is authority for the statement that his father — Daniel Fox* of East Haddam, was born in New London Conn., and that while a boy went to East Haddam where, in accordance with the custom of those days he was apprenticed, to Lieutenant James 51 Cone of that place " to tan and shoe make.' Gabriel stated further that his father (Danie?) had two brothers, John and Isaac, one of whom went south and settled there. This statement, taken in connection with his age, makes it evi- dent that Daniel* Fox of East Haddam was the youngest child of Isaac,^ Samuel,^ Thomas* of Concord. The Foxes of East Haddam were all grouped in the same immediate neighborhood, east of Eight Mile River, south of Millington. The place is known to this day as Foxtown. Daniel* Fox when he bought land settled in the same neigh- borhood. His first purchase was on March 20, 1752, when he bought twenty acres in Millington, " lying near the dwelling house of Jonathan Burr," the consideration being £300. Jonathan Burr was the father of Daniel Fox's first wife, Hannah Burr. Daniel* Fox bought and sold other lands. On March 29, 1775, he sold thirty acres for ;^ 150 to Nathaniel Tiffany; and, on January 26, 1779, he sold for ,1^100 " lands and house " to Isaiah Rogers. ^ Hannah Burr Fox, wife of Daniel, joined the Congregational Church at Millington, Conn., April 19, 1752, by letter from Middletown, Conn., about five years after her marriage. Eight months or so after her death, April 12, 1761, 52 Daniel was baptized and he joined the same church at MilHngton. EHzabeth Gates Fox, Daniel's second wife, joined the church in Milling- ton, November lo, 1765; and, subsequently, both joined the First Church (Congregational) in East Haddam, March 10, 1766, by letter from MilHngton. The birth and baptismal records, however, of thirteen of Daniel Fox's children — all of them except Gabriel — are at Millington, even for six years after he joined the First Church. The villages of Millington and East Haddam are both in the town of Middlesex, and are about five miles apart. Daniel's sale of his house and farm to Isaiah Rogers, in 1779, was his last land transaction in East Haddam, so far as the records show. In that same year, with his second wife and her eight children — the other children being then in the army or married — he moved from East Haddam, and, making his way through the wilderness, crossed the Connecticut River in April and went to Canaan, Columbia county, N. Y. He had only his younger sons with him, as the older ones with patriotic unanimity had all enlisted in the War of the Revolution and were fighting in the ranks of the rebel army. His son Ansel, a lad of only nineteen years, had fallen 53 the year before on the battlefield of Monmouth, " killed by a grape shot which struck him in the groin " as described by his brother Gabriel in the conversation with Rev. Norman Fox, already mentioned. Hubbard fought at Monmouth also, and passed the winter at Valley Forge. Reuben, Allen, and Jehiel were soldiers also. Allen was mustered out in 1782, his parchment discharge, signed by General Washington and Adjutant- General Jonathan Trumbull, stating that he was entitled to the " Badge of Merit " for his long and meritorious service. Arriving at Canaan, N. Y., Daniel Fox located on some land situated about one mile east of Whiting's Pond, where he bought 170 acres and erected a " two-story house." In addition to farming he carried on the business of tanning and shoemaking. The country about Canaan was new and sparsely settled at this time. Among his few neighbors was Captain Hezekiah Baldwin, whose daughter, Jerusha, married Daniel Fox's son, Jehiel. Captain Baldwin lived nearly two miles west of Whiting's Pond, and owned a mill situ- ated a few rods from his house. Whiting's Pond took its name from Judge Whiting, a prominent citizen of the town. It is now known as Queechy Lake. 54 Elizabeth Gates, the second wife of Daniel Fox, died while the family was living in Canaan, Daniel married a third time, his third wife being a Widow Winslow, who left him after living with him a short time. One Sally Crittenden then kept house for him for about seven years, after which his daughter Luna — Luna Alger — who had previously been living at Hoosick with her brother Jehiel, assisted the old man as house- keeper for seven or eight years more. His second wife having been dead some four- teen or fifteen years, he broke up housekeeping in Canaan and went to Chester, Warren county, N. Y., where his son Jehiel was living. From Chester he went to West Stockbridge, Mass., the home of his son, Hubbard Fox, at whose house he died. He was buried in the cemetery near Richmond Furnace. His tombstone bears the following inscription: In memory of MR. DANIEL FOX who died July 28, 1801, in the 79th year of his age. Also ANSEL FOX who fell in Monmouth Battle June, 1778, aged 19 years. His daughter, Sibyl Rowley, was buried in the same plot, but lier tombstone is now nearly illegible. OD Daniel Fox seems to have been a man who had acquired considerable property, and was well-to-do as things went in those days. When his sons came home from the long, seven years' War of the Revolution he gave each of them thirty acres of land ; and to the younger boys he gave " their time " at nineteen years of age. For further information as to the descendants of Daniel see the pamphlet ' ' Daniel Fox of East Haddam, Conn., and Some of His Descendants," published in Albany, 1890, a copy of which will be found in the State Library at Albany, N. Y., and in the public libraries of the larger cities of the United States. 56 ^ppmhxx SIjp laet totll anJi trfitampttt of OII|omafl ffoxf nf (ttonrnrJi, Mvlbs., anb of damufl 3Fox, I|tfl son, nf N^to iCaniian, CEIonn. 5II|f JitU of ®l)oma0 Jox of donrorti, Mubb. ^uh April 14, lfi5B I, Thomas Fox of Concord, in the county of Middlesex, in Massachusetts Colony, being feeble and weak in body but of sound mind and mem- ory, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following: First, I commit and commend my soul unto the hands of the Lord, my God, submitting in the richness of His grace that he hath redeemed it by the precious blood of Christ Jesus ; that my body be decently buried, believing that though soul and body be separated for a time, yet they shall be united again at the resurrection of the just to reign with Christ in eternal glory ; and for the outward state which the Lord hath been gratified to give me, I for the present leave both house and lands, cattle and moveables, in the possession of my wife, Hannah, and my will is that she shall have and hold all imtil my eldest son, Eliphalet, shall arrive at the age of one and twenty years, and then in case my said son, Eliphalet, will then undertake the payment of five pounds to each of the rest of my children as they shall come to 59 the said age of one and twenty years, that then he shall have and enjoy two-thirds of the land and meadow, my said wife enjoying the said dwelling house and a third part of the barn and of the land during the term of her life except in the case, however, accepted, and after her de- cease then the other third part of the land, with the house and appurtenances to return to my said son, Eliphalet. But in case he shall refuse to pay the said portion to the rest of my chil- dren — to my daughter, Elizabeth, five pounds within one year after and to the rest at the day of one and twenty years — that then my said wife, Hannah, shall pay or cause to be paid by her executors and assigns to my said son, Eli- phalet, the sum of ten pounds within six months after the said refusal, and she shall have full power to dispose of the said house and lands to one or more of the rest of my sons as she shall think most meet; and he or they to whom they are disposed shall give to the rest of my chil- dren the said sum of five pounds apiece at the time and age aforesaid; also my will is that the said house and lands shall remain to one or more of said sons except those * * * Qf selling part of the land for the payment of said portions; and in case part be sold my will is that no part of the house lot from the said house, nor two 60 acres of land at the lower end, in Brickkilnfield, nor an acre and a half in Tompkins meadow beyond C field. But what other parts of the said land or meadow shall or they shall see cause to sell they have liberty and power so to do. Also my will is that in case my said son, Eliphalet, shall accept the said two-thirds of the land at the age of one and twenty years on the terms aforesaid that my said wife, Hannah, shall hold for her two-third part during her life, with the house and a third part of the barn, an acre of plow land usually called the hollow on the top of the hill behind the house, and all of the house lot below the house on the other side of the highway, and the said two acres in Brick- kilnfield and the two acres of meadow before excepted and six acres of new land adjoining to my house lot meadow. Also in case my said wife, Hannah, be married to another man and shall not live in the said house and land when the said Eliphalet shall be one and twenty years old that then in case he shall accept the land on the terms aforesaid he shall also enjoy the house and the whole house lot and the other parts before excepted, so giving to my said wife yearly during her life the third part of the yearly worth of the whole as it shall be judged to be worth by the year. Also in case my said wife, Hannah, dies before my said son, Eliph- 6i let, come to the age aforesaid that then the overseers of this my will hereunder mentioned or their assigns for that purpose shall have power to * * * and dispose of things for the benefit of my said children as the said Han- nah hath in case she live, and my said son, Eli- phalet, refuse to accept the land on the terms aforesaid. Also the overseers shall have power to dispose of all of my children to trades and abroad as they shall see cause, only my said wife, Hannah, hath liberty to choose any one of them I had by her to continue with her. Also I appoint and constitute my said wife, Hannah, the executor of this my last will and testament for the payment of debts and over- seeing the estate in lands and chattels until my said son, Eliphalet, be at the said age ot one and twenty years, and the two-thirds of the land to come to him if he accept thereof as aforesaid, but otherwise to dispose of things as is before expressed, and whether she live till that time or not shall have when she dies full power to dispose of the chattels and moveables as she shall think best. Also I appoint and constitute my loving uncle, Thomas Brooks, my loving brethren, Moses Wheate and Thomas Bateman and my loving friend and neighbor, Robert Fletcher, the overseers of this my last will and testament. 62 In witness whereof I, the said Thomas Ffoxe, have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of January, 1657. Thomas ffoxe.* Witness whereof, EnWARD BULKLEY, Robert Fletcher. This was witnessed upon oath by those above written the 14: 10: 1658. Before me, Simon Willard. At a county court, held at Charlestown, June 14, '58, Major Simon Willard was appointed by the court to take the attest and exhibit of the will of Thomas Ffoxe as attested. Thomas Danforth. Entered and recorded, 22: 10: '58 and '59, lib. I. As attest: THOMAS DANFORTH, Recorder. ^ *With the signature there is a Coat of Arms 63 ®I|? Will of ^amu^l ^nx of N^m ICnttbott, Ol0tt«., g>on of Sljomas 3^ox of In the name of God, amen, I, Samuel Fox, of New London, in the colon}^ of Connecticut, in New England, being in health and in perfect memory, but calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for man once to die, and not knowing how soon my change may be and desiring that there may be peace left amongst those that I shall leave behind me, do now make this my last will and testament (hereby revoking all other wills made by me) in manner following: First, I bequeath my soul to God that gave it to me, nothing doubting, but at the great and last day my soul and body will be united and stand before my Judge with perfect hope of happiness to all eternity through the merits of my Saviour and dear Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ. Imprimis: My will is that my body be de- cently buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named and appointed by me; and that my just debts and fimeral charges be first 64 paid out of my estate. I dispose of the remain- der of my estate, both real and personal, as fol- lows, viz. : I give unto my wife, Esther Fox, all the es- tate that she brought with her to me when I married her; I mean all that shall be left at my decease, she making it to appear to be such to the satisfaction of my executors, or either of them, and to have an honorable maintenance out of my estate during her widowhood in manner hereafter mentioned, my wife disclaiming any dower in my lands. I give unto my son, Samuel Fox the elder, my wearing apparel of all sorts which, with what he hath already received of me formerly and an equal share I by this my will give to my said son, Samuel Fox the elder, with others of my children hereafter described, which I judge is sufficient in consideration of his being my eldest son. I give and bequeath unto my younger son, Samuel Fox, all my ploughs and plough tack- ling, carts and cart wheels, with all chains and husbandry tools of any sort whatsoever. And my will is that all my lands in New London, in a place called the General Neck, be it called by what name or names soever, be first offered to my said son, Samuel Fox the younger, at the price that they shall be appraised by men as 6s the law directs after my decease to be paid unto my executors by my son, Samuel Fox the yovmger, which money shall be disposed in among my children, as hereafter expressed. Always it is to be understood that I do not j^y * * * where I now live, to be prized to my son, Samuel Fox the younger, but only that part of it which is not given to him by a deed of gift under my hand and seal. And in case my said son, Samuel Fox the younger, do not see cause to take said lands as appraised in manner as aforesaid that my will is that I give said land above mentioned to be appraised to my other children — namely, Samuel Fox the elder, Isaac Fox, Benjamin Fox, my daughters, Elizabeth and Anna — to be equally divided amongst them, excepting to my son, Benjamin Fox, and he to have only half so much as any of the rest. Considering that the one-half, with what he hath already given him by me be his full shares or portion, to them and their heirs and assigns forever to be set out to my above said children b}' men chosen by Timothy Green, of New London, printer. My will is that out of my estate be given to the children of my daugh- ter-in-law, Bathshua Rogers (deceased), the sum of ten pounds money to be equally divided amongst them. I give imto my son-in-law, James Smith, the sum of forty pounds money. 66 I give unto my son-in-law, John Smith, the sum of twenty shilhngs which, with what I have given him already, I think to be sufficient for him. I give unto the children of my daughter- in-law, Elizabeth Camp (deceased), the sum of ten pounds, to be equally divided amongst them. I give unto my grand daughter, Elizabeth Platts, the sum of ten pounds money. My will is that if any of my children happen to fall in debt to me at my decease it shall be allowed as so much of their portion, and if any of them are more in debt than their parts will come to the overplus to be paid to my execu- tors. My will is that Timothy Green and my eldest son, Samuel Fox, be the executors of this, my last will and testament, and that they be honor- ably allowed out of my estate for their care and trouble about the same. Also I do appoint Timothy Green one of my executors to take care of my wife, Esther Fox, and see that she hath an honorable maintenance out of my es- tate during her widowhood, and I do give unto my executor, Timothy Green, full power to keep so much of my estate in his hands as he may judge needful for her subsistence and his trouble about the same during her widowhood, and at her decease all my estate to be equally divided among my children as above said. 67 And I do appoint my said executor, Timothy Green, to set out to my eldest son, Samuel Fox, his part of my estate here given to him as equally as he can in his judgment think right, and I do appoint my executors to set out and make a division of my estate to the rest of my children. And I do declare this instrument (written on the other side of this paper) to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th day of April, in the thir- teenth year of the reign of King George and in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hun- dred and tw^enty-seven. SAMUEL FOX. vSigned, sealed, pronounced and declared by the aforesaid Samuel Fox, the testator, to be his last will and testament in presence of us. John Adams, Joshua Plumbe, BoRADELL Latimer. The above appeared before a court of probate held in New London, September 6, 1727, and made solemn oath that they saw the above- named testator sign and seal the above and on the other written testament, and heard him pro- nounce and declare the same to be his last will and testament, and that he the said testator was then of a sound and disposing mind and mem- 68 ory according to the best deponent's judgments and that they did together set their hands thereto as witnesses in the presence of the said testator. Test.: Richard Christopher, Clerk. Recorded in book 5 of wills for county of New London, folio 219-220, September 13, 1727. Copied in Book C, New London probate rec- ords, pages 233, 234, 235. Amount of inventory of estate, ;^2,28o, iis, 5id. M 69 LEA? '09 «faMM«fH«r«tU H1MlMM«M«M"Mi ■MiMMMa«lr««*n. 2Il|0maB .lax 0f CUmtroribi, Ha^ii. jiuii ^\lSi BtBtnxhmtB ! ■1> fH MO*«iiMi W rl MI* WMW i it m* M Mf W«ill Hi i«ww H* J