tH2-5 HOLUNGER pH 8.5 MILL RUN F3-1543 SPEECH E 423 .P24 Copy 1 HON. RICHARD PARKER, OF VHIGINIA, PRESIDENT'S MESS\GE IN RELATION TO CALIFORNIA. DELIVERED JN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1850. WASHINGTON: PRINTED AT THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE OFFICI. 1850. u^^' CALIFORNIA-TIIE SLAVE UUESTION. Tlie House being in Committee of tlie Whole on the state of the Union, on the President's Mes- sage communicating the Constitution of Cali- fornia. Mr. PARKER said: Mr. Chairman: When in December last we assembled here from the different portions of the Confederacy, there appeared amongst us a disposi- tion to cultivate kind feelings with each other, and to meet in a spirit of frankness the various of the prowess nf south- ern troops, when contrasted with troops from other portions of the Confederacy. And under this impression the honorable gentleman from Illi- nois [Mr. Bissell] indulged in a strnin of re- mark bv no meins ca!cult\ted to restore harmony to this House — a strain of rem.nrk which grated harshly on every southern ear. Himself a gallant soldier, he has not been rontent to claim for those who on that great day fought under his immediate command, the tribute of praise to which they are justly entitled, and which the whole country has 'ong since awarded ; but to judge him by hi.s speech, and the manner in wiiich it was delivered, he has virtually denied that the Mississippi regi- ment was entitled to any praise for its bearing und •ervices in that battle. Mr. BISSELL. I expressly disaffirm all inten- tion, in the remarks I submitted to ihi.s committee on a former occa.sion, of casting any imputation on the Mississippi regiment. I could not have been so unjust to that regiment, or to myself. My object solely was to remove an erroneous impres- sion which had been created, as 1 thought, unin- tentionally, of course, l)y the remarks of the gen- tleman from Virginia, [Mr. Seddon,] in reference to certain incidents of the battle of Buena Vista. I take pleasure in saying now, as I have always saio, that the Mississippi rejjiment bore itself as gallantly on that field asany other rejjiment there. Mr. PARKER resumed and said, I understood the honora!)le gentleman as he now explains him- Bclf. I was confident it was not his intention to deny those services. They were too well known to induce me to tliink for an instant that he was deny- ing thf m. But still, under the excitement of the moment, he did not mention thein; and if it should chance that the honorable gentleman's speech, as delivered here, should be the only record of the •onflict at Buena Vista that should descend to fu- ture times, it might appear that a southern regi- ment had claimed the greatest honors of the day, when, in truth, it was not even engaged in the fight; for all that he said of that regiment Ls, that it was a mile and a half distant from the field. Now, v/ill the honorable gentleman wonder that southern msn manifest occasional excitement, when questions of the most vital concern to their constituents are agitated here from day to day, when so unfounded a suspicion of wrong to him •nd others, being inrended where none was thought of, caused him to for;iet what was due io gallant •outhern men who, with him, bore the toils and the danger.'-- of the fight.' But again, the honorable gentleman has thought proper to sneer at the bravery of the southern people. He has told us, you are biave men, I admi ;aye ! as biaveasyour fnther.s — not braver — who permitted a Bmull, ill-equip|)ed, enervated body of British troops, not 4,500 in nuinl er, to inarch to tlie se.nt of Government, burn its Capi- tol, destroy its archives, and this almost without a blow. Did the honorable gentleman say this by way of taunt? And is it his settled purfiose to arome a fteling in this House, which must neces- sarily prerliide even the hope of arranging that Irouble.souic question, which presses so heavily ■pon U8? If so, 1 think he mistakes his duty as ■ reftresentative, whose leading wish should ever be to pronidie, in every proper way, and on all ■Hitalde orcHKions, the [)urpo3es for which, as the Constitution iisell declares, this Government was formed; 1 mean "in order to cruate a tnoie per- fect union, establish justice, and insure domestic f] Iranquiltily." These objects, surely, are not ad- vanced by the course which the honorable gentle- man from Illinois is pursuing. And then, again, tne honorable gentleman has informed the House and the country, that Illinois, which furnished nine regiments for the Mexican war, will furnish thirty-six regiments to suppress I' and put down all tumultuous or revolutionary I movements in the South. Why really, sir, I might I retaliate on the honorable gentleman, and say of {l him, what he said of sou'hern men, that he, too, y at times indulges in a little gasconade; but I will not do so, my object being peace and harmony. I will, however, advise the honorable gentleman to reflect more carefully upon the nature of the gov- ernments under which we live, and of the relations of the States of this Union towards each other and towards this Federal Government, before he asain threatens to interfere, by armed force, with the action of independent sovereign States. Such studies may be more useful than his enumeration of the cohorts the North will throw upon us, in the event, that by your own folly and injustice, you drive us to seek for happiness apart from all connection with you. Now, sir, I will again say that a discussion, conducted in this temper, and with such allusions, is much to be deprecated. The pulilic interests cannot be advanced by it, but, on the contrary, must sulfer from every manifestation of bad feeling in this hall; and I therefore hope that we will, each of us, restrict ourselves to a fair, full, and free examination of the various ques- tions of complaint now before us for considera- tion. It is in this spirit I engage in an inve.sli- gation of these several questions; but before doing so, I would assure the honorable gentleman from Illinois, that in what I have said of the course of remark adopted by him the other day, it is very far from my intention to wound his sensibilities, or to detract in any way from the enviable posi- j lion he has won for himself by his gallant bearing in our war with Mexico. ' 1 have said that, for years past, we at the South have had many and good causes of complaint for injuries inflicted by the North. Before, however, entering upon the considera- tion of these topics, permit me to allude to some of the many unfounded complaints which, since the commencement of this session, northern repre- sentatives have made against us of the South. In the first place, it is asserted that in all our former acquisitions of territory — of Louisiana, of Florida, and of Texas — the South has been influ- enced by the most selfish motives, and has insisted on these additions because they would be to its peculiar advantage; and that in each of these in- .stances we have been guilty of aggi-essions upon the North, Now, sir, Louisiana was purchased to secure to the whole country, and es|iecially to the great Northwest, the full and complete con- y trol of the Mississippi river. This was the ncces- H sity for its purchase-^ necessity not originating in any intention to aggranitize the power of the South. And so again with Florida. The inter- ests of the whole country required the extinction of the title of S[>Hin, whose authority over that country was so slight, that she had abandoned it almost emirely to bands of savages, who. led on by unprincipled adventurers, weie giving constant annoyance and doing serious injury to the Union 5 in many of its most essential interests. Btaides, we gave for Florida other southern territory, more important to Spain berausc more convenient to her other possessions on this continent-, and thus by its acquisition we did not in any degree add to the extent of southern territory. And when it was propo.sed to annex Texas to our Union — Texas, which once was part of that Union — did not the North as well as the S.Hiih epeait out bohlly in her behalf, and demand her annexation on grounds of high Slate policy ? Our soundest statesmen regarded her annexation as essential to the peace and welfare and power of the Union. Foreign r)ations took the same view, and England and France exhausted all the art.s of diplomacy to prevent this great result. And gentlemen from the North are now doin? injustice to their own patri- otic efforts in J844, when they cite the annexation of Texas as en evidence of southern aggression, and say that it was eft'i-cied against the convictions and the wishes of the North. In fact it was neither North nor South that has made these extensions of our empire. They are the gloVious fruits of that republican policy which has no sectional views, and which has ever looked, and I trust ever will look, to the welfare of the Union, and the wiioie Union. And this same enlarged and catholic spirit, which in 1844 induced the norihern Democracy to extend the area of our Union by embracing within it the State of Texas, has ever been reciprocated by the South. In the Revolution, (he South sent her sons to perish on northern fields, in defence of northern soil. Yes ! in that struggle North and South stood shoulder to shoulder by each other. The war of 1812 was waged for righis peculiarly dear to the commercial Stales of the Noith. It was waged for " free trade and sailors' righis" — righis in which the South fell no peculiar concern, but which she maintained with as much spirit as if her own dearest interests were involved. So we of the South stood by you in your controversy respecting your northeastern boundary; and still laier, though threatened with the power of Eng- land, when the time had come for asserting your claim to the far northern territory of Oregon. But an honorable gentleman frojn Ohio [Mr. Campbell] complained that the South had re- pealed the tariff acts of 1828 and 1842, and spoke of these acts of repeal as agp-essirms upon the North, and u|)on northern ca[)ital. This d scovery is en- tirely due 10 thatgenileman, and 1 feel confident no one will contest with him the merit of having made it. Why, sir, those acts had proved of the greatest injury to every interest in the country, cxcepimK the manufacturing interest only. Our selfish pol- icy, as developed in them, had closed against us the markets of the world, and left the lich and varied productions of the earth to waste upon our hands, and our shipping to rot, for want of em- ployment, at their wharves. Their repeal has given a new to ea(;h of these emfdoy- menis; and, under the genial influence of our present tariff act, the husbandman is sure to re- ceive that reward which is due to his industry, and our commerce, unshackled, once more whitens every ocean, bearing i>pon its bosom the produc- tions of every clime, and free to CDtitribute to the comfort and relief of man wherever he is to be found. And yet the honorable gentleman speaks of laws llial h«ve proved thus beneficial, as ag- gresiioiu upon the North. I now leave the consideration of chnrge;* such as these, and will briefly examine the ju'iiice of those compl. tints which the entire South utters against the North. And, in the first place, gentlemen of the North, permit me to direct your attention to a subject of complaint, about which the [)e<)ple 1 repre^ent feel the greatest anxiety and concern — I mean the con- duct of your people, of your judges, and your legislatures with respect to the reatoration of fugi- tives from labor. It is well knoWn that the Articles of Confeder- ation cnniained no provision for the reslonition of such of our slaves as mi^hl flee from one Slate to anoiher. And prior to the adoption of our Con- stitution, ihe want of such a iirovision subjected those States most interested in slavery to great in- convenience, annoyance, and loss. We also know that this entire subject was carefully considered in the Convention which framed the Constitution; and we further know that the Constitution would never have been adopted, had it not contained that full and complete provision f<)r the protection of our slave propeity which we find in it. That pro- vision is, that " no person held to service «r labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regu- lation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up, on claim of the party to whom such service or Ial>or m:iy lie due." The object of this provision of the Constitution is too plain t > be misunderstood, it was intended to secure to the owner of a fugitive slave the .same right to recapture his slave in the Stiite tr) which he had escaped or fled, that he hod in the tate from which he escaped. And any law or regula- tion of any Slate, which in any way interrupts, limits, delays, .or postpones this right, is a vioLiiion of this Constitutional guarantee; and any conduct on the part of the citizens of any State, which has such an effect, is rejirehensible in the extreme, is a violation of the supreme law of the land, and should be punished in the most exemplary manner. Such is thecouipact, the solemn stipulation, which you made with us. And I now ask, how has it been kept on your pari? Yes, although the mem- bers of your several Slate Legislatures, and all your Executive and Judicial officers, have each of them sworn to support this Constitution, and, by taking that oath, have sworn to abide by this com- pact, and to maintain it in full force, how has it been kept ? For many years it was construed by your peojile according to its true intention and de- sign; and a slave escaping into a non-slaveholding Stale could be pursued, and, in general, as (asily at)prehended there a's in the Siaie from which he fled. But for many years past its obbsaiion has l)een almost entirely disregarded; and in some of the States every obstacle is thrown UJ the way of the owner who goes into such States to avail him- .«elf of a ritcht secured to him by the Constitution. Your people interpose every difficulty in our way, they cast every insult upon us, and, whenever it is necessary to insure the escape of the slave, they do not hesitate lo resort to any degree of violence — a violence . But let us leave these general, yet unanswerable, appeals to justice and right, and examine whether you have the power tiius to legislate. The [lowers granted to this Federal Government are few in number, and limited in extent: and all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, are reserved t.) the Slates respectively, or to the people. And whenever "a question arises concern- ' ing the constitutionality of a particular power, the ' first question is, whether the power be expressed ' in the Constitution. If it be, the question is de- ' cided. If it Ite not expressed, the next inquiry ' must be, whether it is properly an incident to an ' ex|)ress power, and necessary to its execution. If ' it be, it may be exercised by Congress. If it be ' not, Congress cannot exercise it." 'This is the test given us by Mr. Madison, in his well kmwn report of 1799-180 ), by which to try the validity of all doubtful powers claimed for this Govern- ment; and I have quoted its precise langunge, be- cause, as authority, it is as much respected, I be- lieve, by Democrats of the North as by those in the South. I therefore invoke my political breth- ren from that portion of our country to apply this test, as given us by Mr. Madison, to the power to exclude slavery from the Territories by law of Congress; and I entreat them not to permit this question of slavery to be used as a device to draw them into constructions of the Federal Constitu- tion, which hereafter may prove fatal to all their reserved rights. It is wise from time to time to look back to the old l.-mdmarks, to determine how far we may have deviated from thnt boundary line which sejiarates the powers of this Government from those of our respective Slates. All the ten- dencies of the times point to consolidation — an evil as much to be apjirehended by the friei:ds of human liberty as the iJisruption of our Union into many fragments. The only clause of the Constitution under which this power is claimed as ?j7)i-f.<.<;/i/ granted, is that which declares that " the Congress shall have power to dispose of, and make all needful rules and regulations respecting, the territory or other property belonging to the United States." Now, I tliink it clear that no power to govern the Terri- tories is conferred by this clause of the Constitu- tion, but simply the power to manage and dispose of them as property. It refers to the territory as property, and as jaoperty only. The power is to dixiiose of — an expnssion ajiplicable to pioperty alone. And then that which may be dispoNed of must beluitg to the United States — !angua;^e alto- gether appropriate to territory an properly, butun- 11 intelligible when wpplied to territory in any other I sense. And " the ruica and regulations" which, [ under this clause of the Constilulion, Congresa | may enact respeclintr the territory, are simply the ! rules and regulations which it niay enforce as to , all other property of the United Stales. And again, if (he cxprtssion "rules and regu- lations" carries with it the exclusive power of making laws, as is contended, what was the ne- cessity forgiving Congresj), in another clause of the ' Constitution, the exclusive power of legislation | over such places as might be purchased by Con- j gress for the erection of forts, magazines, ar.scnals and other needful buildings? For these places when | purchased, become jjroperty belonj;ing to the United Stales, respecting which Congress may, by authority of the clause we are considering, make all " needful rules and regulations;" and if these "rules and regulations" include the power of legislation, why do so unnecessary a thing as to grant in express terms the power of legislation over them ? But it is said that in several cases the Supreme Court has decided that Congress has tliis power of legislation over the Territories, by virtue of this | very grant of power to make all " needful rules j and regulations." 1 should like to comment upon j these cases, but my time will not permit me. I I can only say, that I believe there is no case in whicli that tribunal has decided that Congress de- rives its legislative power over the Territories from any express grant in the Constitution. I think, therefore, I may assert that no such power of legislation is expressed in the Constitu- tion. Is this power, then, properly an incident to any express power, and necessary to its execution ? The only clauses of the Constitution under which, in this view, this power is claimed, are those which authorize Congress to "declare war," and to •' make treaties." Each of these powers includes, and in their exercise will lead, as they have here- tofore led, to the acquiring of territory. And this territory, when acquired, must be governed, and governed by Congress, that being the agent that acquired it for the States, and which must govern • it for the States. And it is in this way only that Congress obtains its right to legislate for the Ter- ritories. But this power of legislation being im- pliedly vested in Congress only because necessary for the preservation of thai which is acquired, is clearly limited to such legislation as is necessary for that purpose. And It would be a flagrant de- parture from the rule of construction laid down by Mr. Miulison, to extend this implied power beyniul what is " necessary and proper" for the protection of the territory. And as I take it for granted that no one will contend that the exclusion of slavery from the Territories of the United Stales is neces- j sary for their preservation and protection, I draw the conclusion that the right to exclude it is not within the scope of the powers of Congress, and j that any law enacted by Congress for its exclusion would he unconstitutional and void. It is said, however, that we must follow the pre- cedent set us by the ordinance of 1787. We must do nothing of the kind, if satisfied that the power is not sranted to Congress by the Constitution. This would be to violate the Constitution which J we have sworn to support. But how can that i ordinance, enacted as it was prior lo the adoption of our Conaiiiulion, be used as u [)recedeni by which lo interpret that Constitution? One argument that has frequently been used in support of the ordinance of 1787, is, that aa Vir- ginia, before the ces.sion, had the right lo exclude slavery from the north we.stern Territory, this right was f)roperly exercised by the old CongrcM.s; it, by the ces.-^ion, having been invested with all the rights and powers which before belonged to Virginia. I must confess I never felt the fon e of this reason- ing:, because 1 doubt the right of an ordinary Legislature to declare that not lo be property which before was |;roperty; and secondly, because no such power was conferred by the States upon the Confederation, and it could only exercise such powers as were granted to it. 1 therefore regard the ordinance of 17d7 as an act of usurpation — a beacon to warn, not a light to be followed. But this is immaterial — for when the clause excluding slavery was first proposed, it did not receive the vote of a single southern State. Nor did this ex- clusion prevail until several years afterwards, when it was coupled with the power to reclaim fugitive slaves. And (to adopt a suggestion made some years since by a very distinguished Senator from South Carolina, whose present serious indisposi- tion is sincerely regretted, I am sure, by every memlier of this House) to obtain its passage, ad- vantage was taken of the inconvenience to which the South was subjected for want of such a provision; and it is scarcely fair to bring forward, as worthy of imitation, an enactment which had its origin in such a source. And then again, it is said that, by the Mi.ssouri compromise, (most improperly so called,) the South is estopped from raising this objection. But, in reply, it should be remembered that that law was forced upon us by northern votes, and its enact- ment can no more prove the constitutional power of Congress to exclude slavery from the Terri- tories, than the law to establish a United States bank determines the constitutionality of a bank. But the South has submitted to that comproinise ! It has, and it is yet willing to extend the line of separation to the Pacific. Having been over- powered in the struggle which preceded its adop- tion, it is still willing to yield to the principles then determined on for the division of the Territo- ries, in place of again engaging in a strife, in which it would most probably be again defeated. Whilst on this subject, I will very briefly allude to a view which I have often heard presented by those who claim absolute power for Congress over the subject of slavery in the Territories; and that is, that the acquisition of territory was not within ' the contemplation of the framers of the Consiitu- I lion, and that therefore the powers of Congress j over acquired Territories are not restricted by the ; Constitution. If the fact here asserted were true, I (which I by no means admit, for 1 auinot believe j that the statesmen of that day did not foresee the necessity of at least so much additional territory 1 as would secure to us the command of the Missis- sippi river,) it would by no means establish the proposition contended for. It would leave us no other alternative than to make such a dis[iosition of the territory as would be fair and just between the diirerent Slates whose common treasure had purchased it, or such as the parlies to the Consti- tution would themselves most probably have made, 8 had this subject been then brought under their coiis deration. Fur these various rrnsons I think I have some ground fir saying that the North has not made out its ronstiiutional ri;^ht to enact the laws with whic'^ they threaten us, and that I am justified in the dcclanilion that their continued efforts to pass such laws have been, in spirit and in fact, aggi-es- sivt upon the rights of the southern Slates. But the opinion has been frequently expressed on this floor, and secins to be a very general one in por'inns of the country, that as to the Territo- ries wliii'h we have acquired from Mexico by our late ircaiy of pence and boundaries wiih her, (and it is a.t to settle the various matters of diffi- culty and dispute which divide us sectionally, producing alarm and uneasiness throughout the country, and causing many a patriot to fear that the sacrifices we made for liberty and for union in years that have passed, were made in vain. Mr. Chairman, I had intended to make some comment upon the great revolution in the public sentiment of the North upon this slavery question, which the last few years have brought about. 1 had intended to have brought to your notice the public acts and writings of Van Buren, of Wright, Puuldinir,and others, and to have asked why this entire change of opinion. But 1 fear, sir, that I am fatiiruing both you and the committee. Some twelve or fourteen years ago we had in the North many gallant supporters and defenders of our rights. From all that I can learn, they have one by one deserted us, until now those still true to us, and (I say it intending no disrespect to any one) still true to the principles of llie Constitution, by the very strangeness of their attitude more strongly mark the almost universal defection. Whilst we regret the desertion of those who once occupied so lar^e a space in our regards, let us, "with hooks of steel," grapple to us the few yet left. Amongst these I am sure I may include a distinguished Senator from Michigan, [Mr. C.\as,J and a no less distinguished Senator from New York, [Mr. Dickinson,] and I trust, that before this session closes, many northern representatives in this chamber will, for the sake of peace and to preserve the Union, range themselves with us un- der the only banner beneath which confederated rc|niblics can safely form, the banner of Ecputl'Uy of rights, and of .Ibslinence from the exercise of all doubt- ful potters. News of the most cheering kind has already reached us from the North. And let the tempest rage here as loud as it may, I sliall hope on to the last that that devotion to the Union, which we are told is so wide-spread a feeling at tlie North, will lead to more moderate measures here, and be the means of saving the Union. But should 1 be disappointed in this hope — should aggression be accumulated upon aggression, and wrong upon wron^— it is not for me'to predict what line of conduct Virginia will pursue. That is not within the province of any of her represent- atives here. That she will determine for herself in convention of her people; and that determina- tion once made will be binding upon all her sons. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS \^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011932 9310 ♦ ,^