FT s n ^/5Xc>r/2 L-t<-^ cJyL^..-^^-' A DISCOURSE DELIVERED TO THE FIRST PARISH IN HINGHAM, SEPTEMBER 8, 1869, RE-OPENING THEIR MEETING-HOUSE. CALVIN LINCOLN, Sixth Pastor of the Parish. V/ITH AN APPENDIX. HINGHAM: PUBLISHED BY THE PARISH. 1873. ^2 OOO 'Ok JAMES F. COTTER & CO., PRINTERS, 14 State Street, BOSTON. PriEFATOllY NOTE. The publication of this Discourse was postponed to the present time, because it was deemed desirable to accompany it by some account of the history of the Meeting-house. It is now the ohiest pkice of public worship in New England, if not in the United States, having been erected in 1681. The undersigned undertook to collect the facts of its history, to be found in public and pzivate records, and, also, those ransmitted by traditions of our fathers, many of which, if not now preserved in a permanent form, will be in danger of being lost forever. We have been especially fortunate in discovering in various old manuscripts, many curious and interesting facts, which will appear in the Appendix. We are able to give a full list of those persons to whom seats were assigned in the Meeting-house before it was opened for public worshijj. We have illustrated our work by prefixing a. Portrait of Rev. Mr. Lincoln, the present Pastor of the Parish, and by inserting also a View of the Ancient Edifice, and have added Plans of tlie Pews, both Old and New. In the labor of collecting and preparing the materials for the Appendix, each member of the committee has had the pleasure of participating. Solomon Lincoln, A QuiNcr BiCKNELL, | Commiitec of George Lincoln, Fearing Burr, PiMication. Henry C. Harding IIiNGiiAM, July 1, 1873. DISCOURSE. Acts III : 2.5.-" YE ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE PROPHETS AND OF THE COVENANT WHICH GOD MADE WITH YOUR FATHERS." Only twelve years are wanting to complete two centuries, since our fathers first assembled for Christian worship beneath this roof. Compared with this edifice, the house which they erected was of narrow dimensions, and of rude and inexpensive workmanship. Neither plastering nor paint was employed to exclude the freezing winds of winter, or to conceal the roughly hewn timbers hy whicli it Avas supported. Cushioned pews in an atmosphere artificially softened, were unthought of and undesired by the earnest men and women of that generation. Seats of oak covered the entire area, both of the floor and the galleries, and these were occupied on the one side by the male and on the other by the female portion of the congregation. Still, when we consider the numbers and the resources of the builders; their offering for the worship of God, for tlie upbuilding of Christ's kingdom, and for the highest welfare of our race, greatly exceeded in expensiveness, the more costly structure which we have now assembled to rededicate to the service of our father's God. Place yourselves in imagination in the midst of these early inhabitants. Somewhat less than fifty years had elapsed since their homes were the homes of a savao-e race ; since their cultivated fields were covered witli 6 primeval forests— the hunting ground and the hiding place of the bear and the panther. Our Puritan and Pilgrim ancestors did not generally belong to the wealthier classes in the country from which they emigrated. A portion of their estates, if no pecuniary sacrifice attended their sale, was necessarily expended in their passage across the Atlantic. Less than fifty years had been occupied in felling tlie woods, in reclaiming the soil and in build- ing a shelter for themselves and their families. This was their second Meeting-house ; and when its cost is estimated by the population and the property of the settlement, how exceedingly is its value enhanced, how are its proportions magnified ? it stands before us as a worthy monument of Christian faithfulness and heroic courage, of lofty aims and willing sacrifices in the cause of Christ and for the extension of His kingdom in the world. As we go back in thought to that day in mid-winter, when for the first time within these walls, the incense of praise and prayer arose from subdued but believing hearts to the throne of the Eternal ; can we withhold our heartfelt reverence for the enduring faith, the dauntless courage, and the deep-toned piety of the worshippers ? and as we remember how inwrought was their conviction of God's immediate presence, how earnest their prayers, how real to their hearts were the verities of the spiritual world, what tender and awe-inspiring associations gather around the place : it becomes to us more than ever before the House of God and the Gate of Heaven. The men who in weakness and penury executed this work and the generations which followed them, were quick in discovering the demand of the time in which they lived, and prompt in providing the required supply. As the town increased in population and i)roperty, more ample and improved accommo- dations for public worship became a necessity. Ascribing less of sacredness to the house than to the uses for which it was erected and ])y wliicli it was sanctified : our fathers at an earlv jDeriod, clicerfully consented to im])ortant cliangcs. Two very considerable additions were made to its dimensions ; the situation of the pulpit was changed and a new one constructed. From time to time pews were introduced, and this process continued until the last remains of the original seats of oak had disappeared. Other alterations in the interior arrange- ments conducive to the comfort of the worshippers, have shown the willingness of the parish to consult the wishes of its younger members, and to conform, in all things innocent, to the customs observed in other societies, and to the taste of the passing time. Thus modified in its interior, but retaining its original external form, this Meeting-house after the passage of nearly two centuries, became the inheritance of the present generation. In our early New England edifices however massive and enduring their timbers, no adequate ventilation secured those portions of them in proximity to the earth from a gradual but certain loss of vitality and strength. For years it had been knoAvn that our house of Avorship was suifering from the cause jUst named. Within the current year it became evident on examination, that thorough and somewhat expensive repairs must be made if we would save this venerated structure from rapidly increasing decay and from becoming at no very distant period a deserted ruin. This fact was not the only consideration which influenced the action of the parish. A very considerable portion of the Society, including the major part of its younger members, without whose active interest no society can live and prosper, believed the time to have fully arrived when the welfare of the parish demanded more comfortable pews on the lower floor, for the accommodation of the worshippers. Such extensive alterations when first proposed, were regarded by numbers in the parish, especially among its older members, with strong disfavor. Our life-long associations with the place. the tender memories of childhood and the deeper experiences of maturer life, the history of the past, the struggles and the fortitude of the generation who, in obedience to the divine voice in their hearts had sought a home in the wilderness, marked epochs in our country's annals, when Christian patriots gathered within these walls to consult for the welfare of the States, and to ask strength and wisdom of God in prayer, the record of venerable men and women, of distinguished and able ministers and honored citizens who had here souglit the instruc- tions and here shared in the consolations and hopes of the Gospel ; all seemed with a united voice to forbid the proposed innovations ; and it appeared almost a sacrilege to remove a single memorial of a past so hallowed in our hearts by sentiments of reverence and love. These first impressions however, were removed as we calmly considered the question before us. It was generally seen that the intended work was not one of destruction, but of preservation ; that the form and external appearance of the house would remain unchanged, and that the visible alterations in the interior would not extend to the more ancient, but to those portions of the building which were comparatively of recent construction ; and it was very plain that Ave should more truly honor the fathers by imitating their practice, who were not slow in complying with the requirements of the time in which they lived, than by simply retaining the work of their hands. Great credit is certainly due to the more advanced in years for the cheerful spirit with which they have yielded their personal wishes in compliance with the wishes of the majority. Shall we not count it a specially happy omen, that a work of such magnitude in itself, and attended by so many difficulties, has been undertaken and executed "with so much unanimity, with so much hope and courage? Have we not a right to expect that those who have so earnestly desired to inqjrove this tem})le made with hands. 9 will, by a new dedication of tliemselvcs to the service of God and the cause of Christ, become more fitting temples for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit ? A question of graver import now demands our consideration. Is our present ecclesiastical position true to the principles, on Avhich this church as a living branch of the living vine, was first established ? That our church in its theology has departed somewhat widely from the opinions held by its Puritan founders, there can be no question. Still I believe that while we have discarded opinions which they accepted as true, and adopted explanations of doctrines which they would have rejected as false, we are loyal to principles which they distinctly avowed and announced as fundamental. Our fathers,witli all Protestants, were unquestioning believers in the sufiicicncy of the Scriptures as a rule of faith and practice. Most certainly they did not cross the ocean and endure the hardships of the wilderness to form a Lyceum for the study of the sciences, nor to found a school of philosophy to inquire whether men were endowed with a spiritual nature, nor whether a communication from the infinite to the finite mind were a possibility ; but they came hither for the express purpose of establishing a Christian church on the foundation of Prophets and Apostles, Jesus Christ, himself, being the cliief corner-stone. In Him they believed as the Son of God, the representative of divine perfections, the revealcr of the divine will, and being such, as their Lord and Savior. This was the one })romincnt doctrine in the covenants used in the admission of members to church privileges ; on this one fundamental doctrine our church has stood through its past history ; on this foundation I thank God it stands to-day. In confirmation of this statement, I refer you to the records of the time, to the covenant adopted by the church at Salem, and cordially approved by leading represen- tatives of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, and so far as our 10 knowledge extends to the prevailing practice throughout New England. At this early period if the representations of Cotton Mather are trustworthy, character was the primary condition of membership in the church ; the candidate was not usually if ever required to accept a creed expressed in words of human device, and avowing a decided opinion on the more difficult and abstruse points in a metaphysical theology. The candidate was required to avow his faith in God and Christ and the Holy Spirit, and to declare his determination to devote himself to his Master's service ; he was required to make the Scriptures his study, and to accept their instructions. Creeds, technically so called, were the contrivance of a later period. They were unknown in the churches until found necessary to check the growth of new opinions, the natural consequence of a faithful study of the sacred volume. Is it not obviously true that with finite minds, honest and intelligent inquiry for truth pertaining to the infinite, must issue in diversity of opinions ? For this result our early churches, unintentionally it may be presumed, prepared the way in the covenants which they adopted. Am I reminded that the Massachusetts Puritans came to this country with a specific aim and purpose ; and in trying to accomplish this purpose were severely intolerant of dissent ? I allow at once that their views were narrow, and unjust to the inborn rights of the human soul ; but we should remember that inconsistency is no uncommon mark of hunum imperfection. These same men were dissenters from the established church in England. They boldly defended their right to depart from Episcopal usages, and in defending their own course, asserted and maintained principles, which, followed to their legitimate conclusions, were utterly incompatible witli bigotry in judgment, and persecution in practice. They solemnly declared that they could not conscientiously bow to the dictation of any human authority, because the finite mind owes its supreme allegiance to the 11 infinite mind. In this statement, we liave the fundamental, underlying- support, the seed truth of all rational liberty, civil and religious. The men of this generation were earnest and profound thinkers ; and do you believe that a quickening truth like this could long remain unfruitful in their ever-wakeful minds, or that in due time, the depth of its meaning and the extent of its application should not be generally understood and accepted ? Still further, the church which our fatliers planted in this place was on the very borders of the Plymouth Colony, and unquestionably held communion with the church of which Robinson was the pastor in England and in Holland. Can we believe that the band of pilgrims who left him with tearful eyes and aching hearts would soon forget his farewell address ? You know how faithfully he warned them against an unintelligent adherence to accepted doctrines, exhorting them to follow him no farther than he followed Christ, and assuring them of his own belief " that God had yet more truth to break forth from his holy word." Great truths and worthy sentiments possess an innate life and a power of diffusion ; they pass from mind to mind ; they enter into the common thought until they become a reforming force in the world. Can we doubt that the words of the beloved pastor were often repeated by members of his flock amid the anxieties and bereavements of their first winter at Plymouth ? Must they not have been frequently reported by such men as Brewster, and Bradford, and Winslow, in their intercourse Avith other churches ? and when reported, could they fail to stimulate inquiry and to encourage freedom of thought ? In calling your attention to this very early period in our history, I would not be thought to suggest even a doubt concerning the oi)inions generally held ])y our fathers. There can be no question that they firmly believed in that logically adjusted system of doctrines previously published and defended 12 by the controlling mind in the Genevan School of Tlicology. But what I do urge and believe is this, — that the founders of our churches, by acknowledging the worth of the individual soul ; b}^ insisting on man's direct responsiblcness to God for his opinions ; l)y urging believers to study with diligence the sacred scriptures and freely to search for the truth, did plant in the minds of the people, convictions and opinions which must lead to unanticipated results ; convictions in regard to the duties and consequently to the rights of the individual, which, with constantly increasing means of knowledge, must conduct them to improved methods of study, to new interpretations of scripture language, and to improved statements of Christian doctrines. (^ould men who believed themselves religiously bound to search for truth long refrain from claiming the right to avow their supposed discoveries, or from according this right to their fellow disciples ? May we not confidently, and with gratitude to God, turn to our own past history in illustration of the views which have been presented and humbly claim that we are lineal children of Puritan and Pilgrim fathers ? Our church commenced its existence under the spiritual guidance and inspiring influence of a man of no ordinary mind or chai'acter. Rev. Peter Hobart was born in England, and received his education in the university of Cambridge. To an intellect of great clearness and vigor ; to large acquirements ; to pulpit talents Avhich secured him distinction in his native land and in that of his adoption, he added a warm and generous lieart. He had a quick perception of justice, a ready sympathy for the oppressed, and was an ardent friend of civil liberty. In defending what he believed to be the rights of a portion of his flock, he withstood, in argument, the magistrates of the colony ; and by doing so, incurred their censure; so that on one occasion he was forbidden to preach in Boston, as the excellent Winthi'op said. " because he was a bold man and would speak his mind." A man of such large liberal views on other subjects could hardly be a bigot in religion. Hence as Mather informs us, " he clierislied a hearty love towards pious men though they were not in all things of liis own persuasion, saying, 'I can carry them in my bosom,' and states that he had a strong dislike for men, who, under pretence of church discipline, were very pragmatical in controversies, applying to them the words of Mr. Cotton, ' that some men were all church and no Christ.' " Of the Rev. John Norton, far less is known than of his predecessor. He received a liberal education and was endowed with highly respectable powers. His preaching was chiefly practical, and consisted to a great extent in applying Christian doctrines, as then understood, to the nurture of a divine life in the souls of his hearers. He was a faithful and beloved pastor. The third minister of this parish. Dr. Ebenezer Gay, was widely known as a learned theologian and an independent thinker, as a man of great prudence, of sound judgment, and of a catholic spirit. Dr. Gay was a student through life. In his expositions of Christian doctrines he was generally under- stood to differ materially from his predecessors ; so that dissatisfaction was occasionally expressed by a small number of his flock, not so much (as is often the case in our own time,) " on account of Avliat he did as of what he did not say." In the convention of Congregational ministers and in ecclesiastical councils, his great influence was invariably exerted in the promotion of peace and mutual charity among his brethren. Though a prudent man. Dr. Gay was a stranger to timidity. When every clergyman in Boston refused to join in ordaining the first minister of the West Church, because of his anti- trinitarian opinions, he attended the ordination, preached the sermon, and addressed the pastor-elect in the following words : 14 " I have been pleased in frequent conversations with you, to observe your thirst after knowledge, a desire to find truth, to prove all things and to hold fast that which is good." Dr. Henry Ware is known to you by his printed works, rather tlian by your remembrance of his services in this pulpit. His logical mind, his sound judgment, his large attainments and his candid temper, enabled him to exert a great influence on other minds during the protracted period of his public labors. Of his successor, even were it needful, as he is still living, it would be unbecoming in me to speak. As we thus review the past history of our church, can we withhold our warmest gratitude from that all-merciful Being who permits us to enter into this rich inheritance. How various and affecting are our associations with this ancient house of worship. Still how much more precious is the legacy bequeathed to us in the lives and characters of the Christian men and women of successive generations who have here assembled for communion with God. As we reflect upon their trials and their fortitude, their fidelity in the search for truth, calling do man master, yet bowing humbly before the authority of the Savior's teachings ; as we think of their willing sacrifices in the interest of humanity, their piety towards God and their benevolence towards men ; does not a voice, increasing in volume and power as it approaches, come to our hearts, through all this long past, connnanding and entreating us to enter resolutely into their labors, urging us not to look backward and glory in their efforts and achievements, but to look forward, and with manly courage and devoted hearts to take up the work which God is now giving us to do ? And now, friends of this parish, the designed repairs on this house and the contemplated im])ruvcments in its intei^ior arrangements have been completed. With glad hearts we again enter witliin its portals, and anew consecrate it to the 15 worsliip of the one living and true God. To Him the all-wise, all-holy, to Him the infinite being unseen by mortal eyes, but manifested in the person of His Son, we devote it : to the cause of Christ it is henceforth dedicated, to the unfolding of his truth and the enforcements of His precepts, to the highest interests of immortal souls, it is consecrated. Here may the unthinking be awakened, the inquirer for truth l»e blessed with a divine illumination : here may the mourner receive strength and comfort from the ever present friend of the afflicted, and here may all who are seeking a divine life, be helped forward in the pathway to Heaven. And while these w^alls shall stand, may there never be wanting within them a congregation of earnest worshippers, hungering to be fed with the bread from Heaven, nor a voice to proclaim to them the unsearchable riches of tlie gospel of Clirist. APPENDIX: CONTAINING A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE FIRST MEETING- HOUSE OF THE PARISH; A FULL HISTORY OF THE PRESENT, BEING THE SECOND HOUSE OF WORSHIP; MINISTERS OF THE PARISH; CHOIR; SINGING; ORGAN; HYMN BOOKS AND OTHER MEMO- RANDA FROM THE PARISH RECORDS. 19 MEEXmG-IIOUSES. Some account of the Meeting-house, the rededication of which, after extensive repairs, was the occasion of the preceding discourse, may be of interest to those who, from residence or association, have been by themselves or their ancestors connected with the town or parish to whicli this house has respectively belonged. It was the second house erected for the purpose of public worship within the territorial limits of Hingham, including Cohasset. It was built by the town before it was divided into parishes. THE FIIIST MEETITsHMIOUSE. The first house for public worship was erected by the first settlers of the town probably within a short time after its settlement in 1635. It was situated on a slight eminence in front of the present site of the Derby Academy. It was surrounded by a palisado, and surmounted by a belfry with a bell. Around it, upon the declivity of the hill, the dead were buried, where after a repose of nearly two centuries, they were disturbed by the march of improvement. In 1831, the hill was removed, and the remains, which were disinterred by the removal, were carefully collected and buried in a substantial vault, in the old fort, within the limits of the Hingham Cemetery, and a simple granite monument was erected over them, by order of the Town, and it bears the inscription in front, " To the first Settlers of Hingham." and on the reverse, " Erected by the Town, 1839." The first Meeting-house like the early dwellings of the settlers, was undoubtedly a rude structure, altliough the scanty records 20 relatiug to it which remain, indicate that it was not wholly devoid of ornameut, or of taste in its construction. At a town meeting held March 11th, 1644-5, "Joshua Hubbai'd and Nicholas Jacob, was deputed by the town to make an agreement with the young men to set up a Gallery at the West end of the Meeting House as well for the length and breadth as for the place." An agreement was accordingly made w'ith " Edward Gilman, Thomas Turner, John Sutton and Daniel Lyncon," empowering them to build " at the North side of the Meeting House, one Gallery for themselves and such as they shall admit of, the manner to be as followeth. The length to be the breadth of the Meeting House, the breadth of it not to exceed six feet and the height to be at the discretion of Stephen Lincoln, the workman ; all the posts and pillars to be turned, the floor rabyted and matched and this gallery to remain the property of the aforesaid Edw. Gilman, Tho's Turner, John Sutton, the younger, and Daniel Lincon and the rest of their partners who join with them in the building." This house was the only place for public worship, for forty-five years from the settlement of the town, and during the entire ministry of the first Pastor, Rev. Peter Hobart, who died January 20, 1678-9. Rev. John Norton was ordained as Mr. Hobart's successor in the pastorate, Nov. 27, 1678, Mr. Hobart taking part in the services. At the expiration of one year from the death of Mr. Hobart, January 19, 1679-80, the town "agreed to build a new meeting house with all convenient speed," and appointed a committee consisting of Capt. Joshua Hobart, Capt. John Jacob and Ensign John Thaxter, to view the meeting-houses of other towns, for the purpose of forming an opinion of the dimensions of a building necessary to accommodate the inliabitants, to ascertain the probable expense, and to report at the next town meeting, to be held in May following. At the same meeting, the Selectmen were ordered, by vote to provide a new bell for the use of the town at the meeting-house and " they are to get one as big againe as the old one was, if it may be had." On the third of May, 1680, the Selectmen were directed to "carry on the business to effect about building a new meeting-house," and at the same meeting it was voted " to have the new meeting-house set up, in the place where the old one doth now stand." The names of those who voted on this last question are recorded in the Town Records. There were thirty-four in the affirmative, and eleven in the negative. 21 The followiuix from the Town Records shows the state of the vote: At tlic above said Town Meeting, on the third day of May, 16S0, these persons, whose names are under written, decUired tliemselves, by word, to have the new meeting house set up in the phicc where tlie old one doth now stand. Captain Joshua Hobart, John Beale, Senior, Deacon Jolin Leavitt, Thomas Hobart, Andrew Lane, Thomas Gill, Senior, John Beale, Edward Wilder, Doctor Cutler, Ensign John Thaxter, Thomas Liheoln,(husband- num), Nathaniel Beale, Senior, Edmund Pitts, Joshua Lincoln, Thomas Marsh, Francis James, Stephen Lincoln, Moses Collier, John Prince, John Langlee, Joshua Beale, Thomas Lincoln, (carpenter) Caleb Beal, James Hersee, Thomas Andrews, Joseph Joy, William Hersee, Matthias Brigs, John Chubbuck, Josiah Lane, Kobcrt Waterman, Matthew Whiton, Serjant Daniel Lincoln, Samuel Stowell. iVt tlie said Town Meeting, these persons whose names are under written declared themselves to be against the new Meeting House standing in the place where the old one do stand. Daniel Cashing, Senior, Simon Burr, Senior, Nathaniel Baker, Joseph Jacob, Humphrey Johnson, Il)rook Tower, Captain John Jacob, Lieutenant John Smith, Serjant Matthew Gushing, Jeremiah Beal, Scniov. James Whiton. On the 11th of August, 1680, the dimensions of the house were fixed by the town as follows : length fifty-five feet, breadth forty-five feet, and the height of the posts " twenty or one and twenty feet," with galleries on one side and at both ends. In 1681, May 2, the town approved of what the Selectmen had done in relation to the building of the new Meeting-house and the place where it was to be set. Thirty-seven persons dissented from this vote. These transactions were brought to the notice of the Governor and magistrates who interposed their authority as will be seen l)y the following coi)ies of papers in the archives of the State. 22 FHOM THE STATE ARCHIVES. Boston, May 16th, 1681. The Govenio"' and Magistrates having considered the ])''sciit motions in Ilingiiani relating to tlie placing of a New meeting house and also perceiving by Information of the Hon^i W™* Stoughton and Joseph Dudley Esq" who were desired to view the place of the present House (which is judged to be inconvenient by them^ do therefore hereby disallow of the setting up of a New meeting house either in the old place or in the plaine. And do further order that a new meeting of all persons in the Towne who have right to vote in such cases be speedily ordered at which it may be fairly voted where to place the new meeting house and the Selectmen are hereby required to make a speedy rcturne of the number of votes to the Hon'"- order. Supei-scribed to the Selectmen of Hingham, to be comunicatcd to the Towne. At a Towne meeting holden at Hingham on the 24th day of May 1681 Thomas Andrews was Chosen moderator of that meeting and at the said meeting the vote passed by papers, with seventy-three hands for the new meeting house that is now building in Hingham to be set in the convenientest place in Cajjtaine Hobarts land next or nearest to Samuell Thaxters house. As Attest, DANIELL GUSHING, Towne Clarke. 26 May, 1681. The magis*s having Considered the Eeturne of the Selectmen of Hingham in refferenc to the voate for sctling the meeting house there Doe Approove of said vote and Judge meete all Circumstances considered that the new meeting house be crrected accordingly in the convenientest place in Cap*- Hubbards land necrest to Samuell Thaxte'"s house. Past by yc Council, EDWC IJAWSON, Secret- Thus ufter ;i controversy of more than one yeai-, the location of the proposefl new house was iinally settled ; and immediate measures were taken to carry tlic votes of tlie town into etfect. THE SECOND MEETING-HOUSE. On tlie eighth day of July, 1681, Capt. Joshua Ilobart conveyed to the Town by deed of gift, the site for the Meeting-house. It is the same on which the Meeting-house now stands. DEED OF THE LOT. TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom these. Presents shall come, Cap'- Joshua Hobart of Hinghara of the County of Suffblkc in New England Sendeth Greeting : Know y«<= that I the afores*! Captain Joshua Ilobart, as well for the respect that I bear unto the Inhabitants of the s"i Town of Ilingham & other good causes and considerations me at this present especially moving have given granted, alienated assigned and confirmed and by these Presents doe fully freely and absolutely give grant alien assign and confirm unto the Inhabitants of the s^ Town of Ilingham and their heirs and successors forever A peice or parcel of land for to erect and sett a new meeting house upon of that lott of land which I lately purchased of Cap '■ John Thaxter of s*^ Hingham, which s'^ granted piece or parcel of land lyeth on the front of said lott and being in breadth upon the front one hundred & fifty foot and in the rear one hundred & fifty foot and in depth one hundred and sixteen foot, as it is lying & being within the Township of s^ Hingham butting & bounded southwestward with the Town Street that Icadeth from the old meetinghouse toward the Plain and southeastward with the house lott of Samuel Thaxter & with the remainder of the above s'l house lott northwestward & northeastward. Together with all and singular the libcrtys and privilidges belonging unto the s*^ granted jDremisses. And also all my right title and interest estate use propriety claim or demand of in or to the sublic worship January 8, 1681-2. It cost the town £430 and the old house. A rate had been made in October, 1 G80, to defray the expense of the building. We are able to present the following copy of it, preaervod in the handwriting of Daniel Gushing, Town Clerk. 25 THE HATE OF 1680, "for the building of a new meeting-house." A Rate made the ninth Day of October 1680 by the Selectmen of the Towne of Hingham for the building- of a new meeting house in Hingham. £ s. d. Imprimis Captaine Joshua Hobart 01 00 00 Nathaniel! Beale Junior 01 04 00 Mathew Witon 01 04 00 William Woodcock 02 03 09 Josiah Loreing 03 17 01 Thomas Andrewes 07 10 05 Captaine John Thaxter 07 08 04 Edmond Pitts 03 10 00 Samuell Lincolne Senior 01 08 04 Samnell Lincolne Junior 01 10 00 Mordicay Lincolne 01 04 00 Enoch Hobart OG 18 04 John Chubbuck 07 01 08 John Tucker 04 15 00 Benjamin Lincolne 04 08 04 Israeli tiering 03 00 00 John ifcring 03 04 02 Edmond Hobart 01 00 10 Daniell Hobart 01 02 06 John Record 01 00 00 Samuell Hobart, promised 01 05 00 Thomas Gill Junior 01 05 00 Thomas Gill Senior 05 12 06 Samuell Gill Danid Hobart 01 10 00 Josiah Lane 03 16 08 Thomas Marsh 02 06 08 Ephraim Marsh 01 05 00 Jacob Beale 02 03 04 Ephraim Lane 04. 12 00 John Lane, Carpenter Ql 03 04 Thomas Lincolne, Cooper 03 14 02 George Lane 06 06 08 Thomas Hobart 04 14 07 Moses Collier 02 10 10 Joshua Lincolne 04 02 06 Thomas Lincolne, husbandman 07 12 06 Caleb Lincolne 01 00 00 Serjant Daniell Lincolne 04 00 00 Ephraim Nicolls 04 10 00 Thomas Lincolne, Carpenter 03 18 00 4 2G here followctli more of tlie Rate for building tlic Tiiceting lionse. £ Henry Ward 01 Robert V/atcrman 02 Samuell Stowell Senior OG John Stowell, promised 01 Dauid Stowell 01 Joshua Bcale 03 Caleb Beale 03 John Langlce 01 Timothy Hevvet 01 Israeli Nicolls 02 Thomas Nicolls 02 James Hersee 07 William Hersee 14 John Hersee promised or freely giuen 01 Elizabeth Hewet widow 01 John Beale Senior 00 John Beale Junior 04 Steuen Lincolne 03 Simon Gross 01 Daniell Lincolne Junior 02 Eichard Wood 01 Samuell Bate 01 Doeter Cutler 01 William Hersee Junior promised 01 Arthur Caine 01 Joseph Bate 02 Nathaniell Beal Senior 01 James Garnet giuen freely 01 Joshua Hobart mariner 01 John Low 01 John Garnet promised 01 ffrancis Garnet promised 01 George Russell 01 John Lewis 01 Daniell Stodder 02 Samuell Stodder 01 Samuell Thaxter 02 Joseph Joy promised 01 Jeremiah Beale blacksmith 01 Andrew Lane 01 John Mayo 01 John Prince 06 Peter Barns 03 Daniel! Cushing Senior 15 Daniell Cushing Junior 01 s. d. 16 OS 18 04 10 00 05 00 00 00 08 04 03 09 05 10 00 00 15 00 08 04 06 08 05 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 13 07 14 02 04 00 15 00 00 00 16 03 10 00 04 00 00 00 19 02 13 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 05 00 07 Of) 00 00 03 04 11 03 15 05 10 00 10 10 16 08 04 08 08 04 16 08 12 06 04 00 27 more of the rate for building the meeting house. £ Matthias Briggs 01 John Manfiekl Junior promised 01 John Manfiekl Senior 04 Nathanicll Baker 08 James Bate Senior 03 Benjamin Bate 01 Joseph Bate Sone of James Bate 01 Serjant Jeremiah Beale 05 Purthee Mackforlin 04 John ffarrow Junior. . . .' 02 John ffiirrow Senior & Nathan ffarrow 02 Josiah Leauitt 02 Israeli Leauitt 01 Deacon John Leauitt 07 Joseph ftbrd 01 Thomas S'ayer 03 Simon Burr Senior 04 Simon Burr Junior 01 Cornelius Cantlbcrry 07 Cornet Mathew Gushing 09 Anthony Spraguc 06 Joseph Jones Senior 05 Joseph Jones Junior 00 William Spragne 04 Robert Jones 01 John Lazell 05 Joshua Lazell 01 Steuen Lazell 01 Abraham Riply 05 Lieutenant John Smith 11 Mathew Hawke OG ftVancis James 04 John Riply Senior 05 John Riply Junior promised 01 Joshua Riply promised 01 John Bull 01 Ibrook Tower 01 John Stodder 01 John Tower Senior 02 Edward Wilder .' 07 Ephraim Wilder 01 John Wilder 01 Captaine John Jacob 12 Joseph Jacob 03 s. d. 00 00 04 00 10 00 07 11 02 06 00 00 00 00 19 02 00 00 14 07 11 03 00 00 10 05 13 04 08 04 00 10 18 04 05 00 10 00 05 00 06 08 06 08 05 00 09 00 10 00 18 09 00 00 00 00 14 05 14 02 02 00 06 08 06 03 00 00 00 00 04 00 10 00 04 00 17 06 09 02 06 08 00 00 17 11 13 00 28 more of the rate for building tlie meeting house. £ Samuell Bacon 01 Peter Bacon 03 Humphry Johnson 03 James Witon Senior 08 James Witon Junior promised 01 John Tower Junior promised 01 William Hiliard 01 Charles Stockbridge of Scittuate 01 Robert Dunbarr 02 Nathaniell Chubbuck 03 John Sprague 01 Benjamin Johnson 01 William ffisher promised 01 s. d. 04 00 06 08 11 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 03 04 00 00 10 00 05 00 00 00 the to tall sum 436 14 11 This is a true Copy of the originall rate Joshua Hobart Testcc Daniell Gushing Clarke John Thaxter Edmond Pitts ) Selectmen Nathaniell Beale Daniell Cushing 29 SEATING OF THE PEOPLE IN THE NEW MEETING-HOUSE. We are able to present a copy of a private record made by Daniel Gushing, Town Clerk, which has fortunately come into the possession of the Committee, and which shows to whom seats were assigned in the new Meeting-house, in compliance with a vote of the Town at the first Town meeting held in the new house, and before it was opened for public worship. From Daniel Cushing's Manuscripts. "Att a Towne meeting holden at Hingham on the fift day of January 1681 M'' John Norton our pastor & the two deacons (viz) John Leauit & John Smith, Captaine John Thaxter, Nathaniell Beale Senior, Serjant Thomas Andrews, Cornet Mathew Cushing & Ensigne Jeremiah Beale were Chosen by the Towne to order the Seating of y^ people of the Towne in the new meeting house in Hingham & to doe it presently with all Convenient speed that they can possible, it being the first Towne meeting that was in the new meeting house, on the eight day of said January was the first Sabboth day that the people of Hingham met in the new meeting house to worship god, & Israeli Nicolls the son of Israeli Nicolls & Hannah beale the Daughter of Jeremiah Beale were the first Children that were baptized in the said meeting house which was on the said eight of January." The record of the doings of the Committee above named " is as followeth :" 30 In the Deacons Seate. Deacon John Lcauitt Deacon John Smith Mathew Hawks In tue seate under y^ pulpit. John Bcale Senior Tlio'- Lincoln, Coop George Russell George Lane John Tower Senior In the foreseate in the body of THE Meeting house for the MEN. Captaine Joshua Hobart Daniel Gushing Senior Nathaniel Baker Doctor John Cutler Edmond Hobart Thomas Hobart Thomas Lincoln, husb^^ William Hcarsey Senior In the second seate. Edmond Pitts Nathaniel Beale Senior Edward Wilder Humphry Johnson Thomas Gill Senior Thomas Nicolls John Ripley Senior James Witon Senior In the third seate. John Manfield Senior James Bates Senior John Tucker Cornelius Cantlberry Simon Burr Senior John LazcU flVancis James Caleb Beales In the fourth seate. Abraham Ripley Senior Antony Sprague Joseph Jones Senior Benjamin Lineolne Moses Collier Samuel Lineolne Senior William Woodcock Israeli fl^erring Josiah Lane In the FIFT SEATE. Nathaniel Chubbuck Samuel Stoder William Sprague Jacob Beale Joseph Joy Senior John ffarrow Junior AndrcAV Lane Robert Waterman Peter Barns In the sixt seate. Peter Bacon Daniel Lincoln Junior William Hillard Ibrook Tower John Bull Nathaniel Beales Junior Samuel Hobart James Witon Junior The seuenth seate. Simon Gross John Wilder Daniel Hobart Joshua Lazell Arthur Cain 1 The foreseate for the men on the north side of the meet- ing house. Eobert Jones John Prince John ffarrow Senior & Natlian Mathias Briggs Samuel Stowell Senior 2 The second seate. John Stodder Henry Ward Samuel Bates Daniel Stodder Purthe Mackfarlin 3 In the third seate. John Sprague James Witon Junior John Tower Junior Thomas Jewell 4 The fourth seate. John llecords Benjamin Tower Paul Gilford John Low ffrancis Garnet In the pew. M" Hobart M''^ Norton 1 In the first seate next yi^pew Captaine Hobarts wife L'tencnt Smiths wife Deacon John Lcauitts wife John Riplys wife 2 In the second, seate. Thos Lincolne malsters wife old widdow Andrewcs George Russells wife widdow Sprague Edward Wilders wife widow Lane • James'Batcs wife widow Jov 3 In the third seate. John ffarrow Senior his wife widow Barns the wife of Robert Jones The wife of John Tower senior widow Lincolne the wife of Moses Collier The wife of William Woodcock 4 In THE fourth seate the wife of Robert Dunbar the wife of John Sprague the wife of John Stodder the wife of Daniel Stodder the wife of Samuel Stodder the wife of Purthe Mackflirlin the widow Hewet 5 In THE FiFT seate the wife of John Lane Shoomakcr the wife of John Dunbar the wife of Paul Gilford the wife of Thomas Jewell the wife of John Low The wife of Benjamin Tower In the seates for the aa'omen in IN THE body of THE MEETING HOUSE. foreseate Natlianiel Bakers wife the wife of Daniel Gushing Senior the wife of jNIathew Hawks the wife of Tho^ Lincoln husljand- man the wife of George Lane the wife of Thomas Hobart the wife of William Hearsey Senior widow Deborah Tarlton In the SECOND seate the wife of Edmond Pitts the wife of Nathaniel Beale Senior the wife of Ensigne Jeremiah Bealo the wife of Thomas Andre^Yes the wife of John Manfield the wife of James Witon Senior the wife of Humphry Johnson the wife of John Prince the wife of Daniel Lincoln Senior 32 In the third seate, the wife of Matliias Briggs John Beales wife the wife of Cornelius Cantlbcriy the wife of Simon Burr the wife of Jolui Tucker the wife of Josliua Beales the wife of Stcuen Lincolne the wife of Samuel Stowell the wife of Caleb Beales In the fourth seate for the avomen in the body of the meeting house The wife The wife The wife The wife The wife The wife The wife The wife The wife The wife of John Lazell of Antony Sprague of Joseph Jones of flfrancis James of Abraham Riply of Samuel Lincoln of Benjamin Lincoln of Peter Barns of Israeli ffering of Josia Loreing In THE FIFT SEATE The wife of Thomas Nicolls The wife of Samuel Thaxter The wife of Nathaniel Chubbuck The wife of Joseph Joy The wife of John ffarrow The wife of Jacob Beales The wife of Andrew Lane The wife of Jeremiah Bealc Junior In the sixt seate Josiah Lanes wife The wife of Henry Ward The wife of William Sprague The wife of William Hillard The wife of Ibrook Tower The wife of John Bull The wife of Mathew Witon The wile of John Langlec In the seuenth seate. 7 The widdow Tower The wife of John Wilder The wife of Simon Gross The wife of John Tower Junior The wife of Daniel Hoba'i-t The wife of Joshua Lazell The wife of ffrancis Garnet The wife of Arthur Cain Maids for t^^ foreseat below IN Y^ EAST END, Ruth BatCS Mary Stowell Rachell Gill Mary Garnet Elizabeth Cantlberry Mary Lincoln Mary Lazell Jeraime Tower Remember Stowell The daughter of ffrancis James Patience Nicolls Hester Bates Henry Wards daughter Seats for the avomen on the gallary at the east end with a part of the gallary on the south side as followeth [ Captaine John Thaxters wife Cornet Mathew Cushings wife Captaine John Jacobs wife Doctor John Cutlers wife John Chubbucks wife James Herseys wife The wife of Joshua Hobart, Mariner The wife of Joshua Lincoln Thewifeof Thomas Lincoln Carpenter The wife of Enoch Hobart The wife of Dauid Hobart The wife of John Smith The wife of John ffering The wife of Joseph Jacob The wife of Israeli Leauitt The wife of Daniel Gushing Junior The wife of Josiah Leauitt The wife of James Hawks Tlie wife of John Mayo The wife of Thomas Gill The wife of John Hearsey The wife of Thomas Saver The wife of Thomas Marsh The wife of Ephraim Nicolls The wife of John Lewes " The wife of Israeli Nicolls 33 The second seate in the gal- lary for women in the south side of the meeting HOUSE. Robert Watermans wife Nathaniel Beales Junior his wife The wife of Daniel Lincoln Junior The wife of Peter Barns In the second seate in the gallart at ye west end more of the young men. Joseph Bate son of James bate Joseph Bate son of Joseph Bate Benjamin Bate Timothy Ilewet John Garnet Enoch Witon James Garnet Joseph Jones • The SECOND seate on the gal- LARY at THE EAST END OF THE HOUSE FOB Y^ MAIDS. Abigail Ilobart, Hannah Hobart, Jaell Jacob, lluth Andrewes, Mary Thaxter, Elizabeth Lincoln Hannah Lincoln, Mary Beales, Elizabeth Jacob, Sarah Steuens, Mary Cantlberry, Elizabeth Andrewes Steuen Lineolns Da Patience Jones Lydia Hobart, Mary Leauitt, Hannah Hawks, Susanna Beales, Rebekah Hersey, Hannah Leauitt, Ruth Lincoln, Mary Witon, Mary Beales, Mary Riply, Jane Lorcing, jMary Lincoln, ughter. The SECOND seate in the front GALLARY for YOUNG MEN. Thomas Tliaxter Caleb Lincoln Eiiliraim Wilder Samuel Lincoln Junior Joseph Lincoln William Hersey Junior Nehemiah Leauitt Benjamin Johnson Nathan ffarrow Epliraim Lane John Bealc, son of Jeremy bcale Joseph Ford Mordecai Lincoln Simon Burr The SECOND seate in y" gallary AT Y^ west end for young MEN. Tho Lincoln Junior Ejfhraim Marsh Tlieophilus Gushing Ebenezer Lane John Riply Junior Samuell Stowell Junior John Hearsey Steuen Lazell John Mantield Junior Samuell Gill Isaac Wilder John Stowell Dauid Stowell John Lewes Joshua Riply Joseph Loreing The foreseate on the gallary ON the south side of the meeting house, for men. Ca])t. John Thaxter Captaine John Jacob Cornet Mathew Gushing Ensigne Jeremiah Beales Thomas Andrewes Joshua Beales John Chubbuck Thomas Lincoln, carpenter Josiah Loreing James Hearsey Joshua Hobart, mariner Joshua Lincoln Dauid Hobart John Smith 34 The end gallary for men at the west end of the meeting HOUSE. Daniel Lincoln Senior John Bealcs Junior Steiien Lincoln Joseph Bates Samuel Thaxtcr Enoch Hohart Joseph Jacob John ifcring Thomas Saver John Hearsey Thomas Marsh Thomas Gill Junior Israeli Leauitt James Hawk .Daniel Gushing Junior Josiah Leauitt Ephraim Nicolls Jeremiah Beale, blacksmith Israel Nicolls John Lane, carpenter John Mayo John Langlee In THE 3 SEATE IN THE FRONT GAI>LAUY. Jal)ez Wilder, John Burr, Nathaniel Nicolls, Mathew Gushing, Benjamin Jones, Lazarus Beale, James Ray, James Hersey, Thomas Loreing, Moses Hobart, Joseph Jones Junior, Thomas Andrewes Daniel Lincoln Junior, Dauid Jacob, Samuel Thaxter. The foregoing list is of exceeding interest. We can see in it, at a glance, those to whom seats were assigned in the new Meeting-house and who were contemporaries. It embraces a large number of the first settlers of the town, whose descendants to several generations, and for nearly two centuries, have gathered for public worship under the same roof. This list gives almost a complete census of the town in its original limits. There were men among them who knew the Pilgrims of Plyrnouth ; and it is a pleasant thought that some of the Pilgrims probably attended public worship in the new Meeting-house, and listened to the preaching of Rev. John Norton. There were men there who had suftered in person and estate from the depredations of the Indians, and some who bore arms in the war against Philip of Pokanoket, and were present in the great Narraganset Fight, in December, 1G75. The appearance of the Meeting-house itself, when completed, must have been nearly the same as it now is, and of which the View facing the Title of the Appendix gives a correct idea. In the interior there were galleries on one side, and at both ends. Tbe pulpit was on the North East side of the house. There was probably no plastering upon the walls, and there was no ceiling. The whole interior was open, showing the old oaken rafters and braces which supported the roof. The walls, both outside and inside, were clapboarded. The seats were of oak, arranged in rows or sections as indicated by the " Seating of the House," and there appears to have been one pew, which was occupied by the widow of the first minister and the wife of the second. The Deacons also had their separate seat. Matthew Hawke was permitted to occupy a seat with them, perhaps to facilitate his taking down in short-hand the sermons of the preacher, a service which he was accustomed to perform. It will be quite an interesting problem for an ingenious antiquary to solve, — to arrange the seats of the Meeting-house as they were, — and to be able to locate the occupants in their proper order and position, when assembled for public worship. It will then need but a slight effort of the imagination to picture the striking scene. It will be recollected, that the town at this time, constituted but one parish, and so continued until after the close of Mr. Norton's ministry. He died Oct. 3, 1716. Before that date and so early as 1713, the inhabitants of Cohasset began to agitate the subject of forming a second precinct. This was finally accomplished, and Cohasset was made the Second Precinct of Hingham, Nov. 21, 1717. Ilavino- erected a Meeting-house and obtained the privileges of a parish. Rev. Nehemiah Hobart was ordained their Pastor, Dec. 13, 1721. In consequence of the creation of the Second Precinct, the remaining inhabitants of Hingham not incLuded within the limits of Cohasset, composed the First Parish or Precinct and organized as such, March 6, 1720-1. From that date, we have full- and correct records to which we can now resort for much of the subsequent history of our Ancient Meeting-house. The building of a new Meeting-house within the limits of the town would seem to have relieved the pressure for room in the old house, but the contrary appears to have been the result. From the commencement of the Parish records, to 1729, there appears to have been constantly agitated the question of increasing the accommo- dations of the worshippers. Many votes were passed, at various 3G meetings, in relation to building pews ; enlarging the galleries, by bringing them f'orwa,rd ; extending gallerits from the sides to the pulpit; building another tier of galleries; putting pews over the stairs, etc. : none of which seem to have been carried into effect. On the 31st day of March, 1729, the Parish voted, "That there be an addition made to the back part of the Meeting House and that the same do not exceed fourteen feet wide or back." This enlarge- ment was completed duriug that or the following year, for on Aug. 24th, 1730, it was voted " that the pulpit should be moved back to the northwardly side of addition to the meeting house, — 39 to 35." The cost of the addition was £29G, lis. id. Subsequently, various votes were passed in relation to further finishing the house. Jan. 19, 1731, it was voted that "no ytcivt of the meeting house should be pewed." In May, 1731, voted, "That the remainder part of the meeting house should be scaled overhead and that the two posts standing in the fore seats should be wrought into a suitable form." The cost of " sealing overhead " was £121, Is. 9f7. In March, 1731-2, " That there should be a new belfry erected on the top of the meeting house."— Cost, £34, 14s. 8d. We have found in the Parish records the following votes : Sept. 1734. The Committee to see to putting in new windows "be and are hereby further impowered to clapboard the outside of the same" (Meeting-house) "where thej' shall think it needful, and also to plastur* with lime so much of the inside of the s*^ house where it is now clap- boarded as they shall think proper." £100 raised to defray expense. March, 1739. Permisssion refused Elijah Beal to build a pew over the women's gallery. May, 1740, "Not to dispose of any ground in the meeting house to erect pewes on." June, 1752. The question whether the Meeting-house shall be pewed " in any method what so ever," passed in the negative. March 12, 1755. "That an addition be made and finished at the South Southwest end of this house fourteen feet in length, and that all proper repairs be made to the old part of s*^ house, windows, glazing, &c., and that the pulpit be removed into the centre of the whole length when the addition is made and that all the seats be removed agreeable thereto and that a sutable Bellfrce be erected and finished on the top of the s*^ house and that the pew ground proposed in a plan now exhibited by Benjamin Lincoln be disposed of to the highest bidders, for the payment of the whole cost." 37 A committee was chosen " to carry on and finish the whole of y** , s'l addition and repairs as soon as may be." At a meeting in October, 17;35, among other votes passed, was one " not to build a new Pulpit." This vote was reconsidered ; and a vote passed to "order the same to be built." The Committee on Repairs was " impowered to cause the pewes to be forthwith erected." This action of the Parish seems to have hastened the work. The house was enlarged as voted, a new pulpit constructed, a new belfry erected on the top of the house, and the pews were built, viz. : two rows of square pews on all sides of the house, excepting the spaces occupied by the pulpit and the aisles leading from the entrances, and those between the rows of pews. There was a pew in front of the pulpit, known as the elders pew, or pew for elderly men, and also an enclosed seat or pew in front of the elders pew, facing the broad aisle for the use of the Deacons of the church. The central space or body of the house was filled with long oaken seats, for the occupancy of males, on one side of the broad aisle, and of females on the other. These seats were separated from the pews by aisles. The galleries were changed and located as they now are, oaken seats were placed in them, and the south-western gallery assigned to males and the north-eastern gallery to females. The pulpit was built by Ebenezer Lincoln. The work " about the pews," was done by Elijah Beal and two boys, (probably his ajjpren- tices) Thomas Joy, Joseph Stowers and Caleb Bates. They were employed nearly all the time from the first of November, 1755, until the middle of January, 175G. This last addition to the Meeting-house established its dimensions as they now are, viz : seventy-three feet, by fifty-five feet. 1756, January G. At a Parish meeting, "the forward pew adjoining to the stairs leading up to the pulpit" was reserved for the use of the minister and his family for the time being. At the same meeting, various other votes were passed in relation to the sale of the pews. The Committee on Repairs was "impowered to determine upon a certain sum at which each pew should be put up at in the sale of them to the highest bidders." This meeting was adjourned to the 20th of January, when the pews were sold successfully, " Captain John Thaxter being by the committee appointed Vendue Master." A full account of the sale is recorded in the Parish records. It is an interesting fact that the strength and growth of the Parish justified and required this enlarged accommodation for the use of the inhabitants within so few years after the formation of a new Parish 38 embracing in its limits the South i^art of the town. The subject of establishing a new Pai"ish was proposed so early as 1738, and was pursued by the members who resided in that section of the town, with great zeal and ultimate success. The Third Parish was set off March 25, 1745-6, and included more than one-half the territory of the whole Parish. On the incorporation of Cohasset, in 1770, the Third became the Second 2ia,risli in Hmgham. Their first minister, Rev. David Shute, D. D., was ordained, Dec. 10, 1746. The separation of the second precinct, (Cohasset,) in 1717, and of the third, (South Ilingham,) in 1745-6, did not diminish the interest of the members of the First Parish in maintaining their old house of worship, but on the contrary, in both instances, gave fresh impulses to enlarge it and improve its condition. Both the additions were made during the ministry of Dr. Gay. From 1756 to 1791 no further changes were made in the Meeting- house. In 1778, March 23d, it was voted not to act on the 4th article in the w^arrant, which was to see if the Parish would dispose of any spot in the Meeting-house for pews. In 1791, at a meeting in March, a committee of nine was chosen to rejiort at the annual meeting, in April, on the subject of granting additional space for pews. The committee reported in favor of appropriating a space eight feet deep on each side of the back part of the body seats for that purpose, whereby eight pews might be constructed four feet deep and nine feet long. The report was accepted and the pews were built as proposed and sold to members of the Parish. In 1791, during the ministry of Dr. Henry Ware, (who was ordained pastor Oct. 24, 1787,) a disposition was manifested to make material changes in the form and appearance of the house. Thus at a meeting in June, it was voted " that the meeting-house be repaired in the following manner, viz. : that the roof be carried up to a point the same pitch as the southwest roof is over the centre of the house; and that the ridge extend from the northwest side of the house to the southeast, the whole width of the house; and that where the porch now stands a tower be built on which the bell shall be hung, and such work on the top of the tower as shall hereafter be ordered ; and that a small porch be built at the southwest door ; and that the house shall be painted all over except the roof; and that stairs be built in the tower to lead into the gallery as they now do." A committee was chosen to superintend the work. In February, 1792, it was voted "• that a tower be built at the southwest side of the meetin";-house for 39 the bell to hang on." And in March following it was voted '' that the meeting-house roof be taken off and a proper pitch roof uiade to correspond with the tower that is to be built and to have proper covings." Afterwards it was voted " to leave it to the judgment of the committee to form the roof as they shall judge best." The committee were Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, Dea. Joseph Thaxter, Col. Charles Cushing, Caleb Bates, and David Andrews, At the meeting in April, 1792, the committee reported that they found the top of the Meeting-house so defective that it was not best to repair it without taking off the roof, and their report was accepted. But iu August, following, it was voted that the vote for taking off the roof " be dis- solved." A still more important vote was passed at the same meeting, which was as follows : " Voted to take down the meeting-house and build a new one similar to a plan exhibited in the meeting which is on file, 60 in favor of it and 28 against it." Committees were appointed to perfect the plan and appraise the pews. In November, 1792, the Parish fortunately abandoned the plan of building a new Meeting-house and passed these votes : " Voted, not to take down the meeting-house and build a new one on any principles." It was also voted, " to repair the meeting-house in its present form." In April, 1793, a committee chosen in March, to consider the question of repairs, " offered the following statement for consideration, viz. : That the under pinning be well secured by a wall without, and the middle to be filled up with earth ; that the northeast end and part of both sides be new silled ; that there be new steps at the south- west door ; and that all the doors be I'epaired ; that the northeast end be clapboarded and the other repaired ; that there be covings under the eaves of the front, rear, and southwest end ; and also the porch be shingled, and that of the northeast end repaired ; that a new roof be made where it is now leaded, and that there be banisters round it ; and a new frame and wheel for the bell ; the steeple repaired, the roof secured from spreading by two beams being placed across in the garret from front to rear and secured with iron clasps, and one lengthwise in the same manner ; the posts in Jonathan Lincoln's pew secured at the bottom ; the ceiling overhead white- washed, and the walls of the front, rear, and southwest end be painted on the outside." The committee estimated the cost and gave as their opinion that it would not exceed £200. 40 This rei:)ort was accepted and a committee consisting of "Jacob Leavitt, Hawk Fearing, Noah Hearsey," chosen " to prepare the stuff and to compleat the repairs." This work was done and the ancient edifice saved. 1793, July 22. It was voted " to build a porch at the southwest door of the meeting-house, and that the porch be ten feet square on the ground, about ten feet post, a f;ilse door with a piedmont in front, a door on each side, and finished as is usual for a porch of that kind to be finished." It was also voted "to paint the inside of the Meeting-house, (except the body seats,) to include the pew under the pulpit and the Deacon's seat, to whitewash the walls and repair the plastering." The whole expense of the I'epairs and improvements made in 1793, was £278, 5s. 6c?. 1799, March 11. It was voted "to build 4 pews on the women's side in the body of the meeting-house," and a committee was chosen to procure the pews to be built on the best terms they can and conformable to the pews last built, being confined to the 3 hindmost seats." And in November, of the same year, it was voted " to build four pews in body seats on the men's side conformable to those last built on the women's side." At the same time, it was voted to build five pews on each of the side galleries in front. In 1804, May, it was voted to erect pews in the galleries back of those already made in said galleries. All the alterations, additions and pews which have been mentioned, from 1791 to 1804, were made and constructed during the ministry of Dr. Ware. In 1817, May 17, it was voted, "to pew the remainder of the body seats on the lower floor in the Meeting house and to reduce the present Parish pews, in width, so as to erect five tiers of pews on the whole ground." " To be built before the first day of March next." 1818, March 3, "Voted that the Parish Committee make such alterations in the Elderly seat as will make it convenient for the Moderator and other officei's on publick meetings." Voted, " That the four front pews on the lower floor be left for the accommodation of the elderly people if necessary." 1818, March 21, Voted, "That the Steeple of the Meeting-house and Bell frame and all the top of said house be put in thorough repair," and August 31 of the same year. Voted, "That the Spire be raised eigliteen inches higher than it formerly was." In 1819, the Parish sold two of their pews on the floor of the house to members of the Parish. The remainder of the Parish 41 pews were retained by the Parish, being seventeen on the lower floor and all the gallery pews, which were let from time to time, by auction, to such persons as the Parish approved. In 1824, March 9, an alteration was authorized to be made in the front gallery, by making it in the form of an arc of a circle for the convenience of the Choir. In making this alteration, two pews were constructed, one at each end of the front gallery, which were sold to individuals and purchased of them by the Parish, as appears by a report of the Parish Committee made in 1844. In 1828, a committee made a report to the Parish, which was accepted, and in which it was recommended, that the pews in front of the pulpit should be removed ; that the house should be painted inside ; the walls and ceiling whitewashed ; that curtains be procured for the pulpit windows ; curtains be placed in front of the singers' gallery; and new cushions furnished for the pulpit and desk. In 1854, the Parish Connnittee were authorized to cause eight new pews to be built in the Eastern gallery ; and in 1855, the same number was ordered to be built in the Western gallery. In 1857, four additional pews were ordered to be built in each of the above mentioned galleries. In 1858, March 9, at the annual meeting of the Parish, a communication was received from the "Ladies' Benevolent Society" of the Parish, in relation to repairs on the Meeting-house and tendering donations in money to effect the object. The Parish Committee were instructed to confer with the ladies in order to carry their propositions into effect. Several hundred dollars, a part of which was the proceeds of a Fair, conducted under the direction of the Benevolent Society, were given to the Parish which was expended by the Parish Committee in repairing and beautifying the house. At the annual meeting in 18G0, it was voted, "That the Parish pi'esent their grateful acknowledgments to the Ladies' Benevo- lent Society, for the very liberal donations of money which that Society has made on two recent occasions, towards repairing and beautifying the Meeting-house." In 1859, four pews had been constructed, by order of the Parish Committee, in the front gallery ; and in 18GS, four more pews had been built in the same gallery, making the whole number of gallery pews, thirty-two. We come now to a period in the history of the Meeting-house of unusual interest and importance. 6 42 NEW PEWS AND EXTENSIVE REPAIRS. At the annual Parish meeting, held March 10, 1869, it was voted, " That a committee be chosen to consider the matter of reseating the lower floor of the Church," and ascertain the probable expense of a new floor and new pews, and repoi't to the Parish at their next meeting. Voted, That said committee consist of five, and that the same be nominated by the moderator, (Gen. Luther Stephenson, Jan.) Warren A. Hersey, Ebed S. Ripley, William Fearing, 2d, E. Waters Burr and Henry C. Harding were named by the moderator and accepted by the Parish as said committee. Voted, That the members of the Parish Committee be added to the above committee. The members of the Parish Committee wei'e John K. Corthell, Israel Whitcomb and (.^uincy Bicknell. 1869, April 7, at au adjourned Parish meeting, the foregoing committee presented a report on the subject committed to them. In this report, the committee stated that the floor of the Meeting-house was "in a very advanced state of decomposition," and that it was the unanimous opinion of the committee, that for its preservation, a new floor was expedient, that the construction of a new floor involved the necessity of removing the old pews and constructing new ones ; and that the prosperity and growth of the Society required that a Vestry be constructed under the " Church." The estimated cost of doing the work, materials, value of the old pews, repairing foundation and contingencies, was $7,500, without a Vestry ; and with a Vestry, $10,0U0. This report was accepted excepting that part of it which recom- mended a Vestry. A committee was chosen to carry the report as amended and accepted into effect. The following named gentlemen were chosen to compose the committee, viz : Israel Whitcomb, John K. Corthell, Quincy Bicknell, E. Waters Burr, Warren A. Hersey, Ebed S. Ripley and William Fearing, 2d. The committee were directed " to have the old pews appraised and also the new ones when completed." 1869, June 11, a special Parish meeting was called to consider the subject of repairs and alterations with a view to a more detailed 43 report of those which should be regarded as necessary or expedient, also on the subject of furnishing and heating the Meeting-house, — with estimates of the cost of the same. The whole subject was referred to the committee of seven appointed at the last meeting, with a request that they report to the Parish at the earliest day practicable. 1869, June 21, a special meeting of the Parish was held to hear the report of the committee and to act thereon. The report was very full and elaborate, and was arranged in eighteen sections, of which the following is an abstract : Section 1. The committee deem it expedient that the Choir and Organ be located upon the platform on the Easterly side of the pulpit. Sect. 2. The South-eastern porch to be repaired, new sills, floor, stairs and doors. A chimney to be built from the basement to the chimney in the " attic." Stairs from the porch to basement under the gallery stairs. Sect. 3. The walls of the whole house to be clapboarded anew. Sect. 4. New windows with plain glass, (10x15) and blinds, or with stained glass, without blinds. Sect. 5. The outer walls to be painted with two coats of paint. The painting of the spire and the gilding of the vane and ball to be included. Sect. 6. Three sides of the roof to be shingled. The committee are unable to state the extent to which repairs should be made. Sect. 7. The lower and unfinished part of the posts in the interior of the " Church " should be finished in such a manner as to conform in appearance to the upper part of the same. Sect. 8. The committee state their objections to stoves for heating the house ; and propose two furnaces in brick, having two registers or one register each : or two portable furnaces with two registers, or one register each. An estimate of the expense was given. Sect. 9. The purchase of new carpets for the lower floor of the liouse, cushions of uniform character for the pews, and such pulpit furniture and drapery as may be deemed necessary, is recommended. Sect. 10. A flight of stairs on each side of the pulpit is proposed. Sect. 11. If section 1 is approved, the committee ask for authority to place seats or erect pews in the gallery recently occupied by the Choir, and to dispose of the same for the best interest of the Parish. Sect. 12. The committee recommend that the grounds around the " Church" be graded to conform to the foundation of the same. 44 Sect. 13. The committee proposed that the expenses incurred hy repairs on tlic outside of the Meeting-house, viz.: clapboarding, painting, shingling the roof, and necessary repairs on the spire, and also the cost of windows be paid by a Parish tax to be levied and paid in five equal annual instalments. At the said meeting, the report was taken up and considered by sections with the following result: Sections 1, 2 and 3 were severally accepted without amendment. Section 4 was accepted with an amendment " that there be 37 new windows with diamond sashes and plain glass." Sections 5, 6 and 7 were severally accepted without amendment. Section 8 was referred to the committee to act in the premises as they think best. Sections 9 and 10 were accepted without amendment. Section 11 was accepted after striking out the clause in relation to the disposal of pews. Section 12 was accepted and referred to the committee to act as they may deem best. Section 13. Voted that no action be taken thereon at this meeting. At this meeting the Parish Committee offered a report in relation to the sale of pews which was read for information and laid on the table for future consideration. At a special meeting of the Parish held August 9, 1869, the report, read for information at the last meeting, in relation to the appraisal of the pews, their sale by auction and the conditions of sale, as well as the conditions to be inserted in the deeds of the same by the Parish Committee, was considered and accepted with an amendment limiting the sale to those now being erected on the lower floor of the house. The conditions to be inserted in the deeds of pews, being printed in a form prepared by the Parish Committee, are in the possession of every pew-holder and are therefore not reprinted. It was also voted, that the Committee on Repairs be rc