.#>iRr ^' 'N ,''? li^fe^ i->H^ ^>-,_.. i>-, ' 1 mn SB 1 i ^^\ Hi iffi H ^^ i H F^' ^ c 1. RURAL, OiSMSTaRT. HU»JIKOTOH. SUffOLK.COUN'Py.LOHO.lSiAHD.IfBW WILLIAM. A PPLSBIE.EAR23S1JBY BROOKLtK.KSW.YORK. JAHUARY. 1914. 'I I- 2* RURAL. C&IJi£fSRY. HUVfXVaXOK. ,^? 8U970L^.C0Ull2Y.L0SI0.X9LA]iS>. and BIBLE ReooriiB : as coplaa Wednesday 3 -^ ^r 1913 toy WllUfUK A. ilarawley, tf.A., Pe«t Office » Brook- lyn, Vem YorK : uetjlsiad toy m, ttuMa ^(Lil af tfew York. TAich other datn atoottt no«t of tnt^ee faalUee 18 m the po8«as0lon of Wliilaa A. lardele^-. In hie eolleotlon of cojiiea r&oorde are a large nuiiitoer of eowplete Churcto raoor; kept ■ Rural • or " union • or " Oorror;,tlon " cemeteries : in soae oaeas ti^e oiu stones are Korod tout In mo ^taaoes the old stone© are d«;>etroyed and new ones erect f K^ :....... 4 per ^7 Brush faiteily Plot : 2^ etoxiBa : 17^*0-1901 : reniovea here : p^g<= *r 10 Lloyd tapjily Plot : 17 stones : 172o-1904 : reaoirtid ln&i'^ : la^ee 30 and 31 Flace lasilly Plot : 6 stones : ld6S-l907 : roROVed har'^ : r.feg« 36 r $O.Bni«h Bible : au* - Brush Qffltieaiogy : 1610 - 1904 : # 75. Rogers Bil>le : 17*^3 - i^V*^ : r .ge !?i Higbie aenealogy : 1767 - 1^96 : ;? 5^ Lloyd aent^^lot^' : io 31 - 190^* : _ _ j-^ger, -. 54 Kattife : — ;;--.-^'^- f,.-j,v,lu,Ax,x:),x>,f;4ii-r,i7X2ia70tl.&US>.. y0LX.C0UIi77.L0ira«IllLANS.]I£W. YORK. 172S-1913. SXPLAKA7I0I^. Saon cenetar^ In theee colldotlonn Is given a nunbor, wnioh In a great aid In loany reBi)ect8, as a reference. iVery tomlcr-stone and sej arate na^^e is also given a nun- l9er,U)Ue enaMing any one, at once, to see la»Yf nany l;>odiee are Juried in oacli ca&et^ry, as is snov.n ty the names therein. The Oldest and ir.oet recent stones-are listed at tJ^e end or uaily referring to the table of contents on page two. Bible records are added where they have been obtained. Marriages froM Church records are also added from the large copied collection in the possession of the wrspiier. Hence ttiis cemetery record is qulto largely ealted. T>ie index of persons is now made by the first names. An index of places is now always also added. A space is left, especially j for filling in the aldtile najnes where oiOy the initi;jl is Known : the author has given the full nasies wtiere he had them : all such n@w additions, as you can iKalte, will be gladly noted by the coiaxller,for a future edition, if he is notified of ail such jossltle additions. The author will te i^lu.a to get ou,er ca: dit*rty s ••'on.^ , to Include in t^ils ana hie oth^r nu&eiouf- Betii^^,iio ;i,=.ttui un^ir^ »he cemetery 1.- located, nor how recent it JuiS been used, nor ?- what denomirmtion the CSS&tmct fceloruiB, 8)« the other nui.eroi.! type-written records by the coax Her ol this. Wllliuii A. Siirdele^^, H.a. 4. # 224. Rurui ceis«tery,u\mtin6ton» Suffolk 0(miity,l«ng Zalaius, Sew York : opdiiea ahont isbo or i«5l : thle le ru - tlfi«r a modern oflaetery : l)Ut thd temrHi to tM» ground, eeTcral years a£0, of the Lloyd yamlly srave yard, iTt^per 1904 : from Uoyd*f> Saok, Long Iel^.1, Sew YorK : and of the Place family grare yurd , l&6^ per 1907, from HelTille, Long Island, Kew York : tma In 1912 of the Brush Taally grave yard, 1740 per 1901 from West Kills, Huntington, Long Island, Kew Yorx : aake the stones in this ee»etery date DacK to 17«^ Like all these modem Rural or Vnion Cenneterles, now so popular in all the country districts, this emie •> - tery is well kept, finely situated, and well laid out. Copied Wedn^day 5 Seceni^er 1913 i>y William a. Sardeley, M.A., fost Office Box 91, Brooklyn, Kew Yori^: assisted l>y Mr. Frank 2. Rapp of Kew York. The stones. 1. Altaff 2. 3. Arthur 4. Aokerly 5. Adaims 6. Bnish 7. 10. 11. Battle : died 10 June 1^7^ months, and 11 days aged 13 yeare, 10 Xdwin f : no dates here : 'A.F.and a.m. • Mary M : wife of Sdwin W Arthur ; l>om lc5es : died 1 07 :no noT& dcttes John M : iDom its July l«7t> : died 9 De- cember li:>97 frank R : bom 24 April 1^61 t«Bl>er 1902 died : aged 2 years, one south, and 4 days 17. Bowen Johii : died 12 iSarch 1S3S : no age glren here la. Bette 19. 20. 21. 22. John : died 19 seoemter 1^94 : aged £4 years «ary : wife of John Bette : died 19 Junuary 1903 and their children luartha suean : no u^tee here John 9 : dl«d 21 l^oremher IS&3 : aged 24 years : " G. a. b. •: Sergeant of Coisi)uny F, 4o th. Reglraent, Sew York State Volunteers Sarah J? : wife of deorge B „ Betts died t> June l«$9^- : aged 41 years la per 22 are on a raontoient ana In a plot 23. Brush ailhert : a son of Tnomas and Surah Brueh : iiltni 17 rehruary 14351 : aged 45 years, and 7 I'onths 24. Mary : a daug^iter of Thomas and Sarah Brugh : dlod 16 Saptaiaher 1633 : ag«66 : aged 3<$ youre, 11 feonthe, aiid 7 days if6. Susiui : wir« of Xliitothdue Buyiia : aidu 1^ 2£i.rc^ It^tl : ^d(i 5>V y9&r0, 9 months, and 14 days 47. Sruflh George : a eon or 2e)}Ulon and Susarumh Brush : l)orn 24 9epte»1}dr l<>li : dit^ 19 i&^y li^^i? 4ti. Haimah : wife or George BimhU : Xiom la SeceeDer 1^14 : died 1^ iPelDruary 16iiZ 49. iBLiter : died 20 fetoruary 1^93 : aged i>3 years, 9 itionthe, and ^5 days 50. Susan f : wife of Vfeklter Brush : died 27 Jeloruary 1^76 : aged 6^ y&Ave, 9 oonthe, and a days : their three children 51. I.Joseph : l>orn lecernloer 1603 : utiou 22 years, 6 nuinths, and 23 days 53, " 3. Anna : died 30 SeeesDer 1^47 : aj^ed Z i months, and 17 days 174. JessjL^ : died 20 liovesi)>er li>7 ' : t^&^d 57 yi^rg,3 ttonths, and 23 days «^r,. JonaB V ^ : a son of Jesse and Dorothy Brusti died 30 Ootolier 14»72 : aged In hie 79 tiu year o.>, •(Little) • laia : no d«*th dfa.ie : aged 4 ye^a-rs t)7. zei^hanlah : died lb A£>rll I'Sai : aged in his ai St. year : Hote -> he was a Bon of Jesse ai4d l>oro- thy Brush 5£. Jife.ry : wife of Kephaniah Brush : died 12 May l£69 aged in her 63 rd. year 59. Lewis : died 13 Ai^rll 1^.%' : aged in his ^3 rd.year 60. l&krla : wife of LewiB Brush : died 6 June l£>{»9 : aged in her 71 St. year 61. Wetister Wetmore ; died Id January idd7 : a^eu 7 years, 3 months, and 23 days 47 per 61 are uii in the sante plot 62. BundrlcK John : died 27 lEay 190^ : aged 90 y ears : • Fa> ther • : » Gone fna our home but not fro?i our hStiTtS ' 63. Baldwin Alexaiiuer : 1som^_^ !«-->:? t aieu Avwj't : no more dates here If ZZh, Rural Cemetery, mmtlngton,8wffoix Cdimty, New TorX, e 6J4-. Haiawln Almlra : wife of Alvxazuier Baldwin : no (lates given here 65. Beriy wuiiiipi <} : toom _ ^ 187V : died IVOi : no more aatee here :«Shy will toe aone • " 66. ifery : dlea 1 Jime 1905 : no age glTen here thene two are In a plot ^tler eee Brueh 121 Barrett see Oardiner ii31 -fJml^i>S x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x INL, W^k l^ot-t 29 stones ) moved in 191ii f roo West Ulils. iftuitington, Kew York, 1s)y Colonel fteorge w Brueia of BrooKii^-ji, new YorK. There 1» a fine oionu^ent here which eaye "In Meiaory of / She Ancestore of / ioim R ^ Srueh. / Bioims Brush / eai grated froia Snglaiiu/ afeout I6b3 : died 17^ / his eon / Joioi Brus)» 16$0 - 1740 both burled on the / Ola Burying Hill / / Joim's son / Bajuuel Brush died 1764 / hie son / AJiunlus Brush 1721 - 1794 / these with their v4ve« ana / descendajits removed fro® West ill lis 191ii. 67. Brush Capt. John Rogers : died 17 Soveatoer ldt»4 : aged ^^ 5'earfl : • yather • : Note - he was a non of Zetoulon and ifetrgaret Brush 6S. £ai?xj;i;eth OAHMAM-.: wife of Oapt. John Rogers Brush : toon; 6 sept^itoer itiOJi : aied Sio June 11JS5 aii*5d 63 years : • Mother • : ty.ese two are on a monument : • I are" the Resurrection and the Life • : Kote - a.lzatoeth wfis a djiugjriter of John OaK«am and Mary ( IWiP^iJ^ ) ^^- 211«h fi»fiRii*SI JL wife or Rev, jesse Brush : horn 15 August ii>37 : died l^y^ : itote - she was a daughter of Rev. Krirv' Brusln : borr. 19 fouruary 162^ : aiaa 6 I y 1«»9 71. Aniy Jtme KIiLj^_: l;orn 23 !^- *:'^ ber ld 12 dayf? : • Precious in his sight are the lives of His saints,* 51. Bllzafeeth : wife of 2.eb\aou Brush : aiad li Sev^^JJ"- toer lii03 : aged in her 21 st. year : Kote - she 'v^is Sllzabeth HO&i^S^ a d«aighter of John ROOSia, jr., and Ruth T lO^ft.) 52, sueamiah ^^41.:^:_8ecoi,d wifo of Seteulon Brush : died 25 my lo3H- : aged 69 years, 5 months, 2^ days iSj, Susannah ; died 25 Jeuriiary I025 : no age here i54. George : died 25 Ai?rll lS3i : aged 5 years, 7 Months ti5. Rel»ecca : died 25 -March I025 : uged 2 years, and 9 aonths 10. (^ i^24. RtiTiil ceitiQtery, Huntington, Suffolk County, Vew York. Tho BRUSH not cojioiua#d. 66. Brush ay. S9. Bruflin 90. Brush 91. Brush 92. Brush aill>ert : died 29 Sdptsml^^r lfi33 : a/i^ed In Irils 21 St. yoar Jesse : loom ^ lebruary 1(^09 : dlea 30 XoTemi»er ia94 Ibrgaret : wife of Jesse Brush : a led 9 Jux^ 10 71 : agea 42 years 83 & iS4 & 63 & iS6 & S7 rire \tji cl^lldren of zetmlon Brush a^ his second wlfa Busaj-mah Jano ELlzti : died 1^^ Palaruary 1.j54 : aged 3^ years Jarvis : a son of John R and Bllzal»eth Brush : dlad 20 May i try's serrice : • 0, a. h. ■: a son of Johii a „ _ _ and JCllzabtith Bnish " S^3. Brush 94. Jrice 93* ^loe Mary 331ix.'Afcoth t i«lia oi X JRl^Ut jL a»^ ^ ti'^^*- g^itdr or 0?tx't» Jo^u^ iiogere ^i^A^h and Elizabeth : Isom 26 July iii35i : died 19 March 1^74 • l-hy will be don*3 • Sddle : no death dat^ : a^^eu one isonth, find 12 days Tlumas : no death date : .t^,i£) oays Bote - 94 and 95 &r« both ^ _ .le and axpareafc ly Infant children of Sho^tf^s KilOE &jui i^uiy SUl^ laeth ( ©liiSill Here e^s thl» Brush reiwrfiC- plot. i Burr see Oardtner 233 per 244 -x-x-x-x-x Bianinfield see Brush 6d II. # 224. Kural Oem«t«ryt Huntington, Suffolk Coimty, Sew York. 96. Bru9ii Lillian B : l)orn la Octotoer ivoo : ai«d 24 ifay 1907 97. QlllMrtlne 7 : a dau^ter of Oscar » and Bannah X Brusn : died 2^ juiy iS67 : a(PKl 2 years I 10 months, and ^ days tlMse tivo are In a plot 9^. Sox ibrgaret a : onm o- ji;.iy 1^31 : tued 22 i^rii 1905 99. Bunoe »relyn Adele ; born 10 JJQcomter 1901 : died 25 June 1903 100. Browneo)! wuiett : uom 21 August ii540 : died : no data iiare 101. Margaret 3L*2A^fW^ i '^i'te of Jifiiiett Browison : Ijorn 26 April Id^o : died 27 Ju/ie 1903 these two are on a monument Bonner «eo yieet 217 __ Broun see Oarll 15*^ "i«>4 ^j^ -ad 164 .._ Baldwin soa Brush 119 102. Brush XXiQl : mmi 10 January 17(>'> : died 6 m.Y lii41 : ag^ 7o yt*<*r8, 3 inont)is, tuut 2b days : jiote - ^ie was a son of Joshua Brush and Jiiargaret (pi^j|H£> 103. Almeda QO^tOil^Q^i reliat or A^el Brush r^ijorn 3 itey i7o«i : dlea 29 ( or f20? ) Fel^ruary Xi^^z : aged 83 years, 9 teont);^, and 2o days 104. DaYld : fciorii 7 Soveateer laod : died 5 September IS52 105. ailzabeth : wife of 2)Rvld Brusii : ^^oiga. 20 February lom 23 Peoeat>er 1S29 : aiea 10 i'e))ruaxy 189^ : • father • 109. BuribanJc Mwry B «. «. „ ^ : wife of Hioholae w ^ _. biup- Dank : diea 26 Beceialoer XHSS : agea ^4 yoare 110. Biggs Qeorge w : aied 16 Arrii id75 J as®f Oeorse w — Bi^gs : dlaa 26 felsruary 1905 : agesi 79 years, ana 9 days : stone says * also wife of Viillasi SfQ^S, JL 112. Oeorge Wiiliai% : jr.: died 7 2>eoeml>er 1907 zage'd 3^ years, 6 aontyje, 'iKii 23 0r 1(377 : ai.',ed It* years, 5 iWiiths, and 4 d-tys 116. ifeiry Kllzalsoth : died 24 yetoruary 1065 : aged 11 years, 3 r»ontri8, and 5 Jays 112 per iltj are thQ ^^'i.laran of oeorge w Bitrgg nnd £Iiza ( . j — — 110 per 116 are all m. ui« auiue plot 117. Brush Harjiaret : Xiorn i<^ A>ev; I034 : diea _ .^ ^_ 1903 : • slfster •: no . .. or day of dertTI T a daughter of Jo^in R aiid aiij^betii nv\i»n lis. Henry WUlter SQSSiL»-i T^orri 3 May 1ut IdTl : dieu 17 lieY«ml»«r 1906 :i£ot*- 8he was a daugTtter of Hlran W MAlTd ana Alice ( :S^3i?mJ Hsriddrt wboafora : t)orn i January 1S9^ : aiaA 22 »>T«m%«r lilVV arg« Jiteys : )>orn 24 Vetruury l6*97 :.aieu jL? £o> rember 1899 122 and 123 ar« tha children of H«rto«rt lowers Brush ajid Alice Mary ( KAt^ ) 117 p«r 123 are on a laonument and. in a plot 12^i, arush Jamefl ?i : bora ^ Id^'y : aied „ „ ^ -1902 : iw /fiore aateg Ji»»re : this is ail ther^ is on this Hionuntmit 125, Brusn 126. Jonae : t^om 12 June liil'f : aiija 17 ^^j lcJ95:Not©- he ifas H son of Zeoulon ana ** - ^nah BrusJ:; Coraeiiik JttiypJii^i JL wife of >■> ■ Brush : l^m 13 8epter 1«313 : 41i3d 3 Itlaruary HS95 Towers see Brush ilo and 119 and 120 127. Camion Bridiiat isiiza : oorn Couut^ RosooiaRon, Ireland : died in BrcvoKlyn, Hew Yoric, 20 Aogus-t Idi?^ : a«aa $2 yaars 12v>. Cl^rx 129. RiciTiara : torn '4 ifeirch 1330 : died 7 tH^y IS56 Roioert i ^ son of Hi chard and 'JSim&, ClarK : born 10 AUiSttst IS 55 I diad 30 3ertftu)>9r X836 130. Conjain Aiaalia : died 10 February lily IS57 : aged 10 years, --ind 5 davK Jereif4a^ Wood : dl8d 18 Jfey XS66 : aged 22 years, 10 laouths, anu 22 days 13c* ana 139 are the cr41dr<2ri of Joserh ^n-j, onarlty : wife of Ch^ ij.y^ Oonsain : iiom 9 Juno liilii : aied 25 #v*i,r.Aary IS96 147. Oeorge ifodon ; boni 1850 : dl^a 1S54 no ifioro tat98 nere " I4e. ooorge B&rrey : toom isr'*^ miaa 1^55 : no mora dates Jioc?"" — — — 147 rnd 14a ar« the c7:liurtJii Oa . -^ jid cjjiirlty Oonxiln nhastaXaln ^-re aouid S^So ar.d i!".7 ;-:>ir! 25J Olarlc fee Oarll 15« 14^9. ConKlln Benjamin : rtl/ser 8 aaov;i.:_aied 23 j\iiy lii52 : a{';oorJi 1 Kovemtar 1416 : died 27 Se^^teji- uer 1904 Bstert E . : Dnrn- 23 Deoaratoer liS»iRt l^yo : dlad 31 Soijqk- toer 1911 166, Coyert Jacofi : a aon. of Jacob arul Aim £ . ^ Oovort: born 2 octol>er l^b'O : ai^Jd 26 Ootohor l<;9i 167. CroBBsian FranXlriu -^ _ _ _ ^ : tiowi ^;e 8«pteintjQr lf6 : died 25 June lijoc; 168. OroH«inan 169. Mathilda C ; wife of Jacol^ R ^ Crosaman : l>om 2 HoTeaber ld31 : dlea l^fja^omf toer lo'»50 WSyron : died I5 Ootot>er I867 : aged 11 yeara, 6 nontDis, and 15 aiyn 'I 17. # 224. Rural Canetory, Huntington, Suffolx County, ii«w YorX. 170. cro«B»an Alfred B : al©a 2^ 8epteinU>r l65o : a&ed 3 years, ^<^)^ ^ months 171. Idwln Wooa : died Z6 Jul.- IS53 : aged a years one month, aiid 24 di^s 172. «. ^ — «. «. ! an Infant daughter : died 27 July Tsjo": no age glren 169 per 172 are the children of JaooD R and Mathilda c ^ „ Crosman 173. Crossiaan Aloruw) a : Lorr* 27 Deoemtoer liS26 :died 12 YeDruary 1901 174. Crossaan aaily A : born 21 Septeiaiier l«i3<':diea 9 XoT^1»er Id 70 175. « «. 5 ( llle^illi^le ) : died 13 January r^40 : aged 3 years, 11 mont^is, and 13 days 174 und 175 are the children of Alfred B and Mary R «.««.«« CrossKan 176. Cross&an Alfred B : died 3 February 1^39 : ^^nea 59 years, 5 luonthe, ima 1 days 177. ifery ML«siOfi^_: wife of Alfred B , CroasK'iaa : died 16 JS^rch l<>u4 : aged 03 yi^nrs, 6 liionths, and lo days 17^. Mward Milton : t4.e thlra son of Alfred B and ii^ry Crossia^i : died 4 July li549 in Chathatc, CoiuatoiH County, Beir Yorx : aged 17 years, and 13 days 179. Crossffian Cill>ert : died $ 8e]pt«Bto«r 1«$73 : &€0d 6^ yeure ISO, itery : wife of Oiltoert Crossman :aled 3 Hecmfib&r 141^ i aged 6«s ye^trs 1^« Sarah : died 16 I>eom.her iAyii^„ and a daughter of Oiilaert waa Betesy crossman :" died 29 Beoenber I023 : aged 24 years, 4 raonthf?, and 2o days lis. # 224. Rural Cttwtery, Huntlngton.auffolX County, B«w York, l«6, Croswaaa oouid wiiraot : liorn z'd AW^st 1^47 : aiaa iil October 1907 lij7. Ruoda Beatrlo* lAiXfiOlX*!** IT MiguBt ISiJ^ aged 6 montnt, ana ^3 day* 17V per lo7 are all in the aajse plot 166, Couyer 190. joJin L : iw>m h- JfeiroJi 1^39 : 4iea £H 045 : died lo Aj)ril i«iit> these two art) on the Mne stone AlAira 1! _ : wife of John L Coll yer : born "zo^ai rli la^y : died la Jun« luoo 191. Cox l^i*. fJonKlln 193. DeToy 19 '^ milon 19b. 196. Rodmnn B ^ ^ _ : Doni l99 : aged o2 years : •'futher • Charlotte o : died m January 1900 ; a^ed ^ years : "* Hottmt * duean Bila : h daughter of wiiilaBi T ^ and Ch^'irlotte Dillon : died 19 e^teaber 1865 : aged one year, and 3 nontris 197. 2>ill 196. Charlotte : bom IK27 : vi- no more dates here ]>ollle : no dates here these two stones are to>gether 1905 : 199. Denniston Marlanna c] : an Infjmt daughter of >^elKi H and Ellzat>eth C Beiuilft- ton : died a 2}eoet!^er 163^ : ^^ed 6 months, and 20 days 4 22M.. Rwral Cemetery, Huntington, flurioik County, Hew York, 200. DovmR Vranic P : toorn 7 Juiy itf^z : aiea 2?. ItoTesiber l more here 204 and 205 are to->i!detner ana ar^ VI, tj-;< cTilldren of Isaac H ajoa b o- .,r 200 per 205 are tai in a plot »»▼!» see Crossman liJ5 3)ayton see Broun 36 206. DlcKle Alexander : bom lo47 : dlea 1EKa i ^^^ 3 SejitesiDer lf JomtB 8>^i.s_: Vorn 16 April 1776 : ar(ilner 229. aardlner 230. 231. Gardiner 232. 233. 234. 235. ?-36. 237. ?^". 240. 2»n. Burr 2J^2. Jaeiee : born 7 AuguRt iko4 1SS3 : » yatner ■ Almy : wife of j»Ae i&os : dlea 19 Sttc^.. ■:^T „..,.^u died 22 august t>oru 3 J^uroh • )£otner • wiuiaa H : laom 30 Deoemtoer 14^ : a^ea v ..,4, and 7 days 22. ''4. i^ural 0«aetery, Hujit.lnt;t;oii, Surf oik Oomtty, New "Xorl;. 2^-5. oardlner SlDert y mSH-! ^orn 4 Kc^yep'Ver 1619 : Ul«a 21 Ma-y^l?©! " 2itei;orah : wife of lulhrni w ; BUtR : born 16 Ootobor l<>2i : aiea 14 KoT«»to«r 1V04 227 I er 244 are all in the »arae plot 245. <}ould 2M/.. 247. Jesse P : Vioru 1ultt : diea 26 April 1^5*i : a6« : hQxn "S December li$06 : died 6 Kovember l6^i. Julian oii&sm|/g^_: born 9 Soysftber l£3w : died 10 ho'ic ruo4 mi?4x i..^^ .^JUAIK : no ueath date : a&ed one nonth, aiui b dayp> ^ ^ ! Ijfifant daughter OHABTSLaIK : no death date : a/4eu ^3 days 237 ana 256 are the children of Julian ana l&f^ - telle Oiastelain : 24^ per 250 are all in the saffis plot 23. # 224. Hural 0«B6tery, Bunt Ingtoa, surf olK County, V«w %»r]c. rflid«r0l0«T« see Mkutiny 393 and 394 mA 395 2:>9. Oeauiis Rloj;arsarch 1^^3 : no age here 262. Ch^lsiee 1 : aiaa 15 August 1^7^ : >s 39 tn.'yefir 263. Oalnes Lliilo : bom 2? Jwiy X?^50 : dlea 17 ^iy l^b9 26^. Qalne« 265. 266. Z67. 26S. 269. Koyai A : dlea 15 Aj'rll l7ifa of Royal A ^ „ Oaines : died 23 .VH this i en of Fred f .. ^ ^ OSAiffiSRS and Mary ( i&^p^.) 270. Gould Beiy^imin ^_ : liorn 29 Oototer 1602 : dlea 20 octovfer idi^i 271. 9ara?i B : wife of Benjasaln _ ^ « Gould : l>or& S Feltruary 160 5 : died 7 June 1««1 LI 272. Chuxlee »JiAfi80I* i died 3 Bep ten- ter 1867 : at^d 23 yeurs 273. Jaimi^j fiMAiBi,OiX_: ?;- ■ --^m given liere 274. Baiauel i 85. _ i. J. t»om 16 July lii30 : died 27 »e 4^70 275. saary : wAie of Sniixuej. ^ 8HAEB0LT : torn 1 Noveater 162y : dlud 2V July l-jyo ■^^» a24. Hur«ii Oetnatexy» Huntington, 8\if folk County, Hew Yox-k« 276. Oottlci 21 ?«Dniazy IS73 270 per 276 ar« all In the flase plot 41 dd H77. OatM 27i^. 2d0. 261. Z8Z, JohA Hoaxy : 'oom 2 January 1^13 : tiled 4 May 16d7 MRrtTia a : toorn 20 Augiitt lLa7 : dlea 25 Octoi-er 1905 : • At Best ■ Henry M ; a eon of jorm Henry fvmi ifiartha 3 oat as ! torn !<; February 18^6 : died 17 April 1896 S\igenla : \)orn 16 ]SQydmi>3r 1^56 : died 13 8ep~ temper 1906 Sdivard : dleu isjl : no vmre here ifeirtn^i 9 ;_ : utvn 30 June lw\^ : dSad 20 Iferoh IHS3 277 per 232 are all on a rsomeient „_^ Cruraman se^i Onuld 276 2<^3. Hendrlckaon Ann Sllza : ^ife of Jof;}i\u). Seiutrlelcson : horn 25 ATi^fit 1835 : died 11 yetruaiy IV 11 2; 4, Charles K : a eon of Jo»ln-ut and A?m Bllza Bendrlokson ; died 19 October 1^57 : aged 2 years, 5 :nont?ja, and 14 days 285. CharlfjR C : u mi^ of Joshua ana Ann Elizti. HendrloXeon : dioa 17 Oeto1»er 16^3 : aged 4 ye-^TB, 7 won the, said §6 daye 26 236. HlgDle 237. Israel U : no a.ites glren here Harla j : wife df Israel M _ Hl^Ma : t>orn ii^59 : died _ _ «rj*l7lO : no r5ore dates here : ii „ . Hendr*c3teoii : toom ie27 : died 1906 ; no norc Uuiea hero t/ioee three a.re on a motaMent : lote • see the lafakWiflcript HajkirioKgon genealogy toy Wll 11 bun A. Dardeiey *ti**v-2— died Its yeliruary Id 69 : ad<»d 3V years OarrielijitllPffiyt iiufcuit daughter of Skial W_ F)i^'»ijBiM«L : died 6 Aui^8t ido^ : no age here 29 H- j;er 297 are In a j lot ?^.:. Hewett 300. aged oo years died 24 I^etH Wiillfcuu : died 29 AU^!;UH>t Aooo Miza : wife of Wllilui,i iiewett ruary lo95 J a^«d 90 year* if&rlH A : a cUiUiiiiiter of wiiiiaui ana miaa Hewsjt : died 9 Jime 1^50 : f^'^od 21 yeiirs iiUil see Woou 557 301. HUHjTjurey SJdwurd : Doni 12 July 1627 : died 22 ^xXX 1905 26. # Z2^» Hural Cemetery, Hiaitlneton, Suffolk covmty. Stew YorX., 302. Kwnphrey iteJaeiMh ^1E_: torn is Hay Iti23 : ai«a 26 8«pt«iit>er 1J3V7 301 and 302 are on a Bomndnt : Vote •It vould seem 302 midist )>e the wife of 301 303. aikggttrty '( little )* freadle : 110 dates here HigDlft »«o Lloya 3«>7 a»d 36b' Riiril aee 71«3t 2ia Irelana 8fla Brnen 102 304. Zrelioia 303. 30<». 307. 3O0. Andrew j ^ ^ : no ciateis hara lary S : wifa r>f AnOreir J _ ^ lr« - laxiorn !*♦ Mtrcii io3i : diea 14 Jims lii76 Oli&rles R -.«.-.! l^<5r'* 26 Koraral&er Igb^ : 41e*6, and 12 day« 311. Ireland 312. SerrloK : died 17 })ocemlBQr 1^1 : aged ifO yeam Q s, and 11 (lii-yB : • yatJier * Hi-iirfv;^ : wifo r,-' .^,^ Ireland : died 6 April lvJ7'9 : agad 74 ^ , utris, and 7 dayi • VT^Jther " Jolijkson Bee KetcJutPi 351 and 35^ 27. f 224, Rural c«^;ctery, H\uiitl?ig,toii,0ufraU. Ooujity, ]s©iii York, 313» Jarrl» 31»^. Jo' : ai«a 23 ootottir ii>i>a : aa;« more -iaw*^;*} a&rs Wliiian Chaster : a son of Jolm aitu Jiiis^laeth ^ — -. — — "' : dlad 2ii Oo totter lo49 : a^e days 32?.. J'oaes ifill2ia.~bdUi : torn 10 VeXiiruusy 1T79 : died 12 »o- veinVer 1c>5-j i wife of jfiut\ ^Tones 323. Jarvls 32*1. Cfurvls 325. Janris ^7Jll^ar!l H _^ : dl»a j jiircJi 1904 : aged 7^■ years Jacxsou u : no dates here Adallii^j A : ^jorn is45 : aiod _ ^ 1911 : KO raortj datcB Jier© — — — 326, Jones 327. Daniel : aied 13 JT-j .UHr y 1657 and 5 UH^e iiarj=- AiUi : T?ife of ?"^ ary lo?x : .t^^a o<> . : agod 56 years, "' : di»u jijL ^ixiva^ as, a?id 21 days 2iJ. # 224. Rwral «fln««ery, RuntlngtoniSuffollL Ooimty, Mew Tork. ^onuthun : born 27 IMoember 1636 : 4ie« : agea one year, and 29 days 330. Ketojtaft Henry ^ ^ „ : lorn 17 F«l&ruary IboO : dl«d 24- I>eowf;ber IVIO 331. M'i'y Kirlw Po,":»?r« : torn 3 KorewVer 1^26 : died 11 Jyjwiary Ido^ 332. Knigtet 333. owrge T : died 1? J^anuary 1837 : ag«d b'd yrrrrR, and 11 inorti.e Mary & ^ : wlfp rf deorg« t _, „ "r" t : d,ied 16 Deceml^'er 1V07 : aged 77 y carts dHy« 335. 336. 33?. 33«*. Rotert : torn 2ii DeopitVer lbl5 : died 1'4^ Ooto- ^er iaorn 21 ssay K^MM. : dlQd 21 3i Arter=-ef«lf. : born Jwie 1652 : dlau 21 Jetruaiy 1«5*^ 336 P«r 33ii ay© tjie ehlldren of Kofeert and »e- lieea M Ke^n 339. Kej^ey 3»W), John : (iXaA ^^3 Jftnutry 1^'57 : aged 55 ye&rB, 3 raontne, and 10 days yrfiiicoB : rolict of Jo)^;!! Ktjj^ey : died 15 Octo-^ Der l.Ht5<^ : aged 53 yaarn 3'*l. Kel^y K'»tc^ia/r) Oonkxln : died 6' Ai>rll le.t>'> ROntne, and 6 days aged $« yearp,ll 6*?*'' BrUBj! 126 ;iv. # 224. Rural 0«iia«t«ryt Euntln6ton»BuffolX Coui^ty, . vu . n 342. KottvwiaieTefi Baxteraus w : bom 19 ^ rli ii;34 ai«d 19 October 1V09 : • latJier • 343. SLizix Jane : born 24 June 1837 : diea 8 JWie l4<$ : no age glTen }iere 349. Sste)tan 350. 351. 352. Isaac 8 _ ^ ^ ^ : bom 5 Itorember 1796 : dltd 15 April 137^ Julia A ^ ^ : wife of Isaac 8 ^ „ _ ^ HeteHasi : bom 15 soTember 1802 : dled'l'F J^^a «ary 1S77 Oeorge R ^ ^S^P^^i ^«m 16 September li£4i : died 12 May 1^0 iftally V ^ ^ : wife of Oeorge R _ _ „ _ JOHVS^ I and a daughter of Henry 8 _ J^ J" and Pliebe J Xeteltaffi : bom iT FebxT*- uxy 1^50 : died 7 A^rll lt:76 346 per 352 are all In the sane plot Lindsay see Tbomas 524 1 30. - 29A, Kural C«m«tery, Hun tlyig ton, Suffolk Covmty, New YorK, The LLOTD i'LOT : 1? Btones : lyl^ - IVO^ : iRov^ri fron Lloya»8 MeoJi;, Lona Islana, Hew York. • titMn this vault re«t the T«Raln« of • 353. 35>^. 355. 356. 357. Uoya Lloyd Lloya 35V. Lloyd 3bO. Lloyd 361. 362, Lloya 363. 364. Lloyd Henry : ( the f Jret ) : toom za Kovepitoer I605 : aiea la i&roh 1763 Ret)eoca : the flr«t wife of Beio-y Lloya : hotn 15 jiovesnljer I6 Itexy : the »eoond wife of Henry Lloya : s.orn ^ ^^ : died 10 Kovarcv^er 17**^* : tt.o age glvan Jfoiox : a eon of Henry » first, anu ii, -c m Lloya : Lorn 19 February ITIO : died lO Aixix ^(j'j Soitn : Jr.: bor*! 22 tev-ruary 174*+ : alea a'+ »©- c^aber 1792 : note - he wue a eon or Jo>i>i Lloya and Kebecca ( WOjMiQC 1 :^ry WHiTj j. mother of Amelln W^'^M* the wlfa of Joiui Lloyd, Jr.: bom 24 Mt^y 1726 : died 24 au- leUdit I0O7 Mury A^ellu. : a daug^iter of 3QYm and Amelia Lloyd : born 19 ?ebruury 1791 : died 10 January loO<> Aiaeila : wife of Jo]rm Lloyd, 4r«: and a daughter of Xbenezer and i4^ry MKI : bom 7 May 1760 : died 1 August l^li^ Jtoliix Seiaon : a eon of John jr. ,and ARiell^^. Lloyd bom 30 SeceE^ber 17^5 : died 31 May lti4l Phebe t : wife of Jojm M Lloyd : and a (U ' of Kathanlei ;ind Sllzabeth SS^jJi^ : bom 11 ... ,. ver 1790 : dlea 20 June IS23 Sarah w _ 3!2*a8!S;^ J. & trlena of Phebe t , wife of Jolin K « ^ ^^ Lloyd : no dates glren here Abigail : relict of Br. Jfimm SfWU^^^' daughter of John Lloya, flret, ana wife w.., ,/ : born 13 February i7r?o : dlea 21 Ajrll l<>3i 31. # 224. Rural Cm9t«ry, Hi«itliiston,8uffolx County, Sew Vork, The LLOlfJ) PLOT : 17^8 : 1904. 365. Lloyd Joim Kelson : a fl©n of Herury arul Caroline B — — -. — Lloyd : i^orn ' : UlaA 10 AUgiuJit Ig^o 366, Lloya Jol^i MalBon ; a >3on of Joiui and Phote C Lloyd : laorn 10 Jiovem^er ldl5 : dl«d 2V J\me lc;67 367. Lloyd 366, Lloyd 369. Lloyd Charlotte : wife of Oscar Mgerton SOgiaKt i. bom 2 JBay 1641 : died 9 AUgUBt 1904 : a daugh- ter of JoBern Mllnor H^iiL «*"om 13 fiecemljer lold : died 16 X>eceml}er 1904 Henry : ( fourth > : a son of John B and Piieue T . _ Lloyd : bom 4 March 1^22 died 2^ Secenilier lo9^ Here ends the re/soved LLOYD Plot X-l-X + X + X + X + X4.X + X + X>X + X + X + X*X + X4^X + 370. Luhre 371. Slcholris : borri 7 Novemtoer 1907 : died 2s febrtt- ary I'^'O'? Alfreu : bom 13 JStroii 1910 : aled 17 ?iarch 1910 • Our Darlir.gs •: these two are on the saiaestone 372. LocKwood Bverett : horn 2 October l«i«>7 : died 29 »ecember 1910 373. Lookwood Henry : bom 17 Artrll lS3i^ : died 13 MoTember 1901 32. # 224. Rural Otraetery, Huntington, Surf oix Oow»ty, sew York, 37^^. i^ttBvts naTuii : wifo or Saeittei Ltttwta : aiea 31 do- cember ld77 : a^ed 82 yearn I^yonfl 375. lefrerts 376. see SaiRKilB ^m- Sitelie : » Oaughter of Henry L _ una cornel la J Ler farts : aied"3T Birch ld'54 : aged 3 years, and # Months 6 Azelle : a daughter of Benry L _ and OornttHa J . Leff erts : dlecTb^^rll 1^60 : aged 3 years, and 9 months milsr see Brash 71 377. »9ad 37t3. Wlllia/^^i : died m- ye"toruary ibuz : ui^t^a 57 yeass Phelae : wife of wiuiaiB Idead : (ilea 14 ApTil 1907 : aged 79 yeiirs tliese two are In a plot 379. ^ir»)4aii Aurrtjrtaj; i _ ^ _ ^ : i)oni 16 Aj^^rli 162.9 : ai»M 2.Q Au^st 16ii3 : this la on a monueient 3^0. ibimy 361. 382. Manny 3*J3. Manny aged 5a years, Bamalms : died 2 mxreh Xii6l and 20 days Olarlfifla H : wife of Barnabas ifenny : died 21 August lis53 : aged 47 years, 10 montng, aixd 1^ days Bajmaa ; uled 28 fetoruary lg4o7 ^t.<., Samh JiL<^ JKS^iili.: wife of bapiuui i> 3[/^TJRg. i. torn 16 Movemtoer 1«03 : alea l^j "" Airll 16'5V 389. Joseph SawMl lAfiWl X ^rn 23 January l^^i^^ : died 2 S«ptent)er 1^6 390. 9?j*mel Denton J>tf!J?\g, i. luorn 15 >ioTei&l»er 1844 died 29 Peoemtier lStf4 3c;:^ uiul 390 are the tone of Samuel D ^ _, aiid Saruh Valtere — — — 391. Rhoda ADiella SMfiJS^ x & d&\«fihter of SMiuel and Sarah Walters : \i«rn 21 August l<$32 : died 3 Jvne lii55 392. Henrietta Van Velsor lAiSjplg, x l^o^rr* i^^ Decem- ber lo'37 : died 12 fetoruary 1903 3**7 per 392 are on a motument 393. H'itt «l^iiiSiSl>®. X ^^Yn 1^25 : died 1509 : no »ore dates h^f 394. Harinfc,h A HASJSt : wife of Piatt iStIL£a^8,l^S]P— 5-eom 1^36 : dlea _ SSS 1909 : no taore dates here "" 395. Edgar H Qli&Ji6i3S^V^ X teorn 6 Aiinutt lii&5 : died 23 SepteiWiser lilVM- 3ii0 per 395; nre all In the B:nUi.e jirn Mitchell see Brush 71 396. itonfoort wiinu.* h : i.crn 15 August ifi2$ :Kavi' 21 AU(^Bt 1905 397. 397. ?*nfoort JSriana i? 5?^P?iii X. ^i£e of Henry A _ Honfoort : born 20 Xugust 16^2 : i'm- 23 De^€»»- ber lo<^l 39ti. aadellne : the oiiiy child of Heur^ a _ aiid Urana P Monfoort : i>orn 3 "Say isTis : died 19 Deeeiaber liidi these three are on a sionwuent 399. Mills Atm iaiza : wife of J fhoaae Mlila : born 26 sovember isZiS T dle^a"is Jtine loc.o *^00. jfc^ry S : an Infant daughter of j Thonas Mills and Ann aiza : died 24 August ifiM-d : aged ll d^^ye 34. ^ 2?.U-, Rurwa Oerietary, HiuitlngtonjftufjColx County, Hmv "jfork. foi. Mills aritiy T ^ : iai inrwit aaiignter of j Xhoj^uR Ml 11 8 anorn 25 Junuury liiTO : died 'd3 June 1871 405. »1 choirs Oldeon A : Ijorn 25 April 1«19 : died 21 3)eeorail»e,f l17. Oakss Qsorge : Ssq. : aied 21 May iis6«> : agea 66 years ^ii'. AVljiaU : wife of aeori^a Calces : died 26 Janu^ arv loo 7 : agea 77 years ^19. Willi aw im*^ : dlod 23 I8&y 187^ : age^ 67 yr ^ aiT,a 9 ^'liontns ^iiO. A^ t : wife of William SMZfH : an. ^ au^v : 1903 : nf> raore aat«?p ^st'? ~* °" 435. PenrSok i&rch 1909 MelTla « _ , and 11. finvfl' _ : tom 2b .Tniy 1^32 : died 5 _. : no a&-<>.Ui date : aged 2 aonths 435. R^« »^36. ^37. Ai*>xander : t>om is?.^ : died 1902 : no more dates here — — — ^ria : teom 1.^29 : died ^ 1905 : no raore dates here — — — Maria wijSKa. JL ^rn 1792: died 14S«6 no inore dates here Sllzabeth 3.W^ x ^^rn .^ li535 : died X 9 : no moTii dates horn — — — these four are on a monument i7. # 22i^. Rural CtK«t«ry, llimtiivgton,8urfoXK Oowity, New TorK. RttsYviore »ee OroBSnan 177 »f39. Raynor 440. 441. 442. Josse : tooKn l^i June 1«00 : Aled 16 Sert©.*- l»«r IS 56 Sarah : wife of Jesae Radnor : uorn 11 May 1«03 : diad 10 i&roh 1864 DaTlti !! _ ^ : a son of Jesse and »arah Rayjjor : t^rn 6 9«ptei«T3«r 1«40 : died 14 Sep- temlBer 185^* Smith : a son of Jense and Sarah RAYMOn : torn 26 Ajrll 1S37 : died 12 Jwie la^fe Reed seft BrusJi 73 443. Ray nor 44i^, aeorgo P : no onteB hare ?)iel&e : vrTf« of George P Rayfior : b©rn lii47 : died , 1901 : nom 11 August i«63 : died H Octoler Adam 1911 this Is on a monDjiert 447. RoRftrs 44d. 449. 450. »t51. Mo««s : died 14 April 1 u Hogers U-5,3. hogers 45c, Ro^,ar8 459. Rogers 460. Rogers ^•5. aaidinit Aiexfinaer : (ilea i Bepte^>i*jr lo62 : agea 72 yeuro, ii TTionVm^ ana r >i''y8 -,ytv, 0>;!«^rity : 'vlfe of KLeT^id^r eaeimls : «lle0 : Jie.«"i 77 years, aiid 7 aonths 4.67. Mary Jan« : a > -.?r of Alexaiiaer ana Ohar- Ity E?-iiiaiie : cli-..^ -> Pouruary 1<>5"+ : ag3(i 20 years, ^trid 6 raonUie 46o. Sarah ailxatowtjn : a. <.Uui^:?!tor ot Alexajulor ami nu-iarity Sa,j?3ls : »llod 16 J.fetrch 1^36 : atjtKi li years 469. Aim Ai'iSlla : a aattghtor of Alexander ana (JTiar- Uy B:;rF>Jr, : died 15 Jf:iJinary 183tJ : aged a yeDTC, -ajid 5 rsontJis 470. Bmmrala aeor-jG ; died 2 Norenfeflr lvi72 : agad 46 years, 9 months, and 10 days 471. R'irrlot : wife of Ooor : < : alea 1 Au- gust 1902 : aged 76 ye.- , ., ...oaths, and ly day a 472. Sananls Elva a : an Infant da^i^htor of Oh-arlea and Luoy S SammlB : died 5 3apteir.t)0r IS76 : a^tM 'i ontlis, Jtnd 30 days ■^ . Sclunldt So.-. . -uiayd 367 Smltn £;;j Or^Jcsc 419 p^^r ^-3 „ 8?»adlx>lt «i3o Ooiaa 272 per '275 473. Saismls H Sidney : dltd 4 .Tanuary ld7o : aged 40 years 40. # 22M-. Rural Caa«tery, HuiitlnKton,8urrolk County, Kew York. 47H. f^Himin Helen A : died 26 June myo i ageora 7 July lof2 : aiaa 7 April 1673 Eliza : wirr> of CN?org0 aainmlB : Taorn 23 Octo- ber 1«12 : (iir»d 3 y*;vy iug4 i<-77. S?i\riiniB Moritford s 9 iftircn lo9^ : torn 7 Koveaber l«H3:aied 47b. SaiQRle M-7V. (Jeorge L : t>om 7 JSay iily i«23 : died 11 ye^nmry iyi2 480. Soudder 4«a. 4^2. jaco>> : 41 fid 11 Pecewljer 1<575 * 'o-m^ 79 yoars, 10 months, and 9 days ail?'?^a>eth : wife of jpoob ««iador : aiaa 2 May 1«6'7 : aged 53 yeare, ^ fflonthe, and 5 oaye Reliecoa » _ _ ^ _ : u daughter of Jucob and El}zar>eth Sc ' * -- : -*' -'d. '*7 Januar^/ lb6Z : aged 45 ypar?, e ■ , 25 days 483. S7 Lj'dlH ?f _ „ _ _ : -^ ^.'lUjji^itot of OerBfcam and Ruth 8c\tdder : bom 5 December 1^537 : diea 3 Karcr! l?Sd tfceg^ three are In the same islot I 4vS7, Soudder 488. iFrael : died 2 iHvcn xen : a^^ea 71 years JuTie A ^ ^^ : '^ife of Israel flouader : died 16 April ld7o : aged 72 yoars 41. f '£Z^, Jmral C0ffi«t«ry, Kuntlngto&^surrolK County* Kew York. 469. Souddtr 490. 491. 492. Joel ; ai9a 29 J^um 1^9 : a«ea 48 yware, 6 B»mths» aiui 4 dfiys wtiiiaa s : isorn 2 Augntit 1^27 : aiea 2ii itoTW^er 1907 Aa«ila : Dorn u Oototo«r 1^30 : ert Zooilor r 1)om 190» : died 1901 : no Kore dates hsr© "* Charles 7> : no dates here mxry Ahgellne : wife of Charles J> a<h : i»om 16 April 1828 : died l^^Aufllist 1902 nsphalet : bom 23 SeoemlMr 1811 : died 13 J^aittary I8er 1808 : died 9 April lo9;? Pbeoe Ann : died 16 February 1859 : aged 19 years, 3 nonths, and one day Caroline » _ ^ i died 21 ]iovemi>er I670 : aged 19 year8»2 months, and 13 days :see OTer # 22^. Rural Co&ttery, Hunt Ington^Suf foil; Comity, Now Tone, asath 500 anti ^1 aore on a aonuncnt : 300 per 303 are all In tne samo plot 506. SlHpson 507. flMlth 50«. 509. SiSltil 510. 511. 512. Jorm Wotley : t>om 21 MartA 1^7 : dioa 13 l^bmary 1S9«{ i>om 7 August 1600 : aioa 29 soTan- iboohiai 1»er 1067 Riitti : wife of looaiaai aiaitn lisOM- : died 24 May li;92 toorn iX Iby Pavla w ; died 4 January 1&6J : aged 39 years, one »ont)t, and 9 days Wieiwa H ^ : wife of DaTld w SKlth : died 10 Se]^ieiil>er Idbo : aged 3^ yeare 5 nonths, and 19 days Sdwln Hatfield : an Infant eon of saTld w and Pnete K aiftitn : died 29 ieptera^e? 1666 : aged 5 laonthfi, and 19 days David Woodfeiai : a son of SaTld w _ _ _ ^ and Phebe R ^ aiBlth : died 3 Deowiber reoeaDer IS70 : aged 4^ ( or li$ ) years, 7 aonths, and 4 dsy« ittoy s : wlfR of Sdwln J _ flalth died 24 SeccEilBer 1^64 : aged 31 years, and 2 gionths 316. Smith 317. Piatt K _ _ _ _ : died 21 jjeoeal^er ldV9 : aged 75 years, 2 i?;onth8, and 12 days »dna K : wife of n&tt H _ Smith died 22 Janu ry 1. :v : aged 55 y«»rs,~ai^ 4 days « 43. # 22*f. Rural Oaaetepy, Huntington, aur folic Oounty, hum xorK, 51s, stlUweil TTicnaaa w : ijorn 4 October 16^ :..v 3 April l^ve 51'^ OilYia M : "born 26 October lcS73:. 27 Septtn^r 1^76 t)i«8o ttfo ara on a oosumant __ Tallcmt see Qrosemtai Xtij ___ happen see i.tonfoort 3V7 ___ 7own0@nd aatj Moyd 363 520, fraln f ^ J : diea 5 January 1912 : agea 73 yeans : • a. a, R. • : «. 8. Uai^y 521. Travis ])anlei : inavn 14 my 1621 : dlea 24 mwch 1^53 322. flKuaafl 523. »fcvl4 : bora 2^ Aufiwst Idi^ : aie4 1 »ei;'t«&- ]i>«r 1^91 Sleanor : wife of 2)aTl4 Shoiaaa : born 26 »ovftii« l^er 1^21 : aiea 12 Au^et 1^69 3^4. TliOftas : died 3 fieoeisber 1Q9^ : no wife of Walter LZSSdAT given here V¥in Velsor aee limny 3*^ y&n i^ok see Brush 7o Vian laae see Rogers 431 525. Wici^s Clara I. Air 11 1906 : bom 10 August issij. : ainii 1 i ^. # ZZ^, Riiral OttBBOtery, aunt ijiii ton, Sufroix Coiuity, Aew Yorit. 526. Hgh^b k ^ _ Onaona : .vo u. '-!■■.' ).31 : died Z'j Au^st 190d these two are on a noiuiffient Joseph : died 19 January IO72 : aged ^ years and 9 i^ionths Henry : died 3 May 1902 : aged 75 years, 5 montlis, and 3 (^ys Hannaii : wire or muxy wiiiets : died 10 Se- cemtoer 1903 : aged 63 years 5^** per 532 are in the sai&e plot 533. wioKes 534. John H _ : diwu -«■ Horeaber lSd5 : aged ^7 years, and 19 days Atobffy H -^ : wife of John H Wlclces : died 23 loreateer 1S70 : aged^T* years 2 months, and 26 ^^s 535* Vlekst 536. Oeorge : i»om 6 Septemher ie^^2 : tii^d 1 i^roh ld96 Maria Louisa : wife of ik&oii^Q wiotas : ^rn 10 MoyemDer lii30 : died 26 August 1^95 537. Wlokes Kurrlet Xllzalaeth : wife of Yerdlnand Wlokes : iwm 20 Vehruary 1S61 : died 16 August XS67 ^5. § 224. Rural Csmetery, »mtln^:ton,9)iffoiic Oounty, kow YorK, 53^. ^'^ICKea 2s January \i^m 537 ana 530 ara on the ssunt stone : Mot* - see the manuecrlpt Mills saA leeks gsiuMaoAy toy viniaT. A. Jaraeloy Ysells 8Q« Drueyi 69 53v. WlcKes 5^. Henry : died 9 Oototoor loVl : aged 54 years. and 2V days' Jlirie A/in : wife of Henry Wioices : died 23 ja» ttaiy liJ74 ; aged 37 years, 7 months, and 22 da;i'^s >«hlte see B/lggs 111 ^saphrey 302 Lloyd 35^ a«d 360 541. li5>o4 5H2. WiUlan H ^ : bom 23 octotar ioxa : died 21 feterwary lii70 William 3 : u son of Wiuian H and Susan B _ „ ^ __ isod : teora 27 Jammry Tei? died 2s jujia itS72 these two are in a plot Winks see Bae 437 and %3^ 543. «6od Bdwln : torn 23 September x^oa : died 30 Octo* Der I6d6 Hutn : wife of aawin m>oa : i^orn 7 s«r^t«at^er i<5l3 : died 16 J«na lay 5 ^odruff see Qo«id 254 and 255 545, Wood 546. Wood John : died 3 Hovsaljer 1«53 : aged 65 years, 4 months, ana Z^ days Henry Scudder : died 19 Ajr ii 1^75 : a 3 years, 6 mont^is, and 13 days H6. # 224, Aural OaH«t«ry, i{imtin6ton,»urroij£. county* Htm Yorj^. 5»^7- lfc>oj : wife of John Woou : and a daughter of Arnold and Judith H^eJt i died 6 April ld<>2 : a^ed 66 yeare, 6 monthB» and 27 days Willi an W _ : ix>ni il &ei>temli)er KSlti : died 9 April 16 74$ Sllza 9 : wife of William W\ Wood : died 10 soyeiftter 1660 : aged 40 yearaT 6 Konths, and 3 days SaraTi Amelia : second wife of William W ^ Wood : died 27 July IS65 : aged 39 years, 4"iB0nth8 and 11 days -. — — — — J tnelr Infant dau^iter : no dates Arnold : died 13 ]>eoeml}or li^63 : aged 30 years* 9 months, and iv uayis : Sergeant : Ooirrpany A : Hew YorK mounted rlflerEan : Killed In the assault on a squad of rebels at Charles City Court House, Virginia William wiimot S^SP^^i died 10 January lcJ76 : aged 33 years, 9 sonthn, and 13 days Jaaes E : ^rn 7 9ert««i*«r 1«35 : died 20 January ltf69 Harriet & -^ : wife of Jsunes £ Wood and a daughter of Samuel and ELlzabeth £l^A^ : died 17 aepteral^er 1665 : aged 31 yettrs *" Annie : r^ dates given here : aged 3 months Williarrt yieotwood iJUJJi.: a son of iDaao P and Judltii F ^ mu> : died 1 Septeinber 1^53 : aged 2 yours, 2 monthB, and 16 dayia : this Is said to be the first body buritea here Oharl<58 Lowery : died iv yel^ruary latnj : age«i one year, 6 months, and 12 days Alon^so Slots : aied 26 May ig63 : aged 3 oiont^ Aiaia siotu : aiud 20 l&,rch 1B61 : aged 3 aontl-is Joseph Gentry : died 6 Octor^or 1^572 : aged 17 years, 2 inonths, aiid 2d days aagtle Boyd : died 20 March 1«ii9 : aiad & ]ffOTeii?dr r{i90 8»rali A WQLli.: wife of Johii f Wdod : ^rn 24 April 1<$33! : dlea lt» Auguet 1693 545 i6x 564 are In a largo plot wnitnan see Brush 76 565. Toric 1^92 Usury : X/om 21 February li>^2 : died 4 August lji91 : wife of Janes ^JOSK& 366. £oeller 567. ^oeller Jacot/ : ^m 24 May liJ29 : died 20 May 190^ AUlgall J — « « S9fiR-5 ''If* ©*■ Jaooto ^OBLL]» : txtrn 2^^ noirsg^Der 1^36 : died 21 August I67b The oldest stone Is #. 33^* Rel>ecoa Lloyd 27 July 172<$ TJiQ latest stone Is # 464» Almlra uuion 10 June 1V13. 4d". BliUSU.BIBLSl. 1721 par l&^y, • Zoi)h«r Brush His Book • - aooolxix - j rliit- t at »(ii«bur«h ^y Alexander Klnoald, • Mis llaje»ty»fl Printer « Thle BiW9 IB on 19 th. May 1913 In the possession of Llm*t. and Hon, Senator Oeorge Wasniniston Brus>i. Brooklyn, new York I.* Aiijij^las • Brush born 13 July 1721 a.Bathsheba Brush l>orn 5 Deoeiftl»er 1722 3.J"o>n Brush bon. Za Fe^bruary 1727 4,P:-'..if .? Bi'UPii torn 21 Kover»iiar 1729 ^.-'^Si.fv Briish born 3^ October 1731 o.aiixaleth Brush uorn 19 July 1732 KieiixntiitYi Brush "bon. 1 Jfrircl. 1734 b. Jesse Brvsh Xiovn 3 i'eiruary I737 V.lietoeccu Brush torn 15 April 1739 lO.BusannalTi Brush l»orn 13 October 1742 ll.JSaherulah Brush Toovn o aejitewljer 1743 Zop^iar BrusVi horn 12 January 17H0 : died 1843 i'^rgaret : his wife : torn 12 January 1749 their two chlldrej; l,?^ry Brush txitn 2 April 1775 2.Sebuion Brush horn 2^- Octofccr 1777 e zoi h«r B Oakl^^ : torn (> Septe/iiT.er 1794 zehulon Brash htid two children 1, El 3 "-'i Brush teorn 26 miVGh I6O3 2. Joi.. -.,:^er8 BriJ.Bh T.orn 10 January Ib'Ol JoJ^ji Rogers Brush and his wife Sllzaheth had ten children - l.JurvlB Brush ^>orn 9 Deoeraljer IS23 2,«ajvViel Brush born 25 Baceriher 1«2«7 5.Ai4i8r Brush born 19 February 1S2« 4.JoBPe Brush born 11 JU/ie ld30 5,j»aary isrizateth Brush born 26 July l4 : yi^oved lo Airll 1^6h : his first and secom ' wivee are not vat Xjiowii : h»» iwirrled third oy u jJhw Yoiiv Bond 30 iJeceialjer 176I i&^rtha lllUj^, the widow of John IXIW : and a daugliter of iiUOIE^^ Ll^ut. Ananias Brush C a son of tills Statiuel Brush ; died 3 Maxch 1794 ; he m;Ar-rled first 24 J'sarch 174ii/43 laiary lOiJ^KY : he j'larrled flecond _ ^ _ «. Judith he hfid five children, iMmuii whom was " "" a.Ziophar Brush : dlou 11 Juntii^-ry lfc45 : married lay a New York Bond, 17 J^eoem'uer 1773 Martiaret ^miXJKAJi : she died 17 April li>;ai : a^oa Iz yeur^ : she was «i dau^ter of Ze'bulon W&lThUHi and J«are;aret ( VA^^ WYOK ) : Zoj^har and iilargaret Brush had tv/o children - l,J*vry Brush : uied 10 Octolor 1793 : aged In her 19 th. year : she rjarriea XlmoWiy OAKLEY : and ytad 1, Zophar Brush OaKLSY E.aehulon Brush : died 5 April lool : aged ^3 years, 5 raontlis, and lii da^e : ho iiaarrled first ^^ January loOO iiilzateti. : " ' -a_: Lorii 17«3 : dlen _ _ 1603 : tii- .. t or Johii H0a.&R3 itinl KUlh " T JQ223L) : he married eecona «. «. _ ^ ^ aueannaJi SAiiMia : hy nls first wlf«, two chlTdren : toy his second wife, seyen cMidrea Sievulon Br^isO taiu iiixiu/eth ( i^uois^hi^ ; : iuid l.cai t. ijoYiii Kogers Krush : died 17 Jioteiuljer 1«J«4 : aged In his o4 th, year ; he married ^3 J?4 An^y Jane iSIj^yi'^ " ' 4.Kev.je88e Brush : itiarried 3 Au^^ust lrook * all In CojjiGctlcut : t>it?y had throe children - l.lSdwird Hale Brush : horn 6 Ootoher 1l6^ : Piarrled 1 ?ehruary 1904 nizaceth ££: >_ 2,Henry Wells Brush : horn i.- jfuvo/iher lv>66 : he is a la??yer in Buffalo, New York : ho niarrled 25 Decemher ioVo Trances iJA£Aii 3.ReT, Ooors« Eertert BrusJ; : ttorn 7i3 '«i;<.roh lo71 : grua'uutea froj'i iiotart Oollei;e, &eaevH,.Kv3w York : he roeiues in RoGheater, N(3w York : he narried ^ 1699 JoeeiJhlne l.AXiil>i.* "^ 'Vaterhury, Vermont they have t?^o children - 1, Anna Bhermuji Bmsh : horn 1902 2, Bdward Wev/cnaih Brush : tiova 1904 Th(3 dencej.dants of this Brush ^aiiily are very iamerous and occupy a propiinent place In the life of to-day. TMe Sli»xe Ia 24 January 1914 in the poseesslon ef >a:a. SiSary SmellTxe ( lljglx ) £«£» of 30 Puntlne Stx-wc^t, JtMnaloii, Long Island, W9W York : th(^ tltlo rat^..? id misslne:, Israel Roger* i oom 2i attU xTorr; 11 Nove.nber 1le : tox/i 7 April 1.^35MlfJ(l lb »ec -; 1 , Weutur^* Higbie : born 25 fl^pteirdjeT I640:ulfjfi _ >^ »ary Jtoellne Hlgljie : torn 3 yetrwary l<>4-2 Botert Kye Hlgtic : torn 20 Oototer l<376 Syaa J _„^^ J'ox : torn 11 i^etruary lo-:! Crae»j Sveline Vox : torn i-- ch ItiuE Viola JSiy MeeKer : torn li- io6i : dloa 1^ ' i Lll.l^^' A^iracii '■?(i.i.^,.^r:Vor// . - ar l^'i^.r-ilt-^a . , .^ Barah J _. ^ Fox : torn 21 January 1^67 Clinton Atlatriar Fox:torn 6 T. or lo7?-:ule(i 1 ; c , ^ . ,. Wiiilai; Western ^oxriyoru 21 ,, x X073 :aiea y ^a.,. i.^w4. yredaie Pox : torn 4 yetruary i&J^z div^d 10 January li>6i "So ■'■:oT : died 19 Becuisiter li'64 w.; ...... ....^^ie : (lied c January lo'ii: : a eon of Western Hlgtle Atlat>):u- I _^__ JAigtie : dlea 30 Doceiucer l10 itixmuu U Plait '71x1 £i completes this Bltlu f 0^ • HlglJle eenaalosloal noteB '■ .-- '-'^•' with u-tj 4- BlUlo : froi. the XiiX'ja i stole ff©neui. ,.^, l/i tha poaeeefllon oi* wiiiicuft a. Buraeiey. Tn«*« notas ar« from 17o7 to lb'V6. John 8 mgbie : \oxn 27 J^y 17^7 : married Sarai; lilj^: and had A^ ^ " ' ' ie : horn 1 Jt.l> lol?: : .mrrlo., X'lret J'- _ _- _* -.1 ToorA 1^4- A\-i£i»Ast liilo : a aauiiiiter of Israel and Htmnah M Roasas : he married aecosd ^«._^ Jier BlBtor PTiOlD© Amaiula RO&£RS : «o ohlXdren t>y hi*? Rfloond wire AV' r ana -" ^Jo : haa : children- 1.. Kogere i:..,_. : ....•:n\ 7 April i>.^., : died 16 l>66 ; age5^z 5. A .ar I Jii^Lio : Loiii _ 6.Rooert Sye ill i^lui© : l}orA 20 Ootoljer'"i^7Tr "" 3. Mar- r-riLlne Higbl^j : lyorn 3 ' 1^42 Xn flosorls, long . uind,Hew York:ir,arriea Juie 1^60 Bornjaian ifee* ar fcorn_^_^ i;531 in lomitxiliwJci ly Deewaisor Xi^^h at the l)attle of Peterauurg.virginlu: . «ou of Aijrahaist Meex - William Oaorge ilOji bom 1 fey la,-,! m Bngland : a «o« ©f Johii 10^ ana iiiixatooth Ami ( , ;:two Meeier children Blx FOX Ghildreji l.yioiJi ?^iij/ ii<3iixar room 12 J&*roh i^i6l:dled lif Aijrll im ■) Deo. io62:dled 24 Dec. I063 3.^1aruh J :&ox : Lcru 21 jair - ;u67 : /tsarrled is Octoi)9r iJ^w Jacol/ A i;. . / : no children ^5^^f J^" Al;lath£ir yox:bom ii »ec.ir72rdied X^ S^i^d^ Miii^,f'' ^^^^^^'^^ Poxzborn 21 Oot.li;75: dletl 9 Jan.idsi d.yroddle iox : horn 4 B'etruary io?o : died 10 Jan.idSl 7.Sr^rau J S^x : toorn 11 yel-.i<^*{i: single 1914 c.Oraoe JLVoilne Jtox : born 2 mrch UiS2 : single xym. J?fi?l?'^^A*®!l4.^*'^^*^,,'^®'*®^*'®'» ««® ^^® type-written notes of 7ii<^J"/- 5^'^^^i^i'. '^A., on tho Hietor>- of Srringfieia. Iohe I8lar»d,»ew York: also the 8prinsfieid,Kew York, O^J^tery r^c?^d 49. Brush g9n«alO£loal notes 1610 - 1904 froa tns largs eoaiaiscrlpt of wiiiiam a. Sardslsy.* thomhH Brus^i : loom 1610 : died I675 : in I637 to Runtl&i^ont Lonii Island, lew Yorx : his wife Rebscca ( ? ikf>i»X^_* ) died 9 Arril 1670 : they had 4 children, among whow was " Soi^i Briish : i)orn 1650 : died nko : his wife was lannaA FLaTT. ^ 53. # aiti*. Hio-al 0«i«t«ry, KttRtl»gton,8ttffolJi: County, K«w Torx. Kotes on the LLOTO Fsimlly : i6'?l - 1V04 : in oormeotlon wlWi tJta laoyd lotiraaoTed to this ce»i«tery: froj. tti« largp iiaiiu8crlx>t In pojisMtlon of wiulais A.Xaraoloy. J«u8e« Lloya : of s«ivp«rt, RDode Xixana : ^m I631 : died lo AUgiut 169S : aged 47 years : hie wlii vyas dated 2^ Ser- teatier 1093 : he married firet ai>out X670 QrlselOa ( or Oriselle ) »t2tysBQ[;i|| x & dau^nter of Vatiianlei ll^VjB^raL of 82ielter Zeland, Mew "Jtork : he aarrled second Ret)ecoa jfciepBOTLs ii«>rn 5 »eoeial>er 1664 : a daughter of General Jo)m LXVBIKT of M&ssaotmsetts, and Sara^i ( MMlz- Sis^ : Jaaes Lloyd had t^tree children > 1. Henry Lloyd : ^m 2i> »OTejt*er ld«5 : died 18 March 1763 : i^arrled first ^ ^ Rebecca JWISR.: toom 15 isovem- her I600 : died '^^ Jva.y 17^^ : a daughter of Capt. John JiWfi^: o^ Boston, I&SB,: ai4d Catharine ( Ia2^:#L.: ^ daughter of Oo^ernor William 1A£IJPIJ : Henry Lloyd fliBrrled second is&iry 2 Josejih Lloyd : Xtovn 3. * drizzle • Lloyd : horn y-^ni'y LioiU ana liebecea ( msiSOK ) : had ten children - I.Henry Lloyd : born «^« 2.Joh»i Lloyd : horn 19 February Bim 17ll/l2:died ic v u 1795 he llTea on X*loyd*e SeolCf td&ti^ Island, Sew T(> : .arrled 24 3>eoenher 1741 Sarah 1Q£»I^Q[ j. bom 17 April 1719 : a daughter of Re¥. Benjamin moJMTSt born 19 I^Tseiber 1667 in Janalca, Hew YorK : died 15 August 1756 : aged 69 years : and Sara^i ( l^CC^^U ' ^<^> S«%Ja»iln ivas a son of Oeorge WOOLSSY Jr. : S^'ah 7AYL0R ivas a daughter of John TAIELOR and ife^ry ( 3fQW^&^ X ' ^l of Jaj&alcu : 3. Margaret Lloyd : bom 4. Jaraee Lloyd : bom 5.Joserr) Lloyd : bom 1797 6*RebeccH Lloyd : bont 31 October 171<^ : died 13 8ei teiaber 1791 In New Haven, oonn.: ir&rrled _^^^ 17^2 Col. Ifielanothon Taylor B>^I£IQC X ^ni 6 June 1717 : died 26 Sijitetaber 175^ : aged 41 years : a son of Rer. Bwijanin W002^|;]Q[ am Abigail ( SAlf^^) * She was a daughter of Jolai lA£^fOf Oyster Bay, Long Island, Hew York, iiho married Mary WRZTmUB, a daughter of fianlel WHITEBSAB : Rebcca Lloyd Woolsey had six children 7.Sllz&beth Lloyd : bom ^ _ S.viiilam Lloyd : bom : baj t. 24 January I7ii3 ^' ??ii. Rural 0«met«ry, Huntington, fluf folic County, Nsw York, Lloya Vw&lly note*. 9.1&t}ianiel Lloyd : l>orn 10. jaffi«B Lloya : t>om Jonn Uoya and SaraH ( W0OL8BY ) : had umn ohlldren l.Hanry Lloyd : torn Stanford, Conn.:£2 Jwly 17*^3 : died single at Lloyd's Seek, Ifew Tork,m- January laz^ aged 61 yeura 2.JoJm Lloyd : bom fltaioford zz Fetirwary n^^/>^5 : died a»f »e- o«nX)er 1792 : married April 17JJ3 Amelia J^IS J. bom 7 May 1760 : died ]3anoury, Conn.l August 1^1^ : aged 38 years : a daughter of Rev. Sbenezer Jl^tiSt of 3}an1>ury, Ooim. , and Amelia Wity { JE^Jpi^BLof Veytaouth, Maes.) 3. Rebecca Lloyd : bom Stainfora, Ooxui.: 2 January 17^6/47 : married Lieut. Oot» John fiRfltOlpB^ H-.Theodoeia Lloyd : bom Staj&ford, 10 January 17^^ : died ZO July 17^^9 $• Abigail Lloyd : borri 8tiwQford,Conn.l3 7ebruary 17^0/51: married _-.-. — -.— Sr. J»j»eB &(^yi?^A^ of Hew Tort 6. Sarah Lloyd : bom Stafford, Coiin. 2 July 1753 : laarried Hon. James H1LLH0U8S of Sev Karen, Goioi. T^Uax&xTBt Lloyd : bom 3 ]>eo«dber 193^ : died 11 March 1737 1756 John Lloyd and Auielia ( WHIT£ ) : had tl^iree ohlldren ~ l.Jniiii Kelson Lloyd : bont 30 December 17ecMiber 1«:>16 : died 16 Dceea- ber 1904 : married lb'39 Joseph Milnor JPi^JpB of (£uinoy, Illinois : and later of Trenton, Now Jer- sey : She died about 1(^42 : leaving Charlotte Higt)£e bom £ May le;4i : dlk^d 9 August 1904 : ^rried Oscar SPJSigfS, " 4. Phebe Lloyd : bom__ : married Alexander H SlfflPieaL! of Hew York 2. Angelina Lloyd : bom 12 8ept«aber 17S3 : died 20 September HS14 : aged 29 years : serried , ^^ aeorge Washing- ton i|l£QSDL.: they hafl two ohlldren 3.M^ry AiMlla Lloyd : bom 19 February 1791 : died in Hew Iferk, 10 January lu06 : aged 15 years 55. Kurai Ht^a^^ai'^t iimitiast^^h , uisn Yor3c:172«.-xyi^, Index of P Corta ^ b*^ grwaUh 49 Mary 53 Aokarly : John u « ^ ^ Adams ; Yraak R 4 Altaff : Rattle 4 Arthur : Sdwln 1 4 ifery K H- Baldwln : _ 11 Aaellssall Tlrzati 12 AlexaMer 7t^ Almlra ii Sarratt : ^ ^ ^^ AUo^iia 21 Axtmi&M 2-1 Se Witt c _ . 21 freesiaTi 21 01«Tla 2i stepSiea 21 Susan 21 Siisannah 21 »»yli« : .« 39 Genealogy 19 Onarlas T 6 Oeorgd w 6 Haunan 6. Battle 6 Henry f> 6 Louie G 6 n^rrln T «. « 6 Rtc&arft 5 Saran E ^6 mtsan 7 f Imothdus 7 Berry : litry & 7illlaei' C -. — ^' Biette : oeorge I 5 Jolm 5 JotJR « _ _ _ 5 SaraH f j Blggt : 35f '^ Boimer Bowen ; Boners Biggs : AiUXiU. Ai ^ ^ _ _ „ -i^--- Oarii, 12 Sleanor A(T.ella 12 laisa 12 Oeorge ^ , 12 Oeorge Mary WlI^^^^u* iz Blo<»af ield : lo Mary a, ^■9 11 Ida K _ . ^ _ 20 John 5 13 A,4V Alfred P; V 5 Alloe Aaella 4V "" Allee Adell^ iz Alice Ifary 13 Almeaa li Any Jane V, Anna 7 Amia aaeliri£i ; Annu Shenaan i70 Bathsnetoa 4<$ Cornelia 13 »ayld C ii SorotJay 4,7 BdBtina Wlie^ler 9 sanard Sewcoab 50 Idward Male 30 ailza » _. _ 5 Sllz&)>etii ci,9,10,ll, Elizabeth 12,4*.^, 49,50 sua 7 silen ^,49,30 Bvellne M 3 Tranoe* 50"* "" <^«orge 7t9 Oeorge Baya 13 Oeorge Herbert 30 Oeorge W g, 12 aeorge Washington 4^,49 aiitoert 3, o, 10 Oilbert » _ _ 4 Slibertlne y 11 fiannah 7» 4« Hannah S il Hannah M 9 Sanntih Mir la 9>49 H«nry v^iis 30 Herbert Bowers 13 Herbert jSooarora 13 Janes K 13 Jaaes H 4 Brush : J'ane XLiza 10 Janrle 10,4<^,49 JarYle _ ^ _ 10 Jesse 4, 7, ;a 49 ifc*ry 5» 7,9,43,49 JfiUf^ Aiiii iO, 49 Mary mizaijeVii 10, 4^, v. ifery J ^ _ >; ifehexolah 46*" Ofioar y _ . « ii Phebe 4^ """ Phebe Aiin 4i^,49 Hebecua 9, 4ij, 49 SajftUel 5,«»9,4iJ,49 dariAh 4,3 Surai-i G , 4, 5 Sarah u ""3 0i«th ijm 52 . s Alice 1^ : Bridget KLlza 13 .« 11,1P-,15 oenealogy 19 Anne S 16 Caroline E 13 Sgbert £ 16 I'army 15, 16 Trsmoesi A . Ollbert 15 » 16 Ollbert E ici Jaco^ P 15 a^ila H 16 011\'(?r 6 _ . 15# PTsM^e A-_ -. X6 CanHA : , ^1^ Sllsateth £,^9 Cluric 12 Burton Butler Oannon Qarll Carman : Jotm 6, 49 Mary «co& 13,l"4^ ,»eToy : .- n (J Z"*ZT^ Rel^eoea 8 14 DioKle : _ 20 Ro«etta 1^ Aie5cand«ir 19 Warren STaraiiii 14 jj^ . charlotte Id 15 jjoil AlmeOa 11 Dillon : Ch , . u« 1^ ^^ fiMfiita mia lo oox : Rt^ Croeettton infant 17 Alfrea 7i ^ 17 xinnzo _ _ ^ 17 Sets^ 1? W' •s IV T 1« , 19 19 .19 19 . -. WiiliiiBi T _ ^ ^ ^ 19 leteey Amelia 17 iiardelr/ : wtliiam A 2,3,4,19, saward Kliton 17 ^4, 25)49, Hiiyrin m>od 17 30,52,53 Bially A ^17 ' ■ a: X -j-ebio 1 ?ruiikll»i sr ^__ 16 Srioeon : ) ou&ert 17 Oould Wlljr»ot IS JaCOTa H 16,17 Kary 17 Srane ife-ry Q 17 yield Ifery R ^ 17 MatTiUda C 16,17 %ron 16 Sa41e 17 yieet *^raJi 17 DaTls : 19 )8etsey Aiselia 17 Oharles H _ _ _ 17 Sayton : ^ ^ . 19 D _, E o Dennlston : Aii«»l» IS • h C l.S ?0X sAiiEWiiift C _ _ _ 1«5 Denton : 39 jottn H ^ ao Eteell : 19 Bortiia ifiay 34 : fJiOrias 20 . : «Ti;.;irl • 5ii52 ^. J" , 5lf52 ;»■. Rural Cemet«x'y,Buntirtgton,long lHland,S6w Yor^ : IMex of Fereons page 5 Vnt ; aiiistt : Fhabe Ann 32 Giaason : skills, rji^-^a Olorer : oouia : ; ^ ^jf=-*tj>>f^j :t z^ Julia Ji&ria 2a Katie 22 K ^ ... KUHh 22 SfctraU B 23 druaaxi : -- *^^»^ jeiTilel 24 Freaaie 51? 52 . QTS.G9 Sveiine 51,52 J' ■>. i^^^. wiiieline 51 ifiiry Jbma 51 8flwli« iT _^ 51 Sarah J _^ 5'*i-t^2i WlllJaiii eeorge 51,52 Willi:4.rfi Western 51f52 ' f^Pi■>..n^^ : Aiaella JJari^ 54 V%. : 20 Carrie 2^ Ellel f ,^ 2.5 Gaiuee : 14 Laura Annette 23 Laura W 23 LlUi« 23 U&xiim H _ . 23 siary 23 Royal A 23 ? ^«r ""-^o^ (^ieiaara : i^ „ ^ i" 21 B^^^iii^a w '^^ Hagar : I 50 a&rainer : S, 10,20,25 Haggerty : i-L-ucUe ^ti Alraeiia a 21 »Bailitoa : 20 Al/^sy 21 liamaJi 9 i^* Ojiiirles H .^ iV JesBle ;a, . 2!> yreemang. .-«— 24 1 24 t '':S 25 .iza 24 ... ,. - ?.^ Olairies R _ ^ 24 siiza 24 "" 60, Rnral Ceraetery.Kuntlngton^lKjng Island, 3J©w To^v : !72a-l913 IndOTc of Persons n^9 HewQtt : Wiliiaw 25 Jo 8 epr: Kllnor 54 Higgle : 2o Gonealogy 24,52 Aoiutrar 5if52 Ireland AbiaUiar 1 ^ ^'-^t?! Allen Ai3latr:aT 5?- irelaurt Angelina 31 r- -■ -*^ 31 EoKpJirey : « — — '*5 Sliuer 52 " '-i 52 ^- i M 24 J m mor 31 jeejrmeTte ^ JejTnet 52 Jem^ett 51 ".ogerii :>i,i32 .. ~- > '- "^s joBtrpn l^lnor .31 Julia 51.52 -tSitri'di J 24 Mary 52 -JIarv Si'iOilno 51»52 mi^ ■ ■: ■ -'-i 51,52 sov _ 31,52 Willi;. •;« 52 Kl|p)y : ^5!'y a&i]»iine 51 Hill>;oU8e : ' • 5*^ , ._ - 5^ Hotayt : Retjscca >^9 Jfowatt : 25 3£iry 21 William 21 Hugine : ^^ aartiia 49 Eull : „ 25 Ir.r.ao ? _ , — ^' Judith y '♦^ villlan fldettfood 46 ; 26 Surd : "6 Loifi 20 Inn08 : w-.ry 52 26 Al^«rt""26 Atidrew J 26 Ciicirles R . ^ 26 Jiarrlst 26 Jfeir^4.ret 11 Place W 26 H _.__ 26 ... .. .;7 Jaaes : Iraria 2? : A ^ Ajmiia '^-a ■'•■-.nne A „ H7 r 27 Carll 27 ^o'rin 50 joaopn H , 27 J£^ ' ' - « ^ -. 5fi BVtv Sarah ie7 - Lwella 27 ■m H _ .^ 27 JennSngc! : Sllxa^eth 50 Johnson : _ 26 }8mlly T 29 oeorge B 29 Jones : r 27 L ^th 27 m .;etn s 27 JOiUt 27 Kary Ann 27 Piatt 27 61. Rural Cemetery, Buntlngtonylorig I8land,]rew York: 17^^^1913* Index of Pereone page 7 • Jones : wiiiiajB CHester 27 Keen : jUaanOa 26 Artenesia Z6 Oeorglanna 28 • Melissa M RoDert 26 -28 Kel^ey : CoRiain 24 Trances 2ti John 2g xel^ey : Ibry ^9 Sarah A . 29 Willie Piatt 2S } WoodWall S --29 Xetcham : 26, 28 Infant son 29 Cornelia 13 telly I 29 Henry 8 29 Heaxy w 28 Xsaao 8 2'^ Julia A 29 Phebe J 29 Klncaia : AlexaaAer ^ Klrl»y : BogerjL 28 Klssa£i : ,_ ^ 29 Sll2a1»eth H6 Harriet £ _ 46 99MBU1 U Wllllaa ViliBOt 46 Snlgbt : George T - 2<; Mary K 28 KnuwenhOTen : Bamardus 29 Eliza Jane 29 John w 29 Lefferts : Azelle 32 Cornelia J 52 ift^any ^telle 32 imry i» _ — — — 32 Sanuel 32" "i^^^^ou^fx^ ;-^ ^ ^ Sarah 32 ^./...^ 55 Lindsay : 29 f,,,,^ s^ . fii&a 43 t^ater 43 Lloyd : . 15,16,26, Marshall Lloyd : 39,43,44,45 Family 4,53,54 Plot 30,31 Al^lgall 30, 5^^ Anella 30,5^ Angelln* 31|54 Caroline B — — 31 Sllzaheth 53 Orlselda 53 Grlselle 53 Grizzle 53 Henry 30,31.53, 5»^ Janes 53,34 John 30,31,53,34 John I 30,31 John Helson 30,31,5^ Joseph 53 Margaret 53,5^ iiB«y 30,53 Mary Amila 30,54 Hathsoilel 54 Phehe 54 Phetoe c 31 Phehe T 30,31,5^ Reheooa 30,53,54 Sarah 53,5^ Theodosla 54 WlUlax 53 LooKwooc : srerett 31 Kenr:y 31 Luhrs : Alfred H 31 Hlcholas 31 Lyons : 32 Daniel J 40 Helen A 40 : -20,23, 33, 35,^3,44 Barnitbas 32 Clarissa H 32 Hannah 32 Hannah A ^ 53 Janes 32 Jajses W 3^ Abraham L 32 I 62. Rural G9amfry^mai%in&Um,lon& Xelana»ii«w Yorit:ir*ii5-ivi3. Xxuiex of PersoBs page ({. XloirsiOls Oalces Oalcley Hay : BertHa 3^ MMul : Fhol9« 32 VllxiaM 32 Meeker : Al^ralaaa 52 Beigaaln 51,52 Lilly Aurdell 51,52 Mary Bnta 51 MEkry SMllne 5l»52 Viola Itoy 51,52 Miller : 32 Any Jane 9fH9 Beory 9 Tereea 9 Mills : 19 Genealogy 45 Ann Sllsa 33^3^ ' ailly t 3^ J - - • - fhoaas 33,3^ Painter Janes B ., 3*^ "MTT M 33 Pedrloi: 08l»ome Mitchell Monfoort Peleer Perry : Pl&oe : 33 Tereea 9 ^3 Stcna P _ 33 Kowfy A _ S^ 33 maeXlne 33 WlUlan H 33 Kelson ; 35 Catharine §9 53 John 32,53 Maron 32 Phei9e Ann 32 Reheeoa 53 : 3^ Alethea 8,50 men 8,49,50 Harrey 8,50 : George w 34 Gideon A 34 Joseph 34 Llz£le 34 Mary 2 34 Sarah C , 34 Stephen B 34 Prlise irewo(ad» Mlchols : Susan 34 Susan M 34 Susie 34" WlUlaa 8 _ _ _ 34 39 Ahlg&ll 35 George 35 - 35 M&xy 9,49 Tlaothy 49 Zopl^g^ Brush 49 zopj^pr B _ _ jws O'Kirrell : « « 35 na^rgMret 11 «--.-35 Jaaes 4? Sfery 47 Jane 35 WlUlaa 35 I George W _ 36 Melvla 9 _ 36 ' . 35~'" Sll2ifi 12 family 4 Plot 36 Bdwln Borr 49 John 36 Julia 36 l&xy Ann 36 Phet^e Ann 49 Phllo R _ 36 Tredirell B 36 35 Borothy 4 Bllzaheth 49 Bannah M ^i Reheoca 14 : Jane 50 36 Xadle 10 ifekry Slizaheth 10,49 Thonas 10, 49 Mathanlel 9 36 Piatt Powell Priee 63- Bvisral Oaia#tery,ButttiAgton,Loxi& IslHntk,]l«w YoTls.iXT^&^l^l^ lvA%x of Porsons pago V • B;u> : ^ 45 Rogers Aldxanldr 3<» Maria 36 Rapp : Vrank B ^ M- Vrank ftiil 2 Ra2mor : 33&Tia S 37 Rowland Oeorg© P 37 Je«»« 37 Rulon : Vh»^ 37 RttsHBore Sar&n 37 saltn 37 samla : Re«d : 37 &inttali M 9 mawsA ttaxla 9,49 Relciidrt : Cliarles 37 Rider : S&r&h 3^ Rittweger : Adaa 37 Rogere : 3^,43 BaT»y 3^ Bil»le ^1»^2 A1>«1 3ti Addison 3 30 £ll2ul>dth 9,49 Mia M ^ 37 Elliot 8 38 Smeline ^1 Zpenatue 31 ?ranoe8 3<3 fffl i n w" ?' 31 BRBaab Ii^aflna 3^ 8c2iialdt B&imali K 51,52 Zsaao 3S Israel 31f32 Isrr el }£arrln 31 Seudder d'aatne 31 Jennet 31 Jenaett 32 Jcnn 9,49 Louis B _.^ 36 mrla 31 Mary J 3S Mary S "3^ Moses 37 Phe^ Aaanda 31,32 Piatt 37 Rosette 37 Ruth 9,49 saraJi 37 ^phar 51 : Smith 38 Susan T _ AiRlra 3tf : -.-.-.-37 Mary 17 39 Alexander 39 Ann Amelia 39 Charity 39 Oharlee G 39 Rllza 40 Siva 39 George 39,40 Oeorge L _ ^ _ ^ 40 M Sidney 39 Harriet 39 Hielim A 40 Jonas 19 Lucy S 39 Mary Jane 39 MoRtford Z-_ Rei^eoca 19, -> Sarah Elizabeth 3^ Susannah 9,49 ^ -. -. - 39 Charlotte 31t3^ Oscar 34 Oscar Sdgerton 31 Adeline 41 Catharine 41 Sllzaldeth 40 George 41 Gersl^iyn 40 Israel 40 Jacob 40 June 40 Joel 41 I^dla M 40 Morris X> 40 64. Rural Cemetery, Huntington, Long Xslana^irew Yorx: 1723<-1913 Index of PersofUi page 10, Scudaer : Retecoa B 40 mith : Zlpporaii a . 3 > ^-Stevens : Alexander H 54 Stlllwell : ouvla V. 43 Tlwaas w 43 Sesley Sedgwick SelX'^ck Stiadtiolt Ruth 40 WUllan 8 ■&Ti8llnd 51 Ro'oert 31 : aarah 53 ; villlaA B : 39 41 strlvklana ^^ gfttifoag i Sylvester ---.23 51.52 Jailer Valloot Ci^arles MBiry 23 Minnie 23 Baauel V Shipley : Jacoi? A _ . Sadie J _ „ _ _ 51 Saran J 52 Sine : Ifery Lou lee 41 George nishington 41 Washington B 41 Slaonson : RoD^rt Zoeller 41 Simpson : Jotat Wesley %z Slote : 39 Sarah A 4? Smith : 39,^ AM gall 35 Caroline ii 41 jjioy^^^g Clara A _ ^ 41 lluttle M 41 Angelina 54 Cfeor^e Washington 54 !toppen S^lor £) Charles David W _ _ _ 42 Sarld WOodhull 42 Xdgar Sheldcn 35 Edna M 42 Idwln Hatfield 42 Bdwln J ^ Sllphalet 41 Oeorge Wllllaa 43 I B 42 Lucy E 42 Mary Angellne 41 Patience 41 Phel>e Ann 41 Phefee H 42 Piatt H 42 Ruth 42 William 35 Woodhull 42 41 Orlselda 53 arlseile 33 ITiathanlel 33 eee Taylor Oiitliarlne 53 Wllliaei 33 : „ 43 RlK>da Beatrice IS 43 EKJiaa P ; 33 Abigail 33 John 53 Josephine 30 Mary 53 Sarah 53 29 David ¥3 Eleanor 43 Braa 43 Johit 49 I^rtha 49 Towiseaa : 43 Sarah W 30 Train : P^^^J ^3 Travis : Daniel 43 Van xaiae : 43 Ella M 37 Garret 37 43 ©ara-h 33 43 2&irgaret 9,49 - 44 HeiirTetta VJan Veisor ^^ Joseph Sasuel 33 Titus Vian Velsor : vaii nycic w^itdrs : I 65. Rural Cojuetary, Bunt In^^ton, Long tsXand^liimv Yoric: 17^o->iyi3. Znaex of PorBOiia : page XI, Waltars : Blioda Amelia 33 3as2U«l D 33 Samuel Denton 33 Sarah 33 Ve«]M : eea Wlckes oenealogv 43 Wells : 35 Aletnea 3,50 Wheeler : Hajmali 5I imitQ : M-5 Aiaella 30,5'^ Aselia Hary 3^ Sbenezer 30, 3^^ Hiza 12 Hannah 26 ifery 30 Wllliasi IZ wnitenead : Sanlel itery 53 Whltsaaa : ^7 ifergaret 9,49 Zeimlon 9,>^9 WICK8B : see Weelce K 44 u...,. L 43 S ^ Orraont 44 Verdinand 44 Oeort^e 44 Harriet Slizal^eth 44 Henry 45 iQlm U 44.45 iSarla Louisa 44 Marie JOm 43 lannie £llzaoetn 44 wiilets : iiannan 44 Henry 44 Joseph 44 Piatt » 44 Sarah 44 winKs : «. -. 45 lllzalieth 36 iferlf^ ^^ fboaruf r : 45 Cliarlptte R 22 Horace 22 Wood : 20, 25, 29, 39, 44 Atol«ail J . «. 47 Anne Siote 46 ABSiie 46 Al^ald 46 Chatlee Lowery 46 Seborai^ 4q Sdiffln 43 Mlza 8 _ „ 46 Harriet S - - ^ HeriTy Scsudder 45 JaiKes « . — 46 John 45, 46 JoLn F 46,47 Joseph Qentry 46 ISiggie Boyd 46 Rtttii ^,45,49 Sarah A ^ 46,47 Sarah Aoolla 4o Suean B -.45 William H 45 Wililais 8 ^3 WilJLiaTu W 46 Woolsey : — — 44 Abigail 33 BenJaiQ^in 33 George 33 Uslanothon Taylor 33 Ret>ecea ii 30 Bebecea Lloyd 53 Sar^ih 53,54 York : 35 . Mary 47 Toung : Oeorge w 52 Je^mette 52 Jiosller : 44 AVlgaiX J 47 Jacol. 47 % 66. Rural Cemetery, »uitliieton,Lon£ l8land,iJew York : 172*^-1513 Index of Plaoar.. Bermlngton, Venoont 12 BoBton, !&ee,, 53 Brooklyn, jrew York, l,2,4,ii,l£,i3,3* Sew Britain, (3omi. , 50 Hew Haran, Conn,, 53, 5^ Hew|)ort, RJiod« Island, 53 Hew York, 2, 4, 5, 21, 49, ^^ Oyster Bay, long Island, Hew York 53 Peterslaurg;, Virginia 32 Qulnuy, Ililnolfs ^K Roc>:e8ter, Hew York, 50 Roscommon County, Ireland, 13 Saratoga, Sew York, 12 8agr1»rook, Comi,, $0 ^" Shelter Island, i^ew York, 53 Springfield, long island. Hew York, 52 Stamford, oorm., 50, 54 trentOA, Hew Jersey, 54 WaterTsury, Venoont 50 We«t Hills, long Island, K*^ York, 4, tJ Weynottth, SbisB. 54 i^