.9 REGISTER OP TRADES OP COLORED PEOPLE IN THE :iY OP PHILADELPHIA AND DISTRICTS. REGISTER TRADES OF THE COLORED PEOPLE IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA DISTRICTS PHILADELPHIA: MERRIHEW AND GUNN, PRINTERS, No. 7 Carter's Alley. 1838. I»\5^n REGISTER. These carry on business. Of those not marked about one- half work as Jonmeijmen, and the rest from choice or necessity folloio other occupations. BAKERS. Brown, George, Parham street. Campbell, Randolph U., Bedford below 12th. Fox, Daniel D., Passayunk road below South. Hainesley, Risdon S. , 7th below Shippen. Hoy, Isaac, 12th above Shippen. *Miller, James, 27 Prune. Roiiker, Alfred, Eagle court. Turner, ./ohn, Hog alley. Wilson, James, BASKET-MAKERS. ♦Banks, Murrill, Pine above 10th. ♦Brown, William C, corner of South Se- cond and Swede's alley. ♦Russell, Richard, Giles's alley. BLACKSMITHS. Banks, Solomon, Eagle court. ♦Booker, Cornelius, Lebanon, below Fitz- water. ♦Booker, John, Lebanon, below Fitzwater. Bounds, Richard, ♦Bravard, John, Shippen, below 8th. Brown, John, Relief alley. Costello, Reuben, Prosperous alley. Glaze, George, (and carpenter) Franklin St., Southwark. Green, Samuel T., Davis's court. Holley, Aaron, Type alley, above 12th. Johnson, Isaac, Johnson, John, 36 Gaskill. Lew^is, John, Davis's court. Miller, John, Coates, between 11th and 12th. Miller, Nathaniel, Morris, below Fitzwater. Moore, George, Paschall's alley. Morris, Benjamin, corner of Broad and Paper alley. ♦Quin, John, near Schuylkill Frontand Vine. Roberts, Charles J., Bonsall street. Shad, Jeremiah, Kneass court, George St. ♦Stevenson, John, Shippen below 8th. Thomas, William, Atkins court. Wells, John, Currant alley, above Locust. BLACK AND WHITESMITHS. Albert, Abraham, Bedford, below 8th. Cramer, James, Pine, below 10th. Scottron, Samuel, 6th, below Catharine. Smith, Amos, Wagner's alley. ♦Smith, Thomas, Wagner's alley. BLEEDERS. ♦Allen, Richard, 7th, below Lombard. ♦Bias, James J. G., 2 Acorn alley. *Butler, Wallace, 16 Bird's court. ♦Copeland, Allen, (and shoemaker) 155 Lom- bard. ♦McCrummill, James, (and dentist) 266 North 3d. ♦Nash, Charles, (and cabinet maker) Quince, above Spruce. ♦Norman, William, 226 Lombard. Peppell, Philip, 3 Shippen. ♦Purdy, John, (and shoemaker) Middle alley. BLEEDERS AND HAIR-DRESSERS. ♦Bass, Joseph, Race, corner of 4th. ♦Butler, Thomas, 3 North 8th. ♦Furber, William W., 85 South 12th. ♦Rolley, Abner, 112 North 5th. ♦White, Jacob C, 100 Old York road. BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS. Anderson, Philip P., Emeline street. ♦Armstead, John, Juniper alley. ♦Armstrong, John, 61 Currant alley. Augustus, Joseph, Barr, Alexander, 12th above Spruce. Bibbins, John, Osborn's court. ♦Bird, James, 252 South 7th. ♦Blake, Levin, Shippen, below 7th. Brown, Andrew, (and tanner) 1 Toy's court. ♦Brown, James, 243 Shippen. ♦Brown, John L., 359 South. ♦Brown, jr., Morris, 359 South. Brown, sr. , Morris, 241 Shippen. ♦Burns, Francis, Locust, above 6th. ♦Campbell, Anthony, Milton, above lOih. Chavers, Jesse, Leyden court. ♦Colly, Daniel, (and tanner and currier) 189 South 6ih. ♦Condy, James, Catharine, above 7th. ♦Coots, Reuben, 12th, above Spruce. ♦Copeland, Allen, (and bleeder) 155 Lom- bard. ♦Cornish, Henry C, St. Mary's, below 7th. Custis, Lewis, Washington, above 11th. ♦Davis, Manuel, 34^ South 2d. Davis, Peter, Sterling alley. Depee, Abraham, Prosperous alley. Devant, John, ♦Dorsey, Thomas, 36 North 6th. ♦Douglass, Levi, 3d, below Race. ♦Drummond, Lewis, 20 North 4th. Fitzgerald, Thomas, Flamer, William, Carpenter, between 8th and 9th. Forman, Francis, Type alley- Foster, William, Mary's alley. Freeman, Charles, 150 .Spruce. REGISTER OP TRADES. ♦Gordon, jr., Robert C, 57 Pine. Harrison, Isaiah, Catherine, below 7th. Henry, Janries, *HiH, Champion, corner 7tb and Carpenter. *Holcombe, Robert L. , rear 126 North 2d. Jackson, Richard, Lombard, above 7th. ♦James, Richard, Wood, below Schuylkill 6th. James Toliver, Carlton, near Schuylkill 6th. Jeifries, jr. , William, corner of 7th and Fitz- water. Johnson, H. M. B., Otter, by Front. *Landoway, Abel, 20 south 4th. ♦Lewis, Joseph. St. Mary, above 7th. ♦Lucas, John, 150 Spruce. Macklin, Isaac, Prosperous alley. Medad, George, Washington, above 11th. ♦Medad, Stephen, Washington, above 11th. Minto, Heniy, Washington, below 12th. Montier, Hiram, Webb's alley. Montier, Joseph, 10th, above Market. Montier, Richard, 18 Lombard. ♦Montier, Solomon, 10th, above Market. Montier, William, Webb's alley. ♦Moore, Richard, 210 south 7th. Moren, John, 119 Plum. ♦Norris, John, 197 Lombard. Parker, Elam, Powell, below 6lh. Parker, Wesley, 18 St. Mary. Perry, John, Middle alley. Pleasant, Peter, Pearl, bet. 13th and Broad. ♦Proctor, Walter, 17 Elizabeth. Purdy, John, (and bleeder) Middle alley. ♦Pusey, Alexander, 157 south 4th. Quire, Peter, Dean's alley. ♦Richmond, James, 4th, above Coates. Riley, William H., corner Little Pine and 7ih. Ringold, Henry, 157 south 4th. ♦Roberts, John B., 151 Locust. Robinson, Joseph, Pine, above 11th. ♦Rollins, Daniel, North-East corner 10th and Cherry. Saunders, Joseph, 2d, above Master. Scott, Henry, 144 Locust. Scott, James, 20 north 4th. ♦Simpson, Charles, 95 north 5th. Simpson, Emery, 5ih, below George, (N. L.) ♦Simpson, William, 48 north 4th. Smith, William, Union, above 2d. ♦Spencer, Peter, Locust, above 10th. ♦Siille, John, Centre, below 13th. Stokely, John, Pearl, above 13th. ♦Stratton, John, Bedford, below 8th. ♦Temple, Ja.iies, Chesnut, corner Strawberry. ♦Terone, Charles, corner 8th and Lombard. ♦Thompson, Thomas, Locust, above 10th. Turner, Jesse, Quince, above Spruce. Venning, Luke, Lebanon, below Fitzwater. ♦Wane, Cato B., (and carpenter) 161 south 6th. Watson, Jacob, St. Mary, above 7th. Weeks, Nathaniel, Quince, above Spruce. Williams, Jacob, St. Mary's, above 7th. Williams, Stephen, 150 Spruce. Wilson, Thomas, 19 Parham. Wilson, William Henry, 10th, below Lom- bard. BRASS-FOUNDERS. Young, Perry, Pink, (Kensington ) Zeiner, Philip, (and bell-founder) Juniper alley. BREWER. King, Thomas, 338 South. BRICKLAYERS. ♦Brown, Perry, Apple, above Brown. Newsorn, Nathan, Apple, above Culvert. Steward, John B. , Little Pine, above 7th. Tennent, sr., William, Clymer, below 6lh. Williams, William, BRICKLAYERS AND PLASTERERS. ♦Bagwell, Edward, Davis's court, Chris- tian. ♦Bagwell, Richard, Davis's court, Chris- tian. Giles, Thomas, Pearl, bet. 13th and Broad. Gray, James, Hurst. ♦Salters, Parris, (and slater) 2 Elizabeth. BRUSH-MAKERS. Collins, Cato, 100 North 4th. ♦Lewis, Daniel, rear 96 Gaskill. ♦Lewis, William, CABINET-MAKERS. Baptiste, Eugene, 7th, near Lombard. Barclay, Robert, 334 South. Barnard, William, 169 South. Clement, James, rear 137 Lombard. ♦Frisby, Charles, 162 Lombard. ♦Gross, jr., Thomas, Pine alley. ♦Gross, sr. , Thomas, Pine alley. Keath, Mathew E., Hunter, above 10th. Lee, James, Gray's alley. Nash, Charles, (and bleeder) Quince, above Spruce. ♦Randolph, John, St. Mary, bet. 7th and 8th. Richards, James, Read's court. Thomas, Robert B., 203 south 7th. Thomas, Paul, ♦Van Brackle, Samuel, 123 Locust. CABINET-MAKERS AND CARPENTERS. Ballon, William, 4 Little Pine. ♦Charnock, Thopas, rear 172 Pine. ♦Johnson, James, 143 Lombard. Lecount, James, Bonsall. ♦Scott, Daniel, Washington, above 11th. CARPENTERS. ♦Atkins, Charles, 28 Blackberry alley. ♦Almond, Mukes, Barrow. Almond, Nathaniel, St. Mary, above 6th. ♦Almond, Thomas, Barrow. Beloss, William, Little Pine, above 7th. ♦Black, Charles, Christian, above 8th. Brown, Marcus, Lebanon, below Fitzwater. ♦Brown, Thomas C, 169 South. ♦Butler, William, 71 George. Clymer, John, Warren. Cropper, Laban, 61 Currant alley. REGISTER OP TRADES. 5 Diggs,Jos,, (and cooper) Juniper, abv. Race. Dntair, Francis, between Federal and Fitz- water, and 13th and Broad. Everson, Gilpin, 30 Gaskili. *Fitzgerald, Jacob, Lombard, below 8th. Garnett, Solomon, Juniper alley. ♦Gibbons, James, Middle alley. *Given, John, Little Pine, above 7th. *Glaze,Geo., (and blacksmith) Franklin. (S.) *Grayson, James W., cor. 8th and Emeline. Haines, Peter, 8th, below South. *Harding, James, 157 south 6th. Harrington, E. O., 119 Plum. Harris, Eli, 14 Middle alley. Henderson, Joseph, George, between Schuyl- kill 6th and 7th. Hicks,Robt., (and wheelwright) Apple, above Culvert. Jackson, Henry, 16 Gaskili, *James, William, rear 172 Pine. Loudon, Richard, 184 Pine. ♦Miller, George, Lombard, near 7th. Park, John, Warren. ♦Randolph, John, Pine alley. ♦Roberts, Joseph, (and cooper) corner 7th and St. Mary. Ruffin, Daniel, Smith's court, 8th near Vine. Ruffin, Robert, Washington, above 11th. Tilerson, George, Tunnell, Abner, 226 south 7th. ♦Venning,Edward B., Little Fine, above 7th. ♦Venning, John, Little Pine, above 7th. Wane, Cato B., (and shoemaker) 161 south 6th. Weeks, Severn, Spruce, below Schuyl. 6th. CAULKERS. James, Peter, Lombard, below 8th. McFarland, William, School. CHAIR-BOTTOMERS. Johnson, James J., Shippen, above 6th, Johnson, Jesse, CONEECTIONERS. ♦Augustus, Peter J., 3d, above Spruce. Gordon, Sarah Ann, 57 Pine. ♦Jackson, Augustus, 9 Goodwater alley. *Lambsong, Culvert, above Apple. ♦MoJlineaux, Peter, 1 Washington place. COOPERS, Clark, Silas, Diggs, Joseph, (and carpenter) Juniper, abv. Race. Johnson, Edward, 6 Washington, above Utli, Norflet, David, Eagle court, Peters, Lee, 205 north 9th. CURRIERS. Green, Samuel, Mintus, James S., Raspberry alley. DENTIST. ♦McCrummill.Jas., (& bleeder) 266 north 3d. DRESS-MAKERS. ♦Almond, Juliana, corner Carpenter and P. road. ♦Alzier, Dephene, 11th above Lombard. ♦Anderson, Ann, corner 8lh and Lombard, ♦Armstrong, Sarah, 61 Currant alley. *Beaulah, Sarah, Bonsall. ♦ liirch, Esther, 26 Sassafras alley. *Boardley, Rebecca, 10 Pleasant avenue. *Rrown, Georgeana, 95 Lombard. ♦Firown, Henrietta, Bedford, corner 7th. ♦Brown, Jane, 241 Shippen, +Brown, Mary, Plum, below 5th. ♦Brown, Rebecca, Bonsall. ♦Brown, Rosetta, 149 Locust. ♦Bundy, Harriet, 239 Lombard. ♦Burr, Mary, 113 south 5th. ♦Carey, Margaret, Bedford, below 8th. ♦Carter, Mary, 6lh, above Lombard. ♦Cork, Henrietta, Hog alley. ♦Cornish, Emeline, 71 George. ♦Crippin, Anncerbella, McCloskey's court. ♦Doyer, Louisa, 166 Lombard. ♦Edwards, Eliza, St. Mary, below 7lh. ♦Emery, Juliana, 129 Locust. Gardner, Margaretta, 239 south 7th. ♦Gibbs, Mary Ann, 115 Lombard. Gordon, Sarah Ann, 57 Pine. ♦Green, S., Little Pme, below 7th. ♦Guilberry, Mary, 147 Locust. ♦Hampton, Ann, 147 Locust. ♦Hann, Rachel, Bedford, below 8th. ♦Harris, Ellen, Carpenter, above 8th. ♦Jackson, Mary, Paschall's alley. ♦Jeffries, Wealthy, Bonsall. ♦Johnson, Elizabeth, 237 south 7«h. Johnson, Jane, corner 8th and Emeline. ♦Jones, Eliza, 242 Lombard. ♦Jones, Matilda, Bedford, below 8lh. ♦Kenton, Elizabeth, 154 Pine. ♦Lecount, Isabella, Bonsall. ♦Lecount, Jane, 17 Elizabeth. *Lee, Ann, Gray's alley. ♦Martin, Letitia, Carpenter, above 8th. ♦Mathews, Susan, Washington, below 12t'i. ♦McKensie, E,, 172 Pine, ♦Miller, Mary Ann, Pearl, bet, 13th and Broad, ♦Minton, Catharine, Washington, below 12th. ♦Moore, Louisa, 150 Locust, Moore, Susan, S, E, corner 9th and Shippen. Nickens, Harriet C, 107 north 9lh. ♦Peter, Mary Jane, 128 Locust, ♦Petts, Elizabeth, Bonsall. ♦Porter, Susan, Lombard, above 7th, ♦Potts, Wilhelmina, Lombard, below Schuyl- kill 5th, ♦Proctor, Mary, 17 Elizabeth. ♦Purnell, Emily, Catharine, below 7th, ♦Rix, Rachel, Mercer. ♦Roberts, Elizabeth Ann,N.E, corner 7th and St. Mary. ♦Roberts, Hannah, 29 Currant alley. ♦Rogers, Mary, Ilelmuth, above Schuyl, 6th. ♦Rolley, Eliza, Watson's alley. ♦Rolley, Mary, 112 north 5th, ♦Rowland, Mary, Clymer, below 6th. ♦Rowley, A,, 7th, below Lombard. ♦Scott, Margaret, 144 Locust, ♦Sheppard, Kmma, Bedford, below 8th. *Spiller, Eliza, 237 Lombard, Sullivan, Sarah, S. W.cor. 7th and St. Mary. 6 REGISTER OF TRADES, ♦Tennent, Louisa, Clymer, below 6th. ♦Tennent, Margaret, Clymer, below 6th. *Tilghcnan, Ann, Twelve-foot allej'. ♦Todd, Ann, Green's court. Todd, Mary, 11 Wagner's alley. ♦Truett, Emeline, .6lh, opposite Powell. ■(■Venning, Elizabeth, Bonsall. •Venning, Mary, Barley. i-Venning, Sarah, Lebanon, below Fitzwater. ♦Waitts, Rebecca, 243 Spruce. *Wardrupt, Mary Ann, Eagle court. *White,Martha, Pearl, between 13th & Broad. ♦White, Mary Ann, Pine, near lOih. ♦Williams, Naomi, Eagle court. ♦Woodson, Ann, 8lh, below South, DRESS-MAKERS AND TAILORESSES. ♦Anderson, Elizabeth, Freytag's alley. ♦Barrett, Mary, 67 north Front. ■^Black, Harriet, Bradford's alley. ♦Brinckley, Rachel, McCloskey's court. ♦Brown, Elizabeth, Paschall's alley. ♦Brown, Susan, 359 South. ♦Campbell, Catharine, Quince, above Spruce. ♦Collins, Comfort, Currant alley, ab. Spruce. ♦Gales, Henrietta M., Lombard below 6lh. ♦Levington, Catharine, 44 Currant alley. ♦Hay, Harriet, (and milliner) Gaskill, ab.2d. ♦Salters, Jane, 2 Elizabeth. ♦Steele, Patience, 108 Green. ♦White, Juliana, Currant alley, above Spruce. DYERS AND SCOURERS. ♦Bladen, Aaron, 33 Cherry. Galloway, Benjamin, Hunter, above lOth. Hegan, John, Raspberry alley. ♦Moore, Thomas, 136 Cherry. FULLERS. Jackson, Isaac, (and glass-paper maker) corner Broad and Paper alley. Miller, Ralph, Pearl, above I3th. GLASS-PAPER MAKERS. ♦Dawson, James, Broad, corner Paper alley. ♦Jackson, Isaac, (and fuller) Broad, corner Paper Alley. HAIR-DRESSERS. ♦Allen, William, 9lh, below Market. ♦Alzier, Adolph, lllh, above Lombard. Atkins, John, Christian, above 6th. ♦Barrett, Samuel H., 67 north Front. ♦Battis, Joseph, 205 Shippen. ♦Bobare, Raymond S. , Walnut, above Sch. Beach. ♦Bowen, William, N^rth American Hotel. Bowers, Thomas J., 7i south 2d. ♦Bowzer, David, 4th, above Noble. Brinckley, Geo. W., McCloskey's court. ♦Brooks, Nelson, lOih, above Market. Brownhill, Daniel B., Portland lane. Bruno, Anthony, Schuylkill 2d, above Race. ♦Burr, John P., 113 south 5th. Cady, Horatio W., Lombard, below 7th. ♦Collins, George, 100 north 4th. ♦Curtis, Charles C, Race, below 8th. Dingmon, Henry, 517 Market. ♦Douglass, sr., Kobert, 54 Arch. ♦Doyer, Joseph H., 177 South. Duncan, James, Mechanic's row. ♦Dutton, John, corner 8th and Vine. ♦Eddy, Josiah, 460 Race. ♦Eddy, Joshua P. B., Uth, above Market. Eustis, Peter, Lombard, below 7th. Francis, George, SpafFord, below Shippen. ♦Ferderson, Boston, United States' Hotel. Ferris, Edward, 8 Exchange. Frisby, Richard W. , Centre, below 13th. ♦Gale, James, 8th, below Chesnut. Gardner, William, Juniper, above Pine. ♦Gasper, Lewis, Washington House. ♦Goines, Geo. W., (and weaver) 8 Exchange. ♦Gordon, David, 118 Locust. ♦Gordon, Jas. R. , N.E. cor. 4th & Chesnut. ♦Green, Anthony W., 114 Arch. Green, Samuel, 9th, above Noble. Hazzard, William, Bradford's alley. Hickman, Joseph, 281 South. Hutchinson, Alexander, 44 north 4th. ♦Jackson, Henry B., Vine, between Schuyl. 8th and Broad. Jackson, Jesse, Lombard, above 7th. Jackson, Owen, corner 8lh and Vine. ♦Jennings, William, Third Street Hall. Johnson, Jacob, 237 south 7th. ♦Jones,Robert, cor. Frankford road & Maiden. ♦Jones, Robert, 2d, near Callowhill. Langford, James, Chester. ♦Lary, Joseph, Market, below Schuyl. 5th. ♦Lary, Wm., N. E. corner 2d and Walnut. ♦Lemon, Joseph, Middle alley. Lewis, Charles H., 67 north Front. Lewis, John, ♦McKensie, Henry, 172 Pine. *Mead, Lewis, 473 Market. *Miller, Cyrus B., 44 north 4th. Miller, David, Washington, above 11th. ♦Mills, William H., Market, above 8th. Mitchell, Sylvester, 199 Lombard. ♦Morris, J. B.. 8th, below Chesnut. ♦Murrell, William, 262 north 3d. "Needham. James, Sanderson's Hotel. ♦Nickens, \MlUam C, 107 north 9lh. ♦Oliver. James N. , N. E. corner 8th and Race. Olney, Robert, 6ih, below Lombard. ♦Proctor, James, S.E. corner Vine and Broad. ♦Purnell, Z., corner Carpenter and Decatur. ♦Quard, John, 109 Pine. Randolph, Peter L., 51 Pine. ♦Robinson, William, 6ih, above Lombard. ♦Rolley, John E., 6ih, near Arch. Rowland; Edward, Clymer, below 'Bth. Seden, Churchill, N.E. cor. 4th & Chesnut. ♦Siemen, Charles, Callowhill, near 10th. ♦Smallwood, James, 12th, below Vine. ♦Smallwood, Joseph, 383 Race. Smith, Henry, 107 north 9th. ♦Smith, Thomas C, 16 Arcade. ♦Solomon, John, 4th, above George. (N.L.) Somers, George W., ♦Southard, George, 276 south 2d. Stanley, Benjamin, 44 north 4lh. ♦Steward, A., N.E. cor. Juniper & Market. REGISTER OP TRADES. Tennent, jr., William, Clytner, below 6th. ♦Thomas, David, Marshall House. ♦Thomas, Simson, N.E. cor. 2d and VV'alnut. Thomas, Thomas H., 203 south 7th. *Tobias,Thoma9, cor.Callowhill & William. ♦Tolbert, Wm., 159 south 10th. Vanderbeclv, .lacob, Mary's alley. ♦ Wallace, Robert, 7ih, above Chesnut. ♦Wester, Isaac, 517 Market. White, Isaac J., 160 south 6th. ♦White, .Tames M., 83 south 3d. ♦White, John F., S.E. corner Front & Vine. Wilkins, Thomas, Locust, above Uth. ♦Williams, Thomas, 6th, above Lombard. ♦Williams, Wm. P., 236 south 5th. ♦Wilson, Hamilton, 10th, above Market. HAIR-DIIESSERS AND HAIR-WORKERS. ♦Ambrose, Nelson, 238 south 7th. ♦Bass, Samuel, 15 Market. ♦Chew, Francis, 36 south 4th. ♦Chew, John, 36 south 4th. ♦Gordon, Wm. S., 3d, above Callowhill. ♦Hemenway, James, 51 Pine. Mathews, James C, Barley. ♦Morgan, Peter, 1 Decatur. ♦Pete'r, John, 12 south 6th. ♦Reynolds, Wm., 203^ Chesnut. HAIR-WORKERS. ♦Ambrose, Charlotte, 238 south 7lh. ♦Barclay, Omaretta, 20 Buckley. ♦McCrummill, Elizabeth, 266 north 3d. ♦McCrummill, Sarah, 266 north 3d. Lamar, Joseph, HATTERS. Black, Thomas, 11 Middle Alley. Green, Franklin, Type alley, above 12th. Howell, Andrew, Randolph's court. Richmond, Peter, 4th, above Coates. IKON-FORGER. Pusey, James, Little Oak. MASONS. Giles, Thos., (and plasterer) Pearl, ab. 13th. High, John, MILLERS. Purnell, Edward, Bedford, above 7th. Reynolds, Isaac, 336 south. Sprigh, John, Baker, below 7th. MILLINERS AND DRESS-MAKERS. ♦Albert, Harriet, (and tailoress) Bedford, be- low 8lh. ♦Andrews, Emily, Mercer, below Locust. ♦Augustus, Elizabeth, 154 Pine. ♦Ayres, Mary Ann, 97 Lombard. +Beatle, Susan, 228 south 7th. ♦Beckus, Elizabeth, 150 Locust, ♦Bowers, Margaret, 36 Middle alley. ♦Brown, Jane, 169 South. ♦Campbell, Louisa, Gaskill, above 2d, ♦Court, Margaretta, 12th, below Pine, ♦Davis, Martha, Webb's alley. ♦Eddy, Sarah, 6th, above Lombard. ♦Gordon, Martha B., 57 Pine, ♦Johnson, Ellen, 243 Spruce. ♦Johnson, Hellen, 170 Pine. ♦Keath, Eliza, Hunter, above 10th. ♦iMontier, Martha, Webb's alley. Morell, Georgett, Barrow. ♦Price, Alice, Lombard, below 7th. ♦Roberts, Elizabeth, 29 Currant alley, ♦Shorter, Sarah S,, 18 Currant alley. *Thom3s, Susan, 203 south 7th, *Todd, Esther, Hog alley. *VVebb, Elizabeth, 29 Currant alley. NAIL-MAKERS. Freeman, Charles, Bedford, bet. 7th & 8th. Mason, Isaac, 29 Barron. PAINTERS. Blake, Wm., 137 south 7th. Champion, Jehu, 7th, near South. Coward, Perry, Carpenter, near Broad. ♦Douglass, Robert J,, (and portrait and sign painter) 54 Arch. ♦Douglass, William P., (and sign) 54 Arch. Ferris, Stephen, George, above 10th. PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. ♦Anderson, William, Scott's ct. out of South. ♦Claxton, Nathaniel, Cox's alley. ♦Goutier, .Tohn, 206 south 6th. ♦Johnson, James, 265 Spruce, *Jones, Evan, rear 281 South, ♦Kennedy, Joseph, Howell's court. Morris, Robert, Bradford's alley. ♦Nelson, William, Little Pine, above 7th. ♦Sammons, Asahel, 41 Quince. Thomas, John W., Bradford's alley. PAPER-MAKER. Miller, Edward, Eagle court. PLASTERERS. ♦Bell, Solomon, Carlton, above Broad. ♦Bustill, Ch^^rles, 152 Callowhill. ♦Bustill, David, 152 Callowhill. ♦Bustill, James, 152 Callowhill. ♦Cole, Lary, Middle alley. Johnson, Robert, ♦Miller, Levi, Spafford, below Shippen. ♦Miller, Ralph, Type alley, above 12th. ♦Parlow, Daniel, Ringold, Alexander, Smith, Nathan, PLUMBERS. ♦Fawcett, Francis, 163 Coates. Francis, Mark, Shirker's alley, ab. Shippen, Stephens, David, corner 8th and Lodge alley. POTTER. Boyer, Abraham, 2d, near Germantown road. PRINTERS. Williams, Moses, Lebanon, below Fitzwater. Henry, George, 123 south 6th, Wilson, Joseph, 10 Morgan, ROPE-MAKERS, Beck, Ignatius, 198 south 5th, Draper, Charles, Type alley, above 12ih, Lang, Benjamin, Baker, below 7ih, SAIL-MAKERS. Anthony, Charles, 23 Little Pine. Cornish, James, Pine, below 10th, ♦Crummill, John, Almond street wharf. s REGISTER OF TRADES. Emerson, John, 41 Currant alley. ♦Forten, James, 95 south wharves. *Forten, jr., James, 95 south wharves. ♦Forten, Robert B., 95 south wharves. Fox, Nathaniel, Little Pine, above 7th. Johnson, Edward, 21 Hurst. Johnson, jr., Edward, Gile's alley. Johnson, Robert, Gile's alley. Jones, John, Pryor's court. Middleton, William, Freytag's alley. Moore, John, Lombard, near 8th. Scott, John, Passayunk road, below 5th. iSpencer, Robert, Thomas, George, 18 Little Pine. Valentine, William, Perry, below Spruce. Waterford, Joseph, 8 Little Pine. SCYTHE AND SICKLE MAKER. Potts, Samuel, Lombard, below Schuyl. 5th. SHIP CARPENTERS. Loyd, Thomas, (and caulker) Mariott's lane, below 5th. Price, Jos., corner south Front and Canal. Robinson, Kime, (and caulker) Mariott's lane, above 4th. White, Samuel, 6th, corner Little Pine. STONE CUTTER. Holley, Aaron, SUGAR REFINERS. Black, John, Carpenter, above 8th. Brister, Charles, Portland lane. Litle, Thomas, Sterling alley, TAILORS. ♦Ayres, Robert B., 163 Lombard. ♦Bowers, John C, 71 south 2d. ♦Campbell, Joshua E,, 237 south 7th. Crippin, Abraham, 34 Bird's court. ♦Depee, Nathaniel W., 334 South. Durtome, Thomas, 150 Locust. ♦Guilberry, John, 147 Locust. ♦Jones, Ephraim, 34 south 3d. ♦Jones, Jehu, 184 Locust. *McKensie, Joseph, 34 south 3d. Moore, Francis, S.E. corner 9th and Shippen. ♦Moore, Francis, 150 Locust. Myers, Henry, Bonsall. ♦Simpson, Edwin, 39 Bird's court. Tate, Emery, Tolson, William, Elizabeth. Venning, Mark, Bonsall. TAILORESSES. ♦Armstrong, Elizabeth, rear 247 Shippen. ♦Bowers, Henrietta, 71 south 2d. ♦Caldwell, Ann, Carpenter, below 9th. ♦Chew, Henrietta, Pine, below 10th. ♦Christian, Harriet, corner Quince & Locust. ♦Collins, Elizabeth, 100 north 4th. ♦Dorris, Henrietta, St. Mary, below 7th. ♦Downs, Ann, 186 south 4th. ♦Hughes, Jane, 186 south 4th. ♦Hutchinson, Henrietta, Carpenter,below 9th. *Jones, Elizabeth, 184 Locust. ♦Medad, Patience, Washington, above lllh. ♦Porter, Martha, Lombard, above 7th. ♦Potts, Louisa, Lombard, below Schuyl. 5th. ♦Poulson, Nancy, Bedford, below 8th. ♦Puinell, Ann, 9lh below Christian. Shorter Harriet, 18 Currant alley. ♦Tilahman,Lucretia, N.E. cor. 10th &Cherry. White, Elizabeth, 100 Old York road. TANNERS. Amos, George H., 26 Sassafras alley. Ballard, Jos., Pearl, bet. 13th and Broad. Bonge, William, Juniper, above Cherry. Brown, Andrew, (and shoemaker) 1 Toy's ct. Coleman, Luke, Collins, Jeremiah, Steam-mill alley. Cox, Joseph, Gaskill, below 5th. Davis, Alexander, St. Mary, above 7th. Davis, Enoch, 3d, above Coates. Davis, Giles, Slessman's alley. Dighton, John, Mechanic, above Poplar. Edwards, Richard, St. Mary, below 7lh. Fitzgerald, sr. , David, Giles' alley. Ganges, N., Rose, (Kensington.) Hall, Enos, Paschall's alley. Hamilton, Henry, Baker, above 7th. Hichens, John, Buttonwood, abv. 0. Y. road. Jenkins, Jacob, Paschall's alley. Junior, John, School. Junior, Thomas, rear 155 Brown. Leary, David, corner 12th and Shippen. Lockerman,W., Shirker's al., bel. Shippen. Marston, Daniel, Shirker's al., abv. Shippen. McCoy, Benjamin, Type alley, above 12ih. Mumford, George, 136 Cherry. Peterson, William, Sassafras alley. Riley, Levin, Paschall's alley. Rodney, Simon, Mechanic, above Poplar. Thompson, Philip, Little Oak. Tunnell, Peter, Paschall's alley. White, Kendall, Currant alley, abv. Spruce. TANNERS AND CURRIERS. Brown, Edward, Colly, Dan., (and shoemaker) 189 south 6th. Gilbert, Charles, St. Mary, above 7th. Jones, Amos, Appletree alley. Randolph Wm., Mechanic, above Brown. Sadler, Emery, Pryor's court. TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Felix, Edward, Shippen, corner 9th. TOBACCONISTS. Miller, Jonathan, Pearl, above 13th. Robinson, John, TURNERS. Green John, ♦Johnson, Richard B., 63 Walnut. ♦Johnson, Robert C, 63 Walnut. Lewis, Augustus, Ger man, below 5th. Montier, Robert, Pine, by Schuyl. 7th. WEAVERS. Cooper, Israel, Freeman, George, rear 97 Gaskill. Freeman, S., Bonsall. Goines,Geo., ;and hair-dresser) 8 Exchange. Thomas, Ellen, 203 south 7th. WHEELWRIGHTS. Hicks, R. , f & carpenter) Apple, abv. Culvert. Marothy, Joseph, Mariott's lane, above 5th. Pugh, Henry, 36 Gaskill. Smith, John, Mariott's lane, above 4th. Turner, Henry, Apple, above Brown. Wester, Charles, Gray's alley. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 314 937 7 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 314 937 7 9