F 29 B5 A2 Copy 1 HISTORY -f,j — BELtFflST. MAINE, TO 1825. DR. HERMAN ABBOTF. WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY JOSKPR WiLI.lAMSON. RKPRTNfTF.n FROM THE REPUnfJCAN JOVRSAL OV •■r.h. 8, AND FER. 15, 1900. MISS GR.vrr E. ri j^Gf-^ss. SEVENTV-FIVK COPIES PRINTED. HlSTOf^Y — OF — BELiFflST, ]V[RI^lE, TO 1825. BY DR. HERMAN ABBOTT. with an introduction and notes by Joseph Williamson. REPRINTED FROM THE REPUBLICAN JOURNAL OF JAN. 25. FEB. I. FEB. 8, AND FEB. 15, igOO. BKLFAS r : MISS GR.ACE E. BURGESS. 1900. i 5 ^i-C>r^ Oi DISCOVERY OF A LONG LOST MANUSCRIPT. A prefatory ''advertisement" to the lit- I tie History of Belfast, by William White, j which was published in 1827, contains the following paragraph: "Doctor Herman Abbot had collected many facts, with a view of compiling a history of the town of Belfast. All the good purposes and labours of that worthy man were ended in his death, which oc- curred in the midst of his great useful- ness, and filled society with grief. His memoranda, by his adminiscrator, were placed iu the possession of the author who his found them accurate and useful, and that no part of them should be lost to the pub'ic, the manuscript is lodged in the Town Clerk's office." Fifty years after this was written, while prepariug my history of the city, I made an exhaustive but unsuccessful search for the above mentioned manuscript. Not a tingle person could be found who had ever seen the work, or knew of its existence. A few weeks ago, therefore, I was agree- ably surprised by learning from my friend George D. McCiillis, Register of Deeds, that while examining the contents of a Misused trunk, belonging to his father, the late James McCrillis, Esq., he had un- expectedly discovered the missing treas- ure, inclosed among some old papers, and in a good state of preservation after its sleep of nearly three quarters of a century. The manuscript is comprised in eight pamphlets, averaging fifteen pages each, five inches long by four wide, written in the same legible hand which characterizes our municipal records while the author held the position of town clerk. Although it does not shed much light upon our early annals, it verifies many obscure events, and its discovery is valuable and important. Dr. Abbot, the author, was a native of Wilton, N. H., and practiced h's profes- sion here from 1810, until his death, which took place July 24, 1825, at the age of forty- two years. Mr. Charles Read, who is among the few of our citizens who re- member him, says in personal appearance he was tall and spare, slightly stooping, but of a dignified and attractive deport- ment. He was never married. A tribute to his life and character is thus given in the Hancock Gazette, soon after his de- cease ; "The man whose virtues we contem- plate with no ordinary emotions, and whose sudden removing from this scene of things, we have so much reason to lament, was distinguished by a singulari- ty of excellence, which will always find more approvers than imitators in a world like ours. His scientific research and pro- fessional skill have been tested by many years' successful practice in this town, where he will long be remembered by his HISTORY OF BELFAST. intimate friends with grateful affection, and by the community of wliich he was a member with universal respect. But we love to contemplate him in a still higher character, — higher, because it had a more important bearing upon the world to which he is now removed. We mean his char- acter as a man of unbending integrity, a Christian of unaffected piety. The church, of which he was both a highly valued member and oflacer, have regarded him as a brother, to whom they could look with confidence in seasons of difficulty, and whom they now mourn with a sorrow al- leviated only by the delightful conviction that their loss is his unspeakable gain. Having lived with the awards of eternity in view, death met him not unprepared. In his last hours he observed to a friend that 'he considered death as the inevita- ble lot, but to the Christian not an evil,' " The following is an exact copy of the manuscript. The foot notes are added by me. Joseph Williamson. Hif*.ory of Belfast From its First Sfttlement to the Year 1835. BY HERMAN ABBOT. P14EFACE. To collect and preserve a few facts re- lating to the early history and settlement of this town; the leading traits in the character of its first inhabitants, together with their privations and hardships; to notice our literary and religious institu- tions; our growing wealth and population; to mark the course of events and to de- scribe the improvements which have taken place here in the period of little more than half a century may be thought an object worthy of some attention. The proprie- tors and town records furnish much valu- able information respecting the days which have long since passed away. These sources alone abound in too few materials to answer the purpose, and treat of topics too general in their nature to embrace a copious and useful variety. A more de- tailed account therefore appeared indis- pensable; and it has become necessary by consulting the aged inhabitatants and the descendants of the proprietors and first settlers to arrest valuable matter in its slow but steady march to oblivion. The knowledge of many little incidents of for- mer times has by these means been sought out, arranged and committed to writing, which with the addition of more recent occurrences contain, as 1 trust, an inter- esting compilation. Considering, however, the manner of procuring some portion of the materials for this sketch of Belfast, I am sensible that slight inaccuracies will be found; at the same time the public may be assured that no pains have been spared to obtain the most authentic infor- mation. To those who have kindly assisted me in this undertaking, and particularly to Mr. John Cochran, the only surviving original proprietor resident in this town, through whose politeness I have had ac- cess to the proprietors' deed and records, I tender my grateful acknowledgments. HISTORY OF BELFAST, In the year 1708 a namber of young men belonging principally to Londonderry, N. H., began to adopt measures for the pur- chase of Belfast Township in the Province of Maine, The straitened circumstances of some and the strong local attachments of many more, who were unwilling to remove the distance of two hundred miles to endure hardships in a wilderness inhabitated only by Indians and wild beasts, presented HISTORY OF BELFAST. prospects truly formidable. A spirit of enterprise, however, overcame all obsta- cles and the plan vyas so far matured that a meeting was notified and held at Lon- donderry on the fourth day of October, when the intended purchasers divided the township into shares, subscribed for the number of shares each would take, and appointed a clerk to record their proceed- ings. In June following, Joseph Chadwick made a survey of the township, which con- tained, according to his estimate, 19,359 acres. This was divided into fifty-one shares, and a deed bearing date August 29, 1769, was made in consideration of fifteen hundred pounds by the heirs of Brigadier General Svmuel Waldo, viz. : Samuel Waldo, Esq., Francis Waldo, E>q., aud Suah Waldo, wife of said Samuel, (iier right of dower) of Falmouth, in the County of Cumberland, Maine; Is ac Winslow, E>q., of Roxbury, Massachu- setts; Thomas Flucker, E^q., and Hannah Flucker, his wife, (daughter of Brig.-Gen. Waldi ) of Boston, Massachusetts, (1) to Jjhn Mitcbel, six shares; John Gilmore, five shares; J,jhn Steel, three shares, Sam- uel Houston and James McGregore, each two shares; Moses Barnet, John Moor, J jhn Durham, Joseph Morrison, John Brown, James McGregore, Jr., John Morrison, Alexander Stewart, James Mill- er, William Clendinen, Matthew Reed, Samuel M irsli, Nathaniel Martin, and Joseph Gregg, each one share; WUliam Patterson, Matthew Chambers and Wil- liam McLaughlin, each half a share; all of Londonderry, N. H. John Tufts and James Gilmore, each two shares; Robert Macklewane, Alexander Wilson and John 1. WinsU w derived an interest through his de- ceased wife, a daughter of General Waldo. Thomas an'J Hannah Klucker were the parents of the wile of General Knox. Davidson, each one share; all of Wind- ham, N. H. Robert Patterson of Pepper- ellboro, Maine, three shares; Alexander Little and John Cochran, both of Boston, each one share; David Hemphill of New- buryport, one share; James McLaughlin of Pembroke, N. H., half a share; and the remaining four shares in equal pro- portions to the afore named .John Mitchel, John Gilmore, Moses Barnot, John Tufts, Samuel Houston, John Moor and James McGregore, Jr. Previous to executing the deed the gran- tors of this township employed Richard Stimson to survey a suitable location for a road from Thomaston to Fort Point, for which service he was to have one hundred acres of land at some place on the route. He accepted the proposal and selected a spot near a sm;ill creek (2) which is the dividing line between this town and Pros- pect. Thither his father, Ephraim Stim- son, removed, whose family, the first that ever settled here, consisted of him- self and wife, two sons, Ephraim and Richard, and several daughters. In 1709, James Patterson aud Nathaniel, his brother, both young men, came to this town from Pepperellboro (3) and com- menced the business of felling trees and clearing land. They spent the ensuing winter here, at which time there was but one family in the place, the Stimson's, above mentioned. The next year, 1770, several of the town proprietors arrived and took possession of their newly acquired purchase, with the 2. The stream in the western part of Searsport village, called Half-way creelc, Stimson's father first settled on the hill named for him Mount Ephraim. 3. Now Paco. Jiimes Patterson settled upon the Stock Farm, on the ea.st side, long the home- stead of his nephew, the late Robert Patterson 6th. Nathaniel resided on lot No. 32, also od the east side. HISTORY OF BELFAST. view of converting the lonely forest into fruitful fields for the support of them- selves and families. It was to be expected that they would bring with them the re- ligion, manners, habits and customs of the places they had left. Twenty-seven out of thirty-two purchasers belonged to Londonderry or Windham, whose inhabi- tants were principally of Scottish or Irish descent. In the former of these towns there were two societies of Presbyterians with each a clergyman of the first respec- tability. Rev. William Davidson and Rev. David McGregore, who had been settled there no less than thirty years. In the latter was the Rev. Simon Williams, a highly useful Presbyterian minister. To exchange these religious privileges, there- fore, for a situation where they could en- joy no stated preaching of the word and but very seldon hear a prayer or a sermon from those who are called to labour in the vineyard of the Lord and whose busi- ness it is more particularly to watch for souls as those who are to give account, must have been matter of deep regret to them and their friends. Many domestic and social ties implanted in maa for wise and beneficent purposes, and which form necessary links in the great chain which connects the human species, were severed by their removal. Taking the final leave pf father and mother, brothers and sisters with the express design of seeking a residence in the wilds of Maine awakened the tenderest sensibilities and gave impulse to the most affecting emo- tions of which kindred hearts are suscep- tible. These few adventurers were fully per- suaded that patient labour and rigid econ- omy were necessary to success in a new country. Industry, temperance and fru- gality. were virtues on which they set a high value; by the practice of which they acquired a hardy constitution and saved their earnings for useful purposes. In their manners they exhibited a model of perfect plainness and simplicity indica- tive of contentment and a cheerful disposi- tion, and so cordial was their reception of those who visited them that with very limited means it might be truly said they were given to hospitality. The Scottish dialect was understood and spoken by several of them; and some traces of it are retained to the present day. Those of the first settlers who remain and their immediate descendants, read the poems of Burns with a keen relish and are enthusi- astic admirers of the language of the Scottish bard. Nothing memorable happened after the settlement began until December 1770, when John Morrison and Thomas Steel were drowned by the upsetting of a boat in Belfast bay. The Proprietors held their first meeting here June 25th, 1771, the land was laid out into lots, and partition was made of so much of it as became necessary for the convenience of the settlers. The first white child born here was Ann, the second daughter of William Pat- terson and afterwards the wife of Enos West. Her birth happened May 9th, 1772. The same year William Patterson 2ad was married to Mary Mitchel by Dr. Crawford of Frankfort, a justice of the peace. This was the first marriage that took place in town. In 1773 the Town was incorporated and the warrant for calling the first meeting of the inhabitants was issued by Thomas Goldthwait, Esq., of Frankfort, of which the following is a copy. To Mr. John Mitchel of Belfast, Gentle- man, — Greeting. HISTORY OF BELFAST. Whereas the great and general Court at their sessions began and held at Boston upon Wednesday, the twenty -ninth day of May last, passed an act for incorporating a certain tract of laud lying on the westerly side of Penobscot Bay into a town by the name of Belfast in the County of Lincoln, and the said General Court having im- powered me, the subscriber, ti) issue a war- rant directed to some principal inhabitant in said town to notify and warn the In- habitants thereof qualified by law to vote in Town affairs to meet at such time and place as shall be therein set forth to choose such officers as may be necessary to manage the affairs of said Town, at which first meeting all the then male in- habitants that be at the age of twenty- one years shall he admitted to vote. These are, therefore, in his majesty's name to require you, the said John Mitch- el, to notify the said Inhabitants of Bel- fast to meet at your dwelling house in said Town on Thursday the eleventh day of November, at ten of the clock in the fore- noon, then and tiiere to choose a Town C'erk, Selectmen and all other Town Offi- cers acci)rding to law and make return of this warrant with your doings as soon after the same is carried into execution as may be. Given under my hand and seal at Frank- fort, October 1773. Thomas Goldthwait. In obedience to the above warrant I have warned the Inhabitants of Belfast to attend their first meeting as appointed in said warrant. John Mitchel. At this meeting Thomas Goldthwait was chosen Moderator; John Mitchel, Clerk; John Brown, Benjamin Nesmith and James Patterson, Selectmen; John Barnet, Treasurer; William Patterson, 1st, Con- stable; John Durham, Jr., Alexander Clark, and James Miller, Surveyors of Highways; John Durham and James Mor- row, Wardens. In 1774 the Town voted to send a peti- tion to the General Court at Boston to have non- resident lands taxed; that John Tufts carry the petition; and that he be allowed, as wages, three shillings a day; be finding vituals and drink for himself. Mr. John Barnet and Miss Isabella Dur- ham were joined in marriage Sept. 27th, 1774 by Daniel Little. The Town Clerk entered on the records a certificate bearing date Nov. 8th, 1774, staling that he had lawfully published Mr. James Morrow to Miss Elizabeth Dur- ham, both of this Town. In 1775 the Town voted to raise one hundred dollars for the highways, and fifty dollars for preaching. John Tufts, John Brown, Solon Stephenson, James Patterson, and Samuel Houston were ap- pointed committee of safety. John Tufts was reC'im mended by vote of the Town for a Justice of the peace, and was soon after commissioned. The Town also voted, that if any per- son makes unnecessiry visits on the Sab- bath, he shall be looked on with contempt, i until he make acknowledgment to the public. Tile inhabitants, at this time, felt great iaconveuieuce, in being obliged to go fifteen miles, or more to mill; and an article was inserted in one of the Town warrants this year, 'To see if they could lay any plan to have a grist mill in town.' It does not appear that anything was done to remedy the evil complained of, except that the laying out certain roads to mill streams might be considered, as j holding out to individuals encouragement to build mills. The Selectmen warned Joseph Dow June 10th, 1775, to withdraw from this Town forthwith; for they would not accept him, as a Town inhabitant. 1776. The committee of safety was composed of the same persons, as last year. Mr. James McCurdy was married to Miss Ann Mitchel Nov. 30th, 1776. 1777. Committee of safety, inspection and correspondence; Alexander Clark, HISTORY OF BELFAST. Solon Stephenson, John Mitchel, James Patterson, Kobert Patterson, Samuel Houston, and Benjamin Nesmith. The Town appointed Solon Stephenson to lay before the General Court the misconduct of any person, either by word, or action against the United States. 1778. The Town voted unanimously to approve of the constitution, or form of Government, as agreed on by the honora- ble Convention of this State. Yeas 19. Messrs. John Tufts, Si)lon Stephenson, John Brown, Committee of safety, &c. and were re-elected next year. 1779. The Town voted to raise twenty- five pounds for its own use, or in a more modern style, for incidental expenses. This year Castine was taksa by jthe British and the Inhabitants of Belfast to their inexpressible mortification were re- quired to come forward and swear alle- giance to the King of Great Britain or be treated as enemies. To the arbitrary measures of this monarch they were vio- lently opposed; and refusing to bii>d themselves by the solemnities of an oath to engage in a cause which they so heartily despised and finding themselves in danger they quitted their farms and made good their retreat to places out of the reach ot persecution. (4) 1785. No sooner had the war between this country and Great Britain come to a happy termination and the enemy had withdrawn from our borders than the settlers scattered in all directions, began One after another to return and occupy their farms. Some, however, were so well situated elsewhere that they did not wish to revisit the place where they had met so much trouble and vexation. There 4. This is an error. Ten of the eighteen heads of fanailies then here, took the oath "under com- p .Ision," as they afterwards admitted. had been no town meetings since 1779 and Jonathan Buck, Esq., of Penobscot, agreeably to a resolve of the General Court, issued a warrant to John Tufts, Esq., directing him to call a meeting of the inhabitants on the twenty -ninth day of March for the purpose of choosing town officers and transacting town busi- ness. 1788. The town sent a petition to the General Court that they might be em- powered to lay a tax of two pence per acre on all the lands in town to raise money In order to build a meeting house, settle a minister, make bridges and re- pair roads. 1790. Number of inhabitants in town 245. 1792. Forty three votes were given for the separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts & two against it. The town voted to build two meeting houses one on each side of the river to be erected at the expense of the inhabitants of each side separately. In the autumn town meetings were held in both of these houses. 1794. A demand was made by govern- ment of ten soldiers from the Belfast Com- pany. (5) The town voted them a liberal allowance in addition to their regular pay in case they should be called into actual service. Mr. James Miller died Jan. 11th, aged 82. 1795. Mr. John Steel died June 14th, aged 84. 1796. At the commencement of this year there were only twelve framtd dwell- ing houses in town and but one of them two stories high. [6] 5. This cail was occasioned by Indian hostili- ties in the western country, and" anticipated dif- ficulties with England. 6. The two story house was built by Jaraes Mil- ler, in 1791. It was afterwards occupied by Rev. William Krothingham, and perished in the great fire of 1873. HISTORY OF BELFAST. A committee was chosen by the town to treat witb Mr. Ebenezer Price on terms of settlement as a minister composed of the f<>llowing persons, John Tufts, Solon Stephe son, Samuel McKeen, Samuel Houston, John Cochran, James Patterson, Benjamin Nesraith, Robert Steel, Tolford Durham, John Cochran 2nd and Alexaader Clark. The town voted to give Mr. Price two hundred dollars a year as a salary and to add ten dollars each year until it shall amount to three hundred dollars; also a parsonage lot reserved for the first settled minister except one acre for a meeting house to stand on and a sufficient quantity of land for a burying ground. A protest against the settlement of Mr. Price is on the records of the town signed by Solon Stephenson, Zenas Stephenson, Caleb Stephenson, William Patterson, Wil- liam Patterson, James Patterson Nathan- iel Patterson, Robert Patterson, Jerome Stephenson, George Cochran. Robert Coch- ran, Peter Cochran, John Cochran, John Young, Job Young, John Osborn, Josiah Dillingham, Ichabod Clark, Elisha Clark, Nathaniel Eells, Robert Miller, James Gammon, Robert Steel and Jonathan White. The following is a copy of the Letter of the Committee appointed by the town to wait on Mr. Ebenezer Price and notify him of his call to the ministry dated Bel- fast Sept. 19th, 179G. To Ebenezer Price A. B, Preacher of the Gospel. The People of the Town of Belfast wish health, grace and peace. We being fully sensible of our discon- solate and unhappy situation as a people while destitute of a spiritual guide, feel- ing ourselves and offspring deprived of rich and peculiar blessings so long as we are destitute of a regular church of Christ, the stated dispensation of the word and the administration of the ordi- nances of the gospel, and viewing our- selves candidates for immortality, duty calls on us to use our ability and exert our most zealous endeavors to obtain those spiritual blessing and privileges which Christ our Saviour hath provided in the gospel. We, therefore, make known to you, dear sir, our situation. It is now a considerable time that you have laboured with us in word and doc- trine and we view it the smiles of provi- dence that you have been led to this part of the vineyard of our Lord to us who are scattered like sheep upon the mountains without a shepherd. You have by your pablic labours, private walk, doctrine, example and by the testimonials of others recommended yourself to us as a faithful ambassador of Christ which demand our affection, respect and reverence. Ever since our first acquaintance the eyes of the people have been upon you that you should be set over them in the Lord; and 'tis the general voice and united desire and prayer that should there be a church gathered here according to the rules of Christ you should take the pastoral care of this church and people, to be ordained over them and spend your days for their spiritual interest in the high and holy calling of a gospel minister, that we may no longer be as sheep going astray sub- ject to be devoured by wolves, but that in you we may find a faithful shepherd, a spiritual guide, one who will naturally care for us, who will deliver to us the doctrines of the gospel with plainness and simplicity, whose talents may be im- proved for our edification, whose words a balm for the wounded in spirit, whose example our pattern and whose season- HISTORY OF BELFAST. able admonitions our preservation from error, that we maj walk together while here on earth in love enjoying the ordi- nances of the gospel and be prepared to sit in Christ's kingdom forever. That you, dear sir, may see your way clear to manifest your acceptance of this call to the pastoral care of this church when gathered and coogregatioQ in the town of Belfast is our general, fervent, and humble prayer to Almighty G td. But as we expect of you spiritual things we would in like manner minister to your wants in carnal things. (Then follows the offer of the town in respect to settle ment and salary ) We submit this call and these propos- als to your serious and solemn considera- tion, beseeching God to direct you in the path of duty particularly in this most im- portant matter and th it he would grant that whatever be your determination we may acquiesce in the dispensations of his providence. Signed by Samuel McKeen, John Coch- ran, Tolford Durham and Alexander McMiliau. Mr. Price's answer. To THE Society and People of Bel- fast : — Dear and Beloved: 'Tis now a considerable time since I re- ceived by the hand of your committee a call and proposals to settle with you in the gospel ministry. Sensible of your situation I feel myself under obligation as soon as possible to make known to you the result of my reflections on this sol- emn and important subject. It is a sub- ject of the greatest moment both to you and me because in it each of our soul's eternal interest is materially concerned. — On the decision I am called to give, much is depending, as it must be atieuded with endless consequences and because from it the glory and honor of Christ's kingdom are inseparable. Therefore, with what reverence, caution and assurance of duty ought I to decide, lest I wrong my own soul and mar the divine glory. — Accord- ing to the clearest light and helps I have been able to obtain from a prayerful en- quiry and the most mature deliberation providence directs to receive the call of the Society of Belfast as the call of God. — I do therefore, relying on God in obe- dience to what appears duty, publicly and cordially accept your invitation and pro- posals to be ordained over you in the work of the gospel ministry, and that as soon as an Ecclesiastical council may be con- vened and a Church of Christ gathered should the present appearance continue. I am not insensible that this decision is attended with things at present disagre- able and self-denying. There is an oppo- sition to my settlement. No ministers at hand with whom I might advise on emer- gent occasions and I am far removed from my kindred and friends, but the cross must be borne by the followers of Christ. I would feel submissive to God who dis- poseth all things according to infinite wisdom. — The reasons influencing me to this my answer are, the peculiar operations of providence relative to you as a Society since my first acquaintance with you; the repeated instances of your unanimity and apparent engagedness in the cause of the Redeemer and especially your last general public act. These, taking into view your critical situation should your endeavors prove ineffectual with the Council of my reverend fathers and brethren in the min- istry are reasons which leave me no room to doubt the propriety of my decision notwithstanding what has appeared to the HISTORY OF BELFAST. contrary. — But when I consider my un- worthiness of so high and holy a calling, my youtli, inexperience, liableness to err and to be drawn aside by temptation, to have the care of immortal souls, how ter- rifying the idea! Nothing but the desire of promoting the cause of the Redeemer in this place would influence me to settle with you. Suuuld this proposed union take place much will depend on you as a church and people not only to make my life confortable but to ease the burden of my ministerial labours. Those of you who profess to be the children of God will I trust feel it a duty constantly to bear me to the throne of grace, to strengthen my hands and encourage my heart. May I ever enjoy your counsel and since I am a man subject to like pas- sions with other men, when occasion calls do not withhold your seasonable and friendly admonitions. I shall expect from you moderation, candour and charity in your conduct towards me, and may I to- ward you discharge the duty of the minis- terial character, watching over the Lord's flock like a faithful shepherd, ministering to your spiritual wants teaching the com- mandments of God, preserve ray garments unspotted from the world and by soul free from the blood of all men. — And may I increase in grace, knowledge, wisdom, prudence and humility that you may be pr pfitrfd by my labours and example. — Should we unite as Minister and People, O that it might be for your mutual edifi- cation comfort and joy. May I go out and in before you in the fear of God, not counting my life dear to me but manifest- ing a willing mind to spend the days God shall give me in the service of Christ for your sakes. — And may you in me receive a rich blessing. May there be many souls from among j ju edified, comforted and brought to the saving knowledge of Christ thro' my instrumentality. The God of grace grant that we may walk together as minister and people en- joying the ordinances of the gospel in ove, union and Christian fellowship untill God in his own time shall call us from this scene of trial to spend an eternity with the spirits of the just made perfect. Ebenezek Price. You have doubtless anticipated that as my parents and friends live at a great dis- tance a few Sabbaths yearly will be nec- essarily taken in visiting them. A Council was convened on the twenty- eighth day of December consisting of Rev. E. Giilet, Rev. Jona. Powers, Rev." Juua. H use and Rev. W. Riddel, with their delegates. The next day a church was organized and Mr. Price was ordained. The original associates who composed the Rev. Mr. Price's church were John Tufts, Samuel McKeen, Samuel Houston, John Blown, John Cochran and John Alexander, the two first of whom were afterwards appointed deacons. 1797. Mr. William McLaughlin died March 27ch aged 90. Mr. Nathaniel French died July 1st aged 50. Mr. Enos West was married to Miss Ann Patterson, the first born child of Belfast Dec. 5th. 1798. S>>l()n Stephenson and twenty- two others petitioned the General Court to be incorporated with such others as might join them, their polls and estates, into a distinct Parish by the name of the Religious Society in the town of Belfast. In the petition they assert 'that there is settled within said town of Belfast a min- ister who tho' approved by a majority of the Inhabitants of said town hold tenets and preaches doctrines which your peti- tioners cannot conscientiously receive.' Also, 'we sincerely and honestly believe HISTORY OF BELFAST. that the principles approved and doctrine.s inculcated by the Minister of the Town are unscriptural, immoral and distinctive to the order and interest of Society.' Tiie General Court ordered the peti- tioners to notify the Town of Belfast by serving the Clerk thereof with an at- tested copy of this petition & their or- der thereon thirty days before the second tuesday of their next session that they may appear and shew cause if any they have why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. In November the Town appointed Robert Houston E^q John Cochnn 2ad and Tolford Durham a committee to present a memorial in be half of the town against this petition. This memorial which appears at full length on the town records is ably and in- geniously written & it met with a f tvour- able reception for at the next session o! the Legislature the petitioners had leave to withdraw their petition. 1799. Mr. John Cochran died January 1st aged 59. 1800. Mrs. M. H. Cochran died March 8th aged 85. Mr. Samuel Eells died Ausr. 3d aged 41. Mr. Benjamin Nesraith dind Sept. 18th aged 66. This town contains Inhabitants. 1801. William Cunningham Jonathan Wilson, William Patterson, Ejjhraim Mc Farland, Samuel Russell, R)bert Patter- son 2nd Abner G. McKeen, Nathaniel Patterson, Ephraim McKeen, Jac ib Eimes, Robert B. Cochran and John S. Osborn were incorporated Feb. 10th, by the name of the Belfast Bridge Company to build a toll bridge over Belfast River. This commonly called the Upper Briige was completed the same year at the ex- pense of about $6000. 1802. Deacon John Tufts died March 3rd aged 78. Mrs. Grisel Jameson died March 18th aged 96. Mr. Robert Steel died October 25th aged 43. Forty- one deaths happened in town this year a list of which is preserved on the church records. The town appointed a committee to wait on the Rev. Mr. Price to see on what conditions he would have his connexions as minister of the town dissolved. The terms that he proposed were that they should pay up the arrearages of his salary give him two hundred and fifty dollars and procure for him a warrantee deed of the parsonage lot from the proprietors. On his part he would give a deed to the town of one acre of the same lot where the East meeting house stands and moreover would lay out a sufificieat quantity of land for a burying ground. His offer was ac- cepted and his dismission took place Sept. 22nd. 1803. The town voted 500 dollars for the support of schools and 2000 for the repairs of highways. A company of Ar- tillery was organized within the bounds of this Regiment and its officers were Jona- than Wilson Capt. Ephraim McFarland 1st Lieut. ; Thomas Cunningham 2Qd Lieut. Jonathan Wilson E-q. was chosen Rep- resensative to the Legislature the first ever sent by this town. 1804. This town gave 102 votes for Governor. A company of Cavalry was organized here, and John Wilson was commissioned its captain R ibert White 1st Lieut. Joseph Houston 2nd Lieut.; & Abel Baker Cornet. Jenny Patter- son daughter of James Patterson and Elizabeth his wife and the youngest of their twelve children was born April 11th, Her eldest brother was at this time 28 years 4 months and twenty six days old and the mother a little rising of forty six years. HISTORY OF BELFAST. II 1805. Jonathan Wilson Esq. and his associates were iucorporated for the pur- pose of building a toll bridge over Belfast river at the village called Belfast East Bridge March 14. Lemuel Weeks Esq. died May 20th aged 50. Rev. Alfred Johnson vpas installed minister of this town Sept. 25th salary $700 per ann. 1806. Belfast East Bridge was complet- ed at the expense of $18,500. Its length was 122 rods. 1807. Mr. Solon Stephenson died Feb. 14 ih aged 78. 1808. Belfast Academy was incorporat- ed Feb. 29th and the following gentlemen constituted tlie Board of Tiustees, George Ulmer and Samuel A. Whitney Esqr.s. ; Rev. Alfred Johnson; Phineas Ashmun, Bohan P. Field, Thomas Whittier James Nesmilh, Nathan Read, John Wilson & Jonathan Wilson Esqrs; Doct. Thaddeus Hubbard, Doct. Oliver Mann Rev. Wil- iam Mason, Rev. Mighill Blood and Caleb B. Hall Esq. Votes for Governor 186. 1809. Abel Baker Constable and Col- lector of taxes for the years 1806, 1807, and 1808 having absconded with considerable of the Towns money a meeting of the In- habitants was notified and held Feb. 9th to make choice of a Collector to complete the collection of taxes in the bills commit- ted to the said Baker. This arrant rogue never afterwards appeared here and the town after making the necessary abate- ments recovered the deficit on the bonds. Mr. James Gilmore died Nov. 28th. Rev. Alfred Johnson addressed a letter to the Assessors of the town stating in substance that he understood several per- sons liable to ministerial taxes in this town had joined others in a petition to be incorporated into a Baptist Society where- by the burden of his support might be greater on those who continued members of his society he therefore thro' them would declare that those who remain faithful to the covenants of the town with him their taxes should not be increased by the apostacy of others. 1810. The town contains 1,274 inhabi- tants. Mrs. Brown died aged 90. John Merriam and twenty -eight others, peti- tioners to be incorporated by the name of the first Baptist Society in Belfast had an order of notice granted on their petition which was duly served and the Town at a meeting Dec. 13ch did not think proper to remonstrate. — 1811. The Baptist Society was incor porated. James Nesmith Esq. died March 4th- aged 47. Belfast Academy was opened May 17th and an address was delivered by Mr. James Porter the first Preceptor. — A ship of 490 tons was built here called the Bel- fast of .New York. 1812. Number of Polls in Belfast 319. Mr. James G )rdon died aged 86. Rev. Alfred Johnson gave the first Congregational Parish a bond relinguish- ing his silary during the present war with Great Britain & not long after one ex- tending the time indefinitely, 1813. John Wilson E-^q. of this town was elected member of Congress two years from March 4th. Benjamin Poor Esq. died Aug. 10th aged 52. — Rev. Alfred Johnson took his dismis- sion Oct. 3rd 1814. The British landed a body of troops in this Town amounting to about six hundred Sept. Ist who embarked on the 5th. 1815. Messrs. Nathan Cram, Parker Brown and Daniel Toward of this town l..fC HISTORY OF BELFAST. and Mr. Joseph Woodward of Islesboro" were drowned by the upsetting of a boat in Belfast Bay Oct. 23rd. William Lowney A. M., a graduate of Dublin College died Nov. 8th aged 76. 1816. This was a remarkably cold sea- son. Apple trees were in, blossom July 1st, and the crops were very scanty. A Town meeting. was held Sept. 2nd to consider the question of separating the District of Maine from Massachusetts oh certain prescribed ..^terms. The votes stood thus, yeas 95, nays 65, and Alfred Johnson & John MerrJam Esqrs. were appointed Delegates. — 1817. John Wilson Esq. was again elected member iCongress. Mr. Francis Anderson died Fed. 22ad aged 39. Mr. Patrick Gilbreth died April 4th aged 78. Mr. John Brown died in May aged 86. 1818. A Custom House was establish- ed here and Col. Daniel Lane appointed Collector. — Rev. William Frothingham received a call from the first Congregational Parish April 27th & from the Church May 7th to settle with them in the work of the Gospel ministry. Mrs. West, wife of Enos West died at Monroe, May 7th aged 46. (7). The frame of the first Congregational Meeting house was raised J une lOtb and 11th. The new Meeting house was solemnly dedicated Nov. 15th. The cost of it including the bell purchas- ed afterwards by the Parish was about $7,500; the expense of which was defray- ed by the sale of the pews. Kev. William Frothingham made a com- munication in answer to the call given 7. She was the first child born here, him to settle here as follows: (See original letter). 1819. The small pox made its appear- ance and one hundred and fifty persons were the subjects of the disease in this town between ihe middle of April & the end of June. It was first introduced here by picking up and washing some infected clothes which had drifted ashore. To nine persons it proved fatal. On the return of Rev. Mr. Frothingham in May some disagreement beinff found to exist between him and a majority of the Church in respect to religious tenets and a church covenant, the parish unwilling to entrust the church with the ma'iing ar- rangements to settle Rev. Mr. F. under present circumstances assumed the right of selecting the council and a committee of eight was chosen with power to choose a council and provide suitable accommo- dations for them at the expense of the Parish. The Parish Committee and Rev. Mr. F. having chosen an equal number to compose an Ecclesiastical Council, the day was fixed on and the council appeared. A few weeks before his installation the church informed Rev. Mr. F. that the calUnj; of the council according to ecclesi- astical usage belonged exclusively to themselves and not to the Parish; they had voted, that the council should con- sist of nine ministers and their delegates of which they had chosen six & he might elect three. This proposal was rejected by Rev. Mr. F. and he was settled July 21st without a church. The Clergy who ufliciated at the installation of the Rev. Mr. Frothingham were Rev. Dr. Ripley of Concord, Rev. Dr. AUyn of Duxbury, Rev. Mr. Lowell of Boston, Rev, Dr. Packard of Wiscasset, Rev. Mr. Mason of Castine and Rev. Mr. Warren of Jackson. His salary is $600. per annum. — HISTORY OF BELFAST. '3 On Thursday August 12th Rev. Wil- liam Frotbingharn, Samuel CunniDgbam, Natban Read, William Poor, Nicholas Coffin «fe Herman Abbot formed them- selves into a Church by adopting. a plat- form and covenant & at the end of this year it consisted of eighteen members. Alfred Johnson Esq. was chosen by the town Sept. 20th a Delegate to the Convention for framing a Constitution for the State of Maine. — 1820. This town contains 2026 inhabi- tants of which 402 are ratable polls. A number of the inhabitants seceded from the first & formed a second Congrega- tional Parish in May. (8) 1821. Rev. Mr. Frothingham's church having increased to twenty seven mem- bers, two Deacons were appointed on the fourth day of June. — Mr. Laughlin McDonald died July 24th. His age was not accurately known, but supposed to exceed one hundred years. 1822. A company of Lighti. Infantry was organized, and its officiers were Joel Hills Captain, Dudley Griffin Lieuten- ant, and Loriug Yarney Ensign. The town has 485 ratable polls. The First Baptist Society purchased the old West meeting house, removed it to a central part of the village and put it in good repair. It is a one story building 36 feet square and has 49 pews. (9) The conference meeting house (10) 40 feet by 32 was built for the Second Con- gregational parish. 8. The present Congregational Society. 9. The place of removal was Bridge street, be- tween High and Washington streets. In 1838 it wa> converted into a stable, and existed as such until 1895. 10. It stood on Primrose Hill, just above the house of Ralph C .lohnson. After the erection of ihe North church, it was removed to Front street and was destroyed by flro in 1851. 1823. Number of ratable polls 525. In one year ending Sept. 1st the Selectman granted forty- eight Store, four Tavern, and two victualling Licenses, which yield- ed an income to the town amounting to two huudred and eighty- live dollars. 1824. The town voted to give Col. Nathan Stanley Six hundred and seventy dollars to free the town one year from all expense on account of paupers. Three thousand dollars were raised for repairs of highways and fifteen hundred for the support of schools. Number of polls 574, and of School Districts 14. The Town houss, a handsome brick building was begun. (11). Rev. Charles Soule was ordained over the Second Congregational Parish &. church, or as they style themselves the Society associated with the first Congregational Church June30tli. The officiating Clergy were Rev. Messrs, Gillett of Halloweil, Tappan of Augusta, Blood of Bucksport, Curamings of North Yarmouth, Mitchel of Waldoboro, Merrill of Freeport and Ingraham of Thomaston. Rev. Mr. S )ule8 salary is $ per annum. (12). The number of legal voters whose names were on the list in November was 555. The Methodist Meeting House was built and solemnly dedicated December 31st. (13). P^ifty seven deaths happened in town this year. Fever combined with Dysen- tery was the prevailing epidemic which proved very fatal to children. 11. Now the High schoolhousc. 12. He was promised $500, besides aiJ from abroad. 13. At the corner of .Miller and Cross streets. M HISTORY OF BELFAST. List of persons who have died in Bel- fast from 1819 to 1824, including some be- longing here whose deaths happened abroad. 1819. Capt. Samuel Houston 92. Dr. Charles Hall 41. Mr. Ziba Hall Jr. Mr. John Sargents wife Mr. Abraham Clark Mr. James Gilbreth Mr. James Read Mr. Soloman Hamilton Miss Lydia Qain Maj. Wm. Cunningham's wife Capt. James Doyle's wife Mr. John Brown's wife Mr. Andrew Patterson's child Mr. Jesse Basford Mr. Rabbins Mr. Caleb Stevenson's child Capt. John Wales' child Mr. Samuel Buckmiir's child Mr. Elijah Patterson's wife The eight last named died of the Small Pox. Mr. Jones Miss Clemenia Toward Mr. William Maybew Capt. Samuel Bird * Mr. Samuel Brown's child Mr. Hugh Ross' child Mr. William Mayhew's child Col. Philip Morrill's child Capt. James Doyle's child Mr. Samuel Tyler's child 1820. Mr. Jerome Stephenson 82. Mr. Archibald York's wife Mr. John Thurston's wife Mr. Andrew Leac'i Mr. Nathaniel Johnson Mr. John Houston Mr. Issachar Thistle's wife Mrs. Sarah Knowlton Mr. Daniel Batchelder'a wife Miss Esther Gilbreth Mr, John Huse Mr. Alexander Clark's wife, 49. Mr. George Barter. Mr. John Winkley t Mr. William Davis' child Mr. Zacheus Porter's child Mr. Peter R )we's child Maj. John Russ' child Mr. Otho Abbot's child Mr. Benjamin Cunningham's child Mr. Paul Wentworth's child Mr. Daniel Batchelder's child Mr. Jeremiah Swan's child 1821. Mrs. McCrillis Miss Betsey Gilmore Mr. Josiah Twitchel's wife Miss Miriam A. Cross Capt. Benj. Hazeltine's wife Capt. William White * Capt. Phineas Kellam * Mr. Elisha Small* Mr. William C. Kimball * Mr. James Smith Mr. Martin Patterson* Mr. Paul Giles* Capt. David Pierce's wife Capt. Thomas Stewart Mrs. Jones 84 Mr. Daniel Thurston * Capt. James Cunningham's wife Mr. Simon D. McDonald's wife Mr. Henry Burk's son* Mr. Ephraim Coulson's son Mr. Ebenezer Burgess' wife Mr. Laughlin McDonald Mr. Joseph P. Ladd's child Mr. Peter Rowe's child Mr. Charles Bran's child Mr. George P. Day's child Mr. William Pitcher's child HISTORY OF BELFAST. Mr. Jeremiah Walker's child Mr. Eleazer Davis' child Mr. David Goddard'e child Mr, Issacbar Thistle's child Mr. Thomas Pickard's child Mr. Alexander C. Todd's child Mr. Silvanus Gallison's child 1822. Mr. George Cochran 85 Mr. James Shirley 57 Mr. William Patterson Col. Thoma.s Cunningham 42 Benjamin Whittier, Esq. 39 Mr. Abel B. Eastman Mr. William Davis Mr. Joseph Williamson'^ wife Mr. David Elliot's wife Mr. Samuel Walton's wife Mr. William Wording's wife Mr Hiram Emery Mr. John Pace's wife Miss Lavina Thompsont Miss Abigtil West Miss Jane Patterson Mr. Franklin M. McKeen Mr. Noah Matthewst Mr. John Merriam's son Mr. John Hopkins' son Capt. Harvey B. Eells' child Mr. Caleb Stephenson's child Mr. John Roberts' child Mr. William Frederick's child Col. Philip Morrill's child Mr. Nicholas Phillip's child Mr. Josiah Twitchel's child Mr. Thomas Clark's child 1823. Mr. John Durham 74 Mr. Greenleaf Portei* Mr. Moses Prescott Mrs. Martha True Mrs. Woodward Mrs. Hannah Huse* Miss Nancy Kidder Miss Margaret Lymburner Miss Mary E. .jackson. Mr. Ziccheus 1 orter's child Mr. Joshua Adams' child Mr. Nicliolas Phillips child Capt. Nathin Swan's child Capt. Josiah Simpson's son Mr. Peter Holmes' son Mr. James Durham's child Mr. William Quimby's child Mr. Samuel Jacksons Jr. child Young man at Capt. N. Eells t 1824. Capt. Soloman Kimball 73 Mr. S imuel Huse Mr. Jq. CO Mr. Jonathan Clark 78 1 Mr. Henry Pendleton* Mrs. Starret P White Mr. Rilph Matthewst Mr. Michael NortoLt Mr. Daniel Davis Mr. John Brown Z-iccheus Porter Esq. 44 C ipt. William Furber's son* Mr. Oliver Lane I Mr. Leonard Crosby's wife Mr. Samuel Jackson's wife Mrs. Sturtivant Mr. Gershom F. Cox's wife Mr. Thomas Pickard's wife Mrs. Houston Mrs. Harriet Smith* Mr. Abraham Libby's wife Miss Julia Longfellow Miss Hannah Rowet Miss Mary Stanley Miss Emeline Stanley I6 HISTORY OF BELFAST. Mr. Nathan Stanley Jr. Capt. Miller's Sailoit Mrs. Giles child Mr. John Thurston's child Mr, John P. Kimball's child Mr. Soloman Cunningham's child Mr. William Torrey's child* Mr. Thomas Houston's child Mr. Edward Wi^jht's child Mr. Jusiah Hall's child Mr. Cyrus Hall's child Mr. BenjiTnin Eells' child Mr. Dennis Emery's child Mr. Thomas Flagoer's cliild Mr. Benjimin Monro's child Mr. Isaac Dunham's child William Ryan's child Mr. William Eyan's child Mr. Robert Smart's child Mr, Josiah D. Hinds' child Mr. Josiah D. Hinds' child Mr. James Kelloch's child Mr. James Kellock's child Mr. William White's Jr. child Mr. Lewis Beau's Jr. child Mr. Nathaniel Patterson's 2od child Mr. John B. Durham's child Mr. Jacob Cunningham's child Mr. Benjamin Brown Mr, Elijah Torrey's child Mr. Andrew W. Park's child Mr. James Morrice* ♦denotes died abroad, ures denote the age. tbeloDged abroad. Fig- List of Moderators presiding at meet- ings for the choice of Town Officers in Belfast. Also Clerks, Selectmen, Treas- urers, Constables & Representatives. 1773 to 1825. MODERATORS. 1773 Thomas Goldthwait* 1773. 1774 John Brown* 1774. 1775 John Tufts* 1777. 1778 John Mitchel* 1778. 1779 John Brown* 1779. 1785 John Tufts* 1786, 1787 James Patterson* 1787. 1788 Samuel McKeen* 1788, 1789 John Brown* 1789. 1790 Jerome Stephenson* 1790. 1791 John Brown* 1792, 1793 Lemuel Weeks* 1794. 1795 Jerome Stephenson* 1796. 1797 Tolford Durham 1797. 1798 Jonathan Wilson 1798. 1799 Robert Steel* 1799. 1800 Jonathan Wilson 1800. 1801 Thomas Cunningham 1804. 1805 William Crosby 1811. 1812 Oakes Angi.r 1812. 1813 Thomas Cunningham 1813. 1814 Jonathan VVilson 1814. 1815 William Crosby 1815. 1816 Jonathan Wilson 1816. 1817 Bohan P. Field 1818. 1819 William Crosby 1819. 1820 Bohan P. Field 1823. 1824 William White, CLERKS, 1773 John Mitchell* 1775, 1775 Samuel Houston* 1780. 1785 Samuel Houston* 1791. 1791 Alexander Clark 1800. 1800 Jonathan Wilson 1813. 1813 William Moody 1814. 1814 Benjamin Whittier* 1815. 1815 William Moody 1816. 1816 Benjamin Whittiei* 1822. 1822 Herman Abbott. SELECTMEN. 1773 John Brown* 1777. 1773 Benjamin ISesmith* 1776. 1773 James Patterson* 1777. 1776 John Tufts* 1777. 1777 Solon Stephenson* 1780. 1777 Robert Patterson 1780. 1777 Alexander Clark 1780. 1785 Samuel Houston 1788. HISTORY OF BELFAST. 17 1785 1785 1787 1788 1790 1790 1891 1791 1792 1792 1793 1794 1794 1795 1796 1797 1797 1798 1798 1799 1800 1800 1801 1802 1802 1803 1803 1804 1805 1805 1805 1806 1806 1806 1808 1809 1809 1810 1810 1811 1811 1812 1813 1813 1814 James Patterson* 1787. John Cochrau* 1791. Solon Stephenson* 1790. Tolford Durham 1790. Jijnathan VVils:^n 1791. Robert Steel* 1792. Samuel McKeen* 1793. Alexander Clark 1792. Samuel Houston 1797. Jonathan Wilson 1794. James Miller 1794. James Nesmith* 1795. Robert Steel* 1797. James Miller 1796. Alexander McMillan 1799. Henry True* 1798. Nathaniel Patterson 1798. Robert Houston* 1802. Daniel Clary 1800. Ephraim McFarland 1800. James Nesmith 1803. James Miller 1801. Thaddeus Spring* 1802. Samuel Houston 1803. John Cochra 1 1805. Robert Houston* 1805 James Millet 1804. Thomas Cunningham 1805. William Crosby 1806. Reuben Derbj* 1806. Tolfoid Duiham 1806. William Moody 1810. Bohan P. Field 1808. Samuel Houston 1809. Isaac Senter 1809. Henry Goddard 1811. George Watson 1810. Samuel Houston 1813. John Merriara 1811. George Watson 1814. Benjamin Poor* 1812. Benjamin Whittier* 1813. Jonathan White 1814. Joseph Houston 1814. Asa Edmunds 1815. 1814 ISathaniel Eells 1814 Robert Patterson 1815 George Watson 1815 Jonathan White 1815 Joseph Houston 1816 Robert Patterson 1817 Manasseh Sleeper 1817 .Nathaniel Eells 1817 John Merriam 1818 James McCrillis 1819 John S. Kimball 1820 John Merriam 1820 Nathan Swan 1822 Manasseh Sleeper 1823 Philip Morrill 1823 William Avery 1824 George Watson 1824 Salathiel Nickerson 1825 Rufus B. AUyn 1825 Joseph Smith 1825 Samutl Gordon TREASURERS. 1773 John Barnet 1779 John Cochran 1785 John Tufts 1786 Tolford Durham 1796 Jonathun Wilson 1797 Solon Stephenson 1798 Tolford Duiham 1802 James Nesmith 1805 Bohan P. Field 1806 James Nesmith * 1809 John Wilson 1812 John Huse 1813 John Anuier 1814 John Merriara 1815 John Cochran 1817 Asa Edmunds 1818 John S. KimbUl 1820 Zacheus Porter 1821 Rutus B. AUyn 1822 John S. Kimball 1823 Samuel French 1824 Thomas Marshall. 1815. 1815. 1817. 1817. 1816. 1817. 1820. 1818. 1819. 1825. 1820. 1823. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1824. 1825. 1825. 1779. 1780. 1786. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1802. 1805. 1806. 1809. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1817. 1818. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. HISTORY OF BELFAST. CONSTABLES. 1809 John Merriam 1810. 1773 William Patterson 1775. 1810 Thomas Cunningham* 1815. 1775 Nathaniel Patterson 1776. 1815 John Merriam 1817. 1776 John Durham* 1777. 1817 Stephen Longfellow 1821. 1777 John Davidson 1778. 1821 Samuel Cunningham 1821. 1778 James Millei* 1779. 1821 Robert Patterson 1822. 1779 John Brown* 1780. 1822 Nathaniel M. Lowney 1823. 1785 John Brown 1786. 1823 Thomas Cunningham 1824. 1786 John Tufts 1787. 1824 Stephen Longfellow 1825 1787 James Patterson 1788. 1825 John Wagg 1788 Samuel Houston 1789. 1825 John T Poor. 1789 Benjamin Nesmith 1790. 1825 Isaac B. Ulmer. 1790 1791 Solon Stephenson William Patterson 1791. 1792. REPRESENTATIVES. 1792 James Miller 1793. 1803 Jonathan Wilson 1805. 1793 John Cochram 1794. 1806 John Wilson 1807. 1794 Robert Patterson 1795. 1807 Thomas Whittier* 1808. 1795 Jonathan Wilson 1796. 1808 Jonathan Wilson 1810. 1796 John Brown* 1797. 1810 Thomas Whittier* 1812. 1797 Robert Steel* 1798. 1812 George Watson 1814. 1798 John Cochran 1799. 1812 Jonathan Wilson 1813. 1799 William Houston 1800. 1816 John Merriam 1817. 1800 John Brown* 1801. 1818 William White 1819. 1801 Nathaniel Eells 1802. 1819 Alfred Johnson 1821. 1802 Jeremiah Bean 1803. 1819 John S, Kimball 1820. 1803 Paul Giles* 1804. 1821 Ralph C. Johnson 1822. 1804 Thomas Reed 1805. 1822 James McCrillis 1824. 1805 John Russ 1806. 1824 George Watson 1825. 1806 Abel Baker 1809. 1825 James McCrillis LIBRRRY OF CONGRESS 013 995 428 2