S 2894 S27 L4 opy 1 jitQtnXi of anta jTrancesca. L. D. S. SPALDING. A LEGEND OP SANTA FRANCESCA. N A LEGEND OF SANTA FRANCESCA BY L. D. S. SPALDING :^^ ^^ ?893 % NEW YORK ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH AND COMPANY (incorporated) 182 Fifth Avenue 4—^^ Copyright, 1893, By Axson D. F. Randolph and Comi'anv. (incorporated.) 5Sntfacrsitg J^ress : John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S. A A LEGEND SANTA FRANCESCA. npHERE 'S ,a quaint and beautifnl legend Of saintly Francesca the Blest, Which comes like a sweet benediction To weary ones longing for rest, — To weary ones longing for respite From ceaseless demands of the day, Which leave scarce one moment for quiet, One moment to think or to pray. ^ ieffenU of ^anta jFrancegca, T^RANCESCA was noble and wealthy, With many a burden to bear, — A wife with a husband to honor And children who needed her care. Yet ever with sweetest devotion Her duties and prayers were combined : In the world, yet with heart far above it. Her life with religion entwined. I T was morn in the old Roman City ; rougli tl the sun Througli the richly stained glass streamed In a room where, in rapt meditation, Francesca was kneeling alone. She knelt with her hands clasped before her Her gaze wholly fixed on her book. Where from words of divine inspiration Her dailv instruction she took. ^ leffcnU of ^anta Jrancesca. OHE was reading in silence and quiet Her psalm from the dearly-loved book, " I am alway by Thee, Thou hast holden Me by my right hand — " when a knock Called her forth from her sweet meditation, And a servant said humbly : " My lord Prays you come to the hall ; he is waiting To give you a message and word." ^T7ITH never a murmur she listened, And joined him at once in his plan For bidding some friends come to supper ; Then again with her psalm she began. Again the same words she w^as reading, " I am alway by Thee," when a sound Of tottering steps in the passage, And her dear little dauo-hter she found. ^ IcffcnU of ^anta JFranccsca. 'T^HE child had a favor to ask her, And eagerly spoke her request, While her mother as willingly listened Until she had set her at rest. Then once more she knelt at her prayer-desk, Once more she was at the same text, When again came the steward to seek her. And show her what duty was next. TN the hall she found three holy pilgrims ; For Christ's sake a lodging they claim, And she gives them a warm, loving greeting. And welcomes them there in His name. A fourth time she read, " I am by Thee ; Thou hast holden me by my right hand," When again she is called, and in waiting She sees a gay courtier stand. ^ leffcnti of ^anta Jranccsca. '• TT is well," said the holy Francesca ; "Till we come to the presence of God, We can serve Him as well in these duties, And follow the paths that He trod." So she talked of the hawking and supper To one who cared only for these, And thought even thus she might honor Her Lord, and her Master might please. A ND then as she thankfully left him And once more re-entered to pray, Lo ! a vision of glory angelic Just met her, — then vanished away. One glimpse of a form full of beauty, — She knew that an angel was there, And prostrate with awe and emotion, She fell at her footstool in prayer. 10 9t leffenH of ^anta jFranceeca. A ND tliere in lier book full of lightness, All blazing in letters of gold, — Of gold far beyond earthly brightness, — The beautiful verses were told. And she knew that her love was accepted, Her duties so cheerfully borne Had been wrought into gold by the Master, Who saw all that happened that morn. T7OR us is the beautiful lesson Of saintly Francesca the Blest, That the cheerful acceptance of duty Ever pleases Our Father the best. His angels unseen hover near us ; He knows every step that we take ; And the lowliest duty is honored When done for the Master's sake. " [N'fbtrtl^fkss 31 am alinay bu STIjcf, for Ctioii ijast f)olticn mc iju mu rigl)t fjanti. ** Cfjou stialt guitic me Init!) ^Tfiu counsel: anti after tliat recciijc me initl) glorg." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 225 831 P