(f THF COMET H^ Class ~X7i5 Book.. .JL±1 Copyright }J°. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. y.io THE COMET 1910 RECEIPTS DEDICATED TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE BY THE MASSACHUSETTS ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN WORKERS "TO HAVE AND TO SHARE" (league motto) ^^. ^+v COPTRIGHT, 19IO BT MASSACHUSETTS ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN WORKERS C!.A;>59588 o as adversaries do in law — Strive mightily, but eat and drink as friends" Shakespeare. LUNCH BASKET, I Egg Sandwiches. Qieese Sandwiches. Oatmeal Bread Sandwiches. Ripe Olives. Iced Tea. Sweet Wafers. Box of Strawberries and Powdered Sugar. EGG SANDWICHES Chop hard boiled eggs up very fine. Mix with them either anchovies or pickles. Put on a lettuce leaf and place between two slices of well buttered bread. CHEESE SANDWICHES Pour enough Worcestershire sauce into a bowl with a Neuf- chatel cheese to give color and flavor. Rub to a smooth paste and spread on very thin slices of Graham bread. OATMEAL BREAD SANDWICHES Whole wheat or nut bread. Cut the bread in thin rounds with a biscuit cutter and spread generously with Neufchatel cheese and well chopped olives. A dust of paprika added to cheese improves the sandwich. 3 LUNCH BASKET, II Pork Sandwiches. Watercress-Onion Sandwiches. Temperance Punch. Afternoon Tea Sandwich or Sweet. Fruit in Season. Stuffed Dates. PORK SANDWICHES Slice cold roast pork very thin. Spread a thin piece of bread with apple-sauce, put sliced stuffed olives on top of pork and lay on apple-sauce, pork side down. Cover with another piece of bread, cut thin and buttered lightly. These should be done up in paraffin paper. WATER-CRESS AISD ONION SANDWICHES Chop water-cress and new onions, lay between lettuce leaves after being dipped in vinegar, then lay between two pieces of thin buttered bread. TEMPERANCE PUNCH {See receipt among Beverages^) AFTERNOON TEA SANDWICHES Between two macaroons put cream cheese, previously beaten up with a little cream and sprinkled with currants. 4 LUNCH BASKET, III Stuffed Eggs. Bread-and-butter Folds. Sweet Pickles. Windsor Sandwiches. Olive and Cheese Bars. Pineapple Lemonade. Hermits. Fruit. A tumbler of Orange Marmalade and Toasterettes. STUFFED EGGS Boil eggs hard and cut lengthwise. Remove the yolks and mix with a little salad dressing. Replace in hollow. Put halves together carefully and hold in place with a toothpick. Roll in a lettuce leaf. BREAD-AND-BUTTER FOLDS Remove end from loaf. Spread end of loaf evenly with butter that has been creamed. Cut off as thin a slice as possible. Re- peat until you have twelve slices. Then butter and cut six slices of Graham bread in the same way. Place the Graham slice be- tween the two white slices and cut with a biscuit cutter. WINDSOR SANDWICHES Take six tablespoonfuls each of chopped ham and chicken, and mix with five tablespoonfuls of Mayonnaise dressmg. Spread on thin slices of bread. Remove the crusts and cut in halves. OLIVE AND CHEESE BARS One twenty-five cent bottle of stuffed olives. One cream- 5 cheese, one third of a pound of wahiuts (about a cupful after being shelled) chop all together. Then add a little salad dress- ing. Spread between thin slices of bread and cut in bars about two inches wide. HERMITS Three eggs. One and a half cups of sugar. One cup butter. One cup chopped raisins. One teaspoon soda. Two table- spoonfuls water. One half teaspoon cassia. One half teaspoon nutmeg. Dissolve the soda in the water, add flour enough for a soft dough. Roll and cut in diamond shapes. LUNCH BASKET, IV Nut-Bread Sandwiches. Chive Sandwiches. Lobster Salad. Hot Coffee. Stuffed Olives. Candied Ginger, Wafers spread with Cheese. WHITE FLOUR NUT-BREAD Two cups sifted Flour. Two teaspoonfuls Baking-powder* One quarter cup Sugar. One beaten Egg. One teaspoon Salt. One small cup Milk. One cup chopped English Walnuts. Put in loaf-pan after mixing and let stand twenty minutes. Then bake in a moderate oven forty-five minutes. 6 CHIVES SANDWICHES Chop chives fine. Cut several slices of bread; butter one slice, then sprinkle it with chives, lay on this another piece of bread buttered on both sides, then more chives, repeat this imtil you have four layers. Then cut into fingers. This sandwich may be made of parsley well chopped. LOBSTER SALAD Prepare the lobster and Mayonnaise as for salad. Roll a couple of tablespoonfuls in a lettuce leaf and secure with a tooth- pick. These should be done up in parafiin paper. The hot coffee should be made carefully in quantity desired and carried in a Thermos bottle. The wafers buttered first, then spread lightly with either cream cheese, or if preferred Roquefort and cream cheese mixed. These with candied ginger are very nice for dessert. LUNCH BASKET, V Bread-and-butter Sandwiches. Ribbon Sandwiches. Celery Sticks. Caviar and Egg Sandwiches. Potted or Deviled Chicken. Pin-money Pickles. Cranberry Punch or Lemonade. Parisian Sweets or Wiesbaden Prunes. Figs and Dates or Cumquat Oranges. 7 BREAD-AND-BUTTER SANDWICHES AND CELERY STICKS To make a delicious sandwich the bread must be cut very thin and both parts, top and bottom, richly spread with butter, which has first been creamed. Fill the hollow^ of the celery stalks with a mixture of Roquefort cheese and Ma)'onnaise well mashed to- gether. These sticks should be cut into short lengths, and after being stuffed done up in paraffin paper. RIBBON SANDWICHES Remove crust from a small rectangular shaped loaf of bread. Slice lengthwise. Butter one and spread with minced ham moistened with salad dressing. Butter a second slice, spread with chopped olives and water-cress (mixed) and lay it on first slice, with the unbuttered side next to the ham. Butter and spread ham on a third slice and lay unbuttered side next to olives. Butter fourth slice and lay butter down on olives. Now it will be in loaf shape. Press well together and with a sharp knife cut slices from end, which will give you a pretty layer sandwich with pink and green filling. Unsalted butter should be used and asparagus or lettuce may be substituted for olives. CAVIAR AND EGG SANDWICHES Slice bread very thin and spread with creamed butter. Put caviar on middle very lightly. Grate the yolks of hard-boiled eggs. Spread middle of slices of bread with caviar and the outer edge with egg. 8 POTTED CHICKEN This may be bought in cans at any first-class grocery store, and helps to make a substantial lunch. It may or may not be needed with the rest of this lunch, that depending on the number of people to be served. PIN-MONEY PICKLES CRANBEREY PUNCH (Find receipt among Beverages^ PARISIAN SWEETS {Find receipt among Sweets.) Figs, dates and Cumquat oranges may be procured at S. S. Pierce's. LUNCH BASKET, VI Itahan Sandwiches. Rolls and Salad. Iced Coffee. Petite Beurre Wafers. Strawberry Jam and Cream Cheese or Potted Cream. Epicure Vanilla Chocolate. ITALIAN SANDWICHES One cup Raisins chopped. Two tablespoonfuls Orange-juice, One cup English Walnuts chopped. Two tablespoonfuls Honey. 9 Mix all thoroughly and put between thin slices of buttered bread. SALAD Chop chicken and add an equal quantity of weU boiled rice with enough cooked tomato to give it color. Marinate all with French dressing. Use also a small quantity of Mayonnaise. Put between lettuce leaves and place in roUs from which the in- side has been removed. lO SALADS " To make a perfect salad there should be a miser for vinegar' a spendthrift for oily a wise man for salt and a madcap to stir the whole together P^ DIFFERENT RICE SALADS Housewives in general do not appreciate the value of rice served cold as a salad. When properly cooked, rice is not only delicious when served by itself with lettuce and a Mayonnaise, or boiled dressing, but may be combined with either fresh or cooked vegetables, fish, cold meat or hard-boiled eggs. Such a combination makes a salad sufficiently substantial to serve as the main dish of a simple luncheon or supper. TO BOIL THE RICE Rice should be picked over first. Put into a strainer set in cold water. Wash with hands, changing water whenever necessary until water is no longer cloudy. Soak one hour in cold water, then drain and sprinkle slowly into a large saucepan full of boil- ing salted water. Boil furiously fifteen minutes, then drain in colander and set into cool oven for five minutes to steam. One cup of rice will serve six people and requires at least three quarts of boiling water and a level tablespoonful of salt. RICE AND TOMATO SALAD Scald, peel and chill medium sized tomatoes. Cut a cone- shaped piece from stem end of each and work in salt and pepper 17 with a silver fork. Arrange two or three crisp luttuce leaves in each plate, put on them a bed of rice moistened with French dressing. Set one tomato on each and fill cavity with boiled or Mayonnaise dressing. RICE AND LIMA BEAN SALAD Marinate separately with French dressing cold boiled rice and small canned lima beans, which have been drained of their liquor and thoroughly rinsed and dried. Arrange daintily on lettuce leaves, and serve with either boiled or Mayonnaise dressing. RICE AND EGG SALAD Hard cook six eggs by keeping them in water just below boil- ing-point for fifty minutes. Cool immediately and cut in quarters or sixths lengthwise. Marinate three or four cups of cooked rice (cold) with French dressing, using white pepper. Then mix with sufficient boiled or Mayonnaise dressing. Arrange in a mound on a bed of lettuce leaves, cover top with dressing, and set pieces of egg on end around the side. Garnish with pimolas cut crosswise. FISH AND RICE SALAD Six Portions Mix and slightly marinate with well seasoned French dressing two cups each of cold cooked rice and cold cooked fish. Cod- i8 fish, simmered in water to which a tablespoonful of vinegar and a bit of bay-leaf have been added is particularly nice for this salad ; but canned salmon or any cold left-over fish may be used. After standing fifteen to thirty minutes, mix with sufficient May- onnaise or boiled dressing, and mold in individual moistened molds. When set, turn out upon a bed of lettuce leaves, put a spoonful of Mayonnaise on top and garnish with pimolas cut in halves crosswise. RICE, TOMATO AND STRING-BEAN SALAD Scald, peel, slice and chill tomatoes. Add to them cold cooked string beans, and marinate with French dressing, to which has been added a drop of onion juice. Let stand at least ten minutes. Drain off juice and save. Arrange vegetables on a bed of cold cooked rice and lettuce leaves, pour over them first the juice just drained off and then a tablespoonful of either French, Mayon- naise or boiled dressing. CUCUMBER AND EGG SALAD Four Eggs (hard boiled). Three tablespoonfuls Mayonnaise. Two Cucumbers. One half teaspoon Salt. Lettuce. Cut cucumbers into small cubes and sprinkle with the salt. Let stand about two hours, then drain until dry. Chop eggs up and mix with cucumbers and Mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaves. 19 EGG SALAD Six Eggs (hard boiled). One quarter teaspoon Onion (finely Three large Potatoes (boiled). chopped). One tablespoon grated Cheese. One Egg (white). Mayonnaise. A few Capers. Cut potatoes into dice, chop eggs pretty fine, add onion, capers, cheese. Make Mayonnaise highly seasoned. WTiip white of egg very stiff and dry, and beat into the Mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly with salad and serve at once. HOT POTATO SALAD One quart fresh boiled Potatoes. Salt. One medium size Onion. Pepper. Three tablespoonfuls Vinegar. Melted Butter. Have ready fine pulp and juice of grated onion. Potatoes must be cut into slices or diced. While hot mix into them the onion and a generous sprinkling of salt and pepper. Pour on enough hot melted butter to thoroughly saturate potatoes, and sprinkle with vinegar. Serve hot. Three tablespoons of minced cucumber-pickle used instead of vinegar is also good. This makes a delicious salad for a supper dish in winter served with hot toast. CAULIFLOWER SALAD Boil one head of cauliflower whole; when done, cool it. Boil asparagus; when done, cut off stems and cool tips. Serve cauliflower on bed of lettuce leaves decorated around with asparagus tips and small shrimps, after the cauliflower has been well covered with Mayonnaise dressing. SALMON AND CELERY SALAD Two lbs. Salmon (canned). One or two heads of Lettuce, One pint Celery. Two Eggs (yolks). Mayonnaise. Flake salmon. Chop celery small. Mix the two well together; arrange lettuce around dish, with the mixed salmon and celery in a mound in the centre; grate yolks of eggs (hard boiled) on top of mound and put amount of Mayonnaise desired around the base. SPINACH SALAD Cook spinach as usual; when cooked put through a meat- chopper several times. Then mold it in one large mold and put on ice. Serve on lettuce with hard boiled eggs and lemons. Sprinkle the form with finely chopped eggs. French dressing. BANANA SALAD Cut bananas in halves lengthwise. Roll in grated blanched almonds. Serve on a lettuce leaf with Mayonnaise dressing. HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE SALAD One slice of pineapple for each guest, dotted with bits of plain pimentos or stuffed olives. Serve on lettuce leaf with a spoonful of Mayonnaise dressing in the center of the pineapple. FROZEN MOUSSE SALAD One can White Cherries. Two Grape-fruits. One small can Pineapple. Six Candied Cherries. Four Oranges. Mayonnaise. One Egg (white). Lettuce. Stone cherries. Skin grape-fruit and oranges, leaving only pulp. Cut all fruit pretty fine and then drain in colander. Make Mayonnaise with plenty of seasoning in it, and beat into it the white of egg which has first been whipped until dry and stiff. Mix this with fruit. Put into the top of a melon-mold the can- died cherries, then pour in mixture, cover bottom with brown paper, then put on cover. Pack in salt and ice for three hours. Serve whole on lettuce leaves. CHEESE SALAD One Neufchatel cheese creamed well and seasoned. One quarter of a pint of cream whipped. Stir into cream, finely chopped string beans and pimentos, also one tablespoon of dis- solved gelatine. Mix all well together and pour into a mold in form of ring. Put away on ice for two hours or more. Serve on bed of lettuce leaves, and fill middle with grape fruit, which has been cut up; and drained of juice. Pour over middle May- onnaise dressing. 22 BOILED DRESSING BASE WITH RICE SALADS Six Portions. One half tablespoon Salt. One half tablespoon Flour. One teaspoon Mustard. Two Eggs (yolks). Few grains Cayenne. One half tablespoon Melted Butter. Two tablespoonfuls Vinegar. One half cup Milk. Mix dry ingredients and add yolks of eggs, slightly beaten. Scald milk, melt butter in it and pour slowly over first mixture, stirring well. Cook over boiling water, stirring constantly till mixture thickens, adding vinegar gradually meanwhile; strain and cool quickly. If dressing curdles through overcooking, set dish in pan of cold water and beat vigorously with Dover egg- beater. This dressing can be substituted for Mayonnaise, is much cheaper and keeps better in warm weather. If a sweeter dressing is desired for use with fruits, add from one to one and a half tea- spoonfuls of sugar to egg-yolks. This dressing may be thinned by adding a little extra milk to quantity given. FRENCH DRESSING One half teaspoon Salt. Two tablespoonfuls Vinegar. One quarter teaspoon Pepper. Four tablespoonfuls Oil. One quarter teaspoon Mustard. Mix ingredients and stir until well blended. 23 A WHIPPED CREAM SALAD DRESSING Whip one cup of thick cream stiff with a Dover egg-beater. Add gradually three tablespoonfuls of lemon-juice, three of grated radish, one half teaspoonful of salt, and one fourth tea- spoonful of paprika. Keep very cold until ready to serve. A FAMOUS SALAD DRESSING Two Eggs (yolks hard boiled). One teaspoon Mustard. Two Potatoes (boiled and Two teaspoonfuls Salt. strained). Four tablespoonfuls Oil. One quarter teaspoon Onion Two tablespoonfuls Vinegar. Juice. Anchovy Sauce (to taste). Mix well dry ingredients, then add onion juice, oil and vinegar. When well blended, add a dash of anchovy sauce. MAYONNAISE DRESSING One teaspoonful Salt. Oil. One teaspoonful Mustard. Two Eggs (yolks). One teaspoonful Sugar. Four tablespoonfuls Vinegar. A few grains Cayenne. Four tablespoonfuls Lemon Juice. Mix dry ingredients, add vinegar and lemon-juice, pour. in gradually oil, while beating with a Dover egg-beater. When finished it should be stiff enough to keep shape when dropped from spoon. 24 A FEW CHAFING DISHES 'M ma7i can die hut onceP Shakespeare. HULL RABBIT Butter size of an Egg. One cup '(heaping) Flaked Fresh One and a half cup Cheese (cut Fish (any kind). fine). Salt. One Egg well beaten. Mustard. One cup (scant) of Milk. Worcestershire Sauce. Melt butter and cheese in blazer and season to taste with salt, mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Stir to a smooth cream and add fish. Heat thoroughly. Serve on toast with sweet cucumber pickle. WELSH RABBIT One half lb. Cheese (cut in small Two teaspoonfuls Mustard. pieces). Cayenne pepper. One teaspoon Salt. One half cup Ale or Lager Beer. One egg. Put one half quantity beer into chafing dish with cheese, cover and let melt together, using fork to stir occasionally until all lumps are melted. Mix seasonings with remaining beer and stir in after first mixture is well melted. When smooth (it should cook about two minutes) put out flame and add egg which has been slightly beaten. Stir this in well and serve quickly on hot toast. 31 CALrS LIVER A LA ITALIENNE Two lbs. fresh Calf's Liver. One tablespoon Butter. One chopped Onion. One teaspoon Salt. One quarter teaspoon Pepper. One tablespoon Vinegar. Six chopped Mushrooms. Two tablespoonfuls chopped Pars- ley. One half cupful Stock. Cut liver in small slices. Melt butter in chafing-dish, add onion and cook till yellow; add stock, mushrooms, parsley and seasonings, cook till mushrooms are tender, add vinegar and liver. Do not over-cook liver. Serves six people generously. CHILE CON CARNE Heaping tablespoon minced Onion. Three tablespoonfuls Olive Oil. Two tablespoonfuls minced Pep- pers. One half doz. Mushrooms (cut up). One half doz. Spanish Olivse. minced. Saltspoon Salt. Two cups Veal or Lamb (minced). One gill Stock. One cup stewed Tomatos. Brown onion with olive oil in the blazer. Add stock, then the tomato and peppers previously simmered in kitchen. Stir well, and add mushrooms, olives and salt; when boiling put in meat. Stir while heating for about five minutes. This is a rich Mexican dish much liked by gentlemen. 32 EGGS A LA CACIQUE MEXICAN One small Onion. One teaspoon Butter. One small Pepper. Six Eggs (yolks only and beaten Three slices Bacon. light), Saltspoon Mustard. One half cup Milk. Saltspoon Salt. Put butter into blazer with onion, pepper and bacon, fry brown and add yolks, milk, salt and mustard. Stir until thick. Serve on buttered toast with olives. FINNAN HADDIE A LA DELMONICO One half lb. Fish. One teaspoonful grated Cheese. One cup Cream. Three tablespoonfuls Butter. Two Eggs (yolks). One half tablespoonful Flour. Salt and Pepper. Pick over fish carefully and fry slightly in butter. Pour on cream and the yolk of one hard-boiled egg (chopped up), yolk of one raw egg, cheese, one tablespoonful butter, flour, salt and pepper, and cook ten minutes. Serve on toast. MOCK TERRAPIN One large can boned Chicken. One lb. Butter. One small can Mushrooms. One lb. Flour. Two boiled Eggs (hard). Salt. One cup Cream. Pepper. Make a cream sauce with cream, butter and flour. Stir in chicken, mushrooms and chopped eggs just before the sauce 33 thickens and jbefore taking from fire. Salt and pepper to taste. SCOTCH WOODCOCK Six Eggs (hard boiled). One half tablespoon Worcester- One tablespoon Butter. shire Sauce. One tablespoon Flour. One cup Cream. Ten stuffed Olives. Salt and White Pepper. When eggs are cold, slice them. Make a cream sauce of other ingredients, adding eggs and ten sliced stuffed olives. This will serve four people. RINKDUM TEDDY Juice one Onion. One half teaspoon Tabasco. One and a half cups Tomato One lb. Cheese. (strained). Two Eggs well beaten. One tablespoon Worcestershire Salt. Sauce. Pepper. Butter size of Egg. Put butter into chafing dish, add seasonings and tomato; when hot add cheese. After cheese is melted beat in eggs. Will serve six people. HAM AND TONGUE TOAST One boiled Tongue. One teacup Cream. One half teacup chopped Ham. One half teaspoonful mixed Mus- One yolk Egg. tard. Chop tongue very jBne, mix all well together, simmer five minutes and serve on hot buttered toast. 34 SWEETS PICKLES PRESERVES " Variety s the very spice of life That gives it all its flavor.''^ COWPER. SWEETS CHOCOLATE FUDGE One cup Cream. One teaspoon Vanilla. Two cups Granulated Sugar. One pinch of Salt. Two squares Chocolate. Put sugar, cream and chocolate (grated) into chafing dish or saucepan. Cook fifteen minutes after it has begun to boil hard, add salt and keep stirrmg. Take off flame, add vaniUa, and beat a few seconds before pouring into buttered pan. Put into cold place, carving in squares when it begins to harden. This same receipt may be made with one cup of milk and but- ter the size of an egg. VANILLA CANDY Two pounds Granulated Sugar. Butter size of egg. Two thirds cup of Water. One teaspoon of Glycerine. One third cup of Vinegar. Two tablespoons Vanilla. Boil all together except vanilla, without stirrmg, for twenty minutes, or until crisp when dropped into cold water. Just be- fore turning out to cool add vanilla and a small teaspoonful of cream of tartar. This can be puUed beautifully white. Pull when it gets cool enough to handle and don't butter your hands, it will not stick to them. Cut into sticks with shears. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS One half cup Molasses. Two squares Chocolate. One cup Sugar. One teaspoon Vanilla. One half cup Milk. Piece Butter size of an egg. Boil hard fifteen minutes or until brittle when tried in water, stirring to prevent burning. Cover bottom of pan with chopped peanuts or walnuts and pour mixture over. HOREHOUND CANDY Two cups Granulated Sugar. One scant tablespoon Horehound One quarter teaspoon Cream (herb). Tartar. Pour over horehound one half cup boiling water, steep ten minutes, strain through cloth. Add one half cup cold water, cream of tartar, mix well. Pour over sugar, put on to boil but never stir it. Cook to the crackling point. Put into buttered dish, score before it gets cold. PARISIAN SWEETS One pound English Walnuts. One half pound Figs. One pound stoned Raisins. One pound Castana Nuts. One pound Dates (stoned). A little Preserved Ginger and One pound Prunes (stoned). Orange-peel. Grind in meat-chopper until fine. Roll to a cake one quarter of an inch thick, sprinkle with granulated sugar and cut into dice. 42 HICKORY NUT DROPS One pound of nut-meats chopped fine. One pound of white sugar, the whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Mix all together well, put into a pan and bake ; just before it is quite done score with a knife so it will break easily. TAFFY Melt in a shallow dish one quarter of a pound of butter, add to it one pound of brown sugar. Stir until it crackles. It should boil about fifteen minutes. Flavor, if you like, with vanilla. PINOCHA Four cups Brown Sugar. One teaspoon Salt. One cup Milk. One tablespoon Vanilla. One tablespoon Butter. One and a half cups Walnuts. Boil together all but vanilla and nuts. Test in cold water. When it will form a soft ball take from fire and beat well. Add vanilla and nuts. When well mixed together turn into buttered pan and score with knife befoEe cold. CREAM PEPPERMINTS One cup granulated sugar, three tablespoonfuls cold water. Boil two or three minutes. Take from fire and add four table- spoonfuls of confectioner's sugar and one half tablespoonful es- sence of peppermint. 43 MOLASSES CANDY Two cups Brown Sugar. One pinch Salt. Two cups Molasses. One teaspoon Vanilla. One scant cup Butter. Three drops Cologne. Boil together first four ingredients without stirring; when taken off the fire pour into a mound in which make a hole and drop vanilla and cologne. This may be pulled until white. HARD PEANUT CANDY Melt one cup of sugar. Cover bottom of pan with nuts and pour sugar over quickly as soon as melted. PICKLES PINEAPPLE PICKLE Twelve Pineapples. Ground Cinnamon. Granulated Sugar. Whole Cloves. Cider Vinegar. The yellow strawberry pines, thoroughly ripe, good size, as there is so much waste in the small ones. A dozen will make ten or eleven quarts of pickle. Pare the fruit, cut out the eyes and cores and cut in slices | of 44 an inch thick and then in quarters or eighths according to the size of the fruit. To each 7 lbs. of fruit take 4 lbs. of granulated sugar, 3 pts. or a qt. of sharp cider vinegar, i oz. of ground cinnamon, i oz. of whole cloves. Put fruit in a stone jar in layers with spices be- tween. Let the sugar and vinegar come to a boil and pour over the fruit boiling hot. Heat the syrup three times and pour it over the fruit, never letting it stand for more than three or four days at the most. The last morning put into glass jars f full be- fore adding the hot syrup and sealing. RIPE CUCUMBER PICKLE Pare and take out the seeds of cucumbers. Cut in pieces and scald by pouring boiling water over them. Leave on stove for some time, then drain them and put them in a jar. Scald two quarts of vinegar and add one half pound of sugar; pour over cucumbers while hot and add allspice. ONION PICKLE One peck Green Tomatoes. English Mustard. Six Onions. One half pound White Mustard Green Peppers. Seed. Salt. One ounce Cloves. One tablespoon powdered One ounce Cinnamon. Ginger. One ounce Black Pepper. One quarter pound Sugar. One ounce Celery Seed. Vinegar (two bottles). 45 Wash tomatoes clean and slice thin. Slice onions thin with sufficient number of green peppers to season; put one layer of tomatoes and one of onions and peppers alternately, sprinkling a little salt between the layers. Prepare the above in the afternoon, letting it stand all night in something that will drain well. Take the best of vinegar, enough to cover the whole. Mix well with the above, English mustard, white mustard seed, cloves, cinna- mon, black pepper, celery seed, powdered ginger, sugar. Boil imtil tomatoes look clear — about thirty minutes. CHOW-CHOW One half peck Green Tomatoes. Five quarts Vinegar (cider). Two Cauliflowers. Two large heads Cabbage. Twenty-five large Cucumbers. Fifteen large Onions. One pint Horseradish (grated). One ounce Celery Seed. A few small Onions. One half teacup Black Pepper. One half pound Black Mustard One half teacup Ground Cinnamon. Seed. Two tablespoons Ground Mustard. One dozen Green Peppers. Four pounds Brown Sugar. Slice and cut up all vegetables but little onions, and salt down over night. In the morning put to drip for twenty-four hours, pouring a little fresh water over to help drain off the salt. When ready to make, mix the spices with five quarts pure cider-vinegar, four pounds brown sugar; stir in the vegetables till thoroughly mixed and boil slowly for two hours. 46 SWEET TOMATO PICKLE One peck Green Tomatoes, One cup Salt. Six large Onions. Vinegar. One half pound Mustard (whole). Two teaspoons each of Cloves, Two pounds Brown Sugar. Cinnamon, Ground Mustard, One teaspoon Cayenne. Ginger. Slice tomatoes and onions, throw onto them one cup salt and let stand over night. In the morning drain off. Take two quarts of water and one quart of vinegar and boil tomatoes and onions for twenty minutes, then drain off. Cover with vinegar, add brown sugar, whole mustard, allspice, and cayenne. Put all in a kettle together and cook twenty minutes slowly. CHILI SAUCE Twenty-five Tomatoes (not over One quart Vinegar. ripe). One teaspoon Mustard. Five Peppers (small). Salt. Five Onions. Chop tomatoes, peppers and onions together very fine. Salt to^^taste. Put into vinegar with mustard, and boil one hour. Bottle hot. PICKLED LEMONS Take fine large lemons, with a fork make holes and fill with cloves, then cut lengthwise, leaving one half inch at each end of 47 the lemon, and rub salt into the gashes. Lay them on platters and leave in the sun for forty-eight hours. Have ready some hot vinegar, and having placed the lemons in a wide-mouthed jar, cover them with the hot vinegar and leave them for a week or so. Age improves them. In some cases bringing the lemons to a boil in the vinegar is necessary, i.e. if they have become very hard from being in the sun. SWEET PICKLED PEARS Seven pounds Fruit. One ounce whole Cloves. Four pounds Sugar. One ounce whole Cinnamon. One quart Vinegar. One ounce whole Allspice. Spices tied in a muslin bag. Make a syrup of sugar, vinegar and spices. Boil until the liquor tastes of the spices. Pare and add the fruit, using only enough at one time to cover the surface of syrup. Boil slowly until the pears are tender to the core, but not broken. Remove and refill as before. WheD all are cooked, boil the liquor down to a thick syrup and pour it over the fruit. This is equally good for peaches and ripe tomatoes. 48 PRESERVES PRESERVED CITRON MELON Peel the melon, take out the inside and cut it in such pieces as you may like. Then weigh the melon, take the same weight in j&ne white sugar, put a little alum in a small quantity of water, and boil the melon in it until tender. Take it out on a dish, sprinkle sugar over it and between the pieces and let stand over night. In the morning drain off the syrup into the preserving kettle, and boil until clear. Then put the melon into this syrup and boil until scalded through. Take it out on a dish to cool, add to the syrup two lemons and a little preserved ginger to flavor. Boil syrup again until quite clear. Put the melons into jars, pour the syrup over them, not quite boiling hot. Seal the jars when cold or hot. You may seal jars as you wish, but cotton batting may be used. First take a piece of white paper and cover jar, then a piece of cotton batting thickness as it unwinds from the roll, and tie it down firmly over the top of jar with strong string. ORANGE MARMALADE One half dozen Oranges. Five pounds Sugar, taking out one One large Lemon. cup. One Grape-Fruit, Slice oranges and lemon quite thin, use only juice of grape- fruit. Add five pints of water and let it stand 36 hours. Then 49 boil three hours, skim out fruit and chop fine. Return to water, add sugar and boil twenty minutes, stirring very often. ORANGE MARMALADE Slice oranges. For each orange add two cups of cold water; let soak over night. Boil rather fast for nearly one hour. Then add two cups of sugar for each orange and let simmer for two hours. French, GRAPE-FRUIT MARMALADE Select your grape-fruit carefully — they should be heavy. Weigh them with peel on. To every pound of grape-fruit allow one pound and a half of white sugar. Peel fruit, taking off as much white as possible. Chop the peel very fine, then weigh it. Put the peel into a preserving-kettle, and add one pint of cold water for every pound of peel. Boil the peel for ten minutes, then pour off all the water and put the same quantity of fresh cold water over the peel and boil until tender. Cut the pulp of grape-fruit into small pieces and add to the peel. Boil all together for twenty minutes, then add the sugar and boil all for one half hour. GRAPE CONSERVE One half peck wild grapes. Cook and strain. Add three pounds of sugar, two pounds raisins chopped; boil twenty min- utes, not more. Add one half pound chopped English walnuts. 50 QUINCE BREAD Allow one apple for every six quinces. Boil the quinces and apples in water until they are soft, then peel and core them, and put the pulp through a sieve. To every pound of pulp allow one pound of sugar. Clarify the sugar and then put in the pulp, adding a little finely grated lemon-peel. Boil until perfectly stiff, stirring constantly. Then put the mass into molds or paper cases and dry in a cool oven. The " bread " must be stiff enough to cut in slices. GOOSEBERRY PRESERVES One pound ripe Gooseberries. One half gill Water. One pound Sugar. Dissolve sugar in water and when at boiling point put in fruit. Simmer until berries are like a pulp; strain and boil syrup until thick. Pour over fruit and seal while hot. 51 ECONOMICAL CAKES Willful waste makes woeful want. AMES CAKE One half cup Butter. One and a half cups Flour. One cup Sugar. One level teaspoon Baking-powder. Three Eggs. One quarter grated Nutmeg. One half cup Milk, A pinch of Salt. One cup Raisins. One cup Citron. Cream butter and sugar; add yolks of three eggs beaten very light. Mix and sift dry materials; add to the other mixture, also milk and whites of two eggs beaten very stiff. If two cakes are desired add one cup of raisins, a little cinnamon and clove to one half the mixture, and one cup of citron to the other half. For the first ten or fifteen minutes bake in a slow oven, then have the oven hotter for thirty minutes. FROSTING One cup confectioner's sugar, one white of egg. Add sugar slowly, beating some time; spread on the cake as soon as cooled. CREAM PIE CAKE One Egg. One half cup Milk. One cup Sugar. One half teaspoon Soda, Butter size of Egg. One and a half cups Flour. One teaspoon Cream Tartar. Three pinches of Salt 59 This is cheap and delicious. Rub butter well into sugar and mix with egg. Dissolve soda in milk and add to first mixture. Sift cream of tartar and salt well through flour; mix all together thoroughly. Bake in three buttered tins in moderate oven for about fifteen minutes. FILLING FOR THE ABOVE One Egg. One quarter cup Flour. One half cup Sugar. One and one eighth cups Milk. One half teaspoon Vanilla. A little Salt. Wet flour with a little cool milk, then stir into cup of boiling milk. Add first the egg, then sugar and salt. Stir until thick and smooth in double-boiler. Add vanilla when smooth, and stir in well. FAVORITES One cup of Sugar. One half teaspoon Soda. One half cup Butter. One and a half cups Flour. One half cup Milk. One teaspoon Cream of Tartar. Two Eggs (whole). One teaspoon Almond extract. One Egg (yolk). Cream butter and mix well with sugar, then drop in one egg and beat, then another and beat, then the yolk of another and beat. Add milk with soda in it. Sift in flour which has already been mixed with the cream of tartar; and finally almond extract. Bake in buttered pan one half hour in moderate oven. Frosting as follows may be used : 60 FROSTING One Egg (white). One teaspoon Corn-starch. One cup powdered Sugar. One teaspoon Lemon-juice. One half teaspoon Vanilla. Beat white of egg well, add sugar and corn-starch mixed to- gether first. Beat all until smooth, adding vanilla at the last moment. Spread on cake when slightly warm. CHOCOLATE CAKE One half cup Butter. One and a half cups Flour. One cup Sugar. Two Eggs. One half cup Milk. Two and a half teaspoons Baking- Two squares Chocolate. powder. One half teaspoon Almond extract. Cream butter and sugar together, gradually add yolks of eggs (well beaten) , then whites beaten stiff, then milk, then flour mixed with baking-powder and sifted. Beat thoroughly, add melted chocolate mixed with almond. Bake in buttered pan, in a moderate oven, for forty minutes. (A cup of English walnuts may be added at the last if desired.) ELECTION CAKE One cup Sugar. One and a half teaspoons Spices One cup Sour Milk. (mixed). One cup Seeded Raisins. One half cup Butter. Two and a half cups Pastry Flour. One teaspoon Soda. 6i Mix butter and sugar, add sour milk with soda beaten into it; now add flour mixed with spices; finally mix in raisins, and bake in a moderate oven in a greased pan until brown. ONE EGG CAKE One Egg. One tablespoon Butter. One cup Sugar. One and a half cups Flour. One half cup Sweet Milk. One teaspoon Cream Tartar. One half teaspoon Soda. Mix ingredients together in order given, and bake in a buttered pan in moderate oven until brown. BLUEBERRY CAKE One cup Sugar. Butter, size of Egg. One Egg. Two teaspoons Cream Tartar. One half cup Milk. One teaspoon Soda. Two and a half cups Flour. One pint of berries. Mix well together in order given. Berries should be rolled in a little flour and put in last. Bake in a quick oven in a buttered pan. FAIRY GINGERBREAD One half cup Butter. Two cups Flour. One cup Sugar. One half teaspoon Soda (scant). One half cup Milk. One half tablespoon Ginger. Cream butter and sugar; then put in ginger, milk in which the 62 soda has been dissolved, adding the flour last. Turn baking pans upside down, wipe clean, butter them, cool in refrigerator, and spread the mixture over them very thin. Bake in moderate oven, cut in squares and slip from pans. Spread squares with Neufchatel cheese at a picnic. TEDDY'S ORIGINAL CAKE One cup Sugar. One cup Flour. One half cup Butter. One pinch Salt. Three Eggs. One teaspoon Baking-powder One third cup Corn-starch. (heaping). One half cup Milk. Cream butter and sugar, break into this one egg and beat. Sift flour three or four times, the last time add salt, baking pow- der and corn-starch. Mix most of milk and second egg together, adding flour with third egg and the rest of milk, beating each in thoroughly. This should look almost like ice-cream. Bake^Jn moderate oven forty or fifty minutes. CREOLE CAKE Two tablespoons Butter. Two quarts Flour. One cup Brown Sugar (large). Orange-Peel. Molasses. Into the butter rub the brown sugar and flour imtil well mixed. Season with a great deal of orange-peel (grated or powdered) and mix with enough molasses to roll thin. Cut 63 into fancy shapes and put onto buttered tin. Bake in quick oven. NEW YORK GINGERBREAD One cup Butter. Two cups Sugar. One cup Milk. Five cups Flour. Five Eggs. Two tablespoons Yellow Ginger. Three teaspoons Baking-powder. Beat butter to a cream, add sugar, then eggs well beaten, then milk, next flour which has been well mixed with the gmger and baking powder. Beat all together thoroughly and bake in a moderate oven for thirty-five minutes. This makes two loaves. GRAHAM CAKE One half cup Butter. One Egg or not, as you like. Two and a half cups Sugar. Two cups Raisins. Two cups Sour Milk. One teaspoon Soda. Five cups Graham Flour. One half teaspoon Salt. One half teaspoon each Allspice, One teaspoon Cinnamon. Mace and Clove. Cream butter and sugar. Add sour milk with soda dissolved in it; then other ingredients, raisins last, and bake in a moderate oven. This makes a large loaf. SPONGE CAKE Four eggs beaten separately. One half teaspoon Baking-powder. One cup Sugar. Two thirds teaspoon Vanilla. One half cup Potato Flour. Pincb Salt. 64 Beat yolks of eggs well, add sugar gradually and beat two minutes; add whites of eggs beaten until stiff. When thoroughly mixed add other ingredients and beat well. Bake in a moderate oven thirty-five to forty-five minutes. MOCHA CAKE Two Eggs beaten separately. One teaspoon Baking-powder. Two tablespoons Butter. One third cup cold Water. One cup Sugar. One tablespoon Mocha flavoring. One cup Flour. Cream butter and add sugar gradually, eggs beaten separately, and other ingredients. Bake in two tins. FILLING One pint cream beaten stiff, enough mocha flavoring to color, and scatter nuts on top. APPLE SAUCE CAKE One half cup Butter, One quarter teaspoon Salt. One cup Sugar. One cup Raisins. One teaspoon Cinnamon. Two cups Flour (full). One teaspoon Clove. One cup Apple Sauce with one teaspoon Soda dissolved in warm water stirred into it. Cream butter and sugar; add other ingredients in order given and bake in a moderate oven. 6s FUDGE CAKE Two Eggs well beaten. One quarter cup melted Butter. One cup Sugar. One teaspoon Vanilla. Three quarters cup Flour. Three quarters cup chopped Eng- Two squares melted chocolate. lish walnuts. Mix all together and bake in a moderate oven twenty minutes. FAMOUS SHORT CAKE FROM BARBADOES One cup Sugar. One cup Flour. One cup Butter. Cream butter well and mix thoroughly with sugar and flour. Drop on to buttered pans in about the size of a quarter. This bakes very quickly and must be watched. Take out of oven when edges begin to brown. The oven should not be very hot. SNOW CAKE One cup Sugar. One half cup Butter. One half cup Milk. Three eggs (whites). Two cups Flour. One teaspoon Cream of Tartar. One half teaspoon Soda. Almond extract. Cream butter and sugar, add milk with soda dissolved in it; then other ingredients, whites of eggs beaten stiff last, and beat the whole mixture until very light. Bake forty-five minutes. 66 COFFEE CAKE One cup Butter. One cup Strong Coffee. Two cups Sugar. Five cups Flour. One cup Molasses. Two Eggs. One teaspoon Soda. One cup Raisins. One half teaspoon each Cinnamon, Clove, Mace, Allspice. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs well beaten, flour sifted, molasses, soda dissolved in hot water, coffee, spices and raisins. Bake in deep cake-pan forty or fifty minutes. CHOCOLATE CARAMEL CAKE One cup Sugar. Two Eggs. One quarter cup Butter. One half cup Milk. One half cup Chocolate. One cup Flour (full). One teaspoon Baking-powder. Cream butter and sugar, add grated chocolate steamed, yolks of eggs well beaten. Sift flour and baking-powder, adding alter- nately flour and milk. Last put in whites of eggs beaten stiff. Bake in two layers about thirty minutes in a moderate oven. FILLING FOR ABOVE One and a half cups Light Brown Butter size of small egg. Sugar. One half teaspoon Vanilla. One half cup Cream. Boil all together for fifteen minutes, take from fire and beat until cool, flavor with vanilla. Spread quickly on warm cake. This cake is better the second day. 67 BEVERAGES *// on my theme I rightly thinks There are five reasons why men drink, — Good wine, a friend, because Fm dry, Or lest I should he hye and bye. Or any other reason why.^^ John Sirmond. SWEET GRAPE- JUICE Use Concord grapes. Nearly cover them with water and cook until soft; dip into a colander and drain. Strain the juice through cheese-cloth and return it to the fire, adding about one cup of sugar for each quart of juice. Boil about five minutes and seal while hot in self-sealing jars or in bottles with perfectly fitting corks. CLUB LEMONADE One lemon to each person to be served. Two cups of water and two of sugar to each cup of lemon juice. Dissolve sugar in water and boil two minutes, adding lemon juice just before taking from fire. Cool and serve when iced. SHERRY COBBLER Thirty pieces Cut Sugar, Four Oranges. Five Lemons. One quart Sherry. Squeeze four lemons and two oranges with pulp into separate glasses. Dissolve sugar in a little water and boil; add lemons and little of rind; stir and add oranges; pour in sherry by fine stream, stirring constantly. Fill with shaved ice, adding the remaining two oranges and lemon cut in slices, and serve. 75 PASSOVER MEAD One gallon of Water. One half pound of Sugar. One eighth of a Yeast Cake. One half ounce of Hops. Oiie half pound of Honey. \ ^ . 'Boil water, honey, sugar and hops (hops in muslin bag) over a very slow fire until the liquid is reduced to one quart. Re- move from fire and when lukewarm dissolve the yeast in a little of the liquor and mix it thoroughly with the remainder. Put in a warm place and allow it to ferment two days. Then put in a cool place for a week, filter and put in air-tight bbttles. MILK PUNCH One Egg. One glass Milk. Two tablespoonfuls clear cold Sugar. Coffee. Beat egg thoroughly, add milk, coffee and sugar to taste. Shake in a cocktail shaker with ice. OYf: ; FRUIT PUNCH Six Oranges. Four bottles Grape Juice. Twelve Lemons. Four bottles Apollinaris. One bottle Ginger Ale. One quart Cold Tea. Sugar. Squeeze the juice of oranges and lemons and strain well. Mix with all other ingredients, adding sugar to taste and serve with cracked ice. 76 SYRUP PUNCH One quart Syrup, One ounce Tartaric Acid. Equal parts strawberry, raspberry and orange syrup, with one ounce Tartaric acid. Two tablespoonfuls of syrup for a glass of Apollinaris or water. TEMPERANCE PUNCH Two quarts Ginger Ale. Three pounds Cut Sugar. Twelve Lemons. Mix lemon-juice with sugar and stand on ice in Mason jar for two hours before using. Pour ginger all over syrup and serve. PINEAPPLE LEMONADE To two pints of water add two cups of sugar and boil for ten minutes. Add to this two cans of pineapple which has been grated, and the juice of two lemons. Cool, strain and add two quarts of cold water. MEAD Three pounds Brown Sugar. Four ounces of Tartaric Acid. One pint Molasses. Two ounces Checkerberry. Three pints Boiling Water. Mix all together and bottle. When served add about a table- spoon of the syrup to a glass of ice-water in which a very little soda has been dissolved. 77 CRANBERRY PUNCH One quart Cranberries. Juice of nine Lemons. Two quarts Water. Boil one half hour, strain and add as much sugar as there is liquid. Boil ten minutes, adding four quarts of water. When lukewarm, add juice of nine lemons. (Shredded pineapple may be added to taste.) KOUMYS Three quarts Milk. One quart boiling Water. Half pound White Sugar. One Yeast-Cake. Dissolve sugar in hot water, add rich sweet milk, when the temperature of milk is ioo° add one cake of compressed yeast which has been dissolved in a little cold water. Put in beer- bottles with patent stoppers, set in a warm place for two hours, shaking occasionally. Then put on ice, turning bottles upside down. Will be ready for use in twenty-four hours. OATMEAL GRUEL One quart and one gill boiling water. Rub smooth in cold water two tablcspoonfuls oatmeal. Boil for a few minutes in the water a dozen and a half stoned raisins. WTiile the water is boiling stir in carefully the oatmeal, which must be perfectly free from lumps. Add five even teaspoonfuls of sugar and one even teaspoonful of salt. Boil steadily for one half hour, stirring all the time. Add a very little nutmeg. 78 MISCELLANEOUS We must eat to live and live to eat.^^ ' Henry Fielding. ESCALLOPED CABBAGE One half a Cabbage. Bread Crumbs. One cup White Sauce. Salt and Pepper. Boil Cabbage until tender and cut very fine. Put into but- tered baking dish with first a layer of cabbage well salted and peppered, then a layer of white sauce. Repeat this. Cover last layer with buttered bread-crumbs, salt and bake until brown. Celery may be scalloped in the same way. Also cauliflower. SPANISH RICE One cup Rice. One half Bay-Leaf. One rounding tablespoon Lard. One tablespoon Sugar. Two cups canned Tomato. One quarter Onion. One sweet green Pepper. Three quarters teaspoon Salt. One quarter teaspoonful White Few grains Cayenne. Pepper. Heat lard in a heavy frying pan. Put in onion and green pepper cut in thin strips. Fry until light brown, remove, add rice and brown delicately. Put in tomato and seasonings; cover and simmer until moisture is nearly absorbed. After this, add a little boiling water from time to time and simmer until the rice is soft, which takes from three quarters of an hour to an hour. 85 BAKED HOMINY One cup cooked Hominy. One half Egg. One half cup -i- or — Milk. Cayenne, Salt and Pepper to taste. Free hominy from lumps and mix thoroughly with milk. Add either hot or cold to egg as in making a custard. Season highly and turn into buttered baking dish. Sprinkle top with seasoned buttered crumbs, or with bread cubes. Grated or sliced cheese may be used or not before crumbs are put on top. Bake in a moderate oven until brown. BAKED CORN WITH GREEN PEPPERS One can Corn. One Green Pepper. Bread Crumbs. One teaspoonful Butter. Salt. Chop pepper very fine, mix with one can of com. Salt to taste. Put into buttered baking dish with bread-crumbs on top, dotted with butter. Bake until brown in moderate oven. Takes about one half hour. STEAMED CHICKEN The best way to cook a young chicken is to stuff it the day previous to cooking. Steam two hours, remove, baste with butter and brown in a hot oven. The meat will be moist and very tender. 86 ENTIRE WHEAT NUT-BREAD Two cups scalded Milk. One cup chopped English Walnuts. One third cup Molasses. ' One half Yeast Cake dissolved in One teaspoon Salt. one quarter cup lukewarm water. Four and two thirds cups Entire Wheat Flour. Add molasses and salt to milk; when lukewarm add dissolved yeast-cake, flour and nuts. Beat well and let rise to double in bulk. Knead and put into two greased pans; let rise and bake. NUT LOAF A. One and a half cups Nuts, One stalk Celery, I ^^p together. Two tablespoonfuls Parsley, j One small Onion, Add B. One cup cooked Rice. Two cups Bread Crumbs. One tablespoonful Olive Oil,) ^^^ together. One tablespoonful Flour, ) Add One and a half cups hot Milk and cook. Add A to B, also 2 eggs (yolks and whites beaten separately), salt and pepper to taste. Bake three quarters of an hour. Serve hot with tomato or Hollandaise sauce. The bread is also good when cold. 87 FRIED GREEN TOMATOES Take tomatoes just beginning to ripen, slice, roll in cracker dust, and fry in bacon drippings in a frying-pan. HALIBUT A LA POULETTE Shape pieces of halibut; sprinkle with juice of one lemon, salt and pepper. Put on each piece a thin slice of onion ; cover, and set away for one hour. Melt one half cup butter in a soup-plate; remove onion from fish and dip each piece in the butter till thor- oughly covered. Dredge well with flour and bake twenty min- utes in a hot oven. Serve with Hollandaise sauce. SOUTHERN HOMINY BREAD One quart cold boiled Hominy. Three beaten Eggs. One pint Milk. Butter size of egg. One saltspoonful Salt. Mix thoroughly and let come to a hard boil; when boiling furiously pour into two pie-pans and bake in moderate oven. Serve with syrup or sugar. PEANUT SALAD Soak a cup of peanut meats in olive oil; drain and mix lightly two cups finely cut celery and one dozen chopped olives. Serve with Mayonnaise dressing. CANTON SALAD Select s^x^rm red apples. Scoop out the pulp leaving shells one half inch thick. Rub the inside of each with lemon to pre- vent discoloring; put in a cool place until ready for use. Cut the inside taken from apples into cubes to make one pint. To this add one half pound pecan nuts broken in pieces and one quarter potind crystallized or preserved ginger cut into bits. Mix these with Mayonnaise dressing and fill the apples rounded above the top. Serve on lettuce leaves. AFTERNOON TEA CRACKERS 1. Split Boston crackers, soak twenty minutes in ice-water; butter and put in very hot oven to brown, watching carefully to prevent burning. 2. Butter butter-thin crackers, put a marshmallow on top and set in oven to brown. CHEESE SOUFFLfi (Hors d'ceuvre) Beat the white of two eggs stifif, add one teaspoon of grated Parmesan cheese. Put on small pieces of round freshly made toast the size of a half dollar. Heap as high as it will stand, and put in a hot oven. As soon as it becomes hard enough to hold its shape, sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese over the top. 89 Let bake a few minutes longer and serve very hot. If allowed to stand it will drop and be spoiled. Five minutes will do for cooking. Serve with lettuce alone or in combination with an- chovies. FRENCH PEAS IN A FRENCH WAY Take about two quarts of new green peas (the smallest are the best), wash and strain. Put in a four-quart saucepan with three ounces of soft butter, and mix together. Add twelve small peeled onions, two hearts of lettuce, some parsley, three ounces more of butter. (No water, the lettuce supplies all the moisture needed.) Cook slowly about one hour. Remove the lettuce and parsley, but serve the onions with the peas. While cooking cover the saucepan with a soup-plate filled with water. STUFFING FOR RAVIOLIS Proportions for ten people Make a paste with one lb. of sifted flour and one glass of cold water salted to taste. Spread this paste with rolling pin into two thin sheets the same as for noodles. One whole mutton-brain. One small handful of parboiled spinach. Put in a saucepan with a little butter, add a little chicken, veal and braised beef. Have the whole chopped very fine, stirred 90 and well mixed, until thoroughly blended. Then remove from the fire and put in a mixing bowl; add one fresh egg, one tea- spoon grated Parmesan cheese and mix well with a wooden spoon. Form this mixture into little mounds or balls on one of the sheets of paste and cover with the other, first moistening the paste with a little cold water. Press with fingers around each mound until well shaped, and cut out. Cook the raviolis in boiling salted water. Enough water must be used to prevent their sticking to one another. Remove with a skimmer and lay in a baking dish, the bottom of which should be glazed with juice from the braised beef. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan or Swiss cheese. Pour around them a little more juice from the braised beef. Cook in a hot oven a few minutes without browning the paste. The glaze or juice from the braised beef is the best for raviolis, but the juice from the other meat may 6e used. CHICKEN PETIT TRIANON Cut up a tender young chicken as for a stew. Butter a cas- serole dish thoroughly, and put chicken into it dark meat first; cover thoroughly with a hash made of finely chopped onions, parsley, bay-leaf, mushrooms, salt, pepper, cayenne. Cook in a hot oven for an hour. Serve chicken in a deep platter, strain sauce, and add to it two wineglasses of sherry, pour over chicken and serve hot. This should be cooked in casserole without a cover. NOICCHIS PARISIENNE STYLE Prepare the dish as follows: Put in a saucepan Three ounces of Butter. One pinch of Salt One glass of Cold Water. Let it come to a boil, then add four ounces of flour and stir with a wooden spoon for a minute or two until the mixture thickens. Then add six eggs, three oimces of grated Parmesan cheese and a pinch of white pepper. Let partly cool and put the mixture in a pastry bag, squeezing it out of bag in form of little individual balls which you drop into boiling water. When the balls have hardened, place them on a strainer, then arrange them side by side in a buttered saucepan. Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese between each layer and cover the whole with a little bechemel sauce and again sprinkle over the sauce a little grated Parmesan cheese and add a little melted butter and cook in a hot oven for about ten minutes until golden brown. 92 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllll|i|l!liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir~^^ 014 488 657 4