TT 829 I i i I! i I X ) ! fi) i i !|P f Class _^__/_^g^ Book , j}^"^ Copyright ]^^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING BY MARY A. McCORMACK NEW YORK A. S. BARNES & COMPANY 1909 Copyright, 1909 By a. S. BARNES & COMPANY. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two CoDies Received JUN 2t> \^^^ Copyritfnt Entry CUSS ^ J^/^C, No. X3333£~ COPY p. CONTENTS PAGE Spool Knitting 1 Toy Knitters 3 Round Web 5 Flat Web 7 Circular Mat 9 Ball for Baby 11 Doll's Muff 13 CJoilarette 15 Tom O'Shanter Cap 17 Baby's Battle 19 Toboggan Cap 21 Child's Bath or Bedroom Slippers 23 Small Mittens 25 Doll's Hood 27 Doll's Coat or Jacket 29 Bootees 33 Little Boy Blue 35 Little Red Ridiug Hood 37 Doll's Skirt 39 Little Boy's Hat 41 Child's Muffler 43 Child's Hood 45 Little Girl's Hat 47 Doll's Sweater 49 Wristlets 51 Shoulder Shawl 53 Doll's Carriage Robe 55 Child's Leggings 57 Muffler 59 Made of Knitting Cotton 61 Jumping Rope 63 Toy Horse Reins 65 Wash Cloth 67 School Bag 69 Chimney Cleaner 71 Doll's Hammock 73 SPOOL KNITTING Few elementary exercises have aroused more interest in the child than the toy knitting ; due, perhaps, to its simplicity and his power to do it easily and well. To some keen observer the little orb- weaving spider may have suggested this form of occu- pation. Be this as it may, the child who is a lover of nature will be quick to perceive the strong resemblance he bears to this little in- sect while at work with his toy knitter, going from j)ost to post just as the insect worked its net in spiral form on his framework of radiating lines. The possibilities of an empty spool and a few pins are almost without limitations. The il- lustrations here given are merely suggestive of many more that can be ^^'Orked out along these lines. They are not simply to momentarily attract the child, but to permit of individual growth, and to have him participate in the joy of its ultimate use. SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING Toy Knitters a Toy knitters are made of a cylindrical piece of wood two and one-half or three inches lone: and at least one inch in diameter. This size enables the cliild to grasp it easily and Avork without cramping the fingers. A hole one- fourth or one-half inch in diameter is bored lengthwise through the center to admit the work. Spools are used to advantage where knitters cannot be obtained. Pins, staples, or wire nails are used as posts. These are driven into the w^ood and then curved outward a little at the to]3 Avith pliers, to pi*e- vent the work from slipping off. One, two, three or four posts may be used. A number of forms of web can be made, but the simplest and quickest are those made on the knitters having but two posts. The four-post knitters are also simple and are used where a thick cord is needed. Except otherwise specified two-post knitters are used for these models. SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING Round Web Drop worsted through the hole in the center of the knitter and draw it out at the other end, three inches. This end is used to draw^ the work through the knitter. Carry the worsted leading from the ball, around the post to the right, across the center of the hole in the knitter and around the post to the left ; then back across the center to the post at the right, thus making two stitches on this post. Lift the lower or first stitch \vith a large pin or knitting needle, carry it over the second stitch and drop it over the post ; then across the center to the post at the left and repeat. So continue until the de- sired length is obtained. It will require seven yards of yarn to make one yard of web on the two-post knitter. SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING Flat Web Begin in the same way as for I'onnd web, but after carrying the first or lower stitch over the second stitch on each post, bring the ^vorsted Ix'ick around the same post, and over to the post on the opposite side and repeat. This will leave two stitches on each i)ost. In knittino- flat webs, two stitches must always be left on tlie end posts, and these two are carried over the third stitcli and drojjped over the post in working l)ack and forth. It requires eleven yards of yarn to make one yard of fiat web on the two-post knitter. 8 SPOOL KNITTING i: SPOOL KNITTING Circular Mat A mat five inches in diameter requires two and one-half yards of round web. Start sewing with the piece of worsted hanging from the end of the web. Coil and sew in place by taking up the underhalf of a stitch on the right, then the underhalf of a stitch on the left side usually called "ball stitch." Continue alternatinir from right to left, taking up one stitch at a time except when it is necessary to widen ; then sew two stitches of the web into one in the mat. Run the end of sewing thread back in the sewing to fasten it. When starting with a new sewing thread, put the needle in one inch back from where sewing ended and run it through the work to where the last stitch was taken. 10 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 11 Ball for Baby Use round web. Start with end of web and sew and coil as for round mat. Widen only when necessary to keep it fi'oni di'awing in too quickly. When desired width or center of ball is reached, fill with tissue paper or a ball of soft cotton. The sewing is then continued and each row narrowed off by taking t\\ o stitches in part already sewed and one in the web. When the same number of I'ows is naiTowed the filling should be entirely covered. The end left over will serve as a cord foi* the ball. Flat web may be used by taking twelve pieces three inches long and sewing them together — alternating color and white, if desired. Kun a draw-thread around the bottom and fill with paper or cotton ; then run a draw-thread around the top. Finish with a cord made of a piece of round web. 12 SPOOL KNITTma SPOOL KNITTING 13 Doll's MufF This will require three yards of round web. Sew the web into a rectangular piece three inches wide and five inches long. Join the three-inch ends together and draw up the ends a little to form the muff. Finish with cord to go around the neck. 14 SPOOL KNITTIJSTG SPOOL KNITTING 15 Collarette Round web five yards. Measure the doll's neck for collar. Gradually widen each row in the back. Brinj^ the third row^ of web down in front to form the tabs ; then up to the back of collarette and finish the back, bringing the last row down in front into the tal)S. Paper patterns may be used as a guide, but children should be encouraged to draw and cut their own patterns. 16 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 17 Tarn O' Shanter Cap Measure the doll's head and make the top of the crown twice the diameter of the head. It is sewed in the same way as the circuLar mat. When the desired ^vidth of crown is obtained, begin the under side of the crown by narrowing off — that is, taking two stitches in the crown and sewinc: them into one stitch in the web. Continue until the desired opening for the head is obtained. Two ro^vs of web will complete the headband. Finish with a pompon on top. Use round web. 18 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 19 Baby's Rattle The foundation ring is made of a piece of splint or flat pith fifteen inches long. Form this into a ring, having the ends lap two inches. Wrap this ^vitli knitting cotton or yarn, being careful to keep ^vinding even. When the wind- ing is completed, draw the end of cotton under- neath the ^vinding with a needle to fasten it. Use three pieces of round web for spokes. Fasten all three together in the center. Bells may be sewed on the outside or inside of the ring. 20 SPOOL IvOTTTING SPOOL KNITTING 21 Toboggan Cap To make a cap five inches long and four inches wide, knit eighty -four inches of flat web. Be- gin ^ve inches from the end of the web, turn and sew into a rectanguhxr form five inches wide and eight inches long. Join the five-inch ends, and draw in the top with the needle and a piece of the material from which the cap was made. After securing the top, twist and fold the piece of yarn remaining for a cord and fasten a number of strands of yarn through the loop for a tassel. 22 SPOOL KNITTING >• _ *■- A 4 1 g M SPOOL KNITTING 23 Child's Bath or Bedroom SHppers Length of sole, ^ve and one-half inches. It is well to have the soles before beginning to sew. They can be secured at any store. Each slipper rerpiires two and one-half yards of round web. Start at the back of the heel (A, of ilhistration), and make the first two rows three inches higli, then gradually shorten the next three rows, and keep each row this height until the instep is finished. The first row on the vamp (B, of illustration) is made one inch higher than the side. Each row is then gradually shortened, the last row beinu:; three-fourths of an inch h'vAi (C, of illustration). This wdll complete one-half of the sli[)per. The other half i.^ niade in just the reverse way by continuing the sewing from the toe (C, of illustration) back to the heel, taking care that each row is exactly the same height as the cor- responding row on tlie opposite side. Join the back of the heel and sew to the soles before closing the vamp in front. Sew vamp up the center by catching corresponding loops together. Make cord and tassel to go around the top, as in illustration of finished slip- pers. 24 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 25 Small Mittens Sixty inches of flat Aveb will be required for each mitten. Cut off eight pieces six inches long. In cutting, clip just one stitch and run the ends across, and sew them into a cylindrical form. Draw in the top with a needle and a piece of the material and fasten securely. Leave an opening on one side for the thumb. The thumb is made of three pieces sewed to- gether. The longest piece is three inches and the others each two and three-fourths inches long. In sewing it into the mitten, have the longest piece come down toward the wrist. Gradually form and sew it in place. Draw in the top and fasten securely. CORD This is made of round web, knitted the desired length. The length will vary a little according to size of the child, but four and one-half feet is a good length. The mittens are fastened to the ends of the cord. 26 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 27 Doll's Hood This requires t\\^o yards of round web. Start with the end of the web and sew into a circular form for the crown. (See illustration A.) The sixth row is brought down to within one inch of the center of the back. Turn and sew around to within one inch from the center of the back on the opposite side. This will leave two inches free in the back of the hood. Turn and continue sewino^ in this way for five rows, which will form the side of hood. The remaining part of theAvebis then brought around the face of the hood and across the back, as one would sew a cord. Finish with cord and tassel for tie-strinii:s. A rosette of yarn may be made for the top or side. 28 SPOOL KNITTING J^.C>^ SPOOL KNITTING 29 Doll's Coat or Jacket This may be made of round or flat weh. The coat is begun at the under-arm seam a. For a coat Ave inclies long begin three inches from the end of the wel) to make the first turn. Sew from this turn to the starting end of the Aveb />, fasten the sewing thread and cut it off. The second row is made eleven inches long, or long enough to go over the shoulder and down the back, h to c. Sew four rows in this way to form the front and part of the back ; then four ro\vs five inches long for the back ; then four more rows eleven inches long for the other slioulder and front d to e. Sew the fifth or last row up three inches for the other under-arm seam. Join the under-arm seams, leaving an opening of two inches for sleeves if they are desired. If not, the armhole and neck can be finished off with some contrasting color. For the sleeves, measure the length of the doll's arm and make the first row this length. Make each row a little longer than the preced- ing row until the top or shoulder part is reached, then gradually shorten each row until the desired width is obtained. The last row should be the 30 SPOOL KNITTING ^- SPOOL KNITTING 31 same length as the first row. When sewing them in the coat, have the longest part come at the top of the shoukler. Buttons are made hy braiding yarn and sewing it in the form of buttons. A cord for fastening is made by braiding, or twisting and folding the yarn. It is then sewed into loops or used as cord and tassel for tying. 32 SPOOL KNITTING I i --». ^^m,^^ji^g^-' SPOOL KNITTING 33 Bootees Knit two yards of round ^^ eb for each bootee. Start two incljes from the end of the web for the first turn. Sew into an elliptical form three and one-half inches long for the sole. Sew two more rows without widening for the sides of the foot ; then sew t^vo rows across the front for the toe ; the third row bring all around tlie top to complete the foot. The leg of the bootee is made l)y bringing the web directly upward three inches before making the first turn. Make each row three inches high and catch each row^ into the top of the foot while sewing. Put cord and tassel around where the leg and foot meet. 34 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 35 Little Boy Blue Make coat according to directions given for doll's coat. Measure the length of the doll's leg for the length of the trousers. Use flat web audsew it into two rectangular pieces wide enough to make each le2: a little full. Join the inside seams part way and then join the open edge of the right front ^vith the open edge of the left front. Do the same with the back edges. Put a draw-string around the top, or a piece of the web may be used for a waist- band. Put in a dra vv -string around the bottom of each leg. 36 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 37 Little Red Riding-Hood The doll shown in illnstration is ten and one- half inches tall. To make cape and hood in one piece sew two rows of flat web, six and one-half inches long, for the center of the back. These two rows will also give the desired fulness. The next ^ve rows are made nineteen inches long, or long enough to reach over the head and down to form the two sides of the cape and hood. After these five rows are completed, sew five rows six inches long on each side of the front of the cape, to make it wide enough to meet across the chest. Close the cape and the hood in the back. The part above the six and a lialf inch rows will form the hood. Draw in the top of these two short ro^vs and scnv to the base of the hood. Put in a draw-string around the top of the right side of the ca[)e in front, carry it aronnd the base of the hood, around the top of the cape on the left side and tie in front. 38 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 39 Doll's Skirt This skirt is ^ve inches long and made of flat web. The first and last rows are made one and a quarter incli shorter than the other rows forming the skirt. These two rows are sewed together when the skirt is finished, thus form- ing the placket and also the desired fulness in the back. There are sixteen rows in all. Each tw^o, when sewed together, form a scollop at the top and bottom where the web is turned. In sew- ing care must be taken to have each row the exact length of the preceding row except in the first and last row. The top of tlie skirt may be finished witli a draw-string or a band made from cloth. The bottom of the skirt may be left as it is, or be finished with a blanket stitch of some contrast- ing color. The skirt requires five yards of flat web. 40 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 41 Little Boy's Hat Measure the cliikrs liend for the size of the hat. Make the crown of the hat one-half of this measurement. Jf the ehikl's head measures twenty-two inches around, make the crown eleven inches in diameter. The crown is circu- lar and is made in the same way as the circular mat, taking two stitches of Aveb and sewing them into one stitch of the cro\vn already sewed to keep it flat. When it is of the desired size, begin the side by sewing one stitch of the web into one of the crown, at tlie same time holding the web to be sewed directly under the last row in the crown. Make the side twice as long as the desired heiglit of the liat. For instance, if the desired heiu'ht is to be three and a half inches, make the side seven inches long, as one-half of this measurement is turned up. Two colors may be used, one color for the crown and one for the side. Red and black or red and white are pretty combinations. A doll's hat of the same style, the crown three and a half inches in diameter, requires ^ve yards of round web. 42 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 43 Child's Muffler This is a combination of flat and round web. Knit ten inches of flat web, change to round web by bringing the yarn across the center of the hole in the knitter to the opposite post, and knit ten inches, or the number of inches neces- sary to go around the neck. Change again to flat web, knit ten inches and clip off. Make seven such pieces and sew them to- gether to form the muffler. The round web will form the neck part. Do not remove from the knitter while chang- ing from flat to round web. 44 SPOOL KXITTIISra . t*. : f . ^ '^ J *svs • ' -1 ••4-. SPOOL KNITTING 45 Child's Hood This is made much in the same way as the doll's hood. Make tlie back of the hood five inches in diameter, then turn the wel^ and form tlie side. Sew around to within four inches of the place of turning on tlie opposite side and turn asrain. So continue until the side is suffi- ciently wide to cover the cliild's head. Extend this side three inches beyond the desired width, widening on each row of the extended part to give fulness. This widening may be omitted, and the extended part turned back, leaving it perfectly plain, if desired. Trim with rosettes or pompons made of the same matei'ial as the hood. Turn l)ack the extended part and tack to the hood. Sew a pompon or a rosette of yarn over the top of the sewing stitch. For tie-strings, use cord and tassel, or ribbon. The hood requires from twenty-five to thirty yards. 46 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 47 Little Girl's Hat This requires twenty-five yards of round web. Measure the child's head for the size of the hat. Start the crown in the same way as the circular mat. When it is five inches in diameter, gradu- ally turn the crown, while sewing the next five or six rows. When the desired width is reached, begin forming the side by sewing one stitch of web into one stitch of the crown, keeping each row exactly under the preceding row until the de- sired height is obtained ; then gradually widen to form the rim, which is three and a half or four inches broad. Do not widen any on the last two rows, but draw the web a little tighter while sewing to make the edge of the rim roll or turn inward. Finish w^ith cord and tassels around the crown, or pompons on the right or left side of the front of the hat. 48 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 49 Doll's Sweater This is made of five and one-half yards of flat web cut into pieces of a desired length. Cut three pieces seven inches long for the front. One inch and a half of this will also form the neck. When cutting, clip only one stitcli and pull out the ends. The next two pieces are cut five and one-half inches lonir and sewed one on each side of the front one inch and a half belo^v tlie top end. Each succeedino; row is made a little shorter to form the shoulder, the shortest pieces forming the outside edges. Make the back of the sweater in the same way and sew front and back together, leaving one and a quarter inch opening on each side for the sleeves. The sleeve is made of ^ve pieces, the longest piece being three inches, and the shortest two and one-half inches long. Sew these pieces to- gether to form the sleeve. When sewing it into the sweater, place the longest part at the shoul- der seam and stretch the armhole while sewing it in. 50 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 51 Wristlets These are made of round or flat web. Each wristlet requires one and one-half yards. Measure five inches, the length of the wrist- let, and turn. Start sewing from this point and sew to the end of the five inches and turn ao-ain. Continue until enough rows are sewed to make the wristlet the desired width, which in this model is two and one-half inches. 52 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 53 Shoulder Shawl This may be made of round or flat ^veh^ and of any desired size. If the shawl is to be thirty-six inches long, clip the web into pieces of this leno;th and sew them too-ether until the shawl is of the desired width, or the web may simply be turned at the end of each row, then proceed with the sewing. The fringe for the ends is made by cutting the yarn into lengtlis t^^ice as long as the de- sired leno;th of the frinoe — that is, if the frimre is to be five inches long, cut the yarn into pieces ten inches Ions;. Fold each ten-incli piece in two, slip the folded end through a stitch in the end of the shaAvl and draw the two ends of the piece through the loop thus formed and pull tight. 54 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 55 Doll's Carriage Robe This robe is ten inches wide and eisrhteen inches long, and is made of four pieces of flat web, each piece three yards long. Any number of pieces of eitlier round or flat web may be used, and the robe made wider and lonofer if desired. Measure fifteen inches of w^eb and turn it. Begin sewing from this, turn down to the end of the fifteen inches and again turn, bringing the web around over the end. Care must be taken while turning to keep the ends perfectly flat. When the three yards are used begin the other parts in the same way. Make four or any desired number of parts, and sew them together, alternating tlie colors. Put a tassel made of the same material on the rounded end of each part. If round web is used it will require more for each part, for the round is not as wide as the flat web. 56 SPOOL KNITTING ¥ :■ ■> ,'■ . i n M ■ ' ' i* ^H ', ^\ ■' i SPOOL KNITTING 57 Child's Leggings Leggings may be made of round or flat web. Measure five inches above the knee down to the vamp of the shoe for the lengtli of the fi'ont part of the legging. This gives the length of the first row. Turn the Aveb and begin to sew from this point up to the to[), then tui'ii again and sew down to the toe. Continue in this way until the front part is two and one-half inches wide. Bring the remaining roAvs down to within two inches of the end of the toe, until the leg- ging is wide enough to go around the child's leg, then sew to the opposite side of the front. Sew a piece of tape to the instep. 58 SPOOL KNITTUsTG SPOOL KNITTING 59 Muffler This may be made of round or flat wel). Make the part to go around the neck first. In this model the neck band is ten inches long and three inches wide. Sew four rows of flat or six rows of round ^\ eb for the neck. Begin three inches from the ends to make the front. Grad- ually shorten each row until it is of the desired length. Make loops of twisted yarn and sew to one end of the neck band to slip over the buttons. Sew the buttons on the opposite end and on the inside where they will be hidden while the muffler is being worn. SPOOL KNITTING 61 Made of Knitting Cotton Knitting cotton can be secured at any de- partment store. It comes in colors white, black, red, navy blue, and mixed colors. This is not as elastic as worsted and is used where streno;th is required, such as bags, hammocks, wash-cloths, etc. It is very inexpensive and can be used to great advantage. 62 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 63 Jumping Rope Select a piece of jute, or stout cord the length of the desired rope. Drop one end of this and one end of the knitting cotton through the hole in the knitter (use knitter having four posts), and draw it out at the other end three inches. Bi'ing the cotton leading from the ball around each post once, then proceed w ith the knitting, covering the cord or jute which is used as a core or foundation for the rope. Cords for pillow tops may also be made in this way. 64: SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 65 Toy Horse Reins These are made of coarse knitting cotton on four-post knitters. Knit a piece three yards long for the reins. The children measure each other for the breast-piece, which ^v ill be from ten to t^^elve inches long. This is fastened to the reins nine inches below the center of the neck on each side, to allow the head to pass through easily. Two colors may be used in knitting the reins, working around first with one color, then with the other. Fourteen yards of knitting cotton will make one yard of web on the four-post knitter. 66 SPOOL KXlTTiiNra SPOOL KNITTING 67 Wash Cloth This is made of white knitting cotton. It requires nine yards of web for a cloth ten by twelve inches. Measure twelve inches of web, turn and sew toward the end. When the twelve-inch piece is sewed turn again and sew. Continue in this way until the desired size is obtained. With a piece of the cotton make a loop at one corner by which to hang it. 68 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 69 School Bag This may be made of round or flat web. A bag twelve inches deep and fourteen inches wide requires thirty yards. Measure twenty- four inches of web and turn. Bes^in sewinof from tliis turn to the end of the t\venty-four inches then turn again. So continue until this oblong piece measures fourteen by twent}'-four inches. Fold this in two and sew up the sides. This will avoid any sccim in the bottom of the bag. Make handles in the same way as for jumping- rope, or a double thickness of the web may be used for each liandle and sewed to the top sides of the bag. Finish by sewing a piece of the web around the top. Laundry bags, sewing bags, and little bags for holding paints and water-dish may be made in similar way. 70 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 71 Chimney Cleaner This is made of white knitting cotton. It requires two yards of flat or three yards of round web. Secure a piece of stick or better still a piece of half-inch dowel ten or twelve inches long, for a handle. Cut a groove with a knife around one end to keep the web from slipping off. Sew the web into loops three and a half or four inches long. Draw them in around the end of the handle with the sewing string just in the groove ; then wind the sewdng string around two or three times, tie, and clip off the ends. 73 SPOOL KNITTING SPOOL KNITTING 73 Doll's Hammock This is made of flat web. A hammock eight by twelve inches requires five and one-half yards. Sew this into an oblong piece twelve inches long and eight inches wide. Secure a piece of cardboard three inches longer than the oblong piece and one inch wider. Round oif the corners with a pair of scissors (see illustration), and cut notches or slits in ends one-half inch apart. Sew two brass rings in the center of one side, and on the other baste the oblong piece which is to be used for the hammock. Then with a needle and a long piece of the knitting cotton begin making the ends of the hammock by securing one end of the sewing string to the hammock and bring it over the end of the cardboard in the first slit from the end and tlirough the ring on the op- posite side of cardboard ; back over cardboard, through second slit and through hammock. So continue until one end is finished. Do the same ^vith the other end. These strings may be held in place by putting three or four rows of weaving just underneath the rings. Clip the basting stitches and remove from the cardboard. Make fringe as for shawl. JUH Z^ 1909 I lliinniuiuiiuiuiiiuniuuHuut LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 146 230 1 t IMi llllllltllfl illlll tUi Ifllliilil Im\ ti wn nlilllflllilt^^HI liiniiiiiii liiili iill lillltilil III It III tiiinitiliiili III