%<^^'- '^ .<^' ^ .<,^ A^ v<-V','S '^- ^i^^^. ^^" '^^ o>' =^r C> V .^^ -^^^ xO=^- \ ° "^ ,x^^"V '^ <\'' ,v .^^ •^.. v^" •^r .0 O^ / .^ "'^^ ^0 O^ ' 1 '' -< -Y. "^^ v^ \^' '^.. N^ -%. . x>^n^- ^^/.' •^ . r - ^ ^,<^^^ r-^ ^>%, - %<. .^^ X^ "'^ ^ :. .4- -n*. ^■~ A O. ^^# '^ v> .^^■^^. ■A -^ct- "^^'' \0 /\ •^^ '' r.\ .iC^" 'f^ \ ,\' '^^., < V V ci- i = ^O. i ^ ^ ,■0- ^%^ .0 A , N '. ^ '/^ o"' .^^ "c(; vKV -p. ..^^ .^' v^' , •^o^ ^ -^^ a."?-' •^^ V^ %c< .# "^% '' •> -^ J f^ . ^ ' 'V O ^'^^ t) L v. -^*' . . -^ '•^.-^b = ?vQ <=^. ^ ■-c.0^ ^^^ -^^ ,0 0^ .M C' '^i. A^ ^^ ' '■■ " ' .. '^ -0" HON. IRA PERLEY, CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. / s > - HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 3 ^ • OF THE PERLEY FAMILY. Compiled by M. V. B. PERLEY-375. "This is the genealogy of them," " that the generations to come might know them."— Ezra 8:1; Ps., 78:6. SALEM, MASS. Published by the Compiler. 1906. 0^% \(\^ ^A b ' My thoughts are with the dead; with them I live in long-pass'd years; Their virtues love, their faults condemn. Partake their hopes and fears, And from their lessons seek and find Instruction with an humble mind." — Soulhev. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Conies Received SEP 5 1906 Copynei i i Entry CLASS /6? XXc, No. COPY B. Jl COPYRIGHTED 1906, By M. V. B. PERLEY, SALEM, M^SS. I think with those alive; with them I scan the retrospect of years; All right approve, all wrong condemn, And sympi^thize with hopes and fears,— And in th'e'iesjons seek and find Instructipn.'wJth an humble mind. — " Noilkcv." PREFACE. Genealogy is a science. To write it is the most exacting service to which a man may devote his pen, and the errors abounding in all the material he must use multiply his sorrows. To read the records correctly may require a relative search or a canvass of the circum- stances and probabilities. In view of those conditions a painstaking care has characterized all the labor upon this book. The work is attractive, awakening and encouraging as a biography. It may excel the average biography — the life of some gifted man that is read for entertainment and admiration without a hope, on the part of the reader, of ever attaining to such eminence. The hundred sketches or more in the book will fit the sphere and ability of our young people and inspire a practical ambition. They will teach how to be self-re- liant, to make the most of meager means, to garner a competency, to serve the public faithfully, to cultivate and grow a worthy character and make and enjoy a happy home. In the work of collecting material for this volume we have been assisted by Sidney Perley, Esq. -380, who read the early records of the county — town, parish, etc., — who conducted much of the early cor- respondence, and who has been advisorily helpful in the compilation. Most of the persons named below have read their local records and made a canvass of the local families : Miss F. Ellen Moody Dole-53, H. LeBaron Smith-59, Ezra Hyde-113, Carlos T. Clark-r27, Walter A. Davisl37, David H. Chandler-148, Mrs. J. Maria Greenwood-153, John Perley-222, Isaac Perley-226, Charles Perley-243, Geo. H. Bull- 251, Miss Lizzie H. Perley-252, Geo. P. Perley-258, Miss Sarah R. Perley-262, Miss Hannah P. Perley-266, Mrs. Almira P. Knight-384, Mrs. C. H. Dyke-394, Henry F. Perley-422, Miss Abigail W. Perley- 428, Isaac N. Perley-441, Mrs. Ira S. Anderson-451. We desire here to thank our several assistants for their patient labors and lively sympathy, the Publishing Committee for the influ- ence of their circular, and the hundreds of mothers and fathers for their words of cheer and the data of their families. We remember with cordial, thankful regard our cousins of the British Isles for their neighborly attention and courtesy in answering our numerous mis- sives. In the Plan of the book, each division is called a Family, and the heading of each family gives the number and name of that family; thus, "Family 20: Perley"; "Family 21: Morse." Following the heading is a line of " Lineal Descent," by which the number of the generation is easily determined. In composition, the maiden name is preceded by a hyphen ; thus, Mrs. Martha-Perley Conant. iv THE PERLBY FAMILY Cross references to families are made with hyphens and full-meas- ure figures ; thus, -24, which signify Family 24. Children are treated in paragraphs, and grandchildren are sepa- rated by semicolons, (;). Cross references to paragraphs in the same family are made with " superior " figures alone ; thus, *. Cross references to paragraphs in other families are made with " superior " figures and family numbers -.thus, -24*, which signify the 4th paragraph of Family 24. NOTES. THE PORTRAITS of the volume are made from photographs, tintypes, oil-paintings and crayons, some of which were deeply yellowed with age, and wanted that " sharpness" so essential to artistic effect. The reproductions, nevertheless, are excellent, and many of them have been pronounced, by those interested in them, better than the photographs loaned. We are gratified to present herein an excellent likeness of Maj. Apperley. The striking facial resemblance of the two families, Apperley and Perley, is thought by some to argue an identity of names. Herein the reader is afforded an opportunity to study and judge for himself. ALLAN'S WILL. A part of our immigrant-ancestor Allan's will is here shown. It is in the handwriting of Robert Lord, Esq., one of the witnesses. It is a photographed copy. The length of these lines is about half the length of those of the will. PART OF ALLAN PERLEY'S WILL. PERLEY A PR/ENOMEN. We could easily fill a score of pages with the names we have met of persons whose praenomen was Perley ; thus : Rev. Perley B. Davis, Hyde Park ; Perley C. Jones, Amherst College ; W. Perley Hall, Esq., assistant attorney general of Massachusetts; Perley Death, Fitzwilliam, N. H. ; Gen. Perley Davis.^Montpelier, Vt. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY THE CHART. The old " Chart of Lineal Descent " has passed through several editions. The grain of history it contained and the plan of it have not been changed an iota. It is thought that Thomas Perley-33 made the first edition complete with three generations, and that Thomas Perley-GO made the second edition complete with five generations. The latter the writer's mother copied, perhaps while boarding in the family of Amos Perley-7Gl It was that five-genera- tion chart that inspired the writer to extend it, and then, step by step, to expand it to this volume. ftr&LjtrunjAO ynAAjf.l£xL (Uutoyyui^xu. ^Ba^&4JUvL ^ ouTi^ pd. mJi^m/i .■^(-g>i^ (xr^yo:Lt. 7ia/m£ ." The Pearl arms of Hertfordshire (where St. Albans is) are " Sa. on a chev. betw. three leopards heads or. as many null lets." Mary Pearl e married in London, 1651 ; Mrs. Martha Pearle, spinster, abt. 16, daughter of Thomas married, in London, 1637. Pearl is a varient of purl, a kind of 16th cen- tury lace. That derivation of the name would make the early Pearles lace-makers. Another author says Pearl may be a nickname or a patronymic, and in medieval P^nglish perle was a precious gem. This name is frequently found in the records of P2ssex County, Mass., alongside of Perley, and they are often taken interchangeably, the spelling being quite generally phonetic: Pearle Pearley, Parley, Parle. Perleys and Pearls have lived in Ipswich and Boxford since 1665, but we have not found even the least relationship. APPERLEY. Early in our investigation we met in a historical- genealogical magazine the name, "Ap-Perley" and immediately adopted it in our search. We have never met it in that form since. Authors on names always spell it with a small/: Apperley. Of fifty-two inquiries, in Wales, asking each person, if he knew or had known or had ever heard of the names Perley or Apperley, how- ever spelled, forty-five were answered. The registrar of twenty-four parishes in Flintshire replied in the negative, and added gratuitously: "The names Perley and Apperley are certainly not Welsh." All the answers were in the negative, and several of the officers had been on the force from twenty to thirty-five years, and one could recollect for sixty years. The correspondence that followed the above information furnished extracts from letters of Moses H. Perley-257 and Miss Elizabeth Apperley, the lady (page 414) who made the pen-and-ink sketch of her family arms and presented it to Mr. Perley. Miss Apperley wrote, 1879: " I have been under the impression, that our family came from Wales, but the prefix Ap to the name and the knowledge that our arms are to be seen in old churches in Den- TKARL ARMS, HKRKFORl). HISTORY AND GENEALOGY ^^^^ bighshire seem the only reason on which to base the supposition. "In a book pubHshed in 1600, a supposition I have long enter- tained is corroborated, that the pine-apple bears allusion to the pine- tree. This gives greater signification to our motto. Our arms are quartered on the Throgmorton arms as belonging to the name Pine. " The strong likeness which exists between the Apperleys and the Perleys proves us unmistakably to have come from the same race. "In accordance with the Puritan usage of the age in which the F'lintshire Apperleys emigrated, the prefix Ap was dropped and there were difficulties in the way of its being resumed. "Mr. Perley [Moses H.-257] would have liked to make ancestral researches in Flintshire during his stay here, but his time was not at his own disposal."— He was there on government business. Mr. Perley wrote Miss Apperley in April, 1847: "* * * At Lord Rancliffe's I learned that the Flintshire Apperleys from whom I claim descent went out of Shropshire [England] into Flintshire [Wales] about three hundred years ago." Now noting carefully the above extracts, we are persuaded that they are not the fruit of research. She writes Apperley and Perley the same on the "supposition" that ap is Welsh, and that her arms are in Denbigh churches. The former the Flintshire registrar con- fronts. Dr. Barber's book reads Apperley a local English name, and Mr. Bardsley supports him, and Lord Rancliffe corroborates him. Regarding the latter, Mr. Wynne, an Apperley alliance, "knew of no Apperley arms in Denbigh churches." The arms there, if any, may have belonged to Pine: " Gu. a chev. erni. betw. three pine-apples or" A. D. 129(5; or the arms of Sir Wm. Pepperrell: '' Ar a chev. gu. betw. three pine-apples vert. ' ' The pine-apple of 1296 and of Heraldry is not the West Indian pine-apple. That, not known even to Columbus two centuries later, was not known in England till after our ancestor left there. The pine- apple of the above arms is very probably the fruit of the Scotch pine (pinus sylvestris, ) a large tree of the Scotch Highlands, the only in- digenous pine in the British Isles. It is used for lumber and cabinet making, and has a European fame for its deals. How significant the motto: "Ye shall know them by their fruits." — Math., 7 : 16,20. The arms, then, bear the pine cone as we moderns call it, as Miss Apperley supposed, and as Mrs. Apperley, our correspondent, aflfirms in this marginal sketch made by her. It is described: — "Appuley, or Appurley: Ar. a chev. betw. three pine apples gu." The arms of John de Apperleghe, 1 Edw. III. (1327,) are given: ^^ Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three pine-apples vert, stalked or." We cannot adopt the idea that our ancestor dropped any part of his name for catise, and that there were obstacles in the way of his resuming it. He was, in 1630, a man just entering upon ^^^^^^^^ arms his majority ; he was tor those times educated ; and he had the trade of a husbandman. His learning and character placed him among the elite of his time — the makers of society and xviii THE PERLEY FAMILY the state. He came to this country with Gov. Winthrop and the Governor's Council, and located within their precinct. He was under the eye of the administrators of the law all the while, and there was no Puritan element that he need fear. He never changed his name for cause. See farther on. This is a very ancient family. Dr. Barber says, that Appeuile was an under tenant at the time of the Survey. The name resembles the Latin name Appuleius, whose French form is Apulee. Compare those with Appuley above. John de Apperleghe lived in 1327. The family of our correspondent has been traced to William of Foy, county Hereford. He married in 1G22, and dying in 1649, left sons John and Anthony, et al. Anthony's son Thomas Apperley, Esq., of Plas-gronow, Wales, was a justice of the peace and deputy- lieutenant, and had, by his wife Anne Wynne, Charles James Apper- ley, Esq., born in Plas-gronow, 1777, and died in London 19 May, 1843. That "country gentleman" was educated at Rugby and in youth held a cornetcy in the Light Horse. He was well known by his nom-de-plume "Nimrod," as a sporting writer of great ability, considerable knowledge of the horse and fox-hound, and great fluency, spirit and graphic power of pen. By his wife Elizabeth Wynne, he had Wm. Wynne Apperley, Esq., of Morben, who was father of Maj. Newton Wynne Apperley, whose portrait adorns the opposite page. This learned gentleman is "a veteran among private secretaries and of a handsome and distinguished presence. He was born 29 July, 184(5, in Australia, where his father was Remont Agent to the Hon. East India Company. When he was seven years old, the family returned to Wales. He was educated at Dr. Huntingford's school. Hammersmith, and at Rev. F. P'aithfull's military school near Epsom. He was gazetted 13 Aug., 18t>8, a cornet in the Montgomery Yeo- manry Cavalry, and after twenty years retired with the rank of major. He went to the North Country, upon the death of his father, in 1870, and engaged with the Marquis of Londonderry, becoming his private secretary in 1879. He is a magistrate and visiting justice for his county, and last year his Majesty the King honored him with a mem- bership in the Victorian Order. It is almost needless to add that he is an excellent man of business." He married, in 1880, Miss Mary Hutchinson, only daughter of A. W. Hutchinson of Hollingside. She is a lady of culture and refine- ment, and a writer of repute. Major and Mrs. Apperley have taken an earnest interest in our letters, have written patient replies to our manifold queries, and furnished much real assistance, — all in a mani- festly neighborly spirit to aid us, and they merit our esteem. Perley may have been Apperley. ( 1 ) Both are found in Ledbury and its surrounding country — a territorial unity at least. (2) Our Allan may have been an Apperley at twenty-one, when embarking for himself and thinking his name Welsh and the syllable^/ {soii of) a prefix, he would simplify it and bear only the essential, realizing, that if he were a Perley, he must be the son of a Perley. We cannot see how otherwise he would change his name. (3) Lower reads, that "many of the well-to-do families of Wales dropped the Ap during the 14th and 15th centuries." The Apperleys were among the well-to-do people, and our Allan may have been an Apper- NEWTON W. APPERLEY, ESQ, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY XIX ley, in that way, one or two generations removed. (-1) You will probably observe a facial contour that is strikingly common to both families, as Miss Apperley suggests. (5) It is a significant fact, that more than two hundred letters in Scotland, the Orkneys, the Hebrides, Wales, and England have failed to find the name Allan and the form Pcrley, except in the name Apperley. (6) And though Mr. Perley writes above of the relation as a "claim," and Miss Ap- perley as a "supposition," they may have had at hand some very sug- gestive records, which followed up would have revealed an identity. We've reached the usual goal, the absence of fact. PERLEY. After all we may be able to go alone. The Saxon per is pear and ley is pasture or field ; and per-ley is pear-field or orchard. The writer takes kindly to that origin, remembering the numerous pear trees on the ancestral farm of Allan-1 and how often, in his boyhood, he regaled his palate with the delicious fruit. But writers on names class Perley with Percy, Perkins, Persons, Pearson and Pierson (which latter spelling betrays its origin,) and derive the name from the Norman-French pierre, rock (or Peter, Math., 16:18) and lay, field, thus: Pierrelay. Here now are the phonetic spelling of the name and the arms: — 1 Perely, or Pirly — " Per pale, ar. and or, a lion passant sa." 2 Pyrley, or Vyr\y—'* Per pale, ar. a7id or, a lion rarnpant sa." 3 Pyreley — ''Per pale, ar. and gu., a lio7i passant connterchangey 4 Pearley — ''Per pale, ar. and gii., a lion passant or.'' Thomas Clarke whose farm adjoined the farm of Allan-1 in Woburn, had a son born about 1645, and called him Perley Clarke, but spelled the name Pierley Clarke. [It was remarked that a Perley was a Pope. Well, no wonder ! he is equal to any emergency, or exaltation. The family name of Pope Anacletus III (1130-1138,) one of the double election, was XX THE PERLEY FAMILY Pierreloni, Peter of Peter of Lyon. That man, the only Jew that ever became a Pope, had been a monk at Chmy and a cardinal and papal legate in P'rance. His father's name was Peter of Lyon, a city fifty miles south of Cluny ; and since ley in English and lyon in French (like ley in the name Leyden) signify much the same kind of ground, Pierreloni becomes Norman-French for Perley. But, alas! our name came out of Normandy with William the Conqueror, in 1066, just sixty-four years before Pierreloni became Pope — such an elusive thing is honor.] Our name, then, is Norman-PVench, and Monsieur Pierrelay was a feoffee of Normandy, the duchy of the Duke, William the Conqueror, where William de Percy was a powerful tenant-in-chief, who assisted the Duke in the Conquest, and appears in Domesday Book as tenant in capitc in many counties. The herald Glover derives the family from Manifred de Percy, a Danish chief who settled in Normandy, then Neustria, before the cession of that province to Rollo, who died A. D. 917 ; and corroborative perhaps are the arms of Pursey {''Per pah\ ar. aiidgu., a Hon rampant coiintcrchange'\-) and also the quartering of the ancient arms( "Or, a lion rampant az.'') of the Duke of Brabant, on the elaborate arms of William de Percy. In harmony with the above a writer on names "hazards the guess," that the lions on the Pyre- ley, Perely, Pyrley, Pearley arms are Percy lions; and he might have guessed further that they are the Brabant lion. .. ....^...v- .„„o Now following P'erguson who goes to the i'UKSKV ARMS. -i ii i iitt-i root of the matter, we are led to the old High German Bar (man) [which it is difficult sometimes to separate from the Saxon Bar (bear, sacred to the god Thor)] "the diminutives of which are, in l^Vench, l^arrell, Berly, Parly, Perrelle, and in English Berrill, Burley, Pearl, Perley." Thus ends the reading of the several lessons. We will not at- tempt to determine the preponderance of a probability. It is too fine and fruitless a task. In all our correspondence we have not found the names Allen, Allan, or Perley, except the last word of the last lesson. THE PUBLISHING COMMITTEE. We hoped to present the portraits of all the Publishing Committee. We are four-fifths gratified and one-fifth sorry. Their circular of commendation, which has done efficient work widespread in the Republic and the Do- minion, is here appended; it tells its own history and exhibits a cor- dial, helpful interest in the work: — "At a convention of the Perley P^amily held in Georgetown, June 20, 1877, Haskell Perley, Luther D. Perley, I. S. C. Perley, Sherman Nelson of Georgetown and Charles Perley of Boxford, were appointed a committee to consider the matter of preparing a family history. Since then Messrs. Haskell Perley and Luther D. Perley have passed away and nothing has been done in relation to the matter. "It is felt that a history should be published. Mr. M. V. B. Perley THE PERLEY FAMILY XXI SHERMAN NELSON, ESQ. DEA. HASKELL PERLEY. LUTHER D. PERLEY. ISAAC S. C. PERLEY THE PUBLISHING COMMITTEE. xxii HISTORY AND GENEALOGY has recently called our attention to a great amount of valuable material suitable for such a history. " We are pleased with his effort, and hope that those interested will render him all possible assistance ; that he may be able to publish a history that will be of value to every member of the family. GEOROKTOWN, MASS., SUMMKU IWIT." ARMS PROPOSED. To those who have written us about some standard, ensign, ( Num. 2 :'i, )or style of arms by which to individualize our family ( a purpose we fully indorse, ) we may say, that, while we are ready to subscribe with the majority, the Apperley Arms of 1827 are suggestive of Ar. a chcv. gu.^ betw. three pine-applcs or, stalked vert, "with ^^ i6jo" for difference. The motto: "By their fruits, etc.," is excellent for those arms and a good standard to measure by. The crest here is supposed to be a pine-apple, but it may be selected, or devised according to taste. Those arms are attractive in their sentiment, bespeaking through the majestic pine, a solidity of character, a helpful life, an enduring fame. We may add that the above description completed and emblazoned would make very pretty arms. Put the crest the walking gold lion of Pearley on a silver and red wreath ; the shield silver with red rafters, gold apples (cones) and green leaves; and the motto as above. To the casual observer those arms would resemble the very ancient arms of Appleton, Apperley, Pine, Pepperill and others, differing chiefly in the arrangement of the metals and colors. In this, however, we defer, for our arms, to the possible discovery of the origin of the name Perley. On the following blank pages may be written the data of a FAMILY HISTORY. THE PERLEY FAMILY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY. FAMILY 1: PERLEY. ALLAN PERLEY, the emigrant ancestor ut the Perley Family in America, was born in Wales, England, in the first quarter of the year 1608, and died in Ipswich, Massachusetts, 28 Dec, U)75. He married, in the year 16;-] 5, Susanna Bokesen, or Bokenson, who died in Ipswich, 11 Feb., 1692, after a widowhood of sixteen years. Mr. Perley came to this country, at the age of twenty-two years, in the fleet with Governor Winthrop, and located in " Charlestowne Village," on land which is now included in the city of Woburn and called "Button-end," near a tract of meadow, marked in the cut A A A, whichhas been known for two and a half centuries as "Parly meddowe," through which meanders a brook spanned by a plank bridge, marked B, six and a half feet wide, and known as "Parly brook." The name is found in pro- bate records, and in the colonial records, 2:75, as it is spelled above; and it is pronounced by the citizens of Woburn today as it is here spelled. Why he relinquished his settlement is a mat- ter of conjecture. The rigors of his first winter were extreme; the sufferings of the settlers were intense. "The weather," reads Lendrum's History of the American Revolution, "held tolerable un- til the 24th December, but the cold then came on with violence. Such a Christmas eve they had never seen before. From that tmie to the 10th -of February their chief care was to keep themselves warm, and as comfortable in other respects as their scant provisions vvc uld permit. They were so short of provisions that many were obliged to live upon clams, mussels, and other shell-fish, with ground-nuts and acorns, instead of bread. One that came to the 2 THE PERLEY FAMILY Governor'shouse to complain of his sufferings, was prevented, be- ing informed that even there the last batch was in the oven. The poorer sort were much exposed, lying in tents and miserable hovels, and many died of scurvy and other distempers." Such an experi- ence would dishearten the most resolute; in fact, "some of the Board of Assistants," according to Bancroft's History of the United States, "men who had been trusted as the inseparable companions of the common misery or common success, disheartened by the scenes of woe, sailed for England." Many others also went home for the same cause. The statement in Lambert's History of the New Haven Colony, that in 1684 "the colonies at Watertown, Dorchester and Newtown [Cambridge] had become so crowded by the accessions of new planters, that many left," affords another suggestion. He may have sold his grant and improvements, all his local rights and interests, feeling assured of finding another location as good or better. The great attraction to Boston and vicinity was the learned, wealthy, and noble Governor Winthrop, but our ancestor seems to have found more attraction in the younger Winthrop at Ipswich. How- ever it may have been with our ancestor — whatever his reason or motive for leaving, he remained long enough to stamp his name indelibly upon the territory and to record the unquestioned fact of his possession. According to the manuscript chart of the family, "From thence he moved to Ipswich in 1(584." By the town records, he was in Ipswich in Hi^f). But before identifying himself with Ipswich history, he visited England; for he was there "2" Aprilis, lt)85," according to a record in the Augmentation oflfice, London, and set sail that month for New England. He located in Ipswich, on High street, a short dis-. tance from Governor Bradstreet and the Waldo family. The place was and is the second houselot northwest of the High-street cem- etery, and it is remarkable that it has the same shape and area now that it had then — two and a half centuries ago. Alexander Knight's homestead was on the northwest, George Smith's on the south- east, "a drift way" on the northeast, and High street on the south- west. At present the new part of the cemetery is on the northeast. It was a picturesque spot. Located on the western slope of Town hill and agreeably elevated from the street, it commanded a fine view of the v'erdant slopes of Turkey and Timber hills and the ridge-range of houses along Scott's lane, the present Washington street. The deep frontage of his lot afforded ample opportunity to arrange a spacious avenue from the street to his dwelling, with flowering plants and shrubbery on either side, after the fashion of the average gentleman of the old country. Whatever he did in the matter, his selection of grounds of such possible improvements, at- test his good taste and judgment, educated, no doubt, by the ex- periences of his early life. There he brought his young wife and be- gan the business of life anew; there most of his children were born; thence have radiated the family name and influence. He resided there about seventeen years, selling, 8 Sept., Ib52, for £,'11^ his "dwelling house and homestead" to Walter Roper, car- penter, of Topsfield. Mr. Roper. 15 July, IHHO, devised his "house. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY. 3 rtSch m^f^^r^^X Snto Ui pans, '"th,.„u.b the BUTTON-END AND HOWTO GET THERE. tory-208. 4 THE PERLEY FAMILY chimney from top to bottom," and 3 Feb., 1737, sold the north- western half to John Browne, 4th, of Ipswich, and 16 June, 1741, the southeastern half to Nathaniel Lord, Jr., of Ipswich, hatter. Mr. Browne, 18 Jan., 1776, devised his part to his widow, who, as Lydia Thornton, 23 June, 1796, sold the premises to the same Nathaniel Lord, Jr., as above, who then owned the whole original estate. Mr. Lord, 8 Aug., 1796, devised it to his sons Abraham and Isaac. Abraham died intestate and childless, and in the division of his es- tate, 9 Oct., 1811, his interest in this property was settled upon his brother Isaac, who then owned the whole. Isaac, 17 May, 1825, de- vised it to his son Levi, who, 4 June, 1869, left it to his son George Edward Lord-llO'*', who now owns it and resides there. /Alexander Knight's //omest£/^d. rn \ Allan Parley's Homestead, N ^f £ ^iiJ+ — J775 JToTZ QsoRce Smith's H omestzad. On the opposite page is shown the estate as it was in November, 1903. The proud little white rooster, back near the big elm, shows the elevation at that point above the street. There was an old well, now filled, about half way of the fence between the western corner of the house and the street; and it was probably Allan, "our father which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle." The house stands about a rod from the street; the northwestern part is probably a century or more old; the south- eastern was built in 1847, when the whole structure was moved for- ward probably its width, in order to be on a line with the house next to it. The elms, front and rear, are fine American specimens, old and symmetrical, and afford a gracious shade from summer heat. Mr. Perley was a large land-holder, and besides possessions in Essex, Rowley and Boxford, he had in Ipswich, in 1635, land at Heartbreak hill; in 1640, 1 :3 mo., a road from Rowley to Salem was laid out "over the falls at Mile river and by marked trees over Mr. Appleton's meadowe, called Parlye mead owe"; he was a com- moner in 1641; he owned a houselot on Mill street in 1642, the street being now called Washington, and the lot being traversed by Mt. Pleasant street ; he had a planting lot on Town hill in 1645; "att a meeting of the seven men the 3th (5) 1651" there was "grant- ed to Alen Perlye (in exchange for Thirty acres more or less at Chebacco lyeing on the west syde of his meddowe) the sume of forty-five acres of upland* lyeing beyond Mr. Winthropes farme Joyneing up to some of the ppriatyes thereabouts"; he was granted •This land was then sometimes called, or was contiguous to, the "Norton Keserve," land set apart for Rev. John Norton's brother, who declined to occupy it. The territory was early known— before 1693— as "The Ipswich Farms", or "The Farms", a designation that ob tained till the incorporation of Linebrook Parish. -State Archives, 11.3: 45-6 and 55. 6 THE PERLEY FAMILY 10 acres by the town in 1660; he owned one and a half shares in Plum Island in 1664, and, at some time, five acres of upland and marsh called Reedy marsh. In 1670, he had liberty of the town to cut timber for a "barne." He was admitted to the privileges of freemen, 18 May, 1642; was a grand juror 25 Sept., 1660, and at various times was witness to legal documents, and served on important committees; he was upon the coroner's jury in the case of his neighbor, Alexander Knight's child Nathaniel, who, while alone, was so burned that he died in a few hours. He was excused from training in U)56 and again in 1664. A court record reads: 1()()9, Sept. 28, Tobiah Colman vs. Allen Perley, for taking up and detaining his horse. Verdict for pi. 50s, no costs — a case probably wherein the law regarding field- drivers was not rigidly followed. In November, 1()()2, there was Allen Perley vs. Henry Batchelder, "for not giving him lawful as- surance* of land" located near a pond, and Batchelder lost. Mr. Perley was a man of considerable importance, and was held in good esteem. The location of his home, as referred to above, and his clear-penned signature to his will, though he was then nearly seventy years of age, witness a gentle birth, experience and charac- ter. The presence of pewter upon his table was a mark of more than ordinary social rank, and the probate inventory of his estate shows his business connections to have been with the honored and best citizens. Coming to America with the Puritans in 1680, he must have been a cordial sympathizer with them in their persecutions and their faith, although it was not till late in life that he was received into full church-fellowship. He and his wife joined the church 12 Aug., 1674. Mrs. Perley's history is quite unknown to us. Marriageable maidens of gentle social rank were titled Mrs., and Mrs. Susanna Bokesen was doubtless one of that class. We have diligently sought the name Bokesen, in books and by correspondence with Old and New England, without satisfactory results. We have, how- ever, met the name Boksen, which is, no doubt, the same as hers. The name is of Danish origin, and .she was probably descended from those Danes who early in English history crossed the North Sea, and settled along the east coast of England. Doubtless Mr. Perley had a home prepared on the grant of 1651 beyond Mr. Wmthrop's farm, when he sold his town estate to Mr. Roper. The site of the later residence is still pointed out in Ips- wich, south of the residence of Charles M. Perley-369. There they lived and labored and loved for a quarter of a century; there they saw their children grow up about them respected and useful citi- zens; there they were honored; there they practised sobriety and earned their wealth ; and when the sun of their life glowed in the western horizon, "Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About blm, and lies down to pleasant dreaius," * We understand this land was conveyed wthout deed, certain persons being called in to witness the description, price, bargain sale and delivery. By these persons Mr. Perley proved the contract. Doubtless many sales of land were earlv thus made. Perhaps in this manner he conveyed his Woburn property; for we searched the records in vain for some reference to its transfer. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY. 7 they rested in the hope of a blessed immortality. The place of their interment is probably near their first home. HIS WILL. In the name of God, Amen ! I, Allen Perley, of Ipswich, in the County of Essex, in New England, being by the good blessing of God in good health and enjoying my understanding and memory, yet sensible of my mortal and changeable condition here, and de- sirous to set my house in order, do therefore make my last will and testament : First. I commit my soul into the hands of Jesus Christ, my blessed Savior and Redeemer; my body to be decently buried in what place the Lord shall allot for me to depart this life, in assured hope of a joyful resurrection at the last day. And for my outward estate that God has graciously given me I thus dispose: My three elder sons, viz: John Perlye, Thomas Perley and Samuel Perlye, taking their liberty at the age of twenty-one to leave me at, yet I have given unto them three parts of the land be- yond Bachelours brook (each of them a part which they are pos- sessed of and do enjoy) excepting the great meadow, which I do re- serve. And all that part of land which was Nathaniel's, my son who is departed this life, which I do give and bequeath unto my two daughters Sarah and Martha Perley. And my house and the use of my land and the great meadow I give and bequeath unto my son Timothy, when he shall attain to the age of twenty-tliree years, provided still my beloved wife Su- sanna shall have one room to her own use during her natural life. Item. I give unto my beloved wife all my cattle and movable goods and one-third part of the land bequeathed to my son Timothy during her natural life for her comfortable maintenance. And after her decease my will is, the house and land be unto my son Timothy, and the cattle and movable goods be equally divided among all my children then living. And my will and mind is, that if my said wife shall marry, that then the land and room in the house be unto my son Timothy and he to pay unto his mother seaven pounds a year during her life. And I do make my beloved wife sole executrix of this my last will. My will further is, that my son Timothy at the age of 23 years shall have the use of part of the stock to the value of thirty pounds during the life of my wife and then to be returned to be divided as is above expressed. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 23 of June Anno Domini, 1670. Signed and sealed and Published ^, as his last will in presence of us: ^fi^^<>^4n 'YjitMiy [L.S.J Robert Lord. T ^ Mary Lord. CODICIL. The 16th day of November, 1671, I, Allen Perley, as an explana- tion of that clause in my will within mentioned, concerning my wife, g THE PERLEY FAMILY having given unto her my cattle and movables during her natural life, besides the thirds of land a room in the house and in case of her marriage to leave the room in the house and land and to have seven pounds a year paid her by my son Timothy but nothing spoken about the cattle and movable goods, — my will is that she return also the cattle and movables to be divided among my children, as is ex- pressed in said will. Witness my hand the day and year above written. Signed and Sealed and Pub- lished in presence of us: ALLAN PERLEY. [L.S.] Robert Lord. Mary Lord. Februar)- the od, 1(375. Before our Honored Majesurates, Mr. Samuel Symond, Dep. Gov. and Major-Gen. Denison, the Gierke being present, this will and addition was proved to be the last will and testament of Allen Perley, by the oaths of Robert Lord, Senior, and Mary Lord. As Attest, Robert Lord, Clerk. The signature above was photographed from his will, which is in the Essex County Court Files, Vol. '24 : 121, and the Registry of Deeds, Vol. 4; and in the latter Registry and the Probate, is THK INVEXTORV of the estate of Allan Perley, deceased, the 28th of December last past taken and appraised by us whose names are underwritten, the 19th of January, 1675. In primis. The house, barn and orchard with the homestead, great meadow and meadow about home with some little upland be- longing to the meadow, . . . . " The half part of that land as was Nathaniel Parley's The meadow that was Nathaniel's 2 Oxen, . _ _ _ . 3 Cows, - - - ' - 2 Cows, ..... 1 Heifer, . . . . . 1 Calf, ..... 1 Horse, Mare and Colt, 20 Sheep, ..... 9 Swine, ...... His wearing clothes, .... 3 Beds with what do belong to them, 2 pairs Sheets, .... 1 Table-cloth, Napkins, .... 4 Pillow-cases, .... 6 Trays, ...... Pewter, . _ . . . 20 pounds Butter, .... Cheese, ..... 20 pounds Cotton Wool, 20 " Sheep's Wool, 12 " Woolen Yam, Linen Yarn, ..... ^201 20 16 10 10 10 5 1 15 1 5 8 4 4 7 1 1 2 10 3 1 10 5 16 1 1 10 1 10 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY. 3 Guns, - - - - . . 5 bushels Wheat, - - . . . 4 " Rye, - . . . . 18 " Indian Corn, - - . . Beef, ------- 2 Iron pots and a mortar, - . . . Brass, .--... Pans, dishes and spoons and some small things, Pail, Half-bushel, Half-peck, A churn, a barrel, a meat-tub and some old tubs and a barrel, ..... •2 Trammels, P'rying-pan, Pot-hooks and a gridiron, P'ire-pan and Tongs, .... o axes and a hoe, .... An old Cart, Tumbrel, Wheels, Plow, Yoke and irons, belonging to them, .... An Auger, a Chisel, 2 pair Fork-tines, A Rope, ...... A pair of Bellows, - - - - Chairs and Cushion, ..... A Table, Cotton wheel and form, A smoothing Iron, ..... Sieves, ...... A Bible and a Psalm book, - - Sacks, ...... Hay and Flax, ..... A Chest, .---.. Cards, .....-- 5 Bushels of Barley, A Boar, ...... Total [according to the record] John Kimball, Nehemiah Abbott. 2 10 1 10 W 3 1 10 1 15 10 4 10 15 10 1 10 4 2 2 3 5 2 2 6 2 3 5 4 6 4 1 3 10 320 2 6 DEBTS OF THE DECEASED. Mr. Winthrop, To the Constable, " Dea. Goodhue, " Capt. Currier, Mr. Cobbett, Thos. Perley, Job French, Dea. Knowlton, James Howe, senior, 3 14 6 2 18 10 11 12 6 4 6 3 6 15 2 Nathaniel "^ 1 Perley children: — John-2, Samuel-3, Thomas-4, Sarah-5, Timothy-6, Martha-7. 2 NathanieP was born in Ipswich, 1643; he died in Ipswich, 29 April, 1668, at the age of twenty-four years. He was frugal and 10 THE PERLEY FAMILY industrious, as is evidenced by the inventory of his estate : he was a man of much promise. THE INVENTOKY of the estate of Nathaniel Perley, deceased the 29th of April, 1668, as it was prized by Isaac Foster and Nehemiah Abbott, the 26 of May next following : A frame almost fitted for raising, 2 Cows, ------ A Bull and a steer, - - - . 2 Steers, ------ Corn, ------ A Saddle, ------ A Pike and Interest in a Gun, Tools, - - - - - - - Chest and Clothes, - - - . Upland and Meadow, 60 acres. Six acres and half an acre of Meadow, Two acres and half an acre of Meadow more, Boards and Logs, ----- Plow and Tackling, . - . . In debts due the above named Deceased, - 5 8 10 8 8 5 10 1 13 20 12 2 1 10 () 60 16 5 9 10 10 8 17 6 183 2 6 DEBTS OF THE DECEASED. There is due from the estate: The Deceased being in debt forty-two shilling, [sic] To the Physician for his coming to him, at about For Funeral Expenses, - - . . There is due to Francis VVainwright, as appears upon his book, ----- 2 6 1 2 4 5i 5 10 5i FAMILY 2: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT- AI.LAN-1. JOHN PERLP:Y was born in Ipswich in 1636, and died in Boxford 15 Dec, 1729, at the age of ninety-three years. He mar- ried about 1661 Mary Howlett, who was born in 1642, to Thomas Howlett of Ipswich, and died p 21 Oct., 1718, at the age of J (J ^/ ..^ AJ%L^J^^ seventy-six years. " /^^/^.'^ /^^^'^'^^ This is a signature on a pe- /^ / / / <:^^ tition to the General Court' ^ — "'^^ L-/ 1696, State Archives 70: 285, of the officers of the Essex Middle Regiment and Salisbury Company. He, then, was an officer of the regiment. They wanted paid watchers for marauding Indians along the Merrimack river, while the farmers did their harvesting. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY n Those men, in pairs, were to cover certain portions of the river, and immediately upon discovering a predatory band were to give an alarm to every near-by village and farm. Thus the harvesters would have comparative security. Little is known of Mr. Perley till he settled in Boxford, in 1683. He was of Topsfield in 1057, the year he became of age, and in 1658; of Ipswich in 1668 and 1669, and was living in Rowley "be- yond Bachelours brook," according to his father's will, in 1670, and was said to have been of Newbury in 1677. "John Pearly, Box- ford," was made freeman "22 March, 1689-90," and "John Pearly, Boxford, October, 1690," which is probably the completion of the preceding record. That he married as above stated, is determined from the birth of his first child. It is supposed that he built the house that stood over the cellar now visible in the pasture belong- ing to Benj. S. Barnes, Esq., and near the "great meadow," and in which his great-grandson Nathaniel is said to have been born. Pre- vious to 1683, he owned a considerable part of "the great meadows." He sold two acres of them, 19 P^eb., 1684, to Daniel Wood, of Box- ford, for ^"3 5s. in silver, "called ye great meadow in sd. Rowley bounds, which lyes upon the southwest side of James Dickinson's meadow, it being twenty rods long and sixteen rods broad, the southwest end joyning on or bounded by the upland." The deed is signed by John and Mary Perley. He sold, 26 Sept., 1684, to John Hovey, St., of Topsfield, four acres of meadow, lying in the "great meadows," and bounded as follows: "Ye North End cutting upon a brook & on ye P^ast side Samuel Pearlyes Line and cutting Southward upon ye upland, both ends of an equal breadth, to the ex- tent and quantity of four acres with a straight line on the west side." He sold to Daniel Wood of Boxford, 7 Jan., 1683, for a yoke of oxen, "a parcel of upland, lying in Boxford bounded on the Northwest by Daniel Woods, on the Northwest corner by young black oak tree, wh'h is the corner bounds between John Perley, Daniel Wood & Thomas Hazen; thence on a straight line Southeast to a stake and stones ; thence Southwest to the Andover road, so bounded by the Andover road to the said Daniel Woods land, above mentioned, being ten acres more or less." In 1687, he was taxed for two heads or polls, and the items in the assessors' inventory of his property were: 1 house, 12 a. land, 2 pr. oxen, 2 horses, 5 cows, 2 young cattle, 7 sheep, 5 swine. Mr. Perley was a carpenter and housewright by trade. The First Church meeting-house in Boxford was built largely under his su- pervision, he being on most of the committees relating to it; and he exercised his skill and labor in its construction. He was on a com- mittee to consult about building the first corn-mill in Bradford, which was located on Johnson's creek. He was chosen on a com- mittee to lay out "necessary" roads, in Boxford, in 1686, the year following the town's incorporation. He was chosen, 19 Aug., 1687, and also the year following, a "commissioner" to aid the selectmen in assessing the taxes. Himself, his brother Thomas and Thomas Andrew were a committee to consult with the town of Rowley, sornetime during the winter of 1689-90, about the bounds between the two towns ; and he and others were a committee to perambulate 12 THE PERLEY FAMILV" the line, the next April. He was a representative to the General Court, for the quarterly sessions, beginning 12 Feb., 1()90, and :> Feb., 1691. He was selectman in 1(391, l()9o and 1700, and at other times filled other offices of important trust. He was one of the committee who received the deed of the town from the Indians in 1701-2. He was chosen ensign in the militia in UiS9. He is the first of our name born on American soil, — which has been spoken of as an honor, an indigenous honor over all the family for all time. His birth, however, was an honor, if, as the poet sang : Our birth is nothing but our cleath begun: for his death sealed a life, honorable and honored. He and his wife were members of the Topsfield church, and his family attended that service, till their dismission, 4 Oct., 1702, to form a church and society in their own town. His name is seldom mentioned in the town records after his seventieth year. It is not found in the tax- list after 1721. He was then near eighty-five years of age; his wife had died three years before. He divided real estate to his grandson John Perley, of Boxford, and his son Jeremiah Perley, who had buildings, etc., on Christmas — a Christmas gift — 1728; and since no settlement of his estate is found recorded, it is probable that he divided all his property among his children, and gave him- self into their care, freed from anxiety and toil. The next year he slept with his kindred. You may read, in the Harmony Cemetery, in East Boxford, the following inscriptions: HERE LYES BURIED HERE LYES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr the BODY OF Mrs lOHN PERLEY WHo MaRY PERLEY the DIED DEcEmBERyelS WIFe OF Mr lOHn 1729 & IN the PERLEY WHO DIED 94 YEaR OF HIS AGE. ' OctoBER Ye 21 1718 AGED 70 YEARS. Mr. Perley's "commission," above referred to, and trade show him to have been a man of good natural and educational ability; his numerous offices show him a man of sound judgment and large ex- perience; his manifest interest in church and religious affairs shows a man of correct habits; his towns people entrusted him with their most important concerns, and bestowed upon him their most distin- guished honors; he was a stable pillar in support of good govern- ment and good society; and no record* whose only argument is a name that is variously spelled, can convince a candid mind that Mr. Perley ever betrayed a trust or tarnished the lustre of our fair fame. 1 Perley children: Sarah-, Samuel', John', Thomas-S, * There are court records reading that "John Pearle" for suspiciously taking up Thos. Poore's mare was put under a bond of £40, "for his good l)ehavior," 20 March, 1061. In 1662 he had another case with Poore, about a colt, involving falsehood and theft. In 1663, upon petition, the court finding of corporal punishment was changed to a fine of £S, which doubt- less was mostly costs, since the case was in court by several adjournments. The contentions may have grown out of pasturing cattle and horses in common and recog- nizing them at the endof the season by a private mark, which oftentimes became obliterated; and that .John may have been our John, attempting to hold what he considered his own. But how unlike our John, the school master, commissioner of taxes, town-father and foremost citizen. "John Pearle" may have been a waif, of whom there were then hundreds that had escaped their deserts across the water, taking here anybody's name but their own. The court records have a John Perley who was 28 years old In 1666. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 13 NathanieP, Mary'', Martha', Alice'' Isaac-9, Jeremiah-10. 2 Sarah' was born in 1664, and died in Boxford, uniViarried, 28 March, 1743, aged 78 years. Samuel' was born about 1664, and died 24 Oct., 1746, in Rowley. That his life compassed eighty-two years, is all we know of him. This record suggests that these children may have been twins. 3 John' was born about 1665. He was probably living in 1729, having "uncle Nathaniel dead." We know nothing of his history. His father in 1689 was called "John Perley, senior." Mary' and Martha' born in Boxford, 16 — -, and died, the former 6 March, 169-, the latter 27 Jan., 170-, may have been his daughters, if he had a wife Mary to whom to refer the record: "daughter of John and Mary." There was a John Perley, of Newbury, 1677, April 2, and 1680, Dec. 23; and 1678, Sept. 19, a committee was chosen "to view John Perley pposition [to teach school] and bring report to the Towne." There was a John Perley in Rowley Village (Boxford) 1683, Jan. 7; in Rowley, 1684, Feb. 19, Mch. 31, Sept. 26; in Boxford, 1685, Sept. 4; 1690, May 7; 1691, Mch. 25; 1698, Feb. 4; and 3 Nov., 1686, "Mr. John Perley" agreed with the town of Beverly, "for a schoole-master from thence unto one whole year," at a salary of twenty pounds "in pay," or ten pounds in money for the year. He taught ten months, and was, upon his request, granted release, "provided said Pearly doo abate proportionally his stipend or wages." From this record and the "commission" and character of his father, it seems to us that John, senior, was a school master in his younger years and that the son followed the profession through life. 4 Nathaniel' died probably in the winter of 1727-8. Perley Derby says "in Boxford, Feb., 1738;" but the deed of Samson and "Allis" How'^ argues for the earlier date. His wife Lydia became a member of the Boxford P'irst Church in 1705. He was taxed in Boxford in 1727, was selectman in 1705, fence-viewer in 1704, wit- ness to the Indian deed of Topsfield in 1701, was one of the com- mittee to perambulate the boundary between Boxford and Rowley in 1717, and lived in Boxford near "ye great meadowe." We find the following receipt with papers filed in settlement of Governor Bradstreet's estate. Col. Dudley Bradstreet, his son, was the executor, but died before concluding the trust. It is clear that Nathaniel Perley married the Governor's granddaughter, but we can find no answers for other questions involved : "Andover, Nov. 25, 1706. " Received of Capt. Benjamin Stevens, of Andover, administra- tor of the estate of Colo. Dudley Bradstreet, Esq., deed, six pounds money, in full of a legacy given to my wife Anne Perly, alias Brad- street, by her grandfather Simon Bradstreet, Esq., as appears by his last will. Nathaniel Perley." 5 Alice' married in Boxford, 8 June, 1710, Samson Howe, son of Abraham and Sarah-Peabody Howe-20, of Linebrook Parish, Ips- wich, where he was born 13 Nov., 1682. He lived, almost from his birth, with his grandfather, Lt. Francis Peabody, of Topsfield, who devised to him land lying in Topsfield. Mr. Howe, in 1718, received 14 THE PERLBY FAMILY upon the death of his father a share of the paternal estate. In July, 1728, he and his wife "AUis," at Killingly, Ct., deeded to Thom- as Perley all their right and interest in property that had been his brother Nathaniel's, of Boxford, deceased, and described in a deed from "our honored father John Perley." Mrs. Howe joined the First church in Boxford in 1706, and died 19 July, 174(), in her iHith year. See Families-9 and 10. Mr. How was known as captain and held a commission from the crown of England. He died in Killing-= ly, Ct'., H Sept., 1786, and was the first man buried under arms in that town. [Rev. Perley Howe graduated at Harvard, 1781; settled as the first minister of Dudley, Mass., 1785; was dismissed 1748; afterwards preached at Killingly, Ct.; died 10 March, 1758, in his 48d year. He married daughter of Capt. Joseph Cady, and had issue: Samson, Isaac, Cady, Perley and Joseph, who graduated at Yale, 1765; re- ceived A. M. there and Harvard; was tutor at Yale; died 1775. Williamstown, Mass., was settled by young men from Connecticut and in the list of names (1749-1770) is Lieut. Sampson How. These three Samsons may be father and grandson. The Boston Globe, Dec. 9, 1890, said "Enoch Howe, of Williamstown, Vt., was born there 19 May, 1792, and has, therefore, seen his 9Sth birthday. His father Howe came from Williamstown, Mass., and was a sur- veyor of the township of Williamstown, Yt., and bought large tracts of land there of Gov. Tichenor." It had a good picture of him, too.] FAMILY 3: PERLEY. LINKAI. DKSCKXT-ALLAN 1. SAMUP:L PERLP:Y was born in Ipswich about 1640, and married, 15 July, 1(564, Ruth Trumble, who was born 28 April, 1645, to John and Ellen Trumble of Rowley. John, it is said, freeman 1640, emigrated from Cumberland or Lancashire, Eng. A son of his removed to Suffield, Conn., and began there the illustrious line of Trumbulls in that state. The New England Trumbulls have reason to believe themselves the Turnbulls of Scotland. The King's was life in danger from a mad bull, when an obscure youth took the bull by his horns and saved the King's life. The King thereupon be- stowed upon the youth an estate and an armor— 8 bulls heads, with a motto:" Fortuna favet audaci."i This is his signature to a deposition, in 1664, Count)- court files, 10: 41. Mr. Perley settled in Essex, it is thought, and located about a mile and a half from the village on the Hamilton road, near a pond which was afterwards called "Parley pond," but now "Parley meadow." As early as 1693, perhaps some years previous, he lo- cated in the extreme western part of Ipswich and built the house wherein his grandson. Rev. Samuel Perley, was born, on the knoll HISTORY AND GENEALOGY I5 just east of Howe's brook. He was a farmer and cultivated good soil. He was admitted to the privileges of freemen without oath 19 May, 1669, and took oath of allegiance, at Ipswich, 168H. He was a member in the Topsfield church in full communion in 16y. EHq., genealogist, of Salem, but Peabody (renealogy reads " lf>,')4."" 16 THE PERLEY FAMILY town except his brother-in-law, John Peabody, who paid four pence more. His residence was on the site of the residence of the late Isaac Hale, marked of late years by the umbrageous elm pictured in fam- ily-70, and earlier by its proximity to the apple tree and stone bound which then marked the bound between Ipswich, Topsfield and Box- ford, but now, by a change in the line, the salient angle of Topsfield. He was one of the most prominent and influential citizens of the town, and in an enlarged sense was one of "the fathers of the town." He was made freeman '23 May, l(>77. He and John Peabody were chosen, 3 June, 1689, representative to the General Court, "teell government shall be seated,* only they bee to sarve but one at a time." They were again chosen 11 March, 16S9-90, but Peabody "sarved" both times. They served together at the quarterly session beginning s June, 1()92. He was chosen a representative 31 Oct., 1693, and 8 May, 1700, he and John Peabody were chosen, only one to serve at a time. He was again chosen for 1702. He was a select- man, 1690, 1694, 1699, 1701, 1704, 1709; a constable 1688; a grand juror 1695; trial juror 1692,1698, 1707; moderator of town meetings 1693, 1701,1704, 1706, 1707 and 1709; he was made quarter master of the Boxford militia company about 1688, and lieutenant in 1691. He served in the committees on settling the boundar)- between Topsfield and Boxford, on erecting the first church, on organizing the first re- ligious society, on assigning pews and building galleries. In January, 1701, he was one of the committee to re- ceive the deedt of the town of Box- ford from the Indians, Samuel and Joseph English and John Umpee, ,i grandsons of the old Sagamore Mas- "- connomet. Ihcy all assembled at his house to make the transfer and seal it. His name is found on numerous com- mittees, all of peculiar importance. He was extensively interested in pro- moting iron-smeltmg, which was be- gun in the town in 16()9. He sold to Mr. John Ruck of Salem, one- sixteenth of the works, 7: 10, 1671, for ;^()0 sterling. He was one of those who comjjoscd the jury that condemned P^lizabeth Howe-6 of Linebrook Parish, et al., of witchcraft, and who afterwards signed a recantation. He was deacon in the Fir.st Church till his death. His will is dated 9 May, 1704, and, without the usual verbiage, says : " I bequeath my soul to God and my body to a decent interment in the earth." He devised to his son Thomas all his land not already disposed of by deed to his son Jacob, and to his beloved wife Lydia all the personal estate during her life-time, and after her * This has reference to the downfall of the tyrannical Andros and the resuin|itioii of tin- former regime. t It ni.iy gratify the curiosity of some to learn the consideration of the deed, so character- istic of the dusky denizens of Xew England : "£« 4s and on pound in vittels and drink to Samuel and Joseph English and two shillings and sixpence to ,Tohn I'mpee and Kum and vittels Enouf."— Perlers History of Boxford. p 135. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 17 death in equal portions to his two sons Jacob and Thomas, requiring his "son Thomas to furnish his mother a horse to ride upon and a suitable person to ride before her as often as she wishes to go abroad" — which manner of riding is illustrated on the opposite page. He mentions in his will his daughter Mary Hazen and granddaugh- ter Alice Cummings. 1 Perley children: Thomas-16, Jacob-17, Lydia'-, Mary'^, Heph- zibah^ Sarah-18. 2 Lydia^ was born 21 April, 1672, and died in Boxford 31 Aug., 168-. Mary^ married a Hazen. Hephzibah^ was born 20 Feb., 16 — , in Boxford, where she died 2 March, 1695 or 8. FAMILY 5: WATSON. LINEAL DESCENT--ALLAN-1. SARAH PERLEY was born in Topsfield in 1648-9, and died before 15 Feb., 1694-5; she married 15 Jan., 1670-1, (Newbury town records read, 6 Dec, 1670), William Watson of Ipswich, who died 27 June, 1710. They lived in Ipswich till 1686, when they removed to Boxford. He was a selectman in 1687, a surveyor of highways 1691, and a constable in 1698, when he was so infirm he could not collect the taxes, a duty which in those days devolved upon that ofificer. His health failed gradually till his death. An inventory of his property in 1687 exhibited : 1 house, 12 acres land, 2 pr. oxen, 1 horse, 5 cows, 10 sheep, 7 swine, 6 young cattle. His tax for that year, seventh in the list beginning with the largest, was 8s 9d, and in- cluded two heads, which could hardly be, unless he had a servant. The Boxford records furnish the births of two children. [Mr. Watson married 15 Feb., 1694-5, for his second wife, his son-in-law's mother, Mrs. Mary-Hutchinson Hale, daughter of Rich- tj>. ard and Alice-Bosworth ^ g^c , of North Muskham, Notts Co., Eng- land, where .she was baptised 28 Dec, 1630, and widow of Thomas Hale, son of Thomas Hale, a glover, the immigrant ancestor of the Hales. She and her son Joseph settled in Boxford in 1692, having removed from Newbury after the death of her husband. She died 8 Dec, 1715. The long-continued friendship existing between these families is more fully shown below.] 1 Watson children : Mary^ and Sarah, who was born 2 Nov., 1672. 2 Mary^ was born about 1671, in Ipswich, and died 1 Feb., 1707- 8. She married 15 Dec, 1693, Joseph Hale-18, who afterwards be- came her step-brother, and who was born in Newbury, 20 Feb., 1670-1 and died 13 Feb., 1761, wanting only seven days of complet- ing his ninetieth year. Mary's marriage is a novelty: Mr. Watson, 26 April, 1692, cove- nanted with Mary to give her half his property, if she would marry Joseph Hale; Joseph's mother covenanted with him to give him half her property if he would marry Mary Watson. Probably both cove- Xg THE PERLEY FAMILY nants were made — certainly Mr. Watson's was — about the time Mrs. Hale and her son removed to Boxford; perhaps just prior, and their removal was designed to bring the children more into one another's society, in the hope of hastening their marital accord. However it was, after a courtship of more than a year their mar- riage was consummated. Mr. Hale had a second wife, the widow Joanna Dodge of Ip.swich, published 19 Sept., 1708. The land where the third district school house now (1897) stands was early in his possession, and he probably settled near there. He owned considerable land and was prominent in civil life, serving as selectman, representative to the General Court, etc. He was successively ensign, lieutenant and captain in the militia, and in the early town records is called " Clerk of the band." Watson- Hale issue: Joseph', Jacob, Mary, Ambrose^ Moses\ Sarah, Abner^ Dodge-Hale issue: Hephzibah, Lydia-38, Margaret, Thomas', John", Hannah, Benjamin, Mary. 8 Joseph'- was four times married, had six children, was deacon in the First Church, Boxford, and probably built and lived in the old " Hale house" partially shown on the left in family-70. He held several town offices. Dr. Joseph Hale of Miller's Corners, N. Y., is a descendant of this family. 4 Ambrose'- was twice married and had eight children. Hon. Eugene Hale and Clarence Hale, graduates of Bowdoin, the former a United States senator, and Frederic Hale, a graduate of Water- ville, are descendants of this family. 5 Moses'- was born Christmas, 1701, was a graduate of Harvard, ordained and installed, 20 Oct., 17B1, over the church that had just been gathered at Chester, N. H., and dismissed on account of in- sanity, 4 June, 1735. His wife was Abigail Wainwright; he died in 1760. 6 Abner- was twice married, and had ten children. Hon. Arte- mas Hale of Bridgewater, Mass., who was a member of Congress, and died almost 99 years old, 3 Aug., 1882, and William Hale, E.sq., a leading lawyer in Detroit, Mich., and later in San Francisco, Cal., descended from this family. 7 Thomas'- was born 8 Jan., 1714-15, and married — published- 21 Dec, 1740 — Mary Kimball of Bradford, and lived in Boxford. Hale issue: William^, Thomas, born 1743-4; Mary, born 1745-6. 8 John'- was born 12 July, 1717, and married 11 April, 1738, Priscilla Peabody. He built the "Low" mansion, late the residence of General Solomon Low, located near the depot in Ea.st Boxford, and in 1874 destroyed by fire. Hale issue: Lydia, born 1741; Hannah-63; John, born 1745; Henry, born 1747; Mehitable, born 1755; Eliphalet, born 1763. Mrs. Hale .survived her husband, and married 16 June, 1774, Thomas Hammond of Swanzy, N. H. 9 William' was born 9 Nov., 1741, and married — published 30 Oct., 1770 — Anna Porter of Topsfield, who after his death, in 1785, married Wm. Perley-77. Mr. Hale was a physician in his native town; he built the "Sayward house" and lived there. Hale issue: Elizabeth, born 1772; Dorothy-180. FAMILY 6: PERLEY LINEAL DESCENT— ALL A.N-1. TIMOTHY PERLEY was born in Ipswich about 165o and died 25 Jan., 1718 (Savage says 1719), aged sixty-five years. He married about 1680 Deborah — •, who died probably in the first half of 1785. Property was taxed to her in 1784; it was taxed to another in 1785; and her administration of her husband's estate was succeeded in 1736. Her last sickness continued about six months. Her funeral expense was ^14 15s 6d. We have been unable to find Timothy Perley's signature, and we append this signature of ^ his widow as she 'signed the C\ (0 D <^C ^ C^'1^ bond preliminary to settling CJ^G\^ ^ Ci t!^ / her husband's estate in 1728. / It shows clearly how they spelled the first syllable of their surname . Mr. Perley inherited his father's homestead and made it his home. He owned land, "very mean meadow and swamp," in Box- ford, which continued in the family name for several generations. His farm had an extensive area and has come down to us as one of the best, showing that the early husbandman as well as those who have. followed must have been assiduous and earnest in their calling. It has been known for its excellent fruits, particularly for several varieties of apples. There were numerous aged pear trees on this farm, a few of which, in the writer's day, bore delicious fruits. Town offices are seldom bestowed upon persons who live re- mote from the center, however worthy and efficient they may be. Thus our subject, being removed six miles from official trust, we find exercising only such duty as the law may impose upon every discreet and judicious townsman. He was surveyor of highways and doubtless attended to other civil duties. He took the oath of allegiance in 1678. He had some experience in the merciless witch- craft delusion. He and his wife were witnesses in the case of their neighbor, James How's wife, Elizabeth-4, who was accused of witch- ery. He and his wife were admitted to the Topsfield church 24 June, 1705, and she was baptised the same day. They were mem- bers of the society from their marriage and contributed to defray its expenses. In 1709, ten years before his death, he confirmed to his son Stephen, for love and affection and to encourage him in his life work, half of his buildings and land, which was vaiued at ^886. After that, in 1718, he purchased of the town of Ipswich land valued at ;^22. In the inventory of his estate, made for probate by Abraham Howe, Jacob Peabody and Caleb Foster, are mentioned one ox, two cows, two young cattle and one swine. The estate was appraised at ^354. His widow was his administratrix till her death. Thomas 20 THE PERLBY FAMILY Parley was appointed to succeed her 26 July, 1736. His minister's rate was, in the year 1689, 4 shillings, when his brother Samuel's was 5 shillings 4 pence, a rating that showed, at that time, the rel- ative value of their estates. 1 Perley children : Patience'-, Stephen-19, Allen-, Josephs 2 We have no knowledge of these except the dates of their births— Patience\ 28 March, 1682; Allen\ 1 March, 1687-8. 3 Joseph^ was born 3 June, 1695, and died 15 Nov., 1758, aged sixty-three years. He probably built, and lived in, the eastern part of the dwelling house now owned by Charles M. Perley-369, the re- maining portion being of more recent construction. Towards the close of his life his intellect became clouded, and in 1738, several years after his father's death, he was declared, in a legal sense, non compos mentis, and his cousin Jeremiah Perley-10 was appointed his guardian. FAMILY 7: C0KP:R. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN! . MARTHA PERLEY was born in Ip.swich "about 20" April, 1657, and married 31 May, 1678, Benjamin Coker of Newbury, who was born there 30 June, 1650, to Robert and Catherine, and died 24 March, 1705. His will was proved the 20th of the following April. The place of his nativity became his home. His father was a yeoman, born 1606, went to Newbury with the first settlers, and died in 1680. His mother died two years previous. 1 Coker children: Benjamin', Hannah-19, Mose.s", Sarah-, Mary"^, Mercy", John'"^, Judith'-. • 2 Benjamin^ was born 14 Sept., 1680; Moses', 4 Aug., 1685-6; Sarahs 13 April, 1688; Mary\ 18 Sept., 1691; Mercy', 22 Oct., 1693; John\ 9 June, 1697, and died before 1705; Judith', 1 June, 1701. SECOND GENERATION. FAMILY 8: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT -ALLAN! , ,IOHN-2. THOMAS PERLEY was born in 1669 and died 24 Oct., 1740, aged seventy-one years. His first marriage was in Topsfield, 14 Jan., 1695-6 with Mrs. Abigail-Towne Peabody, who was born there 6 Aug., 1664, a daughter to Edmund Towne, died in Boxford 14 Feb., 1712, and became 24 Nov., 1689, the widow of Jacob Peabody, who was born 28 July, 1664, a son to Lt. Francis and Mary-Foster Pea- body4, married 12 Jan., 1686, and had issue: Keziah and Mercy, twins, born in 1687, and Jacob, born in 1689. His second marriage was in 1713, with Mrs. Hannah-Goodhue Cogswell, who was daugh- ter of Dea, (Capt.) William Goodhue, son of William, of Chebacco, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 21 who was an Andros resistant,* and who died in 1712. She had sis- ters, Margaret Giddings and Bethiah Marshall, and brothers, Na- thaniel, Joseph, John and Rev. Francis, who graduated at Harvard College in 1699, settled in Jamaica, R. I., 1705, and died in 1707. She was widow of Lt. John Cogswell of Essex, who was born 12 May, 16(J5, a son to WiUiam and Susanna, died in 1710, and had issue, 1694 to 1710: William, Susanna, Francis, John, Hannah, Eliza- beth, Margaret-20, Nathaniel, Bethiah and Joseph. She became a member of the First Church, Boxford, in 1729, died Christmas day, 1742, aged seventy years, and was buried in Harmony Cemetery, East Boxford, by the side of her late hus- ^ band. Thomas and Abigail were mem- f^T^ /yl / bers of the Topsfield church. Mr. Perley VA*-^'''^ ^J d'r^SV wrote like this 1 Aug., 1728. C/ Mr. Perley resided in Topsfield, where he owned some real estate, till 1710, when he removed to Boxford, and undoubtedly lived with his father, who was then about 80 years of age, making the parental home his own till his death. He was a prominent and efficient man. In Topsfield he was a surveyor of highways in 1700, a fence viewer in 1703, a selectman in 1703 and 1705, besides hold- ing other offices at other times. In Boxford he was moderator of town meetings in 1717, 1720, 1722, 1734 and 1735, a surveyor of highways in 1719 and 1735, a selectman in 1717, 1723 and 1730, a constable in 1731, a surveyor of hemp and flax in 1736 and 1737 and a representative to General Court in 1727. He drew and carried on Nathaniel Cogs- well's right in the settlement of Pennacook (now Concord, N. H.) 1725-7. Himself, his cousin Thomas Perley, and Joseph Hale, were the trustees of the "^50,000 loan" of the town in 1732. In the militia he was a sergeant at the age of thirty and a lieutenant in 1712. He was a farmer and owned considerable property. His exhibit on an old valuation list, the date of which has been torn off, is as follows: 1 house, 2 acres orcharding, 13 1-2 acres mowing, 21 acres pasturing, 7 1-2 acres tillage. The probate inventoried his estate at ;^725. His son Amos was his executor, and was given all his father's buildings and land in Boxford. Dr. Wood, a skillful practitioner of Boxford, attended him in his last sickness. His inscription reads: HERE LIES BURIED the BOdy oF LIEU' THOMAS PERLEY WHO DIED OCtOb^ 24*1^ 1740 And In the 72nd, YEAR OF HIS AGE * Seven Ipswich men — a colonial councilor and six selectmen — were fined and inprisoned for resisting the tax of the tyrannical Andros, in 1687.— Perley's Ipswich History in J. W. Lewis & Co.'s History of Essex County, Mass., (1888), page 628 of vol.1. The Ipswich town seal, pictured above, is In commemoration of this fact. 22 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1 Parley children : The first wife's— five — were born in Topsfield, the second wife's, in Boxford: John-, Amos-20, Lois^ Asa'-, Abi- gail-21, Mary-22, Sarah-28, Jeremiah^ 2 John^ was born 13 Feb., 1696-7 ; died in Topsfield 23 June, 1700. Asa^ was born 9 May, 1704, and died in Topsfield 17 April, 1706. 3 Lois^ was born 23 April, 1702, and married 24 Aug., 1727, Thomas Pike of Newbury, who had a second wife Abigail who sur- vived him. In his will, which was made 7 Oct., 1761, and proved March, 1762, he is styled "gentleman." His sons, Perley and Thomas, were his executors. He bequeathed his "carpenter's tools" to his son Moses. Pike issue : Abigail, Sarah, Lois, Hannah, Moses, Perley, Thomas. Of these children, Abigail married a Chase; Sarah, a Downes. The rest were living in 1761, and the third and fourth were not married. 4 Jeremiah^ was born 30 June, 1719, and died in Boxford 28 Nov., 1737, aged eighteen years. His tombstone in Harmony Cem- etery has the following inscription : HERE LYES BURIED the BODY of lERMIaH PERLEY y« Son oP" LUtP^nEnt tHOMaS PERLEY WHO DIED novMBE*- y« 28, 1737, in v« 19 YEaR oF HIS AGE FAMILY 9: PERLEY. LIXEAX, DESCENT—ALLAJN-l, JOHN-2. ISAAC PERLEY was married about 1704, settled in Boxford and died 22 Nov., 1711. His wife's name was Frances; she was baptised in the Plrst Church 3 March, 1705-6; she died 17 June, 1710, fifteen days after child-birth. They became members of that church in 1706. He was a fence viewer in 1705; a surveyor of high- ways in 1709; a tithing man in 1710. They bid adieu to a promis- ing future and journeyed to the spirit land in the summer of life, leaving three little ones to the tutelage of friends. He made his will 20 Nov., 1711. In it he says, "first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of god that gave it, and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial Nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of god." * * * * ' "I give to my brother Jeremiah Perley my son John to Do for him as his own. I give to my sister Sarah Perley my dafters Elizabeth And Allis to Do for them as her own." He nominated his brother Jeremiah his "sole executor of all and singular my lands, messuages and tenements and estate whatsoever to call in HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 23 all debts and to pay all debts whatsoever and secure the Remain- der for my children. So I recommend the Care of all to him trusting in the Lord." The will was never proved, the witnesses, Samson and Alice How-2^ being in Killingly, Ct. His brother Jeremiah-10 was, 31 Dec, 1712, appointed administrator of his estate, which was inven- toried at jC'207 '2s, which included credits to the amount of j£92 lis. 1 Perley children: Elizabeth-24; John, born 10 Sept., 1707; and Alice-25. FAMILY 10: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-2. JEREMIAH PERLEY was born in 1677 and died in June, 1758. He married three times, but died without issue. His first marriage was 16 April, 1702, with Ruth P^oster, who was daughter of Abraham and Lydia-Burbank P'oster of Ipswich, and who died 23 Aug., 1709. His second marriage took place 20 Dec, 1710, with Alice Hazen, who was daughter of Thomas and Mary-How- lett Hazen of Boxford, born 10 June, 1686, and died there 17 Oct., 17-40, aged fifty-four years. The following is the inscription upon her tombstone in Harmony Cemetery, East Boxford, where probably her husband was buried: HERE LIES BURI ED THE BoDY MRS ALICE THE WIFE of CAP* lEREMIAH PERLEY WHO DIED octoBER 17*^ 1740 IN y« 55*^ yEAR oF HER AGE He married, third, in Newbury, 10 Nov., 1741, by Rev. Wm. Johnson, Mrs. Sarah Hale, who was born in 1693, a daughter of Henry Poor. Her first husband was John Spofford, born in George- town, 12 June, 1678, to John and Sarah-Wheeler Spofford, and died 4 Oct., 1735. Her second husband was Ezekiel Hale, married 31 Oct., 1736, born in Newbury 13 May, 1689, to Thomas and Sarah- Northend Hale, and died 15 April, 1740. Mr. Hale's first wife was Ruth P3mery, and among her descendants are the names Rev. Christopher Sargent Hale, Brown University, 1820, and Hon. Ezekiel James M. Hale— Dartmouth College, 1835— late of Haver- hill. Mr. Perley covenanted with the church at Topsfield, at the age of twenty years, 2 June, 1697, at the time of Rev. Mr. Capen's set- tlement. He became a resident of Boxford, and owned a part of the 24 THE PERLEY FAMILY plain, called in the time of the Rebellion "Camp Stanton," besides land in other parts of the town. In 1714 he had an orchard near the residence of the late Wm. E. Killam, probably "Clough's Cor- ner." We do not know where his house was located. By an old valuation list, much worn, its date being torn off, he was taxed for 2 heads or polls, 1 house, 2 acres orcharding, 17 acres mowing, 50 acres pasturing and 11 acres tillage. He was a constable in 1719, a moderator of town meetings in 1738 and 1739, a fence viewer in 1706, a field driver in 1703 and 1716, a surveyor of highways in 1705, 1710, 1711, 1736 and 1740, a tithing man in 1737, a trial juror in 1708 and 1723, a selectman in 1714, 1722 and 1733, and a treasurer in 1733 and 1735. The town "voted to Jeremiah Perley 17s 6d for getting the body of laws 21 Jan., 1711-2." He excelled in the mil- itary, was a brave and efficient officer. He began with corporal in 1716, attained to sergeant in 1720, was commissioned lieutenant in 1729, and accepted the captaincy in the spring of 1733-4. In the winter of 1724-5, he and his cousin Jacob-17 joined in the famous expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell against the Indians. At this period the Indians were a source of great annoyance, anxie- ty, and at times of fearful mortality to the frontier settlers along the Merrimack river in Massachusetts, and the people were very much dissatisfied with the manner of prosecuting the Indian War. Ac- cordingly, the heroic Capt. Lovewell and his brave associates memo- rialized the Legislature, presenting "that if said Company may be allowed five shilHngs per day in case they kil anney Indians and possess their scalps, they will employ in Indian Hunting one whole year, and if they do not within that time kill any, they are content to be allowed nothing for their time and trouble." The Legislature immediately granted their petition, only changing the compensation to a bounty of ;!^100 for every scalp taken during the time. Three expeditions were made. In the dead of winter, upon snow-shoes over deep drifts and frozen bogs, they penetrated the dense forests around and in Conway and Fryburg, and did brave and bloody work for their lives and their homes. The story is in history. Among the various conflicts with the Indians of New England, none created a greater or more lasting sensation than Capt. Love- well's, none took so strong a hold upon the feelings of the people, none became a more gratifying theme to the soldier, a more thrill- ing tale for the fireside, and none was more valorous nor more thoroughly embalmed in song. The Legislature in 1733 paid these volunteers, at their own request, in wild land in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The former is now Petersham, the latter Pem- broke. Capt. Perley "being sick" made his will 8 Oct., 1756; it was proved 26 June, 1758; the witnesses were Martha Butman, Moses Stickney and Thomas Perley; the executors were Daniel Black and Paul Pritchard. He made the following bequest: "I give to Sarah Black the wife of Daniel Black all my household goods that I had in my house at the decease of my second wife Alice ( excepting a square table and two boxes) that are not already disposed of." He made bequests, among various others, to Hannah-Perley Pritch- ard-44, wife of Paul, and to Abigail-Perley Spofford45, wife of HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 25 William, and gave to the Boxford First Church £ 13 6s 8d. His family Bible, printed in London in 1716 by John Baskett, and bequeathed with the household goods to Mr. Black, had these records: "My sister Alice How died 19 July, 1746, in her 66th year. My wife Sarah died 9 June, 1746, in her 56th year. Capt. Jeremiah Perley died 16 June, 1758, betw. 8 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon. But a few hours before the same he walked abroad and sat and talked with some people at work." This is his signature to a re- ceipt 29 Nov., 1732. /U/r^^^yiic^ 'O^Xi^tj FAMILY 11: ANDREW. LINEAL, DESCENT- ALLAN! , SAMUEL-3. SARAH PERLEY was born 7 June, 1665, and died 15 Jan., 16934. She married in Topsfield 1 Feb., 1681, Joseph Andrew, who was born in Boxford 18 Sept., 1657, to Robert and Grace An- drew, and died about 1732. They resided in Boxford till near 1705, when he moved perma- nently to Salem. He was a man well adapted to exercise the vari- ous civil trusts of a town, and his record is well worthy of the ances- tor, as he was, of the eminent and beloved governor of Massachu- setts, John Albion Andrew. While he lived in Boxford he was a member of the church society in Topsfield. He was a selectman in 1689, 1697, 1700 and 1704; a constable in 1692; a surveyor of high- ways in 1687; an assessor in 1694; and fence viewer in 1695. He was freeman in 1732. [Mr. Anbrew married 13 March, 1796, for his second wife, Mary Dickinson of Rowley, who was born there 14 Nov., 1675, a daugh- ter to James and Rebecca Dickinson, and died 25 Feb., 1 — , proba- bly 1700, and had issue born in Boxford: Lydia, 3 Sept. ,1697; Mary, 19 April, 1699. He married, third, widow Abigail Walker, daughter of John Trafton, and had issue: Nathaniel and Jonathan, the former being the great-grandfather of John A. Andrew, the twenty-first governor of Massachusetts.] 1 Andrew children: Sarah^ Joseph^, J ohn^ and Hephzibah^ 2 Sarah^ was born 20 Aug., 1683; ancl 20 Nov., 1701, became the second wife of Joseph Swett of Hampton, N. H., who was son of Capt. Benjamin Swett, the warrior of Blackrock, and Esther, daugh- ter of Peter Weare of the same place, and who died in 1721. They lived "in that part of ancient Hampton, which is now (1852) Hamp- ton Falls, on the road from Newburyport to Portsmouth." He was an influential man in his town: a selectman in 1693, 1698, 1712, 1713 and 1717, when he is called captain. He was representative to the Provincial Assembly in 1693, 1698 and 1708, and probably at other times. Swett issue: Lydia, born 22 March, 1703-4; Hannah, born 3 May, 1708; and Benjamin^ [Mr. Swett's first wife was Hannah. The Hampton town rec- 26 THE PERLBY FAMILY ords furnish the following births : Hannah, 18 Sept., 1682; Marga- ret, 21 July, 1690; Abigail, 29 May, 1698.] 3 Joseph^ was born 18 March, 1686. He was taxed in Boxford in 1718, and that assessment is the last of his found upon the books. The First Church records furnish the following baptisms : Anna, 7 Nov., 1714; Ruth, Oct., 1715; Joseph, Oct., 1717. 4 John^ was born 18 Sept., 16S8, and married 9 July. 1713, his cousin. Patience Andrew, who was born in Boxford 29 March 1689- 90, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Andrew. He lived in Box- ford, a respected and worthy citizen. Issue: Hannah, born 28 April, 1715, and published 20 June, .1786, to Moses Foster of Arun- del; Thomas'; Mary, born 25 March, 1720, and married 17 June, 1744, to Elisha Cummings of Topsfield; Nathaniel born 24 April, 1722; Mary born 26 April, 1725; Abigail born 29 Nov., 1727. 5 Hephzibah' was born 1 July, 1691, and 31 Jan., 1712, married Abraham How of Ipswich, who was born 27 June, 1686, and died 13 April, 1758. They had seven children, of whom Ruth, born in 1722, married Samuel Perley-80. See Registry of deeds, 29 : 47. 6 Benjamin- was born 2 May, 1710, and married 20 July, 1732, widow Elizabeth Jenniss and daughter of Bonus Norton of Ipswich and Hampton. Swett issue : Elizabeth, who married Dea. David Batchelder of Hampton Falls; Moses, who married a Rogers, lived in Hampton, and died about 1764; Sarah, who married, 1st, Dr. Levi Dearborn of North Hampton, and 2d, Hon. Phillips White of South Hampton, and who was noted for her personal beauty, to which were added good sense and practical piety; Nathan, born 17 Nov., 1712; Moses, born 12 Dec, 171«. 7 Thomas^ was born 4 Sept., 1717, and married 24 June, 1739, Margaret Bradstreet of Topsfield. They lived in Boxford, and had issue: David, born 1740; Jonathan, born 174-; Elizabeth, born 1746; Mary, born 1749. FAMILY 12: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-l, SAMUEL-3. SAMUEL PERLEY was born in Essex, 28 May, 1667, and died in Rowley, 29 Jan., 1724-5. He married 28 March, 1694, Abi- gail Cummings, daughter of Deacon Isaac and Mary-Andrew Cum- mings of Topsfield, who in his will, dated 27 April, 1712, and proved 19 June, 1721, bequeathed her ^^60 as her portion. She died 22 Jan., 1725-6. Her father was Robert Andrew-11. He settled in Rowley, before his marriage, on land given to him by his father and confirmed by deed 24 June, 1714, and now belong- ing to the farm of his descendant David Eri Perley-221, which has continued in the Perley name during the lapse of years. He lived so remote from the center of the town, that he held no town offices except those that fall to discreet men, such as field driver and sur- veyor of highways. He was chosen field driver S March, 1708-9. His whereabouts on "20 March" probably 1708, were questi,oned in HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 27 court, when John "merifield," who was his apprentice, Abigail "pear- ly" and Elizabeth "perkins" testified that he was about home all day, and a part of the day plowing. He was married by Rev. Joseph Capen, of the Topsfield church, which his family attended and in which his children were baptised, though born in Rowley. 1 Perley children: Abigail", Susannah-26, Abigail", Uavid-27, Patience-28. 2 The first AbigaiP was born 8 Aug., 1695, and died young. The second AbigaiP was born 6 July, 1700, and married 18 or 21 Nov., 1719, Aaron Jewett of Ipswich, where he was born to Jeremiah and Elizabeth, 18 June, 1699, and where he lived, and died 19 June, 1732. His wife survived him and married, secondly, 1() Feb., 1734-5, John Todd of Rowley, where the family probably immediately re- moved. Jewett children : James, baptised 30 April, 1721; Moses, baptised 7 April, 1722, married Abigail Bradstreet 13 May, 1741; Rebecca, baptised 1 March, 1723. FAMILY 18: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-;}. JOHN PERLEY was born in Essex, 28 Sept., 1669, and died in Ipswich, 2 May, 1725. He married in Rowley, 13 July, 1698, Jane Dresser. He resided with his parents in West Ipswich, and 14 Jan., 1714, his father deeded to him "the house I now live in," the barn and half of all his lands. Francis Young, bricklayer, his wife Rebecca, John Chapman, son of said Rebecca, and his wife Eliz- abeth, all of Ipswich, 14 Nov., 1702, conveyed to him for ^S:, three acres of marsh lying in Ipswich. — Deeds Registry, 15 : 223. He and his family attended church at Topsfield, where he was admitted to full communion 27 June, 1703, and where his children were bap- tised. He gave the plot of ground for the old -cemetery in Line- brook, and was the first buried there. Only two days before his death he made his will, which was > ^ proved 30 May, the signature to which /f/"^^^!^ ly^rtT' /0^/ioQ is here reproduced. His widow and f\^ i- f ' f''^'^'T ' ^^^ son Jonathan were executors. His real u ^ estate was valued at p^l350 and his personal at about ^250. His pewter, an early mark of gentility, was valued at 77 shillings. His tombstones are well preserved, and are reproduced on the next page. 1 Perley children: Hannah^ John'-^, Martha^ Jane-, Jonathan-29, Israel'-, Samuel-30, Ruth'-. 2 John^ was baptised 15 March, 1701-2, and probably died be- fore 1725, since he is not mentioned in his father's will. Jane\ born 1 March, 1706-7, became demented, and on complaint of her rela- tives, the Judge of Probate ordered the selectmen of Ipswich to take charge of her, 20 June, 1755. John Smith of Ipswich was ap- pointed her guardian 23 Feb., 1756; her estate was valued at ^^50 18s. 1 l-4d. IsraeP was baptised 4 Feb., 1711, and probably died before 1725, since he is not mentioned in his father's will. Ruth' 28 THE PERLBY FAMILY was baptised 20 Nov., 1715. Upon her father's death her mother was appointed her guardian 28 July, 1725. She died in Ipswich, a "singlewoman" 8 Sept., 1730. 3 Hannah' was born 1 Sept., 1699. She married 28 Dec, 1719, Ebenezer Kimball of Bradford, where he was born 8 July, 1697. HERE LYES BURIED the BODY Of Mr lOHN PABvLEy ^ WHO DtED MAV y 2. XEAR OF H»S AGE tFYOU WIU LOOK ItMAy/rPER HE WAS tKe FOMt BURUD HEAR] HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 29 He died in 1751 ; she, 26 Nov., 1731. Kimball issue: Jonathan, born in Boxford, 11 May., 1721, married - May, 1745, Sarah Barker, no children reported; Hannah, born 14 April, 1728, married 18 Nov., 1740, Samuel Hunt, and had issue, Samuel, Samuel, Hannah, Jonathan, Perley, Ebenezer, David, Martha; Ebenezer, born 24 Nov., 1724, married Tamar Hunt, and had issue: Martha, Tamar, Lydia, Timothy; Martha, born 14 Oct., 1726, no children reported. 4 Martha^ was born 24 Aug., 1704, and married Nathaniel Boardman, Jr., of Topsfield, 1 April, 1786. Her husband was son of Nathaniel and Abigail-Rolfe Boardman, who was born 9 April, 1711. He died in Topsfield 26 Aug., 1786, and she married, second, while of Ipswich, John Chapman, Jr., 1 March, 1788-9. FAMILY 14: TYLER. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S. RUTH PERLEY was born in Essex 4 June, 1675, and died in Boxford 10 May, 1788. She was married in Topsfield, by Rev. Jo- seph Capen, 8 Jan., 1698-4, to Moses Tyler of Boxford, who was born there 16 Feb., 1667, and died 11 Oct., 1782, son of Moses and Prudence-Blake Tyler. They resided in Boxford, where he was a fence viewer in 1695, a surveyor of highways in 1696, and a select- man in 1712 and 1728. They rest in the West Boxford Cemetery. 1 Tyler children : A daughter", Lydia'^, Mary'-, Mehitable'^ 2 The daughter^ was born 1696; Lydia^ was baptised in the First Church, 17 Jan., 1702-8, and married 24 Aug., 1724, Jonathan Por- ter of Wenham; Mary^ was baptised 80 Oct., 1709, and 1 Oct., 1728, married Caleb Cogswell of Ipswich, who was the eldest child of Adam and Abigail Cogswell. He had four brothers and three sisters, and was the only one of them to survive the death of their father in 1748. Mention is made in Essex Institute Collection, 6: 188, of a Caleb Cogswell who was at the siege of Louisburg, 15 and 16 July, 1745. The Cogswell Genealogy (E. O. Jameson) names three children : Adam, born 20 April, 1733; Jeremiah; and Benja- min, bprn 4 Jan., 1748(.?). 3 MehitableS 10 Aug., 1712, was baptised in, and 1 Nov., 1741, became a member of, the first Church, Boxford, where she lived, and died 30 Dec, 1742, at the age of thirty-one years. She mar- ried—published 18 Aug., 1728 — Isaac Dodge of Wenham, who joined the Boxford church, 7 Nov., 1747, by letter from the church at Wenham. Their negro servant, Sarah, became their sister in Christ, in the church with them, 8 May, 1 747. Dodge issue : Mehit- able, born 10 June, 1732; Nancy, born 18 Dec, 1736; Moses Tyler, born 29 June, 1739; Ruth, born 8 May, 1742. [Mr. Dodge married, 12 April, 1744, for his second wife, Abigail, cousin to his first wife, and daughter of John and Anna-Messenger Tyler of Boxford, where she was born 2 Aug., 1715, and was admit- ted to Second Church 6 Sept., 1741. Issue: Nabby, born 20 30 THE PERLEY FAMILY March, 1744-5; Isaac, born 15 April, 1746; Prudence, born 19 Feb., 1747-8. They had removed 15 Oct., 1749, to Sutton, Mass., when and where they transferred their church fellowship.] FAMILY 15: DORMAN. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S. HEPHZIBAH PERLEY was born in Essex, 28 Sept., 1679, and died in West Boxford, where .she had lived, and was buried 4 Feb., 1715, ten days after the birth of her child. She married 81 May, 1709, Jabez Dorman, who was born in Topsfield, to Dea. Thomas and Judith-Wood Dorman, 9 Nov., 1678. Dorman child : Jabez, born 25 Jan., 1715-6, and died 25 March, 1716. [Mr. Dorman, by his wife, "Abial" (Abigail.''), married 16 Aug., 1716, had issue: Jabez, born 9 July, 1717. In the spring of 171s they removed from town.] FAMILY 16: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALL.^^M, THOMAS-4. THOMAS PERLEY was born in Ea.st Boxford, where now stands the residence of Isaac Hale4, 27 Sept., 1668 — Rowley rec- ords read 1670 — and died there lo Nov., 1745, at the age of seventy- seven years. He married, first, Sarah O.sgood of Andover, who was born 4 Nov., 1675, and died in Boxford 2:^ Sept., 1724. She was daughter of Capt. John and Mary-Clement Osgood. Her mother, when living in Salem, was accused of witchcraft, and plead- ing guilty saved her life; .she joined the Boxford church with her husband 21 Feb., 1702-:^); and was mother of all his children. He married, second, in Boxford, 15 May, 1727, Mrs. Elizabeth-Porter Putman of Dan vers, who died in Oct., 1746. She was widow of Jo- seph Putnam'^ and mother of Gen. Israel Putnam"*. Her will, made 4 April, 1746, is a good specimen of the orthodoxy of that period: " The last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Perley of Boxford ; and this is to be taken only for my Last Will and Testament, and None Other; and first, Being penitent and sorry, from the Bottom of my heart, for my Sins past Most Humbly Desiring forgiveness for the same, I give and commit my Soul unto Almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer; In whome and By the merritts of Jesus Christ; I trust and believe assuredly to be Saved ; and to have Full Remission and forgiveness of my Sins : and at the General Day of Resurrec- tion, my Body, shall Rise Again with Joy Thro the merritts of Christ's death and passion, Possess and Inheritt the Kingdom of Heaven Prepared. for. his Elect and Chosen and my Body I Committ HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 31 to the Dust," etc. Her will was proved 27 Oct., 174H. The execu- tor was her son-in-law, Capt. John Leach. Mr. Perley inherited his father's homestead and made it his home. He was a farmer, cultivated broad fields of productive soil and owned a wide range of pasturing for his large stock of cattle ; yet he found time for public civic services, numerous and onerous. For twelve' years he was town clerk, from 1712 to 1723 inclusive. His chirography is legible and neat, and exhibits the development of the present style of writing out of the style of the previous century. ^..^-'T^y^ He was surveyor of highways '\^/^ j/lcW^^ 1723; was chosen juror 17 Sept., f^lH' 1732; moderator of the town meetings in 1725, 1727 and 1729; "a selectman in Hi97, 1699, 1701, 1704, 1707, 1709, 1714, 1720 and 1727; and a representative (Wm. Foster colleague) in 1703, 1709, 1718 and 1719. In 1/12 he was chosen school master of the town, a calling of eminence in those days, which probably commended him to his numerous elections. The schools were then kept about a month in each of some half-dozen places. He was member of the Boxford church from 21 Feb., 1702-3. The Selectmen's records of Boxford have the following quaint agreement: "An agrement made this twanty forth day of march 1720-21 betwen y*" subscribers y*" selectmen of boxford on y" one part and thomas perley of said towne on y*" other part witneseth that y*" said perley doth oblige himsalf to keepe Schoole in said towne for y*" yeere insewing and the Selactmen are obliged to pay said pearley fiftene pounds for his years sarvice but if y^ sd perlay be not Imployed y^ whole yeare in that sarvice than he is to keep an acount of what time he expands in said sarvice and what damige he sustains thare by and sd selectmen are obliged to satesfy him in Reasone not exseding fiften pounds and if no schoolers apere or come to be taught thane he said perley will Reaquire no pay — "Thomas pearley on y*" on part Joseph byxbe "| Selactmen Thomas cumings y on y** other Nathan pabody j part" He was also a military man and a fine officer. He was ensign for several years, and was commissioned lieutenant 17 Jan., 1717, by "William Tailor, Esq., Lt. Gov. and commander-in-chief in and over His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, in America." This document is well preserved by the children of one of his granddaughters, Mrs. William N. Cleaveland of East Box- ford. He was promoted to the captaincy, probably upon the death of Capt. John Peabody, who commanded the company and died in 1720. The company belonged to Col. John Appleton's regiment. His will is dated 21 Sept., 1745, and was witnessed by his cousin Jeremiah Perley, John Wood and John Hovey. He is called yeo- man; he gives his son Allen "if he come home again," his undivided half of 500 acres of land in Western (Weston) and Brookfield, which he bought in common with Capt. Stephen Peabody, and his 32 THE PERLEY FAMILY homestead to his son Asa, who moved the old house and built anew on the site. His will was proved at Ipswich 25 Nov., 1745. His sons Thomas and Asa were his executors. His real estate was valued at ;!^500, and his personal at ;j^l50. 1 Perley children: Lydia'^, Mary-31, Hephzibah-82, Moses", Sarahs Thomas-33, Mehitable", Rebecca-B4, Allen'-, Asa-35, Mar- garet". 2 Lydia' was born 21 June, lH9 jTyY) /s^ TioJt-^ i>jt a short time. His will, proved" at Ips- KiyUl^Tl ^&^ '^^f wich 11 April, 1748, by Jeremiah, Da- '^ vid and Thomas Perley, conveyed to his wife Margaret all his household furniture, and required his son Amos to find her a horse to ride upon ; devised to Amos five acres of land, bought of Benjamin Rogers, and all the rest of his real estate to his three sons Amos, Nathaniel, and Enoch, who died, however, be- fore the division, the account of which covers seven pages of the probate records. His widow was appointed guardian of the minor children. In the inventory of his estate, silver spoons — a prelude of mod- ern social distinction — are mentioned, and two negroes : " Old nigro ^80; young negro ^15," which explains "servant Jane" above. His buildings and land were valued at ;z^'2900, and the probate ac- count mentions 2 coffins, 2 graves and sundry small things for the funerals of Enoch and Sarah £,\ 7s. 8d." -' 1 Perley children: Stephen-, Amos-, Abigail-, Hannah44, Abigail-45, Nathaniel4(j, Enoch'-, Eunice-47, Sarah'-. 2 Stephen' was baptised, in the First Church, Boxford, the third Sabbath — 21st — of May, 1727 ; was assessed a poll-tax there in 1741; is not mentioned in his father's will. Amos' was born 18 May, 1727, and died before 19 Nov., 1750. Abigail' was baptised 7 Dec, 1729, and died young. Enoch^ was born 26 May, 1787, and Sarah', 21 Oct., 1741, and both died in 1748. FAMILY 21 : MORSE. LINEAL DESCENT- ALL AX-1, JOHN-2, THOMAS-S. ABIGAIL PERLEY was born 26 April, 1708, and 12 Dec, 1728, became the fourth wife of Samuel Morse of West Newbury, who was born 7 Dec, 1688, to Deacon Benjamin and Ruth-Sawyer Morse. By trade he was a weaver. He was a member of West Newbury First Church — originally the First Church of Newbury. [By his first wife, Elizabeth March, whom he married 23 Feb., 1712- 3 and who died 20 April, 1723, he had: Elizabeth, born 2 April, 1714; , bapt. 1 March, 1715-6; Samuel, born 5 Nov., 1717, who married Mary , settled, practiced medicine, and died, in Mendon; John, born 14 Dec, 1719, who married Mary Woodbury, resided in Newbury; Marcy, born 9 March, 1721; Sarah, born 23 Jan., 1722-3. His second wife was Hannah Ordway, whom he mar- ried in 1724. By his third wife, Bethiah Dalton, whom he married 40 THE PERLEY FAMILY at Andover 24 Sept., 1725, and who died 13 June, 1726, he had Mary, who was born 14 May, 1726.] 1 Morse children: AbigaiP, Jeremiah-, Hannah", Ann-. 2 Abigail' was born 10 March, 1738-4; Sarah', 20 Nov., 1738; Jeremiah^, 8 Oct., 1741, and marrying a Sarah, had a daughter Sa- rah baptised in 1770; Ann', 13 May, 1747. FAMILY 22: BATCH ELDER. LINEAL, DESCENT— ALLAN-1, .lOHN--', THOMAS-8. MARY PERLEY was born 7 June, 1714. The church rec- ords read: "May, 1714." She joined the church Dec, 1737, married 31 Jan., 1737-8, Joseph Batchelder, who was born in Wenham, 17 Sept., 1713, to David and Susanna of Wenham, settled in Grafton, Mass., about 1740, and died 21 June, 1773, aged fifty-nine years. He married Sarah Tilton, his second wife, in East Sudbury, 8 Sept., 1780; he died, respected and beloved, in 1797. The Massa- chusetts Spy says: "His death is sincerely lamented." 1 Batchelder children : Mary-, Perley ', Susannah-, Sarah-, Jo- seph-, Jeremiah", Susannah". 2 Mary' was born 10 Aug., 1743; Susannah', 7 Jan., 1747, and died 1 Feb., 1747; Sarah', 1 Aug., 1748; Joseph', 8 Jan., 1749, and died 21 Oct., 1751; Jeremiah', 31 Aug., 1751; and Susannah', 15' Dec, 1753. 3 Perley^ was born 7 Sept., 1745, and died 7 Feb., 1812. His wife's name was Mary, who died 19 Aug., 1828. They lived in Grafton, and had these children: Joseph, born 9 Oct., 1772, and died 17 July, 1776; Moses and Aaron, born 1 April, 1774, the former died 13 April, 1774; Susannah, born 24 Jan., 1775, and died 22 July, 1776; Molly, born and died 26 April, 1777; Perley^; Sally, born Aug., 1780; and John'. 4 Perley'' was born 10 March, 1778, and his wife Lois had Mary A., born 1805; Julia S., 1807; Charles H., 1809; Harriet B., 1810, died 1838; Joseph P., 1812; Martha A., 1814, died 1840; Samuel S., 1816; William A., 1819; Benjamin W., 1824. 5 John^ was born 13 Sept., 1783, married Sally , lived in Grafton, died in Millbury 9 Oct., 1843, "and had issue: Sarah S., born 1809; Hannah R., 1811, died 1835; John A., 1814, died 1815; John A., 1816, died 1821; Joseph M., 1820, died 1822; Mary E., 1820, died 1822. FAMILY 23: PUTNAM. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-2, THOMAS-8. SARAH PERLEY was born 12 May, 1716, and married 2 Dec, 1736, Jonathan Putnam of Danvers, who was born there 13 July, 1715, to Jonathan and Elizabeth Putnam. 1 Putnam children: Jeremiah", Sarah'^, Jonathan'-, Hannah'^, Eliz- abeth", Lydia-, Nathan^, Levi'-, PerleyS Aaron-. 2 Jeremiah^ born 31 Oct., 1737; Sarah^ 2 March, 1738-9; HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 41 Jonathan\ 80 Dec, 1740; Hannah^ 10 Dec, 1742; Elizabeth^ 11 Jan., 1745; Lydia', 15 July, 1747; Levi\ 1 Aug., 1751; Aaron', « Sept., 1756. 3 Nathan' was born 8 Sept., 1749, and died 10 April, 1828, aged seventy-three years. He married and had issue: Perley'\ 4 Perley' was born 17 March, 1754, and is said to have been the first killed in the battle of Lexington 19 April, 1775. Xhus the Perley Family poured its first libation to Liberty. His name is on the Peabody, Mass., monument.* LEXINC+TOX MONUMKNT IN PEABODY, MASS. 5 Perley'^ was born 16 Sept., 1778. He married and resided in Salem, where he was for many years street commissioner. He was called Colonel Putnam. He enjoyed many civic honors, and was in many ways a valuable citizen. He lived to a great age. Is- sue: Perley Z. M. P., and Mary Ann, who was born 1805 and died 1871. FAMILY 24: STARR. LINEAL DESCENT—ALLAN-l, JOHN-2, ISAAC-9. ELIZABETH PERLEY was born in Essex 10 Oct., 1705, and died 4 March, 1742, near the birth of her eighth child. She married in 1780 Comfort Starr, who was born 9 Aug., I(i96, to Deacon Com- fort and Mary-Stone Starr, founders of the Dedham branch of that family, and died in Kilhngly, Ct., 13 Feb., 1775. He was living in Dedham in 1720. In 1723 he bought 1000 acres of land in the North Parish of Killingly, afterwards selling a part, but reserving what still later became his homestead, a little west of Brandy hill, * This monument of hewn sienite is '11 feet high and T feet square at its base. It was com- pleted in 1837, at an expense somewhat exeeeding $1(I00. The inscriptions are— Obverse: "Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. Samuel Cook, aged 33 years; Benj. Daland, 25; George Southwick, 25; .lotham Webb, 22; Henry Jacobs, 22; Ebenr. Goldthwait, 22; Perley Putnam, 21; Citizens of Dauvers, fell on that day. " 'Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.' " Reverse : "Erected by Citizens of Danvers, on the 60th Anniversary, 1835." 42 THE PERLEY FAMILY now in the town of Thompson. Quotations from the church records say that "Comfort Starr and others worked on the new meeting- house; that Jan. 28, 1730, was kept a day of fasting and prayer to humble ourselves before God for our past trespasses and to implore the devine on us and all our concerns — more especially on the solemn transactions that are before us" — the formation of a church. Mr. Starr was a signer to the covenant. He was a prominent man in town and church. In sealed instruments he is styled "husband- man." A fine, curious desk, which belonged to him, and perhaps to his grandfather, and many of his deeds are still extant. Mrs. Sarah Knapp of Killingly became his second wife 8 Nov., 1768. 1 Starr children: Comfort"-, Isaac, Elizabeth, Isaac, Frances, Joseph, Sally, Ebenezer". See Starr History. 2 Comfort^ was born in Thompson, Ct., 10 Aug., 1731, and died in Guilford, Vt., 30 Nov., 1812, at the great age of eighty-one years. He married in or about 1754 Judith Cooper of Thompson, who was admitted to the church there 26 June, 1768, and had her children baptised there, except the youngest. She died 15 Sept., 1815. His farm in Thompson he sold, intending to remove and purchase another elsewhere, but his Continental money received in payment for his farm so depreciated on his hands that it was almost worth- less. Nothing daunted, however, he planned and executed an ad- venture into Vermont, where in 1773 he commanded a company that marched into Westminster, to disperse an English court there in session. April 17, 1777, he bought, for ;^330, a tract of land in Guilford, Windham County, and settled there in 1780, thus becom- ing the founder of the V^ermont branch of the Starr family. He was a captain in the militia. Parley Starr, "the veteran banker" of Brattleboro, is a descendant of that branch. Comfort's children : Parley, Sarah, Abigail, Comfort, Judith, Mary, Timothy, Martha^ Ephraim. 3 Ebenezer' was born 24, baptised 28, Feb., 1741-2, in Thomp- son, Ct. He was a Quaker, a farmer, a tavern keeper, near the State line, on the main road from Thompson to Douglass, Mass.; he weighed 325 lbs., and was accidentally struck in the abdomen by a neighbor, 13 Oct., 1804, death resulting almost instantly. He married, first, 21 Dec, 1767, Sarah Porter of Killingly, and, second, 18 F^eb., 1773, Mary Stevens, who was daughter of RolDert and Mary, and died 8 Oct., 1823, aged seventy-two years, five months, twenty days. Ebenezer had ten children, one of whom became a widow with two daughters. The widow was interviewed by a wid- ower with two sons, and ultimately the three men married the three women. 4 Martha" was born 28 May, baptised 11 Aug., 1776, and died 9 Oct., 1839. She married 3 Dec, 1795, Asahel Ballou, who was born to Benjamin, of Richmond, N. H., 18 Jan., 1771, and died 20 March, 1851, a farmer, at West Halifax, Vt. She was the mother of nine children — twins twice, of which one died young — three farmers, two lawyers, and three Universalist ministers, one of whom was Rev. Hosea Ballou, D. D., the celebrated clergyman, "the founder of Uni- versalism in this country," and the first president of Tufts College. He was born 18 Oct., 1796, and died in Medford, 27 May, 1861. FAMILY 25: FOSTER, ROGERS. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-'2, ISAAC-9. ALICE PERLEY was born 2 June, 1710, and died about 1749. Her uncle Jeremiah Perley was appointed her guardian 29 Dec, 1729-80. She married, hrst, 14 July, 1781, Thomas Foster, who was born in Boxford to Samuel and Mary-Macoon Foster, 22 — Foster Genealogy, 28 — May, 170S, and died probably in 1788, since she married, second, 11 Oct., 1784, Benjamin Rogers, who was baptised 24 Oct., 1714, and died 28 March, 1761. His parents were Rev. John and Susannah-Marston Rogers, who was the second minister of Boxford, and lineal descendant of the Smithfield martyr. The parsonage, built in 1702 for the first minister. Rev. Thomas Symmes, and occupied from 1708, by Benjamin's father, became Benjamin's home. It stood on the site of the present Holyoke barn. 1 Foster and Rogers children: John'-, Perley-, Sarah", SamueP, Eunice'-, Lucy-, John-, Benjamin'-, Alice-. 2 John^ was baptised in July, 1732, and a soldier in the Revolu- tion; Perley' was born 11 Aug., 1785; Sarah^ was born 29 Nov., 1786; SamueP was born 11 July, 1788; Eunice' was born 26 Sept., 1739; Lucy' was baptised 1 March, 1741; John' was baptised 11 April, 1742; Benjamin' was baptised 5 Aug., 1744; Alice' was bap- tised 22 Nov., 1747. — The First Church records, Boxford: Lucy Rogers, an adult, baptised 19 Oct., 1766. [Mr. Rogers married again 26 March, 1751, Lois Perve, and had issue: Asa, baptised 28 July, 1754, and Lydia baptised 2 Oct., 1757. His widow Lois married 11 Dec, 1761, Ephraim Houghton.] FAMILY 26: STICKNEY. LINEAL DESCENT- ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S, SAMUEL-12. SUSANNAH PERLEY was born 19 Nov., 1697, and died 12 July, 1778. She married 15 Nov., 1715, Samuel Stickney, who was born to John and Hannah-Brocklebank Stickney of Rowley, 26 March, 1790, and died 8 Nov., 1760. He settled in Rowley, was a weaver by trade and probably was employed in the Pearson fulling mill and clothier's works, in Byfield Parish. 1 Stickney children : Samuel'-, Sarah"-^, Lydia^ Moses'', William'', Elizabeth'-, Daniel'^ Elizabeth'-, and twins'", David and Jonathan. — See Stickney Genealogy. 2 Samuel' was born 25 July, 1716; died in 1776; was a farmer, served in the F"rench War from 1748 to 1759, in Canada and at Lake George; never married. Sarah' was born 81 March, 1719; married James Dickinson, 5 March, 1740. Lydia' was born 27 May, 1721; married Thomas Smith 3 April, 1750. Elizabeth^ was born 44 THE PERLBY FAMILY He mar- 22 March and died 28 April, 1729. Elizabeth' was born 4 April, 1733; married John Stickney 9 March, 1751. The twins' were born 25 Sept., 1736. 3 Moses' was born 8 Sept., 1723, and died 5 Nov., 1797. He married — published.? — 25 June, 1757, Sarah Graves, who died 3 Oct., 1823, aged ninety-three years. His home was in Rowley; occupa- tion, cordwainer; and was town treasurer in 1773. Issue: Josiah and Hannah. 4 William' was born 27 Aug., 172(3, and died in 1808. ried 13 Feb., 1743, Mary Sawyer, daughter of Benjamin, of Newbury. He lived in Row- ley, Byfield Parish, and was known as Cap- tain. He was father of nine children, one of whom, Lucy, born 25 March, 1750, married 6 Feb., 177t), Moses Tenney of Rowley, whose son Moses, born 1777, was, by wife Hannah Whitaker, father of Hon. Moses Tenney of Georgetown, who was born 18 June, 1808, married Mary Ann Northend of Newbury, (5 April, 1830, became State sen- ator, and for many years the State treasurer of Massachusetts, and died at the great age of ninety-four years, six months and twenty days, 7 Jan., 1903. 5 Daniel' was born 5 April, 1730. He married 11 March, 1755, Sarah Gould, who died 18 March, 1813, aged seventy-six years, ary pensioner. They lived in Byfield, and in Hopkinton, N. H., from 1767 till they removed to Enfield, where they died. Issue: Eight children, of whom is William Wier Stickney of Exeter, a graduate of Dartmouth College, a lawyer in Concord and Exeter, a General Court Representative four years, a United States District Attorney four years, and Rockingham County Judge of Probate from June, 1857. HON. MOSKS TKNNKY. He was a Revolution- FAMILY 27: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, SAMUEL-3, SAMUEL-12. DAVID PERLEY was born in Rowley 25 Oct., 1702, was bap- tised at Topsfield 11 July, 1714, and died 1 Sept., 1787, aged eighty- four years. He married, first, 18 June, 1729, Elizabeth Jewett, who was born to John and Elizabeth-Raynor Jewett of Rowley, in 1708, and died 4 May, 1768.* He married, second, 22 Sept., 1768, Lummus of Ipswich, who survived him and died childless in 1803. She lived as provided for by the will of her husband, will, which is signed with "her mark", is dated 14 May, 1801, bequeathed property to Lydia, wife of Isaac Burpee, and to wife of Jonathan P'oster, whom she ordained sole executor. Sarah May, Her She Lucy, The * Perley Derby says he married Elizabeth, daughter of Maximilian and Sarah Jewett, born 3 March,1701-2. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 45 instrument, witnessed by Francis Pingrey, Aaron Howe and Jacob Perley, was proved 7 June, I8O0, and is recorded in Essex Registry, 70:244. Mr. Perley lived where his father had, a few rods west of the present residence of David Eri Perley-221, and cultivated the paren- tal estate. He was some seven miles from the official center of the town, and so was not burdened with official trust, yet he was a man .honest, discreet, and able for all its requirements. He was tithing man, 1787 and 1750; surveyor of highways, 1757; was sergeant in Capt. Thurston's company before 1749, and bore the title long after- wards. He was one of the original signers to the covenant at the formation of the Linebrook church, 15 Nov., 1749. He was chosen a Ruling Elder in the church, 175G, but declined to 'serve, believing the office to exist only in the pastor. His will was dated 12 June, 1779, and provided for his widow year- ly, so long as she shall remain single, the east end of his house, eight cords of good wood, sawed and split for the fire, two barrels of cider, and as many apples as she wants to use, "if the orchard shall pro- duce so much," one gallon of rum, six quarts of molasses, six lbs. of sugar, six lbs. of tallow, one gallon of lamp oil, six lbs. of good sheep's wool and six lbs. of good flax. Besides other devises his grandson Samuel Perley had land bought of Nathaniel Brocklebank, eight acres lying west of his barn, and about six and a half acres elsewhere. His son John had the homestead, and was the executor. — Probate registry, 591 : 115. The will was proved 1 Oct., 1787; his estate was appraised by Jeremiah Searl, F"rancis Pingry and Daniel Dresser, 1(> Oct., 17S7, at ^542 18s. The inventory men- tions two oxen, four cows, four young cattle, two spring calves, one horse, fourteen sheep, two young steers, one swine, and a pew in the Linebrook church. 1 Perley children: P21izabeth'-, Elizabeth'-, John'-, John-4S, Abi- gail-49, Sarah'-, Mary-50, Ruth-51. 2 P:iizabeth', born 25 May, 1780, died 11 Jan., 1781-2. The second P^lizabeth', born 18 Oct., 1782, died 24 Jan., 1736-7, probably of a disease of the throat which prevailed among children at that time with awful fatality-20, and of which probably John^, born 25 Nov., 1785, died 29 Jan., 1786-7. SarahS born 27 May, 1742, died in Rowley, 2S Jan., 1749-50. [Mr. Derby says there was another Elizabeth born 6 July, 1781, and died H Jan., 1782-3, aged 18 mos.] FAMILY 28: HARRIMAN. LINE.\L DESCENT-ALLAN-1, SAMnEL-a, SAMUEL-lL'. PATIENCE PERLEY was born 20 March, 1704-5, and died 20 May, 1777, having lived seventy-two years, and nearly twenty-five of them a widow. She married 17 April, 1735, Jeremiah Harriman, who was born to Jonathan and Margaret-Wood Harriman of Row- ley, 22 Sept., 1709, and died 80 Jan., 1753, though the Rowley rec- ords say his age was forty at death. Rowley was his home. His 46 THE PBRLEY FAMILY will is dated 3 Aug., 1749, was proved 29 March, 1758, witnessed by Thomas Wood, Stephen Bennett and Samuel Harriman, named his wife executrix and is signed by "his mark": +. His property val- uation was ;^8l 6s. lOd. 1 Harriman children: Lucy-, Jonathan-', Jeremiah'^ William'-, a son'-. '1 Lucy' was born in 17:)() and died 2.5 Feb., 1755, aged eighteen and one-half years. Jonathan' was baptised 27 Nov., 1787. Wil- liam' was baptised 9 Jan., 1742-8. A son was born 21, and died 29, Sept., 1745. 8 Jeremiah' was born 25, and baptised 27, July, 174U. He married, first, 1 Aug., 17^9, ;\nna Poor, who was born to Daniel and Edna Poor, 7 Feb., 174()-7, and died about 17SS, the mother of six children, born in Rowley. His second wife, published 5 P"eb., 1792, was Miss Sarah Dole of Rowley. His home was in Rowley, till about 1790, when he removed to Boxford, where, a coincidence very uncommon, he and his wife died on the same day, 25 F"eb., 1824. Lssue: Lucy, born 25 May, 1770, and died in Boxford, un- married, 14 June, 1881. Polly, born Is Jan., 1778. Betty, born 1776, died in Rowley 9 July, 177s. Jeremiah^ Daniel'. Anne Poor, born 9 l^'eb., 17S7. Betse)% born in Boxford 2 Feb., 1798, 4 Jeremiah' was born 81 March, 17S0, married — published 25 May, lSl(j — Betsey Johnson of Andover, and had issue: David Poor, born in Boxford, 1S17. 5 Daniel' was born 29 Jan., 17S8. He married Jane Dole of Me- thuen, 17 Oct., 171H. They lived in Boxford on the farm lately occupied by his son, and died there of dropsy, 14 June, 1S68, aged eighty years. He was a farmer, and at the same time for several years an undertaker. Issue: Daniel Francis, born 1S22. FAMH^Y 29: PERLEY. LINKAL OKSfEXT— ALLAX-1. SAAmEL-:^. .lOHN-l.i. JONATHAN PERLEY was born 29 Jan., 1710-11. and died 9 March, 1755. His first wife, published 2 Dec, 1782, was Mercy Robbins, daughter of George and Margaret-Wood Robbins of Ips- wich, baptised 81 Nov., 1718. She dying, he married, second, — pub- lished 11 May, 1749 — Mary Dwinnell, who was born 28 F'eb., 1724-5, in Topsfield, to Joseph and Prudence Dwinnell, who were later of Ipswich. He dying, she married, 7 Dec, 175(5, John Grant, born to Benjamin and Anne-Perkins Grant of Ipswich, where John was baptised 28 Feb., 1723-4. The Grant house stood on land of Na- thaniel Day, Jr., on the south side of a swamp that separated his home from Perley's, and about equi-distant from the present Tops- field road skirting the east end of Baker's, Pritchard's, Great, or as now, Hood's Pond. Day sold the premises, 28 Jan., 1779, "except- ing a small dwelling house standing thereon occupied by John Grant, which he is to have liberty to remove." Later it stood on what has since been known as "Grant's Hill," on the west side of HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 47 the same road nearer the pond and a few rods from Perley's, and its site is now occupied by a yellow oak tree about three feet in circum- ference. The three cellars are clearly visible. A child of John Grant died 10 Feb., 1758. Mrs. Grant's sad death occurred on "Sunday, 18 May, 1758." John Perley-92 gave the writer the following tradition of the fatality, which occurred about ten years before he was born. Mrs. Grant was poverty-stricken and pressed with hunger: she went a-fishing on the Lord's day for food. She used an old row-boat that was kept for fishing, one end of which was packed with sods to keep the water out, and by some ill management of the boat, she was drowned. The people, how- ever, regarded it as a judgment of God upon her for her desecra- tion of the day. May 13, 1758, however, was Saturday: Be it remembered, moreover, that Sunday, at that period, began at sun- set Saturday. Mr. Perley's church society was in Topsfield. He died intestate, and administration was granted his widow Mary, 5 May, 1755. The amount of the inventory was £&2 lis. lOd.; his dwelling house was valued at ;^15. James Dwinnell was appointed guardian of his children, both by his second wife, 20 May, 1758. 1 Perley children : Elizabeth", Mary'-. 2 Elizabeth' was baptised 14 June, 1752, and Mary' was born 17 Sept., 1754, and — published 8 Dec, 1774 — married John Dunham of Gloucester. FAMILY 80: PERLEY. LINEAL DKSC KNT— ALLAN! , SAMUEL-S, .JOHN-13. SAMUEL PERLEY was born in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich, 1 1 March, 1712-8, died there, in the prime of life, 10 April, 1753. He was a lad of twelve years when his father died, and 28 July, 1725, his mother was appointed his guardian. He married — published 10 Jan., 1740-1 — Ruth How, who was born to Abraham and Hephzibah- Andrew How-11', of his native parish, 19 April, 1722. He was ad- mitted to the Linebrook church 28 June, 1754. His dwelling, built by his grandfather, stood on the knoll, where the cellar is still visi- ble, just east of Howe brook, in Linebrook. ( See next page. Mr. Perley, "being very sick," made his will three days before \is death. It was proved 14 May, 1 758; his "dearly beloved wife'" was named executrix; and it was witnessed by Jonathan Perley Grace Dunnels, and Mark How. He bequeathed to each of his daughters, Ruth and Martha, ;^40. The inventory made by John Abbott, Jonathan Perley and Thomas Perley, values his buildings and land lying in Ipswich — 240 acres — at ^770, and enumerates among other things "too numerous to mention," seventeen sheep, eleven lambs, one mare, two yoke of — — ^ ^ ^ _.^ _ , 48 THE PERLEY FAMILY" oxen, two cows and calves, five cows, two heifers, three yearhngs, four hogs, three pigs, and one colt, and amounts to ^^1378. 1 Perley children: Samuel-5'2, John-oH, Nathaniel-54, Ruth-55, Abraham'-, Martha''. 2 Abraham' was born 24 Dec, 1749. He was a physician in New Gloucester, Me., where 20 Aug., 1775, he made his will and devised to Samuel Perley, Jr., of Seabrook, all his property, some of which was land in New Gloucester which he bought of Deacon Daniel Mer- THK OLD CKLLAH ON THK SIIK (M' SAMl IXS IIOMK. rill. Rev. Samuel Perley was executor, and Jacob (ireen and Samuel Perley were witnesses to the will, which was proved 29 May, 177(5. He died of consumption, j^robably at his brother's, in Seabrook. 8 Martha' was born 80 Jan., M^rl, married Samuel Porter of Ipswich, when she was living in Rowley, 27 Nov., 1770, and had Sallie, born 1771 ; Betsey, born in Chester, N. H., and died 10 July, 1749; Samuel, who died young; Nehemiah, born in Bradford, 18 Sept., 1775, and died 27 Aug., 1858; Polly, born in Chester, 1784, and died 8 April, 18(i7; Hannah, born about 1787, and died 18f)7; John, born in Chester, 12 Feb., 1784, and died 1872. FAMILY 81: BAKER. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN! . TH().\IAS-4. THOMAS-IH. MARY PERLEY was born IH May, l(i97, and died 2(i March, 1738." She married — published l(i Nov., 1717 — John Baker of Ip.s- wich, who was born « Jan., lt)90. The Boston News-Letter of 8 Aug., 1784, thus records his death : "Ipswich, Aug. 1, — This day died John leaker, Esq., in the 44th year of his age: He was one of His Maj^ Justices of the Peace for the County of Essex: His de- scent was Honorable, a son of Capt. Thomas Baker of Topsfield, by a daughter of the late hon. Samuel Symonds, Esq., Dept. Gov. of Mass. He left a widow with four small children and a considerable estate for their support." His estate was valued at ^3900. The HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 49 following inscription is well preserved in Ipswich High street cem- etery : HER LIES THE BoDY oE MR« MARY BAKER RELICT oE JOHN BAKER ESO'' DECS^ MARCH Y^"^ 26, 1788 AGED 40 YEARS TEN MONTHS & TEN DAYS. HERE LYETH THE BODY oF lOHN BAKER Esq^" WHO DIED Aug. y« 1 1734 AGED 44 YEARS 1 Baker children: John'-, Mary'', Samuel-, Anna', Thomas-, Thomas'-. 2 John' was baptised 5 Feb., 1720; Samuel', 4 Sept., 1720; Anna', 10 Nov., 172S, and died 17 May, 1729, aged S months; Thomas', 5 July, 1780, and died \X Jan., 1780-1 ; Thomas', 10 Dec, 1782. 8 Mary' was baptised 6 Dec., 1724, married — published 25 Nov., 1748 — John Boardman, 3d, son of John and Abigail, baptised, (5 May, 1722, and had Mary^ 4 Mary'^ was baptised 17 Feb., 1744, married 28 March or 11 June, 1705, Col. Robert Dodge, born in Beverl}-, 20 Sept., 1748, and died in Hamilton 15 June, 1828. Mrs. Dodge died 18 or 21 Feb., 1824. They had Perley, who died of lock-jaw, at the age of fourteen years 29 May, 1799, and Allen, who married Mary Burroughs, daughter of Thomas, and had Mary Perley'. 5 Mary Perley* was born in Georgetown, D. C, 18 (Newbury- port record reads 4 ) Sept., 1799, married 29 Nov., 1819, Benjamin Poore, who was born 28 Sept., 1797, to Dr. Daniel Noyes and Lydia- Noyes Poore of West Newbury. His home was the "Indian Hill Farm." He was lost at sea 28 July, 1858. She died at "Indian Hill," 20 or 28 Aug., 1801, aged sixty-two. Issue: Benjamin Per- ley*', Mary Louise, Pollen Judith, W^alter Scott, who was born 1 1 Aug., 1835, and died in San Francisco, Cal., 25 Dec, 1870. [Indian hill is reputed to be the scene of the last Indian raid on the white people in Massachusetts, a stone house, still standing when the writer last visited the place, having been the haven of refuge of the people during the attack.] Ben: Perley', as he always wrote it, was born 2 Nov., 1820, and married 12 June, 1849, his cousin, Virginia Dodge, born 10 Jan., 1820, to Francis and Mary-Thompson Dodge. Their country home was the "Indian-Hill P^arm," devised to him by his grandparents and grandaunts. She died in Washington, D. C., 10 March, 1894. He was a journalist and a litterateur; he died in Washington, 29 May, 1887; both are buried in West Newbury. Issue: Emily, and 50 THE PERLEY FAMILY Alice, who married Frederic E. Mosely, Secretary of the Inter- State Commerce Commission, Washington. The Ben: Perley Poore house at West Newbury, pictured below, is presented through the courtesy of the Boston Globe. FAMILY 8-2: REDINGTON. LINKAL DESCEXT-ALLAX-l, THOMAS-l, THO.MAS-lli. HEPHZIBAH PER LEY was born 14 Aug., 1()91». She mar- ried S Nov., I7'i8, Thomas Redington, who was born 1 April, 1(194, to Thomas and May-Kimball Redington of Boxford. He lived in the paternal mansion, which is now Hotel Redington. She was ad- mitted to the First Church .'} May, 1725; he, 7 Jan., 17'27-S. He was chosen deacon 12 Dec, 1784, and exercised the office till i7.'>9, when Rev. Eliezer Holyoke succeeded to the pastorate, vacated in an un- pleasant manner by Rev. John Rogers. We do not know the date of the death of either. (777' f/f -x -7f— Here are the signatures of Heph- ^-'^ -^^.X^ t-vx.^/6^ zibah and her husband Thomas when %^{^t^aA {^'^ i^f^^2,y^ they quit-claimed their interest in the / ^/^ property of their aunt, Mary-Osgood Aslebee of Salem, 2 April, 1745. 1 Redington children: Mary', Sarah'*, Thomas'-, Abraham'''', Benja- min'-, Isaac'-', Elijah'-, Thomas'-, Hephzibah'-, 2 Thomas^ was born 27 May, 1727, and died young. Benjamin' was born 29 Aug., 1780; Isaac', 8 June, 1782; Thomas', 8 May, 1736; Hephzibah^ 8 Nov., 1787. Elijah^ was baptised 8 Nov., 1787. 8 Mary' was born 16 Aug., 1724. She married 24 June, 1746, Benjamin Goodridge of Boxford. She joined the First Church, 6 March, 1774; he, 8 April following. Goodridge issue: Benjamin, born 9 July, 1746, lived in East Boxford and had by wife Hannah, Elizabeth and Alpheus,who were baptised 8 Dec, 177(5; Allen, born 13 Jan., 1748-9; Levi, born 15 Feb., 1750, married 28 Nov., 1773, Mary Hale, born 22 May, 1754, to Joseph and Sarah-Jackson Hale of Boxford, had son Levi, baptised in First Church, 25 Dec, 1774, and lived in Boxford till about 1792, then in Westminster, Vt. ; Asahel, born 19 June, 1758; Hephzibah, born 4 July, 1755, married 21 Oct., 1779, Timothy Perkins, Jr., of Middleton. Hannah, bap-, tised 31 March, 1765. 4 Sarah^ was born 18 Oct., 1725. She married Capt. Jonathan Wood, son of Dr. David and Mary Wood of Boxford, baptised in the P'irst Church 11 Dec, 1748. He joined the same church 8 June, 1766; his wife 6 Sept., 1767. Wood issue: David, born 18 Nov., 1748 — Jonathan — Eliphalet, baptised 9 June, 1754 — Sarah, born 27 Aug., 1757 — P2noch-4()^ — Abner, born 12 Dec, 1761 — Mary, born 29 Sept., 1764, married 9 Dec, 1787, Parker Spofford — Lucy, born 80 May, 17(>6. 5 Abraham^ was born 10 P^eb., 1728, and died in 1805. He mar- ried, 9 Aug., 1757, Sarah Kimball, born to Aaron and Sarah-Wood Kimball of Boxford, 8 Dec, 1736. She joined the First Church 13 Dec, 1761; he, 24 Jan., 1762. Redington children were the first settlers of Vassalboro and Waterville, Me., to which latter place they removed in 1771. Redington issue, born in Boxford: Thomas, 52 THE PERLEY FAMILY born oO Oct., 175!^, died in Waterville, 1840 — Sarah, born 9 March, 1760 — Asa, born 22 Dec, 1761 — Aaron, born 6 April, 1765, died in the Revolution — Samuel' — Cloe, born 11 I\Iay, 1767 — Hephzibah, born 19 Dec, 1769. 6 Jonathan^ was born 14 Sept., 1751, and died 8 Jan., 1797, aged forty-five years. He married, first, published 7 Nov., 1778, Sarah Spofford of Rowley; second, published 13 Dec, 1786, Abigail Hale of Brookfield. They covenanted with the First Church o July, 1791, where he became deacon. His widow's second husband was Deacon Parker Spofford of Boxford. Issue: William Hale, born 1789 — Abigail, born 1790 — Sarah Redington, born 1792 — David and Jonathan (twins) born 1794 — Enoch, born 1797. 7 Samuel'' was born (> April, 1765. He was for many years an efificient member of the Massachusetts and Maine Legislatures. He died in Hampden, Me. His son was Adjutant-General of the State and mayor of Augusta. His nephew, Judge Asa Redington, was law reporter for the State. FAMH.Y :58: PERLEY. LlNliAL 1>1:S(1:NT-ALLAX-1, T1I()MAS-4, TilO.MAS-lt;. THOMAS PP:RLEY was born in East Boxford, at the late residence of Isaac Hale4, 22 Feb., 1704-5, and died 28 Sept., 1795, at the age of ninety years. He married, in Boxford, 20 Sept., 1781, Eunice Putnam-16'*, his step-sister, daughter of Joseph and Eliza- beth-Porter Putnam of Danvers, and sister to Gen. Israel Put- nam-1 6'', of Revolutionary fame. She was born 18 April, 1710, and died 2 I'^eb., 1787, at the age of sevent3^-six years. Both rest in the Harmony Cemetery in ICast Boxford. At the age of sixteen, Mr. Perley and his cousin l^'rancis i'crley joined with a number of young men in petitioning the town for the right to build and occupy a pew in the church. This petition was granted at once. Most of these, we know not but all, matured in steady manhood and were men of integrity and lovers of virtue. Thus as Milton wrote: "The .childhood shows tlie man As morning shows the day." In 1745, by virtue of his father's will, he inherited that extensive tract of arable, wood and pasture land in l{!ast Boxford now known as the Cleaveland farm. ()n this land he built his dwelling house. This, in 1818, was removed a few rods to the northwest, to allow upon its site the present Cleaveland mansion, and is now standing, in green old age, small and antiquated in style but of considerable historic interest. In this house may now be seen the buffet of ye olden time, which the modern sideboard has superseded, and in which used to be arranged in tasteful order the immaculate -pewter or the china table-ware, while the circular projection of one shelf displayed a wine-set, serviceable when the parson called or other important guest. Here Gen. Putnam-16^ used to visit his sister; HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 53 here is the best room where the General sat to chat and the cham- ber where he sought repose. Mr. Perley's youngest son Aaron in- herited the estate, and it has since been in the family. Ostentation found no home in Mr. Perley's character; the glitter of military parade was no temptation to him, nor the honor of military station. He was a man of acknowledged integrity and solid virtue, so we find him retained in active public life and engaged in official trust, requiring men of wide experience, known discretion, real ability, sound judgment and clear-cut decision, even after man's allotted time of three score years and ten. His whole life was a life of public service ; he knew the duties of every town ollficer by heart, and served on almost numberless com- mittees. He was chosen March 16, 1764, one of a committee of five to divide the town into dis- tricts for schools; the next year he was one of a larger committee ^i_ for the same purpose. He was ^^^^r one of the ablest patriots of the town prior to and during the Rev- •^c^ , olution. At a town meeting, 21 ^(v!^^ Jan., 1773, called "to take under consideration the many unconsti- tutional innovations and infringe- ments made and making on our rights and privileges which we think calls aloud on us publicly to assert our violated rights," etc., Mr. Perley was chosen one of a committee of five for the purpose. In November, 1776, the town chose him one of a committee of seven for paying the soldiers, etc. The same year he was one of Box- ford's "committee of safety and correspondence" to act in con- junction with similar committees throughout the province. At the town meeting where were passed and recorded resolutions as patri- otic- and incisive as in any section of the country, Mr. Perley presided ; and at the age of seventy-six, ripe with the fruit of experience, he was chosen the delegate of the town to the convention of delegates from the cities and towns through- out the province to consider the adoption of the Constitution of the United States of America. This was the last office to which he was called, and the crowning service of his public life. We must not forget, however, to record his lesser services : was moderator of town meetings in 1755, 1759 to 1761, 1763, 1766, 1768, 1770, 1772 and 1773; was fence viewer in 1738; reeve in 1739; constable in 1744; tithing man in 1763; warden m 1765; surveyor of highways in 1742, 1743, 1746 and 1756; select- THE BUFFET. He 1765, hog- 54 THE PERLEY FAMILY man and assessor in 1747,^1754, 1757, 1760, 1761 and 17(56; town clerk from 1752 to 1757, inclusive; and town treasurer from 1742 to 1751, inclusive; and, with all this burden of public trust, he found time for his extensive agricultural duties. His family worshiped with the First Church, to which he and his wife were admitted members 80 July, 17oS, a blessed union of quite half a century. • Mr. Perley quit-claimed his rights to ^/^crmef^ the property of his aunt, Mary-Osgood Aslebee of Salem, 2 April, 1745, his signature being here reproduced. He made his will 24 Aug., 17<'<9; it names his son Aaron as executor, is witnessed by William Dennis, Daniel Noyes and John O. Noyes, and was proved ;5 Nov., 1795. It devises to his son Aaron the homestead, provides for his daughter Rebecca, be- queathes to his son Oliver eighty Spanish milled dollars; to the children of his daughter Huldah a quarter part of the household fur- niture, and other things to be equally divided ; and to Aaron — Al- len .'' — son of his son Oliver, a sum of money, if he shall live with his Uncle Aaron Perley during his minority. 1 Perley children : Huldah-5G, Rebecca-, Israel-57, Mary-5S, Oli- ver-59, Thomas-«)0, Knoch-tU, Aaron-02. 2 Rebecca' was born 12 Jan., l7:)o-4, and lived in her father's family till his death. He bequeathed her the use of the west lower room and the garret over it, the privilege to bake and wash in the back room, to use the fourth part of the cellar, to keep a pig, to use the well and yard, so long as .she should remain unmarried. He gave her two cows and six sheep, she and his executor to choose them alternately, hers to be the first choice, and also a quarter part of the household furniture and provisions. Thus she lived with her brother Aaron, attained the age of seventy-nine years, dying un- married 22 Aug., IS1:5. Her will was proved 7 December following. FAIVHLY :54: PUTNAM. LINKAL DKSCKNT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-lti. RP:BECCA PP:RLP:Y was born 29 Oct., 1710, and died in 1790. She married U Feb., 1728-9, Hon. Symond Epes, Esq., in Ipswich, officiating, David Putnam-K)-", her step-brother, who died in 1769. They succeeded to his father's estate in Dan vers. The 2«» of April, 1745, Rebecca and ^_^.^ her husband David quit-claimed all (^Z^tos^^ \Pi c^^'^^ their rights to the property of their aunt, Mary-Osgood Aslebee of Salem, X^fait fi^CfriM. their signatures being as here shown. -A/* '^ *- 1 Putnam children: William', Lucy^ Allen', Mehitable'', Joseph'", Israel", Eunice**, David", Jessed 2 Allen' was born in 1782 and died in 1789; David' was born in 1746 and died in 176(J. 8 William' was born in 1729. He married, in 1752, PHizabeth HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 55 Putnam of Sterling, his home, where he died in 1807. Issue: Re- becca, born 22 April, 1753 — Andrew, born 2 April, 1755 — William, born 15 March, 1757 — Elizabeth, born 25 March, 1764. 4 Lucy^ was born in 1731; She married Maj. Ezra Putnam of Middleton. They removed to Marietta, O., in 1790. She was liv- ing in 1809. Issue, seven: David, Nehemiah, Ezra and John, both killed by Indians in 1791 or 2, in Ohio; and these of Middleton, Mrs. Small, Mrs. F'uller, and Mrs. Hatchelder. 5 Mehitable^ married Edward Sparhawk, a graduate of Harvard College, in the class of 1753. They lived in Lynnfield — no issue. 6 Joseph^ was born in 1739, and died in 1818. His first wife, married 1770, was Ruth Plint of Middleton; his second wife, wid- ow of Deacon Daniel Putnam of Dan vers. Issue: David, who died young — Ruth, who married Daniel Nourse and lived in Danvers — David, who died young — Parmelia, who married an Upton and removed to Bradford, N. H. — Jesse, who married Elizabeth Merriam of Middleton, now living (March, 1880, )in her ninety-fifth year. 7 IsraeP was born in 1742, and died in 1825. He married in 1771, Sarah Epes, who died in 1784; he married in 1785, Emma- Goodale Prime, who was widow of Ezra Prime and died in 1831. He lived where his father had lived. Issue: Allen, born 1772, died 1793-Daniel, born 1774, died 1854, had child, Susan, now living ( 1880) where Gen. Putnam was born — Israel, born 1770, died 1795 — Sally, born 1779, died 1811— Betsey, born 1782, died 18U2. 8 Eunice^ was born 29 March, 1751, and died 20 Nov., 1840, at the great age of ninety-five years, seven months and twenty-seven days. She married in Middleton, in Sept., 1771, Nathaniel Rich- ardson, born to Joshua and Eunice-Jennison Richardson, 20 March, 1742, and was killed by an accident while moving a building, 25 Jan., 1796, aged fifty-three years. He lived in Salem and was a merchant and a tanner. Issue: Nathaniel, Joshua, Jesse, Eunice, Israel, William Putnam^", and Betsey. 9 Jesse^ was born in 1754 and died in 1839. He married in 1770 Susanna Thatcher of Boston, who died in 1839. They lived in Boston and their only child, Catharine, was born in 1777, and died in Peterboro, N. H., in 1802. 10 William Putnam^ was born 5 May, 1785, and died 5 Dec, 1826. He married 6 Aug., 1807, Deborah Lang, born to Edward and Rachel- Ward Lang, and died 4 March, 1845. He was a sea captain and afterwards a merchant. Issue: Ellen Octavia, Sarah Lang, Augustus Ilsley, William Putnam (M. D.), Edward Symmes Lang, Eliza Anne, Charles PVederic, Caroline Sovina, and Nathan- iel Putnam. FAMILY 35: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. ASA PERLEY was born in East Boxford upon the farm of the late Isaac Hale-4, 10 Oct., 1716, and died 10 April, 1806. He mar- ried, first, 1 Jan., 1737-8, Susannah Low, born to Samuel, in Essex, 56 THE PBRLEY FAMILY 1 Jan., 1719, and died in Boxford, 15 Jan., 1762. He married, sec- ond, 12 Aug., 17H2, Apphia Porter, widow of John, of Danvers, born 15 July, UKi, and died 2S Dec, 17SU. He married, third, wid- ow Ruth-Heard Kimball of Boxford, ,S Dec., — published 10 Nov. — 17S1. She was born 10 March, 1722, and died 24 April, 1806, sur- viving her husband but fourteen days. Her will is dated 15 April, 1S06, was proved 6 May following, and witnessed by John Hood, Sarah Wood, and Thomas Perley. She made bequests to Mehitable, wife of Joseph Carleton ; to Ruth, wife of Daniel Davis; to Hannah Porter, widow, daughter of "my brother James Heard"; to Eu- nice-69', daughter of Henry Perley; to Parmelia-6S', daughter of Daniel Perley; to Henry Perley-69 and wife Mehitable; to Henry's son Samuel-142; to Maj. Asa's son Samuel; and she gave to Mary, widow of Timothy Kimball, her gold neck-lace, silver spoons, etc. Her son-in-law was named executor. Mr. Perley by devise pos- sessed his father's homestead and half of his real estate, which was extensive. His home had been his father's; he erected the present dwelling house, and his sons brought from the woods and set out in front of it., about 1761, a small elm which they could carry easily and which has become the second, perhaps the first, in size in the county, has given celebrity to the estate, and afforded a green and grateful shade to the laborer and traveler from summer's heat. He was little in public life till his oldest sons were able to carry on the farm. His civil service began with surveyor of highways in his own district, and he performed the duty in 1747, 1761 and 1766. He was field driver in 1751 ; constable in 1754; hogreeve in 1757. As a man of commanding address, he was moderator of town meet- ings in 17()5, 1766, 176S, 1771, 177;}, 1774, 1777, 1786 and 1788; was .selectman in 1758, 1764, 1767, 1769, 1771, 1774, 1777, 1778 and 1782 — ten full years; and served on many committees of importance: a committee in 1770, to draft a paper for the signatures of his towns- men pledging themselves neither to purchase nor use tea or lingli.sh goods; in 1776 a committee of safety and also a committee on the payment of soldiers; in 1779 a committee to fix the prices of mer- chandise, produce, labor, etc.; in 1782 again a committee of corre- spondence and safety. In 1771, 1772, 1780 and 17''*>1, he represented the town in the General Court. In 1775, a year that "tried men's souls" he was a member of the Provincial Congress, and the assem- bly, June 1, 1775, "ordered that Dea. Fisher, Mr. Spaulding, Mr. Stickney, Mr. Partridge and Major Perley be a committee to consid- er the proposal of the reverend clergy, now in convention, to serve in rotation as chaplains in the army." His grandson Dr. Daniel-145 has the original of the following, which in this connection, though without mscription, explains itself: "Sir, Having received certain Intelligence of the Sailing of a Number of Troops to re-inforce The Army under General Gage, having "murdred sundry inhabitants", this with the industrious Preparations making in Boston for a speedy March into the Coun- try impresses us with the absolute Necessity of convening the Provincial Congress at Concord as soon as may be agreeable to a \^ote of Congress at their last Session. — You are therefore re- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 57 quested immediately to repair to Concord, as the closest Delibera- tion & the collected Wisdom of the People, at this alarming- Crisis are indispensably necessary for the Salvation of the Country. Concord April '20, 1775 Rich'^ Devens order The above is printed, except from the words " to " and the dates and signature at the bottom. He was prominent in the military; was commissioned a lieuten- ant of the company in his parish in 1757, was promoted to the cap- taincy in 1768, and was made major of his regiment near the close of 1774. He manifested a hearty co-operation in the struggle for in- dependence, in which seven of his sons served. His family worshiped in the First Church, where his wife Susan- nah became a member in November, 1740, and he 23 March, 1760, and where his children were baptised, save the last Allen, whose bap- tism is recorded in Second Church records. He resided some three miles from church, and the illustration in family 4 shows the eques- trian mode of making "a Sabbath-day's journey" in those primitive times. When Samuel Porter, a loyalist, left Salem for England in 1775, he left his papers with Mr. Blaney of Salem, among which was a bond for ;^20 19s., signed by Asa Perley. Major Perley paid ^10 on the bond, 19 May, 1785. Dr. John Merriam of Topsfield attended him in his last sickness. His will is dated 28 April, 1792, was witnessed by Aaron Perley, Joseph Hale, Jr., and Thomas Perley, Jr., and proved 6 May, 1806. His son Samuel was sole executor, but he dying, Thomas Perley, Esq., was appointed administrator of both the estates. His second wife's daughters, Elizabeth and Anna, had what property she brought with her at marriage. Mr. Perley was another of those who quit-claimed all their rights to the property of their aunt, Mary-Osgood /o ^ ^ Aslebfee of Salem, his signature being as yr^"^ (Jl-^y\.*-€^ here shown. ' ^ 1 Perley children: Dudley-(>8, Asa-64, Eliphalet", Susannah-65, Allen-, Eliphalet-6(J, Allen-67, Daniel-68, Henry-69, Samuel-70, Solomon-71. 2 Dr. Daniel Perley-145 said that eight of tlie children grew to manhood, and that seven served in the Revolutionary War. — Eli- phalet^ was born 27 Aug., 1742, and AUen^ 11 May, 1746; both died in infancy. FAMILY 36: AYERS. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLA^M, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17. LYDIA PERLEY was born 5 Oct., 1697. She married in Boxford 17 Jan., 1720, Peter Ayers, born 1 Oct., 1696, to Lt. Samuel and Elizabeth-Tuttle Ayers of Haverhill, where Peter was for many years a deacon. He married, second, in Haverhill 22 Jan., 58 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1750-1, Elizabeth Carleton. Mrs. (?) L. A. B. Hunter of Norfolk, Va., is (1903) a descendant of this Lydia. 1 Ayers children : Jacob", Peter'-, Richard'^ Perley^ John'', Jo- seph-, Lydia'-. 2 Jacob^ was born 20 Oct., 1721; Peter', 9 Oct., 1724; Joseph', 9 Sept., 17:50; Lydia', 26 Dec, 1737. 8 Richard' was born 28 Jan., 1726-7. He married 1-1 June, 1753, Martha Mitchell of Haverhill, who died 26 Sept., 1767. Their chil- dren, born in Haverhill: Abiah, 9 Jan., 1754, died 15 June, 1762; Pe- ter, 5 April, 1756; James, 5 Feb., 1760; Richard, 28 April, 1762; Abiah, 2 Feb., 1764; James, 1 Feb., 1766; Jonathan, 20 Sept., 1767. 4 Perley' was born 80 Sept., 1732, and died April, 1781. He married, first, in Hav^erhill, 13 Nov., 17 — , Sarah Mitchell. He mar- ried, second, Lois Stevens of Haverhill, 26 Dec, 1776. Haverhill was his home ; tanning, his trade. The probate inventory of his estate aggregated ;^1000. He owned land in Haverhill, Methuen and Salem, N. PL His will is dated 27 March, 1781, was proved 7*"^ of the following month and specifies: — "Things brought by his first wife, things made in the house since she came ; things brought by his second wife, things made in the house since she came." His widow married Isaac Howe, who soon after commenced the manu- facture of hats at Ayers Village, near Scotland hill. Their nine children with the year-dates of their births are as follows : Joseph, 1758, who inherited the homestead; Phineas, 1761; John, 1765; Hannah, 1768; Hezekiah, 1770; Perley; William; Lydia; Sarah. 5 John' was born 27 P'eb., 1732, and died 8 Jan., 1786-7, during the prevalence of a terrible "pestilential distemper" of which, Rev. John Brown, minister then in the place, wrote, "over 200 children under ten years of age died, in Haverhill alone, between Jan. 1, 173(), and Dec. 31, 1787." FAMILY 87: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCEXT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOJJ-17. JACOB PERLEY was born in Boxford 19 Sept., 1700, and died in Nov., 1750. He married 28 May, 1729, Rev, John Rogers ofBciating, Sarah Mofse, born - March, 1708, to Benjamin and Su- sannah Morse of Newbury. Her mother died the 8'' day of that month, but Sarah's death is unknown to us. She was living in 1763. The house in which he lived he built about 1780, some half-mile east of Stevens' pond. East Boxford. It was known during its last days as the "Joe Killam house." It remained in the family till 1768, when his son Benjamin bought out the other heirs and after- wards resided there. Jacob Perley, Jr., and his wife Sarah, of Boxford, sold to John Symonds of Boxford land in the new township, called Camp lot — 69 acres, 25 Jan., 1788-4. — Registry, 8: 368. He also sold to John Ben- nett of Lancaster, for ;^30, half of his interest in the township granted to Jeremiah Perley and others, 4 May, 1738. — Registry, 10: 427. [His cousin-uncle, Jeremiah Perley-10 of Boxford, gentleman, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 59 disposed of his interest in township No. 11, for volunteers under Capt. John Lovewell and Capt. John White, 10 June, 1736, for ^90 in bills of credit, to Thomas Frink of Rutland, county Worcester. —Registry, 7 : 898.] Mr. Perley died intestate ; his widow Sarah was appointed ad- ministratrix, o Dec, 1750, and later guardian of John, Sarah, Jacob and Benjamin, four of their children. His inventory mentions money and notes, carpenter's tools, five swine, ten sheep, fowls, a horse, yoke of oxen, three cows, four heifers, buildings, and land in Boxford, Rowley and Newbury, and aggregated ^574. One item is "Due the widow for mourning ^4 13s. 4d." 1 Perley children, born in Boxford: Isaac-7'2, Jacob-73, Benja- min-74, Sarah'-, John-75. 2 Sarah^ was born 17 March, 1737-8, and married in Boxford, 28 Nov., 17.58, Jacob Wyman of Bradford. FAMILY 38: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOK-17. NATHAN PERLEY was born in Boxford, 17 Nov., 1703, and died late in the fall of 1738. He married 20 or 30 March, 1732-3, Lydia Hale, born 23 March, 1711, to Joseph and widow Joanna- Dodge Hale of Boxford. She became the second wife — published (5 'April, 1740 — of Deacon Jonathan Tenney of Boxford. Deacon Tenney was born in Bradford, 8 Dec, 1703, to Elder Samuel and Sarah-Boynton Tenney. Joseph's first wife was Mary Watson-5-, daughter of Sarah Perley. Deacon Tenney' s second wife, Lydia, had seven children, and died 6 June, 1803. Mr. Perley was probably an itinerant tailor, according to the cus- tom of his day; for Dr. David Wood has the following item of credit in his account with Nathan's father: "January: 1730-31, to a spell of Nathan to cut wescuts 12''." . He was taxed in Boxford from 1729 to 1738 inclusive. He was attended in his last sickness by Dr. Wood; he died in- testate; the inventory of his estate, dated 7 March, 1738-9, mentions 60 acres of land, buildings, 2 steers, 4 cows, 3 heifers, 3 yearling heifers, 1 colt, 8 swine, etc. His widow administered upon the es- tate, which was valued at ^^1040. Two items of his debts were "To Edward Kitchen for funeral ;^26 3s. 6d.", and to "Bringing up a young child three and one-half years ;^35." 1 Perley children : John", Lydia'-, Nathan-76. 2 John^ was born 17 Nov., 17:5.4, and died 24 Sept., 1736; Lydia^ was born 20 Aug. and died I Oct., 1736. These deaths were prob- ably the fatality of John-36^ FAMILY 39: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17. FRANCIS PERLEY was born 28 Jan., 1705-6; he died 5 March, 1765. He was married to Huldah Putnam-16'*, by Rev. John Rogers of Boxford, 8 Nov., 1734. She wa§ born 29 Nov., 60 THE PERLEY FAMILY 171(3. She was married, secondly, 2 June, 1774, by Rev. Elizur Hol- yoke of Boxford, to Timothy Fletcher, Jr., of Westford, where her daughter Huldah had married and settled. Mr. Perley, in his sixteenth year, his cousin Thomas-8o, and several other young men, were privileged to build a pew in the meet- ing house for their own use. Men! at the age of sixteen! He after- wards owned land near his birthplace and built a dwelling upon it, the site of which is now occupied by Mr. David DeWitt C. Mighill's residence, built in 1817. Before 1728 he built a tanner)^, the first in town ; he did an extensive business, for that time, employing several hands. In 1768, three years after his death, it was the only tannery there. He was also a large land holder, and cultivated an extensive area. He was prominent in civic offices; and beginning with hogreeve in 1738, he held them all, with honor to himself and satisfaction to others. He was hogreeve in 1788, 1739, 1742, 1743, 1746, 1751, 1754 and 1757; a surveyor of highways in 1744, 1749, 1753, 1758 and 17(53; a constable in 1747; a fence viewer in 1751; a warden in 1764; a selectman in 1759 and 1760; and was town treasurer for eight years from 1753 to 1761 inclusive, except 1760. He took con- siderable interest in the militia, although he never held any other office than captain, to which he was chosen in 1754. He was a man of ability, integrity and judgment and was held in good esteem. He and his wife were admitted to church fellowship 10 Oct., 1736. Mr. Perley, being "weak and infirm of body," 20 Oct., 1760, made his will; it was proved 18 March, 1765; his son William was executor, and Jonathan Wood, Nathan Wood and Solomon Wood were witnesses ; he bequeaths to his son William the time of his ap- prentice, Jonathan Peabody. The inventory of his estate (Probate Registry, 43: 43,) covers six foolscap pages; it amounts to ^2141; values his land and buildings at ^1609; mentions 1 black horse, 2 horses, 1 fat ox, 2 oxen, 2 pairs of steers, 9 cows — four with calves, 10 young cattle, 14 sheep, 7 lambs, 1 sow and pigs, 7 oxen, and 5 swine "more", 3 hives of bees, cider-mill and press, 20 cords of bark, a stone to grind bark, 905 lbs. of sole leather at Ip. per lb., upper leather and tanning other men's leather, tanning twenty hides not in vats ^5, more leather in the vats ^25, etc., appraised 2 April, 1765. He rests in East Boxford cemetery: HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF CAP^ FRANCIS PEARLEY WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE MARCH 5 1765 IN THE 60"^ YEAR OF HIS AGE 1 Perley children: William-77, Mehitable-46, Huldah-78, Fran- cis-79, Amos-SO, Jacob-81. FAMILY 40 : PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT -ALLAX-1, THOMAS-4, ,IA('()B-17. MOSES PERLEY-17- was baptised in Bradford church, 12 June, 1709. He married 7 P'eb., 17o9-40 Hannah Frye, daughter of Nathan and Sarah-Bridges Fryc of Andover. She was first cousin to Col. Peter Frye, and to Maj.-Gen. Joseph Frye, and second cousin to Love, Lady AdmiraU Sir John Knight, of the British Navy, who died at her villa, near London, Eng., in 1889. Hannah was only seventeen years of age at the date of her marriage ; she was seventy years of age when she died, 1 Nov., 1798, a survivor of her husband by only nine days. Mr. Perley inherited the homestead and made it his home — the southern slope of old Baldpate, the deep soil around the lake and a commanding view of its placid waters. He gave his whole at- tention to farming and seems to have cared little for military or town affairs. He was hogreeve in 1752, 175(5, 1774 and 1776; and was on a committee to arrange the school districts of the town in 1765. In 1778 he built and fenced the road from the town line, by his house, to the brook at the northeast. April, 1741, he united with the First Church. His will is dated 15 Nov., 178S; was witnessed by Aaron Wood, William Perley and Daniel Gould, neighbors; proved 5 Nov., 1793; its executors were his sons Nathan and Eliphalet, to whom he de- vised all his real estate, and who shortly after his death erected two dwellings and razed the old , one. His inventory, amounting to X 1-^74 19s., was made 8 Jan., 1794, by Thomas Perley, Jr., Jona- than Wood, and David Mighill, and mentions; 1 chaise, 2 three- year-old steers, 2 oxen, S cows, 2 two-year-old steers, 16 sheep and lambs, 8 swine, "Bible and other books 24s.", 1 "time-piece", 2 look- ing-glasses, 22 barrels cider, "loom, several wheels, etc." He and his wife sleep in Harmony Cemetery, where one stone is broken down and the other has the following inscription: Memento mori In Memory of M'- MOSES PERLEY who departed this life Oct^' ye 28'i AD 1793 yEtat. 84 1 Perley children: Lydia-48, Moses'-, Hannah-82, Stephen-83, Jeremiah'^ Nathan-84, Peter'-, Sarah'-, Sarah-85, Betsey-^, Moody-86, Phebe-87, P:iiphalet\ 2 Moses' was born 24 Jan., 1742-8. His name appears on the Thomas Perley chart of three generations, but without children. His niece, Mrs. Abigail Perkins of Georgetown, said: "Moses died unmarried in the Revolution." — Peter' was born 5 June, 1754, and 62 THE PERLEY i< AMIL^ died a young man. — Sarah' was born 7 July, 1756, and died in infan- cy. — Betsey' was born 6 March, 1758, and died unmarried 16 Jan., 1822. 3 Jeremiah' was born 14 Dec, 1749. He married 14 July, 1778, Eunice Foster, daughter of Stephen, of Andover. He assisted in raising a barn for Thomas Emerson, son of John-20 of Topsfield, :{ June, 1784, and a part of the frame giving way he fell to the ground, and his head striking a stone he received a fracture of the skull, of which he died in a few hours.* His widow was appointed his administratrix 5 July, 1784. His remains repose in Harmony Cemetery, Boxford : In Memory of M^' Jeremiah Pearley Who Died June the 4th "1784 in the 85th Year of his Age [Mrs. Perley married, secondly, Rev. Daniel Gould, son of Daniel and Lucy-Tarbox Gould, 25 Dec, 1788. He was born in Topsfield 8 Dec, 175o, and married, first, 24 Dec, 1782, Mary, who was born o July, 1751, to George Booth of Hillsboro, and died 1 Oct., 1785. His only child: Molly, born 28 Sept., 1785, and died 4 Dec, 1785. He resided in Wolfboro, N. H., and Bethel and Rum- ford, Me. He died about 1842.] 4 Eliphalet', born in Boxford 17 Nov., 1705, died in Georgetown 17 March, 1846. He built, in 1817, the residence in later years owned and occupied by Augustus M. Perley-204, and lived there. He was noted for his love of labor — good, healthy, manual labor. Many a night in the moon's soft radiance, during the busy haying season, his sweeping scythe, through the dewy grass, rang sweet ac- cents upon his ears and beguiled the time till the "wee sma" hours of morning. He was surveyor of highways in 1808, 1809 and 1821 ; field driver and one of the school board, 1814. He never married. The Georgetown records read that he died of consumption. Con- sumption at eighty! Yes, of time ! He rests in Harmony Cemetery in Boxford. FAMILY 41: LAMBERT. LINEAL DKSCKNT— ALLAN-I, TL\K)THV-6, STEF'HLX-l-.t. DEBORAH PERLEY was born in Ipswich, 18 Feb., 1715-6. She married — published 16 Nov., 1750 — Nathan Lambert, who was born, 11 Feb., 1715-6, the seventh child of Thomas (born S April, 1678) and Sarah-Pickard (born 20 Jan., 1682-3) Lambert, married in Watertown, 19 Dec, 1699. The line of descent is Francis, Thomas, Thomas, Nathan. Deborah died 25 Jan., 1754. Nathan married, * Salem (iazette: The barn was «0 by 30 feet. A plate was framed with studs and braces and when nearly in place slipped and fell to the ground. There were about thirty men on that part of the frame; several were seriously injured, but no other fatally. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 63 second, Mercy Gage, daughter of William and Mercy-Barker Gage, 8 July, 1756, and had issue. He died in March, 1795. Mercy, born 14 Feb., 17'22, died 28 Nov., 1799, aged seventy-six years. Their home was Rowley. 1 Lambert child : Nathan-. 2 Nathan' was born 4 Jan., 1758. He married — published 5 Nov., 1774 — Abigail Prime of Rowley, where she died 4 Jan., 1814, aged sixty-two years. Rowley was their home. Issue: John'^ :> John'- was born 29 March, 1779. He married 20 Dec, 1S04, Sarah Hradstreet of Ipswich. They lived in Rowley. Issue: Abi- gail Prime, born 1805; Maria, born 1806; John-174-; Harriet and Emily, (twins), born 1812; Hannah Bradstreet, born 1815; George Nathan-103-. FAMILY 42: PERLEY. LINKAI. UKSCKNT— ALLAX-1, TIM()THY-(), STEPHEX-lI). ALLEN PERLEY was born on the immigrant-ancestral es- tate, "Ipswich P'arms," Friday, 9 May, 1718. In his fortieth year, 10 Nov., 1757, he married Martha P"'owler-52, who was then 19 years old, having been born Wednesday, 1 Nov., 1738, to John and Mercy-How Prowler, of the same place. Miss Prowler was descended from early and honorable families and persons distinguished in many departments of active life. Her earliest American ancestor of the name, Philip Prowler, born in England in 1590, emigrated to Ipswich, in New England, in the "Mary and John" in 1634. Richard Jacob, her father's mother's lineal ancestor, came to Ipswich in the same vessel with Mr. Prow- ler. Mr. Jacob's wife was Martha Appleton, a daughter of Samuel Appleton, who was born in Suffolk County, England, in Waldring- field, in 1586. He came to Ipswich, in New England, in 1635. Mr. Appleton was descended through seven generations from John Appleton of Great Waldringfield, who died in 1436. Miss Apple- ton was also descended from the Everards of Suffolkshire, England. Miss Fowler was also descended, through her father, from Sir Wil- liam Herrick of Leicester, England, who was born in 1557, and who resided in his native place, and also in London and Beaumont Park. He removed to London in 1574, to reside with his brother Nicholas, then an eminent banker in Cheapside, and attached him- self to the court. He was a man of great abilities and address; re- markably handsome ; and was high in the confidence of Queen P^liz- abeth, as well as of King James. In 1605, he received the honor of knighthood. He was descended from Sir William Eyrick, a resi- dent of Stratton, Leicestershire, England, who was commissioned to attend the Prince of Wales on his expedition into Gascony in 1355. This Sir William was a great-grandson of Henry P'yrick, of whom Dean Swift says, that "there is a tradition, well founded, that this Henry was descended from Erick, the P'orester, a great command- er who raised an army to oppose the invasion of William the Con- querer, by whom he was vanquished; but afterwards employed to H4 THE PERLEY FAMILY command that Prince's forces, and in his old age retired to his home in Leicestershire, where his family hath resided ever since." Miss Fowler was also descended from Joan May, sister of Sir Hum- phrey May, Chancellor of the Dnchy of Lancaster, children of Richard May, Esq., of London; and also from John Bond, Esq., of Ward End, Warwickshire, England, as well as of Hugh Laskin, an early emigrant to Salem, from England. She was also descended from Richard Kimball, who emigrated from England to Ipswich in the "Elizabeth" in l(3o4, and from Ursula Scott, his wife. Through her mother, Miss How, she was lineally descended from Robert How of Broad Oak, Hatfield, Essexshire, England, whose son James emigrated to Ipswich, in New P2ngland, in l(i3o. She was also descended from John Dane of Berkhampstead and Bishop's Stortford, County Herts, England; from John Paybod}^, born in 15S6 or 15S7, who is said to have descended from Queen Boadicea; and from Reginald Foster, who was descended from an ancient family in the west of P^ngland, connected with those in the north of P^ngland, who were distinguished for their exploits against the Scots, mentioned in the "Lay of the Last Minstrel," and in "Marmion." Mr. Perley lived upon the parental estate, till about the time of his marriage, when he became owner of the house, hitherto his brother-in-law, Samuel Perley's. The house was built by the first Samuel-8, was located on a site near the residence of the late Silas l'erley-19o, was, in 176", removed across the brook there, and sold, in 17S4, to Capt. Abraham How, who occupied it, till he was suc- ceeded by his son Abel Howe, who reared there a large and inter- esting family of children, and with the land adjoining was sold, 24 Feb., 1870, for $250, to M. V. B. Perley-875, who razed it and opened the land to other land contiguous. He returned to his early home, upon the sale to Capt. How, and became a farmer of means and importance. He, as did his' father and grandfather, attended church at Topsfield and thus was much more identified with the Topsfield than with the Ipswich his- tory, being from the former center two miles, and six from the latter. As it was then, has been and will be, distance from civic ofifices precludes civic honors and trusts. He was a member of Capt. Abraham How's company, that marched toward the scene of conflict, on that truly historic day at Concord and Lexington, proceeding twelve miles and drawing pay for a day's service. Probably Mr. Perley was never a member of a church, but after the Parish church was organized ( 1746) he owned a pew; his wife be- came a member 17 P^eb., 1765, and all their children were baptised. He was made guardian of his sister Hov- ey's children-43, 22 March, 1765, and his ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ autograph, here shown, was attached to y^w- v^ ,__^ his bond as guardian. CL^''^ '^^ He made his will o April, 1S04; witnesses: James Smith, Tim- othy Morse, Jr., and Timothy Morse, and executors: Lt. John Fow- ler and his son Jacob Perley. It was proved 5 Nov., 1804. The probate value of his estate was $4375, personal $390, real $3985. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY f;5 His widow had the improvement of the east end of the house, the west half of the barn, half of the homestead and half of the salt marsh, during her life; and also half of his live stock, and all his pro- visions in the house or growing in the field, all his furniture and money he had at his decease. His son Allen had an adjoining farm that was bought of Joseph Fisk. His grandsons, Allen's sons, had half the live stock. His son John had all his lands in Boxford, about twenty acres in Ipswich, on which John afterwards lived; his sons John and Jacob had all his salt marsh, lying in Ipswich, after their mother's use; his son Stephen had $1 paid by Jacob; his daughter Deborah had $150 paid by John; his daughter Hannah had $150 paid by John; his daughter Sarah, had, after her mother's death, the in- come of a third of his real estate, called the Home lot, except cut- ting or selling wood more than enough for one fire, till she married, when Jacob was to give her S200 in lieu of it. She had, also, while unmarried, the use of the lower rooms in the east end of his house and the chamber over the back room, and a third of the barn. His sons, John and Jacob, had his pew, and his wife and daugh- ter Sarah had privileges to sit in it; his sons had his clothing; his son Jacob had the remainder, personal and real, which included the farm on which he lived — Allan-1's later home. In Memory of MR ALLEN PERLEY, who died Oct 14, 180-1; Aged 86. My children all, come view my grave: Prepare to follow me. And if your peace be maf;sCENT-ALLAX-l, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEX-19. SARAH PERLEY was born 7 Jan., 1719-20, and married 23 Dec, 1740, Aaron Hovey, who was born to Ivory and Anne, 14 Sept., 1718, in Toi)sfield, where his home was and where he died 4 May, 1759. His gravestone inscription reads: M'- AARON HOVEY WHO DECEASED MAY THE 4"' AD 1759 & IN THE 4Pt YEAR OF HIS AGE. 1 Hovey children : Stephen, Moses, Sarah, Dorcas, Huldah, Thomas, Ivory. Their uncle, Allen Perley-42, became their guard- ian, 22 March, 17(J5. See "Hovey Family" in Essex County His- torical and Genealogical Register, page 134. FOURTH GENER.^TION. FAMILY 44: PRITCHARD. LINEAL OESCENT -ALLAN-], .TOHN-2, THOMAS-!^ AMOS-UO. HANNAH PERLEY was born 8 Jan., 1730-1, and died in 1810, aged about eighty years. She married 1 Feb., 1748-9, Paul Pritchard, who was born in 1721 and died in 1787, aged sixty-six years. He was a housewright by trade, and built about 1 749, and occupied, the present dwelling of the late B. S. Barnes, P2sq., Boxford, where all his children were born but the youngest. He was a member of the HISTORY AND GENEALOGY H7 First Church from 7 May, 17(59, till 14 Sept., 1777, when he was dismissed and recommended to the church in New Ipswich, N. H., whither he and his family removed *29 July, 1778. He sold his property in Boxford, one hundred and thirteen acres of land and buildings thereon, to Amos Perley-20 for X0(i8, who in 17)-!7, having removed to Winthrop, Me., sold it to Thomas Putnam of Newbury. In New Ipswich, he lived on the Jeffts farm near Mason Village. He was a very influential citizen ; he was a prominent member of the committee of safety and correspondence, at the breaking out of the Revolution; he was on committees to instruct delegates and representatives, to average claims for military service, to examine the Bill of Rights, etc.; he contributed liberally of his means to prose- THE PRITCHARD HOUSE IX BOXFORl>. cute the war and had two sons in active service; he was represent- ative to the General Court in 1779, and during the last three years of his life he was a selectman. Mrs. Pritchard was admitted to the P^irst Church 29 Nov., 17()1. and with her husband recommended to the church in New Ipswich, 14 Sept., 1777. She was a woman of uncommon energy of body and mind, and could accomplish the ordinary labors of three per- sons. She made mid-wifery a study and acquired a considerable practice in her native town. Besides, she acquired considerable fame in the treatment of scrofula, salt rheum and liver complaints. At New Ipswich, she had an extensive practice in that and adjoining- towns. She was always ready to answer calls, and allowed no weather to deter or detain her, and when the roads were blocked with snow and the weather so tedious that others would quail at the undertaking, she, though corpulent, would bind her snow-shoes to her feet and breast the storm or the cold over hill and dale. She practiced till very far advanced in life, to the no small annoyance of the accredited physicians. Her great-granddaughter. Miss Hannah Mead of Littleton, Mass., writes :—" Mrs. Pritchard offered my mother all her recipes if she would take them ; but being behind the scenes in their preparation, she declined what might have been of great value." A mirror once belonging to Mrs. Pritchard is now the property of her great -great-granddaughter, a young child of ()8 THE PBRLEY FAMILY Thomas Sherwin, Esq., Boston. Her sons were .somewhat remark- able, as large, athletic men, of sound constitution, and capable of great physical labor. 1 Pritchard children : Sarah'-, Amos'', Jeremiah^ Perley", Wil- liam'', Sarah'-, Hannah", John', Benjamin'*, Stephen". 2 Sarah^ was born in 1750 and died in 1755; Berley^ was born IJl June, 1757, and died at the age of eighteen; Sarah' was born 17 April, 1762, and married Nehemiah Stratton. 3 Amos' was born 25 Aug., 1752, and married Anna Andrews, daughter of Joshua and Hannah-Wood Andrews of Boxford, where she was born 13 March, 1746-7. They lived in New Ipswich on a farm originally the northern portion of the parental estate. He wa.s a carpenter and housewright. He died 23 Nov., 1782, aged thirty- one. His wife survived him sixteen years, dying in I79ut stood aghast with supersUtlous stare As thump, tliump, thump came from (he walls ahout, .\s if some prisoned fiend would beat his dark way out. Wheel, chairs and tal)les shrunk from toucli and look; Even the old meal chest edged and edged away. Though weighted with the gossips of the day; Like chattering teeth the latches rattled wild. And where she trod the house ashiveriug shook. The clergy were called in to exorcise So foul a spirit in so fair a guise; But uo rebuke availed, severe or mild, And consternation sat on every face! Wlien from abroad the goodman now returned. With wrath indignant from his house he spurned All who had seen or sought its deep disgrace. Not doubting they believed, but yet too wise To give full credence to their doubtful ears and eyes. This prompt, decisive, energetic act of one Who thought delusion better silent die Than lead to the surviving Infamy That gives old Salem her imenvied fame For deeds of violence In wild frenzy done. Was through the love, not blind fanatic zeal, He felt for truth, and felt that all should feel. And saved the old town the ever-duriug sbame Of having punished for no fault or crime One he would shield, but whom the righteous few Who wagged their tongues and kneiv no( w(ia( to do. Would in the darkness of that troubled time Have dragged to martyrdom, had he joined the cry Of the unrea.soning crowd who Trutli would crucify. When driven out like Ilagar in her grief, The chairs resumed their places prim and stiff, The tables ceased to tilt — all seemed as if No masquerading e'er had set them out To revel in their master's absence brief. So quiet reigned once more, and all went well. Till to the flames the house a victim fell. As 'twere the scene of this unseemly rout Should from the mind of all l)e swept away. But mothers whispered to their babes the tale,— Tradition caught it up,— till like a sail Lost in tlie purple deeps of dying day This little glimmer from the long-ago Flashes uix)n the verge ere all is sunk below. Ho«' fearful o'er the broken wall I stepped Where the poor crazy wanderer was found, Dead! her head between the bowlders bound; "A witch," some said, "who died a witch's death!" And few her ijreseuce missed or memory weia. So far aloof we stand and cry, "unclean!" As If the only plague-spots were those seen, That children shrink and whisper under breath A name that might have shone as bright and fair As any that our reverent homage claims Among the brilliant galaxy of names That fix our eyes as God's peculiar cai-e. But for the crushing of some grievous weight That loft the troublous world so dark and desolate. 6 Phebe^ was born in Boxford 8 Dec, 1772, married 25 Feb., 1794, Israel Kimball, and had issue: Israel, born 20 Jan., 1792. 7-2 THE PERLEY tAMILT lived in Bethel, Me., and died 12 Oct., 1865; Hannah, born 11 May, 1790, married Aaron Littlefield, and lived in Kridgton ; Hephzibah, born {') Jan., 1798, married h^benezer Eames, lived m Bethel, and died 29 March, 1879; Jacob Hazen, born 8 April, 18U0, lives in Waukesha, Wis.; Phebe, born 21 Feb., 1804, married, first, Ezra T. Russell, second, Winslow Heywood, and li\ed in Bethel; Richard, born 20 Jan., 180(), lived in Bridgton, and died in Feb., 1878; Jed- ediah Tapley, born 1:") Aug., 1809, and lived in Bethel; Ira Crocker, born 29 Jan., 181(), lived in Bethel, and died 3 Feb., l8()(). FAMILY 40: PERLEY. LINKAI, DKSCKNT— ALLAX-1, JOHX-J, THOMAS-!*, A.MOS-LM). NATHANIEL PERLEY was born in Boxford 1:5 Feb., 1784-5, and died, Wednesday, 18 July, 1810. His first wife was Mehitable Perley-89', who was born 20 Nov., 1737; married, in Boxford, 30 or 81 Oct., 1753, and became the mother of all his children. His second wife was Lydia Ayers of Haverhill, married lO Sept., 1770. They all rest in Harmony Cemetery. A slate tablet thus records Mehitable's memory: ERECTED In Memory of Mr*" Mehitabel the wife of M'' Nathaniel Perley who Died February the 19th 1770 in the 39^'^ year of her Age. About the time of his marriage he built his house in Boxford, where Mrs. A. N. Harrington's now is. The house was burnt in the spring of 1882. His home farm contained more than a hundred acres. In 1775 he bought of a Jewett family a farm adjoining his, and soon after he owned the farm now the property of Joseph H. Janes. He gave to his son Nathaniel the buildings and land, in Hanover, N. H., "which were set off" to satisfy an execution against Jabez Bingham. He was a cooper by trade, and familiarly known as "Cooper Nat." His commodious shop stood at the corner of the Andover and Row- ley roads, near his dwelling. After him it became a tenement house. Land speculation was then attractive as now if not so extensive. Mr. Perley bought, 11 April, 1709, of John Berry, yeoman, and Eliza- beth Berry, widow, both of Ipswich, for ;!^5S 13s. 4d., several lots of land in Winchendon, that were drawn originally for the rights of Nathaniel Lord, Jonathan Jewett, Nathaniel Caldwell, Thomas Lufkin and Joseph Goodhue. — Registry, 01 : 344. He sold to Jona- than Smith, Paxton, yeoman, land in Winchendon, 24 Oct., 1771, for ^20. — Registry, 07: 418; to Samuel Denny of Leicester, gentleman, History and genealogy 73 two lots in Winchendon, 17 Jan., 1772, for ^44. — Registry, 67: 180; and to Jonathan Stimpson of Winchendon, two lots in same town, 17 Jan., 177o, for ^20; and to Joseph Stimpson of Winchendon, "home lot" so called, for ^'21, 17 Jan., 1778, 8 lots. — Registry, 77: 214. The inventory of his estate, made by Thomas Perley, Parker Spofford-32^ and Solomon Low, valued the home farm, fifty-eight acres, at $2242 ; a tract of meadow, pasture and woodland at the "old place," about eighty acres, at $1440; "a bible, 7r)c.," and his en- tire estate at $5885.99. He was very active at the time of the Revolution. He served on the town's committee of safety, in procuring soldiers and in ob- taining money to pay them. He was experienced in all the town offices. In 17t)9 he was a selectman and overseer, and in 1800 a member of the school board, and a tax collector in 1806. He was three years a constable, a field driver one, warden one, a tithing man two, a hogreeve six, a surveyor of highways ten, a fence viewer four, a moderator of town meetings one, a surveyor of lumber six. In old age he dressed in the fashion of his youth and he wore a small red cap. One day, to tease his little grandson then only three years old, he offered to put him into his pocket. The wrin- kled face, the bent form and the ancient garb so impressed the pliant mind of the boy, that the circumstance was vividly in his memory at the age of seventy-five years. He and his wife Mehitable joined the First Church, Boxford, 14 March, 1762, when two children were baptised and where the others were afterwards. 1 Perley children: Amos-95, Jesse-96, Nathaniel-97, Francis'-, Mehitable^ 01ive^ Lois-98, IsraeP, Artemas Ward-99. 2 Francis^ was born 15 April, 1765. John Chapman, Jr., and himself went a-fishing on Hood's Pond, 28 May, 1798, when Francis in casting anchor, about twenty rods from the western shore, cap- sized the boat, to which John clung for rescue, but Francis, trusting to his skill in swimming, was drowned. Major Asa, in his seventy- sixth year, heard the outcries and went to the shore. He swam to the boat, but the anchor held too strongly. He swam to the shore, and with others who had arrived converted a barn-door into a raft and John was rescued. Francis was in the water two hours. The Salem Gazette reads : "He was a man of strict integrity, had the universal esteem of his acquaintances, whose united testimony of his worth will sufficiently embalm his memory." He was not married. The improvised raft was doubtless obtained at the home ( see map on next page) "within a hundred feet of the western end of the pond, and known since 1712 as the Hood estate, which is now the resi- dence of S. D. Hood, Esq. 8 Mehitable' was born 9 April, 1767, and died 28 Oct., 1887. She was married 27 June, 1798, to Capt. Ancill Stickney, who was born 8 June, 1762, to Jedediah and Peggy-Tyler Stickney of Boxford, and died 27 March, 1835. Their home was in East Boxford and the house was recently standing on its original site in the woods in front of Capt. Samuel Kimball's. Capt. Stickney was a prominent townsman ; he held the office of treasurer for many years. His widow bequeathed, by her will, dated 19 Sept., 1885, and proved in HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 75 Nov., 1.S37, her personal estate that remained, to aid in building a meeting" house. The First Church edifice was erected soon after. 4 Olive^ was born 1(5 April, 1769. She married 16 April, 1794, Enoch Wood, who was born 21 Oct., 1759, in Boxford, to Jonathan and Sarah-Redington Wood-82'*. They removed to Hallowell, Me., and settled there. Israel^ was born 4 Dec, 1778, and died unmar- ried. FAMILY 47: NOURSE. LINKAL DESCENT -ALLAN-1, .JOHN-2, THOMAS-9, AMOS-20. EUNICE PERLEY was born in Boxford 24 May, 1739, and died in Georgetown 19 June, 1822. She married Daniel Nourse, 9 Aug., 1759. Their home was Boxford till 1790, when they removed to "The Village," Ipswich. They were admitted to the First Church, Boxford, 4 Oct., 1772. He was ensign in the militia for many years. 1 Nourse children: Betty", Eunice^ twins'-, son'-, Lucy-, DanieP, Sally'^ Hannah^, Huldah^ John"^, Fanny\ 2 Betty' was born 21 March, 1760, and "lived to the age of 21." Twins^ born 1764, and son\ 1766, died young. John\ born 20 April, 1776, died about the time of his majority from an accident with a scythe. Lucy' was born 24 Feb., 1768, and married Josiah Fletcher of Chelmsford, 7 March, 1792. o Eunice' was born 21 Dec, 1762, married 13 Nov., 1792, Jona- than Pearson, Jr., and removed to Newburyport. Sally' was born 1 April, 1772, and 2 Oct., 1792, became the second wife of Stephen Pearson of "The Village," who died 8 Aug., 1831, aged seventy years. By his first wife Ruthy Jewett, married 29 Sept., 1787, he had Betsey Little, born 3 May, 1788, and Sally, who died 7 Sept., 1830. Issue: Ruthy Jewett, born 7 Dec, 1793; Stephen, 28 June, 1796; Amasa, 20 Sept., 1798; John Nourse, 12 Jan., 1801; Sophia, 28 Jan., 1803; Mark, 24 July, 1807. 4 Daniel' was born 1 July, 1770, and died 21 Sept., 1840. He married 17 Aug., 1801, Hannah Jewett of Rowley, and occupied the parental home. He was a major in the militia. Issue: Harriet^ Hervey", Daniel Perley^ Luther^ Fanny'", Warren", Julia Ann, who was born 11 Feb., 1806, and died unmarried 15 Nov., 1855. 5 Hannah' and Huldah' were twins, born 21 March, 1 774. The former married 31 May, 1795, Aaron Jewett, Jr., of Ipswich; the latter 8 Feb., 1801, Jeremiah Jewett of Ipswich. Fanny' was born 22 Nov., 1778, and 25 Feb., 3 806, married David Payson of Rowley. 6 Harriet^ was born 22 Dec, 1801, and died 22 June, 1832. She married 7 March, 1822, John Potter of Ipswich. They resided at "The City" in Topsfield. Their well is said to be on the boundary line between the two towns, and he often asked thirsty travelers, if they would have Ipswich or Topsfield water. John and his son Albert E. were drowned in Ipswich Hundreds, 30 Aug., 1850, aged 76 THE PERLEY FAMILY respectively fifty-two and eight years. John Hervey Potter of Tops- field, housewright, who has been selectman, overseer, assessor, member of the school board, and representative to the State Legisla- ture, was Harriet's son. [Mr. Potter's second wife was Mehitable Wilds. Nathaniel Pot- ter, a teamster, born Oct., 1S85, in Topsfield, and died 4 Aug., 1882, in Plaistow, N. H., married Mary, daughter of Mr. Mack, a blacksmith, probably in Kingston, N. H., was her son, whose chil- dren are Albert Edward, born 15 April, 1864, married and lives at Wenham Depot; Harriet Hale, born 20 April, 18(57, married and lives at Georgetown; Nathaniel, born 17 Oct., 18fcl8, lives at George- town, unmarried; Addie, born 28 Oct., 1872, married and lives in Tops- field; Charles Hurst, born 81 July, 1875, was for four years in the State militia, in which he reached the position of sergeant, and served one year in Cuba in the Spanish War as a corporal, married 15 July, 1908, Miss P'lorence Elmina Bryant of Ipswich, daughter of Dennis and Susan-Armstrong Bryant of Peabody, is a carpenter and lives in Ipswich; Alice, who was born 17 Jan., 1870, in Ipswich, married 27 March, 1888, at Rowley, John Harrison Tenney, a farmer, music composer and publisher, and a deacon in the Line- brook church, born 22 Nov., 1840, to John, a farmer, and Sally Lummus-Chapman Tenney, and has these children born in Rowley: Miriam, 22 April, 1890; PIsther Louise, 11 May, 1894; Harrison Edmund, 25 June, 1901. Mehitable's daughter, Mary Jane, died 14 Oct., 1851, aged four years and five months. They buried, also, two infant daughters.] 7 Hervey* was born 20 July, 1804, and spent his life upon the parental homestead. He never married. He exclaimed near the end of his life, "I never have called a physician for myself." He died, Saturday morning, 12 Aug., 1899. "His physical activity con- tinued for four score years, his mental faculties until a recent peri- od. He developed and maintained a very considerable strength of character, was straightforward, owed no man anything, and was content with his farm. He was long a member of the Baptist church in Rowley, which he remembered while living with a por- tion of his frugal estate. In his extreme age he was faithfully cared for by his nephew, John W. Nourse"." "Within certain lines, his activities were constant, his faculties and judgment good. He was wanting in that general and pervasive sympathy that draws a man into public life. His reading was most- ly of one book — the Bible ; he took little interest in politics or in the thousand and one alien things that occupy our minds for a brief space, only to give place the next day to a new set of events. His memory has kept in a narrow channel a surprising number of circumstances, — especially of dates relating to matters within the circle of his attention, and seemed sometimes like a revelation of new possibilities in human nature. Such politics as he had he took 'straight,' refusing once to vote for his own nephew, who was es- pecially dear to him, because he would 'not vote for a Democrat.' " Mr. Nourse was a man whom his acquaintances were always glad to meet. All his long life has been spent in the quiet of the little vil- lage, the peace and strength of whose overshadowing hills seem to HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 77 have entered into his own personaHty. 'The old guard dies; it never surrenders.' He has dropped the perishable things of life at the end of his earthly pilgrimage, and kept its substance in a renewed spirit, and in a good name that is better than riches." -S Daniel P.' was born 14 Nov., 1807, and died 31 July, 1884. He married, 8 Feb., 1882, Sarah South wick, daughter of William of Dan vers, or (as now) Peabody. She was born 28 March, 1818, and died 21 Dec, 1890. Their home was Ipswich, and his trade was housewright. Issue: Daniel t^lliott, born 2(5 Nov., 1834, died 20 Jan., 1904, married 4 Sept., 18,52, Margaret Berry of Salem, lived in Lynn, and has had children, John Elliott, born 81 July and died 9 Aug., 1853; Eva, born 18, and died 28, March, 1856; 'and Arthur Brooks, born 11 March, lS57, and married Annie Peoples, 1 Jan., 1885, having children, Elliott Perley, born 4 Oct., 1855, and died 21 Sept., 188(), and Plossie Ra)% born 17 Jan., 1889; vSusan Elizabeth, born 17 July, 1888, and died 22 Dec, 1840; John Hervey, born 12 Dec, 1841, had wife Annie Andrews, and died 27 Dec, 1872, leav- ing no issue; George Warren, born 26 Aug., and died 11 Sept., 1844; Sarah Sophia, born 2 Oct., 1S45, now and many years chief clerk in the dry goods store of Walter E. Lord-llO'-'^; Susan Sanger, born 14 Dec, 1S47, and died 28 Sept., 1848; Francis Perley, born 9 June, 1S50, died 16 Oct., 1876, married 24 July, 1871, Lottie Delano of Swampscott, and had Perley and Hervey, who both died young, and Mabelle, born 6 Sept., 1875, a graduate of the Ipswich High School, at the age of sixteen ; Albert Brooks, born 6 Dec, and died 26 Aug., 1852. 9 Luther"' was born 5 Nov., 1 809, and died, in Ipswich, 26 Nov., 1897. He married 8 Dec, 1885, Elizabeth Todd of Rowley, who was born 1 April, 1810, to Benjamin and Abigail, and died 28 March, 1880. He was a farmer, and we believe a "49-er" in Cali- fornia. Issue: Caroline Elizabeth, born 11 May, 1889, and married 21 May, 18S0, David Pickard, Jr., who was born 2 Oct., 1840, to David and Maria-Knapp Pickard, and died 5 March, 1892, leaving issue: Hallett Dole, born 12 Nov., 1880; and Luther Calvin (and a male twin that did not survive the hour ) born 81 May, 1848, mar- ried Mary Ann Newmarch, June, 18t)S, resides in Newburyport, having children born: Fred Gardner, 14 Dec, 1868; Ethlyn, 22 March, 1874; Cora, 24 Feb., 1878; PT'ank, 30 March, 1881; Barker Burnham, 2 Jan., 1888; Chester, 12 Aug., 1887. He is a meat cut- ter by trade, but has been variously employed. 10 P'anny* was born 1 March, I8l8, and died 8 Oct., 1886. She married 11 May, 1S81, Daniel Boynton of Rowley, who was born to Eben and Jane-Todd Boynton, 80 May, 1805. He was a farmer and general merchant in farm products, and lived in "The Village," where he died 8 April, 1891, at the age of eighty-five years, ten months, four days. Issue: Daniel Perley, born 12 July, 1882, and died 4 Aug... 1 850 ; Charles, born 2 Aug., 1884; Warren'-; Harriet F"rances, born 14 July, 1838, and married 25 Feb., 1867, Daniel Merrill, Jr., of Rowley; Hannah Nourse, born 26 Nov., 1840, mar- ried 18 March, 1868, Daniel Smith Appleton, born to Benjamin Dexter and Harriet-Bishop Appleton, 27 May, 1840, and had issue: Harriet Elizabeth", born 15 March, 1864; Fannie Etta, born 30 78 THE PERLEY FAMILY Sept., 1865; Benjamin Dexter, born 30 Sept., 1870,— these in Row- ley; Charles Warren, born 20 Aug., 1878; Augusta Newell, born 12 Aug., 1880; Hepsie, born 16 April, and died in Dec, 1884, — these in Ipswich. 11 Warren"* was born 23 Jan., 1816, and died 27 April, 1896. He married 3 Dec, 1843, Mary Ann Scott, born, Saturday, 21 Nov., 1818, to Nathaniel-88-. She died of pneumonia, Monday, 9 April, 1900. The local journal in a notice of her said: "In disposition amiable, in character irreproachable, in life quiet, Christ-like and consistent, it may truthfully be said of her, 'Blessed are the pure in heart.' She was a woman of most attractive personal appearance, which was made still more beautiful by the graces of mind and heart with which she was endowed. In her girlhood days she united with the Methodist church, for which she always retained a deep love." Issue: John Warren, born 12 July, 1846, graduated at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Ct., 1878, and settled, as civil engineer and farmer, upon the ancestral estate in "The Village." He was efficient in establishing the water system of the town, and has been many years a valuable member of the school board. He married 11 Feb., 18S5, Mary Foster Wade, who was born 12 Feb., 1846, to F"rancis H. and Eliza A. -Grant Wade of Ipswich, and died 2 Nov., 1895. Miss Wade was a school teacher many years, schol- arly in her tastes, "a very attractive spirit," and esteemed for her sterling worth. She taught nineteen years in Montreal, Canada, mostly in "Saybrook Hall," opposite the Windsor Hotel. The building was subsequently purchased by the Young Women's Christian Association, and remodeled for their use. Many of the former pupils were interested in the project, and at their suggestion one of the halls was called "The Mary Wade Hall" and furnished with memorials of her. Her only child was a son, born and died 29 Oct., 1885. He married, second. Miss Harriet Elizabeth Appleton"' 31 Aug., 1901. They have two children, Mary Appleton, born 1 July, 1902, and Frances, born 26 Feb., 1904. 12 Warren^" was born 17 July, 1836. He married 12 June, 1859, Elizabeth Baker Lord of Ipswich, and had Boynton issue: Lizzie M., born 1 Oct., I860, and died aged 4 months; W. Howard, born 9 Sept., 1862, and died 19 Dec, 1^76; Martha L., died 14 Aug., 1866, aged one year. Mr. Boynton in 1898 represented his native district in the Lesrislature. FAMILY 48: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT- ALLAX-l, SAMUEL-3, SAAirKI.-l'.', DAA"It)-J7. JOHN PERLEY was born in Rowley, 7 or 1 April, 1737. He married 21 Sept., 1767, Lydia Perley-40' of Boxford, who was mother of all his children. She was born 13 May, 1741, and died of scarlet fever and throat distemper 10 Aug., 1804. His second wife, published 25 Oct., 1805, was widow Phebe Cheny of Rowley. She died, about five years after the marriage, of lethargy, or apoplexy, 5 June, 1811. His third and last wife was Hannah40\ a sister of I I HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 79 his first wife, and widow of Daniel Clark-82 of Georgetown, whom he married 22 Nov., 1814, in Rowley. Mr. Perley died in Rowley, Saturday, 30 Nov., 1822, at the age of eighty-five years. He and his first wife Lydia owned the covenant of the Linebrook church, and had their daughter Lydia baptised there, 18 Dec, 1768. There the rest of their children were baptised. Mr. Perley was a member of the Linebrook Company of militia and Minute Men, and, under command of Capt. Abraham How, marched to the battle of Lexington, on the ever memorable morn- ing of the 19th of April, 1775. He marched eighty miles and was from home two days. Mr. Perley lived centrally from the present villages of Boxford, Georgetown and Rowley, and was too remote to participate much in town affairs. Like his lineal ancestry, he cared little for public office. He gave his efforts to the cultivation of his extensive farm, and by a happy life and frugality accumulated a property valued, in 1781, at ;^822. His home was his parental home and made his by his father's will. There all his children were born. SACRED To the memory of JOHN PERLEY Died Nov. 30, 1822, Mt. 85. A tender husband, a father dear, A much lamented friend lies here: When Christ returns to call him forth, The rising day will show his worth. Sacred To the memory of LYDIA Wife of JOHN PERLEY Died Aug. 10, 1804 yEt. 62. Behold and see, as you pass by, As you are now so once was I; As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death, and follow me. 1 Perley children: Lydia'-, Samuel-100, Lucy-lOl, David-102, Moses-103, John-104. 2 Lydia' was born 29 Sept., 1768. She married 22 Nov., 1791, Thomas Dickinson of Rowley. She died 12 Aug., 1803. A child Perley lived in Hill, N. H. FAMILY 49: TENNEY. LIXEAL DESCKNT— AI.LAN-1, SAMUEL-3, SAMUEL-1'2, l)AVID-27. ABIGAIL PERLEY was born 13 May, 1739, in Rowley, where she died 13 Dec, 1813. She married 30 March, 1762, Richard Ten- ney, born to William and Mehitable-Pearson Tenney of Rowley, 20 80 THE PERLEY FAMILY Oct., 1736, and died 28 Jan., 1802. He served on a committee "to hire one lieutenant and nine privates, on as reasonable terms as they can & to giv^e advance pay if best." . 1 Tenney children: Sarah'-, Elizabeth-, David'', Richard'', Wil- liam'-, Perley-, Amos Jewettl 2 Sarah^ was born 10 Jan., 1768, and died 24 Oct., 1888; Eliza- beths 20 June, 1764, and died 25 Oct., 1848; William^ 12 Jan., 1771, and was an M. D. in Loudon, N. H.; Perley', 14 June, 1773, married 8 Jan., 1802, Maria Ingalls, was merchant in Newburyport, and had Susanna, Sarah Perley and A. Maria. 8 David' was born 28 Eeb., 1776, and died 9 April, 1826. His first wife was Abigail Spofford, born 24 Jan., 1760, in Georgetown, to Col. Daniel and Judith-P"ollansbee Spofford. His second wife was Judith, married 7 March, 1798, lived in Rowley, and died 11 July, 1831, and had born Sarah, 5 April, ll>^~ \ David Barnard''; Moody, 8 (and died 2S) March, 1794; David, 8 Oct., J 795; Nabby, 15 Jan., 1797; Parmelia, 18 March, 1798; Richard, 1 March, 1802,- who by his second wife, Hannah Casy (sister of his first wife, So- phronia) married, 8 Oct., 1827, had ten children, of whom Sarah P^liz- abeth, the' eldest, born 6 Jan., 1829, married, 25 Oct., 1847, Luther Dame of Newburyport, a real estate agent, born in Kittery, Me., .8 March, 1826,, four, of whose children died young, leaving Percy Litch- field, bank teller, born 18 Dec, 18,59, Wm. Pinkney, born 20 Jan., 1864, and Jessie Green, teacher of violin, born 1 P^eb., 1870; Daniel Spofford, 25 Sept., 1805. 4 Richard' was born 9 Sept., 176S, and 6 Dec, 1790, married Ruth Ingalls, and had three children: Daniel Ingalls, born 2 May, 1800, who, upon the deat;h of his brother William, became sole man- ager of the jewelry store of that day in New York City, who was of the "Astor House P^amily," of which Daniel Webster was a mem- ber, who made frequent gifts to his native town — one "a fine bronze statue of W'ashington," and 'who died 28 Nov., 1881; William, born 22 Feb., 1806; and PHizabeth, who married a Hanford and died in 1872, leaving a bequest of $5000 to the Society for Aiding Aged 1^'e- males in Newburyport. 5- Amos Jewett" was born 27 May, 1777, and died 1 Aug., 1840. His first wife was Lucy Spofford, who was born 29 April, 1780, and died 2 May, 1883. His second wife Apphia, was sister to Dr. Jere- miah Spofford of Groveland, who died 12 Feb., 1879, aged sixty- two years. He was extensively engaged in shoe manufacture in Georgetown, in which his son and grandson, George J. and Milton G., are his successors. He was an exemplary citizen. A beautiful fam- ily monument marks his tomb. Issue: Charles Spofford"; George Jewett"; Milton, born 7 P^eb., 1807, and died 1 Jan., 1814; Richard"; Lucy Harriet, born 1 May, 1812; Harriet Braman, born 7 Nov., 1821, and died 22 Jan., 1888. 6 David Barnard'^ was born 14 July, 1791 ; his wife's name was Hannah; their home was Salem. Issue: Orlando Barnard'"; live- line Matilda, born 1819; Putnam P^arnham, born 1821 ; Rosman Lit- tle, born 1828; David Barnard, born 1^26, city clerk, Haverhill. 7 Charles Spofford'^ was born 25 Oct., 1802. He married, first, 23 Oct., 1828, Elizabeth Nelson^ who was born to Stephen M. and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 81 Apphia-Lambert Nelson, 11 May, 1, UAVID-L'T. RUTH PERLEY was born 2 Sept., 1747, and 8 Sept., 17H7, ti married Philemon F"oster, born to Jonathan and Jemima-Cummings F^oster, in Ip.swich, 1 1 June, 1737. He was a farmer, and many : years a deacon in the Linebrook church. Their tombstone reads: ■' In memory of j Dea. PHILEMON FOSTER, i who died ; May 10, 1818; " aged 82. and RUTH his wife ji who died j April 10. 1834; I aged 87. j Ifeatler, be ye also ready. I 1 Foster children : Dudley-, Sarah", Philemon-, Ruth'-, Dorcas", ] Philemon^ Ruth\ P:iizabeth". 2 Dudley' was born 13 March, 17t>8, and died 20 July, 1775; Sa- I rah' was born 30 July, 1770, but is not remembered by the older ( generation now living, and probably died young; Philemon' was ' born 24 July, 1773, and died 14 July, 1776; Ruth' was born 26 July, * 1775, and died young. Dudley's death and Ruth's birth occurred I on the same day(.'') Should not the record "Dorcas Foster died 30 j Aug., 1791", read "Dudley" Foster, etc..-' I 3 Dorcas' was born 27 June, 1776, and 2 July, 1800, married Daniel Ellsworth of Rowley, a farmer and shoemaker in Linebrook Parish, and son of Eunice-Tenney and Jonathan Ellsworth, a tan- ner. He died 22 Dec, 1849, aged eighty-three years; she 19 Jan., 1866, aged eighty-nine years, seven months. P211sworth issue: Hiram"; Jeremiah*; Elbridge-'; Daniel'"; Dorcas, who was born 13 Dec, 1817, and died of consumption, 16 Aug., 1836. 4 Philemon' was born 5 Feb., 1779, and died 26 Nov., 1845. His wife, published 19 Jan., 1800, was Nabby Hobbs, a native of Tops- field, who died of cancer, 22 Sept., 1857, aged seventy-eight years. He was a farmer in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich. Foster issue: Abi- gail (or Nabby)"; Philemon Cummings'-; Sarah^''; David'''; Lucy Hobbs'*; Lydia Burpee'"; Gorham Parsons'"; Almira Parsons, born s Jan., 1S21, and now living in Ipswich; and Cyrus'l 5 Ruth' was born 30 Aug., 1781. Her husband, published 13 Nov., 1801, was William Conant, Jr., Esq., who was familiarly called "Squire Bill'"'. They settled in Linebrook Parish, where he was a farmer, justice of the peace, drawer of legal papers, many years selectman, assessor and overseer, a substantial, practical citizen, a 84 THE PERLEY FAMILY pillar in society and town. His wife was a woman of practical piety. She was at one time the only member of the local church. Between 1816 and 1824, she wrote many religious letters to her neighbors and others, and in 1831 published a sixty-page pamphlet of them. She was a good letter-writer; her diction was attractive, and her sentiments, though partaking of the old orthodoxy, were tenderly importunate. Her father, son and son-in-law were dea- cons. Thus their tomb : WILLIAM CONANT ESO. DIED Nov. 19, 1858 /Et 86 yrs. 4 m's. RUTH, his wife died April la, 1859, /Et 77 yrs. 6 m's. "Blessed are the deail wlui die in the Lrird." Conant issue: William F'oster-^O'i ; Gilbert'"; Daniel^'; Elizabeth, born 14 May, 1809, and died 19 Feb., 1810; Cyrus, baptised 14 April, 1811, and died 5 July, I8l9, aged eight years, four months; Elizabeth, baptised 15 Feb., 1815, and died 10 Feb., 1817, aged two years, twenty days ; Harriet Atwood-'; Eleanor Emerson'"^*; Abigail Tenney, born 7 June, 1825, and died 8 Jan., 1844. 6 F!lizabeth' was born 26 March, 1784 or 5, and died, read the town records, 2 Oct., 1844, aged fifty-nine years, six months, six days. Her husband, published 9 April, 1808, was William Conant, o'^ born in 178;'), to Moses, a farmer, and Mary-Wildes Conant of Ipswich, and died 4 July, 185L He was familiar)}' called "Little Bill", to distinguish him from "Squire Bill"''. He was a farmer and cultivated parental acres, in Ipswich — Linebrook. Conant issue: Calvin, born 21 Feb., 1809, and died 28 July, 184:}, aged thirty-four years; Ruth'''; Elizabeth"-"; Lois, who died 22 Oct., l8:-}4, aged fif- teen years; Eunice Cummings'". 7 Hiram'' was born 22 Oct., 1801, and died in Ipswich, 17 Oct., 1859. He married in Hamilton, Mass., 19 Oct., 1884, Lois Bean, born in Waterboro, Me., 19 Dec, 1805, to Micajah and Eunice-Pike Bean. Her father was born at Brentwood, N. H., 10 May, 1776, and became a farmer; her mother, at Waterboro, 15 May, 1779, and died at Tuftonboro, N. H., 5 Aug., 1863. Mrs. Ellsworth died in Linebrook, without children, 31 Dec, 1886; Mr. Ellsworth was a farmer — an excellent man, neighbor and citizen. 8 Jeremiah'' was born 16 May, 1803, and died 28 Oct., 1886. He was a shoemaker and a farmer. He married 14 Oct., 1828, in Ips- wich (published 13 Sept.,) Olive P'oster Chapman, born 12 Dec, l'^06, to Joseph and Mary-Lummus Chapman of Linebrook, and died in Rowley 17 Sept., 1861. His second wife, married 1 Jan., 1863, was his first wife's sister, Mrs. Abigail-Chapman Weed, born 16 Nov., 1808, and died 3 Jan., 1894, in Georgetown, without issue. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY H5 Mr. Ellsworth was a tall, muscular man, of strictest probity, an exemplary citizen. 9 Elbridge* was born 20 Sept., \^0b. He married 16 Oct., (publi-shed 22 Sept.,) 1S32, Mary C. Brown, and had one child Mrs. Joshua Appleton, who died 14 June, 1902, aged sixty-eight years, ten months, in Hamilton. Says Deacon Tenney-47": "He was admitted to the Linebrook church, 1S8], a man of unusual intellectual powers of great force of character, of great energy and determination, ac- tive and aggressive, eloquent in exhortation, fervent in prayer, a life fully consecrated, and became a leader. In a few years he removed to Hamilton, where he died in l-'^73. He was a man of large ph)- sique, and with his immense unshaven beard would have been a mag- nificent model for a painting of one of the old Jewish patriarchs." 10 Daniel'^ was born 13 Jan., IHO'^. He was a farmer in Line- brook for many years. He often served the parish in official sta- tion; himself. Deacon Potter" and Mr. Perley-375 were a committee to agree with Rev. Alvah M. Richardson as pastor of the church. He was a plea.sant man to meet in conversation, a kind neighbor, a substantial citizen and a Christian gentleman. He sold his farm and removed to Boston, where he was in the shoe business and where he died 11 March, 1S83. He married. Rev. Moses Welch officiating, 11 May, 1S43, in Linebrook, Elizabeth Cynthia Andrews, born in Linebrook 23 July, 1824, to Eunice-Kneeland and Joseph Andrews, a farmer. She died 15 Oct., 1883, in Boston. Each of the family was a member of the local church, and one of its stable pil- lars. Mrs. Ellsworth was a teacher before marriage. Their only child, Edna Elizabeth, was born 18 Nov., 1844, in Linebrook. She married, in same place, 17 Nov., 1869, Orrin Gayton Mooar, who was born 3 Oct., 1846, to Mary Ann-Conant (sister to Elias C.'"') and John Mooar, a shoemaker. He was educated at Dummer Academy, and was a successful merchant in shoes and general foot- wear in Boston, and was prominent in church and business circles. He died 21 Oct., 1889. Mooar issue: Roy Ellsworth, born 22 Dec, 1870, graduated at Boston University, College of Liberal Arts, 1895, and taught in high schools and academies; Mary Gertrude, born 14 May, 1873. 11 Abigail (or Nabby) was born 6 Nov., 1802, and died in Box- ford 13 July, 1881. She married 2 Sept., 1828, Albert Brown, who was born in West Newbury, 6 July, 1803, to John, a comb-maker, and Sarah-Noyes Brown, died in Lynn, 23 Jan., 1892, and was buried in Boxford. Mr. Brown was a shoemaker, and lived most of his life in Linebrook. Mr. Brown's father John was some time Turnpike toll-gatherer in Linebrook. Brown issue : Lavinia Fos- ter, born 8 Jan., 1829, and married Andrews; Eliza Cleaveland, born 19 Oct., 1831, and married Jayncs; Ruth Emily-194; Sophia Dodge, born 22 Jan., 1835, and married, first, 8 May, 1856, John E. Ellsworth, son of Simon and Hannah, and second, a Nichols; Luther Chaplin, born 28 Jan., 1837, and died in Lynn, unmarried, a patriot veteran soldier; Hannah Almira, born 11 Jan., 1843, and married a Kneeland. 12 Philemon Cummings" was born 23 March, 1805. His first wife was P^liza Jane Felton of Salem, published 13 Oct., 1832. She go THE PERLEY FAMILV died the mother of two children, 14 Oct., 1837, in Ipswich. His second wife was Hannah Fickard, born to David and Hannah-Spil- ler Pickard of Rowley, Dec, 182U, married H Oct., 1839, and is now living with her son David in Rowley. He was a farmer and shoemaker, and many years a Turnpike toll-gatherer. He died in Georgetown 1 Sept., l8Hj. Foster issue: Eliza Mary'-"; Walter Cummings'-'; Richard RusselP^ Hannah Angelia'-'^; Benjamin Frank- lin'' ; David Philemon, a shoemaker, born lil Nov., 18;');;, living un- married in Rowley. lo Sarah^ was born "24 F'eb., 1807, and 15 Dec, 18*27, married Daniel I'roctor Pingree, born 7 March, 1807, in l^ridgewater, N. H., and died in Linebrook, 13 Nov., 1S8S. She died 27 Aug., 1888. They were born the same year; they died the same year. He was a shoemaker. Pingree issue: Melinda'"; Mary Abigail-oOf); David Philemon, born 27 June, 1883, in Rowley, and died 1 May, 1^38; Da- vid MighilP'; Lydia Pllizabeth*'. 14 David' was born 23 Aug., 1809, and died 4 Sept., 1892, in Ipswich. He married 31 July, 1831, Angelina Webster Pingree, (a sister to D. Proctor) who was born 21 Feb., 1810, and died 12 Jan., 1877, in Ipswich. His second wife, married ;') Sept., issi, when .she was thirty-nine years old and he seventy-one, was Nancy M. Allen of South Sudbury, Mass., widow of Tibbetts of Ipswich. She lived last in Beverly. Mr. Foster was a farmer and trader. He was early an officer in the militia, under Gen. Solomon Low, for whom he named a son. Foster issue: Elizabeth Bixby'"; Angelina Abbie, born 5 May, 1834, and now living in Ipswich unmarried; Solomon Low'-'; Olive Jane*'; David Calvin, born 28 March, 1846, and died 12 Sept., 1848; Eleanor Augusta, born <> May, 1850, and living unmar- ried in Ipswich; Cynthia Phillips^'. 15 Lucy H.' was born 4 Dec, 1^11. She married 18 Oct., 1832, Joseph Conant-' (brother to Alvin T.) born (5 Nov., 1811, and died 20 Oct., 1885. She died 12 Nov., 18S6. He was a farmer and shoe- maker in Linebrook, without issue. The local new.spaper says of him: "He was a quiet man, a good, obliging, social and esteemed neighbor. In his manhood's prime he was identified with parish affairs, serving it in various capacities. He was one of the proprie- tors of the church edifice, and assisted very materially in its erec- tion. His active life earned him a comfortable property, and his so- briety and kindness a good name." Ui Lydia B.' was born 25 June, 1815, and died in Danvers, 20 April, 1891. She married 5 July, 1888, Trowbridge Curtis Taylor, born in Holliston, Mass., 1(3 Oct., 1812. "Before the war of the Rebellion," reads the Salem Observer, "he worked at his trade of shoemaking. He enlisted 1 Oct., 18G1, and went to the front in Co., A, 28"* Infantry, as a musician. He ser\'ed his time or till dis- charged, from which time he has not been a well man. He was a merited pensioner. Many of his early years were spent in Line- brook, and while the old-fashioned church orchestra consisted of viols, flute and clarionet, Mr. Taylor was for many years conspicu- ous in it. He served the little church long and well, and to show their appreciation of his excellent service the society presented him with a fine-toned flute costing about ^40. He was an excellent HISTORY AND GENEALOUY gy player, and could hustle a dance or draw a psalm with the best of them. He was a good man, neighbor and friend. He died in Ips- wich, at the home of his grandson Arthur W. Conant, 15 Aug., i lS9;-3, and was buried at the side of his wife in Danvers." Taylor issue: Sarah Maria'** and Everett, born in Sept., 1850. J 17 Gorham P.-* was born 15 March, 1818, and died 5 Nov., 1851. . He married, 21 Nov., 1848, his cousin, Mary Foster, born 25 Dec, 1827, to Simon and Mary-Perkins Foster of Linebrook. Simon mar- ried Mary Perkins, 10 Oct., 1814, and Eunice Perkins, l(j Oct., 1827. Gorham was a farmer and shoemaker. His widow became the second wife of Asa Lord, Jr., of Ipswich, and after Mr. Lord's death, she married Edward Plouff, Senior, of the same town. She was thrice widowed, and is now ( 1903 ) living in Ipswich. Mr. [• Plouff bought "the old Heard distillery", and converting it into a tannery, did a good business till near the close of the War of the Rebellion, when he retired. Foster issue: Mary Jane, born 14 Oct., I 1845, and died 28 (town records, 2) Nov., 1847; Lewis Philemon, ; born 17 June, 1848, and died 1(5 March, 1806; Gorham, born 28 March, 1851, and died 25 March, 1880, by the caving in of earth , upon him, in Leadville, Col. ! 18 Cyrus' was born 27 July, 1828, and died 8 March, 1898, in Ipswich. He married 9 Aug., 1858, Martha Mary Potter, who was I born 8 April, 1880, to Asa and Susan Hadley-Johnson Potter of I "The Village", Ipswich. He was a farmer. He served two years i as a patriot soldier, and was discharged for disability. Foster issue, 1 born in Ipswich except the first : Cyrus Edwin, born in George- I town, 12 Oct., 1854, a watch-case manufacturer in Bo.ston, married 8 Sept., 1880, Isabelle Love Mclntire, and have no children; Martha Jane, born 11 July, 1858, and fore-lady in Pray's carpet store, in Boston, unmarried; Susan P^liza, born 25 Dec, 1861, married :> Dec, 1890, P>ed. Everett Worthington, a jeweler in Beverly, Mass., having no issue; Almira Parsons, born 2 May, 1865, married 20 May, 1895, Forest Almyr Dow, shoemaker, Beverly, born 14 July, 1857, to Mary-Dow and Lewis Dow, a farmer of Pittsfield, N. H., having issue: Martha Pearl, born 18 Nov., 1895, and Ruth Lillian, born 27 Dec, 1897; Lillian Cornelia, born 29 April, 1869, married 26 Oct., 1897, Julian Augustus Fogg, manufacturing jeweler and engraver, Boston, now retired to his farm in Hampstead, N. H., born 18 Nov., 1889, to Leah Partington and P'rederick Livesly Peter Fogg of Stockport, Cheshire, Eng. 19 Gilbert' was born 1 Aug., 1804, and died 21 March, 1885, in Ipswich. He was a school teacher, surveyor, farmer, timber mer- chant. He wrote for newspapers upon topics of agriculture and birds, and published a work on the birds of this section. He married 26 Oct., 1881, Lavinia Foster (sister to Irene'-") born 18 Jan., 1807, to Thomas and Hitty, and died 7 March, 1870, of dropsy. Conant issue: Gilbert Roger, born 19 Aug., 1882, and died 19 Oct., 1859, married 4 April, 1859, Mary Abigail Pingree-865, born 8 July, 1881, leaving posthumous child, Gilbert Roger, born 6 Jan., 1860, a black- smith and skillful horse-.shoer and residing married in Gloucester; Caroline Lavinia, born 9 Nov., 1884, residing, unmarried, in Boston. 20 DanieP was born 11 March, 1806, and died of lung fever, 18 88 THE PERLEY FAMILY Aug., 12, and mar- ried Frank A. Boyce, baggage master at Londonderry, N. H., son of Sarah J.-Melvin and Nelson Boyce 27 Aug., 1881; Alfred Sumner, 1 Dec, 1867; Cleaveland Augustus, 26 June, 1870; Nellie Miriam, 1 July, 1874. 39 Lucy E.-" was born 8 July, is:)5, and 17 Dec, 1><52, by Rev. David Tenney Kimball of Ipswich, was married to Amos J. Millett, born 1 June, 1832, to Joshua of Rowley. His early life was spent in Rowley; he was a shoemaker and farmer. When he settled in Georgetown a third of a century ago he learned the mason's trade and has pursued it since. He joined the Congregational church in Rowley at the age of sixteen, and was transferred to Georgetown, where he has been a deacon ten years or more and a long time on the standing" committee. Mrs. Millett is a member of the same church and has the while been active in its work. They celebrated the half-century of their marriage. Their children : Charles E., P^lizabeth Irene, who married a P'airbanks, and Ida, who died aged sixteen. Portraits of Deacon Millett and his wife are shown on the next page. 40 Caroline E.-^ was born 2 March, 1832, in Rowley, and died there 9 Oct., 1875 (Rev. B. H. Weston says 12 Nov., 1887). She married in New York City 6 Aug., 1850, Benjamin Scott Dodge, born 9 Jan., 1828, to Martha-Scott and Solomon, a miller of Rowley. Mr. Dodge was at one time engaged in a proprietary medicine trade, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 93 but ultimately disposed of his interest and returned to his farm. He has his second wife. Dodge issue: Ella F., born 2 Sept., 1855; Georgiana''; Rosabelle, 7 Oct., 1.S5S; Frederick F., 17 Jan., ISHO; Mandana Scott, May, l^Hi; Benjamin A., 2:5 Ian., lS«jH; Lizzie Belle, 19 Oct., lHtJ9. 41 Annie R."' was born 2»J Feb., 1S64, and died 27 Sept., 1884, two months after her marriage with Albert Sheridan Barker, 29 July, 1884. He was born 8 Oct., 1864, in Newburyport, to George, a har- ness maker, and Sarah Elizabeth-Titcomb Barker, now of Ipswich. Mr. Barker is a butcher on a wagon in Groveland, where he has a family. 42 Mary E."-* was born 29 Nov., 1860, in Rowley. She married Greenleaf B. Merrill, and has Greenleaf B., born 2 June, 1891. They resided, 1>^98, in Peabody, Mass. 43 Lorinda D.'-'' was born 26 Sept., 1870, and 12 Aug., 1896, mar- ried, in Rowley, Stephen Augustus Pedrick, M. D., born 12 Nov., ^i-^ ! . -^.-t--^-^ ^•^i::V^-!jJJN-Vj^^^':^^iS^^ DKACOX AMOS .1. MILLErr. MRS. I,n( V K. MILLETT. 1867, in Beverly, to Clarissa Susan-Ober and Richard P'rederic Pedrick, a shoe manufacturer. The doctor is in practice in Rowley. Pedrick issue: Woodbury, born 10 Jan., 1897, in Appleton, Me. 44 Palmer H.^^ was born i;> March, 1><66, and married 25 March, 1887, Nettie Loring Pierce, born 15 May, 1870, to Mary PZlizabeth- Schencks and George Washington Pierce of Ipswich. He was for many years foreman for Mrs. William G. Brown of Ipswich. Wiley issue: Bessie Merton, born 25 July, 1888; Annie Vera, born in July, 1898, and lived three months. 45 Georgiana* was born 30 Dec, 1856, in Rowley, where she mar- ried 11 March, 1875, Bartlett Hardy Weston, who was born in 94 THE PERLEY FAMILY Georgetown 24 Dec, 1840, to Caroline Matilda-Hardy and Flint Weston, a farmer. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College, was several years principal of the historic Atkinson Academy, and is a clergyman in Dunstable, Mass. Weston issue : Marion Dodge, born 10 March, 1884, and Ruth Vernon, born 25 April, 1892. FAMILY 52: PERLEY. LINEAL UESCENT— ALLAX-1, SAMUEL-S, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30. SAMUEL PERLEY was born 11 Aug., 1742, in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich. When he was twelve years old, 11 July, 1757, his father died. Abraham How of that parish was appointed his guar- dian. His boyhood was probably spent in his native parish. He was instructed in the family school of Rev. George Lesslie, pastor of the parish church. He entered Harvard College at the age of seven- teen years, and graduated there in 17H;i, under President Holyoke. He declined, it is said, a professorship there, and studied divinity with his old instructor, Rev. George Lesslie. These au- /^ Cyy ^>n tographs were written by ^^(Z^TTlU^^y ^(^^^^^ him forty years apart, the i y first in 1704, the second in ^^—-"'^^y 1804. His biography may be ^ ^ y'Oy'^ found in "American Biogra- 'Z*.^^*'*'*-^'^ ty ^^rt^^ phy." The site of his birth- ^ place is pictured in family 80. His first pulpit was at Seabrook, now by a change of the town line Hampton Falls, N. H. He gathered the church and established the Presbyterian faith. He was there ordained and installed, 31 Jan., 1765, when he was twenty-two years old. His old instructor, Rev. Mr. Lesslie, on the occasion preached the sermon, which was published. He was there ten years, during which the church was built as .shown herewith. He lived in the birthplace of Gov. Me- sheck Weare, called the "Boyd house," but now (1893) the "Stan- ley house." He was next settled over the church in Groton, then known as Cockermouth, Strafford County, N. H., which had been organized 12 March, 1777. He was installed there 8 Oct., 1778, but continued only a few months. He was ne.xt installed, 20 Oct., 1780, in Moul- tonboro, over the church that had been formed in 1779, a parish which he occupied but little more than three years. His next and last pastorate was over the Congregational church in Gray, Me., where he continued to reside till his death. He was installed 8 Sept., 1784, as their first minister. He retired from the ministry about 1791. As a preacher he has been very highly estimated. He led a company of volunteers to the battle of Bunker Hill, where he arrived quite too late to participate in the action. His fur- ther service was not needed and he returned home with his command. Mr. Perley was a man of good natural abilities, and he was pos- sessed of extensive learning for the times. His library was large HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 95 and embraced many valuable works, not only upon the subject of i theology, but of law and general knowledge, standard works of that period. He was tenacious of his opinions, and, we believe, had just ' enough egotism to give prominency to his talents. In his dress he was very plain ; he said he never wore rufifles but once, and that was when he received his diploma at college. Few men wrote more in that section up to the time that Simon Greenleaf, afterward professor in Harvard College, settled in Gray. In 1809, as well as before and after, he had considerable correspondence with John Adams, Presi- @ii saiitwi umu m mmmm^ si. i^. dent of the United States, upon current questions concerning the government and its condition and probable action in the trouble which had commenced with Great Britain. In the.se letters Mr. Perley betrays a familiar acquaintance with ancient and modern his- tory, a versatility of talent to be commended, and a patriotism worthy of being placed in the same rank as that of his renowned correspon- dent. In one of his letters to Mr. Adams, dated at Gray April 5, 1H09, after discountenancing the impressions that the "nefarious Governor Hutchinson," as he termed him, had occasioned, he closed his epistle as follows : "But, Honored Sir, the GOD of the armies of Israel was our shield, buckler, and salvation. He, with a touch of his fingers, at 96 THE PERLEY FAMILY ' Saratoga, and at Yorktovvn, in Virginia, laughed our enemies to scorn; the Almighty held them in derision, — Has not the God of Israel given us the best constitution (state and national) that he ever gave to any nation, or people, that ever inhabited this terraque- ous globe? Has he not prospered us be3'ond all other people? I think that the questions imperiously demand an affirmative answer. How is it then, that all of a sudden, our political horizon is complete- j ly covered with sable clouds, which seem to be impregnated with the wrath of Jehovah, and threatening us with the roaring of cannon and civil war throughout our political jurisdiction." "Sir, I am aba.shed; my soul sinks within me!! It seems to me, that our great political parties exert themselves as if it was not in j their power to bring destruction upon us so swift and sudden as ' they could wish. It seems to me, that I can see the exertions that took place in Athens, Macedon, and Sparta; that I can see the in- trigues that were in Rome, in the days of Nero and Caligula. Wc well know, in our United States, what it was that overthrew all the republics in the old world. Shall we not shun these Syllas, these Charibdises? "But Honored Sir, if I am mistaken as to the nature and tend- ency of our State and national constitutions; if I am mistaken as to Mr. Jefferson's administration, your correction of these errors, will be grateful to millions in the U. States of America. "I cannot believe, that you wish for the erection of a monarchy, in these United States, together with its concomitants; neither do I believe that you wi.sh for a Grecian democracy." In his answer to this letter, thirteen days later, Mr. Adams says: "I agree with you that our prosperity has been as great as that of any peoi)le that ever existed, and that our Massachusetts and National Constitutions are better than any that I have ever known or read, as long as they are administered by the People and their Representatives according to their spirit and true principles. How long this will be depends upon the people themselves. If the People and their Representatives sacrifice the characters and de- stroy the influence of the best, most enlightened, and most disinter- ested men by calumnies, and promote those who have neither hands nor hearts fit for their stations, and are actuated only by mo- tives of avarice and ambition, it will not be very long before our prosperity will be exchanged for calamity and our free institutions converted into tyrannies." Mr. Perley was the delegate from Gray to the convention held in Boston to ratify the Federal Constitution in 17H8. In this con- vention Mr. Perley was one of the majority that consented to its adoption. While the convention was in session, some one had the audacity to defame the character of Washington which tended to arouse the patriotic feeling of Mr. Perley, who, rising, made a spirited reply. He said he had an acquaintance with Roman and Grecian history, and he believed there was never since the creation of the HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 97 world a greater general than Washington, except Joshua, who was inspired by the Lord of Hosts over the armies of Israel." For some time Mr. Perley was the only physician in Gray, and for many years he did an extensive law and probate business, writ- ing deeds, wills, agreements, and doing the work of a justice of the peace. His first justice's commission is dated 14 Feb., he received it 3 April, he qualified before Hon. Robert Southgate and Samuel Freeman, Esqs., 11 April, 1804. His second commission was dated IS March, 1811, and his third 18 March, 1818. Thus he per- formed the office of lawyer, physician and clergyman with ability, and his name is yet revered and honored in the place of his use- fulness. Mr. Perley resided in the house which he built in Gray upon the " Parsonage," which was inherited by his twin sons Abraham and Isaac, and is now in possession of Isaac's sons Thomas H. and Washington, who with their brothers Isaac and Cephas W. possess about 550 acres, mostly contiguous. The original farm contained about 125 acres, which was somewhat encumbered, till, by the enter- prise of Joseph H. Perley of Portland,, the mortgage was lifted. Mr. Perley married, 21 May, 17tJ5, about four months after his first settlement, Miss Hephzibah Fowler, daughter of John and Mercy-Howe Fowler, of his native parish, and took her immediately to adorn his pastoral home. She was baptised 22 May, 1743, and was sister to Martha who married Allen Perley-42. She died in Gray, Friday, 28 Aug., 1818, at the age of seventy-five years. Her husband survived her till Sunday, 28 Nov., 1830, the eighty- ninth year of his age. Near his residence was an old oak tree in whose shade he used to pass much of his time during the summer season, and he requested that his remains might repose beneath its shade. His request was observed, but a brook that flowed fast by washed away the earth, and it was thought proper to remove the remains to the village cemetery, — which was done a few years since. A newspaper correspondent in Gray wrote con- cerning this incident : " I often sit under the same oak tree under which he used to sit and write. He requested to be buried there. It always reminds me of the 'old talking oak,' so beautifully spoken of by Tennyson. It stands upon a bank, at the foot of which runs a little brook whose liquid music you hear all the year. The little stream began to undermine the grand old oak, many of its roots were bare, and it was evident that in time the tree must fall. So the remains were taken to the vil- lage cemetery." A granite monument seven feet four inches in height marks his resting-place. The inscription upon the front tablet is as follows : Rev. Samuel Perley, Born Aug. 11, 1742, Died Nov. 28, 1830. The inclosure is ample for the interment of about thirty persons. The headstones are of Italian marble, and bear only the Christian 98 THE PERLEY FAMILY names of the persons reposing beneath. The dates of their deaths and their epitaphs are upon the monument. The monument was erected in 1878, by the brothers Cephas W., Washington and Thomas H., grandsons of Rev. Samuel, at a cost of from $1000 to $1500. One of his grandsons writes: "I was much indebted to my grandfather for my early instruction. He gave the impetus; he first taught me to articulate the sounds of ideas, and he it was who guided my infant steps in my first attempts to walk. His precepts and example will cling around my heart while memory endures." 1 Perley children: Samuel-105, Nathaniel-106, Phoebe", Sa- rah-107, Abraham-108, Isaac-109, Hannah'-^, Susannah-. 2 Phoebe' was born in Seabrook, 28 Sept., 1771. She married Abel Merrill of Gray, Me., and located in New Portland. He was a captain in the Light Infantry. They had one child Samuel. Hannah' was born 18 June, 1780, not of sound mind, died 9 March, 1840. Susannah' was born 11 Aug., 1782, married Thomas Han- cock of Otisfield, Me., and had Samuel, a farmer on the old home- stead ; Thomas, one of the most wealthy and influential citizens of Gray; Joseph. FAMILY 53: PERLEY. LINKAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-3(). JOHN PERLEY was born in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich, 22 Nov., 1743. He removed to Rowley shortly after 3 Jan., 1769, and there made his home. He was called captain. He might have been a sea captain, as a brother and son were. He married Lucy Hol- land, daughter of Joseph and Mary, in Linebrook, 2 May, 1765. She was born in Ipswich, where she was baptised 7 Jan., 1738. She died in Linebrook, 21 Feb., 1766. He married, second, Hannah Mighill of Rowley, 21 Sept., 1769. He was drowned, 28 Nov., 1811, at the age of sixty-eight years. His widow survived him only about ten months, dying 8 Sept., 1812, at the age of fifty-nine years. His first child was born in Linebrook, the other children in Rowley. Hannah's descent was honorable. Her father, born 1715, was Nathaniel Mighill, Esq., and her mother was Elizabeth Appleton, daughter of Col. Samuel Appleton, who was a representative man and armiger, whose tomb in an Ipswich cemetery "presents a strange instance of false heraldry." Her grandfather, born 1684, was Capt. Nathaniel Mighill, active against the Indians, and her grandmother was Priscilla Pearson, a descendant of John who built the first fulling mill and clothier's works in America. Her great- grandfather, born 1651, was Stephen Mighill (son of Thomas the immigrant and his wife Ellen), who married Sarah Phillips, whose needle-work is spoken of below, daughter of Rev. Samuel Phillips, second minister of Rowley, and Sarah Appleton, daughter of Sam- uel of Ipswich and descendant of John who died in Great Waldring- field, England, in 1436. It is said that Mr. Perley's residence was located at the southern HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 99 corner of the Common, on the right going south, and that the house now located there is the same. It has a curb roof, and in Mr. Perley's day had an immense chimney in the center, which, it is said, his son Nathaniel removed when he thoroughly repaired the old mansion, running through it from front to rear door a wide and attractive hall, after the English pattern, erecting the two chimneys and covering its frame entirely new. The following from the pen of Miss F. Ellen Moody Dole^ in relation to this house will be found very interesting: — "A few years ago, before new buildings had crowded into the fields by Rowley Common, there could not be found a more charm- ing country scene. From beneath the heavy branches of a giant elm at the parting of the ways, was seen our old homestead set among MIGHILL-PERLEY HOUSE, NEAR ROWLEY COMMON. trees and shrubbery at the farther end of the Common, against the beautiful background of Prospect Hill. At a comfortable angle, to take in all the sunshine of a winter's day, and with a pleasant slope of grass before its broad front door, the house was built about 1730, by Nathaniel Mighill. His father, Capt. Nathaniel Mighill, gave each of his sons a farm in his own life-time, and the story runs that trees were selected in the woods for the frame of this house, there being no joint from the ground at the back to the ridge-pole. When the house was finished — it was several years in building — Nathan- iel was married to Elizabeth, the young widow of Mr. David Payson, and daughter of Mr. Samuel Appleton, 3d, and Elizabeth Whitting- ham of Ipswich. To visit her must have come a goodly company of relatives, and the second marriage of her mother with Rev. Edward Payson, the third of the Rowley ministers, brought this household into intimate relations with the large family of Paysons. "Of the stirring days of the Revolution the old house could tell many a tale, for Nathaniel Mighill was chosen to represent the town L Of (■ 100 THE PERLEY FAMILY in the Provincial Congress, immediately after the opposition to Gen. Gage, and he continued prominent in public life. "Hannah, the only child who survived Nathaniel and Elizabeth Mighill, married Capt. John Perley of Linebrook, and inherited the farm where were born their many children. Many of the fine elms along the roadside and on the Common are said to have been set out by this John Perley; and his son John was also a tree lover, and raised here the Southern Lady apple and other fruits rare in Rowley. By the wall on the northern boundary of the field, a row of trees he planted still stands; but the gnarled old cherry trees that dropped flowers and fruit upon the rumbling stage-coaches, like them are gone. The field opposite belonged to this estate, and there, well back from the road, stood the ample barn — a fine play-house, we may imagine, for the Perley children. "Not all of them found homes near by. Priscilla went to Boston on her marriage, and at her home died her young sister, Mehitable, from a cold caught at a ball. Her grave is in King's Chapel yard. John remained in the old home and cultivated his ancestral acres, while his sons traveled far. With him lived his sister Hannah, whose wheel and loom were busy in the eastern upper chamber, from which could be seen Plum I. stand and the ocean. Wonderful was the store of linen of many patterns that she wove, and some of it is treasured still in the family. To her mother's early home came for her golden wedding, the daughter of Elizabeth Perley ElwelP, Mrs. Jamin. She had had the unusual experience of visiting the princely home of her husband's kindred in the Isle of PVance, with her little daughter Hannah, who died before marriage. A long poem was written of the child's departure from her village home by a local celebrity, the talented Mr. PVederick Knight — "But go- we olaiiii not all thy worth ; A gem of native growth,' Whose stem was of exotic birth, It must remember both." "The graves ot the Jamin family are marked by a cross of red sandstone in Rowley graveyard. "It was the daughter of John Perley, Mrs. Lucy Ann Kilham, who made the old house so attractive in our time. Many will re- member the lady at the open door, the wide hall through the house with a curious East Indian chair by the stairs, and graceful statues gleaming white against the rich red of the walls. All the wood- work was finished like old wood, and the front rooms opening from the crimson hall were restful in soft tints, and niost interesting with wainscot and cornice and shutters, low mantels and cheerful fire- places. The kitchen and other room at the back had large closets, and very high mantels with paneled cupboards above. In the par- lor were many books in arched alcoves, fine pictures, quaint foreign cabinets, richly colored glass, and most effective of all, over the dark polished door used to hang one of the curtains embroidered by Sa- rah Phillips, daughter of Rev. Samuel Phillips, the second minister of the town, and grandmother of the builder of the house. More than two hundred years ago the Puritan maiden set the many pa- tient stitches in the flowers and vines and the peacock, still gorgeous, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY IQI upon that length of homespun. A spindle-backed chair is another treasure, marked "not to be taken from the house," and a large china punch-bowl, an heirloom of the Perleys. And hidden away in the long low room under the roof, a child once found what were to her very curiously wrought pieces of metal with names on them — the coffin plates of some of her ancestors. "To one wandering alone through the deserted rooms, or pluck- ing cinnamon roses from bushes long ago planted, or sitting there in the shadow of the lilacs, looking off upon the hills, the brooding silence is alive with memories, and the mystic bond of kinship strengthens with those who have lived and died here. Truly this is one of the "Old homesteads sacred to all that can Gladden or sadden the heart of man." John Perley, blacksmith, when of Ipswich, 5 Jan., 1769, pur- chased of Abel, Betty and Hannah (widow) Cresey of Rowley a third of an acre of land "with a dwelling house and barn thereon" for £'67 6s. 8d. The premises were bounded southeasterly by the county road, northerly by land of Hon. John Hobson, northeasterly by land of Nathaniel Barker, southwesterly by land of Samuel Bai- ley, in Rowley. — Reg., 128:86. John "Parley," blacksmith, sold (mortgaged.^) for ^'22 a mes- suage and third part of an acre of land to John Fowler and Ezekiel Potter, "yeomans," of Ipswich, 18 June, 1770. — Reg., 128:37. He signed his name "Parley." John Perley, Jr., of Rowley, blacksmith, and his wife Hannah, bought of P^benezer Boynton and wife Jane of Rowley, 16 Sept., 1807, for $245, land in the P'irst Parish, with dwelling house, bound- ed westerly 55^ feet by land of Daniel Poster, northerly by said Foster's land, easterly by land of Amos Daniels 76 feet, and south- erly by the county road. John Perley, who was "Jr." 11 Dec, 1797, was called "gentle- man" 28 Jan., 1808. Though Mr. Perley died in 1811, the settlement of his estate was not begun till 5 May, 1813 (after the death of his widow), when his son John of Rowley, yeoman, filed a bond, No. 21,486, with John Manning, Esq., and Joseph Lakeman Ross, blacksmith, both of Ips- wich, as sureties. Nothing further appears of record. The estate of which the house pictured here is an interesting part was owned by Nathaniel Mighill, Esq., at the time of his death, 26 March, 1788, aged 73, and by inheritance became the property of his daughter, Mrs. Hannah Perley, who was his only surviving heir. She occupied it many years with her husband, and disposed of it by the following will : "In the name of GOD, Amen! "I, Hannah Perley, the lawful wife of John Perley, Jr., of Rowley in the County of Essex and State of Massachusetts, being feeble in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory (blessed be GOD therefor) do make, ordain and establish this my last will and testa- ment. And first I do commit my body to the grave, to be decently buried by my executors, and my soul into the hands of a merciful Redeemer, trusting through His grace that this feeble body will be 102 THE PERLEY FAMILY raised from the dust of death, be fashioned like to His most glorious body, and being again united to his kindred spirit, will both be active in His praise and worship through a long eternity. "As to my worldly interest which it has pleased GOD to give me which was left me by my late honored father, Nathaniel Mighill, Esq., my will is that it be disposed of after my decease and the de- cease of my beloved husband, provided he survive me, in the follow- ing manner, that is to say: — "I bequeath my daughter Hannah Perley five hundred dollars, in money, also my muff and tippet. "I give and bequeath to my daughter Elwell and to my daugh- ter Rust all my wearing apparel, to be equally divided between them. "I also give and bequeath to my four daughters, Hannah Per- ley, Hetty Perley, Anstes Perley and Susan Perley, the bedroom and east chamber, one-half of the west garret, also liberty in the kitchen for household work and the north cellar, all being in my present dwelling house. I give also to my four daughters, Hannah, Hetty, Anstes and Susan, one-quarter of an acre of land, joining on the east end of Plbenezer Perley's house lot ; also liberty for water at the well and spout ; also liberty to take any fruit for their own eating; also one cow found and kept for them summer and winter; also two cords of wood yearly; and all these last enumerated articles to be found for them so long as they shall live single and improve the same personally. I also give them all my household furniture. "I give and bequeath to my three daughters, Hetty, Anstes and Susan one hundred dollars each in money. "I also give and bequeath to my daughter Dole ten dollars. "I give and bequeath to my daughter Perley, the wife of Eben- ezer P. Perley, fifty dollars. "I give and bequeath to my daughter Kilham fifty dollars. "And lastly I give and bequeath all the rest, residue and re- mainder of my estate, both real and personal, to my two sons, Na- thaniel Mighill Perley and John Perley, equally to be divided be- tween them, they paying my just debts and funeral charges. "And my will further is that the above said legacies, or sums of money, be paid to the respective legatees in one year after my decease or the decease of my husband above-named, provided he survive me, by my executors hereinafter named. "And I do hereby constitute and appoint my two sons Nathaniel Mighill Perley and John Perley as executors of this my last will and testament; hereby revoking all former wills by me made. "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the twenty-fifth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven. [Signed] Hannah Perley. "Wit. Joshua Jewett, John Lambert, James Perley." Proved 7 April, 1813.— Vol. 383:496. The inventory of her estate was made by Moses Bradstreet, Thomas Mighill and Joshua Jewett, 6 July, 1813, (Vol. 387:29) and was as follows: HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 103 The dwelling house with about 6 acres of land adjoining - $1200 About 4i acres of land on the easterly side of the way with the barn 400 About 5 acres of land, Trumbel's . . . . . 300 About 25 acres in West Ox-pasture ... - - 625 About 5 acres, Bachelor Meadow . . . . . 100 About 9 acres Ox-pasture Marsh 225 Total $2850 Plrst Account : The inventory, all real estate Estate debtor: Paid M. Richards Paid Timothy Harris, Jr. Paid David Saunders Paid Nathaniel Harris Paid David Saunders Paid James Smith Paid Humphrey Hobson, on mort. Paid M. Bradstreet Paid James Smith Paid M. Dole, Jr. . - . Paid A. Woodbury Paid Nathan Hobson Paid M. Richards Paid Ebenezer Boynton Paid Nathan Hobson Paid Executor . . . . Paid for Inventory $2850 $12.39 115.00 49.40 150.00 124.59 14.07 714.00 105.00 149.00 750.00 124.82 166.65 60.00 200.00 400.35 50.00 2.00 $3187.27 [Signed] John Perley, Jr. Dated 5 April, 1815.— Vol. 387:30. Second Account. Presented 9 June, 1815. (Vol. 387 :316) : Paid H. Hobson (wrongly charged) $714 Paid M. Bradstreet, ditto 105 Estate Debtor: Charge in former account, . . - - Paid N. M. Perley ----- Paid Francis Perley Paid Francis Perley Paid legacy Hannah Perley . - - - Paid legacy Anstis Perley - - - - Paid legacy Susan Perley - . - - Paid legacy Sally Perley . . - - Paid for stating this account . - - - ; 187.27 500.00 208.30 114.85 500.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 1.00 Total t761.42 104 THE PERLEY FAMILY Third Account. Presented 26 Dec, 1815. (Vol. 388:260) : Amount of credit in 2nd account $819 Real estate sold by order of Court to Daniel Todd, Jr., the only highest bidder: 25 acres West Ox-pasture $700 15 acres marsh and upland 265 Dwelling house, barn and land on both sides of the road 3000 3965 Total $4784 Estate Debtor: Amount of debts in 2d account- - - - $4761.42 Paid Joseph Woodman, Judith Jewett's executor 100.00 Paid for stating account 2.00 Total - - $4863.42 In 1817, May 6, Daniel Todd, Jr., and Hannah his wife, sold to Hannah Perley, Anstis Perley and Susan Perley, all of Rowley, sin- glewomen, for $2000, a certain piece of land, about six acres, near the Common in said Rowley, with the buildings thereon, bounded east- erly by the highway leading to Ipswich ; also another parcel of land near the Common with the buildings thereon, about four and a quar- ter acres, bounded westerly by the highway leading to Ipswich. — Reg. 215:98. By this deed the title to this property returned to the Perley family, with whose descendants it has since remained, the present owner making it her summer home. It seems from Mrs. Perley 's will — "all being in my present dwelling house" — and the memory of those now living, that the fam- ily lived in the Mighill-Perley house, probably from the death of her father, "Squire" Mighill, but from the above deeds the family's early home in Rowley may have been located elsewhere — some spot not now determined but may be later, in the families of his sons, Nathaniel Mighill and John. This house is one of the most attractive and interesting relics of "ye auld lang sine" to be found in the town. It is said that in this house Capt. Nathaniel Mighill Perley se- creted, for twenty-four hours, a British officer who for some cause was a fugitive from British authority. During some part of that time the British diligently searched the house in vain. Tradition does not name his crime or speak of his ultimate fate. 1 Perley children: Child^, Elizabeth'^, Hannah-, child", Judith- 110, Priscilla-, Nathaniel Mighill-lU, Sarah-174, Mary'*, Ruth^ Mehitable'% John-112, Anstess'^, Susans 2 The first child^ was stillborn, 21 Feb., 1766. Elizabeth^ was born 8 Feb., 1770, and married, 22 Feb., 1791, Samuel ElwelP in Rowley. Hannah^ was born 30 Aug., 1772, never married, and re- sided with her brother John, till her death, 3 April, 1853. A name- less child^ died in Oct., 1775. Priscilla^ was born 6 July, 1779, and by her tomb record died at the age of one year, three months, four- I HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 105 teen days. A second Priscilla married Jonathan Kilham of Boston, They had a son who was engaged to Lucy A. Perley-112 when he died. She married, however, another son, William Kilham. Eliza- beth, daughter of Jonathan, married Michael Simpson'' and had a son Harry, graduate of Harvard College, who died in Florence, Italy; another, P'rank, who did business in Boston, and a daughter who married Prof. Seelye of Cincinnati. Jonathan's daughter Julia married a son of President Nathan Lord of Dartmouth College, and another had a daughter who married a Mears. Mrs. Lord's chil- dren: Mrs. Julia Cowles and Mrs. Hosford. Ruth' died at Moses Dole's' in Rowley 28 July, 1803. Mehitable' was born 29 March, 1788, and died of consumption at Jonathan Kilham's in Boston, 6 or 16 Oct., 1816. Anstess' was born 8 or 18 March, 1792, published with Na- thaniel Lambert of Rowley, 2 Nov., 1822, and died in Boston, of white swelling, 12 or 20 June, 1831, aged thirty-nine years. The name is also spelled Anstress, Anstes, etc. 3 Mary' was born 13 Aug., 1783, a twin of Sarah. She died 26 April, 1853. She married 6 May, 1806, Moses Dole, born to Moses and Lydia-Hobson Dole of Rowley, 11 Dec, 1769. His home on Summer street became the home of his son John, where all his chil- dren were born: Lewis Henry^, Mary^ Mary*', Charles*', John^, Me- hitable^ John Perley^ Anstess^ Anstess Perley^ 4 Susan' was born in Sept., 1796, and 17 Nov., 1822, became the j second wife of Ezekiel Todd, son of Daniel and Hannah-Bradstreet I Todd of Rowley. [Ezekiel's first wife was Apphia, by whom he had ( Ednah Gage, born 11 Jan., 1815, and Daniel Gage, born 13 Jan., ) 1817.] They lived in Rowley. She died in 1850, aged fifty-six. ' Their issue were Apphia, born 17 Dec, 1823, and married Joseph j Hale of Rowley; Ezekiel Rogers, born 13 May, 1827, and married \\ an Adams, and left children. ' 5 Lewis H.' was born 13 March, 1807. He died of small pox 24 Ij Feb., 1855. He was a shoe manufacturer in his native town, where he was very successful in business and familiarly known for his benevolence and public spirit. He married Lydia Ann Ellen ; Moody and had children : Grace, who died young ; Frances Ellen , Moody, born 23 Nov., 1849, who resides, unmarried, in Salem with I her mother, and Lewis Henry, who, born 2 June, 1852, died 26 I Feb., 1863. J Mary' was born 7 May, 1809, and died from a burn 12 Jan., 1811. ] Charles' was born 7 May, 1813, married Mehitable P. Jewett, lived in Rowley, and had issue : Mary Ann, who married W. C. Donovan", and j Charles Leveritt', who married Lydia Ann Foster, daughter of Sam- \ uel Perkins Foster, a war veteran of Ipswich. John' was born 23 I April, 1815, and died young. Mehitable' was born 18 Feb., 1819, j never married, resided on her birthplace. John Perley' was born 24 I May, 1821, resided with Mehitable on the old homestead. Anstess' , was born 29 Sept., 1823. Anstess Perley' was born 27 March, j 1826, and lived, unmarried, with Mehitable and John P. on Summer ' street. I 6 Mary' was born 28 Jan., 1811, and became the second wife of Mark Jewett of Rowley. [Mark's first wife was Elizabeth Gould of ■ Ipswich, and his third was Betsey Smith, daughter of "Master" 106 THE PERLEY FAMILY Smith, a very successful school master and a cousin of Landlord Smith of the "Old Rowley Hostelry." 1 lis fourth was a Miss Brown of Hamilton, a sister of Mrs. Francis Dane of Boston.] That he was discovered tloatiui;- in Rowley river in 1879, when eighty years old. is all that is known of his death. Mary left two chikhen : Mary Elizabeth, who married Warren Putney, and had Bessie Warren, who died young. Lewis Henry and Edith; and Wil- lard Holbrook, who died a young man. 7 Michael Simpson- gave the annex to the Newburyport Public Library, and other public gifts. William Clement Donovan' was of Chester, N. H., and a Union soldier. He is dead and his widow lives in Lynn. Charles L." is an extensive broker in live stock, of which he is an unusually good judge. 8 Samuel Elwell's- daughter married John F. Jamin of the Isle of France. George B. Blodgette, Esq., of Rowley, writes: "I knew him well, and he was a gentleman." See Miss Dole's letter above. Mr. Jamin's tomb record is as follows: "John P>ancis Jamin, born in the Isle of France, 1791, died in Rowley, Mass., 1870, aged 79 yrs. ; Hannah Mighill, wife of J. F. Jamin, died 18(>9, aged 76 yrs. ; John P'rancis Codeau, only son of ]. ¥. & H. M. Jamin. died 1844, aged 18 yrs.; Hannah Elwell, only daughter of J. F. & H. M. Jamin, died 1840. aged *21 years. FAMILY 54: PERLEY. I.1NE.\L DESCENT— ALL AN-1. SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13. SAMUEL-30. NATHANIEL PERLEY was born in Linebrook Parish, Ips- wich, 11 Oct., 1745. He married Sarah Dutch of Ipswich Village, sister to Rev. Ebenezer Dutch, many years pastor of the East Par- ish, Bradford, now (jroveland, published "Jo Sept., 1769. She was born in 1749. Her second husband was Lt. Samuel Bacon of Brad- ford, by whom she had several issue. She died 8 May, 1819, aged sixty-nme years. Her epitaph in Groveland cemetery reads: What though our joys are torn away And buried in tlie silent tomb, Jesus can wake the sleeping olav And clothe it with innnortal "bloom. Sleep on, Dear Mother, thy cares are o'er: We soon shall meet to part no more. His early home was in Ipswich. We find no corroboration of a claim that he lived in Rowley aiid Newburyport. At one time his wife and family were living in Groveland, probably with her brother. He was a member of Capt. Daniel Rogers' company of minute men that marched from Ipswich to Lexington on the 19'** April, 1775. His company hung upon the rear of the Red-coats as they worried their sad way to Boston, and was stationed in that vicinity four days. He marched sixty miles and received ten shillings, eight pence. After that service he entered with enthusiasm into privateering, and did excellent service for a long time. "Cleared HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 107 from Salem, Schooner Sally, Parley Master, for Nova Scotia," 1774, probably refers to him. In the spring of 1779, despite his vigilance and alertness, he was ^captured by the hated Britisher. He could not brook the haughty insolence of his captor, and he answered back with spirit. The British officer shot him dead upon the spot. Thus tragically ended 'the heroic life of a sterling patriot, at the age of thirty-two years. He left a widow and several small children. The administration of his estate was granted his widow 6 July, 1779; the inventory was \£'21H 17s; her accounts were allowed in 1779, 1788, and 1793. The children's guardian was their mother's second husband, appointed 5 Dec, 1791. 1 Perley children: NathanieP, William', Ebenezer-113, Samuel- 114, Sarah^ (John^'). 2 NathanieP and William^ were probably twins, since they were baptised 27 Feb., 1771. 3 Sarah' was baptised 6 Dec, 1778, in Ipswich. She discharged her guardian 22 April, 1800, when she was of Durham, N. H. She married, first, Joseph Pollard of Andover, "who failed in business, and not relishing the idea of imprisonment for debt, left for parts unknown" to us. She married, second, Samuel Wells, a ship black- smith of Amesbury. Their children were : Charlotte Bacon, born 8 Sept., 180JS, and married Jonathan Gove of Seabrook, N. H.; Sal- jly, born 9 March, 1810, and married Eleazer Wadleigh of Salis- bury; Rebecca, born 23 Dec, 1811, and married William Wise of Boston; Nathaniel, born 31 March, 1814, and married Sophia Taverner; Mary Eustis''; Lydia ¥/'; Ruth Ann Currier''. 4 Mary E.'^ was born 15 Sept., 1816, in Amesbury, where she died. She married Jeremiah Merrill, a blacksmith, born in Salis- bury, 10 Dec, 1814, to Sarah-Felch of Seabrook, N. H., and John B. Merrill, a blacksmith of Salisbury, where he died. Merrill chil- dren: John, born 4 Jan., 1840, died before 1895; Charles Perley; Mary, born 9 Dec, 1843, and married John True of Salisbury; Ag- nes E., born 25 March, 1845, and married Dudley E. Gale of Salis- bury; Lydia J., born 29 Oct., 1847, and married a Purinton; Frank W., born 16 Oct., 1851, and resides in Boston; George W., born 30 Jan., 1853, and died young; Addie F., born 5 May, 1856, married William Swett, and lives in Chicago, 111. 5 Lydia F.'^ was born 13 July, 1819, in Amesbury, and died 24 May, 1891. She married George W. Morrill, born 15 May, 1815, in Amesbury, to Hannah-Colby and Moses Morrill, a shipwright, and died in Boston, 10 Dec, 1886. He was a manufacturer of cars in Cleveland, O., and served one or more terms as a Massachusetts State Senator. Morrill issue: Horace Adams, born 16 May, 1844, and died 28 May, 1857; Frank P^orrest, born 6 Jan., 1847, and a banker in Boston, with residence in Newburyport ; Georgetta, that died young; Jettie M., born 13 July, 1855, married Charles W. Was- son of Cleveland, O., and died in Amesbury, 14 June, 1887, leaving two daughters. 6 Ruth A. C.^ was born 6 Nov., 1824, in Amesbury, where she died. She married in Amesbury, 27 Nov., 1855, Orlando S. B, Swett, mill overseer, born 1 1 Sept., 1817, to Mary-Swett and her 108 THE PBRLEY FAMILY cousin Eliphalet Swett, a hatter, of Amesbury. They had Everett, who died young. 7 John\ All we know of this man and his descendants is what his grandson and namesake wrote: "All I can find out about my- self is that my grandfather's name was John, and that he emigrated from New Hampshire to Vincennes in the year 1816, and died there the same summer. He had a brother Nathaniel, a lawyer, who was a bachelor. My grandfather left four sons, George, Moses, John and Samuel. John died in Mississippi; Samuel and my father died in Vincennes; I do not know what became of Moses." The i record of his own family he gave as follows: John Perley of Atlanta, Ga., son of George, married 1 Jan., 1852, R. M. Reade of Liberty, Mo., who was born 20 Sept., 1828, and "never had a child." This man no doubt belongs to our family, but we cannot place him with satisfaction. If his wife was born in 1828, his grandfather was born near 1775. He would fit in family 46, but the records and traditions do not furnish the man, and Nathaniel was not a bach- elor. Squire George A. Perley's chart places him in family 113, which gives hardly time enough for three generations, the last mar- riageable in 1828. However, this is all we know about him. FAMILY 55: AMES. LINEAL DESCENT- ALL AN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30. RUTH PERLEY was born 29 Oct., 1747. She was married, by her brother. Rev. Samuel Perley of Seabrook, 19 Dec, 1768, to Jonathan Ames, baptised in the Second Church, 11 Sept., 1748, for Jonathan and Elizabeth-Blunt Ames of Boxford. His birthplace was near Capt. Enoch Wood's residence, on the road between the two parishes, and the old cellar still marks the spot. There he and his young wife made their home, under the parental roof; but only a few months elapsed, when, 5 June, 1769, she suddenly died, and was quickly buried. Foul play was suspected, and a month later, 10 July, the body was exhumed and an inquest held. The verdict ran, that "she came to her death by poison," and that it was "uncertain" who administered it, Jonathan's mother being the person accused of committing the deed. It was thought that the great wealth of the family saved the wretched woman's life. Such was the tragic end of beautiful, young and hopeful Ruth. The Essex Antiquarian says this was one of the most interest- ing criminal cases tried in Essex County, and thus relates it : Spring had hardly come when Mrs. Ames, senior, began to speak of Ruth as her son's housekeeper. Eventually, the latter part of May, 1769, a child was born to the newly wedded couple. On the morning of the fifth of June, one of the neighbors, Mrs. Kimball, called to see the young mother. She was met at the door by Mrs. Ames, senior, who, in reply to the request of Mrs. Kimball to see Ruth, objected, intimating that she was very ill, and had vomited and purged so much that it was disagreeable to enter the chamber. Notwithstanding, Mrs. Kimball entered the house and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 109 went into the sick chamber. She found that the room was clean and agreeable, and there appeared no signs of vomiting or purging. But Ruth was in deathly agony, with froth or phlegm exuding from her mouth. She was taken sick in that manner at about seven '. o'clock in the morning and died between eleven and twelve o'clock before noon. Mrs. Ames said she knew that Ruth would die, as it was the same disorder that a certain Mrs. Chandler died with some years before, and that it "was as mortal as the plague"; and that there would be another death soon, having reference to the baby. On laying out the body, livid spots, indicating poison, appeared on one of the arms of the deceased. The writer was informed many years ago by an aged lady, who . was born and had always lived her almost century of years within a few rods of the Ames homestead, and personally knew many of the people who took a prominent part in the events that followed, that the funeral occurred soon after Ruth's death, that none of the neighbors were invited to it and that a clergyman from a neighbor- ing town performed the burial service instead of Rev. John Gush- ing, pastor of the church, who was their nearest neighbor. The burial occurred in the old village cemetery, which is shown as it now appears in the middle section of the accompanying illustration. Mrs. Kimball was supicious that Ruth had been poisoned to j death. She repeatedly told of what she had experienced at the Ames 'house and in the sick room. The peculiar attitude which Mrs. ; Ames assumed towards the deceased seemed to confirm the sus- , picion of poisoning, and that Mrs. Ames was at least cognizant of ; the crime. The matter of an accusation was not at first conceived, J but about a month afterward the feeling against Mrs. Ames became ,i so strong that a complaint signed by twenty-nine men, and consent- ^ ed to by the relatives of the deceased, was preferred to Henry In- , galls, Moses Dole and Abraham Choate, three coroners, for an in- quisition upon the body, which had lain in the ground all that length i,| of time. j The coroners thereupon summoned a jury of twenty-five (whose , names are affixed to their report hereinafter given, Joseph Osgood j being foreman), thirteen of whom were physicians; and four other ^1 physicians were engaged to perform the autopsy. The inquest was opened on Monday, July 10th, "when there as- i sembled a promiscuous multitude of people." The court was held ;i in the meetinghouse, which stood on the easterly side of the "San- I dy road" in the pasture in the rear of the old cemetery, a road ' which can still be traced running from the meeting house up the I present wooded declivity to the cemetery, and from thence as it now I exists to the parsonage on the ancient Andover road. The site of j the meeting house, as it now appears, is shown in the accompanying \ illustration, at the bottom. j Rarely, if ever, has such a mass of people been seen in the ] parish, the meeting house being, as the current newspaper* said, j "much thronged." The court was opened with prayer. The coroners then gave I * Essex Gazette, July 11-18. 1769. IJO THE PERLEY FAMILY the jury "their solemn charge." During these exercises, the same newspaper account says, "there appeared not the least irregularity or disorder, but a solemn, silent sadness seemed to be fixed on the face of the gayest youth." After the charge, the coroners, the jury and the spectators pro- ceeded "with decency and good order," over the winding roadway up the hill to the old burying ground, where for five weeks had lain the body of the murdered girl. The exhumation of the body was begun; and as it progressed the human mass surged around the grave so eagerly to see the whole operation that they were only kept from causing harm by be- ing told that all should have an opportunity of seeing the remains. The body was taken to the meeting house, the procession taking up its route down the hill, at the middle of that midsummer day. An autopsy was made by the physicians; the jury heard their report and other testimony, and two days later the coroners and the jury made report of their inquisition as follows: — "Essex Ss. "An Inquisition. Indented & taken at Boxford within the s'^ County of Essex, the Twelfth Day of July, in the Ninth year of our Sovereign Lord George, the third, by y*' Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, defender of y*" Faith, &c., before Henry Ingalls, Moses Dole, & Abraham Choate, Gentlemen, Coro- ners for our S'^ Lord the King, within the County of Essex afores*^ upon the View of the Body of Ruth Eams Wife of Jon'\ Ames Jur. then and there being Dead by the Oaths of Joseph Osgood, || Fore- man, Nehemiah Abbot, Amos Putnam, Enoch Sawyer Jun., Micajah Sawyer, James Brickett, W'"- Hale, Silas Miriam, Thomas Kit- redge, Wallace Rust, Ephraim Davis, Simons Baker, Benjn. Muzzy, Ephraim Wales, Peter Osgood, Dan\ Spafford, Asa Perly, Benjn. Berry, Nathan Wood, John Hale, Ephraim P\dler, Moody Bridges, Nathaniel Pearly, Oliver Peabody, Rich*^. Peabody, Good and Law- ful Men of the County of Essex afores'', who being Charged and Sworn to enquire for our Lord the King, when, by what means, and how, the s'^ Ruth Fames came to her Death, upon their Oaths do say, the s*^ Ruth Fames on the fifth Day of June last in the morn- ing Died of P^elony ( that is to say by Poison ) given to her by a Per- son or Persons to us unknown which murder is against the Peace of our s 12 Benjamin^ born 28 Jan., 1805, married 22 Dec, 1830, Jerusha L. Lewis, and had Ellen F., born 13 Jan., 1832; Edward P., born 5 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 117 Oct., 1833; Benjamin L., born 25 June, 1835; Celia, born 29 Aug., 1840; Susan W.. born 7 March, 1842; and Royal L. FAMILY 57: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33. ISRAEL PERLEY was born in Boxford 2 July, or June, 1738. The house is still standing. It is a few rods from the residence of the late James P. Cleaveland, which occupies its original site. In 1761,. when Israel was twenty-three years old, "the Massachusetts government," wrote Moses H. Perley, Esq. -257, "sent an exploring expedition to the St. John river in New Brunswick. The party con- sisted of twelve men and Mr. Perley was the leader. They proceeded to Machias by water; then shouldering their knapsacks, they jour- neyed through the woods and reached the head waters of the Oro- mocto river, which they descended to the St. John. P'rom the mouth of the river they proceeded three days in a canoe. It was difficult to land anywhere, the river banks were so thickly grown with small wood. They were obliged to creep up the bank upon their hands and knees. Reaching the plain above they pitched their tent for the SITE OF ISRAEL PERLEY'S HOME. night. Making a survey the next morning, they concluded to settle there. Upon their return home a colony of Essex County people was formed to establish a settlement upon the St. John. Among them were Israel, his brother Oliver and his cousin Asa Perley. In 1786 he had a grant of 1000 acres on the Gaspereaux river, and in 1792, three hundred acres in the northwest corner of Maugerville, lot No. 90, St. John river. His wife was Elizabeth Mooers. They resided in Maugerville, N. B., where he died. His will, made 8 June, 1799, 118 THE PBRLBY FAMILY was proved 20 Feb., 1813. His brother Oliver was executor. He was known as 'Israel, the surveyor.' "The old homestead where Israel located as one of the first set- tlers of New Brunswick, and where the first or second British child was born in the province, is now owned by John O. Court, Esq., M. P. P. New buildings have been erected, but there remains an old elm. The walking stick used by the old gentleman is said to have been planted and to have matured into a magnificent willow, which succumbed a few years prior to 1879. It is a beautiful place, on the bank of the St. John, with a good deal of shrubbery." 1 Perley children : Israel-11,5, Thomas-116, Solomon"-, Phoebe^ Eliz- abeth", Mary-120, Sarah", Frances-, Charlotte'-, Henrietta'-, Charles'-, Solomon-117, William'-, William-118. 2 Solomon^ and William' died young. Charles' died in 1791, aged twenty. Of Elizabeth', Sarah', Frances\ Charlotte', Henrietta', we have no further knowledge. 3 Phoebe^ married a Nevers and had a daughter Mary, that mar- ried John McGibbon and had a son Charles, born 25 Oct., 1825, who married Anna Julia Woodforde Miles-250^ FAMILY 58: PEABODY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33. MARY PERLEY was born 4 June, 1741, and died 15 July 1824. She married 28 June, 1764, Lt. John Peabody, born 9 Aug., 1732, to John and Sarah Peabody of Boxford and brother of Rev. Stephen Peabody, a chaplain in the Revolution and the first minis- ter of Atkinson, N. H. At the age of twenty his parents removed to Andover, now North Andover. He settled in North Andover, where all his children but the youngest one were born. He was a lieutenant in the Provincial army at the siege and capture of Louis- burg in 1758, and at the taking of Ticonderoga from the French in 1759. He was captain of a militia company that marched from Andover to the battle of Bunker Hill. They belonged to the church in West Boxford, having joined 2 Aug., 1778. In the winter of 1783-4 they removed to the newly settled town of Bridgton, Me., and upon their desire to take up their church connection in order to assist in establishing a church at Bridgton the West Boxford church made this record, "voted to dismiss and recommend them as per- sons whose conduct while with us was agreeable to their profession." He died in Bridgton 12 June, 1820, aged eighty-seven years. 1 Peabody children : Huldah-B8, John-\ Thomas*, WilHam^ Bet- sey"'^, Enoch-, Aaron-, Augustus'', Polly'-, Aaron'-. 2 Betsey', Enoch', Aaron' and Polly' were born respectively 27 Oct., 1772, 8 Jan., 1775, 13 Feb., 1777, and 12 Nov., 1781, and died in Sept., 1785. The second Aaron was born 24 June, 1786, and lived in Tallahassee, Fla. 3 John' was born 2 Nov., 1706, and died 20 May, 1838. He mar- ried, in 1794, Aseneth Stevens, and settled in Bridgton, where she died 19 April, 1840. Peabody issue: Enoch, born 1 Feb., HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 119 1795, died a master mariner at New Orleans, La., in Aug., 1820; Mary, born 10 Nov., 1796, and died 1 Aug., l802; Rebecca, born 10 April, 1798, and married Nathaniel Martin, 17 May, 1820; Hiildah, born 7 Feb., 1800, and died 13 Aug., 1819; Tabitha, born 4 Jan. and died 20 Sept., 1802; John, born 7 Oct., 1804, and died 29 Aug., 1818; Edward, born 18 June, 1806, a physician in Buxton, Me., married Lucy Ann Foster, 20 Dec, 1836, and had seven children, Charles C. Pinkney, born 13 April, 1808, married 12 June, 1840; Cordelia E. Whitney, resided in Calais, Me., in 1868, and had Flora, Charles, Charles, Elizabeth, Cordelia, Edna and Mary Edna; Israel Perley, born 24 April, 1810, married Rebecca Foster, resided in Bridgton in 1868, and had ten children; Aaron, born 13 March, 1812, married Mary Whiting, in Dec. 1842, a farmer in Irvington, Kos- suth County, Iowa, and has had four children; Mary Amanda, born I Jan., 1814, and died 16 Nov., 1832. 4 Thomas^ was born 31 Oct., 1768. He went to Bridgton with his father when he was fifteen years old, married Mary Reed and settled there. In March, 1799, he removed to Gilead, Me., then known as Peabody's Patent, where he lived a farmer's life and died 9 July, 1816, and his widow died 12 July, 1843. Children: Mary, born 26 April, 1800, married Eliphalet Adams, 22 Dec, 1828, resided in Gilead; Thomas, born 14 Sept., 1801, married Deborah Adams, 28 April, 1835, resided in Bethel, Me., and had six children; John Tar- bell, born 2 May, 1803, married Mary Ingalls Burbank, 9 Jan., 1834, resided in Gorham, N. H., and had three children ; Parmenio, born II April, 1805, married Mary Ann Burbank, 14 Dec, 1837, resided in Gilead, and had nine children; Asa, born 2 Sept., 1806, married Rebecca Howard Wight, 7 Dec, 1833, and resided in Gilead; Caleb Strong, born 9 Oct., 1808, married first, Apphia Adams who died 3 Nov., 1851, and, second, Mrs. Mary Ann Wight, 5 Oct., 1852, and resided in Gorham, N. H.; Julia Ann, born 17 April, 1811, married Daniel O. Wight, 24 July, 1832, and resided in Boston. 5 William^ was born 12 Aug., 1770. His home was in Bridgton, where he died 16 Dec, 1843. He married in 1797 Sally Stevens, who was born 2 Dec, 1773, and died 27 June, 1829. Children: Stephen, born 24 Dec, 1791, died 3 Feb., 1802; George, born 28 March, 1797, died 12 Feb., 1825; Betsey, born 6 Sept., 1801, died 21 Dec, 1821; Mary, born 3 Sept., 1803, married George Fitch, 16 Dec, 1823, a farmer in Bridgton; Sally, born 17 Aug., 1805, married, first, Ancell Smith, 11 March, 1829, second, a Mr. Brown, a farmer in Wisconsin; Nancy, born 17 April, 1807, died 1 June, 1828; Wil- liam S., born 8 Oct., 1809, died 29 Dec, 1824; Stephen W., born 6 July, 1811, died in June, 1831; Caroline E., born 10 Jan., 1814, died 16 Sept., 1834; Harriet A., born 1 June, 1816, married Loammi Lakin, lived in Michigan, and died in 1840. 6 Augustus^ was born 17 May, 1779. He married Miranda God- dard, daughter of Dr. Thatcher Goddard of Boston, 28 Oct., 1815; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1803, was counselor-at-law in Boston, and died 2 Oct., 1850, in Roxbury, where his widow resides (1868). Children: Augustus Goddard, born 4 Feb., 1818, married 21 May, 1856, Elizabeth T. Holway of Machias, Me., where he was a physician, and had three children; Owen Glendower, born 23 April, 120 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1822, a lawyer in Boston, died unmarried 27 Dec, 1862; Edward Thatcher, born 6 June, 1825, married in Guaymas, Mexico, where he died 20 Nov., 1858; Lucien Maria, born 6 Feb., 1828; Francis, born 22 Jan., 1838, married Rozella A. Roberts of Cheneyville, La., 18 Oct., 1858, and had two children. FAMILY 59: PERLEY. LINEAL, DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33. OLIVER PERLEY was born 30 July, 1743, in the house referred to in families 33 and 57. He, with his brother and cousin, was a part of the colony that settled on the St. John river in New Bruns- wick in 1764. He conveyed, 19 Oct., 1785, five hundred acres of land, a share in the Maugerville township, Sun bury County, which had been granted to him in 1765, to Daniel Bliss for ^400, and afterwards deeded other property to said Bliss. Some time before his death, which occurred in 1825, he removed to Sheffield, where he left a valuable property. His will is dated 25 Sept., 1813, and was proved in 1825. His wife's name was Sarah. His children were all born in that part of Nova Scotia which became New Brunswick in 1784-5. 1 Perley children: Daniel-119, Moses-120, Thomas-121, Eunice Putnam-117, Allen-, and three daughters of whom we have no knowl- edge. 2 Allen' was born 1 March, 1781. His grandfather Thomas Per- ley bequeathed him (calling his name Aaron) a sum of money, if he shall live with his uncle Aaron Perley in Boxford during his minority. Allen was eight years old when the will was drawn and fourteen when his grandfather died. We have no further knowledge of him. He is not mentioned in his father's will 25 Sept., 1813. FAMILY 60: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33. THOMAS PERLEY was born 19 June, 1746, and died of old age 20 April, 1831, having had no children. He married in Dec, 1809, at the age of sixty-six years. Miss Sarah Wood, who was in her forty-fifth year, having been born 10 April, 1765, to Thomas and Margaret-Perkins Wood of Boxford, whose home was on the site of the present third district schoolhouse. She died 10 Dec, 1854, prob- ably of old age, though she had been troubled for many years with cancer. Mr. Perley was a tailor by trade and plied his craft from house to house as was the custom of the times. His father deeded to him, "Thomas Perley, taylor," for "love and affiction," 80 acres, lot No. 71, in second division, in Winchendon, the original right of Abra- ham Tilton [of Ipswich], 5 June, 1780.— Reg., 98:353. This was, no doubt, to launch him upon a farming voyage with propitious HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 121 breeze; but the tailor preferred to "cut wescuts" and make "wear- ing apparel" for Boxford yeomen and so sold the patrimony, 4 Oct., 1784, for "300 Spanish milled dollars," to William Whitney of Win- chendon. — Reg., 128:146. He early acquired possession of a large farm in East Boxford, known early to the writer as the .^ Widow Squire's farm, and more ^'^fp u/3 J^ recently as the William E. Killam yj/? Om O^ & e/Yl^^^ estate. The present dwelling, a large / two-story double _ mansion, he built hif^amf 'JhTre'Vown''"' '•'°'' ''^"''' in 1810 at a considerable expense. Dr. Daniel-145 had the original of the following bill. Maj. Asa was probably Asa-3.5, whose family of ten sons doubtless required repeated services of a tailor : Maj. Asa Perley to Tho*^. Perley Jr. Dr. Jan''. 1772 to nine days works at 2:0 pr Day ;^0:1S:0 April, 1772 to two days works 4 rec'^ the above account in full Tho^ Perley Jun'' He was one of the ablest and most respected citizens of the town, and his good educational and natural abilities were repeatedly rec- ognized in the repeated bestowal of various offices. He was com- missioned a justice of the peace in 1791, and regularly commissioned thereafter till his death. In 1779 he was one of the committee of seven to regulate the prices of merchandise, labor, etc. In 1780 he and four others were a committee of the town to examine the form of the State constitution and report. In 1798 he was chosen one of the three trustees of the Hon. Aaron Wood fund for the support of a grammar school in the town. They held the trust for thirty years, resigning in 182:->, when the town tendered them a vote of grateful thanks for their faithful and skillful management of the trust. He was a member of Massachusetts Society of Agriculture in 1796. In April, 1812, at the beginning of our second war with Great Britain, he and four others were a committee of the town to consider our relation with that power and to prepare proper resolves for his towns- men's adoption. He was town clerk for nine successive years from 1780; selectman and assessor in 178,5, 1786, and successively from 1796, comprising thirteen years in all; moderator of town meetings from 1792 to 1801 inclusive, from 1803 to 1810 inclusive, and in 1812, 1815, 1816, 1818 and 1819; surveyor of highways in 1801, 1809, 1813 and 1816; member of the school committee, where he ever delighted to labor, in 1795, 1796, 1797, 1799, 1803 and 1806; represented the town in the General Court from 1792 to 1810 inclusive, and received, at various times, votes for the office of senator, lieutenant governor and governor. The Salem (Mass.) Gazette printed the following: "The pro- prietors of 'Bridgeton,' at a meeting the seventh day of January, 1790, granted a tax of ten shillings on each lot in said township; the payment thereof is requested on or before the twentieth day of July next ensuing. Thomas Perley, Propr's Receiver. Boxford, Feb. 27, 1790." 122 THE PERLEY FAMILY A History of Cumberland County thus explains the above notice : In 1761, the Legislature passed an act granting to Benj. Milliken, Moody Bridges and Thomas Perley, agents for the legal representa- tives of Capt. John Tyler and fifty-six others, soldiers and officers in the Canada expedition of 1690, a township of land east of Saco river. They laid out a tract adjoining Pickwocket, now Fryeburg, 9 miles long by Q^ wide, lying on both sides of Long pond and containing 37,440 acres, and called at first Pondicherry, but soon after Bridg- ton, from Moody Bridges, one of the leaders above named. In Dec, 1799, Mr. Perley was appointed surveyor of the revenue for the sixth assessment district, third division of the Commonwealth, for a direct tax. He said he had been assessor, and that "it is easy to perceive that the established compensations for the surveyors are very incompetent to the services required. Notwithstanding, it may be at certain times incumbent on every lover of order and good gov- ernment to make peculiar exertions to support the same. Under these considerations I conclude to accept the appointment. . . If in the future the discharge of the duties are found to demand too great a sacrifice of private interest, you will have the goodness to accept my resignation." This letter is dated Boston, Jan. 22, 1800. He nominated sureties Geo. Todd, Esq., of Rowley, and Nathaniel Thurston, Esq., of Bradford. Afterwards he withdrew that nomi- nation, and named, instead, Nathaniel Perley and Aaron Perley, both of Boxford, yeomen. He sent his bond duly signed, 18 April. Jon- athan Jackson was State supervisor and Maj. Hovey collector for the district. He says of the sureties at first proposed, Ebenezer Pea- body, Moses Carlton, Enos Runnels, — "They are, each of them, in- dustrious, respectable farmers, and I suppose the three are really worth more than double the sum to be raised in the district." He and his family worshiped with the First Church, where he was a member from 18 Oct., 1795, and they were active supporters of the society. When the parish fund was founded in 1824, he headed the subscription with $1050. His widow materially assisted the society when the present church edifice was erected in 1838, one of her gifts being the elegant sofa that adorns the pulpit. In 1821 Squire Perley built a family tomb. In it now repose himself, his wife, his sister Rebec- ca, his niece Huldah, daughter of his brother Aaron-62\ and his wife's mother. The granite block above the tomb entrance is cov- ered by a marble tablet bearing the accompanying inscriptions. Mr. Perley was considered wealthy, since $80,000 to $40,000 made a man so at that period. His The Family Tomb of Thomas Perley, Esq., Erected 1821. Thomas Perley, Esq., Born July 19, 1746, died Apr. 20, 1831, aged 85 years. Having performed the journey of life with integrity, we trust he is now reap- ing the reward of the faithful. Sarah W. Perley Widow of Thomas Perley died Dec. 10, 1854. aged 90 years. Miss Rebecca Perley Born Jan. 12, 1734, died Augt 22, 1813, aged 79 years. Mrs. Margaret Wood Born April 29, 1728; died Feb. 10, 1830; aged 101 years & 10 months. A tablet on the front reads : Huldah Perley, Died June 3, 1843, aged 38. ENOCH PERLEY, ESQ. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 123 extensive and productive farm exhibited an assiduous and intelligent cultivation. He owned land in Maugerville, N. B., which he sold to B. and Wm. Brown, half to each, for ;^250, by his attorney, his brother Israel. FAMILY 61: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAP-16, THOMAS-33. ENOCH PERLEY was born 19 May, 1749, in the house referred to in family 57. He was a member of Capt. Jacob Gould's company of Minute Men that marched to the defence of Lexington 19 April, 1775. He chased the British into Boston and was out six days, and the muster roll reads that he marched sixty-five miles. The next year he removed to the wilds of Maine, and began a settlement on land laid out in 17 60 and owned by an Essex County company. His clearing became in due time the town of Bridg- ton. His original house is still standing, and is of course the oldest house in the town. It is used as a tool repair shop, and was owned by his grandson, Hon. John P. Perley, who owned and occupied the farm. Augustus Perley of Bridgton, a grandson of Enoch, has furnished some particulars of the old house: It was about eighteen feet square, with about seven foot posts, and had quite a sharp roof. The covering was good pine boards feather-edged, without clapboards. What little of chamber there was, was lighted through a hole between the studs, which was closed by a piece of board fitted in and held in place by a cleat. The chamber was entered through a trap-door, which was reached by a turn-up ladder. A trap-door led into the cellar. The chimney and fireplace were at one corner and built of stone ; the latter broad enough to take a four-foot log, and the man- tel so high that a man might stand erect beneath it. The bed was in one corner and the cupboard in another. The house had three windows and one door. Soon after his marriage in 1778, he built a new and commodious house, which, with the proprietor's records, was destroyed by fire "2 Oct., 1880. Mr. Perley was moderator of the first town meeting of Bridgton, where he afterwards held many other town offices. He was a jus- tice of the peace and quorum in 1816, and must have been for some GROUND-FLOOR PLAN OF ENOCH'S HOUSE 124 THE PERLBY FAMILY time before, for on 2 May, 1796, there was acknowledged before him a deed conveying "a dwelling house situated on Prison lane in Salem, Mass., which house now stands on land of John Teague of Salem, blacksmith, near the house of Widow Williams, one end of said house fronts on the easterly side of Prison lane." He was in many respects a remarkable man — of great activity of mind and body, untiring perseverance and keen sagacity. He was small in stature, with a sharp voice and a quick emphatic manner of speaking, peculiar to himself. He foresaw, at an early day, the prospective value of pine timber in that region, and purchased large tracts for a compar- atively trifling consideration, and while others were stripping their lands of timber, wasting and burning it, he carefully preserved his until, before his death, it became to him a large fortune. At the time of his decease he was by far the wealthiest man in all that region. He left the principal part of his property to his two sons, who were extensively known in this County and in other parts of the State, as Maj. Perley and Gen. Perley. In their hands, and up to the time of their decease, the property was not only preserved but increased, and, what is a little remarkable, the same may be said of it in the hands of the third generation. Enoch Perley was always known in Bridgton and the surrounding towns by the title of "Squire Perley," and even now, he is spoken of and distinguished from his sons who succeeded him, as "the old Squire." . We have heard many anecdotes illustrating the keen sagacity and sharp wit of this little old gentleman, in short breeches and large shoe-buckles — always busy, exercising his various occupations of farmer, carpenter, stone- mason, smith, turner, tanner and currier, hunter and fisherman and, it would seem from the lines we copy, occasionally indulging in po- etic flights! The following lines were written by Mr. Perley in 1776, in Bridg- ton, on the bark of a birch tree, and were published in the Portland Advertiser in 1856. So far as poetic construction is concerned, they are very defective. But there is something in them — in the time and manner in which they were written, as well as the thoughts expressed, which interests us. There is enough in them, if clothed in the ele- gant diction of a Longfellow, to make an elegant poem. All ye who love the joys of peace, Ye who would dwell where tumults cease, Come, seat yourselves at my right hand; For here I've found the happy land; Where canuon and the sound of war. Are only heard as news from far. No British troops disturb my rest, No savage of the wilderness; Beneath my little homely cell In perfect quietness I dwell; Surrounded by as rich a soil As any found in Britain's isle. A spacious, and a .goodly land, When once subdued liy human hand. As labor was my father's lot. Labor I learnt and ne'er forgot; He eat his bread with sweating brow. And I expect to eat so too. Here, oft, when I the forest roam, I think of Eden's sacred grove, While numerous blessings me surround. Fancy portrays that ha[)py ground. Lo, here, these forests wild produce. Already fitted for my use. Paper, whose siheets are fine and large, Without a farthing's cost or charge. How far exceixls all human skill This perfect work of nature's will! And, lo, when art is forced aside. All bounteous nature will provide! And here her ample stores uufold; Her treasures, formed in times of old. Earth, air, and water « ill appear With food and medicine fraught its share. Tlie ponds and brooks. I daily find. Fish afford of differing kind — The chub, the eel, the horned pout. The pickerel, perch, and spotted trout; These, with a numerous silver train, Sptu-t up and down the liiiuid plain. The tortoise, too, both flesh and Jish. To epicures a dainty dish. Our native beasts, that range tlie wood, Serve both for clothes and find us food. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 125 The gallant moose, so famed for speed. On these majestic mouctains feed. The threatening armor from his head Excites in man an awful dread. But the fierce hound, endowed with skill, To know and act his master's will, Shall quickly make the monster know That man is lord of all below. The nimlile deer, like lambkins, play Where wolves and bears pursue their prey. The beaver, too, whose silken coat Is worn and prized by lords of note. The cony, and loug-liaired raccoon — The partridge, duck, and gabbling loon. Besides, in nature's garden grows A healing balm for many woes; Wihich cures the direst of disease, And gives the suffering patient ease, Of deepest and most deadly wound, Of broken limbs, and joints made sound; Agues, and fevers, cramp and gout. With colics, quineys, and no doubt Hysterics, with disordered brain. And rheumatism's acutest pain. The serpent's oil I've also found A cure for many a chronic wound. The fir defies the surgeon's skill — While the kind birch supplies my quill; These blessings, and a number more. Which might be added to the score. Were made to serve the use of man. When first the world and time began. Mrs. Rensselaer Cram of Portland, Me., a descendant of Mr. Par- ley, has kindly furnished us another of his poems, as follows : — Lines composed by a Traveler while pass- ing through the Notch of the White Moun- tains, and committed to paper at the next Tavern : — Here let the weary trav'ler pause, And contemplate his Maker's laws. Whose boundless power and matchless skill. Are marked on ev'ry rising hill. Lo, mountains upon mountains rise. Whose forms terrific threat the skies; Their tow'ring summits rals'd so high. As oft to impede the clouds that fly. No shrubs on their cold regions giow. Where summer's sun scarce melts the snow. As beacons, fixed by Heav'n they stand. A guide to seamen far from land. Through rifted vales the torrents roll, Like rattling thunder round the pole. Huge rocks in wild disoidrr tlirowu, While thousands more seem tumbling down To form dark caves, where beasts may den. Secure from all pursuit of men. Here, through the mighty ragged mass. Nature liad made a narrow pass. And man, whose searches know no bound, Sought till tliis only path was found. Where lofty crag, on either side. Have form'd a never-failing guide. Here, beasts of burthen spend their toil. Laden with fruits of northern soil. Here, Europe's wealth and India's goods, Find passage to Canadia's woods; Marking the great Creator's care. Who gives to each his iib'ial share; Who formed the world of various climes; Ordain'd the seasons, and the times; Made ev'ry part, from north to south, Luxuriant of its native growth — And rendering all complete together, Make one dependent on the otlier. After residing in his forest home about two years, Mr. Perley married Miss Anna Flint, daughter of Samuel and Lydia-Andrews Flint, of Middleton, Mass., 17 March, 1778. She was born 20 July, 1753, and died in Bridgton 15 April, 1823, seventy years old. He died 23 Dec, 1829, eighty years old. Enoch Perley of Bridgton, Me., hearing of the dissension in his native church at Boxford, Mass., and its threatened dissolution, expressing his good will toward his native town, offered one hun- dred dollars to establish a fund "to secure the permanent enjoyment of the preaching of the gospel" there. A subscription was started and thirty-nine subscribers gave $3400.00, eight of whom were Per- leys who contributed $1805: — $500 Charles Perley 20 Enoch Perley 20 Henry Perley 100 Thomas Perley 5 10 100 5 1050 Aaron Perley Amos Perley Artemas W. Perley Asa Perley, Jr., One-fifth of the subscribers contributed half the amount. 1 Perley children: John-122, Thomas-123, Rebecca', Nancy^ Huldahl 2 Rebecca^ was born 19 July, 1786, married E. P'essenden and had children, (of whom one married Horatio M. Page, M. D., of 126 THE PERLEY FAMILY Chelsea, and was living in 1842); Huldah^ was born 10 Oct., 1796, and died, unmarried, 9 Dec., 1818. 3 Nancy^was born 28 July, 1791 (Ingalls' journal 23 July, 1793), married 26 Dec, 1820, Ruel Barrows, and had Thomas P. and Mary, who married J. G. Shepley and had Annie V., Bessie and George. FAMILY 62: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAX-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33. AARON PERLEY was born 18 Sept., 1755, in the house de- scribed in family 57. In 1818 he removed the old house a few rods away and built the present Cleaveland mansion on the site. He was a very extensive farmer for his time. He kept a large stock of cattle, and his teams were continually in the market with the prod- ucts of his farm. A cider mill he erected in 1776, which became another exit for the fruit of his extensive orchards. He was a Minute Man of Capt. Jacob Gould's company, that marched to the defence of Lexington in 1775. He was always a patriotic and public - spirited citizen. He held numerous town offices. He was selectman and assessor in 1788, and on the school board 1808, 1813, 1818, 1822. Mr. Perley, however, gave more at- tention to his own business than to the affairs of others, and amassed great wealth for his time. He was always interested in the cause of the church. At his death, he gave five hundred dollars toward founding the East Parish Church Fund, and his widow, when the new church edifice was erected in 1838, presented the society with the Bibles and hymn books. His wife, married 27 June, 1786, was Mehitable Wood, his brother Thomas' wife's sister, and daughter of Thomas and Margaret -I^erkins Wood of Boxford, where she was born — where the third district schoolhouse now stands — 26 Nov., 1761. She died 15 March, 1853, at the age of ninety-one years. [Her mother died at the age of one hundred and one years and ten months, the oldest person that ever lived in Boxford.] He died 10 Dec, 1831, or 10 Jan., 1832, aged ninety-six years. They rest in Harmony Cemetery. 1 Perley children: Mary', John-124, Israel-r25, Enoch'^, Asa*, Enoch'^, Thomas''', Rebecca*^, Harriet-126, Huklah'. 2 Maryi was born 10 Oct., 1786, and married 29 Dec, 1807, Artemas Peabody, son of Asa and Susannah-Perley-65 Peabody of West Boxford. She died 5 May, 1813, aged twenty-six years. Her only child was born in Boxford : Amanda, born 23 Dec, 1808, whom her grandfather Aaron Perley adopted, changing her name to Mary Perley Peabody. She married Joseph G. Dummer, 28 Sept., 1836. 3 Enoch^ was born in 1792, and died 20 Feb., 1795. Enoch^ was born 4 Feb., 1795. In 1812, when he was seventeen years old, he entered Phillips Exeter Academy. He died 24 May, 1814. 4 Asa^ was born 27 June, 1793. He lived with the family on his old birthplace, a faithful, Christian gentleman, esteemed by all, till HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 127 his removal to the insane asykim at Charlestown, where he died, unmarried, 12 Sept., 1845. 5 Thomas^ was born 29 Feb., 1797. He never married. He was a farmer, cultivated the parental farm, and sustained the repu- tation and integrity his father had enjoyed. He was a militia captain and wore the title through life. He died 18 Jan., 1856. 6 Rebecca' was born 21 April, 1799. "Aunt Rebecca," as she was familiarly called, was never married. Her birthplace was always her home, where she died 18 Sept., 1881. She was a fine lady, possessed a bright intellect and good memory, and she shed a glowing radiance of peace all along her pathway. We -380 recall with pleasure the many happy hours of our childhood spent in listening to her recital of tales of the olden times. She was the Lord's and is now with him in glory. 7 Huldah' was born 22 May, 1805. She resided with her parents till her death, .3 June, 1843, aged thirty-eight years. Her remains are entombed with her uncle Thomas-60, in Harmony Cemetery. FAMILY 63: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35. DUDLEY PERLEY was born in Boxford 23 Nov., 1738. His father, 10 Jan., 1764, for natural affection, gave him, laborer, of Ips- wich-Canada, lot No. 26, 100 acres, originally Thomas Lord's. — Reg- istry, 49:331. John Hale of Boxford, gentleman, for love, gave his daughter Hannah, wife of Dudley Perley, 80 acres adjoining Perley's, in March, 1768.— Registry, 133:411. Dudley and Hannah his wife, 29 April, 1780, sold to Ebenezer Richardson, blacksmith, 20 acres, for ;^600. — Registry, 82 :455. They sold, 7 June, 1798, for $233, to John Flint of Winchendon, 45 acres. — Registry, 133:592. He sold his son Henry of Winchendon, for $100, "half the homestead farm in Winchendon, which he could not sell while his father lived," 19 Oct., 1807.— Registry, 169:166. In 1768, July 26, he and his wife removed to Winchendon, Mass., when that town was almost an unbroken wilderness, and began to make a farm. We note from the town records that a committee, 17 March, 1774, reported "the most convenient place for a schoolhouse for the east part of the town is in the great road by Mr. Dudley Perley's." In 1796, May 5, a proposed new road from James Raymond's to Dudley Perley's was negatived. A road was early laid out from "Mr. Dudley Perley's by Moses Hale's, through the village to Mr. Benjamin Kidder's, 4 miles 117 rods." At a town meeting, just prior to the Revolution, obeying the precept of a public letter from Boston, urging an earnest consideration of "the distressing and dan- gerous circumstances of our public affairs," Mr. Perley was made one of a committee of five, "to prepare a draft to lay before the town of such measures as may be thought proper for the town to come into, in order to defend their rights and liberties." The same com- mittee was made a committee of correspondence. He was a mem- 128 THE PERLEY FAMILY ber of the Winchendon company of Minute Men. He attained to lieutenant in the militia, and ever after wore the title. He was a selectman in 1772. Mr. Perley (pub. 3 Aug.) married, 3 Dec, 1767, Hannah Hale-5^, daughter of John and Priscilla-Peabody Hale of Boxford. She was born in Boxford 26 Oct., 1743, and died in Winchendon 9 Aug., 1806, aged sixty-three. Her husband survived till 16 Dec, 1810, when he was seventy-two. A paper beginning "We the heirs of the estate" is signed "Henry Perley, Ezra Hyde, Jr., Joseph Whitney, Jeremiah Spauld- ing." His oldest son, 9 Jan., 1811, had received his share of the estate, given a quit-claim, and settled in Maine; the second son lived in the state of New York. The rest of the children attended their father's funeral. — Registry, 46020. 1 Perley children, all born in Winchendon : John-127, Dudley-, Asa-128, Disperse-, Betsey-129, Hannah-130, Mehitable^ Ephraim'-, Thomas , Henryl 2 Dudley^ was born 26 Aug., 1770; he had no children; he lived in Pompey, N. Y., when, 15 Aug., 1812, he sold to Asa Perley of Winchendon, for $150, lot No. 26, 33 acres, the part set off by a committee of probate to Dudley Perley, late of Winchendon. — Reg- istry, 237:4-29; Disperse' was born 3 Aug., 1774, and died 26 Sept., 1775; Ephraim' was born 7 July, 1781, and died 3 Aug., 1786; Thomas' was born 7 June, 1783, and died 22 Jan., 1803. Mrs. Hannah Whitney writes: "Grandmother told me that she prayed one night when grandfather was in the army that the enemy might be dispersed. Before morning a daughter was born, and that same night the enemy fled, and the daughter was named Disperse." 3 Henry' was born 2 July, 1785, and died 9 June, 1833, leaving no children. He is remembered as the poet of the family, having left several pieces of meritorious verse. His wife was Martha Han- ford, married 12 Jan., 1814. [She married, second, Philip Short of Lynn 27 Oct., 18:34.] I, Henry Perley, yeoman, for $1400 convey my interest in land, house and other buildings, (the premises my honored father, Dud- ley Perley, conveyed to me 19 Oct., 1807,) to Joseph Whitney, 2 Sept., 1811, all of Winchendon.— Registry, 239:170. David F. Burgiss and wife Lois G., for $435, sold, 10 Dec, 1816, to Henry Perley — both of Ashburnham, 135 acres land. — Reg., 246:12. His name appears in the Lynn directory for 1832. He made his will 19 May, 1833, and named his wife executrix. In it he is called cordwainer. Her notification of appointment is dated 3'^ Tuesday (20) Aug., 1833. He gave his brothers John and Dudley, his sis- ters Hannah Whitney and Mehitable Spaulding, and his nephew Ezra Hyde, 3'\ one dollar each, and the use and improvement of the rest to his wife and if anything remained after her decease, it was to be equally divided among the children of his brother Asa dec*^, pro- vided, however, that she could sell the entire estate, if, at her dis- cretion, it was needed for her "comfortable maintenance." Worcester Co., 307:447.— Martha Perley, Lynn, widow, $450, sold Samuel J. Goodwin, Lynn, housewright, in W. part of Ashburnham, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 129 135 acres, 5 April, 1834. Witnesses: Erasmus Munford and E. C. Richardson. Caleb Wilder, Jr., Surveyor. Essex Co., 275:242. — Martha Perley, Lynn, widow, for $700, sold, 5 April, 1834, to Samuel J. Goodwin, Lynn, housewright, land, 28.83 poles, in Lynn, at Gravesend, so called, bounded east on North street, 3 rods; southwesterly on Rocks pasture, so called, 3 rods; northerly on William Ashton, 9.70 rods; southerly on James Breed, Jr., 8.83 rods, with dwelling house and other buildings. "North street" is now Chestnut, and "Gravesend" is now Glenmere. 4 Mehitable^ was born 17 Aug., 1779. She married in Aug., .1799, Jeremiah Spaulding of Peterboro, N. H., who was a blacksmith. They removed to Aurora, N. Y. FAMILY 64: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL.4.N-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-lti, ASA-35. ASA PERLEY was born in Boxford 13 Dec, 1740. He emi- grated to New Brunswick about 1764, with his cousins Israel and Oliver Perley. They settled on the St. John river, and founded the town of Maugerville, Sunbury County. They were the pioneer settlers of that section. Thomas Perley of Boxford under date of 1 July, 1816, writes his cousin Henry Perley of the same place, Asa's brother, and thus an- nounces Asa's death: "I have this day received aletterfrom my brother Enoch wherein he writes that our cousm Mehitable Perley with them has just received letters from her friends at St. John, dated in March last, and informing of the death of your brother Asa Perley." Mr. Perley's will is dated 21 May, 1808, and was proved in Nov., 1815, which was within a month of his death. He mentions in his will three sons, Amos, Asa and Dudley, and two daughters. He left real estate to xA.mos. His wife was Hannah Pickard of St. John. 1 Perley children: Amo.s-131, Dudley-132, Asa-133, Nathaniel, and two daughters. FAMILY 65: PEABODY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-3.5. SUSANNAH PERLEY was born 13 July, 1744, but when and where she died is unknown to us. She married, 5 Sept., 1765, Asa Peabody of Londonderry, N. H., son of John and Mary-Chadwick Peabody : i„ n„>uiory of ■ of Boxford, where Asa was born 1 ' *J':- ^^'i K^^^°il~ ' July, 1/4L Ihey lived at first in : ^t. 67. Londonderry, settled in Boxford, and ; Lived respected & died lamented. the site of his residence is now occu- ; ''^'''^ '""'^'"'^ * «'^" °' *'''' ^'^°""'- ; pied by the residence of Mr. Solomon Washington Howe in the East Parish. He was town treasurer for several years; he was much respected for his integrity and sym- metry of character. Just previous to his death he presented the 130 THE PERLBY FAMILY town the original cemetery lot near the First Church ; he was the first to be interred there. 1 Peabody children : Allen"'^, Ezra'-, Oliver'^ Susannah'^ Lois'^, Asa^, Enoch^, Artemas-62-, Polly.- 2 Allen^ was born 2 June, 1770, and settled in Meredith, N. H. Ezra^ was born 7 Aug., 1772, and died 27 Aug., 1811. Ohver^ was born 19 Dec, 1774, and published 16 July, 1798, with Nancy Pratt of Reading. Susannah^ was born 30 or 20 Jan., 1777, and Perley Derby (page 15*) says she married Enoch Foster of Lynn. Lois^ was born 2 or 12 April, 1779, married 29 July, 1799, John Town, born 27 Aug., 1771, to John and Anna Town of Boxford. Asa^ was born 13 April, 1781. Enoch^ was born 20 or 24 Aug., 1783. Polly^ was born 14 March, 1788. FAMILY 66: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT- ALLA>M, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35. ELIPHALET PERLEY was born 22 Nov., 1747. He lived, first, in Dan vers, removed to Boxford about 1777 and to Rindge, N. H., about 1779, and located probably near Perley pond in that town. In 1775 he was a corporal from Danvers in Capt. Israel Hutch- inson's company of militia, which marched to the battle of Lexing- ton, and serving two days received pay for fifty miles travel. While the Continental Army was stationed at Dorchester, 18 April, 1776, Ens. Eliphalet Perley was a member of the Board of Survey, which consisted of a president and four members. He kept a diary while in the army, and it is said his son Asa had it. Miss Alice H. Byrd -134 says Eliphalet was a farmer and later the first mate of a mer- chantman. J. P. Lowe-134'^ says he was a major under Gen. Wash- ington and much in the general's company. He was surveyor of highways in 1787. His brother Henry wrote in Aug., 1822, to his (Eliphalet's) widow: "Tell your children that their father and my brother was a brother soldier with me in 1776, and that he was never known to desert his post. It is a great comfort that Congress has remembered the remnant of the poor men who helped gain our freedom. I desire that you would tell your children and that they would tell their children's children that they may defend the liberties which we have gained for them, and which were bought with the blood of my fellow soldiers." Mr. Perley married in Boxford 24 March, 1774, Anna Porter, daughter of John and Apphia Porter, innholder of Danvers. She was a daughter of his step-mother. About 1782 he removed to Fitchburg, Mass., where he died 15 April, 1822, at the age of seventy-four years. His widow in a letter to his brother Henry, of Boxford, dated 22 July, 1822, thus speaks of his sickness and death: "Your brother Eliphalet is dead. . . . He had been failing for some time, but was able to keep about and do some work, until the 1st of January, when he was taken with a dropsical affection. He continued very feeble through the winter, but was able to walk about the house. On the morning of 15th of April he got up, ate HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 131 breakfast, and talked with one of the neighbors an hour, and ap- peared to be as well as usual, but was suddenly taken speechless and senseless, and appeared to be in a lit. For two years past he had been considerably affected with numb palsy, and it was thought to be that and a fit of apoplexy, which terminated his life at half past nine in the evening. . . . We are very lonely; my family now consists of myself and two daughters Betsey and Clarissa. Putnam and Susan with their families have removed 240 miles from us into the State of New York. Asa was with us through the winter and spring, but is now living in Lancaster, fifteen miles from Fitchburg. Brother Allen was here at the funeral of his brother. ... I wish you to write to brother Daniel soon." Mrs. Perley died the next year, 1823, July 10. The particulars of her death were given by her daughter Clarissa to her brother Henry, of Boxford, 29 Aug., 1823, as follows : "Mother died July 10. She had long been sick. About a week previous to her death a violent cough set in, which finally terminated her life. . . . Uncle Perley of Gardner called on us a few days since. He is well for a man of his age. He said he thought he should go to Boxford this fall. . . . There is no one left in our solitary dwelling but my sister Betsey and myself. My brother Allen lives in town. Brother Andrew died last fall — his family live about a mile from us. We have lately had letters from my brother and sister at Vienna, N. Y. Putnam often wishes to know if we have heard from Boxford." His son Asa "the only son in this State" was his administrator. His bond is dated 12 Nov., 1822. In the settlement his wife Anna is mentioned, and that he was a pensioner. — Registry, 46022. Asa Perley of Boxford, gentleman, for natural affection, gave his son Eliphalet, cooper, then of Boxford, 80 acres, drawn on the original right of Thomas Lord, 4 June, 1776. — Registry, 77: 104. When of Rindge, gentleman, 1 March, 1779, he sold for ;!^250, land in Winchendon — 80 acres — to Thaddeus Bowman of Winchen- don, yeoman.— ^Registry, 82 :244. Eliphalet Perley of Rindge, 2 Jan, 1783, sold Isaac Gibson, Jr., of Fitchburg, 31 acres of land in Fitchburg, courses and distances fully stated, for $150.— Registry, 87: 223. Anna, wife of P31iphalet of Fitchburg, bought 26 Dec, 1783, for ;^30, of Aaron Jewett of Harvard, gentleman, administrator of the estate of John Park, late of Fitchburg.— Registry, 94: 347. Eliphalet gave Samuel Perley and Solomon Perley security on note dated 4 June, 1789, and 8 Oct., 1797, relinquished 15 acres, the southerly part of Eliphalet's farm, amount $87.09. — Registry, 135 : 236. Eliphalet and Anna sold Joseph Fox, Esq., land and building.s — 31 acres— all of Fitchburg, 11 March, 1799, for $274.60. Registry, 130:600. Eliphalet, gentleman, and wife Anna, 28 Jan., 1808, sold 31 acres land and buildings in Fitchburg to Israel Wetherbee, Jr., of Ashley, for $625.— Registry, 67 : 520. 1 Perley children: Putnam"'^, Eliphalet^ Apphia\ Nancy^ Susan- nah-134, Betsey^ Clarissa^ Asa^ Andrew^ Allen^ 2 Putnam^ was born in Danvers 18 April, 1775. The town of I'itchburg boarded him eighteen weeks in the winter of 1806-7. He 132 THE PERLEY FAMILY was returned to Boxford, his nativity, where he was boarded with Ensign Daniel Gould and Capt. Joseph Symonds in 1807. He re- turned to Fitchburg soon after, and married Mary Fisher. About 1823, they removed to Vienna, N. Y., where he "lived on a small farm, but having poor health was not able to do much." He died about 1830. He was a cooper by trade. They had no children. 3 Eliphalet^ was born 9 March, 1778, in Boxford. Nancy' was born 13 April, 1783, in Fitchburg, published with Nathan Andrews, a farmer, 15 Dec, 1810, had Daniel, Nathan, Porter, Leander, Ly- sander and Nancy, and died in Fitchburg, 19 Feb., 1842. Betsey' was born in Fitchburg, 7 May, 1788, and died there, unmarried, 21 Sept., 1849. By will she gave all her property to her brother Asa and nominated him executor, 18 May, 1849. The will was filed 22 Sept., the same year. — Registry, 46018. Clarissa' was born in Fitchburg, 28 Oct., 1790, and died there of consumption, 10 Feb., 1846. For Andrew^ and Allen' see extracts from letters above. 4 Apphia^ was born in Rindge, N.H., I July, 1780, and died, unmar- ried, in Fitchburg 15 Nov., 1816. Her father, in a letter to her uncle Henry-t)9 of Boxford, dated 26 Nov., 1816, thus speaks of her: "Daughter Apphia died the 15th, about 6 o'clock in the morning, after a confinement of about a month with a consumptive cough and a fever attending it, which she bore with a submissive patience. She had her reason to the last, and appeared to be fully resigned to death. She left us with consolation under a hope she has made a happy change. . . . Love and respects to sister Phebe and her children." Apphia Perley sold to Betsey'' and Clarissa'', all spin- sters, for $25, !^ Nov., 1816, land in the northern part of Fitchburg reserving to my father and mother Eliphalet and Anna the use of it while they live. — Registry, 211: 68; and Israel Witherbee, Jr., car- penter, for $42, sold to Apphia and Susanna Perley-134 single women, 1 Feb., 1809, 3 acres, in Fitchburg. — Registry, 178: 259. 5 Asa' was born in Fitchburg, 30 Sept., 1793. His wife, married 27 Nov., 1823, was Eliza Jane Oakman, since by the P'itchburg records (4: 344) she married as Eliza and (9: 21) died as Jane. She died of lung fever, 12 April, 1870, aged seventy-four years. He was a farmer, and by trade a cabinetmaker. He bought 12 P^eb., 1820, for $252.50, land and buildings in Fitch- burg, three-fourths of a mile east of the meeting house, near a black- smith's shop, of Amos Durant and Joanna his wife. — Registry, 220 : 538. He bought of John Thurston, gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife, for $175, half the land and buildings near blacksmith's shop and three-quarters of a mile east of the meeting house. Registry, 220: 559. Pie bought 12 June, 1821, for $70, land sold for taxes, the John Manning lot. — Registry, 259: 202. Asa and Eliza his wife bought, on mortgage, 7 Feb., 1825, of James L. Hayes and his wife Nancy of Fitchburg, cabinetmaker, land and buildings near blacksmith's shop for $400, and for $275, land and buildings on the Lunenburg road, 1 Dec, 1827. He bought 15 May, 1829, for $16, land on the Ashley road, of Israel and Hephzibah Wetherbee. — Registry, 284: 251, and 26 Sept., 1831, for $100, sold land on the Ashley road to Isaiah Putnam, all of Fitchburg. — Registry, 284: 252. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY I33 His will, drawn 12 April, 1865, mentions beloved wife Jane, who had $bOi); son Alvin in California, $bQ, and daughter Eliza Jane Whitcomb of West Acton, ^100.— Registry, 46016. He died 80 Nov., 1865. Their children were Alvin, born 1*2 Dec, 1824, and Eliza Jane, born 15 Feb., 1828. FAMH.Y 67: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, TH0MAS-l(i, ASA-35. ALLEN PERLEY was born in Boxford 9 June, 1750. He so- journed in Ward, now Auburn, and removed to Gardner. The attraction to that section about that time was the movement in real estate. Massachusetts had paid her soldiers of the French and Indian Wars in wild land in the northern middle part of the State, and farms and sections could be bought in many instances very cheap. Asa Perley, gentleman, and Thomas Perley, yeoman, both of Boxford, sold 19 April, 1769, for ;^66, 150 acres of land to Peter Damon of Weston. — Registry, 64: 154. They sold 18 Feb., 1767, for ;j{^188 6s. 8d., 175 acres in Weston to Joseph Parker of the same place. This was a part of the land laid out to Capt. Thomas Perley and Capt. .Stephen Peabody-16. The witnesses were Dudley Per- ley and Enoch Perley. — Registry, 66: 528. All these persons were Allen's neighbors in Boxford. He may have been an agent there for the sale of these lands. He was of Winchendon 11 Sept., 1779, when he was published with "Mrs." Judith Case, "both of Winchendon." He was pub- lished 24 Nov., 1798, with Miss Lydia Porter, and married her 29 Jan., 1794, when both were of Gardner. She was born in Westford, and died in Gardner, the widow of Allen, 3 March, 1846, aged 89 years, 4 months, 19 days. He was in Gardner a selectman 1800-1, and member of the school board in 1808. His father, Asa of Boxford, gentleman, gave "his son Allen, cordwainer, of Boxford." 80 acres of land No. 176, in Winchendon, drawn on the original right of Thomas Lord, 4 June, 1776, witnesses Samuel Perley and Solomon Perley. — Registry, 77 : 108. He died, in Gardner probably, in Dec, 1829. Lydia Perley was administratrix of estate of Allen Perley of Gardner, 20 Jan., 1880. The inventory of Allen of Gardner's estate was filed 28 Feb., 1808 — real estate $30 and personal $149.85. It seems by registry, 341 : 1 and 844: 277, that Allen sold his estate, for $1000, to his son Asa in consideration of the support of himself and his wife Lydia during their natural lives, 80 July, 1828, half of lot of 80 acres, formerly in Winchendon, but in Gardner at that time. This transaction occa- sioned the small probate inventory in 1830. 1 Perley children: Susannah*, Allen-185, Sarah", David-136, Anna-137, Asa-138. 2 Sarah^ was born 14 Dec, 1784, married 29 Dec, 1816, Jonathan Wood, Jr., of Gardner, as his second wife, and had born in Gardner, 134 THE PERLEY FAMILY Sally C, 27 June, 1818, and Nelson P., 26 Jan., 1821, who married Mary Nichols. 3 Susannah^ was born 9 April, 1780. She married Ezekiel Marsh of Millbury, Mass., where he was born 7 Dec., 1775, and died of dysentery 30 Aug., 1818. She died of consumption, 8 March, 1838. Their home was Millbury; he was a carpenter and a farmer. Marsh children: George^ Susan'*, Daniel*, Elijah'*, Ezekiel Preston"*, Susan'*, Ebenezer*. 4 George'^ was born 12 Feb., 1805, and was a filer by trade, re- sided in Millbury, where he died 30 July, 1833; Susan'' was born 29 July, 1806, and died in Millbury 14 Jan., 1810; DanieP was born 18 June, 1808, was a stone mason, married Emma Jackson, 30 Jan., 1859, and resided in Auburn; Elijah'' was born 11 May, 181 0, was a cabi- netmaker, married Eliza Prouty, resided in Millbury and died in Worcester, 15 Aug., 1869; Ezekiel Preston*' was born 28 June, 1812, and 10 April, 1839, married Hannah R. White, and was a blacksmith, residing in Auburn; Susan" was born 27 Sept., 1815, and 1 Aug., 1838, married Joseph Stowell, and resided in Millbury, where he died 24 Jan., 1841; Ebenezer' was born 18 June, 1817, was a black- smith, and resided in Millbury, where he died 15 April, 1837. FAMILY 68: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35. DANIEL PERLEY was born in Boxford 24 Sept., 1752. He removed to Bridgton, Me., with his cousin Enoch, before 1781, where he settled for life. He married 6 Dec, 1781, Rebecca Por- ter, the daughter of a sea captain who was lost at sea. She died 20 Feb., 1810. His second wife, whom he married 14 Feb., 1815, was Huldah-Peabody-58, who was born 6 Jan., 1765. Huldah's first hus- band was Nathaniel Chamberlaine of Portland, Me., married in Jan., 1787. She died 22 Aug., 1854. Daniel died in Bridgton, 6 March, 1838. 1 Perley children, born in Bridgton, Me. : Frederick'-, Clarissa^ Parmelia'-, Sophia"*, Lucy'-, Daniel-139, Porter-140, Martha"-, Rebecca'^ 2 Frederick* was born 5 Aug., 1784, and died 18 Sept., 1785; Parmelia* born 17 June, 1788, married Nat Webb and lived in Bos- ton, where dying, she left two sons and three daughters; Lucy^ born 24 April, 1792, died unmarried in Bridgton, Me., in 1874; Martha*, born 24 Oct., 1800, was a coat maker in Boston many years, where she died unmarried, 11 Feb., 1841, and was buried there; Rebecca*, born 23 March, 1805, married William Ally of Lynn, and died before 1874, leaving children. 3 Clarissa*, born 18 Aug., 1786, married 19 Apr., 1814, William Green of Sweden, Me., and had five sons and three daughters. Her children are all dead save John, who has two sons, and is living (1880) in River Falls, Wis. 4 Sophia"*, born 10 June, 1790, married Isaiah Ingalls, born 5 June, 1787, to Isaiah and Phoebe-Herrick Ingalls. She died before HISTORY AND GENEALOGY I35 1874. Mr. Ingalls was elected captain 10 July, 1816, by his company of Light Infantry attached to the 2*^ Regiment, I''' Brigade and 12"^ Division of the Mass. Militia. He was commissioned 20 July, 1816, by Gov. John Brooks, Alden Bradford, Sec'y; and qualified before John Perley, major of the regiment. The original document is in possession of his son George Henry Ingalls of Boston. Capt. Ingalls was a descendant of Edmond Ingalls, who was born in Lin- colnshire, England, and came to America with his family and located in Lynn in 1629. Ingalls children : Louisa A. '^I Frederick P.®; Sophia, born in Harrison 16 Aug., 1816, married Dr. Whitney of Charlestown, and died in Harvard, Mass., 8 Nov., 1859; Julia A., born in Harrison 6 Apr., 1818, and died 20 June, 1820; James H., born in Portland 8 Sept., 1822, and died 3 Apr., 1823; James Porter, born 14 Aug., 1824, in Portland, married Eunice Weston, and died 4 June, 1895; George Henry, born 17 Aug., 1832, in Bridg- ton, married Martha E. Shaw, daughter of Joseph and Eliza-Dennis Shaw, 25 Jan., 1869. 5 Louisa A.^was born 3 July, I8l0 ; married Dr. Barnard Usher 11 June, 1833, and died 1 Jan., 1850. Usher children : Marshall, born in Bridgton 3 Dec, 1834, and John D., born 11 Sept., 1838. 6 Frederick P."* was born 27 Jan., 1812, and married Frances Ann Berry in Portland 18 Dec, 1834. She died 15 Feb., 1894, aged eighty-eight. Ingalls children : Mary Elizabeth, born 4 June, (Ingalls journal, 25 Oct.,) 1835; Ann Louisa, born 20 April, 1838; Frederick Charles, born 4 June, 1843; Frances Ellen, born 10 Aug., 1845, and died 3 June, 1892; Joseph Henry, born 10 Dec, (Ingalls journal 6 April,) 1848. FAMILY 69: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, THOMxVS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35. HENRY PERLEY was born in Boxford, 17 Feb., 1755. During his minority he was living in Stoughton, Mass. He left a manuscript of his Revolutionary experience, from which we gather the follow- ing: On the morning of 19 April, 1775, he marched to the battle of Lexington, in Capt. Asahel Smith's company, of Stoughton, at- tached to Col. Lemuel Robinson's regiment. He served nine days and received ;^12 10s. 4d. He then enlisted in the service, in Capt. William Bent's company. Col, John Greaton's regiment, where he remained till his term of service expired, 31 Dec. The next day he enlisted again m Capt. Bent's company for one year, and was sta- tioned at Fort No. 2, in Cambridge. About the 18th of March they were ordered to New York, via Connecticut. They shipped at Nor- wich, sailed to Long Island, and marched to New York. There they encamped about three weeks, when they were ordered to Canada via Albany. The division was commanded by Gen. Thompson, who died at Chambly of small-pox. The troops were ordered over a great part of Lower Canada. Most of the army being sick with small-pox, they were obliged to retreat before the enemy, leaving their sick and languishing upon the ground. They retreated to 136 THE PERLEY FAMILY Ticonderoga, and when the regiment was ordered to Mt. Indepen- dence, Mr. Perley, who was sick with intermittent fever, was dis- charged, 1 Nov., 1776, by order of Gen. Gates, commander. He then came home to Boxford, where he remained some time, and was a member of Capt. Jacob Gould's company. In 1778, July 31, he was ordered to Rhode Island, where he served six months in Gen. Sullivan's expedition in the company of Capt. Simeon Brown of Salem, Col. Wade's regiment, Marquis de Lafayette's division. They were afterwards disbanded. In the year 1779, he belonged to the company of Jeremiah Putnam of Dauvers, Col. Tyler's regiment, and was stationed at Providence till the enemy left Newport. This regiment occupied Newport till the expiration of their term of ser- vice 5 Jan., 1780. For his service, he was granted a pension. The year following his martial service he married. His first wife, married 27 Oct., 1781, was Eunice Hood, born 1 Oct., 1757, to John and Mary-Kimball Hood of Topsfield, in the house now owned and occupied by S. D. Hood, Esq., and built in 1716. They resided in (North.'') Andover, till about 1786, when he went to Boxford. The house here pictured was built about 1754 by Joseph Mat- thews. Mr. Perley bought the estate about 1786 and "settled down to a life of repose." He died there, and his son Henry occupied the THE HENKY PERLEY HOUSE. place till he also died there. Then Maj. Moses R. Rust rented it, occupying it twenty years. From that time it fell into "innocuous desuetude," except an occasional dweller, till it became quite unten- antable. It was demolished in 1883. Mr. Perley's wife died in childbirth, in Boxford, Monday, 11 Oct., 1790, when only thirty-three years old. His second wife was Me- hitable Peabody, daughter of Daniel and Anna-Stickney Peabody, married 30 Oct., 1799, and born 12 Nov., 1763. In his sixty-eighth year, Aug., 1822, in answering a letter received from the widow of his brother Eliphalet, concerning Eliphalet's death, he says, "I can mourn with you as one that mourneth. . . . HISTORY AND GENEALOGY I37 I have been carried through troubles, and have been supported when I was almost overwhelmed with sorrow. ... I am an old man and cannot expect to tarry long on the stage of human affairs. . . . God's tender mercies are over all the work of his hands ; and I hope that He who hath made us will have mercy upon us." Mr. Perley was five feet and four inches in height; his com- plexion was dark with black hair and black eyes; and his physique was compact and muscular, and capable of extreme endurance. The only town office of importance that was held by him was surveyor of highways in 1800 and 1810. He died G Feb., 1838, wanting only eleven days of completing his eighty-third year. His remains repose in the cemetery near the First Church edifice. His widow, mother of the youngest child only, died "The death of the righteous," 28 Oct., 18-14, aged eighty years. 1 Perley children: Eunice'-, Henry-141, Susanna'-, Samuel-142, Leonard-143. 2 Eunice^ was born 14 April, 1782, in Andover. She married Daniel Dresser of Bangor, Me., in Aug., 1809, and died 18 July, 1862. Susannah^ was born IG March, 1788, in Boxford, where she died 23 Nov., 1791. The Hood Genealogy reads "born 17 Feb., 1789." FAMILY 70: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35. SAMUEL PERLEY was born in Boxford 15 Sept., 1757 or 8. He served in the army of the Revolution a few months near its close, and then settled upon the parental farm. A good view of the ancient mansion and the massive, wide-spreading elm that graces the frontage, is shown on the next page. This is one of the largest, most symmetrical, and beautiful elms in the County. The illustration properly belongs to family 35, which see. Thomas Perley-4 chose the site for his residence as early as 1(384. The property passed to his son Thomas-16; then to Asa-35, who razed the old house and built the present one. The subject of this family was the next owner. Later owners were Israel and Isaac Hale, then Isaac Hale, and now Frank Barnes, though the house is still known as "the Hale house." Mr. Perley was a frugal, diligent, and prosperous husbandman. He was a selectman in 1797, and district surveyor of highways in 1786 and 1800. He died of a wound 18 June, 1807, aged forty-nine years. His wife, Phebe, daughter of Capt. Daniel Dresser of Row- ley, born there 29 April, 1762, and published 24 March, 1798, suc- ceeded him in the husbandry. She died 25 Feb., 1850, of "old age," aged eighty-eight years, at the residence of her son Daniel, in Lynn. Though the means of education were small in those days, she was a well informed woman, of more than ordinary natural gifts. She managed the farm and her three boys (so her son, the doctor, says) with much discretion. She labored hard to live and educate her children, and in her age rejoiced to see the boys stand highest in 138 THE PERLEY FAMILY their professions. Her remains rest at the side of her husband's in Harmony Cemetery, Boxford, and her epitaph reads: "All the days of my appointed time will I wait." TIIK HALF. nuisK. 1 Perley children: Ira-144, Asa'-. Daniel-145. 2 Asa^ was born 2 Dec., 1802 (or 1801, the doctor said), and died 22 Oct., 1827, unmarried, or as the doctor says, "in Sept., 1826." The doctor says, "He was a promising farmer, of unblemished char- acter, and held for several years the most important offices in town." FAMILY 71: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35. SOLOMON PERLEY was born in Boxford 25 Feb., 1760. He married, 26 Nov., 1789, Lucy Kimball, baptised 6 Sept., 1767, for Jacob and Priscilla-Smith Kimball of Topsfield. She was sister to Jacob, the celebrated musician. She died of consumption 29 Sept., 1790, a bride of only ten months. In 1792, Solomon Bixby-Perley was born. In July, 1807, when he was of Caseway-Ridge, York or Sunbury County, N. B., he gave his cousin Thomas Perley of Boxford, a power of attorney, to recover the real estate his father deeded him, etc. 1 Perley children : Solomon-146, Nathaniel-147. FAMILY 72: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, .TACOB-37. ISAAC PERLEY was born in Boxford 5 Sept., 1730. It is said that he was called "Deacon," and that at some time he resided in the Emerson house lately located near the residence of Francis Harden, and also that he was very homely. He probably removed from town about a century and a quarter ago, but we know not where, though tradition suggests New Boston, N. H. He was admitted to the First Church 8 June, 1760, where his two younger children were baptised. Mr. Perley married 4 Dec, 1755, Hannah Lakeman, daughter of Solomon and Hannah of Ipswich, where she was baptised 4 April, 1731. 1 Perley children : Sarah^, Lucy^, Isaac'', John^ 2 Sarah^ was born 4 May, 1757. Tradition says she was very handsome, and when the small-pox prevailed in the vicinity, she, fearing its evil effects upon her beauty if she should take it, entered the pest-house, the Nelson house near by, for the varioloid. She died there. She married 4 May, 1780, Nathaniel Hale, born 4 Sept., 1754, to Abner and Kezia-Baker Hale of Boxford. He died 29 Nov., 1831 ; she, 12 Aug., 1837. Their children were born: Perley, 27 Oct., 1780; Hannah, 28 Dec, 1782; Sally, 5 June, 1785; Lucy, 28 April, 1788, in Bridgton, Me.; Irene, 3 March, 1791; Nathaniel, 30 April, 1793; Olive, 11 Jan., 1796, and died 14 Dec, 1831; Harriet, 16 Oct., 1799, and died in June, 1803. 3 Lucy^ was born 22 July, 1760, and married 30 May, 1784, Samuel Sawyer of Hopkinton, N. H. Isaac^ was baptised in the First Church, Boxford, 23 June, 1765. John^ was born 5 Oct., or Nov., 1766. FAMILY 73: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37. JACOB PERLEY was born in Boxford 8 June, 1732. He led a farmer's life in his native town for many years, giving almost exclu- sive attention to the cultivation of the soil. The first nine years of his married life, from the age of about thirty-two, he lived in Box- ford. In 1773, the family removed to Chester or Candia, N. H., the settlement of which had just begun. There seven years later he buried the wife of his youth. He y y' r\ ^ removed to the wilds of Maine about (^^;z~<.^t>^ ^^-<^-'^^^^ 1794, and since Moses and Aaron '^ t-^ ^ seem not to have been of the family, Mr. Periey-s signature 28 Feb., ires. they were probably "put out," upon the death of their mother. Sarah Perley, spinster; Jacob Perley and Joshua Perley, hus- bandmen, 29 May, 1792; Apphia Perley, spinster, 16 Sept., 1793; Moses Perley, husbandman, 24 Nov., 1797, all of Candia, N. H., con- veyed to Jacob Andrews of Boxford, land belonging to the estate of 140 THE PERLEY FAMILY their grandfather Joshua Andrews, late of Boxford, dec'd. Jacob Perley, husbandman, of Tingstown, Me., conveyed his son Aaron's share in the same, 1 Dec, 1797. Our esteemed venerable friend, Dr. James Lewis Blake of Bridgton, Me., informs us that about 1794, Jacob Perley with his second son Joshua and two daughters, Apphia and Irene, lived with their father in a log house, in what was then called Ting town or Ting's town, a name derived from the fact that a man by that name owned the township or a large part of it, and was the first settler. The name of it now is Wilton. About 1798, Mr. Perley removed thence to Montville, Me., where he died 81 March, 1804, aged seventy-one years. Mr. Perley held only such town offices as reputable persons were obliged to take or be fined. In Boxford he was surveyor of high- ways in 1709, and in 1767 and 1770 was hogreeve. It is said that he was a large, stout, resolute man, was employed as swine-butcher by the farmers for miles around, wherein he used to boast that he could "stick a hog without staining the knife," and that he was an honest, industrious and highly useful citizen. The History of Chester, N. H., records Jacob Perley on the list of those who pledged life and fortune in the common cause against the British in the Revolution. His wife, married 19 April, 1764, was Sarah Andrews, born 8 Sept., 1741, to Joshua and Hannah-Wood Andrews of Boxford. She died in Chester, N. H., 29 March, 1780, aged thirty-eight years. 1 Perley children : Sarah-, Jacob-, Joshua-148, Apphia-149, Irene -150, Moses-151, Aaron-152. 2 Sarah^ was born 9 June, 1765, in Boxford. Her husband's name was Jefferds, married in New Hampshire, where probably she lived. She died in Oct., 1797, aged thirty-two. Jacob^ was born 16 Oct., 1767, in Boxford. He married Sarah Sargent, in New Hampshire, where he soon after died, it is said, without issue. P'AMILY 74: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, .TA('OB-37. BENJAMIN PERLEY was born in Boxford 10 Feb., 1735. He married, 2 Jan., 1759, Hannah Clark, born in Topsfield 9 May, 1735, to Jacob and Mary-Howlett Clark of Boxford. They joined the First Church, Boxford, 10 Jan., 1762. She died probably in 1771 or 2, since he married 12 Oct., 1773, Miss Apphia Andrews of Dan- vers. His wives had six children each, all born in Boxford but the last one. In 1816, when he was eighty-one years old, his house took fire, and he, endeavor- . •-n. ing unsuccessfully to J^ ' ^^ C? ) y^ extinguish it, perished /fy^^ i^^^yyui^^ j^ C^p.-^O^-y' in the flames. His ^ (j / widow survived him TIus is Mr. rfilcy's signature to a bond. till 20 June (Townrecords: 15 July), 1825, when she was eighty-one. Benj. Perley of Boxford, gentleman, and Apphia, his wife, 10 May, 1777, for ;£o60, conveyed to Samuel Hewes of Boston the HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 141 Savage place with buildings thereon. (A blacksmith's shop stood in the corner near the burying ground.) In 1781 or 2, he removed from Boxford to Topsfield; in 1789 he returned to Boxford; in 1791 he removed to Dunbarton, N. H. In the Revolution he was a patriot and a soldier. He was a Minute Man at the battle of Lexington, as lieutenant in Capt. Wil- liam Perley's company. He was ever after called lieutenant. In March, 1777, he was one of a committee to hire soldiers, and again in 1780. He was prominent in civil affairs. In Boxford he was a select- man and overseer in 1774, 1778, 1779, 1781; a constable in 1770; a moderator of town meetings in 177G; a surveyor of highways in 1790; a warden in 1776; a hogreeve in 1765 and 1791; a tithing man in 177*2, 1774, 1780; a sealer of leather in 1767, 1769, 1770, 1772, 1773, 1779, 1780. In 1779 he was one of seven to regulate the prices current. In 1781 he was one of two chosen by the town to instruct the representative at General Court. The public records evidence his ability and character and the high regard in which he was held by his fellow citizens. 1 Perley children : Mary-153, Dorothy'^ Rebecca-154, Benjamin- 155, Hannalr, Paul-156, Apphia-157, Anna-158, John-l59, Sarah-l60, Betty\ JaCob-161. 2 Hannah^ was born 20 Oct., 1767, married Ebenezer Smith, who was born 9 Jan., 176:3, and had Ebenezer, born 10 Dec, 1793, in Chelsea, Vt., died 29 Sept., 1873, married 9 Jan., 1820, Sarah Hood; Hannah, born in Chelsea, 1794, married Dexter Chamber- lain; Rebecca''; Dolly, who married Stephen Fogg; and Perley, who married Laura Thompson. 3 Dorothy^ was born 26 Sept., 1761, and published with Moses Adams, of New London, N. H., 6 P'eb., 1790. Bettie^ was born 16 May, 1781, and married Asa Kimball of Bradford 17 Jan., 1838. 4 Rebecca'^ was born in Chelsea, Vt., 6 Aug., 1797, died 27 Oct., 1882, in Derry, N. H., married 23 Sept., 1821, in Chelsea, Harvey Hood, a farmer, who was born to Gillin-Lane and P3nos Hood, a farmer in Chelsea, 1 June, 1798, died 18 Sept., 1878, in Derry, hav- ing had, in Chelsea, Vt., Harvey Perley''; Gilbert V.., born 21 Nov., 1824, married 13 May, 1852, Frances K. Herrick, and without chil- dren lives in Lawrence, Mass.; Eliza P., born 2 Aug., 1827, and resides in Reading, Mass.; Lucinda R., born 28 May, 1830, married 20 Aug., 1857, Rev. Azro A. Smith of Reading, and have no chil- dren; Mary A., born 28 Aug., 1833, and died in Boston, 27 June, 1886; Henry C, born 19 Nov., 1835, and died in Derry, N. H., 22 P'eb., 1866; Edward P., born 3 March, 1838, and died in Derry, 6 Nov., 1860; P:ilen M., born 10 July, 1840, died in Derry, 20 April, 1S60. 5 Harvey Perley^ was born 6 June, 1823, was a milk contractor, died in Derry, N. H., 17 June, 1900, married 5 May, 1850, in Charles- town, Mass., Miss Caroline Laura Corwin, who was born in Chelsea 1 March, 1829, to Clarissa-Thompson and John Corwin, resides in Derry, having had two children born in Charlestown and four in Derry, thus: Laura Caroline, born 16 Sept., 1851, married John Walter Johnston in Nov., 1892, reside in Manchester, N. H., without 142 THE PERLBY FAMILY children; Clara Rebecca, born 22 Oct., 1854, married 4 June, 1902, Greenleaf Kelley Bartlett, and resides in Lawrence, without chil- dren; Nellie Frances*'; Charles Harvey"'; Edward John^; Gilbert Henry^. 6 Nellie Frances^ was born 23 Oct., 1856, and married 1 Feb., 1882, Marcell Nelson Smith, having issue: Nelson Harvey, born in Feb., 1890; Miriam, born in Oct., 1891, and Lawrence, born and died in Sept., 1895. 7 Charles Harvey^ was born 26 Feb., 1860, in Derry, is a milk contractor, resides at 2 Benton road, Somerville, Mass., married 2 June, 1886, in Derry, Katherine Wyman Eastman, who was born in Derry 23 June, 1862, to Benj. F. Eastman, lumber agent, and Sabra Wyman Jones, and has had children: Marion Allen, born 20 Aug., 1888, in Derry; Caroline Wyman, born in Derry 21 March, 1892, and died in Somerville, 13 Dec, 1897; and, born in Somerville, Har- vey Perley, 12 April, 1897; Sabra Louise, 17 Sept., 1901; Helen Katherine, 11 Sept., 1902. 8 Edward John^ was born 26 Oct., 1864; married Harriet Geddes in June, 1894, in Winchendon, Mass., and lives in Somerville, Mass. Issue: Marjory, born in April, 1896, and died in Jan., 1897; Zaida, born 19 April, 1899. 9 Gilbert Henry*^ was born 6 May, 1866, and married Helen Marr Davis 8 Sept., 1892. They reside in Derry, N. H. Issue: Emily Caroline, born 29 Nov., 1897; Gilbert Henry, born 19 Aug., 1899. FAMILY 75: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT—ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37. JOHN PERLEY was born in Boxford 7 Dec, 1746. He was of Haverhill previous to his marriage. He was a tailor and doubtless practiced the art from house to house, as was the custom of the time. He owned a small farm and had at the time of his death a horse and two cows. He was a member of Capt. Daniel Hill's company of militia in Col. Johnson's regiment ; was at the battle of Lexington and in the famous retreat to Cambridge, serving four days. By the muster roll, he marched seventy miles. In June, 1778, the selectmen of Haverhill gave him an order on the town treasurer for ;^3 15s. His wife was Hannah Green of Haverhill, who survived him. He died of small-pox 2 Dec, 1778, at the age of thirty-one. His widow became administratrix of his estate 2 Jan., 1779. The ap- praisers were Samuel Souther, David Marsh and Ebenezer Gage, Jr. The inventory, presented 4 July, 1780, amounted to ^1094 15s. 8d. Two items were "a brown Coat crimson Jacket & everlast- ing Breeches p^lO," and "a Velvet Jacket & Leather Breeches £b." Benj. Perley of Boxford, his brother, was appointed the guardian of his children 4 Jan., 1779. 1 Perley children : John-162, Sarah-, Nathaniel-163, Hannah'^. 2 Sarah^ was born 7 April, 1771, and married David Loring of Concord, N. H. Hannah' was born 5 Aug., 1777 or 8, and married Moses Payson of Haverhill, Mass. FAMILY 76: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS 4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38. NATHAN PERLEY was born in 1737 in Boxford. He settled in Methuen, Mass. The last house in that town on the main road to Haverhill is occupied by Edmund Perley, a grandson of Nathan. Three half-centuries ago the house was owned by one Symonds, Tliis iiicture is made from a pen-aud-ink drawing nf tlic XaUuin IVrloy house in Me- tlmen and has been pronounced by a daughter, who well remembered the place, as "correct in every particular." among whose children, "to the manor born," was a daughter Sarah. Nathan went a-courting Sarah, and Nathan and Sarah expected to wed. For some unexplained reason the wedding was deferred, Nathan married Mehitable Mitchell, who died 24 Nov., 1773, the mother of seven children. Sarah married William Rea of Dan- vers, who died leaving one son, who was called by his father's name, William. Nathan remembered his first love and paid a visit to Sarah. The flame was warm and reciprocating. Rev. Christopher Sargent, the first minister of that town, aged and much loved, made them one, 13 Oct., 1774. The first year of his second marriage he lived in Methuen. He had been a soldier in the French and Indian War, and he foresaw the approaching conflict of arms, and in consequence advocated the ^/^-^;ife*^ /^£^t^^ 144 THE PERLEY FAMILY Study and practice of military tactics. He was then a member of the first militia company of Methuen, and with the rest of the com- pany signed a paper 6 Oct., 1774, "covenanting and engaging to form themselves into a body, in order to learn the manual exercises." He was at the battle of Concord and Lexington, as sergeant, in Capt. James Jones's company, and was out four days. Shortly after the Lexington campaign, he removed to Danvers, where he lived several years and the rest of his children were born. About 1790, he re- / ^/^ ^ turned to Methuen, ^^ and located upon the This is Mr. Perley's signature, as appiaiser, old Symonds estate, to an inventory 7 May. ITSI. the nativity and patrimony of his wife. He razed the old house and erected the present dwelhng. He died there about 1816; his widow, about 1839. 1 Perley children: Martha'', Lydia^ John-164, James-165, Mar- tha", Nathan-, Joseph", Mehitable'\ Lydia-166, Sarah^ Edmund-167, Amos", Asa-168, DanieP. 2 Martha^ was born 10 Feb., 17(50, and died 8 April, 1762. Lydia^ was born 15 Feb. and died 27 Mar., 1762. Martha^ was born 22 June, 1767. Nathan^ was born 27 Feb., 1769. Of Mehitable', who married Sewell Bennett, and of DanieP we have no further knowledge. Joseph' was born 29 Jan., 1771. Sarah' married James Keen of Boston 1 Sept., 1819, by Rev. Charles O. Kimball of Methuen. 3 Amos' was a school teacher. In an advertisement of his school to begin in Salem 10 April, 1810, he "tenders his grateful acknowl- edgments for past favors," and will limit the numbers of his scholars to thirty. He "will open a department for females." The branches to be taught were reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, English grammar, drawing, painting, embroidery and various kinds of needlework. The tuition was four to five dollars. It is under- stood that he and his wife sometime taught in the Bradford Acad- emy. Both were pupils there and may have been pupil-assistants, though there may be no record of it. In 1816, they were living in Bradford, and had seven pupil-boarders. He was a man of piety, and showed his faith by his works. He organized, in 1818, the first Sunday School in Dracut. He was a deacon in the Central Con- gregational Church there from 19 Dec, 1827. He married Hannah Carleton of Bradford :U Mch., 1810. Relin- quishing teaching, they retired to a farm in Dracut. There, while gathering apples, in 1837, a sudden pain .seized his arm. The pain increased ; it became severe in the extreme. The cause was never explained; his death ensued a week later. His widow died of old age about 1850. They had no children, though both were very fond of them. The writer's mother knew the family well, while she was a student in the Bradford Academy, and years after spoke of their home life as a pleasing memory. He made his will 2 Nov., 1837. It was proved 9 Jan., 1838. He is styled yeoman. He bequeathed his brothers Edmund and Asa, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 145 his sisters Mehitable Bennett, wife of Sewell; Lydia Metcalf, widow, and Sarah Keen, wife of James, and his mother, Sarah Perley, one dollar each ; his niece, Mehitable Smart five hundred dollars. He desired that Niece Mehitable might continue to live with his widow as usual and share her interest and affection. His wife Hannah C. had the rest of the estate and was nominated executrix. FAMILY 77: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAC01M7, KRANCIS-.T.). WILLIAM PERLEY was born in East Boxford 11 Feb., 1735- 6, on the site of the present residence of Mr. D. DeWitt C.Mighill . When a young man, he bought the land which now constitutes the Boxford poorfarm and he built there the house which is now the Boxford almshouse. That was his only home; it descended to his son Abraham. Mr. Perley retained all the spirit and patriotism of his own fam- ily and inherited much of that romantic daring so characteristic of his uncle Israel, the renowned Gen. Putnam. In January, 1775, he was elected captain of a Boxford company of Minute Men. It was his iirst military office. The company consisted of fifty-two men, and drilled weekly. On that beautiful, yet tragic, morning, 19 April, 1775, they and two other Boxford companies marched to the conflict. The British had already begun their retreat, when the Boxford men arrived, but the latter heartily joined in pursuit and helped play mischief with the red-coats. They were at- tached to Col. James Frye's regiment, and encamped with the twenty thousand around Boston. May 28, the town gave him an order of ^16 to find blankets for the company. Next we find him following Col. Prescott across Charlestown Neck, on the momentous night of the 16th June, and engaged in fortifymg Bunker Hill, in throwing up those breastworks that so startled the British the next morning and gave the lie to their complaisant midnight assurance, "All's well." Capt. Perley and his company were in the battle that ensued; they fought with ammunition, swords, clubbed-muskets and missiles against bigotry, superciliousness and tyranny, in defense of home and its loved ones, with all their heart and soul and strength. Eight of them fell dead upon the field. I. N. Tarbox's "Life of Gen. Israel Putnam" relates, that, "Pres- cott's, Frye's and Bridges' regiments sustained the heaviest slaugh- ter, because they were directly in the path where the British broke through. . . . These regiments who stayed to the last deserved to be crowned as heroes." PVothingham's "Siege of Boston, "second edition, says that the three regiments were in the redoubt, but among the officers does not name Capt. Wm. Perley. His name is found, however, on the original papers at Washington, D. C. Several Hessians taken pris- oners during the war lived with him at his Boxford home. In March, 1776, Capt. Perley was chosen on the committee of safety for the town. In 1777 he was on a committee of three to 146 THE PERLEY FAMILY procure money to pay soldiers. In March, 1780, he was one of a committee of five to hire soldiers. In 1779, 16 Aug., he was one of a commission chosen by the town to regulate the current prices of merchandise, labor, etc. He held numerous town offices, in which he was selectman and overseer, 1772, 1773, and 1779, school committeeman 1802 and 1806; town treasurer 1781 to 1788 inclusive, eight years. Capt. Perley married, first, Sarah Clark, daughter of Jacob of Topsfield, 26 March, 1761. She was the mother of all his children. She died* 28 Nov., 1791, at the age of fifty-five. He married, second, Anna Porter, daughter of Elijah and Dorothy of Topsfield, and widow of Dr. William Hale of Boxford, 22 Jan., 1793. She was born about 1745 and was published to Dr. Hale, 18 Oct., 1770. Dr. Hale built the Sayward house in East Boxford village, and there prac- tised the healing art. He was born in Boxford 9 Nov., 1741, to Thomas and Mary-Kimball Hale. They joined the Boxford church 29 Dec, 1771. He died about 1785, leaving two daughters: Eliza- beth, born 19 March, 1772, and Dorothy-l80. Mrs. Perley died 15 Sept., 1800, aged fifty-five. Mr. Perley, "being advanced in years and laboring under bodily infirmities," made his will 18 March, 1812. He died 29 March, 1812. His will was proved 17 April following, and his son Abraham was the ex- ecutor. His probate inventory is ^7197.01. 1 Perley children, all born in Boxford: Humphrey Clark-169, William-170, Huldah'-, Phineas-171, Deborah-, Abraham-, twrns'^ Fanny'^ Oliver-172, Deborah^ Abraham-178. 2 Huldah' was born 17 Oct., 1764, and published 3 Jan., 1806, to Isaiah Bradley, son of Nehemiah, and farmer in Haverhill. Debo- rah' was born 5 May, 1768, and Abraham' 17 Nov., 1769, and both died young. The twins were born 19 July, 1771, (and both died 15 Sept., 1800.^) P'anny' was born 9 July, 1772, and Deborah' 5 July, 1776, but were not mentioned in their father's will in 1812, and probably had died. FAMILY 78: ROBINSON. LINKAL DESCENT -ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAfOlMT, FKANriS-39. HULDAH PERLEY was born 21 March, 1741-2, and died 5 Aug., 1812. She was married 27 Nov., 1764, by Rev. Elizur Hol- yoke of Boxford, to Lt. Col. John Robinson of Westford, who was born in Topsfield 4 July, 1785, to Jacob and Mary-Gould Robinson, who afterwards removed to Westford and became one of the early families of that town. John was a lieutenant colonel in Prescott's regiment and was one of the officers, if not the officer, that repelled the attack of the British at Concord on that historic morning of 19 April, 1775. Mrs. Jonathan Prescott, who is still (1882) living in Westford, is a granddaughter of "Col. Robinson; and al- * An entry in an account book of Joshua Jackson reads as follo-ws : — " I with my wife went to the funeral of Cajit. Wm. Perley's wife Friday 25 Dec, 1791." HISTORY AND GENEALOGY I47 though bearing the burden of ninety years, she distinctly remembers him, being twenty years old at the time of his death. She says he was a tall man, of commanding presence, well proportioned, and fear- less. She thinks that when the alarm came, on the night of the eighteenth of April, he stood not on the order of his going, but mounted his horse and hurried to Concord, leaving orders to his hired man to follow with provisions. She thinks also, that he was invited to take the command, and says that the tradition in her family always has been that he did assume it, and ordered the troops to fire." This Revolutionary soldier and patriot reposes in the West Cemetery of Westford, and the following is his memorial : "Here reposes the body of Col. John Robinson, who expired June 18th, 1S05, aged 70 years. In 1775, he distinguished himself by commanding the corps of soldiers who first opposed the menacing attempts of the British troops at Concord Bridge. " Here rest thy ashes; on thy silent grave. May dews distil, and laurels gently wave. Let heralds far proclaim thy soul was fired Dy love of freedom, and by Heaven inspired : First in the glorious oauseOur rights to attain, Last in our hearts shall thy brave deeds remain.'" Rev. Edwin R. Hodgman of that town further writes: "For seventy years the dust of Col. Robinson has lain in our soil, with no monument above it, save the simple stone that family affection has reared. Not on the marble, or on any printed page, is there any- thing to tell how truly the people of this town appreciate the courage and patriotism of the man who stood side by side with those im- mortal men, whose praise even the mute granite has been taught to speak at Acton and at Concord. Not at the Bridge alone did our brave Spartan show his unflinching valor. In that fiercer conflict on Bunker Hill, two months afterwards, he stood in the front, 'in shape and gesture proudly eminent,' exposed to instant death, yet doing his duty; now leaping upon the parapet, a target for the ad- vancing foe, and now reconnoitering, with the ill-fated McClary, the position of the enemy, to find the best way of repelling his per- sistent attacks; .showing himself everywhere the efficient officer and the strong-hearted man." The colonel lived on the farm now owned by Stephen E. Hutch- ings, and was one of Westford's selectmen from 1771 to 1774. 1 Robinson children: Huldah", Mehitable", Betsey'^ Sally', Re- becca', Mehitable'-, Betty-l7o, John'\ 2 Huldah' was born 28 Sept., 1765, married 25 Aug., 17.V4, Benj. Robins, and had a daughter that married Jonathan Prescott. Me- hitable' was born 9 Aug., 1767; Bet.sey', 8 May, 1770; Sally', 3 May, 1772, and the three died in 1775. Rebecca' was born 7 July. 1774, and married Joshua Abbott Jewett 15 May, 1800. Mehitable' mar- ried 27 Aug., 1797, Benj. Fletcher of Westford. 8 John' was born 17 Feb., 17^1, and 1 Jan., 1rr^'^rtr^ nf Ki'c -irrmncrpct Rowley, deceased. Said farm consists of ^"0 gUarOiaU 01 niS yOUUgCSt about 70 acres of wood, tillage, and pasture rViilHrfTi 9 Tan 1^11 Mic (^c Land, with the buil(liu^-s th.Teon. For fur- ^-Uliuicu z, Jctll., lOii. iii^ Cb- ther information inquire ,.f .TAMES PERLEY, tatC WaS appraiscd bv ThomaS of Rowley, or DANIKL KODWELL, on the ,, , t-, i i "^i t-i premises, where the conditions of sale will be rcrley, Paul J CWCtt and 1 homaS "■"'^ '""""• HANNAH PERLEY, admx. PaySOU, 31 Oct., 181(1. lu the Rowley, Feb. 7, 1812. Boxford church he had H pews, valued at $100. His debts were about $3000. 1 Perley children, six by his first wife : James'-, Fanny', P>ancis*, Nancy*, F'rancis^ Ebenezer Putnam-174, James-175, Hannah-176, Putnam, "^ Ruth Putnam'', Deborah*^, Edward Payson*^, William Henry"\ 2 James^ was born 1 Nov., 1772, and died 18 of same month. The church records read that he was "baptised 18 Nov., 1772, privately, by Mr. Holyoke, it being apprehended drawing nigh its end, and it died in about an hour after." 3 Fanny^ was born 1 Feb., 1774. She married Dr. Dennison Bowers of Boscawen, N. H., 19 May, 1791. He was born in Bille- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY ^49 rica, Mass., and after practicing medicine in Boscawen from 1805 to 1815, he removed to Salisbury. He had three sons and two daughters, one Fannie, who hved and died in Salem, Mass. He left grandchildren by the name of Gale. We have this record : Anna Maria Bowers married Capt. Edward Gale of Salem, who died at sea, and had Andrew Bowers, Charles Tucker and Edward F. 4 Francis' was born 13 March, 17TG, and died 4 March, 1780. Nancy^ was born 19 May, 1778, and died in Boscawen 21 Nov., 1805, only twenty-seven years old. 5 Francis' was born 19 July, 1780. In 1815 he was a victualer in Ipswich. In that year, 27 May, ^^p7~~^ • y<^>~\ he conveyed to Eliphalet Perley of -^ — - - '^ Boxford, yeoman, for ^340, twelve acres of salt marsh, on Hog Island, Rowley. It is said by the family that "he died .qt sea"- hut the fnl- ''wsed thp petition of Ebenezer p. Pel-ley to LiidL lie uicu ctL sect , uuL LUC lui ^^j, ^^^ guardian, real estate of his ward. 6 lowmg from a Salem paper, dated i*'eb., isie. 6 March, 1815, reads: "Francis Perley, merchant, formerly of this town, died at Deer Island, Me., aged thirty-two." 6 Ruth Y.\ born 12 June, 1791, died young. Ruth Y.\ born 25 Dec, 1793, married 27 Jan., 1818, Joseph T. Haskins of Gloucester, and died, without issue, in 1840 or 1849. Deborah' was baptised 21 Feb., 1790, in Boxford. Edward P.\ baptised in Boxford 8 April, 1798, "died abroad." William H.' was baptised in Rowley, 3 Nov., 1801, "aged two years." FAMILY 80: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT --ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39. AMOS PERLEY was born on the D. DeWitt C. Mighill place in Boxford 28 Jan., 1748-9. He married, first, Rebecca Hovey, 6 June, 1775. She was born 15 Dec, 1754, to Dea. Joseph and Re- becca-Stickney Hovey of Boxford; she died 10 April, 177(J, of puer- peral sickness, at the age of twenty-one. His second wife was Sarah Smith, married 4 P'eb., 1779. She was born at Newbury 1(5 March, 1757, and died at Vassalboro 29 Sept., 1842. Mr. Perley removed from Boxford about 1790, and became one of the first settlers of Winthrop, Me. He was a currier by trade, and probably worked in his father's tannery till he went to Winthrop. He belonged to the First Church of Boxford, wherein he was ad- mitted 24 March, 1776. He was one of the incorporators of the First Congregational Society, Winthrop, 1800. He died 6 Dec, 1830, aged eighty-one years. His widow after 1883, having survived him a few years. Another record reads that her age was eighty-six years. Their children were all born in Boxford. 1 Perley children: Rebecca'^, Amos-177, Israel-178, FVederic-179, Sarah'-, Fanny', Olive'l 2 Sarah\ Fanny' and Olive' were born 3 April, 1786; 15 June, 1789; 28 April, 1793, and died unmarried 25 Nov., 1858; 26 Sept., 1851; 19 Sept., 1850. These three maiden sisters lived together in the same house, and "the course of true love ran smooth" for many 150 THE PERLEY FAMILY years. At length, however, a carpenter divided the house into one and two thirds; Sarah occupied the former, and Fanny and Olive the latter. When Olive, who is called "seamstress," died, she gave all her property to Fanny, and Fanny buried her before the front door of the house. Fanny, by will, ordered that the body of her sister be exhumed and buried in the grave with herself, that fine headstones be erected, that the grave be protected by an iron fence, and that the balance of her estate be given to a friend. Sarah re- moved to and died in Augusta, and, by will, protected her grave by a heavy iron fence, and gave the residue of her property to Colby University. Their home was Winthrop. 8 Rebecca^ was born in Boxford 21 March, 1776, and married in Winthrop, Me., (J Jan., 1799, Isaiah Wood, who was born in Middle- boro, Mass., o July, 1778, to Moses and Lydia- Waterman Wood. They died in North Anson — he about 1 ''Villa unmarried, and Harlow, married with four children); Amos ^ Pe^rley, born 25 Nov., 1882, (who married, first, Abbie Davenport and had Abbie, and married, second. Celeste and had George and Wal- ter, three who are married) ; Sarah Louisa, born 24 April, 1835, (who married Eben Mayo and has Walter Eben, married with two chil- dren, and George Kaler, married with one son, all at Rockland ) ; James Llewellyn, born 29 Dec, 1837; Charles Francis, born 21 June, 1842, (who married Celeste and had Adela Hills, who married Prof. H. De F. Smith of Amherst and has one child ) ; George Henry, born 18 May, 1844, who married Georgia Willey and has Llewellyn, unmarried. 5 Louisa P.'^ was born 15 June, 1808. She married Asher Ward, a farmer, who was born in Norridgewock, Me., to Timothy Ward, also a farmer, and died in Madison, Me. She died 1 April, 1887, in Madison, having had only one child, Georgianna, born 15 Jan., 1848, who married George A. Taylor, and about five years after marriage HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 151 died 5 Sept., lcS72, without issue. George married again, and lived with his first wife's parents as their son as long as they lived. He died several years ago. 6 Quincy P.'^ was born 27 Dec, 1811. He was a farmer in North Anson, where he died. He married, first, Lavinia Jewett of Solon, who died in North Anson, the mother of only one child, Ruth Black- stone, who died at the age of twenty-five years. His second wife was Ellen vR. Campbell, by whom he had three children : Ellen Lavinia, who died several years ago; Emma, who married Wm. Dow, who lives in Hartland with two children. Belle and Leo; and Quincy Campbell, not married. His second wife married again and died in 1903. 7 Chessman H.^ was born 30 Sept., 1815, in North Anson, Me., and died there 17 Dec, 1886, a farmer. He married in Hallowell in 1849 Sarah Marble, who was born 20 Nov., 18*25, in Vassalboro, to Marcia-Lewis and Coker Marble, a farmer. She died in North Anson 21 May, 1882. Their only child, born 17 Oct., 1853, in North Anson, is Marcia Louisa Wood, secretary in the ofifice of S. R. Bailey & Co., carriage manufacturers, Amesbury, Mass. FAMILY 81: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT- ALL AN-1, THOMAS-4, JArOH-17, FRANClS-39. JACOB PP:RLEY was born l(i March, 1750-1, on the D. DeWitt C. Mighill place in Boxford. In 1777, two years after his marriage, he removed to Reading, Mass., and in 1779, to Byfield Parish, New- bury, where he built and occupied. ( In the same house, years after, a Mr. Caldwell was murdered by his wife. ) He was a member of the Box- ford P'irst Church while living in Byfield, having joined 28 April, l77t). In Jan., 1810, he bought of Benjamin Poor and his wife Ruth a house and about ten acres of land on Warren street, about a third of a mile southwest of the Byfield church, and in 1818, sold to Poor a place at the head of Warren street, next to the estate of Thomas Gage, Esq., which estate is now the Georgetown poorfarm. Jacob Perley was a selectman of Newbury 1814. He married 14 June, 1775, Dolly Wood, who was born 14 Oct., 1752, to Nathan and P21izabeth-Wood Wood of Boxford. Their mar- ried life continued half a century, less about fiv^e months, when she died 30 Jan., 1825, at the age of seventy-two years. He survived till 5 Jan., 1832, when he was eighty-one 3^ears old. Their "narrow house" is in the Congregational church yard. South Byfield, Rowley. 1 Perley children: Jacob-180, Jonathan-181, Lucy-, Deborah-l82, Jeremiah-l83, Nathan-184, Samuel", Francis-185, Putnam-186. 2 Lucy' was born in Newbury, 19 Aug., 1780, and died unmar- ried, in Groveland, in 1857, or Oct., 18(50. Samuel" was born 27 Dec, 1788, and was drowned in Plum Island river 17 Sept., 1817. He was interred at the side of his parents, and his epitaph reads : " Where is Tomorrow ? In another world. For numbers this is certain; the reverse Is sure to none." FAMILY 82: CLARK. LINEAL DESCENT- ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, MOSES-4(). HANNAH PERLEY was born 14 April, 1745, and died 19 Sept., 1842, aged ninety-seven. She married 12 Nov., 1771, Lt. Daniel Clark, born 4 Feb., 1778-4, to Daniel and Martha-Redington Clark of Topsfield. He was a tavern-keeper in his native town, on the present site of John Bailey's grocery building, which his ances- tors had occupied for nearly a cen- tury. In 1784 he removed to Georgetown, where he died 19 Dec, J , ^ ^ „ 1799, in the house now occupied by q '1 T ^^Tfl T. G. Elliot, in which his widow re- ^ J- -i - ^J i sided till her marriage, 22 Nov., 1814, with her brother-in-law, John Perley-48. Lt. Clark's Georgetown home stood in the angle of Main ''^H^^JpSSi and Library streets. He bought it from John Brockbank 17 Mar., 1808, THK GLAUK HOUSE AT GRi )K(;ET0WN. for $500. 1 Clark children: Elijah-, DanieP, Daniel^ Elijah'', Moody"^ Moses'-, Jeremiah'. 2 Elijah' was born 28 Aug., 1772, in Topsfield, and died there 13 March, 177(5. Daniel' was born in Topsfield, 22 May, 1774, where he died 29 Feb., 177G. Moody' died unmarried. Moses' was a physician in Lawrence. 3 Daniel' was born 11 Nov., 1777, in Topsfield; married, first, 28 April, 1801, Olive Nelson, born in 1776, to Capt. Amos and Olive- Dole Nelson of Georgetown, and died in Rowley, childless. He married, second (published with, 14 May, 1807), Hannah, daughter of John Curtis of Rowley, and had Olive N. 4 Elijah' was born 29 Jan., 1779, in Topsfield, and died 28 March, 1857. He married Sarah Parker, daughter of Samuel. She died very suddenly on the evening of 16 Jan., 1857, aged seventy-four years and nine months. In ISOO he went to Groveland, where he was a shoe manufacturer and trader. During his trading journeys into Canada, although nat- urally strong, through fatigue and exposure, he contracted chronic rheumatism, which unfitted him for active service in later life. Issue: Daniel, died young; Elijah"; Alexander H., died young; Jer- emiah, born 184 7, resided in San Francisco, Cal., practised law after 1850, visited his parents in 1854, and returned home with a wife — Lottie F., daughter of Dr. Kane of Plattsburg, N. Y. 5 Jeremiah^ was born 8 March, 1786. He married Lucy Hardy, and, secondly, Judith Chute, born in 1802 to David of Georgetown. Issue: Maria, Daniel, P^mily, Jeremiah, (which four died young); HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 153 Laura, born in iJ^oo and lived with her Aunt Nelson; George W., born in 1841. t) Elijah^ married Elizabeth A., born in 1814 to Thomas Morse. He was a shoemaker and stabler. Issue: Daniel, born in 1834, went to California ni 1858 and practised law with his uncle Jeremiah Clark; Louisa, born 1886; Sarah P., died young; Hannah M., born 1S40; Elizabeth A., died young; William M., died young; Norman, born 1847; Mary A., born 1850; William, born 1855. EAMILY 83: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, MOSES-40. STEPHEN PERLEY was born 8 Dec.,1747,in Boxford,on asite north of Baldpate pond, near Elbridge Perkins' barn. About 1784, the time of his marriage, he built the house lately located on Hovey's plain, between Pye brook and the railroad, a short distance from the latter. He owned and cultivated an extensive farm, which de, scended to his nephew and namesake, Stephen Perley, son of Moody- who occupied it till a few months before it was destroyed by fire in the summer of 1867. His children all died young and he had none to care for him in age, except various tenants that occupied a portion of his house, a convenient acquisition, since he was so far removed from neighbors. He was highly esteemed as a friend and neighbor, and is still spoken of as a good, kind-hearted gentleman. In 1784, June '29, he married Elizabeth Gould, born 4 Dec, 1752, to Joseph and Elizabeth-P2merson Gould. She died 4 April, 1840, aged eighty-seven years. He died 16 Feb., 1839, at the great age of ninety-one. Her will was proved 8 April, r840. 1 Perley children : Betsey", P'annie^ Sarahs 2 Betsey^ was born in 1785 and died unmarried 17 Nov., 1819. Fannie^ was born in 1787 and died 13 (tombstone), 30 Sept., 1800. Sarah^ was born in 1790, and died 20 June, 1795. All were buried in Topsfield. FAMILY 84: PERLEY. LINEAL I)f;SCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, MOSES-40. NATHAN PERLEY was born 9 March, 1752, north of Bald- pate pond in Boxford. In 1783 he built a dwelling house, near his birthplace, just over the town line in Rowley, now Georgetown. F'our years later he married, and that house became his residence. He was centrally located upon an extensive and productive farm, upon the southern slope of Baldpate hill, alike noted for its height (being the highest but one in the County) and fertility. In 1825 Thomas Nelson purchased the estate; afterwards Luther P. Tidd was the owner; it now (1880) belongs to and is occupied by Henry E. Perley-141. His daughter Hannah writes that the current report that her father's barn was moved from "the Stetson place" is false, 154 THE PERLEY FAMILY and further that her father had a piece put on in 1815 or 16, two men from Newburyport doing the work. Mr. Perley married, IB Sept., 1787, Ruth Gould, who was born 'I'l Jan., 1755, to Jacob and EUzabeth-Towne Gould of Topsfield. He died 9 Oct., 1820, aged sixty-eight years. She died of palsy 18 July, 1822, aged sixty-seven years. They repose in Harmony Cem- etery, Boxford. His epitaph is: Hers: Keueath tliis iiru, till God sbal! bid bim rise, A ijusband dear and inucb beloved lies; In vain our tears, death comes at Heaven's Deprived tbe world of a good and u-eful man. Friends and physicians could not save My mortal body from the grave; Nor can the grave confine me here When Christ commands me to appear. 1 Perley children: Sarah-160, Moses", Ruth-187, Jeremiah'\ Hannah^ 2 Moses' was born 28 Jan., 1798, and died 25 Feb., 1838, in Dun- barton, N. H. His will is dated 21 Feb., 1888, and was proved "the 4th Tuesday," 27th of Feb., same year. He bequeathed $1000 to Moses Perley, 2d, son of Warren, $100 to his brother Jeremiah of Box- ford, $50 to his sister Sarah Perley, widow, of New Rowley, $5 to Ruth Nelson, wife of Deacon Asa, $200 to Sister Hannah Perley of Bradford, $25 to Henry Bachelor, son of George of Bradford, and the remainder to Moses Perley, 2d, son of Warren. Humphrey. C. Perley of Dunbarton was executor. 8 Jeremiah' was born 11 Dec. 179(5, and was never married. He lived in Boxford in 1880 with Misses Lucy A. and Sarah P. Per- ley-142 at the age of eighty-three. His mind had been wrecked for several years. A few moments' conversation, however, would hardly betray his real mental condition. He died 9 Feb., 1882. 4 Hannah' was born 7 July, 1798. In 1880 she lived in South Groveland, unmarried. She was as fine an old lady as is often met. Her natural faculties and physical strength were well preserved, and her memory of her childhood's years was vivid and entertaining. FAMILY 85: BALCH. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, .TACOB-17, MOSES-40. SARAH PERLEY was born 27 July, 1757, and died 28 Oct., 1887, aged eighty years. She married in Boxford 14 May, 1782, Roger Balch, who was born 26 May, 1755, to John and Rebecca Balch of Topsfield, where he died 6 Jan., 1842, aged eighty-six years. 1 Balch children : Perley^ Moody-. 2 Moody' was born 3 Feb., 1794. He left on the morning of 10 Nov., 1852, and was found dead in a pasture on River hill, Topsfield, the 16th. He never married. 3 Perley' was born 5 Aug., 1788, and died 2 May, 1858, of stomachic cancer. He married (published 20 Nov., 1808,) Sarah Perkins, daughter of Asa. He belonged to Topsfield, where in 1818 and 1819 he was a selectman. He repo.ses in the South Cemetery, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY I55 and his epitaph reads: "He was an honest man." His widow died "28 March, 18G5. Issue: Perley\ Eunice^ Mehitable**, Humphrey", Jeremiah^ Benjamin Johnson''. 4 Perley' was born '17 April, 1809, and died 9 Feb., 1881, in Lowell, where he was a school teacher. He married in 18:^6 Susan H. Glazier, who was born in 1817 and died 28 July, 1879. Issue: Mary Abby, born 10 March, 1844. 5 Eunice'^ was born 21 Sept., 1811, and died childless 81 Dec, 1878. In 1883 she married Amos Perkins, born Jan., 1811, to Amos and Betsey-Brown Perkins of Topsfield, their home. t) Mehitable" was born lb May, 1814, and died 24 July, 1891. She married 25 Nov., 1834, William G. Lake, who was born 12 May, 1808, to Eleazer and Ruth-Prime Lake of Topsfield, and died 10 Jan., 1853. Issue: Merietta B., born 13 Dec, 1835, died 15 Nov., 1845; Susan J.' ; Perley B.^'; William G.''^. 7 Humphrey' was born 18 May, 1818, and died 1 June, 1897. He married in 1842 Hannah P., born March, 1823, to Porter and Mehit- able-Bradstreet Bradstreet of Topsfield. He was an efficient school teacher, a popular summer landlord, a trustee of the public library and prominent citizen. Issue: Humphrey Porter, born 28 May, 1844; died 23 May, 1847; Edward Perley^^ Gilbert BrownelL''; Anna Bradstreet'". 8 Jeremiah'^ was born 17 May, 1823, and died 27 July, 1904. He married 24 Oct., 1849, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremiah and Mary-Symonds Shepherd of Salem. He was an accomplished musician, and was leader of the Haverhill Brass and Quadrille Band, a very popular organization. His sons are also fine musicians. His home was in Waltnam. Issue: Harriet Webb, born June, 1850, died 5 July, 1858; Mary Augusta"; Jeremiah Perkins, born 12 April, 1855, died 24 May, 1856; Clarence Linwood, born 21 May, 1857, de- ceased; Jeremiah Shepherd, born 6 Nov., 1859, married Lizzie Kench ; Edward Forrest, born 7 April, 18G2. 9 Benjamin Johnson" was born 9 Sept., .1826. He married, first, 2 May, 1858, Eliza, who was born in 1831 to Oliver and Betsey- Gould Kill&m of Boxford, and died in Topsfield 22 Jan., 1868, having had one child, Florence Eliza, who was born 3 Sept., 1859, and mar- ried Emery C. Kinney. She was for many years teacher of music in Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary, and later, with her husband, did extensive missionary work, reviving churches -and building up Sun- day schools, in V^ermont. He married, second, 26 Sept., 1871, Caroline Pingree of Topsfield, who was born 25 May, 1833, to Jewett and Mary-Perkins Pingree, and has had one child, Franklin, who was born 15 Jan., 1876, and is an attorney in Boston. 10 Susan J." was born 24 June, 1838, and married E. Perkins Averill, a shoemaker of Topsfield. Issue: Elmer P.^^; Carrie, born 11 Dec, 1872; Lulu J., born 3 April, 1876. 11 Perley B.,*' was born 9 March, 1848, and 18 Nov., 1870, mar- ried Carrie Pitman. Issue: Lenora Bruce, born May, 1872; Edward Hewlett, born Jan., 1874; Charles Woodward, born Jan., 1876; Ava Maude, born May, 1879; Carrie Pearle, born Feb., 1880. 12 William G.^ was born 27 Feb., 1851 ; married Margaret Walker. Issue: William G., born Sept., 1886, died Nov., 1902; 156 THE PERLEY FAMILY Clarence W., born 4 March, 1888; Lillian, born July, 1890, died May, 1903; Benjamin Balch, born 1 March, 1894. 13 Elmer P.^' was born '20 April, 18(55; married Annie P. Ingalls. Issue: Plorence Osgood and Charles. 14 Edward Perley' was born 13 Jan., 1850. He married, first, Mary H. Orne; second, Laura H. Lake. He has a delightful home in Bradford, and is associated with his brother Gilbert^" in an exten- sive book publishing business in Boston. 15 Gilbert BrownelL was born 9 Feb., 1856; married Sarah Lizzie Perkins of Topsfield, born to Elbridge and Susie-Adams Perkins. Mr. Balch has a spacious and costly summer home in Topsfield. He is of the firm of Balch Bros., the largest subscrip- tion book publishers in New England. 16 Anna Bradstreet" was born 18 P'eb., I860; married Charles P>ed Jordan of Byfield 28 Nov., 1883. Mr. Jordan is in the employ of Balch Bros. Issue: Alice Balch, born 4 Nov., 1884; Helen Pearle, born 18 July, 1886; Gilbert Balch, born 26 Dec, 1890; Per- ley Balch, born 27 Sept., 1892; Harold, born 1 April, 1896. 17 Mary Augusta^ was born 16 June, 1853, and died 31 March, 1888. She married Theron D. Perkins of Topsfield, an accomplished cornet soloist and bandmaster. Issue: Sallie Mabel, born 19 June, 1876; Mollie Winfield, born 15 July, 1880. FAMILY 86: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT—ALLAN-!, THOMAS-4, JACOH-IT, MOSE.S-40. MOODY PERLEY was born north of Baldpate pond in Box- ford 16 March, 1760. His first home was the Killam house, burned a few years since, on the left of the road from Boxford village to Georgetown, and near the Francis Marden place. In 1801 or 2, he removed to the Flint Tyler place, now ( 1880) the Adams place, on the old Andover road, about half a mile from his former residence. About 1827, he removed to the "old Andrews house," in the south- ern part of the town, and occupied by Albert Tyler. He was a surveyor of highways 1797, 1806, 1814; hogreeve 1815; member of the school board 1807. He was esteemed for his numerous good qualities. He left a considerable estate. He married, 10 Dec, 1793, Abigail Gould, who was born 25 Dec, 1769, — a Christmas gift, — to John and P31izabeth-Bradstreet Gould of Topsfield. He died 23 Sept., 1833. She, a widow, occupied the old farm, with her sons Moody and Leander and her daughters, Abigail and Fanny, more than seventeen years, dying 23 Jan., 1851, aged eighty-one. A double stone marks their resting-place in Harmony Cemetery, Boxford. 1 Perley children: Betsey Gould-188, Moody-, Hiram'^ Abigail, Fanny", Moody'\ Stephen", Leander'*. 2 Moody^ was born 15 April, 1798, and died in five years 7 Nov., 1803. 3 Hiram^ was born 18 July, 1800. He married 4 April, 1844, Ruth Ann Smith, who was born in Boxford 4 Nov., 1806, to Joseph HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 157 and Kezia-Gould Smith. Hiram Perley was a member of a fire com- pany, 1826, at New Mills, Dan vers. They owned and cultivated a farm in Francestown, N. H., going there before 1852, and there they died, without issue, she 18 Feb., 1863; he 23 Feb., 1865. A double stone marks their burial place in Harmony Cemetery, Boxford. 4 AbigaiP was born 19 March, 1803. In 1864 she went to live with her brother Moody in Boxford. She never married. 5 Fanny ^ was born 4 April, 1806. She spent the greater part of her life as housekeeper for her brother Stephen, going to live with their sister Betsey in Georgetown when he went to live with their brother Moody. 6 Moody^ was born 26 March, 1809. He cultivated his father's farm till about 1864, when he purchased a farm of Phineas Foster, in Boxford. His sister Abigail lived with him as housekeeper. 7 Stephen' was born 8 Feb., 1811. He was named for his uncle who gave him his farm. Upon that farm Stephen and his sister Fanny as housekeeper lived, till the old house was untenantable and his health was broken. He lived with his brother Moody but a few months, dying 23 March, 1867, at the age of fifty-six. He never married. His tomb record in Harmony Cemetery, Boxford, is here shown. 8 Leander^ was born 14 Nov., 1815. He lived on the parental estate, and assisted in "carrying on the farm." Ne never married. He died 11 Oct., 1864, and sleeps in Harmony Cemetery. The Heirs of .Stephen Perley. Jr., to the memory of tlicir brut her who died March 23, IStJT Aged 54. There is rest in Heaven FAMILY 87: WOOD. LINEAL DESCENT—ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, ,TACOB-17, MOSES-JO. PHCEBE PERLEY was born 14 Jan., 1763, and died 29 March, 1833. She married (published 30 Oct., 1784,) Solomon Wood, who was born on the Albert Perley place in East Boxford, 7 Jan., 1763, to Solomon and Mehitable-Peabody Wood. Their home had been his father's. He died 6 Oct., 1829. A double stone, in Harmony Cemetery, Boxford, shows where they rest, and is thus inscribed : " May we meet in Heaven." 1 Wood children: Hannah-141, Oliver', Phebe'', Mehitable Pea- body^ Sally', Betsey'. 2 Oliver' was born 6 April, 1788, lived in Groveland with his sister Sally', died unmarried 20 Sept., 1863, and was buried at the side of his parents. Mehitable P.' was born 16 Feb., 1794. Sally' was born 27 Nov., 1798, and married Geo. H. A. Bachellor-297. 3 Phebe' was born 2 Aug., 1791. She married 29 Dec, 1814, Samuel Hood, born 8 Nov., 1787, son of Richard and Lydia-Tarbox Hood of Wenham, who died in Georgetown 8 June, 1848. She died 24 April, 1884, aged ninety-two years, nine months. The local journal thus speaks of her demise : "Death of a Nonagenarian. Mrs. Phoebe Hood, widow of the late Samuel Hood, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. 158 THE PERLEY FAMILY Leonard Jewett, last Thursday. After her marriage she removed to Georgetown where she has resided ever since. She has buried two grown sons. One son, Samuel, and two daughters, Mrs. Jewett and Mrs. George M. Spofford, survive her. She was one of the best as well as one of the oldest persons in town. She was a beautiful, benignant looking old lady five years ago, and retaining all her faculties save hearing. We recall but two persons who approach her in seniority of birth, viz: the venerable Capt. William George, who was born in March, 1790, and Mrs. Jewett, grandmother of E. P. Wildes, who was born the same year and not far from the same month with Mrs. Hood. Their lives cover nearly the whole history of the American republic." Hood issue: William Henry, born in W^enham 26 Oct., 1815, died 18 April, 1824; Samuel"; Mary Ehzabeth, born in Wenham, 12 Jan., 1820, died 25 July, 1893, married 29 April, 1851, Dea. Leonard Jewett of Georgetown, who died 9 March, 1899; Solomon Perley, born in Wenham, 31 March, 1822, died unmarried 10 Nov., 1850; William Henry, born in Boxford 25 June, 1825, died 15 Sept., 184(5; Sarah Peabody". 4 Betsey^ was born 28 July, 1801, and died, his widow, 11 March, 1877. She married 8 March, 1827, Samuel Dale, farmer, of Andover. Their home was Boxford at the Samuel Twisden place. He was drowned 10 Sept., 1836, aged thirty-six years. His epitaph is seen near the graves of her parents, — thus: Kntvviiied liy all the tender ties of life. To a (ieai- oliild. and a beloved wife; I strovi' in vain, my precious life to save. But sinik in death, beneath the briny wave. Farewell! farewell! a sad, a long farewell! Willi iny dear friends on earth, no longer ran 1 dwell. l'^ri(>iiils and (•om[un)is we deeply feel, But 'tis God that liath bereft us. He ean all our sorrows heal. IN Memory of CAPT. BENJAMIN SCOTT who died Marrh 12, ISO'.); JEt. 55 A husband kimi. a ii.'ireiit dear. A sineere friend lies buried here. 1 Scott children : Martha'', Nathaniel', DolIy-1 02, Martha'', Sally', Benjamin'', Hannah'', Perley". 2 Nathaniel' was born Tuesday, 12 July, 1785, and 20 Feb., 1812, married Sarah Kimball. He died 1(5 Nov., 1862. His wife was born Monday, 7 April, 1788, and died 22 Feb., 18(i9. He was a man of great capability and an exemplary farmer. He took charge of the " Treadwell farm," East street, Ipswich, 23 March, 1819. He was several years superintendent of the Ipswich town farm. They had a son born Sunday, 20 Dec, 1812, and buried the next day; Sarah, born Tuesday, 18 April, 1815, married 1 Sept., 1831, George Hodgdon of Ipswich; Mary Ann-47"; Elizabeth, born 26 Feb., 1820, in Ipswich, where she died 17 Aug., 1896, married 16 Dec, 1841, Nathaniel Bradstreet, Jr., a farmer, born in 1816 to Elizabeth- Nourse and Nathaniel Bradstreet, a farmer in Ipswich, where he died 4 June, 1879, and where their children were born: George Scott, 1842, who married and lives in Beverly; Nathaniel Perley,1844, who married and lives in Salem; Charles William, 1846, who mar- ried and lives in Rowley; Lorenzo Thair, 1849, who married and lives in Rowley; John Francis, 2 Jan., 1853, who married and lives in Rowley; Daniel Wise, 26 March, 1856, who married and lives in Rowley; Albert Edward, 17 July, 1861, who married and lives in South Dakota; and Elizabeth Jane, 1851, Mary Ann and Angle Emma, three that are dead. 3 Martha' died in infancy, 1 Aug., 1783. Martha' was born Sat- urday, 1 May, 1790, and died 1 Nov., 1873, aged eighty-three years. She became, 7 Nov.., 1809, the second wife of Capt. Solomon Dodge, born 1775 or 1776 to Phineas Dodge of Rowley and died 20 June, 1860, aged eighty-four years. Mr. Dodge's residence has been since \ 160 THE PERLEY FAMILY known as the "Dodge house," and is located in the western part of Millwood, or "Rooty Plain." He was a captain in the militia; he was extensively engaged in the lumber trade; he was exemplary in all his business concerns. His father built a grist mill in 1780, about half a mile above the present mills, and in 1823 it was removed by Capt. Dodge, who erected a new mill near his saw mill in the rear of his residence, the site of the first saw mill in town. [By his first wife he had a son, born in liSO'2; Solomon, born in 1804, who 11 July, 1810, was killed with a scythe in the hands of his eight-year-old brother; Sylvanus, who lived in Danvers and was father of Gen. Granville Dodge of the Regular Army, prominent in the Indian wars.] Dodge (-Scott) children: Martha Perley, born 20 Nov., 1810, married Wm. Boynton of Georgetown, died 17 Feb., 1851; Solomon, born 2 July, 1813, married Hannah M. Todd of Rowley, where he lived, and died 14 Aug., 1861; Eliza Mary**; Palmira Newell, born 10 July, 1820, married Harrison Nelson, lived in Rowley without issue; Benjamin Scott''. 4 Sally^ was born Monday, 30 April, 1792, and died 17 Aug., 1878, in Topsfiekl. She married 24 April, 1815, Capt. Wm. Cum- mings, born 17 Jan., 1788, to Elijah and Painice-Conant Cummings of Topsfiekl, and died there 10 Oct., 18G8. Issue: Alfred'"; William Perley, who had two wives, Mary C. Dodge of Hamilton, and Almira, who in 1880 became the second wife of Dea. Samuel Todd of Topsfield. 5 Benjamin^ was born Wednesday, 17 Aug., 1790, married 30 Dec, 1824, Elizabeth Phillips, died 4 Jan., 1877. Their home was Ipswich, their children: Sylvester, born 19 Sept., 1825; Benjamin. 6 Hannah' was born Tuesday, 1 May, 1798, and died 21 Nov., 1850. She was married 30 Oct., 1824, by Rev. David Tenney Kim- ball of Ipswich to Maj. Paul Dole, a farmer of Georgetown, who died 23 Feb., 1800. Their only child was Hannah, born 7 Aug., 1843, with home in Georgetown. 7 Perley' was born Wednesday, 6 Jan., 1804, and died 17 Jan., 1872. He married 7 Nov., 1839, Almira Stone, born to William and Polly-Hovey vStone of Ipswich, and died 13 April, 1895, aged eighty- five years, ten months. 8 Eliza M.-' was born 7 Oct., 1817, and died in Rowley 20 Sept., 1863. She married 25 P'eb., 1839, George March Nelson, born 2 Aug., 1816, to Thomas and Susannah-March Nelson of Georgetown, and died in California. Their children : Elizabeth Perley, born 10 May, 1839, was educated in the Topsfiekl Academy, and married 4 Jan., 1865, Jonn A. Durgin of West Newbury, who was educated also in the Topsfield Academy, and who, dying without children, left to his widow a half interest in the Sinclair hotel property in Bethlehem, N. H.; Mary, born in 1845; Benjamin Scott, born 4 June, 1846, mar- ried 6 Jan., 1872, Fannie S., or Frances, Currier of Haverhill, where they lived, having one child, Maud Elizabeth, born 3 April, 1879, and where he was foreman of J. Durgin's shoe factory. In 1882, the Georgetown Advocate printed the following: "The Sinclair House of Bethlehem, N.H., kept by our old friend and neigh- bor, Mr. John A. Durgin of West Newbury, is having its full share of patrunage this season, and continues to be one of the best of the / HISTORY AND GENEALOGY Igj many first-class hotels at the White Mountains. Its 'menu' is printed on one of Lowell's elegant portrait folio cards, and embraces almost every delicacy that can be procured at Young's or the Parker House. Hops are given two or three evenings in the week, and are managed by the guests." 9 Benjamin Scott^ was born 9 Jan., 18*28. He married, first, Caroline L. Chaplin, daughter of Luther and Elizabeth-Conant Chaplin of Linebrook. He married, second, a widow Harris; lives near his grandfather's residence. He was at one time proprietor of Atwood's Jaundice Cure, which had an extensive sale. Their chil- dren were Georgie A., born in 1856; Lizzie Bell, born 19 Oct., 1869, and married Prof. Bartlett H. Weston of the Atkinson Academy, N. H., and others that died quite young. Bartlett Hardy Weston is a graduate of Dartmouth College, was many years a classical teacher, and now is a clergyman in Dunstable. 10 Alfred' married 18 April, 1847, Salome M. Welsh, daughter of Samuel of Sanford, Me. He is a farmer in Topsfield, Mass. Issue: George; William; Martha Stevens, born 1852; Abbie Jane, born 1854; Laura Anna, born 1856; Sarah Burgiss, born 1859; Hannah Eva, born 1863; Charles Arthur, born 1870. FAMILY 89: DORMAN. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY 6, STErHEN-19, ALLEN-42. DEBORAH PERLEY was born Monday, 11 Dec, 1760, and died 6 April, 1840. She married (published 4 Jan., 1782,) Timothy Dorman, who was born 24 Oct., 1757, to Timothy and Eunice- Burnham Dorman of Boxford. He was a farmer. He built his residence, now occupied by John C. Ames. He responded to the "Lexington Alarm," served eight enlist- ments in the Revolutionary army, and one on board of a Salem privateer, "The Black Prince," which carried eighteen six-pound guns and a crew of one hundred and twenty to one hundred and sixty men, and which was burned in the Penobscot 14 Aug., 1779, to prevent capture. He was under Gen. Washington in 1776, and at the battle of Saratoga and surrender of Burgoyne in 1777. He drew a pension after his seventy-fifth year. During his last years he was deaf and blind. His native integrity passed into the common re- mark: "As honest as Tim. Dorman." He died 23 Dec, 1835. 1 Dorman children: Deborah'^, Timothy, born. 4 Jan., 1784, Perley^ Nathaniel"*. 2 Deborah^ was born in Boxford 18 May, 1782, and died in Line- brook 25* Feb., 1805. She married 24 April, 1804, John Fowler, Jr., *Mr. Nathaniel Scott's diary record reads : " Mr. John Fowler died Sept. 9, ls03, aged 91 years. He had 7 children, 58 grandchildren, and 80 great-grandchildren. John Fowler jnn wife died Feb. ;^0, 1805, aged '22 and ten. Perkins Fowler died March 0, 1804, aged 20 years. Gilbert Fowler died April 16, 1804. Benj. Scott died March 12, 1809, aged 55 yrs. 3 mos. 7 days. John Fowler jun died Aug., 1809, aged 31 yrs. 7 mos. Samuel Scott died April 26, 1812, aged 86." This is an item from Benj. Scott's diary record: " Mr. John Fowler and family moved to Bridgton April 23, 1810." [Is this John Fowler the John Fowler, 3d, of the Fowler Genealogy, Page 166?] 162 THE PERLEY FAMILY born in Ipswich 30 Jan., 1779, to John and Sarah-Perkins-Abbott Fowler, and died there, says Benj. Scott's diary, 18 Aug., 1809. After the death of his wife he was of Newburyport, but died in Sa- vannah, Ga. His father, John Fowler, administered the estate of John Fowler, late of Newburyport, cordwainer, deceased, intestate, giving bond 2 Oct., 1809, with Isaac Potter and Timothy Dorman sureties. The inventory is dated 6 Dec, 1809, and exhibits an acre of land in Ipswich, $35 ; 200 acres in Bridgton, Me., at the head of Crotchet pond, $800; other lands there, $1470; lots in Harrison, Me., $725 — the total real was $2755, total personal, including a share in the Boxford library, $274.95. Their only child Deborah became the ward of her grandfather, when she was about five years old, 6 Nov., 1809, and all the articles of the personal estate were delivered to him for "Deby" Fowler "only child and heir of the deceased" 15 Oct., 1816. Deborah mar- ried, 10 June or 27 Oct., 1824, Aaron Beeman, born in Bridgton, 14 July, 1797, to Aaron and Phebe-Kimball Beeman, where they set- tled and had these children: Charles A., born 1 May, 1825; Edward P., born 5 Aug., 1828; Horatio L., born 2 Nov., 1830; and Louisa R., born 16 March, 1832. 3 Perley' was born 7 May, 1785, and died of consumption 20 July, 1858. He married 7 P"eb., 1809, Mehitable Symonds, born 11 Nov., 1790, to Joseph and Susannah-Hale Symonds of Boxford, and died 26 Nov., 1855. He was six feet tall, a man of wonderful activ- ity, and a natural arithmetician. It is related that he would add double columns of figures with accuracy and more rapidly than others could single columns. He worked for John Perley-104 as clerk, and was the marvel of the customers the country round, by the rapidity with which he would figure the totals of bills of many items. As clerk he excelled; he was gentlemanly, honest, accurate and active. Issue: William H.°; Mary Symonds, born 28 Oct., 1814, married Wm. Tyler, Jr.; John Perley, born 25 April, 1818, married 1 Jan., 1844, Ann M. Emery of Georgetown, where they lived and he died 9 May, 1848 ; Samuel S., born 23 Dec, 1829, and died 20 March, 1833; Sarah Mehitable, born 30 Dec, 1831. 4 NathanieP was born 25 Jan., 1790, and died 22 Sept., 1868, aged seventy-eight years. He married, first, 17 Dec, 1825, Parmelia Gould, born 19 Oct., 1802, to Nathaniel and Betsey-Andrews Gould of Topslield, and died suddenly 28 Jan., 1830. He married, second, Mary E. Pervia, 11 Feb., 1836. He succeeded to his father's farm. Issue: Horatio Gates, born 24 July, 1827, died 5 Feb., 1830; Re- becca Eveline, born 21 May, 1829, married John Batchelder Lake and lived in Topsfield; Elizabeth Georgianna, born 5 Dec, 1836, married Daniel Wilkin s, who was a teacher of mathematics in Tops- field Academy. 5 Wm.H.^wasbornin Boxford 4 July, 1811, and died in Georgetown 23 Oct., 1863. He married, in Boxford, 19 April, 1832, Sarah Barnes, born in the "Old Warren House," built in 16 — , in Waltham, 13 Aug., 1810, to Sally-Spofford (born in Boxford, 31 Dec, 1786, and died there 22 Oct., 1850 ) and Phineas Barnes, a farmer, (born in Waltham 29 July, 1780, and died in Boxford 4 May, 1856). Sarah died in Georgetown 3 March, 1892. Wm. H. was engaged in early HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 1(33 life in variety store keeping. Later he carried on a painting busi- ness. Their children were Charles Henry, born 24 April, 1833, and died in Georgetown 15 May, 1837, and William Barnes". 6 William B.^ was born in Boxford 20 April, 1835. He was many years a druggist in Georgetown. The last seventeen years he was a manufacturing perfumer in Boston. In the Civil War he was in the Banks expedition to New Orleans, and detached, by special order of the general, for, hospital service. Later he was with the Mass. 59th regiment, and detached for hospital service. He was night and day, for eleven weeks, under constant fire of shot and shell before Petersburg. He married in Newbury-Byfield, 27 Oct., 1866, Mary Helen Spiller, who was born in Georgetown-Byfield, 25 July, 1850, to Mary Elizabeth-Wildes (died in Oldtown, Me., 5 Feb., 1892,) and Timothy Whitney Spiller, practicing physician in Oldtown and Bangor, where he died 15 March, 1894. Dr. Spiller enlisted in the 11th Mass. Infantry, was in the first battle of Bull Run, was wounded at Williamsburg and discharged. Later he joined the Veteran Reserve Corps and served till the close of the war. William B. is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Freemasons and the Colo- nial Wars. Their home is in Everett; their children: Charles Henry, born 17 Nov., 1867; William Edgar, born 25 June, 1869; Edith May, born 26 May, 1871, and died; Maurice Arthur, born 4 Aug., 1873, and died; Archie Maurice,'born 19 Feb., 1875, and died; Philip Eugene, born 20 Jan., 1876, and died; Gertrude Adele, born 25 May, 1878 ; Gerald Whitney, born 16 Feb., 1880; Frederick Paul, born 8 Jan., 1882, and died; these all in Georgetown; Florence Maud, born 27 Nov., 1883, in Deering, Me.; George Spiller, born in Oldtown, 7 March, 1885, and died; Edward Lester, born 5 April, 1887; Carrie Helen, born 27 May, 1889, and died; these two in Maiden. Two of these sons have had office of first lieutenant in the Sons of Veterans; a third has been in the U. S. Navy several years, was in the fighting off Santiago de Cuba, and in the action where Admiral Schley destroyed the Spanish fleet. Philip Eugene died at the age of fourteen years and eight months. He was known far and wide as the "boy astrologer." He was certainly far beyond his years in the occult science. He was a wonder to the professors at Harvard College. Among his correspondents were Dr. Franz Hart- mann of Vienna and Prof. Camille Flammarion, the distinguished French astronomer. FAMILY 90: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCEMT— ALLAN-1, TLMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-l'J, ALLEN-42. ALLEN PERLEY was born on the site of the cellar, page 48, Friday, 13 May, 1763. His home was the farm just north of and around the old cemetery, about a mile east of his birthplace. The farm was originally a Fisk place. In recent years it has been owned successively by Clapp, Day and Woodward. It is now (1904) occu- 164 THE PERLEY FAMILY pied by Adam G. Lauer. Mr. Parley was a diligent farmer, and for those times a successful one. In Nov., 1788, he married Esther Burpee of Rowley. The records of their deaths are in the Linebrook Cemetery : ALLEN PERLEY DIED June 24, 1843, M. 82. Kind father, thou hast left us, And thy lo-:s we deeply feel; But 'tis God that hath bereft us. He can all our sorrow heal. How loved, how valued once avails thee not, To whom related or by whom forgot; A heap of dust alone remains of thee. 'Tis all thou art, and all the proud shall l)e widow of ALLEN PERLEY DIED Fe6. 4, 1853, M. 89 y'fl. 10 m's. My children all, come view my grave. Prepare to follow me. And if your peace is made with God, How happy you will be. Erected by her daughter. 1 Perley children : Allen-189, Joseph Burpee-190, Abrahara-191, Daniel Jewett-192, Eliza-193. FAMILY 91: PLUMMER. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-41!. HANNAH PERLEY was born 27 Nov., 1765. She was pub- lished 23 Aug., 1785, to David Plummer, and married him 8 Dec, the same year. He was born 23 Oct., 1757, to John and Abigail- Dole Plummer, the only son of five children and a farmer. He occupied his grandfather's homestead in Newbury, where he died 30 April, 1847; and she, 3 May, 1849. 1 Plummer children : AbigaiP, David'', Stephen^ 2 AbigaiP was born 27 Sept., 1786, and married Dudley Ladd. David^ was born 11 Jan., 1789, and 25 June, 1818, married Lydia Hoyt. He was a doctor in Amesbury. He died 29 Jan., 1852; she 29 Oct., 1863, aged sixty-nine. Their son, Wm. P., married 31 Aug., 1847, Jane H. Randall of Newbury, and has married since. 3 Stephen^ was born 9 July, 1793, and 21 Jan., 1824, married Lydia Pillsbury of Barrington, N. H. He was a militia captain, an extensive farmer, and resided on the old place in Newbury, near the Parker river bridge. He died 4 Jan., 1850; she 27 Aug., 1876. They had seven children, one of whom was Sophronia Osgood, a twin-371; another was Salina G., married 29 April, 1851, Daniel Harris Hale, son of Francis P. and Sarah, lived in Rowley, who had issue; Elizabeth E., born 21 Nov., 1833, married Edward Dole, milk- man and farmer of Ipswich, who had Ada Jane, born 5 June, 1854, and married a Brown, Ella Louisa, born 17 July, 1856, and died young, Hallet, who lives in Ipswich, and a daughter that died young. FAMILY 92: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT- ALL AN-1, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42. JOHN PERLEY was born Saturday, 6 Feb., 1768, in the same house the other children were, (see page 48), but after it was re- moved across the brook to a point opposite the residence of Abel Spofford Howe. Upon his marriage he purchased a house located JOHN PERLEY. in Rowley, a little distance north of the first site of the Linebrock meeting house or Rev. George Lesslie's estate, and removed it over frozen meadows to its present location, just east of his birthplace. He doubled the size of it by building to the west end. His son Silas added as much more to the east end, upon his marriage, and entered upon the cultivation of the farm, occupying the part of the house he built and two rooms which were relinquished by his father. The middle portion of this house, which is pictured on the following page, is among the few oldest houses in the town. The farm proper contained about seventy-five acres, but Mr. Perley's possessions were much greater, and, too, were much greater than appears by the probate inventory of his estate, he having set- tled estates upon some of his children before his death. In his old age he occasionally spoke of "going after old Shays," referring to his enlistment in January, 1787, for thirty days, for the suppression of Shays' Rebellion. He had proceeded beyond Boston^ 166 THE PERLEY FAMILY when news was received that the Shays' Rebelhon had collapsed, as later collapsed the " Deacon's one-horse chaise." A notice of his death in the Salem Gazette said: "Mr. Perley lis- tened to the booming cannon on Bunker Hill in 1775 with trembling anxiety for the vanquishing of the British ; and was afterwards active to overcome that rebellious people led on by Shays. He devoted his after life to agriculture, and was ever opposed to every form of oppression." Mr. Perley's first wife was Mehitable Dwinnells, born in Tops- field 3 April, 1775 to Jacob and Joanna-Rhoads-Clark Dwinnells of RESIDENCE OF JOHN PERLEY AND HIS SON SILAS. Rowley, and married 2 Jan., 1799. This lady was mother of all his children. She had a good mind, was agreeably social and a provi- dent housewife. One Saturday evening, she disappeared, and the family were unable to find her till the next morning, when by dili- gent search she was discovered in the brook, to which she had gone to fetch a pail of water. Whether she was drowned by accident or heart failure is not known. The latter cause prevailed among her relatives. His second wife was Susannah Pearson, married 6 July, 1841. She was born in 1795, in Byfield Parish it is thought, to David and Lydia-Welch Pearson, ^terwards of Canaan, N. H. After the death of her husband she went to live with her brother Dea, Moses Pearson, in Coventry, Vt., where she died 27 July, 1865. She was a good, kind, charitable, sterling Christian, whose life, as the writer knew it, is one of his most cherished memories. [Jacob Dwinnells was of Topsfield, but removed to Rooty Plain, the western part of Rowley, now named Millwood, and about 1780 built the house still there in the Dwinnells family name. He married 12 Dec, 1769, Mrs. Clark— Miss Rhoads — and had Israel, who married Mary Story ; Anna, who married John Dresser; and Mehitable who married John Perley, as above. [Miss Rhoads was born in Bradford. Her first husband was Hum- phrey or Elijah Clark of Topsfield, his later home. The family ob- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY. 167 tained their water supply from the pump on the main street near the entrance to the Academy grounds. By Clark she had two children: Humphrey, who mar- ried in Boston and had Mary, Louisa, Adeline, Caroline, Elijah, Humphrey, John Nathaniel ; and Mary, who married Daniel Balch, brother to Mrs. John Peabody, the mother of Dea. Joel Peabody, and lived in Topsfield and Dan- vers. After the death of her second husband, Dwinnells, she went to live with her daughter, Mary Balch. In her age her mind became enfeebled, and she became an anxious burden to her daughter, who placed her in the almshouse at Bradford. Her granddaughter Louisa Clark penciled the profile of her here shown. She died a short time after entering the almshouse, between 1830 and 1835, aged ninety-seven years.] In the Linebrook Cemetery are the accompanying records. joa.n.na uiinAD.scLAKK dwinnells. 1 Perley children : Maria-194, Silas-195, John-19(), Humphrey-197. SACRED To the memory of MRS MEHETABEL wife of MR. JOUN PERLEY Died Nov. 26, 1836 JEt. 61. JOHN PERLEY, DIED Aug. 20, 1858, 2Et. 90 yrs. 6 mo« & 14 days. FAMILY 93: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42. STEPHEN PERLEY was born on the site opposite the resi- dence of Abel Spofford Howe in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich, Sunday, 7 Oct., 1770. When about seventeen years of age, he went to Meredith Bridge, now Laconia, N. H., as clerk for Horton & Boyn- ton. He soon after engaged in business for himself. His father- in-law built a gristmill and a sawmill on the Gilford side — then Gilmanton or New Salem — upon the mill grant. The sawmill was located on the northerly side of Mill bridge and descended to Dud- 168 THE PBRLEY FAMILY ley Ladd. The gristmill was on the southerly side of the bridge, about three rods below, and it descended to Jonathan Ladd. The mill grant descended to Mehitable Ladd, Mr. Perley's wife, which extended from Sanbornton Bay to the river near where the house of Hon. E. A. Hibbard now stands, and through which Mr. Perley cut the canal that leads to the car shops, built by the Randet Car Co. Mr. Perley was an extensive general merchant; his store occu- pied the corner of Main and Mill streets, where he was in trade more than fifty years. Besides this, he built mills, oil and clothing, where Messrs. Russell now (1880) are located, on the north side of Mill street; a whitesmith shop with trip hammer for scythes, axes, etc.; a grain distillery, and potash works where the Belknap brick mill now stands, and a three-story dwelling where Knight & Atkinson are in trade, which Mr. Perley sold to the company, and invested the same in stock. It was the first cotton factory so called, built there. Later it was purchased by the late Daniel Avery and chartered the Cotton and Woolen Manufacturing Company. On the canal, he built oil, carriage, threshing and other mills and sold the whole to the Winnipiseogee Lake Company, who are leasing the same to other parties. He was largely engaged in moving real estate — he purchased and sold lands, opened and graded streets and laid out building lots. Some of the streets are Mill street, Cross street to Canal street. Water street half-way to Bay street, and Main street to Oak street crossing. Mr. Perley sold the clothing mill to Samuel H. and Nathan Bean, who continued the business while they lived, after which time it was sold to James P. Morrison. He sold the oil mill to John and Simeon Chase, who made and repaired machinery. The nail mill he sold to Cheany & Co., who manufactured wheel-head, bobbins and spools. These embrace all on the north side of Mill bridge. The south side was sold to Daniel Tucker, who continued the white and black- smithing. The location was where Lewis Busiel's mill is. Cooper- ing was also carried on by Mr. Perley. Perley block is a large brick structure in Laconia. Stephen Perley, Esq., was one of the fathers of Meredith Bridge ; he was the oldest individual in the place at the time of his death ; he was strictly honest in all his dealings; he commanded the respect of old and young; he was _^ "genteel" in his manners, -'-^^^--:^^~^ /T^ /^ genial in his disposition, ,;;-/X^''-//^''*^*-*'-*-« {/-C^c-O*-^ and dignified in his de- v*^ portment; he was a resi- ^ dent of his adopted town ^^ for more than sixty years. ^Xj^^^y^y^t^^ ^i-y^-wZi.,^ It was truly said at his ^^^^^''^' ^^y^^ funeral, attended by Rev. f^ "^ Young: "The history of tVii'c liff^ was: tVi«^ Viiijl-nrv nf These autographs are from tamlly letters this lite was tne niStOry Ot ^^.^^^^ ^ Dec, I829, and W July, 1843. our village. He was called upon to fill some of the most important offices in the gift of his townsmen. He represented the town in the State Legislature, was postmaster for upwards of thirty years, and was one of the STEPHEN PERLEY, ESQ. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 169 electors of Martin Van Buren for President of the United States in • 1840. Mr. Perley's first wife was Abigail Ladd, and his second was her sister Mehitable, daughters of Col. Samuel and Abigail-Flanders Ladd of Meredith. Abigail, born 4 Oct., 1778, was the mother of one child, and died 4 Oct., 1798, aged just twenty. Mehitable was born inGilmanton,5 April, 1783, and died 25 Oct., 1834, aged fifty-one. He died of lithic disease 13 April, 1855, at the age of eighty-four years. His epitaph is "Rest is sweet." 1 Perley children: Sally-, Stephen Jefferson*, John Langdon- 198, Louisa^ Louisa^ Abigail^ Martha Maria-199. 2 Sally^ was born 19 Nov., 1796. She married Dr. John Durkey. They lived on Staten Island. They resided in Laconia, where he practiced medicine, for many years during the latter part of his life. She died 6 Nov., 1853, aged fifty-six years, leaving several children. 3 Stephen Jefferson^ was born 21 Nov., 1802, and died unmar- ried, 30 July, 1832, aged twenty-nine. Louisa^ was born 21 July, 1807, and died 17 Sept., 1808. 4 Louisa^ was born 17 Sept., 1809, and married Nathan Fogg of Laconia — no issue. Abigail' was born 30 Aug., 1811, and married John H. Brewster of Laconia — no issue. FAMILY 94: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT -ALLA^M, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-4,i. MARY MARTHA JACOB PERLEY was born on the site opposite A. S. Howe's residence, Linebrook Parish, Ipswich, Friday, 12 Aug., 1775. His father's home was his by inheritance. He was a very extensive land owner, controlling, at one time, by deed or mortgage, all on the 170 THE PERLEY FAMILY southeast side of the road from Galloup's brook in Topsfield to the old cemetery in Linebrook. Upon a division of it at his death, the homestead fell to the youngest son, Augustus M. This is the farm of the emigrant referred to on page 4 as the grant of 3 July, 1651. He was considerably interested in the militia and was elected to the captaincy. He was active and efficient in whatever he under- took; his own business always took first rank in his attention. He was ever ready to give a rea- son for his hope whether in civil life or religious. In 1814 he headed a petition for setting off certain fam- ilies of Linebrook Parish to the parish of Topsfield. The petition failed, but he went and his pew there was No. 100. His wife was Mary Pot- ter, daughter of Ezekiel — twice married — and Eliza- beth-Perkins, or Hannah, Potter of Ipswich, born Sunday, 15 Oct., 1775, and married 17 Oct., 1797. She was the kind of woman that made home attractive, prosperous and happy. Mr. Perley's sickness was peculiar; it was located in his stomach; he had several attacks; the doctors were puzzled ; they suggested that the trouble proceeded from his teeth and some of them were extracted; a post mortem examination revealed "a sore in his stomach." They repose in the Linebrook C metery, where you may read : MARY PERLEY, AT AGE OF 75 YEARS. In Memory of OAPT. JACOB PERLEY. who died May 21, 1829 aged 54 years. Ohildrenof dust, whoreadwith pensive eye, This lettered stone, where mortal relics lie; Think as you sigh, because they live no more. Soon you shall drop, and be what you deplore. MRS. MARY, wife of Capt. Jacob Perley, DIED Dec. 13, 1854, Mt. 79. She was a mother kind and bright. In whom fond children took delight; Her soul to unknown worlds is fled. Her aged form lies with the dead. 1 Perley children : Elizabeth-195, Mary-191, Jacob-200, Stephen- 201, Martha-202, William Perkins-203, Augustus Monroe-204. FIFTH GENERATION. FAMILY 95: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-L', THOMAS-!<, AMOS-JO, NATHANIEL-41;. AMOS PERLEY was born 30 July,1759,in East Boxford, where now is the residence of Thos. Perley Killam, and died there 3 Aug., 1829, at the age of seventy years. He married, first, Hannah Proctor of Danv^ers, in 1788 (?), and she was mother of all his children. She died 14 Aug., 1809, at the age of forty-one years. He married, second, Mrs. Abigail-Kimball Ranlett, widow of Phineas, (published 22 Jan.) 24 April, 1823, in West Boxford. She was born 29 Feb., 1776. [She married Mr. Ranlett 29 May, 1801, by whom she had two children born in Boxford: Mary P., born 17 March, 1802, and Huldah K., born 11 June, 1804, who lives in Topsfield unmarried. Mr. Ranlett died 5 Oct., 1812, aged thirty-six years. After the death of her husband Perley, she married, third, Capt. John Kim- ball of Boxford, with whom she was published 16 April, 1832. Mr. Kimball died in 1850, and she removed to Topsfield, where she died 18 March, 1862, aged sixty-nine.] Mr. Perley and his first wife repose in Harmony Cemetery, East Boxford. THE AMOS PERLEY HOUSE In the Amos Perley house pictured here were born Rev. Hum- phrey Clark Perley-169, and Sidney Perley, Esq.-380. The estate was owned by Capt. Francis Perley-39, who devised to his son Jacob- 81. Jacob made a large addition to the house and sold the whole for ;£220 to this Amos, as it is here shown. About the year 1856, Humphrey Perley-197 purchased the estate and occupied it. After a few years he demolished the old house and built anew upon the site. The property is now owned by his daughter Emma and her husband, who reside there. Mr. Perley was somewhat employed in town affairs, for which his good judgment and integrity eminently qualified him. He was a selectman, 1799, 1800, 1807, 1816, 1817; a constable, 1803, 1804; a school committeeman, 1804; a surveyor of highways, 1796, 1808, 172 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1817, 1822. He was a good farmer, and amassed a competency. He was an active citizen, and valuable in the civil and social life of his town. His will is dated 30 June, 1829, and was proved I Sept., 1829. The witnesses were John Perley, Haskell Perley, Thomas Perley. 1 Perley children : Mehitable', Hannah-205, Charles-206, Green- leaf^ Ruth«, Nathaniel-207, Frederic-208, Olive Wood^ Amos Proctor-209. 2 Mehitable^ was born 7 Nov., 1789, and died unmarried in Tops- field 23 Nov., 1821. Greenleaf^ was born 21 Jan., 1796. The Salem Gazette of 28 May, 1824, reads: "In Calcutta, Jan. 30th, of con- sumption, Mr. Greenleaf Perley, son of Mr. Amos Perley of Boxford, aged 2(5; second officer of the ship George of this port — a worthy and promising young man." 3 Ruth^ was born 16 April, 1798, and died 20 Jan., 1826. She married 22 April, 1824, Thomas Frye Odell, who was a merchant in Salem, where he was born 9 Oct., 1792, to James and Sarah-Very Odell, and died 7 July, 1860. They had only one child, Benjamin Greenleaf Odell, who was born 6 Jan., 1825. He married Sarah Ellen Dennis, who died 29 April, 1855, aged twenty -five years and one month, the mother of only one child, born 24 Dec, 1851, and died 18 May, 1852. Mr. Odell was a grocer at the corner of North and Bridge streets, and died, of consumption, 23 Jan., 1852, aged twenty-seven years and seventeen days. 4 Olivia VV.^ was born 4 Nov., 1804, married in Lynn, Mass., 13 Oct., 1830, John Batchelder, Jr., of Lynn, a school teacher, afterward postmaster, born 9 July, 1805, in Topsfield, Mass., to Joseph, farmer, and Sarah-Perkins Batchelder. She died in Lynn, 3 Dec, 1884; and he, 4 Aug., 1885. Issue: Maria Olivia, teacher for some years, born 25 June, 1833, married in Lynn, 17 Feb., 1876, Rollin Eugene Har- mon, Judge of Probate Court, born in North Adams, Mass., to Nathan W., lawyer and judge, and Cornelia-Briggs Harmon. FAMILY 96: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-L', THOMAS-H, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46. JESSE PERLEY was born 23 June, 1761. He owned the farm on the road from the Boxford railroad station to Topsfield, lately the property of Joseph H. Janes. He cared little for office, though abundantly qualified to exercise it. A barrier to an easy official service was the long distance of his home from the town center. He was a surveyor of highways 1796, 1808, 1813, 1816, 1819, and was a member of the school board of 1805. His farm grew well under his skill and diligence. He built a house, the one now on the estate, in 1790. His wife was Widow Elizabeth Moulton, married 10 June, 1788. She died 9 March, 1840, at the age of eighty-eight years. He died 18 April, 1846, at the age of eighty-four years. Their remains were entombed in Harmony Cemetery, Boxford. 1 Perley children : Francis-210, Jesse-211, AncilP, Irene-212. 2 AncilP was born 3 July, 1798, and died unmarried, 28 Dec, 1831. He was buried in Harmony Cemetery. FAMILY 97: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-2, THOMAS-.s, AMOS-i:0, NATHANIEL-46. NATHANIEL PERLEY was born 22 March, 1768. We have no knowledge of him till he graduated at Dartmouth College in 179L He received his Master's degree in course. In his class were Humphrey C. Perley-169, Ebenezer Adams, Heman Ball, Dudley Chase, John Coffin, Seth Williston, Eliphalet Gillet, et al. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1794. The next year he settled in Hallowell, Me., a thriving settlement on the Kennebec river, to which many families of Essex County migrated, for the building of homes, about that time. He and Amos Stoddard were the only lawyers there till 1798, when Samuel S.Wilde located there from Waldoboro, when Stoddard left. Mr. Perley was naturally a business man, active, and eminently social. He gathered to himself many friends and easily established himself in a lucrative practice. The country was too young for cases that required eloquent pleading at the bar. Whatever may have been his power to unfold the law, to set forth a case and to sway a jury cannot be known. His natural shrewdness and good judgment equipped him for the service of his constituency, as attor- ney and counselor. It is said he was lavish of his knowledge and legal advice; nevertheless he amassed wealth. He gave much of his attention to local improvements in the care of his property, thus augmenting his own and the public's together. His property busi- ness at last absorbed all his time and attention, to the entire loss of his practice in law. By and by, business reverses met him, in advancing age, and despondency brooded over his mind. The af- fection of his faithful wife and children sustained him to the last. In 1806 he was blasting stone in building a conduit for water from a pond to a stream upon which he erected a grist mill, in Winthrop, about a mile west of Hallowell, when a large piece of the ledge struck him upon the breast and seriously affected him at the time. This hurt was considered a remote cause of his death. For several years considerable business was carried on at the mill; but the Cot- ton Manufacturing Company purchased Mr. Perley's establishment and closed the canal. While Mr. Perley confined his attention to the practice of his profession, his home was attractive to the legal and judicial profes- sion in general. Chief Justice Parsons, also a native of Essex County, held to him the relation of esteem and regard, and often enjoyed Mr. Perley's hospitality. Members of the profession fre- quently enjoyed Mr. Perley's home, his fund of anecdotes and wit, while court was sitting at Augusta, two miles away. He repre- sented Hallowell in the General Court in 1804 and again 1816. The Salem, Mass., Gazette, 9 May, 1803, reported: "More increase of Fed- eration. Hallowell, heretofore uniformly represented by a Democrat, 174 THE PERLBY FAMILY has this year made choice of N. Perley, Esq., (Federalist) by a major- ity over Col. Fillebrown, the old member, 111 to 66." Charles Dummer, Esq., in speaking of our subject, says: "Had he remained faithful to the noble objects of true professional life, had he diligently strengthened his mind by study as a lawyer, he would have gathered the fruits of honorable labor and attainments, — all would finally have been well. Possessing great quickness of perception, his free social habits were both an attraction and temptation." He was apt at repartee, and frequently was surprised by the effect of his replies. Once in particular he was engaged in an action of replevin before Judge Weston, in the Court of Common Pleas. The case was warmly contested. An important witness of the other side had been examined for two or three hours, when the court adjourned for dinner. After dinner, Mr. Perley called the same witness to the stand, when the judge remarked : " This witness has been examined at great length already; what further do you ex- pect to obtain from him.-'" Mr. Perley immediately replied : "The truth, your honor; I've obtained everything else." He was public spirited and patriotic ; he was social, witty, learned ; he was a faith- ful and firm friend ; his home was cheerful, happy and cultured. His wife, married 7 Feb., 1796, was Mary Dummer, daughter of Richard and Judith Dummer of Byfield Parish, Newbury. He died 25 July, 1824. She died 7 Jan., 18B8, aged sixty-eight years. 1 Perley children: George Dummer'^, Mary*, Richard-213, Louisa'^ Henry Augustus", Nathaniel Henry'", Caroline Augusta'l 2 Louisa' was born 1 Nov., 1801, and married John Dumont of Hallowell; Henry A.' was born 16 April, 1804, and died 1 July, 1806; Nathaniel H.' was born 5 Sept., 1806, and died 22 Jan., ("March" — gravestone,) 1811; Caroline A. ^ was born 19 July, 1811, and died unmarried 9 Feb., 1850. She was for many years a school teacher in Hallowell. 3 George Dummer' was born 18 June, 1797, and died 28 April, 1826. He married Jane Louisa Jackson, daughter of Dr. G. K. Jackson, a musician of Boston, in 1821, and had a daughter, Louisa Jane, born 4 June, 1822. He was a graduate of Bowdoin College, class of 1818; and studied law with his father. He was an attorney- at-law and lived in Hallowell. His widow removed to Boston. His epitaph reads: Go, tender partner, to thy native sky, Go bear thy consort's love, and dwell on high Thy generous heart relieved the poor's distress, And (iod a soul like thine will ever bless. 4 Mary' was born 2 Sept., 1799, and died 28 March, 1848. She married 21 Dec, 1820, William F. Lane, a native of Stratham, N.H., who was for many years a bookseller and stationer in Hallowell, Me. Lane issue native of Hallowell: Henry Perley, born 23 Oct., 1821; Mary Louisa, born 1 Jan., 1824, married C. H. Bonney of Wayne, Me., or Manchester, N. H., and died in 1851, leaving children, Clara and Fred; George Frederic, born 21 Feb., 1826; Richard William^ 5 Richard William* was born in Hallowell 11 Sept., 1828, and died in San Francisco, Cal., 20 June, 1890. He married 2 June, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY I75 1874, in Honolulu, S. I., Louise Isabelle Friel. who was born 20 July, 1857, to George Friel, a merchant there. He was in the Navy during the Mexican and Civil Wars. At the close of the Civil War he went to Honolulu, where he was Mexican consul, and was con- sul for Spain to the time of his death. His only child, Richard Wilder, was born in Honolulu, 6 Aug., 1875, and is a clerk in a hardware store in San Francisco. FAMILY 98: ADAMS. LINEAL DESCENT- ALLAN-1, JOHN-2, THOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46. LOIS PERLEY was born 9 Sept., 1771. She married 17 May, 1798, Benjamin Adams, 3d, who was born 14 June, 1773, to Benjamin and Sally S. Adams, in the Shute house, near the Boston & Maine station in South Georgetown. He erected and resided in the "Temperance house" near his birthplace. She died 22 Jan., 1842. Her epitaph in Marlboro Cemetery, Georgetown, reads : She died to grief, sbe died to care. And but a momont felt llie rod; Then rising in the voiceless air, Spread her light wings and soared to God. After ten years, he died 2 Jan., 1852, and was buried at his wife's side. His epitaph is: Blessed are the peacemakers. 1 Adams children: Abraham^ Louisa'', Mehitable Perley*', Benja- min Perley^ Charles Henry^ Samuel^ George Washington-211*, Sarah Spofford*, [William, born 26 Jan., 1816, Perley Derby says belongs to this family.] 2 Abraham^ was born 25 April, 1800, and died 8 Aug., 1849. His widow, says the Georgetown Advocate, who "died at Cam- bridgeport on Tuesday of last week, was a native of Boxford. Her name was Ruth Ann Lofty, and she was a sister to the first wife of David Haskell and an aunt of Mrs. Holt, the Librarian of our Library. Her husband died in 1849. For twenty years or more she has lived with her only daughter, Mrs. Clarence Davis, at Cambridge- port. Her funeral took place in that city Saturday, and the remains were brought to Georgetown for interment." ' 3 Charles H.\ a native of this town, and a prominent citizen of Danvers for over twenty-five years, died at his residence in that town last Saturday, 18 Sept., 1880. He was born 17 May, 1809, in the old Adams homestead, now owned by Shute on Nelson avenue, and with his eldest brother Abraham, built the house now occupied by Mr. Lowell G. Wilson. He married Miss Eliza Moore, a niece of the late Thomas Perkins of Topsfiield. Four children were born unto them, two boys and two girls, all first saw light in this town. One only survives her father, Mrs. Augustus M. Spofford, now resid- ing at Danvers. Mr. Adams held the ofifice of constable in his native town, and has been elected to the same in Danvers nearly every year for twenty years. He has held a deputy sheriff's war- 176 THE PERLEY FAMILY rant for twelve successive years, and was always a faithful and con- scientious officer. He has held various positions in the municipal affairs of Danvers, among which is that of selectman. The writer has been associated with him as officer of the peace and regarded him as a brave and resolute man, yet all his business was performed with courtesy and consideration of the feelings of his prisoners. The death of his son about a year ago was a severe blow which added to a not very strong constitution and general ill-health nearly prostrated him and from which he never recovered, but gradually failed until the end. — From the Georgetown Advocate. 4 SamueP was born 17 June, 1811, married Betsey Gould of Topsfield, resided there and was clerk for his brother Benjamin P. 5 Louisa' was born 27 Sept., 1801, and married 26 Nov., 1823, John Kimball of Georgetown. Kimball issue: John A., born 4 Dec, 1824; died 23 Dec, 1824; Louisa M., born 28 Nov., 1825, died 2 Aug., 1869; Caroline A., born 10 Jan., 1828, married 10 June, 1849, Eben Hobson, in Georgetown, where she was a milliner; George A., born 8 Jan., 1830, married 7 March, 1860, Anna F. Todd; Abbe B., born 24 Feb., 1832, married 7 Oct., 1849, D. W. Palmer; Sarah A., born 27 Nov., 1834, died 12 Feb., 1840; Charles A., born 4 April, 1837; Sarah A., born 12 Dec, 1840, married 7 Jan., 1869, Robert Coker of Georgetown; Benjamin A., born 22 March, 1844, died 4 Oct., 1869. 6 Mehitable Perley' was born 5 Aug., 1804, and died 12 March, 1830. Her husband was John A. Lovering of Georgetown, by whom she had John A., born in July, 1829, and died 1 Oct., 1829. His second wife was Eliza Jewett, by whom he had John A., shoe man- ufacturer in Georgetown; Sarah M., born 1835, died 19 May, 1871; Benjamin A., born in 1839, died of scarlet fever 28 Dec, 1846; Helen PVances. He was a shoe manufacturer and owned many tenement houses. 7 Benjamin Perley^ was born 5 Sept., 1806. His first wife, mar- ried 9 July, 1833, was Mary Ann Cummings, daughter of Cyrus and Susanna. She died 13 May, 1840, aged twenty-seven years. His second wife was Abba L. Stimpson of Salem, published 15 May, 1841. He was a general merchant in Topsfield, was affable, courteous, and a man of honor and sterling integrity. He died 10 July, 1875. Their children: Catherine Cummings, born 3 July, 1835, died unmarried 1 Nov., 1868; Mary Ann, born 9 Nov., 1842, married a Mr. Whittemore and lives in California; Benjamin Perley, born 9 March, 1845, succeecied to his father's business, was much respected and honored by his townspeople and died unmarried 9 Dec, 1883. 8 Sarah Spofford^ was born 11 Feb., 1821. She married 22 Oct., 1846, Charles S. Piper of East Boston. Children: John Adams, born 4 April and died 4 Oct., 1848; Anna Durant, born 4 Oct., 1853, and married 1 July, 1873, Charles Alfred West of Boston, by whom she has had Pxlith, born in 1875, and Anne, born in 1877; Sarah A., born 11 Sept., 1862, and died 9 Aug., 1863. FAMILY 99: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLA^M, JOHN-2, THOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL^6. ARTEMAS WARD PERLEY was born on the present T. P. Killam place, East Boxford, 29 Jan., 1776. He was a farmer and lived on the parental estate till about 1838, when he removed to the ancient Zaccheus Gould mansion in Topsfield, where he spent the remnant of his life except a short time in Hampstead, N. H., where he owned a farm. He was a man of means and held in good repute. He was sur- veyor of highways 1810, 1815, 1820, 1826; on the school board 1811, 1820, and surveyor of highways in Topsfield 1837. Mr. Perley's Boxford residence was the style that begun about 1670, having the long back roof, two stories high, two large rooms in front and a large kitchen and two bedrooms in the rear, on the first floor. It was destroyed by fire in April, 1832, together with the barn, which was very large, and other out buildings. Mr. Perley then removed to the residence of his brother Amos, who was lately deceased, and whose farm was nearly contiguous. He remained there a few months only and removed to Topsfield. The parental estate was his till about 1838, when he sold it to Joseph Hale, who erected a house on the site of the old cooper shop of Mr. Perley's father. Mr. Hale crowned the site of the old house that was burned with a new and spacious one in 1841, and occupied it till 1862. It is now owned by Mr. Thos. Perley Killam. The house seems to have been predestined to a baptism of fire. Once it caught from the improper disposal of ashes and live coals by the hired girl. Again it was discovered to be on fire by Mr. Perley's son, Haskell, who was returning about 11 o'clock at night from Topsfield, where he was engaged for the season at farming. When some distance from the house, he saw the light and hastening for- ward found the front room was on fire. Instead of disturbing the family, who were asleep, he soon extinguished the flames. The big back-log of the great fireplace had rolled out of its place and kindled a wicked fire. Haskell retired and in the morning told his parents the tale of their deliverance. Mr. Perley married, first. Miss Eleanor Putnam of Danvers, 20 March, 1803. She was the mother of nine of his children. She died 1 June, 1821, at the age of thirty-seven years, when her young- est child was but a week old, having been born 29 May, 1784. He married, second, Mrs. Elizabeth Boardman, widow of Daniel, of Topsfield, and daughter of Zaccheus and Anna-Brown Gould, 20 May, 1823. She was born 17 March, 1785. She was the mother of two of Mr. Perley's children. She died 10 Sept., 1827, leaving an infant three months old. His third wife was Huldah, a sister of his second, married by Rev. J. F. McEwen, 28 Feb., 1833. She was born 6 Nov., 1787, and died 27 Nov., 1874, at her home with Wm. 178 THE PERLEY FAMILY Hubbard, in Hamilton, at the age of eighty-seven years. After the death of her husband 6 Jan., 1862, she Uved with her relatives. 1 Perley children, all born in Boxford: Julia A.-214, Haskell-215, Artemas Ward-216, Putnam-217, Nancy Putnam^ Samuel Holton'^, Harriet Augusta-218, Emeline-219, Edwin F.-220, Huldah Gould^ Charles Greenleafl 2 Samuel Holton^ was born 1 July, 1815, and died in Topsfield of consumption, 10 March, 1850; Huldah Gould^ was born 20 March, 1825, and died 17 Dec, 1844, unmarried ; Charles Greenleaf^ was born 14 June, 1827, was cared for by his aunt Huldah after his mother died, and was taken to his father's home when his aunt be- came his step-mother. He died 7 Nov., 1832, aged five years. 3 Nancy Putnam^ was born 10 June, 1812, married Henry F. Burchstead, a shoe merchant of Lynn, where he died 6 April, 1858. They were published 14 June, 1833, and he was of Worcester when married. They had two children : Mary Ann^, and Henry Frederick, born 21, Sept., 1846, in Columbus, Ohio, and died 9 Aug., 1891. 4 Mary Ann" was born in Worcester, Mass., 20 Oct., 1836, and married Herbert Johnson of Lynn, and had Harry Herbert, born 24 Oct., 1858, died 9 Aug.,1821 ; Nellie Perley, born 25 Oct., 1863, mar- ried 2 Oct., 1888, in Lynn, Frederick William Hughes, secretary Buckeye Buggy Co., Columbus, Ohio, born in Chester, Eng., 18 April, 1862, to William H. and Rebecca-Davies Hughes, and has children: Mary Johnson and Rebecca; George Frederick, unmarried. FAMILY 100: PERLEY. LINEAX DESCENT- ALL AN-1, SAMUEL-3, SAMUEL-12, DAVlD-27, JOHN-48. SAMUEL PERLEY was born in Rowley (the part now Mill- wood) 6 Aug., 1770. He bought the farm in Boxford that was once the property of his great uncle, Capt. Francis Perley-39, and resided there, leaving the estate to his children. It is now occupied by David DeW. C. Mighill. Mr. Perley was a man of good natural and practical ability. He was called into town affairs in other relations beside these. He was surveyor of highways 1813 and 1820; constable 1817, 1821 and 1823; tax collector 1817; member of the school board 1817 and 1824. In the militia he was ensign in 1817 and as late as 1821. Mr. Perley married Lydia (Nabby.^) Perkins of Topsfield, 12 Jan., 1812. She was born 5 July, 1772, to Stephen and Hannah-Potter Perkins. He died 27 May, 1848, aged seventy-seven years. His widow died 1 Dec. next. They repose in Harmony Cemetery, East Boxford. 1 Perley children : A child', Lydia'-, SamueP, Stephen Perkins'*. 2 Lydia^ was born 8 Jan., 1813. She never married; she made her home with her parents and after their deaths "kept house" for her brothers. She died 11 Nov., 1857, aged forty-four years. The first child' died an infant 25 March, 1812. 3 SamueP was born 7 Feb., 1815. He always lived at home and assisted in carrying on the farm. He died of jaundice 18 March, 1869, aged fifty-four years, unmarried. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 179 4 Stephen Perkins^ was born 15 Aug., 1818. He lived with his parents while they survived, then assisted his brother in cultivating the farm. He was a wheelwright by trade, and worked some at the business. After his brother's death, he disposed of the farm in 1875, and went to live with his cousin John, in Rowley. Later he was as- sistant to a physician in Hampton, N. H., and died in 188-. FAMILY 101: HAZEN, CONANT. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, SAMUEL-S, SAMDEL-12, DAVID-27, JOHN-48. LUCY PERLEY was born 26 March, 1773. Her first marriage, 17 Jan., 1799, was with Josiah Hazen-45^ of Boxford, born 23 Oct., 1774. They lived in Georgetown. He died three days before his thirty-first birthday. She married, second, 26 March, 1811, Capt. Daniel Conant, son of William and Mary Conant of Ipswich. Capt. Daniel was born 11 Jan., 1775. [By a former wife, Sarah Chapman of Ipswich, married 21 March, 1800, he had: Joseph Chapman, who was born 19 May, 1802, married Abigail Lamson, died 24 March, 1834, and had issue: Sarah who died 25 May, 1834, Lucy who died 10 Nov., 1848, and Joseph Chapman; Sally, who was born 7 May, 1804, and married 25 Dec, 1827, Abraham Lummus of Ipswich.] Capt. Conant died 11 May 1856, aged seventy-five years. His re- mains repose in Harmony Cemetery, Georgetown, and his epitaph reads: — Why weep we then for him who having pass'd The bounds of man's appointed years at last, Life's blessings all enjoyed, life's labors done, Serenely to his final rest has gone. His widow survived him ten years, and at the great age of eighty- seven entered upon the fruition of her hope, Thursday, 22 Nov., 1860. She was interred in Harmony Cemetery and her epitaph is Blessed are the dead, which die la the Lord. 1 Hazen children: Josiah", Moody Perley^ Greenleaf''. Conant children: Lucy P.^ John Perley^ Mary^ Almira-350. 2 Josiah^ was born 15 Nov., 1799; he married Hannah Brown of Bridgton, Me., where he lived. Sarah J. was the only issue we know of, born 9 July, 1834. 3 Moody P.^ was born 9 May, 1802; he married Laura Tapley of Dan vers, 12 June, 1828; he died of consumption 21 April, 1830, at the age of twenty-seven years; she died 5 Aug., 1847. They lived in Ipswich; we know of only one issue, Ann Maria, who married Nathaniel Batchellor. 4 Greenleaf^ was born 3 June, 1804; he married, first, Susan P. Towne, daughter of Jacob and Hannah, of Boxford, 22 Oct., 1828. She died 18 Sept., 1847, aged forty-three years. Her tomb in Harmony Cemetery, Georgetown, reads : — Forgive, blest shade! the tributary tear That mourns thy exit from a world like this; Forgive the wish that would have kept thee here, And stayed thy progress to the realms of bliss. Mr. Hazen married, second. Widow Elizabeth-Creasey Boynton of Rowley, 5 April, 1848. They lived in Rowley, where she died 180 THE PBRLEY FAMILY 22 Oct., 1877, aged eighty years and two months. She rests in Harmony Cemetery also, where may be read her epitaph : — As she lived, so she died, a Christian. Their issue: George Edwin, John Greenleaf, Jacob Francis, Josiah Arnold, Joseph Warren, Nathan T., and Marshman Williams, who was born in Beverly, Mass., 28 July, 1840, and is a graduate of Dartmouth College in the class of 1866. His own exertions during his vacations paid his college expenses, and he may be justly called a self-made man. After graduation, he was employed in teaching, also for a time as newspaper editor. He was for a time at the head of the Boston branch of D. Appleton & Co.'s New York publishing house. He was prominently interested in introducing the decimal system of weights and measures into this country, and his success was highly gratifying to him. He was associate compiler of several of Appleton & Co.'s school books, prominent among which is a series of five readers. He introduced the "indestructible reader" for youngest scholars. He is now located in New York City, a lawyer. 5 Lucy P.' was born 3 Jan., 1812. She married 3 Feb., 1829, Leander Jewett of Waterford, Me. She died 7 Nov., 1829. 6 John Perley'was born 13 July,1813,and 13 April,1843, married Louisa A. Nelson, daughter of Thomas and Susanna-March Nelson of Georgetown, where she was born 20 Nov., 1819. Their home was in Georgetown, where she died 15 Aug., 1893. In 1903, "he observed his ninetieth birthday at his home on Central street. South Georgetown. Quite a large number of the neighbors called during the day for a pleasant chat with their venerable friend. Mr. Conant was named for John Perley, the donor of the Perley Free School of that town. The old gentleman is in fairly good health, but his eye- sight is failing him, but he retains the rest of his faculties to a marked degree." He is still living, 15 Sept., 1904. Their children were Abbie Louisa, born 2 Oct., 1845, and died 3 Aug., 1848, and John W., born 4 Sept., 1849, who became somewhat noted as a musician and cornetist. 7 Mary^ was born 16 Oct., 1816, or 10 Aug., 1817. She married 19 Dec, 1844, Charles Mason, son of George and Abigail of George- town, by Rev. Isaac Braman. They chose their home in George- town, where he was born in 1815. Issue: Charles Henry, born 24 March and died 11 Sept., 1850; and Frederick W., born 10 Sept., 1851. FAMILY 102: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, SAMUEL-12, DAVID-27, JOHN-48. DAVID PERLEY was born in Rowley 10 May, 1776. He settled upon the parental estate, where his son David Eri now lives. He enlisted in the service in the 1812 war, and received therefor of his town, April, 1815, $10.63. He was, 27 May, 1830, a petitioner for the incoporation of the Second Parish in Rowley, now George- town. His nephew John-222 writes that he lived a few months with his Uncle David, when the latter was about sixty-five years old. He says: " I still see him with his staff in hand wending his way on some HISTORY AND GENEALOGY Igj mission of labor or business, singing his favorite air, 'I'll take my staff and travel on.' He was fond of singing and withal was an in- veterate joker. He was stout built, of medium height, had flowing curly hair, was straight as an arrow, and his countenance was open, genial, pleasant. He lived in a quiet, secluded nook of rural beauty; the scenery was surpassingly lovely, which accounts, in some meas- ure, for his happy, genial disposition. The face of the territory is undulate with forest hills and pasture knolls, with arable plains and green, mossy meadows, with meandering brooklet. How delightful the forests, in still, dreamy October days, decked in their many-hued regalia! How sparkled the orchard after a gentle winter rain and the frost-embrace of night had secured on twig and limb its store of crystal waters, scintillating as gems of rarest worth and beauty, in the radiance of a morning sun ! What gratifying sweetness, as spring brought back the babbling of the brook, the chirp of the squirrel, the chatter of the woodchuck, the lowing of the cattle, and filled the broad expanse of sky with birds and melody. How picturesque and sweet the home of Uncle David. "I occasionally spent much time at Uncle David's in my boy- hood. He gave me my first lesson in astronomy. We had been husking corn in the barn. When we returned to the house, the whole heavens appeared one vast sea of sparkling crystals. The northern constellations shone with unusual brilliancy. Attracted probably by the splendor, he pointed to the Dipper and told how by it to find the Polar star — a lesson that often recurred to me when pursuing that study in school ! "He related to me, how my father ' crossed the Rubicon.' It oc- curred in the work of marshing, as it was called, when probably my grandfather was in his prime, and 'the boys,' father, and Uncles David and Samuel, were sprightly and helpful. On this occasion, a deep and narrow creek ran between them and the marsh lot. They were threading their way up the side of it, in search of a fording place, when to my father a circumvention was suggested. He threw his luggage to the opposite bank, all but one hay pole. That pole he planted in the middle of the creek, expecting by a masterly muscular effort to spring up upon the perpendicular pole and be carried to the opposite side. The muscular effort was a success, but when the pole assumed a perpendicular, it sank and stuck in the mud, with my father clinging to the top of it. It was an object lesson with a practical turn, always to be remembered." He married, 17 Dec, (published 24 May) 1809, Dolly Scott of Ipswich, who was born Tuesday, 5 June, 1787, to Martha-Perley-88 : : DOLLY DAVID PERLEY : : : Wife of DIED : ! : DAVID PERLEY Aug. 14, 1851 : I : DIED JEt. 75. : : : : Feb. 7. 1871, The eye of him that hath seen me : : Mt. 83 yrs. 8 mos. Shall see me no more. : : : The memory of the just is blessed. 182 THE PERLEY FAMILY and Benjamin Scott. He died of consumption, says the record. His widow died of pneumonia at her home with her son. Both re- pose in the Linebrook cemetery. They left one child, David Eri-221. FAMILY 103: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, SAMUEL-12, DAVID-27, JOHN-48. MOSES PERLEY was born in the part of Rowley now called Millwood 5 June, 1879. He settled in Rowley. His first wife was Sarah Morse, daughter of David and Betsey-Tom Morse of Danbury, N. H., married 4 April, 1822, in Rowley. She was probably born, in 1800, in Danbury, N. H., the town of her parents. She was mother of all his children, and died of consumption, 12 Sept., 1833. Her burial was in Boxford. His second wife was Mrs. Nancy Scott of Newburyport, daughter of Carpenter and Susan Greenough, married 23 April, 1835. Mr. Perley died in Newbury 24 May, 1857; his widow, 31 Dec, 1857, aged sixty-eight. His son writes: "My father remained at home till his majority, when he hired out as a farm laborer with a neighbor. After a few years, his brothers having homes of their own, and his father being alone, he returned and assisted in carrying on the farm. At the age of forty he married, but remained with his father till the latter's death, when the farm was divided among the heirs. My father then bought the farm where I now live and what we are pleased to call the 'old homestead.' It is situated in the northeastern part of Rowley near the Newbury line. My mother had lived here but a few years when she died. Three years after her death, my father married again, and thus the remainder of his life was greatly embit- tered for nearly twenty-five years. The last eight years of his life were spent in Newbury. My father was a very snug, shrewd, calcu- lating man, as are the Perleys generally with but few exceptions. By his frugality and trading in cattle he succeeded in accumulating con- siderable property, which was considerably diminished at the time of his death by his second wife's prodigality. He was a man of temperate habits, as were also his brothers, and are the Perleys in general. I think I never heard him utter a profane word. He always showed his respect for religion, and was charitable toward those who differed with him in religious behef. It is said he walked from some point in Maine to Rowley, in one day, a distance of eighty miles." 1 Perley children: Sarah Jane'^ Maria^ John-222. 2 Sarah J.^ was born 28 June, 1822. She married 27 Nov., 1844, George Nathan Lambert-4P, son of John and Sarah-Bradstreet of Rowley, where he was born 4 Jan., 1821. She died in Rowley 1 March, 1865, after which he resided in Rowley with his brother-in- law, John Perley. He died 30 Jan., 1900. Lambert issue: Hannah, who died 17 Sept., 1869, aged twenty-four years and twenty-four days; Georgianna^ Maria, who died 8 Feb., 1871, aged nineteen years and six months; Sarah P., who died 8 P'eb., 1868, aged twelve years and ten months; John, who died 9 June, 1864, aged six years and six months. 3 Maria' was born in May, 1824. She married 9 Sept., 1847, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 188 Samuel W. Craig, son of Tappan W. and Harriet P. Craig of Rum- ney, N. H. She died 26 May, 1851. He married, second, Hannah A. Plummer, daughter of David and Lydia (*see -91^) of Newbury- port, pubUshed 20 July, 1853. She died 18 April, 1886. 4 Georgianna'^ was born 12 June, 1849, married Henry E. Keyes, and had George Lambert, who was born 26 Jan., 1869; Sarah Maria, who was born 19 March, 1871, married 27 Feb., 1896, in Rowley, Gorham P. Jewett, who was born 2 Aug., 1871, in Georgetown, to Gorham P. and Sarah-Poor Jewett, and had Lawrence R., born 26 Feb., 1898, Greta Lambert, born 29 Aug., 1901, E. Bailey, born 30 June and died 16 Dec, 1903. FAMILY 104: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, SAMUEL-1'2, DAVID-27, JOHN-48. JOHN PERLEY was born 3 Sept., 1782. "A family is the collective body of persons who live in one house and under one head or manager," says Webster, and it is very proper to assign to Mr. Perley a "Family," although he never married. His nephew John-222 says of him : " My Uncle John, my namesake, being the youngest of the family and of delicate constitution, was regarded by my grandfather with a more favorable eye than the rest of the boys, therefore at the age of eighteen years he gave him a piece of property of about $2000 in value. Naturally shrewd and calculating, he, no doubt, turned the gift to good account. His del- icate health precluded farm labor, and he learned the trade of shoe- making. He set up a small shop in Linebrook Parish where he sold groceries, etc., at intervals, while shoemaking. He continued thus but a few years. He next located in Danvers, where he set up quite a large grocery. There he remained a number of years and accum- ulated quite a fortune. He remained in Danvers, I think, till 1835 or 7, when from failing health he removed to New York, but I have never learned that he engaged in any business there besides speculat- ing. He spent there the remainder of his life, making occasional visits to his relatives in Georgetown, and on account of his delicate health spending many summer months at Saratoga. He was a heavy holder of real estate in Georgetown and vicinity. I have never heard anything remarkable of him besides his excellent business ability. He always seemed to me very reserved and taciturn, a walking statue, composed of mortgages, bank-notes, checks and deeds." Becoming of age, he became a member of the family of his Uncle Philemon Foster-51, in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich. The house stood on the Newburyport turnpike, where it had been removed about the time the building of that highway was begun. There our subject worked at his trade, cordwaining or shoemaking, and run a grocery for the accommodation of the road builders. His work and business were successful, and laid the foundation of his business career. When that section of the turnpike was completed and trade in con- sequence fell off, he removed to Danvers where he opened a store at * This reference i8 made on the supposition that there is a relationship, but which is not known as a fact. 184 THE PBRLEY FAMILY "the Plains" which has probably continued in the Perley name to the present day. Charles N. Perley-387 is the present owner. In 1835, "Johnny" Perley, the storekeeper at the little village which was springing up at Porter's Plains, petitioned for a fire en- gine, to be located near Berry's Tavern. It was provided later. He spent the last years of his life in New York state, where he died. He was a sagacious, honest and judicious business man, and had he lived in these days would probably have been a millionaire. He exercised the same discretion and good judgment in the disposal of his large estate, and divided most of it to charitable, religious and educational purposes. David Pingree of Salem, Moses Dorman of Boxford and John Killam and Geo. W. Chaplin of Georgetown ^'^^ g^ he signed a receipt at ws stotL. were the executors and trustees of '" Danvers m isia. his will. After providing for family connections, it continues : — "All the rest and residue of my estate real, personal or mixed, of which I shall die seized or possessed, or to which I shall be en- titled at my decease, I give, bequeath and devise unto my aforesaid trustees, David Pingree, Moses Dorman, John Killam and George W. Chaplin, their survivors and successors, in fee simple, in trust, and upon the special trusts following; that is to say: — "1. That my said Trustees shall sell at public auction, at such times and places as they shall deem expedient, all the real estate, except my burial place in Harmony Cemetery, which is to be re- tained and kept in repair from the trust fund, and reduce the same and my personal estate to money hereby authorized and empowering said trustees to sell and convey any and all of said estate to the pur- chaser or purchasers by good and sufficient deeds and instrument, no purchaser from them to be bound to see to the application of the purchase money, and after payment of their just and proper ex- penses and charges, invest the proceeds thereof, and all unappropri- ated income that shall from time to time accrue therefrom, in the bonds, scrip, or other securities of some of the states and cities fol- lowing viz: the states of Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts and Maine, and the cities of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, New York and Albany in New York, Boston in Massachusetts, and Portland in Maine; or if from any cause this should become impracticable and unadvisable, then in such securities as shall in the judgment of said trustees be equally safe and productive, that the same may be safely kept and accumulated to accomplish the object of these trusts." [The second item refers to private bequests.] "3rd. That my said trustees shall set apart thirty-five hundred dollars from said trust funds, as a perpetual fund, the income of which they shall on the first Monday in every January of every year after my decease, distribute among the poor of good habits of said Georgetown in such manner as my said trustees shall think judicious. "4th. That my said trustees shall set apart seven thousand dollars of said trust funds as a perpetual fund, the income of which they shall pay to the Orthodox Congregational society in said George- town, where I now worship, for the support of preaching, and a sab- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 185 bath school in said society annually, while said society has a settled minister, the same to be paid to George W. Chaplin and Sylvanus Merrill for the purposes above specified during the lives of them and the survivor of them, and after their decease to such persons as said society may appoint, and in case said Orthodox Congregational society shall for any period cease to have a settled minister, or be dissolved then I direct my said trustees to appropriate the income of said fund for such period as said society shall have no minister, or in case of dissolution the whole income to the uses and purposes of the Free School, hereinafter provided for. "5th. That my said trustees shall set apart another sum of seven thousand dollars of said trust funds as a perpetual fund, the income of which they shall pay to the Orthodox Congregational society in Linebrook parish, in the towns of Ipswich and Rowley, for the sup- port of preaching and a sabbath school in said society annually, while said society has a settled minister, the same to be paid to William F. Conant and such other person as said society shall appoint for the pur- poses above specified, during the lives of them and the survivor of them, and after their decease to such persons as said Society may appoint, and in case said society shall for any period cease to have a settled minister, or be dissolved, then I direct my said trustees to pay the income of said fund for such period as said society shall have no settled minister, or in case of dissolution, the whole income to the uses and purposes of the Free School hereinafter provided for. "6th. That my said trustees shall invest all said trust funds and income not hereinbefore appropriated, in the securities aforesaid, and cause the same to accumulate until the same shall in their judg- ment constitute a fund adequate to the purchase of a site, erection of buildings, and the endowment and maintenance in said George- town of a Free School to be called the Perley Free School, for the instruction of children and youth in such branches of science and learning as they shall deem most useful, and the purchase of a Library and scientific apparatus for said school, and when said fund shall be by them deemed adequate for said purposes, that they shall obtain an Act of incorporation, with such provisions for securing succession and otherwise as they shall determine, from the legislature of Massachusetts, by the name of the Trustees of the Perley Free School, and shall convey to said corporation all said Fund and En- dowment, together with my said burial place, upon such conditions, statutes and trusts as they shall in furtherance of the objects of this trust prescribe for the erection, foundation, maintenance, adminis- tration and government of said Perley Free School, and the privileges and funds thereof, providing especially that in the enjoyment of the privileges of said school the preference shall in all cases be given to pupils belonging to said Georgetown, and those of them who may be in indigent circumstances, and further providing that the said school shall not be put in operation until the income accruing from said fund shall have accumulated to a sum sufficient to pay for the site, and erect all the buildings required for the same, that the principal sum may be preserved entire forever. "7th. That my said trustees shall after the establishment of said corporation, further convey unto said corporation the three several 186 THE PERLBY FAMILY funds hereinbefore provided for, viz: the fund for the Orthodox Congregational Society in Georgetown, the fund for the Ortho- dox Congregational Society in Linebrook parish, and the fund for the poor of said Georgetown, upon the same trusts as I have herein devised, the same to them, and devolve all said duties and trusts on said corporation forever, prescribing in such conveyance such conditions and rules as shall secure the fulfilment of said trusts." Mr. Perley's will is dated 22 Aug., 1857, about three years before his death, and was witnessed by Amos B. Merrill, Henry B. Graves and Andrew Harnden. Two years later a codicil was added affect- ing slightly the private bequests. He died Friday, 11 May, 1860, and his remains are interred in the Harmony Cemetery, Georgetown. This cemetery was instituted by him. It is a circular plot of ground, and has leading from the street a driveway which is bordered on each side by a row of beautiful evergreen trees, and which enters into the grounds and extends round the entire outer border. In the center is a mound from which radiate paths that connect with the outer driveway. The mound is about two feet in height and three rods in diameter, and in its center stands Mr. Perley's monument. This memorial is constructed of the finest marble in beautiful sym- metry and taste, enhancing much the general beauty of the sur- roundings. It has the following inscriptions on the four faces : — JOHN PERLEY, DIED MAY 11, 1860. AGED 78. He Devoted and Secured nearly all the accumulated wealth of a life of Frugality and Sobriety to the good of those who should come after him. He made a liberal Donation for the use of The Orthodox Congregational Society of Georgetown, and also for The Orthodox Congregational Society in Linebrook Parish. He established a permanent fund for the relief of The Poor of Good Habits; And provided for the liberal endowment of a Free School in this, his native Town. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 187 The fond hope of this public benefactor is now a realization. "The Perley Free School" building was dedicated, Saturday after- noon, 15 Sept., 1900, "in the presence of a large assemblage. The interior of the building was tastefully decorated with ferns, palms and flowers, and after the exercises, was thrown open to the public, who were given an opportunity to go through the building. "The exterior walls of the building are constructed of selected water struck brick. All of the trimmings are of Indiana limestone and terra cotta. The three entrances on the front and either end, are handsomely treated with terra cotta pilasters, carrying heavy carved entablatures. The name, 'Perley Free School,' is cut in classic letters in granite over the main front entrance. THE PERLEY FREE SCHOOL BUILDING, GEORGETOWN, MASS. "Opening from this corridor, on either side, are the principal's and teachers' rooms, which are connected with the recitation rooms in either front corner of the building. On the back corners are two class rooms, lighted by seven large windows, and between the class rooms are two large coat rooms, supplied with set bowls. "On the second floor are the chemical and physical laboratories, two supply and apparatus rooms, and in the front a drawing room and the library and trustees' room. The central position of this floor is occupied by an assembly hall, with stage and dressing rooms. "On the third floor are the tank and storage rooms, which are lighted and ventilated by three large dormer windows in the front. "The entire building is heated by steam and lighted by gas. Electric bells are in every room. The system of ventilation is of the best and applies to every room in the building. "The dedication exercises were held in a large tent on the campus in the rear of the building. The first regiment band of Boston ren- dered a concert from 2 to 2.30 P. M., after which the dedicatory prayer was offered by Rev. De Witt S. Clark of Salem. This was followed by a short address by the president of the trustees, Ubert 188 THE PERLEY FAMILY A. Killam of Haverhill, who dwelt on the exemplary life of the donor of the school, John Perley. "The next speaker was Joseph H. Towne of Salem, treasurer of the board of trustees, who gave a brief history of the trust. "The principal address of the afternoon was delivered by Prof. George H. Palmer of Harvard University. "In the evening the building was thrown open and the band gave a concert on the grounds in front of the building. The building was completely equipped and furnished, and the school was opened on the following Monday." EARLY HOME OP JOHN PERLEY This man's body has long since returned to its mother earth, but he still lives. As long as wealth has value, and learning is sought, and charity is kind, his name will be mentioned with praise, and his life will be fresh and fruitful as the dew, and as redolent as the lily upon the bosom of crystal waters. The farm whereon Mr. Perley was born was established as a home by Samuel Perley, the grandson of the immigrant Allan. Samuel probably built the farm house during the period of 1690-1694, and had it ready furnished for the business of housekeeping when he married Miss Cummings, at the latter date. The farm is now owned by David Eri Perley and has been in the Perley name for about 200 years. Upon it were born Sergt. David Perley in 1702; his son John, in 1737; David, the father of David Eri, in 1776; Moses the father of Sarah, in 1779; and John the subject of this family, in 1782. Twenty years and more ago there were two old houses on this original farm, standing about a mile apart, one of which was the birthplace of this John. The picture shown on the preceding page HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 189 and titled "the Early Home of John Perley" was sketched only a few days before the building was razed in 1884. It has been called John Perley's birthplace upon the authority of Humphrey Perley- 197, born in 1808, who was, in his boyhood and youth, familiar with the family living there. He later lived there himself, and said that John often visited him and spoke of the place as his birthplace. Apropos this claim. Miss Eva Perley, upon the authority of her father David Eri-221, born in 1816 on the premises, says concerning her great uncle John, the philanthropist: "He was not born in the house near the Georgetown line. He was born on this place in the old house which stood where the present one does. His father moved from this place when John was sixteen years old or thereabouts. No Perley was ever born in that house, unless Moses Perley's daughter Sarah was." We may, then, regard the old house shown in the picture to be, at least the home of the philanthropist's youth. FAMILY 105: PERLEY. LINEAX DESCENT-ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-52. SAMUEL PERLEY was born in Hampton Falls, N. H., 17 Nov., 1766. He was a farmer. About 1795 he removed to Grey, Me., and in 1807 established a home in Harrison. He first occupied "the Giles house," a short distance south of Summit mineral spring, on the old road from Harrison Village to Caswell's Corner. In 1808, he built a residence opposite, near the present homes of his son and grandson, David L. and William S. Perley. "Early Settlers of Harrison" says he was sometime of "Groton, Mass." which probably should read Groton, N. H., where his father at one time preached. Samuel Perley, Jr., of Grey, Me., husbandman, 16 March, 1789, mortgaged a farm in Cockermouth [Groton], N. H., which he had that day bought of the grantee. — Deeds Reg., 12 : 362. His father. Rev. Samuel Perley, bought sixty acres in the same town 10 Dec, 1779,— Deeds Reg., 5 : 415,— and 15 April, 1780, sold fifty acres in the same town, lot No. 6, third range, second division, which "was drawn to the ministerial right." — Deeds Reg., 7 : 99. He married in Ludlow, Vt., Abigail Lewis of that place, 13 Nov., 1793. She was born in Pepperell, Mass., 2 Oct., 1773. He died of diarrhoea 10 Sept., 1828, aged sixty-one. She died 5 June, 1848, at the home of her sons David L. and Luther L., of nervous prostration and old age. 1 Perley children: Abigail,^ Abigail-223, SamueP, Susannah^ Persis', Rhoda-224, David Lewis-225, Isaac-226, Luther Lewis-227, William-228. 2 AbigaiPwas born 14 Nov., 1794, in Groton, N. H., where she died 14 Dec, 1794. SamueP was born in Grey, 16 Dec, 1798, and died in Harrison, of diarrhoea, 22 Sept., 1823. Susannah^ was born 14 Jan., 1801, in Grey, where she died of scarlet fever, 25 June, 1805. Persis^ was born 15 March, 1803, in Grey and died there, of scarlet fever, 15 June, 1805. FAMILY 106: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-52. NATHANIEL PERLEY was born at Hampton Falls, N. H., 1 March, 1769. He lived awhile when a small boy in New Ipswich, N. H., then lived in Grey, Me., tilljl794, when he established his home in Livermore. In 1798 and 1799, he was assessor, and a se- lectman in 1801. He was a farmer and trader, and a justice of the peace. Mr. Perley married 19 July, 1795, Lucinda Strickland, daughter of Rev. John and Patty-Stone Strickland and sister to his own sister Sarah's husband. She was born 7 Feb., 1777, and died March,1842. He died 8 Jan., 1851. 1 Perley children : Lucinda^ Nathaniel-229, Sylvester Strickland", Ulmer-230, Maria"\ Sarah Strickland-231. 2 Lucinda' was born 17 Jan., 1799, and died 23 March, 1819. Sylvester S.' was born 20 Aug., 1805, and died 5 April, 1866, unmar- ried, in Livermore. 3 Maria' was born 11 Feb., 1810, and about 1850 became the second wife of Samuel P'ernald of Buckfield, Me., where he was a farmer, born 30 June, 1789. His first wife was Amy Wescott, born 1793, and died about 1850. He died in Livermore. Maria died at Joseph Hussey's, 20 Oct., 1887, having had no children. FAMILY 107: STRICKLAND. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30. SAMUEL-52. SARAH PERLEY was born 14 June, 1774, in Seabrook, N. H. She married in Grey, 13 June, 1793, Hastings Strickland, born in Nottingham, N. H ., 1 8 Aug., 1 768, to Rev. John and Patty-Stone Strick- land of Turner, Me. He removed to Livermore, where he had a large farm with extensive orchards. He died of dropsy 11 March, 1829. His widow died 29 Aug., 1842. Agnes Strickland's " Queens of England," the thirty-third page of the first volume, reads: "Tradition says a Strickland was the first man to set foot on English soil from the ships of William the Con- queror, and that the name and arms are derived from that circum- stance." Logges Peerage says: "The parent stock of this family was settled previous to the Norman Conquest at Strickland or Strik- land (as anciently written). County Westmoreland, where it continued for several generations. The founder of this branch, Roger Strick- land of Marsh (supposed to be a younger branch of the house of Sizergh) married Mary Appleton, and was father of William Strickland, or Strykeland, who is said to have accompanied in his HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 191 STKICKLAND ARMS. youth Sebastian Cabot in some of his voyages of discovery to the New World, and after his return to have purchased Boynton and other estates still owned by his de- scendants. He obtained a grant of arms, as at present borne, in 1550." 1 Strickland children: John^, Isaac*, Sam- uel Perley'', Hastings^ Lee^ 2 John^ was born 10 Sept., 1794, in Turner, Me., and died in Livermore 20 Jan., 1867. He married 8 April, 1821, Miss Julia A. Sawin of Lansingburg, N. Y., who was born 25 Nov., 1802. He was an independent farmer, was a cap- tain in the 1812 war, was a selectman fourteen years in succession and held other important town offices. He stood five feet and eleven inches tall, and straight as an arrow, and smart and lithe as a wrestler. He was a Universalist, a constant church attendant, and liberal in so- ciety support. He always did unto others as he would be done by. He died in Liver- more 20 Jan., 1867, aged seventy-two. His widow was living in 1880. Issue, all born in Livermore and all living in 1880, except Elizabeth: Lysander^; Jane C, born 24 Jan., 1823, married Alonzo Washburn, 10 April, 1850 ; Sarah P., born 8 Oct., 1826, married Ganem Washburn, 19 Nov., 1850; Lyman S.^; Ann Maria, born 9 July, 1832, married George F. Chase, 14 Feb., 1860; Josephine, born 29 Feb., 1834, married Cyrus H. Pierce, 21 Feb., 1865; Elizabeth, born 14 May, 1839, died in Livermore, 26 Feb., 1879; George Byron, born 16 Oct., 1842, has been superintendent of schools and selectman. 3 Isaac' was born 17 Dec, 1796. He married 30 Sept., 1821, Miss Patty Monroe of Livermore. He began the business of drover in 1817; was a deputy sheriff in his native county, Oxford, 1818-21 inclusive; was several years captain and then major of cavalry; was State legislator 1835-36-46, and senator 1848-9; was postmaster about twenty years; was many years selectman. He was wealthy and one of the most active and influential men in his section. He had a fine physique and commanding appearance. He was a Democrat and Universalist, and contributed liberally to both causes. He died in Livermore 4 March, 1886. His wife died there in 1872. Issue: Frances Elliot, born 14 April, 1823; Ruth Ann, born 1828; Mary Thorndyke, born 1833; Mortimer Clifford, born 1838 and died 1872. 4 Samuel P.^ was born 25 June, 1801. His first marriage was 20 March, 1823, to Frances E. Gushing of Turner, Me., who was born 26 Feb., 1803, and died in Bangor 15 F'eb., 1845, aged forty-one years. His second marriage was 12 April, 1846, to Miss Ruth W. Bacon of Buxton, York County, Me. She was iDorn 3 June, 1810, and died 30 Nov., 1878, aged sixty-eight years. He was a merchant in New Portland from 1820 to 1833, when he removed to Bangor, where he partnershiped with Maj. Amasa Crafts. After one year he engaged with his brother Hastings as lumber merchant. Their mills were extensive, they handled large forests, and manufactured 192 THE PERLEY FAMILY millions of feet of lumber. In 1850, they dissolved, each pursuing the same business and taking his son as partner. He was colonel and major general in the State militia, was State legislator 1827-57-58-62; was State councilor 1832; one of Gen. Grant's electors-at -large. He was a Democrat till the formation of the Republican party, which he joined. He was wealthy. He was a Unitarian, and be- lieved that "after death, God is the father of us all." His children were all by his first wife. Issue: John Turner, born 13 March, 1827, in New Portland, married Miss Mary Varney of Bangor, and died in Bangor of consumption, 11 Nov., 1868, aged forty-one years; Sam- uel Franklin, born 1 Sept., 1829, died of consumption in Bangor, 9 March, 1854, aged twenty-four years; Charles Gushing, born 6 March, 1834, in New Portland, married Miss Sarah Torrey in Ban- gor; Clara Augusta, born 28 Dec, 1836, in Bangor, married A. P. Thorpe of New York, 1867; Frances Elizabeth, born 10 Dec, 1839, in Bangor, married in New York, Charles Lord of Bangor, June, 1861. 5 Hastings' was born 16 May, 1803. He married 3 Nov., 1828, Clarinda Brettun of Livermore, who was born 24 April, 1807. His father gave him a portion of his minority. He was eight years deputy sheriff. When about twenty-five years old he was captain of cavalry and was soon promoted to major. At about thirty-three years of age, he established a livery business in Bangor and was soon after deputy sheriff of that county, for the years 1836-7-8, and in 1839 was sheriff. He was partner of his brother Samuel, which see above. His two sons, Wra. H. and Philo A., are now in the lumber business. In 1846, he was State legislator, was member of a Presi- dential nominating convention at Baltimore, was nominee for Con- gress two campaigns; was State councilor 1856. He was charitable and liberal, and had hosts of friends. He was a Universalist, then a Unitarian. He was always a Democrat. Issue: William Hastings^ and Philo Augustus^'\ 6 Lee' was born 14 July, 1806, in Livermore. He married, first, 18 July, 1880, Mary Hanson in New Portland, where she was born to Nathan, a landlord of a hotel. She died in Livermore 4 April, 1864, mother of all his children. His second wife was Mrs. Susan B. Emery, his first wife's sister, married in Dec, 1864. He began life as a merchant, at the age of twenty-four years was deputy sheriff, was State senator two terms, was a staunch Democrat, raised a company of volunteers for service in the Civil War, was colonel of the 8th Maine Regiment, was postmaster, was selectman several years, was county commissioner eight years, was Master Mason of Oriental Star Lodge, No. 21, of Livermore. He was a Universalist, and an exemplary man in his home, in society and wherever he served. He died in Livermore, 28 Sept., 1873, at the age of sixty-seven years. Children: Isaac", Charles Lee^"^, Augustus Henry-230''. 7 Lysander-, was born 12 Oct., 1821; married Susan S. Berthum, 12 Oct., 1848; went to Bangor in 1842; began lumber trade in 1844, in which he still continues; was member of the city government 1869-72 inclusive; director of the Maine Central Railroad Corpora- tion 1871-74 inclusive, State legislator 1878 and 9. 8 Lyman S.^ born 22 July, 1830; married Jeannie McClosky, 26 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY I93 June, 1866; graduated from Bowdoin College; entered the regular army as first lieutenant in 1862 and resigned in 1864; studied law with Judge Peters and practised in Houlton ; was register of probate, county treasurer, State senator, a selectman of Houlton. 9 William Hastings^ was born 4 Feb., 1830. He married 26 Dec, 1855, Miss Clara Leighton, in Bangor, who was born in Ports- mouth, N. H., 26 Feb., 1831; was State legislator in 1876, business partner of his father and brother. Issue: Frederic Hastings, born 1856, and Lillian March, born 1861. 10 Philo Augustus"" was born 23 Nov., 1831. He married 15 Sept., 1853, Miss Mary Elizabeth Larrabee of Bangor, who was born there 16 July, 1832. He was State legislator in 1872; was bank director and held other offices of trusts Issue : Nellie Augusta, born 1861, married a Hill and resides in Hyde Park, Mass.; Samuel Larrabee of Bangor, Me., born 1865. 11 Isaac'' was born in Turner, Me., 31 Jan., 1831. He married in Bangor, Me., 30 July, 1857, Frances Angelia Wing, born in Levant, Me., 20 March, 1835, to Aaron Allen, merchant, and Eliza- Chase Wing. They reside in Bangor, Me., where Dr. Strickland is a dentist. 12 Charles L.'^ was born in Livermore, 11 Aug., 1836.' His home, the last thirty years, has been in Charlottetown, P. E. I., where he is a dentist. He married there 11 Oct., 1866, Miss Jessie Russell Watson, who was born there to William Russell, a druggist, and Sarah-Crosskill Watson, and died 15 Jan., 1895. He served in the United States army during the Civil War as second lieutenant and first lieutenant and captain in the 20th and 4th Maine regiments. Children: WilHam Lee'^ and Lottie Grant, born 20 Feb., 1872, in Charlottetown, who is a trained nurse in Newport, R. I. 13 William L.'- was born in Bangor, Me., 12 June, 1868. He married, in Boston, Mass., 11 Oct., 1901, Miss Charlotte L. Gage, who was born in ArHngton, Mass., 17 Aug., 1869, to Charlotte L.- Reed and Charles O. Gage, dealer in ice. He is an attorney-at-law in Boston. He was educated in Charlottetown and New York, studied law under Judge Hodgson of the former place, and was admitted to the Canadian bar in 1892 and to the bar in Massachu- setts in 1896. He served the city of Boston in the Common Council as a Republican, 1900-1901. FAMILY 108: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-5'2. ABRAHAM PERLEY was born in Seabrook, N. H., 26 May, 1777, a twin with Isaac-109. He and Isaac inherited the parental home and made it his. He was a "smart man" on the farm and ex- celled as a reaper, in many friendly contests. Mr. Perley's first wife was Rebecca Humphrey, daughter of James and Mary-Twitchell Humphrey of Grey, who was born there 21 April, 1780. She died 21 Aug., 1816, the mother of six children, 194 THE PERLEY FAMILY the last only a week old. His second wife, married in 1818, was Mrs. Lois Haskell, widow of Ebenezer, and daughter of William and Tabitha-Goldsmith Burnham of New Gloucester, Me. She was born in Essex, Mass., 15 June, 1781. She died 11 Oct., 1862. She had three Haskell children: Ebenezer, who went early to Philadel- phia, and became extensively engaged in carriage manufacture; William, who was a graduate of Bowdoin College, a Congregational minister and died about 1850; Louisa, who married Daniel Berry of Grey. Her husband Haskell died at Fort Preble, Me. 1 Perley children: Mary S.'\ George-232, Paulina^ John Humph- rey-233, Nathaniel-234, Rebecca-235, Jonas Humphrey-236. 2 Mary S.^ was born 30 March, 1802, and 21 April, 1825, by Clement H. Humphrey, Esq., married William Dolley, who was born 14 Feb., 1800, to WiUiam and Hannah-Hayden Dolley. She died in childbirth — a daughter — about 1837. His second wife was Martha Foster. He died 5 April, 1858. 3 Paulina^ was born in Grey, Me., 12 June, 1806. She married Nathaniel Rounds, farmer, born in Buxton, Me., 13 May, 1803, to Joseph, farmer, and Nancy-Small Rounds. She died in Danville, Me., 2 July, 1837; and he, 24 March, 1884. Rounds issue: Samuel Perley^; William Haskell'; Charles Bean''. 4 Samuel P.' was born in Grey, Me., 24 Jan., 1830. He married in Lewiston, Me., 24 Sept., 1855, Sarah Maria Hilbourn, born in Oxford, Me., 25 April, 1832, to Hiram, a blacksmith, and Esther Richmond-Bryant Hilbourn. Mr. Rounds was a teacher and farmer. He died 3 Aug., 1871, in Auburn, Me., where his widow now resides. Their children: Ella Frances, born in Danville, 7 Aug., 1856, a teacher, unmarried, in Auburn, Me.; Mary Etta, born in Danville, 81 May, 1860, died 27 June, 1864; Henrietta Perley, born in Dan- ville, 8 Feb., 1866, died in Auburn, 14 June, 1874; Ina Gertrude". 5 Wm. H.-' was born in Danville, Me., 19 July, 1832. He mar- ried there 20 June, 1860, Rebecca Fitz, born in Danville, 3 Nov., 1838, to Moses, a farmer and a drover, and Mary W.-Emerson P^itz. He was a merchant ; he served two terms as State representative and one term as State senator. He died 27 Nov., 1880, in Minot, Me., where his widow resides. Rounds children: William, born in Poland, Me., 20 May, 1861, who married 23 May, 1893, and is a mer- chant in Minot, Me.; Ralph P., a merchant, born in Poland, Me., 8 Jan., 1863, married 22 Nov., 1887, and died in Auburn, Me., 6 May, 1897; John M., an electrician in Strong, Me., born in Minot 28 Nov., 1868, married 23 April, 1892. 6 Charles B.*^ was born in Danville, Me., 8 Dec, 1834. He mar- ried in Calais, Me., 4 Jan., 1865, Harriet Norwood Chase, born in Milltown, Me., 4 Jan., 1839, to George Monroe, a lawyer, and Har- riet Green-Norwood Chase, and died there 17 Nov., 1903. He was county attorney, a judge for fifteen years, and superintendent of the schools of Calais. Their children, born in Calais: Mina DeHart, 8 Oct., 1865, a graduate of Wellesley College and the wife of W. A. Murchie of Calais; Pauline, 6 Sept., 1867, a student at Mt. Holyoke; Dora Madeline, 27 Aug., 1872, a graduate of Wellesley College, and teacher of English in Rochester, N. Y.; George Munroe, 29 April, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY I95 1876, a graduate of Dartmouth College and a miner in Colorado; Helen Norwood, 6 June, 1880, a graduate of Wellesley College. 7 Ina G."* was born in Auburn, Me., 28 Feb., 1870. She was a school teacher until her marriage 11 July, 1896, to Almon Roscoe Thurston of Auburn. They had one child: Arthur Rounds, born in Kingfield, Me., 25 July, 1897, and died in Auburn, 30 Sept., 1898. FAMILY 109: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, 8AMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-52. ISAAC PERLEY was born a twin with Abraham-108, in Sea- brook, 26 May, 1777. They inherited the parental homestead and lived there. He married 29 Oct., 1801, Eunice Hancock, daughter of Lt. Joseph, of Otisfield, where she was born 2 or 16 Jan., 1782. Her father was an ofificer in the Revolutionary War, a descendant of Gen. Hancock of Revolutionary fame, and a relative of John Han- cock, president of the first Congress. He died 9 June, 1848; his widow, 31 March, 1860. 1 Perley children: Joseph Hancock-237, Eunice'^ Susan'\ Sarah^ Thomas Hancock-, Melinda\ Isaac-238, Lucinda^ George Washing- ton^ Cephas W.-239. 2 Eunice' was born 9 Aug., 1804, and died at her parental home, unmarried, of consumption 29 Sept., 1870. Sarah' was born 30 March, 1808, died unmarried, 17 Jan., 1892, was housekeeper for her brothers Thomas and Washington. Thomas H.' was born 21 April, 1810, never married, was part owner of the parental house with Washington', who was born 25 Oct., 1823, and died, unmarried, in East Grey, 11 Feb., 1887. 3 Susan' was born 15 March, 1806, and 18 May, 1833, by Elder Perkins, married Arthur Higgins, son of Elezar and Susanna, of Grey. He was born in Portland 8 Feb., 1808. He was a farmer in good circumstances. She died 9 Jan., 1870, of consumption. Their issue: Martha Porter, born 9 April, 1835, who married 20 Nov., 1856, Lothrop Blake, son of Rev. Elias and Elizabeth-Trion Blake of Grey, and had Lizzie Higgins, born 29 March, 1859; Cora Susan, born 23 April, 1864; Arthur L., born 15 June, 1872, died 28 Aug., 1877; Orrin Smith, born 19 Jan., 1837, who married his cousin Hen- rietta Perley-232^ Susan Dyer, born 9 Nov., 1839, who married her cousin Cyrus Jordan Perley-232''. 4 Melinda' was born 12 Oct., 1812, and 21 Nov., 1833, married, by Elder Perkins, John F. Sawyer, son of Reuben, of Grey or New Gloucester, where he was born 12 Oct., 1807. He was a farmer. Five children: Albert N., born 6 Sept., 1834, married Clarissa O. Small of Grey, 15 Oct., 1863, who was many years a school teacher, was a State representative, and died in Grey, 21 Jan., 1879, leaving a son and a daughter; Lucinda P., born 13 July, 1837, married 30 June, 1861, Frank Lawrence of Portland, and died 29 Oct., 1878, leaving a daughter; Jennette B., born 23 Jan., 1843; Williard, born 17 Aug., 1848, who married Mary Louisa Perley-233^ ; Cephas F., 196 THE PERLEY FAMILY born 4 Sept., 1852, who married Florence M. Lowe of North Yarmouth, Me., 3 Aug., 1876. 5 Lucinda^ was born 1 June, 1819, married Rufus Berry 27 Oct., 1842, in Grey, where he was a carriage manufacturer, a painter, and a deputy sheriff. FAMILY 110: RUST. LINEAL DESCENT- ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, JOHN-53. JUDITH PERLEY was born 13 July, 1777, and 24 Dec, 1801, became the second wife of Nathaniel Rust, a seafaring man, bap- tised 21 July, 1777, for Nathaniel, Jr., and Sarah-Robbins Rust (married 22 June, 1776,) of Ipswich, where Judith died of senile debility, a widow, Monday, 20 Mar., 1871, in her ninety-fourth year. The town records read : ninety-seven years, eight months, fifteen days. Judith is said to have been the first woman to carry an umbrella in the town of Rowley, It was a red one and she walked to Byfield to church. It is also said that her wedding bed she ever after occu- pied, not leaving it for a night even, till the Thursday before the Monday of her death. She was an excellent motherly woman and her family refer to her with affection. [Nathaniel's first wife was Miss Kate Henderson, married 8 Nov., 1797, and baptised 2 May, 1779, for Thomas of Ipswich, and died 25 Oct., 1798, leaving a son John, born 20 Oct., 1798.] 1 Rust children: Dennison'', Catherine^ Sally'^, Charles'^ Na- thaniel Perley', Hannah-Ill-. 2 Sally' was born 10 April, 1807, and died 7 April, 1809. Charles^ was born 9 Sept., 1809, was a steamer captain between New York and St. John, N. B., married Bethiah-Hobson Newhall, had only one child that died young, and died himself in Aug., 1882, in the United States Marine Hospital, Bedloes Island. 3 Dennison^ was born 19 Nov., 1803. He was a sea captain. He married 24 May, 1827, Harriet Farley Smith, born 25 Sept., 1808, to Jeremiah and Lucy-Pulsipher Smith of Ipswich. He died 19 Dec, 1846; and she, 20 Dec, 1875. Rust issue: Dennison", Harriet Ann', Charles Perley^ Nathaniel Perley", Lucy Mary' ', Sally Perley", Caroline Elizabeth'-, George Henry, who died 28 May, 1842; Lu- cretia Smith, born 27 Aug., 1843, who is a nurse, and resides unmar- ried, with her sister, Caroline P21izabeth ; Sarah Frances'^ 4 Catherine^ was born 14 or 16 April, 1805. She married, in Ipswich, 21 Jan., 1824, James Alfred Clark, a weaver and stocking maker, who was born in Nottingham, England, in June, 1800. His mother's maiden name was Green. He came for the purpose of setting up machinery for the lace factory, which then was in the house now the palatial home of Joseph Ross on High street. He died 7 May, 1862, a patriot soldier in the Rebellion War, at Hatteras Inlet, (Rust Genealogy: 12 March, 1864, at Fort Clark,) having en- listed in Co. I, 23d Infantry, 28 Sept., 1861. She died 28 April, 1873, (Rust Genealogy: March, 1863,) in Ipswich. Clark children: MRS. NATHANIEL RUST. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 197 Elizabeth Green"; Nathaniel Perley, who died young; Mary Ann, who married William Barnes of Troy, N. Y.; John Francis Jamin^°; Charles Henry, who died young; Lucy Ann Perley'"; Nathaniel Langmire, who married Abbie Crane, lived in Beverly and had two children: Arthur W., who married Harriet Merrill and has child Doris Elizabeth and lives in Hamilton, and Nellie Glazier; Sarah Ellen, who married Ira Albert Dunnels of Hamilton and had son Albert who lives in Hamilton; Sybell Barnes^^ 5 NathanieP was born 10 Aug., 1811, and 23 June, 1827, married Sarah Jane Whittier, who was born to Moses and Rhoda, of Rowley, and died in Salem 26 May, 1868, aged sixty-two years, ten months, fourteen days. He was early a seafaring man, then a truckman and contractor. He died 8 Oct., 1856. Rust issue: Ruel, who died in Salem, 10 Aug., 1830, aged twenty-one months; Francis Augus- tus Peabody'**; Benjamin Tucker, born in Salem, 29 Oct., 1832, mar- ried 18 July, 1852, in Ipswich, Betsey Gray Penniman, born in Moultonboro, N. H., 6 Nov., 1832, (died in Worcester, Mass., 15 May, 1897,) to John and Sarah-Leavitt Penniman, and had Charles Perley, born in Salem 1 July, 1853, and Walter Sumner, born in Manchester, N. H., 29 March, 1859; Ann Louisa, who married 2 Feb., 1869, Seth Henry Littlefield, a commercial traveler, of Dor- chester, son of Daniel of Grantham, N. H., and had one child, still- born 9 July, 1870. She is engaged in missionary work in Boston. 6 Dennison" was born 27 Aug., 1827, and has been many years of the firm Rust & Grant, wholesalers of fish, in Ipswich. He mar- ried 28 Nov., 1858, Harriet Brown who was born 1 Jan., 1840, to Thomas and Elizabeth-Dwyar Brown. Rust children : Valencourt Eugene'*, Charles Henry, who died, eleven years old, and Elvira Jane-'. 7 Harriet A," was born 4 Sept., 1829, and married 19 Feb., 1855, Wm. F. Downes, a commercial man, born 1 Aug., 1826, in Andover, to Benj. R. and Fanny A., of Bradford. [His brother, Benj. Robert Downes of Bradford, was a popular teacher of piano music in Essex County.] They lived and had two children in each place: Kanka- kee, 111., Ipswich and Boston, Mass. Downes issue: Henry R., born 13 March, 1857, married in Sept., 1882, Alice Hackley, and had in Boston, Carlton W., born 28 Feb., 1883, and later lived in Med- ford; Carrie L., born 18 May, 1860, married Charles Merritt and had Lester M., born in Dorchester, 18 Feb., 1884; Addie C, born 29 Jan., 1864, and married Frank Copperthwait; Charles C, born 25 Dec, 1865, and married Lizzie Stone; Lin wood W., born 10 Feb., 1870, and died 10 Jan., 1881; Annie F., born 9 Sept., 1873. 8 Charles P.'^ was born 15 July, 1831, and 28 Aug., 1857, married Harriet Luretta Tarlton, born about 1839, in Shapleigh, Me., to "Sophia Tinney of Shapley, Me., and Timothy Durgin of Northfield, Me." She died in Ipswich, of cancer, 25 Nov., 1892, aged fifty-three years. Rust issue: Fred Clifton, born 23 Jan., 1858, and Ethel Lena, born 29 Sept., 1859. Both reside with their father in Ipswich. 9 Nathaniel P.'* was born 1 March, 1833. His business is gar- dening and farming. He married 24 Nov., 1868, in Hamilton, Catherine Aurelia McGrath, who was born to Elizabeth-Burrell and David McGrath. Rust issue: Maud Clayton^'; Helen Farley-^; 198 THE PERLEY FAMILY Christie Verne, born 25 Dec, 1878, and died 18 July, 1879; Ernest Carter, born 14 April, 1880, and is employed by Jackson's express company in Newburyport. 10 Lucy M.^'was born 10 qr 11 Jan., 1836, and 26 Jan., 1858, married Edward Woodbury Russell, born 6 Feb., 1835, to Andrew, a cabinet maker, and Dorothy-Jewett Russell of Ipswich. He was three years a patriot soldier and ranked sergeant when discharged, 20 Oct., 1865. He is a carpenter by trade, but since the war has been dyer in the Ipswich mills. Russell issue: Mabel Clifton'-'^; Ed- mund Asbury, an engineer at the Ipswich water works, born 26 Nov., 1861; Frank Allen, born 25 Dec, 1871, graduated at the Manning High School, 1888, married, in Ipswich, 6 July, 1897, Mar- tha Ellen Hooper, born in St. George, N. B., 14 May, 1877, to James, a carpenter, and Elizabeth-Leavitt Hooper. He is a wholesale sales- man in dry goods. They have Mabel Vivian, born 30 Nov., 1900. 11 Sally P.^ wa& born 10 or 11 July, 1838, and 26 June, 1861, married Carlton Copp, born in Berwick, Me., 23 Dec, 1839, to Uriah, a farmer, and Martha-Goodwin Copp. He was many years foreman in his brother-in-law, John A. Johnson's shoe factory, Ipswich; is now retired. Copp issue: Effie Estelle, born 4 Dec, 1863, married 8 Sept., 1886, Frank H. Preston, a harness maker, of Winchester, had child Royal Atherton, born 30 July, 1887, died 19 July, 1889; Charles Wesley, born 9 Aug., 1865, in Ipswich, in lumber trade in Flushing, N. Y., married 25 Dec, 1886, in Ipswich, Mary Mee, born in Manchester, England, 19 April, 1866, (to Ann-Knowles and Rob- ert Mee, a baker,) whose children, born in Flushing, except the first in Brooklyn, are Alice Blakeman 8 April, 1891, Mary Estelle 1 May, 1893, Carlton 6 May, 1896, Emily 8 Feb., 1899, Alfred Hutchinson 20 Oct., 1900, Charles Wesley Jr., 28 Oct., 1902; Harriet Maria, born 5 Feb., 1867, in Ipswich, a stenographer in New York; Harry Carlton, born 31 March, 1875, married 14 July, 1897, in Ipswich, Marguerite Elizabeth Brewitt, who was born 15 May, 1872, to Margaret Elizabeth-Duffield and Wm. Brewitt, a carpenter of Halifax, N. S., but later of Dover, N. H. They have one child, Effie Estelle, born 16 Feb., 1900, and are living in Flushing, N. Y. 12 Carohne E.' was born 10 Jan., 1840, and 22 March, 1863, mar- ried, in Ipswich, Robert Loude Gove, who was born 9 Sept., 1835, to Rhoda-Loude and Robert Gove of Edgecomb, Me., a retired sea captain. Gove issue: Nellie Estelle-^ Mildred Orne^^ Frank Alyn-*^, and Harriet Farley, born 10 Nov., 1876, who is noted as a fine singer. She married 14 June, 1904, Walter James Shaw, born to Harriet-Banner and Henry Shaw of England. Mr. Shaw is head clerk in J. W. Goodhue's hardware store, Ipswich. 13 Sarah Frances'^ was born 22 Aug., 1846, and 25 May, 1870, married, in Ipswich, James Austin Lord, who was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 17 July, 1845, to Mary-Yurk^ and John Henry Lord, a machinist. He is a shoemaker, and was two years a patriot soldier. Lord issue: Leon Raymond, clerk for Harry K. Dodge, born 19 May, 1872, married, 27 Feb., 1897, in Portsmouth, N. H., Maud Steeves, who was born 26 Jan., 1878, to Jane-Bazley and Elias Steeves, a stone mason, of Hillsboro, N. B., and has Edna Steeves, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY. I99 born 3 Aug., 1899; Farley Clayton, born 12 March, 1880, married Adah Newman and has Elliott Russell. 14 Elizabeth G.^ was born 28 April, 1824, in Ipswich, and 6 Oct., 1844, married, in Ipswich, Jonathan Ball Brown, who was born in Chester, N. H., 16 Oct., 1822, to Sarah-Ball and Jeremiah Brown, a farmer. He was by trade a tanner and currier. He died in Iowa Hill, Cal., 4 March, 1897. She resided in Ipswich, and was many years a dressmaker in the venerable Norton-Corbett house. She was apprenticed to a Salem modiste at the age of fourteen. Her later years she lived with her daughter Mrs. Howe. She died 29 Dec, 1903. The local journal said: she was "one of the oldest and kindest of the kindly ladies that composed the Woman's Relief Corps of this town. . . . She was an exceedingly bright and intelligent old lady, cheery in her disposition, with kindness and Christian charity her motives of living." " For fifty years she has been a loyal member and earnest worker in the Methodist church, retaining with her early zeal for its work much of her own youthful spirit and energy. She never was absent from church unless actually ill and until late years her seat in the Sunday school room seldom was vacant." Brown issue: Jeremiah William, born 24 Jan., 1845, a year and a half a patriot soldier, enlisting 22 Feb., 1864, a private in the 4th Mass. battery, H. A., and died at Crowville, La., Sedgwick hospital, 27 Oct., 1865; Mary SybilF; and Sarah Elizabeth-^ 15 John Francis J amin^ was born 23 July, 1831, and married in Ipswich, 5 Dec, 1851, Martha Ann Fowler, who was born 8 April, 1835, to Joseph and Mary-Bailey Fowler. He was a Union soldier in the Civil War. In a notice of his decease the Salem Gazette said: "Mr. Clark died 28 April, 1899, of old-fashioned consumption. The day was the anniversary of his mother's death, which occurred twenty-six years before. For years Mr. Clark has been feeble, but only within the last four months has he given up his work. His five children died of consumption before the age of thirty-five. Two sons' wives and two grandchildren also were victims of this disease, until now, of all the happy household, only the wife and one grand- daughter. Miss Ethel Clarke are left. In his early life Mr. Clarke worked in Salem as engineer for J. Gibney. When the Civil War came he left Salem and enlisted in Company I of the 23d Regiment, M. V. M., and went into camp at Lynnfield under the late Capt. John Hobbs. His enlistment was for three years, but before his term expired he was discharged for physical disability. On his return, or as soon after as his strength was recuperated, he went back to his old work, serving as engineer at the Countyhouse for several years. Later he occupied the same position at the Ipswich woolen mill, where he remained until illness came upon him. His last work was gate-tender for the Boston & Maine railroad. He always has been an honored member of Gen. James Appleton Post G. A. R. One of the kindest-hearted of men, he was ready to do others a service whenever there was need. He was a good citizen and a pleasant neighbor. Although his sorrows seemed at times more than he could endure, he has borne them bravely and man- fully. He leaves a widow and one granddaughter, who, since the death of her parents, has been a member of his household. Of his 200 THE PBRLEY FAMILY early family four sisters and a brother survive him." Clark chil- dren: Franklin Pierce-''; William Barnes, born 27 Jan., 1855, died 11 May, 1894; Ida Jane, born 18 Feb., 1857, and died in Feb., 1868; Charles Harrison^"; Rebecca Fowler, born 18 Nov., 1872, died 25 Aug., 1892. 16 Lucy Ann Perley* was born 16 Dec, 1834, and married 5 Nov., 1854, in Ipswich, George Edward Lord,^who was born to Levi, a farmer, and Elizabeth-Kimball Lord, 20 Feb., 1832. She died 6 April, 1904. Mr. Lord is a wheelwright by trade, but till late has lived leisurely at his home, pictured on page 5. He now lives in Maiden with his son Charles Barnes. Lord issue, all born in Ipswich: Edwin Reed, born 3 July, 1855, and married in Cambridge, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1883, Frances A. Fuller, born in Cambridge, N. Y., 9 Sept., 1850, to Freeman Allen and Philindia-Carter Fuller, resid- ing in Maiden, Mass.; Annie Laurie, born 23 Dec, 1858, and married in Mount Vernon, N. Y., Benj. F. Downing, 16 Aug., 1886; Charles Barnes"^; P"red Lincoln, born 5 May, 1865, married in Oct., 1888, Florence Matterson and lives in Everett ; George Warren"^. 17 Sybell B.^ was born 10 P'eb., 1846, and married 2 Oct., 1864, in Ipswich, Aaron Cogswell Perkins, who was born in Essex, 19 Aug., 1840, to Hannah Day-Cogswell and William Perkins, a ship builder. Mr. Perkins is also a ship builder in Gloucester, Perkins issue: Llewellyn Hull, born 21 Dec, 1865, and died 17 March, 1866; Almenia Sybell, born 10 March, 1867, in Essex, married 4 April, 1887, Willard Knowles Hobbs, a restaurant managerfor the Pennsyl- vania railroad at Philadelphia, born 13 Nov., 1862, in Boston, to Ruby- Knowles and Abraham Hobbs, a farmer, and had children : Willard Knowles, born and died in Salem, in April, 1888, Ruby Data, born 27 Dec, 1890, and Leland Stanford, born 24 Feb., 1892, both in Gloucester; Wm. Alfred, born 19 April, and died 25 July, 1868; Katherine Perley, born in Essex, 19 June, 1870, married in Glouces- ter, 9 June, 1,894, James Roberts Somes,^ born 23 June, 1869, (to Eliza Jane Grotto and John James Somes, city clerk of Gloucester,) and had a son, John James, born 9 Aug., 1902; Bertha Ellen, born 19 May, 1873, married in Gloucester, 30 Nov., 1898, Walter Warren Paige, a real estate broker, born in Brookline, Mass., 4 Oct., 1870, to Carry W.-Paige and Albert S. Paige, police inspector; Hannah Mabel, born 4 Oct., 1876, married in Gloucester, 19 June, 1901, Ernest Rockwell Friend, a clerk in the post ofifice, born in Glouces- ter, 23 Feb., 1877, to Grace T.-Powers and George Friend, a book- keeper, and had Ernestine, born the day following her father's death; Aaron P>ancis, a clerk, unmarried, born 27 Aug., 1878. "^ 18 Francis A. P.^ was born 10 March, 1830, in Salem, and married there 25 Nov., 1852, Elizabeth P'owler, born 4 Feb., 1833, in Lynn, to Abigail-Lewis and Samuel Fowler, and died 2 Feb., 1893, in Salem. Mr. Rust has been engaged as teamster for the past forty- five years in Salem. Rust issue: Wm. Augustus, shoemaker, born in Salem, 7 Nov., 1854, died 30 May, 1899, married 3 Oct., 1882, Lucy Searles Fairfield, who was born in Salem, 12 Dec, 1858, to Jane S.-Hill and Samuel G. Fairfield, and had child Rena Fisk, born in Lynn, 13 Dec, 1883; Jennie Frances, born 20 May, 1859, in Salem, married in Beverly, 23 Feb., 1893, Joseph Allen Davis, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 201 musician, who was born in Salem 16 July, 1856, to Annah-Fairfield and Warren Putnam Davis, and resides in Salem. 19 Vallancourt E." was born 31 July, 1859, and married 29 May, 1881, Annie Maria Tolman, who was born in Rochester, N. H., 9 Sept., 1859, to Hannah-Daily and Edmund Tolman, a machinist. Vallancourt is foreman in the office of the "Ipswich Chronicle." Rust issue: Charles Linwood, born 12 Feb., 1882; Vallancourt Eugene, born 16 Aug., 1883; Harriet Newhall, born 12 May, 1888. 20 Elvira J.'^ was born 20 Sept., 1863, and 29 Jan., 1887, in Ports- mouth, N. H., married John PVank Grant, who was born 29 Sept., 1863, in Ipswich, to Julia Besse-Deshon and James O. Grant. They have a daughter. Both men are shoe furnishers in Lynn. 21 Maud C' was born 26 Oct., 1870, and married 9 June, 1896, Seth Hathaway Clothey, born. in Peabody 15 May, 1870, to Adeline- Brown and Thomas Clothey, a glue manufacturer of the same place, where Seth is a morocco dresser. 22 Helen F.^ was born 5 March, 1873, in Ipswich, and 25 June, 1891, married PYederic P^ranklin Byron, who was born to Selina- Rennie and George Washington Byron, an engineer. Mr. Byron is dealer in periodicals, fruits, and a manufacturing confectioner in Ipswich. 23 Mabel Clifton^" was born 25 Aug., 1859, and 16 Oct., 1895, became the second wife of Walter Ezra Lord, who was born 22 Jan., 1856, to Lydia A.-Lakeman and Ezra W. Lord of Ipswich. His first wife, married 13 Sept., 1882, was Kate L., daughter of Eliza-Caldwell and Wm. Lummus Lord, a farmer, of Ipswich. She died 1 Sept., 1889, aged thirty-four years, five months. Mrs. L. A.-Lakeman Lord died 3 March, 1902. Mr. Lord is a leading merchant in dry goods, has repeatedly filled the most important town offices and has rep- resented his district in the Legislature. 24 Nellie E.''^ was born 5 Jan., 1864, and married 3 Nov., 1883, in Ipswich, Charles Henry Baxter-^a house painter, who was born 9 Sept., 1864, to Emma-Lambert and Edward Hallam Baxter, a machinist, in Nottingham, England. Baxter issue: Edward Lee, born 16 Jan., 1885; William and Joseph, twins, born 13 Dec, 1889. Both died in infancy. 25 Mildred O.i- was born 12 April, 3,865, and 13 Sept., 1881, in Salem, married P>ancis Jarvis Cartledge, a machinist, born in Ports- mouth, 9 May, 1860, to Ellen-Jarvis and William Henry Cartledge, a hosiery manufacturer, both born in England. Cartledge issue: Leslie Jarvis, born 1 June, 1886. 26 Frank A.^- was born 15 Feb., 1868, and 24 March, 1888, mar- ried Mary Ella Crowley, who was born in Addison Point, Me., 1 March, 1866, to (sea-) Capt. Obed Thomas Crowley and Octavia Frances Pullen. He is an electrician, but at present a wood and coal salesman. Gove issue born: Evelyn Frances, 29 April, 1889; Frank Stanley, 25 Aug., 1890; Mildred Eugenia, 16 June, 1892; Dorothea Elizabeth, 12 Oct., 1896; Eleanor Farley, 3 Mar., 1901. 27 Mary S.'' was born 3 June, 1847, in Marblehead. She mar- ried Edward Jason Atkinson, who was born in Lynn, 21 March, 1841, to Ruth Chadwell-Mudge and Joseph Alley Atkinson, who was suc- cessively engaged in the shoe business and as nursery man. Their 202 THE PERLEY FAMILY children were born as follows: Grace, 8 Jan., 1872; Alice Maria, 20 Sept., 1874; Mary Elizabeth, 2 June, 1876. 28 Sarah Elizabeth" was born in Ipswich, 30 Jan., 1849a She married 17 March, 1867, in Ipswich, Theodore Cummings Howe, who was born 4 May, 1846, in Braintree, to Daniel and Hannah Lincoln-Cook Howe. Hannah was of the eighth generation in direct descent from Miles Standish of Pilgrim fame. Daniel was woolen yarn manufacturer and colorer, and later — 1865-76 — superin- tendent of the Ipswich woolen mills. Theodore enlisted at Brain- tree as a private 7 Dec, 1863, in the 3d Mass. Cavalry, and was discharged at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, as a quartermaster ser- geant 28 Sept., 1865. He was made a first lieutenant, 5 Oct., 1865. He participated in these engagements in the Shenandoah Valley — Front Royal, Luray Road, ^A^oodstock and Edinburg. He is now a clerk in the United States Navy. Their children: William Alwyn, born in Ipswich, 15 Aug., 1867, a foreman in a shoe manufactory, married 21 May, 1886, in Ipswich, Fannie Stuart Ehrlacher, who was born 1 Oct., 1866, in Roxbury, to Martin (receiving clerk, de- partment U. S. Navy) and Katherine Lord-Philbrook, and have Bertram Chesley, born 9 Aug., 1886; Theodore Frederick, born in Ipswich, 29 Aug., 1876, who is paymaster's clerk in the U. S. Navy on the Des Moines. 29 Franklin Pierce'^ was born 8 July, 1852. He married 10 Nov., 1880, Lenora Grant, born 2 July, 1861, to Frank and Honora Grant. He was by trade a wheelwright. He died 18 Feb., 1884, having had Ethel Lena, born 18 Dec, 1881, who is clerk in Dexter's photographic studio, Ipswich; Frank Pierce, born 3 June, 1884, died 24 or 25 Oct., 1886. 30 Charles H.^"^ was born 19 July, 1859; he married in Aug., 1885, Elizabeth Butterworth, born in Nottingham, ling., to Henry and Mary-Scathern Butterworth of Sherwood Forest, Eng. They lived in Lynn, where their only child was born. She died 4 March, 1887; and he 5 April, 1897. Their child was Roxy F"owler, born 18 March, 1886, and died at her grandfather Clark's, in Ipswich, 7 May, 1894. 31 Charles Barnes^'' born 10 Jan., 1863, married in Boston 7 Oct., 1891, Florence Holmes, born in South Boston 24 July, 1869, to Wm. S. and Julia-Coleman Holmes. He is a produce dealer in F"aneuil Hall Market, Boston, and resides in Maiden, Mass. Issue: Florence Lucy, born 6 July, 1892; Charles Barnes, Jr., born 31 Aug., and died 14 Sept., 1893; Harry Holmes, born 28 Dec, 1895; Edwin Lincoln, born 31 Jan., 1899. 32 George Warren^'' born in Ipswich 22 March, 1872, married 1 Jan., 1900, in Lynn, Mass., Mrs. Annie Jane Symonds, born 18 July, 1871, in Danvers, to Mary Elizabeth-Swaney and Robert Burns Standley, a shoemaker. Mr. Lord is a graduate of the Manning High School, Ipswich, class of '89. He worked for the "Ipswich Chronicle" till the summer of 1890, when he engaged as salesman for H. A. Hartley & Co., carpets, etc., Boston, and remained with them for nearly six years. In the spring of 1896 he was employed by D. B. H. Power, Lynn, and had charge of the carpet department for about eight years. In June, 1904, he became proprietor of the HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 203 Geo. W.Lord Mfg. Co., manufacturing novelties in muslin and net goods, Jamaica Plain, Mass. He is a member of John T. Heard Lodge of Freemasons, Ipswich, and of Mystic Lodge, No. 10, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Lynn. FAMILY 111: PERLEY. UNEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, JOHN-53. NATHANIEL MIGHILL PERLEY was born 5 July, 1781, in Rowley. The residuary part of his mother's estate fell to him and his brother John. He spent most of his life "on the ocean wave." He was a ship carpenter by trade, but in the application for administration of his estate he is called merchant. He was some- time engaged in shipbuilding in Norfolk, Va. A Law Report furnishes the following interesting particulars. We have no further knowledge of the case, as such, than this recital : " Benjamin Hooper vs. Nath'el M. Perley. Hooper's apprentice, with Hooper's consent, shipped as seaman, 14 Jan., 1812, for a voyage to Europe and return, on the Volant, Perley master. They sailed from Boston on the 28th of March of that year. The vessel arrived at Bayonne, France, with her cargo, in safety. On the 16th of April, the outward cargo was completely discharged, and on the same day Capt. Perley commenced loading with brandy for a return cargo. On the 18th of May they had laden on board four hundred pipes of brandy. The ship was detained from this time till the middle of September, waiting for a license from the Emperor to depart with the cargo. The license being obtained, the ship was ready to sail on the last day of September, but was detained by adverse winds and tides until the fifth of November, when she sailed from Bayonne bound for Boston. In attempting to go to sea the vessel struck the bar, which obliged the captain to take out part of the cargo, and to return to Bayonne for repairs. They were again detained by the repairs and unfavorable winds and tides until the 12th of February, 1813, when they again set sail for Boston. On the 26th of March followingthe ship was captured by a British war vessel, and sent to Halifax, where she was afterwards condemned, with her whole cargo, which were wholly lost to the owners." He was an intrepid privateersman and delighted to play mis- chief with the Red-coats. His brother-in-law, Nathaniel Rust, then lived in a house that stood in Ipswich near Diamond Stage, an ancient wharf of the Ipswich harbor. Many weird stories are told by the Rust family-110, how the two Nathaniels stored temporarily midnight reprisals in the Rust cellar to be removed as stealthily. At one time the search ofificer came down upon the Rust man- sion when there still remained in the cellar some little evidence of their prowess. "Capt. Nat." nothing daunted, entertained the officer with wine and repartee till the innocent tell-tales were beyond his official ken. "At another time, while at Bayonne, his ship was commissioned as a letter of marque under the authority of the United States, and 204 THE PERLEY FAMILY was armed and equipped as such; having taken on board a number of guns, and increased her complement of men from twenty-five (the number with which she left the United States) to seventy. After leaving Bayonne, on her passage home, she recaptured an American vessel from the British, manned her and sent her to France." It is said, by a Washington, D. C, correspondent, that "Niles' History of Old Wars," a book we cannot find by that title in New York, Boston and Cambridge libraries, relates a number of daring exploits of "Capt. Nat." and that the British government, at one time, offered ;^1000 for his capture, dead or alive. The location of the premises, page 101, bought 5 Jan., 1769, is not yet determined; the estate bought 16 Sept., 1807, was on Sum- mer street, not far from that corner of "The Common." Benjamin Todd, Rowley, tailor, for ^50 sold Nathaniel Mighill Perley and John Perley, both of Rowley, minors, sons of John Perley, Jr., of Rowley, "If acres and 24 rods " of land bounded northerly by land of John Perley, Jr., easterly by land of the heirs of Thomas Lambert, Esq., 20 rods 9 links, southerly by said Lambert's heirs, 11 rods 7 links, westerly by land of Joseph Pickard 25 rods 6 links, 11 May, 1802. Mr. Perley and his brother John, 25 Nov., 1814, sold their JA^jt. l^oL^i/n -CcPt^" ■iiAjuf cry, ^a.9JL^9. S irniy/i^'V^^a-i^^ ^ c^a^CiH^ EAST PART OF THE MIGHILL-rERLRY HOMESTEAD. mother's estate, including the homestead, to Daniel Todd, Jr., yeo- man, of Rowley, for $2400. One part of the homestead was bounded east by the highway, south by land of Benjamin Smith, west by land of Mark Creesy and Joseph Pickard and north by Joseph Pickard, and was estimated at sixteen acres, the other part of the homestead was bounded westerly by the highway, northerly by Ebenezer Per- ley and Nathan Lambert, east by the heirs of Thomas Lambert, and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 205 south by Joseph Pickard ; also eight acres, bounded northerly by highway, westerly by the burying ground, etc. Nathaniel M. and John Perley signed the deed. — Reg. 205 : 25. The next year, 27 June, 1815, their right to the property was complete, for the undi- vided half belonging to Nathaniel Mighill Perley, merchant, was taken to satisfy a judgment of court against him in favor of James Locke of Newburyport. The amount secured was ;^1037.34. The barn and its half acre of land were not included, because of some provision of the will conveying it. By the map it is clear who owned the "Perley" house opposite the Mighill-Perley house T page 99) at that time. Mr. Charles P. Mighill of Rowley, who "can remember back about sixty-eight years," says, 1904, "the two-story house you speak of was occupied by John Lambert from my earliest remembrance, until his decease, when by will it passed to his brother George and is now owned by George's heirs. I learned from my parents that it was John's wife's father's place, who was Mr. Ebenezer Perley. "It strikes me now that previous to John Lambert's living there, Mr. Nathaniel Lambert, who married Anstice Perley-53^ John Per- ley's sister, lived there, and kept a store in a two-story building near there, which building was moved to Clark's hill and made into a dwelling house and is now occupied as such." John Perley, by the request of his brother's widow, who was then in Lowell, Mass. ( Prob., No. 21507) and his brother's son, Nathaniel M., Jr., who was twenty years of age, was appointed administrator of the estate, 17 May, 1886. His bond was $12,000. The inventory "of the estate of Nathaniel M. Perley, last an inhabitant of Rowley, merchant, who has lately, viz.: within twenty years, died intestate," is stated thus: "Real estate, none; Personal estate, F'rench claim, nominal value, g8-t55, $5000." The following is ship news from the Salem Gazette. It is diffi- cult sometimes to tell which Capt. Perley is meant : — The wreck of the ship Favorite, N. M. Perley master, was re- ported 1 P^eb., 1805. [For an account of it and a beautiful picture of the vessel, see family 118.] Oct. 11, brig. Comet, Flemming, sailed from Bourbon for New York, Capts. Perley (late of the Favorite) and Depeseter passen- gers, the latter having lost his vessel on the coast of Madagascar, was reported 30 Dec, 1806. "Ship Betsey, Nash, from Lisbon, 25th ult., 5 leagues W. of George's was boarded from the British sloop-of-war Curlew, from Halifax, having the valuable and long-looked-for ship Volant, Perley, from France for Boston in company. She had been chased 48 hours, when two 74's hove in sight and she was obliged to surrender." Reported 2 April, 1813. Sloop Yarico, Perley, cleared from Salem for Boston, 27 April, 1815. Ship James, Perley, arrived in Boston three days from Halifax 30 , 1827. Miss Dole ( whose mother's maiden name corrected was LydiaAnn Emery Moody-53^) here favors us with a quotation from " The Bodleys on Wheels" by Scudder. It is said Mr. Scudder was friendly in the 206 THE PERLEY FAMILY Killam family and may have derived his story from that source. He has, however, merged John and his son, Nathaniel Mighill in one man ; whereas, it was the son who built the vessel, not on Rowley Common as it is sometimes printed, but on the lawn in front of his residence, the house pictured on page 99 from a very accurate sketch of it by Miss Dole. The vessel was called "The Country's Won- der," and "was the largest vessel," says Gage's History of Rowley, " known to have been built so far from water." In the quotation read Perley for Burly : — "Captain Burly was a great man about here. He was a mighty smart man. Why, that fellow had command of a merchant vessel before he was twenty-one, and that meant something in those days. It meant that he was a merchant as well as a captain. He carried his cargo to the East Indies and sold it, and bought a cargo and brought it home. It took a good deal to make a captain in those days. Well, he had about the most iron-bound will of any man that was ever born, I guess. He had thirteen children. I knew 'em ; stiff, unyielding men and women that knew their minds and could stand up to anybody. I never saw their like, but they bent like reeds before Captain Burly. Captain Burly wanted a ship, and he said he wasn't going down to the river to build it. He'd build it by his own door, on Rowley Common. People laughed at him, and said they guessed Captain Burly was one too few this time, but the more they said the more he stuck to it. And he built it, sir: he did. I was a little shaver, but I remember it. The people shook their heads, and some said he was Noah building an ark; and others said he was Robinson Crusoe that built his boat and couldn't launch it ; but the old man knew better. When he was all ready, he went and hired all the oxen in the country round. Yes, sir, he had a hundred yoke of oxen here, and he hitched 'em to the vessel, and by the jump- ing gingerbread he hauled it down to the water. Pretty much all the country was there to see it. P'act." The following is from the Salem Gazette, 10 May, 1814, copied from the Sentinel; — "Boston, May 7. Naval Architectural Enter- prise. We learn that Capt. Nathaniel M. Perley, late commander of the ship Volant, which was captured on her passage from Bayonne to Boston and carried into Halifax, has constructed and nearly com- pleted, within eight weeks, a schooner of about 110 tons, which for beauty, strength and utility, is not excelled in the world. She was built near Rowley Green, one mile and an half from the water. No object of this nature and magnitude has ever created more specula- tion of opinion, than the building of this vessel ; and it was generally conceived that she could never be transported to her destined element : But to the surprise of many, and the joy of all, on Mon- day last, (May 2), she was started from her building place at about 10 o'clock, A. M. and before 5 P. M. was landed at the water's edge. The whole apparatus for the operation was prepared under Capt. P.'s immediate direction. She was borne by a set of trucks, of four wheels each, about two feet in height, and 16 inches broad. — These were drawn by one hundred yoke of oxen, in four strings — two of which were hitched to the forward trucks, and two attached to a cable prepared for the purpose. The subject is rendered more in- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 207 teresting by the fact, that neither man, beast nor property received any essential injury. The weight is estimated at from 100 to 120 tons. Improvements may probably be made on this invention, which will prove highly useful to the mechanic, merchant, and the man of enterprise." His wife was Mary Elizabeth de Bade, married about 1814. She was born within sight of the Tuileries in Paris, France. She was a lady of social refinement and worth — a "most charming woman." (She had three brothers, unmarried, in the French army.) When she came to Rowley, she had very little ability to speak English, and her natural sensitiveness or diffidence on account of the inability, confined her almost exclusively to her immediate family. Her later years were spent in the family of her husband's brother John, where she died, of dysentery, 27 Sept. 1855 or 4, at the age of sixty-five. Soon after Capt. Perley returned to Rowley with his wife, he left on a long voyage, from which he never returned. It is said he was wrecked on the South Carolina coast, on his return from France, was in the water a long time before rescued, contracted a fever, and died in Savannah, Ga., 17 March, 1817. Mr. Perley was a man of versatile talents. He could manage a farm, build a ship, sail the seas, trade as a merchant, lead in any heroic defense, or enjoy the rural beauties of his country home. He was a remarkably active man ; with brain or brawn he labored in- cessantly in what was nearest and fittest to be done. He had a fine appreciation of the eternal fitness of things; the pee of his balance- scale was justice; he could brook no domineering, no over-reaching; and he was, like his uncle Nathaniel, brave to a fault. He was a firm friend, an obliging neighbor, a positive and progressive citizen, and loved in his family. 1 They had two children : Nathaniel Mighill-240, and Hannah D'^ 2 Hannah D.^ early became a member of her aunt Judith's family-110, perhaps by legal adoption, when her father took his homesick wife back to her kindred under the probability of never returning. Hannah married Stephen S. Kendrick of Ipswich. Their daughter, Ann Elizabeth, married 5 May, 1854, George Ropes Felt, of Salem. She was born in Ipswich 25 June, 1833; he in Utica, N. Y., 21 Dec, 1831, a son of Ephraim and Elizabeth-Ropes Felt, who removed to Utica in 1828. Mr. George R. Felt was a book-keeper in the Naumkeag National Bank of Salem, where he died. The Felt children are Sarah Elizabeth, born 28 Feb., 1855, married 9 Jan., 1879, Samuel Otis Loud, born in Newburyport 24 July, 1856, to Abel Coffin and Olive Caroline-Robinson Loud of Merrimac, Mass., where he is a carriage manufacturer, having no children; Mary Kendrick, born 22 Feb., 1858, married 15 April, 1885, in Salem, Arthur Burrage French, who was born in Boston 80 April, 1849, to Abram and Sophia Jane-Cobb French, and who is an importer of chinaware in Pittsburg, Penn., having one child, G. Brewer, born 17 March, 1887; George Ropes, born 25 Sept., 1860, married Jane Arnold; Ann Perley, born 17 Jan., 1864, married 14 July, 1886, Charles George Williams, who was born in Salem, 6 April, 1863, to Charles Albert and Abbie-Kenney Williams of 208 THE PERLEY FAMILY Peabody, Mass., and is in the milk traffic in Danversport, Mass., having one child, Marion Deland, born 11 April, 1887, in Altoona, Penn.; Alice Buffum, born 15 April, 1869; and Ephraim, born 19 April, 1873, who died in Salem 11 Nov., 1876. FAMILY 112: PERLEY. ONEAL DESCENT- ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, JOHN-53. JOHN PERLEY was born in Rowley 21 March, 1791, and inher- ited with his brother Nathaniel M. the residue of the parental estate. He married 4 Dec, 1817, Ann D. Haskell of Newburyport. Her death came by her own hand 22 Sept., 1842. He died of cancer of the throat 24 P>b., 1861. Mr: Perley was one of those all-round men so c^^tT^i^^ /f^-^'^^CS-jy^ needful in every community, but ^/^ ^ S^ seldom found. He could assist a '^ /x neighbor to anything in the line of r • t- r iU „ „„ So he indorsed the petition of Ebenezer P. a farmer or a justice of the peace. i.erley, as guardian, to sell real estate of He was a man of fine presence, "^^ '^^''^- ^ ^^^■' ^^^^■ agreeably social, and held in high esteem. 1 Perley children: Lucy Ann', John Legarde^ Amos PettingilP. 2 John Legarde' was born 16 Feb., 1824. He died in Callao, Peru, 20 March, 1856. after an illness of twelve days, and was buried in the Protestant cemetery in Bella Vista, about one mile from Cal- lao. His business was ship brokerage and shipping guano from the Chincha Islands. He never married. His father, says Geo. B. Blodgette, Esq., received his estate, which netted about $4000. 3 Amos PettingilP was born 26 April, 1835. When some more than twenty years of age (Squire Blodgette says in 1860), he went to Valparaiso, Chile, South America. There he became a shepherd and owned an extensive ranch upon the Andes Mountains. In a stubborn defense of his flocks, by himself and assistants against marauding Indians, he was mortally wounded. He was taken to a hospital in Valparaiso, where he died. He was buried in the Protes- tant cemetery in that city. That was about the year 1890. He was never married. 4 Lucy Ann' was born 22 May, 1818, and 15 Jan., 1845, married her cousin, William Kilham, born to Jonathan and Priscilla-Perley-53^ Kilham, of Boston, in 1805. They resided many years in South America, then returned to Boston. She died of apoplexy 26 Dec, 1897, and was interred in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge. Issue: Amita, born 3 July, 1852, in South America, died unmarried, of consumption, in Saxonville, Mass., 4 Oct., 1872, and was buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery. FAMILY 113: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-S), NATHANIEL, 54. EBENEZER PERLEY was born in Ipswich, where he was baptised 25 July, 1773. His father died in 1778, and his stepfather, Lt. Samuel Bacon of Bradford, was appointed his guardian 5 Dec, 1791. When of Salisbury, 19 July, 1798, he discharged his guardian, and acknowledged the receipt of $200 as per his guardian's ac- count. He married and resided in Salisbury. He bought 12 Nov., 1798, for $570, one-quarter acre of land "with the house" upon it, on Webster's Point, of Jacob Currier of Salisbury, calker, " extend- ing three rods on both sides of the highway," bounded by the river /; channel southerly, by Daniel East- ^f / h, / j man and Meltiah Merrill westerly, by ncu>q/yUA/h fj^^lcy/ Joseph Wells northerly, by John y-/ Stevens easterly, the highway (.?) Her signature to a petition to Pro- "holding the width of three rods bate Court, 29 Dec. 1817. from ouc cnd to the Other." He owned a farm in that town, located back of S. Smith's farm, north of the Rocky-Hill Church, marked E. Dow on D. G. Beer & Co.'s County Atlas, 1872. Hannah, his wife, 30 Dec, 1817, represented to Probate Court that her husband, Ebenezer Perley of Salisbury, was absent at sea and was not expected soon to return, that the property in Salisbury of which the children were joint owners in their own right, half an old house, thirty acres of woodland, and twelve of pasturage, and that the children, Sally, nineteen ; Nathaniel, sixteen; John Hodge, fourteen; Louisa, twelve; James, ten; P2benezer George, eight; and Benjamin Dutch, six, needed "immediate and constant care and attention" and asked a guardian of the children to take care of their real estate. John Balch of Newbury, merchant, was appointed. A house on Ring's Island is mentioned. These children were of Baltimore, Md., in 1818 and 1820: Nathaniel, John H., Louisa, James, Eben G. and Benj. D. In 1804, Sept. 10, Mr. Perley was on a committee to establish an academy for the two towns, Amesbury and Salisbury. The academy was instituted at Bartlett's Corner. He became a sea captain and sailed on foreign voyages. He probably began his sea life out of Newburyport. "Arrived at Newburyport forty-nine days from Hamburg, 26 Aug., 1799, schooner Regulator, Perley, master." Perley was in Hamburg the July before. The Salem Gazette 13 Jan., 1804, reported : "The Favorite, Perley, master, arrived at Nor- folk, from Newburyport." See page 205. Between 31 March and 29 September, 1818, he removed his family to Baltimore, Md. About 1820 he sailed and was never heard of after- wards. James405 says his grandfather was "lost at sea in 1825." "Lowle" in the Georgetown Advocate printed the following paper, which in this connection is very interesting: — "The first notice of Ebenezer Perley in this town by his employ- 210 THE PERLEY FAMILY ment of our mechanics is the nearest that I can fix his advent in SaHsbury, and perhaps a list of the vessels built by his order, while a resident here, may be of interest to the editors of the Advocate, if not to some reader. Let me here add that he bought quite a large farm in Salisbury and occupied it while in business here. The old farm is still known as the Perley farm, although long ago deserted by its distinguished proprietor. His first vessel was the schooner Hope, of 29 tons, built at Newbury in 1786 in company with S. Clark of Salisbury. In 1799 he had built in Amesbury the schooner Regulator, of 94 tons. See page 209. In 1800 the ship Jason, of 151 tons, built at Salisbury and owned by Perley and Daniel Web- ster of Salisbury. In 1801 the ship Hannah, of 181 tons, built at Salisbury. In 1802 the ship Favorite, 134 tons, built at (Pleasant Valley) Amesbury, by David Clough. One of the builder's descend- ants, Mr. J. S. Clough of Chelsea, Mass., has a fine oil painting of this old ship Favorite under full sail, and gaily decked with colors, represented as taking her departure from some foreign port. This is truly a valuable relic of the old builders, not merely as the work of the foreign artist, but by the careful drawing of all minor parts of hull, spars and rigging, and presents to us clearly the peculiar style in every particular of the ship of one hundred years ago. [The picture of the ship here shown is from a photograph of the painting, by the kindly favor of Mr. Clough.] In 1803 the ship Aurora, of 235 tons, built at Salisbury. This ship I think was built by the Stevens Brothers, as also were other vessels of his fleet, in their old ship-yard in front of their dwelling house, a part of which is at present occu- pied by the writer, (who has the honor of being of that family of shipwrights), but only as a builder of dories and skiffs, on such hal- lowed ground ! ! where those old shipwrights produced from the rough white oak of our forests, many a noble ship, — 'O tempore, O mores' how hath the mighty fallen, from the staunch old ship to the frail skiff, — 'Pity 'tis, 'tis true.' Well, we will use the skiff occasion- ally to paddle with pleasure alongside of that old drifter of our fathers, the old wooden ship, whose noble place, with all those ancient associations of its construction, is fast being taken up by the riveted plate-iron, pot-like monster of the present, with no charm in history for the New P3ngland shipwright. " The last ship Perley was concerned in here was named the Rising Sun, of 284 tons, built at Salisbury in 1804 and owned by Perley and J. Nelson. How long Perley remained in Salisbury I cannot say, but certainly while here, this record of a few years proves him to have been an active and enterprising man, whose mem- ory we should ever respect. I learned that he sold out here after a few years and removed with his family to Baltimore, Md., and that comprises all that I can give of the interesting history of Ebenezer Perley, the bright meteor that once flashed across our pathway and so soon disappeared." "Boston, Jan. 31. Loss of ship Favorite. The ship Favorite, Nathaniel M. Perley, master, sailed from thence to Lisbon: — after standing off, with a light breeze, from 11 A. M. until 8 P. M., the wind began to haul to N. E. and coming on to snow, the weather very thick, Capt. P. thought best to heave about and stand in, and 212 THE PERLEY FAMILY endeavor to make a harbor — he ran in about a mile above the light and came to, with both anchors ahead and rode until about 5 o'clock on Monday morning, it then blowing very hard from E. N. E. The ship parted both her cables, and in ten minutes struck on Rocky Point and is bilged ; it is expected a large part of the cargo will be saved." Mr. Perley married Hannah Currier. She died in Baltimore. Their children were all born in Salisbury. 1 Perley children : Sally^ Nathaniel'^ John Hodge", Louisa^ James-2-11, Ebenezer George", Benjamin Dutch". 2 NathanieP, born about 1800, became a lawyer in Tennessee. John H.^ was born about 1802. In 1811, Louisa', Eben G.^ and Benj. D.^ were put under guardianship, being minors. 8 Sally' was born about 1798, and between 31 March and 29 September, 1S18, married Orlando S. Morse, born about 1790 (1795.') to Joseph and Tabitha-Sargent Morse of Amesbury. They resided in Baltimore. He was United States consul at Porto Rico, West Indies. Their children : Hannah, who married Gamaliel Gleason of Andover, Orland S., who was of Andover, 1849, and Sarah G., who probably resided there the same ye.ar. FAMILY 114: PERLEY. 1,1NEAL 1)ES( ENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, NATHANIEL-54. SAMUEL PERLEY was born in the East Parish of Bradford, 19 July, 1775.. His father died 1778, when he was only three years old. His stepfather was appointed his guardian, 5 Dec, 1791, and when he was of Bradford, IB March, 1797, he discharged his guardian and receipted for $25, as per his guardian's account. He was ap- prenticed to Silas Hopkinson of Bradford, the part now Groveland, and of him learned the trade of house carpenter. He resided, first, in Newburyport, where he built a number of houses. He was of Londonderry, N. H., 24 April, 1812, engaged in farming. In 1814, he took "the western fever," prevalent at that time, and planned to go west. He took an overland route, with his own team, in the spring of 1815, saying goodbye to New England. His family consisted of himself, wife and four children, the youngest only two years of age. He was forty-five days en route. They crossed the Alleghany Mountains during the engagements of Water- loo, 15-18 June, 1815. They made a halt at Steubenville, Ohio, where his "fever" turned. In the spring of 1816, he retraced his steps to Harrisburg, Pa., where they resided about nine years. Then they located in New York City. Mr. Perley married 16 Jan., 1799, Lucy Balch, born 21 Feb., 1779, to Rev. Nathaniel and Joanna-Mitchell Balch of Bradford, now Groveland. She was a very handsome woman, and was known among her acquaintances as "the Lily of the Merrimac Valley." To her physical beauty was added the charm of Christian beauty and grace. Through all the vicissitudes of her life, she retained an MRS. SAMUEL PERLEY. "The Lily of the Merrimack Valley. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 213 unfaltering trust, and at its close rested in hopeful peace.- She died in New York City, 29 April, 1831; her husband 30 April, 1830. Charles says his mother died in 1 854, aged seventy-five years. This is doubtless correct. 1 Perley children : Lucy Balch*, Elcy-, Samuel-242, Charles-243, Eustace Balch". 2 Elcy' was born in Newburyportj 1 Aug., 1802. Eustace B.^ was born in 1813, in Londonderry, N. H., and died at the age of twenty-five, unmarried. 3 Lucy B.^ was born 4 Jan., 1800, and in 1827 married Capt. Joseph Livermore of Eastport, Me. They resided in New York City. He was a sea captain, and died in 18.52, of yellow fever, at sea. His widow died in New York City, 5 Feb., 1855. Livermore children: Caroline, who married Hon. Richard L. Larrimore of Jamaica, L. L, a judge of the Superior Court of New York City, and had a large family; and John R., who resided in New Jersey. FAMILY 115: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57. ISRAEL PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B., 10 Jan., 1765. In 1786 he was granted forty and a half acres of land in Bur- ton, Sunbury County, lot 7, on the St. John river. He married, in Waterboro, N. B., 4 Oct., 1790, Hannah Tisdale, who was born 4 Feb., 1771, to Ruth- Strange and Ephraim Tisdale, a sea captain. They resided in Maugerville, N. B., where all their children were born, and son Charles died. In 1801, she with her three remain- ing children went with her brother Ephraim's family to the "Long Point" country, "Upper Canada," as it was then called, and set- tled about four miles from our correspondent. Miss Maggie E. Palmer's home in Vittoria. In 1802, Hannah's brother Joseph removed there, and the greater part of Hannah's life and the chil- dren's till they grew up and married, were spent in Joseph's family, where Hannah died 31 Aug., 1844. In the same house her daughter Elizabeth M. and son Itphraim T. died. Miss Maggie E. Palmer has a dress that was made for her great -aunt, Mrs. Hannah-Tisdale Perley, when the latter was fourteen years old. Mr. Perley made his will 8 June, 1799, and appended a codicil 2 March, 1801. He died 8 May, 1830, in the Universalist faith, "much to the distress," wrote his sister Sarah, "of his family and relatives." [Mrs. Perley's father, Ephraim Tisdale, at the time of the Revo- lutionary War, was loyal to royalty, and sacrificing his property sailed from New York to New Brunswick. During the voyage, Mrs. Tisdale gave birth to a son whom she named Walker in honor of the captain of the frigate they sailed in.] [Hannah's brother Joseph Tisdale was born in Freetown, Mass., 23 Feb., 1778. He was a pioneer farmer in "Upper Canada," prom- inent in the military, served in the War of 1812, against the Rebel- lion of 1837, and later in life was a magistrate. He died 18 March, 214 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1864, in Vittoria. His wife was Margaret Lawrence, married 7 June, 1810, in New Brunswick, where she was born 25 Sept., 1786, to Capt. John and Mary-Rezeau Lawrence. She died in Vittoria, 15 Sept., 1864, leaving children, Margaret J., Lott, and Hannah who married a Palmer and had Margaret E. (mentioned above), to whom this work is greatly indebted for much information.] 1 Perley children: Elizabeth Mooers'-, Charles"', Ephraim Tis- dale'^ Charles Strange-244. 2 Elizabeth M.^ was born 13 Aug., 1791, in New Brunswick, and died in Vittoria, Ont., unmarried, 8 May, 1851. Charles^ was born 25 Nov., 1792, and died 2 Sept., 1795. Epliraim T.^ was born, in New Brunswick, 22 Aug., 1794, and died in Vittoria, where he was buried 29 April, 1871. He was a farmer and a major in the militia. He married in Jan., 1817, Philena Tisdale, who was born in Char- lotteville. County Norfolk, Ont., in 1795, to Submit-Newcombe and Ephraim Tisdale, and died without issue in Courtland, Ont., Mrs. Nugent-244'' said, in 1864. Her father was a farmer and a high constable for London District, and he fought in the War of 1812 at Oueenstown Heights and Lundy's Lane. FAMILY 116: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-IC, THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57. THOMAS PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B., where he made his home, and died in June, 1815. His will is dated 14 May, 1815, and was proved in the July following. He left all his property to his wife, and mentions in the will only one son, P'rancis. He married, her grand-nephew Stephen Peabody says, Rhoda Peabody, who was born about 177(5, to Samuel and Molly-Hildrick Peabody of Mau- gerville. She died in 1846. The inventory of her estate amounted to £&2l 10s. 1 Perley children : Francis Peabody', Charles-245, George Simeon- 246, Thomas Edward-247, Maria'^, Fannie', Elizabeth^, Susan Ann"*, Charlotte', Lydia-, Caroline Elizabeth*'. 2 Francis P.' was living 14 May, 1815; it is thought he married a widow; he left no children. Fannie' married Andrew Smith; Eliz- abeth' married William Taylor of Fredericton ; Lydia' married Jon- athan Taylor, brother to William, and their son Dr. Frank Perley Taylor is in Charlottetown, P. E. L All these parents are dead. 3 Maria' was born in Maugerville, N. B., 20 Dec, 1798. She married in Maugerville, hrst, 2 Nov., 1819, John Allan, druggist, born in Aberdeen, Scotland, to Robert, captain in the navy, and Christina-F'orbes Allan. He died in St. John, N. B., in September, 1825. Mrs. Allan married, second, in St. John, 2 May, 1837, John Burns, watchmaker, born in Aberdeen, Scotland, 2 Dec, 1785, to John and Margaret-Edwards Burns. He died in St. John, 23 March, 1866. His widow died in Woodstock, Carleton County, N. B., 2 Oct., 1892. Allan children: Mary, born in St. John, N. B., 29 July, 1821, died unmarried in Woodstock, N. B., 19 Dec, 1901; John Thomas, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 215 born in St. John, 4 June, 1825, died in Woodstock, 21 June, 1891; Robert, who died in infancy. Burns children: Margaret Edwards, who was born in St. John, N. B., 25 Feb., 1841, and resides in Wood- stock, Carleton County, N. B.; a son, who died in infancy. 4 Susan Ann^ of Maugerville married George Peabody of the same place, who was born 16 Dec, 1802, to Oliver and Huldah-Tap- ley Peabody. They lived in Northampton. Carleton County, N. B., where he died in 1838. They had these children: Thomas Perley, who married Augusta Foster, and to whom, at 292 Bowery, New York City, a letter addressed in 1904, was "returned to writer" in- dorsed "Deceased"; and Charlotte who married a Burnett, and died some years ago, having had no children. 5 Charlotte' was born in Maugerville and became the second wife of Thomas Treadwell Smith, whose first wife was a Miss Barker. He was a merchant. They died in Fredericton. His child by his first wife was Thomas Barker, his children by Charlotte were Wm. Francis^; twins, that died in six months; John Treadwell; Charles; Maria Elizabeth. 6 Caroline E.^ was born in Maugerville, 5 March, 1813, and mar- ried there 17 Sept., 1833, Warren Collingwood Bull, farmer and lum- berman, who was born 4 Aug., 1807, in the parish of Woodstock, and died 28 April, 1881), in Grafton, N. B., where she also died 11 Sept., 1901. Their children born in Northampton: George Allen^ Charles Perley', Jarvis Leavitt, 7 Oct., 1842, a lieutenant in the Canadian militia, who died 6 June, 1865; Caroline Elizabeth' '. 7 William"' who died in Woodstock, 13 May, 1902, married Susanna Isabel Fisher of Woodstock in Nov., 1860, and had Henry Edward Leavitt, who was a college graduate and was drowned in July, 1888, in Victoria, B. C; Francis Arthur, who died young, and Ella Anna, who resides in Woodstock, N. B. 8 George A.'' was born in Northampton, 18 Aug., 1834, and mar- ried, in 1864, Sarah Ann Scott, who was born in the same place to Andrew, a farmer, and Lydia-Dickinson Scott, and died in Dec, 1889. Mr. Bull is a farmer and lumberman in the parish of North- ampton, where their children were born: Warren Collingwood, 13 Aug., 1865, who is married and living in Grafton; William Allen, 10 Dec, 1866, who is married and living in Cabour (.?), Wis.; Alice Blanche, 23 Feb., 1868; Horace, 9 Oct., 1873; Milton, 21 March, 1878; the last three are living at home. 9 Charles P.« was born 28 Sept., 1837. He married 10 April, 1867, Margaret Amelia Macquaine, born in the parish of Woodstock, 4 Jan., 1846, to John, a farmer and lumberman, and Agnes Ritchie- Wood Macquaine. Mr. Bull is a farmer and lumberman of Wood- stock. Their children were born in Northampton, as follows: Ada Florence"; Marie Louise, 8 July, 1869; John Jarvis, 10 Nov., 1873, who is captain of Company No. 1 of 67th regiment of Canadian militia; Harvey Peter, 9 Oct., 1876, which three are living in Wood- stock. 10 Caroline E.** was born in Northampton, Carleton County, N. B., 24 May, 1848. She married there Joseph Thomas Alexander Griffith, a farmer, who was born in Woodstock, 17 Jan., 1844, to Ben- jamin Peck, a farmer, and Sarah Eliza-Lyon Griffith. She died 19 216 THE PERLEY FAMILY March, 1876, in Woodstock, where Mr. Griffith now lives and where their children, Bessie Edith Eliza and Anna Caroline Louisa (twins) were born 18 Feb., 1875. 11 Ada F.'' was born 23 Feb., 1868, and is a professional nurse. She studied in the Newport (R. I.) hospital, and is a graduate from that institution. She has been very helpful in furnishing material for her branch of the family. She is now residing in Woodstock and assisting in the local hospital. FAMILY 117: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT- ALL AN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57. SOLOMON PERLEY was born 5 Feb., 1779, in Maugerville, Sunbury County, N. B., where he selected his home. It is said that at one time and another he was merchant, farmer, mill owner, coro- ner, ship builder, and lumber merchant. In 1799 he was granted 209 acres of land in York County. Administration was granted on the estate of Solomon Perley of Maugerville, 26 March, 1832. The probate valuation of the estate was ^643. J. Clarkson of the Deeds- Registry says: "From 1785 down, the transfers to and from the Perleys are nearly innumerable. They were possessed of many very valuable properties, in 1783, on the River St. John and else- where." He married, in 1802, Eunice Putnam Perley-59' of Sheffield, N. B. She was born in Lincoln, 28 Oct., 1779, and died in Freder- icton, 24 Dec, 1849. He died 8 April, 1831. 1 Perley children: George Asa'-', James Edwin-248, Enoch Allen^ Sophia', Eliza'^ George Augustus-249, Frederic Allen-, Augusta Sophia-246, Nancy Amanda-250, F'rances Elizabeth-251. 2 Geo. A.' was born 7 June, 1803, and died 25 March, 1808. Enoch A.' was born 4 Dec, 1806, and died 28 April, 1807. Sophia' was born 6 May, 1808,.and died 16 March, 1809. Eliza' was born 26 Sept., 1809, and died 31 May, 1810. Fred A.' was born 14 July, 1813, and resided in Woodbridge, San Joaquin County, Cal., where he owned an extensive vineyard. He died in Stockton, Cal., 3 March, 1881, unmarried. FAMILY 118: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57. WILLIAM PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B., 1 Jan., 1781. He settled in Maugerville, and in 1822 his property was con- sidered ample security for ^1500. He married 14 Aug., 1813, Elizabeth Duncan, who was born 22 Sept., 1786, in Westfield, Queen's County, to John and Charlotte-Hamilton Duncan, of Miramichi, Northumberland County, N. B. Mr. Perley died 2 Aug., 1825, and Solomon Perley administered on his estate in 1828. The HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 217 probate value was ;^814 10s. His widow, Mrs. Bailey, was living with her son, Hon. William E. Perley, when she was ninety-four years old. [Mrs. Perley's second marriage was 1 Sept., 1830, with John Bailey, who was born to Benjamin, in Blissville, 26 Nov., 1785, and by whom she had one child, Matilda Ann, born 15 March, 1831. Mr. Bailey died 16 March, 1868. His first wife, married 27 Nov., 1807, was Mary DeWitt, who was born 22 Jan., 1782, and had by him: Abraham, born 7 Feb., 1808; Phoebe Eliza, born 4 March, 1810; John Thomas, born 27 March, 1812; Charles James, born 26 Sept., 1814; Gideon Daniel, born 5 Feb., 1817; Luke P2dward, born 22 Aug., 1820; Benjamin Studley, born 27 June, 1823; Ephraim Manasseh, born 10 July, 1827.] 1 Perley children : William Edward-252, Duncan Wellington-253, Adeline-254. FAMILY 119: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, THOM.A.S-16, THOMAS-33, OLIVER-59. DANIEL PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B. He was a farmer and a tavern er. He married Elizabeth, understood to be his cousin Elizabeth Perley-57\ Mrs. Nevers-255'^ thinks she died "about 1842." He lived in Oueensbury, N. B., with hi§ youngest son Frederick, where he died 5 July, 1827. 1 Perley children: Oliver'', John'-, William and George, twins^ Israel Edwin-255, Frederick Adolphus-256. 2 Oliver^ died young without family ; William and George died unmarried, the former "some years ago"; John' never married. FAMILY 120: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, OLIVER-59. MOSES PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B., and married his cousin Mary Perley-57' of the same place. In 1883, a tree was planted in St. John, and dedicated to him by his descendants. Other Perleys were honored on that occasion through the generous kindness of Geo. A. Perley, Esq. -249. 1 Perley children: Charles Allen'-, Moses Henry-257. 2 Charles A.' was born 7 July, 1803, and died 15 Aug., 1808. FAMILY 121: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, OLIVER-59. THOMAS PERLEY, born in Maugerville, N. B., in 1778, made his home in Sheffield. His will is dated 22 Jan., 1838, and was proved the same year. His personal property was valued at ;!^1489. His first wife was a Miss Martha Gregory Harrison, married 2 Jan., 1808. He married, second, as her second husband, Mary Gallishan Burpee, born in Sheffield, 12 Oct., 1801, to Joseph and Abigail- Gallishan Burpee. He died in PVench Lake in 1838; she in Sheffield 218 THE PERLEY FAMILY in Feb., 1887. His children, nine in all, three by his first wife, were all daughters. 1 Perley children : Jane Bean'-, Charity Eliza'-, Martha Harrison'^ Ruth C.-, Mary^ Margaret E.-, Caroline', Charlotte Hayvvard^ Harriet Atwood". 2 Jane B.^ was born 4 Dec, 1808, and married John Christie; Charity E.' was born 8 June, 1811, and married Samuel Simmons; neither family had children. Ruth C.^ was born 24 Dec, 1824 ; Margaret E.^ was born 27 Nov., 1827; Harriet A.' was born 29 April, 1833; neither of these three married. 3 Martha H.' was born 11 Feb., 1813, and died 20 Dec, 1843. She married 31 May, 1832, Isaac Taylor, who was born 30 Nov., 1807, to Wm. and Hannah-Stickney Taylor of Sheffield, N. B. He mar- ried, second, Sarah Ann-Putnam McNeil, 26 Aug., 1846. Their children were born: Thomas Perley, 19 April, 1833, married Sarah Barker, 1858, and had Lillian Mary, born 10 April, 1863, and Charles Coburn, born 16 Aug., 1868; Martha Perley, 12 Sept., 183--, and died 14 Dec, 18 — ; William Egerton, 22 Dec, 1836, married Julia Barker, in June, 1866, and died in Feb., 1888, having had Sarah Louise, born 1 March, 1877, and Julia Mary, born 19 Aug., 1879; Albert Desbrisay, 22 Sept., 1842; Charlotte Gertrude, 26 Aug., 1848, who was the second wife's child. 4 Mary' was born 26 April, 182(), and married 9 June, 1848, Charles Burpee, who was born 18 June, 1817, to Jeremiah and Betsey-Stickney Burpee of Sheffield. She died without issue 16 Dec, 1850. Char- lotte H.', born 24 Dec, 1830, became his second wife, 20 March, 1853, and by him had two children: Charles Sidney, born 5 June, 1859, and Thomas Perley, born 18 June, 1861. She died 19 June, 1861. Mr. Burpee represented his county in the Dominion Parliament, 1869. Hon. Charles Burpee is living in Sheffield at the great age of eighty- eight years. His son Charles succeeds to the care of the place. Thomas, unmarried, resides in Gagetown. [This Burpee family went from Rowley, Mass. Hon. Charles Burpee says his parents were Jeremiah, born in Rowley in 1760, and Betsey-Stickney Burpee. The Rowley- Linebrook church records read, that Dea. Jonathan, Jeremiah and his wife, and Hannah Burpee were dismissed "to the new settlement on the St. John river, 6 May, 1764." By the same record, Jeremiah Burpee married Mary Saunders, 28 May, 1751, and had Jeremiah baptised 28 Sept., 1760. Betsey Stickney may have been a daughter of Isaac of St. John, who had a daughter Mehitable, baptised 29 June, 1766. Jere- miah Burpee, Jr., was probably a cousin to Esther Burpee, page 164.] 5 Caroline' was born in Sheffield, 6 Sept., 1829, and 24 May, 1852, in Sheffield, married Charles Benjamin Barker, a farmer, who was born there (J June, 1827, to Benjamin and Mary-Coburn Barker of Sheffield. Both are living in Sheffield Academy.' Their children are Charles Woodville'^; Thomas Benjamin, born in April, 1855, died ni June, 1856; Harriet Atwood Perley, born 19 March, 1856, died 12 April, 18-2; Frederick Coburn' and Thomas Perley (who was drowned 21 Sept., 1870). twins, born 15 Sept., 1860, Clara Louise, born 21 June, 1864, and living in Sheffield Academy. 6 Charles W.^ was born 9 March, 1853, in Sheffield, where he HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 219 now resides a farmer. He married 9 Sept., 1878, in Harcourt, N.B., Miss Marilla Eliza Dunn, wlio was born in Chipman, N. B., 31 July, 1854, to Andrew, a merchant, and Jane Paine-Ouint Dunn. They have had one child William Harrison, born 12 May, 1880. 7 Frederick C." was born 15 Sept., 1800, in Sheffield. He mar- ried 28 Dec, 1898, in Gibson, N. B., Miss Laura Annie Fradsham, who was born in Fairville, St. John, 11 July, 1872, to Horatio, a machinist, and Margaret-Stephason Fradsham. Mr. Barker is a farmer in Sheflfield Academy. They have no children. FAMILY 122: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, TIIO.MAS-4, TIIOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, ENOCH-61. JOHN PERLEY was born in Bridgton, Me., 5 Jan., 1779. He and his brother Thomas-128 inherited the patrimony, which he cul- tivated and where he amassed a large property. He was a justice of the peace and widely known as Squire Perley. He was a coroner. He was for many years a brigadier general in the Massachusetts militia, and after Maine became a State, of the Maine militia also. He was a man of prominence and influence in his State. He mar- ried, 25 Nov., 1805, Sarah Treadwell, who was born 20 Aug., 1782, to Thomas and Jane-Jewett Treadwell of Littleton, Mass. He died in Bridgton, of consumption, 18 May, 1841. His widow died 30 Sept., 1860, of gastric fever. The Columbian Centinel, Nov. 20, 1819, reads — "A pear plucked from a tree belonging to Gen. Perley of Bridgton, Me., this sea- son, was found to weigh 24 ounces and a half. It has been exhibited at Portland." 1 Perley children: Susan Hopkin.s^ Mary Malvina*, Anne Flint^, Augustus-258, John Putnam', Sarah Ann", Frederic'^ Harriet Church'-, Angelina Amelia*. 2 Anne Flint^ was born 10 July, 1811, and died 27 Sept., 1816. Frederic' was born 29 Nov., 1819, and died 11 Dec, 1840. History of Bowdoin College, class of 1840, gives: "Frederick Perley was from South Bridgton. He was designed for the law, but died a few weeks after graduation, of typhus fever. His standing in college was in the first rank." Harriet Church' was born 19 March, 1822, and died 17 Sept., 1836. Angelina Amelia' was born 6 Jan., 1827, and died 23 Aug., 1828. 3 Susan' was born in Bridgton 28 June, 1807, and married 13 March, 1828, Dr. Moses Gould, born 5 Nov., 1799, in Bridgton, Me., to Ezra and Hepzipah-Stevens Gould. They resided in Bridgton, where she died 22 Oct., 1871, and he died 27 Jan., 1874. Child : Albert, born 18 Feb., 1830, married 26 July, 1854, Eliza A. Adams, and died without issue 1 Feb., 1874. 4 Mary M.^ was born 5 Sept., 1809. Her first husband, married 10 Sept., 1829, was Ashbel Cram, born 9 Dec, 1801, to Thomas and Sarah-Hasty Cram of Standish, Me. He was a merchant in Bridg- ton, where his children were born, and he died,. 8 Jan., 1840. Mary M.'s second husband, married 11 Sept., 1849, was her first husband's brother, Rensselaer Cram, also a merchant, of Portland, whose first 220 THE PERLEY FAMILY wife was Mary M.'s cousin Huldah Perley-123^ He died of apoplexy 28 Dec, 1872. His widow, of Portland, died since 1891. Mary M.'s children: Albion Perley, born 30 March, 1831, died 21 P'eb., 1842; Gardner, born 22 Aug., 1835, died 28 Aug., 1840; Ellen Mary, born 27 Oct., 1850, is traveling in Europe, (1905). 5 John Putnam^ was born 31 July, 1815, and married 24 June, 1840, Clarissa Ingalls, born 27 May, 1817, in Bridgton, to Asa (son of Phineas) and Phebe-Berry Ingalls. Phebe was a daughter of Elias Berry. Mr. Perley owned his grandfather's farm, on which is the oldest house in the town. He had no children, but brought up four: Miranda V. Potter, Mary F. Farnham and Annette E. Farn- ham, and Martin McNulty. The local journal reads: "Col. John Putnam Perley died 9 Nov., 1890, at his South Bridgton home. He had been colonel of the militia, a selectman, town treasurer and member of the Maine House, and of the Cumberland County Agricultural Society. He was also President of the Bridgton P'armers' and Mechanics' Club, a member of the Congregational church, active in reformatory and other good work, and was also trustee of Bridgton Academy. In politics he was originally a Whig, and then a Republican from the organization of the party until his death. He leaves a widow." Ridlon's Saco Valley Settlements reads : " Mr. Perley was one of the most wealthy farmers in Cumberland county, well and widely known for his noble generosity, sterling integrity, and Christian zeal. Mrs. Perley was a lady of many virtues and beloved by all who knew her." 6 Sarah A.^ was born 21 Nov., 1817, and married 11 Sept., 1838, Marshall Cram, who was born 16 Jan., 1804, to Thomas and Sarah- Hasty Cram.** Marshall was a merchant. and resided in Brunswick. Cram children : Nelson Perley, born 24 June, 1839, died in Bruns- wick, 18 Sept., 1862; Frances Ellen, born 31 March, 1841, died 28 March, 1848; Gardner". 7 Gardner'' born 20 Jan., 1843, married, first, 9 Oct., 1871, in Damariscotta, Me., Martha A. Weeks, born in Jefferson, Me., 10 June, 1840, to Elijah and Aseneth-Barstow Weeks. She died in Brunswick, Me., 30 Aug., 1874. He married, second, in Biddeford, 1 Sept., 1880, Annie A. Sutherland, born in Calais, Me., 27 March, 1850, to Charles and Margaret - (Jameron Sutherland. He is a watchmaker and jeweler, and resides in Brunswick, Me. Issue: Martha, born 29 Aug., and died 27 Sept., 1874; Marshall Perley, born 1 Jan., 1882; PVederick Sutherland, born 30 March, 1886. FAMILY 123: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, ENOCH-61. THOMAS PERLEY was born in Bridgton, Me., 21 July, 1783. He and his brother John-122, inherited their father's property, and made it a model farm. He was much interested in the militia and rose to the rank of major. He married, 28 Jan., 1808, Betsey P^arnsworth of Bridgton, who was born to Dr. Samuel and Betsey-Fitch Farnsworth, 21 July, 1789, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 221 and died 6 Aug., 1838. He married, second, Charlotte Hale of Waterford, in 1839. She was born in 1795. His children were by his first wife and born in Bridgton. 1 Ferley children: Thomas Flint", Enoclr, Elizabeth F.'*, Thomas Flint*, Samuel Farnsworth-259, Huldah', Henry Enoch-260, Augusta Ann-, George Montgomery-, Frances Amelia-. 2 Thomas Flint' was born 2 Dec, 1808, and died 22 Jan., 1814; Enochs 22 Dec. 1810, and died 7 Sept., 1811; Augusta A.\ 14 Feb., 1826, and died 20 Sept., 1845; George M.\ 10 Aug., 1828, and died 26 Aug., 1848; Frances A.' 21 Sept., 1831, married 26 March, 1852, Edward W. Anderson, a physician, born in Portland, and died in Naples 14 March, 1870. The doctor died in Portland in 1861. 3 P21izabeth F.^ was born in Naples 4 Aug., 1812, married 16 Feb.. 1856, Grinfill Blake of Harrison. She died in Princeton, N. J., 26 Oct., 1902. 4 Thomas Flint' was born 23 Feb., 1815. He married 13 Jan., 1843, Sarah Fessenden Barrows, who was born in P'eb., 1815, to Wil- liam and Mary Palmer-Fessenden Barrows of Fryeburg, Me. He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1837, and studied medicine in Port- land. After his marriage he resided in Bridgton, till about 1857, when he went to Jacksonville, Florida. In 1860, incident upon the approaching Rebellion, they came North and he entered the army as a brigade surgeon under Grant. He was also a medical inspector general of the U. S. Army in Washington, D. C, about two years. Because of the failing health of his wife, he then went to Portland, where she died 26 P'eb., 1865. After her death he resided some time with his cousin, Mrs. Cram-r22*, in Bridgton and later with his brother Samuel F.-259 in Naples. He was some time before his death with his wife's nephew in Fryeburg. He died in Portland at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Cram, 21 March, 1889, having had no children. 5 Huldah' was born 9 Nov., 1819, married 2 July, 1840, Rensselaer Cram-122*, a merchant of Portland, born in Standish, Me., 25 Nov., 1813, to Thomas and Sarah-Hasty Cram. She died 16 June, 1845, of lung fever. Rensselaer married, second, Mary Malvina Perley- 122\ They had Ellen Mary, born 10 April, 1841, died 22 July, 1842, in Bridgton ; Ashbel Henry". 6 Ashbel H.* was born 28 Nov., 1843, in Bridgton, Me. He married 21 Jan., 1871, Harriet L. Woodbury, who was born in Port- land, Me., to Wm. W., insurance agent, and died in Baltimore, Md., in the autumn, 1873. Her mother's name was Keeler. They had no children. Mr. Cram has a fine physique and an attractive pres- ence, and has sat as an artist's model. He was a volunteer in the Civil War, and was in active cavalry service. He was a leutenant in infantry. Since the war he has been at one time and another manufacturer, broker and speculator in timberland and shipping stocks and bonds. He has always been a close student. He is a writer on natural history. He finds in study his pleasure and recre- ation, and exclaims, "what else is there in life that does not cost more than it comes to!" Study is his pleasure and profit. His place of business is New York City. FAMILY 124: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCKNT-ALLA.N-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS 33, AARON-62. JOHN PERLEY was born in Boxford 26 May, 1788. His boy- hood was spent dutifully at home. About thirty he went to New Brunswick, by water. He was agile and athletic. While on the voyage, to show his daring and muscle, he passed, hand over hand, from spar to spar, a considerable distance, fifty or more feet above the deck, with success ; but in an attempt to return, he failed and fell. He was crippled for life and barely escaped instant death. He was many years a retail dealer in boots and shoes in Salem, where now stands Perley Block, on I^^ssex street. He was a man of strict integ- rity, of high personal character and social standing. Mr. Perley had the refined taste of a florist, and cultivated large parterres of flowers at the rear of his store. The cultivation of them afforded him wholesome exercise, and drew largely the trade of ladies who are ever fond of flowers and are delighted with their red- olence and beauty. In the Salem Gazette appeared the advertise- ment dated 9 June, 18()2, wherein Mr. Perley gives notice of his determination "to discontinue his present business at 252 Essex street, and offers for cash at greatly reduced prices, his extensive stock of boots, shoes and rubbers, consisting principally of Ladies', Misses' and Children's wear. The above stock, as. to quality, is second to none in this city." Mr. Perley's first wife was Sarah Kimball, published 19 Oct., 1817, and born 5 Jan., 1789, to Enoch and Huldah-Gould Kimball of Boxford. She died in Salem 7 Dec, 1826, the mother of two children. His second wife, married 23 Feb., 1832, was Mrs. Asenath-Gould Perley, widow of his brother Israel Perley-125. She died in Salem, 19 Feb., 1855, of congestion of the lungs, aged sixty-two years; he died 19 Aug., 1874, aged eighty-six years, two months and twenty- four days. 1 Perley children: Sarah-, Elizabeth Kimball", Ellen Augusta'-. 2 Sarah^ was born in 1819. Elizabeth^ was born 17 July, 1821, in Boxford, and died 16 July, 1887, in Brooklyn, N. Y., unmarried. Ellen' was born in Salem 7 May, 1838, and 1 Oct., 1862, married, in Salem, Charles Frederic Robbins, who was born 21 Jan., 1836, in Buffalo, N. Y., to Nathaniel C. and Ann-Wilkins Robbins. Charles F. was a merchant. He died in Greatneck, N. Y., in June, 1899. They had only one child, Alice, who was born 21 Jan., 1870, in Brooklyn, N. Y., and married William Clark Roe. FAMILY 125: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4. THOMAS-l(5. THOMAS-33. AAKON-62. ISRAEL PERLEY was born in Boxford 27 March, 1790. He married Asenath Gould I June, 1815, who was born in 1792, to Dan- iel and Sarah-Bradstreet Gould of Boxford. He died at St. Andrews, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 223 N. B., 4 Aug., 1822. His widow married his brother John-124. The Eastport Sentinel, dated the 10th of Aug., 1822, has the following relating to his death: "In St. Andrews jail on Sunday last, Mr. Israel Perley, belonging to Salem, Mass., aged 32 years. Mr. P. had been imprisoned the last 15 months for debt. His brother, Mr. John Perley, took passage a short time since in a vessel from Salem for the purpose of going to St. Andrews and liberating his brother. On the passage he fell from the mast head, a distance of about 50 feet, and was so much injured (though no limbs were broken) that his life was despaired of for several days. He is still confined to his bed in this place, but we are happy to state that he is fast recovering. — An Inquest was held on the body of Mr. Perley, and the following is the verdict, which is taken from the St. Andrews Herald. His remains were interred on Tuesday last from the boarding house of Mr. Joseph Parker, in St. Andrews. " 'That the aforesaid Israel Pearley, on the fourth day of August, instant, being a prisoner in the gaol at St. Andrews in the County aforesaid, then and there died of the visitation of God ; and the jurors aforesaid, upon their oaths further say, that they believe his death has been hastened, in consequence of his confinement in the lower room of the gaol, where he was exposed for three months to a pestilential effluvia arising from the vault in said room, which occa- sioned insanity and disease, by which he came to his death.' " This fatal episode in Perley's life should not be considered a re- flection upon his character as a man. If the present national bank- rupt law is right and just, the law that confined this man and cut off every means of his ever paying the debt was cruel, unreasonable and wrong. 1 Perley children: Augustus-261, Mary Jane, who was born in Salem, 4 July, 1818, has never married, and is living in Boxford with her niece Adelaidc-2t)l\ FAMILY 126: CLEAVELAND. LINEAL DESCENT- ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, TH()MAS-16, THOMAS-;i3, AAIION-GJ. HARRIET PERLEY was born 14 May, 1803, and 25 May, 1829, married William Neale Cleaveland, born 6 April, 1798, to Dr. Nehemiah and Experience-Lord Cleaveland of Topsfield, the resi- dence being now known as the "Church Home." He was educated at the Bradford and Atkinson academies. "For two or three winters he taught school very acceptably. Then he took charge of his father's farm. Called to take an active part in town and parish affairs, he early evinced an aptitude for busi- ness, combined with a praiseworthy independence of thought and action. "Very soon after his marriage, he removed to Killingly, Conn. There, with a young partner of some experience in the business, he reared a small mill for the spinning and weaving of cotton. This 224 THE PERLEY FAMILY mill stood where, a few years later, the Danielsonville Manufacturing Company erected their large factory. After two years of hard work and of very successful operations, he sold out to his partner and returned to Essex County. "Mr. Gorham Parsons had, just before, come into possession of the small but once famous water power, at the head of tide-water in the Parker river, Newbury, and, in conjunction with the in- genious and celebrated Paul Moody of Lowell, had rebuilt dam and mill. The spot might well be dear to Mr. Moody, for there he was born, and there he had served his apprenticeship to the great Jacob Perkins, in the rude little shop which produced and sent forth the first nails ever made by mechanical power. Of Mr. Parsons' mill, Mr. Cleaveland took a seven years' lease, and with a silent partner, proceeded to stock it with machinery for the manufacture of cotton cloth. In this responsible position, involving the care and control of many individuals, and demanding a constant exercise of judgment and skill, he was a very efficient superintendent. But though he succeeded, so far as production was concerned, he was unable to make the business profitable. Under the disastrous influence of the 'Compromise' (so called) American manufactures were then fast declining, and when that lease expired, that influence had culminated in universal stagnation, and wide-spread ruin. As nothing to en- courage its continuance was visible in prospect, the enterprise was given up. "In 1842, Mr. Cleaveland returned to his early home, which still remained in the family, and which continued to be his place of resi- dence for the next thirteen years. Here he was variously occupied. He planted orchards and some ornamental trees, and superintended those alterations and improvements which soon made the old house and its surroundings an object of rare attraction. After the con- struction of the Danvers & Georgetown railroad, he was made a director of the company, and held for several years the office of treasurer. He was a selectman of Topsfield in 1824 and 1845. "In 1856, he removed to Boxford, and settled on that large Per- ley farm which has come down in the family, unalienated, from the first settlers of the town. He undertook the administration and set- tlement of estates; and the welfare of the parish early enlisted his warm interest and active efforts. "He was not, indeed, in the usual sense of the phrase, a public man, — neither could his life be regarded as specially eventful. Those, however, who knew what he was, will hardly doubt that had he been less modest, or more ambitious, he could easily have played a part in legislation or in politics, nor can it be doubted that those energies of mind and will, which gave to him the leadership in a small community, would have made him conspicuously useful on a wider stage." Mr. Cleaveland died 10 Feb., 1872, at the age of seventy-three years; his widow, of pneumonia, 23 Jan., 1879, aged seventy-five. They repose in Harmony Cemetery, where an elegant monument has been erected to their memory. Mrs. Cleaveland was a woman of great worth, of strong intellect and constitution, a friend to human HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 225 kind, and loved and respected by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Their children were all born in Killingly, Conn. 1 Cleaveland children: William Perley'^, Lucy^ Mary Neale^ Harriet^ James Putnam^, Ellen Maria^ 2 William P.^ was born 19 March, 1830, and 28 May, 1861, mar- ried Ada Byron Peabody, daughter of Benjamin and Rachel-Hunting Peabody of Boxford, where she was born 10 May, 1836. He was early engaged in railroading in Ohio, but later settled in Boxford as a butcher. He died 26 Oct., 1903. Issue, born in Boxford: Lucy, born 5 May, 1862, and died 8 Aug., 1877; Ada Louisa, born 19 Dec, 1863, educated at Bradford Academy, died a teacher in the Hamp- ton Institute in Hampton, Va., 18 April, 1902: Bessie, born 7 Feb., 1868, is a teacher of music and resides in Boxford; Rebecca Perley, born 21 Dec, 1869, and died of cholera infantum, 7 Sept., 1871; Alice Peabody, born 11 March, 1872, is a stenographer in Boston; and Mary Neale, born 27 April, 1875, is a teacher of music in the public schools and resides in Boxford. 3 Lucy^ was born 4 June, 1833, and died in Topsfield, 19 June, 1846; Mary N.^ and Harriet^ the former born in Aug., 1835, the latter in Jan., 1837, lived on the homestead with their brother James P.; Harriet died, unmarried, in Salem, 18 March, 1903; Ellen M.^ was born 14 Sept., 1843, and died in Topsfield, 19 June, 1846. 4 James P.' was born 21 May, 1838, and 26 Nov., 1872, married Anna G. Palmer, daughter of Asher and Anne R.-Folsom Palmer of Boxford. He possessed his father's estate, and was a progressive and independent farmer. He died without issue 24 Dec, 1892. His widow married James Milton Loring and lives in St. Louis. FAMILY 127: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, DUDLEY-63. JOHN PERLEY was born in Winchendon 8 (History of Win- chendon says 2) Oct., 1768. He married in 1796, and settled in Unity, Me., in 1800. He was a teacher of vocal music, and retained his voice to the last. He was somewhat noted as a teacher of the violin. In 1799, while of Winchendon, he was chosen on a committee with Dr. Israel Whiton, Dea. Samuel Prentice, Mr. Ezra Hyde and Capt. David Rice, to confer with Rev. Joseph Brown, on the ques- tion of his (Brown's) "usefulness as a teacher of piety, religion and morals, in that place." Mr. Perley was published 8 P'eb., 1795, and married 4 Jan., 1796, Mary Spaulding of Chelmsford, who was born there 5 July, 1769, to Benjamin and Mary Spaulding-Spaulding. He died in Unity of consumption 15 May, 1843; she died 21 Nov., 1861, aged ninety-two years. "She slept and never woke." 1 Perley children : Benjamin Spaulding-262, Nancy-, Mehitable^ Mary*, Dudley^ John-263. 2 Nancy^ was born in Winchendon, Mass., 17 Dec, 1799, and married Cudworth Bryant Clark, a farmer of Unity, Me., born in Damariscotta, Me., 27 Aug., 1794. His mother's maiden name was 226 THE PERLEY FAMILY Bryant, His father's name was John Clark, ikl. familiarly called "Fiddler Clark," or "Ihiclc Johnnie," son of l^lisha Clark, who was sonofjosiah Clark, born in Kittory, Me., '20 Feb., 1704. ["Uncle Johnnie " was one of twenty own brothers and sisters, each of sepa- rate birth. The first was twenty years old, when the twentieth was born.] Nancy's husband died i) Nov., 1S57, in Unity; she was buried there 27 March, 1S();5. The Clark children were Harriet Newell'\ Dudley I'erley", Mary Perley", Benjamin Uussey'', John Perley", Rhoda Jane'", Jacob Washington", Charles lulwin'-, Daniel Hall, born 21 or 27 Dec, 1842, and died young, unmarried. 8 Mehitable' was born 20 Feb., 1801, and died 4 Nov., 1802. Dudley' was born 25 March, 180(5. He was a student and teacher. A trigonometry used by him is in existence. He died about 182ti. 4 'Mary' was born 15 Oct., 1808, in Unity. She married in 1828 or 9, Robert Spencer, who died "a long time ago." Mrs. Spencer lived a widow in Bangor, spending her summers in the country. Her children were Mary Jane Bryant, born 24 July. 1880, married Freeman Wentworth, who died "several years ago," and died her- self in June or 8 Aug., 1904, leaving a son Wilson ; Nancy Clark, born 18 Nov., 1882, married Perry Barnes, and has been "dead some years"; Adolizer, born 18 Aug., and died 10 Dec, 1884; PLliza Bumps, born 8 Feb., 188(), and married Geo. Henry Baker; James Sampson, born 18 Oct., 1888, married, first. Temperance Jane , and, second, Ftta Snow; Pamela Spaulding, born 18 May, 1840, and married, first, (lould, and second, Benjamin Stevens; Clarissa Stevens, born 5 Feb., 1842, and married Orlando DeForrest Merchant. 5 Harriet Newell" was born in Freedom, Me., 21 Oct., 1822. She married in Rockland, Me., 8 Oct., 1854, and became the second wife of Wm. Yeaton Sawyer, a ship carpenter, who was born at North Haven Island, Me., 18 Aug., 1818, to Paul, a sea captain, and Diadama-Cooper Sawyer. Mrs. Sawyer died in North Dixmont, Me., 8 Aug., 1894; and he in Rockland, 22 March, 1908. Sawyer issue: Roscoe Oscar, born 21 Oct., 1848, married Sarah E. Duffey of Bangor; Truman Irons'"; Leslie Horace, born 24 June, 1858, unmar- ried in Fairbanks, Alaska; Foster Perley, born 16 Oct., 1860, mar- ried Agnes May Sharpe; Jennie May, born 25 April, 1862, died 12 Nov., 1864; Hattie May'-*. 6 Dudley Perley- was born in Unity, Me., 24 Oct., 1824. He was a farmer. He married Lucy Ellen Warren, a school teacher, who was born in Freedom, Me., 24 Aug., 1884, to Phineas, farmer, and Lucy-Tibbetts Warren. Mr. Clark died 5 Oct., 1879, in Unity where his widow now lives. Their children: Judson A., born 24 April, 1853, married 12 Oct., 1878, died 9 Dec, 1897; Addie B., born 14 June, 1855, married 21 Oct., 1879; Lucius T., born 16 Aug., 1857, married Oct., 1881, died 29 Oct., 1891 ; Etta P. or J., born 23 Feb., 1858, married 15 Sept., 1887; Phineas W., born 7 Dec, 1860, married 4 Feb., 1885; Melvin D., born 28 Feb., 1868; Agnes E., born 16 Jan., 1865, married 9 Nov., 1887 ; Carro M., born 6 Sept.,1867 ; Alfred M.,born 14 Feb., 1869, married 24 Aug., 1893 ; Therese M., born 5 July, 1871 ; Ethel F., born 10 Sept., 1878, married 31 Dec, 1897; a daughter, born and died 27 Dec, 1876. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 227 7 Mary F.^ was born 20 Aug., 1827. She married Benjamin Glidden and had issue: Melzena, Berbers F., and Percy. She died in Bradford, 111., 28 May, 1898. 8 Benjamin H.^ was born 9 Dec, 1^29. He married 29 Jan., 1803, in PVeedom, Me., Mi.ss FlavillaWarren who was born 28 Sept., 1840, in Freedom, to Phineas, a farmer, and Lucy-Tibbitts Warren. Mr. Clark was by trade a carpenter. He died 12 Dec, 1900, in Pas- adena, Cal., where his widow now resides. Clark issue: F"lorence, born 2 April, 1805, married 28 June, 1883, Alfred G. Sweet, died 18 March, 1886, in Bradford, 111.; Gertrude, born 11 April, 1807, died 18 Sept., 1807; Clarence B., born 10 May, 1874, now of Pasadena. 9 John Perley^was born 29 Aug., 1882, in Unity, Me.; he mar- ried 18 Nov., 1858, Angle Susannah Perkins, born in Newcastle, Me., 18 March, 1835, to John, farmer, and Mary-Clarke Perkins. He was a merchant in Sierra Madre, Cal., where he died 13 Aug., 1884. She is living, Jan., 1905. They had issue: James P2ugene-208"; Ernest Perley''; Arthur Foster, born May, 1804, in Unity, Me., married Alia Aldrich; Charles Perkins, born 19 May, 1879, in Riverside, Me. These three reside in Riverside, Cal. 10 Rhoda ].'- was born 8 P'eb., 1^84, and died in Cherokee, la. She married, first, Lucius Taylor, and, second, Carlos Taylor. 11 Jacob W.'' was born in Unity, Me., 22 May, 1887. He mar- ried in Unity, 25 Dec, 1858, Martha Ann Mosher, born in Unity, 23 Aug., 1840, to Joseph, a farmer, and Nancy-Hatch Mosher. He enlisted in Co. K, 20th Maine infantry regiment, and was dis- charged near the close of the war for disability. He was a life-long Christian and excellent citizen. He died in Plymouth, Me., 23 April, 1891. His widow resides in Detroit, Me. Their children, born in Plym- outh, Me., but the first: Carlos Taylor''^; Clarence Irving'"; Georgia Anna"; William Henry'''; La\inia Angle, born 18 Feb., 1><70, resides in Detroit; Eva Myra'"'. 12 Charles E.- was born in Unity, Me., 15 May, 1^40. He mar- ried 24 Aug., 1802, Harriet Jane Taylor, born in Albion, Me., 12 Sept., 1844, to Eathan and Artemesia-Tylor Taylor. Mr. Clark is a farmer of Unity, Me. Their children: Caro Frances, born in Unity, 2 June, 1808, married and living in Waterville; Jennie May, born in Albion, Me., 8 May, 1><05, married Ernest Patten of West Hampden; Calvin Chauncy F"arnham, born in Albion, 4 July, 1807, married in Los Angeles, Cal.; Daniel Anderson, born in Albion 8 Nov., 1><09, married in Boston; Roscoe Perley^\ 13 Truman I.' was born in Thomaston, Me., 81 Oct., 1x50. He married 5 April, 1884, in Dixmont, Me., Marcia Belle Eldridge, born in Etna, Me., 14 Feb., 1><08, to Thompson, a farmer, and Sarah Abigail-Eldridge Eldridge. Their home is North Dixmont, Me., where Mr. Sawyer is a carpenter. Their children, born in Dixmont : Homer Benson, 11 Aug., 18^4; Harriet Merle, 10 Jan., 1880; Wil- liam Leslie, 23 -Oct., 1887; Irving Trueman, 18 April, 1894; Casta Agnes, 25 March, 1890; Kneeland Arthur, 10 Feb., 1900. 14 Hattie M.^ was born in Plymouth, Me., 8 Jan., 1865. She married, first, in Dixmont, Me., 19 Jan., 1880, James Elmer Garland, born in Newburg, Me., 28 Oct., 1803, to James Garland, a farmer. Mr. Garland died in North Dixmont, 8 April, 1891. She married. 228 THE PERLEY FAMILY second, in Bangor, 30 Jan., 1895, Isaac Edson Archibald, master mariner, born in Guysboro, N. S., 22 Sept., 1861, to Isaac, farmer, and Mary-Horton Archibald. Their home is Rockland, Me. 15 Ernest P.^ was born 13 Dec, 1859, in Alna, Me. He married in Los Angeles, Cal., 3 July 1888, Louise M. Harvey, physician, born in Athens, Me., 8 Nov., 1859. Mr. Clarke is an editor in Riverside, Cal. 16 Carlos T." was born 19 May, 1861, in Knox, Me. When two years old he removed with his parents to Plymouth, Me., where he grew to manhood, the while assisting in the grist mill and on the farm. He fitted himself for the teachers' vocation and for some years practised it with notable success. Then he became station agent and telegrapher for railroads and is now located at Carver, Mass. Mr. Clark took an active interest in this work and furnished material for a large part of his branch. He married 15 Oct., 1890, Miss Hattie F. Martin, born in Detroit, Me., 12 Oct., 1862, to Ezra Martin, a farmer. She was a professional bookkeeper. She died in Nickerson, Kan., 9 Jan., 1894. She left one child, Lamont Martin, born in Waldoboro, Me., 24 June, 1892, and now living with his father. 17 Clarence I.^'^ was born 25 Feb., 1864. He married 7 Sept., 1886, Lizzie Mabel Farwell. She died in Lynn, Mass. Mr. Clark is a box-maker in Detroit, Me. They had one child, Florence G. 18 Georgia A." was born 25 Jan., 1867. She married in Plym- outh, Me., 21 Dec, 1884, Nelson W. Norton. She died 16 Feb., 1887, in Plymouth, leaving one child, Dora A. 19 William H.^^ was born 16 Oct., 1871. He married in Plym- outh, 24 Dec, 1898, Lanora May Curtis of Stetson, Me. Mr. Clark is a farmer in Detroit. They have one child, Percy Glenwood, born in Plymouth, 23 Dec, 1900. 20 Eva M.^' was born 21 Feb., 1881. She married in Plym- outh, 12 Nov., 1898, Fred John Grant of Winterport, where they reside. 21 Roscoe P.^-' was born in Albion, Me., 27 June, 1876. He mar- ried 1 May, 1899, Maude Lillian Crosby, born in Unity, 29 Dec, 1876, to Eli Vickery and Emma Randlet-Libbey Crosby. Mr. Clark is a miller in Albion. Their child is Ervena Emma, born 1 Oct., 1904, in Albion. FAMILY 128: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, DUDLEY-63. ASA PERLEY was born in Winchendon, 9 July, 1772. In 1793 he owned a potash works. The Town Records have the fol- lowing layout of an early road : a road from the Fitzwilliam road, a little north of the John Gill house almost due east to Asa Perley's, eighty rods. Mr. Perley was a selectman, 1809, 1810, and 1815. He was a farmer and a useful citizen and esteemed. Asa Perley sold to John Bishop, yeoman, of Medford, 20 Oct., 1801, land 117^ acres in Winchendon No. 27.— Reg., 156 : 85. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 229 John Bishop sold the same property 20 Oct., 1801, to Asa Perley. —Reg., 156 :8t). Moses Hale, Jr., Esq., and Asa Perley. yeoman, for $10, 7 July, 1812, sold to Abijah Pierce of Winchendon, gentleman, all of Winchendon, an undivided third part of John Manning lot No. 192, in Winchendon, sold to them at auction for taxes. — Reg., 194 : 97 and 197 :589. Abijah Pierce, gentleman, Asa Perley, yeoman, Moses Hale, Esq., all of Winchendon, 16 Nov., 1815, for $175, sold to Nathan Raymond of Westminster, gentleman, land in Winchendon. — Reg., 213 :350. Moses Hale, Jr., Esq., and Mary his wife, for $60, 16 March, 1818, sold to Asa Perley, both of Winchendon, that part of lot No. 192, etc., bought of Hannaniah Whitney collector of taxes. — Reg., 259 :201. Joshua Gill, housewright, for $500, 11 March, 1819, sold to Asa Perley, yeoman, both of Winchendon, land 80 acres on "north branch turnpike." — Reg., 216 : 151. Asa Perley, yeoman, for $70, 12 June, 1821, sold to Abijah Pierce, gentleman, both of Winchendon, land No. 112, sold for taxes by Mr. Pierce, collector of taxes, to Asa Perley and Moses Hale, Jr. It was once John Manning's. — Reg., 232 : 468. Abijah Pierce, gentleman, and wife Elizabeth, for $500, 21 Feb., 1822, sold to Joseph Whitney and Asa Perley, yeomen, "the farm on which I now live," lot No. 31, south division, with buildings, 100 acres, bounded by Dea. Moses Hale. — Reg., 227 :351. Joseph Whitney, Asa Perley, Mary Perley and Hannah Whitney sold for $500, 30 April, 1822, to Abijah Pierce, gentleman, all of Winchendon, farm half a mile east of meeting-house. — Reg. ,228 : 552. Asa Perley, for $25, 13 Aug., 1824, sold to Joseph Whitney, yeo- man of Winchendon, interest in buildings and land formerly Dud- ley Perley's, late of Winchendon, same now occupied by Joseph Whitney, two miles east of common. — Reg., 238 : 589. Asa Perley, for $275, 21 Jan., 1831, sold to Peter Eaton, yeoman, of Winchendon, 33 acres of land in the southeastern part of that town, with rights of way over Joseph Whitney's land, which is men- tioned in the boundary. — Reg., 181 :215. He married 12 May, 1803, Mary Hunt, who was baptised 16 May, 1779, for Nehemiah of Westminster. He died 4 or 10 Oct. ,1831. John, Ira, Phebe, children of Asa of Winchendon, over fourteen, chose Eben. Butler, guardian, 2 Nov., 1831; Henry chose Dudley Perley, 21 Oct., 1834, and Nehemiah Woodbury 21 May, 1835.— No. 26027. His administrator, by order of Probate Court, could sell land, 3 Jan., 1832. — Reg., 327 :224. His son Asa was his administrator. 1 Perley children: Hannah'^ Asa'\ Dudley*, Mary'-, Ira^ John"-, Phebe'^ Henry''. 2 Hannah*, born 15 March, 1804, was, with Asa* and Dudley*, baptised 27 May, 1810. It may be she who was baptised and re- ceived a member of the church 1 Sept., 1822. She married 1 Jan., 1834, Edward Goddard of Winchendon; she left three daughters. Mary* was born 7 July, 1810, and married Perez D. P'rench, of whom a son lived in Ashby. John^ born 26 Aug., 1812, died 6 Aug., 1833. 230 THE PERLEY FAMILY Phebe^ was baptised 29 March, 1818, and married Nathan Howe, said to be related to Dudley Perley Howe of Fitzwilliam, N. H. 3 Asa^ was born 9 Jan., 180(5. He was a farmer. His wife's name was Mary. He died of consumption 24 Jan., 1841. "Asa Perley, Jr., administrator of the estate of Asa Perley, late of Winchendon, by order of Probate Court, 3 Jan., 1832," for $187.23, 29 June, 1835, sold to John and William Flint of Winchendon, yeo- men, land in Winchendon, 62 acres and 116 poles. — Reg., 327 : 224. John and William Flint, yeomen, for $180, 29 June, 1835, sold to Asa Perley, both of Winchendon, land in east part of the town. "Asa Perley dec*^" is mentioned.— Reg., 320 : 342. Asa Perley [Jr. and administrator], yeoman, and Mary my wife, for $500, 31 Dec, 1835, sold to Joshua Gill, carpenter, both of Win- chendon, land 80 acres and 6 acres meadow, in Winchendon, " north branch turnpike." — Reg., 266 : 97. Perez D. French, yeoman, and wife Mary, Ashburnham, for $400, 24 May, 1837, sold Asa Perley, Winchendon, laborer, land in west part of Ashburnham on the Winchendon road. Mentions "My mother P21izabeth French." — Reg., 327 : 155. 4 Dudley^ was born 17 May, 1808. From probate number 46021, it seems that Dudley died in March or April, 1835, having property valued at $454.39; that Ebenezer Butler filed his bond as administrator, 23 July, 1835; and these expressed their satisfaction with the administrator's account: Nehemiah Woodbury, guardian for Henry Perley, Edward Goddard, Ira Perley [probably in his 21*** year] Asa Perley, Perez D. PVench, Mary Perley [widow.?]. Ebenezer Butler, guardian. 5 Ira' was baptised 16 July, 1815. Ira Perley, chair maker, 1 Nov., 1836, for $213, sold to Horace Black, both of Ashburnham, land in Winchendon. — Reg., 320 : 667. Edward Goddard, and wife Hannah, Winchendon, yeoman, for $200, 8 Dec, 1837, deeded to Ira Perley, Ashburnham, chair maker, land in northeast part of Winchendon, "Widow Mary Perley's land on the north line of Dea. Hale farm," 39 acres, 98 rods. — Reg., 348 :47. Perez D. F"rench, and wife Mary P., Ashburnham, yeoman, for $400, 23 Aug., 1838, sold to Ira Perley of Winchendon, yeoman, land in west part of Ashbiirnham, on Winchendon road, 28 acres with buildings.— Reg., 335 :417. Ira Perley, yeoman, for $300, 11 May, 1839, mortgaged to Joseph Whitney, yeoman, both of Winchendon, land, 32 acres and 136 rods with buildings, in the eastern part of Winchendon, a part of that owned by my father Asa, and then sold by deed dated 26 Oct., 1836, to my brother Asa. Mentions "Widow Perley." — Reg., 344 : 93. The inventory of the estate of Ira Perley, farmer, of Winchendon, shows $1325.19 of real and personal, of which $980 was real; but the account subsequently rendered shows a balance in the hands of the administrator for distribution of $585.10, and a dividend to creditors of 19 cents 9 mills on a dollar. The bond and order of notification are dated 2 Feb., 1841.— Reg., 460 : 26. 6 Henry was in early life a school teacher, was a member of the school board, 1840 and 1850. He was one of a committee chosen 3 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 231 April, 1854, to devise a town school system. He owned a farm in Kansas, but his home was in Prairie City, 111. He married, first, Mary Jane Stacy, born in Stoddard, N. H., to Samuel and Mary, and died 7 Oct., 1849, aged twenty-five years, nine months, and two days. In 1854, Oct. 25, he married Emeline Smith, a daughter of Christopher Smith of West Boylston, thirty-three years old at the time of this her first marriage. FAMILY 129: HYDE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, DUDLEY-63. BETSEY PERLEY was born 22 Feb., 1776. She was married by Levi Pillsbury 17 Sept., 1806, to Ezra Hyde, Jr., of Winchendon, where he was born in Sept., 1774. She died 16 June, 1812, in the sixth year of her marriage. "Ezra Hyde 14 July, 1830," in Win- chendon, probably refers to the death of his father. Mr. Hyde was a farmer in Winchendon. He was greatly inter- ested in local education. He was a school teacher ten years, and served several years on the school board. Hyde's history of Win- chendon was his labor. It was a very accurate and creditable work, was well appreciated by the public, and the edition was soon ex- hausted. He died in Oct., 1849. [Mr. Hyde had a second wife, Polly Raymond, and children: Maria, James, Daniel, Alfred Warren, John and Susan.] 1 Hyde children : Ezra'", Ezra'-, and daughter'". 2 The first Ezra^ was born 7 Aug., 1807, and died young. The daughter^ was born in 1811. The second Ezra^ was born 17 Aug., 1809. He was a manufacturer of woolen goods, till he was forty-five years old, when he annexed the manufacture of lumber. He pur- sued the double manufacture for twenty years or more. Winchendon was his home and he was one of the prominent men of the town. His first wife Adeline Everett, married 1 Jan., 1834, by whom he had a daughter born in March, 1835, that died soon after. His second wife, married 1 Jan., 1851, was Nancy Jane Young of Gardner, by whom he had Ezra Warren, born 26 Jan., 1852, and died 18 July, 1853; Ezra Warren, born 18 June, 1854; Mary Jane, born 29 Aug., 1857, and married 5 Sept., 1878, 'William A. Beaman of Winchen- don; Emma Etta, born 22 July, 1859; Eddy Lincoln, born 7 Aug., 1861, and died 16 April, 1870. FAMILY 130: WHITNEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, DUDLEY-63. HANNAH PERLEY was born 8 Dec, 1777, the year of Bur- goyne's surrender. She married 12 Dec, 1799, Joseph Whitney, a farmer of Winchendon. He was born 20 May, 1775, to William and Mary-Mansfield Whitney, and died 21 Oct., 1852. She died 21 Dec, 1854. 232 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1 Whitney children : Joseph"*, Dudley^ Seba-, Thomas-, Hannah", Cynthia'^ William'^, Grover SchoUay", Betsey-. 2 Seba^ was born 22 Feb., 1805. She married George Cum- mings, and died without issue, 24 Dec, 1834. Thomas^ was born 4 March, 1807, and died childless 12 May, 1843. Cynthia' was born 25 Jan., 1812, and died 6 March, 1838. William' was born 29 July, 1814, married Mary Glines, and died at Jamaica Plain, "some time ago," leaving there a daughter and two sons. Betsey' was born 21 May, 1821, married Almon Poland, and died 1 July, 1844, with no descendants. 3 Joseph' was born 10 Oct., 1800, married 20 Oct., 1821, Abigail Flint, who died 17 Dec, 1837 ; married, second, Mrs. Charlotte Nutting 3 Jan., 1842. Their children were Joseph, born 11 Oct., 1822; Sarah Stone, born 7 May, 1825, with home in Vinton, or La- porte City, Iowa; Milton G.''; McLane McClure, born 9 Aug., 1830; Dudley, born 10 Aug., 1833, who lived at 758 Broadway, South Boston. 4 Dudley' was born 12 July, 1802. His wife was Mary Shaw. He died 7 Sept., 1831. His daughter, Georgianna Selina, married Edward A. Fenlon of Boston, and their daughter married George Smith of Boston. 5 Hannah' was born i) Aug., 1809. She married, first, Joseph B. Adams in 1829, a farmer in Winchendon, by whom she had two children. He died from the effects of an accident in 1836, and she married, second, Horace Whitcomb. Her children were Dudley Whitney^; Maxwell, who died "some years ago"; Angle B.; Stella S.; Fannie I. 6 Grover S.' was born 10 July, 1816, married 30 March, 1851, Laura Ann Bowker Roby, born in East Cambridge, to P^benezer and Laura-Bowker Roby of Winchendon, where he died of consump- tion, 16 April, 1868, leaving Clara Sigourney, born 9 June, 1855, and Charles Melville, born 4 Dec, 1862. The Congregationalist, Boston, noticed Mr. Whitney's death : "Disease for years had made inroads upon his body, but it could not keep down the energy and ardor of his earnest soul. Behind his modest brow was a large brain, and when he felt a grand truth, its movements were to all hearts what the stroke of the engine is to the mill. A large circle will miss an earnest Christian, and a bold defender of the truth. His end was peace." 7 Milton G.^ was born 30 Nov., 1827, and married 17 Sept., 1851, Harriet Osborn, who was born 6 March, 1832. They resided in Vin- ton, Benton County, Iowa. He was a farmer and grain dealer. Issue : Edgar D., born 17 May, 1858, dealer in coal, wood and farm machin- ery in Reinbeck, and Jay P., born 9 Jan., 1862, and after graduation pursued the study of medicine. 8 Dudley W.' was born 30 Nov., 1831, in Winchendon. In 1856, Jan. 31, he married Hannah Huestis, whose mother's name was Hannah. His wife was born 17 Sept., 1838, in Yarmouth, N. S. They resided in Waukon, Iowa. On 26 Sept., 1878, Mr. Adams wrote: "My mother's name is Hannah, my grandmother's name was Hannah, my great-grand- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 233 mother's name was Hannah, my wife's name is Hannah, my wife's mother's name was Hannah, and my wife's grandmother's name was Hannah; 'Give my love to Hannah'"; and we are reminded, that in his own peculiar way he is the Samuel of them all. He says he was named for his uncle Dudley Whitney, who was named for their grandfather Lt. Dudley Perley. The estimation of the Perleys of Winchendon is shown in the town annals. Dudley Perley was a selectman in 1772, his son Asa in 1809, 1810, 1815, his grandson G. S. Whitney in 1849. Henry Perley, another grandson, was on the school board. A fatal accident deprived Mr. Adams of his paternal guardian when five years old, and his future was directed by the watchful care of "the best of mothers." He was educated in the town schools and meanwhile assisted on the farm, one of those rocky New England institutions, of which, he said, Winchendon seemed to have the lion's share. He was passionately fond of all kinds of sports — of fireside, field, and brook. He played fox and geese, twelve men morris, dominoes, 234 THE PERLEY FAMILY checkers, and all the old-fashioned Puritan games. Some of his mates hid in barns and woods and played cards, and their hiding suggested that there was something wrong about it. Always con- fiding in his mother implicitly and making her his oracle, he one day asked her if card-playing was wicked. She replied, that it was not necessarily wicked, but bad men use cards more than any other of the indoor games for gambling, and that gambling was wrong. She was a wise and judicious mother, and planned to prevent entice- ment; and though an active and conscientious Christian woman, cards were soon added to the list of games. The boy-promise he made her at that time was neither forgotten nor violated. Not even a bet has been paid "the fickle goddess," but when visiting his mother, with her age at even three score and ten, the old game she taught him was part of their pastime. He was also fond of hunting and fishing. In this his mother in- dulged him, sometimes against the murmur of neighbors. He was Isaac Walton's disciple, and as president of the Waukon Shooting Club, could easily bring down his share of birds. It was his mother's design to give him a classical education, but his eyes failed him, and he hired out to E. Murdock as chore boy and job teamster at $8 per month for six months. He then at- tended school spring and fall, worked on the farm summers, and taught school winters, with eminent success, at $15 to $25 per month. In 1853, a little less than twenty-one, valise in hand, he turned his face westward. He went to Buffalo, by steamer to Chicago, then by rail to Freeport, the end of railroading at that time. Then he journeyed by stage, with a drunken driver, to Galena, a vigorous mining town; then on the "Father of Waters" two days and one night a steamer stemmed the noble current and landed him on its western shore. He was "beyond the Mississippi,'" the uncultivated, uncultured West before him, friends, relatives and civilization, "Oh so far, far behind." The county seat was eighteen miles to the southwest, and through a drizzling rain the embryo village was reached — a small court- house of aspen logs and the log cabin of the pioneer Shattuck. He was heartily welcomed and slept that night between two piles of corn in the loft. The next day he made the choice of a lifetime : that the beautiful, fertile spot should be his home. He bought of the government a small farm of virgin soil. He and a partner built the first store in Waukon, which, not suiting his taste, he soon sold to his partner. The following winter he was appointed Deputy County Recorder of Deeds and Commissioner to locate swamp lands donated by the government to Allawakee County. The year follow- ing he with a partner built a steam saw-mill which soon after burned. He sustained the financial loss with great difificulty. At the age of twenty-two he was elected president of the Alle- wakee County Agricultural Society, probably the youngest person that ever held such a position. He married 31 Jan., 1856, Hannah Huestis, a native of Nova Scotia, a lady seven years his junior, and the next day began house- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 235 keeping, where they long lived. Their house was of boards, twenty by twelve feet, and so open that on windy evenings they could have no light nor fire for warmth. Their furniture was four wood chairs, a table, a bedstead and a trunk. Such was pioneer life only forty- nine years ago. He w as always fond of horticultural pursuits, and a large part of his farm ing was growing of fruits and trees. The pecuniary result was good, but his work and pen afforded a greater measure of suc- cess in official status at home and abroad. At state fairs he frequently took first prizes for fruits and the same for wines three successive years. At thirty-six years of age he was elected secretary of the State Horticultural Society. He was re-elected five times and de- clined the seventh nomination. He was often in town office, especially of assessor, when the asses- sors of the several towns convened at the county seat constituted a board of equalization for the county. At the age of twenty-seven he was chairman of the latter board. He was deputy county sur- veyor for years, whose duties gave him a large acquaintance in the county. During the war the county finances were "terribly mismanaged," and county warrants, in which all county debts were paid, were worth less than fifty per centum, and by fraud the county seat had been removed to a distant part of the county. At that juncture he was elected to the county board of supervisors (a county legislature of a number from each town) and for three years was chairman of the board. During that time the "warrants" became worth one hun- dred per centum, and the county seat was restored. In 1865 he was a Republican candidate for State senator, but though he ran ahead of his ticket, the Democrats swept everything. In 1869 he joined the Patrons of Husbandry — a charter member of Waukon Grange, No. 3. He was made secretary and appointed general deputy of the National Grange. The State Grange was organized 12 Jan., 1871, and he was elected its first master. He took the office with twelve sub-granges and in three years left it with eight hundred. In January, 1873, he was elected master of the National Grange at Washington, D. C. Then in the United States there were about 1200 sub-granges and in his official term of three years the number became about 24,000, the highest degree of pros- perity ever attained. In 1875 his community built a railroad, to connect Waukon with the Mississippi. It was built in his superintendency and he was for many years a president, a superintendent and a director. He said, "I am not wealthy as the world goes, but my lands and orchards in Iowa, and other lands and orange groves in South Florida with other means, place me in a position to laugh at want and take life easy as may be in accordance with my taste." At the age of forty-seven, he was in robust health, five feet, ten and a quarter inches tall, weighing one hundred and seventy-six pounds and a blonde of the fairest type. He wore his heavy blonde beard full and long. He said, "I am rapidly growing bald, as has been the case with all the old Massachusetts stock of Adamses. Perhaps the Perleys never get bald or gray. I remember my grand- 236 THE PERLEY FAMILY mother at seventy-seven with a head of abundant, long, beautiful, chestnut hair. My mother at sixty-nine has scarcely a gray hair, and I have no sign of a gray hair or whisker. My habits are strictly temperate; I never use liquor, beer, tobacco, coffee or tea, nor visit whisky saloons or churches." His pen was continually at work, but always on matter of present need, the paramount objects being horticulture and Patrons of Husbandry. That pen signed nearly 23,000 charters of subordinate granges in the United States and Canada. "My residence," he says, "is elevated, overlooking the village of Waukon and surrounded by the finest grounds in the county. My residence in Orange County, Florida, is on a hill seventy feet high, overlooking a large territory and surrounded by a young and thrifty orange grove of about fifty acres, a small part of my 1200 acres of Florida soil." An Iowa paper said of him : " It will be seen that Mr. Adams has led an active, stirring career. While nearly his whole life has been identified with the stern, practical and exacting duties of agri- culture, he has yet given a fair share of leisure time to the excite- ments of public life, thus qualifying him in a marked degree for the honorable and laborious duties now devolved upon him. He is, in a measure, a self-made man ; and yet his diversity of knowledge on current topics — as evidenced by his public addresses — is wide and varied ; and entitling him to be ranked as one of the marked men in the country. In social life Mr. Adams is popular and entertaining. He has an easy and winning address, and is bland and conciliatory in his intercourse with friends. In his business relations he exhibits strong common sense and a deep sense of justice. In all relations of private life Mr. Adams has always shown himself to be a solid and sensible man, and in public life a gentleman of deep convictions, and an active supporter of whatever he deemed to be just and true." Mr. Adams died in his Florida home at Tangerine, 13 Feb., 1897. His wife died 6 Aug., 1904. FAMILY 131: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, ASA-64. AMOS PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B., 24 May, 1777; he made it his home. In a letter inscribed to a "friend," probably in Boxford and dated 23 June, 1807, he says: "I and my little family are in perfect health . . . give my best respects to my worthy aunt ... I refer you to my uncle Solomon, who is the bearer of this, for a more explicit account of my situation." He was a rep- resentative for Sunbury County long before the confederation of the provinces; a member of Parliament, advocated a common school edu- cation for all. He was a good citizen ; a Congregationalist, and lived an exemplary life. He married, first, Hannah Nevers, who was born in Maugerville, 12 March, 1785, to Samuel, merchant, and Nevers Nevers, and died in Maugerville 29 Dec, 1809. He married, second, 10 Oct., HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 237 1815, Maria Carman, born in Lancaster, St. John County, N. B., 2 Jan., 1788, to Samuel, farmer, and Horsfield Carman. He died in Maugerville in Aug., 1822; his will is dated 5 April, 1822, and was proved the September following. She died in Maugerville. 1 Perley children born in Maugerville: Sarah Nevers'\ Hannah Isabella'", Louisa Ann'-, Susan Elizabeth'-, Thomas Horsfield-2G4, Maria Jane\ 2 Hannah L^ was born 18 Dec, 1809, and died, unmarried, about the middle of Sept., 1845. Louisa A.^ was born 29 Jan., 1817, and died, unmarried, 15 Oct., 1894. Susan E.^ was born 3 Dec, 1818, and "died young." 3 Sarah N.^ was born 26 March, 1808. She married Charles Hazen, a farmer and justice of the peace of Oromocto, where he was born in May, 1793, to John Hazen, a farmer. She died in Oromocto 22 March, 1835; and he, in March, 1871. Children born in Oro- mocto : Sarah Isabella'' ; Elizabeth Letitia^ 4 Maria ]} was born 31 Dec, 1821. She married in Maugerville, 16 Sept., 1847, George Allen Tread well, farmer, born in Oromocto, Sunbury County, N. B., 14 March, 1814, to Ephraim and Catherine- Preaster Treadwell. Mr. Treadwell received his education in the common schools. When a young man he engaged in lumbering during the winter seasons. In later years he was a successful farmer and acquired quite a large estate. He was a lieutenant'in a company of Sunbury militia. For many years he was an honored deacon of the Baptist church, to which his family adhered. His chil- dren received a fair common school education. He died 19 Sept., 1889, in Maugerville, where his widow now resides (1905). Their children, born in Maugerville: George Archibald, born 13 Oct., 1848, took a special course in civil engineering in the New Brunswick University, but preferred farming, in which he is engaged in Mau- gerville; Arthur Marshman, 18 Dec, 1850, died 18 Feb., 1854; Laura Jane"; Alfred Allen, 31 Dec, 1854, is a farmer of Mauger- ville; Ella Maria, 7 May, 1859, died 21 Feb., 1875; Harry Havelock, 23 Dec, 1861, died 6 March, 1875. 5 Sarah I.*^ was born 19 Jan., 1829. She married in Oromocto 4 Dec, 1851, James Stewart White, born in Amherst, Nova Scotia, 30 July, 1827, to William, general dealer, and Mary-Morse White. Mr. White was at one time sheriff of Sunbury, then a member of the Provincial Parliament, and is now a farmer and secretary and treasurer of Sunbury County. Their home is Oromocto. Their children, born in Oromocto: Bessie Hazen, Sept. 22, 1852; Mary IsabeP; Charles Hazen^. 6 Elizabeth L.^ was born 15 May, 1833 ("14 May, 1834"). She married in Oromocto, 19 May, 1852, and became the second wife of Alexander Gilmore, born in Belfast, Ireland, 29 June, 1826. Mr. Gilmore was a merchant for many years and died in New York City. His widow resides in Oromocto. Their children, born in Calais, Me.: Charles Hazen'"; Virginia M.". 7 Laura J.*, dressmaker, was born 80 Aug., 1852. She married in Maugerville 7 Dec, 1881, Charles Henley Sterling, born in St. Mary's, York County, N. B., 14 Oct., 1860, to George Archibald, M. P. P. and farmer, and Caroline-Tilley Sterling. Mr. Sterling is 238 THE PERLEY FAMILY a conductor, I. C. R. R. Their home is Gibson, formerly St. Mary's, York County, N. B., where their children were born. Children: Harry, born and died 25 Oct., 1882; George Roy, born 19 Dec, 1884, died June 8, 1885; Laura May, born 12 July, 1885, died 18 April, 1886; Louis Kennedy, born 15 Jan., 1887. 8 Mary L'^ was born 22 Jan., 1857. She married in Oromocto 30 April, 1883, John E. Stocker, farmer and hotel keeper, born in England 24 May, 1852. Their home is Oromocto. Children : Kath- leen, born 23 April, 1886; Dorothy, born 31 July, 1889. 9 Charles H.^ was born 22 Jan., 1866. He married in Lincoln, Sunbury County, 14 June, 1894, Frances Mitchell, born there 6 Sept., 1865, to Henry B., farmer, and Isabel-True Mitchell. Mr. White is a telephone lineman. Their home is Oromocto. White child: Frances Isabel, born 10 Oct., 1898. 10 Charles H.*^ was born 18 May, 1855. He married in Oro- mocto "about fifteen years ago" Annie Clowes, born in Oromocto 15 June, 1854, to Gerardus, farmer, and Sarah-Carman Clowes. Mr. Gilmore is a farmer. Their home is Oromocto. No children. 11 Virginia M." was born 19 June, 1857. She married in Oro- mocto, 17 May, 1887, James Peters Bliss, farmer, native of that place, born 10 May, 1855, to George Johnston, barrister at law, and Susan Mary-Dibblee Bliss. They have three children: Mary, born in February, 1890 ; Edith, born in December, 1892; Charles born in January, 1895. FAMILY 132: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOIVIAS-16, ASA-S."!, ASA-64. DUDLP:Y PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B., 20 March, 1779. He settled in Miramichi County, about two miles below the present town of Chatham, in 1804. The territory was an almost un- broken forest peopled almost entirely with roving Indians. He was a blacksmith by trade, but followed, besides, farming, fishing and lumbering. He was a captain in the militia from 1826, and a magis- trate, both till death. He was a Presbyterian and an elder in the church for more than forty years. He was a man of commanding presence, well educated, and in prosperous circumstances, till the great fire of 1825 reduced him almost to the beginning of life anew. Our correspondent writes: "Dudley Perley Walls held this man, for whom he was named, and an honorable and Christian man, as a pattern through- ^ out his life-time; /^ and I have often j^ (»<:^^< heard him .say, 'If / ^ I were only half / as good a man as Autograph secured by Miss Abigail W. Pei-ley-428 for this book. grandfather, I would be somebody.'" He married, in Chatham, in 1808, Anne Gillis, who was born in Halifax, N. S., 11 April, 1788, to Alexander, a tailor, and Ellen- Bremner Gillis, and went to Miramichi, in 1792. Mr. Perley died in Chatham, 20 Jan., 1860; his widow, 8 Dec, 1869. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 239 1 Perley children : Nathaniel'-, Helenor^, Hannah^ Alexander^, Asa-265, Dudley-266, Margaret^ Amos-267, William Bryant-268, Phoebe'^ Helenl 2 Nathaniel', was born 19 and died 29 July, 1807. Alexander^ was born 9 April, 1812, and died 28 Oct., 1831. Phoebe^ was born 5 Dec, 1825, and died 13 Sept., 1830. Helen' was born 1 Nov., 1828, and died 27 Oct., 1846. 3 Helenor' was born 16 July, 1808, and married in November, 1827, John Porteus of Aberdeen, Scotland. Her tomb inscription reads: "Here lies the body of Helenor, eldest daughter of Dudley and Anne Perley & wife of John Porteus, who died 1*** August, 1828, aged 20 years. Ah, me ! bereft of one so good and dear, How can I well refrain the bitter tear; Yet let me not repine, but seek to know That heaven she often sought while here below." 4 Hannah' was born in Chatham, 9 May, 1810, and married there in July, 1830, Charles Brown, a tanner, born 12 May, 1808, in St. John. She died 12 April, 1874, the mother of Phoebe Ann, born 11 March, 1833, and Lucy Ruth, born 8 Feb., 1836, who married J. D. Lobban and had children, Elizabeth, Ellis, Hannah Brown, Edward Nelson, Margaret Garvie, Henrietta Amanda, and James Earle. 5 Margaret' was born 3 Oct., 1818, in Chatham. She married in Chatham, 29 April, 1839, James Walls, born in Chatham 22 July, 1816, to John A., cooper, and , ^^^ ^ Ellen-Brown Walls. Mr. Walls j^ ^ >^ was a pilot. He died 17 Oct., ^/^lZ^r^>6^ ^y^,£4^Ce^ 1882, in Chatham, and his widow Y/^ ^ 7 April, 1900. Their children, ^ ^ ^ born in Chatham, were John, 8 Autograph secured by miss Abigail W. Per- Jan., 1840, died 10 Dec, 1846; iey-428 for this book. Dudley Perley*^; Helen Grace'; James Alexander^; Ann Gillis> 16 May, 1849, residing in Chatham; Robert John^; Hannah Brown'"; William"; Asa'l 6 Dudley P.^ was born 17 June, 1842, in Chatham, where he died 12 Dec, 1904. He married 8 Jan., 1868, in Chatham, Miss Ann Matheson Fenton, who was born there 7 Feb., 1847, to Alexander, a farmer, and Christina-McLeod Fenton. His widow is living in Chatham. Her parents were born in Scotland and died in Chatham — he in March, 1869, aged seventy-one years; she 1 April, 1892, aged seventy-eight years. Mr. Walls began as a pilot, but was a captain for twenty or more of his last years. The St. John Evening Times noticed his death as follows: — "Chatham, Dec. 12 : — (Special.) Everybody in the community feels they have lost a personal friend by the death of Captain Dudley Walls, which occurred of diabetes this morning. The deceased, who was about 63 years old, was a son of the late James Walls and leaves a wife, two daughters, a son and many other relatives, who have much sympathy in their bereavement. "A valued member and trustee of St. John's Presbyterian church, honorable in business, genial, tender-hearted and generous, he was 240 THE PERLBY FAMILY respected and beloved; and seldom has a death in Northumberland County caused such general and genuine sorrow." One who knew him well in his home writes: "He did not know that the fell disease was upon him. He considered his health fairly- good, and being a man who hated to give up, he kept around till within two weeks of his death. He was a good son, a good brother, a good husband, a good father. He would not countenance any- thing mean or dishonorable; he was respected by all who knew him. I do not believe he had an enemy." The Walls children were born: James, 25 Oct., 1868, married, having three children; Christina Fenton, 24 Feb., 1870, at home; Margaret Perley, 10 March, 1872, a professional nurse, located in Maiden, Mass.; Alexander Fenton, 10 Oct., 1873, died in March, 1874; Lela Katie, 4 Jan., 1876, died 19 Oct., 1882; Mabel Ethel, 30 Sept., 1877, died in Feb., 1878. 7 Helen G.'"' was born 20 June, 1844. She married in Chatham 12 Nov., 1868, James Carruthers Loggie, a carpenter, born in Black- brook, 18 May, 1840, to Alexander, a farmer, and Mary-Carruthers Loggie. They live in Chatham, having had two children : Mary Carruthers, born 3 May, 1869, married Andrew Mills in Dec, 1902, living in Bay du. Vin, N. B., having one child; James Walls, born 20 April, 1871, married Grace Ross, living in Tabusintac, N. B., having three or four children. 8 James A.^ was born 23 July 1846, and died 2 May, 1880. He married 1 April, 1873, Mary Agnes Allen, born in 1844 to Johannah- Welch Allen. He was a carpenter in Calais, Me., where he died 2 May, 1880. She died in Stillwater, Minn., 23 Nov., 1887. Walls children, born in Calais: Margaret Perley'^; William, 1876, and died in about two and a half years; James Frederick, 23 June, 1879, residing in St. Paul, Minn. 9 Robert J.^ was born 20 May, 1850, in Chatham, where 17 Feb., 1875, he married Isabella Wilson, who was born 4 Jan., 1853, in Chatham, (where they now reside) to John, a sailmaker, who died 19 May, 1902, and Jane G. -Henderson Wilson, who died 25 Nov., 1856. Mr. Walls was formerly a pilot, but is now a harbor master. Their children all born in Chatham, are John Wilson, 25 March, 1876; Margaret Helen, 20 Aug., 1878; Lillian Jane, 31 Oct., 1881; Edna Blanche, 14 May, 1883; Linda Clare, 16 Jan., 1885; William Glad- stone, 14 Sept., 1889; Hilda Isabella, 1 Jan., 1893; Elizabeth Chis- holm, 12 Dec, 1895. 10 Hannah B.^ was born in Chatham, 15 Sept., 1852. She mar- ried there 8 April, 1896, Donald A. Ross, a farmer and a fisherman, who was born in Oak Point, Alnwick, N. B., 22 Sept., 1853, to Anion, a farmer, and Harriet-Brown Ross. Their home, without children, is Oak Point. 11 William' was born 20 April, 1855. He is a pilot, with home in Chatham. He married, in Chelsea, Mass., 28 Aug., 1894, Mar- garet Phylinda Bishop, a milliner, who was born in Chatham, 22 June, 1866, to Robert D., a contractor and builder, and Isabella- Walls Bishop. They have had these children, born in Chatham : Isabella Hannah, 7 Oct., 1895; William Stanley, 23 Sept., 1897; HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 241 James Alexander, 20 Sept., 1898; Edgar Allan, 26 June, 1900; Sarah Ethel, 30 Sept., 1901 ; Robert Bishop, 17 July, 1903. 12 Asa^ was born 23 June, 1859, in Chatham, where he now lives, a pilot. He married in Chatham, 8 Nov., 1888, Amy Electa McGuire, who was born in St. John, 4 March, 1865, to Robert, an engineer, and Cordelia-Tourtelotte McGuire. Their children, born in Chatham, are Robert Alvan, 15 May, 1891; James Elmer, 3 Oct., 1892; Mar- garet Louise, 5 April, 1895; Asa Wilbur, 2 March, 1897; Cordelia Tourtelotte, 5 March, and died 1 Sept., 1899; Albert Alexander, 28 March, 1902. 13 Margaret P.^ was born in Calais 8 April, 1875. She married in Stillwater, Minn., 18 Nov., 1891, William Cox Gannaway, a gro- cer's clerk, born 4 Sept., 1868, in Cloverport, Ky., to David, a drug- gist, and Cornelia- Peyton Gannaway, Their home is Gordon, Wis. Their children: David Francis, born 18 Nov., 1892; Clinton James, born 18 Nov., 1894; William Frederic, born 18 Nov., 1896; Homer Laurence, born 8 May, 1904. It is a remarkable fact, but "18 Nov." is correct in every case. FAMILY 133: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLANM, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, ASA-64. ASA PERLEY was born in 1781, and resided in Maugerville. He had a host of friends. He was fond of hunting, and, in sporting parlance, was a remarkably good "shot"; "he could take the small- est bird on the wing." He was an active and efficient man at car- pentry or farming. He married in 1811 Elizabeth Langan. Admin- istration was granted upon his estate 15 June, 1832; its value was $1400. 1 Perley children: Jane Elizabeth'-, Frances Louisa^ Dudley Putnam-269, Hannah*, Ann Maria'^. 2 Jane E.^ was born in 1812 and died in March, 1861, aged forty- eight years. Hannah^ was born in 1821, and Ann M.^ in 1825. 3 Frances L.^ was born 7 April, 1815. She married George Banks, 17 May, 1842. He was a farmer and lumberman, and a worthy Baptist. Their children were: Mary, born 17 Feb., 1842, died in 1846; James Sanford, born 4 Jan., 1844, farmer and lumberman, with home in Lincoln, N. B.; George Frederick, born 6 April, 1848, mar- ried 15 July, 1880, Henrietta Elizabeth Perley-264\ a scientific farmer and carpenter contractor in Maugerville, N. B.; Sarah Eliza- beth^ Emma Isabelle, born 16 March, 1850, died 2 Sept., 1875. 4 Sarah Elizabeth^ was born in Maugerville 4 Jan., 1848. She was a school teacher. She married in Waterville, N. B., 12 Nov., 1874, Byron Jackson Kimball, a farmer, who was born in Lower Waterville 5 June, 1855, to Jedediah, a farmer, and Eliza-Murphy Kimball. She died in Waterville 14 Sept., 1888. Mr. Kimball is at present in the West (1905). Kimball children, born in Water- ville: Lena Isabel'^; Pearl Edith*'; Dow, who died in 1881; Blair Chester, born 22 Jan., 1884, a lumberman, residing with his sister, Mrs. Mclnnis. 5 Lena I.^ was born in Aug., 1875. She was a school teacher. 242 THE PBRLEY FAMILY She married in Williamstown 29 Aug., 1894, Charles Patrick GalH- van, born in Farmerston in 1854, to Patrick, a farmer, and Isabel- Caldwell GalHvan. Mr. Gallivan is a farmer in Deerville, N. B., where their children were born: Anita Pauline, o July, 1895; Eileen Marie, 27 Nov., 1897; Patrick Norman, 18 March, 1899; Carlton Henry, 29 April, 1901; Charles Wilfrid Augustus, in May, 1908. 6 Pearl E.^* was born 15 Oct., 1877. She was a school teacher. She married in Williamstown 12 Jan., 1898, John Henry Mclnnis, who was born in St. Thomas, N. B., 80 Aug., 1865, to Andrew, a farmer, and Ann-McCafferty Mclnnis. Mr. Mclnnis is a farmer in St. Thomas, where their children were born: Annie Elizabeth, 11 Nov., 1898; James Jerome, 29 June, 1900; Andrew George Blair, 9 Dec, 1901; Pearl Isabel, 11 Sept., 1908. FAMILY 184: LOW. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLA>M, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, ELIPHALET-6(J. SUSANNAH PERLEY was born in Fitchburg 20 Oct., 1785, and married 3 Nov., 1809, Jonathan Low, Jr., a carpenter and farmer, and lived in Pltchburg till about 1821, when they removed to Vienna, N. Y., with Putnam-66-. Jonathan's parents were Jona- than, born in Ipswich 19 Aug., 1748, and Sarah-Perkins, his own cousin, who were married in 1770, settled in Lunenburg, where seven of their children were born, between 1778 and 1791, and went to Fitchburg probably in 1792 or 3. Jonathan's grandparents bore the same name exactly as his parents, Jonathan and SarahT^erkins Low, probably both born in Ipswich, and there married, where all their eleven children were born, and settled in Lunenburg or Lancaster about 17()0 or 08. Jonathan Low, Jr., carpenter, and his wife Susan- nah of Lancaster, for $25 sold to Betsey-00' and Clarissa-OO'', spinsters, 25 March, 1817, a realty in Fitchburg, reserving a life tenancy to their father and mother, Eliphalet and Anna. 1 Low children: Susan Elvira'\ Charles-, Julia Ann'', Harriet Newell', Jonathan Porter'-, Isaac Perkins"-, Elizabeth Adelaide^ David Perley^ Marian-, Mary Emma. 2 Charles^ was born in Jan., 1812; Harriet' born 19 May, 1815; Jonathan' born 20 April, 1817; Isaac', born 20 June, 1819; Marian', born 10 March, 1820. 3 Susan E.' was born 10 Oct., 1810, in Fitchburg, Mass., and died near Mound City, Kansas, 9 Jan., 1898. She married in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, 24 June, 1880, Augustus Wattles, who was born in Lebanon, Ct., 25 Aug., 1807, to Sarah-Thomas and Erastus Wattles. He was a farmer, and died 19 Dec, 1867, near Mound City, Kansas, having had children: Sarah Grimke, born 7 Dec, 1837, in Mercer County, 0.,who was a medical doctor and married 1 June, 1808, Lundy Hiatt, M. D., and resided in Mound City, Kansas; Theodore, born 25 May, 1840, in Ohio, a farmer, who married Malvena Hammond, in Jan., 1883, and had Howard and Ruth ; P^mma, born 15 July, 1S42, in Mercer County, O., married 18 Oct., 1801, P^aton Morse, a farmer, who had Walter Lowe, John Otis, Theodore Wattles, Stuart Tellson, OrHn Raymond, and Eleanor Eaton; Mary Ann, born 10 Oct., 1845, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 243 in Ohio, a medical doctor, who married 4 July, 1882, Carroll Faunce, M. D., and had Theodore Wattles, Eugene and Hilda. 4 Julia A.' was born 28 March, 1813, in Fitchburg, Mass., and died 19 March, 1892, in Geneva, Ohio. She married in Yorkville, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1835, Benjamin Brainard Weber, who was born in Frankfort, N. Y„ 10 Sept., 1811, to Jacob, and died in Ashford,N. Y., 13 Sept., 1848, leaving children: Harriet Adelaide, born 19 March, 1840, married E. H. Votan, (and had Mary Theresa who married Arthur W. Brett and had Robert Votan and Eldon Fitch ; Clyde Weber who married Cora Whitmore and had Claire); Theresa Rocelia, born 23 Feb., 1843, married Thomas Bosworth, (and had Jacob Clarence Weber who married Lulu Black and had Harold; Richard Olin Schanks who married Minnie Lutz and had Cecil; Herbert Eugene; Rocelia Maud); Benjamin LeMoyne, born 19 March, 1845, married Mary Wells (and had Elizabeth Rocelia; Annie May, who married Will McLaughlin and had Harrison and Emer- son); Julia Lyravine, born 25 June, 1847. 5 Elizabeth A.^ was born in Vienna, N. Y., 30 Aug., 1821, and married, in Oberlin, O., 10 May, 1847, John Huntington Byrd, who was born in Vergennes, Vt., 28 Dec, 1816, to Abigail Huntington and Thomas Byrd, J. P. and fine stock farmer. He died near Law- rence, Kansas, 29 July, 1897, having children born: Abby Elizabeth, 16 March, 1848; Mary Emma, 15 Nov., 1849; Clara Margaret, 1 Oct., 1851; Wm. Thomas, 19 Feb., 1854; Charles Henry, 11 July, 1856; Alice Huntington, 21 Dec, 1862. "John Huntington Byrd's grandfather was a Revolutionary soldier and a descendant of a sister of Rev. Jonathan Edwards, the Northampton logician and ' greatest American theological thinker of his day,' says Dr. Cordley. He was educated at Oljerlin College, studied theology, and went to a church in Union, Mich. In 1855, he settled on a claim in Kansas, near Leavenworth, and preached at several places in and around that town. He experienced all the ferocity of the lawless 'Kickapoo Rangers' in the territory's ad- mission to statehood, and was arrested by them on suspicion. He was a hero; he spoke calmly and fearlessly; he never obtruded, he never flinched. His house, sheltering fugitives, was searched in vain, and they escaped safely to Canada. After leaving the pulpit he was a devout worshiper. At the time of his death two of his children had died, Wm., Abbie and Alice were at home, and Mary was in charge of the astronomical observatory of Smith College, North- ampton, Mass." 6 David P.^ was born 23 Aug., 1823, in Fitchburg, Mass., and was a lawyer. He died in April, 1883, at Fort Scott, Kansas. His marriage was in April, 1852, in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Tilney Hiatt. Their three children were: Ida, born 22 Dec, 1852, in Cincinnati, married Charles Graen, had Percy Lowe and Hazel, and died at Fort Scott; Eldon, who had two children; and Maud. "David Per- ley Lowe was a member of the U. S. House of Representatives for two terms, from 1868. Grant appointed him chief justice of Utah, which office he resigned after a short time. Returning to Fort Scott he was elected judge of the district, which office he held till his death. He and Grant were warm friends." FAMILY 135: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. THOMAS-16, ASA-35, ALLEX-67. ALLEN PERLEY was born in Winchendon, Mass., 24 Aug., 1782, and settled in Gardner, Mass. He was a member of the school board, 1817. Allen Perley, Jr., laborer, Gardner, for $(325, 5 Nov., 1808, sold to Ezra Sawyer of Sterling, gentleman, fifteen acres of land in Gardner, on old town line of Templeton and Winchendon, lot No. 170. — Reg., 171 :403. Jesse Hill, for $32.85, sold, 21 Nov., 1808, to Allen Perley, yeo- man, of Gardner, 4 acres on brook above Allen Perley's sawmill. — Reg., 174 : 130. Timothy Kneeland and wife Mariah, for $200, sold 1 April, 1809, to Allen Perley, yeoman, both of Gardner, 12 acres and 40 rods with dwelling house and other buildings. — Reg., 174 : 131. Allen Perley, Jr., Gardner, for $40 sold to Thomas Greenwood of Winchendon, 5 acres, 100 rods, a part of the Ezra Sawyer land. " Said Perley's sawmill on the line of said Gardner," thence S. 39" W., 54 rods on said town line — on mill pond — to mill dam — reserving right to use land as mill yard and gravel to repair the mill dam, 24 May, 1816. Signed Allen Perley, Jr., and Anna Perley. — Reg., 206 : 498. Allen Perley, Jr., yeoman, and Anne Perley for $300, 12 Nov., 1825, sold to Joel Richardson of Templeton, yeoman, land in the northwest part of Gardner, on the road to Royalston, with sawmill. —Reg., 247 : 173. Smyrna W. Bancroft and Lucy his wife, for $150, sold 8 June, 1829, to Allen Perley, Jr., yeoman, of Gardner, 14 acres of land in west part of the town. — Reg., 276 : 124. John Kneeland, Esq., Chesterfield P^ng., for $148.75, sold, 17 Nov., 1831, to Allen Perley of Gardner, yeoman, a part of lot No. 172 in Gardner.— Reg., 298 : 295. Cephas M. Phinney, Gardner, yeoman, for $500, mortgaged, 1 Sept., 1837, to Allen Perley, Gardner, yeoman, land in Gardner, third of an acre with house on it, also a part of the Kneeland farm conveyed to Miriam Kneeland from John Phinney. — Reg., 327 : 188. He gave "peaceable possession," 20 July, 1841. He married 23 (published 24— record) Oct., 1808, Miss Anna Greenwood, both of Gardner. She was born 7 June, 1791, and died 6, and he 25, March, 1844, he aged sixty-one years, seven months and one day, she fifty-two years, eight months and twenty nine days. His daughter Martha, who was the oldest heir-at-law to the estate, 25 March, 1847, settled his estate which was valued — The homestead, 57 acres with buildings, $566.67 Out lands, 8 acres, .... 32.00 Personal estate, 456.64 Doubtful notes, ..... 72.22 Total, $1127.58 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 245 1 Perley children : Martha'^ Sylvia^ Elizabeth^ 2 Martha' was born 16 Jan., 1809, and died, single, 9 Feb., 1881, aged seventy-two years and twenty-three days. Her estate, all per- sonal, was valued for probate at ^2,218.54, 28 June, 1881.— No. 46028. Mrs. J. S. Sheibly, 22 March, 1886, represented that Elizabeth Phinney, late of Minier, Tazewell County, 111., was deceased, and was sole heir-at-law of Martha Perley, and that Mrs. J. S. Sheibly is sole heir of said Elizabeth Phinney, and is interested in the estate of said Martha, and asks that the administrator settle his account. 3 Sylvia' was born 19 June, 1810, and died "21 June, 1856, of cancer, aged forty-six years and two days." She made her will 26 June, 1854. She mentions in it her sister Elizabeth Phinney, and names her sister Martha as executrix. Martha's bond is dated 5 Aug., 1856. Thomas Kinnicutt, judge. — No. 46032. 4 Elizabeth' was born 30 Jan., 1814, and married Cephas M. Phinney. Children: Murcilous, born 1 July, 1838, married Lucy Andrews, and had Orianna, born 10 April, 1862, Lillie May, born 9 July, 1865, Osceola Henry, born 27 Sept., 1866, Ola Sylvia, born 23 March, 1871 ; Martha Elizabeth, born 23 Aug., 1840, married Lorren Andrews, and had Charles Perley, born 28 June, 1867, and Henry Allen, born 13 June, 1871 ; Sylvia Anna, born 13 Aug., 1842, married Henry Sturges, and had Walter Henry, born 8 April, 1860, P>anklin Phinney, born 11 Nov., 1861, Lewiza Sylvia, born 24 Feb., 1872; Mary Orilah, born 25 Dec, 1844, married Wm. Proctor, and had Wm. Prichard, born 25 Aug., 1869, Minnie Elizabeth, born 9 Feb., 1871, Arthur Phinney, born in Sept., 1872, Fred. Everett, born in March, 1874; and Mariah Jane, born 23 Dec, 1846. FAMILY 136: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, ALLEN-67. DAVID PERLEY was born 10 April, 1786, and settled in Gard- ner, Mass. David Perley, nailer, and wife Miriam, for $50, sold 16 Nov.,1811, to Abraham G. Parker, housewright, both of Gardner, 50 poles of land on turnpike road 10 rods. — Reg., 181 : 365. The same day Abraham G. Parker and his wife Lydia reconveyed the property to David Perley. — Reg., 183 :81. Ephraim Williams, gentleman, and wife Betsey, for $90, sold, 26 Dec, 1817, to David Perley, blacksmith, both of Gardner, 27 rods of land on turnpike. — Reg., 213 : 50. David Perley, blacksmith, for $100, mortgaged, 6 May, 1825, to Adam Partridge, yeoman, and David Read, cordwainer, all of Gard- ner, 27 rods of land "on turnpike road" in Gardner. Signed David Perley and Miriam Perley.— Reg., 243 : 413. Abraham G. Parker, Gardner, housewright, for $134, sold to Francis Hill, housewright and David Perley, yeoman, both of Gard- 246 THE PERLEY FAMILY ner, two-thirds of a tract of land in Gardner, 4 Aug., 1808. — Reg., 174 :635. Wm. Bickford, gentleman, sold to Francis Hill and Abraham S. Par- ker, housewrights, and David Perley, yeoman, all of Gardner, land in Gardner, 30 sq. rods, with blacksmith's shop on land. "Bridge at Noyes' corner." They to build bridge and road to turnpike. — Reg., 190 : 638. David Perley, blacksmith, and wife Miriam, for $300, sold, 1 July, 1826, to Edward W. Kendall and Luke Sawin, yeomen, all of Gardner, land in Gardner, near turnpikegate with house and barn on it, where said Perley now lives and which he bought of Ephraim Williams.— Reg., 250 :463. David Perley's widow, Miriam, was his administratrix; her bond is dated 3 Sept., 1833. Miriam's administrator was Asa Perley and his bond is dated 1 Nov., 1864. "Her only next of kin were her daughters: Elmina Perley, Caroline Rice wife of Edwin, Gardner, and Hannah B. Nichols, wife of Fred'k D., West Brookfield, and Anna P. Howard wife of Joseph, Westminster; her sons: David of Shirley Village, Asa of Gardner, Henry P., N. Y. C., South Read- ing, and Asa; and the heirs of Thuseba Bigelow, Cynthia H. Perley and Susan Perley. — No. 46030. He married 18 Jan., 1809— published 28 Dec, 1808— Miss Miriam Partridge of Gardner, where they resided. She was born 13 July, 1789, and died 15 Oct., 1864, aged seventy-six years, one month, twenty-five days. He died 20 July, 1833. 1 Children: Elmina^ Anna'-, Thuseba'-, Hannah Bigelow'', David- 270, Mary Ann'-, Hiram'- and Adam'-, Asa'', Henry Partridge-271, Caroline'^. 2 Anna^ was born 20 Aug., 1811, married Joseph Howard, died 3 Feb., 1876. Thuseba^ was born 21 Nov., 1813, married 1 Oct., 1847, John S. Crosby, and Augustus Bigelow the fall of 1858, and died 29 Feb., 1869. Mary A^, was born 12 April, 1821, died 17 Aug., 1838; Hiram and Adam, twins, born 11 and died 12 and 13 of April, 1823. 3 Elmina^ was born 23 June, 1809, and died, unmarried, in Gard- ner, 22 April, 1878. Her real estate was one-eighth interest in home place $90 and her personal estate was valued at $456.85. Her brother Asa was executor, and her heirs-at-law and next of kin were her sisters: Hannah B. Nichols, wife of P"red D. of Ware, and Carrie Rice, wife of Edwin, whose children were Edwin D. and Carrie A.; her brothers: Asa of Gardner and Henry P. of Brooklyn, N.Y.; her nephews and nieces: six of Fitchburg — Walter H. Crosby, Mary Harris, wife of Frank, Fanny I. Perley, David E. Perley, Herbert Perley, Ada Perley; Charles H. Crosby of Athol, Maria Webb of Brockton, and Newell N. Crosby. 4 Hannah B.^ was born 1 Nov., 1816, married 9 Jan., 1850, Frederick D. Nichols, of W^arren, resided in Gardner, and had chil- dren born: George F., 16 Aug., 1851; Frank P., 21 Sept., 1853; Charles F., 8 June, 1856; Ruth M., 12 Oct., 1858. 5 Asa^ was born 27 Aug., 1825. He married, 12 Oct., 1854, Harriet Elizabeth Smith of Hubbardston, Mass. She was born 11 Dec, 1823, and survived her husband. He died 10 June, 1888, aged sixty-two years, nine months, fourteen days. Their home was South Gardner. He made his will 8 Oct., 1 878. He gave all his property to HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 247 his wife, Harriet E., and if anything remained at her decease, it was to be equally divided between Edwin D. Rice and Caroline A. Rice, children of Edwin Rice', and Frances I. Perley, daughter of David Perley-270. 6 Caroline' was born 25 June, 1830, married 5 Sept., 1849, Edwin Rice, a chair manufacturer, son (twenty-three years old) of Daniel W. and Candice of South Gardner, and had Mary A., born 20 June, 1850; Edwin D., 23 Sept., 1851, a chair manufacturer; and Carrie A., 30 July, 1854, a music teacher. FAMILY 137: DAVIS. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, ALLEN-(i7. ANNA PERLEY was born 19 Aug., 1795, in Gardner. She became the first wife of George Washington Davis, born 2 Jan., 1791, to Silas and Rachel-Gay Davis of Templeton. She died in Gardner of consumption 10 Dec, 1821, only twenty-six years old. Mr. Davis' second wife, married 19 Dec, 1822, was Betsey Conant, born to Josiah and Annis-Derby Conant of Gardner 8 April, 1791. She died 21 Oct., 1837, aged forty-six years, and Mr. Davis married his third wife, Lilvia Rich, 25 June, 1840. She was born in Phillips- ton 29 March, 1798, and died 8 Jan., 1870. Mr, Davis' home was Gardner; he was a thrifty farmer; he served his town on the school board one year, the board of assessors two years, and the board of selectmen fourteen years. He died 22 July, 1857. [His children by his second wife were Lyman, born 23 Nov., 1824, died of consumption in Gardner 5 Oct., 184t). Leander, born 29 June, 1826, married, 7 Sept., 1863, Jane E. Shurtleff, born in Wil- braham 16 May, 1825, resided in Holyoke, where he was a restaura- teur, without children. Anna, born 25 Sept., 1827, married 10 March, 1855, Dexter P. Starkey, born in Troy, N. H., 2 Feb., 1824, manufacturer of compressed yeast in Providence, haying Emma Isadore, born in Woonsocket 6 Sept., 1856, died in Hudson City, N. J., 21 Oct., 1867; Lilla Maria, born in Worcester 4 March, 1859; Mary Mahala, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 29 June, 1862, died in Man- chester, N. H., 12 Aug., 1874; Anna Pierce, born in Hudson City, N. J., 27 Aug., 1867; Byron Gilbert, born in Jersey City, N. ]., 6 Feb., 1870; George Washington, born in Jersey City 20 Dec, 1872, died there 30 June, 1873. Annis Maria, born 30 March, 1829, died 6 Feb., 1860, in Gardner. Lucy Ann, born 5 June, 1830, died in Worcester, 29 Jan., 1858. Silas, born 1 Jan., 1832, died 19 April, 1842, by sliding down a hay-mow upon a pitchfork in Gardner. Charles, born 13 July, 1834, married 24 F"eb., 1857, Lucy Beers, born in Shaftsbury, Vt., 2 Dec, 1833, foreman in the Allen Woolen Mill, Hanover, Ct., having Geo. Washington, born in Troy, N. Y., 23 June, 1858; Charles Eugene, born in Worcester 30 April, 1860; Otis Hudson, born 23 May, 1863; Leander, born at Leicester 7 May, 1867; Walter Crawford, born in Worcester 21 Nov-., 1870, and 248 THE PERLEY FAMILY died 24 Oct., 1871; Alvin Silas, born 23 March, 1872; Mary Abby, born 1 July, 1874.] 1 Perley-Davis children : Walter-, George'^ Alonzo^ Betsey^ 2 Walter^ was born 18 Nov., 1813, and 5 April, 1843, married Mary Frances Conant, who was born in Acton, Mass., 20 July, 1822. They removed to New Ipswich, N. H., where he was a merchant and died without issue 9 Dec, 1845. 3 George^ was born 17 Nov., 1814, in Gardner, and died 4 Oct., 1862, in Frederick, Md., from wounds received in the battle of Antietam. His wife, married 28 June, 1849, in Lowell, Mass., was Mrs. Abbie-Gage Poor, who was born 29 Sept., 1814, in Newbury, Vt., to Moses and Mary-Abbott Gage. She died in Lawrence, Mass., 12 Aug., 1900. Their only child was Franklin Benjamin, who was born 4 Aug., 1853, in South Lawrence, where he is a manufacturer; and who married 3 May, 1880, in Haverhill, Miss Mary Abbie Freethy, born in Brooklin, Me., 17 March, 1861, to Abbie Melissa- Herrick, and Augustus Fenno Freethy, a sea captain; and whose only child is Fonnie Ethel, born in Lawrence 15 Feb., 1882. 4 Alonzo^ was born in Gardner, Mass., 15 Nov., 1817, and 21 May, 1845, married Betsey Tameson Jackson, who was born in Gardner 22 Aug., 1822, and died in Fitchburg, Mass., 3 Jan., 1847, the mother of one child. His second wife, Mary Susan Buttrick, married 6 Dec, 1859, was born in Dracut, Mass., 2 March, 1839, to Francis, deputy sheriff, and Mary B.-Bird Buttrick. Mr. Davis died 23 May, 1888, in Fitchburg, where his widow now resides. The early part of Mr. Davis' life was spent in Gardner, where he worked on a farm and attended the common school. He afterwards learned the chairmaker's trade. He went to Fitchburg, Mass., in 1845 and with a Mr. Rice and a Mr. Pratt began the manufacture of cane-seat chairs. This business he followed until April, 1877, when he closed out his business and retired to private life. Immediately upon retiring from business he was elected to the City Council of Fitchburg, and was successively elected to the city government for eight years, serving the last three years as mayor of the city. Although having but a common school education in his youth, he managed by persistent and careful study and reading, to become exceedingly well informed upon all matters pertaining to public policy. Naturally of a modest and retiring nature he did not seek for the honors of office, but they came to him unsolicited. Of a genial, whole-souled nature, strictly honest in all dealings, public and private, his advice in civic affairs was often sought for by younger men ; and when he passed on to the better life, the people of Fitch- burg realized they had lost a good and valuable citizen. His only child is Walter Alonzol 5 Betsey' was born 13 Oct., 1821, and 29 April, 1847, married, second, Joseph Hale Coolidge of Gardner, where he was born to Joseph and Achsa-Hale Coolidge 28 Feb., 1818, and died 25 March, 1859. He was a chairmaker. She died in Gardner 22 April, 1883. Issue: Henry Alonzo"; George Herbert, born 21 June, l1^ 50, died 10 June, 1852; and Lucy Annette, born 16 April, 1853. 6 Walter A." was born in Fitchburg 13 July, 1846. "The first thirteen years of his life were spent in Hubbardston. He after- HON. ALONZO DAVIS. WALTER A. DAVIS, ESQ. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 24^ wards returned to Fitchburg and graduated from the high school, class of '65, and from Williams College, class of '69. " He was associated with his father in the chair business for eight years; afterwards he was employed by the Fitchburg Railroad as freight and ticket clerk until January, 1887, when he was elected city clerk of Fitchburg. He has served in that capacity for eighteen years and has just (Jan., 1905,) been unanimously re-elected for three years. "He has been prominent in the Masonic Fraternity, being past master of Aurora Lodge, past commander of Jerusalem Commandery, Fitchburg, past worthy patron of Lady Emma Chapter, O. E. S., Fitchburg, and also an Encampment Odd Fellow. He is a son of the American Revolution, from both the Davis and the Jackson ancestry. He is a member of the Universalist church." Mr. Davis is a professional accountant. Too much has not been said in praise of his method as clerk of Fitchburg. The records, old and new, are arranged on a plan at once comprehensive, simple, exact. One has said: "The manifold work of his office he has re- duced to an exact science, and he is well known in the state as a highly efficient public official." He married 28 April, 1874, Fannie Adelia Bogart, who was born in Fitchburg 3 Feb., 1849, to Cornelius, superintendent of a paper mill, and Sarah G.-Lovell Bogart. Mrs. Davis is prominent in social circles, and a leading member of the Woman's Club and other so- cieties. Mr. and Mrs. Davis celebrated, at their home, the twenty- fifth anniversary of their marriage in the presence of a large company of officials, relatives and friends. Their children, born in Fitchburg: Ethel Lovell, 1 March, 1875, a graduate of the local high school and State Normal school — four years in each — a student in Tufts College one year, and a teacher for live years in the public schools of Athol; Bessie Jackson, 17 Aug., 1878, a clerk in the office of the city clerk of Fitchburg. 7 Henry A.^ was born in Gardner 24 Oct., 1848, and 23 Jan., 1877, married Effie Ann Smith, who was born in SterHng, Mass., 20 Jan., 1858, to Luther, a carpenter, and Abbie Parmelia-Everett Smith. He is a chairmaker in Gardner, where his children were born : Ida May* and Ada Annette^ 8 Ida M.^ was born 8 Sept., 1877. She married in Gardner, 30 Oct., 1895, Fred Clesson Merritt, grocery clerk, born in Templeton 2 Oct., 1874, to Charles Clesson and Elvah V.-Wilder. Their home is Gardner. Merritt children: Beulah May, born 10 May, 1896; Mildred Hazel, born 26 Aug., 1898; Mary Everett, born 15 Nov., 1901; Henry Charles, born 8 Dec, 1903. 9 Ada A.'' was born 15 Oct., 1879, and married in Gardner, 28 June, 1898, Jacob George Britton, carpenter, born in Hinsdale, N. H., 12 Sept., 1877, to George and Alice-Bailey Britton. Their home is Gardner. Britton child: Doris Alice, born 15 March, 1904. FAMILY l:;s: PERL1<:Y. LINEAL DESCENT- ALLAN-1, THOMAt^-4, THOMAS-K;, ASA-Sr., ALLAN-liT. ASA PERLEY was born 4 Oct., 1797. He was a farmer in Gardner, Mass. He was of Templeton, Mass., when y ^^iG ^ Mar7Kendall"orGl?d::^ ^^^^ e/.t.KMy_ born 8 Sept., 1803, to Mar- ^^ tin and Prudence-Kendall '^'■'"'^° '"""^ ^^''^^'^ '''''''' ""'' '''''''■ Kendall, whom he married 21 Oct., 1821. He was published in Templeton 14 Sept., she in Gardner 16 Sept., 1821. He was a farmer and pioneer chair manufacturer; and for many years was a deacon in the Baptist church. He died 8 Sept., 1867, and his wife 4 April, 1875. Asa Perley and wife Mary, for $128.65, pledged 19 P^eb., 1839, to David Parker and William Learned, all of Gardner, 80 acres of land and buildings on it, one mile west of Gardner meeting house. — Reg., 341 : 44. Asa Perley, mechanic, and wife Mary, for $110.53, pledged 20 Feb., 1839, to Wm. Whitney and Noah P^airbanks, 80 acres of land in western part of Gardner with buildings on it ; also other land, f acre with turning shop. — Reg., 341 : 45. Benj. Clark, yeoman, and Martha his wife, for $6.19, sold 31 Dec, 1834, to Asa Perley, laborer, all of Gardner, 121 rods of land, in west part of Gardner. — Reg., 254 : 70. Asa Perley and wife Mary borrowed $200 of Ezra Baker and George W. Davis, 24 July, 1828, when he owned turning shop, water privilege, turning lathe, circular saw, etc., constituting a pioneer chair factory. He left personal estate valued for probate at $1942.94 — $800 real estate and $1142.94 personal. All his heirs at law were : his widow Mary, eight sons and daughters, Mary E. Nichols wife of John, and Ellen Maria. "The Perley family is one of the oldest in the town. According to Herrick's 'History of Gardner,' Allen Perley came from Auburn and settled on what is known as the John Stacy place. At one time the family homestead included a large portion of what is known as Little Canada, the Crystal lake cemetery and the land to the northward, as far as Crystal lake park. On this farm there are now standing sixty-four houses and one schoolhouse, and the valuation of the property has increased many times." The local newspaper of 4 Sept., 1885, had the following: — "The Perley family reunion and picnic last week was a rarely de- lightful occasion. Would we were a Perley. The happy affair was held at the bowling alley of J. M. Perley, the weather being too cold to admit of a grove picnic, and one of the principal features was the HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 251 fish chowder prepared by George and Walter and partaken of by about forty Perleys and those connected by marriage. There must have been considerable 'pouting' as it took about three hundred of them for dinner, with other 'luxuries of the season.' Games, music and social conversation were highly enjoyed. This family which originally numbered eleven, nine boys and two girls, were the sons and daughters of Deacon Asa Perley of Gardner. One of the brothers died in the army, the remainder were all present on this occasion, meeting for the first time together since the death of their mother seven years ago, although they reside but a few miles apart, that is, in Templeton and Gardner. But it is our earnest wish that they may live to meet on many similar occasions." 1 Perley children: Mary Klmira'-, Asa Proctor-272, Charles Ad- dison-273, William Porter^ George Allen-274, James Monroe-275, Francis Walter-27(3, Theophilus Parsons-277, Leander Alonzo\ Lewis Sylvester-278, Ellen Maria^ 2 Mary E.^ was born in Gardner 5 May, 1822, and married there 24 June, 1847, John Nichols, an inventor, born in Hubbardston, Mass., 27 Sept., 182G, to John, a farmer, and Mercy- Woodward Nichols. He died in Templeton, Mass., 14 Nov., 1892; and she 15 Jan., 1900. Nichols children: Charles Addison, born in Gardner, Mass., 10 Jan., 1850, married in Gardner, Elva Sophia Upton, a na- tive of Gardner; he died 5 July, 1882, in Boston. Ada Annette, born in Gardner 29 Aug., 1853, married in Baldwinsville 8 March, 1882, William Carleton a painter, born in Newton, Mass., 7 Jan., 1847. He died in Baldwinsville 4 Sept., 1894. o William P.^ was born 2 April, 1829, and married 29 Nov., 1860, Martha Jane Wright, born 21 June, 1839, to Simeon B. and Hannah K.-Richardson Wright of Templeton. He was a mechanic. He died 11 May, 1894, of paralysis. She died 6 Dec, 1872. Her next of kin at her death were: Almira J. Wright, sister-in-law; Achsah J. Whitney and Emma J. Clapp, "my dear friends"; Edith F. Wright, niece; Joel Richardson, uncle; George S. Wright, be- loved brother; Hannah K. Wright, beloved mother; Wm. Porter Perley, beloved husband. 4 Leander A.^ was born 19 June, 1841, and died in the servdce of his country, at Mound City, 19 Aug., 1863. 5 Ellen M.^ was born in Gardner, Mass., 10 Sept., 1846, married in Bellows Falls, Vt., 31 July, 1868, John Adin Stearns, born in Swanzey, N. H., 7 Feb., 1842, to John, a hat finisher, and Harriet Elizabeth-King Stearns. He was a patriot soldier in the Civil War, a sergeant in Co. D of the 36th Mass. Regiment, then first ser- geant, then first lieutenant. By reason of severe wounds received 18 June, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., he was unable to report for duty, and was discharged for disability 29 Oct., 1864. He is now retired. Their home is Baldwinsville. Their children: Mary Evelyn, born in Fitchburg, Mass., 13 Nov., 1871, unmarried, at home; John Harry^ 6 John H.^ was born 13 Feb., 1874, in Baldwinsville, Mass., married in Milford, Mass., 10 June, 1898, Edith Marion Jenks, born in Pawtucket, R. L, 21 Feb., 1877, to Alonzo Jenks, a commercial 252 THE PERLEY FAMILY traveler. Their home is Milford, N. H., where Mr. Stearns is sta- tion agent. They have a daughter, Helen, born in Gardner, Mass., 24 March, 1899. FAMILY 139: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT—ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, DANIEL-G8. DANIEL PERLEY was born 14 April, 1794, in Bridgton, Me., and became a farmer in South Bridgton. His wife was Miss La- vinia Thompson, married 30 Jan., 1835, in Avon, where she was born. She died in River Falls, Wis., in Nov., 1886. She was a milliner by trade. He died, 13 May, 1857, in South Bridgton. "Mr. Perley's success previous to the panic of 1836 was somewhat remarkable. He was a typical lumberman and was closely identified with other en- terprises of great importance. The collapse of the land speculations that had affected the entire United States several years previous to 1836 nearly dissipated his fortune, and he retired to his farm. The family name was at one time a household word in Maine." 1 Perley children : Helena Thompson'-, Frances Mahala^ John Wesley-279. 2 Helena T.' was born 14 Jan., 1836, and died 28 April, 1858. 3 P"rances Mahala^ was born in South Bridgton 29 Jan., 1838, where she married 20 May, 1860, Albert Greenleaf Berry, born 12 Oct., 1837, to Albert Greenleaf and Eunice-Carpenter Berry of the same place. He is a millwright by trade, as was his father, in South Bridgton. She was educated in common and private schools, and was a successful teacher when she married. She was a brilliant scholar "and occupied for three years the office of superintendent of schools in her native town. This was twenty years after her marriage." She was an ardent church worker and home maker. She died 14 Sept., 1898. Berry issue: Clara Helena*, Frances Eliza^ 4 Clara H." was born 23 June, 1861. She was educated in the common and high schools, attended a girls' boarding school in Bos- ton, and was special student at Wellesley College two years, 1890-92. In 1893 she removed to St. Croix Falls, Wis., and was private sec- retary for her uncle John W. Perley-279, and in 1900 removed to Beaver, on a farm, for out-of-door life and health. She is now a farmer and raiser of Red Short Horn and Durham cattle. 5 Frances Eliza^ was born 23 Sept., 1863, in South Bridgton. She studied in high and normal schools and taught three years be- fore her marriage. She married 17 March, 1886, in Bridgton, Aldana Theodore Ingalls, civil engineer, born 22 Nov., 1861, to Mary J.- Patrick and Darwin Ingalls, a farmer of the same town, and a brother of Clarissa who married John P. Perley-122^ They have Marian Elizabeth, the only child of the third generation from Daniel Perley-139. MISS MARIAN E. INGALLS. FAMILY 140: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, DANIEL-68. FREDERIC PORTER PERLEY was born in Bridgton, Me., 18 Oct., 1797. When about sixteen years old, he went to Brighton, Mass., and after about two years shipped for St. John, N. B., for Husons & Co., as second mate and carpenter. He made several voyages to the West Indies and the Spanish coast. He then as- sisted in building two merchant vessels, on the Salmon river, for the same firm. There he found his " first mate," Miss Elizabeth Earle, who was born in St. John 24 April, 1800, to Henry and Jerusha- Lummeraux PLarle from New Jersey. Her father took part in the Revolutionary War under Gen. Anthony Wayne and was severely wounded. They married at Grand Lake, N. B., 1 Aug., 182.5. In 1829, Mr. Perley went to Houlton, Me.; in 1831, into Canada; in 1839, into Ohio; in 1845, into Indiana, and in 1873 to Springhill, Iowa, where he settled down with his brother William, wiser for the experience and not on its account impaired in health. He was liv- ing in Michigan City, Indiana, in 1874. Mr. Perley took part in the War of 1812, for which he received a pension. He also took part in the Canadian Rebellion; but, says his son Asa, " I do not think John Bull appreciated his services, as he gets no pension for it." Asa further says: "Father has led a wandering and unsettled life, and has met with many adventures, both on sea and land. I think if his whole life were written out, it would rival the story of the Wandering Jew or Robinson Crusoe." He died 5 April, 1881, and reposes in a little cemetery near Spring- hill, Iowa. His widow died there 28 Aug., 1897. 1 Perley children: William Earl-280, Asa Charles-281, George Augustus-282, Jerusha Ann*, David Poor-283. 2 Jerusha A.^ was born 19 April, 1834, in Toronto, Canada, and married 1 Oct., 1854, in Laporte, Indiana, and became the second wife of Frederick Charles Knubbe, born in Province of Mecklen- burg-Schwerin, Germany, 6 Nov., 1832, to Charles Knubbe. His first wife was Annis Clement. He was a merchant tailor in Michi- gan City, Ind., and was considered among the wealthiest. They were members of the Ej)iscopal church. He died in Des Moines, Iowa, 2(i Oct., 1890. His widow resides in Indianapolis, Ind. Their children, born in Michigan City: William Albert, born 27 Feb., 1858, died in Des Moines, Iowa, 5 Jan., 1892; Anna Frances, born 8 Dec, 1861, who graduated in 1878 from the Michigan City High School, and resides with her mother; Mary Belle'^. 3 Mary B.^ was born 23 Dec, 1863. She married in Michigan City, 25 Nov., 1884, William Fortune, who was born in Booneville, Ind., 27 May, 1863, to William H., a jeweler, and Mary-St. Claire Fortune. She died 28 Sept., 1898, in Indianapolis, where he now re- sides (Feb., 1905). Mr. Fortune is a publisher. A sketch of his 254 THE PERLEY FAMILY life may be found in the Encyclopedia of Biography of Indiana, Vol. II, Men of Progress of Indiana, and Memoirs of Indianapolis, Their children: Russell, born 12 Sept., 1885; Evelyn, born 30 Sept., 1887 ; Madeline, born 12 Nov., 1889. FAAIILY 141: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN! , THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, HENRY-69. HENRY PERLEY was born in Andover 14 Oct., 1784, and while an infant his parents removed to Boxford. He lived, after his marriage, in the "Henry Perley house," page 136, built by Joseph Matthews about 1750. He was a shoemaker. He was surveyor of highways 1814, 1820, 1825. He was a man of excellent character and esteemed as a citizen. He married, in Nov., 1808, Hannah Wood, daughter of Phebe- Perley-87^ and Solomon Wood of Boxford, who died 28 Jan., 1887, aged fifty-two. Mr. Perley died 13 Nov., 1841. 1 Perley children: Albert-284, Charles-285, Harriet Augusta- 286, Phebe-287, Henry Edwin'-, Catherine-288, Osmore-289, Hannah PZlizabethl 2 Henry E.^ was born 19 Feb., 1819. He married 8 May, 1859, Lydia Lovett Gould, born 17 Dec, 1827, to Henry Lawrence and Lydia-Howe Gould. He is a farmer and owns the Nathan Perley- 84 place in South Georgetown. She died 11 May, 1882. 8 Hannah E.' was born 9 Feb., 1828, is a nurse and resided a long time, unmarried, with her sister Mrs. Dean Andrews-286. She now (1905) lives with her brother Henry E.'-, in Georgetown. FAMILY 142: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, HENRY-69. SAMUEL PERLEY was born in Boxford 9 Oct., 1790, in the house which had just been erected, and where he afterwards resided, and where, after his death, his daughters made their home. He was two days old when his mother died. He cultivated a large farm, besides taking an active part in the militia, wherein he became major. He was strong and robust, and retained i his vigor to the last. ! He married Nancy Peabody of Boxford 9 May, 1816. She was born in Boxford 31 Oct., 1790, to Deacon Moses and Hannah-Foster Peabody, and died 24 Aug., 1851. Maj. Perley died 1 June, 1874. They repose in the cemetery near the First Church edifice. 1 Perley children, born in Boxford : George-290, Sarah-Peabody-, Lucy Ann'-. 2 Sarah P.^ was born 13 Sept., 1819, and died, unmarried, 18 March, 1894; Lucy^ was born 3 Jan., 1827, and died, unmarried, 28 Nov., 1889. They inherited and conducted the parental farm. They did less cultivation than their father, but more dairy. They HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 255 managed with a practical ability, and accumulated wealth. Sarah was a school teacher in her young womanhood, and a good one, too. The writer remembers her semi-occasional methods, with unfained repentance. She was energetic, well equipped for the work and successful. She bequeathed to the selectmen a fund of $2000, to be called "the Sarah P. Perley fund," whose income is to be used for the benefit of needy and worthy widows and single women of the East Parish, and to the First Religious Society $1000, whose income is to be used as the trustees may judge wise. Her estate was val- ued at $20,847.88. FAMILY 143: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-Kl, ASA-35, HENRY-69. LEONARD PERLEY was born in Boxford 2 July, 1800. He was a farmer and resided in the present residence of Daniel W. Conant. He married Mary Wells, 7 April, 1880, born 5 May, 1810, to Nathaniel and Ruth-Town Wells. Mr. Perley died 16 Nov., 1857; his widow resided with her daughter, Mrs. Averill, in Topsfield, where she died 2 May, 1881. 1 Perley children : Mary Wells'^, Susan Maria^ Julia Ann', Leon- ard Augustus-, Eunice B.\ Catherine Augusta'-. 2 Leonard A.^ was born 14 Dec, 1888, and died 6 Sept., 1889. Catherine A.^ was born 8 July, and died 28 Sept., 1844. 8 Mary W.^ was born in Boxford 15 Jan., 1881. She was a school teacher. She married 11 Dec, 1856, Albert Berry, farmer, born 18 Nov., 1880, in North Andover, Mass., to Jacob, a blacksmith, and Susannah-Winchester Berry. He died 26 May, 1893. Their children, born in North Andover: Anna Wells, born 13 Sept., 1858, died 22 Aug., 1871; Mary Annette, born 22 Sept., 1860; Charles Albert, born 24 Nov., 1862, married 21 Oct., 1896, a salesman in Boston; Samuel Dwight^ 4 Susan M.^ was born 22 May, 1832, and 18 Nov., 1856, married Joseph Averill-888, born 18 Aug., 1824, to Joseph and Elizabeth Averill of North Andover. She died 21 June, 1871. Mr. Averill married 10 July, 1878, her sister, Eunice B.\ who was born 9 June, 1840, and died 18 July, 1892. He was a farmer in North Andover, and died 24 Sept., 1887. Issue by first wife: George Leonard, farmer and milk dealer, born 6 April, 1859, married in Lynn 20 Dec, 1888, P2lvira Lake Towne, born in Topsfield 22 Sept., 1856, to Sewall L. and Mary Ann-Severance Towne; Mary Lizzie, a dress- maker, born 31 March, 1862, married 9 April, 1895, Charles Walter Paul, born in Gloucester 3 May, 1871, to Henry and Rebecca- Counacher Paul, and has Elizabeth Averill, born 5 Feb., 1896; P'lorence Maria, born 24 Sept., 1865, residing in North Andover. 5 Julia A.^ was born 27 Aug., 1883, and married 18 Aug., 1859, in North Andover, Samuel Augustus Cummings, born in Middleton, Mass., 4 Nov., 1829, to Samuel, a farmer, and Joanna- Andrews Cum- mings. He was the manufacturer of the celebrated Cummings shoe knife. The date of his death is not known. His widow resides in Boxford. They had Julia Augusta, born 26 Nov., I860. J 256 THE PERLEY FAMILY 6 Samuel Dwight^ was born 23 Nov., 1867, married in Boxford, Mass., 6 June, 1894, Mary Elizabeth Nason, born 5 Jan., 1870, to James Henry, farmer, and Phoebe Elizabeth-Barker Nason. He is a farmer and resides in North Andover. Berry issue: Phoebe Anna, born 22 April, 1895; Katherine Annette, born 25 Nov., 1897; Gertrude Wells, born 10 Jan., 1899. FAMILY 144: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN! , THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, SAMUEL-70. IRA PERLEY was born 9 Nov., 1799, in the house pictured on page 138. It stood a few rods from the Boxford-Ipswich town line. A portrait of Mr. Perley is the frontispiece of this book. The family furnished the "copy", with the remark: " It is taken from a crayon portrait done in 1850, when he was fifty z^^,,-..,,.^ /^// ' >—* /^ / / years old. We always /^"^""^ JT^ '^^^^'^■*^^^'-^ l0.UcXy thought it a fairly good ^ likeness." His autograph ^ yfp ^ herewith was subscribed /l-<<.^Vcyj^x.z^ to a letter to his daughter, ^ _ ^ dated 8 June, 1873, and is cr^^-^^^^-t--^ • ^<^2 P. self-explaining. His brother Daniel writes, "Ira was a bookworm from child- hood." Perley's History of Boxford reads: "When he was eight years of age, his father died, and the farm was left to the care of the widow and three sons, aged respectively eight, four and three years. By the widow's hard labor, with what little help the young children could render, the farm was carried on and a part of its income laid by. Ira, as well as the doctor, whose biography follows, early evinced a desire for knowledge At odd hours of the day, when not employed in labor, he would be found with book in hand ; and on the long winter evenings, by the light which the fire on the hearth af- forded, he pored over his Latin grammar, and other works which formed the elements of his after-study. At the age of sixteen he entered Bradford Academy, when Benjamin Greenleaf was precep- tor. At the age of eighteen, in 1818, he entered Dartmouth Col- lege, where he was graduated in 1822. He was a tutor there, 1823- 25. He then read law with B. J. Gilbert, Esq., of Haverhill, Mass., and commenced the practice of the profession in Concord, N. H. He also jafterwards practised law with great honor at Hanover, N. H. He was a representative to the Legislature of New Hamp- shire from Concord and Hanover, respectively; treasurer of Dart- mouth College, 1830-35; vice president of the corporation, 1834 and 1837; vice president of the New England Historic-Genealogical So- ciety for a number of years; judge of the Superior Court of New Hampshire, 1850-52; chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, 1855-59, 1864-69. In 1836 he delivered the Phi Beta Kappa oration before the Alpha chapter; and in 1866 he delivered, before the Association of the Alumni at Dartmouth College, the eulogy on the HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 257 death of the Hon. Riifiis Choate, and also of the Hon. Daniel Webster, Dartmouth's most distmguished sons. He took his master's degree in course, and was made LL. D. in 1852. Mr. Perley died in Con- cord, N. H., where he resided, of cancer of the throat, Feb. 26, 1874, aged seventy-four years." The following resolutions are self-explanatory: — " Resolved, That the New England Historic-Genealogical Society have learned with feelings of profound sorrow of the death of the Hon. Ira Perley, LL. D., their vice president for the State of New Hampshire. "Resolved, That our deceased associate merited, in every rela- tion, our respect and admiration ; as a citizen of honorable life, en- lightened public spirit and useful influence; as a member of a liberal profession, in which his acumen and logical power, his scholarly training, varied acquirements, mastery of the several departments of jurisprudence, with his high standard of professional excellence and honor, lifted him to a commanding rank; and as a magistrate, im- bued with the very spirit of the law; who, by his dignity, indepen- dence and uprightness, his broad views and extended culture, realized the traditions of the proudest days of the bench. "Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family of the deceased, with the assurance of the deep sympathy of this society with them in their bereavement." Chiefly from Chapman's Dartmouth Alumni, Perley's History of Boxf ord furnishes the following : "I entered the sophomore class in Dartmouth College at the commencement in the year 1819. I then first became acquainted with Ira Perley. He had been in college one year, and had estab- lished, beyond all controversy, his title to the first appointment in his class, which in number was second only to that of 1811. Not only so: I think he was considered, from that time until we fin- ished our course in 1822, the best general scholar in the college. He had not the brilliancy, the imagination, nor the fascinating power of Rufus Choate, who was graduated at the time I entered, nor had he, probably, the same extent of classical learning; but, after Choate left, no one remained that could compete with Perley in all the college studies. " Ira Perley was modest and unassuming. Conscious of his own abilities, he had no occasion to assume any fictitious importance. As he was beyond the reach of rivalry in college, he excited no one's envy. The same position he held among his classmates in college, he readily obtained at the bar and upon the bench ; I mean as a learned lawyer and an accomplished judge. " He was an active and an honest man. He passed a long life in the discharge of various important duties, — civil, professional, polit- ical and judicial. They were all performed with integrity and abil- ity, without a stain upon his character. Perley was not a marked man, either in his personal appearance, or in his manner of address. He was not a natural orator or poet; but, as a lawyer, to collect the law of the case, arrange and apply it, he was excelled by few. " He was not a politician, according to the common acceptation of the word. When the Rebellion broke out, Perley's voice gave no 258 THE PERLEY FAMILY uncertain sound. He sympathized fully with the North, believing that the national life should be preserved; and, as he felt and believed, so he spoke. " In the profession which Judge Perley selected, a good memory is of the utmost importance. This faculty he possessed and culti- vated to an extent beyond most men. Did a principle of law require to be elucidated or established.? He would readily name the case, quote the book, and frequently the page, where the authority could be found. This faculty made him of great value to the other mem- bers of the court. He was, in fact, their legal dictionary. This power of recollection was not confined to law. He was an extensive reader of miscellaneous works of fiction, travels, and the various pro- ductions of modern literature; and he seemed not only to devour, but to digest thoroughly, whatever he had read. This faculty was cul- tivated to such an extent, that, in summing up his cases to the jury, he made little use of his notes of the evidence, and frequently aston- ished the bar and the jury at the minuteness, accuracy, and fulness of his recollection of the names and testimony of the witnesses. "Another trait in Judge Perley's character was independence. As he was self-reliant, he was not disposed to accept the results of the investigation of others without examination. "His literary labors were chiefly confined to law. He indeed delivered eulogies upon two of Dartmouth's most distinguished sons, Daniel Webster and Rufus Choate; but his reputation as a lawyer and jurist must rest finally upon his record in the Reports of the Judicial Courts of New Hampshire." Judge Perley married 11 June, 1840, Mary Sewall Nelson, who was born 25 Jan., 1819, to John and Lois-Leverett Nelson of Haver- hill, N. H. She was a lady of culture and refinement, and became the tender mother of loving children, and the light of her happy home. She died 27 Nov., 1870, of typhoid fever. [Her father was a noted lawyer, and her brother, "Judge Thomas Leverett Nelson of the U. S. District Court for the District of Massa- chusetts, has been one of the leaders of the Worcester County bar, where his deep learning and general character is still held in the high- est esteem. He was born in Haverhill, N. H., 4 March, 1827. He was a descendant of John Leverett, who was governor of Massachusetts in 1673. He fitted for college at Haverhill and Meri- den, N. H. He entered Dartmouth College in 1842, but two years later he gave up his college course on account of the death of his father. He soon renewed his studies at the Vermont University and was graduated in 1846. He worked as a civil engineer until 1853, when he began the study of law at Haverhill. In 1855 he went to live in Worcester and entered the law ofifice of the late Judge Francis H. Dewey. From the ofifice of this learned ex- pounder of the law he was admitted to the bar of which he afterward became an ornament.] 1 Children: Mary Nelson'^ Julia'-, Allan'-, Walter'-, Harry'-, Susan'-, Edith\ Margarets 2 These births were in Concord, and these deaths, except Wal- ter's, in Chicago: JuHa', 10 Dec, 1842, died 1 July, 1870; Allan^ 26 Sept., 1844, died 16 March, 1846; Walter', 8 Jan., 1847, died 21 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 259 Aug., 1870; Harry\ 8 July, 1852, died 14 March, 1858; Susan\ 25 July, 1849, died 80 Jan., 1853. n Mary N.^ was born in Concord, N. H., 18 March, 1841. She sojourned in Europe several summer vacations, with other members of the family. Her home was in Worcester, where she died 23 Jan., 1904. 4 Edith^ was born in Concord, N. H., 9 April, 1855, and 10 Oct., 1878, married in Worcester, Mass., Lincoln Newton Kinnicutt, who was born in Worcester 14 March, 1849, to Erancis H. and Elizabeth Waldo-Parker Kinnicutt. They reside in Worcester where Mr. Kinnicutt is^ a banker. Their child : Roger, born in Worcester 12 Eeb., 1880, is studying medicine. 5 Margaret' was born in Concord, N. H., 23 May, 1859, and mar- ried 16 Sept., 1884, in All Saints Church, Rev. Alexander H, Vinton ofificiating, Samuel Bayard Woodward, M. D., who was born in Worcester, Mass., 24 Aug., 1853, to Samuel, a merchant, and Lucy Elizabeth Rocrers-Treadwell Woodman. Their home is Worcester. EAMILY 145: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, SA.AIUEL-70. DANIEL PERLEY was born in the Isaac Hale house in East Roxford 24 March, 1804. The house is pictured on page 138. By the early death of his father, the family was thrown upon its own resources. The widow managed the farm and fitted her boys for college. Daniel entered Dartmouth in 1824 and was graduated in 1828, the year when Dr. Nathan Lord became president of the insti- tution. He took his medical degree in 1831. He first practised his chosen profession five years in New Row- ley — now Georgetown. About 1834-6, he established himself in Lynn. During the Rebellion, he was surgeon of the Board of En- rollment of the Eifth District of Massachusetts. He was many years city physician, and served several years on the school board. The year following his graduation, he taught the Feoffees' school in Ipswich. While teaching at Andover, he compiled "A Grammar of the English Language," 16 mo., pp. 79, "Eirst Edition, Andover, Mass., 1834." Gould Brown, also of Lynn, in his "The Grammar of English Grammars," quotes the doctor approvingly on "the true doctrine of three cases"; but while admitting the doctor to be right about the use of "but," as a preposition, he would establish the fact by a different argument, he thinks. Dr. Perley had a paralytic shock in the fall of 1877, which left him in a helpless condition. He died 31 Jan., 1881, a man of emi- nent usefulness, of strictest integrity, of versatile ability, of excellent judgment, who excelled in his profession, was a progressive citizen, and a provident, wise and beloved husband and father, whose home, as he made it, is a cherished memory. The doctor married 15 June, 1837, Caroline Gage Stearns, who was born in Middlebury, Vt., 3 April, 1814, to Lewis, a mason, and 260 THE PERLEY FAMILY Rebecca-Gage Stearns of Bradford, Boston, and Middlebury, Vt. She died 23 June, 1899. 1 Perley children: Howard-291, Charles Stearns-292, Mary'-, Lottie McDonald^ 2 Mary^ was born in Lynn 8 March, 1847, and there resides, un- married. Lottie M.^ was born 27 May, 1851, and died 28 March, 1859. FAMILY 146: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, SCfLOMON-71. SOLOMON PERLEY was born in Topsfield 15 Oct., 1792. He was a farmer, and lived in peace and plenty, though not rich. His house was in Topsfield, near the Boxford town line. His son inherited the place and lived there till his death. Mr. Perley was published with Clarissa Brown 7 Aug., 1814, and married her 23 Aug., 1815. She was daughter of Olive-Gage and Samuel Brown of Topsfield, and was born 23 Oct., 1797, in Boxford. Mr. Perley died of "old age" 9 Dec, 1866, aged seventy-four years and one month; his widow 11 April, 1881. 1 Perley child: Parker Brown, who was born 2 Sept., 1817. "Parker Brown," as he was always called, cultivated the old farm. He never married. His mother was his housekeeper till her death. After her demise, he lived alone. He was a quiet, unambitious man, courted seclusion, and was esteemed a good neighbor and intelligent citizen. A local newspaper correspondent thus reports Mr. Perley's death: "Nov. 13., 1893. On Saturday forenoon last Mr. Daniel Bixby called at Mr. Parker Brown Perley's, and was horrified at finding Mr. Perley dead in his chair. Mr. Bixby notified Mr. Joseph Janes, the nearest neighbor, who harnessed his horse and came to the vil- lage to tell his friends. Coroner Root of Georgetown was called and pronounced the cause of death heart trouble. He lived alone about two miles from the village, in from the road, and kept two cows, a horse, dog, and a few hens. Mr. Perley's age was seventy- five years, two months and eight days. He had not been in good health for a year past, and his friends have felt some anxiety at his being alone. He was able to get to the hall to vote Tuesday, and seemed as well as for some time past. He was also seen in the vil- lage Thursday, Nov. 9. It is probable he died sometime Thursday night or Friday morning. He was a good citizen, of a retiring nature, and well liked by all who knew him." FAMILY 147: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, SOLOMON-71. NATHANIEL PERLEY was born in York County, N. B. He was a farmer. He married Deborah Coburn, who was a cousin of Hannah-249, and born in 1812, in York County, N. B., to Jonathan, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 261 farmer, and Tyler Coburii. She died in Oct., 1857; and he in March, 1851, in York County, N. B. 1 Perley children: Hannah", Mary Anne", Elizabeth'^ Jane^ Phoebe'', Solomon-293. 2 Hannah' was born in 1831 and died, unmarried, in 1850. Mary A.' was born in 1833 and died, unmarried, in 1851'. 3 Elizabeth^ was born in York County 4 Feb., 1835. She mar- ried there 1(3 Oct., 1854, John Wesley Johnston, a farmer, born in Shefifield, N. B., in Dec, 1823, to John, a farmer, and Margaret- Ikitain Johnston. He died in York County 23 Aug., 1872. She resides in Minneapolis, Minn. Their children, all but the first born in Keswick Ridge, York County: Frederick Perley, born in Fred- ericton, N. B., 15 Sept., 1855, a civil engineer, unmarried, of Kadiak Island, Alaska; Annie''; Margaret, 20 Feb., 1800, unmarried, a dressmaker in Minneapolis; Alice Mabel, 4 May, 18G2, a teacher, unmarried, in Minneapolis; George Arthur, 16 April, 1864, unmar- ried, a miner at Helena, Mont.; James Nathaniel, 27 June, 1866, un- married, a printer in Minneapolis; Jane, 18 March, 1868, unmarried, a dressmaker in Minneapolis; Phoebe Gertrude, 26 Dec, 1870, died 2 March, 1892, unmarried; Harriet Cecil, 8 April, 1873, unmar- ried, a teacher, in Minneapolis. 4 Jane' was born in Keswick Ridge, N. B., in 1837, and married Andrew Campbell, a farmer, and had a son who died in infancy. She died in Keswick Ridge in June, 1863. Mr. Campbell is dead. 5 Phoebe' was born in Keswick Ridge in 1839, and married in Fredericton, Burden Crouse, a farmer, and died in St. John in 1869, having had no children. Mr. Crouse is dead. 6 Annie" was born 25 Dec, 1857. She was a school teacher. She married in Minneapolis, Minn., 11 Feb., 1885, John Wood Mc- Bean, a lumberman, born in Nashwaak, N. B., in December, 1851, to Patrick, lumberman, and Margaret-Casey McBean. He died in Helena, Mont., 1 May, 1902. She now resides in Minneapolis. Their child, Alan Johnston, was born 4 Aug., 1889, in Helena. P-AMILY 148: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JACOB-73. JOSHUA PERLEY* was born in Boxford 2 Aug., 1770. His father removed to Chester, N. PL, when he was about a year old, and he removed with his father to Tingstown, now Wilton, Me., when about "one and twenty." His mother died when he was only ten years old, and he was "put out" to grow to manhood and learn chiefly to work. Nevertheless, he acquired sufificient knowledge to conduct the business of an honest farmer, and sufificient culture to make him always a gentleman. About the time his father left for Montville, he purchased wild land adjoining the estate of a Mr. Blake, in whose house the family had lived and with whom Joshua boarded after his father's removal. * The history of this interesting family was given us by D. H. Chandler, Esq., but for want of space it was abridged to the detriment of his elegant diction. 262 THE PERLEY FAMILY About that time he won the affection of Miss Hannah Eaton, a neighbor. Dr. Blake-7o relates an incident of the courtship. Mrs, Eaton, the mother of Hannah, Hke a good mother as she was, with a watchful care of her daughter, went to the doctor's mother to in- quire as to the character of her boarder, Joshua Perley. When told that he- was a man of steady, industrious habits and good moral character, she replied : "He's a little bait of a creatchure." The doc- tor says it was the Irish brogue, which she came honestly by, that fixed the incident in his mind. They were married in 1797. She was of Farmington and twenty-fiv^e years of age. He was small of stature, but possessed a line physique and a stout heart. He had already felled the forest and made his portion of "the wilderness to blossom as the rose," an outward index of what had been accomplished in his inner being by the nestling at his own stone fireside in his own log-house, of his young life's better self. He soon built a framed barn, the first one, it is said, that was built in Wilton. So nice was it regarded that the district school was kept in it, and even religious meetings were held within its ca- pacious walls, — which showed that the disciples of Him who was born in a stable were not above their Master; although for Him it was the lowliest, while for them it was the proudest, building of their place and time. in 1801, Ohio, then the "Far West," seeming to offer great in- ducements for speedier gains, attracted his attention, and he was induced to sell all he had and with his wife and two boys, Jacob and John, wend his way with a covered wagon and two horses, not like Joshua of old through blood and carnage, but in peace and cjuiet to the "promised land." On the way the wagon was their home; in it or by its side they regaled themselves with food, and beneath its canvas refreshed themselves with sleep, and fondly dreamed of the "better land." But they were doomed to disappointment. While the sun rose higher above them, the sun of hope waned continually in their hearts ; they were homesick and therefore did not locate. In February, 1803, a daughter and sister was given, to be ex- changed, in two short days, for a wife and mother. Thus bereaved and disconsolate, he thought of his old home and arranged to return. With his family were the . families of his sister Apphia, Mrs. Eaton-149, and of a Mr. Jennings. Some Indians stole a number of their horses and they were obliged to make their return journey with one team and one horse for himself. He rode horseback from Ohio to Maine carrying the infant on his arm, more than a thousand miles. On his return to Wilton, bereft, not only of the sharer of his fortune, but of the fortune itself, he purchased the farm adjoining his old" one. In March, 1805, he married a widow Libby. In 1811, he removed to Temple, Me., and followed farming till he sold hfs farm to Mr. Libby, his stepson, by whose name the farm is now known. His declining years he spent with his children. He died at the home of his daughter Martha. He was a man of great energy. It is said that one spring he had a "cut down" of ten acres which he felled with his own hands. The spring offered no favorable opportunity to "burn" till too late for HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 263 spring planting. The first of June, however, it was accidentally "burned," and he immediately planted the whole area with corn, — for which he was bountifully rewarded in the fall — a monster field of corn for that country. He was also a man of fortitude and great presence of mind. When in Ohio, he was bitten or struck upon the calf of his leg, by a rattlesnake, and immediately squeezing the part between his thumb and forefinger hewed out the poison with his pocket knife. At another time, his thumb was horribly mangled between two stones while he was laying wall on his farm, and concluding, upon a glance, that the member could not be saved, he forestalled the surgeon and severed it with an axe. His religion was practical rather than theoretical ; his right living was parent of his right behaving ; it was more in the spirit than in the letter. Hence he gravitated naturally to that worthy society called Friends, which he joined after his second marriage, never having been identified with any religious movement before. He was op- posed to both legal and profane swearing, holding the latter to be an outgrowth of the former. In politics he was a Federalist. He opposed the War of 1812, on religious and political grounds. With such belief, he did not feel at liberty to engage in military parades and "trainings." He was, however, a law-abiding citizen and always sent the commanding officer, at each May training, his exemption certificate, stating that he was a Friend in good standing; and Mr. Libby relates that when himself arrived at the age of enrollment, Mr. Perley furnished him with arms and equipment, "as the law directs." Mr, Perley was a man of character and acknowledged ability. He was often a referee to adjust matters between neighbors. He was a pillar among the Friends, whose services he was particular to attend on "First Day" and "Fifth Day" of each week. He had self control, was moderately tempered, was not addicted to the use of stimulants, so prevalent in his day, was chaste in speech, and a sterling man. He married Hannah Eaton of Farmington, Me., 4 May, 1797. She was born 8 April, 1772, to Jacob and Elizabeth-Thorn Eaton, and died in Ohio 20 Feb., 1803. His second wife was Mrs. Ruth Libby of Wilton, married in March, 1805. She was born 26 Dec, 1780, and died 28 Oct., 1848. He died 1 Jan., 1859. 1 Perley children : Jacob-294, John-295, Martha-296, Hannahl 2 Hannah^ was born 8 Jan., 1808, in Wilton, and 17 July, 1827, married Joseph Huse, bywhom she had four sons and six daughters. They resided in Bath, Me. FAMILY 149: EATON. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, ,TACOB-17, JACOB-37, JACOB-73. APPHIA PERLEY was born 26 Aug., 1772, in Boxford. She married 21 Nov., 1792, Ebenezer Eaton, Esq., of Candia, part of old Chester, N. H., where he was born 13 Feb., 1768, to James and 264 THE PERLEY FAMILY Abigail- Wood Eaton. In 1796 or 7 they removed to Wilton, Me., and were of the first settlers there. Squire Eaton was a justice of the peace, a man of ability and accomplishments, though he made no pretensions. A specimen of his verse has been handed us. It was written of his wife: IN MEiMORIAM. Appbia, my dear, why hast thou fled Cease theu to weep, assuage thy tears. My arms, my house, my home, my bed, Trust iu the Lord, who sees aud hears, — Aud left me now to moan Thou need uo longer mourn. In anguish deep aud achiug heart, His presence heals the wounded heart. Bursting with grief aud inward smart, Uemoves those sighs, gives ease the smart, — These pangs I feel alone. He'll leave thee not alone, 'Twas Heaven's high mandate called me hence Eternal love surrounds His throne; From earth's dull scenes of flesh and sense, He claims all nations as His own, — To quit this earthly sod; The price of Jesus' blood. With wings of love on wheels of fire He gives His grace our souls to win; To Heaven's high arch my soul retires Removes our guilt, saves us from sin. To meet my gracious God. And brings us home to God. To join that vast angelic throng. Sure theu, great God, to Thee I give And sing that loud triumphant song My heart, my soul, 'tis all I have,~ Of praise to God's dear Son, Father, they both are Thine. Who takes away our guilt and sin, Iteigu thmugh wide earth, govern the whole, Clothes us in garments while and clean.— Salvation give to every soul. The victory Is won. .■\(coni|)lish Thy design! Mr. Eaton was a member of the society of Friends, for about eighteen years before his death. His wife was strongly attached to the religious belief of her own society, but charitable in her views respecting others. She lived an example of piety, and gave good evidence of hope through the merits of a bleeding Savior. Her cir- cumstances were moderate; she possessed many virtues; her heart was sympathetic, she was humane in distress; obliging, as a neigh- bor; faithful, as a friend; kind and affectionate, as a parent and a companion. She died of dropsy of the chest, at Wilton 15 March, 1828, aged fifty-five years, having given birth to thirteen children. He survived his wife ten years, and died of bleeding at the stomach and general debility 19 Oct., 1838, at seventy years. His first two children were born in Candia, the rest in Wilton. 1 Eaton children : Sophia'^ Toppan'^, Jacob Perley^ Eben'^ Joshua Perley'', Apphia'-, DanieP, Ruhamah"^, a son", a daughter'", Sally^ Abigail'-, Eben". 2 These all died young: Sophia\ born 17 May, 1794; Jacob Per- ley\ born 15 Jan., 1798; Eben^ born 14 May, 1800; Apphia\ born 12 Oct., 1803 ; Ruhamah\ born 24 May, 1807 ; probably a son\ born 24 Dec, 1808; probably a daughter', born 29 Dec, 1809; Sally\ born 22 Jan., 1811; AbigaiP, born 18 P^eb., 1813. 3 Toppan^ was born 7 Dec, 1795. Though the school advan- tages of his youth were meagre, he acquired a good education. He taught twenty winters and ranked among the first of school teachers. He was a mechanic and farmer, was engaged in town business from the age of twenty-one, and was a justice of the peace. He was a military captain, and was drafted for a service of ninety days, at the age of eighteen, near the close of the War of 1812. He took a lively interest in the Civil War. He was a great reader and kept fully abreast of the times, on all the leading questions. His bearing was dignified, his social abilities were largely developed, and he believed in the final holiness and happiness of all mankind. His wife was Betsey Brown, daughter of Rev. Ebenezer and Hannah-Billings Brown of Wilton, born 23 May, 1800, married 6 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 265 March, 1823, died 9 July, 1867. He died of- lung fever in Wilton 16 Feb., 1869, aged seventy-three. Issue: Sophia Ann''; Betsey Bil- lings'*; Toppan James''; Harriet Brown'"; Joshua Byron"; Ebenezer Curtis, born 23 Nov., 1889, married Emily A. Pratt 16 Sept., 1878, resided in New York City and was clerk in the post-office ; Apphia Randalah, born 4 April, 1843, unmarried, and operator in Western Union Telegraph Office, New York City. 4 Joshua Perley' was born 4 Feb., 1802. He was graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1839, and entered the Orthodox Con- gregational ministry, preaching in Bangor and Dexter, Me., Granby, Vt., and Isle au Haut, Me., — in all about forty years. His personal bearing was ministerial, and his life was in keeping with his profes- sion. He married his first wife, Sybil Holt of Weld, Me., 15 Sept., 1829, who died there 21 Nov., 1830. His second wife, 1 Sept., 1841, was Isabella Dutton of Bangor. He died in Bangor 9 Dec, 1875, aged seventy-three years. Issue : Samuel Edward, born 24 Feb., 1843; Isabella Graham, born 6 April, 1845; and Mary Apphia, born 10 Oct., 1847. 5 DanieP was born 27 June, 1805. He married Edee Webster of Wilton, Me., a relative of the Hon. Daniel Webster. She gradu- ated at a Boston medical college, acquired a large practice, and was considered among the first female physicians of the city. She died about 1871. He died of consumption, about 1859. Issue: Apphia Perley, Abigail, Ruth Wood, Daniel Emerson, Ebenezer W., Top- pan Sargent, Edee A. R. 6 Eben^ was born 27 Sept., 1814; married Cynthia Miles in Lowell, Mass., and had one daughter. 7 Sophia Ann** was born 28 Jan., 1824, and Dec, 18 — (about 1854) married John Burbank of Readfield, Me. He was a farmer in Wilton, Me., and died in the Rebellion, at New Orleans. He was buried in the soldiers' cemetery near the battle ground, by the levee, about four miles from the city. Issue: Byron Emery, born 1855; Mary Ellen, born 1857; James Eugene, born 1858; Hattie Esther, born 1860. 8 Betsey Billings'* was born 16 June, 1825; and married 5 Dec, 1848, Asa Jennings of Wilton, Me., who was born 24 Nov., 1819. He was a farmer. Issue: B. Emmogene, born 1850, died 1878; A. Byron, born 1851; Mary F., born 1856; Albert Eaton, born 1862. 9 Toppan James^ was born 26 May, 1827, and married about 1856, Mrs. Susan Butler (Buttes.?) and resided in Flagstaff, Me., where he was a farmer and a justice of the peace. 10 Harriet Brown^ was born 27 July, 1829, and 23 Sept., 1865, married Captain William S. Hall, who was a sea captain and a carpenter and resided in New York City. Issue: Willie Curtis, born 1868; Louis Anderson, born 1871. 11 Joshua Byron' was born 23 Jan., 1832, and 23 Jan., 1860, mar- ried Esther E. Hall. They resided in Nashua, N. H. He was a railroad employe, and died in Lowell 23 June, 1860, from injuries received from the cars. FAMILY 150: SWEET. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JACOB-73. IRENE PERLEY was born 27 Nov., 1774. She once lived in a log house, yet she was gentle in her manners, refined in her tastes, and skillful in performing womanly duties. She married, 26 Oct., 1796, Abel Sweet, born to Ebenezer and Naomi-Daggett Sweet, Attleboro, Mass., 20 Sept., 1772. They settled in Wilton, the part now Farmington. He and his father built the first frame house in the town, and made it their home.. Shortly after her marriage she joined the Baptist church, of which her husband had been some time a member. He died 8 June, 1817, aged forty-four; she, of consump- tion, 2 Jan., 1826, aged fifty-one. She was a model woman, and every way a "helpmate" — affable, neat and industrious. She was patient in her last sickness and suffering, which was great ; cheerful in the near prospect of dissolution, and left a memory worthy to be cherished by her children's children for many generations. Their children were all born in Farmington. 1 Sweet children: Sarah Perley-, Desire Daggett^ Naomi Dag- gett\ Sophia Eaton''. 2 Sarah Perley' was born T) June, 1798. She married 15 April, 1822, Loyal Lovejoy, born in Anson, Me., to Thomas and Nancy- Burgess Lovejoy of Farmington. They removed to and remained about ten years in Industry, Me.; they set up their last home in Augusta. He was a stone mason, and owned and worked a granite quarry in Augusta. He died o Sept., 1861. His widow survived him. Issue, born in Industry: Irene Perley, born 5 March, 1825, died Jan., 1834, aged eight. Loyal Palmer, born 2 'Nov., 1827, and died, unmarried, in Augusta, 26 Jan., 1854, aged twenty-six. Sarah Sophia, born 7 July, 1S29, and died 17 Sept., 18;:i2, aged three years. Desire Sweet, born 1 April, 1881, married Samuel Worcester, a grocer's clerk, and lived, without issue, in Augusta. Dana Board- man" and Adoniram Judson". 3 Desire Daggett' was born 5 Aug., 1801. She married, in Houlton, Me., in 1835, John Abbott, a homeopathic physician. In five years they removed to South China, Me., where both died in 1872. They both belonged to the community of Friends, and she became a public speaker of considerable note. 4 Naomi Daggett' was born 7 Aug., 1805, She married Joshua Allen of Farmington, where they lived about fifteen years, and then removed to Augusta, where she died in 1852. He was living in April, 1879. 5 Sophia Eaton' was born 20 Oct., 1808. She married George Kaler in South China, Me., in 1853. April, 1879, they were living in Augusta. 6 Dana Boardman'- was born 1 July, 1833, in Industry. He married, in Farmington, 1868, Fannie Lovejoy, daughter of Bartlett* HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 267 Lovejoy, Esq., of Salem, Mc. Issue: Dana Winfield, born 1869; Edward Sweet, born 1871; Erank Perley, born 1878; Charles Her- man, born 1876, and another born 1880. 7 Adoniram Jiidson^ was born 14 April, 1838. He married, in Liberty, 1868, Elvira L. Prescott, daughter of Ezekiel Prescott, Esq. Issue: Mabel Irene, born 1869; Sarah Alice, born 1871; Elvira Prescott, born 1878; Minnie Estelle, born 1876. FAMILY 151: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, .TACOB-17, JACOB-37, JACOB-73. MOSES PERLEY was born 8 March, 1777, in Chester, N. H. His wife died in Eaton, Canada, or Montville, Me., without issue. In 1808 they removed to Wilton, Me., thence probably to Canada. A few years later he returned to Wilton, and resided with his brother Joshua Perley. He died in Wilton, or Houlton, 12 Nov., 1848. He was at one time largely engaged in the lumber trade in Mont- ville with his brother Aaron. He became involved and left for Canada. In those days there was no insolvency court, nor com- promising with creditors. It was duress or payment; the jail loomed in the distance, and its portals would have "grated harsh thunder" on the sensitive nerves of their victim. Failure in business is not necessarily criminal ; the purpose of a man may be as high, his integrity as great, his pursuit as laborious, as those are that crown another man with success; nay, in the exer- tions that fail there may be more merit. Mr, Perley had lost the fruit of years of hard labor; his earnest of the future had vanished, his ambition was disappointed; discourag- ment possessed him ; and these heart burnings, entombed in his bosom, silent as the grave, shadowed his life with gloom. He rests with his fathers and family, on the lap of Mother Earth, really as noble a Roman as any of her children. FAMILY 152: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JACOB-73. AARON PERLEY was born in Chester, N. H., 11 March, 1779. At fifteen years of age his father removed to Tingstown — now Wilton — Me. His first venture, lumbering, failed. Then he, with his brother Moses, went lumbering in Canada and was successful. In 1821 he had in cash and credits $2500, and went to Temple, Me., with his brother Joshua, and soon bought a farm in Dexter, paying cash with a mortgage, but failing to collect his credits in Canada, he lost all. He married, in 1832, Dorothy Rowell of Monmouth, Me., who died about 1864. He died in Hodgdon, Me., 18 June, 1848. 1 Perley children : Aaron DonnoH', Charles Edwin'l 268 THE PERLEY FAMILY 2 Aaron^ was born about 1835 and died 1887. Charles^ was born about 1838, and was drafted from Hodgdon, Me., and mustered into service 12 Oct., 1864. He died at Petersburg, Va., of disease, 19 April, 1865. FAMILY 153: BURPEE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, P.ENJAMIN-74. MARY PERLEY, called "Molly," was born 2 Jan., 1760, and married, in Boxford 22 Nov., 1781, Asa Burpee of Ipswich, who was born in 1760. They lived first in Rowley, Mass., and removed to New London, N. H., about 1785 or 6. She died 27 July, 1833, he 15 Oct., 1843, aged eighty-three years. "Mr. Burpee was a farmer, and owned a farm at the foot of 'Bur- pee Hill,' so called because there were several families of that name scattered along over the hill. The family were rather looked down upon at one time by some of the neighbors who possessed more of this world's goods; and on one occasion one of the children of the neighborhood came in as Mrs. Burpee was taking her bread out of the oven. She took a small loaf of brown bread, and broke it into small pieces, giving some to the children, and the little stranger with the rest; and as they went out of doors, he said, 'This is real good bread for such poor folks to have.' "They were remarkably a musical family, all of them being singers; and the choir of the Baptist church at New London has had members of this family for four generations among its members. The present leader, a grandson of Mrs. Burpee, has been [1880] at its head for nearly thirty-five years. "For many years the family lived in a log house, but as years went on, a new house was built, which remained, until this, too, was taken down, being too old to be comfortable. "The sons and daughters of Mrs. Burpee grew up to be strictly honest and upright men and women ; their word could be depended on. None of them ever became rich, but all were in comfortable circumstances and respected. Thomas, the oldest, having built and occupied another house near the site of the old one, took care of the aged parents in their last days. After his death the place passed into the hands of strangers. His children all removed with their widowed mother to Stoneham, Mass., only one, the brother, Benja- min Emery, remaining in New London." 1 Burpee children (all but Rebecca lived and died in New London): Thomas-, Rebecca'^ Dolly^ Perley^ Deliverance'', Apphia', Azubeth^ Sally^ AbiaP. 2 Thomas^ was born 13 Dec, 1782, in Rowley. He married, in 1809, Miss Mary Emery Woodman of New London, who was born 13 Nov., 1788. He was a farmer and shoemaker. He learned the latter trade in Dedham, Mass., and taught his brothers. He died 3 Dec, 1848; his widow 23 April, 1868. Issue: Benjamin Emery^; Sally, born 6 Nov., and died 25 Nov., 1811; Mary Jane'*^; Apphia HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 269 Everett"; Elizabeth Woodman, born 7 Sept., 1828, lived in Stone- ham, Mass., for some years, and died unmarried in New London 17 Sept., 18*'"' «>'''*^'ri'"^'> a i''tt*-r "s assistant lora- r 11 • „ i.i_ • • pilcM' of tliis work, about 18S0. tollowmg their marriage they returned to New London. Their home now ( Feb., 1905) is Provi- dence, R. I. Issue: Gepevieve, born 30 July, 1855, and died 6 May, 1876; Harry-^; Alice Trayne, born in New London 17 Oct., 1860, residing with her parents; Robert Byng-*'. 13 Edwin P.^ was born 10 Jan., 1829, and married 15 Feb., 1859, Miss Rosaline Parasine Todd of New London, born 27 Dec, 1838. He was a farmer in New London, where he died 5 Feb., 1897. Burpee issue: Wilfred Ernest, born 7 Feb., 1860; Mary Elsie, born 6 June, 1863; Susan Colgate, born 19 Nov., 1865; Eliza Colby, born 14 Dec, 1867; Hattie Todd, born 12 July, 1873. 14 Asa B.'^ was born 28 April, 1819. He was a farmer. He HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 271 married 17 Nov., 1846, Sarah A. Woodward, born in Sutton, N. H., 9 June, 1877, to David and Ruth-Wells Woodward. They lived in New London, where she died 19 Aug., 1884. He died in Warner, N. H., 18 Dec, 1900. Pillsbury issue: Charles Edgar, born 25 June, 1852, died, unmarried, in Manchester, N. H., 11 Nov., 1879; Martha Harriman'-'. 15 Martha J.*^ was born in New London 26 March, 1822, and 5 March, 1846, married Elhanan Harriman, a farmer of Warner, who was born 8 Jan., 1823, and died 24 June, 1851. She then married his brother Augustine, who was born 15 April, 1825. She died in Warner 6 July, 1904. 16 George Washington'' was born 28 Nov., 1819. He was a law- yer, and married 30 Oct., 1849, Miss Ellen Frances Lane of Glouces- ter, Mass., who was born 16 Sept., 1827. He served as major in the 9th N. H. Regiment, and died at Cincinnati, Ohio, 18 Aug., 1863. The widow was long time cashier for M. V. B. Perley, merchant, in Gloucester. Everett issue: Bertha Ada, born 4 April, 1850, and died 7 Oct., 1868; George Washington, born 22 Nov., 1853; Mary Lane, born 30 Sept., 1855; Ellex Frances, born 6 April, 1858, and married Morris Peabody, having home in Danvers. Jonathan Rob- ert, born 5 Nov., 1861. 17 Abial Burpee^was born 24 April, 1824. He was a farmer in New London, and 24 Oct., 1848, married Miss Harriet Elizabeth Spaulding of Chelmsford, Mass., who was born 5 July, 1876. Everett issue: F"rank Lelnyn, born 28 May, 1853; Mary Eugenia, born 18 Jan., 1862, in Chelmsford and died 26 Aug., 1874; Edward Lane, born 28 June, and died 11 Oct., 1865. 18 Mary Ann'' was born 4 Oct., 1826, and married 8 Sept., 1846, Capt. George Edward Lane, a sea captain of Gloucester, Mass., who was born 19 Feb., 1822. She died at Yokohama, Japan, 17 Nov., 1869. Lane issue: George Edward, born 8 Sept., 1847, in Glouces- ter, married 17 Nov., 1875, Miss Lillian Leota Saladee, born in Columbus, Ohio, 3 Nov., 1856, living in Marlin, Texas, having Ernest, born 31 July, 1876, and Edward, born 9 Sept., 1878. 19 Rapseima L.** was born 20 Sept., 1836, in New London, where she married, 22 Oct., 1855, Horatio Marshall Fales, who was born in the same town 31 Dec, 1833, to Annie Chapin-Burpee and Horatio Fales, a carpenter. He is one of the independent farmers of his native town. They have had no children. Mrs. Fales has been a member of the First" Baptist church choir from the time she was fourteen years old. 20 James H.^ was born in New London, N. H., 23 March, 1839. He married in Chester, Vt., 8 Sept., 1864, Stella P. Weston, born in Springfield, Vt., 30 Oct., 1844, to Samuel A., a farmer of Chester, and Permilla-Lee Weston. Mr. Burpee served in the Civil War in Co. K., 9th Regt. N. H. Volunteers. In 1865 he was assistant sec- retary of state of New Hampshire. From 1869 to 1880, he was a merchant and postmaster of Scytheville, New London. His wife died 4 Sept., 1898, in Medford, Mass., where he now resides. He is a merchant and manufacturer. Burpee issue, born in New London: Helen Lee'"**; Charles Woodbury'-^^; George Weston*'. 21 Adelaide E.-' was born in New London, N. H., 23 July, 1842, 272 THE PERLEY FAMILY and married there 18 March, 1871, George Lorenzo Melendy, a mer- chant of Milford, N. H., who was born in Brookline, N. H., 12 Feb., 1845, to Lorenzo P., a farmer, and- Williams Melendy. She died 23 June, 1883. She was a school teacher before her marriage. Melendy issue: Jesse George, who was born in Milford 30 Sept., 1877, fitted for college at Colby Academy, New London, and graduated at Brown University, 1901, with the degree of Ph. B. He was a Sigma Chi and a Phi Delta Theta; received honors in football and track athletics, and is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa society. He taught a year in St. George's School, Newport, R. L, and since then has been chemist with the General Chemical Company of New York, entering in June, 1904, upon duties as assistant superintendent of their works in Camden, N. J. He married, in Trinity Church, Bos- ton, Mass., 20 April, 1904, Jessie May Cofrau, born in Boston 3 Aug., 1873, to Smith Wadleigh, dealer in real estate, and Marcelene- VVanzer Cofrau. Their home is Camden. 22 Herschel A.^° was born in Sanbornton, N. H., IG July, 1839. He married in Harrisburg, Penn., 2 March, 1863, Elizabeth Rebecca Anderson, born in Harrisburg 18 April, 1838. The home of his youth was Woburn, near the Stoneham line. He attended school in Woburn and was much beloved by teachers and schoolmates. After leaving school he worked at home on the farm or in a Stoneham shoe factory. He enlisted for the war in April, 1861, in a Stoneham company. He was killed in the battle of Gettysburg 1 July, 1863. Both towns, Woburn and Stoneham, claimed him and his name is on the soldiers' monument of each town. His widow, married, second, in 1868, Dr. Robert Long. Their home is Middletown, Dauphin Co., Penn. 23 Mary A.'" was born in Sanbornton, N. H., 16 Nov., 1840. She married in North Reading, Mass., 2 Oct., 1860, William Henry Orne, a shoe cutter, born in North Reading 10 June, 1835, to Eben Orne, a blacksmith. He died in Woburn, Mass., 13 May, 1876, leaving child: Herschel Almeron, born 20 Aug., 1871, and died, un- married, 19 Aug., 1902. She married, second, in Woburn, 30 Nov., 1880, and became the second wife of John Wesley Nichols, clock and goldsmith, born in Reading 2 Nov., 1837, to Samuel and Achsah- I^arden Nichols. She died in Woburn 15 Nov., 1893. He is of South Boston. [His first wife was Marion Susan Williams.] Nichols child : Mary P^lizabeth, born in Winchester, Mass., 9 Nov., 1881, now residing, unmarried, in Cambridge, Mass. 24 Eleanora^" was born in New Loiidon N. H., 13 Nov., 1843. She married, in Stoneham, Mass., 26 June, 1888, and became the second wife of Charles Hazeltine Cowdry, born in Plymouth, N.H., IS March, 1832, to Amos, a blacksmith, and Ruth-Centre Cowdry. Mr. Cowdry is a housewright and stair builder; their home is Elm- hurst, N. Y. 25 Harry^'^ was born in New London 27 Nov., 1857. He married in Littleton, Mass., 21 Oct., 1886, Emma Frances Parker, born in Littleton 4 Jan., 1864, to James Augustus, a farmer, and Sarah Maria-Wright Parker. Mr. Greenwood is a bookkeeper. Their home is Worcester, Mass. Greenwood child: Wallace Wright, born in Concord, N, H., 13 Sept., 1892. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 273 26 Robert Byng^- was born in New London 21 July, 1862. He married in Newton Center, Mass., 28 June, 1900, Alice Mabel Ma- comber, born in Boston, Mass., 14 April, 1866, to William, a mer- chant, and Mary Stedman Tileston-Leeds Macomber. Mr. Greenwood is a cashier. Their home is Providence, R. I. 27 Martha H." was born in New London 26 Sept., 1855. She was a teacher. She married in Warner, N. H.. 15 Feb., 1905, and became the second wife of Almeron B. Abbott, a machinist, born in Springfield, N. H., 13 Feb., 1845, to Stephen and Sarah-Kidder Abbott. Their home is Sunapee, N. H. Mr. Abbott's first wife was Alzina L. Felch. 28 Helen L.-'^ was born 16 Oct., 1866. She married in Mont- pelier, Vt., 24 Jan., 1893, Henry Alanson Cobb, born in Fall River, Mass., 28 July, 1862, to Henry, dealer in granite and marble, and Augusta- Walker Cobb. Mr. Cobb is a salesman. Their home is Medford, Mass. Child: Harold Burpee, born in Burlington, Vt., 1 Jan., 1894. 29 Charles W.'-" was born 8 Dec, 1874. He married in Medford, Mass., 2 Nov., 1899, Mabel G. Mclntire, born in Medford 15 Sept., 1875, to Dana L, a merchant of Boston, and Mary C.-Browne Mclntire, Mr. Burpee is a salesman. They reside in Medford. Child: Dana James, born 6 Oct., 1901, and died 28 April, 1902. 30 George W."^ was born 19 Jan., 1879. He married in Boston, Mass., 8 July, 1901, Kathryn Fox, born in Jamaica Plain, Mass., to Peter Fox, a florist. Mr. Burpee is a salesman. Their home is Everett, Mass. FAMH^Y 154: GOULD. LINEAL DKSCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74. REBECCA PERLEY was born 2 Sept., 1763, and when of Topsfield, 14 June, 1786, married Amos Gould, who was born in Boxford 12 Dec, 1761, to Amos and Huldah-Foster Gould. He served in the Revolutionary War and at West Point when Arnold's treason was discovered. He received a j^ension of $12 a year. He was a fine singer. He was a very devout Christian, and was a deacon of the church in Canaan, N. H. He was greatly beloved by his children and grandchildren. He located in Boxford, and in 1789 removed to Warner, N. H. Thence they removed to Canaan, in 1801. While visiting their son Aaron in Piermont, N. H., she died 17 Dec, 1836, aged seventy-two years. After her death he lived with their son, where he died 28 Dec, 1853, aged ninety-two years. 1 Gould children : Phebe'-, Dolly P.-, Amos'-, Susan% David'-, Re- becca", John'-, Huldah'^, Benjamin Perley'^, Clark C.'-^, Hannah'-, Aaron Pressey'^, Sophronia'^ 2 Born in Boxford, Phebe\ 30 March, 1787, and Dolly F.\ 19 June, 1788. Born in Warner, Amos\ 4 April, 1790; Susan\ 23 April, 1792; David', 5 March, 1794; Rebecca\ 8 May, 1796; John\ 2 May, 1798; Huldah\ 19 July, 1800. Born in Canaan, Benj. F.\ 24 274 THE PERLEY FAMILY May, 1802; Clark C/, 12 March, 1S04; HannalV, 1(J March, 1806; and Sophronia\ 11 Dec, 1810. 3 Aaron P.* was born in Canaan 29 March, 1808, and married 1 Jan., 1838, Hannah Bennett Jackson, born in Augusta, Me., 9 May, 1811, to Jeremiah, a farmer who was "practically interested in education and schools," and Annie-Niles Jackson. She died of heart disease in Piermont 9 May, 1881, leaving a cherished memory as a home maker and mother. He was a successful business man. He served faithfully in the chief offices of his town. He was a deacon of the Congregational church, and for many years was leader of its choir. His oldest daughter was the leading soprano and his second daughter was or- ganist; his wife sang alto for many years. He served in the 93d Regiment N. H. State Militia and bore the title of colonel. At the time of his death he had retired from business, except his service as president of the Bradford bank, Vermont. He died in Piermont 25 June, 1882. Gould children, born in Piermont: Har- riet, 14 April, 1837, died 11 Aug., 1886, (married Edward Ford and had three children. Dr. Inez Ford Nason of Dover, N, H., Luella Bell Bickford of Bradford, Vt., and Edward Gould Ford of Piermont); Luella Bell, 18 April, 1839, married 7 May, 1863, Augustus F. Smith, who died of typhoid fever 22 Oct., 1864, leaving one child, Kate Luella, a music teacher and organist, who resides with her mother. She married, second, S. S. Marden and lives in Manchester, N. H. FAMILY 155: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAC01M7, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74. BENJAMIN PERLEY was born in Boxford 6 June, 1765. He went to Dunbarton, N. H., with his father in 1791, and settled in the southeast part of the town, a farmer. He married 7 July, 1791, Lois Gould, born 1 Nov., 1766, to Capt. Jacob and Elizabeth-Towne Gould of Boxford. She was a sis- ter of Ruth Perley-84. She died 14 May, 1824. His second wife (reads the Hammond Genealogy) "was Huldah Hammond, born in Dunbarton 1 July, 1785, and died 3 May, 1853. By her he had a daughter Salome who married Asa Kimball of An- dover, Mass., and had by Kimball, Amanda, Emeline, and Sarah." Mr. Perley died 6 Feb., 1838. 1 Perley children : Benjamin and Lois^ Martha Gould-297, Ben- jamin-298, Hannah^ Humphrey C.^ Warren-299, Gilman-300, Eliza*, Anna^ Charles^ John-301, Elbridge-302. 2 Benjamin and Lois^ were twins, born 18 Jan., 1792. He died young. She married 29 Dec, 1813, Jeremiah Hardy of Groveland, Mass. He died 28 May, 1847, a man of eminently moral and Christian character. '3 Hannah^ was born 12 Oct., 1796, married James Morrison, a farmer in Bedford, N. H., where he died 10 Oct., 1877, aged eighty- one. Humphrey C was born 31 March, 1798, and married Lydia HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 275 Jones. He was a farmer in Dunbarton, selectman and State legisla- tor several years, and died 5 Sept., 185(i. See Family-cSi'^ 4 Anna^ was born 26 Nov., 1804, married Josiah Gillis Hadley, a landlord in Portsmouth, N. H., where she died 9 June, 1875. Charles^ was still-born, 1806; Eliza* was born 22 Dec., 1802, and married Samuel Morrison, a farmer of Bedford, N. H., where she died 16 Sept., 1845 or 7, having had at least one child, Elbridge Gil- bert, born in Bedford, who, when a clerk, twenty-nine years old, married in Salem, Mass., 25 Aug., 1866, Annie Eliza McDermott, a native of Dover, N. H., twenty-three years old and daughter of Roger and Anna-Sullivan McDermott. FAMILY 156: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAC01M7, JACOK -37, HENJAMIN-74. PAUL PERLEY was born in Boxford 17 Dec, 1769. He re- moved to Dunbarton, N. H., with his father in 1797, and settled upon a farm in New London, N. H. He married, 1797, Sally Story of Dunbarton, born 21 March, 1776, and died 11 Feb., 1861. He died 27 March, 1839. 1 Perley children : Sarah'% Elizabeth Story^, Benjamin-303, Dolly Ann\ Daniel Story-304, Jacob^ Mary Ann*'. 2 Sarah* was born in Springfield, N. H., 24 Aug., 1798. She married there 8 March, 1820, David Story Perkins, a blacksmith, born in Dunbarton 11 May, 1797, to Israel, a farmer, and Mary- Burnham Perkins. His blacksmith shop in Washington is still standing. They were highly esteemed by the townspeople. Mrs. Perkins was nurse for the whole village and much loved by all. He died 7 May, 1852, in Washington, N. H., and she 31 May, 1878. Perkins children, born in Washington but the first : Sylvester Story, in Dunbarton 24 March, 1821, died in Goffstown, N. H., 22 June, 1822; Mary Elizabeth^; Sylvester Story, 1 Feb., 1826, and died in Washington 28 Aug., 1827; Sylvia Jane**; Sarah Augusta''. 3 Elizabeth S.', "Betsey" the name then, was born 25 March, 1800. She married Benjamin Bunker, a farmer, born in Pembroke or New London 8 Jan., 1796, to Benjamin, a farmer, and Betsey- Daniels Bunker. Their home was New London. She died 13 June, 1877, in Wilmot, N. H., where he also died. Bunker issue: Sarah Elizabeth*"; Alfred P., born 20 March, 1834, is buried in New Lon- don; Henry; Susan Maria, a dressmaker, born in New London, 7 March, 1839, and died 10 March, 1888, in Wilmot; Perley**; Syl- vester*-. 4 Dolly A.* was born in West Springfield, N. H., 24 May, 1805. She was a tailoress by trade. She married in Boston, Mass., 13 Feb., 1834, Thompson Baxter, born in Ouincy, Mass., 27 June, 1809, to Jonathan, Jr., and Polly Doble-Hayward Baxter. Mr. Baxter was engaged in the boot and shoe business. He died 22 Aug., 1876, in Ouincy; his widow 2 April, 1882. Baxter children, born in Ouincy: Paul Perley, 21 April, 1835, married, and lives in Ketchum, Idaho; 276 THE PERLEY FAMILY Daniel Story, 7 Aug., 1836, died in Nov., 1903, leaving two children living; Rebecca Blanchard, 5 July, 1838, died 27 Sept., 1849; Caro- line Jerusha^''; Thompson, 25 Oct., 1842, died 27 April, 1866; Charles Newcomb, 18 Sept., 1844, died 30 Oct., 1882, leaving two children living; Mary Ann Hayward". 5 Jacob^ was born 28 March, 1811, and died in 1814. 6 Mary A.^ was born in Springfield, N. H., 2 March, 1815. and married there 15 Jan., 1835, Samuel Ouimby, a ship builder and farmer, who was born there 2 Sept., 1800, to Gen. John, a farmer, and Mary-Bean Ouimby. He died 7 Jan., 1872, in Springfield, and she 16 Aug., 1888. Ouimby issue: Amanda M.^*^; Daniel P., born 10 Aug., 1839, died 23 Feb., 1891; Warren S., born 3 Dec, 1847. He lived in Warren, N. H. 7 Mary E.^ was born 31 July, 1823. She was sometime employed as weaver in a woolen mill. She married in Washington, N. H., 10 Jan., 1887, and became the second wife of Dexter Ball, a farmer, brother of Nehemiah^ who was born in Antrim, N. H., 31 Dec, 1818. [His first wife was Hannah Brockway.] While on a visit to her sister in Marlboro, Mass., she died, 22 Jan., 1899; and he the following day. They were buried in one grave in Washington 27 Jan., 1899. 8 Sylvia J." was born 14 Dec, 1828. She was a weaver in a woolen mill. She married first, in Washington, 22 Sept., 1847, Nehemiah Ball, a farmer, born in Antrim, N. H., 1 Feb., 1823, to John and Rebecca-Proctor Ball. He was killed by accident 6 Nov., 1853, in Washington. She married, second, in Washington 5 Aug., 1858, Harris Robinson, born 17 June, 1816. She died 7 July, 1878. Ball child: Almira Eliott, born in Washington 9 July, 1848, died un- married, in Nashua, N. H., 4 Dec, 1866. 9 Sarah A.^ was born 21 Sept., 1832. She was a school teacher. She married in Washington, N. H., 27 Jan., 1853, Albert Davis, a shoemaker, who was born in Washington 1 July, 1825, to Ephraim, a stone cutter, and Nancy-Davis Davis. Albert removed to Marl- boro, Mass., and was foreman of the dressing department of a shoe shop there. He died 5 Dec, 1887, in Marlboro, where his widow now resides (March, 1905). Davis children, born in Marlboro: Emily Augusta, 20 June, 1854, who is State Council Secretary of the Daughters of Liberty, and resides with her mother in Marlboro; Charles Albert, 14 Oct., 1856, died, unmarried, in Marlboro, 29 Jan., 1875; Clarence Perkins, 20 May, 1859, and died, unmarried, 24 Dec, 1887; Carrie Florence^''; Nancy Maria'"; Sarah Almira Crosby'**. P^mily A. says: "Jan. 27 in our family is remarkable — the dates of mother's and sister Carrie's marriage, birth of sister Sarah, death- stroke of brother Charles, and the burial of Aunt Lizzie and Uncle Dexter Ball." 10 Sarah E.^ was born in New London 8 Feb., 1832, and married John Woodward, son of John Woodward, a farmer, born in Wash- ington, N. H., 17 Aug., 1823. He was a last block manufacturer. She died in Wilmot 24 Oct., 1880; and he 4 June, 1888. Woodward children, born in Wilmot: George Eliot, 9 Oct., 1847, died when 17 months old; Clark Burton, 25 Feb., 1849, of Warren, N. H.; John Frank, 27 June, 1850, of West Andover, N. H.; Charles Henry, 30 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 277 June, 1852, of West Andover ; Caleb, 20 July, 1855, died soon after birth; Fred Perlsy, 16 May, 1856, died 23 Aug., 1881; Arthur Ben- ton, 1 March 1858, of Franklin, N. H.; Sarah Bunker, 10 Feb., 1860, married M. T. Pressey of East Thetford, N. H.; Hattie Pres- cott, 15 July, 1861, married A. L. Waldron and resides in Meriden, Iowa; Ellen Maria, 24 Feb., 1863, died 22 March, 1893; Sherman, 3 Feb., 1865, died 28 May, 1885; Sumner, 11 Aug., 1866, married, liv- ing in West Andover, N. H.; Mary Elizabeth, 10 Oct., 1868, married a Show, and living in West Andover; Everline, 2 Nov., 1872, lived twenty-eight days. 11 Perley^was born in New London 10 Oct., 1840, and married in East Boxford, Mass., 29 Jan., 1863, Alvira Sawyer, born in East Bradford, Mass., 21 Jan., 1839, to William, a shoemaker, and Joanna- Pickett Sawyer. He was a boot freer in Georgetown, Mass., where he died 19 Feb., 1878. His widow resides in Menomonie, Wis. (1905). Bunker child: Lura Susan, born 8 Sept., 1863, in George- town, where she died 3 Feb., 1886. 12 Sylvester^ was born in Wilmot 4 June, 1844. He was a farmer. He married, first, Almeda Fisk, born to Benjamin and Rachel- Plint Plsk. He married, second, in Claremont, N. H., 1 June, 1879, Sylvia Josephine Fisk, a milliner, his first wife's cousin, born in Sutton, N. H., 18 April, 1855, to Levi, a farmer, and Susan- Rogers Fisk. Mr. Bunker died in Wilmot 13 June, 1902, and his widow married a Morgan, who died in 1905. She resides in Dor- chester, Mass. Bunker child: Susie Genevia, born 5 Sept., 1886. 13 Caroline J.^ was born 2 Nov., 1840. She was a school teacher. She married in Quincy 25 Oct., 1870, Joseph Henry Hobart, a book- keeper, born in Milton, Mass., 1 Nov., 1837. He died 4 P^eb., 1896, in South Braintree, Mass., where his widow now resides. Hobart issue: Mary Baxter^^; William Francis, born 18 Nov., 1873, and died 20 June, 1880. 14 Mary A. H.* was born in Ouincy, Mass., 26 July, 1847, and married there 25 Oct., 1871, George Crane, a carpenter, born in Quincy 18 Feb., 1847, to Benjamin L., a bootmaker, and Emmeline B. W.-Veazie Crane. Their home is Ouincy. Issue : Thompson Baxter, born 16 Nov., 1872, graduated from Thayer Academy, South Braintree, then attended the Institute of Technology. He belonged to the state militia and at the breaking out of the war with Spain, enlisted in the service, in which he remained a year, but saw no fighting. 15 Amanda M.*^ was born in Springfield, N. H., 10 Jan., 1837, and married in Ouincy, Mass., 31 May, 1862, Charles McDaniel, born in Springfield 22 July, 1835, to James, a farmer, and Hitty L.-Phil- brick McDaniel. Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel were school teachers. He later engaged in farming. Their home is Enfield, N. H. Mc- Daniel issue: Carrie, born 16 Aug., 1863, died 18 March, 1879; Cora, born 27 Dec, 1864; Carl, born 10 Jan., 1870, died 20 April, 1871; Catie, born 8 Dec, 1872, died 13 Feb., 1879; Arthur, born 21 Jan., 1874, died 17 Feb., 1879. 16 Carrie F.^ was born in Marlboro, Mass., 4 Sept., 1861, and married there 27 Jan., 1883, Wilfred Everett Gassett, born in Marlboro 15 June, 1861, to P'oster and Sarah Jane-Pratt Gassett. 278 THE PERLEY FAMILY He was early a shoemaker and later was employed in a meat mar- ket. He died in Marlboro 5 Sept., 1894. His widow resides in Brockton, Mass., and is engaged in chiropody, hairwork, manicuring and facial massage. Gassett issue, born in Marlboro: Merton Albert, 2() Aug., 1891; Erlon Lovell, 2 May, 1893. 17 Nancy M.^ was born 14 Aug., 18(55, and married Frank E. Jackson, and resides in Marlboro. 18 Sarah A. C.'-* was born in Marlboro, Mass., '27 Jan., lS7o. She is a milliner. She married in Marlboro 15 Nov., 1904, John William Wood, a farmer, born in East Washington, N. H., *29 July, 1868, to John, a mason, and Julia A.-Crane Wood. They reside in Wash- ington, N. H. 19 Mary B.^^ was born in Braintree, Mass., 25 March, 1872. She is an artist. She married in Braintree 28 June, 1899, Frederick Goff Pennock, a machinist, born in Rutland, Vt., 2 Aug., 18(57, to Artemus and Augusta-Goff Pennock. They reside in South Brain- tree. Pennock issue: Marion Hobart, born 10 May, 1900; Ralph Baxter, born 31 Jan., 1904. FAMILY 157: LOW. LIXEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOiMAS-4, JACOB-IT, JACOU-37, P.EN,IAJ\IIN-74. APPHIA PERLEY was born 10 Sept., 1774. Her husband was Joseph Low of Dunbarton, who was a native of Essex, Mass. Their children were born in Dunbarton. 1 Low children: Joseph Perley-, Jonathan Gove^ Isaac S., Ben- jamin^ John'', Seth'', William Stinson^ 2 Joseph Perley^ was born 31 Dec, 1800. He was a cooper. He married Eliza Dole of Georgetown, Mass., where he died of con- sumption 8 July, 1845, and was interred in Union Cemetery. Issue: Maria, Louisa, Apphia, Charles Perley-215^ Carrie. A daughter of Jos. P. Low died in Georgetown 4 Dec, 1838, aged eleven. XVilliam S.^ died aged two years. 3 Jonathan Gove^ was born 31 Oct., 1803. His first wife was Mary Ann Norris; his second Elizabeth R. Perley P"arnum-173\ married by Rev. H. H. Baker in Georgetown. He was postmaster there about 1846. He died of consumption 27 June, 185(5. His widow, "Aunt Lizzie," died (5 Sept., 187(5, when sixty-five. Issue by first wife: William Stinson, who resided in Hayward, Almeda County, Cal.; Lewis N., born 4 Oct., 1846, in Georgetown. John^ married Mary Chaplin of Georgetown, published 30 Aug., 1833, and had Mary . These two brothers were landlords in Methuen, Mass., and the Transcript of that place thus refers to them: "I wish also to recall other good citizens of that time, men who are deserving of grateful remembrance for their public spirit and energy. Many can remember the smiling face of Mr. John Low, once the landlord of the hotel, and a better one never occupied the premises. The firm was John & Gove Low and I think it would be difficult to find a combination of four people more worthy than were HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 279 the brothers Low and their wives, three of whom have passed the river. One remains, to whom all honor is due for a Christian and well ordered life ; may she long live to enjoy its fruits. Mr. Low was kind to the sick and charitable to the poor, ever ready with a horse and carriage to give such a little jaunt about the country, and it was a pleasure to sit beside him and be cheered by his sunny looks and mirth provoking talk. About Christmas time none of the boys were afraid to ask brother Low for a team to go to the woods and gather the lovely green wreaths that nature has so abundantly pro- vided, it would almost seem, to celebrate the birth of Christ." 4 Benjamin' was born 30 Jan., LS07, and died of heart failure 29 April, 1894, aged eighty-six years, three months. He married 17 Jan., 1833, his cousin Amy Snowdon Sargent-160^ who was born 24 Dec, 180G. He was a currier, and lived in Georgetown. Issue: Sarah Ann, born 24 March, 1834, school teacher; John, born 23 and died 27 Nov., 1835; Matilda, born 11 Aug., 1837, and died 2 March, 1841; Charles M., born 17 Sept., 1839; Matilda C, born 2 March, 1842; Benjamin P., born 26 June, 1843. 5 Seth's^ first wife was Nira Davis of Warner, N. H., by whom he had issue: Marshall and Mary Dana. His second wife was Flora Eastman of Boxford, by whom he had issue: John, George, Charles, Clara, Helen. FAMILY 158: BURNHAM. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOH-37, BENJAMIN-74. ANNA PERLEY was born 16 March, 1777. She married 16 May, 1808, in Dunbarton, Rev. Abraham Burnham, D. D., who was born 18 Nov., 1775, to Dea. Samuel and Mary-Perkins Burnham of that place. Dr. Burnham studied divinity with Rev. Dr. Parish of Byfield Parish, Newbury, Mass.; he preached in Pembroke, N. H. She was consumptive ; three months after marriage she visited her parents at Dunbarton, and took a severe cold; she failed rapidly, and never left her parents' home alive, dying there 28 Dec, 1808, only thirty-one years of age. He died in Pembroke of paralysis, 21 Sept., 1852, aged seventy-six years. Dr. Burnham married four times but had issue by the second wife only — Mary Anna and Eliz- abeth White. An excellent biography of him is contained in the discourse at his funeral, (23 Sept., 1852), by Rev. Prof. Daniel J. Noyes of Dartmouth College. He was one of the leading clergyman of New Hampshire for a generation. FAMILY 159: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAC01M7, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74. JOHN PERLEY was born 29 May, 1779. He went with his father to Dunbarton in 1791. He married and returned to Salem, Mass., where he was hotel proprietor at the corner of Essex and 280 THE PBRLEY FAMILY Beckford streets. He was lieutenant in the Salem artillery. He was chosen lieutenant in the militia in April, 1810. He was married by Rev. Samuel Meed, Danvers, G Dec., 1801, to Mehitable Proctor, born 19 Dec, 1775, to Sylvester and Mehitable- Porter Proctor of Danvers. Lieut. Perley died 16 Oct., 1815; his widow died in Peabody — then South Danvers — 31 Aug., 1852, where she was interred. The Salem Gazette of 6 Oct., 1815, announces his death and speaks of him as "late lieutenant in the U. S. Army." 1 Perley children: Proctor Jefferson-305, John Andrews'", Mehit- able-806, Elbridge Gerry'-, Eliza Anna^, Elbridge Gerry^, Jacob-307. 2 John A.^ was born 1 June, 1804, went to Florida in the naval service, and died there of fever 16 Feb., 1838. Elbridge G.^ was born 9 Feb., and died 6 May, 1808. 3 Eliza A.Hvas born in Salem, Mass., 17 Mar., 18u9, and was married in Peabody, Mass., by Rev. G. Cowles of Danvers, Mass., 25 May, 1830, to Jefferson Taylor, a carpenter, born in Stoddard, N. H., 30 Nov., 1802, to Danforth Taylor. His mother's maiden name was P'letcher. He died 20 Sept., 1882, in Peabody, where his widow resides (April, 1905). Taylor children : Sylvester Proctor"; Mary Proctor". 4 Elbridge G.' was born 29 June, 1810, and 30 Oct., 1851, married Sarah E. Erskine, born 28 July, 1821, in Whitefield, Me. — No issue. He entered the navy in 1840 and served five years. He fought in the Rebellion as quarter gunner on the iron-clad monitor Canonicus, and as captain of the forecastle on the bark Gemsbok and the steam frigate Vanderbilt. On account of seasickness, 20 May, 1861, he received an honorable discharge, and afterwarHs a pension. His home was Salem, though he spent most of his time at sea. His nautical name was "John E. Perley." His widow died in Salem 2 Feb., 1892. 5 Sylvester P.^ was born in Peabody 27 April, 1834. He is a commercial traveler. He married in Jamaica Plain, Mass., 19 Nov. 1859, Mary Bartlett Patterson, who was born in Amherst, N. H., 17 July, 1836, to Jesse Clement, a mason, and Atarah-Burnham Patter- son. Taylor children, born in Jamaica Plain: Marion, 3 May, 1864, now of Peabody; Frank". 6 Mary P.** was born in Peabody 25 Aug., 1838, and married in Cambridge, Mass., 8 June, 1863, P"rancis Aaron Low, a l3-anker for fifty years, but now in insurance business, who was born in Salem, Mass., 18 Nov., 1836, to Aaron Thomas and Ann Tucker-Briggs Low. Their home is Peabody. Low children : George P'rancis'^; Annie T., born 16 Dec, 1878. 7 Frank'^ was born 17 May, 1867. He is doing an insurance busi- ness. He married in Salem 7 Sept., 1892, Fannie Greene Hart, who was born in Peabody 28 July, 1872, to John Austin and Ellen- Greene Hart. Their home is Peabody. Taylor children, born in Peabody: Leland Hart, 29 April, 1893; Helen Perley, 16 Dec, 1894; Roswell Clemont, 22 May, 1900; Marjory Dascom, 6 Feb., 1902. 8 George F.'^ was born in Peabody, 17 Jan., 1869. He is a bank clerk. He married in Peabody 28 April, 1897, Grace Mabel Petty, born in Peabody 31 Aug., 1874, to John Loraine, an engineer, and Sarah Ellen-Barnes Petty. Their home is Peabody. Low children : Mabel Frances, born 3 Feb., 1898 ; Eleanor Louise, born 16 Nov.,1900. FAMILY IGO: SARGENT. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74. SARAH PERLEY was born, a twin with John-159, 29 May, 1779. She married 22 Oct., 1799, Capt. Stephen Sargent, born 3 March, 1776, to Peter Sargent of New London, where he died 19 Feb., 1856, aged seventy-nine. She died 2 Oct., 1862, aged eighty- ^three.^ije was a cabinet maker. >-/i.i'''i*'^rl£y children: Sally", Marcus Everett^ Dolly'-, Amy Snow- don-157^ Charles Seamans'*. 2 Sallyi and Dolly^ were born 11 May, 1800, and 19 May, 1803, and died young. 3 Marcus Everett' was born 30 May, 1801, and 27 Dec, 1829, married Ann Severance of Andover, N. H., where she was born 11 May, 1806. He was a cabinet maker and resided in New London. He was a good musician; his favorite instrument was the bass viol. Issue: Proctor Perley^; Amy Ann*^; Story Low"; James Severance, born 8 Nov., 1839, and died in Kansas 2 July, 1877 ; and Anthony Burpee, born 29 Nov., 1846, and lived in Lynn. 4 Charles Seamans' was born 19 March, 1817, and 30 Dec, 1842, married Judith Severance of Andover, N. H., where (.'') she was born 2 March, 1818. His trade was merchant tailor; his business later was merchant in dry goods in New London. They had no children. 5 Proctor Perley^ was born 7 Oct., 1830, and married in Bradford, N. H., 11 Nov., 1858, Olivia Ann Mead of New London, who was born in Northfield, N. H., 15 Oct., 1830. He traveled in California and other States, and died in New Orleans 28 Feb., 1865, aged thirty-four. Issue : Mary Ann, born in 1859, and died in 1860. 6 Amy Ann'* was born 12 April, 1833, and married 5 June, 1855, Franklin Prentice Nichols of Springfield, N. H., where he was born 2 July, 1832. They lived in the West, till she came home and died, without issue, 13 Aug., 1857, aged twenty-four. 7 Story Low^ was born 24 Feb., 1837. He married 28 Feb., 1865, Mary M , of Virginia, who was born 12 P^eb., 1842. They resided in Amicus, Kansas. Issue: Anthony Colby, born 1866; Curtis H., born 1870; Eddie, born 1871; Robert M., born 1873; John Gibson, born 1875; Frank Nichols, born 1877. The reference "160" in Family 84' should read "161." FAMILY 161: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74. JACOB PERLEY was born 17 Sept., 1783. He went to Dun- barton, N. H., with his father, but removed to Georgetown, Mass., as it appears, just before his death. He married 1 Feb., 1814, 282 THE PERLEY FAMILY Sarah Perley-84\ who was born in Georgetown, then New Rowley, 27 May, 1790. He died 14 Jan., 1821 ; his widow 11 Feb., 1864 or 5. Her epitaph reads "'Tis well with her "; his. Hear what the voice from Heavens Proclaims, For all the pious dead ; Sweet is the savior of their names And soft their sleeping heads. 1 Perley children: Harriet Newell-849, Sophia Ann-308. FAMILY 102: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, .TACOB-37, JOHN-75. JOHN PERLEY was born in Haverhill 4 March, 1772. He was an orphan at nine years, and his uncle, Benjamin Perley, was appointed his guardian. He was "put out" till fourteen, then went to learn the tanner's trade. Attaining his majority he spent several years in New York and Vermont, but settled permanently in Enfield, N. H., in 1798. His habits of industry and perseverance enabled him to accumu- late a handsome property. He was a man of integrity and exem- plary moral character. He served his town in many important offices of trust and honor. He married in 1799 or 1801, Susannah Goodhue of Enfield, born in 1781 to Joseph and Abigail-Choate Goodhue, on Hog Island, (now by act of the legislature Choate Island), Ipswich, now Essex, Mass. He died 6 July, and his widow 25 Dec, 18G8. 1 Perley children: Abigail Goodhue-o09, Uri-310, Mary Davis'", John-', Hannah Hutchins'\ Joseph Goodhue-311, David Goodhue-312, Moses Payson-313, William Goodhue-314, Edwin Allen-315. 2 Mary D.' was born 7 Sept., 1805. She married 9 Oct., 1831, Benjamin F. Sanborn, M. D., of Whitefield, N. H., who died leaving one child. She married, second, 23 Dec, 1837, Benjamin K. Swazy, M. D., of Canton, Me., and died about 1872, leaving two chil- dren by her second husband, John Perley and Benjamin of Canton, Me. .3 John^ was born 21 Aug., 1807, and died 15 May, 1833; Hannah H.i 14 March, 1810, and died 19 Aug., 1827. FAMILY 163: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JOHN-75. NATHANIEL PERLEY was born in Haverhill 31 March, 1775, and "weighed fourteen pounds." He was an orphan at three years, and his uncle, Benjamin Perley, became his guardian. He married in 1801, lived in Newbury till 1806, when he removed to Canaan, N. H., whence he removed in 1808 and settled, a farmer, in San born- ton, N. H. His wife was Dorothy Bartlett, born 12 Nov., 1777, to Joseph and Sarah-Morse Bartlett of Newbury, and married 24 Nov., 1801, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 283 (published 7 Nov., ISOO.) He died 1 Dec, 1859, aged eighty-four years; she '21 June, iStJo, aged eighty-five years and seven months. 1 Perley children: Joseph'-, Lydia Bartlett^ Stephen Bartlett-316, Hannah^ John", Moses Payson^ Charles Bartlett-ol7, George-318. 2 Joseph^ was born in Newbury 1 Sept., 1802, and married, first, 5 June, 1828, Rhoda Eastman of Meredith, N. H., who was born 11 May, 1802, to Thomas and Sally-Brown Eastman. She died in Han- nibal, N. Y., 28 March, 1864. He married, second, Sarah Woodman liastman, born 7 Oct., 18o5, to Abel Brown and Eliza-Woodman Eastman. He was a cabinet maker. He died in Gilmanton 14 July, 1871, and was buried in Meredith. She died in Sanbornton 10 June, 1873. They had no issue, but had an adopted daughter Julia, who married in Hannibal, N. Y., 19 March, 1866, and became the third wife of D. R. Van Patten, a farmer of Sterling, N. Y., their home. 3 Lydia B.^ was born in Newbury 19 Feb., 1804, and married in Sanbornton 8 May, 1827, Ede Taylor, a farmer born in Sanborn- ton 19 Nov., 1803, to Thomas and Sarah E.-Jewett Taylor. She died in Sanbornton 16 June, 1866; and he in Tilton, N. H., 23 Aug., 1872. Taylor children : Charles Chase''; Hannah Parley''. 4 Hannah^ was born in Sanbornton 7 Nov., 1810, and married 27 Feb., 1834, Josiah Dearborn Piper, a farmer, born in Sanbornton 19 Aug., 1807, to Nathaniel, a farmer, and Hannah-Smith Piper. It is said: "She could spin more yarn when a girl than any one else in the county." Mr. Piper died in Sanbornton 24 Nov., 1865. Piper children, all born in Sanbornton: Stephen S., 17 Dec, 1835, married and living in Manchester, N. H.; John Perley 20 July, 1842, who died in Sanbornton 23 P'eb., 1873, married 6 Dec, 1864, Eveana S. Taylor, daughter of Eben E., and had children : Joseph Bartlett, born 21 Aug., 1866; Katie Taylor, born 4 Dec, 1867. 5 John^ was born 21 July, 1812, and died, unmarried, in Gaines- ville, Ala., 7 Sept., 1843. Moses P.^ was born 14 Sept., 1815. He was a cabinet maker in New York City, where he died, unmarried, 1 April, 1882. 6 Charles C.^ was born in Sanbornton 28 Oct., 1828. He mar- ried, first, 19 Jan., 1851, Sarah C. Cawley. born 20 April, 1829, to Dea. Jonathan and Abigail-Marston Cawley. She died in Sanbornton 20 Feb., 1866. He married, second, 2 Feb., 1879, Eliza Ann Philbrook, a dressmaker, born 10 June, 1844, to Alpheus C. and Eliza-Moore Philbrook. He died in Tilton, N. H., 30 Oct., 1880. Early in life he was a farmer and later a merchant. He was highly esteemed. His widow resides in East Tilton. Taylor children: Charles Mar- shalF"; Laura Ella, born 29 May, 1858, died 30 Oct., 1864. 7 Hannah P.'^ was born 13 Sept., 1833. She married 7 Sept., 1858, Samuel Taylor, a farmer, born 10 Nov., 1836, to Dearborn and Mahala-Colby Taylor of Sanbornton. Taylor issue : Mahala E., born 15 Jan., 1860, (married in Sanbornton 23 March, 1881, John W. Til- ton); Kirk, born 24 July, 1867. 8 Charles M.'' was born in Sanbornton 19 Feb., 1854. He mar- ried 26 Nov., 1874, Julia Ann Sargent, born in Warner, N. H., 1 April, 1855, to Arthur J., a mechanic, and Julia Ann-Hadley Sar- gent. Their home is Tilton. Mr. Taylor is a surveyor. Their 284 THE PERLEY FAMILY children, born in East Tilton: Ivan Marshall, born 13 Aug., 1876, a salesman in Boston; Eva Blanche, born 4 Oct., 1882, and married in Northfield, N. H., George M. Smith, born in Chester, N. H., 13 March, 1882, to George Elvin, a shoemaker, and Carrie-Emmerick Smith. They reside in Tilton. Mr. Smith is engaged in an optical business. FAMILY 164: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT- ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOBn, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76. JOHN PERLEY was born in Methuen 5 Aug., 1763. He and his brother James were soldiers in their teens. He enlisted in 1780, when he was eighteen years old, of a light complexion and five feet and six inches tall. Early in 1791 he removed to Berlin, Vt.; he was three weeks on the journey, carrying his wife and four children and personal effects upon an ox -sled. In 1806 he ex- changed his farm of eighty acres in /) I ^ /^ a -v^jii^ Berlin for three hundred acres in ^ O h^ ( J ^ // Enosburg, and with his wife and thir- ^ ^ (/ tPPn rhildrpn nnrl all thpir wnrlrlUr ^^** autograpb written at the request Lcen Luiiuien ana an tneir wonaiy oc Mrs. aiu1wsou-45i, an assistant com- goods on an ox-sled drawn by one yoke i'"'''" "'^ ^'''^ '^"'■'^'' "^""^ ^**^^- of oxen and a horse, followed by another horse, a cow and some sheep, journeyed to their new home, sixty miles, in five days. He built a log house and planted a small clearing. In 1807 he built a framed house, lately (1880) occupied by his son Anson. The sketch of the house here given was made by Mary Perley Anderson- 451, when fourteen years old. They raised flax and wool and spun thread and yarn and wove cloth. By an old account book, which exhibits the superior neatness and exact method of the man who kept it, he sold each year considerable quantities of apples, cider, corn, wheat, butter, cheese, wool, flax, pork, etc. His son Edward wrote, "His wealth came by industry and economy. People those days were not so extravagant as now, and did not spend their earn- ings beforehand." "The seven sons of John Perley," wrote Mrs. Ira S. Anderson- 451, "with one exception, lived in or near Berkshire, Vt., and were farmers. They were dignified in personal appearance, above medium height, inclined to corpulency, were rather light complexioned though not very light, graced themselves with a natural suavity of manners known as 'Perley politeness,' which was not very manifest in the next generation, which might come under the head of 'young America.' They were fine singers, were brotherly in their relations to each other, possessed a good common school education, were not wealthy, but had enough for all their needs, and in religion were Episcopalians." Mr. Perley married 29 Dec, 1782, Sarah Merrill of Haverhill, Mass., who was born 14 Aug., 1764, and died 19 June, 1827. He died "29 Feb., 1830." 1 Perley children : Ruth% David-319, Sarah'^ Mehitable-, John-320, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 285 Nathan-321, Hezekiah-, Jesse-322, Jerry^ Anson-323, Loren^ Edward- 324, William-325, Cynthia'-, Sophial 2 Ruth^ was born 23 April, 1783, in Haverhill, and died 8 Jan., JOHN PERLEY HOUSE. 1864; Sarah\ in Haverhill, 8 Aug., 1787, and died 9 March, 1867; Mehitable\ in Haverhill, 1 May, 1790, and died 28 March, 1873; Hezekiah^ in Berlin, 13 Feb., 1796, died in 1880 ; Cynthia\ in Enos- burc Oct., 1806, and died 17 Oct., 1853. These five children never married and lived, at home with "the old folks." Hezekiah and Anson-323 owned the farm. 3 Jerry^ was born a twin with Jesse^ 24 April, 1798, in Berlin and died the next month. Loren^ was born in May, 1800, and died in May, 1802. Sophia^ was born in Jan., 1809, and died in Feb., 1810. FAMILY 165: PERLEY. LINEAL DKSCENT-ALLA^M, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76. JAMES PERLEY was born in Methuen 15 July, 1765 (Bible record, 1764). While living in Plaverhill he married 17 Nov., 1788, Abigail Corliss, who was born 2 April, 1766, to John Swaddock and Elizabeth-Annice Corliss of Haverhill, and died 26 July, 1831. They settled in Berlin, Vt., in 1791. His second wife was Prudence Kneeland, who died 9 Oct., 1856, aged eighty. The following is quoted from the History of Washington County, Vt.: "Capt. James Perley, born in Methuen, Mass., in 1760, at the age of sixteen years enlisted as a soldier in the war of the Revolution 286 THE PERLEY FAMILY under Gen. Knox and served three years. The next eight years of his hfe he spent upon the ocean as captain's mate, visiting different places in both hemispheres. He came here in 1791 and settled on a farm near the center of the town, which he occupied the remainder of his life. Capt. Perley and his son Samuel Perley were both at the battle of Plattsburg, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1814. He died in Berlin in 1850, aged ninety years." The Vermont Historical Magazine says he was eighty-six in 1851; the Pension List of 1831 says seventy-one years, and of 1840 seventy-five years. Half of these authorities only is right : his age at death was eighty-five years. 1 Perley children, born in Berlin, but the first two in Haverhill : Abigail'^, James'-^, Samuel-o26, Moses'-, Thomas'-, Betsey^ Patty'-, Cor- liss'-, Moses Goodrich-327, Elvira Maria"", James Varnum-o'28. 2 James^ was born in Hav'erhill 15 Aug., 1791, died in Berlin, from the kick of a horse, 19 Sept., 1809; Moses\ born in Berlin 3 May, 1795, died 12 Aug., 1803: Thomas\ born 25 and died 31 Dec, 1797; Patty\ born 8 March, 1801, died 17 Oct., 1804; Corhss^ born 25 April, 1803, died 7 Nov., 1805. 3 AbigaiP was born 24 March, 1788. She married Valentine Sargent, a farmer. They had a son James, who became a farmer, and two daughters, one of whom married a Parker of P^ast Coventry, Vt., where she (Abigail) died 10 July, 18(54, and he (Valentine) 15 April, 1865. 4 l^etsey' was born 29 Dec, 1798, married 1 March, 1821, Osmond Dewey (uncle of the admiral), son of Simeon, born 16 Oct., 1799, at Berlin, Vt. He was a farmer at Berlin and at Barre, from which latter place he went to the Legislature in 1843-4. He removed to Montpelier, where he died 5 Feb., 1863. Mrs. Dewey died 6 June, 1831. [He married, second, 22 Jan., 1832, Mrs. Rebecca-Davis Far- well, daughter of Jacob and Katy-Taplin Davis, by whom he had : Betsey Ann, born 10 June, 1834; Marion Rebecca, born 3 June, 1837; Orville, born 24 April, 1840.] Perley-Dewey issue born in Berlin: Francis Osmond"; Dennison'^; and Simeon, born 27 March, 1829, married 19 Jan., 1861, Nancy Eaton, daughter of Daniel and Alice A.-Bemis Eaton. He was traveling salesman for his brother Francis of Boston. He died 18 P'eb., 1883, in Montpelier, where his wife was living in 1898. 5 Elvira Maria^ was born in Berlin, Vt., 2 March, 1807, married in Berlin, Vt., 6 June, 1830, Augustus Childs, farmer and surveyor, (brother of Dr. Moses Perley's vvife-327), who was born in Caven- dish, Vt., 10 Aug., 1804. She died in VVaterville, Vt., 11 April, 1885; and he 8 Jan., 1892. Childs issue: Charles, born in Bakersfield 18 July, 1833; Salhe, born 1 June, 1838; Thomas, born 6 May, 1831, died, unmarried, 5 March, 1865; James Perley, born 3 June, 1840, died 9 May, 1857. The first two are living in Waterville. 6 Francis Osmond^ was born 20 June, 1823. He was educated at the Montpelier Academy. He married 5 Aug., 1845, at Brighton, Mass., Elizabeth Ann Farnum, born 4 June, 1825, at Mt. Vernon, N, H., to John and Elizabeth-Robbins Farnum. She died 15 Jan., 1889, in Reading, Mass., and he 16 P^eb., 1897. Their children, born at Brighton, Mass.: Edgar Osmond^; Francis Henry^; Charles Her- bert, born 26 July, 1853, died, unmarried, 15 June, 1892; Sarah HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 287 Livermore, born 21 Aug., 1855, married 20 June, 1877, G. H. Barnes; Belle Perley, born 3 Dec, 1857, married 20 June, 1877, William O. Hewes. 7 Dennison^ was born 1 June, 1825. He is a merchant in Mont- pelier. He married 23 July, 1848, Adelia Amy Chandler, born 17 May, 1825, at Berlin to Ezra and Tabitha-Johnson Chandler. She died in Montpelier in Feb., 1891. Their children: Jennie Adelia, born 30 June, 18-49, at Reading, Mass., (married, first, 4 Nov., 1873, Charles F. Poland, who died 22 April, 1875, second, 2(i July, 1886, Gen. Perley P. Pitkin, who died 30 July, 1890); Frank Denni- son, born 7 May, 1855, (married 15 Dec, 1875, Mary Hodgdon, daughter of Andrew Hodgdon, and had in Montpelier: Arthur Hodgdon, born 24 Feb., 1882; Philip Andrew, born 30 May, 1888; Howard Dennison, born 30 July, 1890); Arthur Benjamin, born 2 Jan., 1858, died 22 Feb., 1875; Varnum Perley, born IG Oct., 18.59, at Bethel, Vt., died 26 Dec, 1884. 8 Edgar Osmond" was born 9 May, 1846. He married 12 March, 1866, Lizzie D. Kemp, born 14 Feb., 1844, at Boston to Robert and Elizabeth Jane-Alden Kemp. He was a merchant in Boston and resided in Reading. He died 10 May, 1890. His widow was living in Reading in 1905. Their children : Minnie Evelyn, born 14 Jan., 1867, (married 14 Jan., 1891, Philip Emerson, born 7 May, 1865, to Silas Gasset and P'rutilla-Wakefield Emerson, and had Dorothy, born 30 July, 1893, at Waltham, and removed to Lynn, Mass.); Marion Kemp, born 2 Nov., 1875; Francis Osmond^**; Edgar Osmond, Jr." 9 Francis Henry*^ was born 8 March, 1850. He is a merchant in Boston and resides in Reading. He married 25 Oct., 1871, Augusta T. Hawes, born 5 June, 1849, in Wellfleet, Mass., to Wil- liam and Temperance Hawes. Their children: Annie Augusta^'", Bessie Livermore^^; PVancis H." 10 P'rancis Osmond** was born 13 July, 1877, and married Cath- erine Skeffington of Lowell. Children: Elizabeth and Geo. Franklin. 11 Edgar Osmond, Jr.,^ was born 10 Aug., 1878, and married 14 Oct., 1903, Bertha Ursula Brooks, daughter of Edward F. Brooks and Mary L. Penny of Reading, Mass. 12 Annie Augusta" was born 30 Nov., 1873, and married LeRoy Todd of Owasso, Mich. 13 Bessie Livermore" was born 14 May, 1875, and married Ernest Dalton Richmond, M. D., of Reading, Mass. Child: Ernest Dalton, Jr. 14 Francis H." was born 11 Nov., 1880, and married in 1904 Mary T. Humphrey, milliner, of Wakefield, Mass. FAMILY 166: BROWN, METCALF, FOSTER. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76. LYDIA PERLEY married Capt. Nathaniel Brown, a sea cap- tain of Salem, Mass., 29 March, 1809. He took his bride to his home, and being in feeble health he planned a voyage for recupera- 288 THE PERLBY FAMILY tion and sailed not long after his marriage. As the weary months wore away, she waited patiently for his return. At last he came. From her dwelling which stood in full view of the harbor, she de- scried his ship at the distance. She placed the tea-kettle over the fire and made preparations for her husband's entertainment, tokens of dutiful love. While the kettle weirdly sang as the water boiled, she looked again toward the nearing vessel. Alas! What sorrow! what grief ! Her joy was turned to mourning; a flag at half-mast told only too truly, too sadly, her dear one's fate. He had died only some three days before, about the year 1810. Mrs. Brown afterward married Harvey Metcalf of Lempster, N. H., proprietor of a store and hotel. After Mr. Metcalf's death, she married Frank Foster of Bridgton, Me., a mill sawyer, exten- sively engaged in the lumber trade. FAMILY 167: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, .TACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-TC. EDMUND PERLEY was born in Danvers 9 Feb., 1778. He was of Haverhill in 1798, when he removed to Methuen, where he resided until he went to Lempster, N. H., later than 1806, and there settled as a farmer. He was a captain in the militia. His first wife was Abigail Bailey of Haverhill, married 31 May, 1798. She dying, he married second, her sister, Sarah Bailey of Haverhill 27 Nov., 1806, when he was of Methuen. She was born '29 Jan., 1786; she died at Lempster 2 May, 1846. Mr. Perley died 2 Aug., 1846. In religion these parents were Methodists, and brought up their children under that governing principle to be in- telligent and eminently useful citizens. r Perley children : Abigail-329, P^ranklin-, Emily^ Mehitable-880, ELdmund P^ranklin'-, Susannah Maria-381, Sarah Louisa^ Marietta- 332, Asbury Fisk-333, Orpha Cornelia- — only one by first wife. 2 Frankhn^ was born 3 March, 1808, and died 17 Feb., 1811; Edmund F.^ 23 June, 1813, and died 6 July, 1830; Orpha C.\ 26 Jan., 1828, married Henry Willard Fales, died in Boston 13 Oct., 1870, leaving a son Willard Henry. 3 Emily^ was born 5 Sept., 1809. She married in Lempster 14 March, 1833, Peter Tuttle Fox, who was born in Hancock, N. H., 17 May, 1811, to Peter and Mette-Symonds Fox of Marlow, N. H. He was a farmer in Marlow. Fox children: Edmund Perley'; As- bury Tuttle, born 28 May, 1844, died 22 April, 1853; and Frank Elmer, born 9 Aug., 1848, died 8 Oct., 1858. 4 Sarah L.^ was born 19 Jan., 1819, married in Lowell, Mass., Aug., 1847, Joseph Swasey, son of Mary and Joseph Swasey, sea captain. He was secretary of Commodore Wadsworth in U. S. Navy, and died in July, 1869, in South Boston. She was a teacher before her marriage. Their children: Helen Louisa, born July 28, 1848, who graduated from Massachusetts Metaphysical College, Bos- ton, in 1901 with the title of C. S. B., and is a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science; Josephine Fannie Maria, born 14 Sept., 1849, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 289 died in Concord, N. H.; Florence, who died in Taunton, Mass.; Joseph Wadsworth, born "20 March, 1860, a clerk in the Pension Office, Washington, D, C. 5 Edmund Perley^ (afterwards changed to Perley E.) was born 17 Dec, 1833, married 11 Nov., 1860, Catherine Fiske of Marlow, born 6 Feb., 1840, to Eliza-Stone and Amos F. Fiske, merchant. Mr. Fox was a teacher by profession for several years, then engaged in mercantile business, from which he has retired. He served six years on the board of county commissioners, and was a member of the House in the Legislature of 1903. Their child: Charles Henry, born 8 Jan., 1865, in Marlow, died 1 Jan., 1866. FAMILY 168: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76. ASA PERLEY was born 23 Sept., 1787. He settled on the parental homestead in Methuen. His sons Nathan and Edmund were living there in 1880. He married 17 June, 1817, Judith Corn- ing of Methuen, sometime of Londonderry, N. H., who was born 28 March, 1796, to John and Sally Corning, and died 28 Sept., 1880. Mr. Perley died of consumption in Haverhill 18 Aug., 1854. 1 Perley children : Sarah", Louisa-334, John*, Nathan'^ Edmund Franklin-335, James-336, Harvey Metcalfl 2 John^ was born 23 Jan., 1822, and died of erysipelas 24 Oct., 1845, unmarried. Harvey M.^ was born 18 Nov., 1830, was a clerk in Boston, 1855, became a farmer about half a mile from his birth- place, and died unmarried some years ago. Nathan' was born 23 April, 1824, was clerk in the customhouse, Boston, 1861-7, with home ia Haverhill; he was married 11 June, 1859, by Rev. Henry M. Lord of Lowell, to Sarah M, Young, born in 1832 to Benjamin and Elizabeth Young of Fayette, Me. He lived some time with his brother Edmund. 3 Sarah' was born 13 April, 1818, and 27 Sept., 1838, married Alfred Page of Salem, N. H., where he was a farmer and a grocer, and their children were born: Alson Leon, born 18 Nov., 1832, died of hemorrhage of the lungs in Salem 28 April, 1881; Hermon Francis, died in infancy; Alfred Milton, born 24 Sept., 1842, and died in Sept., 1876; Ellen Louisa, born in 1843 and died in Feb., 1845; Emma Savory, born 11 March, 1850, married William Kelly, a shoe manufacturer of Salem, son of Col. John Kelly, and had no children; Etta Florence, born 15 April, 1856, and died 13 April, 1861. FAMILY 169: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAK-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77. HUMPHREY CLARK PERLEY was born 24 Dec, 1761. His parental home belongs now to the town of Boxford and is the Boxford almshouse. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1791, with Nathaniel-97, and received the master's degree in course. 290 THE PERLEY FAMILY He studied divinity with Rev. Ebenezer Bradford of Rowley and Rev. Ebenezer Dutch of Bradford. He was approbated to preach by the Essex North Association 10 July, 1794. Rev. Samuel Spring was a scribe and signed his license for the Association. He became a member of the Haverhill association of ministers 7 June, 1796. The year before, 2 December, he was ordained, and the same day was installed over the First Church in Methuen, Mass. He served the Master twenty-two years, and was dismissed 24 May, 1815. His farewell sermon and two others were printed by request : FAREWELL SERMON Preached to the First Church and Con- gregational Society in Methuen On the Lord's Day, June 4, 1815, By Humphrey Claris Perley, A. M., Their Late Pastor. Published by Request. Haverhill, Mass. Printed by Burrill and Tileston. 1815. TWO SERMONS By the Rev. Hiuiiphrey C. Perley, A. M., Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Methuen. Delivered first at Haverhill, West Parish, Jan. 6, 1811, And the Sabbath but one following. To His Own People, And Printed by Request. Haverhill, (Mass.) Printed and Sold by William B. Allen. 1811. Texts of the "Two Sermons" were (1) 2 Cor., ii, 17, and (2) James, i, 5. The farewell sermon was an octavo of sixteen pages, an extract from which follows: — "While I have ever considered myself very imperfect in all my labors, I can truly say I now feel a conscious rectitude of having studiously endeavored to do the will of my divine Lord and Master. I have had an unshaken faith in the truths I have preached to others, and now have a comforting expectation of receiving eternal life through the merits of the great Redeemer." An old memorandum-book of his reads: — "We moved our goods and family from Methuen on Wednesday, 22 Nov., 1815, lodged at Boxford that night and arrived in Salem the afternoon of the next day. We had a very fine and comfortable day, and met with nothing dis- couraging. We took half a 3-story house, belonging to the Salem Bank company in Liberty street, at $120 per year. There we lived till the morning of the 22d of Aug., 1816, when we were burned out, together with twelve other families that lived in the neighborhood of John Dabnies, upon Liberty and Water streets." An unusual stamping of the horse in the barn about twenty feet from the house, awoke him, and turning in bed to listen, he sighted flames issuing from his barn windows. He rushed out screaming fire, and liberated his horse, cows and hogs, and removed the chaises. Then returning to the house, he dressed and secured the children just as the flames began to crackle the glass windows. In the con- flagration were consumed eight dwellings, a bakery, a rigging loft, two stores and a joiner's shop. His family stayed with Dea. William Safford till the 27th, when HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 291 they removed to Jacob Rust's house back of Salem Courthouse, on the bank of North River. They occupied Rev. Joseph Spaulding's house, Summer street, 2 Dec, 1816. He was re-installed 2 Dec, 1818, and 25 Jan., 1819, removed to the North Parish, Beverly, and occupied the ancient residence of their first settled minister. Rev. John Chipman, who was ordained there 28 Dec, 1715. He occupied, 6 April, 1819, Isaac Woodbury's house, where Rev. Moses Dow formerly lived. Thence he removed 28 May, 1821, to Salem, into Thomas March Woodbridge's house, in March street, running from Bridge west, and butting on North river. The price per annum was ^80, for house, garden, and barn room for horse, chaises, cow, and wood. At length Mr. Perley settled upon a farm on Spofford's Hill, in Georgetown, Mass , and adopted the triple service of teaching, farm- ing and preaching. His farm has been some time in the possession of Moody Spofford. While teaching in Parker River Village, Newbury, in the spring of 1829, he began to preach, at the solicitation of the people, in the schoolhouse. Soon a religious society was formed, and he continued to teach and preach till April, 1832. He was succeeded by neigh- boring clergymen and Andover Seminary students. There were numerous conversions and a church of twenty-seven members was organized ; but owing to the sparseness of the population it lived but seven years. Mr. Perley was an old-fashioned preacher, having fair ability and moderated earnestness, which, coupled with good judgment and hon- esty of purpose, made him more successful as an "all around man" than as a specialist. He never won laurels, but received the meed of "well done." A sketch of him is in "American Biography." He was married 30 Nov., 1797, by Rev. Isaac Braman, to Eliza- beth Mighill, born 24 Oct., 1776, to Lt. David and Huldah-Dole Mighill of Georgetown. She died in Georgetown 1 July, 1830, of cancer. The Salem Gazette of 6 July, 1830, records of Mrs. Perley: "As she lived much respected, so she died sincerely lamented by all her friends. In every relation of life she constantly exhibited a bright example of female worth and purity, and died full in the faith of the gospel." Mr. Perley died in Georgetown 9 May, 1838. Their :' children were born in Methuen. : Elizabeth mighill 1 Perley children : Elizabeth : ^''^ i« ^^^^' ^^^^ MighilP, Humphrey Clark-337, i Died is Feb., noe David MighilP, Charles Cotes- ] Aged 22 years and O mouths worth Pinckney'^ Mary MighilP, '■. intended consort of William Putnam-338. : "'^^- H-.mpbrey C. Perley of Methuen. 2 Elizabeth M.^ was born 11 April, 1801, and died in Jan., she was daughter of ^r,\.. • /-^ , -1 Jeremiah and Sarah-Lambert Mighill. 1875, in Georgetown, unmarried. Charles C. P.^ was born 18 Feb., 1808, and was published 23 July, 1855, with Margaret Dempsey of Salmon Falls, N. H. He never married. He was a farmer in Georgetown, where he died in Jan., 1875. The local journal thus noticed his death: "He was a kind 292 THE PERLBY FAMILY and much respected citizen, always having a witty saying or a kindly word for all he met. He is missed, but his memory will be kept green by the recollection of his many kindly virtues." 3 David M.^ was born 11 Sept., 1804, and died on board a packet ship between Philadelphia and Boston 4 May, 1829. A local news- paper of 22 May thus notices his death : — "Leaves have their time to fall and flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, the stars to set — but ah! Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death ! "When the aged drop into the grave, however dear they seem to us we meet the stroke with a kind of preparation common to us at the consummation of an anticipated event. But when the youth- ful become victims to 'man's common foe' how different are our sensations! Gloom and melancholy steal unconsciously over us, and cloudlike, obscure the brightness of the sun and throw a pensive shade over the face of nature. Such is the effect produced on a large portion of the community by the death of Mr. Perley. "Possessed of an uncommonly amiable disposition, engaging man- ners, and a heart alive to every virtuous feeling, he could not fail of securing to himself a very large number of friends. But far stronger ties bound him to earth : — to the firm friend he added the kind and dutiful son and the affectionate brother. It is in the family circle his loss is irretrievable. The shaft flew only once — but once when aimed at one who was the object of the tenderest affection, of the parents' expectation, has sufficed to do its errand — and peace is slain. "He graduated at Harvard College in 1827. Since that time he has distinguished himself as an able and successful instructor of youth in Philadelphia; in that character his loss is deeply felt. Dur- mg his sickness of eight months' duration, he exhibited a degree of patience almost unexampled. In his death we are strongly re- minded of the uncertainty of life — of the danger of leaning on what so often proves a 'spear on which peace bleeds and hope expires.' " 4 Mary M.^ was born 12 Dec, 1809, and 10 Nov., 1833, married Leander Spofford, who was born 8 Jan., 1807, to William and Eunice- Lincoln Spofford of Georgetown. He died 7 Sept., 1853. Their children: Mary Mighill, born 23 Dec, 1833, and died, unmarried, 7 March, 1900; Catherine S.-187^ FAMILY 170: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77. WILLIAM PERLEY was born 8 April, 1763, in the house that is now the Boxford almshouse. He began life in Georgetown, near the Pingree farm, where he had a tannery. He ultimately removed to and settled in Haverhill. He was published in Boxford 1 Jan., 1789, with Sarah Spofford, born 11 Feb., 1768, to Col. Daniel and Judith-Follansbee Spofford of Georgetown. He died in Haverhill 10 Jan., 1833; she, 6 Feb., 1849. 1 Perley children: William'-, Humphrey-, Sarah", Daniel Spof- ford-340, Amos Spofford-341, Mary Ann-342, Elvira^ Francis A'^ HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 293 2 William^ was born in 1792, of whom Mrs. Ames^ says: "Uncle William, son of Capt. William, died in Norfolk, Va., 18 Oct., 1822, and was never married"; Humphrey^ born in 179G, died 2 June, 1820; Sarahs born in 1798, died 19 Nov., 1820; Francis Addison\ born in April, 1811, baptised 28 June, 1812, died in 1834. 3 Elvira' was born in Georgetown 29 April, 1809, and married in Haverhill 11 June, 1840, Moses Kimball Tyler, a shoe manufacturer, born in Haverhill 2 Feb., 1814, to Dudley and Betsey-Kimball Tyler. She died in Haverhill 14 July, 1867; and he, 24 April, 1902. Tyler child : Ellen\ 4 Ellen'^ was born in Haverhill 20 April, 1842, and married there 8 Aug., 1866, James S. Ames, an expert accountant, born in Haver- hill 19 Nov., 1842, to Charles, a teacher, and Jeannette-Sergeant Ames. He died in Cincinnati, Ohio, 18 Nov., 1866. His widow re- sides in Haverhill. Ames child: Alice Tyler, born in Haverhill 10 July, 1867, died in Newton Center, Mass., 22 Aug., 1879. FAMILY 171: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JACOH-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77. PHINEAS PERLEY was born in Boxford 16 May, 1766. He purchased of John Hale a farm, where he spent his life. Hotel "Placidia" stands near the venerable mansion. Mr. Perley was widely known in his "day and generation." In any matter of arbitration, he was the arbiter, or one of them. He held many town ofifices. He was surveyor of highways, 1804, 11, 18,23; constable, 1807, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15; tax collector, 1807 to 1810, and one of the school board 1802, 10, 14, 16. Michael Brown advertised to sell, on Saturday 1 May, 1817, "the right in equity of redeem.ing the mortgaged real estate, in Boxford — the farm about thirty acres with the buildings thereon, where Phineas Perley now lives." The right of redemption was the prop- erty of said Perley. He was more than six feet tall, symmetrical in form, lithe, vig- orous, handsome. After middle life his head was bald. He married 15 April, 1794, Sally Gould, who was born 5 Feb., 1769, to Joseph and Elizabeth-Emerson Gould of Topsfield. Her grandson. Dr. Albert Lambert of Springfield, Mass., has pewter plate that was imported for her and marked "S[ally] G[ould.]" While rowing his gondola of thatch on Rowley river, probably in one of the numerous contests of those days, to see who should first reach the landing, he ruptured a blood vessel and died almost im- mediately, 22 (two other records say "21" and "28") Sept., 1832. His widow died in Lynn 28 March, 1843. Nathaniel said his father died in 1829; his mother in 1838. They repose in Harmony Cemetery, near the home of their active life. His epitaph reads: Retire my friends: di-y up your tears; I must lie bere till Cbrist appears. 294 THE PERLBY FAMILY 1 Perley children : Phineas^ Sally-343, Mary-344, Phineas.345, William-346, Joseph Gould-347, Nathaniel-348. 2 Phineas^was born 31 Dec, 1795, and died 23 May, or 17 July, 1796. FAMILY 172: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLTAM-77. OLIVER PERLEY was born in Boxford 24 Jan., 1774. In 1805 he removed to Methuen, and the spring of 1807 settled in South Georgetown, on the Pingree road, as tiller of the soil. He married 28 May, 1803, Miss Abigail Kinsman Wells of Methuen, born 25 Dec., 1775. Her mother's maiden name was Eunice Bachelder. His death was sudden — he fell at his own door, and expired almost instantly, 20 Dec, 1834. His widow died 22 Oct., 1866, aged ninety- one years less two months. 1 Perley children: Oliver Wells-349, Huldah Atty^ Sarah Abi- gaiP, Sarah Spofford^ Daniel W.'^, Luther Dana-350, Abraham Adams-351, Rodney Gove -352. 2 Sarah Abigail^ was born 3 Aug., 1807, and was baptised 26 May, 1822. She never married. She died at the home of her niece, Mrs. M. G. Spofford, 11 Jan., 1889. Daniel W.^ was born 4 Sept., 1812, and was drowned 5 July, 1827. 3 Huldah A.^ was born 1 Sept., 1805. She married in George- town, Mass., 1 Dec, 1831, Sewell Woodman, Jr., a stone mason, born in Newbury-Byfield 8 April, 1804, to Sewell, a stone mason, and Lydia-Thurlow Woodman, who were married 22 March, 1797. Mrs. Woodman in her younger days was a tailoress for her neighborhood. Mr. Woodman died in Byfield 31 Jan., 1888; and she 19 Feb. of the same year. Their children : SewellAugustus''; Daniel Perley"; Ed- ward, born 11 July, 1843, a bookkeeper in California. 4 Sarah S.' was born 7 July, 1809, and married 28 Aug., 1835, William Jewett Gage, born in Rowley in 1810 to Thomas and Mary- Dole Gage. They lived a while in Georgetown, then Columbia, 111., then St. Louis, Mo., and in 1880 in Litchfield, 111. It is understood he was a mill sawyer and lumberman. Gage issue : Elvira Perley, born 26 Oct., 1836, in Georgetown, married Prof. M. L. Brock, re- siding in Jacksonville, 111.; Thomas P., born 15 July, 1840, in Colum- bia, 111., and died in Edwardsville, 111., 27 Jan., 1874; Cecilia, born in Columbia 13 Aug., 1842, married T. S. Wells 16 Feb., 1880, with home in Leadville, Col., where he owned a gold and silver mine, hav- ing now her home in Jacksonville, 111.; Elizabeth Gage''; Ophelia, born and died in St. Louis. 5 Sewell A.' was born in Newbury-Byfield 29 Oct., 1832. He married in Oakland, Cal., 25 Dec, 1859, Ann Eliza Blood, born in Bucksport, Me., 13 Aug., 1837, to Alfred Putnam, farmer, and Mary Rice-Bowden Blood. Mr.. Woodman is a carpenter by trade. Mrs. Woodman died in Newbury-Byfield 19 Oct., 1891. Their children, born in Haywards, Cal.: Almira, born 10 March, 1862, died 5 May, 1863; Adelaide^ 6 Daniel P.^ was born in Byfield, Mass., 11 Sept., 1834. He mar- ried in Bunker Hill, 111., 22 Dec, 1869, Sarah Minerva Knowlton, V HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 295 born in Bunker Hill, 111., 2G Nov., 1842, to Samuel, farmer, and Elizabeth Fay- Wood ward Knowlton. Mr. Woodman was a lumber merchant of Litchfield, 111., where he died 11 Feb., 1898, and where his widow still resides. Woodman issue, born in Litchfield : Nellie Knowlton, born 4 Nov., 1872, died 16 Aug., 1873 ; Mary Perley, born 6 Dec, 1879, resides, unmarried, in Litchfield. 7 Elizabeth G.* was born in Columbia, 111., 18 Dec, 1845. She married in Terre Haute, Ind., 8 Aug., 186(5, Henry Harrison Beach, a banker and manufacturer, born in New York 12 Aug., 1830, to Samuel and Aurilla-Comstock Beach. Their home is Litchfield, 111. Child : Helen Estellel 8 Adelaide'^ was born 2 Feb., 1865. She married in Newbury - Byfield 11 Nov., 1885, Benjamin Pearson, born in Newbury-Byfield 2 Jan., 1857, to Benjamin, manufacturer, and Elizabeth-Jackman Pearson. Mr. Pearson is a snuff manufacturer of Byfield. Their children, born in Byfield : Dorothy, born 7 Oct., 1895, died 29 May, 1896; Benjamin, the eighth in direct line, born 3 July, 1898. When this lad becomes of age he will own the old Pearson homestead where his ancestors, the seven Benjamins, owned and lived. 9 Helen E.'' was born in Litchfield 11 June, 1861. She is a mu- sician. She married there 11 Feb., 1893, Capt. David Davis, secre- tary and manager of Electric Light and Gas Co., born in Litchfield 12 Sept., 1868, to David, a banker and merchant, and Blanche-Keat- ins Davis. Their home is Litchfield. FAMILY 173: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77. ABRAHAM PERLEY was born in Boxford 30 Nov., 1779. He remained upon and cultivated the parental farm after his father's death. Sometime he removed to North Andover. He was actuated by the military spirit of his time, and was captain of the East Box- ford " company of foot." He exercised numerous town offices with credit. He was a selectman, 1818, 1819, 1820. He married Betsey Robinson, published 7 Jan., 1808, born about 1778 to Lt. Col. John and Huldah-Perley Robinson-78^ of Westford, Mass. He died in North Andover 4 Dec, 1836; she, 6 Feb., 1855. 1 Perley children: A son'*, Elizabeth Robinson'^, Abraham Wil- liams", Louisa'\ Alexander Hamilton^ Leverett Saltonstall-353. 2 A son^ was born 8 May, 1809, and died in infancy. Elizabeth R.^ was born in Boxford 24 Oct.^lSlO, was married, first, in the fall of 1843, to a Mr. Farnham by Rev. Mr. Coggin. Mr. Farnham died in West Boxford. She married, second, Jonathan Gove Lowe- 157^ 17 March, 1850. She died in Georgetown 6 Sept., 1876. Abraham W.^ was born 8 Nov., 1814, and died young (?). Alexander H.^ was born 26 July, and died 7 Aug., 1844. 3 Louisa^ was born 23 Nov., 1816, and married 21 Oct., 1841, David Colby Smith, born 22 April, 1815, to John of Kingston, N. H. Their home was Georgetown. She died 11 Aug., 1869. [Mr. Smith's second wife, married 16 Aug., 1870, was Mrs. Margaret A.-Johnson Bailey of Rowley, born 25 June, 1832. Bailey children: LaForres- 296 THE PERLEY FAMILY ter, teamster of Georgetown, and Lizzie who married in 1880, Frank Folsom of Georgetown.] Perley-Smith children, born in Georgetown : Mary EHzabeth*; George Irving^; Frank David, born 19 July, 1848, unmarried, is of Georgetown in the shoe business; Frederic Perley, born 6 May, 1855, unmarried, a carpenter of Haverhill, Mass. 4 Mary E.** was born 3 Aug., 1842, and married in Georgetown 21 Jan., 18(39, Moses Frank Carter, born in same town 29 Nov., 1842, to Moses and Elmira-Platts Carter. They reside in Georgetown. 5 George I.^ was born G Feb., 1846, and married in Lawrence, Mass., 10 June, 1869, Laura A. Stevens, born in North Andover, Mass., to Isaac Stevens. Their home is North Andover. Child: Fred Stevens, born m North Andover 6 May, 1870, graduate of Harvard Medical School and is practising physician of North Andover Depot. FAMILY 174: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, FRANCIS-79. EBENEZER PUTNAM PERLEY was born in Boxford 12 Oct., 1782. He was a sea captain and his home was in Rowley. He married 5 June, 1808, Sarah Perley-53^ of Rowley, born 13 Aug., 1783. He died in Port au Prince 8 Nov., 1819. His widow married /j// ^o. y'^y^ y^'y^^yp 29 April, 1830, Nathaniel Brad- -O^^t^-^^ ^ C^c^^iL street of Ipswich, and died 30 s:::^>^ Sept., 1859. So he potlllouod the Probate Court 6 Feb., Ebenezer P. Perley mariner, ^^^^' James Perley yeoman, Ruth P. Perley singlewoman, all of Row- ley ; Francis Perley of Ipswich, Dennison Bowers, physician, and wife Fannie of Boscawen, N. H., sold six one-eighth parts of land in Boxford.— Probate, 205 : 2. Mr. Perley was made guardian of Deborah age eighteen and Edward Payson age sixteen, his half-sister and half-brother, 7 Feb., 1814. He sold, per order of Probate Court, upon advice of Francis Perley of Ipswich, victualer, John Perley, Rowley, yeoman, and James Perley, his wards' property in First Parish, Rowley, bounded westerly by land of Moses Payson, southerly by the road, easterly by land of Nehemiah Johnson, northerly on a brook, 6 P'eb., 1816. This property was located opposite a point just a little east of the present Congregational meeting house. Daniel Todd, Jr., 17 June, 1819, sold for $1100, by quit-claim deed, to Ebenezer P. Perley, mariner, a dwelling house and land adjoining situated in Rowley, First Parish, on the southeasterly side of the Common so called [See map page 204], bounded northerly by the county road, northeasterly by land of John Lambert, and on all other parts by land of John Perley, Jr. — Reg., 220 : 125. The above premises he immediately (17 June, 1819) sold to Wil- liam Pulsifer of Dublin, N. H., for $1200.— Ibid. 1 Perley children : Ruth Ann'-, Nathaniel MighilP. 2 Ruth A.' was born 1 Dec, 1808, and married 27 Nov., 1832, John Lambert41* of Rowley, who was born 21 March, 1808. Their History and genealogy 29t home was their parental home, one of the most picturesque in the town. She died 31 Jan., 1890. They had no children. Nathaniel M.^ was born 6 Feb., 1812, and died of quinsy 2(5 April, 1819. FAMILY 175: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOH-17, FRANCIS-39, FRANCIS-79. JAMES PERLEY was born in Boxford 24 July, 1787. He was a volunteer in military service 3 Aug., 1807, when of Rowley. He was of Rowley 6 April, 1814, when he became executor of his mother Hannah's will, in which she mentions her daughters Hannah, '^^^i'^yy^^ 1- 1 Tt 1 ^ real estate of his ward, 6 Feb., 1816. Perley and Deborah Perley a quarter of a pew to be equally divided betwixt them." — Probate, 385 : 110. He married Mary Barnaby of Liverpool, N. S. They resided in Boston. It is said he was lost at sea. 1 Their children: James Edward"^, Ann Maria, born 1 Jan., 1829, and died in 1850. 2 James E.^ was born 15 Oct., 1826, in Boston. He married 16 Sept., 1856, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Emma Elmina Letson, who was born in Halifax 23 Sept., 1829, and died there 8 May, 1887, daughter of Philip and Farnham Letson. He was a merchant in Liverpool, where his children were born. He died in Halifax 26 Nov., 1862. Their children: Annie Emma'; Mary Helen, born 9 June, 1858, and died in Halifax 23 Aug., 1880; Lillian Sarah, born 3 Oct., 1859, and died in Halifax 11 Jan., 1901; James Edward, born 17 March, 1861, and died in Liverpool 26 Dec, 1861. 3 Annie E.'^ was born 6 June, 1857. She married in Andover, Mass., 25 June, 1895, Wm. Herbert Terrill, who was born 30 July, 1858, in Morrisville, Vt., to Mary Stevens-Cheney and Newton A. Terrill, a farmer. William is a teacher and resides in Wolfboro, N. H. They have only one child, Ralph Perley, born in Andover, Mass., 10 July, 1897. FAMILY 176: STEVENS. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAC01M7, FRANCIS-39, FRANCIS-79. HANNAH PERLEY was born 31 May, 1789, and died 19 March, 1835. She married in Rowley, Aaron Stevens, 31 Oct., 1814, when both were of that place. He was born 11 July, 1788, and died 27 Dec, 1848, aged sixty years. They lived in Rowley awhile; one of their children was born there. They removed to Bridgton, Me. 1 Stevens children : Margaret*, James Francis^ Ruth Putnam'^, Edward Payson^ 2 Ruth Putnam^ was born 1 June, 1820, and 13 Jan., 1862, mar- 298 THE PERLEY FAMILY ried James Kimball of Salem, Mass. He was born 14 Oct., 1808; was chair manufacturer for eighteen years; was representative to General Court, and for twenty years county commissioner and sev- eral years chairman of the board. She died 8 June, 1888. They had no issue. 3 Margaret^ was born 29 Aug., 1815; she married a Preston 1(5 Sept., 1840, and died 28 April, 1859. Issue: Margaret Stevens, born 6 Sept., 1841, married Feb., 18(30, Reuben Haskell of Marble- head, Mass., and resided in New York City; Francis Perley, born 30 June, 184(5; a third that died in infancy. 4 James Francis^ was born 20 Jan., 1818, and married 18 Feb., 1850, Ellen Marsh, daughter of Levi of Boston. She rests in Mount Auburn. Edward Payson' was born 24 July, 1822, and died un- married. F'AMILY 177: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, AiMOS-80. AMOS PERLEY was born in Boxford 8 Oct., 1779. When about eleven years old, he removed with his parents to Winthrop, and at length settled as a farmer in West Robinson neighborhood, or Livermore, Me. He married (published 10 Dec, 1803, when both were of Winthrop) Joanna Ranson, who was born 1 June, 1771, to Thaddeus and Martha-Drew Ranson of Kingston, Mass. He died in Canton, Me., 22 Oct., 1844; his widow 22 Jan., 1885, in Milo, Me. 1 Perley children: Zenas", Mary Ann'', Amos^ Martha Drew®, Sarah Smith'-. 2 Sarah S.' was born 28 Nov., 1815, and died 14 April, 1816. 3 Zenas^ was born 18 March, 1805. He married in Fairfield, Me., in Dec, 1830, Jennette Wilkins Gullifer, milliner and dress- maker, born in P'airfield to David Gullifer, a lumberman. She followed her trade for three years circum 1854, in New York City. She lost her entire stock of goods, millinery, etc., in the great fire in Augusta, Me., 17 Sept., 1865. Mr. Perley died at the home of David Gullifer about 1843. His widow died in Augusta, Me., where she was living as late as 21 Jan., 1877. Their child was Clara Augusta, who married in Boston, Mass., 30 March, 1858, when he was twenty-three and she was twenty-two years of age, William B. Hunt, merchant in boots and shoes in Augusta, Me., son of William, a tailor, and Hannah-Hodges Hunt, and had issue: Grace Mabel Perley", and Ann who died when about ten ZENAS PERLEY. ycars of age. 4 Mary A.' was born 24 May, 1806, in Canton, and 15 Oct., 1836, became the second wife of Allan Monroe of Milo, who was born 30 Dec, 1806, to John and Polly-Keene Monroe of Livermore, where he was a merchant for many years. [By his first HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 299 AMOS PERLEY. wife, Mary Furber, he had two children : Mary E. and Richard A. — His third wife was Mary Howard, by whom he had Charles Fred, and George Herbert.] His second wife died in Milo, of consump- tion, 24 April, 1857. He died 17 June, 1893. Perley-Monroe chil- dren: Sarah Smith Perley^ Ann Maria", John Warren^'^, Albert Perley, born 19 Jan., 1847, in Milo, and died in North Carohna, a prisoner of war, in 18G5. 6 Amos' was born 15 Jan., 1808, and died a heroic, brave, and patriotic soldier in the cause of civil liberty and human rights, in the Canadian Rebellion, 6 Feb. 1839. The following letter was probated in due form as his will: — London Gaol, Condemned Cell, Feb. 5th, 1839. Friend Thomas — When you see this I shall be cold in death. My execution takes place to- morrow morning at 8 o'clock. Capt. Charles Per- ley has kindly complied with my request and come from Burford to attend my funeral and see me decently buried; for which trouble and ex- pense I wish you to forward him thirty dollars, and the remainder of my property in your hands I wish you to save for your youngest son. I have left a few lines to have published in the Cleveland Herald and Gazette, as I shall not be permitted to say anything on the scaffold. I have suffered much since I was taken prisoner, and now death comes like a friend to release me from the tyrant's power. I should have written to you, but the letters are examined and not forwarded except the contents please them. I will say to you that I disapprove entirely of the method pursued by the leaders of the present revolution in Canada, and the reports of the ref- ugees are base falsehoods, and it is the duty of every lover of freedom and humanity to treat them with the contempt they so justly merit. It is totally useless to think of making a stand in Canada with less than 5000 men well organized and drilled. Under the present organization there can be no dependence placed in the Canadians. They are false and unprincipled generally and more treacherous than the savage. I must now bid you farewell as my hours are few and prepare to meet my fate. May health and prosperity attend you through life, and may you not neglect to prepare for death, as I assure you as a dying man this is all important. I have greatly neglected it through life and it has caused me much pain, but I am perfectly resigned to my fate and have full faith in the blood of Christ to atone and cleanse from all sin. Give my love to all the friends of human Lib- erty and religious freedom and may the time soon come when its standard shall be planted on every hill on this continent and its in- habitants unitedly worship under its sacred banner and partake of its blessings. My hours are few and I will say farewell, a long farewell, and when we meet again, may it be where public liberty, fraternity and brotherly love exist and are the attributes of all that enjoy the place. 300 THE PERLEY FAMILY I again enjoin you to prepare for your last change and bring up your children in the ways of religion and truth. A. P. God prosper the cause of Liberty, Fraternity and Brotherly Love! To Thomas Paddock, Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. The above is a true copy of the will — B. Birdsall. Oct. 21, 1858. A true copy — Attest: Charles J. Prescott. The settlement of his estate has no mention of any widow or child and he was probably never married. Mr. Perley was one of that long line — that brilliant galaxy of heroic defenders of civil and religious freedom. The Canadian Insurrec- tion was the fruit of unjust taxation — the expenditure of public money without the direction of the people's assembly. Note a like injustice referred to on pages 21 and 41, and this same on page 253. The Canadian leaders were Messrs. Papineau and O'Connell, French and Irish and Catholic. The elements were religion, nationality — French, English, Scotch and Irish — politics, pro and contra, and general distrust. Men might easily be found who represented an- tagonistic elements and were in conflict with themselves. Newspapers bandied epithets, the parliament of France was aroused, the British parliament was moved to crimination and re- crimination, the action of a new Canadian assembly was called "a kind of proclamation of war. The Imperial parliament recom- mended expenditures of the public income without the concurrence of the assembly; and if the latter refused to submit, that the mem- bers should be coerced." Imperial soldiers, including a regiment from New Brunswick, paraded the streets to intimidate, but proved to menace. An insurrectional standard was raised on Navy Island, and "a declaration of independence was published." The Gazette of France said: — "What are the rights now con- tended for in Quebec and at Montreal .'' Of directing the outlays of public money by those who have furnished it (surely the right of all men) and representation in the legislature, in accordance with the principles of that nationality which emigrants took with them to America; even as /Eneas is fabled to have taken with him into Italy, the laws and customs of Ilion, as well as the penates of the exiles he led." Lord Brougham, in the upper house of parliament, said: — "We loudly censure the Canadians, but which is the country, who are the people, who gave them the example of insurrection .-' You exclaim against them for revolting; you, who have disposed of their money without their consent; you, who have violated those rights which you made a merit of having accorded to them. Then you enumerate their other advantages, how that they have no taxes to pay, that they receive considerable aid from this country, that they enjoy gra- tuitously precious trading privileges which it cost us dear to obtain, and then you wind up all with the scornful observation: 'The whole dispute between us and them resolves itself into the fact, that we have appropriated some ^20,000 without the permission of their assembly!' Why, it was for resisting the illegal exaction of a poor HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 301 pound sterling, that Hampton gained an undying name as an English patriot ; a name for which the Plantagenets and the Guelphs would have given all the blood that flowed in their veins ! If it be a crime to resist oppression, to rise up against a usurping power, and defend public freedom when it is assailed, which are the greatest criminals? Was it not ourselves who set the example to our American breth- ren? Blame them not too harshly for following it." The principle of "no taxation without representation" is funda- mental; it is the corner stone of all good and stable government; and the man who cordially embraces it and is actuated by it, is a true worker with God in the cause of humanity. Virgil imbued his hero with the sentiment; contending for it John Hampton wrote his name first on the roll of honor ; the Ipswich ofificials suffered ; and Perley Putnam poured the warm blood of his young manhood. What now was the difference between Perley Putnam for ex- ample and Amos Perley? Both contended for the same principle and in the same way, both by their comrades were patriots and by their enemies rebels, and both fell by methods of their enemies. The difference seems to be in this: Putnam merited and received a monument to his memory; Perley merited it but never received it. Though Perley and fourscore of his compatriots were silenced, the insurrection was not cured. It was entombed in the hearts of the populace and was to have an early resurrection. About two years later, when the Upper and Lower provinces were united, the constitution provided, says historian Hodgins, that the Council might originate any bill but a money one, which it might not amend but might reject; and that the Assembly, the popular branch, might originate any bill and should have the exclusive control of the reve- nue and expenditure of the Province. Thus like wrestling Jacob, the restless spirit of the insurgents overwhelmingly prevailed. Many a laborer in the vineyard has gone to his rest, through seeming ignominy and dire straits. Herein is that saying true, "One soweth and another reapeth." Mr. Perley labored, and others en- tered into his labors and reaped the fruits. Amos Perley was cut off in young and vigorous manhood. He appears a man of promise: he had a common education, a good ability, a true citizenship, was a Stirling patriot, an active spirit, a Christian gentleman, a man of thrift, a faithful friend, and beloved in his neighborhood and his home. 6 Martha D.^ was born 8 Dec, 1810, and married 18 Nov., 1830, George Bartlett Bradford, who was born 24 Aug., 1805, to EUis and Dorothy-Bartlett Bradford of Kingston. Mr. Bradford was the sev- enth generation from Gov. William Bradford of Pilgrim fame. He was a custom bootmaker by trade. His wife died in Kingston 13 Nov., 1845, and he in 1889, aged eighty-four years. Bradford issue: Amos Perley born 20 Feb., 1832, and died 2 Nov., 1840; Martha Drew, born 14 April, 183(5, who was of Kingston, unmarried; and Amos Perley, born 6 Nov., 1845, who was a pressman by trade, un- married, in Kingston. 7 Grace M. P.*^ was born in Augusta, Me., 24 Feb., 1870. She married in Augusta 30 Oct., 1897, Elden Whitten Hanks, born in Augusta 21 Sept., 1865, to William Pope, carpenter, and Ann-Whit- 302 THE PERLEY FAMILY ten Hanks. Mr. Hanks is a manufacturer of suspenders and belts in Augusta. Their children: Ruel Clinton, born 2 Aug., 1898; Ar- morel, born 24 Sept., 1899; William Pope, born 27 Jan., 1901; Stew- art McKenney, born 4 June, 1902; Audrey, born 15 Dec, 1903. 8 Sarah S. P.^ was born in Guilford, Me., 15 May, 1837. She married in Milo, Me., 21 Aug., 1858, Isaiah Lewis Ryder, born in Brownville, Me., (5 July, 1837, to Isaiah, a farmer, and Phoebe-Ken- nison Ryder. Mr. Ryder was a lumberman and farmer in Brown- ville, where he died 4 Nov., 1888, and where his widow has her home. Their issue were Anna Eliza, born in Brownville 11 Dec, 1860, and died 15 April, 1878; Lewis Henry, born 21 July, 1862, married, with residence at Katahdin Iron Works, Me. 9 Ann Maria* was born in Guilford, Me., 13 March, 1840. She married 16 Oct., 1860, Charles Nathaniel Mooers, born in Parish Blissfield, Northumberland County, N. B.,21 Dec, 1835, to Nathaniel, lumberman, and Rebecca-Mitchell Mooers. Their home is Milo Junction, Me. Mooers issue: Richard Allen, born 30 May, 1861, who is a surveyor in Milo and married 16 April, 1887, Minnie Gilbert Mooers; Lena Mayland^^; Mary Annie, born 27 June, 1865, and died 18 Jan., 1867; Mary Annie^^; Tessa Lillian, born 14 Sept., 1872, who married, first, 9 Feb., 1891, Charles Proctor, and second, 21 Oct., 1902, James Barden Whyte; John Albert, born in Orneville, Me., 14 Nov., 1875, a baggage master, married in Milo Junction 15 May, 1904, Mary Matilda Barrett, born in Alberton, P. E. I., 8 Nov., 1886, to Dr. Angus McLean and Mary A. Barrett, residing in Milo Junction. 10 John W.-* was born in Milo, Me., 16 March, 1843. He married there 5 May, 1867, Etta Leavitt Hobbs, a milliner, born 1 Dec, 1845, to Samuel Hidden, farmer and merchant, and Caroline Frances-Barker Hobbs of the same place. He served three years in the Civil War; was mustered into Co. C, Eighth Maine Infantry, in Aug., 1863. He served a part of the time with sharpshooters. He was in ten regular engagements, and was at Hatches Run when the lines were broken and followed Lee until he surrendered at Ap- pomattox Court House. Mr. Monroe is a farmer of Milo, Me. Their children, born in Milo: Herbert Albert, 2 May, 1868, died 14 April, 1892; Carrie Emma^l 11 Lena Mayland' was born in Milo, Me., 7 April, 1863. She married in Orneville, Me., 11 Oct., 1880, Charles Henry Drink- water, American Express route agent, who was born in Bangor, Me., 23 Oct., 1856, to Jefferson and Myria-Frazier Drinkwater. Their home is Bangor, Me. Their child is Frances Myria, born in Orneville, Me., 22 Jan., 1881, who graduated from the grammar school 19 June, 1896, and from the Bangor high school 16 June, 1900. She then began the study of music, with a fine voice, a correct ear, and an art naive. She is now singing in the Third Congregational Church m Bangor with entire acceptance. A local journal thus reported her at "the Maine festival" in June, 1904: "The ovation accorded Miss Drinkwater, who appeared for the first time in such ambitious company, was extremely gratifying. Brightly endowed by an indulgent nature with good looks, a graceful person- ality and other very necessary attributes, she has been endowed as HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 3O3 well with the most important attribute of them all, — a beautifully- rich, mellow, true and clear contralto voice, exquisite of texture and appealing in sympathy." These things predicate her ultimate success. 12 Mary Annie'-* was born in Milo, Me., 4 May, 1867. She mar- ried in Orneville, Me., 11 Aug., 18S8, Ernest Albion HamHn, born in Sebec Village, Me., 1-4 March, 1858, to Eben, laborer, and Susan- Ladd Hamlin. Mr. Hamlin is a roof slater. Their home is Brown- ville. Me. 18 Carrie Emma^'* was born (i June, 1872. She married in Milo 2 Nov., 1895, Willis Pliny Soule, an expert millman, scaler and sur- veyor of lumber, born in La Grange, Me., 30 Oct., 1874, to Augustus Carrol, surveyor and scaler of lumber, and Mary-Heal Soule. Their home is Milo. Soule child : Edna: Marion, born in Milo 6 Jan., 1897. FAMILY 178: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JAC0IM7, FRANCIS-39, AMOS-80. ISRAEL PERLEY was* born m Boxford 18 June, 1781. He went with his parents to Winthrop, Me., and settled in Vassalboro, where he died 4 or 8 Dec, 1848. He married Hannah Chandler of the same town 3 Nov., 1817. She was born 21 Oct., 1793, to John and Hannah-Sweetser Chandler, and died 8 Feb., 1873. Mr. Perley was a Baptist. His estate on his probate inventory was valued at ^2903.73. 1 Perley children: Hannah Maria^ Israel Putnam^ John Chan- dler-354, George Henry^ 2 Hannah M.^ was born 10 Aug., 1818, and 18 Nov., 1846, married Augustus Crowell of China, Me., who was born 15 Aug., 1821. Their home was Waterville. He died in 1887; she in June, 1898. Crowell issue: Helen Maria'''; P2mma Lavinia, born in Water- ville 27 Sept., 1854, who married 4 Nov., 1877, Charles O. Farnham, born in Readville, Me., 7 Sept., 1853, to Orrin, lived in Boston in 1898. They had a child, Alice Louise. 3 Israel P.^ was born in Winthrop 7 June, 1820. For three years prior to the Rebellion he was a wholesale grocer in Mobile, Ala. He continued the business in Boston, Mass., where later he was broker or banker. He wrote his given name Putnam only. He died, un- married, in Boston, 27 Dec, 1898. 4 George H.^ was born 13 Dec, 1830. He married Carrie Whiting of Parsonsfield and settled in Winthrop. He died in Mobile, Ala., 25 Nov., 1858, where he was the proprietor of a hotel. She died in 1867. 5 Helen M.-^ was born in East Vassalboro, Me., 11 Jan., 1852. She married 1 Sept., 1875, Fred Judson Bicknell, manager of Livingston Manufacturing Company, born in La Grange, Me., 6 July, 1850, to Benjamin, a farmer, and Loantha-Coburn Bicknell. Their home is Rockland, Me., where their children were born: 304 THE PERLEY FAMILY Edith Lena, 10 Sept., 1882, who is a graduate of Colby College in 1902, and teaching in Thomaston, Me.; Helen Coburn, 12 May, 1887; Putnam Perley, 16 Sept., 1891. FAMILY 179: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, AMOS-80. FREDERIC PERLEY was born in Boxford 11 June, 1783, and died in Washington, D. C. 13 May, 1829. His wife was Sarah Ann, born 23 Nov., 1792. Mrs. Perley wrote from Washington, D. C, under date of 1 8 March, 1847. "We moved from Virginia to Washington City, where we had everything that could be desired to make one happy, but lo! there was to be an end to this. There is a certain set of men here who get men's money into their hands and never in- tend to return it. So it was with Mr. Perley — he never suspected for a moment but what others were as honest as himself, until the fatal truth proved too true. He had taken his money from the bank and put it out on interest and never could get it again. In this distressing situation, his spirit failed him and finally he sank into a deep consumption and died 13 May, 1829, leaving four chil- dren — the oldest seven years and the youngest ten months and sick from his birth. Mary Malvenia and John P'rederick had died some years before. . . . He was a devoted father and a kind husband. . . . I found it was necessary to make every exertion in my power to provide for my children and myself. . . . Thank God ! I am enabled to praise Him for all that he has done for me. . . . My four children are Juliana, Sarah P'rances, George Smith and James Putnam." After inquiring after her late husband's parents, brothers and sisters, she says : " The children would be enraptured to see you and my greatest desire gratified." I excerpt from her letter dated at Schoolcraft, Mich., June 8, 1854, the following: — "I received a letter from Sister Sarah Perley five or six months ago stating the death of her sisters. . . . My oldest son George Smith was absent at the time and had been for several months. He has since returned and again left the 10th of April. He is now in Callao, Peru. James Putnam, out of health, went 26th last July to Michigan, and the climate agreeing with him he returned 2.5th May and took us all to Michigan. We are on a farm 12 miles from Kalamazoo and 1^ from Schoolcraft. I should have been very happy to have called on my niece, in New York, Brother Amos son's widow. . . , My children are all still un- married, and all with me except George Smith, whom I expect home in the course of a year. . . . Any person in Kalamazoo could inform you where Mr. Henry Breese's residence is. There you will find me." Mrs. Perley died in Schoolcraft "sometime in 1869 or 70." 1 Perley children : Mary Malvenia'-, Juliana'^, Sarah Frances', John PVederick'^, George Smith*, James Putnam^ 2 Mary^ was born 5 April, 1819, and died 2 Nov., 1823; John' was born 30 June, 1824, and died 25 July, 1826. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 305 3 Juliana' was born 11 July, 1820, and Sarah\ 20 March, 1822, and are now (1905) living in Washington, D. C; George' was born 28 May, 1826; James', 8 July, 1828, and died in Schoolcraft "about Dec, 1876." It is said that he left at least a son, J. P. Perley, who is said (1905) to be in the Treasury Building, Washington, D. C, but a letter addressed to him there has been returned. Since the above was in type, Mr. Albert Cornell of Schoolcraft, under date 3 July, 1905, has kindly favored us with the following : "George Smith never came here. I have heard J. P. say his father was a contractor and builder in Washington and that he and his brother worked with him. The old lady died about 1869, and shortly after that Frances went back to Washington and worked in the Treasury Department. Some two years later Juliana went to Wash- ington, and the last I ever heard she was living in some Woman's Home — a charitable institution. James P. was a contractor and builder till his death. He died in November, 1876, and was buried beside his mother in Schoolcraft. I know nothing of his being mar- ried. After his death letters from Frances were found mentioning a child, etc. I have a spirit-level that belonged to him. Any one wishing it can have it." FAMILY 180: PP:RLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, JACOB-81. JACOB PERLEY was born in Boxford 5 April, 1776. He removed to Hanover, N. H., before 1801, and engaged in farming. He married Dorothy Hale-5^ 22 Jan., 1801, in Boxford, Rev. Peter Eaton officiating. She was born 1 March, 1780, to Dr. William and Anna-Porter Hale of Boxford in the Say ward house, which was built about 1770 by her father, who was a "skillful, faithful and success- ful" physician there for many years. Administration was granted his widow 28 June, 1820. The estate was valued at ^2781.66 — real, $1750, and personal, $1031.66. He left a widow and five children. Mr. Perley died in Hanover 4 June, 1820; his widow, 29 Feb., 1871, aged ninety. 1 Perley children: Anna Porter^, Lucy^, Jacob', Lucy Eliza*^, Emeline Hale^ Maria Dolly^ Jacob Samuel-355. 2 Anna' was born 21 Sept., 1803, married before 11 July, 1825, Isaac Fellows of Hanover, and died 26 Oct., 1848; Lucy' was born 28 Oct., 1805, died 4 April, 1806; Jacob' was born 12 Oct., 1808, and died 27 Jan., 1812; Lucy E.' was born 22 March, 1810, and married Benjamin Wood; Maria D.' was born 15 Aug., 1815, died 25 April, 1845. 3 Emeline' was born 22 Oct., 1813, and in Dec, 1834, mar- ried Adna Tenney, who was born in Hanover 26 Feb., 1810, to Lucinda-Eaton and Capt. John Tenney. She died 16 Feb., 1837, and he married 21 Oct., 1838, Susan C. Weld, born 28 Aug., 1809. Mr. Tenney was the well-known portrait-painter; many specimens of his skill in the art can be seen at Dartmouth College. FAMILY 181: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAC01M7, FRANCIS-39, JACOB-81. JONATHAN PERLEY was born in Reading U July, 1778. He removed, when quite young, with his parents, to Byfield Parish, Newbury, and studied in Dummer Academy. He chose Salem for his home, and there led a long, faithful serviceable life. He was an assessor of the town and city thirty-five years, and during the early part of the service, he was secretary of the board. He oftentimes penned impromptu sentiments on blank leaves of his record-book, with no pretension to literary merit, but as a spon- taneity of an active mind and Christian heart. This is one of them, from the book of 1840: "As a good conscience without a good name is better than a good name without a good conscience, so in making a tax we will do what we can to keep a conscience pure towards God and towards man." This sentiment was the guiding principle of all his dealings with men, as those who knew him best were ready to testify. He was a member of the Active Fire Club from its organization in 1806, and its clerk from 1823, till his death. For many years, he was a worthy member of the Tabernacle Church, and was the oldest deacon after the death of Deacon John Punchard. A few months before his death he at- tended the centennial celebration of Dummer Academy, as one of" the latest survivors of the famous Master Moody's pupils. The Tuesday before his death, he was able though feeble, to go to the polls and deposit his ballot for Gover- nor Andrew-11. The following tells about itself all we know of it: ;^8.75 Salem January 3, 1849 To Henry Whipple Esqr, one of the Treasurers of the Salem and Danvers Association for the Detection of Thieves &C Pay to Jon^ Perley — Eight dollars & Seventy five cents out of the funds of Said Society. Deacon Perley married 20 June, 1808, Sally Smith of Salem, who was born to Thomas and Hannah- Goodhue Smith 17 May, 1781. He died 7 Nov., 1863, of pneumonia; his widow, 31 March, 18(54. Dr. Worcester preached his funeral sermon. 1 Perley children : Jonathan-35G, William Henry'-, William Henry- 357, Caroline-, Lucy Ann'-, Elizal ^v> >% MMtlw ' jm *P JIK IB|lik ^ "V PPP^ JONATHAN PERLEY. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 807 2 William H.' was born 12 and died 2o Nov., 1811; Caro- line', 5 Aug., 1815, and died, unmarried, in East Hartford, Ct., 19 Oct., 1896; Lucy A.\ 21 Oct., 1818, and died, un- '"-"* ^^^^ ^- i'ermsy married, 22 Aug., 1856. Her Wlnt^\^::^e^li\^"^. T%Zt crrnupt:t-nnf> rfnrl«;- "Arrp^rl '^« "!'.7>\ ^^? lutends canyinsj; ou the MILI.IN- gravesionc reaas. /\gea dO kky busim-ss, in all its branches. Has on years." This advertisement, ^'fl't ",S<"in'''w""J1n"* f ,Bo°°ets, and J 1 r^ 1 T-> • oriit'i- articJos in her line or business; and from the Salem Register, April, ''"Pe^- ^>y punctuality and attention, to re- _,,-,,, 1 •! •, 1 •, ceive a share of patronage. 1842, exhibits her mercantile saiem. March 27. 3w enterprise. On the grounds at the " Perley Gathering" 20 June, 1877 Caroline' penciled this IMPROMPTU. Two centuries and near a half Have dotted down their years Since the first Perley trod these shores With mingled hopes and fears. With hopes, no doubt, that future time Would bring success in life — That God would give him needful strength For any coming strife. With fears, that hope might prove a dream, And this wild Indian land Would tax his power of strength and wit Beyond his willing hand. But hope and her twin sister faith Subdued the cry of fear. And as an evidence of it His family 's gathered here. 3 Eliza' was born 26 April, 1822, and 23 June, 1851, married Oilman Webster, who was born in Salem, N. H., 2 April, 1821, to Lt. James and Anna-Poor Webster, later of Salem, Mass. He was a shoe cutter in South Danvers, now Peabody. He died 21 Jan., 1866; she, 29 Nov., 1873. Their children were Horace Oilman, born 8 Nov., 1852, and died in March, 1859; Carrie Perley*. 4 Carrie^ was born 11 Dec, 1858, in Peabody. She was a type- •compositor and compositor-in-chief on the Poor Oenealogy. She married 25 April, 1882, in Salem, C. H. Blake, an engineer, who was born 31 Aug., 1855, in Salem, to Jethro and Almira Blake. Her death occurred in East Hartford, Ct., 25 April, 1905. Their children were Almira Elizabeth, born in Hartford, 4 Dec, 1884, and died 15 March, 1887, and Carrie Webster, born 25 March, 1887, who is livinsr in East Hartford. FAMILY 182: SAVORY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, JACOB-81. DEBORAH PERLEY was born 10 June, 1782, in Newbury, and 10 Oct., 1804, married Thomas Savory, who was born 4 Jan., 1781, to William, of Bradford, and died 23 July, 1838. She died 30 Jan., 1835. Their home was in Oroveland. 308 THE PERLBY FAMILY 1 Savory children: Moses^ Betsey Balch"^, Lucy Perley^ Thomas^ Mary Stevens'^, Ellen Maria^ Priscilla Parker'^ Thomas William^, Priscilla Parker'^, Moses Putnam'^, Hannah Holton^ Charles Putnam^ 2 Moses^ was born 10 and died 22 Aug., 1805. Betsey B.^ was born 27 July, 1806, and died 29 June, 1859. Thomas^ was born 11 and died 27 May, 1810. Mary S.' was born 13 May, 1811. Priscilla P.^ was born 13 Feb. and died 17 Sept., 1816. Thomas W.^ was born 11 Sept., 1817. Priscilla P.^ was born 20 March, 1820. Moses P.i was born 30 Aug., 1822, and died 2 Jan., 1825. 3 Ellen M.^ was born 12 Nov., 1813. She married Thomas Greenough, a trader, born in 1814 to Bailey and Betsey-Parker Greenough. Hannah H.^ was born 19 March, 1825, and marrying Samuel Balch, removed to Byfield Parish. 4 Charles Putnam^ was born 20 May, 1828, in Haverhill. He married Sarah H. Balch, who was born in 1830 to Jonathan and Sally- Hopkinson Balch. He was a shoemaker; his issue was William P., born 1853. 5 Lucy ¥} was born 5 June, 1808, married 24 May, 1831, Col. Frederic Jones Coffin of Newburyport, and had Lucy Perley, born 13 March, 1832, died in childhood, and Lucy Adelaide, who married Gen. Benj. F. Peach of Lynn. FAMILY 183: PERLEY. LINEAL DEbCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39. JACOB-81. JEREMIAH PERLEY was born in "Newbury-Byfield," [By- field Parish is parts of two towns, Newbury and Rowley] 11 March, 1784. He studied in Dummer Academy and graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1803, where in course he received the master's degree. In 1804 he went to Hallowell, Me., where he read law, and in 1807 was admitted to the bar. In 1816 he removed to Gray, Me., and succeeded to the practice of Rev. Samuel Perley-52. He later removed to Orono, where he died, 1834. Esquire Perley was the author of "The Maine Justice," 8vo. published at Hallowell, 1823, and he edited a 12mo. volume of 301 pages — "The Debates, Resolutions and other proceedings of the Convention of Delegates, assembled at Portland, on the 11th and continued until the 29th day of October, 1819, for the purpose of forming a Constitution for the State of Maine. To which is added the Constitution. Taken in Convention, by Jeremiah Perley, coun- sellor-at-law. Portland: A. Shirley, Printer, 1820." Mr. Greenleaf of Portland, reporter of the Maine Court Deci- sions, paid Mr. Perley this merited compliment: — He had a clear head, was logical in his reasoning, and arrived at just conclusions, and but for his modesty, or want of self-confidence and enfeebled constitution, he would have made a distinguished advocate, an eminently successful pleader. He married 3 Sept., 1811, Maria Dummer, who was born 17 Feb., 1787, in Providence, R. I., to Hon. Nathaniel and Mrs. Mary- Kilton Dummer of Hallowell, Me. They had eight or nine children, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 309 and she lived to bury them all — six in their infancy or youth. Presumably Mrs. Perley was the "Maria D. Perley," who was, by the Boston directory of 1852, "matron of the N. E. F. M. Reform Society, at 66 Warren street." She died 22 Jan., 1865. 1 Perley children: Helen Maria^ Mary Dummer^ Nathaniel Dummer-, Theophilus Parsons'^ et als. 2 Helen M.^ was born 29 June, 1812; Mary D.\ 16 Sept., 1814; Nathaniel D.\ 9 April, 1817; Theophilus F.\ 27 Dec, 1819, in Grey. FAMILY 184: PERLEY. LINKAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-IT, FRANCIS-39, JACOB-81. NATHAN PERLEY was born in Newbury 17 Aug., 1786. He was a tanner and currier by trade, and he settled in Groveland in business. He married 28 April, 1813, Delia Hills, who was born 22 Nov., 1789, to Benjamin and Anna of West Newbury. He died 22, (Nathan, Jr., says 27) April, 1857; his widow died at the house of his son in Haverhill of old age 7 or 8 Nov., 1871. 1 Perley children: Delia Ann'^, Moody Hills^ James'^ Samuel- 358, Nathan-359, Susan Ayerl 2 Delia A.^ was born 2 April, 1814, and died 19 Jan., 1824, Moody H.^ was born 24 Nov., 1816, and died 13 Sept., 1842. James^ was born twin with Samuel-358, 13 Dec, 1818. 3 Susan A.^ was born 28 May, 1827, and was adopted by her aunt in Haverhill. FAMILY 185: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCI8-39, JACOB-81. FRANCIS PERLEY was born in Newbury 9 March, 1791. In March, 1814, he went to Winthrop, Me. He was a natural farmer, loved the work and the scenes of nature. He was modest to diffidence, was a great reader, possessed a wonderful memory, and was a walking cyclopaedia of general intelligence. Articles by Dr. Quimby in the Gospel Banner and by "Jo- annes," a lawyer and neighbor of Mr. Perley, have been digested below to suit our space. Mr. Perley was a firm and positive Universalist from young manhood, and few laymen had a better knowledge of Scripture, which he delighted to exemplify and recommend. He loved the church and the Sunday School, and was always in his place in both when able to be there. He often attended his denominational conventions and associations. He was one of the organizers of the Winthrop Universalist Society. Rev. George W. Quimby, once his pastor, says, " Mr. Perley was one of my dearest personal friends and faithful supporters." Mr. Perley was an exemplary citizen and a careful business man. The people often elected him a selectman, and we believe more than 310 THE PERLBY FAMILY once their State representative. He was a kind husband, father, friend. As he loved his work, he exercised it till the day of his death. Of no distemper, of no blast he died, But fell like autumn fruit that mellowed long, Even wondered at because it fell no sooner. Pate seemed to wind him up for fourscore years, Yet fi-eshly ran he on eight winters more. Till, like a clock worn out with eating time, The wheels of weai-y life at last stood still. Mr. Perley married, first, 30 March, ISl.S, Mary L. Titcomb, who was born 15 Jan., 1794, to Caleb and Judith of Newburyport, and died of consumption 8 Jan., 1848. His second wife was Mrs. Sarah- Piper Adams, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Piper of . Augusta, Me., whom he married 8 March, 1849. He 'died in Lowell 28 Oct., 1877, aged eighty-six years. Their children were all born in Winthrop but the first, and are all by the first wife but the last. Dr. Quimby concludes his obituary of Mr. Perley with this sentiment : His youth was innocent; his riper age Marked with some act of goodness every day. And, watched by eyes that loved him, calm and sage. Faded his late declining years away. Cheerful he gave his being up, and went To share the holy rest that waits a life well spent. His widow died 27 March, 1899, aged eighty-seven years. 1 Perley children: Harriett Jacob Putnam", Mary Titcomb'', Enoch-300, Judith Ann*, Francis-3G1, Samuel'^ Martha Foster-362, Betsey Wood'', Lucy\ George Henry'^ 2 Harriet^ was born 12 Sept., 1813, in Newbury-Byfield Parish, and 6 Sept., 1838, married Samuel Northend, who was born 5 April, 1811, to John and Nancy-Titcomb Northend of the same parish. Of Mr. Northend 's sisters, Mary Ann married Hon. Moses Tenney-2(j*; Sarah Adams, a Clark of Peabody; Maria, a Deacon Forbes of New- buryport. Of his brothers, Enoch, Charles and Samuel were widely and favorably known in business circles, and William Dummer was a leading lawyer in the Essex Bar. Mrs. Northend died in By field 3 March, 1840, aged twenty-six years, leaving one child, George, who died a patriot soldier in the Civil War. [Mr. Northend mar- ried, second, 2G Nov. 1841, Mary H. Currier of Newburyport, who died in Byfield in 1869. Their children were: William Edmund, who was born 14 Feb., 1843, served three years or more in the Civil War, Company C, 19th Regiment, was at Gettysburg and in Libby Prison, has a pension, married 25 Dec, 1866, Mary Elizabeth Roberts, born 24 March, 1849, to Peter Wakefield and Sarah- Mussey Roberts, and resides in Beverly, Mass.; Harriet Perley-203 ; Ann Elizabeth, born 7 Sept., 1846, married 9 Oct., 1869, John B. Edwards of Haverhill, now of Georgetown, and had Fred N., born 19 Jan., 1871; Thomas Edward, born 3 Jan., 1850, and died 11 May, 1854; Susan Brown, born 19 Oct., 1851, and died 22 Feb., 1864; Edward Tenney, born 1 Feb., 1856; and Mary Ellen, born in By- field 23 May, 1859, and married 23 July, 1881, in Wenham, Mass., John Ellsworth Roberts, motorman, who was born in Danvers, 12 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 311 April, 1857, brother to Mary Elizabeth above, and resides in Law- rence, where their three children were born : Annie Alfretta, 20 Nov., 1881; John Ellsworth, 21 Sept., 1885; Elmer Perley, 24 April, 1894.] 3 Jacob P.\ born 6 Sept., 1815, went to California and died, unmarried, 10 Jan., 1883. Mary T.\ born 8 March, 1817, married 19 June, 1844, James Jenness, and died 26 Jan., 1858. SamueP, twin with Francis, was born 17 Dec, 1822, and died same day, or 4 Jan., 1823. Betsey W.', born 15 Nov., 1827, died 21 June, 1840. George H.\ born 1(3 Jan., 1850, married in Winthrop, 15 March, 1882, Nancie Muzzy Woodward, teacher, born 15 March, 1849, in Bangor, Me., to Franklin Muzzy, a farmer, and Prudentia Farwell- Mills Woodward, and has no children. 4 Judith A.^ born 20 Aug., 1820, married Gardner A. Brown, son of Joseph of Ipswich. She died 13 Jan., 1858, a wife of fifteen months. MRS. H'CY MITCnELL. MIJ. FRANKLIN MITCniOLL. 5 Lucy^ was born in Winthrop 2 July, 1830, married in Winthrop 24 Nov., 1859, Franklin Mitchell, a manufacturer of sashes, blinds and doors, who was born in Richmond, Me., 25 June, 1834, to Sewell, a farmer, and Deborah-Dennett Mitchell, and resides in Gardiner, Me. FAMILY 186: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, ,TACOB-81. PUTNAM PERLEY was born 1 March, 1794, in Newbury- Byfield, where he spent his life a farmer. He was, with Rev. Joseph Emerson, pastor of the Byfield Church, Dr. Cleveland and Solomon Stickney, a committee appointed 28 April, 1819, by the church to 312 THE PERLEY FAMILY Open a Sabbath School and appoint its instructors. The school began 2.3 May. He was chosen a deacon in that church in June, 1824. "Putnam Perley was baptised 27 July, 1817." Deacon Perley was a deputy to the General Court in 1835. His first wife, published 8, married 31 Dec, 1821, was Mary Thurston, born to Benjamin and Jane of Byfield in Aug., 1792. She died 24 Nov., 1829. Her epitaph reads: Her dying address to her friends was "(J, love tlie Savior, while In health, every one of you!" Reader, she spealiS to you. She was probably mother of his first child. His second wife, published 18 Feb., married 22 March, 1831, was widow Belinda Cheever of Saugus, born 15 June, 1798, to Abner and Mary-Farmer (Medford records read Martha-Newhall) Cheever. After her hus- band's death she removed to Medford, where she bought, about 1856, "The Richardson House," and resided till her death, 14 Sept., 1880, aged eighty-two years and three months. She was buried in Byfield. He died 30 June, 1835, and his epitaph is Be ye also ready. 1 Perley children : John Putnam'^, Mary Thurston^ Sarah Ellen"^ Putnam''. 2 John P.'s^ birth and death may have been at the time of his mother's death. Mary T.^ was born 5 Feb., 1832. Sarah E.' was born 5 Aug., 1838, and died 3 Aug., 1835. Her epitaph: Of such is the kingdom of Heaven. 3 Putnam^ was posthumous 5 or 8 July, 1835. He was clerk and bookkeeper in Boston for seven or eight years with home in Med- ford. He died 14 Aug., 1875, in St. Paul, Minn. He was interred at the side of his father, and his epitaph reads: steadfast and faithful. I am the Resiirrection and the Life, saith the Lord. FAMILY 187: NELSON. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, M0SES-4(), NATHAN-84. RUTH PERLEY was born 23 Feb., 1795. She married 3 July, 1814, Maj. Asa Nelson, who was born 8 March, 1790, to David and Eunice-Searle Nelson of New Rowley, now Georgetown. He was a tanner and shoe manufacturer. He was a man trusted and respected. He resided in South Georgetown, where his widow died 17 April, 1881. He died 11 Dec, 1855. The first years of Mrs. Nelson's marriage were spent upon the estate now known as the "Larkin Place," where her husband estab- lished and carried on his tannery; but the growth of the center of the town attracted them, and they moved their residence and busi- ness to the place on Elm street, where for sixty years as wife and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 3 13 widow the deceased has lived, and with one or two exceptions has never spent a night away from it. She was a woman possessed of a very even temperament, never excited or depressed, nor enthusiastic over new things, but tenacious of old friendships. She early became a member of the First Church, was constant in her attendance upon divine worship in the old and until within a year in the new church. After her infirmities had grown so numerous as to prevent her at- tending church, she displayed more interest, if possible, in its pros- perity, and made frequent inquiries concerning it. Not five minutes before she died, on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, she inquired of her youngest son, who had just returned from church, about the new minister and the subject of the day's discourse. He answered her and she seemed pleased at the report. He left the room for a mo- ment and when he returned she had passed on from the church tem- poral to the church eternal, from the militant to the triumphant. Smiling with the knowledge of a united people in the sanctuary of her youth, she fell asleep to awake in more glorious Easter service before the great white throne. She has risen indeed. For two years Mrs. Nelson had been failing, not the result of disease, but the gradual decay of the forces of vitality; the machinery of life gradually ran down and finally stopped running. 1 Nelson children : Harriet At wood', Caroline Matilda'^ Maria Harriet'^, Solomon'', Sherman''. 2 Harriet A.^ was born 6 Sept., 1815, and died 20 Sept., 1820. Caroline M.^ was born 20 July, 1817, married 6 Dec, 1842, George Dole of Georgetown, and had Greenleaf N., born 3 April, 1843. M. Harriet' was born 4 Aug., 1822, and died 27 Oct., 1848. 3 Solomon' was born 5 Oct., 1826. He married 6 Dec, 1848, Elizabeth Hobson of Rowley. They resided in Georgetown. He was a livery stabler ; he was also a deputy sheriff for many years. His wife died of cancer 12 Oct., 1880. The Georgetown Advocate thus speaks of his demise : "Solomon has occupied the position of selectman of the town, auditor and constable. His services as constable have covered many years, and he has been the man on whom all relied to quell disturbances. His army record is honorable and brave. He en- listed as private in Co. K. 50th Regiment of Mass. Volunteers, Sept. 19th, 1862, was promoted to 1st sergeant, and served with credit in the army of the Gulf until his discharge Aug. 24, 1863. He partic- ipated in all the marches of his brigade, and was at the siege and surrender of Port Hudson. Of his army life, his comrades speak in the highest terms: brave without rashness, considerate of the health of his men, never requiring one to advance where he would not lead, and with them always, sharing their privations, dangers and tri- umphs. In consideration of his services, at the close of his term of enlistment the glorious old war Governor, John A. Andrew-11, ten- dered him a captain's commission. Of this he was justly proud. His honorary military titles deserved a much more exalted rank, as he could with propriety wear the eagles of a colonel, yet he preferred to rest upon his fairly earned laurels worn in battle, and conferred by the distinguished statesman. Said he to the writer once, ' when- ever you have occasion to use my military title, call me captain, as 314 THE PBRLEY FAMILY I regard the parchment with Gov. Andrew's signature of more value than all other honors.' He was an active member of the Grand Army of the Republic, one of its first commanders, and its last. He loved the Post and declared it should be maintained, and it was. He insisted that no soldier should rest beneath the sod of our burying grounds without a stone suitably inscribed to record his name and service. Every year thus far his plans have been accomplished. " His career as a civil officer is equally worthy of commendation. As sheriff he was courageous, careful, prompt and efficient. He had the confidence of the bench and bar, and caused his bondsmen no embarrassment. "He was a consistent and active member of Charles C. Dame Lodge, F. and A. M., its first marshal, and progressed in rank as far as he cared to, retiring from the chair of junior warden. His voice was frequently heard in its debates, and he always spoke with power, to the point, and in genial humor. His wit was of the finest, and appeared under all circumstances, and was not unlike that of President Lincoln. He always had some grotesque story or circum- stance which illustrated his point. He was a great reader and ad- mired the humor of Dickens, Thackeray and Tom Hood. He was authority on the former, and could locate a character or quotation upon an instant's reflection. He used to say, 'a book that was worth reading once was worth reading repeatedly.' He never wasted time with works of no merit, was thoroughly acquainted with standard literature, ancient and modern. He was a vigorous and pleasing writer. All will remember his series of papers or 'Journal' of a member of Co. K, published in these columns in 1874-5, how they sparkled with true, genuine humor, yet were vivid pictures of the campaign. His few papers on 'An Old School House,' possessed the same characteristics, and were gems in literature. "His life was pure, and conscience governed every action. He was honorable and accommodating in his business, a friend to good citizens everywhere, and a terror to evil doers. His loss is a general bereavement to the county. His wife, one of the best, died about two years ago, and an only son, Fred W. Nelson of Amesbury, is the only representative of his line." Their children: Lizzie M., born 19 and died 22 Dec, 1851 ; Fred Walter, born 9 May, 1853, and was at one time a grocer with Moses N. Boardman in Georgetown. 4 Sherman^ was born 28 June, 1834, and married 19 Sept., 1866, Catherine S. Spofford-169\ who was born 13 May, 1836, to Leander and Mary Mighill-Perley Spofford of Georgetown. Mr. Nelson re- sides in Georgetown. He has been a selectman many years and several years chairman of the board. He is a practical farmer and conducts a large livery stable business. To him the Perley family is greatly indebted for their gatherings and especially for their success. He has been secretary of the family from the first, in 1877. He has been president of the local savings bank and a member of its invest- ing committee. They have no children. FAMILY 188: PERKINS. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, ,TACOB-17, MOSES-40, MOODY-8G. BETSEY GOULD PERLEY was born 27 March, 179(3. She married 5 Dec, 1822, Daniel Washington Perkins, who was born 18 Dec, 1799, to Daniel of Topsfield. He was a nephew of the "wealthy" Thomas Perkins, and was of Danvers at the date of his marriage. In his youth he was his childless uncle's favorite, and was offered a college education, a desk in a great mercantile house, or a trade. He chose the latter, and learned the trade of black- smith of Moses Wildes of Topsfield. He at first, after marriage, oc- cupied "the Pingree Farm," Georgetown, but subsequently pur- chased a house on Haverhill street, and worked at his craft upon the ringing anvil opposite. He pursued his chosen occupation till the infirmities of age forbade him. He was somewhat dissipated in his younger years, and even once experienced delirium ; but the Washingtonian movement about the year 1840, caught him in its embrace. He threw away his cups and never after allowed a drop of intoxicants to pass his lips. He connected himself with the Baptist church, and was honored with the office of deacon. He led an exemplary Christian life, furnishing a bright example of the value of temperance labor and afterwards of temper- ance principles. He was a man of more than ordinary strength of character; his attachment to his convictions was "firm as the ever- lasting hills"; he was steadfast in his friendships. He was honora- ble in all his business transactions, charitable toward the destitute and erring, ardent in his likes and dislikes. He died 27 Jan., 1880, aged eighty years. His widow, Thursday 11 March following, re- ceived a shock of palsy. The next day her condition was somewhat improved, but she remained unconscious till the next Wednesday, when her death ensued, 17 March, 1880, when she was eighty-three years of age. Both rest in Harmony Cemetery, Georgetown. 1 Perkins children: Abigail Balch'-, Augusta W.'^, Mary Eliza'\ Catherine Elizabeth^ Edwin Perley^ • 2 Abigail B.^ was born 18 April, 1824. She became the second wife — published 24 Jan., 1851 — of Alfred P. Bateman of Georgetown. [His first wife was Rosamond L. Tenney, married 27 Aug., 1843, and died 16 Sept., 1848, aged twenty-four.] He was a dry and fancy goods merchant. Issue: Rosa Amandal 3 Augusta W.^ was born 8 Oct., 1826, and died, unmarried, 1.5 June, 1855. Mary Eliza^ was born 12 July, 1829, and died, by chok- ing, 23 Aug., 1830. 4 Catherine E.^ was born 16 June, 1832. She married 5 or 23 Oct., 1848, William B. Richards, son of John and Jane Richards. She died in Georgetown of consumption 7 Sept., 1851, at the age of nineteen, without issue. Her epitaph is in Harmony Cemetery, Georgetown, thus: Tread lightly here! This littlfi earthly mound Wraps a loved form, to memory ever dear; Tread lightly here! This spot is hallowed ground. Devote to friendship's and affection's tear. 316 THE PERLEY FAMILY [Mr. Richards married, second, 27 Feb., 1853, Julia Amanda Nelson, born 30 April, 1829, to Albert and Julia G. -Saunders Nelson of Boxford. They reside in Haverhill, where he is proprietor of a livery stable. Issue: Frederick; Benjamin; Oscar Williard, born 27 May, 1859, died 19 Jan., 1861; Harry Milton, born 20 May, 1861, died 3 Jan., 1865; these last two repose also in Harmony Cemetery.] 5 Edwin P.^ was born 19 June, 1836. He married 3 Dec, 1860, Elizabeth Gardner Harriman, who was born 11 Aug., 1836, to Sam- uel Harriman of Groveland. Their home is Georgetown, where he is deacon in the Memorial Church. Issue: Carrie Augusta, born 29 Oct., 1864 and died of scarlet fever 20 Aug., 1871; Harry Edwin^ 6 Rosa A."'^ was born in Georgetown, Mass., 1 March, 1858, and married in Haverhill, Mass., in Sept., 1877, Walter R. Pickering, a shoemaker, who was born in Newburyport, Mass., 10 Jan., 1857, to Paul R. and Prudence D.-Noyes Pickering. She died in George- town in December, 1880. [Mr. Pickering married, second, in Ha- verhill, Mass., 30 May, 1884, Grace Donnel of Auburn, Me.] Perley- Pickering issue: Florence B., born 27 Jan., 1878, died 13 Nov., 1904; Charles S., born 23 Dec, 1880, residing in Georgetown. 7 Harry E.^ was born 8 Dec, 1873, and was a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. He married in Providence, R. I., 23 P'eb., 1905, Lettie Louise Tilley, born in Provi- dence, R. I., 1 Dec, 1880, to William John, in United States postal service, and Adelaide-Holmes Tilley. Mr. Perkins is a lawyer of Georgetown. FAMILY 189: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-t9, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90. ALLEN PERLEY was born on the old Perley place just north of the Old Linebrook Cemetery, Ipswich, 5 Sept., 1789. He settled as a farmer in Rowley. He was chosen captain of the Old Rowley militia company, and commanded it several years. He was a man of integrity and was esteemed by his people. He married Martha Hale Cressey 12 or 15 May. 1816. She was born in Rowley, (in the old Cressey house that was destroyed by fire), 27 April, 1792, to Mark and Elizabeth-Edwards Cressey. She died of pneumonia 24 Feb., 1871; he died of palsy and pneumonia 22 P'eb., 1876. 1 Perley children: Mark Cressey-363, Martha Hale-364, Eme- line'^ Edna Jewett^ Elizabeth Mary^ Eliza-Mary^ Allen-365, Charles Henry^ William-366. 2 Emeline^ was born 8 April, 1821, and married 9 July, 1856, Henry Bixby of Natick, born in Ho})kinton to Cromwell and Lydia Bixby. She died, probably in Stoneham, 12 Sept., 1859. 3 Edna J.^ was born in Rowley 6 Sept., 1823, and 27 Dec, 1852, became the second wife of Thomas William Davis, born in Oswes- try, Shropshire (Salop), England, 22 April, 1818. He was counted among the finest musicians of Boston, followed the profession thirty- seven years and was well known and esteemed by the musical fra- ternity in Boston and New York. He died 11 April, 1877, in Everett, his widow in Somerville in October, 1901. Frank Mark, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 317 their son, was born 8 Jan., 1855, graduated from Boston University Law School with the degree of LL. B., and practised law in Boston. Mr. Davis (father and son.'') married twice. It appears that one of the three "died Aug. 2, 1902." 4 Elizabeth M.^ was born 1 Jan., 1826, and died of quincy 11 Aug., same year. 5 Eliza M.^ was born in Rowley 28 Feb., 1828, and married there 31 Dec, 1852, Edwin Bainbridge Lane, a flour merchant, who was born in Hampton, N. H., 3 Jan., 1826, to Ebenezer, a farmer, and Sarah-Emery Lane. Mr. Lane was postmaster at Hampton, 1852- 56. During his life in Arlington, Mass, his present home, he has been closely associated with the Arlington Orthodox Congregational Church — a deacon for many years, superintendent of the Sunday School and leader of the choir. Mrs. Lane died in Arlington 23 April, 1899. Lane issue: Walter Perley''; Frank Edwin'*, 6 Charles H.^ was born 1 Sept., 1832, married in Charlestown, Hester C. . Their business was boarding and lodging. He went West and located at Boise City, to which place he invited his wife, but she declined to go. It is understood that Mr. Perley died after a few years' sojourn at Boise City. "Charles H. Perley," a veteran of the Civil War, late a dealer in fruits in Spokane, Wash., now an inmate of the Confederate Soldiers' Home, Higginsville, Mo., may be this man, for all we have learned from six letters, neither an- swered nor returned. The last we knew of Mrs. Perley's career was read in the Boston Post newspaper of 3 Sept., 1893. She was located near the East Somerville railway station, and died not many years ago. 7 Walter P.*^ was born in South Reading — now Wakefield — 29 March, 1856. He married in Westerly, R. I., 9 Aug., 1877, Anna Lawrence, born in West Cambridge, — now Arlington, — Mass., 9 May, 1857, to Henry Lafayette, dealer in provisions, and Lucy Maria-Ham Lawrence. Mr. Lane is a manager. Their home is Arlington, Mass. Issue: Edwin Lawrence, born in Arlington 24 Nov., 1878, a Harvard graduate, class 1903, now with the Isaac Prouty Shoe Co., Spencer, Mass., and unmarried. 8 Frank E.*^ was born in Arlington, Mass., 19 Jan., 1867. He received the degree A. B. from Harvard in 1889. He has taught mathematics at Milton Academy for thirteen years and now holds the position of bursar. He is treasurer of the Arlington Orthodox Congregational Church. He married in Arlington 10 July, 1900, Annie May Baston, of the same town, who was born 24 July, 1872, to James, a carpenter and builder, and Mary Hammond-Bacon Baston. Their home is Milton. Their child: Elizabeth Lane, born 7 Dec, 1903. FAMILY 190: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90. JOSEPH BURPEE PERLEY was born in Ipswich-Linebrook 28 Sept., 1791. He built his home near the new cemetery, lately the property of Ezekiel P. Potter, and destroyed by fire 29 Dec, 318 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1886. Upon the sale to Potter, he occupied his parental farm. Later he purchased for his son Charles M. the ancestral estate of the Perley family, which, except a few years, has been in the Perley name since 3 July, 1651, when it was granted Allan-1. The local newspaper thus noticed his death: "He was in his usual health on the morning of his demise. He ate his breakfast as usual and removed himself from the table, when he began to talk in- coherently, and then seemed to be fainting. His son, Charles M., caught him as he was about to fall, when one frightful shriek sig- naled the end, which came a few minutes later quietly and peace- fully as 'balmy sleep.' Of no distemper, of no blast he died, But fell like autumn fruit that mellowed long, Even wondered at, because he dropt no sooner. Fate seemed to wind him up for fourscore years. Yet freshly ran he on ten winters more, Till like a clock worn out by eating time, The wheels of weary life at last stood still." He was a farmer, a man who never overworked and was never idle. He was diligent, careful, frugal, and many years before his death had laid up in store a competence. He was a good illustration of that steady, quiet, persevering purpose which is rare to see. So far removed from the town center, he was never vested with civic authority; he never sought it. He had a desire to owe no man aught ; and to pay the worth of what he had, that what he possessed might be his own. His generous disposition showed itself more es- pecially in his later years. He was kind, generous, and fatherly provident to his children. He married 11 Sept., 1837, Hannah Pearson Tappan, a lady of culture, born 22 Feb., 1809, to Capt. Sewell and Hannah Tappan of Newburyport. She was the widow of Joseph Johnson, son of James and Charlotte-204, of that city. She died of consumption 2.5 July, 1870, at the age of sixty-one years, and was buried in Newburyport. He died 10 March, 1885, aged ninety-three years, five months and ten days. He was at the first Perley Reunion, the oldest Perley on the ground. 1 Perley children: Elizabeth Green-367, Hannah Sewell-368, Louis Richmond", Charles Melville-369, Laura Annette-370. 2 Louis Richmond^ born 24 Oct., 1843, is unmarried and lives in Danvers. FAMILY 191: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHE^M9, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90. ABRAHAM PERLEY was born 23 Oct., 1793. He lived at first on the "Lavalette place" on the hill north of the present Lavalette place in Ipswich-Linebrook. Here his son David was born. He settled in life upon the farm that was once Taverner John Smith's. The old tavern or garrison house with its brick-inlaid, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 319 bullet-proof walls was a noticeable feature of the premises for many years. It stood right opjoosite the north end of the mammoth barn of today. Mr. Perley's house stood just east of the tavern and his barn just north of his house. There he established an extensive trade in cattle. Often he had a hundred or more cows let out in various. parts of the country while he held a considerable herd at home for exchange. He married his cousin Mary Periey-94 1 June, 1820. She was born 26 Dec, 1800. Their tomb records are as follows: i subscribed a letter to bei- sister at Bradford Academy 23 Aug., 1816. ERECTED To the Memory of MRS. MARY PERLEY wife of Mr. Abraham Pcrlcy Who died Nov. 16, 1824, ^t. 24 Early in life— few were her years, licr friends lament— were bathed in tears; r.nt all was right— God took her home; Rut left her body in this tomb. Here to remain in this cold groimd Till Christ shall give the solemn sound: Come forth ye dead! Come at my call! My grace redeemed you from the fall. Fair well, my partner and infant dear. If aught on earth would keep me hear T^ould be my love for you; But Jesus calls my soul away, Josus forbids my longer stay: My dearest friends, adieu. ABRAHAM PERLEY DIED Nov. 25, 1861, Aged 68. 1 Their only child: David Tullar-371. FAMILY 192: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90. DANIEL JEWETT PERLEY was born 23 Jan., 1797. At the age of six years he went to live with his uncle Daniel Jewett of Rowley, for whom he was named. He attended school in Hopkin- ton, N. H., where he joined the Congregational church there. He fitted for college at Dummer Academy, Newbury-Byfield, and in 1819 graduated at Harvard College. He studied medicine with Dr. Joseph Kittridge of Andover. He began practice in Sedgewick 320 THE PERLEY FAMILY and Bluefield, Me. He taught school in Bangor, and finally settled in Orono, now Oldtown. His rides were long and tedious. The roads were narrow and poor, often drifted with snow or muddy from rain. His fees were small and often amounted to zero. He was assiduous, charitable, skillful. He amassed a good property, but it had wings. Neverthe- less, he left a handsome estate. His skill, experience and good judgment carried him long distances frequently for consultation. DR. DANIEL J. PERLEY. He spent his last years writing books of medicine and history which he intended to publish. He wrote nights into the "wee sma' hours," and then retired to plan the writing of the next day. His eye-sight and memory were good to the last. Owing to a heart trouble, he took excellent care of himself, but once he was careless : he went riding in a strong wind without adequate clothing. He was chilled. After a day's struggle he took his bed, and passed quietly away. Dr. Perley attended the Centennial in 1876, and the Perley con- vention in 1877 in Georgetown, and hoped to meet the Perleys in convention again in 1880. He died 3 July, 1879. His first wife, married 28 Jan., 1828, was Mary Brown Lovejoy, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 321 born 30 June, 1806, to Col. Stephen, a mill owner, and Hannah- Hastings Lovejoy of Gardiner, Me. She was a teacher in Oldtovvn, a lady of great amiability and purity of character. Her father, Col. Lovejoy, declined a general's commission; her mother was of Vassal- boro. Me. She died after three days' sickness of pneumonia, 29 Sept., 1863. He married, second, 31 Jan., 1869, widow Elizabeth Scott of Houlton, Me., born in 1835. She was burned to death at her home in Great Works, Me., in 1878. She occupied an upper tenement in a house which she rented to three families. A defec- tive flue next her room caused the fire. She stopped too long to gather her valuables. When she opened her door the hall was aflame. She had a daughter who lived with her and a son who lived in Savannah, Ga. 1 Perley children: Emma Jane Gardner-372, Van Rensselaer'-, Daniel Webster\ Aura Martha'-, Eliza Howe-373, Allen Putnam-374. SITE UK 1»U. L'KUl.Ki ■•> lUKilU'LAt K. This house stands on the site of Dr. Daniel J. Perley's birthplace, and is built almost entirely of the old house in which he was born. 2 Van R.i was born 16 Feb., 1832, and died 18 Aug., 1839. Aura M.' was born S June, 1838, and died 10 Sept., 1855. 3 Daniel W.' was born 4 July, 1835. His father wrote of him: ''The outline of his face and his expression bore striking indications of mental genius. He had a large head, black hair, large, coal-black eyes, keenly penetrating as with significant design, aquiline nose, ruddy complexion, height six feet, naturally well built, square and erect, but was somewhat stunted in breadth and expansion of chest and shoulders by a corroding habit. He was unsurpassed in scholar- ship, in English composition and forensic display. At the age of thirteen he was reading 'Cicero on Oratory' and the Greek Testa- ment." He died 14 Aug., 18.54. FAMILY 193: HOWE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6. STEPHEN-19, ALLKN-42, ALLEN-90. ELIZA PERLEY was born 12 April, 1799. She married 28 June, 1818, Aaron Howe, who was born 10 April, 1768, to Nathaniel and Hannah-Emerson-20 Howe, a neighbor. At marriage, he was fifty and she nineteen. They resided in the second "old Howe THE HOW HOUSE. house" — a house that stood nearly opposite the first "old How house," that was built by and sheltered the immigrant ancestor of this branch of the Howe family. The latter was built about 1692 and was taken down in 1840. It was in the same style as the former which is shown in the picture above. The picture and the well near Mrs. Eliza H. Perley's barn will fix the site very nearly. The house was built probably not far this side of the year 1700. It was razed and the barn removed there about 1858. It stood within a score of rods (see map in family-203) of the house of Mrs. Eliza- AARON HOWE, DIED Nov. 11, 1S55, iEt. 87 y's. & 7 m's. "Be ye also ready." liLIZA P. wife of AARON HOWE, DIED Apr. 27, 1882, ^t. 83 yrs. 15 dys. Faithful In all the relations of life, seeking others' good rather than her own, she always made home happy. beth Howe-6, who was condemned as a witch and hanged 19 July, 1692, though Rev. Samuel Phillips and Rev. Edward Payson and nine other persons testified in court to her exemplary Christian character. Rev. Benjamin Howe (1807-1883), a beloved pastor HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 823 (1871-83), of the church of that parish, was born there. Rev. Na- thaniel Howe (1764-1837), the celebrated minister of Hopkinton, whose "Century Sermon" was noticed by the North American Re- view, passed through several editions, and was translated in foreign languages, was born there. Referring again to the picture, "the old oaken bucket" is how supplanted by a cucumber - wood pump. The timbers^? the barn that occupies the site of the old house are thos^^^^Q^^iLGorigind^' barn. . ., ■'—"< — TS — Mr. Howe's widow removed, a score of rods, to the residence of her daughter, Mrs. William P. Perley, and occupied a part of the house. They are buried in the Linebrook Cemetery. Their only child is Eliza-203. FAMILY 194: DODGE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, JOHNyi. <: MARIA PERLEY was born 10 March, 1799, and married 28 Nov., 1822, Samuel Dane Dodge, who was born on the site of the first house west of Scott's Hill, Linebrook Parish, to Andrew and p:iizabeth-Dane Dodge 3 (Bible record) or 23 March, 1799. They resided in Hamilton till 1830, when he bought, near his birthplace, the Metcalf farm of one hundred acres for $.575. After his death, it became the Lavalette farm. The last years of his life he was a member of the Linebrook church. He was a good neighbor and an extensive and thrifty farmer. Their tomb records read as follows: SAMUEL D. DODGE May 24, I860 2Et. 61 y'rs. 2 mo's. Bless I ed are the dead | who die in the I Lord MARIA PERLEY, wife of Samuel D. Dodge Died Sept. 1, 1852, Aged 53 Our Mother Prompt to perform the duties of her sphere Her hand industrious and her heart sincere By all who knew her and her virtues proved She died lamented as she lived beloved 1 Dodge children : Lucinda"^, Eliza Ann^ Andrew^ Maria Perleyl 2 Lucinda^ was born 8 Aug., 1823, in Hamilton, and 15 Oct., 1840, married Edward Millett, a trader and butcher, of Rowley, who was born 27 March, 1821, to Joshua and Deborah-Howe Millett-51^1 They lived on the Newburyport Turnpike in Rowley. Mrs. Millett was continually in poor health. She died of consumption 25 July, 1861. His second wife, married 9 Dec, 1862, was Mrs. Allethea Huntington-Wells Meed, who was born 4 Sept., 1828, to Daniel and 324 THE PERLEY FAMILY Betsey M. -Smith Wells, and was widow of Thomas J. Meed, a native of Candia, N. H., whom she married 23 Dec, 1849, and who died 29 Aug., 1856, aged thirty. Mr. and Mrs. Millett died— she 15 Sept., 1890, he 27 Dec., 1890. Millett issue: Lizzie Ellen, who died in in- fancy 14 Jan., 1841; Eliza Ann"; Sarah Maria, born 29 Oct., 1843, and died 17 April, 1856; George Dane, born 5 Nov., 1846, and died 12 Oct., 1869; Edward Andrew^; Emily Augusta^; Samuel Dane, born 12 Jan., 1853, and died, a butcher, 12 Feb., 1874; Alphonzo, born in June, 1857, and died 16 Oct., 1858; Lizzie Ellen, born 23 Dec, 1864, and died 1 Jan., 1874. 3 Eliza A.^ was born 14 March, 1827, and died 21 April, 1829. 4 Andrew^ was born 19 Sept., 1834. (His father's Bible reads 1835, and another record reads 1833.) He married 3 June, 1852, Ruth Emily Brown-51'^ who was born 9 April, 1833. She died in Peabody, his present home, 24 Sept., 1903. He was by trade a butcher and meat cutter. In 1873 he was the landlord of the Custer House in Salem and later a landlord in Peabody. He was em- ployed in a managing capacity by Josiah B. Thomas, the mil- lioniare, of Peabody, in the butchering and provision business, more than thirty-nine years. Dodge issue: Maria Jane^; Luke, born 29 Sept. and died 9 or 10 Dec, 1853; Cornelia, born 17 July, 1855, and died 17 Sept., 1856; Abbie Lavinia, born 8 or 12 Nov., 1859, and died 27 March, 1860; Loretta Story, born 25 or 28 P^eb., 1861, and died 17 or 25 April, 1863, choked with a date stone; Samuel Dane, born 17 Feb., 1876, who is living, unmarried, in Rowley, a railroad coachman for Boynton's stable. 5 Maria P.^ was born 16 Nov., 1839, and 27 Sept., 1855, married P3dward Daniel Saunders, born 12 Oct., 1834, to Amos N. and Eliza- beth-Clark Saunders of Rowley. She died of fever in Rowley 23 Nov., 1860, aged (sic) "twenty-one years, three months, ten days." [Saunders married, second, a Widow Tibbetts of Rowley, and by her had one child, a daughter Bertie.] Dodge-Saunders issue: Ella Maria, born 16 June and died 27 Dec, 1856; Edward, born 16 Oct., 1857, removed to Maine; Harrington, born 16 Oct., 1859, and he "has one son living, but we do not know his address." These "16's" are correct as given. 6 Eliza A.^ was born 14 Nov., 1841, and 27 Aug., 1862, married Moses S. Saunders, son of Amos N. and Elizabeth-Pickard Saun- ders, and died without issue 26 April, 1863, while her husband was in the war. He died 30 May, 1895. 7 Edward A.'- was born in Ipswich 19 Oct., 1849, and married 30 Sept., 1871, Elizabeth Blanchard Rundlett, born in Newburyport 21 March, 1850, to Oliver and Mehitable-Plummer Rundlett of Rowley, a native of Newburyport. Mr. Millett is a contractor and builder in Rowley. Millett issue: Edward Oliver^"; Ralph Arnold"; Fred Bartlett, born 19 Aug., 1882, who is unmarried and in business in Kearney, Neb. 8 Emily A.'^ was born 15 Sept., 1851. She married Horace M. Scott, a stone mason and contractor. She died 27 Jan., 1875, leav- ing a child, Mabel L., born in Lynn, and died in Dan vers 4 July, 1877, aged four years and. (Dan vers) seven and (Rowley) four months. [Mr. Scott has his third wife. His wife Hannah M. Pear- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 325 son, born in Gloucester, bore him two children : Harold Madison, born 8 Aug , 1885, and Mary H., born 5 Sept., 1889.] 9 Maria J. •* was born 11 Sept., 1852, and 19 July, 1873, married Lyman Blanchard Daniels, born 19 Sept., 1857, to Amos Klanchard and Lucy Mary-Kneeland Daniels of Rowley. He resides in Row- ley and is by trade a shoemaker. She married, second, George Albert Peabody, a shoemaker by trade, 21 March, 1883, when she was thirty, and he was thirty-two, having been born in Georgetown 31 Dec, 1850, to Francis Dana and Almira-Kneeland Peabody. She resides in Rowley. Daniels issue: Minnie Dodge''^. Peabody issue: George Albert, born 24 June, and died 5 Aug., 188(3; George Albert, born 21 Aug., 1887, and died 22 Feb., 1888; a son stillborn 7 April, 1889. 10 Edward O." was born 21 May, 1876. He was an advertising manager. He married Lillian M. Crowdis of Salem and had Lelia Marion, born 5 Dec, 1897. He drowned 6 Oct., 1904. 11 Ralph A.'' was born 4 Feb., 1878, married and lives in Rowley. 12 Minnie D.'* was born in Peabody 9 Dec, 1873. She married in New York City 14 P"eb., 1904, Christian Bambach, who was born there (i July, 1878, to John Henry and Laura Virginia-Hinton Bam- bach. Mrs. Bambach was a stenographer, her husband is an insur- ance broker and his father a court crier. FAMILY 195: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6, STEt'HEN-19, ALLEN-42, JOHN-92. SILAS PERLEY was born 24 Oct., 1800, in Ipswich-Line- brook, in the house now standing at the junction of the roads next west of the old cemetery, and pictured on page IGt). He was a strong-built muscular man. He was a peer of the best in the pas- times of his day, in wrestling and other athletic sports, and could swing the emblem of "ruthless time" through the heaviest grass with equal skill and ease, or lift weight. He was a man of versatile talent, of varied business ability and excellent judgment and could conduct with success any yeoman en- terprise. As a farmer, he dug profit from sterile soil and employed his winters in timbering, furnishing large quantities of material for the shipyards of Essex. He built some six or eight gondolas for boating salt hay or grass on Rowley river. He had three afloat at one time. These fiat-bottomed boats, of fifteen to twenty-five tons, were constructed on the triangle between the roads in front of his residence, and were drawn by eight to a dozen yoke of oxen to the Warehouse landing in Rowley-Ill. This may have given rise to the sobriquet of "Linebrook Long Wharf." In middle life he was butcher and boot and shoe manufacturer. The latter he pursued winters mostly, and as a means by which he might more easily collect in work the trust of the butcher business. He was a Democrat in warp and woof, and woe to the man who assailed the doctrine. His political faith was in Jefferson and Jack- g26 THE perley family son, and his array of facts was as "Thick as autumn leaves that strow the brooks in Vallombrosa." He was fond of the militia; he was a member of a company of cavalry in the Second Brigade and Second Division of the State troops. He was appointed sergeant at Essex 2 June, 1820, and re- appointed at Andover 30 Sept., 1824. He was also clerk of the company. He was elected cornet 26 Aug., 1828, and 15 Sept. the same year was commissioned by Gov. Levi Lincoln, This troop of horse was called " The Washington Huzzas." His ensign, epaulettes and spurs are a treasure of his son. The banner's obverse pictures an eagle clutching the national escutcheon in his talons, surmounted with the motto: "We aim to protect what our fathers obtained," and subscribed "The Washington Huzzas," The reverse pictures the State seal, surmounted with "I wave in triumph or fall in death," subscribed with the name. The company trained but a few times before the general disbandment of the militia 30 May, 1831, He went boating 28 Aug,, 18(51, as he had been hundreds of times before. In "towing up," he must cross a creek, and clad as he was with heavy overcoat and heavy marsh boots, he thought better, no doubt, to go above and cross in shallow water, than to attempt to swim ; so throwing the tow rope to one who had already swam the fast making tide, he sought to cross above. Strange enough he chose the only fatal spot within rods of that one. He walked into a gully, became entangled in eel-grass and perished. Mr. Perley married, Rev. Moses Welch of the local church offi- ciating, 11 April, 1832, his cousin Elizabeth Perley-94\ She was born 19 April, 1798, the anniversary of a patriotism that changed history, geography, economics, politics and social life. She studied in Bradford Academy, under the famous preceptor Benjamin Green- leaf. She excelled in penmanship and sketching. A few specimens of her art and taste in India-ink are treasured by her son. Studying in the academy at the same time were Humphrey C. Cogswell and John Dexter, Jr., of Ipswich, Ira, Sally and Mary Perley of Boxford, Wm. G. Lambert of Rowley, Mehitable Gould, Elizabeth Averill and Elizabeth P. Emerson of Topsfield. In memory of ANDREW JACKSON Son of Silas and Elizabeth Perley who died May 11, 1S40, Aged 7 years. Thy long and patient sorrows are all past. Thy suffering clay has found repose at last. The quiet stone that covers now thy tomb. Awhile may shroud thy slumbers with its gloom ; But faith's kind hand shall roll that stone away, And hie thy presence to immortal day. She taught the school in her home district, where she was taught in her girlhood, A mother of tender memory, she died at the home HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 827 of her son in Gloucester 5 Jan., 1873. She was interred in the Line- brook cemetery by the side of her husband and son Andrew. Their tomb records are as follows : SILAS PERLFA', DIED Aug. 28, ISGl, ^t. 60 v'rs 10 mo's. Be : think ye ready, for not the Son in such an hour of Man Cometh. as ye ELIZABETH PERLEY, widow of Silas DIED Jan. 5, 1ST3 ;Et. 74 yi-s. 8 mos. 16 dys. A worthy woman, devoted to her own, cliaritalile to all: her memory is dear. 1 Perley children : Andrew Jackson"^, Martin Van Buren-375. 2 Andrew^ was born 24 March, 1833. FAMILY 19(J: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-f, TIMOTHY-6. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, JOHN-92. JOHN PERLEY was born in Ipswich-Linebrook 24 April, 1804. His brother Humphrey said that John moved twenty-seven times. He lived in Boxford, Topsfield and Ipswich. He once kept a small grocery in "the old garrison," or tavern of John Smith-191. He bought of Israel Conant, 5 April, 1837, a house standing far back of the present residence of James Kinnear and then leased it to his father John for $175 during his natural life. The house was later removed and became the fourth house west of Bull brook in Linebrook Parish. Selling, he finally built a house in Topsfield, about a mile from his birthplace. He there cultivated a small farm and worked with his boys at shoemaking. His family dropped off, one by one, till he was left alone, and continued so to live. Sunday evening, 4 Jan., 1880, some of his neighbors dropped in to chat with him awhile. That was the last time he was seen alive. Thursday following the neighbors bethought them they had not seen him for several days and effecting an entrance into his house found him dead in bed. The room was found as it was left Sunday night and it was believed he died that night. His cows and horse were almost famished in their stalls. He appeared as if the end came without a struggle. Mr. Perley was an industrious, genial, kind-hearted man. He lived easy and comfortable, and though not rich was not poor. He dreaded the experience of boarding ; he loved the independence of his home. He was a good neighbor and citizen, and esteemed. The Georgetown Advocate concludes an extended notice of him thus : "The sad death of Mr. Perley has cast a gloom upon the neigh- borhood. Mr. Perley was an honest, upright and esteemed citizen, possessing many virtues, and as a neighbor genial and willing to aid. He leaves a considerable property. Sudden deaths have been com- mon to his family. His mother and his wife being both found dead 328 THE PERLEY FAMILY and his eldest son havdng fallen out of his chair in an appoplectic fit." His wife, married 1 May, 1827, was Lydia Town, born 3 Aug., 1822, to Ebenezer and Lydia-Averell Town of Topsfield. She was found dead in her bed 22 May, 1873. They and their sons repose in the North Cemetery, Topsfield. 1 Perley children: Lydia Ann-376, John Sylvester*, Hosea Bailout 2 J. Sylvester^ was born 21 March, 1830. He never married. He was by trade a shoemaker; he was a quick and good workman and laid up money, which the long time of his sickness consumed. He was a paralytic. He fell from his chair and died instantly 11 Feb., 1874, at his home with Joseph N. Pope of Boxford. It was thought he experienced another shock. 3 Hosea^ (named for Hosea Ballou, D.D.-24'',) was born 9 July, 1834. He never married. He was a general trader. In the winter of 1874-5 he fractured his leg; inflammatory rheumatism succeeded and terminated his life, 4 Jan., 1875. FAMILY. 197: PERLEY. LINEAL DKSCEXT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTIiyo, STEPHEN-19. ALLEN-4J, JOnN-!12. HUMPHREY PERLEY was born 30 Jan., 1808, in Ipswich, Mass., in the house pictured on page 166. He married Eunice, daughter of Thomas and Lydia -Guilford Peabody of Topsfield, THE HUMPHREY PERLEY HOMESTEAD. 16 Sept., 1844. She was born in Topsfield 19 Nov., 1824. Mr. Per- ley was always a farmer. In 1843 he bought a lot of land lying in Ipswich and Topsfield, near Hood's pond, the line of the two towns running through the house which he built upon the lot in 1843 and 1844. In 1857 he removed to his late farm in Boxford, to the house pictured on page 171, and a year later took the old house down, and built a new house here shown. At this place, Mr. and Mrs. Perley spent the remainder of their lives. Mrs. Perley died 4 Sept., 1898, at the age of seventy-three; and Mr. Perley died 4 Nov., 1901, at the age of ninety-three years and nine months, being at the time of his death HUMPHREY PERLEY MRS. EUNICE PERLEY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 329 the oldest man in the town. Their house is now owned and occupied by their daughter, Mrs. Emily J. Chase. 1 Perley children: Elbridge-377, Emily Jane-B78, Humphrey- 379, Sidney-380. FAMILY 198: PERLEY. LINEiVX, DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTIIY-C. STErHEX-19, ALLEN-4'2, STEPHEX-93. JOHN LANGDON PERLEY was born in Laconia, N. H., 10 June, 1805. He was many years a physician in his native town. As years advanced, he turned his attention more and more to farming. THE PERLEY APPLE. He and his son Lewis were among the leading farmers of his County. The County Agricultural Society's fair grounds were near their res- idence. When visiting Dr. Perley one fall at the time of the Cattle Show and Fair, Mrs. Perley presented the writer with the apples pictured above, saying "they would have taken a premium if they'd had a name — will you name them.''" He replied that "Perley" was a good enough name for the best of fruit. Mr. Perley was appointed postmaster 21 May, 1829, vice Stephen Perley resigned. He died in Laconia 18 Sept., 1888. He married at Meredith Bridge 20 Feb., 1839, Dora Prescott Rundlett, born 13 Dec, 1819, to Josiah, a farmer and stone mason, and Betsey-Potter Rundlett of Gilmanton, now Belmont. She died in Laconia in May, 1897. 1 Perley children: John Langdon-, Dora Augusta^ and Mary Anne"*, Lewis Stephen'', Clara Elizabeth*', Marie Huntress". 2 John^ was born 10 Dec, 1839. The first answer received in our 330 "THE PERLEY FAMILY voluminous correspondence in compiling this history was dated 20 June, 1S67, and contained the following: "John Langdon enlisted in the United States Cavalry, 19 Aug., 18tU, was at Carlisle, Pa., about four months, then was Lieut, in the New England Cavalry, which was afterwards called First Rhode Island Cavalry, was located near Warrenton, Fa., sometime skirmishing, etc., and near Catlett's Sta- tion he was taken sick, and died 9 June, 1802, respected and beloved by all who knew him." (^j~/ /3 y A Boston newspaper says: "The veterans ^^'^^-^fCy^r-^uiC^ of the late war named their Post 'John L. Per- •'^ lev Post' in honor of this young man. The signature to the first let- _--' ..... - T • T) 1 i. *''!■ received in the <'otupl- Post has a jurisdiction oi Laconia, lielmont, latum of this genealogy, 2g and parts of Gilmanton, Gilford, and Sanborn- ■'"""• ^^°^- ton. Col. Thomas Cogswell department commander for 1890 and some time candidate for governor of the State (a graduate of Dart- mouth in 1803) is, and Col. Thomas. J. Whipple of Laconia, a vet- eran of the wars of 1812 and the Rebellion, was a member of the Post. The Post disburses about $150 yearly, and in 1890, decorated the graves of one hundred and forty-five soldiers." A Boston news- paper said: "Lt. Perley was a member of the 1st Battalion, New Hampshire Cavalry, Troop M, and enlisted in August, 1801. He was attacked with malarial fever at Camp Mudd, Warrington, Va., in May, 1802, and returned home shortly after, and died in June fol- lowing from the result of exposure." 8 Dora A.^ was born twin with Mary A.^ 18 Sept., 1841. She married in Laconia, where they reside, 3 Oct., 1877, Jacob Sanborn, a farmer, who was born 13 Jan., 1843, to William Hunt, a farmer, and Sally-Dame Sanborn of Moultonboro, N, H. Sanborn child: Pearl Smith, born 19 Dec, 1879, is a graduate of Smith College, class of 1904. 4 Mary A.' was born twin with Dora A.' 18 Sept., 1841, and mar- ried in Laconia 19 Sept., 1871, Josiah P^owle Sturtevant, a druggist, who was born in Center Harbor, N. H., 22 June, 1827, to Ward C., a farmer, and Lucetta-Dalton Sturtevant. Their home is Laconia. They have no children. 5 Lewis S.' was born in Meredith, the part now Laconia, 22 Aug., 1845. He is a civil engineer and one of the leading agricul- turists of the County and an officer in the County society. He is also largely engaged in manufacturing as a member of the Laconia Woolen Company. His home is the parental estate, ''beautiful for situation," having a fine view of Lake Winnipiseogee. He married in Laconia Dec, 1888, Clara Louise Knowlton, who was born in Meredith 25 June, 1809, to Rachel-Batchelder and John Knowlton, a farmer. Their children are Lew Knowlton, born 27 July, 1890; Marian Louise, born 10 Jan., 1893; John Russell, born 25 Nov., 1900. These in the public schools took excellent rank in their re- spective grades. Clara E.^ was born 3 July, 1848, in Laconia. She married 29 May, 1873, Albert Lane Norris, who was born in Epping, N. H., 4 March, 1839. His father was Greenleaf Rufus Norris, a tanner, shoemaker and farmer; his mother was Lucinda Lane. Greenleaf died 15 April, 1840; and Lucinda, 20 Jan., 1899; and both at Epp- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY g3l ing. Mr. Norris was educated at Phillips-Exeter Academy 1855-5G- 57. He received his medical degree at Harvard College in 1865. He was a surgeon in the army 1864-65-66, is a member of the Loyal Legion, U. S. A. He studied in Europe in 1S69 and 1870 and prac- tised in hospitals in Berlin, Vienna, London and Edinburgh. Wiley University honored him with the degree of A. M. in 1890. He trav- eled abroad with his family in 1873 and 1890. He is a member of several medical and literary societies, and has been a physician of large practice for thirty-five years in Cambridge, Mass. Norris chil- dren, born in Cambridge, Mass. : Albert Perley, 29 Sept., 1 874, a grad- uate of Mass. Inst, of Technology in 1897, and of Harvard Medical College in 1903, physician residing in Cambridge; Clara Maud, 21 Sept., 1877, received degree of A. B. at Smith College in 1901, A. M. at Boston University in 1902, teacher in Newburyport High School since 1903; Grace May, 11 June, 1881, received degree of A. B. at Smith College in 1904, residing with her parents. 7 Marie H.^ was born in Lowell, Mass., 14 Feb., 1862, to John, machinist, and Marianna-Gordon Huntress. When a little child her mother died and she was taken and cared for by the family of Dr. Perley. They educated her. She graduated from the N. H. State Normal School in 1884. She was never adopted, 3'et her name was legally changed to Perley. She graduated from the manual training department of Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York, in 1903. She has taught twelve years in public schools in California, two years in a missionary school of Honolulu, H. T., and is now teaching manual training in the Central State Normal School, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. FAMILY 199: ATKINSON. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-C. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, STEPHEN-93. MARTHA MARIA PERLEY was born in Laconia, N. H., 19 Nov., 1815. She married Rev. Joseph Plummer Atkinson 22 Oct., 1835, while he was preaching in her native town. Mr. Atkinson was born in Gloucester, Mass., 17 Oct., 1810. He studied with Rev. Thomas Whittemore, a noted expounder of the universal doctrine. His first pulpit was at Hingham. He went to Laconia early in the summer of 1835 to preach and teach school. He had settlements at Marblehead, Orleans and Orange, Mass., and Westbrook, Me. He entered upon his work at Marblehead in April, 1842, and resigned 3 Aug., 1845. He died 27 Dec, 1888; she 27 Feb., 1904. An extended notice of Mrs. Atkinson's life and death appeared in the Laconia Democrat, 4 March, 1904, from which we copy to suit our space: "Her life and character were so faultless, sweet and beautiful ! Everywhere and always she was a lady. In manner she was dignified and reserved, yet at the same time she was genial and affable, easy of approach, and had the rare gift of making every one with whom she came in contact feel at ease. Her courtesy and refinement of manner were the reflection of her rare and beautiful qualities of mind and soul. In mental acumen, by both education 332 ' THE PERLEY FAMILY and nature, she was far above the average. She took a comprehen- sive view of all subjects with which she had to deal. By nature she was happily free from any spirit of malice; the happiness and well- being of every one was her earnest wish and fervent prayer. "In all the relations of life she was unselfish ; it was her purpose to live and act in the spirit of the 'Golden Rule.' Although she had well defined and settled opinions on all moral and religious questions, yet she never dogmatized and was ever ready to accord to others the same right to have and enjoy their beliefs and faiths that she claimed for herself, always providing they were honest and sincere. "Early in life she recognized God the Father as the object of true worship, love and obedience, and united with the Universalist church of Meredith Bridge, and was ever afterwards a devout fol- lower of that faith. "When deprived of her own church service, she was found wor- shiping at some of the other churches. She was an ardent believer in the churches and the good work they are trying to accomplish; she thought the churches constituted the most potent and uplifting influence in the world. "As a neighbor she was always ready to help in time of need, and was loved and respected by all who knew her. Her mental and spiritual faculties were clear and strong to the end." 1 Atkinson children: Josephine Perley-, Joseph Plummer^ Or- ville Augustus''. 2 Josephine P.' was born in Weare, N. H., 11 Sept., 1840, and 27 Feb., 1861, in Orange, Mass., married John Murray Whittemore, who was born in Sept., 1835, in Cambridge, to Rev. Thomas Whitte- more. He died 7 Nov., 18(31, in the service of his country on board the United States Steam Sloop, Mohican, during the battle of "Hil- ton Head," Port Royal, S. C. She married, second, in Laconia 20 Nov., 1863, Charles Hall Thwing, who was born in Ossipee, N. H., 9 Aug., 1823. He was a merchant in Boston, where he died 9 Mar., 1881. Her only child, Charles Harry, born 8 Oct., 1804, is a travel- ing salesman, and resides with his mother in Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. Thwing, as Josephine Perley was "the star" of "The Perley Com- edy Company," which had its birth Nov., 1878, and was for a number of years very popular in the Eastern States. 3 Joseph P.' was born 1 March, 1844, in Marblehead. He served in 53d Massachusetts Regiment in the Civil War. He has been a grocer in Laconia for many years. His wife is Mary Lu- cretia Terrill, married in Nashua, N. H., 8 Dec, 1874, born in Lyme, N. H., 14 Sept., 1842, to Caleb, a farmer, and Samantha-Wilmarth Terrill. Their children are Martha Louise, born 23 Jan., 1877, who took the degree of A. B. at Tufts College in 1900, and is a teacher of Greek and Enghsh; Frederic Perley, born 15 Jan., 1878, who is un- married in Laconia, and a popular member of the city government ; Eleanor Locke, born 5 May, 1880, who graduated from the Lucy Wheelock Kindergarten Training School, Boston, 1901. 4 Orville A.' was born in Westbrook, Me., 30 Jan., 1846. He is unmarried, and a merchant tailor in Boston of the firm Thwing & Co., Bromfield street. FAMILY 200: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. TIMOTIIY-G. STEPIIEN-19, ALLEN-42, JACOB-94. JACOB PERLEY was born on the ancestral estate of the Per- leys, where Charles M. Perley-369 now resides in Ipswich-Linebrook, 18 March, 1803. He bought land in Rowley, built on it and became an independent farmer. He married 15 March, 1836, Mary Jewett Pickard, born 1 Oct., 1818, to David and Hannah-Spiller Pickard, He died of lung and pleurisy fever 19 Oct., 1859. After her hus- band's death, she and the boys carried on, the farm, with good judg- ment and profit. She died 10 April, 1891, of pneumonia. 1 Perley children: Jacob", Mary Jewett 381, Orrin Weston-382, PZliza-Ann'-. 2 Jacob^ was born (i April, 1838, and lived at home, a farmer, unmarried. He died 7 April, 1891, of typhoid pneumonia. Eliza' was born 25 March, 1853. She has led a domestic life, unmarried, is said to be a good housekeeper and superior cook. She lived at one place in Salem many years. FAMILY 201: PERLE:Y. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTIIY-O. STEl'IIEN-19, ALLEN-42, JACOB-'J4. STEPHEN PERLEY was born in Ipswich-Linebrook 22 Oct., 1807. He was a stone mason by trade, a master workman and con- tractor. He did a good business. His home was some years in Watertown and a number of years in Medford. Later he owned a residence on Mill street in Charlestown. He was many years em- ployed as master workman in the United States Navy Yard there. He married 14 Jan., 1840, Mrs. Margaret-Flemming Lucas of Watertown, who was born in Newtown-Limavady, Londonderry, Ire. She was a fine woman, an earnest Christian, and member of the Baptist church. She died in Charlestown 14 April, 1895. In her will sire mentions her "only heirs at law and next of kin," Margaret A. Jones, Martha E. Garno, both of Boston, and Sarah E. Oakley •• ^r^^^rr^.. ^^r..r..r f u 11 AT -VT- t:- ■ \ ■ STEPHEN PERLEY or Brooklyn, N. Y., hrancis A., a : son, and Charles L. Perry, a grand- ; ^^'^^ ^^ ^^^^" ^^'^ son. Mrs. Garno was devisee and : ^^^'^ ^^ ^'■'^" ^^ ™°^' Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Oaklyresid- '■ D.-ar wife grieve no more for me. -' r- 1 1 1 • • Dear children, grieve no more, Uary legatees. Stephen and his : BeUeve that I am happier far, •'(-1 • .1 11 : Than when with vou before. son Samuel repose in the old cem- : etery in Linebrook. 1 Perley children: Samuel", Stephen^ Margaret Anna^ Mary P^lizabeth^ Francis Augustus", Martha Eliza^ Sarah Eleanor^, Har- riet Freeman^. 334 THE PERLEY FAMILY 2 SamueP and Stephen^ were twins, born 27 Sept., 1841. Har- iet F.^ was born 27 May, and died 8 June, 1854. 3 Stephen^ was born as above, and married 9 Feb., 1873, Amelia Mason, born in New York City 2(5 April, 1853, to John Howe and Ann Elizabeth-Woodruff Mason. Mr. Perley was engaged in the flour and grain trade. He died 20 April, 1889, in Brooklyn. His widow became Mrs. Robinson. Perley children : Ella Louise, born 11 April, 1875; Stephen Monroe, born 14 Nov., 1877; Clarence, born 3 April, 1879, died 13 July, 1899; Mary Elizabeth, born 8 Nov., 1885, graduated from the Girl's High School 15 June, 1904, prepared to enter the Teachers' Training School. SAMUEL PERLEY Diod Sopt. 5, 1S63 ,^3. 21 yrs & 11 mos. And lo, a voice from Iieaveu saying. This is my lieloved sou, iu \vlioiu I am well jiloased. EUGENE SAMUEL JONES. 4 Margaret A.^ was born in Watertown 27 July, 1842, and 11 Sept., 1861, married in Charlestown Charles Stanwood Jones, who was born in Brunswick, Me., 27 April, 1820, and died in Charlestown 3 June, 1888. He was a locomotive engineer. Their only child is Eugene Samuel'-*, pictured above. § \ r \ STEPHEN PERLEY, .Mils. STEPHEN PERLEY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 335 5 Mary E.' was born 21 May, 1844, and 17 Aug., 1862, married John Lowell Perry, a funeral undertaker and embalmer in Charles- town. He was born 19 Feb., 1840 in Brighton. She died very sud- denly at the home of her sister in New York City, in 1889, leaving one child, who is mentioned in his grandmother's will : Charles Lowell, born 18 May, 1863, in Charlestown. 6 Francis A.^ was born in Watertown 15 Feb., 1847. He is en- gaged in the coal business. His first wife was Frances Theresa Dunning, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., to Richard Dunning, and died in New York City 19 Jan., 1899, and was cremated. She traveled much — was finely educated and excelled as a linguist. She had no children. His second wife, married 10 May, 1904, was Selma M. Moraly, born 21 March, 1874, in New York City to Gustav and Lomie-Hows Moraly. They have no children, and they reside in that city. 7 Martha E.^ was born in Watertown 10 March, 1850, and mar- ried in Charlestown 14 Jan., 1881, George Henry Garno of Boston, a railroad conductor, at that time twenty-seven years old. He was born in Quebec, P. Q., to Modest and Elizabeth, and died in Little- ton, Mass., 8 Feb., 1888. 8 Sarah E.^ was born in Somerville 1 April, 1852.' She married in Charlestown 10 June, 1885, Solomon Oakley, born in Aug., 1844, to Whitson Oakley of Brooklyn, N. Y. They have no children. 9 Eugene S.'* was born 8 Jan., 1865. He is photographer in the law department of the Boston & Maine Railroad Company. He married 16 May, 1904, Miss Fannie Isabella Crosby of Wakefield, where she was born, daughter of Abial, 12 July, 1871. FAMILY 202: CONANT. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6. STEl'lIEN-19, ALLEN-42, JACOH-94. MARTHA PERLEY was born Tuesday, 18 June, 1811, and 21 Aug., 1832, became the second wife of Deacon Wm. Foster Con- ant, who was born in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich, 17 July, 1802, to Wil- liam, Esq., and Ruth-P'oster-51 Conant. He was elected to the deaconry of the Linebrook church in 1831, and continued in the ofifice till his death. A local journal thus spoke of Mrs. Conant: "She was an exemplary woman in her family and the society; she was loved and highly es- teemed for her excellent worth, and her Chris- tian virtues." The same paper spoke at length of her husband : "Deacon Conant inherited the sterling business ability of his father and the fervent active Christian qualities of his mother. He was never idle: the sun rose and found him at his work, and setting left him toiling. He took contracts for building roads, was first on the building committee of his church, for conant arm years was leader in all parish affairs, and his counsels and labors were 336 THE PERLEY FAMILY always intelligent and efficient. His business was farming and lum- bering. He was of full medium height, was endowed with a com- pact physique and surprising muscular strength. " When a boy in his teens he was hired out for the season each year, as was the custom in those days ; but his mother — a true mother in Israel — never lost spiritual sight of her children, and his Sunday presence at home was fraught with blessing. He joined the church 7 March, 1830. He was elected to the deaconry, 30 Sept., 1831. His walk was exemplary, and his natural activity eminently helpful. He never, while in health, was absent from the communion, and but twice from the preparatory lectures. He was a most ex- emplary and efficient deacon in the church for more than half a cen- tury; he was at intervals the superintendent of the Sunday School for about forty years; and labored with a true filial de- ^~. g votion, in season and out of l^jy^/ ' ^ S^'-^'^^-'^ ^ season, for the permanent // ' ^ * ^^v-w^ , good of the society and the subscription to a letter circum 18S0. cause. "He was an intelligent worshiper; he appreciated a good ser- mon, and readily noted variation in doctrine. He loved the sanctu- ary, and especially the prayer room, to which even in decrepit age, lame and leaning upon his staff, he went in conscious duty, for its healthful influence. . . . We all mourn the departure of the spirit of piety, of Christian charity and liberality, and of an active, useful life." [Mr. Conant married, first, 30 April, 1828, Martha Potter, born 9 Feb., 1802, to Deacon Isaac, a farmer, and Johanna-Jewett Potter. She died in Linebrook, Ipswich 5 Jan., 1830. Their child, William Potter, died 17 Jan., 1830, ten weeks old.] 1 Perley-Conant children : Martha Mary-3(i5, Cyrus William-, Charles Augustus'^ Jacob Cogging Abbie Elizabeth". 2 Cyrus^ was born 10 July, 1837. He married 22 F"eb., 1860, Sarah Carrol Lavalette, born 6 May, 1844, to Nathaniel of Linebrook. He was a brave and efficient soldier in the Rebellion War, and re- ceived a pension. He is said to have been the strongest man in the town, and has cut and piled four cords of four foot wood in a day, many, though not successive days. During the period of the Civil War, Mr. Conant's muscular activities were phenomenal. None ex- celled him in the recreations of the camp — running, leaping, jump- ing or lifting A mass enormous, such in modern days No two of earth's degenerate sons could raise. His great strength found ample scope in civil life upon the farm. He was genial, hospitable, kind, and a generous and worthy mem- ber of the Linebrook church. He died 26 May, 190.5. The local journal thus spoke of his death and burial: "The death of Mr. Conant came as a shock to everyone in town. He was always looked upon as one of the strongest and healthiest of men. His death was the result of a cold contracted a week ago. Mr. Conant and a friend went fishing and in some manner both were thrown into the water. Both men were soaked and both were HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 337 taken sick. Mr. Conant's cold rapidly developed into pneumonia and although he has been quite ill, the end was not expected so sud- denly. He was a Grand Army veteran and saw some of the hardest fights in the Civil War. One of his greatest pleasures in civil life was to relate his experiences during the war. Mr. Conant will be sincerely missed by everyone who knew him." "Funeral services for Comrade Cyrus William Conant were held on Sunday afternoon from the little village church in Linebrook. It was an ideal scene ; the quiet hush of the country being broken only by bird song and the subdued voice of the minister as he spoke words of comfort and cheer. The church was filled almost to over- flowing, forty members of the local Post and sixteen of the Rowley council, Order United American Mechanics, being present in a body, with a large company of friends and neighbors. The service was conducted by the Rev. William Penn Alcott, who has been pastor at Linebrook a score and more of years. The choir sang the hymns, 'Rock of Ages' and 'Asleep in Jesus.' The burial services of the Post and the Mechanics were read at the cemetery. A profusion of beautiful flowers covered the casket. Comrades fiale, Jellison and Foster of the veterans, with three members from the Mechanics, acted as pall bearers." The interment was at Linebrook Under the sod and the dew Waiting the Judgment day. Conant issue : Alton Lawrence*"' and William Herbert". 3 Charles^ was born 7 Jan., 184L He was a smart, bright boy and excelled at school. By an accident while coasting, in his teens, he received an injury to his brain, and was not his former self after. He lived with his brother Cyrus many years, and died 13 June, 1905. 4 Coggin' was born 4 Feb., 1845, and 7 Feb., 1871, married Rosella Charles of P'ryeburg, Me., born 29 April, 1845. Mrs. Conant's grandmother was a niece of Ex-President Cleveland's grandmother Grover, nee Wiley. Mr. Grover had other grandsons whose given names were Grover. The President took the Grover name, but the Wiley physique. Mrs. Conant's parents were Osborne and Hannah- Ballard Charles of Fryeburg, Me. Mr. Charles was sixteen years a carpenter, thirteen years a miller and nineteen years a farmer. They live in Linebrook on the ancient Fowler farm, which has descended from his grandfather, William Conant. Mr. Conant is a farmer. For many years he was engaged in teaming and putting large quantities of wood on the market. His farming is not exten- sive, but is abreast of the times. He plants scientifically approved seeds and his fields are second to none in the section. He is a very industrious man, and most excellent and obliging neighbor, a sincere friend, a substantial citizen. Conant children: Lin wood Chester^ William Osborne^ Florence Abbie^"^. 5 Abbie E.^ was born 30 March, 1848, and 24 Feb., 1886, married Rev. Otis O. Ordway, a Baptist clergyman. They have no children. 6 Alton L.^ was born in Linebrook 6 Nov., 1868. He was a tele- graph operator at Vernon, Ct., where he was located a dozen or more years. He is now with Boston Elevated road and located at the Dudley St. station. He married 6 Oct., 1891, in Brooklyn, N. Y., Adeline 338 THE PERLEY FAMILY Gary, who was born 26 Oct., 1872, to Claudia and Frank Gary, who is assistant superintendent of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Gom- pany in New York Gity. She is a milliner. Their only child is Edna Gheever, born in Willimantic, Gt., 11 Nov., 1893. 7 William H.'-^ was born 11 June, 1881, and 4 Nov., 1902, married Miss Jennie Grace Proper of Millwood, Rowley, at the residence of Deacon John H. Tenney, where she had made her home for several years. She was born in Gloversville, N. Y., 4 June, 1884, to Arthur Eugene and Josephine-Raymond Proper. He is a farmer and occupies the parental home. Their children are Ruth Foster, born 30 May, 1903, and Arthur Herbert, born 17 Nov., 1904. 8 Linwood G.* was born 18 July, 1873. He is a registered phar- macist and chief clerk for the Woodbury Gompany, druggists and apothecaries, P2ast Boston. He married in Boston 23 Aug., 1897, Mae Etta Worcester, who was born in Warwick, Mass., to John and Almira Worcester, 2 July, 1869. They have no children. 9 Osborne'' was born 8 April, 1877. He is not married, lives with "the old folks at home." He is largely engaged in teaming and moving timber for the vessel-building of Essex. 10 Florence" was born 24 April, 1879. She is a graduate of Man- ning High School, Ipswich, and of Bryant & Stratton's Gommercial Gollege, Boston, and is now, as she has been for several years, book- keeper, stenographer and typewriter to the Boston Dental Laboratory Co., Boston. She resides with her brother Linwood in East Boston. FAMILY 203: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-O. STEPHEN-10, ALLEN-42, JAC015-94. WILLIAM PERKINS PERLEY was born in Ipswich-Line- brook 7 Jan., 1814. After his marriage he built a residence upon a portion of his father-in-law's farm, and succeeded to the manage- ment of the farm. Their - home was "beautiful for sit- y^xXvy ' ^^ /-l^^^""'^ nation"; many remarked of Jl'^^oC^Ccyi i x^__ j . J C^^<^ its picturesqueness; minis- '^ . r i-i. • 1 1 1 A letter subsoription about 188-1. ters of the parish church made their home there; it was the abode of clerical refinement and taste, of prayer, and peace and happiness. Mr. Perley was many times a juryman, was many years con- stable, and held at different times various parish offices. Their home was known, far and wide, through minister and layman, as exemplary; but for some inscrutable cause, which ripened in divorce, they separated. The question of property was amicably adjusted; Mrs. Perley remained upon the farm, and he sought' an- other home. He lived for some time with his brother in Boxford, then with Deacon Jacob Symonds Potter, (page 88) an old pa- rishioner, then of Georgetown. In 1875 he bought a farm in Hamp- stead, N. H., which he greatly improved, and where he died sud- denly of fever. Mr. Perley married Miss Eliza Howe-193\ 28 Nov., 1839. She was born 15 May, 1819, in the house pictured on page 322. Her WM. PERKINS PERLKY. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 339 home has continued to be the home of the local clergy, except Mr. Howe and the present pastor, who have families of their own. She is managing her farm with the knowledge and skill of experienced judgment. She is a lady cherished in her community and society for her pleasing affability, her ladylike presence, and her kindly, charitable disposition. She is a member of the Linebrook Congre- gational Church, where her kindred for generations have worshiped. Mr. Perley's second wife, married 23 Nov., 1876, was Miss Har- riet Perley Northend-185, born 15 June, 1845. She is a lady of excellent character, a careful housekeeper and was a devoted wife. She is a member of the Methodist church. She resides in Bradford. A Haverhill paper published the following obituary of Mr. Per- ley: "William P. Perley of Hampstead, N. H., died December 27th, 1885, aged 72 years less 11 days, and his funeral occurred at his late home in that town on the Wednesday following, at which time his remains were placed in the Hampstead receiving tomb. On Mon- day the 3d of May, 1886, his body was taken to (Linebrook Parish) Ipswich, Mass., his native town, in which all but the last few years of his life were spent. He chose the exact spot for his last resting place some six months previous to his death, believing the end of this life, for him, had well nigh come. His clear and calm expres- sions for the last few months of his life showed an unusually intelli- gent resignation with respect to that which we call death. Know- ing him as we did, intimately and well, we deplore his loss as that of a manly man. His life blossomed with justice, honesty and truth, and his careful yet superior judgment is remembered today by those to whom it was given, with the kindest interest. Few men were 340 THE PERLEY FAMILY more justly popular — in his business matters and in his intercourse with people he was conservative and just — in his private life he was pure, noble and a true gentleman — to his friends he was kind, ten- der and attached. And, oh I bless'ederic Wallace'-, Greenleaf Proctor-385, Edwin Sanborn^, Susan Marinda^ and Sarah Maria", Susan Ellen*, Caroline Augusta"*, Maria Adelia^ 2 Susan M.^ was born 30 Aug., 1829, and died 29 Feb., 1832. Fred W.^ was born 30 March, 1831, and died in Danvers 25 Jan., 1850. Edwin S.^ was born 11 July, 1834, and died in Topsfield 18 March, 1835. Susan M.^ and Sarah M.^ were born 29 Nov., 1835, and died 9 Oct., 1837, and 11 March, 183G. 3 Susan E.* was born 14 Nov., 1837; she was among the first graduates of the Holten High School to receive the Peabody medal ; she married in Danvers 14 Oct., 1863, Rev. Charles Henry Learoyd, born in Danvers 7 June, 1834, to John Andrew, a currier, and Sarah-Sylvester Learoyd. He is an Episcopal clergyman. He fitted for college at Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., and 1858 graduated at Harvard College. He tutored a year in the West; graduated at Ando- ver Theological Seminary, 1862; was ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1862, and priest in 1863. He was rector of Grace Church, Medford, nine years, till 1872; rector of St. Thomas' Church, Taunton, twenty-three years, till 1895; rector of Emmanuel Church, Wakefield, nine years, till his resignation on account of ill-health, 5 May, 1905. Mr. Learoyd was for several years, dean of the Southern Convoca- tion of the diocese of Massachu- setts; was secretary of the Board of Missions of the same diocese for about ten years; and has been treasurer of the same diocese since 1874. He now resides in Wakefield. They had issue : John, born 13 and died 18 July, 1867, in Medford; Manton, born in Medford 4 June, 1871, where he died REV. CHARLES HENRY LEAROYD. 348 THE PERLEY FAMILY 4 Feb., 1872; Arthur Sowdon-; Grace"; Charles Henry, born 30 April, 1878, resides in Wakefield. 4 Caroline A.' was born Wednesday, 22 Sept., 1841, in South Dan vers, now Peabody. She married, Rev. Charles H. Learoyd of- ficiating, in Taunton, Mass., Dr. James Edward DeWolf of Welmont, N. S., who was born 19 June, 1842, to Ebenezer and Maria-Lovett DeWolf. Dr. DeWolf entered Harvard College in 1862. In 1864, he was chosen as one of the three from his class to serve as a sur- geon in the Union Army. After the war he returned to Harvard and graduated in his chosen profession of physician and surgeon, in 1866. For twenty-five years he practised medicine in Englewood, Chicago, and was also for eighteen years surgeon for the Pittsburg and Pennsylvania Railroad. He retired from his profession in 1897, on account of illness, making a home in Baraboo, Wis., where he died Monday, 5 Jan., 1903. His widow resides in Glen Ellyn, 111. Their children : Frederic, born 28 July, and died 21 Aug.. 1876; Susan Perley, born 10 Feb., 1879, died 7 April, 1880. 5 Maria A.^ was born 19 Nov., 1843, and married in Dan vers, 26 Nov., 1868, Charles Mason Buffum, born in Salem 17 Jan., 1841, to Caleb, a grocer, and Mary Eliza-Barr Buffum. Mr. Buffum was for many years a merchant in hardware in Salem, where he died 20 May, 188.5. Child: Laura Peirce, born 2.5 May, 1873, is (1904) a teacher in the Pickering School, Salem, and resides with her mother. 6 Arthur S.^ was born in Taunton, Mass., 14 Aug., 1873. He married 10 Jan., 1897, in Jersey City, N. J., Carolyn Belle Williams, born in Ripon, Wis., 17 May, 1873, to Henry Newton, a general fire insurance broker, and Fanny Ailmatrien- Murray Newton. Mr. Learoyd graduated from Harvard College in 1895. The same year he entered railroad service and is now division freight agent of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad at Easton, Penn. 7 Grace'\ born in Taunton 13 Dec, 1874, married in Wakefield 14 Nov., 1900, Samuel Hammond, born in Nahant, Mass., 28 July, 1859, to Samuel and Mary Crowninshield- Warren Hammond. Mr. Hammond is a graduate of Harvard, 1881. He is president of the New England Kennel Club, Braintree, Mass., and is secretary of the Somerset Club, Boston. He served as ensign in the U. S. Navy in the late Spanish-American War. Their home is Boston. Ham- mond issue: Samuel, born in Nahant 29 Aug., 1901; Mason, born in Boston 14 Feb., 1903. FAMILY 209: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHX-2, THOMAS-S, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, AMOS-95. AMOS PROCTOR PERLEY was born in Boxford 15 Jan., 1807. He was with his brothers in Topsfield as clerk, and when the style of the firm changed he went with Mr. Currier to Danvers and entered upon the grocery business. His son Charles N. (page 184) occupies the same premises now. He died 17 Aug., 1881. Mr. Perley married 12 Oct., 1847, in Windham, N. H., Rev. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 349 Loring Thayer ofificiating, Mrs. Sarah F. Martin, born 12 Feb., 1812, to Andrew and Sarah-Felton Batchelder of Dan vers. [She married 17 Sept., 1838, Lucius D. Martin, born in Stanstead, P. O., and died 24 Sept., 1839. Their child, Annie, married Henry C. Hewett, mer- chant in clothing and gents' furnishings in Portsmouth, N. H., who died there Oct., 1904, leaving a daughter, a graduate of Wellesley, and a son.] Mrs. Perley observed her seventy-ninth birthday, and "was called upon by many friends who wished her many returns of the day. She was enjoying excellent health and was very smart for one of her age." She died, after several months of enfeebled health, 8 Feb., 1900, aged eighty-seven years, eleven months and twenty- live days, leaving one sister, Mrs. Ira P. Pope, the last of her family. 1 Perley children : Emma", Henry-, Charles Nathaniel-386. 2 Emma' was born 22 July and died 13 Sept., 1848. Henry^, born 13 and died 17 July, 1849. FAMILY 210: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JolIX-2, TIIOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, JESSE-96. FRANCIS PERLEY was born in Boxford 19 Oct., 1792, in the first house on the road leading from the railroad depot to Topsfield, now owned by Henry Janes. He and his brother Jesse succeeded their father upon the farm, and worked it together. Mr. Perley married 18 May, 1815, Louisa Gould, who was born to Nathaniel and Hannah-Killam Gould of Topsfield 25 June, 1790. Mr. Perley died 15 Sept., 1836; his widow survived till 9 Dec, 1843. 1 Perley children : Osgood-387, Louisa-388, Charlotte-389, twins^ Caroline Augusta^ John Franklin-390, Nathaniel-391, Dean Andrews- 392. 2 The twins' were born 11 May, 1819, and died the same year. 3 Caroline A.' was born 21 Sept., 1822, and 7 April, 1844, be- came the second wife of Burleigh Orne of Topsfield, where they made their home. He was born in Wolfboro, N. H., where he died 1850 or 1852. He was a seafaring man and went on whaling voy- ages. She died in Dan vers at the home of her brother Dean, 18 June, 1870. They had a son that died in infancy and Cecilia, born 15 Sept., 1845, who was published 2 June, 1866, at the age of twenty, to John F. Averill, a shoemaker, aged twenty-three, born in Tops- field to Cyrus and Louisa-Dickinson Averill. [Mr. Orne had a brother Benj. Crosby Orne, who married about 1830 Lois Moore, and had in Topsfield Benj. Albert, Lois Eliza, Mary Hazen.] FAMILY 211: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOIIX-2, TIIOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, JESSE-96. JESSE PERLEY was born in Boxford on the Henry Janes place 29 Oct., 1795. He and his brother Francis carried on the parental farm. He married 18 June, 1824, Sally Gould, who was born 26 May, 1800, to Simon and Sally-White Gould of Topsfield. 350 THE PERLEY FAMILY She was a lineal descendant of Peregrine White of the Pilgrims, and had a silver spoon that was once Peregrine's, which being broken she sold to the silversmith with other silver. Mr. Perley died 19 Nov., 1851. His widow thereafter built a home in Boxford on the road between Boxford and Topsfield, later the residence of Ancill Dorman, Esq., and now in the possession of Daniel Webster Con ant, where she died 29 Dec, 1857. 1 Perley children : Elizabeth White", Sarah Jane^ Edward Pay- son-393. 2 Elizabeth W.^ was born 8 Sept., 1825, and 4 July, 18(J4, mar- ried George Woods, who was born in Hollis, N. H., to Ephraim and Eunice- Wright Woods, 30 July, 1821. He was a furniture dealer in Springfield. Mrs. Woods advertised herself as an " independent clairvoyant." She has been an invalid for years. In May, 1876, she was relieved of ^ water snake, since which time several have been taken from her. Her case was very peculiar. They had no issue. In 1877 he had retired from trade. They died in Springfield — he of apoplexy 27 July, 1898; she of pleuro-pneumonia 8 March, 1905. 3 Sarah Jane^ was born 9 Sept., 1829, and married 11 March, 1855, George Washington Adams-98^ He was born 29 Jan., 1816, and became a farmer in South Georgetown. Child: Charles Piper, born 8 Nov., 1859. The Georgetown Advocate thus chronicled Mr. Adams' decease: "We have this week to record the death of a member of one of our first and oldest families and the last of his generation, George Washington Adams. He unlike some of his brothers was attached to the quiet home. He never aspired for ofifice, although eminently q ualified for any within the gift of his town. He was an old-fash- ioned, courtly gentleman, one of the most polite men we ever knew. His bow, his salutations, and his replies were the most courteous. He never indulged in profane or coarse language; his most- em- phatic oath was 'by Judas.' We saw him upon the square this fall, carrying a long cane such as was used two generations ago, and grasped six inches below the top. We recalled the gentleman of an earlier generation. His urbanity of manners was carried into all his intercourse with his fellow-citizens. His language and his manners were courtly and refined. "Mr, Adams has been in feeble health for several years, and he retired from activities of business twenty years ago. He began to fail rapidly about the first of December, but kept about the house until the day but one before his death. He was happy in the as- sistance of his estimable wife and only son, Mr. Charles Piper Adams of Cambridge, who made frequent visits, and was with him when his life went out. At the funeral his old friend. Rev. O. S. Butler, spoke eloquent words in eulogy of his many virtues." FAMILY 212: GOULD. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, J()IIN-2, TIIOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, JESSE-96. IRENE PERLEY was born 29 Jan., 180L She was published 26 Aug., and married 9 Oct., 1822, Francis Gould, who was born in Topsfield 5 Sept., 1798, to Nathaniel and Betty-Andrews Gould. Mr. Gould, after the death of his wife 28 July, 1837, married 30 June, 1840, Mrs. Catherine B. -Parker Gould, widow of Joseph and daughter of Edmund Parker. She died 12 Nov., 1848. Mr. Gould married, third, Eliza Almira Dudley, widow of Cyrus. Mr. Gould began life in Topsfield, but after a few years removed to his wife's father's. After her death he returned to Topsfield. He had no issue by his second wife, but by his third he had Thomas, Esther, and another son. He died 13 Oct., 1870. 1 Perley-Gould children: Nathaniel Frankhn^ Irene"*, Catherine^ Jesse Perley", Catherine A."^ 2 Catherine\ born 19 Feb., 1826, died 10 Jan., 1833. Jesse P.^ born 17 Aug., 1833, died unmarried 28 Aug., 1857. Catherme A.^ born 28 May, died 18 Sept., 1837. ' 3 Nathaniel F.^ was born 14 June, 1824, and married 23 Sept., 1847, Irene C. Kent. He lived in Danvers, where he died 10 April, 1857. 4 Irene\ born 7 March, 1823, married 12 June, 1850, Allen Gould Hood of Boxford, born 12 April, 1816. They lived in George- town, where he died 21 April, 1878. Issue: Mary Catherine Pin- gree, born 9 July, 1851, died 25 Feb., 1864; Irene Belsova Allen, born 3 Sept., 1869. FAMILY 213: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOIIN-2, TUOMAS-8,AMOS-20,NATHANIEL-46,NATHANIEL-97 RICHARD PERLEY was born 24 May, 1809, and died in Waterville, Me. He married Hannah Parker. 1 Perley children : Nathaniel-394, Frank^, Richard"^, Henry Par- ker', Carrie'", Mary-. 2 Frank^ "died when a little boy"; Richard* was killed in the Civil War; Carrie* died in 1861 or 2; Mary* died in Waterville at the age of seventeen or eighteen years. 3 Henry P.* was born 6 July, 1842. He began his life work in the Portland & Knox railroad shops in Augusta, Me., as engine fireman. He wrote 21 April, 1902, to a friend: "I have run an engine con- stantly since 1867. I retired on the first day of March, 1902, and will live a retired life. I have selected this small town [of Salis- bury, Mo.] as my home." His first wife died in April, 1882, the mother of all his children. He married his second wife in Sept., 352 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1884. He had six children, four sons and two daughters — two engi- neers, two farmers, one the wife of a physician, and one the wife of a farmer. The physician's wife is Frances, and has four children, with home in Albion, Idaho. His children are living in Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Idaho, California. His letter further states: "My wife brought up my children and they love her very much ; the two youngest know no other mother,* and love her as their own. I will say to you she is highly educated, genteel and refined." FAMILY 214: DODGE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOIIN-2, TIIOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, ARTEMAS WARD-99. JULIA ANN PERLEY was born 24 July, 1804, and married 25 Aug., 1829, Adoniram Judson Dodge of Wenham, Mass., son of Jacob and (Mary.?)-Corning Dodge. He was born 1 March, 1808; he resided in his native town till 1847, when he removed to Hamil- ton for one year. In the fall of 1848 he removed to Francestown, N. H., where he made his home and became a prosperous farmer. His wife died in Wenham 17 March, 1838. She was the mother of four of his children. [Mr. Dodge's second wife, married 28 June, 1841, was Lucinda Bixby, born in Francestown 6 Sept., 1820, to Daniel and Sarah- Town Bixby of Boxford. Their children: Albert, born 27 Nov., 1842; Isabella, born 30 Nov., 1847, died 4 Sept., 1848, in Hamilton; Julia Ann, born 1(5 June, 1850, was a school teacher in New Boston, N. H., 1879; Clara Frances, born 27 May, 1853; Ella Maria, born 30 Aug., 1856.] Mr. Dodge died 11 March, 1889. 1 Perley-Dodge children : Ellen Maria"^, Judson Ward-367, Hor- ace Seaver'^, Addison Seaver^ 2 Ellen M.^ was born 21 Aug. and died 5 Sept., 1830. Horace S.' was born in 183(5 and died 6 Aug., 1837. 3 Addison S.^ was born 5 June, 1837. He enlisted in the service against the Rebellion, upon President Lincoln's call for troops in 1861. He was in the skirmish at Port Royal, and was soon after taken down with fever. He died in the hospital at Morris Island, S. C, 1 Oct., 1863, a member of regiment No. 4, N. H. Volunteer Militia. FAMILY 215: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-2, THOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, ARTEMAS WARD-99. HASKELL PERLEY was born upon the present T. P. Killam place in Boxford 30 May, 1806. Before marriage he engaged as farm-hand, by the season, with parties in his own or adjoining towns. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 353 After marriage he settled as a farmer in Georgetown, and also did a business of general team-jobbing. Mr. Perley was many years a deacon of the Memorial Church, and his life was exemplary. " He was greatly interested in the Per- ley Family. About thirty years since, he spent considerable time and money in gathering genealogical items. From the time the first Convention of the Family was held he was the leader of the executive committee of the Convention and not only conceived va- rious plans, but interestedly assisted in carrying them out. Of the committee chosen by the Convention of 1877 to see that a proper history and genealogy of the Family was published he was chair- man. He was president of the day of the Convention of 1880." Mr. Perley's first marriage was 28 Nov., 1833, with Abigail Nel- son, who was born 27 Sept., 1811, to Lt, Jonathan and Hannah- March Nelson, where her brother Sylvanus Nelson resided, 1880, in Georgetown. She had two children. She died 4 Oct., 1850, Mr, Perley's second wife, married 13 Jan., 1853, was Almira A. Putnam, born 3 April, 1823, to Samuel and Polly-Herrick Putnam of Dan- vers. She had three children. She died 21 Jan., 1875. Deacon Per- ley died 24 Oct., 1882. They repose in the family lot. Harmony Cemetery. His second wife's epitaph reads : Our separation is temporal Our reunion everlasting. 1 Perley children : Susan Maria-, Sylvanus Ward^, Eleanor Put- nam^, Mary Herrick'\ Julia Ann^ 2 Susan M.^ was born in Georgetown, Mass., 9 April, 1835, and 16 July, 1856, married Charles Perley Low-157-, who was born 15 March, 1830, in Georgetown. He was a boot maker. They removed to Chicago. He becoming unable to work they returned to their nativity. He was the caterer of the Perley Family Convention of 1880. He died in Worcester, Mass., 27 Oct., 1884. His widow re- sides in Salem, Mass. Their child : Grace HaskelP. 3 Sylvanus W.^ was born 9 March and died 7 Oct., 1840. Mary H.^ was born 2 July, 1858. She spent a year in travel in Great Britain. She is now in stationery business in Newton Center, Mass. Julia A.^ was born 22 Dec, 1861, graduated at the high school, and is now a clerk in the Capitol and resides in Boston. The local newspaper reads : "Miss Julia Perley has a very interesting relic of ye olden time in an old account book begun by her great-grandfather, Nathaniel Per- ley, about 1750, and continued down to about 1836 by his son A.rte- mas Ward Perley. The elder was a cooper, butcher, tanner, trader and farmer. He was also a maltster, as he sold malt all through his life. At one time he was a manufacturer of potash, and it was prob- ably a failure, for he makes a note of his outsets for ashes, lime, fur- nace, iron kettle, etc, but does not mention selling any goods, Messrs, Perley resided at Boxford and had dealings with a large number of people in that and neighboring towns. He was a splen- did writer and kept a good clean account of all his transactions. Some of the charges appear strange in these days, for instance 'Sheepskin for breeches,' deerskin for the same. He had a large 354 THE PERLEY FAMILY amount of 'syder' for sale and charged as high as £l 16 per bar- rel. He made barrels for beer, cider and pork, also kegs for the 'mash'; he sells home-made shovel, rake, hoe and fork handles and scythe snaths. He made plows and repaired them when called upon. He charges 16 shillings for 'bottoming two chairs,' for 'fill- ing a snow shoe and one chair £l 01 0.' He charges for a pitch- fork which a neighbor lost ;(^1 00 02. He charges William Perley, Oct. 6th, ;^11 0.5 00 for a beaver hat. Besides a great many curious charges and prices which show the depreciation of the currency and the adoption of the decimal system of money, the old book contains a large number of autographs of the old settlers of this section, which were procured in the settlement of accounts with the people he did business with. The book is bound in hog skin parchment, and with the exception of a few entries in poor ink which faded out, is perfectly legible and very interesting." 4 Eleanor P.' was born in Georgetown 21 April, 1854. She married in Georgetown 25 Dec, 1882, Newell Homer Tilton, a heel maker, who was born in Haverhill, Mass., 28 March, 1849, to Daniel, a shoemaker, and Susan D. -Sleeper Tilton. Their home is Salem Village, N. H. Tilton issue: John Haskell, born 28 Dec, 1883; Newton Perley, born 11 Aug., 1886; Roy Newell, born 13 Aug., 1890. 5 Grace H.* was born in Georgetown 26 June, 1857. She mar- ried in Lowell, Mass., 24 June, 1903, Charles Warren Cole, born in Winterport, Me., 13 Oct., 1855, to Nehemiah Rich, a sea captain, and Abby Dyer-Paine Cole. Mr. Cole is a marine engineer. FAMILY 216: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, J()iIX-2. TIIOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHAXIEL-46, ARTE.MAS WARD-9!>. ARTEMAS WARD PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 19 July, 1808. Early in life he was a shoemaker. In 1841 he taught school in Lynn. He then went west, locating in Columbus. Later he located in Zanesville, O, where he established a flourishing book- store. He returned to Columbus in 1864, and "accepted a clerkship in the .state auditor's office from whence he entered the office of Gen. C. C. W^alcutt, revenue collector, as a United States ganger, where he had been for the past eight years." July 25, 1881, he was sent to Cleveland to perform the duties of a gauger who was sick. He expected to be absent only a few weeks. The night of 3d Aug. was fatal ; he died from over-heat and exhaustion. He was found the morning of the 4th with his head resting on his arm like a tired child and with a peaceful look upon his face. He was temperate almost to asceticism in his personal habits; his mental and moral powers were unimpaired, but his physical strength had been failing for the past year, and a violent cold which settled upon his lungs during the winter greatly weakened his deli- cate frame. His character was spotless — gentleness, purity, patience and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 355 love were the elements of his nature. He was almost idolized by his wife and children. Pleasure shared with him was doubled — grief faded away before his tender smile. Gentle and firm was his government of his children and their love for him was tinged with the deepest reverence. He was quiet, reserved and scholarly, and few outside of his immediate family know of the depth of love and charity he felt for his fellow-men. A poem frequently quoted by him commenced — Think gently of the erring Ye liUow riot of the power With which the dark temptation came, In some unguarded hour. Dr. Trimble delivered his funeral sermon. He married 12 Dec, 1850, Julia Ann Cox, who was born 20 May, 1824, to Judge Horatio Jones and Ann-Chandler Cox of Zanesville. Judge Cox owned one of the most successful paper mills in the State and was engaged in coal banks and the dry goods trade. Four of their children were born in Zanesville, the last in Columbus. 1 Perley children: Annie Mary^ Horatio Putnam^, Nellie John- son'-, Ward Barton'^ James Harper Godman^ 2 Annie^ was born 27 March, 1853, graduated at the high school and taught. She died 24 Nov.. 1882, in Columbus. Horatio^ was born 30 Jan., 1856, and died 8 Feb., 1862, in Zanesville. Nellie' was born 2 Oct., 1861, and died 22 Nov., 1885. 3 Ward' was born 7 Dec, 1863, and 13 June, 1889, married Mary E, Dun. They have four children — "three sturdy boys to perpet- uate the name of Perley." He partnershiped with (perhaps his brother-in-law) George W. Dun, as "The Dun-Perley Co.", fire-proof contractors and dealers in fire-clay goods, in Columbus, and they were eminently successful, till the monetary depression, hard times, and their failure, when Ward engaged with the Cherry Valley Iron Works, Letonia, as book-keeper and superintendent. He is now with the United States Steel Corporation in New York City. 4 James H. G.' was born 23 Oct., 1869, in Columbus, Ohio. He is not married. He was educated in the public schools, and en- gaged in banking and mercantile business until 1898. He served as volunteer in the Spanish-American War, five months at Chicka- mauga, Ga., as captain and brigade quartermaster. Since then he has been a member of "The Haydenville Company," Haydenville, Ohio, manufacturers of fire-clay goods, and vice president of the company. FAMILY 217: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHX-2. THOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, ARTEMAS WARD-99. PUTNAM PERLEY was born 1 Oct., 1810. When he was six years old he went to live with his grandfather Putnam of Danvers. He remained till he was fifteen, when his grandfather and grand- mother both died, then hired out to Moses Putnam at six dollars per month. With the money thus obtained, he bought a full suit of 356 THE PERLEY FAMILY clothes. He then worked during the winter for his uncle, Frederic Merriam, for his board, and went to school. He worked for his father the following summer, and the ensuing fall went to learn the blacksmith's trade of Ezra Lummus of Wenham. After two years of hard work he engaged as apprentice with Jabez Richards of the same place. There he continued till he was twenty-one and a half years old, working the last six months as journeyman. He then worked at his trade three years in Boxford, boarding with the Misses Holyoke in the famous Holyoke house. He built and sold to Leonard Perley the house which was later the property of Daniel W. Conant, a short distance east of the Holyoke house. There his health failed and he gave up his trade. Next he bought a stock of dry goods in West Boxford and be- came a merchant. A few months proved it an unsuccessful venture. He took a partner named Foster, and they went to Dover, N. H. They did business about six months and failed. Foster fostered Foster, but Perley lost all. Mr. Perley then returned to Boxford and spent the winter. Afterwards he left his wife and infant son with her mother, and with Elijah Gould started for Illinois, by way of New York, Philadelphia, Alleghany Mountains by portage railway, to Pitts- burg, then down the Ohio, up the Mississippi and the Illinois to Ottawa, traveling the last fourteen miles on foot, Peru being at that time the head of navigation. His cash capital was then $ll.'2b. The next day he began at his trade for John Green at Dayton, four miles from Ottawa, at $2 per day and board. He worked three weeks and then bought the lot, shop and tools, on one, two and three years' time. Green saw him making money, got in another black- smith, and owning the water power gave his influence to the new comer. Mr. Perley had no disposition to fight his rival supplemented with the great influence of his creditor and at the end of nine months sold back the lot and shop for what he was to give for lot, shop and tools. He then — Feb., 1838 — settled his business and counted his capital at $1000. He could then second his intention of buying a farm. He had heard favorably of the Pecatonica country, one hundred miles northwest, and meeting with Isaac Farewell, who had just lo- cated there with his family and had returned for a load of wheat, Mr. Perley concluded to see the wonderful land for himself. They traveled five days, through an almost uninhabited country, making their own roads, through snow eighteen inches deep, and nearly perished with cold, arrived at the Farewell home on the Pecatonica river. His house was eighteen by sixteen feet, without doors or win- dows. The floor was the splittings of logs, three or four inches thick and hewed on one side; the roof was made of "shakes." It was home : there was his family, a warm welcome and happiness. A big fire blazed on the hearth and the "carpets" hung guard against the cold winter at the door. The place was about half way, in a direct line, between Chicago and Galena. Two years before, the state laid out a road there — now called "the State Road" — and Frink & Walker established a line of stages. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 357 His narrative continues: "It was a new country indeed. High rolling prairies, dotted with groves, while all the streams were skirted with timber. All was new, wild, strange. But in the spring, when the sun had warmed to life the trees, the grasses, the flowers, a more delightful land never gladdened the eye or the heart of man." Along the streams and in the groves were scattered log-cabins of white men and wigwams of Indians, but no one settled upon the prairie. Soon a "claim" that suited was found — 100 acres of timber and (JOO acres of prairie adjoining — and purchased for $325. It had two log-houses on it and three acres of the prairie had been broken. That was to be his future home; and there he was to locate his family. Chicago had then less than a thousand population. "The Lake House" was the only hotel. That stood near the old fort and on the north side of the river. It had only one warehouse, and that was on the north side also. Mr. Perley returned East for his family. He journeyed by stage to Chicago, by the lakes to Buffalo, by the Erie Canal to Albany, by stage to Pittsfield, Mass., where his wife and son were living with her mother. They visited a few months in Essex County and then started for their prairie home. The boy sickened and died en route and was buried in Chicago. When they had reached home and had made ready to begin the struggle for life, the last dollar had been spent. With a loving wife ready to do and dare and a trusting faith Godward to supplement his own strong arm he went to work. He exchanged his work at the forge for farmers' work with their teams. The privations were great. The family used wheat for cof- fee, sage for tea ; they had no sugar. It was eighty miles to mill and one hundred miles to market — Chicago. A market load of oats was thirty-five bushels and the price was only forty cents, and only the strictest economy would allow him to take home any return for his load. He took his scythe and cut grass at the roadside for his horses and slept under his wagon. The first time he went to Chicago to market, his expense was only ten cents. That he spent for lodging, having tied his horses in an alley. After four years things changed. They could buy coffee, tea and sugar, live in a framed house and enjoy the innocent, laughing prattle of children. For twelve bright, happy years they gathered flocks and herds and fields of grain and many voices swelled the general joy! when lo ! a cloud dark as Erebus shaded their home. The wife and mother, the light and joy and stay of all their hearts paled with sickness and death; and amid the wild flowers of the prairie that she so much loved, they laid her gently in repose, as bright, as lovely and as fair as they. Mr. Perley said he could fill a volume with the pathetic and ludicrous of pioneer life, his troubles with wolves and the nearness of savages, and the wonders and richness of western growth ; but after all it must be experienced to be fully understood. He expe- rienced the change from the log-cabin to the city. About the time of the government sale of land — about five years after his location there — he was elected by his fellow townsmen, to prepare a map of the township and to bid off the land. He was 358 THE PERLEY FAMILY elected commissioner to lay off, appraise and sell the township school section — 640 acres. He was for many years a school trustee, having charge of the school funds, etc., and also a school director; he served two periods of four years each as justice of the peace, was town assessor, and one of the first councilmen of the city, and was honored with subsequent elections. He garnered some twenty thousand dollars. He was a member of the Congregational Church more than fifty years, was a Sunday school scholar from the age of seven years, was Sunday school superintendent about twenty-five years, was deacon ten or a dozen years and was always ready for any good word and work. How wonderful the vicissitudes of the lite of man. Deacon Perley's first wife — published 15 May, 18.36, was Sarah Peabody Dow, born in July, 1815, to J. Warren and Emily-Partridge Dow of Tyringham, Mass. She died in Pecatonica in Sept., 1848. His second wife was Hannah Kimball-Morrill, born 20 March, 1826, to Daniel, a cabinet-maker, and Lydia-Abbot Morrill of Meriden, N. H., married 23 Aug., 1849, at Rockford, 111. Mr. Perley died 19 April, 1886. His widow resides (1905) in Pecatonica. 1 Perley children : Warren Dow'-^, Josiah Dow-, Frederic Putnam^, Benjamin Dow^ Ella Emily^ Joseph Warren*, Charles Edwin'^, Flora E.'- and Lizzie'-, Lillie- and Georgie". 2 Warren D.^ was born in Boxford 29 March, 1837, and died in Chicago in Sept., 1838. Josiah D.^ was born in Pecatonica 20 May, 1839, and died in Aug., 1840. Charles E.^ was born 28 July and died m Sept., 1848. Flora E.^ was born 22 Jan., 1852, and died 2 Oct., 1868. The last three^ — triplets — were born and died 23 Aug., 1857, 3 Fred P.^ was born in Ridott, 111., 29 Jan., 1841 ; was a member of the senior class in Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., 1857-8, and is unmarried in Pecatonica. 4 Benjamin D.^ was born in Ridott, 111., 5 Aug., 1842. He is a merchant and esquire of Pecatonica, 111. He married in Rockford, 111., 2 Jan., 1882, Lettie J. Davis, an artist, who was born in Ver- montville, 111., in 1852. She died in Pecatonica 21 Feb., 1897. Perley children, born in Pecatonica: Putnam Davis"; Mildred, 3 Jan., 1891, graduated from the grammar school (1905) with honors preparatory to entering the high school. She is a fine pianist. 5 Ella E} was born 20 Nov., 1844, and died 7 Oct., 1888, of con- sumption in Battle Creek. She married 27 July, 1870, Linus A. Paddock, a merchant. Their children: Genevieve, bon;i 9 Sept., 1871, married Edward Vandeburg of Battle Creek, residing in Chicago, and Annie, born and died in Pecatonica. 6 Joseph W.^ was born in Ridott 29 June, 1847. He was adopted in infancy by his aunt, wife of Dr. Eli Hall, and his name was changed to Hall. "He is a fine man" and is among the wealthiest of Stockton, Cal., his home. He is at present superintendent of Stockton Water Company. He married in Oakland, Cal., 29 Jan., 1879, Nellie Elizabeth Dooley, who was born in Bath, Me., 15 Aug., 1860, to John, a shipbuilder, and Margaret-Kelly Dooley. Their children are Thomas Putnam, born in Folsom, Cal., 27 Oct., 1881; residing, unmarried, in Cordetia, Cal.; Edith Perley, born in Pasa- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 359 dena, Cal., 26 March, 1885, residing in Stockton, unmarried; Grace Huntington, born in Placerville, Cal., 14 May, 1894. 7 Putnam D.^ was born in Pecatonica 12 Dec, 1882. He grad- uated from Pecatonica High School (1902) and attended the Uni- versity of Illinois one year. He is a "model young man." He married in Durand, 111., 31 Aug., 1904, Myrtle Lucile Day, who was born there 9 April, 1884, to Judson, a farmer, and Marie P'.-Hoyt Day. Their home is Pecatonica. Mr. Perley is in business with his father. Perley child : Edwin Day, born in Pecatonica 29 July, 1905. FAMILY 218: WHITE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-2. THOMAS-8, AMOS-liO, NATHANIELr46, ARTEMAS WARD-99. HARRIET AUGUSTA PERLEY was born 15 April, 1817, and married 5 Oct., 1848, Amos Alden White, son of Amos C. and Lydia-Porter White of Danvers, Rev. J. Taylor officiating. He was born in Wenham 26 March, 1823. Mrs. White died 19 Aug., 1874, and he married, second, Adriadne Jewell of Hampton, N. H., by whom he had one child, Herbert Jewell, born in Danvers 24 Sept., 1877. They reside in Danvers, where he is a prominent citizen and business man. 1 Perley- White children : Marion Augusta'-, Alden Perley^. 2 Marion Augusta^ was born 23 June, 1852, and died at the age of thirteen years. 3 Alden P.\ born in Danvers, Mass., 20 Oct., 1856, was gradu- ated at Amherst College among the first in his class. He received several prizes during his college course for essays, oratory, etc. He had the "Grove Oration" at his graduation, of which the Springfield Union thus commented: "The Grove orator, A. P. White of Danvers, showed that this oration could be exceedingly humorous without being silly, and full of jokes without going the traditional round of 'grinds.' Amid the chaff of nonsense lay a great many grains of sound sense and advice for which one is not apt to look to a grove oration. Witness the fol- lowing extract from his parting words to the class: *We have lived and moved in a little community of our own, but must soon be absorbed in the organic unity of mankind. As you go out with high ideals to be and to do, be not surprised that the world does not appreciate your importance. Nobody will stand aside to let you in, nor will they know the tin box under your arm from an abortive fruit can. Brains, not diplomas, are in demand.' " He is now a lawyer in Salem of the firm Perry & White. He was elected attorney for the Eastern District of Massachusetts, 1895. Mr. White married, first, in Danvers, Mass., 2 June, 1884. Mary Howe, who was born in Clinton, Iowa, 9 March, 1864, to Isaac B. and Hannah R.-Gould Howe. She died in Danvers 4 Aug., 1885. He married, second, in Springfield, Mass., 2 June, 1896, Jessie Car- ter, who was born there 31 May, 1865, to Horatio N. and Eliza 380 THE PERLEY FAMILY Abigail-Griswold Carter. They reside in Salem, Mass. White issue: Carter, born 9 Aug., 1898; Barbara, 3 Oct., 1899; Nancy Perley, 12 Nov., 1900. FAMILY 219: FOWLE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-2. THOMAS-8, AMOS-'iO, XATHANIEL-46. ARTEMAS WARD-99. EMELINE PERLEY was born 27 June, 1819, and married 25 May, 1832 (.''), Samuel Fowle, son of Samuel and Rebecca-Perry Fowle of Danvers. He was born 20 Aug., 1815. Mrs. Fowle died 15 May, 1850, aged thirty years. [He married, second, Lydia Ann Alden of Salem 2 Jan., 1853. She was born (i Oct., 1833. Issue by his second wife was: Addie Lee, born 4 Nov., 1853; Walter Scott, born 14 March, 1861; Freddie Allen, born 12 Jan., 1866.] 1 Perley- P\iwle children : A son'-, Perley E."- 2 A son' was born in June, 1841, and died aged two months. Perley E.' married Miss Carrie L. Tinney 15 Oct., 1878, in New- buryport, by Rev. Mr. Ross. FAMILY 220: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. JOHN-2, THOMAS-S, AMOS-'20, NATHANIEL-46, ARTEMAS \VARD-99. EDWIN FORREST PERLEY was born 25 May, 1821. He as- sumed his middle name in honor of the tragedian. He went to Dan- vers in 1840 and lived there till 1847, when he removed to Zanesville, Ohio, where he engaged in the book and stationery trade with his brother. While there he purchased a half interest in the Zanesville Aurora, and was associate editor about two years. He sold out and went to Illinois in 1855, and established his home in Pecatonica. He owned land in Kansas and while building a house there received an injury that laid him up for some time, which he spent in Holton City, where he was elected mayor in 1875 as a Republican, and de- clined a renomination, retiring to his home in Pecatonica. He was in the grain business in 1869, for a time was real estate agent, and during 1867 and 1868 was a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. He owned and operated one of the best stone quarries and lime kilns in the State. Later he owned an extensive orange grove in Florida. Mr. Perley married Mrs. Mary Dean-Parks Partridge, widow of Colton Partridge of Pittsfield, Mass., in 1862. She was born in Dal- ton in Sept., 1818. They had no children. His widow died in Florida, where he died 26 Oct., 1904. FAMILY 221 : PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUPX-3, SAMUEL-12, DAVID-27, JOHN-48, 1)AVID-102. DAVID ERI PERLEY was born in Millwood, Rowley, 29 Dec, 181t). He made his home upon the parental farm. His business of farming and as cattle-broker has been quite extensive. He married 15 Dec, 1842, Abigail Jewett Cressey, born 21 June, 1823, to Susanna-Jewett and John Cressey, a tanner, of Rowley. 1 Perley children: John Monroe-395, Leverett Wyman'-, Martha Scott-396, Eva Augusta^ David Ernest\ 2 Leverett W.^ was born 24 Oct., 184.5, and married 6 Nov., 1873, Emma Greives, born in 1853 to Thomas and Almira-Foss Greives of Haverhill. They have no children. He has retired from business and they reside in Haverhill. 3 Eva A.^ was born 13 Oct., 1852, is living unmarried at home, and caring for her aged parents. 4 David E.^ was born 28 April, 18«4, and graduated at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College. His present office is auditor. He married in Haverhill 7 April, 1885, Miss Fannie Nichols Bros- nan, who was born 1 May, 1864, to Thomas and Sophia Ayer- Nichols Brosnan of Haverhill. They reside now in Arlington, N. J. He was sergeant in Co. I, 13th Regiment National Guard of State of New York; department sheriff, Jersey City, N. J.; member of the Board of P2ducation in Arlington, N. J.; certifying accountant of the State of New York; member of New York Credit Men's As- sociation, and a member of the Freemasons in Jersey City, and of the Odd Fellows and Royal Arcanum. Their children are Ernest Winfield, born 10 April, 1886; Harold Malcolm, born 19 Nov., 1888; John Merton, born 16 .Oct., 1890. FAMILY 222: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S, SAMrEL-12, DAVID-27, JOHN-48, MOSES-103. JOHN PERLEY was born in Rowley 3 Nov., 1827. His life was spent upon the parental acres, except two years at the Atkinson, N. H., Academy. He was bookish naturally, and had he continued his studies he would have been more widely useful. He says, " I was brought up in an isolated, rural district ; I had no playmates, for there were none near suited to my age; my mind instinctively turned to those objects in nature around me for com- panionship and pleasure. The impressions thus received cling to me still. The stately forest tree, the shady glens, the waving green fields, the smiling wild flowers, the songs of the birds, and the chirp- ing insects — all were held in closest friendship. Then there were the old nut-tree, the hollow oak upon the hill-top my castle, steep rock my fortification from dangerous foes, and dearest of all the 'old pear- tree' that stood near the 'cabin in the wild wood.' "Oh, 'how dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood,' and 362 THE PERLEY FAMILY how they have tempered my mind and heart through all these long years." Here he pays a lovmg tribute to his parents and, in especial, his mother. Though young when she left, "that sacred image is ever with me — her calm, pale features, her sweet, smiling face." He continues, "My education was sadly neglected. The family library was little more than the Bible, the Farmer's Almanac, and a history of the Indians." He was fond of reading and stud}^ and, as a pastime, occasionally indulged his ' metric pen. He favored us with a memory of his academic days : — ALL HAIL, LOV (Written All hall! loved Atkinson, all hail to thee, Thou staid old town of academic lore; On mem'ry's wings, in golden dreams I see Where thou art nesrled as in days of yore. As when I lived in Innocence of youth, And life to me was as a summer's day. And walked the paths of virtue and of truth, A stranger then to this world's evil way. I love thy grassy mei.ds, and sparkling rills. Thy smiling fields, .md flow'rs that bloomed so fair; I love thy shaded dells, and wooded hills, Thy granite rotks, thy pure and bracing air. How plain those lovely scenes appear to me, Where with my schoolmates I was wont to stray, Oi- listlessly beneath some shady tree, In idle chat did while the hours away. Now I remember well a drop of gall— A tiny drop that enanged my joy to grief,— A homesick heart when evening shades did fall. But sorrows then, as now our joys, were brief. Ihe schoolhouse now is mirrored on my mind. By stately elms half hidden from my view. There, other forms and objects dear I find, To which, long years ago, I bid adieu. And now, I think of thee. O lovely cot! With joy unfeigned I welcome thee again; Tlose blissful days with thee I've ne'er forgot. And oft I sigh for them, and sigh in vain. KD .\TKINSOX. in 1879.) Once more, I hear an aged and widowed dame, With trembling voles engaged in pray'r to God; F.ach day, she lived to praise His holy name. And now, I trust, that Heav'n is her reward. Her daughters, each f.nd all, were good and kind; In girlhood's days they chose the better part One gift had they, in this, all gifts combined, — God's lilessing too, for they were pure in heart. Those dwellers then on earth, where now »r« they? .\las! no one can tell but God alone. We wait the coming of the judgment day. And trust we'll meet around the great white throne. Aiounil those forms do golden halos gleam, Reflecting light like gorgeous, sunset rays, .\nedericton, son of Solomon of the ()th generation, issued a printed chart of the Perley family in America, embracing the names of the male heirs of Allen Perley, a native of Wales, who emigrated to New England and arrived at Charlestown near Boston, on the 12th day of July, A. D. 1030. He removed from thence to Ipswich in 1634, and the year following married Susanna Bokenson, by whom he had four sons, whose male descendants down to the ninth generation are exhibited in the chart. Two facts in this connection may here be noted: John Perley was the first male child of European parents born in the town of Ipswich, in 1(536, and Israel of the fifth generation, was the first male child of European parents born on the St. John river, January 10th, 1755. Since its publication, the chart has been liberally distributed over the land wherever a Perley could be found, and its correctness authenticated by comparison with the family records and branch charts in nearly every State in the Union. "The following extract is clipped from the Charlottesville, Vir- ginia, Chronicle of March 16th recently sent to Mr. Perley:— " 'George A. Perley of Fredericton, N. B., away up yonder east of Maine, is a man who wants to know all about his kinsfolk from his primal ancestor, the original Allen, down to the latest infantile heir of the Perley name. He is cultivating a family tree which is spreading its branches in all directions, and bids fair to gather under its umbrageous shelter all the Perleys in all the States of all the nations in all the world. George A. Perley confesses that he is said to have "Perley on the brain," but asserts that inasmuch as he is a "double Perley," he has a right to be inquisitive in regard to the scattered members of the family, all of whom he purposes to gather together in a happy reunion at Ipswich, Massachusetts, in the balmy month of June. Now in his anxiety to ascertain the whereabouts of his relatives, it is natural to suppose that Geo. A. was attracted by the name of James Perley, when his eye fell upon it in print, as that of a man who lived in Charlottesville, Virginia, and he deter- mined at once to know more about him. So about six months ago GEORGE AUGUSTUS PERLEY, ESQ. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 397 he opened a correspondence with our fellow citizen of that name, and upon information forwarded to him, came to the conclusion that our friend James must go down on the family chart, and attend the convention at Ipswich. In one of his letters he says : — " ' "I have puzzled my brain time and again to fit your family on its proper branch, and some ten days ago I bethought me of a letter I had in my possession from Charles Ferley of New York, and after comparing it with letters received from you, I do believe it is a clue to your family origin. Correspond with him at once, and he will be heartily glad to assist you, as he is very warm-hearted towards his relatives." " 'A correspondence followed, which fixes beyond a doubt the near relationship of Chas. Perley of New York and James Perley of Charlottesville, two individuals who, until very recently, had never heard of each other, for which acquaintance they are indebted to the genealogical taste and investigation of their industrious relative, , George A. of Fredericton, N. B., the man who is said to have " Per- ley on the brain." ' "The family name in Flintshire, Wales, is Ap-Perley, this being a common Welsh prefix, though Allan probably dropped it shortly after his advent among the stern iconoclasts of New lingland. The late Moses H. Perley, Esq., when on a visit to London some years ago, obtained from the Heraldry office, a copy of the Ap-Perley ar- morial bearings, and those members of the family who are anxious to possess a full description, can do so by communicating with their energetic kinsman at Fredericton." Squire Perley's greatest service to the family was in the creation of a sentiment for a Perley Family gathering. He was the father of the Perley Family Conventions, and as such will be held in kindly remembrance and high consideration. He was persistent in his pur- pose and effort. The kindly greetings at the Conventions, the inter- change of sentiments, the endorsements of purposes, and the mutual sympathies expressed,^ — all confirm to him his meed of praise. Mr. Perley removed to P'redericton 12 May, 1840, and became a "deputy sitting justice of the peace for the collection of debts and conveyancing." About 1857 he bought of a Mr. Lipsett a home, which some years later he remodeled. The engraving shows it as it was in January, 1905. Mr. Perley's office and auction and commis- sion rooms were in the Provincial building, near the Queen Hotel. In the building, according to a brass tablet upon it, was held the first Provincial Parliament. The walking stick mentioned on page 118 is thus explained by Mr. H. LeBaron Smith: Israel Perley made such use of a willow branch when returning from a trip along the Miramichi river, a dis- tance of some sixty miles. He planted it top down in front of his home, where it grew to an umbrageous size. It was called the "Per- ley Willow." The following Mr. Smith quotes from "The Centen- nial Loyalist Souvenir": "A number of trees, scions from the origi- nal willow planted at Maugerville, 1761, were planted in the old burying, ground [St. John, N. B.] Nov. 23, 1883. The first was dedicated to the late Canon Harrison of Portland, N. B., by the New Brunswick Historical Society; the second, by Mrs. Hathaway 398 THE PERLEY FAMILY and daughters, to the late F. W. Hathaway; the third, by Mrs. Per- ley, to the late Wm. Colbrooke Perley; the fourth, by Henry Perley, to his late father, Moses Henry Perley; and the fifth to Moses Per- ley, father of Moses H. Perley, and the last was to Israel Perley, great-great-grandfather of Wm. Colbrooke Perley. The donor of these trees was Geo. A. Perley, Esq., of P^^edericton, a grandson of UKSniEXCE OF GEO. A. PEULEY. Israel Perley." Thus is shown Mr. Perley's love of his family name, and his desire to honor it and to perpetuate the honor. The Gleaner of Fredericton, his home, thus spoke of him : — "Israel Perley and his descendants have taken a prominent place in New Brunswick, but none of them have been more respected than the gentleman who passed to his rest on Sunday morning. George A. Perley was at one time actively engaged in commercial pursuits. He also took some interest in city politics and was an alderman of the city. His most prominent post was in connection with the Metho- dist church. He was chapel steward for many years, and secretary of the Sunday school for nearly half a century." The Reporter said: "He was a most active member of the Meth- odist Church, and held the office of trustee for many years. He was also secretary of the Sabbath school for more than thirty- five consecutive years, and when reading his annual report at the anniversary exercises two weeks ago, he appeared much affected, and in referring to his long service and then feeble condition, he said he would rather 'wear out than rust out.' His school records are of the most complete character and will be valuable for future reference. He served his country faithfully for many years as a HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 399 magistrate, and his last duties were in connection with the recent election bribery case, which must have been a great strain upon his physical condition, especially as he held the poll himself on election day in New Maryland. At the great Perley reunion in Massachu- setts last summer, deceased was a most prominent member of the party, and the data supplied by him was considered of the utmost value and interest. Four daughters survive him and have the kind- est sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement." Mr. Perley married 13 Oct., 1837, Hannah Coburn, born in Shef; field, N. B., 3 June, 1812, to Moses and Barker Coburn. She died in Fredericton 16 Dec, 1874; he, 6 March, 1887. 1 Perley children: Sophia Isabel'^ George Augustus", Moses Coburn'-, Charlotte Hayward^, Henry Allen'^, Helen Amelia", Alice Elizabeths 2 George A.' was born 14 May, 1841, and died 9 Dec, 1842. Moses C.^ was born 24 P"eb., and died 5 Nov., 1843. Henry A.^ was born and died 20 Dec, 1847. Helen A.' born in 1848, and died 3 Dec, 1887. 3 Sophia I.' born 10 Aug., 1839, was a real estate agent and lived at home in Fredericton, till her death 3 May, 1902. Charlotte H.^ was born in Sept., 1844, and lived on the parental home till recently. Alice K.\ born in 1850, has a teacher's diploma, but prefers a respon- sible and lucrative clerkship in a dry goods house in I^oston, where she has been a number of years. FAMH.Y 250: MILES. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TU().MAS-4, TUOMAS-IG, THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, SOLOMON-117. NANCY AMANDA PERLEY was born 19 April, 1817, and 13 June, 1838, married Thomas Odber Miles, who was born 7 Nov., 1817, to Thomas Odber and Sarah Ann-Carman Miles of Mauger- ville. He was a farmer in his native town. He died 1 July, 1880, and she, 4 Dec, 1891. 1 Miles children: George Hayward'', Theodorus Clowes'^, Anna Julia Woodforde^ Thomas Odber", Adrianna Cecilia", Henry Smith- 252'*, Charles LeBaron**, Frank Roswell,^ Arnand Raglan"', Sarah Ann-, Cora Gertrude", Murray Bliss^l 2 Sarah A.' was born 28 March, 1857, and died 17 June, 1870. 3 George H.^ was born 11 June, 1839. He married 29 Dec, 1874, Ada Charlotte Glasier, born in Lincoln, Sunbury County, N. B., 15 June, 1856, to Duncan Dunbar, steamboat owner and transporter of lumber, and Sarah-Mitchell Glasier. Mr. Miles was manager of steamers for D. D. Glasier & Co. He died 18 April, 1896, in St. John, where his widow now resides. Miles children : Frederick bunbar'^^; Maud Amanda, born in St. John, N. B., 10 Nov., 1887. 4 Anna J. W.^ was born in Maugerville 18 Feb., 1843, and 18 P'eb., 18(53, in Maugerville married Charles McGibbon, who was born in Douglas 18 Oct., 1825, to John and Mary-Nevers McGibbon- 400 THE PERLEY FAMILY 57^ He was a farmer and lived in Douglas, where he died 28 Oct., 1896, and she, 17 Aug., 1900. McGibbon issue: Malcolm Drum- mond, born b Dec, 1863, died 29 Nov., 1869; Agnes, born 6 Nov., 1864, died 8 Feb., 1881; Harold Bruce, born 25 March, 1866, died 15 Nov., 1879; Jessie Helena^°; Colin Frank^". 5 Theodorus C was born 20 Feb., 1841, and married 28 March, 1876, Isabel Scott Mclntyre of Richmond, Carleton County, N. B., who was born 25 Feb., 1844. Theodorus and his cousin, Walter Edwin Perley-246\ left for California 7 Nov., 1863, and arrived in San Francisco 20 December of the same year. Finding nothing sufficiently promising, they left the next year for Rees River, Nevada. There they engaged in silver mining with moderate suc- cess for a time. There, 15 Sept., 1864, Walter died of mountain fever and was buried in Austin. In April, 1866, Theodorus left Austin for Salt Lake City, where he remained long enough to see the city, Brigham Young and some other notables. He then went to Virginia City, Montana, and arrived about 1 May, 1866. There he remained, mining till 1872, when "he concluded," as he said, "that mining was not his forte." He then began freighting and made money; then he added specu- lating with success. He began horse-raising and hay cultivation in 1876, and in 1878 he entered upon the business of sheep raising and wool growing. In 1868 he with a party of seven others visited The National Park and spent four months in surveying its wonders. Hostile Indians frequented that section then, but his party had no trouble with them. He wrote: "I held one end of the picket ropes that first told the height of the upper falls on the Yellowstone river. The lower falls we could not measure with our ropes: they were too short at one end by about 250 feet. The rope and a pocket foot- rule were our only means of measure." Mr. Miles' home was Silver Bow, Deer Lodge County, where he died 17 May, 1904. Miles issue: Charles LeBaron'^; John Clowes and a daughter (twins), born 19 Dec, 1878, the former livmg only two days and the latter till 2 Nov., 1880. 6 Thomas Odber^ was born in Maugerville, N. B., 6 Dec, 1844. He married at St. John 13 Oct., 1880, Agnes Godard, who was born there 16 June, 1846, to John F., town clerk, and Isabella-McMackin Godard. About the time of his majority he went to Montana and engaged in mining about four years, when he began stock and hay raising and teaming. He is wealthy. This is his picture: Height 5 ft. 11 in., weight 174 lbs., complexion fair, hazel eyes, dark hair. He uses neither tobacco, snuff nor liquor and inclines to the Episcopal Church. His home was Silver Bow, with his brother Theodorus. Children: Thomas Odber, 4th, born 17 Oct., 1882; (Hazel T., adopted, born 14 Feb., 1888); J. Frederick, born 12 Dec, 1888. 7 Adrianna Cecilia^ was born in Maugerville, N. B., 5 Sept., 1846. She married 15 Sept., 1870, Charles F. K Dibblee, civil engineer, who was born in Woodstock Parish, N. B., 8 July, 1845, to Harry E., customs officer, and Charlotte-Ketchum Dibblee. Their children : Harrie Miles, born 9 Sept., 1871, a civil engineer in Ontario; Char- lotte Maud, born 9 Nov., 1872, died 20 P^eb., 1880; LeBaron, born 28 April, 1874, an assistant pay clerk at Millinocket, Me.; Irvine, COLIN b\ McGiBUUN. CHARLES LeBARON MILES. C. E. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 401 born 29 Aug., 1876, a bookkeeper in New York; Blanche Ketchum born 15 May, 1878, a stenographer ; Harold Bruce, born 6 Dec, 1879, civil engineer in British Columbia; Edmund Stone, born 18 June, 1883, student in college, electrical department; Marion Grace, born 29 Dec, 1884; Cora Woodford, born 23 May, died 23 Sept., 1887; Ernest Adrian, born in Oct., 1888, died 5 Aug., 1889. 8 Charles LeBaron^ was born 7 June, 1850, in Maugerville, and married 11 June, 1878, Mrs. Wilhemina Louisa Florence-Nash Beardsley, who was born 17 April, 1850, in Poquioque, N. B., to Capt. William and Maria Louise-Grimsdick Nash. Her father was in the East Indian service. Mr. Miles is a civil engineer and early located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he was employed on the Canadian Pacific Railway. He now resides in Andover, N. B. Issue: Harold Roy'''; Vera Constance, born in Manitoba, 10 Feb., 1881, died 27 Jan., 1895; Edmund Lancelet, born in Pt. Arthur, Ont., 10 Jan., 1883, is resident engineer on construction Canadian Pacific Railway new line from Sudbury to Toronto; LeBaron Per- ley, born in Rio du Camp, Que., 5 Feb., 1888; Helen Lois, born in Andover 5 Sept., and died 10 Oct., 1890. 9 Frank RoswelP was born in Maugerville, N. B., 1 June, 1852. He married at St. John, N. B., 9 Nov., 1878, Ellen Murray Lawson, born at Coals Island, N. B., 17 Oct., 1852, to David and Eliza-Mur- ray Lawson. He has been many years engaged in ranching in Deer Lodge County, Mont. His present address is Kalispell, Mont. 10 Arnand Raglan\ born in Maugerville 28 Sept., 1854, married 20 Oct., 1880, Georgiana Harrison of the same town, born 15 Sept., 1854, to Charles B. and Charlotte M. -Miles Harrison. He is a lum- ber surveyor. Their children, born at Maugerville: Frank Bruce, D. M. D., born 20 April, 1883; Edgar Stuart, B. A. I., born 10 May, 1884; Kate Haws, born 9 March, 188G; George Harrison, born 30 Dec, 1893. 11 Cora Gertrude' was born in Maugerville, N. B., 29 July, 1859. She married there 1(5 May, 1883, William Edward Clowes, born in Fredericton 27 March, 1852, to Edward Allison, a lawyer, and Caro- line-Humphreys Clowes. She died in Deer Lodge, Mont., 9 April, 1891. Mr. Clowes is a contractor and builder and resides in Butte, Mont. Children: Mabel Amanda, born 4 May, 1884; Theodore Miles, born 16 May, 1886, a graduate of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, with the degree of LL. B.; Edna AlHson born 3 July, 1888. 12 Murray Bliss' was born in Upper Maugerville 15 Sept., 1863. He married in Butte, Mont., 8 Nov., 1887, Matie Euphemia Coburn, born in Dunkirk, N. Y., 20 Dec, 1865, to Frank and Mary Jane-Cross Coburn. They reside in North Yakima, Wash., where he is co-proprietor of Hotel Bartholet. 13 P^rederick D.^ was born in Lincoln, N. B., 26 Dec, 1875. He is married and lives in St. John. 14 Charles LeBaron^ was born in Silver Bow, Mont., 17 March, 1877. He married in Butte, Mont., 22 Aug., 1898, Mary Ann Oak- ley, born in New York Mills, Minn., 14 July, 1882, to WilHam Andrew and Rachel Eunis-Harper Oakley. Mr. Miles is a graduate of Butte High School, class of 1895, and a farmer of Silver Bow. 402 THE PERLEY FAMILY Their children, born in Butte: Erna Ardis, born 3 June, 1899, died •25 July, 1900; Theodore Clowes, born 19 Feb., 1901; Lillian Ger- trude, born 26 May, 1903. 15 Jessie H."* was born in Douglas, York County, N. B., 1 July, 1876. She became a trained nurse. Alexander Pearson, born in Rochdale, England, 29 Oct., 1878, to William, M. D., and Betsy- Franklin Pearson, when but a boy, accidentally shot himself in the right arm near the shoulder, shattering the bone. While in the hos- pital Jessie H. McGibbon was his nurse. Five years after her grad- uation, 11 Aug., 1904, they were married in P'all River, their present home. 16 Colin ¥.^ was born in Douglas, York County, N. B., 16 March, 1883; his address now, at the age of twenty-two years, is 111 West Porphyry street, Butte City, Mont. The home of his childhood and youth was a farming community, and among the well-to-do people were his parents. There he learned to guide the plow, to cure the hay, and to garner the products of autumn, and in the district school there he acquired the knowledge that was to serve him in the business of his life. He was particu- larly fond of his rural home, its comforts, its pastimes, its tender admonitions and wise counsels, and there remained in filial fidelity, till its motherly light and love went out in death. When musing on companions gone, We doubly feel ourselves alone.— Scott. The year following his mother's death, he left — 10 Aug., 1901 — for the far-off West. He soon found himself in the midst of the great wheat fields of Minnesota. There he paused to take his first lesson in western wheat cultivation and the fashions of wheat farm- ers. He found there nothing particularly new, except that eighteen hours made a day's work instead of ten, to which he had been accus- tomed. Eighteen hours were too much for the eye-lids, the muscles, and general health, and two months of that fashion were ample for a life time. He left 12 Nov., 1901, for Montana. In that State he took his second lesson in western "ways and means." He became a ranchero upon the ranch of his uncle, T. O. Miles-250\ That did not prove to be his ideal; there was more money somewhere else for that amount of labor, and he owed it to his ambition to find the place. He labored two months for his uncle, and then went to Butte City, where 7 P'eb., 1902, he became a miner in the West Colusa mine. Mining was not exactly ideal, but "the yellow stuff" answered well the desire of his purse, the color of "old gold" fitted well in the eye, and paid best for the hours employed. There he delved two and a half years ; he piled his coffers with yellow rocks, and could, as the old "forty-niner" sung: A pocket full of rocks bring home. He had been temperate, prudent, judicious, diligent, and could well afford a day off; when a desire, strong and urgent, prevailed upon him to see the fair world at the World's fair, and to visit the old farm home in the East, fraught with so many pleasing and hal- lowed associations. MRS. ABNER BULL. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 403 Homeward bound, he relayed eight days at the Fair in St. Louis — eight luminous days, the completest and grandest of his life. He arrived home 18 Aug., 1904. A few days later the venerable struc- ture, the home of his parents and his youth, with its wealth of cher- ished memories, burned to the ground, and six human souls per- ished in the; flames. The lapping flames with the wild cries for help presented a spectacle of intense anguish. He remained among his friends and relations, enjoying their association and hospitality about two months, when he returned to the mine. Mr. MacGibbon is not married, but is wedded to an ambition that will make him one of the wealthy citizens of the Great West. 17 Harold Roy^ was born 14 March, 1879, in Manitoba. He married at North Bay 15 Feb., 1902, Margaret Alice Doran, born in Perth, Ontario, 22 April, 1874, to William, a judge, and Isabella- McRae Doran. He is now a resident engineer on the Canadian Pacific Railway at North Bay, having been rodman on B. & A., lev- eler on Washington County R. R., and transitman on the Algonia Central. Child: Mary Florence, born at North Bay, 20 Nov., 1903. FAMILY 251: BULL.' LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TnOMAS-4, TIlOxMAS-lG. THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, SOLOMON-117. FRANCES ELIZABTH PERLEY was born 15 Feb., 1819. She married in Woodstock, N, B., 8 Jan., 1840, Abner Bull of that town, who was born 21 Dec, 1811, to George C, a farmer, and Nancy-McKeen Bull. They died — he 16 Jan., she 27 July, 1889, in Woodstock. [Mr. Bull's father, Capt. George Bull, was born in Ulster County, N. Y., in 1752. He was a "Loyalist," and late in the year 1780 was commissioned lieutenant in Capt. Nathan Frink's troop of cavalry, which served under Gen. Benedict Arnold at the burning of New London, Ct., where Capt. Frink was aide-de-camp to the general. Lt. Bull enlisted the greater part of his command ; he was sometimes detailed as escort to Madam Arnold, a lady of acknowledged refine- ment and beauty. Arnold, observed Lt. Bull, was not a confidant of the British officers'; they regarded him as a renegade. [Peace being restored, Capt. Bull retired to New Brunswick, and was placed on the half-pay list for life. About 1790 he settled at Bull's Creek, and the estate has been in the family name ever since. A small brass plate marked "Lieut. Bull, American Legion, Cav- alry," designated his army chest on all his campaigns and may now be seen at the door of the new house built by his son Abner, upon tlie old homestead. He was a useful and influential man, was wealthy for those days and filled various parish offices, his name ap- pearing first in 1792 as overseer of the poor. [Capt. Bull married in Nov., 1784, Nancy McKeen of Mauger- ville. They died — he 18 Oct., 1838, aged eighty-six years ; she 14 Aug., 1855, aged eighty-seven years. Their children were William 404 THE PERLEY FAMILY Richard Howe, born 2 July, 1785, married Sally Ketchum and set- tled in Richmond; George Horatio Nelson, born 19 Dec, 1788, married Maria Smith, daughter of Capt. Jacob, and settled on her father's property, his house being the third built in the town ; Peter Duncan, born 3 Oct., 1791, married Eunice Beckwith, and settled in Presque Isle; Cadwallader Jarvis, born 10 Feb., 1795; Mary Ann, born 8 Feb., 1804, married Paul Micheau Bedell, and settled on a part of her father's farm; Warren Collingwood-llG"; Charles Coch- ran, married Mary Wolverton and lived in Northampton ; Abner. [Gray -haired report says that wars of words were frequent be- tween these two families of the old planters and the Loyalists. O, sure ! Note how they took hostages of each other — on the bond, vinculum matrimonii.] 1 Bull children : George Harvey-, Mary Merritt^ Sidney Dennis- ton\ Sara Caroline^ Frederic Byron*"', Florence Augusta', Maria An- tionette**, Helen Louise'', Alice Bertha-', Edward Litton^ 2 George H.^ was born in Woodstock, N. B., 8 Jan., 1841, and 9 Nov., 1869, married Elizabeth [M.] Mclntyre of Richmond, N. B., who was born 17 March, 1845. He engaged in stock raising in Montana for some years with home in Butte City. At present (1904) he is mining. Issue: George Wakefield Clowes, born 24 April, 1871, in Sheridan, Mont. Geo. H. remarks: "I have great respect for the Perley family for their brains. They were always looked up to and took a leading part wherever they were placed." 3 Mary M.^ was born in Woodstock 17 May, 1843. She married 25 Aug., 1864, Thomas Bradshaw Winslow, born in Woodstock 30 May, 1839, to John Francis Wentworth and Jane-Rainsford Winslow. Their home is Fredericton, N. B., where Mr. Winslow is secretary of Board Works. Their children: Jane Francis^'^; Thomas Bruce, born 27 Aug., 1867; Grace Elenora, born 20 Feb., 1878; Donald Bradshaw, born 9 May, 1883. 4 Sidney D.' was born 21 March, 1846, and died unmarried. Helen L.^ was born 12 April, 1856, and died, unmarried, in Nov., 1892. Edward L.^ was born 23 Feb., 1861, and died 27 Aug., 1862. 5 Sara C.^ was born in W^oodstock, N. B., 15 May, 1848, and mar- ried 21 Aug., 1869, Thomas Mclntyre, born in Richmond Corner, N. B., 5 May, 1848, to Robert, a farmer, and Jane-F'leming Mclntyre. He died 8 Dec, 1897, in Richmond Corner, where his widow now resides and carries on the farm. Issue: Kathleen Isabella"; Alice Marion, born 5 Sept., 1872 ; Harold Perley, born 28 July, 1874; Byron Woodbury, born 9 March, 1876; Nora Neals'^ Ruby Antionette^l 6 Frederic B.^ was born 5 Jan., 1850. He married 2 Nov., 1882, Margaret E. Dibblee, who was born 28 April, 1852, to H. E. and Charlotte-Ketchum Dibblee. Their home is Woodstock, N. B. Issue: Norman Keith, born 10 Sept., 1884; James Allison, born 18 Aug., 1886. 7 Florence A.^ was born in Woodstock, N. B., 2 Jan., 1852. She married 17 Oct., 1893, in Toronto, Ont., and became the second wife of Charles H. Lyon Perkins, a farmer, born in Petersville 4 April, 1857, to Charles T., a farmer, and Harriet Deborah-Lyon. Their home is Woodstock. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 405 8 Maria A.' was bora in Woodstock, N. B., 28 Jan., 1854. She married 15 Sept., 1881, Frederick James Harrison, a farmer, born in Maugerville 12 June, 1857, to James, a farmer, and Hannah Bridges Harrison. He died in Maugerville 2 Oct., 1890. His widow resides in Fredericton. Issue: Herbert LeRoy, born 25 Aug., 1882; Archi- bald Douglas, born 2 Dec, 1883; Elbridge Thompson, born 28 Aug., 1885, died 12 Nov., 1886; Helen Winifred, born 8 Sept., 1887; George Henry Sterling, born 17 July, 1889. 9 Alice B.i was born 27 May, 1858, and married 7 Sept., 1882, J. Rice Tupper. They have had children. Brock, Nellie and Marjorie. 10 Jane F.lwas born 19 Oct., 1865, and married 9 April, 1893, William Emile De Lisle Smith, secretary of the telephone company of Fredericton, who was born 11 Nov., 1858. They have one child, Winslow Ruggles, born 9 Feb., 1894. 11 Kathleen I.*" was born in Richmond, N. B., 21 June, 1870, be- came a school teacher, and married in Richmond 24 July, 1901, Joseph Speer, a farmer, born in Speerville, N, B., 5 Sept., 1842, to John, a farmer, and Margaret-Hemphill Speer. Speerville is their home. Their children are: Stanley Mclntyre, born 15 May, 1902 ; Frances Perley, born 16 July, 1903. 12 Nora N.^ was born 9 Jan., 1878, and married 20 Sept., 1903, Warren Perley Simmons, a carpenter, son of George and Caroline- Briggs Simmons. Their home is Dover, N. H., and they have one child: Ralph Woodbury, born 20 June, 1904. 13 Ruby A.^ was born in Richmond, N. B., 21 Feb., 1880, and married there 20 June, 1900, Ernest Dufferin Haynes, a farmer, born in Plymouth, N. B., 3 Jan., 1874, to Robert and Elizabeth Jane- Wilson Haynes. Their home is Plymouth. Haynes children : Wil- frid Ernest, born 22 July, 1901; Hazel Evelyn, born 9 Sept., 1903. FAMILY 252: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TnOJIAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOJVIAS-33, ISRAEL-57, WILLIAM-118. WILLIAM EDWARD PERLEY was born in Maugerville 26 March, 1815. His father died when he was but a lad, and his mother marrying again, he was brought up by his step-father in Blissville, where, arriving at manhood, he bought a farm and adopted farming as a life work. To farming he added the lumber trade, and in 1856 he began statecraft. In each he was particularly successful. His first contest for a seat in the local Legislature was exceed- ingly gratifying: "he was elected at the head of the poll. The con- stituency elected two members. In his parish he got every vote, a most unusual thing." That seat he continued to hold for forty-four years, excepting one term when wanting four votes he was defeated by the duplicity of his colleague. During that time and by virtue of his elections he was several years a member of the Governor's Council, or as popularly called "The Government." "He was one of six members elected in 1866 out of a Parliament of forty-one 406 THE PERLEY FAMILY members, in support of an Act for the Confederation of the British North American Provinces. 'The government' was defeated, but the next year Mr. Perley was successful and the confederating act was passed. Here his broad statesmanship and his incessant labors in behalf of the confederation commended him to a seat in the Dominion House of Commons, but his effort in that direction was unsuccessful and he continued in the provincial Parliament, by an- nual elections, till his age demanded a life of quiet free from care and fraught with the amenities of home." He was a very popular man. His long service attested his faith- fulness, his practical ability, his good judgment and his broad states- manship. One of his nephews wrote, "He looks out well for his constituency." He married 13 April, 1887, Sarah Hartt, who was born in Glad- stone, N. B., 25 Aug., 1814, to Thomas, a mill owner, and Phebe- Phillips Hartt-'254. She died in Blissville. His last years were quiet and retired. He died in Oromocto at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Miles, 6 June, 1900, and is buried in the family plot at Blissville. 1 Perley children : William Dell-419, George Hayward-, Thomas Endicott", George Albert-420, Charlotte Hayward421, Duncan Wel- lington", Lizzie Hartt", Daniel Edward", Annie Sarah Lovatt\ 2 George H.^ was born 19 Dec, 1839, and died 17 Oct., 1840. Thomas E.^ was born 9 Oct., 1841, and lives, unmarried, in Oro- mocto. Lizzie H.' was born 13 Nov., 1848; is unmarried, a profes- sional nurse in Boston. Daniel E.^ was born 22 Sept., 1850, and died unmarried, 13 Oct., 1899. 8 Duncan .W.^was born 10 Feb., 1847. He graduated at Eaton's Business College, St. John, N. B., about 1868. He went into White Pine County, Nevada, 30 Oct., 1872. He first engaged in stock raising. He was known on the frontier ^_^ as "a brave man." He was State senator .^^^^^-^^'^ y^ two terms, 1878 and 83. He was a rail- c--^" ^^^•^^^^^ way contractor, superintendent of the con- ^^^^^^^^^^'^ struction of the Denver & Rio Grande Railway, and at the same time engaged in '^° " ^*'"^'" *^"* '^'^'^^• commercial business. His home is now in San Francisco. He has been gold and silver mining for years with varied success. His weight is 330 lbs. and is probably the heaviest Perley alive. He married 29 Nov., 1889, Miss Minnie Evangeline Wescott. They have had no children. Mrs. Perley is a graduate of Mills Col- lege, a superior ladies' seminary on the Pacific coast. She is an artist, and excels as a painter of china. "Perley gold" for hand- painted china is without an equal. She is a professor in Kermic Studio, and her pupils take high rank. 4 Annie S. L.^ was born 31 Oct., 1857, in BHssville, N. B. She married there in Dec, 1885, Henry Smith Miles-250' who was born in Maugerville 3 June, 1848, and became a farmer there. He died in Oromocto 4 March, 1902. She married, second, in St. John 4 Dec, 1902, Jacob Byron Grant, a real estate agent, who was born in Keswick, York County, 3 July, 1856, to Jacob, a farmer, and Jane- Kennedy Grant. Their home is West St. John, HON. DUNCAN W. PERLEY. FAMILY 253: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, Tn()MAS-4, TIIOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, WILLIAM-118. DUNCAN WELLINGTON PERLEY was born in Mauger- ville 31 Jan., 1817. He read law in New Brunswick, and went to the extreme West to practice. He settled in San Francisco, and "was considered one of the smartest lawyers on the Pacific coast." All the old miners of Nevada and California knew him, and said he was "dead sure to win his case." Mr. Perley married 13 April, 1852, an English officer's daughter, Louise Corbet Bingham of Detroit, Mich., who was born 2 March, 1833, and died in San P'rancisco 30 March, 1856, where also he died 8 Sept., 1874. 1 Perley children : George Hayward"-, Cornelia Terry'l 2 George H.\ born 18 Jan., 1853, died in Detroit 6 June, 1854. Cornelia T.\ born 29 Sept., 1855, died in San Francisco 23 June, 18G4. FAMILY 254: HARTT. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TII(tMAS-4, THOMAS-IC, THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, WILLIAM-118. MARY ADELINE PERLEY was born 1 July, 1821, and 18 Jan., 1840, became the first wife of Thomas Endicott Hartt, who was born 26 Aug., 1817, to Thomas and Phoebe Phillips-252, parish of Gladstone, Blissville, N. B. Mrs. Hartt died in Gladstone 10 July, 1874. [Mr. Hartt had a second wife, Elizabeth Peabody of Lincoln, born 1 March, 1834, in Rushagonis, to John and Mary Ann-Smith Peabody]. Mr. Hart was a lumberman, is now a farmer and justice of the peace. 1 Perley-Hartt children: David Wellington^ Edward Perley-, Alfred Ernesf*, Theodosia Adriana-. 2 Edward P.\ born 25 Dec, 1847, is married and lives in Fred- ericton Junction. Theodosia A.\ born 1 Jan., 1860, married C. B. Lockhart and has a family in St. John. 3 David W.^ was born in Fredericton Junction, N. B., 17 March, 1843. He married in Fredericton 5 May, 1881, Charlotte Amanda Adams, a school teacher, who was born in Lincoln, York County, 1 Sept., 1860, to George Martin, a farmer, and Mary-Hayward Adams. Mr. Hart was a merchant and died 25 Aug., 1901, in P'redericton Junction, where his widow resides and where their children were born: Thomas Byron, 20 March, 1882, who married 2 Sept., 1903, Helen Coleman Nason and has issue, Carrie Anna Bridges, born 17 July, 1904; Mary Adeline, 31 March, 1884; George Martin, 13 March, 1886; Olive Maude, 10 Jan., 1890; Zelda Beth, 15 Oct., 1894; Lottie Beatrice, 27 Dec, 1896. 408 THE PERLEY FAMILY 4 Alfred E/ was born in Fredericton Junction 17 Oct., 1849. He is a provision dealer in St. John, West N. B. He married in Blissville, N. B., 20 May, 1885, Jannie Mersereau, who was born in Blissville 31 Dec, 1860, to Daniel Wood, a farmer, and Adaline Amelia-Smith Mersereau. Hartt issue: Jessie Adaline, born 20 Jan., 1888; Gilbert Ernest, born 8 July, 1890; who are fitting for college at the high school of St. John. FAMILY 255: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS^. TnOMAS-lG, THOMAS-33, OLIVER-5S?, DANIEL-119. ISRAEL EDWIN PERLEY was born in Oueensbury, York County, N. B., 24 Oct., 1812. He was a farmer. He married 25 June, 185(3, in Fredericton, Mrs. Jane-McAy Kelley, a dressmaker, MRS. ALEXANDER A. NEVERS. born in Glasgow, Scotland, 25 Nov., 1814, to Anthony and Elizabeth- McKnight McAy. He died in Plorenceville, Carleton County, 6 Dec, 1884; she 19 Feb., 1891. 1 Perley children : John Allen'-, Charlotte Augusta."^ 2 John A,^ was born in Florenceville 8 Sept., 1851, and married HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 409 in St. Stephen 24 Jan., 1885, Hannah Gibberson,born in Bristol, Carle- ton County, 20 May, 1865, to John Marshall, a farmer, and Lucy-Gallop Giberson. Their home is Florenceville, where he is a farmer. Perley issue: Gordon Allen, born 5 Aug., 1887, living in Arcala, Assiniboia, N. W. T.; Rosa Ann, born 7 March, 1889; George Albert, born 12 March, 1890; Budd Roy, born 31 Jan., 1894; Frank Emery and Fay Fern, twins, born 28 Sept., 1896; Henry Ward Beecher, born 12 April, 1898. 3 Charlotte Augusta^ pictured on opposite page, was born in Oueensbury, N. B., 16 April, 1847. She married, first, 25 Dec, 1869, Sedgefield Douglas Shaw, a farmer, born at Middle Simonds, Carle- ton County, N. B., 24 May, 1847, to Abijah, a farmer, and Matilda- Drier Shaw. He died in Hartland, Carleton County, N. B., 10 Jan., 1891. She married, second, in Florenceville 25 Dec, 1894, Alex- ander Albert Nevers, a farmer, born in Hartland 2 March, 1852, to Alexander Peters and Mary Elizabeth-Hayden Nevers. Mrs. Nevers is a tailoress by trade. Shaw issue : Mattie Marretta, born in Middle Simonds 28 Sept., 1885, and died 9 April, 1895, at Hartland. FAMILY 256: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4. TIIOMAS-IC, THOMAS-33, OLIVER-59, I)ANIEL-119. FREDERIC ADOLPHUS PERLEY was born 1 Jan., 1818, in Queensbury, N. B., where he was a farmer, and died suddenly 22 May, 1879. His first wife was Mary Harmony (or Hannah) Mooers; his second, married 25 March, 1846, was Jane Atherton, who was born 26 Aug., 1819, to Peter and Mary-Carle Atherton, in Queens- bury, where she died 5 Dec, 1874. 1 Perley children: Albert^ Thomas Hayward'^, Henry Allison^, Lewis Benjamin^ Annie Mary'"'. 2 Albert^ was at one time in Michigan. Annie*' has not heard from him for thirty years. 3 Thomas H.^ was born 9 Aug., 1847, in Oueensbury, N. B., and is a farmer and lumberman in Bear Island, York County. He mar- ried 21 Feb., 1877, at Bear Island, Annie Long, born at Macnaquack River 26 Feb., 1854, to Abram, a farmer, and Sarah-Miles Long. Perley children : Bessie'; Fannie Miles, born 19 Nov., 1882; Mary Ruth, born 24 Sept., 1893. 4 Henry A.^ was born in Oueensbury, N. B., 5 March, 1849. He married in the Parish of Kingsclear, York County, 18 June, 1875, Eliza Hammond, who was born in Kingsclear 18 Sept., 1852, to Eleazer Slocum and Sarah-Kilburn Hammond. Their home is Cal- gary, N. W. T., Canada, where Mr. Perley is proprietor of the Alberta Hotel. No children. 5 Lewis Benjamin^ was born 16 Dec, 1850, in Oueensbury. He is a house carpenter and resides in Fredericton. He married 20 June, 1876, in Fredericton, Eliza Jane Scarr, born 29 Aug., 1850, to Joseph, a shoemaker, and Mary-Coulson Scarr of the same place. Perley child: Lewis Coulson, born 19 Jan., 1882, in Fredericton, and 410 THE PERLEY FAMILY graduated at the high school in 1900. His present address is Monc- ton, N. B. b Annie Mary^ was born 4 Oct., 1853, in Parish of Queensbury. She became, 14 June, 1877, the second wife of Moses Byron Mc- Nally, a farmer, born in Queensbury 29 Oct., 1854, to Moses, a farmer, and Frances-Kilburn McNally. Their postoffice address is Kingsclear, N. B. Issue: George Frederick, born 29 June, 1878, a Bachelor of Arts of University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, and now a teacher in Moncton High School ; Frank Leslie, born 2 Nov., 1879; Jean Francis, born 9 Dec, 1881; Percy Byron, born 21 Jan., 1887, who has graduated at the Fredericton High School, and expects to enter the Pennsylvania University, Department of Den- tistry, this fall (1905). 7 Bessie'^ was born 13 Jan., 1878, and married 20 June, 1900, Brock Marven Hagerman, carpenter, born in Bear Island to Alfred and Annie-Ingraham Hagerman. They reside in Houlton, Me. FAMILY 257: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l.TnOMAS-4, THOMAS-IO, THOMAS-33, OLIVER-59, MOSES-120. "MOSES HENRY PERLEY was born in the parish of Mauger- ville, County of Sunbury, New Brunswick, 31 December, 1804. He was, through his mother, a grandson of Israel Perley, the leader of the party which, emigrating from Massachusetts, then an English col- ony, settled on the river St. John in 1762-G3, in that part now known as Maugerville. "Israel Perley was accompanied to New Brunswick by his brother Oliver, and Moses, the son of the latter, married Mary (his cousin) the daughter of the former, and had issue Charles who died in in- fancy, and Moses Henry, the subject of this sketch, who was a post- humous child, his father having been accidentally killed before his birth. For a few years he lived in Maugerville, and then with his mother — who was a woman of a very strong and marked character — moved to St. John, where he received a common school education. Having adopted the profession of law he was admitted an attorney of the supreme court in 1828, and called to the bar in 1830. "He married 14 Sept., 1829, Jane, daughter of Isaac Ketchum, one of the Loyalists who is 1783 abandoned their homes and prop- erty in the United States and made a new home for themselves in New Brunswick, near Hampton Ferry. By her he had eight chil- dren, all of whom, save the eldest — the writer — have passed away. "During 1835-37 my late father engaged heavily in milling, lum- bering and coal mining enterprises, which were attractive at that time, but he was not fortunate in his ventures, which turned out dis- astrously, and he lost much money by them. "In his early years he was fond of the woods, and when but a youth he engaged in the purchase of furs, often making long trips in a canoe up the St. John and its tributaries, accompanied by an Indian as his guide and motor power, in search of furs, which he paid for in silver dollars; and he has more than once told me that HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 411 when he left on such trips he often had enough money to tempt a man to make away with him, which could easily have been done, for the country was then unsettled and the inhabitants scarce. It was then he made the acquaintance of the Maliceets, which lasted until his death. "For many years in after life he spent his holidays in fishing and shooting, and thus became acquainted and familiar with the princi- pal rivers, streams and lakes of his native Province, and kept up and enlarged his friendship with the Indians, who made him their 'white chief,' and he for many years acted as intermediary between them and the provincial government. I have his commission as ' Nunjeet Sachem' of the whole Micmac nation, dated 7 Sept., 1841, and there was a similar commission as 'Chief Sachem' of the Maliceet tribe of about the same date, but I have every reason to believe that it was burned in the fire in St. John in 1877. I am personally aware that in 1839 he was a 'chief,' and can well remember his appearance when clad in his dress, etc., which he wore on a few occasions. I have in my possession a silver medal, three inches in diameter, dated 1840, on the edge of which is engraved: 'From Her Most Gracious Majesty to M. H. Perley, Chief Sachem of the Maliceets and Wun- jeet Sagamore of the Micmac Nation.' "About 1844 he was appointed immigration agent at the port of St. John, N. B.. and held that office until 1857 or 58. "In 1846 her majesty's government having undertaken an explo- ratory survey to ascertain the practicability of constructing, through New Brunswick, a railway from the eastern coast of Nova Scotia to Quebec, Mr. Perley was directed by the lieutenant governor of New Brunswick . . . 'to make certain inquiries in regard to the re- sources of the country traversed by the railway, and the means it would be likely to afford of rendering them (sic) more extensively available, not only to the people of the Province, but to those of the ' United Kingdom.' The report on these inquiries is dated January, 1847, and includes a report upon the several counties in the Prov- ince, with reference to the trade, agriculture, fisheries, resources and capabilities, and as an appendix a 'report on the Forest Trees of New Brunswick.' "In 1849, in accordance with instructions from the lieutenant governor, my father submitted a ' Report on the Sea and River Fish- eries of New Brunswick, within the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Bay of Chaleur.' In 1851, he presented a further 'Report upon the Fisheries in the Bay of Fundy,' and in that report submitted a 'Cat- alogue (in part) of the fishes of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.' "For many years my father took much pains in gathering infor- mation relative to trade and commerce, and this led to his being ac- tively engaged with others in the collection of statistics of trade between the United States and the colonies (Canada), and in per- fecting those measures which ultimately led to the treaty of 1854, between Great Britain and the United States, known as the 'Reci- procity Treaty,' and so highly were his services appreciated by Lord Elgin, then governor general of Canada and her majesty's govern- ment, that immediately on its ratification, he was, in 1855, appointed the commissioner on behalf of the British government to carry out 412 THE PERLEY FAMILY its terms, being — it is believed — the first instance of any native-born colonist, without imperial interest, or imperial connection, being ap- pointed to an office of such responsibility and distinction. Of the manner in which he discharged the important, and at times delicate duties of his office, the continued confidence of her majesty's gov- ernment under succeeding administrations is the best proof, and had he lived to have completed his labors, he would no doubt have re- ceived a marked proof of approbation. "In 1836, as her majesty's immigration officer at St. John, N. B., he issued in England 'A Handbook of Information for Emigrants to New Brunswick,' describing tersely the Province, its climate, popu- lation, resources, fisheries, forests, agricultural facilities, mines and minerals, etc. " His pen was never idle, and for years he contributed articles to the papers of the day, all of which are now extinct — bearing on mat- ters political, historical, and of general interest and importance; but he never sought for political honors or place, being content with ren- dering assistance to those whose political views and opinions were endorsed by him. "At the time of his death he was in discharge of his imperial duties, and was on board her majesty's steamer Desjoerate, that ves- sel having been detailed for his use by her majesty's government. "About 1 Aug., 1862, he was seized with gastric fever, and after some days of illness apparently recovered, but a relapse took place, and death ensued on the 17th. His remains were interred with naval honors in the Episcopalian burial ground at Forteau, on the coast of Labrador, north of the Straits of Belle Isle. "My father was a true son of New Brunswick, and had ever and always her interests and those of her people at heart. In his lec- tures and addresses, which were many, his theme was always an instructive one, and had reference to or a bearing on his native Province; and whether he treated of her history, her woods, her rivers, her resources, he could always hold an audience attentive and silent. " Possessed of an imposing presence, a remarkable memory, per- fect command of language, the power to express his views, knowl- edge and sentiments clearly and tersely, and a rich and sonorous voice, he was always able to please an audience as a lecturer, and when practising as a barrister to impress a jury. He was a man in advance of his time, and in many things (notably railways and facili- ties for improving the movement of articles of traffic) he was an enthusiast; and could he have lived to take a part in the movement which led to confederation in 1867, the leaders of that movement would have had his willing and powerful assistance and hearty sup- port." The above is a very apposite and tender tribute of his son Henry, as published in the St. John Sun. We may add: the railway con- vention at Portland, Me., in June, 1850, was brilliant with a galaxy of business men and capitalists. The purpose of the convention was an international route from that city via Bangor and St. John to Halifax, N. S. There was no abler advocate of the project than Mr. Perley. His breadth of thought, the future of his vision, his practi- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 413 cal knowledge of the country and its resources and needs, the solid- ity of his plan and purpose, eloquently expressed, showed the man, intellectually and intelligently, as imposing as his presence. The route was incorporated by the name he gave it. His brilliant con- ception of the hour was long since fully realized. History speaks of the "Ashburton treaty," by which the bound- ary between Maine and New Brunswick was established in 1842. Daniel Webster and Lord Ashburton were the commissioners. Mr. Perley was quite literally "The power behind the throne"; and, as Mr. Webster once said, "not to speak of matches and over- matches," the Queen got all that belonged to her." The following tribute is by I. Hamilton Pay: "Mr. Perley, after a few years' practice in the law, devoted his attention more to other pursuits, principally the establishment of mills and the incorporation of companies for utilizing the vast lum- bering interests of the country. This brought him greatly into contact with the enterprising business men of Maine and other New England States, by whom he was greatly esteemed and his talents appreciated. "His habits were extremely active and the knowledge, acquired during his sporting excursions, of the sea and river fisheries of Brit- ish North America, ultimately led to high preferment from the Brit- ish government. "Mr. Perley was a genial, warm-hearted, generous and hospitable man, of great literary tastes, a good writer and pleasant companion. "On all public questions tending to the ultimate advancement of his native Province, and the consolidation of British North America, he was largely in advance of the age in which he lived. He was an enthusiast in matters of progress and a warm supporter of liberal and enlightened institutions. He took an active part in the early establishment of the Mechanics' Institute at St. John, contributing to its popularity and success by a series of instructive lectures. "Mr. Perley never filled any local or municipal ofitice in his native Province; his feelings and aspirations were more cosmopolitan than local; his energies sought a wider sphere. Had he lived till the Confederation of Canada, his extensive knowledge of her harbors and her resources would have commended him to high place among her public men." Rev. W. O. Raymond, D. D., of St. John, N. B., writes many things written above, and further says: "Mr. Perley was a remark- able man. . . . The Indians were greatly attached to him. As Indian commissioner he befriended them from time to time. Per- haps his interest in the native Indians was stimulated by an unfortu- nate accident that occurred when he was about nineteen years old. While engaged in target-practice, with one Wm. Munford, they chanced to shoot and fatally wound an Indian. They were tried for manslaughter, found guilty and fined — Perley ;^10 and Munford £,b. The Indians cherished no resentment, evidently satisfied the occurrence was accidental. "In recognition of his services and ability in collecting and com- piling trade and other statistics with Hon. Daniel Webster and other eminent public men, prior to the treaty of 1854, Lord Elgin, Gov- 414 THE PERLEY FAMILY ernor General of Canada, appointed him a commissioner to carry the treaty into effect. "It is said that he knew more about Canadian fisheries than any man before or since. He was the best living authority of his time on early New Brunswick history, and delivered many lectures on the subject. He was at his best on the platform, always a most popu- lar and interesting lecturer. In 1861 he edited The Colonial Empire, published in St. John." The Dictionary of National Biography calls Mr. Perley a " Cana- dian commercial pioneer." While sometime sojourning in London, England, on her majesty's colonial business, Mr. Perley, attracted perhaps by a similarity of names, visited a family residing there by the name of Apperley. The acquaintance thus made ripened in cordial friendship, and Mr. Perley ever visited there whenever in the capital city. On one occa- sion when he was about to leave, the family entrusted to his keeping, as a mark of consideration and esteem, a copy — a pen and ink sketch made by Miss Apperley — of their armorial bearing. It was hardly in their power to show him greater respect. Mr. Perley married 17 Sept., 1829, Jane Ketchum, who was born in 1805 to Isaac and Betsey-Hoyt Ketchum of Hampton, N. B. She died of old age in July, 1877. He died 17 Aug., 1862. 1 Perley children: Henry Fullerton-422, George Hayward423, Charles Edwin", Mary^ Ada C.^ Allan'-, William Colebrook'', Arthur Blackwood'-, Francis E.'^ 2 Charles E.' was born 16 Nov., 1834, and died 6 Oct., 1835. Allan^ was born 18 Jan. and died 29 March, 1841. Mary^ was born 2 Aug. and died 3 Nov., 1836. Arthur B.' was born 16 Feb., 1847, and died 24 July, 1870; Francis E.^ "died in infancy." 3 Ada C was born 13 April, 1838. She married 31 Oct., 1860, Richard Simonds, son of Charles and Gilbert Simonds of Portland, Me. They resided in St. John, where she died 24 Dec, 1865; and he 9 Sept., 1866. They had no issue. 4 William C.^ was born 29 Jan., 1842 or 41. He married 14 Oct., 1869, Annie E. Hatheway, who was born 16 Dec, 1850, to F. W, and S.-P. Hatheway of Fredericton. Their home was St. John, where he was a barrister, and died 15 Dec, 1879. She died without issue. FAMILY 258: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIIOMAS-4, TIIOMAS-IG, THOMAS-33, ENOCH-61, JOHN-122. AUGUSTUS PERLEY was born in Bridgton, Me., 13 (Ingalls Journal, "18") July, 1813. There he made his life-long home. He entered into a copartnership titled Perley & Stiles, and they manu- factured house-wrights' supplies, doors, sashes, blinds, etc. He retired from the business some years before his death, which occurred in Bridgton 20 Feb., 1885. Mr. Perley married 13 Feb., 1838, Rachel G. Andrews, born in Vermont 20 Jan., 1817. Her father died when she was a child, and she was brought up by her great uncle, Lt. Andrews of the Revolu- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 415 tionary army. She died 1 March, 1859. Mr. Perley's second wife, married 80 July, 1861, was Angela McLellan Cleaves-56'', born 17 July, 1839, in Portland, Me., to Nathan, a merchant, and Nancy- McLellan Cleaves. She resides in Woodfords, Me. 1 Perley children: Frederic Augustus'^, Annette Elisabeth^, George Putnam^ Ella Annette^ 2 Frederic A.^ was born 15 Dec, 1847, and died 16 Sept., 1866. Annette E.^ was born 14 Sept., 1841, and died 2 Dec, 1848. 3 George P.^ was born in Bridgton, Me., 18 June, 1858. He graduated in medicine in Portland, Me., 1878, and practiced in Charlottesville, Va., and in 1891 in Chippana, Iowa. His health fail- ing, he bought a high-class fruit farm in Woodstock, Conn., and resides there. He married in Bridgton, Me., 16 Aug., 1886, Isabel P'ogg, who was born in Bridgton 18 Jan., 1862, to Adeline P.-Cass and Albert Fctgg. Their children: Adeline, born 1 May, and died in Aug., 1888; Donald, born 17 Nov., 1889; and Helen, born 1 Jan., 1894. 4 Ella A.i was born 12 March, 1853. In February, 1880, she went to Cape Colony and was there until June, 1887, coming home for a year in the meantime. She taught in the Huguenot Seminary at Wellington, sixty miles inland from Cape Town. The school was not a mission school, but a seminary — now a seminary and college for young ladies, founded after the Mt. Holyoke system, adapted to suit the ways of the country. FAMILY 259: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. THOMAS-33, ENOCH-61, THOMAS-1J3. SAMUEL FARNSWORTH PERLEY was born in Naples, then the southern part of Bridgton, Me., 30 June, 1817. He suc- ceeded his father upon the old homestead and became a progressive farmer, endeavoring to improve the methods, the breeds of stock and the quality of fruits. He spent the winter of 1874-5 in the South for his health. He then returned to his farm, but was obliged to retire in the winter of 1878-9. The local journal printed the following tribute to his worth : — "On Wednesday morning, at his home in Naples, died Hon. Samuel V. Perley, at the age of sixty-four. Although he had long been in failing health, and of late his condition had grown so much worse as to indicate a speedy dissolution, yet when the end came, the news fell with a sudden and heavy weight upon his many per- sonal friends and the general public. 'A strong man has fallen,' and his departure has left a void which will long be felt by the com- munity in which he so long dwelt, and with whom his name was a tower of strength whether in church or state, in business circles, or in private social life. But he is gone, and it but remains to us to speak in a general way, as our limited data at this time will permit, of the lamented dead. "Mr. Perley was born in 1817, on the old homestead where his 416 THE PERLEY FAMILY whole life was spent. He was one of ten children, and only two sur- vive — Dr. Thomas Perley of Naples and Mrs. Elizabeth Blake of Pennsylvania. He was educated at the Bridgton and Gorham Acad- emies, and was fitted for college. He, however, chose no profession, but devoted himself to agriculture, which he studied, theoretically and practically, with unwaning enthusiasm, to the end of life. He was president of Cumberland County Agricultural Society, a mem- ber of agricultural societies throughout the State; was trustee of the Maine State Agricultural College in Orono, from its founding to 1874; he also took a prominent part in local and general movements and enterprises pertaining to farming and its kindred branches, and was looked up to as authority in these matters. Though having no natural inclination to politics, Mr. Perley, as a Republican, was four times elected to the Legislature, serving in both branches, he receiving the support of many voters of different political faith from his own, they feeling that he was 'the best man' they could select, one who would further the interests of all his constituency. There as elsewhere, he 'acted well his part,' filling his positions with char- acteristic ability. He was selectman in 18G7. In religious affairs he was an active, useful and faithful worker, and the Congregational Church and Parish at South Bridgton lose in him a most valued and worthy member. He had a love for literature and books, which his wealth enabled him to gratify; he was a practical surveyor, and for many years he cheerfully acceded to the frequent requests of his townsmen and other citizens, to run lines, and, as a justice of the peace, to make out instruments in real estate transfers and other legal business transactions, and to settle questions of disputed boun- daryUines. At his attractive and beautiful homestead, were wont to gather the cultured and educated from abroad; while his neighbors and townspeople, whether rich or poor, he always 'met on the level' in genial and kindly fellowship. "Mr. Perley nearly twenty years ago was severely injured by being caught on the shafting of a mill, and was carried many times round with fearful velocity, his escape with his life being little less than a miracle. He afterward was badly hurt by a fall. From the effects of these two accidents he never fully recovered, and they doubtless were the indirect cause of his last years of suffering and his passage to the tomb ere the full measure of his years was filled." He married 14 Feb., 1842, Hannah Pierce Griswold, who was born 12 Dec, 1817, to Dr. Oliver and Sarah-Fessenden Griswold of Fryeburg, Me. She died 24 May, 1843. He married, second, Almira Titcomb P'itch-260, 25 Nov., 1847. She was born 9 Sept., 1819, to Judge Luther and Almira-Titcomb Fitch of Portland. She survives her husband, who died in Naples 4 May, 1881. 1 Perley children : Mary Griswold", Augusta Anne^ Ellen Fes- senden'-, Enoch'-, Alice"-^. 2 Mary G.,^ born in Naples 19 Dec, 1842, lives in Andover, Mass.; Augusta A.,' born 28 Sept., 1848, died 31 Oct., 1865; Ellen F.,iborn 30 June, 1852, died 18 June, 1859; EnochS born 24 Feb., 1856, died 26 Nov., 1863; Alice, born 18 Feb., 1860, died 16 June, 1863. FAMILY 200: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. THOMAS-33, ENOCH-61, THOMAS-1^3. HENRY ENOCH PERLEY was born in Bridgton, Me., the part now Naples, 15 Jan., 1823. His home was Bridgton. In 1856 he was a merchant of the firm Perley & Cram at Central Wharf, Portland, Me. He married 19 June, 1851, Mary Titcomb P'itch, born in Portland 8 Jan., 1831, a sister to Almira-259. He died in Portland 31 March, 1860. 1 Perley child: George Allen, born 18 Sept., 1856, and died 14 March, 1858. FAMILY 261: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, 5^H()MAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS -33, AAROX-t)2, ISRAEL-lli5. AUGUSTUS PERLEY was born in Salem in 1816. He was a professional teacher of penmanship in New York City. His wife, married 29 May, 1842, was Miama Adelaide Cole, a music teacher, born 2 Aug., 1817, in Philadelphia, Pa., to Isaac Packard and Phebe- Spalding Cole. She died 14 Sept., 1849, in New York City, where Mr. Perley died 31 Dec, 1851. 1 Perley children: Thomas Augustus-424, Mary Adelaide", Isaac Shepard Cole-425. 2 Mary A.^ was born in Scotch Plains, N. J., 14 June, 1847, and is living unmarried in Boxford. FAMILY 262: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIIOMAS-4, TUOMAS16. ASA-35, DUDLEY-63, .TOHN-l'JT. BENJAMIN SPAULDING PERLEY was born in Winchen- don, Mass., 20 Feb., 1798. At the age of three years he went with his parents to Unity, Me. When of age he bought the farm adjoin- ing his father's and made it his home. To his home he was strongly attached, and was seldom away more than a few days at a time. Mr. Perley was a citizen respected and valued ; his opinions were formed and expressed without fear or favor. He made a partisan- ship, so to speak, of what he considered right, with a corresponding persistent opposition to what he thought wrong. He was socially inclined, but not a great talker. He was an earnest, active Chris- tian. He was a deacon in the Congregational Church of Freedom, Me., from its organization, 1858, till his death. He married 25 Nov., 1821, Rhoda Alexander Raymond, who was 418 THE PERLEY FAMILY born 13 July, 1791, to Lemuel and Roxanna, of Bowdoin. She died 5 Aug., 1866; he 12 Aug., 1873. 1 Perley children: Dorcas Knowles'^ Abbie Raymond'^, lantha Adelia^ Sarah RandalP. 2 Dorcas K.^ was born 2 Sept., 1822. She married 4 April, 1850, Cyrus Shaw King, who was born 2 Sept., 1818, to Samuel and Sarah- Hall King of Paris, Me. He was a printer. They lived in Portland till the fall of 1866, when they removed to Washington, D. C. She died 20 F"eb., 1900. King children: Metella, born 26 May, 1851, a school teacher, residing unmarried in Washington; Theo. Ingalls'; Alice Adeha, born 29 March, 1858, and died 22 March, 1859. 3 Abbie R.' was born 14 March, 1826. She married 19 May, 1855, Alexandei: Bunker Worth, born 10 April, 1812, to Henry and Persis-Bunker Worth of Vassalboro, Me. He was a farmer in Vas- salboro, till they removed to Unity in the spring of 1865. She died 17 May, 1895; he 9 Aug., 1904. Worth children: Lizzie Abbie"; George Perley, born 6 Feb., 1859, in Vassalboro, and died 18 April, 1863; George Edward''. 4 lantha A.' was born 10 Dec, 1827, and died unmarried 6 April, 1884. Sarah R} was born 5 April, 1832, and resides unmarried in Freedom, Me. She merits thanks for her interest and labor in gathering material for the family. 5 Theo. L**, born in Portland, Me., 12 Feb., 1854, married in, Washington, D. C., where she was a music teacher, 4 Feb., 1885, Cora Hodgkins, born in Schoharie, N. Y., 4 Feb., 1860, to David, a farmer, and Harriet Eliza-Shears Hodgkins. Their home is Ken- sington, Md. Mr. King graduated at Columbian University, 1874, with first honors of his class. He took his Master's degree by exam- ination. He spent several years studying and teaching music. In 1891 he was appointed to a position in the United States Naval Observatory, where he rapidly rose to be assistant astronomer, the highest open to civilians. King issue: Esther, born 21 Jan., 1887, died 12 Feb., 1897; George Allen, born 22 Feb., 1889; Howard Per- ley, born 17 Feb., 1890; Raymond Cyrus, born 6 Jan., 1895, died 27 Dec, 1895; Roy Grant, born 29 Aug., 1896, died 26 Feb., 1897; Etta Metella, born 23 Dec, 1901. 6 Lizzie A.*^ was born in Vassalboro, Me., 24 Nov., 1857. She was a school teacher for several years before her marriage. She married in Unity, Me., 2 Sept., 1883, Edward Payne Knowlton, a sheepskin tanner and farmer, who was born in Liberty, Me., 10 April, 1842, to Joseph Warren, a lawyer, and Julia-Davis Knowlton. Their home was Liberty. Mr. Knowlton died in Benton, Me., 2 Aug., 1902. She married second, 24 March, 1905, and became the second wife of Charles B. Denaco, who was born in Benton, Me., 23 Jan., 1865, to Alfred and Maria-Mercer Denaco. Knowlton issue: Julia Mae*; Edward Joseph, born 22 Sept., 1886, died 18 Jan., 1887; Aleck Worth, born 4 April, 1888, in Taunton, Mass.; George Ed- ward, born 17 July, 1890, died 11 March, 1891; Theo Carlysle, born 24 Oct., 1893; Norman Perley, 26 July, 1894. 7 George Edward'', born 12 May, 1866, in Unity, married in Lib- erty 18 May, 1891, Edith Abbie Boynton, born in Liberty 19 Nov., 1865, to William Sears, school teacher, and Sarah-Packard Boynton. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 419 He is a teacher and a farmer of Freedom, Me. Worth issue: Orrie Ermina, born 31 Aug., 1893. 8 JuHa M.® was born in Liberty 17 Feb., 1885. She married in Albion 8 Sept., 1904, Perley Mansfield Denaco, a farmer, who was born in Benton 8 Sept., 1882, to Alfred, a farmer, and Maria-Mercer Denaco. Their present address (Aug., 1905) is Waterville, Me. FAMILY 263: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. ASA-35, DUDLEY-63, JOHN-liT. JOHN PERLEY was born in Unity, Me., 15 March, 1812. An accident at sea in his seventeenth year changed materially his after life. He began school teaching when eighteen and taught thirteen years. After his wife's death, he pursued commercial studies and caligraphy in New York City. He was thirty-four years principal of the commercial department of Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female College, Kent's Hill, and many years professor of penman- ship in Waterville Classical Institute and Hebron and Houlton Academies. While at Kent's Hill, he had 5,000 scholars, 1,500 in bookkeeping. He was never tardy at a recitation. He had on his list 40,000 scholars, 900 classes. He wrote: "I am still hale and hearty, without a drop of the 'ardent' in my blood, or the 'poisonous weed' in my system." He is the author of "Perley's System of Penmanship and Bookkeeping." Rev. and Prof. Morse of the College says : " Prof. Perley is a gentleman of high-toned Christian character. As a teacher of penmanship and bookkeeping he has had a large and successful experience in our best schools. He is specially characterized by a genuine devotion to his profession, by practical methods of instruction, and by a rare power to awaken the interest and secure the, rapid advancement of his pupils. His work is always most highly appreciated where its character and results are best known." The following from the Belfast Journal of 30 May, 1895, is health- ful reading: — "Prof. John Perley died May 20th at his home in Unity, aged eighty-three years, two months and five days. His parents were pioneers. Their nearest market was Belfast, which could only be reached by a path through the forest. They were persons of marked ability and from them John (youngest of six children) in- herited the traits and talents that have so aided him in his useful life. The old homestead has been in the family for over a hundred years. A beautiful home it is, with its substantial buildings and its wayside junipsrs and maples that were planted by Mr. Perley many years ago, and are now like forest trees in size and beauty. " Mr. Perley was a man of more than ordinary ability and would have succeeded as a writer had he turned his attention in that direc- tion, as his numerous letters and pithy articles in many of our State papers show. His chief work, however, was that of a teacher of 420 THE PERLEY FAMILY penmanship and he originated the Perley system of penmanship so well and favorably known. For about thirty years he had charge of the commercial department at Kent's Hill, and there is scarcely a town or city in the State where he has not taught. Perhaps he is as well known as any other man in Maine, having had under his instruc- tion over 45,000 scholars. His work was not, however, entirely in this direction. He was an active and generous worker in church and Sunday school ; also a staunch temperance man, who advocated tem- perance in all things. In the past few years he has been exceedingly interested in the Grange work and most heartily indorsed all efforts that aided in making the farmer's life a pleasure and a success. During his sickness he planned a Grange party for his 83d birthday, but was obliged to defer it on account of fast increasing feebleness and that reunion will not come till they, like himself, shall have passed to the Better World. The many visits from Grangers and other friends and the welcome letters that he received from them were a great pleasure and comfort to him. "His approach to the 'change' was gradual and more like losing hold of this life than disease. Until the very last his intellect was unimpaired and the smile of recognition and the pressure of the hand assured his friends that death could not chill the loving heart of father and friend, and his faith in immortality, entertained through so long a life, did not fail him in the trial hour and made the transi- tion easy, notwithstanding he so loved life here, for to him life was not a vale of tears, but joyous and beautiful. "Truly in life he followed the injunction, 'Use the things of this world as not abusing them ' ; therefore his life testifies to the truth that a compliance with nature's laws is the portal leading to paths of pleasantness and peace. Cleanliness, temperance, industry, charity and integrity were attributes which he assiduously cultivated, and from the practice of them he reaped an abundant harvest of peace and prosperity. ' Home, Sweet Home,' so familiar to his friends and scholars, was the cherished haven, where, in the presence of his beloved family, he found rest from his labors, which were arduous, but never irksome, for in all the relations of life he carried a cheer- fulness and affection that, like sunshine, warmed and attracted those with whom he came in contact, as his many friends and scholars well remember. " It may be pleasant for those who have received instruction from him to know that he ever retained the warmest interest and affection for them, and he was wont to say, 'Once a scholar, always a friend.' Rev. S. C. Whitcomb of Pittsfield officiated at the funeral, and truly did he follow the injunction, * Comfort ye my people,' by his portrayal of the blessed reunion with loved ones gone before, and the peace and joy of the good man risen to the higher life. In fervid language he portrayed the influence of a good life, remarking that after the generation in which it was passed had gone, succeeding generations might still feel its helpful power. Many friends were present to pay their last respects to one whose tranquil face in the sleep of death seemed to say, 'All is well.' 'Blessed are they who die in the Lord,' who die in the consciousness that comes from God's inner monitor HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 421 that to the faithful ever gives its helpful assurance, 'Well clone good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord.' " IN MEMORY OF JOHN PERLF.Y. Dear ones, swift tears are falling, So empty the old arm chair, And your hearts are sadly calling For the missing one— not there. But O, bereaved, remember He has passed from a world of care- He has gone from life's bleak December To a land of June, so fair. Today, tho' your cup is sadness There is joy on the other side- An anthem of joy and gladness For a loved one, 'crossed the tide. — Mira Emerson. The editor himself wrote an extended notice of him, from which is taken the following brief paragraph: "Mr. John Perley of Unity was a student of books; benevolent in thought and deed; a lover of home ; and loyal to Maine, and to the right, to an intense degree. It has been well said of him that he was 'a refined, cultivated, mod- est gentleman of the old school, whose race is fast dying out amid the ru.sh and hurry of the present age.' ... 'a devoted Bap- tist — but better than that, a noble every -day Christian.' " His vacations were mostly spent at his "Home, Sweet Home," in Unity. HOME, SWEET HOME. Mr. Perley's first wife, married 11 Dec, 1833, was Eliza Walker, who was born 26 July, 1809, to William, a farmer, and Huldah-Scrib- ner Walker of Thorndyke, Me. She died of consumption in Unity 26 July, 1841. His second wife, married 5 Jan., 1843, was Esther Carter Foster, who was born 17 Sept., 1814, to Thomas D. and Joanna-Carter Foster of Montville, Me. She died 2 Nov., 1889, in Unity, where all his children were born. 1 Perley children: Benjamin Dudley'^ Esther Maria^ Sarah Amelia'-, John Milton'-, Eliza Jane^ Roscoe John*', Olive Foster'-, Robert Foster'-, Helen Margelia^ 2 Benjamin D.\ born 14 Feb., 1835, died in Staten Island, N. Y., 11 March, 1854; Sarah A.\ born 27 Aug., 1839, died 27 Jan., 1840; John M.\ born 4 Nov., 1840, died 4 March, 1841 ; Olive ¥.\ born 2 42'2 THE PERLEY FAMILY and died 16 Aug., 1847; Robert F.\ born 20 Sept., died 4 Oct,, 1849. 3 Esther M.^ was born in Unity 13 Feb., 1838, and 7 Sept., 1857, married George Washington Clark, who was born in Damariscotta, Me., 1 Nov., 1835, to Jacob and Betsey-Campbell Clark. He was a farmer in Unity, where he died 22 FcId., 1895, and where his widow now resides (Aug., 1905). Clark issue: Bina Eliza"; Isabella Cora, born 19 June, 1802, in Knox, Me., now unmarried; Margie Paulina*; Allen Winfield'-'; John Perley, born 7 June, 1874, in Unity, unmar- ried in Bigtimber, Mont. 4 Eliza J.* was born 27 Feb., 1845. She graduated at Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female College in 1866, taught in the high schools in Portland and Auburn till June, 1876; then studied two years in Europe. She was eighteen months at Halle, Thuringia, Freiburg and Heidelburg, and six months in Switzerland, Rome and Paris. Returning home, she accepted a professorship in her Alma Mater. 5 Helen M.^ was born 28 Jan., 1852. She married 5 June, 1875, Rev. James Eugene Clark-r27^ who was born in Newcastle, Me., 12 July, 1855. He studied at the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female College, Kent's Hill. Mrs. Clark died in Unity 29 March, 1896. Clark issue: Amy Gertrude'"; Gretchen Lange, born 5 Jan., 1880, a graduate of Framingham Normal School and now (1905) teacher in Bloomfield, N. J.; Efifie May, born 15 Oct., 1881, unmar- ried, in Riverside, Cal. 6 Roscoe J.' was born 2 Aug., 1846. He succeeded to the old homestead farm. He married in Fort Fairfield, Me., 9 March, 1880, Maria Bishop, born in P'ort Fairfield 22 Dec, 1848, to William, a farmer, and Esther-Giberson Bishop. Mr. Perley is a farmer in Thorndike, Me., without children. 7 Bina E.^ was born in Knox, Me., 17 June, 1858. She was a school teacher. She married 12 Dec, 1877, Weston Whitten, a blacksmith, who was born in Montville, Me., 31 March, 1850, to Oliver, a farmer, and Hannah-Currier Whitten. She died in Unity 15 P'eb., 1884. He married, second. Miss Angle Clark and resides in Unity. Whitten issue: Louville Weston and Bina Esther, twins, born 15 Feb., 1884. 8 Margie P.^ was born in Knox 27 April, 1867. She married in Billings, Mont., in 1896, Wilber Stephen Lowell, and has no children. 9 Winfield A.^ was born in Unity 21 May, 1869, married 5 Jan., 1891, Lizzie McOuirk of Butte, Mont. They live in Bigtimber. Clark issue: Amber Winifred, born 28 Nov., 1892. 10 Amy G.^ was born in Unity, Me., 17 June, 1876. She was a teacher. She married in Thorndike, Me., 9 Aug., 1904, Robert Leonard Glover, a merchant, who was born in P'ramingham, Mass., 9 Aug., 1873, to Frank R., a merchant, and Ella Lewis-French Glover. Their home is Framingham. FAMILY 264: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIIOMAS-4, TIIOMAS-16, ASA-35, ASA-64, AMOS-131. THOMAS HORSFIELD PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B., 27 (his widow says 8) April, 1820. He settled upon "the old place." The postoffice address is Upper Maugerville. He was a scientific farmer, a fact recognized by the Sunbury Agricultural Society in their choice of him for president three or more terms. He is an Episcopalian and was warden more than twenty years He was president of a large society called the British Templars and also of a total abstinence society. He married 28 June, 1843, Hannah Moore DeVeber, who was born in Oueensbury 28 June, 1822, to Isaac Claudius and Jane- Moore DeVeber. She died 15 March, 1864. His second wife was Henrietta Sofia, sister of his first wife, born in St. Mary's, York County, 11 March, 1825, and married in Houlton, Me., 20 July, 1868. He died in Victoria, British Columbia, 8 Feb., 1894. His widow resides in Upper Maugerville (Feb., 1905). 1 Perley children : Helen Jane'-, Charles Amos'\ Henrietta Eliz- abeth^ Hannah Louisa IsabeP, William George Frederick-, Eliza Annette", Bertha Ida Maria", Thomas Arthur Medley-. 2 Helen J.^ was born in Maugerville 25 March, 1844, and resides unmarried in Victoria, B. C. William G. F.^ was born 25 July, 1853, and resides unmarried in Victoria, B. C. Thomas A. M.^ was born 15 Nov., 1860, and died in Eau Claire, Wis., 20 Aug., 1888. 3 Charles A.' was born in Upper Maugerville, N. B., 16 Feb., 1847. He married in Boston, Mass., 26 June, 1880, Annie Bell Smith, who was born in Upper Maugerville 7 Oct., 1857, to Samuel Cornwall, a farmer, and Jane-Burns Smith. Mr. Perley is a carpen- ter and mill-wright by trade, and at present is engaged in hotel and dray business in Washburn, Wis. He is also a good farmer, is fine looking, industrious, and a genius. Perley children: Grace Edna"; Ray Ford, born 8 July, 1883, a graduate of the Toland Business University of Lacrosse, Wis., now a bookkeeper; Scott DeVeber, born 25 May, 1885, and died 12 Aug., 1885; Maud, born 18 Feb., 1887, who is in "the abstract business" in Washburn, Wis.; Fern Smith, born 11 Dec, 1891; Charles Earl, born 15 March, 1893; James Lyall, born 20 May, 1895. 4 Henrietta E.^ was born in Maugerville 6 May, 1849. She mar- ried there 15 July, 1880, George Frederick Banks-1331 Their home is Upper Maugerville, where he is a farmer, and their children were born: Violet Irene, 7 Feb., 1881; George Frederick, 7 Oct., 1882; Blanche Beatrice, 25 July, 1885. 5 Hannah L. I.^ was born in Maugerville 26 March, 1851, and there 9 June, 1881, became the second wife of James Archibald Shields, who was born in Maugerville 24 Jan., 1833, to James and Mar)r Ann-Langhan Shields. He died in Maugerville 18 April, 1893, 424 The Perley family and his widow, 1895, removed to British Columbia, where in Victoria, she now (1905) resides. Her only child is May Louisa, born 12 April, 1884, in Maugerville, who is now in Victoria. t) Eliza A.^ was born 17 May, 1855, in Upper Maugerville, where she married 19 Feb., 1881, Martin Eldridge, captain and vessel owner, born in Beaver Harbor, N. B., 31 July, 1855, to James, a fisherman, and Emily-Cross Eldridge. Mrs. Eldridge was a school teacher. , Their home is Beaver Harbor, where their children were born: Wilford Perley, 17 Jan., 1882, and died 23 Sept.. 1904; Pearl Viola, 12 Sept., 1883; Roy Chipman, 22 Feb., 1887; Ina Belle, 25 Sept., 1889; Hazel Irene, 18 April, 1892; Claire Merton, 10 Oct., 1895. 7 Bertha I. M.' was born in Maugerville, N. B., 1 May, 1857, and 28 Nov., 1888, in Eau Claire, Wis., became the second wife of Daniel Lewis Emery, born in P'ort Kent, Me., 12 Nov., 1839, to Miles, a farmer, and Ada-Neddo Emery. Their home is PZau Claire, where he is a farmer and a lumberer, and their children were born : Thomas Percy, 26 June, 1889; Earl Roy, 26 Feb., 1891; Charles Henry, 11 Jan., 1893; Harold Wilhs, 5 May, 1895; Edna Helen, 10 Aug., 1897, died 8 May, 1901. 8 Grace E.'^ was born in Eau Claire, Wis., 28 Aug., 1881. She graduated at the Toland Business University, Lacrosse, Wis., and up to the time of her marriage held a first class position of stenog- rapher with the Swift Packing Company of St. Paul, Minn. She married in St. Paul 2 Sept., 1901, John Roland Phillips, who was born in London, England, 31 Dec, 1874, to Mary E.-Hargreaves and Phillips, a magistrate, and is chief of the beef department of Swift & Co. Their children were born in St. Paul : John Roland, 7 Sept., 1902; Dorothy Grace, 30 Aug., 1904. FAMILY 265: PERLEY. LINKAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIIOMAS-4, THOMAS Hi, ASA-35, ASA-64, DUDLEY-132 ASA PERLEY was born in Miramichi, N. B., 23 Aug., 1814. Like his neighbors and the people generally in that section, he was a farmer and fisherman. He was a captain in the Northumberland militia. He was esteemed as a citizen and was in comfortable cir- cumstances. His religious views were Presbyterian. His family are all tall and most of them are of dark complexion. He married in Chatham, N. B., 13 June, 1843, Catherine Brem- ner, born there 4 Oct., 1820, to Philip and Catherine-Murdock Brem- ner. Mr. Perley was a cooper by trade. He died in Chatham 2 Feb., 1894. 1 Perley children, born in Chatham: Dudley^ Catherine Mur- dock^ Philip Bremner-426, Asa Alexander'-, Annie Gillis^ James Bremner**, Janet Elizabeth'^ Nathaniel William", Margaret Eleanorl 2 Asa A} was born 14 Oct., 1850, and died 19 Feb., 1870; Janet E.\ 29 March, 1857, and died 24 Feb., 1870. 3 Dudley' was born 23 May, 1844, and 24 Nov., 1885, married \^ >^^ 426 THE PERLEY FAMILY Sarah Saxsmith, a dressmaker of Chatham, where she was born 1 Oct., 1844, to Michael, a farmer, and Margaret-Bunbry Saxsmith. He is a farmer in Chatham without children. 4 Catherine M.^ was born 25 Nov., 184(5, and 28 Oct., 1893, mar- ried in Attleboro, Mass., James Buckley, a watchman, born in Black River, N. B. He died 11 July, 1902, in Attleboro, where his widow is a dressmaker. 5 Annie G.^ was born 27 Oct., 1852, and married in Chatham, N. B., 1 Jan., 1884, William George McLeod, a farmer, born in Bay du Vin, N. B., 27 May, 1858, to Donald, a farmer, and Eleanor Isa- bella-Murray McLeod". Their home is Bay du Vin, where their children were born: Asa Melvelle Ferley, 28 Oct., 1884; William Douglas, 16 Sept., 1886; Dudley Benson, 13 Feb., 1895. 6 James B.^ was born 2 March, 1855, and married in Bay du Vin 6 Feb., 1889, Grace Darling McLeod, born there 14 Feb., 1853, to Donald and Eleanor Isabella-Murray McLeod". He is a fireman in Chatham. Perley issue : Katie May and Ellen Bartlett, twins, born 28 Dec, 1889, and died— Katie 28 Aug., and Ellen 18 Sept., 1890; Ethel Maud, born 9 Jan., 1890; Asa Melvin, born 14 Jan., 1891; Mary Loggie, born 9 Dec, 1894; James Wilbur, born 28 May, 1898. 7 Nathaniel W.^ was born 28 Oct., 1859, and married 22 Nov., 1898, in Chatham, Maria Elizabeth Parker Forbes, a school teacher, born there 18 April, 1868, to Hugh, a sea captain, and Mary-Cam- eron Forbes. His home is "The Birches," Chatham, where he is a farmer, and their children were born : Mary Catherine Florence, 26 Oct., 1899; Hugh Forbes, 15 Aug., 1901; Edith Gertrude, 8 Oct., 1903. 8 Margaret E.^ was born 8 May, 1862, and married in Chatham 20 March, 1893, John Alexander McLeod, born in Bay du Vin, N. B., December, 1862, to Donald and Eleanor Isabella-Murray McLeod^ He is a farmer in Chatham. McLeod issue, born in Bay du Vin: Sarah Isabelle, 20 Jan., 1895; Catherine Eleanor, 30 Jan., 1897; Aileen Audrey, 22 May, 1902. FAMILY 266: PERLEY. LINEAL, DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TnOMAS-4. TII()MAS-16. ASA-35, ASA-C.4, DUDLEY-132. DUDLP:Y perley was born in Miramichi 26 Aug., 1816. He was a farmer in Chatham. He was an officer in the North- umberland militia from 1842. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. His family are of medium height, ^/JyC^^^^^C^yiA^, dark complexion and of good personal y^ ' ^/^ appearance. He married 16 Dec, p^ 1/ 1853, Mary Fenton, who was born in Autograph secured by miss Abigail w. Dundee, Scotland, 23 July, 1831, to Periey-428 for tws book. Alexander and Annie-Gruar Fenton. He died 17 Oct., 1903, in Chatham, where his widow now resides. ^<^r'6i/o<^y CAPl'. DUDLEY PEKLEY. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 427 1 Perley children, born in Chatham: Annie^ Dudley^ Helen'-, Alexander-, Margaret', Hannah Pickard'-, Thomas Horsfield'-^, Alex, ander Fenton'', James Walls'-, Katherine Mary'-. 2 Helen^ was born 18 dJ Jl /^J'TyCCty Oct., 1858, and died 23 ^ " Aug., 186U. Alexander^ J /I / ^ was born 16 Jan., and _ . _ died 9 April, 1861. Han- rH/' /^ ^7) nah P.^ was born 26 April, ^(^ ^tli^'TT'^'yi'ay/z. t^y^ L 1864, and resides in Chat- ham. Thomas H.^ was born 25 Sept., 1866, and Autograph seouml bv Miss Abigail W. Pei- is a clerk in Middle Sack- ^"^-^^^ fo^- tbis book. ville, N. B. Katherine M.^ was born 21 March, 1875, and died 4 June, 1881. James W.^ was born 24 Sept., 1871. 3 Annie^ was born 10 Jan., 1855, and married 26 Dec, 1884, Anthony Adams, who is engaged in steamboating, was born in Northesk, on the Miramichi, N. B., 12 July, 1853, to Justus and Mary-McKay Adams. Their home is Chatham, and only child, Clarence Percy. 4 Dudley^ was born 2 Nov., 1856. He married in Renova, Clin- ton County, Pa., in May, 1885, Laura Gertrude Lummeraux. He is engaged in railroading. 5 Margaret^ was born 17 Feb., 1862. She married in Chatham 14 April, 1897, James D. MacMillan, a surveyor, born in Boiestown, N. B., 18 May, 1862, to Alexander, a hotel keeper, and Jean-MacKay MacMillan. Their home is Boiestown, and their children: P'rances Robb, born 31 Aug., 1901; James Dudley Alexander, born 2 Dec, 1903. 6 Alexander F.^ was born 14 Feb., 1819. He married in Chat- ham 10 Nov., 1896, Agnes Jane Jackson, a dressmaker, born in Chatham 28 April, 1877, to Stephen, a carpenter, and Annie-Stewart Jackson. Their home is Chatham, where he is an engineer and their children were born: Arthur Alexander, 19 Feb., 1898; Mary Alice, 16 June, 1899; Marguarite Gertrude, 12 July, 1900; Helen, 13 Sept., 1902; Dudley, 11 Oct., 1904. FAMILY 267: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TllOMAS-1, TII(tMAS-16, ASA-35, ASA-64, DUULEY-13-A AMOS PERLEY was born in Miramichi 13 March, 1821. His home is Chatham and he is a farmer. He is also engaged in the fisheries. He holds a gov- ^^^^l^-'^^y^.^^p^ ^-,^^^^^^^^4^^:^^^^^ ernment appointment as fishery /^ overseer. He is esteemed r among: his neighbors and is in Autograpli secured by MIss Abigail W. Per- r^, , , ■ , ley-428 for this bools. comfortable circumstances. His family are nearly all tall and dark complexioned. Mr. Perley married 28 Sept., 1848, Phebe Ann Bulman of Chat- 428 THE PERLEY FAMILY ham, who was born 4 March, 1827, and who died of heart disease 17 Feb., 1881, and was interred in St. John's churchyard. Mr. Perley is the last of his fa- ther's family. y>=^ '^l/ 1 Perley children: ce^^^^t^-z;?-^ <;?^^ c>?^ Annie'", Daniel Bulman- ^ 427, Josephine Mary^ /iYm^^ Helen^ Abigail Willis- /^^^-^'^ ton-428, Alexander^ c/ John Thomas^ Am0S^ Autograph secured by Miss Abigail W. •' ^ A -1 1 ley-428 for this booli. 2 Annie was born in Chatham 27 June, 1849. She married in Chatham (3 April, 1892, and became the second wife of James Miller Henderson, born in Chatham 2 Oct., 1844, to James, a school teacher, and Elizabeth- Armstrong Henderson. [Mr. Henderson's first wife was Annie Gordon, by whom he had : Alexander Gordon, born 7 April, 1869, unmarried, in Stellarton, N. S. ; James William, born 3 March, 1871, married and residing in Stellarton; Thomas Arthur, born 24 Dec, 1872, married, in New Haven; David Nathaniel, born 15 Dec, 1875, unmarried, in Stellarton.] Mr. Henderson was a merchant. He died 5 Nov., 1901, in Stellarton, N. S., where his widow now resides. 3 Josephine M.^ was born in Chatham 19 June, 1852. She mar- ried, first, in Sobo, Ont., 23 Sept., 1876, and became the second wife of Abraham Post Edington, a painter, who was born in Seneca, N. Y., 13 June, 1829, to Philip, a farmer, and Magdalene-Skemihorn, Edington. He died in Sobo 23 April, 1889. She married, second, in city of London, Ont., 13 Sept., 1893, William Page Seeds, a farmer, who was born in Belfast, Ireland, 3 Sept., 1851, to William, a doctor, and Mary Elizabeth-Page Seeds. Their home is Green Lake, Seattle, Wash. Their child: Linda Bell, born in London, Ont., 28 Nov., 1896. 4 Helen^ was born in Chatham, N. B., 19 July, 1854. She re- ceived a common school education in New Brunswick. She studied also in the Northfield Seminary, P3ast Northfield, Mass., in the New York City Mission, and in the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, 111. She married in Wheaton, 111., 25 Oct., 1904, James Edward Tierney, born in Syracuse, N. Y., 15 April, 1853, to James Owen and Cath- erine-Shannon Tierney. They reside in Chicago, 111. 5 Alexander^ was born 25 April, 1859. John T.^ was born 10 April, 1861, and is engaged in real estate and lumbering in Green Lake. Amos^ was born 2 July, 1868, and is married, in Chatham. FAMILY 268: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, TIIOMAS-16. ASA-35. ASA-64, DUDLEY-13'2. WILLIAM BRYANT PERLEY was born in Miramichi 28 July, 1823. He was a farmer in Chatham and also a ship builder. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. His wife was Mary Jane Man- derson, born 11 Feb., 1829, married 12 July, 1855, and died 1 Sept., HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 429 1862, an invalid for sixteen years. He died 9 Aug., 1879, and is buried in Chatham 1 Perley chil- ^ rlrf»n • T iirir Riif-V> Autograph secured by Miss Abigail W. Perley-42S for tbis book. Brown'-, Annie Wilhelmina^ Susan Jane"-. 2 Lucy R. B.i was born 16 April, 1857, died 29 May, 1901. Susan J.* was born 1 July, and died 18 Oct., 1862. 3 Annie W.^ was born in Chatham o Sept., 1858. She was a dressmaker. She married ># ^*. /T) yO wife of Richard Attridge, Autograph secured by Miss Abigail W. Per- born in Bathurst, N. B., 10 i^^y-^zs for this book. Sept., 1836, to Arthur, a shipbuilder, (a descendant of Arthur At- tridge, soldier under Cromwell,) and Margaret-Dawson Attridge, who was born in Ayrshire, Scotland. Richard Attridge was one of the early gold seekers in California and one of the first discoverers of gold in British Columbia on the Frazer river; he was afterwards one of the first lumbermen on Puget Sound, now the state of Wash- ington. [His first wife was Jane Treese of Doaktown, by whom he had issue: Maggie and Adelia who died young; Arthur, born 25 March, 1880; Herman, born 27 Aug., 1887; Adda, born 9 Oct., 188 1.] Mrs. Attridge died 3 Sept., 1897, in Doaktown, where Mr. Attridge now lives — a merchant, farmer, and lumberman. Perley- Attridge children, born in Doaktown: Muriel, 17 June, 1890; Rich- ard and Mary, twins, 8 Dec, 1892. FAMILY 269: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. TIK1MAS-4, TIIOMAS-16, ASA-35, ASA-64, ASA-133. DUDLEY PUTNAM PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B., 9 Dec, 1818. He resided there and was a man of excellent character and highly esteemed. He was a farmer by occupation and housewright by trade. He married 17 June, 1851, Harriet Elizabeth Howland, who was born in 1833 and died in Maugerville in 1890. He died in Maugerville in May, 1900. 1 Perley children, born in Upper Maugerville : Mary Belle'-, Ed- ward Oric'*, Susan Elizabeth'*, Hattie Lavinia^ Herbert Dudley*', Plarvey Asa'^, Winnefred Hayes*, PVances Blanch^. 2 Mary B.^ was born 17 Dec, 1852. She was a school teacher. She married in Fredericton, N. B., 9 May, 1879, John Lounsbury, a farmer and merchant, born in Gagetown, Sunbury County, 26 April, 1837, to John, a farmer, and Sarah-Gunter Lounsbury. She died 26 Aug., 1895, in Upper Hainsville. Mr. Lounsbury resides in Lin- coln, N. B. Issue, born in Dumfries, York County: Arthur Perley, 9 Oct., 1879, died in Fredericton 12 Feb., 1882; Edward LeBaron, 21 Oct., 1881, died in Fredericton 28 March, 1887; Roy Herman, 2S Nov., 1884, residing in Lincoln. 4,30 THE PERLEY FAMILY 3 Edward O.^ was born 8 Sept., 1855. He married in Frederic- ton, N. B., 26 Jan., 1877, Mary Ada Raymond, born in Hampton, Kings County, N. B., 30 Jan., 1862, to James Smith, J. P., and Phoebe Amelia-Dykeman Raymond. Their home is Frederic- ton. He is a steamship captain in inland waters. Perley child : Morris Raymond, born in Gibson, York County, N. B., 15 Oct., 1887, graduated from Fredericton High School, class of 1904, received the Sir Howard Douglas silver medal for classics, passed the matricula- tion examinations for University of New Brunswick in first division and entitled to York County scholarship for 1904. He is now a clerk in Bank of Nova Scotia, Fredericton. 4 Susan E.^ was born 2 May, 1859. She was a school teacher. She married in New York City 18 Nov., 1889, James Edmund Dib- blee, chemist, born in Woodstock, N. B., 19 Aug., 1850, to Henry E., collector of customs, and Charlotte-Ketchum Dibblee. Their home is Madison, N. H. 5 Hattie L.' was born 19 April, 1863. She married in Frederic- ton, N. B., in 1887, Harry Wmters, son of Robert of Fredericton, where he died, and where she also died 24 Sept., 1900, leaving one daughter, Winnifred Lillian, born in Fredericton 15 Dec, 1888. 6 Herbert D.' was born 17 April, 1867. He married in Wheel- ing, W. Va., 1 Nov., 1892, Anna Nancy Whiteman, born in Ben wood 11 May, 1874, to William Alexander, and Maggrert Jane-Hill White- man. Mr. Perley is a steel worker in Wheeling. Their children were born in Ben wood: Roy Corson, 7 Aug., 1893, died 1 April, 1894; Harvey Reese, 13 Jan., 1895; Esther Elizabeth, 5 Oct., 1900. 7 Harvey A.^ was born 9 May; 1870. He married in Kings Clear, York County, N. B., 22 June, 1898, Bessie Allen Strange, born in Kings Clear, 8 Nov., 1873, to George Allen, a lumberman, and Jane Una-Lunt Strange. Mr. Perley is a farmer of Upper Maugerville, where their children were born : Frank Strange, 25 Aug., 1899; Arthur Dibblee, 8 March, and died 20 Dec, 1901; Dud- ley Edward, 24 Aug., 1903. 8 Winnefred H.^ was born 31 Oct., 1872, or 1 Nov., 1873, and re- sides in New York City. 9 P'rances B.^ was born 10 July, 1875, and 31 Dec, 1901, in Rothsay, Kings County, N. B., became the second wife of Harold Farmer Plall, independent, born 5 Nov., 1868, to Thomas Farmer, independent, and Maria Robinson-Kay Hall. She was educated in St. John, N. B., and at McGill University, Montreal, Que. Mr. Hall was educated at Wellington College, England, and later at Cambridge University, England. Their home is Summerseat Cot- tage, Rothsay. Child: Dudley P'armer, born 9 Aug., 1903, in Rothsay. FAMILY 270: PERLEY. . LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-t, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-10, ASA-35, ALLENMiT, DAVID-136. DAVID PERLEY was born in Gardner, Mass., 6 March, 1819. He married 29 Dec, 1845, Susan Eaton Mann of Med way, who was born 29 Dec, 1822, a cousin to the Hon. Horace Mann. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 43X Mrs. Perley was an exemplary lady ; she gave her best exertions for her family, and in her age they blessed her with their dutiful presence and love. Mr. Perley was by trade a fork maker, or temperer of steel, was a a very fine workman and commanded large salary. His method was a secret and was done in a closed room in extreme heat. He died very suddenly of cancer in the stomach, 5 Feb., 1877. His widow died 2 Nov., 1903, aged eighty years, ten months, four days. They lived in Fitchburg, Mass. 1 Perley children : Mary Ann"-, Caroline Maria'\ Frances Isabell', David Edward^ Henry Herbert^ Ada Curtis'. 2 Mary A.^ was born in East Walpole, Mass., 3 July, 1846, and married in Lunenburg 15 Feb., 1871, Frank Abel Harris of Fitch- burg, born in Lowell 11 June, 1850, to Ossian and Prudentia Harris. He was an iron moulder by trade. The occasion of his death was horrible. A large kettle of molten metal was hanging upon a crane to be swung into position for use, when the suspension chain broke, and Mr. Harris was thereby thrown down and partially enveloped in the seething mass. His death immediately ensued, 10 Oct., 1902. His widow resides in Fitchburg. Harris children: Albert Clarence, born 15 Nov., 1872, and died 18 Nov., 1893, in Jamaica Plain, Mass. George Stephen Onias, born 29 April, 1877; Fannie Edith, born 7 June, 1881, residing with her mother. 3 Caroline M.^ was born in Dedham 9 Feb., 1848, and married 2 Sept., 1868, Charles Herbert Webb, steel finisher, born in Guildhall, Vt., 12 Oct., 1834, to Lucius R. and Cornelia P. Webb of Brockton, Mass. Their children: Minnie Blanche, born 6 Sept., 1869, married Urbane F. Rowell, having child; Edward Clarence"*; Herbert Lucius, born 14 Nov., 1875, who is unmarried and has been employed in the Senti- nel office since 1891; Archie Forest, born 22 July, 1880, who has been employed in the Sentinel office since 1898; Frederick, born 17 Jan., 1885, died 16 Dec, 1887. 4 Frances I.^ was born in Dedham 12 Feb., 1850. She married 2 April, 1884, in Fitchburg, Charles Reuben Conn, who was born in Ashburnham 26 May, 1852, to John Austin and Nancy Maria-Betts Conn, a grocer, at 32 River St., Pltchburg. Mr. Conn, senior, was a manufacturer of chairs, and Charles at home learned the trade, be- ginning in his boyhood as sand paperer. They have had children : Alice Frances, born in Fitchburg 3 July, 1888, and Harriet Isabel, born 27 Sept., 1890, and died 10 Feb., 1892. 5 David E.^ was born 7 Nov., 1854. 6 Henry H.^ was born in Medfield 10 Nov., 1859. He married in Clinton, Mass., 25 Dec, 1884, Annie Elizabeth Clark, who was born 15 Dec, 1856, in Canada, to Rosa- Crofford and John Clark, a mason. Henry learned the manufacture of cigars, but later engaged with his brother in-law Conn in the grocery trade. Perley child : Dora Agnes, born in P'itchburg 30 May, 1890. 7 Ada C.^ was born in Medfield, Mass,, 4 Oct., 1862, and in Ash- burnham, Mass., 13 Sept., 1881, became the second wife of Frederick Wellington Bailey, a stone mason, born in Townsend, Vt., 12 July, 1850, to Orra, a stone mason, and Julia Miranda-Pettee Bailey. [Mr. Bailey's first wife was Addie May.] Their home is Brattleboro, Vt. 432 THE PERLEY FAMILY Bailey issue: Annie Louise, born in Leominster, Mass., 2 June, 1887, who in Fitchburg 16 March, 1904, became the second wife of Wat- son Samuel French, a carpenter of Brattleboro, Vt., born in New- port, Canada, 18 Feb., 1864, to Hannah Augusta-Buzzell and Nor- man Johnson French of South Londonderry, Vt.; Gertrude JuHa, born in Fitchburg, 11 June, 1902. 8 Edward C.^ was born in West Chelmsford 3 Nov., 1870. He attended the public schools of Brockton and Fitchburg and moved to the latter place in 1884. He was for a while employed in the grocery business, and in 1888 entered the service of the Senti- nel Printing Co., as pressman, where he is still employed. 10 May, 1898, he enUsted in Co. B., Sixth Regiment, U. S. V., to serve during the Spanish American War and was mustered out 21 Jan., 1899. He afterwards served four years in the State Militia in Co. B, Sixth Regiment, M. V. M. He married in Fitchburg 16 Nov., 1901, Lottie Mercy Smith, born in Bolton, Canada, 29 Oct., 1879, to John Bush and Betsey Alida-Palmer Smith. FAMILY 271: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, TIIOMAS-16. ASA-36, ALLEN-67, DAVII)-136. HENRY PARTRIDGE PERLEY was born in Gardner, Mass., 23 Feb., 1828. He learned the trade of cane splitting in the local chair factory, and pursued that calling. His wife was Cynthia Hunting of Winchendon, who died 20 June, 1889, aged fifty-nine years, eight months and eight days. He died 12 March, 1894. 1 Perley child: Frances Emmaroy, born 13 Jan., and died (says the record) 25 Aug., 1851, aged six months and twenty-five days. FAMILY 272: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. ASA-35, ALLEN-67, ASA-138. ASA PROCTOR PERLEY was born in Templeton, Mass., 4 June, 1824. He was a chair maker. He married, first, in Gardner, Mass., 18 Aug., 1846, Lucy Ann Austin, born in Surry, N. H., 4 March, 1826, to Thomas, a farmer, and Lucy-Kendrick Austin. She died in Keene, N. H., 11 Dec, 1873. He married, second, in Win- chendon, Mass., 3 Jan., 1875, Mrs. Mary Ann-Haskell Forristall, born in Troy, N. H., 12 Sept., 1829, to Abner, a farmer, and Laura- Lawrence Haskell. Her first husband was Norris Forristall. Mr. Perley died in Gardner, Mass., 26 April, 1886. His widow resides in Winchendon, Mass., (Feb., 1905). 1 Perley children: Ella Eliza'-, Alice Annett^ Emma Jane^ Wil- liam Fred'. 2 Ella E.i was born in Gardner, Mass., 20 May, 1848. She mar- ried in Keene, N. H., 25 April, 1865, James William Dodge, born in HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 433 Keene 13 April, 1845, to James, a carpenter, and Randilla-Bundy Dodge. Mr. Dodge is a railroad official. They reside in Keene, where their children were born and died. Dodge children : Cora Ella, born 13 June, and died 1 Sept., 1867; Walter Fred, born 28 July, and died 15 Oct., 1869. 3 Alice A.^ was born in Lebanon, N. H., 25 Aug., 1850. She married in Nashua, N. H., 4 June, 1873, Wesley Jerome Wilkins, born in Concord, N. H., 11 April, 1852, to Harriet Newell-Davis and Rev. E. R. Wilkins. She died in Londonderry, N. H., 12 Dec, 1904. He is a Methodist Episcopal clergyman of West Derry, N. H. Wilkins children : Herbert Emerson'', Benson Perley". 4 Emma J.^ was born in Troy, N. H., 30 July, 1856. She mar- ried in Keene, N. H., 19 May, 1875, Arthur Whitcomb Fisher, born in Hinsdale, N. H., 12 April, 1855, to John Beadley, a merchant, and Lucretia Orphelia-Higgins Fisher. She died 9 Dec, 1893, in Hartford, Conn., where Mr. Fisher is a clerk. Their children, born in Hartford: Alice May^; Jennie Isabelle®; John Arthur, born 10 July, 1885; James Perley, born 28 Aug. and died 31 Dec, 1887. 5 William F.^ was born in Keene, N. H., 30 April, 1865. He married in Bethel, Vt., 6 May, 1891, Kate Louise Wheeler, born there 8 Nov., 1866, to Frederick and Harriet Emmeline- Hatch Wheeler. Their home is Bellows Falls, Vt., where he is a railroad cashier. 6 Herbert E.^ was born in Keene, N. H., 26 May, 1874. He married in Laconia, N. H., 20 July, 1897, Lillian Addie Lamprey, born in Laconia 19 June, 1875, to George Henry, a carpenter, and Adeline Lavina-Farrar Lamprey. Their home is Keene, where he is a clerk for the Boston & Maine Railroad. Wilkins child : Mal- colm Lamprey, born in Bellows Falls, Vt., 17 May, 1898. 7 Benson P.^ was born in Keene, N. H., 8 Feb., 1876. He is a graduate of the Laconia High School, and took his degree A. B. in Boston University. He married in Methuen, Mass., 9 Oct., 1901, Martha Adelia Fifield, born in Methuen 20 April, 1879, to Roscoe Alonzo, a carriage maker and mechanic, and Lucelia Elizabeth-Chap- man Fifield. Mrs. Wilkins is a graduate of the Methuen High School and of the Massachusetts Normal Art School in Boston. Their home is Greenland, N. H. (1905) where he is a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Their child : Doris P^ifield, born in Methuen 25 Aug., 1902. 8 Alice M.^ was born 30 Dec, 1881. She married in Stoddard, N. H., 23 Aug., 1897, Fred Brown, who was born in Munsonville, N. H., in July, 1871, to Samuel Oscar, a farmer, and Lydia Livina- Dodge Brown. He is a farmer in Munsonville, where their child, Emma Livina, was born 5 July, 1898. 9 Jennie L'* was born 3 Sept., 1883. She married in Keene, N. H., 6 Nov., 1901, Ernest Mann Fletcher, who was born there 3 Dec, 1879, to Hiram Dagget, a farmer, and Nettie-Mann Fletcher. He is a foreman in a woodyard there. Their child, Mildred Viola, was born 13 Sept., 1903. FAMILY 273: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, ALLEN-G7, ASA-138. CHARLES ADDISON PERLEY was born in Gardner, Mass., 15 Sept., 1826. His home was Baldwinsville, a manufacturing vil- lage in the town of Templeton. He was a chair manufacturer, and in 1878 received a patent on nursery chairs. As to politics, he was a vice president of a Garfield and Arthur Club in Templeton. He married in Gardner 20 April, 1847, Chloe Whitney, born there 4 Oct., 1828, to Seth, a farmer, and Chloe-Lincoln Whitney. (Mrs. Whitney was born in Hingham and died 4 Jan., 1855, aged fifty-nine years, seven days.) Mr. Perley died 2 Feb., 1887, in Bald- winsville, Mass., where his widow now resides. She settled the estate, valued at ^54,686.52. His residence was one of the finest in the town; its elevation commanded a delightful view of the village and the surrounding country, and is now occupied by his son. The following is an abstract of Rev. Mr. Foster's discourse at Mr. Perley's funeral : " No Scripture is more appropriate to this occasion than the last twelve verses of the twelfth chapter of Romans. The man who in some good degree realizes in his life the ideal here set before us is worthy of honor. There are in every civilized community three classes of men and women. There are first the men and women of public spirit, who, while attending very earnestly and properly to their own personal affairs, at the same time are careful for the pub- lic weal. They are honest in business, scorning to take an unfair advantage of another or to do a mean thing. They regard the rights and interests of others just as sacred and precious as their own. Their motto is not the low prudential one, 'honesty is the best pol- icy,' but the high, honorable sentiment, 'honesty is the only policy for a man.' In social life they are pure, spurning the vulgar and profane, filling out the apostle's ideal, envying not, vaunting not, not easily provoked, thinking no evil, bearing all things, believing all things, hoping all things. They have a ready sympathy, and an open hand for every public interest. Education, religion, moral reform, public utility in multifarious phases, all find in them a ready support. They seek earnestly to make themselves felt in society, and the state for good. "There is a second class of men and women in every community, the selfish class. They may plan as carefully and execute as thor- oughly as the first class, but the sole end of all their plan and effort is self. They recognize no obligation to the public. Their daily prayer is, 'God bless me and my wife, my son and his wife, we four and no more.' Their business enterprises may bring some results of good to the public, but not of their seeking. It is all the same to them whether others are gainers or losers by their operations. In this class are our embezzling cashiers, our defaulting clerks and agents, our dishonest men who give short weights and measures, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 435 who fail in business, paying twenty cents on a dollar, and laying away in a snug corner fifty cents for themselves. In this class are our unscrupulous wretches who trade in widows' tears and orphans' woes. "There is a third class of men and women in every community, the scum, the drift wood of social life, who lay and execute no plans, who live from hand to mouth, who are carried hither and thither by every changing circumstance. "That which constitutes the uncivilized state is the absence of the first, the public-spirited class. Of course the degree of civilization to which any community attains is determined by the number and weight of this class. The loss of one of this class is a public loss and affliction. " I know I voice the opinion and feeling of every individual of this large audience, when I say, Mr. Perley belonged emphatically to the first class. For twenty-five years he has been felt in all this region as a power for good. "He was, first, a successful business man, and all his business operations were directed to beneficent public ends. Born to the chair business, he brought a decidedly practical inventive bent to the improvement of that business. He was the first inventor of the 'combination high chair' for infants, with its four forms, the easy elegant high chair, the low floor chair, the crib chair, and the car- riage chair. Mr. Perley's hand may not be the only one in effecting all these changes, but he originated the idea and set the ball rolling. He has taken out a number of working patents and perfected the crude patents of others in this work of improving the chair business. His last work was an easy noiseless rocker that is to give comfort and rest to the stiffened joints and rheumatic frames of our dear old grandfathers and grandmothers. His last business thoughts a few* days before his death were given to the correcting of one slight defect in this work. It has been said that he who causes two blades of grass to grow in place of one, is a public benefactor. Certainly as high honor belongs to him who has lightened the cares and anxi- eties of thousands of mothers, and added to the gushing gladness of tens of thousands of the sweet innocents of our homes, through his fine improvements in children's and babies' chairs. No widow weeps over the work of Mr. Perley's hands, no orphan pines in penury and want. " Mr. Perley was a great-hearted charitable Christian. There was no cant about him, but there was downright earnestness of good- ness. He put character above creed and profession. The denom- inational robe hung very loosely on his shoulders. He scorned the spirit of bitter partisanship. He was ready to recognize excellences in other denominations and to correct defects in his own. He deeply felt that the evangelical teaching of the past had held up too exclu- sively the idea of self-salvation, rather than the salvation of others. He insisted with peculiar emphasis that we are to enter on the Chris- tian life not first and chiefly to save ourselves, but far more to save others. The last time his pastor called upon him he said nothing about himself and his hopes and prospects, but he asked about the 436 THE PERLBY FAMILY prospect of a revival, and remarked that he had been talking with some of the brethren to get ready for it. "In bringing our tribute of respect here to-day it is an unspeak- able comfort and joy that we can render it to a worthy life. "Sunday, the Sabbath School held a memorial service for Mr. Per- ley, who was for nine years its superintendent. The pastor read a beautiful letter from an absent father, about a palatial residence he was constructing for the family in the far-famed diamond fields, in a country 4000 miles square, every part of it pervaded with a health giving atmosphere, mellow light, and an exuberant growth. The children and adults were greatly interested. He said the twenty- first chapter of Revelation was our Father's letter, and in conclud- ing his remarks said : "What was there in the life of Mr.Perley that makes all this appro- priate.'' First, he was an honest man ; second, he was a kind, gener- ous man; third, he was a Christian man." 1 Parley children: Mary Isabell", Charles Addison*^. 2 Mary IsabelP was born in Gardner 24 Aug., 1849. She mar- ried 28 Nov., 1867, Herbert Leland, chair maker, born in Templeton 5 Oct., 1841, to Leander and Elizabeth S. -Wellington Leland. Mr. Leland died 12 March, 1900, in Baldwinsville, where his widow now resides. 3 Charles Addison^ was born in Winchendon, Mass., 30 June, 1855. He married 24 Nov., 1881, Mary Ella Waite, born in Hub- bardston, Mass., 2 Aug., 1858, to Oilman, chair manufacturer, and Jerusha-Hosmer Waite. They reside in Baldwinsville, where he is the postmaster. Perley children, born in Baldwinsville: Ralph Waite, born 7 Dec, 1882, died 11 Dec, 1884; Marian Waite, born 29 April, 1886; Helen Mildred and Mary Marguerite, twins, born 6 April, 1892. FAMILY 274: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, ALLKN-67, ASA-138. GEORGE ALLEN PERLEY was born in Gardner, Mass., 8 July, 1831. He married there 9 Aug., 1853, Susan A. Nichols, born in Hubbardston, Mass., 29 April, 1830, to John and Mercy- Wood- ward Nichols of Hubbardston. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in Co. H, 36th Regt., M. V. M. He was promoted to first lieutenant of Co. K, 36th Regt., and was discharged at the close of the war in 1865. Mr. Perley was a chair manufacturer in Gardner, where he died 14 May, 1896, and where his widow is living. 1 Perley children : Lula Emagene'*, Fannie Eliza'-, Jennie MabeP, Alonzo Allenl 2 Fannie E.^ was born 14 May, 1861, and died 1 May, 1879. 3 Lula E.^ was born in Gardner, Mass., 19 June, 1856. She mar- ried in Athol 20 Oct., 1875, George Warren Mason, a printer and publisher, born in Athol 19 Nov., 1850, to Henry, a saddler, and Emily Watson-Howe Mason. Issue: Harry Warren-', Ethel Louise". 4 Jennie MabeP was born , in Gardner, Mass., 7 May, 1868. She married there 28 Sept., 1887, Charles Hermon Goddard, born 28 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 437 July, 1866, to Augustus A., a mechanic, and Abbie-Wilkinson God- dard. She married second 18 June, 1896, in Gardner, Walter Her- bert Hinds, who was born 20 Oct., 1861, to Abijah and Harriet Z.- Hinds Hinds. Their home is Northampton, Mass. 5 Alonzo A.^ was born in Gardner, Mass., 25 July, 1873. He is a mechanic by trade, and lives unmarried in Gardner. 6 Harry W.^ was born in Gardner, Mass., 12 May, 1876. He married in Wallingford, Conn., 2 July, 1901, Julia Lorretta Downey, who was born in Wallingford 7 Dec, 1876, to John and Eliza-Fahey Downey. They reside in Providence, R. L, where he is a silver- smith. Their child: Harry Downey, born in Auburn, R. I., 21 Dec, 1903. 7 Ethel L.^ was born in Gardner, Mass., 17 Sept., 1878, and mar- ried in Boston, Mass., 20 Oct., 1897. Albert Henry Bagloe, a dry goods salesman, who was born 3 April, 1870, to William, a farmer, and Ann-Tradinic Bagloe. Their home is Needham, Mass. Their children, born in Boston: Carry Mason, 14 May, 1898; Hattie Grace, 19 May, 1899. FAMILY 275: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA 35, ALLEN-67, ASA-138. JAMES MONROE PERLEY was born in Gardner 26 Feb., 1834. He married 7 Dec, 1865, in Templeton, Mass., Fannie E. Johnson, who was born in Templeton 29 Nov., 1843, to Stedman, a farmer, and Cynthie-Merritt Johnson. Her father was the inven- tor of the winnowing machine for cleaning grain, the familiar machine now on the market known as the "Johnson." Mr. Perley was for many years engaged in the manufacture of chairs, from which busi- ness he is now retired, with home in Baldwinsville. 1 Perley child: Frank Monroe, born 7 Nov., 1873, died 18 Sept., 1874. FAMILY 276: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, ALLEN-67, ASA-138. FRANCIS WALTER PERLEY was born in Gardner, Mass., 4 May, 1836. He married 1 July, 1857, Adeline Gates, who was born in Gardner 14 Oct., 1840, to Amos, a chair maker, and Betsey-Kemp Gates. Their home is Gardner, Mass. 1 Perley children : George Francis'", Nellie Elizal 2 George F.^ was born in Gardner 4 Aug., 1859. He married in Athol, Mass., 3 Jan., 1881, Rena Rose Clark, born in East Brook- field, Mass., 17 May, 1859, to Leonard and Susan-Hovey Clark. Mr. Perley is foreman in a baby-carriage manufactory. Their home is Leominster, Mass. Perley children, born in Gardner: George Roscoe, 14 Nov., 1882; Wallace Emerson, 17 Sept., 1885. 438 THE PERLEY FAMILY 3 Nellie E.^ was born in Gardner 23 March, 1865. She married 26 Sept., 1888, William Amos Weeks, finisher, born in Winchendon, Mass., 30 Jan., 1862, to Amos, a machinist, and Emeline-Elliott Weeks. Their home is Gardner, where their child, Marian Vera, was born 6 July, 1896. FAMILY 277: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. ASA-35. ALLEN-67, ASA-138. THEOPHILUS PARSONS PERLEY was born in Gardner, Mass., 12 Nov., 1838. He married in Templeton, Mass., 11 Sept., 1866, Alice Adelia Upham, dressmaker, born in Phillipston, Mass., 13 Feb., 1846, to Joseph Emerson and Susan Pemelia-Newton Upham. Mrs. Perley is a niece of Capt. Charles W. Upham. " In his earlier days Mr. Perley was associated with his father and several brothers in the manufacture of chairs and chair stock in what is known as the old Perley mill, near the Samuel Clark place. The business was sold to Evans & Bowker in 1887. Later he car- ried on a successful coal and grain business, and built the block on Parker street known as the Perley block. He died 3 Dec, 1901, after a lingering illness of two years." 1 Perley child : Carrie F"rances'-. 2 Carrie F.^ was born 20 July, 1869, and became a music teacher. She married in Gardner 23 Oct., 1895, John Farrington Miner, a machinist, born in Windsor, Mass., 13 July, 1871, to Jonathan Isaiah and Caroline Alleta-Goodrich Miner. Their home is Gardner, with- out children. FAMILY 278: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMA.S-16, ASA-35, ALLEN-67, ASA-138. LOUIS SYLVESTER PERLEY was born in Gardner, Mass., 17 June, 1844. He married, first, in Templeton, Mass., 7 Jan., 1871, Rebecca Moore Howe, school teacher, of Templeton, Mass., born in Petersham, Mass., 15 June, 1845, to Stephen and Betsey I.-White Howe. She died in Templeton 27 March, 1883. Mr. Perley mar- ried, second, in Orange, Mass., 29 Sept., 1885, Anna Eliza Wright, born in Northfield 15 Feb., 1853, to Henry and Eliza Anna- Wood- cock Wright. Their home is Gardner. Mr. Perley is a clerk in the office of the commissioners of war records, State House, Boston. 1 Perley children, born in Baldwinsville, Templeton, Mass.: Louis Howe^ a son^ Ruth White'-, Belle Wright'-, Philip Sylvester'^ 2 A son^ was stillborn 4 May, 1876; Ruth W.^ was born 27 Nov., 1882, and 1 Dec, 1900, on the Boston & Maine Railroad, near Roy- alston, received a personal injury for which by order of court the road paid her $4000; Belle W.^ was born 23 Sept., 1888; Philip S.^ was born 27 March, 1890. 3 Louis H.^ was born 22 Oct., 1871. He has been in the em- JOHN W. PERLEY, ESQ. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 439 ploy of the railroad for the past seventeen years. For five years he was telegraph operator and baggage master at Baldwinsville, was station agent in Holden, Mass., five years, also five years in South Roy- alston, Mass. He is now ticket agent at the station in Athol, Mass., his home. He married, first, in Winchester, N. H., 24 Aug., 1892, Flora Grace Doolittle, born in Richmond, N. H., to Charles, farmer, and Mary Etta-Buffum Doolittle. She died in Royalston 4 Aug., 1897. He married, second, in Royalston 5 Oct., 1898, Mary Hall, born in Enfield, Mass., 28 Sept., 1866, to George and Charlotte- Newell Hall. Perley children: Norman Henry, born in Holden 5 Feb., 1895; Flora Leona, born in Royalston 4 Aug., 1897; George Hall, born and died in Royalston 23 Aug., 1899. FAMILY 279: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, TIIOMAS-IG, AHA-35, DANIEL-68, DANlEL-139. JOHN WESLEY PERLEY was born in South Bridgton, Me., 25 Feb., 1844. He married 18 Dec, 1870, Miss Maria Hosford Ed- wards, who was born in Warsaw, N. Y., 29 April, 1834, to Catherine and Timothy, a farmer, of Lamoile, 111. She lived some time in Santa Rosa, Cal., an invalid, and has been blind for some years. The loss of her only child whose endearment is beyond expression weighs heavily upon her mind. She is descended from the famous Jonathan Edwards family, and is worthy her descent in the sterling qualities of her mind and heart. She lives (1903) in Detroit Citv, Minn. The postmaster at Perley, Wis., wrote us some years ago. "This town was named for J. W. Perley, a noted man in this locality, a very successful lumberman — very wealthy and influential." Mr. Perley's character was essentially that of a business man. He could fell a forest, manufacture lumber, build a village, name a town, plant a vineyard, cultivate a farm, establish a bank. He trav- eled all through the West, including Alaska; was well-read and widely intelligent. He harvested knowledge and used it with wisdom. "Representative Men of the United States" says of him: "His boyhood was spent upon his father's farm and he attended school winters. He garnered the 'three Rs ' before the end of his four- teenth year, when his school-life closed. When his father died in 1857, the farm demanded his entire attention ; but farm life did not advance the theoretical side of his life nor ensure his ideal; it did, however, make a man of him ; it introduced him to practical life and taught him independent reliance and exertion. "In 1863 he visited Wisconsin and her northern pineries, and having carefully canvassed St. Croix County for the lumber business returned home. The next year, 9 April, 1864, he bought a saw mill and land adjoining, in Brookville, on the river Eau Galle, County St. Croix. His mill was run by water power and had a capacity of 2,500,000 feet per annum — no inconsiderable industry for a primi- tive enterprise — to which he later on added steam power. He 440 THE PERLEY FAMILY bought, near Hammond, a tract of land he sold to settlers for farms, but 200 acres which he held for himself. In 1872 Bracket & Perley erected a brick building and opened a hardware trade. From 1877, he conducted for two years a lumber business in Clear Lake, Polk County. In 1880 he founded the Andrews & Perley Lumber Co., of which he was president. This company founded the town of Per- ley, Barron County. In 1888 he established the Bank of St. Croix Falls, and was elected president. During the panic of 1893, it was the only bank in that section which was not obliged to withstand a run. In 1890 he became interested in the Carpenter Bar Gold Mining Company, owners and operators of a placer mine of 500 acres in Deer Lodge County, Mont., whose estimated production since its discovery in 1862 has been $5,000,000 of gold, and not half of it has been worked. He owned between 11,000 and 12,000 acres of land in northern Wisconsin. His farm proper, in Perley, to which he retired, consisted of 14-10 acres. "He was a member of the Repubhcan party and of the Masonic order; he was a patriotic advocate of freedom and equal rights to all, and a lover of fair dealings. He was in no way a politician and ever refused to be a candidate for political honors. No man in the great Northwest more deserved success and none has left a mOre honor- able record." Miss Clara H. Berry-139"', his niece, his bookkeeper, writes : "Uncle died Monday morning of paralysis; Rev. Miss Ida Richard- son preached a funeral sermon at his residence; and the body was taken to Santa Rosa for burial at the side of his son. His health failed him during the last five years of his life, though most of the time he was fairly well and able to attend to his business. During the last three years only the care of his farm engrossed his atten- tion. There he seemed most happy, since he was particularly fond of animals and outdoor life. Two weeks before his death he had a slight paralysis of his left side, apparently of a few hours' duration. He sat up and read every day thereafter till the end came. His charities were large and unostentatious. He maintained a free hos- pital-bed, without disclosing his name, gave liberally to other hospi- tals, assisted several young men to an education and business. He was a large-hearted, generous, kind, considerate man, a noble citizen, endeared in his family." 1 Perley child : John Edwards'-. 2 J. Edwards^ was born in Hammond, Wis., 12 Aug., 1872, and died in Tucson, Arizona, 14 Feb., 1893, of heart failure. In 188(5 his parents sought the milder climate of California for his health, and in 1888 made Santa Rosa their permanent home. Young Perley studied in a private school and graduated with high honors at a com- mercial college. From that time his health failed. As a last resort he and his mother went to the still milder climate of Arizona, where he died. One of his teachers paid him this beautiful tribute: "The love his teachers and companions bore him was earned not only by conscientious study and application in the class room, but also by his consistent and manly bearing on the playground and in the home." He had a thoughtful appreciation of his home advantages and comforts, and a tender solicitude for his invalid mother. FAMILY 280: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, DANIEL-C8, FREDERIC PORTER-140. WILLIAM EARL PERLEY was born in Grand Lake, N. B., 19 June, 1827. He was a farmer in his early days. Then he became a carpenter, and worked a number of years at the trade. He settled with his father in Indiana in 1845, and in 1873 removed to Spring Hill, Iowa, and there made his home. He was a volunteer in the Rebellion, 42d Indiana Regiment, Co. F, till peace was restored. He was with Gen. Sherman at the surrender of Gen. Johnston. He had a good farm, well stocked, and was a strong man financially and socially. He married in Michigan City, Ind., 2 March, 1853, Marietta Palmer, born in Schoharie or Broome County, N. Y., 19 Aug., 1833, to Ebenezer, a school teacher and carpenter, and Frances Crosier- Moss Palmer of Laporte, Ind. Their children were born and died in Laporte. Mr, Perley died in Greenbush, Warren County, Iowa, 15 Dec, 1888. His widow resides upon the farm (1905). 1 Perley children: Frances Elizabeth'^, Charles Frederick'-. 2 Frances E.^ was born 15 Oct., 1857, and died 15 Sept., 1858. Charles F.^ was born 6 Nov., 1859, and died 6 Aug., 1861. FAMILY 281: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, DANIEL-68, FREDERICK PORTER-140. ASA CHARLES PERLEY was born in St. John, N. B., 4 Jan., 1829. He was a farmer boy till seventeen, when apprenticed to learn the carpenter's trade. Carpentry and car building, in Indiana, were his business till a score of years ago, when he bought a farm in Spring Hill, Iowa. He was school director, real estate supervisor and township trustee. He writes: As to wealth, we have neither poverty nor riches, but think, if any of the Perleys would give us a call, we could do the fair thing by them. His wife and daughter are members of the M. E. Church. Mr. Perley is now retired. His wife was Sarah Whitely, married in Lafayette, Ind., 13 Nov., 1857, born in Staley Bridge, England, 28 July, 1833. Her mother's maiden name was Harriet Boothroyd. Their children were born in Michi- gan City, Ind. Their home now is Indianola, Iowa. 1 Perley children : Carrie Lorinda'^ George Frederick^ 2 Carrie L.^ was born 22 Dec, 1859. She taught for several years in the public schools of Warren County, Iowa. She married her twenty-first birthday and his twenty-fourth, 22 Dec, 1880, John 442 THE PERLEY FAMILY Pressley Anderson, a merchant of Indianola, Iowa, son of William and Euphemia-Findlay Anderson. 3 George F/ was born 18 June, 1865. He married in Des Moines, Iowa, 25 Dec., 1889, Margaret Buck, born in Oneco, 111., 24 May, 1868, to Ezekiel, farmer, and Lydia-Scott Buck. Mr. Perley is a merchant in Indianola. Perley children : Hazel, born 21 Dec, 1890; George Ernest, born 3 Aug., 1893. FAMILY 282: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, TUOMAS-IO, ASA-35, DANIEL-68, FREDERICK PORTER-140. GEORGE AUGUSTUS PERLEY was born in Houlton, Me., 19 May, 1832. Most of his life he was a lumberman. He was in the first call for volunteers against the Rebellion, and served till peace was restored. He served in Co. B, 9th Indiana Regiment, then in Co. K, 73d Regiment. He was in many hard-fought battles, but escaped even a wound. He resided sometime on his homestead of on 2 hundred and sixty acres, Beaver City, Neb. He married 24 April, 1869, Mary Kinney of Des Moines, Iowa, who was born in South Bend, Ind., to John, a farmer, and Elizabeth-Emberlin Kin- ney. Their present home is Summerset, Iowa, where Mr. Perley is engaged in farming. 1 Perley children : Martha', Etta^ Elizabeth-, F'rederic Willis*. 2 Martha' was born in Des Moines 31 Jan., 1870, and died near Oxford, Neb., 22 Jan., 1879. Elizabeth' was born in Des Moines 20 Jan., 1875, and died in Summerset 6 Feb., 1886. Frederic W,' was born in Oregon, Mo., 15 July, 1880, and resides, unmarried, in Sum- merset. 3 Etta' was born in Red Rock, Iowa. She was a dressmaker. She married 9 Nov., 1899, in Summerset, Iowa, John Edward Sny- der, a farmer, born in Sioux City, Iowa, 9 March, 1872, to James, a farmer, and Nancy V.-Tate Snyder. Their home is Summerset. Snyder issue: Loran Perley, born 30 Oct., 1900. FAMILY 283: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. ASA-35, DANIEL-68, FREDERICK PORTER-140. DAVID POOR PERLEY was born m Toronto, Ontario, Can- ada, 7 June, 1836. He has been most of his life a lumberman. He married 13 Nov., 1860, Emma Selfina Sumner of New York, born 11 July, 1844, to Daniel and Lucy Ann-Moody Sumner. She died in Sioux City, Iowa, 16 Aug., 1895. Mr. Perley married second in Sioux City 23 Jan., 1898, Minnie Phoebe Phillips, born in Dakota City, Dakota County, Neb., 10 March, 1873, to Charles and Eveline Elizabeth-Hunt Phillips. Their home is Sioux City. HISTORY AND GENEALOaY 443 1 Parley children: Henrietta'^ William Albert", Daniel Albertus'', Charles Frederic'', Orville George'". 2 William A/ was born 26 Oct., 1865, and died 10 Aug., 1866. Orville G.^ was born in Montevideo, Minn., 15 May, 1885. He is a motor-car conductor in Sioux City. 3 Henrietta^ was born 10 Nov., 1861, in Michigan City, Ind. She is a dressmaker by trade, and resides in Sioux City, Iowa. She married in Council Bluffs, Iowa, 22 Oct., 1898, Edwin Page Holmes, who was born in Albion, Mich., 7 Jan., 1857, to Charles F. and Nancy-Young Holmes. He is a machinist. They have no children. 4 Daniel A.' was born 31 July, 1867, in Michigan City, Ind. He is a laborer in Sioux City, Iowa, where he married 7 May, 1891, Edith Edna Barnes, who was a school teacher, born in Ionia, Mich., 6 Jan., 1870, to Joseph, a jeweler, and Jennie Lavina-Collins Barnes. Per- ley children, born in Sioux City but the first: Walter Albertus, in Emerson, Neb., 10 Feb., 1892; Ralph Frederic, 9 April, 1894 ; Ethel Henrietta, 18 Jan., 1897; Edyth Almeda, 18 Sept., 1899. 5 Charles F.^ was born in Spring Hill, Iowa, 3 Oct., 1874. He married in Sioux City, Iowa, 4 Nov., 1897, Bertha Luclinger, born there 25 June, 1874, to Daniel and Jennie-Atkinson Luclinger. Mr. Perley is manager for Swift & Co., at Dubuque, Iowa, where they reside. Perley children, born in Sioux City: Henrietta Florence, 12 Nov., 1898; David Earle, 26 Aug., 1902. FAMILY 284: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. ASA-35, HENRY-69, HENRY-141. ALBERT PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 11 Oct., 1809. He purchased his grandfather's farm and settled upon it. He was a quiet, industrious man; reserved, yet very agreeably social with intimate acquaintances; was an excellent citizen. He married Han- nah Hayward, daughter of Jabez, of Boxford, 23 Jan., 1840. Her mother's maiden name was Long. While milking his cows, 21 Feb., 1876, he had an apoplectic fit, and died almost instantly. His widow died 17 April, 1889. 1 Perley children, born in Boxford: Catherine'^ Mary Emma^ Josephine*, Albert E.^ Jane^ Samuel Augustus-429, Charles'^ and Henryl 2 Catherine' was born 17 Nov., 1840, and married a Buck- ley of Danvers, where she died 25 P'eb., 1879. Buckley issue: May A., born 6 Dec, 1859; Adella E., born 12 Aug., 1861 ; John A., born 20 March, 1873. 3 Mary E.^ was born 4 Sept., 1842, and 20 May, 1866, married Asahel Huntington Todd, who was born in Topsfield 13 Oct., 1830, to Samuel Cheny and Lydia-Gould Todd. He died 8 June, 1890, in Topsfield, where his widow now resides (Feb., 1905). Todd chil- dren: Ada Josephine, born 2 Aug., 1868; Augustus Hayward, born 1 Sept., 1873; Marion Huntington, born 2 Dec, 1879. 4 Josephine' was born 28 Dec, 1843, and 2 Jan., 1872, married 444 THE PERLEY FAMILY A. Austin Lake, who was born 6 March, 1841, to Eleazer and Han- nah A.-Gould Lake of Topsfield. He was a shoemaker. He died 7 March, 1877, in Topsfield, where his widow resides (1905). 5 Albert E.^ was born 8 June, 1845. He volunteered against the Rebellion 3 Sept. and was mustered in 25 Sept., 1862, for nine months, in Co. D, 48th Regt., Gen. Banks' division ; was at Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and was wounded in his right arm at Port Hudson 27 May, 1863. He was discharged 23 Aug., 1863, and re-enlisted 26 Aug., 1864, for one year, in 28th Regt., Heavy Artillery. After- wards he was a farm hand in Boxford and vicinity, and teamster in Danvers, where he died unmarried 21 April, 1877, aged (sic) thirty- two years, ten months and thirteen days. 6 Jane^was born 1 Sept., 1849. She married 12 Feb., 1871, Rev. S. D. Gammell officiating, George A. Wilkins. who was born in 1848 to Frederick and Sarah-Fuller Wilkins of Danvers. He lived in Danvers, a shoemaker. She died in Boxford 19 April, 1872. 7 Charles' was born 16 Oct., 1854. He married in Boston, Mass., 3 March, 1883, Louise Parkhurst Emerson, born in Chelmsford, Mass., 21 Nov., 1861, to Rufus Webster and Martha Lucinda-Park- hurst Emerson. Their home is Boxford. Perley children, born in Boxford: Jeannette, 22 July, 1885; Bertha, 28 Oct., 1886; Barbara Carolyn, 30 Aug., 1902. 8 Henry\ twin with Charles^ was born 16 Oct., 1854, and mar- ried in Georgetown, Mass., 22 Dec, 1886, Abbie Nelson Chaplin, a teacher, who was born in Georgetown 4 Dec, 1861, to Charles E., a farmer, and Charlotte-Nelson Chaplin. Mr. Perley is a farmer in East Boxford. Perley children, born in Boxford: Henry Chaplin, 12 Oct., 1887; Raymond, 9 April, 1889; Charlotte, 17 June, 1891; Esther Katharine, 28 April, 1901. FAMILY 285: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TnOMAS-4, THOM,AS-16, ASA-35, HENRY-69, HENRY-141. CHARLES PERLEY was born in Boxford 13 April, 1811. He became a shoemaker and repairer, industrious and skillful. He was tenacious of his opinions, and his speech was often sharply pertinent. He married 15 April, 1835, Lucy Jane Herrick, who was born 8 March, 1813, to James and Mary-Jones Herrick of Beverly, Mass. He died 1 Sept., 1877. His remains were buried in Georgetown. She died 24 Feb., 1896, aged eighty-two years, eleven months, nine- teen days. 1 Perley children : Harriet Elizabeth'-, Lucy Helen^ 2 Harriet E.' was born 25 Oct., 1837, and married George Her- vey Spofford, who was born 10 Dec, 1835, to Gardner and Mary- Platts Spofford of Georgetown. He was a shoe manufacturer in Georgetown till 1880, when he removed to Plymouth, Mass. Their home (1905) is Campello, Mass., where he is a shoe cutter. Spof- ford issue: Elizabeth Maria^ ; Preston Gardner, born 22 April, 1856, a shoe cutter, unmarried, of Campello. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 445 3 Lucy H.^ was born 12 Aug., 1839. She attended Topsfield Academy, and unmarried, lives in Georgetown. 4 "Lizzie" M.- was born in Georgetown, Mass., 16 Nov., 1853, and married 8 Sept., 1875, Joseph N. Kelley, who was born in Waterboro, Me., 10 Feb., 1853, to WilHam and Sarah-Emery Kelley. He was foreman in a shoe factory in Campello, where he died 26 July, 1892. His widow resides in Campello, where she is machine operator in a shoe factory. Kelley issue : George Spofford, born 8 Sept., 1886. FAMILY 286: ANDREWS. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, HENRY-69, HENRY-141. HARRIET AUGUSTA PERLEY was born 17 Jan., 1814, and 4 April, 1838, married Dean Andrews, born in Boxford 12 July, 1800, to Nathan and Eunice-Kimball Andrews. Mr. Andrews was an extensive farmer and dealer in ship timber and lumber. He died 1 March, 1869. His widow resides with her daughter Emily in Box- ford (Oct., 1905). 1 Andrews children : Emily Augusta'-; Harriet Esther^ 2 Emily A.^ was born 25 July, 1845, and married 16 Feb., 1870, Solomon Washington Howe, who was born in Boxford 5 Nov., 1842, to Edward and Mary Ann-Lowe Howe. He settled upon the estate of his wife's parents. He is a farmer and also is engaged in saw and grist milling. They have no children. 3 Harriet E.^ was born in Boxford 12 April, 1852. She is a music teacher, and is unmarried. FAMILY 287: DORMAN. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOlIAS-4, THOjrAS-16, ASA-35, HENRY-69, HENRY-141. PHEBE PERLEY was born 24 or 25 Feb., 1817, and 6 Nov., 1839, became the second wife of Moses Dorman, who was born 25 Sept., 1803, to Moses and Huldah-Gould Dorman of Boxford. She died 30 Aug., 1848, the mother of four children. [Mr. Dorman's first wife was Huldah Gould, married in Box- ford 1 April, 1828, and born in Boxford 15 Aug., 1806, to Jacob and Ruth-Peabody Gould. She was a sister of Gen. Gould of Rochester, N. Y. She died 3 Feb , 1839, at the Dorman home. [Their only child was Huldah Elizabeth, who was born in Boxford 9 Aug., 1829, and married there 10 April, 1851, Joseph Huntington Janes, a farmer, born in Topsfield, Mass., 1 June, 1826, to Henry, a farmer, and Annie-Batchelder Janes. She died in Boxford 5 Sept., 1896. Janes children: Henry Dorman, born in Topsfield 17 March, 1852, married, and residing in Portland, Oregon; Florence Hunting- ton, born in Boxford 8 April, 1853, residing, unmarried, in Boxford; Annie Batchelder, born in Boxford 16 April, 1854, married George E. Stanley of Salem, and died 30 Oct., 1891 ; Arthur Gould, born in Boxford 1 Oct., 1856, and died in May, 1857. 446 THE PERLEY FAMILY [Mr. Dorman's third wife was Mary Nourse Foster, daughter of Capt. Aaron Foster of Dan vers, married 27 Feb., 1851. She sur- vived her husband and spent her days on the Dorman estate.] The Moses Dorman house, built a httle later than 1688 by Tim- othy Dorman, born to Thomas in 1663, has been so changed and en- larged by his son John and later occupants that the picture presents but little of the original structure beyond the massive timbers. Mr. Dorman was a leading citizen and a progressive farmer. He represented his town in the State Legislature 1835 and 1836, was a selectman 1831-2-3-4-5-6, 1840-1-2, 1844, 1846-7-8, 1853-4, 1856. He was also widely known as a land surveyor and a justice of the peace. Town Clerk Putnam of Andover, speaking of the several surv^eys and maps of his town, said that Moses Dorman of Boxford made the survey and map of 1830, and in many respects it is the best one. Mr. Dorman also surveyed and mapped his own town of Boxford the same year. He was a just man and an acknowledged conservator of the peace. He died 26 July, 1877, aged seventy-three years. His death was thought to have been hastened by his grief for the death of a prom- ising son. 1 Perley-Dorman children: Moses Horace'^ Harriet Andrews^, Franklin Webster^ Thomas Perley\ 2 M. Horace^ was born 10 March, 1841, and educated in Tops- field Academy. He married Sarah Cheever, daughter of Aaron, of Danvers, 12 Jan., 1865, and was a member of the business firm Lawrence & Co., New York City. They reside in Brooklyn. Their children are Jessie Thomas, born 3 Jan., 1868; Anna Cheever®; Wm. Richardson, died 26 July, 1871. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 447 3 Harriet A.^ was born in Boxford 20 March, 1843. She married there 18 Nov., 1877, and became the second wife of John Everett Herrick, who was born in Salem, Mass., 19 Nov., 1831, to John, a farmer, and EHzabeth FHnt-Foster Herrick. [Mr. Herrick's first wife was Miss Elizabeth Ann Burnham.] Their home is West Peabody, where Mr. Herrick is a farmer. They have no children. 4 Franklin Webster^ was born in Boxford 28 Dec, 1844. He married in South Hadley, Mass., 6 Oct., 1870, Isabelle Wait Taylor, born in South Hadley to Erastus, a builder, and Sarah-Burnett Tay- lor. Their home is Upper Montclair, N.J. Mr. Dorman is a mem- ber of the firm of Amory, Browne & Co., dry goods commission merchants, New York City. He is a member of the Montclair Club and of the Merchants' Club, New York City. He served as member of the Montclair Township Committee of 1876 and 1877. Dorman children : Theodore Taylor"; Franklin Abbott*; Harry Gaylord"; Mary Isabelle, born 28 Oct., 1880, student of high school, died in Montclair 14 March, 1899; Thomas Burnett, born 15 Nov., 1884, who graduated in 1902 from the Volkmann School, Boston, is now in his junior year at Harvard and a member of the Pi Eta Society. 5 Thomas P.^ was born 4 Feb., 1847. He was a young man of excellent promise, based on character and ability. His sterling worth was appreciated by his fellow citizens who made him town clerk in 1871 and 2, and selectman in the latter year. A little later he began the study of law, with especial reference to probate prac- tice. He had nearly completed his course of reading in the law office of Charles Kimball, Esq., of Salem, when from chills and fever he died 17 April, 1877, aged thirty years. 6 Anna C."' was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 18 Aug., 1869, and married there 3 Oct., 1895, George Henry Bailey, Jr., machinist, born in Brooklyn 29 Nov., 1868, to George Henry and Ellen Re- becca-Platt Bailey. Their home is Bellevue, Pa. Their child : Sarah Cheever, born 11 July, 1899. 7 Theodore Taylor^ was born in South Hadley, Mass., 11 Sept., 1871. He graduated at the Montclair High School, 1889; at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1893, with degree of S. B.; at the Law School of Columbia University, Washington, D. C, 1896, with degree of LL. B.; 1897, LL. M.; 1898, M. P. L. Mr. Dorman was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia in 1898, and to the Court of Appeals in the same year. In 1902 he was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, and in 1904 to the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. He is a member of the Phi Delta Phi Fraternity. He married in Flushing, L. I., N. Y., 14 July, 1904, Frances Cole Hayes, who was born in Albany, N. Y.. to John William, a lawyer, and Frances Harriet-Cole Hayes. They reside in Upper Montclair. 8 Frankhn Abbott^ was born in Montclair, N. J., 20 Dec, 1872, He took the degree of A. B. cum laude from Harvard, 1894; degree A. M. from Columbia University, 1898; and the degree M. D. from the College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is now ( 1905 ) a lecturer in New York Post Graduate Medical School, visiting physician to 448 THE PERLEY FAMILY the Post Graduate, the City, and the Sloane Maternity Hospitals. He married in Flushing, L. I., N. Y., 22 Sept., 1902, Jane Chadwick Callender, a trained nurse, born in Albany, N. Y., 1874, to William N., an editor, and Susan-Wilbur Callender. They reside in New- York City. Dorman child: Isabel Wait, born 8 Oct., 1903. 9 Harry Gaylord"* was born in Montclair, N. J., 9 Jan., 1876. He graduated from the Montclair High School, 1892, winning the Wilde bronze medal for general scholarship. He graduated from Harvard College in 1896, with degree of A. B. cum laude, and from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, in 1900, with degree of M. D., winning second Harsden prize for gen- eral proficiency. He is now professor of children's diseases, Syrian Protestant College, Beyrout, Syria. He married in Beyrout 14 Jan., 1908, Mary Bliss Dale, born there to Rev. Gerald F., a minis- ter and missionary, and Mary-Bliss Dale. Dorman child: Gerald Dale, born in Beyrout 12 Nov., 1903. FAMILY 288: LONG. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, HENRY-69, HENRY-141. CATHERINE PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 26 March, 1821. She married there 4 May, 1842, Henry Long, who was born in North Andover, Mass., 8 Aug., 1819, to Elijah, a farmer, and Elizabeth-Bolman Long. He was a blacksmith and stabler in Tops- field, where his wife died of erysipelas, 10 Feb., 1858, and where he married, second, 6 March, 1860, Elizabeth Gould, born there 12 Nov., 1828, to Josiah, a farmer, and Betsey-Gould Gould. Mr. Long was a fine artisan, a hard worker, a good citizen, and earned and devised a fine estate. He died of brain fever 19 Aug., 1871. His widow died in Topsfield 2 April, 1890. 1 Long children : Henry Lsmont', Charles Otis^ Martha Alice^ William Albert^ Ira Perley^ 2 Henry L.^ was born 30 Aug., 1844, and died in Detroit, Mich., 13 Jan., 1867. He began life as a clerk in a bookstore in Salem, and went West, probably for a drier atmosphere and health. He never married. Charles O.^ was born 14 Oct., 1847, and died 22 Oct., 1871, in Topsfield, where he was a clerk in a variety store. 3 Martha A.^ was born in Topsfield 16 Sept., 1851. She married there 16 Sept., 1875, Jared Brown McLane, born in Pugvvash, N. S., 8 May, 1853, to Alexander, a blacksmith, and Harriet-Brown McLane. They reside in North Reading, Mass., where Mr. McLane is a wagon manufacturer. McLane issue; Lelia Harriet"; Bessie Long, born in North Reading 29 Oct., 1878, who is an assistant cashier of the First National Bank in Reading. 4 William A.^ was born in Topsfield 29 Aug., 1854. He married in Boxford 18 Dec, 1894, Marietta Long, a school teacher, born in Salem 5 Aug., 1854, to Charles Washington, a wheelwright, and Margaret-Barrett Long. They reside in Topsfield. 5 Ira P.^ was born in Topsfield 20 P'eb., 1857. He married in Boxford 29 July, 1877, Harriet Lake Follansbee, born in George- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 449 town, Mass., 21 Jan., 1857, to Moses C. and Martha- Wayland Fol- lansbee. She died in Topsfield 1 Oct., 1893. He married, second, 14 Dec, 1898, Laura Ann Cummings, born in Topsfield 15 Oct., 1857, to Alfred, a farmer, and Salome M. -Welch Cummings. Mr. Long was a blacksmith. He died 30 Dec, 1903, in Topsfield, where his widow now resides. Long issue born in Topsfield : Ethel Catherine, 9 Feb., 1878, died 1 Sept., 1893; Ruth Alice, 22 Jan., 1880, died 1 Sept., 1893; Henry Follansbee, 29 Sept., 1883, a clerk, residing in Topsfield; William Chester, 20 Aug., 1886; Perley Lamont, 28 Aug., 1887, died 9 May, 1888. 6 Lelia H.*^ was born in Topsfield 22 Aug., 1876. She married in North Reading, Mass., 22 Aug., 1900, Foster Rayner Batchelder, born there 22 Dec, 1873, to Dennis, a farmer, and Lucy Frances- Rayner Batchelder. Mr, Batchelder is assistant manager of the McLane Wagon Manufactory. FAMILY 289: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-], THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, HENRY-69, HENRY-141. OSMORE PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 25 Dec, 1825. He was a mason by trade. His family resided in Haverhill, Mass., except about ten years from 1853, in Providence, R. L His wife was Martha Janes Denning, who was born in Poland, Me., 11 Dec, 1832, to Job and Hannah-True Denning of Haverhill. He died 20 Feb., 1878. His widow and her daughter resided in Haverhill for some years till they removed to Newark, N. J. Their home now (1905) is Oak Park, 111. 1 Perley children : Ida May', Annie Celinda^. 2 Ida M.' was born 8 Nov., 1852, and died in Providence, R. I., of scarlet fever, 16 May, 1854 or 5. 3 Annie C.^ was born 8 Nov., 1854 or 5, in Providence, R. I., and 22 May, 1876, married in Haverhill, Jesse Stanly Gilmore, who was born in Newton, N. H., in 1850 to Jesse and Sophia-Carter Gil- more of Haverhill. He was a salesman in Haverhill, where he died. She married, second, G. Edwin Batchelder, who is now dead. She resides in Oak Park, 111. Gilmore issue: Harry Bassett, born 5 Aug., 1878, is a salesman in Chicago, with home in Oak Park, 111. FAMILY 290: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, HENRY-69, SAMUEL-142. GEORGE PERLEY was born in Boxford 5 June, 1817. He was a progressive farmer, in his native town. He was a well in- formed man and took delight in helping advance all the local inter- ests. He was a constable many years, and a considerable period clerk of the school district. He was commissioned justice of the 450 THE PERLEY FAMILY peace by Gov. Boutwell in Dec, 1852, and served four terms less a few months. He rendered good service in aid of this work, and also of the family reunion in 1877. He was one of a committee of arrangements. He married 4 March, 1845, Mary Paige Johnson, a weaver, who was born in Brownfield, Me., 30 Oct., 1821, to Simon and Sarah- Spencer Johnson. "About a year before his death he had an almost fatal attack of heart complaint. A second attack, 19 June, 1880, was fatal. He was one of the solid men of the town." His widow died in Boxford 22 Dec, 1896. 1 Perley child: Mary Ellen was born 24 Jan., 1846. She is a skilled botanist, and a ripe scholar. She has compiled and published a genealogical volume of the Peabody side of her family. She re- sides, unmarried, in Boxford. FAMILY 291: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, SAMUEL-7(l, DANIEL-145. HOWARD PERLEY was born in Lynn 21 May, 1838. He married in Lynn 6 Oct., 1864, Eliza Frances Warner, who was born in Boston 13 Nov., 1842, to John Gerry and Eliza-Newhall Warnei^' of Lynn. He was early a bookkeeper for Hon. John B. Alley & Co., Boston, and resided in Lynn. The following is from the Register of the Lynn Historical Society for 1899: " Mr. Perley was connected with the firm of John B. Alley & Sons, (leather merchants) of Boston, and their successors. Alley Bros. & Place, for thirty-six years. "A cultured musician, and a fine singer, he was an early member of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church choir as one of the men members. He was an active member of the Lynn Choral Union which took part in the first Peace Jubilee, and later he was a member of the Lynn Musical Association. "He took a strong helpful part in the Lynn Boys' Club. Fra- ternally he was affiliated with Mt. Carmel Lodge of Masons and of Kirtland Lodge, Knights of Honor. He was a member of the Oxford Club and of the Lynn Historical Society from its organization. "He led a blameless, unobtrusive life, marked by kindly deeds. Welcome ev^erywhere, he was happiest in the family circle of which he was the loved and honored head." Mr. Perley died 30 May, 1899, in Lynn, where his widow now resides with her daughter, Mrs. Hill. 1 Perley children: Clarence Warner^ Alice Howard^ George Frances"-. 2 George F.^ was born 20 Aug., 1871, and 24 July, 1886, slipped from the rocks near "Spouting Horn," Nahant, and was drowned. 3 Clarence W.^ was born in Lynn 16 Feb., 1867. He graduated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, department of biol- ogy, in 1896 with degree of Bachelor of Science. He was classifier in the John Crerar Library of Science in Chicago, 1900-1902, and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 45I since 1902 has been in charge of the Department of Technology, Library of Congress. 4 Alice H.^ was born in Lynn 29 Dec, 1878. She married there 4 Oct., 1900, Nathaniel Oilman Hill, born in Charlestown, Mass., 6 May, 1869, to Nathaniel Ela and Caroline Oilman- Tufts Hill. Mr. Hill is assistant paymaster for the Boston & Maine Railroad. Their home is Lynn, where their children were born : Eleanor Oilman, 8 May, 1902; Frances Warner, 20 July, 1903. FAMILY 292: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. ASA-35, SAMUEL TO, DANIEL-145. CHARLES STEARNS PERLEY was born in Lynn 15 May, 1810, and -married 15 April, 1867, Mary Frances Melcher, who was born 28 Nov., 1842, to William Neal and Harriet Newell-Meader Mel- cher of Lynn. He was educated in Lynn schools and graduated from the Lynn High School in 1855. He then became clerk in wholesale hardware business in Boston, where he remained till Januar};', 1862, when he was appointed paymaster in the regular navy by President Lincoln. He served through the war, and resigned in 1868, while stationed at the Norfolk Navy Yard, to enter business. He began ih Boston as "Ward & Perley." He resides in Oermantown, and his business, indexing of reference books, is in Philadelphia. He is also owner of patents. His wife died 6 March, 1905. 1 Perley children, born in Lynn: Lottie M.- and Harriet Mel- cher-, Alan Bigelow^ 2 Lottie M.i was born 29 March and died 21 April, 1868. Har- riet M.\ a twin with Lottie, was born 29 March, 1868, and lives with her father. 8 Alan B.^ was born 15 April, 1873. He is a civil engineer in Philadelphia, Pa., having his home with his father. FAMILY 293: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, TnOMAS-16. ASA-35, SOLOMON-71, ^'A^HA^'IEL-^47. SOLOMON PERLEY was born at Keswick Ridge, N. B., 30 Sept., 1845. He married there 16 July, 1868, Ruth Brewer of the same town, born 8 May, 1851, to Henry, a farmer, and Ruth-Law- rence Brewer. Mr. Perley is dealer in country produce and has an interest in a wood-turning factory. Their home is Upper Wood- stock. 1 Perley children : Nathaniel Lincoln'-, Earl Moren-, Harry Have- lock^, Elden Hay ward", Bernard". 2 Nathaniel L.^ was born 26 January, 1870, and died 26 July, 1877; Earl M.^ was born 24 Jan., 1872, and met death by drowning 28 May, 1879; Harry H.^ was born 16 Jan., 1875, and died 23 May, 1890; Elden H.^ was born 12 Oct., 1880, and died 28 Jan., 1881 ; Ber- nard^ was born 7 May, 1889. FAMILY 294: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JAL'OB-17, JACOH-37, JACOB-73, JOSHUA-148. JACOB PERLEY was born in Wilton, Me., 9 Feb., 1789. He went into Ohio with his father, and after his return he Hved about a year with his uncle, Moses Perley of Montville. The return ride from Montville to Wilton, when about seven years old, pillion-like without a pillion, on horseback with his father, continued a weird memory. His means of education were limited, as well in that new country they might be, yet he acquitted himself in public and private business with honor and efficiency. He was selectman of Patten Me., and the first juror drawn from the town. ' In 1?29 he married and began life in Orono, where he was a lum- berman. In 1831 he removed to Farmington; in 1833, to his wife's father's m St. Albans, and the next year", following the example of his father and grandfather, he went fifty miles into the wilderness and cleared a farm and established a home. It became the town of Patten. In the winter of 1834-5 his wife left the comfortable home of her father to join in the hardships and share in the triumphs of all-conquering industry. Mrs. Perley wrote: "It was in the wilderness; neither phy.sician nor store, nor post office, within fifty miles. There we lived twenty- four years, till it became quite a populous place. It was the best place for poor people I ever lived in. There my husband's business was farming, and he always gained property while he attended to it When he built the first house in Patten he had to cut down trees to make room for it. We lived there eleven years, then sold and bought again, where we lived eleven years more, and were doing better than we ever had done. In. 1859 he sold and removed to Bangor and began a grocery trade. He was unsuccessful. "In politics he was an Abolitionist and Republican. In religion he favored the Friends, though he never identified himself with them. He had a keen sense of rightness and justice, and he sympathized with the oppressed. His sterling virtues and patience are highly commendable." Mr. Perley married 15 Feb., 1829, Mary A. French, who was born in Monmouth, Me., to Dr. Benjamin and Mary-Riley French of St. Albans. He enjoyed good health till sixty, then became lame. He died suddenly 31 March, 1874. His widow lived in Bangor till her death. 1 Perley children : Mary'^, Benjamin-, Addie-. 2 Mary' was born 11 Oct., 1830, in Orono, and died in Farming- ton in 1832; Benjamin, in 1832 in Farmington, and died in St Albans in 1835; Addie, in 1838 in Patten, and died of consumption m Bangor, unmarried, 17 Nov., 1874. FAMILY 295: PERLEY. LIXEAI^ DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-aT, JACOi5-73, JOSHUA-148. JOHN PERLEY was born in Wilton, Me., 11 April, 1800. His means of education were limited, but he had an inquiring mind and had acquired habits of industry, and he made the most of his oppor- tunities. He went into the forests of Wilton and built a home. His first purchase was in 1824. In 1836 he sold and bought another farm in Wilton of Jeremiah Small. In 1837 he sold and bought of John Tufts; in 1839 he sold and bought of Loren Adams. While on the Adams place his wife died and his children were scattered. In 1846 he sold again and bought the Hatch place. He went to East Wilton in 1854 and bought the "Hatch Stand" in 1855. In 1857 he sold and purchased a store in the village. In 1861 he bought another farm and removed from the village. Soon after 1865 he sold and removed to Bean's Corner, Jay. Soon after he returned to Wilton, and the next year removed to Industry, where he died. His removals were in Wilton, except those named otherwise. He was an honest, industrious, respected citizen. In making his early home he worked hard, felling trees or threshing out grain by night. He was not superstitious, but he had a prejudice about many things. He did not favor the introduction of novelties, or improve- ments as they were called, to any great extent. He liked to see and use old styles. He would have made an excellent antiquary. He had a pair of fringed mittens, thirty-five years old, and many other things in the nature of relics. He was an extensive reader, and had a retentive memory. He was pleasant in his family, though natu- rally nervous and excitable. He was eminently neighborly : after the sale of his first farm, his neighbor offered him his choice of ten good cows, if he would return. Though his was a life not brilliant, nor particularly attractive, the commingling of disappointments, perse- verance, hardships, labor, temptations, honesty and sterling integrity in it, his children's children may contemplate with no little degree of satisfaction and pride. Mr. Perley married in Wilton, Me., 17 Feb., 1825, Maranda Perry, who, born in West Boylston, Mass., 3 Jan., 1804, to Joseph, a farmer, and Sally-Sawyer Perry, died 10 May, 1845. His second wife was Rachel P. Herrick of Strong, Me., married 20 March, 1849, born 10 Nov., 1816, and died 20 July, 1860. His third wife was Lydia Herrick, married 15 March, 1865, born in Strong 6 Aug., 1819. He was sick about a year, and died in Industry 7 Sept., 1871. His widow married James Snowman of Rangeley, Me., where she died 8 March, 1889. 1 Perley children : Joseph Perry"^, Joshua Eaton-430, John Estes- 481, Hannah Selina^ Moses Sawyer*, Lauretta'^ Sarah Maranda^ 2 Joseph P.' was born 10 Jan., 1826, and died in Wilton, Me., 30 Aug., 1834. Lauretta^ was born 9 Sept., 1837, and died in Wilton 9 April, 1838. 454 THE PERLEY F'AMILY 8 Hannah S.' was born in Wilton 7 Sept., 1831, and married in Scituate, Mass., in 1852, James Winchell Cud worth, a carpenter, born in Scituate 12 Sept., 1824, to Israel, a carpenter, and Mabel-Jenkins Cudworth. She died in Boston 10 or 15 May, 1859, leaving one child. He married second, Miss Emeline Alrich. He died in Rox- bury, Mass., 22 July, 1895. Perley-Cudworth child : Emma Adelaide, born 29 July, 1857, in Boston, a stenographer, unmarried, in Dor- chester, Mass. ■4 Moses S.^ was born 28 Aug., 1834, and married 1 Aug., 1858, Urania Pease Smith. When a young man he was employed in a scythe shop, and early in the (30's engaged in farming, and finally settled in Ayer, Mass., where he died 30 March, 1900. His widow resides in Brookline, Mass. 5 Sarah M.' was born in Wilton, Me., 24 Feb., 1841. She mar- ried there, 25 Nov., 1862, Algernon Mansfield Mitchell, born in Lewiston, Me., 12 Sept., 1838, to Jonathan and Mary P.-Wright Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell was a spinner in woolen mills till the Civil War, when he enlisted 1 Aug., 1801, in the Eighth IVIaine; was sick with measles in hospital at Annapolis, INId., till the next April, when he was discharged for disability. He re-enlisted 24 Feb., 1864, and remained till the close of the war. He was at one time of the Ambu- lance Corps and served sometime in the Veteran Reserve Corps. After the war he was engaged for several years in Boston meat mar- kets, and later, throughout his section, with a two-horse team peddled dry and fancy goods. His widow resides in Sabattus, Me. Mitchell children: Lillian Effie''; Sylvanus Sherman"; Lena May^^; Guy Liv- ingstone^; Burton Lafayette^"; Rose Estelle"; Grace Elisabeth'-; Blanch Vivian, who, born 6 Jan., 1880, is unmarried in Shiloh ; Sarah Adelina'^ 6 Lillian E.^ was born in Lewiston 12 Feb., 1864, and married there Ralph Roderick Myrick, a shoemaker, born in Troy, Me., 10 Jan., 1869, to Freeman Drew and Helen AL-Rhodes Myrick. Lillian was a compositor in the office of Lewiston Daily and Weekly Jour- nal for some twenty or twenty-five years. She died in Shiloh 13 Oct., 1902, having had one child born 21 Nov., and died 7 Dec, 1894. Mr. Myrick married, second, 1 June, 1904, Alice M. Jones of Wales, Me. His address is Sabattus. 7 Sylvanus S." was born in Lewiston, Me., 18 July, 1866, and married in Greene, Me., Clara A. Sprague, born in Greene 7 March, 1871, to Jefferson and Celestia-Wllkins Sprague. He was a carpen- ter. His wife died suddenly of hemorrhage of the brain 19 July, 1897. He received by accident in a saw mill internal injuries from which he suffered intensely for thirty hours, when death relieved him 19 Sept., 1897 — just two months after the death of his wife. They left one child: Burton Mansfield, born in Greene 27 Sept., 1895. 8 Lena M.^ was born in Lewiston 16 Feb., 1868. She was a dressmaker. She married in Wales Corner, Me., 26 March, 1889, Walter Elbridge Webster, born in Lewiston 11 March, 1863, to Elbridge G., a farmer, and Henrietta Ardellia-Given Webster. Mr. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 455 Webster is a blacksmith and farmer. Webster children, born in Wales, Me.: Lillian Sarah, 21 April, 1896; Dean Barbour, 11 Oct., 1898; Perley Mitchell, Jan., 1901; Carleton Given, 2 May, 1903. 9 Guy h/' was born in Lewiston, Me., 22 April, 1870, and mar- ried there 4 Oct., 1894, Maud Louise Carleton, born in Readfield, Me., 21 April, ,1872, to Robert Wilson, a farmer, and Nancy Jane- Hodgdon Carleton. He is a farmer in Turner, Me. 10 Burton L.^ was born in Lewiston, Me., 26 Aug., 1872. He is a carpenter. He married in Shiloh, Me., 27 July, 1902, Ethel Mae Bender, who was born in Chicago, 111., 16 Jan., 1879, to Benjamin Frank, a livestock dealer, and Mary Elizabeth-Kellogg Bender. Mitchell children: Blanche Elisabeth, born in Chicago 27 July, 1903; Ruth, born in Arlington Heights, 111., 11 Sept., 1904. 11 Rose E.^' was born 16 Feb., 1875, and began teaching at the age of sixteen. She graduated at the Teachers' Fitting School in Lewiston, attended Bates College and the Normal School of Farm- ington. She taught in Chesterville, Me., three years prior to Sept., 1905, when she began as teacher in the State School for Boys in Portland, having charge of the musical' department. 12 Grace E.° was born in Lewiston 25 Nov., 1877. She was a school teacher. She married in Shiloh, Me., 27 July, 1902, Rev. Frank Gordon McKenzie of Shiloh, born 3 July, 1877, to Caleb Jackson, a sea captain, and Susan-Dart McKenzie. He is highly esteemed as a spiritual leader in his community and for his interest in the " Bible School." McKenzie children : Ruel Dart, born 4 June, 1903 ; Noel, born 25 Dec, 1904. 13 Sarah A,^ was born in Leeds, Me., 26 Jan., 1882, and married in Shiloh, Me., 1 Jan., 1904, Rev. Ernest Howard Tupper of Shiloh, who was born in Oakland, Me., 20 May, 1877, to Charles Jacob, a farmer, and Sarah Emily King-Emerson Tupper. He is a graduate of Colby College and was formerly a teacher. He is deeply inter- ested in spiritual work among children. Tupper child : Larcy, born 8 Jan., 1905. FAMILY 296: WHITMORE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4. JACOB-17. JACOB-37, JACOB-73, JOSHUA-148. MARTHA PERLEY was born in Deerfield, Ohio, 18 April, 1803. She was motherless when two days old, as related in fam- ily-148. Her mother was sister to the wife of Col. Fairbanks of Farmington, Me., and when the sisters parted they promised that a daughter born to either should be given the name of the other, and if either should die, the other should have the child, if it should sur- vive. The child was feeble and wearied of the long journey, and for miles upon miles the father walked carrying the infant in his arms. Her aunt at last received her, and adopted and educated her. She married in Farmington, Me., 20 Dec, 1822, Benjamin Whit- more, a blacksmith, who was born in Bowdoinham, Me., 15 March, 1798, to Benjamin and Olive-Cook Whitmore. She died in Fair- 456 THE PERLEY FAMILY banks, Farmington, 10 Jan., 1865, leaving a fragrant memory of noble womanhood. He died in Fairbanks 15 June, 1883. 1 Whitmore children : Joshua Perley'-, Martha Elizabeth^ Han- nah RacheP, a son"-, a daughter'^ Benjamin Perley", Amherst", John Franklin-, John Clement*^, Nathaniel Chadbourne-. 2 Joshua P.^ was born 25 Oct., 1823, and died in March, 1833. The nameless ones died at birth. Amherst^ was born in Fairbanks, P'armington, 25 Sept., 1836, was a carpenter, and died unmarried in San Francisco, Cal., 26 Dec, 1901. John F.^ was born 18 Oct., 1839, and died in 1840. Nathaniel C.\ born in Fairbanks, P'armington, 1 Nov., 1844, was a carriage maker, and died in Fairbanks 2 Sept., 1904. 3 Martha E.^ was born in Strong, Me., 6 Oct., 1825. She mar- ried in F'armington, Me., 9 March, 1870, Lawrence Stevens, a trader, who was born in Schenectady, N. Y. He died 15 Jan., 1886, in Lowell, Mass., where his widow died 15 Jan., 188is. 4 Hannah R.' was born in Strong, Me., 10 July, 1828. She mar- ried in Wilton 25 July, 1850, Horatio Greenward Eaton, a farmer and millwright, who was born in Farmington 26 June, 1828, to Isaac and Mary-Lyon Eaton. Their address and their children's is P'airbanks. Eaton issue, born in Farmington: Aura Genevieve, 15 March, 1852, who is unmarried; Clarence Melville'; Florence Emma, 25 Sept., 1857, who is unmarried; Stella Marion, 15 July, 1860, died 17 Dec, 1869; a daughter, born and died 20 Oct., 1870. 5 Benjamin P.^ was born in Fairbanks, P^armington, 31 Jan., 1834. He was a painter. He married in Farmington 20 March, 1870, and became the second husband of P3mma Strong. She was born in Ver- mont and was by trade a milliner and dressmaker. Her father was a musician. Her first husband was A. L. Lord. She died in P'air- banks 4 July, 1890; and he 9 March, 1891. 6 John C.^ was born in P^airbanks 22 Aug., 1842. He was a painter and undertaker. He married in P'armington in March, 1870, Lottie Graves, who was born in New Sharon, Me., to Jonathan and Plummer Graves. 7 Clarence M/ was born 8 Nov., 1853. He married in P'arming- ton 11 June, 1879, Alice Minerva Chick, who was born in Embden, Me., 1 March, 1863, to Silas, a shoemaker, and Louisa- P'oss Chick. Mr. Eaton is a trader. Their address is Fairbanks. Eaton issue : Plossie Genevieve, born 3 Oct., 1881, in Fairbanks. FAMILY 297: BACHELLOR. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAOOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-155. MARTHA GOULD PERLEY was born in Dunbarton, N. H., 28 June, 1793. She married 15 Feb., 1814, George Hiram Abiff Bachellor, who was born in Haverhill, Mass., 30 June, 1788, to Dr. William and Lydia-Chase Bachellor. [Dr. Bachellor's father was Rev. Samuel Bachellor, the first Congregational minister of the West HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 457 Parish of Haverhill. Lydia-Chase Bachellor was of West Newbury and a lineal descendant of Aquilla Chase.] His wife died 23 Sept., 1826. His second wife, married 4 June, 1829, was Sally Wood-87\ born 27 Nov., 1798, to Solomon and Phebe-Perley Wood of Boxford. He was a wheelwright and wagon builder in Groveland, Mass., where he died 15 Oct., 1863. His widow died in Jan., 1886. 1 Perley-Bachellor children: William K."-, Lois Hardy^ George KendalP, Leonard Haseltine", Humphrey Clark'', Morrison Proctor, or Proctor P.^, Charles^ Wood-Bachellor children: Henry Perley^ Elbridge Kimball', Ruth M^ 2 "William K.^ had his surname changed to Kendall." He was born 17 June, 1814, in Groveland, and married, first. Miss Rebecca Carlton. His second marriage was in Georgetown 10 Dec, 1855, to Mary Sophila Jewett, who was born there 23 May, 1835, to Jacob F., a shoemaker, and Julia-Merrill Jewett. Mr. Kendall was a shoe cutter. He died 27 March, 1900, in Georgetown, where his widow now resides (1905). Kendall issue: Mary Rebecca^. 3 Lois H.^ was born 10 Nov., 1815, in Groveland, and was adopted by her aunt, Mrs. Lois Hardy. She married in Groveland 10 Nov., 1836, Gardner Perry Ladd, who was born in Groveland 23 Oct., 1814, to Nathaniel and Sarah-Ingersoll Ladd. She died 28 March, 1902. Mr. Ladd was a member of "the Constitutional Convention in 1853." He was tax collector and treasurer of the town of Groveland from 1872 to 1896 and was chairman of the Board of selectmen from 1882 to 1889. He is now retired (1905) in Groveland. Ladd issue, born in Groveland: Jeremiah Benjamin Perley^'^; Nathaniel E."; RufusG., born 31 Dec, 1846, and died 18 Aug., 1848; Martha G.^- 4 George KendalP dropped the name Bachellor and retained his middle name as a surname. He was born 21 Sept., 1817 — was a shoe cutter — married Mary Kimball — died 13 March, 1855; his widow 28 Nov., 1904, without issue. 5 Humphrey C.^ was born 31 Jan., 1821, and died 19 Jan., 1823. Leonard H.' was born 20 Jan., 1819, and died unmarried 7 Jan., 1888. He was a brushmaker in Groveland, and blind from 1837. Charles^ married Mary Lamb, and had a son George and a daughter Mary who married a Baker, all of Georgetown. Morrison P.^ left several grandchildren, of whom were Charles Woodcock and Jenny W., both of Georgetown. 6 Henry P.^ was born in 1832, and married Elmira G. Kimball, daughter of George N. and Almira-Hall Kimball of Groveland, where he was a shoe manufacturer. He removed to Newton, N. H,, in 1855. He left issue: Maria G., who, born in 1855, married a Fegan; George and Charles of Groveland; John of Boston. 7 Elbridge K.^ was born in Groveland, Mass., 31 Dec, 1830. He married in Hayerhill 21 June, 1859, Eliza Jane Bartlett, a music teacher, who was born in Newton, N. H., 23 June, 1835, to Luther, a shoe manufacturer of Haverhill, and Adaline-Bartlett Bartlett. Mr. Bachelder was a shoe manufacturer and resided in Newburyport, Mass., where he died 8 Dec, 1901. His widow resides in Newbury- port (1905), without children. 8 Ruth M.\ born in 1835, married Benja. P. Carleton, son of 458 THE PERLEY FAMILY George and Tamison-Pemberton Carleton, lived in Bradford, and had Elbridge of Groveland and Harlan of Haverhill. 9 Mary R.- was born 4 Jan., 1866, in Georgetown, where she mar- ried 16 June, 1886, Lewis Henry Giles, who was born there 31 July, 1863, to James B., a shoe manufacturer, and Eliza Kimball-Bunker Giles. He graduated at the Putnam Free School, Newburyport. He afterward attended the Bryant & Stratton Commercial School in Boston, and then accepted a position in the Georgetown National Bank, where he became cashier in 1887, a position he still holds (1905). Mrs. Giles graduated at the Georgetown High School, and previous to her marriage taught two years. Giles issue, born in Georgetown: Bertha Kendall, 9 Dec, 1887. 10 Jeremiah B. P.* was born 28 March, 1838. He married in East Haverhill, Mass., 2 March, 1859, Ann Rebecca George, who was born in Groveland 30 May, 1840, to Levi B. and Joanna-Carter George. He was educated in the public schools and Merrimac Academy. He was a justice of the peace and conveyancer and practitioner in probate. During the Civil War he was sergeant in 8th Unattached Company, Heavy Artillery, Mass. Vols.; was second lieutenant, 21st Unattached Company — afterwards Company E, 4th Artillery. He died 11 April, 1895, in Groveland; his widow 13 May, 1901. Ladd issue: Alice M., born 8 Jan.; 1867, died unmarried 8 April, 1887, in Groveland. 11 Nathaniel E.^was born 16 June, 1840. He married in Grove- land, 18 Oct., 1868, Isabelle S. Parker, who was born there 31 Jan., 1845, to Dean R., a shoe cutter, and Rebecca K. -Foster Parker. He was educated in the public schools and Merrimac Academy. He enlisted as a private in the Civil War and shared the perils of his regiment till 26 Aug., 1863, when he was discharged by order of the War Department to accept promotion. He was commissioned sec- ond lieutenant, first lieutenant, and then captain of 55th Regt., Mass. Vols.; was commissioned a brevet major of volunteers. During a portion of 1864 and 1865 he was in command of Fort 2, Long Island, and Fort Delafield, Folly Island, Charleston Harbor, S. C. From March, 1865, until September of the same year he was on the staff of Maj. Gen. Hatch, as assistant provost marshal. In 1887 he was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature, serving on the committee on railroads. Maj. Ladd is by trade a shoe manufacturer. He is now (1905) engaged in railway mail service, detailed as a transfer clerk at the North Union Station, Boston, with home in Groveland. Ladd issue, born in Groveland : Fred Winthrop, 28 Nov., 1869, died 7 Dec, 1877; Arthur Shirley, 2 March, 1875, an insurance agent in Haverhill; Stanley Parker, 29 Oct., 1880. 12 Martha G.** was born 8 May, 1849. She married in Grove- land in Nov., 1874, George E. Dawkins, a shoemaker, who was born in Newbury, Mass., 13 Dec, 1849, to Thomas and Adeline-Dawkins Dawkins. She died in Groveland in April, 1886. Mr. Dawkins resides in Georgetown, where his only child, George K., resides unmarried. FAMILY 298: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, JAOOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN 74, BENJAMIN-155. BENJAMIN PERLEY was born 15 Feb., 1795, in Dunbarton, N. H., where he became a farmer, and where he married 27 Dec, 1821, Ruth Sawyer Mills, born 9 July, 1802, to Thomas of the same place, where he died 11 Oct., 1877. His widow died in Manchester, N. H., 27 March, 1882. 1 Perley children, born in Dunbarton : Warren-432, Charles-433, Margaret Ferguson*, John Quincy Adams-484, Mary Jane^ Sarah Lois*, Lydia Ann^ Hannah Morrison'', Alsina Abbott'. 2 Margaret F.^ was born 4 Oct., 1825, and 5 Feb., 1850, married Daniel D. Heath, and had one child. Her second husband, married 7 March, 1855, was James Clement. She died 31 July, 1872. Heath child: Edward D., born 2 Sept., 1851, married an Illinois lady and had two children. " This family went West years ago and nothing is known of them." 8 Mary J.^ was born in Dunbarton 28 April, 1830, and married in Lawrence, Mass., 19 Sept., 1850, Elijah Estabrook Wortman, a printer, born in Maine 10 March, 1829, to David Wortman. He died in Rockland, Me., 12 April, 1877. His widow resides in Manches- ter, N. H. Wortman issue: Clarence Perley, born in Dunbarton 22 Nov., 1851, and married; Ada, born in Rockland 20 March, died 29 Aug., 1855; Etta Mary, born in Rockland 18 Sept., 1859, died in Boxford, Mass., 28 May, 1881. 4 Sarah L.^ was born 5 May, 1832, and died unmarried 8 May, 1852. 5 Lydia A.^ was born 8 Aug., 1834, and married 3 Jan., 1853, in Manchester, N. H., Orin Elliot Kimball, leather and wool merchant, born in Dracut, Mass., 22 Aug., 1833, to Calvin, a granite cutter, and Dorcas-Abbott Kimball. She died in Manchester 18 June, 1867. Kimball issue: Ruth Ella**. 6 Hannah M.^ was born in Dunbarton 2 Oct., 1836, and married in Manchester, N. H., 11 April, 1860, Arthur Brown Underbill, born in Chester, N. H., 23 Oct., 1832, to Flagg T., edge tool manufacturer, and Mary-Brown Underbill. Mr. Underbill was superintendent of motive power for Boston & Albany Railroad, and died 24 May, 1896, in Springfield, Mass., where his widow now resides. Underbill issue : Arthur Perley^. 7 Alsina A.^ was born 23 Aug., 1840, and married, first, in Man- chester, N. H., 10 Nov., 1858, Alfred Woodbury (a brother to Heph- zibah-434), a farmer, born in Goffstown, N. H., 7 April, 1839, to Amos, a farmer, and Mary-Annis Woodbury, They were divorced and she married, second, in Haverhill, Mass., 31 May, 1869, her brother-in-law, Orin Elliot KimbalP. Their home is Manchester. Woodbury issue : Herbert Albert^". 460 THE PERLEY FAMILY 8 Ruth E.^ was born in Manchester 4 Aug., 1854, married in Bos- ton 11 June, 1878, Simon Henry Brown, a leather and wool merchant, born in Auburn, N. H., 23 July, 1845, to Nathaniel, an edge tool manufacturer, and Sarah-Graham Brown. They reside in Manches- ter and have one child, Perley Kimball, born in Ramapo, N. Y., 21 June, 1887, who is preparing to enter Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 9 Arthur P.® was born in Boston 17 Dec, 1872, and married in Dorchester, Mass., 12 Oct., 1897, Marion Belle Stone, born in South Boston 15 June, 1874, to William Pay son, a carriage builder, and Lillian-Dolbear Stone. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, is a dealer in automobiles, lives in Dorchester, where their child Ruth was born 12 Nov., 1900. 10 Herbert A.' was born in Dunbarton, N. H., 15 Jan., 1860, and married in Manchester 28 April, 1877, Minnie Haines, born in Pea- body, Mass., 11 May, 1859, to John Ayer and Theresa-Cogswell Haines. He is a mechanic, lives in Manchester, and has issue born there: Leon Wesley, 25 Feb., 1878; Pearl Elsie, 22 Dec, 1891; and Alberta, per Hammond genealogy. FAMILY 299: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-] 55. WARREN PERLEY was born in Dunbarton, N. H., 30 Sept., 1799, where he was a farmer, and served as selectman and repre- sentative several years. His wife was Emily Mills. He died 27 May, 1854. 1 Perley children : Martha B.-, Jeremiah', Moses'^ John'\ Georgel 2 Martha' was born about 1826, and married Rodney Sargent, born about 1825 — resided in South Groveland — about 1852-3 went to Danvers — had children: George, who died young, and Ann E., born about 1851 ; Jeremiah', Stark's History of Dunbarton says, "was slain by a party of Indians in California, after a brave defense." 3 Moses' married and has two sons and lives in Duhbarton, N. H. John' and George^ went to California, where they may now be living. FAMILY 300: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-1, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-155. GILMAN PERLEY was born in Dunbarton, N. H., 27 Aug., 1801. He adopted Georgetown as his home, and for years was the genial "Baker Perley" of northern and central Essex County. Later he was a grocer. He was a man that everybody liked, for his genial disposition, his gentlemanly manners, his honesty and business punc- tuality and integrity. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 461 His first wife was Mary Jane Pickett, daughter of Benj. and Sarah, born 10 Sept., 1807, and married 31 Oct., 1826, and died 24 June, 1878. His second wife was Mrs. Susan M. Meader of Epping, N. H., married in Haverhill 15 Jan., 1879. He died 17 Nov., 1886. The Georgetown Advocate said : "Mrs. Mary Perley, wife of Capt. Oilman Perley, died suddenly last Monday morning. She has for several years been a sufferer from a tumor upon her neck, which before her death had assumed enor- mous proportions, but a shock of something resembling paralysis was the cause of her death. Mrs. Perley has been for a number of years a constant member of the Memorial Church, and is reported to have been an exemplary and kind-hearted woman. We deeply sym- pathize with the genial captain in his bereavement, as we know the pangs of the loss of so important a part in one's household. In this we are assured that we shall have a ready support from the popula- tion of the entire portion of Essex North, as no man is better known than the captain, who for more than half a century has been, as a baker and grocer, a welcome visitor to nearly every household. The house was almost a hotel in former years before the infirmity attacked her, and her hospitality was proverbial and notorious. Her funeral occurred last Wednesday, and the remains repose in Harmony Cemetery." 1 Perley children: Sarah Jane435, Eliza', Mary Ann^ Oilman^ Renton Melvin-436, Elbridge\ John Lovering-437, Sylvester Cum mings\ 2 Eliza' was born 15 Nov., 1828, and married in Georgetown 25 Sept., 1850, John McCurdy Poore, who was born 4 July, 1826, to Ben- jamin and Martha-McCurdy Poore of Goffstown, N. H., and who died 15 Aug., 1884. He was a shoe manufacturer in Haverhill from 1852, was orderly sergeant in Co. F, 50th Regt., Mass. Vols., was at Port Hudson, was assessor in 1879, was justice of the peace. Child: John F'reddie, born 22 May, and died 2 Sept., 1857. 3 Mary' was born 2 Feb., 1830, and 10 June, 1850, married Solo- mon H. Harvey, who was born in 1830 to Stephen and Eliza, of Georgetown. " One child : Nellie Harvey Bond, died 26 April, 1884." 4 Oilman' was born 28 March, 1831, and died 10 Sept., 1831; p:ibridge', 21 Jan., and died 1 or 29 Oct., 1834; Sylvester C, 4 Oct., 1839, and died 2 Dec, 1871. He married in Newburyport, where he was a clerk, 28 May, 1858, Sarah ¥. Pride of the same city, who, twenty years before was born in Marblehead to Elisha and Elizabeth Pride. They had Lilian Nestelle, born 18 Jan., 1886, in Newburyport. FAMILY 301: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-1.55. JOHN PERLEY was born in Dunbarton, N. H., 8 July, 1808. He settled a farmer in Bradford, Mass., near the falls of the Merri- mac. He was a selectman three successive years from 1862, and 462 THE PBRLEY FAMILY held other town offices at other times. He married Mrs. Ruby-Gage Thurston 26 Nov., 1832. She was the widow of Nathaniel Bridges Thurston, a grocer of Bradford, who married her in April, 1823, and died in Aug., 1831. She was born 30 Dec, 1800, to Uriah and Han- nah-Tenney Gage, and had by Thurston: Aroline, of Boston in 1898, Martha B. and William G. 1 Perley children : Rubia Ann Thurston"^, Clarinda Goulds 2 Rubia A. T.^ was born 2 May, 1833, and in Lawrence, Mass., 1 Nov., 1853, married George Poor, who was born 18 May, 1825, to Samuel and Hannah-Greenough Poor of Newbury. He was a shoe manufacturer in Haverhill, where she died 17 Oct., 1861. [Mr. Poor married again 11 Jan., 1866, at South Royalton, Vt., Jeannette Osgood, who was born in Sharon, Vt., 18 Oct., 1843, to Ora and Sarah-Flint Osgood, and had one child, George Osgood, born 7 Sept., 1868.] Rubia's children were Charles Howard''; Emma, born 9 Oct., 1859, and died 18 P>b., 1860; Frank Thurston, born 1 Aug., 1861, and died in Methuen 14 Jan., 1862. 3 Clarinda G.^ was born 11 Nov. 1834, and died unmarried in Bradford 11 April, 1865. 4 Charles H.^ was born 6 Sept., 1854, and 3 Nov., 1880, married P"annie Damon Swan, who was born 22 May, 1859, to Frank C. and Olive E.-Damon Swan of Haverhill. He is an attorney-at-law. FAMILY 302: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-155. ELBRIDGE PERLEY was born in Dunbarton, N. H., 29 Oct., 1810. He was a stone mason in Georgetown till 1838, when he bought the Dr. Bacon farm in Boxford and became a farmer. He married 25 Oct., 1835, Sarah Kimball, who was born 31 Oct., 1814, to Asa and Sarah-Gage Kimball of Bradford. He died 28 April, 1876; she 19 March, 1897. 1 Perley children: Asa Kimball'^ Thomas Peabody^ William Elbridge-438, Aroline Amelia\ John Eustice^ Sarah Lois MerrilP. 2 Asa^ was born 4 April, 1837. He was mustered in against the Rebellion, for nine months, in Co. K, 50th Regt., Mass. Vols., Gen. Banks' division, 19 Sept., 1862, and did service at New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Port Hudson. He came home sick and died 16 Aug., 1863. 3 Thomas P.^ was born 19 Aug., 1839. He was mustered in with his brother, went as far as New Orleans, was sick on the passage from New York, died on the Mississippi river on his way home 3 Aug., 1863, near Helena, Ark., where he was buried the same day. A memorial at Asa's grave in West Boxford commemorates the two patriots : Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, And stars to set ; but all — Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death ! HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 453 4 Aroline^ was born 17 Jan., 1845, and married Everett Bean and resides in Groveton, N. H. John^ was born 24 Jan., 1849 ; he lived at home till his mother died. Later he lived much of his time in Boston, where he had the care of gentlemen's valuable horses and was some time a coachman. He married Susan Parrott, who is now in California. They have had no children. Sarah L. M.^ was born 5 Feb., 1854, and 20 Nov., 1872, married William Philander Emery, who was born in 1849 to William B. and Abigail-Hanson F.mery of Sanford, Me. She died without issue 28 March, 1875. FAMILY 303: PERLEY. LI.VEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, PALiL-156. BENJAMIN PERLEY was born in Springfield, N. H., 8 June, 1802. He was a farmer. His first wife was Hannah Adams (born in New London), a school teacher. Her parents were Moses and Hannah-Flanders Adams. She died in New London in July, 1844. He married, second, in July, 1848, Mrs. Eliza-Gage Collins of Enfield, N. H., born 23 April, 1807, to Phineas, a farmer, and Phebe-Eaton Gase. He died in Springfield 14 Aug., 1867; and she in New Lon- don 23 Dec, 1882. 1 Perley children : Cyrus A.'-, Hannah Adelphia'', Sarah Augusta'', Abbie Eliza°. 2 Cyrus A.^ was born in Oct., 1835, and died in Nov., 1841. 3 Hannah A.^ was born in Springfield, N. H., 12 March, 1836. She married in Manchester, N. H., 8 April, 1861, Erastus Graffum Rollins, who was born in Camden, Me., 26 June, 1834, to David, a farmer, and Miriam N. -Gross Rollins. He was a photographer many years in Gloucester, Mass., and did a large business. At length, his health failing, he removed to Georgetown, Mass., where he bought a small farm. Subsequently he sold and removed. For some time he made his home in southern California. Their home (1905) is Norton, Mass., where he is a farmer. Rollins issue: Charles P'rank, born 14 Feb., 1868, died 11 Sept., 1869; P^red Perley, born in Glouces- ter 22 Jan., 1870, resides unmarried with his parents. 4 Sarah A.^ was born in Springfield, N. H., 11 June, 1846, and married in New London 2 July, 1865, Edwin Messer, a farmer, born in New London 2 Sept., 1837, to Jacob, a farmer, and Mary-Putney Messer. Their home is New London. Messer children, born in New London: Laura Angle, 17 Dec, 1866, died 22 April, 1897; Liz- zie Estella, 17 May, 1868; Herman Perley®; Elmer Frank^; Mary Abbie, 10 Sept., 1876; and Jennie Bell, 16 Dec, 1879, are trained nurses of Manchester, having graduated from the New London Acad- emy and Elliot Hospital Nurses' School of Manchester; Charles Sherman, 17 Oct., 1881, resides with his parents. 5 Abbie E.^ was born in Springfield, N. H., 11 Sept., 1847, and became, in Manchester, the second wife of George Warren Tilton, a painter, born in Epping, N. H. He died 1 Sept., 1897. His widow resides in New London. Her portrait is on the next page. 464 THE PERLEY FAMILY 6 Herman P.* was born in New London 14 Aug., 18(j9. He mar- ried in West Springfield, N. H., 11 Jan., 1899, Lennie Jane Philbrick, a teacher, born in West Springfield 11 May, 1873, to Horace Hall, a farmer, and Mary Jane-Noyes Philbrick. Mr. Messer was educated at Colby Academy, is Past Master of the local Grange and a select- man of the town. Mrs. Messer is a graduate of the Plymouth State MRS. ABHIE ELIZA TILTON. Normal School and a member of the School Board of New London. Mes.ser children: Edna Gertrude, born 14 Oct., 1899; Clayton Per- ley, born 22 Oct., 1904. 7 Elmer F.^ was born in New London 20 Aug., 1874, and mar- ried there 28 Dec, 1900, Gustie May Todd, a teacher, born in New London 8 Jan., 1878, to Edward A., a farmer, and Alice A. -Trow Todd. Their home is New London, where their child, Helen Todd, was born 19 Dec, 1904. FAMILY 304: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, PAUL-156. DANIEL STORY PERLEY was born in Springfield, N. H., 16 Jan., 1808, where he settled, with post office address New Lon- don. His first wife, married 5 June, 1843, in Sutton, N. H., where HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 465 she was born 7 Feb., 1813, was Mahala Gile, daughter of Levi Gile, a farmer. She died in Springfield 30 Oct., 1839. He married, sec- ond, in Springfield 16 Jan., 1861, and became the third husband (tf Mrs. Lucy Morrill Brown, born in Wilmot, N. H., 3 June, 1816, to Jabez, a farmer, and Hannah-Blanchard Morrill. He died in Spring- field 30 March, 1878. His widow resides in New London. 1 Perley children : Mary Ann'-, Asenath Gile*^. 2 Mary A.^ was born in Springfield, N. H., 24 March, 1844, and married there 15 Jan., 1872, James Woodbury Hutchins, a carpenter, born in York, Me. He was several years landlord of the Merrimac House, Lowell, Mass. She was in early years a school teacher. She died in Wilmot, N. H., in August, 1875; and he in Lowell, Mass., circa 1902-3, leaving issue: Guy, born 28 Oct., 1872. 3 Asenath G.^ was born 23 Feb., 1847, and died 17 Dec, 1853. FAMILY 305: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BP:NJAM1Jv-T4, JOHN-159. PROCTOR JEFFERSON PERLEY was born in Salem, Mass., 17 June, 1802. He was a painter by trade. He married in Essex 23 May, 1828, Lydia Herrick Perkins, born there 6 Dec, 1804, to Abraham and Mary-Burnham Perkins. Their home was South Dan- vers (now Peabody), where she died 29 Nov., 1889. He died of con- sumption in Salem 16 Feb., 1841. 1 Perley children : Mary Wilder'^ Lucy Secomb'', Elbridge Gerry- 439, Maria Taylor^ 2 Mary W.' was born in Peabody 23 Feb., 1829, and married there 4 Dec, 1849, Henry Nehemiah Butman, a salesman and machinist, born in Salem, Mass., 7 Nov., 1826, to Nehemiah W., mate of vessel, and Mary Nicholson-Morong Butman. He died in Boston, Mass., 3 Sept., 1891. His widow resides in Roxbury, Mass. Butman issue: Eliza Edwards, born 25 Dec, 1850, in Woburn, Mass., who is now of Boston; William Henry, born in Lawrence 27 Oct., 1853, married, died 11 March, 1897; Frederick Perley^; Anna Morong, born 23 June, 1861, died in Lawrence, Mass., 22 Sept., 1863; Clara Grace, born 19 May, 1856, died in Lawrence 5 March, 1858; Mabel, born in Lawrence 15 May, 1864, residing in Roxbury; Charles Everett''; Nellie Grace, born in Chelsea, Mass., 8 Sept., 1872, died in Feb., 1873. 3 Lucy S.^ was born 24 Oct., 1830, and 27 Jan., 1856, married Jacob McKenzie of Essex, Mass., born 14 July, 1829, where he was a shoemaker. Their children : Nellie, born 18 March, 1858; Frank Emerson, 16 July, 1863 ; Albert, 28 Sept., 1864, and died 14 May, 1866. 4 Maria T.^ was born in Peabody 29 Jan., 1839, and married there 6 Jan., 1859, Lyman Osborn, born in Peabody 2 April, 1835, to Ken- dall, a leather manufacturer, and Sally-Bushby Osborn. He is a shoe cutter of Peabody. Issue: Lyman Perley". 5 Frederick P." was born in Lawrence, Mass., 8 March, 1858, and married in Holbrook, Mass., 26 May, 1880, Lizzie Ella Paine, born in East Randolph, now Holbrook, Mass., 21 Feb., 1858, to Benjamin 466 THE PERLEY FAMILY and Mercy Winslow-Tillson Paine. Mr. Butman is a manufacturer in Holbrook. Child: Frederick Carlton, born 4 Feb., 1888. 6 Charles E.'-^ was born in Lawrence, Mass., 5 Feb., 1867, and married in Everett, Mass., 10 Aug., 1887, Lottie May Cutter, who was born in Chelsea, Mass., 27 May, 1870, to William P., a carpenter, and Charity Elizabeth-Wade Cutter. Mr. Butman is engaged in shipping. Their home is now Maiden: Their children were born in Everett, but the last in Maiden: Lillian May, 21 Nov., 1887, unmar- ried; Charles Sumner, 17 Sept., 1890; Lester Leland, 15 April, 1893, died 11 June, 1893; Edna Wilder, 27 July, 1896; Doris Lorinda, 6 March, 1903. 7 Lyman P.'* was born in South Danvers, now Peabody, 22 Sept., 1860, graduated from Peabody High School 13 July, 1877, and took first prize. He married in Maiden, Mass., 4 Oct., 1892, Lizzie Cheever Osborn, born in East Boston, Mass., 8 Aug., 1858, to Louis, a machinist, and Eliza Sutton-Cheever Osborn. Their home is Pea- body, where he is librarian of the Peabody Institute. FAMILY 306: WHEELER. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TH03IAS-4 JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, JOHN-159. MEHITABLE PERLEY was born in Salem 5 Jan., 1806. She married in 18-40 Asa Wheeler, who was born 28 July, 1799. He was a dealer in provisions, in Salem, and a widower ; his first wife was Louise Robinson. He died 1 June, 1854, of apoplexy; she 22 Nov., 1873, of pneumonia. 1 Wheeler children : Richard Perley'^ Louisa Robinson^, Emily P.^, Francis Woodward^ Manly Asa'*. 2 Richard^ was born in Salem 29 June, 1835. He was a lieuten- ant in the War of the Rebellion, was mortally wounded and died 2 June, 1864, at Drury's Bluff, Va. ; his body was embalmed, and interred in Harmony Grove Cemetery, Salem. 3 Louisa R.^ was born in Peabody, Mass., 24 Feb., 1843. She married in Manchester, Mass., 26 Nov., 1863, Truman Alvah Hardy, who was born in Salisbury, N. H., 21 Oct., 1839, to Truman and Ellen-Beals Hardy. He was many years of the dry goods firm Shep- herd & Co., Salem. He died in South Newbury, Ohio, 31 March, 1882. His widow resides in Salem. Hardy issue: Lizzie Frances'^; Arthur Proctor"; Henry Wheeler, born in Salem 5 May, 1876, a law- yer, residing in Salem. 4 Emily P.^ was born 8 Oct., and died in Peabody 9 Nov., 1846. Francis W.^ was born 30 July, 1849, in Salem, where he died 15 June, 1870. Manly A.^ was born 21 Nov., 1851, in Salem, where he died 9 April, 1852. 5 Lizzie F.^ was born in Salem 20 July, 1866. She married there 24 Aug., 1891, Frederic Augustus Fuller, a salesman in furs, who was born in Salem 22 Nov., 1864, to Joseph T. and Jeanette-Chipman Fuller. They reside in Salem. Fuller issue: Margaret Frances, born 8 June, 1892; Harold Chipman, born 22 Nov., 1894; Dorothy Dale, born 11 March, 1896; Priscilla Howland, born 6 Oct., 1900. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 467 6 Arthur P.^ was born in Salem 22 Feb., 1873, and married there 21 Oct., 1895, Laura Annie Fuller, sister of Frederic'', born in Salem 21 Aug., 1872. Mr. Hardy is a lawyer. Their home is Maiden, and their issue: Miriam, born 9 May, 1902. FAMILY 307: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIIOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, JOHN-159. JACOB PERLEY was born in Salem 29 Nov., 1811. If our memory is correct, he said he had lived in Salem, Danvers, South Danvers, and again in Salem, without change of residence, so fickle was the town's boundary. He was a morocco manufacturer. His business and church relations were in Peabody, as it is now called. He joined the Congregational Church in 1832, and was chosen dea- con in 1855. He was sixteen years the Sunday school superintendent, and afterwards, ten years, of a branch school in Rockville, now South Peabody. His entire family are church members. He wrote face- tiously "I am the first man in Salem — if you are going easterly." We mention here a curious incident. Mr. Perley, in some sud- den sickness, about 1870, lost his false teeth, seven in number on a gold plate. Careful search was made for them in vain. It was a mystery; they could not be found; and no one could imagine their hiding place. But Mr. Perley became permanently sick; he could take only fluid food, and that with great difficulty. The doctor's diagnosis pronounced the trouble a paralysis of the throat. For fourteen months Mr. Perley suffered and became emaciated, till one day in a violent fit of coughing, he threw out the surreptitious inter- lopers : the teeth were found, and he soon recovered. He married 30 Oct., 1844, Abigail Tufts Frothingham, who was born 20 Feb., 1817, to Joseph and Deborah-Tufts Frothingham of Danvers, and died in Salem 8 July, 1889. A Salem journal thus noticed his death: "April 2, 1894, Deacon Jacob Perley, who resided in the first house on Boston street, over the dividing line, died quite suddenly at 8.15 this morning. He was taken ill with congestion of the lungs last evening and the attack resulted in his death. He had been an invalid, from angina pectoris, for a long time, but his death was unexpected. Mr. Perley was born in Salem, Nov. 29, 1811, and was 82 years of age. He was engaged in the morocco industry for years in this town, but retired over twenty years ago, and has since given his attention to literary work for which he had a great liking. He was a constant contributor to the newspapers, and wrote much on subjects pertaining to nature, temperance and theology. He was for a number of years a member of the Salem school board and for 40 years was a deacon of the South Congregational Church of Peabody. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Jeffer- son Taylor, aged 85 years, and two daughters, the elder Mrs. Albert H. Whidden, and the younger, Miss Abbie, an invalid for a long time." 1 Perley children : Helen Eliza"^, Abbie Frothinghani'l 2 Helen E.' was born 12 Oct., 1846, and married 29 June, 1870, 468 THE PERLEY FAMILY Albert Henry Whidden, a hardware merchant, born 9 Sept., 1842, to Henry L,, a painter, and Mary A.-Fellows Whidden. Their home is Salem, Mass. Whidden child : Henry Frothingham^ 3 Abbie ¥} was born 29 June, 1848, and died unmarried, in Salem, of heart disease 31 Dec, 1896. 4 Henry F.", a hardware merchant, was born in Salem 6 Dec, 1872, and married there IG Oct., 1901, Isabel Strother Clerk, born in Peabody, Mass., 9 March, 1876, to George, a leather manufacturer, and Eliza Willoughby-Strother Clerk. Their home is Peabody, and their child, Donald Strother, born in Peabody 26 Sept., 1902. FAMILY 308: MERRILL. LINEAL DESCENT-ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JAOOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, JACOB-161. APPHIA ANN PERLEY was born 25 Oct., 1818, and mar- ried Lewis Austin Merrill of Rowley 4 July, 1837. He was a shoe- maker and manufacturer in Georgetown and afterwards a teacher. She died 25 Oct., 1863. He with his son Austin enUsted in the Civil War and served three months at Salem. They enlisted again for nine months and after that service returned home. 1 Merrill children, born in Georgetown : Benjamin Austin-, Rose Ann^ Perley Braman^ Harriet (or Hannah.?) B.\ Lucy A.^ Thomas', Lewis M.^ Sylvanus Dodged 2 B. Austin^ was born 30 June, 1842. He enlisted the third (?) time and soon thereafter was shot and died in a hospital. Mr, P. A. Merrill of Newburyport, a nephew, wrote: "Austin, his wife and wife's mother, and Hannah, — all died soon after; and if my memory serves me right it was within a year after Benjamin was shot." Aus- tin was surgeon's assistant. 3 Rose A.^ was born 2 Aug., 1844. She married Samuel Wad- leigh of Georgetown and died some few years after her marriage. 4 Perley B.^ born 28 Nov., 1845, died of scarlet fever 25 Feb., 1847, and was buried in Union Cemetery, Georgetown; Harriet B.', born 28 Sept., 1848, died 12 April, 1849, of influenza; Thomas^ born 10 Feb., died of lung disease 25 May, 1855; Lewis M.\ born 9 March, died 5 Oct., 1859; Sylvanus D.\ born 19 April, 1861, died in infancy. 5 Lucy A.^ was born 3 Nov., 1851, married a Kelley and moved to Worcester, Mass., where dying she left one child. FAMILY 309: FARNUM. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JOHN-75, JOHN-162. ABIGAIL GOODHUE PERLEY was born in Enfield, N. H., 28 Nov., 1801, and 8 Nov., 1820, married James Farnum of Enfield. She became a widow 6 July, 1822, when he was twenty-six, and mar- ried second, 29 March, 1824, Nathan Farnum of Enfield, who was HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 459 born 25 March, 1801. They were farmers in Enfield. She died 8 Nov., 1832. 1 Perley-Farnum children: James P.-, Susannah Perley", Sarah Ann Amsden*^, Jonathan F.^ 2 James P.^ was born in Enfield, N. H., 25 Sept., 1821, where he became a farmer, and where he married 27 Feb., 1849, Matilda Jones, who was born there 24 Nov., 1820, to Jonathan, a farmer, and Polly K.-Sawyer Jones. He died in Lebanon, N. H., 28 Dec, 1883; and his widow 11 Nov., 1895. Farnum children: Emma Frances, a teacher, born 21 May, 1851, married in Lebanon 18 July, 1876, Milo L. Stearns, son of George W. and Maria-Shattuck Stearns, and died in Lebanon 23 March, 1877; Charles Henry^; Edwin Wymanl 3 Susannah P.' died at the age of four years. Sarah A. A.^ was born in Jan., 1828, and died at the age of twenty-five years. Jonathan F.^ died at the age of twenty-one years. 4 Charles H.'- was born in Lebanon, N. H., 15 Nov., 1853, and married there 8 P'eb., 1888, Lucinda Leila Planders, born in Hart- land, Vermont, 28 Oct., 1854, to James, a farmer, and Mary Elizabeth- Pixley Planders. He is a farmer in Lebanon. 5 Edwin W.- was born 19 Sept., 1860, and married in Lebanon 1 Jan., 1884, Nellie Drew, born 7 May, 1865, to Harvey W. and Lizzie A. -Page Drew. Their home is Lebanon. Children: James Per- ley, born 13 March, 1885; Harry Gould, born 14 July, 1890; Helen Mary, born 14 March, 1894. FAMILY 310: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17. JACOB-37, J0H>f-75, JOHN-162. URI PERLEY was born in Enfield, N. H., 27 Sept., 1803. By honesty, hard work and habits of econ- omy he became one of the wealthiest y^ farmers in town. He married 9 P'eb., Z C)^ U^^. 1831, Fanny Sawyer of Salisbury, N. H., who was born 1 May, 1803. He so be subscribed a letter m ma or so. died in Lebanon, N. H., in May, 1886; and she in May, 1896. 1 Perley children: John Quincy-440, Rebecca Sawyer'-, Isaac Newton-441, Moses Sawyer-442. 2 Rebecca S.^ was born in Enfield, N. H., 8 Dec, 1836. She married in Manchester, N. H., 15 April, 1858, Lewis Cass Pattee, a lumber merchant, born in Canaan, N. H., 24 Nov., 1832, to David, a farmer, and Judith-Burleigh Pattee. He was at one time in com- pany with his brother-in-law, Wm. G. Perley-314. He resided in Canaan till about 1867, when he removed to Lebanon. He died 29 Nov., 1900, in Winchester, Mass., where his widow now (1905) resides. Pattee issue: Mary Elizabeth, born in Canaan 8 March, 1859, married in Lebanon 30 Jan., 1889, Frank Elisha Johnson, born 12 Jan., 1856, in Hartford, Conn., where he now resides, and where she died 10 June, 1891, leaving Harold Talmage, born 23 F'eb., 1890; Fannie Louisa, born 8 Feb., 1862, died in Lebanon 20 July, 1888; Alice Rena, born in Canaan 28 Sept., 1865, residing in Winchester, Mass.; Frederic Lewis^; Lillie Rebecca, born 28 March, 1871, died 470 THE PERLEY FAMILY 30 Jan., 1873; Rose Belle, bom 10 Dec, 1873, died 27 Jan., 1875. 3 Frederic L.- was born in Lebanon 16 Oct., 1868. He married in Concord, N. H., 26 Nov., 1891, Annie Maria Mugridge, born in Concord 20 Aug., 1860, to John Y. and Maria George-Eaton Mug- ridge. Mr. Pattee is a lumber merchant. Their home is Win- chester, Mass. FAMILY 311: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-IT. JACOB-37, JOHN-75, JOHN-162. JOSEPH GOODHUE PERLEY was born in Eniield, N. H., 12 May, 1812, where he became a merchant. He married 29 May, 1838, Abigail Currier Clough of Enfield, who was born in 1816, and died 14 Jan., 1873. Mr. Perley died 30 Dec, 1839. 1 Perle}' child : Joseph Foster-. JOiSKrH FO.STEII PERLEY. 2 Joseph F.^ was born 8 March, 1837. He was a traveling agent for the Walter A. Wood Mowing and Reaping Machine Co.", HoOsic Falls, N. Y., fifteen years and more. He was also engaged in farm- ing in Enfield. A gentleman in northern Vermont, with whom Joseph had extensive business relations, told the writer that he felt pained to hear of Joseph's death, for he was one of the best men he ever did business with. Mr. Perley's first wife was Ellen Mary Fuller, a milliner, daughter of James of Enfield. F"rom her he obtained adivorce, /.A ^M_^ (/- To a letter iu ISSU. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 47 1 and 20 Jan., 1880, married Miss Addie Jane Hall, who was born in Pearcetown, P. O., 10 July, 1853, to John Hall, a farmer. She died in Enfield 22 Jan.^ 1900. Mr. Perley died of apoplexy 5 Jan., 1901. Perley children, born in Enfield, but the first : Joseph Baily, 2(5 Jan., 1881, in Vermont, who graduated from Brewster Free Academy, VVolfboro, N. H., 1901, studied at Dartmouth a year, now a cattle broker in his native town; Alice Abbie, 11 May, 1885, who graduated from St. Mary's School, Concord, N. H., 1905; Theophilus Clough, 24 Aug., 1886, a student at Brewster Free Academy; Mary Eliza- beth, 13 March, 1888, and died 30 April, 1894. E. B. Huse, Esq., town clerk, wrote: "Of the large number of Perleys in this town forty or more years ago, these children of Joseph F. Perley are all that are left of the name, and, I think, of their descendants." FAMILY 312: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JOHN-75, JOHX-162. DAVID GOODHUE PERLEY was born in Enfield, N. H., 13 Dec, 1815. He was a farmer in Manchester, N. H. He married 13 Sept., 1838, Miss Sarah C. Johnson, born 28 March, 1822. 1 Perley children: Sarah Jane'-, Minnie Horner^ Abby Johnson''. 2 Sarah J.^ was born 9 April, 1844, in Enfield. Her first hus- band, married by Rev. D. S. Dexter, 8 April, 1861, in Barton, Vt., was Charles E. Wentworth, a bookkeeper, born in Rumney, N. H., in 1832, to John and Lizzie J. Wentworth. Divorced, she married, second, 1 April, 1867, in Valparaiso, Ind., Eliphalet Merrill Wiggin of Corinth, Vt., who was born 1 June, 1829. Mr. Wiggin was a mar- ketman and grocer many years in Newport, N. H. Her child, Mabel Perley, was born 6 Jan or Feb., and died 11 Aug., 1872. 3 Minnie H.^ was born 4 Dec, 1853, in St. Johnsbury, Vt., and Jan., 1870, married William Driscoll. They resided in Manchester, N. H. Their only child: Jennie P., born 16 April, 1871. 4 Abbie J.^ was born and died 11 July, 1861, in Hopkinton, N. H. FAMILY 313: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JOHN-75, JOHN-162. MOSES PAYSON PERLEY was born in Enfield, N. H., 23 Dec, 1817. He was an extensive farmer in Lebanon, N. H., and a fine man. He married in Grafton, N. H., 18 Feb., 1847, Miss Lucy Giles, a teacher, who was born in Grafton 15 March, 1823. She died in Lebanon, N. H., 15 Sept., 1890; and he 11 Jan., 1892. 1 Perley children : Josie E.^ Frank Eugene^ 2 Josie E.\ born 2 June, 1849, married 24 Nov., 1868, George Leonard Stearns, born 11 April, 1844, a stabler, of Lebanon, N. H., and had Jennie Maud, born 12 Dec, 1869. 472 THE PERLEY FAMILY 3 Frank E/ was born in Enfield 4 Aug., 1858. He is a farmer. He married in Lebanon 25 Dec, 1879, Carrie Lucinda Billings, a dressmaker, who was born in Lebanon 10 Jan., 18(30, to George Beatty and Emily Lockwood-Durant Billings. Their home is Po- mona, Cal. /0«-^ocA_>:^ FAMILY 814: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIIOMAS-4, JACOB-17. JACOB-37, J0HN-7f), .I()HN-Ui2. WILLIAM GOODHUE PERLEY was born in Enfield, N. H., 4 June, 1820. He began business at the age of fourteen as clerk in a country store in Lebanon, N. H. /\fter serving about ten years he co-partnershipcd with his employer. By and by he bought his partner's interest. When the construction of the Northern Railroad was begun he opened branch stores in Enfield and Canaan. He prospered. He connected a lumber yard with his stores, /y^ y'j and still prospered. About // A~^^^-"<— -^ J-^ 1858 he closed out his entire ^^ /, ^/0<-^ business, and removed to j^ Ottawa, Ontario, Can. He (/ bought extensive timber His subsonpUou to a letler iu ISTO. lands, and built a large rnill for the manufacture of lumber. His energy and perseverance, business foresight and integrity made him the largest and wealthiest lumberman of his time in the Dominion or Republic. While in Lebanon he represented the town in the Legis- lature, was chairman of Board of Selectmen several years, and in many ways was a leading, progressive citizen. The publication "Men of Canada" reads: Mr. Perley: — "In 1857, he removed to Ottawa, Canada, and commenced lumbering opera- tions on a large scale with G. B. Pattee, under the name of Perley & Pattee. Their business extended very rapidly, averaging of late years over 50,000,000 feet per annum. In 1885 Mr. Perley's son, G. H. Perley, and Mr. C. B. Powell, were taken into partnership, which continued until Mr. Perley's death, April 1st, 1890. In 1887 he was elected member of Parliament for Ottawa, and proved himself a worthy representative of that important constituency, being well versed in commercial matters generally, and the lumbering interests in particular. He was a Conservative, a staunch supporter of the National Policy and the late Sir John A. Macdonald, and died in harness. In connection with Mr. J. R. Booth and Hon. J. G. Smith, he built the Canada Atlantic Railway, which has been such a boon to Ottawa, and which has several times been named as a standard of excellence by the government, when giving contracts for railway construction. In religion Mr. Perley was a supporter of the Presby- terian Church, and individually, as well as in his capacity as member of the firm of Perley & Pattee, was a liberal supporter of all the worthy charities of Ottawa, and of the deserving poor generally. He was thoroughly respected for his kindness of heart, and his well- known and unswerving probity." HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 473 Mr. Perley married 14 Sept., 1846, Mabel Elvira Ticknor Stevens of Lebanon, who was born 24 March, 1829, to Halsey R. and Betsy-Ticknor Stevens, and died in Ottawa 13 Sept., 1863. His second wife, married 20 June, 1866, was Georgiana Maria Gale of Concord, N. H., who was born 23 Oct., 1841, to Perkins and Char- lotte-Wilkins Gale. He died 1 April, 1890. His widow resides in Ottawa. 1 Perley children: Florence Stevens'-, George Halsey^ Mabel Ticknor^, Herbert Stevens'". 2 Florence^ was born 22 Nov., 1848, and died 19 Oct., 1851. The following is from the Salem Register of 10 Nov., 1851: "Sad acci- dent — An interesting little daughter of Wm. G. Perley, Esq., of this village (Lebanon, N. H.) met with a sad accident .some ten days ago. She was playing with a penholder — had one end in her mouth, when she fell forward upon the floor, driving the penholder far into her throat, and injuring her so badly that she died on Sunday last. The child was admired by our whole community for her beauty and sprightliness. We sympathize deeply with the afflicted parents." 3 "George H. Perley' was born in Lebanon, N. H., 12 Sept., 1857. He was educated at the Ottawa Grammar School, St Paul's School, Concord, N. H., where in 1875 he ranked first, receiving the silver medal, the highest honor, and at Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass., from which seat of learning he graduated with the degree of B. A. in 1878. He has always been in the lumber busi- ness, and was a partner in the firm of Perley & Pattee, in which his father was senior partner. That firm was dissolved in 1893, and Mr. Perley is now the head of the firm of G. H. Perley & Co., with mills at Calumet, Que., and large limits on the Rouge river. He is also vice president of the Hull Lumber Company, Ltd., which is oper- ating largely on the upper Ottawa. The mills are lighted by elec- tricity; run night and day; the output of 1901 was 25,000,000 feet. "Mr. Perley was for many years vice president of the Canada Atlantic Railway Co., is an ex-president of the Rideau Club, and president of the Ottawa Golf Club, which office he has held for many years. Brought up in Ottawa, ^ Mr. Perley has always shown /y /r Cg ^ himself deeply interested in ,,/^^rW^ cZ-TV^d-^M^-VX anything concerning the wel- A^ y^ fare of that city and district. Along with the other heirs of his father, he made a donation of the beautiful homestead on Wellington street, Ottawa, as a hospital for incurables. It is known as 'The Perley Home for Incurables,' and fills a long-felt want in the capital city. Mr. Perley has been vice president of the Board of Management of that admirable institution, and has, moreover, for years taken an active part in the management of other leading charities of the city of Ottawa and district. In 1897 he distributed the large public and private subscription made for the relief of the sufferers of the great forest fire in Prescott and Russell Ccfunties, doing much to assist in relieving the distress and suffer- ing caused by the destruction of the farms and houses of so many poor people. In 1900 he was chairman of the Ottawa and Hull Fire 474 THE PERLEY FAMILY Relief Fund, and distributed about ^1,000,000 among the sufferers by the great fire of April 26th in that year. "It seems only natural that a man of the active public spirit of Mr. Perley should be known in politics, and in the Dominion general elections of 1900 we found him contesting Russell County as a Conservative candidate against Mr. W. C. Edwards (another lumber merchant) who had represented the County since 1891. Although Mr. Edwards, now senator, was elected, it was by a greatly reduced majority. A bye-election occurring in the County of Argenteuil, Que., in 1902, Mr. Perley had the honor of receiving the Conserva- tive nomination, but after a notable contest failed to redeem the County. In the general Dominion elections of 1904, however, Mr. Perley again contested Argenteuil, and was elected member of Par- liament for that County by a substantial majority." Mr. Perley married in Berhn, Ont., 4 June, 1884, Annie Hespeler, Bowlby, born 7 March, 1862, to Lissie H. -Hespeler and Ward H. Bowlby, Esq., K. C. Mrs. Perley is recognized as one of the most charming hostesses and leading society women of Ottawa, just as her husband is regarded as one of the most worthy and public-spirited citi- zens of Canada's national capital. Perley children : Mabel, born 8 July, 1885, and died 13 March, 1887; Ethel Lesa, born 16 Sept., 1888. 4 Mabel T.' was born in Ottawa, Canada, 30 Oct., 1860. She married there 15 Sept., 1885, Ephraim Elliott Webb, a banker, born in Hull, P. O., Canada, 5 July, 1853. He died 7 Jan., 1903, in Quebec, where his widow now resides. Webb children, born in Quebec: Marjorie Mabel, born 29 May, 1887; Dorothy Louise, born 30 Aug., 1890; Rachel Perley, born 22 April, 1892. 5 Herbert S.^ was born in Ottawa, Canada, 13 Feb., 1870. He married there 8 April, 1891, Isabel Wadel Forbes, born in Pembroke, Ont., 25 Aug., 1874, to Andrew, wholesale merchant of dry goods, and Isabel Russel-Forbes. Mr. Perley is a veterinary surgeon. He was educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 1882-87; McGill College, — veterinary department; and Ontario Veterinary College. He is veterinary lieutenant of Princess Louise Dragoon Guards and is government veterinary inspector of Ottawa, Ont., and in- spector for Vermont Cattle Commission. Perley child : Alan Gor- don, born in St. Albans, Vt., 27 Feb., 1895. FAMILY 315: PERLEY. LINEAL, DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JOHN-75, JOH^M62. EDWIN ALLEN PERLEY was born in Enfield, N. H., 22 Dec, 1824, and died 25 April, 1893, in Lebanon. He was a charter member of the local Grange and one of its most enthusiastic workers. His farm, one of the best in town, was always in the highest state of cultivation. His first wife, married 24 Feb., 1848, was Mary Ann Morse of Enfield. She died 29 Dec, 1855. His second wife, mar- ried 7 Nov., 1857, was Cynthia Wyman, born in Hillsboro 17 May, 1832, to Ebenezer and Betsey-Stanley Wyman of Deering. She died in Medford, Mass., 12 March, 1898. History and genealogy 475 1 Perley children: William Goodhue^ Bessie Almena^ John Wyman'-. 2 William G.\ born in Enfield, N. H., 1 Oct., 1850, was a farmer, and died in January, 1894. John W/ died in infancy. 3 Bessie A.^ was born 31 Jan., 1862, in Lebanon, and married there (5 Sept., 1888, Henry Luther Pike, born in Chelsea, Vt., 20 Oct., 1860, to John B. and Mary Louise-Parker Pike. He is a man- ufacturer of Lowell, Mass. Issue, born in Lebanon: Lucile Perley, 15 July, 1890; Dorothy Louise, 24 Oct., 1891, died 12 Aug., 1893, in Medford. FAMILY 316: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT-LALLAN^!, TnOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOK-37, JOHN-75, NATHANIEL-163. STEPHEN BARTLETT PERLEY was born in Canaan, N. H., 18 March, 1806. He left home at eighteen, to learn the shoemaker's trade in Newburyport. He was six feet in height, a little stooping, and weighed 180 pounds. His father gave him one dollar, his mother gave him six pairs of stockings [one for each foot in height], and an extra suit of good homespun. Graduating at the bench, he went to Salem, where he was employed at "cutting shoes." Getting there a little touch of the western fever, the next spring found him in Troy, N. Y., in an iron foundry, putting up spikes for one of the first railways in the United States. There one of the churches dis- covered his fine voice, and employed him in the choir as leading tenor. His next place was Pittsburg, where he cut spikes. Next he found himself in Ohio, where he contracted fever and ague, that threw him out for a year. There his fine voice served him again in teaching singing. His health fully recovered, he went to Michigan. There his first work was cutting the grass in a forty-acre lot, which he accomplished in thirteen consecutive days. Next himself and a companion built, a day's journey in the forest, a sugar-camp, and had solid sport in making lots of sugar and shooting wild hogs and turkeys. The sugar season over, he sought Wisconsin, passing through Chicago, a muddy flat with a few log buildings, and located, where now is Clinton, on a preempted forty-acre farm. There he received the appointment of postmaster. Selling there, he went a hundred miles north and bought a two hundred-acre farm with wood, grain and grass land, near a beautiful lake. There he was a hundred miles from market, and in building a railroad from Milwaukee to La Crosse he was one of the largest stockholders. Selling that, he removed about 1864 to Wasioja, a mile from town and a good school. There he made his permanent home. Mr. Perley was kind-hearted, and governed by sympathy and love. He was a friend to dumb animals. He loved labor, and often wrought by moonlight, and often began the day in the wee sma' hours of the morning. His was a sanguine-nervous temperament; his head was a little bald, high and long, full in back, but thick in front; his eyes were blue; long, deep wrinkles crossed his forehead; 476 The parley family two or three only lined his smooth shaven cheeks; his features Were decidedly Grecian; his skin white and soft as a girl's, till browned by the sun and age. The manner of his speech was candid and car- ried conviction. He was fond of scientific reading, was naturally retired, a liberal provider, a kind father. He saw the Indian's hunting-ground with its wigwam and log-cabin bud and blossom in well-tilled farms, and villages and cities. He married 6 April, 1847, Sarah Elizabeth Wells, who was born 14 Oct., 1825, in Leraysville, Pa., to Amasa and Mary-Ayer Wells of Clinton, Wis. The week before his death, he paid all indebtedness. He was stricken with palsy 1 and died 20 March, 1880. His widow died 14 April, 1880, of hepatitis. She was a Baptist, but he was neither politician nor religionist beyond choir- singing of sacred songs. 1 Perley children : George Amasa-44::>, Mary Elizabeth', Dorothy Fidelia'^ Charles NathanieP, Ida Gertrude''. 2 Mary E.' was born in Dayton, Green Lake County, Wis., 13 April, 1852. She married in VVasioja, Dodge County, Minn., 10 Dec, 1871, Willard Hopkins Lincoln, a farmer, born in Almena, Van Buren County, Mich., 28 Aug., 1843, to George Leonard, a lumber- man and farmer, and Sarah Matilda-Bovie Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln en- listed in the 10th Minn. Volunteers in 1H&2, intending to go South, but the Indian massacre occurring soon after, he went with mounted troops. He served nine months, when he was taken seriously ill with pneumonia and was discharged for disease of the lungs. He died at Hunter P. O., Webster township, North Dakota. His widow re- sides in Fargo, N. D., the devoted mother of nine children, educated, fond of music, and giving promise of honorable and noble lives. The two older boys are in the high school. Children, the first three born in New Richland, Minn., the rest at Hunter P. O., Webster, Cass County, N. D.: Nellie Isabel"; Fannie Fern, born 2(5 July, 1874; Mary Eliza, born 27 July, 1878; Sarah Elysabeth, born 28 Dec, 1881; Emma Perley, born 30 June, 1884; Leonard Willard, born 22 Feb., 1888; Charles Herbert, born 12 Dec, 1889; Dorothy Bartlett, born 25 Jan., 1895; Richard Stephen, born 20 Oct., 1897. 3 Dorothy F.^ was born in Markesan, Wis., 14 Jan., 1854. She was a school teacher, and married 26 May, 1881, in Mantorville, Minn., George Allen Norton, a lawyer, born in Marquette, Wis., 4 March, 1858, to Ichabod Allen, carpenter, and Luana-Reynolds Nor- ton. Their home is Mantorville, where their children were born : Myra Elysabeth, 14 July, 1882, a student of the University of Minnesota of high standing and of excellent Christian character, esteemed and beloved by all, who died in Mantorville 6 Dec, 1902; Allen Perley, 10 May, 1885; George A., 20 April, 1889; Harrison Edson, 12 Nov., 1892. 4 Charles N.^ was born 2 Nov., 1856, in Markesan, Green Lake County, Wis. He is a section foreman and resides in Cheney, Minn. He married 25 Dec, 1883, in Wasioja, Minn., Phebe June Abel, born in Fairpoint, Goodhue County, Minn., 16 Jan., 1868, to Morgan, a carpenter, and Mary-Eastman Abel. Perley issue, born in Wasioja, but the last two in Eden, Minn.: Winnie Gertrude, 29 Jan., 1885; Stephen Lewis, 22 Dec, 1887, died 26 Jan., 1888; Roy Orval, 18 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 477 June, 1889; May Frances, 5 July, 1892; Emma Fidelia, 26 May, 1895; Ernest Edward, 21 July, 1900. 5 Ida Gertrude^ was born in Markesan, Wis., 16 April, 1859. She is unmarried and resides in Jamestown, N. D. 7 Nellie Isabel'- was born 26 Dec., 1872. She is a graduate of Fargo High School, class of '94. She married in Hunter, N. D., 15 April, 1901, Charles Frederic Wheeler, clergyman, born in Erie, Penn., 15 Aug., 1873, to Charles Newton, machinist, and Rose B.- Watson Wheeler. Mrs. Wheeler's life work is in educational lines connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church. Their home is Williston, N. D. Issue: Helen Elizabeth, born 12 and died 13 Sept., 1902. FAMILY 317: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JOH'S'15, NATHANIEL-163. CHARLES BARTLETT PERLEY was born in Sanbornton, N. H., 26 April, 1818. He resided upon the old homestead, — a hun- dred and twenty acres of good soil, well tilled. He was a Baptist and prominent in church work. He married 24 March, 1844, Sarah Ann Wadleigh of the same town, born 1 Aug., 1821, to John, a farmer, and Sally-Taylor Wadleigh. She died in Sanbornton 13 Dec, 1883; and he 5 May, 1885, 1 Perley children : Georgiana Bartlett', Martha Elmal 2 Georgiana B.^ was born in Sanbornton 3 Jan., 1848, and mar- ried there 25 Sept., 1872, Nathan Joshua Clark, born in the same town 24 Oct., 1837, to John Henry, a merchant, and Betsey M.-Taylor Clark. Their home is Danvers, Mass., where Mr. Clark is a farmer. Mrs. Clark was a teacher before her marriage. Clark issue, born in Danvers: William Henry, 2 Jan., 1874, died of scarlet fever 6 Feb., 1875; Nathan Perley^ Lucy Ashley, 15 April, 1879. 3 Martha E.^ was born in Sanbornton 2 June, 1856, and married there 2 June, 1880, Moses Coffin Burleigh, born there 7 Feb., 1843, to Nathaniel, a farmer and Deborah R. -Coffin Burleigh. He was thirteen months a soldier — clerk in the Navy, and later a provision dealer in Haverhill. He died 30 May, 1885, in Compton, N. H. His widow was six years a teacher prior to her marriage, but is now a bookkeeper, and resides in Haverhill. 4 Nathan P.'^ was born in Danvers 7 Feb., 1876, and married there 18 Nov., 1903, Mabel E. Hood, born there 26 June, 1877, to Joseph Edward, ex-postmaster, and Martha-Gilpatrick Hood. Mr. Clark is a market srardener in Danvers. FAMILY 318: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. JACOB-17, JACOB-3r, JOHN-75, NATHANIEl,-163. GEORGE PERLEY was born in Sanbornton, N. H., 9 Feb., 1821. He began his business career as a clerk in Boston. He eventually succeeded to the busi- ness, and was a grocer for nearly half a century on the same site, 56 Albany street. His later home — after he retired from business — was in Brookline, where he died 1 June, 1895. He was a courteous, just and noble man. His friends were many, because of his kindly dispo- sition. He was averse to publicity, ^o he subseribed a letter to the publisher . , . ^ -^ ' of this work, not far from 1880. but his many generous acts and charities are on record above. He was beloved by all who knew him ; his memory is cherished. He married in Boston 4 June, 1848, Anna Maria Cobb, who was born in Cape Elizabeth, Me., 24 April, 1824, to Anna-Mitchell and Nathaniel Cobb, a farmer. She died in Brookline 7 July, 1897. She was a woman of excellent worth. 1 Perley children : Emma Bartlett'-, Susie Boyd''. 2 Emma^ was born 5 March, 185b, and 10 Sept., 1874, married, in Boston, Willard Atherton Vose, who was born in that city 20 Nov., 1851. He is treasurer of the Vose & Sons Piano Co. Vose chil- dren: Florence Perley, born 16 June, 1875, and George Atherton, born 11 Dec, 1876, manager of piano warerooms, Boston. They reside in Brookline. 3 Susie B.i was born 19 Aug., 1864, and died 13 July, 1865. FAMILY 319: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB IT, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, ,IOIliS"-104. DAVID PERLEY' was born in Haverhill, Mass., 5 Nov., 1784, and became a farmer in Enosburg, Vt. He was rather above medium height, and inclined to corpulency. He married 19 May, 1811, Lusena Ovaitt of Pownal, Vt., who was born 17 Sept., 1773, to William and Sarah-Munson Ovaitt. She died 8 Oct., 1829. He died in Enosburg 5 Jan., 1825. 1 Perley children : Sophia'-, Sarah Ovaitt'^ Minerva'*, David Mun- son-444, Candace Amira'-, Lusena^ 2 Sophia^ was born in Enosburg 22 Aug., 1812, and died there 19 June, 1833. She married in Enosburg 14 July, 1830, Willard HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 479 Wheeler. He married, second, Miss Maria. Page and is now deceased. Candace A.^ was born 13 Aug., 1819, and died 24 Jan., 1842. 3 Sarah O.^ was born 2 March, 1814. She and her sister Min- erva^ were called by their mother her "twins." She married 29 March, 1841, John Bradley Ballard, a carpenter, born in Georgia, Vt., to James, a farmer, and White Ballard. He died in San- dusky, Ohio, 3 Aug., 1846. She died in Burlington, Vt., 27 Nov., 1896. Ballard children: James N.'^; Emeroy Calista''; Orville Johnl 4 Minerva' was born 20 Dec, 1815, in Enosburg,Vt.,and died there of apoplexy 17 July, 1874. She married in Enosburg 9 Nov., 1839, John Perkins Baker, a farmer, born in Enosburg to Jacob, a farmer, and Abigail- Perkins Baker. He fell from a wagon, injuring his spine, completely paralyzing his lower extremities, and died the third day thereafter, 12 Sept., 1870. Baker children : Henry Jacob"; Wilbur,who married Susan E. and resides in Trenton, Mo.; Candace Sophia, died aged two years and six months. 5 Lusena' was born in Enosburg, Vt., 22 July, 1823. She married there 4 Oct., 1849, Charles Carroll Curtis, born in Lowell, Vt., 19 Sept., 1825, to Abel and Sarah-Brigham Curtis. He was a clerk in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and since the war a veteran invalid till he died 4 Oct., 1875, in Mt. Vernon, where his widow now resides. Their only child: Sarah Lusena'^ 6 James N.^ was born 11 Feb., 1842. He married Esther J. Blake, daughter of John Blake, a farmer. She died in Bakersfield, Vt. He resides in Morrisville, Vt. (1905). Ballard issue: Carrie M., born in Oct., 1870; Charles, born in July, 1872; Amanda L., born in Dec, 1873, and died aged fourteen weeks; Nellie, born in Jan., 1876. 7 Emeroy C.^ was born in Sheldon, Vt., 10 May, 1843. She was a teacher. She married in Bakersfield, Vt., 30 March, 1869, William A. Giddings, a farmer, who was born in Bakersfield 3 Aug., 1839, to Thomas H., a farmer, and Clarissa-Kilburn Giddings. She died in Burlington, Vt., 27 Feb., 1896. Mr. Giddings is of Enosburg Falls (1905). Giddings issue: Harry DeWitt, born in Bakersfield 6 Dec, 1873, a graduate of Vermont University, sergeant in Co. M, First Regiment, Vt. N. G., in Spanish-American War, now (1905) a chemist in Philadelphia, Pa. 8 Orville J.^ was born in Sandusky, Ohio, 25 Nov., 1845. He married in Enosburg, Vt., 5 Sept., 1872, Nellie Thompson, who was born in Paisley, Scotland, 10 May, 1854, to Charles Thompson. She died in Blackhawk, Col., 5 Nov., 1886. Mr. Ballard is a farmer in Littleton, Col. Ballard issue: Harland Adelbert, born 21 Nov., 1873; John Melvin of Blackhawk; Ernest Eugene" of Littleton; Thomas Orville of Blackhawk; Fred, of Victor; Ida Nelson of Blackhawk; and Trathon — all in Colorado and all married but the last. 9 Henry J."* was born 4 Dec, 1847, in Enosburg, where he was a farmer. He married in Johnson, Vt.,14 Dec, 1865, Susan Elvira Stone, born there 17 Feb., 1845, to Wilbur Fisk, mail carrier, and Abigail Lee- Griswal Stone of Eden, Vt. They removed to Gage, Okla., where he died 14 Dec, 1900. His widow resides in Trenton, Mo. Baker children: Charles Anson'-; John Wilbur, born in Enosburg 27 June, 480 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1872, living in Winfield, Kan.; Adella Minerva^^; Warren Adabert, born in Enosburg 17 July, 1878, living in Beloit, Kan.; Edward Nelson, born 22 Nov., 1881, living in Trenton, Mo.; Henry Dow, born in Scandia, Republic County, Kan., 22 March, and died in Sept., 1883; James Seldon, born in Scandia 7 Aug., 1885, living in Trenton; Gilbert Orvel, born in Golden Belt, Lincoln County, Kan., 22 Sept., 1888, living in Trenton; Eva Johanna, born in Geneseo, Rice County, Kan., 13 Jan., 1889, living in Trenton. 10 Sarah L.* was born in Troy, Vt., 17 Nov., 1851, married in Mt. Vernon 22 Nov., 1871, John Parvin Kelley, born in Mt. Vernon, 29 Sept., 1847, to Andrew and Martha Jane-Horner Kelley. Mr. Kelley is a merchant in hardware and agricultural implements in Kansas City, Mo. They have no children. 11 Ernest E..' was born in St. Albans, Vt., 14 Feb., 1878. He married in Goldfield, Col., 30 July, 1899, Elizabeth May Jacob, who was born in Thurman, Iowa, 22 May, 1884, to S. D., a farmer, and Irene-Greenwood Jacob. Mr. Ballard is a farmer in Littleton, Col. Ballard issue, born in Littleton, but the first in Denver: Charles Orville, 24 May, 1900 ; a son, 8 Nov., 1901, died 3 Jan., 1902; David Eugene, 16 May, and died 18 June, 1904; Carl Eugene, 17 May, 1905. 12 Charles A.^ was born in Enosburg, Vt., 23 July, 1869, and married in Avalon, Livingston County, Mo., 24 Feb., 1892, RilHe E. Miller, born in Chariton County, Mo., 8 Aug., 1868, to J. A., a car- penter, and M. E. -Maine Miller. Mr. Baker is a professor in music. Their home is Howard, Kan. Baker child: Susan Frances, born in Trenton 24 April, 1896. 13 Adella M." was born in Enosburg 17 May, 1876, and married in Guthrie, Okla., 15 Nov., 1895, Thomas Brewer, a farmer, born 14 Oct., 1874, to Richard D., a farmer, and Sarah E. -Brewer Brewer. She died in Gage, Okla., 16 Jan., 1905. He resides in Hennessey, Okla. Brewer children : Sarah Elvira, born in Garfield, Okla., 12 Dec, 1896; Edward Richard, born in Logan, Okla., 15 Aug., 1898. FAMILY 320: PERLEY. LINEAL. DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAC0B-1-. NATHAN-38, NATHAN-TG, JOHN-164. JOHN PERLEYwasborninBerlin,Vt., 11 July, 1792. He mar- ried in Bennington, Vt., 5 Oct., 1817, Jerusha Fay, born in Benning- ton 6 Oct., 1789, to P:iijah Fay. She died in East Berkshire, Vt., 3 Nov., 1847. Mr. Perley was a shoemaker and farmer of Enos- burg, Vt., where his children were An autograph written for Mrs. Ancierscin-451. bornandwherehedied22 Aug.,1874.='° '^^^^^''^°' ^""p'^*^-- "' ^"^^ "°''' «^"^i«««- 1 Perley children: David Fay-, Julia Maria^ John Lawrence'*' Mary Ann^ James Henry^, SamueP. Adoniraml 2 David F.^ was born' 7 Nov., 1819, in Enosburg, Vt. He was a tanner and shoemaker by trade, and a member of the Congrega- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 481 tional Church. He was an inmate of the Brattleboro asylum for the insane more than ten years at different times. His physician called his case hereditary mania, perhaps a case of atavism. He married in Dunham, F. O., Canada, 21 Oct., 1858, Matilda Morehouse, who died in Montreal, Canada. He died in Brattleboro, Vt., 12 Dec, 1888. Perley children: John A.; Jerusha Fay, born 27 Dec, 1860; James Albert, born 7 July, 1864; Estella Mary, born 27 July, 1870, residing in Montreal; Effie Maria, born 20 March, 1873. 3 Julia M.i was born 18 July, 1818, and married 19 Feb., 1844, Alanson L. Titus, a farmer, now deceased. She died in Washington, Vt., 23 Nov., 1879. Child: Fayette Perley, who is in Waterbury, Vt. 4 John L.^ was born 17 July, 1821. He married in Enosburg, Vt., 12 May, 1864, Rebecca Webster Perley-323^ born in Enosburg 27 Dec, 1832. Mrs. Perley died in Enosburg 8 Sept., 1896. Mr. Perley is a mechanic by trade. His home is Enosburg Falls. Per- ley children: Mary Eda, born 25 Sept., 1867; Ruth Marion, born 14 Jan., 1872. 5 Mary A.^ was born 18 March, 1823. She married in East Berkshire, Vt., 25 March, 1852, Russell L. Walston, a farmer, born in Williston, Vt., 24 Feb., 1821. He died in Frankhn Falls, N. Y.; she in Williston 10 Aug., 1899, without children. 6 James H.^ was born in Enosburg, Vt., 30 Aug., 1824. He married in Waltham, Mass., 16 June, 1858, Dorintha Wormwood, born in Alfred, Me., 20 Oct., 1828, to William Stone, a farmer, and Sarah Brock-Goodwin Wormwood. Mr. Perley was a mechanic by trade. He died 15 Nov., 1895, in Waltham, Mass, where his widow now resides, without children. 7 SamueP was born 31 Aug., 1827. He never married; the time and place of his death is unknown to us. 8 Adoniram', "Nerum," was born 18 Aug., 1829. He died, un- married, in Freeport, P. O., 28 Feb., 1849. FAMILY 321 : PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAS-t, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17. NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, .TOH^M64. NATHAN PERLEY was born in Berlin, Vt., 11 June, 1794. He settled a farmer in Enosburg. His first wife was Mary Perkins, who was born in Leominster, Mass., in 1793, married in* Bakersfield, Vt., 2 March, 1820, and died , 11 Oct., 1836. He married, /><:^l_ ^^^'/^/ second, 9 Jan., 1838, Sarah •^'^^J^^^^^^^^^z-t^ JLyjz^^^'^<^^c^^*^ Adams, who was born 29 t:::::^:^^^ -^ Sept., 18 05, to Isaac, a Mrs. Aiiderson-451 obtained tWs autograpli m _ ^ ' 11- 1 T> 1 • her work as assistant compiler of this geucaJogj' farmer, and Sarah -Perkins Adams of New Ipswich, N. H., and died suddenly of typhoid pneu- monia 18 March, 1879. Mr. Perley was blind for some time before his death, which occurred 18 June, 1882, in Enosburg. 1 Perley children : Harriet-445, Henry-446, Nathan', Albert-447, Mary Perkins'^ Sarah MerrilF; Fidelia'-, Ellen'^, Laura Ann-448, Ephraim Adams^ Ormond Theodore^ 482 THE PERLEY FAMILY 2 Nathan^ died 15 Feb., 1886, aged six months. Fidelia^ died 13 Aug., 1831, aged seventeen months. Fllen^ died 10 Aug., 1845, aged six years, seven months. 3 Mary P.^ was born on the old home farm in Enosburg, Vt., 1 Dec, 1825. She married 24 Sept., 1850, and became the second wife of Caleb Royce Brewer, a farmer, born in East Berkshire, Vt., 12 May, 1813, to David Brewer, a farmer. He died at his home in Enosburg, Vt., 8 March, 1901. His widow survives him quite en- feebled. [Mr. Brewer's first wife was Miss Sophronia Ovitt, by whom he had issue: Hobart G., of Tabor, Iowa.] Perley- Brewer issue : Mary Louise and Ella, both of whom died in infancy. 4 Ephraim A.' was born in Enosburg, Vt., 30 Aug., 1844. He married in East Berkshire, Vt., 10 Sept., 1879, Susan Paul, who was born there 18 Oct., 1846, to Dolphus, a merchant, and Harriet Newell-Austin Paul. Mr. Perley, a retired farmer, died 19 Jan., 1905, in East Berkshire, where his widow resides. Perley child: Sarah Pauline, born in East Berkshire 22 Jan., 1888, residing with her mother. 5 Ormond T.' was born in Enosburg 19 Sept., 1846. He was a farmer. He married in East Berkshire 5 Nov., 1879, Laura Nettie Stone who was born there 25 Sept., 1850, to James Rufus, a harness- maker, and Laura-Howe Stone. He died in Enosburg 13 Sept., 1882. His widow's address is Enosburg Falls. 6 Sarah M.^ was born 24 Sept., 1832, and died in Einosburg 18 Aug., 1879. The local journal thus chronicled her death: "In Enosburg, Monday, Aug. 18, at the residence of Hon. C. R. Brewer, Sarah M. Perley in the 47th year of her age. She was a zealous and untiring worker in church and Sunday school, an earnest and consistent Christian, one who had learned to say 'Thy will be done,' and from whose lips no murmur of complaint ever came. She endured suffering patiently, and was ready to answer the sum- mons to another world. She has left a vacant place which no one can fill, and her memory will long be cherished with fond regret." FAMILY 322: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, .TACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, JOHN-164. JESSE NYE PERLEY was born in Berlin, Vt., 24 April, 1798, a twin with Anson. Near by lived Deacon Nye, and when the dea- con was bereft of his only child, he begged the companionship of Jesse, who was then quite a lad. Remonstrances were futile, and Jesse went with the deacon and remained there even when his father removed to Enosburg. He took the name of the family and always wrote it as above. Mr. Perley lived in Berlin and later was a farmer in Barton. He married 27 March, 1821, Eliza Emerson, who was born 5 April, 1801, to Samuel and Rebecca-Webster Emerson of Berlin, and was sister to Anson's wife-323. Mr. Perley died 10 Jan., 1870; his widow 29 Nov., 1880, both in Barton. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 483 1 Perley children : John MerrilI-449, Ormond", Samuel Emerson'^, Isaiah Edward-450. 2 Ormond' was born 9 Feb., 1S25, and died, unmarried, in Troy, Vt., 9 Oct., 184t); SamueP was born 19 March, 1828, and went West about sixty years ago, and has not been heard from for more than fifty years. His brother, I. E., tried to find him, but failed in the attempt. FAMILY 328: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAX-76, JOHN-164. ANSON PERLEY was born in Berlin, Vt., 31 May, 1799, a twin with Jesse. He built to the parental home and lived there, a farmer. He had an excellent voice for singing, and was an apt student, especially in grammar, of which he was particularly fond. He married 4 Oct., 1829, Eda Emerson, sister to Jesse's wite-322. She was born 27 April, 1810. Through apoplexy he suffered a long period of second childhood and blindness. He died Friday, 18 April, 1879. Walking across ^ the room, in his usual health yy y^^^^^^J^^ ^ "* he exclaimed: "What is this.? i.^^'^T't^ <^'^ ^6/ -^^'"V^ > I'm in great pain, ' and ex- This autograph was written for Mrs. Aiider- pired immediately. Mrs. An- '•^"-^°^' «««i«tant m compiling this genealogy. derson-451 says, "Anson's wife is my favorite, she is as good as she is beautiful." Mrs. Perley died 28 Nov., 1889. 1 Perley children: John Edson-, Rebecca Webster-320^ Isaiah Russell^ Eliza Sophia'', Emma\ Anna Emerson'"', Anson Wilberforce', Edmond Sayles", Heber SamueP, Van Edmond^. 2 John E.^ was born 25 Nov., 1830, and died in the summer of 1885, aged fifty-five years, eight months. Edmond S.^ was born 7 Nov., 1848, and died 7 July, 1849. 3 Isaiah R.^ was born 15 June, 1835. He married Elizabeth Hubbard, daughter of Judge Hubbard; her mother's maiden name was Cull. His death was caused by an explosion of dynamite in a mine in Aspen, Col., 11 Jan., 1892, and he was buried in Leadville; his wife died in the spring of 1885. 4 Eliza S.^ was born in Enosburg, Vt., 7 Feb., 1838. She was a dressmaker and milliner. She married in Sheldon, Vt., 6 Dec, 1871, Francis Newton Bogue, who was born in P3nosburg 15 Feb., 1835, to Alexander, a farmer, and Sarah-Clark Bogue. He was a pioneer in the West from 1860 — prospecting and building toll roads for the Colorado Stage Company and in his last years there was sheriff and deputy United States marshal. He died in Pitkin, Col., 26 July, 1880. His widow resides in Richford, Vt. 5 Emma' was born 30 Aug., 1840, and 23 Nov., 1869, married Stephen Gates Marvin, son of Samuel and Vienna-Gates Marvin. He died 22 Dec, 1901 ; his widow resides in Richford, Vt. Marvin issue: Laura Vienna, born 22 Aug., 1871, residing at home; Samuel Barnard^"; Emma Frances"; Stephen Perley, born 8 March, 1885. 484 THE PERLEY FAMILY 6 Anna E.^ was born in Enosburg, Vt., 3 June, 1843. She mar- ried in East Berkshire, Vt., 20 April, 1874, James Harlan Shattuck, a merchant, born in Bakers field, Vt., 25 May, 1844, to William B., a farmer, and Emily-Maynard Shattuck. Their home is Worcester, Mass., without children. 7 Anson W.^ was born 27 April, 1846. The parental homestead became his own. He married in Swanton, Vt., 13 Sept., 1888, Ida Ranslow Perley-447\ Perley children: Albert Ranslow, born 6 May, 1890; Arthur Eugene, born 4 March, 1893. 8 Heber S.' was born 29 May, 1850, and married. His wife died in Nov., 1899. 9 Van E.^ was born 4 Sept., 1853, on the old homestead in Enos- burg, Vt., and married in Enosburg 4 Sept., 1883, Anna Lydia Skinner, who was born in East Fairfield, Vt., 27 Oct., 1860, to Chancey, a stone mason, and Lura-Wheatley Skinner. She lived from two and a half years of age till marriage, in family-321^ Brewer, and was called by that name, and by that name was married. Mr. Perley is a farmer of Richford, Vt. Perley children: Harlan Emer- son, born 14 June, 1884, who attended Brigham Academy, Bakers- field, Vt., three years and relinquished his studies because of ill- health; Allen Brewer, born 24 April, 1888, a promising student of Richford High School, class '06. 10 Samuel B.^ was born 12 May, 1873, and married in June, 1896, Eva Combs of Richford, Vt. Marvin issue: Marjorie, born 12 March, 1897; Ruth, born 11 May, 1898; Stephen George, born 9 Nov., 1902. 11 Emma F.^ was born 1 March, 1878, and married 23 July, 1900, William B. Corliss of Richford, Vt. They are now in Cayuga, Ind. FAMILY 324: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, XATHAN-38, XATHAN-76, J0H^M64. EDWARD PERLEY was born in Berlin, Vt., 21 Nov., 1802. He chose a farmer's life, and the virgin soil of the Missisquoi valley, and made his home near the village of East Berkshire, Vt. The scenery of the vale is picturesque. The Green Mountains with their peaks and domes shelter one side and low gradually sloping hills the other, hills of generous fertility Un- Wntteu for ins daueliter as assistant 1 ,, , iri-i- 1.1 compiler of this book. der the hand of diligence and the arts of cultivation. There he labored and enjoyed the fruits of toil. It was a disgrace in that home of Christian principles to eat the bread of idleness, or swerve from the path of rectitude never so slightly. In that home was reared a large family whose manhood and womanhood have rejoiced the eyes and heart of parental age. Besides his extensive farming, he owned a large sugar orchard, and shipped large quantities of sugar yearly to the South and West. MRS. IRA S. ANDERSON. REV. WILBERT L. ANDERSON. MR. HERBERT A. PERLEY. MISS MELISSA S. PERLEY. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 435 He married, first, 27 Oct., 1831, Melissa Stone* of Berkshire, who was born '26 Feb., 1813, and died 11 July, 1838. His second wife, married 3 Sept., 1838, was Hannah Stone, a sister to his first wife, born 2 Aug., 1815, and died 10 April, 1905. Their children were born in Berkshire. 1 Perley children: Elvina-451, Hannah Corliss452, Melissa Stone^ Betsey Anderson^ Edward Benjamin*, Herbert Arthur^ Corliss Stone-453, Charles Wilbert*\ Ruth Alice'. 2 Melissa S.^ was born in the "new house" upon the Missisquoi 9 Nov., 1840. "The eloquence of decay" upon the mountain side bequeathing a new life and growth in the vale persuaded her to a life work for others. The natural trend of her mind was teaching. As soon as she had acquired the alphabet, she tried the art upon the cat, and lazy Tom from his sleep in the sun or his warm corner by the fire was told and enjoined to remember his a, b, c. Unlike the stu- dent who despaired of entering the law, there were so many in it, she did not despair of the teacher's vocation, though there are many ready to work, as she afterwards began, at $1.25 per week and board around. Her ambition never quailed ; for the domes and peaks of the Green hills had too often assured her of room enough at the top. Yet teachers' places ne'er went begging, Two dollars weekly, the teachers " found," No rest or surcease for the weary, Yet "awful nice" 'twas " Boarding Round." — George Conant. She was an apt scholar in the district school, where she mastered the arithmetic with its addenda, and grammar with its parsing lessons in the highest reader. Thus equipped she went out from the associa- tions of her district companions and her Christian home, and began her life work in a near-by district school. Her effort was a success. She was then called to the graded schools of St. Albans, and re- mained there for two years. The second year she was supervisor of the primary department. It was while there engaged that the pur- pose to go higher became a settled conviction. For several years she taught summers and winters and pursued aca- demic studies autumns. Thus she labored till she was qualified to take another and higher step. Then she entered the Oswego Normal and Training School, Oswego, N. Y. There she studied two full years and graduated with honor. After graduation she accepted a position as critic and supervisor in the training department of the City Normal School, Dayton, Ohio. There she devoted twelve years of patient, dutiful fruitful labor — her love for the work never waning, but her over-taxed energies needing rest. She took two years for recuperation, and freed her mind from ex- acting care and the burden of responsibility. Her health returned, her strength • was renewed, and the old desire for active service in the outside world again took possession of her mind, and she en- tered upon very similar duties in the State Normal and Literary In- stitute, Bloomsburg, Pa. While there she attended two terms of the *Gen. Chester A. Arthur was named after the physician who attended at his birth, Dr. Chester Abell, whose wife was a cousin of Mrs. Arthur. Mr. Arthur has many relatives in Vermont, as his mother was a daughter of Washington Stone, a Baptist clergyman. Among his cousins in Berlcshire, Vt., are Deacon Mitchell Stone, James R. Stone. Mrs. Deacon Setb Anderson, Mrs. Edward Perley and Mrs. A. A. Moore. 486 THE PERLEY FAMILY Summer School of Methods in Martha's Vineyard, and she spent the summer of 1896 in Europe. In the Pennsylvania institution she added another period of twelve years to the already long series of years spent in the teacher's profession, resigning in June, 1902. She is at the present time with her mother in the home of her childhood, in the same "new" house, now old, but new in memory still. There she brought her thank-oblation to the eloquent hillsides and peaks and domes, and joys in the rural beauty of the picturesque vale. There she casts the retrospect of the pathways trod, the bat- tles fought, the victories won and the pleasures enjoyed — and would not have it otherwise. 3 Betsey A.^ was born 20 June, 1844, in East Berkshire, her present address. She has been a successful teacher. Ruth A.' was born 15 March and died 9 Aug., 1856. 4 Edward B.^ was born 9 March, 1846, and 4 June, 1873, mar- ried Emogene Parmelia Rogers, who was born 9 Oct., 1847, to Leroy, a farmer, and Parmelia-Burtch Rogers of Antwerp, N. Y., where he is a druggist, without issue. 5 Herbert A.' was born in East Berkshire, Vt., 28 June, 1850. He became a merchant in Franklin, Vt. He married in Brooklyn, N. Y., 29 May, 1899, Emma Harriet Kirkhuff, who was born in Red Creek, Wayne County, N. Y., 23 Oct., 1863, to Jacob Butts, a lawyer, and Jane Pllizabeth Sayre-Smith Kirkhuff. They reside in Brooklyn without children. Mrs. Perley's mother was a direct de- scendant of Thomas Sayre, who came from England to South- ampton, L. I., in 1639. Her great-great-grandfather, Joshua Sayre, served during the entire war of the Revolution. Her father's family came from Utrecht, Holland, to Ramseyburg, N. J., in 1640. Her great-great-grandfather, Philip Raub, suffered with Gen. Washing- ton that memorable winter at Valley Forge. She had a cousin with Dewey on the Olympia, at Manila, in the Spanish War. 6 Charles W.' was born in East Berkshire, Vt., 4 May, 1854. He married in New York City 14 July, 1888, Mary Louisa Laborie, who was born in Monroe, Ct., 17 June, 1867, to Sidney Russell and Lydia Ann-Wakelee Laborie. Their home is Shelton, Ct. where Mr. Perley is a farmer. Perley children, born in Huntington, Ct.: Charles Edward, 30 March, 1891; Lydia Anderson, 13 April, 1894. FAMILY 325: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-IT, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76 JOHN-164. WILLIAM PERLEY was born in Berlin, Vt., 18 April, 1804. He married in Bakersfield, Vt., 20 June, 1832, Lydia Perkins, who was born there 21 June, 1809. He was a farmer. He died 25 Nov., 1891, in Enosburg, where his widow died 24 April, 1894. 1 Perley children, born in Enosburg: James Adam s-454, William Henry-455, Warren'^, Eugene^ 2 Warren^ was born 11 Nov., 1844. He married in Enosburg 27 Dec, 1872, Arvilla Adams, who was born there 21 Aug., 1845, to HISTORY AND-GENEALOGY 437 George and Elmira-Stevans Adams. Mr. Perley is a farmer in Enos- burg. Perley children, residing unmarried in Enosburg: Martha Adams, born 14 May, 1874; Theodore Wood, born 4 Feb., 1877, a graduate of Brigham Academy, 1899; Harriet Elmira, born 8 March, 1878, died 29 Nov., 1885; Florence Elizabeth, born 20 June, 1881, a graduate of Brigham Academy, 1900, and of Middlebury College, 1904. 3 Eugene^ was born 24 Feb., 1851. He married in Berkshire, Vt., 28 Dec, 1881, Flora Evelyn Jeffords, who was born in Berk- shire 8 March, 1857, to Pliny and Frances Adams Jeffords. Mr. Perley is a farmer of Enosburg with post ofifice Richford, R. F. D. His wife died in Enosburg 14 Nov., 1904. Perley child, born there: Ernest Eugene, 20 June, 1883, a graduate of Brigham Academy in Bakersfield, 1901— address, Richford, R. F. D. FAMILY 320: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17. NATHAN-38, NATHAN-Tti, JAMES-1(5. SAMUEL PERLEY was born in Berlin, Vt., 15 Aug., 1793, and married in Fairfield 4 July, 1825, Orretta Sherman, who was born 15 March, 1809, to Eli and Polly-Phelps Sherman of Fairfield, where Samuel made his home. Mr. Perley was a colonel in the mi- litia. He was a veteran of the War of 1812, and was honorably dis- charged, receiving "a wound in his foot by having a spike driven through it." He studied medicine a while (with his brother), but soon relinquished it because distasteful, and became a public school teacher and teacher of vocal music. He once represented his dis- trict of Fairfield, on the Democratic, ticket [in Vermont !] ; he was the collector of taxes seventeen consecutive years, resigning to remove to Reading with his son-in-law, where he died 16 March, 1866. He published several papers of reminiscences in a historical maga- zine in Vermont and had other such papers in preparation when he died. His widow died in Cambridgeport 3 Nov., 1874. 1 Perley children : Emily Adelaide", Frances Adeliza'*, James Varnum'', Ginevra Adelaide'', Marion Emily-. 2 Emily A.^ was born in Fairfield 16 March, 1826, and died of erysipelas 20 July, 1838, at Elmore, Vt.; Marion E.^ was born in Fairfield 30 Aug., 1845, was a teacher, died in Reading, of paralysis of the brain, 5 Aug., 1868. 3 Frances A.^ was born in Fairfield, Vt., 22 June, 1828, and died of consumption in Reading, Mass., her son Oscar says 15 May, 1870; Mrs. Moning writes it 15 Nov., 1871. She married 13 Sept., 1853, Oscar P'oote of Boston, a dealer in provisions and later in real estate in Reading. He died of diabetes 8 Aug., 1894. Their children: Oscar Perley", Etta\ Mary Frances, born 9 Aug., 1867, who, unmar- ried, is a bookkeeper in the Northwestern Life Insurance Company's ofifice in Boston. 4 James V.^ was born in Fairfield, Vt., 5 Dec, 1836, and died of paralysis in the summer of 1895. He married in 1862 Emily Spauld- ing of Fairfield. He spent twenty years in the West. There died 488 THE PERLEY FAMILY of tuberculosis his wife and three children: George Henry, Samuel Sherman and Marion Emily. Charles, his youngest son, returned to Fairfield with his father, and a year later died of the same disease as the others. 5 Ginevra A.^ was born in Fairfield •22 March, 1842. She mar- ried 20 Sept., 1876, Frank H. Moning of Berhn, Germany. They reside in Boston, Mass., where he is a real estate agent. Moning issue: Lillian Perley, born at Parker Hill, Boston, 22 Oct., 1881, who is an organist and music teacher. 6 Oscar P.^ was born in Charlestown, Mass., 21 June, 1850. He married in Boston 15 May, 1880, Harriet Fay Otis, born in Chelsea, Mass., 18 Jan., 1858, to George H., a dealer in boots and shoes, and Sarah Borland-Clark Otis.' Their home is Newburyport, Mass., where Mr. Foote is a grocer. Their children: Ruth, born 13 Oct., 1883; Doris, born 19 Oct., 1892; Francis Perley, born 17 Nov., 1898. 7 Etta'^ was born in Charlestown, Mass., 28 Nov., 1860. She married in Boston 7 May, 1885, and became the second wife of Henry Alexander Rich, born in Hardwick, Mass., 19 June, 1833. His mother's name was Berthia. He was a dealer in real estate and died in Hyde Park, Mass., 25 April, 1900. Mrs. Rich resides in Boston. FAMILY 327: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIIi>MAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-Tti, .JAMES-IGS. MOSES GOODRICH PERLEY was born in Berlin, Vt., 2 May, 1805. He graduated from the medical college of the Univer- sity of Vermont, and was a physician in Bakersfield — the first in the town. He was for many years a well-known physician of Bowens Prairie, la., and later of Hazle Green, la., where he owned a large farm. A sketch of his life is found in the history of Delaware County, la. He married in Sept., 1885, Louisa Child, who was born in Enosburg 18 March, 1811, to Thomas, Esq., and Lydia-Adams Child of Bakersfield. She died in Bowens Prairie, la., in 1863. Dr. Perley married, second, in Dubuque, Iowa, 10 Aug., 1865, Mrs. Mary Agnus-Collins born in Bowens Prairie 22 Nov., 1835, to Wil- liam, a farmer, and Kezia-Hogan Collins. He died in Hazle Green, Iowa, 7 May, 1879. Mrs. Perley resides in Marion, Iowa. 1 Perley children : Fannie-, James'-, Chauncy Child-456, Moses'-, Proctor^ 2 Fannie\ born 31 Aug., 1836, died 26 Jan., 1848; James\ born 20 Dec, 1834, died 25 Dec, 1862; Moses\ born in Bowens Prairie 13 Oct., 1867, died there 13 June, 1874. 3 Proctor' was born in Bowens Prairie 2 May, 1869. He married in Uniontown, Iowa, 7 May, 1890, Libbie E. Ferguson, a school teacher, born 14 Oct., 1869, in Prairiesburg, Iowa, to Samuel, a farmer, and Annis Love-Orr P"erguson. He is a farmer in Delhi, la. Their children, born in Hazle Green, but the first in Golden: Mabel Maud, 13 Feb., 1893; Webster Leroy, 6 Jan., 1896; Marion Elizabeth, 26 Dec, 1898; Harriet Madge, 6 Jan., 1901. FAMILY 328 : PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, JAMES-165. JAMES VARNUM PERLEY was born in Berlin, Vt., 7 Nov., 1809. He married, as his first wife, it is said, Sarah Matilda Sillo- way, daughter of Charles, born 6 June, 1824,* married "near the year 1840, handsome and attractive in her youth," who married, second, Nathan Camp and resides a widow in Elliott, la. According to the Boston Directory for 1859, a James V. Perley & Co. were in business at 4 New Faneuil Hall Market, and Perley was living in Charlestown; for 1865 James V. Perley was a clerk at 27 N. Market, and living in Chelsea. By the Boston records: James V. Perley died of typhoid fever 22 Oct., 1856. 1 Perley children: James Corliss^ Annette'', Alma", Frank Varnum"*. 2 Annette^ is not living. Alma' is somewhere in Nebraska. 3 James C lives about three miles out of Elliott, which is his post-office. He is a farmer and has from two to three hundred acres in fine condition, productive of the cereals and of live-stock. He is very successful and a strong man financially. He is, like many of the family, reserved in manner, and happiest when surrounded by his own. He married in 1872 Miss Hattie Persons and has three children, all living — Ida, Edgar, and Delbert, whose ages are respec- tively, twenty-nine, fourteen and eight years. Ida married D. C. Ray- nolds and lives in Elliott. 4 Frank V.' was born in Berlin, Vt., 7 Jan., 1848. He married in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 24 Feb., 1866, Alice Elizabeth Grubb, born in Lovettsville, Va., 26 April, 1848, to Samuel, a teacher, and Ann Rebekah-Frazier Grubb. Mr. Perley is a traveling man. Their home is Des Moines, la. Perley children: Harry Varnum*^; Juanita Alice, born in Peoria, 111., 8 Jan., 1870, married Edward B. Brande of Grinnell, la.; Evelyn Florence Frazier, born in Peoria 13 July, 1872, who was an artist designer in Chicago, and died 27 April, 1905; Frank Ethan Allen®. 5 Harry V.^ was born 8 March, 1868, in Lewiston, 111. He is an express messenger, and resides in Chicago. He married in Des Moines 27 June, 1888, Flora May Zimbleman, who was born 12 Nov., 1870, in Boone, Iowa, to Catherine- Leininger and Jacob Zimbleman. They have one child : Juanita Cathreen, born in Eagle Grove, la., 29 Nov., 1895. 6 Frank E, A.'' was born in Des Moines, Iowa, 7 July, 1881. He is in commercial business in Chicago, 111., where he married 29 Nov., 1904, Elizabeth Pearl Shely, who was born 27 April, 1881, in Lex- ington, Ky., to John Daniel, an inventor, and Elizabeth Margret- Allen Shely. *Thi8 Berlin record reads : Sarah M. Pearley , born 6 June, 1824, as if she had been adopted in her father Perley's family and her name changed. FAMILY 329: WAY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TnrniAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, EDMUND-167. ABIGAIL PERLEY was born 5 Sept., 1798. She married in June, 1819, Gordon Way, born 30 July, 1798, to George and Sarah- Douglass Way of Lempster, N. H. He was a farmer, and after 1844 resided in Claremont, N. H., where his wife died of dysenteric fever 11 Oct., 1848. His second wife was Sophia Lovell, daughter of Michael. He died in Lempster 30 July, 1880, of pneumonia; his widow 21 Nov., 1885. 1 Way children, born in Lempster : Mary Eliza'^, Gordon Alonzo^, Abigail Eveline\ Sabina^ Edmund Perley^ Sarah Perley'', George Osborn^ Edwin P^ranklin®, Emily Maria'*, Orlo Plsk', Lucy A.", Osman Baker^ Louisa M.^" 2 Mary E.^ was born 8 March, 1820, and married in Claremont, N. H., 28 Nov., 1850, and became the second wife of Orlando Burr Kidder, a farmer, born in Weathersfield, Vt., 14 Aug., 1811, to Moses, a native of Weathersfield, who died in Claremont, N. H., and Nancy Ann-Goodwin Kidder. His first wife was a Miss Perry. He died in Claremont, Minn., 14 Oct., 1881; and she 31 Dec, 1886. 3 Gordon A.^ was born 2 June, 1821. He was a farmer, unmar- ried, in Claremont, Minn., where he was buried, having died while on business in Iowa 14 Sept., 185(3. Sabina' was born 8 Sept., 1825, and died in Lempster 15 April, 182G. Edmund P.' was born 25 Sept., 1826, and died in Sanbornton, while a student, 15 Sept., 1847. Sarah P.^ was born 19 June, 1828, and died 3 March, 1829. Emily M.^ was born 26 Nov., 1833, and died 3 Oct., 1848, in Claremont, N. H. 4 Abigail E.' was born 11 March, 1823, and married 26 Jan., 1843, Eliakim Tandy, a dentist, native of Goshen, N. 11., where she died 12 Nov., 1848. He married again and died in Lowell, Mass., "some- time in 1849," without children. 5 George O.' was born 14 Nov., 1829, and married in Claremont, N. H., 16 Nov., 1857, Sarah Ann Mitchell, born there 23 July, 1831, to Horace and Phebe-Jackson Mitchell. They removed to Clare- mont, Minn., where Mrs. Way was the first white woman — there being no other settlers within twelve miles of their home. He was a farmer; was postmaster of the town; helped lay out the first terri- torial road from Winona to St. Paul in 1855; was justice of the peace eight years; member of the first House of Representatives of the State. He died 7 April, 1900, in Minneapolis. His widow resides in North Minneapolis. Way issue: Horace McClure"; George A.''^; Frank Alden, born 11 May, 1859, and died 4 P'eb., 1861 ; Sherman Ells- worth, born 20 June and died 20 Oct., 1863; Charles William, born 16 July and died 28 Oct., 1868. 6 Edwin F.^ was born 2 Nov., 1831, and married in Claremont, N. H.,31 Dec, 1852, Ruth Ann Augusta Stevens, born in Charlestown, N. H., 11 March, 1831, to Henry and Dorothy-Gove Stevens. She died in Mantonville, Minn., 7 April, 1893, Mr. Way is a merchant HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 491 and resides in Claremont, Minn. Way children: George Edwin, born 3 Sept., 1858, in Claremont, N. H., where he died 6 April, 1855; George Henry'-^; Osmon Franklin"; Eugene Gordon, born 11 Nov., 1860, and died 26 March, 1879, in Claremont, Minn.; Asbury Perley, born 12 March and died 14 Oct., 1865, in Claremont, Minn.; Sarah Mabel, born 11 Dec, 1866, in Claremont, Minn., where she resides. 7 Orlo F.^ was born 24 July, 1835. He is a farmer. He mar- ried, first, in Claremont, Minn., 9 Jan., 1862, Melissa Celia Harding, who was born in Hornellsville, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1838. She died in Claremont, N. H., 23 Dec, 1865. He married, second, in Claremont, Minn., 7 Sept., 1867, Emma Frances Gove, born in Goshen, N. H., 7 May, 1845, to Peter, a farmer of Goshen, and Betsey Dunham- Perry Gove of Newport, N. H. Their address is Dodge Center, Minn. Their son : Harry Alonzo'^ 8 Lucy A.^ was born 1 March, 1837, and married in Concord, N. H., 16 June, 1863, Rev. Chester J. Hoyt of Sharon, Ct., born in Bridgeville, Sullivan County, N. Y.,3 Nov., 1833, to Jonathan, a farmer and manufacturer, and Maria-Rundle Hoyt. Their address is Stone- ridge, N. Y. Hoyt children: Henry Arthur, born 8 Jan., 1865, who was educated at Wesleyan University, taught two years, was five years in Australia, three years in Medical School, and is now prac- ticing in Watertown, N. Y. (1905); Alice Cornelia, born 15 July, 1866, who was educated at Hackettstown Institute with degree M. L. A., taught three years — two years in Jacksonville Ladies' Col- lege — and is now residing in Jersey City, N. J. ; Chester James, born 16 P'eb., 1868, who was educated at Syracuse University, taught three years, spent four years in Y. M. C. A. work, and eight years in the Christian ministry, with present address Newark, N. J.; Osmon Perley, born 18 July, 1869, who was educated at Syracuse Univer- sity, B. S., engaged in Y. M. C. A. work and ten years in the Chris- tian ministry, with present address Hillsdale, N. Y.; Gordon Way, born 17 Nov., 1872, who was educated at Syracuse University, Chi- cago Medical School, and is now practising in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Isaac Shaurman, born 21 May and died 6 June, 1874, in Sheffield, Mass. 9 Osman B.^ was born 22 March, 1840. He fitted for college at Meriden, N. H., and graduated from Dartmouth Medical College in 1865. Previous to entering the medical profession he taught school. Since 1 Jan., 1866, he has continuously practiced medicine. He was ten years United States examining surgeon ; a member of the Board of Education for more than thirty-five years ; a trustee of the Fiske Free Library thirty years; director of the People's National Bank of Claremont, N. H., since 1892; member of the New Hampshire Legis- lature two years ; member of the Constitutional Convention of New Hampshire in 1902. He married, first, in Claremont, N. H., 24 Dec, 1867, Martha Lovell Wightman, a teacher, born in Rockingham, Vt., 21 March, 1840, to Hermon, a farmer, and Maria Kimball-Lovell Wightman. She died in Claremont 26 Dec, 1868. He married, second, in Claremont 22 Feb., 1882, Mary Jane Wightman, his first wife's sister, born 19 Jan., 1843. She is a graduate of Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, and for many years was a teacher in advanced high schools, and in the Gannett Institute, Boston. They have no children. 492 THE PERLEY FAMILY 10 Louisa M.^ was born 13 Oct., 1843. She was a school teacher. She married in Claremont 20 June, 1867, Ira Colby-333\ a lawyer, born in Claremont 11 Jan., 1831, to Ira, a farmer, and Polly-Foster Colby. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College, 1857 ; was admitted to the New Hampshire Bar in Sept., 1860; was member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, 1864, 1865, 1881, 1883, 1887; of the New Hampshire Senate, 1869, 1870; of Republican National Committee, 1876; of committee to revise New Hampshire Statutes, 1890; solicitor of Sullivan County, N. H., for twenty years and has been for the past nine years a member of the examining committee for admission of students to the Bar. Their home is Claremont. Colby children: Ira Gordon^"; Bertha Maria, born 11 July, 1878, died 10 Aug., 1879. 11 Horace M.° was born 4 July, 1855 — the first white child born in Claremont, Minn. He married in Northfield, Minn., 1 Jan., 1880, Margaret Ann Smith, who was born 31 May, 1860, to John and Mary- Hoy Smith. Their home is Kasson, Minn., where Mr. Way is a farmer. Way!4ssue: Eleanor Frances, born 20 Oct., 1882 ; Lillian, born 20 April, 1886, died in 1890; Frank Alonzo, born 16 July, 1889, died in 1901; George William, born 14 Dec, 1892; Mureen Lucille, born 18 May, 1899; Margaret Alice, born 30 Sept., 1903. 12 George A.'^ was born in Claremont, Minn.; 11 May, 1857, and married in Northfield, Minn., 7 May, 1882, Alice F. Benham, who was born in Prairieville, Minn., 30 Jan., 1860, to Isiac, retired, and Harriet-Hillekee Benham. Mr. Way was express agent, clerk of court and postmaster at Fort Keogh, Mont. He is a wholesale com- mission merchant, 1905. Their home is North Minneapolis, Minn. 13 George H.''was born in Claremont, N. H., 10 Feb., 1856. He married, first, in Faribault, Minn., 25 March, 1877, Mary Lucinda Nutting, born in Northampton, Mass., 21 July, 1857, to Henry A, and Elizabeth-Nutting Nutting. She died in St. Paul, Minn., 16 Sept., 1887. He married, second, in Preston, Minn., 3 April, 1889, Miriam Kate Dayton, born in Decorah, Iowa, 19 July, 1857, to Silas and Rhoda S.-Wells Dayton. Their home is Lake Crystal, Minn. Way issue: Perley Willis, born in Waterville, Minn., 16 Dec, 1877, died in Dodge Center, Minn., 8 Oct., 1882; Eugene Henry, born 20 Dec, 1881, in Dodge Center, where he died 4 Jan., 1882. 14 Osmon F.- was born 16 June, 1858, in Claremont, Minn., where he is a physician and druggist. He married in Castle Rock, Minn., 6 May, 1886, Jennie Josephine Gordon, a school teacher, born in Pine Island, Minn., 21 Nov., 1863, to Isaac, a miller, and Caroline- Farrington Gordon. Way issue: Genevieve, born 24 March, 1887; P'rances Eula, born 26 Aug., 1889; Osmon Gordon, born 31 March, 1892; Miriam Kate, born 26 Sept., 1895; Margret Elizabeth, born 16 Jan., 1900. 15 Harry A." was born in Claremont, Minn., 22 March, 1864. He married in 'Aberdeen, S. Dak., 25 Sept., 1892, Ida Caroline Stahl- berg, a teacher, born in Mayville, Wis., 7 Feb., 1867, to John, a farmer, and Mary Margret-Kornehl Stahlberg. He is principal and owner of the Aberdeen Business College, from which, during his principalship, more than a thousand pupils have entered upon life's duties. Way issue born: Harriet Avaline, 24 March, 1895; Mar- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 493 garet Ila, 8 June, 1896; Carol Frances, 6 June, 1900; Marian Eva, 10 Jan., 1905. 16 Ira G.^" was born in Claremont, N. H., 11 Jan., 1872. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1894, and at Boston University Law School, 1897, and was admitted to New Hampshire Bar in July, 1897. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1902, and is member of the House of Representatives, 1905. He married 7 June, 1899, in Kansas City, Mo., Mary Agnes Coburn, born in Lowell, Mass., 3 Jan., 1874, to James M., a ranchman, and Harriet M. -Graves Coburn. Their home is Claremont. N. H., where were born their children : Harriet Louise, 15 Nov., 1900 ; Caroline Leland, 4 Feb., 1903. FAMILY 330: BAKER. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17 NATHAN-38, NATHAN-T6, EDMUND-lti7. MEHITABLE PERLEY was born 18 Aug., 1811. She married 24 July, 1834, at Lempster, Rev. Osmon Cleander Baker, D. D., who was born in Marlow, N. H., 30 July, 1812, to Dr. Isaac and Abigail Kidder Baker. A Concord, N. H., newspaper read : "On the open- ing of the Methodist General Biblical Institute in this city in 1847, Mr. Baker was appointed one of the teachers in that institution and came here to reside. In 1852 he was appointed bishop and retained his residence in this city until the time of his death." He was stationed at Newbury, Vt., Concord, N. H., and else- where. He died in Concord 20 Dec, 1871, of paralysis; his widow 8 May, 1890. The following is a Concord newspaper notice of her death : "Mrs. Mehitable Baker, wife of the late Methodist Episcopel Bishop, Osman C. Baker, D. D., died in this city at five o'clock Thursday morning after a brief illness of only four days, in her 79th year. She was one of a family of six children, all of whom have filled honorable and eminently useful positions in life. Fitting her- self in early life for a teacher, she was engaged in that vocation in the Newbury Seminary for a considerable time, and was highly esteemed. Mrs. Baker resided here continuously for 43 years, and enjoyed a large acquaintance both in this city and throughout the State. She was a lady possessing rare qualities of mind and heart. She was a true Christian, devoted to the work of the church in which her hus- band was a leader, and gave liberally of time and means to advance the cause. She was kind hearted, charitable in the highest degree, and her loss will be mourned by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. She had five children, but one of whom survives her, Mrs. Dr. S. C. Morrill of this city, and one grandchild, the child of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Frances Pitcher." 1 Baker children : Maria Louisa,"^ Louisa Maria'-, Osman Perley'-, Mary Frances,^ Osma Cornelia.'' 2 Maria L.^ was born 3 Nov., 1837, in Newbury, and died there 13 April, 1842; Louisa M.\ 22 Dec, 1841, in Newbury, and died there 14 March, 1843 ; Osman P.\ 16 May, 1844, in Newbury, and died in Manchester, N. H., 12 April, 1846. 494 THE PERLEY FAMILY 3 Mary F.' was born 20 Oct., 1848, in Concord. She married 2 1 June, 1869, Rev. P2dvvin Frank Pitcher. She died in Lebanon, Pa., 27 March, 1872. Mr. Pitcher in 1880 resided in Fairmount, W. Va. She had only one child, Grace Emery^ 4 Osma C.^ was born in Concord, N. H., 7 March, 1855, and married there 22 May, 1883, Dr. Shadrack Cate Morrill of that city, who was born in Loudon, N. H., 20 July, 1839. Dr. Morrill was a physician of the regular school. His father. Dr. Alpheus Morrill, was a homeopathist. His mother was Miss Eliza Ann Cate. They resided in Concord, where he died 9 Oct., 1904, and where his widow resides (1905). Morrill issue, born in Concord: Ashley Baker, 6 Sept., 1884, a Harvard student; Margaret, 28 Jan., 1886, a student; Gladys, 28 June, 1887, a student; Mary Stearns, 22 June, 1892, died 4 Dec, 1903. 5 Grace E.^was born in Concord, N. H., 7 May, 1870. She was married 11 March, 1893, Herbert Woodbridge Odlin, who was born in Boston 2 Dec, 18(59, to John W., a journalist, and Marianna- Souther Odlin of Concord, where Mr. Odlin is in the gas business. Odlin issue: Harry Niles, born 17 June, 1896, died 10 March, 1899; Marian Baker, born 10 Jan., 1903. FAMILY 331: MINER. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17 EDMUND-lf^T. NATHAX-38, ^ ATHAN-76, SUSANNAH MARIA PERLEY was born 2 Feb., 1815, in Lempster, N. H. She was educated for a teacher, and taught with marked ability and success. One who well knew her and her home gave her this proud encomium: "In all the labors and responsi- bilities of her husband she proved a most intelligent, assiduous and efficient helper." She married 24 Aug., 1836, Alonzo Ames Miner*, who was born in Lempster 17 Aug., 1814, to Benajah Ames and Amanda-Cary Miner, and was a grandson of Charles Miner, a Revolutionary sol- dier, and a descendant in the seventh generation from Thomas Miner, who came to this country with the elder Win- throp, in 1630, in "the good ship Arabella," and removed to New London, Ct., in 1646. Dr. Miner was educated in the public schools and academies of New Hampshire, and began teaching, between terms, at the age of sixteen, in Hanover, the seat of Dartmouth College. He was principal of Cavendish Academy, Vt., 1834 and 1835, at the age of twenty, and from 1835 to 1839 was principal of the Scientific and Military MINER ARMS. * The origin of the name Miner was at Mendippe Hills, Somerset- shire, England, where one Henry Bullraan, a miner, who had fur- nished King Edward III a company of one hundred men armed with l)attle axes, on the occasion of his ifourth expedition into France, in 1634, was knighted, had his name changed to Miner, and given these arms: " Gules a fess between three plates argent." HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 495 Academy at Unity, N. H,, with Mrs. Miner as preceptress. He delivered his first pulpit discourse in Feb., 1838. He was ordained in June and settled over the Universalist parish, Methuen, Mass., in November, 1839. He removed and took charge of the second society in Lowell, 1842, and succeeded Rev. Dr. Chapin, as colleague of Rev. Hosea Ballou, in the School Street Universalist Church, now the Columbus Avenue Church, Boston, in 1848, over which he presided till his death. In 1881 he was the third in seniority among the pastors of Boston of all denominations. In 1851 he visited Europe, in 1872 traveled through the south- ern states and in 1874 visited the Pacific coast, his wife accompany- ing him. He was a member of the school boards of Methuen, Lowell and Boston. He was chap- lain of the Massachusetts Senate in y / y^^ ' 1864, was elected member of the Q^,y^-t„yf~x...yy^ ^^<:^.^^^ Legislature, a member of the Board „. . , , , ,, .,, . ,„^, c y\ '^-._ 1^11 r 1^'* signature to a U'tter wntteu in 1881. of Overseers or Harvard College tor a term of years, was at death serving his third term of eight years on the State Board of Education, the appointee of Governors Claflin, Rice and Robinson ; a director in the American Peace Society for eighteen years; had been president of the Massachusetts Temper- ance Alliance since 1871; president of the Universalist Publishing House, which was projected by him; president of the Committee of One Hundred for the preservation of our public schools; and appointed by Mayor Cobb of Boston chairman of the commission in the treatment of drunkenness in the city institutions, whose report embodied methods since widely introduced into Sherborn and Con- cord reformatories, and in the Police Court by the probation officer, and held successively the offices of trustee, secretary, treasurer, and president — the last from 1862 to 1875 — of Tufts College, of whose executive committee he was chairman at his death. He delivered the oration at the laying of the corner stone of Tufts College in 1858, the Fourth of July oration before the munici- pal authorities and citizens of Boston in 1855, the address at the dedication of the Bromfield School — of which he was a trustee — at Harvard, Mass., in 1878, and at the dedication of the Clinton Liberal Institute at Fort Plain, N. Y., in 1879. During some years of his ministry in Boston, the number of orations, addresses and lectures, outside of his own parish, was annually nearly one hundred. Besides these he attended 2500 funerals and solemnized more than 3000 marriages. He received the honorary degrees of A. M. in 1861, and of LL. D., in 1875, from Tufts College, and of S. T. D., in 1863, from Harvard College. One who went to hear him says: ''Dr. Miner in the pulpit is a picturesque figure; he is tall and rather thin, and a long gray beard sweeps his breast. He has (what very few preachers in Boston that I ever heard possess in any noticeable degree,) a rich vein of dry, caustic wit. " His voice is not very loud, or strong, or musical. He sometimes mumbles his words, and sometimes halts, but what he says is always very forcible, and he has a peculiar charm of delivery that one can- 496 THE PERLEY FAMILY not place one's finger on at any point but which prevades his entire discourse upon whatever subject. "He is very free and very natural, and gesticulates a good deal, and has many quaint movements and expressions that hold one's attention pretty closely. He speaks extemporaneously and moves about freely upon the platform. He emphasizes points sometimes with rapid motions of pinch-nose glasses held between thumb and forefinger of his right hand. Very often he assumes a paternal air and employs admonitory language after the manner of a kindly father. He is rather nervous and rapid in his speech and always speaks frankly, sometimes what might be called harshly. What he has to say he says without any attempt at euphonism and without verbiage. He has abundant command of good English, and his diction, while it isn't always most graceful, is invariably picturesque and has a charming piquancy to it. He speaks about 30 minutes in delivering an ordinary sermon." Dr. Miner's will contained bequests of $2000 each for the Massa- chusetts State Convention of Universalists, the Universalist Pub- lishing House of Boston, the Second Universalist Society of the same city, Goddard Seminary of Barre, Vt., Dean Academy of Franklin, Mass., Westbrook Seminary of Deering, Me., and the Universalist Society in his native town of Lempster; while the residue of the estate, amounting to about $40,000, went to Tufts College. FAMILY 332: FIP:LD. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. JACOB-17, NATHAX-38, NATHAN-76, EDMlTND-167. MARIETTA PERLEY was born 30 March, 1823, and 28 Dec, 1846, became the second wife of Rev. Chester Field, who was born 4 Sept., 1816, to Sophia-Loveridge and Chester Field, a farmer of Deerfield, Mass. His first wife was Louisa Blanchard of Buckland, who died in 1845. Rev. Mr. Field joined the New England M. E. Conference in 1839. Among his appointments were St. Paul's, Lynn; Saratoga Street, East Boston ; Park Street, Worcester ; Central Church, Lowell; and Dorchester Street, South Boston. Besides his service of twenty- six years as preacher, he wrote "Scripture Illustrated," published by the Harpers and republished in London, England, in 1850; he edited "The English Pulpit," Boston, 1848, and for several years he pub- lished "A Library Reporter and Book-Buyer's Guide." He had a very choice library of 4000 volumes, which, at his death was pur- chased by the Wesleyan Wilbraham Academy and Boston Public Library. He died in Newtonville of consumption 24 Nov., 1864. His widow was living in 1879. 1 Field children: Leon Chester^ Maria Louisa'-, Charles Sumner". 2 Maria L.^ was born in Newton 28 Nov., 1850 ; Charles S.\ 13 April, 1856, in Wilbraham, and died in Boston 21 July, 1862. 3 Leon Chester^ was born in Southbridge 7 Feb., 1847, and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 497 married 22 Aug., 1870, Clara Elizabeth Crowell, born 5 Jan., 184G, to Lorenzo and Diana C.-Packard Crowell of Ware. Mr. Field graduated at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Ct., 1870; taught as classical professor in Cazenovia, N. Y., 1870-1873; was principal of Claflin University, Orangeburg, S. C, 1874, when he joined the South Carolina M. E. Conference; was pastor of the First M. E. Church, Concord, N. H., 1874-1877; was pastor of Grace M. E. Church, Haverhill, Mass., 1877-1879; and in 1880 was in New Hampshire. Issue: Leona Miner, born 9 June, 1875; Grace Josephine, born 14 Aug., 1878, in Haverhill, where she died 21 Aug., 1879. » 9 t FAMILY 333: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, EDMUND-167. ASBURY FISK PERLEY was born in Lempster, N. H., 16 June, 1825. He was a farmer in East Lempster. He was for a long time an officer of the town — several years its treasurer. He had fine musical talents and led the M. E. Church choir for nearly thirty years. An intimate friend of Mr. Perley's wrote to the Argus as fol- lows: "Mr. Perley was born in Lempster and spent his whole life there except two years in ^^ Lowell, Mass. ... He ^..^y ^ 2 y ,^ ^ was of a genial and optimis- '-^ ^<-;st^^J^-^ C^^c^," ^rZe^z.^^Cc^ tic nature, of strong mental '"'^ ^ and moral endowments, and "''''^ ""'''^^"p" ""^ """'^° '"^ " '''''' ^° ''"^ a man of marked influence in the community. He took a lively interest in matters of education and moral reform, and was well read on questions of the day. He served his native town for many years in public capacities, as selectman, town treasurer, member of con- stitutional convention and member of the school board. Modest and unassuming almost to a fault, abounding in good works and practi- cal Christianity, he died as he lived, loved and respected by all, with- out an enemy in the world, and with a firm faith in God and the triumph of His kingdom in the world. "He was buried on Sunday, Oct. 25, from the Methodist Church, of which he had been a life-long attendant and supporter, and for many years a trustee. The church was crowded with mourners and friends, many coming from a long distance from neighboring towns. Rev. J. L. Harrison of Worcester, Mass., a former pastor of the deceased, preached the funeral sermon, and addresses were made by Rev. Mr. Felch of Lempster, pastor of the deceased, Rev. Mr. Tyler of Marlow, and George E. Perley of Moorhead, Minn. " His body rests in the quiet churchyard at East Lempster, bor- dering on the beautiful lake, and overshadowed by grand old Lemp- ster mountain, the silent companion and friend of a lifetime. In the words of Holy Writ, he rests from his labors and his works do follow him." He married, first, 2 May, 1850, Sarah Jane Dodge, born in Lemp- ster 23 Feb., 1830, to John, a lumberman, and Rebecca-Gould 498 THE PERLEY FAMILY Dodge. She died 14 Jan., 1882. He married, second, in 1891, Mrs. Hannah W.-McCollom Truell, widow of Hiram Wilson Truell, a farmer, of Enfield, N. H. She was born in Fairlee, Vt., 12 May, 1842, to Elbridge W., a merchant, and Mary Ann-Harvey McCollom. Mr, Perley died 21 Oct., 1903, in East Lempster, where his widow now resides (1905). 1 Perley children : Maria Rebecca^ and Louise Sarah", George Edmund^ Ben Franklin^ Jennie May*', Mary Elizabeth'. 2 Maria R.\ a twin'', was born in Lempster 5 Aug., 1851. She was a school teacher. She married there 27 Oct., 1871, Free- man Sargent Gordon of Washington, where he was a manufacturer and miller. He was born in New Hampton, N. H., 16 April, 1843, to Enoch, a farmer, and Hepzibeth A.-Bickford Gordon. Issue: Perley Arthur, born in Enfield, N. H., 28 Nov., 1877, died there 4 Jan., 1878. They have an adopted son, Bert Arthur, born 15 Aug., 1879, of Lebanon, N. H. 3 Louise S.^ was born 5 Aug., 1851, twin^ and married 31 Aug., 1875, in Lempster, Ira Herbert Adams, born in Pomfret, Vt., 10 Aug., 1846, to Jarvis, a farmer, and Eunice Hilliard-Mitchell Adams. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and later at Meriden, N. H., where he was fitted for college. He studied medicine at Bowdoin and Dartmouth medical colleges, gradu- ating from the latter institution. In 1874 he began practice in Hooksett, removing later to Derry Depot, where until his death, 15 Sept., 1891, he resided. Adams children : Richard Herbert**; Jennie Louise^. The Concord Odd Fellow said: "He was a true Odd Fellow, and one of the best men I ever knew in all my life." Rev. H. E. Allen said: "We have lost not only an able physi- cian, but a sympathizing friend. He was a model man in a model home." Hon. Joseph Kidder said : "As you came to know him you felt that he was no common man. He was wise, learned and sympa- thetic. His hand and heart were always open to do good." Rev. Wm. Ramsden said: "Truly he was a good man. It is dif- ficult to disassociate so many social, domestic and kindly traits from the bright religious phase of his character." Rev. J. H. Nichols said: "His own life was his best obituary. A' faithful, conscientious, sympathetic physician is beloved by all, and such I believe Dr. Adams to have been." Rev. Mr. Atkinson said: "Upon seeing him you would say: 'There is a man with a large heart of love. There is a man who will be a true friend.' " His obituary fills seven Columns in the New Hampshire People, of 21 Sept., 1897. 4 George Edmund^ was born 19 Aug., 1853. He graduated from Kimball Union Acad- emy, Meriden, in 1873, /J f~ /^ n and from Dartmouth jC/ ^P^ //V J^ ^ College, department of AIy(E,<^-yy £/ ^ ^ io-tl^^^ Arts, in 1878, when he . . , , ,-,.,,. ,qao ^ ', ' __ . An epistolai-y subscription about 1903. was class poet. He is a fine singer, and he led the Dartmouth Glee Club two years. He HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 499 was on the executive committee of his class his junior year. During his course, he earned a dozen hundred dollars by teaching public schools and vocal music. After graduation he taught two and a half years, chiefly as principal of the high school of Charlestown, N. H. He read law with Hon. Ira Colby-329^'' of Claremont, N. H., and was admitted to practice in New Hampshire in 1883 ; to the Boston bar in the summer of that year, where he practiced till his removal to Moorhead in May, 1884, where he is a leading attorney of his county. In connection with the practice of his pro- fession in Moorhead, he took up farm loans and real estate. His business is eminently serviceable and lucrative. He was a member of the City Council four years, and is a member of the Board of Education, trustee of Fargo ( N. D.) College from 1897, and at pres- ent a member of State Legislature. He is a Republican, a leading HON. GEORGE E. PERLEY. Congregationalist, and of high social standing and culture. He mar- ried 9 May, 1884, in Windsor, Vt., M. Ella Jones, who was born 14 June, 1858, in Colerain, Mass., to Asa and Clara-Oakes Jones. They have one child: Grace, born 14 May, 1886. 5 Ben Frank.' was born 10 Dec, 1858. He graduated at Meri- den Union Academy and taught school. He was studying medi- cine with his brother-in-law. Dr. Adams, when in April, 1880, he died of fever. He was an estimable young man. 6 Jennie M.^ was born in Lempster, N. H., 22 Oct., 1862. She taught school till her marriage in Derry 24 Oct., 1893, to John Warren Corson, a lawyer, born in South Legrange, Me., 11 Oct., 1861, to Van Rensaler Corson, a lumberman. He is of Seattle, Wash., and president of the Corson Gold Mining Company. 7 Mary E.^ was born 2 July, 1863, and is a teacher of the French and German languages. 500 THE PERLEY FAMILY 8 Richard H.'^ was born in Hooksett 10 June, 1876. He is engaged in the shoe business. He married in Derry 31 Dec., 1902, Ethel Maud Payne, a teacher, born in Londonderry, N. H., 8 May, 1875, to George, a shoe-man, and Carrie-Cornings Payne. . Their home is West Derry. 9 Jennie L.^ was born in Hooksett 15 Sept., 1881, and married in Derry 19 Dec, 1901, George Franklyn Willey, born in Jackson, N. H., 8 March, 1870, to John, a farmer, and P^Hza-Dearborn Willey. He is a journalist. Their home is Manchester, N. H. FAMILY 334: BRICKETT. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAX-38, NATHAN-76, ASA-168. LOUISA PERLEY was born 8 Feb., 1820, and 5 Dec, 1844, married Daniel Hazzleton Brickett of Haverhill, Mass., who was born 6 Nov., 1810, to John and Betsey-Duston Brickett of Sal^m, N. H. His mother was of the fifth generation from Hannah Duston of Indian atrocity, and was born on the Hannah Duston homestead. Mr. Brickett was a shoe manufacturer in Haverhill, 1840-1846, when he became a farmer in the North Parish. In 1868 he removed to the city proper, and died 9 June, 1874. She remained his widow and died in Haverhill 26 Jan., 1901. 1 Brickett children : Otis Perley-', Ella Josephine*, Florence Louisa"', Clarence Augustus'' and Clara Augusta," Sarah Malvina'', Frank Elvin'. 2 Otis P.' was born 27 Aug., 1848. He married 6 Aug., 1871, Ella Abbie Wilkinson, daughter of Charles of Plfifingham, N. H. He resides in Chelsea and is an employing mason in Boston. She died in August, 1889, and he married, second, in March, 1902, Annie Dow. Brickett issue: Grace Alice born 20 June, 1874, married Fred Greer (now deceased) and had Reginald Perley, born in 1893, residing in Haverhill; Charles P2dgar, born 7 Aug., 1876, died in March, 1895; George Augustus, born in Sept., 1879, and died at the age of two months; P2va Ella, born 25 Aug., 1883, who married P'rank H. Fielders, had Earl Brickett, born 31 Jan., 1904, who resides in Chelsea. 3 Ella J.^ was born in Haverhill, Mass., 25 Oct., 1850. She married 20 Nov., 1867, Charles Francis King, a McKay shoe ma- chine operator, ho was born in Canada 17 Oct., 1855, to Charles King. They reside in Haverhill. King issue: Louisa Belle^. 4 Florence L.^ was born in Hav^erhill, Mass., 9 March, 1854, and 2 June, 1880, married James Henry Short of Haverhill, who was born in Atkinson, N. H., 7 Feb., 1850, to Eleazer Pettengill and Elmira-Adams Short. He was a foreman in a shoe shop, stitching department, and died in Haverhill 8 Oct., 1885. She married, second, 10 March, 1890, and became the second wife of George Allen Hayden, who was born in Williamsburg, Mass., 1 June, 1845, to Cotton and Rowena-Nichols Hayden. [ His first wife was Ella North of Northampton, by whom he had issue: Harry Alexander and Mary Ella.] He died 27 July, 1905. His widow resides in Haver- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 501 hill. Parley- Short issue: Clarence Eleazer, born 24 April, 1882, and died in Haverhill 28 Aug., 190-4; Chester Perley, born 30 Aug., 1888, who is unmarried. Perley-Hayden issue: Perley Brickett, born 26 March, 1892. 5 Clarence A.^ was born 28 July, 1856. He married in Boston, Mass., 9 July, 1879, Abbie Ella Maberry, a shoe stitcher of Mechanics Falls, Me., who was born in Lewiston, Me., 26 May, 1858, to Francis Elden and Phebe EUen-Verrill Maberry. Mr. Brickett was a mason by trade and worked in Boston with home in Chelsea, Mass." Later he was a shoe stitcher in Haverhill, Mass., where he died 15 Feb., 1897, and his widow resides (1905). Brickett issue: Forrest Walter born in Mechanics Falls, Me., 25 Nov., 1880, and died 25 July, 1882; Charles Francis^"; Clara Belle"; Nellie May, born 30 Dec, 1887, unmarried, in Haverhill. 6 Clara A.^ was born in Haverhill, Mass., 28 July, 1856, a twin. She married there 15 Jan., 1879, William Leek Adams, who was born in Lawrence, Mass., 23 Oct., 1852, to William R., a factory superin- tendent, and Marion-Adams Adams. Mr. Adams was educated in the common schools. For six years he was license commissioner in Haverhill, and a State Representative 1904 and 1905. He belongs to the Odd Fellows, Masons and Knights Templars. Adams issue: Harry Elwin^". 7 Sarah M.\ born 28 Feb., 1860, married, first, 17 May, 1881, Eustace Chase of Haverhill, now deceased. She married, second, in Haverhill, Mass., 25 Dec, 1888, Porter Cowan Croy, a deputy sheriff, who was born in Versailles, Ohio, 8 Oct., 1864, to George Croy, a blacksmith. They reside in Haverhill, without children. 8 Frank E.^ was born 28 Nov., 1864. He married in Feb., 1886, Phoebe Lynch, and had Iva May, born 11 Feb., 1888. 9 Louisa B.'^ was born in North Parish, Bradford, Mass., 26 Aug., 1868. She married in Haverhill 24 June, 1888, Harry Barnard Goodridge, a druggist, who was born in Haverhill 24 June, 1868, to Moses E. and Sarah Jane-Goodridge Goodridge. She died in Haver- hill 24 Aug., 1891. His address ( Sept., 1905 ) is Sahsbury, Mass. Goodridge issue: Moses King, born 21 Sept., 1889. 10 Charles F.'^ was born 17 Dec, 1881. He married in Haverhill, Mass., 28 Aug., 1900, Nellie Edith Allen, a shoe stitcher, who was born in Marblehead, Mass., 29 Jan., 1880, to Caleb, the superinten- dent of the gas works, and Ella-Blaisdell Allen. Mr. Brickett is a plumber of Lynn, Mass. 11 Clara B."^ was born in Haverhill, Mass., 10 June, 1884. She married there 31 Dec, 1903, Ernest Ferdinand Hoyt, a musician, who was born in Haverhill 29 Sept., 1876, to Ezra, a janitor, and Carrie-Washburn Hoyt. They reside in Haverhill, where their child, Beatrice Clare, was born 12 April, 1905. 12 Harry E.*^ was born in Haverhill, Mass., where he is a shoe manufacturer. He is a graduate of Haverhill High School and was student two years of Bryant & Stratton's Commercial School, Boston. He married in Haverhill 16 March, 1902, Elisabeth Wood Kimball, who was born 25 Dec, 1882, to Warren, a shoe manufacturer, and Lizzie-Chesley Kimball. Adams issue: William Warren, born in 1903; Kimball A., born in 1904. FAMILY 335: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-IT, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, ASA-168. EDMUND FRANKLIN PERLEY was born in Methuen, Mass., 26 June, 1826. He is a hatter by trade, and was employed many years in Haverhill. He resided with his brother Nathan and they cultivated the old homestead ^in Methuen. He married, 11 June, 1863, Melvina C. Parker, whose mother was Maria and who was born in Methuen. 1 Parley child: Frank CHfton, born 31 May, 1868. FAMILY 336: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIl()MAS-4, JACOIMT, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-7C, ASA-169. JAMES PERLEY was born in Methuen, Mass., 23 Sept., 1828. His home is about half a mile from his birthplace. He is a hatter, and has worked at his trade in Haverhill. He was a journeyman in a shoe manufactory and cultivates a small farm. He married 16 May, 1857, Mary Elizabeth Blake, who was born in Holland, Vt., 10 April, 1834, to Chandler and Catherine-Bird Blake, She died 10 May, 1895, and Mr. Perley resides ( Aug., 1905 ) with his daughter, Mrs. Seaver. 1 Perley child : Etta Virginia'-. 2 Etta V.\ born in Methuen 1 Dec, 1858, married in Haverhill Mass., 3 Feb., 1883, Willis Woodman Seaver, born in Plaistow, N. H., 29 Aug., 1859, to Warren, a carpenter and Olive Maria-Emery Seaver, He is a shoe manufacturer in Plaistow. Issue: Ardell Rnowlton- born 29 April and died 18 Sept., 1887; Olive May, born 5 July, 1888, died 6 March, 1901. ►-♦-. FAMILY 337: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, HUMPHRFA'-CLARK-169. HUMPHREY CLARK PERLEYwas born in Methuen 6 Nov., 1802. He was more than thirty years a grain and flour merchant in New York City. Latterly, as merchant, he lost heavily bybad debts, but issued from the trial with a considerable balance in his favor. In the Civil War he was commissioned captain of company H of the First Regiment of Cavalry of New Jersey volunteers, 27 Aug., 1861, and mustered in 19 Sept., 1861, for three years. The regi- ment was raised under the patronage of his father-in-law. Col. William Halstead, and took part in some sixty-odd engagements. Col. Halstead was a member of Congress eight years; he was one of New Jersey's Broadseal men in 1836, from Trenton; he was national dis- trict attorney for New Jersey; he published "Halstead's Reports"; and was one of the committee to escort Gen. Lafayette, in 1824, from New York to New Jersey. Mr. Parley's religious views inclined to HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 503 Unitarianism ; he was highly esteemed by the circle in which he moved ; his opinions were sought and respected ; he was a broad- minded, progressive and patriotic citizen. He spent several winters in Louisiana. His last days were spent in Hamilton, N. J., in gentlemanly quiet. Mr. Perley's first wife, married 10 Feb., 1833, was Hester Mal- vinia Wilcox, born 6 April, 1812, in Batavia, N. Y., to Oliver and Luna-Jones Wilcox, both born in Alford, Mass. She was talented as a poetess and has been critically compared with the sweetness of Burns and the imagination and acumen of Byron. Here follow specimens of her rhythmic sweetness and uplifting thought : THE ANGELS. Upon the downy breast of night, Hushed by her shadowy wing. In refuge sweet from all the world, I've heard the angels sing. They whisper round my slumbering eoueh. They ilit around my bed; And I have listened long and oft To what the angels said. They do not speak of pomp and wealth. And fame and gaud and show; The might of these to us on earth, I wonder if they know? They whisper soft, "Oh, being, dear. Sent o'er the earth to stray, Choose and pursue the high career, The nobler, better way. "Noblest and best 'tis yours to seek, And yours to find and take; Permit no faltering to your feet. No tampering with your fate. You may not idly stay in port. You must attempt the deep; Keep reason's rudder in your grasp, Your course right onward keep. "Look to it that the sea-bound bark Is taut and trim and manned; Choose the Great Pilot, sure and tried. Let vigilance command. The sun may shine, the ambient skies Betraj' no distant speck, Yet be ye warned — the rushing winds Heed not a puny wreck. "There shineth Truth, tlie polar star. The attractive fluid Love,— And Wisdom is tlie Unity, For God is Truth and Love." 'Twas tlius I heard the angels sing, In tones so clear and true; And life with happy, holy force, Thus sought they to imbue. And when the soul in silence longs For God with earnest love. Have they not these spirit-throngs. With good gifts from above? Oh question not, for near my couch I've heard the rustling wing— I've lain and listened long and oft. To what they softly sing. Tluis cradled on night's downy breast. By sixithing shadows hushed, I've nestled, by the angels blessed. Until the morning blushed. LOVE. IIow endowed with priceless treasures. Crowned with gems of beauty rare. Walking 'mid serenest pleasures. Breathing balmy fragrant air- Soothed by song of crystal waters — Founts which gave to music birth; And of men's fair sons and daughters, None more blessed on the earth ! Who is this, so richly gifted. Shielded, guarded, armed and blest; Above all earth-born sorrows lifted Into peaceful, happy rest? Not the lordling in a palace. Gathering from the world wide marts Dainties for each sense's solace — For his eyes the ©ems of art. Nor the moth who daily flitteth Over every rosy Iwwer; And who ne'er in silence sitteth. With reflection for an hour; Nor the jjlgmy delving daily, After wealth to crown his home. And who dreamoth all securely Of his ease in years to come. Nor the scholar who consumeth Life's own lamp In mystic lore. And who moils and toils and longeth That his brain may garner more. Nor the histrion's rapt expression. Kindling passion in a clod; Nor the artist's grand creation. Like the handiwork of God. Nor is't he whom all admiring. Laud, caress and adulate. With some gift beyond th' aspiring, Ranks of men to emulate. 'Tis not he, whose name resoundeth. Warrior-chief or learned sage; King of nations, winged genius- Wreathed poet of his age. Then, who is this truly blest one. Strong in sweet o'erflowing rest; Spirit faithful, calm, courageous — Hope full-orbed, within his breast? The boon so rich, so all-sufficing. Every soul-thirst and desire Is but just the flame arising Fi-om Love's pure and heavenly fire. 504 THE PERLEY FAMILY They were separated about 1850-52. She married, second, 7 Feb., 1853. Monsieur Louvrier. They traveled extensively in Europe with home in Nice, France. He died in 1872, Mme. Louvrier died in Washington, D. C, 27 June, 1881. A local journal noticed her death as follows : "The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. H. M. Louv- rier will learn, with deep regret, that on the evening of the 27th of June her bright spirit was borne by the angel of Death from their midst; and yet while mourning her loss, those whose privilege it has been to attend her to the portals of the higher life — for which she so ardently yearned — must mingle with their tears thanksgivings to our Father in Heav^en for mercifully releasing her from weariness and pain. Although her residence in Washington was comparatively recent, and her extremely delicate health prevented her from appear- ing in the society she was so eminently fitted to grace, her rare com- bination of heart and brain drew around her a small circle of appre- ciative friends who feel it will be long ere 'they look upon her like again.' Her early familiarity with the picturesque scenery of Berkshire County, where she passed much of her childhood, fostered that enthusiastic tone of the beautiful in nature and art which ren- dered her so close an observer during the extensive travels of her later years. In addition to an imaginative, sympathetic and affectictnate nature, and a mind richly stored with the literature of three languages, she possessed in a remarkable degree the gift of expression. This, combined with a keen sense of humor, rendered her not only instruc- tive, but a most charming companion. After fourteen years' resi- dence in different parts of Europe she returned two years ago to her native country and settled in Washington, where her friends hoped long to enjoy her society, but her strength proved inadequate to the duties she assumed, and after languishing many weeks in sickness, through which her daughter, the wife of E. L. Gillette, Esq., of Chicago, has administered with untiring devotion, she has passed to her heavenly rest, leaving a void which will remain unfilled, and a sweet remembrance of her bright presence in the hearts of her friends never to be effaced." Mr. Perley married, second, 8 July, 1854, Harriet Glentwood Hal- stead, who was born in Elizabeth, N. J., 15 Aug., 1818, to Hon. William and Frances Mary-Bostock Halstead of Trenton. His family had a national repute. She sat for one of the leading characters in the great painting, "The Embarkation of the Pilgrims," now adorning the rotunda of the Capitol in Washington, D. C. She was consid- ered a very beautiful woman and a favorite in Washington society. Mr. Perley died at his home in Lawrence Station, N. J., 31 July,1884. 1 Perley children: Josephine Mighill-457, Edward Everett^ Louis Howard', Frances Mary Bostock Halstead^ 2 Edward E.^ was born in New York City 10 March, 1836. He attended school in New York and in Massachusetts; in 184849 he stud- ied in Europe. He graduated from Bryant & Stratton's Mercantile College and was afterwards insurance clerk in New York City, and later in an importing house. In 1856 he went to Chicago, where he was engaged many years in the lumber business under firm names of "Dean & Perley" and "P'isher, Perley & Co." In 1881 he went to San Francisco, Cal., where he has since been engaged in buying and sellino: land and other real estate business. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 505 3 Louis H.^ was born 80 Dec, 1838. He engaged in the book and stationery trade in Chicago, and was some time a dry goods merchant. He is now ( 1905 ) retired, unmarried, in Washington, D. C. 4 Frances M. B. H.^ was born in Trenton, N. J., 13 April and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1855. FAMILY 338: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-T7, HUMPH REY-CLARK-169. WILLIAM PUTNAM PERLEY was born in Methuen, Mass., 2 Dec, 1813. He learned the mason's trade, but spent most of his life farming. He lived in Georgetown at his first wife's death, when he removed to North Andover, till he bought the Abel Spofford place in Georgetown — his permanent home. He married 15 Dec, 1840, Sarah Spofford, who was born in Bradford 7 Nov., 1815, to Daniel and Hannah-Hardy Spofford of Georgetown. She died of typhoid fever 7 Nov., 1846. His second wife, married 19 Jan., 1858, was Elizabeth Averill-143'', who was born 27 Sept., 1819, to Joseph and Elizabeth of North Andover. He died 27 Jan., 1888. His widow resides in Georgetown (Aug., 1905). 1 Perley children : Sarah Spofford", William Putnam^. 2 Sarah S.\ born 7 Nov., 1841, married in North Andover 6 May, 1875, Patrick Cole, bom 4 Oct., 1831, in Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland, to Sergt. William of the British Army and Sarah-Moclara Cole. He died 7 March, 1905, in Georgetown, where he was a mer- chant tailor. Mr. Cole was a much respected citizen. He was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of the Everett Peabody Post, 108, G. A. R. 3 William P.^ was born 10 May, 1845, in Georgetown, and died there of dysentery 11 Nov., 1847. His portrait was painted a short time before his death, and is now in possession of Sherman Nelson, Esq.-187^ FAMILY 340: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-30, WILLI AM-77, WILLIAM-170. DANIEL SPOFFORD PERLEY was born 10 Feb., 1801. Before his marriage he settled in Haverhill, on Water street. In 1832 he was one of the twenty-eight shoe manufacturers in that city. He was an esteemed citizen, and some time clerk and treasurer of the First Universalist Society. He married 20 April, 1828, Sarah Willy Whittier, who was born 1 Nov., 1801, to Thomas and Rebecca- Bailey Whittier of Haverhill. He died 12 — Haverhill record reads 7— Sept., 1836. His widow died in May, 1891. 1 Perley children: William Spofford-458, Warner Francis, who was born in April and died 8 Sept., 1835. FAMILY 341: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, \VILLIA3I-170. AMOS SPOFFORD PERLEY was born in Dec, 1804. He settled in Haverhill, Mass., before his marriage there 3 Dec., 1829, to Mary Rogers, born 15 Nov., 1802, to Robert and Sarah-Somerby Rogers of Nevvburyport. He was a bookkeeper and accountant. He died 12 — Haverhill record 13 — June, 1836, aged thirty-two. She died in Haverhill at the home of her daughter Evans, 7 March, 1903. She was very active until taken ill a week before her death, assisting her daughter in household duties. She retained her faculties unimpaired to the last. She was more than 100 years old. 1 Perley children : Ann Maria"', Sarah Whittier-, Ann Maria^ Sarah \Vhittier\ 2 Ann M.^ was born in 1830 and died in 1832. Sarah W.^ died 15 Sept., 1834. 3 Ann M.^ was born 25 March, 1832, in Haverhill, where she married G Jan., 1858, Charles Row- ell Evans, a merchant tailor, who was born in Salisbury (now Ames- bury) 22 April, 1825, to Reuben and Lydia-Huntin^ton Evans. [His father was in early life a farmer; later an overseer and bookkeeper in the woolen mills ; and he served two or three years as State leg- islator, and several years in town offices.] Mr. Evans died 11 Jan., 1898, in Haverhill, where his widow resides. Evans children : Isabel Huntington''; Charles Amos, born 29 Dec, 1800; Mary Perley, born 21 March, 1866; William Williamson, born 2 Oct., 1867; Harold, born 24 March, 1870; these four unmarried, and resid- ing in Haverhill; Robert Rogers". 4 Sarah W.' was born 29 Dec, 1835, in Haverhill, where 28 Nov., 1854, she married William Francis Day, a shoe manufacturer, born 19 March, 1831, to Deacon William, a shoe manufacturer, and Rhoda-Cross Day of Bradford, their present address (1905). Day children: Albert Grinnell"; Annie Mary, born 5 Feb., 1857, and died 28 Jan., 1861; Florence Perley^; Mabel Cross'^; Cora Frances, born 6 Feb., 1865, a school teacher of Bradford. 5 Isabel H.^ was born in Haverhill 6 Dec, 1858, and married MARY-ROGERS PERLEY. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 507 there 16 Sept., 1874, Andrew James Hartford, a restaurateur, born in Fremont, N, H., 22 Dec, 1852, to John FrankHn, a farmer, and EHzabeth-Guptill Hartford. Their address is Boston. Their child: Annie Perley, born in Haverhill 15 Dec, 1875. 6 Robert R.^ was born in Haverhill 14 Sept., 1872. He is a civil engineer. He married in Haverhill 26 June, 1901, Alice Louise Crockett, a bookkeeper, born in Haverhill 1 Nov., 1870, to Frank Solomon, a bookkeeper, and Martha Ann-Merrill Crockett. Their home is Haverhill, where their child, Somerby Rogers, was born 5 April, 1902. 7 Albert G.^ was born in Haverhill 5 July, 1855. He married in Bradford 19 June, 1893, Nancy Maria Palmer, who was born in Barnstead, N. H., 1 Nov., 1869, to Frank E., a carpenter and builder, and Nancy M.-Jenkins Palmer. Mr. Day is an editor. Their ad- dress 1905 is Briarcliff Manor, New York. They have no children. 8 Florence P.'* was born in Bradford 18 April, 18,62. She mar- ried there 28 Dec, 1891, John Parker Mills Brown, who was born in Loudon, N. H., 27 April, 1864, to John S. R., a farmer, and Achsah- Mills Brown. He died in London 21 Feb., 1804. His widow is of Pittsfield, N. H. (Sept., 1905.) Brown issue: Earl Day, born 23 Oct., 1892; Gladys Sarah Perley, born 24 Dec, 1893. 9 Mabel C.'* was born in Bradford 21 Oct., 1863. She is a mu- sician. She married in Bradford 10 April 1888, Arthur William Emerson, a journalist, who was born in Sunapee, N. H., 28 Jan., 1860, to Rev. Joseph Clough and Cicelia-Simpkins Emerson. Their address is Briarcliff Manor, New York. Emerson issue : Paul Arthur, born 7 Dec, 1889; Cicelia Day, born 18 Sept., 1891; Dorothy Day, born 26 March, 1895; Kenneth William Joseph, born 14 Sept., 1896. FAMILY 342: WHITTIER. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, WILLIAM-170. MARY ANN PERLEY was born 30 Dec, 1806, and married 4 Oct., 1824, Leonard Whittier, born 4 Dec, 1799, to Thomas and Rebecca-Bailey Whittier of Haverhill, Mass. He was for many years a shoe manufacturer in that city. George Pe.abody, "the Lon- don banker," was intimate with this family and often visited them. Mr. Whittier died 19 April, 1867; his widow died in St. Louis, Mo., 30 Dec, 1881. 1 Whittier children : Sarah Perley", Caroline Matilda^, Leonard Edward'*. 2 Sarah P.^ was born in Haverhill 5 June, 1826, and died there 15 Jan., 1899. 3 Caroline M.^ was born 28 Feb., 1828. She married, 1 June, 1852, Rev. Arthur Savage Train, D. D., of Haverhill, who was born in Framingham, Mass., 1 Sept., 1812, to Rev. Charles and Elizabeth- Harrington Train. He was pastor in Haverhill, professor in the Theological Seminary in Newton Center, and pastor in Framingham. 508 THE PERLEY FAMILY Mrs. Train was educated in the Bradford Academy, and was well qualified in mind and heart for a pastor's wife. She had no children. He died in Framingham of Bright's disease 2 Jan., 1872. His wid- ow's home is Haverhill. [ By a former wife, Susan Duncan Beck- with, he was the father of Attorney General Train of Massachusetts.] 4 Leonard E.^ was born in Haverhill 2 Feb., 1833, and 4 Oct., 1855, married Caroline Duncan Brown, born 8 April, 1832, to Col. William and Sarah-Woodward Brown of Haverhill, where Mr. Whittier was a shoe manufacturer. Later he engaged in life insur- ance in St. Paul, Minn. He died of heart disease 31 May, 1894. His widow resides in St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Frederic Leonard, born 21 July, 1856, a ranchero, unmarried, in Manden, North Dakota, where he died 8 March, 1904 ; Mary Ann\ 5 Mary A.^ born 2 Feb., 1858, married 1(5 Jan., 1883, in Elkhart, Ind., Thornton Knox Alexander, who was born 4 March, 1857, in St. Charles, Mo., to Joseph Hugh, a bank cashier, and Jane-Comforth Alexander. They resided in St. Paul, Minn., but later removed to St. Louis, Mo., where he is a fire insurance adjuster. Their children: Caroline Whittier, born 6 Dec, 1883, in St. Paul, where she died 18 March, 1889; Thornton Whittier, born in St. Louis 29 May, 1899. FAMILY 343: LAMBERT. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANClS-39, WILLIAM-77, PHINEAS-171. SALLY PERLEY was born 28 Jan., 1797, and was educated at the Bradford Academy, under the celebrated teacher and author Benjamin Greenleaf, A. M. She married 8, (town records read 9,) May, 1820, William Gage Lambert of Boston, born 29 March, 1798, to Jonathan and Hannah-Gage Lambert of Rowley. Mr. Lambert studied in the Bradford Academy, and was of the firm of Lam. bert & Slade, 27 Kilby street, Boston. Later he was in com- pany with Abbot and Amos Lawrence till 1839 or 40, when he removed to New York City, and opened the first New England commercial house there. His home was in the city, with a summer villa at Chappaqua, N. Y. Mrs. Lambert and her children traveled extensively in Europe during 1847-8. She died 31 Dec, 1875; he, in New York city, 24 Dec, 1882. This ancient name is of honorable descent. It appears first as a roving clan of Norway, which became divided — a part going south, attracted by the fertile plains of northern Italy and establishing the kingdom of Lombardy (from which some derive the name Lambert — as long beards) — apart going into France and Spain. If the arms hint at the origin of the name, it is the Saxon, lamb-beohrt, lamb- fair, having reference, no doubt, to the sprightly activity or mental alertness or watchfulness of the man. Rodolph de Lambert went into England as armor-bearer to William the Conqueror, and since HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 509 then the name has been associated there with the titled nobihty — with barons and earls Their children but the last two were born in Boston. 1 Lambert children : Alfred-, William Gage'', James Henry"^, Edward Welber- force'', Sarah Perley'', Ellen Louisa'^ 2 Alfred' was born 5 July, 1822. He married 27 Sept., 1849, Elizabeth Sargent of Leicester, Mass., who was born in April, 1824. He was an eminent physician in Springfield, Mass., where he died 11 Jan., 1885. They had no children. James H.' was born 8 Aug., 1826, married Josephine King of New York City, and died without issue in Hudson, N. Y., 9 March, 1885. Ellen L.' was born in Brookline 16 May, 1837, and resides, unmarried, in Stamford, LAMBERT ARMS. Q^ 3 William G.' was born in Boston 8 Aug., 1824. He lived and did business in Boston till 1850, when he removed to New York City. His weight was once as great as 370 pounds. He married Conception Garcia, and had two daughters. He had a summer resi- dence at Chappaqua. He died in New York City 9 July, 1884. 4 Edward W.' was born in Boston, Mass., 15 Feb., 1831. He graduated from Yale with class of 1854. He received his degree M. D. from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, in 1857, and became Medical Director of the Equitable Life Assur- ance Society at its foundation. In 1903 he retired from active ser- vice, but remained at the head of the medical department until his death, which occurred 17 July, 1904, in New York City, where his widow resides. He married in Dorchester, Mass., 9 Sept., 1858, Martha Melcher Waldron, who was born in Portsmouth, N. H., 14 Sept., 1832, to Samuel Wallis and Martha-Melcher Waldron. Lam- bert issue, all born in New York City: Samuel Waldron*^; Mary, 10 Aug., 1860, died 21 Aug., 1862; Alexander'; Elliot Cowdin'^; Sally^; Katherine, 27 Nov., 1866, resides, unmarried, with her mother; Edith'"; Ruth''; Adrian Van Sindrien'"-; Gertrude, born 28 May, 1874, died 17 April, 1883, in New York City. 5 Sarah P.' was born in Brookline, Mass., 20 May, 1834, and 21 Dec, 1865, married in New York City, Charles Henry Leeds, who was born 9 Jan., 1834, to Samuel and Mary Warren-Mellen Leeds of New York City. They live in Stamford, Ct. He is a graduate of Yale College, 1854, and a manufacturer of straw goods. Issue: Edward Lambert''^; Alfred'^; Ellen, born 1 April, 1869, unmarried, of Stamford; Norman'''^; Mary War ren'^^; Howard, born 18 Feb., 1876, died 10 Aug., 1882; Arthur Russell, born 8 April, 1879, unmarried, of Cleveland, Ohio. 6 Samuel W.'* was born 18 June, 1859. He married 21 Oct., 1893, Elizabeth Willets, who was born in New York City 11 March, 1864, to John Titus, a merchant, and Amelia-Underbill Willets. Dr. Lambert is professor of applied therapeutics and dean of the College 510 THE PERLEY FAMILY of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, and attending physician to New York City Hospital. Lambert issue, born in New York City but the last in Port Washington, N. Y. : Helen Willets, 8 Jan., 1895; Samuel Waldron, 14 Sept., 1897; Martha, 6 June, 1899. 7 Alexander* was born 15 Dec, 1861. He was educated in the schools of New York City, till he entered Yale College, where he re- ceived degree A. B. in 1884; Ph. B. in 1885. He studied medicine at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons m New York and re- ceived degree M. D., 1888, and was interne in Bellevue Hospital from April, 1888, till October, 1889. He then went abroad, where he renewed his studies, till 1902. Dr. Lambert is a practising physician in New York City, and is a member of the New York State and American Medical Associations, New York Academy of Medicine, and Bellevue Alumni Association ; he is also attending physician of Bellevue Hospital, consulting physician of New York Intirmary for Women and Children and Perth Amboy (N. J.) Hospital. He married in New York City 23 April, 1895, Ellen Waitestill Cheney, who was born in Hartford, Ct., 16 Oct., 1863, to Knight Dexter and Ednah Dow-Smith Cheney. They have no children. 8 Elliot C was born 9 May, 1863. He is a graduate of Yale Uni- versity, class of 1886. He has been for several years a cotton manu- facturer of Manchester, N. H., his present home, 1905. He married in Weymouth, Mass., 16 Jan., 1895, Annie Maynard Thompson, who was born in Weymouth 25 April, 1866, to Samuel, a farmer, and Mary Ann-Eaton Thompson. Lambert issue, born in Manchester: Mary Eaton, 26 Oct., 1898; Edward Wilberforce, 4 July, 1903. 9 Sally\ born 17 Jan., 1865, married 24 April, 1889, Dickin- son W. Richards, who is a lawyer in Orange, N. J. 10 Edith" was born 5 Sept., 1868. She married in New Canaan, Ct., 5 June, 1889, William Ransom Barbour, a lawyer, who was born in Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada, 17 April, 1858, to Rev. William McLeod, D. D,, and Eliza Ann-Ransom Barbour. [Rev. Dr. Bar- bour died in Maiden, Mass., 5 Dec, 1899. See obituary notice in "Congregationalist" of December, 1899.] William Barbour prepared for college at Phillip.s-Pl\eter Academy and entered Harvard College in 1876. After a year he entered Yale College, where he graduated in 1880. From Yale he received degree LL. D., 1882, and in June that year was admitted to the Connecticut Bar. He was admitted to the New York Bar Feb., 1884. He removed to Denver, Col., in March, 1888, where he practised till April, 1900, when he returned to New York and resumed his practice. From March, 1902, he has been a member of the firm Barbour, Hare & Holter, 40 Wall St. His residence, from June, 1901, has been Yonkers; beginning with Oct., 1905, his home will be New York City. Barbour issue, born in Denver: Alexander Lambert, 7 Sept., 1891; Edward Lambert, 3 Aug., 1893. 11 Ruth* was born in New York City 27 Nov., 1870, and married in New Canaan, Ct., 13 Oct., 1896, Knight Dexter Cheney, Jr., a manufacturer of silk, who was born 1 June, 1870, in South Man- chester, Ct., to Knight Dexter, a silk manufacturer, and Ednah Dow-Smith Cheney". They reside in New York. Their child: HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 511 Knight Dexter, 3d, born 25 July, 1899, in New Canaan, and died 13 Nov., 1901, in New York. 12 Adrian V. S.^ born 30 June, 1872, in New York City, where he is a physician, married in Hartford, Ct., 1 June, 1905, Miss Mary Shipman Robinson, born in Hartford 17 May, 1873, to Henry Cor- nelius and Eliza Niles-Trumbull Robinson. 13 Edward L.^ was born in New York City 14 Sept., 18t)(). He married in Ealing, England, 21 Sept., 1904, Helen Elisabeth Graham, who was born in England in Sept., 1871, to William H. Graham. Mr. Leeds is a mechanical engineer. Their address is London, Eng., (Nov., 1905). 14 Alfred'^ was born in New York City 20 Oct., 1867. He mar- ried in Springfield, Mass., 24 Oct., 1894, Louise Morgan, who was born there 15 Feb., 1869, to Elisha Morgan, an envelope manufac- turer, Mr. Leeds is paper manufacturer residing in Springfield, where their children were born: Sally, 9 Dec, 1896^ Mary, 19 May, 1898; Helen, 10 Oct., 1904. 15 Norman^ was born in New York City 15 Nov., 1871. He married in Cleveland, Ohio, 14 Sept., 1899, Frances Kellogg Fuller, who was born in Cleveland 3 April, 1876, to Samuel Augustus and Julia Elizabeth-Clark Fuller — both parents now deceased. Mr. Leeds is a graduate of the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Universi- ty, class of 1895. He is superintendent of the Bridgeport Mallea- ble Iron Co., Bridgeport, Ct. Leeds issue: Norman, born 25 July, 1901 ; Elizabeth, born 3 May, 1903. 16 Mary W.^ was born in New York City 14 Jan., 1874. She married in Stamford, Ct., 25 Feb., 1897, Henry Fairbanks Devens, who was born in Charlestown, Mass., 31 Aug., 1867, to Edward Fesser, "navy and insurance" and Abigail-Fairbanks Devens. Mr. Devens is purchasing agent for the National Cash Register Co., and resides in Dayton, Ohio. FAMILY 344: TWOMBLY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, PHINEAS-171. MARY PERLEY was born 18 July, 1798. She was educated at the Bradford Academy with her sister. She married 15 April, 1827, Hon. Alexander Hamilton Twombly of Boston. Mr. Twombly went to Boston from Lee, N. H., in his thirteenth year. He was a mem- ber of Dr. Lyman Beecher's church, Hanover street, one of the original members of the Central Church, and later of the Mt. Vernon Church, Dr. Kirk's, all of Boston. He was president of the Massa- chusetts State Temperance Society, was elected in 1857 and 1859 to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, and in 1862 to the State Senate, where he was chairman of the banking committee. His business firm was Twombly & Lamson, which dissolved in 1867. Mr. Twombly was of a lively, social disposition, that brightened every circle in which he moved ; he gave a sincere Christian service ; his memory is fragrant of kindly deeds and acknowledged integrity. Mrs. Twombly died 21 Nov., 1844; he 11 May, 1870. 512 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1 Tvvombly children: Mary Jane, born 13 July, 1828, and died, unmarried, 13 Jan., 1855, and Alexander Stevenson-. 2 Alexander S.^ was born 14 March, 1832, and 23 Dec, 1858, married Miss Abbie Ouincy Bancroft of Boston, where she was born 21 March, 1833, to Jacob and Martha G. Bancroft. He fitted for college in the Boston Latin School, graduated at Yale College, 1854, and at the Andover Theological Seminary, 1858. He was ordained in the Congregational order, and in 1858 settled in Cherry Valley, N. Y. He was installed over the State Street Church, Albany, N. Y., 22 June, 1862; over the church in Stamford, Ct., in 1867; yT^'T'''^ X /^ over the Winthrop Street Church, {yy ^ ^ , A:V2r^t^-<^ Charlestown, Mass., 2 May, 1872, ^ , ,^ , , *, • v.*- ' ' J' ' To a letter early In the eighties. and resigned in 1891. He was a delegate of the Christian Commission, in 1864, at Fredericksburg, Cold Harbor, Whitehouse, Va., and the hospitals in Washington, D. C. While at Charlestown Yale College conferred upon him the doctorate, S. T. D. From January to June, 1894, he was acting pastor of the Central Union Church, Honolulu, H, T. Dr. Twombly traveled eighteen months, in 1856-7, in Europe and the Orient, and in 1867 spent four months in Europe. He has contributed exten- sively to Scribner's Monthly and to various theological reviews. Their home is Newton, Mass. Twombly issue: Edward Lambert'^; Henry Bancroft^; Alexander Hamilton'; Clifford Gray*'; Howland, born in Charlestown, Mass., 13 April, 1875, a lawyer in Newton, Mass. 3 Edward L.- was born in Cherry Valley, N. Y., 14 Oct., 1859. He is a graduate of the Boston Latin School in 1877, colonel of Boston School Regiment. He received degrees: A. B. from Yale, 1881; M. D., Harvard Medical School, 1886. After graduating he spent a year and a half as student in Berlin, Prague and Vienna. He was house surgeon in Boston City Hospital, 1886-1887. He is at present (1905) visiting gynecologist to St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Boston, Boston Dispensary and Tufts Medical School Dispensary, and secretary of the staff of the first named. Dr. Twombly is in- structor in clinical gynecology in Tufts College Medical School and is a member of the Massachusetts Medical Association and the Boston City Hospital Club, etc. He married in Boston 3 June, 1891, Fanny Atwill Foster, who was born in Brookline, Mass., 6 Dec, 185~, to Charles A., a merchant, and Mary-Atwill Foster. She died in Boston 27 Aug., 1894. He married, second, 14 Oct., 1897, Juliette A.Jenkins. Their home is Boston. Twombly child: Mary Eliza- beth, born 15 Aug., 1894, in Boston, where she died 13 May, 1896. 4 Henry B.- was born in y\lbany, N. Y., 10 Nov., 1862, and mar- ried in Charlestown, Mass., 12 Sept., 1889, Frances Doane, who was born there 12 Aug., 1860, to Thomas, a civil engineer, and Sophie- Clarke Doane. Mr. Twombly is a lawyer of Summit, N. J. 5 Alexander H.- was born in Albany, N. Y., 10 April, 1866. He is a graduate of the Boston Latin School, 1883 ; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1887. He was for some time associated with S. D. Warren & Co., paper manufacturers, as engineer and later as manager of their mill in Yarmouth, Me. He is now (1905) HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 513 with Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., engineers of New York. He married in Haverhill, N. H., 29 June, 1892, Sophia Doane Hitch- cock who was born in Fitchburg, Mass., 3 May, 1869, to Alfred and Ellen Maria-Clark Hitchcock. They reside in Summit, N. J. Twom- bly issue, born in Yarmouth, Me. : Alexander Hamilton, 8 Oct., 1896; Ellen Clark, 29 Jan., 1890. 6 Clifford G.^ was born in Stamford, Ct., 7 May, 1869. He mar- ried in Holderness, N. H., 1 July, 1897, Edith Balch, daughter of Wiggm and Rev. Dr. Balch. He is an Episcopal clergyman of Newton Highlands, Mass. Twombly issue: Gray Huntington, born 27 April, 1905. FAMILY 345: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, PHINEAS-171. PHINEAS PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 25 Dec, 1799. He married 5 June, 1832, Sally Hook, who was born 23 Sept., 1809, to John and Hannah-Fisk Hook of Danvers, where they made their home and where she died 31 Dec, 1834. Mr. Perley died in 1857. 1 Perley child: Sarah Louisa, born 20 April, 1834, who married a Rogers and is now living. FAMILY 346: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, PHINEAS-171. WILLIAM PERLEY was born in Boxford 10 Feb., 1801. He lived in Salem; in 1829 removed to Danvers, and between 1834 and 1853, was innkeeper in Fall River, New Bedford and Lynn where he was proprietor of the old hotel on the Turnpike. He married 28 March, 1825, Lucy Symonds Chapman, who was born 2 Jan., 1804, to Daniel and Sarah-Symonds Chapman of Boxford. He married, second, 2 March, 1853, Louisa A. Chapman, who was born in Boxford in 1813, to Moses and Betsey-Giddings Chapman of Danvers, where she died 18 Jan., 1892. Parson Briggs solemnized the first marriage; Parson Braman the second. He died in Lynn 28 Dec, 1859. 1 Perley children: George Leverett", Alexander Augustus'^, Lucy Ann^ Sarah Frances*, Emeline Augusta", Catherine Louisa'', Mary Twombly'. 2 George L.^was born in Salem 30 March, 1826, and died in Sau- gus, while attending school there, 5 Jan., 1835; Alex. A.\ 10 March and died 8 May, 1828. 3 Lucy A.' was born 4 Oct., 1829. She married, first, Capt. Robbins. She married, second, Arthur Keyes. Robbins issue: Samuel Perley, unmarried,- in San Francisco; Gussie married A. A. Burton and has a son: Samuel. Keyes issue: a child who died young. 514 THE PERLBY FAMILY 4 Sarah F.^ was born 21 March, 1832. She married, first, an Evans. She married, second, a Crosby. Evans issue: Emma S., married Isaac Jessup and hved in San Rafael, Cal. Jessup issue: Grace, who married and has children; Eddie; Richard. 5 Emeline A.^ was born 8 May, 18o4. She married, first, Capt. Robbins, brother of Capt. Robbins^ who died within a week of yel- low fever. She married, second, Orson H. Keyes, brother of Arthur T. Keyesl Keyes issue: William Perley, who married and is now deceased. 6 Catherine L.^ was born 17 Dec, 1855, and 12 Nov., 1874, mar- ried in Danvers, Mass., William Scampton, who was born in Eng- land in 1850 to Francis and Helen-Hill Scampton. Their issue, born in Danvers: Frank Perley, 29 Nov., 1877, died 26 May, 1888; Willie Chapman, 17 Jan., and died 10 Oct., 1881; Harry George, 1 Jan., 1888, married, with A. S. Stowell & Co. of Boston in charge of the engraving department; Mary Louisa, 24 Aug., 1886, died 26 Dec, 1887. 7 Mary T.' was born in Lynn, Mass., 26 April, 1858. She mar- ried in Danvers, Mass., 12 April, 1882, Thorndike Proctor Hawkes, a druggist of Tapleyville, Danvers, who was born there 15 Oct., 1852, to Mary Ann-Smith and Timothy Hawkes, station agent of the place (then known as Danvers Center) some twenty-five years and more. Mrs. Hawkes is a graduate of the Holten High School, Danvers, class of 1875. Their home is Tapleyville. Hawkes issue, born in Danvers : Perley Gillette, 10 May, 1892, a student in Dummer Academy, Byfield, Mass., (1905); William Moore, 17 Oct., 1893, a pupil inTapley Grammer School, Danvers (1905). FAMILY 347: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TnOM.\.S-4, JACOB-17, FRAXCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, PHINEAS-171. JOSEPH GOULD PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 24 May, 1805. He lived in Danvers and Saugus and settled in Lynn. He married Mary Jane Dodge, who was born in Ipswich 28 Jan., 1806, to John of Ipswich and Harriet-Dodge Dodge of Gloucester. She died 21 Aug., 1867. He died Thursday noon, 19 April, 1883. He owned Pine Hill in Lynn, which included a large tract of land over which Perley street was built. His business was stabling and general trading. Later on 'he bought the old hotel in Lynnfield and remodeled it for his home. There he received many patients afflicted with rheumatism. His method employed faith and massage or mag- netism with remedial agents. He accomplished great good — many were enabled to cast away their crutches. Therein he acquired the sobriquet of "Doctor." At Boxford in his youth at school he was one of forty Perleys out of sixty pupils. Wm. G. Lambert, after- wards his brother-in-law, was his teacher the term of 1816-17. Mr. Perley was a member of the militia company called the " Boxford Washington Guards." HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 51 5 1 Perley children : Joseph Augustus-459, Sarah Lambert', William Henry I 2 Sarah L.^ was born in Chelsea, now Revere, 6 Feb., 1832. She married 20 Dec., 1855, John Henry Chase, a farmer, born in Lynn 6 Nov., 1833, to Hezekiah and Sarah-Hoyte Chase. He died in Lynn- field, Tuesday, 17 Sept., 1901. She resides in Lynnfield on the trolley route, near the town line. Chase issue: Joseph Henry, clerk, born 16 Feb., 1857, married 1 Jan., 1883, in Medford, Flora Moore Ingalls, born 21 April, 1867, to John and Nellie-Tucker Ingalls. She died in Lynnfield 21 April, 1895 (1900.?). Their child: Josephine Perley, born 30 Jan., 1885. 3 William H.^ was born 26 Jan,, 1836, and married in Boston 15 May, 1865, Isabella Lucinda Durgin Tucker of Newburyport, who was born 7 April, 1 836, to John Elliott, a shoemaker, and Abigail- Locke Tucker. [Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Perley's mother, was born 12 Sept., 1810, and even while a nonagenarian was very helpful about the house. The Boston Globe published her sketch and portrait within a month of her death which occurred 2 Sept., 1904, aged ninety-four years less ten days.] Mr. Perley was variously employed in Boston about thirty years — several years a real estate broker, and at one time landlord-proprietor of the "Pemberton." He was an in- ventor in Lynn, where he died 16 Jan., 1899. His widow now resides in Saugus. They had no children. FAMILY 348: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, PHINEAB-171. NATHANIEL PERLEY was born in Boxford 26 June, 1813. He located as a farmer in Rice County, Kansas, with P. O. at Ellin- wood. He married, first, in Ottawa, 111., 4 July, 1847, Miss Mary Dougherty of Hannibal, Mo., who was born in St. Louis. He mar- ried a second time. 1 Perley children: Sarah-', William Edward", Charles H.-, Alfred Lambert'^ Nathaniel", Phineas Herbert^ 2 Sarah^ was born 24 March, 1848, and died 6 March, 1851; Wil- Ham E.\ 31 July, 1854; Charles H.\ 11 July, 1857; Alfred L.', 23 May, 1860; NathanieP, 6 March, 1864; Phineas H.\ 9 Aug., 1869. FAMILY 349: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, OLIVER-172, OLIVER WELLS PERLEY was born in Boxford 8 March, 1804. He married, 20 Sept., 1834, Harriet Newell Perley-161^ She was born 17 March, 1815, in Dunbarton, and died at her home in 516 THE PERLEY FAMILY Georgetown 14 Oct., 1855. Mr. Perley was in the shoe business. He died 14 Nov., 1864. Her epitaph in Union Cemetery reads: Thy memory, thou loved one, How sacred, how dear; Thy virtue shall live Though thy dust slumhers here. 1 Perley children: Caroline Nelson', Jacob Lyman^ Maria Ste- phia^ Huldah Woodman'^ Lewis Melvin^ Susan Abbie^ Harriet Elizabeth**, Alice Gage". 2 Caroline N.^ was born 11 Oct., 1835, and died 19 April, 1865, leaving no children. She was published 5 April, 1864, to John Franklin Hoyt, son of John C. and Hannah P. Hoyt of Groveland, and is now deceased. 3 Jacob L.^ was born 6 June, 1837, and died on returning from the war 5 Aug., 1863, by a fall from a high window in Memphis, Tenn., and was buried in Litchfield, 111., much beloved by his captain and comrades. Huldah W.' was born 16 Aug., 1*^41, and died 3 Oct., 1862; Susan A.^ was born 1 Nov., 1845, in Georgetown, where she died unmarried 30 Oct., 1863. Harriet E.^ was born 31 July, 1850, in Georgetown, where she died 2 Aug., 1888. 4 Maria S.' was born 6 July, 1839. She was published 3 Feb., 1859, to Enoch Floyd, son of PLnoch and Sarah Floyd of Georgetown, and had one child. He and the child died and she married, second, Melvin G. Spofford, provision dealer, born in Groveland, Mass, 4 Oct., 1831, to Gardiner, a currier, and Mary-Platts Spofford. He died 25 Aug., 1900, in Georgetown, where his widow resides. Issue: Melvin L., born in Georgetown 14 Nov., 1868, who is a farmer; Fred, who died young; Helen Perley, born 2 Aug., 1881, who died of con- sumption 4 June, 1896, after a decline of more than a year, reputed "a bright, beautiful girl, the favorite of schoolmates and teacher, the joy of the neighborhood, and the light of her home." 5 Lewis M.^ was born in Georgetown 17 Nov., 1842 or 44, and died, unmarried, in Canon City, Col., 15 Jan., 1884. He enlisted in the navy when about sixteen years old and served four years, — most of the time with the Gulf squadron, the last two years on the Hartford, Admiral Farragut's flagship. After the war he engaged with his uncle, Wm. J. Gage, as flour miller. In 1882 he was an owner in the "O. K. mills" in Litchfield. After that consumption seized upon him, and he went to Dakota and to Colorado for health, but fell a victim. He was buried in Litchfield. 6 Alice G.^ was born in Georgetown, Mass., 5 Oct., 1855, was brought up from infancy by her aunt, Mrs. Sewall Woodman of Byfield. She married in Byfield 23 July, 1879, Charles Silsbee Emmerton, son of Ephram, a merchant, and Mary Ann-Sage Em- merton of Salem, where he was born 29 Jan., 1843. He went from Dummer Academy, Byfield, to the counting room of D. G. & W. B. Bacon, Boston. In the beginning of the war he joined the Salem Light Infantry, where he was a sergeant, when it went out in April, 1861, as flank company of the 8th Mass. Militia, for three months' service. In Nov., 1861, he went out again as first lieutenant of Co. A, 23d Regt,, Mass. Vols. He was on the fields of Roanoke and New- Berne; was regimental adjutant in 1862, and that fall became aide- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 5I7 de-camp to Gen. C. A. Heckman, brigade commander. That place he held till the general's capture at Drury's Bluff, and continued in it with his successor, Gen. G. J. Stannard, even when Gen. Stannard commanded the division before Petersburg. Mustered out with his regiment at the expiration of their three years' service, he was com- missioned to command a company of cavalry, but the chance for active service being over, he resigned. After the war he tried cul- tivating long-staple cotton at Gordon, Fla., but satisfied after two years that further trial meant deeper failure, he left the South and came to Peabody, Mass., where he is a mechanic. Issue, born in Peabody: Ethel, 17 May, 1880; Laurence, 21 Dec, 1888; Donald Sage, 3 July, 1886; Silsbee, 2 Aug., 1889. FAMILY 350: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-t, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, OLIVER-172. LUTHER DANA PERLEY was born in Georgetown, Mass., 16 Dec, 1814 or 15, and there made his home. He was at one time engaged in shoe manufacture, but later was cutter for Little & Moulton. It was his luck to serve as a juror for the criminal term of Superior court. He took great interest in the Perley Family reunions and history. He was one of the executive committee of the first Perley Convention, which was so eminently successful and gratifying. He married 26 Sept., 1844, Almira Conant-101\ who was born to Daniel and Lucy-Perley Conant of Georgetown. He died in Georgeto.vn 14 June, 1889. 1 Perley children : Lucie Emma", Etta Holt*. 2 Lucie E.^ resides with her mother in Maiden, where she is a teacher in the public schools. 3 Etta H.i The Georgetown Advocate of 18 Oct., 1885, read: "The saddest death that has occured in Georgetown for a long sea- son is the decease of Etta Holt Perley 6 Oct., 1885. Her sickness, consumption, was unusually flattering and deceitful ; for her mind was unclouded and full of the illusions of youth and hope. She was beautiful in form and feature, lovely in disposition and rich in natu- ral and acquired endowments. She was a member of our high school, the class of 1878, a graduate of the Putnam Free School, Newburyport, and has taught school successfully and honorably to herself and pupils here and elsewhere. Two years ago she relin- guished a responsible position." She failed very gradually, slowly, surely. "Last Sunday it was observed that the end was near. Though extremely weak, her reason was not dethroned for an instant, nor was her mind clouded by delirium. It is peculiarly sad because she so young, so fair, and so accomplished should have to be cut down in the morning of what bid fair to be a long day of sunny usefulness." FAMILY 351: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, OLIVER-172. ABRAHAM ADAMS PERLEY was born in Georgetown 21 March, 1818. "Abram A. Perley occupied a store opposite the bank, about 1848-50," reads The History of Rochester, N. H., "where he cut shoes and had them made up by such as would take them." He was one of the earliest shoe manufacturers of Roches- ter. He located his home in Litchfield, 111. His first wife, pub- lished 2 Jan., 1847, was Lucretia Foster of Nashville, Tenn., who was born in Nashua, N. H., in 1822 and died in 1851. He married, second, in Cincinnati, O., 25 Aug., 1863, Angle George Simonds, born 7 Nov., 1886, in Charlestown, N. H., to Willard, a machinist, and Mary B.-George Simonds. She is an accountant and resides in Lowell, Mass. The Georgetown Advocate reads: "Abraham Adams Perley died in Kansas City, Mo., June 80, 1885. He was formerly of Edwardsville, 111. He was buried in Alton, III, from the Presbyte- rian Church. The funeral services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Gordon, assisted by Rev. E. B. Randle. Mr. Gordon read selections of Scripture and made timely comments thereon. Mr. Randle, who had been an intimate friend of the deceased during his residence in Edwardsville, followed with a brief review of the life of Mr. Perley as a business man, a citizen and a Christian, and paid a glowing tribute to his many noble and engaging qualities, his integ- rity, his genial disposition, and devotion to his family and relatives. "Among those present at the services were Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Woodman, Senator Southworth, Maj. Zink and Miss Wallace of Litchfield; Judge and Mrs. Irwin, Hon. and Mrs. A. W. Metcalfe, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. French, Hon. and Mrs. G. M. Cole and others of Edwardsville. The remains were interred in the family lot of the late R. G. Perley, brother of the deceased." 1 Perley child: Foster, Kankakee, III, married in 1878. FAMILY 352: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCI8-39, WILLIAM-77, OLIVER-171. RODNEY GOVE PERLEY was born in Georgetown, Mass., 5 Oct., 1820. He married in Decatur, 111., 23 Nov., 1858, Tempe E. Short, who was born 5 Nov., 1882, to Dr. William N. and Nancy-Gillespie Short of Decatur. He died 9 Jan., 1879, and an Alton, 111., journal reads thus of him : " He received his education at Pembroke Academy, New Hampshire. In early manhood he removed to Nashville, Tenn., where he engaged in business, and about 1848, went to St. Louis HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 519 and entered the wholesale shoe store of Tutt & Watson. In 1853 he became a member of the firm of Humphrey, Perley & Co., wholesale dealers in hats, caps and straw goods and continued that business connection for four years. In 1857 he went to New York, intending to remain, but the fall of that year found him in Litchfield, 111., where he engaged in the lumber trade, under the firm name of Perley & Co. In the year 1863 he went to Alton and engaged in the same pursuit, under the firm name of Perley & Woodman, asso- ciating with his nephew, Mr. D. P. Woodman, still, however, retain- ing his business connection at Litchfield. Engaged in important and extensive operations, always conducted with rare energy and ability, his integrity and success won for him a reputation and regard second to that of no business man in Alton. The cardinal principle of his mercantile life was to 'owe no man anything.' At his death his accounts showed no bills payable. This record maintained through life is a commentary in itself, rare as it is noteworthy. Such abilities and reputation naturally made him a conspicuous man in the com- munity; and he was often solicited to enter public life, but modest and retiring in disposition, he uniformly declined, only accepting office when a sense of duty to his fellow citizens overcame his prefer- ence for private life. He was elected a councilman, 1875, and regu- larly each year till his death. His services in the city council were of the highest value. As member or chairman of the finance com- mittee for several terms, he did more than any other official to raise the credit of the city, reduce its indebtedness, and place it in its present enviable financial condition. He conducted the monetary affairs of the city with the same care, prudence and foresight he bestowed upon his private affairs. He cared nothing as to whether certain movements were popular or not; if he believed they were right and just, and, after careful examination, were for the best in- terest of the city, he labored unflinchingly for their success, or stood firm as a rock in their defense. "The unfaltering integrity of his business life; the faithful dis- charge of duty in the service of the public, in posts of honor and trust; the genial courtesy of his intercourse with his fellow men; the self-sacrifice undergone for the help of friends; the systematic charity to the needy, and liberality to all benevolent objects; the beautiful home-life, with its tender devotion to wife and daughter — all these are recalled, and will live as fadeless memorials. " His home was ideal amid beautiful and pleasant surroundings. He never carried his business cares and perplexities home. His evenings were spent in the family circle, where books and periodicals were regularly read and discussed. He was a strong thinker and his reading embraced all the leading authors of the day, Whittier's 'Snow-bound' was his favorite poem." His widow's home is Alton. She has been many years officially connected with the Alton Public Library and several years its president. 1 Perley children : Helen-, Winthrop Gove", Leila Francesl 2 Helen^ was born 24 Aug. and died 5 Sept., 1859, in Litchfield; Winthrop G.^ was born 15 April, 1862, in Litchfield, and died 14 March, 1865, in Alton. 520 THE PERLEY FAMILY 3 Leila F.^ was born in Alton 28 Feb., 1866. She married in Berlin, Germany, 9 June, 1903, Otto Count von Koenigsmarck, re- tired officer in Imperial guard, born in Posen, Germany, to Otto, Count von Koenigsmarck and Countess Piickler. FAMILY 353: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLIAM-77, ABRAHAM-173. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL PERLEY was born in Box- ford, Mass., 15 Jan., 1822. He settled in North Andover. His wife, married 25 Sept., 1847, was Phebe Florilla Taggart, who was born in Temple, Me., 22 May, 1821, to John, a farmer, and Hannah-Hawse Taggart. Mr. Perley was a mechanic. His wife died 22 Jan.-, 1892. He died 9 May, 1901. 1 Perley children: Melvina Luella'-, Frank Alvah'*, Edwin La- Forest^ 2 Melvina L.> was born 25 June, 1848, and 16 Aug., 1866, mar- ried in North Andover, Amos Dearborn Carleton, who was born 3 Jan., 1839, to Daniel, a farmer, and Phebe Kimball-Whittier Carleton of North Andover. Only child: Ida Frank, born in North Andover 10 Oct., 1877, who is a stenographer. 3 Frank A.^ was born 1 July, 1852, and married 7 March, 1875, Lucy Taggart, who was born in 1857 to John and Sarah-T. Taggart of Phillips, Me. 4 Edwin LaForest^ was born 7 July, 1857. He married in Ham- ilton 22 Nov., 1882, Nellie May Holmes, born in Holbrook, L. I., N. Y., 18 May, 1863, to Richard and Minerva D.-Burbank Holmes. He is secretary, and his wife is collector of the Bradstreet Colony, United Order of Pilgrim Fathers. Mr. Perley is the railroad station agent in North Andover. Perley child : P'orrest Leverett, born 1 March, 1884. FAMILY 354: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, AMOS-80, ISRAEL-178. JOHN CHANDLER PERLEY was born in Winthrop, Me., 12 Sept., 1821. He married 22 Feb., 1848, Eunice Meigs, born in Vassalboro, Me., 16 Sept., 1826, to Anson and Anna-Gardiner Meigs. He was a farmer in Vassalboro. She died 21 Feb., 1894; and he 23 Oct., 1897. 1 Perley children: Charles IsraeP, Anna Meigs\ Carrie^ Ahce Maria^ 2 Carrie^ was born 2 Sept., 1856, and died 13 March, 1873. 3 Charles IsraeP was born in Vassalboro, Me., 27 Dec, 1848. He married 3 June, 1871, Clara Isabel Richardson, who was born in Vassalboro 11 Feb., 1854, to John, a farmer, and Cynthia-Cross HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 521 Richardson. He is a farmer in the town of his nativity, with special reference to orcharding. Perley issue, born in Vassalboro: Edith Carrie, 12 Oct., 1874; George Augustus*^; Fred BicknelF; Anson Meigs, 20 Feb., 1882, who is engaged in the clothing business in Augusta, Me. He is a graduate of Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville, Me., 1901 ; of Shaw's Business College, 1902; and a member of the N. G. S. M., Company M, Augusta. 4 Anna Meigs^ was born in Vassalboro 5 June, 1852. She mar- ried 13 Feb., 1877, Dana Boardman Marden, a farmer, born in East Vassalboro 16 June, 1852, to Samuel, a farmer, and Margaret Page- Johnson Marden. They live in Vassalboro, where their children were born. Issue: Eunice May, 26 March, 1880; Edna Margaret, 26 April, 1882, died 25 Dec, 1902. Both daughters are graduates of the Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville, and Edna was training to be a kindergarten teacher in Boston at the time of her death. 5 Alice Maria^ was born in Vassalboro 26 Oct., 1862. She mar- ried 20 Jan., 1885, Elmer Ellsworth Randall, a shoe cutter, born in Vassalboro 12 March, 1861, to Eldridge, a farmer, and Palonia Frances-Ames Randall. They reside in Easton, Mass. Issue: Hazel Marjorie, born 16 Jan., 1899, in Easton. 6 George Augustus'^ was born 24 March, 1876. He married 13 Aug., 1899, Bessie Caroline Troy, born in Sebec, Me., 20 Feb., 1878, to Mary P.-Robinson Troy. Mr. Perley graduated at the Erskine Academy, South China, Me., class of '96, and at Shaw's Business College, Augusta, in 1897. He is now a clothier, in Augusta, with- out children. 7 Fred BicknelP was born at Seaward's Mills, Vassalboro, 1 Aug., 1877. He married in Waterville, Me., 10 Sept., 1902, Ivy Clark, a teacher, born in Freedom, Me., 10 Sept., 1882, to George S , a butcher, and Imogene Gibbs-Dearborn Clark. He is a graduate of the Erskine Academy, South China, Me., and attended the Univer- sity of Maine. Mrs. Perley is a graduate of the Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville. They reside in Vassalboro, where he is a farmer. Perley issue: Ivian, born in Vassalboro 24 Sept., 1903. FAMILY 355: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. TIIOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, JACOB-81, JACOB-180. JACOB SAMUEL PERLEY was born in Hanover, N. H., 7 June, 1818. He settled in his native town, where he was a progres- sive, substantial farmer, and which he represented several terms in the Legislature, and also as a selectman. He married 14 June, 1850, in Hanover, Harriet Eliza Fellows of the same place, who was born 15 Jan., 1829, to Ira and Abigail- Wright Fellows. He died 10 July, 1892. His widow resides in Etna with her daughter. "He received such education as the schools of that day furnished, supplemented by some terms at the Meriden Academy. His occu- pation was that of a farmer, in which intelligence and industry made 522 T'HE PERLEY FAMILY him successful. He was one of the selectmen of the town for the years 1862, 1863, 1864 and 1873. He was representative of the town in 1868 and 1869. He was one of the trustees of the Dartmouth savings bank. One of the prominent characteristics of Mr. Perley was his intelligence. He was a constant reader, not only of the news of the day, but of the better class of books. He had the advantage of most readers in a very retentive memory. What he read became a possession to him, from whose treasures he readily made such drafts as the occasion might demand. He was not alone the gatherer of information, but he also was a thinker. The facts he laid up in his retentive memory were made to yield to him something of principle, or confirmation, or instruction for himself and others. He was a most delightful companion. From the stores of his memory, he drew incidents and anecdotes, sure to suit the subject in hand, or the occasion. He had a keen eye for the humorous aspects of character and events, and yet without malice or bitterness he used them pro- moting the cheerfulness of others as well as nourishing his own. He had a talent for versification. The flow of words was smooth and always had pith and point. Some of them founded on early incidents in the history of the town ought to be preserved in some permanent form. In all human relations he was true, faithful, honest, leaving a name without a stain, and a memory which will be cherished by all classes and conditions of people. He was a true and ardent lover of his country, and no appeal to his patriotism was ever made in vain. In most cases no appeal was needed, his interest flowed forth spon- taneously. In the great things and subjects of the Christian religion he had a deep interest, but like many other good men he was re- served and timid upon such matters as far as he was personally con- cerned. He was a believer in the Gospel, made its revelations his hope and support, but shrank from a public profession of his faith lest he should bring any dishonor upon it. Such a husband, father, kinsman, friend and citizen as Mr. Perley was, is a rich possession to any town, and the regret everywhere expressed among all classes is the deserved tribute to a good man." 1 Perley children : A son'", a daughter'-, Eva Elizal 2 The son was born 25 and died 28 March, 1851; the daughter was born and died 21 July, 1857. 3 Eva^ was born 20 June, 1858, and 19 Nov., 1884, married in Hanover, Irving Powell Fitts, a farmer of Etna, N. H., who was born in Hanov^er 26 July, 1856, to Mary Dow-Rogers and Richard Fitts. Their children are Perley Richard, born 13 and died 19 April, 1889; Perley Irving, born 14 Sept., 1898. FAMILY 356: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-att, .TACOB-81, .TONATHAN-181. JONATHAN PERLEY was born in Salem 30 April, 1809. He settled as a book-binder in his native town, and by his skill and faith- fulness acquired a wide reputation for taste and excellence of work. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 523 He was elected register of probate and occupied the office from 7 Jan., 1857, to 13 April, 1857, when he resigned. He was a ,, , , ^ ., ,.,1, ,Q,, , Freemason from 8 May, 1855. (From the rfalem Rojiisti'i-, Feb. 14, 1841.) . J' . ^.„n He married 15 Nov., 1843, Fran- joxA. PERLEY. Jr.. rcspeotfuiiy infonus CCS Ann Oakcs, who was Dom 4 his friends and furmer (ustomers, that he has T,,1,, 1C1" fr\ TVinrriQC anr] Mar-ir made arraugeuients with Mr. J. P. JEWETT, JUly, I5l(,l0 i nOmaS ana iViary- to conduct liis Booli Bindery, at which place he Hr>\A7Prr1 (^nVpc; nf Splpm '-iViP rliVH will be happy to meet those who were formerly •'^OWarCl UakCS 01 ^>aiem. ^.nC OlCa his patron.s. Bindery over the Bookstore, op- of COllSUmptlOn 24 Oct., 1850. posite the Mansion House. tt • t i -^^ t i -.,t,.« He married, second, 21 July, 1864, Mary Jane Howard, his first wife's cousin, who was born to John and Priscilla-Cheever Howard of Salem 5 June, 181G, and died 4 March, 1876. Her tomb inscription reads: She was faithful in every relation of lite. He died 30 April, 1888, of Bright's disease. 1 Perley children: Edward Lee4(30, Mary Howard'-'. 2 Mary H.^ was born 5 Jan., 184<3, and 21 Aug., 1866, married John Masury Berry, a trader, when he was twenty-three years of age, son of George E. and Lydia W. Berry. She died in Minneapolis, Minn., 12 April, 1869. Later, Mr. Berry was of Manchester, N. H. Berry issue : John Plumley, born in St. Paul, Minn., 26 Sept., 1867, and died 6 May, 1873 ; Mary Perley. born in Minneapolis 20 Feb., 1869, died 31 July, 1870. FAMILY 357: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, JACOB-81, JONATHAN-181. WILLIAM HENRY PERLEY was born in Salem, Mass., 8 Jan., 1813. He married 5 May, 1845, Margaret Byron Doyle Brown, daughter of Thomas and Eliza-Howard Brown, who were both (par- ents) born in Salem. She died 15 Oct., 1863. Their son Osmond says his mother was Margaret-Henderson Perley. He died 16 March, 1881, (which was Wednesday); [Boston records read: 17 March, 1882, aged sixty-nine years and two months.] The following is a published notice of his death • "Mr. William H. Perley, who died in Boston on Wednesday last at the age of 68 years, will be pleasantly remembered by all who have been acquainted with him at any period of his life, for his ready wit and genial humor. Between fifty and sixty years ago he was learning the trade of a printer in the Salem Gazette office. Not long after his majority he had an opportunity to go to Andover to work, which he accepted, and from there went to Haverhill, and was em- ployed on the Haverhill Gazette, then edited by John G. Whittier, who took quite an interest in him, he being very ready and apt with his pen. From Haverhill, he went to Lynn, and started a weekly paper, called the Locomotive, which was very popular for a short time. Subsequently he connected himself with the Gloucester Tele- graph, where he continued until the proprietor went to Fitchburg 524 THE PERLEY FAMILY and published the Sentinel, Mr. Perley going with him, and assisting in editing the same for fifteen years. He had since worked on the Quincy Patriot, at Boston offices, and in other places." He is in the Lynn directory of 1841 as book and job printer in company with Stoneham. 1 Perley children : Charles Henry-461, William Henry"^ Osmond Huntley^ Margaret Flora', Horace Putnam"-. 2 William H.^ was born 12 [Gloucester records: 3] Nov., 1849, in Gloucester, Mass., and died in Beverly 6 Sept., 1850. Margaret F.^ was born 5 and died 15 Jan., 1859, and is buried in Pltchburg, Mass. Horace P.^ was born 6 Dec, 1860, in Fitchburg, and dying 6 April, 1863, was buried in Salem. 3 Osmond H.^ was born in Fitchburg 8 April, 1853. He is a painter by trade and has worked for the Heywood Bros, and Wake- field Rattan Com.pany of Gardner, Mass., for many years. The fine painted sets of furniture that they put out exhibit his skill with the brush. He married in Templeton 11 July, 1880, Louisa Maria- Williams Flynn, who was born in Templeton, Mass., 8 Aug., 1851, to John Hane and Mary Ann-Widdifield Williams, who (the parents) were born in Boston. [She was widow of James Studley Flynn, son of John B. Plynn, to whom she was published 19 Dec, 1872, when he was of Hubbardston. He died 5 Feb., 1875.] They have no children. FAMILY 358: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAOOB-17, FRANCIS-39, JACOB-81, NATHAN-184. SAMUEL PERLEY was born in Groveland, Mass., 13 Dec, 1818. He settled in Haverhill in 1850, and was a shoe manufac- turer with his brother Nathan-359. He married 10 Nov., 1847, Phebe Perry Parker, who was born in 1826 to Capt. Benjamin and Anne- Laphan Parker. Her sister Lucy was the wife of Hon. E. J. M. Hale-10. 1 Perley child: Lucy Hale, born 5 July, 1854, and married 5 Aug., 1872, George W. Campbell, who was born in 1847 to George and Helen of Haverhill. He is a shoemaker. FAMILY 359: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4 JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, JACOB-81, NATHAN-184. NATHAN PERLEY was born in Groveland, Mass., 16 Dec, 1820. About 1850 he engaged in the shoe business with his brother Samuel-358. They manufactured a few years, and he worked at shoe cutting. In 1861 he was appointed inspector in the Custom- house, Boston, seven or more years. He resided in Haverhill. He married 15 Dec, 1859, Harriet M. Johnson, who was born in 1831 to Andrew and Ruth of Haverhill. 1 Perley child : Albert O.- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 525 2 Albert O.^ was born 27 Feb., 1861. He was a shoe shipper in Haverhill. He married 16 June, 1887, Alice L. Longfellow of New- bury, who was born 27 June, 1858, to Henry W. and Emeline M.- Scribner Longfellow and died Thursday, 31 March, 1898. They had Ruth Longfellow and Howard Johnson, who was born 21 March, 1894, in Georgetown. Mrs. Perley had a remarkable talent for dra- matic reading and impersonation. At three years of age she recited in public a poem of eighty-eight lines, captivating the house. She finished her academic education and studied for the stage as a reader. She read in most of the cities and towns of northern Essex county and they remember her with delight. She had flattering offers from entertainment managers, but was obliged to refuse them unless her life was to be given wholly to the stage. FAMILY 360: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-3'J, JA('OB-81, FRANCIS-185. ENOCH TITCOMB PERLEY was born in Winthrop, Me., 23 April, 1819. He was a farmer in Winthrop, though by trade a car- penter. He married in Thompson, Ct., 3 Oct., 1846, Miss Martha Ann Amelia Kirk, who was born 13 Jan., 1827, in Springfield, Vt. She died in Lowell, Mass., 26 Dec, 1898. Her parents were Rachel A. -Berry and Reuben Kirk. He died in Lowell 27 April, 1874. 1 Perley children: Josephine Amelia', Edward Kirk'^, Alma Annette"'^, George Everett*. 2 Josephine A.* was born in Lowell 27 March, 1849, and lived with her parents till she died, unmarried, 18 June, 1896. Alma A.^ was born in Lowell 23 Sept., 1860, and is a bookkeeper in Worcester, Mass., for a large insurance house, where she has served many years. 3 Edward K.^ was born in Lowell 12 July, 1853. He was a banker and many years cashier of the Appleton National Bank. He married in Boston 19 Nov., 1884, Alna Jane Squire, who was born in Lowell to Lucinda-Craigue and Joseph Austin Squire. He died in Lowell 16 Feb., 1896. His widow married a Hunt and resides in Cambridge, Mass. Their children: Helen Gertrude, born in Boston 28 Nov., 1885, and died 28 Feb., (Boston records 26 March,) 1886; Carl Squire, born 22 Oct., 1891, who is a fine singer, whose talent is much in demand as a soloist. 4 George E.' was born in Lowell 5 March, 1869. He married, first, on the evening of 9 March, 1897, Rev. C. E. Fisher officiating. Alberta Sawyer, a dressmaker, born in Lowell 21 Sept., 1877, to Albert, a druggist, and Anna-Richards Sawyer. She died in Lowell 13 Jan., 1898. Mr. Perley married, second, 24 Jan., 1900, Fannie Fern Jones, a bookkeeper, born in Waitsfield, Vt., 12 Jan., 1879, to Albert C. and Etta Augusta-Sterling Jones. He is a clerk in Lowell. Issue: Harold Everett, born 12 Jan., and died 20 Aug., 1898; Albert Sawyer, twin with Harold Everett; Rosalie Frances, born 29 Jan., 1904. FAMILY 361: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-IT. FRANCIS-39, JACOB-81, FRAXCIS-185. FRANCIS PERLEY was born in Winthrop, Me., 17 Dec, 1822. He married in Portland 10 Sept., 1852, Harriet Ann Alden, born in Jay, Me., 10 Dec, 1885, to William, a farmer, and Louisa Maria- Reynolds Alden. He was several years a railroad builder. He laid the first railroad track into Winthrop. Later he engaged success- fully in farming. He was industrious and was of high moral stand- ing in the community. He died in Winthrop 16 March, 1908. 1 Perley children: Emma Louise'-, Clarence Alden^ 2 Emma L.^ was born in Winthrop 20 Sept., 1858, and 24 Nov., 1875, married Millard Fillmore Richardson, born in Monmouth 11 Aug., 1850, to Jesse P., a farmer, and Sarah F.-King Richardson. He is a farmer in Monmouth. Issue: Stella Louise, born 16 Oct., 1878. 8 Clarence A.', born in Winthrop 1 May, 1868, married in Readfield 1 June, 1898, Augusta Lillian Norton, born in Mt. Vernon 30 March, 1878, to Alfred Samuel and Mary-Stevens Norton. He is a farmer and resides in Winthrop. FAMILY 862: JORDAN. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TII()MAS-4, JACOB-17, FRAMriS-39, JACOB-Sl, FUANCIS-ISS. MARTHA FOSTER PERLEY (Martha "Titcomb," Town records, Winthrop) was born in Winthrop, Me., 26 Sept., 1826, where she married 1 Nov., 1847, Robert Jordan, who was born 19 Sept., 1819, to Nathaniel and Lydia-Cash Jordan. They made their home in Ipswich, Mass., where he was a merchant-tailor and dealer in ready-made clothing. In process of time the firm changed to " R. Jordan & Son," and after some years, the son going West, "R. Jor- dan & Co." Mr. Jordan's retirement from business suggested to the local newspaper the following: — "Robert Jordan of the firm of R. Jordan & Co. has sold his in- terest in the business to Charles G. Spiller and retired from the firm, of which he has been senior partner for many years. Mr. Jordan came to Ipswich fifty-three years ago and established himself as a custom tailor in the building now occupied as a dwelling house by Arthur ¥. Tilton. At that time the house was known as the Bank Building. Later, Mr. Jordan removed to the second story of Coburn's block, where he worked several years and employed several girls in his tailoring rooms. His next move was to the Newman block, where he added a large stock of ready-made clothing and where he remained until his present store was built. Several times his store was burglarized, one party securing considerable clothing I HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 527 and money. During his business career Mr. Jordan has met with reverses, but through all his dealings he has maintained the same ' honest integrity and attention to his business. He well may be proud of the half century of his business life. "Mr. Jordan is the last of the old business men that held sway a few years ago and none have retired with a more worthy reputation. "Although never a man of robust frame Mr. Jordan, who is near- ing the fourscore mark, has always been able to attend to his busi- ness with the same scrupulous care which characterized his younger • days. Honor to such men and may the town furnish more like him." He died 30 Aug., 1905, aged eighty -six years, less twenty days. One who knew Mrs. Jordan well wrote for the local journal : "On Friday evening, Nov. 17, (1893), the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. Martha F. Jordan, wife of Mr. Robert Jordan, was spread through the town and brought grief and sorrow to many a heart. She had been sick some weeks, but was supposed to be con- . valescent when death came. Immediately upon her marriage to Mr. Jordan she came to Ipswich to reside, and for nearly half a century she was the light and life of a happy home. Her life was eminently a domestic one. Her home, her husband and her children were the dearest things on earth to her; yet she was large-hearted enough to sympathize with every one of God's creatures and aid every one in distress. She was a woman.' much respected and looked up to for advice and consolation. Her clear head at once saw just the right thing to be done and her strong personality accomplished it. She - was a brave, true-hearted, pure-minded woman, full of delicate shades of feeling. She loved the flowers, the trees, the woods, the green grass, and the warm sunshine. She had a keen perception of the beautiful, and eagerly drank drafts of pure delight in the cultivation of the flowers and shrubs of her garden. She was a lovable, gentle woman who lived a life of usefulness and good deeds, the incarnation of true womanhood. She left a perfume of happiness and love in [ the memory. The sands of her life were golden sands. She will be I missed in the home, in the commune of friends and in open handed I charities." 1 Jordan children: Mary Ellen', Albert Perley^ Martha Etta'-, I Robert Arthur-, Fannie Woods'*. 2 M. Ellen^ was born 6 April, 1850, and resides, unmarried, in ! Ipswich; M. Etta^ was born 19 Dec, 1855, and lives, unmarried, I with her sister in Ipswich; Robert A.^ was born 6 Aug., 1861, and died 23 March, 1862. 3 Albert P.^ was born 14 June, 1851. He is a vineyardist in Fresno, Cal. He married 29 Dec, 1896, in Fresno, Mary Blanton Scott, who was born in Fort Smith, Ark., 29 Dec, 1871, to Lidie- 1 Beauchamp and John W. Scott, a vineyardist and farmer. Her father received wounds in the Confederate Army, afterwards entered busi- ness in Fort Smith and later in California. Jordan issue: Robert ' Winfield, born 29 Sept., 1899; Mary Alberta, born 10 Feb., 1901. I 4 Fannie W.^ was born 8 Jan., 1866, in Ipswich, Mass., where she j married 2 Dec, 1903, William Henry Clifton Noble, a lawyer, who j was born in Oxford, Me., 1 April, 1867, to Charles S., a farmer, and I Columbia-Perkins Noble. They reside in Boston. FAMILY 363: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l.TUKITHY-O, STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-9(t, AL,LEN-1«9. MARK CRESSEY PERLEY was born in Rowley 10 Aug., 1817. He was a trader and resided in Rowley, Danvers and Haver- hill. He married 29 June, 1843, Ruth Jewett Hobson of Rowley, where she was born 10 April, 1821. He died of consumption 30 June, 1854. 1 Perley children : Mary Ellen- and Martha Althea* and two sons'*. 2 Mary E.^ was born 7 Oct., 1844. She was a dressmaker by trade in Rowley. She died 6 March, 1904. 3 Martha A.^ was born 7 Oct., 1844, twin with Mary E.^ She was a dressmaker. She married in Rowley 18 Nov., 1884, Charles A. Houghton, a baker, born in Holliston, Mass., to Lewis, a grocer, and Sarah-Messenger Houghton. They reside in Rowley. 4 The sons' were born 11 July, 1846, and 6 Aug., 1847, and died 31 July, 1846, and 29 Aug., 1847. FAMILY 364: CLINE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-t, Tn«iTIIV-0. STEraEN-19, ALLEX-42, ALLEN-90, ALLEN 189. MARTHA HALE PERLEY was born 1 March, 1819. She married 30 Aug., 1846, William Cline, son of John and Margaret of Cambridgeport, Mass. He was a native of England, and a cabinet- maker by trade. He was employed at the Capitol several years as messenger and lived in Boston. 1 Cline children: Ellen B.''^, William Allen'^ Edna Eliza'' and Edward Everett'-. 2 Ellen B.' was born 1 June, 1847, and died, unmarried, 7 Aug., 1867. Edward E.^ twin with Edna E.' was born 5 July, 1852, and died 11 Dec, 1853. 3 William A. ^ was born in Charlestown, Mass., 18 Dec, 1848. He is in the hardware business. He married in Boston 18 Jan., 1871, Emily Liscom Sutton, a bookkeeper, who was born in Bos- ton 7 Feb., 1847, to Enoch, a jeweler, and Hannah March-Akerman Sutton. They were divorced and she married, second, Abner C. Hibbard. Cline child: Charles Allen, born 11 June, 1872, who graduated from Rice Grammar and English High Schools, Boston, and has for some years been salesman for McKenney & Waterbury, Franklin St., Boston. He married 5 Feb., 1894, Flora Adella Turner and they have had two children : Allen Turner, born 12 June, 1896, and died 21 March, 1897; Eleanor, born 4 Sept., 1904. 4 Edna E.^ was born in Boston, Mass., 5 July, 1852, and married HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 529 there "26 Aug., 1874, Abner Clough Hibbard, a shipper, who was born in Lyman, N. H., 15 Oct., 1847, to Frederick, a miller, and Rebecca Woodbury-Clough Hibbard. She died in Boston 18 Dec, 1876, leaving one child. Mr. Hibbard married, second, 1 June, 1889, Mrs. Emily L. Clinch They reside in Ashcroft, Mass. Hibbard child: Albert Dudley, born 28 July, 1875, who graduated at Oakdale Grammar School, and from the Dedham High School, entered the employ of S. Ward & Co., Franklin St., Boston, his present business, with home in Ashcroft. He married 25 Dec, 1894, Clara F. Nudd, and has one child : Perley Nudd, born 27 April, 1901. . FAMILY 365: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTIIY-G. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90, ALLEN-189. ALLEN PERLEY was born in Rowley 31 May, 1830, where he is a farmer. His first wife, married 20 Nov., 1859, was Martha Mary Conant, who was born 18 Oct., 1833, to Deacon William Fos- ter and Martha- Perley Conant-202 of Linebrook Parish. She died of consumption 13 Aug., 1863. Her epitaph: Long on Jordan banks she waited, List'ning for the welcome call, Firm in faith, with joy elated, In her Lord, her life her All. His second wife, married 13 Nov., 1865, was Mrs. Mary Abigail- Pingree Conant-51'^ the widow of Gilbert Roger Conant-51^^ and daughter of Proctor and Sarah Hobbs Pingree-51^^ of Linebrook Parish, Ipswich, born 8 July, 1832. 1 Perley children : Edwin Lane'", Lyman Blake'^ Willis\ 2 Edwin L.^ was born in Rowley 30 July, 1866, and married there 25 March, 1897, Emma Condell Smith, born in Bathurst, N. B., 23 Oct., 1871, to Richard A., justice of the peace, and Elizabeth Ann-Smith Smith. He is a street-car conductor. Their home is Haverhill, Mass. Perley child: Grace Allston, born 6 and died 7 Dec, 1897. 3 Lyman B.^ was born in Rowley 9 Nov., 1869. He married there 24 Sept., 1896, Laura Parcher Dow, a bookkeeper, born in Gor- ham, Me., 1 May, 1871, to Leander A. and Mary E. -Haven Dow. Their home is Rowley. 4 Willis^ was born 2 (Rowley records "3") Sept., and died 6 Oct., 1873 — Rowley records: "died 7 Oct., 1874, aged 1 mo., 5 days." FAMILY 366: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90, ALLEN-189. WILLIAM PERLEY was born in Rowley, Mass., 4 Aug., 1835. He owns the parental estate, where he is a farmer and cattle broker. He married 11 Dec, 1862, Julia Augusta Peabody, who was born 26 530 THE PERLEY FAMILY Feb., 1843, to Moses and Lydia-Kneeland Peabody of Topsfield, and died in Rowley 25 Oct., 1901. 1 Perley children : Charles Henry-, Bessie Cressey-, Nellie Cline''', Elizabeth Rusf*, Ella Augusta', William"-. 2 Charles H.' was born in Rowley 23 Aug., 1863, where, un- married, he is a leather merchant. Bessie C.^ was born 11 Sept., 1865, and died in Boston, Mass., 19 March, 1882. William^ was born 31 Aug., 1877, and died in Rowley 12 July, 1895. 3 Nellie C.^ was born 2 April, 1868, and married in Rowley 26 Sept., 1884, Frank Marshall Goss, born 25 Dec, 1862, in Isle au Haute, Me., to Dr. Charles and Mary Cynthia-Severance Goss. He lives in Waltham, a motorman, and has children: Bessie May, born 17 March, 18—; Frank Perley, born 31 Dec, 1886; Annie Louisa, born 14 Aug., 1887. 4 Elizabeth R.^ was born in Somerville, Mass., 13 Dec, 1870, and married in Rowley 3 Sept., 1893, and became the second wife of Alexander Smith, who was born 11 Feb., 1864, in township No. 11, Poplar Grove, P. E. I., to Hugh, a farmer, and Jemima-McArthur Smith. He is a blacksmith in Rowley. 5 Ella A.^ was born in Rowley 22 April, 1873, and died there 6 Aug., 1892. She became, in Newburyport 29 June, 1892, the second wife of Herbert Franklin Hardy, who was born 11 Dec, 1869, in Groveland, to Aaron W. and Lucinda-Hardy Hardy. He is a sawyer in a box factory in Georgetown. FAMILY 367: HOOD, DODGE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-G. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90, JOSEPH BURPEE-190. ELIZABETH GREEN PERLEY was born 26 June, 1838. Her first husband was Francis Augustus Hood, married by Rev. Milton P. Braman in Danvers 15 May, 1853, and born 1841, to Fran- cis and Hannah-Gould Hood-388 of Boxford. He was a general trader. He enlisted against the Rebellion, and died 27 June, 1864, in Baltimore, Md., from wounds received at Cold Harbor. He left one child, Warren A. She married, second, 8 Oct., 1866, in Danvers, Judson Ward Dodge, who was born in Wenham 21 July, 1833, to Adoniram Judson and Julia Ann Perley-214 Dodge. Mr. Dodge also served against the Rebellion. He was mustered in 1 Oct., 1862, Co. K, 8th Regiment Infantry, and was discharged at the expiration of his term of enlistment, 7 Aug., 1863. He was mustered in a second time 26 Aug., 1864, Co. M, 3d Heavy Artillery, credited to Boxford, and discharged 17 June, 1865. Mr. Dodge was a bookkeeper, a ster- ling man, of good judgment and of great intelligence, and sought out for his advice and genial, social nature. Feeble health circum- scribed his great usefulness for many years. He died of cancer of the stomach 20 Sept., 1896, beloved at home and respected by all. His widow resides in Danvers. 1 Hood and Dodge children : Warren Augustus-, Elmer Addison'^ HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 531 2 Warren^ was born 10 Feb., 1854, and died, unmarried, of con- sumption, 7 March, 1879. Elmer A.^ was born 24 March, 1868, and was many years a bookkeeper in Boston, but his health requiring more outdoor exercise he became a letter-carrier in his home town of Danvers. FAMILY 368: HALE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90, JOSEPH BURPEE-190. HANNAH SEWELL PERLEY was born 10 May, 1840, and 16 Aug., 1857, married, by Rev. Anson McLoud of Topsfield, Richard Lunt Hale, born 2 March, 1827, to Enoch and Elizabeth, of Newbury. He is a carpenter and house-wright by trade. They owned real estate in Danvers and lived there before making their hom.e in Boston. Mrs. Hale died 10 Nov., 1899. 1 Hale children : Enoch Perley-, Carrie Ernestine^ 2 Enoch P.^ was born and died 9 June, 1860. 3 Carrie E.^ was born 26 June, 1865, in Newburyport. Her parents removed to Boston, and she studied in the Franklin Gram- mar and Boston Latin schools, and graduated in elocution from the New England Conservatory, where she afterwards taught elocution. She resigned to give all her time to public reading. She has an ex- cellent voice, of great compass and finely cultured. She excelled in public. She married 24 April, 1890, Willis Roberts Russ, in Boston, where they reside and he is a carriage manufacturer. His business card reads: "Builders of landaus, berlin coaches, coupes and broughams, and repairers of every description of family and pleasure carriages." He was born 30 Oct., 1853, in Bridgeport, Ct., to Chris- tian, a carriage manufacturer, and Anna C. -Snyder Russ. The following was clipped from The Young Republican of Feb., 1890: "Willis R. Russ, a member of the House of Representatives, representing Ward Nineteen of the city of Boston, has been, for thirty-three years, a resident of the Athens of America. In its ster- ling system of public school, he received his early education, gradu- ating from the Roxbury High School when only fifteen years of age. After completing that course he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and studied civil engineering for four years, after which he attended the lectures and surgical operations at the Med- ical School of Harvard University for one term. Then he succeeded to the business of Messrs. Russ & Company, carriage builders in Boston, and soon increased the capacity of the establishment to double its former extent. "In 1888 Mr. Russ received the Republican nomination for election to the House of Representatives, and in a district where the regular Republican vote had never exceeded 600, but he received 1104 votes. In 1889 he was elected. The Speaker assigned Mr. Russ to the Committee on Water Supply, one of the most important of the com- mittees. Mr. Russ is President of the Roxbury High School Asso- ciation, of which he was the first secretary fourteen years ago. In the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia he served for three years on the 532 THE PERLBY FAMILY Staff of Maj. Young of the First Battalion of Cavalry, and is one of the best marksmen in the Commonwealth, having won almost all of the medals and having been presented with medals by Governor Long and Mayor Martin. Mr. Russ is one of the members of the Republican City Committee, with appointment to the Committee on Finance, and of the Boston Marketmen's Republican Club he is also a member. "He is an Odd Fellow, and was Noble Grand of Putnam Lodge, No. 81, in 1884, has been secretary and served as chairman of the finance committee five years. He is also a member of Paul Revere Encampment, No. 57. He is a member of Benevolent and Protec- tive Order of Elks, and of Boston Lodge he has been an officer four years, and president. He has been clerk of the Massachusetts Cav- alry Association. He is capable, conscientious, earnest, efficient." Russ child: Gladys Hale, born 26 Sept., 1891. FAMILY 369: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN- 1, TIMOTIIY-6. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-*'/, ALLEN-90, JOSEPH BURPEE-190. CHARLES MELVILLE PERLEY was born in Ipswich 3 May, 1846. He was a railroad man in his teens, and was freight and passenger conductor fourteen years. In 1878 he went to live with his aged father, and became a farmer and milk dealer. Upon his farm is that spot of ground where Allan Perley-1 made his home in 1651; and the spot can be identified at present. Mr. Perley keeps the farm in good condition ; the spacious mansion-house, the broad, unbrageous elm, and the general taste and order make the homestead particularly noticeable to the passer-by. The farm has been particularly given to fruit culture ; but Mr. Perley has given special attention to the production and sale of milk, having owned a large milk route in town. Mr. Perley married 5 Jan., 1871, Angeline Nichols Kimball of East Boston, who was born in Lynn 3 May, 1853, to Marshall N. and Mary A. Kimball. They were divorced 19 Jan., 1877. He married second, in Hampton Falls, N. H., 5 May, 1878, Mary Elizabeth Dow, a descendant of the immigrant Henry Dow of Old England County Norfolk, who settled first in Watertown and finally at Hampton in the old New England County Norfolk, where he died in 1659. Mrs. Per- ley's ancestors intermarried with the Weares and other old families of the old County, and soon after the death of the last child of Governor Mesheck Weare (page 94), her father became the owner of the Weare residence and what remained of the governor's great farm. When President Washington made his tour through New England in 1789, he lodged in the Weare mansion, when passing through Hampton Falls. In that house Mrs. Perley was born 15 July, 1856, to Zebulon, a farmer, and Mary A. -Lord Dow. [Mrs. Perley 's sister, Mrs. Ellen Dow Brown, was a pioneer of trained nurses. She was taught by such physicians as Dr. C. H. Sanborn of New Hampshire, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 533 Dr. Cowles of the Boston City Hospital and Dr. Weir Mitchell of world-wide fame, and practiced in Boston and Philadelphia.] 1 Perley children: Lawrence Irving", Carrie May- and Helen Evangeline.^ 2 Lawrence\ born 13 Oct., 1879, died 12 Sept., 1880, of cholera rilAKLKS M. rKULEX'S RESIDENCE. The letters A and 15 are explained in " Prefatory Notes," under the title, "The Plan of Jacob Perley's Homestead." infantum. Carrie M.\ born 15 Feb., 1890, died an infant. 3 Helen E.\ born 15 Feb., 1890, is a student in the Perley Free School, Georgetown, Mass. The following metric gem — "A Mem- ory" she wrote when she was thirteen years of age. It is noticeable in one so young for its spirit of poesy and its uplifting sentiment : Those days long years ago have passed me by, When I so often heard the stories old. At mother's knee, and looked into her eye, As she in accents sweet the stories told About my Saviour; then the book she'd fold To linger o'er the thought and shed a tear : To rest in peace at last is more than gold To those who daily seek the higher sphere And who with lowly hearts their Heavenly Father fear. FAMILY 370 : CLAPP, PARKER. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l.TIMOTIIV-fi. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90, JOSEPH HURPEE-190. LAURA ANNETTE PERLEY was born 10 Dec, 1850. She married in Ipswich, Mass., 26 May, 1867, Frederic Augustus Clapp, who was born 10 Sept., 1846, to Isaac Paul and Harriet-Moore Clapp of Maiden, later of Topsfield. He and his brother were "Clapp & Brother," shoe manufacturers in Danvers. His health failed in 1878; he retired from the firm in Oct., 1879 ; he went to Florida for recuperation ; he grew worse and returned. He died of consumption 3 Dec, 1879. He left one child, Frederic Lester. Mrs. Clapp married, second, Charles Shattuck Parker of South Groveland, 17 May, 1882. Mr. Parker's father, Amos, was a grocer, and the son succeeded to the same business in the same place. He was born 22 July, 1841; his mother was Miss Louisa Shattuck; and his first wife was Miss Sophia Kimball, who died without issue. He is now retired. 1 Clapp child: Frederic Lester-. Parker children: Maud Isa- belle^ Charles Harold-. 2 Frederic L.' was born in Ipswich 5 May, 1876, and died in Groveland 29 Aug., 1896. Charles H.^ was born 22 July, 1891, in Groveland and died there 17 March, 1892. 3 Maude I.^ was born in Groveland 25 Feb., 1883. FAMILY 371: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTIIY-C.. STEPHEN-19, ALLEX-42, ALLEN-90, ABRAHAM-191. "DAVID TULLAR PERLEY, the extensive farmer and Essex County cattle-broker, died very suddenly last Sunday morning," says the Ipswich Independent, "at the age of 67 years and 7 months less one day, having been born Jan. 17, 1824. Arriving at his majority, he came to the large estate left him by his father. He applied to it his native energy and enterprise, and enrolled himself among the richest men of the County. "As a farmer he ranked among the first. The old meadows were reclaimed, the upland soil was enriched from his extensive herds, his crops were grown from selected seeds, and his farm was the largest and most productive in the County, all through his untiring energy. " Mr. Perley was the only cattle-broker in the County, if extent of business makes one; for no one began to approach him in magnitude of traffic. It was no uncommon thing for him to own the stock of half a dozen milk-farms, at the same time. Probably at his death, he had a thousand cows scattered upon Essex County farms. "Mr. Perley's barn is one of the notable things as you pass that DAVID T. PERLEY. HISTORY AND GENEALOaY 535 way. Its length is 120 feet, and it has all the appliances and appointments necessary to the easy condu'ct of his business. Within a few years he built a residence, second to none in the County for quality, and suited to his need, a comfort he but a short time enjoyed. "His home was next to the little parish church. He had a pro- found respect for religion and firjnly believed in its uplifting social and moral influence. He contributed liberally in support of preach- ing, was one of the largest purchasers of pews when the present house was built, and by his will left $2,500, to augment the church fund — page 185. Thus it is to-day: two Ferleys make stated relig- ious service possible in the ancient parish. "Mr, Perley was a temperate, honest, and hard working man. He was educated at Topstield and Dummer Academies. He never had any desire to engage in office of any kind, seeing more money and less friction in minding his own business. He was a very just man. A customer knowing the kind of creature he wanted but not able to judge of the creature, could trust Mr. Perley to select, and that the price would be fair. He had hundreds of customers who felt a keen regret at his death. His disease was measles; the im- mediate cause of his death was heart-failure. He died 16 Aug., 1891." He has a fine monument to his memory in the parish ceme- tery; but another to the man in his home, more beautiful, is the memory and affection of his widow and children. His first wife, married 17 June, 1851, was Sophronia Osgood Plummer-9r\ who was born 27 July, 1824. She died 14 March, 1853, and was buried in Newbury-Oldtown. His second wife, married 16 May, 1861, when she was thirty-five years old, was Mrs. Abigail Searles Kent-Stevens of West Newbury, who died of cancer 19 June, 1879, and was buried in West Newbury. Her parents were Sarah- Carr and Joshua Kent, a wagon manufacturer of West Newbury. His third wife was Elizabeth Ann Lavalette, who was born 15 Feb., 1857, to Elizabeth CarroU-Cheever and Nathaniel Howard Lavalette, a blacksmith by trade and a farmer by occupation, of Linebrook, Ipswich. This lady and her husband were born in the same house. The children were all born in Linebrook. 1 Perley children: Oscar Wentworth-462, David Sydney463, Roscoe Damon-464, Carrie Sophronia'-, Chester Garfield*, Mabel Alice^ Bertha Cheever^ Harrison Otis\ Helene Louisel 2 Carrie S.^ was born 18 Oct., 1865. She graduated from the Manning High School, Ipswich, and attended Willard Hall School, Danvers, and afterward took a course at Wellesley College, making a specialty of music, which study she continued in Boston. She was two years connected with Boydton Institute, Virginia. She is a lady of cultured talents, eminent leisure and Christian graces. Her home is Ipswich, where she has for several years sung for the Episcopal Church. 3 Chester G.^ was born 13 Nov., 1881. He was educated at the Manning High School, Ipswich, and is a graduate of the Salem Com- mercial School. He had a lucrative clerkship in Boston, but chose the more congenial occupation of farming and cattle brokerage with his brother, D. Sydney-463. He married, in Ipswich, 26 April, 1905, Rev. John Edward Charlton^ officiating, Sadie Louise Dow, a teacher, 536 s THE PERLEY FAMILY born in Kensington, N. H., 31 Aug., 1882, to Fred Howard and Clara Isabella-Austin Dow. Their home is Linebrook, Ipswich. 4 Mabel A.^ was born 19 Aug., 1883. She is a graduate of the Manning High School. She married, in Ipswich, 6 June, 1905, Rev. John Edward Charlton, a Methodist Episcopal minister, who was born in Leeds, Yorkshire County, England, 2 April, 1878, to Jona- than, a traveling agent for a wholesale tea and coffee house, and Jane- Walton Charlton. He is at present located as pastor in Newton Highlands, Mass. 5 Bertha C.^ was born 18 Oct., 1886. She is a graduate of the Ipswich Manning High School, class of 1905, and is now a stu- dent in Boston University. Harrison O.^ was born 30 Sept., 1888, and died 9 Feb., 1890. Helene L.' was born 13 July, 1891, and stud- ied at the Ipswich Manning High School till her mother removed to Maiden, Mass., where she continues her studies in the high school. FAMILY 372: CLARK. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-O STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN 90, DANIEL JEWETT-192. EMMA JANE GARDNER PERLEY was born 14 Aug., 1829. She was a dressmaker. She married 9 April, 1854, Orrin Clark, born 6 April, 1822, in Hallowell, Me., to Thomas, a farmer. He was a lumberman and resided in Oldtown. He died 14 April, 1892, in Dover, Me., where his widow now (1905) resides. 1 Clark children : Maria Antoinette'-, Joseph Melville^ Ora^ Allen Perley''. 2 Maria A.' was born in Oldtown, Me., 6 Aug., 1854, and 27 July, 1872, married Eugene H. Decker, a scaler, in Stillwater, Me., where he was born 27 March, 18 — , to Henry and Emeline-Braydon Decker. After a divorce, she became, 30 Aug., 1904, in Stillwater, the second wife of Charles A. Mills, a butcher, who was born in Milford, Me., 6 May, 18 — , to John and Hannah -Wilbur Mills. They reside in Milli- nockett, Me., Decker issue: Fred. Eugene, born 6 March, 1873, who is married and resides in Oldtown. 3 Joseph M.^ was born 9 Jan., 1857, and died 6 Oct., 1859. Ora^ was born 6 April, 1859, and died 10 April, 1S61. 4 Allen P.' was born in Oldtown 27 March, 1860. He married in Dover, Me., 1 Dec, 1892, May Taylor, a dressmaker, born in Sebec, Me., 22 Jan., 1865, to Henchliffe, a wool-sorter, and Rachel- Hanson Taylor. Their home is Dover, Me., where Mr. Clark is of the dry goods firm of Ober & Clark. Clark children : Harold Allen, born 4 Aug., 1896; Howard Taylor, born 20 July, 1899; Philip Perley, born 29 Aug., 1902. FAMILY 373: GRAY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-G. STKrilEN-lO, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90, DANIEL .TEWETT-l!i2. ELIZA HOWE PERLEY was born 1(3 Dec, 1841, and 13 Sept., 1868, married Charles Harmon Gray, who was born 23 Jan., 1844, to Hartson Harmon and Eunice-Brown Gray of Oldtown, where he is a merchant in dry goods. Hartson Gray made two long voyages to California via Cape Horn in 1849, and to Australia across the Isth- mus in 1852, returning in 1854. 1 Gray children: Alice Elma^ Hortense Eugenia^ William Fol- som^, Charles Perley^ 2 Alice E.^ was born 26 Feb., 1869. She graduated at the high school at the age of seventeen. It is understood she pursued a col- legiate course. She married 25 Feb., 1890, in Oldtown, Me., Robert Sewall Browne, born 31 July, 1866, to Rev. Sewall and Minerva- Meader Browne of Tenants Harbor. He is a stenographer, Norfolk, Va, They have one child, Carl Meader, born 16 Jan., 1891, in Roanoke, Va. 3 The other children were born in order, 14 May, 1871; 13 Feb., 1873; and 31 Jan., 1875. FAMILY 374: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TnTOTITV-r, STErHEN-19. ALLEN-4'.', ALLEN 90, DANIEL JEWErr-192. ALLEN PUTNAM PERLEY was born in Oldtown, Me., 8 March, 1845. He started in life as a clerk and later engaged in lumbering, in which he has been very successful. He is interested in nearly every large corporation in Williamsport, Pa., and vicinity, and is highly esteemed in business and social circles. He is presi- dent of the West Branch National Bank and director in many indus- trial corporations. "In a conflagration that swept the business portion of the city, Howard, Perley & Howard's lumber yard lost about 1,000,000 feet of lumber." He is a warden in the Christ Episcopal church. He married, in Gardiner, Me., 30 Sept., 1869, Clara Scott Love- joy, who was born 10 Aug., 1845, to Albert, an express clerk, and Margaret-Shaw Lovejoy of Gardiner. She died in Williamsport, Pa., 10 Jan., 1886, of blood poison. His second wife, married 2 Aug., 1888, was Mrs. Ann-Higgins Stowell, widow of George, and daughter of Edmund C. and Delaney-Reese Higgins. She was born in An- gelica, N. Y. Their home is "Greystone," Vallamont, Williamsport. te^ 1 Perley children, born in Williamsport: Margaret Lovejoy^ Harriet Shaw^ Mary Gray*, Frederick Allen^ Martha Caffey\ Oliver Watson^, Allen Putnam." 538 THE PERLEY FAMILY 2 Margaret L.' was born 23 April, 1871, and married in Williams- port 27 June, 1893, Andrew Thomas Page, who was born in Athens, Pa., 15 March, 1868, to Maria-French and Frederick North Page, who is engaged in furniture business. Mr. Page is secretary of the Williamsport Furniture Company, manufacturers. Page issue: Mar- ion Margaret, born in Newtonville, Mass., 31 May, 1895; Allen Per- ley, born in Williamsport 1 June, 1897 ; Anne Louise, born in Williamsport 30 Sept., 1901. 3 Harriet S.^ was born 8 April, 1872. She married in Williams- port 16 April, 1896, and became the second wife of William Herbert Crockett, a lumberman, who was born in Pennsylvania 26 Aug., 1865, to Pearl and Nancy-Reeser Crockett. His first wife was Nona Huffman. Their home is Allendale, Cambria County, Pa. Crockett issue: Allen Herbert, born in Williamsport 26 Feb., 1897; Clara Perley, born in Allendale 23 July, 1899. 4 Mary G.^ was born 27 Sept., 1875, and died 29 July, 1876, in Williamsport. Oliver W.' was born 3 Jan. and died in July, 1881; Frederick A.^ was born 19 Dec, 1876, and is a civil engineer in Washington, D. C. Allen P.' was born 7 Aug., 1884, and is (1905) a student at Princeton College. 5 Martha C.^ was born 23 Jan., 1879. She married in Williams- port 28 April. 1903, Charles Cochran, son of Senator J. Henry Coch- ran, a lumberman and banker. His mother was Avis Anne Rouse. He was born in Driftwood, Pa., 3 April 1873. Mr. Cochran is sec- retary of a railroad, and resides in Vallamont, Williamsport. Cochran issue: Martha Perley, born 26 March, 1904, in Williamsport. FAMILY 375: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-0. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, JOHN-9'2, SlLAS-iy5. MARTIN VAN BUREN PERLEY was born in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich, Mass., 26 Nov., 1835. He married in Concord, N. H., 6 March, 1860, Miss Lydia Maria Pearson, who was born 19 Oct., 1838, to Isaac and Sally-Martin Pearson of Albany, Vt., and died in Springfield, Mass., 12 June, 1880. Secondly, he married, in Tops- field 3 May, 1881, Miss Laura Elizabeth Pearson, a cousin to his first wife, born in the same house in which his first wife was born, to John and Eleanor-Jenness Pearson, 20 Dec, 1841. Mr. Perley spent his youth upon the farm in the irregularly al- ternating experiences of farmer, shoemaker and butcher. Those were the old-fashioned days of farming and shoemaking and butcher- ing. He attended the district school only one term after his twelfth year. He left home at the age of twenty, and began study in the Topsfield Academy, having no thought of a course of study at the time. The second winter following he taught in the sixth district, Roylston, Mass. — his first term. The four subsequent winters he taught in his native district. Afterwards he taught in Boxford, also a grammar school "at town," in Ipswich, and one term of the boys' winter school in Gloucester, where and when another school of the HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 539 same grade was kept by an instructor and a policeman. He was twelve years a teacher of youth. He entered and graduated with the class of '63 in Dartmouth College. He was a Delta Kappa Epsilon, a Social Friend, a "Theolog," a theological trustee, was elected class poet, but retain- ing the honor declined the service and was granted the master's degree in 1883. Much to his disadvantage, he lost all his junior year but nine weeks, the summer term, by his father's death and the consequent detention in caring for the business and settling the estate. During his senior year he was drafted for service against the Rebellion, but was exempted for physical disability. While visiting in Orleans County, Vermont, the fall after gradu- ation, he responded to a general request of the citizens to teach a term in the old Brownington Academy. Thus introduced to the higher grade of schools, he was enabled to effect a contract with the trustees of the Danville ( P. Q. ) Academy, and the spring term fol- lowing he opened that institution as proprietor and principal. He took the school with thirty-seven scholars and at the end of the fall term, 1865, left it with one hundred and twenty. His teachers' class was very successful. The examinations of those students before the County Board of Examiners for teachers' diplomas, the local journal said, were a "high compliment to both the candidates and their instructor." The labor commensurate with these results and the want of robust health conspired to effect a change in employment. On St. Valentine's Day, 1866, he located in Gloucester, Mass., and began trade in millinery and ladies' furnishing goods. He was successful in this also. In a few years he opened a second store in Lawrence, and did the second largest business of the kind in the County. In 1872 he combined both of his stores in one in Lewiston, Me., but in less than a month, a fire consumed nearly all and ren- dered worthless the rest. His insurance was among the risks ren- dered valueless by the great Boston fire of that time and he lost all. His next venture was to resuscitate the Gloucester Telegraph, but wanting ample means and a knowledge of how-to-do-it, success failed to crown the effort. For several years he sustained in " The Cove Village," Glouces- ter, a religious service and a Sunday school. It was a Sunday and Wednesday evening work, with an audience of from fifty to eighty persons. In the Sunday school he had the assistance of church members living there. The general work was a social pleasure and to the churches at town religiously helpful. l~his memory is among his most gratifying ones, and the silver fruit of the Christmas trees is among his choicest mementos. Removing, then, to Springfield, Mass., he was variously engaged, but chiefly with Forbes & Wallace, wholesale merchants in dry goods, and with the Fisk Mfg. Co. With the latter he was travel- ing agent for the introduction of their celebrated Japanese soap. He conducted for three years, through the New England States, three men and the handsomest four-in-hand team of dapple grays, on the road. With the death of the managing partner in the company perished a design to canvass the State of New York and the West, and Mr. Perley returned to his native home. 540 THE PERLEY FAMILY In 1883 he was principal of the Academic Institute, Topsfield, Mass., but after a few months resigned and engaged as a principal in the public schools of Ipswich, where he remained four years, re- signing only for a position as editor of the Ipswich Chronicle, where he remained till the paper changed proprietors. He was then vari- ously employed as correspondent of Boston and Salem newspapers, as maker and publisher of directories, as editor of the Ipswich In- dependent, as computer and publisher of a farmer's almanac for a series of years beginning with 1890, as substitute principal of the Topsfield High School, a year or more, while the principal was sick, and as publisher of The Essex-County Historical and Genealogical Register, — till the fall of 1898, when he went to the management of The Haven House, Portsmouth, N. H., where he served the pub- lic till the fall of 1902. Since the latter date he has done no work, except the compiling of this history and genealogy, the same disa- bility that drove him from the farm in 1855, and that exempted him from martial service in 1868, now confining him to the house. Mr. Perley has written little except of an ephemeral nature. He delivered the address at a public anniversary of Neptune Temple of Honor, at Gloucester, and, on another and similar occasion, a poem, both of which were published. His address before an Essex Institute field-meeting, at Linebrook, was published by The Insti- tute. His concise history of his native town was published in J. W. Lewis & Co.'s two-volume History of Essex County. He was city and correspondence editor of The Salem Telegram. His historical address before the reunion of Topsfield Academy students was em- belished with portraiture and published by the Topsfield Historical Society. He has written volumes of society gossip, many articles of local history, and has done much editorial work, all within the province of the weekly and daily newspapers. These all served their day with fair acceptance. Mr. Perley looks very much like his photograph ; the sealer of weights and measures in 1897 placed his avoirdupois at 184 pounds; Uncle Sam measured off five feet and eight and a third inches ot him in 1863; he has drank no liquor and eschewed tobacco; he has held no political office, and never asked a man to vote for him; he is an Odd Fellow and a Knight of Malta; he was a long time a Sunday school superintendent and teacher, several years sustained a mission service, and has been more than forty years a member of the Linebrook church. His first wife was educated at the Craftsbury (Vt.) Academy and the Topsfield (Mass.) Academy, where she took a teacher's diploma. She taught the Linebrook school in Ipswich, with marked success. She was preceptress of the Brownington Academy with her husband as principal and was only by family cares prevented from occupying the same office at Danville. She was a good scholar, acquired knowledge easily and was apt in imparting it. The gentle qualities of her mind and heart won esteem and made lasting friends. While at Linebrook, during many years of her young womanhood, she cordially co-operated with those of her years and younger in their plans and purposes, and at the same time was particularly social with the older people, among whom, and worthy CARKIE. WARRE^^ HOUACE. EDITH. EDDIE. HERBERT, LOTTA. OUR SEVEN. MISS EDITH F. I'KULKY. WARREN H. PERLEY. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 54I of special mention, was Mrs. Ruth Conant (page 88), who had been the lustrous star of her church and society, and whose lingering twi- light was radiant with Christian love. While in her girlhood she became spiritually thoughtful; she loved the gospel story; her conversion is believed to date as early as her tenth year. At the age of thirteen she was considered eligible to church fellowship and was admitted 4 July, 1852. Her walk was blameless; she lived a life of faith and prayer. In prosperity she was modest and thankful; in adversity, patient and hopeful. She was a true friend, a careful housewife, a dutiful, affectionate and praying mother, a devoted wife. Her epitaph reads: "Faithful to the Lord." His second wife was for many years a milliner and fancy goods dealer in Craftsbury, Vt., where, 3 March, 1867, she became a mem- ber of the Congregational church. For four years she was proprie- tress of The Haven House and Cafe, Portsmouth, N. H. In com- ing to this family, she became the motherly guardian of several young children, and their- mature life is a living monument to her Christian character, her social worth, her observance of duty and motherly care; and it is a gratifying encomium that the children, in their maturity, regard her with filial love. 1 Perley children : Eugene Horace465, Warren Healy^ Carrie Elizabeth^ Edwin Goethe"*, Van Herbert-466, Edith Florence'^ Lotta Ella-467. 2 Warren H.^ was born 7 Oct., 1862, in Linebrook, and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., through a drug-clerk's mistake, 5 June, 1884. He was a telegrapher, and loved the work. When learning he walked eight miles each way each day for the sake of practice under the skillful guidance of his Aunt Sarah M. Pearson. In the work he was am- bitious to excel as a rapid and reliable operator. The Springfield (Mass.) office commended him thus: "W. H. Perley has been em- ployed here as operator for the last year. He is a steady young man and reliable." A New York office wrote: "Warren H. Perley has been employed in this office as operator one year and a half, during which time his conduct has been in every respect unre- proachable. I strongly recommend him as a very fine operator and thoroughly reliable." The local journal reads: "Mr. Perley was a telegrapher. He began as messenger-boy and ended as assistant-manager of the Wall Street office (New York City) of the Bankers & Merchants. He was competent in all the intermediate steps, and manipulated with ease the various instruments used in common and rapid telegraphy. He was said to be one of the very few most rapid operators in New England. He also learned to write and speak the Spanish language, and was a fair stenographer. His life, though short, was long, because he toiled long. In his nineteenth year, he entered New York City a stranger and alone, and succeeded where thousands fall. His associates were generally those of mature age, in business life and of settled character. He was well known in several of the leading mercantile houses, among whom he hoped to have a reputa- tion when his language attainments might command for him an attractive salary as confidential clerk. He worshiped with Mr. 542 THE PERLBY FAMILY Beecher's people, and has left a gratifying hope that he rests in peace. 3 Carrie' was born 26 Sept., 1864, in Danville, and died in Glouces- ter 5 Feb., 1868. She was a gentle and affectionate spirit. Her death was caused by a severe burn. Mrs. Ellsworth-51^" pays her, in the Salem Gazette, the following tribute : LITTLE CARRIE. Sweet 1)11(1 of promise! Mortal eyes Shall ne'er behold thy bright unfolding. Transplanted to a genial clime, Thy loveliness shall far exceed ICarth's fairest flowers. Angelic forms Shall bend, with wondering joy. O'er thy expanding charms, and learn, Trom thy celestial grace, of Him, Whose hand thy radiant beauty formed. O glorious destiny! To leave this cold, dark world so soon! Not here to feel its chilling blast. Not here to droop 'neath scorching suns; Kut spring, eternal spring, shall give Eternal beauty there. 4 Edwin^ was born in Gloucester 27 Aug., 1866, and died there of cerebro-meningitis 27 May, 1872. He was a chubby, sweet-faced, dutiful, pleasant-mannered boy of hopeful promise. 5 Edith' was born in Gloucester 7 June, 1874. She graduated in the class of '93 of the Ipswich High School. She taught one and a third years in the Willowdale District of that town and then three years in the Linebrook District. [The school in this district was established during the childhood of her great-grandfather. In that school her great-grandfather, her grandfather and grandmother, her father and herself were taught, and of that school her grandmother, her mother, her father and herself were teachers.] Leaving Line- brook, she taught two terms in the public schools of Reading, when she resigned and accepted a position as assistant in the grammar grade of" Lancaster (N. H.) Academy, where the following year she became teacher of history and English in the high school depart- ment and directress of music and drawing in the grades. She has taught eight consecutive years and lost, during that long period, only two days. FAMILY 376: BIXBY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-!, TIIIOTITV-O. STEPHEX-19, ALLEX-4:.', JOHX-9..', JOH^M96. LYDIA ANN PERLEY was born in Topsfield 7 April, 1828, and Nov., 184.5, married George Bixby, who was born 3 Aug, 1822, to Daniel and Sarah-Towne Bixby of Topsfield. They lived many years in Topsfield, later in Bradford. He was a shoemaker. 1 Bixby children: Elvira'-, Georgianna^ Lewis Lester^ Lydia Ann'^ John Perley.^ 2 Elvira' was born 14 April, 1846. She became 3 May, 1863, the second wife of Isaac Henry Clapp, brother to Frederic-369, and born in Boston, 1839. They resided in Lynn. She joined the Con- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 543 gregational church in Danvers in July, 1876. His first wife was a Crowell of Topsfield, who left one child, Henry Frederic. He was a shoe cutter by trade. Bixby-Clapp issue: Florence E., born 9 May, 1864, in Georgetown, where she died 11 May, 1864; Charles or Clarence Franklin, born 9 June, 1865, and died of lung-congestion 6 July, 1865; Harriet Etta, born 18 Jan., 1867; Jennie Elvira Julia, born 16 Oct., 1869, in Boxford; Charles Granville, born 26 Feb., 1872; Lizzie, born 15 and died 17 Sept., 1873, in Georgetown. 3 Georgianna^ was born 19 April, 1848. She was educated at Georgetown High School. She married John Elliot of Bradford, Nov., 1870. He joined the Portland Street Baptist Church, Haverhill, 1874. He is by occupation a school teacher and shoemaker in Brad- ford. Issue: Florence Ann, Miriam Alberta, Mabel Luella. Per- haps the following refers to this family: "Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, wife of George Perley Elliott of Manchester, N. H., married, 6 Oct., 1904, was taken sick, while spending their honeymoon in Grafton, Mass., and, having been removed to a hospital in Worcester, Mass., died there 24 Nov., 1904." 4 Lewis L.^ was born 25 April, 1850, and some years ago from mental alienation was taken to the asylum. John P.^ was born 6 June, and married a Smith of Georgetown, where they reside with- out issue. 5 Lydia A.^ was born 19 May, 1851, and 6 Nov., 1871, married Edward O. Douglass of Plaistow, N. H. He was a blacksmith, with shop in Haverhill and home in Bradford. They are members of the Baptist church, Plaistow, and of a Temperance Reform Club. She was educated at the Georgetown Pligh School. He served in the Navy against the Rebellion, and is a member of the G. A. R. Their children : Georgia Maud, Bessie Frances. FAMILY 377: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. TrMOTHY-G. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-4^, JOHN-9'.i, HUMl'HREY-197. ELBRIDGE PERLEY was born S Aug., 1847, in Topsfield. He settled in Boxford, and was for many years of the firm Perley Bros., blacksmiths and carriage builders. They were skillful in their manufacture and faithful in the quality of their work. He has a fine property there, the fruit of his handicraft. He has held no civic office except that of constable. Mr. Perley married 6 Aug., 1874, P'annie Rebecca Danforth, born in Salem 20 Oct., 1854, to John and Agnes-Nason Danforth of Boj'ford. 1 Perley children : Agnes Eunice'-, Grace-, Helen Josephine.'^ 2 Agnes' was born 22 Feb., 1878, and died 7 Feb., 1880; Grace' was born 22 Dec, 1880. She was educated at the Salem Normal School, and is a successful school teacher. 3 Helen J.' was born 16 March, 1884. She married in Boxford 29 July, 1902, Leverett Lincoln Eaton of Ipswich, where he is, by 544 THE PERLEY FAMILY trade, a gardener. He was born 29 July, 1882, in Hamilton, to Mary Elizabeth-Dodge and Abraham L. Eaton, a carriage builder. Eaton issue: Elbridge Perley, born in Ipswich 10 Sept., 1905. FAMILY 378: CHASE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l,TIM0TnY-6. STEPHEN-19,ALLEN-42, JOHN-92. HUMPHREy-197. EMILY JANE PERLEY was born 24 Sept., 1849, in Tops- field. She married 15 Jan., 1882, in Topsfield, Frank William Chase, who was born in Haverhill 30 June, 1854, to Amos Parker and Elizabeth Allen-Rowe Chase. They succeed to the estate of her father in Boxford as their home. 1 Chase children: Mary Lizzie*, Humphrey Perley'', Eunice Florence'^ Amos Parker*. 2 Mary^ was born in West Newbury 24 Sept., 1882; EuniceVin Georgetown 9 Feb., 1886; Amos\ in West Boxford 24 Jan., 1889, where he died 26 April, 1890. 3 Humphrey^ was born in Georgetown 19 March, 1884. He went to sea, visited England, Africa and the West Indies, and was lost in a storm about 1900. FAMILY 379: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l.TIMOTIIY-fi. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, JOHN-92, HUMPHREY-1t«7. • HUMPHREY PERLEY was born in Topsfield 25 Nov., 1854. He is a blacksmith by trade, and was for many years associated with his brother Elbridge in carriage building. Their business and work were in good repute over the County. After his marriage he located in Haverhill, in the same work. He married, in Groveland, 30 May,- 1901, Mrs. Martha Helen- Torr, born in Newmarket, N. H., 14 May, 1862, to Anna-Robinson and Vincent M. Torr, a merchant tailor. They reside m Groveland, without children. FAMILY 380: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTHY-6. STEPHEN-19. ALLEN-42, JOHN-92, HUMPHREY-197. SIDNEY PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 6 March, 1858. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, by private study, and at Boston University Law School, from which he grad- uated in 1886, with the degree of LL. B. He was admitted to the Suffolk Bar 20 July, 1886; and opened a law office in Salem in Sep- tember following. For the first five years and a half his office was in the King block, 256^ Essex street, and since 16 Jan., 1891, in the Holyoke building, 114 Washington street. He has a large and lucrative practice, having attained high rank in the profession. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 545 The only elective public offices he has held are auditor of his native town from 1881 to 188(5, and member of the board of education of the city of Salem, 1900 to 1903, serving on the drawing committee and as chairman of the committee on examination of teachers. In politics, he was identified with the Prohibition party, being its candidate for attorney general, councilor and clerk of courts; and for the last three or four years has voted the Republican ticket. On the no-licerise ticket he has, also, been a candidate for mayor and alderman in the municipal elections in Salem. He was the president of the Hadley Rescue Mission, which carried on a work of far-reaching and powerful influence in the last decade. He has always been active in Christian work of every kind, though, because of his firm belief in the necessity of the unity of the church, he has joined none of the sects. Few men in Salem are more highly regarded for democratic ideas, integrity, character and subservience of all things to the higher life. Mr. Perley indulges his pen as an artist and a poet. His skill and taste are shown by several illustrations in this history, and by maps and other illustrations in his and other publications. His poetry of description or sentiment is attractive in style and ennobling in thought. The following is a specimen never before published : THE EBB OF LIFE. The tide has turned! An hour ago I seemed upon Its flood to be; But now the ebb begins to flow And slowly moves me out to sea. The tide has turned! How long it seemed Since reaching manhood's early prime; Life knew no bounds; I scarcely dreamed That I was limited by time. The tide has turned! I worked and planned And lived and thought as though the day Would always last; but from the land The waters bear me now away. The tide has turned! Old friends I had Have on the former billows gone ; Alone I start, thoughtful and sad; Oh, favoring wind, speed thou me on! Behind I leave but little now: Seaward I turn without regret; My only fear, that I allow Too much of earth to hold me yet. Oh, glorious day, when earth and sense. Their limitations I shall flee; No more to learn my impotence! Nor want be longer known to me. Oh, precious da.v,when love is free. And he that lovest most is king; And naught exists to hinder me From any noble thought or thing. Mr. Perley became interested in genealogical and historical in- vestigation at the age of seventeen, and his effort in this direction has increased with the years. He published his History of Boxford at the age of twenty-one, dating the preface on his twenty-first birthday. For the last twelve years, as time permitted, he has searched the titles to land in the present city of Salem, to show the 546 THE PERLEY FAMILY location of the early lots of land, houses, streets, lanes and original water boundaries, and the work is nearly completed. He has done a similar work in the center of Haverhill and Newbury- port, and in parts of Georgetown, Ipswich and Topsfield. He has, also, far-advanced the preparation of a genealogical dictionary of Essex County, to the year 1800. No one is as well acquainted as he with the history, genealogy and localities of the County. He is one of the founders and editor of The Essex Antiquarian, a quarterly magazine devoted to the biography, genealogy, history and antiquities of Essex County. This is a work now in its tenth year, with growing reputation, authority and usefulness. Most of the contents of the magazine are from his pen. He has done royal work in the records for the Perley Famil}^ History. Mr. Perley was admitted a member of the New England Historic- Genealogical Society at the age of nineteen, and of the Essex Insti- tute at the age of twenty-one. As a member of the Institute, he has been one of the Library and Publication Committee for many years, and is chairman of the Committee on History. Few men can point to greater activity and usefulness in their life work. Besides the editing of several historical works, and the con- tributions of hundreds of articles that do not bear his name, he is the author of the following described bound volumes: "History of Boxford, Mass.," 1880, cloth, illustrated, octavo, 410 pages. "Goodridge Memorial," 1884, cloth, illustrated, large octavo, 78 pages. "Poets of Essex County, Mass.," 1889, cloth, small octavo, 214 pages. "Historic Storms of New England," 1891, cloth, octavo, 341 pages. "Dwellings of Boxford, Mass.," 1893, cloth, illustrated, octavo, 275 pages. "Law of Interest," 1893, .sheep, octavo, 483 pages. "Adjudicated Forms," 1895, sheep, oc- tavo, 593 pages. "Mortuary Law," 1896, sheep, small octavo, 220 pages. " Practice in the Probate Court of Mas- sachusetts," 1898, sheep, small octavo, 377 pages. "Practice in Personal Actions in the Courts of Massachusetts," 1902, sheep, octavo, 728 pages. Mr. Perley married, 11 June, 1889, Harriet Hood Spofford, who was born in Georgetown, Mass., on the original Spofford homestead, 10 Dec, 1861, to George Milton and Sarah Peabody-Hood Spofford-87^ Mrs. Perley is a graduate of the Georgetown High School, and subsequently a special student in the State Normal School at Salem. She taught school for several years in East Bridgewater and Carlisle. She is a mem- ber of the P'irst (Congregational) Church in Georgetown, and is interested in missions. SPOFFORD ARMS. SIDNEY PERLEY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 547 Their home is in Salem at 21 Fairmount street, and they are attendants at the Tabernacle Church, where both are teachers in the Sunday school. 1 Perley children : Eleanor Spofford'-, Richard Hood^ 2 Eleanor^'was born 9 Oct., 1894; Ricbard\ 17 Oct., 1898. FAMILY 381: SCOTT. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. TIMOTHY-6, STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, JACOB-94, JACOB-'.;00. MARY JEWETT PERLEY was born 26 May, 1844, in Ips- wich and 22 April, 1866, married in Boxford Benjamin Smith Scott, who was born 28 Feb., 1836, to Samuel and Mary-Smith Scott of Rowley. He was a farmer, who for his skill and diligence harvested excellent returns. He was esteemed in his neighborhood, beloved in his family, a yeoman citizen. He died of pneumonia 2 Oct., 1883, in Rowley, where his widow resides. 1 Scott child : Ella Frances^ 2 Ella F.^ was born 7 May, 1869, in Rowley. She married in Rowley 28 June, 1894, William Francis Addison of Newton, N. H., who was born 7 Feb., 1867. He is a miller by trade; they reside in Rowley. FAMILY 382: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-t, TIMOTHY-G. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN 42, JACOB-94, JACOB-200. ORRIN WESTON PERLEY was born in Rowley, Mass., 20 June, 1849— Rowley records 1848. He married 9 Oct., 1875, Mary Augusta Saunders, who was born in Ipswich 18 Feb., 1856, to Lucy Perkins-Hobbs and Amos Nelson Saunders, a farmer. A divorce was granted 25 March, 1895. Their children were all born in Rowley. [Mrs. Perley married, second, 6 Sept., 1904, Frank L. Frost, a blacksmith, aged forty years, son of Julius B. and Sarah A. -Weeks Frost of Rowley.] 1 Perley children : Mary Augusta'-, Raiter Weston^, Ella Marena*, John Pickard^ Hattie EtheP. 2 Mary A.^ was born 25 Dec, 1876, and married in Rowley 12 Sept., 1892 — Rowley records 1893, — John Frederic Leavitt, a heel cutter, born m Portland, Me., 16 Feb., 1866, to John and Mary-Berry Leavitt. Leavitt issue: PYederic Perley, born Saturday, 30 Dec, 1893 ; Ethel May, born Thursday, 21 March, 1895 ; George Lawrence, born PViday, 12 June, 1896; Levi Weston, born 8 July, 1897; William H., born 21 Oct, 1898 ; Charles Malcolm, born 5 Nov., 1899; Annie Frances, born 27 Feb., 1901; Harold, born 29 Sept., 1902. 3 Raiter W.^ was born 1 Nov., 1878. Hattie E.' was born 10 Jan., 1885. 4 Ella M.' was born 21 Dec, 1880, and 19 Feb., 1898, married Walter S. Smith, a heel cutter, aged twenty, born in Georgetown, Mass., to Edward F. and Annie F.-Currier Smith. Smith issue: 5^8 THE PERLEY FAMILY Ella Perley, born 31 March, 1899; Austin William, born 29 Nov., 1900; Beatrice Gertrude, born 9 Aug., 1902. 5 John P.^ was born in Newbury, Mass., 29 Dec, 1882. He mar- ried in Rowley 30 Jan., 1904, Bertha Arvilla Ricker, who was born 16 July, 1884, to Edward M. and Frances Lillian-Spiller Ricker. He is a heel cutter by trade. They reside in Rowley. SEVENTH GENERATION. FAMILY 383: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, .TOIIX-2. THOMAS-8. AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, AMOS-95, CHARLES-iice. THOMAS WOOD PERLEY was born in Boxford 21 Jan., 1831. He was always a cripple. Many years he kept a restaurant in Tops- field. He married 16 Dec, 1857, Harriet Lake Gould, daughter of Andrew and Mary Prudence-Lake Gould of Topsfield. Her birth was in Boxford 17 May, 1837. He died in Topsfield 9 Feb., 1871, and she married, secondly, Calvin W. Fuller, son of Benjamin and Esther- Wilkin s Fuller of Topsfield, 24 Aug., 1873. Fuller, a native of Hudson, N. H., in 1835 was shoemaker in Topsfield. 1 Perley child: Charles Proctor, born 30 Aug., 1859, and died of congestion of the lungs, 26 Dec, 1866. FAMILY 384: KNIGHT. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHN-2. TIIOMAS-8, .\.MOS-20, XATHANIEL-46, AMOS-95, I-'REDERIC-ms. ALMIRA PUTNAM PERLEY was born in Topsfield 5 July, 1827, and married 11 June, 1849, in Nashua, N. H., Williard Knight of Wakefield, Mass., where he (1905) resides. He was born in Middleton, Mass., 19 May, 1824, to Phihp and Annie-Simonds Knight. She died in Wakefield 24 Nov., 1897. 1 Knight children : George Williard", Wallace Perley'\ Mira Perley^ Frederic Proctor^ Charles Greenleaf^ Willie'^ and Willis'^, Clarence Putnam'"', Arthur Philip'', Ernest Amos^ Mary Alice". 2 George W.' was born in Middleton 22 July, 1849, and married 9 or 20 March, 1875, Eva Louise Thomas of Boston, where she was born 20 March, 1855. (As Nellie Louise FuUerton, she was adopted by Jacob Fullerton, a wholesale dealer in tea and coffee and a deacon of the Old South Church, Boston.) Their home was Newton High- lands. Mr. Knight was a traveling salesman of silks and died in Mattapan 8 Sept., 1894. His wife died in 1893. Knight children: Lillian Studley'; Edith Mary and Ethel Almira, born 4 April, 1877 — the latter died 19 Aug., 1877. 3 Wallace P.^ was born in Salem 9 Aug., 1851, and died in Dan- vers 18 April, 1873. Mira P.^ was born 17 June, and died 19 Sept., HISTORY AlSfD GENEALOGY 549 1853, in Salem. Charles G.^ was born in Salem 25 Sept., 1856, and died in Wakefield 24 Dec., 1875. Willie^ and Willis\ twins, born 29 June, 1858, in Salem, died there 31 July, the same year. 4 Frederic P.^ was born in Salem 13 Nov., 1854. He is unmar- ried and is engaged in the real estate business in Chicago, 111. Arthur P.^ was born in Peabody, Mass., 28 Dec, 1868. He is a leather salesman, living in Wakefield. Ernest A.^ was born in Pea- body 5 Aug., 1867, and has been for many years with a wholesale drug firm in Boston. His home is Wakefield. 5 Clarence P.^ was born 26 Sept., 1859, in Salem, Mass. He married in Brooklyn, Ct., 17 Nov., 1900, Mary Louise Geer, a teacher, who was born in Plainfield ( Central Village), Ct., to David, a farmer, and Eunice-Witter Geer. Their home is Hartford, Ct., where Mr. Knight is engaged as steward in the American School for the Deaf. Knight children, born and died in Hartford: Dorothy Cary, 27 Oct., 1901, died 16 Aug., 1904; David Putnam, 7 Jan., 1904, died at birth. 6 Mary A.^ was born in Peabody 12 Dec, 1869, and married in Wakefield 17 Oct., 1894, George P^oster Nowell, cashier B. &M. R. R., who was born in Salem, Mass., 23 Jan., 1870. Their home is Read- ing, Mass. Nowell children: Foster, born in Salem 26 Aug., 1895; Helen, born in Reading 25 Oct., 1898; Bartlett, born in Reading 2 April, 1900. 7 Lillian S.' was born 20 Feb., or April, 1876, and married Harold Brown of Boston, an electrical engineer. Brown children : Donald P'ullerton, born in Boston; Richard Stewart, born in Melrose; Lin- coln Torrey, born in London, England, 1903. FAMILY 385: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, J()nN-2, TIIOMAS-8, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL4G, AMOS-95, FREDERIC-208. GREENLEAF PROCTOR PERLEY was born in Topsfield 13 Oct., 1832. He married. Rev. Daniel Fitz officiating, 29 Nov., 1860, Anna Charlotte Giddings, daughter of Charles and Charlotte- Fellows Giddings of Ipswich, where she was born 16 Dec, 1841, or 18 Oct., 1842. Their home was Danvers, where he was a shoe man- ufacturer. He died 17 Jan., 1900, aged (sic) sixty-six years; she 8 Oct., 1886. Their estate on Franklin street was bought in June, 1890, by the Misses Mary and Abbie Kirby. 1 Perley children: Hattie Proctor'^ Charles William Giddings^ 2 Hattie P.^ was born 25 or 23 June, 1863, and died of cholera in- fantum 15 Aug., 1863. 3 Charles W. G.' was born in Danvers, Mass., 30 May, 1865. He married in Somerville, Mass., 27 March, 1890, Lena May Wash- burne, who was born in Brattleboro, Vt., 13 Oct., 1873, to George Washington and Stella Beulah- Adams Washburne. Dr. Perley re- sides in Somerville; his dental office is in Boston. FAMILY 386: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOIIX-2. THOMAS-S, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, AMOS-95, AMOS PROCTOR-;i09. CHARLES NATHANIEL PERLEY was born in Danvers 20 Feb., 1851. He was educated in the public schools of his native town. He succeeded to the "old corner" grocery business in 1886. After graduating from the Holten High school he commenced his business career with his father. He owns the building in which his store is located and the building — the post office building — adjoining. He was appointed postmaster by President Cleveland in 1886 and by President McKinley in January, 1896. He made a very exemplary and efficient postmaster in introducing reform and systematizing the business. He is a member of Mosaic Lodge of Masons, is a Reader in the Episcopal church, has been a number of years selectman of the town, and a representative to the Legislature. He takes a just pride in the ancestral "old corner," conducts an extensive busi- ness, and is very popular with the people. He married in Dan vers, 13 Dec, 1876, Ella P"rances Woodbury, who was born in Dan vers 16 Nov., 1852, to Tristram and Sarah Wilds- Wallis Woodbury. 1 Perley children, born in Danvers: A son'", Bertram Proctor^, Marian Woodbury'^ Sarah Edith-, Rollin Harmon'-, Charles Nathan- iel'-'. 2 Bertram ?.\ 29 July, 1879, a grocer, residing in Danvers ; Marian W.\ 20 July, 1880; Sarah E.\ 24 Dec, 1882; Rollin H.^, 18 March, 1886; Charles N.\ 18 March, 1891; a son', stillborn 2 June, 1878. FAMILY 387: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOIIN-2. THOMAS-8, A3IOS-20, NATHANIEL-16, JESSE-J:6, FRANCIS-210. OSGOOD PERLEY was born in Boxford 13 April, 1815. He was a farmer and a teamster in Topsfield most of his life. Later he was engaged in an express business. He married, 7 April, 1840, Rev. J. F. McEwen officiating, Ann Maria Lake, daughter of Silas and Phebe-Batchelder Lake of Topsfield. She was born in Middleton 25 Oct., 1818, and died 12 Aug., 1875. He died 8 Jan., 1886, aged (sic) seventy years, six months, fourteen days. 1 Perley child : Francis Eugene.'- 2 Francis E.^ was born 30 Oct., 1845, in Topsfield. He began on his own account as clerk in Medford, Mass., and is now a commercial traveler. He married 16 Dec, 1874, Geraldine Aretta Cudworth, born 6 Jan., 1852, to William Marshall, a ship-wright, and Mary Cath- C. N. PEIILEY. C. N. PERLEY'S STORE. 55'2 THE PERLEY FAMILY erine-Benton Cudworth. She is a lineal descendant of Thomas H, Benton of the U. S. Senate. Perley child: William Marshall, born in Medford 1 June, 1870. He is a chemist. He married 26 April, 1899, Margaret Blackhurst WTiitworth, who was born in Boston 23 Feb., 187(j, to Thomas and Emma-Blackhurst Whitworth. Their child: IMargaret Cudworth, born 23 May, 1901. FAMILY 388: HOOD. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHX-2. THOMAS-S, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, JESSE-96, FRAXCIS-L'IO. LOUISA PERLEY was born 20 Sept., 1816, and 20 Oct., 1837, married her neighbor, George W. Hood, who was born 9 Jan., 1808, to Francis and Hannah-Gould Hood-367 of Boxford. They lived first in Topsfield, then in Putnamville, Danvers. He died in Dan- vers 9 Feb., 1892; she 23 Aug., 1902, aged (sic) eighty-three years, eleven months and three days. 1 Hood children: Caroline Amanda-, Charlotte Augusta^ 2 CaroHne A.^ was born 9 April, 1839, and 27 April, 1860, mar- ried Elias Putnam Peabody of Danvers, who was born in Topsfield 17 Oct., 1836, to Ebenezer and Abigail-Perkins Peabody. He was a shoemaker in Danvers. They had no issue. 3 Charlotte A.^ was born in Topsfield 18 March, 1843, and 11 April, 1867, married Addison Webb Putnam of Danvers. She died 16 Sept., the same year, aged twenty-six years and six months. Mr. Putnam was a shoemaker in Danvers. FAMILY 389: WAITE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOnN-2. TnOMAS-S, AMOS-ltl, NATHAXIEIr46, JESSE-96, FRAXCIS-L'IO. CHARLOTTE PERLEY was born 16 Dec, 1818 or 1820, and about 1841, in Providence, married William Waite, who was born 21 Sept., 1811, to William and Elizabeth-Wildes Waite-207 of Tops- field, Mass. Mr. Waite's father was drowned at sea 22 Sept., 1817, when himself was six, and his sister Elizabeth-207, two years old. Mr. W^aite was many years proprietor of the Topsfield and Salem express. For eight years previous to his death he was blind from cataract. He was a good business man, genial and highly respected. He died 2 Aug., 1888. She died 17 Nov., 1843, aged twenty-two years. 1 Waite child : William Francis*. 2 William F.^ was born in Topsfield 17 Oct., 1843. He married in Bethel, Me., 19 July, 1882, ]\Iiss Marietta Frederica Frye, a mil- liner, who was born in Bethel 16 July, 1844, to William, a lawyer, and Lois-Twitchell Frye. He was shipping clerk for the Snow Flake Axle Grease Co., Boston, Mass. He died in Boston 13 Dec, 1900. They had no children. His widow married Sidney F. Abbot and resides in Andover, Me. FAMILY 390: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOIIN-2, THOMAS-8, AMOS-'20, NATHANIEL-46, JESSE-9G, FRANCIS-210. JOHN FRANKLIN PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 11 Nov., 1824. He was a carpenter by trade and resided in Topsfield, where he owned a small farm. Louisa Ann Whitaker, born in Salem, N. H., to Robert and Mary Ann, 13 May, 1822, became his wife 29 April, 1854, and died 31 July, 1881. He died 15 Nov., 1893, of paral- ysis. 1 Perley children : Mary Louisa-, Wyman Franklin'', Charles Lemuel'^ Alice Carrie"*, Lennie Gould'''', Bessie Upton*^, Augustus Woodward''. 2 Mary L.^ was born 24 June, 1854, and married a Roundy and resides in Haverhill. Charles L.^ was born 10 March, 1858, and died in Topsfield 5 Dec, 18(J0. 3 Wyman ¥.^ was born in Topsfield 9 May, 1856. He married in Dan vers 15 Sept., 1879, Lucinda Cole Morse, who was born in Marble- head 17 June, 1861, to James Levi and Carrie-Stone Morse, He is a shoemaker and resides in Beverly, Mass. Perley children : Allie May, born 1 Feb., 1879, and died aged two years, one month and three days; Frank Wyman, born 2(5 July, 1882 ; Arthur Albert, born 11 June, 1888; Bessie May, born 11 June, 1893, and died aged twenty-one months. 4 Alice C was born in Topsfield 8 May, 1859, and married in Haverhill, Mass., 15 June, 1881, Butler Noris Glover, a carpenter, who was born in Nottingham, N. H., 14 May, 1856, to George, a shoemaker, and Lousina Shaw-Tuttle Glover. He died in Exeter, N. H., 18 May, 1898. His widow resides in Haverhill. Glover issue: Ralph VVyman*'; Ray Winifred"; Blanche Izette, born 7 June, 1886, in Nottingham, died in Exeter 31 May, 1892; Roswell Wilham, born in Nottingham 9 Dec, 1889; Burnice Ina, born in Nottingham 26 Sept., '1891. 5 Lennie G.^ was born in Topsfield 17 Aug., 1861. She is by trade a shoe stitcher. She married in Haverhill, Mass., 17 July, 1881, George Atwood Hussey, born in Charlestown, Mass., 30 May, 1859, to Franklin and Abbie Hussey. Their children, born in Eliza- beth City, N. C: Ina Louise, born 19 Feb., 1889; Pearle Bradford, born 7 March, 1891, residing at home in Topsfield. 6 Bessie U.' was born in Middleton, Mass., 29 May, 1863. She married in Topsfield 1 Sept., 1882, Albert Munroe Tozier, a shoe- maker, who was born in Merrimac, Mass., 15 June, 1860, to Charles William, a shoemaker, and Helen Cymanthe-Seaver Tozier. They reside in Haverhill, Mass. Tozier issue, born in Plaistow, N. H., where the first two died: Charles Perley, 9 March, 1883, died 30 Aug., 1883; Walter Eugene, 17 April, 1884, died 23 July, 1901; Clyde Munroe, 5 April, 1886; George Harold, 24 Sept., 1888; Wil- liam Mahlon, 3 Oct., 1890 ; Allen Dudley, 10 Jan., 1895. 554 THE PERLBY FAMILY 7 Augustus W.^ was born in Topsfield, Mass., 25 July, 1866. He married in Haverhill, Mass., 2 Aug., , Helen Marie Alger, a trained nurse, who was born in Northfield, Vt., 25 May, 1867, to William Eames, a shoemaker, and Helen Marie-Whittaker Alger. Their home is Haverhill, where he is a dealer in meat and provisions. Perley children: Everett Alger, born in Plaistow, N. H., 29 Oct., 1887; Edna Frances, born in Lynn, Mass., 12 July, 1889; Alvah Woolcott, born in Rochester, N. Y., 18 April, and died there 15 July, 1891; John Franklin, born in Rochester 80 March, and died there 27 Aug., 1892; Nellie Marion, born in Lynn H Sept., 1895; Edwin Augustus, born in Lynn 11 Aug., and died there 14 Oct., 1896; William Wilfred, born in Haverhill, Mass., 11 Sept., 1903. 8 Ralph W.^ was born in Haverhill, Mass., 25 May, 1882. He married in Exeter, N. H , 4 Sept., 1904, Margaret May Warden, who was born in Lawrence, Mass., 16 May, 18SI, to David, a tunnel con- tractor, and Mary Jane-O'Connell Warden. Mr. Glover is a shoe cutter of Haverhill. 9 Ray W.-* was born in North wood, N. H., 18 June, 1884. He is a shoecutter in Haverhill, Mass. He married in Stratham, N. H., 29 Jan., 1904, Anna Carter Weeks, who was born in Exeter, N. H., 16 March, 1885, to Nathaniel Oilman, a shoemaker, and Elizabeth Narcissa-Custin Weeks. Glover issue: Dwight Butler, born 18 Aug., 1905, in Haverhill. FAMILY 391: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOliN-2, TIIOMAS-S, AMOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, JESSE-96, FRAJsXIS-210. NATHANIEL PERLEY was born in Boxford in May, 1827. His home was Topsfield, where he died 8 April, 1864. His first wife was Mary Ann Moore, born in 1829 to Thomas and Lois-Knowlton Moore of Topsfield. She died 20 Oct., 1857. His second wife was Mary E. Crowell, born in 1838 or 9 to Josiah and Elizabeth-Phillips Crowell of Topsfield, married 28 April, 1863. He died of consump- tion 8 April, 1864. His widow married 6 April, 1871, Ira Warner Kneeland, son of Aaron Porter and P21izabeth O. -Phillips Kneeland of Topsfield, where he was born in 1838. 1 Perley children: Lois Ann", Nathaniel^ William Nathaniel^ 2 Lois A.^ was born in Topsfield, Mass., 28 May, 1848, and mar- ried there 9 Aug., 1868, Allen Wells Dudley, a farmer, who was born in Beverly, Mass., 30 May, 1838, to Josiah, a shoemaker, and Sally- Wells Dudley. Their home is Danvers, without children. 3 NathanieP was born 28 July, 1857, and died 21 May, 1858. William N.^ was born 30 Sept., 1863, and died 30 Aug., 1868. D. A, PERLEY. D. A. PERLEY'S RESIDENCE. FAMILY 392: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOHX-2, THOMAS-S, A3IOS-20, NATHANIEL-46, JESSE-96, rRAJsrcis-210. DEAN ANDREWS PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 31 Dec, 1830. At the age of fourteen he went to learn the trade of blacksmithing with Henry Long-288, Topsfield, working seven years for board and clothes. In 1851 he went to California via the Isthmus, and remained a year or more. Returning to TojDsfield he copartner- shiped with Mr. Long in blacksmithing and stabling. In 1860 he bought a blacksmith shop in Dan vers and in 18(53 occupied it. In 1868 he built his present commodious shop, where, in the business of shoeing and repairing, he employs five competent journeymen. Mr. Perley married 9 May, 1854, Nancy Adams Towne, born 6 Sept., 1833, to Samuel, a shoemaker and farmer, and Charlotte- Fletcher Towne of Boxford. When they had been married fifty years their neighbors came in upon them bearing their good wishes and substantial presents and the men of the shop brought a beautiful vase. His honesty, genial disposition and diligence in business have rewarded him with a competency for the autumn of life. 1 Perley children: Wallace Holman'-, Annie Gertrude^, Ella Marial 2 Wallace H.' was born in Topsfield 20 Aug., 1855, and died in Danvers 14 Dec, 1864. Annie G.^ was born in Topsfield 4 May, 1858, and is a teacher in the public schools of Danvers. 3 Ella M.^ was born in Danvers, Mass., 17 Oct., 1864, and mar- ried 13 June, 1889, Walter Channing Dunnels, a salesman, who was born in Danversport, Mass., 16 Oct., 1863, to John Mender and Ellen-Carney Dunnels. They reside in Danversport, Mass. FAMILY 393: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JonN-2, THOMAS-8, AMOS-'.iO, NATHANIEL-46, JESSE-96, JESSE-211. EDWARD PAYSON PERLEY was born in Boxford 10 Nov., 1836. He was a teamster and expressman in Danvers, Mass. Martha P. Barker, born in Danvers 25 Oct., 1831, became his wife, 12 June, 1861. 1 Perley child: Pxlward Barker, born in Danvers 20 March, 1862, and died 30 Nov., 1863. FAMILY 394: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, JOnN-2, TIIOMAS-S, AMOS-.iO, NATHANIEL-46, NATHANIEL-97, RICHARI)-213. NATHANIEL PERLEY was born 4 March, 1837, in Water- ville, Me., to Richard and Hannah-Parker Perley. He was burned to death in the hotel, 115 Washington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., 6 Jan., 1901, and buried at Chicago, 111. He followed the trade and business of his father — ornamental painting. He was a soldier in Co. G, 3d Maine Regiment, in the Civil War, where he contracted rheumatism so as to unfit him for labor. In Waterville, now Oakland, Me., he was married by Rev. A. Hitchings, at the parsonage, 12 Dec, 1857, to Florilla Maria Toby, who was born in Fairfield 1 Jan., 1841, to Nancy C.-Holbrook and Samuel Toby, a contractor. His widow is living in Minneapolis, Minn. 1 Perley children : Frank Holbrook^, Elfreeda Hannah'*, Sherlock Henry^ Paul Wellington'-, Caroline Maria'', Richard Nathaniel'', Queenie Mary'-, Nancy Eveline'. 2 Paul W.\ born 13 April, 1868, died at Clinton, la.; Richard N.\ born 4 Feb., 1873, died at Oak Park, 111.; O. Mary\ born 4 Oct., 1875, died at Oak Park, 111. 3 Frank Holbrook^ was born in Waterville, Me., 27 Dec, 1858. He married in Joliet, 111., 11 March, 1880, Gertrude Henrietta Belleas, born in Berlin, Germany, 13 May, 1859, to Charles, a farmer, and Lena-Boreazel Belleas. He is a landlord in Oak Park, 111. Perley issue, born in Oak Park but the last: Gertrude Florilla*'; Adeha Florilla (Lena.'') born 31 July, 1883; Annie Bertha, born 2 July, 1885; Frank Nathaniel, born 1 Nov., 1887, in Harlem, 111., died there 27 Feb., 1892. 4 Elfreeda H.^ was born in Waterville, Me., 3 Nov., 1861. She learned the dressmaker's trade. She married 5 Jan., 1898, in Minne- apolis, Minn., as his second wife, Charles Frederick Scott, who was born 28 June, 1857, in Hamburg, Erie County, N. Y., to Hannah-Huff and John Scott of Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. Scott is an engineer, and resides in Oakland, Cal. Their child, Helen Adelia, was born 18 May, 1901. 5 S. Henry^ was born in Waterville, Me., 27 Feb., 1866. He is a grocer's clerk. He married 16 April, 1896, in Hudson, Wis., Mrs. Anna Marie-Olson Davern, who was born 19 Dec, 1869, to W. H. Olson, a farmer, of Sweden. She had one daughter. Hazel, born 5 Feb., 1890. Perley child: Anita Bernice, born 22 Oct., 1900. 6 Caroline M.^ was born in Oak Park, 111., 3 April, 1870. She married in Osceola Mills, Wis., 25 June, 1893, Charles Henry Dike, a machinist, who was born in Osceola Mills 30 June, 1872, to Eva- Staples and Henry B. Dike, a lawyer. Their home is Minneapolis, Minn., without children. 558 THE PERLEY FAMILY 7 Nancy E.^ was born in Oak Park 10 Dec, 1877, and married in Minneapolis 28 April, 1900, Emerson Engiles Townsend, who was born in Newcastle 19 April, 1865, to John and Elizabeth-Welton MRS. * ilAi;L,i;.S H. DYKE. Townsend. His business is drayage. They reside in Minneapolis, Minn. Townsend issue: Helen, born 4 Feb., 1901; Evelyn, born 14 June, 1903. 8 Gertrude Florilla'\ born 17 March, 1881, married in Chicago, 111., 4 Aug., 1900, Charles E. Vanderblue, clerk in R. R. office, born in Chicago, 111., 13 Oct., 1873, to Nicholas, a grain inspector, and Adelaide-Walters Vanderblue. Issue, born in Oak Park: Frank Edward, born and died 5 June, 1901; Sherlock Perley, born 1 Aug., 1903. FAMILY 395: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S, SAMUEL-12, DAVID-27, JOHN-48, DAVID-102, DAVID ERI-2'21. JOHN MONROE PERLEY was born in Rowley 12 Jan., 1844. In November, 1860, he removed to Georgetown. There he was ex- tensively engaged in buying wood and timber lots, and cutting and HON. OSBOUNE l". PERLKV. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 559 marketing their products. He is now located in Wakefield, Mass., in the wood and coal business. He married, 27 April, 1876, Margaret Howe, born to William Appleton and Ruth-Bartlett Howe of Boxford 31 March, 1853. 1 Perley children : Ethel Howe", Alice Cressey". 2 Ethel H.' was born in Boxford, Mass., 4 Feb., 1877. She grad- uated at Abbot Academy, Andover, in 1898. She married in Wake- field, Mass., 22 Oct., 1900, Selden Williams Tyler, born in Haddam, Ct., 27 Aug., 1873, to A. Williams, a farmer, and Melissa-Usher Tyler. Mr. Tyler is a graduate of Yale College, 1895. He is en- gaged in manufacture. Their home is Melrose, Mass. 3 Alice C.^ was born in Georgetown 13 Nov., 1881, is a student in Wellesley College, and resides with her parents. FAMILY 396: BRADSTREET. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, SAMUEL-12, DAVID-27, JOHN-48, DAVID-102. DAVID ERI-221. MARTHA SCOTT PERLEY was born in Rowley, Mass., 5 Feb., 1848, and 25 April, 1867, married George Scott Bradstreet, a heel manufacturer, born in Ipswich, Mass., 17 Sept., 1842, to Deacon Nathaniel and Elizabeth-Scott Bradstreet of Rowley. They lived in Beverly until about 1878; then settled in Georgetown. Their home (1905) is Beverly. 1 Bradstreet children born in Haverhill but the last, and all now living in Beverly : Ellen May-, Frederic Perley'^ Martha Eval 2 Ella M.^ was born 9 March, 1868, a bookkeeper; Fred P.\ 21 Feb., 1870; Martha E.,^ 12 April, 1887, a student. FAMILY 397: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-IS, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-52, SAMUEL-105, LUTHER LEWIS-227. OSBORNE POTTER PERLEY was born in Harrison, Me., 13 July, 1852. He was an orphan at six years and was tenderly cared for in the family of his uncle, David L. Perley. He was edu- cated in the Bridgton and Norway Academies, and taught school at the age of seventeen years. Leaving Maine at the age of nineteen, he became a clerk in a general store till 1 May, 1872. At that date he copartnershiped with his uncle, A. Thomas Potter, under the firm name of Potter & Perley, and conducted a dry goods and groceries trade in Rowley, Mass. He purchased his partner's interest 13 July, 1873, and con- tinued the business till Sept., 1876, when he sold to Boynton Bros. While in Rowley he was called to one of the most important civic services in the gift of the town — that of the school board. While 5tJ0 THE PERLEY FAMILY there his business prospered and he grew in public esteem; but the sphere of his activity was circumscribed, he was made for broader fields of toil, greater activity and a wider range of usefulness. Leaving Rowley, he was for a while extensively engaged in ship- ping produce from Maine to Boston. Christmas, 1877, he returned from a prospecting tour in the West, and the next year, soon follow- ing his marriage, he located in Lincoln, Neb. There he was en- gaged in farming and buying, raising and selling stock for eight years, and prospered. He next located in Broken Bow, County Cus- ter, and remained there about seventeen years. The town had a rapid growth and was a hustler in business. It was located about sixty miles from railroad facilities and was the business center for a large suburban territory. There Mr. Perley estabhshed a large de- partment store of three floors more than a hundred feet deep. He was one of the foremost in organizing the city government and was the first mayor, and held the office two terms. He was president of the Council for more than six years. He was among the first to rec- ognize the need, and to advocate the institution, of a national bank. When it came he was among the first officers in the organization. He was a director seventeen years, assistant cashier a number of years, and ten years a vice president. Mr. Perley has shown in ev^ery place a decided ability to handle large interests, and even now, having returned to the locality of his early business life and located in Ipswich, he is not content with the largest store in the town, but has others even larger in other towns. His ability has been tried and proved, by years of success, in a wide range of experiences. Mr. Perley married in Ipswich 10 April, 1878, Mrs. Emma Jose- phine-Pickard Bailey of -Rowley, born in Ipswich 30 Jan., 1853, to Luther Calvin and Lavinia Day-Spiller Pickard. She married, first, 30 July, 1874, Leroy Bailey of Rowley, who died 10 Sept., 1874. They have no children. FAMILY 398: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S. JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-5^, NATHANIEL-] 06, NATHANIEL-229. PELEG STONE PERLEY was born in Livermore, Me., 14 July, 1829. He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1850, and taught school for a considerable time. He studied law in Portland, and going West settled in the profession in Henry, 111. He removed to Phoenix, Ariz., in 1887. He married in Sheffield, 111., 8 July, 1858, Nancy Eliza Morrison who was born in Ogden, N. Y., 16 Feb., 1836, to Rev. Asa Currier and Nancy-Hilton Morrison of Sanbornton, N. H. He died 3 March, 1898, in Phoenix, Ariz., where she, also, died 25 Dec, 1900. 1 Perley children, born in Henry, 111. : Nathaniel", Bruce^ Anne Morrison^, Grace'', Polly-. 2 NathanieP was born 8 Aug., 1859, and died 18 Jan., 1862. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 561 PoUy^ was born 31 Dec, 1873, and died of consumption 3 Nov., 1896. Another correspondent says her name was Harriet. 3 Bruce^ was born 8 April, 1861, and is a mining accountant in Bisbee, Arizona. Anne M.^ was born 28 Jan., 1865, and is a decora- tor, late of Philadelphia, and is soon to locate in New York (July, 1905.) 4 Grace^ was born 20 Feb., 1870. She married in Phoenix, Ariz., 27 June, 1894, William H. Robinson, secretary of Phoenix Trust Company, who was born in Lexington, 111., 24 Sept., 1867, to Henry Martyn, a merchant, and Anna Adaline-Fulwiler Robinson. They are of Iron Springs, Ariz. Issue born in Phoenix: Dorothy, 5 April, 1895; Bruce Perley, 2 Sept., 1899. FAMILY 399: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL 3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-52, NATHANlEL-106, NATHANIEL-229. JOHN ALPHONZO PERLEY was born in Livermore, Me., 15 Oct., 1833. He writes: " Born in Maine, my boyhood was as uneventful as could well be imagined. In 1855 I migrated west. I arrived in Illinois with little money and less brains. I loaned my money at 2 per cent, a month, and never a nickel returned. I married in 1860, and located in Lacon in the hardware trade, and subsequently in Ambory, Polo and Aurora, operating two liveries at Lacon and Henry. This car- ries me to 1866, with a boy baby just born, and about $75,000 in worldly goods. Laboring under the hallucination that I was smart, and engaging in some big enterprise, might get rich, as other men were doing, I sold all my stores, stables, etc., in 1868, and engaged in the wholesale hardware trade in St. Joseph, Mo. It took me just five years to lose $50,000 cash and an A] credit. In August, 1873, I failed for $120,000, and paying $92,000 obtained a complete release. My self-conceit all knocked out of me, we traded some real estate in Illinois valued at a few thousand dollars and belonging to my wife, for farm-land in Kansas, where we removed and I have since been a ' Kansas Rancher,' with indifferent success. I have now 1500 acres of good land near Sabetha, about half improved ; 200 head cattle, 600 hogs, 50 horses, etc. I make a specialty of fine trotting horses, and grow about 15,000 bushels corn yearly, etc., etc. "I am forty-five years old, five feet ten and a half inches in height, weigh 170 lbs., have dark hair, blue eyes, big, sorrel moustache, and am decidedly good looking. I have the best wife and finest boy in the world, and am myself only Jno. A. Perley." Mr. Perley married in Rutland, Vt., 15 Aug., 1860, Lodoisha Ashley Bagley, born in Milton, Vt., to Solon B. and Bulah-Woodruff Bagley, 28 Sept., 1834. Their home (1905) is Wibaux, Mont., where he is a cow and horse rancher. 1 Perley child: Howard King, born 24 Aug., 1866, in Providence, R. I., is a cow rancher, unmarried, in Wibaux, Mont. FAMILY 400: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-5^, NATHANIEL-106, NATHANIKL-2;^9. SAMUEL FRANKLIN PERLEY was born in Livermore, Me., 4 April, 1837. He was a merchant in his native town; he retired several years ago. He married 18 Nov., 1865, Sarah Deborah Brettun, born 3 Dec, 1838, to Wm. Henry, Jr., a trader and banker, and Mrs. Deborah-Williams-Washburn Brettun of Livermore. Wm. Henry Brettun, Jr., was brother to Clarinda-107\ 1 Perley child: P^lizabeth Brettun, who, born 29 Oct., 1868, lives, unmarried, with her parents in Livermore. FAMILY 401: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S. JOHN-13. SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-5?, ABRAHAM-108, GEOKGE-23'2. MARTIN VAN BUREN PERLEY was born in Gray, Me., 23 July, 1838. For himself he has always written his name Martin Perley and he is known in his business and in official station by that name only. Early in life he located in Michigan in lumbering. His firm was "Martm Perley & Co.," Muskegon, steam mill-sawyers and manufacturers of and dealers in lumber. Later he was engaged in building and repairing mills. He served his municipality in sev- eral civic offices, and was treasurer of Muskegon County, 1869 to 1872 inclusive. In 1897 he was manufacturing shingles in Cedar- ville. County Mackinac, spending only a short time home winters. Mr. Perley married in Muskegon 3 Jan., 1865, Ellen Mattison Ruddiman, who was born there 18 Oct., 1844. She died in March, 1889. 1 Perley children: Susan, George, Mary Ellen'-. 2 Mary E.^ was born in Laketon, Mich., 5 Oct., 1869. She says, " I am the first student enrolled in the Western State Normal School at Kalamazoo, and am in charge of the W^oman's department on the Kalamazoo Gazette." She is the editor of that department, a place of responsibility and ability. FAMILY 402: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-52, ABRAHAM-108, GEORGE-232. ROSCOE PERLEY was born in Gray, Me., 10 June, 1841. His home is his native town where he is baggage master of the Gray station, (1905). He married F'rances Louisa Porter, who was born in North Yar- mouth 1 Aug., 1844, to Maj.-Gen. Barbour Bartlett and Mary Hale- Parsons Porter, and died at her home 20 Sept., 1899. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 563 1 Parley children, born in North Yarmouth: George Martin^ Delia May^, Sumner PennelP, Helen Louise'', Frankie Larabee\ 'z George M.' was born 15 April, 1868. He married in Boston, Mass., 17 Dec., 1895, Matilda Ethel Potter, who was born in Leeds Junction, Me., 7 April, 1869, to Silas Holman, a railroad section- foreman, and Mary Ann-Hoburn Potter. Mr. Perley is a locomotive engineer on the Grand Trunk Railroad and resides in Portland, Me. Perley child: Anna Louise, born in North Yarmouth 27 Nov., 1897. 8 Delia M.^ was born 12 Oct., 1872. She married in Portsmouth, N. H., 20 Jan., 1904, George Frank Libby, who was born in Free- port, Me., 15 March, , to Greenleaf Rogers and Sarah Roberts Libby. Their home is Yarmouthville, Me., where was born their child : Philip Caroll, 3 Nov., 1904. 4 Sumner F.\ born 4 Feb., 1875, is of East Gray. Frankie L.^ was born 28 March, 1879, and died in North Yarmouth 4 Dec, 1880. 5 Helen L.^ was born 13 May, 1877. She married in North Yarmouth 3 Oct., 1904, Edward Hollis True, who was born in Port- land, Me., 29 Aug., 1875, to Hollis, a farmer, and Elvira Agnes- Tomlinson True. Their address is Cumberland Center, Me. FAMILY 403: PERLEY. LINE.\L DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3. JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, SAMUEL-52. ABRAHAM-108, JOHN HUMPHREY --'33. ALBION STARBIRD PERLEY was born in Gray, Me., 8 March, 1843. He was brought up on a farm. When eighteen and nineteen he taught in the town schools. About this time, the farm- buildings and the stock to the value of some $500 belonging to him were burned. His earnings of five years had vanished and he was $150 m debt. This determined him, in accord with a long cherished desire, to go West. He obtained money for that purpose, thus doub- ling his indebtedness, and sailed, via Panama, for San Francisco, Cal., 21 April, 1863, a passage of twenty-eight days. He was at that time beginning his twentieth year. He obtained employment in the lumber business, and continued therein till 1870, when he made an eight months' visit to his nativity. Returning, he entered the water business, and continued therein. His health requiring a change of climate, North Yarmouth, Me. /j ^ San Francisco, Cal., in 18 80 ^t^i^iio^^ ^ ^^^'^'^-^-^ ^^^^^^ he had crossed the continent ten Thus hp sul>scnbed a photograph a score of times. In 1880 he was elected ^'''''^ "s" to represent in the Legislature the Yarmouths, for two years. He is now engaged in real estate in San P'rancisco (1905). He married 19 Feb., 1875, Matilda Hull Cobb. She was born in Gray 28 June, 1848, to Ebenezer and Hannah Chase-Haskell Cobb of Gray. 1 Perley children: Albion Edward'% Maud Louisel 2 Albion E.^ was born in San Francisco, Cal., 17 Aug., 1876, and married there 19 Aug., 1903, Ella Lagoni, born in same city 11 April, 564 THE PERLEY FAMILY , to Hans and Dorothea S.-Claussen Lagoni. Their home is San Francisco. Perley child: Albion Edward, born 1 Oct., 1904. 3 Maud L.i was born 21 Aug., 1886. ALIUOX STAKHIltl) riOKLlOV FAMILY 404: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEiL-3. JOHN-13. SAMUEL-30, SAMnKL-52, ABRAHAM-108, JONAS HUMPHREY-236. HARRY OTIS PERLEY was born at Portland, Me., on the 13th of November, 1852. He graduated from the Park Street Grammar School, 1864; from the Portland High School, June, 1869; entered Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me., in the class of 1873. His family moved to Detroit, Mich., in 1870, and he left Bowdoin College and entered the sophomore class of the Univer- sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he graduated June, 1873, with the degree of B. A. He took his master's degree in June, 1876. He began the study of medicine 1873, at Detroit Medi- cal College, and graduated with first honor-s of his class, April, 1876. He then went to Paris, France, for study, and returned in August, 1876. Dr. Perley then entered the army as 1st lieutenant and assistant surgeon. He was placed on duty at Fort Monroe, Virginia, at Fort Pembina, Dakota, at Fort Assinniboine, Montana, from 1876 to 1881, Written a score of years ago. c/z€^ %y^y<-€^^ HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 565 , and at Governor's Island, New York, as staff surgeon for Gen.W. S. Hancock, U. S. A. From Governor's Island, Capt. Perley (promoted 5 Aug., 1881,) returned to the department ot Dakota, serving from June, 1883, to August, 1887, at Forts Pembina, Maginnis and Snelling. He was then ordered to Fort Wayne, Mich., and served there until 1890, when he crossed the continent with the 5th U. S. Artillery, and was stationed at Fort Mason, Gal. He served as staff surgeon on the staffs of Generals Nelson A. Miles, John Gibbon and Thomas H. Ruger of the United States Army, when he was ordered to the War Department, as one of the assistants to the surgeon general of the army. From 1892 he was on duty at Plattsburg Barracks, N.Y., until 1894, when he had a year's study at Johns Hopkins Medical College, Baltimore, Md. In 1894 he was ordered to command the Army and Navy General Hospital, at Hot Springs, Ark., and was pro- moted to major and surgeon, U. S. Army, 7 Dec, 1895. While on this duty, at the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, 1898, he examined all the Arkansas Volunteers, and was presented by the State with a sword-belt, saddle and bridle, for his services. In August, 1899, he was relieved from the Army and Navy General Hospital, and ordered to command the hospital ship Relief. He was in command of the ship for two years, in the Philippine Islands, Japan and China, during the China Relief Expedition. He returned to America in Sept., 1901. He was then stationed at Plattsburg Barracks N. Y., and at St. Louis, Mo., as medical purveyor for the army, at Fort Riley, Kans., and at Fort Logan, Col. In August, 1904, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and deputy surgeon gen- eral of the United States Army, and ordered to West Point, N. Y., as chief surgeon of the Military Academy. He now occupies the chair of Military Hygiene in the United States Military Academy at West Point, a new department (the first new one since 1857) lately established by executive order. Col. Perley is a member of the Colonial Wars of New York, of the Revolutionary Society of New York, of the Society of Foreign Wars, and of the Order of the Dragon. He married in Governor's Island, N. Y., 23 June, 1883, Kate Brooke Baylor, only daughter of Col. Thomas Gregory Baylor of the Ordnance Department of the U. S. Army, a grandson of Gen. Baylor of Virginia, who served as aide-de-camp to Gen. George Washington through the Revolutionary War. She was born at Fort Monroe, Virginia, 23 Feb., 1860. Her mother was Louisa Emerson Gait, daughter of Maj. John Gait, Ordnance Department of U. S. Army. Mrs. Perley was a graduate of Packer Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880. She died at Hot Springs, Ark., 18 March, 1898, leav- ing an only child. Col. Perley married, second, in Governor's Island, N. Y., 5 Oct., 1904, Martha Reed Jenks, who was born in Detroit, Mich., 24 Dec, 1869, to Edward Watrous, M. D., LL. D., and Sarah Reed-Joy Jenks. Mrs. Perley is a graduate of the Detroit Classical Institute, 1890. She is a direct descendant of Reed the Massachusetts signer of the Declaration of Independence. 1 Perley child: Lois Baylor, born 26 July, 1897. FAMILY 405: PERLEY. Lineal descent— allan-i. samuel-3, john-is, samuel-30, nathaniel-54, ebenezer-113, james-241. JAMES PERLEY was born in Alexandria, Va., 3 July, 1833. The following is clipped from the Jeffersonian Republican of July, 1890:— "James Perley, the proprietor of the large furniture store located on corner of Main and Greene streets, is a well-known business man and citizen of Charlottesville. He has been engaged in the furniture business for thirty-five years, and has gained a reputation for fair dealing of which any man could well be envious. He is the pioneer of the cabinet making business in Middle Virginia. "During the war he was a member of Pickett's famous division. After the war he returned to Charlottesville and labored as faithfully in the mercantile life as he had bravely in conflict of arms, and as a fruit of his labor has built up one of the largest businesses in the furniture line in Middle Virginia. Mr. Perley's establishment is fully adapted and equipped for the business, and his stock is large and well selected. He also conducts the sombre industry of under- taking, in which he has been engaged for twenty years. This branch is complete in every detail. In business he is assisted by his sons, J. V. and John W. "Mr. Perley has for many years been treasurer of Charlottesville rector of the People's National /I ^,,,,^^v_--c-^ ^*-^^-^ Bank and a steward of the Meth- v ■^'^'^'-'*'^^-''^ Lodge, A. Y. A. M., also a di- odist church. Personally he is / genial, kind -hearted, refined, a Iptter subscription within a decade of the courteous and public - spirited, «"^ ^^'^''\ convention, istt. and very popular with the citizens of Charlottesville." Mr. Perley married 26 April, 1855, Mary Jane Moonsy of Al- bemarle County, Va., where she was born 20 Sept., 1833. 1 Perley children, born in Charlottesville, Virginia: James Vin- cent'-, Annie Elizabeth^ John William'-, Charles Moses'', Rosa Lee*, Mary Virginia'^. 2 James V.' was born 25 June, 1856; Annie E.\ 11 Sept., 1858; John W.', 9 March, 1861 ; Charles, M.\ 29 April, 1866; Rosa L.', 26 June, 1868; Mary N .\ 29 Oct., 1870. FAMILY 406: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, NATHANIEI.-54. SAMUEL-114, SAMUEL-242. JAMES PEACOCK PERLEY was born in New York City 7 Feb., 1830. He was named for James Peacock of whom his father learned the printing business. In the printery, he was "devil," »*^ SAMUEL PEULKV,lltli (ieneration. JAMES r. ri;i;i.i:V, Ttli (ieneration. FRANK L. PEKLEY, 8th Generation. FRANK, a. PERLEY, 9th Generation. THE FIRST-BORN OF FOUR GENERATIONS. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 567 compositor, proof-reader, editor, publisher. He was some time edi- tor of the Kalamazoo Gazette, displaying ability and business enter- prise. He has had some experience upon "the deep blue ocean." He was one of the earliest to enlist against the Rebellion War. He was commissioned captain in the 18th regiment of Michigan volun- teers, and resigned in March, 1S65, rendering a service of more than four years, including nineteen months in Libby, Macon, and Ander- sonville rebel prisons. Following the war, he secured a position in the Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. He died in Washing- ton 12 June, 1899, and reposes in Arlington Cemetery, in that city. He came out of the war a "physical wreck." He declined a pen- sion while receiving a salary. He could have received thousands of dollars. He married Lydia Almira Baker, 10 July, 1855, in Erie, Pa., where she was born 13 Dec, 1837, to Almira-Hunt, a native of Glens Falls, N. Y., and Charles Baker, a carpenter and builder, native of North Pownall, Vt. She resides in Washington, D. C. (1905.) 1 Perley children: Frank Lee^ Charles Larrimore'^ Herbert Haskell^ Gale Washington', Glennie Howard'^ Morrison Waite^ 2 Charles L.' was born — Aug., 1859, and died — April, 1861. Gale W.^ was born — May and died — Nov., 1866. Glennie H.' was born 15 Jan., 1870, and died 21 April, 1892. 3 Frank L.' was born in Erie, Pa., 21 April, 1856. He was edu- cated in the Washington Public Schools, the Spencerian Business College, and he read law with Col. M. Thompson, a distinguished attorney of Washington, afterwards graduating from the Law De- partment of Columbian University. When only fourteen years old, young Perley, who had a natural talent for music, organized an amateur orchestra. The money he earned in that manner served to pay for his education as a lawyer. He was admitted to the Supreme Court of the District of Colum- bia and the Erie County Pennsylvania and then to New York to practic( profession. Office C( ment making out-of-doors em- ployment necessary, he obtained the position of contracting agent for the Batchellor & Doris Great Inter-Ocean shows. Then he be- came press agent of W. C. Coup's shows, and subsequently joined Barnum & Bailey's "Greatest Show on Earth," and the Ringling Brothers "World's Greatest Shows." He was with Barnum & Bailey's shows for seven years, and he traveled with them abroad in 1889 and 1890. No manager has made more friends in England and America and he became one of the most distinguished show man- agers in both hemispheres. P'or the valuable services performed, Barnum & Bailey gave him an interest in and the management of the "Fall of Babylon," produced in Boston in 1890. The death of P. T. Barnum in 1891 terminated his contract which contemplated the production of other spectacles for a term of years, and in 1893 he left the circus world and undertook the management of dramatic and operatic productions. Among those associated with his manage- Supreme f Colum- ^ /I ^--^"^ ; o n f i n e - ' 568 THE PERLEY FAMILY ment have been Madame Modjeska, Fanny Davenport, Mrs. John Drew, Agnes Booth, Rose Coghlan, Cora Tanner, Effie Ellsler, Marie Cahill, H. H. Stoddard, William Collier, Robert Hilliard, Jerome Sykes, the Alice Neilson Opera Company, Frank Daniels Opera Company, The Bostonians, The Chaperons Opera Company, the Conreid Opera Company, "When Knighthood was in Flower," "The Bonnie Brier Bush," "The Sporting Duchess," Dockstader's Min- strels, and many other well-known attractions. He has all along been an active newspaper man on New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg journals and an expert advertising writer. He is also financially interested in several prosperous corporations. He be- longs to several clubs and is a 32d-degree Mason, affiliated with Pa- cific Lodge of New York, the New York Consistory and Mecca Tem- ple. Mr. Perley is one of the cleverest and best known operatic and theatrical managers in America at the present day. He is de- servedly popular. Mr. Perley married in Philadelphia, Pa., 2 July, 1884, Ida Made- line Glenn of that city. They separated legally (i F^eb., 1898, and she married Wm. Turner. Mr. Perley married, second, in Anoka, Minn., 16 May, 1894, Marguerite Eisfeldt, a singer of celebrity, born in Gratz, Austria, 25 March, 1871, to Gustav, a professor of languages and polit- ical economy, and Carolyn-Gugubauer P^isfeldt. Perley child : Frank Glenn, born 10 Dec, 188.5, a student of mining engineering in Lehigh University in South Bethlehem, Pa., where he is a member of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and member of the la crosse and base ball teams, with home in the P"raternity house. 4 Herbert H.' was born in Erie, Pa., 24 Jan., 1862. He married in 1896 Rosa Belle Jones, a prima donna, who was born in Memphis, Tenn., 20 Oct., 1875, to John, a lawyer, and Agnes-Morrison Jones. Mr. Perley is a composer and a director of opera. Mr. and Mrs. Perley are professionally known as Herman Perlet and Belle Thome. They reside in New York City. Perley child : Mildred Belle, born 27 Sept., 1896. 5 Morrison W.' was born in Washington, D. C, 19 Jan., 1874. He married in Washington, 12 Oct., 1897, Plorence Gertrude Hall, who was born there 20 June, 1877, to George W. and Annie M.- Woods Hall. Their home is Washington, where Mr. Perley is clerk for the Pullman Company. Perley children, born in Washington : Allan Hall, 23 Dec, 1898; Frank Morrison, 30 July, 1902. FAMILY 407: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3. JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, NATHANIEL-54, SAMUEL-114, SAMUEL-242. FRANCIS MACARTNEY PERLEY was born in New York City , 1834. He was educated in the common schools and going to Cincinnati in 1853, in Gunoley's Commercial College and in attendance upon medical lectures. Returning to New York City in May, 1855, he took a department charge in the publishing house of Derent & Davenport. In Sept., 1856, he went into the publishing FRANK E. PERLEY, ESQ. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 569 department of the Episcopal Sunday School Union. In January, 1857, he opened a bookstore, on his own account, opposite or under the Cooper Institute, and continued eleven years. Then he went to Red Bank, N. J., and established a store of general merchandise. He continued there some years and was very prominent in the Epis- copal church. In Nov., 18(38, going to Erie, Pa., he became associate owner with his brother, Seth Todd Perley, of the Despatch, and spent the following winter in Washington, D. C. In Aug., 1869, he became publisher and business manager of the daily Ohio State Journal, Columbus. In 1875 he removed to Franklinville, N. Y., and published the Weekly Argus. He later established the Frank- linville Chronicle, and soon after that a newspaper in Oswego, both of which he published till his death. "He engaged in the publi- cation of a daily newspaper in Washington," apparently while en- gaged with his brother Seth Todd in Erie. Mr. Perley was a man full of business, capable in large enterprises, energetic, and of high character and estimation. Mr. Perley married in Eatontown, N. J., 29 Sept., 1863, Priscilla Augusta La Fetra, who was born in Eatontown 29 June, 1844, to Edward B. and Mary-DeWitt La Fetra. Mr. Perley died in Waverly, N. Y., 21 Aug., 1894. His widow resides in Franklinville, N. Y. 1 Perley children: Frances Elizabeth^ Charles A.^ Harriet Augusta'', Frank Elliott", Josephine La Fetra". 2 Frances E.^ was born in Eatontown, N. J., 12 July, 1864, and resides, unmarried, in P"ranklinville, N. Y. 3 Charles A.^ was born in Eatontown, N. J., 29 Jan., 1867. He married in Franklinville, N. Y., 24 June, 1903, Belle Donnell Sexton, who was born in P>anklinville to Ehsha D. and Eliza A. -Sexton Sexton. Mr. Perley is the publisher and editor of the P"ranklinville Chronicle. Perley child, born in Franklinville ; Ellwood Norton, 24 Sept.,- 1904. 4 Harriet A.^ was born in Girard, Pa., 20 April, 1869. She married in Franklinville, N. Y., 23 July, 1901, Ernest Ralph Baker, a merchant of Olean, N. Y., their home (1905), who was born in Petroleum Center, Pa., 20 June, 1871, to Ralph, a master me- chanic, and Emily-Smith Baker. Baker issue : Philip De Witt, born in Olean 13 Feb., 1904. 5 Frank E.^ was born in Columbus, Ohio, 20 Nov., 1871. He is first introduced to us as one of the leading political writers of West- ern New York. His first residence at the Capital was as corre- spondent of the Buffalo P2xpress. About eight years ago he went to New York City and was assistant city editor of the Herald. Six years ago he engaged with the World, and for five years was one of the most valued members of its staff. Again at the Capital he was chief of The World Bureau. He has a national reputation as a po- litical writer of marked ability. He is deservedly popular with the political leaders of both parties and enjoys their confidence and respect. He was offered the secretaryship to Mayor McClellan and declined it. Gov. Higgins offered him the position of private secre- tary, and he is now in that office. Pie married in F'ranklinville, N. Y., 8 Aug., 1894, Anna Augusta Robeson, who was born there 26 July,1872, to John Edward, a merchant, and Emerancy-Cherryman Robeson. 570 THE PERLEY FAMiLY Perley children, born in Franklinville : Harry Robeson, 11 Sept., 1896; La Fetra, 8 Dec, 1898. (5 Josephine La F.^ was born in Columbus, Ohio, 10 Oct., 1874. She married in Franklinville, N. Y., 11 July, 1900, Guy Clarence Ames, who was born in Great Valley, Cattaraugus County, N. Y., 5 Oct., 187B, to Edson David, a farmer, and Clementine C(»rolin-Hart Ames. Mr. Ames is engaged in insurance and real estate business in Franklinville, where their children were born : Elizabeth Perley, 12 Sept., 1901 ; Russell DeHart, 30 Jan., 1904. FAMILY 408: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. SAMUEL-3. JOHN-13, SA.\lUEL-30, NATHANIEL-54, SAMnEL-114, SAMUEL-24'2. SETH TODD PERLEY was born 28 May, 1840, in Erie, Pa. A local paper thus speaks of him : " An American statesman whose long career as senator, cabinet and foreign minister made him authority, declared the printing office to be the poor man's college. Mr. Perley's life adds another corrob- oration to the truth of this now conceded apothegm. His father was from Massachu- setts, his mother from Dublin, each possessing some charac- teristics conspicuous in their son. The family came to Erie in 1840 to aid by a campaign paper the cause of Tippe- canoe. His early years were spent in the Erie and Girard academies. During his ad- vancing years he aided in the issue of the P^rie Chronicle and Girard Republican, and later was interested in the Dispatch and Argus. At the firing on Fort Sumter he vol- unteered but was not ac- cepted. It was well, for he soon found a far more useful field. Some weeks afterward he was appointed a clerk in the Treasury Department, where he remained four years. He was a charter member of Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M. He was agent for Pennsyl- vania and secretary of Pennsylvania State Association at Washington. Many Erie County volunteers were in camp near Washington, others in the hospitals. To relieve the necessities of these and to communi- cate with their friends was his voluntary undertaking. Thus he SETH TODD PERLEY. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 571 earned the lasting gratitude of hundreds of Pennsylvania soldiers. As the war closed, having become familiar with the routine of ob- taining arrears and pensions, etc., he made it his business. His clientage was large, his volume of applications augmented through many branch offices, and continued for twenty-three years. Of thousands of claims some were without merit and unsuccessful, but in the untiring, persistent prosecution of the majority to allowance very much of good has been accomplished. In the urging of these claims and defense of his clients before the several bureaus. Con- gressional committees and courts, Mr. Perley has had distinguished success. Always pertinacious for his case, often aggressive and never despondent, he has led many despairing applicants to renew their effort. And now, still in the prime of life with a business rep- utation extending across the continent, with an acquaintance sur- passed by few outside of public life, he has the satisfaction of seeing around him those whose subsistence has depended upon the results to which his life-work has been devoted. A consciousness of these facts is a priceless possession, their realization his just reward." There are always impediments to success and as a matter of course, Mr. Perley encountered one of massive proportions — the United States Government. "It will be remembered," says the Erie Globe of 25 Oct., 1891, "that Pension-Agent Perley of Erie and J. C. Blake of Fairview were charged by the third auditor of the treas- ury with presenting a fraud- ulent and fictitious claim to a pension for ^839.33, due Mrs. Shannon of Fairview, deceased. The claimants demanded the money to reimburse them for services alleged to have been rendered the woman during her last illness, and for money expended for sup- plies, doctor's care and funeral expenses. On the first trial the de- fendants were convicted, but a new trial was granted on a writ of error. On the second trial in 1888 the jury disagreed. A large number of witnesses were subpoenaed for the trial last week. United States District Attorney Lyon and Assistant District Attorney David Cameron conducted the case for the government, and Con- gressman Wm. A. Stone and Ex-Congressman Brainerd of Erie the defense. "The examination of witnesses for the prosecution was lengthy and the cross-questioning sharp. When the testimony had been fin- ished Perley's counsel presented a demurrer to the testimony. They claimed that the testimony was insufficient to convict, and asked that the judge so charge the jury. Judge Reed sustained the demurrer, and in his charge to the jury told them the testimony was not enough for a conviction. United States District Attorney Lyon stated to the court that if Perley was acquitted he could not well ask for the con- viction of J. C. Blake, who was jointly indicted with him, when Perley was the principal and Blake only an accessory. " In accordance with the judge's charge the jury returned a verdict of not guilty as to both Perley and Blake. In consequence of this. 572 THE PERLEY FAMILY two Other cases against Perley, Blake and Dr. E. D. Gates, that had arisen out of the same transaction, were nol. pros'd. Only witnesses for the prosecution were examined and in view of this fact the justice of the acquittal is overwhelmingly in favor of the defendant Perley." The Commercial Gazette of 24 Oct., 1891, said that this case, "after a third trial lasting four days, came to an abrupt termination when the testimony for the prosecution only had been submitted. Perley's counsel filed a demurrer, asking on the evidence for the prosecution, an acquittal. The court after argument by counsel for both sides ruled that Mr. Perley was entitled to acquittal, having done only what, as an attorney, he had a right to do." The Gazette said editorially, "the case against Seth Todd Perley, Esq., reached an important conclusion yesterday, breaking down of its own weakness." Mr. Perley was a long time executive agent of the Pennsylvania Soldiers' Relief Society, and warmly endeared himself to the citizen soldiery of the Keystone State. He was the organizer of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Republican Club of Erie, and its secretary and an execu- tive officer. It did valiant work in sever-al campaigns. It is now "mostly retired." He is believed to have been the youngest mem- ber of the great convention that nominated Grant at Chicago in 1868. Simon Cameron asked Secretary Chase for Mr. Perley's appointment to a clerkship in 1861, which was immediately made. When Mr. Cameron went as minister to Russia he offered Mr. Perley the private secretaryship, but the latter deferring to his father's wishes, declined the offer. During the Civil War, he was made corresponding secre- tary of the Pennsylvania Soldiers' Relief Association, that cared for tens of thousands of the brave boys in Blue. The Pennsylvania Legislature almost unanimously recommended him as United States Commissioner of Pensions. He wrote in 1908: "I have successfully practised law since 1865, and am now preparing a case against Kaiser William's Germany." Mr. Perley married, first, in Meadville, Pa., 15 Nov., 1864, Geor- gianna McFarland, born in 1839 to John McFarland. Her father was for forty years a merchant and for many years was president of the Merchants' National Bank till his death. He served forty years as treasurer of the Alleghany College at Meadville. Her mother was a daughter of Senator Atkinson of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Perley died in 1879 in Erie, Pa. He married, second, Mrs. Barbara A.- Heintz Becker, daughter of Michael, a contractor, and Toerch Heintz. 1 Perley child: Seth Todd, born in Erie 15 July, 1889. FAMILY 409: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-S, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, NATHANIEL-54, SAMUEL-114, CHARLES-243. EDWARD MATTHEWS PERLEY was born in New York City 11 Feb., 1832, where he made his home. He was captain of a troop attached to Co. E., of the Seventh Regiment, New York HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 573 National Guards and received an honorable discharge. He was a shipwright by trade. He died 26 Oct., 1891. He married 1 Dec, 1859, Jane Maria Gilfillan, who was born 12 April, 1833, to George, a merchant, and Mary Anne-Matthews Gil- fillan. She died 1 Jan., 1905. 1 Perley children: Virginia-, Edward Matthews^ Isabella Mat- thews'-, Lincoln^ William Hood Gilfillan-, Joseph Livermore'-. 2 Virginia' was born 31 Aug., 1861. She is employed with Har- per and Bros., publishers, and resides with her sister Isabella\ who was born 8 Feb., 1863. Joseph L.' was born 4 March, 1869, and died 8 Jan., 1877. William H. G.' was born 21 Nov., 1867, married Katherine O'Toole, and resides in Corona, L. I., with children. 3 Edward M.' was born in New York City 8 Oct., 1861. He mar- ried in New York City 10 Nov., 1886, Harriet Elizabeth Dobbs, who was born there 1-4 July, 1867, to Washington, a carpenter and builder, and Sarah-Brummel Dobbs. She died 15 March, 1900. Mr. Perley is an engineer. Perley children, born in New York City: Viola p:iizabeth, 10 Dec, 1887; Edward Matthews, 28 and died 31 Dec, 1889; Maud Harriet, 17 Dec, 1890; George Edward, 28 Nov., 1892; Irene Sarah, 9 Aug., 1895, died 30 April, 1902; William Brummel, 3 June, 1897; Harriet Elsie, 11 March. 1900. 4 Lincoln' was born in New York City 21 June, 1865. He mar- ried there 22 June, 1887, Mary Lavinia Barringer, who was born in New York City 27 Nov., 1868, to Mathias and Helen Amelia-Crooker Barringer. They reside in New York City, where Mr. Perley is an engineer, and where their children were born. Perley children: Isabel Virginia, born 11 March, 1888; William Mathias, 29 Oct., 1889; Lincoln, 25 Dec, 1892. FAMILY 410: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, NATHANIEL-54, SAMUEL-114, rHARLES-243. CHARLES SABBATON PERLEY was born 14 Aug., 1834, in New York City, where he resided. He was skillful as a me- chanic : he was a member of the Board of Education several years. He married, 18 March, 1857 [?), Mary E. Stoughtenberg. He died in 1865. His widow was a school teacher in the city. 1 Perley children : Carrie, George Allen'^, Florence, Minnie. 2 George A.', born in 1856, is a fine stenographer and employed in the city comptroller's office. FAMILY 411: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCHNT— ALLAN-1. SAMUEL-S, JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30, NATHANIEL-54, SAMUEL-114, CHARLES-L>43. JOSEPH LIVERMORE PERLEY was born 4 Aug., 1836, in New York City, where he located his home. He is a mechanical engineer. "At a very early age he displayed a marked liking for the life of 574 THE PERLEY FAMILY a fireman and an unusual zeal and intelligence in the performance of fire duty. In 1856, when twenty years old, he became a member of Live Oak Engine Co. No. 44. After four years active service, he was in 1860 elected assistant foreman; his capacity was so noticeable that in 1862 he was elected an assistant engineer of the volunteer force. On the organization of the Metropolitan Fire Department, in 1865, he was appointed first assistant engineer, being thus placed second in command to the chief, Mr. Kingsland. "Being a practical machinist, thoroughly conversant with the workings of steam fire machinery, he was chosen as the proper officer to organize a bureau for repairs. Under his supervision the exten- HON. JOSEPH L. PERLEY. sive repair shops of the department have grown; all of the appar- atus was placed in complete order, and many improvements intro- duced. In the year 1867 he was relieved from duty as superin- tendent of repairs, and assigned to the command of that department lying north of 23d street and extending to Harlem river, the chief engineer performing duty only below 2.Sd street. He was in this position so faithful and competent, that, upon the resignation of Mr. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 575 Kingsland, in December, 1869, he was appointed by the commis- sioners, and served as chief engineer. He held this post with marked executive ability until May, 1873, at which time, upon the reorganization of the fire department, he was appointed by Mayor Havemeyer, president of the Board of Fire Commissioners for six years. "During his service at its head the New York Fire Department has constantly become more efficient and has long been admitted to be without a rival. This gratifying result has been more due to Mr. Perley than any other one man. He has been continually seeking to improve the discipline and working capacity of the force, and has found time also to make great improvements in the machinery and appliances for extinguishing fires. His appointment as president of the Board of Commissioners was only a just reward for long, faithful and intelligent services. His appointment — although a great sur- prise to the politicians, who believe it impossible that a responsible public office should be given to a creditable record and eminent fit- ness — was entirely understood and appreciated by the men of the fire department, whose confidence and respect he has always pos- sessed, and gave universal satisfaction to the citizens. Among the number of daily papers published in New York there was not one whose editors did not commend his appointment as a most deserved recognition of his abilities. When his name was presented to the Board of Aldermen for confirmation, the vote was unanimous in his favor, many of the aldermen complimenting Mayor Havemeyer upon his selection of one so well qualified for this very responsible office. "At the age of 22, he was elected a member of the Common Council. He joined the 71st New York State Regiment in 1854, served seven years and at the beginning of the Civil War, went to the front with his regiment. "He is a cultured gentleman of quiet demeanor, unexceptionable habits and refined appearance and manner, and is therefore well fitted to adorn the high office which he so ably fills, as well as to dis- charge its duties to the satisfaction of the public." Mr. Perley married Sarah Gilfillan, sister of Jane Maria-409, of his native city, 2 Oct., 18 — , who was born 29 Dec, 1836, in New York City. She was a school teacher. Her parents were Mary Anne-Matthews and George Gilfillan, a merchant. 1 Perley children : Charles Hamilton*, Minnie Isabella^ 2 Charles H.^ was born in New York City 20 April, 1857. He married in P^aston, Mass., 3 Aug., 1876, Alice Pool, who was born there 10 March, 1856, to Charles and Phila-Gardner Pool. Mr. Per- ley is a mechanical engineer of Brooklyn, N. Y. He ranked as captain in the fire department of New York City more than twenty- five years. Perley child: Alfred Putnam, born 20 April, 1877, a clerk, unmarried, residing in Brooklyn, N. Y. 3 Minnie I.' was born in New York City 25 Nov., 1857. She married there 3 Oct., , Henry George Man dell, a photographer and engraver, who was born in Stockholm, Sweden, 20 May, 1863, to and Agnes C.-Lundberg Mandell. He died 29 May, 1892, in New York City, where his widow now resides. Mandell issue: Henry Joseph, born Thursday, 30 Jan., 1890; George Perley, 5 March, 1894. FAMILY 412: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, SAMUEL-3. JOHN-13, SAMUEL-30. NATHAMEL-54, SA.\IUEL-114, CHARLES-243. JOHN KEYS PERLEY was born 13 Dec, 1843, in New York City, where he resided. In the spring of 1860, when not quite six- teen years old, he joined a company of Zouaves, organized shortly after the celebrated P211sworth Zouaves of Chicago gave an exhibition in New York City. Upon President Lincoln's call for troops in Aug., 1861, they tendered their services to Gov. Morgan, who ac- cepted and advised the formation of a regiment with the original company as officers. The advice was adopted; the regiment was mustered in 23 April, 1861, and known as the Ninth New York Volunteers, Hawkins colonel. They left for Fortress Monroe 5 June, 1861. Perley was a second lieu- tenant. The regiment served under Gen. Burnside the first year, afterwards in the Ninth Army Corps, Army of the Po- tomac. They won laurels at Hatteras, Roanoke Island and Camden, in North Carolina; South Mountain and Antietam, in Maryland ; P^edericksburg and Suffolk, in Virginia. They made the first successful bayo- net charge of the war at Roan- oke Island, and at Antietam lost two-thirds of their men. The regiment left New York 1000 strong, received about 1000 re- cruits and returned with a few more than 500 men. After the muster-out of the Ninth, Lt. Perley assisted in organizing the 113th Regiment, afterwards known as the 1st Regiment, N. G. S. N.Y.( Hawkins Zouaves). Of this regiment Lt. Per- ley became lieutenant colonel. Upon the retirement of Col. Hawkins, Lt. Col. Perley was unanimously elected to the colonelcy. His com- mand received the commendation of the inspector general of the State for its efficiency. Col. Perley was a Democrat and was equaled by few in his attach- ment to party principles. He was printer, stationer and blank-book manufacturer. When nineteen years old he was commissioned ensign of 9th New York State Volunteers, 13 May, 1861; first lieutenant 15 Feb., JOHN K. TEKLEV. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 577 1862; captain 113th Regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division National Guards New York State, 13 Nov., 1865; lieutenant colonel 1st Reg- iment, 23 Nov., 1865; colonel, 23 Feb., 1869. He was honorably discharged 31 July, 1871. He was one of the organizers of the Grand Army of the Republic; was its first adjutant general of the State, and commander of Kimball Post, No. 100. He was also secre- tary of the Board of Excise, New York City, and a member of the military order Loyal Legion. He was general marshal of the grand parade of the G. A. R., in 1877. He married in New York City 11 June, 1868, Mary Louisa Todd, who was born 23 Feb., 1845, to James L. and Louise Marietta- Hartman Todd. He died in New Rochelle, N. Y., 19 Jan., 1901. 1 Perley children, born in New York City: Henry Clay'-, Carlisle Norwood^, Mary Louise^ John Marshalll 2 Henry Clay^ was born 29 May, 1869, and married in Bingham- ton, N. Y., 8 Sept., 1897, Lena Maud Stanley, born in Binghamton 14 Feb., 1868, to Anson and Diantha-Morey Stanley. He is a man- ufacturing jeweler. He enlisted 7 Jan., 1890, in 11th separate com- pany. National Guards, N. Y. ; transferred to Company G, 7th Regi- ment, 29 March, 1891; elected corporal 15 Dec, 1892; honorably discharged 7 Jan., 1897; re-enlisted Company G in March, 1899, and is now in active membership. He resides in New Rochelle, N. Y., where their child, Muriel Lynette was born 6 Jan., 1899. 3 Carlisle N.^ was born 30 Jan., 1873. He married in New Rochelle, N. Y., 16 April, 1902, Marguerite Chrystal Carpenter, who was born there 25 April, 1881, to Robert Purser and Martha Jane-Chrystal Carpenter. Their home is New Rochelle, where he is a manufacturing jeweler, and where their child, Jeanette Chrystal, was born 22 June, 1903. 4 Mary L.^ was born 22 Feb., and died 2 Aug., 1875. 5 John M.^ was born 7 March, 1877. He is a bank clerk and resides in New Rochelle. He married there 10 April, 1901, Alice Gorsline Hubbell, who was born in Central Mine, Mich., 19 June, 1875, to Seymour Landen, an upholsterer, and Fannie Malvina-Baker Hubbell. They have no children. FAMILY 413: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, ISRAEL-115, CHARLES STRANGE-244. DANIEL PERLEY was born near city of Hamilton, Ont., Do- minion of Canada, 5 Dec, 1820. His home was Paris Plains, near city of Brantford, Brant County, Ontario, where he was a farmer and breeder of the famous South Down sheep. He served against the Rebellion of 1837. Mr. Perley married 24 April, 1845, Elizabeth Jane Nelles, born in township of Brantford, Ont., 8 July, 1822, to John E. and Jane-Eakins Nelles. He died in Paris Plains 13 Dec, 1882. His widow's home is Brantford. 578 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1 Perley children: William Frederic468, Alfred Daniel'^ Alice Mary'. 2 Alfred D.* was born in Brantford, Brant County., Ont., 2 Sept., 1850. He married in Paris, Ont., 21 Dec, 1876, Ellen Ashton Yeo, born in Paris 19 Jan., 1851, to Benjamin, a farmer, and Patty-Ashton Yeo. Mr. Perley is a commercial traveler and has resided in Brant- ford for the past eighteen years. He owns his father's old home- stead. There is a schoolhouse on the farm called Perley's school- house. Perley children : Clara Maud^ ; Charles Alfred, born 25 Aug., 1880, is unmarried in London, Ont. 3 Alice Mary^ was born in Brantford 5 Aug., 1855. She married in Paris, Ont., 10 June, 1886, Malcolm Chisholm, born in Brantford 23 June, 1856, to John, a farmer, and Jennette-Campbell Chisholm. Mr. Chisholm is a woodworker. Their home is Brantford. Chisholm issue: Osborne Earle, born 22 May, 1887; John Perley, born 26" Oct., 1890; William Clarence Burt, born 31 Jan., 1892; Grace Eliza- beth Marguerite, born 7 March, 1893; Alice Jean Hope, born 10 Feb., 1895. 4 Clara Maud^ was born at Paris Plains (near Paris) 1 Sept., 1878. She married in Toronto, Canada, 9 Nov., 1901, Arnold Ben- ford Caswell, a journalist, born in Toronto 31 Jan., 1874, to Louise- Woodall and Rev. D. J. Caswell, Ph. D. Their home is Montreal. Their child: Arnold Perley, born in Toronto 13 March, 1903. FAMILY 414: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCBNT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4. TIIOMAS-16. THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-67, ISRAEL.-115, CHARLES STRANG E-i!44. CHARLES PERLEY was born in Ancaster, County Went- worth, Ontario, Canada, 19 April, 1831. He was a farmer in Burford, Brant County. He married in Niagara, Ont., 19 Nov., 1859, Lucy Maria Law- rence, born in Niagara to Benjamin, a farmer, and Eliza-Haines Lawrence. He died 5 Sept., 1872. His widow is of Saginaw, Mich. 1 Perley children : Mary Allan*, Allan Thomas^ 2 Mary A.^ was born in Burford, Ont., 7 Sept., 1860. She mar- ried in Toronto, Ont., 25 April, 1895, Joseph Edward Brethour, born in Oakville, Ont., 26 Aug., 1861, to Joseph, a farmer, and Mary Ann- Laugtry Brethour. Their home, without children, is Burford. He is a breeder of pedigreed stock. 3 Allan Thomas' was born in Burford 17 April, 1863, and mar- ried in Paris 20 Dec, 1888, Jennette Wight, born in Paris 1 July, 1863, to Hugh, a farmer, and Mary-Miller Wight. They reside in Putnam, Ont., where Mr. Perley is railway station agent. Perley issue, born in Putnam: Eva Mary, 27 Sept., 1890; Allen Hugh, 21 Jan., 1899. FAMILY 415: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, ISRAEL-115, CHARLES STRANGE-244. THOMAS PERLEY was born in Burford, Brant County, On- tario, Canada, 25 June, 1836. He was a farmer. After 1870 he re- moved his home from Burford to Brantfcrd. His wife was Mary Ann Burns, daughter of Maj. D., a farmer, and Elizabeth, born in Blenheim 27 April, 1835, married 9 Feb., 1859, in Princeton. Mr. Perley died of blood poison 26 Nov., 1878. 1 Perley children : Elizabeth Helen'-^, Elsie McCall'-, Frederic Thomas"^, Charles Strange'^. 2 Elizabeth' was born 15 Nov., 1863; Elsie\ 5 Feb., 1867; P>ed- eric\ 15 March, 1869, died 26 Oct., 1891; Charles', 15 June, 1874. These 15's are correct as given. FAMILY 416: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, THOMAS-116, GEORGE SIMONS-246. CHARLES AUGUSTUS PERLEY was born in Maugerville, N. B., in March, 1839. He was a farmer in New Brunswick. He married in Maugerville 14 Sept., 1866, Letetia Upton, sister of John Robert-246^ who was born in Shef- field, N. B., 19 Dec, 1843, to George Samuel, a farmer, and Mary Helen-Day Upton. Mr. Perley died in Maugerville 14 Aug., and his widow a month later, 14 Sept., 1899. 1 Perley children: Georgia^ Walter Seward^ Charles Fred- eric^ Mary Helen^ Frank Dow'', Bertha Mildreds 2 Georgia' was born 8 Dec, 1867. She is by trade a dress- maker. She married in St. John, N. B., 4 June, 1894, William Allen McLean, a shipmaster, who was born in Grand Lake, N. B., 18 March, 1865, to Hector, a farmer, and Elizabeth-Cameron McLean. They reside in Portland, Me., without children. 3 Walter Seward' was born 30 Dec, 1870, and was drowned 12 Dec, 1887, breaking through the ice while skating. Frank Dow' was born 8 Feb., 1876, and died the 24th of December of the same year. charles a. perley. 580 THE PERLEY FAMILY 4 Charles F.^ was born 19 Dec, 1872. He married 14 Sept., 1898, Elsie S. Earle, and they reside in St. John, N. B. 5 Mary H.' was born 5 Jan., 1874. She married 6 Aug., 1898, James S. Upton, of Lakeville Corner, N. B., an expressman, and they reside in Oldtown, Me., and have one child. 6 Bertha M.' was born 18 Feb., 1883. She is a stenographer and resides, unmarried, in Portland, Me. FAMILY 417: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l,TI'(iMAS-lfi, TH(>:MAS-4. THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, SOLOMON-117, JAMES EI)WIN-248. JAMES FREDERIC PERLEY was born in Fredericton, N. B., 1 Nov., 1845. He married "Willie Smith" and died in June, 1868. 1 Perley child : Frederic. FAMILY 418: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4. THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, SOLOMONM17, JAMES EDWIN-248. GEORGE PERLEY was born in Fredericton, N. B., 29 April, 1849. He married in lone City, Cal., 1 March, 1871, Caro Pendleton Cookson, a school teacher, who was born in Islesboro, Me., 17 P^eb., 1850, to Thomas, a preacher, and Roxana-Farrow Cookson. Their home is Modesto, Cal., where their children were born. Mr. Perley is a searcher of records. ' 1 Perley children : Charlotte Augusta""^, George Edwin-, Mabel". 2 Charlotte A.' was born 9 Jan., 1872, and died 8 Feb., 1873. George E.' was born 30 Oct., 1873, and is unmarried in Seattle, Wash. 3 MabeP was born in Modesto, Cal., 2 June, 1875, and married there 8 June, 1904, Burrill Foster Stone, a farmer, born in Sparta, Tenn., 30 April, 1870, to Walter Scott, a farmer, and Susan-Cameron Stone. They reside in Modesto. FAMILY 419: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TriOMAS-4. TMOMAS-IG. THOMAS-33, ISRAEI/-57, WILLI AM-118, WILLIAM EDW A RD-25-'. WILLIAM DELL PERLEY was born in the parish of Glad- stone, County Sunbury, N. B., 6 Feb., 1838. His home was Mauger- ville, until he removed, in 1882, to Wolseley, N. W. T., Canada, his present home. Mr. Perley was educated in the best schools of the Province, including his collegiate course at the Baptist Seminary. In the matter of business and legislation he is a true son of his father. They are to him natural as a habit ; and the larger the en- terprise the more he is at ease. In his native Province he was HON. WAI. 1). I'KIJLEV. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 581 twenty-two years farmer and lumberman, and by diligence, integrity and affability he garnered prosperity, a happy home and a good name. He has always been public-spirited and a man of unusual energy, qualities which early commended him to civic office and trust. His first experience was in his native County. He had seven succes- sive elections to the Municipal Council, and carried with him into his new home in the West the reputation of a just man and a wise legislator. His ability and experience easily made him a leader. In Wolseley he became very popular, and has left his impress for good upon every department in its civic growth. He was one of the organizers of the municipality in 1884; was elected first coun- cilor, and the first chairman of the Council. In Sept., 1885, after the division of the old councilor district, Mr. Perley was elected first member of the local Legislature for the new district ; was chairman of the first delegation to Ottawa on bet- ter political relations and conditions. This body was known as the North West Council. For his services at the federal capitol, he was banqueted on his return. A year or so later he was asked to resign his seat in the local Council and accept a nomination to a seat in the House of Commons for the Riding of East Assiniboia. It was for their first representation in the federal Parliament. He ac- cepted the office and contested the seat, and the March following (1887) he was elected first member with a majority of 7'2ti in a keenly contested canvass. In Parliament he soon won a respectable place and exhibited qualities worthy of distinction in any legislative body. He seldom speaks, but never fails of pointed, well-directed, plain, forceful argument and of close attention. He is independent in thought and courteous in expression. After two years he was asked to resign his seat in the House of Commons for a seat in the Senate. His seat in the Senate is a promotion by the Government ; it is a life tenure; and is worth ^2,500 a year; he occupied it 3 Aug., 1888. The position of commissioner for the North West Territory at the World's Fair in 1893 was almost forced upon him. Mr. Perley has the equivalents of genius — affability, sobriety, in- tegrity, nobility of character, energy and ability, which combined are sure to win. He married in Hampstead 20 Sept., 1860, Phebe Auguste Slipp, born 20 Oct., 1840, in Hampstead, County Queens, to James, a farmer, and Phebe-Merritt Slipp. 1 Perley children: James Edward'^ Edith Elizabeth^ Mabel Mauds Bertha Blanche'^ Arthur Allen'', Ernest Edward^ 2 James E.^ was born 13 and died 31 Aug., 1862. Bertha B.^ was born 30 March, 1868, and died 7 May, 1877. 3 Edith E.i was born in Maugerville, N. B., 18 Sept., 1863. She married in Wolseley, N. W. T., Canada, 13 Jan., 1886, Edwin Ashley Banbury, who was born in Cannington, Ontario, 2 Feb., 1858, to Richard, a rej;ired gentleman, and Mary Ann-Ashton Banbury. Mr. Banbury is a Rimber merchant and land owner. Their home is Wolseley, where were born their children : Richard Dell, 23 June, 1887, died 19 Nov., 1893; Roy Ashton, 25 March, 1889; Ellen Maud, 7 Jan., 1891 ; Ernest Carey, 25 March, 1893 ; Lloyd Ashley, 22 June, 582 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1894; Perley, 5 Oct., 1898; Phoebe Elizabeth, 29 Jan., 1900, died 11 Dec, 1902. 4 Mabel M.' was born in Maugen-ille 20 Oct., 1865. She mar- ried in Wolseley 4 March, 1884, Levi Thomson, a lawyer and crown prosecutor, born in Hillsburgh, Wellington County, Ont., 17 Feb., 1855, to John, a farmer, and Sarah-Mac Millan Thomson. They re- side in Wolseley, where their children were born and near which place he owns an extensive farm. Thomson children: Harold Fran- cis, 22 May, 1885, a law student; Allan Perley, 22 April, 1888; Edwin Ernest, 18 Nov., 1890; Florence Maud, 24 Oct., 1896; Arthur Mac- Millan, 10 Nov., 1901. 5 Arthur A.' was born in Aug., 1871. He married Emma Bronsted of Kentiss, N. W. T. Perley children : Richard Dell, and three daughters. a Ernest E." was born in Maugerville, N. B., 23 Dec, 1876. He married in Winnipeg, Man., 19 Nov., 1902, Orythia Louise Clint, who was born in Arnprior, Ont., 5 Dec, 1877, to Dr. Gabriel John, a dentist, and Rachel Ann-Hitcheson Clint. Mr. Perley was edu- cated in the Wolseley public schools and at Wesley College, Winni- peg. Mrs. Perley was educated in Winnipeg High School and is a collegiate. Their home is Wolseley, Sask., where Mr. Perley is en- gaged extensively in agriculture. Perley child, born in Wolseley: Ernest Clint, 25 Jan., 1905. These two young men are among the most enterprising citizens and the wealthiest. Their farms are the best, and the best labor and skill are employed in their cultivation. They adjoin and are located near the town. They have an area of 6,000 acres, and buildings on each worth $10,000, and they produced last year 32,000 bushels of wheat, and 15,500 bushels of oats. Each son has his own farm, and his horses to drive afield in supervising the business. Thus these two mints coin Saskatchewan dollars. FAMILY 420: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. THOMAS-33, ISRAKL-67, WILLI AM118. WILLIAM-EDWARD-'i52. GEORGE ALBERT PERLEY was born 22 April, 1843, in Blissville, N. B. He resides in Maugerville, in agricultural pursuits. He married, 30 Oct., 1872, Lizzie Jane Good, who was born 17 March, 1841, to George and Jane- Wood Good of Jacksonville, Carleton County, and died of congestion of the lungs 26 Dec, 1878. She was a most estimable person, esteemed by all who knew her. He mar- ried, second, in Jacksonville, N. B., 12 Jan., 1880, Ann Hastings Harper, born there to James and Mary Ann-Nevers Harper, 31 May, 1851. 1 Perley children: William Edward'^ Mary Harper', Laura Blanched 2 William E.^ was born in Maugerville 29 July, 1876. He mar- ried in Lake\-ille, Carleton County, N. B., 19 Sept., 1900, Minnie HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 583 May Anderson, born in Farmerton, N. B., 1 May, 1878, to Robert, a farmer, and Emma Clare-Nicholson Anderson. He is a farmer of Maugerville. Perley children : Roy Anderson, born in Lakeville 6 Oct., 1901 ; Daisy Emma Lizzie, born in Maugerville 28 July, 1904. 3 Mary H.' was born 20 Oct., 1882; Laura B.^ was born 3 Oct., 1891. Both reside in Maugerville. FAMILY 421: BRIDGES. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMA.S-4. THUMAS-16. 'rHOMAS-33, ISRAEL-57, WILLIAM-118, WILLIAM EDWARD-252. CHARLOTTE HAYWARD PERLEY was born 27 March, 1845. She married 2 Jan., 18(i7, Thomas Bridges, born 22 March, 1829, to Thomas and Margaret-Whiteside Bridges of Sheffield, N. B., where he is a farmer. 1 Bridges children: Thomas Edward', Carrie Cornelia", William Duncan'', John Dow^ George Whiteside^ Sarah Shalve*, Lizzie Perley''. 2 Thomas E.^ was born in Sheffield 24 Feb., 1868. He married in Gagetown, N. B., 14 Oct., 1896, Jennie Murry Hoben, born in Gagetown 24 Nov., 1868, to Joseph, a farmer, and Elizabeth-Esta- brok Hobeii. He is a farmer, in Maugerville, where their children were born: Donald Maurice, 2 Aug., 1899; Clarence Murry, 10 June, 1900. 3 Carrie C.^ was born in Sheffield 1 June, 1869, and married there 12 July, 1898, James William Miles, a farmer, born in Mauger- ville 13 Oct., 1870, to John T. and Lousia-Plummer Miles. Their home is Maugerville. Miles child : James Edward, born in Mauger- ville 24 April, 1899. 4 William D.^ was born 1 Aug., 1871, and is unmarried. George W.' was born 20 Nov., 1874, and died 25 April, 1880. Sarah S.^ was born 14 Oct., 1876, and is unmarried. 5 John D.^ was born 27 July, 1873. He is a farmer in Sheffield. He married in Norton, N. B., 29 Sept., 1896, Florence Parker Earl, born 11 March, 1877, to Sylvester Z., a carpenter, and Theresa-Earl Earl. Bridges children were born: John Dow Earl, 21 April, 1897; Florence Perley, 24 April, 1898; Mary Theresa, 23 Sept., 1903; Allen Whiteside, 27 Feb., 1905. 6 Lizzie P.^ was born 14 April, 1878, and married in Maugerville 18 Sept., 1903, Paul Malcom Briggs, a farmer, born in 1875 to Emery, a bridge contractor and builder, and Fannie-Vandine Briggs. Their home is Lakeville Corner. They have one child: Dow Wendall, born 6 Sept., 1908. FAMILY 422: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, OLIVER-59, MOSES-120, MOSES HENRY-257. HENRY FULLERTON PERLEY was born in St. John, N. B., 5 March, 1831. The Toronto World, 17 July, 1897, has the following comment and sketch of his life: — 581 THE PB3RLEY FAMILY" "London, July 16: — Maj. Perley, the well-known Canadian, died of bronchitis last night at Bisley. He was a civil engineer by pro- fession and was sent to Bisley by the Dominion Government to super- intend the erection at Bisley of the permanent building for the ac- commodation of the rifle team which goes annually to the great shooting contest. Maj. Perley served for several years in the 43d Battalion and retired with the rank of major, though placed on the reserve of officers some time since. He was a member of the Council of D. B. A. and took a great interest in rifle-shooting, being the author of many newspaper articles and letters on the subject. To many of the Toronto militia force he was well known, and his loss will be greatly regretted. "Maj. Perley was educated in private schools in St. John, and the Collegiate Grammar School of Frederic ton, and served as pupil with John Dilkinson, member of the Institute of Civil Engineers. He entered the public service of New Brunswick in 1848, and was employed on exploratory surveys for a perfected system of railways, four years. Messrs. Betto, Bettis and Brassey recognized his ability, and in 1852 engaged him for surveys in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and for two years from 1854, he superintended the construc- tion of the Grand Trunk Railway from Montreal to Brockville. Again he served New Brunswick from 1856 to 1860, on the European and North American Railway. From 1863 he served the govern- ment of Nova Scotia, till he engaged with the contractors of the Metropolitan Underground Railway of London, Eingland. This con- tract completed in 1870, he returned to St. John, N. 1?., and for the government took charge of the improvements in the freighting facil- ities of her railways. From 1872 he was engineer in charge of all maritime works of the Provinces, till 1879, when in recognition of his ability and judgment he was appointed chief engineer of the De- partment of Public Works in the Dominion of Canada. He con- ducted large works with facility and success: The dry dock at Es- quimault, B. C, the deep-water channel of the St. Lawrence, making ocean steamers possible at Montreal, the Quebec Harbor works, the Louise embankment, the wet basin and dry dock at Levis, et al. His last work, which stands as a memorial of him, was the designing and building of the dry dock at Kingston, Ontario, said by leading engineers to be the finest work of its kind in North America. " Mr. Perley in his early days took great interest in military affairs. He organized the St. John engineers and the New Bruns- wick engineers, which became a rifle company. He was appointed on the governor general's staff and as engineer officer in chief. He was well known as one of the best rifle shots and as an expert in explosives. His lectures and books on these subjects were approved of by military men and schools in Canada and England. In 1897 he was sent to Bisley, Eng., to oversee the building of a house for the Canadian rifle team, during its yearly visits there, to take part in the matches of the National Rifle Association. " It was hoped the change of climate and the ocean voyage might benefit his health; but alas, he 'fell on sleep,' the 15th of July, and was buried, with full military honors, in the Bisley churchyard Surr)', Eng." HISTORY AND GENEALOGY , 585 The Toronto World further says: "In 1891 the disclosures made in connection with the McGreeby-Connolly case resulted in his re- tirement from the position of chief of public works. His friends always stoutly contended that he was innocent of anything that might be construed as wrong doing, although he might have been open to the charge of neglect of duty. While under examination before the Parliamentary committee at Ottawa he broke down, and for several months subsequently was under medical treatment. The loss of his position in the circumstances under which it occurred affected Maj. Perley very seriously. He never recovered his former health, and his constitution sustained a blow from which he never fully recovered." We can ask no better proof of Mr. Perley's integrity and honesty of purpose than the abiding sorrowful effect the judicial proceedings had upon his mind. Rogues are not affected that way. We have observed too often, in political life, honest men unconsciously taxed for the promotion and gain of others. Mr. Perley was the soul of honor and nobility of character. He would sacrifice himself rather than tarnish the fair fame of his kindred and friends. The sacrifice was made on that fatal, sorrowful 15th of July, 1897. His vindication is complete, and he stands before us a man of literary tastes, of ripe judgment, of brilliant professional ability, and accredited honor. Mr. Perley's biography can be found in Business Men of Canada, and some of his publications are in the Boston Public Library. Mr. Perley married 28 Dec, 1853, Julia Elizabeth Fairweather, who was born in St. John, N. B., 11 Dec, 1830, to Joseph, a mer- chant, and Jane-Whittaker Fairweather. She resides in Ottawa. Their children were born in St. John, but the second in Shediac, and the last in London, Eng. 1 Perley children : Norman Allen- George Edwin^ Ada Louisa^ Mary^ Henry MacKinley''. 2 Norman A.^ was born 20 Feb., 1856. He married in St. John, N. B., 15 Dec, 1880, Georgina Fielders, born in St. John in 1860 to John Fielders. Mr, Perley was connected with the Department of Public Works, St. John, on the engineering staff as draftsman. He died in Ottawa" Canada, 29 June, 1881. His widow died in St. John 11 April, 1892. 3 George E.^ was born 21 June, 1857. He graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada in 1880 as a civil engineer. He was employed with the Chicago, Burlington & Ouincy Railroad for three and a half years, and afterwards was employed on the engineers' staff in the Public Works Department of Canada. In 1892 he was appointed cement expert for the Dominion of Canada, which posi- tion he now holds (1905). He married in Croswell, Mich., 4 Aug., 1880, Mary Emma Smythe, born in Grenville, 111., 29 March, 1860, to Rev. William Herbert, an Episcopal minister, and Matilda Emma- Meen Smythe. They reside in Ottawa, Canada. Perley children : Bessie Herbert^; George Fullerton, born in Ottawa 23 Jan., 1886, who is with the Canada Atlantic Railway Company, passenger department ; Florence Marion, born in Kingston, Ont., 30 July, 1891. 4 Ada L.i was born 5 Jan., 1859, and married 8 Aug., 1877, George 586 THE PERLEY FAMILY Otty Dixon Otty, barrister-at-law, Hampton, N. B., where she died 25 April, 1878. He is now of St. John, N. B. 5 Mary^ was born 8 April, 1860, and married in Ottawa, Canada, 8 Dec, 1883, Clarence Martin, from whom she separated about eight years ago. She is an insurance broker and resides with her mother. She signs her name M. Perley-Martin. Perley-Martin children: Frank, died about nine months old; Maud D., born 19 Oct., 1886; Marjory G., born 13 March, 1888; Harry, born 25 Jan., 1890; Julia, born 15 July, 1892; Nora H., born 11 March, 1893. 6 Henry M.^ was born 1 June, 1867, and died, unmarried, in Ottawa, Canada, 5 May, 1903. 7 Bessie H.-' was born in Chicago, 111., 9 Dec, 1881, and married in Toronto, Ont., 18 Aug., 1903, Aubrey Burleigh Rowan-Legg, a traveling salesman, born in Carrickfergus, County Antrim, Ireland, 12 April, 1879, to Edward Lutwidge, a civil engmeer, and Jane Elizabeth-Burleigh Rowan-Legg. Their home is Milwaukee, Wis. FAMILY 423: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, TIIOMAS-16. THOMAS-33, OL1VER-5S*, MOSES-120, MOSES HENRV-257. GEORGE HAYWARD PERLEY was born 17 Dec, 1832, in St. John, N. B. He was a civil engineer, and was for many years secre- tary to the Imperial Fisheries Commission, with home at St. John. He married 7 Sept., 1858, Charlotte l^llen Ormond, youngest daughter of Lt. Col. H. S. Ormond of the Imperial Army. She was born in Sunderland^ County Durham, Ping., 3 P>b., 1844, Mr. Perley died in St. John 17 Oct., 1870 ; his widow in (Dec. ?), 1904, at the home of her son Harold. "She was in her sixtieth year." She "had many friends and is well remembered as one of the favor- ite vocalists of St. John in her younger days. One of her sisters married Hon. John H. Gray, a leading New Brunswick politician at the time of confederation, and another married Gilead Gray of Ottawa." 1 Perley children : Henry St. George-, Harold Ormond-. 2 George^ was born 16 July, 1859, was a well-known newspaper man in St. John, where he died, unmarried. Harold^ was born 23 Oct., 1861. FAMILY 424: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, AARON-62, ISRAEL-125, AUGUSTUS-261. THOMAS AUGUSTUS PERLEY was born in Scotch Plains, N. J., 15 Sept., 1845. He enlisted in the Rebellion 24 Aug., 1862, and was mustered in on his seventeenth birthday for nine months in Company A, 50th Regiment, Gen. Banks' division. He was at HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 587 New Orleans, Baton Rouge, at Port Hudson, 27 May and 14 June, 1863. He was mustered out 24 Aug., 1863. Mr. Perley settled in Trinidad, Col., where he engaged in sheep- raising. He had, at one time, a flock of 3000 sheep. He and an associate owned several ranches and a township six miles square. He went West for his health and obtained health and wealth. Ill- health once more overtaking him, for several years past he has been retired from business. He married. Rev. D. D. Marsh officiating, 9 Sept., 1880, Mary Angelina Chaplin, who was born 2 Sept., 1851, to George W. and Charlotte Eustis-Spofford Chaplin of George- town, Mass. Their home is Colorado Springs, Col. 1 Perley child: Clara Chaplin, born 3 March, 1893. FAMILY 425: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l,TH0MAS-4, THOMAS-16, THOMAS-33, AARON-62, ISRAEL-125, AUGUSTUS-'261. ISAAC SHEPARD COLE PERLEY was born in New York City 9 Sept., 1849. 'He was a shoemaker and manufacturer in Georgetown, Mass., many years. He was greatly interested in the Perley Family Gatherings, and was an important factor in their suc- cess. He was a member of the executive committees and of the Publishing Committee, chosen at the Gathering, in June, 1877. He is a shoe cutter by trade and is now engaged in Rowley, Mass. Mr. Perley married Emma Frances Currier 23 Oct., 1870, in Boxford. She was born 9 July, 1849, to John Joseph and Olive- Davis Currier of Georgetown. Her father was a wheelwright. She died 5 Aug., 1877, in Georgetown. His second wife, married 27 July, 1889, was Mary Blackington Kimball, born 14 Aug., 1855, to George and Edna Richards-Blackington Kimball. She died 27 Jan., 1899. Mr. Kimball is a grocer in Rowley. Mr. Perley married his third wife, Mary Ada Hardy, 15 Oct., 1899. She was born in Row- ley 21 Aug., 1860, to Gorham H. and Mary-Dresser Hardy. 1 Perley children : Thomas Edwin'-, Mary Edith'^, George Kim- balP, a daughter\ 2 Thomas E.^ was born in Georgetown, Mass., 23 Aug., 1871. He married there 29 April, 1896, Rev. H. R. McCartney officiating, Grace Evelyn Brown, who was born in Ipswich, Mass., 17 Jan., 1870, to Walter, a boot freer, and Evelyn-Kimball Brown. Mr. Perley is a woodworker with home in Wollaston, Mass. He has in his pos- session a cane that belonged to his ancestor Thomas Perley-4, an heirloom since 1686. Perley children born in Wollaston: Evelyn Kimball, 26 March, 1900; George Thomas, 28 Aug., 1902. 3 Mary E.^ was born 6 Sept., 1873, in Georgetown, where she died 31 July, 1875. 4 George K.^ was born 2 Sept., 1892. A daughter^ was born and died 28 Aug., 1900. FAMILY 426: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. ASA-35, ASA-64, DUDLEY-132, ASA-265. PHILIP BREMNER PERLEY was bom in Chatham, N. B., 15 Oct., 1847. He located his home in Chatham, where he died 2 Oct., 1881. He married 20 Oct., 1875, Margaret Ellen Marquis of Chatham, where she was born 15 July, 1850, to Hugh ancl Mary-Mclndoe Marquis. His widow married George J. Dickson and resides in Chatham. 1 Perley children : Asa Alexander'-, Campbell Thomas Marquis-, Mary Mclndoe'-. 2 Asa A.' was born 19 Dec, 1876, and died 9 July, 1878. Camp- bell T. M." was born 24 Nov., 1878, was second engineer on board the Admiral Sampson. Mary McL' was born 8 April, 1880, and re- sides with her mother. FAMILY 427: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-IG. ASA-SS, ASA-64, I)UDLEY-132, AMOS-'.'67. DANIEL BULMAN PERLEY was born 8 Dec, 1850, in Chatham, N. B. He is located in Lucan, Ontario, Canada, where he is a house carpenter and builder. He married 22 Nov., 1876, Jane Maria Ellwood, who was born 3 July, 1858, in County Middlesex, Township McGillivray, to Mark, a farmer, and Ann-Brown Ellwood. 1 Perley children, born in Lucan, Ont. : Edward Williston'-; Nel- son Wilbert-; Robert Henry'-, George Ellwood-, Clara Helen'-. 2 Edward W.^ was born 13 Jan., 1877, and is now of Vancouver, B. C; Nelson Wilbert\ 19 July, 1878, of Lucan, Ont. ; George Ellwood', 3 and died 4 April, 1888; Clara Helen\ 19 May, 1893, now a student; Robert H.' was born 24 Feb., 1886, and is a clerk in the Standard Bank of Parkhill, Ontario. FAMILY 428: DAMERY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, THOMAS-16. ASA-35, ASA-64, DUDLEY-132, AMOS-'267. ABIGAIL WILLISTON PERLEY was born 5 Jan., 1857, in Chatham, N. B. She merits the thanks of the Family for her effort in gathering data of her branch for this work some years ago. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 589 She married in Chatham 15 June, 1882, WilHam Damery, a lum- ber merchant, who was born in Carleton, County St. John, N. B., 1 March, 1856, to Thomas, a carpenter, and EHza-Cockran Damery. They reside in Chatham. i , a • 1 Damery children : Williston Perley-, George Burnaby^ Annie Elise', Edith Bulman^ Josephine Maryl 2 WilHston P.' was born in Black Brook, N. B., 19 June, 1883. He married in Chatham 24 June, 1903, Barbara Groat, who was born in Chatham to John, a fisherman, and Barbara Allen-Stuart Groat Mr. Damery is a surveyor of lumber m Chatham. Issue: Barbara Abigail, born 22 and died 24 June, 1904, in Chatham. 3 George B^ was born in Black Brook, N. B., 10 Feb., 1885; Annie E.\ in Black Brook 12 Feb., 1887; Edith B.\ in Chatham 31 Oct., 1888; Josephine M.\ in Chatham 1 May, 1891. FAMILY 429: PERLEY. LINEAL. DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-i, THOMAS-16, ASA-35, HENRY 69, HENRY-141, ALBERT-284. SAMUEL AUGUSTUS PERLEY was born 24 Oct., 1851. in Boxford, Mass. He is a mason by trade, but makes a business of teaming wood, timber, lumber, etc. He married Lucy Gurley 15 April, 1877, born to Samuel P. and Ellen J.-Toomey Gurley of Boxford 13 Oct., 1859. They reside in Boxford. 1 Perley children : Osmore'-, Albert", Katharine^ Alberta^ SamueP, Mary Abbie'-. 2 Osmore' was born in Boxford 27 March, 1878, and is a ma- chinist in Danvers, Mass. ; Albert', 16 Dec, 1879, and died 24 Nov., 1880; Alberta', 9 Sept., 1883; SamueP, 25 July, 1885; Mary A.', 26 Jan., 1893. 3 Katharine' was born in Boxford 25 Oct., 1881. She married 18 Nov., 1903, Freeman Smith Phillips, teamster, born in Lynn in Jan., 1881, to Benjamin Franklin and Carrie J.-Smith Phillips. Phillips child: Arthur Perley, born 16 Nov., 1903. FAMILY 430: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JACOB-73, JOSHUA-148, JOHN-295. JOSHUA EATON PERLEY was born in Wilton, Me., 29 Oct., 1827. He resided in Boston, Mass., where he was a milkman and later a grocer. He died of phthisic 24 Feb., 1861, and was taken to Milo, Me., for burial. His widow, Angella C, was appointed admin- istratrix of his estate. In the assets were notes of "unknown value." He married in Wilton, Me., 19 May, 1853, Angella C. Frost, who was born in Milo 16 Sept., 1830, to Willard (born in Wayne) and 590 THE PERLBY FAMILY Jane (born in Livermore) Frost. She died of pneumonia 16 Feb., 1864, aged thirty-five years and five months, in Boston, and was buried in Milo. 1 Perley children : Henry Estes'^ Clara Gertrude'^ Arthur Lee^ 2 Henry E.^ was born 25 May, 1854, in Boston, Mass. He is a carpenter, and resides in Riverside, Cal. He became, 2 Feb., 1891, at Riverside, the second husband of Mrs. Mary E.-Burton Thompson, who was born 9 July, 1861, at Leescreek Mill, Highland County, Ohio, to Mary-Pope and James Burton, a miller. They have a room- ing-house, Ferris, Cal. Their child : Lucy Madeline Gertrude, born in Ferris 31 May, 1894. 3 Clara G.^ was born 7 Sept., 1856. in Boston, and 17 April, 1881, in Riverside, Cal., married as his second wife, Henry Lincoln Roland Stiles, who was born in Springwater, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1830, to Eliza- Cheesbro and Roland Stiles, a lumberman. Mr. Stiles is a merchant in Los Angeles, Cal. Their children, born in Los Angeles but Claude in Norwalk: Leo Bertrand, 4 May, 1885; Claude Perley, 31 May, 1886, and died 30 June. 1898; Elton Ray, 30 Sept., 1888; Coulter Claire, 20 June, 1894, and died 2 April, 1896. 4 Arthur L.^ was born 19 P^cb., 1860, in Boston, where he was a clerk in 1878. He went to California in 1880. He is a watchman and resides in Los Angeles, Cal. He married 23 Nov., 1881, at Riverside, Cal., Miss Alphia Aruba Notewarl, who was born 16 Aug., 1864, in Apalachin, Tioga County, N. Y., to Polly Maria- Dobson and Calvin Ward Notewarl, a farmer. They have two chil- dren: Myron Calvin* and Charles Gilbert, born 14 Aug., 1885. 5 Myron C.^ was born 28 Sept., 1882. He married in Los An- geles, Cal., 1 Jan., 1903, Fugenia Gary, who was born there 24 June, 1881. Mr. Perley is artist for the American Journal, published in New York City, his present home. FAMILY 431 : PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JACOB-1". .TACOB-37, ,TACOB-73, JOSHU.\-14,H, ,IOHN-295. JOHN ESTES PERLEY was born 12 July, 1829, in Wilton, Me. When fifteen his mother died. He found employment in a mill in Lowell, Mass. In six months he returned to Wilton, and his father having broken up housekeeping, worked for a neighbor for his board and attended school. At the age of eighteen, and for two and a half years, he drove a milk-cart in Boston. His father now having married again, Estes returned to his native farm. In a year or two, he went to East Wilton, and in about two years learned to manufacture scythes. Then, Sept., 1853, at Bath, he engaged in the soap and candle manufacture. At Bath his business was lucra- tive and he was held in high esteem, but a " Western fever," for which there was no panacea but Western experience, took him in March, 1 859, with his grandfather Perley and others to Kansas, where they founded HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 59 1 the town of Farmington ; but the war of the RebeUion so interfered with their enterprise that it was abandoned and Estes returned to Wilton. Sept. 10, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, 28th Maine Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, and reported at Augusta. The regiment was ordered to Fort Schuyler, N. Y. Estes was detailed as nurse in the hospital and later as cook. Nov. 27, 1862, the regiment was in Brooklyn, with hospital in Rev. Henry Ward Beecher's church. There he had the entire care of the sick and for nine days and nights his duty was incessant, and sleep a deserter. The ladies of the city vied in their attentions upon the sick, some devoting time and money without stint. Mr. Perley received from Mrs. Beecher drawers and a dressing-gown, which latter is a choice memento of the lady's motherly devotion. At East New York he was detailed assistant steward of the Port Hospital, drawing rations, compounding pre- scriptions, etc. The steward, Capt. Jennings, remarked of the abil- ity, devotion to duty, and integrity of his assistant Perley. It was Perley's pleasure, "not to destroy men's lives, but to save them." He was mustered out 5 Feb., 1863, and returned to East Wilton. About 1870 he purchased a farm in Industry and in 1876 sold and bought another in Farmington, where he was a thrifty farmer and carpenter. He was a charter member of the John F. Appleton Post 25 in Farmington. He was a town surveyor for several years and served on the grand jury one year. He was a staunch Republi- can and a strong temperance advocate, and a man of acknowledged integrity. He died at his home in Farmington 10 Nov., 1894. His funeral services were conducted by the local post of the Grand Army. Mr. Perley's first wife, married in Wilton 27 May, 1856, was Esther Frances Perham, born in Boston, Mass., (.'') 28 Sept., 1835, to Josiah and Esther-Sewell Perham of Wilton, where she died 23 March, 1867. His second wife, married 6 April, 1868, was Dorcas Helen Grover, born 6 April, 1832, to Edsel and Mary- Walker Grover. She now (1905) resides in Carthage, Me. 1 Perley children : Charles Estes", Esther Lucilla**. 2 Charles E.' was born in Bath, Me., 23 April, 1857. He married in Farmington, Me., 22 April, 1883, Effie Leone Farrand, born in New Vineyard, Me., 7 Sept., 1864, to Wilson, a farmer, and Pilema- Kennedy Farrand. Mr. Perley is a shoemaker of y\uburn. Me. Perley children, born in Brockton, Mass. : Florence Madelene, 28 Jan., 1884: Ethel Leone, 16 July, 1885; Alice Frances, 22 March, 1888. 3 Esther Lucilla^ was born 21 June, 1861, and died 5 Jan., 1864. FAMILY 432: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. JACOB-17. JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-155, BENJAMIN-298. WARREN PERLEY was born in Dunbarton, N. H., 7 April, 1822. He came to Massachusetts in 1855 or 56, and for several years was a shoe manufacturer in North Andover. He was later a 592 THE PERLEY FAMILY shoe cutter in Haverhill, with home in Bradford. In Oct., 1885, he was appointed postmaster of Bradford. His first wife, married 5 May, 1844, was Clarissa T. Kidder of Dunbarton, born in 1825, and died 20 Feb., 1848. His second wife, married 13 Oct., 1850, was Martha N. Fish of North Andover, born 29 Oct., 1827, to Ebenezer and Abigail Angier Fish. He died 8 March, 1895, in Bradford. 1 Perley children : Charles Warren-4t)9, Charlotte Luella^ Frank P.'-, Hannah M.*, Stephen D.'- 2 Frank P.' was born 19 Dec , 1854, in Goffstown, N. H., and died of diphtheria 18 Oct., 1862; Hannah M.\ 13 Dec, 1856, in An- dover, and died of dropsy of the head 13 P'^eb., 1862; Stephen D.\ 19 May, 1860, and resides in Haverhill. He has been employed in a sole leather factory there. In Nov., 1890, he received a permanent injury to his hand on a rolling machine. 3 Charlotte L.' was born 24 Dec, 1852, and married in Bradford, Mass., John Goodell,who was born there 11 April, 1851, to Hon. Walter and Sally-Washburn Goodell. Mr. Goodell is a machinist of Brad- ford, where their children were born: Warren Perley, 3 Dec, 1881, who is a clerk in Knowles' grocery, Bradford ; Vivian Luella, 20 Aug., 1885. FAMILY 433: PERLEY. LINKAL DESCENT— ALLAN-t, THOMAS-4, JACOB-l". JACOB-37, BEXJAMIN-74, BENJAMI>M55, BEXJ A MIX-«W. CHARLES PERLEY was born in r:)unbarton, N. H., 2 Sept., 1823. He located in West Boxford, Mass., as a farmer. He owns one of the best farms for which that section is noted. Besides ex- tensive farming, he was a member of the firm Kimball & Perley, grocers and provisioners, in Haverhill. He also runs a milk team into Haverhill. He was in 1873-4 a member of the State Legisla- ture. He was one of the promoters of the Perley Family Gather- ings, was elected to the executive committee, and the publishing committee at the Perley Convention in June, 1877. He now resides retired in Bradford. Mr. Perley married 15 Sept., 1858, P^mily Ann Day, daughter of John and Emily A. -Kimball Day of West Boxford, born 5 Sept., 1832, and died of pneumonia 1 Jan., 1874. She was an estimable lady and esteemed by all who knew her. Their only child was but for a day, 28 Aug., 1863. FAMILY 434: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. JACOB-17. JACOB-37, BENJA.MIN-74, BENJA.MIN-155, BENJAJMIX-'-ltS. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS PERLEY was born 11 Feb., 1828, in Dunbarton, N. H. He settled in life in Goffstown, N. H., where he is a farmer. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 593 He married 8 July, 1856, Hephzibeth Woodbury, daughter of Amos (born in Bow, 1797) and Marcy A.-Annis Woodbury of Bow. His second wife was Silvia Hadley, born in Goffstown 21 March, 1840, to Nathaniel, a farmer, and Frances-Jones Hadley. 1 Perley children: Quincy Woodbury"^, Natt Hadley^ George Henry*, Fannie\ Hannah MabeP, Caroline Ann", John Arthur*, Henry Edward*. 2 Quincy W.\ born 17 March, 1857, in Goffstown, married in Boxford, Mass., Mary Fowler Greenwood 1 Jan., 1880. She was a daughter of Samuel M., an ice dealer, and Sarah Greenwood, of North Andover, born in West Boxford 5 Aug., 1856. Mr. Perley was a clerk in his uncle Charles' store, in Haverhill. He died there 27 Jan., 1897, and his remains were interred in Linwood cemetery, the prelate ot Palestine Lodge, K. of P., conducting the ceremony at the grave. His widow resides in North Andover. Perley children, born in Haverhill: John Woodbury, 12 April, 1881, who is a mechan- ical draftsman; Howard Quincy, 29 July, 1882, who is a clerk; Alice Greenwood, 14 June, 1889. 3 Natt H.^ was born in Goffstown 4 Feb., 1861. He married there 31 March, 1885, Jennie Stinson, born there 13 March, 1864, to William, a carpenter, and Catherine-Carr Stinson. Their home is Goffstown. Mr. Perley is a mechanic. Perley child: George Arthur, born 21 Nov., 1886, a student (1905) in the New Hampshire State College at Durham. 4 George H.\ born 3 April, 1863, and John A.\ born 22 Jan., 1875, reside, unmarried, in Goffstown. Henry E.^ was born 12 March, 1878, and died 21 May, 1879. 5 Fannie^ was born in Goffstown 1 Dec, 1865, and married there 21 Sept., 1886, Willis Thomas Ryder, a mechanic, born in Dunbar- ton, N. H., 17 Sept., 1859, to Thomas Caldwell, a farmer, and Roena-Paul Ryder. Their home is Goffstown, without children. 6 Hannah M.^ was horn in Goffstown, N. H., 28 Oct., 1868, and married in Manchester, N. H , 6 Sept., 1893, Edwin Whipple Mer- rill, a clerk, who was born in Manchester 5 July, 1867, to Joseph E., a currier, and Ellen A. -Brown Merrill. Their home is Manchester. 7 Caroline A.\ born 31 March, 1871, married Harry B. Buxton of Goffstown. FAMILY 435: BATEMAN, LINCOLN. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JAOOB-17. JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-155, GILMAN-300. SARAH JANE PERLEY was born in New Rowley, now Georgetown, 15 Jan., 1827. She married 26 Nov., 1846, John Battis Bateman, a shoe cutter, who was born to John B. and Betsey-Merrill Bateman of Georgetown, Mass., and died 18 Feb., 1852. She mar- ried, second, Thomas Lincoln, who was born in Norway in 1822 to Christopher and Ellen of Georgetown, where he died 13 Aug., 1874. "Lars Christensen of Elsineur, Kingdom of Denmark, became a citizen of the United States 7 July, 1851. His papers were signed 594 THE PERLEY FAMILY the 19th of July, 1851, by Thomas W. Phillips, clerk of the Munici- pal Court, City of Boston. He took the name of Thomas Lincoln." 1 Bateman children : Frank Eldon^ John Melvin*. Lincoln chil- dren : Oilman Christopher^, Mary Ellen^ Annie Frances^ 2 Frank E.^ was born in Georgetown 6 Feb., 1847, and married there 30 Aug., 1873, Mary D. Poole of Rowley, who died in George- town. He married, second, Mrs. Catherine Duncan, widow of James, who was born in Inverness, Scotland, 25 March, 1855. They reside in Georgetown, where he is a shoemaker. Mr. Bateman was in the 17th unattached company, Mass. Vol., one hundred days; and in the 3d Mass. Cavalry, one year. Bateman issue: Bessie Ann Perley, born 1 Aug., 1874. 3 John M.^ was born 5 Aug., 1848. . He married, first, in George- town, in Nov., 1872, Martha Ann Hinkson, who was born 28 Dec, 1852, to Benjamin and Abigail-Hardy Hinkson of Groveland, Mass., and died in March, 1877. He married, second, in Groveland, in May, 1880, Estelle Jane Organ, who was born in Dover, N. H., 17 Jan., 1858, to Benjamin Grafton, a mechanic, and Clara Marie-Card Organ. Mr. Bateman is a laborer of Georgetown. Issue: Mabel Josephine, born 22 Aug., 1873, died in Groveland in Dec, 1877; Lin- nie Gertrude, 25 July, 1875; Boyd Leslie, 26 Nov., 1880; Bernice Ellen, 15 Dec, 1881; Charles Grafton, 27 Sept., 1886; Clara Perley, 2 Aug., 1888, died 9 May, 1889; Jessie Hale, 2 April, 1894; John Perley, 9 May, 1896. 4 Gilman C.^ was born 4 Sept., 1855, and died 23 Oct., 1878. Mary E.^ was born 7 April, 1860, and died in Georgetown 18 April, 1885. Annie F.^ was born in July, 1862, and died 14 Sept., 1870. FAMILY 436 : PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN 1. THOMAS-4, JACOB-17. JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-155, G1LMAN.300. RENTON MELVIN PERLEY was born in Bradford, Mass., 7 June, 1832. Pie resided with his parents till 1853. He located in Newburyport, Mass., and began the business of a distiller and whole- saler of liquors. It is said that some days during the Rebellion his revenue tax was a j^lOOO per day. Mr. Perley married in Georgetown, Mass., 7 April, 1853, Caroline Maria Perry, who was born in Newbury, Mass., 17 June, 1834, to Henry, a hotel keeper, and Caroline-Rogers Perry. She died in Newburyport, Mass., 13 Feb., 1903. 1 Perley children : Susan Josephine^ Henry Gilman'. 2 Susan J.^ was born in Georgetown 7 Aug., 1853. She married in Newburyport 20 May, 1873, Hudson Savory Harriman, who was born in Georgetown 9 April, , to Charles A., a farmer, and Judith Savory-Thurlow Harriman. She died 14 Feb., 1904, in Newbury- port, where Mr. Harriman and his family now reside, 1905. Harri- man children, born in Newburyport: Blanche Perley, 29 Nov., 1874; Carolyn Judith, 9 Nov., 1876; Josephine Hudson, 10 Jan., 1884. 3 Henry G.' was born 9 April, 1856, in Newburyport, where he HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 595 died 24 Nov., 1896. He married Mary Constantine, when both were residents of Newburyport, and had CaroHne Jane, born 21 Oct., 1879. FAMILY 437: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-155, GILMAN-300. JOHN LOVERING PERLEY was born 21 Dec., 1837, in Georgetown, Mass. He was a pedler. He Hved in Georgetown and in Boston. He married 7 April, 1859, Jane M. Meader of Portland. Me., born 5 Sept., 1838, in South Boston, to George and Louise. He died of yellow fever in Florida 15 Nov., 1865. She died in Boston 27 June, 1894. His brother Renton was the administrator on her estate, which was inventoried at $2506.99. The Georgetown Advocate says: "Capt. John Perley of Andrews' Sharp Shooters lost his life in a cavalry charge on the Potomac, and was one of the best officers in the mounted service." 1 Perley child: Alice M., born 21 Jan., 1860, died 18 March, 1862. FAMILY 438: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, BENJAMIN-155, ELBRIDGE-302. WILLIAM ELBRIDGE PERLEY was born in Boxford, Mass., 2 or 12 Oct., 1842. He is a stone-mason by trade and is consider- ably engaged in teaming. He has been a town constable. He was a soldier, enlisting for three years 2 Aug., 1862, in Company F, 35th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers. He was in the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, at the capture of Jackson, Miss., the surrender of Vicksburg and fought at Knoxville. He married, 13 Nov., 1866, Elizabeth Gravier, born in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, 25 May, 1842, to Lewis N. and Hannah Gravier. The first three children were born in Boston, the rest in Boxford. She died of consumption 18 Nov., 1885. The local journal said: " She was born of a French father and a native mother on the Sand- wich Islands. She with others, came to West Boxford many years ago and early won and always held the esteem of her townspeople and acquaintances." 1 Perley children: "^j ^, Agnes Evelyn^ Clarence", Nathan ieP, Howard Gravier^, Edith Graced Katharine Gravier^. 2 The two first' were stillborn 5 Aug., 1867, and 20 June, 1868. Clarence^ born 28 June, 1871, died of heart disease 4 July, 1871. NathanieP, born 11 Dec, 1872, died of jaundice 27 Jan., 1873. How- ard G}, deceased. 3 Agnes E.' was born 2 P"eb., 1870. She married, first, Charles Carey, who died in California. She married, second, in Sept., 1897, 596 THE PERLEY FAMILY and became the second wife of Frederick Jones, who was born in Assinippi, Norwell, Mass. They reside in Quincy, Mass. ( Sept., 1905 ) . Jones issue: Clara Evelyn, born 6 Sept., 1898; William, who died a few days old; Clarence, born 29 March, 1902. 4 Edith G.' was born 23 March, 1879. She married 10 Nov., 1904, David M. Schreiter of Kittery, Me., an employe of the govern- ment navy yard. They are now in California. 5 Katharine G.^ was born 27 March, 1882. She married 30 Sept., 1904, John Frederick Benson, who was born 6 Sept., 1874, to and Coroline Frederica-Nelson Bensen. Bensen issue: Elizabeth Frederica, born 5 July, 1905. FAMILY 439: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l,TH0MAS-4, JAOOB-17 JACOB-37, BENJAMIN-74, JOHN-159, PROCTOR JEFFERSON-305. ELBRIDGE GERRY PERLEY was born in Peabody, Mass., 4 (the records say 5) July, 1834. He was named for his uncle, a sea faring man for many years. He also was a sailor and made long voyages to Africa and the East Indies. He was by trade a sign and ornamental painter and grainer and was a long time in the employ of Bruce & Co., Boston. He was a soldier in the Plrst and Fifth Massachusetts Regiments and experienced hard service in Virginia and North Carolina. He was mustered in for Chelsea 23 May, 1861, and was discharged for disability 22 July, 1861. He received a pen- sion, which was continued to his widow. He married in Chelsea, Mass., 17 Jan., 1858, Elizabeth M. Tune, a seamstress, who was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, 19 Jan., 1839, to John, a sailor, and Elizabeth-Hooper Tune. He died 14 Jan., 1890, in Chelsea, where his widow resides (1905). 1 Perley children: Mary Ella'-, Lucy Maria^ Grace Rena^ 2 Mary E.^ was born in Chelsea 16 Jan., 1860. She is a dress- maker. She married in Chelsea 23 Jan., 1890, and became the second wife of James Oscar Davis, a surveyor of lumber, who was born in Newburyport, Mass., 6 July, 1856, to James and Mary F.- Berdge Davis. Their home is Chelsea, where their children were born and where two died. Mr. Davis' first wife was Mary Wilson. Davis issue: Oscar Perley, born 10 and died 21 Dec, 1890; James Whitney, born 24 Dec, 1891; Lucy Althea, born 28 Oct., 1894, and died in March, 1895. 3 Lucy M.^ was born in Chelsea 14 Aug., 1861. She is a sales- woman. She married in New York City 17 March, 1884, Charles Henry Whitney, manager of a clothing store, who was born in Provincetown, Mass., 11 Dec, 1854, to Dr. Isaiah and Hannah E.- Freeman Whitney. He died in Boston, Mass., 24 March, 1905. His widow resides in Chelsea. 4 Grace Rena^ was born 9 March, 1883. FAMILY 440: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, .TOHN-75, JOHN-162, URI-310. JOHN QUINCY PERLEY was born in Enfield, N. H., 27 Nov., 1832. He was many years a merchant and dealer in lumber in Canaan, N. H., where he was postmaster fifteen years. In 1872 he sold his business in Canaan and became the popular landlord of the Ottawa Hotel, in Montreal, Canada. In 1878 he engaged in the hotel business in Peoria, 111. He is now (1905) of Riverside, Cal. He married in Ogdensburg, N. Y., 1 Oct., 1859, Elizabeth Dow Pattee of Canaan, born 1 Oct., 1838, to Daniel and Judith-Burley Pattee. 1 Perley children : Charles Allen^, Ida Frances*, Mary Belled 2 Charles A.^ was born in Canaan, N. H., 5 Aug., 1860. He married in Chicago, 111., 29 Aug., 1898, Alberta Furrey, born in Can- ton, 111., 17 April, 1876. Mr. Perley is a manufacturer of agricultu- ral implements. Their home is Monmouth, 111. 3 Ida F.' was born in Canaan, N. H., 28 Sept., 1862. She mar- ried in Monmouth, 111., 17 Oct., 1888, Henry Reynolds Green, Jr., a fruit shipper, born in Delaware, 111., 17 Oct., 1861, to Henry Rey- nolds and Mary-Brown Greene. They reside in Riverside, Cal. Greene issue : Elizabeth, born 16 June, 1891. 4 Mary B.^ was born in Canaan, N. H., 8 Oct., 1866, and married in Monmouth, 111., 17 Oct., 1894, Charles William Girdlestone, a physician, born in Windsor, Canada, 7 Aug., 1866, to George Wil- liam and Louisa Rosalie-Baby Girdlestone. Their home is River- side, Cal. Their child : Constance, born 19 July, 1895. FAMILY 441: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17. JACOB-37, JOHN-75,JOHN-16U, URI-310. ISAAC NEWTON PERLEY was born 17 Jan., 1839, in En- field, N. H. He graduated at Harvard Medical College, 1865. He is located in Lebanon, N. H., as physician and druggist. We are grateful for his assistance on this work, in furnishing data of his branch. He married 1 Oct., 1867, Miss Kate E. Sturtevant of Lebanon, who was born 14 Feb., 1846, to J. C, a manufacturer, and Caroline- Cole Sturtevant. 1 Perley children: Harry Sturtevant'-^, Carrie Cole^, Charles Raymond^ 2 Harry S.S born 18 Aug., 1868, died 28 July, 1869. Carrie C.\ born 20 Aug., 1870, died in Lebanon 28 Jan., 1890. Charles R.^ born 26 March, died 19 Aug., 1875. FAMILY 442: PERLEY. LI.VEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, JACOB-37, JOHN.75, JOHN-162, URI-310. MOSES SAWYER PERLEY was born 31 March, 1842, in Enfield, N. H. He was called "one of the Grafton County early settlers." He received his education in the Canaan Academy. He then became a progressive farmer and made it pay. His acres num- bered two hundred and seventy-two. In 1882 he sold out and joined his brother-in-law in lumbering in Lebanon. He was a Republican, some years a selectman and a member of Social Lodge of Masons, No. 50. He died 15 Aug., 1885, of typhoid fever. He married 13 May, 1869, Sarah Jane Harris, a teacher, born in Canaan 14 Aug., 1846, to William Lothrop, a farmer, and Sarah- Pierce Harris. 1 Perley child : Sarah Fannie'-. 2 Sarah F.^ was born in Enfield 13 March, 1870, and is a teacher of modern languages in Springfield, Mass. FAMILY 443: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALiLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17. JACOB-37, JOHN-7.'>, NATHAN I EL-163, STEPHEN BARTLETT-316. GEORGE AMASA PERLEY was born 18 Nov., 1849, in Marquette, Wis., and resides in Flandreau, S. Dak., where he is a very busy man. Besides the care of his extensive arable acres, he is the secretary of the I-^armers' Mutual Fire and Lightning Insur- ance Association of Moody County, and is employed by the na- tional government as local statistician and as observer for the weather bureau, — and withal he finds time to indulge his taste for lyric poetry and writing music. Two lyrics are here given. His "Sacajawea," (an apostrophe to Cazarwea of the Shoshone Indians, who guided Lewis and Clark over the Rockies), a song ar- ranged for the piano, apropos the late Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland, Ore., proved very popular. '^^^,^h A SOD HOUSE Typical Fanii Residence in Moody County, 1879. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 599 DAKOTA LAND. (Copyrighted.) My home, my own, Dakota land, With skies Italian blue, — Thy breezes, gr.ind at every hand Make lifeless air as new. I love thy bright and shining hours. Thy pure refreshing air. Thy river-crept and shady bowers, And rolling prairies fair. Chorus : — Go travel east, Go travel west. The wide world 'round with glee. Go see the north. Go sec the south. And the islands of the sea. Of places all that there may be, What better place is there to see Than this our good Dakota land. With open hand, inviting all? I love thy rough and rugged hills With riches hidden there; Thy hills of gold the mints will mold And scatter everywhere. Thy cold and deep artesian rocks Will pour their waters free. In streams of plenty for the flocks And onward for the sea. Chorus:— I love thy fields of grain. Thy herds and flocks untold, And see quite plain the sweet refrain Is gr.Tsses, grain and gold.— Thy sons to brave, so strong and true. Thy daughters bright and fair, Will prove the state to public view And ask it over here. Chorus: — A HARVEST-TIME REVERIE. It is raining, raining, raining, But we should not go complaining, ThoTigh the shadows chase the sunshine from the door; For It is the taste of bitter That makes the sweet the sweeter, 'Tis shadow makes the sunshine much more lovely than before; — Then we'll never mind the shadow And we'll never mind the rain While the purifying deluge turns the losses Into gain. Chorus: — So we may sing of sunshine, Of song-birds and of flowers. Of luUabys and kisses. And laughing happy hours; But facts of life ane real. Our joys are mixed with pain. The world has hills and valleys, 'Tls better so than plain;— So let us have the sunshine And let us have the rain. They are falling, falling, falling. And at first it seems appalling. When our light and dreamy castles topple o'er; But it Is the same old story. That makes the wreck a glory, 'Tis the building from the ruins even better than before; Then we'll never mind the trouble; It may be our lot to know Like the sunshine with its shadow, we should let It come and go. Chorus: — In 1882 Mr. Perley was a delegate from Moody County to the Cit- izens' Constitutional Association of Dakota. He was first vice pres- ident ; he was second on the committee on permanent association and future meetings, and third on the committee on taxation and municipal indebtedness. The following is taken from a pamphlet titled "Flandreau." Mr. Perley writes of his "Little Forest Farm": "As your committee desire my experience in Moody County, will say that I was attending school at the seminary at Wasioja, Dodge County, Minn., and lacked about one year of graduating, when all of a sudden, in the month of April, 1876, I became impressed with the idea that the most independent life I could lead was that of a farmer out of debt, and so I packed my valise and started for a land of free homes in a healthy climate. I landed at Worthington, Minn., which was the railroad terminus nearest the Sioux Falls land ol^ce. From there I penetrated seventy miles inland on foot, and by catching rides on freighters' wagons. I passed over a good deal of government land that I might have taken, but did not find what suited me in the lay of the land and character of the soil and subsoil until I reached Moody County. I located here in May, 1876, entered 326 acres of land as a free claim and homestead, and with a stiff upper lip 600 THE PERLEY FAMILY and a jack-knife commenced business by changing three days' work for an acre of breaking. I got 26 acres of breaking done and paid for the first season. My first dwelling was made of sod, which I cut from the furrow with my jack-knife while the break- ing teams were resting and feeding. I borrowed rails and made GEO. A. PEULEY. a hay roof and with a borrowed scythe I cut hay for one week, boarding myself in my palatial residence, using for fuel the unburned weeds that were left on the gopher knolls, placing the fire in the corner of the house. The most valuable of my cook- ing utensils was a frying-pan. Not a neighbor's house was in the range of vision. I went back to the States to earn money in harvest with my only shirt almost worn out and my boots tied together with willow bark, but feeling that I was well off. I rented the land I had broken, and by the time the crop was threshed I had earned me a team, and thus one step after another was taken, and meanwhile keeping out of debt I have reached a condition where it would take no small sum to induce me to step out of my shoes. Ten head of horses, sixteen head of cattle and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 601 five head of swine is my stock. I have about all the kinds of machinery needed to run a farm successfully. I have 120 acres under the plow, thirteen acres in trees, and the balance in pasture and hay land. By May and June burning I can cut two and three tons blue joint hay to the care, on land that was destitute of Bird's Eye view of the Dwelling of G, A. Perley in Territorial Days, now hidden by a thrifty Artificial Grove of mixed Forest Trees. hay when I came here. I have a piece of timothy and clover that has been cut every year for nine years without any sign of failure yet. Small fruits, including cherries, grapes and blackberries, have done well with me. So also have bees. I have house room equal to 30x40, and out-building room equal to 40x40. I would not exchange, acre for acre, for Eastern farms. It is really the poor man's paradise." Mr. Perley married 21 July, 1880, in Sioux Falls, Dak. Ter., Emma Rosetta Irish, a school teacher, born in Milton, Dodge County, Minn., 29 Sept., 1857, to Washington Rollins and Helen Loretta- Gilbert Irish. Mr. Irish claims that his earliest ancestor in this country was in the employ of Miles Standish. He was of Welsh descent. 1 Perley children : Iva Chrysoma'', Stephen Eltonl 2 Iva C.^ was born 14 July, 1881, in Flandreau. She graduated at the State Normal School in Madison, S. Dak., and has a lucrative position teaching in Dell Rapids. She has a fine musical voice and excels as a vocalist. 3 Stephen E.^ was born 12 March, 1883, in Flandreau. He was educated at the State Agricultural College, and will remain another year at least on his father's 400 acre farm. He has a cabinet of medals he has taken for excellence in athletics. He stands six feet 602 THE PERLEY FAMILY and two inches tall. He stood highest in the whole college — in high jump, hurdles, "the gloves," and wrestling. A common farm fence is a mere step-over. He was a good scholar and has ability to fill any place he would prefer. FAMILY 444: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-I, JACOB-17. XATHAN-38, NATHAX-76, JOHN-164, DAVIDJ19. DAVID MUNSOX PERLEY was born in Enosburg, Vt., 30 April, 1817. His father died when he was six, his mother when he was thirteen years old, and his uncle, Anson Perley, became his guardian. At the age of sixteen he went to Worcester, Mass., with a horse drover. While in Massachusetts he learned the chair-maker's trade. After some years he went to St. Albans, Vt., and established the firm of Church & Perley. When about forty-three, he returned to Enosburg, cultivated the old farm and opened a chair shop. In the old residence he and his sister and his four children were born. After some years he gave over the chair business and rented the farm, and was eight years a traveling salesman for Fairbanks & Co., St. Johnsbury, Vt. His health failing, he went back to the farm, which, in 1866, he sold to his cousin Henry Perley, and bought an- other on the north side of Missisquoi river, his permanent home, with address: East Berkshire. Mr. Perley was a mai> of medium size, slightly stooping, weighed 180 pounds, had black hair silvered with age. He was always a temperate man, except in his young days he indulged freely in to- bacco and its pipe. He married, 30 Aug., 1843, Laura Ann Parmelee, an estimable lady, born 2.5 April, 1819, m Granville, N. Y., to Rev. Moses and Hitty-Chapin Parmelee of Jericho, Vt., where her father was a Con- gregational clergyman. She died 12 Feb., 1882, in Enosburg, where he also died 3 May, 1897. 1 Perley children : Moses Parmelee-470, Martha Anne^ Candace Amira^ Walter Emerson^ 2 Martha A.' was born 18 April, 1847. She married in Enos- burg 31 Dec, 1884, and became the second wife of Homer Fletcher Comings, a farmer, bom in East Berkshire, Vt., 21 Oct., 1852, to William A. and Mary-Fletcher Comings. Mr. Comings has been super- intendent of schools of East Berkshire for a number of years. He was nomineeof the Prohibition Party ( 1904) for governor of Vermont. He was town clerk and town treasurer of Wheatland, County Mecosta, Mich., previous to his second marriage. They have an adopted daughter, Frances Anna, born 7 May, 1894. 3 Candace A.' was born 12 April, 1855. She married in East Berkshire, Vt., 30 Aug., 1893, William Daniel McClaflin, a farmer, born 8 April, 1857, to Lucius, a carpenter, and Mary Maria- White McClaflin. They reside in Enosburg Falls, Vt., without children. 4 Walter E.' was born 13 Feb., 1865. He married in Enosburg Falls 10 June, 1891, Sarah J. Dunham, born in Montgomery, Vt., 6 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 603 June, 1866, to Norman, a farmer, and Mary L.-Mc Arthur Dunham. Their home is Bristol, Vt. Mr. Perley is a traveling salesman. Perley child: Laura Margaret, born 17 May, 1892. FAMILY 445: ANDERSON. LINEAL, DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAOOB-17, NATHAN.^, NATHAN-76, JOHN-164, NATHAN-321. HARRIET PERLEY was born 15 Feb., 1822, in Berkshire, Vt. She married 2 Nov., 1842, Robert Stevens Anderson, who was bom 9 July, 1817, to Robert and Ruth-Stevens Anderson of Bakersfield, Vt. Mr. Anderson was a farmer with post office address East Berkshire. He died 27 Oct., 1889, and his widow 1 Sept., 1894. 1 Anderson children: Florence Isadore', Flora IsabelP, Robert Stevens\ 2 Florence I.^ was born in East Berkshire 27 Nov., 1849. She was a school teacher and dressmaker. She married 1 May, 1873, James Langdon Hadley, a teacher, born in Waitsfield, Vt., to George and Emily-Newton Hadley. She died in East Berkshire, Friday, 13 Dec, 1878, "a lady of quiet manner and exemplary virtues." "Bit- ter indeed is the cup to her many friends and relatives, yet the re- membrance of her many genuine and unostentatious virtues is an unalloyed satisfaction and solid comfort." He has removed to Areata, Cal. 3 Flora I.^ was born in East Berkshire 8 Feb., 1851, and 12 April, 1870, married Ira James Sweat, a mechanic, who was born in Bolton, Canada, 31 July, 1836, to Ivory and Lydia-Powell Sweat. They reside in Los Angeles, Cal. Sweat issue : Ira Leon, born in Richford, Vt., 2 Sept., 1873, a carpenter, builder and architect in Los Angeles. 4 Robert S.^ was born in Berkshire, Vt., 25 Aug., 1865. He is a wood-turner and band sawyer with address Richford, Vt. He mar- ried in West Berkshire 9 Dec, 1903, Marian Agnes Garrett, who was born in East Franklin, Vt., 23 June, 1886, to Charles L., a far- mer, and Arvilla Garrett. FAMILY 446: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JAOOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, JOHN-H54, NATHAN-321. HENRY PERLEY was born 28 March, 1824, in Berkshire, Vt., where he remained till twenty-one, teaching singing schools winters. He then began an ice trade in Boston, Mass. After marriage he resided in Danville, Vt., till May, 1855, when he removed to Mel- rose, Mass. In 1858 he retired from the ice traffic and became grist- miller in Wheelock, Vt. Selling the mill in 1866, he removed to Hardwick, Vt., and ran a grist mill there for seven years. Selling g()4 T^HE PfiRLEY FAMILY that, on account of a troublesome asthma, he gave his time to pro- bate matters and as referee and arbitrator. He was a justice of the peace twenty years, (called the oldest justice in the State,) and a judge of County Court six years. He married in Derby, Vt., 11 May, 1851, Miss Almira Stetson, born in Newport, Vt., 7 June, 1829, to Thomas G., a miller, and Hannah-Adams Stetson of Wheelock. He died 6 April, 1890, in Hard wick, Vt., where his widow now resides (1905). 1 Perley children : Ella May^ Frederick Henry^ Frank Clayton^ Clara*, Albert\ 2 Ella M.,^born 5 May, 1855, in North Danville, Vt., married 14 Aug., 1878, James Henry McLoud, born in Calais, Vt., 5 April, 1842, to Enoch Cate, a farmer, and Sophia-Lilley McLoud. They were the principal teachers in the Hardwick Academy. She was a music teacher. Her ambition was to teach; she began in the common schools at seventeen. She was educated at Hardwick and Morris- ville Academies. She was tall and slim, had a fair complexion, light hair and blue eyes, and moved with a grace and dignity becoming her station. They had no children. She died 1 Oct., 1898, in Hard- wick where Mr. McLoud is now a merchant. 3 ClaraS born in Wheelock 7 Aug., 1860, died there 14 March, 1862. 4 Frederick H.^ was born in Melrose, Mass., 2 Oct., 1856. He married in San Francisco, Cal., and died in Tombstone, Ariz., 16 Oct., 1908. Albert' was born in Hardwick, Vt., 8 July, 1867. He was a lawyer and a member of the Caledonia County Bar, Vt. He practiced in New York City. 5 Frank C was born in Wheelock, Vt., 22 Sept., 1858. He married in Plymouth, N. H., 12 Nov., 1902, Emma Amelia Babcock, a clerk, born in St. Johnsbury, Vt., 16 July, 1877, to Albert Wood- bury and Adwina-Astle Babcock. Mr. Perley is engaged in mining at Gleason, Ariz. FAMILY 447: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. THOMAS-4, JAOOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, JOHN-164, NATHAN-321. ALBERT PERLEY was born in Enosburg, Vt., 7 May, 1829. In the spring of 1855 he removed to Avon Station, Iowa, where he purchased a farm of 240 acres, seven miles south of Des Moines. Their address, 1905, is Carlisle, Iowa. He married in Sandwich, Mass., 3 Oct., 1854, Georgiana Ranslow, daughter of Rev. George W. and Anna Mead-Parmelee Ranslow of Georgia, Vt. Mrs. Ranslow was daughter of Rev. Simeon Parmelee of Oswego, N. Y., a brother of Rev. Moses Parmelee. 1 Perley children, born in Avon Station: Helen Winnefred^ Ida Ranslow*, Cornelia Isabella^ 2 Helen W.^ was born 15 Dec, 1856, and is a music teacher, un- married, in Carlisle. Iowa. 3 Ida R} was born 27 July, 1859, and married 13 Sept., 1888, Anson Wilberforce Perley-323'. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 606 4 Cornelia I.' was born 22 Dec, 1861, and married in Des Moines, Iowa, 25 Dec, 1884, Levi Myers, a farmer, son of George, a farmer, and Mary - Hegsher Myers. Their home, without children, is Indianola, Iowa. FAMILY 448: SMITH. LINRAL DESCENT— ALLAN-!, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, JOHN-164, NATHAN-3'21. LAURA ANN PERLEY was born in Enosburg, Vt., 8 March, 1841, and 21 Feb., 1865, married Capt. Edward Henry Smith of Montgomery, Vt., of the firm E. H. & J. E. Smith, manufacturers of church and parlor organs. He was born in St. Armand, Quebec, 24 Aug., 1837, to Isaac and Sarah-Clark Smith. Mrs. Smith died suddenly 14 Jan., 1879, in Brome, P. Q., leaving an infant but a few weeks old. Her remains, accompanied by many Canadian friends, were brought to her father's house, where the funeral took place on Friday the 17th, Rev. Homer White officiating. She was buried in East Berkshire, not far from the home of her childhood, and a large number of relatives and friends sorrowfully followed to her last resting place one who was endeared to all who knew her. Mr. Smith died in Montgomery, Vt., 30 Jan., 1889. 1 Smith children: Maggie Louisa^ Agnes Laura^ Nathan Perleyl 2 Maggie L.^ was born 20 Nov., 1869, and died 21 April, 1870. Nathan P.' was born 21 Dec, 1878, and died 21 Jan., 1885. 3 Agnes L.^ was born in Montgomery, Vt., 17 Dec, 1871. She married in Enosburg, Vt., 22 Nov., 1892, John Robinson Cassidy, a farmer, who was born in Montreal, Quebec, 17 April, 1866, to Thomas and Sarah-Robinson Cassidy. Their home is Enosburg Falls, Vt., (1905). They have no children. FAMILY 449: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, JOHN-IM, JESSE NYE-322. JOHN MERRILL PERLEY was born 3 Jan., 1822, in Berlin, Vt., and became a farmer in Barton Landing. He married 21 Dec, 1852, in St. Johnsbury, Miss Esther Roxalana Gilbert, who was born in Brownington, Vt., 25 May, 1827, to Clarissa-Mellish and Harvey Gil- bert, a shoemaker. Mr. Perley and his wife are still living (Oct., 1904). They occupy the same farm on which his parents lived and died, and are enjoying a happy and peaceful old age. Arthur and Albert are the farmers. The farm is picturesquely situated upon a commanding hillside, entirely in Barton. It has been in the Perley name since 1850. 1 Perley children: Clara Eliza^ Ella Lucina«, Arthur MerrilP, 606 THE PERLEY FAMILY Albert Harmon'*, Edward Harvey^ Ormond Franklin", Genevieve'', Florence ArieP, Harold Gilbert^. 2 Clara E.^ was born 3 March, 1854, and married 27 Dec, 1881, Lewis Patch Smith, who was born 13 May, 1848, to Isaac Cushman and Sarah-Burnham Smith of St. Johnsbury. Mr. Smith was a mechanic in the Fairbanks scale factory. He died in St. Johnsbury 25 Jan., 1898. Mrs. Smith is now, and has been since the death of her husband, living with her parents. Her only son was Cushman Perley, born 27 and died 28 June, 1886. 3 Ella L.^ was born in Barton Landing 28 Dec, 1855. She married in Barton 14 Dec, 1880, Richard Rufus Brennan, a black- smith, born in Parkhurst, Quebec, 28 April, 1848, to William and Ellen-Grady Brennan. Brennan child : Ethel Meta"\ 4 Arthur M.^ was born 13 Feb., 1858, and Albert H.\ 4 June, 1860. Both are unmarried and own and cultivate the ancestral acres. 5 Edward H.^ was born in Barton, Vt., 11 April, 1863. He mar- ried 13 Sept., 1893, Emma Jane Howard, born in Coventry, Vt., 17 March, 1867, to Henry, a farmer, and Annette-Nye Howard. Mr. Perley is a dealer in hardware and their home is Barton Landing, Perley children, born in Barton Landing: Esther Doric, born 9 July, 1897; Kenneth Howard, born 20 April, 1901. 6 Ormond F*.^ was born 21 Nov., 1865, and when of St. Johns- bury, Vt., married in Barton 2 Oct., 1894, Myrtie Estelle Stimpson, who was born 17 June, 1866, to Nathan Lewis, a farmer, and Julia Viola-Hill Stimpson. He was the contractor of figuring scale beams for the Fairbanks scales. He died in St. Johnsbury 22 July, 1903. His widow resides in Barton Landing. 7 Genevieve^ was born in Barton Landing 28 May, 1868, and married there 26 May, 1902, Rev. J. B. Lyman officiating, Walter Harvey Pope of Dorchester, Mass. 8 Florence A.' was born 25 April, 1871; and Wednesday noon, 25 Sept., 1901, Rev. Joseph Lyman oflficiating, she became the second wife of Arthur Milton Hook, a merchant, born in Boston, Mass., 16 Nov., 1862, to Aaron, retired merchant, and Levey Anstice-Robinson Hook. They reside in Groton, Vt. Hook issue: Arthur Milton, born in Concord, N. H., 5 May, 1903. 9 Harold G.' was born in Barton Landing, Vt., 18 Nov., 1873. He married in Barton, Vt., 10 Nov., 1897, May Lucinda Rowell, born in Albany, Vt., to K. William, a merchant, and Lois-Rowell Rowell. Mr. Perley is a foreman in an underwear factory. Their home, without children, is Barton. 10 Ethel M.'' was born in Barton, Vt., 13 April, 1881, and 24 June, 1903, married Wallace Elbridge Sawyer, a printer, of Millbury, Mass., where they reside. He was born in Lowell, Vt., 24 Oct., 1880, to Elbridge J., a motorman, and Mary-Gochey Sawyer. FAMILY 450: PERLEY. . LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, NATHAN-38, NATHAN-76, JOHN-164, JESSE NYE-322. ISAIAH EDWARD PERLEY was "one of the oldest, ablest, and most respected business men of Emporia," wrote the Emporia Weekly Gazette, 19 July, 1894. Mr. Perley was born in Berlin, Vt., 12 March, 1834. He jour- neyed to Kansas in 1856, located in Topeka and engaged in the general merchandise business. In 1858 he removed to Emporia and engaged in the same business. In 1864 he went to St. Louis and formed the wholesale grocery firm of Perley, Hill & Pearce. In 1868 he returned to Emporia, where he was a banker and later a merchant in musical merchandise. He was very successful in busi- ness and was one of the wealthiest citizens of the County, and the owner of much valuable real estate. He served in the City Council some time and on the board of County Commissioners. He was a Mason, a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and a Knight of Honor. His life insurance aggregated about ^17,000. Mr. Perley was drowned 11 July, 1894, while fording the river with his team on his way home from his farm, about ten miles dis- tant from the city. The water was up to the horses' sides, a piece of the harness was broken, and it is thought he was thrown out ; but all is a mystery. Rev. Dr. Cordley preached his funeral sermon. The doctor said, "Mr. Perley never blustered — never had anyone go before him to sound a trumpet when he was about to do any- thing." He illustrated the statement in his own case of setting up housekeeping, in the building of their church edifice, in enlarging the public library, in the sanitary measures of, and in whatever would improve or beautify, the city. The Gazette devoted five columns to Mr. Perley's untimely taking- off and to his character, and concludes: "During his years of active business life he maintained his reputation as a man of the highest moral character, integrity and uprightness. Those who knew him intimately loved him for his kindly sympathy, his practical mind, and the firmness with which he was endowed. His word was as good as gold, his life was consistent and his reputation spotless." Mr. Perley married in Rushford, N. Y., 23 Aug., 1857, Mary Jane Allen, who was born in New Hudson, N. Y., 23 July, 1839, to Asaph K., a merchant, and Isabel-Trary Allen. 1 Perley children : Allan Haskell'^ Lyman Ormond*, Maude HaskelP, Jennie HaskelP. 2 Allen H.' was born 16 Dec, 1862, and died 16 Aug., 1864, in Emporia. 3 Lyman O.^ was born 28 Feb., 1866, in Emporia. He gradu- ated at the Northwestern University with the degree of B, S., 1886, and at the Yale Law School, 1890, with the degree of LL. B., magna (JOS THE PERLEY FAMILY cum laude. He is an attorney-at-law in Omaha, Neb., and has in- vestments in live stock. He married in Omaha 10 Dec, 1895, Nora Racel Gibson, who was born 24 July, 1869, to Edgar Milton, a live- stock broker, and Julia Ann-Lawrence Gibson. Perley children, born in Omaha: Edward Gibson, 11 Oct., 1896; Constance, 12 March, 1902; Anne Macgregor, 8 Oct., 1904. 4 Maude H.^ was born in Emporia 1 Sept., 1869. She married there 17 Oct., 1888, Francis Albert Brogan, who was born 6 Dec, 1860, in DeWitt, Iowa, to Francis, a farmer, and Ann-Cummins Brogan. Mr. Brogan is an attorney-at-law in Omaha, Neb. Their home is Benson, a suburb of the city. Their children are Albert Perley, born 22 July, 1889; Maurice Perley, born 20 Nov., 1896. 5 Jennie H.^ was born in Emporia 19 Jan., 1878, where she mar- ried 16 Jan., 1901, Justin R Soden, who was born in Emporia 4 Aug., 1870, to Wm. T Soden (a merchant-miller and banker)* and Jane- Weaver Soden. Justin is a merchant-miller in his native town and is proprietor of the Emporia water mills. Their children, born in Emporia: William Theodore, 17 Aug., 1902; Margaret Perley, 12 Oct., 1903. FAMILY 451: ANDERSON. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. TaoMAS-4, JACOB-lT, KATHAX-38, NATHAN-TC, .IOHN-164, El)WARI)-3'.>4. ELVINA PERLEY was born 18 Aug., 1832, and 1 June, 1853, married Ira Stone Anderson, born 27 May, 1881, to Seth P. Ander- son of East Berkshire, Vt. His firm, Anderson & Lewis, are manu- facturers of lumber, butter tubs, feed, etc., with mill in Montgomery. "There was a surprise," said the local newspaper, "P'riday night at Ira S. Anderson's in honor of his fiftieth birthday. About 75 persons were present, seven of whom were between 48 and 52 years, etc" Mrs. Anderson collected material for all the early families in northern Vermont — a cheerful service well done. Consonant with a thought treated in one of her letters, she penned the following pearl of wisdom: "Let us welcome the frost of age, as it gathers on the brow; for often by its unseen power the heart and life are beau- tified, and life's evening glorified, even as the first mystic touch of winter's frost brightens and beautifies the autumn leaves." 1 Anderson children: Annette'-, Wilbert Lee'', Mary Perle^ 2 Annette' was born in East Berkshire, Vt., 15 July, 1855. She is unmarried and has always lived at home. 3 Wilbert L.' was born in East Berkshire 21 July, 1857. He was educated in the common schools, Oberlin Academy and St. Albans Academy. He graduated at Oberlin College, 1879. His oration at graduation was "Man, an Automaton." A journal com- menting upon the occasion said " Mr. Anderson's oration was one of the best of the day. It was keen and vigorous." Mr. Anderson espoused the negativ^e of the question : " Is there Sufficient Reason to Fear for the Permanence and Success of our Republican Govern- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY (i09 nent?" This also received high commendation. He graduated at i(^ale Theological School in 1882 and in June of the same year be- came pastor of the Congregational Church at Stowe, Vt., where he vas ordained and installed 1 Feb., 1888. Many clergymen from various parts of the State were in attendance. He remained there ill September, 1890, when he became acting pastor (not installed) )f the First Congregational Church, Muskegon, Mich., where he re- nained two years. In June, 1893, he went to Exeter, N. H., where le is now located, as pastor of the First Congregational Church, and vas installed 15 Feb., 1894. He married in Sandusky, C, 14 Aug., 1883, Dorinda Ann ^eattie, a teacher, born in Sandusky -io April, 1858, to John Yates, I machinist, and Sarah Elizabeth-Deely Beattie. 4 Mary P.' was born 9 June, 1864, in the farm house by Trout ;liver bridge. East Berkshire. She graduated from Mt. Holyoke Ilollege, South Hadley, Mass., 1890, and adopted the teacher's pro- ession. She taught in Presbyterian College, Independence, Mo., .890-94; High School, Plymouth, Mass., 1894-95; English High school, Somerville, Mass., 1895-1902; supervised science and nature ;tudies in University School for Girls, Chicago, 1902-04; was in- itructor in nature study in Columbia University, New York City, ;ummer of 1903, and in State Summer Schools of Vermont, summers )f 1902 and 1904. Since her graduation, 1890, she has studied in Vlassachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, and in Biological Laboratory, Wood's Holl, Mass., and two years in Chicago Univer- sity. She has always taught some branch of science— generally 30tany, and in the botanical department of Mount Holyoke College jhe is now teaching. In 1904 she contended for a Caroline and Olivia Phelps Stokes orize for the Preservation of Native Plants and won the first prize — went3^-five dollars. FAMILY 452: SMITH. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOi[AS-4. JACOB-17, NATHAN-;i«, NATHAN-76, JOHX-ir.4, El)WAP.D-324. HANNAH CORLISS PERLEY was born 14 Dec, 183(5, and married 24 Dec, 18(33, Ezra Biley Smith, who was born 21 March, 1830, to Elisha Winsor and Lydia Taylor- Wedge Smith of Enos- burg,Vt., where he is a farmer, with post office address East Berkshire. 1 Smith children, born in Enosburg: Anna Melissa'-, Martha Eliza^ Edward Winsor'', Homer Lyman", Herbert Ezra". 2 Anna M.' was born 10 Oct., 18(j4. She married 27 Dec, 1883, Frederick Manly Carpenter, a photographer, who was born in Lock- port, 111., 23 April, 1858, to Giles Manly, a carpenter, and Mary Rosetta-Oviatt Carpenter. Their post office address is Enosburg Falls. Carpenter issue: Jessie Guendolin, born 20 Sept., 1886; Helena Bell, born 1 Oct., 1888 ; Louanna Estelle, born 27 Nov., 1889; Winnifred Beatrice, born 8 June, 1893. 3 Martha E.' was born 4 March, 1867, and married in East BerH-: (jlQ THE PBRLEY FAMILY shire 13 Feb., 1895, William Seymour Rublee, a general merchant, who was born in East Berkshire 24 Aug., 1867, to Amherst Wil- loughby, a merchant, and Susan-Smith Rublee. Their address is East Berkshire. Rublee issue: Raymond Seymour, born 23 May, 1889; William Ezra, born 26 Dec, 1903. 4 Edward W.' was born 24 May, 1869. He is a farmer with post office address East Berkshire. He married there 12 Oct., 1S92, Edith Loverin, who was born in P^nosburg 6 Dec, 1872, to Hiram, a farmer, and Mary-Stevens Loverin. Smith issue: Margaret, born 3 March, 1894; Carl Edward, born 23 Feb., 1899. 5 Homer L.' was born 22 March, 1873. He is a farmer, with post office address East Berkshire. He married there 28 Sept., 1898, Frances E. Allen, who was born in Enosburg 31 July. 1872, to Charles, a farmer, and Fanny-Sykes Allen. They have no children. 6 Herbert E.' was born 30 Jan., 1877. He is a clerk. He mar- ried in Enosburg Falls S Feb., 1905, Lena May Hutchins, who was born in Stanstead, Canada, 2 June, 1x82, to Oliver, a hotel-keeper and Martha A. -Beach Hutchins. Their address is East Berkshire. FAMILY 453: PERLEY. LINKAL DKSCENT— ALLAN-1. TIlOMAS-4. JACOH-IT, NATIIAN-;i« NATHAX-TG, .TOHN-1H4, EDWART>-3'24. CORLISS STONE PERLEY was born 1 Feb., 1S52, in Berk- shire, Vt. He is a farmer in East Berkshire. He married 14 Sept., 1874, Mary Ann Smith, in Enosburg, where she was born 11 Oct., 1855, to Homer M., a merchant, and Charlotte-Hull Smith. 1 Perley children : ]\Tabel Ellen'^ Grace Mary''. 2 Mabel E.' was born in East Berkshire 15 Oct., 1877. She was a teacher before her marriage in P)erkshire 22 June, 1902, to Homer Rawson Cramton, a farmer, who was born in Enosburg 24 Aug., 1874, to William Coburn, a farmer, and Harriet Adell-Rawson Cramton. Their home is East Berkshire, where was born their child: William Perley, 29 Dec, 1904. 3 Grace M.', born 29 Oct., 1889, is at home in P2ast Berkshire. FAMILY 454: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l.THOMAS-4, JACOB-IT, XATHANaiS, NATHAN-7G. JOHN-IW, \VILLIAM-3.i5. JAMES ADAMS PERLEY was born in Enosburg, Vt., 27 May, 1835. He married in Black Hawk, Col., 10 April, 1864, Charlotte Virden, who was born in Grant County, Wis., 30 March, 1846, to John Hemming and Jane-Hunt Virden. Mr. Perley is a farmer and miner of Morrison, Col. 1 Perley children, born in Black Hawk: Warren Eugene'-, J^mma Josephine'^ Eliza Gertrude^ Martha Ann\ Lydia Adelaide'', James Henry". HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 611 2 Warren E.' was born 26 March, 1866. He married in Black Hawk, Col., 12 July, 1893, Ethel Gertrude Giddings, who was born in Bakersfield, Vt., 27 Feb., 1869. William A. and Emeroy C.- Ballard Giddings-319' were her foster parents. Mr. Parley is a miner with home in Black Hawk. 3 Emma J.^ was born 23 Nov., 1869. She married in Golden, Col., 15 July, 1897, William Beauchamp Beall, a miller and miner, who was born in Kentucky 15 Nov., 1865, to William and Anna-Bell Beall. Their home is Black Hawk, Col., where their children were born: Charles Beauchamp, 18 June, 1898; James Perley Cox, 21 June, 1900. 4 inizaG.' was born 14 Feb., 1871. She married in Breckenridge, Col., 27 May, 1889, Charles Henry Cox, who was born in Tavistock, England, 4 Aug., 1867, to James Cox. He is engaged in mining and milling in Black Hawk. Cox child: Newton Perley, born in Black Hawk 11 Dec, 1892. 5 Martha A.' was born 8 April, 1873. She married 11 Aug., 1898, in Morrison, Col., David Joseph Rusk, a locomotive engineer, who was born in Areola, 111., 24 Nov., 1870, to A. F., a miner, and Jennie-Watson Rusk. They reside in Chama, New Mexico. Rusk issue: Adelaide, born in Morrison, Col., 28 Jan., 1900; John Cleves, born in Chama, New Mexico, 29 Sept., 1901. 6 Lydia A.^ was born 19 July, 1875, and married in Golden, Col., 17 Sept., 1902, P>nest Hill, a farmer, who was born in East Bradford, Me., 21 Oct., 1875, to Jo.seph, a farmer, and Abbie A.-Gould Hill. They reside in Littleton, Col. 7 James H.' was born 20 Nov., 1879, and married in Denver, Col., 28 June, 1901, Ida Leoti Tuttle, who was born in Golden, Col., 18 Jan., 1876, to Charles, a farmer, and Mary-Wilson Tuttle. Mr. Per- ley is a farmer of Morrison, Col., where their child, George Henry, was born 9 Aug., 1902. FAMILY 455: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TH<)MA«-4. JA('OB-17, NATHAN-.3H, \ATHAN-7(5, •lOHN-UU, WILLIAM-a2.'). WILLIAM HENRY PERLEY was born in Enosburg, Vt., 27 July, 1839. He married in P'airfield, Vt., 20 March, 1867, Florence E. Sherman, who was born there 5 May, 1847. Mr. Perley was a farmer. He died in P^nosburg 22 Aug., 1878, and his widow in Fair- field 20 June, 1880. 1 Perley child : William Sherman'. 2 William S.^ was born 22 Sept., 1872, and is unmarried. His post office address is Richford, Vt. FAMILY 456: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-l,TH0MAS-4. JACOB-17. XATHAN-38, XATHAN-T6. JAMES-165, MOSES GOODRICH-327. CHAUNCEY CHILD PERLEY was born in Bakersfield, Vt., 16 Oct., 1841. He was an academic or collegiate graduate, and prior to his marriage he was long time a teacher. He was a Union soldier, and was with Sherman on his march to the sea. He was compelled to leave the army on account of ill-health. He had an honorable dis- charge. He was a liberal contributor to the Congregational church at Bowens, la. After the war he engaged in farming; and by his own energy, industry and perseverance he, at the time of his death, which came in comparatively early life, owned one of the most finely improved farms in County Delaware. He never cared for office; he was content to live high in the esteem of his neighbors and ac- quaintances. He married in Bowens Prairie 14 March, 1S66, Sarah Thayer Penniman, a teacher, who was born in Pltzwilliam, N. H., 7 March, 1839, to Joseph Adams, a farmer, and Catherine-Loker Penniman. Their son Burton gives the following very honorable descent of his mother from John Alden of Pilgrim fame: — John Alden's youngest daughter, Ruth, married John Bass of Braintree, now Ouincy, and Bass' daughter, Sarah, married Ephraim Thayer, who had a son Christopher, father of Deacon Christopher of Peterboro (N. H.), father of Elihu, one of fourteen children. The deacon's daughter Sarah, born 12 Feb., 1779, married Elihu Penniman, Jr., and died 10 March, 1807, aged twenty-eight years, and they were the parents of Sarah Thayer Penniman above mentioned. She lived her last sixteen years or more in Monticello, la., where she was very prominent in church work. The new Congre- gational Church of that place contains a large memorial window to her memory. Mr. Perley died in Bowens Prairie 16 March, 1879, and his widow in Monticello 18 April, 190(>. 1 Perley children born in Bowens Prairie: James Adams^ Catherine Louisa^ Chauncy Burton'', William Charles^ Sarah\ 2 James A.^ was born 23 Jan., 1867. He was educated in Iowa State College and graduated 1887. He adopted the profession of a civil engineer, a Western land surveyor, a work of high ciWc impor- tance, but uneventful. In Dec, 1900, he went to North Carolina where his profession is in demand in opening up the territory for farms, plantations and summer homes. He there owns a plantation of oyer a hundred acres, located about a mile from the courthouse of Pittsboro. That is in the region of healthful climate, gratefully temperate without extremes. He married in Menominee, Wis., 26 July, 1898, Harriet M. Rumsey, a teacher, born in Fall City, Wis., 23 May, 1873, to Norman, a farmer, and Lucy-Burch Rumsey. She was educated in the schools of Menominee, her home, and taught in CHAUNCEV C. I'ERLEV HISTORY AND GENEALOGY (5I3 graded schools there five years. Perley issue : Harriet L., born in Menominee 14 Sept., 1899; James A., born in Pittsboro 11 March, 1901 ; Sarah P., born 30 Dec, 1902. 3 Catherine L.\ born 7 Nov., 1868, is unmarried in Berwyn, 111. Chancey B.\ born 31 July, 1871, unmarried, is a mechanical engineer in Chicago, 111. 4 William C.\ born 13 July, 1874, died 20 Dec, 1876. Sarah', born 31 July, 1877, died 20 Dec, 1878. FAMILY 457: GILLETTE. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4, JACOB-17, FRANCIS-39, WILLlAM-77, HUMPHREY CLARK-169, HUMPHREY CLARK-337. JOSEPHINE MIGHILL PERLEY was born in New York City 27 June, 1834. She married 23 Oct., 1860, in Chicago, Edwin Lewis Gillette, who was born in Penn Yan, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1816, to Jeremiah and Elizabeth-Hoyt Gillette. His father conducted an extensive milling business and owned large grist mills in Penn Yan, where they resided till 1854, when he entered into the lumber trade in Chicago. He was also engaged in real estate. He retired, and they spent six years in Europe, returning in 1879. He died 8 Oct., 1892, in Chicago, where his widow resides, 1905. Mrs. Gillette has a set of teaspoons that descended to her from her great-grandparents Blackmer, bearing the Blackmer armorial crest. She has another crest from her grandparents Jones, a pea- cock in his pride. The former, the one she uses, is a female bust, having the face upturned to the sky and resting upon a scroll, with the motto: "Ad sidera vultus" — face to the stars. 1 Gillette children, born in Chicago: Orville Dewey'^ Edwin Eraser^ Delphine May^ 2 Orville D.' was born 29 July, 1861, and died 12 June, 1864. 3 Edwin F.' was born 19 Oct., 1863. He graduated at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y.,1884, and took a post graduate course. He is at present engaged in architecture and real estate in Chicago. He married in San Francisco, Cal., 27 Oct., 1902, Mabel Hyde, who was born in Oakland, Cal., 13 Dec, 1871, to William Birelie, a civil engineer, and Marietta-Butler Hyde. He is a member of the Sons of the Revolution since 1895. 4 Delphine M.' was born 24 April, 1867. She married in Chicago, 111., 31 Oct., 1892, Wilham Shippen Jenks, who was born in Phila- delphia, Pa., 3 Aug., 1859, to Courtland Fell, a dry goods commission merchant, and Caroline Henderson-Leeds Jenks, both now deceased. Mr. Jenks is secretary and treasurer of the Strang Engine Co., of Chicago, his home. FAMILY 458: PKRLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN- 1. TiIOMAS-4, JAfOB-lT, FRAN(IS-:;;i, WILLIAM-TT. WlLLIA.M-170. DANIEL SPOFFORI)-340. WILLIAM SPOFFORD PERLEY was born in Haverhill, Mass., 2 Aug., 1888. He was a shoe cutter by trade and worked in Haverhill. He married in Framingham, Mass., 8 Nov., 1868, Rev. Dr. Train officiating, Ada Byron Merrill, who was born in Haverhill 20 June, 1848, to Charles and Adrianna-West Merrill. He died 21 Jan., 1893, in Haverhill, where his widow resides. 1 Perley child: Helen M., who was born in Haverhill 11 Jan., 1878, and resides with her mother. FAMILY 4r)ti: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. TnOMAS-4. JACOB-l". FRAN*l, ,rONATHAN-182, JONATHAN-356. EDWARD LEE PERLEY was born 1 March, 1844, in Salem, Mass., where he now resides. He was educated in the public schools and graduated at the Salem High School. He then associated him- self with his father in the business of bookbinding till his father's death when he succeeded to the business. He is a member of the Masonic F'raternities and of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He married 29 Dec, 1874, Alice Odell, in Salem, where she was born 4 April, 1855, to James A. and P^mily-Johnson Odell. 1 Perley children: P^dward Howard^ Mary Howard'-, Frances Ann'\ Alice Elizabeth-. 2 Mary H.^ was born 12 Oct., 1878; Frances A.\ 20 June, 1881 ; Alice E.\ 28 May, 1884; all are living in Salem and unmarried. 3 E. Howard^ was born in Salem, Mass., 10 Dec, 1875. He was educated in the public schools of his native city and graduated at the Salem High School. He then entered upon duties in the ofifices of the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Railroad Com- pany, and continued in that employ three years. He then entered the Boston ( Mass. ) University, Department of Law, and graduated in 1900 with the degree of LL. B. The same year he was admitted to the Essex Bar with ofifices in Salem and Boston. He is Master in Chancery for the County of Essex. He has represented his ward in the Common Council of Salem since 1908 and has just (Dec. 1905) been elected for another term. He is a member of the Water Board. He has taken an active interest in church work, being a member of boards and committees, and for a num- ber of years conducted Sunday services for struggling societies under license from the Iipiscopal bishop of Massachusetts. He is affiliated with the Ma.sonic P^aternities, the Royal Arcanum and the Foresters of America. E. HOWARD PERLEY. FAMILY 461: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALL AN-1. THOMAS-4. JACOB-17, FRANCIS 39, JA('OR-8l. .TONATHA>M81, WILLIAM HENRY.35-. CHARLES HENRY PERLEY was born in Salem, Mass., 20 July, 1846. Salem records read 1815. He learned the printer's trade with his father on the Reveille of Fitchburg. From 1S70 he was a hotel clerk, beginning in the Rollstone House in Fitchburg. ■In 1873 he went to Greenfield. He clerked there and in Palmer and Amherst. He returned and made his home in Greenfield, where he was made an Odd Fellow and where his children now reside. He was a fine looking man; his manners were natural, polite, agreeable; his speech was social, facetious, pleasing, and in his work he was reliable and efficient and in every way fitted for his station. He married 2 or 20 March, 1S72, Julia Ann Whitcomb of P'itchburg, who was born 7 or 9 Sept., iSaO, to John, or Andrew A., an express- man, and Mary ( born in Greenfield ) Whitcomb. Mr. Perley was sick only three days and died 80 May, 1897; his wife died 80 Oct., 1888. 1 Perley children, born in Greenfield : William Andrew'-, Helen Rebecca Dickinson*, Mary Louisa^, Julia Ann^ 2 William A.\ born 8 March, 1876, is located in Chico, liutte County, Cal. (Sept., 1905), and purchasing agent for the Diamond Match Co. Mary L.', born 29 Jan., 1881, is a teacher in Mark Hop- kins Training School, North Adams, Mass. 8 Helen R. D.' was born 2.S Sept., 1S7S. She married in Green- field 22 May, 1901, William Billings Keith, who was born in Greenfield 9 Oct., 1870, to Charles, a grocer, and Delia-Pierce Keith. Mr. Keith is teller in the PVanklin County National Bank. Their home is Greenfield. 4 Julia A.' was born 10 Oct., 1883. She married in Deerfield, Mass., 81 Dec, 19o2, Arthur Henry Upton, a motorman, who was born in Greenfield, Mass., 9 Oct., 1880, to William S. and Effic M.- Ilastings Upton. Their home is Greenfield. FAMILY 462: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, TIMOTIIV-O. STEPIIEN-19. ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90, ABRAHAM-191, DAVID TULLAR-371. OSCAR WENTWORTH PERLEY was born 3 March, 1853, in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich, Mass. He went West in 1877, and subsequently settled in Omaha, Neb. An Ipswich newspaper reads: "Mr. Perley is a cattle broker and butcher. He has extensive stock pens in Chicago, and frequently runs in there whole train-loads of cattle all his own account. '7] O < 1). SIDXKY TERLKV. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 617 Mr. Parley married in Omaha 1 April, 1886, Miss Dora Melissa Moss, who was born in Marysville, Mo., 27 Feb., 1870, to Rebecca- Draper and Solomon Moss. 1 Perley child: Leta Gertrude, born in Lincoln, Neb., 20 Feb., 1887. FAMILY 463: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. TI.MoTHY-ti. .-^TEPHEN-ia. ALLE^M'A ALLEN-9(», A1?R AHAM-19t, DAvil) TULLAR-371. DAVID SIDNEY PERLEY was born in Linebrook, Ipswich, 21 Feb., 1862. He succeeded to the business of his father and oc- cupies the parental home. His is one of the most attractive estates on the Ipswich-Andover road. A very noticeable feature, besides the "big barn " and spacious mansion, is the substantial face-wall he has built from the church to the schoolhouse on both sides of the highway. He has extended the labor his father began of reclaiming the ancient unproductive meadows, and greatly expanded the limits of his business area. He owns the productive element of several milk-farms, and in some instances he owns the farms themselves. He is a man, "diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord," and cares little or nothing for public office, believing as his father did, that his large farming interests and his extensive and growing trade in cattle demand all his time. Yet he is a leading man in his parish and generous to its needs. He is a citizen who believes in the best for his state and country and never fails to express his choice by his ballot. He has an interesting family of children devoted to their home. Mr. Perley married 21 Feb., 1887, Miss Anna Louise Hart, who was born in Bradford 5 Sept., 1865, to Marietta-Hayden and Franklin Everett Hart, a shoemaker. 1 Perley children, born in Linebrook: Marion-, Carrie Abbie'^ Sidney Harold\ Evelyn Louise^ Davida Virginia*. 2 Marion* was born 7 Jan., 1888. She is a student of the Man- ning High School, Ipswich, class of 1906. Carrie A.* was born 11 Aug., 1889; is a student of the Manning High School. The sisters are pursuing courses in vocal and instrumental music, to which latter study Carrie is devoted. In September, 1906, they will enter Brad- ford Academy to take a preparatory course for Wellesley College. 3 S. Harold^ born 23 Feb., 1894, and Evelyn L.', born 24 April, 1895, are students in the public schools of Ipswich. Davida V.' was born 20 Jan., 1905. FAMILY 464: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1. TIMOTIIY-6. STEPHEN-19, ALLEN-42, ALLEN-90, ABRAHAM-191, DAVID TULLAR-371. ROSCOE DAMON PERLEY was born 11 Aug., 1864. He maiTied in Boxford, Mass., Thursday, 22 June, 1899, Charlotte Bronte Matthews, who was born in Boxford 5 Feb., 1872, to Wm. 018 THE PERLEY FAMILY George, a farmer, and Catherine Bronte Matthews. She is a gradu- ate of the Putnam and Training Schools of Newburyport, Mass., and taught five years previous to her marriage. Dr. Perley was educated in the Manning High School, Ipswich ; Dummer Academy, Newbury; Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., and the medical department of Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., graduating from the latter insti- tution, 1896. Following graduation he was connected with the Boston City Hospital for six months. He was house physician and surgeon of the Worcester (Mass.) City Hospital 1897-8. After locating in Melrose in 1898 he was connected with the out-patient department of the Massachusetts General Hospital for three years. He is a mem- ber of the Massachusetts Medical Society. He is on the hospital staff and is visiting surgeon of the Melrose City Hospital, and is medical examiner in the northern district of Middlesex County. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. 1 Perley children, born in Melrose: Charlotte Catherine-, Ro.scoe Lawrence-. 2 Charlotte C was born Ki April, ]9U(i; Koscoe L.' was bom 12 Sept., 1902. FAMH^Y 4(55: PERLEY. MNKAI. DESCENT— ALLAN-t. TJMOTIlY-li. STFil'lIEN-lS. AI,LEX-42, .TOHN-!)-', SILAS-195, MARTIN VAN UU RKN-.375. EUGENE HORACE PERLEY was born 18 May, 1861, in Linebrook Parish, Ipswich, Mass., on the farm once owned by our immigrant ancestor, Allan-l. His birthplace, here pictured, is only a few rods from the site of the ancestral dwelling. His education was obtained in the public schools of Gloucester, Mass. He began his business life at the age of seventeen in a telegraph office in HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 619 Springfield, Mass., in charge of the messenger boys, but soon ac- cepted an opportunity to take up newspaper work, which he has fol- lowed ever since. The first three years were spent with the Spring- field Union. Since then he has been with the Brooklyn Eagle, the Brooklyn Citizen, the New York Herald, and the Boston Globe, with the latter paper since twenty-four years ago ( 188'2 ). Profession- ally he is a proof-reader, in charge of the Globe's proof department, though he has been both type-setter and editor, and for a number of years in conjunction with his father published a weekly paper in his native town. Mr. Perley was the originator of a system of co-operative banking designed to benefit large bodies of employes, which is being copied in many large establishments. The Boston Globe, with a thousand employes, presented an ideal field for its demonstration, and from its humble beginning of a dozen members it has grown under his man- agement to embrace nearly half the employes, and to do a business of more than a hundred thousand dollars a year, and to yield returns averaging twelve per cent, per annum. After thirteen years' suc- cessful operation, it is now before the Massachusetts Legislature with the idea of making the method of operation statute law. Mr. Perley has always taken much interest in church work, and identifies himself with the Episcopal faith, in which church he has been vestryman and dele- gate to the diocesan conven- tions for some years. He con- ducts the Bible class in Emmanuel church in Wakefield, and in 1905, during the illness of Rev. Mr. Learoyd-208^ and after that rector's resignation, he acted un- der Bishop Lawrence's license and conducted the Sunday ser- vices in that church for about nine months — until a new rector was installed., '^ T.^ T, , . , . „, SI SIK 1. HOUI) AND E. HORACE PERLEY Mr. Perley married in lops- Before thou- maniag.^ field, Mass., 17 Jan., 1882, Susie Isabel Hood, who was born 9 Feb., 18()o, to Salmon Button and Per- thena Calista-Pearson Hood of Topsfield, where Squire Hood has been very prominent in town affairs, having been for thirty years or more justice of the peace, assessor, overseer of the poor and select- man, as well as being the town's representative in the Legislature one year. Mrs. Hood is sister to Laura E. Pearson-:575. Mrs. Perley was mother of all but one of the children, and died in the Massachu- setts General Hospital 15 May, 1898, from blood-poisoning following a surgical operation. The following is an extract from the local journal's obituary notice of her: — " Mrs. Susie I. Perley, daughter of S. Button Hood, Esq., of Topsfield, and wife of E. Horace Perley, Esq., late proprietor of the Independent, died last Sunday at the age of thirty- five years. She was educated in the Haverhill High School. She married in Topsfield, and made her new home in Springfield, where 620 THE PERLBY FAMILY her husband was engaged on the Springfield Union. Some eighteen years ago he went upon the staff of the Boston Globe, residing in Maiden till two years ago, when they removed to their rural home in Georgetown. "Mrs. Perley was a gentle, quiet, amiable person — a wife and mother devoted to her home— to its social joys and comforts, and its mental and moral growth, bearing always kindly sentiments for all. She loved rural life, the flowers of spring and the fruits of autumn; and stern old winter could not chill the warmth of the social ameni- ties of her Christian home. She went out when the apple blossoms were prettiest, when the myriad flowers of the field spotted with beauty the waving green grass. She entered upon her new life, when nature entered upon its new life. She leaves an inter- esting family of children, the youngest about five months old, and a husband, to mourn their great loss." Mr. Perley's second wife, married 10 Oct., 1899, is Eliza Esther Howe, born 8 Sept., 1861, to Edward Everett and L y (1 i a Sanborn-Leavitt Howe* of Boxford. They were married in their newly purchased home in Reading, Mass., located about a mile and a half from "Parly bridge" referred to in Family-1. Mrs. Perley's father was a shoe manufacturer, with factory near his home in Boxford. Up to her marriage she was always prominent in the work of the church, being a teacher in the Sunday School from girlhood, and an equally long time a member of the church choir. She is an ideal mother and housewife, and the children she came to care for love and respect her as though they had known no other. 1 Perley children : yVda Isabel", Arthur Warren", Albert P^dward*, Helen Hood*^, Reuben NoeP, Robert Reuel", Rachel 01ive^ Laurence Titcomb^ Dorothy Dudley^ KI.IZA K. HOWIC AND K. HORACE PERI-KY Hct'orc tht>ir iiiniriago. ♦Howe, or Hon, .signifies a Iiigh place, a liill : critically, a bill in a Talle.v. De la Howe, "from the hill," was originally the name of the family. "These hill-dwellers went into England with William the Conqueror," Howe al.so signifies knowe, whence Knolls, Knowles, Knox and Knee, Gae bring my gude auld harp ancc iiiair. Gae bring it free and fast : For I maun sing anither sang. Ere a' my glee be past. And trow ye as I sing, my lads, The burden o't .shall be Auld Scotland's howes^ and Scotland's knou'cs. And Scotland's hills for me ! I'll drink a cup to Scotland yet, Wi' a' the honors three," Of the several arms to the name Howe, differing in color and metal, but all having the wolf's head, we select this for this ancestor, l>ecause it Is old enough and belonged to a Howe of his County. "Howe, (Counties Essex and Suffolk) : — Ar., a eliev. between three wolves' heads couped sa. Crest : — Out of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn's head gu,, attired and crinud of the first." HOWE ARMS, tts Cotbr purrjer Hi , II — Auuis Colby liab Saubom I 1703— lias Kichard C( -~Jotut Chene !l — isarah Col k Dearborn lorji una bh Leavitt- -i-177CJ am PeaboCy * '- IBrie— loasi i Osgood 1075—1724 II las Perlt-y 1608—1745 II 11 ow) Putnam— len Perley Born 1C84 11 • Lucy Appl ila ;e Edward Sawyer n 12 March 1883 las iJoiace bavy*^ 1884— 18U0 r Howe Sawytt 8 Karle Sawyer t Uamlltou Sawyei lartln Colby 1 June 1882 ly Dudley Perley 21 May 1901 saliel Perley u 23 Nov. 18S2 iiiin.. Ai,,.''' ^^'srren Perley iTTPi \i ■' Edward Perley Aleicy H J fij^oj Perley II * n 19 April 1887 ^ Ai f'O ^'oel Perley Edward SJ „ 6 Dec. 1889 - , , „ ^ It Reuel Perley John Peat q 5 p^b, 1592 Wei Olive Pi'rley •n 26 Aug. 1894 ;nce Titcoaib PerleJ n 13 Noy. 1897 ■ Thomas 1 ^ „, , „ 11 >d Gladys Perley 11 1 15 March 1805 IIEunice 1 ■ iiSea Isra tab Coker, b. 1682 Fowler II- y How (see above) 3 Pearsou 1702-78 ;^ II II Noyes ■ Moody II II )as Dudley a Dwiiiell, d. 1732 I II 'Allen Per II Mi 17; - Martha F Eaton Hood Ilauuah A-n G Sept. 1882 II Is Loon Hood "Xoyes Pel 'n 22 Jan. 1»85 B< ^ Ilood •n 2 Aug. 1899 ' Mai-y Due i{ Joseph Jei Mjirrled, 1706 knlel Hood \ 1669—1748 Dntton Jacobs 1878-1883 ■John Hooc Ml Imerson Hood Mary Kit 1 16 Nov. 1895 17 •dtnml ILabUl Ij th-— J J d EeUr Aon S*m -..J.1 Jolct TIplon Bllu^elb m tUey _^^^ sAmioa ^axtoD TUoa... Dodle, TtlsM-'Klni^iboojCboW I) 11 * lUlltd Id r woodbtldo JULb.,. 11'" ■ ApplttoD Bobert Appleii 11 Jt 'tfr'ff, 'IX -'""'T","- BXFI.AHATtON. lllanibUarllDT tlLrdu'utttit'?) IUHI<. i lUrtln ' S Ucro 1 Jnno liJi It """'**'"« 'Ml j |i iior^an Not.' Saa I ISua-lttlS IlAlil'r't i^' Sli iS"* IIJobD Frrl^r 'wi-IMl ]) ITOS-ISCS II II -|i'"°'!s a,a. ;i.„Vm .'k,„'i;ni HISTORY AND GENBALOGY 621 2 Ada I.^ was born in Waltham, Mass., 25 Nov., 1882. She was educated in the high school, and is clerk in the Globe Employes' Bank in Boston. 3 Albert E.^ was born in Topsfield, Mass., 17 Oct., 1885. He was educated in the high school, and is taking a course in marine engineering on the steamship Enterprise of the Massachusetts Nau- tical Training School. 4 Reuben N.^ was born in Melrose Highlands, Mass., 6 Dec, 1889, and graduates from the Wakefield High School in 190tj. He has been active in his school regiment. In his fre-shman year he won the prize medal of his battalion for excellence in drill, and during his course rose from the ranks to be first lieutenant of his company. He is preparing for examination for entrance to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. 5 Laurence T.' was born 18 Nov., 1897, and died, after two days' illness of diphtheria, 5 Feb., 1906. He was a bright, genial and sturdy lad, and well merited the tribute paid to his memory in the fol- lowing impromptu lines by a relative the day after his sudden death : "Goodbye," I heard the child's voice ringing clear; "Goodbye," again he called in accents sweet. I did not dream that farewell to my ear Meant parting till in realms above we meet. But ere one week had passed, in shades of uight. Wlien trembling hearts their anxious vigil kept. To suederick N.', born in Tamworth, Ont., 7 March, 1877, died in Lyn 11 Nov., 1881. Alfred R.' and George R.', born 11 Feb., died, the former 2, the latter 10, Sept., 1886, in P>elyhsburgh, Oue. 3 Elleda M.', A. T. C. M., born 6 Feb., 1879, is a "gold medalist" of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, in vocal music, a graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music, and the soloist at St. Andrew's, Kingston. 4 Daniel M.\ born 21 Aug., 1882, is an Honor graduate in arts ( B. A.) of Toronto University, and at present is a missionary in the mining town of Phoenix, B. C. FAMILY 469: PERLEY. LLNEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMA.S-4. JACOli-lT. ,JACOH-a7, JiEN.IAM]N-74, HEXJAMIN-156, BENJAiMIN-2U8, WARREX-43'.i. CHARLES WARREN PERLEY was born in Dunbarton, N. H., 29 Jan., 1848. He is a farmer and teamster and resides in Danville, N. H. (1905). He has worked in Salem, Bradford and HON. MOSES P. PEULEY. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 625 Haverhill, Mass. He is a veteran of the Civil War of Company A, 4th Massachusetts Cavalry, Second Battalion. He married, in Manchester, N. H., 4 Jan., 1S68, Margaret Nellie Morey, born in Canada, to John and Margaret Morey 29 May, 1844, and died in Hook^et, of cancer, 29 July, 1878. His second wife, married 25 Dec, 1874, in Salem, was Mrs. Mary Eliza- Williston Chase, widow of George Chase of Salem, where she was born to Samuel S. and Rebecca P.-Powers Williston 4 Nov., 1844. She died in Hookset, of quick consumption, on her thirty-fourth birthday. His third wife, married in Bradford, Mass., 31 Dec, 1879, was Mrs. Rosella F. Currier, ( widow of Charles H., ) who was born in P>anconia, N. H., 4 Aug., 1853, to John L., a cooper and farmer, and Rosella M.-P'olsom Rines. Her first husband was Reuben Palmer. 1 Perley children : Lottie Warren", Warren Douglass'', Mary Jane^ Minnie'', Martha Charlesettal 2 Lottie W.' was born in Haverhill, Mass., 4 June, 1871. She married in Haverhill, 30 June, 1890, William F. Barnard, a shoe- maker, who was born in Nantucket, Mass., to Charles F. and Sophronia W.-Holmes Barnard. They reside in Haverhill. Bar- nard issue: Charles William, born and died in West Newbury 11 March, 1891. 3 Warren D.^ was born in Hookset 28 May, 1873, and died in Bradford, Mass., 8 Oct., 1873. Minnie^ was born in Hookset 7 Aug., and died 2 Sept., 1878. 4 Mary J.^ was born in Salem, Mass., 8 Jan., 1876. She married in Andover, N. fi., 2 July, 1894, William H. Clark, a teamster, who was born in Dfeering, N. H., 9 Nov., 1876, to John O. and Arvilla- Runnels Clark. Their home is Antrim, N. H. 5 Martha C.^ was born in Haverhill, Mass., 16 July, 1882. She married in North Weare, N. H., 28 March, 1897, and became the second wife of Elmon E. Levoy. She died in Hopkinton, N. H., 1 Sept., 1902. FAMH^Y 470: PERLEY. LINEAL DESCENT— ALLAN-1, THOMAS-4. JAOOB-17. NATHAN-3K, NATHAN-76, JOHN-104, l)A\ID-:ni),.T)AV10 MUNSON-444. MOSES PARMELEE PERLEY was born in Enosburg, Vt., 25 June, 1844. He remained on his father's farm till twenty-two years of age, and then engaged in mercantile life, as a clerk for Hon. D. D. Mead of Sheldon, Vt., remaining with him two years. Then he started in a drug and grocery business for himself in Sheldon, the firm name being M. P. Perley & Co., his old employer, Hon. D. D. Mead, being the company. He continued in that business for three years. Then he sold his interest to his partner, and the same year went to Boston and secured employment with the old established wholesale grocery house of Claflin, Allison & Somes, with whom he remained ten years, as salesman. About 1873 he be- came interested in a store at Enosburg Falls. The business there has steadily grown from a small beginning to a large department 626 THE PERLEY FAMILY store, under the firm name of M. P. Perley & Co., of which he is still the head. He has at Cambridgeboro, Vt., another department store, the firm name of which is Perley & Leavens. RESIDENCE OF HON.M. P. I'ERLEY. Beside his mercantile interests he is a third owner in the Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., "Kendall's Spavin Cure," a patent medicine, manufactured at Enosburg Falls, which has an extensive sale all over our country and some foreign lands. In this company he has been a director and its secretary for about twenty-five years. Mr. Perley has represented his town and county in both branches of the Vermont Legislature. In politics he is a strong Republican and temperance man, but not an office seeker in anything; he falls in line to work for the interest of right in whatever is nearest and fittest to be done. He was brought up in the Congregational church, but when he settled at Enosburg Falls he and his family joined their interests with the Methodists, and since then they have used their earnest en- deavor to sustain and build up their home church. He married 11 Oct., 1875, in East Berkshire, Vt., Ella Martha Stone, a school teacher, who was born in East Berkshire 10 Dec, 1S45, to James Rufus, a harness maker, and Laura-Howe Stone. 1 Perley children: Laura-', Belle Katherine^ James Kenf^ 2 Laura' was born 17 Jan., and died 5 Sept., 1877; Belle K.' was born 22 July, 1884, and resides with her parents; James K.' was born 81 July, 1886, and is preparing for college at the seminary at Tilton, N. H. SUPPLEMENT. The following is material that came to hand after the families to which it respectively belongs were printed. FAMILY 1. The nearest approach at that period to the name of our immi- grant-ancestor's wife is the name, Bolderson, or Houlderson,of a man who in 1689 bought of Francis Wainwright of Ipswich, a wharf and warehouse in Boston. This name from its common pronunciation might easily be spelled Bokerson. FAMILY 8. Deacon Goodhue's wife was Hannah Dane, born 4 July, 1673, in Chebacco (now Essex). The children of John and Hannah Cogs- well run : Hannah, William, Susannah, John, Francis, and as given. FAMILY 16. Thomas Perley, Jr., and Stephen Peabody, both of Boxford, for ;^50, sold Joseph Hamilton of Brookfield, "one messuage" in Brookfield, 45 acres, on the south side of Ouaboag pond, 21 Aug., 1786. The lot was granted Alexander Heard by the town. r^' FAMILY 22. Joseph Batchelder's mother was Susanna Whipple. FAMILY 27. David Perley with Jonathan Burpee and Mark Howe peram- bulated the line that defined the limits of Linebrook Parish. David Perley paid ;^32 for his pew in the Linebrook church. FAMILY 33,. Thomas Perley, yeoman, for ^100, sold to Jonathan Stimson of Ipswich-Canada 100 acres of land. No. 80, 18 April, 1764. FAMILY 35. Asa Perley of Boxford, yeoman, bought 9 May, 1748, of William Cogswell of Ipswich, yeoman, for £,'?,h Os. 7d., land in Ipswich- Canada, originally Thomas Lord, hatter's. Asa Perley of Boxford, gentleman, 8 May, 1783, sold for ;^24 to Wm. Whitney of Winchen- don, No. 42, originally Thomas Lord's of Ipswich. FAMILY 40. Jeremiah's^ death was reported in the "Salem Gazette" 8 June, 1784; his widow died in Bethel, Me. [Mrs. Lucy-Tarbox- Perkins Gould.] FAMILY 45. "Ingalls' Journal," private, reads, "Sarah' married P2phraim Jewett of Maine." Olive^ was published to Jacob Stevens of Bridgton, Me., 2 Feb., 1782. FAMILY 46. Francis"^ death was reported in Salem Gazette 5 June, 1792. Caleb Jackson's diary reads: "May 28, 1792, Mr. Nathaniel Perley's 628 THE PERLEY FAMILY son Francis was drowned in the great pond near John Hood's in the 27th year of his age and buried the 25th. Mr. Grossman preached a sermon from these words, ' It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment.' " FAMILY 49. Perley- died 29 Sept., 1850. David B. Tenney's" wife was Hannah, and his children, born in Salem: Orlando Barnard, 18 Dec, 1816, who had a son Ward M. ; Emeline Matilda, 14 Jan., 1819; Putnam Farnham, 11 May, 1821; Rosman Little, 29 Dec, 1823;. David Barnard, 13 Feb., 1826. FAMILY 51. Foster, or Foister, signifies foodster, or nourished, adopted. Father and fostered find their root in feed. Father is one who feeds. " And in gret revenue and (;haritee Hire olde powere fader fostered shee." The arms here shown: Ar. a chevron, vert., between three bugle-horns sa., stringed gu. Crest : a stag's head sa., erased. Motto: Vertute et La- bore; also Divini Gloria Ruris. The Dodsworth Badsworth arms are very similar: "Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three bugle-horns sa. Amos J. Millett*^ died Saturday evening 8 July, 1905, after a lingering illness, aged seventy- three. He had been deacon fifteen years. FAMILY 52. Mr. Wm. W. S. Perley-233 ' contributed the original of this pic- ture of his reverend ancestor's residence in Gray, Me. See page 97. RESIDKNCE OF RKV. SAMUEL PERLEY. FAMILY 53. Rowley records say Hannah' was 87 years, 7 months and 4 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY (J29 days old. Priscilla died (Oct., 1775), aged 1 year, 8 months and 4 days. Priscilla seems to have been the "nameless child's" name; and the "second Priscilla" to have been born 6 July, 1779. Pris- cilla's mother Hannah Mighill was baptised 10 June, 1753 [Sunday]. Elizabeth Davis Kilham'-^, born in Boston 25 Sept., 1817, to Jonathan and Priscilla, married 24 Dec, 1832, Michael Henry Simp- son, born 15 Nov., 1813, in Newburyport, to Paul of York, Me., and Abigail J. of Newburyport. He died in Boston 21 Dec, 1884; she in June, 1878. They had one child, Helen, born in Boston 6 July, 1840. Helen married 28 April, 1870, William Wallace Seely, who was born 17 Aug., 1838, and died 7 Nov., 1903, leaving one child, P^liza- beth Davis, who was born 10 Sept., 1874, in Saxon ville, Mass., and 19 Nov., 1903, married Arthur Espey ot Cincinnati, Ohio. It is remembered by us that the Moses Dole'^ as stated in the text, is the only one, in the Rowley records, answering in time as the father of Moses who married Mary Perley. "The father of Greenleaf Dole was of Rowley," say the probate records, "but Greenleaf was of Andover." Miss F. Ellen M. Dole says, "I have always understood that my great-grandparents were Greenleaf and Mary-Moore Dole. My father's brother Joh^ told me so; Mr. Prime so states it in his auto- biography; and Mrs. Merrill of Georgetown, my father's cousin, re- membered her grandmother and her stories of the great people and fine life she knew at Cambridge, where Greenleaf graduated from Harvard College in 1771." "Soon after graduation," reads Gage's History of Rowley, " he began teaching the town school, and con- tinued many years, teaching in each of the several districts in town," "living," says Miss Dole, "on Spofford's hill in Georgetown, near his father, Capt. Moses Dole, later the Little farm." Miss Dole also remarks that her father was born "in the house on the Common owned many years by Mr. John Lambert. Later the Summer street house was bought of the Fosters, who moved to Newburyport." FAMILY 54. We are unable to place this family with satisfaction ; _ it seems to fit here" as well as anywhere; yet it may belong to F"amily -183'^. The figures below refer to this William's descent only. 1 William Perley (who had a brother Charles ) was born in Bangor, Me., 1 April, 1813, and died ten miles from Lake City, Minn., 5 July, 18G4. His mother's maiden name is believed to be Morris. He married, in Ohio, Miss Mary Jane Reynolds, born in Ohio 7 Jan., 1827, and died 13 Dec, 1889, in Kansas City, Kan. They had ten children, all born in Michigan, but the two last in Minnesota: Wil- liam'-; Mary Jane, who, born 17 July, 1844,. married a Bailey and died in Aug., 1874; Lucinda'^ George Reynolds^ Charles Morris^; Charlotte K., who, born 13 Nov., 1851, married a Baine and died in Kansas City, Kan., in 1896, leaving two sons living; E:xperience, born 4 May, 1853, died 7 Sept., 1856; Lysander Hartwell, born 30 March, 1857, died 17 March, 1858; Milford Delmar, born 2 Oct., 1860, died 4 Dec, 1864; Eva Lincoln, born 8 July and died 2 June, 1863. (i30 * THE PERLEY FAMILY 2 William^ was born 7 March, 1843, in Van Buren, Mich. When he was a farmer, 12 Aug., 1862, he enrolled with Co. F, 6th Regi- ment Minnesota Infantry Volunteers, as a private for three years. He received an honorable discharge, at Fort Snelling, Minn., 19 Aug., 1865. He was "five feet and seven inches tall, of fair com- plexion, hazel eyes and dark hair." He got $100 bounty. He mar- ried Cynthia Ann Keeler, who was born in Michigan 15 May, 1842, to Henry C. and Abigail-Bendure Keeler. He was a farmer. He died in Warrentown, Wis., in Dec, 1869. She died in Hoople, N. Dak., 24 March, 1905. Perley children: Erwin William*^; Maude Etta^ 3 Lucinda^ was born 29 March, 1849, in Michigan, and married 21 Nov., 1865, in Red Wing, Minn., Joseph Edward Stevens Mabey, who was born 28 May, 1845, in Bridport, Dorsetshire, Eng., to George, a farmer, and Mary Ann-Stevens Mabey. Mr. Mabey is a stock-dealer in Lake City, Minn. Mabey children: Harry Edward, who, born 6 Dec, 1868, in Lake City, is married, has four daughters and one son, and is stock-raising in Viking, Alberta, Canada; Mabel, who was born 4 July, 1870, in Burnhamsville, Minn., married a Bartlett, and died 7 July, 1905, in Lake City, leaving a son Clayton Joseph, born about 1892; Lullu Bird, who was born 3 April, 187B, in Long Prairie, Minn., married Capt. James N. Munro of 3d Cav., U. S. A., is in the Philippines; Nellie, who was born 2 Sept., 1874, in Long Prairie, is a bookkeeper ; Perley William, who was born in Brainerd, Minn., 31 May, 1876, a lawyer in Thief River Falls, is mar- ried and has one son Morris Perley; Joseph Henry, who was born in Lake City 5 Dec, 1877, is with his brother Harry E., and married; Alice Goldie, who was born 14 Sept., 1887, in Lake City, is a high school student; Alfred Edward, born in Burnhamsville 3 Feb., and died there 27 June, 1872. They are educated at high school and university. 4 George R.' was born 19 March, 1846. He lives in Kansas City, Kan., and has a large family. His oldest daughter, Olive, is a school teacher. 5 Charles M.^ was born in Kalamazoo, Mich., 5 Jan., 1848. He was a farmer, and 25 Dec, 1866, married in Lake City, Minn., Miss Nelly Bishop, born in Bangor, Me., 4 Dec, 1851, to George and Julia-Roundy Bishop. After Mr. Perley's death, 11 March, 1874, in Long Prairie, Minn., his widow married Joseph Balmer, a farmer, in Dollar Bay, Mich. Perley children: Lottie May*; Eva Dell, born 9 June, 1870, in Pillsbury, Minn., and died aged eighteen months; Charles Bi.shop, born 15 Oct., 1872, in Pillsbury, and died aged eight months; Rolfe Hobert''. 6 Erwin W.'- was born in Belvidere, Goodhue County, Minn., 9 July, 1867. He married in Hoople, No. Dak., 22 P'eb., 1896, and became the second husband of Mrs. Emma-Engeseth Anderson, who was born in Chaseburg, Vernon County, Wis., 22 Aug., 1865, to Svend Nelson and Ingeborg-Greenland Engeseth. Mr. Perley is a butcher by trade and is engaged in farming in Perley, N. Dak. Perley child : Nina Abigail, born in Hoople 24 March, 1897. 7 Maude E.'^ was born in Belvidere, Minn., 25 June, 1869. She married a Wagner, and lives in Lake de May, Alberta, Canada. 8 Lottie M.^ was born 12 Feb., 1868, in Belvidere, Minn., and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 6B1 married in Pillsbury, Minn., 22 Dec, 1884, John A. Stoll, a farmer. They have six children: NelHe Maud, born 8 Oct., 1885, married Espy Ash of Cold Harbor, N. Dak., and has three children ; Lena May, born 25 Dec, 1886 ; Laura Augusta, born 16 Jan., 1889 ; Lot- tie Pearl, born 22 June, 1890; John Howard, born 16 June, 1896; Walter RoUin, born 14 May, 1898. Their home is Sanborn, N. Dak. 9 Rolfe H.^ was born 7 March, 1874, in Long Prairie, Minn. He is a school teacher in Osakis (1906). He married in Little Sank, Minn., 1 March, 1899, Miss Elmeda Ester Smith, a school teacher, who was born in Little Sank 18 Feb., 1880, to George A. and Ella S. -Livingstone Smith. Their children were born : Walter Laurence, 13 Dec, 1899; Florence Edna, 8 Dec, 1901 ; both in Pillsbury, Minn.; Alice May, 26 Dec, 1905, in Leslie, Minn. This John" is out of place here, if born in 1766. See Irish- American Perleys in the "Addenda." FAMILY 56. William A.^ married Alice Chapman; Anna M.'^ married Clarence E. Eastman; Melinda G.*^ married T. J. Merry and had two children ; John'' married a Hasty and had two children ; Nathan A.'^ married Marilla Cole and had Gertrude; Mary" married a Burn- ham; Nathan C." married Hannah A. Perry and had Minnie, P211en, George and Alice ; Angeline" married George Delino and had Nova, Mary, George and John ; Harriet** married and had Hannah ; An- geline** married and had Elwood ; Frances P.** married Walter Strout and had Nellie who married Stephen Sanderson ; Leonard M.'-* mar- ried Matilda Nevers and had Astly, Etta, Ernest L., Bertha L., Casap and Ralph E. ; Alonzo^ married Clara Parker and had Mabel P. who married and had Jessie, P'anny A., Grace L., Jennie and Charles; Fanny P.''^ married a Clark and had a daughter; Robert A." married Abbie Bradstreet and had Carrie W. and Royal S. ; Nathan" married Carrie Howard ; Thomas P." married Elizabeth Lanson and had Charles S. and Fred H.; Edward P. ^'^ married Fanny Walker; Benjamin L.'- married Marylngalls and had Ellen P., Arthur M., Richard, Irene and Lincoln ; Celia M.^'^ married Cyrus Stone and had Gertrude L., Winnefred P. and Ralph ; Susan W.'- married Charles Bennett and had Cleaves B., Sarah W. and Charles B. ; Royal L.'- married Carrie Chick and had Nelly, Bertha, Pklward and Minnie. FAMILY 57. Israel Perley was educated as a surveyor ; he taught school in Andover in " 1766," which should probably read 1760. Phoebe' mar- ried John Nevers 15 June, 1794. Elizabeth' married her cousin Daniel-119. Mary' married 10 March, 1802, her cousin Moses-120 and Supplement 591 Sarah' never married. Charlotte': Mrs. Clara Hay ward wrote her cousin Hannah Perley that her son George mar- ried Charlotte Perley ; he was Col. George Hayward of Lmcoln, N. B. ; they had no children. Charles' was born 1 Jan., 1772, and died 27 Nov., 1792. "The History of the St. John River," by Rev. W. O. Raymond, LL.D., says : " Israel Perley was about twenty-one years of age at the time of his arrival in this country, but in the course of time his education and natural abilities made him one of the most prominent (J32 THE PERLEY FAMILY citizens of Maugerville. He was a representative to the local legis- lature in 1768, and declined a second 'election' to that office. He was many years a justice of the peace. He was prominent in church affairs also — was a ruling elder and one of the committee to settle Rev. Seth Noble, their first pastor. Mr. Perley's wife, Elizabeth Mooers, her great-great-grandson, H. LeB. Smith-59^* thinks, was a daughter of Peter Mooers. Ac- cording to Dr. Raymond there was only one Mooers in the Mauger- ville colony and his name was Peter. He was a member of the church there and did business "down river" with Hazen, Symonds & White — all Haverhill men. In the Newbury records a Peter Mooers was born in 1729, had parents Peter and Mary and grand- parents Edmund and Sarah-Noyes, who was probably a son of Edmund Mooers, the immigrant-ancestor of the name. [Mr. H. LeB. Smith has given the Mooers children thus: Betsey married Israel Perley; Sarah married a Saunders, ancestor of Gil- bert Hartley of Duluth ; Huldah married a Whitney ; Abigail (see below) ; Rebecca married a Tread well and a McKnapp ; Mary mar- ried an Ingraham ; Jennie married a Langin ; David and Samuel. [Abigail Mooers (above) was born 23 Nov., 1755, and died 28 June, 1852. She married Benjamin Atherton, who was born 9 Dec, 1736, to Dr. Benjamin, who married Mary (widow of John Rogers, Jr., and daughter of Roger and Sarah) Toothacher, born 26 Oct., 1705, married, first, 26 Nov., 1721, and, second, 25 Dec, 1733. Mr. Atherton had a sister Mary, born 12 Sept., 1734 ; he was the first white settler on the flats of P'redericton ; he died 17 July, 1816. Their children numbered twelve, of whom were Peter (see below) and John — Supplement 59\ [Peter (above) was born 6 April, 1784, and married in 1810 Mary Carl. He died 22 June, 1841. Their children were : Benjamin, who married a niece of Mrs. Capt. Heustis and has a son, a druggist, in Toronto ; Thomas, who married his cousin and has several children, of whom LeBaron is in Boston and Amelia is a teacher ; Calvin, who married and has a family in Ontario ; Albert, who married an Ingra- ham and has a family — a boy and a girl — in Brainerd, Minn. ; Jane, who married ¥. A. Perley-256 ; Fanny, who married an Ebbett.] FAMILY 59. " The History of the St. John River," by Rev. W. O. Ray- mond, LL.D., says of Oliver Perley: "He came to the River St. John in January, 1765, as passenger in a schooner belonging to Hazen, Simonds & White. In common with the majority of their neighbors they were inclined to sympathize with the New England 'rebels' at the outbreak of the American Revolution, and the name of Oliver Perley appears as one of the ' rebel ' committee appointed at the meeting held at Maugerville in May, 1776. Soon after the peace, in 1783, he is said to have removed to Newburypctrt, at the solicitation of his wife, but they found so little to admire in the squabbles that prevailed between the followers of Adams and Jeffer- son that they soon returned to the Riv^er St. John, declaring that the Americans were 'cursed with liberty.' One of Oliver Perley's sons, Solomon, was married by Rev. John Beardsley, March 8, 1798, to HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 635^ Elizabeth Pickard ; another son, Moses, was married by the same clergyman, March 10, 1802, to his cousin Mary, daughter of Israel Perley. This Moses Perley and his wife were members of the church of England. Amos Perley, another son of Oliver Perley, seems to have inherited some poetical taste. The family of Oliver Perley lived at the spot now known as McGowan's wharf. Asa Perley, an- other of the early^Maugerville settlers, lived at the head of Oromocto Island in Upper Maugerville. The descendants of the .Perleys in the Province are numerous and highly respected." Mr. Perley's wife was Sarah Palmer, who was born in Newbury, baptised in Rowley, and married in Newburyport. We trace her descent thus : There were two Palmers, Thomas and John, seemingly brothers, among the early settlers of Rowley, Mass., who were the immigrants of the name. John was a sergeant in the militia. He married, first, 17,7 mo., 1645, Ruth Acy, daughter of Wm. She was buried 18 Oct., 1649. He married, second, 14, 5 mo., 1651, Margaret Northend, who died 20 Feb., 1705-6. He died 17 June, 1695, aged seventy-two years. His children were Hannah, John, Elizabeth, John, Francis, Sarah ; of whom Francis, born 4, 10 mo., 1657, was married, first, 8 Dec, 1682, to Elizabeth Hunt of Ipswich, who was born 29 May, 1661, and died 9 July, 1689. He married, second, 10 June, 1690, Ann Jewett, who died 27 Feb., 1714. He died 19 April, 1738. They had children : Elizabeth, John, John, Sarah, Frances, Ann ; of whom John, born 21 June, 1689, married 18 Nov., 1709, Mary Stickney, born to Lt. John, 1 March, 1686, and died 2 Nov., 1768. He died 22 Dec, 1763. Their children were Ehzabeth, Daniel, Jane, Mary, Hannah, Sarah, Sarah, Mehitable, John ; of whom Daniel, born 81 July, 1712, married 28 Oct., 1786^ Elizabeth Wheeler of Ipswich, Mass. They were farmers and lived in New- bury, where their children were born, and worshiped in the First Church in Rowley, where their children were baptised. The parents were dismissed to the First Church in Gloucester 20 Feb., 1743-4. They removed to New Brunswick about 1764. Their children were : Elizabeth, born 17, baptised 18 Sept., 1737 ; Ruth, baptised 4 March, 1739 ; Mary ; Hannah, died 28 Aug., 1745 ; Daniel, born and baptised 1 May, 1748; Sarah; Moses, born 28 April and baptised 8 May, 1752; Abijah, born 18 April, 1754; Nathan, born 27 April, baptised 2 May, 1756; of whom Mary was baptised 11 Jan., 1741, and in 1764, marrying Joseph Gar- rison, became the grandmother of Wm. Lloyd Garrison, the great apostle of abolition ; and Sarah was baptised 20 May, 1750, and mar- ried Oliver Perley as above. Mr. H. Le B. Smith writes the three daughters, Rebecca, Mary and Sarah ; Mrs. Nevers-255'^ thinks there were Charity and Eunice ; and Dr. Raymond writes sons Solomon and Amos. Oliver's children, therefore, were : 1 Daniel-119, Moses'^ Thomas-121, Eunice Putnam-117, Rebec- ca'-, Mary Caroline^ Sarah'-, Allen'-, Charity'^ Eunice'-, Solomon'-, and Amos'^ 2 Moses^ was married 10 March, 1802, was killed in a brow, by logs falling upon him, and left a widow and one son — see Family-120. 634 THE PERLEY FAMILY Rebecca^ never married and died in middle life. Sarah^ married at the age of about thirty, Asa Upton, a widower, lived in Simonds, Carleton County, and had no children but a step-daughter, Maria. It is said that Sarah was a very large person and that three of the Perley sisters measured eighteen feet and that one of them weighed over 300 lbs. Their grandfather, Daniel Palmer, was a powerful man. Allen^ died young and never married. Charity' married Cyrus Sim- mons, lived in Bloomfield, Carleton County, and had a large family. (See family-251'-) "Eunice," (what was her name.') it is thought, married Cornell Howard but had no children. Solomon- married Elizabeth Pickard 8 March, 1798. See Supplement 71. Amos': compare Family-131. 3 Mary C was born in Sheffield, N. B., 27 Feb., 1786, and mar- ried 2 April, 1810, George Samuel Bennison, a farmer, who was born in St. John 2 April, 1786, to George and Mary. She died of heart disease in Gaspereaux in 1846. He married, second, 2 Sept., 1847, Miss Agnes Marshall. He died in Gaspereaux 29 Jan., 1867. Benni- son children: Charlotte Perley^; Eliza Mary, born 26 Nov., 1812, married Wm. Sypher, died in drand Lake in 1889 ; James Johnson*^ ; George, born 7 March, 1816, married 21 Aug., 1844, Frances Gew, died 24 Nov., 1844 ; Matilda Jane, born 13 Oct., 1817, married Henry Goldsmith, died in Yarmouth, N. S., in 1890 ; Thomas Edward, born 3 Oct., 1819, married Lucinda Calvert, died in Oregon, in 1891 ; Albert, born 24 Sept. 1824, died 15 Sept., 1842; Amanda Perley'. 4 Charlotte P.' was born 22 April, 1811, and 9 March, 1831, mar- ried John Atherton, who was born in York County, N. B., 20 Aug., 1800, to Benjamin (born 9 Dec, 1736, died 17 July, 1816) and Abi- gail-Mooers (born 23 Nov. 1755, died 28 June, 1852), a sister to Israel Perley-57'» wife Elizabeth. He was a landlord and capitalist, and died 30 Nov., 1881, in Fredericton, where his widow died 29 March, 1899. Atherton issue : Mary Abigail"; Stephen P^dward^ George P'rederic®; Elizabeth Jane"; Simeon, born 29 Aug., and died 19 Sept., 1841, Alfred Bennison"; Matilda Amanda, born'^7 June, 1848, died 6 Feb., 1858. 5 James J.'^ was born in Chipman, N. B., 26 June, 1814, and mar- ried there 22 Dec, 1842, Eleanor Briggs, who was born in Chipman, to Elden, a farmer, and Diadany-McGreagor Briggs. He died, a farmer, in Chipman 16 Aug., 1894; his widow died in White's Cove, N. B., 6 June, 1897. Bennison issue: Mary Caroline Perley'"'; Charlotte, who married a Russell ; Samuel, remarkable for his strength, who married his cousin, a Miss Briggs, and twenty years ago lived in Duluth, Minn. ; Eben, who, married, lives in San Jose, Cal., and has two boys. 6 Amanda P.^ was born in Sheffield, N. B.,29 Dec, 1829,and married in Gaspereaux 16 or 28 Sept., 1847, Stephen Smith Briggs, a farmer, and lumberman, born in Grand Lake 18 Sept., 1823, to Hiram, a farmer, and Susan-White Briggs. She died in Lake Stream, Kent County, 18 Aug., 1900; he 6 Nov., 1903. Briggs issue, the first three born in Gaspereaux, the rest in Lake Stream : Mary Agnes'^ ; Adeliza Marshall'^; Charles Leander, born 3 June, 1852, married and living in Stellarton, N. S. ; George Hiram'° ; Stephen, born 3 Nov., 1856, died in May, 1857; Susan, born 12 Sept., 1858, and married a Carman; MRS. JOHX ATHERTOX. MRS. THOMAS W. SMITH. MRS. GEORGE A. CLIFF. H. Lel'.AROX SMITIF. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY (535 Henry Havelock, born 3 Feb., 1860, and died 8 June, 1882; Alfred Wesley, 12 April, 1861, and married, living in Eau Claire, Wis.; Maggie McMillan, 4 May, 1863, died 6 May, 1867 ; Charlotte Matilda, 6 Oct., 1865, died 20 March, 1867; Samuel White^''; Lucretia^' ; Caroline, 18 Feb., 1871. 7 Mary A.^ was born in Bear Island, N. B., 27 Sept., 1832, and married in Fredericton 10 Nov., 1852, Thomas Wellington Smith, who was born in Hampstead 28 Feb., 1827, to Capt. Robert (born 1 Jan., 1801) and Sarah-Carpenter Smith. She died in San Francisco, Cal., 20 Nov., 1896. He was a merchant-tailor and clothier, and now retired (1905) resides in Fredericton Smith issue: Wm. Ed- ward, born 29 Aug., 1853, died 26 March, 1854 ; John Robert, born 19 March, 1856, died 26 Dec. , 1859 ; Herbert LeBaron^' ; Minnie Lewis, born 14 June, 1866, who took first prize at the Sackville Ladies' Academy ; Alfred Atherton, born 16 Aug., 1874. 8 Stephen E.'* was born 7 March, 1834, and married in Frederic- ton 16 Oct., 1856, Frances Russell, who was born in Massachusetts to John and Frances-Golding Russell. He died 2 Feb., 1875, in Fredericton, where his widow (1905) resides. Atherton issue: Harry Bedford, born in Fredericton 18 July, 1858. He left school at sixteen, and engaged as bookkeeper and accountant ; is now ( 1905) with R. Chestnut & Sons, merchants in hardware, Fredericton. 9 George F.'* was born in Oueensbury 19 Nov., 1835, and mar- ried 5 July, 1859, in Fredericton, Emma Robinson Russell, daughter of John. He was a merchant in Fredericton, where both died. He married, second, Jane Roach, and died 24 April, 1895. Atherton issue : Edwin Robinson'® ; Ernest Livingstone, whose widow resides in Brighton, Wash. ; Frances Emma'-' ; Maud"'. 10 Elizabeth J.* was born 21 Jan., 1839, and married in Frederic- ton, George Ames Cliff, now (1905) retired, who was born in Oueens- bury 7 Dec, 1834, to Nelson, a farmer, and Rhoda-Esty Cliff. They reside in San Diego, Cal. Cliff issue, born in Fredericton : Harland Somers*^; Alfred Atherton, 18 Jan., 1866, who is unmarried in Wil- mington, B. C, Canada; Lottie Esty, 9 Dec, 1868, died 27 April, 1894; Charles Lee'-^ ; George Byron'-^ 11 Alfred B.'' was born 22 Jan., 1843, in Oueensbury. He received the degree of A.B. at University of New Brunswick, 1862 ; of M. D. at Harvard University, 1866; of L. R. C. of physicians and surgeons at Edinburgh University, Scot., 1867 ; of honorary LL.D. at the Univer.sity of New Brunswick, 1900. He was house surgeon of Boston City Hospital, 1865-6; lecturer on surgery, Ontario Medical College for Women, 1889 to 1894; surgeon to Hos- pital for Women, Toronto, from 1887 to 1894. Dr. Atherton per- formed the first successful operation in America for perforation of gastric ulcer, 19 Sept., 1894. He was president of the Toronto Medi- cal Association; also of the New Brunswick Medical Association; vice-president of the Canadian Medical Association, and is chairman of the Fredericton school board (1905). P>om 1867 to 1884 he was a member of Senate of University of New Brunswick and president of the alumni. He married in Fredericton 20 May, 1868, Sarah Wiley, who was born there 11 March, 1845, to Robert, an undertaker, anp Mary Jane-Todd Wiley. Their home is Fredericton, without issue. HHO THE PBRLEY FAMILY 12 Mary C. P.'^ was born in Chipman, N. B., 6 June, 1846, and married 15 Sept., 1864, John Orchard, who was born in White's Cove 14 April, 1842, to Robert and Lucretia-Briggs Orchard. Their home is White's Cove, where their children were born : Agnes Mary, born 8 and died 29 Nov., 1865; Mary Ella-^ James Alfred'''^; Harry Ernest-'; Emma Briggs'-^; George Bennison'-^; Lucretia, 10 May, 1877, who is a telegrapher ; Dora Amanda''"; Oswald, 8 March, 1880; Olive Lawson, 5 March, 1882; Iva Myrtle^'; Frederic Allen, 7 April, 1885, died 14 July, 1892; Damey Ann, 31 Jan., 1887, died 30 Jan., 1899; John Leslie, 25 Dec, 1889; Hattie Pauline, 30 Aug., 1891. 13 Mary A.*^ was born 5 Feb., 1849, and married in Lake Stream, N. B., 16 Dec, 1874, Samuel T. Girvan, a carpenter and farmer, who was born in Rexton, N. B., 16 June, 1845, to Thomas and Agnes- Stroyan Girvan. Their home is Coal Branch Station. Girvan chil- dren : Amanda Briggs, born in Rexton 8 Oct., 1875, and died there 13 April, 1877; Maggie McMillan'"; Alfred Bruce, born in Rexton 24 Nov., 1878; Stephen Briggs, born in Lake Stream 12 Aug., 1880; Thomas Leander, born in Lake Stream 16 Feb., 1882; Janie, born in Spokane, Wash., 24 Jan., 1887; Henry Havelock, born in Spokane 7 Sept., 1890; James Stroyan, born in Spokane 22 March, 1892. 14 Adeliza M.** was born in Chipman, N. B., 11 Aug., 1850, and married in St. John 18 Dec, 1879, Hugh Mac Lean, a merchant, who was born in Grand Lake 18 June, 1839, to Hector and Jane-MacLean MacLean. He died in Briggs Corner 22 Sept., 1897. His widow's address is Fairville. MacLean issue, born in Briggs Corner : Beatrice E., 30 April, 1885; Calvin S., 21 July, 1888. 15 George H." was born in Lake Stream 20 Jan., 1854, and mar- ried in Chipman 23 Oct., 1884, Sarah Jane Burpee, born in Upper Gaspereaux 17 Nov., 1862, to Isaac Clarke, a mill owner, lumberman and farmer, and Sarah Jane-Dymond Burpee. Briggs children, born in Gaspereaux Forks: Myrtle Mehitable, 31 March, 1886; Estella Larena, 28 Nov. 1888; George Burpee, 22 June, 1898. 16 Samuel W." was born in Lake Stream, Kent County, N. B.,his present home, 16 Dec, 1866, and married in Chipman 25 Sept., 1895, Esther Smith, who was born in Chipman 23 May, 1873, to Edward, a lumberman and farmer, and Annie-Fulton Smith. Briggs children born in Lake Stream: Helen Amanda, 8 July, 1896; Ada Alma, 24 F'eb., 1898; Charles Bruce, 3 Jan., 1901; Clarence Pxlward, 4 June, 1902. 17 Lucretia*^ was born in Harcourt 27 April, 1869. She married in Chipman 15 Nov,, 1890, Isaac Wallace Baird, a farmer, who was born in Chipman, their present home, 29 March, 1866, to Samuel, a farmer, and Elizabeth-Snodgrass Baird. Baird children, born in Chipman: Alfred Briggs, 11 Oct., 1891 ; P:thel, 31 Jan., 1894; Ruth Margaret, 12 Sept., 1896; Agnes Girvan, 18 Dec, 1898; Frank Phraser, 8 July, 1901 ; Hannah Snodgrass, 7 Sept., 1903. 18 Herbert LeB.' was born 16 Aug., 1858. He has bestowed considerable time and labor on this branch of the family. He takes a just pride in his ancestry. William de Atherton, in King John's reign, was high sheriff in Lancashire, P^ng; James and Humphrey Atherton came from Atherton, near Manchester, Eng. ; Benjamin (a son of James Atherton, a "first settler" of Lancaster, Mass.,) and HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 537 wife Hannah went from Dorchester, Mass., and was a younger brother of Maj. Gen. Humphrey Atherton; Benjamin at the age of twenty, in 1755, enlisted, to dislodge the French on the Bay of Fundy; Benjamin in 1758, enlisted for the reduction of Canada; all these are regarded in the line of descent. In 189o, the Canadian Government exhibited in the Mid-winter Fair, San Francisco, and Mr. Smith was elected president of the association, having the exhibit in charge. He is extensively and prosperously engaged as a merchant tailor in San Francisco. 19 Edwin R." was born in Fredericton, N. B., 10 April, 1860. He married in Nelson, B. C, 9 June, 1897, Bessie Tilley Irvine, who was born in St. John, N. B., 9 Aug., 1872, to William and Eliza Jane- McAfee Irvine. Mr. Atherton is a merchant of Sandon, B. C, where their children were born: Mabel Maud, 1 April, 1898; George Irvine, 8 Oct., 1899, and died m St. John, N. B., 12 June, 1903; Wil- liam Alfred, 4 Jan., 1905. 20 Frances E.^ was born in Fredericton, N. B., 31 Dec,, 1872, and married there 27 May, 1895, Archie Frederick Hale, who was born in Carleton County, N. B., 5 May, 1870, to Frederick H. and Rhoda-McGee Hale. He is a rancher of Brant, Alberta, Canada, Hale issue, born in Grafton, N. B., but the last: Helen Emma, 22 June, 1896; Frederick George, 16 July, 1897; Alfred Atherton, 3 Oct., 1898; Jean Rhoda, 24 Feb., 1902, in Woodstock, N. B. 21 Maud" was born 17 April, 1875, in Fredericton, N. B., and 8 Feb., 1898, in Grafton, N. B., married Hans William Walker, who was born 22 Jan., 1874, in Woodstock, to John J., a tailor, and Barbara Gordon-Wilson Walker. He is a machinist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Walker children, born in Woodstock : Evelyn Atherton, 3 Aug., 1901; Barbara Hartley, 20 Feb., 1904; Georgie Maud, 11 June, 1905. 22 Harland S.^" was born 31 Dec, 1864. He married in San Diego 2 Sept., 1890, Matilda Pedot, who was born in Amiens, France, 7 July, 1869, to Michel Pedot, a farmer. Mr. Cliff is a merchant of San Diego, where their children were born: Julien t^ugene, 19 Oct., 1892; Nelson Alfred, 1 March, 1896; Lottie Mathilde, 28 Nov., 1904. 23 Charles L.^" was born 23 April, 1871, and married in San Diego 18 July, 1898, Annie Brewer, who was born in Antioch, Cal., 9 March, 1871, to H. S. Brewer, gentleman. Mr. Cliff is a book- keeper in San Diego, where was born their child: Atherton Brewer, 10 Nov., 1901. 24 George B." was born 9 May, 1875, and married in Hanford, Cal., 12 June, 1900, Marcia Holway, (daughter of a merchant), who was born in Minneapolis, Minn., 1 March, 1877. He is a Methodist minister of Paso Robles, Cal. (1905), without issue. • 25 Mary E.^'- was born 31 Aug., 1867, and married in Water- borough, Queens County, N. B., 29 Dec, 1890, Clarence Mott, a merchant, who was born there to Daniel, a farmer, and Victory- Wiggins Mott. Their home is Waterborough, where their chil- dren were born : Cora, 27 June, 1891; Gladys Muriel, 10 Jan., 1893; Eva, 16 Sept., 1«95; Daniel Otty, 4 Feb., 1897 ; Arthur, 19 Jan., 1899. 26 James A.'- was born 11 Sept., 1869. He married in Portland, 638 THE PERLEY FAMILY Oregon, 24 June, 1893, Myrtle Evans, who was born in Indiana. Mr. Orchard is a hotel-keeper in Sumpter, Oregon. They have no issue. 27 Harry E.^-^ was born 9 Jan., 1872, and married in Portland, Me., 24 July, 1903, Margaret Masterdon, who was born in Rexton, N. B. He is a miner in Sumpter, Oregon. Orchard child, born in Sumpter: Marvel Pearl, 7 July, 1904. 28 Emma B.'^ was born 1 Dec, 1873. She is by trade a dress- maker. She married in Bar Harbor, Me., 29 Nov., "'1879," Medville Chadbourne, a painter, who was born in Bar Harbor and died in Colorado 9 Dec, "1881." Her address (Aug., 1905) is Bar Harbor. Chadbourne issue: Mildred Liolline, born 2 Jan., "1881." 29 George B.^- was born 31 May, 1875, a nd married in Portland, Me., 25 Aug., 1902, Florence Lawson, who was born in Rexton, N. B. He is a miner in Sumpter, Oregon. Orchard issue, born in Portland, Me.: Orland Lawson, 4 Dec, 1903. 30 Dora A." was born 4 Oct., 1878. She married in Chipman, Queens County, N. B., 26 Dec, 1900, Herbert Briggs, a farmer, who was born in Chipman, to Hiram, a farmer, and Victory- P2steybrooks Briggs. Briggs issue : Hiram Oswald, born 20 Nov., 1903 ; William Lawson, born 10 June, 1905. 31 Iva M.'- was born 13 Oct., 1883. She married in White's Cove, N. B., 23 Dec, 1903, Orland Dykeman, a merchant, who was born in Jemseg, Queens County, N. B., to Tileston, a farmer, and Prune-Camp Dykeman. Address (Aug. 1905) St. John, N. B. Dyke- man issue: Murial May, born 4 Dec, 1904. 32 Maggie McM.^^ was born in Kingston, now Rexton, N. B., her present home, 21 April, 1877, and married there 21 March, 1902, James McLelland, a farmer, born in same place 1 Dec, 1859, to Robert McLelland, a farmer, and Flora-Mclntosh McLelland. They have one child, David Russell, born 12 P"eb. 1903. FAMILY 60. Thomas Perley was a Federalist. The Salem Gazette of 29 Sept., 1829, says his barn was burned the 26th inst. William E. Killam (page 121) had a son born 28 Oct., 1865, the first child born in the Thomas Perley house, and so received the name Thomas Perley Killam. FAMILY 61. P^noch and Anna Perley were admitted to full communion in the Congregational church, Standish, Me., 1779. 2 Rebecca', born in Bridgton, Me.. 19 July, 1786, married there in 1810, Ebenezer Fessenden, a farmer, born in Fryeburg, Me., 18 July, 1782, to William, a clergyman, and Sarah-Clement Fessenden. He died 12 April, 1811, in Fryeburg, and she 10 June, 1851. Fes- senden issue: Anna Perle/; P!lizabeth Clement'^; Caleb Page, born 3 Feb., 1818, married y\bbie Wiggin, and died without issue 28 May, 1873; Huldah Perley"; Enoch Perley, born 26 June, 1822, died, un- married, 23 Feb., 1883; William'; Charles Phillips'^; Edward Eben- ezer, born 2 March, 1829, died, unmarried, 6 Dec, 1895. 4 Anna P.-, born 28 Aug., isil, married Horatio Nelson Page, M.D., and died 10 July, 1880. Page issue: Rebecca Perley' ; Anna HISTORY AND GENEALOGY (J39 Fessenden, who married William Sumner Butler and had Winthrop Fessenden and Alice Sumner ; Sarah Bradbui'y, who married Her- bert Augustus Wilder and had Constance Perley, Mary Clement and Margaret Guild. 5 Elizabeth C.-, born 21 July, 1813, married Timothy C. Ward, and died 31 Dec, 1880. Ward issue: Henry Fessenden; Mary Ash- man, who married Usher W. Cutts, without issue ; William Fessenden. anklin"'. Take the "who" from the fifth line and place it before " married " in the fourth line. 5 Lucinda*, born in Gray, Me., 1 June, 1819, married there 27 Oct., 1842, Rufus Berry, a carriage manufacturer, who was born in Windham, Me., 22 March, 1815, to William and Nancy-Lamb Berry. He died 18 April, 1886, in Gray, where she also died 23 May, 1898. Berry issue, born in Gray: Fannie Jane, 30 April, 1846; Augusta Susan"; Sarah Josephine, in 18,50 ; Georgia Anna ; Martha Higgins, 5 July, 1855, and died 13 Nov., 1900. 6 Lizzie H.^ born 29 March, 18.59. married 28 April, 1880, Orland Smith Ham, a broker, born in Lewiston 1 July, 1855, to Jacob Barker, a grain dealer, and Lucinda-Golder Ham. Their home is Lewiston. 7 Cora S.^ born 23 April, 1864, married 20 Oct., 1886, Amos Henry Phillips, a furniture dealer, born in Veazie, Me., 13 March, 1862, to Amos, a grocer, and Frances Marion-Winchester Phillips. Their home is Lewiston. Phillips child: Louise Blake, born 19 Jan., 1889. 8 Albert N.', born in New Gloucester 6 Sept., 1834, married in Gray 15 Oct., 1863, Clarice Oxnard Small, born 4 Nov., 1836, to James, a trader, and Susannah-Huston Small. He was a school 644 THE PERLEY FAMILY teacher, then trader and State representative. His widow Hves in Portland, Me. Sawyer children : Abbie Huston, a teacher, born in Gray 21 May, 1865, residing in Portland; Wilbert Perley^'-. 9 Lucinda P.^ born in Gray 13 July, 1837, married 30 June, 1861, Frank Lawrence, an expressman, born in Gray 20 July, 1836, to Nathaniel Sawtelle and Mary Ann-Harris Lawrence. She died 29 Oct., 1878, in Portland, where he also died 22 Dec, 1880. Lawrence issue: Lucinda Mildreth'l 10 Cephas F.^ born in Gray 4 Sept., 1852, married there 3 Aug., 1876, Florence Marion Low, who was born in Amesbury, Mass., 3 Aug., 1855, to Robert Merrill, a wheelwright, and Joanna Drinkwater- Skillin Low. Their home is Gray, where were born their children : Percy Winfield, 18 Sept., 1882; Eva Nettie, 29 May, 1884; Henry Clifford, 7 March, 1893. 11 Augusta S.'', born 12 Aug., 1848, married in Portsmouth, N. H., 20 Jan., 1869, Nehemiah Porter, a farmer, who was born in North Yarmouth, Me., 3 May, 1840, to Rufus, a farmer, and Mary-Favor Porter. Their home is Cumberland Center, Me. Porter issue, born in North Yarmouth: Elmer Irvin'^ ; Rufus Berry, 12 Oct., 1873, and died 12 Sept., 1874; Rufus Berry^^; Ethel Augusta, 17 Feb., 1881. 12 Wilbert P.**, born in Gray, Me., 13 Dec, 1867, and married in Lewiston 26 Nov., 1889, Gertrude Anna Davis, who was born there 20 May, 1868, to Amos, a farmer, and Mary PZlizabeth-Judkins Davis. Mr. Sawyer is an expressman. They reside in Lewiston, where was born their child: Agnes Gertrude, 18 Oct., 1894. 13 Lucinda M.'' was born in Portland 23 Oct., 1878, and married there 25 Dec, 1901, Charles Loring Dunn, a farmer, who was born in East North Yarmouth, Me., their home (1905), 7 Aug., 1873, to Isaac Skillin, a merchant, and Mary Maria-Loring Dunn. Their children : Lucy Lawrence, born in East North Yarmouth 1 May, 1903, and Ruth Loring, 22 Sept., 1904. 14 Elmer L", born 4 Feb., 1870, married in Portland, Me., 6 June, 1901, Cora Adelaide Sawyer, born in Gray, Me., 13 Sept., 1871, to John Durgin, a farmer, and Clara Augusta-Thayer Sawyer. Their home is Cumberland Center. 15 Rufus B.", born in North Yarmouth, Me., 13 Aug., 1875, mar- ried in Portsmouth, N. H., 27 Dec, 1898, Mattie A. Laughton, who was born in Bristol, Me., 17 July, 1878, to John and Dorinda-Tarr Laughton. He is a farmer of Cumberland Center. FAMILY 111. Mile. Marie Elisabet de Bade (the P'rench form of her maiden name) died, say the Rowley records, 27 Sept., 1854. FAMILY 112. John Perley married Ann Dennison Haskell. FAMILY 114. Alice (Elcy.^)'', daughter of Samuel, died in Newburyport 21 April, 1804. It is said this family'* had three children, the oldest Amanda. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 645 FAMILY 116 Dr. W. O. Raymond writes : Rhoda Perley, an adult, and her children Francis Peabody'^ (born in 1794) and Charles-245 were baptised the same day — 23 April, 1797. Francis P. married 20 Oct., 1824, Fanny Louisa Sophia Carman, third daughter of Richard of Lancaster, N. B. He died in Indiantown, St. John, 14 Oct., 1826, aged thirty-two years, and was buried with Ma- sonic honors. His children were Thomas, Maria and Louisa. Miss BulP' is now, March, 1906, studying in a New York City hospital, a post-graduate course in special diseases. FAMILY 119. Daniel, an adult, was baptised 7 Jan., 1798. FAMILY 120. Moses, an adult, was baptised ^"^^ ^- ^- ^^u^^- 6 March, 1802, and married 10 March, 1802. FAMILY 121. Thomas died in Sheffield 3 Feb., 1838, aged sixty-six years. FAMILY 124. Sarah W. Perley-, born in Salem, died 26 June, 1904, Danvers Insane Hospital, aged eighty-five years, six months, buried in New- buryport, unmarried. Mr. and Mrs. Robbins had a child Jennie that died 14 May, 1870, " aged five years, five months, one day," and presumably had another that was buried at the side of Jennie and called, on the gravestone, "Little Nellie." FAMILY 125. Mary Jane^ died in Boxford 18 May, 1905, aged eighty-six years and ten months. She was interred in Harmony Grove Cemetery, Salem, clergymen from Weymouth and Boxford officiating. FAMILY 131. Amos died in Maugerville 80 Aug., 1822. FAMILY 132. Mary Agnes Allen* was born 23 Dec, 1844. Her father's name was William. Her son James Frederick is a mail carrier in St. Paul, Minn. He served in the Spanish-American War and in the Philippine Insurrection from April, 1898, to Oct., 1899. FAMILY 139. "The Ingalls journal," private, furnished the following Ingalls descent : Edmond Ingalls was born in Lincolnshire, Eng., and came H46 THE PERLEY FAMILY to Lynn in America with his family in 1629. He had nine children, of whom Henry, born in England in 1627, located in Andover, Mass., where he died in 1719, aged ninety-two years. He had six sons, of whom Henry had three sons, of whom Francis had three sons, of whom Francis had eight sons and one daughter, of which sons Phineas, born 14 Nov., 1758, was a Revolutionary soldier and kept a diary of the whole war, died 4 or 5 Jan., 1844, and married 22 Oct., 1783, Elizabeth Stevens, daughter of Jacob of Andover, Mass., and had four sons and five daughters, of which sons were Theodore, the compiler of "the journal," who was born 20 Feb., 1790, and married Mrs. Sarah Carter, daughter of Elias Hall of Brain- tree, Mass.; and Asa, who was born in Bridgton, Me., 14 Jan., 1787, and married 25 June, 1816, Phoebe Berry, who was born 4 March, 1792, to Elias Berry, and had three daughters and seven sons, of whom were Clarissa-122'\ and Darwin, born in Bridgton 11 July, 1822, and married Mary J. Patrick and had a son Aldana Theodore, who married Frances Eliza Berry-139" (daughter of Albert G. Berry- 139'^ who was born, says "the Journal," 12 Oct., 1834), and has Marian Elizabeth, born 10 March, 1888. FAMILY 141. Henry E. Perley'" died in Georgetown 2 Nov., 1905, aged eighty six years. FAMILY 148. Hiram A. Huse'^ writes that his mother, Hannah Perley, was born in Temple, or Wilton, 12 June, 1806, and died 29 June, 1895, in Bath; that Mr. Joseph Huse, his father, was born 10 Nov., 1800, to Enoch, a farmer, and Sally-Webster Huse, and died in Bath 24 Sept., 1861 ; that he was a merchant and dealer in live stock. Huse issue: Aaron Perley, born 16 Aug., 1828; Joseph Kendall, born 22 Oct., 1830, married three times — in Bath 10 Aug., 1856, in China 10 Aug., 1861, in Bath 24 Dec, 1874, and died 12 Jan., 1902; Sarah Eliza, born 28 April, 1834, died 11 April, 1856, married ; Han- nah Adeline, born 20 Nov., 1837, died 5 May, 1846; George Elbridge, born 7 Sept., 1843, married, died 13 Feb., 1896; Hiram Augustus, born 17 Sept., 1840, who is now postmaster at Bath, married in Chel- sea, Mass., 1 Oct., 1870, Cordelia Hatch Whippey, who was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 18 Sept., 1848, to Reuben Luce, a sea captain, and Lucy Gillette-Bennett Whippey, and has had children, Kittie Robin- son, born 27 May and died 10 Sept., 1873, and Hiram Augustus, Jr., born 25 April, 1875. FAMILY 154. Mr. Gould was in the Revolutionary War, at West Point, when Arnold displayed his treason. FAMILY 158. Dr. Burnham was the father of three children. Martha Barnard, by his third wife, was born 17 Sept., and died 8 Oct., 1815. Those by his second wife were Mary Anna, born 27 Nov., 1810, married Charles Guilford Burnham, son of Wm. and Abigail, 28 March, 1883, died July, 1873; and P:iizabeth White, born 21 Feb., 1813, mar- HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 647 ried Hon. Nathaniel Gookin Upham 19 Sept., 1834, died 14 April, 1832. He married his wives 1(3 May, 1808 ; 23 Jan., 1810; 15 Nov., 1814; 19 Nov., 1816. FAMILY 162. The history of Sanbornton, N. H., reads, that the "Store occupied by Joseph Perley'^ was burned in 1828." Stephen S. Piper^ was a photographer in the West, a sutler in the Civil War, then a photographer in Manchester, N. H., where he married 17 Nov., 1869, Ella M. Smith of that city. John P. Piper was a farmer, and died of consumption. FAMILY 165. A. L. Hewett, Esq., town clerk of Berlin. Vt., furnished the following: James Perley, 7 Jan., 1791, bought the whole of lot No. 5, in the ninth range of lots in Berlin. He assisted in organizing the town and was the second town clerk. He married Prudence Knee- land 9 Oct., 1831. Of his children, Abigail was born 24 March, 1789 ; Moses died 12 Aug., 1803 ; Patty, 21 Oct., 1802; Corliss, 1 Nov., 1809. He had no children by his second wife. FAMILY 169. The Newburyport record reads that Humphrey C. Perley of Haverhill died 1 June, 1820. FAMILY 177. The Doane Genealogy relates how the remains of Amos Perley" and his Quaker friend were buried, by the society of Friends, from their meeting house, in their burying ground, in Sparta, Ont., Can., in the presence of a large concourse of grief-stricken mourners. The sad story is told, by Frank Hunt, in the Toronto Globe of 6 Sept., 1890. FAMILY 183, Helen M.'- of Orono married 19 Sept., 1833, Charles Henry Hammond, born 6 March, 1809, in Concord, N. H., to Charles and Elizabeth-Brown Hammond. They settled in Hampton, and later removed to California, where he died. They had issue: Charles Brown, born 2 Feb., 1835, and died 3 Aug., 1863; Henry W., born in Bangor, Me., 19 Dec, 1837, a farmer in Hampton, Me., who mar- ried, first, 24 April, 1860, Amanda M. Penney, born 5 July, 1842, and died 6 Dec, 1870, daughter of Charles of Alton, Me., and married, second, 26 Nov., 1871, Emma Z. Brown, born 7 March, 1852, to Charles and Charlotte E.-Warren Brown of Jackson, Me., having children: Lizzie M., born 18 Jan., 1861, and died 9 Nov., 1864; Addie E., (who, born in Hampton 1 Oct., 1863, married P"red. L. Wyman, a farmer, born in Hampton 15 July, 1861, to Elbridge and Lucinda- Webber Wyman, having three children born — Perley Hammond, 16 June, 1889; Rodney Elbridge, 1 July, 1898; Emma lone, 6 June, 1896) ; Charles C, born 29 July, 1866, a farmer with his father. FAMILY 187. Fred Walter Nelson^ was born 9 May, 1853, in Georgetown, Mass. His mother's name was Elizabeth Ann Hobson. He became a bookkeeper and accountant in Amesbury, Mass., where he died 18 Sept., 1905. He married 4 Aug., 1878, Miss Helen Louise Feltch 648 THE PERLEY FAMILY in Salisbury (now Amesbury), where she was born 13 June, 1856, to Elbridge S., a carriage manufacturer, and Mary Louise-Currier Feltch. Nelson children, born in Amesbury: Philip, 10 May, 1880, died 5 Aug., 1880; Earl Mower, 1 March, 1883. The mother and son reside in Amesbur)'. FAMILY 189. The statement of Mrs. Perley's'' death was obtained near her late home in East Somerville. It was a great accidental surprise to learn in Oct., 1905, that she was living. Her name was Hester Chenchin Hibbs, born 8 Feb., 1885, to James and Hester-Edmunds Hibbs in Langton, England. She married Mr. Perley in June, 1866. " But Charles H. has been seen in the West since the report of his death." FAMILY 202. The origin of Conant is Welsh and Gaelic (cognates descended from the Celtic). Conan signifies a river. Connant, a cataract in North Wales, is from con a chasm, deep hollow, and nant, a rivulet. The Conant arms is described thus: Gules, ten billets or, in four, three, two and one. Crest : a stag or, his foot supporting the shield. Motto: Conanti Dabitur. Seat: Lyndon Hall, near Up- pingham. The Conants mentioned in this history descended from Gov. Roger Conant of Naumkeag, now Salem. He had seven children : Lot, born m Plymouth ; Roger, the first white child born in Salem ; Exer- cise, Joshua, Mary, Sarah and Elizabeth. His son Lot had wife Elizabeth and ten children: Nathaniel, born 28 July, 1650, and died in 1732; Lot, John, William, Roger, Elizabeth, Mary, Martha, Sarah and Rebecca; of whom Lot, born 16 Feb., 1657; died 14 May, 1745; had wife Abigail and five children ; wife Elizabeth and nine children — fourteen; of whom William, the last one, born 8 March, 1721, married Elizabeth Potter and had six children: Elizabeth, William, Aaron, Moses, Elijah, Eunice (who married Elijah Cummings-88''), of whom William, born 11 Oct., 1847, married Mary Perkins, and had John, William (who had William that married Ruth Foster-51^), Daniel-101, Joseph who had EHas C.-dV\ and Daniel W., page 255. Deacon W. F. Conant was born in the house second east of his own residence. His father built that house — was sixteen years a selectman of the town, and was passing over Charlestown bridge to his duties as representative to the General Court, in 1815, when the bells pealed forth the announcement of peace. Sarah Carroll Lavalette'^ and Elizabeth Ann Lavalette-371 are sisters. Nathaniel Lavalette should read Nathaniel Howard Lavalette. FAMILY 210. Cecilia Orne's** first husband was Luke Dodge of Hamilton, where he was born 1 Nov., 1832, to Luke, a farmer, and Margaret-Poor Dodge. Mr. Dodge was a farmer in Hamilton, where he died 5 May, 1885. She married, second, Benjamin Everett Soper, 8 Dec, 1886, in Ipswich. He was born in Marblehead ; his business is farming and teaming. Her children are: Arvia Lefavour, who was born 22 Jan., 1877, and is a mason by trade but is employed in a morocco shop HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 649 in Danvers; Margaret Augusta, who was born 15 Oct., 1880, in Hamilton, learned the trade of milliner and 25 Dec., 1901, married in Salem Frank Harmon, who was born in Keene, N. H., and is a ship- per for Pitts Co., Boston; and Luke Perley, who is of the ninth gen- eration of Luke Dodges and the first to have a middle name, was born 20 Aug., 1882, in Hamilton, and is a painter by trade. He married 29 Dec, 1902, in Marblehead, Lillian Ann Parker, who was born in Marblehead 25 April, 1885, to Harry John, a contractor, and Celia-Bartlett Parker. They reside in Danvers, where their child, Cecelia May, was born 20 May, 1903. FAMILY 213. John Morrill Perley'^ was born in Waterville, Me., 11 Oct., 1864, to Henry Parker, painter and locomotive engineer, now retired, and Ann Elizabeth-Morrill Perley. He is a locomotive engineer and resides (Oct., 1905) Moberly, Mo. He married in Keytesville, Mo., 3 Dec, 1890, Ardenia Ruberta Hurt, who was born in Shannondale, Mo., 26 Nov., 1870, to Horatio Constantine and Mary Elizabeth Hurt. Perley children: Lisbon Applegate, born 26 Nov.. 1891, and died 7 Jan., 1892; Mary Deane, born 2 July, 1893; Elinor Inez, born 21 Oct., 1895, those three in San Bernardino, Cal.; Raymond Clyde, born 22 Feb., 1901, in Moberly. FAMILY 216. Ward B.^ was born in Zanesville, Ohio, 7 Dec, 1868. He married in Dunblane, O., 13 June, 1889, Mary Elizabeth Dun, who was born in Dublin, O., 4 Jan., 1867, to John, a farmer, and Mary Eliza-Davis Dun. They resided in Montclair, N. J. Perley chil- dren: Ward Barton, born 3 April, 1890 ; Alden Dun, born 29 April, 1891 ; Helen, born 3 Jan., 1893, in Columbus, O., died in Leetonia 16 April, 1897; Graham, born 22 April, 1895, in Columbus; Mary Dun, born 29 Sept., 1901 — all born in Franklin County, O., except the last in Montclair, N. J. FAMILY 221. David E. Perley's^ home is in Arlington, Mass., and he is in the furniture and house-furnishing business in Boston. FAMILY 222. Page 362 should read Ann Maguire was born in Sligo, County Leitrim. Her age was sixty-five years, nine months and fifteen days. FAMILY 225. Mrs. Perley died 10 Nov., 1891, (instead of 1901.) FAMILY 227. Mr. Howe"^ was born 31 Jan., 1845, in Rowley, and was educated in the public schools of Rowley and Ipswich. At the age of nineteen years he responded to a call of his country and enlisted in Company M., 4th Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, and served in the States of Maryland and Virginia till the close of the war. Soon after he was mustered out he entered the service of his State as an officer and teacher in the State Reform School at Westboro. After a service of several years he retired to his native town, where he engaged in the gro- cery trade. There he was chairman of the selectmen and the overseers a number of years and held other offices. In 1877 he was elected to 650 THE PERLEY FAMILY represent his district, comprising Rowley, Boxford and Ipswich, in the State Legislature. In 1878 he located in Lincoln. Neb., and remained nearly three years. Returning East he settled in George- town, Mass., in the grocery business. In 1885 he again entered the service of his State as master, with his wife as matron, of the Lyman School for Boys, (the old State Reform School). After ten years' service he was appointed State visitor and probation officer of the school, an office which he still holds. He is a justice of the peace, a member of the Baptist church, a member of the Masons and the Odd Fellows, and the chaplain of the local Post, No. 108, G. A. R. Mrs. Howe bore her part as matron of the school with marked ability and efficiency. She is a member of the Baptist church, presi- dent of the Ladies' Aid Society and past president of the Ladies' Relief Corps. Their home is Georgetown. Their children are Josephine h'ldred, born 2 Aug., 1879, and Alice Marjorie, born 19 Sept., 1887. The former is a trained nurse, single, and graduate of the New Eng- land Hospital, Boston ; the latter is a bookkeeper and stenographer, single, and graduate of the Haverhill Business College. FAMILY 237. Weller Hay ward Noyes' was born 21 Dec, I860, to Stillman and Eliza-Craft Noyes. His son Perley Hayward was born 8 Oct., 1884. FAMILY 242. Description of Macartney arms: Or, a stag trippant gu, within a bordure gu. Crest: A hand holding a slip of a rose tree with three roses thereon ppr. Motto: Stimulat sed ornat; also Mens conscia recti. FAMILY 243. Lineal Descent read Samuel-114 for Nathaniel-114. The signature^ in this paragraph is a triple error. Instead of this number it should have been marked Family-240. The proof- reader marked it "out," but it was allowed to remain. It was written 16 June, 1877. FAMILY 246. Another correspondent writes : AugustaSo phia Perley died 8 F'eb., 18(39. Jenette A." was born in Maugerville, N. B., 16 May, 1852. She married in P^edericton, N. B., John Robert Upton, a laborer, born in Sheffield, N. B., 28 June, 1852, to George Samuel, a laborer, and Mary Helen-Day Upton. She died in Oldtown, Me. Cora M.", born in Lakeville Corner, Queens County, N. B., mar- ried in Waterville, Me., 7 Oct., 1908, Walter W. Gower, a laborer, who was born in Princeton, Me., 19 June, 1885, to Joel S., a farmer, and Ida Vendetta-Govver Gower. Their home is Waterville, and child : Walter Raymond, born 9 July, 1904. FAMILY 248. Allan W. Perley'' went to California with his father in 1852. He was named for one of New Brunswick's greatest sons, the late Gov. Lemuel Allan Wilmot, a descendant of the Cottons and Le Barons of Plymouth, Mass. The Cottons came over in the Mayflower. A. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 651 W. Perley's father was a senator and a great orator, and was a per- sonal friend of the late Gov. Leland Stanford of California. These portraits of Mr. and Mrs. David MitchelP and their little daughter Molly were made from small and somewhat worn photo- graphs, and these reproductions of them are excellent. FAMILY 249. Miss Alice E. Perley had a chocolate cup that was her great- great-grandmother's and was about one hundred and forty years old. The cup is three inches high and three inches in diameter, and is made of Bennington ware from the first pottery in America. It is a choice Perley relic. FAMILY 252. Mrs. Sarah-Hartt Perley died 11 March, 1885. Hon. Duncan VV. Perley's'^ wife, Mrs. Minnie Ellen-Stanton Wescoatt, widow of Nelson Wescoatt, was born 15 Oct., 1857, in Be- ment. 111., to Egbert and Adeline Eliza-Morgan Stanton. Her specialty is ceramic decoration. FAMILY 253. This is a picture of Cornelia Terry-, familiarly known as " Little Nina." The photograph was broken when received, but this reproduction will serve as a memory of her gentle ways. FAMILY 254. Edward P.'^ born in Fredericton Junction, N. B., 25 Dec, 1847, married at Tracy Station, N. B., 27 June, 1894, Susan Mary Duchesnay, who was born in Crawford Grant, N. H., 24 Jan., 1877, to Alexander Jushereau and Phoebe Ann-Perkins Duchesnay. Mr. Hartt is a farmer of Fredericton Junction. Hartt issue, born in F'redericton Junction : Charles Harold, 1 Oct., 189(i; Edith Maud, 3 May, 1898; Ernest Perley, 23 Oct., 652 THE PERLEY FAMILY 1899; Mary Vida, 19 June, 1900; Bessie Bernice, 6 Aug., 1902; Alice Lavienia, 22 April, 1905. David W.^ born 27 March, 1843, married Charlotte Amanda Adams, born in Lincoln, Sunbury County, N. B. The daughters Olive and Lottie were born in 1889 and 1895, and Mary is a teacher in St. John. FAMILY 256. F. Adolphus Perley was about six feet tall and a man of dignified presence. He resembled his double cousin Geo. A. Perley, only more reserved. See Supplement 57. It is said that Albert' early left home. He packed his "gripsack" and "paddled his own canoe" across the St. John river; then taking the stage road to Calais, Me., he stopped not till he had planted both feet squarely on foreign soil. It was the period of the Civil War in the United States, and he then and there enlisted. He was in a number of hard engagements and came out all right. Some thirty years ago he was working in the lumber district near Walla Walla, Wash. He wrote his father to go to Calais and get his bounty; but when his father found he must sign a name other than his own in order to possess the treasure, he returned home without it. — H. LeB. S. FAMILY 270. "Having child^" Flora May Rowell. David E. Perley' is married and lives in Fitchburg, Mass. FAMILY 299. This Boston record probably belongs here" : Abby N. Colby, wife of George Perley, died at 15 Granville place 14 June, 1864, aged thirty-two years. She was born in Whitefield, Me., to Nathaniel and Charlotte Colby. Mr. Perley was several years a hotel clerk in Boston. FAMILY 343. Wm. G. Lambert, Sr., was a deacon. The signature is said to belong to paragraph 3. Samuel W. Lambert*' was born in New York City. His daughter Martha was born 6 July, 1899. Wm. G. Lambert^ was a merchant. He married 19 July, 1849, in New York City, Miss Concepcion Garcia, born in Havana, Cuba, 8 Dec, 1824, to John Perez and Augusta-Gonzalez Garcia. Lambert children: Clara L., born 23 Jan., 1852, in Havana, who married a Gimbernat; Isabella L., born 20 Dec, 1856, in New York City, who married a Rogers. Chas. H. Leeds^ has retired from business. FAMILY 346. Harry George Scampton", born Jan., 1883, in Danvers, married 14 March, 1905, in Roslindale, Mass., Miss Maud Story Ingersoll, born 12 Sept., 1879, in Gloucester, to Benj. Franklin and Maria Jane- Gorditt Ingersoll. FAMILY 371. Perley child'': Elizabeth Isabelle, born 15 Feb., 1906. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 653 FAMILY 373. Eliza Howe Perley married Charles Herman Gray. She died 6 Sept., 1901. Alice Emeline^ (not Elma) was born in Oldtown, Me., where she now, Dec, 1905, resides. Her husband, Robert Sewall Browne, born in Winthrop, Me., late engaged in mining. He was accidentally drowned at Fairbanks, Alaska, 27 Aug., 1904. Browne issue : Carl Gray, born 16 Jan., 1891, in Roanoke, Va. Hortense E.' was born in Oldtown 14 May, 1871. She married in Oldtown 15 Oct., 1902, Rev. Colwort Kendall Pier Cogswell priest of the Episcopal Church, who was born in Brandon, Vt., 18 Nov., 1869, to Luman Hyde, a cabinet maker, and Lottie C. -Little Cogswell. Mr. Cogswell graduated at Middlebury College, Vt., 1889, the youngest in his class, and took his master's degree, 1892. He graduated at Kenyon Theological Seminary, Gambler, O., 1892, and was ordained to the priesthood 21 Dec, 1893. He has been identi- fied with church work chiefly in the dioceses of Maryland and Easton. They reside in Trappe, Talbot County, Md. Cogswell issue: Cyril Gray, born 9 April, 1904, in Baltimore, Md. ; Lawrence Perley, 18 Aug., 1905, in Trappe. Lillian^ (not William Folsom) was born 13 Feb., 1873, in Old- town, her present home, Dec, 1905. She is a violinist, a soloist, and a teacher of the violin in Waterville, Me. She was educated in Bos- ton, and studied violin under Mr. C. N. Allen and Mr. Jaques Hoff- man; theory, harmony, counterpoint and composition under Mr. Homer Norris. Charles P.^ was born in Oldtown 31 Jan., 1875. He fitted for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., graduated at the Uni- versity of Maine, Orono, with the degree of B. S., 1900, and at Har- vard College, Medical School, with the degree of M.D., 1904. Dr. Gray is the senior house doctor in Paterson General Hospital, Paterson, N. J., Dec, 1905. His home address is Oldtown. FAMILY 407. We are glad of the means to make our sketch of Mr. Perley^ more exact and complete : — ** Frank E. Perley, secretary to the governor, was born in Colum- bus, Ohio, 20 Nov., 1871. His father was then the publisher of the Ohio State Journal. Mr. Perley, lived from 1875 to 1891 in Frank- hnville, Cattaraugus County, N. Y., and Waverly, Tioga County, N. Y., where his father owned and edited weekly newspapers. Mr. Perley was educated at Ten Broeck Academy, Franklin ville, and at Waverly High School. He went to Waverly to take charge of a country paper in 1889, when he was eighteen years old, and remained there until 1891, when he removed to Buffalo and became a political writer on the Buffalo Express, reporting the sessions of the Legisla- ture during the winter. In 1896 he joined the staff of the New York Herald. He continued in that .service until 1901, when he joined the staff of the New York World. He was the World's legislative cor- respondent in Albany in the years 1903 and 1904. For many years he has attended, as a political correspondent. State and National conventions. When a boy in Cattaraugus County, he gained the 654 THE PERLEY FAMILY acquaintance of Gov. Higgins, an acquaintance that continued through the years after Mr. Higgins became a public official and Mr. Perley a newspaper correspondent, an acquaintance also that led Mr. Higgins to appoint Mr. Perley as his secretary." FAMILY 419. Mr. Perley" married Miss Emma Leaven Bonesteel and they have these children: Henry Dell, born 28 Feb., 1896; Edna Lousia, born 29 Dec, 1898; Helen Verra, born 7 Nov., 1900; Blanche Bone- steel, born 29 July, 1903; Arthur Carman, born 16 April, 1905. FAMILY 422. Mr. H. LeB. Smith writes that Ex-President Harrison and a son of the late Col. Perley of Toronto had charge of the Arizona exhibit in the Mid-winter Fair, San P>ancisco, Cal., 189:>. Alvin L. Perley was born in Topsfield, 1874, to "John and Louisa L. Perley." He married in Salem 7 Nov., 1900, Jennie Louise Smith, who was born in Salem 7 July, 1874, to James T., a door maker, and Louisa L. -Trull Smith. Mr. Perley is a carpenter and resides in Wenham Depot. INDEX TO SOLDIERS. The figures refer to State Archives, Hoston. INDIAN WARS. John Perley. — The earhest miHtary or martial reference to a Per- ley we have been able to find, is in a petition to the general govern- ment, dated 6 July, l(i96, asking for a watch of twelve men along the Merrimac river to apprise the inhabitants during harvesting of the approach of hostile Indians. The petition is signed by "the commis- sioned officers of the Essex Middle Regiment and the town of New- bury," among whom was John Perley. — 70 : 284. Thomas Perley was ensign, Lt.-Col. John Ballentine captain, and Sir Charles Hobbs colonel, in the expedition to Port Royal, 1710. Ens. Perley's company was aboard the transport "Caesar," that went ashore and bilged, when they were entering the harbor, and many of the men were drowned ; but after the surrender he returned to Bos- ton with the survivors, as per record. — 71: 671, 677, 754, 755. Jeremiah Perley is on the list of men with Capt. Lovewell, Indian hunting, 20 Feb., 1725, when about 2 o'clock A. M., ten Indians were killed. — 72 :368. Jacob Perley is on the list of men with Capt. Lovewell, Indian hunt- ing, 20 Feb., 1725. — 72 : 368. See also 72 : 369, 370, for land grants. "Indian Hunting" was one of the most daring and hazardous exploits of our ancestors. Pigwacket ranks less than Bloody Brook and the Swamp Fight only in number. Capt. John Lovewell and his associates petitioned the Legislature 13 Nov., 1724, for authority to go Indian hunting. The answer to their petition was concurred in 17 Nov., 1724. Their number was not to exceed fifty. They were to have five shillings per diem for each man while in actual service, ^100 for each male scalp and the other premiums established bylaw to volunteers without pay or subsistance, and were "to be out till the next session of this Court in May next." They brought in a pile of scalps, taking ten at one time. The Pigwacket fight occurred Sat- urday, 8 May, 1725. Benjamin Hassel told the story thus:— Love- well saw an Indian on the opposite side of Saco pond. Leaving their haversacks properly guarded, they went for him, about two miles. They got within a few rods of him before they saw him. He fired fir.st, and Capt. Lovewell was wounded. The Indian's scalp was taken ; but on returing to their haversacks, they were ambushed, front and rear, and about a fifth of the Spartan band fell, Capt. Love- well "at the first volley." — See pages 24 and 641. Asa Perley, lieutenant in company of foot, Boxford, Capt. Francis Perley, Lt.-Col John Osgood, in his Majesty's service, 20 April, 1757.— 95 :294. ' 656 THE PERLEY FAMILY Asa Perley, Jr., soldier in company of foot, Boxford, Capt. Francis Parley, Lt.-Col. John Osgood, in his Majesty's service, 20 April, 1757.-95:295. Asa Perley on a list not dated, Capt. Herrick, Col. Preble — bil- leted probably in 1758.— 96 :217. Asa Perley, Lt.'s detachment, Lt.-Col. John Osgood, marched on alarm to relieve Fort William Henry 14 Aug., 1757. — 97 : 83. Asa Perley on return from Lake George in 1758, Capt. Herrick, Col. Preble. — 96 : 300. Asa Perley, private, for the reduction of Canada, Capt. Herrick, Col. Preble, 29 March, 1758.— 96 :427. Benjamin Perley, private, in expedition against Crown Point, 12 Oct., 1756.— 94 : 477, 520. Benjamin Perley, private, against Crown Point, 1 Sept., 1756. — 95 :116. Benjamin Perley, soldier, Capt. F"rancis Perley, Lt.-Col. John Osgood, 20 April, 1757.-95 : 295. Benjamin Perley, Lt. Asa Perley, Lt.-Col. John Osgood, alarm for relief of P^ort William-Henry, 1 March, 1759. — 97 : 83. David Perley on the alarm list for French War, 15 June, 1757. Reported consumptive. — 95 :429. Dudley Perley, soldier, Capt. P'rancis Perley, Lt.-Col. John Os- good, 20 April, 1757.— 95 : 295. Dudley Perley, son of Asa, private, Boxford, Capt. Israel Herrick, Col. Jedediah Preble, 29 March, 1758, eight months and six days. — 96 : 427. Dudley Perley, Boxford, Capt. Brown, 31 March, 1760, twenty- nine weeks and nine days and eleven days. — 98 :241. Isaac Perley, soldier, Boxford, Capt. Francis Perley, Lt.-Col. John Osgood, 20 April, 1757.— 95 : 295. Israel Perley, soldier, Boxford, Capt. PVancis Perley, Lt.-Col. John Osgood, 20 April, 1757.— 95 : 295. Israel Perley, son of Thomas, Boxford, Capt. Herrick, Col. Preble, 30 March, 1758, eight months and five days, for reduction of Canada. — 96:427. Israel Perley, Boxford, 14 June, 1760, Capt. Francis Peabody, for reduction of Canada. — 98 :415. Israel Perley, sergeant, Capt. P'rancis Peabody, 22 April, 1759, thirty-two weeks and two days, to reduce Canada. — 97 : 341. Jacob Perley, soldier, Capt. Francis Perley, Lt.-Col. John Osgood, Boxford, 12 April, 1757.— Moses Perlev, Boxford, soldier. Lt.-Col. John Osgood, 20 April, 1757.-95 :295.' Nathan Perley ("Parely") private, Haverhill, for relief of Fort William Henry, in Aug., 1757. —97 : 86. Nathaniel Perley, Boxford, Capt. F. Perley, Lt.-Col. John Osgood, in his Majesty's service, 20 April, 1757. — 95 : 295. Thomas Perley, soldier, Boxford, Capt. P'rancis Perley, Lt.-Col. J. Osgood, 20 April, 1757.-95 : 295. William Perley, soldier, Boxford, Capt. ¥. Perley, Lt.Col. John Osgood, 20 April, 1757. — 95 :295. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 657 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Perley, ensign, Capt. Porter, 27th regiment.— 49 : 13(3. Aaron Perley, private, Boxford, Capt. Jacob Gould, Col. Samuel Johnson, alarm, 19 April, 1775, six days. — 12 : 101. Abraham Parley, Gloucester, surgeon's mate, Capt. Henry Far- well, Col. Wm. Prescott, 4 Aug., 1775. Allen Perley, Ipswich, W. Parish, private. Capt. Abraham How, alarm, 19 April, 1775, one day.— 12 : 146. Allen Perley, 8 months, 1775, Capt. Wm. Perley, Col. James Frye, coat-roll. — 57 : 1. Allen Pearley, private, Capt. John Kettell, Col. Maj. Heath, 21 Aug., 1779, one month and 12 days. — 20 : 151. Allen Perley, private, guard at Boston, Capt. John Kettell, Col. Maj. Heath, enlisted 1 Sept., 1779, one month and two days. — 55 : N. 42 and 20 : 153. Allen Pearley, private, Capt. Wm. Perley, Col. James Frye, 17 May, 1775.-146:67. Allen Perley, corporal, enlisted 26 April, 1775, three months and thirteen days, Boxford. — 15 : 90. Allen Perley, Boxford, corporal, enlisted 16 Feb., 1775, Capt. Wm. Perley, Col. James Frye. — 13 : 44. Allen Perley, eight months, receipt, Capt. Perley, Col. Frye — 35 :149. Allen Perley, private, Capt. John Kettell, Col. (Maj.) Nathaniel Heath, enlisted 21 Aug., 1779, one month and thirteen days. — 20 : 148. Amos Perley, corporal, Boxford, alarm 19 April, 1775, six days,, Capt. Jacob Gould, Col. Samuel Johnson. — 12 :101. Asa Perley, ensign, Lt.-Col, Sprout, three years, 1777-1780. — 31 :172. Asa Perley, chosen by Legislature, 8 Feb., 1776, 1st major of Col. Samuel Johnson's regiment. — 32 :275, Asa Perley, a letter dated Boxford, 25 March, 1776, declining the commission of 1st major "on account of indisposition of body." — 194:306. Benjamin Pearley, ensign, Capt. Wm. Perley, Col. Frye. — 27 :171. Benjamin Perley, 2d Lt., Capt. Wm. Perley.— 27 :200. Benjamin Perley, 2d Lt., Capt. Wm. Perley, Col. Frye, Boxford, eight months. — 56 : 9. Benjamin Perley, Lt., Cambridge, 17 May, 1775, Capt. Perley, Col. Frye.— 146:67. Benjamin Perley, Lt., enlisted 26 April, 1775, Capt. Perley, Col. Frye, three months and thirteen days. — 15 : 90. Benjamin Perley, Lt., alarm 19 April 1775, Boxford, Capt. Wm. Perley, Col. James Frye. — 13:44. Benjamin Parley, private, Capt. Oliver Shattuck, Lt.-Col. Barna- bas Sears, enlisted 12 Aug., 1781, three months and two days, five days travel, 100 miles, Deerfield roll. — Daniel Perley, private, alarm 19 April, 1775, six days, Capt. Jacob Gould, Col. Samuel Johnson. — 12 : 101. 658 THE PERLEY FAMILY David Pearlee, Haverhill, Capt. Joseph McNeil, Col. Edward Wigglesworth. — 11 : 46. David Perley, Haverhill, drafted for service in 1775-6. These two names are probably Peaslee. Dudley Parley, Winchendon, 2d Lt., Capt. Abel Wildes, Col. Ephraim Doolittle, alarm 19 April, 1775, sixteen days. Dudley Parley, sergeant, Capt. David Bent, Col. Job Cashing, engaged 5 Sept., 1777, three months and six days, eleven days and 212 miles.— Eliphalet Perley, Danvers, sergeant, return 6 Oct., 1775, Capt. Ebenzer Francis, Col. John Mansfield, eight months. — 56 :111, Eliphalet Perley, sergeant, served three months and six days, enlisted 3 May, 1775. — 14 :S7. Eliphalet Perley, Cambridge, 8 June, 1775, eight months. — 35 : 16. Eliphalet Perley, Winter Hill, 26 Oct., 1775, Capt. Francis, Col. Israel Hutchinson. — 57:11. Eliphalet Perley, Danvers, alarm 19 April, 1775, served two days. — 12:118. Eliphalet Perley, private, enlisted 11 Nov., 1777, three months, Capt. John Dodge, Col. Jacob Gerrish. — 18 : 150. Eliphalet Perley, sergeant-major. Col. Jacob Gerrish, Winter Hill, 22 Jan., 1778.— Enoch Perley, Boxford, private, alarm 19 April, 1775, six days — 12:101. Francis Perley, Boxford, sergeant, alarm 19 April, 1775, Capt. Jacob Gould, Col. Samuel Johnson. — 12 : 101. Henry Perley, private, Stoughton, Capt. Bent, Col. Heath, eight •months' service — 26 : 239. Henry Pearley, private, Capt. Wm. Bent, Col. John Greaton, en- listed 27 April, 1775, three months and twelve days. Henry Perley, Stoughton, private, Capt. Asahel Smith, Col. Lemuel Robinson, marched 19 April, 1777, nine days — Henry Perley, enlisted for Salem, Capt, Simeon Brown, till 1 Jan., 1779—41 :45. Henry Perley, private, enlisted 3 Feb., 1778, two months and one day, Capt. Dodge, Col. Jacob Gerrish. — 18 :150. Henry Perley, private, enlisted 28 July, 1778, Capt. Simeon Brown, Col. Nathaniel Wade. — 55 : M. 1. Henry Perley, private, term one year, reported on the command with Tailors. — 55: M. 2. Henry Perley, private, Capt. Brown, Col. Wade, 6 Nov., 1778, with Tailors.- 55 : M. 3. Henry Perley, private, Capt. Jere. Putnam, Col. Nathan Tyler, R. I., alarm, enlisted 15 July, 1779, four months and sixteen days. — 3 :73. Henry Perley, on a warrant to pay officers 31 Jan., 1783. — 30 : 138; 29:187. Henry Perley, private, enlisted 1 Nov., 1778, two months and five days. Capt. Brown, Col. Wade. — 55 : M. 4. Henry Perley, pay roll for Dec, 1779, one month and five days in R. I., 107 miles.— HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 559 Henry Perley, private, R. I. alarm, 1 Sept., 1779, Capt. Jere. Put- nam, Col. Nathan Tyler. — 3 : 78. Henry Perley, private, Capt. Simeon Brown, Col. Nathaniel Wade, enhsted 1 Sept., 1778, two months. — 55 : M. 6. Henry Perley, private, Capt. John Dodge, Col. Jacob Gerrish, Charlestown, pay roll. — 18 : 157. Henry Perley, private, pay roll, Capt. Simeon Brown, Col. Nath- aniel Wade, enlisted 28 July, 1778, service 5 months and nine days. East Greenwich. — 55 : M. 5. Jacob Perley, corporal, Boxford, Capt. Jacob Gould, Col. Samuel Johnson, alarm 19 April, 1775, six days. — 12 : 101. James Pearley, Methuen, eight months and 21 days from 10 April, 1782.— James Perley, private, pay roll, Capt. John Robinson, Col. Wm. Turner, R. P, service, three months and twenty-six days. — 3 : 115. James Perley, private, pay warrant, Capt. Joseph Peirce, March, 1783.-29:257. James Perley, pay warrant, 11 April, 1783, Capt. John Robinson. —30 : 164. Jesse Pearly, private, pay roll, Capt. James Mallon, Maj.-Gen. Hancock, enlisted 3 Oct., 1779, " belonged to Ipswich," one month and ten days. — 25:25. John Pelley (Perley.?), boy. State Ship "Tartar," Capt. Benj. Simonds, six days, 19 Aug., 1777. — John Parley, Methuen, for six months service, Brig.-Gen. Paterson, 25 Oct., 1780. — 25 :222. John Pearley, private, tour months and eleven days, enlisted 6 Aug., 1778. John Perley, age eighteen years, stature five feet, six inches, com- plexion light, residence Methuen, went into camp 7 July, 1780, Capt. Dix.— 35:188. John Pearley, private, Capt. Stephen Webster, Col. Jacob Gerrish, under Washington, enlisted 14 Oct., 1779, one month and nineteen days, 220 miles. — 24 : 172. John Perley, private, Capt. John Robinson, Col. Wm. Turner, R. I. alarm, enlisted 3 Aug., 1781, four months and two days, belonged to Newburyport. — 3 : 15. John Perley, private, Ipswich, West Parish [Linebrook] Capt. Abraham How, two days, alarm 19 April, 1775. — 12 : 146. John Peley (Perley.?) private, pay-roll, Capt. Nathaniel Gushing, Col. Joseph Vose, service from 31 Jan., to 28 Feb., 1779, Providence. — 61 :212. John Perley, private, alarm 19 April, 1775, Capt. Daniel Hills, Col. Johnson, from Haverhill, four days. — 12 : 24. John Perley, private, Methuen, six months and one day from 1 July, 1780, twenty-four miles. — 27 : 10. Jonathan Perley, Capt. Daniel Hill, Col. Johnson, from Haverhill, 19 April, 1775.— Moody Pearley, private, Capt. James Mallon, Maj.-Gen. Hancock, belonged to Ipswich, one month and ten days, enlisted 3 Oct., 1779. —25 : 25. Moses Perley, Jr., private, Capt. Jacob Gould, Col. Samuel John- (J60 THE PBRLEY FAMILY son, alarm 19 April, 1775, from Boxford, six days. — 12 : 101. Moses Perley, private, alarm 19 April, 1775, Capt. Gould, Col. Johnson, Boxford, four days. — 12 : 101. Nathan Perley, sergeant, Capt. James Jones, at Concord, four days, 19 April, 1775.— Nathaniel Pearley, private, Capt. James Mallon, Maj.-Gen. Han- cock, one month and ten days, belonged to Boxford, enlisted, 3 Oct., 1779.-25:25. Nathaniel Perley, private, alarm 19 April, 1775, four days, be- longed to Ipswich, Capt. Daniel Rogers. — 13 : 74. Nathaniel Pearley, quarter-master, Cambridge, 17 May, 1775, Capt. Wm. Perley, Col. James Frye, pay-roll. — 14(5 : 67. Nathaniel Perley's petition for commission as privateer, schooner "Success." Ordered 15 Aug., 1776. — Samuel Perley, private, Capt. Samuel Johnson, Col. Titcomb, be- longed in Boxford, two months and ten days from 27 April, 1777. — 20 :101. Samuel Perley, private, Capt. S. Johnson, Col. Titcomb, belonged to Boxford, R. I. alarm, enlisted 27 April, 1777, 2 months and ten days.— 2 : 139. Samuel Perley, private, Capt. James Mallon, Lt.-Col. Putnam, en- listed 26 Aug., 1781, three months and twenty days and twelve days, 240 miles. — Solomon Perley, private, Capt. Stephen Webster, Col. Jacob Ger- rish, enlisted 14 Oct., 1779, one month and nineteen days, for Wash- ington army. — 24 : 172, Stephen Perley, private, Capt. Wm. Perley, Col. James Frye, be- longed to Boxford. — 56 : 9. Stephen Pearley, private, Cambridge, 17 May, 1775. — 146 :67. Stephen Perley, private, alarm 19 April, 1775, Capt. Perley, Col. Frye, belonged to Boxford, seven days, enlisted 16 Feb., 1775. — 13:44. Stephen Perley, private, Capt. Perley, Col. Frye, belonged in Boxford, enlisted 26 April, 1775, three months and thirteen days. — 15:90. Stephen Parley, coat-roll, Capt. Perley, Col. Frye, Cambridge, 14 Nov., 1775. — Thomas Perley, private, Capt. Jacob Gould, Col. Samuel Johnson, alarm 19 April, 1775, Boxford, three days. — 12 : 101. William Perley, captain, Col. Frye, alarm 19 April, 1775, Boxford, enlisted 16 Feb., 1775.— 13 : 44. William Pearly, private, Capt. James Mallon, Maj-Gen. Hancock, one month and ten days from 3 Oct., 1777, belonged to Ipswich. — 25 : 25. William Pearley, commissioned captain by Provincial Congress, at Watertown, 20 May, 1775, Col. Frye. — 146 :92<\ William Perley, captain, militia. — 27 : 171. William Pearley, captain, enlisted 26 April, 1775, three months and thirteen days. — 15 : 90. William Pearley, Cambridge 17 May, 1775. — 146 : 67. William Perley, captain, coat-rolls. — 56 : 9. William Perley, captain, list of field officers, 20 May, 1775. — 27:200. HISTORY AND GE3NEAL0GY (J61 CIVIL WAR. STATE LIHRARY, CAPITOL, BOSTON. Joseph H. Perley-237^ was in the 10th Maine regiment. Richard Perley-2ia' enhsted 13 Oct., 1862, aged 18, at Waterville, Me., in company B, 21st. regiment infantry and was killed in action 27 May, 18G3, a private, unmarried. Roscoe Perley-402 was mustered in 29 Sept., 1862 — promoted to corporal, company C, 25th Maine regiment. Nathaniel Perley-394 was mustered in 4 June, 1861, Waterville, aged twenty-four, corporal, and married. John A. Pearley of Philadelphia, private, company G, 32nd Penn. regiment mustered in 1 June, 1861, for three years, discharged 8 Nov., 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, 30 Aug., 1862. James P. Perley-179'' was a Civil War veteran. He enlisted in Kalamazoo, Mich., 15 Sept., 1861, a private in company E of the 13th regiment, was commissioned 2nd Lt., 16 June, 1862, taken prisoner at Chickamauga, Ga., 20 Sept., 1863, was released, resigned 2nd Lt. 24 April, 1865, commissioned 1st Lt. 24 April, 1865, was honorably discharged at close of war. Victor Perley enlisted 25 Aug., 1862, for three years, company K, 7th Ohio regiment, killed in battle of Chancellorsville, Va., 2 May, 1863. George R. Perley — Supplement 54^ — was mustered in com- pany M, 2nd Minn, regiment of cavalry, 7 Jan., 1865, discharged at Fort Ripley, 18 Oct., 1865, age nineteen. Charles E. Perley-152- was in company C, 11th Maine regiment. Henry P. Perley-213' was a private in company G, 3d Maine reg- ment. His age was nineteen; enlisted, Waterville, 4 June, 1861; discharged for disability 15 July, 1861. ROOM 261, CAPITOL, BOSTON. John Perley — Appendix C — a shoemaker, Lynn, enlisted 9 July, 1864, age twenty-two, in company D, 8th Mass. regiment, discharged 10 Nov., 1864. George A. Perley-274, a. mechanic, Gardner, enlisted a private, 8 Aug., 1862, promoted to 1st sergeant, to 1st heutenant, 11 Oct., 1864, discharged 8 June, 1865. Louis S. Perley-278, a mechanic, Gardner, enlisted 8 Aug., 1862, in company D of the 36th regiment of Massachusetts, and was dis- charged 18 May, 1865, at the end of the war. He is now, by compe- titive examination, a member of the Bureau of War Records, State House, Boston, a department for the complete compilation of those records. L. Alonzo Perley-138^ a mechanic, Gardner, enlisted 9 Aug., 1862, age twenty-one, a musician, in company H, 36th Mass. regiment, died 19 Aug., 1863, at Mound City, Ills. Charles W. Perley-469, a farmer, Haverhill, age eighteen, enlisted 4 Dec, 1863, company A, 4th Mass. regiment cavalry, discharged 14 Nov., 1865. Elbridge G. Perley-439, painter, age twenty-six, Chelsea, enlisted 26 May, 1861, company H, 1st Mass. regiment, discharged for dis- 662 THE PERLEY FAMILY ability 22 July, 1861, enlisted 15 Aug., 1862, company D, 5th Mass. regiment, discharged 2 July, 1863. Asa K. Perley-302'^, shoemaker, Boxford, age twenty-five, enlisted 17 Sept., 1862. Thomas P. Perley-302^ shoemaker, Boxford, age twenty-three, enlisted 17 Sept., 1862, company K, 50th Mass. regiment, died 4 Aug., 1863, of fever on Steamer L. M. Kennett on the Mississippi. Thomas A. Perley 424, was a farmer of Salem, age eighteen. Albert E. Perley-284^ farmer, Boxford, age eighteen, enlisted 1 Sept. 1862, company D, 48th Mass. regiment, discharged 3 Sept., 1863, enlisted 23 Aug., 1864, company M, 4th regiment heavy artill- ery, discharged 17 June, 1865. William E. Perley-438, farmer, West Boxford, age nineteen, en- listed 1 Aug., 1862, company V, 35th Mass. regiment, promoted to corporal, discharged 9 June, 1865. Joseph A. Perley-459, farmer, Lynn, age 31, enlisted 9 Sept., 1861, 2nd company sharpshooters, attached to 22nd Mass. regiment, discharged for disability 15 Sept., 1862. John L. Perley-437, Newbury port, age twenty-four, enlisted 15 April, 1861, company A, 8th Mass. regiment, discharged 1 Aug., 1861 enlisted, 1st sergeant, 19 Aug., 1861, 1st company sharp- shooters attached to 15th Mass. regiment, promoted 21 May, 1862, to 2nd lieutenant, resigned and discharged 12 July, 1862 enlisted, conimissioned 5 Jan., 1864, 1st lieutenant, company D, 4th Mass regiment cavalry, died 15 Nov., 1864, of disease, a prisoner of war. CORRECTIONS. There are a few corrections other than these below which the reader will be able easily to make. Page 17, line 14, for Topsfield, read Ipswich. Page 26, line 14, for Mary, read Marcy. Page 40, line 4, for Sarah, read Hannah. Page 52, line 23, for 1Q\ read IGl Page 52, line 25, for 1(3^ read 10^ Page 54, line 3(5, for 16^, read IGl Page 59, line 4(3, for 16^ read 161 Pages 66, 70, 72, 75, in " Lineal Descent," for Thomas-9 read Thomas-8. Page 77, line 12, for the semi-colon (;) read commas (,). Page 77, line 14, for 1855, read 1885. Page 83, line 37, for Sarah, read Sarah Hobbs. Page 86, line 10, for Sarah, read Sarah H. Page 119, line 7 after children, read a semi-colon (;). Page 119, line 8, for the semi-colon (;), read a comma (,). Page 154, line 17, for Sarah-160, read Sarah-161. Page 171, line 29, for Emma, read P2mily. Page 195, line 36, for the period (.), read a semi-colon (;). Page 195, lines 33 and 34, for the semi-colons read commas. Page 195, take the word w/io from the 42nd line and read it before married in the 41st line. Page 259, line 17, for Woodman, read Woodward. Page 281, line 8, for Perley, read Sargent. Page 282, line 8, for Sophia Ann read Apphia Ann. Page 284, line 25, for Perley, read Perle. Page 348, line 27, for Newton, read Williams. Page 364, line 23, for 1901, read 1891. Page 384, line 24, for Nathaniel-ll4, read Samuel-114. Page 386, the autograph belongs on page 381. Page 413, line 12, for J. Hamilton Pay, read J. Hamilton Gray. Page 469, line 38, for David read Daniel. Page 477, line 34, for Compton read Campton. Page 505, line 34, for Francis-30, read P'rancis-39. Page 509, line 6, for Welberforce, read Wilberforce. Page 513, line 7, for Clifford G.\ read Clifford G.l Page 537, line 5, for Harmon, read Herman. Page 623, line 33, for Boston Con-, read New England Con-. Page 624, lines 10 and 11 should have been written — now head book-keeper for the " Deerfoot Farm Dairy," Boston, Mass. Page 635, line 30, for Ames read Amos. Whe^ Neddie's Bsal Sees By By G. A. PERLEY Flandreau, South Dakota Valse Andante. Down the riv - er of In the sight of his wm m Time, His bark will go float - ing, Where saf- est of wa - ters Will craft, The Stat - ues are point- ing,. To Heav-ens e - ter - nal, For tz^: -^~-r :^==: =^: =1- =^ :^ — [=1=1= bear him a - long. For -get - ful - ness rap - ids, He's round- ed and good that was done. 'Tis more than a lit - tie. His heart-throbs will Copyright, 1906, by G. A. Pebley. Mben tTebMc'e Boat (Boee B^— Conclu^e^♦ ^-^"^•^2- — -1 r^ -»— «i— * — 1 -f * -^F 1==^ Hy * — r —I • land - ed Where breez - - — ^ — \=iz — -p — r=i— ' — 1 *-b=t==) es are waft - ing, Sweet hon - or and song. fast - en To mem - ^f -r=3 — i — 3 — ^ — - ries tab - let, For vie - to - ries won. d —85= — * "-^ J— 1-«* « ^1— J 1 fij -* * f ^ ^ — s» — cres - cen - - do. -f=F==^ '^ ^=1 — r— ? — *— 1 t — s— -m- -m- 1 1« 1«— -r^f"^ _ij^ ^^ ^ 1^-^ ■ t3 -s — t — — -J — ^ — r= ^ — ' ^sili ;==}= =t= it=t= 3iS 4*; Old riv-erlold riv - er I He's yours now for - ev - er, He knows of your =-t= — I ^- -*— T- -I- =i^=5= :^ Elg=« 5=5= i=g z}qz=t =S=;^=5= =1 r- =ff=»: =tnr:t=^ rap-ids, He knows of your falls ; The wide rolling prair-ie. He'll ride it all ver. And scale the big rock-ies. Our Ted - dy for all. rail. -J-, I ]- A=t ==l= m^m pp^gj *=r i^: APPENDIX. 1 Moses Perley-54' and Supplement-54, emigrated from Ireland and had two sons: John^ and Nathaniel. 2 John^ was born 5 Oct., 1766, married 29 Oct., 1792, lived some- time in Grafton County, N. H., and in 1816, moved to Vincennes, Ind., where himself, his wife and three children died the same season. Their children were: Dorothy G.; Moses I., who died without issue ; John, who died in Mississippi with issue; George W.*; Nancy; Sally and Lucy, who were living in 1877 ; Charlotte; Samuel S., who died in Vincennes, Ind., without issue. 3 George W.^ died in Vincennes in 1831. His wife's name was Lucretia and their child was John, who married 1 Jan., 1852, R. M. Reade of Liberty, Mo., who was born 20 Sept., 1828, both of whom resided (1877) in Atlanta, Ga. "John of Georgia," in a letter that was overlooked when Family-54 was written, furnished the above. B. John Perley and Catherine Mulligan, his wife, natives of Ireland, had Mary E., born 8 Jan., 1866, in Lawrence, Mass. C. John Perley, son of Jonathan and Sarah , was born 29 June, 1842, in New Hampshire. He went into the Civil War with the war name of Perley, drew his pension in that name and has borne the name the while since. He is a machinist, and is foreman at 364 Atlantic ave., Boston, with home in Lynn. In Aug., 1878, he was granted a patent on feeding devices for button-hole sewing machines. He married, second, Lizzie Mansfield, a dressmaker, who was born 10 Dec, 1851, to Edwin and Abbie Mansfield of Saugus, and died 25 May, 1891, aged thirty-nine years, five months and fifteen days. He married, third, in Somerville 5 Sept., 1895, Mrs. Mary Josephine- Splane Shaw, who was born 27 Aug., 1859, in Boston, to Wm. and Lizzie Splane. [She had by Mr. Shaw, Bertha May, born 2 Dec, 1884, and Edward J., born 5 Oct., 1886, in Franklin, Mass.] 1 Perley child: Eva B., who married 10 July, 1895, when she was twenty-two, Charles L. Chapman, who was a carpenter, twenty-seven years old, son of Charles H. and Augusta R. Chapman of Lynn. D. Amos Perley, colored, was born to Richard in Jackson, Miss. He was a laborer, married, and lived at 14 Ezra St., Lynn, Mass., where he died of consumption, 31 July, 1876, aged fifty years. The above was gleaned from a directory and the vital records of Lynn. The writer saw a colored lady living on Ezra St. : She said she knew Amos, that his wife's name was Hannah. She thought he was once HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 667 a slave; his work was generally about the wharves. Both were then dead, Nov., 1904. It is supposed he married in Lynn. In getting a certificate he needed a surname, and he showed good taste in choos- ing Perley and his good sense in enrolling himself with the family. E. F. R. Miles-252^ Silver Bow, Mont., 16 Aug., 1880, enclosed to us this newspaper clipping and asked if we could place him : " Emanuel Perley was put under $500 bonds to answer to the charge of house- breaking. Perley had previously been before the Grand Jury." Another clipping, 7 Oct., 1880, read : "Territory vs. Manuel Perley, burglary." "Emanuel Perla, tried on a charge of burglary, has been sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. The insanity dodge didn't work this time." The Insane Asylum of the state of Montana wrote : E. Pearl of Deer Lodge county, was admitted here 24 April, 1879, and was discharged 27 Sept., 1879. He was a druggist and about thirty years of age. Montana State penitentiary wrote: Man- uel Purley, for burglary, was received here 5 Oct., 1880, and was dis- charged 2 Sept., 1882. He was born in Switzerland, was thirty years old, five feet, seven and one-half inches tall, weighed one hundred and fifty-two pounds, had dark brown hair, blue eyes, fair complexion and was by occupation a druggist. F. James Perley of Lebanon, N. H., had his name changed to George Leclair, 10 Oct., 1876, having been called so for two years. The Lebanon town clerk, C. A. Downs, Esq., wrote 16 Aug., 1904, that James Perley, alias George Leclair, first appeared in that region at Enfield, then at Lebanon. He had talked with the Enfield Per- leys about him, but they could tell nothing about his ancestry. In Lebanon he seemed to be under a cloud. He proved to be a won- derful bass singer, and people surmised that he was trying to hide himself; for he was working in a factory for small wages, while he had a fortune in his wonderful voice. In Enfield he seemed to be well informed about the Perley family. After a few years he left Lebanon, and finally died in Boston some years since. G. Henry Morton Perley of Boston, born in northern New Hamp- shire about 1836, married in Sept., 1861, in Manchester, N. H., Mary Arae Hunt, who was born near Augusta, Me., to James and Mary- Card Hunt, 20 Sept., 1844. They had children born in Hookset, N. H.: Albert Henry Greenleaf, 13 Oct., 1862, and Maud Statire 2 Dec, 1864. Albert H. Perley of Manchester, N. H., aged twenty, born in Hookset, to Albert and Mary, married 23 Sept., 1882, Ida M. Gray, aged eighteen, born in Peterboro, N. H., to Addison G. and Augusta. He was a sailor in 1884, laborer in 1895, and commercial traveler in 1899. They had three children in Manchester, two born and died 12 Jan., 1884, and 6 May, 1895, and Albert, born 6 July, 1899. H. Joseph Samuel Perley and his brother came to this country from 668 THE PERLEY FAMILY Hungary about the time, in 1851, that Louis Kossuth came. He was born 19 March, 1828, in Kaschau, co. Zemplen, Hungary. His father was Emanuel Perle ; and his mother, Eva Arky, His wife, Hannah Cohen, married 11 March, 1862, was born 21 Aug., 1838, in New York City. His brother Victor was a traveling man in Belgium and Sweden. He had a brother Henry next to him in age. He showed the impress of a seal ring that was his father's and grand- father's. He said the spelling of his name in Hungary was Perle and was pronounced in two syllables. In America the name was pronounced as if spelled pearl, and he put on a final y, and gained in pronuncia- tion more than he lost in spelling. He said further: "I presume that all Perleys are of Huguenot origin ; so is our branch in Hungary ; we trace our ancestors to old Holland. " I left my native country when young. In 1848, 1 fought Austrian usurpation with success, but Russians with disaster. I left for Turkey, 13 Aug., 1849, and fought Russians again in Asia Minor. I came to this country in May, 1854, about the time Louis Kossuth came; I will remain here. "I was officer of staff, and 1st lieutenant of the 20th Honved Battallion with Gen. M. Perczely, then Pasha in the Turkish army. — Our coat of arms is a lion supporting a crown." He was (1880) an oculist optician, at 318 Erie St., Cleveland, Ohio. 1 Perley children, all born in Cleveland: Miriam Estella, 17 March, 1864; Jonas Aaron, 8 Aug., 1865; Bessey, 17 April, 1867; Antoinette, 4 June, 1869; Morris Black, 19 July, 1873; Louisa 16 Nov., 1876. I. Mrs. Rebecca A. Perlie of Washington, D. C, says her husband was born in France. The family once lived in Boston, Mass., where the name in the directory and vital records is spelled Perley. Her son, E. H. Perlie, is a D.D.S., to the Government, in the Navy Yard, Charlestown, Mass. J- Thomas Jefferson Perley of Lowell, Mass., was son of Lucius and Ruth-Badger Hicks, and was born in Compton, Canada, 8 June, 1830. His parents died when he was an infant, and his grandfather Badger, who was then living in Compton, took care of him till he was two years old, when Moses Perley of Canaan, Vt., adopted him and changed his name upon the consent of his kindred. Shortly after, Mrs. Perley died and Moses being in feeble health thought it best for him to return to Compton, and accordingly sent him back. Mr. Perley's grandfather Badger was a major in the Revolutionary War, and lost a leg in the service. He was a near relative of Governor Badger of Gilmanton, N. H. T. J. Perley's parents went from Gil- manton and settled in Compton, Canada. His uncle Joseph is a clergyman in Gilmanton. Mr. Perley is a veteran, having served in the Rebellion War in the 8th N. H. Regiment, Co. E, three years HISTORY AND GENEALOGY ggg and five months. He and his wife, and the oldest daughter were members of the 5th Street Baptist Church in Centralville. He is a mason by trade. Mr. Perley married Mary Jane, daughter of James P. and Ruth- Brown GHnes of Franklin, N. H., in Manchester, N. H., 3 Feb., 1855. She was born in Franklin 19 Dec, 1832. Her parents were "honest and respectable and Christians." Her grandfather was in the Revolution ; and her eldest brother served in the Mexican War, and is now a clergyman. Another brother was in the late war. Mr. Perley lived in Manchester till 1859, in Nashua till 1866, in Lowell till about 1880, he returned to Nashua, where he died 7 May, 1897. His widow expected to go to Jacksonville, Ala., with her son, in Oct., 1904. 1 Perley children, born, first two in Manchester, the next two in Nashua, the rest in Lowell : Sarah Melissa, 26 July, 1856, died 18 Oct., 1877; Willis Harvey, 29 Aug., 1858; Carrie Jane, 14 Nov., 1860; Hattie Ora Etta, 29 Sept., 1865; Grace Adella and George Albert (twins), 5 Feb., 1886; P>ederic Peaslee, 22 Dec, 1870; Lor- ing Herbert, 15 May, 1872, Walter Norman, 20 Feb., 1875; Arthur Eugene, 1 April, 1877. K. Miss Zayde Per Lee, in Nov., 1879, wrote: Our progenitor Edmund Per Lee, my great-grandfather, descended from a French family that left France, to escape the Huguenot persecution, and settled in England. When Edmund was sixteen he ran away to this country. He married a Miss Mead of Horseneck, and settled in Amenia, Dutchess County, N. Y. He had several brothers who were tall though he was small. In the family were the names Abraham and John. He had a son Edmund and several daughters — one who married a Herrick ; and another a Wicks. Edmund married Zade Wynans and had Mary, Eliza, Zayde, Edmund Gilbert, Walter ; Abraham, Semantha, Henry, John S. Zayde's line is 1 Edmund. 2 Edmund, 3 Edmund Gilbert, 4 Zayde. She wrote further: "The name has always been spelled as we spell it now, and in these latter days we are very tenacious of the capital L. My grandfather was medium height, stout built, fine looking. He was a non-commissioned officer in army of the Revolu tionary War; he was in the battle of Bennington ; and after the war a farmer in Amenia." There was a Ralph N. Perlee in Jersey City, and Ralph Perlee Lowe was a governor of Iowa. Edmund Perlee, probably the above, was paymaster in the 6th Regiment of the Dutchess County militia, in the Revolution. ILLUSTRATIONS. Apples, Perley, 329 Arms, See Coats of Autographs: Adams, Dudley W., 233 Conant, Wm. P., 336. Greenwood, Mrs. J. M., 270. Lambert, Wm. G., 508. Miner, A. A.. 495 Nelson, Sherman, xxii. Pearley, John, 284. Perkins, John A., 624. Perley, Albion S., 563. Alexander, 428. Alexander F., 427. Allan, xiii, 7. Allen, 64. Amos, 39, 427. . Anson, 483. Asa, 57, 250. Asbury. F. 497. Augustus M., 340. Benjamin, 140. Charles, xxii. Deborah, xiii, 19. Dudley, 238, 426. D. W., 406. Ebenezer P., 296. Edward, 484. F. L., 567. Francis, 149. George, 478. George E., 498. George H., 473. Hannah, 36, 209. Hannah P., 427. H. O., 564. Ira, 256. Isaac, 379. Isaac S. C, xxii. J., 184. Jacob, 35, 139. James, 297, 566. Jeremiah, 25. J. L., 330. John, xiii, 10, 27, 208, 362, 480. John Thomas, 428. Lucy, R. B., 429 Maggie, 239. Mary, 319. M. P., 341. Nathan, 144, 481. Sam'l, xiii, 14, 47, 94. Seth Todd, 571. Stephen, 168. Thomas, xiii, 15, 21, 31, 54, 121, 427. Uri, 469. Wm. B., 429. Wm. G., 472. Wm. P., 338. Putnam, David, 54. Rebecca, 54. Redington, Heph'h, 51. Thomas, 51. Robinson, Dean, 33. Sarah, 33. Twombly, A. S., 512. Wright, Anna E., 386. should be on page 381. Birthplaces, Perley: Daniel, 138. Daniel J., 321. E. Horace, 533, 618. Rev. H. C, 171. M. V. B., 166. Rev. Samuel, 48. Birthplaces, Perley continued Sidney, 171. Buffet, 53. Buildings, Indian Hill Farm, 50. Home, Sweet Home, 421. J.Perley's Free School, 187. Rev. S. Perley' s church, 95. Cemetery, The Old, vi. Chart, The Old, v. Coats of Arms: Apperley, xvii. Conant, 335. Foster, 628. Howe, 620. Lambert, 509. Macartney, 383. Miner, 494. Parleis, xv. Parleys, xv. Pearle, xvi. Pearley, xix. Perely, Pirly, xix. Purley, xvi. Pyreley, xix. Pyrley, Pyrly, xix. Pursey, xx. Spofford, 546. Strickland, 191. Commission Asa Perley's,425., Convention, 1877, The Per- ley, ix. Gravestones, John Perley 28, Houses: On Allan's Estate, 5. Amos Perley, 171. Clark, 152. Dorman, 446. Floor of E. Perley' s, 123. Hale, 138. Henry Perley, 136. How, 322. Site of I. Perley' s, 117. J. Peabody, 349. Home of J. Perley, 188. John Perley, Vt., 285. Mighill- Perley, 99. Nathan Perley, 143. Pritchard, 67 A Sod, 598. Maps: Button-End, 1. Button-End, etc., 3. Homest'd, A. Perley' s, 4. E. H. Pcrley's, 339. Jacob Perley's, vii. Mighill-Perley, 204. Hood Pond, 74. Monument, Lexington, 41. Rev. S. Perley's, 97. Murder Case, 110. Old Cellar, Rev. S. Perley's, 48. Pillion -Riding, 16. Portraits, insert: Anderson, Mrs. I. A., 485. Wilbert L., 485. Apperlev, N. W., xviii. Atherton, Mrs. C. P., 634. Bull, Mrs. F. A., 403. Cleff.Mrs.Geo.Amos., 634. Conant, W. F. & wife,336. J. Coggin & wife, 337. Davis, Alonzo, 248. W. A., 249. Dorman, F. W., 447- Gage, Mrs. S. E-, 294. Portraits, insert, continued: Howe, F. A. & wife, 356. Ingalls, Miss M. E., 252. McGibbon, C. F., 402. Miles, C. LeB., 401. Miner, A. A. & wife, 494. Perkins, J. A. & wife, 623. Perley.A.M. & wife, 340. Carrie E., 540. Chauncey C, 612. Chas. and wife, 384. Chas. S., 388. David T., 534. D. Sidney 617. " group, 617. Dudley, 426. Duncan W., 406. Edith F., 540, 541 Edwin G., 540. E. Horace, 540, 618. " group, 619. Enoch, 123. Frank E., 569. Frank G., 567. Frank L., 567. Geo. A., 396. Geo. H., 472. Harry O., 565. Herbert A., 485. Howard S., 371. Humphrey & wife, 328- 329. Ira, i. James A. & wife, 612. James P., 567. John W., 439. Lotta E., 540. Laura E., 540. Lydia M., 540. Martin V. B., 540. Mrs. Margaret, 335. Miss M. S., 485. Monroe P., 341. Moses P., 625. Nath'l M.& wife, 203. Osborne P., 559. Samuel, 567. Samuel, Mrs. 212. Sidney, 546. Silas & wife, 325. Stephen, 168, 334. V. Herbert, 540. V. H. & wife, 622. Warren H., 540, 541. Wm. D., 580. Wm. E., 405. Wm G., 472. Wm. P., 338. Russ, W. R. & wife, 531. Rust, Judith, 196. Smith, H. LeB., 634. Mrs. T. W., 634. Walls, D. P., 239. Mrs. Margaret, 239. Woodman, Mrs.H. A., 294. Portraits, letter-press: Adams, D. W., 2.33. Bull, Miss F. A., 645. Conant, Mrs. R., 88. Dwinnells,Mrs.J.R.C.,167 Dyke, Mrs. C. H.. 558. . Hood, Susie I., 619. Howe, Eliza E., 620. Jones, E. S., 334. Learoyd, Rev. C. H., 347. Millett & wife. A., 93. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 671 Portraits. letter-press, cont. : Mitchell & wife, D., 651. Mitchell & wife, P., 311. Nelson, Sherman, xxi. K Nevers, Mrs. A. A., 408. Perley, Albion S., 564. Chas. A., 579. Chas. N., 551. Cornelia T., 651. Daniel J., Dr., 320. Dean A., 555. E. Howard, 615. E. Horace, 619, 620. George A., 600. Geo. E., 499. Haskell, xxi. Portraits, letter-press, cont. Perley, Isaac S. C, xxi. John, 165. John K., 576. Jonathan, 306. Joseph F., 470. Joseph H., 376. Joseph I,., 574. Luther D., xxi. Mrs. Mary, 170. Mrs. Mary-R., 506. SethaTodd, 570. Potter & wife.J.S., 88. Tenney, Moses, 44. Tilton, Mrs.A. E., 464 Residences, Perley: Charles M., 533. Charles N., 551. Dean A., 555. Geo. A., 398, 601. Humphrey, 328. John & Silas, 166. Moses P., 626. Rev. Samuel, 628. Reunion of 1877, Perley, ix. Seal, Ipswich-Town, 21. Ship Favorite, 211. Silhouettes, 169, 298, 299. Will, Allan Perley' s, iv. INDEX. Abbot, Nehemiah, 110, 113. Lydia, Sidney F., 552. Abbott, Almeron, B., 273. Dorcas, 459. John, 47, 266. Mary, 248. Nehemiah, 9, 10. Sarah-Kidder, 273. Sarah-Perkins, 162. Stephen, 273. Abel, Mary-Eastman, 476. Morgan, 476. Phebe June, 476. Abell, Dr. Chester, 485. Aberdeen, Scot, 214, 239. Aberdeen, S. Dak., 492. Abolition, great apostle of,633 AboUtionist, 452. Aborn, Mary Silver, 614. Academy, Abbot, 559. Atkinson, 94, 161, 223 361. Bradford, 144, 223, 225, 256, 326, 508, 511,617. Brewster Free, 471. Bridgton. 220, 416, 559. Brigham, 484, 487. Brownington, 539, 540. ' ] Canaan, 598. Cavendish, Vt., 494. Charleston, 379. Colby, 272, 464. Craftsbury, Vt., 540. Danville, P. Q., 341, 539. Dean, 496. Dummer, 85. 306, 308, 319, 514, 515, 535, 618. Erie, 570. Erskine, 521. Fryeburg, Me., 376. . Girard, 570 . Gorham, 416. Hardwick, 604. Haverhill, N. H., 258 Hebron, 419. Houlton, 419. Kimball Union, 358, 491 498. Lancaster, N. H., 542. of Medicine, N. Y., 510. Meriden, N. H.,258, 521. Meriden Union, 499. Mensmack, 458. Military, 565. Milton, 317. Montpeher, 286. Morrisville, 604. New London, 343, 463 Norway, 559. OberHn, 608. Pembroke, N. H., 518. Phillips-Andover, 653. Phillips-Exeter, 126, 331 374, 510. Portland, 376. Sackville Ladies', 635. Scientific and Mil., 494. St. Albans, 608. Ten Broeck, 653. Thayer, 277. Topsfield, 89, 160, 162, 346, 445, 446, 535, 538, 540. U. S. Naval, 621. Wesleyan, Wilbraham, 496, 623. Academy grounds, 167. Academy, to establish an, 209. Academies of H. N., 494. Acasia, bark, 376. Acton, Mass., 147, 248. Acy, Ruth, 633. WiUiam, 633. Adams, 105. Abraham, 175. Anthony, 427. Apphia, 119. Arvilla, 486. Benjamin, 175. Benjamin Perlcy, 175 176, 345. Catherine Cummings, 176 Charles Henrv, 175. Charles Piper, 350. Charlotte Amanda, 407, 652. Clarence Percy, 427 Deborah, 119. Dr., 499. Dudley Whitney, 232. Ebenezer, 173. Eliphalet, 119. Eliza, A., 219. Elmira, 500. Elmira-Stevcns-, 487. Eunice Hilliard-Mitch- ell, 498. George, 487. George Martin, 407. George Washington, 175, 350. Hannah, 233, 463, 604. Hannah-Flanders, 463. Harry Elwin, 501. Ira Herbert, 498. Isaac, 481. Jarvis, 498. Jennie L., 500. Jennie Louise, 498. Joseph B., 232. Justus, 427. Kimball A., 501. Loren, 453. ,; Louisa, 175, 176. Lydia, 488. Marion, 501. Mary Ann, 176. Mary-Hayward, 407. Marv-McKay, 427. Maxwell, 232. Mehitable Perley, 175, 176. Moses, 141, 463. Mrs. Sarah-Piper, 310. Pres. John, 95, 112, 114, 115, 632. Richard H., 500. Richard Herbert, 498. Sally S., 175. Samuel, 175, 176. Sarah, 481. Sarah- Perkins, 481. Sarah Spofford, 175,176. Stella Beulah, 549. Susie, 156. WilUam, 175. William Leek, 501. William R., 501. William Warren, 501. Adams homestead, 175. Adams place, 156, 453. Adamses, Mass., stock of, 235. Adamson, Mary, 390. Addenda, 631. Addison Point, Me., 201. Addison, William Francis, 547. Admiral Sampson, the, 588. Advocate, the, 210. Aeneas, 300. Africa, 544, 596. Agreement, Schoolmaster's,31 Aikins, Mary Jane, 391. Akerman, Hannah March,528. Alabama, 377. Alamo Castle, 376. Alaska, 378. 439. Albany, N. Y., 135, 184, 357. 447, 448, 512, 653. Albany, Vt., 538, 606. Alberton, P. E. I., 302. Albion, Idaho, 352. Albion, Me., 227, 228, 419. Albion, Mich., 443. Alcott, Rev. William Penn, 337. Alden, Elizabeth Jane, 287. Harriet Ann, 526. John, 612. Louisa Maria-Reynolds, 526. Lvdia Ann, 300. Ruth, 612. William, 526. Aldrich, Alia, 227. Alexander, Caroline Whittier 508. Jane-Comforth, 508. Joseph Hugh, 508. Thornton Knox, 508. Thornton Whittier, 508. Alexandria, Va., 381. 566. Alford, Mass., 503. Alfred, Me., 481. Alger, Helen Marie, 554. Helen Marie-Whittaker 554. William Eames, 554. Allan, our ancestor, vi. (See Allan Perley). Allan, Christina-Forbes, 214. John, 214. John Thomas, 214. Mary, 214. Robert, 214, 215. Allan 's residence located, vi. Allan's Will, iv. Alleghany Mts., 356. Allen, Asaph, K., 607. Caleb, 501. Charles, 610. C. N. ,663. EUzabeth Margret, 489. Ella-Blaisdell, 501. Fanny-Sykes, 610. Frances E., 610. Isaac, 344. Isabel-Trary, 607. Johannah-Welch, 240. Joshua, 266. Mary Agnes, 240, 645. Mary Jane, 607. Nancy M., 86. NelUe Edith 501. Rev H. E., 498. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 673 Allen, Sabra Anna, 344 Sophronia, 344 William, 645 William B., 290 Allen woolen mill, 247 Allendale, 53S Allen's farm, 90 Alley & Sons, John B., 450 Alliance, Mass. Temp., 495 Ont, Lord's Day, 390 Alliances of Pcrleys, viii, ix Allison & Somes, 625 Ally, William, 134 Almena, Mich., 476 Almshouse, Boxford, 289, 292, 642 Alna, Me., 228 Alnwick, 240. Alrich, Emeline, 454 Altoona, Pa., 208 Alton, 111., 518, 519, 520 Alton Journal, 518. Alton, Me., 647 Alton Public Library, 519 Alumni, Chapman's Dart- mouth, 257 Ambory, 561 Armenia, 669 America, xi, xiii, 1, 6, 98, 112, 135, 300, 374, 395, 396, 567, 646, 651, 668 America, young, 284 American Biography, 94 brethren, 301 Consul, 68 Journal, the, 590 Legion, 403 manufacture. 224 Republic, 158 thinker, greatest, 243 Americans, 632 Amerique, the steamer, 374 Ames, Alice Tyler, 293 Charles, 293 Clementine Corolin-Hart, 570 Edson David, 570 Elizabeth, 112 Elizabcth-Bhmt, 108 Elizabeth Perley, 570 Guy Clarence. 570 James S., 293 Jeannctte-Sergeant, 293 John C, 161. Jonathan, 108, 110, 112 Mrs. 109, 111-114 Palonia Frances, 521 Russell DeHart, 570 Amesburv, Mass., 107, 151, 164. 209, 210, 212, 314, 363, 506, 644, 647, 648 Amherst, 150 Amherst, Mass., 616, 623 Amherst, N. H., 280 Amherst, N. S., 237 Amherstburg, Ont., 510 Amicus, Kan., 281. Amiens, France, 6.37 Amos, Margaret Isabe11a,387 Amoskeag Mfg. Co., 386 Amsterdam, N. Y., 91 Ancaster, Ont., 388, 389.578 Anchinleck branch, the 383., Anderson, Annette. 608 Edward W., 221 Elizabeth Rebecca, 272 Emma Clare-Nicholson, 583 Emma-Engeseth, 630 Euphcmia-Findlay, 442 Flora Isabell, 603 Florence Isadore, 603 Ira Stone, 608 Jane, 369 John Pressley, 442 Mary P., 609 Mary Perley [Perle] 284, 608 Minnie May, 583 Mrs. 483 Mrs. Ira S., iii, 284 Robert, 583, 603 Robert Stevens, 603 Ruth-Stevens, 603 Seth P., 608 Wilbert Lee, 60S William, 442 Anderson, Knight &, 168 Anderson & Lewis, 608 Andcrsonville, Ga., 90 Andersonville Prison, 567 Andes Mts., 208 Andover, Mass., viii, 13, 30, 33, 46, 61, 62, 70, 107, 113, 118, 137, 158, 197, 212, 254, 259, 274, 297, 319, 416, 446, 523, 559, 592, 629, 631, 646, 6.53 Andover, Me., 71, 552 Andover, N. B., 394, 401 Andover, N. H., 281, 625 Andover road, 156 Andre, Sophia, 374 Andrew, Abigail, 26 Anna, 26 68 Annie, 77 David, 26 Elizabeth, 26 Gov., 300, 314 Gov. John A., 313 Grace, 25 Hannah, 26 Hannah- Wood, 68 Hephzibah, 25, 26 John, 25, 26 John Albion, 25 Jonathan, 25, 26 Joseph, 25, 26 Joshua, 68 Lydia, 25 Marcy [not Mary] 26 four- teenth line Mary, 25, 26 Mary [read MarcyJ 26, fourteenth line Nathaniel, 25, 26 Patience, 26 Rebecca, 26 Robert, 25, 26 Ruth, 26 Sarah, 25 Thomas, 11, 26 Andrews, 85 Apphia, 140 Betsey, 162, 345, 351 Charles Perley, 245 Daniel, 132. Dean, 445. EHzabeth Cynthia, 85 Emily Augusta, 445 Eunice-Kimball, 445 Eunice-Kneeland, 85 Hannah-Wood, 140 Harriet Esther, 445 Henry Allen. 245 Jacob, 139 Joanna, 255 Joseph, 85 Joshua, 140 Leander, 132 Loren, 24.5 Lt., 414 Lucy, 245 Lydia, 125 Lysander, 132 Mrs. Dean, 254 Nancy, 132 Nathan, 132, 445 Porter, 132 Rachel G., 414 Sarah, 140 Andrews & Perley, 440 Andrews house, 156 Andrews Sharpshooters, 595 Andros, 16, 21 Angelica, N. Y., 537 Angels, The, 503 Ann Arbor, 373, 401, 564 Annapolis, 90, 454, 621 Annice, Elizabeth, 285 Annis, Marcy A., 593 Mary, 459 Anoka, Minn. ,568 Anson, Me., 150, 266 Antietam, 90, 385, 576, 595 Antietam, Battle of, 248 Antioch, Cal., 637 Antiquarian, The Essex, 108 Antrim, Ire., 383 Antrim, N. H., 276, 625 Antwerp, N. Y., 486 Apalachin, N. Y., 590 Apperleghe, John de, xvii, xviii Ap-Perley, xvi, 397 Apperley, Anthony, xviii Charles James, xviii Elizabeth, xvi John, xviii Maj., iv Miss xvii. xix, 414 Mrs., xvii Newton Wynne, xviii Thomas, xviii William, xviii William Wynne, xviii Apperley, name of, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxii, 414 Appeuile, xviii Apple, Southern Lady, 100 Apples, Perley, 329 Appleton, xxii Appleton, Augusta Newell, 78 Benjamin Dexter, 77. 78 Charles Warren, 78 Daniel Smith, 77 Elizabeth, 98, 99 Fannie Etta, 77 Gen. James, 199 Harriet-Bishop, 77 Harriet Elizabeth, 77, 78 Hepsie, 78 John, 31, 38, 63, 98 Martha, 63 Mary, 190 Mrs. Toshua, 85 Samuel, 63, 98, 99 Sarah, 98 Appleton, Me., 93 Appleton National Bank, 525 Appleton & Co., D., 180 Appomattox Court House,302 Appuleius, xviii Appuley, xvii, xviii Appurley, xvii Apulee, xviii Arcala, Assiniboia, N. W. T. 409. Areata, Cal., 603 Archibald, Isaac, 228 Isaac Edson, 228 Mary-Horton, 228 Archives, State Boston, 655 Areola, 111.. 611 Arden, 390 Argus, The, 497, 570 Arizona, 377 Arizona exhibit, 654 Arkansas. 377 Arkansas Volunteers, 565 Arky, Eva, 668 Arlington Heights, 455 Arlington, Mass., 193, 317, 363, 649. Arlington, N. J., 361 Arlington Quartette, 343 Armiger, 98. Armor, coat, 14 Armorial bearing, 414. Armory, Browne & Co., 447 Arms, Apperley, xvi, xvii, xxii. 674 THE PERLEY FAMILY Arms, Conant, 648 Dodsworth Badsworth 628 Macartney. 650 I'arleis, xv Parleys, xv Pearl, xvi Purley, xvi Pursey, xx Strickland or Strykeland ^ 643 Throgmorton, xvi Arms, Coats of, xii. 668 Sources of, xii Arms proposed, xxii Armstrong, Elizabeth, 428 Susan, 76. Army, Confederate, 527 Continental, 68, 1.30 Potomac, .385. 576 Provincial, 118 Revolutionary, 414 Turkish, 668 Union, 348 U. S., 193, 221 Arnold, Gen. Benedict, 403 646 Jane, 207 Madam, 403 Arnold's treason, 273 Arnprior, Ont., 582 Arthur, Gen. Chester A. ,485 Artillery, Mass. Heavy, 649 Arundel, 26 Ash, Espy, 631 Ashburnham, 128, 230, 431 Ashburton, Lord. 413 Treaty, 413 Ashby, 229 Ashcroft, Mass. 529 Ashford, N. Y.. 243 Ashley. 131 Ashley road, 132 Ashton, Mary Ann, 581 Patty, 578 William, 129 Asia Minor, 668 Aslebee, Mary-Osgoud, 33, 51 54, 57 Aspen, Colo., 483 Assembly, Canadian, 300 Provincial, 25 Assiniboia, N. W. T., 409 Assinippi, 596 Assistants, Board of, 2 Association, Canadian Medical, 635 Citizen's Constitutional. 599 Confederation Life. 390 for Detect, of Thieves 306 Essex North, 290 Haverhill, 290 Lynn Mus., 450 Medical, 510 New Brunswick Medical 635 Perley Family, xi Toronto Medical, 635 Astle, Adwina, 604 Astor House Family, 80 Astrologer, boy, 163 Asylum, Mont. Insane, 667 Athens, 96 Athens, Me., 228 Athens of America, the, 531 Athens, Pa., 538 Atherton, Abigail-Mooers, 634 Albert, 632 Alfred B., 635 Alfred Bennison, 634 AmeUa, 632 Benjamin, 632, 634, 636 637 Calvin, 632 Dr., 632 Edwin R., 637 Edwin Robinson, 635 Elizabeth J., 635 Elizabeth Jane, 634 Ernest Livingstone, 635 Fanny, 632. Frances E., 637 Frances Emma, 635 George F., 635- George Frederick, 634 George Irvine, 637 Hannah, 637 Harry Bedford. 635 Humphrey, 636, 637 James, 636 Jane, 409, 632 John, 632, 634 Le Baron, 632 Mabel Maud, 637 Mary, 632 Mary A., 635 Mary Abigail, 634 Mary-Carle, 409 Matilda Amanda, 634 Maud, 635, 637 Peter, 409, 632 Simeon, 634 Stephen E., 635 .Stephen Edward, 634 Thomas, 632 William Alfred. 637 WilUam de, 636 Atherton, Eng., 636 Athol, Mass., 246, 249 437 439 Atkinson, All Hail Loved, 362 Atkinson, Alice Maria, 202 Edward Jason, 201 Eleanor Locke, 332 Frederic Perley, 332 Grace, 202 Jennie, 443 . Joseph Alley, 201 Josephine Perley, 332 Joseph P., xi. Joseph Plummer, 331 332 Martha Louise, 332 Mary Elizabeth, 202 Orville Augustus, 332 Rev. Mr., 49S Ruth Chadwell-Mudge 201 Senator, 572 Atkinson, N. H., 118. 500 Atlanta. Ga., 108, 666 Attlcboro, Mass., 266, 426 Attorney, East Dist., 359 U. S. Dist., 44. Attridgc, Adda. 429 Adelia, 429 Arthur, 429 Herman, 429 Maggie. 429 Margaret- Dawson, 429 Mary, 429 Muriel, 429 Richard, 429 Attwood's, 161 Auburn, [Mass.], 133, 134,250. Auburn, Me., 82, 194 195 316. 369, 373,422,591.' Auburn, N. H., 460 Auburn, R. I., 437 Augmentation Office, 2 Augusta, Me., 52, 173 ogg 274, 298, 301, 302, 31o' 351, 521, 591, 667 "Aunt Rebecca," 127 Aurora, fill.], 561 Aurora, Kan. T., 377 Aurora, N. Y., 129, 640 Austin, Clara Isabella, 536 Harriet Newell, 482 Lucy Ann, 432 Lucy-Kendrick, 432 Thomas, 432 . Austin, Nev., 392, 400 Austin, Texas. 376 Australia, xviii, 491, 537 Austrian Usurpation, 668 Autographs, 570. Autopsy, 109, 110 Avalon, Mo., 480 Averill, Carrie, 155 Charles, 156 Cyrus, 349 Elizabeth, 255, 326, 505 Elmer P., 155, 156. E. Perkins, 155. Florence Maria. 255. Florence Osgood, 156 George Leonard, 255 John F.. 349. Joseph, 255, 505 Louisa- Dickinson, 349 Lulu J., 155 Lydia, 328 Mary Lizzie, 255 Mrs,, 255. Avery, Daniel, 168 Avon, 252. Avon Station, la., 604 Avondale, 390. Ayer, Mary, 476 Ayer, Mass.. 454 Ayers. Abiah. 58 Elizabeth-Tultle, 57 Hannah, 58 Hezekiah, 58 Jacob, 58 James, 58 John, 58 Jonathan. 58 Joseph, 58 Lydia, 58, 72 Perley, 58 Peter, 57, 58 Phincas, 58 Richard, 58 Samuel. 57 Sarah, 58 William, 58 Ayers Village. 58 Ayrshire, Scotland, 429 "B" 70 Babcock, Adwina- Astle, 604 Albert Woodbury, 604 Emma Amelia, 604 Baby Louisa Rosalie, 597 "Babylon, Fall of", 567 Bachelder, Eunice, 294 Bachellor, Charles, 457 Elbridge Kimball, 457 George, 457 George H. A., 157 George Hiram Abiff.456 George Kendall, 457 Henry Pcrlev 457 Humphrey Clark, 457 John, 457 Leonard Hazeltine, 457 Lois Hardy, 457 Lydia-Chase, 456, 457 Maria, G., 457 Mary, 457 Morrison Proctor, 457 Proctor P., 457 Ruth M., 457 Samuel, 456 Wm., 456 William K , 457 Bachelor, George, 154 Henry, 154. Bachellor Meadow, 103 Bacon, D. G 516 Dr., 462 Mary Hammond, 317 Ruth W., 191 Samuel, 106, 209- W. B., 516 Bade, Marie Elisabet de, 644 Badger, Gov., 668 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 675 217 217 507 Badger, Ruth, 668 Badsworth, 62S Bagley, Bulah-Woodruff,561 Lodoisha Ashley, 561 Solon B., 561 Bagloe, Albert Henry, 437 Ann Tradinac, 437 Carry Mason, 437 Hattie Grace, 437 m William, 437 Bailev, 629 Abigail, 2S8 Abraham, 217 Addie May, 431 AHce, 249 Annie Louise, 432 Benjamin, 217 Benjamin Studley, 217 Charles James, 217 KUen Rebecca-Platt,447 Emma Tosephine-Pick- ^ ard, 560 Kphraim Manasseh, 217 Frederick Wellington, 431 George Henry, 447 Gertrude Julia, 432 Gideon Daniel, 217 John, 152, 217 John Thomas, 217 Julia Miranda-Pettee,431 I>a Forrester, 295 Leroy, 560 Lizzie, 296 Luke Edward, 217 Margaret A. -Johnson 295 Mary, 199 Matilda Ann, Mrs., 217 Orra, 431 Phoebe Eliza, Rebecca, 505, Samuel, 101 Sarah, 288 Sarah Cheever, 447 Bailey Show, Barnum &, 567 Bailey & Co., S. R., 151 Baine, 629 Baird, Agnes Girvan, 636 Alfred Briggs, 636 Elizabeth-Snodgrass,636 Ethel, 636. Frank Fraser, 636 Hannah Snodgrass, 63G Isaac Wallace, 636 Ruth Margaret, 636 Samuel, 636 Baker, , xii, 457 Abigail Kidder, 493 Abigail- Perkins, 479. Adella Minerva, 480 Anna, 49 Candace Sophia, 479 Charles, 567 Charles A., 480 Charles Anson, 479 Edward Nelson, 480 Emily-Smith, 569 Ernest Ralph, 569 Eunice, 116 F^va Johanna, 480 Ezra, 250 F'annie Malvina, 577 George Henry, 226 Gilbert Orvel, 480 Henry Dow, 480 Henry Jacolj, 479 H. H., 278 Isaac, 493 Jacob, 479 James Seldon, 480 John, 48, 49 John Perkins, 479 John Wilbur, 479 Kezia, 139 Louisa Maria, 493 Lydia Almira, 567 Maria Louisa, 493 Mary, 49 Mary F., 494. Mary Frances, 493 Osma C, 494 Osma Cornelia, 493 Osman Perley, 493 Osman Cleander, 493 Philip DeWitt, 569 Ralph, 569 Samuel, 49 Simons, 110 Susan E., 479 Susan F'^rances, 480 Thomas, 48, 49 Warren Adabert, 480 Wilbur, 479 Bakersfield, Vt., 286, 479, 481, 484, 486-488, 603, 611, 612 "Baker Perley," 460 Balch, Wiggin, 513 Anna Bradstreet, 155, 156 Benj. Johnson, 155 Clarence Linwood, 155 Daniel, 167 Edith, 513 F'dward Forrest, 1.55 Edward Perley, 155, 156 Eunice, 155 F'lora Eliza, 155 F'ranklin, 155 Gilbert Brownell, 155, 156 Harriet Webb, 155 Humphrey, 155 Humphrey, Porter 155 Jeremiah, 155 Jeremiah Perkins, 155 Jeremiah Shepherd, 155 Joanna Mitchell, 212 John, 154, 209 Jonathan, 308 Lucy, 212 Mary, 167 Mary Abby, 155 Mary Augusta, 155, 156 Mehitable, 155 Moody, 154 Nathaniel, 212 Perley, 154, 155 Rebecca, 154 Rev. Dr., 513 Roger, 154 Sally-Hopkinson, 308 Samuel, 308 Sarah H., 308 WilUam P., 308 Balch Bros., 156 Baldwinsville, Mass., 251, 434 436-439 Ball, Almira Flhott, 276 Dexter, 276 Heman, 173 John, 276 Nehemiah, 276 Rebecca Proctor, 276 Sarah, 199 Ballard, -White, 479 Amanda I-., 479 Carl Eugene, 480 Carrie M., 479 Charles ,479 Charles Orville, 480 David Eugene, 480 Emeroy C, 611 Emoroy CaHsta, 479 Ernest E., 480 Ernest Eugene, 479 Fred, 479 Hannah, 337 Harland Adelbert, 479 Ida Nelson, 479 James, 479 James N., 479 John Bradley, 479 John Melvin, 479 Nellie, 479 Orville John 479 Thomas Orville, 479 Trathon, 479 Ballentine, Capt. John, 655 Ballinasloe, Ire , 505 Ballon, Asahel, 42 Benjamin, 42 Hosea, 42, 328, 495 Balls Bluff, 90 Balnier, Joseph, 630 Baltimore, Md., 68, 209, 210, 212, 530, 565, 653 Bambach, Christian, 325 John Henry, 325 I,aura Virginia-Hinton, 325 Banbury, Edwin Ashley, 581 Ellen Maud, 581 lamest Carey, 581 Lloyd Ashley, 581 Mary Ann-Ashton, 581 Perley, 582 Pha-be EUzabeth, 582 Richard, 581 Richard Dell, 581 Roy Ashton, 581 Bancroft, Abbie Quincy, 512 Jacob, 512 Lucy, 244 Martha G., 512 Smyrna W., 244 Bancroft's History of U. S., 2 Bangor, Me., 69, 90, 163, 191- 193, 226, 228, 265, 302, 311, 320, 380, 412, 452, 629, 630, 647 Bangs, Rev. Sumner, 380 Bank, Appleton Nat., 525 Bridgton, Savings, 366 Dartmouth Savings, 522 First Nat., Reading, 448 Franklin Co. Nat., 616 Georgetown Nat., 458 Globe Employes' 621 Mer. Nat., 572 Nat., 537 Naumkeag Nat., 207 Park Hill Standard. 588 Peoples' Nat., 491, 566 Banking, cooperative, 619 Bank of N. S., 430 St. Croix Falls, 440 Bankers & Merchants, 541 Banks, Blanche Beatrice, 423 Emma Tsabelle, 241 Gen., 444, 462, 586 George, 241 George Frederick, 241, 423 Henry Dow, 113 James Sanford, 241 Mary, 241 Sarah Elizabeth, 241 Violet Irene, 423 Banks' Expedition, 163 Banner, Harriet, 198 Baptist, a, 476 a devoted, 421 Bar, Canadian, 193 Connecticut, 510 Massachusetts, 193 Erie County, 567 Baraboo, Wisconsin, 348 Barber, Dr., xvii, xviii, Barber, Rev. Dr., xiv Barber, Rev. H. H., 90 Barbour, Alexander Lam- bert, 510 Edward Lambert, 510 Eliza Ann-Ransom, 510 . Wm. McLeod, 510 William Ransom, 510 Barden, Achsah, 272 Bardsley, Mr., xvii Bar Harbor, Me., 638 Bark, Acasia, 376 676 THE PERLBY FAMILY Bark of birchtree, 124 Barker, viii, 399 Albert Sheridan, 93 Benjamin, 218 Caroline Frances, 302 Charles Benjamin, 218 Chas. WoodvJlle, 218 Clara Louise, 218 Hlizabeth Reynolds, 90 Frederick, C. 219 Frederick Coburn, 218 George, 93 Harriet Atvvood Perley, 218 John, 113 Julia, 218 Martha P., 550 Mary-Coburn, 218 Mercv, 63 Miss, 215 Moses, 113 Nathaniel, 101 Phcrbe Elizabeth, 256 Sarah, 29, 218 Sarah Ehzabeth-Titcomb 93 Thomas Benjamin, 218 Thomas Perley, 218 William Harrison, 219 Barkhamstead, F,nK., 64 Barn, Aaron Perlev's, 640 Barnabv, Mary, 297 Barnard, Chas. F., 625 Chas. WilUam, 025 Sophronia W. - Holmes, 625 William F., 625 Barnes, Benj S., 11, 66 Kdith Edna, 443 Frank, 137 G. H., 287 Jennie Lavina- Collins, 443 Joseph, 443 Perry, 226 Phineas, 162 Sarah, 162 Sarah Ellen, 280 Sallv-Spofford, 162 William, 197 Barnstable, Mass., 639 Barnstcad, N. H., 507 Barnum, P. T., 567 Barr, Caroline, 08 Mary Ehza, 348 Nancy, 08 Barre, 286 Barrell, xx Barrett, Angus McLean, 302 Margaret, 448 Mary A., 302 Marv Matilda, 302 Quinton Hugh, 389 Barrett Co., Bugbee &, 639 Barringer, Helen Amelia- Crooker, 573 Mary Lavinia, 573 Mathias, 573 Uarrington, N. H., 164 Barrows, Mary, 126 Mary Palmer-Fessenden, 221 Ruel, 126 Sarah Fessenden, 221 Thomas P., 120 W'illiam, 221 Barstow, Aseneth, 220 Bartlett, 630 Adaline, 457 Celia, 649 Clayton Joseph, 630 Dorothy, 282, 301 Eliza Jane, 457 Greenleaf Kelley, 142 Joseph, 282 Luther, 457 Ruth, 559 Sarah-Morse, 282 Bartlett' s Corner, 209 Barton Landing, Vt..605 606 Barton, Vt., 471, 482, 605,606 Bass, Tohn, 012 Sarah, 612 Baskett, John, 25 Bastedo, Susan, 391 Baston, Annie May, 317 James, 317 Mary Hammond-Bacon, 317 Batavia, 111., 368 Batavia, N. Y., 503 Batchelder, (see also Bachel- lor) Aaron, 40 Almira, 347 Almira Putnam, 346 Andrew, 346, 347, 349 Annie, 445 Benjamin W., 40 Charles H., 40 David, 26. 40 Dennis, 449 Foster Rayner, 449 G. Edwin, 449 Hannah R., 40 Harriet B., 40 Henry, 6 Jeremiah, 40 Tohn, 40, 172, 347 lohn A., 40 lohn Q., 34 Joseph, 40, 172, 627 loseph M., 40 Toscph P., 40 Julia S., 40 Lois, 40 Lucy Frances-Rayncr, 449 Maria Olivia, 172 Martha A., 40 Mar>', 40 Marv A., 40 Marv E., 40 Mt>lly, 40 Moses, 40 Mrs. 55 Perley, 40 Phebc, 550 Rachel, 330 Ruth-Putnam, 340 Sally, 40 Samuel S., 40 Sarah, 40 Sarah-Felton, 349 Sarah-Perkins, 172 Sarah S., 40 Susannah, 40 William A., 40 Batchellor, Nathaniel, 179 Batchellor & Doris Shows,567 Bateman, Alfred P., 315 Bernice Ellen, 594 Bessie Ann Perley, 594 Betsev-Merrill. 593 Bovd Leshe, 594 Charles Grafton, 594 Clara Perley, 594 Frank Eldon. 594 Jessie Hale, 594 John B., 593, John Battis, 593 Tohn Melvin, 594 John Perley 594 Linnie Gertrude, 594 Mabel Josephine, 594 Rosa A. 316 Rosa Amanda, 315 Bath, Me., 203, 358, 391, 590, 591, 646, Bathurst, N. B., 429, 529 Baton Rouge, 444, 462, 587 BattalHon, Honved, 068 Battle Creek, 358, 374 i Baxter, Caroline J. 277 Caroline Jerusha, 276 Charles Henry, 201 Charles Newcomb, 276 Daniel Story, 276 Edward Hallan, 201 Edward Lee, 201 Emma-Lambert, 201 Jonathan, 275 Joseph, 201 Mary A. H., 277 Mary Ann Havward, 276 Paul Perley, 275 Pollv Doble-Hayward, 275 Rebecca Blanchard, 276 Thompson, 275, 270 William, 201 Bay du Vin, N. B., 240, 420 Bay of Fundy. 037 Baylor, Gen., 565 Kate Brooke, 505 Thomas Gregory, 565 Bayonne, France, 203, 204 206 Bazley, Jane, 198 Beach, Aurilla-Comstock,295 Helen Estclle, 295 Henrv Harrison, 295 Martha A.. 610 Samuel. 295 Bcal, lohn W.. 89 Sarah J., 89 Beall, Anna Bell, 611 Chas. Beauchamp, 611 James Perley, 611 William, Oil W^m. Beauchamp, 611 Beals, F:ilen, 400 Beaman, William, 231 Bean, E., 380 Everett, 403 Eunice-Pike, 84 Fanny Moody, 039 Nathan, 168 Lois, 84 Mary, 270 Micajah, 84 Samuel H., 108 Bean's Corner, Jay, 453 Beardsley, John, 032 W^ilhemina Louisa Flor- ence-Nash, 401 Bear Island, N. B., 409, 035 Bcattie, Dorinda Ann, 609 John Yates, 609 Sarah Elizabeth-Deely, 609 Beauchamp, Lidie, 527 Beaumont, Cornelia Merriam 344 Cornelia Pease-Erwin,344 George Henry, 344 Sabra Merriam, 344 William H., 344 Beaver, 252 Beaver City, Neb., 442 Beaver Harbor, N. B., 424 Becker, Mrs. Barbara A.- Heintz, 572 Becket, William, 112 Beckwith, Eunice, 404 Susan Duncan, 508 Bedell, John, 391 Margaret Jane, 391 Paul Micheau, 404 Bedford, N. H., 69, 274, 275 Bedlow's Island, 196 Beecher, Henry Ward, 591 Lyman, 511 Mrs. 591 Beecher' s people, 542 Beeman, Aaron, 102 Charles A., 102 Edward P., 102 Horatio L., 102 Louisa R., 102 ■^ Phebe-Kimball, 162 Beer & Co., D. G. (Beers) 209 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 677 Beers, Lucy, 247 Beirout, Syria, 448 Belchertown, Mass., 623 Belfast. Ire., 237, 428 Belfast Journal, 419 Belgium, 668 Bell, Anna, 611 Belleas, Charles, 557 Gertrude Henrietta, 557 Lena-Boreazel, 557 Belle Isle, Straits of, 412 Bellevue, Pa., 447 Bellows Falls, Vt., 251, 433 Belknap Mill, 168 Belmont, 329, 330, 389 Belmont Park, 63 Beloit, Kan., 480 Belvidere, Minn., 630 Bement, 111., 651 Bemis, Alice A., 286 Bender, Bcni. Frank, 455 Ethel Mae, 455 Mary Elizabcth-Kellogg, 455 Bendure, Abigail, 630 Benedict, Frances Eliza- Frost, 387 Matilda Hilton, 387 Thomas, 387 William Andrew, 387 Benham, Alice F., 492 Harriet-Hillekee, 492 Isiac, 492 Bennett, Charles. 631 Charles B., 631 Cleaves B., 631 John, 58 Lucy Gillette, 646 Mehitable, 145 Sarah W., 631 Sewell, 144, 145 Stephen, 46 Bennington, Battle of, 669 Bennington, Vt,. 480 Bennington ware, 651 Bennison, Albert, 634 Amanda I'erley, 634 Charlotte, 634 Charlotte Perley, 634 Eben, 634 EUza Mary, 634 George, 634 George Samuel, 634 James Johnson, 634 Mary, 634 Mary C. P., 636 Mary Caroline Perley, 634 Matilda Jane, 634 Samuel, 634 Thomas Edward, 634 Benson, Caroline Frederica- Nelson, 596 Elizabeth Frederica, 596 John Frederick, 596 Benson, Neb., 608 Bent, David, 658, William, 135, 658 Benton, Me., 418, 419 Benton, Mary Catherine,550 Thomas H., 552 Benwood, 430 Berkshire, Vt., 284, 485, 487, 603, 610 Berlin, 378 BerUn, Ger., 331, 488, 512, 520, 557 Berlin, Mass., 82 Berlin, Ont., 474 Berlin, Vt., 284-287, 480-484, 486-489, 605, 607, 647 Berly, xx Berrill, xx Berry, Albert, 255 Albert G., 646 Albert Greenleaf, 252 Anna Wells, 255 Augusta S., 644 Augusta Susan, 643 Benjamin, 110 Charles Albert, 255 Clara H., 440 Claia Helena, 252 Daniel, 194 Elias, 220, 646 Elizabeth, 72 Eunice-Carpenter, 252 Fannie Jane, 643 Frances Ann, 135 Frances Eliza, 252, 646 George E., 523 Georgia Anna, 643 Gertrude Wells, 256 Jacob, 255 John, 72 John Masury, 523 John Plumley, 523 Katherine Annette, 256 I-ydia W., 523 Margaret, 77 Martha Higgins, 643 Mary, 547 Mary Annette, 255 Mary Perley, 523 Nancy-Lamb, 643 Phebe, 220, 646 PhcEbe Anna, 256 Rachel, A. 525 Rufus, 196, 643 Samuel Dwight, 255, 250 Sarah Josephine, 643 Susannah- Winchester, 255 William, 643 Berry's Tavern, 184 Beiryville, 90 Berthum, Susan S., 192 Berwick, Me., 198 Berwya, 111.. 613 Bethel, Me., 62, 72, 119, 552 027 Bethel, Vt., 287, 433 Bethlehem, N. H., 160 Bettis, 584 Bet to, 584 Belts, Benajah Taylor, 386 Charles Darling, 386 Emily Ada, 386 Emily-Seymour, 386 Fr.ank Taylor, 386 Ira Benedict, 386, 387 Lucy Penny, 386 Nancy Maria, 431 Ralph Perley, 386 Robert Jefferson, 386 Thomas, 387 William Henry, 386 Beverly, Mass., 49, 86, 87,115, 116, 159, 180. 197, 200, 291, 310, 344. 444, 524, 553, 554, 559. Beyea, Martha Sophia, 393 Bible, 25 Bible, old, x Bickford, Hepzibeth A., 498 Luella Bell, 274 WiUiam. 246 Bicknell, Benjamin, .303 Edith Lena, 304 Fred Judson, 303 Helen Coburn, 304 Loantha-Coburn, 303 Putnam Perley, 304 Biddeford, 220 Big Bethel, 385 Bigelow, Augustus, 246 Cynthia H.Perlev, 246 Susan Perley, 246 Thuseba, 246 Bigtimber, Mont., 422 Billings, Carrie Lucinda, 472 Emily Lockwood - Du- rant, 472 George B catty, 472 Hannah, 264 Billlings, Mont. 422 Billerica, Mass., 68, 69, 148 Bill of Rights, 67 Bingham, Louise Corbet, 407 Jabez, 72 Bingham register, xiv Binghaniton, N. Y., 577 Binston, Minn., 309 Biography, iii Biography, American, 291 Biography of Indiana, Ency. of, 254 "Birches, The," Chatham, N. B., 426 Bird, Catherine, 502 Birdsall, B., 300 Birmingham, George, 624 Hannah, 624 Birthday, 25th, 24th, 441 Birthplace of Amer. Ind., 21 Birthplace, Rev. Samuel Per- ley' s, 48 Bisbee, Ariz., 561 Bishop, Esther-Gibcrson, 422 George, 630 Harriet, 77 Isabella-Walls, 240 John, 228, 229 Juha Roundy, 630 Margaret Phyhnda, 240 Maria, 422 Nellv, 630 Robert D., 240 William, 422 Bishop's Stortford, Eng., 64 Bisley, Eng., 584 Bixby, Cromwell, 316 Daniel, 260, 352, 542 Elvira, 542 George, 542 Georgiaima, 542, 543 Henry, 316 John P., 543 John Perley, 542 Lewis L., 543 Lewis Lester, 542 Lucinda. 352 Lydia, 316 Lydia, A. 543 Lydia Ann, 542 Martha, 643 Sarah-Town, 352, 542 Black, Daniel, 24, 25, 33 Horace, 230 Lulu, 243 Sarah, 25 Blackbrook, 240 Black Brook, N. B., 589 Black Hawk, Col., 479, 610, 611 Blackhurst, Emma, 552 Blackington, Edna Richards 587 Blackmer crest, 613 Black Prince, The, 161 Black River, N. B., 426 "Black Rock," Hero of 25 Blaine, Wash., 366, 367 Blaisdell, Ella, 501 Lydia F., 369 Blake, Almira. 307 Almira Elizabeth, 307 Arthur L., 195 Arthur Lewis, 643 Carrie Webster, 307 Catherine-Bird, 502 C. H., 307 Chandler, 502 Cora Susan, 195, 643 Dr., 262 Ehas, 195, 643 Elizabeth, 416 EUzabeth-Cook, 643 EUzabeth-Trion, 195 Esther J., 479 678 THE PERLEY FAMILY Blake, Grinfill, 221 James Lewis, 140 J. C, 571, 572 Jethro, 307 Lizzie Higgins, 195, 643 Lothrop, 195, 643 Luther Gary, 364 Mary Elizabeth, 502 Mr. 261 Nellie Perley, 364 Prudence, 29 Silas, 364, 360 Sophia-Cary, 364 Blanchard, Hannah, 465 Louisa, 496 Mary Ann Sawyer, 372 Blaney, Mr., 57 "Bleakhouse, "Peel, Ont., 390 Blenheim, 579 Bliss, Charles, 238 Daniel, 120 Edith, 238 George Johnston, 238 James Peters, 238 Mary, 238, 448 Susan Marv-Dibblee,238 Blissfield, N. B., 302 Blissville, N. B., 217, 405-408 Blodgette, Esq., George B., 106, 208 Blood, Alfred Putnam, 294 Ann Ehza, 294 Mary Rice-Bowden, 294 Bloody Brook, 655 BloomYield, N. B., 634 Bloomfield. N. J., 422 Bloomsburg, I'a., 485 Bluetield, Me., 320 Blunt. lUizabcth, lOS Isaac, 113 Mary, 113 Board, I'^ederictou vScliool, 635 Board of Education, 573 Education, State, 495 I''ire Com., 575 Missions, 384 Survey, 130 Trade, 373 Trade, Chicago, 360 Trade, Lawrence, 343 Boardman. Abigail, 49 Abigail Rolfe, 29 Daniel. 177 EUzabeth, 177 John, 49 Mary, 49 Moses N.. 314 Nathaniel, 29 ^ Boadway, Joseph E., 380 Laura A.-Rose, 380 Lucille Higgins, 380 Odber Earle, 380 Bodleys on Wheels. The, 205 Bodwell, Daniel, 148 Bogart, Cornelius, 249 Fannie Adelia, 249 Sarah G.-Lovell, 249 Bogue, Alexander, 483 Francis Newton, 483 Sarah-Clark, 483 Boiestown, N. B., 427 Boise City, 317 Bokensen, Susannah, 1 Susanna, 396 Bokerson, 627 Bokeson, Susanna, v, Bokesen, Susanna ,1,6 Boksen, 6 Bolderson, 627 Bolman, Elizabeth, 448 Bolsters Mills, Harrison, 365 366 Bolton, Can., 432, 603 Nelly Harvey, 461 Sarah, 36 Bonesteel. Emma Leaven, 654 Bonney, Clara, 174 Fred, 174 H. C. 174 "Bonnie Brier Bush, The," 568 Book Buyer's Guide, 496 Boone, la., 489 Booneville, Ind., 253 Booth, Agnes, 568 George, 62 J. R., 472 Mary, 62 Boothroyd, Harriet, 441 Boreazel, Lena, 557 Boreham, xv Boscawen, N. H.,69, 148, 149, 296 Bostock, Frances Mary, 504, Boston, Mass., v, xi, 12, 55,56, 68, 69, 85, 87, 91, 96, 100, 105, 112, 119,120, 122, 123, 134, 135, 140, 141, 144, 145, 165, 167, 174, 176, 184, 187, 193, 197, 202, 203, 205-208, 210, 225, 227, 232, 255, 260, 272, 273, 275, 287, 289, 292, 297, 298, 303, 312, 316, 317, 332, 333, 335, 338, 341, 343, 345, 346, 348, 3.53. 363. 372, 376, 380. 387, 396. 399, 423, 433, 437. 444. 447, 450, 451, 454, 457, 4,58, 460, 465, 478. 487, 488, 491, 494-496, 500, 501, 508, 511, 512, 514-516, 521, 523-525, 527. 528, 531, 533, 535, 542, 548, 549, 552, 500, 503, .589- 591, 595. 596, (i03. 606, 009, 014, 621, 624. 625, 627, 629, 632. 639, 649, 650, 6.52, 6.')3, 655, 657, 661, 666 668. Boston Con. of Mus. [Read N. E. C. of M.] 623 Boston Daily Globe, 621 Boston Dental Lab. Co., 338 Directory, 489 Elevated Electric, 337 Globe, 14, 50, 619; 620. 622 Journal, 81 News Letter, 48 News papers, 540 Post, 317 record, this, 652 Bostonians, The, 568 Bosworth, Alice, 17 Cecil, 243 Harold. 243 Herbert Eugene, 243 Jacob Clarence Weber, 243 Rocelia Maud, 243 Richard Olin Schanks, 243 Thomas, 243 Boulderson, 627 Bourdon, 205 Boutwell, Gov., 450 Bovie, Sarah Matilda, 476 Bowden, Mary Rice, 294 William, "112 Bowdoin. 418 Bowdoinham. Me., 82, 455 Bow, N. H. 593 Bowens, la.. 612 Bowens Prairie, la., 488, 612 Bowers, Anna Maria, 149 Dennison, 148, 296 Fannie, 149, 296 Bowie, the Immortal, 376 Bowker, Evans &, 438 Bowker, Laura, 232 Bovvlby, Annie Hespeler, 474 Lissie H, -Hespeler, 474 Ward H., 474 Bowman, Thaddeus, 131 Boxford, Mass., vii, xi, xvi, 4 10-23, 25, 26, 29-35, 38, 43, 46, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57-59, 66, 67, 70-73, 75, 78, 79, 85, 88, 110-113, 115, 117, 118, 120-122. 125-143. 146. 148-151. 153-158. 161-163. 171. 172, 175,178, 179, 182, 184, 222-225, 236, 254- 256, 260, 261. 268. 273- 275. 279. 289, 290, 292- 298. 303-305. 316. 326- 328. 338. 341. 344-346. 348-354. 356, 358. 389. 417. 443-450, 457. 459. 462. 513-515. 520. 530. 538. 543, 544. 547, 548. 550, 552-554, 556, 559. 587. 589. 593, 595, 617. 620, 627. 640-642, 645. 650. 655-660 Boxford. Hist. of. 646 Perley' s Hist, of, 256 Boxford-Ipswich, 256 Boxford Washington Guards 514 Boy astrologer. 163 Boyce. Frank A., 92 Nelson, 92 Sarah J.-Melvin, 92 "Boyd House," 94 Boynton, Bridget, 159 Charles, 77 Daniel, 77 Daniel Perley, 77 Eben, 77 Ebenezer, 101, 103 Edith Abbie, 418 Edmond, 158 Elizabeth Creascy. 179 Hannah Nourse, 77 Harriet Frances, 77 Horton &, 167 Jane, 101 Jane-Todd, 77 Lizzie M., 78 Martha L., 78 Sarah M., 158 Sarah-Packard, 418 Warren, 77. 78 W. Howard, 78 WiUiam. 160 William Sears, 418 Bovnton Bros.. 559 Estate, 191 Brabant, Duke of, xx Brabant lion, xx Bracket, Lois Porter, 366 WilHam, 366 Brackett & Perley, 440 Bradford. Alden, 135 Amos Perley, 301 Dorothy-Bartlett, 301 Ebenezer. 290 Ellis, 301 George Bartlett, 301 Martha Drew, 301 William 301 Bradford, 141, 260 Bradford, 111., 227 Bradford, Mass., xi. 11, 18, 28, 33-35, 56, 59, 65, 68 69, 106, 122. 144, 154. 166, 167. 197. 209. 212, 290, 307, 346, 458, 461. 462, 501. 505-507, 542, 543, 592, 594, 617, 624, 625 Bradford, N. H., 55, 281 Bradford, Vt., 274 Bradley, Isaiah, 146 Nehemiah, 146 Bradley, Me., 380 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 679 Bradstreet, Abbie, 631 Abigail, 27 Albert Kdward, 159 Angie Emma, 159 Chas. William. 159 Daniel Wise, 159 Dudley, 13 Elizabeth, 156 Elizabeth Jane, 159 Elizabeth-Nourse, 159 Elizabeth-Scott, 559 Frederic Parley, 559 George Scott, 159, 559 Gov., xiii, 2 Hannah, 105 Hannah P., 155 John Francis, 159 Lewis W., 366 Lorenzo Thair, 1 59 M., 103 Margaret. 26 Martha Eva. 559 Mary Ann, 159 Mehi table, 155 Mehitable-Bradstreet, 155 Moses, 102 Nathaniel, 159, 296, 559 Nathaniel Perley, 159 Porter, 155 Sarah, 63, 182, 222 Simon, 13 Sophia, 116 Brainerd, Ex. -Cong., 571 Brainerd, Minn., 630, 632 Braiutree, Mass., 202, 278 348, 612, 646 Braman, Isaac, ISO, 291 Milton P., 346, 530 Parson. 513 Brande, Edward B., 489 Brandon, Vt., 653 Brant, Alberta, Can., 637 Brantford Courier, 387 Brantford, Ont., 3S9, 577-579, 624 Brant Rock, 623 Brassey, 584 Brattleboro, Vt., 42, 431, 481, 549 Brattleboro Asylum, 481 Braydon, Emeline, 536 Breeches, everlasting, 142 leather, 142 sheepskin, 353 Breed, James, 129 Theophilus, 112 Breeze, Henry, 304 Bremner, Catherine, 424 Catherine-Murdock, 424 Ellen, 238 Phihp, 424 Brennan, EUen-Gradv, 606 Ethel Meta, 606 Richard Rufus, 606 Wilham, 606 Brentwood, N. H., 84 Brethour, Joseph, 578 Joseph Edward. 578 Mary Ann-Laugtry, 578 Brett, Arthur W., 243 Eldon Fitch, 243 Robert Votan, 243 Brettun, Clarinda, 192, 562 Deborah WiUiams-Wash- burn, 562 Sarah Deborah, 562 William Henry, 562 Brewer, Annie, 637 C. R., 482 Caleb Royce, 482 ■ David, 482 Edward Richard, 480 Ella, 482 Henrv, 451 Hobart G., 482 H. S., 637 Mary Louise, 482 Richard D., 480 Ruth, 451 Ruth-Lawrence, 451 Sarah Elvira, 480 Thomas, 480 Brewer, Me., 639 Brewitt, Margaret Elizabeth- Duffield, 198 Marguerite Elizabeth, 198 William, 198 Brewster, John H., 169 Briarcliff Manor, New York, 507 Brickenridge, Col., 611 Brickett, Betsey-Duston, 500 Charles Edgar, 500 Charles Francis, 501 Clara A., 501 Clara Augusta, 500 Clara Belle, 501 Clarence A., 501 Clarence Augustus, 500 Daniel Hazzleton, 500 Ella Josephine, 500 Eva Ella, 500 Florence Louisa, 500 Forrest Walter, 501 Frank E., 501 Frank Elvin, 500 Geo. Augustus, 500 Grace Alice, 500 Iva May, 501 James, 110 John, 500 Nellie May, 501 Otis Perley, 500 Sarah M., 501 Sarah Malvina, 500 Bridges, Allen Whiteside, 583 Bethiah, 33 Carrie Cornelia, 583 Clarence Murry, 583 Donald Maurice, 583 Florence Perley, 583 George Whiteside, 583 John Dow, 583 John Dow Earl, 583 Lizzie Perley, 583 Margaret-Whiteside, 583 Mary Theresa, 583 Moody, 110, 122 Sarah Shalve, 583 Thomas, 583 Thomas Edward, 583 William Duncan, 583 Bridges Regiment, 145 Bridgewater, Mass, 18 Bridgewater, N. H., 86 Bridgeport, Ct., 511, 531 Bridgeville, N. Y., 491 Bridgton, Me., 70, 72, 82, 116, 118, 119, 121, 123-125, 134, 135, 139, 140, 161, 162, 179, 219-221, 252, 253, 288, 297, 363-367, 414-417, 627, 638, 646 Bridgton News, 375 Bridgport, Dorsetshire, Eng., 630 Brigade, Second, 326 Third, 577 Brigham, Sarah, 479 — -_ Briggs, Ada Alma, 636 Adeliza M., 636 Adeliza Marshall, 634 Alfred Wesley, 635 Ann Tucker, 280 CaroUne, 405, 635 Charles I3ruce, 636 Charles Leander, 634 Charlotte Matilda, 635 Clarence Edward, 636 Cornelia, 172 Diadany-McGreagor, 634 Dow Wendall, 583 Elden, 634 Eleanor, 634 Emery, 583 Estella Larena, 036 Fannie-Vandine, 583 George Burpee, 636 George H., 630 George Hiram, 634 Helen Amanda, 636 Henry Havelock, 635 Herbert, 638 Hiram, 634, 638 Hiram Oswald, 638 Lucretia, 635, 636 Maggie McMillan, 635 Mary A., 636 Mary Agnes, 634 Miss, 634 Myrtle Mehitable, 636 Parson, 513 Paul Malcom, 583 Samuel W., 636 Samuel White, 635 Stephen, 634 Stephen Smith, 634 Susan, 634 Susan-White, 634 Victory-Esteybrooks, 638 William Lawson, 638 Briggs Corner, N. B., 636 Brighton, Mass., 253, 286,335 363 Bristol, Eng., xii Bristol, Me., 644 Bristol, N. B., 409 Bristol, Vt., 603 Britain, Margaret, 261 British Authority, 104 child, first, ilS Columbia, 401 , 424, 429 flag, 388 government, 204, 411,413 India, 384 institutions, 388 Isles, iii, xvii Navy, 61 North America, 413 officer, 104 officers, 403 ParUament, 300, 383 sloop, 205 troops, 147 war vessel, 203 British, the, 104, 123, 140, 145, 146, 166, 204 Britisher, 107 Britton, Alice-Bailey, 249 David, 112 Doris Alice, 249 George, 249 Jacob George, 249 Broad Oak, Eng.. 64 Broadseal men, N. J., 502 Brock, Elizabeth-McCorkel, 386 Leonard Len, 386 Lucie Wheeler, 386 M. L., 294 Brocklebank, Hannah, 43 John, 152 Nathaniel, 45 Brockville, 584 Brockway, Hannah, 276 Brockton. Mass, 246, 278, 431, 432, 591 Brogan, Albert Perley, 608 Ann Cummins, 608 Francis, 608 Francis Albert, 60S Morris Perley, 608 Broken Bow, Neb., 560 Brome, P. Q., 605 Bronsted, Emma, 582 Brook, Bull, 327 Galloup's, 170 Howe, 15, 47 Pye, 153 680 THE PERLEY FAMILY Brookfield, Mass, 31, 52, 627 Brooklin, Me., 248 Brookline, Mass., 200, 454, 478, 509, 512 Brookline, N. H., 272 Brooklyn Citizen, 619 Brooklyn, Ct, .549 Brooklyn Eagle, 619 Brooklyn, N. Y., 81, 198,222, 246, 247, 333-335, 337, 381, 387, 446, 447, 486, 505, 541, 565, 575, 591 646 Brooks, Bertha Ursula, 287 Edward F., 287 Gov. John. 135 Mary L.-Pennv, 287 Brookside, Putnam, Ont., 389 Brookville, 439 Brosnan, P'annie Nichols, 301 Sophia Ayer-Nichols, 361 Thomas, 361 Brougham, I.ord, 300 Brown, 32, 82, 164 Achsah-Mills, 507 Adeline, 201 Albert, 85 Ann, 588 B., 123 Betsey, 204 Capt., 656 Caroline Duncan, 508 Charles, 239, 647 Charlotte E.-XVarrcn, 647 Clarissa, 260 Donald Fullerton, 549 Earl Day, 507 Ebenezcr, 33, 264 Elizabeth-Dwyar. 197 ICliza Cleaveland, 85 Eliza-lloward, 523 Ellen, 239 Ellen A., 593 IvUeu Dow, 532 Emma I.ivina, 433 Emma Z., 647 Evclyn-Kimball, 587 Ered, 433 Gardner A., 311 (iladvs Sarah I'erley, 507 Gould, 259 Grace I^vclvn, 587 Hannah. 179 Hannah .\lniira, 85 Hannah Hillings, 264 Harold, 549 Harriet, 197. 240, 448 leremiah, 199 Jeremiah Wilham, 199 John, 4, 58, 85. 90 John Parker Mills, 507 John S. R., 507 Jonathan Ball, 199 Joseph, 225, 311 Lavinia Foster, 85 Lincoln Torrey, 549 Lucy Morrill, 465 Lucy Ruth, 239 Luther Chaplin, 85 Lydia Livinia-Dodge,433 Margaret Byron Doyle, 523 Mary, 459 Mary C, 85, 273 Mary S., 201 Mary Sybil, 199 Mary Winchester, 381 Mehitable, 33 Mehitable-Noyes, 381 Michael, 293 Miss, 106 Mr., 119 Mrs., 288 Mrs. William G., 93 Nathaniel, 287, 460 Nehcmiah, 381 Ohve-Gaife, 260 Parley Kimball, 460 Phebe Ann, 239 Richard Stewart, 549 Ruth, 669 Ruth Emily, 85, 324 Sally, 283 Samuel, 260 Samuel Oscar, 433 Sarah-Ball, 199 Sarah Elizabeth, 199, 202 Sarah-Graham, 460 Sarah-Noyes, 85 Sarah-Woodward, 508 Simeon, 136, 658, 659 Simon Henry, 460 Sophia Dodge, 85 Thomas, 197, 523 Walter, 587 William, 123, 508 Browne, Carl Gray, 653 Carl Meader, 537, (See Carl Gray) Minerva-Meader, 537 Nathan, 113 Robert Sewall, 537, 653 Sewall, 537 Browne & Co., Armory, 447 Brownington, Vt., 605 Brownlield, Me., 450 Bn.wnville, Me., 302, 303 Bruce & Co., 596 Brummel, Sarah, 573 Brunswick, Me., 220, 334, 564 Bryant, 226 Dennis, 76 Esther Richmond, 194 Florence Elmina, 76 Hannah, 372 Susan Armstrong. 76 Buck. Ezekiel, 442 Lydin-Scott, 442 Margaret, 442 Buckcvc Buggy Co., 178 Bucklield, Me., 190 Buckley, 443 A'lella E., 443 James, 426 lohn A., 443 May A., 443 Bucksport, Me., 294 Buffalo Express, 569, 653 Buffalo, N. v., 222, 234, 357, 653 Buffet, the, 53 Buffum. Caleb. 348 Charles Mason, 348 Laura Peirce. 348 Mary liliza Barr, 34S Mary Etta. 439 Bugbee. Anna-Monroe. 391 Caroline A., 391 Eben, 391 Bugbee & Barrett Co., 639 Buildings. 670 Bull. Abner, 403. 404 Ada F.. 216, (645") Ada Florence, 215 Ahce B., 405 Alice Bertha, 404 Ahce Blanche. 215 Cadwallader Jarvis, 404 Caroline Elizabeth, 215 Charles Cochran, 404 Charles Perley, 215 Edward Litton, 404 Florence Augusta, 404 Frederic Byron, 404 George, 403 George Allen, 215 George C, 403 George H., iii George Harvey, 404 Geo. Horatio Nelson, 404 G. Wakefield Clowes, 404 Harvey Peter, 215 Helen Louise, 404 Horace, 215 James Allison, 404 John, 253 John Jarvis, 215, Jarvis Leavitt. 215 Maria A.. 405 Maria Antoinette. 404 Marie Louise. 215 Mary Ann, 404 Mary Merritt. 404 Milton, 215 Nancy McKeen, 403 Norman Keith, 404 Peter Duncan, 404 Sara Caroline, 404 Sidney Denniston, 404 Warren Collingwood, 215 404 William Allen, 215 Wm. Richard Howe, 404 Bulhnan, Henry. 494 Bull Run, 90. 661 Bull Run, Battle of, 163 Bulls' Creek, 403 Bulman, Phebe Ann, 427 Bunbry, Margaret, 426 Bundy, Randilla, 433 Bunker, Alfred P., 275 Benjamin, 275 Betsey-Daniels, 275 Eliza Kimball, 458 Henry, 275 I-ura Susan, 277 Perley, 275, 277 Persis, 418 Sarah E., 276 Sarah Elizabeth. 275 Susan Maria, 275 Susie Gcnevia, 277 Sylvester. 275, 277 Bunker Hill, 36, 68. 94, 118, 145. 147. 166 Bunker Hill. 111., 294, 295 Burbank, Byron Emery, 265 Hattie iCsther, 265 James Etigene, 265 John, 265 Lydia, 23 Mary Ann, 119 Mary Ellen, 265 Mary Ingalls, 119 Minerva D., 520 Burch. Lucy, 612 Burchstcad. Henry F.. 178 Henry Frederick, 178 Mary Ann, 178 Burford, Out.. 299, 388-390, 578, 579 Burgess, Elizabeth-Sutton, 82 Joshua, 82 Louise, 82 Nancy, 266 Bureiss, David F., 128 Lois G., 128 Burgoyne, 68, 161 Burgoyne's surrender, 231 Burleigh, Deborah R. -Coffin, 477 Jane EHzabeth, 586 Judith, 469 Moses Coffin, 477 Nathaniel, 477 Burley, xx Burley, Judith, 597, (See Bur- leigh) Burlington, Vt.. 273, 479 Burly. Capt.. 206 Burnett, 215 Sarah. 447 Burnham, Abigail. 646 Abigail F., 116 Abraham. 279 Ahce. 631 Alonzo, 116, 631 Alvin, 116 Angelina P., 116 Angeline, 631 Angeline C, 116 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY G81 Burnham, Astly, 631 Atarah, 280 Be.tha L., 631 Casao, 631 Charles Guilford, 646 Dr., 646 Elizabeth D., 116 Elizabeth Ann, 447 Elizabeth White, 279,646 Ellen, 631 Ernest L., 631 Etta, 631 Eunice, 161 Fanny P., 631 Fanny Prentiss, 116 Frances P., 116, 631 George, 631 Harriet, 631 Harriet G.. 116 John, 116 John Lyman, 116 Joshua Cleaves, 116 Leonard M., 116, 631 Mabel P., 631 Martha Barnard, 646 Martha \V.. 116 Mary, 465, 631 Mary Anna, 279, 646 Mary-Perkins, 279 Mary \V., 116 Minnie, 631 Molly, 116 Nathan C, 631 Nathan Cleaves, 116 Nathaniel 116 Ralph E., 631 Samuel, 279 Simeon, 116 Tabitha Goldsmith, 194 Thomas. 116 Thomas Alvin. 116 Wilham, 194, 646 Burnhamsville, Minn., 630 Burns, D., 579 Elizabeth, 579 Jane, 423 John, 214 Margaret Edwards, 215 Margaret-Edwards, 214 Martha, 393 Mary Ann, 579 Burns, sweetness of, 503 Burnside, Gen. A.E., 385, 576 Burpee, Abial, 268, 269 Abigail Gallishan, 217 Adelaide E., 271 Adelaide Esther, 270 Annie Chapin, 271 Anthony Colby, 269 Apphia, 268, 269 Apphia Everett, 268, 270 Asa, 268 Azubeth, 268, 269 Benjamin E., 270 Benjamin Emery, 268 Betsey-Stickney, 218 Charles, 218 Charles .Sidney, 218 Charles W., 273 Charles Woodbury, 271 Dana Tames, 273 Delia, 269 Dehverance, 268, 269 DoUv, 268, 269 Edwin Erastus, 269 Edwin P., 270 Edwin Perley, 269 Elizabeth Woodman, 269 Eliza Colbv, 270 Esther, 164, 218 George W., 273 George Weston, 271 Hannah. 218 Hattie Todd, 270 Helen I,., 273 Helen I.ee, 271 Helen Sylvia, 270 Isaac, 44 Isaac Clarke, 630 James H., 271 James Henry, 270 Jeremiah, 218 Jonathan, 218, 627 Joseph, 217 Judith, M., 270 Judith Maria, 209 Lydia, 44 Martha Adelaide, 270 Mary Elsie, 270 Mary GalHshan, 217 Mary T., 270 Ma/y Jane, 268 Perley, 268, 269 Rapseima I^., 271 Rapseima Louise, 270 Rebecca, 268, 269 Sallv, 268 Sarah Annn, 269 Sarah Jane, 636 Sarah Jane Dymond, 636 Susan Colgate, 270 Thomas, 268 Thomas Perley, 218 Wilfred Ernest, 270 Burpee Hill, 268 Burrell, Ehzabeth, 197 Burrill & Tilestou, 290 Burroughs, Mary, 49 Thomas, 49 Burtch, Parmelia, 486 Burton, N. B., 213 Burton, A. A., 513 James, 590 Mary E., 590 Mary-Pope, 590 Samuel, 513 Bush, Abigail Prescott-Toney 639 Henry Augustus, 639 Marcus A., 639 Bushby, Sally, 465 Busiel, Lewis, 168 Butler, Ahce Sumner. 639 Ebenezer, 229, 230 Marietta, 613 O. S.. 350 Susan, 265 William Sumner, 639 Winthrop Fessenden, 639 Butman, Anna Morong, 465 Charles E., 466 Charles Everett, 465 Charles Sumner, 466 Clara Grace, 465 Doris Lorinda, 466 Edna Wilder, 466 Eliza FMwards, 465 Frederick Carlton, 466 Frederick Perley, 465 Henry Nehemiah, 465 Lester I. eland, 466 Lillian May, 466 Mabel, 465 Mary Nicholson-Morong, 465 Moses, 24 Nehemiah W., 465 NeUie Grace, 465 William Henry, 465 Butte, Mont., 401, 402, 404, 422 Butterworth, Elizabeth, 202 Henry, 202 Mary-Scathern, 202 Buttes (?), Susan, 265 Button-End, 1 Buttrick, Ehza, 68 Francis, 248 Mary B.-Bird, 248 Mary Susan„ 248 Buxton, Harry B., 593 Buxton, Me., 119, 191, 194 Buzzell, Hannah Augusta, 432 Byfield, Mass., 44, 156, 196, 294, 295, 310, 312, 514, 515 Byfield Parish, (See Parish) Byrd, Abigail-Huntingtcm, 243 Abby Elizabeth, 243 Alice H., 130 Alice Iluntingtcm, 243 Charles Henry, 243 Clara Margaret, 243 John Huntington, 243 Mary Emma, 243 Thomas, 243 William Thomas, 243 Byron, Frederic Franklin, 201 George Washington, 201 Selina-Rennie, 201 Byron, acumen of, 503 Byxbe, Joseph, 31 Cabot, Sebastian, 191 Cabour, (?) Wis., 215 Cady, Capt. Joseph, 14 Calais Me., 119, 194, 220, 237, 240, 241, 391, 652 Calais, Vt., 604 Calcutta, 172, 642 Caldwell, Eliza, 201 Isabel, 242 Mr. 151 Nathaniel, 72 Calfe, John, 113 Calgary, N. W. T., 409.637 California, 77, 133, 153, 160, 176, 281, 294, 311, 331, 352, 400, 407, 429, 440, 463, 527, 537, 556, 595, 596, 623, 647, 650, 651 Caligula, 96 Calispell, Mont., 401 Callao, Peru, 208, 304 Callander, Jane Chadwick,448 Susan-Wilbur, 448 William N., 448 Calumet, Que., 473 Calvert, Lucinda, 634 Cambridge, Mass,. 2, 135, 14?, 208, 272, 280, 331, 332, 350, 363, 473, 525, 618, 629, 657, 658, 660 Cambridge, N. Y., 200 Cambridgeboro, Vt., 626 Cambridgeport, Mass., 175 487, 528 Camden, Me., 69, 463 Camden, N. C, 385, 576 Camden, N. J., 272 Cameron, David, 571 Elizabeth, 679 Gen., 383 Margaret, 220 Mary, 426 Simon, 382, 572 Susan, 580 Camp, Nathan, 489 Camps, Sugar, 475 "Camp Lott," 58 Camp Mud, 330 Camp Stanton, 24 Campan, Angelique, 373 Campbell, Andrew, 261 Betsey, 422 Ellen R., 151 George, 524 George W., 524 Helen, 524 Jennette, 578 Campello, Mass., 444, 445 Campton, N. H., 477 Canaan, N. H., 166, 273, 274, 282, 469, 472, 475 Canaan, Vt., 668, Canada, x, 43, 135, 152, 236, 243, 253, 267, 299, 389, 431,597,598,625, 637, 656 682 THE PERLEY FAMILY "Canada, Business Men of," 585 Confederation of, 413 Gov. Gen. of, 414 Little, 250 Men of ",472 " Upper. 213 Canada expedition, 122 Canadian Commercial Pioneer 414 Government, 637 Militia, 215 Canadians, 299, 300 Candia, N. H., 139, 263, 264 324 Candidate for Gov., 385 Cannington, Ont., 581 Canon City, Col., 516 Canonicus, Monitor, 280 Canton, 111., 597 Canton, Me., 282, 298 Cape Colony, 415 Cape Elizabeth, Me., 478 Cape Horn, 537 Capen, Rev. Mr., [Joseph], 23 27, 29 Card, Clara Marie, 594 Cardenas, 376 Carey, Charles, 595 Carle, (Carl) Mary, 409, 632 Carleton, Amos Dearborn, 520 Benjamin P., 457 Daniel, 520 Elbridge, 458 Elizabeth, 58 George, 35, 458 Hannah, 144 Harlan, 458 Ida Frank, 520 Joseph, .56 Maude Louise, 455 Mehitable, 56 Nancy Jane Hodgdon, 455 Phebe Kimball-Whittier, 520 Robert Wilson, 455 Tamison-Pemberton 458 William, 251 Carleton, N. B.. 589 Carlisle, la., 604 Carlisle, Mass., 546 Carlisle, Pa., 330 Carlton, Annie Maud, 343 Freeman, 343 George Freeman, 343 Moses, 122 Perley Alwyn, 343 Rebecca, 457 Victoria Crooker-Holmes, 343 Carman, -Horsfield, 237 Fanny Louisa Sophia, 645 Maria, 237 Richard, 645 Samuel, 237 Sarah, 238 Sarah Ann. 399 Carney, Ellen, 556 Carpenter, Bar Gold Min. Co , 440 Carpenter, Eunice, 252 Frederick Manly, 609 Giles Manly, 609 Helena Bell. 609 Jessie Guendolin. 609 Louanna Estelle, 609 Marguerite Chrystal, 577 Martha Jane-Chrystal, 577 Mary Rosetta-Oviatt, 609 Rachel, 390 Robert Purser, 577 Sarah, 635 Winnifred Beatrice, 609 Carr, Sarah, 535 Carrickfergus, Ire,, 586 CarroU, Me.. 369 Carruthers, Mary, 240 Carter, Eliza Abigal-Griswold, 360 Elmira-Platts, 296 Horatio N., 359 Jessie, 359 Joanna, 421, 458 Moses, 296 Moses Frank, 296 Nathan, 380 Philindia. 200 Sarah-Hall, 646 Sophia, 449 Carthage, Me., 591 Cartledge, Ellen-Jarvis, 201 Francis Jarvis, 201 Leslie Jarvis. 201 William Henry, 201 Carver, Mass., 22S Cary, Adeline, 338 Amanda, 494 Claudia. 338 Frank, 338 Sophia, 364 Carvbdises, 96 Casady, Lillian, 374 Mary- Proud, 374 W. L., 374 Case, Judith, 133 Caseway Ridge, (Keswick Ridge, 138) Casey, Margaret, 261 Cash, Lydia, 526 Cash Register Co., Nat., 511 Cass, Adeline P., 415 Cassidy, John Robinson, 605 Sarah-Robinson, 605 Thomas, 605 Casson, Minn., 492 Castle Rock, Minn., 492 Castlcditch, xiv Castk'ton, Dak.. 378 Caswell, Arnold Benford, 578 Arnold Perley, 578 D. J., 578 I,ouise-Woodall, 578 Marquis De Lafayette,363 R.achel-Staples. 363 Simon, 363 Caswell's Corner, 189 Casy, Hannah, 80 Sophronia, 80 Cate, Eliza Ann. 494 Catlett Station, 330 Cavalry, Montgomery Yeo- manry, xviii Cavendish, Vt., 286 Cawley, Abigail-Marston, 283 Jonathan, 283 Sarah C, 283 Cayuga, Ind., 484 Cazarwea, 598 Cazenovia, N. Y , 497 Cedar Mt., 378 Cedarville, 562 Cellar, old, 48 Cellar, Rust, 203 Cellar, site of the. 163 Celtic, XV, 648 Celts, XV Cemetery, Arlington, 567 Bisley Churchyard, 584 Cong. Churchyard. 151 Crystal Lake, 250 Gray, 380 Greenwood, N. Y., 383 Groveland, 106 Harmony, Boxford, 21 , 23, 33, 35, 52, 61, 72, 126, 127, 138, 154, 156. 157, 171, 172, 178, 224, 293 Harmony, Georgetown, 179, 180, 184, 186, 315, 316, 353. 461 Harinonv Grove, Salem, 466, 645 High Street, Ipswich, 2 49 Ipswich, 98 King's Chapel, 100 I.inebrook, vt, 27, 164, 167, 323, 327, 337 Linwood, 593 Marlboro, Georgetown, 175 Mount Auburn, Cam- bridge, 208 Old Burying Ground, St. John. N. B., 397 Old Linebrook, 163, 170 182, 316 North Topsfield, 328 Presbyterian, 429 Prot., Bellavista, Peru, 208 Rowley, 100 South, Topsfield. 154 St. John's Churchyard 428 The Old, vi Union, Georgetown, 278 468, 516 West Boxford, 29, 147 Census of 1767, viii Centenial in 1876, 320 Centennial Loyalist Souvenir. the. 397 Center Harbor. N. H.. 330 Central Mine. Mich., 577 Centralville, 669 Centre, Ruth, 272 Century Sermon, 323 Chadbourne, Medville, 638 Mildred Liolline, 638 Chadwick, Ephraim, 113 Tohn, 112 iviary, 129 Susaiuiah, 112 Thomas, 113 Chaleur, Bay of, 411 Chalmers, Thomas, 393 Chama, N. M., 611 Chamber of Commerce, 372 Chamberlain, Dexter, 141 Nathaniel, 134 Chambly, Lower Canada, 135 Chancellorsville, Va., 661 Chandler. Adelia Amy, 287 Ann, 355 David IL. iii D. H.. 261 Ezra. 287 Hannah. 303 Hannah-Swectser, 303 John. 303 Mrs.. 109. 113 Tabitha-Johnson. 287 Chandler Furniture Co., 380 Chaperons, The, 568 Chapin, Hittv, 602 Rev. Dr., 495 Chaplin, Abbie Nelson, 444 Ca.oline E., 92 Carohne Elizabeth, 89 CaroHne L., 161 Charles E., 444 Charlotte Eustis-Spof- ford, 587 Charlotte-Nelson, 444 Dolly, 89 Elizabeth-Conant, 161 Eunice-Sticknev, 89 George W., 184, 185, 587 Hannah, 70 Teremiah, 89 Louise C, 89 Luther, 89, 161 Mary, 278 Mary Angelina, 587 Chapman. Abigail, 84 Alice, 631 Augusta R., 666 Betsey-Giddings, 513 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 683 Chapman, Charles H., 660 Charles L., 666 Daniel, 81, 513 EHzabeth, 27, 81 John, 27, 29, 73 Joseph, 81, 84 Lewis A., 88 Louisa A., 513 Lucelia Elizabeth, 433 Lucy Symonds, 513 Mary, 81 Mary-Lummus, 84 Mercy-Jewett. 81 Moses. 513 Nabby, 81 Ohve Foster, 84 Ruth, 81 Sarah, 81, 179 Sarah Symonds, 513 Sarah-Symonds. 513 Chapman's Dartmouth Al- umni, 257 Chappaqua, N. Y., 508, 509 Charles, Hannah-Ballard, 337 Osborne, 337 Rosella, 337 Richard Adair, 384 Charleston Harbor, 458 Charleston, Me., 379, 380 Charlestown Bridge, 648 Charlestown, Mass., v, xii xiii, 112, 127, 135, 141, 333 335, 396, 451, 488, 489, 511, 512, 528, 553, 639, 659, 668 Charlestown Neck, 145 Charlestown, N. H., 490, 499, 518, Charlestowne Village, 1 Charlottetown, P. E. 1., 193, 214 Charlottesville Chronicle, Va., 396 Charlottesville. Va.. 381, 396, 397, 415, 566 Charlotteville, Ont.,214 Charlton, Jane-Walton, 536 John Edward, 535, 536 Jonathan. 536 Charmed Circle, the, vi Chart of Lineal Descent, v Chart, the, v, xiv, 61 Chart, the old, xii, xiii Charter, the Provincial, xiii Chase, 22, 70 Ada Loring, 639 Adelaide Folsom, 639 Allan Jasper, 639 Allan Perley, 639 Amos Parker, 544 Anna Taylor, 639 Aquilla, 457 Dudley, 173 Effie Augusta Lowell. 369 EHza, 193 Elizabeth Allen-Rowe, 544 Emily J.. 329 Emma (Emily Jane') 171 Eunice Florence, 544 Eustace, 501 Fanny Moody-Bean, 639 Frank William, 544 Francis Fessenden, 639 Francis Russell, 639 George, 625 George F., 191 George Monroe, 194 Harriet Green-Norwood, 194 Harriet Norwood, 194 Hezekiah, 515 Humphrey Perley, 544 John, 168 Tohn Henry, 515 Jonathan Taylor, 639 Joseph Henry, 515 Joseph K., 369 Josephine Perley, 515 Laura Elizabeth, 639 Lydia, 456 Marion Abbott, 639 Mary Eliza- Wilhston, 625 Mary Lizzie, 544 Rhoda. 369 Russell Price, 639 Sarah-Hoyte, 515 Secretary, 572 vSimeon, 168 Sophie Crane. 639 Chaseburg, Wis., 630 Chatham, Mass., 82 Chatham, N. B., 238-241, 424, 426-429, 588, 589 Cheany & Co., 168 Cheapside, London, Eng., 63 Chebacco, 4, 20, 627 Cheesbro, EHza, 590 Cheever, Aaron, 446 Abner, 312 Belinda, 312 Elizabeth Carroll, 535 Eliza Sutton, 460 Fred Foster, 91 Joseph Warren, 91 Martha-Newhall, 312 Mary-Farmer, 312 Priscilla, 523 Sarah, 446 Ralph Pingree, 91 William Partlow, 91 Chelmsford, Mass., 75, 225, 271, 444, 640 Chelsea, Mass., 126, 210, 240, 465, 406, 488, 500, 501, 515, 596, 639, 646, 661 Chelsea, Vt., 141, 475 Cheney, Ednah, Dow-Smith, 510 Ellen Waitestill, 510 Knight Dexter. 510. 511 Mary Stevens, 297 Cheney, Minn.. 476 Cheney ville. La., 120 Chenv. Phebe, 78 Cherokee, la., 227 Cherry Hill, Salem, 347 Chcrryman, Emerancy, 569 Cherry Valley, N. Y., 512 Chesley. Lizzie, 501 Chester, Eng., 178 Chesterfield, Eng., 244 Chester, N. H., 18, 106, 139, 140, 199, 261, 263, 267, 459 Chester, N. H., Hist, of, 140 Chester, Vt., 271 Chesterville, Me., 455 Chestnut & Sons, R., 635 Chicago, 111., 70, 107, 234, 258, 348, 353, 356-358. 377, 449, 455, 475, 489, 504, 505, 549, 557, 558, 572. 576, 586, 597, 613, 616 Chick, Alice Minerva, 456 Carrie, 631 Louisa-Foss, 456 Silas, 456 Chickamauga. Ga., 355, 661 Chico, Cal., 616 Chief Sachem, 411 Child, (See Childs also) Louisa, 488 Lvdia-Adams, 488 Thomas. 488 Childs, Augustus, 286 Charles, 286 James Perley, 2S6 Sallie, 286 Thomas, 286 Chile, S. A., 208 China, Me., 303, 646 China Relief Expedition, 565 Chincha Islands, 208 Chipman, Jeanettc, 466 John, 291 Chipman. N. B., 219, 634, 636, 637 Chippaiui, la., 415 Chisholm, Alice Jean Hope, 578 Grace Elizabeth, Mar- guerite, 578 Jcnnette-Campbell, 578 John, 578 John Perley, 578 Malcolm, 578 Osborne Earle, 578 Wm. Clarence Burt, 578 Choate, Abigail, 282 Abraham, 109, 110 Annie-McArter, 389 Bessie May Wilmot, 390 Charles A., 390 Charles Alfred, 389 Charles Allan, 391 Frederick Henry, 391 John, 389 John Alfred, 391 John F., 390 John Frederick, 389 Louisa Harris, 390 Mary Helen, 390 Rufus, 257, 258 Thomas, 389 Thomas Allan, 389 Choate Island, 282 Christensen, Christopher, 593 Ellen, 593 Lars, 593 Christian Science, 288 Christie, John, 218 Christmas gift, 156 Chronicle, the, 382 Chrystal, Martha Jane, 577 Church, Amanda, 116 Amanda Iv,. 116 Eliza, 116 Gertrude, 631 Harriet, 116 John, 116, 631 Louisa W., 116 Marenda, 116 Marshall N., 116 (Margaret?) Mary F., 116 Mary, 116 Mary F., (Margaret?) 116 Melinda G., 116. 631 Nathan, 116 Nathan A., 631 Church, Kerr & Co., Westing- house, 513 Church & Perley, 602 Church, All Saints, 259 Baptist, 237, 250, 260, 268, 315, 333, 477, 543, 050, 669 Boxford, 146, 148 Byfield, 151, 311 Bradford, 61 Canaan, N. H., 273 Central, Lowell, 496 Central Cong., Dracut, 144 Columbus Ave., Boston, 495 Cong., 274, 319, 358, 416, 417, 407, 481, 541, 543, • 546, 609, 612, 626, 638 Cong., ArHngton, 317 Cong., Bridgton, 220 Cong., Georgetown, 92 Cong., Gray, Me.. 94 Dorchester St., So. Bos- ton, 496 Emmanuel, 347 Emmanuel Episcopal, 619 Episcopal. 253, 537, 550, 569, 653 First, 313 684 THE PERLEY FAMILY Church, First Cong., 379, 609 First Boxford, 11, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 35, 39, 43, 51, 52, 54, 57, 61, 67, 69, 70, 73, 75, 122, 130, 137, 139, 140, 148, 149, 151, 254 First Baptist, 271 First, Gloucester, 633 First Presbyterian, 387 First, Methuen, 290 First, Rowley, 633, 640 First, Salem, 347 Grace, M. E., 497 Grace Medford, 347 Killingly, Ct,, 42 Linebrook Cong., vi, 45, 47, 76, 79, 85, 88. 323, 335-337, 339, 627 Maugerville, 640 Memorial, Georgetown, 88, 316, 353, 461 M. E., 367, 433, 441, 477, 624 Meth., 339, 382, 398, 566, 626 Meth., Ipswich, 78, 199 Mormon, 36 Mt. Vernon, 511 Newbury, 39 New Ipswich, 67 of England, 633 Old South, Boston. 548 Park St., Worcester, 496 Presbyterian, 238, 383 384, 390, 426, 428, 472, 518 Prot. Episcopal, 347 Rocky-Hill, 209 Rowley-Linebrook, 218 Saratoga St., E. Boston, 496 Seabrook, Presby., 94 Second Boxford, 29, 32, 57, 108 South Cong., 467 vSt. Andrews, 624 St. John's Presby., 239 St. Joseph, 362 St. Paul's, Lynn, 496 St. Thomas, 347 State Street, 512 Tabernacle, 306, 547 Third Cong., Bangor, 302 Topsiield, 12, 21, 25, 27, 36 Trinity, Boston, 272 Trinity, Burford, 388 Unitarian, 342 Universalist, 249 Univ. Meredith Bridge, 332 Wenham, 29 West Newbury, 39 Winthrop St., 512 Church choir, M. E.. 497 St. Stephen's, 450 Church edifice. Rev. S. Per- ley's, 95 Church fund, the, 535 Church Home, 223 Churches, Denbigh, xvii Churches, private houses, viii Churchyard, (See cemetery) Chute, David, 152 Judith, 152 Miriam, 116 Cicero on Oratory, 321 Cincinnati, 105, 242, 243, 293, 390, 518, 568, 629 Circuit Court of U. S., 447 Civil War (See War) Claflin, AlHson & Somes, 625 Claflin, Gov., 495 Clairvoyant, 350 Clapp, 163 Charles FrankHn, 543 Charles Granville, 543 Clarence Franklin, 543 Emma J., 251 Florence E., 543 Frederic, 542 Frederic Augustus, 534 Frederic Lester, 534 Harriet Etta, 543 Harriet-Moore, 534 Henry Frederic, 543 Isaac Henry, 542 Isaac Paul, 534 Jennie Elvira Julia, 543 Lizzie, 543 Clara Agnes, Sr., 362, 363 Claremont, Minn., 490-492 Claremont, N. H., 277, 490, 492, 493, 499 Clark, xiv, 310, 631 Addie B , 226 Adeline, 167 Agnes E., 226 Alexander H., 152 Alfred M., 226 Allen Perley, 536 Allen Winfield, 422 Amber Winifred, 422 Amy Gertrude, 422 Angle, 422 Annie Elizabeth, 431 Arthur Foster, 227 Arthur W., 197, Arvilla-Runnels, 625 Benjamin, 250 Benjamin H., 227 Benjamin Husscy, 226 Bet.sey-Campbell, 422 Betsey M. -Tavlor, 477 Bina Eliza, 422 Calvin Chauncv Farn- ham, 227 Carlos, T., iii, 228 Carlos Taylor, 227 Carro Frances, 227 Caroline, 167 Carro M., 226 Charles E., 227 Charles Edwin, 220 Charles H., 202 Charles Harrison, 200 Charles Henry, 1 97 Charles Perkins, 227 Clarence B., 227 Clarence I., 228 Clarence Irving, 227 Cudworth Bryant, 225 Daniel, 79, 152, 153 Daniel Anderson, 227 Daniel Hall, 226 De Witt S., 187 Doris Elizabeth, 197 Dudley Perlev, 226 Effie May, 422 Elijah, 152, 153, 167 Elizabeth, 324 Elizabeth A., 153 Eilzabeth G.. 199 Elizabeth Green, 197 Elisha, 226 Ellen Maria, 513 Emily, 152 Ernest P., 228 Ernest Perley, 227 Ervenna Emma, 228 Ethel F.. 226 Ethel Lena, 202 Etta P., or J., 226 Eva M., 228 Eva Myra, 227 "Fiddler," 226 Florence, 227 Florence G., 228 Franklin Pierce, 200, 202 Frank Pierce, 202 George S., 521 George W., 153 George Washington, 422 Georgia A., 228 Georgia Anna, 227 Gertrude, 227 Gretchen Lange, 422 Hannah, 140 Hannah M., 153 Harold Allen, 536 Harriet Newell, 226 Howard Taylor, 536 Humphrey, 166, 167 Ida Jane. 200 Imogene Gibbs-Dearborn. 521 Isabella Cora, 422 Ivy, 521 Jacob, 140, 146, 422 Jacob W. 227 Jacob AVashington, 226 James Alfred, 196 James Eugene, 227, 422 Jennie May, 227 Jeremiah, 152. 153 Joanna- Rhoads, 166 John, 226, 431 John Francis Jami". 197, 199 John Henry. 477 John Nathaniel, 167 John O., 625 John Perley, 226, 227,422 Joseph Melville, 536 Josiah, 226 Judson A., 226 Julia EHzabeth, 511 Lament Martin, 228 Laura, 153 Lavinia Angle, 227 Leonard, 437 lottie F.-Kane. 152 Louisa, 153, 107 Lucinda, 378 Lucius T., 226 Lucy Ann Perley, 107,200 I-ucy Ashley, 477 Marg'e Paulina, 422 Maria, 152 Maria Antionettc, 536 Martha, 250 Martha-Redington, 152 Mary, 167 Mary A., 153 Mary Ann, 197 Mary-Howlett, 140 Ma.y P., 227 Mary Perley, 226 Melvin D., 226 Moody, 152 Moses, 152 Nancy, 226 Nathaniel Langmire, 197 Nathaniel Perley. 197 Nathan Joshua, 477 Nathan Perley, 477 Nellie Glacier, 197 Norman, 15.3 (Mive N., 152 Oia, 536 Orin, 536 Percy Glenwood, 228 Philip Perley, 536 Phineas W., 226 Rebecca Fowler, 200 Ren a Rose, 137 Rhoda J., 227 Rhoda Jane, 226 Rosa-Crofford, 431 Roscoe P , 228 Roscoe Perley, 227 Roxv Fowler, 202 S.. 210 Samuel, 71, 438 Sarah, 146, 392, 483, 605 Sarah Borland, 488 Sarah Ellen, 197 Sarah P., 153 Susan-Hovey, 437 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 685 Clark, Syhell, B. 200 Sybell Barnes, 197 Therese M. .226 Thomas, 536 William, 153 William Barnes, 200 William H., 228, 625 William Henry, 227, 477 William M., 153 Winfield A., 422 Clark, Lewis &, 598 Clark, Ober &, 536 Clarke, Ethel, 199 Mary, 227 Perley, xix Pierlev, xix vSophie, 512 Thomas, xix Clark's Hill, 205 Clarkson, J., 216 Clausen, Dorothea S., 564 Clear Lake, Wis., 440 Cleaveland, Ada Louise, 225 Alice Peabody, 225 Bessie, 225 Ellen Maria, 225 Experience-Lord, 223 Harriet, 225 James P., 117 Tames Putnam, 225 T. P., ix Lucy, 225 Mary Neale, 225 Nehemiah, 223 Rebecca Peiley, 22.5 WilHam N., Mrs., 31 William Neale, 223 William Perley. 225 Cleaveland farm, 52 Mansion. 126 Cleaves. Angela, M.. 116 Angella McLellan, 415 Anna M., 116, 631 Arthur M., 631 Benjamin, 115, 116 Benjamin L., 117, 631 Bertha, 631 Carrie W., 631 Celia (CeUa M.\ 117, 631 Charles S., 031 Edward, 631 Edward P., 116, 631 Ellen E., 116 lillen P., 631 Emily D., 116 Eunice. 115 Fred H,, 631 George L.. 116 Ginger, 115, 116 Henry B., 116 Huldah, 115, 116 Irene, 631 Jonathan, 115 Joshua, 1 15 Larkin W., 116 Lincoln, 631 Martha, 115 Martha W., 116 Mary B., 116 Mary S., 116 Minnie, 631 Nancy-McLellan, 415 Nathan, 116, 415, 631 Nelly, 631 Rebecca-Conant, 115 Richard, 631 Robert A., 116, 631 Royal L., 117, 631 Royal S.. 631 Susan, 116 Susan W., 117, 631 Thomas, 116 Thomas P., 116, 631 William, 115, 116 William W., 116 Cleaves & Son, B., 366 Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, Eng., 373 Clement, Annis, 253 Clerk, the name, xi»r Clerk, VMva Willoughby-Stro- ther, 468 George, 468 Isabel Strollier, 468 James, 459 Sarah, 638 Cleveland, Dr., 311 Ex.-Prcs.. 337 Pres., 550 Cleveland, O., 107, 300, 344, 354, 387, 509, 511, 668 Cleveland Gazette, 299 Cleveland Herald, 299 Chff, Alfred Atherton, 635 Atherton Brewer, 637 Chailes L., 637 Charles Lee, 635 George Amos, 635 George B., 637 George Byron, 635 H,arland S., 637. Harland SSt. John, 413 Meth. Gen. Bib., 493 Moodv Bible, 428 of Civil, Hng., 584 of Tech., Mass., 277, 316, 331, 387, 447, 450, 460, 512, 531, 609 Packer, 565 Pennell, 380 Pratt, 387 Rensselaer Polytechnic, 613 State Nor. & Lit., 485 the Peabody, 466 Topsficld Academic, 622 Waterville Classical, 419 Insurrection, Canadian, 300 Insurrection, the, 388 Intervale, 371 Inverness, Scot., 594 lone City, Cal., 580 Ionia. Mich., 443 Iowa, 235, 669 Iowa Hill, Cal , 199 Ipswich-Andover road, 617 Ispwich, Mass., v, xvi, I, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13-19, 21, 23, 26-29, 32, 36, 38, 44 46, 47, 48, 54, 62-65, 72, 75-78, 81-84, 86-89, 91-94, 98, 99, 101, 104, 105, 107, 112, 113, 120, 149, 159, 100, 162, 164, 167, 169, 170, 179, 181, 183 185, 19(). 200 203, 207, 209, 242, 26S. 2S2, 296, 311, 324, 326 328, 338, 363, 396, 397, 514, 526, 527, 529, 532, 534- 536, 538, 540, 543, 544, 546, 547, 549, 559, .500, 587, 616 618, 622, 024, 627, 633, 641, 648-650, 657, 659, 660 Ipswich [not Topsfield in four- teenth line], 17 Ipswich-Candada, 127, 627 Ipswich Chronicle, 201, 202, 362, 540 Ipswich Farms, 4, 63 Iliswich Home, vi Ipswich Hundreds, 75 Ipswich Independent, 534, 619, 022 Ipswich Journal, 527 Ipswich-Linebrook, 317, 318, 325, 327, 333, 338 Ipswich Mills, 198 Ipswich Newspaper, 616 Ipswich oflieials, 301 ■ i Ipswich Town Farm, 159 Ipswich Town Seal, 41 Ipswich Village, 106 Ipswich water, 75 Ipswich Water Works, 198 Ipswich, West, 27 Ireland, 362, 606 Irish American Perleys, 631 Irish brogue, 262 Irish, Kmma Rosetta, 601 Helen Loretta-Gilbert 001 Washington Rollins, 601 Iron Springs, (Ariz.,) 561 Irtm smelting, 16 Iron Works, Cherry Valley, 355 Irvine, Bessie Tilley, 637 Kliza Jane-McAfee, 037 William, 637 Irvington, 119 Irwin, Judge, 518 Islay, Scotland, 390 Isle au Haut, Me., 205, 530 Isle of France, 100, 106 Isle of Wight, xii Islesboro, Me., 580 Israel, 96 Israel, Armies of, 95, 97 Italy, 105, 300, 508 Jackman, Flizabcth, 295 Jacksoit, 32.5 Jackson, Agnes Jane. 427 Annie Nilcs, 274 Annie-Stewart, 427 Arthur Avcrill, 91 Betsey Tameson, 248 Caleb, 89, 627 Daniel Kimball, 89 Elizabeth-Spofford, 89 Fmma, 134 Frank E., 278 G. K., 174 Hannah Bennett, 274 Hattie Florence, 91 Jane Louisa. 174 Tcremiah, 274 Jonathan, 122 Joseph Luther, 91 Joshua, 146 Luther Holland, 91 Margaret Ann, 91 Phcbe, 490 Roland Emery, 91 Stephen, 427 Tackson, Me., 647 lackson. Miss., 595, 666 Jackson, N. H., 500, 623 lackson's Express, 198 "lacksonville, Ala., 669 Tacksonville, Fla., 221 Tacksimville, 111., 294 Jacksonville, N. B., 582 Jacob, Elizabeth May, 480 Irene-Greenwood, 480 S. D., 480 Jacob of old, x Jacob, wrestling, 301 Jacobs, Daniel, 112 Henry, 41 Richard, 63 Taffrcv, N. H., 69 Jail, London, 299 Jamaica, L. I., 21.3 Jamaica Plain, Mass., 1.50,203 232, 273, 280, 431 Jamaica, R. L, 21 Jameson, Rev. E. O., 29 Jamestown, N. D., 477 Janiin, Hannah, 100 Hannah ivlwell, 106 Hannah Miyliill, 106 John F., 106 John Francis Codeau, 106 Mrs., 100 Janes, Annie Batchelder, 445 Aimie-Batchelder, 445 Arthur Gould, 445 Florence Huntington, 445 Henry, 349 Henry Dorman, 445 Joseph, 260 Joseph IL, 72, 172 Joseph Huntington, 445 Japan, 505 Jardine, Gen. Ed., 385 Jarvis, Ellen, 201 Jay, Me., 453, 526 Jaynes, 85 Jeffcrds, 140 Jefferson, 325, 632 Jcffcrsonian Republican, The 566 Jefferson, Me., 220 Jefferson, Mr., 96 Jeffords, L'lora Evelyn, 487 Frances Adams, 487 Pliny, 487 Jcfft's farm, 67 Jellison, Comrade, 337 Jemseg, N. B., 393, 638 Jenkins, David, 393 Hazel Augusta, 393 Juliette A., 512 Mabel, 454 Nancy M., 507 Rhoda, 393 Samuel Lesley, 393 Sarah, 393 Victor Gorden, 393 Jenks, Alonzo, 251 Caroline Henderson- Leeds, 613 Courtland Fells, 613 Edith Marion, 251 Ivdward Watrous, 565 Martha Reed, 565 Sarah Reed Joy, 565 William .Sliippen, 613 Jenness, Ivleanor, 538 Elizabeth, 26 James, 31 1 Jennings, A. Byron, 265 Albert Eaton, 266 Asa, 265 B. Emmogene, 265 Capt., 591 Mary F., 265 Mr., 262 Jersey City, 669 Jersey City, N. J., 247, 348, 491 Jerusalem Comniandery, 249 Jessup, Grace, 514 Isaac, 514 Jew, XX jew. Wandering, 253 Jewell, Ariadne, 359 Jewett, Aaron, 27, 75, 131 Ann, 633 Daniel, 319 Dorothy, 198 E. Bailev, 183 Eliza, 176 Elizabeth, 27, 44 F.lizabeth-Raynor, 44 Ephraim, 627 Gorhani P., 183 Greta Lambert, 183 Hannah, 75 Jacob F., 457 James, 27 Jane, 219 Jeremiah, 27, 75 Johanna, 336 John, 44 706 THE PERLEY FAMILY Jewett, Jonathan, 72 Joshua, 102 Joshua Abbott, 147 J. P., 523 Judith, 104 JuHa-Merrill, 457 Lavinia, 151 Lawrence, R., 183 Lcandcr, ISO Leonard, 158 Mark, 105 Mary, 106 Mary Elizabeth, 106 Mary Sophila, 457 Maximilian, 44 Mehitable, P., 105 Mercy, 81 Moses, 27, 35 Mrs., 158 Paul, 148 Rebecca, 27 Ruthy, 75 Sarah. 44, 150 Sarah E., 283 Sarah-Poor, 183 Susanna, 361 Willard Holbrook, lOG Jewett Family, 72 " loe Killam House," 58 John Hull, 253 Johnson, , xiii Alinira, 340 Andrew, 524 Ann Webb-Dam, 380 Hctsey, 46 Charlotte, 318, 340 Col., 142 Cynthie-Merritt, 437 Emily, 615 Fannie, E., 437 Frank Elisha, 469 Ocorge Frederick, 1 78 Harold Talmagc, 469 Harriet M., 524 Harry Herbert, 178 Herbert, 178 Isaac Skcllin, 380 James, 318, 340 John A., 198 Joseph, 318 Margaret A., 295 Margaret Page, 521 Mary, 369 Mary Paige. 450 Nehemiah. 290 Nelhe Perlcv, 178 Ruth, 524 Samuel. 657-660 Sarah Abbie, 380 Sarah C, 471 Sarah-Spencer, 450 Simon, 450 Stedman, 437 Susan Hadlev, 87, 365 Tabitha, 287" AVilliam, 23, 32, 69 Johnson, The, 437 Johnson, Vt., 479 Johnston, Alice Mabel, 261 Annie, 261 Frederick Perley, 261 Gen., 441 George Arthur, 261 Harriet Cecil, 261 James Nathaniel, 261 Jane, 261 John, 261 John Walter, 141 John Wesley, 261 Margaret, 261 Margaret-Britain, 261 Pha?be Gertrude, 261 JoHet, 111., 557 Jones. Agnes-Morrison, 568 Albert C, 525 AHce M., 454 Asa,»499 Charles Stanwood, 334 Clara Evelyn, 596 Clara-Oaks, 499 Clarence, 596 Elizabeth, 347 EttaAugusta Sterling,525 Eugene S., 335 Eugene Samuel, 334 Fannie F'ern, 525 Francis, 593 Frederick, 596 Hannah, 343 James, 144, 660 John, 568 Jonathan, 469 Luna, 503 Lydia, 275 Margaret A., 333 Mary 444 Matilda, 469 M. Ella, 499 Perley C, iv I\>llv K.- Sawyer, 469 Rosa Belle, 568 Sabra Wvman, 142 William, 596 Jones crest, 613 Jordan, Albert Perley, 527 Alice Balch. 156 Charles !"red, 156 I'aniiie Woods, 527 Gilbert Balch, 156 Harold, 156 Helen Pearl e, 156 I-ydia-Cash, 526 Martha Etta. 527 Mary Alberta. 527 Mary Ellen, 527 Nathaniel. 526 Perley Balch, 156 Robert, 526 Robert Arthur, 527 Robert Winlicld, 527 Toshua, 97 Joshua of old, 262 Joy, Sarah Reed, 565 Judge of Probate, 44 Kadiak Is., Alaska, 261 Kahili, Marie, 568 Kaiser, William, 572 Kalamazoo, Mich., 304, 562, 630, 661 Kalamazoo Gazette, 562, 567 Kaler, George, 266 Kane, Dr., 152 Lottie F., 152 Kankakee. 111., 197, 518 Kansas, 281, 352. 360, 377, 561,590 Kansas City, Kan., 629 Kansas City, Mo.. 480, 493, 518 Kansas, farm in, 231 Kansas ranche., 561 Kaschau, Hung, 668 Katahdiu Iron Works, Me ,302 Kay, Maria Robinson, 430 Keach, EHzabeth, 387 Kearney, Neb., 324 Keating, Blanche, 295 Keeler, , 221 Abigail-Bendure, 630 Cynthia Ann, 630 Henry C, 630 Keen, James, 144, 145 Sarah, 145 Keene, N. H., 69, 432, 433, 649 Keene, Pollv, 298 Keith, Charles, 616 Delia-Fierce, 616 William Billings, 616 Kelley, , 468 Andrew, 480 George Spofford, 445 ' Jane-McAv, 408 John Parvin, 480 Joseph N., 445 J. W., 393 Martha Jane-Homer, 480 Sarah-Emery, 445 William. 445 Kellogg, Mary Elizabeth, 455 Kelly, John, 289 Margaret, 358 William, 289 Kelscy, Caroline A.-Bugbee, 391 EUas, 391 Emeline Mowbry-Cross, 391 Isaac Stevens, 391 Kemble, , viii Kemp, Betsey. 437 I{lizabeth lane-Alden, 287 Lizzie D., 287 Robert, 287 Kench, Lizzie, 155 Kendall, B. J., 626 Ivdwaid W.,246 George, 4.57 Martin 250 Mary, 250 Mary R.. 458 Mary Rebecca, 457 Prudence, 250 William, 457 Ken.lall rost.3S5 Kendall's Spavin Cure. 626 Kendrick. Ann Elizabeth, 207 Lucy. 432 Stephen S. 207 Kennedy, lane. 406 Pilema. 591 Kcnney, Abbie, 207 Kennison, Phn?be, 302 Kenny, , viii Kent, Abigail Searles, 535 Irene C, 351 Joshua, 535 Sarah Carr, 53.5 Kentiss, N. W. T., 582 Kent's Hill, 380, 419, 420 Kensington, Md.. 418 Kensington, N. H., 536 Kentucky, 377, 611 Kermic Studio, 406 Kerr vS: Co., Westinghouse, Church, 513 Keswick, 406 Keswick Ridge, N.B., 451.640 Ketcluim. Betsey Hovt, 414 Charlotte. 400. 404, 430 Isaac, 410, 414 Jane, 410 Sally, 404 Ketchiim, Idaho, 275 Kettell, John, 657 Keyes, .\rthur, 513 Arthur T,, 514 George Lambert, 183 Henry E., 183 Orson H., 514 Sarah Maria, 183 William Perley, 514 Keytesville, Mo., 649 Keys, Mary, 385 Kickapoo ratigers, 243 Kidder, Benjamin, 127 Clarissa T., 592 Joseph, 498 Moses, 490 Nancv Ann-Goodwin, 490 Olando Burr, 490 Sarah, 27.3 Kilburn, Clarissa, 479 Frances, 410 Sarah, 409 Kilham. daughter, 102 Elizabeth, 105 Elizabeth Davis, 629 Jonathan, 105, 208, 629 Julia, 105 Lucy Ann, 100 Priscilla, 629 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 707 Kilham, Priscilla Perky, 208 William, 105, 208 KilUim, Betsey-Gould, 155 Eliza, 155 Hannah, 349 John, 184 Oliver, 155 Thomas Perley, 170, 177, 638 T. P., 352 Ubert A., 188 William li., 24, 121, 638 Killam family, 206 ICillam House, 156 " Killam House, Joe," 58 KiUingly Ct., 14, 23, 41, 42, 223, 225 Kilton.Mrs. Mary, 308 Kimball, Aaron, 51 Abbe, B. 176 Abigail, 171 Alniira-Hall, 457 Amanda, 274 Amos, 113 Angeline Niehols, 532 Asa, 141,274,462 Benjamin A., 176 Betsey, 293 Blair Chester, 241 Byron Jackson, 241 Calvin, 459 Caroline A., 176 Charles, 447 Charles A., 176 Charles O., 144 David Tenney, 92, 160 Dorcas-Abbott, 459 Dow, 241 E. A.,385 Ebenezer, 28, 29 Edna Richards-Blacking- ton, 587 Elisabeth Wood, 501 Eliza-Murphy, 241 Elizabeth, 113, 200 Elmira C, 457 Emeline, 274 Emily A., 592 Enoch, 112, 222 Eunice, 445 Evelyn, 587 George, 587 George A., 176 George N., 457 Hannah, 29, 72 Hephzibah, 72 Huldah-Gould, 222 Ira Crocker, 72 Israel, 71 Jacob, 138, 640 Jacob Hazen, 72 Tames, 298 jedediah, 241 Jedediah Tapley, 72 John, 9, 171, 176 John A., 176 Jonathan, 29, 32 Lena Isabel, 241 Lizzie-Cheslev, 501 Louisa M., 176 Lucy, 138, 640 Lydia, 29 Marshall N., 532 Martha, 29 Mary, 18,51,56,136, 146, 457 Mary A., .532 Mary Blaokington, 587 Mrs., 108, 109, 113 Orin EUiot, 459 Pearl E., 242 Pearl Edith, 241 Phebe, 72, 162 Priscilla-Smith, 138, 640 Richard, 64, 72, 113 Ruth E., 460 Ruth Ella, 459 Ruth-Heard, 56 Samuel, 73 Sarah, 51. 159. 222, 274. 462 Sarah A., 176 Sarah-Gage, 462 Sarah-Wood, 51 Sophia. 534 Stephen, 35 Tamar, 29 Timothy. 29, 56 Warren, 501 William P., 92 Kimball & Perley, 592 King, .\lice Adelia, 418 Charles, 500 Charles Francis, 500 Cyrus Shaw, 418 Emma Artimicia-Root, 623 Esther, 418 Etta Metella, 418 George Allen, 418 Grace Gertrude, 623 Harriet Elizabeth, 251 Howard Perley, 418 Josephine, 509 Louisa B , 501 Louisa Belle. 500 Metella, 418 Peter, 623 Raymond Cyrus, 418 Roy Grant, 418 Samuel, 418 Sarah F., 526 Sarah- Hall, 418 Theo Ingalls. 418 King Charles Second, xv King Edward Seventh, xv King Edward Third, xvii, 110, 494 King George Third, viii Kingfield, Me., 195 King, James, 63 King John, 636 King, the. 111, 112 Kings Clear, N. B., 410, 430 Kings Clear, Parish of, 409 Kings Gate, Ire., 383 Kingsland, Mr., 574, 575 Kingston, Mass., 298, 301 Kingston, N. B., 638 Kingston, N. H., 76, 295 Kingston, Ont., 584, 585, 624 Kinncar, E. C, 392 George Galland, 392 Harrison, 392 James, 327 John Harrison, 392 Margaret I.andsdown, 392 Kinnett, Henry K., 70 Kinney, Elizabeth-Emberlin, 442 Emery C, 155 John, 442 Mary, 442 Kinnicutt, Elizabeth Waldo- Parker, 259 Francis, H., 2,59 Lincoln Newton, 259 Roger, 259 Thomas, 245 Kirby, Abbie, 549 Mary, 549 Kirkcudbright, 383 Kirk, Dr., 511 Martlia Ann Amelia, 525 Rachel A. -Berry, 525 Reuben, 525 Kirkhuff, Elizabeth Sayre- Smith, 486 F^mma Harriet, 486 Jacob Butts, 486 Kitchen. Edward, 59 Kittery, Me.. 80, 226, 596 Kittredge, Thomas, 110, 113 Kittridge, Joseph, 319 Knapp, Maria, 77 Sarah, 42 Knee, 620 Kneeland, , 85 Aaron Porter, 554 Almira, 325 Elizabeth O. -Phillips, 554 Eunice, 85 Ira Warner, 554 John, 244 Levi, 90 Lucy Mary, 325 Lydia, 530 Margaret, 90 Mariah, 244 Miriam, 244 Prudence, 285, 647 Timothy, 244 Kneeland farm, 244 Knight, Alexander, 6 Almira P., iii Annie-Simonds, 548 *- Arthur P., 549 Arthur Phillip, 548 Charles G., 549 Charles Greenleaf, 548 Clarence P., 549 Clarence Putnam, 548 David Putnam, 549 Dorothy Cary, 549 Edith Mary, 548 Ellen FVances, 372 Ernest A., 549 Ernest Amos, 548 Ethel Almira, 548 Frederick, 100 Frederic P., 549 Frederic Proctor, 548 George Williard, 548 Lillian S., 549 Lillian Studley, 548 Love. 61 Mary A., 549 Mary Alice, 548 Mira Perley, 548 Mrs. A. P., 3 Nathaniel, 6 Philip, 548 Wallace Perley, 548 Williard, 548 Willie, 548, 549 Willis, 648, 549 Knighthood was in Flower When, 568 Knight, Lady Admiral Sir John, 61 Knight of Honor, 607 Knight of Malta, 540 Knight & Anderson. 168 Knights' Homestead, 2, 4 Knights of Honor, 450 Knolls, 620 Knowles, 620 Knowles, Ann, 198 Ruby, 200 Knowles' Grocery, 592 Knowlton, Addie Manette, 92 Aleck Worth, 418 Charles, 369 Clara Louise, 330 Dea, 9 F-dward Joseph, 418 Edward Payne, 418 EHzabeth Fay-Woodward 295 Emma Olive, 92 George, 92 George Edward, 418 George Frederic, 02 George William, 92 Harry Hale, 369 John, .330, 369 John Edwin, 92 Joseph Warren, 418 Julia-Davis, 418 Julia M., 419 708 THE PERLEY FAMILY Knowlton, Julia Mae, 418 Lois, 554 Margaret Olive, 92 Mary-Doyle, 92 Mary-Johnson, 369 Newell Scott, 92 Norman Perlev, 418 Rachel-Batcheldcr, 330 Samuel, 295 Sarah Minerva, 294 Theo Carlysle, 418 True Blethen, 92 Knox, 620 Knox, Gen., 286 Knox, Me., 228, 422 Knoxville, 595 Kiiubbe, Anna Frances, 253 Charles, 253 Frederick Charles, 253 Mary IJelle, 253 William Albert, 253 Koenigsmarck, Otto Count Von, 520 Kossuth, Louis, COS Kyneston, shield, xvi Laborie, Lydia Ann-Wake- field, 486 IMary Louisa, 486 Sidney Russell, 486 Labrador. 412 I-acon, 111., 561 Laconia Democrat, 331 Laconia, N. IL, xi, 167-169, 329 332, 433, 642 Laconia Woolen Co., 330 I-a Crosse, Wis., 423, 424, 475 Ladd, Abigail, 169 Abigail Flanders, 169 Alice M., 45S Arthur Shirley. 458 Dudley, 164, 168 Fred Winthrop, 458 Gardner Terry, 457 Jeremiah Benjamin Per- lev, 457 Jeremiah H. P., 458 Jcmathau, 168 Martha G., 457, 458 Mchitable, 168, 169 Nathaniel, 457 Nathaniel R., 457, 458 Rufus G., 457 Samuel, 169 Sarah-Ingersoll, 457 Stanley Parker, 458 Susan, 303 Lafayette, Gen,, 502 Marquis de, 136 Lafayette, Ind., 441 La Fetra, lidward B., 569 Mary-DeWitt, 569 Priscilla Augusta, 569 Lagoni, Dorothea S. -Clausen, 564 Ella, 563 Hans, 564 LaGrange, Me., 303 Lake, A. Austin, 444 Ann Maria, 550 Ava Maude, 155 Benjamin Balch, 156 Carrie Pcarle, 155 Charles Woodward, 155 Clarence W., 156 Edward Hewlett. 155 Eleazer, 155. 444 Hannah A. -Gould, 444 John Batchcldcr, 162 Laura H., 156 Lenora Bruce, 155 LilUan, 156 Mary Prudence, 548 Merietta B., 155 Perley B., 155 Phebc Batchelder, 550 Ruth- Prime, 155 Silas, 550 Susan J.. 155 Wilham G., 155 Lake, Big Stone, 377 Lake City, Minn., 629, 6.30 Lake Crystal, Minn,, 492 Lake de May, Alberta, Can., 630 Lake George, 43, 656 Lake Itasca, 377 Lake Stream, N. B., 634, 636 Lake Superior, 377 Laketon, Mich., 562 Lakeville Corner, N. B., 580, 583, 650 Lakeville, N. B., 582, 583 Lakeman, Hannah, 139 Lydia A., 201 Solomon, 139 Lakin, Loami, 119 Lamb, Augusta, 89 Augustus, 89 Mary, 457 Mr., 642 Nancy, 043 William. A. 89 Lambert. Abigail Prime. 63 Adrian Van Sindrien, 509 Adrian V. S., 51 1 Albert, 293 Alexander. 509, 510 Alfred. 509 Aitphia, 81 Clara L,, 652 Deborah, 62 Edith, 509, 510 Edward Wilberforce, 509, 510 Ellen Louisa, 509 Elliot C, 510 Elliot Cowdin. 509 Emily, 63 Emma, 201 Francis, 62 C^.eorgc, 205 George Nathan, 63, 182 Gcorgianna. 1S2, 1S3 Gertrude, 509 Hannah. 182, 643 Hannah Bradstrcet, 63 Hannah-Gage, 508 Harriet. 63 Helen Willcts, 510 Isabella L.. 652 James Henry, 509 John, 63, 102, 182, 205, 296, 629 Jonathan, 508 Katherine, 509 Maria, 63, 182 Martha, 510, 652 Mary, 509 Mary Eaton, 510 Nathan, 62, 63, 204 Nathaniel, 105, 205 Rodolph de, 508 Ruth, 509, 510 Sally, 509, 510 Samuel W., 652 Samuel Waldron, 509,510 Sarah, 291 Sarah-Bradstreet, 182 Sarah P., 182 Sarah-Pickard, 62 Sarah Perley, 509 Thomas, 62, 204 ' William G., 326,514.652 AVilHam Gage, 508, 509 Lambert's Hist. New Haven Colony, 2 Lambert & Siade, 508 Lamoille, 111. 439 Lamprey, Adeline Lavina- (WFarrar, 433 George Henry, 433 LilHan Addie, 433 Lamson, Abigail, 82, 179 Lamson & Twomblv, 511 Lancashire, Eng., 14, 636 Lancaster, Mass., 58, 131, 242, 636 Lancaster, N. B,, 237, 645 Land grants, 655 Lane, Abigail Lead-Vetten, 367 Deborah-Folsom, 642 Ebenezer, 317 Edward, 271 Edwin Bainbridge, 317 Edwin Lawrence, 317 Eliza, 367 Elizabeth, 317 Ellen Frances, 271 Ernest, 271 Frank Edwin, 317 George ICdward, 271 George I'Vcderic, 174 Gilhn, 141 Henry Perlev, 174 James, 367, 642 Lucinda, 330 Mary Louisa, 174 Richard Wilder, 1 75 Rieharil William, 174 Sarah Emery, 317 Walter Perlev. 317 William V.. 174 William I'redcric, t542 Lang, Deborah, 55 Edward, 55 Rachel Ward, 55 Langan, Elizabeth 241 Langhan, Mary Ann, 423 Langin, , 632 Langlev, Almira-Leavitt, 91 Mary Abbie, 91 Rufus Williams, 91, 92 Langrell. Sarah, 393 Langton, luig., 648 Lansdown, Margaret, 392 Lansingburg, N. Y.. 191 Lanson, Ivlizabeth, 631 Laphan, Anne, 524 Laporte City, la.. 232 Laportc, Ind., 253, 441 Larkin place. 312 Larrabee, Albiim Reith Paris, 370 Benjamin. 370 Mary Ivlizabeth, 193 Susan D., 370 Susanna, 370 Larrimore, Hon. Richard L., 213 Laskin, Hugh, 64 Latin name, xviii Lauer, Adam G,, 164 Laughton, Dorinda-Tarr, 644 John, 644 Mattie A,, 644 Laugtry, Mary Ann, 578 Lavalctte. Elizabeth Ann, 535 648 Elizabeth Carroll-Cheev- er, 535 Nathaniel. 336 Nathaniel Howard, 535, 648 Sarah Carroll, 336, 648 Lavalctte farm, 323 place, 318 Law, Adjudicated Forms, 546 Mortuary, 546 of Interest, 546 Personal Act. Practice, 546 Probate Practice, 546 Lawrence, , xii Abbot, 508 Amos, 508 Anna, 317 Benjamin, 578 Bishop, 619 EUza-Haines, 578 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 709 Lawrence, Frank, 195, 644 Henry Lafayette, 317 John, 214 Julia Ann, 60S Laura, 432 Lucinda Mildreth, 644 Lucy Maria, 578 Lucy Maria Ham, 317 Margaret, 214 Mary Ann-Harris, 644 Mary-Rezeau, 214 Nathaniel Sawtelle, 644 Ruth, 451 Lawrence & Co., 446 Lawrence, Kan., 24.3 Lawrence, Mass., 141, 142, 248' 296, 311, 341-343, 372, 459, 462, 465, 466, 501, 539, 554, 666 Lawrence Station, N. J., 504 Lawson, David, 401 Eliza-Murray, 401 Ellen Murray, 401 Florence, 638 "Lay of the Last Minstrel," 15, 64 Leach, John, 31 Leadbetter, Clark, 369 Mary Ann-Gott, 369 Nelhe, 369 Leadville, Col., 87, 294, 483 Learned, William, 250 Learoyd, Arthur Sowdon,348 Charles Henry, 347, 348 Grace, 348 John, 347 John Andrew, 347 Manton, 347 Rev. Mr., 619 Sarah-Sylvester, 347 Leavens, Perley &, 626 Leavensworth, Kan., 243 Leavitt, Almira, 91 Annie Frances, 547 Charles Malcolm, 547 Elizabeth, 198 Ethel iLiy, 547 Frederic Perley, 547 George Lawrence, 547 Harold, 547 John 547 John Frederic, 547 Levi Weston, 547 Lydia Sanborn, 620 Mary-Berry, 547 WiHiam H., 547 Lebanon, Ct., 242 Lebanon, N. H., 344, 4,33, 469- 471, 473-475, 498, 597 598, 667 Lebanon, Pa., 494 Le Barons, the, 650 Ledbury, xiv, xviii Lee, [Cien.], 302 Permilla, 271 Lee, N. H., 363, 511 Leeds, Alfred, 509, 511 Arthur Russell, 509 Caroline Henderson, 613 Charles Henry, 509, 652 Edward L., 511 Edward Lambert, 509 EHzabeth, 511 Ellen, 509 Helen, 511 Howard, 509 Mary, 511 Mary Stedman-Tileston, 273 Mary W., 511 Mary Warren, 509 Mary Warren -Mellen, 509 Norman, 609, 511 Sally. 511 Samuel, 509 Leeds, Eng., 536 Leeds Junction, Me., 563 Leelair, George, 667 Leeds, Me., 367, 368, 455 Leescreek Mill, O., 590 Leetonia, 649 Legg, Aubrey Burleigh Row- an-, 586 Ed>vard Lutwidge Row- an-, 586 Jane Elizabeth-Burleigh Rowan-, 5SG Legislature, (Gen. Court,) 12, 16, 18, 21, 24, 52, 56, 67, 76,78, 121, 141, 150 173, 256, 286, 289, 312, 345, 384, 405, 416, 446, 458, 472, 491, 495, 499, 506, 521, 5.50, 563, 572, 581, 592, 619, 632, 648, 650, 653, 655 Leicester, Eng., 63, 64 Leicester, Mass., 72, 509 Leighton, Clara, 193 Leininger, Catherine, 489 Leitrim, Ire. 362 Leland, Elizabeth S. -Welling- ton, 436 Herbert, 436 Leander, 436 Lempster, N. H., 288, 490, 493, 494, 497-499 Lendrum's Hist, of Amer., Rev., 1 Leominster, Mass., 432, 437 481 Leraysville, Pa., 476 Leslie, Minn., 631 Lesslie, Rev. George,vi,94,l65 Letonia, 355 Letson, Emma Elmina, 297 Farnham, 297 Philip, 297 Levant, Me., 193 Leverett, John, 258 Lois, 258 Levoy, Elmon E., 625 Lewis, Abigail, 189, 200 Jerusha L., 116 J. W., 21 Marcia, 151 Lewis, Anderson &, 608 Lewis & Clark, 598 Lewis & Co. J. W., 540 Lewisburg, N. Y., 386 Lewiston, 111., 489 Lewiston Journal, 454 Lewiston, Me., 194, 365, 371, 454, 455, 501, 539, 643, 644 Lexington alarm, 161 Lexington campaign, 144 Lexington, 111., 561 Lexington, Ky., 489 Lexington, Mass., 64, 79, 106, 123, 126, 130, 135, 141, 142, 144 Leyden, xx Lexington Monument, Pea- body, 41 Libbey, Emma Randlet, 228 Libby, Annah Augusta, 380 David, 365 George Frank, 563 Greenleaf Rogers, 563 Joseph Edgar, 380 Mabel, 380 Mr., 262, 263, Philip Caroll, 563 Ruth, 263 Sarah-Roberts, 563 Widow, 262 WilHs Alvah, 365 Libby Prison, 310, 567 Liberty, Me., 267, 418, 419 Liberty, Mo., 108, 666 Liberty's libation, 41 Library, Alton Public, 519 Boston PubUc, 496, 585 Boxford, 162 Fisk Free, 491 Newbury port Public, 106 of Congress, 451 Peabody PubHc, 81 of Science, Chicago, 450 Life Association, Confed, 390, 391 Ins. Co. N. W. Mut., 368 Ins. Northwestern, 487 Life tenure, 581 Lillcy, Sophia, 604 Lily of the Merrimack Valley, 212 Lincoln, Abraham, 382 Annie Frances, 594 Charles Herbert, 476 Chloe, 434 Dorothy Bartlett, 476 Emma Perley, 476 Eunice, 292 Fannie Fern, 476 George Leonard, 476 Gilman Christopher, 594 Leonard Willard, 476 Levi, 326 Mary Eliza, 476 Marv Ellen, 594 Nellie Isabel, 476, 477 Pres. ,3 14,352,382,451, 576 Richard Stephen, 476 Sarah Elysabeth, 476 Sarah Matilda Bovie, 476 Thomas, 593, 594 Willard Hopkins, 476 (See Christensen."! LiHcoln, Neb., 367.560,617,650 Lincoln, N. B., 216, 238, 24], 365, 399, 401. 407, 429, 631, 652 Lincolnshire, Eng., 135, 645 Lindhall, Anna Sophia, 368 Lineal Descent, iii Lineal Descent, Chart, of, v Linebrook, See Parish. "Linebrook I-ongwharf, " 325 Linebrook Parish, (See Parish) Lipsett, Mr., 397 Lisbon, 205, 210 Lissanourc, Antrim, Ire. 383 Litchfield, III., 294, 295, 516, 519 Little farm, the, 629 Little & Moulton, 517 Little, Valentine, 116 Littlefield, Aaron, 72 Daniel, 197 Seth Henry, 197 Littleton, 69 Littleton, Col., 479, 480, 611 Littleton, Mass., 67, 219, 272, 335 Little Sank, Minn., 631 Little Wanderers' Home, Bos- ton, 372 Little's Grove, ix, xi Livermore, Amanda, 644 CaroHne, 213 John R., 213 Joseph, 213 Livermore, Me., 190-193, 298, 367-369, 560-562,590 Liverpool, N. S., 297 Livingstone, EllaS., 631 Lloyd, Dr. James, 112 Loan of Boxford, ^■50,000, 21 Lobban, Edward Nel.son, 239 Ehzabeth, 239 ElUs, 239 Hannah Brown, 239 Henrietta Amanda, 239 James Earle, 239 T D 239 Margaret Garvie, 239 Locke, Abigail, 515 Alfred, 378 Allan Stephen, 379 Grace Perley, 378 710 THE PERLBY FAMILY Locke, Harold, 378 James, 205 John Richards, 378 Joseph Alvah, 379 Lucinda-Clark, 378 Stephen, 378 Lockhart, C. B., 407 Lockport, 111., 609 Locomotive, The, 523 Lodge, Irebro Rebecca, 373 King Hiram, 390 K. of P. Palestine, 593 Lofty, Ruth Ann, 175 Logan, Okla., 480 Logge's Peerage, 190 Loggie, Alexander, 240 James Caruthers, 240 James Walls, 240 Mary Carruthers, 240 Mary-Carruthers, 240 Loker, Catherine, 612 Lombardy, 508 Londonderry, Ire., 333 Londonderry, Marquis of.xviii Londonderry, N. H., 92, 129, 212, 213, 289, 382, 384, 500 London banker. 507 London District, 214 London, Eng., viii, xiv, xv, xviii. 2, 25, 61, 03, 64, 331, 397. 414, 424, 496. 511, 549, 584 London, Ont., 391, 428, 578 Long, , 443 Abrani, 409 Annie. 409 Charles Otis, 448 Charles Washington, 448 Daniel, 113 EUjah, 448 Ehzabcth Rolman, 448 Ethel Catherine, 449 Gov., 532 Henry, 448, 550 Henry I'oUansbec, 449 Henry Lcmont. 448 Ira I'erley. 448 Margaret Harrelt, 448 Marietta, 448 Martha Ahce. 448 Perlev Lcmont, 449 Robert, 272 Ruth Alice, 449 Sarah Miles, 409 William Albert, 448 William Chester, 449 Longfellow, , 124 Alice L., 525 Emeline M.-Scribner, 525 Henry W.. 525 Long Island. 135 Long Point, 213 Long Prairie, Minn., 630, 631 Lord, Abraham, 4 A. L.,456 Annie Laurie, 200 Asa. 87 Charles, 192 Charles Barnes, 200, 202 Edna Sleeves, 198 Edwin Lincoln, 202 Edwin Reed, 200 Elizabeth Baker, 78 Ehzabeth-Kimball, 200 Eliza Caldwell, 201 Elliott Russell. 199 Experience. 223 Ezra W., 201 Farley Clayton, 199 Florence Lucy, 202 Fred Lincoln. 200 Harry Holmes, 202 HenrvM., 289 George Edward, 4, 200 George Warren, 200, 202 Isaac, 4 James Austin, 198 John Henry, 198 Kate L., 201 Leon Raymond, 198 Levi. 4, 200 Lvdia A.-Lakeman, 201 Mary, 7, 8 Mary A., 532 Mary-Yurks, 198 Nathan, 105, 259 Nathaniel, 4, 72 Robert, iv. 7, 8 Thomas,127,131.133,627 Walter Ezra, 77, 201 WiUiam Lummus, 201 Lord Electric Co., 363 Lord Mfg. Co. G. W., 203 Lord's Order, xii Loring. David. 142 Emma. 639 James Milton. 225 Julia A. -Nye. 639 William. 639 Los Angeles. Cal. 227. 228, 371. 590. 603 Loud. Abel Coffin. 207 Olive Caroline-Robinson, 207 Samuel Otis, 207 Loude, Rhoda, 198 Loudon. N. IL, 80. 494, 507 Louisiana, 503 Louisburg. siege of , 29. 118 Lounsburj', Arthur I'erley, 429 Edward LeBaron, 429 John, 429 Roy Herman, 429 Sarah Gunter, 429 Louverier, Monsieur, 504 Lovejoy, Adoniram Judson, 266, 267 Albert, 537 Bartlett, 267 Charles Ilermon, 267 Clara Scott, 537 Dana Boardman, 266 Dana Wiufield, 267 Desire Sweet, 266 Edward Sweet, 267 Elvira Prescott, 267 Fannie, 266 Frank Perky, 267 Hannah-Hastings, 321 Irene Perley, 266 Loyal, 266 Loyal Palmer, 266 Mabel Irene, 267 Margaret-Shaw, 537 Mary Brown. 320_ Minnie Estelle. 267 Nancy-Burgess. 266 Sarah Alice. 267 Sarah Sophie. 266 Stephen. 321 Thomas. 266 Lovell. MariaKimball.491 Michael. 490 Sarah G.. 249 Sophia, 490 Loveridge, Sophia, 490 Loverin, Dolly Ann, 269 Edith, 610 Edwin E., 269 EHzabeth Ann, 269 Hiram, 610 Mary-Stevens, 610 Perley Burpee, 269 Sarah Buswell, 269 WilUam, 269 Lovering, Benjamin A., 176 Helen Frances, 176 John A., 176 Sarah M., 176 Lovettsville. Va.. 489 Lovewell. Capt. John, 24, 34, 59, 655 ow, Aaron Thomas, 280 Annie T., 280 Ann Tucker-Briggs, 280 Apphia, 278 Benjamin, 278, 279 Benjamin P., 279 Carrie, 278 Charles, 242, 279 Charles M., 279 Charles Perley, 278, 353 Clara, 279 David P., 243 David Perlev, 242 Eldon, 243 Eleanor Louise, 280 Elizabeth A., 243 Elizabeth Adelaide, 242 Florence Marion, 644 Francis Aaron, 280 George, 279 George Francis, 280 Grace H., 354 Grace Haskell, 353 Hannah Huston. 370 Harriet Newell. 242 Helen, 279 Ida. 243 Isaac Perkins. 242 Isaac S., 278 Joanna Drinkwater-Skil- lin. 644 John, 278, 279 Jonathan. 242 Jonathan C^ove, 278 Jonathan Porter. 242 Joseph. 278. 370 Joseph Perley, 278 JuHa A., 243 Julia Ann, 242 Lewis N., 278 Louisa, 278 Mabel Frances, 280 Maria, 278 Marian, 242 Marshall, 279 Mary, 278 Mary Dana, 279 Mary Emma, 242 Matilda, 279 Matilda C, 279 Maud, 243 Robert Merrill, 644 Samuel, 55 Sarah Ann, 279 Sarah-Huston, 370 Sarah-Perkins, 242 Seth, 278, 279 Solomon, IS, 73, 86 Susan Elvira, 242 Susannah, 55, 242 WilUam Stinson, 278 Lowe, David Perley, 243 Florence M., 196 Jonathan Gove, 295 J. P., 130 Mary Ann, 445 Ralph Perlee, 669 Solomon, 344 Lowe's Grove, xi Lowell, Eftie Augusta, 369 Wilbur Stephen, 422 Lowell, Mass.. 155. 205. 224, 248, 265, 287, 288, 310, 331, 343, 354. 371. 381, 431, 456. 465, 475, 490, 493, 495-497, 518, 525, 590, 668, 669 Lowell's cards, 161 Lowell, Vt., 479, 606 Lower Bartlett, N. H., 343 Lower Jemseg, 393 Lower Waterville, 241 "Lowle "209 Loyalist, a, 403 Loyahsts, 404. 410 Loyalist Souvenir, the Cen- tennial, 397 Loyalist, U. Emp., 388 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 711 Loyal Legion, U. S. A., 331 Lucan, Ont., 588 Lucas, Margaret-Flemmiiig, 333 Luclinger, Bertha, 443 Daniel 443 Jennie-Atkinson, 443 Ludlow, Vt.. 189 Lufkin, Thomas, 72 Lummeraux, Jerusha, 253 Laura Gertrude, 427 Lumnius, Abraham, 82, 179 Charles, 82 Elizabeth, 82 Ezra, 35G Margaret, 82 Mary, 84 Mary Abbie, 82 Sarah, 44, 82 WilHam, 82 Lundberg, Agnes C, 575 Lundys Lane, 214, 388 Lunenburg, 242, 431 Lunenburg road, 132 Lunt, Eunice Perley, 641 Jane Una, 430 Josiah, 641 Patty-Perley, 641 Lurray Road, 202 Lutz, Minnie, 243 Lyman, Gen., 32 J. B., 606 Joseph, 606 Lyman, N. H., 529 Lyman School for Boys, 650 Lyme, N. H., 332 Lyn, Ont., 624 Lynch, Phoebe, 501 Lynde, Benjamin, 112 Lyndon Hall, 648 Lynn Directory, 524 Lynnfield, Mass., 55, 90, 199, 514,515,614,615 Lynn, Mass., ix, x, xi, 77, 85, 91, 106, 112, 128-130, 134, 135, 137, 172, 178, 200-203, 228, 255, 259, 260, 281, 287, 293, 308, 346, 354, 367, 396, 450. 451, 496, 513-515, 523, 532, 542, 554, 589, 614, 646,661,666, 667 Lyon, XX Lyon, Dist. Att., 571 Harriet Deborah, 404 Mary, 456 Sarah Eliza, 215 , Mary, 346 M , Mary, 281 Maberry, Abbie Ella, 501 Francis Elden, 501 Phebe Ellen-Verrill, 501 S. P., 375 Mabey, Alfred Edward, 630 Alice Goldie, 630 George, 630 Harry Edward, 630 Joseph Edward Stevens, 630 Joseph Henry, 630 Lullu Bird, 630 Mabel, 630 Mary Ann-Stevens, 630 Morris Perley, 030 Nellie, 630 Perley William, 630 Macartney arms, 650 Macartney, Frances Eliza, 383 Francis, 383 George, 383 Mary-Henderson, 383 Macculogh, Margaret, 383 Macdonald, Charles S., 391 Charles Strange, 390 Charlotte Helen, 390 Donald, 390 Donald Bruce, 390 Elizabeth-MacKay, 390 John A., 472 John Kay, 389, 390 John Perley, 390 Machias, 117 Machias, Me., 119 Mack, DeUa, 386 Mary, 76 MacKay, Elizabeth, 390 Jean, 427 MacLean, Beatrice E., 636 Calvin S., 636 Hector, 636 Hugh, 636 Jane-MacLean, 636 Macmillan, Alexander, 427 Frances Robb, 427 James D., 427 James Dudley Alexander, 427 Jean-MacKay, 427 Sarah, 582 Macnaquack River, 409 Macomber, Alice Mabel, 273 Mary Stedman Tileston- Leeds, 273 William, 273 Macon Prison, 567 Macquaine, Agnes Ritchie- Wood, 215 John, 215 Margaret Amelia, 215 Madagascar, 205 Madison, Me., 150 Madison, N. H., 430 Madison, S. Dak., 601 Magazine, Vermont Hist., 286 Magee, Ethel Margaret, 391 James, 391 Susan-Bastedo, 391 Maguire, Anne, 362, 049 Maguire's Bridge, Ire., 383 Magruder, , 90 Mahoney, Mary, 381 Maine, vi, 123, 128, 139, 182, 184, 252, 262, 324, 367, 376, 378, 396, 413, 420, 421, 560,627 Maine, M. E., 480 Maine Infantry, 365 Maine Justice, The, 308 Maine regiment, 661 Majesty, H. M. G., 411 Majesty, the King, xviii Majesty's service, in his, 655, 656 Maiden, Mass, 163, 200, 202, 240, 466, 467, 510, 534, 536, 614, 620, 639 Maliceets, the, 411 Mallon, Capt. James, 659, 060 Malvern Hill, 90 Manchester, Eng., 198, 636 Manchester, Mass, 466 Manchester, N. H., 141, 174, 247, 271, 274, 283, 381, 386, 459, 460, 463, 409, 471, 500, 510, 523, 543, 593, 625, 647, 667, 669 Mandell, Agnes C. -Lundberg, 575 George Perley, 575 Henry George, 675 Henry Joseph, 575 Manden, N. Dak., 508 Manderson, Mary Jane, 428 Manilla, 486 Manitoba, 390, 401, 403 Mann, Horace, 430 Nettie, 433 Susan Eaton, 430 Manning High School, (See School.) Manning, John, 101, 113, 132 Joseph, 113 Richard, 112 Manning Lot John, 229 Mansfield, Abbie, 666 Edwin, 606 John, 658 Mary, 231 Lizzie, 666 Mansion House, 523 Mansion, Rust, 203 Mantorville, Minn., 476, 490 Manufacturing Co., Cotton, 173 Cotton and woolen, 168 Danielsonville, 224 Map, vi Maps, 670 Maquapit Lake, 392 Marble, Coker, 151 Marcia-Lewis, 151 Sarah, 151 Marblehead, Mass., 112, 201 298, 331, 332, 461, .501, 648, 649 March, Elizabeth, 39 Hannah, 353 Susanna, 180 Marden, Dana Boardman, 521 Edna Margaret, 521 Eunice May, 521 Francis, 139, 156 Margaret Page-Johnson, 521 Samuel, 521 S. S., 274 Marietta, O., 55 Marion, la., 488 Markesan, Wis., 476, 477 Market, New Faneuil Hall, 489 Marlboro, Mass., 276-278 Marlin, Tex., 271 Marlow, N. H., 289, 493, 497 Marmion, 15, 64 Marque, letter of, 203 Marquette, Wis., 476, 598 Marquis, Hugh, 588 Margaret Ellen, 588 Mary-Mclndoe, 588 Marquis of Londonderry, xviii Marriages, 3000, 495 Marsh, 190 Marsh, Daniel, 134 David, 142 D. D.,587 Ebenezer, 134 Elijah, 134 Ellen, 298 Ezekiel, 134 Ezekiel Preston, 134 George, 134 Levi, 29S Susan, 134 Marshall, Agnes, 634 Bethiah, 21 Marshall, deputy U. S., 483 Marshficld, Mass., 623, 640 Marston, Abigail, 283 Charles Henry, 371 Joanna Barber-Cole, 371 Mary Susan, 371 Martha's Vineyard, 486 Martin, Annie, 349 Clarence, 586 Ezra, 228 Frank, 586 Harry, 586 Hattie F., 228 Julia, 586 Lucius D., 349 Marjorie G., 586 Maud D., 586 Mayor, 532 M. Perley- 586 Nathaniel, 119 Nora H., 586 Sally, 538 Sarah F., 349 Marvin, Emma F., 484 Emma Frances, 483 712 THE PERLEY FAMILY Marvin, Laura \''ienna, 483 Marjorie, 484 Ruth, 484 Samuel, 483 Samuel B., 484 Samuel Barnard, 483 Stephen Gates, 483 Stei)hen George, 484 Stephen Perley, 4S3 Vienna-Gates. 483 "Mary and John," vessel, 63 Maryland, 57(3, 649, 653 Marysville, Mo., 617 Masconnomett, Sagamore, 16 Mason, Abigail, 180 Amelia, 334 Anna Rebecca, 372 Ann EHzabeth-Woodruff, 334 Charles, 180 Charles Henry, 180 Ellen Eugenia, 372 Emily Watson-Howe,436 Ethel L., 437 Ethel Louise, 436 Frederick \V., 180 George, 180 George Warren, 436 Hannah-Bryant, 372 Harry Downey, 437 Harry W., 437 Harry Warren, 436 Henry, 436 John Howe, 334 Margaret Adelaide, 372 Seth C, 372 Mason, a, 607, 615, 618 Social Lodge, 598 32nd degree. 568 Mason Village, 67 Masonic Eraternitv, 2-19, 615 Erce, 163 Honors, 645 Order, 440 Masons, Chariot tcville, Lodge, 566 Mosaic Lodge, 550 Mt. Carmel Lodge, 450 Order of, 342 The, 501.650 T>Tian Lodge, 570 Massachusetts, vi, 49, 96, 133, 184, 185. 258. 399, 410, 570. 591,602 Massachusetts, Asst. Att.-Gen. of, iv Massachusetts bar, 193 Massachusetts brcthen, viii Massachusetts government, 117 Massachusetts Heavy Artillery 649 Massachusetts regiment, 661, 662 Massachusetts Spy, the, 40 Masterdon, Margaret, 638 Mutanzas, 376 Mattapan, 548 Matterson, Florence, 200 Matthews, Catherine-Bronte, 618 Charlotte Bronte, 617 Joseph, 136, 254 Mary Anne, 573, 575 Mary Jane, 385 Mary-Keys, 385 Thomas, 385 WilHam George, 618 Manger, Joshua, viii Mauge^^^lle, X. B., vii, viii 117, 120. 123, 129, 213- 217, 236-238, 241, 387, 391-393, 395, 397. 399- 401. 403, 405-407. 410. 423, 424. 429, 579-583, 632. 640. 645. 650 Maugerville settlers, 633 Maunselle, Lt. Col. George, 425 May, Humphrey, 64 Joan, 64 Richard, 64 Mayflower, the, 650 Maynard, Emilv, 484 Mayo, Eben, 150 George Kaler, 150 Walter Eben. 150 Mayville, Wis., 492 McAfee, Eliza Jane, 637 McArter, Annie, 389 McArthur. Jemima, 530 McAy. Anthony. 408 EHzabeth-McKnight, 408 Jane, 408 McBean, Alan Johnston, 261 John Wood, 261 Margaret-Casey, 261 Patrick, 261 McCafferty, Ann, 242 McCall, Daniel, 389 Elsie, 389 McCartney, Frances, 382 Francis, 382 H. R., 587 (See Macartney.") McClallin, Lucius. 602 Afarv Maria-White, 602 William Daniel, 602 McClarv. ill fated. 147 McClellan, Mayor, 569 McCloskv. Teanie, 192 McColIom, lilbridge W., 498 Hannah W., 498 ALiry Ann-Harvev, 498 McCorkel, Elizabeth, 386 McCully. Ellen Harvey, 379 McCurdy, Martha, 461 McDaniel. Arthur, 277 Carl, 277 Carrie. 277 Catic. 277 Charles, 277 , Cora, 277 Hitty L. Philbrick, 277 James, 277 McDermott. Anna-Sullivan, 275 Annie Eliza. 275 Roger. 275 McEwcn. Rev. J. F.. 177. 550 McFarland. (ieorgianna. 572 McOee. Khoda. 637 McGibbon, Agnes. 400 Charles. 118. 399 Colin F.. 402 Colin I'rank. 400 Harold Bruce. 400 Jes.sie H.. 402 Jessie Helena. 400 John, 118, 399 Malcolm Drummond. 400 Mary-\evers. 399 McGillivray township, 588 McGowan's wharf, 633 McGrath. Catherine Aurelia, 197 David. 197 EHzabeth-BurrclI. 197 McGreagor, Diadany. 634 McGreeby Connolly. 585 McGuire. Amy Electa. 241 Cordelia-Toiu-telotte, 241 Robert, 241 Mclndoe, Mary, 588 Mclnnis. Andrew, 242 Andrew George Blair, 242 Ann-McCafferty, 242 Annie Elizabeth, 242 James lerome. 242 John Henrv, 242 Mrs., 241 Pearl Isabel. 242 Mclntire. Dana I., 273 Isabelle Love, 87 Mabel G., 273 Mary C. -Brown, 273 Mcintosh, Flora, 638 Mclntyre, Alice Marion, 404 Byron Woodbury, 404 PHizabeth [M], 404 Harold Perley, 404 Isabel Scott, 400 Jane-Flemming, 404 Kathleen I., 405 Kathleen Isabella, 404 Nora N., 405 Nora Neals, 404 Robert, 404 Ruby A., 405 Ruby Antoinette, 404 Thomas, 404 McKay, Mary, 427 McKay operator, 500 McKeen, Nancy, 403 McKenney & Waterbury, 52S AIcKenzie, Albert, 465 Caleb Jackson, 455 Frank Emerson, 465 PVank Gordon, 455 Jacob, 465 Nellie, 465 Noel, 455 Ruel Dart, 455 Susan-Dart, 455 McKinley, Pres., 550 McKnapp. , 632 McKnight. Elizabeth 408 Mcl.aiii. Frances Carrie, 344 John. 344 Sarah Reed. 344 McLane, Alexander, 44,s Bessie Long, 448 HarrietHrown, 448 Jared Brown, 448 Leha IL, 449 Lelia Harriet, 448 McLaughlin, Emerson, 243 Harrison, 243 Mary Ann, 394 Will. 24.< McLean. IClizabeth-Camcron 579 Hector, 579 William Allen, 579 McLcUan, Margaret, 390 Nancw 41,5 Nancv A.. 116 McLelland', David Russell,638 Flora Mcintosh, 638 Tames, ()38 Robert. 038 McLeod, Aileen Audrey, 426 Asa Melville Perley, 426 Catherine Eleanor, 426 Christina, 239 Donald, 426 IHuIlcy Benson, 426 Ivleanor Isabella-Murray, 426 Grace Darling, 426 John Alexander, 426 Sarah Isabelle. 426 ^\■illiam Douglas, 426 \\illiani Georire. 426 McLoud, Anson, 345, 531 Enoch Cate, 604 James Henry, 604 .Sophia-Lilley, 604 McMackin, Isabella. 400 McMulkin, Anne, 386 McNab. Sir Allen, 388- McNally. Frances-Kilburn,4I0 Frank Leslie, 410 George Frederick. 410 Jean Francis, 410 Moses, 410 Moses Byron, 410 Percy Bvnm, 410 McNeil, Joseph, 658 Sarah Ann-Putnam, 218 McNulty, Martin, 220 McQuirk, Lizzie, 422 McRae, Isabella, 403 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 713 Mead, Abraham, 69 D. D., G25 Hannah, 67 Miss, 669 OHvia Ann, 281 Meadcr, George, 595 Harriet Newell, 451 Jane M., 595 I.oiiise, 595 Susan, 461 Meadow, Hachelor, 103 Meadville, Pa., 572 Mears, ,105 Mechanics Falls, Me., 501 Mechanics, Order V. A., 337 Mecklenburg Schwerin. 253 Medal, Douglas silver, 430 silver, 411, 473 AVilde, 448 "Meddowe, Parly, Ye Great,'' 70 Medlield, 431 Medford, Mass., 42, 197, 228, 271, 273, 312, 333, 347, 474, 515, 550 Medway, 430 Mee, Ann-Knowles, 19S Mary, 198 Robert, 198 Meed, AUethea Huntington- Wells, 323 Samuel, 280 Thomas J., 324 Meen, Matilda Emma, 585 Meigs, Anna-Gardiner, 520 Anson, 520 Kunice, 520 Melcher, Harriet Newell-Mead- er, 451 Mary Frances, 451 William Neal, 451 Melendy, George Lorenzo, 272 Jesse George, 272 Lorenzo P., 272 -, Williams, 272 Mellen, Mary Warren, 509 Mellish, Clarissa, 605 Melrose Highlands, Mass., 621 Melrose, Mass., 3, 82, 549, 559. 603, 604, 618, 624, 639 Mclvin, Sarah J., 92 Memoirs of Indianapolis, 254 Memphis, Tenn., 516, 568 " Men at age of sixteen," 60 "of Canada," 472 of Progress of Indiana, 254 Mendippe Hills, Eng., 494 Mendon, 38, 39 Menomonie, Wis., 277, 612,613 Mercer, Maria, 418, 419 Merchant, Judith B., 371 Orlando DeForrest, 226 Meredith Bridge, N. H., 167, 329, 332 Meredith, N. H., 130, 283, 330 Meriden, la., 277 Meriden, N. H., 358, 491, 498 Meridian Hill, CTeorgetown, D. C..90 " merilield," John 27 Merriam, Carl Proctor, 344 Cora Alice, 344 Charles Greenleaf, 344 Elizabeth, 55 Frederic, 356 Frederic Jonas, 343 Frederic Perley, 344 Hannah-Jones, 343 Henry Augustus, 344 Henry Greenleaf, 344 John, 57, 343, 344 Marjorie Allen, 344 Martha McLain, 344 Nathaniel Perley, 343 Silas, 110 Merrill, Abel. 98 Ada Byron, 614 Addie F., 107 Adrianna-West, 614 Agnes E-, 107 Amos B., 186 Austin, 468 Benjamin Austin, 468 Charles 614 Charles Perley, 107 Daniel, 48, 77 Edwin Whipple, 593 Ellen A.-Brown, 593 Frank W., 107 George W.. 107 Greenleaf B., 93 Hannah B., 468 Hannah-Sanborn, 375 Harriet, 197 Harriet B.. 468 leremiah, 107 lohn, 107,375 John B., 107 Joseph K., 593 Juha, 457 I-evi, 368 Lewis Austin. 468 Lewis M., 468 Louisa Hale, 368 Lucy A., 468 Lvdia J.. 107 Martha Ann. 507 Mary. 107 Meltiah, 209 Mrs.. 629 Nancy-Hale, 368 P. A., 468 Perley Braman, 468 Rose Ann, 468 Ruth Ward, 375 Samuel, 98 Sarah, 284 Sarah- Felch, 107 Sylyanus, 185 Sylvanus Dodge, 468 Thomas, 468 Merrimac House. Lowell, 405 Merrimac, Mass., 158, 207, 5.53 Merritt, Beulah May, 249 Charles, 197 Charles Clesson, 249 Cynthie, 437 Eivah V. -Wilder, 249 F'red Clesson, 249 Henry Charles, 249 Lester M., 197 Marv Everett, 249 Mildred Hazel, 249 Phebe. 581 Merry. T. J., 631 Mersereau, Adaline Amelia- Smith, 408 Daniel Wood, 408 Jannic, 408 Message, Perley, 130, 136 Messenger. P.apseima. 270 Sarah. 5'28 Messer, Charles .Sherman. 463 Clayton Perley. 464 Edna Gertrude, 464 Edwin. 403 Elmer F., 464 Elmer Fiank, 463 Helen Todd, 464 Herman P., 464 Herman Perley, 463 Jacob, 463 Jennie Bell, 463 Laura Angle, 463 Lizzie Estella, 463 Mary Abbie, 463 Mary-Putney, 463 Metcalfe, Hon., 518 Metcalf. farm 323 Metcalf, Harvey, 288 Lydia, 145 Methodist, 369 Methodist Book Concern, 383 Methodist Church, (See ehiu-ch) Methodist clergyman, 624,637 Methodists, 288 Methuen, Mass., 46, 58, 143, 144, 278, 281. 2S5, 288- 291, 294, 433, 462, 495, 502, 505, 659 Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 338 Metz, Emma, 375 Michigan, 119, 304, 376, 409, 475, 629, 630 Michigan City, Ind., 253, 441, 443 Michigan Volunteers, 567 Micmac Nation, 41 1 Middleboro, Mass., 150 Middlebury, Vt., 259, 260 Middle Saokville, N. B., 427 Middle Simonds, N. B., 409 Middlesex, Vt., 641 Middleton, Mass., 51, 55, 89, 113, 125, 255, 548, 5.50, 553 Middletown, Ct., 78, 497 Middletown, N. Y., 1.58 Middletown, Pa., 272 Mid wiferv, 67 Mighill, Charles P., 205 David, 291 David DeW. C, 178 David DeWitt CUnton, 60, 61 D. DeWitt C, 145,149, 151 Ehzabeth, 100, 291 Ellen, 98 Hannah, 98. 100, 106, 629 Huldah-Dole, 291 Jeremiah, 291 Nathaniel, 98-102 Sarah-Lambert, 291 Stephen, 98 Thomas, 98, 102 Milan, Ga., 90 Miles, AdriannaCecilia, 399.400 Anna Julia Woodfordc, 118,390 Arnand Raglan, 399, 401 Charles LeBaron, 399 401 Charlotte M., 401 Cora Gertrude, 399, 401 Cynthia, 265 Edgar Stuart. 401 I'Mmund Lancelet, 401 Erna Ardis, 402 V. R., 667 Frank Bruce, 401 Frank Roswell, 399, 401 Frederick D., 401 Fiederiek Dunbar, 399 George Harrison, 401 (teorge Hayward, 399 Harold Roy, 401,403 Hazel T., 400 Helen Lois, 401 Henry Smith, 399, 406 James Edward, ,583 James William, 583 J. Frederick, 400 lohn Clowes, 400 John T., 583 Kate Haws, 401 LeBaron Perley, 401 Lilhan Gertrude, 402 Lousia-Plummei, 583 Mary Florence, 403 Maud Amanda, 399 Mrs., 406 Murray Bliss, 399, 401 N. A., 565 Sarah, 409 Sarah Ann, 399 Sarah Ann-Carman, 399 Theodore Clowes, 402 Theodorus C, 400 Theodorus Clowes, 399 Thomas Odber, 399, 400 T. O.. 402 Vera Constance, 401 714 THE PERLEY FAMILY Milford, Mass., 251 Milforrt, Me.. 536 Milford, X. H., 252, 272 Militia. Canadian, 215 Maine. 219 Massachusetts, 219 X. H. Vol.. 352 Xorthumberland. 424.426 Old Rowley. 316 State, 345. 432 Toronto, 5S4 Millburv, Mass., 40, 134, r.06 Mille Lacs, 37S Miller, KUza Ann, 3S6 J. A., 480 Mary, 578 M. E.-Maine, 480 Rillie E., 480 Millers Corner. X.Y.. IS Millett, Alphonzo, 324 Atnos J.,.88, 92, 628 Charles E.. 92 Deborah-Howe, 323 Edward. 323 Edward Andrew, 324 Edward 0..325 Edward Oliver, 324 Eliza Ann. 324 Elizabeth Irene. 92 Emily Augusta. 324 Ered Bartktt. 324 George Dane. 324 Ida. 92 Joshua, 92. 323 1-elia Marion, 325 Lizzie Ellen, 324 Ralph Arnold. 324 Samuel Dane. 324 Sarah Maria. 324 Milliken. Benjamin. 122 Millinocket. Me.. 400. 536 Mills. Achsah. 507 Andrew, 240 Charles A., 536 Emily, 460 Hannah Wilbur, 536 John, 536 I'ludentia Earwell, 311 Ruth Sawyer, 459 Thomas, 459 Mills. Ipswich Woolen, 202 Milltown. Me.. 194 Millwood, Rowley. Mass., S9 90, 160, 166, 178, 1S2, 338, 361 Milo, Me., 298, 299, 302, 303, 589, 590 Milo Junction, Me., 302 Milton, Tohn, 52 Milton. Slass.. 92. 277, 317 MiUon, Minn.. 601 Milton. Vt., 561 Milwaukee. Wis., 377, 475, 586, 639 Miner, Alonzo Ames, 494 Amanda-Cary, 494 Benajah Ames, 494 Caroline Alleta-Gooirltich, 438 Charles, 494 John Farrington, 438 lonathan Isaiah, 438 Rev. Dr.. xi Thomas. 494 Miniard. EUzabeth-,Smith.374 James, 374 Sarah Jane, 374 Minier, 111., 245 Minneapolis. Minn., 261, 377, 490, 523, 557, 55S, 637 Minnesota, 402, 629 Minnesota Infantry Vol., 630 Minnesota regiment. 661 Minot, Me., 194. 363 Minpooria. 384 Minstrels, Dockstader's, 568 Minty, Annie, 391 Minuteman, 126, 141 Minutemen, 79, 106, 123, 128, 145 Miramichi, X. B., 216, 238, 424. 426. 427, 428 Miramichi, the, 427 Miriam, Silas. 110 Missionary in India, 383 Mission, Hadley Rescue. 545 Xew Vork City, 428 Missions, Board of, 347 Missisquoi, the, 484, 485 Mississippi, 666 Mississippi River, 356, 377 Missouri, 3.52 Mitchell, Algernon Mansfield, 454 Anna 478 Blanche Elisabeth, 455 Blanch \'ivian, 454 Burton I,., 455 Burton Lafayette. 454 Burton Mansfield, 454 David, 395,651 Deborah Dennett, 311 Edward. 395 Eunice llilhard, 498 Frances, 238 Frances Amanda-Perley, " Mrs," 651 Franklin, 311 Grace li., 455 Grace Elizabeth, 454 Guy L., 455 Guy Livingstone, 454 Henry B., 238 Horace. 490 Isabel-True. 238 Joanna, 212 Jonathan, 454 Lena May, 454 Lillian ElVie, 454 Martha, 58 Mary P.-Wright, 454 May. 395 Mehitable. 143 Molly. 395. 651 rhebe-Jacksou, 490 Rebecca, 302 Rose Iv., 455 Rose Estelle, 454 Ruth, 455 Sarah, 58, 399 Sarah A.. 455 Sarah Adelina, 454 Sarah Ann, 490 Sew ell, 311 Svlvanus Sherman, 454 Weir. 533 Moberlv. Mo., 649 Mobile, Ala., 303 Moclara, Sarah, 505 Modesto, Cal., 395, 580 Modjeska, Madame, 568 " Mohican " steam sloop, 332 Mohr, Anna Sophia- Ijndhall, 368 Carl Johan, 368 Charles Elon, 368 Mildred Elizabeth Sopliia, 368 Morehouse, Matilda, 481 Moncton, X. B., 410 Moning. Frank H., 488 Lillian Perlev, 488 Mrs , 4««r Monmouth, 111., 597 Monmouth, Me., 267,452,526 Monroe, Abel. 643 Albert Perley, 299 Allan. 298 Ann Maria, 299, 302 Carrie Emma, 302, 303 Charles Fred, 299 Emily Crosby, 615 Emilv Louise- Wiley, 615 George Herbert, 299 Henry Wingate, 615 Herbert Albert, 302 John, 298 John W., 302 John Warren. 299 Luther Simonds, 615 Martha BLxbv, 643 Mary E.. 299 Patty, 191, 643 Polly-Keene, 298 Richard A.. 299 Sarah Smith Perley, 299 Sarahs. P., 302 Wesley Wingate, 615 Monroe. Ct.. 486 Montana. 400. 404 Montana Insane Asylum. 667 Montana State Penitentiary, 667 Montclair, X. J., 649 Montevideo, Minn., 443 Montevideo, Urugnav, 596 Montgomery, Vt.. 602,605,608 Montgomery Yeomanry Cav. xviii Monticello, la., 612 MontpeUer, Vt.,iv. 273, 286,287 Montreal. Que., 78, 300, 430, 481,584, 597 Montville, Me., 140, 261, 267, 421,422, 452 Monument, Lexington. Pea- body, 41 Rev. Samuel Perley' s. 97 Mooar, John, 85 Mary Ann-Conant, 85 Mary Gertrude, 85 Orrin G., 74 Orrin Gayton. 85 Roy Ellsworth. 85 Moody. Lucy Ann. 442 Lydia Ann Ellen, [Em- ery] 105 Lydia Ann Emery, 205 Master, 306 Mr., 224 Paul, 224 Mooers. Abigail. 632 Betsey. 632 David, 032 Edmund. 632 Elizabeth. 117,632 Hannah. 409 Huldah. 632 Tennie. 632 Mary. 632 Mary Harmony, 409 Peter. 632 Rebecca. 632 Samuel. 632 Sarah, 632 Sarah-Xoyes, 632 Moonsy. Mary Jane, 566 Moore, Angie Foster, 92 Bessie Ella, 92 Charles Dennison, 92 Dennison, 92 Dennison Pickard, 92 Ehza, 175, 283 Frank Phillips, 92 Galen Blethen, 92 Harriet. 534 Harry Flemming, 92 Henry. 640 Herbert George, 92 Jane, 423 Lois, 349 Lois-Knowlton, 554 Mary, 629 Marv Ann, 554 Rev. Dr.; 368 Susan, 92 Thomas, 554 Moores, Charles Xathaniel,302 John Albert, 302 Lena Mavland. 302 Mary Annie, 302, 303 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 715 Moores, Minnie Gilbert, 302 Nathaniel, 302 Rebecca-Mitchell, 302 Richard Allen, 302 Tessa Lillian, 302 Moorhead, Minn., 497, 499 Moraly, Gustav, 335 Loniie-Hovvs. 335 Sclnia M., 335 Morants. xvi Morev, Diantha, 577 John, 625 Margaret. 625 Margaret Nellie, 625 Morgan, , 277 Frank. 370 Gov., 576 Louisa, 51 1 Micaiah, 270 Mormon church, 36 Morong, Mary Nicholson, 465 Morrill, Alpheus, 494 Ann Elizabeth, 649 Ashley Baker, 494 Daniel, 358 Prank Forrest, 107 Georgetta, 107 George W., 107 Gladys, 494 Hannah-Colby, 107 Hannah Kimball, 358 Horace Adams, 107 Jabez, 465 Jettie M., 107 Lydia-Abbot, 35S Margaret, 494 Mary Stearns, 494 Moses, 107 S. C. 493 Shad'rack Gate, 494 Morris, , 629 Morris Island, S. C, 352 Morrison, Agnes, 508 Asa Currier, 560 Elbridge Gilbert, 275 James, 274 James P., 168 Nancy Eliza, 560 Nancy-Hilton, 560 Samuel, 275 Morrison, Col., 610, 611 Morrisville, Vt., 297, 368, 479 Morse, iii Morse, Abigail, 40 Ann, 40 Benjamin, 39, 58 Betsey-Tom, 182 Carrie-Stone, 553 David, 182 Eaton, 242 FHeanor Eaton, 242 Elizabeth, 39 EHzabeth A., 153 Fayolvn King. 623 Hannah, 40, 212 Hannah [not Sarah in fourth line.] 40 James Levi, 553 Jennie, 91 Jeremiah, 40 John, 39 John Otis, 242 Joseph, 212 Lucinda Cole, 553 Mahala B.. 372 Marcy, 39 Mary. 40, 237 Mary Ann, 474 Orlando S., 212 Orlin Raymond, 242 Raymond Eugene, 023 Rev. and Prof., 419 Ruth-Sawyer, 39 Samuel, 39 Sarah, 39,, 40,58,182, 282 Sarah, [read Hannah in fourth hne], 40 Sarah G., 212 Stuart Tellson, 242 Susannah, 58 Tabitha vSargent, 212 Theodore Wattles, 242 Thomas, 153 Timothy, 64 Walter Lowe, 242 Wilham H., 91 Morton, Jane, 391 Mosely, Frederic E., 50 Moshcr, Joseph, 227 Martha Ann, 227 Nancy-Hatch, 227 Moss, Dora Melissa, 617 Frances Crosier, 441 Rebecca-Draper, 617 Solomon, 617 Mott. Arthur, 637 Clarence, 637 Cora, 637 Daniel, 637 Daniel Otty, 637 Eva, 637 Gladys Muriel, 637 Victory-Wiggins, 637 Moulton, Annie Aber, 614 Clarence Henry, 614 Elizabeth, 172 Joseph Smith, 614 Mary Silver-Aborn, 614 Perlev Gould, 614 Moulton, Little &, 517 Mound Citv 251 Mound City, 111., 661 Mound City, Kan., 242 Moultonboro, N. H., 94, 197, 330 Mountains, Alleghany, 212 Mount Auburn, 298 Mount Vernon, N. Y., 200 Mount Vernon, O., 479, 480 Mt. Holyoke System, 415 Mt. Independence, 136 Mt. I'leasant, Mich., 331 Mt. Vernon, N. H.. 286 Mudgc. Ruth Chadwell. 201 Mugridge. Annie Maria, 470 John Y., 470 Maria George-Eaton, 470 Mulcahy, Rev. J. M., 363 Mulligan, Catherine, 666 Mullikcn, Amos, 112 Munford, Erasmus, 129 William, 413 Munro, Anna, 391 James N., 630 Munson, Sarah, 478 Munson's Hill, Va., 90 Munsonville, N. H., 433 Murchie, W. A., 194 " Murdered sundry inhabi- tants," 56 Murdock, Catherine, 424 E., 234 Murphy, Ehza, 241 George E., 366 Jesse, 366 Murray, Eleanor Isabella, 426 Eiiza, 401 Fanny Ailmatrien, 348 Musician, celebrated, 640 Muskegon, Mich., 609 Mussey, Sarah, 310 Muzzy, Benjamin, 110 Myers. George, 605 Levi, 605 Mary-Hegsher, 605 Myrick, Freeman Drew, 454 Helen M. -Rhodes, 454 Ralph Roderick, 454 Nahant, Mass., 348, 450 Nails, the first, 224 Nantucket, xii Nantasket, Mass., 625 Naples. Me., 221, 369,415-417 Nash, 205 Maria Louise-Grimsdiek, 401 Wilhemina, Louisa Flor- ence, 401 Wilham, 401 Nashua, N. II., 265, 276, 332, 518, 433, 548, 669 Nashville. Tenn.. 518 Nashwaak. N. B.. 261 Nason, Agnes, 54.3 Helen Coleman. 407 Inez[-] Ford. 274 James Henry, 256 Mary Elizabeth, 256 Phoebe FIlizabeth-Bar- ker, 256 Natick. Mass.. 270. 316, 639 National Guard, N. Y., 361, 385 National Intelligencer, 382 National Park, 400 Naumkeag, 648 Navy, British, 61 Sec'y of 384 the, 175, 477 U. S., 202, 348 Yard, U. S., 333, 590 Nebraska, 489 Neddo, Ada, 424 Needham, Mass., 437 Negro, Jane, 39 Sarah, 39 Negro's condition, the, 376 Neilson. Alice, 568 Nelles. Elizabeth Jane, 577 Jane-Eakins, 577 John E., 577 Nelson, Abigail, 353 Albert, 316 Amos, 152. Apphia Lambert. 81 Asa. 154, 312 Aunt, 153 Benjamin Scott, 160 Caroline Frederica, 596 Caroline Matilda, 313 Chailotte, 444 David, 312 Earl Mower, 648 Ehzabeth, 80, 81 Elizabeth Perley, 160 Eunice-Searle, 312 Fred Walter, 314, 647 George March, 160 Hannah-March, 81, 353 Harriet Atwood, 313 Harrison, 160 J., 210 John, 258 Jonathan, 81, 353 Julia Amanda. 316 Julia G.-Saunders, 310 Lizzie M., 314 Lois-Leveret I, 258 Louisa A., ISO Maria Harriet, 313 Marv, 160, 364 Mary S.. 81 Marv Sewall, 258 Maud Ehzabeth, 160 OUve, 152 OUve-Dole, 152 Philip. 648 Ruth. 154 Sherman, ix, xi, xx, xxi, xxii, 313, 314, 505 Solomon, ix, 313 Stephen M., 80 Susan, 81 Susannah-March, 160.180 Svlvanus, 353 Thomas, 153, 160, 180 Thomas Leverett. 258 Nelson, B. C, 637 Nelson House, 139 Nero, 96 716 THE PERLEY FAMILY Neustria, xx Nevada, 407 Nevcrs, viii, 118, 23G Alexander Albert 409 Alexander Peters, 409 John, 631 Marv Elizabeth-Hayden 409 Hannah, 2,'?6 Mary, 118, 399 Mary Ann, 582 Matilda, 631 Mrs., 217, 633 Samuel, 236 Newark, N. J., 449, 491 New Bedford, Mass., 373. 513 Newbern. N. C, 385, 516 New Boston, N. H., 139, 352 New Brunswick, vii, viii, ix, xi, 91, 117,118,120,129, 213, 214, 222, 300, 389. 394. 398, 403, 407, 410, 412, 428, 584, 033, 640 New Brunswick's greatest sons, one of, 650 New Brunswick Hist., 414 Newburg, Me., 227 Newbury Bvfield, 163, 294, 295, 308, 311, 319 Newburv, John. 373 Newbury. Mass., x, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23, 35. 39, 44 58, 59, 67, 149. 151,164, 174, 182. 200. 210. 224 279, 2S2. 283. 291, 306- 309, 363, 382, 458, 525, 531. 548, 594, 633, 641, 655 Newbury Oldtown, 535 Newbury records, 632, 641 Newbury, Vt., 248, 493 Newburyport, Mass., viii, xi, 25, 49, 75, 77, 80, 91, 106, 107, 112, 113, 154, 162, 183, 198, 205. 208, 209. 212. 213. 308. 310, 316, 318, .324, 341, 360, 363, 373, 384, 457, 458, 461, 468. 47,% 488, 506, 515, 517, 530. 531, 546. 594 596, 629, (i32, 633. 642, 644, 645. 659 Newburyport News. 622 Newburyport record, 647 Newburyport Turnpike, 183 New Canaan, Ct.. 510, 511 New Carlisle, Ind., 374 Newcastle. 558 Newcastle. Me., 227. 422 Newcastle, N. B., 392 Newconibe, Submit, 214 Newell. Charlotte, 439 New lingland. v, 2. 7, 57, 03, III, 212. 396, 397. 508. 541, 532 New England Con. of Mus. [not Boston], 623 New England Hist, and Ge- neal. Society, 256. 257 New England. Hist. Storms of, 546 New England "Rebels," 632 New England Shipwright. 210 New Gloucester, Me., 48, 194, 195, 371. 643 Newhall, Bethiah-Hobson,196 Eliza, 450 Martha, 312 New Hampshire, vi. 108, 140, 279, 343, 497, 666, 667 New Hampshire people, 498 New Hampshire, Sec'y of, 271 New Hampton, N. H., 498 New Haven, Ct., 373, 374, 428 New Hudson, N. Y., 607 New Ipswich, N. H., 68, 69, 190, 248, 481 New Jersev, 253, 502 New London, Ct., 403, 494 New London, N. H., 141, 268- 273, 275. 277,281,463-465 Newman, Adah, 199 Antipas, 346 Marion T., 639 Newman Block, 526 Newmarch, Marv Ann, 77 New Market, N. H., 544 New Maryland, 399 New Mexico, 377 New Mills, Dan vers, 157 New Orleans, La., 119, 163, 265. 281, 376, 444, 462, 587 New Orleans Picayune, 383 Newport, Can., 432 Newport, N. H., 471, 491 Newport, R. I., 136, 216, 272 Newport, Vt.. 604 New Portland, 98. 191, 192 New Richland, Minn., 476 New Rochelle, N. V., 577 New Rowlev, 154, 259, 282, 312, 59.3 New Salem, 167 New Sharon, Me., 456 Newton Centre, Mass., 273, 293, 353 Newton Highlands, 513, 536, .548 Newton, Mass., 251, 496, 512 Newton, N. H., 449, 457, 547 Newton, Emily. 603 Susan Pemelia. 438 Newt(mville, Mass., 158. 496, 538 Ncwtowne, 2 Newtim-Limavady, London- derry, Ire.. .333 New \'ineyard. Me., 591 New World, 191. 395 New York. 135, 183, 192, 193, 196. 198, 205, 213, 282, 295, 304, 316, 356, 376, 378, 397, 401, 462, 502, 511, 513, 519, 561 New York bar, 510 New York City, viii, ix, 92, 180, 212, 213, 215, 221, 237, 265, 283, 298, 325, 334, 335, 338, 355, 379. 381 387, 419, 430,446- 448, 486, 502, 504,508, 509, 511, 541, 566, 568, 569, 572, 573, 575-577, 587, 590, 596, 604, 613, 624, 652, 668 New York Evangelist, 384 New York Herald. (!19. 653 New York journals. 568 New York Mills, Minn., 401 New York Publishing House, 180 New York, State of, 128, 131, 184, 447, New York ^^'orld, 653 Niagara, Ont., 578 Nice. France, 504 Nichols, 85 Achsah-Barden, 272 Ada Annette, 251 Charles Addison, 251 Charles F., 246 EUzabeth. 158 Frank P., 246 Franklin Prentice, 281 Frederick D., 246 George F., 246 Hannah B., 246 Harry, 269 J. H., 498 John, 250, 251, 436 John Wesley, 272 Justin, 269 Mary. 134 Mary E., 250 Mary Elizabeth, 272 Mercv-\Voodward, 251 436 Oliver, 269 Rowena. 500 Ruth M., 246 Samuel, 272 Sophia Ayer, 361 Susan A., 436 Nicholson, Emma Clare, 583 Nickerson, Kan., 228 Nightingale, Bessie Perley, 393 Charles Hazen, 393 Edward Arthur, 393 Frank Edward, 393 Frederick Harold, 393 Geneva Pauline, 393 Georgianna, 39.3 John, 393 Rhoda-Jenkins, 393 Nilan, Rev. J. J., 363 Niles, Annie, 274 Niles' Hist, of Old Wars, 204 Niles, Mich., 375 " Nimrod."xviii Noah bitilding an ark, 206 Noble, Charles S., 527 Columbia Perkins, 527 Seth, 632 William Henry Clifton, 527 Nonogenarian, 157 Norfolk, Va.. 58, 203, 209,293, 381 , 537 Norman Con<|ucst, 190 Norman I'rcnch, .xv, xix Normandy, xx Norridgewock, Me., 150 Norris. .\lbert Lane, 330 Albert Perley, 331 Clara Maud, .331 Grace Ma v. 331 Greeuleaf Kufus, 330 Homer. 653 Marv Ann, 278 North, Ella. 500 North .-Ydams, Mass., 172,616 North America, x, 395, 584 North American Review, 323 North l?J Andover 136 North Andover. Mass.. 32, 118, 255. 25(i, 295, 296, 448, 505, 520, 591-593 North Ans(m, Me., 150, 151 North Bay, 403 North Bridgton, Me., 82 North Carolina, 299, 385, 576. 596. 612 North Country, xviii North Danville, Vt., 604 North Dixmont, Me., 226, 227 North Dorchester, Ont., 390 Northesk. 427 Northlield, Mass., 438 Northfield, Me., 197 Northtleld, Minn., 492 Northtield, N. H., 281, 284 Northfield, Vt., 554 Northampton, logician, 243 Northampton, Mass., 340, 437, 492, 500 Northampton N. B., 215, 404 North Hampton, N. H., 26 North Harrison, 364 North Haven Island, Me., 226 Northend, Ann Elizabeth, 310 Charles, 310 Edward Tenney, 310 Enoch, 310 George, 310 Harriet Perley, 310, 339 John, 310 Margarett, 633 Maria, 310 Mary Ann, 44, 310 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 717 Northend, Mary Ellen, 310 Nancy-Titcomb, 310 Samuel, 310 Sarah, 23 Sarah Adams, 310 Susan Brown, 310 Thomas Edward, 310 William Dumnier, 310 William Edmund, 310 North Leeds, 369 North Minneapolis, Minn., 492 North Muskhani, lEng.], 17 North Oxford, 391 North Pownall, Vt., 567 North Reading, Mass., 272, 345, 448, 449 Northrop, Horace Wilson, 387 Linus Olmstead, 387 Margaret Wallace- Holmes, 387 Robert Wright, 387 North Sea, 6 North, the, 258 North Wales, xv, 648 North Weare, N. H., 625 Northwestern Life Ins., 487 North Whitcficld, Me., 82 Northwood, N. H., 554 North Yakima, Wash., 401 North Yarmouth, Me.. 196, 370, 371. 379, 380, 563, 644 Norton, Alfred Samuel, 526 Allen I'erley, 476 Augusta Lillian, 526 Bonus, 26 Dora A., 228 George A., 476 George Allen, 476 Harrison Edson, 476 Ichabod Allen, 476 John, 4 Luana- Reynolds, 476 Mary-Stevens, 526 Mvra Elysabeth, 476 Nelson W., 228 Norton-Cobbett House, 199 Norton, Mass., 463 Norton, N. B., 583 Norton Reserve, 4 Norton Reserves, 88 Norway, 508, 593 Norwell, Mass., 596 Norwich, 135 Norwood, Harriet Green, 194 Notes, iv Notewarl, Alphia Aruba, 590 Calvin Ward, 590 Polly Maria-Dobson, 590 Nottingham, Eng., 196, 201, 202 Nottingham, N. H., 190, 553 Nottinghamshire, Eng., 387 Nourse, Albert Brooks, 77 Arthur Brooks, 77 Barker Burnham, 77 Betty, 75 Caroline Elizabeth, 77 Chester. 77 Cora, 77 Daniel, 55. 75 Daniel Elliott, 77 Daniel P., 77 Daniel Perley, 75 Elizabeth, 159 Elliott Perley, 77 Ethlyn, 77 Eunice. 75 Eva, 77 Fannie. 75, 77 Elossie Ray, 77 Frances. 78 Francis Perley, 77 Frank, 77 Fred Gardner, 77 George Warren, 77 Hannah, 75 Harriet, 75 Hervey. 75-77 Huldah, 75 John, 75 John Elliott, 77 ■ John Hervey, 77 John W., 76 John Warren. 78 Julia Ann, 75 Lucy, 75 Luther, 75, 77 Luther Calvin. 77 Mabelle, 77 Mary Anu-Scott, 78 Mary Appleton, 78 Mary Foster-Wade, 78 Perley, 77 Sally, 75 Sarah Sophia, 77 Susan Ivlizabcth, 77 Susan Sanger, 77 Warren, 75, 78 Nova Scotia, vii, viii, 107, 120, 234. 411, 584, Nowell, Bartlett, 549 Charles F., 643 Foster, 549 C^eorge F'oster. 549 Hannah-Lambert, 643 Helen, 549 Noyce, Dr. Ward. 113 Noyes Corner. 246 Noyes. Daniel, 54 Daniel J., 279 Eliza-Craft. 650 Florence Ethel, 373 Frank Alton, 372 Tane-Gowell, 373 John O., 54 Levi P.. 373 Marv Jane, 464 Mehitable. 381 Perley Hayward, 378, 650 Prudence D.. 316 Stilhnan. 650 Wcller Hayward, 378, 650 Nudd, Clara F., 529 Nugent, Mrs.. 214 Thomas. 389 Nunjeet. Sachem, 411 Nursery. Somerville Day, 372 Nutting, Charlotte, 232 EUzabeth, 492 Henry A., 492 Mary Lucinda, 492 Sally, 363 Nye, Annette, 606 Dea., 482 Julia A., 639 Oakland, Cal., 294, 358, 557 613 Oakland, Me., 455, 557 Oakley. Mary Ann. 401 Rachel Eunis-Harper.401 Sarah E.. 333 Solomon. 335 Whitson. 335 William Andrew. 401 Oak Lodge. Paris. Ont., 390 Oakman. Amos, 640 EHza Jane. 132 Ehzabcth. 640 Svlvia-Thomas. 640 Oak. old talking, 97 Oak Park, 111., 449, 557, 558 Oak Point, Ahiwic, 240 Oaks. Clara. 499 Frances Ann, 523 Mary-Howard. 523 Thomas. 523 'Oaks. The." 388, 390 Oath of Allegiance, viii Oberlin, O., 243 Ober & Clark 536 Observatory. U. S. Naval, 418 Oceansidc, N. Y.. 387 Oceola Mills, Wis., 557 O'Coiinell, Mary Jane, 554 Mr.. 300 Odd Fellow, an. 532. 540. 616 Odd Fellow, Encampment, Odd Fellows. 361. 501. 650 Odell. Ahce. 615 Benjamin Greenleaf. 172 Emily-Johnson. 615 James. 172 James A.. 615 Sarah -Very, 172__ Thomas Frvc, 172 Odlin. Harry Miles, 494 Herbert Woodbridge,494 John W., 494 Marian Baker, 494 Marianna-Southcr, 494 Oflice, Augmentation, 2 Officer, British. 104 Ogden. N. Y., 560 Ogdensburg, N. Y.. 597 Ohio. 225. 243. 253. 262, 263 452, 475, 629 Ohio regiment, 661 Ohio State Journal, 569, 653 Ohio, The, 356 Old Cellar, Rev. Samuel Per- ley' s, 48 Old England, 532 Old Hundred, x Old Oaken Bucket, 323 "(ild Shipmasters of Salem ' 642 Oldtown, Me., viii, xi, 163. 320. 321, 536. 537, 580, 650. 653 Olean. N. Y.. 569 OUver. Peter. 112 Olson. Anna Marie. 557 W. H., 557 Olympia, The. 486 Omaha, Neb., 377, 608, 616, 617 Oneco, 111., 442 Ontario, x, 400, 401, 632 Orangeburg, S. C. 497 Orange. Mass., 331. 332 Orange. N. J.. 510 Orchard. Agnes Mary, 636 Damey Ann, 636 Dora A.. 638 Dora Amanda, 636 Emma B.. 638 Emma Briggs. 636 Frederick Allen. 636 George B., 638 George Bennison, 636 Harry E.. 638 Harry Ernest, 636 Hattie Pauline. 636 Iva M.. 638 Iva Myrtle, 636 James A.. 637 James Alfred, 636 John. 636 John Leslie, 636 Lucretia, 636 Lucretia-Briggs, 636 Marvel Pearl, 638 Mary E., 637 Mary Ella. 636 Olive Lawson, 636 Orland Lawson, 638 Oswald, 636 Robert. 636 Orchnrd Farm, the. 346 Ordeal of Touch. 110 Order. See also Society.) Eastern Star. 373 of St. Joseph. 363 of the Dragon. 565 United Workmen. An- cient. 203. 607, 615 718 THE PERLEY FAMILY Order, Victorian, xviii Ordway, "Hannah, 39 Otis, O., 337 Oregon, 634 Oregon, Mo., 442 Organ, Benjamin Grafton, 594 Clara Marie- Card, 594 Estclle Jane, 594 Orient, the. 512 Orkneys, xix Orleans, Mass., 331 Ormond, Charlotte Ellen, 586 I.t. Col. H. S., 586 Orne, Benjamin Albert, 349 Benjamin Crosby, 349 Burleigh, 349 Cecelia, 3 19, 648 Eber, 272 Hcrseliel Ahncron, 272 Tonathan, I 12 Lois Eli/a. 349 Mary H., 156 Mary Hazcn, 349 William Ilenrv. 272 Ornevillo, Me.. 302. 303 Oromocto, Island, 633 Oromocto, N. B., 237, 238, 406 Orono, Me., 308, 320, 452, 647 653 Orr, Annis Eove, 488 Osakis, Minn., 631 Osborn, Eliza Sutton-Cheev- er, 466 Kendall, 465 Louis, 466 Lizzie Cheever, 466 Lyman, 465 Lyman P., 466 Lyman Perlcy, 465 Sally-Bushby, 465 Osborne, Harriet, 232 Osgood, Jane, 82 Jeannctte, 462 lohn, 30, 655, 656 Joseph, 109, 110 Mary. 33. 57 Mary-Clement, 30 Ora, 462 Peter. 110 Sarah, 30 Sarah-Flint, 462 Oshkosh, Wis., 366 Ossipee, N. H., 332 Oswego, N. Y , 485, 569, 604 Oswestry, Eng., 316 Otis, George H., 488 Harriet Fay, 488 Sarah Borland-Clark, 488 Otisficld, Me., 98, 195, 364 O 'Toole, Kathcrine, 573 Ottawa, Can., ix, xi, 391, 472- 474, 581, 585, 586 Ottawa, 111., 356, 515 Ottawa, the upper, 473 Otty, George Otty Dixon, 586 Ovaitt, Lusena, 478 Sarah-Munson, 478 William, 478 Oviatt, Mary Rosetta, 609 Ovitt, Sophronia, 482 Owasso, Mich., 287 Oxford, Me., 194, 527 Oxford, Neb., 442 Pacific Coast, 406 Packard, Diana C, 497 Sarah, 418 Paddock, Annie, 358 Genevieve, 358 Linus A., 358 Thomas, 300 Page, Alfred, 289 Alfred Milton, 289 Allen Perley, 538 Alson Leon, 289 Andrew Thomas, 538 Anna Fessenden, 639 Anne Louise, 538 Ellen Louisa, 289 Emma Savory, 289 Etta Florence, 289 Frederick North, 538 Hermon Francis, 289 Horatio M., 125 Horatio Nelson, 638 Lizzie A., 469 Lucy, 368 Maria, 479 Maria-French, 538 Marion Margaret, .538 Mary EUzabeth, 428 Rebecca P., 639 Rebcccca Perley, 6.38 Sarah Bradbury, 639 Paicc. Albert S.. 200 Carry W -Paige, 200 Walter Warren, 200 Pain*. Abby Dyer, 354 Benjamin, 465 Lizzie Ella, 465 Mercy Winslow-Tillson , 466 Pairley, xiii Paisley, vScot, 479 Palmer, viii. 214 Abijah, 633 Ann, 633 Anna G., 225 Anne R.-Folsom, 225 Ashcr, 225 Betsev Alida. 432 Daniel. 633, 634 D. W., 176 I-'benczcr, 441 Ivlizabeth, 633 Frances, 633 I'ranccs Crosier-Moss, 441 Francis, 633 Frank E., 507 George H., 188 Hannah, 633 lane, 633 John, 633 Maggie, E., 213 Margaret IC, 214 Marietta, 441 Martha, 35 Mary. 633 Mary- Pearson. 35 Mehitable, 633 Moses, 633 Nancy Maria, 507 Nancy M. -Jenkins, 507 Nathan, 633 Reuben, 625 Ruth, 633 Samuel, 35 [Palmer] Sarah, 120, 633 Thomas, 633 Palmer, Mass.. 616 Panama, 563 Papineau, Mons., 300 Pareley, Ann. xiv Elinor, xiv Thomas, xiv Parely, Nathan, 656 Parfitt, Theresa Kate, 391 Paris, France, 207, 375, 422 564 Parish, Byfield, 43, 151, 166, 174. 308 Byfield, Newbury, 279, 306 East, 106 East Boxford, 129, 255 East Bradford, 212 Eastnor, xiv, xv First, Rowley, 101. 296 Linebrook, vi, 4, 13, 16 27, 47, 83-86, SS. <)0 92, 94. 100, 106, 159, Uil, 165, 167, 16<), 1S3. 185, 186, 323, 327, .335, 336, 339, 340, 364, 529. ,535. 538. 540, 541, 016 618, 627, 659 Newbury Byfield, 310 North Beverly, 291 of Kings Clear, 409 Purley, xv Second, Georgetown, 180 Second. Rowley. 180 South. 366 Sulham. xv Topsfield. vi, 170 L'niversalist. 495 West. 657. 659, (See Linebrook) W'est Haverhill, 290, 457 Woodstock, 215, 400 Parish, Rev. Dr., 279 Paris, Me., 418 Paris, Ont., 390, 578 Paris Plains, Ont., 577, 578 Park, Beaumont, 63 Crystal Lake, 250 Park, John, 131 Samuel Hunt, 389 Parker, 286. 640 Abraham G., 245 Abraham S., 246 Amos. 534 Anne-Lapham, 524 Benjamin, 524 Betsey, 308 Catherine B., 351 Celia Bartlett, 649 Charles Harold, 534 Charles Shattuck, 534 Clara, 631 David. 250 Dean R., 458 lulinond, 351 Ivli/abetli Waldo, 259 I{nuna FVances, 272 Hannah, 351, 557 Harry John, 649 Isabelle S., 458 James Augustus, 272 Jo.seph, 133, 223 Lillian Ann, 649 Lucy, 524 Lydia, 245 Maria, 502 Mary Louise, 475 Maud Isabelle, 534 Melvina C, 502 Phebe Perry, 524 Rebecca K. -Foster, 458 Samuel, 152 Sarah, 152 Sarah Maria-Wright, 272 Parker House, 161 Parker River village, 291 Park Hill Stand. Bank, 588 Parkhurst, Martha Lucinda, 444 Parkhurst, P. Q., 606 Parks, Mary Dean, 360 Parle, xvi Parle, John xiv Parleis Arms, xv Parley, xiii, xiv, xvi Parley, Abraham, 657 Ann, xiv Daniel, xiv Dudley, 657 Edward, xiv Joane, xiv Richard, xiv Stephen, 660 Parley, xv Parley Meadow. 14 Parley Pond. 14 Parley Bridge, 620 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 719 Parleys arms, xv Parleys, Agnes, xiv, xv Parly, xx Parly Brook, xiii, 1 Parly Meaddowe, xiii, 1 Parlvs, arms of, xv Parliament, British, 383 Dominion, 218 federal, 581 Imperial, 300 member of, 236, 472 Provincial, 237, 397, 406 Parmelee, Anna Mead, 604 Hitty-Cliapin, 602 Laura Ann, 602 Moses, 602, 604 Simeon, 604 Parrott, Susan, 463 Parsonage, 97 Parsons, Chief Justice, 173 Gorham, 224 Mary Hale, 562 Parsonsfield, 303 Partridge, Adam, 245 Colton, 360 Emily, 358 Mary Dean-Parks, 360 Miriam, 246 Mr., 56 Pasadena, Cal., 227 Paso Robles, Cal., 637 Patch, Emcline, 365 Patent, Peabody's, 119 Patents, thirty-five, 384 Paterson, Brig. -Gen., 659 •Patrick, Mary J., 252 Sally, 380 Patrons of Husbandry, 235 236 Pattec, Alice Rena, 469 Daniel, 597 David, 469 [read Daniel] Elizabeth Dow, 597 Fannie Louisa, 469 Frederic L., 470 Frederic Lewis, 469 G. B., 472 Judith-Burleigh, 469, 597 Lewis Cass, 469 Lillie Rebecca, 469 Mary EHzabetli, 469 Rose Belle, 470 Pattee, Perlcy &, 473 Patten, D. R. Van, 283 Ernest, 227 Patten, Me., 452 Patterson, Atarah-Burn- ham, 280 Jesse Clement, 280 Mary Bartlett, 280 Patterson, N. J., 653 Paul, Charles Walter, 255 Dolphus, 482 Elizabeth Averill, 255 Harriet Newell- Austin, 482 Henry, 255 Rebecca-Counacher, 255 Rocna, 593 Susan, 482 Paul Revere Encamp., 532 Pawtucket, R. I., 251 Pay, I. Hamilton, [John Ham- ilton Gray], 413 Paybody, 64 Payerley, xiii Payne, Carrie-Cornings, 500 Ethel Maud, 500 George, 500 Payson, David, 75. 99 Edward, 99 322 Elizabeth, 99 Hannah, 148 Moses, 142, 296 Thomas, 148 Payton, Cornelia, 241 Peabody, xii Aaron. 118, 119 Abigail, 640 Abigail-Perkins, 552 Abigail-Towne, 20 Ada Byron, 225 Allen, 130, 640 Almira-Kneeland, 325 Amanda, 126 Anna-Stickney, 136 Artemas, 126, 130. 640 Asa, 119, 126, 129, 130 640 Augustus, 118, 119 Augustus Goddard, 119 Beniamin, 225 Bethiah-Bridges, 33 Betsey, 118, 119 Bracklev Rose, 640 Caleb Strong, 119 Caroline E,, 119 Charles. 119 Charles C. Pinkney, 119 Charles W., 341 Charlotte, 215 Christiana, 640 Cordelia, 119 Daniel, 136 Ebenezer, 122, 552 Edna, 119 Edward, 119 Edward Thatcher, 120 Elias Putnam, 552 Elizabeth, 119 407 Enoch, 118, 130, 640 Eunice, 328 Ezra, 130, 640 Flora, 119 Francis, vii, 13, 15, 20, 120, 656 Francis Dana, 325 George, 119, 215, 507 George Albert, 325 George W., 640 Hannah- Andrew, 33 Hannah-Foster, 254 Harriet A., 119 Huldah, 118, 119, 134 Huldah-Tapley, 215 Israel Perlev, 119 Jacob, 19, 20, 38 Joel, 167 John, 16, 31, .33, 118, 119, 129, 167, 344, 407 John Tarbell, 119 Jonathan, 60 Joseph, 33 Julia Ann, 119 Julia Augtista, 529 Keziah, 20 Lois, 130 Lucien Maria, 120 Lvdia, 15, 33 Lydia-Guilford, 328 Lvdia-Kneeland, 530 Mary, 119 Mary Amanda, 119 Marv Ann, 640 Mary Ann-Smith, 407 Mary-Chadwick, 129 Marv Edna, 119 Mary- Foster, 15, 20 Mary Perley, 126 Mchitable, 136, 157 Mercy. 20 Molly-Hildrick, 214 Morris, 271 Moses, 254, 530 Nancy, 119, 254 Nathan, 31 Oliver, 33, 110, 130, 215, 640 Owen Glendower, 119 Pamelia, 640 Parmenio, 119 Polly, 118, 130, 640 Priscilla, 18, 128 Rachel-Hunting, 225 Rebecca, 119 Rhoda, 214 Richard, 110 Ruth, 445 Sally, 82, 119 Sally-Stevens, 82 Samuel, 214 Sarah, 13, 38, 118 Stephen, 31, 118, 119 133, 214, 627 Stephen, W., 119 Susannah, 130 Susannah Perley, 126 Tabitha, 119 Thomas, 118, 119. 328 Thomas Perlev, 215 William, 15, 82, 118, 119 640 William S., 119 Peabody Genealogy, 15 Peabody, Mass., 41, 76, 77, 201, 208, 280, 307, 310, 324, 325, 346, 348, 460, 465-468, 517, 549, 596 Peabody Medal. 347 Peabody Post, G. A. R., Ever- ett, 505 Peabody side, the, 450 Peace Jubilee, 450 Peach, Gen. Benjamin F., 308 Peach Orchard, 90 Peacock, James, 382, ,566 Pcarce, Perley, Hill ^•- 607 Pearcetown, P. Q,. 471 Pearl, xx Pearl arms, xvi Pearl, E., 667 Pearlay, xiii Pearle, xiii, xvi Pearle, John, 12 Martha, xvi Mary, xvi Thomas, xvi Pearlee, David, 658 Pearley, xiii, xiv, xvi, xix, xx, xxii Pearley, Allen, 657 Benjamin, 657 Henry, 658 James, 659 John, 659 John A., 661 Martha, 113 Nathaniel, 660 Rev. Samuel, 112 Sarah M., 489 William, 660 Pearly, Nathaniel, 110 William, 660 Pearson, xix Pearson, Alexander, 402 Amasa, 75 Benjamin, 295 - Betsey-Franklin, 402 Betsey Little, 75 David, 166 Dorothy, 295 Elcanor-Jenness, 538 Elizabeth-Jackman, 295 Hannah M., 324 Isaac, 538 John, 98, 538 John Nourse, 75 Jonathan, 75 Laura E., 619 Laura Elizabeth, 538 Lydia Maria, 538 Lydia -Welch, 166 Mark, 75 Mary, 35 Mehitable, 79 Moses, 166 Perthena Cahster, 619 Priscilla, 98 Ruthy Jewett, 75 Sally, 75 Sally-Martin, 538 720 THE PERLEY FAMILY Pearson, Sarah M., 541 Sophia, 75 Stephen, 75 Susannah, J6G WiUiani, 402 Pearson's Mills, 43 Pease, Augustus, 369 Lydia F.-Blaisdell, 309 Mae G., 369 Pcaslee, David. 658 Pecatoiiica, 358-360 Pecatonica country, 356 Pedot, Matilda, 637 Michel, 637 Pedrick. Clarissa Susan-Ober, 93 Richard Frederick, 93 Stephen Augustus, 93 Woodbury, 93 Peel, Ont., 390 Peirce, Joseph. 659 Pelly, John, 659 Peniberton, Taniison. 458 Pemberton, The, 515 Pembroke, N. II., 24, 275 279 Pembroke, Out., 474 Pennacook, N. II., 21 Penney, Amanda M., 647 Charles, 647 Mary Jane. 395 Penniman, Catherine l.oker, 612 Rctsev Cray, 197 lilihu, 612 John, 197 Joseph Adams, 612 Sarah I.eavitl, 197 Sarah Thayer, 612 Pcnnock, Artcmus, 278 Augusta Ooff, 278 h-rederick Gofl, 278 Marion Ilobart, 278 Ralph Haxter, 278 Pennsylvania, 184, .383, 380, 416, 538 Pennsylvania regiment. 061 I'ennv, Hugh Howard, 386 Mary L., 287 Pensioners, 44 Pension list, 286 Pensions, Commissioner of U. S., 572 Pen Van, N. Y.,_^613 Peoples, Annie, 77 Peoria, 111., 489, 597 Pepperell, Mass., 189 Pepperrell, Sir \Vm., xvii Pepperrill, xxii Percy, xix Percy lions, xx Percy. Manifred de, xx William de, xx Perczely, Gen. M., 668 Perelv, xix, xx Perham, Ksther Frances, 591 Esther-Sewell, 591 Josiah, 591 Perill, John, xvi Trustin, xvi Perkins, xix Perkins, Aaron Cogswell, 200 Aaron Francis. 200 Abigail, 61, 479, 552 Abigail Balch, 315 Abraham, 465 Agnes, Susannah. 227 Almenia Sybell, 200 Amos, 155 Angie Susannah, 227 Asa, 154 Augusta W., 315 Bertha Ellen, 200 Betsey-Brown, 155 Carrie Augusta, 316 Catherine Elizabeth, 315 Charles H. Lyon, 404 Charles T., 404 Columbia, 527 Daniel, 315 Daniel Washington, 315 David Story, 275 Drusilla Atkins-Smith, 623 Edwin P., 316 Edwin Perley, 315 Elbridge, 153, 156 Elder, 195 Ehzabeth. 27, 170 Eunice, 87 Hannah Day-Cogswell, 200 Hannah Mabel, 200 Hannah Potter, 178 Harriet Deborah-Lyon, 404 Harry Edwin, 316 Hepzibah, 38 Isaac Edward Burnham 623 Jacob. 224 lohn. 227 John Atkins, 623 John Perley, 624 Israel, 275 Kalherinc I'erley, 200 Llewellyn Hull, 200 Lucv Tarbox, 627 Lydia, 178, 486 I.vilia Herrick. 465 Margaret. 120, 120 Marv. 81. 87, 155, 279 481. 648 Marv Burnham. 275, 465 Mary Clarke. 227 Mary E.. 276 Marv Ehza, 315 Marv Ehzabeth, 275 Molly Winfield, 150 Nabbv, 178 Xalhaniel, 112 Pluebc Ann. 051 Sallie Mabel. 156 Sarah, 154, 162, 172, 242 481 Sarah A., 276 Sarah Augusta, 275 Sarah Lizzie, 156 Stephen, 178 Susie-Adams, 156 Sylvester Story, 275 Sylvia J., 270 .Svlvia Jane, 275 Thcnm D., 150 Thomas, 175, 315 Timothy, 51 William. 200 William Alfred. 200 I'erla, I'lmanuel, 067 Perle, Agnes, xiv Avyse, xiv I-'inanuel, 068 Henry, 668 Thomas, xiv Victor, 668 I'er Leo. Abraham. 609 Edmund, 069 Edmund Gilbert, 669 Ehza, 669 Henry, 669 John, 669 John S., 669 Mary, 669 Samantha, 669 Walter. 669 Zayde, 069 Perlee. Edmund. 669 Ralph N., 669 Perles, Egedius, xvi Richard, xvi Perlet Herman. 568 Perlethrope, xiv Perley, iii, iv, viii, xii, xiii,xv xvi, xvii, xviii, xix, xx, xxii Perlev, , 205, 657 Aaron, v, 53, 54, 57, 120, 122, 125, (126), 139. 140,(267), 268, 640,657 Aaron Donnoll, 207 Abbie Ehza, 463 Abbie Frothingham, 467 Abbie Raymond, 418 Abigail, 22-24, 27,(39), 45, ■79 15'-, 157, 169, 189, 286, 288, (363), (490). 641, 647 Abigail Goodhue, 282, (468) Abigail W., iii, 238 Abigail Williston, 428,588 Abbie Johnson. 471 Abraham, v. 48. 97, 9S. 145.146, 164,(193,) 195. (295), (318) Abraham Adams, 294, (518) Abraham Williams, 295 Ada. 24t) Ada C. 414 Ada Curtis, 431 Ada I.. 621 Ada Isabel, 620 Ada Louise, 585 Adam, 246 Addie, 452 Adelaide, 223 Adelia, 308 Adelia Florilla, 557 Adeline, 217, 415 Adeline D., 380 Adeline Deamond. 385 Adonirani. 480, 481 Agnes Eunice, 543 Agnes Evelvn, 595 Agnes Helen, 390 Agnes Louise, 394 Alan Bigelow, 451 Alan (^.ordon. 474 Albert, 157,254,409,(443), 481, 589, 004,(.004).652, ()67 Alberta, 580 Albert E., 443. 444, 621, 602 Albert Edward, 620 Albert H., 667 Albert Harmon, 606 Albert Henry Grecnleaf, 607 Albert O., 524, 525 Albert Ranslow, 484 Albert Sawyer, 525 Albion Edward, 563, 564 Albion Starbird, 371,(563) Alcinia Virginia, 382 Alden Dun, 049 Alexander, 239, 392, 427. 428 Alexander Augustus, 513 .Vlexandcr Fenton, 427 Alexander Hamilton, 295 Alfred Daniel, 578 Alfred Lambert, 515 Alfred Putnam, 575 Alfred Ray, 024 Alfreeda Hannah, 557 Alice, 389, 390, 416, 644 Alice A., 433 Alice Abbie, 471 Ahce (Alhs), 13, 22, 24, (43) Ahce Annette, 432 Alice Carrie, 553 Alice Cressey, 559 Alice E., 651 Ahce Ehzabeth, 399, 615 Alice Frances, 691 Alice Gage, 516 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 721 Perley, Alice Greenwood, 593 Alice H., 451 Alice Howard, 450 Alice Latham, 371 Alice M., 595 Alice Maria, 520, 521 Alice Mary, 578 Alice May, 631 Allan, iv, vi, x, xii, xiii, xiv, XV, xviii, xix, xx, (1), 15,65, 188,258,318, 397, 414, 532, 618 Allan Hall, 668 Allan Haskell, 607 Allan Napier McNab. 389 Allan N. McN., 390 Allan Thomas, 578 Allan W., 395, 650 Allan Wilmot, 394 Allen, V, XX, 20, 31, 32, 38, 54, 57, 63, 65, 97. 120, 131-(133), (163), 164, (244), (316), 396, (529), 633, 634, 657 Allen Brewer, 484 Allen Hugh, 578 Allen P., 538 Allen Putnam, 321, (537) Allie May, 553 Alma, 489 Alma Annette, 525 Almira, Putnam, 347, (548) Alonzo A., 437 Alonzo Allen, 436 Alsina Abbott, 459 Alvah Sweetser, 375 Alvah Wolcott, 554 Alvin, 133 Alvin H., 380 Alvin Higgins, 371, 379 Alvin L., 654 Amos, v, 21, 22, (38), 39, 60, 67, 73, 125, 129 144, (149), (171,) 177. (236), 239, (298), 299, (427), 428, 633, 634, 645, 647, 657, 666 Amos Pettingill, 208 Amos Proctor, 15, 65. 172 (348) Amos Spofford. 292, 506 Ancil, 172 Andrew. 131. 132 Andrew Jackson, 326,327 Angella C., 589 Angelina Amelia, 219 Anita Bernice, 557 Ann Elizabeth-Morrill, 649 Ann Maria, 241, 297. 391 506 Anna, 131-133, 141, 242, 246, (247), 274, 275, 279, 638 Anna A., 395 Anna Augusta, 394 Anna E., 484 Anna Elizabeth, 381 Anna Emerson, 483 Anna Higgins, 379 Anna I-ouise, 563 Anna Meigs, 520, 521 Anna Porter, 305 Anne, 13, 239, 244 Anne Flint, 219 Anne M., 561 Anne Macgregor, 608 Anne Morrison, 560 Annette, 489 Annette Elizabeth, 415 Annie, 89, 427, 428 Annie Bertha, 557 Annie Celinda, 449 Annie Elizabeth, 382, 566 Annie Emma, 297 Annie F., 393 Annie Florence, 392 Annie O., 426 Annie Gertrude, 556 Annie Gillis, 424 Annie Mary, 355, 409,410 Annie Osborne, 614 Annie Sarah Lovatt, 406 Annie Wilhelmina, 429 Anson, 284, 285, 482, (.483), 602 Anson Meigs, 521 Anson W., 484 Anson Wilbcrforce, 483, 604 Anstes, 102 Anstess, 104, 105 Anstice, 205 Anstis, 103, 104 Antoinette, 668 Apphia, 131, 132, 139, 140, 141 262, (263), (278) Apphia Ann, (468) Apphia Ann, [not Sophia Ann], 282 Aroline, 463 Aroline Amelia, 462 Artemas W., 125 Artemas Ward, 73, (177) 178, 353, (354) Arthur A., 582, "Mr." 654 Arthur Albert, 553 Arthur Alexander, 427 Arthur Allen, 581 Arthur Blackwood, 414 Arthur Carman, 654 Arthur Clayton, 374 Arthur Dibblee, 430 Arthur Eugene, 484, 669 Arthur Lee, 590 Arthur Merrill, 605 Arthur Park, 373. 374 Arthur W., 621 Arthur Wallace, 394 Arthur Warren, 620 Asa, V, 22, 32, (55), 56, 57, 73, 110, 117, 121, 125, 126, 128, (129), 130-133. 137, 138, 144, (228), 229, 230, 239. (241), 246, (250), 251, (289), (424), 425, 627, 633, 640, 655, 6.56,657, Asa Alexander, 424, 588 Asa Charles, 253, (441) Asa K., 662 Asa Kimball, 462 Asa Melvin, 426 Asa Proctor, 251, (432) Asbury Fisk, 288, (497) Asenath Gile, 465 Asenath-Gould, 222 Augusta, 368 Augusta Anne, 416 Augusta Sophia, 216, 392 650 Augustus, 123, 170, 219 221, 223, (414), 417 Augustus Monroe, 34, 72, (340) Augustus W., 554 Augustus Woodward, 5o3 Aura Martha, 321 A. W., 651 Barbara Carolyn, 444 Belle Katherine, 626 Belle Wright, 438 Ben Frank, 499 Ben Franklin, 498 Benjamin, v, 59. (140) 141, 142, (274), 275, 282, 452, (459). (463). 656, 657 Benjamin Dow, 358 Benjamin Dudley, 421 Benjamin Dutch, 209", 212 Benjamin Spaulding, 225 (417) Bernard, 451 Bertha, 444 Bertha Blanche, 581 Bertha C, .536 Bertha Cheever, 535 Bertha Ida Maria, 423 Bertha I. M., 424 Bertha M., 580 Bertha Mildred, 579 Bertram Proctor, 550 Bessey, 668 Bessie, 409, 410 Bessie Almena, 475 Bessie Cressey, 530 Bessie H., 586 Bessie Herbert, 585 Bessie May, 553 Bessie Upton, 553 Betsey, 61, 62, 128, 131, 132, 153, 157. (231), 242, 275, 286 Betsey A., 486 Betsey Anderson, 485 Betsey Gould, 156, (315) Betsey W., 311 Betsey Wood, 310 Betty, 141 B. Franklin, 382 Blanche Bonesteel, 654 Brig.-Gen.. 219 Bruce, 560, 561 Budd Roy, 409 Campbell Thomas Mar- quis, 588 Candace A., 479 Candace Amira, 478. 602 Capt., 205 Carlisle Norwood. 577 Carl vSquire. 525 Caroline. 218, 247. 306 307 Caroline A., 348 Caroline Ann, 593 Caroline Augusta, 174, 347, 349 Caroline E., 215 Caroline Ehzabcth, 214 Caroline Jane, 595 Caroline Maria, 431, 557 Caroline Nelson, 516 Carrie, 351, 520, 573 Carrie Abbie. 617 Carrie Cole, 597 Carrie Elizabeth, 541 Carrie Frances, 438 Carrie Jane, 669 Carrie Lqrinda, 441 Carrie May, 533 . Carrie Sophroma, 535 Catherine, 254, 443, (448) Catherine Ann, 383 Catherine Augusta, 255 Catherine Fowler, 364 Catherine L., 514, 613 Catherine Louisa, 513, 612, Catherine M., 426 Catherine Murdock, 424 Cephas, W„ 97, 98, 195 Cephas Whitney, (380) Charity, 633, 634 Charity EUza, 218 Charles, iii, viu, ix, xi, xx, xxii, 118,125, 172,213, 214 254. 268, 274, 275, 299, (344), (384,) 389, (391,) 395, 397, 410, 443, (444), 459, 488, (578), (592), 593, 629, 631, 645 Charles A., 569 Charles Addison, 251, (434), 436 722 THE PERLEY FAMILY Perley, Charles Alfred 578 Charles Allen, 217, 391, 597 Charles Amos, 423 Charles Augustus, 392 (579) Charles Bartlett, 283, (477) Charles Bishop, 630 Chas.Cotesworth Pinck- ney, 291 Charles E., 661 Charles Earl, 423 Charles Edward, 486 Charles Edmn, 267, 358, 414 Charles Estes, 591 Charles P., 580 Chas. Frederic, 443, 579 Chas. Frederick. 441 Chas. Gilbert, 590 Chas. Greenleaf. 178 Chas. H., viii, 317, 515. 648 Chas. Hamilton, 575 Chas. Henry, 316, 524, 530, (616J Charles Israel, 520 Chas. Larrimore, 567 Chas. Lemuel, 553 Chas. M., 333, 630 Chas. Meh-ille, vi, 6, 20, 318, (532) Charles Morris, 629 Charles Moses, 566 Charles N., 184, 348 Chas. Nathaniel, 349, 476 (550) Charles O., 367 Charles Osbom, 366 Charles Proctor, 548 Charles Raymond, 597 Charles S., 260 Charles Sabatton, 385, (573) Charles Stearns. 260, (451) Charles Strange, (387), 579 Charles W., 395, 486, 661 Charles Warner, 450 Charles Warren, 592, (624) Charles Wilbert, 485 Charles William, 394 Chas. Wm. Giddings, 549 Charlotte, 118, 214. 215, 349, 444, (552). 631, 666 Charlotte Augusta, 408, 409, 580 Charlotte Catherine, 618 Charlotte, E., 390 Charlotte Eliza, 385, 386 Charlotte Hay ward, 218, 399, (583) Charlotte K., 629 Charlotte Louella, 592 Charlotte Lovitt, 392 Chauncy B., 613 Chauncv Burton, 612 Chauncy Child, 488, (612) Chester Garfield, 535 Clara, 604 Clara Augusta, 298 Clara Chaplin, 587 Clara E.. 330, 606 Clara Eliza, 605 Clara EUzabeth, 329 Clara Gertrude, 590 Clara Helen, 588 Clara Maud, 578 Clarence, 334, 595 Clarence Alden, 526 Clarinda Gould, 462 Clarissa, 131, 132, 134 242 Constance, 608 Corliss, 286, 647 CorHss Stone, 485, (610) Cornelia 1., 605 Cornelia Isabella, 604 Cornelia Terrv, 407, 651 C>Tithia, 285 Cvrus A., 463 Cyrus Jordan, 370 Daisy Emma Lizzie, 583 Daniel, v, ix, x, 56, 57, 120, 121, 131, (134), 137, 144, (217), (252), 256. (259). 389, (577), 631, 645, 657 Daniel Albertus, 443 Daniel Bulman, 428,(588) Daniel Edward, 406 Daniel J., \'iii, xi Daniel Jewett, 164, (319) Daniel Milton, 624 Daniel Spofford, 292,(505) Daniel Storv, 275, (464) Daniel W., 294 Daniel Webster, 321 David, V, 27, 39, 44. 79, 133, (180), 181, 188, (245), 246, 247, 284, 318, 365, (430), (478), 627, 656, 657 Davida Virginia, 617 Da\'id E., xi, 246, 649 652 Da\'id Earle, 443 Da\'id Edward, 431 David Eri, 26, 45, 180, 182, 188, 189, (361) Da\-id Ernest, 361 David Fay, 480 David Fowler, 365 David Goodhue, 282, (471) David L., 559 DaNid Lewis, 189, (364) David M., 292 David Mighill, 291 David Munson, 478, (602) David Poor, 253, (442) Da%-id Sidney, 535. (617) David T., 82 David Tnllar, 319, (534) Dean Andrews, 349, (556) Deborah, xiii 38. (62). 65. 146. 148, 149, 151, (161), 296, 297, (307). 641 Delbert, 489 Delia Ann. 309 Delia May, 563 Disperse, 128 Dolly, 181, 281 Dolly Ann. 275 Donald, 415 Dora, A., 330 Dora Agnes. 431 Dora Augusta, 329 Dorcas Knowles, 418 Dorothy, 141 Dorothv D., 621 Dorothy Dudley, 620 Dorothy Fidelia, 476 Dorothy G., 666 Dr. IDaniel]. 396 Dudley. v,57, 127-129. 133. 225, 229, 230, 233,(238) 239. 424, (426), 427, 656. (See Parlev) Dudley Edward, 430 Dudlev Putnam, 241. (429) Duncan W., 651 Duncan Wellington, 217, 406, (407) Earl Moren, 451 Ebenezer, 102, 107, 205. (209) Ebenezer George, 209, 212 Ebenezer Putnam, 148, 204, (296) Edith. 258. 259 Edith Carrie, 521 Edith Ehzabeth, 581 Edith F., 542 Edith Florence, 541 Edith G.. 596 Edith Gertrude. 426 Edith Grace, 595 Edmond Savles. 483 Edmund, 143, 144, 288. 289 Edmund Franklin, 288, (502) Edna Frances, 554 Edna Jewett, 316 Edna Lousia, 654 Edward, 297. (484) Edward B , 486 Edward Barker, 556 Edward Benjamin. 485 Edward Gibson, 608 Edward Harvey. 606 Edward Howard. 615 Edward Kirk, 525 Edward Lee. 523, (615) Edward M.. viii Edward Matthews, 385, (572\ 573 Edward O., 430 Edward Oric, 429 Edward P., 149 Edward Payson. 148. 296 350, (556) Edward Williston, 588 Edwin Allen, 282, (474) Edwin Augustus, 554 Edwin Day, 359 Edwin Forrest, (360) Edwin Goethe, 541 Edwin La Forest, 520 Edwin Lane, 529 Edwin Sanborn, 347 Edyth Almeda, 443 Effie Maria, 481 Elbridge. 274, 329, 461. (462), (543), 544 Elbridge G., 661 Elbridge Gerry 280. 465. (596) Elcy 213 . 644 Elden Hayward, 451 Eleanor P., 354 Eleanor Putnam, 353 Eleanor Spofford, 547 Elinor, Inez, 649 Eliphalet, v, 57. 61. 62. (130), 131, 132. 136, 149, 242. 658 EHza. 38, 132. 164, 216, 274, 275, 306, 307, 322. 461 Eliza A.. 424 Eliza Anna, 280 Ehza Ann, 333. 368 Eliza Annette, 423 Ehza Augusta. 89 Eliza G, 611 Eliza Gertrude, 610 Ehza H, 322 Eliza Howe, 321, (537), 653 EHza J., 422 Eliza Jane, 133, 375, 421 EHza M., 317 Eliza Mary, 316 Eliza Sophia, 48.3 Elizabeth. 22, 23, 30, (40) 45, 47, 104, 118, 170 214, 217, 261, 325 442, 631, 634, 640 EUzabeth Brettun, 562 Ehzabeth F., 221 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 723 rerley, Elizabeth Green, 318, (530) Elizabeth Helen, 579 Elizabeth Isabelle, 652 EHzabeth Kimball, 222 EUzabcth M., 213, 317 Elizabeth Mary, 316 Elizabeth Mighill, 291 Elizabeth Mooers, 214, 389 Elizabeth Robinson, 295 Ehzabeth Rust. 530 Elizabeth Story, 275 Elizabeth White. 350 Elmina, 246 Elsie McCall, 579 Elvina. 485, (608) . Elvira, 292, 293 Elvira Maria, 286 Ella Annette, 415 Ella Augusta, 530 Ella Eliza, 432 Ella Emily, 358 Ella L.. 406 Ella Louise, 334 Ella Lucina. 605 Ella Marena, 547 Ella Maria, 556 Ella May, 604 EUeda Mary. 624 Ellen, 481, 482 Ellen Augusta, 222, 364 Ellen Bartlett. 426 Ellen Fessenden, 416 Ellen Maria, 250, 251 , 345 Ellen Rebecca, 371 Ellwood Norton, 569 Emanuel, 667 Emeline, 178, 316, (360) Enieline A.. 514 Emeline Augusta, 513 Emeline Hale, 305 Emily, 288 Emily Adelaide, 487 Emily Jane, 329 Emma, 349, 483 Emma Bartlett, 478 Emma Fidelia. 477 Emma Gould. 614 Enima Hannah. 381 Emma J., 433. 611 Emma Jane, 432 Emma Jane Gardner, 321 (536) Emma Josephine, 610 Emma L., 379 Emma Louise. 526 Emma Mahala. 365 Enoch. V. vi, 39, 54. ( 1 23) , 126, 129. 133. 134. 221. 310. 416. 638. 658 Enoch Allen. 216 Enoch Titcomb, 525 Ephraim. 128 Ephraim A.. 482 Ephraim Adams, 481 Ephraim T.. 213 Ephraim Tisdale. 214 Ernest Clint. 582 Ernest E.. 582 Ernest Edward. 477. 581 Ernest Eugene, 487 Ernest Winfield, 361 Erwin WilUam. 630 Estella Mary, 481 Esther, 164 Esther Doric. 606 Esther Elizabeth. 430 Esther Catherine, 444 Esther Lucilla. 591 Esther M., 422 Esther Maria. 421 Ethel Henrietta. 443 Ethel Howe, 559 Ethel Leone, 591 Ethel Lesa, 474 Ethel Maud 426 Etta. 442 Etta Holt, 517 Etta Virginia. 502 Eugene. 486. 487 Eugene Horace, 3, 541 (618) Eunice, 39, 56, 75, 137. 195, 633, 640 Eunice B., 255 Eunice Putnam, 120. 216 633 Eustace Balch. 213 Eva, 181 Eva B., 666 Eva Augusta, 361 Eva Dell. 630 Eva Eliza. 522 Eva Gray. 372 Eva Lincoln. 629 Eva Mary, 578 Evelyn Florence Frazier 489 Evelyn Kimball. 587 Evelyn Louise, 617 Everett Alger, 554 Experience, 629 F. A., xiii Fannie, 214, 488. 593, 641 Fannie A., 384 Fannie Amanda. 383 Fannie Eliza. 436 F'annie Ella. 373 Fannie Miles. 409 F'annie Smith, 371 Fanny, 146. 148 150, 153. 156, 157 I'anny I., 246 Fay Fern, 409 Fern Smith, 423 FideUa. 481, 482 Flora E.. 358 I'lora Leona. 439 I'lorence, 573 Florence Ariel. 606 Florence E.. 378 Florence FMna. 631 Florence Elizabeth, 487 Florence Elmyr. 375 Florence Madelene. 591 Florence Marion. 585 Florence May, 371 Florence Stevens, 473 Forrest Leverett, 520 Foster. 518 Frances, 22, 118, 305, 311, 352 Frances A.. 395 Frances Adeliza, 487 Frances Amanda. .394 Frances Amelia. 221 Frances Ann. 615 Frances B.. 430 FVances Blanch. 429 Frances Elizabeth, 216, (403). 441. 569 Frances Ellen. 379 Frances Emoroy. 432 Frances I.. 247 Frances Isabell. 431 Frances Louisa. 241 Frances Mahala. 252 Frances Mary Bostock Halstead. 504 Frances M. B. H.. 505 Francis, v, 35. 52. (59), 60. 73, 103. (148). 149. 151. 171, 172, 178, 214, 296. (309). 310. (349), (526) 627. 628, 641, 655. 656, 658 Francis A., 292. 333, 335 Francis E.. 414 Francis Eugene. 550 Francis M., viii Francis Macartney, 383, (568) Francis Pcabody, 214, 645 Francis Walter, 251, 437 Frank, 351 Frank Alvali, 520 Frank Clayton, 604 Frank Clifton, 5(J2 Frank Dow. 579 Frank E.. 472, ().53 Frank Elliott, 5f)9 F'rank Emery. 409 Frank lUhan Allen. 489 Frank Glen, .568 Frank Holbrook, 557 Frankie Larabcc, 563 Frank L., viii Frank Lee. 567 Franklin, 288. 289 Franklin M., 372 Frank Monroe, 437 Frank I'.. 592 Frank Strange, 430 Frank Simonds. 614 Frank Morrison. 568 Frank Nathaniel, 557 Frank Varnum, 489 Frank Wyman. 553 Fred Bicknell, .521 Frederic, 149, 172, 219, (304). 580 Frederic Allen, 216 Frederic Adolphus, 217, (409). 652 Frederic Peaslee, 669 [Frederic] Porter. 134 Frederic Porter. (253) Frederic Putnam. 358 Fredeiic Thomas, 579 Frederic Wallace 347 Frederic Willis, 442 Frederick, ix, 134, 217, 345. (346) Frederick A.. 538 Frederick Allen. 537 Frederick Augustus, 372, 415 Frederick Henry. 604 F'rcdcrick Nellis, 624 Gale Washington. 567 Gen.. 124 Genevieve. 606 George, ix. 108. 194. 217, 251, 254. 283. 305. (370), 394. (449). 460, (478;, 562. 580, 652 George A., viii. ix. x, xi, 108. 217, 652, 661. 664 George Albert. 406, 409. (582), 669 George Allen. 251, 417, (436). 573 George Amasa. 476,(598) George Arthur. 593 George Asa. 216 George Augustus, viii, 216. 253, (395), 399, (442). 521 George Dummer, 174 George E., 497 George Edmond, 498 George Edward. 573 George Edwin, 580. 585 George Ellwood. 588 George Ernest. 442 George Everett. 525 George F., 442 George Francis. 437. 450 George Frederick, 441 George Fullerton. 585 George H.. 311 George Hall. 439 George Halsey, 473 George Hayward, 406, 407. 414. (586) George Henry, 303, 310, 488, 593. 611 George Kimball, 587 724 THE PERLEY FAMILY Perley George Leverett, 513 George Low, 370 George Martin, 563 George Montgomery, 221 George P., iii George Parsons, 366 George Putnam, 415 George R., 630, 661 George Ray, 624 George Reynolds, 629 George Roscoe, 437 George Simeon, [read Geo. Simons], 214 George Simons, f392) George Smith, 304 George Thomas, 587 George W., 394, 666 George Washington, 195 Georgia, 579 Georgianna Bartlett, 477 Georgia, 358 Gertrude Flotilla, 557, 558 Gertrude May, 373 G. H., 472 Gilman, (460), 641 Ginevra A., 488 Ginevra Adelaide, 487 Gladys Hazel, 371 Glennie Howard, 567 Gorden Allen. 409 Grace, 499, 543, 560, 561 Grace Adella, 669 Grace Allston, 529 Grace E., 424 Grace Edna, 423 Grace I. C, xi. 379 Grace Isadorc Charlton, 375 Grace Mary, 610 Grace Rena, 596 Graham, 649 Greenleaf, 172, 042 Grcenlcaf I'roctor, 347, (549) Hamilton F., viii, 386 Hamilton Fish, 385, Hannah, 15, 24, 27, 28, 35, 36, 39, 61, 65, 66, 78 98, 100-104, 127, 128, 141, 142, 148,(152) 153, 154, (164), 172, 209, 229, (231), 239, 241, 261, 263, 274, 283 (297). (343), 628, 641, 646, 666 Hannah, Adelphia, 463 Hannah Bigelow, 246 Hannah C, 145 Hannah Corliss, 485, (609) Hannah P., 207 Hannah Elizabeth, 254 Hannah-Green, 142, 641 Hannah Hutchins, 282 Hannah Isabella, 237 Hannah Louisa Isabel, 423 Hannah M., 592 Hannah Mabel, 593 Hannah Maria, 303 Hannah Morrison, 459 Hannah P., iii Hannah-Parker, 557 Hannah Pickard, 427 Hannah S., 454 Hannah Selina, 453 Hannah Sewell, 318, (531) Hannah-Tisdale, 213 Harlan Emerson, 484 Harold, 394 Harold Everett, 525 Harold Gilbert, 606 Harold Malcolm, 361 Harold Ormand, 586 Harriet, 126, (223), 310, 481, 561, (603) Harriet Atwood, 218 Harriet Augusta, 178,254, (359). (445), 569 Harriet Church, 219 Harriet E.. 247 Harriet Elizabeth, 444, 516 Harriet Elmira, 487 Harriet Elsie, 573 Harriet F., 334 Harriet Freeman, 333 Harriet L., 613 Harriet Madge, 488 Harriet Melcher, 451 Harriet Newell, 282, 515 Harriet S., 538 Harriet Shaw, 537 Harrison Otis, 535 Harry, 258, 259 Harry Edgar, 395 Harry Hilton, 366 Harry Otis, 373, 374, (564) Harry Robeson, 570 Harry Sturtevant, 597 Harrv Varnum, 489 Harvey A., 430 Harvey Asa, 429 Harvey Metcalf, 289 Harvey Reese, 430 Haskell, ix, xi, xx, xxi, 172, 177, 178, (352) Hattie L., 371, 430 Hattie LaNdnia, 429 Hattie Ora Etta, 669 Hattie Proctor, 549 Havelock, 451 Hazel, 442 Hcbcr S., 484 Hebcr Samuel, 483 Helen, 239, 389, 415, 427, 428, 519, 649 Helen Amelia, 399 Helena Thompson, 252 Helen Eliza, 467 Helen PA'angeline, 533 Helen Gertrude, 525 Helen H., 621 Helen Hood, 620 Helen Jane, 423 Helen Josephine. 543 Helen Louise. 563 Helen M., 422, 614, 647 Helen Margelia, 421 Helen Maria, 309 Helen Mildred, 436 Helen Rebecca Dickin- son, 616 Helen Verra, 654 Helen Winnefred, 604 Helenor, 239 Henrietta, 118, 195, 370, 443 Henrietta Elizabeth, 241, 423 Henrietta Florence, 443 Henry, v, xi, 56, 57, 125, 127-131, (135), 137, 229, 230, 233, 254, 349, 412, 443, 481,602,(603) 658, 659 Henry Allen, 399 Henry Allsion, 409 Henry Augustus, 174 Henry Chaplin, 444 Hcnrv C, viii, ix Henry Clay, 385, 577 Henry Dell, 654, (see Richard Dell) Henry E., 153, 395, 646 HeHrv Edward, 59.3 Henry Edwin, 254, 394 Henry Enoch, 221, (417) Henry Estes, 590 Henry [F.], iii, 398 Henry Franklin, 375 Henry Fullerton, 414 (583), "Col.." 654 Henry Gilman, 594 Henry J., 379 Henry Joseph, 371, 375 Henry M., 586 Henry McKinley, 585 Henry Morton, 667 Henry P., 661 Henry Parker, 351,649 Henry Partridge, 246, (432) Henry St. George, 586 Henry Ward Beecher, 409 Hcphzibah, 15, 17, 30,32 (51) Herbert, 246 Herbert A., 486 Herbert Arthur, 485 Herbert D., 430 Herbert Dudley, 429 Herbert H., 568 Herbert Haskell, 567 Herbert S., 474 Herbert Stevens, 473 Hester C- , 317 Hester Chenchin-Hibbs, 648 Hetty, 102 Hezekiah, 285 Hiram, 156, 157, 246 Horace Putnam, 524 Horatio Putnam, 355 Hosea Ballon, 328 Howard, xi, 260, (450) Howard Gravier, 595 Howard Johnson, 525 Howard King, 561 Howard Quincy, 59.3 Howard Starbird, 371 Hugh Forbes, 426 Iluldah, 54, 60, (115) 122, 125-127, (146) 220, 221, 295 Huldah Atty, 294 Huldah Gould, 178 Huldah Woodman, 516 Humphrey, 167, 171, 189 292, 327, (328), 329 344, (544) Humphrey C, 154, 173 274, 647 Humphrey Clark, 146, 171, (289), 291, (502) lantha, Adeha, 418 Ida. 489 Ida Frances, 597 Ida Gertrude, 476, 477 Ida May, 449 Ida Ranslow, 484, 604 —Ira, 138, 229, 230, (256) 326 Irene, 140, 172, (266), (351) Irene Sarah, 573 Isaac,iii,v, 13,22,35, 59 97, 98 ri39), 189, 193, (195), (364), 375, (379) 656 Isaac, N , iii Isaac Newton, 469, (597) Isaac S. C, xi, xx-xxii, Isaac Shepard Cole, 417, (587) Isabella, 385 Isabella Matthews, 573 Isabel Virginia, 573 Isaiah Edward, 483, (607) Isaiah Russell, 483 Israel, v, vii, viii, 27, 54, 73, 75, (117), 118, 123, 126, 129, 149, (213), (222), (303), 389, 396- 398, 410, 631-634, 656 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 725 Perley, Israel Edwin, 217,(408) Israel Putnam, 303 Iva Chrysoina, 601 Ivian, 521 Jacob, V, vi, vii, 16, 17 24, (33), 34, 35, 45, 58- 60, 64, 65, (139), 140, 141, (151), (169), 170, 171, 262, 263, 275, 276, 280, (281), (305), (333) I (452), (467), 641, 655, 656, 659 Jacob Lyman, 516 Jacob P., 311 Jacob Putnam, 310 Jacob Samuel, 305, (521) James, ix, 102, 144, 148, 209, 212, 284, (285), 286, 289, 296, (297), 305, 309, (381), 382, 396, 397, 488, (502), (566), 641, 647, 659, 667 James A., 395, 613 James Adams, 486, (610), 612 James Albert, 394, 481 James B., 426 James Bremner, 424 James Corliss, 489 James Edward, 297, 581 James Edwin, 216, 382, (394) James Frederic, 394 (580) James H., 481. 611 James Harper Godman, 355 James Henry, 480, 610 James Kent, 626 James Lyall, 423 James Maguire, 363 James Monroe, 251, f437) James P., viii, 661 James Peacock, 383,(560) James Putnam, 304 James ■ Varnum, 286, 487, (489) James Vincent, 566 James Walls, 427 James Wilbur, 426 Jane, 27, 133, 261, 443, 444 Jane Bean, 218 Jane Elizabeth, 241 Jane Emily, 544 Janet Elizabeth, 424 Jeannette, 444 Jeanette, Chrystal, 577 Jenette A., 393, 650 Jenette Adelia, 392 Jennie Dodge, 614 Jennie H., 608 Jennie Haskell, 607 Jennie M., 499 Jennie Mabel, 436 Jennie May, 498 Jennie S., 378 Jennie Sweetser, 375 Jeremiah, v, 12, 13, 20, 22,23,25,31, 34, 38,39, 43, 58,61, 62, 151, 154, (308), 460, 627. 655 Jerusha Ann, 253 Jerusha Fay, 481 Jerry, 285 Jesse, 73, (172), 285 (349) 483 Jesse Nye, (482), (See Jesse, 285) J. M., 250 John, iii, v, vi, xiii, 7, 9, (10), 15, 22, 23, 27, 28, 45, 47, 58, 59, 65, 78, 79, (98), 102, 104. 108, 125, 126, 128, 135, 141, (142), 144, 152, 162, (165), 167, 172, 179, 180, 182, (183), 189, 203-206, (208), 217, (219), 220. (222), 223, (225), 229, 262, 263, 274, (279), 280, 281 (28a), 283, (284), 289, 296, (327), (301), 396, (419), (4.53), 460, (461), 463, (480), 595, 631, 640, 641, 644, 654, ()55, 659, 661, 666 (John)?, 107 John A., 481 John Allan, 394 John Allen, 408 John Alphonso, 368, 561 John Andrews, 280 John Arthur, 593 Tohn Bedell, 391 John Chandler, 303, (520) John Dudley, 363 John Edson, 483 John P'dwards, 440 John Edwin, 371 John Estes, 453, (590) John Eustis, 462 John Frankhn, 349, (553) 554 John Frederick, 304 John Hodge, 209, 212 John Humphrey, 194, (370) John K., viii John Keys, 385, (576) Tohn L., 481, 662 jol»i I^angdon, 169, 330, (329) John Lawrence, 480 John Legarde, 208 John Lovering, 461, (595) John M., 384 John Macartney, 383 John Marshall, 577 John Merrill, 483, (605) John Merton. 361 John Milton, 421 John Monroe, 3, 361, (558) John Morrill, 649 "Johnny," 184 John P., 123, 548 John Pickard, 547 John Putnam, 219, 220. 312 John Quincy, 469, (597) John Quincy Adams, 459, (592) John Russell. 330 John Sylvester, 328 John Thomas, 428 John Wesley 252, (439) John WilHam, 392, 566 John Woodburv, 593 John Wyman, 475 Jonas Aaron, 668 Jonas C, 374 Jonas Clayton, 373 Jonas Humphrey, 194, (373) Jonathan, v. 27. (46). 47, 151, (306), (522), 659 Joseph V, 20, 144. 283, 647 Joseph A., 662 Joseph Augustus, 515, (614) Joseph Bailey, 471 Joseph Burpee, xi, 164, 317 Joseph Foster, 470 Joseph Goodhue, 282, (470) Joseph Gould, 294, ^514) Joseph H., 97, 378, 661 Joseph Hancock, 195, (375) Joseph Henry, 375 Joseph L., viii, ix Joseph Livermore, 385, (573) Joseph Perry, 453 Joseph Samuel, 667 Joseph Warren, 358 Josephine, 443 Josephine Amelia, 525 Josephine LaF., 570 Josephine La Fetra, 569 Josephine Mary, 428 Josephine Mighill, 504 (613) Joshua, 139, 140, (201), 267 Joshua Eaton, 453, (589) Tosiah Dow, 358 Josie E., 471 J. P., 305 Juanita Alice, 489 Tuanita Cathreen, 489 Judge, 258 Judith, 104, (196) ludith A., 311 Judith Ann, 310 Tuha, 258, 283 luha A., 178 juhana, 304, 305 Julia Ann, 255, 352, 353, 530, 616 Tuha C, 384 Tuha Carter, 383 Julia M., 481 Julia Maria, 480 Katharine, 589 Katherine G., 596 Katherine Gravier, 595 Katherine Mary, 427 Katie May, 426 Kenneth Howard, 606 Kirk W., 375 Kirk Welder, 373 L. Alonzo, 661 La Fetra, 570 Laura, 626 Laura Ann, 481, (605) Laura Annette, 318, (534) Laura B., 583 Laura Blanche, 582 Laura Margaret, 603 Laurence Titcomb, 620 Lauretta, 453 Lawrence Irving, 533 Lawrence Webb, 371 L. D., xi Leander, 156, 157 Leander Alonzo, 251 Leila F., 520 Leila Frances, 519 Lena (>), 557 Lennie Gould, 553 Leonard, 137, (255), 356 Leonard Augustus, 255 I.ettie Gertrude, 617 Leverett Saltonstall, 295 (520) Leverett Wyman, 361 Lewis Benjamin, 409 Lewis Coulson, 409 Lewis Melvin, 516 Lewis S., 330 Lewis Stephen, 329 Lewis Sylvester, 251 Lew Knowlton, 330 LilHan Nestelle, 461 LiUian Sarah, 297 Lillie, 358 Lincoln, 573 Lisbon Applegate, 649 Lizzie, 358 Lizzie, Aber, 614 Lizzie Anna, 371 Lizzie H., iii Lizzie Hartt, 406 Lois, 22, 73, (175) 274 Lois Ann, 554 726 THE PERLEY FAMILY Perley, Lois Baylor, 565 Loren, 285 Loring Herbert, 669 Lot Jesse Starbird, 371 Lotta Ella, 541, 623 Lottie M., 451 Lottie May, 630 Lottie McDonald, 260 Lottie Warren, 625 Louisa, 169, 174, 209,212, 289, 295, 349, (500), 642, 645, 668 Louisa Ann, 237 Louisa Jane, 174, 391 T,ouisa L., 654 Louise, 392, (552) Louise Sarah, 498 Louis H., 505 Louis Howard, 504 Louis Howe, 438 Louis Richmond, 318 Louis S., 661 Louis Sylvester, (438) Lucie Emma, 517 Lucinda, 190, 195, 196, 629, 630, 643 Lucretia, 666 Lucy, 79,81, 134,139,151, (179), 305, 310, 311, 617. 666 Lucy A., 105, 154, 307, 208, 254, 306, 513 Lucy B., 384, 386 Lucy Balch, 213, 383,3 85 Lucy Eliza, 305 Lucy H., 445 Lucy Hale, 524 Lucy Helen, 444 Lucy K., 641 Lucy Kimball, 640 Lucy Nellie, 341 Lucy Madeline Gertrude 590 Lucy Maria, 596 Lucy Ruth Brown, 429 Lucy Secomb, 465 Lula Emagene, 436 Lusena, 478, 479 Luther P., ix. xi, xx, xxi Luther Dana, 294, (517) Luther Lewis, 189, (365) Lydia, 13, 15, 16, 17, 32, 35, (57), 59, 6], 78, 79, 1.33, 144, 178, 214,(287) Lydia A., Oil Lydia Adelaide, 610 Lydia Anderson, 486 Lydia Ann, 328,459,(542) Lydia Bartlett, 283 Lyman Blake, 529 Lyman Howe, 340 Lyman Ormond, 607 Lysander Ilartwell, 629 Mabel, 474, 580 Mabel A., 536 Mabel Alice, 535 Mabel Ellen, 610 Mabel M., 582 Mabel Maud. 488, 581 Mabel T., 474 Mabel Ticknor, 473 Maj., 56, 124 Manuel, 667, Margaret, 32, 39, 239, 259, 427 Margaret Cudworth. 552 Margaret E., 218, 426 Margaret Eleanor, 424 Margaret Flora, 524 Margaret Ferguson, 459 Margaret Henderson, 52.3 Margaret L., 538 Margaret Loveioy, 5.37 Margaret Marion, 374 Marguerite, 427, 436 Mark Cressey, 316, (528) Maria, 167, 182, 190, 214, (323), 645 Maria A., 348 Maria Adelia. 347 "Maria D. " 309 Maria Dolly, 305 Maria Euphemia, 392 Maria Jane, 237 Maria Rebecca, 498 Maria Stephia, 516 Maria Taylor, 465 Marian Louise, 330 Marian Waite, 436 Marian Woodbury, 550 Marie Elisabet-de Bade, 644 Marie H.. 331 Marie Huntress, 329 Marietta, 288, (496) Marion, 617 Marion Elizabeth. 488 Marion Emily, 487, 488 Martha, 7, 9, 13, 20, 27, 29, 47, 48, 65, 128, 129, 134, 144, (159), 170, 181, 244, 24.5, 263, (.335), 442, (455.) 529 640, 641 Martha A., 611 Martha Adams, 487 Martha Althea, 528 Martha Ann, 610 Martha Anne, 602 Martha 15., 460 Martha C, 538 Martha CaiTey, 537 Martha Charlesetta, 625 Martha D., 301 Martha Drew., 298 Martha E., .335 Martha Eliza, 333 Martha Elma, 477 Martha Foster, 310, (526) Martha Gould, 274, (456) Martha Hale, 316, (528) Martha Harrison, 218 Martha Maria. 169, (331) Martha Scott, 361, (559) Martin, 562 Martin Van Buren, 3, 64, 73, 327, 370, (538), (562) Mary, 11-13, 17, 22, 32, (40), 45, 47, 48, 54, (81), 104, 105, (118), 126, 141, 170, 174, 217, 218, 225, 226, 229, 230, 250, 260, (268), 294, 319, 326, 351, 395, 410, 414 452, (511), 585, 586, 629, 631, 633, 667 Mary A., 276, 330, 481 Mary Abbie, 589 Mary Adelaide, 417 Mary Adeline, (407), (See Adeline,) Mary Alice, 427 Mary Allan, 578 Mary Ann, 246, 275, 292, 298, 431, 461, 465. 480 (507) Mary Anne, 261, 329 Mary Augusta, 547 Mary Belle, 429, 597 Mary C, 634 Mary Caroline, 633 Mary Catherine Florence 426 Mary Davis, 282 Mary Deane, 649 Mary Dolly, 370 Mary Dummer, 309 Mary Dun, 649 Mary E., 335, 394, 666 Mary Eda, 481 Mary Edith, 587 Mary Elizabeth, 333, 334 471, 476, 498 Mary Ella, 596 Mary Ellen, 450, 528, 562 Mary Elmira, 251 Mary Emma, 443 Mary Frances, 392 Mary G., 538 Mary Goodwin, 89 Mary Gray, 537 Mary Griswold, 416 Mary H., 580, 583 Mary Harper, 582 Mary Helen, 297, 579 Mary Herrick, 353 Mary Howard, 523, 615 Mary Isabell, 436 Mary J., 384, 386 Mary Jane, 223, 383, 385, 459, 625, 629, 645 Mary Tewett, 333, 547 Mary Johnson, 371, 380 Mary Loggie, 426 Mary Louise, 195, 553, 616 Mary Louise, 371, 377 Mary Lucy. 383 Mary M., 220, 292 Mary Malvenia, 304 Mary Malvina, 219, 221 Mary Mclndoe, 588 Mary Mighill, 291. 314 Mary N., 259 Mary Nelson, 258 Mary P.. 482 Mary Perkins, 481 Mary Ruth, 409 Mary S., 194 Mary T., 514 Mary Thurston, 312 Mary Titcomb, 310 Mary Twombly, 513 Mary Virginia, 560 Mary Wells, 255 Mary Wilder, 465 Maud, 375, 423 Maud Statire, 667 Maude E., 380 Maude Etta, 630 Maude H., 608 Maude Haskell, 607 Maude Marion, 373 Maud Harriet, 573 Maud L., 564 Maud Louise, 56.3 Maud M., 374 Maud Oma, 374 May Frances, 477 Mehetabel, 167 Mehitable, 32, 34, 56, 60 72, 73, 100, 104, 105, 128, 129, 144, 172, 226, 280, 284, 285, 288,(466) (493), 640 Melinda, 195 Melissa Stone, 485 Melvina Luella, 520 Mildred, 358 Mildred Belle, 568 Mildred Gladys, 623 Milford Delmar, 629 Minerva, 478, 479 Minnie, 573, 625 Minnie Homer, 471 Minnie Isabella, 575 Miranda Louisa, 365 Miriam, 245 Miriam Estella, 668 Monroe Proctor, 341 Moody, v, 61, 153, (156), 157, 641, 659 Moody Hills, 309 Morris Black, 668 Morris Raymond, 430 Morrison W., 568 Mornson Waite, 567 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 727 Perley, Moses, v, 32,35, 61,79, 108, 120, 139, 140, 154, (182), 188, 189, (217) (267), 286, 398, 410, 452. 460, 488, 631, 633, 645, 647. 656. 659, 660. 666. 668 Moses Coburn, 399 Moses Goodrich, 286, (488) Moses H., xvi. xvii. 117, 397 Moses Henry. 217, 398, (410) Moses I.. 666 Moses P., viii Moses Parmelee, 602. (625) Moses Payson. 282. 283, (471) Moses S., 454 Moses Sawyer, 453. 469. (598) Mr.. 85, 96 Mrs. Ebenezer P., 102 Muriel Lynette, 577 Myron Calvin, 590 Nancy, 125, 126. 131. 132 148. 225. 666 Nancy Amanda, 216, (399) Nancy E., 558 Nancy Eveline. 557 Nancy Putnam, 178 Nathan, v, 35, (59), 61, (143) 151. (153), 285. 289. (309), (481) 482. 502. (524), 656. 660 Nathaniel, v. xiii, 7-11, 13. 14. 39. 48, 72, 73, 98. 99. (106), 107, 108, 122, 129, 138, 142. 172. (173). (190.) 194, 207. 209. 212, 239, (260), (282), 289, 294. (345). 346,349,351,353.(367) (372), (515). (554). (557). 560. 595, 627, 640, 642, 656, 660, 661 666 Nathaniel Dummer, 309 Nathaniel Henry. 174 Nathaniel Lincoln. 451 Nathaniel M., 205, 208, 210. 297 Nathaniel Mighill. 102. 104, (203), 207, 296. (381) Nathaniel W.. 426 Nathaniel Wm.. 424 Natt Hadley, 593 Nellie, 343 Nellie Cline. 530 NeUie E.. 438 Nellie Eliza. 437 Nellie Johnson. 355 NelHe Marian, 554 NelHe Starbird, 371 Nelson Wilbert, 588 Nina Abigail, 630 N. M., 103 Norma, 374 Norman Allen 585 Norman Henry. 439 OUve. 73. 75. 150 630 Olive Foster. 421 OUve Wood, 172 Oliver, v. 54 117, 118. (120). 129, 146. 217 (294). 410. 632, 633 Oliver W., 538 Oliver Watson. 537 Oliver Wells. 294. (515) Olivia, 172 (See Olive Wood) Ormond. 483 Ormond Franklin. 606 Ormond T., 482 Ormond Theodore, 481 Orpha Cornelia, 288 Orrin Weston. 333, (547) Orval, 476 Orville George, 443 Osborn. 364 Osborne P., 367 Osborne Potter, 365,(559) Oscar Wentworth, 535, (616) Osgood, 349, (550) Osmond Huntley. 524 Osmore, 254, (449). 586 Parker Brown. 260 Parmelia. 56. 134 Patience, 20, 27, (45) Patty, 286, 641, 647 Paul, 141, (275) Paulina. 194 Paul Wellington. 557 Peleg Stone. 368, (560) Persis. 189 Peter, v. 61 Phebe, 61, 132. 137, 229, 230, 254. (445), 457, Philip Bremner. 424,(588) Philip Sylvester. 438 Phineas. 146. (293.) 294. (513) Phineas Herbert. 515 Phoebe. 98, 118, (157). 239, 261. 389. 390. 631 Polly. 560, 561 Porter, 134. (See Frederic Porter) Priscilla, 100, 104, 105 208. 629 Proctor, 488 Proctor Jefferson, 280. (465) Putnam. 131, 151, 178, 242. 301, (311), 312, (355) Putnam. 148. (Read Ruth Putnam,) Putnam D.. 359 Putnam Davis. 358 Queenie May. 557 Quincy Woodbury. 593 Rachel O.. 621 Rachel Olive. 620 Raiter Weston. 547 Ralph Frederic, 443 Ralph Waite, 436 Ray Ford. 423 Raymond. 444 Raymond Clyde, 649 Rebecca. 32. (54), 122. 125-127. 134, 141. 149. 150. 194. (273). (372), 633, 634. 638. 640 Rebecca Sawyei, 469 Rebecca Webster, 481, 483 Renton M.. 595 Renton Melvin. 461,(594) Reuben N., 621 Reuben Noel. 620 Rhoda. 189, (364). 645 Richard. 174, (351), 557, 661 Richard Dell, 582, (See Henry Dell,) Richard Hood. 547 Richard Nathaniel, 557 Robert F.. 422 Robert Foster, 421 Robert Henry, 588 Robert R., 621 Robert Ruel, 620 Rodney Gove. 294. (518) Rolfe H.. 631 Rolfe Hobert, 630 Rollin Harmon, 550 Ronald Prime, 363 Rosa Ann, 409 Rosa Lee. 566 Rosalie Frances, 525 Roscoe. 370, (562). 661 Roscoe Damon. 535, (617) Roscoe J., 422 Roscoe John. 421 Roscoe Lawrence, 618 Rose Frances. 614 Rose LilHan. 371 Roy Anderson, 583 Roy Corson, 430 Rubia Ann Thurston, 462 Ruth, 15. 27. 29. 45, 47, 48. 83, 104. 105. 108, 154. 172, 284. 285, 297, (312). 641 Ruth AUce, 485 Ruth Ann, 296 Ruth C, 218 Ruth Huntress, 363 Ruth Longfellow. 525 Ruth Marion, 481 Ruth P., 149. 296, 641 Ruth Proctor. 346 Ruth Putnam. 148. 641 Ruth Putnam. 148. (For Putnam read Ruth Put- nam) Ruth White. 438 Sally, 103. 169,209,212, 294, 326, (508), 666 Salome, 274 Samuel, v. viii, xiii. 7, 9, 11-15, (15). 26. 27. 45, 47. 48. 56, 57, 64. 79, 94, 98. 107, 108. 131, 1.33, (137). 151. (178), 181, 188. (189). (212), 213, (254), 286. 308- 311. 333, 334. (382), 480, (487), (524), 589. 628. 644. 660 Samuel Augustus, 443, (589) Samuel Emerson. 483 Samuel Farnsworth, 221, (415) Samuel Franklin. 368, (562) Samuel Holton. 178 Samuel S., 666 Samuel Shepard, 373. 374 Samuel Sherman. 488 Samuel Thomas Barrett, 383 .Sarah. 7. 9, (12). 13, 15, (17). 22. 25, 32, (35), 38, 39. (40), 45. 59, 61, 62. 65, 66, 9S, 104. 105, 107. 118. 133. 139-142, 144, 145, 149, 150, 153, (154), 189, (190) 195, 213. 222, 255. 275, (281), 282, 284, 285, 289, 292, 296, 304. 305, 515, 612. 631. 633, 634 Sarah-160, (read-161), 154 Sarah A., 220 Sarah Abigail, 294 Sarah Amelia, 421 Sarah Ann, 219, 363 Sarah Ann. 304 Sarah Augusta. 463 Sarah Edith. 550 Sarah Eleanor, 333 Sarah Elizabeth, 382 Sarah Ellen, 312 Sarah F.. 514 Sarah Fannie. 598 Sarah Frances. 304, 513 Sarah-Hartt. 651 Sarah Hopkins, 219 728 THE PERLEY FAMILY Perley, Sarah Jane, 182, 350, 461,471, (593) Sarah Lambert, 515 Sarah L. M., 463 Sarah Lois, 459 Sarah Lois Merrill, 462 Sarah Louisa, 288, 513 Sarah Lydia, 383 Sarah M., 454, 482 Sarah Maranda, 453 Sarah Maiia, 347 Sarah Melissa, 669 Sarah Merrill, 481 Sarah Nevers, 237 vSarah O., 479 Sarah Ovaitt, 478 Sarah P., 154, 613 Sarah Pauline, 482 Sarah Peabody, 254 Sarah R., iii Sarah Randall, 418 Sarah Spofford, 294. 505 Sarah Smith, 298 Sarah Strickland, 190, (369) Sarah Susan, 370 Sarah W., 645 Sarah Whittier, 506 Scott De Veber, 423 Seth Todd, viii, 383, 569, (570), 572 Sherlock Henry, 557 Sidney, iii, ix, xi. 171,329, (544) Sidney Harold, 617 vSilas 64, 105, 107, (325) Solomon, V, 57, 118, 131. 133, (138), (216), 236, (260), 261, 394-396, (451), 632-634, 640.660 Sophia, 134, 210, 285, 478 Sophia Ann, 282 (See Ap- phia Ann) Sophia E., 395 Sophia Eliza, 394 Sophia Isabel, 399 Sophronia-Spurr, ("Mrs.") 649 Squire, 219 Stephen, v, 19, 20, (36), 39, 61, 65, (153), 156. 157, (167), 170, 329, (333), 334, 660 Stephen Augustus, 89 Stephen Bartlett, 283, (475) Stephen D., 592 Stephen Elton, 601 Stephen Jefferson, 169 Stephen Lewis, 476 Stephen Monroe, 334 Stephen P., 642 Stephen Perkins, 178,179 Sumner Pennell, 563 Susan, 102-105, 131, 195, 246, 258, 259, 562 Susan Abbie, 516 Susan Ann, 214, 215 Susan Ayer, 309 Susan Brown, 363 Susan EHzabeth, 237, 429 Susan Ellen, 347 Susan Higgins, 380 Susan Jane, 429 Susan Josephine, 594 Susan Marinda, 347 Susan Maria, 255, 347, 353 Susanna, 137 Susannah, 27, (43), 57, 98. 126, 129, 131-134, 189, (242) Susannah Maria, 288 (494) Susie Boyd, 478 Sylvanus Ward. 353 Svlvester Cumraings, 461 Sylvester Strickland. 190 Sylvia, 245 T. A., xi Theodore Wood, 487 Theophilus Clough, 471 Theophilus Parsons, 251, 309, (438) Thomas, v, xiii, 7, 9, 12, 14, (15), 16, 17, 19, (20), 21, 24, (30), 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 47, (52), 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 73, 118, (120,) 125-129, 133, 137, 138, 148, 172, (214), (217), 219, (220) 286, 389, 395, 416.(579) 587, 627, 633, 638, 640, 645, 655, 656, 660 Thomas A., 662 Thomas Allen, 392 Thomas Arthur Medley, 423 Thomas Augustus, 417, (586) Thomas Edward, 214, (394) Thomas Edwin, 587 Thomas Endicott, 406 Thomas F., ix Thomas Flint, 221 Thomas H., 97, 98 Thomas Hancock, 19.5 Thomas Hayward, 409 Thomas Horsfield. 237. (423), 427 Thomas Jefferson, 668 Thomas P., 662 Thomas Peabody, 462 . Thomas Wood, 345, (548) Thuseba, 246 Timothy, iv, v. 7. 9. (19) Ulmer, 190. (368) Ulmer Austin, 368 "Uncle," 131 Uri, 282, (469) Ursula Irene, 375 Van E., 484 Van Edmond, 483 Van Herbert, 541 (621) Van Rensselaer, 321 Victor, 661 Viola Ehzabeth, 573 Virginia, 573 Wallace Emerson, 437 Wallace Holman, 556 Walter, 251, 258, 395 Walter Albertus, 443 Walter Edwin, 392, 400 Walter Emerson, 602 Walter Lawrence, 631 Walter Norman, 669 Walter Seward, 579 Ward B., 649 Ward Barton, 355. 649 Warner Francis, 505 Warren, 154, 274, 459, (460), 486, (591) Warren Douglass. 625 Warren Dow, 358 Warren E., 611 Warren Eugene, 610 AVarren Healy, 541 Washington, 97, 98 Webster Leroy, 488 Widow, 230 Willard, 373 William, v, 18, 60.61,107, 118, 141, (145), 146, 189, (216), 217, 253, 285, (292), 293, 294, 316, 354, (366), 389, 390, 394, (486), (513), (529), 530, 629, 630, 641, 656. 657. 660 William Albert, 443 William Andrew, 616 WilHam Balch. 385 William Brummel. 573 William Bryant, 239, (428) WiUiam C, 613 William Cassidy, 374 William Charles, 612 William Colebrook, 398, 414 William Dell, 406, (580) WilHam E., 217, 662 WilUam Earl, 253, (441) William Ebenezer, 382 William Edward, 217. (405), 515, 582 WilHam Elbridge, 462 (595) WilHam F., x, 433 William Fred, 432 William Frederick, 578, (024) WilHam G., ix, xi, 469 William George Freder- ick, 423 WilHam Goodhue, 282, (472), 475 WilHam H., 149, 307, 641 William Hathorne. 641 WiUiam Henry, 148, 300. 486, 515, (523), 524, (611) William Henry Seward, ,385 william Hood Gilfillan, 573 William Howard, 391 WilHam H. S., 386 William Marshall. 552 William Mathias. 573 ' William P., 323 William Perkins, 170, (338) WilHam Porter, 251 William Putnam, 291, (505) William Sherman, Oil William Smith, 392 William Spofford, 505. (614) WiHiam Sumner, 364 WilHam Warren Starbird 371 William Wilfred, 554 WilHam W. S.. 628 Williard Humphrey, 373 Willis, 529 Willis Harvey, 669 Winfield A., 343 Winfield Augustus, 341 Winnefred H., 430 Winnefred Hayes, 429 Winnie Gertrude, 476 Winthrop Gove, 519 Wyman Franklin, 553 Zenas, 298 Zipporah Louise, 368 Perley, Andrews &, 440 Perley a praenomen, iv Perley Block, 222, 438 Perley, Bracket! &, 440 Perley Bros. & Weston, 306 Perley Building, v, 366 Perley Chart. 2 Perley, Church &, 602 Perley Comedy Co., 332 Perley Company. M. P., 343 Perley Convention, (see Con- vention) Perley, Dean &, 504 Perley Family, xi, xx, 318, 353, 395, 396, 641, 667 Perley Family Association, xi Perley Family, history of, x Perley Family, old record of xiii HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 729 Perley Family Reunion, viii, xi, 250 Perley Farm, 210, 224 Perley Free School, 180 Perley Fund, Sarah P., 255 1 Perley Gathering, 307 Perley Gold, 40G Perley, Hill & Pearce, 607 Perley Home for Incurables 473 Perley House, 205 Perley House, Mighill, 205 Perley, Kimball &, 592 Perley Lumber Co., A. P., 375 Perley Message, 130, 136 Perley mill, the old, 438 Perley name, X, 26, 318, 346 605 Perley, N. Dak., 630 Perley, oldest, xi Perley place, old, 316 Perley Place, the Nathan, 254 Perley politeness, 284 Perley, Potter &, 559 Perley relic, 651 Perley Reunion, 318, 399 Perley street, Lynn, 514 Perley, the oldest, 318 Perley, war naine of, 666 Perley, Ward &, 451 Perley Willow, 397 Perley, Wis., 439 Perley & Church, 602 Perley & Co., Fisher, 504 G. P., 366 Humphrey, 519 James V., 489 Perley & Cram, 417 Perley & Howard, 537 Perley & Leavens. 626 Perley & Pattee, 473 Perley & Stiles, 414 Perleys, viii Perleys generally, 182 Perley's Hist, of Boxford, (See History) Perley's Homestead, Plan of Jacob, vi, vii Perley's Ipswich History, 21 Perleys, Irish- American, 631 Perleys, 40 out of 60, 514 Perley's pleasure, 591 Perley's School, Amos, 144 Perley's System of penman- ship, 419, 420 Perleys, the, 216, 333 Perley's Will, Allan, iv John, 184 Perlie, E. H., 668 Rebecca A., 668 Perllys, xiii Perol, John, xvi Trustin, xvi Perrelle, xx Perris, Cal., 590 Perry, Betsey Dunham, 491 Caroline Maria, 594 Caroline-Rogers, 594 Charles L., 333 Charles Lowell, 335 Hannah A., 631 Henry, 594 John Lowell, 335 Joseph, 453 Maranda, 453 Miss, 490 Rebecca, 360 Sally-Sawyer, 453 Perry & White, 359 Pershore, xiv Persons, xix Persons, Hattie, 489 Perth, xiv Peru, 208, 356 Perve, Lois, 43, 641 Pervia, Mary E., 162 Peter, xix, xx Peterboro, N. H., .55, 129, 612. 640, 667 Petersburg, Va., 163, 251, 517 Petersham, Mass., 24, 438 Peters, Judge, 193 Petersville, 404 Petition, a, viii Perth, Ont., 403 Petroleum Center, Pa., 569 Pettee, Julia Miranda, 431 Petty, Grace Mabel, 280 John Loraine. 280 Sarah Ellen-Barnes, 280 Pewter, 6, 27 Phelps, Polly, 487 I'hiladelphia journals, 568 Philadelphia, Pa., 184, 194, 200, 292, 356, 383, 417, 451, 479, 533, 561, 568, 613, 661 Philbrick, Hittv L., 277 Horace Hall, 464 Lennie Jane, 464 Mary Jane-Noyes, 464 Philbrook, Alpheus C, 283 Eliza Ann, 283 Eliza-Moore, 283 Katherine Lord, 202 Phillippine insurrection, 645 Philippine Islands, 565 Philippines, 630 Phillips, Amos, 643 Amos Henry, 64.3 Arthur Perley, 589 Benjamin Franklin, 589 Carrie J. -Smith, 589 Charles, 442 Dorothy Grace, 424 Ehzabeth, 160, 554 EUzabeth O., 554 Eveline Elizabeth-Hunt, 442 Frances Marion-Winches- ter, 643 Freeman Smith, 589 John Roland, 424 Louise Blake, 643 Mary E.-Hargreaves, 424 Minnie Phoebe, 442 Phebe, 406. 407 Samuel, 98, 100, 322 Sarah, 98, 100 Stephen, 112 Thomas W., 594 Philhps, Me., 520 Philhpston, Mass., 247, 438 Phinney, Cephas, M., 244, 245 Elizabeth, 245 John, 244 Lillie May, 245 Mariah Jane, 245 Martha Ehzabeth, 245 Mary Orilah, 245 Murcilous, 245 Ola Sylvia, 245 Orianna, 245 Osceola Henry, 245 Sylvia Anna, 245 Phoenix, B. C, 624 Phoenix, Ariz., 560, 561 Pickard, , viii David, 77, 86, 333 Elizabeth, 324, 633, 634, 640 Emma Josephine, 560 Hallett Dole, 77 Hannah, 86, 129 Hannah-Spiller, 86, 333 Jane, 35. 640 Joseph, 204, 205 Lavinia Day-Spiller, 560 Luther Calvin, 560 Maria-Knapp, 77 Mary Jewett, 333 Moses, 640 Sarah, 62 Pickering, Charles S., 316 Florence B., 316 Paul R., 316 Prudence D.-Noyes, 316 Walter R., 316 Pickett, Benjamin, 461 Joanna, 277 Mary Jane, 461 Sarah, 461 Pickett's Division, 566 Pickles, Rev. John D., 367 Pickwocket, 122 Pierce, Abijah, 229 Cyrus H., 191 Deha, 616 Elizabeth, 229 George Washington, 9.3 Mary Elizabeth-Schencks 93 Nettie Loring, 93 Sarah, 598 Pierley, xiii Piermont, N. H., 273, 274 Pierrelay, xix Pierreloni, xx Pierson. xix Pigwacket fight, 655 Pike, Abigail, 22 Dorothy Louise, 475 Eunice, 84 Hannah, 22 Henry Luther, 475 John, 365 John B., 475 Lois, 22 Lucile Perley, 475 Mary Louise- Parker, 475 Moses, 22 Perley, 22 Sarah, 22 Thomas, 22 Pike's Peak, 377 Pilgrim fame, 202, 612 Pilgrim Fathers, 520 Pilgrims, xii, 350 "Pilgriins, Embarkation of the," 504 Pillion riding, 16 Pillsbury, Asa B., 270 Asa Burpee, 269 Charles Edgar, 271 James, 269 Levi, 231 Lorenzo, 269 Lydia, 164 Martha H., 273 Martha Harriman, 271 Martha J., 271 Martha Jane, 269 William James, 269 Pillsbury, Minn., 630, 631 Pine Island, Minn., 492 Pine, name, xvi, xxii Pingree, Allen Proctor, 91 Angelina Webster, 86 Caroline, 155 Daniel Proctor, 86 David, 184 David M., 91 David Mighill, 86 David Philemon, 86 Francis, 45 Jewett, 155 Lydia Ann, 91 Lydia E., 91 Lydia Ehzabeth, 86 Mary, 70 Mary Abigail, 86, 87, 529 Mary-Perkins, 155 Melinda, 86, 91 Proctor, 529 Sarah Hobbs, 529 Pingree farm, 292, 315 Pingree road, 294 Pioneer, Canadian Com., 414 Piper, Anna Durant, 176 Benjamin, 310 730 THE PERLEY FAMILY Piper, Charles S., 176 Hannah-Smith, 283 John Adams, 176 John P., 647 John Perley, 283 Joseph Bartlett, 283 Josiah Dearborn, 283 Katie Taylor, 283 Nathaniel, 283 vSarah, 310 .Sarah A„ 176 Stephen S., 283, 647 Piquette, Angelique Campan, 373 Charles, 374 Charles Louis, 373 John Baptiste, 373 Marie, 374, 375 Pirly, xix Pitcher, Edwin Frank, 494 Grace Emery, 494 Mary Frances, 493 Pitkin, Col., 483 Pitkin, Gen. Perley P., 287 Pitman, Carrie, 155 Pitts Co., 649 Pittsboro, N. C, 612, 613 Pittsburg, Pa., 207, 3.56. 475 Pittsfield, Mass., 357, 360 Pittstield, N. H., 87, 507 Pixley, Mary Elizabeth, 469 Place, Alley Bros. &, 450 Placerville, Cal.. 359 Plainfield, Ct., 549 Plains, the, 184 Plaistow, N. H., 76, 209, 502, 543, 553, 554 Plan of the book, iii Plantagenets, 301 Planters, 404 Plas-gronow, Wales, xviii Platl, Ellen Rebecca, 447 Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., 565 Plattsburg, N. Y., 152, 280 I'lalts, Elmira, 296 Mary, 444, 516 Pleasant Valley, 210 Plouff, Edward, 87 Plough Co., South Bend, 374 Plum Island, 6, 100 Plummer, , 456 Abigail, 164 Abigail- Dole, 164 David, 164, 183 lilizabeth E., 104 Hannah A., 183 John, 164 Lousia, 583 Lydia, 183, 642 Mehitable, 324 Perley, 642 Sahna G., 164 Sarah Ann Jackson-Ed- wards, 642 Sophronia Osgood, 1 64, 535 Stephen, 164, 642 William P., 164 Plymouth, Eng., xii Plymouth, Mass., xii, 444, 648, 650 Plymouth, Me., 227, 228 Plymouth, N. B., 405 Plymouth, N. H., 272, 604 Poets of Essex County, 546 Poland, Almon, 232 Charles F., 287 Poland, Me., 194, 449 Pollard, Joseph, 107 Pollard (or Wells), Charlotte Bacon, 107 Lydia F., 107 Mary Eustis, 107 Nathaniel, 107 Rebecca, 107 Ruth Ann Currier, 107 Sally, 107 Polo, 111., 367, 561 Polo newspaper, 367, 368 Pomfret, Ct., 32 Pomfret, Vt., 498 Pompey, N. Y., 128 Pond, Baldpate (Perley) 153, 156 Crotchet, 162 Hood, 73. 328 Long, 122 Perley, 130 Pritchard's, 06 Quaboag, 627 Saco, 655 Stevens, 58 Pondicherry, 122 Pool, Alice, 575 Charles 575 Phila-Gardner, 575 Poole, Mary D., 594 Poor, Abbie Gage, 248 Anna, 46, 307 Benjamin, 151, 461 Charles Howard, 462 Daniel, 46 Edna, 46 Emma, 462 Frank Thurston, 462 George. 462 George Osgood, 462 Hannah-Greenough, 462 Henry, 23 Joseph Bailey, 345 Margaret. 648 Ruth, 151 Samuel. 402 Sarah, 23, 183 Poore, Alice, 50 Benjamin, 49 Ben. Perley, x, 49 Daniel Noyes, 49 Ellen Judith, 49 Emily, 49 John I'reddie, 461 John McCurdy, 401 Lydia-Noyes, 49 Martha-McCufdy, 461 Mary Louise, 49 Walter Scott, 49 I'oor Genealogy, 307 Poor's mare, Thomas, 12 Pope, XX Pope, Anadetus Third, xix Pope, Joseph N.,328 Mary, 590 Miss, 32 Mrs. Ira P., 349 Walter Harvey, 606 - Popl.ir Grove. P E. I., 530 Poquioque, N. B., 401 Porley. xiii, xv Portage City, 377 Port au Prince, 290 Port Dover, Ont., 389 Porter, Anna, 18, 57, 130, 146 305 Aophia, 56, 130 Barbour Bartlett, 562 Benjamin, 113 Betsey, 48 Capt., 657 Dorothy, 146 Elijah, 146 EUzabeth, 52, 57 Elmer Irvin, 644 Ethel Augusta, 644 Frances Louisa, 562 Hannah, 48, 56 John, 48, 56, 130 Jonathan, 29 Lydia, 133, 359 Mary-Favor, 644 Marv Hale Parsons, 562 Mehitable, 280 Nehemiah, 33, 48, 644 Polly, 48 Rebecca, 134 Rufus, 644 Rufus Berry, 644 Sally, 48 Samuel, 33, 48, 57 Sarah, 33. 42, 113 T. H., 393 Porter's Plains, 184 Porteus, John, 239 Port Hudson, 313, 444, 461, 462, 587 Portland Advertiser, 124 Portland great fire, 377 Portland, Me., 97, 125, 134, 135, 184, 195, 219-221, 308, 343, 367, 369, 372- 375, 377, 378, 391, 414, 415, 417, 418, 422, 455, 526, 547, 560, 563, 564, 579, 580, 595, 638, 644 Portland, N. B., 397 Portland, Oregon, 445, 598, 637 Portland, Wis., 82 Porto Rico, W. I., 68, 212 Portraits, the, iv Port Royal, N. S., 655 Port Royal, S. C, 332, 352 Portsmouth, N. II., 25, 193 198, 201, 275, 349, 509, 540, 541, 563, 642, 644 Port Washington, N. Y., 510 Posen, Ger., 520 Post, G. A. R., Everett Pea- pod y, 505 Gen. James Appleton, 199 [Gen. Jas.Appleton,] 337 John F. Appleton, 591 John L. Perley, 330 local, 650 Reno, 386 Potomac, the, 595 Potter, 318 Abigail-How, 363 Addie, 76 Albert E., 75 Albert Edward, 76 Alice, 76 Asa, 87, 365 A. Thomas, 559 Betsey, 329 Charles Hurst, 76 Clara Augusta, 363 Cora Ellen, 363 Cora Ellen, 363 Dea., 85, 89 Edwin Lewis, 363 Elijah, 363 Elizabeth, 648 Elizabeth-Perkins, 170 Ella Louisa, 363 Ezekiel, 101, 113, 170 Ezekiel P., 317 George Fuller, 364 Hannah, 170, 178 Harriet Hale, 76 Isaac, 162, 336 Jacob Symonds, 88, 338 Jane Fowler, 367 Johanna-Jewett, 336 John, 75 John Hervey, 76 Lizzie Mabel, 363 Martha, 336 Martha Mary, 87 Mary. 170 Mary Ann-Hoburn, 563 Mary Jane, 7J3 Matilda Ethel, 563 Mehitable, 76 Miranda F., 220 Nathaniel, 71, 76, 88, 363 Phebe, 88 Rhoda Jane, 363 Samuel WiUiam, 364 Sarah Alice, 3'65 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 731 Potter, Silas Holman, 563 Susan, 365 Susan Hadley-Johnson, 87, 365 William, 71 Potter & Pcrley, 559 Pottery, first in America, 651 Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 489 Pounds offered, 1000, 204 Pouting, 251 Powell, C. B., 472 Lydia, 603 "Power behind the throne," 413 Power, D. B. H., 202 Powers, Grace T., 200 Rebecca P., 625 Pownell, Vt., 478 Praenomen, Perley a, iv Practice in Personal Act., 546 Prague, 512 Prairie City, 111., 231 Prairiesburg, la., 488 Prairieville, Minn., 492 Pratt, Elizabeth, 38 Emily A., 265 Mr., 248 Nancy, 130 Sarah Tane, 277 Prayer, 128 Pray's Carpet Store, 87 Preaster, Catherine, 237 Preble, Jedediah, 656 Preface, iii Prentice, Dea. Samuel, 225 Prentiss, Joanna, 116 Presbyterian, 424 Prescott, Abigail, 36 Charles J., 300 Col., 145 Dolly-Chaplin, 89 Elvira L., 267 Ezekiel, 267 George, 89 George Kittridge, 89 Jonathan, 147 Mrs. Jonathan, 146 Vernon, 89 WilHam, 36, 657 Prescott's Regiment, 145, 146 Presque Isle, 404 Pressey, M. T., 277 Preston, , 298 Francis Perley, 298 Frank H., 198 Margaret Stevens, 298 Royal Atherton, 198 Preston, Minn., 492 Price, Laura, 639 Prices, to regulate, 146 Pride, Elisha, 461 Elizabeth, 461 Sarah F., 461 Prime, Abigail, 63 Charlotte Huntress-Jelli- son, 363 Emma-Goodale, 55 Ezra, 55 Gertrude Green, 363 Mr., 629 Ruth, 155 Samuel Scott, 363 Prince of Wales, 63, 64 Princeton, 579 Princeton, Me., 650 Princeton, N. J., 221 Prison Lane, 124 Prison, Sherborn Reformatory, 372 Pritchard, Adeline, 69 Alanson, 69 Amos, 68 Anna, 68 Asa, 68 Barnard, 68 Benjamin, 68, 69 Bernice, 69 Caroline, 69 Charles 69, Charles C, 68, 69 Cyrene, 69 Deidamia, 69 Dexter, 69 Emily, 68 Frances Perley, 69 Francis P(erley), 69 George, 68 Hannah, 68, 69 Hannah -Perley, 24 Henry, 68 Teremiah, 68 Tohn, 68, 69 Martha Jane, 68 Mary, 69 Mary Ann, 68 Moses, 68 Paul, 24, 34, 66 Perley, 68 vSally, 68 Sarah, 68, 69 Sarah Ehzabeth, 68 Stephen, 68, 69 W^illiam, 68 William Start, 69 WilHam W., 68 Privateersman. intrepid, 203 Prize, first. 466 Harsden, 448 Stokes, 609 Probate Judge, 172 Proctor, Arthur Phinney, 245 Charles, 302 Fred Everett, 245 Hannah, 171 Mehitable, 280 Mehitable-Porter, 280 Minnie Elizabeth, 245 Rebecca, 276 Sylvester, 280 Thorndike, 112 WilUam, 245 William Pritchard, 245 "Prodigal's Prayer, " 387 Prohibition Party, 544 Proper, Arthur Eugene, 338 Jennie Grace, 338 Josephine-Raymond, 338 Prouty, EUza, 134 Prouty Shoe Co.. Isaac, 317 Providence, R. I., 136, 247. 270, 273, 308, 316, 343, 437, 449, 552, 561, 659 Province, his native, 411 Provincetown, Mass., 596 Provincial agent, viii Provincial Assembly, 25 Provincial Building, 397 Provincial Charter, xiii Provincial Congress, 660 Provincial Government, xiii Pt. Arthur, Ont., 401 Public Works, 584 Public Works Department, 585 Publishing Committee, iii, xx, xxi, 353 Puckler, Countess, 520 Puget Sound, 429 Pugwash, N. S., 448 Pullen, Octavia Frances, 201 Pullman Co., 568 Pulsifer, William, 296 Pulsipher, Lucy, 196 Punchard, Dea. John, 306 Punch bowl, China, 101 Purinton, , 107 Puritan, xvii, 100 Puritan element, xviii Puritan games. 234 Puritans, xii, 6 Purlai, xvi Purle, William, xv Purlee manor, xv Purlegh, xvi Purleigh, xv, xvi Purley, xv, xvi Purley, Frances, xv Hugh, XV John, XV Leonard, xv Manuel, 667 Robert, xv Thomas, xv Purley Hall, xv Purleyn, xvi Purly, xvi Pursey, arms of, xx Putnam, Aaron, 40, 41 Addison Webb, 552 Allen, 54, 55 Almira A.. 353 Amos. 110 Anna, 32 Andrew, 55 Benjamin, 347 Betsey, 55 Catherine, 55 Daniel, 55 David, 32, 54, 55 Eleanor, 177 Ehzabeth, 32, 40, 41, 55, 115 EHzabeth-Porter, 30, 52 Ezra, 55 Eunice, 32, 52, 54, 55 Grandfather, 355 Hannah, 40, 41 Huldah, 32, 59 Isaiah, 132 Israel, 30, 32, 52, 54, 55, 145 Jeremiah, 40, 136, 658, 659 Tesse, 54. 55 John, 55, 347 Jonathan, 40, 41 Joseph, 30. 32, 52, 54. 55 Levi, 40. 41 Lt. Col. 660 Lucy. 54. 55 Lydia. 40, 41 Mary Ann, 41 Mehitable. 32, 54, 55 Miriam, 347 Moses, 355 Nathan, 40, 41 Nehemiah, 55 Parmelia. 55 Perlev, 40, 41 Perley, Z. M. P., 41 Polly-Herrick, 353 Rachel, 32 Rebecca, 55 Rebekah, 54 Ruth, 55, 148, 346, 347 Sally, 55 Samuel, 353 Sarah, 32, 40 Sarah Ann, 218 Susan, 32, 55 Stephen, 347 Thomas, 67 William, 32, 54, 55 Putnam, Life of Gen. Israel, 145 Putnam. Ont., 389, 390, 578 Putnam Town Clerk, 446 Putney, Bessie. Warren, 106 Edith, 106 Lewis Henrv, 100 Mary, 463 Warren, 106 Puzzled Doctors, 170 Pyreley, xix, xx Pylley, xix, xx Pyrly, xix Quaker, 42 Quaker friend, 647 Quebec, 300, 335, 411, 474 732 THE PERLEY FAMILY Queen Boadicea, 64 Elizabeth, 63 Queen of Chas. Second, xv Queensbury, N. B., 217, 408- 410, 423, 635 "Qvieens of Kngland," 190 Queenstovvn Heights, 214 Quimby, Amanda M., 276, 277 Daniel P., 276 Dr., 309, 310 George W., 309 John, 276 Mary-Bean, 276 Samuel, 276 Warren S., 276 Quincy, Mass., 275, 277, 596 612 Quincy Patriot, 524 Quint, Jaine Paine, 219 Quinton, , viii Richard, 514 Railroad, Algonia Cent., 403 Boston & Albany, 459 Boston & Maine, 92, 199 335, 344, 433, 438. 451, 549, 623 Canada Atlantic, 472,473 Canadian Pacific, 394, 401, 403 Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy, 615 Del.. Lack. & West., 348 Denver & Rio Grande, 406 Fitchburg, 249 Georgetown & Danvers, 224 Grand Trunk, 377, 563 584 Pittsburg & Penn., 348 Portland & Knox, 351 Washinirton County, 403 Rainsford, Jane. -104 Ramapo, N. V., 460 Ramsden, Rev. Wm., 498 Raniseyburg, N. J.. 486 Rancliff, Lord, xvii R:md, Dr. Isaac, 112 Randall, Eldridge, 521 Elmer Ellsworth, 521 Hazel Marjorie, 521 Jane H., 164 Palonia Erances-Ames, 521 Randet Car Co., 168 Randle, Rev. E. B., 518 Rangeley, Me., 453 Ranlett, Abigail-Kimball, 171 Huldah K., 171 Mary P., 171 Phineas, 171 Ranslow, Anna Mead-Parme- lee, 604 George W., 604 Georgiana, 604 Ransom, Eliza Ann, 510 Joanna, 298 Martha-Drew, 298 Thaddeus, 298 Rapelje, Abram A., 389 Sarah-WycofT, 389 Winifred Maria, 389 Rattlesnake, 263 Raub, Philip, 486 Rawson, Harriet Adell, 610 Raymond, Amelia-Dykeman, 430 Dr., 632 James, 127 James Smith, 430 Josephine, 338 Lemuel. 418 Mary Ada, 430 Miriam, 368 Nathan, 229 Phoebe Amelia-Dykeman 430 Polly, 231 Rhoda Alexander, 417 Roxanna, 418 W. O., 413, 631, 632, 645 Raymond, N. H., 82 Ravner, Lucy Frances, 449 Raynolds, D. C, 489 Raynor, Elizabeth, 44 Read, David, 245 Reade, R. M., 108, 666 Reading, xv Readmg, Mass., 1 and 3 (map) 130, 141, 151, 272, 286, 287, 306, 347, 487, 542, 549, 620 Readfield. Me., 205, 369, 455, 526 Readville, Me., 303 Rea, William, 143 "Rebecca, Aunt," 127 Rebellion, 24, 257, 259, 265, 280, 303, 352, 365, 378, 441, 442, 444, 462, 530, 539, .543, .586, 591, 594 Rebellion, Canadian, 253, 299 Rebellion of 1837, 577 Records, Bureau of War, 661 Records, Colonial, xiii Records, Lynn vital 666, Records, to read the. iii Red Bank. N. J.. 569 Redcoats, 106, 203 Red Creek. N. V., 486 Redington, Aaron, 52 Abraham, 51 Asa. 52 Benjamin, 51 Cloe, 52 Elijah, 51 Hephzibah, 51, 52 Isaac, .51 Martlia, 152 Mary, 51 Mary- Kimball, 51 Samuel, 52 Sarah, 51. 52 Thomas, 51 Red River Valley. 377 Red Rock, la., 442 Red Wing. Minn.. 630 Reed, Anna Nelson, 639 Anna Perlev, 639 Charles Edward, 639 Charlotte L., 193 Judge, 571 Katherine Fessenden, 639 Mary. 119 Mary-Dennis, 639 Philip, 639 Wilham, 639 William Dennis, 639 William Page. 639 Reese. Delaney. 537 Reeser. Nancy, 538 Rees River, Nev., 400 Reformatory, Concord, 495 Regiment, Essex Middle, 655 Duchess County, 669 Maine, 661 Mass., 461, 596, 661, 602 Mich., 661 Minn., 661 N. H., 668 Ohio, 661 Penn., 661 Register, Essex Co. Hist. & Geneal., 70, 540 Reinbeck, 232 Remont Agent, xviii Rennie, Selina, 201 Renova, Pa., 427 Repartee, 1 74 Reporter, The, 398 Representative, 12. 16, 18, 44, 141, 243, 365, 490, 492, 493, 501, 511, 531, 619, 632, 644 Representative Men of U. S., 439 Republic, x, xx Republican, 598 Republican Party, 440 Republican, The, 383 Residence of Rev. Samuel Perley, 628 the Geo, A. Perley, 398 Residences, 641 Reunion, First Family, ix Second Perley Family, xi Reunion, the Perley Family, viii, 250 Third Perley Family, xi Revell, Annie, 391 Annie-Minty, 391 Henry, 391 Revere, 515 Revolution, 52, 53, 57, 61, 66, 73, 99, 118, 127, 137, 140, 249, 632 Revolutionary Armv,161, 414 Revolutionary experience, 135 Revolutionary soldier, 243, 494, 646 Rexton, N. B., 636, 638 Reynolds, Louisa Maria, 526 Luana, 476 Mary Jane, 629 Rezeau, Mary, 214 Rhoads, Joanna, 166 Rhodes, Helen M., 454 Rice, Candice, 247 Caroline, 246 CaroHne A., 247 Carrie A., 246 Daniel W., 247 David, 225 Edwin, 246, 247 Edwin D., 246, 247 Gov., 495 Mary A., 247 Mr., 248 Rice County, Kan., 515 Rich, Anna Elizabeth, 341 Berthia, 488 Hannah-Evans, 341 Henry Alexander, 488 Lilvia, 247 Robert, 341 Richards, Anna, 525 Benjamin, 316 Dickinson W., 510 Frederick, 316 Harry Milton, 316 Jabez, 356 Jane, 315 John, 315 M., 103 Oscar Williard, 316 WilUam B.. 315 Richardson, Alvah M., 85 Augustus Ilsley, 55 Betsey, 55 Caroline Sovina, 55 Charles Frederic, 55 Clara Isabel, 520 Cynthia-Cross, 521 Ebenezer, 127 E. C, 129 Edward Symmes Lang, 55 Eliza Anne, 55 Ellen Octavia, 55 Eunice, 55 Eunice-Jennison, 55 Hannah K., 251 Ida, 440 Israel, 55 Jesse, 55 Jesse P., 526 Joel, 244, 251 John, 520 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 733 Richardson, Joshua, 55 Mary, 270 Millard iMllmore, 5^0 Nathaniel, 55 Nathaniel Putnam, 5o Sarah F.-King, 520 Sarah Lang, 55 Stella Louise, 520 William Putnam 55 Richardson House the 312 Richford, Vt., 483, 484, 487, 603, 611 ,„.,.. Richmond Corner, NB., 404 Richmond, Ernest Dalton,287 Richmond, Me., 311 Richmond, N. B., 404 40o Richmond, N. H., 42, 439 Ricker, Bertha Ar villa, 548 Edward M., 548 Frances Lillian-Spiller, 548 Ridgefield, Ct., 387 Riding, the, 581 Ridlon's History, 305 Saco Valley Settlements, 220 Ridott, 111., 358 Riley, Mary, 452 .„„,o9 Rindge, N. H., 69, 130-132 Rines, John L., 625 Rosella M.-Folsom, 62o Ring's Island, 209 Rio Du Camp, Que., 401 Ripan, Wis., 348 River, Chippewa, 6U Conway, xv Eau Galle, 439 Frazer, 429 Gaspereaux, 117 Harlem, 574 Illinois, 356 Kennebec, 173 Macnaquack, 409 Merrimack, 24, 055 Mile, 4 Miramichi, 397 Missisquoi, 602 Mississippi, 234, 377, 462 North, 291 . Oromocto, vn, 117 Parker, 164, 224, 291 Pecatomica, 356 Penobscott, 161 Plum Island, 151 Rowley, 106, 293, 325 Saco, 122 Salmon, 253 ... ,„ St John, vu, viii,I17,ll», 120"l29, 213, 216, 218 394 396, 410, 632, 652 St. John. Hist, of, 631,632 St. Lawrence, 584 St. Louis, 377 Tobique, 394 Trout, 609 Yellowstone, 400 Rivpr Falls Wis., 134, 252 Riverside Cal., 227, 228. 422. 590, 597 Riverside, Me., 227 Roach, Jane, 635 Road, State, 356 Roads, Andover and Rowley, 72 Roanoke Island 385, 576 Roanoke, Va., 516, 537, 653 Robbins, Alice, 222 Ann-Wilkins, 2.i^ Capt., 513, 514 Charles Frederic, 222 Elizabeth, 286 George, 46 Gussie, 513 Jennie, 645 I Margaret-Wood, 40 Mercy, 46 Mr., 645 Mrs., 645 Nathaniel C, 222 Nellie, 645 Samuel Perley. 513 Roberts, Annie Alfretta, 311 Elmer Perley, 311 John Ellsworth, 310,311 Mary Elizabeth, 310, 311 Peter Wakefield, 310 Rosella A., 120 Sarah, 563 Sarah-Mussey, 310 Robeson, Anna Augusta, 509 Emerancy-Cherrymaii, 569 John Edward, 569 Robins, xv Robins, Benjamin, 14/ Robinson, xv „„ -.^ Robinson, Anna, 33 644 Anna Adahne-tulwilcr, 561 Betsey, 147, 295 Betty, 147 Bruce Perley, 501 Dean, 32, 33 Dorothy, 561 Ehza Niles-Trumbull,511 Francis Perley, 147 Gov., 495 Harriet, 147 Harris, 276 Henry Cornehus, 511 Henry Martyn, 561 Huldah, 147 Huldah- Perley, 295 Rhn':'l46'l47, 295, 659 Lemuel, 135, 658 Levey Anstice, 600 Louise, 466 Lydia, 33 Mary, 33 Mary-Gould, 146 Mary P., 521 Mary Shipman, 511 Mehitable, 32, 147 Mrs., 334 Olive Caroline, 207 Philena, 391 Rebecca, 147 Sally, 147 Sarah, 33, 605 Susannah, 33 Walter, 147 William H., 561 Roby, Ebenezer, 232 Laura Ann Bowker ^6^ Laura-Bowker, 23^ Rochdale, Eng^ 402 Rochester, N. H., 36, 201 Rochester, N. H., History of. Rochestef, N. Y., 194. 445, 554 Rockford, 111., 358 Rockingham, Vt., 491 Rockland, Me., 150. 226. 303. 459 Rockport, Mass., 92 Rockville, 467 Rockville Centre, L. L, 380. ooy Rocky Point, 212 Rockies, the, 598 Koe,^William Clark, 222^^^ Alice, 43 Asa, 43 Benjamin, 39, 4.i CaroUne, 594 Daniel, 106, 660 Emogene Parmeha, 480 Eunice, 43 Hazel Pearl, 393 John, 43, 51, 58, 59, 632 Tohii Franklin, 393 John Richard, 393 Lcroy, 486 I,ois, 43 Lydia. 43 Lucy. 43 Mary. 506 Mary Dow. 522 Morris Ruffs, 393 Parmelia-Burtch, 480 Perley, 43 Robert, 506 Roland Leo, 393 Samuel, 43 Sarah, 43 Sarah-Langrell, 39.J Sarah-Somerby, 500 Susan, 277 Susannah-Marston, 4-i William, 393 Rolfe, Abigail, 29 Rolhns. Charles Frank, 463 David, 463 Erastus Graffum, 403 Fred Perley. 461, Miriam N. -Gross. 403 Rollo. XX Roman, a, 267 Rome, 96, 422 Romulus, N. Y., 82 Root, Coroner, 260 Emma Artimicia, 023 Rooty Plain, 160, 166 Roper, John, 3 Walter, 2, 6 Ropes, Elizabeth 207 Rose, Laura A., 380 Roslindale, Mass., 052 Ross, Anion, 240 Donald A., 240 Grace, 240 Harriet-Brown, 240 Joseph, 196 Joseph Lakeman, 101 Rev. Mr., 360 Rothsay, N. B., 430 Rough, George W., 375 Malinda-Broceus,375 Myrtle Malinda, 375 Rounds, Charles Bean 194 Dora Madehne, 194 Ella Frances, 194 George Monroe, 194 Helen Norwood, 195 Henrietta Perley, 194 InaG., 195 Ina Gertrude, 194 John 1^., 194 Joseph, 194 Mary Etta, 194 Mina De Hart, 194 Nancy-Small, 194 Nathaniel, 194 Pauhne, 194 Ralph P., 194 Samuel Perley, 194 Wilham, 194 William Haskell, 194 Roundy, -> 553 Julia, .630 Rouse, Avis Anne 538 Rowan-Legg, Aubrey Bur- leigh, 586 Edward Lutwidge, 580 Jane Ehzabeth-Burleigh, 586 Rowe, Elizabeth Allen. 544 Rowell, Dorothy, 267 Flora May, 052 K William, 606 Lois-Rowell, 606 May Lucinda, 000 Urbane F., 431 Rowley Common, 381 Rowley, Gage's Hist, of, 206 Rowley Green, 206 734 THE PERLEY FAMILY Rowley, Mass., vi, 4, 11, 13, 15, 25-27,30, 33,35,43- 46, 48, 52, 59, 63, 70, 75-81, 83, 84, 86, 89-93, 98, 100, 101, 104-106, 113, 122, 148, 149, 151- 153, 159, 160, 164-166, 178, 179, 182, 183, 185, 196, 197, 204, 205 207, 208, 218, 268, 269, 290, 294 297, 308, 313, 316. 317, 323-326, 333, 338, 346, 361-363. 365, 367. 381. 468. 528-530, 547. 548, 558-560, 587, 594, 628. 629, 633. 640, 643. 649, 650 Rowley records, 642, 644 Roxbury, Mass., 119, 202. 332 454, 465 Royal Arcanum, 361, 615 Royalston, 244, 438, 439 Royalston, Mass., 538 R's, the three, 439 Rubicon, crossed the, 181 Rublee, Amherst Willoughby 610 Raymond Seymour, 010 Susan-Smith, 610 William Ezra, 610 William Seymour 610 Ruck, Jf)hn, 16 Ruddiman, Ellen Mattison, 562 Rugby, xviii Ruger, Gen. T. H , 565 Ruling Elder, 45, 632 Rumford, Mc., 62 Rumncy, N. H., 1H3, 362, 471 Rumsey, Harriet M., 612 Lucy Burch, 612 Norman, 612 Rundlc. Maria, 491 Rundlett, Betsey Potter, 329 Dora Prescott, 329 Elizabeth Blanchard, 324 Josiah, 329 Mehitable-Plumincr, 324 OUver, 625 Runnels, Arvilla, 625 Enos, 122 Rushagonis, 407 Rushford, N. Y , 607 Rusk, Adelaide, 611 A. F., 611 David Joseph, 611 Jennie-Watson, 611 John Cleaves, 611 Russ, Anna C. -Snyder. 531 Christian, 531 Gladys Hale, 532 Willis Roberts, 531 Russell, , 634 Andrew, 198 Dorothy-Jewett, 198 Edmund Asbury, 198 Edward Woodbury, 198 Emma Robinson, 635 Ezra, 7, 72, Frances, 635 Frances-Golding, 635 Frank Allen, 198 John, 375, 635 Mabel Clifton. 198. 201 Mabel Vivian, 198 Russell County, 473, 474 Russell, Messrs. 168 Russia, 383, 572 Russians, fought, 668 Rust, Ann I,ouisa, 197 Aunt Judith, 207 Benjamin Tucker, 197 CaroUne E., 198 Caroline Elizabeth, 196 Catherine, 196 Charles, 196 Charles Henry. 197 Charles Linwood, 201 Charles P., 197 Charles Perley, 196, 197 Christie Verne, 198 daughte., 102 Dennison, 196, 197 Elvira J., 201 Elvira Jane, 197 Ernest Carter, 198 Ethel Lena, 197 Francis A. P., 200 Francis Augustus Pea- body, 197 Fred Clifton, 197 George Henry, 196 Hannah, 196 Harriet A., 197 Harriet Ann, 196 Harriet Newhall, 201 Helen F. 201 Helen Farley, l97 Jacob, 291 Jennie Frances, 200 John, 196 Judith, 196, 207 Louisa, 197 Lucrctia Smith, 196 Lucy M., 198 Lucy Mary, 196 Maud C, 201 Maud Clayton, 197 Moses R., 136 Nathaniel, 196, 197, 203 Nathaniel P., 197 Nathaniel Perley, 190 Rena Fisk, 200 Ruel, 197 vSally, 196 Sally P., 198 Sally Pcrlev, 196 Sarah Frances, 196, 198 Sarah-Robbins, 196 Valcncourt Eugene, 197. 201 Wallis, 110 Walter .Sumner, 197 WiUiam Augusta, 200 Rust cellar, 203 family, 203 Genealogy, 196 mansion, 203 Rust & Grant, 197 Rutland, Mass., 59 Rutland, Vt., 278, 561 Ryder, Anna Eliza, 302 Isaiah, 302 Isaiah Lewis, 302 Lewis Henry, 302 Phocbe-Kennisoii, .302 Roena-Paul, 593 Thomas Caldwell, 593 WiHis Thomas, 593 Sabattus, Me., 393, 454 Sabetha, 561 Sacajawea, 598 Sachem, chief, 411 Saco Valley Settlements, Rid- lon's, 220 Safford, Mehitable, 33 William, 290 Sagamore, Masconnomet. 10 Wunjeet, 411 Sage, Mary Ann, 516 Saginaw, Mich., 578 Saladee, Lillian Leota, 271 Salem Court House, 291 Salem Gazette, xi, 73, 121, 166, 172, 173, 199. 205, 206, 209, 222, 280, 291, 346, 523, 542. 627, 638, 640 Salem Journal, 467 Salem, Mass., xii, 4, 15, 25, 33, 41, 51, 54, 56, 57, 64, 70, 71, 77, 85, 92, 105, 107, 111-113, 124, 136, 144, 149, 155, 159, 172. 176, 184, 187, 188, 197, 199, 200, 201, 205, 207, 208, 222, 223, 225, 275, 279, 280, 287, 290, 298, 306, 307. 325, 333, 348, 353, 359, 360, 417, 445, 447, 448, 465 467, 475, 613, 515, 522, 523, 543, 545 549, 552, 615, 616, 624, 625, 628, 642, 645, 648, 649, 654. 658 Salem. Me.. 267 Salem Modiste, 199 Salem newspapers, 540 Salem, N. H., 58, 289, 307 500, 553 Salem Observer, 86, 340 Salem Register, 307, 473 Salem Telegram, 540, 622 Salem Village, Mass., .32 Salem Village, N. H., 354 Salisbury, 149 Salisbury, Mass., 107, 209,210 212, 381. 501, 506, 648 Salisbury, Mo., 351 vSalisbury, N. H., 466, 469 Sallop, p;ng., 316 Salmon Falls, N. IL, 291 Salt Lake City, 400 Samuel, the, 2.33 San Antonio. 370 San Bernardino, Cal., 649 Sanborn, Abijah, 270 Benjamin F., 282 C. H., 532 Eleanora, 270, 272 Hannah, 375 Herschel A., 272 Herschel Almeron, 270 Jacob, 330 Joseph, 270 Mary, 270 Mary A., 272 Mary Apphia, 270 Pearl Smith, 330 Sail V Dame, 3.30 William Hunt, 330 Sanborn, N. Dak., 631 Sanbornton Bay, 168 Sanbornton, N. H., 270, 272, 282, 283, 330, 343, 477 478, 490, 560, 641, 042, 647 Sanderson, Stephen, 631 San Diego, Cal., 635, 637 Sandon, B. C, 637 Sandusky, O., 479, 609 Sandwich, Mass., 604 vSanford, Me., 161, 463 San F'rancisco Cal., 18, 49, 152, 174, 175, 344, 371. 400, 406, 407, 456, 504, 513, 563, 564, 604, 613, 624, 635, 637, 654 .San Jacinto, 376 San Jose, Cal., 634 San Rafael, Cal., 514 vSanta Rosa, Cal., 439, 440 Santiago de Cuba, 163 Saratoga, 96, 161, 183 Sargent, Amy Ann, 281 Amy Snowdon, 279, 281 Ann E., 460 Anthony Colby, 281 Anthony Burpee, 281 Arthur J., 283 Charles H., 74 Charles Seamans, 281 Christopher, 143 Curtis H., 281 Dolly, 281 Eddie, 281 Elizabeth, 509 Frank Nichols, 281 George, 460 James, 286 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 735 Sargent, James Severance, 281 John Gibson, 281 Julia Ann, 283 Julia Ann-Hadley, 283 Marcus Everett, 281 Mary Ann, 281 Peter, 281 Proctor Perlev, 281 Robert M., 28 L Rodney, 460 Sally, 281 vSarah, 140 Stephen, 281 Story Low. 281 Tabitha, 212 Valentine, 286 Sarner, Gusta Ida, 369 Jane-Anderson, 369 John, 369 Saugus, 312, 513-515, 666 Saunders, , 632 Amos N., 324 Amos Nelson, 547 Rertie, 324 David, 103 Edward, 324 Edward Daniel, 324 EUzabeth-Clark, 324 EHzabeth-Pickard, 324 Ella Maria, 324 Harrington, 324 Julia G., 316 Lucy Perkins Hobbs, 547 Mary, 218 Mary Augusta, 547 Moses S., 324 Savage, 19 Savage Place, 141 Savage Station, 90 Savannah, Ga., 90, 162, 207, 321 Savings Bank, Dry Dock, 385, 386 Savory, Betsey Balch, 308 Charles Putnam, 308 Ellen Maria, 308 Hannah Holton, 308 Lucy Perley, 308 Mary Stevens, 308 Moses, 308 Moses Putnam, 308 Priscilla Parker, 308 Thomas, 307, 308 Thomas William, 308 William, 307 WilHam P., 308 Savoy, Alma, 370 Martin, 370 Mary Susan -Goff, 370 Sawin, Tulia A., 191 Luke, 246 Sawyer, Abbie Huston, 644 Agnes Gertrude, 644 Albert, 525 Alberta. 525 Albert N., 195 Albert Newell, 643 Alvira, 277 Anna-Fowler, 64.3 Anna-Richards, 525 Benjamin. 44 Casta Agnes 227 Cephas P., 195, 644 Cephas Franklin, 643 Clara Augusta-Thayer, 644 Cora Adelaide, 644 Diadama-Cooper, 226 Elbridge, J., 606 Enoch, 110, 113 Eva Nettie, 644 Ezra, 244 Fanny, 469 Foster Perley, 226 Harriet Merle, 227 Hattie M,. 227 Hattie May, 226 Henry Clifford, 644 Homer Benson, 227 Irving Trueman, 227 Jennette, B., 195 Jennette Barrill, 64'i Jennie May, 226 Joanna-Pickett, 277 John Durgin, 644 John F., 195 John Fowler, 371, 643 Kneeland Arthur, 227 Leslie Horace, 226 Lurinda P., 195, 644 Lucinda Perley, 643 Malinda-Perley, 371 Mary, 44 Mary-Gochey, 606 Micajah, 110, 113 Paul, 226 Percy Winficld, 644 Polly K., 469 Reuben, 195, 643 Roscoe Oscar, 226 Ruth, 39 Sally, 453 Samuel, 139 Truman I., 227 Truman Irons, 226 Wallace Elbridge, 606 Wilbert Perley, 644 Willard, 195, 371. 643 William, 277 WilHam Leslie, 227 William Yeaton, 226 Saybrook Hall, 78 Sayre, Joshua, 486 Thomas, 486 Say ward House, 146, 305 Saxon, xvi, xix, xx, 508 Saxonville, Mass., 208, 629 Saxsmith, Margaret-Bunbry, 426 Michael, 426 Sarah, 426 Scanipton, Francis, 514 Frank Perley, 514 Harry George, 514, 652 Helen-Hill, 514 Mary Louisa, 514 AVilliam, 514 Willie Chapman, 514 Scandia, Kan., 480 Scarboro, 370 Scarr, Eliza Jane, 409 Joseph, 409 Mary-Coulson, 409 Scathern, Mary, 202 Schencks, Mary Elizabeth, 93 Schenectady, N. Y., 456 Schoharie County, N. Y., 441 Schoharie, N. Y., 418 Scholars, 4500, 420 Scholey, Charles Herbert, 387 George Barrett, 387 Margaret Isabella-Amos, 387 School, Amer. Deaf, 549 Amos Perley' s, 144 Bible, 455 Boston Latin, 512, 531 Boston University, 544 Bryant & Stratton'sCom. 458, 501 Butte High, 401 Chicago Med., 491 Chicago Univ., 609 City Normal, Dayton, O 485 Collegiate Gram., 584 Deaf and Dumb, 340 Dedham High, 529 Dr. Huntingford's xviii Elliott Hospital, 463 English High, 69, 528 609, 623 Episcopal Sunday, 569 Fargo High, 477 Farmington Normal, 422 Feoffees' , Ipswich, 259 for Boys, State, 455 Fredericton High, 410, 430 Free, 185 Georgetown High, 458, 543, 546 Girls' High, 334 Gorhani Normal, 371 Harvard Med., 296, 653 Haverhill High, 501, 619 High, 353, 410 High of St. John, 408 Holten High, 347, 514, 550 Ipswich High, (See Man- ning High) Laconia High, 433 Lowell High, 381 Lyman, 365 Lynn High, 451 Maiden High, 536 Manchester High, 381 Manning High, Ipswich, 77, 198, 202, 338, 341, 535, 536, 542, 617,622, 623 Mark Hopkins' Training, 616 Mass. Naut. Training, 621 Mass. Normal Art, 433 Medical, 491 Methuen High, 433 Michigan City High, 253 Michigan Law, 401 Military, xviii Miss Edwards', 374 Mission, 415 Moncton High, 410, 447, 448 Newburyport High, 331 Newburyport Training, 618 New Hamphshire, State Normal, 331 New York Med., 447 Normal, 455 Normal, Salem, 158 of Oratory, Boston, xi of Methods, summer, 486 Oswego Normal, 485 Ottawa Grammar, 473 Peabody High, 466, 614 Pecatonica High, 359 Perley Free, 180, 185, 187 533 Pickering, Salem, 348 Portland High, 564 Plymouth High, 609 Plymouth Normal, 464 Putnam, 618 Putnam Free, 458, 517 Reform, 365 Richford High, 484 Roxbury High, 531 Sabbath, 312 Salem Commercial, 535, 614 .Salem High, 615 Salem, Normal, 543 Sheffield vScientific, 511 State Normal, 249, 331, 546, 562, 601 State Reform. 649, 650 St. George, Newport, R. I., 272 St. Mary's, Concord, 471 St. Paul, Cambridge, 362 St. Paul's, Concord, 473, 474, Sunday, 155, 199, 309, 317, 358, 436, 467, 539. 547, 620, 624 Sunday, first Dracut, 144 736 THE PERLEY FAMILY School, Taplcy Grammar, 514 Teachers' Fitting, 455 Teachers' Training, 334 Terry's, 373 Topsfield High, 540 Training, Boston, 332 Training, Oswego, N. V., 485 Vermont State Summer, 609 Volkmann, 447 Wakefield High, 021 Wavcrly High, 053 Willard Hall, Hanvers, 535 Winnipeg High, 582 Yale I.aw, 607 Yale Theolf)g, 609 School Board, Salem, 467 Board, New London, 464 Building, Perley Free, 187 House, an old, 314 House, Perley's, 578 Rcgt., Boston, 512 Schoolcraft, Mich., 304, 305 Schools in Can., and Eng., 584 Schooner, (See also Ship, Sloop), Hope, 210 Regulator, 209, 210 Sally, 107 Success, 000 Schley, Admiral, 163 Schreiter, David M., 596 Scituate, Mass., 4.54 Scotch Ancestry, 69 Scotch Descent, xiv Scotch family, 389 Scotch Highlands, xvii Scotch Language, xv Scotch Pine, xvii .Scotch Plains, N. J., 417, 580 Scotch pronounciation, xiv Scotchtown, N. B., 392 Scotland, xix, 14. 239, 395, 408, 426, 020 Scotland Hill, 58 Scott, Andrew 215 Benjamin, 159, 160, 101 102, 182 Benjamin Smith, 547 Bridget-Boynton, 159 Charles Frederick, 557 Dolly, 1.59, 181 Elizabeth, 159, 321 559 Ella Frances, 547 Hannah, 159, 160 Hannah-HufI, 557 Harold Madison, 325 Helen Adclia, 557 Horace, M., 324 John, 557 John W., 527 Lidie-Beauchamp, 527 Lydia, 442 Lydia-Dickinson, 215 Mabel I.., 324 Martha, 92, 159 Martha- Perley, 181 Mary Ann, 78, 159 Mary Blanton, 527 Mary H., 325 Mary-Smith, 547 Nancy, 182 Nathaniel, 78 159, 161 Perley, 159, 160 Sally, 159, 160 Samuel, 159, 161. 547 Sarah, 159 Sarah Ann, 215 Sylvester, 160 Scott farm, 159 Scottish family, the an., 383 Scott's Hill, 159, 323 Scott's Lane, 2 Scribner, David M,. 365 Emeline M., 525 Ivmeline-Patch, 365 Huldah, 421 Julia Ann, 365 Scribner's Hill, Harrison, 365 Scripture. Illustrated, 496 Scvtheville, 271 Seabrook, N. H., 48, 94, 98, 107, 108, 112, 190, 193, 195 Seal, the Ipswich Town, 21 Scamans, Rev. Job, 269 vSearcy, Ark., 373, 374 Searl, Jeremiah, 45 Searlc, Eunice, 312 Sears, Lt.-Col. Barnabus, 657 Seattle, Wash., 378, 428, 499, 580 Seaver, Ardell Knowlton, 502 Helen Cymanthe, .5.53 Olive Maria-Emery, 502 Olive May, 502 Warren, 502 Willis Woodman, 502 Sebec, Me., 521, 536 Sebec Village, Me., 303 Sedgewick Me., 319 Sedgwick Hospital, 199 Seeds, Linda Bell. 42H Mary Elizabeth-Page, 428 William, 428 William Page, 428 Seely, Elizabeth Davis, 629 William Wallace, 629 Seelye, Prof., 105 Seminary, Andover, 291 Andover Thcolog., 347, 512, Bangor Theolog., 205 Baptist, 580 East Northficld, Mass., 428 Ooddard, 496 Huguenot, 415 Ipswich I'cmale, 373 Kent's Hill, 307 Kcnyon Theological, 653 Toadies', 406 Maine Wesleyan, 380 419, 422 Mount Holyokc, 155 Newbury, 493 Newton Thef)log., 507 Til ton, 626 Union Thcolog., 387 Wasioja, 599 Westbrook, 496 Williston, 347 Young Ladies', 415 Senate, Mass., 49.5 of University, N. B., 035 State, 511 the, 581 the National, 385 U. S., 552 Senator, Mass. State, 107 N. H.. 492 State, 44 U. S., 18 vSencca, N. Y.. 428 Sentinel, the, 200, 524 Sergeant, Jeannctte, 293 Sermon, Century, 32.3 Severance, Ann, 281 Judith, 281 Mary Ann, 255 Mary Cynthia, 530 Seward, William H., 385 Sewards Mills, Vassalboro, 521 Sewell, Esther, 591 Jonathan, 112, 114 Sexton, Belle Doncll, 569 EUsha D., 509 Eliza A., 509 Seymour, Emily, 380 Shaftsbury. Vt., 247 Shannon, Catherine, 428 Mrs., 571 Shannondale, Mo., 649 Shapleigh, Me., 197 Shapley, Me., 197 Sharon, Ct., 491 Sharon, Vt., 462 Sharpe, Agnes May, 226 Hannah-Birmingham, 624 Shattuck, Emily-Maynard, 484 James Harlan, 484 Louisa, 5.34 Maria, 469 Oliver, 657 William B., 484 Shattuck, the pioneer, 234 Shaw, Abijah, 19 Eliza- Dennis, 135 Harriet-Banner, 198 Henry, 198 Joseph, 135 Margaret, 537 Martha E.. 135 Mary, 232 Mary Josephine-Splane, 600 Matilda-Drier, 409 Mattie Marretta, 409 Sedgefield Douglas, 409 Walter James, 198 Shays, going after old, 165 Shays' Rebellion, 165, 166 Shears, Ehza, 418 Shcdiac, 585 Sheffield Academy, N. B., 218, 219 Sheffield, 111., 560 Sheffield, Mass., 491 Sheffield, N. B., 120, 210-219 201, 399, 579, 583, 034, 045, 650 Sheibly, J. S.. 245 Sheldon, Vt., 479, 483, 625 Shelton, Ct., 486 Shely, Elizabeth Margaret- Allen, 489 Elizabeth Pearl, 489 John Daniel, 489 Shennandoah Valley, 202 Shepard, Samuel, 373 Ursula, 373 Shepherd, Jeremiah, 155 Mary F^lizabeth, 1.55 Mary-Symonds, 155 Shepherd & Co., Salem, 466 Shepley, Annie V., 126 Bessie, 126 George, 126 J. G., 120 Sheridan, Mont., 404 Sheriff, 68 Sherman, EH, 487 I'lorence E., 611 Gen., 441, 612 Orretta, 487 Polly-Phelps, 487 Sherman's Mills, Me., 393 Sherwood I-'orest, Eng., 202 Shields, James Archibald, 423 Mary Ann-Langhan, 423 May Louisa, 424 Sherwin, Anna, 69 Betsey, 69 David, 69 FMward, 69 Hannah, 69 Henry, 69 Jonathan, 69 Mary, 69 Mary-Crombip, 09 Patty, 09 Rebecca, 09 Sally, 09 Thomas, 68, 69 Shiloh, Me., 454, 455 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 737 Ship, (See also Schooner, Sloop,) Admiral Sampson, 588 Arabella, the good, 494 Aurora, 210 Betsey, 205 Caesar, (transport), 655 Comet, (Brig.), 205 Des Moines, 202 Enterprise, 621 Favorite, 205, 209-211 George, 172, 642 Hannah, 210 Hartford, 516 Tames, 205 jason, 210 Mayflower, 650 Rising Sun, 210 Volant, 203, 205 vShirley A., 308 Shirley Village, 246 Short, Chester Perley, 501 Clarence Eleazer, 501 Eleazer Pettengill, 500 Elmira- Adams, 500 James Henry, 500 Nancy-Gillespie, 518 Philip, 128 Tempe E., 518 William N., 518 Show, Barnum & Bailey, 567 W. C. Coup., 567 World's Greatest, 567 Shows, Batchellor & Doris,567 Shropshire, Eng., 316 Shurtlefi", Jane E., 247 Shute house, 175 Sic volvere Parcas, viii Sidmore, Mary, 344 Sarah P., 344 Stephen Felton, 344 Siege of Boston, Frothing- ham's, 145 Sierra Madre, Cal., 227 Signature, 650, 652 Silhouettes, 169, 298, 299 Silloway, Charles, 489 Sarah Matilda, 489 Silver Bow, Mont., 400, 401, 667 Silver spoons, 39, 56 Simmons, Caroline-Briggs,405 Cyrus, 634 George, 405 Ralph Woodbury, 405 Samuel, 218 Warren Perley, 405 Simonds, , 632 Angle George, 518 Annie, 548 Benjamin, 659 Charles, 414 James, vii, viii Lucy Ellen, 614 Mary B. -George, 518 Nathan, vii Richard, vii, viii, 414 Willard, 518 Simonds, N. B., 634 Simkins, Cicelia, 507 Simpson, Abigail J., 629 Frank, 105 Harry, 105 Helen, 629 Michael, 105, 106 Michael Henry, 629 Paul, 629 Sinclair Hotel, 160 Sioux City, la., 442 Sioux Falls, 599, 601 Sizergh, the house of, 190 Skeffington, Catherine, 287 Skemihorn, Magdalene, 428 Sketches, hundred, iii Skillin, Joanna Drinkwater, 644 Mary Augusta, 380 .Skillings, Mary Ann, 379 Skinner, Anna Lydia, 484 Chancev, 484 Lura-Wheatley, 484 Skynner, Georgina Helen, 390 John, 390 Marv-Adamson, 390 Slade, Lambert &, 608 Sleeper, Susan D., 354 Sligo, Ire., 649 Slipp, James, 581 Phebe August e, 581 Phebe-Mcrritt, 581 Sloat, Phebe, 394 Sloop, (See also Schooner, Ship, ) Mohican, 332 of War Curlew, 205 Yarico, 205 vSmall, Clarice Oxnard, 643 Clarissa O., 195 James, 643 Jeremiah, 453 Mrs., 55 Nancy, 194 Susannah-Huston, 643 Small pox. 139, 142 Smart, Mehitable, 145 Smith, , 643 Abbie Parmelia-Everett, 249 Abigail, 82 Adaline Amelia, 408 Agnes Laura, 605 Alexander, 530 Alfred Atherton, 635 Ancell, 119 Andrew, 214 Andrew Robinson Gid- dings, 82 Anna Melissa, 609 Annie Bell, 423 Annie F.-Currier, 547 Annie-Fulton, 636 Annie Mary, 82 Ansel, 82 Ansil Irving, 82 Anson, 82 Apphia, 82 Asahel, 135, 658 Augustus P., 274 Austin William, 648 Azro A., 141 Beatrice Gertrude, 648 Benjamin, 204 Betsey, 105 Betsey Alida-Palmer, 432 Betsev M., 324 Carl Edward, 610 Carrie-Emmerick, 284 Carrie J., 589 / Charles, 215 Charles Perley, 390, 391 Charlotte, 116 Charlotte-Hull. 610 Christopher, 231 Cushman Perley, 606 Daniel, 364 David Colby, 295 Dolly, 141 Drusilla Atkins, 623 Ebenezer, 141 Ednah Dow, 610 Edward, 636 Edward P., 547 Edward Henry, 606 Edward W., 610 Edward Winso-r, 609 Effie Ann, 249 E. H., 606 Elisha Winsor, 609 Elizabeth, 68, 374 EUzabeth Ann, 629 Elkanah, 82 Ella Anna, 216 Ella M., 647 Ella Perlev, 548 Ella S. -Livingstone, 631 Elmeda Ester, 631 Emeline, 231 Emily, 569 Emma Condell, 529 Emma Jane, 82 Esther, 636 Ezra Biley, 609 Frances Shcpard, 373 Francis Arthur, 215 P'rank David. 296 Frederic Perley, 296 Fred Stevens, 296 Fuller Andrews, 364 George, 232 George A., 631 George Edwin 82 George Elvin 284 George Irving, 296 George M., 284 Hannah, 141, 283 Hannah-Goodhue, 306 Harriet Ehzabeth, 246 Harriet Farley, 196 H. De F., 160 Henry, 82 Henry Edward Leavitt, 215 Henry Sutton Burgess, 82 Herbert E., 610 Herbert Ezra, 609 Herbert LeB., 636 Herbert LeBaron, 635 Hezekiah, 32 H. LeB., 632, 633, 654 H. LeBaron, iii, 397 Homer L., 610 Homer Lyman, 609 Homer M., 610 Hugh, 530 Isaac, 606 Isaac Cushman, 606 Isaiah, 81 Isaiah Perley, 82 Jacob, 404 James, 64, 82, 103 James T., 664 Jane-Rurns, 423 Jane Elizabeth Sayre,486 Jemima- Foster, 82 Jemima-McArthur, 530 Jennie Louise, 654 J. E., 605 Jeremiah, 196 J. G., 472 John, 27, 296, 318, 327 492 John Bush, 432 John Calvin, 91 John McLellan, 390 John Robert, 635 Tohn Treadwell, 215 John William, 390 Jonathan, 72, 116 Joseph, 156 Joseph Chapman, 82 Joshua Vincent, 82 Julia Louisa, 364 Kate Luella, 274 Keziah-Gould, 157 Landlord, 106 Lawrence, 142 Lewis Patch, 606 Lewis Swan, 82 Lottie Mercy, 432 Louisa L -Trull, 654 Lucy 1 1 6 Lucv- Pulsipher, 196 Luther, 249 Lydia Taylor- Wedge, 609 Master, 106 Maggie Louisa, 605 Marcell Nelson, 142 Maria, 404 Maria Elizabeth, 215 Margaret, 610 Margaret Ann, 492 738 THE PBRLEY FAMILY Smith, Margaret Ann-Rogers, 91 Margaret McLellan, 390 Margaret-McLellan, 390 Martha EUza, 609 Mary, 547 Mary Ann, 407, 514, 610 Mary Elizabeth, 296 Mary-Hoy, 492 Mary-Nelson, 364 "Master," 105 Minnie Lewis, 635 Miriam, 142 Nathaniel, 373 Nathan Perley, 606 Nelson Harvey, 142 Perley, 141 Perley Dennison, 82 Priscilla, 138, 640 Rebecca, 141 Richard A., 529 Robert, 635 Ruth, 82 Ruth Ann, 156 S., 209 Sally, 306 Samuel Cornwall, 423 Sarah, 82, 149 Sarah- Carpenter, 635 Sarah-Burnham, 606 Sarah -Clark, 605 Solon B., 385 Susan, 610 Thomas, 43, 306 Thomas Barker, 215 Thomas Treadwell, 215 Thomas WelHngton, 635 Urania Pease, 454 Ursula-Shepard, 373 Walter S., 547 William Edward, 635 William Emile De Lisle, 405 William Francis, 215 "WilHe," 580 Winslow Ruggles, 405 Smith Homestead, Geo., 2, 4 Smithfield, Martyr, 43 Smithson, Bessie, 391 Henry, 391 William Harrison, 391 Smythe, Mary Emma, 585 Matilda lCmma-Meen,585 WilUam H., 585 Snodgrass, Elizabeth 636 Snow, , 277 Etta, 226 Snowflake Axle Grease Co., 552 Snowman, James, 4.53 Snyder, Anna C, 531 James, 442 John Edward, 442 Loran Perley, 442 Nancy V.-Tate, 442 Sobo, Ont., 428 Society, (See also Fraternity, Order) Agricultural, 329 Allawakee County Agri., 234 Amer. Peace, 495 British Templars, 423 Children's Aid, 390 Colonial Wars, 565 Cumberland County Agri. 220, 416 First Cong., Winthrop, 149 First Religious, 255 First Universalist, 505 for aged Females, 80 Friends, 263, 264 Ladies' Aid., 650 Lynn Hist., 450 Mass. Agri., 121 Mass. Med., 618 N. B., Hist , 397 N. E. Hist. & Geneal., 256, 257, 546 of Friends, 647 Orthodox Cong. George- town, 184, 168 Orthodox Cong., Line- brook, 185, 186 Pa. Soldiers' Relief, 572 Pi Eta, 447 Revolutionary, 565 Second Universalist, 496 State Horticultural, 235 State Temperance, 511 Sunbury Agri., 423 Topsfield Hist., 540 Total Abstinence, 423 Universalist, 496 Upper Can. Bible, 390 Upper Can. Religious Tract & Book, 390 Washington. 504 ■Winthrop Universalist, 309 Soden, Jane-Weaver, 608 Justin R, 608 Margaret Perley, 608 William T, 608 William Theodore, 608 Soderhaum, Sweden, 368 Soldier, Union, 612 Soldiers' Home, Mass., 91 Solon, 150, 151 Somerby, Sarah, 506 Somervilie Day Nursery 372 Somerville, Mass., 90,142,316, 335, 372, 373, 530, 549, 609, 666 Somes, Claflin, Allison &, 625 Somes, Eliza Jane [-] Grotto, 200 James Roberts, 200 John James, 200 Sons of Revolution, 613 of Veterans, 163 Soper, Benjamin Everett, 648 Sophocles' plays, 643 Souhegan, 70 Soule, Augustus Carrol, 303 Edna Marion, 303 Mary- Heal, 303 Willis Pliny, 303 South America, 208 South Bend, Ind., 373-375,442 South Bend Plough Co., 374 South Bethlehem, Pa., 568 South Boston, 202, 232, 272 288, 400, 496, 595 South Braintree, Mass., 277 Southbridge, 496 South Bridgton, Me., 219, 220 252, 416, 439 South Byfield, 151 South Carolina, 207 South China, Me., 266, 521 South Dakota, 159 South Danvers, 280, 307 348, 465-467 Souther, Mary Anna, 494 Samuel, 142 South Florida, 235 South Gardner, 246, 247 Southgate, Robert, 91, 97 South Georgetown, 88, 175, 180, 254, 294, 312, 350 South Groveland, 154, 460 South Hadley, Mass., 116,447, ■ 609 South Hampton, 26 vSouth Hampton, Eng., xii South Hampton, L. I., 486 South Lawrence, 248 South Legrange, Me., 499 South Lewiston, 365 South Londonderry, Vt., 432 South Manchester, Ct., 510 South Mountain, 385, 576, 595 South Newbury, O., 466 South Reading, 246, 317 South Royalston, Mass., 439 South Royalton, Vt., 462 South Sudbury, Mass., 86 South, the, 517 Southwick, Eliza-Hutchin- son, 614 Emma, 614 George, 41 James, 614 Sarah, 77 WiUiam, 77 Southworth, Senator, 518 South Windham, Me., 380 Spafford, Daniel, 110, 113 Spain, 175. 277, 508 Spanish Coast, 253 Spanish Fleet, 163 Spanish Language, 541 Spanish milled dollars, 54, 121 Sparhawk, Edward, 55 Sparta, 96 Spartan band, 655 Spartan, brave, 147 Sparta, Ont., 647 Sparta, Tenn., 580 Spalding, Phebe, 417 Spaulding, Benjamin, 225 Benjamin Franklin, 640 Betsev, 640 Charlotte. 640 Emily, 487 Harriet EHzabeth, 271 Jeremiah, 128. 129, 640 John Milton, 640 Joseph, 291 Mary, 225, 640 Mehitable, 128 Mr., 56 Spearing, Susannah, 91 Spcm, Reduxit, 425 Spencer, Adolizer, 226 Clarissa Stevens, 226 Eliza Bumps, 226 James Sampson, 226 Mary Jane Bryant, 226 Nancy Clark, 226 Pamela Spaulding, 226 Robert, 226 Sarah. 450 Spencer, Mass., 317 Spear, Frances Perley, 405 John, 405 Joseph, 405 Margaret-Hemphill, 405 Stanley Mclntyre, 405 Spcerville, N. B., 405 Spillcr, Charles G., 526 Frances Lillian, 548 Hannah, 86, 333 Lavinia Day, 560 Mary Elizabeth-Wildes, 163 Mary Helen, 163 Timothy Whitney, 163 Splane, Bertha May, 666 Edward J., 666 Lizzie, 666 Mary Josephine, 666 Wilham, 666 Spofford, Abel, 505 Abigail, 70, 80 Abigail-Perley, 24 Apphia, 80 Augustus M., 175 Catherine S., 292, 314 Charles Milton, 158 Charlotte Eustis, 587 Christine Swalm, 158 Daniel, 80, 292, 505 Dorcas- Hopkinson, 70 Elizabeth, 89 Elizabeth, Maria, 444 Elizabeth Nelson, 158 Ellen Wood, 158 Eunice-Lincoln, 292 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 739 Spofford, Fred, 516 Gardner, 444, 516 George Henry, 158 George Hervey, 444 George Milton, 158, 546 Hannah-Hardy, 505 Harriet Hood, 158, 546 Helen Perley, 516 Israel, 70 Jeremiah, 80 John, 23, 70 Judith-Follansbee, 80, 292 I.eander, 292, 314 "Lizzie M.," 445 Lucy, 80 Mary Elizabeth, 158 Mary Mighill, 292 Mary Mighill-Perley, 314 Mary-Platts, 444, 516 Melvin G., 516 Melvin L., 516 M. G., 294 Mrs. George M., 158 Olive, 70, 627 Parker, 51, 52, 73 Moody, 291 Preston Gardner, 444 Sarah, 52, 70, 292, 505, 627 Sarah Peabody-Hood,546 Sarah Wheeler, 23 Sewell, 158 William, 25, 70, 292 Spofford Homestead, 70, 546 Spofford place, Abel, 505 Spofford's Hill, 291, 629 Spokane, Wash., 317, 636 Spottsylvania, 90 Spouting Horn, Nahant, 450 Sprague, Celestia-Wilkins, 454 Clara A., 454 Jefferson, 454 Spring, Rev. Samuel, 290 Springer, Mary Ann, 392 Springfield, Mass. 293, 350, 359, 459, 509, 511, 539, 541, 598, 619, 621, 623 Springfield, N. H., 269, 273, 275-277, 281, 381, 463- 465 Springfield on the Credit, 390 Springfield Union, 619, 620 Springfield, Vt., 271, 525 Springford. Ont., 390 Spring Hill, la., 253, 441, 443 Springwater, N. Y., 590 Sprout, Lt.-Col., 657 Spurr, Abigail-Wright, 364 Enoch, 364 Sophronia, 364 Squadron. Gulf, 516 Squire, Alna Jane, 525 Joseph Austin, 525 Lucinda-Craigue, 525 St. Albans, Eng., xii, xiv, xvi, 15, St. Albans, Me., 452 St. Albans, Vt., 474, 480, 485, 602 St. Andrews Cross, xii St. Andrews Herald, 223 St. Andrews, N. B., 222, 223 St. Anthony Falls, 377 St. Armand, Que., 605 St. Charles, Mo., 508 St. Claire, Mary, 253 St. Croix County, 439 St. Croix Falls, 252 St. Croix Falls Bank, 440 St. George, N. B., 198 St John Daily Telegraph, 395 St. John. N. B., 129, 196, 214, 215, 217, 219, 239, 241, 253, 261, 390-393, 397, 399-401, 406-408, 410-414, 441, 579, 580, 583-586, 636-638 St. John Evening Times, 239 St. John Sun, 412 St. Johnsbury, Vt., 471, 602, 604-606 St. Joseph County Council, 374 St. Joseph, Missouri, 377, 561 St. Lawrence, Gulf of, 411 St. Louis, Mo., 225, 294, 377, 403, 508, 515, 518, 565, 607 St. Mary's, Indiana, 374 St. Mary's, N. B., 237, 238, 423 St. Paul, Minn., 240, 312,368. 424, 490, 492, 508. 523 St. Stephen, N. B., 391, 409 St. Thomas, N. B., 242 St. Valentine's Day, 539 Stacy, Mary, 231 Mary Jane, 231 Samuel, 231 Stacy Place, John, 250 Stafford County, N. H., 94 Stafford, Ellen, 387 Stahlberg, Ida Caroline, 492 John, 492 Staley Bridge, Eng., 441 Stamford, Ct., 509, 511. 512 Standard, xxii Standish, Miles, 202 Standish, Me., 219, 221, 638 Standley, Mary Elizabeth- Swancy, 202 Robert Burns, 202 Stanford, Leland, 651 Stanley, Anson, 577 Betsey, 474 Diantha-Morey, 577 George E.. 44.5 Lena Maude, 577 Stanley House, 94 Stannard, Gen. G. J., 517 Stanton, Adeline Eliza-Mor- gan, 651 Egbert, 651 Minnie Ellen, 651 Staples, Eva, 557 Stanstead, P. Q., 349, 610 Star Chamber Court, xii Starbird, Mary Susan, 370 Olive-Berry, 371 William Simonton. 371 Starkey, Anna Pierce, 247 Byron Gilbert, 247 Dexter P., 247 Emma Tsadore, 247 George Washington, 247 Lilla Maria, 247 Mary Mahala, 247 Stark's History of Dunbarton 460 Starr, Abigail, 42 Comfort, 41 , 42 Ebenezer, 42 Elizabeth, 42 Ephraim, 42 Frances. 42 Isaac, 42 Joseph, 42 Judith, 42 Martha. 42 Mary. 42 Mary-Stone, 41 Parley, 42 Sally. 42 Sarah, 42 Timothy, 42 Starr, Heavy weight, 42 Start, Polly, 69 William, 69 State Asylum for Insane, 32 State House, Boston, 438 State, Keystone, 572 State Papers, 419 Staten Island. N. Y.. 169. 421 States, N. E., 413 States, the, 600 Steamer, Amerique, 374 Denver, 377 Desperate, 412 Mary F. Perley, 378 Steamship Enterprise, 621 Stearns, Caroline Gage, 259 George Leonard, 471 George W. , 469 Harriet Elizabeth-King, 251 Helen, 252 Jennie Maud, 471 John, 251 John Adin, 251 John Harry, 251 Lewis, 259 Maria-Shattuck, 469 Mary Evelyn, 251 Milo L., 469 Rebecca-Gage, 260 Steel Corporation, U. S., 355 Steele, Selina, 395 Steeves, Elias, 198 Jane-Bazley, 198 Maud, 198 Stellarton, N. S., 428 Stephason. Margaret. 219 Sterling, Caroline-Tilley, 237 Charles Henley, 237 Etta Augusta, 525 George Archibald, 237 George Roy. 238 Harry, 238 Laura May, 238 Lois Kennedy, 238 Sterling, Mass., 55, 244, 249 Sterling, N. Y., 283 Stetson, Almira, 604 Hannah Adams, 604 Thomas G., 604 Stetson, Me., 228 Stetson Place, the, 15-3 Steubenville, O., 212, 382. 384 Stevans. Elmira, 487 Stcvanson, Geo. Elliott, 375 Stevens, Aaron, 297 Abigail Searles-Kent. 535 Aseneth. 118 Benjamin, 13, 226 Betsy-Ticknor, 473 Dorothv-Gove, 490 Edward Payson. 297.298 Elizabeth. 646 Halsev R., 473 Henry. 490 Hepzibah. 219 Isaac, 296 Jacob, 627, 646 James Francis, 297, 298 John, 209 Laura A., 296 Lawrence, 456 I,ois, .58 Mabel Elvira Ticknor,473 Margaret, 297. 298 Mary, 526, 610 Ruth, 603 Ruth Ann Augusta, 490 Ruth Putnam, 297 Sally, 119 Stevens Bros., 210 Stewart, Annie. 427 Stickney, Ancil, 73 Anna. 1.36 Betsey. 218 Daniel. 43, 44 David. 43. 148 Elizabeth, 43, 44 Eunice, 89 Hannah, 44, 218 Hannah-Brockbank, 43 Isaac, 218 Jedediah, 73 740 THE PERLEY FAMILY Stickney, John, 43, 44, 633 Jonathan, 43 Josiah, 44 Lucy, 44 Lydia, 43 Mary, 633 Mehitable, 218 Moses, 24, 43, 44 Mr., 56 Peggy-Tyler, 73 Rebecca, 149 Samuel, 43 vSarah, 43 Solomon, 311 Susannah, 148 William, 43, 44 William Wier, 44 Stiger, A. S., 81 Stiles, Claude Perley, 590 Coulter Claire, 590 Eliza-Cheesbro, 590 Elton Ray, 590 Henry Lincoln Roland, 590 Leo Bertrand, 590 Roland, 590 Stiles, Perley &, 414 Stillwater, Me., 536 Stillwater, Minn., 240, 241 Stimpson, Abba L., 170 Jonathan, 73, 627 Joseph, 73 Julia Viola Hill, 600 Myrtie Estelle, 606 Nathan Lewis, 606 Stin.ion, Catherine-Carr, 593 Jennie, 593 William, 593 Stockc.-, Dorothy, 238 John E., 238 Kathleen, 238 Stockholm, Sweden, 369, 575 Stockport, Cheshire, Eng., 87 Stockton, Cal., 216, 358, 359, 395 Stoddard, Amos, 173 H. II., 568 Stoddard, N. H., 231, 280,433 Stokes, Caroline, 609 Olivia Phelps. 609 Stoll, John, A., 631 John Howard, 631 Laura Augusta, 631 Lena May, 631 Lottie Pearl, 631 NelHe Maud, 631 Walter RolHn, 631 Stone, Abigail Lee-Grisvva],479 Ahnira, 160 Burrill Foster, 580 Carrie, 553 Cyrus, 631 Eliza, 289 Ella Martha, 626 Gertrude L., 631 Hannah, 485 James R., 485 James Rufus, 482, 626 Laura-Howe, 482. 626 Laura Nettie, 482 LilHan-Dolbear, 460 Lizzie, 197 Marion Belle, 460 Mary, 41 Melissa, 485 Mitchell. 485 Mrs., 68 Patty, 190 Polly-Hovey, 160 Ralph, 631 Ruth, 460 Susan-Cameron, 580 Susan Elvira, 479 Walter Scott, 580 Washington, 485 Wilbur Fisk, 479 WiUiam, 160 William A., 571 William Payson, 460 Winnefred P., 631 Stoneham, Mass., (Map 1,3) 268,-270, 272, 524 Stoneridge, N. Y., 491 Stoney Creek, 388 Storms of N. E., Historic, 546 Story, Mary, 166 Sally, 275 Stoughtenberg, Mary E., 573 Stoughton, Mass., 135, 658 Stowe. Vt., 609 Stowell Ann-Higgins, 537 George, 537 Joseph, 134 Stowell & Co., A. S., 514 Straits of Belle Isle, 412 Strange, Bessie Allen. 430 George Allen. 430 grandmother. 387 Jane Una-Lunt. 430 Ruth, 213 Stratham, H. N.. 174. 554 , Straton, Leicestershire, Eng. 63, Straton, Nehemiah, 68 Strickland. Agnes. 190 Ann Maria, 191 Augustus Henry, 192. 368 Charles Cushing, 192 Charles L., 193 Charles Lee. 192 Clara Augusta, 192 Ehzabeth, 191 Frances Elizabeth, 192 Frances FHliot, 191 Frederic Hastings, 193 George Byron, 191 Hastings. 190-192 Isaac. 191-193 Jane C. 191 John. 190. 191 John Turner. 192 Josephine, 191 Lee, 191, 192 Lillian March, 193 Lottie Grant. 193 Lucinda. 190 Lyman S.. 191, 192 Lysander, 191, 192 Mary Thorndikc, 191 Mortimer Chfford, 191 Nellie Augusta, 193 Patty-Stone, 190 Philo Augustus, 192, 193 Roger, 190 Ruth Ann, 191 Samuel, 192 Samuel Franklin, 192 Samuel Larrabee, 193 Samuel Perley, 191, 369 Sarah P., 191 William, 190 William Hastings, 192. 193 Wilham Lee, 193 Strickland arms, 643 Strikland, 190 Strong, Emma. 456 Mayor, 386 Strong, Me.. 194, 453, 456 Strother, Eliza Willoughby. 468 Strout, Mary, 116 Nellie, 631 AValtcr, 631 Strykeland arms, 643 Strykeland, Wilham, 190 Stuart, Barbara Allen. .589 Sturges, Frankhn Phinney, 245 Henry, 245 Lewiza Sylvia, 245 AValter Henry, 245 Sturtevant, Caroline Cole, 597 J. C, 597 Josiah Fowle, 330 Kate E., 597 Lucetta-Dalton, 330 Ward C. 330 Sudbury, 401 Sudbury, Mass., 40, 381 Suffield, Ct., 14 Suffolk County. Eng., 63 Suffolk Bar, 544, 545 Suffolk, Va., 576 Sullivan, Anna, 275 E. Mark, 363 Gen., 136 Summerset, la., 442 Summit Mineral Spring, 189 Summit, N. J., 512, 513 Sumner, Daniel, 442 Emma Selfina, 442 Lucy Ann-Moody, 442 Sumpter, Oregon. 638 Sunapee, N. H., 273, 507 Sunday fishing, 47 Sunderland, King., 586 Superintendent. R. R., 81 Surry, Eng., 584 Surry, N. H., 432 Survey, Board of, 130 Survey, the, xviii Surveyor, the, 118 Sutherland, Aimie, A., 220 Charles, 220 Margaret-Cameron, 220 Sutton, Hannah March-Aker- man, 528 Emily Liscom, 528 Enoch, 528 vSutton, Mass., 30 Sutton, N. H., 271, 277, 464 Swain, Nancy, 389 Swalm, Florence M., 158 Swamp Fight, 655 Swampscott, Mass., 77 Swan, Caleb, 82 Fannie Damon, 462 Frank C, 462 Jane-Osgood. 82 Joseph F.. 82 oHve E. -Damon. 462 Swaney. Mary Elizabeth, 202 Swan ton, Vt., 484 Swanzey, N. H., 18, 251 Swasey, Florence, 289 Helen Louisa, 288 Joseph, 288 Joseph Wads worth, 289 Josephine Fannie Maria, 288 Mary, 288 Swazy, Benjamin, 282 Benjamin K., 282 John Perley, 282 Sweat, Ira James, 603 Ira Leon, 603 Ivory, 603 Lydia-Powell. 603 Sweden. 368, 369, 557, 668 Sweden. Me.. 134 Sweet. Abel, 266 Alfred G., 227 Ebenezer, 266 Desire Daggett, 266 Naomi Daggett, 266 Naomi-Daggett, 266 Sarah Perlev, 266 Sophia Eaton, 266 Sweets^r, Hannah, 303 Jme ■i-5 John, 375 Sally-Patrick, 380 Samuel Hobart, 380 Sylvanus, 380 Swett, Abigail, 26 Benjamin, 25, 26 Eliphalet, 108 Elizabeth, 26 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 741 vSwett, Esther-Weare, 25 Everett, 108 Hannah, 25, 26 Joseph, 25 Lydia, 25 Margaret, 20 Mary, 107 Moses, 26 Nathan, 26 Orlando, S. B.. 107 Sarah, 26 William, 107 Swift, Dean, 63 Swift Packing Co., 424 Swift & Co., 378, 379, 443 "Swimming Place," 74 Swine butcher, 140 Switzerland, 387, 422, 667 Sydney, C. B., 392 Sydney, Neb., 369 Sykes, Fanny, 610 Jerome, 568 Syllas, 96 Sylvester, Sarah, 347 Symmes, Thomas, 43 Syinond, Samuel, 8 Symonds, Annie Jane, 202 John, 58. Joseph, 132, 162 Mary, 155 Mehitable, 162 Mette, 288 Samuel, 48 Sarah, 143, 513 Susannah-Hale, 162 Symonds' Estate, 144 Sypher, William, 634 Syracuse, N. Y., 344, 428,491 Syria, 448 Temperance Jane, 226 Tabor, la., 482 Tabusintac, N. B., 240 Taggart, Hannah-Hawse, 520 John, 520 Lucy, 520 Phebe Florilla, 520 Sarah-T., 520 Tailor, Lt.-Gov. William, 31 Tailors, 658 Tallahassee, 118 Tamworth, Ont., 624 Tandy, Eliakim, 490 Tangerine, Fla., 236 Tanner, Cora, 568 Tapley, Huldah, 215 Laura, 179 Tapleyville, 514 TapHn, Katy, 286 Tappan, Hannah, 318 Hannah Pearson, 318 Sewell, 318 Tarbox, I. N., 145 Lucy, 627 Lydia, 157 Tarcora, Ga., 374 Tarlton, Harriet Luretta, 197 Tarr, Dorinda, 644 Tate, Nancy V., 442 Taunton, Mass., 289, 342,347. 348, 381, 418, 639 Taunton News, 342 Tavern, Berry's, 184 Taverner, Sophia, 107 Tavistock, Eng., 611 Taylor, Fletcher 280 Albert Desbrisay, 218 Artemesia-Tylor, 227 Betsey M., 477 Carlos, 227 Charles Chase, 283 Charles Coburn, 218 Charles Marshall, 283 Charlotte Gertrude, 218 Danforth, 280 Dearborn, 283 Eathan, 227 Eben E., 283 Ede, 283 Erastus, 447 Eva Blanche, 284 Eveana S., 283 Everett, 87 Frank, 280 Frank Perley, 214 George, 151 George A., 150 Hannah Perley, 283 Hannah-Stickney, 218 Harriet Tane, 227 Helen Perley, 280 Henchliffe, 536 Isaac, 218 Isabelle Wait, 447 Ivan Marshall, 284 Jefferson, 280 Jonathan, 214 J. (Rev.), 359 JuHa Mary, 218 Kirk, 283 Laura Ella, 283 Leland Hart, 280 Lilhan Mary, 218 Lucius, 227 Mahala-Colby, 283 Mahala E., 283 Marion, 280 Marjorie Dascom, 280 Martha Perley, 218 Mary Proctor, 280 May, 536 Mrs. Jefferson, 467 Rachel-Hanson, 536 Roswell Clemont, 280 Sally, 477 Samuel, 283 Sarah-Burnett, 447 Sarah E.-Jewett, 283 Sarah Louise, 218 Sarah M., 92 Sarah Maria, 87 Sylvester Proctor, 280 Thomas, 283 Thomas Perley, 218 Trowbridge Curtis, 86 Wilham, 214, 218 William Egerton, 218 Teague, John, 124 Tea, non use of, 56 Teaspoons, 613 Teddie's Boat goes by. When, 664, 665 Temple, Me., 262, 267, 520, 646 Temple, N. H., 69 Temple of Honor, Neptune, 540 Templeton, 244, 247, 249-251, 432, 434, 437, 438, 524 Tenafly, N. J., 378 Tenants' Harbor, 537 Tennessee, 212, 377 Tenney, Adna, 305 A. Maria, 80 Amos Jewett, 80, 81 Apphia N., 81 Charles S., 81 Charles Spofford, 80 Daniel Ingalls, 80 Daniel Spofford, 80 David, 80 David B., 628 David Barnard, 80, 628 Dea., 85 Elizabeth, 80 Elizabeth N., 81 Emeline Matilda, 628 Esther Louise, 76 Eunice, 83 EveUne Matilda, 80 George Jewett, 80, 81 Hannah, 462, 028 Hannah-Whitaker, 44 Harriet Braman, 80 Harrison Edmund, 76 John, 76, 305 John H., 338 John Harrison, 70 Jonathan, 59 Lucinda-Eaton, 305 Lucy Harriet, 80 Lucy Spofford, 81 Mary S., 81 Mehitable-Pearson, 79 Milton, 80 Milton G., 80 Milton Grenville, 81 Miriam, 76 Moody 80 Moses, 44, 310 Nabby, 80 ' Orlando, 81 Orlando Barnard, 80, 628 Parmelia, 80 Perlev, 80, 628 Philip, 36 Putnam Farnham, 80,628 Richard, 79-81 Rosamond L., 31.5 Rosman Little, 80, 038 Sally Lummus-Chap- man, 76 Samuel, 69 Sarah, 80 Sarah-Boynton, 59 Sarah C, 81 Sarah Elizabeth, 80 Sarah Perley. 80 Susannah, 80 Ward M., 628 Wilham, 79, 80 William Milton, 81 Tennyson, 97 Terre Haute, Ind., 295 TerriU, Caleb, 332 Mary Lucretia, 332 Mary Stevens-Cheney, 297 Mrs., 641 Newton A., 297 Ralph Perley, 297 Samantha-Wilmarth, 332 William Herbert, 297 Texas, 352, 371, 376 Thackery, 314 Thatcher, Susanna, 55 Thayer, Christopher, 612 Clara Augusta, 044 Elihu, 012 Ephraim, 612 Loring, 349 "The City," Topsfield, 75 The Essex Antiquarian, 108 "The Village," Ipswich, 75,77 78 Thief River Falls, 030 Thomas, E;va Louise, 548 Josiah B., 324 Sarah, 242 Sylvia, 640 Thomaston, Me., 227, 304 Thomson. Allen Perley, 582 Arthur MacMillan, 582 Edwin Ernest, 582 Florence Maud, 582 Harold Francis, 582 John, 582 Levi, 582 Sarah-MacMillian, 582 Thompson, Annie Maynard, 510 Charles, 479 Clarissa, 141 Gen., 135 Lavinia, 252 Laura, 141 M., 567 Mary Ann-Eaton, 510 Mary E. -Burton, 590 Nellie, 479 Samuel, 510 742 THE PERLEY FAMILY Thompson, Ct., 42, 525 Thor, god, xx Thorndike, Me., 421, 422 Thorn, Elizabeth, 263 Thome, Belle, 568 Hannah, 392 Thornton, Lydia, 4 Thorpe. A. P., 192 Throat distemper, 38 (See pages 45 and 58) Throgmorton arms, xvii Thuringia, 422 Thurlow, Judeth Savory, 594 Lydia, 294 Thurman, la., 480 Thurston, Almon Roscoe, 195 Aroline, 462 Arthur Rounds. 195 Benjamin, 312 Elizabeth, 132 Tane, 312 John. 132 Martha B., 462 Marv, 312 Nathaniel. 122 Nathaniel Bridges, 462 Ruby Gage, 462 William G., 462 Thurston's Company, Capt. 45 Thwing, Charles Hall, 332 Charles Harry, 332 Thwing, & Co., 332 Tibbetts, , 86 Hester Amanda, 367 James, 367 Jane Fowler-Potter, 367 Lucy, 226, 227 Widow, 324 Tickenor, Gov., 14 Ticknor, Betsy, 473 Ticonderoga. 118, 136 Tidds, Luther P., 153 Tierney, Catherine-Shannon, 428 James Edward, 428 James Owen, 428 Tiffin, O., 344 Tileston, Burrill &, 290 Tilley, Adelaide Holmes, 316 Caroline, 237 Lettie Louise. 316 William John. 316 Tillson, Mercy Winslow. 466 Tilsonburg, Ont., 390, 391 Tilton Abraham, 120 Arthur V., 526 Daniel, 354 George Warren, 463 John Haskell, 354 John W., 283 Newell Homer, 354 Newton Perley, 354 Roy Newell, 354 Sarah. 40 Susan D. -Sleeper, 354 Tilton, N. H., 283, 284, 626, 639 Tingtown, 140 Tingstown, Me., 140, 261, 267 Tinney, Carrie L., 360 Sophia, 197 Tippecanoe, 570 Tisdale, Alice, 390 Clara, 390 Ephraim, 213, 214 Hannah, 213, 214, 389 Joseph, 213, 388 Joseph Cleoden, 390 Lot, 389 Lott. 214 Margaret Helen, 390 Margaret J., 214 Matthew, 389 Nancy-Swain, 389 Philena, 214 Rachel-Carpenter, 390 Ruth-Strange, 213 Submit- Newcombe, 214 Walker, 213 Titcomb, Alfred Francis, 371 Alfred Noyes, 371 Almira, 416 Caleb, 310 Herva Alice, 371 Judith. 310 Judith D. -Merchant, 371 Marv Anne, 371 Mary L., 310 Matilda Evelyn, 371 Nancy, 310 Sarah EHzabeth, 93 Seward, 371 Titus, Alanson L., 481 Fayette Perley, 481 Toby, Florilla Marcia, 557 Nancy C.-Holbrook, 557 Samuel, 557 Todd, Abigail, 77 Ada Josephine, 44.3 AHce A. -Trow, 464 Anna F., 176 Apphia, 10.5 Asahel Huntington, 443 Augustus Hayward, 443 Benjamin, 77, 204 Daniel. 104. 105, 204, 296 Daniel Gage, 105 Ednah Gage, 105 Edward A., 464 EUzabeth, 77 Ezekiel, 105 Rlzekiel Rogers, 105 George, 122 Gustie Mav, 404 Hannah, 104 Hannah-Bradstreet, 105 Hannah M., 160 James L., 577 John, 27 Le Roy, 287 Louise Marietta-Hart- man, 577 Lydia-Gould. 443 Marion Huntington, 443 Mary Jane, 635 Mary Louisa, 577 Rosaline Parasine, 270 Samuel, 160 343 Samuel Cheny, 443 Toledo, O.. 344 Tolman, Annie Maria, 201 Edmund, 201 Hannah-Daily, 201 Tom, Betsey, 182 TomUnson, Elvira Agnes, 563 Toney, Abigail I'rescott, 639 Tooke. William Home, xv Toombstone, Ariz., 604 Toomey, Ellen J., 589 Toothacher, Mary, 632 Roger, 632 Sarah, 632 Tooth paralysis, 467 Topeka, Kan., 607 Topsfield, Mass., 2. 11, 13, 15- 18, 20-23, 25-27, 29, 30 32, 35, 36, 38, 44, 46-48 56, 62, 64, 66, 76, 83, 88-90, 92, 136, 138, 140 141, 146, 152-156, 160, 162. 166. 167, 170-172, 175-178, 223-225, 255, 260, 273, 293, 315, 325, 327, 328, 343-351, 443- 445. 448, 449, 530, 534, 538. 543, 544, 546,548- 550, 552-554, 556, 619, 621, 640, 654 Topsfield, [Read Ipswich in fourteenth line,] 17 Topsfield Parish, 170 Topsfield Townsman, 346 Topsfield water, 75 Toronto Globe, 647 Toronto Militia, 584 Toronto, Ont., 253. 389-391, 401, 404, 442, 578, 586. 654 Toronto World. The. 583, 585 Torpedo Boat, the, 384 Torr, Anna-Robinson, 544 Martha Helen, 544 Vincent M., 544 Torrey, Sarah, 192 Tourtelotte, CordeUa, 241 Towle, Elizabeth Reynolds- Barker, 90 Harriet Elmer, 90 James Madison, 90 Town, Anna. 130 Ebenezer. 328 John, 130 Lydia. 328 Lydia Averill, 328 Ruth, 255 Sarah. 352 Towne, Abigail, 20 Charlotte Fletcher, 556 Edmund, 20 Elizabeth, 154, 274 Elvira Lake, 255 Hannah. 179 Hannah I.. 344 Hannah Perkins, 344 Jacob. 179 Joseph. 344 Joseph H., 188 Mary Ann-Severance, 255 Miss, 643 Nancy Adams, 556 Samuel, 556 Sarah. 542 Sewall L., 255 Susan P., 179 Towne's Company. Capt., 68 Townsend, Elizabeth-Welton 558 Emerson Engiles, 558 Evelyn, 558 Helen, 558 John, 558 Townsend, Mass., 69 Townsend, Vt., 431 Tozier, Albert Munroe, 553 Allen Dudley, 553 Charles Perley, 553 Charles William, 553 Clyde Munroe, 553 George Harold, 553 Helen Cymanthe-Seaver, 5.53 Walter Eugene, 553 William Mahlon. 553 Tracy Station. N. B., 651 Travinac, Ann, 437 Tradition, (.chart, xiii) xiv Trafton, Abigail, 25 John, 25 Train. A. S., 507 Att.-Gen., 508 Charles, 507 Elizabeth - Harrington 507 Martha, 270 Rev. Dr.. 614 Transcript, The. 278 Trappe, Md., 653 Trarice, Mr., xii Trary, Isabel. 607 Travis. , 392 Treadwell, . 632 Alfred Allen, 237 Arthur Marshman, 237 Catherine-Preaster, 237 Ella Maria, 237 Ephraim, 237 George Allen, 237 George Archibald, 237 Harry Havelock, 237 Jane-Jewett, 219 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 743 Treadwell, Laura Jane, 237 Lucy Elizabeth Rogers, 259 Sarah, 219 Thomas, 219 Treadwell farm, 159 Treasurer, State, 44 Treasury Dept., Wash., D. C, 384 Treaty, Ashburton, 413 Reciprocity, 411 Tree, the Perley Family, 395 Treese, Jane, 429 Trenton, Mo., 479, 480 Trenton, N. J., 502, 504. 505 Tribune, The, 382 Trimble, Dr., 355 Trion, Elizabeth, 195 Trinidad, Col., 587 Troops, Essex County, vii Trow, Alice A., 464 Charles E., 042 Trowbridge, Edmund, 112 Troy, Bessie Caroline, 521 Mary P. -Robinson, 521 Troy, Me., 378, 454 Troy, N. H., 247, 432, 433 Troy, N. Y., 197, 247, 386, 475, 613 Troy, Vt., 480, 483 True, Edward HolHs, 563 Elvira Agnes-Tomlinson, 563 Hannah, 449 HoUis, 563 Isabel, 238 John, 107 Joshua, 368 Lucy- Page, 368 Naomi P., 368 Truel, Hannah W.-McCoUom 498 Hiram Wilson, 498 Trull, Louisa L., 654 Trunibels, 103 Trumble. Ellen, 14 John, 14 Ruth, 14 Trumbull, Ehza Niles, 511 Trumbulls, New England, 14 Tucker, Abigail-Locke, 515 Daniel, 168 Isabella Lucinda Durgin, 515 John Elliott, 515 NelHe, 515 Tucson, Ariz., 440 Tuftonboro, N. H., 84 Tufts, Caroline Oilman, 451 Deborah, 467 John, 453 Tuileries, 207 Tune, Elizabeth-Hooper, 596 EHzabeth M., 596 John, 596 Tupper, Brock, 405 Charles Jacob, 445 Ernest Howard, 455 J. Rice, 405 Larcy, 455 Marjorie, 405 Nellie, 405 Sarah Emily King- Emer- son, 455 Turkey, 668 TurnbuUs of Scotland, 14 Turner, Flora Adella, 528 William, 568, 659 Wyatt, 366 Turner, Me., 190, 191, 193, 368, 455 Turnpike, 32, 245, 246, 513 Turnpike, Newburyport, 183, 323 Turnpike toll gatherer, 85, 86 Tutt & Watson, 519 Tuttle, Charles, 611 EHzabeth, 57 Ida Leoti. 611 Lousina Shaw, 553 Mary-Wilson, 611 Susannah, 35 Twins, four pairs, 385 Twisden, Samuel, 158 Twitchell, Lois, 552 May, 193 Twombly, A. H., 511 Alexander Hamilton, 511- 513 Alexander Stevenson, 512 CUfford G., 513 Clifford Gray, 512 Edward Lambert, 512 Ellen Clark, 513 Gray Huntington, 513 Henry Bancroft, 512 Howland, 512 Mary Elizabeth, 512 Mary Jane, 512 Twombly, Lamson &, 511 Tyler, , 261 Abigail, 29 Albert, 156 Anna-Messenger, 29 A. Williams, 559 Betsev-Kimball, 293 Col., 136 Dudley, 293 Ellen, 293 Flint, 156 Gideon, 113 John, 29, 113, 122 Jonathan, 113 Lydia, 29 Mary, 29 Mehitable, 29, 113 Melissa-Usher, 559 Moses, 29 Moses Kimball, 293 Nathan, 658, 659 Prudence, 112 Prudence-Blake, 29 Rev. Mr., 497 Selden Williams, 559 WiUiam, 162 Tylor, Artemesia, 227 Tyringham, Mass., 358 Ulster County, N. Y., 403 Umbrella, to carry an, 196 Umpee, John, 16 Uncle Johnny, 226 Sam., 540 Underbill, Amelia, 509 Arthur Brown, 459 Arthur P., 460 Arthur Perlev, 459 Flagg T., 459 Mary-Brown, 459 Ruth, 460 Union Army, 385 Union, Lynn Choral, 450 Union, Mich., 243 Union soldier, 612 Union, the, x Uniontown, la., 488 Unitarianism, 503 United States, xiii, 95, 96, 169 203, 236, 252, 387, 396, 410, 411, 475, 593, 652, United States Army 193 Consul, 212 Government, 384, 571 Navy, 163 Unity, Me., 225-228, 417-419, 421, 422 Unity, N. H., 495 University, (See College, School) Upham, AHce Adelia, 438 Charles W., 438 Joseph Emerson, 438 Nathaniel Gookin, 647 Susan Pemelia-Newton, 438 Upper Canada, 388 Upper Gaspereaux, 636 Upper Gilmantown, N. H., 642 Upper Jemseg, N. B., 392 Upper Hainsville, 429 Upper Maugerville, 392, 401, 423, 424, 429, 430, 633 Upper Montclair, N. J., 447 Upper Woodstock, 451 Uppingham, 648 Upton, , 55 Arthur Henry, 616 Asa, 634 Augusta Sophia, 393 Cora M., 650 Cora May, 393 Effie M. -Hastings, 616 Elva Sophia, 251 George Samuel, 579, 650 Hazel, 393 James S., 580 John Robert, 393, 579, 650 Letetia, 393, 579 Lillie Gertrude, 393 Mary Helen-Day, 579, 650 William S., 616 Usher, Barnard, 135 John D., 135 Marshall, 135 Melissa, 559 Utah, 243, 377 Utica, N. Y., 207 Utrecht, Hoi., 486 LTtterly, xv Valambrosa, 326 Valley Forcre, 486 Valparaiso, Chile, S. A., 208 Valparaiso, Ind, . 471 Van Buren, Mich., 630 Van Buren, Pres. Martin. 169 Van Dyke, AHce, 374 Catherine Perley, 374 EHzabeth-Desnoyer, 374 George Francis, 374 George W., 374 Harold Perley, 374 James A., 374 Margaret, 374 Marian Agnes, 374 Maud E., 374 Vancouver, B. C, 588 Vanderbilt, frigate, 280 Vanderblue, Adelaide-Wal- ters, 558 Charles E., 558 Frank Edward, 558 Nicholas, 558 Sherlock Perley, 558 Vanderburg, Edward, 358 Vandine, Fannie, 583 Varney, Mary, 192 Vassalboro, 149, 151 Vassalboro, Me., 51. 303, 321, 418, 520, 521 Veazie, Emmeline, B, W., 277 Veazie, Me., 643 Vergennes, Vt., 243 Vermont, vi, 42, 155, 282,414. 456, 485, 487, 539, 602 Vermont Historical Magazine, 286 Vermont, northern, 470 Vermont Branch Starr Fam., 42 Vermont Legislature, 626 Vermontville, lU., 358 Vernon, Ct., 337 Verrill, Phebe Ellen, 501 Versailles, O., 501 "Vertute et Lahore," 628 744 THE PERLEY FAMILY Very, Sarah, 172 Vessel, Ambrose, xii American, 204 Arabella, xii British War, 203 Charles, xii EHzabeth, 64 Gift, xii Handmaid, xii Hopewell, xii Jewell, xii Lion, xii Mary and John, xii, 03 May-flower, xii Planter, xii Success, xii Talbot, xii Tryal, xii Whale, xii Wni. and Francis, xii Vessels of 1030, xi Veteran Reserve Corps, 103 Vetten, Abigail Lead, 307 Vicksburg, Miss., j55 Victor, Colo., 479 Victoria, B. C, 215, 423, 424 Vienna, 163, 331 Vienna, N. Y., 131, 132, 242. 243, Viking, Alberta, Can., 030 Village, Parker river, 291 Ville de Havre, the steamer, 374 Vincennes, Ind., 108, 066 Vining, Betsey, 365 David, 365 Maria Conant, 365 Vinton, Huldah Ahnira, 270 Rev. Alex. H., 259 Vinton, la., 232 Virden, Charlotte, 610 Jane Hunt, 610 John riemming, 610 Virgil. 301, 643 Virginia, ix, 96, 281, 304, 385, 565, 596, 649 Virginia City, Mont., 400 Virginia Dept., 385 Vittoria, Ont., 213, 214, 388, 389 Volunteer, 594, 595 Vose, Florence Perley, 478 George Atherton, 478 Joseph, 659 Willard Atherton, 478 Vose & Sons Piano Co., 478 Votan, Claire, 243 Clyde Weber, 243 K. H., 243 Mary Theresa, 243 Wade, Charity Elizabeth, 460 Col., 136 Elizabeth A. -Grant, 78 Francis H., 78 Mary Foster, 78 Nathaniel, 658, 659 Wadleigh, Eleazer, 107 John, 477 Sallv-Taylor, 477 Samuel, 468 Sarah Ann, 477 Wadsworth, Comm{)dore, 288 Wagner, , 630 Wainwright, Abigail, 18 Francis, 10, 627 Waite, Elizabeth, 345, 552 EHzabeth-Wildes, 345, 552 Jerusha-Hosmer, 436 Oilman, 436 Mary Ella, 436 William, 345, 552 William Francis, 552 Waitsfield, Vt., 525 Wakefield, Frutilla, 287 Wakefield, Mass., (Map 3), 287, 317, 335, 347, 348, 548, 549, 559, 619 Wakefield Rattan Co., 524 Wakelee, Lydia Ann, 486 Walcutt, Gen. C. C, 354 Waldo, 2 Waldoboro, Me., 173, 228 Waldringfield, Eng., 63 Waldron, A. L., 277 Martha Melcher, 509 Martha Melcher, 509 Samuel WalHs, 509 Wales Corner. Me., 454, Wales, Eng., v, xi, xiii, xiv, XV, xvii, xviii, xix, 1, 395-397 Wales, Ephraim, 110 Wales, Me., 454, 455, Walker, Abigail-Trafton, 25 Augusta, 273 Barbara Gordon- Wilson, 637 Barbara Hartley, 637 Eliza, 421 Evelyn Atherton, 637 Fanny, 631 Georgie Maud, 637 Hans William, 637 Huldah Scribner, 421, 422 John J., 637 Margaret, 155 Mary, 591 William, 421 Walker, Frink &, 356 Wallace, Miss, 518 WMa Walla. Wash., 652 ^\■allingfurd, Ct., 437 Wallis, Sarah Wilds, 550 Walls, xiv Walls, Albert Alexander, 241 Alexander Fenton, 240 Ann Gillis, 239 Asa, 239, 241 Asa Wilbur, 241 Christina Fenton, 240 Cordelia Tourtelotte, 241 Dudley Perlev, 238, 239, Edgar Allen, 241 Edna Blanche, 240 Ehzabeth Chisholm, 240 Ellen-Brown. 239 Hannah B., 240 Hannah Brown, 239 Helen G., 240 Helen Grace 239 Hilda Isabella, 240 Isabella. 240 Isabella Hannah, 240 James. 239. 240 James A., 240 James Alexander, 239, 241 James Elmer, 241 James FVederick. 240, 645 John, 239 John A., 239 John Wilson, 240 Lela Katie, 240 Lillian Jane, 240 Linda Clare, 240 Mabel Ethel, 240 Margaret Helen, 240 Margaret Louise, 241 Margaret P., 241 Margaret Perley, 240 Robert Alvan, 241 Robert Bishop, 241 Robert J., 240 Robert John, 239 Sarah Ethel, 241 Wilham, 239, 240 William Gladstone 240 Wilham Stanley, 240 Walstou, Russell L., 481 Walters, Adelaide, 558 Waltham, Mass., 91 162 287 369, 481, 530. 621 Walton, Isaac, 234 Jane, 536 Wanzer, Marcelene, 272 War. Civil, 163, 175, 192, 193, 199, 221, 251, 264, 271, 302, 310. 317, 332, 337, 351, 436. 454, 458, 468, 502, 505, 557, 572, 625 647, 652, 661, 666 War Dept., U. S., 382, 383, 565 War, French, 32, 43, 70, 133, 143, 656, War, Indian, vi, vii, 24, 32 70, 133, 143, 655 War, Mexican, 175, 669 War of 1812, 191, 213, 214, 253, 263, 264, 388, 389, 487 War, Rebellion, 196, 221, 330, 336, 466. 567, 668 War, Rebelhon of 1837, 213 War Records, Bureau of, 661 War, Revolutionary, viii, 195 213, 253, 273. 285. 486, 565, 646. 668, 669 War, Spanish- Amer. ,348, 355, 432. 479. 486. 565, 645, War Vessel, British, 203 Ward, 133 Ward, Asher 150 (ieorgianna, 150 Henry F'^essenden, 639 Mary Ashman, 639 Rachel, 55 Timothy, 150 Timothy C, 639 William Fessenden, 639 Ward & Co., S., 529 Ward & Perley, 451 Ward End, Eng., 64 Warden, David, 554 Margaret May, 554 Mary Jane-O'Connell, 554 Ware. 246, 497 Warehouse landing, Rowley. 325 Warner, Eliza Frances, 450 Ehza-Newhall, 450 John Gerry, 450 Warner, N. H., 271, 273, 279, 283 Warren, Charlotte E., 647 Dr., 341 Flavilla, 227 Jonas, 345 Lucy Ellen, 226 Lucy-Tibbetts, 226, 227 Mary Crowninshield, 348 Phineas, 226, 227 Warren & Co., S. D., 512 Warren County, la., 441 Warren estate, 341 Warren house, old, 162 Warren, Mass., 246, 623 Warren, N. H., 276 Warrenton, Pa., 330 AVarrentown, Wis., 630 Wars, Colonial, 163 Warsaw, N. Y., 439 Warwick, Mass., 338 Warwickshire, Eng., 64 Washburn, Alonzo, 191 Carrie, 501 Deborah-Williams, 562 Ganem, 191 Sally, 592 Wasbhurn, Wis., 423 Washburne, George Washing- ton, 549 Lena May, 549 Stella Beulah-Adams,549 Washington army, 660 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 745 Washington, D. C, viii, 49,90, 204, 221, 235, 289, 304, 305, 382-384, 418, 447, 604, 505, 512, 538, 567- 569, 668 Washington, (Gen. George,) 96, 97, 112, 130, 161, 486, 565, 659 Washington Huzz.as, the, 326 Washington, N. H., 275, 276, 498 Washington Press, 532 Washington, State of, 394,429 Washington Statue, 80 Washington, Vt., 481 Washingtonian movement, 315 AVashingtonville, N. Y., 386 Wasioja, Minn., 475, 476 Wasson, Charles W., 107 Waterboro, Me., 84, 445 Waterboro, N. B., 213 Waterborough, N. B., 637 Waterburv, McKenney 8c, 528 Waterburv, Vt., 481 Waterford, Me., 82, 180, 221 Waterloo, 212 Waterman, Lydia, 150 Watertown, 532, 660 Watertown, Mass., 2, 62, 333- 335 Watertown, N. Y., 491 Waterville, Me., 51, 52, 227, 303. 351, 393, 419, 521, 557, 649, 650, 653, 661 Waterville, Minn., 492 Waterville, N. B., 241 Waterville, Vt., 286 Watson, Jennie, 611 Jessie Russell, 193 Mary, 17, 35, 59 Rose B., 477 Sarah, 17 Sarah-Crosskill, 193 William, 17 William Russell, 193 Watson, Tutt &, 519 Wattles, Augustus, 242 Emma, 242 Erastus, 242 Howard, 242 Mary Ann, 242 Ruth, 242 Sarah Grimke, 242 Sarah-Thomas, 242 Theodore, 242 Waukesha, Wis., 72 Waukon Grange, 235 Waukon, la., 232, 234, 236 Waverlv, N. Y., 569, 653 Way, Abigail EveUne, 490 Asbury Perley, 491 Carol Frances, 493 Charles William, 490 Edmund Perley, 490 Edwin Franklin, 490 Eleanor Frances, 492 Emily Maria, 490 Eugene Gordon, 491 Eugene Henry, 492 Frances Eula, 492 Frank Alden, 490 Frank Alonzo, 492 Genevieve, 492 George, 490 George A., 490, 492 George Edwin, 491 George H., 492 George Henry, 491 George Osborn, 490 George William, 492 Gordon, 490 Gordon Alonzo, 490 Harriet Avaline, 492 Harry A., 492 Harry Alonzo, 491 Horace M., 492 Horace McClure, 490 Lillian, 492 Louisa M., 490, 492 Lucy A., 490, 491 Margaiet Alice, 492 Margaret Ha 492 Margret Elizabeth, 492 Mariaji Eva, 493 Mary Eliza, 490 Miriam Kate, 492 Mureen Lucille, 492 Orlo F., 491 Orlo Fisk, 490 Osman B., 491 Osman Baker, 490 Osmon F., 492 Osmon Franklin, 491 Osmon Gordon, 492 Perley Willis, 492 Sabina, 490 Sarah-Douglass, 490 Sarah Mabel, 491 Sarah Perley, 490 Sherman Ellsworth, 490 Wayland, Martha, 449 Wayne, Gen. Anthony, 253 Wayne, Me., 174, 369, 589 Weare. Esther, 25 Mesheck, 94, 532 Peter, 25 Weare Mansion, 532 Weare, N. H., 332 Weares, the, 532 Weathersfield, Vt., 490 Weaver, Jane, 608 Webb, Archie Forest, 431 Charles Herbert, 431 Cornelia P., 431 Dorothy Louise, 474 Edward C, 432 Edward Clarence, 431 Ephraim Elliott, 474 Frederick, 431 Herbert Lucius, 431 Jotham, 41 Lucius R., 431 Maria, 246 Marjorie Mabel, 474 Minnie Blanche, 431 Nat., 134 Rachel Perley, 474 Weber, Annie May, 243 Benjamin Brainard, 243 Benjamin LeMoyne, 243 Elizabeth Rocelia, 243 Harriet Adelaide, 243 Jacob, 243 Julia Lyravine, 243 Theresa Rocelia, 243 Webster, Anna-Poor, 307 Carlton Given, 455 Carrie Perley, 307 Daniel, 80, 210. 257, 258, 265, 413 Dean Barbour, 455 Edee, 265 Elbridge G., 454 Gilman, 307 Henrietta Ardellia-Given 454 Horace Gilman, 307 James, 307 Lillian Sarah, 455 Perley Mitchell. 455 Rebecca, 482 Sally, 646 Stephen, 659, 660 Walter Elbridge, 454 Webster, N. D., 476 Webster's Point, 209 Wedge, Lydia Taylor, 609 Weed, Abigail-Chapman, 84 Weekly Argos, 569 Weeks, Anna Carter, 554 Aseneth-Barstow, 220 Elijah, 220 Elizabeth Narcissa-Cus- tin, 554 Emeline-ElHott, 438 Marion Vera, 4.38 Martha A., 220 Nathaniel Gilman, 554 Sarah A., .547 William Amos, 438 Welch, Francis, 88 Johannah, 240 Lydia, 166 Moses, 85 326 Salome M., 449 (See Welsh) Weld, Me., 265 Weld, Susan C, 305 Welder, Hannah, 89 Wellfleet, Mass., 287 Wellington, Cape Town, 415 Wellington, Elizabeth S., 436 Wells, xiv Wells, Abigail Kinsman, 294 Allethea Huntington, 323 Amasa, 476 Betsey M.-Smith, 324 Daniel, 323 Eunice Perley-Lunt 641 John F., 158 Joseph, 209 Mary, 243, 255 Mary-Ayer, 470 Moses, 641 Nathaniel, 255 Rhoda S., 492 Ruth, 271 Ruth-Town, 255 Sally, 554 Samuel, 107 Sarah Elizabeth, 476 T. S. 294 Wells or Pollard, Charlotte Bacon, 107 Lydia F., 107 Mary Eustis, 107 Nathaniel, 107 Rebecca, 107 Ruth Ann Currier, 107 Sarah, 107 Welmont, N. S., 348 Welsh, xvi, xvii, xviii, 648 Welsh descent, 601 Welsh prefix, 397 . Welsh, Salome M., 161 Samuel, 161 (see Welch) Welton, Elizabeth, 558 Wenham Depot, Mass., 76, 654 Wenham, Mass., 40, 157, 158 310, 352, 356, 530 Wentworth, Charles E., 471 Freeman, 226 John, 471 Lizzie J., 471 Wilson, 226 Wescoat, Minnie Ellen-Stan- ton, 651 Nelson, 651 Wescott, Amy, 190 Anna, 379 Clarence M., 380 Clarence Mortimer, 379 Frank Perley, 379 Mary Ann-Skillings, 379 Minnie Evangeline, 406 Reuben, 379 Reuben Edgar, 380 West, Adrianr>a, 614 Anne, 176 Charles Alfred, 176 Edith, 176 West Acton, 133 West Amesl)ury, 158 West Andover, N. H., 276, 277 West Berkshire, Vt., 603 Westboro, Mass., 365, 649 746 THE PERLEY FAMILY West B oxford, Mass., ix, xi, 118, 126, 171, 356, 462, 544, 592, 593, 595 West Bovlston, Mass., 231. 453 West Brookfield, Mass., 68, 246 West brook, Me., 331, 332 West Cambridge. Mass., 317 West Chelmsford, 432 West Colusa mine, 402 West Derry, N. H., 433 Westerly, R. I, 317 Western, Mass., 31 Westfield, 216 Westford, Mass., 60, 133, 146 147, 295 West Halifax. Vt.. 42 West Hampden, 227 West Indian pine-apple, xvii West Indies, 32. 68, 253 544 Westminster, Mass.. 229. 246 Westminster, N. H., 42 Westminster. Vt.. 51 Westmoreland. K. H.. 69 West Newbury, Mass., 39, 49, 50, 85, 91, 309,340,341, 457, 535, 544, 625 West Newton, Mass., 270 West Peabody, 447 West Point, 90, 273, 565, 646 West Robinson, 298 West SprinKfield, Mass., 623 West Springfield, N. II., 275, 464 West St. John, 400, 408 West, the, 241, 262, 281. 647, 648 Westinghousc, Church. Kerr & Co.. 513 Weston, Bartlett H.. 161 Bartlett Hardy. 93 B. H., 92 Caroline Matilda-Hardy, 94 Charles H., 366 Eunice, 135 Flint, 94 Judge, 174 Marion Dodge, 94 Permilla Lee, 271 Ruth Vernon, 94 Samuel A., 271 Stella P., 271 Weston. Perley Bros. &, 366 Weston. Mass., 31, 133 Wetherbec, Hcpzibah, 132 Israel. 131. 132 Weymouth, Mass., 510, 645 Wheatland. Mich.. 602 Wheatley. Lura. 484 Wheaton, 111., 428 Wheeler. Asa, 466 Charles Frederic. 477 Charles Newton, 477 EHzabeth, 633 Emily P.. 466 Francis Woodward, 466 Frederick. 433 Harriet Emmeline-Hatch. 433 Helen Elizabeth. 477 Kate Louise. 433 Louisa Robinson, 466 Manly Asa, 466 Richard Perley. 466 Rose B.- Watson. 477 Rufus. 70 Sarah, 23 Willard. 479 WheeHng, West Va., 430 Wheelock, Lucy, 332 Wheelock, Vt.. 603, 604 Whidden, Albert Henrv, 468 Donald Strother, 468 Henry Frothingham. 468 Henrv L., 468 Mary A. -Fellows, 468 Mrs. Albert H., 467 Whig paper, 382 Principles, 383 Whippey, Cordelia Hatch, 646 Lucy Gillette-Bennett, 646 Reuben Luce, 646 Whipple. Henry. 306 Susanna. 627 Thomas J., 3.30 Whitaker, Hannah, 44 Louisa Ann, 553 Mary Ann, 553 Robert, 553 Whitby, Ont., 624 Whitcher, George, 642 Hannah, 642 Mary- Fellows, 642 Whitcf)mb, Andrew A., 616 Angie B.. 232 FHiza Jane. 133 Fannie I.. 232 Horace, 232 John. 616 JuUa Ann, 616 Mary, 616 S. C, 420 Stella S., 232 White, , 479, 6.32 Aldcn I'erley. 359 Amos Alden, 359 Amt)S C, 359 Barbara, 360 Bessie Hazen, 237 Betsey I.. 438 Carter. 360 Charles H., 238 Charles Hazen. 237 Frances Isabel. 238 Hannah R.. 134 Herbert Jewell, 359 Homer. 605 James Stewart. 237 John, 59 Lydia- Porter, 359 Marion Augusta, 359 Mary I., 238 Mary Isabel, 237 Mary-Morse, 237 Nancy Perley, 360 Peregrine, 350 Phillips 26 Sally, 349 Susan. 634 William, 237 White, Perry &, 359 Whitefield, Me., 280, 652 Whitefield, N. H.. 282 Whitchouse, Va., 512 White Mountains, 161 White Oak Swamp, 90 White Pine County, Nev., 400 White Plains, 68 White Rock. Me., 379 White Run Campaign, 90 Whiting, Carrie, 303 ■ Mary. 119 Whiteley. Sarah, 441 Whiteman, Anna Nancy, 430 Maggrert Jane-Hill, 430 William Alexander, 430 White' s Cove, N. B., 634, 636, 638, Whiteside, Margaret, 583 Whitmore. Amherst, 456 Benjamin, 455 Benjamin Perley, 456 Cora, 243 Hannah Rachel, 456 John Clement, 456 John Franklin, 456 Joshua Perley, 456 Martha, 262 Martha Elizabeth, 456 Nathaniel Chadbourne, 456 OHve-Cook, 455 Whitney. . 632 Achsah L. 251 Betsey, 232 Charles Henry, 596 Charles Melville. 232 Chloe. 434 Chloe-Lincoln. 434 Clara Sigourney. 232 CordeHa E.. 119 Cynthia. 232 Dr.. 135 Dudley. 232. 233 Edgar D.. 232 Georgianna Selina. 232 Grover Schollay. 232 G. S.. 233 Hannah. 128, 229. 232 Hannah E.-F-reeman, 596 Hannaniah 229 Isaiah. 596 Jav P., 232 Joseph. 128. 229 232 Mary Mansfield. 231 McLane McClure. 232 Milton G.. 232 Sarah Stone. 232 Scba. 232 Scth. 434 Thomas. 232 William, 121. 231. 232, 2.50, 677 Whiton, Israel. 225 Whittakcr. Helen Marie, 554 Jane, 585 Wliittemore, John Murray, 332 Mr.. 176 Thomas. 331. .332 Whitten, Ann, 301 Bina Esther, 422 Hannah-Currier. 422 Louville Weston, 422 OHvcr, 422 Weston, 422 Wliiltier. Caroline Matilda, 507 Frederic Leonard, 508 John G.,. 523 Leonard, .507 Leonard E., 508 Leonard Edward, 507 Mary Ann, 508 Moses, 197 Phebe Kimball, 520 Rebecca-Bailey, 505, 507 Rhoda. 197 Sarah Jane, 197 Sarah Perley, .507 Sarah Willy, 505 Thomas, 505, 507 Whittingham, EHzabeth, 99 Whitworth, Emma-Black- hurst. 552 Margaret Blackhurst, 552 Thomas, 552 Whyte, James Barden. 302 Wibaux, Mont., 561 Wicks, , 669 Widdifield, Mary Ann. 524 A\'idow and two daughters. 42 Widower and two sons. 42 Wiggin, . 513 Abbie, 638 EHphalet Merrill, 471 Mabel Perley, 471 Sarah, 639 Wiggins, Victory, 637 Wigglesworth. Edward, 658 Wight. Daniel O.. 119 Hugh, 578 Jennette, 578 Marv Ann, 119 Mary-Miller, 578 Rebecca Howard, 119 HISTORY AND GENEALOGY 747 Wilbraham, Mass., 247, 496, 623 Wilbur, Hannah, 536 Susan, 448 Wilcox, Hester Malvinia, 503 Luna-Jones, 503 Oliver, 503 Wilde, vSamuel S., 173 Wilder, Abel, 658 Caleb, 129 Constance Perley, 639 Elvah v., 249 Herbert Augustus, 639 Margaret Guild, 639 Mary Clement, 639 Wilderness, The, 90 Wildes, Elizabeth, 345, 552 E. P., 158 Mary, 84 Mary Elizabeth, 163- Moses, 315 Wilds Mehitable, 76 Wiley, , 337 Annie Vera, 93 Bessie Merton, 93 Elmer H., 93 Elmer Harvey, 91 Emily L., 614 Emily Louise, 615 Hannah Goodwin, 366 James Harvey, 91 Jonathan, 91 Joseph, 614 Mary Jane-Todd, 635 Olive Jeanette, 91 Phebe, 91 Robert, 635 Rose Burton, 614 Sarah, 635 Wilkins, Ann, 222 Benson Perley, 433 Celestia, 454 Charlotte, 473 Daniel, 162 Doris Fifield, 433 E. R., 433 Esther, 548 Frederick, 444 George A., 444 Harriet Newell-Davis, 433 Herbert E., 433 Herbert Emerson, 433 Josiah, 69 Louise, 69 Malcolm Lamprey, 433 Sarah-Fuller, 444 Wesley Jerome, 433 Wilkinson, Abbie, 437 Charles, 500 Ella Abbbie, 500 Will, Allan Perley's, iv Hannah Perley's, 101 John Perley's, 184 Willets, Amelia-Underhill, 509 Ehzabeth, 509 John Titus, 509 Willey, Eliza- Dearborn, 500 George Franklyn, 500 Georgia, 150 John, .500 William, the Conqueror, xx, 63, 190, 620, 508 Williams, xv Williams, Abbie Kenney, 207 Betsey, 245 Carolyn Belle, 348 Charles Albert, 207 Charles George, 207 Deborah, 562 Ephraim, 245, 246 Fannie Ailmatrien-Mur- ray, 348 [not Newton] Henrv Newton, 348 John Hane, 524 Louisa Maria, 524 Marion Deland, 208 Marion Susan, 272 Mary Ann-VViddilield,524 Mascol, 112 Widow, 124 Williamsburg, 90, 163 Williamsburg, Mass., 500 Williamson, xv Williamsport Furn. Co., 538 WilUamsport, Pa., 537, 538 Williamstown, 242 Williamstown, (Mass.) 14 Williamstown, Vt. 14, 91 WilHmantic, Ct., 338 WiUiston, Mary EHza, 625 Rebecca P. -Powers, 625 Samuel S., 625 Seth, 173 WilHston, N. D., 477 Williston, Vt., 481 Wilmarth, Samantha, 332 Wilmington, 347 Wilmington, Mass., 3 Wilmot,Lemuel Allen, 650 Wilmot, N. H., 275-277, 381, 465 Wilson, Barbara Gordon, 637 Charles, 611 Elizabeth Jane, 405 Everett, 393 Isabella, 240 Jane G. -Henderson, 240 John, 240 Lowell C;., 175 Mary, 696, 611 Wilton, Me., 140, 261-267,369 452, 453, 589-591, 646 Wilton, N. H., 69 Winchendon, Hist, of, 225 Winchendon, Hyde's Hist, of, 231 Winchendon, Mass., 72, 73, 120, 121, 127, 128, 131, 133, 142, 228-233, 244, 417, 432, 436, 438, 627, 657 Winchendon Road, 230 Winchester, Mass., (Map 3), 198, 272. 409 Winchester, N. H., 439 Winchester, Frances Marion, 643 Susannah, 255 Windham Centre, 369 Windham, Me., 365, 369, 370, 643 Windham, N. H., 348 Windsor, Can., 597 Windsor Hotel, Mont.,Can.,78 Windsor, Mass., 438 Windsor, Vt., 499 Winfield, Ark., 480 Wing, Aaron Allen, 193 EUza-Chase, 193 Frances Angelia, 193 Winnipiseogee Lake Co., 168 Winnipeg, Man., 401, 582 Winona, 490 Winslow, Donald Bradshaw, 404 Grace Elenora, 404 Jane F., 40.5 Jane Francis, 404 Jane-Rainsford, 404 John Francis Wentworth, 404 Thomas Bradshaw, 404 Thomas Bruce, 404 Winter Hill, 658 Winterport, Me., 228, 354 Winters, Harry, 430 Robert, 430 Winnifred Lillian, 430 Winthrop, Elizabeth, 340 Gov., xi, xviii, 346 Mr., 9 the elder, 494 Winthrop, Me., 6, 7, 148-150, 173, 298, 303, 309-311, 520, 525, 520, 653 Winthrope, Gov., 1, 2 younger, 2 Winthrope's farm, 4, 6 Wisconsin, 119, 439, 475 Wise, George Howard, 386 Jessie Perley, 386 John, 386 Luther, 386 Phebe-Wood, 386 William, 107 Witch, 71, 322 Witchcraft, 16, 30, Hi Witchery, 19 Witherbee, Israel, 132 Witter, Eunice, 549 Woburn, Mass., xix, (Map 1, 3), 1, 6. 272, 465 Wolfboro, N. H., 62, 297, 349 471, Wollaston, Mass., 587 Wolseley, N. W. T., 580-582 Wolverton, Mary, 404 Woman, first white, 490 Wonder, The Country's, 206 "Wonder Wording Provi- dence, "Johnson's.xiii Wood, Aaron, 61, 113 Abbie, 150 Abigail, 52, 264 Abner, 51 Adela Hills, 1.50 Agnes Ritchie, 215 Amos Perley, 150 Benjamin. 305 Betsey, 157, 158 Celeste, , 150 Charles Francis, 150 Chessman H., 151 Chessman Hovey, 150 Daniel, 11 David, 34, 51, 52, 59 Dolly, 151 Dr., 21, 34 Eliphalet, 51 Elizabeth, 151 Elizabeth-Wood, 70, 151 Ellen Lavinia, 151 Elonar- , 150 Emma, 151 Enoch, 51, 52, 75 George, 150 George Henry, 150 Hannah, 68, 70, 140, 157, 254 Harlow, 1.50 Harlow Putnam, 150 Harlow vStewart, 150 Isaiah, 150 Isaiah Winthrop, 150 James Llewellyn, 150 Jane, 582 John, 31, 278 John William, 278 Jonathan, 51, 52, 00, 61. 75, 133 Julia, 150 Juha- , 150 Julia A.-Crane, 278 Llewellyn. 150 Louisa Perley, 150 Lucy 51 Luella, 150 Lydia-Waterman, 150 Marcia Louisa, 151 Margaret, 45, 46 Margaret- Perkins, 120, 126 Mary, 51 May, 150 Mehitable, 126 Mehitable Peabody. 157 Mchitable-Peabody, 157 Moses, 150 Nathan, 60, 70, 110, 151 748 THE PERLEY FAMILY Wood, Nelson P., 134 Oliver, 157 Phebe, 157, 386 Phebe-Perley, 457 Quincy Campbell, 151 Quincy P., 151 Quincy Pickering, 150 Ruth Blackstone, 151 Sally, 157, 457 Sally C, 134 Sally Perley, 150 Sarah, 51, 56, 120 Sarah Louisa, 1 50 Sarah Redington, 52 Sarah-Redington, 75 Solomon, 60, 157, 254,457 Thomas, 46, 120, 126 Vida, 150 Villa, 150 Walter, 150 Walter A., 470 Walter Jewett, 150 WilHam Hale, 52 William Pearlcy, 150 Wood fund, Hon. Aaron, 121 Wood School Fund, Aaron, 148 Woodall, Louise, 578 Woodbridge, Cal., xiii, 216, 394, 395 Woodbridge, Thomas March 291 Woodbury, A., 103 Alberta, 460 Alfred, 459 Amos, 459, 593 Daniel, 270 Ella Frances. 550 Harriet L., 221 Hephsibah, 459 Hephzibeth, 593 Herbert A., 460 Herbert Albert, 459 Isaac, 291 Leon Wesley, 460 Marcv A.-Annis, 593 Mary, 39 Mary-Annis, 459 Mary Messenger, 269 Nehemiah, 229, 230 Pearl Elsie, 460 Rapscima-Messenger, 270 Sarah Wildes-WalUs, 550 Susannah, 116 Tristram, 550 William W., 221 Woodbury Co., Druggist, 338 Woodcock, Charles, 457 Eliza Anna, 438 Jenny, 457 Woodfords, Me., 370 Woodman, Adelaide, 294, 295 Almira, 294 D. P., 518 519 Daniel Perlev, 294 Edward, 294 EHza, 283 Joseph, 104 Lydia Thurlow, 294 Mary Emery, 268 Mary Perley, 295 Nelhe Knowlton, 295 Sewell, 294, 516 Sewell Augustus, 294 Woodman, [Read Woodward] Lucy Elizabeth Rog- ers-Treadwell, 259 Samuel, 259 Woodruff, Ann EUzabeth, 334 Bulah, 561 Woods, Annie M., 568 Enoch. 108 Ephraim, 350 Eunice- Wright, 350 George 3.'^0. 376 Hannah, 147, Pres., 379 Wood's Holl, Mass., 609 Woodstock, 202 Woodstock, Ct., 415 Woodstock, N. B., 214-216, 391, 394, 403-405, 430, 637 Woodward, , 163 Arthur Benton, 277 Caleb, 277 Charles Henry, 276 Clark Burton, 276 David, 271 Elizabeth Fay, 295 Ellen Maria, 277 Everline, 277 FrankUn Muzzy, 311 Fred Perley, 277 George Elliot, 276 Hattie Prescott, 277 John, 276 John Frank, 276 Lucy Elizabeth Rogers- Treadwell, [not Wood- man], 259 Mary Ehzabeth, 277 Mercy, 251. 436 Nancie Muzzy, 311 Prudentia Farwell-Mills, 311 Ruth Wells, 271 Samuel [not Woodman], 259 Samuel Bayard, 259 Sarah, 508 Sarah A., 271 Sarah Bunker, 277 Sherman, 277 Sumner, 277 Woonsocket, 247 ■Worcester, Almira, 338 Dr., 306 John, 338 Mae Etta, 338 Samuel, 266 Worcester, Mass., 89, 134,178, 197, 247, 258, 259, 272, 353, 468, 496, 497, 525, 543, 602 World Bureau, The, 569 World, The. 569 World's Fair, 402, 581 Wormwood, Dorintha, 481 Sarah Brock-Goodwin, 481 William Stone, 481 Worth, Alexander Bunker,418 George Edward, 418 George Perley, 418 Henry, 418 Lizzie Abbie. 418 Orrie Ermina, 419 Persis-Bunker, 418 Wortman, Ada, 459 Clarence Perley, 459 David, 459 Elijah Estabrook, 459 Etta Mary, 459 Worthington, Fred Everett, 87 A\'orthington, Minn., 599 Wright, Abigail, 364. 521 Almira J., 251 Anna Eliza, 438 Benjamin B., 386 Benjamin Birdsal, 386 Claude V., 387 Claude Vincent, 386 Edith F., 251 Eliza Anna-Woodcock, 438 EHza Ann-Miller, 386 Eraeline-Gates, 381 Eunice, 350 Florence G., 387 Florence Grace, 386 George S., 251 Hannah K. -Richardson, 251 Ilapgood, 381 Harry Perley, 386 Henry, 438 Lillia A., 387 Lillia Ann, 386 Mabel Josephine, 386 Martha Jane, 251 Mary Jane, 386 Mary P., 454 Phoebe A., 387 Phoebe Ann, 386 Robert Jefferson, 386 Ruth Engels, 387 Sarah Maria, 272 Simeon B., 251 Wunjeet, Sagamore, 411 WycofI, Sarah, 389 Wyman, Betsey-Stanley, 474 Cynthia, 474 Ebenezer, 474 Elbridge, 647 Emma lone, 647 Fred L., 647 Jacob, 59 Lucind a- Webber, 647 Perley Hammond, 647 Rodney Elbridge, 647 Wyoming, 377 Wynn, Anne, xviii Elizabeth, x, viii Mr., xvii Richard, xv Wynans, Zade, 669 Yankee sovereignty, xi Yarmouth, Eng., xii Yarmouth, Me., 372, 376, 512, 513 Yarmouth, N. S., 232, 634 Yarmouthville, Me., 563 Years old, 1 -hundred, 506 Yeo, Benjamin, 578 Ellen Ashton, 578 Patty-Ashton, 578 Yokohama, Japan, 271 York County, Me., 191 York, Me., 465, 629 Yorkshire, Eng., 373 Yorktown, 90, 96 Yorkville, 243 Young, Alex. Beverly, 393 Benjamin, 289 Brigham, 400 Ehzabeth, 289 Francis, 27 John Colwell, 393 Maj., 532 Martha-Burns, 393 Nancy, 443 Nancy Jane, 231 Olive Louise, 393 Rebecca, 27 Rev., 168 Sarah M., 289 Young Republican, the, 531 Young's Hotel, 161 Yurks, Mary, 198 Zanesville Aurora, 360 Zanesville, O., 354, 355, 360, 649 Zimbleman, Catherine-Leinin- ger, 489 Flora May, 489 Jacob, 489 Zink, Maj., 518 Zouaves, Ellsworth, 576 Zouaves, Hawkins, 385, 576 K^" "^. v"^ ^0 C ^^" '^^. 0' . ,0 o. ' * ^ s ^ >iy •i' .^ ^^A v^ o5 -^^ -^A v^^ ^°^.. ^ -^^^ '// c^ ^^' v * * 8 1 \ ' "o'o* -- ^^•^^*-.. ,. . /■ *>. v C- V ^ ' -f^, . '^ ^' ^ '^.^^^ -:^;: '■-^ "?■ ■'bo* : ■; -^v" .-^ •% : ■; ^°' .0 o .0^ '^c.. -^.,^ oX> ^^ <^. o5 ■''c^ \> , ^ • " ^ ^> % A^ ->. 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