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Introduction. 11 Different breeds of Sheep, &c. 13 Native breed 13 Otter breed 14 Merinoes 1^ Closeness of fleece of 19 Form and shape 19 Saxony ^0 South Down 21 Dishley . 2S Caramanian ^ 23 Frederic Sheep 24 Texel 24 Management of Sheep 26 Twelve letters to a Shepherd 33 Directions for May 33 '' June 3Q " July 40 " August 42 " September * 44 '' October 46 " November 48 '' December 51 ^' January 55 " February 53 " March CO " April 63 Usual mode of managing Sheep CQ Diseases of Sheep 'i 1 Scab 72 Pelt rot 74 Sheep Pox or Claveau 75 Foot Rot 82 Erysipelas or red water 8G Sore Eyes 67 Wounds,, Fractures, &:c. 87 Rot SO Diarrhea or scouring 96 Dysentery 97 Stretches or Colic 93 Braxy G9 Sturdy 100 Staggers 101 Worms in the head 103 Worms, Flukes, &c. 105 Convulsions 108 Poison 108 Miscellaneous 113 First lamb 113 Table of British Sheep 114 Technical terms 115 Lambs at a birth 115 Choice of a Ram 116 Signs of Health 117 Salt 117 Salving, Yolk, &c, 118 Method of bleeding Sheep 119 Transition from high to low feed 120 Number of Ewes to a Ram 121 Age of Sheep 124 Grades of wool 125 Notes — Mr. Jarvis 128 Downs or Dunes 128 Comparative value of Dishleys and Merinoes 128 Sheep Houses 129 1* Foot Rot • ]3i Appearance of the liver in rot ]3l Recipe for poisoned Sheep 131 Supposed worm in the feet 132 At a meeting of the Kennebec County Agricultur- al Society, held at Union Hall, Winthrop, on the 4th day of June, 1832, it was Voted^ To choose a Committee to collect informa- tion upon the diseases to which Sheep are sui)ject in this climate, with the prevention and cure ; the best breeds of Sheep and the mode of improvintj them ; with such matter as would be useful in a Treatise upon Sheep generally, should the Kentiebec County Agricultural Sociely deem it expedient to publish a work upon this subject. In compliance with the requisitions of the above vote, the following pages are respectfully submitted by The Committee. INTRODUCTION. Perhaps no country in the world, not even Spain itself, is better adapted to the successful breeding of sheep than the State of Maine. The innumerable hills which diversify her landscape, are peculiarly fitted by their wholesome herbage, their airy walks and pure and refreshing rills to the purposes of past- urage for this kind of stock, while the lowlands afford abundance of fodder for them during the win- ter months. We are indebted to an individual of the committee for an economical, and, as it has hith- erto proved, a judicious mode of keeping sheep a part of the winter months ion hay cut from our low- lands commonly known by the \^ame oi ^' meadow hay.'" This, combined with other kinds of food as occasion may require has been found a successful mode of management, as it thus brings our hills and lowlands into profitable connexion, one for summer the other for winter use. Thus, Maine is undoubt- edly destined to become a great wool growing coun- try, and the time is probably not far distant, when 10 the accumulation of capital, will put in use her now neglected waterfalls ; and her wool, instead of being shipped to other places, will be manufactured at the Shepherd's door. These considerations have prompted the attention of many of our sagacious farmers to the subject, and altho' various circumstances have opposed the suc- cess and increase of flocks among us. Yet the sub- ject is exciting increased interest and awakening a just consideration in regard to the rearing and im- .provement of this invaluable animal. Among the causes which have had a tendency to check the progress of Sheep Husbandry,- none have been so discouraging as the diseases which destroyed our flocks in the winter of 1828, 1829, 1831 and %. During the latter period many farmers lost their whole flocks, and there were very few who did not suffer severely. To prevent as much as possible a recurrence of these calamities, and to throw more light upon the business of rearing and managing sheep, of prevent- ing and curing their disorders, the Kennebec County Agricultural Society, deemed it advisable to collect and embody what information could be obtained. The facts and observations- thus collected, with such other information from various sources and au- thors thatwas thought would be useful to the Shep- herds of Maine, are here presented. MANAGEMENT OF SHEEP. CHAPTER I. DIFFERENT BREEDS OF SHEEP WITH REMARKS UPON THEIR PROPERTIES, &C. As far as we can ascertain, there are or have been eight different breeds of sheep introduced into the United States, viz : J^ative breed so called, the Olter breeds the Merino^ the Texel, the Dishley, the Carama- nian, the South down and the Frederick sheep. A brief description of these varieties or breeds as they are called, will be given. \. Native Breed. — The ancestors of this breed were brought from some part of England, at what period we do not precitely know, but probably sometime between the years 1624 and 1629. History informs us that Mr. Edward Winslow brought the first neat cattle into New-England in 1624, and in 1629, 140 head of cattle, some horses, 2 14 sheep and goats were brought into Massachusetts bay. They Avere, generally speaking a well formed slieep^ bearing wool of a medium fineness. As there were no particular pains taken with them, and not much real spirit of improvement in this kind of stock show- ed until 1812, they were suffered to take their chance pretty much as Nature would dictate, without re- gard to the improvement of any particular points. They have now become, except in few instances, so mixed in with other breeds, that a genuine native is rarely to be found at the present day. 2. Otter breed. — Some years ago a singular va- riety of sheep were somewhat numerous in some parts of Massachusetts, and some few of them were introduced into Maine. They were called the Otter breed or Short legged sheep. The origin of them is thus given by Dr. Dwight : In the town of Mendon (Mass.) if I have been cor- rectly informed, an ewe belonging to one of the far- mers had twins which he observed to differ in their structure from any other sheep in this part of the country, particularly the fore legs which were much shorter and were bent inwards so as to distantly re- semble what are called clubfeet. Their bodies were at the same time thicker and more clumsy. During their growth they were observed to be more gentle, less active, less inclined to wander than other sheep, and unable to climb the stone walls with which this region abounds. They were of different sexes. The i5 proprietor therefore determined an attempt to pro- duce a breed of the same kind. The attempt was successful. The progeny had all the characteristics of the parents ; and although they have since multi- plied to many thousands, have exhibited no material variation. I am further informed that this breed of sheep have been crossed with the breed of sheep common in this country, and in all instances, to the dates of my last information, the lambs have entirely resem- bled either the sire or the dam, and have never ex- hibited the least discernible mixture. These sheep are called the otter breed, from a resemblance to the animal of that name. Their flesh is said to be good mutton, and their wool not inferior to that of common sheep either in quantity, length or fineness. But their peculiar value consists in their quietness, with which they continue in any enclosure. In a country where stone walls are so general as in New- England, it would seem that sheep of that descrip- tion would be almost invaluable. — Dwighfs Travels^ vol 3. This breed, however, did not answer the high ex- pectations which Dr. Dwight formed of them. They have now become very scarce if not entirely extinct. 3. Merinoes. — The Merinoes were brought from Spain into the United Slates by the Livingstons of New- York in 1802, and Col. Hunphreys of Connecti- ent. 16 Hon. Charles Jarvis, Consul at Spain, also import- ed some very fine flocks from that country, from which have sprung some of the finest flocks in New- England, [a] The merinoes are considered by some to have been oriojinallv carried from England and propagated in Spain until they had acquired fixed and characteristic properties, not possessed by any other breed. They are in general a smaller sized sheep than common breeds, — bone and oflid light— bodies short- er, in proportion to weight, sides somewhat flat. The males have generally large horns, and both sex- es are often covered with wool over the eyes and down to the hoofs. Their fleece is very compact or close, of a medium length, full of yolk and the •finest of any race of sheep. The introduction of this breed among us forms an important and interesting era in the history of our Sheep Husbandry. Although Livingston and Hum- phreys had introduced them into this countr}-, and their merits were beginning to be appreciated, yet general attention was not turned to them until after the war broke out between Great Britain and the United States in 1812. From this time a total stop was put to all commerce between the two nations^ and the want of broadcloths, cassimeres &c., which had formerly been obtained from England, was be- ginning to be felt. Our manufacturers of these arti- cles were indeed few, and these few had not the ma- 17 terial to work np. A call, both for the manufactur- ed article and the raw material was thus created, and our enterprising merchants commenced the shipping or importation of merinoes from Spain, for the pur- pose of growing the wool among us. As the de- mand for the wool was much greater than the sup- ply, a spirit of competition among farmers arose. — Speculation ran high ; a single buck was often bought and sold for five hundred dollars or more, and as in all speculations of a similar nature, fortunes were made and lost. While merino wool brought from one dollar to two dollars per pound, the merino was held in the highest estimation, and the farmers spar- ed no pains in nursing and tending them. But at the conclusion of peace, and when commerce was restor- ed between the two countries, the value of wool and consequently the carcase which produced it deprecia- ted rapidly. Our farmers turned their attention to other pursuits, their flocks became generally neglect- ed, of course ran down, and to this day we hear ma- ny condemning tho poor merino, as being a worth- less, tender animal, when the whole sin lies at the door of the careless shepherd. That they are not so hardy as some other breeds none will deny. Nor is it possible in the nature of things that they should be. Nature, or art, or both have produced an animal, the principal part of whose sustenance is converted into a thick close fleece, of the most delicate and finest fibre. Is it strange that 2* IS the body and constitutional strength of such an ani* mal should be deficient, when there is not that amount of food expended in producing and keeping up strong animal powers ? Is it strange that of two sheep^ both eating, we will say the same amount of food, but one converting two thirds of this amount into flesh and fat, and the other converting two thirds of what he eats into the finest of wool ; the latter should be the most tender and less calculated to abide the rigors of winter ? Does not such an one virtually say to you ? — I will return your food in the form of the finest of fleeces — I will sacrifice the pleasures of a robust and hardy body to gratify your desire of dress, but you must take the more care of the car- case that I have thus debilitated for your gratifica- tion. — Certainly a most reasonable request. The Dishley holds a different language. I will eat and drink, and be filled with fatness. The coarse fibre which I yield, you may make the most of, but while I live, my food shall be expended in larding mine own ribs. It is true that near a large city where there is a constant market for mutton, the Dishley may be, on the whole, the most profitable ; but in this State, where the facilities of growing and fattening beef are almost unlimited, mutton is a secondary object. The merino must therefore be the most profitable variety which our farmers can raise. The flesh of this sheep, though not so much in amount per car- 19 case as the Dishley, is good while young. But it must be borne in mind that the object of Bakewell in forming the fiimous Dishley breed of sheep, and of the Spanish shepherd in bringing his merino to per- fection, were far different. Balsewell's whole aim was a great amount of nciutton from a single carcase without any regard to tlie wool. The Spaniards* object was to obtain the greatest amount of the finest wool on the single body, without any regard what- ever to the quantity or quality of the flesh. In bring- ing their favorite breeds to perfection each in its kind, they pursued an opposite course. The disadvantages attending a perfectly fine wooled merino are 1. Closeness of fleece. This prevents air from circulating around the body, and thereby subjecting them to diseases of the skin, especially when first ta- ken off, owing to the too great transition of circum- stances, viz : from a close hot slate to a perfect ex- posure to the sun, air, damps, dews and rains of the atmosphere upon so delicate a skin. 2. Bad form, or shape. The general health of most animals must depend upon their shape and con- struction. The health depends upon the digestive together with the circulating and respiratory organs. In the first place then the stomach should be large and placed in sufficient space, in order that it may contain a greater quantity of food to digest. The lungs should be capacious in order to allow a perfect- 20 ly free circulation of the blood through them, an4 to admit a larger quantity of air to come in contact with or to act upon it. Now a large chest or barrel formed body is necessary to contain these large or- gans. Hence a broad chest — flat back and hoop- shaped or circular ribs, indicate a more healthy ani- mal than one whose breast is thin, back and ribs nar- row, constituting a flat or slab-sided animal. Coun- teract these two disadvantages, viz : closeness of fleece and badness of form, and you render your me- rino more healthy and hardy, we think without di- minishing his value. It is no matter how fine the fibre is ; but if you would pursue wool growing profitably, pay particular attention to these two things: — The shape of the sheep and the closeness of the fleece, A Merino fleece upon a Bakewell body is the grand point to be aimed at by the shepherds of Maine. — Remember, no matter how fine the fibre, but let it not be too close, better make up the deficiency of weight in the length of the staple and have your fleece more open, than shorten the staple, thicken your fleece and bring on a liability to diseases. We are aware that many will combat this opinion, but the experience of our oldest and most careful wool growers dictate it. And we therefore repeat ; that you must pay the strictest attention to the form of the carcase or have a weak, sickly and unprofitable flock. Saxony.— The Saxony sheep are nothing more 21 than a variety of the merino. Some years ago, the Duke of Saxony in Germanyj introduced from Spain some of her finest woollecl s?)eep. They have im- proved the length of the staple. Not many years since quite a speculation was realized by importing this variety into the United States, but it is thought that on the whole they have been a disadvantage to our flocks of merinoes. It is true they have lengthened the staple, but they are longer legj^ed, and are bad nurses ; being smaller in the parts of gen- eration and yield but little milk. It may be expected that we shall speak of the dif- ferent varieties of the merino. Nearly all the varie- ties of this breed have been introduced among lis, but they have become now so blended together that their distinctive characters are in a great measure lost ; and this breed now presents a general uniformity. 4. South Downs. — This breed of sheep take their name from the extensive downs [b] or as we call them commons in the counties of Sussex, Kent, &c., in England. A few of them have been introduced into New-England by Messrs A. h A. Lawrence of Bos- ton in the autuum of 1825. Subsequently to this Col. Jacques imported a number from ihc flocks of Mr. Coke of Holkam in the county of Devon, and now has a fine flock of them on the ten Hills farm near Boston. We believe they were first introduced into the United States by that enterprising and energetic Ag- Q9 riculturist, John Hare Powel, of Powelton near Phil- adelphia, who thinks very highly of them, and of whom, as also of Col. Jacques they could be obtained of great purity. Their specific characters are — fa- ces and legs uniformly grey ; bones fine or small ; neck long and slim ; somewhat low before ; shoulder high; somewhat light in the fore quarter; sides broad ; loin tolerably good ; thigh full, and breast good ; wool very fine and short, (the staple being from two to three inches in length,) weighing on an average, two pounds and a half to a fleece when kil- led at two years old. This wool, when compared with the merino, is not so fine or as much in demand. Flesh fine grained and of very excellent flavor. — - Quick feeders. Constitution hardy and vigorous. Capable of great imj)rovements. Lawrence, an Eng- lish agriculturist, says they are second to none of the breeds in Britain, and recommends them very high- ly for hill or pasture sheep. Powel, in the memoirs of the Pennsylvania Agri- cultural Society, says the South Down sheep have fine fleeces, of shorter staple and much less weight, smaller carcases, less loaded with fat showing more proof within, afi'ording mutton of finer texture and better flavor than any breed known. Their forms are not so accurate, their fore quarters being lighter and their necks larger than those of the .Dishleys, but their chests are sufficiently wide to afford ample space for the position of their lungs ; upon the health- 2S ful action of which, able, scientific and practical men agree, the vigor and useful animal secretions depend. They are much more hardy ; have more offal ; they consume rather more food in proportion to their size, than the Dishley, but by their vigor and activity, are enabled to support, and to thrive upon bleak and barren hills where Dishley s would die from expo- sure or starve. 5. DisHLEYs. — This breed of sheep were introdu- ced into Massachusetts, by S. Williams^Esq. of North- boro' Worcesjter county ; and a few importations have been made by others. The characteristics of this breed, are — heads clean, straight, broad and with- out horns ; eyes briglit and lively ; pelts thin ; wool long, of medium fineness and admirably adapted for combing, weighing on an average four pounds. The Dishley are a valuable breed for mutton, but in point of pecuniary gain, in our section of the Uni- on, they cannot oonipare with the Merino. This we think may be made abundantly evident by calcula- tion.— [.See appendix c] 6. Caramanian or Camlet woolled Sheep. — In 1825, Capt. Gerry brought into New- York a bieck of ihis breed. The history of which is as follows : He was taken from on board a Turkish vessel bound to Constantinople, which vessel was captured by the Greek Admiral, Tombazo, and by him presented to Capt. Gerry. A female was also presented but it died on the passage. The admiral assured Capt. 24 G. that it was a native of Caramania, a province in Asia Minor. This buck was kept on the farm of William ShotwtH Esq., of Wootlbridge, N. Jersey, where they have been propagated. They are a large long legged sheep ; necks long ; heads horned ; backs straight ; chest moderately wide ; wool very long, coarse, dry and wiry, and very strong — somewhat similar to goats hair. This wool is said to be par- ticularly adapted to the manufacture of Camlets. Their flesh is good. A few of them have been reared in Maine, but it is believed that the wool has not been manufactured into any thing but coarse fab- rics. 7. Frederick Sheep. — This is a large and valua- ble breed of sheep, bred by the late R. K. Meade, Esq. of Frederick county, Virginia. They are across of the Merino upon the long woolled Arlington breed, formerly bred by General Washington. Mr. Meade cultivated this breed with great success for a number of years. 8. The Texel Breed, so called, have been reared in Maine by Mr.Fillebrown of Readfield, who, if we mistake not, procured them of Col. Jacques of Charles- ton, Mass. They are somewhat similar to the Bake- well or Dishley in appearance, and in quantity and quality of their wool. These are the principal breeds that have been in- troduced and reared among us. They are not all the kinds, however, that have been occasionally seen 25 among the flocks of our farmers. We are informed that Commodore Preble introduced a variety from some parts of Europe, which were kept near Port- land. A variety of sheep with smutty faces and legs were formerly kept by a Mr. Evans of Turner ; but we have not been able to ascertain what particular breeds either of them were, or whether any of them exist now or not. Before the introduction of Merinoes, and general attention was turned to them, our sheep, especially on the seaboard, presented a motley variety. Our seamen would often bring a ram or an ewe, or a pair from the countries that they visited, and thus in time the flocks in that section of the State bordering upon the sea, became extremely various in appearance and quality. jDHAPTER 11. MANAGEMENT OF SHEEP. High and low keeping — Pasturage and surnmer man-: agement. Fall keeping — Winter keeping — Spring keeping. Time of Yeaning. Upon the proper management of Sheep, it must be evident all the profit depends. Care is a very essen- tial requisite in this part of Husbandry ; and he who does not possess or practice it, ought never to have the charge of a single sheep, much less of a numerous flock. If the owner takes the charge of his own flock, interest will spur him to his duty, unless indo- lence become the stronger. If he intrusts his flock to another it becomes his solemn duty to discharge his trust with the utmost fidelity. Every consideration ought to prompt him to this. His obligation to his 27 employer — his own reputation, and the moral obli- gation which every human being is under to treat the brute creation which the Almighty has made de- pendent upon him, with kindness and mercy. Sheep should not be kept too high, unless intended for the butcher, for it is believed to be a true maxim in re- gard to sheep *^once fat never fat again." If they once become fat and are suffered to fall away, it is difficult getting them so fat as they were before they began to grow poor. In regard to the summer keeping of sheep, experi- ence proves that high rocky pastures are much the best. Nature, it seems, designed the Sheep originally for a mountain animal ; and although man has by art changed its nature in a surprising degree, yet he has not been able wholly to thwart her views ; and the Sheep still loves to feed on the hill top and the cliff, where there is a pure and exhilerating breeze, and where it can shelter itself under the shade of trees or a projecting rock during the heat of our sultry- dog-days. A high pasture therefore should, if possi- ble, be devoted to your sheep ; and if there is a con- siderable quantity of wood, or detached clumps and groves of trees in different situations, it will be still better, for they will serve for shelter during storms, which occasionally occur. They should be occasion- ally salted ; and if some tar be added to the salt it will be a benefit to them, as tar is a very good stim- ulant when taken into the stomach, and it prevents 28 annoyance from the different species of flies. The solid rock or mineral salt has been found a very con- venient article. A piece may be laid in a trough and the sheep will lick it as they please. A saving of la- bor will thus be effected. During the heat of Sum- mer, it will be found a very good practice to plough a furrow or two in the lower parts of the pasture. — The sheep delight at times to lie upon the sand thus thrown up, and have been observed to plunge their noses into the dust when pursued by the Oestris or fly which lays its eggs in their nostrils. The fly is thus defeated, and the trouble of maggots in the head the ensuing winter oftentimes prevented. Wild animals are now so scarce that sheep are not often molested by them, but Dogs oftentimes make immense havoc with them. A careful watch should be kept of the flock on this account ; and on the first appearance of any mischief of this sort, the robber should be ferreted out and killed immediately. As the frosty weather comes on in Autumn, it is necessary to pay more attention to your sheep. — Ewe? will begin to require the ram, and if permit- ted, the rams will begin \o rove abroad. If particu- lar attention is not paid to thern, and if they are not confined, you will find your lambs coming early in winter, and much trouble and loss will be the una- voidable consequence. As the Autumn advances you should remove your sheep to a more warm and sheltered situation, m 29 ' order that^they may be screened from the cold rains and chilly nights. If much rain falls you should oil them, or apply some oily ointment, to defend their skins from the wet and dampness. So delicate and tender is the skin of the fine woolled sheep, and so clo^e are their fleeces, that there is great danger of pelt rot being occasioned by too great exposure to the chilling influence of long and cold storms. As the grass and herbage decays it will be necessa- ry to supply its place by such fodder as they will eat, and to increase the quantity in proportion as what they get by grazing diminishes. It should be the en- deavor of every farmer to bring his sheep and indeed all his stock, to the barn in the best possible order. They are thus fitted to withstand the rigors of win- ter much better, and they will be carried through this inclement season with much less care, and more econ- omically, than they can be if they are poor and ema- ciated when winter sets in. During the winter, their dependence for food is almost wholly upon man. It is therefore not only absolutely necessary to his inter- est, but it becomes a sacred duty, to attend upon their wants, and to see that they are judiciously sup- plied with suitable food and at proper times. It is no slight task ; and every one who has the charge of sheep should study well their wants and appetites and govern his proceedings accordingly. It should be a rule with him to fill them ivith something that they will eat. Some green or heavy food, such as roots 3^ 30 or pine, or hemlock browse, should be given them. Sheep will feed upon as many kinds of food as any ruminating animals, but their appetite is variable. As Spring approaches and the ground becomes bare, sheep are very apt to stray out, if not confined in enclosures, and to crop the withered grass. This should never be allowed, for it takes their appetite from their fodder, and as they cannot graze enough to fill them, they will lose flesh fast. This should not be allowed ; for as the yeaning season approach- es, they should be so fed as to gain, rather than lose strength. The Spring is undoubtedly the proper time for sheep to yean ; but whether they should yean early in the season or late, is not well settled among our best shepherds ; some advocating that it is best to permit them to yean in April, others not till May. The arguments for and against, may be reduced to the following : If the shepherd is supplied with warm folds and yards, and has sufficient succulent food ; it might be best to let the ram run with the flock, and have the Iambs come when they pleased ; or, could the hab- its of sheep be so completely changed as to have the lambs come in October, say the last of October or the first of November, it might be. There are, howev- er, obstacles to this which are not easily surmounted. It has been said, and probably with reason, that dis- appointing the ewe when in heat has a tendency to injure the offspring, and render it small. The arguments in favor of delaying the yeaning as late as May, may be enumerated as follows : 1, That the sheep will need little or nothing but hay during the previous winter, consequently kept with less expense to the owner. 2, That more lambs may be generally reared from the same number of sheep. 3, That the lambs will require less care on account of the more mildness of the weather, &c. The arguments in favor of their yeaning at a suit- able time in April, are 1. That they will take the ram in November when both are in better order, and consequently the young will be larger and stronger. If delayed until December in order that the lambs may be dropped in May, both the ram and ewe will need grain in or- der to keep up their condition, otherwise they will be in an unthrifty state. This will have a tendency to injure the lamb and prevent its coming so healthy and strong as it would if the parents were in a better state of flesh. 2, That there is usually a time in April, after the sun has crossed the line, suitable for lambs to come, and equally as good as the usual weather in May; when, if well supplied with good succulent food, the loss of lambs will be not greater than when they drop in May ; and even if they were not with lamb, it would be good economy to feed, between hay and grass in the same manner as if you expected lambs 32 to come soon. They would not then be liable to fail in flesh, and of course less liable to become diseased. By feeding in this manner there would be less dan- ger of loss in the weight and quality of the fleece. — By yeaning at this time there would also be less dan- ger of the dam having more milk than the lamb can suck, and thereby endanger the udder by inflama- tion, &c. The shepherd will also have less trouble in seeing to his flock, as they will be about the yard ; and the Iambs will not be so much exposed to the depredations of dogs and foxes. 3, The Iambs which come in April will winter bet- ter during the ensuing winter, as many of them will have learned to eat hay, roots, &.c. before they leave the barn in the Spring. From a consideration of the arguments for and against the yeaning of lambs in April or May, we are inclined to the opinion that April is the best time ; if the Shepherd is provided with good succulent food for them, otherwise they ought to come later. In the latter case every pains must be taken to learn the lambs to eat oats, oil cake, or some other provender in the fall. We have not gone far into a consideration of the subjects of this chapter, because they are more fully discussed in the following letters. They are the re- sults of many years experience and observation in the business of rearing and managing sheep, and are pre- sented in this familiar way with the hope of making them more plain and interesting. TWELVE LETTERS TO A SHEPHERD. BEING DIRECTIONS FOR MANAGING SHEEP IN EVERY MONTH OF THE YEAR. LETTER L May 1, 1833. Mr. a. B. Shepherd at Dear Sir — I propose to write to you on the first day of each months through the year, giving you such directions as may appear to me to be useful to you, and help you in taking that diligent care of my flock which I have entrusted to you. Your occupation has been highly honored. I need not remind you of the repute of the Patriarchs of old, whose business was about flocks ; nor that tlie glad tidings of a Saviour were first made known to Shep- herds. This month, if most of your sheep have been out of the yard, and the transition has not been too sud- den ; and your pasture fence is well repaired, and the sheep are as they ought to be, not unruly, less care may be needed than in some other months in the year ; yet they ought to be looked to as often as every other day, or they will be exposed to that most fatal of all diseases — Dogs. 'The lambs will also be exposed to Foxes, unlefss they have been anointed with sulphur and grease. New ones may also come, and will need attention. What I may write, will not exempt you from using your best judgement and referring to authors when it is necessary. I have no doubt that your flock is now in good health, and in good order ; and I shall give my di- rections accordingly. When the weather is stermy, the sheep and Iambs must be taken to a shelter, and if it continues long, they should be fed with some- thing that they will eat. I would mention Oats or oil cake, ground, to be placed in their trough. — When the weather again becomes fine, return them to the pasture. If the feed is abundant, a relaxed state of the bowels will often take place. Salt given freely will often remove it*: should it continue, oth- er means must be resorted to, and it would be well to consult approved authors on the subject ; but with nie, removing them to a more scanty pasture and giving them dry food, scarcely fails of effecting a c ire. The " Hove'' or ^' Moven" sometimes occurs to sheep during this month. For the treatment of ♦Salt, however, given daring feeding on dry food, if troubled with a re lax, will increase it. 3$ that disease, you will also consult the best authors. The castration pr cording of such male lambs as are intended to be altered, is most safely performed this montlj, befpre they get fat, and the weather hpt. The cording also of all the old rams that are not needed. Directions about sick sheep, will involve the whole that can be said on diseaseso Respectfully yours^ C. D. LETTER II. June 1, 1833. Mr. a. B. Dear Sir — In this month, washing, shearing, mar- king, killing ticks on lambs, docking, &c. become necessary ; also the marking the initials, as well as packing the wool if not otherwise sold, each of which will require a separate consideration. And first of Washing. This is done that the purchaser may ascertain the value of the wool he purchases. In many cases it may be so well done, that the maufac- turer is not obliged to give it the second. This op- eration must be delayed, if possible, until the weath- er is so warm that it is grateful to the operator, aud also to the sheep. A sufficient number of hands must be obtained and the labor commenced immediately after breakfast, and finished by noon. If the sheep are of the fine and close wooled breeds, they ought to remain for sometime in the water, that the wool may be well soaked* Clear running water is best ; but when that can- not be obtained a clear pond may be substituted. — 37 When the outside of the fleece has much dirt, a lit- tle soap may be added. The work ought to be done with faithfulness, otherwise the purchaser will give a less price, or deduct in weight, more than the ac- tual amount of dirt in it. When the sheep are re- turned home they must be kept in a clean pasture with good feed, and salt occasionally, for eight or ten days, and then they should be sheared. It has been thought by some that sheep are washed easier and it is better to wash them at the close of a storm, because the wool is already soaked and part of the work is done. But you ought to be sure that the storm is over. 2. Shearing. The best shearers should be em- ployed, and they must not be hurried. Having about an hundred to shear, not more than twenty five ought to be admitted into the barn at a time. When they are sheared, they may be passed out at the door on the other siile, and be put into the field again ; but if the sheep are not in hi^h order, thev ought first to be greased or oiled with oil, and the cheapest that can be obtained for this purpo.-e may be u\hat was supposed to be only four tons and a half of hay. — The sheep were principally ewes, and they did not lamb until after there was a plenty of grass. I lost but one lamb. The hay grown in that cold year, was much better than hay grown in a warm year. Hay grown in a warm year will always require more grain to accompany it for sheep, than the like quan- tity grown in a cold year. The same is applicable to cold and hot countries. But to return. Should any of the sheep melt fat, or grow lean, they must be removed to a separate yard, and kept better. — You are supplied with three yards, and you will find that they are necessary. Your welher or wed- der sheep, must also be separated from the ewes this month, or the early part of February, as they will do with much poorer keeping than the ewes with lamb. You will also remove diseased sheep into some suitable place, unless the disease has become general in the flock ; and in that case, some may be worse than others, and make it necessary to remove them. Yours, &c CD. LETTER X. February 1, 1834. Mr. a. B Dear Sir, — In this month, if not done before, as I said in my last, and the earlier the better, the ewes with young must be separated from the wethers and rams, and placed with the last year lambs, fed with good English hay, green food, and a small quantity of grain. Grain when given to sheep should be given at or near the same time each day, otherwise they will neglect to eat hay and bleat after the grain ; but if you are careful to feed at the same hour, this will in a great measure be prevented. I have no doubt but that you have fed the lambs all the season on the best of English hay, with heavy or green food, and a small quantity of grain each day. The ewes with lamb will now want the same keeping. If there are any that certainly have the rot, kill them and take off their pelts, for I know of no cure that will not cost more than the sheep is worth. If you have plenty of feed, and should give the rams and wethers the 69 the same]keei3ing that you do the ewes, though it is not absolutely necessary, it will not be lost. They will pay for it in wool and flesh. But you must separate them at any rate, as the strongest will get the feed and rob the weakest. AH weak and feeble ewes ought before this to have been separated from the others. Indian corn at this season of the year is good, given even in small quantities, but if given late in the season it prevents that flow of milk ner cessary to nourish their lambs, especially if given in large quantities. Small fodderings at a time, and given often, is always to be preferred. Many of the directions given in the other months are applicable in this. It is n^w time to search your sheep for ticks, and to kill them by smoking them Ky the aid of the smoke pipe and bellows. In order to be efr fectual it must be done twice, and at short intervals. Yours, &c. C. p. LETTER Xr. March 1. 1834. Mr. a. B. Dear Sir, — This being a montli that has usually a great variety of weather, it v\ill call for no little care with the flock. As lambing or veaning season approaches, you must increase your feed and atten- tion. If the noses of the sheep were not tarred the last month, they must be this. I have found it a certain remedy for common running at the nose, and also for sore eyes. Long continued high winds, se- vere cold, rains, &c. &.c. are all bad if the sheep are exj)Osed to ihem ; and to keep them from being ex- posed to either will require not a little attention. Never huddle a great number of sheep into a small space, if it can be avoided, and if at any time you do it, let there be a free current of air in the space above them. It has been said that each sheep needs one yard square of space. You oui^ht to know what object to aim at, and be left to your own judgement in sone degree to obtain ii. Browse should not be given 61 this month, and it is not of much use in February, as it grows tough on the trees on account of its age. Potatoes and the yellow turnip (Rutabaga,) must be substituted, with which I hope you are well stored. I^nglish hay must be substituted for fresh, as that becomes dry and poor after a few days of March winds. Small quantities of Indian corn may be safe- iy given, to supply any deficiency ; but large quan- tities must be avoided, as it will certainly prevent that flow of milk necessary for the Iamb when it comes. Oats may be given one day and potatoes the next, in reasonable quantities. Oil cake, ground, is tiie best food that I have used. Shorts are recom- mended by some, but I cannot speak of them, as I have never made trial of them myself. You will increase your quantity of food as the time of lamb- ing approaches. No creature pays better for being kept in good store order than sheep ; but if they get very fat, they ought to be sold to the butcher, for they will never fat with the same ease again, and ten chances to one if they do not go into the rot. Take good care of your sheep this month, that they maybe able to bring forth their young the bet- ter during the next. Should any diseases take place I must refer you to books on the diseases of sheep. I must renew my former directions to give proven- der at the same time each day. Tagging or clipping the tag-locks ought to be done during the latter part of this month. I wish you joy with your sheep in 5 62 fine order on the last day of this month, otherwise, disappointment to you and loss to mp will be the consequence. Yours, &c. C D. LETTER XIL April 1, 1834, Mr. a. B. Dear Sir, — This month will finish the year with my directions. April maybe called a critical period in many respects. It is the yeaning month with most good farmer's flocks in this State. In this month sheep go from hay to grass, or from dry to green food. It is also a period that calls forth the greatest care and attention of the shepherd. You will need all the information that you can ob- tain and all your experience ; and should the weath- er be bad, unceasing care day and night. I hope your lambs do not come until after the middle of the month ; in that case, every care and attention may be paid to the sheep during the first part of the month to prepare them for lambing in the latter part, which may be done as directed the last month. Make the sheep eat as much green food as possi- ble each day. Grass is best if you have it ; next to that, potatoes. Oil cake, ground, is the best prov- ender ; if you have not that, small quantities of oats 64 may be given. This month tests all the rest, as it regards ewe sheep, for he who raises the greatest number of lambs from a given number of ewes is supposed to be the best shepherd, all other things being equal. I shall make a few observations on the change from dry food to green, and afterwards on the lambing season. 1. When sheep go out into a considerable field in April, the ground being bare, they get sufficient green food to take ofiT their appetites from dry food, unless it be of the very best kind. What is to be done ? I answer that a field of clover that has been shut up from an early part of the last autumn will be best for them ; but if you have not that, the very best hay, potatoes, cabbages, ground oil cake, oats, wheat bran, or some other thing that they will eat must be given. The sheep must be filled each day to a reasonable degree. Try turnips — try any thing that they will eat. Wood ashes and salt are spoken of as giving an appetite at this season of the year. I cannot speak of this from my own experience, but am inclined to think that when they have been kept long from the ground it may be useful. 2. The lambing season. During this period the shepherd must live with his sheep. The ewes most likely to lamb must be put up at night if it be cold or stormy. Feeding the sheep well and having them in good order is the best direction I can give you. They may not all do well in lambing, and perhaps 65 some may need help. A little practice, and the aid of what has been written on the subject will be suffi- cient. The lamb may not have milk enough ; in this case a sheep that has lost her lamb, or the milk of a cow that has recently calved may be used ; but to clear the bowels of a new born lamb with any thing but the milk of its mother, in such a manner as to save its life has been a difficult thing with me. It has been mentioned to me by an Irishman that an egg beaten up would be good. It would be worth while to try it. If sheep are in good store order and lamb during the last of April, and the weather is mild, a field where they can get grass may be all that is necessary, yet the shepherd ought to watch them. Yours, &c. C. D. P. S. — Having communicated to you my opinion, (so far as my knowledge will permit,) of the mode in which sheep ought to be kept, it may be well to impress your mind with the absurdity of the usual manner in which they are kept in this State, in or- der that you may avoid their practices, which expe- rience has proved so destructive to many flocks. To do this, I will begin on the first day of April. In this month when the sheep go out of the yard they get a very small quantity of green food ; certainly^ not enough to support them in the fore part of the month. If the horse or ox or cow was to do it, they would have something else that they would eat ; but the Farmer says of the sheep, I guess she will do^ and she is of course neglected. Although she will eat nothing of the usual food yet she receives no better. In the month of May she is turned to pas- ture and left, if she has good feed to make up the loss of April. In June she is summoned to be wash- ed — of course in the afternoon, and when it is dull weather, — probably a storm coming on, and as it is cold, wet work, the greatest drunkards are employ- ed, who readily engage under the expectation of having rum to drink. When being washed they are handled in the rougliest manner, and brought home in the storm at n-ght and turned into a low, wet pasture, thereto remain until they are dry for shear- ing. In a few days shearing is commenced, by huddling perhaps one hundred sheep or more, with their Iambs, into the cow sta!)le, where they are forced to remain until they are robbed of their wool, even if they should be sweltered and starved to death. — When it comes night, and their fleeces are taken off, they are turned out. What must be the situation of a thick fleeced, fine wooUed, lean sheep, suckling a lamb, that has given her owner four pounds of good, cleaned, well washed, fine wool, turned out sudden- 67 ly in a cold and perhaps wet night' to fill her belly after fasting a whole dav ! I should think it would be the last time she would require food, and indeed it ofien proves so. After they have been out in the storm a day or two, and have either died or lived, or at any rate laid the foundation of incurable dis- eases, the enquiry is made, where are the sheep to be pastured f The cows must make more butter and cheese this year than they did last, says the good wife ; and as for the mare she must have good feed, for I am go- ing a journey to see my mother in the fall. Tom says the oxen shall be kept well, for he is going to Cattle Show in the fall with them. The good hus- band, willing ta indulge his family, concludes to turn them into the pasture over to the back end of the lot, down next to the swamp, and the sheep are accord- ingly put into that pasture, there to remain for the summer and fall, without further trouble or care, and there they are doomed to remain until three days after snow falls the ensuing autumn or winter. The first day after snow comes is spent in getting wood for the house, — the second in repairing the cow-house, — the third in repairing the horse-stable, and the sheep and lamhs are then thought of and brought home on the fourth, unless some bad luck takes place. In that case they are doomed, die or live, until they can be conveniently brought, for it is only the sheep and they '11 stand it. When they 68 arc brought home, they are shut up in a tight, small yard, to prevent tlieir peeling the fruit trees, &c. Through December, January and February a little hay is given them twice or three times a day, and perhaps in March a few roots are given them, but most probably half of thern are dead, and the resi- due nearly so. Thus the most profitable creature on the farm, one that gives both clothes and meat, is the most abused and neglectedo C. D. DISEASES OF SHEEP, DISEASES OF SHEEP. The artificial mode of life which man has impos- ed upon the sheep, the restraints which he has put upon its movements in search of its natural food, and the changes which he has effected in its modes of life compared with the free state in which it probably existed when formed by nature, render it liable to a multiplicity of diseases which often des- troy at once the pride of the flock and the hopes of the Sfiepherd. Many of the diseases may be reckoned either in- curable, or cured only at an expense that it is more economical to lose the sheep than incur a greater loss in the cost and trouble of effecting it. Others, how- ever, yield to the application of proper medicines, judiciously applied, and nearly all may be prevented by watchfulness and suitable care. It may not be necessary to enter particularly into all the diseases which are, or have been known to infest this valuable animal. Some of them are as yet only known on the other side of the Atlantic, and have never, to our knowledge manifested them- 72 selves among the flocks of America, and we most fervently hope never will. Although all diseases may arise from exposure to contagion, or derangement of the digestive organs, occasioned by improper exposure or improper food, yet for the sake of method we will divide them into two divisions. I. External diseases on those which exhibit them- selves upon the external organs and parts of the an- imal. II. Internal, or those which are seated upon the internal organs of the animal. DIVISION I. DISORDERS OF THE EXTERNAL ORGANS. 1. Scab. 2. Pelt rot. 3. Claveau, or Sheep Pox. 4. Foot Rot. 5. Erysipelas, or red water. 6. Sore Eyes. 7. Wounds, ulcers and fractures. I. Scab. Appearances and symptoms. The first indications of the scab manifests itself by the start- ing of fibres and locks of wool from the rest of the fleece. It generally begins on the rump of the ani- mal, and extends up the back and over the sides and neck. The animal is seen rubbinor and biting its sides, and exhibits signs of great itching and uneasi- ness. On examination the wool is found to sepa- rate easily from the skin, and there is a red appear- ance of the skin, small watery pimples or tetters at lirtt sliovv themselves, and finally dry scabs or a scurf covers the infected place. The skin has a dry, stiff, meagre feel, and it appears to be hardened in lumps or ridges. In severe cases there is a yellow- ish water below the crust or scab. In time, the wool falls off from the whole diseased surface, and the flock presents a miserable and disgusting appearance. Causes, The causes of the scab are various ; ex- posure to cold rains, and remaining in low, damp, foggy situations too long, carelessness of the Shep- herd in attending to cleanliness and comfort of tie flock. Unwholesome food may also bring it on. It is contagious, and easily communicated from one sheep to another in the same manner as the itch is communicated among the human species. Hence some have considered the disease itself to consist in small animalculae which burrow in the skin. This may very probably be the case. Treatment. On the first appearance of the scab, or itch, separate carefully those that are infected from those that are not. Having done this, you may then shear the wool, if it be not already off, from the diseased parts of the sheep disordered. Wash the parts affected with warm soap suds, and rub it brisk- ly with a brush. Then apply some one or more of the following ointments, either of which will prob- ably effect a cure. An ointment made of equal parts of Lard and Sulphur, in vvhi^h is put a small j^or- tion of spirits of turpentine. A strong decoction of 74 tobacco has proved a valuable remedy in this di:ior- der, especially in the first stages of it. A decoction of the green Hellebore, or as some call it, Swamp Poke, or Indian Poke, (the Veratrum yiride of Botanists,) united with tobacco has been found very effectual. The mercurial ointment has also been applied with success. From the success which attends a solution of the chloride of lime in the cure of the itch in the hu- man system we should be inclined to think that its use in this disorder among sheep would be in the highest degree beneficial. It is at any rate worth a trial . Whatever is applied, however, should be applied promptly and thoroughly. It will not answer to do this business by the halves, unless you wish to be always anointing and washing your flock. A small patch left untouched will continue the disease and prolong your labor and trouble. Examine your flock often and closely. Do not trust to o^eneral ap- pearances, for a sheep may have this disorder for years, and yet if she be naturally of a hardy and strong constitution, eat and drink, and appear as well as any other. II. Pelt Rot. Symptoms, In this disease the wool falls off and leaves the skin bare. Or if it does not fall off, it first becomes reddish on the back part of the neck, anc^ also on the back and sides of the sheep. The skin is hot, and as it becones ex- 15 J)OseJ to the air becomes dead. If let alone it will sometimes heal over or run into the scab. Some- times the wool almost entirely falls off and there is no appearance of soreness, though a white crust covers the skin where it is divested of the wool. Causes, It is generally caused by exposure to cold rains, particularly in merinoes, soon after shearing. This kind of sheep from the delicacy of their skin are more liable to it, when stript of their close and warm covering and turned out into cold storms without being defended by oil or some unctious mat- ter. In the autumn it is sometimes produced by be- ing suffered to remain without shelter or cover from the inclemency of cold and long storms. Treatment. When this disorder appears in the ilock they should be sheltered from the wet and carefully oiled, or the skin covered with lard well rubbed in. A more full and generous diet should be given them, and care taken that they are render- ed comfortable and dry. It readily yields to such treatment, but if neglected oftentimes becomes fatal or ruinous to the health and profit of the flock. III. Sheep Pox, or Claveau. This troublesome complaint sometimes breaks out in our flocks, and frequently does much mischief before the real na- ture of the disease is suspected. The following description and mode of treatment, from Bard, has been found by experience to be correct in most par- iicularsj and successful in practice. 76 Symptoms, <^c. " The sheep pox commences by a heavy, watery, and slightly inflamed eye, some swelling of the lips, and a discharge from the no^e, very soon succeeded by an eruption round the mouth on the edges of the lips, and particularly at the corn- ers of the mouth. In some cases of the mildest species of the dis-ease, these have been all the symp- toms which have appeared. The eruption has dried into small black scabs, which have fallen off in eight or ten days, and left the sheep quite well. In the next degree of the disease, on examining the sheep, an eruption of various size and shape is found on the inside and naked parts of the thighs and belly ; some of the pustules are small and round, others broad and flat ; and some are likewise discovered under the wool on different parts of the body. — These pustules grow yellow on the tops, and dis- charge a small quantity of matter, which dries into a blackish scab. Still this is to be considered as the mild and distinct species of the disease, and is attended with no great danger. The confluent and malignant species of the disease commences with a more violent inflammation of the eyes, a more man- ifest and considerable swelling of the lips, and a greater and more purulent discharge from the nose. The eruptions on the naked parts of the body are very numerous, broad and flat, of a reddish brown, or purple color ; and are likewise discovered under the wool, on every part of the body. The animal •77 appears very sick, dull, and stupid ; and refuses food, partly from loss of appetite, but more evident- ly from the soreness of its mouth ; on every part of which, tongue, gums, and on the inside of the lips, the eruption is discovered. Of these malignant cases some have died in twenty-four and thirty-six hours ; others have struggled through eight or ten days, and a few, but very few, have recovered. Be- tween these grades of mild and malignant claveau, the variety has been almost as great as the number of animals seized. But neither in the confluent, or mild species, was any high degree of fever manifest- ed by hot feet, ears, or mouth ; which, in general, were rather below their natural degree of heat ; and in some of the worst cases, were actually cold. — Nor did the breathing often become quick and la- borious until very near the fatal termination of the disease. Of the lambs, some were seized within three clays after birth, so that I believe they must have brought the infection with them : others were not seized un- til they were eight, ten, or fourteen days old ; and I thought evidently took the diseas-e from the older and more early infected lambs. The little animals, in general, appeared to droop for a day or two ; and then the first symptom, as in the older sheep, was an inflammation of the eye- lids and lips. This was soon followed by the erup- 6* 73 tion, which appeared very thick and fiorid on the inside of the thighs, and other naked parts, and could be felt on every part of the body. From day to day the number of the eruptions appeared to in- crease, and to collect in large clusters, particularly about the neck, throat and jaws ; by which, al- tliough the lambs retained an appetite for the teat, they were at length prevented from sucking. In a few of the old sheep, although the eruption was very numerous, the maturation of the pock was per- fect, and in general, such recovered. But more fre- quently it was very imperfect in the old sheep ; and in the young lambs, I saw none that matured at ail, where the eruption was general over the body ; and all such died. But where the eruption was chiefly confined to tlie mouth and pudenda, a kindly matu- ration took place and they recovered. Upon the whole, this disease proved fatal to more than one tliird, nearly half of the old sheep ; and to three fourths of the lirnbs wfiicli were attacked. The relics of this disease, like thoe of the small pox, are various and terrible. I have already men- tioned t!ie putrid and corroding ulcers about the mouth. Some had imposthumations, especially about the head, which on being opened, discharged a green- ish and offensive matter ; but the eyes most fre- qiiently suflfered ; the ball of the eye itself posthu- mating and bursting, and this symptom attended and followed some of the milder cases ; in one, a 19 fine full-blooded ram, no other symptain was discov- ered." Cause, This disease often arises from contao^ioni, but also ocxurs among flocks which have in all prob- ability never been exposed directly to infection of this nature. It is therefore highly probable, that the state of the flock or constitution of the sheep may at different times be such as to allow different causes — such as atmospherical influence, or peculiar kinds of food to bring it on. More observation up- on this subject is desirable. Treatment. " It will readily be conceived that in a disease of this nature, no more than in tfie small pox in the human species, nothing like cure can be attempted with success ; if by cure is meant to put a stop to the progress of the disease. Like all dis- eases of this kind, it must, and will run through its s^tages ; and all that can be done is by a well regu- lated diet, and by attention to the state of the bow- els, and attempUng to mitigate any violent and un- toward symptom, to conduct the animal safely through it. At first, as I have said in the hope of stopping the spread of the disease, every sheep that was attacked was immediately and carefully separat- ed from the flock ; but soon finding this a vain at- tempt, it was abandoned ; and those only which were more seriously attacked were taken to my hos- pital, that they might be more particularly attended to. The milder cases were left in the flock to com- 80 mon treatment and common food ; except, that in^ stead of corn, tlie whole flock had bran and water with hay. Those that were taken to the hospital had chiefly roots and bran ; and those whose mouths were so sore that they could not eat hay, or even roots, was supported on gruel, given three or four times in a day by means of a bottle. The only medicine given, was brimstone and molasses, yeast and mo* lasses, and in some cases, a little nitre. Sore mouths were constantly cleansed with vinegar and water ; and when they began to ulcerate, with one of the caustic solutions mentioned above. In a few of the worst cases, mercurial ointment was rubbed freely under the axillae and on the thighs. To two or three I gave calomel freely, to try how far mercuri- als might mitigate the symptoms. Under such treat- ment, most of the mild, and a very few of the more severe cases recovered ; and one very malignant and confluent case in my neighbor Mr. Broom's flock, recovered under the free use of mercury. Inoculation for this disease is recommended in many parts of Europe ; and Mr. Laysterie assures us, with efficacy and success. As soon, therefore, as I was assured of the disease, I made the attempt ; but I cannot say with any considerable success. In the first place, I found it diflicult to procure matter, and when I had succeeded so far, I again found it very difficult to communicate the disease with any certainty, athough I performed the operation with 81 great care, and in every mode I could think of ; with a thread, with the scab, and with fresh fluid matter ; and where the sheep or lamb took the dis- ease,, many died. But I confess, I was by no means certain they had not taken tlie disease before inocu- lation, in the natural way. A very few evidently took the disease from the inoculation, and VAent through it with safety. I vaccinated seven, but I w^as not sure that one took the cow-pock. Yet the analogy between the claveau in sheep, and the small pox in man is so great, that if the disease should again appear, I would recommend, and would my- self again attempt inoculation." Notwithstanding Bard, as quoted so largely above, states that the disease will go through its course, yet there seems to be a species of it that sometimes at- tacks lambs which may be readily subdued. It gen- erally attacks lambs during their first winter. It also attacks older sheep, but is most usually confined to the young. It makes its appearance in the form of a SORE MOUTH. The lips swell and become crust- ed over with a rough scab, particularly at the corn- ers, insomuch that it becomes difiicult for the animal to eat, and it is evidently attended with pain. The treatment that has been found most effectual is the following : — Take tar, spirits of turpentine, and a little sulphur, remove the scabs from the dis- eased part, and apply the mixture With an instru- 82 ment or spatula of wood twice or three times, or more if necessary. IV. Foot Rot. Appearances and symptoms. The first approach of this disease is generally discovered by the limping or lameness of the sheep. On exam- ination, at first, says Pictet, a faint redness appears in the cleft, or at most a slight oozing around the hoof ; the lame foot is hot ; some time after an ul- ceration takes place at the junction of the two claws, either on the inside or outside of the hoof, from which runs a fetid matter. At this period of the disorder the animals suffer more ; they are feverish ; they not oidy limp more, but they cannot support themselves; they lie down, and when they eat they commonly kneel. When the disease has made con- siderable progress, collections of purulent matter take place under the hoof, which run out at its juncture at the skin. Sometimes the hoof rots and comes off, and the whole foot becomes one ulcer, the tendons and foot mortify, and even the bones rot. The fever increases. At other times the mat- ter is collected under the sole, which it consumes. Cause. Considerable variety of opinion exists in regard to the cause of this disorder, and also in re- gard to its contagiousness. Mr. Dick, a veterinary Surgeon, of Edinburgh, in Scotland, has published a long paper on this subject, in the Edinburgh Quar^ ttrly Journal of JigricuUure. Mr. Dick first describes the structure and func- 83 tions of the foot, and their adaptation to the habits of the animal, in a state of nature. Tlie sheep is naturally an alpine animal, dwelling, by preference, among the steepest and most inaccessable summits of lofty mountains. Amid these ranges, the hoofs are worn away, as they grow, and are consequently always fresh and sound. " But what," he asks, ** is the effect of domesti- cating ? What do wx gain by enticing the sheep from his native and natural haunts, to the richer pastures of our meadows or our lawns ? There the animal enjoys a more luxuriant repast, it fattens to a larger size, and will, in this respect, repay the in- creased allowance which has been made to it. But instead of moving about in small troops, wilh the alacrity of the wild kinds, the sheep are seen in flocJis of thousands moving slowly over their pas- tures, and gorging themselves, to an extent which cuts short the thread of life by the advancement of various diseases. Instead of wandering from the summit of one peak to another, in quest of a scanty subsistence ; or, instead of being compelled to de- scend from the summits of the mountains in the morning, and ascend again in the evening, they are compelled, in many cases, to remain within a fcw^ yards of a particular spot for weeks together, and there engorge themselves to satiety." For want of the friction upon hard suifaces the hoof becomes overgrown. "The crest, the part 84 naturally intended to support the weight of the ani- maJ, is allowed to grow out of all due bounds, be- cause the softness of the pasturage, upon which it now moves, presents little, if any, of that rough friction to which the feet of the animal is naturally intended to be exposed. The crust therefore grows unrestrained, until it either lays over the sole, like the loose sole of an old shoe, and seems to retain and accumulate earth and filth, or is broken off in detached parts, in some cases exposing the quick, or opening new pores, into which particles of earth or sand force their way, until reaching the quick, an inflammation is set up, which, in its progress, alters or destroys the whole foot," the system becomes dis* ^ased, and the animal dies. Mr. Dick explodes the idea that the disease is con- tagious. He thinks it promoted by soft old pastures, luxuriant herbage, and particularly by wet seasons, and wet grounds. To cure the disease, Mr. Dick recommends that the detached hoof be pared away, and some caustic applied to the surface, of which muriate of antimony is the best. To prevent the disease, he recommends that the hoofs be rasped or pared at regular intervals ; that the sheep be made to travel upon hard surfaces, or folded in a place purposely prepared, upon which they would move about every day, and wear their hoofs. The whole of this paper is worthy of the careful perusal of the &«heep farmer, and w ill be found from 85 page 852 to 865 in the work I have quoted. Mr. Dick's paper suffiure and loaded with vapour, the same bad effects are likely to follow. Throughout the whole au- tumn and winter, sheep require a dry lair or lodging ])lace, and to counteract the effects of the humidity and cold of the season should have a due allowance of good hay, and occasionally subjected to oiling or unction. A still more certain and effectual mode as it re- gards our subject may be added to this ; it is to al- low the sheep plenty of salt to eat. We consider this simple article of very great value and efficacy. The action of the salt given the sheep will be to stimulate the digestive organs, and perhaps restore the balance of chemical actions in the stomach, as far as this organ is capable of control by chemical laws ; and will be materially assisted if it contain a 93 more alkaline ingredient with it, such as common soda, and which may be mixed in the proportion of one ounce or more to the pound of salt — or wood ashes may be mmgled with the salt in small quanti- ties when soda cannot be obtained. If, however, the sheep reject the alkali, leave it out, and confine them to the salt ; many sheep dislike the salt at first, but they may soon be habituated to it, and made partial to its taste. With regard to the transitions from rich to poor feed, or vice versa, it should be managed gradually and cautiously, and then these changes, so far from being injurious, will be highly salutary and improv- ing. We will suppose a farmer purchases a lot of sheep, he ought to be acquainted with the kind af soil and herbage to which they have l>een accustom-' ed. We have now noticed the bad supply of food, bad qualities of it, and great transitions from one kind to another ; all these circumstances are in the power of the farmer, and he can adopt such meas- ures as his own judgement will suggest, to avoid the ill effects consequent on them. The second particular is the local situation of the farm. A high, airy situation is by far the best for sheep ; and on the other hand, a low, damp situation is wholly unfit, as is also stiff clays. It will be needless to enlarge more on this part of our topic, as it has been more fully treated upon in other parts of this report. We shall only add that the deleteri» »4 ous effects arising from stagnant pools and ditches caused by the noxious vapors and malaria, are pecul- iarly hurtful to animals requiring a pure and healthy air. The third cause mentioned, was changes in atmos- pheric temperature and weather. The author from whom we have so liberally quoted, earnestly advo- cated the defending sheep from sudden and severe changes of weather, and strongly recommended hav- ing a shelter of some kind as an excellent preventive of the rot. His ideas are corroborated by the expe- rience of our best flock owners. A great many things, says he, may be done^ to make the condition of the sheep at all times tolerable, if not comforta- ble ; but when a negHgent, inattentive shepherd pays liitle or no regard to these particulars, but al- lows things to take their chance, when he neither studies the causes of evil nor seeks a remedy, which is so generally within reach, it is no wonder that such distressing losses sometimes occur, and that such lamentable experience, so often repeated, should still have taught no useful lesson. (See remarks on shear- ing, p. 38.) Treatment. If after all our care and attention, our sheep fall sick with the rot, what is to be done ? If the disease has far advanced, the most economical mode of treatment is to kill the animal and shorten the period of its suffering. Oar reasons for so do- ing are, that the organs have become dis-organized. 95 and it is not in the power of njan by any process hitherto discovered, to restore them. In the earlier stages, however, remedies are often successful. '' Upon the first symptoms of a rot, iron rust should be infused into the drink given to the sheep, or they should be made to drink aromatic decoctions, such as decoctions of sage^leaves, of lavender, of hyssop, of thyme, of juniper-berries, or of an infusion of the ashes of broom, &c. or what is still better, white wine, and if that cannot be procured, red wine, three or four spoonfuls of which should be given at a time. These remedies, continued some time, strengthen the fibres, cause the water to run off, and restore the animals. It is thought that common salt, given in any way, would answer. I cannot vouch for it ; but I think it probable, from the instance of some sheep which feeding habitually near the sea, in the midst of the dashing of salt water, do not get the rot. I think advantage might be derived from the employment of bitters, such as ellecampane, gen- tian, the lesser centaury and wild succory root in de- coction." — Bard, The tonic, or bitter herbs have been highly re- commended. The Buck Bean, {Menyanthes Trifolia) which grows plentifully in our bogs has been thought valuable in this disorder ; but as before observed, it is not advisable to go to much expense to effect a cure. If the disease has not been prevented, it will cost more to cure than the sheep is probably worth. 96 II. Diarrhea, or Scouring. This disorder gener- filly prevails in the spring of the year, when sheep go from dry food to grass, and sometimes it becomes necessary to check it in order to prevent its running into the dysentery, or reducing the strength and health of the sheep so low as to endanger life. The best preventive of this complaint is to put them from dry food, upon a piece of rowen, which has been shut up from the first months of the pre- ceding fall ; where they will find a mixture of dry and new grass, which will prevent the consequence of too sudden a change. Where this has not been provided, they should be brought up once a day, and given a little hay or grain. Where, notwith- standing the disease comes on, it is generally of lit- tle consequence ; or when obstinate, may be relieved by the chalk mixture, increasing the dose to a table spoonful of chalk and of spirits, and five or six drops of laudanum ; and if this should prove inef- fectual, boil four ounces of chipped logwood, in three pints of water, for ten or fifteen minutes, and give the chalk mixture, each time in a gill of this decoction." Almost any astringent is good to check the loose- ness. Raspberry twigs boiled down to considerable strength, or Hemlock Bark. Rennet is also some- times u^ed with good success prepared in the man- ner generally adopted for making cheese, and given in repeated doses. 97 III. DrsENTERY. Sheep are said to he sometimes attacked by a true Dysentery. Symptoms. The discharges are mucous and bloody and mixed with lumps of hardened excrement, and by this it is distinguished from simple diarrhoea, or scouring. There is a frequent urging and straining to stool, with small evacuations, and apparently ac- companied with pain — sickness and fever which is manifested by a hot skin, ears and moulh. It occurs most frequently in summer and towards the fall of the year, and is supposed to be infectious in a de- gree. Causes. The cause of this disease is supposed to be an inflammation of the lower intestir^es occasion- ed by improper food or by sudden transitions from heat to cold. Treatment. Bard recommends the followinsj treat- ment. " In this case, begin by purging the sheep with an ounce of glauber salts, dissolved in warm water ; or rather in violent cases, by bleeding (which is best performed after shaving off the wool, in the jugular vein, as is done in horses and neat cattle.) — After swelling the vein by a bandage, open it with a common lancet ; and after drawing a sufficient quantity of blood, which from a full grown sheep should be towards a pint ; the blood is stopped, and the vein secured by a pin and hair, or thread, (as is done in the larger animals) then give the salts ; and having procured a free and open state of the bowels, 8 give the chalk mixture ; interposing occasionally as long as the pain, fever, and bloody evacuations con- tinue a dose of salts, or what I have frequently found a mild and gentle evacuant for sheep, give a large table spoonful of molasses, mixed with one or two of yeast or emptyings. This remedy is particularly adapted to dysentery, which is frequently a putrid disease, and may be freely used, as long as the pain, fever and bloody evacuations continue ; after which, the chalk mixture, and decoction of laudanum, will do all that can be done towards a cure under a com- plaint of this nature. Sheep, ill of this disease, ithould not be allowed to drink too freely of very cold water ; instead of which, a pint of thin gruel, made of buckwheat, oat or Indian meal, and sweet- ened with molasses, given two or three times a day, will at once supply the place of necessary drink and proper food." IV. Stretches, OR Colic Symptoms. The sheep is seen stretching and throwing its head back as if in violent pain, frequently lieing down and rising up — a fever takes place after some time, and death generally occurs on the third or fourth day. Previ- ous to death, the discharges become black and very fetid. Causes. The true cause of this disease is not fully known. It has been conjectured by experienced shepherds that it arises from a diseased action of the stomach and bowels brought on by the want of ^9 heavy succulent food ; as it most generally takes place soon after the sheep comes from grass to dry food, or during the winter. Some have supposed it to be caused hy eating chaff, &c. around the barn or threshing floo^r, hut it has taken place when sheep have not fed upon any such materials. Treatment, Keeping them well supplied with heavy succulent food is a preventive, but when it does take place, strong purgative physic has been found very effectual. A strong decoction of Thorough wort, and afterwards a decoction of Raspberry twigs to check the dysenteric discharge. Castor oil is a good remedy, or if nothing better can be obtained* com- mon grease melted and poured down, or pieces of fat pork may be given. The disease generally proves fatal, if the thoroughwort does not check it soon. V* Braxt. *' Sir George M'Kinsey describes dysentery and braxy as the same disease. But Dr. Duncan describes another disease under the name of braxy, which appears to be a violent inflamma- tion of the bowels, unaccompanied with dysenteric symptoms. In both, the remedies, especially in the first stage, are much the same ; bleeding, purging and a cooling diet : with this difference ; that in the dysentery, bleeding is seldom necessary more than once in the very beginning of the disease ; in the inflammation of the bowels, it is the only remedy to be depended on, and must be repeated at short 100 intervals, as long as the Tiolence of the symptoms continues." VI. Sturdy. Symptoms. " It is supposed we have this disease, occasionally among us, though I believe it never has been proved by actual dissection. A sheep attacked with it ceases to improve, becomes dull, and separates from the flock, its sight seems to be impaired and indistinct ; the eyes glare, the ani- mal sometimes becomes blind, starts at any noise, runs furious without aim, loses the power of stand- ing, and is perfectly emaciated." Cause. " The cause, discovered by dissection, is found to be a collection of water ; in the milder species of the disease, in a bladder on the top of the brain, near the skull ; over which the skull is found to be remarkably soft, so as to yield to the pressure of the finger. In the more fatal species, the water is collected in the natural cavities, or in the sub- stance of the brain itself." TreatmenU " The only cure is to let out the wa- ter, either by puncturing the sack, through the soft part of the skull with an awl ; by opening the skull, as in the operation of trepanning, and taking out the sack ; or by what is averred to be the safest and most certain, though unquestionably a very singular remedy, by passing a stiff" pointed ware up each nos- tril, through the base of the skull and the whole substance of the brain, until it can be felt by the finger, over the soft part, on the top of the skull. — 101 After which, although the sheep should lie as dead for many hours, it is said frequently to recover. It cannot be, but that an operation of this nature, in which the whole substance of the brain is perforat- ed, must frequently prove fatal. But as the disease for which it is recommended is of itself necessarily fatal, unless relieved in some such way, it is only necessary to ascertain the disease to justify the at- tempt. Where, however, the soft part of the skull can be discovered, the operation of trepanning is more safe, but requires more skill ; and where no such part an the skull can be discovered, it can be of use only by chance." VII. Staggers. Symptoms. The principal symp- tom is that of the animal turning round, generally many times, in endeavoring to move forward. — From this the disease is called giddiness, gid, turn- sick, blind staggers, &c. Sometimes the animal in- stead of turning round when hurried, or in endeav- oring to move forward, appears lame in the hind quarters, generally on one side only, and most com- monly the left.. In moving forward quickly he goes nearly straight ; but the left hind quarter is so in- clined as to make him appear somewhat crooked. In the early stages af the disorder, the turning round is nat remarkable, unless the animal is hurried, but at a later period, he constantly does it in attempting to move forward, and at length becomes so corn- 8* 102 pletely palsied, that he falls down, and is unable to get up again, and in that situation generally dies. Causes. Dissection shows that the seat of this dis- order is in the brain, and is somewhat similar to the dropsy of the brain in the human system. Bard thinks that the difference between this disease and sturdy consists prini:ipally in its violence — the stag- gers attacking suddenly, and the sturdy being more gradual in its operation. Sometimes the lobes of the brain alone are affected, and sometimes bladders of water, or hydatids, as they are called, occur. — ■ The skull immediately covering the diseased part of the brain becomes thin and weak, is easily pierced with a sharp instrument. Sometimes small holes have been found in it. Constitutional debility may be one of the remote causes. Treatment. A disease in such a situation is not easily cured. Indeed such is the nature of it that puncturing or trepanning is the only probable mode that can be adopted. When the particular spot of the disorder is discovered, and the hydatid is to be prevented, almost any sharp instrument will be suf- ficient. A shoemaker's awl, or a common brad awl is a good thing to use for this purpose. One punc- ture is thought to be sufficient. The fluid will not readily flow out, nor will the good effect, if any, be seen at first. The animal is g-enerally beyond re- covery when discovered to be reeling, and a prompt operation is the only hope for saving it. 103 VIII. Worms in the Head. Symptoms. Frequent sneezing, running at the nose, an appearance of stu- pidity. The sheep will sometimes after sneezing two or three times, turn the nose on one side and then on the other, a little inclined and downward. Causes. The worm found in the head of sheep is the maggot or larva of the sheep fly (oestrus ovis) which is a fly belonging to the same Genus, and having an appearance similar to the Bot fly. This fly deposites its egg in the nostril of the sheep in the month of August, and the maggot lodges itself in the cavity or sinus at the top of the nose, between the eyes. These worms are round, white, with a brown spot on the head. They generally remain there until the warm weather of spring, when they disengage themselves, by their irrtation of the nose, cause a sneezing by which they are thrown out, when they creep into the straw or manure, where they happen to fall, and pass their crysalis state until they change to a fly, and come out and propagate a new progeny. In the winter of 1831-2, great num- bers of sheep died as it was supposed by worms in the head. The summer previous was very sultry, which was favorable to the fly, and an unusual nunrr- ber of them were probably propagated. Many sheep which died were opened, and numer- ous worms were found in the nasal sinus. It was thought by some that the worms were not them- selves the cause of the animals death, but merely 104 the exciting caus« of other diseases. Some Shep- herds have an idea that a worm or two does no hurt in the head of the sheep, provided the warm weath- er comes on early in spring, and they are di&Iodged in season. Treatment. The only effectual mode of getting rid of them is by boring into or trepanning the sinus ; but this is not very often practised. Some fumigate the animal with the burning fumes of brim- stone. Some apply spirits of turpentine to the nose and some pour spirits of turpentine in the nostril. The latter remedy sometimes proves fatal of itself. Prevention in this case is fur better than any pre- scription hitherto devised. One method of doing this is to tar the noses of your sheep while at pas- ture. This has been foimd pretty effectual. Anoth- er method is to plough a furrow or two in the pas- ture. The sheep when attacked by the fly will plunge their noses into the sand, and thus protect their nostrils from the invasion. According to a writer in the Maine Farmer, vol. 1, p. 91, the worm does not die when the animal does, but will remain alive in the situation it has chosen after the death of the sheep. Further observation on this point is de- sirable. And if it is found that in all cases the worm outlives the sheep, and finally goes through its changes, it will be important to destroy them by some effectual method, either by taking them out or 105 by boiling or burning the head, and thereby prevent their increase. IX. Worms, Flukes, &c. Several species af worms infest sheep. One kind found often in the liver and other parts of the body are called Flukes. (Fasciola Hepatica.) They are probably connected with the disorders of the animal, such as the rot, and are probably an effect rather than a cause of them. As it is found that by pi eventing the disorder the production of the worms is hindered. Another species of worm is found oftentimes in the brain, enveloped in a little sack or hydatid. The same animal together with another variety is found in the intestines. They are a species of the Toeniay or tape worm. Those found in the head cannot be attacked by any other method than by trepanning, and this is not a very sure method. Those in the intestines may be expelled oftentimes by medicine. Spirits of turpentine, or balls of turpentine given often to the sheep are good. Wood ashes with salt are valuable for this purpose. Dr. Barstow, for- merly of Anson, in answering some queries put by the Kennebec County Agricultural Society, says, — > " In the summer of 1830 my flock had access to a piece of burnt land. In hot weather they laid among the black logs and ashes, and were very healthy and iat when they came in to winter feed. The ensuing summer they had not this privilege, and they did not do so well. After they went to pasture, I iound 106 one of them dead, and in the excrement near by were many white jointed worms from one half to an inch in length. Since then I have given the flock ashes and salt, mixed two to one, and have met with no further loss." X. Convulsions. This is a disorder not very common to sheep, but is generally fatal when it does attack them. Symptoms. The animal staggers, totters, falls down, and is convulsed more or less ; its limbs twitching and springing by irregular starts. Causes. The cause of this disorder is not well un- derstood. It is probably, however, similar in the sheep to the Epilepsy and Apoplexy of the human system, and is a nervous disorder brought on by constitutional debility, improper food, exposure, &c. Treatment. If the animal be fat and of a full habit, bleed freely from the jugular vein of the neck, and give copious doses of the thorough wort. XI. HovEN, OR HoviNG. Symptoms. An attack of this disorder causes the animal to swell prodi- giously. He is in great pain — lieing down and get- ting up frequently — grunting and throwing the head round to the sides. Causes. It is brought on by eating too freely of heavy succulent food, or of too large quantities of grain, and drinking freely afterwards. Sheep or other animals when turned into very luxuriant pas- tures are often attacked by it, especially if the pasr- 107 ture contain much clover. Tlie grass, or whatever is eaten fills the first stomach too full ; fermentation takes place, and a large quantity of gas is formed which being pent up by some of the grass closing the orifice or openings of the stomach, causes the distension of that organ. The left side is generally more puffed up than the other, as the paunch is plac- ed on that side. Treatment. The air must either be absorbed or have vent, and when the swelling has arrived to a great extent and the animal is in imminent danger, an opening must be made through the skin, and in- teguments into the paunch forthwith. To do this, take a pointed knife and plunge it into the space be- tween the hip bone and last rib of the left side, just in the centre of the space. Be sure that your knife is long enough to go through into the paunch. A quill or small tube is sometimes necessary to keep the orifice open, and suflTer the air to escape. If, however, the swelling is not too great, it may be re- lieved by thrusting a flexible rod down the throat of the animal, or a piece of tarred rope with a ball or bulb at the end, which will push away the cake of grass and make a passage for the air to escape up the gullet. Somethinop uhich will check the fer- mentation or absorb the gas may be given. Pearl- ash, or a weak solution of potash has been used with a weak mixture of aqua amonia and gin, in repeated doses of a gill to a full grown sheep ; but the knife 108 or rod affords the most instantaneous relief. The stomach pump would undoubtedly be of service in this disorder. XII. Poison. Sheep and calves will often in the winter or spring of the year eat greedily of the low Laurel, lamb kill or goat poison^ as it is called, {KaU mia Angustifolia^) which is poisonous to them. Symtoms. The animal appears to be dull and stu- pid ; swells a little, and is constantly gulping up a greenish fluid which it swallows down ; a part of it will trickle out of its mouth and discolor its lips. Causes. The plant probably brings on a fermen- tation in the stomach. Nature endeavors to throw it off by retching, or vomiting, which if prevented by swallowing kills the animals. Treatment. In the early stages if the greenish flu- id be suffered to escape from the stomach, the ani- mal most generally recovers. To effect this, gag the animaL which may be done in this manner. Take a stick about tlie size of your wrist and six or eight inches long, — place it in the animal's mouth ; tie a string to one end of it, pass it up over the head and down to the other end, and there make it fast. The animal cannot then throw it out of its mouth, and the poisonous fluid will run out as it is thrown out. In addition to this you may give roasted onions and sweetened milk freely. Roasted onions may also be placed under the arm pits of the animal, which will promote circulation. Ammonia has also 109 been given with good effect. Whole flocks have been attacked by this comphiint when suffered to eat of the plant. In all cases, whatever you may give, do not neorlect the ^a^. There is no doubt but that the stomach pump, by which the fluids of the stom- ach may be drawn out and warm water thrown in, would be of great service in this, as well as in the last disease, [g] MISCELLANEOUS REMARKS, NOTES, &C. MISCELLANEOUS REMARKS. [ From various sources ] First Lamb. It was the opinion of the Romans that the first Iamb from an ewe was generally weak and pot-bellied ; they separated such from their flocks, and fatted them off. I believe the opinion well founded, but I think it arises from the young ewes seldom having so much milk, or being so care- ful of their lambs as tlie older ones. If the lambs come early, it will be necessary to wean the forward males before the first of August, particularly if the ewes are in high order, or if some among them have lost their lambs early, as they may otherwise im- pregnate the ewes sooner than is proper. It is a rery common practice in Europe to shear the lambs, though it is seldom done here ; and yet I think it more adapted to our climate than to that of north- ern Europe. The heat of our summer renders the wool very burdensome to the lambs ; and as our autumns are generally fine and dry, there is sufficient time for the wool to grow so much as to protect them during the winter. Lambs wool also sells much higher -here for hatter's use than in Europe, so as to render the shearing more a point of profit. •^■^ X a^ a r» -«J, o 1'"^ >-, -W -« -W -CI -W H« HS -*n -*r HCT H« H« C^CJC0C^C^C^C^C0C0CC7CCtCKJOJC0'^rtTr'?}*O» 2 ^ K -$ cr "? b O »0(r? ^ 00'^CO 1 i a. CO O) a C} Ot '^ r- ^ r^ <^ Ot r-^ ^ -H r-H -i — ■ • ..S-!- oooooocaoC50'"0«coooooQO^c^o?<:cc< t "o '^ i J2 — .-H,-H-^r-ocoJoo-^-o(r? — O"0?w«5co "^^ m . * ^ ^ -t:^c>!lr!<-«n -«( H: ^ 'i K = — .=_-. . = . _r C . . .2 o oco ceo CC z sz^r ^-:z ci I- 1 — to a. .r c - H P = ■= 13 'r ?' ^ J^ ^ -^ I ■> '^ ^ i = o 115 Technical Terms. A male lamb, after he. is weaned, is called, during the first year, a Hog, or HoGGiT, a Tag. An ewe lamb during the same pe- riod, is called an Ewe Tag, a Gimmer. In Uie sec- ond year the male is a Shear Hog, or a two tooth- ed Hog, or Tag ; the female a Thaive, a Gimmer, or TWO toothed Ewe Tag. Third and fourth year they are distinguished by the same names, with the addition of the number of teeth they have changed. The fifth year, having eight broad teeth, they are called full-moutlied SJieep. The age of the ram is generally denoted by the number of times they have been shorn ; the first shearing being in their second year — a shearing — one' shear — two shear^ .^-c. In the north of England and in Scotland an ewe lamb, af- ter weaning, is called a Dimmont ; and in the we?t of England ram lambs are called piir-lamhs.. Tup and ram are synonymous terms for a covering ram. Crone signifies an old ewe. Lambs at Birth. In .most breeds of sheep single lambs are more common than a greater number ; but in some, as in the Dorsetshire, double lambs are nearly as usual as single. The Friesland and Tees- Water sheep, which are of the large, long woolled species, if well kept, bring from two to five lambs at a birth, and that sometimes'twice in a year, if we may believe an old English writer, Barnaby Gage, who says, ^^ It hath been seen in Guilderland, that five ewes have had in one year five and twenty 115 Iambs. It may seem, peradventure, to many incred- ible, and yet no great marvel, since they have twice a year most times two, and sometimes five at a time.'' Cully gives the following instance of fecundity in a Tees- Water ewe : When two years old she brought four lambs, then five, then two, then five, then two ; the first nine within eleven months. The highest Keeping is however necessary to cause this fertility. Choice of Rams. I have already given directions for the choice of a ram, but as this is an object of much moment in forming a flock, it will be well to know the opinions of different agriculturists. Col- umella recommends that the ram be tall,* with a pendant woolly belly, a long tail, thick fleece, a broad forehead, twisted horns, (though if without horns still better,) and large testicles ; not to be put to ewes till three vears old, and not after eicrht. — Markham. — " The ram large in every general part, with a loi>g body and large belly ; forehead broad, round, and well rising ; a cheerful large eye, straight short nostrils, a very small muzzle, by no means any horns (for the hornless are the best breeders, and do not endanger the ewe as the horned do ;) a large upright neck, somewhat bending, like the neck of a horse ; a very broad back, round buttocks ; a thick, tail, and short jointed legs, small, clean and nimble .; his wool should be comparatively thick and deep, c6 v- * This is not right ; never ciioose a tall 117 ering his belly all over, also his face, even to his nos- trils, and so downward to his knees and thighs." One would conclude froni this description, that Mark- ham, who wrote in the reign of Elizabeth, had cop- ied from one of the Spanish rams imported by Ed- ward IV. for no sheep, in England answer to his model. Signs of Health. Signs of health in sheep are first a skittish briskness, clear azure eye, florid rud- dy eye-strings and gums, teeth fast, breath sweet, nose and eyes dry, respiration free and regular, feet cool, dung substantial, wool fast and unbroken, ?kin of a fine florid red, particularly on the brisket. — Much depends on the shape of sheep. (See p. 20.) Salt. I have mentioned that salt, was considered by the Spanish shepherds as essential to the health of sheep, and this s.entiment is very general in every part of Europe ejtcept in England, whose situation renders the air sufficiently salt. The same conse- quence, from similar causes, takes place here. Up- on Long-Island, and elsewhere near the sea, the cat- tle require no salt, nor manifest any desire for it ; whereas on the north of the Highlands they eat it ravenously, and it is thought essential to their health. The ancients also entertained similar sentiments on this subject. Aristotle prescribed one peck every five days, during the summer, to one hundred sheep. We should consider this a large allowance, but it would be readily eaten. They aUo observe, that 118 however good your pastures may be, the sheep will tire of them if not changed, unless their appetites are kept up by salt. Yolk, Salving, &c.. Vauquelin, a French chem- ist, who analysed it, says that it consists of oil and potash, and af course, like other soap, must be solu- ble in water. Wool that is dry, arid without this substance, is seldom fine or good. In the northern parts of Britain, wh^re the sheep are exposed to very severe weather, they are anointed on the ap- proach of winter with a salve, composed of butter with about one twelfth of tar, this is rubbed upon the skin from the head to the tail, and so over the whole body, the wool being open in Fines two inches apart ; this acts as a repellant to the water, and Luc- cock (who appears to have an intimate knowledge of the subject) says, that the wool that grows after this operation is much softer, finer, and fuller of yoke, than that which grew earlier in the season before the mixture was applied : this, however, is not conclusive evidence of its advantage, since the wool that grows in summer is always coarser than that which is produced after the frost sets in ; and for that reason the extremities of all wool is harsher than those parts that are not exposed to the air.-— From thence probably arose the custom among the Romans of clothing, even in their temperate climate, the fine-woolled sheep, which had the double ten- dency to preserve the yoke from being washed out 119 and to shield the fleece fram the influence of the air and sun. Bakevvell, another scientific writer on wool and sheep, recommends greasing sheep jafter they are shorn, as well as. salving them in the au- tumn, and asserts positively that this renders the wool finer and softer. He insists much upon the softness of wool as a very important quality, and alledges, that though two samples of wool may be equally fine, that which is softest will make much ^he best cloth. John Rutherford, Esq. of New-Jer- sey, has lately made the experiment of greasing a sheep after shearing. The sample he showed me of its wool appeared to me to have more yoke than I had ever seen in one of our common sheep, and to be both soft and fine. This experiment; is worthy of notice and repetition. It is also alleged that lime-stone pastures have a ten- dency to render wool harsh, and that the purchasers of wool in England make a diflference in the price of wool bought from two adjoining farms, if one is sand or clay and the other lime-stone or chalk, par- ticularly the latter. This it does by decomposing the yoke, where it comes in contact with it. Method of Bleeding Sheep. In inflammatory disorders bleeding may be necessary. This is per- formed by cutting the ear, or the tail, or in the tem- ple. The first and last do not yield mucii blood, and cutting the tail leaves a considerable wound. — Daubenton recommends bleeding in the lower part 1^0 of the cheek, at the spot where the root of the fourth tooth is placed, which is the thickest part of the cheek, and is marked on the external surface of the bone of the upper jaw by a tubercle sufEciently prominent to be very sensible to the finger when the skin of the cheek is touched. This tubercle is a cer- tain index to the regular vein which is placed be- low ; and this vein extends from the under border of the jaw beneath near its angle, to below the tu- bercle, which is seated at the root of the fourth cheek, tooth ; farther the vein bends and extends to the cavity of the eye-brow. The shepherd takes the sheep between his legs ; his left hand, more advanc- ed th^n his right, which he places under the head, and grasps the under jaw near to the hinder extrem- ity, in order to press the angular vein, which passes in that place, to make it swell ; he touches the right cheek at the spot nearly equidistant from the eye and the mouth, and there finds the tubercle which is to guide him, and also feels the angular vein swelled below this tubercle ; he then makes the in- cision from below upward, half an inch in length below the middle of the projection which serves to guide him. Transitions from high to low Feed. With all stock, it is allowed to be very dangerous to pass suddenlv from Iiigh feeding to that which is scant and poor ; or from plenty of greeq food, to that which is altogether dry. Hence arises a very im- 121 portant. maxim respecting sheep ; which is, as soon as the pastures fail, towards the end of autum, to put them to turnips or cabbages, if we have them ; and this will perhaps'be found our best system respecting turnips : to sow a sufficient quantity for our sheep, to be eaten after the grass fails., and before the snow falls, so as permanently to cover the ground. If they are fed with any regularity, hurdlipg them ofT in such portions as the sheep will eat clean, they will go far ; and the land will be so well manured as .to produce an abundant crop of wheat, oats, or any oth- er grain the next season. Number of Ewes to a Ram. — A great difference exists as to the number of ewes to which a ram may be put. Buifon limits the number to 25 or 30. In Denmark, they admit 40 or 50 ewes to each ram. In England, Thompson mentions as an instance of great vigour 120 : and Dr. Parry 146. In this coun- try, some rams have certainly covered two or three hundred ; and there is no doubt but that if proper means are employed, a ram, perhaps without injury, will go to a greater number. On the contrary, in- discriminately to turn a ram with two or three hun- dred ewes in a season will greatly exhaust him ; ma- ny of the. ewes will probably prove barren ; and of the lambs, many will be- small and feeble. When it is wished that a ram should cover a great number- of ewes, he should previously be put into high health, and kept up during the season with the 10 122 best of pasture, and plenty of grain. . And instead. of being turned into the ftock, the ewes which are in heat should be regularly br6ught to him. To dis- cern such ewes, let a vigorous common ram be put into the flock, previously secured by an apron under his belly ; which being colored with lamb-black or Spanish brown mixed with train-oil, or kitchen grease, which will not dry ; he will mark every ewe which comes in heat. These being taken to the ram and again taken away as soon as covered, he will not exhaust himself by needless repetition. This is unquestionably -the best mode, but is like- wise the most troublesome. My method has been, to keep up my ram with a few full-blood ewes dur- ing the day, upon a small, but very good pasture, that he may feed without disturbance ; and to put the flock of ewes to him every night, in a confined fold, his belly having been previously colored, and every morning to separate and put into a pasture by themselves the ewes which have been marked. . By all these attentions, selecting the best rams and ewes, such as are in the vigour of their age, and nev- er suffering the rams to be weakened and exhausted by numbers, we shall arrive at our object, to acquire a numerous flock of the most perfect sheep, with sufficient rapidity ; whilst at the same time,. we shall preserve the vigour of both ewes and rams to the lat- est period of their lives. We have known rams to be successfully employed after eight arid ten years of .123 age : and Mr. Laysterie mentions one at Rambouillet, which, at the age of eighteen, produced good lambs. It. is an old opinion, that by frequently changing the ram, and by procuring another of the same breed from a distant flock, we shall improve our own. But this opinion has been so fully exploded by Mr. Bake- well in England, and all who have followed his ex- ample, that I should not have thought it worth men- tioning, but to remove a prejudice, which, perhaps, some may still entertain. The better rule now is, to breed from the most perfect animals, although they should be descended from the same family, to the tenth generation. If I was to hazard a theoretical opinion on this subject, I would say, that beauty of form, and other corporal qualities are preserved by breeding in and in ; that vigour of intellect in man, courage and spirit in other animals are improved by crossing. A ewe goes five months : the season of putting her to the ram, therefore, must be so calculated, as to have the lambs fall early or late, according to the wishes of the owner, and the provision he has made for their support. Early Iambs are to be preferred on many accounts ; they are stronger, and more able to bear the rigours of the succeeding winter ; they are sooner fit for market ; and hence, whether for store sheep or for the butcher, are most profitable. It is likewise observed, that when the first heat of the ewe is suffered to go by, the second or third re- 124 turn of impulse is by no nrieans so sure ; that such ewes are apt to prove barren, and perhaps, from the same cause, the lambs are less vigorous. On the other hand, early lambs rdquire great care and attention ; and unless comfortable shelter is pro- vided for them, and ah ample supply of roots, bran, oil cake, &c. is laid up for the ewes, only loss and mortification will be the consequence. Age of Sheep. — We judge of the age of a sheep, as well as of all ruminant animals by the teeth. A lamb has eight pointed teeth. Fig. 1. About one year old they shed the two front teeth, and obtain in their places two broad and larger teeth, Fig. 2. One of two years old has four broad teeth. Fig. 3. One of three years old has six. Fig. 4. After four years, they have shed all their lambs' teeth, have eight broad teeth, Fig. 5, and are said to be full mouthed. After this the teeth begin to break, shorten and fall out, Fig. 6, pretty much in the same succession in •which they appeared : and- by the time they arrive at eight or ten years of age, their teeth are generally destroyed. 125 / Grades of Wool. — The wool proper for woollen cloth of every description is that of the short-wooll- ed sheep, and of course the finest wool of those sheep whose fleeces are unequal. The farmer's share iii this business, next to getting an improved stock, is to take care that his wool is free from burrs, (which the shepherd should be careful to extricate before the seed 10* 126 ripens,) that hay should not be given from the stack, or from over-hanging racks, which fill the fleece with grass seeds that it is very troublesome to free it from. He should also be attentive that his sheep are well littered in the fold at all times, not only on account of the health of the sheep, but to preserve the wool clean. When the sheep are shorn the wool is to be sorted : this is done in Spain by spreading and- di- viding the wool of four different qualities, according to the part of the body on which the wool grew. This will be best explained by referring to the an- nexed plate, which marks the different qualities by the figures 1, 2, 3, 4 — the first of these is called ra- fina, the second fina, and the third tercira ; the fourth together with the tags and scattered wool is called cahida, and is destined for purchasing, from the church, masses for the souls in purgatory. It will easily be perceived that this division caniiot be very accurate, because there are some fleeces much coars- er than others, and some sheep who are fine in the parts that rank in the second and third class : but it is much more accurate with Merino sheep than with any other, because their fleeces are more equally good, and the proportion of bad wool is much less in them than that of any other race ; each sort is washed by itself and put in bags, which are lettered and numbered, but when it comes in the manufacto- ries it undergoes another washing and scouring, by which it loses about twelve per cent, and is then again carefully sorted before it is worked up. NOTES. (a) p. 16. Mr. Jarvis settled on the Connecti- cut river, in Weathersfield, State of Vermont, where he has cultivated his flocks with great skill and suc- cess, and has probably at this time the best flock in New England. Many ot the best flocks in this State originate dfrom his. By care and judgment in breed- ing he has rendered his sheep superior to what they were when imported, aff'ording a useful lesson of perseverance, and a standing reproof to those far- mers who have let their flocks degenerate and die, and excuse themselves by laying the blame to the slieep and the climate. (6) p. 21. Downs or Dunes. These are tracts of san- dy barren land, yielding a dry and scanty herbage for the animals which roaiYi over them. In England there are at least two larg:e tracts oi this description, one bordering on the English Channel called the South Downs, and another tract farther North called the North Downs. The original terrtfi of downs or dunes, was applied to sand hills which are blown about by the wind, generally from the sea to the interior, such as are now seen on Cape Cod and other parts of that sec- tion of the country. The downs spoken of in England were formed in the same manner, though they are probably now fix- «d and more covered with herbage than the above . (c) p. 23. Comparative estimated value of Dishleys and Merinoes. We w^ill say 50 Dishleys kept as sheep are usually kept in Maine, average 4 lbs. of 129 wool per head, which will make 200 lbs.— this at 2 shillings will be " $66,66 Suppose they will rear 50 lambs -worth 50,00 and they will require as much keep as 75 116,66 Merinoes 75 Merinoes, the number required to eat as much as 50 Dishleys, will average o 1-2 lbs of wool per head, amounting to 262 1-2 Ibs.-^this will bring 3 shillinors per lb. ' . $131,25 From this number suppose we obtain 50 Iambs worth" 50,00 181,25 Dedu-ct income of Dishleys 1 J ^So $04,59 Leaving $64,59 in favor of Merinoes, or if the dis- parity in the price of wpol is too much, set the Dish- ley at 40 cents per lb.— 200 lb?, will then bring $80, and 50 lambs at 1 dollar will swell tiie amount to 130 dollars — this deducted will leave $5r,25 in favor of tlie Merinoes. We are led to make this comparative estimate of the value of the two breeds because public attention is directed at this time more particularly to them. (d) p. 51. Sheep Housi;s. Various modes of sheltering sheep have been adopted. Some have built, costly barns and sheds for the purpose of kee{)- ing their flocks warm in the winter. But ex[)erience proves that if sheep can b.e kept dry, it is best that they be not kept very warm — indeed they are an- imals that need a free circulation of air. The following plan has been recommended as cheap, simple, and sufficiently warm and convenient. '■% 131 Let a be the hay barn. It maybe a common barn or a Dutch barn — that is, a temporary structure with a top that can be moved up and down, b c def high tight board fence, making several jrards, and if you please a top may be put upon it like a shed. It is believed that this kind of structure will be better than tight and crowded barns — and indeed all that is necessary to keep sheep comfortable and healthy. (e) p. 86. Foot Rot. It was by treatment simi- lar to this, faithfully and energetically pursued, that Mr. J. Pilsbury, agent for I Thorndike, Esq. on his large farm in Jackson, (Me.) eradicated the foot rot from his numerous flock in that place. The follow- ing mode, recommended by Mr. Jarvis, has been be- fore published. Pare the hoof till all the nlneration is laid bare — then wash it thorouglily and apply a wash made of blue vitriol dissolved in a mixture of spirits of tur- pentine and rum. (/) p. 91. Appearance op Liver in Rot. It has been stated by Clater that if the liver of a sheep that has die^d affected by the/otjbe boiled, it loses its firm- ness and separates into small pieces in the water, or remains soft and flaccid. (g) p. 109. The following is a recipe for the cure of sheep poisoned by eating the Low Laurel or Lamb Kill. It is doubtful if the dittany grows in Maine — but the common pennyroyal (called by Botanists Cunila Pulegioides) which is similar in its nature, is abundant in all New England, '' It is a fact well known to farmers, that sheep are frequently poisoned by eating common laurel, (Kal- mia latifolia.) When you suspect this to be the case, give the sick animal a strong tea made of moun- 132 tain dittany, (Cunila mariana,) moderately warm. This simple remedy has been known to recover sheep in the last stages of the disorder. It would be well for farmers, wliose cattle are in danger of being poisoned, to procure and dry a quan- tity of dittany in the summer, and keep it by them through the winter, as it is in the latter season they are most likely to be affected. It may also be useful, in other disorders incident to cattle. So much for the cure : as a prevention, destroy all the laurel on your farms. '^ There are probably many other diseases which oc- casionally trouble sheep, but we have stated those which are most prevalent and common. Lambs sometimes need some little attention when first drop- ped ; either by being chilled or from some other cause — when chilled the warm hath has been found to revive them and restore vigor. Some years ago there was an opinion prevalent in some sections of the State that ever.y sheep had a worm in the foot or rather above the foot, Which injured its health, and some individuals drove quite a business by dislodging the worms as they arre cal- led, at a certain sum per sheep. The facts in the case are these. There is in every sheep just above the claw, and on the front of the leg^ a little tube or oilet hole, undoubtedly designed by Nature for an emunctory or a passage for cer- tain humors. This sometimes gets clogged by the hardening of the matter discharged. This when ta- ken out has the appearance of a rounder cylindrical worm. Sometimes when the operator could not find any thing of the kind he would extract the tube itself. ^y-^ ^ x^^^. rO^ 'i^^' % ,/' .0 c>_ t n/y-;^. .O <'^ -^ , X " \ x^^^ .0- 0^ . \ -^^^^ r 1^ %C,S- ;^.; ^^. ' * ^.^ ,#' '^/>- ^^ " A-N "ao^ i^-^t- .-^^' N^^-. O ^OO^ ' ...s^^.. _ "J- ^-u - z > / ■ ■: X _ <^ ^ .0 o * ,6^ Ci c-