xkxM% at $0ttgw^ UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. ^i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/horsehisdiseases01jenn THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES: EMBRACING HIS HISTORY AND VARIETIES, BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT AND VICES; WITH THE DISEASES TO WHICH HE IS SUBJECT, AND THE REMEDIES BEST ADAPTED TO THEIR CURE. By ROBERT JENNINGS, V.S., PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY AND OPERATIVE SURGERY IN THE VETERINARY COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA ; PROFESSOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE IN THE LATE AGRI- CULTURAL COLLEGE OF OHIO ; SECRETARY OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA, ETC., ETC. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, RARET'S METHOD OP TAMING HORSES, AND THE LAW OF WARRANTY AS APPLICABLE TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF THE ANIMAL. lUttsiratefc ibg ncarlg §m fltm^b ^ngrafrins*. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY JOHN E. POTTER, NO. 617 SANSOM STREET. 1860. : Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year, 1SG0, by JOHN E. POTTEK, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: electrotyped by s. a. george, 607 sansom street. PREFACE. This volume is offered to the consideration of the public, not without a knowledge on the part of the author that many excel- lent works upon the horse have already appeared. It has occurred to him, however, that each of these various works is devoted rather to the consideration of some particular topic of interest in connec- tion with this generous animal, than to a general treatment of the various subjects which appropriately claim notice in a work in- tended for the ordinary reader. There are comparatively few in our country who are not, at some period or other, brought into contact with the horse, either as owners, hirers, or in some other capacity. The great majority cannot avail themselves of the numerous treatises already extant, which touch upon this animal, without gathering about themselves a library so large as seriously to trench upon their pecuniary com- fort. Besides, so far as the ailments of the horse are concerned, much progress has been made in their treatment within the last few years. Old theories have been exploded, and, as the author believes, an era of a more humane and judicious medical treatment is dawning upon us. A marked improvement is discernible in the class of practitioners who essay the veterinary art ; a greater amount of intelligence characterizes their action, and, as a consequence, the occupation of the veterinary surgeon is fast rising in popular estimation. To these cheering indications of a better day for the horse and his owner, the author claims not to be indifferent. If an experi- ence of fifteen years, diligently devoted to an investigation of the (5) 6 PREFACE. habits, peculiarities, wants, and weaknesses of the horse, has not been utterly fruitless in results, he flatters himself that he can at least contribute his mite in furtherance of a better understanding of an animal, which can never be too well understood by any one who would gain the greatest possible advantage from such a ser- vant. With such views the author has prepared the present work. Its pages are believed to contain a complete, candid, and truthful ex- position of all the points which it is incumbent upon the horse- owner to comprehend. Standard authorities upon the subject have been freely consulted, and the suggestions therein contained have been adopted, when corroborated by the author's own experience or observation. Reference has been made to the following among others : — Percival, Blain, Morton, Clark, Finley Dunn, Youatt, Coleman, and Spooner, on the Horse ; Herbert's Horse of America, and Hints to Horsekeepers ; Stewart's Stable Economy; The Far- mer's Encyclopedia ; and the Morgan Horse by Linsley. The remedies recommended have all stood the test of actual trial, and are known to have proved efficacious in previous cases. As the author has no special hobby to ride, he has in this department of the subject given such modes of treatment only as he personally has superintended in actual practice, no matter from what source they may have been suggested. The very many illustrations throughout the volume it is believed will materially enhance its interest and value. With the hope that the work may meet the approval of the large class for whom it was specially prepared, and with the consciousness that no effort to that end has been omitted by the author, he. con- fidently leaves it in their hands, to be dealt with as to them shall seem most meet and proper. Philadelphia, September, 1860. CONTENTS. *♦* PAGE HISTORY OF THE HORSE, 17 Hokses of Asia and Africa, 24 The Arabian, 24 The Persian 25 The Tartarian, 25 The Turkoman, 25 The Turkish Horse, 25 Horses of Hindostan, 26 The Barb and others, 26 European Horses, 27 The Racer, 27 The Hunter, _27 The Hackney, 27 The Cart Horse, 28 German, French, and Spanish Horses, , 29 The American Horse, 30 The American Blood Horse, 39 The Vermont Draught Horse, 57 The Conestoga Horse, 60 The Canadian Horse, 62 The Indian Pony 64 The Narragansett Pacer, 65 The Morgan Horse, 69 Natural Hisxort of the Horse, 73 BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT, ...T^7....»T.^^; 102 Breeding, 102 Breaking, , 110 Castration, 118 Docking, 120 O) 8 CONTENTS. BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT— Continued. page Nicking, 121 The Stable, 125 Are, 127. Litter, 130 Light, 131 Grooming, 133 Exercise, 135 Food 138 Water, 153 Pasturing, 156 Service, 168 Shoeing, 175 Administering Medicine, 193 tices op the horse ~;~;.v^~;:~;:..;..;„;....; .;:. ; 198 Restiveness, 199 Baulking or Jibbing, 199 Biting, 203 Kicking, 204 Rearing, 206 Running Away, 207 Vicious to Clean, 207 Vicious to Shoe, 208 Crib-biting, 210 Wind-sucking, 212 Overreaching, 212 Not Lying Down, 213 Shying, 214 Pawing, » 216 Rolling, 217 Slipping the Collar or Halter, 217 Stumbling, 218 Unsteadiness while being Mounted, , 219 DISEASES, AND THEIR REMEDIES, :T.~~~~~™~......;.7.. 220 1 the Mouth, 221 Lampas, M ,.. 221 Inflamed Gums, , „ 222 Bags or Washes, 222 Ulcers in the Mouth, ; 222 Sore Mouth, ,..,. 223 Cut Tongue,.. ...,.,.. .;....., 224 CONTENTS. § DISEASES, AND THEIR REMEDIES— Continued. page Uneven Teeth, ..7.7777777777777. 224 Quidding, 225 Wolf Teeth 226 Caries of the Teeth, 227 Extracting Teeth, 230 Diseases of the Respiratory Organs, 231 Inflammation, 231 Sore Throat, 232 Strangles, 234 Chronic Cough, 235 Catarrh, 23S Distemper, 237 Influenza, : 237 Bronchitis 240 Nasal Gleet, 241 Pneumonia, 243 Pleurisy, 245 Hydrothorax, 247 Thick Wind, 24S Roaring and Whistling, 249 Broken Wind, 249 Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines, 251 Inflammation of the Stomach, 251 Inflammation of the Bowels, 252 Diarrhoea, 255 Inordinate Appetite, 256 Palsy of the Stomach, 257 Rupture of the Stomach, 258 Calculus, or Stony Concretions, 259 Hair Ball, 260 Strangulation of the Intestines, 260 Spasmodic Colic, 261 Flatulent Colic, 262 Worms 263 Bots, 265 Diseases of the Liver, 268 Inflammation of the Liver 269 Jaundice, 270 Hepatirrhcea, 271 Decayed Structure of the Liver, 272 Diseases of the Urinary Organs, 273 Inflammation of the Bladder, 273 10 CONTENTS. DISEASES, AND THEIR REMEDIES— Continued. PAGE Retention of Urine, 274 Profuse Staling, 275 Bloody Urine, 276 Stones in the Kidneys, 277 Stones in the Bladder, 278 Diseases of the Feet and Legs, 279 Contraction of the Hoof, 279 Corns, 280 Quitter, 282 Thrush, 282 Canker 283 Scratches, 284 Grease Heels, 284 ! Water Farcy, 286 Weed, 287 Cracked Hoof, 287 Sole Bruise and Gravel, 28S Pricking, 288 False Quarter, 289 Founder, 290 Pumiced Foot, 291 Corinitis, 291 Navicularthritis, , 292 Ossification of the Lateral Cartilages, 293 Wind Galls, 294 Sprung or Broken Knees, , 294 Breaking Down, 295 Strains of the Knees, 295 Strain of the Hip Joint, 296 Shoulder Strain, 296 Open Joints, 297 Sweenie, 297 Ostitis, 298 Capulet and Capped Hock, 299 Caries of the Bones, c 299 Bone Spavin, 300 Ring Bone, 303 Splint, 303 Curb,.; 304 String Halt, 305 Blood Spavin, Bog Spavin, and Thoroughpin, 305 Fractures, 306 CONTENTS. 11 DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES— Continued. page Diseases of the Heart, 307 Pericarditis, 308 Carditis, 310 Endrocarditis, 310 Diseases op the Head, 311 Osteo-Sarcoma, 311 Inflammation of the Brain, 312 Megrims, 313 Vertigo, 314 Epilepsy, 314 Stomach Staggers, .',.^., v . 315 Diseases of the Eye 317 Amaurosis, 317 Inflammation of the Membrana Nictitans, .1. 318 Simple Ophthalmia, 319 Specific Ophthalmia, 320 Cataract, , 321 Wall Eye, 322 Miscellaneous Diseases, 322 Poll Evil, 322 Fistula of the Withers, 324 Melanotic Tumors, 324 Glanders, 325 Farcy, xyp- 327 Scarlet Fever, ...?£. 328 Mange, 329 Surfeit, 331 Hide Bound, 332 Strains of the Loins, 332 Palsy, 333 Locked Jaw, -.. 333 Rheumatism, 335 Cramp, 336 Hydrocele, 336 Warts, 337 Sit-Fasts, 327 Warbles, 338 Saddle or Harness Galls, 338 Mallanders and Sellenders, '. .-. 338 Ulceration of the Udder, 339 Inflamed Veins, 339 Sueqigal Cases, 339 12 CONTENTS. DISEASES AND THEIR REMEDIES— Continued. PAGE Bleeding, 341 Neurotomy or Nerving, 342 Lithotomy, 345 Trephining, 345 Tenotomy, , 346 Couching, 346 Tapping the Chest 346 Periosteotomy, 347 Amputation of the Penis, 347 (Esophagotomy, 348 Hernia, 349 Roweling, 350 Firing, 351 Tracheotomy, 352 RAREY'S METHOD OF TAMING HORSES, 353 How to Call a Colt from Pasture, 356 How to Stable a Colt without Trouble, 357 Approaching a Colt, 362 How to Halter and Lead A Colt, 364 How to Tie up a Colt, 367 How to Tame a Horse, 368 How tG Make a Horse Lie Down, 369 To Accustom a Horse to strange Sounds and Sights, 370 To Accustom a Horse to a Drum, 371 To Teach a Horse to bear an Umbrella, 372 To Eire off a Horse's Back, 372 How to Accustom a Horse to a Bit, 372 The proper "Way to Bit a Colt, 373 How to Saddle a Colt, 374 How to Mount the Colt, 376 How to Ride a Colt, 378 How to Break a Horse to Harness, 379 WARRANTY, 382 ILLUSTRATIONS. <®> PAGE The Arab and his Steed, 17 The Shetland Pony. —An English Sporting Scene, 21 The Stallion, 28 American Farm Scene, 30 The Canadian, 35 Black Hawk, — An American Racer, 43 American Plantation Scene, 47 The Vermont Draught-Horse, 58 A Conestoga. — The Great Pennsylvania Draught-Horse, 60 Ethan Allen, — A Fast-trotting Morgan Horse, 69 Skeleton of the Horse, as covered by the Muscles, 73 Names applied to the various External Parts of the Horse, 80 Eight Days' Teeth, 88 Three or Four Months' Teeth, 88 Teeth at Twelve Months, 90 A Grinder sawed across, 90 Two Years' Teeth, 91 Three Years' Teeth, 92 Four Years' Teeth, 94 Five Years' Teeth, 95 Six Years' Teeth, 96 Seven Years' Teeth, 97 Eight or Nine Years' Teeth, 98 Mare and Foal, 102 The Arab Stallion, Jupiter, 105 Breaking, 110 The Agriculturist's Method, 117 (13) 14 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE The Usual Method, 123 The French Method, 124 Customary Forms of Stalls, 126 Grooming, 133 Exercise, 136 Out to Grass, ;.... 143 The American Racer, Black Maria, 147 Pasturing, 157 Service, • 169 Ground Surface of the Hoof, 175 The Hoof of the Horse, 176 A Section of the Foot, 177 The Position of the Shoe, 187 The Proper Form of a Shoe, 192 Running Away, 198 Particularly Dangerous, 204 Muzzle for a Crih-Biter, 210 Disagreeable and Dangerous, 214 The Sick Horse, 220 The Blooded Mare Fashion, and Foal, 227 The Saddle-Horse, 232 Quiet Enjoyment, 237 The Trotting-Horse, Lexington, 244 The Attack and Defense, 250 Omar Pasha, the Turkish Chieftain, 256 Sir Archy, the Godolphin of America, 262 Common Gad-Fly or Bot, 265 Eggs on a Hair, 266 Eggs Magnified, 266 Caterpillar, full size, 267 Caterpillar or Larvae, adhering to the Lining of the Stomach,... 267 The Red Gad-Fly, 268 Caterpillar of the Red Gad-Fly, 268 Virginia Mill-Boys on a Race, 273 The Fast-Trotting Stallion, Geo. M. Patchen,.. 279 ILLUSTRATIONS. 15 PAGE The Children's Pet, 285 The Famous Trotting-Mare, Flora Temple, 292 The Equestrienne, 298 The High-Bred Pacing Mare, Pocahontas, 302 The end of Pericarditis, 309 Haying Scene, 316 The Trotting Stallion, American Eclipse, 323 The Three Friends, 330 Byron's Mazeppa, 335 Lady Suffolk, 341 Good for Heavy Drafts, 349 The Horse Tamed, 353 Bridle with a wooden Gag-bit for conquering vicious Horses,... 358 Strap for the Right Fore-leg, 360 Strap for the Off Fore-leg, 362 Taming the Horse, 366 Teaching the Horse to lie down, 370 Struggles of the Vicious Horse against lying down, 373 Submission of the Horse, 377 Breaking the Horse to Harness, „„,„ 380 To man, whether as a civilized being or as a barbarian, no animal is more useful than the horse. The beauty, grace, and dignity of this noble creature, when in a properly developed state, are as marked as his utility. As an intelligent animal, he ranks next in the scale to the dog, that other com- panion and friend of man. Taking into consideration, then, his usefulness, his attractive appearance, and his intelligence, what is known of his history cannot prove unacceptable. 2 (11) 18 HISTORY OF THE HORSE. In order to ascertain the special land which can claim the proud honor of being the parent country, the birth-place of this noble animal, recourse must be had primarily to the pages of Scripture, as being the most ancient and best authenticated of all existing histories. By reference to those pages, we find that, although the ass was in early use among the children of Israel, the horse was unknown to them until after the com- mencement of their dwelling in Egypt; and strong evidence exists for the belief that he was not brought into subjection, even in that country, until after their arrival. Clear it is, at all events, that Arabia, which many have supposed to be the native home of the horse, did not possess him until within a comparatively recent period ; while his introduction into Greece, and thence into those countries of Europe and Asia in which he is now found, either wild or domesticated, may be traced with much certainty to an Egyptian source. Although in the history of Abraham frequent mention is made of the ass, of the camel, of flocks and herds, sheep and oxen, there is no allusion to the horse ; nor, indeed, do we find any such until we reach the time of Joseph. In the reign of that Pharaoh in whose service Joseph was, wagons were sent by the king's command into Canaan, to bring thence into Egypt Jacob and his sons, their wives and their little ones, during the prevalence of the famine against which Joseph had provided. It is not recorded that those wagons were drawn by horses ; but the inference that such was the fact is by no means irrational, when we remember that it was during the continu- ance of this famine that horses are first mentioned, having been taken by Joseph in exchange for bread from the Egyp- tian cultivators and cattle-breeders; that on the death of HISTORY OP THE HORSE. 19 Jacob, his funeral was attended by "both chariots and horse- men ;" and lastly, that we know from the writings of Homer, and from the ancient sculptures of Persepolis and Nineveh, that the horse was used for purposes of draught for some time previous to his being ridden. From this time, the horse appears to have been speedily adopted for use in battle. At the Exodus, some fifteen hun- dred years before the Christian era, the pursuing army con- tained "six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt," together with all the horsemen. And when the Israelites returned into Canaan, we find that the horse had already been naturalized in that country, since the Canaanites " went out to fight against Israel with horses and chariots very many." From these considerations, and from the fact that, so late as six hundred years after this date, Arabia had still no horses, it is by no means an improbable conclusion that the shepherd kings of Egypt, whose origin is unknown, introduced the horse into Lower Egypt; and that, after this period, that country became the principal herding district of this animal, whence he was gradually introduced into Arabia and the adjoining Asiatic countries. From the same stock is doubtless derived the entire race in all the southeastern parts of Europe. As Egypt is not, in any respect, a favorable country for horse- breeding, still less for his original existence in a state of na- ture, the source whence he was first introduced into that coun- try is in some degree enveloped in uncertainty ; though the better opinion, based upon much indirect testimony, is that he was an original native of the soil of Africa, which alone was 20 HISTORY OF THE HORSE. the parent country of the Zebra and the Quagga — in some sort his kin. It is questionable whether the horse is still to be found in a state of nature in Arabia ; although it is asserted that they exist thinly scattered in the deserts, and that they are hunted by the Bedouins for their flesh, and also for the purpose of improving their inferior breeds by a different kind of blood. In central Africa, however, whence the horse is supposed to have been first introduced into Egypt, and thence into Arabia, Europe, and the East, wild horses still roam untamed far to the southward of the great desert of Sahara, where they were seen by Mungo Park in large droves. At the period of the first Roman invasion, the horse was domesticated in Britain, and in such numbers, that a large portion of the forces which resisted the invaders were chariot- eers and cavalry. In Europe, however, with but few exceptions, the horse, for purposes of warfare, was slowly, and not till the lapse of ages, brought into use : even the Spartans, the Athenians, and the Thebans, when at the height of their military renown, having but inferior and scanty cavalry services. In the oldest sculptures probably in existence, — those re- moved by Layard from the ruins of Nineveh, and illustrative of almost every phase of regal and military life, — the horse is uniformly represented as a remarkably high-crested, large- headed, heavy-shouldered animal : rather long-bodied ; power- fully limbed ; his neck clothed with volumes of shaggy mane, often plaited into regular and fanciful braids ; and his tail coarse and abundant, frequently ornamented similarly to his own mane and to the beard and hair of his driver — an ani- HISTORY OF THE HORSE. 21 mal, indeed, as unlike as possible to the low-statured, delicate- limbed, small-headed Arabs and barbs of modern days, with their basin-faces, large full eyes, and long, thin manes, from which the blood-horse of our times has derived his peculiar excellence. The same remarks may, in the main, be made as to the Greek and Roman horse, from the representations which have come down to us. The English blood-horse, being confessedly the most perfect animal of his race in the whole world, both for speed and endur- ance, and the American blood- THE SHETLAND PONT.— AN ENGLISH SPORTING SCENE. horse directly tracing without mixture to English, and through the English to Oriental parentage, some account of the former variety may be of interest to the reader. It has already been remarked that large numbers of horses were found in Britain at the first Roman invasion. It is to be added, that Cassar thought them so valuable that he carried 22 HISTORY OF THE HORSE. many of them to Rome : and the British horses were, for a considerable period afterward, in great demand in various parts of the Roman Empire. After the evacuation of En- gland by the Romans and its conquest by the Saxons, consider- able attention was paid to the English breed of horses ; and after the reign of Alfred, running horses were imported from Germany, this being the first intimation given us in history of Tunning horses in England. English horses, after this, were so highly prized upon the Continent, that, in order to preserve the monopoly of the breed, in a.d. 930 a law was passed, pro- hibiting the exportation of the animal. In Athelstan's reign many Spanish horses were imported ; and William the Con- queror introduced many fine animals from Normandy, Flan- ders, and Spain, — circumstances which show the strong desire, even at that early period, to improve the English breed. In the reign of Henry I. is the first account of the importation of the Arab horse into the country, at which time it is evident that the English had become sensible of the value and breed of their horse : and in the twelfth century a race-course had been established in London, — namely, Smithfield, — at onca horse-market and race -course. King John imported Flemish horses for the improvement of the breed for agricultural purposes ; and in his reign is found the origin of the draught-horse now in general use in that country. Edward II. and Edward III. imported horses for the improvement of the stock, the latter introducing fifty Spanish horses. In the reign of Henry VII., the exportation of stal- lions was prohibited ; but that of mares was allowed, when more than two years old, and under the value of six shillings and eight pence. In the reign of Henry VIII., many very HISTORY OF THE HORSE. 23 arbitrary statutes were passed for the improvement of the horse ; and it was during the same period that an annual race was run at Chester. In the reign of Elizabeth, the number and breed appear to have degenerated ; for it is stated that she could collect but three thousand horse throughout her realm to resist the invasion of Don Philip. "With the accession of James I. to the throne, a great im- provement was systematically wrought in the English breed ; and from this period a constant and progressive attention was paid to the matter of breeding. This monarch purchased an Arabian horse at the then extraordinary price of five hun- dred pounds ; but he proving deficient in speed, Arabians for a time fell into disrepute. Race meetings were then held at various places (Newmarket, among others) throughout the kingdom, the races being mostly matches against time, or trials of speed or bottom for absurdly long and cruel distances. Although Cromwell, during his Protectorate, was obliged to forbid racing, yet he was an ardent lover of the horse, an earnest patron of all pertaining to horsemanship, and to his strenuous exertions the present superior condition of the En- glish blood-horse is in no small degree owing. Before proceeding to the history of the American horse — which is our main concern in the present branch of this work — a concise summary of the different varieties of this use- ful quadruped cannot fail to interest. We commence with the horse of Asia. 24 HISTORY OF THE HORSE.. HORSES OF ASIA AND AFRICA. THE ARABIAN. In this country the horse, even in its wild state, (in which condition, as before remarked, it is rarely found,) is possessed of a beautiful symmetry of form, and a disposition of the greatest gentleness and generosity. His size is small, averag- ing in height generally between thirteen and fourteen hands, (the hand being reckoned at about four inches of our measure) ; color a dappled grey, though sometimes a dark brown ; mane and tail short and black. The only mode of capturing him is by snares carefully concealed in the sand, as his exceeding swiftness prevents all possibility of taking him by the chase. The fondness of the Arab for his steed is well known, having long since passed into a proverb. The horse of the poorest wanderer of the desert shares with his master and his family every attention and caress which the strongest attachment can prompt. Mares are always preferred by the Arab to horses, as they endure fatigue and the hardships incident to a desert life much more patiently, and they can be kept together in greater numbers without the risk of quarrels and mutual in- juries. Great attention is paid to the coat of the animal. He is carefully washed each morning and evening, or after a long ride ; is fed only during the night, receiving throughout the day nothing but one or two drinks of water. The head of the pure Arab is light, well made, wide be- tween the nostrils, forehead broad, muzzle short and fine, nos- trils expanded and transparent, eyes prominent and sparkling, ears small; neck somewhat short; shoulders high and well HORSES OF ASIA AND AFRICA. 25 thrown back; withers high and arched; legs fine, flat, and small-boned, and the body somewhat light. THE PERSIAW. This horse is slightly taller than the Arab : is full of bone, and very fast. The Persian feeds his horse as does the Arab, the food given being coarse and scant. Hay is utterly un- known for the purpose, barley and chopped straw being gener- ally substituted. Although this variety is in most respects less esteemed than the Arab, it is in some points its superior. THE TARTARIAN. Like the Persian, this variety is swift ; but the horses are heavy-headed, low-shouldered, and altogether very awkwardly put together. The Tartars eat the flesh of their horses and use the milk of their mares, from which they also make excel- lent cheese. THE TURKOMAN. This is a variety of the Tartar, but superior to it ; bringing, even in Persia, frequently from five hundred to a thousand dol- lars. Its average height is some fifteen hands, and in general appearance it bears a strong resemblance to a well-bred En- glish carriage-horse. Though possessed of considerable speed, it is not enduring. This variety is often foisted upon the ignorant as the pure Arabian. THE TURKISH HORSE. This horse is a cross between the Persian and the Arabian, and is of slender build, carrying his head high, lively and fiery, and possessing a gentle and affectionate disposition. The tail of the horse is regarded in Turkey and Persia as a 26 HORSES OF ASIA AND AFRICA. badge of dignity, princes measuring their rank by the number of tails they carry ; those of the highest rank being allowed three. HOUSES OF HINDOSTAM-. In India, the horse, owing to the peculiar climate of the country, is invariably found to degenerate, unless great atten- tion be paid to breeding. The principal breeds are the Tazee, the Takan, the Folaree, the Cutch, and the Dattywarr. Passing from the Asiatic horses to the African, it is to be remarked that Egypt has long since lost its character as a breeding country, its horses being justly deemed much inferior to those of Persia, Barbary, or Arabia. THE BARB, AND OTHERS. This variety — the principal of the African race — is taller than the Arabian, and is remarkable for the height and fullness of its shoulders, drooping of the haunches, and roundness of the barrel. The Bornou race, in the central parts of Africa, is described as possessing the qualities of the Arabian with the beauty of the Barb ; as being fine in shoulder and of general elegance of form. The Nubian horses are stated by travelers to be even superior to the Arabian. Dongola has a noticeable breed, of large size, their chief peculiarities being extreme shortness of body, length of neck, height of crest, and a beautiful forehand. HISTORY OF THE HORSE. 21 EUROPEAN HORSES. THE RACEE. As the varieties of the horse in Great Britain are the most noticeable of any in Europe, we append a brief description of the principal breeds at present in use. The Racer, which excels, in beauty, speed, and endurance, that ©f all other nations, was gradually formed by the intro- duction of the best blood of Spain, Barbary, Turkey, and Arabia, and bears a strong family likeness to each. The cha- racteristics of this breed are a high and lofty head, bright and fearless eye, small ear, expanded nostril ; arched neck, curved on the upper surface, with no curve underneath ; the neck gracefully set on ; the shoulder lengthened, oblique, and lying well back ; the quarters ample and muscular ; the fore-legs straight and fine, but with sufficient bone ; the hinder legs well bent, and the pasterns long and springy. THE HUNTER. The best horses of this breed stand fifteen or sixteen hands high : head small ; neck thin, especially beneath the crest, firm and arched ; and jaws wide ; lofty forehead ; shoulders as ex- tensive and oblique as that of the racer, and somewhat thicker; broad chest ; muscular arm ; leg shorter than that of the racer ; body also more short and compact ; loins broad ; quar- ters long; thighs muscular; hocks well bent, and under the horse. THE HACKNEY. This horse is still more compact than the hunter, with more 28 EUROPEAN HORSES. substance in proportion to his height ; forehead light and high ; head small, and placed taperingly upon the neck ; shoulders deep and spacious, lying well back ; back straight, loins strong ; fillets wide, and withers well raised. Too high breeding is considered objectionable in this species, as being ill adapted for ordinary riding upon the road. THE CART HORSE. The principal varieties of this class, are the Cleveland, the Clydesdale, the Northamptonshire, the Suffolk Punch, and the heavy black or dray horse. The Clydesdale breed obtains its name t from being bred chiefly in the valley of r the Clyde. They ? ~jg are strong and hardy, have a small head, are | longer necked than the Suffolk, with deeper legs and lighter bodies. the stallion. The Suffolk Punch originated by crossing the Suffolk cart mare with the Norman stallion. Its color is yellowish or sorrel ; large head, wide between the ears, muzzle rather coarse, back long and straight, sides flat, fore-end low, shoulders thrown much forward, high at the hips, round legs, short pasterns, deep-bellied, and full barrel. The modern-bred cart horse of England, originated EUROPEAN HORSES. 29 from a cross with the Yorkshire half-bred stallion, and is of much lighter form, and stands much higher. This horse is hardy and useful, kindly, and a good feeder. The heavy black horse is chiefly bred in Lincolnshire and the Midland counties. GERMAN, FRENCH, AND SPANISH HORSES. The horses of Germany, with the exception of the Hungar- ian, are generally large, heavy, and slow. The Prussian, German, and the greater part of the French cavalry, are pro- cured from Holstein. They are of a dark glossy bay color, with small heads, large nostrils, and full dark eyes, being beautiful, active, and strong. The horses of Sweden and Finland are small, but beautiful, and remarkable for their speed and spirit ; those of Finland being not more than twelve hands high, yet trotting along with ease at the rate of twelve miles an hour. The Iceland horse is either of Norwegian or Scottish descent. They are very small, strong, and swift. Thousands of them live upon the mountains of that barren country, never entering a stable, but taught by instinct or habit to scrape away the snow, or break the ice, in quest of their meagre food. The Flemish and Dutch horses are large, and strongly and beautifully formed. The best blood of draught horses is owing, in a great degree, to crosses with these. The best French horses are bred in Limousin and Nor- mandy ; the provinces of Auvergne and Poitou producing ponys and galloways, which are excellent saddle-horses and hunters. The Spanish horse of other days, as the Andalusian charger 30 THE AMERICAN HORSE". and the Spanish jennets, exists but in history or romance. The modern Spanish horse resembles the Yorkshire half-bred, with flatter legs and better feet, but a far inferior figure. The Italian horses, particularly the Neapolitan, were once in high repute ; but, owing mainly to intermixtures of Euro- pean, rather than Eastern blood, they have sadly degenerated. THE AMERICAN HORSE. At a very remote period in the history of America, the horse began to be imported from Europe by the earliest settlers ; it being conceded that, although the horse had, at some former time, existed on this continent, as is proved by his fossil remains, which have been found in abund- ance in various parts of the country, he had become extinct previous to its colonization by the white nations. It is generally believed that the horses which are found in a wild state on the pampas or plains of South America, and the prairies of North America, as far east as to the Mississippi River, are the descendants of the parents set loose by the Spaniards at the abandonment of Buenos Ayres. This opinion, however, is combated by some, on the ground that this date is too recent to account AMERICAN FARM SCENE. THE AMERICAN HORSE. 31 for the vast numerical increase, and the great hordes of these animals now existing in a state of nature ; and they are in- clined to ascribe their origin to animals escaped, or voluntarily set at liberty, in the earlier expeditions and wars of the Span- ish invaders, the cavalry of that nation consisting entirely of perfect horses or mares. An opportunity for such an origin must undoubtedly have been furnished in the bloody wars of Mexico and Peru ; since upon the issue of many battles, which were disastrous to the Spaniards, the war-horses, their riders being slain, could have recovered their freedom and propagated their species rapidly in the wide, luxuriant, and well-watered plains, where the abundance of food, the genial climate, and the absence of beasts of prey capable of successfully contending with so powerful an animal as the horse, would favor their rapid in- crease. We know, moreover, that De Soto had a large force of cav- alry in that expedition in which he discovered the Mississippi, and found a grave in its bosom ; and when his warriors re- turned home in barques which they built on the banks of the "Father of waters," there can be little doubt that their chargers must have been abandoned, since their slender vessels, built by inexperienced hands for the sole purpose of saving their own lives, must have been incapable of containing their steeds. The first horses imported to America for the purpose of creating a stock, were brought by Columbus, in 1493, in his second voyage to the islands. The first landed in the United States, were introduced into Florida in 1527, by Cabeca de Vaca, forty-two in number; but these all perished or were 32 THE AMERICAN HORSE. killed. The next importation was that of De Soto, before mentioned, to which is doubtless to be attributed the origin of the wild horses of Texas and the prairies, a race strongly marked to this day by the characteristics of Spanish blood. In 1604, L'Escarbot, a French lawyer, brought horses and other domestic animals into Acadia; and in 1608, the French, then engaged in colonizing Canada, introduced horses into that country, where the present race, though somewhat de- generated in size, owing probably to the inclemency of the climate, still shows the blood, sufficiently distinct, of the Norman and Breton breeds. In 1609, the English ships landing at Jamestown, in Vir- ginia, brought, besides swine, sheep, and cattle, six mares and a horse ; and in 1657, the importance of increasing the stock of this valuable animal was so fully recognized, that an act was passed, prohibiting its exportation from the province. In 1629, horses and mares were brought into the plantations of Massachusetts Bay, by one Francis Higginson, formerly of Leicestershire, England, from which county many of the animals were imported. New York first received its horses in 1625, imported from Holland by the Dutch West India Com- pany, probably of the Flanders breed, though few traces of that breed yet exist, unless they are to be found in the Cones- toga horse of Pennsylvania, which shows some affinity to it, either directly or through the English dray-horse, which latter is believed to be originally of Flemish origin. In 1750, the French of Illinois procured considerable num- bers of French horses ; and since that time, as the science of agriculture has improved and advanced, pure animals of many distinct breeds have been constantly imported into this country, THE AMERICAN HORSE. 33 which have created in different sections and districts distinct families, easily recognized, — as the horses of Massachusetts and Vermont, admirable for their qualities as draft-horses, powerful, active, and capable of quick as well as heavy work j the Conestogas, excellent for ponderous, slow efforts, in team- ing and the like ; and the active, wiry horses of the West, well adapted for riding, and being in most general use for American cavalry purposes. It is evident, then, thaC the original stock of the unimproved American horse is the result of a mixture of breeds; the French, the Spanish, the Flemish, and the English horses having all sent their representatives to some one portion at least, of the United States and British Provinces, and proba- bly still prevailing to a considerable degree in some locations, though nowhere wholly unmixed — while, in others, they have become so thoroughly mixed and amalgamated, that their identity can no longer be discovered. In New York, for example, the early importations of tho- rough blood, and the constant support of horse-racing, appear to have so changed the original Dutch or Flemish stock, that the characteristic of her horses is that of the English race, with a decided admixture of good blood. In Massachusetts, Vermont, and the Eastern States generally, the Cleveland bay, and a cross between that and the English dray-horse blood, with some small admixture of thorough blood, predominate. In Pennsylvania, the most distinct breed appears to be of Flemish and English dray-horse origin. In Maryland, Vir- ginia, and South Carolina, English thorough blood prevails to a great extent ; so much so as to render the inferior class of working horses undersized. In Louisiana, and many of the 34 THE AMERICAN HORSE. Western States, French and Spanish blood partly prevail, though with a mixture of English blood. It may, in short, be generally assumed that, with the exception of the thorough- breds, there is scarcely any breed in any part of America wholly pure and unmixed ; and that there are very few animals anywhere, which have not some mixture, greater or less, of the hot blood of the East, transmitted through the English race-horse. Indeed, with the exception of the Conestoga horse, there is, in the United States, no purely-bred draft or cart-horse, nor- any breed which is kept entirely for labor in the field or on the road, without a view to being used at times for quicker work, and for purposes of pleasure or travel. Every horse, for the most part, bred in America, is intended to be, in some sense, used upon the road ; and it is but asserting a well-known fact, when we say, that for docility, temper, soundness of con- stitution, endurance of fatigue, hardiness, sure-footedness, and speed, the American roadster is not to be excelled, if equaled, by any horse in the entire world not purely thorough-bred. Of roadsters, two or three families have obtained, in different localities, decided reputations for different peculiar qualities : such as the Narragansett pacers, the families known as the Morgan and Black Hawk, the Canadian, and generally what may be called trotters. No one of these, however, with the single exception of the Narragansetts, appears to have any real claim to be deemed a distinctive family, or to be regarded as capable of transmitting its qualities in line of hereditary descent, by breeding within itself, without further crosses with higher and hotter blood. Of the Narragan setts, but little can be said with certainty ; THE AMERICAN HORSE. 35 for there is reason to believe that, as a distinct variety, with natural powers of pacing, they are extinct ; and their origin is, in some degree, uncertain. The other families clearly owe their merits to a remote infusion of thorough-blood, perhaps amounting to one-fourth, or one-third part, some three or four generations back. The original Canadians were, doubtless, of pure Norman 'and Breton descent; but, since the Canadas have been under British rule, they also ^ THE CANADIAN. have been largely mixed with, and much improved by, the intro- duction of a pure blood ; so that the animals which in late years pass here under the name of Canadians, such as Moscow, Lady Moscow, and many others of that name, are Canadians only in name, differing from other American roadsters simply in the fact that they have, for the most part, only two crosses 36 THE AMERICAN HORSE. of the Norman and pure English blood, while the ordinary road-horse of the United States is perhaps a combination of several distinct English families, with French, Spanish, and Flemish crosses, besides an infusion of thorough-blood. Of trotters, there is certainly no distinctive breed or family, or mode of breeding. The power, the style, the action, the mode of going, are the points regarded ; and it is most pro- bable, that the speed and the endurance, both of weight and distance, depend, more or less, on the greater or inferior degree of blood in the animal. Indeed, the wonderful superiority of the American roadster is attributable to the great popularity of trotting in this country, to the great excellence of the trotting-trainers, drivers, and riders, arising from that popularity, and to the employ- ment of all the very best half and three-quarter-part bred horses in the land for trotting purposes, none being turned from that use for the hunting-field or park-riding. The general American horse, as compared with the English horse, is inferior in height of the forehand, in the loftiness and thinness of the withers, and in the setting-on and carriage of the neck and crest; while he is superior in the general develop- ment of his quarters, in the let-down of his hams, and in his height behind ; and further remarkable for his formation, ap- proaching what is often seen in the Irish horse, and known as the goose-rump. Even the American racer stands very much higher behind and lower before than his English fellow. Another point in which the American horse of all conditions differs extremely and most advantageously from the European animal, is his greater sure-footedness and freedom from the dangerous vice of stumbling. Any one can satisfactorily con- THE AMERICAN HORSE. 3T vince himself of this, by comparing the knees of hack-horses let for hire, either in the cities or rural villages of the United States, with those of similar English localities. In this coun- try, a broken knee is one of the very rarest blemishes encoun- tered in a horse ; while of horses let for hire in England, with, the exception of those let by a few crack livery-keepers in London, in the Universities, and in one or two other of the most important towns in hunting neighborhoods, a majority are decidedly broken-kneed. The exemption of the horse, on this side of the Atlantic, from this fault, is ascribable : first, to the fact, that both the pasture-lands and the roads here are far rougher, more broken in surface, and more interrupted by stones, stumps, and other obstacles, than in the longer cultivated and more finished coun- tries of Europe, which teaches young horses to bend their knees, and throw their legs more freely while playing with the dams in the field ; and also to lift and set down their feet with much greater caution even on our great thoroughfares ; secondly, to the higher blood and breed of riding-horses in England, which are often cantering thorough-breds, liable to be unsafe travelers on the road ; and lastly, to the well-known circumstance, that most of the hired horses are roadsters — these are worn-c*ut or broken-down animals of a higher caste, which are deemed, by reason of their disqualification, for a higher position, fit for a secondary one, although suited to none, and dangerous in any. To this admirable quality of the American horse, must be added his extreme good temper and docility, in which he un- deniably excels any other horse in the world. From the first childhood of the animal until he is fully put to work, he re- 38 THE AMERICAN HORSE quires and receives little or no breaking, unless he show quali- ties which promise such speed or endurance as to render it advisable to train him as a trotter. Even when this is done, it is for the purpose of developing his powers, getting him to exert himself to the utmost, and teaching him how to move to the best advantage ; and not to render him submissive, easy of management, or gentle to be handled. There is scarcely ever any difficulty in saddling, in harnessing, in backing, or in in- ducing him to go. He may be awkward at first, uncouth, shy, and timid ; but he is never, one may almost say, violent, spas- modic in his actions, and fierce. It is true that horses are treated, for the most part, with superior judgment and greater humanity in the United States ; that the whip is little used, and the spur almost unknown ; still the whole of this remarkable difference in temper, on the part of the American horse, cannot be attributed to the differ- ence of treatment. As he begins, moreover, he continues to the end. One rarely encounters a kicker, a runaway, an inveterate shyer or balker, and hardly ever a furious animal, not to be approached, save at the risk of limb or life, in an American horse of any class or condition. Probably this fact may, in some respects, be attributed to the less high strain of blood in the American roadster, and still more to the hardier and less stimulating mode of treatment to which he is subjected. The heating treatment to which the English horse is subjected, unquestionably deprives him, in some degree, of the power of enduring long-protracted exer- tion, privation, hardship, and the inclemency of the weather ; and the pampering, high feeding, excessive grooming, and THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. 39 general maintenance of horses in an unnatural and excited state of spirits has, assuredly, an injurious effect upon the general temper of the animal ; though not, perhaps, so greatly as to account for all the difference to which allusion has just been made. Having premised thus much, in general terms, of the history and peculiarities of the general American horse, we will next take up the leading varieties which obtain in this country, commencing with THE AffiEKICAN BLOOD-HORSE. Unlike the human race of the United States, unlike the ordinary working horse, unlike the cattle and most of the do- mestic animals of North America — which cannot be traced or said to belong to any single distinct breed or family, having originated from the combination and amalgamation of many bloods and stocks, derived from many different countries — the blood-horse, or racer, of America stands alone, unquestionably of pure English thorough-blood. What that English thorough-blood is, it is only necessary here to say that, although it is not possible, in every instance, to trace the great progenitors of the English and American turf, directly on both sides, to Desert blood ; and although it can scarcely be doubted that, in the very commencement of turf-breeding, there must have been some mixture of the best old English blood, probably, in great part, Spanish by descent, with the true Arab or Barb race ; yet the impure admixture is so exceedingly remote, not within fourteen or fifteen genera- tions — since which the smallest taint has been carefully ex- cluded—that the present race-horse of England or North 40 THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. America, cannot possess above one sixteen-thousandth part of any other blood than that of the Desert. Nor can it be doubted, that the modern thorough-bred is far superior to the present horse of the East in his qualities and powers, as he is in size, bone, strength, and ability to carry weight. It is to this very superiority of our thorough- bred, which has been proved wherever it has encountered the Oriental horse, that it must be ascribed, that no late cross of Arab blood has, in the slightest degree, improved the Euro- pean or American racer. It seems now to be a conceded point, that to improve any blood, the sire must be the superior animal ; and, since by care, cultivation, superior food, and better management, our descend- ant of Desert blood has been developed into an animal supe- rior to his progenitors, mares of the improved race can gain nothing by being crossed with the original stock ; although it is yet to be seen, whether something might not be effected by the importation of Oriental mares, and breeding them judiciously to modern thorough-bred stallions. It has been already stated, that the first systematic attempts at improving the blood of the English horse began in the reign of King James I., was continued in that of Charles I. and during the Commonwealth, and advanced with renewed spirit on the restoration of the Stuarts. In the reign of Queen Anne, the last of that house who occupied the English throne, the English thorough-bred horse may be regarded as fairly estab- lished ; the Darley Arabian, sire of Plying Childers, Curwen's Barb, and Lord Carlisle's Turk, sire of the Bald Galloway, being imported in her reign. Sixteen years after her death, and three years before the settlement of Georgia, the youngest THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. 41 of the original American colonies, twenty-one foreign, and fifty native stallions, some of them the most celebrated horses which the world has ever seen, were in service as stock-getters in the United Kingdom ; and from some of those are descended all our racers of the present day. It was precisely during this period that the American colo- nies were planted ; and, as might be anticipated, English horses of pure blood were introduced at a very early date. Indeed, in those sections where the settlement was mainly effected by men attached to the Cavalier party, race-horses were kept and trained, race-courses were established, and a well-authenticated stock of thorough-bred animals, tracing to the most celebrated English sires, many of which were imported in the early part of the eighteenth century, was in existence for some time before the outbreak of the old French war. In the Eastern States, whose settlers were mainly attached to the Puritan party, and therefore opposed in an especial man- ner to horse-racing, very few horses of thorough blood were im- ported. In Virginia and Maryland, as the head-quarters of the Cav- aliers, it is probable that racing commenced simultaneously, or nearly so ; it being an attribute of the principal towns of Maryland some years prior to Braddock's defeat in 1753. In the latter State, indeed, it appears for some time to have been considered a part of the duty of the Governor to keep a racing stud ; since no less than five successive governors were all determined turfmen and supporters of the American racing interest. As our Revolutionary War interrupted the peaceful progress of the country and the avocations of our country gentlemen at 42 THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. so early a period in the history of the American Turf, the dif- ficulty of ascertaining how far records or registries have been preserved, or were kept from the first, has been materially en- hanced. Yet, on the whole, it may be regarded as remarkable rather that so many pedigrees can be unequivocally followed out, than that a few should be obscure and untraceable farther than to an imported mare. Indeed, it must be granted as a fact which cannot be questioned or doubted, fully established both by their own performances and by the unfailing transmission of their hereditary qualities, that our American horses are as cer- tainly thorough-bred as are any of those English champions, whose blood no one ever dreams of disputing, which go back, like that of Eclipse himself, or many others of equal renown, to au unknown dam or sire. From Virginia and Maryland, the racing spirit extended rapidly into the Carolinas, where it has never to this day flagged. The oldest race-courses in this country, which are yet kept up for purposes of sport, are the Newmarket course, near Peters- burg, Yirginia ; and the Washington course, near Charleston, South Carolina. At Alexandria, D. C, there was a race-course early in the last century, and the courses in the neighborhood of Richmond have been in existence above seventy years. It was not until about the commencement of the present cen- tury, that what may be called race-courses proper were estab- lished in New York ; the first club for the promotion of the breed of horses by means of racing dating from 1804; although long previously the improvement of the breed of horses had created much interest in that State, celebrated stock-getters having been imported as early as 1764 and IT 65. Into Pennsylvania, a State which has never particularly dis- THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. 43 tinguished itself in the racing turf, were brought at an early- date two horses, Gray Northumberland (also called Irish Gray), and Old England ; to these must be given the credit of running one of the oldest great American time-races on record, as long ago as IT 6 1, against two other horses, Selim and Gran by. Although the use of the horse for merely racing purposes does not at present obtain to as great an extent with us as in England — a circumstance which can be readily accounted for ^ ^jjgjjg ^jfc, from the prejudice which many entertain BLACK HAWK— AN AMERICAN RACER against such a use, owing to the objectionable accompaniments which are too often found in connection with it — still it should not be forgotten, that the advantage to be derived from the thorough-bred horse depends upon far more than his applica- bility to the turf and his fitness for racing purposes. "Were it otherwise, it would scarcely be worth while to devote the space 44 THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. to the consideration of this topic which has, by common con- sent, been deemed indispensable. The truth is, that the race-course was not, in the beginning, so much as thought of as a scene for the display of the high qualities of this animal ; much less was racing considered by our ancestors as an end for which they imported the Eastern horse into Europe. It was for the improvement of the native stock of horses in the various European Kingdoms, by giving to them speed and endurance, — in which respects no other breed can compare with them, — that the Asiatic and North-African horse was so eagerly sought by the monarchs, especially of Eng- land, during the seventeenth, and the early part of the eigh- teenth century. The race-course was at first employed solely as a method of testing the prevalence or superiority, in certain animals or breeds of animals, of these qualities of speed and endurance, which can by no other known method be so completely, so accu- rately, and so fairly tested. Soon after the introduction of the thorough-bred horse, this process of testing his qualities grew into a favorite sport with all classes of persons in England. After the multiplication of race-courses throughout the king- dom and the establishment of racing as a national institution, the objects of the possessors and breeders of race-horses under- went a change : what had been a means originally, becoming eventually, more or less, the end. Horses, in a high form and of the most favorite and purest strains of blood, were eagerly sought and commanded large prices, for the purposes of sport and honorable competition, as was the case in the Olympic Games of ancient Greece. At a yet later date, a second change of object has taken THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. 45 place ; and, with but few exceptions, the thorough-bred horse is now kept, both in England and this country, for the paramount purpose of money -making, either by the actual winning of his prizes, or by his service in the stud, after his racing career is ended. Still, although the animals employed may be generally kept merely for the gratification of cupidity and the excitement of the contest, and though racing and race-courses may be subject to abuses by far too many, yet such means are, even now, as they were intended to be from the first, the best and only mode of really improving the general stock of any country. As the points of the thorough-bred horse are precisely those which constitute the perfection of a blood-horse in a high form as a stallion for improving the breed of animals, and for getting the best horses from any possible class of mares, for all possible uses, unless for the very slowest and most ponderous draught, the de- scription of those points which are most generally accepted as accurate is subjoined. * Purity of blood is an indispensable requisite for the thorough- bred horse. By the term "blood," it is not intended to be un- derstood that there is any real difference between the blood of the thorough-bred horse and that of the half-bred animal, as no one could discriminate between the two by any known process. The term is here used in the same sense as "breed," and by purity of blood is meant purity in the breeding of the individual animal under consideration ; that is to say, that the horse which is entirely bred from any one source is pure, or free from any mixture with others, and may be a pure Suffolk Punch, or a pure Clydesdale, or a pure thorough-bred horse. All these terms are, however, comparative, since there is no such animal 46 THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. as a perfectly purely-bred horse of any breed, whether cart-horse, hack, or race-horse; all have been produced from an admixture with other breeds, and though now kept as pure as possible, yet they were originally compounded of varying elements. As, however, the thorough-bred horse as he is called, has long been bred for racing purposes, and selections have been made with that view alone, it is reasonable to suppose that this breed is the best for that purpose, and that a stain of any other is a de- viation from the classical stream into one more muddy, and therefore impure. Indeed, in actual practice this is found to be the case ; for in every instance it has resulted that the horse bred with the slightest deviation from the sources indicated by the stud-book, is unable to compete in lasting power with those which are entirely of that breed. Hence it is established as a rule, that for racing purposes every horse must be thorough-bred ; that is, bred of a sire and dam, whose names are found in the stud-book. The external form of the blood-horse is of great importance ; it being true, other things being equal, that the horse will be the best runner which is formed in the mould most like that of the greatest number of good race-horses. Still, it is ad- mitted on the turf, that high breeding is of more consequence than external shape, and that, of two horses, one perfect in shape but of an inferior strain of blood, and the other of the most winning blood, but in shape not so well formed, the latter will be the most likely to give satisfaction on the race-course. Hence originates the proverb, "an ounce of blood is worth a pound of bone." Yet, in spite of all this recognized superi- ority of blood, it is indisputable that for the highest degree of success there must be not only high purity of blood, and that ^xIE AMERICAN ELOOD-IIORSE. 47 of the most winning strains, but there must also be a frame of the most useful character, if not always of the most elegant form. Many of our very best horses have been plain and even coarse-looking ; but, in spite of their plainness, all their points were good and useful, and the deficiency was in mere elegance, not in real utility. The height of the race-horse varies from fifteen hands to sixteen and a half hands, or even seventeen hands ; but the general height of our best horses, is about fifteen hands and three inches. Few first-class performers have exceeded the height of sixteen hands and one inch. The average, above given, may be fairly laid down as the best height for the race-horse ; though it cannot be denied, that for some small and confined courses, a smaller horse, of little more than fifteen hands high, has a better chance, as being more capable of turning round the constantly recurring angles or bends. The head and neck should be characterized by lightness, which is essential for this department. Whatever is unneces- m sary is so much dead weight ; and whatever is m found in the I head and neck, which is not neces- sary for the peculiar pur- poses of the AMERICAN PLANTATION SCENE. 1'aCe-horSe, IS so much weight thrown away, which must still be carried by the horse. The head, we may say in detail, should be lean 48 THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. about the jaw, yet with a full development of forehead, which should be convex and wide, so as to contain within the skull a good volume of brain. If this fullness exist, all the rest of the head may be as fine as possible ; the jaws being reduced to a fine muzzle, with a slight hollowing out in front, but with a width between the two sides of the lower jaw where it joins the neck, so as to allow plenty of room for the top of the windpipe when the neck is bent. The ears should be pricked and fine, but not too short ; eyes full and spirited ; nostrils large, and capable of being well dilated when at full speed, which is easily tested by the gallop, after which they ought to stand out firmly, and so as to show the internal lining fully. The neck should be muscular, and yet light; the windpipe loose and separate from the neck, — that is, not too tightly bound down by the membrane of the neck. The crest should be thin and wiry, not thick and loaded, as is often seen in coarse stallions, or even in some mares. Between the two extremes of the ewe-neck and its opposite, there are many degrees, but for racing purposes the former is preferable of the two, to the latter ; for few horses can go well with their necks bent so as to draw the chin to the bosom ; yet here, as in other cases, the happy medium between the two extremes is the most desirable. The body, or middle-piece, should be moderately long, and not too much confined between the last rib and the hip bone. So long as the last or back-ribs are deep, it is not of so much importance that they should be closely connected to the hip- bone, for such a shape shortens the stride ; and though it enables the horse to carry a great weight, yet it prevents him from attaining a high rate of speed: The back itself should THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. 49 be muscular, and the hips so wide as to allow of a good de- velopment of the muscular department. The withers may rise gently, but not too high, with that thin, razor-like elevation which many people call a good shoulder, but which really has nothing to do with that part, and is only an annoyance to the saddler, in preventing its being pinched by the saddle. The chest itself should be well developed, but not too wide and deep ; no horse can go a good distance without a fair "bellows-room;" but, supposing the beast to be sound and of good quality, the amount of lungs will suffice which may be contained in a medium-sized chest, and all above that is wasted, and is extra weight. Many of our best-winded horses have had medium- sized chests, and some of the very worst have been furnished with room enough for a blacksmith's bellows to play in. If the heart only does its duty well, the lungs can always furnish sufficient air ; and we know that when frequently renewed, and with sufficient power, the blood is aerated as fast as it is pro- pelled, and the chief difficulty lies in this power of propulsion, which resides in the heart alone. If the chest be too wide, it materially affects the action of the fore-legs, and, therefore, in every point of view, theoretically and practically, there is a happy medium between the too great contraction in this de- partment, and the heavy, wide, lumbering chests, sometimes seen even in the thorough-bred race-horse, especially when reared upon rich succulent herbage, more fitted for the bullock than for the Eastern horse. In the formation of the hips, the essential point is length and breadth of bone for muscular at- tachment, and it matters little whether the croup droops a lit- tle, or is pretty straight and level, so that there is a good length from the hips to the haunch-bone the line between which 50 THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. two points may be either nearly horizontal, or forming a con- siderable angle with the ground ; but still in both cases it should be a long line, and the longer it is the more muscular substance is attached to it, and the greater leverage will the muscles have. The fore-quarter, consisting of the shoulder, upper and lower arm and leg and foot, should be well set on to the chest ; and the shoulder-blade should lie obliquely on the side of that part, with a full development of muscle to move it, and thrust it well forward in the gallop. Obliquity is of the greatest importance, acting as a spring in taking off the shock of the gallop or leap, and also giving a longer attachment to the muscles, and in addition en- abling them to act with more leverage upon the arm and leg. As the shoulder-blade does not reach the top of the withers, and as the bones forming that part have nothing to do with the shoulder itself, many high-withered horses have bad and weak shoulders, and some very upright ones ; whilst, on the other hand, many low-withered horses have very oblique and powerful shoulders, and such as to give great facility and plia- bility to the fore extremity. The shoulder should be very muscular, without being over-done or loaded, and so formed as to play freely in the action of the horse. The point of the shoulder which is the joint corresponding to the human shoulder, should be free from raggedness, but not too flat ; a certain degree of development of the bony part is desirable, but more than this leads to defects, and impedes the action of this important part. The upper arm, between this joint and the elbow, should be long, and well clothed with muscles ; the elbow set on quite straight, and not tied in to the chest ; the lower arm muscu- lar and long ; knees broad and strong, with the bony projection THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. 51 behind well developed; legs flat, and showing a suspensory liga- ment large and free ; pasterns long enough, without being weak ; and the feet sound, and neither too large nor too small, and unattended with any degree of contraction, which is the bane of the thorough-bred horse. The hind-quarter is the chief agent in propulsion, and is therefore of the utmost consequence in attaining a high speed. It is often asserted that the oblique shoulder is the grand requisite in this object, and that it is the part upon which speed mainly depends, and in which it may be said to reside. This is, to some extent, true, because there can be no doubt that with a loaded shoulder high speed is impracticable ; for, however powerfully the body may be propelled, yet when the fore-quar- ter touches the ground it does not bound off again as smartly as it ought to do, and the pace is consequently slow. The elastic shoulder, on the contrary, receives the resistance of the earth, but reacts upon it, and loses very little of the power given, by the strike of the hind-quarter, which, nevertheless, must be strong and quick, or else there is nothing for the shoulder to receive and transmit. For the full action of the hind-quarters, two things are necessary, viz : first, length and volume of muscle ; and, secondly, length of leverage, upon which that muscle may act. Hence, all the bones comprising the hind-quarter should be long, but the comparative length must vary a good deal, in order that the parts upon which the muscles lie may be long, rather than those connected with the tendons, which are mere ropes, and have no propelling power residing in them, but only transmit that which they derive from the muscles themselves. Thus, the hips should be long and wide, and the two upper divisions of the limb — viz., the stifle and 52 THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. lower thigh — should be long, strong, and fully developed. By this formation, the stifle-joint is brought well forward, and there is a considerable angle between these two divisions. The hock should be long and strong, free from gum or spavin, and the point long, and so set on as to be free from weakness at the situation of curb. In examining the hind-quarter, to judge of its muscular development, the horse should not be looked at sideways, but his tail should be raised, and it should be ascer- tained that the muscles of the two limbs meet together below the anus, which should in fact be well supported by them, and not left loose, and, as it were, in a deep and flaccid hollow. The outline of the outer part of the thigh should be full, and in ordinary horses the muscles should swell out beyond the level of the point of the hip. This fullness, however, is not often seen to such an extent in the thorough-bred horse, until he has arrived at mature age, and is taken out of training. The bones below the hock should be flat and free from adhesions : the ligaments and tendons fully developed, and standing out free from the bones ; and the joints well formed and wide, yet without any diseased enlargement; the pasterns should be mo- derately long, and oblique ; the bones of good size ; and, lastly, the feet should correspond to those already alluded to in the anterior extremity. These points, taken as a whole, should be in proportion to one another — that is to say, the formation of the horse should be "true." He should not have long, well-developed hind- quarters, with an upright, weak, or confined fore-quarter. Nor will the reverse of this answer the purpose ; for, however well- formed the shoulder may be, the horse will not go well unless he has a similar formation in the propeller. It is of great impor- THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. 53 tance, therefore, that the thorough-bred horse should have all his various points in true relative development, and, that there should not be the hind-quarter of a long, racing-like horse, with the thick, confined shoulder which would suit a stride less reaching in its nature. The color of the thorough-bred horse is now generally bay, brown, or chestnut, one or the other of which will occur in ninety- nine cases out of a hundred ; gray not being common, though it sometimes appears. Black, also, occasionally makes its ap- pearance, but not more frequently than gray. Roans, duns, sorrels, etc., are now quite exploded, and the above five colors may be said to complete the list of colors seen in the race-horse. Sometimes these colors are mixed with a good deal of white, in the shape of blazes on the face, or white legs and feet ; or even both may occur, and the horse may have little more than his body of a brown, bay, or chestnut. Most people, however, prefer the self-color, with as little white as possible ; and nothing but the great success of a horse's stock would induce breeders to resort to him, if they were largely endowed with white. Gray hairs mixed in the coat, are rather approved than other- wise ; but they do not amount to a roan, in which the gray hairs equal, or even more than that, the other colors mixed with them. The texture of the coat and skin is a great proof of high- breeding, and, in the absence of the pedigree, would be highly regarded ; but when that is satisfactory, it is of no use descend- ing to the examination of an inferior proof; and, therefore, ex- cept as a sign of health, the skin is seldom considered. In all thorough-bred horses, however, it is thinner, and the hair more silky than in common breeds ; and the veins are more apparent 54 THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE, under the skin, partly from its thinness, but also from their extra size and number of branches. This network of veins is of importance in allowing the circulation to be carried on during high exertions, when, if the blood could not accumulate in them, it would often choke the deep vessels of the heart and lungs ; but, by collecting on the surface, great relief is afforded, and the horse is able to maintain such a high and long- continued speed, as would be impracticable without their help. Hence these points are not useful as a mere mark of breed, but as essential to the very purpose for which that breed was established. The mane and tail should be silky, and not curly, though a slight wave is often seen. A decided curl is almost univer- sally a mark of degradation, and shows a stain in the pedigree as clearly as any sign can do. Here, however, as in other cases, the clear tracing of that all-powerful proof of breeding, will upset all reasoning founded upon inferior data. The setting on of the tail is often regarded as of great importance, but it is chiefly with reference to appearances ; for the horse is not dependent for action or power upon this appendage. Nor is strength of dock of any value as a sign, and many very stout horses have been known with flaccid and loosely pendant tails. It is well known that certain horses can run half a mile at high speed, but no more; others, a mile; others, again, a mile and a half, or two miles; whilst another class, now less common than formerly, require a distance of three or four miles to de- velop their powers, as compared with ordinary horses. These peculiarities are generally hereditary, though not always so ; but still, when the blood is known, it may generally be surmised, that the individual will, or will not, stay a distance. When the THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. 55 cross in question is stout on one side, and flashy on the other, it is not easy to guess to which the young scion may lean ; but in those cases where a horse is bred from sire or dam, both of stout blood, or the reverse, the experienced hand may, in almost all cases, decide beforehand upon the qualities of the son or daughter, as far as staying qualities are concerned. Again, there are some horses of strong, compact frames, with short backs and strong quarters, who may be expected to climb a hill without difficulty, especially if of stout blood ; and, again, there are others of lathy frames, with long but weak points, and a great deal of daylight under them, who may win over the flat for a mile, or a mile and a quarter, but can never climb a hill, or get beyond the above distance over a flat. All these points should be carefully studied by the breeder in getting together his breeding stock, and by the owner in deciding how he will enter his young produce in the race. In passing from the consideration of the history of the American Race-Horse to the examination of other races and types of this animal in general use in our country, it must be borne in mind, as before remarked, that the thorough-bred horse of America is the only family of the horse on this continent of pure and unmixed blood. In the United States, and British America, the process of absorption, or abolition of all the old special breeds, and of the amalgamation of all into one general race, which may fairly be termed specially "American," possessing a very large admix- ture of thorough blood, has gone on far more rapidly than in England — the rather that, with the one solitary exception of the Norman horse in Canada, no special breeds have ever taken 56 THE AMERICAN BLOOD-HORSE. root as such, or been bred, or even attempted to be bred in their purity, in any part of America. In Canada East, the Norman horse, imported by the early settlers, was bred for many generations entirely unmixed ; and, as the general agricultural horse of that province, exists so yet, stunted somewhat in size by the cold climate, and the rough usage to which he has been subjected for centuries, but in no wise degenerated; for he possesses all the honesty, courage, endurance, hardihood, soundness of constitution, and charac- teristic excellence of feet and legs of his progenitor. Through- out both the provinces, he may be regarded as the basis of the general horse, improved as a working animal by crosses of English half-bred sires ; and as a roadster, carriage-horse, a higher class riding or driving horse, by an infusion of English thorough blood. All these latter types are admirable animals ; and it is from the latter admixture that have sprung many of the most cele- brated trotting horses, which, originally of Canadian descent, have found their way into the New England States and New York, and there won their laurels as American trotters. Still, it is not to be denied, that there are in different sections of the United States, different local breeds of horses, apparently pecu- liar, and now become nearly indigenous to those localities, and that those breeds differ not a little, as well in qualities as in form and general appearance. A good judge of horse-flesh, for instance, will find little difficulty in selecting the draught- horse of Boston, that is to say, of Massachusetts and Yennont, from those of New York and New Jersey, or any of the three from the large Pennsylvania team-horses, or from the general stock of the Western States. THE VERMONT DRAUGHT-HORSE. 57 The Vermont draught-horse, and the great Pennsylvania horse, known as the Conestoga horse, appear in some considera- ble degree to merit the title of distinct families ; inasmuch as they seem to reproduce themselves continually, and to have done so from a remote period, comparatively speaking, within certain regions of country, which have for many years been furnishing them in considerable numbers to those markets, for which their qualities render them most desirable. With the limited information at present accessible as to the origin and derivation of these various families, nothing more can be done in the present work than to describe the charac- teristic points of the breeds in question ; and, by comparison with existing foreign races, to approach conjecturally the blood from which they are derived, and also the manner in which they have been originated, where they are now found. THE VERMONT DRAUGHT-HORSE. No person familiar with the streets of New York can have failed to notice the magnificent animals, for the most part dark bays, with black legs, manes, and tails, but a few browns, and now and then, but rarely, a deep, rich, glossy chestnut, which draw the heavy wagons of the express companies in that city. They are the very model of what draught-horses should be; combining immense power with great quickness, a very respect- able turn of speed, fine show, and good action. These animals have almost invariably lofty crests, thin withers, and well set-on heads ; and, although they are emphatically draught-horses, they have none of that shagginess of mane, tail, and fetlocks, which indicates a descent from the black horse of Lincolnshire, and none of that peculiar curliness or wavihess 58 THE -VERMONT DRAUGHT-HORSE. which marks the existence of Canadian or Norman blood for many generations, and which is discoverable in the manes and tails of very many of the Morgan horses. The peculiar characteristics of these horses are, however, the shortness of their backs, the roundness of their barrels, and the closeness of their ribbing-up. One would say, that they are ponies, until he comes to stand beside them, when he is as- tonished to find that they are often er over, than under, sixteen hands in height. THE VERMONT DRAUGHT-HORSE. Nine out of ten of these horses are from Vermont ; and not only are they the finest animals in all the United States, for the quick draught of heavy loads, but the mares of this stock are incomparably the likeliest, from which, by a well-chosen tho- rough-bred sire, to raise the most magnificent carriage-horses in the world. As to the source of this admirable stock of horses, it may be THE VERMONT DRAUGHT-HORSE. 59 said, that the size, the action, the color, the comparative free- dom from hair on the limbs, the straightness of the longer hairs of the mane and tail, and the quickness of movement, would at once lead one to suspect a large cross, perhaps the largest of any, on the original mixed country horse, of Cleveland Bay. There are, however, some points in almost all of these horses, which must be referred to some other foreign cross than the Cleveland, not thorough bred, and certainly, as above remarked, not Norman or Canadian, of which these animals do not exhibit any characteristic. These points are, principally, the shortness of the back, the roundness of the barrel, the closeness of the ribbing-up, the general punchy or pony build of the animal, and its form and size, larger and more massively muscular than those of the Cleveland Bay, yet displaying fully as large, if not a larger, share of blood than belongs to that animal in its un- mixed form. The prevalent colors of this breed also appear to point to an origin different, in part, from that of the pure Cleveland Bays, which lean to the light or yellow bay variation, while these New Englanders tend as decidedly to the blood bay, if not to the brown bay, or pure brown. These latter are espe- cially the dray-horse colors, and the points above specified are those, in a great measure, of the improved dray-horse. The cross of this blood in the present animal, if there be one, is doubtless very remote ; and, whether it may have come from a single mixture of the dray stallion long since, or from some half-bred imported stallion, perhaps got by a three-part tho- rough bred and Clevelander from a dray mare, must, of course, be doubtful. One need have little hesitancy in asserting that the bay draught-horse of Vermont, has in its veins, principally 60 THE CONES'TOGA HORSE. Cleveland Bay blood, with some cross of thorough blood, one at least, directly or indirectly, of the improved English dray- horse, and not impossibly a chance admixture of the Suffolk. THE CONESTOGA HORSE. In appearance this noble draught-horse approaches far more nearly to the improved light-class London dray-horse, and has little, if any, admixture of Cleveland Bay, and certainly none A CONESTOGA— THE GREAT PENNSYLVANIA DRAUGHT-HORSE. of thorough blood. He is a teamster, and a teamster only ; but a very noble, a very honest, and a moderately quick-work- ing teamster. In size and power some of these great ani- mals employed in draught upon the railroad track in Market street, Philadelphia, are little, if at all, inferior to the dray- horses of the best breweries and distilleries in London ; many THE CONESTOGA HORSE. 61 of them coming fully up to the standard of seventeen or seven- teen and a half hands in height. In color, also, they follow the dray-horses ; being more often blood-bays, brown, and dapple-grays than of any other shade. The bays and browns, moreover, are frequently dappled also in their quarters, which is decidedly a dray-horse characteristic and beauty ; while it is, in some degree, a derogation to a horse pretending to much blood. This peculiarity is often observ- able also in the larger of the heavy Vermont draught-horses, and is not unknown in the light and speedy Morgan. They have the lofty crests, shaggy volumes of mane and tail, round buttocks, hairy fetlocks, and great round feet of the dray-horse ; they are, however, longer in the back, finer in the shoulder, looser in the loin, and perhaps, fatter in the side than their English antitypes. They do not run to the unwieldy superfluity of flesh, for which the dray-horse is unfortunately famous ; they have a lighter and livelier carriage, a better step and action, and are, in all respects, better travelers, more active, generally useful, and superior animals. They were for many years, before railroads took a part of the work off their broad and honest backs, the great carriers of produce and provisions from the interior of Pennsylvania to the seaboard, or the market ; and the vast white-topped wagons, drawn by superb teams of the stately Conestogas, were a dis- tinctive feature in the landscape of that great agricultural State. The lighter horses of this breed, were the general farm- horses of the country ; and no one, who is familiar with the agricultural regions of that fine State, can fail to observe that the farm-horses generally, whether at the plough, or on the 62 THE CANADIAN HORSE. road, are of considerably more bulk and bone than those of New York, New Jersey, or the Western country. Of the Gonestoga horse, although it has long been known and distinguished by name as a separate family, nothing is positively authenticated, from the fact that such pedigrees. have never been, in the least degree, attended to ; and, perhaps, no less from the different language spoken by the German farmers, among whom this stock seems first to have obtained, and by whom principally it has been preserved. It would ap- pear, however, most probable, taking into consideration the thrifty character, and apparently ample means of the early German settlers, their singular adherence to old customs and conservatism of old-country ideas, that they brought with them horses and cattle, such as Wouverraans, and Paul Potter painted ; and introduced to the rich pastures of the Delaware and the Schuylkill, the same type of animals which had become famous in the similarly constituted lowlands of Flanders, Guelderland, and the United Provinces. THE CANADIAN EORSE. The Canadian is generally low-sized, rarely exceeding fifteen hands, and more often falling short of it. His characteristics are a broad, open forehead; ears somewhat wide apart, and not unfrequently a basin face ; the latter, perhaps, a trace of the far remote Spanish blood, said to exist in his veins; the origin of the improved Norman or Percheron stock, being, it is usually believed, a cross of the Spaniard, Barb by descent, with the old Norman war-horse. His crest is lofty, and his demeanor proud and courageous. His breast is full and broad ; his shoulder strong, though some- THE CANADIAN HORSE. 63 what straight, and a little inclined to be heavy ; his back broad, and his croup round, fleshy, and muscular. His ribs are not, however, so much arched, nor are they so well closed-up, as his general shape and build would lead one to expect. His legs and feet are admirable ; the bone large and flat, and the sinews big, and nervous as steel-springs. His feet seem almost un- conscious of disease. His fetlocks are shaggy ; his mane voluminous and massive, not seldom, if untrained, falling on both sides of his neck; and his tail abundant; both having a peculiar crimpled wave, never seen in any horse which has not some strain of this blood. He cannot be called a speedy horse in his pure state ; but he is emphatically a quick one, an indefatigable, undaunted traveler, with the greatest endurance, day in and day out, allowing him to go his own pace — say from six to eight miles the hour — with a horse's load behind him, of any animal one can derive. He is extremely hardy, will thrive on any thing, or almost on nothing ; is docile, though high-spirited, remark- ably sure-footed on the worst ground, and has fine, high action, bending his knee roundly, and setting his foot squarely on the ground. As a farm-horse and ordinary farming roadster, there is no better or more honest animal; and, as one to cross with other breeds, whether upwards by the mares to thorough-bred stallions, or downwards by the stallions to common country mares of other breeds, he has hardly any equal. From the upward cross, with the English or American tho- rough-bred on the sire's side, the Canadian has produced some of the fastest trotters and the best gentleman's road and saddle- horses in the country ; and, on the other hand, the Canadian stallion, wherever he has been introduced, as he has been largely 64 THE INDIAN PONY. in the neighborhood of Skaneateles, and generally in the western part of the State of New York, is gaining more and more favor with the farmers, and is improving the style and stamina of the country stock. He is said, although small himself in stature, to have the unusual quality of breeding up in size with larger and loftier mares than himself, and to give the foals his own vigor, pluck, and iron constitution, with the frame and general aspect of their dams. This, it may be remarked in passing, appears to be a characteristic of the Barb blood above all others, and is a strong corroboration of the legend, which attributes to him an early Andalusian strain. THE INDIAN PONY. The various breeds of Indian ponies found in the West, generally appear to be the result of a cross between the Southern mustang, descended from the emancipated Spanish horses of the Southwest, and the smallest type of the Canadian, the pro- portions varying according to the localities in which they are found ; those further to the South sharing more largely of the Spanish, and those to the North of the Normal blood. These little animals, not exceeding thirteen hands in height, have, many of them, all the characteristics of the pure Cana- dians, and, except in size, are not to be distinguished from them. They have the same bold carriage, open countenance, abundant hair, almost resembling a lion's mane, the same general build, and, above all, the same iron feet and legs. They are merry goers, and over a hard and good road can spin along at nearly nine miles in the hour. They are dis- tinguished for their wonderful sure-footedness, sagacity, and docility. They are driven without blinkers or bearing reins, THE NARRAGANSETT PACER. 65 and where, as is often the case, bridges seem doubtful, the bottom of miry fords suspicious of quagmires, or the road other* wise dangerous, they will put down their heads to examine, try the difficulty with their feet, and, when satisfied, will get through or over places which seem utterly impracticable. Whence this peculiar pony breed of Canadians has arisen cannot with certainty be traced ; it seems, however, to be almost entirely peculiar to the Indian tribes, and, therefore, may have been produced by the dwarfing process, which will arise from hardship and privation, endured for generation after generation, particularly by the young animals and mares while heavy with foal. Most of these animals have no recent cross of the Spanish horse ; although some ponies approaching nearly to the same type, show an evident cros of the Mustang ; and many animals called Mustangs, have in them some unmistakable Canadian blood. THE NARRAGANSETT PACER. This beautiful animal, which, so far as can now be ascertained, has at present entirely ceased to exist, and concerning which the strangest legends and traditions are afloat, was, it may be asserted with comparative certainty, of Andalusian blood. The legends, to which allusion has been made, are two-fold; or, rather, there are two versions of the same legend ; one saying that the original stallion, whence the breed originated, was picked up at sea, swimming for his life, no one knew whence or thither, and, that he was so carried in by his salvors to the Providence Plantations ; the other, evidently another form of the same story, stating that the same original progenitor was discovered running wild in the woods of Rhode Island. 66 THE NARRAGANSETT PACER. The question, however, thus far seems to be put at rest by the account of these animals, given in a note to the very curious work, "America Dissected," by the Rev. James McSparran, D. D., which is published as an appendix to the History of the Church of Narragansett, by Wilkins Updike. In this work, the Doctor twice mentions the pacing horse, which was evi- dently at that remote date, (11 21-59,) an established breed in that province. "To remedy this," he says — "this" being the great extent of the parishes in Virginia, of which he is at first speaking, and the distance which had to be traveled to church, — " as the whole province between the mountains, two hundred miles up, and the sea, is all a champaign and without stones, they have plenty of a small sort of horses, the best in the world, like the little Scotch Galloways ; and 'tis no extraordinary jour- ney to ride from sixty to seventy miles, or more, in a day. I have often, but upon large pacing horses, rode fifty, nay, sixty miles a day, even here in New England, where the roads are rough, stony, and uneven." Elsewhere he speaks more point- edly of the same breed. ''The produce of this Colony," (Rhode Island,) "is principally butter and cheese, fat cattle, wool, and fine horses, which are exported to all parts of English. America. They are remarkable for fieetness and swift pacing', and I have seen some of them pace a mile in a little more than two minutes, and a good deal less than three." If the worthy doctor of divinity was a good judge of pace, and had a good timing watch, it would seem that the wonderful me of our fleetest racers was equaled, if not outdone, up- wards of a century ago ; at all events, he establishes, beyond a peradventure, the existence of the family, and its unequaled powers both of speed and endurance. THE NARRAGANSETT PACER. 67 To the latter extract is attached a lengthy note, a portion of which we give. " The breed of horses, called ' Narragansett Pacers, 7 once so celebrated for fleetness, endurance, and speed, has become extinct. These horses were highly valued for the saddle, and transported the rider with great pleasantness and sureness of foot. The pure blood could not trot at all. For- merly, they had pace races. Little Neck Beach, in South Kingston, one mile in length, was the race-course. A silver tankard was the prize, and high bets were otherwise made on the speed. Some of these prize tankards were remaining a few years ago. Traditions respecting the swiftness of these horses are almost incredible. Watson, in his ' Historical Tales of Olden Times, ' says: 'In olden time, the horses most valued were pacers, now so odious deemed. To this end the breed was propagated with care. The Narragansett pacers were in such repute, that they were sent for, at much trouble and ex- pense, by some who were choice in their selections.'" The most natural reason assignable for the extinction of this breed, would seem to be somewhat as follows. Up to the be- ginning of the present century in this country, — much as it was half a century yet farther back in England, — the roads were so bad, as to be, except in the finest weather, utterly imprac- ticable for wheel-carriages ; and that, except on the great turn- pike-roads, and in the immediate vicinity of the larger towns, private pleasure-vehicles were almost unknown ; all long jour- neys, with few exceptions, all excursions for pleasure or for ordinary business, and all visitings between friends and neigh- bors being performed by both sexes on the saddle. At that time there was, therefore, a demand, as an actual necessity, foi' speedy, and, above all, for easy and pleasant-going saddle-horses. 68 THE NARRAGANSETT PACER. Pacers, whenever they could be found, would most readily answer the desired end. The expense of this was, of course, considerable, since the pacer could not be used for any other purpose ; when, there- fore, the roads improved, in proportion to the improvement of the country and the general increase of the population, wheel- carriages generally came into use, and the draught-horse took the place of the saddle-horse. It was soon found that a horse could not be kept even tolerably fit for the saddle, if he was allowed to work in the plough or draw the team, while the same labor in no wise detracted from the chaise or carriage- horse. The pacer, therefore, gave way to the trotter; and the riding-horse, from being an article of necessity, became ex- clusively one of luxury; to such a degree, that, until compara- tively a recent period, when ladies began again to take up riding, there have been very few distinctively broken riding- horses, and still fewer kept exclusively as such in the Northern States of America. This, unquestionably, is the cause of the extinction of the pacer, although there have been pacing-horses in the eastern section of this country, professedly from Rhode Island, and called by names implying a Narragansett origin ; and although it may well be that they were from that region, and possibly, in a remote degree, from that blood, yet they did not pace naturally because they were Narragansett Pacers, but were so called, because coming somewhere from that region of country, they paced by accident — as many chance horses do — or, in some instances, had been taught to pace. Considering the rare qualities of this variety, and its ad- mirable adaptedness for many purposes of pleasure and conve- THE MORGAN HORSE. 69 nience, it is a matter for real regret that the family has entirely disappeared, presumably without any prospect or hope of its resuscitation. THE MOEGAW HORSE. Within a few years past the sporting world have become familiar with a class or type of horses coming from the State of Vermont, known as the Morgan horse ; in behalf of which a claim has been made, that it is a distinct family, directly de- scended from a single horse, owned a little gg^s^a** ' ,w ^^^5|^fe ETHAN ALLEN — A FAST TROTTING MORGAN HORSE. before and a little after the commencement of the present cen- tury, by Justin Morgan, of Randolph, in Vermont, from whom the name takes its rise. Without choosing to go into an examination of the validity of this claim — relative to which question an amount of bicker- ing, crimination and recrimination has sprung up, sufficient to 70 THE MORGAN HORSE. furnish the stock in trade of all our stump orators for the next fifty Presidential campaigns — we content ourselves here with alluding to the strong points and excellencies of this particular variety, (for such the most sturdy opponents to its rank as a distinct family freely admit that it possesses,) referring the reader, who is curious in such matters, to the appropriate trea- tises for and against the claim, which have been as voluminous as the most prolix of Presidential messages. " The original, a ' Justin Morgan' " — we now quote from 11 Morgan Horses," by P. C. Linsley — " was about fourteen hands high, and weighed about nine hundred and fifty pounds. His color was dark-bay, with black legs, mane, and tail. He had no white hairs upon him. His mane and tail were coarse and heavy, but not so massive as has been sometimes described ; the hair of both was straight, and not inclined to curl. His head was good, not extremely small, but lean and bony, the face straight, forehead broad, ears small and very fine, but set rather wide apart. His eyes were medium size, very dark and promi- nent, and showed no white around the edge of the lid. His nostrils were very large, the muzzle small, and the lips close and firm. His back and legs were, perhaps, his most noticeable points. The former was very short ; the shoulder-blades and thigh-bones being very long and oblique, and the loins exceed- ingly broad and muscular. His body was rather long, round and deep, close-ribbed up ; chest deep and wide, with the breast- bone projecting a good deal in front. His legs were short, close-jointed, thin, but very wide, hard and free from meat, with muscles that were remarkably large for a horse of his size ; and this superabundance of muscle manifested itself at every step. His hair was short, and at almost all seasons short and glossy. THE MORGAN HORSE. fl He had a little long hair about the fetlocks, and for two or three inches above the fetlock, on the back-side of the legs ; the rest of his limbs were entirely free from it. His feet were small, but well-shaped ; and he was in every respect perfectly sound and free from blemish. He was a very fast walker. In trotting, his gait was low and smooth, and his step short and nervous ; he was not what in these days would be called fast, and we think it doubtful whether he could trot a mile much, if any, within four minutes, although it is claimed by many that he could trot in three. "Although he raised his feet but little, he never stumbled. His proud, bold, and fearless style of movement, and his vigor- ous, untiring action have, perhaps, never been surpassed. * ***** He was a fleet runner at short distances. Running short distances for small stakes, was very common in Vermont fifty years ago. Eighty rods was very generally the length of the course which usually commenced at a tavern or grocery, and extended the distance agreed upon up or down the public road. In these races the horses were started from a scratch ; that is, a mark was drawn across the road in the dirt, and the horses, ranged in a row upon it, went off at the drop- ping of a hat, or some other signal. "It will be observed that the form of Justin Morgan was not such as, in our days, is thought best calculated to give the greatest speed for a short distance. Those who believe in long- legged racers will think his legs, body, and stride, were all too short, and to them it may, perhaps, seem surprising that he should be successful, as he invariably was, in such contests." The qualities claimed for this stock are neat style, good trotting action, great honesty, great quickness and sprightliness 72 THE MORGAN HORSE. of movement, — apart from extraordinary speed, which is not insisted upon as a characteristic of the breed, although some have possessed it — and considerable powers of endurance. There has been some conflict of opinion concerning the courage and endurance of the Morgans, and their ability to maintain a good stroke of speed, say ten miles an hour, for several hours in succession ; but it is now well established that this exception has not been fairly taken, and that these horses lack neither courage nor ability to persevere, though not at a high rate of speed. By fair deduction from the various conflicting accounts of the Morgans, as they now exist, it may be stated that they are a small, compact, active style of horse, showing the evidence of a strain of good blood. They rarely, if ever, exceed fifteen hands two inches, and it is probable that a hand lower, or from that up to fifteen, is nearer to their standard. They are not par- ticularly closely ribbed up, and many of them incline to be sway-backed. Their hind-quarters are generally powerful, and their legs and feet good. There is an evident family resem- blance in their foreheads, their neck and crests being so often, as to render the mark somewhat characteristic, lofty but erect, without much curvature, and the neck apt to be thick at the setting-on of the head, which, though good, is rarely blood-like. The manes and tails are almost invariably coarse, as well as heavy and abundant, and have very often a strong wave, or even curl, of the hair. It is admitted by the most strenuous opponents of this horse as a distinct family, that the very best general stock for breed- ing for general work — namely, a high cross of the very best thorough-bred on the sires side, with the very best general stock NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HORSE. 73 on the dam's — is to be found, so far as the United States are concerned, on the frontiers of Vermont, and that of the most approved quality. Having given the history of the various types or families of the horse throughout the world, we next propose taking up THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HORSE. SKELETON OP THE HOKSE AS COVERED BY THE MUSCLES. 1, 1. The seven cervical vertebrae, or bones of the neck. 2. The sternum, or breast- bone. 3. The scapula, or shoulder-blade. 4. The humerus, or bone of the arm. 5, 5. The radius, or bone of the fore-arm. 6. The ulna, or elbow. 7. The cartilages of the ribs. 8, 8, 8. The costse, or ribs. 9. The carpus, or seven bones. 10, 10. The metacarpal, or shank-bones : the larger metacarpal, or cannon, or shank-bone, in front ; and the small metacarpal, or splint-bone, behind. 11. The upper pastern. 12. The lower pastern. 13. The coffin-bone. 14 to 14. The eighteen dorsal vertebrae, or bones of the spine. 15. The six lumbar vertebrae, or bones of the loins. 16, 16. The haunch, consisting of the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. 17, 17. The femur, or thigh-bone. 18, 18. The stifle-joint, with the patella, or knee-cap. 19, 19. The tibia, or proper leg-bone. 20. The fibula. 21, 21. The tarsus, or hock. 22. The metatarsal bones of the hind-leg. 23, 23. The pastern of the hind-feet, including the upper and larger bone, (fig. 23,) the lower pastern, (fig. 25,) and the coffin-bone. (fig. 24.) 26, 26. The caudal vertebrae, or tail-bones. Division. Vertebrata — possessing a back-bone. Class. Mammalia — such as give suck. Order. Pachydermata — thick-skinned. 74 NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HORSE. Family. Solipeda — uncleft-footed. Genus. Equus — the horse family. With the horse are ranked all those quadrupeds, whose generic distinction is the undivided hoof — the equine genus. Equus caballus, the horse. Equus Hemionus, the dziggtai, Asiatic. Equus Zebra, the zebra, ~\ Equus Burchelli, I South African. Equus Quagga, the Quagga, J Equus Asinus, the ass. The horse by far the noblest of the genus, is easily distin- guishable from the rest of the group. His varieties are exceed- ingly numerous, and differ widely in physical appearance. The eifects of climate and other agencies are displayed in his frame. It has been asserted, though not upon sufficient basis, that he arrives at the greatest perfection between the fifteenth and fifty- fifth degrees of northern latitude. The mare is found capable of generating her species as early as the second year of her existence ; but it is detrimental to her form and the future ener- gies of her offspring, thus prematurely to tax the productive powers of her frame. It would be far more profitable to delay this important function to the fourth or fifth year, when the outline of her form approximates more closely to that of the adult, and the vital energies of the animal economy become more confirmed. Mares, in common with the females of many other quadrupeds, are subject to a periodical appetency for the male, which in them is termed horsing. The natural season of its first occurrence is from the end of March to July, and so providential is this arrangement, that the foal will be produced at a time when nourishment is plentiful for its support. NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HORSE. T5 Common assertion fixes the period of gestation, or the time intervening between conception and foaling, at eleven months ; whether lunar or calendar, is not explained. This discrepancy- will appear the more unsatisfactory, when it is recollected that eleven calendar months want but two days of twelve lunar months. By various investigations made in France, it has been established that the term of eleven calendar months was often exceeded by several weeks ; and sometimes, though less fre- quently, parturition took place within that period. Some breeders entertain an opinion, that old brood-mares carry the foal considerably longer than young ones ; but no satisfactory evidence is offered by them in support of this opinion. The indications of approaching parturition are enlargement of the external parts of generation, and a gummy exudation from the orifice of the teats. Birth generally takes place within twenty-four hours after the appearance of the latter symptom; but the first acts as a warning, by preceding it for several days. It is but seldom that the mare requires manual assistance at the time of foaling, which generally takes place, Without difficulty or danger in the night. The mare, unlike the generality of quadrupeds, foals standing. She rarely produces twins, and when double births do occur, the offspring almost invariably die. As great facility of motion appears to have been designed by nature in the formation of the horse, many physical peculiarities contribute to insure that end. A bulky, pendulous udder, like that possessed by some of the ruminantia, would be incom- patible with that quality. The mamma, therefore, is small, and furnished with only two teats, which supply a milk of a highly 76 NATURAL HISTORY OP THE HORSE. nutritious character, and possessing a larger quantity of saccha- rine matter than any other animal is known to possess. The disproportionate length of the foal's legs, which is so strikingly apparent, when compared with those of the adult animal, is thought by some naturalists to be provided by pre- scient nature to enable the young animal to keep pace with its dam during flight from any menacing danger. Linnaeus attempted to ascertain the future height of the colt by admea- surement of its legs ; but so much is found to depend upon the quantity and character of the nutriment with which it is pro- vided during the period of its growth, that little reliance can be placed upon early experiments of this kind. The historian, the warrior, and the horseman, Xenophon, has long ago alluded to the same subject in his treatise upon horsemanship. "I now explain," said he, "how a man may run the least risk of being deceived, when conjecturing the future height of a horse. The young horse, which, when foaled, has the shank- bone the longest, invariably turns out the largest. For, as time advances, the shank-bones of all quadrupeds increase but little ; but that the rest of the body may be symmetrical, it increases in pro portion.' ? Puberty commences in both sexes as early as the second year, bat all the structures continue to be gradually developed until the end of the fifth year, by which time the changes in the teeth are perfected, and the muscles have acquired a growth and tone which give to the form the distinctives of adolescence. It is during the term which elapses between the period of adult age and that of confirmed virility, that a further progressive change takes place in the animal economy ; the powers of the whole frame continue to acquire strength, and although there is no NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HORSE. H further increase in height, the parietes of the large cavities and the muscles of voluntary motion assume a finished and rotund appearance, and render the animal more capable of enduring continued privation and exertion ; the vital endurance and re- sistance being greater than during the period of adolescence. The fire and expression of the head, the spirit, character, and disposition, become also more marked toward the termination of this epoch. The natural period of the decay of the vital powers, senility, and mature death, may be conjectured to be about thirty years ; but few horses, owing to our barbarous treatment, attain that term. The walk, the trot, and the gallop are the usually well-known natural paces of the horse ; but the fact of some individuals contracting the pace called amble (which is neither racking or pacing), without previous tuition, has induced many writers to regard that also as a natural method of progression. In England, and other northern countries, on the approach of mild weather, the horse, by a natural process, analogous to moulting in birds, divests himself of his winter's clothing of long hair, and produces one of a shorter and cooler texture; and again, before the recurrence of cold weather, reassumes his warm and lengthened coat to protect himself from the inclemency of the approaching season. The autumnal change is not by any means so general as that which takes place at the commence- ment of spring ; in America, however, at least in the northern parts, this change is invariable. The hair is not so completely changed ; only a portion of it is thrown off, and that which re- mains, with that which springs up, grows long, and is adapted to the temperature of the atmosphere. These alternate changes T8 NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HORSE. are not so well marked in countries possessing an even tem- perature, nor even are they so plainly seen in horses kept in the warm atmosphere of a close stable all the year round. When the shedding of the coat commences, the bulbs of the old hair become pale, and by the side of each a small black globular body is formed, which is soon developed into the new hair. Thus the matrix of the new hair is not the old bulb, but it is based in another productive follicle. The long hair of the mane, tail, and fetlocks is not shed at definite periods with that of the body, but is replaced by a shorter and more uniform process. The hair of the mane and tail will, if protected, grow to an almost incredible length. The property of changing the color of the hair with the season, possessed by many animals of the arctic region, adapting them to the temperature, is also manifested in the horse, though in a much less degree, for it may be seen that when constantly exposed to the elements, the long winter-coat assumes a much lighter hue than that of its predecessor. The horse in common with many other animals, is provided with a thin, sub-cuticular muscle, covering the shoulders, flanks, and sides, whose use is to corrugate the skin, shake off flies, and dislodge other annoying substances. The sense of smell is so delicately acute in the horse, that perhaps he is not exceeded in this function by any other animal. The nose is provided with a very extensive surface for the dis- tribution of the olfactory nerve, by the curious foldings of the turbinated bones. It is principally by means of this faculty that he is enabled to distinguish the qualities of the plants upon which he feeds, and to reject such as are of a noxious or poison- ous description. "Nature," said Linnaeus, " teaches the brute NATURAL HISTORY OP THE HORSE. T9 creation to distinguish, without a preceptor, the useful from the hurtful, while man is left to his own inquiries." On putting the finger into the nostrils, at the upper and outward parts, they pass into blind pouches of considerable dimensions. These curious cavities have nothing to do with smelling, because they are lined with a reflection of common integument, but they may possibly be of use in mechanically distending the external en- trance of the nostrils, and thus materially facilitate respiration during violent exertion. They are also brought into use when the animal neighs ; and the Hungarian soldiery slit them up, to preclude the possibility of being prematurely discovered to the enemy by the exercise of this habit. It is worthy of remark, in this connection, that the preference of Arabs for the mare to the horse, for warlike purposes, is attributable to the fact that they do not neigh when they scent the vicinity of other horses, as stallions invariably do — the Arabs never attacking, save by surprise. Those nations which fight by open force have no such preference, but mainly use the stallion. On the lower part of the nostril, toward the outer edge, may be seen the mouth of a small tube, which conveys the tears from the inner canthus, or corner of the eye. It opens on the skin just before it joins the lining membrane of the nose. This little cavity has often been mistaken, by unqualified persons, for an ulcer common in glanderous affections, and the poor animal has frequently fallen a victim to the error. Their eyes are large in proportion to those of some other quadrupeds, and the pupilar opening is of an oblate elliptic form, with its long axes parallel to the horizon, thus increasing the lateral field of vision. Round the edges of the pupil is a curious fringe of deep plum-colored eminences, supposed to be go NATURAL HISTORY OP THE HORSE. serviceable in absorbing the superabundant rays of light which may be transmitted to the eye. The horse's sight is excellent, and, although not regarded as a nocturnal animal, Jje can dis- tinguish objects at night with great facility. There are but few horsemen, who have not benefited by this power, when the shades of night have fallen round them. The ears are comparatively small, but the conch is endowed with extensive motion, so as to catch the sound coming from EWiof. NAMES APPLIED TO THE VARIOUS EXTERNAL PARTS OF THE HORSE. any quarter. Their hearing is quick, and although blindness is so distinctively prevalent among horses, deafness is exceed- ingly uncommon. During sleep, one ear is usually directed forward, and the other backward ; when on a march at night, in company, it has been noticed "that those in the front direct their ears forward, those in the rear backward, and those in the centre turn them laterally, or across ; the whole troop seeming thus to be actuated by one feeling, which watches the general NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HORSE. 81 safety." In contests of speed the ears are generally laid back- wards, so as to afford no opposition to the rapid progress of the animal. It must be evident, that if the concave surfaces of these organs be presented forward, they would gather the wind, and slightly impede progression. Another reason as- signed for this deflection, is that the animal may avoid the inconvenience, if not pain, which the current of air, produced by his velocity, would inflict on that delicate organ. The different vocal articulations to which the horse gives utterance, are collectively termed neighing ; but some variety of intonation may be discovered in the expression of its pas- sions ; as, for instance, the cry of joy or recognition differs in a marked manner from that of desire ; and anger from playfulness. The females do not neigh so frequently, nor with so much force os the males. Castration is known to have a modulating effect upon the voice. It is supposed that neighing is produced by the vibration of two small triangular membranes found at the extremity of the glottis. In the ass and mule, this structure is wanting; but they are provided with a more singular apparatus. Hollowed out of the thyroid cartilages is a small concavity, over which is stretched a membrane, similar to the parchment i. The bulbs of the heels. I. The elevated boundary of the 176 SHOEING. tic throughout its whole extent ; and, yielding to the weight of the horse, allows the horny sole to descend, whereby much in- convenient concussion of the internal parts of the foot is avoided. But if a large portion of the circumference of the foot is fettered by iron and nails, it is plain that that portion, at least, cannot expand as before ; and the beautiful and efficient apparatus for effecting this necessary elasticity, being no longer allowed to act by reason of these restraints, becomes altered in structure ; and the continued operation of the same causes, in the end, circumscribes the elasticity to those parts alone where no nails have been driven ; giving rise to a train of consequences de- structive to the soundness of the foot, and fatal to the usefulness of the horse. The toe of the fore foot is the thickest and strongest portion of the hoof, and is in consequence less expansive than any other part, and there- fore better calcu- lated to resist the effects of the nails and the shoe. The thickness of the horn gradually diminishes to- ward the quarters and heels, particu- a. Is a broad flat mass of horn, projecting upward into the middle of the elastic cush- ion, and called "the frog stay." b, b. Are two horny projections rising into the cavity of the hoof formed by the commissures, c. c. Are portions of the same projec- tions, and are situated just under the two ends of the navicular bone, and mark the point on either side where diminution in thernatural elasticity of the fatty frog would be felt with the greatest severity by the navicular joint ; for under the most favorable circumstances, the quantity of cushion between these points and the navicular joint cannot be very large ; and hence the importance of our doing all we can to preserve its elasticity as long as possible. THE HOOF OP THE HORSE. SHOEING. m larly on the inner side of the foot, whereby the power of yield- ing and expanding to the weight of the horse is proportionably increased, clearly indicating that those parts cannot be nailed to an unyielding bar of iron, without a most mischievous inter- ference with the natural functions of the foot. In the hind foot, greater thickness of horn will be found at the quarters and heels, than in the fore foot. This difference in the thickness of horn is beautifully adapted to the inequality of the weight which each has to sustain, the force with which it is applied, and the portions of the hoof upon which it falls. The toe of the fore foot encounters the combined force and weight of the fore hand and body, and consequently in a state of nature is exposed to considerable wear and tear, and calls for greater strength and substance of horn than is needed by any portion of the hind foot, where the duty of supporting the hinder parts alone is distributed on the quarters and heels of both sides of the foot. The bars are continuations o f the wall, reflected at the heel towards the centre of the foot, where they meet in a p o i n t , leaving a triangu- lar space between A SECTION OE THE FOOT. tllem f ° r ^ ^°^ 1. The coronet bone. 2. The coffin hone. 3. The navicular bone. a. The wall. b. The sole. c. The cleft of the frog. d. d. The frog. e. e. The fatty frog, or elastic cushion. /. The sensitive sole. g. The sensitive frog. h. h. h. Tendons of the mus- cles which bend the foot. i. Part of the pastern bone. k. Tc. Tendons of the muscles which extend the foot, t The coffin joint, m. The navicular joint. ». The coronary substance, o. The sensible laminse, or covering of the coffin bone. 12 118 SHOEING. The whole inner surface of the horny crust, from the centre of the toe to the point where the bars meet, is everywhere lined with innumerable narrow, thin, and projecting horny plates, which extend in a slanting direction from the upper edge of the wall to the line of junction between it and the sole, and possess great elasticity. These projecting plates are the means of greatly extending the surface of attachment of the hoof to the coffin bone, which is likewise covered by a similar arrangement of projecting plates, but of a highly vascular and sensitive cha- racter; and these, dovetailing with the horny projections above named, constitute a union combining strength and elas- ticity in a wonderful degree. The horny sole covers the whole interior surface of the foot excepting the frog. In a well-formed foot it presents an arched appearance, and possesses considerable elasticity, by virtue of which it ascends and descends, as the weight above is either suddenly removed from it, or forcibly applied to it. This de- scending property of the sole calls for one especial consideration in directing the form of the shoe ; for, if the shoe be so formed that the horny sole rests upon it, it cannot descend lower ; and the sensitive sole above, becoming squeezed between the edges of the coffin bone and the horn, produces inflammation, and perhaps abscess. The effect of this squeezing of the sensitive sole is most commonly witnessed at the angle of the inner heel, where the descending heel of the coffin bone, forcibly pressing the vascular sole upon the horny sole, contuses a small blood- vessel, and produces what is called a corn, but which is, in fact, a bruise. The horny frog occupies the greater part of the triangular space between the bars, and extends from the hindermost part SHOEING. H9 of the foot to the centre of the sole, just over the point where the bars meet, but is united to them only at their upper edge ; the sides remain unattached and separate, and form the channel called the commissures. If we carefully observe the form and size in the frog in the foot of a colt of from four to five years old, at its first shoeing, and then note the changes which it undergoes as the shoeings are repeated, we shall soon be convinced that a visible departure from a state of health and nature is taking place. At first it will be found large and full, with considerable elasticity ; the cleft oval in form, open, and expanding, with a continuous, well-defined, and somewhat elevated boundary ; the bulbs at the heels fully developed, plump, and rounded ; and the whole mass occupying about one-sixth of the circumference of the foot. By degrees the fulness and elasticity will be observed to have diminished ; the bulb at the heels will shrink, and lose their plumpness ; the cleft will become narrower, its oval form disap- pear, the back part of its boundary give way, and it will dwindle into a narrow crack, extended back between the wasted, or perhaps obliterated, bulbs, presenting only the miserable remains of a frog, such as may be seen in the feet of most horses long accustomed to be shod. The bones proper to the foot are three in number, — viz., the coffin bone, the navicular bone, and part of the coronet bone ; they are contained within the hoof, and combine to form the coffin joint ; but the smallest of them, the navicular bone, is of far more importance as connected* with the subject of shoeing, than either of the others ; for upon the healthy condition of this bone, and the joint formed between it and the tendon, which passes under it to the coffin bone, and is called the navicular joint, mainly depends the usefulness of the horse to man. 180 SHOEING. This small bone, which in a horse sixteen hands high mea- sures only two and a quarter inches in its longest diameter, three-fourths of an inch at the widest part of its shorter diameter, and half an inch in thickness in the centre, its thickest part, has the upper and under surfaces and part of one of the sides over- laid with a thin coating of gristle, and covered by a delicate secreting membrane, very liable upon the slightest injury to become inflamed ; it is so placed in the foot as to be continually exposed to danger, being situated across the hoof, behind the coffin bone, and immediately under the coronet bone ; whereby it is compelled to receive nearly the whole weight of the horse each time that the opposite foot is raised from the ground. The coffin bone consists of a body and wings ; and is fitted into the hoof, which it closely resembles in form. Its texture is particularly light and spongy, arising from the quantity of canals or tubes that traverse its substance in every direction, affording to numerous blood-vessels and nerves a safe passage to the sensitive and vascular parts surrounding it; while the unyielding nature of the bone effectually protects them from compression or injury, under every variety of movement of the horse. In an unshod foot, the front and sides of the coffin bone are deeply furrowed and roughened, to secure the firmer attachment of the vascular membranous structure, by which the bone is clothed ; but in the bone of a foot that has been frequently shod, the appearance is greatly changed, the furrows and roughness giving place to a comparatively smooth surface. This change is probably produced by the shoe limiting, if not destroying, the expansive power of that part of the horn to which it is nailed ; whereby a change of structure in the membrane itself, as well as SHOEING. 181 absorption of the attaching portions of the bone, is induced ; for it is an invariable law of the animal economy not to continue to unemployed structures the same measure of efficient repara- tion that is extended to parts constantly engaged in performing their allotted tasks. The shoe restricts or prevents expansion ; while nature, as the secret influence is called, immediately sets to work to simplify the apparatus for producing the expansion, which art has thus rendered impracticable, and substitutes for it a new structure, less finely organized, but admirably suited to the altered condition of the parts. The wings extend from the body of the bone directly back- ward, and support the lateral cartilage of the foot. The sensitive sole, or, as it is sometimes called, the fleshy sole, is about the eighth of an inch thick, and is almost entirely made up of blood-vessels and nerves ; it is one of the most vascular and sensitive parts of the body, and is attached to the lower edge of the sensitive covering of the coffin bone, to the bars, and point of the frog, and also with great firmness to the whole of the arched under-surface of the coffin bone. The sensitive frog includes not only the part corresponding to the sensitive sole, but also the peculiar spongy elastic sub- stance which intervenes between it and the navicular joint, and fills the space between the cartilages. The proper sensitive frog is thicker, and less finely organized, than the sensitive sole, possessing fewer blood-vessels and nerves. It is a common, but very erroneous, opinion, that the shape of the perfect foot is circular, or very nearly so. This induces most smiths to endeavor to reduce the foot to that shape as soon as possible. There are very few things in nature so little varied as the form of the ground surface of horses' feet ; for whether the 182 SHOEING. hoof be high-heeled and upright, or low-heeled and flat, large or small, broad or narrow, the identical form of ground-surface is maintained in each, so long as it is left entirely to nature's guidance. The outer quarter, back to the heel, is curved con- siderably and abruptly outward, while the inner quarter is carried back in a gradual and easy curve. The advantage of this form is so obvious, that it is strange that any interference should ever be attempted with it. The enlarged outer quarter extends the base, and increases the hold of the foot upon the ground ; while the straighter inner quarter lessens the risk of striking the foot against the opposite leg. The inclination of the front of the horny crust of' the foot should be at an angle of about forty-five degrees. If the foot is much steeper than this, it is very liable to contract ; while, if it is much more slanting, it constitutes what is called the " oyster shell" foot, in which there is an undue flatness of the sole, and a tendency to pumiced feet. Before removing the old shoes, care should be taken to raise all the clinches of the nails to prevent injury to the crust, and to avoid giving pain to the horse ; even after clinches are raised, if the shoes cannot be easily drawn off, those nails which seem to hold most firmly should be punched, or drawn out, that the shoe may be removed without injury to the hoof, and without weakening the nail -hold for the new shoeing. The shoe being removed, the edge of the crust should be well rasped to remove so much of the horn as would have been worn away by the contact with the ground, had it been un- shod. In no case should the rasp be used on the surface of the hoof, except to make the necessary depressions for the SHOEING. 183 clinches, after the new shoe has been put on, and to shape the hoof below the line of the clinches of the nails. The hoof, above this line, will inevitably be injured by such treatment, which is one of the most fruitful sources of brittleness of the horn, which often results in "sand-crack." The operation of paring out the horse's foot is a matter re- quiring both skill and judgment, and is, moreover, a work of some labor, when properly performed. It will be found that the operator errs much oftener by removing too little than too much ; at least it is so with the parts which ought to be removed, which are almost as hard and unyielding as flint, and in their most favorable state, require considerable exertion to cut through. No general rule can be given applicable to the paring out of the feet Of all horses, or even of the feet of the same horse at all times. It would be evidently unwise, for example, to pare the sole as thin in a hot, dry, season, when the roads are broken up, and strewed with loose stones, as would be proper in a moderately wet one, when the roads are well bound and even ; for, in the case first named, the sole is in constant danger of being bruised by violent contact with loose stones, and therefore, needs a thicker layer of horn for its protection; while the latter case offers the most favorable surface that the greater part of our horses ever have to travel upon, advantage of which should be taken for a thorough paring out of the sole, in order that the internal parts of the foot may derive the full benefit accruing from an elastic and descending sole ; a condition of things very essential to the due performance of their separate functions. To take another illustration : horn grows very freely, especially toward the toe in horses with 184 SHOEING, upright feet and high heels ; and such are always benefited by having the toe shortened, the heels lowered, and the sole well pared out; whereas in horses with flat feet and low heels, horn grows sparingly, and the toe of such feet being always weak, admits of very little shortening. Such heels being already too low, they should scarcely be touched with the rasp ; and the sole presents such a small quantity of dead horn, that the knife should be used with great discretion. The corners formed by the junction of the crust and bars should be well pared out, particularly on the inside ; for this is the common seat of corn, and any accumulation of horn in this situation must increase the risk of bruising the sensitive sole between the inner part or heel of the coffin bone and the horny sole. Little, if anything, is gained by allowing the bars to project beyond the surface of the sole ; the power of resisting contraction cannot possibly be increased by this arrangement, and the projecting rim is left exposed to the danger of being broken and bruised by contact with stones and other hard substances ; and the method is further attended with the disadvantages of making the cleaning out of these corners a work of considerable ingenuity with so unwieldly an instrument as a common drawing-knife. It is much preferable to pare them down to a level with the sole, or very nearly so ; avoiding, however, every approach to what is styled ' opening out the heels," a most reprehensible practice, which means cutting away the sides of the bars, so as to show an apparent increase of width between the heels, which may for the time deceive the eye, but is in reality a mere deception, purchased at the expense of impaired powers of resistance in the bars and ultimate contraction of the feet. It is palpable that the SHOEING. 185 removal of any portion from the sides of the bars must diminish their substance, and render them weaker, and consequently less able to resist contraction. The frog should never be cut or pared, except in very rare cases of horses with unusually fast-growing frogs. The first stroke of the knife removes the thin horny covering altogether, and lays bare an under surface, totally unfitted, from its moist, soft texture, for exposure either to the hard ground or the action of the air, in consequence of which exposure it soon becomes dry and shrinks; then follow cracks, the edge of which turning outward forms rags; these rags are removed by the smith at the next shoeing, by which means another similar surface is exposed, and another foundation laid for other rags ; and this process continues until finally the pro- truding, plump, elastic cushion, interposed by nature between the navicular joint and the ground, and so essential to its preservation from injury, is converted by this senseless inter- ference into the dry, shrunk, unyielding apology for a frog, to be seen in the foot of almost every horse that has been regu- larly shod for a few years. The frog is provided within itself with two very efficient modes of throwing off any superfluous horn with which it may be troubled, and it is very unwise in man to interfere with them. The first and most common of these modes is the separation from the surface of the frog of small, bran-like scales, which becoming dry, fall off in a kin(} of whitish scurf, not unlike the dust that adheres to Turkey figs ; the other, which is upon a large scale, and of rarer oc- currence, is sometimes called "casting the frog." A thick layer of frog separates itself in a body, and shells off as deep as a common paring with a knife ; but this very important 186 SHOEING. difference is to be noted between the two operations — that nature never removes the horny covering until she has pro- vided another horny covering beneath, so that although a large portion of the frog may have been removed, there still remains behind a perfect frog, smaller, it is true, but covered with horn, and in every way fitted to sustain exposure ; while the knife, on the contrary, removes the horny covering, but is unable to substitute any other in its stead. The frog should, therefore, be left to itself; nature will remove the superfluous horn, and the rags do no harm, since, if they are unmolested, they will soon wholly disappear. The shoe should possess these general features : first, it should be, for ordinary work, rather heavy, in order that it may not be bent by contact with hard, uneven roads ; second, it should be wide in the web, and of equal thickness and width from the toe to the heel, that it may as much as possible protect the sole, without altering the natural position of the foot ; third, it should be well drawn in at the heels, that it may rest on the bars, and extend to the outer edge of the crust on the outside, and reach beyond the bar nearly to the frog, so that there may be no danger of its pressing on the "corn -place," or angles between the bar and the crust ; and fourth, it should in no part extend beyond the outer edge of the crust, lest it strike against the opposite leg when the horse is travel- ing, or be stepped on by another horse, or be drawn off by a heavy soil. Such a shoe, and its position on the foot, is shown in the cut opposite. The shoe should be made as nearly of this form as the shape of the foot will allow ; but it is always to be borne in SHOEING. 18T mind, that the shoe is intended for the foot, and not the foot for the shoe, and that it is therefore peculiarly proper to make the shoe to fit the natural form of the foot, in- stead, as is too often the case, of paring, burning, and rasp- ing the foot until it fits the shoe, which is made accord- ing to the smith's notion of what the form of the horse's foot should be. No amount of paring can bring the foot of a horse to an unnatural figure, and also leave it sound and safe for work and use. THE POSITION OP THE SHOE. This cut represents the foot with the shoe rendered transparent, showing what parts of the foot are protected and covered by bringing in the heels of the shoes, a, a, a, the crust, with the shoe closely fitted all around, b, b, the bars, protected by the shoe. c, e, the heels, supported by the shoe, d, the situation of corns protected from injury. The truth really is, that the shape of the shoe cannot by possibility influence the shape of the foot ; for the foot being elastic, it expands to the weight of the horse in precisely the same degree, whether it is resting upon the most open or the most contracted shoe. It is the situation of the nails, and not the shape of the shoe, that determines the form of the foot. If the nails be placed in the outside quarter and toe, leaving the heels and quarters on the inside, which are the most ex- pansive portions, free, no shape which we can give to the shoe can of itself change the form of the foot. It must not, however, be inferred from this, that the shape of the shoe is therefore of no importance ; quite the contrary being the case, 188 SHOEING. as has been already shown. As the shape of the foot is in no degree changed by the form of shoe, that form should mani- festly be adopted which produces the greatest number of ad- vantages with the fewest disadvantages. A small clip at the point of the toe is very desirable, as preventing displacement of the shoe backwards ; it need not be driven up hard, as it is simply required as a check or stay. The shoe should be sufficiently long to fully support the angles at the heels, and not so short, as is too often the case, that a little wear imbeds the edge of it in the horn at these parts. The foot surface of the shoe should always have a good flat even space left all around for the crust to bear upon ; for it must be remembered, that the crust sustains the whole weight of the horse, and should therefore have a perfectly even bear- ing everywhere around the shoe. In this space the nail-holes should be punched ; and not, as is too generally the case, partly in it, and partly in the seating. In what is technically called "back-holing the shoe," which means completing the openings of nail-holes on the foot surface, great care should be taken to give them an outward direction, so as to allow the points of the nails to be brought out low down in the crust. The remainder of the foot surface should be carefully seated out particularly around the elevated toe, where it might other- wise press inconveniently upon the sole, and the seating should be carried on fairly to the point where the crust and bars meet, in order that there may be no pressure in the seat of corns ; the chance of pressure in this situation will be still fur- ther diminished by beveling off the inner edge of the heels with a rasp. The ground surface should be perfectly flat, with a groove SHOEING. 189 running round the outer edge, just under the plain surface, upon which the crust bears. The principal use of this groove is to receive the heads of the nails that secure the shoe, and prevent their bending or breaking off; it is further useful in increasing the hold of the shoe upon the ground, and should be carried back to the heels. In fitting the shoe on the foot, it should never while red-hot be burned into its place, as this would so heat the sensitive sole as to produce a serious derangement of its parts ; but it may with safety be touched lightly to the foot, that by a slight burning it may indicate those parts where the foot needs paring; indeed, it is necessary to pursue this course in order to make the shoe so exactly fit the foot that there will be no danger of its moving sufficiently to loosen the hold of the nails. The shoe should be made with steel in front, this being sloped backwards to a line running at right angles with the upper slope of the hoof. Old shoes being always worn to about this form, new ones should be so made, and the steel will prevent their being unduly worn. The shoe having been so fitted that the foot exactly touches it in every part, the next step is to nail it fast to the hoof. Upon the number and situation of the nails which secure it depends the amount of disturbance that the natural functions of the foot are destined to sustain from the shoe. If the nails are numerous, and placed back in the quarters and heels, no form of shoe, however perfect, can save the foot from contrac- tion and navicular disease. If, on the contrary, they are few, and placed in the outside quarter and toe, leaving the inside quarter and heels free to expand, no form of shoe is so bad that it can, from defective form alone, produce contraction of the foot. 190 SHOEING. Yarious experiments, which have been made for the purpose of ascertaining how few nails are absolutely necessary under ordinary circumstances for retaining a shoe securely in its place, have satisfactorily established that five nails are amply sufficient for the fore-shoes and seven for the hind. The nails should not be driven high up in the crust, but brought out as soon as pos- sible ; they should also be very lightly driven up before the clinchers are turned down, and not, as is generally the case, forced up with all the power which the smith can bring to bear upon them with his hammer. The clinches should not be rasped away too fine, but turned down broad and firm. The practice of rasping the whole surface of the hoof after the clinches have been turned down, should never be allowed ; it destroys the covering provided by nature as a protection against the too rapid evaporation of the moisture of the hoof, and causes the horn to become dry and brittle. The fear, very commonly entertained, that a shoe will be cast almost at every step, unless it is held to the foot by eight or nine nails driven high up into the crust, is utterly groundless, as both theory and practice concur in asserting. If the pre- sence of a nail in the crust were a matter of no moment, and two or three more than are necessary were merely useless, no great reason would exist for condemning the common practice of using too many nails ; but it is far otherwise ; — the nails separate the fibres of the horn, which never by any chance be- come united again, but continue apart and unclosed, until by degrees they grow down with the rest of the hoof, and are finally, after repeated shoeings, removed by the knife. If the clinches chance to rise, they must be at once replaced,, as such rising imparts to the nails a freedom of motion which SHOEING. 191 is certain to enlarge the size of the holes ; and this mischief is often increased by the violent wrenching from side to side which, the shoe undergoes in the process of removal by the smith. As these holes cannot possibly grow down and be removed under three shoeings, it will be found that even with seven nails the crust must always have twenty- one of these separations existing in it at the same time ; and as they are often from various causes extended into each other, they necessarily keep it in a brittle, unhealthy state, and materially interfere with the security of the future nail-hold. By the mode of fastening above advocated the struggle be- tween the expansion of the foot and the resistance of the shoe is entirely overcome ; the outer side of the foot, being the only part nailed to the shoe, carries the whole shoe with it at every expansion ; while the inner side, being unattached, expands in- dependently of it, whereby all strain upon the nails is avoided, and the foot is left, with respect to its power of expansion, as nearly as possible in a state of nature. The position of the hind foot and the nature of its office render it less liable to injury than the fore foot, and conse- quently it less frequently lames. As, however, disease of the navicular bone of this foot is by no means impossible, care should be taken to guard against its contraction by interfering as little as possible with the expansive power of the foot ; and this is best done by keeping the nails on the inside as far re- moved from the heel as convenient, placing four nails in the. outer and three in the inner side of the shoe. The holes in the inner side should be punched closer together, and kept more towards the toe than those on the outside, which should be more spread out, as affording greater security of hold to 192 SHOEING. the foot. The shoe should be carefully fitted to the hoof all round, particularly at the heels, which are too often left without any support whatever ; and the mischievous custom of turning down the outer heel only must be avoided, because it throws the weight entirely upon the inner quarter, which is the part least able to bear it, and causes much uncomfortable strain to the fetlock joint above. Calkins, even though they are turned down of perfectly even length on each side, (which, how- ever, is rarely done,) are objectionable appendages, and had better be dispensed with, except, perhaps, for very heavy draft, where their ends by entering the ground may prevent the foot from slipping backwards, and may thus enable the toe to obtain a firmer hold. The form of shoe here referred to, and the position of the nail-holes are shown in the cut annexed. Before leaving this subject it should be remarked, that con- tracted feet— that is, feet that have shrunken and become nar- row at the heels, and of which the frog has become materially re- I duced in size,— are often, and doubtless most frequently, caused by inflammation arising from im- proper shoeing. It is the custom of many smiths to " set the shoes well off at the heels;" and to a a The heels of an even thickness with the rest of the shoe. b. b. Show the points 'at which the heels of the hoof terminated, t. c. The seating carried back, so as to clear the angles at the heels, and leave the seat of corns free from pressure, d The nail-holes placed in the flat surface which supports the crust, where they should always be. e. The hindermost nail of the inner side at the inner toe, whereby the whole of the quarter and heel are left free to expand. , THE PROPER FORM OP A SHOE. ADMINISTERING MEDICINE. 193 carry the seating or level of the upper side of the shoes so far back that the heels, instead of resting on a flat surface, as they would on a properly fitted shoe, rest on the slopes of the seat- ing, which are in this respect simply two inclined planes, so placed that, at each step taken by the horse, his heels must be pressed together, until a greater or less contraction is made manifest, but at too late a period to enable us to remedy the evil ; for there is no means by which this contraction of the foot can be cured — although, when it exists only to a slight extent, the internal portions of the foot will sometimes accommodate themselves to its new form. So far as disease is the result of bad shoeing, it can be obviated by so forming the shoe that it will afford a sufficient and perfectly secure and level support for the heels. ADMILTISTEKIK-G MEDICINE. The most common form in which medicine is given to the horse is by means of the ball, which is an oblong mass of rather soft consistence, yet tough enough to retain its shape, and wrapped up in thin paper for that purpose. The usual weight of the ball is from half an ounce to an ounce, but they may be given of a larger size, if they are made longer but not wider. Every person in charge of horses should know how to give a ball, which is managed either with or without a balling-iron, an instrument seldom wanted, and which sometimes occasions con- siderable injury to the roof of the horse's mouth. Occasionally, a horse cannot be managed by any other means ; but, generally speaking, these instruments only furnish an excuse for bad management. In giving a ball in the ordinary way, the horse's tongue is drawn out of his mouth on the off or right side, and 13 194 ADMINISTERING MEDICINE. held there firmly with the left hand grasping it as near the root as possible, but to a certain extent yielding to the movement of the horse's head, so as not absolutely to tear it out. While the tongue is thus held, the ball is placed between the fingers and thumb of the right hand, extended in a wedge-like or conical form, so as to pass as far down the swallow as possible ; and the hand in this form, with the arm bared to the shoulder, is carried over the root of the tongue till it feels the impedi- ment caused by the contraction of the swallow, when the fingers leave the ball there, and the hand is withdrawn quickly yet smoothly, while at the same moment the tongue is released, and the head is held up till the ball is seen to pass down the gullet on the left side of the neck, after which the head may be released. "When the balling-iron is used, the oval ring of which it is com- posed is passed into the mouth, so as to keep it open, being first well guarded with tow or cloths wrapped around it ; the handle is then held in the left hand, together with the halter, so as to steady the head, and yet to keep the horse from biting ; and while thus held the hand can be freely carried over the tongue, and the ball be deposited in the pharynx. When a horse is very determined, it is sometimes necessary to keep the iron in the mouth by means of the check-pieces of an ordinary bridle buckled to the sides of the oval ring ; but this expedient is seldom required if the halter is firmly grasped with the handle of the iron. In the usual way the horse to be balled is turned around in his stall, which prevents his backing away from the person in charge ; and if the latter is not tall enough, he may stand upon a sound stable-bucket, turned upside down. Balls should be recently made, as they soon spoil by keeping ; not ADMINISTERING MEDICINE. 195 only losing their strength, but also becoming so hard as to be almost insoluble in the stomach, and frequently passing through the bowels nearly as they went into the mouth. When hard they are also liable to stick in the horse's gullet. If ammonia, or any other strong stimulant, is given in this way, the horse should not have his stomach quite empty, but should have a little gruel or water just previously ; for if this is put off till afterward, the nauseous taste of the ball almost always prevents his drinking. When arsenic forms an ingre- dient of the ball, it should be given soon after a feed of corn ; or a quart or two of gruel should be given instead, just before the ball. The administration of a drench is a much more trouble- some affair than the giving of a ball ; and in almost all cases more or less of the dose is wasted. Sometimes, however, a liquid medicine is to be preferred, as in colic or gripes, when the urgent nature of the symptoms demands a rapidly acting remedy, which a ball is not, as it requires time to dissolve ; and, besides this, a ball cannot contain any of the spirituous cordials. The best instrument for giving a drench is the horn of the ox, cut obliquely, so as to form a spout. Bottles are sometimes used in an emergency, but their fragile nature always renders them dangerous. In giving a drench, the tongue is held in the same way as for the delivery of a ball, but the head must be more elevated ; the drench is then care- fully poured into the throat, after which the tongue is let go, but the head still kept up till it is all swallowed. Allowance should always be made for some waste in giving a drench. In managing horses while in physic, the horse should in all cases, if possible, be prepared by bran mashes, given for 196 ADMINISTERING MEDICINE. two or three nights, so as to make the bowels rather loose than otherwise, and thus allow the dose to act without undue forcing of the impacted fceces backward. If physic is given without this softening process, the stomach and bowels pour out a large secretion of fluid, which is forced back upon the rectum, and met by a solid obstacle which it takes a long time to overcome, and during that interval the irritating purge is acting upon the lining membrane, and often produces excessive inflammation of it. Purging physic should generally be given in the middle of the day, after which the horse should remain in the stable, and have chilled water as often as he will drink it, with bran mashes. By the next morning he will be in a condition to be walked out for an hour, which will set the bowels acting, if they have not already begun. It is usual to tie up the tail with a tape or string, so as to keep it clean. The horse should be warmly clothed, and if the physic does not act after an hour's walk, he may be gently trotted for a short distance, and then taken home ; and if still obstinate, he may be exercised again in the afternoon. As soon as the physic operates pretty freely, the horse is to be taken into his stable, and not stirred out again, under any pretense what- ever, for forty-eight hours after it has "set," or, in common language, stopped acting. When the purging has ceased, the mashes may be continued for twenty-four hours, with a little corn added to them, and a quantity of hay. The water, during the whole time, should be in small quantities, and chilled ; and the clothing should be rather warmer than usual, taking great care to avoid draughts of cold air. Every horse requires at least a three-day's rest for a dose of physic, in order to avoid risk of mischief. ADMINISTERING MEDICINE. 19T The mode of giving a clyster is now rendered simple enough, because a pump and tube are expressly made for the purpose ; and it is only necessary to pass the greased end of the tube carefully into the rectum, for about eight or nine inches, and then pump the liquid up until a sufficient quantity is given. From a gallon to six quarts is the average quantity, but in colic a much larger amount is required. Lotions are applied by means of cloth bandages, if used to the legs ; or by a piece of cloth tied over the parts, if to any other surface. Fomentations are very serviceable to the horse in all recent external inflammations ; and it is astonishing what may be done by a careful person, with warm water alone, and a good- sized sponge. Sometimes, by means of an elastic tube and stop-cock, warm water is conducted in a continuous stream over an inflamed part, as in severe wounds, etc., in which this plan is found wonderfully successful in allaying the irritation, which is so likely to occur in the nervous system of the horse. A vessel of warm water is placed above the level of the horse's back, and a small india-rubber tube leads from it to a sponge fixed above the parts, from which the water runs to the ground as fast as it is over-filled. This plan can be very easily carried out by any person of ordinary ingenuity. zSmk^HQ\^ The many excellent qualities of the horse iHF are accompanied by some defects, which occasionally amount to vices. These may in |U§J part be attributed to natural temper; for man himself scarcely presents more peculiarities of temper and dis- position than does the horse. The majority of these disagree- able or dangerous habits in the animal now under consideration are without doubt attributable to a faulty education. The in- structor was ignorant and brutal, and the animal instructed becomes obstinate and vicious. It is proposed to mention some of the more glaring of these vices, suggesting in connect tion with each whatever remedies or palliatives experience has suggested. (198) BAULKING OR JIBBING. 199 RESTIVENESS. This stands in the front rank of all the vicious qualities of the horse, being at once the most annoying and the most dan- gerous of all. It is the direct and natural result of bad temper and worse education ; and, like all other habits based upon na- ture and engrained by education, it is inveterate. "Whether it develop itself in the form of kicking, rearing, plunging, bolting, or in any way that threatens danger to the rider or horse, it rarely admits of a cure. The animal may, indeed, to a certain extent be subjugated by a determined rider ; or he may have his favorites, or form his attachments, and with some par- ticular person be comparatively or perfectly manageable ; but others cannot long depend upon him, and even his master is not always sure of him. BAULKING OR JIBBING. This species of restiveness is one of the most provoking vices of the horse, and it can be successfully combated only by a man of the most imperturbable temper. The slightest sign of vexa- tion only increases the evil, and makes the animal more and more troublesome each time that he refuses his work. Many a thick- headed, quick-tempered driver flies into a passion, and beats or otherwise abuses his horse, on the least symptom of baulking, until the animal becomes utterly worthless from a confirmation of the habit. As a rule it may be stated, that horses baulk from nervous- ness, or unsteadiness of disposition ; if not, indeed, from an over-anxiety to perform their work. Nervous, well-bred horses are more susceptible to the influences which induce baulking, 200 BAULKING OR JIBBING. than are colder blooded, more indolent ones. A high-mettled horse, when carelessly driven, will start suddenly against his collar, fail to start his load, draw back from the pain which the concussion causes, rush at it again, and again draw back, until it becomes impossible for his driver to steady him in his collar for a dead pull. If to all this be added a smart cut with the whip, and a fiercely spoken word, — with perhaps a blow over the nose, or a stone in the ear, — every fear or vicious feeling of the horse will be summoned into action, and the animal will become entirely unmanageable, requiring to be left for an hour or two in his position before he gets sufficiently calm to be in- duced to move. There may, occasionally, be a horse which cannot be made to draw steadily by the most careful treatment; but the cases are exceedingly rare in which gentle treatment and firmness — a patient persistence in mild, authoritative com- mand, and judicious coaxing — would not either prevent the formation of the habit, or cure it when formed. The prevention of baulky habits lies with the driver. If he jump upon his load, gather up his reins carelessly, flourish his whip, or call out wildly to his horse, he will be quite likely to start him forward with a jerk which will be of no avail to move a heavily laden wagon. The horse thus commences to baulk at a heavy load, and after a certain amount of such treat- ment, will refuse to draw anything except under the most favor- able circumstances. Let any person driving a strange horse, with a load that he is not perfectly sure he can start easily, proceed according to the following directions, and he may be certain that, if the animal be not already a "jibber, "he will not make him so, and that if he is one he will have the best chance for getting him along without trouble : He should slowly ex- BAULKING OR JIBBING. 201 amine the harness and wagon (partly to accustom the horse to his presence,) gather up the reins gently, speaking to the horse to prevent his starting, get quietly into his seat, and then, if possible, get control of the horse's mouth before allowing him to move, so that when he does step off it may be only at a slow walk. If by a forward movement of the hands he can be made to press very gradually against the collar, and if the whole ope- ration is performed in a cool and unexcited manner, there will be little difficulty in bringing him to a dead pull, from which he will recoil only if the load is a serious tax upon his strength. If the first attempt fail, wait until your horse has become quiet, and until you have recovered from your own vexation, and then try again. It may be necessary to have the assis- tance of one or two persons, to start the wagon from behind ; but they should not push it until the horse is fairly against the collar. To cure the habit of baulking is not an easy matter, and it is possible only by the kindest treatment. If the horse show fear by his excited manner, or, by looking about him wildly, that he is expecting a blow, you may be sure that he has received hard usage under similar circumstances, and that he must be con- vinced by caresses and kind words that you will treat him gently. You must recollect that the horse cannot understand your language ; and that, while he is confused, he will misin- terpret every sign which you may make to him. He has an idea of your superior power ; and, in his fear that you will exercise it, as bad drivers have done before, to his injury, he will not at once feel confidence in your kind intentions. He must feel this confidence, whether it take an hour or all day to convey it to him, before you can do anything to cure him of 202 BAULKING OR JIBBING. his trick. If you have him harnessed to a light wagon on a smooth road where it will afford but little resistance, you may by repeated trials convince him that it is a simple, easy matter to draw it ; and you should continue to exercise him from day to day with the same light load, and afterward increase it gradually, until you have trained him to a quiet manner of starting, or of going up a hill or elsewhere where he has been accustomed to baulk. By the same gentle treatment you may start a horse or a team that have baulked under the driving of another person. Request the driver and all spectators to go to the side of the road, and then unfasten the check-reins, hang the reins where they will be easily accessible, but so that they may lie loosely upon the horses' backs, caress them, and allow them to look about and convince themselves that no harm is doing. When they have come properly quiet, go to their heads and stand directly in front of the worst jibber of the team, so that his nose may come against your breast if he start. Turn them gently to the right, without allowing them to tighten tbeir traces, and after caressing them a little, draw them in the same way to the left. Presently turn them to the right, and as you do so, bring them slowly against their collars, and let them go. Sometimes a horse not often accustomed to baulk, betrays a reluctance to move, or a determination not to move. In such cases, the cause, if practicable, should always be ascer- tained. He may be overtaxed, his withers may be wrung, or he may be insupportably galled or pained by the harness. Those accustomed to horses know what seemingly trivial cir- cumstances occasionally produce this vice. A horse, whose shoulders are raw, or have frequently been so, will not start BITING. 203 with a cold collar ; but when the collar has acquired the warmth of the parts upon which it presses, he will go without reluc- tance. Some determined baulkers have been reformed by constantly weariug a false collar, or strip of cloth around the shoulders, so that the coldness of the usual collar should never be felt ; and others have been cured by keeping the collar on night and day, for the animal is not able to lie down completely at full length, which the tired horse is always glad to do. When a horse baulks, not at starting, but while doing his work, it has sometimes been found useful to line the collar with cloth in- stead of leather ; the perspiration is readily absorbed, the sub- stance pressing upon the shoulder is softer, and it may be far more accurately eased off at a tender place. BITING. This is either the consequence of natural ferocity, or a habit acquired from the foolish and teasing play of grooms and stable-boys. When a horse is tickled and pinched by thought- less and mischievous youths, he will at first pretend to bite his tormentors ; by degrees he will proceed further, and actually bite them, and very soon after that he will then be the first to challenge to the combat, and without provocation will seize the first opportunity to grip the careless teaser. At length, as the love of mischief is a propensity too easily acquired, this war, half playful and half in earnest, becomes habitual to him, and degenerates into absolute viciousness. It is seldom that any thing can be done in the way of cure. Kindness will aggravate the evil, and no degree of severity will correct it. Biters have been punished until they have trembled in every joint, and were ready to drop, but this treatment 204 KICKING. scarcely ever cures them. The lash is forgotten in an hour, and the horse is as ready and determined to repeat the offense as before. He appears unable to resist the temptation, and in its worst form biting is a species of insanity. Prevention, however, is in the power of every proprietor of horses. While he insists upon gentle and humane treatment, he should systematically forbid this horse-play. KICKING. This, as a vice, is another consequence of the culpable habit of teasing the horse. That which is at first simply an indica- tion of annoyance at the pinching and tickling of the groom, and without any design to injure, gradually becomes the expression of anger, and the effort to do mischief. The horse, also, too soon recog- nizes the least appearance of timidity, and takes advantage of the discovery. Some horses acquire, from mere irritability and fidgetiness, a habit of kicking at the stall or the bail, and particularly at night. The neighboring horses are disturbed, and the kicker gets swelled hocks, or some more serious injury. This is a habit very difficult to correct, if it is allowed to become estab- lished. Mares are much more subject to it than horses. Before the habit is inveterately established, a thorn-bush or a piece of furze fastened against the partition or post will some- PARTICCTLARLY DANGEROUS. KICKING. 205 times effect a cure. When the horse finds that he is pretty severely pricked, he will not long continue to punish himself. In confirmed cases it may be necessary to have recourse to the log, but the legs are often not a little bruised by it. A rather long and heavy piece of wood attached to a chain has been buckled above the hock, so as to reach about half-way down the leg. When the horse attempts to kick violently, his leg will receive a severe blow ; this, and the repetition of it, may after a time teach him to be quiet. Kicking in harness is a much more serious vice. From the least annoyance about the rump or quarters, some horses will kick at a most violent rate, and destroy the bottom of the chaise, and endanger the limbs of the driver. Those that are fidgety in the stable are most inclined to do this. If the reins chance to get under the tail, the violence of the kicker will often be most outrageous; and while the animal presses down his tail so tightly that it is almost impossible to extricate the reins, he continues to plunge until he has demolished every thing behind him. This is a vice standing foremost in point of danger, and one which no treatment will always conquer. It is altogether in vain to attempt coercion. If the shafts are very strong and without flaw, or if they are plated with iron underneath, and a stout kicking-strap resorted to, which will barely allow the horse the proper use of his hind limbs in progression, but not permit him to raise them sufficiently for the purpose of kicking, he may be prevented from doing mischief. 206 HEARING. REARING- This vice is not very common, at least in a dangerous form, and can generally be prevented by the use of the martingale. In the case of saddle-horses, another good prevention is, when the horse is about to rise, to touch him with the spur on one side only ; this will cause him to stop to lift the hind leg on that side, and if he persists in his attempt the spurs may be used vigor- ously, first on one side, and then on the other, but not so fast as to prevent the horse from raising his hind legs alternately, as he is spurred. The least touch of the curb-bit will cause some vicious and badly trained horses to rear, while those which have been thoroughly trained will rear slightly, to a great height, or not at all, as their rider may desire ; but it is obvious that horses so delicately trained should not be ridden by unskillful persons, lest the awkwardness of the rider should cause unex- pected curveting. The remedy of some breakers, that of pulling the horse back- ward on a soft piece of ground should be practiced by reckless and brutal fellows alone. Many horses have been injured in the spine, and others have broken their necks, by being thus sud- denly pulled over ; while even the fellow who fears no danger, is not always able to extricate himself from the falling horse. If rearing proceeds from vice, and is unprovoked by the bruis- ing and laceration of the mouth, it fully partakes of the invete- racy which attends the other divisions of restiveness. PULLING BACK ON THE HALTER. This is a vice which has probably arisen from the horse having, at some time, broken a weak halter in a fit of impa- VICIOUS TO CLEAN. 207 tience. The only safe cure for it, and this is not always suc- cessful, is to tie the horse with a very strong halter, which it Will be impossible for him to break ; finding that his efforts are futile, he will, after a time, generally desist from pulling — though some incorrigible brutes will try every new halter as soon as they are fastened, and will break it if possible. BUNNIlfG AWAY. Some headstrong horses will occasionally endeavor to bolt with the best rider ; others, with their wonted sagacity, en- deavor thus to dislodge only the timid "or unskillful one. Some are hard to hold, or bolt only during the excitement of a trial of speed, or the like ; others will run away, prompted by vicious propensity alone. There is no certain cure here. The only method which affords any probability of success is, to ride such a horse with a strong curb and sharp bit ; to have him always firmly in hand ; and if he will run away, and the place will admit of it, to give him (sparing neither curb, whip, nor spur,) a great deal more running than he likes. VICIOUS TO CLEAN. It would scarcely be credited to what an extent this exists in some horses that are otherwise perfectly quiet ; it is only at great hazard that they can be cleaned at all. The origin of this is probably some maltreatment. There is, however, a great difference in the sensitiveness of the skin in different horses. Some seem as if they could scarcely be made to feel the whip, while others cannot bear a fly to light upon them without an expression of annoyance. In young horses the skin is peculiarly delicate. If they have been curried with a 208 VICIOUS TO SHOE. broken comb, or hardly rubbed with an uneven brush, the recollection of the torture they have felt makes them impa- tient and even vicious during every succeeding operation of the kind. Many grooms, likewise, seem to delight in pro- ducing these exhibitions of uneasiness and vice, although, when they are carried a little too far, and at the hazard of the limbs of the groom, the animals that have been almost tortured into these manifestations of irritation, are brutally kicked and punished. This, however is a vice that may be conquered. If the horse is dressed with a lighter hand, and wiped rather than brushed, and the places where the skin is most sensitive are avoided as much as thorough cleanliness will allow, he will gradually lose the recollection of former ill-treatment, and be- come tractable and quiet. In those instances where the skin is so irritable that the horse really endures a great deal of misery every time he is cleaned besides requiring needlessly the expenditure of a great amount of muscular exertion, the remedy is very simple ; instead of being curry-combed and wiped, the horse should be merely washed over with warm water on his coming in warm from a journey, then gently scraped and covered with a rug. The warmth of the body will very soon dry the skin. VICIOUS TO SHOE. The correction of this is more peculiarly the business of the smith ; yet the master should diligently concern himself with it, for it is more often the consequence of injudicious or bad usage, than of natural vice. The vice is certainly a bad one, and it very materially diminishes the value of the horse ; for it VICIOUS TO SHOE. 209 is a habit which generally gets worse at each time of snoeing. It is not so much the kicking of the horse that is to be feared, but the animal will bear his whole weight on the foot requiring to be shod, so that the smith is unable to lift it up, or after- ward to support it ; beside which the animal will keep con- tinually kicking or endeavoring to get the foot away, to the imminent danger of the limbs of the unfortunate operative. This deplorable and vicious habit is greatly increased, if not altogether produced, by rough usage at the early shoeings, and it generally gets worse at each time of shoeing, so that the horse is often rendered at last completely worthless. It may be expected that there will be some difficulty in shoeing a horse for the first few times, as it is an operation that gives him a little uneasiness. The man to whom he is most accustomed should go with him to the forge ; and if another and steady horse is shod before him, he may be in- duced more readily to submit. It cannot be denied that, after the habit of resisting this necessary operation is formed, force may sometimes be required in order to reduce our rebellious servant to obedience ; but there can be no manner of question that the large majority of horses vicious to shoe are rendered so by harsh usage, and by the pain of correction being added to the uneasiness of shoeing. It should be a rule in every forge, that no smith should be permitted to strike a horse, much less to twitch or gag him, without the master-farriers order ; and that a young horse should never be twitched or struck. There are few horses that may not gradually be ren- dered manageable for this purpose by mildness and firmness on the part of the operator ; they will soon understand that no harm is meant, and they will not forget their usual habit of 14 210 CRIB-BITING. obedience ; but if the remembrance of corporeal punishment is connected with shoeing, they will always be fidgety, and occasionally dangerous. CRIB-BITING. This is a very unpleasant habit, and a considerable defect, although not so serious as it is often represented. The horse lays hold of the manger with his teeth, violently extends his neck, and then, after some convulsive action of the throat, a slight grunting is heard, accompanied by a sucking or drawing in of air. It is not an effort at simple eructation, arising from indigestion ; it is the inhalation of air. It is that which takes place with all kinds of diet, and when the stomach is empty as well as when it is full. The effects of crib-biting are plainly perceptible. The teeth are injured and worn away, and that, in an old horse, to a very serious degree. A considerable quantity of grain is often lost, for the horse will frequently crib with his mouth full of it, and the greater part will fall over the edge of the manger. Much saliva escapes while the manger is thus forcibly held, the loss of which must be of serious detriment in muzzle for a crib-biter. i m p a i r i ng . digestion The crib-biting horse is notoriously more subject to colic than other horses, and that of a kind difficult of treatment and peculiarly dangerous. Although many a crib-biter is stout and strong, and capable of all ordinary work, these horses do CRIB-BITING. 211 not generally carry as much flesh as others, and have not their endurance ; on these accounts, crib-biting has been, and very properly, decided by the highest authority to be unsound- ness. It is moreover one of those tricks which are exceedingly con- tagious. Every companion of a crib-biter in the same stable, is likely to acquire the habit, and it is the most inveterate of all habits. The edge of the manger will in vain be lined with iron, or with sheep-skin, or with sheep-skin covered with tar or aloes, or any other unpleasant substance. In spite of the annoyance which these may occasion, the horse will persist in his attack on the manger. A strap buckled tightly round the neck, by compressing the windpipe, is the best means of preventing the possibility of this trick ; but the strap must be constantly worn, and its pressure is apt to produce a worse affection, viz., an irritation of the windpipe, which terminates in roaring. Some have recommended turning out for five or six months ; but this has never succeeded, except with a young horse, and then but rarely. The old crib-biter will employ the gate for the same purpose as the edge of his manger, and he will often gallop across a field for the mere purpose of having a bite at the rail. Medicine is altogether thrown away in such a case. The only remedy is a muzzle, with bars across the bottom ; sufficiently wide to enable the animal to pick up his corn and to pull his hay, but not to grasp the edge of his manger. If this is worn for a considerable period, the horse may be tired of attempting that which he cannot accomplish, and for a while forget the habit ; but in a majority of cases the desire of crib-biting will return with the power of gratifying it. The causes of crib-biting are various, and some of them be- 212 OVERREACHING. yond the control of the owner of the horse. It is often the result of imitation ; but it is more frequently the consequence of idleness. The high-fed and spirited horse must be in mis- chief, if he is not usefully employed. Sometimes, but not often, it is produced by partial starvation ; and another occasional cause is the frequent custom of dressing the horse, even when the weather is not severe, in the stable, — thus enabling the animal to catch at the edge of the manger, or at that of the partition on each side, if he has been turned. WIND-SUCKING. This closely resembles crib-biting, and arises from the same causes ; the same purpose is accomplished, and the same results follow. The horse stands with his back bent, his head drawn inward, his lips alternately slightly opened and then closed, and a noise is heard as if he were sucking. It appears quite pro- bable, judging from the same comparative want of condition and the flatulence noted in connection with the last habit, that either some portion of wind enters the stomach, or there is an injurious loss of saliva. This vice diminishes the value of the animal nearly as much as crib-biting ; it is equally as contagious and inveterate. The only remedies — and they will seldom avail — are tying the head up, except when the horse is feeding, or putting on a muzzle with sharp spikes toward the neck, which will prick him when- ever he attempts to rein his head in for the purpose of wind- sucking. OVERREACHING. This unpleasant noise known also by the name of " clicking," is occasioned by the toe of the hind foot, or the inner edge of NOT LYING DOWN. 213 the inside of its shoe, striking upon the heel of the coronet of the fore foot. The preventive treatment is the beveling, or rounding off, of the inside rim or edge of the hind shoe. The cure is, the cutting away of the loose parts, the application of Friar's balsam, and protection from the dirt. Some horses, particularly young ones, overreach so as to strike the toes of the hind shoes against the fore ones, which is termed "clinking. " Keeping up the head of the horse does some- thing to prevent this ; but the smith may do more by shortening the toe of the hind shoes and having the web broad. When they are too long, they are apt to be torn off ; when too narrow, the hind foot may bruise the sole of the fore one, or may be locked fast between the branches of the fore shoe. NOT LYING DOWN. It occasionally happens that a horse will seldom or never lie down in the stable. He sometimes continues in apparent good health, and feeds and works well ; but generally his legs swell, and he becomes fatigued sooner than another horse. If it is impossible to let him loose in the stable, or to put him into a spare box, nothing can be done to obviate the difficulty. No means, gentle or cruel, will force him to lie down. The secret is, that he is tied up, and either has never dared to lie down through fear of the confinement of the halter, or he has been cast in the night and severely injured. If he can be suf- fered to range the stable, or have a comfortable box in which he may be loose, he will usually lie down the first night. Some few horses, however, will lie down in a stable, and not in a loose box. A fresh, well-made bed will generally tempt the tired horse to refresh himself with sleep. 214 SHYING. It may be observed in this connection, that the basis of sup- port afforded by the four extremities is so considerable in the horse, that he is able to sleep in a standing position, and some horses have even been known to preserve their health, strength, and condition, although they were never known to lie down, At the same time, it is undeniable, that an animal that will quickly lie down and take his rest, as a general rule, preserves his condition, and is better fitted for exertion. SHYING. This most dangerous habit is sometimes the effect of fear, and sometimes is a downright vicious propensity; and there are many horses which commence the practice through fear and end by becoming viciously disposed to indulge in it, in consequence of sheer mismanage- ment. The young colt is almost al- ways more or less shy, especially if he is brought at once from the re- tired fields in which he was reared to the streets of a busy town. There are, however, numberless varieties of shyers, some being dreadfully alarmed by one kind of object, which to another is not at all formidable. When a horse finds that he gains his object by turning around, he will often repeat the turning with- out cause,* pretending to be alarmed, and looking out for ex- DISAGREEABLE AND DANGEROUS. SHYING. 215 cuses for it. This is not at all uncommon, and with timid riders leads to a discontinuance of the ride, by which the horse gains his end for the time, and repeats the trick upon the first occasion. In genuine shying from fear, the eyes are generally more or less defective ; but sometimes this is not the cause, which is founded upon a general irritability of the nervous system. Thus, there are many that never shy at meeting wagons, or other similar objects, but which almost drop with fear on a small bird flying out of a hedge, or any other startling sound. These are also worse, because they give no notice, whereas the ordinary shyer almost always shows by his ears that he is pre- pared to turn. For shyers the only remedy is, to take as little notice as possible, to make light of the occurrence, speak encouragingly, yet rather severely, and to get them by the object in one way or another. If needful, the aid of the spur and whip may be called in, but not as & punishment. If the horse can be urged to go by the object at which he is shying without the whip or spur, so much the better ; but if not, he must be compelled to do so by their use. Wherever fear is the cause of shying, punishment only adds to that fear; but where vice has supplanted fear, severity should be used to correct it. As a general rule, the whip need never be used, unless the horse turns absolutely round, and not then unless there is reason to suspect that he is pretending fear. If he will only go by the object, even with "a wide berth," as the sailors say, he may be suffered to go on his way unpunished ; and nothing is so bad as the absurd severity which some horsemen exercise after the horse has conquered his reluctance, and passed the object. At this time he should be praised and petted, with all the en- 216 PAWING. couragement which can be given ; and on no account should he be taught to make those rushes which are so commonly seen on the road, from the improper use of whip and spur. If pun- ishment is necessary at all, it must be used beforehand ; but it often happens that the rider cannot spare his whip-hand until the shying is over ; and then, in his passion, he does not reflect that the time has passed for its employment. Shying on coming out of the stable is a habit that can rarely or never be cured. It proceeds from the remembrance of some ill-usage or hurt which the animal has received in the act of proceeding from the stable, such as striking his head against a low door-way, or entangling the harness. When the cure, however, is early attempted, it may be so far overcome that it will be unattended with danger or difficulty. The horse should be bridled when led out or in. He should be held short and tight by the head, that he may feel that he has not liberty to make a leap, and this of itself is often sufficient to restrain him. Punishment, or a threat of it, will be highly improper. It is only timid or high-spirited horses that acquire the habit, and rough usage invariably increases their agitation and terror. PAWING. Some hot and irritable horses are restless even in the stable, and paw frequently and violently. Their litter is destroyed, the floor of the stable broken up, the shoes worn out, the feet bruised, and the legs sometimes sprained. If this habit does not exist to any great extent, yet the stable never looks well. Shackles are the only remedy, with a chain sufficiently long to suable the horse to shift his posture, or move in his stall ; but SLIPPING THE COLLAR OR HALTER. 21 1 these must be taken off at night, otherwise the animal will seldom lie down. Unless, however, the horse possesses pecu- liar value, it will be better to dispose of him at once, than to submit to the danger and inconvenience that he may occasion. ROLLING. This is a very pleasant and perfectly safe amusement for a horse at grass, but cannot be indulged in the stable without the chance of his being dangerously entangled with the collar, rein, or halter, and being cast. Yet, although the horse is cast, and bruised, and half strangled, he will roll again on the following night and continue to do so as long as he lives. The only remedy is not a very pleasant one for the horse, ^ior always quite safe ; yet recourse must be had to it, if the habit of rolling is inveterate. The horse should be tied with length enough of halter to lie down, but not to allow of his head resting upon the ground ; because, in order to roll over, a horse is obliged to place his head quite down upon the ground. SLIPPING- THE COLLAR OH HALTER. This is a trick in which many horses are so well accomplished, that scarcely a night passes without their getting loose. It is a very serious habit, for it enables the horse sometimes to gorge himself with food to the imminent danger of producing stag- gers ; or it exposes him, as he wanders about, to be kicked and injured by the other horses, while his restlessness will often keep the whole team awake. If the web of the halter, being first accurately fitted to his neck, is suffered to slip only one way, or a strap is attached to the halter and buckled round the neck, but not sufficiently tight to be of serious inconvenience, the power of slipping the collar will be taken away. 218 STUMBLING. STUMBLING. That person must either be a skillful practitioner, or a mere pretender, who engages to remedy this habit. If it arise from a heavy forehand, and the fore legs, being too much under the horse, no one can alter the natural frame of the animal ; if it proceeds from tenderness of foot, grogginess, or old lameness, these ailments are seldom cured. Also, if it is to be traced to habitual carelessness and idleness, no whipping will rouse the drone. A known stumbler should never be ridden or driven by any one who values his safety or his life. A tight hand or a strong bracing-rein are precautions that should not be neg- lected, although they are generally of little avail ; for the in- veterate stumbler will rarely be able to save himself, and this tight rein may sooner and further precipitate the rider. If after stumbling the horse suddenly starts forward, and endea- vors to break into a short trot or canter, the rider may be assured that others before him have fruitlessly endeavored to remedy the nuisance. If the stumbler has the foot kept as short, and the toe pared as close as safety will permit, and the shoe is rounded at the toe, or has that shape given to it which it naturally acquires in a fortnight from the peculiar action of such a horse, the animal may not stumble quite so much ; or if the disease which pro- duced the habit can be alleviated, some trifling good may be done ; but in almost every case the stumbler should be got rid of, or put to slow and heavy work. If the latter alternative is adopted, he may stumble as much as he pleases, for the weight of the load and the motion of the other horses will keep him upon his legs. UNSTEADINESS WHILE BEING MOUNTED. 219 UNSTEADINESS WHILE BEING MOUNTED. When this merely amounts to eagerness to start — very un- pleasant, indeed, at times, for many a rider has been thrown from his seat before he was fairly fixed in it — it may be reme- died by an active and good horseman. It oftentimes happens that while the elderly, inactive, and fearful man is engaged in making more than one ineffectual attempt to vault into the saddle, the horse is dancing about to his annoyance and danger ; but no sooner is the animal transferred to the management of a younger and more agile rider, than he becomes perfectly sub- dued. Severity will here, more decidedly than in any other case, do harm. The rider should be fearless ; he should care- lessly and confidentially approach the horse, mount at the first effort, and then restrain him for a while ; patting him, and not allowing him to proceed until he becomes perfectly quiet. Horses of this kind should not be too highly fed, and should have sufficient daily exercise. When the difficulty of mounting arises, not from eagerness to start, but from unwillingness to be ridden, the sooner that horse is disposed of the better. He may be conquered by a skillful and determined horseman ; but even he will not succeed without frequent and dangerous contests that will mar all the pleasures of the ride. :|§EAS£SSirREMEDiES Under this head it is proposed to treat of the various diseases which horse-flesh is heir to, together with their symptoms, and to offer such remedies as personal experience, or the authority of others in whom implicit confidence may be placed, suggests as the most efficacious. For convenience of discussion, these diseases are arranged in the present work under the heads of diseases of the mouth ; of the respiratory organs ; of the stomach and intestines ; of the limbs ; of the urinary organs ; of the feet and legs; of the heart; of the head; and (220) LAMPAS. 221 of the eye;— placing under the head of miscellaneous such as do not appropriately fall under either of the foregoing DISEASES OF THE MOUTH. LAMPAS. This term is used to designate a fullness or swelling of the bars or roof of the mouth, caused by the cutting of the teeth. Lampas will be found in all colts, although in many the slight inconvenience occasioned by it attracts little or no attention. In others, however, the great tenderness of the parts affected causes the animal to refuse his food, in consequence of which he is by many compelled to submit to an operation equally cruel and unnecessary — that is, no less than burning out the bars of the mouth with a red-hot iron, thereby destroying the functions of the part, and leaving the mouth sore for some time afterward. This mode of treatment has been practised for years, and is even at the present day almost the only one in vogue, although it is of no practical benefit whatever, but, on the contrary, is often very injurious. In the case of the child similarly affected, the humane practitioner seldom does more than to lance the gums. This, certainly, is a more rational mode of operating, and the author's experience con- vinces him that if the parts inflamed in the case of the horse be simply lanced, the swelling will soon subside, and the horse partake of his food as usual. A common pocket-knife will answer the purpose quite well ; and after the lancing the 222 ULCERS IN THE MOUTH. mouth should be washed with a solution of the tincture of myrrh, two ounces to a pint of water, or a solution of alum in water. This should be repeated twice a day for three or four days, during which time give bran mashes or flax-seed gruel, and, if procurable, a small quantity of new grass. No hay, corn, or oats, should be given for a week ; at the expira- tion of which period the teeth will be in a condition to masti- cate such food. INFLAMED GUMS. Occasionally the gums of very young horses, when cutting their teeth, become exceedingly tender, sore, and swollen. As this is principally confined to the yearling, it is generally overlooked by the owner. The treatment in such cases is to cut the gum through to the tooth immediately under it with a lancet or common pocket-knife. The gum being thus broken, the tooth conies through with little pain. BAGS OR ^WASHES. These are soft, puny swellings of the membrane of the mouth, lining the lips, just within the corners of the mouth. This disease is generally caused by the bearing rein being too tight. They are cured by cutting off a portion of the swelling with a pair of scissors or a knife ; after which the parts should be dressed with a little salt, or powdered alum. This gener- ally proves successful. ULCERS IN THE MOUTH. Horses, during the process of breaking, are frequently hurt by the pressure of the bit upon the under jaw a little in front of SORE MOUTH. 223 the first molar tooth ; in consequence of which the periosteum, or thin fibrous membrane covering the bone, often becomes involved in the inflammation, the bone itself not always escap- ing injury, a neglect of which occasionally causes the bone of the jaw to become carious or decayed ; sinuses, or pipe-like openings, are sometimes formed, which becoming filled with masticated food, become fetid and often occasion troublesome sores. Grooms on discovering this sore, generally attribute it to what is commonly called squirrel grass, or wild barley. If the sore is confined to the gum alone, it should be washed fre- quently, and dressed with a little tincture of myrrh ; but when the bone is affected, it must be examined carefully with a probe, and if found rough, or presenting small openings, the bone must be exposed, and all the diseased parts removed, after which the tincture of myrrh should be used for a dressing. Such opera- tions should be performed by a qualified veterinary surgeon, if one is to be had ; otherwise more injury may be done by the bungling operator than would be occasioned by the disease. If such services cannot be procured, caustic silver, or lunar caustic, should be applied to the diseased bone. If the caustic is not readily obtainable, the red-hot iron will answer the pur- pose as well, or even better. Butter of antimony, placed on a little cotton or tow, and packed in the sore, is an excellent application, as it hastens a separation or exfoliation of the diseased bone, thus enabling the parts soon to heal. SOKE MOUTH. This is often caused by the bit's cutting or bruising the lips at the angles of the mouth. In carelessly balling horses, also, the under part of the tongue sometimes becomes injured, which 224 UNEVEN TEETH. frequently escapes notice until the animal refuses his food, and the tongue becomes tender and swollen. In such cases, wash the mouth clean, and sprinkle a teaspoonful of table salt on the sore ; the tincture of myrrh occasionally applied will hasten the cure. CUT TONGUE. The tongue sometimes becomes bruised from the sudden jerking of the lines in the hands of a careless or obstinate driver, or it may happen from tight reining ; that portion of the tongue upon which the bit rests becoming bruised and ulcerated, and the frequent use of the bit keeping up the irritation, until the tongue, in some cases, becomes almost separated by ulceration before it is discovered. Alum water, saltpetre, and tincture of myrrh are the proper dressings. UNEVEN" TEETH. The molar teeth frequently become very uneven upon their faces or grinding surfaces, in consequence of the crusta petrosa wearing away too rapidly and often leaving deep cavities in the teeth, which become filled with food and soon prove a great source of annoyance by interfering with proper mastication. This occurs more particularly in old horses. The upper molar teeth being well protected on the outer surface with enamel, wear less rapidly than the lower ones which are protected upon the inner side. In consequence of this the upper teeth often become very sharp upon the outside, and when the reins are drawn up the cheeks are forced upon these sharp edges and become sore and often lacerated, while the lower ones becoming sharp on the inside edges, lacerate the tongue in a similar QU1DDING. 225 manner. The liorse from this cause often refuses his food, since mastication causes him severe pain. He soon begins to lose 'flesh, the digestive organs become deranged, the skin becomes tight, and the animal is perhaps doctored for bots, worms, and the like. In all these cases the tooth-rasp becomes necessary, which is an instrument made concave, or hollow, upon one side, and convex, or rounding, on the other, with a long handle attached. The rasp is upon the hollow side, the round side and the edges being perfectly smooth so as not to wound the cheeks or tongue when used. With this instrument the sharp corners of the teeth are easily taken off, and the horse is enabled to feed again in the proper manner. If the teeth are in this condition, no medicine is of any avail ; all the condition powders in the world will not benefit in the slightest degree ; the tooth-rasp is the only remedy that will prove serviceable. QUIDDING. This disease, if disease it may be called, is generally caused by the irregular wear of the teeth already mentioned ; or it may nrise from caries of the teeth, or from a diseased state of the muscles of deglutition. "I have seen," says White, "at the kennel the jaw of a horse which died literally from starvation in consequence of a disease of the grinding teeth, which ap- peared to have been brought on by feeding on coarse woody hay, containing the stocks of thistles, docks, &c. This animal was what dealers term a quidder, for the muscles of deglutition were at least so affected that he was incapable of swallowing; and after fruitless attempts to chew his food it was thrown out into the manger in a ball or quid, and a great deal of imper- 15 226 WOLF TEETH. fectly chewed hay had been forced into the cavities formed at the roots of some of the grinding teeth." The tooth-rasp sometimes proves a perfect cure in such cases. WOLF TEETH. Yery erroneous opinions are entertained by horsemen, and even by veterinary surgeons, in reference to these teeth, and various theories have from time to time been set afloat regard- ing them, arising, for the most part, from a want of proper in- vestigation. These teeth are natural to all horses, and make their appear- ance between the first and fifth year. They are not supernu- merary teeth, as has been stated by some writers, but are natural teeth found in all colts. The germs of these teeth will be found in the foal at birth, and developed in the jaw of the yearling ready to make their way through the gums. In an examination of at least one hundred heads of colts that have died under eighteen months of age, the author has found in every instance either natural wolf teeth, or the germs from which they are developed. It is a mistaken idea, that these teeth exert any influence over the eyes. Nature never placed them in their position for the purpose of injury. In cases where the eye is supposed to be affected by them, it is simply neces- sary to treat the eye for inflammation, and allow the teeth to remain. As a general rule they do not remain in the jaw long after being cut ; having performed their function, whatever it may be, they fall out and are therefore seldom found. Their removal can do no harm but it is an entirely unnecessary operation. CARIES OF THE TEETH. THE BLOODED MARE FASHION AND FOAL. CARIES OP THE TEETH The teeth of horses, as has already been stated, are made up of three substances, the enamel, the bone, and the crusta petrosa; and in consequence of their peculiar arrangement and the inability of the animal to inform us of his sufferings, this dis- ease frequently be- comes much more serious than in man. Its opera- tion, besides, is quite different, upon the teeth of horses from what it is upon the human teeth. In the human subject caries is found, in a large majority of cases, making its appearance as a dark spot between the teeth, on one side of the crown, gradually working inwards, destroy- ing the bone in its progress, and leaving the enamel a mere shell upon the outside of the tooth, while the roots generally remain in a comparatively sound condition during the progress of decay. In the horse, however, caries is a very different thing, as far as its effects are concerned. It makes its appearance upon some one or more of the indentations or depressions upon the face of the tooth, attacking the crusta petrosa, (a substance not found in the human tooth,) and extending from the face through the entire length of the tooth, splitting it up into several thin plates, in consequence of which diseases often form at the roots of such teeth, which, being prevented from dis- 228 CARIES OF THE TEETH. charging into the mouth by the food that fills up the cavity, generally find an opening into the nose, discharging their fetid matter through that channel. The animal while in this condi- tion is often treated for catarrh, commonly called distemper. The discharge still continuing, and becoming more and more fetid, the animal is at last supposed to be in a glandered con- dition and killed. The first case of this kind which came under the author's notice occurred in the year 1853. Having occasion to visit the yard where dead animals are boiled, the peculiar appearance of one horse lying upon the ground attracted his attention. Upon inquiry he learned that he had been killed as a glandered horse; but failing to recognize any such marks as might be expected in that disease, he made a very careful examination of the head and found the real cause of trouble to be, not glanders, but a carious tooth, of which but three small ribbon-like fragments remained. This horse was but seven years old. An abscess had formed at the root of the tooth, discharging itself into the nostril, whence it was ejected. Another horse, with similar symptoms, pronounced glandered by two eminent veterinary sur- geons, was destroyed at the same place in the year 1859. The author's examination disclosed the fact, that the first two molar teeth were almost entirely destroyed by caries, and that a large abscess had formed at their roots, which extended into and completely closed up one nostril, causing an immense tumor on the right side of the head. The difficulty of examining the molar teeth of the horse, to- gether with the silence of veterinary authors on this important subject, are the only assignable reasons for the little informa- tion given us relative to a disease of such common occurrence. CARIES OP THE TEETH. 229 Indeed, the author has frequently been called upon to treat horses laboring under this disease, without a suspicion ever being entertained of its true nature. / A case of this kind came under his notice in the winter of 1858, while on a visit to Jackson, Michigan. He was called to see a bay mare kept for livery purposes, having a discharge from the right side of the face some two inches below the eye, which had existed for about two years. The discharge was of so fetid a character that the animal was rendered unfit for use, and she was consequently turned upon the common to die or get well, as the chances might be, all known modes of treatment having been previously adopted without any beneficial results. He discovered, upon examination, a carious tooth, which was removed, and in a short time the animal became well. During the winter of 1859, a brown mare, belonging to a gentleman in Germantown, Pennsylvania, was sent to the Clinic of the Phi, ladelphia Yeterinary College, having been pronounced glanderea! by a veterinary surgeon and ordered to be killed. Upon ex- amination a large abscess was discovered opening into the nose, together with two carious teeth — the first and second molars of the right side. The mare was cast, and ten pieces of carious teeth removed ; the cavity was then well cleaned out, and tow saturated with tincture of myrrh filled in, removing and cleaning every day. Some four weeks subsequently, the animal was sold for one hundred and fifty dollars, sound as a bell ; though pre- viously to this operation she could not have been sold at any price. Many similar cases could be mentioned, but the fore- going will serve to show the necessity of making a thorough examination of an animal before pronouncing sentence of death upon it. 230 EXTRACTING TEETH. Acidity of the fluids of the mouth is generally— and, as the author believes, correctly — assigned as the cause of caries of the teeth. The symptoms are fetid discharges from the nose, ob- structed respiration, improper mastication of the food, passing the oats or corn whole, quidding, drowsiness, loss of flesh, staring coat, hide-bound, tossing to and fro of the head, stop- ping short on the road, starting suddenly, and at times becoming almost frantic. All these symptoms, however, must not be expected to be found in the same case, as different horses are differently affected by the disease. One is drowsy, feeds daintily at times, and again ravenously ; another is at times wild, so as to be almost unmanageable. Many of these symptoms occur in other diseases besides those of the teeth ; but their presence suggests the necessity for an examination of the mouth, and particularly of the molar teeth, which may be done by passing the hand along the upper molar teeth inside of the cheek, thus enabling the examiner to detect the presence of caries without difficulty. EXTKACTING TEETH. When a carious tooth, or one so unequally worn as to cause mischief, is discovered, its removal is necessary to the restora- tion of the animal's health. In order to accomplish this, the horse must be cast, and the age of the animal considered, in order to make choice of proper instruments. If he is young, say from four to six years, an instrument made similar to the key used by surgeon dentists, is the best adapted; if he is old, a pair of forceps of large size, made in the same manner as the tooth-forceps of dentists, will answer, as the roots of the teeth in old horses are comparatively short, and therefore may be easily extracted. INFLAMMATION. 231 DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS INFLAMMATION. The diseases of the respiratory organs and air passages are generally of an inflammatory type. In order to fully under- stand the various diseases to which these important organs are subject, a few remarks regarding the nature of inflammation, its progress, &c, may not be out of place in a work like the present. Inflammation, then, is a state of altered nutrition, an increased vascularity and sensibility of the parts involved, together with a tendency to change of structure. The symptoms are swelling, pain, heat, and redness where the parts are not covered with hair. The redness is in consequence of a redundancy of blood in the inflamed part, which distends the small capillaries with red particles of blood. When the inflammation is acute, the parts present a bright red or crimson hue ; when it is chronic, they are of a dark or purplish red color. As the various terms employed by authors to indicate the various degrees are unin- teresting to the general reader, no attempt at detail is here made. The sensation of pain is mainly due to a stretching of the nerves by the distended blood-vessels. It differs in its char- acter and intensity according to the parts involved, varying from a burning, throbbing, sharp, and lacerating pain to a mere sense of heat, soreness, and a dull sensation of pain. The heat in inflammation is supposed to arise from an increased quantity of blood in the inflamed part. The swelling in the early stage is due to the increased quantity of blood, and 232 SORE THROAT. afterward to the effusion which takes place in all loose tissues. By inflammation all the various structures of the animal economy may be so altered as to interfere with the perform- ance of their natural functions ; in some cases by a permanent thickening of the parts, and in others by adhesion and the like. By the aid of auscultation, that is, the application of the ear to the parts to be examined, the slightest change in the normal and healthy condition of the respiratory organs may be detected, and the various parts involved in inflammatory action may be pointed out with a considerable degree of cer- tainty. With thus much of introduction we proceed to the consideration of the various diseases naturally falling under our present division. SORE TEEOAT. Sore throat is a common attendant upon catarrhal affec- tions. When it is confined to that portion of the throat at the root of the tongue, which is known to medical men as the larynx, I§| it is called laryng- itis ; and this part is the common seat of this dis- ease, from which it extends down THE SADDLE HORSE. . t , t the trachea, or windpipe, to the lungs. As long as the throat remains very sore, it is a pretty good evidence that the lungs are not affected. SORE THROAT. 233 This disease may exist either in an acute, sub-acute, or chronic form. When acute, its management is simple and usually suc- cessful ; but if it is neglected in this early stage, it not unfre- quently proves troublesome, and in some cases leaves the animal permanently unsound, terminating in wheezing, whist- ling, roaring, or broken- windedness. The symptoms of sore throat are easily detected by the or- dinary observer. According to the intensity of the disease there is an accumulation of saliva in the mouth, clear, thick, and stringy, more particularly when the tongue is swollen ; a stiffness of the head, the horse coughing upon the slightest pressure on the larynx; difficulty in swallowing, more par- ticularly hard grain or hay, and a consequent refusal of food altogether; a short, hard cough; more or less copious dis- charges from the nose, as the disease advances ; an accelerated pulse, frequently rising to ninety or one hundred pulsations in a minute ; mouth hot, with considerable fever accompanying. For treatment, app]y strong mustard, mixed with water to the thickness of cream, to the throat, rub it well in, and repeat as often as may be necessary ; or poultice the part with flaxseed meal for several days, and sprinkle on the tongue a teaspoonful of common table salt three or four times a day, which in ordinary cases is all the treatment which will be necessary for the acute type of the disease. The attention of the veterinary surgeon is more frequently called to chronic forms of this disease, in which, though no swelling of the parts is usually perceptible, a pressure upon the larynx at once excites a hard cough. In this stage of the disease much relief will be obtained by the application of a blister, prepared as follows : Pulverized cantharides (Spanish 234 STRANGLES. flies) half an ounce ; of lard, one and a half ounces ; mixed well, and as thin as may be desired with spirits of turpentine. This must be well rubbed in, and after it has acted thoroughly, dress with sweet oil or lard. STBAN-GLES. This is but another form or stage of laryngitis. The throat becomes enormously swollen, the swelling extending under the jaws and up to the very ears, threatening suffocation ; then respiration becomes much disturbed ; the flanks heave violently, and the breathing can be heard at a considerable distance ; the animal begins to sweat from his frequently convulsive efforts to breathe, and, if not speedily relieved, dies a most violent death. Life may be saved by the veterinary surgeon at this crisis by the operation of bronchotomy, that is, by opening the windpipe, and inserting a tube through which the animal may breathe instead of through the nose. This operation affords instant relief, and gives an opportunity to apply remedies to the diseased throat, which in a few days usually effect a cure, when the tube may be removed. The author has never lost a case where he has resorted to this operation. The early treatment of this disease is to poultice the throat well with flaxseed meal, commonly called cake-meal or oil-cake, using salt upon the tongue as before. Mustard plasters are also very effective, and steaming the nostrils frequently affords relief. As soon as the swelling permits, it should be lanced ; and when it has once discharged freely, the animal may be considered out of danger, provided proper care be taken to guard against a relapse. A seton applied between the jaws CHRONIC COUGH. 235 often relieves ; but these cases are safer in the hands of a com- petent surgeon. Under no circumstances of this disease should the animal be bled. Malignant or putrid sore throat, is fortunately but little known in the United States, the author not being aware of its existence in any portion. Cases presenting somewhat similar symptoms have been found upon examination to differ in a marked degree from those which accompany this form of disease as they are laid down in the works of foreign authors. A detailed description of this type of the disease is therefore deemed unnecessary in the present treatise. CHKONIC COUGH. This arises from various causes, and is present in a number of diseases. It is often symptomatic of some affection of the lungs and air passages ; and it sometimes exists apparently as an independent affection, the animal thriving well, and retain- ing unimpaired his appetite and spirits. If it arises from irritation of the larynx, or upper part of the throat, a few applications of mustard will be beneficial ; if from worms in the stomach or intestines, treat as directed under the head of " Worms." If it exists without any appar- ent connection, or as the termination of disease previously existing, give every night in a bran mash one of these pow- ders : of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol), digitalis (fox-glove), pulverized squills, nitre, and camphor, each one ounce ; to be made into ten powders. Green food, as carrots, potatoes, turnips, or parsnips, should be given when procurable. 236 CATARRH. CATAEEH. This disease, commonly called a cold, is confined in ordinary- cases to the lining membrane of the nose and neighboring parts ; but in severe cases the inflammation sometimes extends down the air passages to the lungs, frequently resulting fatally. In the spring of the year this disease frequently appears in an epi- zootic form, when the symptoms are more alarming and the termination more generally fatal. If the inflammation is confined to the nostrils, the membrane lining those cavities is reddened, a thin watery or mucous dis- charge from the nostrils takes place, accompanied with frequent sneezing ; if the larynx is involved, there are cough, swellings underneath the jaws, etc. Some authors recommend bleeding in this affection; but such an abuse of the lancet can do no good, and is often productive of much harm. If the symptoms are slight, one of the follow- ing powders given night and morning will be all that is re- quired : of saltpetre two ounces ; of pulverized Jamaica ginger one ounce ; mixed, and divided into eight powders. If there is swelling under the jaws, poultice the throat with flaxseed meal ; if much discharge from the nostrils, steam them well with boil- ing water poured upon bran. If the inflammation exhibits any tendency to extend down the windpipe, apply a blister all along the neck over the windpipe from the throat to the breast, giving one of the following balls night and morning ; of nitrate of potassa and pulverized gentian root, each one ounce ; Jamaica ginger and caraway seeds, each half an ounce ; mix with molasses and divide into six balls. If the discharge from the nose continues, the animal losing flesh, and the appetite being INFLUENZA. 237 impaired, give one of the following powders in the feed night and morning : sulphate of copper one ounce ; pulverized gentian root one and a half ounces ; pulverized ginger six drachms ; mix and divide into eight powders. Good wholesome food only should be given. DISTEMPER. All catarrhal affections are classed by horse-owners under the common head of distemper. Common catarrh, epizootic or epidemic catarrh, laryngitis, bronchitis, and all other diseases accompanied by nasal discharges, are regarded by horsemen generally as one and the same disease. INFLUENZA. For several years past a disease has been more or less preva- lent in various sections of the United States, known to the veterinary profession as 7* epizootic (epidemic) ca- tarrh, or influ- enza. The symptoms of this disease I are so various in different animals, no two being precisely alike, that a vari- ety of opinions are current QUIET ENJOYMENT. J ? concerning it and its nature, and, as a consequence, various other diseases are often confounded with it. 238 INFLUENZA. In the year 1855, this disease made its appearance in the stables of one of the largest omnibus proprietors in Philadel- phia, and some nine horses died in about two weeks. These were supposed to have been foundered, and were treated for that disease. A careful examination, however, by a competent practitioner revealed the true nature of the disease, and under proper treatment the balance of the stock was saved. Shortly after the demand for veterinary surgeons was very great, and while they saved forty-eight out of every fifty cases, the farrier lost almost every case he attempted to treat, principally from his too common practice of bleeding and purging ; thus reducing the system so low that nature became exhausted. This disease is called by horsemen pink-eye distemper, and is by many regarded incurable, though the author knows of no disease that more readily yields to proper treatment, and in his own practice he has been eminently successful in accomplishing a cure. It commences with slight watery or thin mucous dis- charges from the nostrils ; matter collecting in the inner corner of the eyes ; eye-lid on the inner side of a very slight or yellow- ish red color; pulse feeble, with occasional paralysis of the hind extremities ; sore throat ; excessive debility ; membrane of the nose much reddened ; hard cough ; heart sometimes vio- lently agitated ; flanks heaving ; and feet sometimes hot ; thus producing all the symptoms of founder. For treatment, never bleed, as in nine cases out of ten, the animal dies. If inflammation runs high, as it sometimes does, use for several days the following : of tartar emetic and nitrate of potash, each two drachms, made into a ball with molasses and given at night. Give also in a pail of water one ounce of spirits of nitre twice a day ; or, if more convenient, two drachms INFLUENZA. 23£ of the extract of belladonna (nightshade) dissolved in the water. When the inflammation is reduced, give one of the following balls night and morning : of pulverized gentian root and nitrate of potassa, each an ounce ; pulverized Jamaica ginger, half an ounce ; ground fenugreek seeds six drachms ; mix with molasses, and divide into eight balls. In pure cases of debility (this being one of the serious symptoms of the disease), or in the early stages, previous to extensive inflammation being established, one of the following should be given twice a day : — sulphate of iron (green vitriol) two ounces ; pulverized ginger one ounce ; pulverized gentian root two ounces ; mix with molasses, and divide into eight balls. In cases where the lungs are affected, give theTollowing ball twice a day : of tartar emetic and pulver- ized digitalis (foxglove) each one scruple ; nitrate of potash three drachms; mix with molasses. Linseed tea, or oat-meal gruel should be given frequently. No hay should be given, unless the bowels are in good condition. If the liver is affected — - which may be known by the yellow tinge of the mucous mem- brane, dung small and hard, horse lying on his side, and occa- sionally looking at his side as if in pain, with occasional fits of uneasiness — the following may be given, but must not be re- peated ; of Barbadoes aloes three drachms, calomel and pulver- ized digitalis each half a drachm ; make into a ball with molasses. In all these cases where there is soreness or swelling of the throat, the parts should be freely blistered ; and the sides also, if the lungs are involved. This mode of treatment has proved very successful in the author's practice. 240 BRONCHITIS. BRONCHITIS. The larynx (upper part of the windpipe), the trachea (wind- pipe), and the bronchial tubes (branches from the trachea into the lungs for the passage of air), are lined by one continuous membrane, called the mucous membrane, which secretes a thin mucous substance that always keeps the parts soft and moist. When this membrane becomes inflamed, the disease is named according to its location. If it is confined to the larynx (as has been before observed), it is termed laryngitis ; if to the windpipe, trachitis ; and if to the bronchial tubes, bronchitis. The trachea and bronchia are rarely diseased separately, the Inflammation generally extending from one to the other. We shall therefore treat of bronchitis as embracing trachitis like- wise. Even this disease rarely exists unmixed with others, in consequences of which it is often overlooked, or confounded with other diseases of a pulmonary character. Bronchitis is generally preceded by a shivering fit ; mouth hot, with more or less saliva ; discharge from the nose ; cough ; sore throat ; fever ; short breathing ; loss of appetite ; accele- rated pulse ; and membrane of nose and eyelids reddened. In treating this disease it is much safer to call in the veteri- nary surgeon, in consequence of the difficulty which the ordi- nary observer will experience in distinguishing it from other pulmonary diseases, and from the fact that the treatment varies with the changes that take place in the progress of the disease. It is not necessarily fatal ; yet the most trifling neg- lect or mistake in treatment may make it so. The average loss, if proper treatment is pursued, is not more than five per cent. Resort should never be had to bleeding in any form which the NASAL GLEET. 241 disease may assume, although such treatment has been recom- mended by the highest authorities. If much fever is present, give the following ball : of nitre two drachms ; pulverized digitalis and tartar emetic each half a drachm ; solution of gum arabic sufficient to make the ball. This may be repeated if the desired effect is not produced in twelve hours. Apply to the throat, sides, and along the spine, strong mustard mixed with water to the consistence of cream, which may be repeated as often as necessary. The fly blister is also recommended ; but the author prefers mustard, as being so much quicker in its action. After the inflamma- tion has subsided, give one of the following powders twice a day : of pulverized gentian root and nitre, each one ounce ; pulverized Jamaica ginger, half an ounce ; caraway seeds six drachms. This course of treatment is perfectly safe in the hands of any horseman, though it will not reach all stages of the disease ; nor can any general directions be given better calculated to warrant a successful issue in these cases. 3STASAL GLEET. ''Nasal gleet is the name here given to those discharges from the nose, which are commonly preceded by some inflammatory or catarrhal attack of the air passages, in particular those of the head ; though there occur examples of their appearing without any such detectible precursors, originating, indeed, without any visible or apparent cause whatever ; in most cases they are apt to continue long after all signs of inflammation have died away. Gleet is more likely to supervene after a chronic, than after an acute, attack of catarrh, and to show itself in an 16 242 NASAL GLEET. adult or aged horse rather than in the young subject. Some- times the discharge comes from one nostril alone ; more usually from both. Sometimes the submaxillary glands (glands under the jaws), remain tumefied, and sometimes they are not. The Schneiderian membrane (membrane of the nose) discolored by inflammatory action, has become pallid and leaden-hued, but is free from all pustular or ulcerative indications. The dis- charged matter varies in quantity and quality in different in- dividuals, and even in the same horse at different stages of this disease. The ordinary gleet consists of a matter more mucous than purulent, remarkable for its whiteness, about the thickness of cream, and in some cases is smooth and uniform, in others clotty or lumpy ; in other cases it is yellow, and appears to contain in its composition more pus than mucus. At one time it will collect about the nostrils, and become ejected in flakes or masses in pretty regular succession ; at another time there is a good deal of irregularity in this re- spect, the running from the nose ceasing altogether for a while, as though the animal were cured, and then returning with double or treble force. Sometimes fetor is an offensive accompaniment of the discharge ; at other times no fetor is perceptible. The health does not suffer in the least ; on the contrary, it is one of the indications of this disease, that the horse eats and drinks, and has his spirits, as well as though he were quite free from complaint. Formerly, these cases were considered to be evidences of glanders, and were called chronic glanders ; many a horse having been destroyed under this mistaken impression. That a case of the kind might not turn to glanders, is, perhaps, more than can be asserted with certainty ; but that, so long as PNEUMONIA. 243 it continues gleet, it is not glanders, I am fully persuaded ; and to show that it is not, I have been in more than one in- stance successful in bringing the case to a favorable issue." [Percival's Hippopathology.] The treatment recommended by veterinary writers has not been found successful in the author's practice ; nor, indeed, do they themselves appear to have encountered any better for- tune. That which has proved efficacious has, in all cases, been strictly tonic. Give the following powder night and morning for a month : of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol), half a drachm ; pulverized gentian root, two drachms ; pulverized ginger, one drachm j mix for one dose : or, give night and morning, mixed in the feed, half-drachm doses of powdered nux vomica (commonly called Quaker button). There is no danger in giving this preparation to a horse, provided he does not have water for some time afterward, say half an hour ; and it very rarely fails. PNEUMONIA. By pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, is meant either a highly congested or an inflammatory condition of the lungs, arising from various causes, as high feeding, blanketing, close or badly ventilated stables, violent or extraordinary exercise, or sudden changes from heat to cold. Cold applied to the external surface of a heated animal drives the blood from the skin to the internal organs, often causing congestion of the lungs. Pulmonary diseases are more prevalent in the spring and fall, particularly if the w T eather be cold and damp. This disease is generally ushered in by a shivering fit ; the horse is sometimes attacked very suddenly ; he refuses his food ; 244 PNEUMONIA. the respiration becomes disturbed, sometimes suddenly, at other times more slowly ; legs, ears, and muzzle cold ; cough sometimes present ; staring coat ; membrane of nose reddened or leadened-hued ; the animal hangs his head in or under the manger, stands with his feet wide apart, remaining in one position with no inclination to move. The pulse varies very much ; it is sometimes full and quick, at other times weak and scarcely perceptible. In these cases auscultation is found of the greatest advantage in enabling one to ^ ___J g| detect to a certainty the true c ondi- iHl =j tion of the parts affected. If the |p attack is sudden, jl! coming on after )B§§8jf any violent exer- jgf cise, and the pulse is jj| quick, weak, and scarce- ly perceptible ; by the THE trotting horse Lexington. application of the ear to the animal's side the case is decided, in the absence of all sounds, to be one of conges- tive pneumonia. In all these cases the less medicine which is used the better; they require the free use of the lancet, which must be promptly applied, or the animal dies. Blood must be taken until the animal begins to show symptoms of weakness; after which place him in a cool box with a pail of water, but nothing else, before him, the fresh air being all the medicine required. He will either speedily re- cover, or inflammation of the lungs will ensue. A second bleeding, notwithstanding the inflammatory action, is positively PLEURISY. 245 injurious. As the disease assumes an inflammatory character, the breathing becomes more disturbed, the mouth hot, flanks heaving, and the nostrils expand and contract violently. Blisters must now be applied to the sides and breast, and those which will act quickly. The author prefers the follow- ing : of pulverized cantharides half an ounce ; lard one ounce ; croton oil twenty drops ; linseed oil sufficient to make it liquid. Divide the following into five parts, and give one part internally every two hours : liquor ammonia acetatis twelve ounces ; extract of belladonna one ounce ; water one pint. If there is no improvement in twelve hours, give one scruple of white hellebore with three drachms of nitre every four hours until its action is manifest. This remedy, however, is a dangerous one in the hands of any but the qualified prac- titioner. Instead of it, the tincture of aconite may be used — indeed, it is one of the very best remedies. Take of tincture of aconite half an ounce to an ounce of water ; give twenty drops on the tongue every three hours. Active purgatives should not be given ; injections, however, are very useful. The horse should be kept on a low diet for a few days, as bran mashes, carrots, or green food ; but no hay should be allowed, and a pail of water should be kept before him. This is regarded by the author in all inflammatory diseases as one of our best medicines. PLEUEISY. By pleurisy is meant an inflammation of the pleura, or mem- brane covering the lungs and internal walls of the chest, without the lungs being involved in the inflammation ; when, however, they partake of its inflammatory action, it is styled pleuro- 246 PLEURISY. pneumonia. The former disease rarely exists in a pure form ; and as in a work like the present it is unnecessary to consider the delicately drawn distinctions between the two types, both will be treated as if they constituted in reality but one disease. Pleurisy may exist in an acute or chronic form. The attack may be sudden, or gradual, the animal manifesting indisposi- tion several days previous. A hard drive, over-exertion, exposure to cold, washing in cold water when warm, a fall, fracture of a rib, a punctured wound, &c, are all causes of pleurisy. The horse manifests uneasiness ; there is a violent heaving of the flanks, a looking round at his sides, with an anxious expres- sion of the face ; pulse quick and wiry ; body, mouth, and breath hot ; sweating in different parts of the body ; a high state of nervous irritation, the animal pawing, lying down but rising immediately ; a pressure against the side causes pain. A pecu- liar symptom is observable in this disease ; the right fore-leg differs in temperature from the left, and such is the case with the hind ones ; if the right fore-leg is warm, the left hind one will also be warm, and the others cold. Experience proves that blood-letting in this disease is only opening the vein to let life escape ; for if by this means we suc- ceed in relieving the inflammatory action, the loss of blood so prostrates the system that the animal from pure debility becomes the victim of hydrothorax, or dropsy of the chest, living a mis- erable life for several weeks, perhaps months, to die at last from the accumulation of fluid in the chest. Bleeding, therefore, is uncalled for, and in fact is positively injurious. The early ap- plication of blisters to the sides is very important ; and for this purpose the same preparation will be found serviceable as has HYDROTHORAX. 24f been recommended in the case of inflammation of the lungs. The application of blankets saturated with hot water and kept round the body for several hours is very beneficial. Give one of the following powders on the tongue every hour : — of calomel one drachm ; lactucarium (the juice of the common garden lettuce) two drachms ; divide into three powders. In two hours after giving the last powder, give the following drench : liquor ammonia acetatis four ounces ; sulphuric ether one ounce ; tincture of aconite ten drops ; water one pint. If no improve- ment takes place within six hours, give half a drachm of the extract of belladonna in a pail of water every three hours ; con- tinue this until the pupils of the eye dilate, or a favorable change otherwise takes place. If the pulse is weak, give two ounces of nitrous ether; one ounce tincture of opium ; and half a pint of tepid water ; but do not repeat the dose. The ani- mal must be kept upon a low diet ; no hay or corn should be given ; carrots and green food may be used sparingly ; give water frequently ; injections of soap and water are necessary from the first attack. After the animal becomes convalescent, strong tonics must be given, as the case may even then terminate in dropsy of the chest. Nux vomica should be given in half- drachm doses in the feed at night ; or half-drachm doses of the iodide of potassa dissolved in a pail of water may be given three times a dav. HYDEOTHOEAX. Dropsy of the chest, or hydrothorax, is usually the termina- tion of pleurisy in cases where bleeding or long-continued seda^ tive medication has been practised. The fluid contained within the chest, if following an acute attack of pleurisy, is a beauti- 248 THICK WIND. fully clear, bright yellow fluid. In sub-acute cases there is considerable lymph floating in it, thus rendering it turbid. The quantity varies in different cases, from a quart or two to several gallons. In this disease the animal stands with legs straddling ; the breathing is short and quick, and as the water accumulates the respiration becomes more labored ; pulse small and quick ; stag- gering gait; breast, belly, and sheath swelled, leaving after pressure the impression of the fingers ; if the ear is applied to the side, no sounds are heard. No course of treatment can be suggested which would be likely to succeed in the hands of the amateur ; this disease far too often proving fatal in the most skillful hands. THICK WIND. This disease differs in its action and effects from broken wind or heaves, though they are frequently confounded. It is cha- racterized by a quickened respiration, in consequence of the obstruction existing in the air passages as the termination of inflammatory action. The capacity of the lungs is often very considerably diminished ; the air-cells become filled up or obli- terated ; and the bronchial tubes become thickened ; so that the same amount of atmospheric air cannot be admitted, thus giving rise to the quick, blowing action witnessed in this disease. "It is astonishing," says Mr. Spooner, "what great alteration of the structure of the lungs may exist, and the horse be still able to perform his accustomed work. I remember a horse that for some months worked in a fast coach, doing a stage of twelve miles daily in about an hour and a quarter. He was seized with inflammation of the lungs, and died in about sixteen hours. BROKEN WIND. 249 On examining the body after death, it appeared that one half of the lungs for a long time past must have been perfectly useless, for the purposes of respiration, being so completely hepatized as to be heavier than water." But little can be done in the way of treatment for a thick- winded horse. It is important to keep the bowels regular; and by feeding with good sweet provender some relief is usually afforded . ROARING AND WHISTLING. There are different stages of the same disease, arising from a thickening of the windpipe, or of the membranes of the larynx, rendering the passages smaller at the diseased parts. These diseases are generally the termination of neglected bronchitis, laryngitis, and all diseases of a pulmonary or catarrhal cha- racter ; ulceration of the glottis (a portion of the larynx) is also a cause of roaring. If these diseases are caused by tight reining, the bearing rein should be left off; if they arise from other causes, there is but little prospect of benefiting the animal, except in cases where the thickened parts are in an inflammatory condition, when relief will be afforded by the application of mustard plasters or fly blisters to the parts affected. BROKEN WIND. The cause of broken wind, or heaves, has never been satis- factorily ascertained ; some writers attributing it to functional derangement of the digestive organs, others to rupture of the air-cells of the lungs, while yet a third class to a spasmodic action of the diaphragm, a muscle dividing the chest from the THE ATTACK AND DEFENSE. 250 BROKEN WIND. abdomen. In this disease there is a short dry cough, which is characteristic, and familiar to all practised ears. It is a singular fact, well known to all H Western horse-owners, that this disease has jj no existence on the prairies of Indiana, Illinois, and other Western States ; and broken- winded horses that have been taken to those sec- tions soon get well, and re- main so. The symptoms of this dis- ease are, a peculiar, double- bellows motion of the flanks; respiration quicker than natural; a short peculiar cough ; and frequent passing of wind. In its treatment the digestive organs should be kept in as healthy a condition as possible. The throat should be ex- amined ; and if by merely rubbing the sides of the throat a cough is excited, the chances for a cure are favorable ; but if the windpipe requires a squeeze in order to produce the cough, there is little use in attempting a cure. Use upon the throat three times a week for five or six weeks the following salve well rubbed in : iodine ointment two ounces ; blue (mercurial) oint- ment one ounce ; mix well together, and make thin with oil. Give internally every night one of the following powders : of sulphate of copper and pulverized ginger, each one ounce ; pul- verized gentian root two ounces ; divide into sixteen powders. The benefits of this course of treatment have been very marked in the author's practice. In all cases no hay should be allowed, but wheat or oat straw will be found of great advantage. INFLAMMATION OP THE STOMACH. 251 DISEASES OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. IISTFIiAMMATION OF THE STOMACH. Inflammation of the stomach, or gastritis, is usually the result of swallowing poisons, or powerful stimulants. Mr. James Clark relates a case of death occurring from inflammation of the stomach in a horse in consequence of being drenched with a pint of vinegar ; and another case where death was caused by giving a drench which contained half an ounce of spirits of hartshorn. A correspondent writing to the Turf Register in 1855, recommends the use of nux vomica, to destroy worms ; to which the editor appends the following remarks : — " We must caution those not acquainted with the deleterious proper- ties of nux vomica against giving that drug in large doses. Three nuts or buttons weigh eighty grains, and we have re- corded evidence that sixty grains of the powder have killed a horse in a short time. Hoffman mentions that two doses, of fifteen grains each, proved fatal to the patient." The cause of these fatal terminations was doubtless some morbid condition of the stomach at the time the medicine was given. " I have known," says White, "a horse quickly destroyed by being drenched with a quart of beer in which one or two ounces of tobacco had been infused, and have seen other horses take much larger doses without any ill effects." The author has known cases where bots were supposed to have given rise to inflammation of the stomach. The symptoms from poisoning are extreme distress and rest- lessness, with a perfect loathing of all food ; the animal breaks out in cold sweats, lies down but rises quickly, and becomes 252 INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. quickly prostrated in strength ; the pulse is quick and oppressed; purging may, or may not, exist. The treatment will depend upon the cause of the attack, and should in all cases be intrusted to the hands of a competent practitioner, if one can be obtained. Where poison is sus- pected, it is better to give plenty of gruel, linseed tea, starch water, chalk water, with a couple of ounces of tincture of opium. The lancet should not be used, as the animal is already in a debilitated condition, which bleeding would only increase, thereby preventing the possibility of a speedy recovery. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. Enteritis, or inflammation of the bowels, called by farriers red colic, admits of three divisions : enteritis, or inflammation of the muscular coat of the intestines ; peritonitis, or inflamma- tion of the outer coat of the intestines and the membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen ; and dysentery, or inflammation of the inner or mucous coat of the intestines. The muscular and peritoneal coats are those usually involved in inflammation of the bowels ; but the muscular is more fre- quently involved than the peritoneal coat. The causes of this disease are washing when warm, or swimming in a river, drink- ing cold water when in a heated condition, over exertion, cos- tiveness, dry food such as hay with little water, worms, calcareous concretious, and metastasis. The disease is sometimes preceded by a shivering fit ; there is loss of appetite ; hot skin ; continued restlessness ; mouth hot and dry ; membranes of nose and eyes very much reddened ; pawing ; the animal lies down and gets up frequently, kicks at his belly, looks frequently at his sides ; no cessation of pain ; pulse hard, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. 253 small, and wiry, often beating one hundred times or more a minute ; respiration quickened ; bowels constipated ; dung small, hard, and dry ; extremities cold ; and the urine highly colored and passed with difficulty. As the disease progresses, the in- tensity of the symptoms very much increases. The animal is now covered with perspiration, which is succeeded by a chilly state ; the pulse becomes quicker ; the belly begins to swell ; the entire system becomes prostrated, and the animal dies, frequently in the most violent manner. These cases require prompt and active treatment, for the disease runs its course very rapidly, often terminating in the course of ten or twelve hours. If the costiveness yields early, the pulse becomes less frequent, soft, and full ; the extremities regain a moderate temperature, attended with remission of pain, and the case will be likely to have a favorable termina- tion. It is important that this disease should be distinguished from an attack of colic, since the symptoms of one very much resemble those of the other ; the pulse, however, is the surest guide in distinguishing these diseases. The ordinary mode of treating colic would be highly injurious in the treatment of inflammation of the bowels. In this disease copious bleedings are necessary. A large opening should be made in the jugular vein, and from six to eight quarts of blood taken, the quantity varying with the size and condition of the animal ; the hardened dung should be removed by back-raking, after which tobacco-smoke injec- tions are of great service ; where these are not convenient, injections of soap and water may be used, or, what is better, an injection of two gallons of water with six ounces of tincture of arnica. One pint of linseed oil may now be given ; and if the 254 INFLAMMATION OP THE BOWELS. case be a very severe one, and likely to terminate in death unless relief be afforded, ten drops of croton oil may be added to the drench ; but this last preparation should not be given except in very desperate cases, as of life or death. Aloes should not be given unless combined with opium ; and even then this treatment is not advisable. Blankets well saturated with hot water should be applied to the abdomen, and kept up for two or three hours ; the legs should be well rubbed with cayenne pepper or strong mus- tard, and bandaged with strips of flannel ; if there is no im- provement in the course of four or five hours, give one drachm of chloroform in one pint of linseed oil, which may, if neces- sary, be followed in two hours by the following ball, mixed with molasses : one drachm of pulverized opium ; half a drachm of calomel ; and two drachms of linseed meal. The injections should be continued throughout ; give linseed tea to drink, instead of water ; soft mashes and new grass, if obtainable, may be given sparingly, but no hay, until the bowels are opened. The animal should not be worked for some days after recovery, as this disease is apt to return if he is put to work or exposed too soon. An attack of this character does not necessarily render the animal less useful or valuable after his restoration to health. Peritonitis differs but little from enteritis. The horse is more affected with pain ; the pawing, rolling, and kicking at the belly are most violent; the eye is wild in appearance; tenderness is evinced on pressing the abdomen ; the pulse is full and throbbing ; the dung is small and hard, and covered with a slimy substance. The same course of treatment should be pursued as is recommended for enteritis. DIARRHOEA. 255 Dysentery (molten grease, or inflammation of the intestines), is often confounded with diarrhoea. It is sometimes accom- panied with purging, but this is by no means an invariable symptom. The most common causes are irritation, translation or obstructed perspiration, and the administration of improper purging medicines, causing undue irritation, which terminates in inflammation. The animal usually evinces but little pain ; the pulse is quick and small ; there is sometimes purging, with great prostration of strength. The belly should be well rubbed with the following wash : half a pound of strong mustard ; four ounces of spirits of ammonia ; and one pint of water. The following drink may be given every three hours until some improvement is ob- served, when it should be discontinued at once : of prepared chalk and tincture of ginger each one ounce ; powdered opium one drachm ; tincture of catechu half an ounce ; tincture of red pepper two drachms ; and one pint of water. Throw up injections of two ounces of laudanum in half a pint of water, frequently, and give thin gruel to drink. No blood should be taken under any circumstances. DIARRHCEA. This disease often arises in the absence of any inflammatory action upon the mucous surface of the intestines ; and hence the distinction cannot be made by the ordinary observer be- tween it and dysentery, if purging should be present. In order to obviate this difficulty we recommend only such reme- dies as are calculated to answer either case, without the pos- sibility of doing injury by- the administration of medicines. 256 INORDINATE APPETITE. The causes of diarrhoea are over-exertion, exposure to cold, drinking freely of pump or spring water, and over doses of physic. For treatment, give in one pint of thin gruel, one ounce of pre- p are d chalk, half an PS -ounce of tinc- of GMAR PASHA, THE TURKISH CHIEFTAIN. ^^^ss^^^i opium, and one ounce of tincture of g ginger. Gruel, starch, or arrow- root should be freely given ; good sweet hay is very advantageous, but no grass or bran mashes should be allowed. iarosDiarATE appetite. Loss of appetite is soon observed aud complained of by the horse-owner, and in too many instances gives occasion for im- proper medication. Some horses are particularly choice in the selection of their food, refusing that which is poor, or daintily and languidly picking it over. Horses sometimes eat slowly and daintily in consequence of weakness of the diges- PALSY OF THE STOMACH. 25 7 tire organs ; in such cases a handful of camomile flowers occa- sionally mixed in the food will be of great benefit. Boiled potatoes and the like will also be found beneficial in such cases. The disease (for it is no less) of a voracious or depraved appetite arises from a morbid condition of the digestive organs, and is generally regarded by horsemen as a very desir- able feature. The owner is greatly surprised, under such cir- cumstances, that his animal does not thrive. A distinction must be made between a healthy and a morbid appetite. The former is indicated by the animal being ready for his food as soon as he comes in from work, and eating his allowance, if good sweet provender, with evident relish ; but the latter is indicated by a constant craving for food and water, without regard to the quality of either, the animal oftentimes in addi- tion to his usual allowance eating up the litter from under him, which is frequently in a very filthy condition. He is almost constantly craving water, and will drink even from a stagnant pool. We find him tucked up in the flanks, or carry- ing a big belly ; his dung is often soft, slimy, and fetid ; he stales largely, and his urine is often very foul ; he is dull, lazy, and stupid, performing his work languidly or unwillingly. Such horses are more than any others subject to the disease next mentioned. PALSY OF THE STOMACH. In this disease, arising from a voracious appetite, the stomach becomes overloaded with food, and distended beyond its natural capacity. This is seldom observed until the symp- toms are so plainly marked as not to be mistaken, developing 17 258 RUPTURE OF THE STOMACH. in many instances the disease known as stomach staggers, which has been already mentioned. There are rarely any symptoms of acute pain ; the pulse remaining in nearly its natural condition ; respiration is but slightly disturbed ; there is great heaviness of the head; the horse stands with the fore feet well under him, and appears to be weak in the knees ; the membranes of the mouth and eyes present a yellow or orange appearance, indicating the liver as involved in the disease ; the urine is highly colored ; and in some cases there is paralysis of the eye, and often of the extremities. The treatment required is much the same as in stomach staggers ; in fact, this disease is the origin of the last named. Attention should be directed in the first place to opening the bowels, which requires a strong cathartic, made in the follow- ing manner: of Barbadoes aloes one ounce; of pulverized gentian root two drachms; pulverized ginger one drachm; mix with molasses. Give no food for at least forty-eight hours ; a little water may be occasionally given. In twelve hours after the ball, give one scruple of calomel on the tongue, which may be repeated at intervals of twelve hours for two or three days. BTJPTUBE OF THE STOMACH. Rupture of the stomach or diaphragm is caused by the stomach and bowels being distended with food far beyond their natural capacity, or by an accumulation of gas in the stomach, as in flatulent colic. The diaphragm, or midriff, is often ruptured in cases of flatulence, as is the case also with the intestines. As nothing in the way of treatment can be offered in these cases, all speculation upon them is superfluous. CALCULUS, OR STONY* CONCRETIONS. 259 CALCULUS, OK STOlfY CONCRETIONS. Calculous deposits are not unfrequently fouud in the stomach, intestines, bladder, kidneys, liver, brain, and in the glands, more particularly in the salivary glands ; often giving rise to much difficulty, particularly when situated in the brain, salivary glands, or bladder. Stones in the stomach and intestines of the horse are quite common. The author has seen several weighing from one to three or four pounds ; and Mr. Spooner mentions one in his possession weighing little less than six pounds. There were found by the author in the stomach of a horse which died of colic, one hundred and fifty-one barrel nails, two buttons, and three small calculi. This horse belonged to a baker, and had been fed with the scrapings of the shop. The nails presented a very singular appearance, many of them being entirely covered with calculous deposits, and others covered with the same deposits on the heads and points, presenting a body with two heads. The presence of these foreign bodies in the stomach and intestines occasions frequent .attacks of colic, and sometimes produces inflammation of the bowels. Miller's horses are supposed to be most subject to these accumulations. These abdominal calculi generally have a metallic nucleus, are com- posed of the triple phosphates, and are generally round and smooth. When first taken from the intestines, they are of a brown or greenish color, but they soon become white. When a horse is subject to frequent attacks of colic, not occasioned by feeding upon corn, these accumulations may reasonably be suspected to be the cause. 260 STRANGULATION OF THE INTESTINES. HAIB BALL. Hair balls are occasionally found in the stomach and intes- tines of a horse, generally accumulating around a metallic nu- cleus. There are several in the possession of the author where a piece of iron is the nucleus, and one where a piece of coal afforded the same basis. These balls occasion the same disor- ders, preceded by the same symptoms, and followed by the same results as the calculus. The animal may recover from a number of attacks of colic, and die at last from the same cause. STEANGULATION OP THE INTESTINES. On examining horses after death from an attack of colic, the small intestines are occasionally found tangled in a knot so as to cause a complete obstruction in the passages. This gives rise to colic pains, terminating in inflammation of the bowels and death. The small intestines being but loosely attached by the peritoneum, their outer covering, have free play in all direc- tions, whence the tendency arises to these accidents ; for the author believes them to spring from accidental rather than natural causes. There may be a simple twisting, or the intes- tine may be firmly tied into a knot. There is another species, called intro-susception, or intra-sus- ception, which is a slipping of one portion of the intestines into, or inside of, another portion, thus completely blocking up the passage. There are no symptoms by which either of these conditions may be known ; and such cases are therefore treated as cases of ordinary colic, or of inflammation of the bowels, as the case may be. Where, however, such a condition of the parts exists, all treatment will be useless. SPASMODIC COLIC. 261 SPASMODIC COLIC. This disease, called by farriers gripes, cramp, fret, &c, is a cramp or spasm of the muscular structure of the intestines, most generally of the small ones. The most common causes are the application of cold water to the surface of the body, drinking cold water when in a heated condition, costiveness, stones in the intestines, hair ball, strictures of the intestines, unwholesome food, &c. The premonitory symptoms are sudden in their nature. The animal is first observed pawing violently, showing evident symp- toms of great distress, shifting his position almost constantly, and manifesting a desire to lie down. In a few minutes these symptoms disappear, and the animal is again easy. But the same uneasiness again returns, increasing in severity until the animal cannot be kept upon his feet; the pulse is full, but scarcely altered from the normal standard. As the disease ad- vances, the symptoms become more severe, the animal at times throwing himself with great force upon the ground as though he were shot, looking anxiously at his sides, sometimes snap- ping at them with his teeth, and striking his belly with his hind feet. The symptoms vary but little from those of inflammation of the bowels, the condition of the pulse and the remission of pain being the distinguishing features. The extremities are of a natural temperature ; there are frequent but ineffectual efforts to stale, and a cold sweat bedews the body. In this disease it is necessary to back-rake, and throw up the fundament injections of castile soap and water. Give internally two ounces of nitrous ether, one ounce of tincture of opium, and half a pint of water mixed, which may be repeated in twenty 262 FLATULENT COLIC. minutes with the addition of one ounce of tincture of aloes. Rub the belly well with mustard and water ; if in half an hour there is no improvement, and no symptoms of inflammation are present, give of lactucarium half an ounce, of Jamaica ginger half an ounce, and one pint of the best rum or gin ; shake well together, and give one-third with twice the quantity of water every hour until relief is obtained. FLATULENT COLIC. This is an accumulation of gas in the stomach and intestines, occurring more often in the spring and fall than at any other season. Horses fed on corn are most sub- ^"^^±=51^ ject to these attacks, in consequence of this llSSS^f^ z - stomach and intes- ^§32^=^= SIR ARCHY, THE GODOLPHIN OF AMERICA. tines to such an extent as to cause the diaphragm, or walls of the stomach to give way, and the death of the animal ensues. The author has known cases to terminate in death in less than half an hour from the observation of the first symptoms, so rapid is the course of this disease. The symptoms are the same in spasmodic colic, with the exception of the swelling of the abdomen. The same medicines are to be used, with the addi- tion of from one to two drachms of chloride of lime in each dose, worms. 263 according to the urgency of the symptoms. This, if given in time, will generally prove efficacious. Tincture of hartshorn and spirits of turpentine are recommended by some veterinary authors, and are excellent remedies ; but as much injury has been caused by their use by inexperienced persons, the author would not advise their use since the animal may be killed by an improper administration of them. WORMS. Four kinds of worms are found in the horse, viz : the lumbrici, which very much resemble the common earth-worm in form ; ascarides, so called from their supposed resemblance to a thread ; taenia, or tape-worm, of which variety but little is known, as it is very rare ; and, lastly, the persecuted bots, considered by farmers and horsemen the greatest of pests and the most dan- gerous of all the species. The lumbrici are most generally found in the small intestines, where they sometimes do much mischief by their irritating effects. The author was recently shown a very remarkable specimen of these worms by his friend, W. W. Fraley, Y. S. This specimen was some two yards long, consisting of a portion of the small intestines so completely filled with these worms as apparently to render it almost impossible for anything to pass through it, the worms having accumulated in thousands. These worms are from eight to ten inches in length, round and perfectly white. There appear to be two varieties of the lumbrici. The other variety is similar in form and length, but has numerous brown transverse lines, at about equal distances from each other, along its entire length. The ascarides are found in the large intestines, and are white 264 WOBMS. worms from one to three inches in length. It is a somewhat singular fact, that although these worms are usually found in the large intestines, their origin, apparently, is in the stomach of the horse. On opening horses after death, tumors are often found in the stomach, which upon being cut open will be found to contain either a thick whitish matter, or knots of small worms, from half an inch to an inch in length, of precisely the same appearance as that of the ascarides, and believed by the author to be identical with them. The symptoms of worms are a rough, harsh, staring coat ; irregular or depraved appetite ; a whitish, or yellowish white, shining substance sometimes observable about the fundament, accompanied by a disposition on the part of the animal to rub the tail ; breath occasionally hot and fetid ; and in some cases a dry, short cough. The animal becomes poor in flesh and spirits. Various modes of treatment have been adopted with but little benefit. The remedies which have become most popular are tartar emetic, calomel, turpentine, an infusion of Indian pink, arsenic, green vitriol, &c. That which has usually been found most successful in the author's practice is to give one of the fol- lowing powders for three successive nights ; of calomel three drachms ; of tartar emetic one drachm ; mix and divide into three powders. Twenty -four hours after, give the following purgative ball : of Barbadoes aloes six drachms ; pulverized ginger two drachms ; and pulverized gentian root one drachm. Oil of turpentine in doses of two ounces has been very highly recommended by some authors ; but this the author regards as a dangerous remedy, from its tendency to produce inflammation bots. 265 of the stomach or bowels. Too many horses have been killed by its destructive agency to render its use advisable. BOTS. These are the larvae of the gad-fly. During the summer months, when the horse is at grass, the parent fly is seen busily engaged in depositing its eggs upon the hairs of the animal in such places as are easily reached by his mouth. This seems to be an instinctive feature in this insect. The legs, shoulders, and body are the parts selected for this purpose. The gad-fly is seen hovering in an upright position when C0MM01f gad-fly or bot. about to deposit her egg ; she then darts upon the horse, fixing the egg to the hairs by means of a glutinous substance ; she again prepares another, which is deposited in like manner, until many hundreds are observed covering the hairs of the animal. The rapidity with which these eggs are prepared and deposited is astonishing. They are taken into the mouth by the animal biting or licking himself or his mate, and are hatched upon the tongue, or taken into the stomach and there hatched. If the eggs are recently produced, they pass into the stomach before they are hatched ; but if they remain for a considerable time upon the hairs, they are hatched by the warmth of the tongue, and they pass into the stomach, where they are developed. This fact may be easily and satisfactorily proven by taking the newly deposited egg in the hand, and then applying a warm fluid ; when it will be observed that the egg is softened or dis- solved, but does not produce the bot ; whereas, if the egg be 266 bots. old, it will hatch in the hand. The investigations of Mr. Bracy Clark, V. S., have thrown much additional light upon the natural history of these parasites. The dread entertained of this species of worms by farmers and horsemen arises from the fact that so many useless books have been published, purporting to be guides to the farmer and horseman, many of which attribute the death of a majority of horses to ravages of the bot, ' and give as symptoms of their presence those which characterize inflammation of the bowels, kidneys, blad- der, and the like. To this circumstance is to be attributed the vast distinction of life by drenching and physicking the animal for bots. Now, a rational view of the subject leads us but to one conclusion, viz., that eggs on the stomach of the horse is the natural habita- E01GS A HAIR. tion of the bot, and that it cannot be, or is not, MAGNIFIED - developed anywhere else. This being the case, it is reasonable to suppose that inasmuch as the animal apparently suffers no inconvenience from their presence in his stomach, they were intended to serve some good purpose, rather than to do mischief. Indeed, without going to the extreme of asserting, as does Mr. Clarke, that bots are " always harmless," it may be safely asserted as the unanimous opinion of veterinary sur- geons (farriers are not included), the world over, that they are comparatively harmless, and that when they do become injurious, it is almost always preceded by some morbid condition of the digestive organs. This may either arise from disease, or from enormous accumulations of bots, which are sometimes so great as to completely block up the pyloric orifice, or opening from the stomach into the intestines. BOTS. 267 CATERPII, FULL SIZE There are no symptoms by which the existence of bots is in- dicated, except it be in the spring, when they pass from the horse by the fundament, assuming again the form of a chrysa- lis to re-produce the parent fly. As has already been stated, the symptoms of other diseases, as iuflam- ^SBS mat i° n °f tne bowels, &c, are often assigned as indicat- v JS$^i ing the presence of bots, but although bots may some- times give rise to these conditions, it is worse than folly to jump at the probable cause in such cases and LAK > say that it is a case of bots because a horse looks at ZE. his sides and the like. When such an instance is encountered, no matter whether it arise from bots or not, the animal must be treated for the inflammation which is present. If we succeed in controlling it, and restoring the stomach to healthy action, the bots are no longer troublesome ; but if, on the contrary, we commence drenching the animal for bots, the chances are that we shall kill him. Morbid conditions of the stomach will sometimes so incom- mode these little creatures as to cause them to escape from their un- pleasant situation, which is com- monly effected by perforating the walls of the stomach and allowing the fluids to escape into the abdo- men, in which case no medical agent will save the animal's life. Fortu- nately, however, these cases but rarely occur. The author has met with but a solitary case in an experience of ten years where death could be attributed to the action of bots. We know, moreover, from frequent experiments that the CATERPILLAR OR LARVAE ADHERING TO THE LINING OF THE STOMACH. 268 DISEASES OP THE LIVER. horse bot is more tenacious of life than even the cat, which is ^-rflSSK^^^^ popularly endowed with nine lives. The jWll C live bot has been immersed in spirits of tur- * S^^^ pentine, alcohol, nitric and muriatic acid, and the bed gad-fly. many other equally powerful fluids, and yet he still adhered to life with marvelous tenacity. If, then, it were possible to detect the presence of bots by any marked symptoms, the attempt to remove them would certainly be hazardous to the life of the animal. The author has known cases of flatulent colic to be treated for bots, when, upon opening the stomach after the death which inevitably ensued, not a solitary bot was CATERPILLAR OP fo fe f fl> j fc ^jj fe j^ . ^^ ^ {r THE RED GAD-FLT. large cities, where horses are not indulged in a run at grass it is no unusual occurrence to find their stomachs entirely free from bots. DISEASES OF THE LITER. Diseases of the liver are of very common occurrence in the horse, although the singularity of the internal structure of that animal renders it less liable to jaundice than the human being. The horse possesses no gall-bladder ; instead of such a reservoir it has simply a gall-duct, called the hepatic duct, which enters that portion of the intestines called the duodenum about six inches from the stomach, so that the gall is emptied into the bowels as fast as it is secreted. Various opinions have been ex- pressed touching this singular arrangement in the liver of the horse, any examination of which would be out of place in the present work. We proceed therefore to the mention of such diseases as come apparently under the above head. INFLAMMATION OP THE LIVER. 269 INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVEB. Hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, does not generally exist as a primary affection, though it is frequently found as a sympathetic one, being not uncommonly connected with epi- demics, or epizootic diseases, particularly in that which is known to horsemen as pink-eye distemper. The most common cause of this disease is a fullness of blood, or a plethoric condition of the system, in consequence of which too much blood is sent to the liver; want of exercise, and too high feeding, particularly with corn, are also causes of inflam- mation of this important organ. The symptoms of this disease are more obscure than those of any other part, and the difficulty is materially enhanced by the inability of the animal to assist us with his tongue. Still, by close observation we can trace the symptoms with such a degree of accuracy as to render our treatment almost a cer- tainty. The mouth and breath are hot ; the extremities cold ; the membrane lining the eyelids highly injected, presenting an orange-red appearance ; the pulse rises from seventy to one hundred or more a minute, and is soft and full ; the appetite lost; the animal looks wistfully and deploringly at his sides; lies down, but gets up again directly ; the respiration at times is perfectly tranquil, at other times slightly disturbed, and at others again very much disturbed, and distressing to the ani- mal — so that, in fact, the amateur cannot be governed by this symptom, — there is usually much tenderness of the right side ; and the dung small, hard, and generally dark-colored. In the acute stage the animal is generally in a state of plethora, in consequence of which a small quantity of blood 270 JAUNDICE. may be taken to good advantage ; but in the absence of plethora he must not be bled ; a blister may be applied to the sides, or the application of creosote will be found serviceable. Injections of castile soap and water should be used occasion- ally until the bowels are opened. Give every four hours one of the following balls : of Barbadoes aloes six drachms ; calomel three drachms ; mix with molasses, and divide into twelve parts. Keep the body warm, and bandage the legs with flannel ; turn into a loose box stall, where the atmosphere is pure. When convalescent, give one of the following balls night and morning : of sulphate of iron two ounces ; pulver- ized gentian root one and a half ounces ; pulverized Jamaica ginger one ounce ; and pulverized anise seed one ounce : mix with molasses, and divide into sixteen parts. JAUNDICE. This disease depends upon an obstruction of the biliary ex- cretions, causing a yellow discoloration of the mucous mem- brane, fat, ligaments, and other tissues of the body; it will oftener be found in connection with other diseases than dis- tinct and independent of them, although it does occasionally exist in a pure or unmixed form, the symptoms of which are not at first observed by the horseman on account of their obscurity. The lining membranes of the eyelids and lips are of a yellow or orange color, extending even to the white of the eye ; the dung pale, small, and bally ; bowels generally constipated ; appetite lost or languid ; the animal hangs his head, is dull and mopy, and becomes very poor in flesh. HEPATIRRHGEA. 271 In the treatment of this disease the principal reliance is upon calomel j two drachms of which made into a bolus with flaxseed meal and molasses should be given, followed in twenty-four hours by a purging ball. The animal should have moderate exercise daily ; his body should be kept warm ; and if there be pain in the right side, apply a blister ; if necessary, the calomel may be repeated in scruple doses once a week. HEPATIERHCEA. This is a rupture of the peritoneal coat of the liver, and hemorrhage from it. It occurs most generally in aged horses, and is always preceded by structural derangement, or disorgani- zation which, from the obscurity of the symptoms escapes notice until it is too late for medical aid. The animal gener- ally does his work as usual until within a few hours of his death, keeping in full condition, and presenting to the eye of his owner no appearance of disease. The symptoms are so gradual in their development as to escape observation until the peritoneum, or covering of the liver, gives way, or becomes ruptured, from the great distension of the liver, when the blood flows freely into the abdominal cavity, giving rise to the most alarming symptoms, and the horse often dies within an hour after he is first discovered to be ill. The symptoms which are noticeable are suddenly developed, and generally appear immediately after eating or drinking. The animal will sometimes fall suddenly, and die in a few minutes, without having shown any previous indisposition ; at other times the respiration becomes hurried, the belly begins to swell, the pulse becomes gradually diminished and very feeble, partial or general sweating takes place, the animal 272 DECAYED STRUCTURE OP THE LIVER. walks with a tottering gait, the membranes lining the eyelids, lips, and nose, become blanched, indicating internal hemor- rhage, there is a vacant stare in the eye, with great prostra- tion of strength, which soon terminates in death. Upon opening the abdomen, it is found filled with dark venous blood in a fluid state, and the liver is several times its natural size, and exceedingly tender. Where it is possible to detect the existence of the disease in its incipient stages, calomel would be the appropriate remedy, as it is as justly entitled to rank as a specific for the diseases of the liver of the horse, as it is for those of his master — man. DECAYED STRUCTURE OP THE LIVER. This also is a disease of common occurrence, though like the other diseases of this organ, the symptoms, from their obscurity, are not well understood by the veterinary practi- tioner, but little attention having as yet been paid to its in- vestigation. The first symptoms noticed are loss of appetite ; surfeit ; the being hide-bound ; rough, staring coat ; food passing un- digested ; stools of a clay color ; prostration of strength ; readiness to sweat; pulse quick but feeble; respiration hur- ried; sometimes violent purging, after which the animal usually dies. Caution is necessary in the treatment of this variety of dis- eased liver. Bleeding must not be resorted to upon any con- sideration. In the absence of purging, give one of the fol- lowing balls every other day : of calomel half an ounce ; Bar- badoes aloes one ounce ; resin three ounces ; mix with molasses, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. 213 and divide into six balls. Upon the intermediate days give of sulphate of potash one and a half ounces ; carbonate of potash one ounce ; pulverized Jamaica ginger half an ounce ; linseed meal two ounces : mix with molasses, and divide into six balls. DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. INFLAMMATION" OP THE BLADDER. Inflammation of the bladder, or cystitis, is a disease of com- paratively rare occurrence in the horse, and generally is found in connection with other diseases. It is commonly supposed to occur more frequently in mares ; although the author's ex- perience has not confirmed this supposition. The symptoms are con- tinual emission of urine in small quantities ; the moment it enters the bladder it is again expelled, but voided with much straining; pulse accelerated ^ pawing ; the animal looks imploringly at SIRS his flanks ; and upon passing VIKGINIA MILL B0YS 0N A RACE ' the hand into the rectum, the bladder will be found contracted, and hard as a ball, being also hot and tender. For treatment, back-rake the animal in the first place, and then throw up injections of water, adding to every gallon three ounces of tincture of opium. Give internally one and a half 18 274 RETENTION OF URINE. pints of linseed oil, to which may be advantageously added one drachm of chloroform. Bathe the loins with the follow- ing mixture : of strong mustard, a quarter of a pound ; water, half a pint ; hartshorn, two ounces : mix thoroughly together, and rub it well in. Give half a drachm of lactucarium three times a day ; or, if more convenient, the extract of belladonna may be substituted. Give plenty of flaxseed tea ; if the animal refuses to drink it, drench him with it. No hay must be given until twenty-four hours after he becomes convalescent. This is one of the most dangerous diseases to which the horse is subject. BETENTXOiN" OF UEIlfE. This disease, technically known as spasm of the neck of the bladder, is found more frequently as an attendant upon other diseases than as an independent affection. It frequently occurs in colics as an accompanying symptom, thus misleading the ordinary observer in his judgment of the disorder. The most common symptom is frequent but unsuccessful efforts to stale. This, however, must not be depended upon too strongly ; as it will sometimes be observed in horses that are comparatively sound in these organs, particularly in those that have been well cared for. In such cases this temporary retention of urine arises from a dislike on the part of the jmiraal of splattering his legs in voiding his water ; hence he arill often retain it in the bladder, though painful to him, until $he litter is placed under him, when he at once stretches him- self, and the urine flows freely and copiously. This fact has given rise to a superstitious notion among horsemen, that there is some peculiar virtue in the straw to cause this sudden PROFUSE STALING. 275 cure ; as a consequence, we frequently hear the remark, " Put some straw under him — that will cure him," etc. If, however, retention of urine arises from disease, the straw possesses no magic charm to afford relief. In such instances the animal manifests but little pain, and rarely lies down. On passing the hand up the rectum or fundament, the bladder, which is easily felt, will be found very much distended with urine. The services of a regular veterinary practitioner will be re- quired in the treatment of this disease, as the bladder must be at once evacuated, which can in most cases be accomplished by means of an instrument called the catheter, which is not commonly found in the hands of any but the qualified sur- geon. This desired evacuation can in some instances be pro- duced by careful manipulation. Back-raking is very necessary in these cases, and injections of soap and water should be freely used. Unless the bladder is speedily emptied, it swells and bursts, causing a fatal termination. Fomentations of hot water to the abdomen, and pressure of the hand upon the bladder will be of assistance in enabling the animal to void the urine. PEOFUSE STALING. This disorder, called also diabetes, is of frequent occurrence in the horse, and is attended with debility, impaired appetite, and sometimes loss of flesh. The causes are the improper use of nitre, saltpetre, and other powerful diuretics, as also un- wholesome food, and the like. The treatment is simple and effective ; a great variety of medicinal substances beine: used in its abatement — as catechu. 276 BLOODY URINE. oak bark, gum kino, opium, chalk, etc. Either of these in moderate doses will usually check the copious flow of urine. Either of the following will be found sufficient : uva ursi (bear's whortleberry), powdered, two ounces ; oak bark pulverized, four ounces ; catechu pulverized, one ounce ; opium pulverized, two drachms : mix either with molasses or honey, and divide into six balls, giving one every day. Or, the following may be used with equal advantage : opium pulverized, half an ounce ; sulphate of iron, one ounce ; gentian root pulverized, one ounce : mix with molasses, and divide into six balls — one to be given every day. BLOODY URINE. This disease, known also as hematura, frequently arises from strains across the loins, violent exercise, unwholesome food, calculous concretions in the kidneys, etc. It is not attended by symptoms of general derangement; the appetite is not usually impaired, nor is any marked degree of fever present. The color of the urine first calls attention, in voiding which the animal appears to strain slightly. If the bowels are at all costive, injections should at once be thrown up the rectum ; linseed tea should be given as a drink ; mustard applications to the loins. Give internally one of the following once a day : of sugar of lead, one ounce ; linseed meal, two ounces; mix with molasses or honey, and divide into eight pills ; follow this for ten or twelve days, with one drachm of sulphuric acid in a pail of water to drink. Catechu, logwood, dragon's blood, oak bark, etc., have been used with advantage. STONES IN THE KIDNEYS. 211 STONES IN THE KIDNEYS. These concretions, which are quite common in the horse, are of a pale, dirty yellow color, elongated or conical in form, and much softer than any of the other varieties heretofore mentioned. " We have better evidence," says Mr. Blain, " than mere supposition ; for urinary calculi (or stones in the kid- neys), have been found in horses which have died with symp- toms which might have been mistaken for very acute enter- itis, or inflammation of the bowels. We may also suppose that the early accumulations would occasion irregular and di- minished secretion of urine, followed at length by a bloody purulent mixture with the water, until more active symptoms should arise, and carry off the horse. Concretions within the kidneys might be removed in their early state by remedies tending to decompose them in the urinary pelvis. For this purpose we have mineral acids, of which the hydrochloric, as holding the silicious matter in solution, is to be preferred. The mineral acids pass through the body unchanged, being emitted with the urine in a state of purity." A better opportunity is afforded us of discovering calculus in the urinary organs, than in any other parts ; for an examina- tion of the urine, when placed under the microscope, will enable us to detect its presence. When these deposits are ascer- tained, give in every pail of water which the animal drinks, two drachms of hydrochloric (muriatic) acid, which will in a short time be drunk with a relish by him. 2T8 TONES IN THE BLADDER. STONES IN THE BLADDEB. These differ from stones in the kidneys in form and exter- nal appearance; presenting, in consequence of the constant washings of the calculus by the urine an uneven, or what is called a mulberry appearance ; externally, it is of a reddish brown color. When these stones are quite large, very great inconvenience is occasioned to the animal. Stones in the bladder may exist a long time before any per- ceptible symptoms of their existence are manifested. The urine is generally thick and of a whitish color, with frequent desire to void the urine, accompanied with difficulty and pain ; the urine occasionally presents a bloody appearance ; in some cases all the symptoms of colic are present, rendering it diffi- cult to distinguish between the two disorders. If the pain is severe, the animal paws violently, kicks at his sheath, lies down, rolls, and gets up again quickly, sweats in various parts of the body, giving off the odor of urine. For treatment, we should first attempt the dissolution of the stones, as recommended for stones in the kidneys, or we should remove them by the operation of lithotomy, which will be de- scribed under the head of surgical operations. If they are small, they may sometimes be extracted through the urethra, a process which is very easy in the case of mares. CONTRACTION OF THE HOOF. 279 DISEASES OF THE FEET AND LEGS. CONTBACTION OF THE HOOF. horses that are kept in cities, or in stony sections of the country, this disease is one of the most common occurrence. In the middle and southern portions of New Jersey, and Ohio, and in many other sections where the shoeing of the horse is not called for except in frosty weather, contrac- tion of the hoof is com- paratively rare, in con- sequence of the feet being unfettered by that THE FAST-TROTTING STALLION, GEORCE M. PATCHEN. iron band, the shoe. This trouble is gradual in its approach ; the first indication being a dry, brittle, unyielding hoof; the heels gradually be- coming narrower, until they are painful. The hoof no longer accommodates itself to the soft structure within its limits, and, in consequence, the concussion is greater and the elasticity very much less. The parts therefore become bruised, and fever ensues, which still further facilitates the contraction q£ the hoof by absorbing its moisture ; lameness follows as the natural and inevitable result. Upon an examination of the animal sweenie is decided upon by the horseman as the disease to which he is subject ; a disease, by the way, which, we beg to say, the veterinary surgeon never yet has met. The primary cause of this trouble is, undoubtedly bad shoeing, tjie preventives of which have already been fully unfolded. 280 CORNS. Standing upon plank-floors has also a tendency to produce it, as it absorbs the moisture of the hoof, and renders it brittle and liable to crack. Traveling upon hard stony roads, with shoes that are beveled inwards, also predisposes the feet to this dis- order. The treatment must, necessarily, be slow in its operation ; yet by careful management it is sure. The shoes must, in the first place, be removed, and the feet well poulticed for several days until the hoof and frogs become perfectly soft. The animal should then be carefully shod, as heretofore directed; apply daily, until the heels are fully spread, the following ointment ; of rosin, four ounces ; beeswax, four ounces ; lard, two pounds ; tallow, one pound ; melt together, and, when cool, stir in four ounces of oil of turpentine. COENS. The first effect of contraction of the hoof is to bruise the sen- sitive parts within their horny limits at that part of the foot formed by the crust and bar, causing lameness, which may be acute or chronic. These bruises are commonly called corns. The reason why this portion of the foot should be so severely bruised is obvious. The crust and bar forming a triangular space between which a considerable portion of the sensitive lamina? lie, this bar by its resistance of the encroachments of the crust, causes a twofold pressure upon the sensitive parts, acting much as a vice, and thereby diminishing the triangular space. Upon examination of the foot the horn is found hard, dry, and brittle, with a strong tendency to crack on very slight concussion. On removing a portion of the horn at the part of the foot indicated, the parts are found to be contused, sometimes slightly, and at CORNS. 281 others severely. In the latter case the feet are in such a con- dition as to require prompt attention, or a sloughing, or dis- charge of matter, may take place, forming a sinus, or pipe-like opening, through the quarter, sometimes passing through the coronet, and producing a condition, or disease, known as Quitter, which often terminates in permanent lameness and deformity. When the lameness is of a chronic character, the poor beast, owing to his deprivation of speed, is compelled to suffer all kinds of barbarous treatment, such as roweling, setoning, etc, etc. As few believe corns to be of so serious a nature, the most are ready to attribute the lameness to a disease, or a sup- posed disease, which exists only in their disordered imagina- tions. As symptomatic indications, it may be remarked that the horse extends one foot in advance of the other, and rests upon the toe, which causes a bending of the knee, with a hard, dry, brittle, and contracted hoof. By way of treatment, the hoof, around the corn should be cut away so as to prevent pressure from the shoe ; the corn should be well cut out, and burnt with a hot iron, butter of an- timony, muriatic acid, caustic silver, or the permanganate of potash. He should then be carefully shod, and, if the frog is elastic, a bar shoe nicely fitted, with a perfectly level bearing, would be best ; if, however, the frog is hard and unyielding, such a shoe may prove injurious. Flaxseed poultices frequently ap- plied to the feet, together with the use of hoof ointment, will be found effectual ; a run at grass without shoes will also prove beneficial. 282 THRUSH. QUITTER, This is an ulceration, or formation of pus, between the sen- sitive and insensible laminse, or inner parts of the wall of the hoof, generally situated on the inside quarter, forming sinuses, or pipe-like openings. Neglected corns often produce this disease, as also caulking or bruises from any cause. The first appearance upon the foot on the approach of this disease is a hard conical tumor, hot, red, and smooth, which soon becomes soft, breaks, and discharges pus. A probe should first be introduced by way of treatment, pointing out the direc- tion of the sinuses ; an injection of sulphate of zinc, one drachm dissolved in a pint of water, should be thrown into the opening in the foot by the means of a small syringe, once daily, and the foot should be occasionally washed with castile soap and water. The early treatment should consist in poulticing with flaxseed meal for several days. If the case is very slow, use two drachms of the chloride of zinc to a pint of water ; inject in the same manner ; cut away all loose parts of the horn, which will facili- tate the cure. Glycerine has also been used by the author with marked benefit. THRUSH. This is a discharge of a matter from the cleft or division of the frog, which occasionally produces lameness. It originates from a filthy condition of the stable, the animal being allowed to stand in his dung, or upon foul litter. Horses that are well cared for are rarely troubled with it. The symptoms are a rot- tenness of the frog, accompanied by a discharge of fetid matter. Lameness may, or may not, be present. CANKER. 283 For treatment, wash the feet well with soap and water ; fill the cleft with powdered sulphate of copper, and pack over it a little tow ; remove the filth from the stall, and the animal soon recovers. An ointment may also be used, made of equal parts of pine-tar and lard, melted over a slow fire ; when cool, add sulphuric acid until ebullition ceases, and it is then fit for r.so. CANKER. This arises from neglected thrush, often proving very difficult to manage. It extends from the horny frog to the sensitive frog, and sometimes to the navicular joint, involving the surrounding parts, and causing much alteration or destruction of the structures affected. It is by no means always a local disease, but is influ- enced by a morbid or unhealthy condition of the blood. The au- thor's attention was once called to a case of four years' standing, in which all the feet were involved, and the value of the animal thereby so depreciated that he was sold to a shoeing-smith of Philadelphia for the sum of twenty-five dollars, his cost being some two hundred and fifty dollars. All treatment had failed up to that time ; yet, notwithstanding the long resistance of the disease, it gradually yielded to constitutional treatment. For treatment, all loose horn should be removed, that the parts may be properly dressed. If taken early, the following wash may be used with success ; of nitrate of silver, half an ounce ; water, one pint ; shake well together, and use once a day. Or, the ointment of tar, lard, and sulphuric acid, recom- mended in cases of thrush, may be usefully applied. Should this fail, apply once a day the following : of castor oil, one part ; collodion, two parts ; mix well together. Give internally half a drachm of powdered nux vomica mixed in the feed, which 284 GREASE HEELS. should consist of green food, mashes, and a little hay. Corro- sive sublimate in solution has been used with decided advantage; as also chloride of zinc, chloride of lime, butter of antimony, tincture of myrrh, sulphate of copper, glycerine, and many other preparations. SCKATCHES. This disease, called also cracked heels, generally arises from neglect, such as allowing the horse to stand in a filthy stall. It is generally confined to the hind feet, and consists in a swelling of the skin, causing in it one or more transverse cracks, which discharge a sanious (thin, serous, and reddish) matter at times ; while in other cases the parts are almost dry, but scurfy. For treatment, wash well with soap and water ; take a shav- ing, or other soft, brush, and make a lather of soap and water, with which mix a small quantity of powdered charcoal ; rub this well in the fetlock, and let it dry, after which it can be rubbed off. Two or three applications are generally successful. The collodion and castor oil will also answer a good purpose ; a physic ball should first be given. GREASE HEELS. This is the result of weakness in the capillary vessels of the feet and legs, and is often preceded by dropsical effusions, which frequently exist upon the leg as far as the hock or knee. Com- mon-bred horses are supposed to be more liable to this disease, while thorough-bred are comparatively free from its attacks. The principal causes are, doubtless, over-feeding and want of exercise ; since we generally find the disease associated with GREASE HEELS. 285 a plethoric condition of the animal. As symptomatic, the skin at first is hot, red, swollen, and tender, and discharges a white offensive matter of a greasy feeling. As the disease advances, this discharge thickens into the form of tears, and becomes hard, presenting a grapy appearance. Abscesses 1 are sometimes f o r m e d about the heels, causing the sloughing away of a large portion of them. This disease requires constitutional, as well as local, treatment. Give internally for four days one of the following balls : of Barbadoes aloes, one ounce ; pulverized gentian root, half an ounce ; pul- verized ginger, two drachms ; mix with molasses, and divide into four balls. Follow this with half- drachm doses of nux vomica powdered ; wash the parts well with soap and water, and apply flaxseed poultices, mixed with a solution of sulphate of zinc, until the inflammation is considerably reduced ; then bathe care- fully either with glycerine, or a solution of sulphate of zinc, or the castor oil and collodion wash. If the discharge is very offensive, use powdered charcoal and soap suds, allowing it to dry upon the legs ; a solution of the chloride of lime may also be used ; or a weak solution of corrosive sublimate is bene- ficial. THE CHILDREN'S PET. 286 WATER FARCY. WATBE FARCY. This disease, together with anasarca and oedema may be classed under a common head, as they are but modifications of the same disease, which depends upon general debility for its existence. Two stages are, however, said to exist j one with inflammation, and the other without ; one occurring in old horses, and the other in young ones. One important difference should be noted ; the term anasarca is too extensive in its application to be properly associated with this disease, the term oedema being preferable to it, as having a local meaning and being more cir- cumscribed in its limits. As symptoms, the legs, belly, sheath, and other parts become swollen, and leave the impression of the fingers behind after pressure. In old horses such pressure rarely causes pain, in- flammation being absent ; but in young horses the legs particu- larly are hot and painful to the touch. In this disease we must depend npon tonic and diuretic me- dicines ; tonic, for the purpose of building up the system ; and diuretic, to increase the secretions. The two should be com- bined as follows : of sulphate of iron, two ounces ; pulverized gentian root, one ounce; pulverized ginger, half an ounce; nitrate of potash, one ounce ; mix, and divide into eight powders, giving one night and morning, with good nourishing food, and allowing no corn. Or, the following will be found very useful : of sulphate of copper, one ounce ; pulverized gentian root, one and a half ounces ; pulverized ginger, half an ounce ; nitre, one ounce ; ground anise seed, six drachms ; mix, and divide into eight powders, giving one night and morning. Hand-rubbing and daily exercise will be necessary. CBACKED HOOF. 281 WEED. This is a disease similar to oedema, but makes its appearance above the hock, and extends downward. The skin is hot, and extremely sensitive to the touch ; so much so that the animal throws the leg upward and outward as though to escape tor- ture. The veins of the hg are full and corded. For treatment, apply warm fomentations to the parts affected, and give a purging ball, followed by the powders recommended in the last disease. CRACKED HOOF. This disease, also called sand-crack, occurs only in the hoof that is dry, hard, brittle, and contracted. The hoof in a natural, elastic condition can be bruised, but not split up if double the force that splits the dry, contracted hoof is applied. This crack occurs most generally at the quarters, and almost al- ways in the fore feet, they being almost alone subject to con- traction. If the crack extends through the hoof it causes very painful lameness. For treatment, the foot must first be carefully examined to see that no dirt has worked in under the hoof ; the loose parts of the horn must be cut away ; a pledget of tow, saturated with sulphate or chloride of zinc, or tincture of myrrh, should be ap- plied, and a bandage carefully put on to keep it in place and keep out the dirt. As soon as the new horn has grown down a little, draw a line across the top of the crack with a draw- ing-knife or firing-iron, and apply a little tar or hoof ointment. If the crack is at the toe, a shoe with a band running across from the heels to a little below the coronet in front, and united 288 PRICKING. by two screws, will often be all that is required, and the horse may be kept at work ; but in quarter-crack it is unsafe to use the animal, particularly if it extends through to the soft parts. If the frog is in a healthy condition, which is rarely the case, a bar shoe, eased at the quarter, will be found beneficial. SOLE BRUISE AND GEAVBL. Accidents frequently occur to the feet of horses from their striking them forcibly upon stones and other hard substances. Pressure of the shoe upon the sole is the occasional cause of bruises of that part of the foot ; and tender heels more fre- quently arise from bruises than from any other cause. For treatment, if pus is secreted within the hoof — which may be discovered by the acute pain caused by a light tap of a hammer on that part of the hoof under which the matter is situated — the hoof must be cut through, that the matter may escape, as it will gradually work its way upward and make its appearance at the top of the hoof, thus rendering the treat- ment more difficult. After the matter escapes through the opening so made, throw in an injection of sulphate of zinc in solution, one drachm to a pint of water. For the treatment will be the same as recommended in quitter. Gravel some- times works into these wounds, which must always be removed, and the parts carefully washed. PRICKING. This is an accident of too frequent occurrence, and happens in various ways, as by treading upon sharp bodies, such as broken glass, nails, etc., etc. It occurs more frequently, how- FALSE QUARTER. 289 ever, in shoeing, owing to the nail not being properly pointed, or, in some cases, from the iron not being good splits, one part turning inward and the other outward. These acci- dents are not always the fault of the smith, and he should not be unjustly censured for what he could not obviate. If such punctures are properly attended to, serious consequences rarely ensue. The practice of closing up the wound after removing the nail, glass, or other sharp substance cannot be too strongly condemned. It is doubtless in consequence of this senseless practice that so many horses are lost from lock-jaw, which does not generally make its appearance until the animal has apparently recovered from the wound ; though upon an exami- nation of the foot pus will often be found secreted within the hoof. When a horse picks up a nail, or is pricked by the smith, a poultice should at once be applied to the foot, and kept on for several days ; a cathartic ball should also be given, that the bowels may be in good order ; after the removal of the poul- tice, apply the tar ointment, and no further trouble may be anticipated. FALSE QUAKTEK. This is an imperfect formation of horn at the quarter, which is generally of a lighter color than the other part of the hoof, and is divided by a seam from the top to the bottom. It is the result of injury from quitter and other diseases, rendering the heels weak, and requires the protection of a bar shoe, which should never bear upon it, as it may occasion lameness. 19 290 FOUNDER. FOUNDER. Founder, or laminitis, is an inflammatory condition of the lamince of the feet, which are the most sensitive parts of these important appendages. Founder is said to be produced by various causes, such as hard driving, watering when warm, standing in a draught of air, or upon plank floors, and many others. The author, however, views it in a different light, attributing its existence principally to one general cause, namely, contrac- tion of the hoof, the causes before named being the immediate or exciting causes. This view is sustained by many facts. Founder does not occur in one case out of fifty in a healthy, open foot ; nor are the hind feet often involved, as they are rarely in a contracted condition. The symptoms are a full, quick pulse, from sixty upwards ; accelerated respiration ; the fore feet are hot and tender, the animal for relief throwing his body back upon the hind legs, extending the fore legs until he rests upon the heels, and sometimes lying down, particularly if the hind feet are involved; the animal also manifests much pain. If the animal is in full condition, two quarts of blood should be taken from each of the fore feet ; an active purging ball should be given, followed by one-drachm doses of bella- donna made into pills every four hours ; poultices of flaxseed meal should be applied to the feet for several days ; injections of soap and water, also ought not to be neglected. By this treatment the animal is usually well again in a week, or even less ; but if the disease is neglected until it becomes chronic, the animal will ever after remain unsound, though he may be CORINITIS. 291 rendered useful. From the alteration or disorganization of structure that takes place, there can little be done in the chronic stage except careful shoeing, which the smith should understand. PUMICED FOOT. This is called by horsemen a falling of the sole. It is pre- ceded by founder, and is, in reality, one of the terminations of that disease, arising from the slow, continued inflammation of chronic founder, which causes absorption of the outer edge of the coffin bone, the latter thereby gradually losing its con- cave surface, and becoming convex. The sole, yielding to this gradual change, becomes flat, or, in some instances, con- vex. Yery little can be done in such cases by way of treat- ment ; yet by careful shoeing the animal may be rendered use- ful, although never sound. CORINITIS. This is an inflammation of the coronary ligament, situated within the upper part of the hoof and between the hoof and the hair. This ligament secretes the horn forming the wall or crust of the hoof, and when diseased ceases to perform its function, or performs it very imperfectly ; as a consequence, the coronet, or upper margin of the hoof, is contracted, which causes the soft parts to bulge out in such a manner that it has often been mistaken for ring-bone. This contraction often causes lameness. The most frequent causes are, standing upon plank floors, hard driving, and the neglect to apply softening applications to the hoof. For treatment, apply a flaxseed poultice for several days, and 292 NAVICULARTHR1TIS. i then a fly blister well rubbed in around the upper margin of the hoof; afterward use the hoof ointment once a day, until the coronet comes up full. WAVICUIiAKTHKITIS. Coffin-joint lameness, as it is generally termed, is a dis- ease of very common occurrence, and often troublesome to manage. This joint is formed by the union, of three bones: the os pedis, or coffin-bone, situated immediately within the hoof; the coronary, or small pastern bone, the lower half of which is situated within the upper part of the hoof, called the coronet, and uniting with the os pedis; and the navicular, situated be- CSS tween and behind the two, uniting with both, and forming the navi- cular joint. This joint is protected THE FAMOUS TROTTING MAKE, FLORA TEMPLE. BgamSt lDJUry ITOttl concussion by the fatty frog, the sensible frog, and the horny frog, situated beneath it, and forming a soft elastic cushion on which it may rest. So long as the foot remains in a healthy condition, there is little danger of the occurrence of this dis- ease. Even though the foot be strained very considerably, and a high degree of inflammatory action be produced, this disease will hardly arise, unless the inflammation becomes chronic. The author regards its origin as mainly due to a contracted condition of the feet, which, in fact, is the predis- posing cause. OSSIFICATION OF THE LATERAL CARTILAGES. 293 Rarely, indeed, is navicular-joint lameness found existing in feet that have open heels and elastic frogs. If from any cause these frogs lose their moisture, they also lose their elasticity, and the foot therefore strikes the ground with a jar ; inflamma- tion of a chronic character sets in ; the synovia (joint-oil) be- comes absorbed ; and caries of the bones is established, which destroys their articular surfaces and causes excessive lameness. Occasionally, owing to some new injury, acute inflammation sets in, causing new depositions of bone to be thrown out, and uniting the three bones together ; which union is called anchy- losis. This condition may be known by stiffness, and the animal walking upon the toe. The symptoms of this disease have been confounded with those of another disease of the foot, which has been discovered by recent investigations. The horse is found to go lame upon coming out of the stable, which wears off after traveling some distance ; one foot is observed in advance of the other when the animal is at rest ; as the disease advances, the lameness becomes more frequent, until at last it is permanent. Yarious kinds of treatment have been resorted to, but with little success, such as blistering, firing, etc. Of late years, the frog seton has been introduced with very decided benefit. Should this, too, fail, there is no hope but in the operation of nerving, which should only be performed in certain cases mentioned under the head of neurotomy. OSSIFICATION OF THE LATERAL CARTILAGES.. This is a transformation to bone of two projections of car- tilage, or gristle, springing from each side of the coffin bone posteriorly, and known as the lateral cartilages. This disease 294 SPRUNG OR BROKEN KNEES. was at one time called ring-bone, but the ring-bone of the present day is quite a different disease. It arises from con- cussion, and will rarely be found in any but contracted feet. The treatment in these cases is only palliative, as the dis- ease cannot be eradicated by any course of medical treatment. The first endeavor should be to expand the heels by applying poultices to the feet, together with the hoof ointment. WIND GALLS. Wind galls are puffy swellings about the joints, found above the fetlock on both the hind and fore legs. They are techni- cally known as bursal enlargements, that is, a distended con- dition of the burses or synovial sacs, which contain the synovia, or joint oil. The animal suffers no inconvenience, apparently, from their presence upon his limbs, they evidently causing no pain. It is seldom that any treatment is resorted to, except in the case of a very valuable animal. Blisters are commonly ap- plied, but they are not attended with any permanent benefit. The application of cold water and compresses, secured by means of bandaging the legs, has proven the most efficacious. SPRUNG OR BROKEN KNEES. This trouble does not always result from an injury of the leg, or strain of the tendons ; it is more often found in horses that have bad corns in the feet, or troubled with navicular disease, than in any others. The animal raising his heels to prevent pressure upon the tender parts, bends the knee, which bending becomes finally, from the altered position of the limb, STRAINS OP THE kNEES. 295 a permanent deformity. Horses with sprung knees are unsafe for saddle purposes, owing to their consequent liability to stumble. Respecting the treatment, it may be said that six out of every ten sprung-kneed horses will be found to have corns. If these be of recent growth, there is a fair prospect of straightening the limbs by removing the corns as directed under the head of that disease ; by the removal of these the heels are brought to the ground, and the limb becomes straight. Under any other circumstances all treatment proves useless. BKEAKING DOWN. This accident occurs in running, jumping, racing, etc. It is sometimes called a strain of the back sinews, and lets the animal down upon the fetlock, in consequence of a rupture of the ligament of the pastern. Horses meeting with this acci- dent are of little value ever after, as they always remain weak in the fetlock. Unless the animal is quite young and valuable, the treatment would cost more than the animal's value. The French treat these cases very successfully by the application of instruments which keep the limb in its proper position until the parts have again healed and become strong. This is the only course to be pursued with any possible chance of a suc- cessful termination of the case. STKAnSTS OF THE KNEES. Strains of this joint occur in young horses while being broken into harness more often, probably, than at any other period of the animal's life. This results from the tenderness 296 SHOULDER STRAIN. of the parts at that time, not one in twenty having them having arrived at maturity. These strains often prove troublesome to manage, and occasionally leave a stiff knee as the result. Treatment — Bleeding from the plantar, or plate vein ; warm fomentations to the part j when the inflammation is reduced, apply once a day for several days the following ointment: iodine ointment, one ounce ; blue, or mercurial ointment, half an ounce ; mix well together. STRAIN OF THE HIP JOINT. This occurs in falling, slipping, getting up, etc. The symp- toms are a dragging motion of the limb ; the lameness passing off after the animal gets warmed up, and returning upon his becoming again cool, the horse being then even more stiff and lame than before leaving the stable. For treatment, apply cold water ; a purging ball and rest are all that are requisite to effect a cure. Careful usage for some time after will be very necessary. SHOULDER STRAIN. This, which is of rare occurrence, arises from severe blows, or concussions ; slipping so as to throw the legs apart forcibly ; falling in the shafts of a heavily laden cart, etc. The symp- toms are usually well marked ; the horse is quite lame, both when walking and trotting ; the leg drags with the toe on the ground, having an outward or circular motion. Local bleeding is generally useful by way of treatment; three or four quarts may be taken from the plate vein, which runs down the inside of the leg. If, however, the animal is in a debilitated condition, bleeding should not be practised. SWEENIE. 297 Foment the shoulder well with hot water frequently ; a seton will often be found beneficial. After fomenting two or three days, use the following liniment : laudanum, one ounce ; spirits of camphor, one ounce ; tincture of myrrh, one ounce ; castile soap, one ounce ; alcohol, one pint. Or, sweet oil, one pint ; spirits of hartshorn, three ounces ; shake well together. OPEN JOINTS. These are generally the result of a punctured wound ; the capsular ligament that surrounds the joint and confines the joint oil within its proper limits being thereby penetrated. These accidents are often attended with serious results, from the inflammation that is likely to arise from such an injury. For treatment, efforts should first be made to close the wound, that the escape of the oil which lubricates the joint may be prevented. If the wound is small, it may be closed by means of a hot iron ; if large, shave off all the hair around the opening, apply a piece of linen cloth well saturated with collodion, and bandage the part. Care must be taken to have the skin around the wound perfectly dry, or the collodion will not adhere. Shoemaker's wax, or common glue, applied in the same way, will frequently answer the purpose. The animal must be kept perfectly quiet, his bowels opened, and he be kept upon his feet for several days ; if, however, the collo- dion adheres well, this is not of so much importance. SWEENIE. This imaginary disease has been the occasion of the infliction of much cruelty and unnecessary torture upon the horse. No 298 OSTITIS. respectable veterinary author recognizes any such disease. The symptoms which accompany its supposed existence are but sympathetic effects, or atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder. The attention of the horse-owner is directed to a wasting away or lessening of these muscles, which from want of action naturally become smaller or contracted ; upon the ral use of the limb, the mus- the muscles of the smith's use of the sledge ham- sweenie are invariably in some remote parts, the foot, etc. — animal picks up clear from the may be depend- that the injury is not in «- -.»-«.««. the shoulder ; if however, the leg drags with the toe on the ground, the injury may be looked for in that locality. It is, however, more easy to decide a case of shoulder lameness than any other to which" the limb is liable. animal's regaining the natu cles are again developed, as arm by the constant mer. Cases called the result of injury as the knee, When the the foot ground, itl ed upon THE EQUESTRIENNE. OSTITIS. This is an inflammation of the bone, occasioning lameness of an obscure nature, and is one of the most difficult of all cases of lameness to detect. Where it occurs in the cannon bone, it is often mistaken for a thickening of the integuments. Treatment — Cold bandages, lead water, rest, with daily half-drachm doses of iodide of potassa dissolved in a pail of CAPTJLET AND CAPPED HOCK. 299 water, will usually prove successful if the treatment be per- severingly adopted. CAPULET AND CAPPED HOOK. There are generally serous abscesses, produced by blows, bruises, strains, or injuries from any cause. Capulet is an en- largement at the point of the elbow, and is generally caused by lying on the heels of the shoe, which bruise the part. Capped hock is found at the point of the hock joint, and is usually caused by kicking against the sides of the stall. By way of treatment, first open the part; if it contains fluid, which will be known by the soft elastic feeling, throw in with a syringe an injection of the tincture of iodine diluted with alcohol ; a solution of the sulphate of zinc may in incipient cases answer the purpose. If fluid is not formed, blisters will often succeed. In cases of capulet, have the heels of the shoes shortened, or bind the feet at night to prevent injury. CARIES OP THE BONES. This is, perhaps, the most common of all the diseases to which the horse is subject, and its frequency can only be ac- counted for, by the abuses to which he is subjected. It gene- rally arises from a low, inflammatory condition of the joints, these parts being principally affected ; an ulceration of the heads of the bones is established, generally in young horses, which is called, from the destruction which it occasions, caries, or decay. It will usually be found preceding spavin, ring-bone, stiff back, and other anchylosed conditions of the bones, and can best be illustrated under the heads of Spavin and Ring-bone. 300 BONE SPAVIN. BONE spavin. This is a disease of such common occurrence that almost all horsemen think they fully understand its nature, pathological condition, and treatment. It is generally regarded by veteri- nary authors as a very serious injury, destructive to the utility of the animal, and very frequently reducing his value essentially in consequence of the blemishes. Where, however, there are no outward blemishes, as is the case in four out of every five spavined horses, the price of the animal is not affected, unless he is lame, since the disease is not discovered. There are, at this day, thousands of spavined horses traveling our roads, in not one of whom would the most experienced horsemen the world ever produced be able to determine the fact so long as the animal lives. In all such cases no external enlargement is found, but, on the contrary, the limb is clean and smooth. In the absence of enlargement, or spavin-bunch, as it is sometimes called, on the inside of the hock-joint, horsemen are unwilling to believe that spavin exists. The books, indeed, teach us to look there, and there only, for it ; but the author's experience teaches him that the enlargement, where any exists, appears almost as often upon the front part of the hock as it does upon the inside. Spavin generally arises from a strain, jar, or blow upon the hock-joint, causing an inflammatory condition of the cartilagi- nous cushions which cover the articular surfaces, or points of union, of each bone, or of the ligaments which surround the joints and bind the bones together ; sometimes, indeed, both are involved. As this inflammatory condition is the exciting cause, spavin, or ulceration of the parts, speedily follows the BONE SPAVIN. SOI neglect to remove it. When the inflammation is acute, the synovial fluid, or joint-oil, is soon absorbed ; the cartilages of the joint are turned to bone, and uniting, one with the other, form one solid mass, destroying the elasticity as well as the mo- bility of the parts involved, and constituting what is called anchylosis of the hock-joint. This anchylosis, or union of bone, is not always general, there being in many cases but two, three, or four of the bones involved. When these changes are con- fined to the cartilage, external enlargement, or spavin-bunch, is never found. This the author calls spavin without any external indication. When, however, the ligaments surrounding the joint are con- verted into bony substance, external enlargement in all cases exists. When a low, inflammatory action is found going on within the joint, it is an evidence of ulceration, in which, in- stead of new bone being thrown out, as in the acute stage, the natural bone is gradually decaying or rotting away. Hence arises the difficulty often experienced in the treatment of this disease. As symptoms, the horse is very lame on leaving the stable, but when he is warmed up the lameness passes off; the leg is drawn up quickly with a kind of jerk ; and there is a peculiar hard tread, which can only be distinguished by close observa- tion. Where the bones are all united together, whether there is external enlargement or not, there is a peculiar twist of the heel outwards, which is more readily observed in the walk, and which the author has always found an infallible symptom of complete anchylosis. Both spavin and ring-bone are incurable diseases. The lameness may be removed, bat the disease, when once estab- 302 BONE SPAVIN, lished, cannot, because the elasticity, mobility, and function of the joint are all destroyed in proportion to the extent of the disease. The spavined animal, therefore, comes down with a hard, jarring tread. The removal of the lameness depends upon perfect union or solidifying of the diseased bones. In the acute inflammatory cases, nature herself unaided works this change, and the animal re- covers from the lameness with a stiff joint; but in the second, or ul- THE HIGH-BBED PACING MABE POCAHONTAS. cerative stage, assistance is required. We, therefore, en- deavor to excite an active inflammation in the joint in order to overcome this ulcerative process, and induce new deposits of bone to be thrown out. Many modejs have been adopted to secure the desired end, some of which are of a most barbarous character. Sharp instruments have been struck with con- siderable force into the joint, creating a tremendous fire, which soon checks the ulceration. This practice, although often successful, is unnecessarily severe, and cruel in the ex- treme. All kinds of caustic applications have been used, many of which have destroyed both the disease and the animal. Blistering the parts, the action being kept up for three or four weeks, often proves successful ; firing is also practised ; setons in the hock are frequently used with advantage. The follow- ing ointment is recommended ; bin-iodide of mercury, one drachm ; lard, two ounces ; mix well together. Shave off the SPLINT. 333 hair, and rub the part once a day for six or eight days ; then, wash the parts well with proof spirits. If the desired effect is not produced, repeat it. BIM-G-BOM-E. This is a disease of the same nature as spavin, its locality alone giving it a different name ; the same alterations of struc- ture takes place ; the same termination follows, and the same treatment is indicated. Contraction of the coronary ligaments is sometimes mistaken for ring-bone, and the poor beast is severely tortured in consequence. Contraction of this liga- ment produces a bulging of the soft parts around the coronet, causing the hair to turn downward and inward upon the hoof, giving it much the appearance of ring-bone. As in all such cases the heels are pressed close aud painfully together, there is great necessity of distinguishing between the two before any application is made. SPLINT. This is an exostosis, or bony enlargement, arising from blows upon, or strains of, the splint bones, which are situated one on each side of the cannon bones and posterior to them. Splints are so common that few horses reach the age of eight years without having them, although they are not always visible to the eye at that period, having perhaps spread over a large surface of bone, or become flattened ; which circumstance has given rise to the opinion among horsemen that old horses are not affected with splints. This, however, is a mistake ; since a splint once formed is never afterward removed during the life of the animal. The nature of a splint is very similar to 304 CURB. that of a spavin, but its course is somewhat different. When the injury is first received, the enlargement becomes quite prominent ; but, as time advances, it generally disappears from view, even without the aid of man, spreading itself between the cannon and splint bones, thus lessening its size externally. Splints are not regarded as unsoundness, unless they cause lameness, which rarely occurs, particularly if they are situated near the middle of the bone ; but if they are situated either at the upper or lower portions, or heads, lameness is almost always the result. This is easily explained ; the bone, it will be ob- served, curves from above downward and outward, so that the lower extremity sets off from the body of the cannon boue ; the upper heads, where it unites with the bones of the knee and hock, slant or bevel inward, and as the weight of the animal is thrown upon them, the upper heads are forced out- ward, while the lower ones are thrown inward. By this simple arrangement a rocking motion of these bones takes place, so that at the centre there is very little mobility, and if the injury is above, it causes lameness in consequence of tension ; if below, from pressure ; but, if it is in the centre, it seldom causes lameness at all, though the injury is greater. When lameness occurs, the union of the bones should be hastened by increasing the inflammatory action ; this is best done by active blistering, which soon removes the lameness. CUEB. This is a swelling on the back part of the hock joint below the cap, generally arising from a strain, or breaking down of the hock. Some horses naturally have what are called curb- BLOOD SPAVIN, ETC. 305 hocks, though they are not always attended with any serious disadvantages. There is a predisposition to weakness, which renders them suspicious. If the curb arises from recent injury, a little blood may with advantage be taken from the sephena vein running up the inside of the thigh ; cold water applications should be kept upon the parts ; cloths wet with tincture of arnica, half a pint to a gallon of water, are very useful ; or, the following ointment will be found of service : dry iodine, one drachm ; iodide of potassa, one drachm ; lard, one ounce ; mix well together, and use once a day. STRING HALT. This disease has never been very satisfactorily accounted for by veterinary authors. It consists in a sudden, spasmodic raising of the hind limbs, though it is said to have occurred in the fore legs. The author has found, upon an examination after death of the hock-joint of several animals affected with this disease, that a little roughness from exostosis existed on the os calcis, or bone forming the cap of the hock, where the perforans tendon plays over ; in other cases the tendon has been found almost entirely surrounded with a bony case, which inter- fered very materially with its action. He is inclined, therefore, to regard these as the general causes of the disease. No treatment as yet practised has proved successful ; though there are recorded isolated cases of spontaneous cure. BLOOD SPAVIN, BOG SPAVIN", AND THQRQUGHPIN. These constitute one disease, occasioned by an over secretion of joint oil in the hock joint, which causes a distention of the 20 306 FRACTURES. capsular ligament, or bursa, presenting soft puffy swellings about the joint. Blood and bog spavin appear on the front and insido of the joint ; while thoroughpin extends through from one side of the joint to the other. These diseases are so common and so well marked as not to be easily mistaken. The causes are violent exercise, throwing the animal upon his haunches, run- ning, jumping, etc. As it seldom causes lameness, treatment is rarely needed ; if requisite, blistering, bandaging with compresses, and rest are the most successful. FRACTURES. Experience has established the fallacy of destroying every horse that meets with a fractured limb. Fractures may occur in any bone of the body, and yet a perfect union of the parts may take place, provided the fracture is a simple one ; com- pound fractures, even, are occasionally united. For treatment, the animal should first be placed in the most comfortable position, and the parts adjusted as nearly as pos- sible, retaining them by proper bandages, splints, etc. Should the fracture be in the small or lower part of the leg, sole leather, softened in water and moulded to the limb, retaining it in place by bandages, forms a very good splint. Fractures of the skull sometimes require the operation of trephining, (explained under the head of Surgical Cases,) in order to replace the parts perfectly ; after which the bowels should be opened, and the animal kept on moderate diet. Fractures of the pelvis, or haunch bones, will, in nine cases out of ten, become united by proper management, no matter how bad the crushing, and the animal may again be rendered DISEASES OF THE HEART. " 307 serviceable. The author never hesitates to treat fractures of these boues in horses that are of sufficient value to warrant it. Indeed, union of the 7 parts in such fractures will often take place, even if the animal be turned into a field without any treatment ; though, perhaps, more deformity will be left than if proper care had been exercised. The horse, if active and high-strung, should be kept upon his feet by tying up the head short for several days, and then the slings may be placed under him ; if this is done at first, the animal being full of fire throws himself off his feet, and all efforts to remedy the fracture will prove a failure. From six to eight weeks, according to the age of the animal, are necessary to complete the union of the parts. Some practical knowledge is requisite, in order to discrimi- nate cases of fracture of the limbs that are likely to be success- fully treated ; but fractures of the haunch bones rarely fail to unite, with proper management. The animal should be kept on bran mashes, gruel, and green food during the treatment. DISEASES OF THE HEART. Diseases of the heart are less understood by the members of the veterinary profession generally than any other class of dis- eases (with, perhaps, one or two exceptions,) to which horses are subject. This want of information in this country, is attri- butable to the comparative infancy of veterinary science, the obscurity of the symptoms by which these diseases are charac- terized, the consequent confounding of them with other diseases, 308 PERICARDITIS. and to the comparative silence of veterinary authors upon this important subject. Diseases of the heart in this animal are not suspected by the farrier, (shoeing-smith) or horseman ; yet they are by no means of unfrequent occurrence. During the session of the Veterinary College of Philadelphia for 1859-60, the author had then op- portunities of presenting to the class well-marked cases of disease of this organ, as also one very interesting case of rupture of the heart, or rather of the aorta, or great artery leading from the heart, at the point where it leaves that important organ. The latter case was that of a bay mare which had been used in an oyster cart; she ate her feed at night as usual, in apparent good health, and was found dead in her stall the next morning. PERICARDITIS. This disease, as its name implies, is an inflammation of the pericardium, the bag or sac which surrounds the heart, and known to butchers as the heart-bag. After death arising from pleuritic affections effusions are quite commonly found within this sac, which are attributed to the sympathy existing between the pericardium and the pleura. The fluid is sometimes of a bright yellow color, while at others it is of a turbid character with considerable lymph floating in it, which collects in a mass forming a thick layer upon the internal surface of the sac, causing considerable thickening of its walls, and extending over the heart in like manner ; adhesions between the two sometimes take place. Percival mentions an instance in which this col- lection was converted into a substance of the nature of gristle of considerable thickness. This disease rarely exists alone, but is of a secondary character. PERICARDITIS. 309 The attendant symptoms are palpitation of the heart, quick- ened respiration, sometimes accompanied with a dry cough, with a pulse quick, rising to sixty or seventy a minute, full, hard, and strong. "Mr. Pritchard, Y. S., Wolverton," says Mr. Percival, " with laudable zeal for the promotion of our art, so long ago as the year 1833, furnished the veterinarian with some practical communications on this subject, which we shall find it advantageous to revive upon the present occasion. His observations relate particularly to the type termed Hydrops Pericardii, which implies the stage of pericarditis when effu- sion is likely, or has taken place, and the membranous sac is sup- posed to contain watery fluid, and probably lymph as well. The symptoms of this af- fection, apart from pleurisy and pneu- the end of pEBicARmTis. Dionia, Mr. Prit- chard informs us, are well-marked. They are palpitation of the heart, the carotid arteries (passing up the neck) beating forcibly and being readily recognized in applying the finger to their course in the neck. There is a good flow of blood through the jugulars ; a copious return of blood through the neck, when the state of the pulse is considered ; the surface of the body and the extremities are warm ; and these latter symptoms con- tinue within one or two hours of the horse's death. * * * In addition to the above symptoms, there is such an expression of alarm and anxiety in the countenance of the animal as no other malady produces." 310 ENDOCARDITIS. There is no treatment as yet known by which this disease can be reached. CABDITIS. This is an inflammation of the muscular structure of the heart comparatively rare, or at least supposed to be so. In this affection the animal will be found lame, generally in the off fore-leg, but upon examination no cause will be found sufficient to account for it. This lameness may appear and disappear several times previous to the attack's manifesting itself in a more positive form, leaving the impression that the lameness was rheumatic. We next find the animal refusing his feed ; his heart palpitates violently ; he occasionally gasps, and gnashes his teeth ; pulse full, hard, and quick ; there is a wild expression of the eyes ; respiration quickened ; mouth hot and dry ; and the temperature of the legs varies from moderate to cold. For "treatment cold water should be frequently given ; take one drachm of white hellebore, and divide it into five powders ; give one of these on the tongue every three or four hours. Bleeding has been recommended ; but the author has not wit- nessed any advantages from it, and therefore would on no ac- count advise it. EiKTDOCAKDITIS. This disease, called also palpitation of the heart, or, more commonly, thumps, is an inflammation of the lining membrane of the heart, and is generally associated with pericarditis ; the inflammation readily extending itself from one part to the other in consequence of their proximity. The symptoms are a violent palpitation of the heart, which OSTEO -SARCOMA. 311 can often be observed at the distance of several yards from the animal; pulse full and hard, but not quickened. Although this disease is regarded as incurable, we can still palliate the symptoms so as to allow of the animal's return to work the next day. For treatment, give one of the following powders every three hours ; of nitrate of potassa one ounce ; pulverized digitalis two drachms ; mix, and divide into five powders. Subsequent attacks may be warded off by keeping the bowels regular. DISEASES OF THE HEAD. OSTEOSARCOMA. This disease, called commonly Big Head, is not mentioned by veterinary authors in Europe, and so far as the author can learn, seems to be peculiar to the Western and Southern States. It appears, from the rather unsatisfactory accounts at the author's command, to originate in the osseous, or bony, struc- ture of the face. The bones become much swollen, and are represented as presenting a soft, spongy, or cellular appearance, the cells being filled with a substance like jelly. This appear- ance, however, does not correspond externally with several specimens in the author's possession, in which the external sur- face of the bones appears to be perfect, but very thin, and very much enlarged. The symptoms are a swelling of the bones of the face from the eye to the nose ; puffy swelling about the limbs ; stiffness 312 INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. about the joints; pulse slightly accelerated, and soft; coat rough and staring, with considerable debility. The treatment usually practised has been to make an incision through the skin and insert a small quantity of arsenic into the wound ; or else to score the face with a red-hot iron ; which latter mode is said to have effected a perfect cure in many cases. Neither of these operations, however, strikes us as being very sci- entific. The author's friend, Gr. W. Bowler, of Cincinnati, Ohio, has had some experience in the treatment of this disease, and has been very successful. The course pursued by him is to rub the swollen parts well once a day with the following ointment : of mercurial ointment one ounce, and of iodine ointment two ounces ; mix well together for use. Give internally at the same time one of the following powders night and morning : calomel one ounce ; iodide of potassa two ounces ; pulverized gentian root one and a half ounces ; to be made into twenty powders. The animal must be kept in a dry, well ventilated stable, and the body kept warm so long as this medicine is given. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. This disease, known also as phrenitis, or, more generally, mad staggers, arises from various causes, such as blows, over- feeding and little exercise, too tight a collar, etc., etc., A heaviness of the head is first noticed ; an unwilling- ness to move about ; the lining membrane of the eyelids much reddened ; appetite indifferent or lost ; a peculiar dullness of the eyes ; and finally, delirium or madness. The animal be- comes unmanageable ; beslavers all that comes within his reach, whether man, horse, or anything else ; and plunges violently about the stall, or wherever he may chance to be. MEGRIMS. SI 3 As this disease is occasioned by a determination of blood to the head, it is necessary to use the lancet ; this should be done freely, and that too before the delirious stage comes on, other- wise it cannot be done properly or beneficially. Cloths wet in cold water should be applied to the head ; or, what is better, bags of broken ice. Open the bowels with the following, made into a ball : Barbadoes aloes one ounce ; pulverized ginger one drachm ; pulverized gentian root two drachms ; mix with mo- lasses sufficient to form the ball. Give also injections of castile soap and water. Give no food for twenty-four hours ; but small quantities of water may be frequently given. After the recovery of the animal he should be fed very sparingly, and not exposed to the hot noonday sun. If the occasion of the attack be a tight collar, the remedy is simple and easy ; if from over-feeding, the quantity of food should be lessened; but little is to be expected by way of treatment. MEGKIMS. This is a sudden determination of blood to the head, generally attacking horses while at work, or in harness upon the road. Those of a plethoric character are most subject to these attacks. The horse suddenly stops in the road, shakes his head, and sometimes goes on again ; at other times he falls in a state of unconsciousness, the whole system appears convulsed, with the eyes wild in appearance and constantly rolling. Bleeding upon the appearance of the first symptoms gives almost immediate relief; after which the bowels must be opened, for which purpose give one and a half pints of linseed oil, or the aloes ball will answer ; bran mashes should be given for a 314 EPILEPSY. few days. These attacks may be prevented in the case of horses subject to them by moderate feeding and driving, and in warm weather by keeping the forehead shaded by a canvas or cloth hood elevated on a wire framework about two inches from the forehead so as to protect the brain, and admit a free passage of air between the two. The author believes that he was the first to introduce this hood, which can be attached to the bridle, and made as ornamental as may be desired. The use of hoods of this kind in very hot weather would prevent the frequent falling of horses in our streets from over-heating ; as the heat of the sun principally affects the brain in all these cases. VERTIGO. This disease generally arises from water in the cranial case, causing pressure upon the brain. The animal is generally attacked in harness, as in the preceding disease ; this arises from the fact that the exercise causes the vessels of the brain to be- come more active, fuller, and more distended with blood, and consequently there is greater pressure upon this sensitive organ. The symptoms are similar to those of megrims, with, perhaps, the addition of rearing, dropping suddenly as though struck with death, and rising in a few moments as if nothing had hap- pened, etc. The treatment mainly consists in keeping the bowels in good order j working moderately ; giving no corn, and but little hay. EPILEPSY. This disease takes its name from the suddenness of its attack. The animal is apparently in a perfect state of health, when sud- denly he falls to the ground, generally (as in the two preceding STOMACH STAGGERS. 315 cases), while in harness, without any manifest canse. He re- mains in this condition for a short time, and then appears as well as ever ; although occasionally a considerable degree of stupor is manifested for some time after. It may be occasioned by blows; wounds, and other injuries about the head ; water in the brain ; tumors ; violent derange- ment of the nervous system ; worms ; constipation of the bowels ; plethora, etc. The same course of treatment should be pursued as in vertigo ; these diseases in their symptoms, causes, etc., being so intimately connected as scarcely to be distinguishable from each other. STOMACH STAGGERS. This disease arises principally from over-feeding. The animal appears dull and sleepy, with a disposition to pitch forward ; stands with his head resting against a wall, manger, or the like, or, if at pasture, against a tree ; if he is led out of the stable, this will be observed as an involuntary action, in consequence of which the head is often much cut and bruised by coming in contact with hard or rough substances ; there is constipation of the bowels ; pulse scarcely changed from the usual standard ; as the attack is severe, the breathing becomes more and more labored. Blaine regards these symptoms as the first stage of mad stag- gers ; but this the author deems a mistake, as animals that die from this disease, having presented the above symptoms, scarcely have any very marked change in the cerebral region, or the brain. From the mode of treatment recommended by European authors of high repute, the author infers that the attacks are 316 STOMACH STAGGERS. less severe in this country than in Europe, or else that the severe treatment there practised is more injurious than the disease itself. The whole cause of the disease being apparently in the distended condition of the stomach from the presence of undigested food, all food should be removed from the manger, and none given for forty -eight hours. Give in- ternally the following ball : Barbadoes aloes one ounce; pulverized ginger two drachms ; croton oil six drops ; mix with molasses, and give ^^^^^^^^^i" the usual manner. Injec- HAYING SCENE. '' „ , J , ■, -, tions of soap and water should be given, until the bowels are opened ; or, what is far preferable when convenient, tobacco-smoke injections. Two drachms of the extract of belladonna dissolved in a pail of water, given to^ drink once a day for a week, will prove beneficial. Bleeding in these cases is, as a general rule, unnecessary and uncalled for. F^od should now be given very sparingly ; and no corn should be given at any time to the animal after such an attack, in consequence of its tendency to heat the blood, and produce a plethoric condition of the system. AMAUROSIS. 317 DISEASES OF THE EYE. AMAUROSIS. In this disease, called also Gutta Serena, or, more generally, Glass Eye, we find the eyes bright and clear, with a peculiar glassy appearance about them not observed in an eye where vision is perfect ; although no alteration in the structure of the eye has taken place, yet the horse is partially or totally blind. A mere examination of such eyes would not enable us to pro* nounce upon the blindness of the animal ; but if he be taken from a dark stable to a strong light, it will readily be detected, as the light causes no change to take place in the pupil. This disease is regarded as paralysis of the optic nerve ; in some cases yielding readily to medical treatment, and in others proving incurable. Horses are often sold with this disease upon them as perfectly sound, and the first intimation which the purchaser receives of his horse's being blind is his running against a wall-fence, post, or any thing that may chance to be in his way. It sometimes makes its appearance very suddenly; occasionally it exists in a temporary form as a sympathetic affection, as in apoplexy; it also at times occurs during the period of gestation, etc. Constitutional treatment only is likely to succeed in these cases. A physic ball should be given to open the bowels, composed of Barbadoes aloes six drachms ; pulverized ginger one drachm ; pulverized gentian root two drachms ; mix with molasses. After the ball has operated (which should be in twenty-four hours, if the aloes are good), give morning and evening half a drachm $m MEMBRANA NICTITANS. of nux vomica mixed in the feed. The author has never wit- nessed any beneficial results from bleeding, although it is re- commended by some writers. INFLAMMATION OP THE MEMBKANA NICTITANS. This affection is commonly called the haw, or hooks. The membrane affected is somewhat triangular in form, concave on the inner side, and convex externally. It is mainly composed of cartilage, or gristle, and is situated between the eye ball and the side of the orbit, at the inner corner of the eye. In a per- fectly healthy condition but a very small portion of this mem- brane is visible ; but when in a state of inflammation it bulges out very considerably. A portion of the membrane covering it becoming, as it were, folded upon itself presents a hook- like appearance, which has been regarded by farriers as a foreign substance, to which the name of "hooks" has been given, and its removal with the knife recommended by them. It so happens, however, that this membrane is placed in the eye, or attached thereto, to serve a useful purpose : that of cleansing the eye from dirt, or any foreign substance that may chance to get into it, which is accomplished by throwing it over the ball of the eye, and removing any obstruction. In- jury must result from cutting away any portion of this mem- brane, as its function is in part destroyed ; since the animal can no longer throw it over the ball of the eye with the same facility as before the operation was performed. In point of fact, wherever the hooks, as they are called, are cut out, it will be observed that whenever any foreign substance gets into the eye, the animal makes a spasmodic effort to throw this mem- SIMPLE OPHTHALMIA. 319 brane over the eye ball, often failing to accomplish it ; and thus the eye is rendered more liable to injury ever after. Whenever this membrane becomes tumefied, instead of cut- ting it out, open the bowels, and apply cold water to the eye several times a day. If much inflammation exists, bleed from the small vein just below the eye, the course of which vein in all thin-skinned animals is quite distinctly marked. SIMPLE OPHTHALMIA. This disease arises sometimes from a blow inflicted by a pas- sionate groom, or from some other external injury, or from a foreign body entering the eye, causing such an irritation in that delicate organ as sometimes to terminate in blindness. The symptoms are considerable swelling and inflammation of the eye lids, their under surfaces being very much reddened, and the vessels highly injected with blood ; there is also a cloudy appearance over the cornea, or transparent part of the eye. For treatment, if the animal is in a plethoric condition, take six or eight quarts of blood from the jugular vein, regulating the quantity by the action on the pulse ; otherwise general bleeding should not be undertaken. The bowels should be freely opened with Barbadoes aloes, six drachms ; pulverized ginger root, one drachm; and pulverized gentian root, one drachm, made into a ball. Bathe the eye freely with cold water ; after which apply with a syringe either of the following washes : laudanum, six drachms ; rain, or distilled water, one pint ; mix the two, and shake well before using : — or, take half an ounce of the extract of belladonna dissolved in one 320 SPECIFIC OPHTHALMIA. pint of rain water. Give internally one drachm of powdered colchicum morning and evening, in a bran mash ; no grain should be given during the treatment ; corn should be especially avoided. SPECIFIC OPHTHALMIA. Inflammation of the eye, or specific ophthalmia, is known to horsemen as moon-blindness, from the influence which the moon is supposed to exert upon it. This, however, is one of the many popular delusions which fill the pages of many use- less works on farriery. When a horse is once attacked with this disease, he is ever after liable to subsequent attacks, at intervals varying from one to six months, and generally ter- minating in blindness. This termination may, however, be warded off for a long time by proper management ; each sub- sequent attack rendering such a termination more and more certain, from the increased alteration in the structures of the eye. The horse may appear perfectly well, and the eyes clear and bright one day, and the next morning usually one eye will be found closed, more particularly if it is exposed to a strong light ; little or no swelling will be observed ; the lining mem- brane of the eye lid is quite red, and the eye exceedingly watery and tender. The causes of this disease are mainly attributable to heredi- tary predisposition, or to confinement in dark stables, and sudden exposure to strong light. Badly ventilated stables, in consequence of which the eyes are continually exposed to the strong fumes of ammonia arising from the urine, as also hard, work in a small collar, are supposed to be exciting causes. CATARACT. 321 These eases require prompt attention, in order to ward off the serious consequences which otherwise are in store for the un- fortunate animal. The bowels should first be opened with the purging ball recommended in simple ophthalmia. Give bran mashes only, and when the bowels are opened, give one of the following powders night and morning on the tongue : — pulverized colchicum, one and a half ounces ; saltpetre, two ounces; divide into twelve powders. These will last one week, and by that time the eye will usually become clear and bright. Use as an injection for the eye, tincture of opium, one ounce ; rain, or distilled water, one pint : — or, if more con- venient, mix half an ounce of the extract of belladonna in one pint of water, and use in the same manner. If the animal is in a plethoric condition, bleeding will be found advan- tageous ; the quantity to be regulated by the condition of the pulse. Place the animal in a cool, well-ventilated location, free from any ammoniacal gases. CATABACT. This disease, which is one of the terminations of specific ophthalmia, is an opacity of the crystalline lens, situated directly behind the pupil, through which it is visible. The first indications of cataract noticed are one or more white spots making their appearance within the eye, gradually en- larging, and at last blending with each other until the animal becomes totally blind. Not much can be done in such cases by way of treatment. Its removal by the operation practised upon the human eye, and known as " couching," is hardly ad- visable, as the horse is forever after unsafe, being very apt to 21 322 POLL EVIL. shy at almost every object which he encounters, in consequence of his sight being but partially restored by the operation. WALL EYE. This peculiar appearance of the iris in some horses is not the result of disease, but is occasioned by the absence of what is called the pigment, which gives color to the eye. This pigment is secreted upon the inside of the iris, and where it does not exist, the iris, or that part of the eye which surrounds the pupil (so called from its brilliancy) remains white. Percival says : " It is a remarkable fact that this variety of hue in the iris corresponds with the color of the hair ; bay and chestnut horses have hazel eyes ; brown horses have brownish eyes ; and very dark brown or black horses, eyes of a still darker, dusky brown shade. This curious relation is still more observable in human beings; the diversity of colors and hues in their irides being infinitely greater than any thing we behold among any one species of animals. Cream-colored and milk-white horses have wall eyes, and albinos have red eyes ; in both which instances the iris is said to be destitute of any coloring matter whatever." MISCELLANEOUS DISEASES. POLL EVIL. This disease arises from blows inflicted upon the poll, or back part of the head, of animals whose blood is impure, or in a morbid condition. Horses going in or out of stables with POLL EVIL. 323 low doorways frequently strike their polls ; pulling back upon the halter, and blows inflicted by passionate grooms, are among the exciting causes of this much dreaded complaint. The same injuries inflicted upon an animal in perfect health seldom cause any essential trouble ; but when the blood is in a morbid condition, fistulous abscesses are formed, which are seldom curable by merely local treatment, even when the dis- ease is treated in its earliest stages. The author has no faith in the seton, so highly recommended in such cases, but depends principally upon constitutional treatment, which consists in first changing the condition of the blood from an unhealthy standard to a healthy one, This may be done by the proper use "of alterative medicines, given in either of the following forms : Socotrine aloes pulverized, four ounces ; soft soap, four ounces ; linseed meal, one and a half pounds ; mix with molasses so as to form a mass ; dose, one ounce twice a day: — or, Socotrine aloes, eight ounces; soft soap, eight ounces ; linseed meal, one and a half pounds ; mix and dose as before : — or, the following powder may be used : sublimed sulphur, two pounds ; sesqui-sulphuret of antimony in powder, one pound : dose, a table- spoonful twice a day in the feed. The sesqui- sulphuret of antimony should never be pur- chased in a powdered form, as it is often adulterated with lead, arsenic, magnesia, or iron ; but should always be procured in conical masses. THE TROTTING STALLION AMERICAN ECLIPSE. 324 MELANOTIC TUMORS. If the abscess is soft and pointing, it should be opened, and a solution of zinc, two drachms to a quart of water, injected into the opening once or twice a day. A saturated solution of corrosive sublimate is sometimes used advantageously; though the zinc is much safer in the hands of inexperienced persons. The nux vomica, in half-drachm doses, is also used as an internal remedy with good effect. FISTULA OF THE WITHERS. This is precisely the same as poll evil, its location alone giving it a different name, and requires the same course of treatment. Its location is upon the raised part along the back, and over the shoulders, known as the withers, and it is caused by bruises from the forepart of the saddle, and other causes. MELANOTIC TUMORS. Swellings are generally termed tumors ; but tumors proper are swellings in any part of the animal not attended by in- flammation, comprehending bony, fatty, fibrous, melanotic, etc. For their removal an operation is generally requisite, which should be left to the veterinary surgeon. Melanotic, or black tumors are, however, peculiar to gray horses, and operations upon this class would be of little use, as the entire system is usually filled with them ; where one is seen, many more may be suspected. The author presented to the Boston Yeterinary Institute, some years ago, a large cluster, fifty or sixty in number, taken from the abdominal cavity of a gray horse, all united together by membranous attachments ; and GLANDERS. 325 there could not have been less than ten thousand of these tumors in the animal from which this specimen was taken. They will frequently be found about the tail of gray horses, not being found in horses of any other color. GLANDERS. This fatal and much dreaded disease has baffled the efforts of veterinary surgeons in all ages of the world, and still continues so to do. It is decidedly contagious ; yet as dif- ferent diseases are often confounded with it, which may be detected by the competent practitioner, no animal should be condemned until the symptoms peculiar to glanders, which cannot well be mistaken if the disease is fully developed, have manifested themselves. The suspected animal should be re- moved and kept from all possible contact with any others. The author has deposited in the museum of the Yeterinary College of Philadelphia the heads of a number of horses that were killed as glandered animals, and yet not one of them was so ; the suspicious symptoms in each case arising from carious teeth. Animals afflicted with ozena have also fre- quently been killed as glandered ; and in one case which re- cently came under the author's notice, where the animal was killed as glandered, the cause of all the difficulty was the filling up of the frontal sinuses by bony deposits. It is necessary for the attendant to use the utmost caution when about a glandered horse, as the disease is freely com- municated from the animal to man by inoculation. Of some sixty- seven cases reported in the Veterinarian of London as occurring in man, but three recovered, notwithstanding the 326 GLANDERS. utmost exertions of the ablest physicians that could be pro- cured. The most common cause of this disease is the impure air of close, ill-ventilated, and filthy stables, which acts injuriously upon the organs of respiration, destroys the constitution, de- bilitates the system, and renders it susceptible to the attacks of disease. Neglected catarrh, also, sometimes terminates in glanders ; hard work and bad provender, together with sudden changes from exposure to cold and wet weather to hot stables, are likewise reckoned among the causes. The symptoms are, discharges from one or both nostrils, of a glossy, thick, gluey nature, frequently sticking about the nostrils in considerable masses. This is a peculiarity which other discharges do not possess. This discharge is not always copious, as is generally supposed. The Schneiderian membrane of the nose changes to a dusky, or dirty yellow, or leaden hue ; ulcers appear upon the membrane ; a peculiar raising of the nasal bones will be observed, which the author has never noticed in any other disease ; the discharge is sometimes mixed with blood, and is often fetid ; and one or both of the submaxillary glands are swollen and adhere to the jaw bone. Too much reliance, however, should not be placed upon this swelling, as it frequently accompanies other diseases ; but the character of the discharge, and the raising of the nasal bones are peculiarities not easily mistaken when the disease is de- veloped. As all the other symptoms will be found accom- panying other diseases, too much care cannot be exercised in deciding upon a case of this disease previous to a full develop- ment of the symptoms. All treatment thus far has proven a failure. FARCY. 327 FAKCY. This is regarded by the author as an incipient stage of glanders, or as a type of the same disease, and with proper management is curable. Experiments prove that the virus from a farcied horse will produce glanders by inoculation in a sound one, and that the glandered matter will in like manner produce farcy. There are two distinct varieties or stages of farcy : one, which is called buUon farcy, is altogether super- ficial, being confined to the lymphatic vessels of the skin, and readily yields to medical treatment ; the other variety makes its appearance in the extremities, generally upon the inside of the hind legs, which become completely engorged ; but the swelling is very different from the ligamentary thickening, or from (edema, being very uneven or lumpy, excessively tender, and painful to the touch. Small abscesses are formed, which at first discharge a healthy pus, but soon ulcerate, and discharge a thin, sanious matter. These abscesses, or tumors, first make their appearance on the inside of the hind legs, and then on the fore ones in like manner ; the neck and lips come next in turn, and they may afterward appear in all parts of the body, when glanders will begin to manifest itself. By way of treatment, good wholesome food is all important. Sulphate of copper in two-drachm doses, combined with one or two drachms of pulverized gentian root, will often prove successful ; corrosive sublimate, also, in ten or fifteen grain doses, night and morning, has often been advantageously used ; the doses may be increased to a scruple, or even half a drachm, if the animal bears the medicine well. If the animal is much debilitated, give calomel in half-drachm doses instead 328 SCARLET FEVER. of the sublimate, or the sulphuret of mercury may be sub- stituted. The use of arsenic has also been attended with good success, but the author has been more fortunate with the muriate of baryta in half-drachm doses, than with any other preparation in use. All the tumors should be opened, and caustic carefully applied to each ; sulphate of copper, nitrate of silver, the per-manganate of potash, or the red-hot iron, are the best applications. The following ointment should be rubbed along the corded vessels once a day : blue ointment, two ounces; hydriodate of potash, two drachms; lard, two ounces ; mix well. Or, the red oxide of mercury, two drachms to the ounce of lard is very good. SCARLET FEVER. This disease, otherwise called scarlatina, has too frequently been confounded with farcy, notwithstanding the two diseases present very different symptoms. It is easily managed, yield- ing readily to medical treatment. Tor several days previous to any very noticeable symptoms being manifest, the animal is off his feed, dull and mopy, with mouth hot and dry ; slight or copious discharges from the nose, mixed with blood ; the Schneiderian membrane highly colored, and presenting numerous scarlet blotches, irregular in form, and containing a thin, reddish fluid ; these blotches sometimes present a pustular appearance, but upon passing the finger over them, nothing of that character can be dis- covered ; the whole body is covered with similar spots, which sometimes require close examination to discover them ; in other cases, little pustules are formed, which break, and dis- MANGE. 329 charge a thin sanious fluid of a reddish color and gluey nature; swellings of the legs, sheath, and belly, are usually attending symptoms; the respiration is quick; the pulse is full and accelerated, and there is a disinclination to move. For treatment, the extract of belladonna alone appears to be a specific in this disease. It should be given in doses of from one half to two drachms, dissolved in a pail of water, and given to the animal to drink. No hay should be placed be- fore him ; soft mashes only should be allowed, until he is convalescent. This treatment, so simple yet so effective, has been pursued by the author's friend, Dr. Bowler, of Cincinnati, and himself, for the last ten years, with uniform success, not a single case having been lost. It is true that the disease is not of very common occurrence ; yet during that period the author has had over thirty cases. MANGE. Diseases of the skin are less numerous in the horse than perhaps, most other animals ; a circumstance doubtless arising from the great care taken of our better class of horses to keep the skin clean, thereby promoting its healthy action. Mange is identical with the itch in the human body, and is an infec- tious disease, the intolerable itching being caused by minute insects, called acari. They are first observed with the aid of a powerful microscope along the mane and the root of the tail, causing a scurfy appearance of the skin. This appearance rapidly extends to the neck and body ; spots denuded of hair will appear, which gradually run into continuous scabby patches. As the disease advances, it thickens and puckers 330 MANGE. the skin, particularly of the neck, withers and loins. This dis- ease is easily cured if properly managed. The natural history of these insects is not well known. They live only upon, or beneath, the skin of animals. There appears to be a distinct variety, peculiar to each species of animals. They live for a considerable time after being re- moved from the skin, but for how long a period is not pre- cisely known. According to experiments made it appears that they can live in pure water for three hours; in strong vinegar, alcohol, and in a solution HP of kali carbonicum, twenty minutes ; in a solution of sulphuric acid, twelve minutes ; in turpentine, nine minutes ; and in a so- lution of arsenic, four min- utes. When they are not exposed to such violent and de- structive immersions, it has been said that they will retain life for six or eight days. From a comparison of the acari of mangy animals, it is supposed that the variety peculiar to the horse can live for a much longer period. Mangy horses have been removed from their stalls, washed with various pre- parations, put into another stable, and completely freed from the effects of the disease ; but upon returning to their former stalls, or using unwashed their accustomed harness, the disease soon showed symptoms of its return. This fact accounts for the trouble experienced in curing this disease. The insect is THE THREE FRIENDS. SURFEIT. 331 rubbed off upon the sides of the stall, or clings to the harness, again to come in contact with the animal. For treatment, the animal should be stripped of all harness, well washed with acetic acid, and turned into a loose box stall away from that in which he has been standing. If this course is adopted, one or two washings will generally suffice. The harness also should be well washed, and not used for two or three months; nor should the horse be replaced in his former stall for a less period, and not even then until it has been thoroughly cleaned and white washed. A wash of white hellebore and water has been much and beneficially used for this disease ; and in inveterate cases corrosive sublimate in solution is recommended, though there is some danger of its absorption ; if this should occur, the animal would quite likely be destroyed. A mixture of sulphur, oil, and turpentine is highly recommended ; but the author has never witnessed the superior qualities of any of these preparations over the acetic acid. SUBFEIT. This disease appears all over the body in the form of pus- tules, which seem scaly, and then appear to get entirely well, while fresh ones make their appearance, and follow in the same course. The hair is rough, staring, and unhealthy in appearance; the legs sometimes become much swollen, and there is general debility. This disease is supposed to arise from bad grooming, bad management, and unwholesome food, together with a general plethoric state of the system. For treatment, bleed the animal if plethoric, taking from 332 STRAINS OP THE LOINS. the neck vein from four to six quarts ; in the absence of plethora, the lancet must not be used. Give a strong purging ball, followed by one of these powders twice a day : saltpetre, one and a half ounces ; flower of sulphur, two ounces ; black antimony, one ounce ; mix and divide into eight powders. HIDE BOUND. This is a condition of the skin, caused by some morbid action in the system. Derangement of the digestive organs will in- duce it. The animal must be treated for the disease under which it is laboring. STRAINS OP THE LOINS. Strains are of very frequent occurrence in the horse, in con- sequence, doubtless, of the great amount of labor demanded of him, which often taxes his powers to the utmost. These strains frequently give rise to serious trouble, rendering the animal unfit for work and often establishing an incurable lameness. Strains of the loins occur most frequently in draft horses, par- ticularly in those used in the shafts of drays or carts. Such animals on going down hill heavily loaded are very apt to be- come injured ; at times the injury is so great that the spinal marrow becomes affected, causing paralysis of the hind extre- mities, and rendering the animal comparatively useless ever after. When the injury is very severe, bleeding should be re- sorted to, if the animal can bear it. The following liniment will be found an excellent application for strains of all kinds : laudanum, gum camphor, spirits of turpentine, tincture of myrrh, castile soap, oil origanum, nitrous ether, of each one ounce j LOCKED JAW. 333 alcohol, one quart ; mix all together, and shake well before using ; apply two or three times as occasion may require. PALSY. This is a loss of power in the nervous system. General palsy is never found in the horse, it being always partial or limited in extent, and described under two heads, paraplegia and hemi- plegia. The first is a paralysis of the hind extremities, which is of very frequent occurrence ; it sometimes occurs as a sym- pathetic affection, in which cases it disappears with the other symptoms of the disease. The second form is a palsy of one side of the body only, and is of very rare occurrence. When paralysis arises from strains whereby the spinal cord is injured, it causes the most acute suffering, and the animal usually dies in a few days. When the pressure upon the spinal cord is not great, the animal is sometimes rendered useful for ordinary purposes, but very rarely becomes sound. For treatment, first open the bowels if they are the least cos- tive, and give internally one of the following powders night and morning ; nux vomica, one ounce ; pulverized gentian root, two ounces ; Jamaica ginger, one ounce ; mix, and divide into twelve powders. Apply warm sheep-skins to the loins, succeeded by the following application : linseed oil, one pint ; spirits of harts- horn, four ounces ; shake well before using. Perfect rest and moderate diet are necessary. LOOKED JAW. This distressing malady, otherwise known as tetanus or tris- mus, is one generally arising from neglected wounds, such as 334 LOCKED JAW. are occasioned by a horse's picking up a nail ; in which case the wound, instead of being kept open by the owner, or his attendant, is suffered to close up, in consequence of which, if there is the slightest disposition to ulceration, matter is formed under the horn or hoof, which develops the most alarming symptoms, usually in about two weeks after the wound has healed. When locked jaw is the result of wounds, it is called symptomatic, or traumatic ; when existing without apparent cause, it is called idiopathic. The latter is said to be caused in some cases by the action of bots and of worms in the intestines. The first symptoms observable are a stiff, straggling gait behind ; rigidity of the muscles of the jaw, completely locking the jaws together; the tongue is sometimes swollen, and con- siderable saliva flows from the mouth. As the disease pro- gresses, the muscles throughout the body become rigid; the animal turns as though there was not a joint in the body ; the nose is poked out, the nostrils dilated, and respiration disturbed ; the bowels are almost invariably constipated ; on elevating the head, a spasmodic or flickering motion of the eye will be ob- served, exposing little more than the white parts. When the disease is confined to the head and neck, it is called trismus; when extended to all parts of the body, it is termed tetanus. There can scarcely be any principle laid down to govern the treatment of this disease, as cases have recovered under all kinds of treatment. The great object is to get the bowels opened ; when this is accomplished, the cases usually have a favorable termination ; but when the jaws are firmly set, the prospects are very limited. Give, if possible, by the mouth one ounce of aloes, ten drops of croton oil, two drachms of pulverized gentian root, and one drachm of ginger ; make into one ball with molasses. RHEUMATISM. 335 If this cannot be given, keep a ball of aloes in the mouth, the action of which may be increased by adding to the ball two drachms of calo- mel, and omitting the c rot on oil. Give injections of belladonna, half an ounce dissolved in a pail of water. Opium has been much used, but is giving way to other prepara- btron's mazeppa. " They left me there to my despair, tlOnS. UlVe Upon Link'd to the dead and stiffening wretch." the tongue every hour twenty drops of the following mixture : hydrocyanic acid and tincture of aconite, of each one ounce ; mix, and shake, well together. Blistering the back, from the head to the tail, has succeeded in some cases. Chloroform has been highly recommended, but appears to have only a tempo- rary effect ; it is given in doses of from one to two drachms. KHETJMATISM. This disease is quite common in the Western States. The symptoms are stiffness, lameness, and shifting from one limb to another ; sometimes tumefaction is observable about the extre- mities. The lameness is sometimes absent, and appears to be influenced by changes in the weather. For treatment, poultice the feet with mustard and flaxseed meal. Give internally of nux vomica, one ounce; pulverized gentian root, one and a half ounces ; pulverized ginger, one 336 HYDROCELE. ounce ; mix, and divide into twelve powders ; give one every night in the feed. The most successful treatment which the author has found, when the above has failed to effect a perfect cure, is that recommended by Dr. Bowler, of Cincinnati, whose experi- ence in baffling this disease has been quite considerable. It is as follows : — if the animal is plethoric, bleed freely and give a strong cathartic ; follow every morning with one of the following balls : pine tar, two ounces ; pulverized gentian root, one ounce ; mix all together, and divide into eight balls. Keep the body warm, and give no corn. CRAMP. This complaint occasions considerable alarm to the owner of a horse, from the peculiarity of the symptoms. A horse is found to go suddenly lame, lameness continuing, dragging one leg after him as though it were dislocated or broken. Upon taking a whip and striking him, he will sometimes go two or three steps in a natural way, and then the leg drags again. Such instances have been pronounced fractures by the farrier, and even by the young veterinarian such a mistake has been made ; indeed, there are instances of the horse's having been killed by order of the medical attendant. Treatment. Friction by hand-rubbing, and application of the liniment recommended for strains. Usually the animal will be found all right upon the following day. HYDROCELE. This disease commonly known as dropsy of the testicles, sometimes affects the stallion. It consists of a collection of SIT-FASTS. 337 serum in the tunica vaginalis, or bag containing the testes, fluctuating when pressed by the hand, but free from tenderness or pain. Its causes are obscure, but it is supposed to result from injuries, such as strains, etc. For treatment, the scrotum should be punctured, and a weak solution of tincture of iodine injected into the tunica vaginalis ; or equal parts of port wine, and water of zinc lotion, or lime water, may be used with very good effect. The animal should be well secured before these preparations, particularly the first, are used, as the pain thereby caused may render him for the time unmanageable. WABTS. These fungous growths appear in the horse most frequently about the mouth, nose, and lips; but they are occasionally found upon other parts of the body. They are sometimes found in large numbers about the lips of colts, and are generally rubbed off, or drop off; if, however, they grow large and become deeply rooted, they may be cut off by passing a needle through the centre armed with double thread, and tied tightly around the neck on each side. This prevents the possibility of the ligatures being rubbed off. Or, they may be painted over with the per-manganate of potash, a few applications of which will entirely destroy warts of a large size ; or they may be removed with a knife. SIT-FASTS. These are dark, hard, scabby spots upon the back, which are dead skin and cannot be easily removed ; but by poulticing for several days they become soft and may be torn off. Tincture .22 338 MALL ANDERS AND SELLENDERS. of myrrh applied two or three times a day will generally effect a cure after the dead skin is removed. WABBLES. These arise from bruises, which cause superficial swellings that sometimes suppurate. They should be freely opened and the matter well washed out. A solution of sulphate of zinc, or alum-water, is all that is required to effect a cure. SADDLE OB HABETESS GALLS. These are bruises caused by friction and moisture, occurring most frequently in warm weather ; the parts are rubbed raw, and sometimes bleed. The treatment is simple and effectual. Bathe the parts several times a day with one pint of water and half a pint of tincture of myrrh. MALLANDEES AND SELLENDEBS. These are scurfy eruptions of the back part of the knee joint and the front part of the hock joint. They sometimes occasion much pain, and lameness in consequence. They con- stitute but one disease, the names having reference to the fore and hind extremities ; mallenders being applied to eruptions upon the fore extremities, and sellenders to those upon the hind ones. For treatment, wash the parts well with castile soap and water, and apply the following : lard, four ounces, and Goulard's extract, one ounce, well mixed. SURGICAL CASES. 339 ULCERATION OP THE UDDER. Mares are sometimes subject to this disease, which is caused by the milk's coagulating in the bag, and causing inflamma- tion and suppuration. The udder becomes swollen, hot, tender, hard, and knotty. A flaxseed poultice should at once be applied, when the abscess will soon be brought to a head, which will be known by its smooth, polished appearance and its soft feeling. It should then be lanced, and the udder bathed twice a day with lard melted as hot as the animal can bear. Sometimes it becomes necessary to inject a solution of the sulphate of zinc into the opening ; but in ordinary cases the hot lard is sufficient, if properly applied. INFLAMED VEINS. The jugular or neck vein sometimes becomes inflamed in consequence of being injured by a bungling bleeder. A swell- ing is first noticed, followed by a gaping in the incision in the neck, from which an acrid fluid oozes. For treatment, bathe the part well with cold water, into which a small portion of tincture of myrrh is thrown, and with a purging ball a cure is soon effected. SURGICAL CASES. It frequently becomes necessary, in order to relieve the animal from some painful disease, to resort to operations in surgery ; this, in fact, has of late years become an important 340 SURGICAL CASES. branch of veterinary practice. When it becomes necessary to use the knife, the animal should be spared all useless torture. In severe operations, humanity dictates the use of some anaes- thetic agent to render the animal insensible to pain. Chloro- form is the most powerful of this class, and may be adminis- tered with perfect safety, provided a moderate quantity of atmospheric air is inhaled with or during its administration. Sulphuric ether acts very feebly upon the horse, and cannot therefore be successfully used. Chloric ether answers a very good purpose, but pure chloroform is preferable. In minor operations, the twitch, the side-hobble, or the foot-strap, is all that is necessary. When a horse is to be cast for an operation, force must be used for its accomplishment. The patent hob- bles have been preferred for that purpose by veterinary sur- geons generally, though the author prefers a modification of the cast-rope and the patent hobbles. This improvement con- sists in having a heavy, well-padded leathern collar, each layer burned in with rosin, after the style of the old-fashioned fire- buckets ; at the bottom of this collar a strong ring is attached, secured by an iron band ; through this ring the rope is passed ; around the body a strong leathern band is buckled, which connects with the top of the collar by a cross strap, which keeps it in place ; a hobble band is placed upon each hind fetlock, through the D of which th$? rope is passed ; on each side of the collar a strong ring is firmly secured, through which the rope also passes, the ends of which are then pulled upon by one or two men on each side, and the animal let quietly down. The author is convinced by experience that this ar- rangement is far preferable to any hobble arrangement yet seen. It is a mistaken idea that horses must be cast for every little operation ; in truth, but few operations require it. BLEEDING. 341 BLEEDING. Blood-letting in former times was regarded as the sheet- anchor in veterinary practice ; but that day has past. The practice of bleeding horses upon all occasions cannot be too strongly condemned; the cases where blood-letting proves beneficial being comparatively few. Before using the lancet the pulse must be examined, the condition of the animal con- sidered, and the effects upon that pulse must decide the quan- tity of blood to be taken. The pulse will be found following the front margin of the masseter muscle, which muscle forms the fleshy parts of the head upon each side, called the cheeks. By following the front part of muscle downward with the thumb, near the base of the lower jaw, and then passing forefingers under, or inside of the jaw, the pulse will be readily felt ; Or, tO point its lady Suffolk. location out with more certainty, if an imaginary line is drawn perpendicularly from the front part of the ear downward, it will cross the point where the pulse is located and felt. In a healthy condition the pulse beats from thirty-six to forty times a minute ; variation above or below this standard indicates a morbid condition of the system. This fact should be born in mind in the description of any disease. When bleeding is necessary, the neck never should be corded, as much injury has at times been caused by this practice. All that is requisite is to raise the jugular vein by pressing upon 342 NEUROTOMY OR NERVING. it with the fingers of the left hand, using the lance with the right. The old-fashioned mode of bleeding with the fleam and blood-stick is a bungling operation, frequently requiring several trials before bringing blood, the result of which is an inflamed vein. A more convenient, a more certain, and a more satisfactory method is by using a spring lance, made for the purpose, which never fails in bringing blood upon the first trial. It is so contrived as to straddle the vein of the neck, which keeps it firm, and prevents its rolling, so that it is im- possible to miss bringing the blood when it is once placed upon the vein and sprung. By this method of bleeding, the covering of the eye and the cording of the neck are unnecessary, and the operation can easily be accomplished by one person. After the vein has been opened, the blood-pail pressed against the vein will cause the blood to flow freely. When the desired quantity has been drawn, the vein must be carefully closed by passing a pin through the centre of the opening, taking up the skin upon both sides, and tying with hair from the mane or tail. The pin may be removed in about twenty-four hours. NEUROTOMY OR NERVING. This is one of the most important operations in veterinary practice, and one that has been much abused, not only in Europe, but even more so in the United States. Its useful- ness was first demonstrated by Assistant Professor Sewell, of the Veterinary College of London. The operation consists in cutting out a portion of the metacarpal nerves on each side of the legs, thus destroying the sensibility of the foot. From the instantaneous relief experienced by the animal in all cases NEUROTOMY OR NERVING. 343 of foot lameness, no matter from what cause, an opportunity has been afforded to dishonest persons for imposing upon the public by availing themselves of this practice ; an opportunity, it need not be said, which has been freely used, and thus a valuable operation has been brought into undeserved disrepute. The cases likely to be benefited by this operation are few, and should be selected with great care ; otherwise the loss of the animal's hoof may be, and often is, the termination of the case. This operation is recommended by veterinary authors in incurable cases of lameness of the navicular joint ; but suffi- cient caution is not impressed upon the mind of the reader, to enable him to guard against the fatal results which too often follow. In deciding upon a case for this operation, an animal should be selected with a foot as free from contraction as possible ; free from corns ; comparatively free from inflammation ; with a concave ground surface ; open heels ; hoof free from rings or roughness ; and no bony deposits within the hoof. In such a case, the operation may be performed with success. A horse that has been foundered should not, under any circumstances, be operated upon, as ossification of the laminae frequently fol- lows such an attack; nor a horse affected with ossification of the lateral cartilages, corns, or badly contracted hoof; for these are the cases where loss of the hoof is likely to follow, rendering the animal useless. After the operation has been performed, care should be taken in driving the animal ; for it should be remembered that no matter what accident may happen to the foot, the animal is unconscious of pain. The feet should be frequently exam- 344 NEUROTOMY OR NERVING. ined to see whether the horse has picked up a nail, or other, wise injured the foot ; for such injuries would otherwise re- main undiscovered until too late to save the animal's life or usefulness. The smith should be informed of the opera- tion, in order to guard against pricking the animal's foot in shoeing. It is necessary previous to the operation that the feet should be perfectly cool, which condition may be obtained by frequent bathings with cold water for several days previous. The horse is cast, the foot to be operated upon loosened, and brought for- ward by an assistant, it resting upon a bed of straw. A verti- cal incision is made about two inches above the fetlock, between the cannon bone and back sinew, raising up with the forceps the cellular membrane, and carefully dissecting out the nerve. The precaution should be taken of placing the finger upon it, as the artery has been taken up and cut off before the mistake was discovered. Having fairly exposed the nerve, pass a curved needle armed with strong thread under it, and by carefully drawing it up and down the nerve may be readily separated. A sheathed knife is then passed under the nerve, and by a quick motion the nerve is severed at the upper part. After the strug- gles of the animal cease, the cut nerve may be raised with the forceps, and from one-half of an inch to an inch removed. This second cut causes no pain. The wound is then closed by three single stitches. After operating upon both sides in like manner, the animal is allowed to rise. Bandages should then be placed upon the leg, and kept saturated for several days with cold water. TREPHINING. 345 LITHOTOMY. Operations for stone in the bladder of the horse have been practised since 1TH, and in many cases very successfully. In performing this operation, an ordinary scalpel, a probe-pointed bistoury, a fluted whalebone staff, and a pair of curved forceps are necessary. The animal should be placed upon his back with the hind legs drawn well forward ; a whalebone staff is passed up the urethra, which may be felt a little below the anus ; an incision, one and a half or two inches in length is made directly upon it, obliquely to one side, cutting through the urethra and the neck of the bladder ; the forceps are next introduced, and the stone removed; after which the parts are carefully closed by means of the quill suture, which in this operation is far su- perior to the interrupted one, as it more effectually prevents the dribbling of urine through the wound, which always occurs with the interrupted one, and therefore causes a more speedy union of the parts. TKEPHINIWG. This operation consists in cutting out circular pieces of bone with a circular saw, called a trephine, and is most generally performed in cases of fracture of the skull, or face. The bone removed must be from the sound part contiguous to the frac- ture, so as to enable an elevator to be passed inside of the cra- nial case, for the purpose of pushing back the broken bone to its proper place, and removing all detached pieces. This ope- ration is also performed in cases of ozena, by removing a piece of bone over the frontal sinuses, situated immediately between the eyes, in order to expose the diseased parts at once, that they may be washed with proper injections. 346 TAPPING THE CHEST. TENOTOMY. This operation is practised for the purpose of strengthening crooked legs or sprung knees. It consists in dividing the flexor tendons, in order to bring the limb straight. There are but few- cases, however, in which the operation would be of much service, and therefore care must be exercised in selecting such cases as are proper. It would hardly be proper in a young horse, as other means less objectionable often succeed. In old horses it would not be prudent, as their limbs are generally stiff and permanently set ; nor would it be successful in cases where an- chylosis or stiff joint existed, as is often found in connection with crooked legs and sprung knees. COUCHING. This is an operation upon the eye for the purpose of remov- ing a cataract from the axis of vision. A couching needle is passed through the sclerotic coat of the eye a little behind the cornea, passing it upward behind the iris to where the cataract is located, pressing it downward into the vitreous humor behind the iris, where it remains. This operation has not been very successful in the horse, by reason of the imperfect restoration of the sight thereby afforded, which causes them in almost every instance to shy at every object which they encounter, thus ren- dering them dangerous upon the road. TAPPING THE CHEST. This operation consists in passing a round, pointed instru- ment, sheathed with a canula, into the chest, in order to draw AMPUTATION OF THE PENIS. 34? off any accumulation of fluid that may have taken place in the viscus. The instrument is passed, after first making a small in- cision through the skin, between the eighth and ninth ribs, but not too low down. It is pushed gentry forward until it pene- trates the pleura, or lining membrane of the chest. The stellet is then withdrawn, and the canula is kept in place until the fluid ceases to run. If, however, a large quantity exists, all of it should not be taken away at one time ; for the pressure upon the lungs having been so great, if such sudden relief is afforded, nature, unable to accommodate herself to so rapid an alteration gives way, and the animal consequently dies. It should there- fore be taken away at one, two, or three tappings, as occasion may require. Good wholesome food should be allowed. PERIOSTEOTOMY. Tins operation is most generally performed for painful splints. It consists in cutting though the periosteum, or membrane covering the surface of all bones, over the splint or node, which immediately gives relief. This operation requires the aid of an experienced man. AMPUTATION" OP THE PENIS. This operation is occasionally called for in the horse, particu- larly in cases of paraphymosis, or protrusion of the penis, that have resisted all other modes of treatment. The operation, as performed in England, is unnecessarily tedious, and not as suc- cessful as it should be. It is only requisite in performing this operation to place a twitch upon the animal, and while he is standing to take the penis in the left hand, and with an ampu- 348 CESEOPHAGOTOMY. tating knife in the right to sever it at one stroke. The he- morrhage, although considerable, need not occasion any alarm. A piece of cotton or soft sponge, saturated with spirits of tur- pentine or any other styptic, and placed in the sheath, will soon cause the hemorrhage to cease. Fear of hemorrhage, may deter some persons from performing what may appear a bold operation ; but the author has not known a single operation performed in this way to have a fatal termination ; whereas with the English mode of operating it frequently does so, beside, even if it is successful, rendering the animal useless for a much greater period of time. CESOPHAGOTOMY. This operation is occasionally resorted to where any foreign substance, as an apple, potato, carrot, and the like, has lodged in the oesophagus, or gullet. Where such obstructions exist, gentle manipulations with the hand should first be resorted to ; if these are not successful in removing them, the probang is called for, and in case of failure thus to dislodge them, this operation is the only remaining resort. It is not necessary to cast the animal. Cut down directly upon the swollen part of the throat, and re- move the obstruction. The wound may then be closed by means of the interrupted suture ; that is, by single stitches, at proper distances apart, allowing the ends to hang out of the external wound, which may be closed in the same manner. The animal should be kept on gruel for several days. If the gruel is seen to ooze out of the wound when he is swallowing, it should be carefully washed away with cold water. The parts should be syringed with a weak solution of sulphate of zinc, chloride of zinc, or tincture of myrrh. HERNIA. 349 HEKUTA. By the term hernia surgeons understand a rupture, or protru- sion of some of the viscera out of the abdomen, forming a soft tumor. In human practice there are hernias occurring in all the viscera of the body ; but in the equine race they are confined, with rare exceptions, to the abdominal viscera, the inguinal hernia being the most common. This appears in the groin, and is a protrusion of the intestine through the abdominal ring, which in the stallion frequently passes down into the scrotum, or bag, constituting scrotal hernia. These hernias sometimes occur during castration in consequence of the violent struggles of the animal. In such cases it is best to administer chloroform at once in order to quiet the animal and prevent violent strugglings. The animal should be put upon his back, and one hand passed up the rectum, and one or two fingers of the other placed upon the scrotum, when by careful manipulations the intestine can gene- rally be replaced. If, however, a reduc- tion cannot be effected, an operation will be n ecessary. The hernia should be exposed by cutting through the integument a little upon one side, and coming down upon the hernia, the finger is placed upon it, and a reduction effected by careful manipulation. * Care should be taken that the nails upon the hand are trimmed close, in GOOD FOB HEAVY DRAFTS. 350 roweling. order to prevent wounding the intestine. The wound should then be closed by means of the interrupted suture. A folded cloth should then be applied to the part, and retained by means of a continuous bandage crossed between the legs from side to side in the form of the figure 8. Sometimes the intestine becomes strangulated, constituting strangulated hernia, the reduction of which requires an operation as before mentioned. If, however, it is found impossible, then to reduce it, the finger should be passed through the opening, if possible, and a probe-pointed bistoury following upon it, enlarge the opening and replace the intestine. The same treatment as before indicated will be ne- cessary. The symptoms of strangulated hernia are very similar to those of acute enteritis, or inflammation of the bowels. These may be regarded as the only hernias to which the horse is liable. EOWELING. Rowels were formerly much used, but of late years the seton has superseded them. The rowel consists of a round piece of sole leather, cut out in the centre wound round with tow, which is saturated before using with digestive ointment. The skin is cut through, and dissected upon each side sufficiently to admit the rowel. This is used principally under the jaws and in the breast. The seton answers the same purpose, and is much more convenient. It consists in arming a needle made for the pur- pose with tape and passing it through the part-desired, the seton being saturated with the same ointment as the rowel. TIRING. 351 FIRING. The object in firing a horse is to produce an external inflam- mation where counter-action is required, as in spavin, ringbone, curbs, etc. The operation may be performed upon the animal while standing, by placing a twitch and side line upon him ; but if the surface to be fired is extensive, and the animal high strung, it is better to cast him, particularly where a number of oblique, vertical, or horizontal lines are to be drawn. Firing is not practised at the present day to the extent that it formerly was, and when it is practised every endeavor should be made to prevent, as far as possible, the blemishes which always follow the operation. Yarious forms of irons have been adopted to accomplish this end. The author gives the preference to the feathered iron, which is brought down to a very fine edge, and, opinions are entertained by veterinary surgeons as to the ad- vantages resulting from deep firing as compared with those accruing from surface firing. In the author's judgment, if firing is resorted to at all, it should be done effectually. His attention has recently been called to a firing iron devised by A. Maillard, Esq., of Bordentown, New Jersey, which is the best adapted in- strument that has ever passed under his notice. It consists of two pieces of iron, octagonal in form, about one and a half inches long by one and a quarter wide, one piece containing five round-pointed projections, placed one at each corner and one at the centre, and the other four points, so arranged as, when fitted together, to fill up the intermediate spaces of its opposite ; both irons being used alternately on the same parts without ex- tending the surface fired. This iron will probably supersede any iron in use, and thanks are due to the inventor for his in- 352 TRACHEOTOMY. genuity in producing it. Pointed instruments have been before used, but far inferior in their arrangement. TRACHEOTOMY. This operation is occasionally called for in cases of strangles, when the swelling threatens suffocation, as it is often the only means of saving the animal's life. It consists in making a lon- gitudinal incision through the skin immediately over the wind- pipe and below the larynx, cutting through the cartilaginous rings (two or more, as occasion requires), and inserting in the opening a tube of silver made for the purpose, through which the animal breathes, instead of through the nostrils. A circular piece is sometimes cut out of the windpipe in order to admit the tube more freely, which is certainly the better mode of perform- ing the operation. In a case of emergency, a piece of elder with the pith pushed out will answer temporary purposes. It should be well secured from slipping into the windpipe by means of a piece of string. The great celebrity which Mr. Rarey obtained in England and France, owing to his unparalleled success in rendering the most vicious and un- governable horses perfectly tractable and gentle, has excited no small degree of interest and curi- osity among us, to ascertain the method which he adopts to secure such noteworthy results. To gratify this interest, as laud- able as it is natural, we propose in this place giving the leading 23 (353) 354 rarey's method op taming horses. features of his method, as gleaned from the various English publications bearing upon the subject, especially from the little work, entitled " The Art of Taming Horses. By J. S. Rarey," and edited by the Hunting Correspondent of " The Illustrated London News." It is needless to premise, that not every man can become a Rarey, by the perusal of this, or of any other treatise upon the art of breaking horses ; yet it is not claiming too much for this system to say, that by its use the large majority of horses may be broken more expeditiously, more effectually, and with far more satis- faction and pleasure to the breaker than by the adoption of any other now known. It is no slight gain, to be able to transfer the breaking of horses from ignorant, impatient, and disagree- able persons to those who can in every respect appreciate the noble qualities of the animal and who will therefore deal with him as his high rank in the scale of creation demands. The three fundamental principles of the Rarey theory are : first, that the horse is so constituted by nature that he will not offer resistance to any demand made of him which he fully com- prehends, if such demand is made in a way consistent with the laws of his nature ; second, that he has no consciousness of his strength beyond his experience, and can be handled according to our will without force ; and third, that we can, in compliance with the laws of his nature, by which he examines all things new to him, take any object however frightful around, over, or on him, that does not inflict pain, without causing him to fear. As to the first proposition : — the horse, although possessed of some faculties superior to man's yet being deficient in reasoning powers, has no knowledge of right or wrong, of free will and independent government, and is not aware of any imposition rarey's method of taming horses. 355 practised upon him, however unreasonable it may be. He can- not, consequently, decide as to what he should, or should not do, not having the requisite faculties to enable him to argue the justice of the thing demanded of him. Had he such faculties, taking into consideration his superior strength, he would be useless to man as a servant. If he had mind in proportion to his strength, he would roam through the fields at large, yield- ing service to no one. His nature has been wisely formed to be operated upon by the knowledge of man according to the dictates of his will, and he may properly be termed an uncon- scious submissive servant. This truth is verified in every day's experience by the abuse to which he is subjected. Any one who chooses to be so cruel can mount the noble steed, and run him till he drops with fatigue, or, as is often the case with the more spirited, falls dead beneath his rider. If he had the power to reason, would he not rear and pitch his rider, rather than suffer him to run him to death ? Happily for us, he has no thought of disobedience, except by impulse caused by the vio- lation of the law of his nature. If then, he is disobedient, it is the fault of man. As to the second : the fact that the horse is unconscious of the amount of his strength, can be proven to the satisfaction of any one. Were it otherwise, the light vehicle in which he is placed, the slender reins and harness which guide and con- fine him, would be snapped asunder in an instant, at his own volition ; no hitching-post could restrain him against his will, no saddle girth be placed around his body. These facts, made common by every-day occurrence, are not regarded as anything wonderful. Their continued existence serves to re- move us from all consideration of them. 356 barey's method op taming horses. As to the third : there being, as we know from a natural course of reasoning, some cause for every impulse or move- ment of either mind or action, and this law governing every action or movement of the animal kingdom, there must be some cause before fear can exist ; and if fear exists from the effects of imagination, and not from the infliction of real pain, it can be removed by complying with those laws of nature, by which the horse examines an object, and deter- mines upon its innocence or harm. A log or stump by the roadside, for example, may be, in the imagination of the horse, some great beast about to pounce upon him ; but after he is taken up to it, and allowed to stand by it for a little time, and to touch it with his nose, and to go through his process of examination, he will not care any- thing more about it. The same principle and process will have the same effect with any other object, however frightful in appearance, in which there is no harm. These principles being taken as the basis, whatever obstacles oppose the proper breaking of horses are readily surmounted by the Rarey method, commencing with the first steps to be taken with the colt, and thence proceeding through the whole task of breaking. How to Call a Colt from Pasture. — Go to the pasture and walk around the whole herd quietly, and at such a dis- tance as not to cause them to scare and run. Then approach them very slowly, and if they stick up their heads and seem to be frightened, stand still until they become quiet, so as not to make them run before you are close enough to drive them in the direction you want them to go. And when you begin to drive, do not flourish your arms or halloo, but gently fol- rarey's method of taming horses. 35*7 low them, leaving the direction open that you wish them to take. Thus taking advantage of their ignorance, you will be able to get them into the pound as easily as the hunter drives the quails into his net. For, if they have always run in the pasture uncared for (as many horses do in prairie countries and on large plantations), there is no reason why they should not be as wild as the sportman's birds, and require the same gentle treatment, if you want to get them without trouble; for the horse, in his natural state is as wild as a stag, or any of the undomesticated animals, though more easily tamed. How to Stable a Colt without trouble. — The next step will be, to get the horse into a stable or shed. This should be done as quietly as possible, so as not to excite any sus- picion in the horse of any danger befalling him. The best way to do this is to lead a broken horse into the stable first, and hitch him, then quietly walk around the colt and let him go in of his own accord. This should be undertaken slowly and considerately, as one wrong move may frighten your horse, and make him think it necessary to escape at all haz- ards for the safety of his life— and thus make two hours' work of a ten minutes' job ; and this would be all your own fault, and entirely unnecessary-— /or he will not run unless you run after him, and that would not be good policy unless you knew that you could outrun him, for you will have to let him stop of his own accord after all. But he will not try to break away uuless you attempt to force him into measures. If he does not see the way at once, and is a little fretful about going in, do not undertake to drive him, but give him a little less room outside, by gently closing in around him. Do not raise your arms, but let them hang at your side, for you might as well raise a club : the horse has never studied anatomy, 358 RAREY'S METHOD OF TAMING HORSES. and does not know but that they will unhinge themselves and fly at him. If he attempts to turn back, walk before him, but do not run ; if he gets past you, encircle him again in the same quiet manner, and he will soon find that you are not going to hurt him ; and then you can walk so close around him that he will go into the stable for more room, and to get further from you. As soon as he is in, remove the quiet horse and shut the door. This will be his first notion of con- finement — not knowing how he got into such a place, nor how to get out of it. That he may take it as quietly as possible, see that the shed is entirely free from dogs, chickens, or anything that would annoy him. Then give him a few ears of corn, and let him remain alone fifteen or twenty minutes, until he has examined his apartment, and become reconciled to his confinement. While he is eating, see that your halter is ready and all right, and de- termine for yourself the best mode of || operation. Always use a leather hal- ter, and be sure to have it made so that it will not draw tight around his nose if he pulls on it. It should be of the right size to fit his head easily and | nicely, so that the nose-band will not be too tight or too loose. Never put I a rope halter on an unbroken colt, bridle with a wooden gag- under any circumstances whatever. BIT FOR CONQUERING VICIOUS horses. Rope halters have caused more horses to hurt or kill themselves than would pay for twice the cost of all the leather halters that have ever been used for the rarey's method op taming horses. 359 purpose of breaking colts. It is almost impossible to break a colt that is very wild with a rope halter, without having him pull, rear, and throw himself, and thus endanger his life ; and this, because it is just as natural for a horse to try to get his head out of anything that hurts it, or feels unpleasant, as it would be for you to try to get your hand out of a fire. The cords of the rope are hard and cutting ; this makes him raise his head and draw on it, and as soon as he pulls, the slip noose (the way rope halters are always made) tightens, and pinches his nose, and then he will struggle for life, until, perchance, he throws himself. But this is not the worst. A horse that has once pulled on his halter can never be as well broken as one that has never pulled at all. Before anything more is attempted with the colt, some of the characteristics of his nature must be noticed, n that his motions may be better understood. Every one that has ever paid any attention to the horse, has noticed his natural in- clination to smell everything which to him looks new and frightful. This is their strange mode of examining everything. And when they are frightened at anything, though they look at it sharply, they seem to have no confidence in their eyesight alone, but must touch it with their nose before they are en- tirely satisfied ; and, as soon as they have done that, all seems right. If you want to satisfy yourself of this characteristic of the horse, and to learn something of importance concerning the peculiarities of his nature, etc., turn him into the barn yard, or a large stable will do, and then gather up something that you know will frighten him — a red blanket, buffalo robe, or something of that kind. Hold it up so that he can see it, he 360 karey's method of taming horses. will stick up his head and snort. Then throw it down some- where in the centre of the lot or barn, and walk off to one side. Watch his motions, and study his nature. If he is frightened at the object, he will not rest until he has touched it with his nose. He will begin to walk around the robe and snort, all the time STettiner a little closer, until STRAP FOR THE BIGHT FORE LEG. (Seepages & vu " i "b " **»■"« ^"^ j 366-370.) he finally gets within reach of it. He will then very cautiously stretch out his neck as far as he can reach, merely touching it with his nose, as though he thought it was ready to fly at him. But after he has repeated these touches for a few times, for the first time (though he has been looking at it all the while) he seems to have an idea of what it is. When he has found, by the sense of feeling, that it is nothing that will do him any harm, he is ready to play with it. If you w 7 atch him closely, you will see him take hold of it with his teeth, and raise it up, and pull at it ; and in a few minutes you can see that he has not that same wild look about his eye, but that he stands like a horse biting at some familiar stump. Yet the horse is never so well satisfied wnen he is about any- thing that has frightened him, as when he is standing with his nose to it ; and in nine cases out of ten, you will see some of that same wild look about him again, as he turns to walk from it. You will, probably, see him looking back very suspiciously as he walks away, as though he thought it might come after him yet. In all probability he will have to go back and make another examination before he is satisfied ; but he will familiar- ize himself with it, and if he should run in that field for a few rarey's method of taming horses. 361 days, the robe that frightened him so much at first will be no more to him than a familiar stump. It might very naturally be supposed from the fact of the horse's applying his nose to everything new to him, that he always does so for the purpose of smelling these objects ; but it is as much or more for the purpose of feeling, and he makes use of his nose, or muzzle (as it is sometimes called), as we would of our hands ; because it is the only organ by which he can touch or feel anything with much susceptibility. - He invariably makes use of the four senses — seeing, hear- ing, smelling, and feeling — in all of his examinations, of which the sense of feeling is, perhaps, the most important. In the experiment with the robe, his gradual approach and final touch with his nose was as much for the purpose of feeling as anything else, his sense of smell being so keen that it would not be necessary for him to touch his nose against anything in order to get the proper scent ; for it is said that a horse can smell a man at a distance of a mile. Besides, if the scent of the robe was all that was necessary, he could get that several rods off; whereas, we know from experience, that if a horse sees and smells a robe a short distance from him, he is very much frightened (unless he is used to it) until he touches or feels it with his nose ; which is a positive proof that feeling is the controlling sense in this case. It is a prevalent opinion among horsemen generally that the sense of smell is the governing sense of the horse; and with that view many receipts of strong-smelling oils, etc., have been concocted in order to tame him. All of these as far as the scent goes, have no effect whatever in taming him, or conveying any idea to his mind ; though the acts that accom- 362 rarey's method oe taming horses. pany these efforts — handling him, touching him about the nose and head, and patting him, as you are directed to do, after administering the articles, may have a very great effect, which is mistaken for the effect of the ingredients used. Approaching a Colt. — In order to take horses as we find them, of all kinds, and to train them to our liking, we should always take with us, when we go into a stable to train a colt, a long switch whip (whalebone buggy whips are the best) with a good silk cracker, so as to cut keenly and make a sharp report. strap foe the OFF fore leq. (See p. 370.) This, if handled with dexter- ity, and rightly applied, accompanied with a sharp, fierce word, will be sufficient to enliven the spirits of any horse. With this whip in your right hand, with the lash pointing backward, enter the stable alone. It is a great disadvantage in training a horse to have any one in the stable with you ; you should be entirely alone, so as to have nothing but yourself to attract his attention. If he is wild, you will soon see him on the opposite side of the stable from you ; and now is the time to use a little judgment. Accordingly, when you have entered the stable, stand still, and let your horse look at you a minute or two, and as soon as he is settled in one place, approach him slowly, with both arms stationary, your right hanging by your side, holding the whip as directed, and the left bent at the elbow, with your hand projecting. As you approach him, go not too much toward his head or croup, so as not to make him move either forward or backward, thus keeping your horse stationary ; if rarey's method of taming horses. 363 he does move a little either forward or backward, step a little to the right or left very cautiously ; this will keep him in one place. As you get very near him, draw a little to his shoulder, and stop a few seconds. If you are in his reach he will turn his head and smell your hand, not that he has any preference for your hand, but because that is projecting, and is the nearest portion of your body to the horse. This all colts will do, and they will smell your naked hand just as quickly as they will of anything that you can put in it. As soon as he touches your hand with his nose, caress him as before directed, always using a very light, soft hand, merely touching the horse, always rubbing the way the hair lies, so that your hand will pass along as smoothly as possible. As you stand by his side, you may find it more convenient to rub his neck or the side of his head, which will answer the same purpose as rubbing his forehead. Favor every inclination of the horse to smell or touch you with his nose. Ahvays follow each touch or communication of this hind with the most tender and affectionate caresses, accompanied with a kind look, and pleasant word of some sort, such as, " Ho ! my little boy — ho ! my little boy !" " Pretty boy !" "Nice lady !" or something of that kind, constantly repeating the same words, with the same kind, steady tone of voice ; for the horse soon learns to read the expression of the face and voice, and will know as well when fear, love, or anger prevails, as you know your own feelings ; two of which, fear and anger, a good horseman should never feel. If your horse, instead of being wild, seems to be of a stub- born or mulish disposition ; if he lays back his ears as you ap- proach him, or turns his heels to kick you, he has not that regard 364 RAREY'S METHOD OF TAMING HORSES. or fear of man that he should have, to enable you to handle him quickly and easily ; and it might be well to give him a few sharp cuts with the whip, about the legs, pretty close to the body. It will crack keenly as it plies around his legs, and the crack of the whip will affect him as much as the stroke ; besides, one sharp cut about his legs will affect him more than two or three over his back, the skin on the inner part of his legs or about his flank being thinner, more tender, than on his back. Do not whip him much — -just enough to frighten him ; it is not because we want to hurt the horse that we whip him — we only do it to frighten vice and stubbornness out of him. Whatever you do, do quickly, sharply, and with a good deal of fire, but always without anger. If you are going to frighten him at all, you must do it at once. Never go into a pitched battle with your horse, and whip him until he is mad and will fight you ; it would be better not to touch him at all, for you will establish, instead of fear and respect, feelings of resentment, hatred, and ill-will. If you can succeed in frightening him, you can whip him with- out making him mad ; for fear and anger never exist together in the horse, and as soon as one is visible, the other disappears. After you have frightened him, so that he will stand up straight and pay some attention to you, approach him again, and caress him a good deal more than you whipped him ; then you will excite the two controlling passions of his nature, love and fear, and as soon as he learns what you require, he will obey quickly. How to Halter and Lead a Colt. — As soon as you have tamed the colt a little, take the halter in your left hand, and approach him as before, and on the same side that you have tamed him. If he is very timid about your approaching closely to him, you can get up to him quicker by making the whip a raeey's method of taming horses. 365 part of your arm, and reaching out very gently with the butt end of it, rubbing him lightly on the neck, all the time getting a little closer, shortening the whip by taking it up in your hand, until you finally get close enough to put your hands on him. If he is inclined to hold his head from you, put the end of the halter-strap around his neck, drop your whip, and draw very gently ; he will let his neck give, and you can pull his head to you. Then take hold of that part of the halter which buckles over the top of his head, and pass the long side, or that part which goes into the buckle, under his neck, grasping it on the opposite side with your right hand, letting the first strap loose — the halter will be sufficient to hold his head to you. Lower the halter a little, just enough to get his nose into that part which goes around it ; then raise it somewhat, and fasten the top buckle, and you will have it all right. The first time you halter a colt you should stand on the left side, pretty well back to his shoulder, only taking hold of that part of the halter that goes around his neck ; then with your two hands about his neck you can hold his head to you, and raise the halter on it without making him dodge by putting your hands about his nose. You should have a long rope or strap ready, and as soon as you have the halter on, attach this to it, so that you can let him walk the length of the stable without letting go of the strap, or without making him pull on the halter, for if you only let him feel the weight of your hand on the halter, and give him rope when he runs from you, he will never rear, pull, or throw himself, yet you will be holding him all the time, and doing more toward gent- ling him than if you had the power to snub him right up, and hold him to one spot; because he does not know anything about his strength, and if you don't do anything to make him pull, he 366 rarey's method oe taming horses. will never know that he can. In a few minutes you can begin to control him with the halter ; then shorten the distance be- tween yourself and the horse by taking up the strap in your hand. As soon as he will allow you to hold him by a tolerably short strap, and to step up to him without flying back. You can begin to give him some idea about leading. But to do this, do not go before and attempt to pull him after you, but commence by pull- ing him very quietly to one side. He has nothing to brace either side of his neck, and taming the horse. (See page 368.) will soon yield to a steady, gradual pull of the halter ; and as soon as you have pulled him a step or two to one side, step up to him and caress him, and then pull him again, repeating this operation until you can pull him around in every direction, and walk about the stable with him, which you can do in a few minutes, for he will soon think when you have made him step to the right or left a few times, that he is compelled to follow the pull of the halter, not know- ing that he has the power to resist your pulling; besides, you have handled him so gently that he is not afraid of you, and you always caress him when he comes up to you, and he likes that, and would just as lief follow you as not. After he has had a few lessons of that kind, if you turn him out in a field, he will come up to you every opportunity he gets. rarey's method oe taming horses. 36T You should lead him about in the stall some time before you take him out, opening the door so that he can see out, leading him up to it and back again, and past it. See that there is nothing ont he outside to make him jump when you take him out, and as you go out with him, try to make him go very slowly, catching hold of the halter close to the jaw with your left hand, while the right is resting on the top of the neck, holding to his mane. After you are out with him a little while, you can lead him about as yon please. Don't let any second person come up to you when you first take him out ; a stranger taking hold of the halter would frighten him, and make him run. There should not even be any one standing near him, to attract his attention or scare him. If you are alone, and manage him rightly, it will not require any more force to lead or hold him than it would to manage a broken horse. How to Tie up a Colt. — If you want to tie up your colt, put him in a tolerably wide stall, which should not be too long, and should be connected by a bar or something of that kind to the partition behind it ; so that, after the colt is in he cannot go far enough back to take a straight, backward pull on the halter ; then by tying him in the centre of the stall, it would be impos- sible for him to pull on the halter, the partition behind prevent- ing him from going back, and the halter in the centre checking him every time he turns to the right or left. In a stall of this kind you can break auy horse to stand tied with a light strap, anywhere, without his ever knowing anything about pulling. For if you have broken your horse to lead, and have taught him the use of the halter (which you should always do before you hitch him to anything), you can hitch him in any kind of 368 rarey's method op taming horses. a stall, and if you give him something to eat to keep him up to his place for a few minutes at first, there is not one colt in fifty that will pull on his halter. How to Tame a Horse. — Take up one fore-foot and bend his knee till his hoof is bottom upward, and nearly touching his body; then slip a loop over his knee, and up until it comes above the pastern-joint, to keep it up, being careful to draw the loop together between the hoof and pastern-joint with a second strap of some kind to prevent the loop from slipping down and coming off. This will leave the horse standing on three legs ; you can now handle him as you wish, for it is utterly impossible for him to kick in this position. There is something in this operation of taking up one foot, that conquers a horse quicker and better than anything else you can do to him. There is no process in the world equal to it to break a kicking horse, as there is a principle of this kind in his nature that by conquer- ing one member, you conquer, to a great extent, the whole horse. This will conquer him better than anything you could do, and without any possible danger of hurting himself or you either, for you can tie up his foot and sit down and look at him until he gives up. When you find that he is conquered, go to him, let down his foot, rub his leg with your hand, caress him, and let him rest a little ; then put it up again. Repeat this a few times, always putting up the same foot, and he will soou learn to travel on three legs, so that you can drive him some distance. As soon as he gets a little used to this way of tra- veling, put on your harness, and hitch him to a sulky. If he is the worst kicking horse that ever raised a foot, you need not be fearful of his doing any damage while he has one foot up, rarey's method of taming horses. 369 for he cannot kick, neither can he run fast enough to do any harm. And if he is the wildest horse that ever had harness on, and has run away every time he has been hitched, you can now hitch him in a sulky, and drive him as you please. If he wants to run, you can let him have the lines, and the whip too, with perfect safety, for he can go but a slow gait on three legs, and will soon be tired, and willing to stop ; only hold him enough to guide him in the right direction, and he will soon be tired and willing to stop at the word. Thus you will effectually cure him at once of any further notion of running off. Kicking horses have always been the dread of everybody ; but by this new method you can harness them to a rattling sulky, plough, wagon, or anything else in its worst shape. They may be frightened at first, but cannot kick, or do anything to hurt them- selves, and will soon find that you do not intend to hurt them, and then they will not care anything more about it. You can then let down the leg and drive along gently without any further trouble. By this new process a bad kicking horse can be taught to go gentle in harness in a few hours' time. How to Make a Horse lie down. — To make a horse lie down, bend his left fore-leg and slip a loop over it, so that he cannot get it down. Then put a surcingle round his body, and fasten one end of a long strap around the other fore-leg, just above the hoof. Place the other end under the before-described surcingle, so as to keep the strap in the right direction ; take a short hold of it with your right hand ; stand on the left side of the horse, grasp the bit in your left hand, pull steadily on the strap with your right ; bear against his shoulder till you cause him to move. As soon as he lifts his weight, your pulling will raise the other foot, and he will have to come on his knees- 24 310 rarey's method op taming horses. Keep the strap tight in your hand, so that he cannot straighten his leg if he rises up. Hold him in this position, and turn his head toward you ; bear against his side with your shoulder, not hard, but with a steady, equal pressure, and in about ten minutes he will lie down. As soon as he lies down, he will be completely con- quered, and you can handle him as you please. Take off the straps, and straighten TEACHING THE HORSE TO LIE VOWS out his legs ; rub him lightly about the face and neck with your hand the way the hair lies ; handle all his legs, and after he has lain ten or twenty minutes, let him get up again. After rest- ing him a short time, make him lie down as before. Repeat the operation three or four times, which will be sufficient for one lesson. Give him two lessons a day, and when you have reached four lessons, he will lie down by taking hold of one foot. As soon as he is well broken to lie down in this way, tap him on the opposite leg with a stick when you take hold of his foot, and in a few days he will lie down from the mere motion of the stick. To Accustom a Horse to Strange Sounds and Sights. — It is an excellent practice to accustom all horses to strange sounds and sights, and of very great importance to young horses which are to be ridden or driven in large towns, or used as chargers. Although some horses are very much more timid and nervous than others, the very worst can be very rarey's method of taming horses. 371 much improved by acting on the first principles laid down in the introduction to this article — that is, by proving that the strange sights and sounds will do them no harm. When a railway is first opened, the sheep, the cattle, and especially the horses, grazing in the neighboring fields, are terribly alarmed at the sight of the swift, dark, moving trains, and the terrible snorting and hissing of the steam engines. They start away — they gallop in circles — and when they stop, gaze with head and tail erect, until the monsters have dis- appeared. But from day to day the live stock become more accustomed to the sight and sound of the steam horse, and after a while they do not even cease grazing when the train passes. They have learned that it will do them no harm. The same result may be observed with respect to young horses when first they are brought to a large town, and have to meet great loads of hay, omnibuses crowded with passengers, and other strange or noisy objects ; if judiciously treated, not flogged and ill-used, they lose their fears without losing their high courage. To accustom a Horse to a Z>ri«m. —Place it near him on the ground, and without forcing him, induce him to smell it again and again, until he is thoroughly accustomed to it. Then lift it up, and slowly place it on the side of his neck, where he can see it, and tap it gently with a stick or your finger. If he starts, pause, and let him carefully examine it. Then commence again, gradually moving it backward until it rests upon his withers, by degrees playing louder and louder, pausing always when he seems alarmed, to let him look at it and smell, if needful. In a very few minutes you may play with all your force, without his taking any notice. When 372 rarey's method op taming horses. this practice has been repeated a few times, your horse, how- ever spirited, will rest his nose nnmoved on the big drum, while the most thundering piece is played. To teach a Horse to bear an Umbrella — Go through the same cautious forms, let him see it, and smell it, open it by degrees, gain your point inch by inch, passing it always from his eyes to his neck, and from his neck to his back and tail ; and so with a riding-habit ; in half an hour any horse may be taught that it will not hurt him, and then the difficulty is over. To fire off a Horse 's back. — Begin with caps, and, by de- grees, as with the drum. Instead of lengthening the reins, stretch the bridle hand to the front, and raise it for the car- bine to rest on, with the muzzle clear of the horse's head, a little to one side. Lean the body forward without rising in the stirrups. Avoid interfering ivith the horse's mouth, or exciting his fears by suddenly closing your legs either be- fore or after firing — be quiet yourself, and your horse will be quiet. The colt can learn to bear a rider on his bare back during his first lessons, when prostrate and powerless, fast bound by straps. The surcingle has accustomed him to girths, he leads well, and has learned that when the right rein is pulled he must go to the right, and when the left rein to the left. You may now teach him to bear the bit and the saddle, if you have not placed it upon his back while on the ground. How to Accustom a Horse to a Bit. — You should use a large, smooth, snaffle bit, so as not to hurt his mouth, with a bar to each side, to prevent the bit from pulling through either way. This you should attach to the head-stall of your RAREY'S METHOD OP TAMING HORSES. 3T3 bridle, and put it on your colt without any reins to it, and let him run loose in a large stable or shed some time, until he becomes a little used to the bit, and will bear it without trying to get it out of his mouth. It would be well, if con- venient, to repeat this several times, before you do anything more with the colt ; as soon as he will bear the bit, attach a single rein t o i t. You STRUGGLES OF THE VICIOUS HORSE AGAINST LYING DOWN. should also have a halter on your colt, or a bridle made after the fashion of a shatter, with a strap to it, so that you can hold or lead him about without pulling at the bit much. He is now ready for the saddle. The Proper Way to Bit a Colt. — Farmers often put bit- ting harness on a colt the first thing they do to him, buckling up the bitting as tight as they can draw it, to make him carry his head high, and then turn him out in a field to run half a day at a time. This is one of the worst punishments that could be inflicted on the colt, and is very injurious to a young horse that has been used to running in pasture with his head down. Colts have been so seriously injured in this way that they have never recovered. 3T4 rarey's method op taming horses. A horse should be well accustomed to the bit before you put on the bitting harness, and when you first bit him you should only rein his head up to that point where he naturally holds it, let that be high or low ; he will soon learn that he cannot lower his head, and that raising it a little will loosen the bit in his mouth. This will give him the idea of raising his head to loosen the bit, and then you can draw the bitting a little tighter every time you put it on, and he will still raise his head to loosen it ; by this means you will gradually get his head and neck in the position you want him to carry them, and give him a nice and graceful carriage without hurting him, making him mad, or causing his mouth to get sore. If you put the bitting on very tight the first time, he cannot raise his head enough to loosen it, but will bear on it all the time, and paw, sweat, and throw himself. Many horses have been killed by falling backward with the bitting on ; their heads being drawn up strike the ground with the whole weight of the body. Horses that have their heads drawn up tightly should not have the bitting on more than fifteen or twenty minutes at a time. How to Saddle a Colt. — The first thing will be to tie each stirrup-strap into a loose knot to make them short, and pre- vent the stirrups from flying about and hitting him. Then double up the skirts and take the saddle under your right arm, so as not to frighten him with it as you approach. When you get to him rub him gently a few times with your hand, and then raise the saddle very slowly, until he can see it, and smell and feel it with his nose. Then let the skirt loose, and rub it very gently against his neck the way the hair lies, letting him hear the rattle of the skirts as he feels them rarey's method op taming horses. St 5 against him ; each time getting a little further backward, and finally slipping it over his shoulders on his back. Shake it a little with your hand, and in less than five minutes you can rattle it about over his back as much as you please, and pull it off and throw it on again, without his paying much atten- tion to it. As soon as you have accustomed him to the saddle, fasten the girth. Be careful how you do this. It often frightens the colt when he feels the girth binding him, and making the saddle fit tight on his back. You should bring up the girth very gently, and not draw it too tight at first, just enough to hold the saddle on. Move him a little, and then girth it as tight as you choose, and he will not mind it. You should see that the pad of your saddle is all right be- fore you put it on, and that there is nothing to make it hurt him, or feel unpleasant to his back. It should not have any loose straps on the back part of it, to flap about and scare him. After you have saddled him in this way, take a switch in your right hand to tap him up with, and walk about in the stable a few times with your right arm over your saddle, taking hold of the reins on each side of his neck with your right and left hands, thus marching him about in the stable until you teach him the use of the bridle and can turn him about in any direction, and stop him by a gentle pull of the rein. Always caress him, and loose the reins a little every time you stop him. You should always be alone, and have your colt in some light stable or shed, the first time you ride him ; the loft should be high, so that you can sit on his back without endangering your head. You can teach him more in two hour's time in a 376 rarey'r method of taming 1 horses. stable of this kind, than you could in two weeks in the common way of breaking colts, out in an open place. If you follow my course of treatment, you need not run any risk, or have any trouble in riding the worst kind of horse. You take him a step at a time, until you get up a mutual confidence and trust between yourself and horse. First teach him to lead and stand hitched ; next acquaint him with the saddle, and the use of the bit ; and then all that remains is to get on him without scaring him, and you can ride him as well as any horse. How to Mount the Colt. — First gentle him well on both sides, about the saddle, and all over until he will stand still without holding, and is not afraid to see you anywhere about him. As soon as you have him thus gentled, get a small block, about one foot or eighteen inches in height, and set it down by the side of him, about where you want to stand to mount him ; step up on this, raising yourself very gently ; horses notice every change of position very closely, and if you were to step up suddenly on the block, it would be very apt to scare him ; but by raising yourself gradually on it, he will see you without being frightened, in a position very nearly the same as when you are on his back. As soon as he will bear this without alarm, untie the stirrup- strap next to you, and put your left foot into the stirrup, and stand square over it, holding your knee against the horse, and your toes out, so as not to touch him under the shoulder with the toe of your boot. Place your right hand on the front of the saddle, and on the opposite side of you, taking hold of a portion of the mane and the reins, as they hang loosely over his neck, with your left hand ; then gradually bear your weight rarey's method or taming horses. 37? on the stirrup, and on your right hand, until the horse feels your whole weight on the saddle ; repeat this several times, each time raising yourself a little higher from the block, until he will allow you to raise your leg over his croup, and place yourself in the saddle. There are three great advantages in having a block from which to mount. First, a sudden change of position is very apt to frighten a young horse who has never been handled ; he will allow you to walk up to him, and stand by his side without scaring at you, because gentled him to that position if you get down on your hands and knees and crawl to- ward him, he will be very much fright- ened ; and upon the SUBMISSION OF THE HOKSE. same principle, he would be frightened at your new position if you had the power to hold yourself over his back without touching him. The first great advantage of the block, then, is to gradually gentle him to that new position in which he will see you when you ride him. Secondly, by the process of leaning your weight in the stirrup, and on your hand, you can gradually accustom him to your weight, so as not to frighten him by having him feel it all at once. And, in the third place, the block elevates you so that you will not have to make a spring in order to get upon the horse's back, but from it you can gradually raise yourself into the saddle. When you take these precautions, SIS RAREY'S METHOD OP TAMING HORSES. there is no horse so wild but that you can mount him without making him jump. When mounting, your horse should always stand without being held. A horse is never well broken when he has to be held with a tight rein when mounting ; and a colt is never so safe to mount as when you see that assurance of confidence, and absence of fear, which cause him to stand with- out holding. An improved plan of mounting is to pass the palm of the right hand on the off-side of the saddle, and as you rise lean your weight on it ; by this means you can mount with the girth loose, or without any girth at all. How to Ride a Colt. — When you want him to start do not touch him on the side with your heel, or do anything to frighten him and make him jump. But speak to him kindly, and if he does not start pull him a little to the left until he starts, and then let him walk off slowly with the reins loose. Walk him around in the stable a few times until he gets used to the bit, and you can turn him about in every direction and stop him as you please. It would be well to get on and off a good many times until he gets perfectly used to it before you take him out of the stable-. After you have trained him in this way, which should not take you more than one or two hours, you can ride him any- where you choose without ever having him jump or make any effort to throw you. When you first take him out of the stable be very gentle with him, as he will feel a little more at liberty to jump or run, and be a little easier frightened than he was while in the stable. But after handling him so much in the stable he will be pretty well broken, and you will be able to manage him without trouble or danger. rarey's method of taming horses. 379 When you first mount him take a little the shortest hold on the left rein, so that if anything frightens him you can prevent him from jumping by pulling his head round to you. This operation of pulling a horse's head round against his side will prevent any horse from jumping ahead, rearing up, or running away. If he is stubborn and will not go, you can make him move by pulling his head round to one side, when whipping would have no effect. And turning him round a few times will make him dizzy, and then by letting him have his head straight, and giving him a little touch with the whip, he will go along without any trouble. Never use martingales on a colt when you first ride him; every movement of the hand should go right to the bits in the direction in which it is applied to the reins, without a martin- gale to change the direction of the force applied. You can guide the colt much better without it, and teach him the use of the bit in much less time. Besides, martingales would prevent you from pulling his head round if he should try to jump. After your colt has been ridden until he is gentle and well accustomed to the bit, you may find it an advantage, if he car- ries his head too high or his nose too far out, to put martingales on him. You should be careful not to ride your colt so far at first as to heat, worry, or tire him. Get off as soon as you see that he is a little fatigued ; gentle him, and let him rest ; this will make him kind to you, and prevent him from getting stubborn or mad. To Break a Horse to Harness. — Take him in a light stable, as you did to ride him ; take the harness, and go through the same process that you did with the saddle, until you get him 380 RAREY'S METHOD OP TAMING HORSES. familiar with it, so that you can put it on him, and rattle it about without his caring for it. As soon as he will bear this, put on the lines, caress him as you draw them over him, and drive him about in the stable till he will bear them over his hips. The lines are a great aggravation to some colts, and often frighten them as much as if you were to raise a whip over them. As soon as he is familiar with the harness and lines, take him out and put him by the side of a gentle horse. Always use a bridle without blinkers when you are breaking a horse to harness. Lead him to and around alight gig or phaeton ; let him look at it, touch it with his nose, and stand by it till he does not care for it : then pull the shafts a little to the left, and stand your horse in front of the off- wheel. Let some one stand on the right side of the horse, and hold him by the bit, while you stand on the left side, facing the sulky. This will keep him straight. Run your left hand back, and let it rest on his hip, and lay hold of the shafts with your right, br ingin g them up very gently to the left hand, which still remains sta- BREAKING THE HORSE TO HARNESS. tlOnary. 1/0 not let anything but your arm touch his back, and as soon as you have the shafts square over him, let the person on the op- posite side take hold of one of them, and lower them very gently NEUROTOMY OR NERVING. 381 to the shaft-bearers. Be very slow and deliberate about hitch- ing ; the longer time you take the better, as a general thing. When you have the shafts placed, shake them slightly, so that he will feel them against each side. As soon as he will bear them without scaring, fasten your braces, etc., and start him along very slowly. Let one man lead the horse, to keep him gentle, while the other gradually works back with the lines till he can get behind and drive him. After you have driven him in this way a short distance, you can get into the sulky, and all will go right. It is very important to have your horse go gently when you first hitch him. After you have walked him awhile, there is not half so much danger of his scaring. Men do very wrong to jump up behind a horse to drive him as soon as they have him hitched. There are too many things for him to com- prehend all at once. The shafts, the lines, the harness, and the rattling of the sulky, all tend to scare him, and he must be made familiar with them by degrees. If your horse is very wild, one foot had better be put up the first time you drive him. With the leg strapped up, the lighter the gig the better, and four wheels are better than two. WARRANTY. In the purchase of a horse the buyer should take with the receipt what is termed in law a warranty. The hest way of expressing it is in this form : Philadelphia, August 1, 18 — . Received of William Ingalls three hundred dollars, for a black mare, warranted only five years old, sound, free from vice, and quiet to ride and drive. $300. EDWARD RIDDLE. A receipt, which includes simply the word "warranted," extends merely to soundness. " Warranted sound," has no greater extent ; the age, freedom from vice, and quietness to ride and drive should all be especially named. This warranty embraces every cause of un- soundness that can be detected, or that is inherent in the constitution of the animal at the time of sale, as well as every vicious habit which he has previously shown. In order to establish a breach of the war- ranty, and then be enabled to return the horse or recover the price paid, the purchaser must prove that it was unsound or viciously disposed at the time of sale. In case of cough, the horse must have been heard to cough previously to the purchase, or as he was led home, or as soon as he had entered the stable of the purchaser. Coughing, even on the following morning, will not be sufficient ; for it is possible that he might have caught cold by a change of sta- bling. If he is lame, it must be proved to arise from a cause that could not have occurred after he was in the purchaser's possession. No price will imply a warranty, or be deemed equivalent to one ; the warranty must be expressly stated. A fraud in the seller must be proved, in order that the buyer may be enabled to return the horse or maintain an action for the price. The warranty should be given at the time of sale. A warranty or a promise to warrant the horse, given at any period previous to the sale, is of no effect ; for the horse is a very perishable commodity, and his constitution and his usefulness may undergo a considerable change in a few days. A warranty after the sale is also of no effect, as it is given without any legal consideration. In order to complete the purchase, there must be a transfer of the animal, or a written memorandum of agreement, or the payment of some sum, however small, as earnest-money. No verbal promise to buy or sell is bind- ing without one of these accompaniments ; and the moment either (382) WARRANTY. 383 of them is effected, the legal transfer of property, or its delivery, is made, and whatever may happen to the horse, the seller retains, or is entitled to, the money. If the purchaser exercises any act of ownership — as by using the animal without leave of the seller, or by having any operation performed upon him, or medicines given to him — he makes him his own. If the horse should afterward be discovered to have been un- sound at the time of warranty and sale, the buyer may return him. Although not legally compelled to give notice to the seller of the discovered unsoundness, it is best that such notice should be given. The animal should then be tendered at the house or stable of the seller. If he refuses to receive the animal, humanity dictates that he should be sent to a livery stable, in preference to tying him up in the street ; an action can be maintained, after the horse has been tendered, for the necessary expenses of keeping him as well as for the price paid. The keep, however, can be recovered only for the time that necessarily intervened between the tender and the deter- mination of the action. It is not legally necessary to return the animal as soon as the unsoundness is discovered. The animal may be kept for a reasonable time afterward, and even proper medical means may be resorted to for the removal of the unsoundness ; but courtesy, and indeed justice, will require that the notice should be given as soon as possible. Although it is laid down, upon the au- thority of an eminent English judge, that "no length of time elapsed after the sale, will alter the nature of a contract originally false," yet there are recorded cases in which the buyer was prevented from maintaining his action, because he did not give notice of the un- soundness within a reasonable time after its discovery. What will constitute this reasonable time, depends upon many circumstances. It was formerly supposed that the buyer had no right to have the horse medically treated, and that he would vitiate the warranty by so doing. The question, however, in such a case would be, whether the animal was injured, or his value lessened, by such treatment. It may be remarked that it is generally most prudent to refrain from all medical treatment, since the means adopted, no matter how skillfully used, may have an unfortunate effect, or what is done may be misrepresented by ignorant or interested observers. When a horse is returned, and an action brought for the price, it is indispensable that in every respect, except the alleged un- soundness, the animal should be as perfect and valuable as when he was bought. 384 WARRANTY. The purchaser may, possibly, like the horse, notwithstanding his discovered defect ; in which case he may retain him and bring an action for the depreciation in value on account of the unsoundness. Few, however, will do this, because the retaining of the animal will give rise to a suspicion that the defect is of no great consequence, and consequently will occasion much cavil about the amount of damages ; the suit terminating, probably, in the recovery of slight, if any, damages. Where there is no warranty, an action may be brought on the ground of fraud ; but as this is very difficult to be maintained, few persons will hazard it. It will in such a case, be necessary to prove that the seller knew the defect, and that the buyer was imposed upon by his false representations ; and that, too, under circum- stances in which a person of ordinary carefulness and circumspection might have been imposed upon. If the defect was palpably evident, the purchaser has no remedy, for he should have exercised more caution ; but if a warranty was given, it covers every unsoundness, evident or concealed. Although a person should ignorantly or carelessly buy a blind horse, warranted sound, he may return it — the warranty is his protection, and prevents him from examining the horse as closely as he otherwise would have done ; but if he buys a blind horse, supposing him to be sound, and without a war- ranty, he is without any remedy. The law supposes every one to exercise common circumspection and common sense. A person should have a more thorough knowledge of horses than most possess, together with perfect confidence in the seller, who ventures to buy a horse without a warranty. If a person buy a horse warranted sound, and discovering no defect in him, sells him again, relying upon his warranty, and the unsoundness is discov- ered by the second purchaser, and the horse returned to the first buyer, or an action commenced against him, the latter has his claim upon the first seller, and may demand of him not only the price of the horse, or the difference in value, but all expenses which may necessarily have been incurred. Exchanges, whether of one horse absolutely for another, or where a sum of money is paid in addition by one of the parties, stand upon precisely the same ground as simple sales. If there is a warranty upon either side, and that is broken, the exchange is vitiated ; if there is no warranty, deceit must be proved. THE END. .Jan ?3 I86i 1 A BOOK FOR EVERY FAMILY IN THE UNION THE KELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS m THE UNITED STATES; THEIR HISTOBY, DOCTRINE, GOVERNMENT AND STATISTICS ; WITH A PRELIMINARY SKETCH OF JUDAISM, PAGANISM, AND MOHAMMEDANISM. By KEY. 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Address all orders to JOHN E. POTTEB, Publisher, No. 617 Sa7isom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (viii) Should be Read by every Citizen of the United States NICARAGUA: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE; A DESCRIPTION OP ITS INHABITANTS, CUSTOMS, MINES, MINERALS, EARLY HISTORY, MODERN FILIBUSTERISM, PROPOSED INTER-OCEANIC CANAL, AND MANIFEST DESTINY. By PETER F. STOUT, Esq., Late United States Vice-Consul. With, a New and Improved Map of the Country, appropriately Colored. "With a population sufficient to rouse her from the lethargy of the Past, with products capable of placing her among the most vigorous nations, and with a superabundance of mineral wealth, naught seems wanting in this young Re- public save an innate spirit of enterprise. Her soil is generous, and to the agriculturist indeed inviting. Many sections are admirably adapted to the growth of Cotton, or to the cultivation of Sugar, while her Tobacco ranks high. But as yet her vast Mineral wealth yields Gold only to strangers, while her public lands are unredeemed from total neglect. Disunion, that baneful, leprous curse, prowls through her realm ; and Religion, in the ab- sence of her first-born, Education, doubly mourns the inattention to her invo- cations. Lying in the path of the thriving, enterprising Republic of the United Slates, she must either rouse from, her apathy, or she will indeed add, in a few years, but one more star to our banner. "It bears evidence of being written in a masterly style, and abounds in in- teresting historical reminiscences of the Mosquito Kingdom. The work is worthy of attentive perusal ; and we feel satisfied that the time thus spent will be amply repaid in the knowledge obtained of the Central American States." — Baltimore Republican. " One of the most agreeably written Books of Travel we have met with in a long time. 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