BF 879 Copy 1 lllllll II . • 1 III I lllllllll II II II till I III II II II II I III II Mil II II I I ,1 I III II I Mil III I I I III II I H i • l'a is ii liiiiiiiijjjiiiXujJijJLUJUL^^ ' ' • ' ■ .' * * ' * ' ' ' • • - z HADDOCK & HOLT'S I) DELINEATOR For the use of Scientific Phrenologists in de- scribing the Character of their Patrons, in accordance with the most advanced knowledge of Phrenology, Physiognomy, Physiology, Psychology and Psychometry. i- »- i' (COPYRIGHTED.) ; ~ " v " V«r "T« « T ^ Copyright 1893 [ Jy Alien Haddock and Cha.'es P. Holt. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. Description of tine Character and Physical Condition, at this date. Of -- - - - Given by - At On All orders for this DELINEATOR should be addressed to Haddock & Holt, Office of Human Nature. 1008 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Very liberal terms to Phrenologists and the trade. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. elucidation. But when this chart is properly marked, the patron will be able to read his leading traits of character in a concise form. It will be observed that new and scientific definitions have been given many of the faculties which we believe will be com- mended by all thinkers as expounding the horizon of Phrenology. There are hints given on hygienic living that the reader will do well to heed. A space has been reserved in where the examiner will write the occupation to which his patron is best adapted. Also another blank in which to briefly write the peculiarities scientifically required in a marriage partner. One merit this book has if no other, it is original, and as such it is presented to the world by Allen HADDOCK AND C. P. HOLT. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. HYGIENE. The true character of every person is manifested only under normal conditions, and when the health of the body is perfect. All enjoyment also has health for a chief factor, hence it becomes a duty which we owe to ourselves and to society to learn and obey the laws of health. To attain this object, Temperance must be observed in every act of life, and strict attention paid to proper diet. Cleanliness of body, purity of thought and action, calmness of mind and abundance of slerp. Regarding diet, care should be taken that it be plain and unconcentrated. Man, by nature, is frugiverous, and the nearer he approaches a fruit and nut diet the better, but as he, through necessity, long ago departed from that food, and as high civilization imposes inexorable duties upon him, perhaps no cast iron rules can be laid down, except that such food should be selected as contain the least starch and earthy matter. Under no circumstances eat swine flesh, it would be better to abstain entirely from all flesh meat, or to eat as little animal food as possible. Avoid all stimulants, condiments and narcotics. Practice frequent, and when possible daily bathing of entire system. Breathe copiously of pure air night and day. Avoid all excesses, "never neglect small ailments," when sick immediately open the entire system by fruit, laxative diet, water enemas and perspiration. Observe complete repose and "Throw physic to the dogs. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. HIGH ORGANIZATION. LOW ORGANIZATION. ORGANIC QUALITY. To illustrate the importance of considering quality, as the clv'ef factor in estimating character the above cuts are introduced. On page 17 will be found a description of this essential element. Special attention is called to the subject as being of first importance in rendering a true description of character. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. Brain and Nerve Fibre Radiating from the Medulla Oblongata , are bundles of nerve fibres passing through the Cerebral Crura, the Pons Varolii, the Optic Thalmus, and the Corpora Striata, constantly growing larger as they extend through each, until finally they compose the cerebral hemispheres Those vvhich proceed from the Corpora Pyramidalia comprise the frontal lobe. The others, together with the Cerebellum, are made up of the fibres which proceed from the Corpora Olivaria and Corpora Restiformia (See fig.)- Other fibres pass to the median line, thence from one hemisphere to another, bringing them into communication with each other. Thus it will be seen that Phrenology is not based upon skull excrescences, or "Bumpology", but upon the radiation of brain fibre which a normal development of the skull indicates. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. The OCCUPATION to which you are best adapted to is that of : The IvlARRIAQE PARTNER scientifically selected by you should be HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. WEIGHT OF BODY: POUNDS. NORMAL FUNCTION: Weight gives solidity and indicates the amount of substance existing in a person's physical structure. The average man whose head measures 22 inches, weighs 150 lbs. As the temple requires a solid and substantial foundation to support its walls, so the brain must have a well developed body to rest upon, and from which to derive nourishment. scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to — ........ which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. On SIZE to be DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You possess a strongly nourished body, which will enable you with, ease to perform prodigies either mentally or physically. r*i m C3 6 — You have a good physical organization, capable of endurance, and which will act its part in helping you to accomplish great results. 5 — You are endowed with a fine development of physical weight and strength, but care and moderate living will be required to enable you to execute your mental and physical desires. 4 — You have only a moderate amount of physical develop- ment, and must be ever watchful of bodily weakness, and should live hygienically. 3 — Your body needs constant care and should never be unduly taxed, you can only hope to reap feeble results, but by correct living may accomplish something. 2 — You are too weak in body to bear burdens of any kind. 1 — You are too feebly constituted for earthly trials. io HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. SIZE OF BRAIN: INCHES. NORMAL FUNCTION : It is a cardinal doctrine of Phrenol- ogy that "the brain is the most important organ of the mind", and that SIZE (other things being equal) is a measure of power. A tree is stronger than a twig of the same species and texture. An elephant by reason of his great size, is much more powerful than the horse. Throughout nature, strength and power are commensurate with size, provided other conditions are favorable to such results. The average circumference of a man's head is 22 inches, and that of a woman 21 y 2 inches. The average weight of a man's brain is 48 ozs, and that of a woman's 44 ozs. Quality enters largely as a factor in determining brain power. A brain of fine texture is superior to one twice its size, if the larger one is coarse in quality. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You possess a large brain, which if oifine quality, and the anterior portion largely developed, will render you a natural genius, an intellectual giant. 6 — You are very intellectual and if cultivated may perform wonders in mentality, and provided you have a body strong enough to support your large brain, will wield a powerful influence in the realm of thought. § — You are favored by nature with rather more than ordinary size and strength of brain, which, if active and health and quality be good, will enable you to make yourself felt among men. A — You are fairly endowed with brain-power, yet are more easily led by other minds than capable of leading them, or of originating new ideas. 3 — You do not manifest intellectual power in any marked degree, are quite an ordinary person, though you ' may succeed in conducting an average business enterprise, but are not very profound. 2 — You are rather weak minded, and incapable of conduct- ing business for yourself. 1 — You are feeble minded. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 11 HEALTH. NORMAL FUNCTION : Health is the first requisite to success of any kind; weakness in any machine impairs its efficiency, however large or powerful a steam engine may be, if it has a weak cylinder, or its piston rod is out of adjustement, it will fail to perform its work at the critical moment. So it is with the complex and delicate machinery of the human organization. A man or woman may have a large and symetrical brain, but if any portion of the physical structure be diseased or feeble, the character will be warpea, and the mental power distorted. It is only a healthy brain and a sound body that manifests normal capacity. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are the embodiment of perfect health, every organ in your body performs its functions properly, strength and vigor is manifest in your every movement. r*i r— C3 EC m C-3 6 — You are a stranger to aches and pains, can endure fatigue, and perform great mental or physical labor with ease. If tired from long exhaustion, a good night's sleep restores >ou and renews your wonted strength. 5 — You are seldom ailing, and as a rule feel well, yet there are indications that any overstrain or fatigue might weaken your vital forces, you should husband your strength. 4 — You need to exercise care to preserve health, you have no vitality to waste. Beware of excesses of all kinds, sleep much, eat nourishing food, thus you may be able to ward off disease, and realize your ambition . 3 — Your Vitality is at low ebb, but correct living and obedience to rules of health, may keep your body fairly well. Eternal vigilance is the price of your bodily and mental success. 2 — You are far from strong or vigorous, however Nihil desperandum, where there is life there is hope. 1 — You are a confirmed invalid. 12 HADDOCK HOLT'S DELINEATOR. DIGESTION. NORMAL FUNCTION : Throughout nature, waste and sup- ply are in constant progress; grains and grasses, trees and flowers receive nourishment from earth and air to replenish waste and pro- mote growth. All animal life is subject to this law of sustenance, each species and each individual appropriate such nutriment as ib conducive to growth and recuperation. Animals and men in their natural state possess sound and healthy digestive organs and perfectly assimilate their food. Civilized man, however, in consequence of un- natural environments and of perverted appetites running through many generations often has a more or less impaired digestion, caus- ing depletion of vital force and preventing the normal action of brain faculties. Given a certain size and quality of brain and body, a good digestion promotes intellectual power and physical vigor, whereas feebleness of that function in the same organization produces im- poverishment of brain substance, nerve tissue and low vitality. Un a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are endowed with remarkable digestive power, can assimilate anything eatable, and your whole body is well nourished. 6 — You enjoy eating and this pleasure is never marred by indigestion, your brain, muscles and nerves are well supplied with material to keep vigor and vitality pulsating in every vein. 5 — You have a fine digestion, yet should be moderate in eating, and choose the most digestible food and that which will most readily build up broken down tissue. A — You are only moderately strong in digestive function, and must take good care, what and how you eat; let it be easily digested and nourishing, avoid stimulants, condi- ments, spices and intoxicants. — You lack power to assimilate food, are dyspeptic and of low vital power. Eat only such food as your system can absorb. — Your entire body lacks nourishment, avoid stimulants, spices, and narcotics, eat only nourishing food, and exercise much in the open air, laugh when possible, and sleep eight hours out of the twenty-four. 1 — You are at the lowest vital ebb, with little or no digestive power. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 1-3 RESPIRATION. NORMAL FUNCTION: "And God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and he become a living soul. " — BIBLE. All organic life is dependant upon respiration, to breathe is to live, to cease breathing implies death ; hence those animals or men who breathe most copiously are the most thoroughly alive. If we place a bird or a man in a vessel from which the air has been ex- hausted, death immediately ensues. The lungs of an adult man con- tain 170,000,000 air cells, forming a surface thirty times greater than the human body; every one of these cells is provided with a net- work of blood vessels, over every portion of their surface, through this extremely fine membrane the blood receives oxygen, and if the air breathed be pure will become vitalized, but if the air breathed be impure is rendered foul, causing disease and death. Men have been known to live 40 days without food, but two minutes without air destroys life. The necessity of breathing pure air sufficient to fill every lung cell is apparent. Those who are feebly constituted in this respect can increase their breathing power immensely, and lengthen their lives accordingly by the constant practice of deep breathing. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You breathe deeply and easily, and as a consequence your blood is highly vitalized, pulsating throughout your arteries and veins, a river of life, thus nourishing and invigorating body and brain. m -< r— r*i ■^1 6 — You possess excellent breathing power, and experience great pleasure in inhaling pure air. You suffer much if confined in a close room and are compelled to breathe vitiated air, your lungs demand a liberal supply of oxygen, which obtained thrills your entire body with electric life. 5 — You are moderately endowed with respiratory power, but should take pains to increase your lung capacity by deep breathing and active exercise in the open air. 4 — You have only fair respiratory organs and take cold easily, you ought to live much out of doors and never neglect lung expansion for an hour. 3 — You are predisposed to consumption, but can prevent its ravages by hygienic living an outdoor life, and frequent inflation of your lungs. 2 — You are very feeble in lung power. 1 — You possess little or no vitalizing capacity, have cold extremities and are weak throughout your body. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. BLOOD CIRCULATION. NORMAL FUNCTION: A new era dawned in medical practice when Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood, revolutionizing old theories regarding physical waste and supply. The blood is the life of trees, animals and men; girdle a tree and thus prevent the circulation of its sap, and straightaway its leaves fall, it withers and dies. Impoverish the blood of animals or men, and disease ensues; with the flow of the vital fluid from the arteries life departs. A ligature placed upon a limb, preventing the free circulation of the blood, causes it to wither and die. A free and bounding circulation of blood throughout the entire body implies warmth and physical vigor, generating force and insuring vitality, health and life. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You have a strong and , steady pulsation of blood through arteries and veins, producing warmth in your extremities, and feeding brain, nerves and tissues with electric life. 6 — You have regular heart beats, are calm and collected in times of excitement and danger, never losing your presence of mind, seldom feel chilly, resist cold and ward off disease. <3 — Youi circulation is fairly good and even, yet you require considerable bodily exercise to keep the flow of blood unimpeded. — Your blood flows freely under favorable conditions, but in moments of excitement it gets spasmodic, preventing clear thinking and causing morbid and sluggish action of the life forces. 3 — You have a feeble and uneven flow of blood, and should live very hygienically, avoiding drafts of air upon the spine and taking frequent but moderate open air exercise. — You should realize, that you are subject to heart failure, from which cause your life forces may cease at any moment. However, your life can be prolonged by hygienic living, and avoiding all stimulants. You are liable to die early from heart failure. a CD C3 6 — You perceive thoughts with telegraphic rapidity, your movements are quick and forcible, you will wear out early unless you check the velocity of bodily and mental action by frequent repose. 5 — You have considerable energy, and enough activity of your faculties to insure abundant success in life. • 4 — You are not adapted to heavy burdens and prefer light labor, and seek smooth roads and shady places. 3 — You are very moderate and quite deliberate in all your movements, you will never set the sea on fire. 2 — You are sn and dilatory, rarely are your talents awakened to life sufficient to prove their existence, you need a spur and whip. 1 — You need a machine to draw your breath. 16 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. EXCITABILITY. NORMAL FUNCTION : Action and repose lie at the base of existence. Without the former, the Universe were dead, bereft of the latter ceaseless motion would speedily bring destruction to all organic matter. Combined, each offsets the other, and throughout Creation life and harmony reigns. Day marches out of the Orient clad in regal robes, his reign is one of activity; then comes night, drawing her sable mantel over the Earth and pinning it with a star, insuring the repose of a sleeping world. Man is subject to this law of motion and rest. Unfortunately a high state of civilization has entailed upon him undue excitability, often rendering him abnormally excitable, thus prematurally exhaust- ing his vitality and leading him to decay and death. In such cases, it is desirable that this tendency be overcome and quietude established. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are very exci cable, and subject to extremes, you do everything at high pressure, and act upon the im- pulse of the moment; you should cultivate moderation. o r- en EC 6 — You are easily thrown into a tumult and lose all control of your faculties, often saying and doing that which is ir- rational; unless care is used you will prematurely exhaust your vital powers and destroy your bodily health; keep cool. S — You are usually self possessed and act calmly in times of danger, your presence of mind is remarkable and your good judgement can be relied upon in times of trial. 4 — You sometimes lose your presence of mind, though not often. Let your moderation be known. 3 — You are not easily excited or thrown into confusion, ordinary events fail to excite you, are rather too quiet and lack enthusiasm. 2 — You are very dull and sluggish, you should lash your faculties into action, and try to interest yourself in life, men and things. 1 — You are more dead than alive, nothing short of an earthquake can arouse you. HADDOCK HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 17 ORGANIC QUALITY. NORMAL FUNCTION : Quantity always yields to quality. In deciding upon the merits of anything or anybody, quality of tex- ture must be considered as of paramount importance. A bass wood and a hickory tree, of equal size, standing side by side, exhibit to the woodman different degrees of quality; the former is soft and coarse, while the latter is hard, tough and fine grained. The bounding deer, with a nerve at every pore is much superior in quality to the filth wallowing swine. The swift footed horse, with dilated nostrils and quivering nerves, is vastly finer than the plodding dray horse. The poet shows in every lineament his superior quality to the stupid clown. People who have thick skin, coarse bristly hair, and bodies of coarse flabby texture, with dense expressionless or vicious features, are low ; n organic quality, while those whose features are finely moulded, and whose skin and hair are soft and fine, are high in organic quality; such people are refined, sensitive and spiritual. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are made of the finest clay, and are as sensitive as the sensitive plant; your mental tastes are exquisite, and your emotions intense beyond description. With large social faculties your love will approach the sublime, and with large religious and spiritual faculties, you will live more in the heavens than on earth. This is a cold world for such a? you. r- r*i 1 6 — You are exquisitely moulded, high minded and shrink from anything coarse or vulgar, are capable of intense enjoyment and terrible suffering ; you are artistic, poetic, and aesthetic, have strong emotions and are subject to extremes of joy and sorrow. If your intellectual faculties are large, you will be a genius. 5 — You possess a good quality of texture and can battle for the right with a strong arm, being neither too sensitive or too coarse, your mind tends upward rather than down- ward. A — You are fairly organised, yet liable to be led astray by evil doers, you should cultivate the society of refined people. 3 — You are unrefined and delight in grovelling, try to look up, cultivate the little intellect nature has given you, and thus rise above your present condition. 2 — You need a guardian angel to keep you from evil doing. 1 — You are a stupid dolt, "prone to evil, as the sparks fly upward." 18 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. DEFINITION OF TEMPERAMENTS In judging of Character, the scientific Phrenologist relies quite as much upon the Temperament of the person examined as upon development of brain. Every muscle, nerve, tendon or sinew, from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet is an index of character, and should be considered in computing the sum total of characteristics. There are three positive Temper- aments with many modifications or inter-blendings, they are clas- sified as the Motive, Vital and Mental. Seldom are the three harmoniously blended in the same person, hence the one pre- dominating will wield the greatest influence. Temperaments are greatly modified by climate, occupation and mode of life, so that the Temperament of the boy of sixteen is seldom or never that of same person of sixty years. Not only is Temperament indicative of character, but it enters largely as a factor in determining adaptation in marriage. To insure a perfect union in the marriage relation, and to produce harmoniously developed offspring, Temperamental opposites should be chosen, except where there is a harmonious blending of all the Temperaments in each individual. It is possible and desirable, to so live and develope the body, as to balance the Temperaments in the person of those who strive to attain this end by proper hygienic living. The following classification of Temperaments will be found of interest. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 19 The MOTIVE or Muscular TEMPERAMENT. NORMAL FUNCTION: This Temperament is the frame-work of the human edifice and if weak the whole structure falls in ruins, if strong, the indications will be seen in large bones and strong well knit muscles, insuring strength and locomotion to its possessor, together with great powers of endurance. In the animal kingdom, the ox illustrates its extreme manifestation. A full degree of this Temperament is essential to any great suc- cess in life. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are very muscular and possess great power of endurance, you are tough, wiry, enduring and deter- mined. When aroused you are like an avalanche carry- ing everything before you; you are somewhat angular, rough, but are tireless and with a good intellect wil) make your mark on the scroll of fame. 1 m t— C3 P"5 6 — You are tough as a mule or pine knot, have strong passions, but if the moral faculties be strong, you will govern them with an indomitable will; you are calm and exhibit good judgment in time of trial ; you are either a very good or a very bad person. If the moral faculties are large and active you are the former, but if the base of the brain is in the ascendency, you will need an angelic help to keep you in the path of rectitude. 5 — You are strong, active and courageous, never lazy or idle, are very efficient and generally make things move when you get hold of them. 4 — You are not no*"ed for great strength or energy, you are spasmodic, a whirlwind for a few minutes, but soon tire out and seek light employment. 3 — You do not possess very great powers of endurance, are awed in ihe contemplation of great enterprises, need . considerable rest and generally manage to get it; you should live out of door and work there. 2 — You was born tired and keep so, are weak in body and always a laggard, are endowed with much feeling but no strength. 1 — You are almost lifeless, a weakling. 20 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. The VITAL or well nourished TEMPERAMENT. NORMAL FUNCTION: Nourishment is required to support either vegetable or animal life. Vegetation does not flourish unless it is fertilized by rich earth, well watered, and warmed by the rays of the sun. In the animal economy, life force is created through the heart, lungs, stomach, liver and bowels; whenever these organs are well developed and active, the Vital Temperament predominates and vigor is apparent. Among animals, this Temperament is found in excess in the swine, it gives warmth and vitality to the entire system. People with this Temperament predominating possess a large base of brain, have strong passions and an abundance of life. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You possess great vigor, have strong steady pulse, enjoy the good things of earth and get your share of them, you love fresh air, but had rather ride than walk. You are inclined to obesity and should exercise much in the open air ; you should pray not to be led into tempta- tion, because it is hard for you to resist. Avoid the flowing bowl and keep your passions in check- m r- o CT3 EC ?5 6 — You have a good physique and feel alive to your extremities; you prefer to be your own employer, it is difficult to keep you confined to hard work. The more fun there is in life, the better you are pleased. You re- quire active employment to keep your forces toned down. 5 — You are fairly well nourished, but should avoid exces- ses in order to keep up your vital strength. 4 — You have enough Vitality to enjoy life, but should look out for leaks in your stock of vital force. 3 — You have no Vitality to spare, don't squander it by hard work, by over or improper eating ; husband your resources. — 2 — You are far from strong, have cold hands and feet, and poor blood circulation; you should neglect no oppor- tunity that offers to get warmth and magnetism. 1 — You are very feeble. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 21 The MENTAL or Intellectual TEMPERAMENT, NORMAL FUNCTION: It has been demonstrated that while the brain wields the most powerful influence in the production of thought, it is also evident that the nervous system enters largely as a factor in generating ideas. Hence is evolved the Mental Temper^ ament, produced by developing in excess, a large active brain with an intense and sensitive nervous organization. Among animals, the deer illustrates this temperament in a marked degree. On a scale of seven degrees this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You possess a large active brain, coupled with an exquisite nervous system, causing you to be extremely sensitive and fond of intellectual pursuits ; you are liable to exercise and develop your brain at the expense of your body, and should eat only nourishing food. Avoid all stimulants, sleep much and exercise much in open air. a s C3 r*i 6 — You have a clear, active and well developed brain, together with a very sensitive and nervous system. If you have the opportunity of culture, you will manifest literary, scientific or other intellectual traits in a marked degree; you should be careful to strengthen the body by hygienic living, and nor prematurely exhaust your fine nervous forces. 5 — You display good mental powers, exhibit good judge- ment and are a practical common sense person. 4 — You have a fair mentality, and when excited display considerable mental talent, but are not a genius. 3 — You are rather dull and think more of a good dinner and other physical pleasures than of intellectual pursuits. 2 — You are quite stupid and sleepy in intellect. 1 — You are low and weak mentally. 22 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. ILLUSTRATION OF TEMPERAMENTS. The VITAL or Well Nourished Temperament. ( See page 20. ) The MOTIVE or Muscular Temperament. (See page iq.) The MENTAL or Intellectual Temperament. (See page 21). HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 23 THE SOCIAL GROUP- normal FUNCTION: Without love this world would indeed be a dreary waste, it is the life of the universe, the golden chain which links earth with heaven and forms the brotherhood of man. Its manifestations are manifold, embracing Sexual, Conjugal, Parental, Filial, Patriotic, Fraternal and Universal Love. The seat of the faculties lies in the posterior portion of the brain, and their expres- sion is described in the following classification of the organs. AMATIVEN ESS. NORMAL FUNCTION: Love of the opposite sex. Instinct to perpetuate the race. Reservoir of magnetism. On a scale of seven degrees,, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE O F ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You possess very strong sexual impulses and wield a powerful personal magnetism over both sexes, especially your opposite. If your organic quality be low and your moral faculties weak, you will be likely to give reins to your passions. But if you are fine grained, you will prove the most emotional and ardent of lovers, experien- cing the greatest ecstacy in your love, and corresponding distress when that love is thwarted. r*i P"S (3 — ■ You are drawn to the opposite sex as the needle to the pole. There is a warmth in your nature that attracts the opposite sex to you , you should use your magnetic powers to bless others. The love element is a power in your nature for weal or woe. — 5 — You are capable of considerable enthusiasm in love when aroused, and experience pleasure in loving and being loved. At — You possess some ardour in love, but it needs to be called out by a warmer nature than your own. 3 — You are distant, chilly and unemotional to the opposite sex. Love is of your nature "a thing apart"; you could easily live unmarried. 2 — You neither love or are loved by the opposite sex. 1 — You are an iceberg. 24 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR, CONJUGALITY. NORMAL FUNCTION : Love and desire for one conjugal mate. The primitive savage man was polygamus, while the ad- vanced civilized man is monogamus. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — Your greatest happiness is attained when you have found one of the opposite sex to whom you can devote your whole life in love. That one in yours eyes will be a saint or an angel, having no faults, you will exact the same fidelity and devotion that you bestow. You should guard against jealousy to which you are liable. -< m 1 6 — You possess a strong desire for matehood with one only, wherein "two hearts beat as one", to that one you would be devoted, no sacrifice would seem to you too great to offer at the shrine of your beloved. Infidelity on the part of your chosen mate would drive you to despair, while devotion of that mate to you would bring heaven upon earth. 5 — You can be.true to one mate, and are inclined to choose but one, yet if bereft of your companion by death or desertion, you can bear the loss with philosophical com- posure. A — You prefer to love and marry one, but could love twice or thrice. 3 — You may be true to one, providing temptation is kept aloof. 2 — You delight in variety, if you rightly remember you have loved a good number. Fickleness and unrest attend you. 1 — You are a weather vane, in your los r e nature true to no one. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 25 PARENTAL LOVE. NORMAL FUNCTION : Instinct to preserve the species. Its manifestation is a love of children and a desire to make pets of them and of young animals. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be- , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 1 — You have an unconquerable desire to become a parent, and if you are blessed with children, will idolize them and be liable to injure them by over indulgence; you should hold this impulse in check by your judgement in their management. -s: t— • C7> 6 — You love children as the dew drop loves the flower, to kiss and cherish. Toward your own you will be tender and solicitous, never tiring in their service, overlooking their faults and proud of their achievements. All children love your society, of whom you make comrades, and you delight also in making pets of young animals. 5 — You are fond of children and pets, but do not spoil them by over indulgence; you would be a wise and loving parent. 4 — You love your own children fairly well, yet are not blind to their faults, toward the children of others you are cool and distant. 3 — Your parental instinct is feeble, crying children make you cross as they are. 2 — You think children a necessary evil. 1 — You pet nothing. 26 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. FRIENDSHIP. NORMAL FUNCTION : Social instinct, Love of Society, Fraternity and Brotherhood, as exemplified in the biblical account of David and Jonathan, and of Ruth and Boaz " Birds of feather Flock together. " On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You would prove a sad hermit, you are never content except in society, you make many friends and will devote time and fortune to their service. Are liable to be influ- enced by friendship to your injury, unless reason is used in the selection of wise and moral companions. 6 — Your social ieelings are very strong, you love friends as a mother loves her child and cling to them through good and ill tortune; you should hold this impulse in check, and choose your friends wisely. 5 — You are warm hearted and friendly, yet use judgement in selecting confidents. 4 — You are affectionate and take pleasure in a moderate amount of society, yet can count your intimate friends as few. 3 — You make few friends, are cold and distant. 2 — You are your own best friend, caring little for the society of others. 1 — You should live alone on an island in the sea. r— CT5 P J HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 27 INHABITIVENESS. NORMAL FUNCTION : Desire to locate in some place. Love of home and country. Patriotism. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below * by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You love your home as the bird its nest, and all your fondest memories are associated with your birth place. Are subject to home sickness if away from home or country, and prefer your "Lowly thatched cottage" home to the palace of others. 3 r— o 3 C3 5*5 6 — You have a great desire to possess a home of your own, which "Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home." To live at home, "Sweet home," is your joy. To be absent from that loved ^pot of earth brings heart aches; you are patriotic and love your country "right or wrong." S — You love the old homestead and find it hard to change your place of abode, yet when the necessity comes change to "Fresh fields and pastures new." 4 — You are content at home, yet can easily "Fold your tent like the Arabs, and silently steal away." 3 — You are suited with almost any place, if your other faculties are gratified. 2 — You are a moving planet. 1 — You are a rolling stone. 28 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. The ASPIRING and RESTRAINING GROUP. NORMAL FUNCTION : Without ambition no great results are. achieved, hence Nature has endowed man with Aspiration, and combines therewith Restraining force, which enables him to conquer his own passional self, and to subdue the elements, compelling obedience to his behest and crowning him monarch of animated Creation These organs are located in the coronal brain, and their manifestation is described in the following classification of brain faculties. CONTINUITY. NORMAL FUNCTION : Ability to concentrate the mind upon one object or thing. Application. An Aspirational and restraining faculty. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You possess great power of application, are inclined to be tedious, prolix and monotonous, cannot relinquish a task until it is completed. Are very thorough in what- ever you undertake, but the sun goes down while you are ready to begin your story ; you should avoid so many details, they tire out your listeners. * 6 — You manifest close application and are capable of great concentration of mind. A cannon fired in your ear would not move you from your train of thought. Some- times you become a little wearysome in going into minutae, and are rather absent minded. is — You can concentrate your mind on one subject when it seems desirable, yet can turn readily to another; you are patient but not tiresome. — You possess fair powers of application, but are never prolix, can turn readily from one thing to another without contusion. o — You find it difficult to concentrate your thoughts on one subject long at a time, are rather weather- vanish; you should strive to finish all tasks before commencing others. 2 - You are as fickle as the wind, and as unreliable so far as completing tasks is concerned. You change your mind with every breath. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 29 SELF ESTEEM. NORMAL FUNCTION : Dignity, Self Confidence, Inde- pendence, Love of Liberty, Assurance, Self Respect. Rendering the person largely endowed, confident of success and undismayed under the most trying circumstances. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are dignified and independent, confident of your own abilities, egotistical, seldom asking or taking advice from others, haughty and domineering, chafing under restraint, aspire to lead and become master of the situation. r— C3 r=i es J ! 6 — You are high-minded and aspire to do something worthy of yourself, never descend to clownishness, scorn to do mean acts, evince an independence of character which brooks no restraint, sometimes are liable to be over bearing and tyranical; you never take a back seat in the synagogue. 5 — You possess a good degree of self-respect and generally lead rather than follow, are self-poised and confident. 1 l 4 — You have a fair degree of dignity, and weigh your abilities correctly. i 3 — You are rather humble and permit your inferiors to obtain places to which you are entitled; are undignified. | 2 — You resemble Uriah Heap in being too "Umble," and having a poor opinion of yourself, fail to command the respect of others. — 1 — You are a clown. 30 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. APPROBATIVENKSS NORMAL FUNCTION : Ambition, Aspiration to achieve. Love of distinction and applause, Sensitive to the opinion of others. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZK to be ., which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You have great ambition to excel in whatever you un- dertake, and are exceedingly sensitive to the approval or disapproval of others, are fond of display; you should call Firmness to your aid in assisting you to avoid vanity, to which you are inclined when praised, and to keep you from dejection when censured. C3 ■ «s 6 — You feel keenly the praise or blame of friends or the p iblic; are very ambitious and sensitive to the opinion of others, and will leave no stone unturned to accomplish something worthy of your ambition. 5 — You are ambitious and desire to write your name on the scroll of fame, but are not blinded by the glare of popul- arity; your estimate of public opinion is just, neither too much or too little. 4 — You have some ambition, yet are rather independent and although you value the approval of others, will not sacrifice much to secure it. 3 — You are very composed under either praise or censure. 2 — You are uninspired by ambition and unmoved by applause or hisses. 1 — You detest display and etiquette and are insensible to praise or blame. 1 HADDOCK HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 31 CAUTIOUSNESS. NORMAL FUNCTION: Watchfulness, Carefulness, Prudence f Forethought, Anxiety. This faculty is the sentinel on the tower who gives the alarm on the approach of danger. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY i Personally in this respect : r*i i— ■ r=i CD 3C C3 7 — ~ You are always looking for danger, which seldom meets you half way; you make mountains out of mole hills and see a "Giant Grim" at every cross roads. You suffer from fear when all is calm, are liable to procrastination, fearing to lead lest disaster follow. 6 — You imagine danger when there is none, are very care- ful and make no false move; you stand shivering on the brink of the stream in which are many good swimmers. Remember that "nothing ventured, nothing have'' and that "Faint heart never won fair lady". However, you restrain the rash impulse of passion through fear if results are very suspicious and 'cross a bridge before reaching it'. 3 — You are prudent and careful, yet are not forward, but k*ep a good look out and are seldom taken by surprise. 4 — You have a fair share of caution, yet act impulsively and take too great risks. 3 — You are often reckless and get into trouble through rash action ; you are a Jtranger to fear. 2 — You take great risks without counting the cost ; you should look before you leap. J 1 — You have no forethought. 32 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. FIRMNESS. NORMAL FUNCTION : Will power, Perseverance, Determ- ination, Steadfastness. This faculty is unyielding, aspires to become master and acts as a check to the propensities and passions. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are obstinate and very persevering, having a will of iron you should use it to first hold yourself in subjection before ruling others; you never acknowledge defeat. With you it is victory or death. CD r=i C3 m C3 1 i 1 I 6 — You are decided and determined, your power of will renders you dauntless and undismayed, making you to wring victory from defeat. Are persistent and indomitable, knowing no such word as fail. 5 — You are persevering and tenacious of purpose, yet are not obstinate, will yield to reason but will hold the fort as long as reasonable chance remains of success. A — You are fairly firm of purpose, yet yields to pressure and abandon your position if very strongly opposed. 3 — You find it easier to rloat down stream than to paddle up, and are inclined to yield to opposition. i 2 — You are easily turned from your purpose, holding no restraint over yourself or others. 1 — You should borrow some of a mule's will, having none of your own. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 33 SELF-PROTECTING GROUP NORMAL FUNCTION : Society is composed of individuals, each of whom has personal wants to be supplied. Nature has endowed man with faculties which enable him to supply his physical needs, and to protect him against all encroachment. The organs designed for this purpose lie at the base of the brain, immediately around the medulla oblongata. These faculties have been held to be selfish, and have been decried by religionists and moralists alike. During the dark ages, religious enthusiasts and ascetics vied with each other in crucifying the flesh, in order that they might the more surely win heaven for their immortal souls, teaching the doctrine that " man is prone to evil as the sparks fly upward", and that his entire passional nature should be crucified and that self immolation was essential to a life of holiness. It has remained for Phrenology to come to the rescue of poor despised human nature, and to prove that Nature never implanted in man (her crowning work) a faculty that was vile. Neither are the faculties in question essentially selfish, but rather self-protecting, assisting by their strength ( under proper control) in upholding the Social, Spiritual, Moral and Intellectual faculties, in their work of unfolding and developing a perfect manhood. 3.^ lio'I — I 34 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. VrTATIVENESS. NORMAL FUNCTION : Life force. Power to conquer disease and death. Love of existence and fear of dissolution- Unconquerable resistance to the "Pale horse" and his rider. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be.... , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. ; DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : -=: m r— o rn en m en 7 — You possess marvelous life tenacity and seem to have drank at the "fountain of youth." Like the feline race you have nine lives, yet shrink from the shadow of death; your recuperative power is very great and resistance to disease extraordinary. 6 — You are very tenacious ot life. If sick you will be very sick and if you recover it will be speedily; you cling to life as the ship wrecked mariner to a spar and will "die in the last ditch." You hope for immortality and shrink from annihilation. 6 — You have a strong hold on life and possess a great desire to live, yet are not timid in the face of death. 4 — You have a fair degree of life force and feel a desire to continue living, yet could meet the destroying angel with composure. 3 — You have little power to resist disease and care little for existence. 2 — You resist disease feebly and have no fear of death. 1 — You and death are friends. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 33 COM BATIVENESS. NORMAL FUNCTION: Opposition, Courage, Daring, Dis- putation. This faculty renders its possessor courageous, spirited and efficient in defending his or her right. Like all the emotional faculties, it should be held in check by the intellectual, moral and restraining group. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be.. , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are very energetic, bold and courageous, inclined to contention, love and court opposition and often take umbrage at trivial remarks from others, are quick to resent an insult and sometimes rather too aggressive and daring. "Let not the sun go down upon thy wrath." — Koran. r«i r— o 3 3"? 6 — You are highly spirited, courageous, aggressive, fond of disputation, and like Jack Easy always want to "argue the case". Possess great energy and are never lazy or idle; you are easily offended and quick tempered. Re- member that "A soft answer turneth, away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger". — Bible. - 5 — You have a good degree of courage and energy, enjoy argument, yet are not quarrelsome, but knowing your rights dare maintain them. — 4 — You are fairly courageous and when aroused will defend your rights, yet prefer peace to contention. 3 — You are slow to anger and prefer an easy life to one of bustle. 2 — You are too mild and pacific. Lack force, in fact are lazy. 1 — You are a coward sir, and dare not resent it. 36 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. DESTRUCTIVENESS. NORMAL FUNCTION : Executive ab-'lity, Force of char- acter, Determination, Energy. This faculty is a moving power, the propeller ; its name belies its function. It is only destructive when allowed to run riot. Normally, it is the steam that propels the entire physical and mental machinery. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are the embodiment of energy, a perfect cyclone, exceedingly resolute and determined, are restless and a "rustler", are too much overcome by resentful feeling, and on provocation become furious. — You are energetic, forcible and tempestuous, in debate often sarcastic; your steam is always up and your machi- nery running; you will wear out before rusting out. Obstacles in your path only stimulate you to greater action. When provoked, you feel very revengeful, which passion should be held in check. 6 — You are forcible and energetic, industrious and pro- gressive, keeping abreast of the times and always ready to "move on the enemie's works." 4 — You are fairly energetic, yet not a great worker. Great difficulties discourage you. 3 — You are inoffensive and easily conquered. 2 — You are too gentle and mild to accomplish much in this working world. 1 — You are a milksop. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 37 ALIMENTIVENESS. NORMAL FUNCTION : Appetite, Pleasure in gratifying the sense of taste. This faculty instinctively demands nourishment for the body to supply waste of tissue. Un a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its- degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. degree Personally in this respect : 7 — You are an epicurian and delight in choice viands; your appetite often rules you, causing you to sacrifice the offering of common sense upon the altar of the stomach. flCTIYITY 6 — You enjoy eating greatly and are liable to eat too much and often rich food. The dinner bell is delightful music in your ear. 6 — You have a good appetite but govern it well. 4 — You enjoy food but are not gluttonous 3 — You are a little dainty. — You care too little for food, hence your body becomes impoverished. 1 — You eat less than a bird BIBATIVENESS. Location : Kront of Alimentiveness. NORMAL FUNCTION : Pleasure in liquids, delight in aqua- tic sports, sailing, swimming, etc. Two thirds of the earth's surface is water, and our bodies are largely composed of the element, hence this faculty is essential to life and its enjoyments. DEGREE -of- aCTIYlTY Personally in this respect : —You are a natural sailor and are never so happy as when "Bounding o'er the dark blue wave", swimming, diving or drinking. 6 — You enjoy marine views, to hear the rippling streamlets, to bathe in the placid lake, or drink from the wayside spring. S — You take pleasure in the aqueous element, but are not extravagant in that taste. 4 — You are not fond of water, prefer the land and drink but little. 3 — You are timid when on or near the water, are not thirsty. 2 — You look with disdain upon the water. 1 — You never had a good bath; go wash yourself. o m <=> r*i C5 m -- 38 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. ACQUISITIVENESS. NORMAL FUNCTION : Love of acquiring money or property of any kind. Desire for wealth. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be which llustrates its present Strength, but your character, as in< icated by it.s degree of Activity is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIYI TY Personally in this respect 7 — You are miserly, to your eyes a dollar is as big as a cartwheel, you would sacrifice health and all desiiable things in "rder to get wealth, are penurious and sordid, a Shylock. 6 — You are eager to acquire and have an instinctive knowledge where the dollar lies; are very economical and a natural financeer. Are too avaricious and grasping. 5 -- You love money for what it will bring, but are not miserly and strive to "Gather gear by every will That's justified by honor, Not for to hide it in a cell, Or for a train attendant. — But for the glorious priviledge Of being independent". — Burns. 4 You love property only for the use you can make of it. 3 — /ou are a poor financeer, money and you soon part company. 2 — You spend more than you make, are wasteful and improvident. 1 — You are a pauper. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 39 SECRETIVEN ESS. NORMAL FUNCTION: Cunning, Ability to conceal acts, thoughts or emotions, Tact, Shrewdness, Self-poise. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 1 — You have as many sides as the kaleidoscope, seldom exposing your true self, are artful, shrewd and a riddle to the world. Capable of keeping any secret until the last trump is heard. 6 — You are secretive and possess great tact and control over your emotions. Take pleasure in giving surprise to your friends, are an excellent strategist, often give equivocal answers when questioned, are self-contained, masterful and very reserved. 5 — You can keep a secret very well, yet are not crafty or cunning. 4 — You are unreserved, can hold a secret fairly well, but when excited betray your emotions. 3 — You are very sincere and transparent, often betraying your own secrecs and those of others, are imprudent in speech. 2 — You can conceal little or nothing, but wear your heart on your sleeve. 1 — You are a leaky vessel. 40 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. The M0RAL.SPIR1TUAL& RELIGIOUS GROUP. NORMAL FUNCTION: Man is distinctively a Moral and Religious being. The dividing line between the human and the brute, is not to be found in the domain of the intellect as taught by some Metaphysicians, but rather in the Moral, Spiritual and Religious realm, as is proved by the fact that animals are gifted with reasoning faculties; some of them only a little inferior to thr lowest order of men, while they have never been known to betray moral sentiments, to evince spiritual insight, or manifest religious tendency. Man alone being the. fruit of the tree of life, stands upon the mountain top and catches a glimpse of spiritual glory , reflected from the shining minarets of temples "not made by hands eternal in the heavens", while through his being thrill the inspiration of religion, born of a faith in immortality, and yielding a fruitage of Aspiration and Adoration. Lighted by the fires of ,. the Druids, past the Delphic Oracle, through historic into prehistoric ages, marked by the milestones of ruined temples and crumbling pyramids, we trace this religious and spiritual impulse in man, while legal tomes from the Ten Command- ments to Blackstone, proclaim his sense cf moral obligation. Nature in constructing her living temple, has laid the Self- Protecting Group as a foundation stone at the base of the brain, and placed the Moral, Spiritual and Religious Group as a capstone upon its apex. Illummined by these faculties, man treads the corridors of time with chastened feet, and looks with Faith's dauntless expectant eyes, upon the shining shore whose sands are washed by the restless waves of Eternity HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 41 CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. NORMAL FUNCTION : Desire to do right. Love of justice. Honesty and integrity. This faculty acts as a censor over the whole person. It • is an emotional faculty, sternly but blindly demanding that such morals be performed and justice enacted as education, environment and the intellect shall establish. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are governed by the best motives, and strive to live up to your highest ideal of right. Are intolerant of what seems to you to be wrong doing in others, even to persecution as a means to your conception of justice. C3 t*1 m r- <=> en CD 6 — You never swerve from your conception of right; often sitting in judgement over your own acts and the deeds of others, showing little mercy to the wrong doer; your motto is duty before expediency, you are a law unto your- self. 5 — You greatly desire to do right and only yield to strong temptation against your judgement of righteousness, then become very penitent, and strive to atone for the real or fancied wrong. 4 — You generally choose the path of rectitude, and have a desire that right shall prevail, yet under pressure may stumble and fall. 3 — You seek rather to justify yourself in wrong doing, than to strive for a better life. 2 — /ou have only a feeble conception of justice or right. I 1 — You are a wretch. 42 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. hope:. NORMAL FUNCTION : Expectation, Belief in the future, Anticipation, Truth, Faith. " Hope springs eternal in the human breast, " Man never is but always to be blest." On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. ! DEGREE OF flCTiVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You live in the future, if crushed to earth you rise again with renewed faith. There is always a bright star in your sky which often proves an Ignis fatuus. C3 r*i r— C3 6 — You are sanguine and hopeful, building many "castles in Spain", only to see them dissipate into thin air. but they are soon replaced by others equally grand and evanescent; you are not easily discouraged, every cloud in your sky has a "silver lining". 5 — You generally realize what you expect. Are hopeful as long as there is reasonable chance of success, but can book facts unflichingly in the face. 4 — You live in the present, letting the future take care of itself; expecting little and seldom disappointed, never make rash ventures. 3 — You are often despondent, venture little, are faint hearted, and are surprised to meet with good fortune. 2 — You believe that "Man was made to mourn", and you do your share of weeping. 1 — Your sky is starless. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 43 SPIRITUALITY. NORMAL FUNCTION: Intuition, Spiritual Perception, Faith in immortality, Inspiration. Probably no faculty possessed by man has been so little under- stood as this; neither is there one upon which poises more mo- mentous results. Through its inspiration its possessor perceives truth and principles at a glance, sees the pearly "gates ajar" and knows an immortal life is his destiny. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are endowed with wonderful spiritual perception, perceiving truth without the labored process of reasoning; highly inspirational and have a faith in immortality which amounts to knowledge. -a t— ' r=i C3 6 — You possess great spiritual insight, are cognizant of internal and eternal truths not revealed to the intellect, delight to dwell upon spiritual themes, are clairvoyant and. clairavident, and have a consciousnes of ethics which is a positive guide to righteousness and duty. 3 — You are endowed with considerable intuition, and when thus guided are spiritually exalted and content but sometimes fail to heed your premonitions to your dis- comfiture. 4 — You have a fair degree of spiritual perception, but often smother its monitions under a weight of material reasoning. 3 — You have little faith" in anything that cannot be weighed and measured, and demand intellectual proof of all asser- tions, are spiritually blind. 2 — You are of the "earth earthy", perceiving nothing but solid matter. — 1 — You are a blind materialist. 44 HADDOCK HOLT'S DELINEATOR. VENERATION. NORMAL FUNCTION : Adoration, Reverence, Respect for old people and things sacred. This is a worshipful faculty delighting in a contemplation of that which commands to reverence. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE i OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You have great reference for Deity, and respect old age; are noted for great piety and liable to become fanat- ical. Love antiquity, are shocked at profanity and are habitually serious. Take pleasure in observing religious rites. 1 2 t— <=> C5 ! ! \ 6 — You have great religious fervour, are prayerful. Love to follow beaten paths and express delight in the con- templation of Deity and his mighty works. Respect the aged and great, and are worshipful of those you love. 5 — You are capable of considerable religious fervor and enjoy seasons of prayer, however are not long faced or serious. Are respectful to all who prove themselves worthy. 4 — You never let piety or worship interfere with business or pleasure, worship only the good and true. 3 — You are somewhat irreverant, and care little for sacred things; are given to levity. 2 — You have grave doubts about the existence of a God, and respect nothing or anybody. 1 — You are an atheist. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 45 BENEVOLENCE. NORMAL FUNCTION: Generosity, Philanthropy, Sympathy. This faculty acts the "Good Samaritan", and overflows with the "milk of human kindness". On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You have a heart as big as an ox. Nothing gives you greater pleasure than giving. Are often too sympathetic and fail to use judgement in your benefactions. r— ■ 'g m (3 — You are generous to a fault, scattering benefactions with a lavish hand. To do good to others is your religion, are very philanthropic and benevolent, seldom think of self, but "Live for the good you can do". 5 — Your heart is touched by tales of distress and your sympathies easily aroused, yet you are not easily imposed upon by designing persons. Your judgement is consulted when you bestow charity. 4 — You are not very generous, generally choose the best places and things for yourself. 3 — You are not very self denying, are unsympathetic. 2 — You are selfish and cold hearted, if you bestow charity it will be to get a return of a thousand fold. 1 — You are a hog. 46 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. HUMAN NATURE. NORMAL FUNCTION : Intuition, Knowledge of men and character. Psychometry. This faculty is wholly spiritual and intuitional, penetrating the motives and disposition of people at a glance, the power to read souls. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be.. , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE j OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You know men and women as though you had made them, your first impressions of people are correct. You take delight in reading character, are a natural detective. CD t— CD s m ! ~1 6 — You are very intuitional, are never mistaken in the character of those persons you meet if unbiased by pre- judice; are a natural Psychometerist, and can truthfully read the souls of men and things, together with their history. 5 — You readily read the character of those you meet, and , are intuitional in a fair degree, yet may be biased by second impressions. 4 — You have only a moderate power to read character and often make mistakes, are not very impressionable. 3 — You are often deceived in people, seldom reading them correctly, having little or no intuition or Psychometric power. 2 — You are easily hoodwinked, and cannot see men as they are. 1 — Fools and Philosophers, Saints and Sinners are all alike to you. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 47 The CONSTRUCTIVE and IDEALISTIC GROUP. NORMAL FUNCTION : Construction, Refinement, Ideal. These faculties tend to round out manhood and womanhood. To construct a higher civilization and to embellish and idealize into beauty a common life. IMITATION. NORMAL FUNCTION : Copying, Mimicry. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You possess the faculty of doing anything you have ever seen done, sometimes almost lose your identity in mimicking others Are a good actor. CD C3 6 — You have the ability to copy from nature, or act, and to construct anything you have once seen or heard. 5 — You can copy and mimic fairly well, yet do not lose your identity in others. — 4 — You copy with difficulty, all your work bears your trade mark. 3 — You are original, and seldom attempt to copy or imitate others, and when you do it is a dismal failure. — 2 — /ou are never mistaken for another person, nothing that you do resembles anything else. 1 — You are yourself. Can imitate nothing. 48 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. MIRTHFULNESS. NORMAL FUNCTION : Humor, Fun, Laughter. On a scale of seven degrees, this fac.ilty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Actiuity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are fond of joking, and keep people in laughter with your sallies of wit. Can see fun in everything. C3 r*i C3 CD (3 — You are a humorist of the first water, enjoy a hearty laugh better than anything else. Are jovial. 5 — You enjoy jokes and laugh at good ones, sometimes make them. 4 — You love merry company, yet are not given to hilarity. 3 — You are rather solemn, though pleased with a good joke. 2 — You seldom smile, and cannot see a good joke. 1 — Vou are an old sobersides. AGREEABLENESS. NORMAL FUNCTION : Affability, Politeness, Gentleness. This faculty gives persuasiveness. DEGREE -of- flGTIYITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are very fascinating and winning, and delight every- oni with your pleasant manner, always saying the right word and doing the correct thing at the proper time. 6 — You have great power of persuasion, and win to your cause all who feel or see you. D — You are somewhat bland, but not over persuasive. 4 — You are fairly agreeable, but not very attractive. 3 — You possess little suavity. — You are capable of making yourself disagreeable, and are seldom otherwise. You are a hatchet. o t— C3 m C3 6 — You possess a very poetical nature and delight in im- agery, see beauty and loveliness in common things, and are enraptured by the rainbow's tints, the rose's blush the sun set's farewell kiss and the moonbeam's embrace of the rippling rivulet. Are a natural poet. 5 — You appreciate beauty, are refined in taste and love poetry and art. 4 — You possess some poetical feeling, but prefer the solid earth to the fanciful skies as an abiding place. 3 — You are unimaginative, and can see but little beauty in the worM; are uncouth. 2 — You are a utilitarian, poetry is an unknown realm to you. 1 — You are a horrid clam. 52 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. SUBLIMITY. NORMAL FUNCTION : Omnipotence, Infinitude, Lofty, Grand, Magnificent. This faculty revels in the illimitable. Un- fathomable. L-n a scale uf seven degrees this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You soar to heights sublime, are estatic in the con- templation of the grand, magnificent and awful. The roaring ocean, the tumbling cataract or thunder storm enthral you. You are liable to become extravagant in speech, and talk bombastic nonsense. 6 — You worship at the shrine of nature when she assumes her grandest moods. The whirling worlds on high, the thunder's awful roar, the earthquake's shock, the Ocean storm and the cataract's fall, thrill your soul with rapture. S — You are fond of the sublime in nature, yet are not moved to enthusiasm by grandeur. 4 — You prefer quiet scenery to the roar of the elements. 3 — You fail to perceive anything to admire in mountain scenery or the foaming cataract. 2 — You prefer a calm to a storm. 1 — : You are tame, HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. 53 OBSERVING^GROUR NORMAL FUNCTION: Observation, Perception, Cognizan- ce, Investigation. This group of faculties observes things and inci- dents. They are the store house of objects and facts. They do no reflecting, but collect material upon which the intellectual group reason ; being situated immediately below the latter group and in the frontal brain, they are ever watchful for events and matter upon which to feed the intellect. INDIVIDUALITY. NORMAL FUNCTION: Observation, Curiosity, Examination. Un a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the si^n X. DEGREE -of- AGTIV1TY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are a very great observer, nothing escapes your notice, are a walking interrogation point. 6 — You are practical, and see all there is to be seen, are always eager to learn of something new. S — You are a good observer. A — You take notice of conspicious things, but are not over inquisitive. 3 — You are indifferent about passing events. 2 — You observe but few things. You lack observation. «=: m r— CD CT> — — — FORM. NORMAL FUNCTION: Memory of shape and form. i DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — /ou are an excellent judge of shape and configuration, and never forget a face once seen. t— ' C3 P"S 6 — You remember the form of anything once seen, could learn to draw and sketch. 5 — You have a fair memory of form and shape. 4? — You need practice to remember form. 3 — You forget how things looked. 2 — You see little difference in shapes. 1 — You perceive no difference between round and square objects. 54 HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. SIZE. NORMAL FUNCTION: Magnitude, Bulk, Quantity, On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — /ou can measure accurately, distance and proportion. o i— ' CD CD 6 — You are a good judge of angles, and the difference between large and small objects, are annoyed to see things out of proportion in size. — S — You have a fair conception of the relative size of things. 4 — You need practice, and a rule and compass to get things accurate in size. 3 — You see little difference in the size of objects. 2 — You judge inaccurately of the size of things. 1 — You see no difference between a mole hill and a mountain. WEIGHT. NORMAL FUNCTION: Gravity, Resistance, Balancing power- j DEGREE | OF I ACTIVITY Personally in this respect : 7 — You are an excellent judge of the weight of objects and can balance yourself with ease, are a good marksman and could become a good sailor. 6 — You want everything plumb, are a good equestrian, can climb and balance equal to a monkey, could estimate the weight of cattle or a load of hay to a pound. 5 — You have a fair sense of weight, but had better trust to scales. 4 — You are timid in high places, and are inaccurate in judgement of weight. 3 — You would make a poor circus rider, having little balancing power. 2 — You tumble around strangely. 1 — Y ou are clumsy. HADDOCK & HOLT'S DELINEATOR. BS COLOR. bine. NORMAL FUNCTION: Delight in tints, Ability to com. On a scale of seven degrees, this faculty shows your development in this regard as to SIZE to be , which illustrates its present Strength, but your character, as indicated by its degree of Activity, is marked below by the sign X. DEGREE OF 1 ACTIVITY 7 Personally in this respect : — You take great pleasure in looking at colors, the rain- bow is a thing of beauty to your eyes; you would excel in combining colors for painting. C3 m r— cr> -a r=i