i v jvS' 5*^ >6* L> . f a *6 aV o • • /°- *.♦** W ^°<* •feF v^ •*■* i* -^ * <** ^o< ^ ^ q,/^-*^ ++'*72?s %/ .-££& \/ .♦* " A * •Vi* .A * 4? % « <►,/' W*" EVIDENCE OF THE TRUTH OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION DERIVED FROM THE LITERAL FULFILMENT OF PROPHECY; PARTICULARLY AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE HISTORY OF THE JEWS, AND BY THE DISCOVERIES OF RECENT TRAVELLERS. BY THE REV. ALEXANDER KEITH. i t MINISTER OF ST. CYRUS, KINCARDINESHIRE. FROM THE SIXTH EDINBURGH EDITION. Opinionum commenta dies delet, Naturae judicia confirmat. Cic. De Nat. Deo • NEW- YORK. PUBLISHED BY HARPER k BROTHERS, NO. 82 CLIFF-STREET. i 8 5 0. 3^ //O' |f5» PREFACE THE FIRST EDITION. The following pages are presented to the public in the hope that they may not be altogether unproductive of good. The idea of the propriety of such a publica- tion was first suggested to the writer in consequence of a conversation with a person who disbelieved the truth of Christianity, but whose mind seemed to be considerably affected even by a slight allusion to the argument from Prophecy. Having endeavoured in vain to obtain, for his perusal, any concise treatise on the Prophecies, considered exclusively as a matter of evidex\ce, — and having failed in soliciting others to undertake the work, who were far better qualified for the execution of it, — the writer was induced to make the attempt, and to endeavour to bring the subject into view. He was urged and encouraged to the prosecu- tion of it by his worthy and learned friend, the Rev. Mr. Brewster, of Craig, to whom, and to another esteemed friend, the Rev. Dr. Mitchell, of Kemnay, by whose able critical remarks he has profited much, he owes, at least, this acknowledgment of his obli- gations. Unbelievers are often most unreasonably averse to listen to any arguments, which establish the truth of Christianity, that may be urged by a clergyman ; and it was therefore intended to have published this sketch anonymously. The advice of the Publishers, and of VI PREFACE. others, prevented this. Testimony the most unexcep- tionable has, however, been adduced to substantiate the facts which verify the different Prophecies ; and that testimony cannot be invalidated, by whomsoever it may be produced. In the following Essay the argument is brought within narrow limits. Those Prophecies are not in- cluded which were fulfilled previously to the era of the last of the Prophets, or of which the meaning is obscure, or the application doubtful. And the only question to be resolved is, Whether there be any clear predictions literally accomplished, which, from their nature and their number, demonstrate that the Scriptures are the dictates of inspiration, or that the spirit of Prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. PREFACE THE SECOND EDITION. in the present edition the title has been partly altered, in order to convey a more distinct idea of the object of the treatise ; and the fifth chapter, in par- ticular, has been enlarged much beyond the original views of the author. He has not only endeavoured to obtain a more complete account of the existing state of Judea and of the surrounding countries from the published works of travellers of authority, but he has derived much important information from the Travels in Egypt, Syria, fyc, by the Honourable Charles Leo- nard Irby and James Mangles, Esq., F.R..S., Com- manders in the Royal Navy, which were printed for private distribution, with a copy of which, with full permission to make use of its contents, they kindly tarnished him., General Stratton also favoured him with the perusal and use of his valuable manuscript Travels, to which, in several instances, reference is made. A brief description of the Journey of Captains Irby and Mangles, in company with Mr. Bankes and Mr. Legh, is published in Dr. MacmichaeVs Journey to Constantinople, The researches of travellers in Palestine have been so abundant, and the prophecies thereby verified are so numerous and distinct, that no labour is requisite for elucidating their truth but to examine and compare the predictions and the events; and the literal pro Viii PREFACE. phecies need no other interpretation than the literal facts. Though well aware that any one who seeks to illus- trate the external evidence of the truth of Christianity may be said to stand only at the outer porch of the temple of Christian Faith, yet the writer of these pages humbly hopes that he may be permitted to point to a way, without a stumbling-block, by which some who may be merely the proselytes of the gate, or others who would pass altogether by, may be enabled to enter into that edifice of Divine architecture, fitly framed together, which is filled with all the riches of mercy, with all the beauties of holiness, and with all the light of truth. PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. Prophecy has been rightly called a " growing evi- dence." Of late years that evidence has greatly accu- mulated. And after the successive additions which have been made to this treatise, no one can be more conscious than the author how very far it yet comes short of fully exhibiting the evidence of prophecy. It is not in times like the present that, on such a subject, the precept of Horace — nonum prematur in annum — can be regarded. Had it been complied with in the present instance, the following Essay would not yet have been before the public. — But the desire of any credit, as an author, yielded to the better hope, as a Christian, that the treatise, in however imperfect a form, might " not be altogether unproductive of good," — and that hope has not been vain. For facilitating and promoting the means of its use- fulness to a degree which he ventured not even to hope, his grateful acknowledgments are due to the Right Hon. Lord Bexley ; and never was a debt more freely paid than he tenders them. To the public notice which he took of the volume, his lordship afterward ^dded a lively interest in the publication of an abridg- ment of it, the concluding chapter of which, on the Seven Churches of Asia, was written entirely at his suggestion. And. at his expense, the Abridgment has been stereotyped, and published in English and in X PREFACE, French, by the Religious Tract Society ; and is now also in the course of publication, in the same manner, in German. — While it was in preparation, a tract on the prophecies concerning Ammon, Moab, and Philistia was drawn up by one of the secretaries of the Reli- gious Tract Society, of which about twenty thousand copies have already been sold. The additional matter in the present volume refers chiefly to Judea and Babylonia. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Introduction. Page Importance of the Subject 13 General View of the Evidence 16 On the Obscurity of Prophecy 17 Nature of Proof from Prophecy 18 Antiquity of the Old Testament Scriptures 19 Subjects of Prophecy 21 CHAPTER n. Prophecies concerning Christ and the Christian Religion. The Coming of the Messiah 23 Time of Christ's Advent, &c. 25 The Place of his Birth , . . . . 30 The Manner of his Life 33 His Character, &c 33 The Manner of his Death . . . 34 Nature of the Christian Religion 40 Its Rejection by the Jews, peace."} The contrast which the prophet had just * Gen. xlix. 10. f Mai. iii. 1. % Hag. ii. ?. . BIRTH OF CHRIST. 27 drawn between the glory of Solomon's temple and that which had been erected in its stead, to which he declares it was, in comparison, as nothing, — the solemn manner of its introduction, " Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, yet once it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens and the earth ;" the excellency of the latter house excelling that of gold and silver ; the expression so characteristic of the Messiah, the " desire of all nations ;" and the blessing of peace that was to accompany his coming — all tend to denote that he alone is spoken of who was the hope of Israel, and of whom all the prophets did testify, and that his presence would give to that temple a greater glory than that of the former. The Saviour was thus to appear, according to the prophecies of the Old Testament, during the time of the continuance of the kingdom of Judah, previous to the demolition of the temple, and immediately subsequent to the next prophet. But the time is rendered yet more definite. In the pro- phecies of Daniel, the kingdom of the Messiah is not only foretold as commencing in the time of the fourth monarchy or Roman empire, but the express number of years that were to precede his coming are plainly intimated : " Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy. Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem, unto Messiah the prince, shall be seven weeks and threescore and two weeks."* Compu- tation by weeks of years was common among the Jews, and every seventh was the Sabbatical year; seventy weeks thus amounted to four hundred and ninety years. In these words the prophet marks the very time and uses the very name of Messiah, the prince ; so entirely is all ambiguity done away. ' The plainest inference may be drawn from these pro- phecies. All of them, while in every respect they pre- suppose the most perfect knowledge of futurity ; while they were unquestionably delivered and publicly known for ages previous to the time to wmich they referred; while^ there is Jewish testimony o ' their application to * Dan. ix. 24, 25. B2 28 THE TIME OF THE the time of the Messiah,* which was delivered fifty years before Christ ; and while they refer to different contin- gent and unconnected events utterly undeterminable and inconceivable by all human sagacity ; — accord in perfect unison to a single precise period where all their different lines terminate at once, — the very fulness of time when Jesus appeared. A king then reigned over the Jews in their own land, they were governed by their own laws, and the council of their nation exercised its authority and power. Before that period, the other tribes were extinct or dispersed among the nations. Judah alone remained, and the last sceptre in Israel had not then departed from it. Every stone of the temple was then unmoved ; it was the admiration of the Romans, and might have stood for ages. But in a short space all these concurring tes- timonies to the time of the advent of the Messiah passed away. During the very year, the twelfth of his age, in which Christ first publicly appeared in the temple, Ar- chelaus, the king, was dethroned and banished ; Coponius was appointed procurator ; and the kingdom of Judea, the last remnant of the greatness of Israel, was debased into a part of the province of Syria. f The sceptre w T as smitten from the hands of the tribe of Judah — the crown fell from their heads — their glory departed — and, soon after the death of Christ, of their temple one stone was not left upon another — their commonwealth itself be- came as complete a ruin, and was broken in pieces — and they have ever since been scattered throughout the world, a name, but not a nation. After the lapse of nearly four hundred years posterior to the time of Malachi, another prophet appeared who was the herald of the Messiah. And the testimony of Josephus confirms the account given in Scripture of John the Baptist.^ Every mark that denoted the time of the coming of the Messiah was erased soon after the crucifixion of Christ, and could never afterward be renewed. And with respect to the prophecies of Daniel, it is remarkable at this remote pe- riod how little discrepancy of opinion has existed among the most learned men as to the space from the time of the passing out of the edict to rebuild Jerusalem, after the Babylonish captivity, to the commencement of the Christian era, and the subsequent events foretold in the prophecy. Our design precludes detail ; but the minute coincidence of the narrative of the New Testament, and * R. Nehumias, quoted by Grotius de Verit. j Josioti. Ant 17, c. J 3 lb. 18, 5. BIRTH OF CHRIST* 2£ the history of the Jews, with the subdivisions of time which it enumerates, are additional attestations of its general accuracy as applicable to Christ. This coinci- dence is the more striking as it is unnoticed by the re- laters of the facts which establish it, and as it has been left, without the possibility of any adaptation of the events, to the discovery of modern chronologists. The following observations of Dr. Samuel Clarke, partly com- municated to him, as he acknowledges, by Sir Isaac Newton, elucidate this prophecy so clearly that every reader will forgive their insertion: — "When the angel says to Daniel, Seventy weeks are determined upon th* people, <$fc. — was this written after the event ] Or can it reasonably be ascribed to chance, that from the seventl: year of Artaxerxes the king (when Ezra went up from Babylon unto Jerusalem with a commission to restore the government of the Jews) to the death of Christ (from Ann. Nabon. 290 to Ann. Nabon. 780) should be precisely 490 (70 weeks of) years. When the angel tells Daniel that in threescore and two weeks the street (of Jerusa lem) should be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times (but this in troublous times not like those that should be under Messiah the prince when he should come to reign) ; — was this written after the event 1 Or can it reasonably be ascribed to chance, that from the 28th year of Artaxerxes, when the wails were finished, to the birth of Christ (from Ann. Nabon. 311 to 745), should be precisely 434 (62 weeks of) years ] When Daniel further says, And he shall confirm (or, nevertheless he shall con- firm) the covenant with many for one week ; — was this written after the event ] Or can it reasonably be ascribed to chance, that from the death of Christ {Ann. Bom. 33) to the command given first to Peter to preach to Corne- lius and the Gentiles (Ann. Bom. 40) should be exactly seven (one week of) years ] When he still adds, And in the midst of the week (and in half a iveek) he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate ; — was this written after the event 1 Or can it with any reason be ascribed to chance, that from Vespasian's march into Judea in the spring Ann. Bom. 67, to the taking of Jerusalem by Titus in the autumn Ann. Bom. 70, should be half a septenary of years, or three years and a half !"* «* Clarke's Works, fol. edit. vol. li. p. 721 3* 30 PROPHECIES CONCERNING That the time at which the promised Messiah was to appear is clearly defined in these prophecies ; that the expectation of the coming of a great king or deliverer was then prevalent, not only among the Jews, but among all the eastern nations, in consequence of these prophe- cies ; that it afterward excited that people to revolt, and proved the cause of their greater destruction ; — the im- partial and unsuspected evidence of heathen authors is combined with the reluctant and ample testimony of the Jews themselves to attest. Tacitus, Suetonius, Josephus, and Philo agree in tes- tifying the antiquity of the prophecies, and their acknowl- edged reference to that period.* Even the Jews to this day own that the time when their Messiah ought to have appeared, according to their prophecies, is long since past ; and they attribute the delay of his coming to the sinfulness of their nation. And thus, from the distinct prophecies themselves, from the testimony of profane historians, and from the concessions of the Jews, every requisite proof is afforded that Christ appeared when all the concurring circumstances of the time denoted the prophesied period of his advent. The predictions contained in the Old Testament, re- specting both the family out of which the Messiah was to arise and the place of his birth, are almost as circum- stantial, and are equally applicable to Christ, as those which refer to the time of his appearance. He was to be an Israelite, of the tribe of Judah, of the family of David, and of the town of Bethlehem. The two former of these particulars are implied in the promise made to Abraham, — in the prediction of Moses, — in the prophetic benediction of Jacob to Judah, — and in the reason as- signed for the superiority of that tribe, because out of it the chief ruler should arise. And the two last, that the Messiah was to be a descendant of David and a native of Bethlehem are expressly affirmed. There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow * Pluribus persuasio inerat, antiquis sacerd.oh.im libris, contineri— eo ipso tempore fore — ut valesceret Oriens, profectique Judcea, rerum potirentur. Quae ambages Vespatianum et Titum predixerunt. Sed Vulgus (Judaeorum), more humanoe cupidinis, sibi tantum fatorum magnitudinem interpretari, ne adver- sis, quidem, ad vera mutabantur. — Tacit. Ann. v. 13. Percrebuerat Oriente toto constans opinio esse infatis, ut eo tempore Judaea profecti, rerum poti- rentur. Id de imperio Romano, quantum postea eventu patuit, praedietum Ju- dsei ad se habentes, rebellarunt. — Suet, in Vesp. 1. 8, c. 4. — Julius Marana- Ihus, quoted by Suetonius, lib. 2, 93.— Joseph, de Bello, vii. dl.—Fhilo de Proem, et Pen. p 923,4 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. 31 out of his roots, and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him.* That this prophecy refers to the Deliverer of the hum an race is evident from the whole of the succeeding chapter, which is descriptive of the kingdom of the Mes- siah, of the calling of the Gentiles, and of the restoration of Israel. The same fact is predicted in many passages of the prophecies : — " Thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee. — I have made a cove- nant with my chosen. I have sworn to David my servant, thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations. — Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous branch, and a king shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice on the earth ; and this is the name whereby he shall be called — the Lord our Righteous- ness."! The place of the birth of the Messiah is thus clearly foretold : — " Thou Bethlehem Ephratah, in the land of Judah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth," or, as the Hebrew word implies.J shall he be born — " that is to be ruler in Israel, whose goings forth hath been of old, from everlasting. "§ That all these predictions were fulhlled in Jesus Christ, — that he was of that country, tribe, and family, of the house and lineage of David, and born in Bethlehem, — we have the fullest evidence in the testi- mony of all the evangelists; in two distinct accounts of the genealogies (by natural and legal succession), which, according to the custom of the Jews, were carefully pre- served ; in the acquiescence of the enemies of Christ to the truth of the fact, against which there is not a single surmise in history ; and in the appeal made by some of the earliest of the Christian writers to the unquestio li- able testimony of the records of the census, taken at the very time of our Saviour's birth by order of Caesar. || Here, indeed, it is impossible not to be struck with the exact fulfilment of prophecies which are apparently con- tradictory and irreconcilable, and with the manner in which they were providentially accomplished. The spot of Christ's nativity was distant from the place of the abode of his parents, and the region in which he began his ministry was remote from the place of his birth ; and another prophecy respecting him was in this manner veri- * Isaiah, xi. 1. 1 2 Sam. vii. 18. Ps. Ixxxix. 3, 4. Jer. xxiii. 5. % Gen. x. 14 ; xv. 4 ; xvii. 6. 2 Sam. vii. 12, &c. § Mic. V. 2. U Justin. Mar. ap. i. p. 55, ed. Thirl. Tert. in Mark i v , 19. 32 THE LIFE AND fied . " In the land of Zebulun and Naphtali, by the way of the sea beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations, the people that walked in darkness have seen a great light , they that dwell in ttoe land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined."* Thus, the time at which the predicted Messiah was to appear; the nation, the tribe, and the family from which he was to be descended , and the place of his birth — no populous city, but of itself an inconsiderable place — were all clearly foretold ; and as clearly refer to Jesus Christ : and all meet their com pletion in him. But the facts of his life and the features of his charac- ter are also drawn with a precision that cannot be mis- understood. The obscurity, the meanness, and poverty of his external condition are thus represented : — " He shall grow up before the Lord like a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground : he hath no form or come- liness : and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. — Thus saith the Lord, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhor- reth, to a servant of rulers, kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship."! That such was the con- dition in which Christ appeared, the whole history of his *ife abundantly testifies. And the Jews, looking in the pride of their hearts for an earthly king, disregarded these prophecies concerning him, were deceived by their tra- ditions, and found only a stone of stumbling, where, if they had searched their Scriptures aright, they would have discovered an evidence of the Messiah. " Is not this the carpenter's son ] is not this the son of Mary 1 said they, and they were offended at him." His riding in humble triumph into Jerusalem ; his being betrayed for thirty pieces of silver, and scourged, and buffeted, and spit upon; the piercing of his hands and of his feet ; the last offered draught of vinegar and gall ; the parting of his raiment, and casting lots upon his vesture ; the man- ner of his death and of his burial, and his rising again without seeing corruption,! — were all expressly pre dieted, and all these predictions were literally fulfilled If all these prophecies admit of any application to the events of the life of any individual, it can only be to thai of the author of Christianity. And what other religion * Isaiah ix. 1, 2. Matt. iv. 16. j Isaiah liii. 2; xlix. 7. t Zech. ix. 9; xi. 12. Isa. 1. 6. Ps. xxii. J6; lxix. 21 ; xxii. 18; Isa. liii 9 ; Ps xvi. 10. t CHARACTER OF CHRIST- 33 can produce a single fact which, was actually foretold of its founder ? Though the personal appearance or mortal condition of the Messiah was represented by the Jewish prophets such as to bespeak no grandeur, his personal character is described as of a higher order than that of the sons of men. " Righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. He hath done no violence, neither was there any deceit in his lips. The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in sea- son to him that is weary. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd ; he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom. A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench. Behold, thy king cometh unto thee : he is just and having salva- tion ; lowly and riding upon an ass. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth ; he was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheek to them that plucked off the hair : I did not hide my face from shame and spitting. The Lord God hath opened mine ear that I was not rebellious, neither turned away back. The Lord will help me, therefore shall I not be confounded ; therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed."* How many virtues are thus represented in the prophecies as charac- teristic of the Messiah ; and how applicable are they all to Christ alone, and how clearly imbodied in his charac- ter ! His wisdom and knowledge — his speaking as never man spake- — the general meekness of his manner and mild- ness of his conversation — his perfect candour and un- sullied purity — his righteousness — his kindness and com- passion — his genuine humility — his peaceable disposition — his unrepining patience — his invincible courage — his more than heroic resolution, and more than human for- bearance — his unfaltering trust in God, and complete resignation to his will, — are all portrayed in the liveliest * lea. xi. 2, $; xl. 11 ; 1. 4, 6, 7; xlii. 2, 3 ; liij 7, 3, 11. Zech. ix T3 B3 34 THE CHARACTER AND the most affecting and expressive terms ; and among all who ever breathed the breath of life, they can be applied to Christ alone.* Mahomet pretended to receive a divine warrant to sanction his past impurities and to license his future crimes. How different is the appeal of Jesus to earth and to heaven : " If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. — Search the Scriptures, for these are they which testify of me." They did testify of the coming of a Messiah, and of the superhuman excellence of his moral character. And if the life of Jesus was wonderful and unparalleled of itself, how miraculous does it appear, when all his actions develop the prophetic character of the promised Saviour ! The internal and external evi- dence are here combined at once ; and while the life of Christ proved that he was a righteous person, it proved also, as testified of by the prophets, that he was the Son of God. In describing the blessings of the reign of the Messiah, the prophet Isaiah foretold the greatness and the benig- nity of his miracles: — "The eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped ; the lame man shall leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing."f The history of Jesus shows how such acts of mercy formed the frequent exercise of his power : at his word, the blind received their sight, the lame walked, the deaf heard, and the dumb spake. J The death of Christ was as unparalleled as his life ; and the prophecies are as minutely descriptive of his suf- ferings as of his virtues. Not only did the paschal lamb, which was to be killed every year in all the families of Israel — which was to be taken out of the flock, to be without blemish — to be eaten with bitter herbs — to have its blood sprinkled, and to be kept whole that not a bone of it should be broken; not only did the offering up of Isaac, and the lifting up of the brazen serpent in the wil- derness, by looking upon which the people were healed, — and many ritua observances of the Jews, — prefigure the manner of Christ's death, and the sacrifice which was to be made for sin : — but many express declarations abound in the prophecies that Christ was indeed to suffer. Exclusive of the repeated declarations^ in the Psalms * See Barrow on the Creed, p. 190. f Isa. xxxv. 5. I Matt. xi. 5. § Ps. ii. ; xxii. 1, 6, 7, 16, 18 ; xxxv. 7, 11 12 ; !xix. 20, 21 ; cix. 2, 3, 5, 25 ; xviii. 22. MIRACLE3 OF CHRIST. 35 of afflictions which apply literally to him, and are inter- woven with allusions to the Messiah's kingdom, the prophet Daniel,* in limiting the time of his coming, directly affirms that the Messiah was to be cut off; and in the same manifest allusion Zechariah uses these em- phatic words : " Awake, O sword, against my Shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of Hosts : smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scat- tered. — I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of sup- plications ; and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him."f But Isaiah, who describes with eloquence worthy of a prophet the glories of the kingdom that was to come, characterizes, with the accuracy of an historian, the hu- miliation, the trials, and the agonies which were to pre cede the triumphs of the Redeemer of a world; and the history of Christ forms, to the very letter, the com- mentary and the completion of his every prediction. In a single passage,{ — the connexion of which is unin- terrupted, its antiquity indisputable, and its application obvious, — the sufferings of the servant of God (who, under the same denomination, is previously described as he who was to be the light of the Gentiles, the Salva- tion of God to the ends of the earth, and the Elect of God in whom his soul delighted) § are so minutely fore- told that no illustration is requisite to show that they testify of Jesus. Of the multitude of parallel passages in the New Testament, a few shall be selected and sub- joined to the prophecy. "He is despised and rejected of men; He came unto his own, and his own received him not; He had not where to lay his head; they derided him. — A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; Jesus wept at the grave of Lazarus ; He mourned over Jerusalem ; He felt the ingratitude and the cruelty of men ; He bore the contradiction of sinners against himself — and these are expressions of sorrow which were peculiarly his own : 4 Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me : but for this end came I into the world. — My God ! my God ! why hast thou forsaken me V We hid, as it were, our faces from him ; he ivas despised, and we esteemed him not* * Dan. ix. 26. T Zech. xiii. 7 ; xii. 10L 4. Tsa. lii. 13 &c. and chap. liii. £ Isa. xlii. 10; xlix. 6. 36 THE MANNER OF — All his disciples forsook him and fled. Not this man, but Barabbas ; now Bar abbas was a robber. The soldiers mocked him, and bowed the knee before him in derision." The catalogue of his sufferings is continued in the words of the prophecy — " We did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted; He was wounded, he was oppressed, he ivas afflicted; He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; He ivas taken away by distress and by judgment" And to this general description is united the detail of minuter incidents, which fixes the fact of their application to Jesus — " He ivas cut off out of the land of the living ; He was crucified in the flower of his age. They (the people) made his grave with the wicked, but he was with the rich after his death ; Joseph of Arima- thea, a rich man, went and begged the body of Jesus, and laid it in his own new tomb. He was numbered with the transgressors ; He was crucified between two thieves. His visage was so marred, more than any man's, and his form more than the sons of men" — without any direct allusion made to it, but in literal fulfilment of the pro- phecy — the bloody sweat, the traces of the crown of thorns, his having been spit on, and smitten on the head, disfigured the face ; while the scourge, the nails in his hands and in his feet, and the spear that pierced his side, marred the form of Jesus more than that of the sons of men. That this circumstantial and continuous description of the Messiah's sufferings might not admit of any ambiguity, — the dignity of his person — the incredulity of the Jews — the innocence of the sufferer — the cause of his sufferings — and his consequent exaltation — are all particularly marked, and are equally applicable to the doctrine of the gospel. "He shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high ; Who kdcth believed our report, and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed 1 For he shall grow up as a tender plant," &c. The mean external condition of Christ is here assigned as the reason of the unbelief of the Jews, and it was the very reason which they themselves assigned. The prediction points out the procuring cause of his sufferings — "He hath borne our griefs, he hath carried our sorrows. Christ was once of- fered to bear the sins of many. He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chas- tisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes ive are healed. His own self bare our sins in Ins body on Christ's death. 37 the tree, that we, being dead unto sin, should live unto righteousness ; by whose stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray, and have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all: All flesh have sinned; ye were as sheep going astray, but ye are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. He had done no violence, neither was there any deceit in his mouth ; Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin ; God made him to be sin foi us who knew no sin." The whole of this prophecy thus refers to the Mes- siah. It describes both his debasement and his dignity — his rejection by the Jews — his humility, his affliction, and his agony — his magnanimity and his charity — how his words were disbelieved — how his state was lowly- how his sorrow was severe— how he opened not his mouth but to make intercession for the transgressors. In diametrical opposition to eveiy dispensation of Provi- dence which is registered in the records of the Jews, it represents spotless innocence suffering by the appoint- ment of Heaven, — death as the issue of perfect obedience — his righteous servant as forsaken of God, — and one who was perfectly immaculate bearing the chastisement of many guilty, sprinkling many nations from their iniquity by virtue of this sacrifice, justifying many by his knowledge, and dividing a portion with the great and the spoil with the strong, because he hath poured out his soul in death. This prophecy, therefore, simply as a prediction prior to the event, renders the very unbelief of the Jews an evidence against them, converts the scandal of the cross into an argument in favour of Christianity, and presents us with an epitome of the truth — a miniature of the gospel in some of its most striking features. The simple exposition of it sufficed at once for the conversion of the eunuch of Ethiopia ; and, without the aid of an apostle, it can boast, in more modern times, of a nobler trophy of its truth — in a vic- tory which it was mainly instrumental in obtaining and securing over the strongly-riveted prejudices and long- tried infidelity of a man of genius and of rank, who was one of the most abandoned, insidious, and successful ot the advocates of impurity, and of the enemies of the Christian faith.* * Burnet's Life of the Earl of Rochester, p. *0, 71. 4 38 NATURE OF THE Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer according to the Scriptures, and thus the apostle testifies ; — those things which God had showed by the mouth of all the prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled. That the Jews still retain these prophecies, and are the means of preserving them, and communicating them throughout the world, while they bear so strongly against themselves, and testify so clearly of a Saviour that was first to suffer and then to be exalted, — are facts as indu- bitable as they are unaccountable, and give a confirma- tion to the truth of Christianity, than which it is difficult to conceive any stronger. The prophecies, as we have seen, by a simple enumeration of a few of them that testify of the sufferings of the Messiah, need no forced interpretation, but apply in the plainest, simplest, and most literal manner, to the history of the sufferings and of the death of Christ. In the testimony of the Jews to the existence of these prophecies long prior to the Christian era ; in their remaining unaltered to this hour ; in the accounts given by the evangelists of the life and death of Christ ; in the testimony of heathen authors ;* and in the arguments of the first opposers of Christianity, from the mean condition of its author, and the manner of his death; — we have now greater evidence of the fulfilment of all these prophecies, than could have been conceived possible at so great a distance of time. But the prophecies further present us with the character of the gospel as well as of its Author, and with a de- scription of the extent of his kingdom as well as of his sufferings. It was prophesied that the Messiah was to reveal the will of God to man, and~'establish a new and perfect religion : — " I will raise them up a prophet, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him ; and it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him. — Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end ; upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom * A let or nominis ejus Christus, Tiberio imperitante, per procuratorem Pontium Pilalum supplieio adfectus erat. — Tacit. An. xv. 44. CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 39 to order it, and to establish it with judgment and justice from henceforth, even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this. — There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse ; he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears ; with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity. — I, the Lord, have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles to open the blind eyes. — Incline your ear and come unto me, hear and your soul shall live ; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, for a leader and a com- mander to the people. I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them ; and I will make with them a covenant of peace, and it shall be an everlasting cove- nant, and I will set my sanctuary in the midst of them ; one king shall be king to them all, neither shall they defile themselves any more with idols. They shall have one shepherd. They shall also walk in my judgments, and my servant David shall be their prince for ever. Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant, and this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel, after these days : I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my people ; and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord ; for they all shall know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord, for I will for- give their iniquity and remember their sins no more."* A future and perfect revelation of the divine will is thus explicitly foretold. That these promised blessings were to extend beyond the confines of Judea is expressly and frequently predicted : — " It is a light thing that thou shouldst be my servant, to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel. I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayst be my salvation unto the end of the earth."f While many of the prophecies which are descriptive of the glories of the reign of the Messiah refer to its * Den. xviii. 18, 10. Isa. ix. 6, 7; xlii. 6; xi 1, 6; h 3, 4. Ezek. xxxir 23, 25; xxxvii. 26. Jer. xxxu 31, 23, 34. t Isa. xlix. 6 ; lvi. 0, &c. 40 NATURE OF THE universal extension, and to the final restoration of the Jews, they detail and define, at the same time, the nature and the blessings of the gospel ; and no better description or definition could now be given of the doctrine of Christ, and of the conditions which he hath proposed for the acceptance of man, than those very prophecies which were delivered many hundreds of years before he ap- peared in the woild. The gospel, as the name itself signifies, denotes glad tidings. Christ himself invited those who were weary and heavy laden to come unto him that they might find rest unto their souls. He was the messenger of peace. He came, as he professed, to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the world, and to reveal the will of God to man. He published the terms of our acceptance. His word is still that of reconciliation, his law that of love ; and all the duty he has prescribed tends to qualify man for spiritual and eternal felicity, for this is the sum and the object of it all. What more could have been given, and what less could have been required? In similar terms do the prophecies of old describe the new law that was to be revealed, and the advent of the Saviour that was to come : — " Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion ; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem ; behold thy king cometh unto thee. How beautiful upon the moun- tains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek ; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." Having read these words out of the lav/, in the syna- gogue, Jesus said, " this day is the Scripture fulfilled." He was a teacher of righteousness and of peace, and in him alone it could have been fulfilled. The same character of joy, indicative of the kingdom of the Messiah, is also given by different prophets. He was to " finish trans- gression, to make an end of sins, and to make reconcilia- tion for iniquity ; to sprinkle clean water upon the people of God, to sprinkle many nations, to save I hem from their uncleanness, and to open a fountain for sin and for uncleanness. Let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him. I will for give their iniquity and remember their sins no more The Messiah was to be anointed to comfort all that mourn CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 41 to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness."* And in the gospel of peace these promised blessings are realized. We now see what many prophets and wise men did desire in vain to see. The Christian religion has indeed been sadly perverted and corrupted, and its corruptions are the subjects of prophecy. Bigotry has often tarnished and obscured ail its benignity. Its lovely form has been shrouded in a mask of superstition, of tyranny, and of murder. But the religion of Jesus, pure from the lips of its Author and the pen of his apostles, is calculated to diffuse universal happiness — tends effec- tually to promote the moral culture and the civilization of humanity — ameliorates the condition and perfects the nature of man. It is a doctrine of righteousness, a per- fect rule of duty ; it abolishes idolatry, and teaches all to worship God only ; it is full of promises to all who obey it; it reveals the method of reconciliation for iniquity, and imparts the means to obtain it ; it is good tidings to the meek ; it binds up the broken-hearted, and presents to us the oil of joy for mourning, and the gar- ment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, or the most perfect system of consolation, under all the evils of life, that can be conceived by man. For the confirmation of all these prophecies concerning it we stand not in need of Jewish testimony, or that of the primitive Christians, or of any testimony whatever. It is a matter of expe- rience and of fact. The doctrine of the gospel is in complete accordance with the predictions respecting it. When we compare it with any impure, degrading, vicious, and cruel system of religion that existed in the world when these prophecies were delivered, its superiority must be apparent, and its unrivalled excellence must be acknowledged. Deities were then worshipped whose vices disgraced human nature ; and even impiety could not institute a comparison between them and the God of Christians. Idolatry was universally prevalent, and men knew not a higher honour than the humiliation of bowing down in adoration to stocks and stones, and sometimes even to the beasts. Sacrifices were every where offered up, and human victims often bled, when the doctrine of reconciliation for iniquity was unknown. And we have * Isa. lii. 7; lxi. 1 ; xlii. 1, 3. Jer. xxxi 34. Dan. ix 24. 4* ) 42 PROPAGATION AND EXTENT only to look beyond the boundaries of Christianity, — to Ashantee, or to India, or to China, — to behold the most revolting of spectacles in the religious rites and practices of man. Regarding the superiority of the Christian religion only as a subject of prophecy, the assent can hardly be withheld, that the prophecies concerning its excellence, and the blessings which it imparts, have been amply verified by the peace-speaking gospel of Jesus. But, in ascertaining the accomplishment of ancient pre- dictions, in evidence of the truth, the unbeliever is not solicited to relinquish one iota of his skepticism in any matter that can possibly admit of a reasonable doubt. For there are many prophecies of the truth of which every Christian is a witness, and to the fulfilment of which the testimony even of infidels must be borne. That the gospel emanated from Jerusalem — that it was rejected by a great proportion of the Jews — that it was opposed at first by human power — that idolatry has been overthrown before it — that kings have become subject to it and supported it — that it has already continued for many ages — and that it has been propagated throughout many countries, are facts clearly foretold and literally fulfilled : — " Out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, and he shall judge among the nations.* He shall be for a sanctuary, but for a stone of stumbling, and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel ; for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.f The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and against his anointed." In like manner Christ frequently foretold the persecution that awaited his followers, and the final success of the gospel, in defiance of all opposition/! " ^ ne Lord alone shall be exalted in that day, and the idols he shall utterly abolish ; — from all your idols I will cleanse you ; — I will cut off the name of idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembered. § — To a servant of rulers, kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship. The Gen- tiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers. || The Gentiles shall * Isa. ii. 3, 4. Micali iv. 2. f Isa. viii.. 14 t Ps. ii. 2. Mat. x. 17; xvi. 18; xxiv. 14; xxviii. 19L § Isa. ii. 17. Ezek. xxxvi. 25. Zech. xiii. 2. ' (J Isa xlix. 7—23 ; lii. 15 ; lx. 3. OF CHRISTIANITY. 43 see thy righteousness ; — a people that knew me not shall be called after my name. In that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign to the people ; to it shall the Gentiles seek. I will make an everlasting covenant with you. Behold thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run after thee."* At the time the prophecies were delivered, there was not a vestige in the world of that spiritual kingdom and pure religion which they unequivocally represent as extending in succeeding ages, not only throughout the narrow bounds of the land of Judea, and those countries which alone the prophets knew, but over the Gentile nations also, even to the uttermost ends of the earth. None are now ignorant of the facts, that a system of religion which inculcates piety, and purity, and love, — which releases man from every burthensome rite, and every barbarous institution, and proffers the greatest of blessings, — arose from the land of Judea, from among a people who are the most selfish and worldly-minded of any nation upon earth ; — that, though persecuted at first, and rejected by the Jews, it has spread throughout many nationsj and extended to those who were far distant from the scene of its origin ; and that it freely invites all to partake of its privileges, and makes no distinction be- tween Barbarian, Scythian, bond or free. A Latin poet, who lived at the commencement of the Christian era, speaks of the barbarous Britons as almost divided from the whole world ; and yet, although far more distant from the land of Judea than from Rome, the law which hath come out from Jerusalem, hath taken, by its influence, the name of barbarous from Britain ; and in our " distant isle of the Gentiles," are the prophecies fulfilled, that the kingdom of the Messiah, or knowledge of the gospel, would extend to the uttermost part of the earth. And, in the present day, we can look from one distant isle of the Gentiles to another, — from the northern to the south- ern ocean, or from one extremity of the globe to another, — and behold the extinction of idolatry, and the abolition of every barbarous and cruel rite, by the humanizing influence of the gospel. But it was at a time when no divine light dawned upon the world, save obscurely on the land of Judea alone; when all the surrounding *Isa. xi. 10; lv. 5. 44 PROPAGATION AND EXTENT nations, in respect to religious knowledge, were involved in thick darkness, gross superstition, and blind idolatry • when men made unto themselves gods of corruptible things; when those mortals were deified, after theii death, who had been subject to the greatest vices, and who had been the oppressors of their fellow-men ; whei] the most shocking rites were practised as acts of reli- gion ; when the most enlightened among the nations ol the earth erected an altar to the " unknown god," and set no limit to the number of their deities ; when one of the greatest of the heathen philosophers, and the best of their moralists, despairing of the clear discovery of the truth by human means, could merely express a wish for a divine revelation, as the only safe and certain guide ;* when slaves were far more numerous than freemen even where liberty prevailed the most ; and w T hen there was no earthly hope of redemption from temporal bondage or spiritual slavery : — even at such a time the voice of prophecy was uplifted in the land of Judea, and it spoke of a brighter day that was to .dawn upon the world. It was indeed a light shining in a dark place. And from whence could that light have emanated but from heaven ? A Messiah was promised — a prince of peace was to ap- pear — a stone was to be cut without hands that should break in pieces and consume all other kingdoms. And the spiritual reign of a Saviour is foretold in terms that define its duration and extent, as well as describe its nature : — " I behold him, but not now — I see him, but not nigh. — His name shall endure for ever, his name shall be continued as long as the sun, and men shall be blessed in him, all nations shall call him blessed. He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. — Ask of me, and I shall give thee the hea- then for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. — All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn unto the Lord — and all kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.f — I will give thee for a light of the Gentiles, that thou mayst be my sal- vation to the ends of the earth. — The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together ; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. J — The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations He shall not fail nor be discouraged till he have set judg • * Plato in Phaedone et in Alcibiade, II. t Ps. lxxii. 8, 17; ii sT J xxii. 27, 28. J Isa. xl. 5. OF CHRISTIANITY. 45 ment in the earth ; and the isles shall wait for his law.* — He will destroy the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations. f — I am sought of them that asked not for me, — I am found of them that sought me not, — I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.J — It shall come to pass, in the last days, say both Isaiah and Micah in the same words, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills — and all nations shall flow unto it.§ — In the "place where it was said, Ye are not my people, it shall be said, Ye are the sons of the Living God. |] — The abundance of the sea shall be con- verted unto Thee — the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto Thee.^[ — Sing, O barren, thou didst not bear — break forth into singing and cry aloud — for more are the chil- dren of the desolate than the children of the married wife (more Gentiles than Jews).** — Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations, — spare not, lengthen thy cords, for thou shalt break forth on the right-hand and on the left— and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles — for thy Maker is thy husband — the Lord of Hosts is his name — the Lord of the whole earth shall he be called — the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose."ff These prophecies all refer to the extent of the Mes- siah's kingdom ; and clear and copious though they be, they form but a small number of the predictions of the same auspicious import ; — and we have not merely to consider what part of them may yet remain to be ful- filled, but how much has already been accomplished of which no surmise could have been formed, and of which all the wisdom of shortsighted mortals could not have warranted a thought. All of them were delivered many ages before the existence of that religion whose progress they minutely describe ; and, when we compare the pres- ent state of any country where the gospel is professed in its purity, with its state at that period when the Sun of righteousness began to arise upon it, we see light per- vading the region of darkness, and ignorance and bar- barism yielding to knowledge and moral cultivation. Jn * Isa. lii. 10 ; xlii. 4. f Isa. xxv. 7. t Isa. lxv. 1 § Isa. ii. 2. Micah iv. 1. ** Isa. liv. 1, 2, 4, 5. || Hos. i. 10. IT Isa. lx. 5. tt Isa. xxxv. 1. 46 PROPAGATION AND EXTENT opposition to allhumap probability, and to human wisdom and power, the gospel of Jesus, propagated at first by a few fishermen of Galilee, has razed every heathen tem- ple from its foundation — has overthrown before it every impure altar — has displaced from every palace and every cottage which it has reached the worship of every false god: — the whole civilized world acknowledges its au- thority — it has prevailed from the first to the last in de- fiance of persecution — -of opposition the most powerful and violent — of the direct attacks of avowed, and the insidious designs of disguised enemies : — and combating, as it ever has been combating, with all the evil passions of men that impel them to resist or to pervert it, the lapse of eighteen centuries confirms every ancient prediction and verifies, to this hour, the declaration of its Author— " the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." How is it possible that it could have been conceived that such a religion would have been characterized in all its parts — would have been instituted — opposed — established — pro- pagated throughout the world — embraced by so many nations — protected at last by princes and kings — and received as the rule of faith and the will of God 1 How could all these things, and many more respecting it, have been foretold, as they unquestionably were many cen- turies before the Author of Christianity appeared, if these prophecies be not an attestation from on high that every prediction and its completion is the work of God and not of man? What uninspired mortal could have described the nature, the effect, and the progress of the Christian religion, when none could have entertained an idea of its existence ? For paganism consisted in external rites and cruel sacrifices, and in pretended mysteries. Its tolera- tion, indeed, has been commended, and not undeservedly : for in religion it tolerated whatever was absurd and impious, in morals it tolerated all that was impure and almost all that was vicious. But the Jewish prophets, when the world was in darkness, and could supply no light to lead them to such knowledge, predicted the rise of a religion which could boast of no such toleration, but which was to reveal the will and inculcate the worship of the one living and true God — which was to consist in moral obedience — to enjoin reformation of life and purity of heart — to abolish all sacrifice by revealing a better mean of reconciliation for iniquity — to be understood by all from the simplicity of its precepts— -and to tolerate no OF CHRISTIANITY. 47 manner of evil, a religion in every respect the reverse of paganism, and of which they could not have been fur- nished with any semblance upon earth. They saw nothing among the surrounding nations but the worship of a multiplicity of deities and of idols : if they had traversed the whole world they v^ouid have witnessed only the same spiritual degradation, and yet they pre- dicted the final abolition and extinction both of polytheism and of idolatry. The Jewish dispensation was local, and Jews prophesied of a religion beginning from Jeru- salem, which was to extend to the uttermost parts of the earth. So utterly unlikely and incredible were the pro- phecies either to have been foretold by human wisdom, or to have been fulfilled by human power; and when both these wonders are united, they convey an assurance of the truth. As a matter of history, the progress of Christianity is at least astonishing ; as the fulfilment of many prophecies, it is evidently miraculous.* The prophesied success and extension of the gospel is not less obvious in the New Testament than in the Old. A single instance may suffice : — " I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." These are the words of a banished man, secluded in a small island from which he could not remove, — a believer in a new religion every where spoken against and persecuted. They were uttered at a time when their truth could not possibly have been realized to the degree which it actu- ally is at present, even if all human power had been com- bined for extending instead of extinguishing the gospel. The diffusion of knowledge was then extremely difficult ; the art of printing was then unknown ; and many coun- tries which the gospel has now reached were then undis- covered. And multiplied as books now are, more than at any former period of the history of man, — extensive as the range of commerce is, beyond what Tyre, or Carthage, or Rome could have ever boasted, — the dissemination * Were it even to be conceded— as it never will in reason be — that the causes assigned by Gibbon for the rapid extension of Christianity were adequate and true, one difficulty, great as it is, would only be removed for the substitution of a greater. For what human ingenuity, though gifted with the utmost reach of discrimination, can ever attempt the solution of the question — how were ail these occult causes (for hidden they must then have been), which the genius of Gibbon first discovered, foreseen, their combination known, and all their wonderful effects distinctly described for many centuries prior to their exist- ence — or to the commencement of the period of their alleged operation] 48 PROPAGATION AND EXTENT of the Scriptures surpasses both the one and the other ; they have penetrated regions unknown to any work of human genius, and untouched even by the ardour of com- mercial speculation ; and, with the prescription of more than seventeen centuries in its favour, the prophecy of the poor prisoner of Patmos is now exemplified, and thus proved to be more than a mortal vision, in the un- exampled communication of the everlasting gospel unto them that dwell on the earth, to every nation, and kin- dred, and tongue, and people. Christianity is professed over Europe and America. Christians are settled through- out every part of the earth. The gospel is now trans- lated into one hundred and fifty languages and dialects which are prevalent in countries from the one extremity of the world to the other. And what other book since the creation has ever been read or known in a tenth part of the number ] Whatever may be the secondary causes by which these events have been accomplished, or what- ever may be the opinion of men respecting them, the predictions which they amply verify must have origin- ated by inspiration from Him who is the first Great Cause. What divine warrant equal to this alone can all the speculations of infidelity supply, or can any free- thinker produce, for disbelieving the gospel ] It is apparent, on a general view of the prophecies which refer to Christ and to the Christian religion, that they include predictions relative to many of the doctrines of the gospel which are subjects of pure revelation, or which reason of itself could never have discovered ; and these very doctrines, to which the self-sufficiency of hu- man wisdom is often averse to yield assent, are thus to be numbered in this respect among the criterions of the truth of divine revelation ; for if these doctrines had not been contained in Scripture, the prophecies respecting them could not have been fulfilled. And the more won- derful they appear, they were by so much the more un- likely or inconceivable to have been foretold by man, and to have been afterward imbodied in a system of religion. It is also evident that there are many prophecies appli- cable to Jesus to which no allusion is made in the his- tory of his life. The minds of his disciples were long - impressed with the prejudices arising from the lowliness of his mortal state which were prevalent among the Jews ; and they viewed the prophecies through the mist of those traditions which had magnified the earthly power OF CHRISTIANITY. 49 to which alone they looked, and obscured the divine na- ture of the expected reign of the Messiah. It was only- after the resurrection of Christ, as the Scripture informs us, that their understandings were opened to know the prophecies. But while the accomplishment of many of these predictions is thus unnoticed in the New Testa- ment, the fulfilment of each and all of them is written as with a pen of iron in the life, and doctrine, and death of Jesus ; and the undesigned and unsuspicious proof, thus indirectly but amply given, is now stronger than if an appeal had been made to the prophecies in every instance ; and, freed from the prejudices of the Jews, we may now combine and compare all the antecedent prophecies re- specting the Messiah with the narrative of the New Tes- tament, and with the nature and history of Christianity ; and, having seen how the former is a transcript of the latter, we may draw the legitimate conclusion, that the spirit of prophecy is indeed the testimony of Jesus. And may it not, on a review of the whole, be warrant- ably asserted, that the time and the place of the birth of Christ, the tribe and the family from which he was de- scended, the manner of his life, his character, his mira- cles, his sunerings and his death, the nature of his doc- trine, — and the fate of his religion, that it was to proceed from Jerusalem, that the Jews would reject it, that it would be opposed and persecuted at first, that it would be extended to the Gentiles, that idolatry would give way before it, that kings would submit to its authority, and that it would be spread throughout many nations, even to the most distant parts of the earth, — were all of them subjects of ancient prophecy 1 Why, then, were so many prophecies delivered ] Why from the calling of Abraham to the present time, have the Jews been separated as a peculiar people from all the nations of the earth ? Why, from the age of Moses to that of Malachi, during the space of one thousand years, did a succession of prophets arise, all testifying of a Sa- viour that was to come 1 Why was the book of pro- phecy sealed for nearly four hundred years before the coming of Christ ] Why is there still to this day undis- puted, if not miraculous, evidence of the antiquity of all these prophecies, by their being sacredly preserved in every age in the custody and guardianship of the enemies of Christianity ? Why was such a multiplicity of facts predicted that are applicable to Christ, and to him alone? 5 C 50 PROPHECIES CONCERNING Why, but that all this mighty preparation might usher in the gospel of righteousness, and that, like all the works of the Almighty, his word through Jesus Christ might never be left without a witness of his wisdom and his power. And if the prophecies which testify of the gos- pel and of its Author display, from the slight glance which has here been given of them, any traces of the finger of God, how strong must be the conviction which a full view of them imparts to the minds of those who dili- gently search the Scriptures, and see how clearly they testify of Christ 1 CHAPTER III PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. The commonwealth of Israel, from its establishment to its dissolution, subsisted for more than fifteen hundred years. In delivering their law, Moses assumed more than the authority of a human legislator, and asserted that he was invested with a divine commission ; and in enjoining obedience to it, after having conducted them to the borders of Canaan, he promises many blessings to accompany their compliance with the law, and denounces grievous judgments that would overtake them for the breach of it. The history of the Jews in each succeed- ing age attests the truth of the last prophetic warning of the first of their rulers ; but too lengthened a detail would be requisite for its elucidation. Happily, it con- tains predictions applicable to more recent events which admit not of any ambiguous interpretation, and refer to historical facts that admit no cavil. He who founded their government foretold, notwithstanding the interven- tion of so many ages, the manner of its overthrow. While they were wandering in the wilderness, without a city and without a home, he threatened them with the destruction of their cities and the devastation of their country. While they viewed for the first time the land of Palestine, and when victorious and triumphant they were about to possess it, he represented the scene of THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. 51 desolation that it would exhibit to their vanquished and enslaved posterity on their last departure from it. Ere they themselves had entered it as enemies, he describes those enemies by whom their descendants were to bo subjugated and dispossessed, though they were to arise from a very distant region, and although they did not appear till after a millenary and a half of years : — " The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far — from the end of the earth — as swift as the eagle flieth — a nation whose tongue thou shaft not understand,— a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favour to the young. And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle and the fruit of thy land until thou be destroyed, which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee; and they shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high-fenced walls come down wherein thou trustest throughout all thy land."* Each particular of this prophecy, though it be only introductory to others, has met its full comple- tion. The remote situation of the Romans, the rapidity of their march, the very emblem of their arms, their un- known language and warlike appearance, the indiscrimi- nate cruelty and unsparing pillage which they exercised towards the persons and the property of the Jews, could scarcely have been represented in more descriptive terms. Vespasian, Adrian, and Julius Severus removed with part of their armies from Britain to Palestine, — the ex- treme points of the Roman world. The eagle was the standard of their armies, and the utmost activity and ex- pedition were displayed in the reduction of Judea. They were a nation of fierce countenance, — a race distinct from the effeminate Asiatic troops. At Gadara and Ga- mala, throughout many parts of the Roman empire, and in repeated instances at Jerusalem itself, the slaughter of the Jews was indiscriminate, without distinction of age or sex. The inhabitants were enslaved and ban- ished, all their possessions confiscated, and the kingdom of Israel, humbled at first into a province of the Roman empire, became at last the private property of the empe- ror^ Throughout all the land of Judea every city was besieged and taken, and their high and fenced walls were razed from the foundation. But the prophet particular- * Deut. xxviii. 49, Hist, lib* iii. c. 3L 60 PROPHECIES CONCERNING of Jerusalem ; and all the previous prophecies regarding it were of the same sad import. The particulars of the siege are all related by Josephus, and form a detail of miseries that admit not of exaggeration ; and which he repeatedly declares, in terms that entirely accord with- the language of prophecy, are altogether unequalled in the history of the world. — No general description can give a just idea of calamities the most terrible that ever nation suffered. The Jews had assembled in their city from all the surrounding country, to keep the feast of unleavened bread. It was crowded with inhabitants, when they were all imprisoned within its walls. The passover, which was commemorative of their first great deliverance, had collected them for their last signal de- struction. Before any external enemy appeared, the fiercest dissensions prevailed — the blood of thousands was shed by their brethren ; they destroyed and burned in their phrensy their common provisions for the siege ; they were destitute of any regular government, and divided into three factions. On the extirpation of one of these, each of the others contended for the mastery. The most ferocious and frantic — the robbers or zealots, as they are indiscriminately called, prevailed at last. They entered the temple, under the pretence of offering sacrifices, and carried concealed weapons for the pur- pose of assassination. They slew the priests at the very altar ; and their blood, instead of that of the victims for sacrifice, fiowed around it. They afterward rejected all terms of peace with the enemy : none were suffered to escape from the city — every house was entered — every article of subsistence was pillaged — and the most wanton barbarities were committed. Nothing could restrain their fury : wherever there was the appearance or scent of food, the human bloodhounds tracked it out ; and, though a general famine raged around; though they were ever trampling on the dead ; and though the habi- tations for the living were converted into charnel-houses, nothing could intimidate, or appal, or satisfy, or shock them, till Mary, the daughter of Eleazar, a lady once rich and noble, displayed to them and offered them all her remaining food, the scent of which had attracted them in their search — the bitterest morsel that ever mother or mortal tasted — the remnant of her half-eaten suckling. — Sixty thousand Roman soldiers unremittingly besieged them ; they encompassed Jerusalem with a THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. 61 wall, and hemmed them in on every side.; they brought down their high and fenced walls to the ground ; they slaughtered the slaughterers, they spared not the people ; they burned the temple in defiance of the commands, the threats, and the resistance of their general. With it the last hope of all the Jews was extinguished. They raised at the sight a universal but an expiring cry of sorrow and despair. Ten thousand were there slain, and six thousand victims were enveloped in its blaze. The whole city, full of the famished dying and of the murdered dead, presented no picture but that of despair — no scene but of horror. The aqueducts and the city- sewers were crowded as the last refuge of the hopeless. Two thousand were found dead there, and many were dragged from thence and slain. The Roman soldiers put all indiscriminately to death, and ceased not till they became faint and weary and overpowered with the work of destruction. Bat they only sheathed the sword to light the torch. They set fire to the city in various places. The flames spread every where, and were checked but for a moment by the red streamlets in every street. Jerusalem became heaps, and the Mountain of the house as the high places of the forest. Within the circuit of eight miles, in the space of five months — foes and famine, pillage and pestilence, within — a triple wall around, and besieged every moment from without — eleven hundred thousand human beings perished — though the tale of each of them was a tragedy. Was there ever so concentrated a mass of misery ] Could any prophecy be more faithfully and awfully fulfilled] The prospect of his own crucifixion, when Jesus was on the way to Calvary, was not more clearly before him, and seemed to affect him less, than the fate of Jerusalem. How full of tenderness, and fraught with truth, was the sympa- thetic response of the condoling sufferer to the wailings and lamentations of the women who followed him, when he turned unto them, and beheld the city, which some of them might yet see wrapped in flames and drenched in blood, and said, " Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the clays are coming, in the which they will say, Blessed are the barren, and the womb that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us, and to the hills, Cover us. For if they do these things in the green 6 02 PROPHECIES CONCERNING tree, what shall be done in the dry?" No impostor ever betrayed such feelings as a man, nor predicted events so unlikely, astonishing, and true, as an attestation of a divine commission. Jesus revealed the very judgments of God ; for such the instrument by whom it was ac- complished interpreted the capture and destruction of Jerusalem, acknowledging that his own power would otherwise have been ineffectual. When eulogized for the victory, Titus disclaimed the praise, affirming, that he was only the instrument of executing the sentence of the divine justice. And their own historian asserts, in conformity with every declaration of Scripture upon the subject, that the iniquities of the Jews were as un- paralleled as their punishment. All these prophecies, of which we have been review- ing the accomplishment, were delivered in a time of per- fect peace, when the Jews retained their own laws, and enjoyed the protection, as they were subject to the au- thority, of the Roman empire, then in the zenith of its power. The wonder excited in the minds of his disci- ples at the strength and stability of the temple drew forth from Jesus the announcement of its speedy and utter ruin. He foretold the appearance of false Christs and pretended prophets ; the wars and rumours of wars ; the famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, and fearful sights that were to ensue ; the persecution of his disciples ; the apos- tacy of many ; the propagation of the gospel ; the sign that should warn his disciples to fly from approaching ruin ; the encompassing and enclosing of Jerusalem ; the grievous affliction of the tender sex; the unequalled miseries of all ; the entire destruction of the city ; the shortening of their sufferings, that still some might be saved ; and that all this dread crowd of events, which might well have occupied the progress of ages, was to pass away within the limits of a single generation. None but He who discerns futurity could have foretold and described all these things : and their complete and literal fulfilment shows them to be indubitably the revelation of God. But the prophecies also mark minuter facts, if possi- ble more unlikely to have happened. Jerusalem was to be ploughed over as a field ; to be laid even with the ground ; of the temple one stone was not to be left upon another ; the Jews were to be few in number ; to be led captive into &tt nations .* to be sold for slaves, and none THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. 63 would buy them. And each of these predictions was strictly verified. Titus commanded the whole city and temple to be razed from the foundation. The soldiers were not then disobedient to their general. Avarice combined with duty and with resentment : the altar, the temple, the walls, and the city were overthrown from the base, in search of the treasures which the Jews, be- set on every hand by plunderers, had concealed and buried during the siege. Three towers and the remnant of a wall alone stood, the monument and memorial of Jerusalem ; and the city was afterward ploughed over by Terentius Rums. In the siege, and in the previous and subsequent destruction of the cities and villages of Judea, according to the specified enumeration of Jose- phus, about one million three hundred thousand suffered death ; ninety-seven thousand were led into captivity. 'They were sold for slaves, and were so despised and dis- esteemed, that many remained unpurchased. And their conquerors were so prodigal of their lives, that, in honour of the birthday ojf Domitian, two thousand five hundred of them were placed, in savage sport, to contend with wild beasts, and otherwise to be put to death.* But the miseries of their race were not then at a close. There was a curse on the land, that hath scathed it, a judgment on the people that hath scattered them through- out the world. Many prophecies respecting them yet remain to be considered, and much of their history is yet untold. The prophecies are as clear as the facts are visible. * Tacitus, who flourished about thirty years after the destruction of Jerusa- lem, speaks cf the strength of the fortifications of that city, the immense riches and strength of the temple, the factions that raged during the siege, as well as of the prodigies that preceded its fall. And he particularly mentions the large army brought by Vespasian to subdue Judea, " a fact which shows the mag- nitude and importance of the expedition." Philostratus particularly relates that Titus declared, after the capture of Jerusalem, that he was not worthy of the crown of victory, as he had only lent his hand to the execution of a work, in which God was pleased to manifest his anger. Dion Cassius records the conquest of Judea by Titus and Vespasian, the obstinate and bloody resistance Cf the Jews during the siege, the destruction of the temple by fire. It is re- corded by Maimonides, and in the Jewish Talmud (as cited by Basnage and Lardner) that Terentius Rufus, an officer in the Roman army, lore up, with a ploughshare, the foundations of the temple. The triumphal arch of Titus, commemorative of the destruction of Jerusalem, and with figures of Roman soldiers, bearing on their shoulders the holy vessels of the temple, is still to be seen at Rome. 64 PROPHECIES CONCERNING CHAPTER IV. PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE JEWS. While Moses, as a divine legislator, promised to the Israelites that their prosperity, and happiness, and peace would all keep pace with their obedience, he threatened them with a gradation of punishments, rising in propor tion to their impenitence and iniquity ; — and neither in blessings nor in chastisements hath the Ruler among the nations dealt in like manner with any people. But their wickedness and consequent calamities greatly prepon- derated, and are yet prolonged. The retrospect of the history of the Jews, since their dispersion, could not, at the present day, be drawn in truer terms than in the un- propitious auguries of their prophet above three thou- sand two hundred years ago. In the most ancient of all records, we read the lively representation of the present condition of the most singular people upon earth. Moses professed to look through the glass of ages : the revo- lution of many centuries has brought the object imme- diately before us — we may scrutinize the features of fu- turity as they then appeared to his prophetic gaze, — and we may determine between the probabilities whether they were conjectures of a mortal, who " knows not wdiat a day may bring forth," or the revelation of that Being, " in whose sight a thousand years are but as yesterday." " I will scatter you among the heathen and draw out a sword after you, — and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste ; and upon them that are left of you I will send a faintness into their hearts, in the land of their enemies ; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them — and they shall flee as fleeing from a sword — and they shall fall when none pursueth — and ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies — and ye shall perish among the heathen ; — and the land of y our ene- mies shall eat you up — and they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies' land ; and also, in the iniquities of their fathers, shall they pine away with them, — and yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, THE JEWS. 65 neither will I abhor them to destroy them utterly.* And the Lord shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen whither the Lord will lead you.f The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies — thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them — and shall be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. J The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart, — and thou shalt grope at noon- day as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways, and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee. Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given to another people. There shall be no might in thine hand. The fruit of thy land and all thy labour shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up, and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway — so that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. The Lord shall bring thee unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, — and thou shalt become an astonishment, a pro- verb, and a by-word among all the nations whither the Lord shall lead thee. Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulness and with gladness of heart for the abundance of all things, therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger and in thirst — and in nakedness, and in want of all things — and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. — And the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plague of thy seed, even great plagues and of long continuance.^ All these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, and they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever, — and it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you — so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy and to bring you to naught, and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it, and the Lord will scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other — and among these nations shalt thou find no ease, Neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest ; but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind — and thy life shall hang ia *Lev. xxvi. 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44. \ Deut. iv. 27. t Deut. xxviii. 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34. 37-45, 46 «y every species of oppression, and even personal torture." (p. 120, 121.) — The fictitious history of Isaac of York is delineated in a manner equally descriptive of the facts, and confirmatory of the prophecies respecting the Jewish people; and there exists not the history of any individual of any ot her nation, whether drawn from fancy or from fact, which combines so many of the prophetic char- acteristics of the fate of a Jew, as that which has thus been delineated, by a master's hand, as a representation of their condition, at a period about twenty- six centuries posterior to the prediction, and in a country two thousand rnilcs remote from the place where it was first uttered, and from the only land e»ei possessed by the Jews. * Rapin's Hist, of £??*., t. viii. vol. iii.p. 405. \ Ari.cles xii. Xiii. THE JEWS. 75 persecution, contempt, and every abuse. They are in general confined to one particular quarter of every city (as they formerly were to Old Jewry in London) ; they are restricted to a peculiar dress ; and in many places shut up at stated hours. In Ramadan, as in all parts of Persia, " they are an abject race, and support themselves by driving a peddling trade ; they live in a state of great misery — pay a monthly tax to the government — and are not permitted to cultivate the ground, or to have landed possessions."* They cannot appear in public, much less perform their religious ceremonies, without being treated with scorn and contempt, j The revenues of the Prince of Bohara are derived from a tribute paid by five hundred families of Jews, who are assessed according to the means of each. In Zante they exist in miserable indigence, and are exposed to considerable oppression.^ AX Tripoli, when any criminal is condemned to death, the first Jew who happens to be at hand is compelled to become the executioner, — a degradation to the children of Israel to which no Moor is ever subjected.^ In Egypt they are despised and persecuted incessantly. || In Arabia they are treated with more contempt than in Turkey.^ The remark is common to the most recent travellers both in Asia and Africa,** that the Jews them- selves are astonished, and the natives indignant, at any act of kindness, or even of justice, that is performed towards any of this " despised nation" and persecuted people. In Southey's Letters from Spain and Portugal, this remarkable testimony is borne respecting them: " Till within the last fifty years the burning of a Jew formed the highest delight of the Portuguese ; they thronged to behold this triumph of the faith, and the very women shouted with transport as they saw the agonized martyr writhe at the stake. Neither sex nor age could save this persecuted race ; and Antonio Joseph de Silvia, the best of their dramatic writers, was burned alive because he was a Jew." Few years have elapsed since there was a severe persecution against them in Prussia and in Germany, and in several of the smaller states of the latter country they are not permitted to * Morier's Travels, p. 379. t Sir J. Malcolm's Hist, of Persia, vol. ii. p. 425. % Hugh's Travels, vol. i. p. 150. § Lyon's Travels, p. 16. || Denon's Travels in Egypt, vol. i. p. 213. *r Niebhur's Travels, vol. i. p. 408. ** Mnrier's Travels in Pervsia, p. 266. Lvon's Travels in Africa, p. 32. D2 " 76 PROPHECIES CONCERNING sell any goods even in the common markets. The pope has lately re-enacted some severe edicts against them : and ukases have recently been issued in quick succes- sion,* restraining the Jews from all traffic throughout the interior government of Russia. They are absolutely prohibited (on pain of immediate banishment) from " offering any article to sale,"f whether in public or private, either by themselves or by others. They are not allowed to reside, even for a limited period, in any of the cities of Russia, without an express permission from govern- ment, which is granted only in cases where their ser- vices are necessary, or directly beneficial to the state. A refusal to depart when they become obnoxious to so rigid a law subjects them to be treated as vagrants ; and none are suffered to protect or to shelter them. Though the observance of such edicts must, in numerous in- stances, leave them destitute of any means of support, yet their breach or neglect exposes them to oppression under the sanction of the law, and to every privation and insult without remedy or appeal. And though they may thus become the greatest objects of pity, all laws of humanity are reversed, by imperial decrees, towards them. For those who harbour Jews that are condemned to banishment for having done what all others may in- nocently do, are, as the last Russian ukase respecting them bears, " amenable to the laws as the abetters of vagrants,"f an ^ as m numberless instances besides, no man shall save them. * 15th November, 1797. 25tli February, 1823. 8th June, 1826. (August or November), 1827. t Ukase, quoted from "The World," of date 31st October, 1827. lb. Article viii. + Note. — While the prophecies describe the past and existing miseries of the Jews, they refer with no less precision to the time yet to come, when the children of Israel shall have returned to the loved land of their fathers, and their rebuke shall have ceased from off the face of the earth, and when they shall prize their blessings the more highly, as contrasted with the former sui' ferings of their race. And the Word of God, confirmed as its prophetic tmtk is by the workings of the wrath of man, and by the policy of earthly nion- archs, will doubtless triumph over the highest mandates of mortals, and receive new illustrations of its truth when these shall have passed away. And the eleventh article of the ukase now in force merits, in reference to a special prediction, particular notice, and may here be subjoined, together with its corresponding text, premising merely that it is to a specific district of dis- membered Poland thai the Rabbis are sent awaj . " Kabhins. or other religions functionaries, are to be sent away by the police officer, immediately on the dis- covery that they are such.'' " Thy teachers shall not be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers." Isaiah xxx< 20. Lord Byron's brief and emphatic description of the Jews is equally charac teristic of the fact, and illustrative of the predictions. THE JEWS. 77 These facts, though they form but a brief and most imperfect record, and therefore but a very faint image of all their sufferings, show that the Jews have been re- moved, into all kingdoms for their hurt — that a sword has been drawn after them. — that they have found no rest for the sole of their foot — that they have not been able to stand before their enemies; — there has been no might in their hands — their very avarice has proved their misery — they have been spoiled evermore — they have been oppressed and crushed alway — they have been mad for the sight of their eyes that they did see, as the tragical scenes at Mossada, and York, and many others testify — they have often been left in hunger, and thirst, and nakedness, and in want of all things ; — a trembling heart, and sorrow of mind have been their portion ; — they have often had none assurance of their life ; — their plagues have been wonderful and great, and of long continuance, — and that they have been for a sign and for a wonder during many generations. But the predictions rest not even here. It was dis- tinctly prophesied that the Jews would reject the gospel ; that, from the meanness of his mortal appearance, and the hardness of their hearts, they would not believe in a suffering Messiah, — that they woidd be smitten ivith blind- ness and astonishment of heart — that they would continue long, having their ears deaf, their eyes closed, and their hearts hardened — and that they woidd grope at noonday as the blind gropeth in darkness.* And the great body of the Jewish nation has continued long to reject Christianity. They retain the prophecies, but discover not their light, having obscured them by their traditions. Many of their received opinions are so absurd and impious, their rites are so unmeaning and frivolous, their ceremonies are so minute, frivolous, and contemptible, — that the account of them would surpass credulity, were it not a transcript of their customs and of their manners, and drawn from their own authorities.! No words can more strikingly or justly represent the contrast between their irrational tenets — their degraded religion — their super- stitious observances, and the dictates of enlightened Tribes of the wandering foot and weary breast, When shall we flee away' and be at rest? " They shall find no rest for the sole of their foot — I will send a faintneaa into their heart.— a trembling heart and sorrow of mind." * Deut. xxviii. 29. t See Allen's Modern Judaism. Brewster's Ency. Art. Jews. 7* 78 PROPHECIES CONCERNING reason, and of the gospel which they vilify, than the emphatic description, " They grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness." And, if any other instances be wanting of the prediction of events infinitely exceed- ing human foresight, the dispositions of all nations respecting them are revealed as explicitly as their own. That the Jews have been a proverb, an astonishment, a by-word, a taunt, and a hissing among all nations, — though one of the most wonderful of facts, unparalleled in the whole history of mankind, and as inconceivable in its prediction as miraculous in its accomplishment, — is a truth that stands not in need of any illustration or proof — and of which witnesses could be found in every country under heaven. Many prophecies concerning the Jews, of more propitious import, that yet remain to be accomplished, are reserved for testimonies to future generations, if not to the present. But it is worthy of remark, as prophesied concerning them, that they have not been utterly destroyed, though a full end has been made of their enemies, — that the Egyptians, the Assy- rians, the Babylonians, the Romans — though some of the mightiest monarchies that ever existed, — have not a single representative on earth; while the Jews, op- pressed and vanquished, banished and enslaved, and spoiled evermore, have survived them all — and to this hour overspread the world. Of all the nations around Judea, the Persians alone, who restored them from the Babylonish captivity, yet remain a kingdom. The Scriptures also declare that the covenant with Abraham, — that God would give the land of Canaan to his seed for an everlasting possession, — would never be broken; but that the children of Israel shall be. taken from among the heathen, — gathered on every side, and brought into their own land, to dwell for ever where their fathers dwelt. Three thousand seven hundred years have elapsed since the promise was given to Abra- ham. And is it less than a miracle, that, if this promise had been made to the descendants of any but of Abra- ham alone, it could not now possibly have been realized, as there exists not on earth the known and acknow ledged posterity of any other individual, or almost of any nation, contemporary with him ? That the people of a single state (which was of very limited extent and power in comparison of some of the monarchies which surrounded it) should first have been THE JEWS. 79 rooted up out of their own land in anger, wrath, and great indignation, the like of which was never expe- rienced by the mightiest among the ancient empires, which all fell imperceptibly away at a lighter stroke, — and that afterward, though scattered among all nations, and finding no ease among them all, they should have withstood eighteen centuries of almost unremitted per- secution, and that after so many generations have elapsed, they should still retain their distinctive form, or, as it may be called, their individuality of character, is assuredly the most marvellous event that is recorded in the history of nations ; and if it be not acknowledged as a " sign," it is in reality as well as in appearance " a wonder," the most inexplicable within the province of the philosophy of history. But that, after the endurance of such manifold woes, such perpetual spoliation, and so many ages of unmitigated suffering, during which their life was to hang in doubt within them, they should still be, as actually they are, the possessors of great wealth ; and that this fact should so strictly accord with the prophecy, which describes them, on their final restora- tion to Judea, as taking their silver and their gold with them ;* and also that, though captives or fugitives " few in number," and the miserable remnant of an extin- guished kingdom at the time they were " scattered abroad," — they should be to this hour a numerous people, — and that this should have been expressly implied in the prophetic declaration descriptive of their condition on their restoration to Judea, after all their wanderings, — that the land shall be too narrow by reason of the in- habitants, — and that place shall not be found for them,f are facts which as clearly show, to those who consider them at all, the operation of an overruling Providence, as the revelation of such an inscrutable destiny is the manifest dictate of inspiration. Such are the prophecies, and such are the facts respect- ing the Jews ; — and from premises like these the feeblest logician may draw a moral demonstration. If they had been utterly destroyed — if they had mingled among the nations, — if, in the space of nearly eighteen centuries after their dispersion, they had become extinct as a people, even if they had been secluded in a single region, and had remained united— if their history had been analo- * Isa. lx. 9. \ Isa. lxix. 19. Zech. x. 10. 80 PROPHECIES CONCERNING gous to that of any nation upon the earth, an attempt might, with some plausibility or reason, have been made, to show cause why the prediction of their fate, however true to the fact, ought not in such a case to be sustained as evidence of the truth of inspiration. Or if the past history and present state of the Jews were not of a nature so singular and peculiar, as to bear out to the very letter the truth of the prophecies concerning them, with what triumph would the infidel have produced those very prophecies, as fatal to the idea of the inspiration of the Scriptures 1 And when the Jews have been scattered throughout the whole earth — when they have remained everywhere a distinct race — when they have been de- spoiled evermore, and yet never destroyed — when the most wonderful and amazing facts, such as never occurred among any people, form the ordinary narrative of their history, and fulfil literally the prophecies concerning them, — may not the believer challenge his adversary to the production of such credentials of the faith that is in htm ? They present an unbroken chain of evidence, each link a prophecy and a fact, extending throughout a multitude of generations, and not yet terminated. Though the events, various and singular as they are, have been brought about by the instrumentality of human means and the agency of secondary causes, yet they are equally prophetic and miraculous ; for the means were as impossible to be foreseen as the end and the causes were as inscrutable as the event ; and they have been, and still in numberless instances are, accomplished by the instrumentality of the enemies of Christianity. Whoever seeks a miracle, may here behold a sign and* a wonder, than which there cannot be a greater. And the Christian may bid defiance to all the assaults of his ene- mies from this stronghold of Christianity, impenetrable and impregnable on every side. These prophecies concerning the Jews are as clear as a narrative of the events. They are ancient as the oldest records in existence ; and it has never been denied that they were all delivered before the accomplishment of one of them. They were so unimaginable by human wisdom, that the whole compass of nature has never exhibited a parallel to the events. And the facts are visible, and present, and applicable even to a hair's breadth. Could Moses, as an uninspired mortal, have described the history, the fate, the dispersion, the treat- THJS J1SWS. 81 merit, the dispositions of the Israelites to the oresent day, or for three thousand two hundred years, seeing that he was astonished and amazed, on his descent from Sinai, at the change in their sentiments and in their conduct in the space of forty days ] Could various per- sons have testified, in different ages, of the selfsame and of similar facts, as wonderful as they have proved to be true 1 Could they have divulged so many secrets of futurity, when, of necessity, they were utterly ignorant of them all? The probabilities were infinite against them. For the mind of man often fluctuates in uncer- tainty over the nearest events, and the most probable results ; but, in regard to remote ages, when thousands of years shall have elapsed, — and to facts respecting them, contrary to all previous knowledge, experience, analogy, or conception, — it feels that they are dark as death to mortal ken. And, viewing only the dispersion of the Jews, and some of its attendant circumstances — how their city was laid desolate — their temple, which formed the constant place of their resort before, levelled with the ground, and ploughed over like a field — the?r country ravaged, and themselves murdered in mass — falling before the sword, the famine, and the pestilence — how a remnant was left, but despoiled, persecuted, enslaved, and led into captivity — driven from their own land, not to a mountainous retreat, where they might subsist with safety, but dispersed among all nations, and left to the mercy of a world that everywhere hated and oppressed them — shattered in pieces like the wreck of a vessel in a mighty storm — scattered over the earth, like fragments on the waters — and, instead of disappearing, or mingling with the nations, remaining a perfectly dis- tinct people, in every kingdom the same, retaining similar habits, and customs, and creed, and manners in every part of the globe, though without ephod, teraphim, or sacrifice — meeting everywhere the same insult, and mockery, and oppression — finding no resting-place with- out an enemy soon to dispossess them — multiplying amid all their miseries — surviving their enemies — be- holding, unchanged, the extinction of many nations, and the convulsions of all -robbed of their silver and of their gold though cleaving to the love of them still, as the stumblingblock of tht.ir iniquity — often bereaved of their very children — disjoined and disorganized, but uniform and unaltered — ever bruised, but never broken — weak, D 3 82 JUBEA. fearful, sorrowful, and afflicted — often driven to madness at the spectacle of their own misery — taken up in tlte lips of talkers — the taunt and hissing and infamy of all people, and continuing ever, what they are to this day, the sole proverb common to the whole world ; — how did every fact, from its very nature, defy all conjecture, and how could mortal man, overlooking a hundred successive generations, have foretold any one of these wonders that are now conspicuous in these latter times'? Who but the Father of Spirits, possessed of perfect prescience, even of the knowledge of the will and of the actions of free, intelligent, and moral agents, could have revealed their unbounded and yet unceasing wande rings — unveiled all their destiny — and unmasked the minds of the Jews, and of their enemies, in every age and in every clime ] The creation of a world might as well be the work of chance as the revelation of these things. It is a visible display of the power and of the prescience of God, — an accumulation of many miracles. And, although it forms but a part of a small portion of the Christian evidence, it lays not only a stone of stumbling — such as infidels would try to cast in a Christian's path, — but it fixes an insurmountable barrier at the very threshold of infidelity, immoveable by all human device, and impervious to every attack. CHAPTER V. PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE LAND OF JUDEA AND CIRCUPJ- JACENT COUNTRIES. The writings of the Jewish prophets not only described the fate of that people for many generations, subsequent to the latest period to which the most unyielding skepti- cism can pretend to affix the date of these predictions* but while the cities were teeming with inhabitants, and the land flowing with abundance, for centuries before Judea ceased to count its millions, they foretold the long reign of desolation that would ensue. The land is a witness as well as the people. Its aspect in the present day, and for many a past age, is the precise likeness delineated by the pencil oi prophecy, when every feature JUDEA. 83 that could admit of change was the i everse of what it now is. And it is necessary only to compare the pre- dictions themselves with that proof of their fulfilment, which, were all other testimony to be excluded, heathens and infidels supply. The calamities of the Jews were to arise progressively with their iniquities. They were to be punished again and again, "yet seven times, for their sins."* And in the greatest of the denunciations which w^ere to fill up the measure of their punishments, the long-continued desolation of their country is ranked among the worst and latest of their woes ; and the prophecies respecting it, which admit of a literal interpretation, and which have been literally fulfilled, are abundantly clear and expressive. " I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanc- tuaries into desolation. And I will bring the land into desolation ; and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it. And I will scatter you among the heathen, and draw out a sword after you ; and your land shall be desolate and your cities waste. Then shall the land enjoy her Sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies' land ; even then shall the land rest and enjoy her Sabbaths. The land also shall be left of them, and shall enjoy her Sabbaths while she lieth deso- late without them.f So that the generation to come of your children that shall rise up after you, and the stranger that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the sicknesses which the Lord hath laid upon it, Wherefore hath the Lord done this unto the land, what meaneth the heat of this great anger ] The anger of the Lord was kindled against this land, to bring upon it all the curses that are wTitten in this book.J Your country is desolate, your cities burned with fire ; your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and deso- late as overthrown by strangers. And the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city. Except the Lord of Hosts had left us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah. § Ye shall be as an oak whose leaf fadeth, and as a garden that hath no water. j| I will lay my vineyard waste. Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant. Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and the * Lev. xxvi. 18, 21, 24. t Lev. xxvi. 31, 45, 53. t Deut. xxix. 22, 24, W £ Isa. i. 7. 8, S. !| Isa. i. 30. 84 JUDEA. seed of an homer shall yield an ephah. — There shall the lambs feed after their manner, and the waste places of the fat ones shall strangers eat.* Then said I, Lord, how long 1 and he answered, Until the cities be wasted with- out inhabitant, and the nouses without man, and the land be utterly desolate ; and the Lord have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land. But yet in it shall be a tenth ; and it shall return and shall be eaten ; as a teil-tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them when they cast their leaves.f The Lord of Hosts shall make a consumption, even deter- mined, in the midst of all the land. J The glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean ; and it shall be as when the harvest-man gathereth the corn, and reapeth the ears with his arm ; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of Rephaim. Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive-tree, two or three berries in the top of the up- permost bough, four or five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith the Lord God of Israel.^ Behold the Lord maketh the earth|| (the land) empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. The land shall be utterly emptied and utterly spoiled : for the Lord hath spoken this word. The earth (land) mourneth and fadeth away; it is defiled under the inhabitants thereof ; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore hath the curse devoured the land, and they that dwell therein are desolate, and few men left. The new wine mourneth, the vine lan- guisheth, all the merry-hearted do sigh. The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth. They shall not drink wine with a song ; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it. The city of confusion is broken down : every house is shut up that no man may come in. There is a crying for wine in the streets, all joy is darkened, the * Isa. v. 6, 9, 10, 17. f Isa. vi. 11, 12, 13. t Isa. x. 23. $ Isa. xvii. 4, 5, 6. \\ The twenty-fourth chapter of Isaiah contains a continuous prophetic de- scription (exactly analogous to other predictions) of the desolation of Judea, during the time that the " inhabitants thereof" were to be " scattered abroad ;" and it is only necessary, in order to prevent any appearance of ambiguity, to remark, that the very same word in the original which, in the English trans- lation, is here rendered earth, is in subsequent verses of the same chapter also translated Zand— evidently implying the land of Israel, the inhabitants of which were to be " scattered abroad ;" and so obviously is this the meaning of the word, that the chapter is properly entitled " the deplorable judgments of God upon the land." JUDEA. 85 mirth of the land is gone. When thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people, there shall be as the shaking of an olive-tree, and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done.* Yet the defenced city shall be desolate, and the habitation forsaken, and left like a wil- derness ; there shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down and consume the branches thereof. When the boughs thereof are withered they shall be broken off: the women come and set them on fire ; for it is a people of no understanding. f Many days and years shall ye be troubled, ye careless women ; for the vintage shall fail, the gathering shall not come. Tremble, ye women that are at ease ; be troubled ye careless ones : strip you and make you bare, and gird sackcloth upon your loins. They shall lament for the teats, for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine. Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers ; yea, upon all the houses of joy in the joyous city; because the palaces shall be for- saken, the multitude of the city shall be left ; the forts and towers shall be for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks ; until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.J — The highways lie waste, the wayfaring man ceaseth ; he hath broken the covenant, he hath despised the cities, he regardeth no man. The earth mourneth and languisheth ; Lebanon is ashamed and hewn down; Sharon is like a wilderness ; and Bashan and Carmel shake off their fruits.^ De- struction upon destruction is cried ; for the whole land is spoiled. I beheld, and lo, the fruitful place was a wilder- ness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord ; for thus hath the Lord said, the whole land shall be desolate, yet will I not make a full end. For this shall the earth mourn, because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it. || How long shall the land mourn and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwelt therein 1 — I have forsaken mine house, I have left mine heritage. — Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilder- ness. They have made it desolate, and being desolate it mourneth unto me ; the whole land is made desolate, be- *Isa. xxix. 12, IS. \ Isa. xxvii. 10. 11. t Isa. xxxiv. 10-15. $ Is?., xxxiii. 8, 9. |J Jer. iv. 20, 2<>-28. 86 JUDEA. cause no man layeth it to heart. The spoilers are come upon all high places through the wilderness ; — no flesh shall have peace. They have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns ; they have put themselves to pain, but shall not profit ; and they shall be ashamed of your revenues be- cause of the fierce anger of the Lord.* Thus saith the Lord God to the mountains of Israel, and to the hills, and to the rivers, and to the valleys ; behold, I, even I, will bring a sword upon you, I will destroy your high places. In all your dwelling-places the cities shall be laid w T aste, and the high places shall be desolate, and your altars shall be laid waste and made desolate ; I will stretch out my hand upon them, and make the land more desolate than the wilderness towards Diblath, in all their habita- tions.! I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their nouses : I will also make the pomp of the strong to cease ; and their holy places shall be de- filed. Say unto the people- of the land, thus saith the Lord God of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and of the land of Israel, They shall eat their bread with carefulness, and drink their water with astonishment, that her land may be desolate from all that is therein, because of the vio- lence of all them that dwell therein.^ Every one that passeth thereby shall be astonished. — Hear this, all ye inhabitants of the land. Hath this been in your days, or even in the days of your fathers ] Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation. That which the palmer- worrn hath left hath the locust eaten ; and that which the locust hath left hath the canker- w^orm eaten ; and that which the canker-worm hath left hath the caterpillar eaten. — The field is wasted, the land mourneth, and joy is withered from the sons of men. — And I will restore unto you the years that the locust hath eaten, and the canker- worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmer-worm. And my people shall never be ashamed.^ — The city that went out by a thousand shall leave a hundred, and that wilich went out by a hundred shall leave ten, to the house of Israel. Seek not Bethel. Bethel shall come to naught.|| — Behold I will set a plumb-line in the midst of my people Israel. I will not pass by them any more. And the high places of Isaac shall be desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste. Tf — I will make Samaria as an * Jer. xii. 4, 7, 10-1 3. t Ezek. vi. 2, 3, 6, 14. t Ezek. xii. 19. $ Joal i. 2, 4, 10, 12 ; ii. 25, 26. |j Amos v. 2, 5. 17 Amos vii. 8, 0. JUDEA. 87 heap of the field, and as plantings of a vineyard ; and I will pour down the stones thereof into the valley, and I will discover the foundations thereof."* Numerous and clear as these denunciations are, yet such was the long-suffering patience of God, and such the rebellious spirit of the Israelites of old, that it had become a proverb in the land " the days are prolonged, and every vision faileth." But though that proverb ceased when great calamities did overtake them, and a temporary desolation came over their land, yet the curses denounced against it were not obliterated by a partial and transient fulfilment, but on the renewed and unrepented wickedness of the people, fell upon them and their land with stricter truth, and, as foretold, with sevenfold severity. Moses and all the prophets set blessings and curses before the Israelites, with the avowed purpose that they might choose between them. But while the prophetical writings abound with warnings, the Scriptural records of Israelitish history show how greatly these warnings were disregarded. The word of God, which is perfect work, abideth for ever : — and it returns not to him void, but fulfils the purpose for which he sent it. And after the statutes and judgments of the Lord had been set before the Israelites for the space of a thousand years from the time that they were first declared, the "burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Maiachi," instead of speaking, even then, of repealed judgments, closes the Jewish Scriptures with this last command, " Remem- ber ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments ;"f and, affixed to the command to remember these, the very last words of the Old Testament, which seal up the vision and the prophecies, plainly indicate that however long the God of Israel might bear with the Jews for transgressing the law, while the law only was given them, yet on their refusal to repent when the pro- phet, who was to be " the Messenger of the Lord," would be sent unto them, the Lord would come and M smite the earth, or land, with a curse." The term of the continuance of these judgments and of their full completion is distinctly marked, as com- mensurate with the dispersion of the Jews, and termi- nating with their final restoration. So long as they be 88 JUDEA. in their enemies' land, their own land lieth desolate. The judgments were not to be removed from it " until the spirit be poured (upon the Jews) from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field."* And the prophecies not only portray Judea while forsaken of the Lord, his heritage left, and given into the hands of its enemies, but they also delineate the character and condition of the dwellers therein while its ancient inhabitants were to be scattered abroad, and ere the time come when he shall reign in Jerusalem before his ancients gioriously.f Annunciations of a future and final restoration almost uniformly accompany the curses denounced against the land. Arid frequent, and express as words can be, are the references throughout the prophecies to the period, yet to come, when the children of Israel shall be gathered out of all nations, and when the land then, at last and for ever, brought back from desolation, and the cities, repaired after the desolations of many generations, and the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste, shall be no more desolate, nor the people termed forsaken any more.J After the Messiah was to be cut off, and the sacrifice and oblation to cease, the ensuing desolations were to reach even to the consummation, and till that de- termined shall be poured upon the desolate. $ And Jeru- salem, as Jesus hath declared, shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, till the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. j| Neither the dispersion of the Jews nor the desolation of Judea are to cease, according to the prophecies, till other evidence shall thereby be given of prophetic inspi- ration. The application to the present period, or to modern times, oi the prophecies relative to the desolation of Judea, is thus abundantly manifest. And the more numerous they are, so much the more severe is the test which they abide. And while the Jews are not yet gathered from all the nations, nor planted in their own land to be no more pulled out of it, 3 ]! — nor its destroyers and they that laid it waste gone forth from it ;** nor the old waste places built, nor the foundations of many genera- tions raised up — nor the land brought back from desola- tion ;ft — the effect of every vision is still to be seen, and even now, at this late period of the times of the Gentiles, though the blessed consummation may not be very distant, * Isa. xxxii. 15. t Isa. xxlv. 1, 23. X Isa. lxi. 4. Ezek. xxvi. 8, 10 ; xxxvii. 21 ; xxxvih. 8. Isa. lxii. 4. $ Dan. ix. 27. I| Luke xxi. 21. IT Amos ix. 14, 15. **. Isa. xlix. 17. H lb. lviii. 12. 7UDEA. 89 there is abundant evidence to complete the proof that that which was determined has been poured upon the desolate, and that all the curses that are written in the book of the Lord have been brought upon the land.* The devastation of Judea is so " astonishing," and its poverty as a country so remarkable, that, forgetful of the prophecies respecting it, and in the rashness of their zeal, infidels once attempted to draw an argument from thence against the truth of Christianity, by denying the possibility of the existence of so numerous a population as can accord with Scriptural history, and by represent- ing it as a region singularly unproductive and irre claim- able.! But though they have, in some instances at least, voluntarily abandoned this indefensible assumption, they have left to the believer the fruits of their concession ; they have given the most unsuspicious testimony to the confirmation of the prophecies, and have served to establish the cause which they sought to ruin. The evidence of ancient authors — the fertility of the soil wherever a single spot can be cultivated — the remains of vegetable mould piled by artificial means upon the sides of the mountains, which may have clothed them with a richer and more frequent harvest than the most fertile vale ; and the multitude of the ruins of cities that * Deut. xxix. 27. t Voltaire, without adducing any authority whatever in support of his asser- tion, and without expressly declaring that, in lieu of such evidence, he was gifted with an intuitive knowledge of the historical and geographical fact, — speaks of the ancient state of Palestine with derision, describes it as one of the worst countries of Asia, likens it to Switzerland, and says that it can only be esteemed fertile when compared with the desert. (La Palestine n'etait que ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui, un des plus mauvais pays de l'Asie. Cette petite province, &c. — CEuvres de Voltaire. Ed. A. Gotha, Torn. XVII. p. 107.) Without citing, on the other hand, the ample evidence of Josephus and of Jerome, both of whom were inhabitants of Judea, and more adequate judges of the fact, the following testimony to the great fertility of that country, not being chargeable with the partiality which might be attached to the opinion either of a Christian or of a Jew, may be given in answer to the groundless assertion of Voltaire — testimony which ought to have been better known and appreciated even by that high-priest of modern infidelity, if the sacrifice of truth on the altar of wit had not been too common an act of his devotion to that chief god of his idolatry. Corpora hominum salubria et ferentia laborem ; rari imbres, uber solum, fruges nostrum ad morem ; prater- que eas balsamum et palmce. Magna pars Judea? vicis dispergitur, ha- bent et oppida. Hierosolyma genti caput. Illic immensae opulentiae tern plum, et primis munimentis urbs. — Taciti Hist. Lib. V. c. 6, 8. Ultima Syriarum est Palestina, per intervalla magna protenta, cultis abundans terris et nitidis et civitates habens quasdam egregias, nullam sibi cedentem sed sibi vicissim velut ad perpendiculum asmulas. — Ammiani Mar cell. Lib. xiv. cap. 8, § 11. Ed. Lips. 1808. Nee sane viris, opibus, armis quicquam copiosius Syria. — Flori. Hist. lib. ii. cap. 8, § 4. Syria in hortis operosis- eima est. Inde quoque rst proverbium Greecis. Multa Syrorum olera.— Plvni Hist. Nat. lib. xx. cap. 5. 8* 90 JUDEA. now cover the extensive, but uncultivated and desert plains, bear witness that there was a numerous and con- densed population in a country flowing with food ; and that if any history recorded its greatness, or any pro- phecies reveaied its desolation, they have both been am- ply verified. The acknowledgments of Volney, and the description which he gives from personal observation, are sufficient to confute entirely the gratuitous assumptions and insid- ious sarcasms of Voltaire ; and, wonderful as it may ap- pear, copious extracts may be drawn from that writer, whose unwitting or unwilling testimony is as powerful an attestation of the completion of many prophecies, when he relates facts of which he was an eyewitness, as his untried theories, his ideal perfectibility of human nature if released from the restraints of religion, and his perverted views both of the nature and effects of Christianity, have proved greatly instrumental in sub- verting the faith of many, who, unguarded by any positive evidence, gave heed to such seductive doctrines. There needs not to be any better witness of facts confirmatory of the prophecies, and in so far conclusive against all his speculations, than Volney himself. Of the natural fertility of the country, and of its abounding population in ancient times, he gives the most decisive evidence. " Syria unites different climates under the same sky, and collects within a small compass pleasures and produc- tions which nature has elsewhere dispersed at great dis- tances of time and places. To this advantage, which perpetuates enjoyments by their succession, it adds an- other, that of multiplying them by the variety of its pro- ductions." " With its numerous advantages of climate and soil, it is not astonishing that Syria should always have been esteemed a most delicious country, and that the Greeks and Romans ranked it among the most beautiful of their provinces, and even thought it not in- ferior to Egypt."* After having assigned several just and sufficient reasons to account for the large population of Judea in ancient times, in contradiction to those who were skeptical of the fact, he adds, " Admitting only what is conformable to experience and nature, there is nothing to contradict the great population of high anti- quity Without appealing to the positive testimony of * Volney's Travels in Egvpt and Syria. Eng Trans. Land. iTbT, vol. i. pp SI6, 321. JUDEA. 91 history, there are innumerable monuments which depose in favour of the fact. Such are the prodigious quantity of ruins dispersed over the plains, and even in the moun- tains, at this day deserted. On the remote parts of Car- mel are found wild vines and olive-trees which must have been conveyed thither by the hand of man ; and in the Lebanon of the Druses and Maronites, the rocks, now abandoned to fir-trees and brambles, present us in a thousand places with terraces, which prove that they were anciently better cultivated, and consequently much more populous, than in our days.' 5 * " Syria," says Gibbon, " one of the countries that have been improved by the most early cultivation, is not un- worthy of the preference. The heat of the climate is tempered by the vicinity of the sea and mountains, — by the plenty of wood and water ; and the produce of a fertile soil affords the subsistence and encourages the propagation of men and animals. From the age of Da- vid to that of Heraciius the country was overspread with ancient and flourishing cities ; the inhabitants were numerous and wealthy." Such evidence has merely been selected as the most unsuspicious, though that of many others might also be adduced. The country in the immediate vicinity of Jerusalem is indeed rocky, as Strabo represents it, and apparently sterile ; and is now, in general, perfectly barren ; but " even the sides of the most barren mountains in the neighbourhood of Jerusa- lem had been rendered fertile by being divided into ter- races, like steps rising one above another, where soil has been accumulated with astonishing labour."! " In any part of Judea," Dr. Clarke adds, " the effects of a beneficial change of government are soon witnessed, in the conversion of desolated plains into fertile fields. Under a wise and beneficent government the produce of the Holy Land would exceed all calculation. Its perennial harvest, the salubrity of its air, its limpid springs, its rivers, lakes, and matchless plains, its hills and vales, — all these, added to the serenity of the climate, prove this to be indeed a field which the Lord hath blessed."'! But the facts of the former fertility, as well as of the present desolation of Judea are established beyond contradiction ; and, in attempting, in this respect, * Volney's Travels in Egypt and Syria, vol. ii. p. 368. t Clarke's Travels, vol. ii. p. 520. General Straton describes these terraces as resembling the gradus of a theatre; and particularly marked tbem as ves- tiges of ancient " luxuriance." j Ibid. p. 521. 92 JUDEA. to invalidate the truth of sacred history, infidels have either been driven, or have reluctantly retired, from the defenceless ground which they themselves had once as- sumed, and have given room whereon to rest an argu- ment against their want of faith as well as of veracity. For, in conclusion of this matter, it surely may, without any infringement of truth or of justice, be remarked, that the extent of the present and long-fixed desolation, the very allegation on which they would discredit the Scrip- tural narrative of the ancient glory of Judea, being itself a clearly-predicted truth, then the greater the difficulty of reconciling the knowledge of what it was to the fact of what it is, and the greater the difficulty of believing the possibility of so " astonishing" a contrast, the more wonderful are the prophecies which revealed it all, the more completely are they accredited as a voice from heaven, and the argument of the infidel leads the more directly to proof against himself. Such is " the positive testimony of history," and such the subsisting proofs of the former grandeur and fertility of Palestine, that we are now left without a cavil to the calm investigation of the change in that country from one extreme to another, and of the consonance of that change with the dictates of prophecy. Under any regular and permanent government, a re- gion so favoured by climate, so diversified in surface, so rich in soil, and which had been so luxuriant for ages, would naturally have resumed its opulence and power ; and its permanent desolation, alike contradictory to every suggestion of experience and of reason, must have been altogether inconceivable by man. But the land ivas to be overthroivn by strangers, to be trodden down, mischief was to come upon mischief, and destruction upon destruction, and the land ivas to be desolate. The Chal- deans devastated Judea, and led the inhabitants into tem- porary captivity. The kings of Syria and Egypt, by their extortions and oppression, impoverished the country; the Romans held it long in subjection to their iron yoke ; and the Persians contended for the possession of it. But in succeeding ages still greater destroyers than any of the former appeared upon the scene to perfect the work of de- vastation. " In the year 622 (636), the Arabian tribes, col- lected under the banners of Mahomet,*seized, or rather laid it waste. Since that period, torn to pieces by the civil wars of the Fatimites and the Ommiades ; wrested from the califs by their rebellious governors ; taken from them JUDEA. 93 by the Turkmen soldiery ; invaded by the European cru- saders ; retaken by the Mamelouks of Egypt ; and rav- aged by Tamerlane and his Tartars — it has at length fallen into the hands of the Ottoman Turks."* It has been overthrown by strangers, — trodden under foot, — de- struction has come upon destruction. The cities were to be laid waste. By the concurring testimony of all travellers, Judea may now be called a field of ruins. Columns, the memorials of ancient mag- nificence, now covered with rubbish, and buried under ruins, may be found in all Syria, f From Mount Tabor is beheld an immensity of plains, interspersed with ham- lets, fortresses, and heaps of ruins. The buildings on that mountain were destroyed and laid waste by the Sultan of Egypt in 1290, and the accumulated vestiges of successive forts and ruins are now mingled in one common and extensive desolation.^ Of the celebrated cities Capernaum, Bethsaida, Gadara, Tarichea, and Chorazin, nothing remains but shapeless ruins. ^ Some vestiges of Emmaus may still be seen. Cana is a very paltry village. The ruins of Tekoa present only the foundations of some considerable buildings. || The city of Nairn is now a hamlet. The ruins of the ancient Sapphura announce the previous existence of a large city, and its name is still preserved in the appellation of a miserable village called Sephoury.^jf Loudd, the ancient Lydda and Diospolis, appears like a place lately ravaged by fire and sword, and is one continued heap of rubbish and ruins.** Ramla, the ancient Arimathea, is in almost as ruinous a state. Nothing but rubbish is to be found within its boundaries. In the adjacent country there are found at every step dry wells, cisterns fallen in, and vast vaulted reservoirs, which prove that in ancient times this town must have been upwards of a league and a half in circumference. ff Caesarea can no longer excite the envy of a conqueror, and has long been abandoned to silent desolation. %% The city of Tiberias is now almost abandoned, and its subsistence precarious ; of the towns that bordered on its lake there are no traces left. W * Volney's Travels, vol. i. p. 357. t Mariti's Travels, vol. ii. p. 141.- % Buckingham's Travels in Palestine, p. 107. Mariti's Travels, vol. ii. p. 177. § lb. Wilson's Travels, p. 227. 1) Maemichael's.Journey to Constantinople, p. 196. IT Clarke's Travels, vol. ii. p: 401. ** Volney's Travels, vol. ii. p. 332-334. ft Ibid. p. 334. XX Captain Light's Travels, p: 204. Buckingham's Travels, p. 128. %.§ Captain Light's Travels p 294. 94 JUBEA. Zabulon, once 1he rival of Tyre and Sidon, is a heap of ruins. A few shapeless stones, unworthy the attention of the traveller, mark the site of the Satire.* The ruins of Jericho, covering no less than a square mile, are surrounded with complete desolation ; and there is not a tree of any description, either of palm or balsam, and scarcely any verdure or bushes to be seen about the site of this abandoned city.f Bethel is not to be found. The ruins of Sarepta, and of several large cities in its vicinity, are now " mere rubbish, and are only distin- guishable as the sites of towns by heaps of dilapidated stories and fragments of columns."J But at Djerash (supposed to be the ruins of Gerasa) are the magnificent remains of a splendid city. The form of streets, once lined with a double row of columns and covered with pavement still nearly entire, in which are the marks of the chariot-wheels, and on each side of which is an ele- vated pathway — two theatres and two grand temples, built of marble," and others of inferior note — baths — bridges — a cemetery with many sarcophagi, which sur- rounded the city — a triumphal arch — a large cistern — a picturesque tomb fronted with columns, and an aque- duct overgrown with wood — and upwards of two hun- dred and thirty columns still standing amid deserted ruins, without a city to adorn — all combine in presenting to the view of the traveller, in the estimation of those who were successively eyewitnesses of them both, " a much finer mass of ruins" than even that of the boasted Palmyra.^ But how marvellously are the predictions of their desolation verified, when in general nothing but ruined ruins form the most distinguished remnants of the cities of Israel ; and when the multitude of its towns are almost all left, with many a vestige to testify of their number, but without a mark to tell their name. And your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste. Then shall the land enjoy her Sabbaths as long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies' land ; even then shall the * Mariti's Travels, vol. ii. p. 158-169. t Buckingham's Travels, p. 300. X Captains Irby and Mangies's Travels, p. 199. § Irby and Mangies's Travels, p. 317, 31S. : The ruins of Djerash were first discovered by Seetzen,in 1806. They have since been visited by Sheikh Ibrahim (Burckhardt), Sir William Chatterton, Mr. Bankes, the Hon. Captain Irby, Captain Mangles, Mr. Legh, Mr. Leslie, and Mr. Buckingham. Both Burckhardt and Mr. Buckingham have also given a description of them. Many of the edifices were built long after the period of the prediction ; yet they are not excluded from the sentence of desolation.. JUDEA. 95 land rest and enjoy her Sabbaths, Sic. A single reference to the Mosaic law respecting the Sabbatical vear renders the full purport of this prediction perfectly intelligible and obvious. " But in the seventh year shall be a Sab- bath of rest unto the land, thou shalt neither sow thy field nor prune thy vineyard." And the land of Judea hath even thus enjoyed its Sabbaths so long as it hath lain desolate. In that country, where every spot was culti- vated like a garden by its patrimonial possessor, where every little hill rejoiced in its abundance, where every steep acclivity was terraced by the labour of man, and where the very rocks were covered thick with mould, and rendered fertile ; even in that selfsame land, with a climate the same,* and with a soil unchanged, save only by neglect, a dire contrast is now, and has for a length- ened period of time been displayed by fields untitled and unsown, and by waste and desolated plains. Never since the expatriated descendants of Abraham were driven from its borders has the land of Canaan been so "plen- teous in goods," or so abundant in population, as once it was ; never, as it did for ages unto them, has it vindicated to any other people a right to its possession, or its own title of the land of promise — it has rested from century to century; and while that marked, and stricken, and scattered race, who possess the recorded promise of the God of Israel, as their charter to its final and everlasting possession, still " be in the land of their enemies, so long their land lieth desolate." There may thus almost be said to be the semblance of a sympathetic feeling between this bereaved country and banished people, as if the land of Israel felt the miseries of its absent children, awaited their return, and responded to the undying love they bear it by the refusal to yield to other possessors the rich harvest of those fruits, with which, in the days of their allegiance to the Most High, it abundantly blessed them. And striking and peculiar, without the shadow of even a semblance upon earth, as is this accordance between the fate of Judea and of the Jews, it assimilates as closely, and, may we not add, as miraculously, to those predic- tions respecting both, which Moses uttered and recorded ere the tribes of Israel had ever set a foot in Canaan. The land shall be left of them, and shall enjoy her rest ivkile she lieth desolate without them. * See Brewster's Philosophical Journal, No. XVI. p. 227. 98 JUDEA. To the desc late state of Judea every traveller bears witness. The prophetic malediction was addressed to the mountains and to the hills, to the rivers and to the valleys ; and the beauty of them ail has been blighted. Where the inhabitants once dwelt in peace, each under his own vine and under his own fig-tree, the tyranny of the Turks, and the perpetual incursions of the Arabs, the last of a long list of oppressors, have spread one wide field of almost unmingled desolation. The plain of Es- draelon, naturally most fertile, its soil consisting of " fine rich black mould," level like a lake, except where Mount Ephraim rises in its centre, bounded by Mount Hermon, Carmel, and Mount Tabor,* and so extensive as to cover about three hundred square miles, is a solitudef " almost entirely deserted ; the country is a complete desert."J Even the vale of Sharon is a waste. In the valley of Canaan, formerly a beautiful, delicious, and fertile valley, there is not a mark or vestige of cultivation. § The country is continually overrun with rebel tribes ; the Arabs pasture their cattle upon the spontaneous produce of the rich plains with which it abounds. || Every ancient landmark is removed. Law there is none. Lives and property are alike unprotected. The valleys are untilled, the mountains have lost their verdure, the rivers flow through a desert and cheerless land. AH the beauty of Tabor that man could disfigure is defaced; immense ruins on the top of it are now the only remains of a once magnificent city : and Carmel is the habitation of wild beasts.^f " The art of cultivation," says Volney, "is in the most deplorable state, and the countryman must sow with the musket in his hand ; and no more is sown than is necessary for subsistence." " Every day I found fields abandoned by the plough."** In describing his journey through Galilee, Dr. Clarke remarks, that the earth was covered with such a variety of thistles, that a complete collection of them would be a valuable acquisition to botany. ff Six new species of that plant, so significant of wildness, were discovered by himself in * General Straton's MS. Travels. + Clarke's Travels, vol. ii. p. 497. Maundrell's Travels, p. 95. t Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, p. 334, 342. § General Straton's MS. |1 Clarke's Travels, vol. ii. p. 484, 491. If Mariti, vol. ii. p. 140. ** Volney's Travels, vol. ii. p. 413. Volney 's Ruins, c. 11. p. 7. tt Travels, vol. ii. p. 451. JUDEA. 97 a scanty selection. " From Kane-Leban to Beer, amid the ruins of cities, the country, as far as the eye of the traveller can reach, presents nothing to his view but naked rocks, mountains, and precipices, at the sight of which pilgrims are astonished, balked in their expecta- tions, and almost startled in their faith."* " From the centre of the neighbouring elevations (around Jerusalem) is seen a wild, rugged, and mountainous desert ; no herds depasturing on the summit, no forests clothing the ac- clivities, no waters flowing through the valleys ; but one rude scene of savage melancholy waste, in the midst of which the ancient glory of Judea bows her head in widowed desolation."f It is needless to multiply quota- tions to prove the desolation of a country which the Turks have possessed, and which the Arabs have plun- dered for ages. Enough has been said to prove that the land mourns and is laid waste, and has become as a desolate wilderness. But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return and shall be eaten : as a teil-tree and an oak tvhose substance is in them when they cast their leaves. Though the cities be waste, and the land be desolate, it is not from the poverty of the soil that the fields are abandoned by the plough, nor from any diminution of its ancient and natural fertility that the land has rested for so many generations. Judea was not forced only by artificial means, or from local and tem- porary causes, into a luxuriant cultivation, such as a barren country might have been, concerning which it would not have needed a prophet to tell, that if once devastated and abandoned it would ultimately and per- manently revert into its original sterility. Phenicia at all times held a far different rank among the richest coun- tries of the world : and it was not a bleak and sterile portion of the earth, nor a land which even many ages of desolation and neglect could impoverish, that God gave in possession and by covenant to the seed of Abra- ham. No longer cultivated as a garden, but left like a wilderness, Judea is indeed greatly changed from what it was ; all that human ingenuity and labour did devise^ erect, or cultivate, men have laid waste and desolate ; all the " plenteous goods" with which it was enriched, adorned, and blessed, have fallen like seared and withered * Maundrell's Travels, p. 188. (• Joliffe's Letters from Palestine, vol. i. p. 104. E 88 JUDEA. leaves, when their greenness is gone ; and, stripped of its " ancient splendour," it is left as an oak whose leaf fadeth : — but its inherent sources of fertility are not dried up ; the natural richness of the s or entire destruc- tion, being nothing now but shapeless ruins, as Chorazin and Bethsaida also are,— and while Samaria, the capital of the country which bore its name, is cast down into the valley,— Sychar, then one of its inferior cities, from which the inhabitants came forth to meet Jesus, and in which many believed in him as the Saviour when they heard his word, is ranked by every traveller who describes it among the most striking exceptions to the general desolation which has otherwise left but a remembrance of the cities of Judah, of Sam* ria, and Galilee. t Mariti's Travels, vol. ii. 151. $ Clarke, vol. ii. 400. SAMARIA. 117 dinary riches, abounds with the most beautiful prospects, is clothed with rich forests, varied with verdant slopes ; and extensive plains of a fine red soil are now covered with thistles, as the best proof of its fertility.* The valley of St. John's, in the vicinity of Jerusalem, is crowned to the top with olives and vines, while the lower part of the valley bears the milder fig and almond, f Whenever any spot is fixed on as the residence, and seized as the property, either of a Turkish aga or of an Arab sheikh, it enjoys his protection, is made to admin- ister to his wants, or to his luxury, and the exuberance and beauty of the land of Canaan soon reappear. But such spots are, in the words of an eyewitness, only " mere sprinklings" in the midst of extensive desolation. And how could it ever have been foreseen that the same cause, viz. the residence of despotic spoliators, was to operate in so strange a manner as to spread a wide wasting desolation over the face of the country, and to be, at the same time, the very means of preserving the thin gleanings of its ancient glory; or that a few berries on the outmost bough would be saved by the same hand that was to shake the olive. Among such a multiplicity of prophecies, where the prediction and the fulfilment of each is a miracle, it is almost impossible to select any as more amazing than the rest. But that concerning Samaria is not the least remarkable. That city was, for a long period, the capi- tal of the ten tribes of Israel. Herod the Great enlarged and adorned it, and, in honour of Augustus Caesar, gave it the name of Sebaste. There are many ancient medals which were struck there. t It was the seat of a bishop- ric, as the subscription of some of its bishops to the acts of ancient councils attest. Its history is thus brought down to a period unquestionably far remote from the time of the prediction; and the narrative of a traveller, which alludes not to the prophecy, and which has even been unnoticed by commentators, show r s its complete fulfilment. Besides other passages which speak of its extinction as a city, the word of the Lord which Micah saw concerning Samaria is, " I will make Samaria as a heap of the field, and as plantings of a vineyard : and 1 will poi n r down the stones thereof into the valley : and I will * Buckingham's Travels p. 32?. | General Straton's MS. Travel* t Calmet's Dictionary. Relandi Palest, p. 981. 118 JERUSALEM. discover the foundations thereof." And this great city is now wholly converted into gardens ; and all the tokens that remain to testify that there has ever been such a place are only on the north side — a large square piazza, encompassed with pillars, — and on the east some poor remains of a great church. Such was the first notice of that ancient capital given by Maundrell in 1698, and ii is confirmed by Mr. Buckingham in 1816. The relative distance, local position, and unaltered name of Sebaste leave no doubt as to the identity of its site ; and he adds, its local features are equally seen in the threat of Micah.* But the predicted fate of Jerusalem has been more con- spicuously displayed and more fully illustrated than that of the capital of the ten tribes of Israel. It formed the theme of prophecy from the deathbed of Jacob — and, as the seat of government of the children of Judah, the sceptre departed not from it till the Messiah appeared, on the expiration of seventeen hundred years after the death of the patriarch, and till the period of its deso- lation, prophesied of by Daniel^ had arrived. A destiny diametrically opposite to the former then awaited it, even for a longer duration ; and ere its greatness was gone, even at the very time when it was crowded with Jews from all quarters, resorting to the feast, and when it was inhabited by a numerous population dwelling in security and peace, its doom was denounced — that it was to be trodden down of the Gentiles, till the time of the Gen- tiles should be fulfilled. The time of the Gentiles is not yet fulfilled, and Jerusalem is still trodden down of the Gentiles. The Jews have often attempted to recover it. No distance of space or of time can separate it from their affections — they perform their devotions with their faces towards it, as if it were the object of their worship as well as of their love ; and although their desire to re- turn be so strong, indelible, and innate that every Jew, in every generation, counts himself an exile — yet they have never been able to rebuild their temple, nor to re- cover Jerusalem from the hands of the Gentiles. But greater power than that of a proscribed and exiled race * Buckingham's Travels, p. 511, 512. It has also been described in similar terms by other travellers. The stones are poured down into ihe valley, the foundations discovered, and there is now only to be seen " the hill where once stood Samaria." Napolose has been mistaken by one traveller for the ancient Bamaria. JERUSALEM. 119 has been added to their own, in attempting- to frustrate the counsel that professed to he of God. Julian, the em- peror of the Romans, not only permitted but invited the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem and their temple ; and prom- ised to re-establish them in their paternal city. By that single act, more than by all his writings, he might have destroyed the credibility of the gospel, and restored his beloved but deserted paganism. The zeal of the Jews was equal to his own — and the work was begun by lay- ing again the foundations of the temple. In the space of three days, Titus had formerly encompassed that city with a wall when it was crowded with his enemies ; and, instead of being obstructed, that great work, when it was confirmatory of an express prediction of Jesus, was completed with an astonishing celerity : — and what could hinder the emperor of Rome from building a tem- ple at Jerusalem wiien every Jew was zealous for the work 1 Nothing appeared against it but a single sen- tence, uttered some centuries before by one who had been crucified. If that word had been of man, would all the power of the monarch of the world have been thwarted in opposing it 1 And why did not Julian, with all his in- veterate enmity and laborious opposition to Christianity, execute a work so easy and desirable ] A heathen his- torian relates, that fearful balls of fire, bursting from the earth, sometimes burned the workmen, rendered the place inaccessible, and caused them to desist from the under- taking.* The same narrative is attested by others. Chrysostom, who was a living witness, appealed to the existing state of the foundations, and to the universal testimony which was given of the fact. And an eminent modern traveller, who visited, and who minutely exam- ined the spot, testifies that " there seems every reason for believing that, in the reticulated remains still visible on the site of the temple is seen a standing memorial of * Imperii sui memoriam magnitudine operum gestiens propagare, ambitio- snm quondam apud Hierosolymam ternplum. quod, post multa et interueeiva cert ami na obsidcnte Vespasiano, posteaque Tito, segre est expuguaturri, in- staurare sumptibus coeitabat immodicis ; negotiumque maturandum Alypio lederat Antioehensi, qui olim Brit tan nias curaverat pro praeibetis. Cum itaqtie rt'i eidem instaret Alypius, juvaretque provincial rector, metuendi globi rlam marum, prope fundaruenta, crebrig assultibus erumpentes, fecere locum ex ustis aliquoiies operantibus inaccessum ; hocque modo, elemento destinatiug repeilente. cessavit inceptum. — Ammian M&rcell. lib. xxiii. cap. 1, vj> 2,3. Ru- fiui Hist. Eccles. lib. i. c. 37. Socrat. lib. iii. c. 17. Theodora. 1. iii". c. 17. So- zomm, 1. v. c. 21. Oassiod. Hist. Tripart. I. vi. c. 43. Nicephor. Callis. lib. x. 32. Greg. Naziiinz. in Julian. Orat. 2. C'srysos. delan. Bub. Mart, et contra Judeos, ;ii. p. i'Jl. I.iud- — Vide Am. Mar. iu;n. iii. p. 2. 120 JERUSALEM. Julian's discomfiture."* While destitute of this additional confirmation of its truth, the historical evidence was too strong even for the skepticism of Gibbon altogether to gainsay; and brought him to the acknowledgment that such authority must astonish an incredulous mind. Even independent of tne miraculous interposition, the fulfil- ment is the same. The attempt was made avowedly, and it was abandoned without any apparent cause. It was never accomplished — and the prophecy stands fulfilled. But, even if the attempt of Julian had never been made, the truth of the prophecy itself is unassailable. The Jews have never been reinstated in Judea. Jerusalem has ever been trodden down of the Gentiles. The edict of Adrian was renewed by the successors of Julian — and no Jews could approach unto Jerusalem but by bribery or by stealth. It was a spot unlawful for them to touch. In the crusades, all the power of Europe was employed to rescue Jerusalem from the heathens, but equally in vain. It has been trodden down for nearly eighteen centuries by its successive masters — by Romans, Gre- cians, Persians, Saracens, Mamelouks, Turks, Chris- tians — and again by the worst of rulers, the Arabs and the Turks. And could any thing be more improb- able to have happened, or more impossible to have been foreseen by man, than that any people should be banished from their own capital and country, and re- main expelled and expatriated for nearly eighteen hun- dred years ? Did the same fate ever befall any nation, though no prophecy existed respecting it ] Is there any doctrine in Scripture so hard to be believed as was this single fact at the period of its prediction? And even with the example of the Jews before us, is it likely, or is it credible, or who can foretel — that the present inhabit- ants of any country upon earth shall be banished into ail nations — retain their distinctive character — meet with an unparalleled fate — continue a people — without a govern- ment and without a country — and remain for an indefi- nite period, exceeding seventeen hundred years, till the fulfilment of a prescribed event which has yet to be ac- complished 1 Must not the knowledge of such truths be derived from that prescience alone which scans alike the will and the ways of mortals, the actions of future nations, and the history of the latest generations. * Clarke's Travels, vol. ii. note 1, at the end of the volume AMMON. 121 But the prophecies are not confined to the land of Judea, they are equally unlimited in their range over space as over time. After a lapse of many ages, the countries around Judea are now beginning to be known. And each succeeding traveller, in the communication of uew discoveries concerning them, is gradually unfolding the very description which the prophets gave of their poverty and desolation, at the time of their great pros- perity and luxuriance. The countries of the Ammon- ites — of the Moabites — of the Edomites, or inhabitants of Idumea — and of the Philistines, all bordered with Judea, and each is the theme of prophecy. The relative positions of them all are distinctly defined in Scripture, and have been clearly ascertained.* And the territories of the ancient enemies of the Jews, long overrun by the enemies of Christianity, present many a proof of the inspiration of the Jewish Scriptures, and of the truth of the Christian religion. AMMON. The country anciently peopled by the Ammonites is situated to the east of Palestine, and is now possessed partly by the Arabs and by the Turks. It is naturally one of the most fertile provinces of Syria, and it was for many ages one of the most populous. The Ammonites often invaded the land of Israel, and at one period, united with the Moabites, they retained possession of a great part of it, and grievously oppressed the Israelites for the space of eighteen years. Jephthah repulsed them and took twenty of their cities ; but they continued after- ward to harass the borders of Israel — and their capital was besieged by the forces of David, and their country rendered tributary. They regained and long maintained their independence, till Jotham the king of Judah subdued them, and exacted from them an annual tribute of a hun- dred talents, and thirty thousand quarters of wheat and barley ; yet they soon contested again with their ancient enemies, and exulted in the miseries that befell them when Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem and carried its in- habitants into captivity. In after-times, though succes- sively oppressed by the Chaldeans (when some of the * Relandi Palestina Illustrata; D'Anville's Map; Maps in Volney's, Burckhardt's, and Buckingham's Travels* Well's Scripture Geography ; Gib- bon's History ; Shaw's Travels, &c. 11 F 122 AMMON. earliest prophecies respecting it were fulfilled), and by the Egyptians and Syrians, Am mon was a highly produc- tive and populous country when the Romans became masters of all the provinces of Syria ; and several of the ten allied cities which gave name to the celebrated Decapolis were included within its boundaries. Even " when first invaded, by the Saracens, this country" (in- cluding Moab) " was enriched by the various benefits of trade, was covered with a line of forts, and possessed some strong and populous cities."* Volney bears wit- ness, " that in the immense plains of the Hainan ruins are continually to be met with, and that what is said of its actual fertility perfectly corresponds with the idea given of it in the Hebrew writings."! The fact of its natural fertility is corroborated by every traveller who has visited it. And " it is evident," says Burckhardt, "that the whole country must have been extremely well cultivated, in order to have afforded subsistence to the inhabitants of so many towns,"! as are now visible only in their ruins. While the fruitfulness of the land of Amnion, and the high degree of prosperity and power in which it subsisted, long prior and long subsequent to the date of the predictions, are thus indisputably established by historical evidence and by existing proofs, the re- searches of recent travellers (who were actuated by the * Gibbon's History, vol. v. p. 240, c. 51. t Volney's Travels, vol. ii. p. 299. $. Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, p. 357. Having frequent occasion in the subsequent pages to refer to the authority of the celebrated and lamented traveller J. Lewis Burckhardt, the following ample testimonies to his talents, perseverance, and veracity will show with what perfect confidence his statements may be relied on, especially as the subject of the fulfilment of prophecy, being never once alluded to in all his writings, seems to have been wholly foreign to his view. — " He was a traveller of no ordinary description, a gentleman by birth, and a scholar by education ; he added to the ordinary acquirements of a traveller accomplishments which fitted him for any society. His descriptions of the countries through which he passed, his narrative of incidents, his transactions with the natives, are all placed before us with equal clearness and simplicity. In every page they will find that ardour of research, — that patience of investigation, — that passionate pursuit after truth for which he was eminently distinguished." — Quarterly Re- view, Vol. XXII. p. 437. " He appears from his books and letters to have been a modest, laborious, learned, and sensible man ; exempt from prejudice, unattached to systems; detailing what he saw plainly and correctly, and of very prudent and discreet conduct." — Edinburgh Review, No. LXVII. p. 109. The following extract from General Straton's manuscript Travels was written at Cairo, and is the more valuable as containing the result of personal knowledge and observation :— " Burckhardt speaks Arabic perfectly, has adopted the cos- tume, and goes to the religious places of worship, has been at Mecca ; in short, follows in every thing the Turkish manners and customs, and he is not to be distinguished from a Mussulman. With what advantage must he travel ! He is by birth a Swiss, but having been educated in England, speaks our language perfectly." AMMON. 123 mere desire of exploring these regions and obtaining geographical information) have made known its present aspect ; and testimony the most clear, unexceptionable, and conclusive has been borne to the state of dire deso- lation to which it is and has long been reduced. It was prophesied concerning Ammon, " Son of man, set thy face against the Ammonites, and prophesy against them. I will make Rabbah of the Ammonites a stable for camels and a couching-place for flocks. Behold I will stretch out my hand upon thee, and deliver thee for a spoil to the heathen ; I will cut thee off from the people, and cause thee to perish out of the countries ; I will de- stroy thee. The Ammonites shall not be remembered among the nations. Rabbah (the chief city) of the Am- monites shall be a desolate heap. Ammon shall be a perpetual desolation."* Ammon ivas to be delivered to be a spoil to the heathen — to be destroyed, and to be a perpetual desolation. " All this country, formerly so populous and flourishing, is now changed into a vast desert. "f Ruins are seen in every direction. The country is divided between the Turks and the Arabs, but chiefly possessed by the latter. The ex- tortions of the one and the depredations of the other keep it in perpetual desolation, and make it a spoil to the heathen. " The far greater part of the country is unin- habited, being abandoned to the wandering Arabs, and the towns and villages are in a state of total ruin."J " At every step are to be found the vestiges of ancient cities, the remains of many temples, public edifices, and Greek churches. "§ The cities are desolate. " Many of the ruins present no objects of any interest. They consist of a few walls of dwelling-houses, heaps of stones, the foundations of some public edifices, and a few cisterns filled up ; there is nothing entire, but it ap- pears that the mode of building was very solid, all the remains being formed of large stones. — In the vicinity of Ammon there is a fertile plain interspersed with low hills, which for the greater part are covered with ruins. "|| While the country is thus despoiled and desolate, there are valleys and tracts throughout it which " are covered with a fine coat of verdant pasture, and are places of re- * Ezek. xxv. 2, 5, 7, 10 ; xxi. 32. Jerem. xix. 2. Zeph. ii. 9. t Seetzen's Travels, p. 34. % Ibid. p. 37. $ Burckhardfs Travels in Nubia, Introd. p. 37, 38, 44. f| Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, p. 355, 357. 3&4. 124 AMMON. sort to the Bedouins, where they pasture their camels and their sheep."* " The whole way we traversed," says Seetzen, " we saw villages in rains, and met numbers of Arabs with their camels" &c. Mr. Buckingham describes a building among the ruins of Amnion, " the masonry of which was evidently constructed of materials gathered from the ruins of other and older buildings on the spot- On entering it at the south end," he adds, " we came to an open square court, with arched recesses on each side, the sides nearly facing the cardinal points. The re- cesses in the northern and southern walls were originally open passages, and had arched doorways facing each other — but the first of these was found wholly closed up, and the last was partially filled up, leaving only a narrow passage, just sufficient for the entrance of one man and of the goats, which the Arab keepers drive in here occa- sionally for shelter during the night." He relates that he lay down among " flocks of sheep and goats," close beside the ruins of Amnion; — and particularly remarks that, during the night, he was almost entirely prevented from sleeping by the " bleating of flocks. "f So literally true is it, although Seetzen, and Burckhardt, and Buck- ingham, who relate the facts, make no reference or allu- sion whatever to any of the prophecies, and travelled for a different object than the elucidation of the Scriptures, — that the chief city of the Ammonites is a stable for camels, and a couching-place for flocks. The Ammonites shall not be remembered among the na- tions. While the Jews, who were long their hereditary enemies, continue as distinct a people as ever, though dispersed among all nations, no trace of the Ammonites remains ; none are now designated by their name, nor do any claim descent from them. They did exist, however, long after the time when the eventual annihilation of their race was foretold, for they retained their name, and continued a great multitude until the second century of the Christian era.J Yet they are cut off from the people. Ammon has perished out of the countries ; it is destroyed. No people is attached to its soil — none regard it as their country and adopt its name : and the Ammonites are not t emembered among the nations. * Buckingham's Travels in Palestine, &c. p. 329. t Buckingham's Travels among the Arab Tribes, under the title of Ruins of Ammon, p. 72, 73, &c. t Justin Martyr, p. 392. Ed. Thirlb. AMMOX. 125 Rahbah (Rabbah Amnion, the chief city of Amnion) shall be a desolate heap. Situated, as it was, on each side of the borders of a plentiful stream ; encircled by a fruit- ful region ; strong by nature and fortified by art ; nothing could have justified the suspicion, or warranted the con- jecture in the mind of an uninspired mortal, that the royal city of Ammon, whatever disasters might possibly befall it in the fate of war or change of masters, would ever un- dergo so total a transmutation as to become a desolate heap. But although, in addition to such tokens of its continuance as a city, more than a thousand years had given uninterrupted experience of its stability, ere the prophets of Israel denounced its fate ; yet a period of equal length has now marked it out, as it exists to this day, a desolate heap — a perpetual or permanent deso- lation. Its ancient name is still preserved by the Arabs, and its site is now " covered with the ruins of private buildings ; nothing of them remaining except the founda- tions and some of the doorposts. The buildings, ex- posed to the atmosphere, are all in decay,"* so that they may be said literally to form a desolate heap. The pub- lic edifices, which once strengthened or adorned the city, after a long resistance to decay, are now also desolate ; and the remains of the most entire among them, sub- jected as they are to the abuse and spoliation of the wild Arabs, can be adapted to no better object than a stable for camels. Yet these broken walls and ruined palaces, which attest the ancient splendour of Ammon, can now be made subservient, by means of a single act of reflec- tion, or simple process of reason, to a far nobler purpose than the most magnificent edifices on earth can be, when they are contemplated as monuments on which the his- toric and prophetic truth of Scripture is blended in one bright inscription. A minute detail of them may not therefore be uninteresting. Seetzen (whose indefatigable ardour led him, in de- fiance of danger, the first to explore the countries which lie east of the Jordan, and east and south of the Dead Sea, or the territories of Ammon, Moab, and Edom) justly characterizes Ammon as " once the residence of many kings — an ancient town which flourished long before the Greeks and Romans, and even before the Hebrews ;"f * Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, p. 359. t A brief Account of the Countries adjoining the Lake of Tiberias, the Jordan, 126 MOAB. and he briefly enumerates those remains of ancient great- ness and splendour which are most distinguishable amid its ruins. " Although this town has been destroyed and deserted for many ages, I still found there some remark- able ruins, which attest its ancient splendour. Such as, 1st, A square building, very highly ornamented, which has been perhaps a mausoleum. 2d, The ruins of a large palace. 3d, A magnificent amphitheatre of immense size, and well preserved, with a peristyle of Corinthian pillars without pedestals. 4th, A temple with a great number of columns. 5th, The ruins of a large church, perhaps the see of a bishop in the time of the Greek em- perors. 6th, The remains of a temple with columns set in a circular form, and which are of an extraordinary size. 7th, The remains of the ancient wall, with many other edifices."* Burckhardt, who afterward visited the spot, describes it with greater minuteness. He gives a plan of the ruins ; and particularly noted the ruins of many temples, of a spacious church, a curved wall, a high arched bridge, the banks and bed of the river still par- tially paved; a large theatre with successive tiers of apartments excavated in the rocky side of a hill ; Co- rinthian columns fifteen feet high ; the castle, a very ex- tensive building, the walls of which are thick, and denote a remote antiquity; many cisterns and vaults; and a plain covered with the decayed ruins of private build- ings ;f — monuments of ancient splendour standing amid a desolate heap. MOAB. The prophecies concerning Moab are more numerous and not less remarkable. Those of them which met their completion in ancient time, and which related to par- ticular events in the history of the Moabites, and to the result of their conflicts with the Jews or any of the neigh- bouring states, however necessary they may have been at the time for strengthening the faith or supporting the courage of the children of Israel, need not now be ad- duced in evidence of inspiration ; for there are abundant predictions which refer so clearly to decisive and un- and the Dead Sea, by M. Seetzen, Conseiler d'Ambassade de S. M. l'Empereur de Russia, p. 35, 36. * Seetzen's Travels, p. 35, 36. t BurckbaTdt's Travels in Syria, p. 358, &c MOAB. 127 questionable facts, that there is scarcely a single feature peculiar to the land of Moab, as it now exists, which was not marked by the prophets in their delineation of the low estate to which, from the height of its wickedness and haughtiness, it was finally to be brought down. " Against Moab, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, Wo unto Nebo ! for it is spoiled ; Kiriathaim is confounded and taken ; Misgab is confounded and dis- mayed. There shall be no more praise of Moab. — And the spoiler shall come upon every city, and no city shall escape ; the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the Lord hath spoken. Give wings unto Moab, that it may flee and get away : for the cities thereof shall be desolate, without any to dwell therein. — Moab hath been at ease from his youth, and he hath set- tled on his lees ; and hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel, neither hath he gone into captivity. Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that 1 will send unto him wanderers, that shall cause him to wander. — How is the strong staff broken, and the beautiful rod ! — Thou daugh- ter that dost inhabit Dibon, come down from thy glory and sit in thirst ; for the spoiler of Moab shall come upon thee, and he shall destroy thy strongholds. Moab is confounded, for it is broken down. Moab is spoiled. And judgment is come upon the plain country ; upon Holon, and upon Jahazah, and upon Mephaath, and upon Dibon, and upon Nebo, and upon Bethdiblathaim ; upon Kiriathaim, Bethgamul, Bethmeon, and upon Kerioth, and upon Bozrah, and upon all the cities of the land of Moab, far and near. The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken, saith the Lord. O ye that dwell in Moab, leave the cities and dwell in the rock ; and be like the dove that maketh her nest in the sides of the hole's mouth. We have heard of the pride of Moab (he is ex- ceeding proud), his loftiness, and his arrogancy, and his pride, and the haughtiness of his heart. — And joy and gladness is taken from the plentiful field, and from the land of Moab. I have caused wine to fail from the winepresses. None shall tread with shouting; their shouting shall be no shouting. From the city of Hesh- bon, even unto Elealeh, and even unto Jahaz, have they uttered their voice from Zoar even unto Horonaim ; the waters also of Nimrim shall be desolate. I have broken Moab like a vessel wherein is no pleasure. They shall cry, How is it broken down ! And Moab shall be de- 128 MOAE. stroyed from being a people, because he hath magnified himself against the Lord. The cities of Aroer are for- saken ; they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid. Moab shall be a perpetual desolation."* The land of Moab lay to the east and south-east of Judea, and bordered on the east, north-east, and partly on the south of the Dead Sea. Its early history is nearly analogous to that of Ammon ; and the soil, though per- haps more diversified, is, in many places where the desert and plains of salt have not encroached on its bon- ders, of equal fertility. There a*re manifest and abundant vestiges of its ancient greatness. " The whole of the plains are covered with the sites of towns, on every emi- nence or spot convenient for the construction of one. And as the land is capable of rich cultivation, there can be no doubt that the country now so deserted once pre- sented a continued picture of plenty and fertility."! The form of fields is still visible ; and there are the re- mains of Roman highways, which in some places are completely paved, and on which there are milestones of the times of Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, and Severus, with the number of the miles legible upon them. Wherever any spot is cultivated the corn is luxuriant : and the riches of the soil cannot perhaps be more clearly illus- trated than by the fact, that one grain of Heshbon wheat exceeds in dimensions two of the ordinary sort, and more than double the number of grains grow on the stalk. The frequency and almost, in many instances, the close vicinity of the sites of the ancient towns, "prove that the population of the country was formerly proportioned to its natural fertility.""! Such evidence may surely suf- fice to prove, that the country was well cultivated and peopled at a period so long posterior to the date of the predictions, that no cause less than supernatural could have existed at the time when they were delivered, which could have authorized the assertion with the least probability or apparent possibility of its truth, that Moab would ever have been reduced to that state of great and permanent desolation in which it has continued for so many ages, and which vindicates and ratifies to this houi the truth ol the scriptural prophecies. * Jer. xlviii. 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18-28, 29-42. Is. xvii. 2. Zeph. ii. 9. t Captains Irby and Mangles's Travels, p. 370. X Ibid. p. 377, 378, 456, 460. MOAB. 129 The cities of Moab were to be desolate without any to dwell therein ; no city was to escape. Moab was to flee away. And the cities of Moab have all disappeared. Their place, together with the adjoining part of Idumea, is characterized, in the map of Volney's Travels, by the ruins of towns. His information respecting these ruins was derived from some of the wandering Arabs ; and its accuracy has been fully corroborated by the testimony of different European travellers of high respectability and undoubted veracity, who have since visited this de- vastated region. The whole country abounds with ruins. And Burckhardt, who encountered many difficulties in so desolate and dangerous a land, thus records the brief history of a few of them : " The ruins of Eleale, Hesh- bon, Meon, Medaba, Di.bon, Aroer, still subsist to illus- trate the history of the Beni Israel."* And it might with equal truth have been added, that they still subsist to confirm the inspiration of the Jewish Scripture, or to prove that the seers of Israel were the prophets of God, for the desolation of each of these very cities was the theme of a prediction. Every thing worthy of observa- tion respecting them has been detailed, not only in Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, but also by Seetzen, and, more recently, by Captains Irby and Mangles, who, along with Mr. Bankes and Mr. Legh, visited this deserted dis- trict. The predicted judgment has fallen with such truth upon these cities, and upon all the cities of the land of Moab far and near, and they are so utterly broken down, that even the prying curiosity of such indefatigable travellers could discover among a multiplicity of ruins only a few remains so entire as to be worthy of particu- lar notice. The subjoined description is drawn from their united testimony. — Among the ruins of El Aal (Eleale) an) a number of large cisterns, fragments of buildings, and foundations of houses. f At Heshban (Heshbon) are the ruins of a large ancient town, together with the remains of a temple, and some edifices. A few broken shafts of columns are still standing; and there are a number of deep wells cut in the rock^J The ruins of Medaba are about two miles in circumference. There are many remains of the walls of private houses con- structed with blocks of silex, but not a single edifice is standing. The chief object of interest is an immense * Burckhardt's Travels in Nubia, Introduction, p. S£. ♦ Burck. Travels in Syria, u. 365. £ Ibid. 130 MOAB. tank or cistern of hewn stones, " which, as there is no stream at Medaba," Burckhardt remarks, " might still be of use to the Bedouins, were the surrounding ground cleared of the rubbish to allow the water to flow into it ; hut such an undertaking is far heyond the views of the wan- dering Arabs" There is also the foundation of a temple built with large stones, and apparently of great antiquity, with two columns near it.* The ruins of Diban (Dibon) situated in the midst of a fine plain, are of considerable extent, but present nothing of interest-! The neighbour- ing hot wells, and the similarity of the name, identify the ruins of Myoun with Meon, or Beth Meon of Scrip- ture. J Of this ancient city, as well as of Araayr (Aroer), nothing is now remarkable but what is common to them with all the cities of Moab — their entire desolation. The extent of the ruins of Rabba (Rabbath Moab), formerly the residence of the kings of Moab, sufficiently proves its ancient importance, though no other object can be par- ticularized among the ruins except the remains of a palace or temple, some of the walls of which are still standing; a gate belonging to another building; and an insulated altar. There are many remains of private buildings, but none entire. There being no springs on the spot, the town had two birkets, the largest of which is cut entirely out of the rocky ground, together with many cisterns. $ Mount Nebo was completely barren when Burckhardt passed over it, and the site of the ancient city had not been ascertained. || Nebo is spoiled. While the ruins of all these cities still retain their ancient names, and are the most conspicuous amid the wide scene of general desolation, and while each of them was in like manner particularized in the visions of the prophet, they yet formed but a small number of the cities of Moab : and the rest are also, in similar verification of the prophecies, desolate, without any to dwell therein. None of the ancient cities of Moab now exist as tenanted by men. Kerek, which neither bears any resemblance in name to any of the cities of Moab which are men- tioned as existing in the time of the Israelites, nor * Burck. p. 366. Seetzen's Travels, p. 37. Captains Irby and Mangled Travels, p. 471. t Captains Irby and Mangles's Travels, p. 462. Seetzen's Travels, p. 38. . t Burckliardt's Travels, p. 365. Irby and Mangles's Travels, p. 464. § Seetzen's Travels, p. 39. Burckkardt's Travels, p. 377. ij Burckhardt's Travels, p. 370. MOAB 131 possesses any monuments which denote a very remote antiquity, is the only nominal town in the whole country, and, in the words of Seetzen, who visited it, " in its present ruined state it can only be called a hamlet :" " and the houses have only one floor."* But the most populous and fertile province in Europe (especially any situated in the interior of a country like Moab) is not covered so thickly with towns as Moab is plentiful in ruins, deserted and desolate though now it be. Burck- hardt enumerates about fifty ruined sites within its boun- daries, many of them extensive. In general they are a broken down and undistinguishable mass of ruins ; and many of them have not been closely inspected. But, in some instances, there are the remains of temples, sepul- chral monuments, the ruins of edifices constructed of very large stones, in one of which buildings " some of the stones are twenty feet in length, and so broad that one constitutes the thickness of the wall ;" traces of hanging gardens ; entire columns lying on the ground, three feet in diameter, and fragments of smaller columns ; and many cisterns cut out of the rock. — When the towns of Moab existed in their prime, and were at ease, — when arrogance, and haughtiness, and pride prevailed among them — the desolation and total desertion and abandon- ment of them all must have utterly surpassed all human conception. And that such numerous cities — which sub- sisted for many ages — which were diversified in their sites, some of them being built on eminences, and natu rally strong; others on plains, and surrounded by the richest soil ; some situated in valleys by the side of a plentiful stream; and others where art supplied the defi- ciencies of nature, and where immense cisterns were ex- cavated out of the rock — and which exhibit in their ruins many monuments of ancient prosperity, and many remains easily convertible into present utility — should have all fled away — all met the same indiscriminate fate — and be all desolate, ivithout any to dwell therein, not- withstanding all these ancient assurances of their per- manent durability, and their existing facilities and induce- ments for being the habitations of men — is a matter of just wonder in the present day, — and had any other people been the possessors of Moab, the fact would either have been totally img^ssible or unaccountable, * Burckhardt's Travels, p. 333. Seetzen's Travels, p. 39 132 MOAB Trying as this test of the truth of prophecy is — that is the word of God, and not of erring man, which can so well and so triumphantly abide it. They shall cry of Moab, Hoiv is it broken down I The valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed. Moab has often been a field of contest between the Arabs and the Turks ; and although the former have retained possession of it, both have mutually reduced it to deso- lation. The different tribes of Arabs who traverse it, not only bear a permanent and habitual hostility to Chris- tians and to Turks, but one tribe is often at variance and at war with another ; and the regular cultivation of the soil, or the improvement of those natural advantages of which the country is so full, is a matter either never thought of, or that cannot be realized. Property is there the creature of power, and not of law ; and possession forms no security when plunder is the preferable right. Hence the extensive plains, where they are not partially covered with wood, present a barren aspect, which is only relieved at intervals by a few clusters of wild fig- trees, that show how the richest gifts of nature degene- rate when unaided by the industry of man. And instead of the profusion which the plains must have exhibited in every quarter, nothing but " patches of the best soil in the territory are now cultivated by the Arabs ;" and these only " whenever they have the prospect of being able to secure the harvest against the incursions of enemies."* The Arab herds now roam at freedom over the valleys and the plains ; and " the many vestiges of field enclo- sures"! form not any obstruction; they wander undis- turbed around the tents of their masters, over the face of the country; and while the valley is perished* and the plain destroyed, the cities also of Aroer are forsaken ; they are for flocks ivhich lie doicn, and none make them afraid. The strong contrast between the ancient and the actual state of Moab is exemplified in the condition of the inhabitants as well as of the land ; and the coinci- dence between the prediction and the fact is as striking in the one case as in the other. The days come, saith the Lord, that I will send unto him (Moab) wanderers that shall cause him to ivander, and shall empty his vessels. The Bedouin (wandering) Arabs are now the chief and almost ftfe only inhabitants of a coun * Burekhardt's Travels in Syria, p. 369 i Ibid p 365 MOAB. 133 try once studded with cities. Traversing the country, and fixing their tents for a short time in one place, and then decamping to another, depasturing every part suc- cessively, and despoiling the whole land of its natural pro- duce, they are wanderers who have come up against it, and who keep it in a state of perpetual desolation* They lead a wandering life ; and the only regularity they know or practise is to act upon a systematic scheme of spoliation. They prevent any from forming a fixed settlement who are inclined to attempt it ; for although the fruitfulness of the soil would abundantly repay the labour of settlers, and render migration wholly unnecessary, even if the population were increased more than tenfold, yet the Bedouins forcibly deprive them of the means of subsist- ence, compel them to search for it elsewhere, and, in the words of the prediction, literally cause them to wander. " It may be remarked generally of the Bedouins," says Burckhardt, in describing their extortions in this very country, " that wherever they are the masters of the cul- tivators, the latter are soon reduced to beggary by their unceasing demands."* O ye that divell in Moah, leave the cities and dwell in the rock, and be like the dove that maketh her nest in the sides of the hole's mouth. In a general description of the con- dition of the inhabitants of that extensive desert which now occupies the place of these ancient flourishing states, Volney, in plain but unmeant illustration of this predic- tion, remarks, that the " wretched peasants live in per- petual dread of losing the fruit of their labours : and no sooner have they gathered in their harvest, than they hasten to secrete it in private places, and retire among the rocks which border on the Dead Sea."f Towards the opposite extremity of the land of Moab, and at a little distance from its borders, Seetzen relates, that " there are many families living in caverns;" and he actually designates them " the inhabitants of the rocks." J And at the distance of a few miles from the ruined site of Heshbon, " there are many artificial caves in a large range of perpendicular cliffs — in some of which are chambers and small sleeping apartments."^ While the cities are desolate, without any to dwell therein, the rocks are * Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, p. 381. t Volney's Travels, vol. ii. p. 344. % Seetzen's Travels, p. 20. See Monthly Review, vol. lxxi. p. 405. § Captains Jrby and Mangles's Travels, p. 473. 12 134 MOAB. enanted. But whether flocks lie down in the former without any to make them afraid, or whether men are to be found dwelling in the latter, and are like the dove that maketh her nest in the sides of the hole's mouth — the wonderful transition, in either case, and the close accord- ance, in both, of the fact to the prediction, assuredly mark it in characters that may be visible to the purblind mind, as the word of that God before whom the darkness of futurity is as light, and without whom a sparrow can- not fall unto the ground.* And although chargeable with the impropriety of being somewhat out of place, it may not be here altogether im- proper to remark, that, demonstrative as all these clear predictions and coincident facts are of the inspiration of the Scriptures, it cannot but be gratifying to every lover of his kind, when he contemplates that desolation caused by many sins and fraught with many miseries, which the wickedness of man has wrought, and which the prescience of God revealed, to know that all these prophecies, while they mingle the voice of wailing with that of denuncia- tion, are the word of that God who, although he surfers not iniquity to pass unpunished, overrules evil for good, and makes the wrath of man to praise him, and who in the midst of judgment can remember mercy. And rea- soning merely from the " uniform experience" (to borrow a term and draw an argument from Hume) of the truth of the prophecies already fulfilled, the unprejudiced mind will at once perceive the full force of the proof derived * Another prediction respecting the dwellers in Moab ought not perhaps to be passed over in silence, although the terms in which it is expressed are not so clear and unambiguous as those to which the observations in the text are confined, and although it may have met its primary fulfilment in a much earlier age. Yet it is so intelligible, that the fact, to which it bears an unstrained application, may be left as its sole and adequate exposition ; and the continued truth of the prophecy greatly strengthens, instead of weakening, the evidence of its inspiration. And how is Moab broken down and spoiled, when, in lieu of the arrogancy and exceeding pride and haughtiness of its ancient inhabitants, the following description is characteristic of the wanderers who now possess it. " In the valley of Wale," which is situated in the immediate vicinity of the river Arnon into which the Wale flows, Burckhardt observed " a large party of Arabs Sherarat encamped — Bedouins of the Arabian desert, who resort hither in summer for pasturage." Being oppressed and hemmed in by other Arab tribes, '" they wander about in misery, have very few horses, and are not able to feed any flocks of sheep or goats. — Their tents are very miserable ; both men and women go almost naked, the former being only covered round the waist, and the women wearing nothing but. a loose shirt hanging in ra about them." Moab shall be a derision. As the wandering bird, cast out of th£ nest, so the daughters of Moab shall be at the ford of Arnon. — Burckhardf/s Travels, p. 370, 371 Isa. xvi. 2. IDTTMEA. 135 from experience,* and acknowledge that it would be rejection of the authority of reason as well as of revela- tion to mistrust the truth of that prophetic amrmation of resuscitating and redeeming import, respecting Am- nion and Moab, which is the last of the series, and which alone now awaits futurity to stamp it with the brilliant and crowning zeal of its testimony. " I w r ill bring again the captivity of Moab in the latter days, saith the Lord.f I will bring again the captivity of the children of Amnion, saith the Lord. J The remnant of my people shall pos- sess them.§ They shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations."|| IDUMEA. But a heavier and irreversible doom was denounced against the land of Edom or Idumea ; and the testimony of an infidel was the first to show how it has been realized : that testimony, as forming an exposition of itself, may, in a primary view of them, be subjoined to the prophe- cies, and must have its due influence on every unbiassed mind. There are numerous prophecies respecting Idu- mea that bear a literal interpretation, however hyper- bolical they may appear. " (My sword shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my curse to judg- ment.) — From generation to generation it shall lie waste, none shall pass through it for ever and ever. But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it ; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it : and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion and the stones of emptiness. They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing. And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof; and it shall be a habi- tation of dragons, and a court for owls. The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr (or hairy creature) shall cry to his fellow; the screech-owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest. There shall the great owl * " Being determined by custom to transfer the past to the future, in all our inferences; where the past has been entirely regular and uniform, we expect trie event with the greatest assurance, and leave no room for any contrary supposition."— Hume's Essays of Probability, vol, ii. p. 61. Edin. 1800. t .ler. xlviii. 47. i Jer. jrlix. § Zeph. ii. 9. H Isa. Lxi. 4; lviii. 11 Eaek. xxsyi. 33, 36. 136 IDUMEA. make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow ; there shall the vultures also be gathered every one with her mate. Seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read ; no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate ; for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them. And he hath cast the lot for them, and his hand hath divided it unto them by line ; they shall possess it for ever, from generation to generation shall they dwell therein."* " Concerning Edom, thus saith the Lord of Hosts : Is wisdom no more in Teman 1 Is counsel perished from the prudent 1 I will bring the calamity of Esau upon him the time that I will visit him. If grape-gatherers come to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes] if thieves by night, they will destroy till they have enough. But I have made Esau bare, I have uncovered his secret places, and he shall not be able to hide himself. Behold they whose judgment was not to drink of the cup have assuredly drunken ; and art thou he that shalt altogether go unpunished 1 Thou shalt not go unpunished, but thou shalt surely drink of it. — I have sworn by myself, saith the Lord, that Bozrah (the strong or fortified city) shall become a desolation, a reproach, a waste, and a curse ; and all the cities thereof shall be perpetual wastes. Lo, I will make thee small among the heathen, and despised among men. Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill : though thou shouldst make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the Lord. Also Edom shall be a desolation ; every one that goeth by shall be astonished, and shall hiss at all the plagues thereof. As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the Lord, no man shall abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell in it."f " Thus saith the Lord God, I will stretch out mine hand upon Edom, and will cut off man and beast from it, and I will make it desolate from Fenian." " The word of the Lord came unto me, saying, bon of man, set thy face against Mount Seir, and pro- phesy against it, and say unto it, Thus saith the Lore God, I will stretch out mine hand against thee, and I will make thee most desolate. I will lay thy cities waste, aid thou shalt be desolate. "J Thus will I make Mount Isaiah xxxiv. 5 10-17. j Jer. xlix. 7-10, 12-18. i Ezek. xxxv. 1, 2, 3, 4. IDUMEA. 137 Seir most desolate, and cut off from it him that passeth out, and him that retumeth.* I will make thee perpetual desolations, and thy cities shall not return.f When the whole earth rejoiceth, I will make thee desolate. Thou shalt be desolate, O Mount Seir, and all Idumea, even all of it ; and they shall know that I am the Lord. J Edom shall be a desolate wilderness. § " For three transgres- sions of Edom, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof."|| " Thus saith the Lord concern- ing Edom, I have made thee small among the heathen, thou art greatly despised. The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high. Shall I not destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the Mount of Esau] The house of Jacob shall possess their pos- sessions, but there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau.^f I laid the mountains of Esau and his herit- age waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith we are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places ; thus saith the Lord of Hosts, they shall build, but I will throw down ; and they shall call them the border of wickedness."** Is there any country once inhabited and opulent so utterly desolate ? There is, and that land is Idumea. The territory of the descendants of Esau affords as miraculous a demonstra- tion of the inspiration of the Scriptures, as the fate of the children of Israel. Idumea was situated to the south of Judea and of Moab ; it bordered on the east with Arabia Petraea, under which name it was included in the latter part of its history, and it extended southward to the eastern gulf of the Red Sea. A single extract from the Travels of Volney will be found to be equally illustrative of the prophecy and of the fact. " This country has not been visited by any traveller, but it well merits such an attention ; for from the reports of the Arabs of Bakir, and the inhabitants of Gaza, who frequently go to Maan and Karak, on the road of the pilgrims, there are, to the south-east of the lake Asphaltites (Dead Sea), ivithin three days' journey, upwards of thirty ruined towns absolutely deserted. Seve- ral of them have large edifices, with columns that may have belonged to the ancient temples, or at least to * Ezek. xxxv. 7. t lb- 9. ' J lb. 14, 15. $ Joel iii. 19. H Amos i. 11. IT Obad. v. 2, 3, 8, 17, 18. ** Malachi 1. 3, i. 12* 138 IDUMEA. Greek churches. The Arabs sometimes make use of them to fold their cattle in ; but in general avoid them on account of the enormous scorpions with which they swarm. We cannot be surprised at these traces of ancient population, when we recollect that this was the country of the Nabatheans, the most powerful of the Arabs, and of the Idumeans, who, at the time of the de~ struction of Jerusalem, were almost as numerous as the Jews, as appears from Josephus, who informs us, that on the first rumour of the march of Titus against Jerusalem, thirty thousand Idumeans instantly assembled, and threw themselves into that city for its defence. It appears that, besides the advantages of being under a tolerably good government, these districts enjoyed a considerable share of the commerce of Arabia and India, which increased their industry and population. We know that as far back as the time of Solomon, the cities of Astioum Gaber (Esion Gaber) and Ailah (Eloth) were highly-frequented marts. These towns were situated on the adjacent gulf of the Red Sea, where we still find the latter yet retain ing its name, and perhaps the former in that of El Akaba, or the end (of the sea). These two places are in the hands of the Bedouins, who, being destitute of a navy and commerce, do not inhabit them. But the pilgrims report that there is at El Akaba a wretched fort. The Idumeans, from whom the Jews only took their ports at intervals, must have found in them a great source of wealth and population. It even appears that the Idu- means rivalled the Tyrians, who also possessed a town, the name of which is unknown, on the coast of Hedjaz, in the desert of Tih, and the city of Faran, and, without doubt, El-Tor, which served it by way of port. From this place the caravans might reach Palestine and Judea (through Idumea) in eight or ten days. This route, which is longer than that from Suez to Cairo, is infinitely shorter than that from Aleppo to Bassorah."* Evidence which must have been undesigned, which cannot be sus- pected of partiality, and which no illustration can strengthen, and no ingenuity pervert, is thus borne to the truth of the most wonderful prophecies. That the Idumeans were a populous and powerful nation long posterior to the delivery of the prophecies ; that they pos- sessed a tolerably good government (even in the estimation * Volney's Travels, vol. ii. p. 344-6. IDUMEA. 139 of Volney) ; that Idumea contained many cities ; that these cities are now absolutely deserted, and that their ruins swarm with enormous scorpions ; that it was a commercial nation, and possessed highly-frequented marts ; that it forms a shorter route than an ordinary one to India, and yet that it had not been visited by any traveller, are facts all recorded, or proved to a wish, by this able but unconscious commentator. A greater contrast cannot be imagined than the an- cient and present state of Idumea. It was a kingdom previous to Israel, having been governed first by dukes or princes, afterward by eight successive kings, and again by dukes, before there reigned any king over the children of Israel.* Its fertility and early cultivation are implied, not only in the blessings of Esau, whose dwelling was to be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above, but also in the condition proposed by Moses to the Edomites, when he solicited a passage for the Israelites through their borders, " that they would not pass through the fields nor through the vine- yards ; and also in the great wealth, especially in the multi- tudes of flocks and herds, recorded as possessed by an indi- vidual inhabitant of that country, at a period, in all proba- bility, even more remote. f The Idumeans were, without doubt, both an opulent and a powerful people. They often contended with the Israelites, and entered into a league with their other enemies against them. In the reign of David they were indeed subdued and greatly oppressed, and many of them even dispersed throughout the neigh- bouring countries, particularly Phoenicia and Egypt. But during the decline of the kingdom of Judah, and for many years previous to its extinction, they encroached upon the territories of the Jews, and extended their do- minion over the south-western part of Judea. Though no excellence whatever be now attached to its name, which exists only in past history, Idumea, including per- haps Judea, was then not without the praise of the first of Roman poets. Primus Idumeas referam tibi, Mantua, palmas. Virg. Georg. lib. iii. 1. 12. And of Luc an (Phars. lib. iii.) Arbustis palmarum dives Idume. * Genesis xxxvi, 31, &c. f Genesis xxvii 39. Numbers xx: 17. Job xlii 12. 140 IDUMEA. But Idumea, as a kingdom, can lay claim to a higher renown than either the abundance of its flocks or the excellence of its palm-trees. The celebrated city of Petra (so named by the Greeks, and so worthy of the name, on account both of its rocky vicinity and its nu- merous dwellings excavated from the rocks) was situ- ated within the patrimonial territory of the Edomites. There is distinct and positive evidence that it was a city of Edom,* and the metropolis of the Nabatheans,f whom Strabo expressly identifies with the Idumeans — pos- sessors of the same country, and subject to the same laws.f " Petra," to use the words of Dr. Vincent, by whom the state of its ancient commerce was described before its ruins were discovered, " is the capital of Edom or Seir, the Idumea or Arabia Petraea of the Greeks, the Nabatea, considered both by geographers, historians, and poets as the source of all the precious commodities of the east."§ " The caravans, in all ages, from Minea in the interior of Arabia, and from G-errha on the Gulf of Persia, from Hadramaut on the ocean, and some even from Sabea or Yemen, appear to have pointed to Petra as a common centre ; and from Petra the trade seems to have again branched out in every direction to Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, through Arsinoe, Gaza, Tyre, Jerusalem, Damascus, and a variety of subordinate routes that all terminated on the Mediterranean. There is every proof that is requisite to show that the Tyrians and Sidonians were the first merchants who introduced the produce of India to all the nations which encircled the Mediterranean, so is there the strongest evidence to prove that the Tyrians obtained all their commodities from Arabia. But if Arabia was the centre of this com- merce, Petra|| was the point to which all the Arabians tended from the three sides of their vast peninsula."^ At a period subsequent to the commencement of the * Petra being afterward more particularly noticed, some quotations from an- cient authors respecting it may here be subjoined. Uirpa rroXtg iv yr\ E<5a>// rrjg ' KpaSiag. — Eusebii Onomast: Petra, ci vitas Arabiae in terra Edom. — Hieron. Vide Relandi Palestina, torn. i. p. 70. t Mt]TPotto\ls <5s to)v NaBaTaiiov caivrjUerpa Ka\ovfievtj. Strabo, lib. xvi. p. 779 Ed: Pans, 1620. $ Na&zratot Se ticiv hi iSy/xaioi — Ibid. p. 760. § Vincent's Commerce of the Ancients, vol: xi. p. 263 \\ Agatharchides Huds. p. 57. Pliny, lib. vi: c. 28, quoted bv Vincent. Ihio. p. 262. ff Ibid. p. 260, 261, 262. XDUMEA. ] 4 1 Christian era, there always reigned at Petra, according to Strabo, a king of the royal lineage, with whom a prince was associated in the government.* It was a place of great strength in the time of the Romans. — Pompey marched against it, but desisted from the attack : and Trajan afterward besieged it. It was a metropoli- tan see, to which several bishoprics were attached in the time of the Greek emperors, and Idumea was in- cluded in the third Palestine — Palestina tertia sive saluta- ris. But the ancient state of Idumea cannot in the present day be so clearly ascertained from the records respecting it which can be gleaned from history, whether sacred or profane, as by the wonderful and imperishable remains of its capital city, and by " the traces of many towns and villages," which indisputably show that it must once have been thickly inhabited.! It not only can admit of no dispute that the country and cities of Idumea subsisted in a very different state from that ab- solute desolation in which, long prior to the period of its reality, it was represented in the prophetic vision ; but there are prophecies regarding it that have yet a prospective view, and which refer to the time when " the children of Israel shall possess their possessions," or to " the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion." But, dangerous as it is to explore the land of Idumea, and difficult to ascertain those existing facts and precise circumstances which form the strongest features of its desolate aspect (and that ought to be the subject of scientific as well as of religious inquiry), enough has been discovered to show that the sentence against it, though fulfilled by the agency of nature and of man, is precisely such as was first recorded in the annals of in- spiration. There is a prediction which, being peculiarly remark- able as applicable to Idumea, and bearing reference to a circumstance explanatory of the difficulty of access to any knowledge respecting it, is entitled, in the first in- stance, to notice. None shall pass through it for ever and ever, — Iivillcut off from Mount Seir him that passeth out and him that returneth.% The ancient greatness of Idumea must, in no small degree, have resulted from its com- * Strabo, p: 779. t Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, p: 436: % Isaiah xxxiv. 10. Ezek. xxxv. 7. The first of these predictions is con- joined with others, the period of whose full completion — the year of recom- penses for the controversy of Zion— is yet to come. 142 IDUMEA. merce. Bordering with Arabia on the east, and Egypt on the south-west, and forming from north to south the most direct and most commodious channel of communi- cation between Jerusalem and her dependencies on the Red Sea, as well as between Syria aM India (through the continuous valleys of El Ghor and El Araba, which terminated on the one extremity at the borders of Judea, and on the other at Elath and Esiongaber on the Elanitic gulf of the Red Sea), Idumea may be said to have formed the emporium of the commerce of the east. A Roman road passed directly through Idumea, from Jerusalem to Akaba, and another from Akaba to Moab ;* and when these roads were made, at a time long pos- terior to the date of the predictions, the conception could not have been formed, or held credible by man, that the period would ever arrive when none would pass through it. Above seven hundred years after the date of the prophecy, Strabo relates, that " many Romans and other foreigners" were found at Petra by his friend Athenodo- rus, the philosopher, who visited it.f The prediction is yet more surprising when viewed in conjunction with another, which implies that travellers would pass by Idumea, — every one that goeth by shall be astonished. And the hadj routes (routes of the pilgrims) from Da- mascus and from Cairo to Mecca, the one on the east and the other towards the south of Idumea, along the whole of its extent, go by it, or touch partially on its borders, without passing through it. The truth of the pro- phecy (though hemmed in thus by apparent impossibili- ties and contradictions, and with extreme probability of its fallacy in every view that could have been visible to man) may yet be tried. The words of the prediction might well be understood as merely implying that Idumea would cease to be a thoroughfare for the commerce of the nations which ad- joined it, and that its " highly- frequented marts" would be forsaken as centres of intercourse and traffic ; and easy would have been the task of demonstrating its truth in this limited sense, which skepticism itself ought not to be unwilling to authorize. Bat the fact to which it refers forbids that the prophecy should be limited to a general interpretation, and demands that it be literall}) understood and applied. The fact itself being of a nega- * Map in Burckhardt's Travels. I Ho Wo is n&v Fo)ixouo)v, ttoWois 8s icai TOiv a\) ov \evoiv. — Strabo, ]\ 779. IDUMEA. 143 tive nature, requires a more minute investigation and detail than any mattar of observation or discovery that is proveable at once by a simple description. And in- stead of merely citing authorities in affirmation of it, evidence, as remarkable as the prediction, and at once the most undesigned and conclusive, shall be largely ad- duced to establish its truth. The remark of Volney, who passed at a distance to the west of Idumea, and who received his information from the Arabs in that quarter, " that it had not been visited by any traveller," will not be unobserved by the attentive reader. Soon after Burckhardt had entered, on the north-east, the territories of the Edomites, the boundary of which he distinctly marks, he says, that "he was without protection in the midst of a desert, where no traveller had ever before been seen.* It was then " that for the first time he had ever felt fear during his travels in the desert, and his route thither was the most dangerous he had ever travelled."! Mr. Joliffe, who visited the northern shore of the Dead Sea, in allud- ing to the country south of its opposite extremity, de- scribes it as " one of the wildest and most dangerous divisions of Arabia," and says that any research in that quarter was impracticable. J Sir Frederick Henniker, in his Notes dated from Mount Sinai, on the south of Idu- mea, unconsciously concentrates striking evidence in verification of the prediction, while he states a fact that would seem, at first sight, to militate against it. " Seet- zen, on a vessel of paper pasted against the wall, noti- fies his having penetrated the country in a direct line between the Dead Sea and Mount Sinai" (through Idu- mea), " a route never before accomplished.^ This was the more interesting to me, as I had previously determined to attempt the same, it being the shortest way to Jerusa- lem. The Cavaliere Frediani, whom I met in Egypt, would have persuaded me that it was impracticable, and that he, having had the same intention himself, after/ having been detained in hope five weeks, was compelled to relinquish his design. While I was yet ruminating over this scrap of paper, the superior paid me a morning visit ; he also said it was impossible ; but at length prom- * Burckhardt's Syria, p. 421. t Ibid p. 400. t Letters from Palestine, vol. i. p. 129. § The words upon the paper itself are, " Entre la ville d'Hebron et entre le Mont Sinai, par un chemin justiu'a ce terns la iticoRnu."— Burck. Syr. p. 553. 144 IDUMEA. ised to search for guides. I had already endeavoured to persuade those who had accompanied me from Tor, but they also talked of dangers, and declined."* Guides were found, who, after resisting for a while his entreat- ies and bribes, agreed to conduct him by the desired route; but, unable to overcome their fears, deceived him, and led him towards the Mediterranean coast, through the desert to Gaza. There yet remains a detail of the complication of dif- ficulties w T hich, in another direction still, the nearest to Judea, and apparently the most accessible, the traveller has to encounter in reaching that desolate region which once formed the kingdom of Idumea, — difficulties that it may safely be said are scarcely to be met with in any other part of Asia, or even in any other quarter of the world where no natural obstructions intervene. " To give an idea," say Captains Irby and Mangles, " of the difficulties which the Turkish government supposed there would be for an Englishman to go to Kerek and Wady Mousa, it is necessary to say, that when Mr. Banks ap- plied at Constantinople to have these places inserted in his firman, they returned for answer, " that they knew of none such within the grand seignor's dominions;! but as he and Mr. Frere, the British minister, pressed the affair very much, they at length referred him to the Pasha of Damascus, who (equally averse to have any thing to do with the business) passed him on to the Gov- ernor of Jerusalem."! The Governor of Jerusalem, "having tried all he could to dissuade them from the undertaking," referred them in like manner to the Gov- ernor of Jaffa, who not only " evaded the affair alto- gether," but endeavoured to put a stop to their journey. Though frustrated in every attempt to obtain any pro- tection or assistance from the public authorities, and also warned of the danger that awaited them from " Arabs of a most savage and treacherous race," these adventu- rous travellers, intent on visiting the ruins of Petra, having provided themselves with horses and arms, and Arab dresses, and being eleven in number, including ser- vants and two guides, " determined to proceed to try their fortune with the Sheikh of Hebron." He at first expressed compliance with their wishes, but being soon " alarmed at his own determination," refused them tlie * Sir Frederick Henniker's Travels, p. 223, 224. t Captains Irby and Mangles's Travels, p. 336. J Ibid. p. 337. IDUMEA. 1 45 least aid or protection. Repeated offers of money to guides met a decided refusal; and they procured no means of facilitating their journey.* The peculiar dif- ficulty, not only of passing through Idumea (which they never attempted), but even of entering within its borders, and the greater hazard of travelling thither than in any other direction, are still further illustrated by the acqui- escence of an Arab tribe afterward to accompany and protect them to Kerek, at a reasonable rate, and by their positive refusal, upon any terms or stipulation whatever, to conduct them to a spot that lay within the boundaries of Edom. "We offered five hundred piastres if they would conduct us to Wady Mousa, but nothing could induce them to consent. They said they would not go if we would give them five thousand piastres" (forty times the sum for which they had agreed to accompany them to Kerek, although the distance was not nearly double), " observing that money was of no use to a man if he lost his life."f Having afterward obtained the protection of an intrepid Arab chief, with his followers, and having advanced to the borders of Edom, their farther progress was suddenly opposed in the most threatening and deter- mined manner. And in the whole course of their travels, which extended to about three thousand miles, in Thrace, Asia Minor, Cyprus, the desert, Egypt, and in Syria, in different longitudinal and lateral directions, from one ex- tremity to the other, they found nowhere such a barrier to their progress, except in a previous abortive attempt to reach Petra from another quarter ; and though they were never better prepared for encountering it, they never elsewhere experienced so formidable an opposi- tion. The Sheikh of Wady Mousa and his people swore that they w r ould not suffer them to go forward, and " that they should neither drink of their water, nor pass into their territory" The Arab chief wiio had espoused their cause also took an oath, " by the faith of a true Mus- sulman," that they should drink of the water of Wady Mousa, and go whithersoever he pleased to carry them. " Thus," it is remarked, " were both the rival chiefs op- positely pledged in their resolutions respecting us." Several da} r s were passed in entreaties, artifices, and mutual menaces, w r hich were all equally unavailing. — The determination and perseverance of the one party of * Macmichael's Journey to Constantinople in 1818, Append, p. 199. t Captains Irby and Mangles's Travels, p. 3i9. 13 G ] 48 IBI7MEA. Arabs was equalled b/ the resistance and obstinacy of the other. Both were constantly acquiring an accession of strength, and actively preparing for combat. The travellers, thus finding all the dangers and difficulties of which they had been forewarned fully realized, " could not but compare their case to that of the Israelites under Moses, lohen Edom refused to give them a passage through his country"* " They offered even to abandon their ob- ject rather than proceed to extremities," and endanger the lives of many others, as well as their own; and they were told that they were fortunate in the protection of the chief who accompanied them, otherwise they never would have returned. The hostile Arabs, who defied them and their protectors to approach, having abandoned their camps, and having concentrated their forces, and possessed themselves of the passes and heights, sent mes- sengers with a renewal of oaths and protestations against entering their territory ; announced that they were fully prepared to maintain their purpose — that war " was posi- tively determined on as the only alternative of the trav- ellers' not being permitted to see what they desired :"t and their sheikh vowed that " if they passed through his lands, they should be shot like so many dogs."i Abou Raschid,the firm and fearless chief who had pledged his honour and his oath in guarantee for the advance of the travellers, and whose obstinate resolution nothing could exceed, his arguments, artifices, and falsehoods having all failed, despatched messengers to the camps under his influence, rejected alike all compromise with the oppo- sing Arabs, and all remonstrances on the part of his ad- herents and dependants (who thought that the travellers were doomed to destruction by their rashness), and re- solved to achieve by force what he had sworn to accom- plish. "The camp assumed a very warlike appearance ; the spears stuck in the sand, the saddled horses before the tents, with the arms hanging up within, altogether had an imposing effect. The travellers, however, were at last permitted to proceed in peace : but a brief space was allowed them for inspecting the ruins, and they could plainly distinguish the opposing party of Arabs, in great numbers, watching them from the heights. Abou Raschid was then dismayed, " he was never at his ease, * Captains Irby and Mangles's Travels, p. 392. f Ibid. t Macmichael's Journey to Constantinople, p. 218. IDUMEA. 147 and constantly urged them to depart." Nothing could obtain an extension of the time allotted them, and they returned, leaving much unexplored, and even unable by any means or possibility to penetrate a little farther, in order to visit a large temple which they could clearly discern. Through Idumea they did not pass. Thus Voiney, Burckhardt, Joliffe, Henniker, and Cap- tains Irby and Mangles, not only give their personal testimony to the truth of the fact which corroborates the prediction, but also adduce a variety of circumstances, which all conspire in giving superfluity of proof that Idumea, which was long resorted to from every quarter, is so beset on every side with dangers to the traveller, that none pass through it. Even the Arabs of the neighbour- ing regions, whose home is the desert, and whose occu- pation is wandering, are afraid to enter it, or to conduct any within its borders. Yet amid all this manifold testimony to its truth, there is not, in any single instance, the most distant allusion to the prediction ; and the evi- dence is as unsuspicious and undesigned, as it is copious and complete.* Eclom shall he a desolation. From generation to genera- tion it shall lie waste, &c. Judea, Ammon, and Moab ex- hibit so abundantly the remains and the means of an exuberant fertility, that the wonder arises in the reflect- ing mind, how the barbarity of man could have so effect- ually counteracted for so " many generations" the prodi- gality of nature. But such is Edom's desolation, that the first sentiment of astonishment on the contemplation of it is, how a wide-extended region, now diversified by the strongest features of desert wildness, could ever have been adorned with cities, or tenanted for ages by a powerful and opulent people. Its present aspect would belie its ancient history, were not that history corrobo- * Not even the cases of two individuals, Seetzen and Burckhardt, can be stated as at all opposed to the literal interpretation of the prophecies. Seetzen did indeed pass through Idumea, and Burnkhardt traversed a considerable part of it. But the former met his death not long after the completion of his jour- ney through Idumea : the latter never recovered from the effects of the hard ships and privations which he suffered there, and without even commencing the exclusive design which he had in view (viz. to explore the interior of Africa>, to which all his journeyings in Asia were merely intended as preparatory, he died at Cairo. Neither of them lived to return to Europe. J will cut off from Mount Seir him that passeth out, and him that returneth. Strabo mentions that there was a direct road from Petra to Jericho, of three or four days' jour- ney. Cantains Irby and Mangles were eighteen days in reaching it from Jeru- salem. They did not pass through Idumea, and they did return. Seetzen and BurcVhardt did pass tin >ugh it, and they did not return. G2 148 IDUMEA. rated by " the many vestiges of former cultivation," by the remains of walls and paved roads, and by the ruins of cities still existing in tins ruined country. The total cessation of its commerce — the artificial irrigation of its valleys wholly neglected — the destruction of all the cities, and the continued spoliation of the country by the Arabs while aught remained that they could destroy — the permanent exposure, for ages, of the soil, unsheltered by its ancient groves, and unprotected by any covering from the scorching rays of the sun — the un- obstructed encroachments of the desert, and of the drifted sands from the borders of the Red Sea, the consequent absorption of the water of the springs and streamlets during summer, are causes which have all combined their baneful operation in rendering Edom most desolate, the desolation of desolations. Volney's account is sufficiently descriptive of the desolation which now reigns over Idumea ; and the information which Seetzen derived at Jerusalem respecting it is of similar import.* He was told, that " at the distance of two days' journey and a half from Hebron he would find considerable ruins of the an- cient city of Abde, and that for all the rest of the jour- ney he would see no place of habitation ; he would meet only with a few tribes of wandering Arabs." From the borders of Edom Captains Irby and Mangles beheld a boundless extent of desert view, which they had hardly ever seen equalled for singularity and grandeur. And the following extract, descriptive of what Burckhardt actually witnessed in the different parts of Edom, cannot be more graphically abbreviated than in the words of the prophet. Of its eastern boundary, and of the adjoining part of Arabia Petraea, strictly so called, Burckhardt writes — " It might with truth be called Petraea, not only on account of its rocky mountains, but also of the ele- vated plain already described,! which is so much covered with stones, especially flints, that it may with great pro- priety be called a stony desert, although susceptible of cu] Lure ; in many places it is overgrown with wild herbs, and must once have been thickly inhabited; for the traces of many towns and villages are met with on both sides of the Hadj road, between Maan and Akaba, as well as between Maan and the plains of the Hauran, in * Seetzen's Travels, p. 46. t Shera (Seir) the territory of the Edomites, p. 410, 435. IDUMEA. 149 which direction are also many springs. At present all this country is a desert, and Maan (Teman*) is the only in- habited place in it. I will stretch out my hand against thee, O Mount Seir, and will make thee most desolate, I will stretch out my hand upon Edom, and will make it desolate from Teman"] In the interior of Idumea, where the ruins of some of its ancient cities are still visible, and in the extensive valley which reaches from the Red to the Dead Sea — the -appearance of which must now be totally and sadly changed from what it was — " the whole plain presented to the view an expanse of shifting sands, whose surface was broken by innumerable undulations and low hills. — The same appears to have been brought from the shores of the Red Sea by the southern winds ; and the Arabs told me that the valleys continue to present the same ap- pearance beyond the latitude of Wady Mousa. In some parts of the valley the sand is very deep, and there is not the slightest appearance of a road, or of any work of hu- man art. A few trees grow among the sand-hills, but the depth of sand precludes all vegetation of herbage. "{ If grape-gatherers come to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes ? if thieves by night, they will destroy till they have enough ; but I have made Esau bare. Edom shall be a desolate wilderness. " On ascending the western plain, on a higher level than that of Arabia, we had be- fore us an immense expanse of dreary country, entirely covered with black flints, with here and there some hilly chain rising from the piain. ,? § / will stretch out upon Idumea the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness. Of the remains of ancient cities still exposed to view in different places throughout Idumea, Burckhardt de- scribes " the ruins of a large town, of which nothing re- mains but broken walls and heaps of stones ; the ruins of several villages in its vicinity ;|| the ruins of an ancient city, consisting of large heaps of hewn blocks of silicious stone; the extensive ruins of Gherandel, Arindela, an ancient town of Palestina Tertia."lf " The following ruined places are situated in Djebal Shera (Mount Seir) to the S. and S. W. of Wady Mousa, — Kalaab, Djirba, Basta, Eyl, Ferdakh, Anyk, Bir el Beytar, Shemakh, and Syt Of the towns** laid down in D'Anville's map, Thoana ex * See Map prefixed to Burckhardt's Travels. t Ibid. p. 436. t Ibid. p. 442. § Ibid. p. 444. |j Ibid. p. 418. IT Ibid. p. 441 ** The names of these towns in the map referred to are, Elusa, Tamar*, 13* 150 IBUMEA. cepted, no traces remain."* / will lay thy cities waste, and thou shalt be desolate* O Mount Seir, I will make thee per- petual desolatio7is ; and thy cities shall not return. While the cities of Idumea, in general, are thus most desolate ; and while the ruins themselves are as indis- criminate as they are undefined in the prediction (there being nothing discoverable, as there was nothing foretold, but their excessive desolation, and that they shall not return), there is one striking exception to this promis- cuous desolation, which is alike singled out by the in- spired prophet and by the scientific traveller. Burckhardt gives a description, of no ordinary interest, of the site of an ancient city which he visited, the ruins of which, not only attest its ancient splendour, but they " are entitled to rank among the most curious remains of ancient art." Though the city be desolate, the monu- ments of its opulence and power are durable. These are — a channel on each side of the river for conveying the water to the city — numerous tombs — above two hundred and fifty sepulchres, or excavations — many mausoleums, one, in particular, of colossal dimensions in perfect pres- ervation, and a work of immense labour, containing a chamber sixteen paces square and above twenty-five feet in height, with a colonnade in front thirty-five feet high, crowned with a pediment highly ornamented, &c. ; two large truncated pyramids, and a theatre with all its benches, capable of containing about three thousand spectators, all cut out of the rock. In some places these sepulchres are excavated one over the other, and the side of the mountain is so perpendicular, that it seems impos- sible to approach the uppermost, no path whatever being visible. "The ground is covered with heaps of hewn stones, foundations of buildings, fragments of columns, and vestiges of paved streets, all clearly indicating that a large city once existed here. On the left bank of the river is a rising ground, extending westward for nearly three-quarters of a mile, entirely covered with similar remains. On the right bank, where the ground is more elevated, ruins of the same description are to be seen. — There are also the remains of a palace and of several temples. In the eastern cliff there are upwards of fiftv Zoara, Thoana, Necta, Phenon, Suzuma, Carcaria, Oboda, Berzumma, Lysa, Gypsaria, Zodocata, Gerasa, Havara, Presidium ad Dianam, CfcJlana, Asiun Gaber. * Burckhardt's Travels, p. 443, 444. IDUMEA. 151 separate sepulcnres close to each other."* These are not the symbols of a feeble race, nor of a people that were to perish utterly. But a judgment was denounced against the strongholds of Edom. The prophetic threat- ening has not proved an empty boast, and it could not have been the word of an uninspired mortal. / will make thee small among the heathen ; thy terribleness hath deceived thee and the pride of thine heart, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill ; though thou shouldst make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the Lord : also Edom shall be a desolation. These descriptions, given by the prophet and by the observer, are so analogous, and the precise locality of the scene, from its peculiar and characteristic features, so identified — and yet the application of the prophecy to the fact so remote from the thoughts or view of Burckhardt as to be altogether overlooked — that his single delinea- tion of the ruins of the chief (and assuredly the strongest and best-fortified) city of Edom was deemed in the first edition of this treatise, and in the terms of the preceding paragraph, an illustration of the prophecy alike adequate and legitimate. And though deprecating any allusion whatever of a personal nature, and earnest only for the elucidation of the truth, the author yet trusts that he may here be permitted to disclaim the credit of having been the first to assign to the prediction its wonderful and appropriate fulfilment ; and it is with no slight grati- fication that he is now enabled to adduce higher evidence than any opinion of his own, and to state, that the self- same prophecy has been applied by others — with the Bible in their hands, and with the very scene before them — to the selfsame spot. Yet it may be added, that this coincident application of the prophecy, without any col- lusion, and without the possibility at the time of any in- terchange of sentiment, affords, at least, a strong pre- sumptive evidence of the accuracy of the application, and of the truth of the prophecy ; and it may well lead to some reflection in the mind of any reader, if skep ticism has not barred every avenue against conviction. On entering the pass which conducts to the theatre of Petra, Captains Irby and Mangles remark : — " The ruin of tne city here burst on the view, in their full grandeur * Burckhardt's Tr^rels in Syria, p. 422-432 152 IDUMEA. shut in on the opposite side by barren craggy preci- pices, from which numerous ravines and valleys branch out in all directions ; the sides of the mountains covered with an endless variety of excavated tombs and private dwellings (O thou that dwellest m the clefts of the rock, Sic. — Jer. xlix. 16) presented altogether the most singu- lar scene we ever beheld." In still further confirmation of the identity of the site, and the accuracy of the application, it may be added, in the words of Dr. Vincent, that " the name of this capital, in all the various languages in which it occurs, implies a rock, and as such it is described in the Scriptures, in Strabo, and Al Edrissi."* And in a note he enumerates among the various names having all the same significa- tion — Sela, a rock (the very word here used in the ori- ginal), Petra, a rock, the Greek name, and The Rock, pre-eminently — expressly referring to this passage of Scripture.f Captains Irby and Mangles, having, together with Mr. Bankes and Mr. Legh, spent two days in diligently ex- amining them, give a more particular detail of the ruins of Petra than Burckhardt's account supplied; and the more full the description, the more precise and wonderful does the prophecy appear. Near the spot where they awaited the decision of the Arabs, " the high land was covered upon both its sides, and on its summits, with lines and solid masses of dry wall. The former appeared to be traces of ancient cultivation, the solid ruins seemed to be only the remains of towers for watching in harvest and vintage time. The whole neighbourhood of the spot bears similar traces of former industry, all which seem to indicate the vicinity of a great metropolis." J A narrow and circuitous defile, surrounded on each side by precipitous or perpendicular rocks, varying from four hundred to seven hundred feet in altitude, and forming, for two miles, " a sort of subterranean passage," opens on the east the way to the ruins of Petra. The rocks, or rather hills, then diverge on either side, and leave an oblong space, where once stood the metropolis of Edom, deceived by its terribleness, where now lies a waste of ruins, encir- cled on every side, save on the north-east alone, by stu- pendous cliffs, which still show how the pride and labour of art tried there to vie with the sublimity of nature. * Commerce of the Ancients, vol. ii. p. 264. f See Blaney, in loco. % Captains Irby and Mangles's Travels, }- 402. IDUMEAV 153 Along the borders of these cliffs, detached masses of rock, numerous and lofty, have been wrought into sepul- chres, the interior of which is excavated into chambers, while the exterior has been cut from the live rock into the forms of towers, with pilasters, and successive bands of frieze and entablature, wings, recesses, figures of ani- mals, and columns.* Yet, numerous as these are, they form but a part of w the vast necropolis of Petra." " Tombs present them- selves, not only in every avenue to the city, and upon every precipice that surrounds it, but even intermixed almost promiscuously with its public and domestic edi- fices ; the natural features of the defile grew more and more imposing at every step, and the excavations and sculpture more frequent on both sides, till it presented at last a continued street of tombs." The base of the cliffs wrought out in all the symmetry and regularity of art, with colonnades, and pedestals, and ranges of corridors adhering to the perpendicular surface ; flights of steps chiselled out of the rock; grottoes in great numbers, " which are certainly not sepulchral;" some excavated residences of large dimensions (in one of which is a single chamber sixty feet in length, and of a breadth proportioned) ; many other dwellings of inferior note, particularly abundant in one defile leading to the city, the steep sides of which contain a sort of excavated suburb, accessible by flights of steps ; niches, sometimes thirty feet in excavated height, with altars for votive offerings, or with pyramids, columns, or obelisks ; a bridge across a chasm now apparently inaccessible ; some small pyra- mids hewn out of the rock on the summit of the heights ; horizontal grooves, for the conveyance of water, cut in the face of the rock, and even across the architectural fronts of some of the excavations ; and, in short, " the rocks hollowed out into innumerable chambers of differ- ent dimensions, whose entrances are variously, richly, and often fantastically decorated with every imaginable order of architecture"! — all united, not only form one of the most singular scenes that the eye of man ever looked upon, or the imagination painted — a group of wonders perhaps unparalleled in their kind — but also give indubitable proof, both that in the land of Edom there * Captains Iiby ami Mangles's Travels, p. 407. t Ibid, p 407-437. Macmichael's Journey, p. 223, 229. G3 154 was a city where human ingenuity, and energy, and power must have been exerted for many ages, and to so great a degree as to have well entitled it to be noted for trength or tcrriKeness. and that the description given of it by the prophets oi Israel was as strictly liter the prediction respecting it is true. u The barren of the country, together with the desolate condition of the city, without a single human being living near it, seem," in the words of those who were spectators of the scene, " strongly to verify the judgment denounced against ii.""* O thou who dweilcst in the c. &C. — 9m shall be a desolation, &c. Of all the ruins oi Petra, the mausoleums and sepul- chres are among the most remarkable, and they give the clearest indication of ancient and long-continued roy- ally, and of courtly grandeur. Their immense number corroborates the accounts given of their successive kings and princes by Moses and Strabo ; though a period oi eighteen hundred years intervened between the dates of their respective records concerning them. The structure of the sepulchres also shows that many of them are of a more recent date. M Great," says Burekkardt, " must have been the opulence of a city which could dedicate such monuments to the memory of its rulers."! But the long line of the kings and of the nobles of Idumea has for ages been cut off; they are without any representa- tive now, without any memorial but the multitude and the magnificence oi their unvisited sepulchres. shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom (or rather, they shall call, or summon, the nobles thereof) but there shall be no kingdom there, and all her princes shall be nothing. Amid the mausoleums and sepulchres, the remains of temples or palaces, and the multiplicity oi tombs, which all form, as it were, the grave oi Idumea, where its ancient splendour is interred, there are edirices, the Roman and Grecian architecture of which decides that they were built long posterior to the era of the prophets.J Theu shall build, but I will throw dt J*hey shall be called the border contrasts the quiet disposition of the citizens oi Petra with the contentious spirit of the foreigners who resided there ; and the uninterrupted tranquillity which the towns- * Irby and Mangies's 7 ravels & 439. | Burckhardt's Travels, p, 425 . lata IDTJMEA. 1 5* men mutually maintained together, excited the admira- tion of Athenodorus.* The fine gold is changed: no such people are there now to be found. Though Burckhardt travelled as an Arab, associated with them, submitted to all their privations, and was so completely master of their language and of their manners as to escape de- tection, he was yet reduced to that state, within the boundaries of Edom, which can alone secure tranquillity to the traveller in the desert ; " he had nothing with him that could attract the notice or excite the cupidity of the Bedouins, and was even stripped of some rags that cov- ered his wounded ankles." The Arabs in that quarter, he observes, "have the reputation of being very daring thieves." In like manner, a motselim, who had been twenty years in office, pledged himself to Captains Irby and Mangles, and the travellers who accompanied them (in presence of the Governor of Jerusalem), that the Arabs of Wady Mousa are " a most savage and treach- erous race," and added, that they would make use of their Frank blood for a medicine. That this character of wickedness and cruelty was not misapplied they had too ample proof, not only in the dangers with which they were threatened, but by the fact which they learned on the spot, that upwards of thirty pilgrims from Barbary had been murdered at Petra the preceding year, by the men of Wady Mousa.f Even the Arabs of the surround- ing deserts, as already stated, dread to approach it ; and towards the borders of Edom on the south, " the Arabs about Akaba," as described by Pococke, and as experi- enced by Burckhardt, " are a very bad people, and noto- rious robbers, and are at war with all others. "t Such evidence, all undesignedly given, clearly shows that in truth Edom is called the border of wickedness. Thorns shall come in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof In lieu of any direct and explicit statement in corroboration of the literal fulfilment of this prediction, it may be worthy of observation, that the camels of the Bedouins feed upon the thorny branches of the talh (gum arabic) tree, of which they are ex- tremely fond ; that the large thorns of these trees are a great annoyance to them and to their cattle : and that they are so abundant in different parts of Idumea, that * Strabo, p. 779. f Irby and Mangles's Travels, p. 417. Macmichael's Journey, p. 202, 234. i Pococke's Description of the East, vol. i. p. 136. 156 IDUMEA. each Bedouin carries in his girdle a pair of small pincers to extract the thorns from his feet.* I will make thee small among the nations ; thou art greatly despised. Though the border of wickedness, and the re- treat of a horde of thieves, who are distinguished as pe culiarly savage even among the wild Arabs, and thus an object of dread, as well as of astonishment, to those who pass thereby, yet, contrasted with what it was, or reck- oned among the nations, Edom is small indeed. Within almost all its boundary, it may be said that none abide, or have any fixed or permanent residence ; and instead of the superb structures, the works of various ages, which long adorned its cities, the huts of the Arabs, where even huts they have, are mere mud-hovels of " mean and ragged appearance," which, in general, are deserted on the least alarm. But, miserable habitations as these are, they scarcely seem to exist anywhere throughout Edom, but on a single point on its borders ; and wherever the Arabs otherwise wander in search of spots for pasturage for their cattle (found in hollows, or near to springs after the winter rains), tents are their only covering. Those which pertain to the more pow- erful tribes are sometimes both numerous and large : yet, though they form at least but a frail dwelling, many of them are " very low and small." Near to the ruins of Petra, Burckhardt passed an encampment of Bedouin tents, most of which were " the smallest he had* ever seen, about four feet high, and ten in length;" and towards the south-west border of Edom he met with a few wanderers who had no tents with them, and whose only shelter from the burning rays of the sun and the heavy dews of night was the scanty branches of the talh- trees. The subsistence of the Bedouins is often as pre- carious as their habitations are mean; the flocks they tend, or which they pillage from more fertile regions, are their only possessions ; and in that land where com- merce long concentrated its wealth, and through which the treasures of Ophir passed, the picking of gum arabic from thorny branches is now the poor occupation, the only semblance of industry, practised by the wild and wandering tenants of a desert. Edom is small among the nations ; and how greatly is it despised, when the public authorities at Constantinople deny any knowledge of it, * Bnrckhardrs Travels in Syria, p. 441, 442, 446. IDUMEA. 157 or of the ruins of its capital, which once defied the pow- ers of Rome — when the city of Petra is thus forgotten and unknown among the representatives of the villagers of Byzantium! Concerning Edom, thus saith the Lord, Is ivisdom no more in Teman? Is understanding perished from the prudent ? Shall I not destroy the wise men out of JEdom, and understanding out of the Mount of Esau? Fallen and despised as now it is, Edom, did not the prescription of many ages abrogate its right, might lay claim to the title of having been the first seat of learning, as well as the centre of commerce. Sir Isaac Newton, who was no mean master in chronology, and no incompetent judge to give a decision in regard to the rise and first progress of literature, considers Edom as the nursery of the arts and sciences, and adduces evidence to that effect from profane as well as from sacred history. " The Egyp- tians," he remarks, " having learned the skill of the Edom- ites, began now to observe the position of the stars, and the length of the solar year, for enabling them to know the position of the stars at any time, and to sail by them at all times without sight of the shore, and this gave a beginning to astronomy and navigation."* "It seems that letters, and astronomy, and the trade of carpenters were invented by the merchants of the Red Sea, and that they were propagated from Arabia Petraea into Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Asia Minor, and Europe."! While the philosopher may thus think of Edom with respect, neither the admirer of genius, the man of feeling, nor the child of devotion will, even to this day, seek from any land a richer treasure of plaintive poetry, of impas- sioned eloquence, and of fervid piety, than Edom has bequeathed to the world in the book of Job. It exhibits to us, in language the most pathetic and sublime, all that a man could feel, in the outward pangs of his body and the inner writhings of his mind, of the frailties of his frame, and of the dissolution of his earthly comforts and endearments ; all that mortal can discern, by medi- tating on the ways and contemplating the works of God, of the omniscience and omnipotence of the Most High, and of the inscrutable dispensations of his provi- dence ; all that knowledge which could first tell, in * Sir Isaac Newton's Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, p. 208. t Ibid- p. 212. 14 158 IDUMEA. written word, of Arcturus, and Orion, and the Pleiades ; and all that devotedness of soul, and immortality of hope, which, with patience that faltered not even when the heart was bruised and almost broken, and the body- covered over with distress, could say, " Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him." But if the question now be asked. Is understanding perished out of Edom ] the answer, like every response of the prophetic word, may be briefly given : It is. The minds of the Bedouins are as uncultivated as the deserts they traverse. Practical wisdom is, in general, the first that man learns, and the last that he retains. And the simple but significant fact, already alluded to, that the clearing away of a little rubbish, merely " to allow the water to flow 5 ' into an ancient cistern, in order to render it useful to themselves, " is an undertaking far beyond the views of the wandering Arabs," shows that under- standing is indeed perished from among them* They view the indestructible works of former ages, not only with wonder, but with superstitious regard, and consider them as the work of genii. They look upon a European trav eller as a magician, and believe that, having seen any spot where they imagine that treasures are deposited, " he can afterward command the guardian of the treasure to set the whole before him."* In Teman, which yet maintains a precarious existence, the inhabitants possess the desire without the means of knowledge. The Koran is their only study, and contains the sum of their wis- dom. And, although he was but a " miserable com- forter," and was overmastered in argument by a kinsman stricken with affliction, yet no Temanite can now discourse with either the wisdom or the pathos of Eliphaz of old. Wisdom is no more in Teman, and understanding has perished out of the Mount of Esau. While there is thus subsisting evidence and proof that the ancient inhabitants of Edom were renowned for wisdom as well as for power, and while desolation has spread so widely over it, that it can scarcely be said to be inhabited by man, there still are tenants who hold possession of it, to whom it was abandoned by man, and to whom it was decreed by a voice more than mortal. And insignificant and minute as it may possibly appear to those who reject the light of revelation, or to the un- * Burckharars Travels, p. 429. IDUMEA. 159 reflecting mind (that will use no measuring-line of truth which stretches beyond that which inches out its own shallow thoughts, and wherewith, rejecting all other aid, it tries, by the superficial touch of ridicule alone, to sound the unfathomable depths of infinite Wisdom), yet the fol- lowing scripture, mingled with other words already veri- fied as the voice of inspiration, and voluntarily involving its title to credibility in the appended appeal to fact and challenge to investigation, may, in conjunction with kin- dred proofs, yet tell to man — if hearing he will hear, and show him, if seeing he will see — the verity of the divine word, and the infallibility of the divine judgments ; and, not without the aid of the rightful and unbiassed exercise of reason, may give under standing to the skeptic, that he may be converted, and that he may be healed by Him whose word is ever truth. " But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it (Idumea) ; the owl also, and the raven shall dwell in it. It shall be a habitation for dragons and a court for owls : the wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr (the hairy or rough creature) shall cry to his fellow ; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest ; there shall the great owl make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow ; there shall the vul- tures also be gathered every one with her mate. Seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read ; no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate ; for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them. And he hath cast the lot for them, and his hand hath divided it unto them by line : they shall possess it for ever; from generation to generation shall they dwell therein."* "I laid the mountains of Esau and his herit- age waste for the dragons of the wilderness."! Such is the precision of the prophecies, so remote are they from all ambiguity of meaning, and so distinct are the events which they detail, that it is almost unneces- sary to remark, that the different animals here enume- rated were not all in the same manner, or in the same degree, to be possessors of Edom. Some of them were to rest, to meet, to be gathered there : the owl and the raven were to dwell in it, and it was to be a habitation for dragons ; while of the cormorant and bittern, it is * Isa. xxxiv. 11 13-17. t Mai. i. 3. 160 IBUMEA. emphatically said, that they were to possess it. And is it not somewhat beyond a mere fortuitous coincidence, imperfect as the information is respecting Edom, that, in " seeking out" proof concerning these animals and whether none of them do fail, the most decisive evidence should, in the first instance, be unconsciously communi- cated from the boundaries of Edom, of the one which is first noted in the prediction, and which, was to possess the land 1 It will at once be conceded, that in whatever country any particular animal is unknown, no proper translation of its name can there be given ; and that for the purpose of designating or identifying it, reference must be had to the original name, and to the natural his- tory of the country in which it is known. And, without any ambiguity or perplexity arising from the translation of the word, or any need of tracing it through any other languages to ascertain its import, the identical word of the original, with scarcely the slightest variation (and that only the want of the final vowel in the Hebrew word ; vowels in that language being often supplied in the enunciation, or by points), is, from the affinity of the Hebrew and Arabic, used on the very spot by the Arabs, to denote the very bird which may literally be said to possess the land. While in the last inhabited village of Moab, and close upon the borders of Edom, Burckhardt noted the animals which frequented the neighbouring territory, in which he distinctly specifies Shera, the land of the Edomites ; and he relates that the bird katta* is " met with in immense numbers. They fly in such large flocks that the Arab boys often kill two or three of them at a time, merely by throwing a stick among them." If any objector be here inclined to say, that it is not to be wondered at that any particular bird should be found in any given country, that it might continue to remain for a term of ages, and that such a surmise would not exceed the natural probabilities of the case, the fact may be freely admitted as applicable, perhaps, to most countries of the globe. But whoever, elsewhere, saw any wild bird in any country, in flocks so immensely numerous, that two or three of them could be killed by the single throw of a stick from the hand of a boy ; and that thi? could be stated, not as a forcible, and perhaps false, illus- * flXp kat, a species of partridge. It is sometimes written, in the original fcata. Onkel KHp, vide Simonis Lexicon, p. 1393. IDUMEA. 161 tration to denote their number, nor as a wonderful chance or unusual incident, but as a fact of frequent occurrence % Whoever, elsewhere, heard of such a fact, not as happen- ing merely on a sea rock, the resort of myriads of birds, or their temporary resting-place, when exhausted in their flight, but in an extensive country, their permanent abode 1 Or if, among the manifold discoveries of travel- lers in modern times, it were really related that such occupants of a country are to be found, or that a corres- ponding fact exists in any other region of the earth which was once tenanted by man, who can also " find" in the records of a high antiquity the prediction that declared it ] Of what country now inhabited could the same fact be now with certainty foretold ; and where is the seer who can discern the vision, fix on the spot over the world's surface, and select, from the whole winged tribe, the name of the first in order and the greatest in number of the future and chief possessors of the land ] Of the bittern (kephud) as a joint possessor with the katta of Idumea, evidence has not been given, or ascer- tained; — but numerous as the facts have been which modern discoveries have consigned over to the service of revelation, that word of truth which fears no investi- gation can appeal to other facts, unknown to history and still undiscovered — but registered in prophecy, and there long since revealed. The owl oho and the raven {or crow) shall dwell in it.—- The owl and raven do dwell in it. Captain Mangles re- lates, that while he and his fellow-travellers were exam- ining the ruins and contemplating the sublime scenery of Petra, " the screaming of the eagles, hawks, and owls, who were soaring above their heads in considerable numbers, seemingly annoyed at any one approaching their lonely habitation, added much to the singularity of the scene.'' " The fields of Tafyle," situated in the im- mediate vicinity of Edom, are, according to the observa- tion of Burckhardt, " frequented by an immense number of crows." "I expected," says Seetzen (alluding to his purposed tour through Idumea, and to the informa- tion he had received from the Arabs), "to make several discoveries in mineralogy, as well as in the animals and vegetables of the country, on the manna of the desert, the ravens,"* &c. * Seetzen's Travels, p. 46 14* 162 IDUMEA. It shall be a habitation for dragcns {serpents), I laid his heritage waste for the foagons of the wilderness, — The evidence, though derived from testimony, and not from personal observation, of two travellers of so contrary characters and views as Shaw and Volney, is so accord- ant and apposite, that it may well be sustained in lieu of more direct proof. The former represents the land of Edom, and the wilderness of which it now forms part, as abounding with a variety of lizards and vipers, which are very dangerous and troublesome.* And the narrative given by Volney, already quoted, is equally decisive as to the fact. The Arabs, in general, avoid the ruins of the cities of Idumea, " on account of the enormous scorpions with which they swarm" Its cities, thus deserted by man, and abandoned to their undisturbed and hereditary posses- sion, Edom may justly be called the inheritance of dragons. The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, (or of the borders of the sea). Instead of these words of the English version, Parkhurst renders the former the ravenous birds hunting the icilderness. This interpretation was given long before the fact to which it refers was made known. But it has now been ascertained (and without any allusion, on the other hand, to the prediction) that eagles,f hawks, and ravens, all ravenous birds, are common in Edom, and do not fail to illustrate the prediction as thus translated. But when animals from different regions are said to meet, the prophecy, thus implying that some of them at least did not properly pertain to the country, would seem to re- quire some further verification. And of all the wonder- ful circumstances attached to the history, or pertaining to the fate, of Edom, there is one which is not to be ranked among the least in singularity, that bears no remote ap- plication to the prefixed prophecy, and that ought not, perhaps, to pass here unnoted. It is recorded in an an- cient chronicle, that the Emperor Decius caused fierce lions and lionesses to be transported from (the deserts of) Africa to the borders of Palestine and Arabia, in order that, propagating there, they might act as an an- noyance and a barrier to the barbarous Saracens :{ De ~ * Shaw's Travels, vol. ii. p. 105, 338. f Burckhardt's Travels, p. 405. X f dvrog Aeicios (SaciXevg Tjyayev dito Trjg Aj r" KipKiam Kao-py npog to iroitjcai yeveav 6ia Tug fiapafiapsg 'ZapaKrjvuS' — Chronicon Alexandrinum, ad ann. C. 353. Relandi Palestina,p. 97. iDUMEA. 163 tween Arabia and Palestine lies the doomed and execrated land of Edom. And may it not thus be added, that a cause so unnatural and unforeseen would greatly tend to the destruction of the flocks, and to the desolation of all the adjoining territory, — and seem to be as if the king of the forest was to take possession of it for his sub- jects ] And may it not be even literally said that the wild beasts of the desert meet there ivith the wild beasts of the borders of the sea ? The satyr shall dwell there. — The satyr is entirely a fabulous animal. The word (soir) literally means a rough, hairy one ; and, like a synoymous word in both the Greek and Latin languages which has the same signifi- cation, has been translated both by lexicographers and commentators the goat.* Parkhurst says, that in this sense he would understand this very passage ; and Lowth distinctly asserts, without assigning to it any other meaning, that "the word originally signifies goat"\ Such respectable and well-known authorities have been cited, because their decision must have rested on criti- cism alone, as it was impossible that their minds could have been biassed by any knowledge of the fact in refer- ence to Edom. It was their province, and that of others, to illustrate its meaning — it was Burckhardt's, however unconsciously, to bear, from ocular observation, witness to its truth. "In all the Wadys south of the Modjel and El Asha" (pointing to Edom), "large herds of moun- tain goats are met with. They pasture in flocks of forty and fifty together.'^ — They dwell there. But the evidence respecting all the animals specified in the prophecy, as the future possessors of Edom, is not yet complete, and is difficult to be ascertained. And, in words that seem to indicate this very difficulty, it is still reserved for future travellers, — perhaps some uncon- scious Volney, — to disclose the facts; and for future inquirers, whether Christian or infidel, to seek out of the book of the Lord and read : and to " find that no one of these do fail." Yet, recent as the disclosure of any * "So the Greek rpayog, a he-goat, is from rpaicvs, rough, on account of tho rovghness of his hair; and the Latin hircus, a he-goat, from hirtus, rough." — Parkhurst's Lexicon. t Lowth assigns the reason why the word is translated satyr, — it was sup- posed that evil spirits of old time appeared in the shape of goats, as the learned Bochart hath proved. Isaiah xiii. 21. X Burckhardt's Trav *ls in Syria. 164 IDUMEA. information respecting them has been, and offered, as it now for the first time is, for the consideration of every candid mind, the positive terms and singleness of object of the prophecies themselves, and the undesigned and decisive evidence are surely enough to show how greatly these several specific predictions and their respective facts exceed all possibility of their being the word or the work of man ; and how clearly there may be dis- covered in them all, if sight itself be conviction, the cre- dentials of inspiration, and the operation of His hands, — to whose prescience futurity is open, — to whose power all nature is subservient, — and " whose mouth it hath commanded, and whose spirit it hath gathered them." Noted as Edom was for its terribleness, and possessed of a capital city, from which even a feeble people could not easily have been dislodged, there scarcely could have been a question, even among its enemies, to what people that country would eventually belong. And it never could have been thought of by any native of another land, as the Jewish prophets were, nor by any uninspired mortal whatever, that a kingdom which had previously subsisted so long (and in which princes ceased not to reign, commerce to flourish, and " a people of great opu- lence" to dwell for more than six hundred years there- after) would be finally extinct, that all its cities would be for ever desolate, and though it could have boasted more than any other land of indestructible habitations for men, that their habitations would be desolate ; and that certain ivild animals, mentioned by name, would in differ- ent manners and degrees possess the country from gene- ration to generation. There shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau, Edom shall be cut off for ever. The aliens of Judah ever look with wistful eyes to the land of their fathers ; but no Edomite is now to be found to dispute the right of any animal to the possession of it, or to banish the owl from the temples and palaces of Edom. But the house of Esau did remain, and existed in great power, till after the commencement of the Christian era, a period far too remote from the date of the prediction for their subse- quent history to have been foreseen by man. The Idu- means were soon after mingled with the Nabatheans. And in the third century their language was disused, and their very name, as designating any people, had utterly IDUMEA- 165 perished ;* and their country itself, having become an outcast from Syria, among whose kingdoms it had long been numbered, was united to Arabia Petraea. Though the descendants of the twin-born Esau and Jacob have met a diametrically opposite fate, the fact is no less marvellous and undisputed, than the prediction in each case is alike obvious and true. While the posterity of Jacob have been " dispersed in every country under heaven," and are " scattered among all nations," and have ever remained distinct from them all, and while it is also declared that " a full end will never be made of them," the Edomites, though they existed as a nation for more than seventeen hundred years, have, as a period of nearly equal duration has proved, been cut off for ever; and while Jews are in every land, there is not any remaining on any spot of earth of the house of Esau. Idumea, in aid of a neighbouring state, did send forth, on a sudden, an army of twenty thousand armed men, — it contained at least eighteen towns, for centuries after the Christian era, — successive kings and princes reigned in Petra, — and magnificent palaces and temples, whose empty chambers and naked walls of wonderful architec- ture still strike the traveller with amazement, were con- structed there, at a period unquestionably far remote from the time when it was given to the prophets of Israel to tell, that the house of Esau was to be cut off for ever, that there would be no kingdom there, and that wild ani- mals would possess Edom for a heritage. And so de- spised is Edom, and the memory of its greatness lost, that there is no record of antiquity that can so clearly show us what once it was in the days of its power, as we can now read in the page of prophecy its existing desolation. But in that place where kings kept their court, and where nobles assembled, where manifest proofs of ancient opulence are concentrated, where princely habitations, retaining their external grandeur, but bereft of all their splendour, still look as if " fresh from the chisel," — even there no man dwells, it is given by lot to birds, and beasts, and reptiles ; it is a " court for owls," and scarcely are they ever frayed from their " lonely habitation" by the tread of a solitary traveller from a far distant land, among deserted dwellings and desolated ruins. * Origen, lib. iii. in Job. 165 IDUMEA. Hidden as the history and state of Edom has been for ages, every recent disclosure, being an echo of the pro- phecies, amply corroborates the truth, that the word of the Lord does not return unto him void, but ever fulfils the purpose for which he hath sent it. But the whole of its work is not yet wrought in Edom, which has fur- ther testimony in store : and while the evidence is not yet complete, so neither is the time of the final judg- ments on the land yet fully come. Judea, Amnion, and Moab, according to the word of prophecy, shall revive from their desolation, and the wild animals who have conjoined their depredations with those of barbarous men, in perpetuating the desolation of these countries, shall find a refuge and undisturbed possession in Edom, when, the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion being past, it shall be divided unto them by line, when they shall possess it for ever, and from generation to generation shall dwell therein. But without looking into futurity, a retrospect may here warrant, before leav- ing the subject, a concluding clause. That man is a bold believer, and must with whatever reluctance forego the name of skeptic, who possesses such redundant credulity as to think that all the predic- tions respecting Edom, and all others recorded in Scrip- ture, and realized by facts, were the mere haphazard results of fortuitous conjectures. And he who thus, with- out reflecting how incongruous it is to " strain at a gnat and swallow a camel," can deliberately, and with an unruffled mind, place such an opinion among the articles of his faith, may indeed be pitied by those who know in whom they have believed, but, if he forfeit not thereby all right of ever appealing to reason, must at least renounce all title to stigmatize, in others, even the most preposterous belief. Or if such, after all, must needs be his philosophical creed, and his rational con- viction! what can hinder him from believing also that other chance words — such as truly marked the fate of Edom, but more numerous and clear, and which, were he to " seek out and read," he would find in the self- same " book of the Lord" — may also prove equally true to the spirit, if not to the letter, against all the enemies of the gospel, whether hypocrites or unbelievers 1 May not his belief in the latter instance be strengthened by the experience that many averments of Scripture, in respect to times then future, and to facts then unknown, IEUMEA. 165 have already proved true 1 And may he not here find some analogy, at least, on which to rest his faith, whereas the conviction which, in the former case, he so readily cherishes is totally destitute of any semblance whatever to warrant the possibility of its truth 1 Or is this indeed the sum of his boasted wisdom, to hold to the conviction of the fallacy of all the coming judgments denounced in Scripture till " experience," personal though it should be, prove them to be as true as the past, and a compulsory and unchangeable but unredeeming faith be grafted on despair ] Or if less proof can possibly suffice, let him timely read and examine, and disprove also, all the credentials of revelation, before he account the be- liever credulous, or the unbeliever wise ; or else let him abandon the thought that the unrepentant iniquity and wilful perversity of man and an evil heart of unbelief (all proof derided, all offered mercy rejected, all meet- ness for an inheritance among them that are sanctified unattained, and all warning lost) shall not finally forbid that Edom stand alone — the seared and blasted monu- ment of the judgments of Heaven. A word may here be spoken even to the wise. Were any of the sons of men to be uninstructed in the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, and in the knowledge of his word, which maketh wise unto salva- tion, and to be thus ignorant of the truths and precepts of the gospel, which should all tell upon every deed done in the body ; what in such a case — if all their supe- rior knowledge were unaccompanied by religious prin- ciples — would all mechanical and physical science event- ually prove but the same, in kind, as the wisdom of the wise men of Edom ? And were they to perfect in astron- omy, navigation, and mechanics what, according to Sir Isaac Newton, the Edomites began, what would the moulding of matter to their will avail them, as moral and accountable beings, if their own hearts were not con- formed to the Divine will; and what would all their labour be at last but strength spent for naught 1 For were they to raise column above column, and again to hew a city out of the cliffs of the rock, let but such another word of that God whom they seek not to know go forth against it, and all their mechanical ingenuity and labour would just end in forming — that which Petra is, and which Rome itself is destined to be — " a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." The experiment has 168 PHILISTIA. already been made ; it may well and wisely be trusted to, as much as those which mortals make; and it is set before us that, instead of provoking the Lord to far worse than its repetition in personal judgments against our- selves, we may be warned by the spirit of prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus, to hear and obey the words of Him — " even of Jesus, who delivereth from the wrath to come." For how much greater than any deg- radation to which hewn but unfeeling rocks can be re- duced, is that of a soul, which while in the body might have been formed anew after the image of an all holy God, and made meet for beholding His face in glory, passing from spiritual darkness into a spiritual state, where all knowledge of earthly things shall cease to be power — where all the riches of this world shall cease to be gain — where the want of religious principles and of Christian virtues shall leave the soul naked, as the bare and empty dwellings in the clefts of the rocks — where the thoughts of worldly wisdom, to which it was inured before, shall haunt it still, and be more unworthy and hateful occupants of the immortal spirit than are the owls amid the palaces of Edom — and where all those sin- ful passions which rested on the things that were seen shall be like unto the scorpions which hold Edom as their heritage for ever, and which none can now scare away from among the wild vines that are there entwined around the broken altars where false gods were wor- shipped ! PHILISTIA. The land of the Philistines bordered on the west and south-west of Judea, and lies on the south-east point of the Mediterranean Sea. The country to the north of Gaza is very fertile, and long after the Christian era it possessed a very numerous population, and strongly for- tified cities. No human probability could possibly have existed in the time of the prophets, or at a much more recent date, of its eventual desolation. But it has belied, for many ages, every promise which the fertility of its soil and the excellence both of its climate and situation gave, for many preceding centuries, of its permanency, as a rich and well-cultivated region. And the voice of pro- phecy, which was not silent respecting it, proclaimed the fate that awaited it, in terms as contradictory, at t:^ PHILISTIA. 169 time, to every natural suggestion, as they are descriptive of what Philistia now actually is. " I will stretch out my hand upon the Philistines, and destroy the remnant of the seacoasts."* " baldness is come upon Gaza ; Ashkelon is cut off with the remnant of their valley."! " Thus saith the Lord, for three trans- gressions of Gaza, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof. I will send a fire upon the wall of Gaza which shall devour the palaces thereof. And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him that holdeth the sceptre from Ashkelon ; and I will turn my hand against Ekron ; and the remnant of the Philistines shall perish, saith the Lord God."± " For Ashkelon shall be a desolation ; it shall be cut off with the remnant of the valley; and Ekron shall be rooted up — Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy you, that there shall be no inhabitant ; and the seacoast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks."^ " The king shall perish from Gaza, and Ash- kelon shall not be inhabited."|| The land of the Philistines ivas to be destroyed* It par- takes of the general desolation common to it with Judea and other neighbouring states. While ruins are to be found in all Syria, they are particularly abundant along the seacoast, which formed, on the south, the realm of the Philistines. But its aspect presents some existing peculiarities, which travellers fail not to particularize, and which, in reference both to the state of the country, and the fate of its different cities, the prophets failed not to discriminate as justly as if their description had been drawn both with all the accuracy which ocular observa- tion and all the certainty which authenticated history could give. And the authority so often quoted may here be again appealed to. Volney (though, like one who in ancient times was instrumental to the fulfilment of a special prediction, " he meant not so, neither did his heart think so"), from the manner in which he generalizes his observations, and marks the peculiar features of the dif- ferent districts of Syria, with greater acuteness and per- spicuity than any other traveller whatever, is the ever- ready purveyor of evidence in all the cases which came within the range of his topographical description ol the * Ezekiel xxv. 16. T Jeremiah xlvii. 5. % Amos i. 6, 7, 8. § Zephaniah ii. 4, 5, 6. || Zectiariali ix. 5. 15 H 170 PHILISTIA. wide field of prophecy — while, at the same time, f om his known, open, and zealous hostility to the Chrisuaa cause, his testimony is alike decisive and unquestionable : and the vindication of the truth of the following predic- tions may safely be committed to this redoubted champion of infidelity. The seacoasts shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks. The remnant of the Philistines shall perish. Baldness is come upon Gaza ; it shall be forsaken* The king shall perish from Gaza, I will cut off the inhabit- ants from Ashdod. Ashkelon shall be a desolation, it shall be cut offiuith the remnant of the valley; it shall not be iiihabited. " In the plain between Ramla and Gaza" (the very plain of the Philistines along the seacoast) " we met with a number of villages badly built, of dried mud, and which, like the inhabitants, exhibit every mark of poverty and wretchedness. The houses, on a nearer view, are only so many huts (cottages) sometimes detached, at others ranged in the form of cells around a courtyard, enclosed by a mud wall. In winter, they and their cattle may be said to live together, the part of the dwelling allotted to themselves being only raised two feet above that in which they lodge their beasts" — (dwellings and cottages for shep- herds, and folds for flocks), " Except the environs of these villages, all the rest of the country is a desert, and aban- doned to the Bedouin Arabs, who feed their flocks on it."* The remnant shall perish ; the land of the Philistines shall be destroyed, that there shall be no inhabitant, and the seacoasts shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks. " The ruins of white marble sometimes found at Gaza prove that it was formerly the abode of luxury and opu- lence. It has shared in the general destruction: and, notwithstanding its proud title of the capital of Pales- tine, it is now no more than a defenceless village" (bald- ness has come upon it), " peopled by, at most, only two thou- sand inhabitants."! & * s forsaken and bereaved of its king, " The seacoast, by which it was formerly washed, is every day removing farther from the deserted ruins of Ashkelon."J It shall be a desolation, Ashkelon shall not be inhabited, "Amid the various successive ruins, those of Edzoud (Ashdod), so powerful under the Philistines, * Volney's Travels, vol. ii. p. 335, 336. t Ibid. 310 % Ibid. 33N. PHILTSTIA, ETC. 171 are now remarkable for their scorpions." The inhabitants shall be cut off from Ashdod. Although the Christian traveller must yield the palm to Volney,* as the topographer of prophecy, and although supplementary evidence be not requisite, yet a place is here willingly given to the following just observations. " Ashkelon was one of the proudest satrapies of the lords of the Philistines ; now there is not an inhabitant within its walls : and the prophecy of Zechariah is ful- filled. The king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited. When the prophecy was uttered, both cities were in an equally flourishing condition : and nothing but the prescience of Heaven could pronounce on which of the two, and in what manner, the vial of its wrath should be poured out. Gaza is truly without a king. The lofty towers of Ashkelon lie scattered on the ground, and the ruins within its walls do not shelter a human being. How is the wrath of man made to praise his Creator ! Hath he not said, and shall he not do it ? The oracle was delivered by the mouth of the prophet more than five hundred years before the Christian era, and we beheld its accomplishment eighteen hundred years after that event, "t Cogent and just as the reasoning is, the facts stated by Volney give wider scope for an irresistible argument. The fate of one city is not only distinguished from that of another ; but the varied aspect of the country itself, the dwellings and cottages for shepherds in one part, and that very region named, the rest of the land destroyed and uninhabited, a desert, and abandoned to the flocks of the wandering Arabs ; Gaza, bereaved of a king, a defenceless village, destitute of all its fortifications; Ashkelon, a desolation, and without an inhabitant ; the inhabitants also cut off from Ashdod, as reptiles tenanted it instead of men — form in each instance a specific pre- * Had Volney been a believer, had he " sought out of the book of the Lord and read," and had he applied all the facts which he knew in illustration of the prophecies, how completely would he have proved their inspiration ! But it is well for the cause of truth that such a witness was himself an unbeliever .for his evidence, in many an instance, comes so very close to the predictions, tliat his testimony, in the relation of positive facts, would have been utterly dis credited, and held as purposely adapted to the very words of prophecy, by those who otherwise lent a greedy ear to his utterance of some of the wildest fan- cies and most gross untruths that ever emanated from the mind of man, or ever entered into a deceitful heart. He who so artfully could pervert the truiii falls the victim of facts stated by himself. t Richardson's Travels, vol. 11. n. 204. * Ho 172 PHILISTIA, ETC. diction and a recorded fact, and present such a view of the existing state of Philistia as renders it difficult to determine, from the strictest accordance that prevails be- tween both, whether the inspired penman or the defamer of Scripture give the more vivid description. Nor is there any obscurity whatever, in any one of the circum- stances, or in any part of the proof. The coincidence is too glaring, even for wilful blindness not to discern ; and to all the least versed in general history the priority of the predictions to the events is equally obvious. And such was the natural fertility of the country, and such was the strength and celebrity of the cities, that no con- jecture possessing the least shadow of plausibility can be formed in what manner any of these events could possibly have been thought of, even for many centuries after "the vision and prophecy" were sealed. After that period Gaza defied the power of Alexander the Great, and withstood for two months a hard-pressed siege. The army with which he soon afterward overthrew the Persian empire having there, as well as at Tyre, been checked or delayed in the first flush of conquest, and he himself having been twice wounded in desperate attempts to storm the city, the proud and enraged King of Mace- don, with all the cruelty of a brutish heart, and boasting . of himself as a second Achilles, dragged at his chariot wheels the intrepid general who had defended it twice around the walls of Gaza.* Ashkelon was no less cele- brated for the excellence of its wines than for the strength of its fortifications.f And of Ashdod it is related by an eminent ancient historian, not only that it was a great city, but that it withstood the longest siege recorded in history (it may almost be said either of prior or of later date), having been besieged for the space of twenty-nine years by Psymatticus, king of Egypt. J Strabo, after the commencement of the Christian era, classes its citizens among the chief inhabitants of Syria. Each of these cities, Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ashdod, was the see of a bishop from the days of Constantine to the invasion of the Saracens. And, as a decisive proof of their exist- ence as cities long subsequent to the delivery of the pre-, dictions, it may further be remarked, that different coins of each of these very cities are extant, and are copied * Quinti Curtii, lib. iv. cap. 26. | Relandi Palest. 341, 586. t Herodot. Hist. lib. ii. cap. 157. PHILIST1A, ETC. 173 and described in several accounts of ancient coins.* The once princely magnificence of Gaza is still attested by the " ruins of white marble ;" and the house of the present aga is composed of fragments of ancient columns, cor- nices, &c; and in the courtyard, and immured in the wall, are shafts and capitals of granite columns.! In short, cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks, par- tially scattered along the seacoast, are now truly the best substitutes for populous cities that the once powerful realm of Philistia can produce ; and the remnant of that land which gave titles and grandeur to the lords of the Philistines is destroyed. Gaza, the chief of its satrapies, " the abode of luxury and opulence," now bereaved of its king, and bald of all its fortifications, is the defenceless residence of a subsidiary ruler of a devastated province ; and, in kindred degradation, ornaments of its once splen- did edifices are now bedded in a wall that forms an en- closure for beasts. A handful of men could now take unobstructed possession of that place, where a strong city opposed the entrance, and defied, for a time, the power of the conqueror of the world. The walls, the dwellings, and the people of Ashkelon have all perished ; and though its name was in the time of the crusades shouted in triumph throughout every land in Europe, it is now literally without an inhabitant. And Ashdod, which withstood a siege treble the duration of that of Troy, and thus outrivalled far the boast of Alexander at Gaza, has, in verification of " the word of God, which is sharper than any two-edged sword," been cut off, and has fallen before it to nothing. There is yet another city which was noted by the prophets, the very want of any information respecting which, and the absence of its name from several modern maps of Palestine, while the sites of other ruined cities are marked, are really the best confirmation of the truth of the prophecy that could possibly be given. Ekron shall be rooted up. It is rooted up. It was one of the chief cities c$. the Philistines ; but though Gaza still subsists, and while Ashkelon and Ashdod retain their jiames in their ruins, the very name of Ekron is missing.J * Relandi Palest, p. 595, 609, 797. f General Straton's MS. % In the map prefixed to Dr. Shaw's Travels, Akron is indeed marked ; but it is placed close upon the seacoast, whereas Ekron was situated in the inte- rior, and was at least ten miles distant. Shaw did not visit the spot. Br Richardson passed some ruins near to Ashdod, and conjectures that they wera 15* 174 PHILIST1A, ETC. The wonderful contrast in each particular, whether in respect to the land or to the cities- of the Philistines, is the exact counterpart of the literal prediction; and having the testimony of Volney to all the facts, and also indisputable evidence of the great priority of the predic- tions to the events, what more complete or clearer proof could there be that each and all of them emanated from the prescience of Heaven? The remaining boundary of Judea was the mountains of Lebanon on the north. Lebanon was celebrated for the extent of its forests, and particularly for the size and excellence of its cedars.* It abounded also with the pine, the cypress, and the vine, &c. But, describing what it now is, Volney says, " Towards Lebanon the mountains are lofty, but they are covered in many places with as much earth as fits them for cultivation by industry and labour. There, amid the crags of the rocks, may be seen the not very magnificent remains of the boasted cedars."f The words of the prophets of Israel answer the sarcasm, and convert it into a testimony of the truth : — " Lebanon is ashamed, and hewn down. The high ones of stature shall be hewn down; Lebanon shall fall mightily. "J "Upon the mountains, and in all the valleys, his branches are fallen ; to the end that none of all the trees by the water exalt themselves for their height, neither shoot up their top among the thick boughs. "§ " Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. probably Ekron. But neither does the site of them correspond with that of Ekron, which, according to Eusebius, lay between Ashdod andJamnia, towards the east, or inland. Vide Relan. Pal. 77. Any diversity of opinion respecting its site is not the least conclusive proof that it is rooted up. * Relandi Palest, p. 320, 379. Tacit. Hist. lib. v. cap. vi. t Travels, vol. i. p. 292. — Volney remarks in a note, that there are but four or five of those trees which deserve any notice ; and in a note, it may be added, from the words of Isaiah, — the rest of the trees of his forest shall be few, that a child may write them, c. x. 19. Could not the infidel write a brief note, or state a minute fact, without illustrating a prophecy? Maundrell, who visited Leba- non in the end of the seventeenth century, and to whose accuracy in other matters all subsequent travellers who refer to him bear witness, describes some of the cedars near the top of the mountain as " very old, and of a pro- digious bulk, and others younger of. a smaller size." Of the former he could reckon up only sixteen. He measured the largest, and found it above twelve yards in girth. Such trees, however few in number, show that the cedars of Lebanon had once been no vain boast. But after the lapse of more than a century, not a single tree of such dimensions is now to be seen. Of those ■which now remain, as visited by Captains Irby and Mangles, there are about fifty in whole, on a single small eminence, from which spot the cedars are the only trees to be seen in Lebanon, p. 209. ; Isa. xxxiii. 9 ; x. 33, 44. $ Ezek.xxxi. 12, 14. SUMMARY OF THE PROPHECIES. 175 The cedar is fallen; the forest of the vintage is come down."* Such are the prophecies which explicitly and avow- edly referred to the land of Judea and to the surround- ing states. And such are the facts drawn from the nar- ratives of travellers, and given, in general, in their own words, which substantiate their truth; though without any allusion, but in a few solitary instances, to the pre- dictions which they amply verify. The most unsuspected evidence has been selected ; and the far greater part is so fully corroborated and illustrated by other testimony, as to bid defiance to skepticism. The prophecies and the proofs of their fulfilment are so numerous, that it is im- possible to concentrate them in a single view without the exclusion of many ; and they are, upon a simple com- parison, so obvious and striking, that any attempt at their further elucidation must hazard the obscuring of their clearness and the enfeebling of their force. There is no ambiguity in the prophecies themselves, for they can bear no other interpretation but what is descriptive of the actual events. There can be no question of their genuineness or antiquity, for the countries whose future history they unveiled contained several millions of in- habitants, and numerous flourishing cities, at a period centuries subsequent to the delivery, the translation, and publication of the prophecies, and when the regular and public perusal of their Scriptures was the law and the practice of the Israelites ; and they have only gradually been reduced to their existing state of long-prophesied desolation. There could not possibly have been any human means of the foresight of facts so many and so marvellous ; for every natural appearance contradicted, and ever)'' historical fact condemned the supposition : and nothing but continued oppression and a succession of worse than Gothic desoiators, — no government on earth but the Turkish, no spoliators but the Arabs, could have converted such natural fertility into such utter and permanent desolation. Could it have been foreseen, that, after the lapse of some hundred years, no interval of prosperity or peaceful security would occur through- out many ensuing generations, to revive its deadened energies, or to rescue from uninterrupted desolation one of the richest and one of the most salubrious regions * Zech. xi. 1, 2. 176 SUMMARY OF THE PROPHECIES of the world, which the greater part of these territories naturally is ? Could the present aspect of any country, with every alterable feature changed, and with every altered feature marked, have been delineated by different uninspired mortals, in various ages from 2200 to 3300 years past ] And there could not, so far as all researches have hitherto reached, be a more triumphant demonstra- tion, from existing facts, of the truth of manifold pro- phecies. In reference to the complete historical truth of the predictions respecting the successive kings of Syria and Egypt, Bishop Newton emphatically remarks (as Sir Isaac Newton's observations had previously proved) that there is not so concise and comprehensive an account of their affairs to be found in any author of these times ; that the prophecy is really more perfect than any single history, and that no one historian hath related so many circumstances as the prophet has foretold : so that " it was necessary to have recourse to several authors for the better explaining and illustrating the great variety of particulars contained in the prophecy." The same re- mark, in the same words, may, more obviously, and with equal truth, be now applied to the geographical as well as to the historical proof of the truth of prophecy. Judea, which, before the age of the prophets, had, from the uni- formity and peculiarity of its government and laws, re- mained unvaried in a manner and to a degree unusual among nations, has since undergone many convulsions, and has for many generations been unceasingly subjected to reiterated spoliation. And now, after the lapse of more than twenty centuries, travellers see what prophets foretold. Each prediction is fulfilled in all its particulars, so far as the facts have (and in almost every case they have) been made known. But while the recent discov- eries of many travellers have disclosed the state of these countries, each of their accounts presents only an im- perfect delineation ; and a variety of these must be com- bined before they bring fully into view all those diversi- fied, discriminating, and characteristic features of the extensive scene which were vividly depicted of old, in all their minute lines, and varied shades, by the pencil of prophecy, and which set before us, as it were, the history, the land, and the people of Palestine. i Judea trodden down by successive desolators, — re- maining uncultivated from generation to generation, — the general devastation of the country, — the mouldering- CONCERNING JUDEA ETC. 177 ruins of its many cities, — the cheerless solitude of its once happy plains, — the wild produce of its luxuriant mountains, — the land covered with thorns, — the high- ways waste and untrodden, — its ancient possessors scat- tered abroad, — the inhabitants thereof depraved in char- acter, few in number, eating their bread with careful- ness, or in constant dread of the spoiler or oppressor, — the insecurity of property, — the uselessness of labour, — the poverty of their revenues, — the land emptied and de- spoiled, — instrumental music ceased from among them — the mirth of the land gone, — the use of wine prohibited in a land of vines, — and the wine itself bitter unto them that drink it ; — some very partial exceptions from uni- versal desolation, some rescued remnants, like the glean- ings of a field, and emblems of the departed glory of Judea, the devastation of the land of Ammon, the ex- tinction of the Ammonites, — the destruction of all their cities, — their country a spoil to the heathen, — and a per- petual desolation ; — the desolation of Moab, — its cities without any to dwell therein, and no city escaped, — the valley perished, the plain destroyed, — the wanderers that have come up against it, and that cause its inhabit- ants to wander, — the manner of the spoliation of the dwellers in Moab, their danger and insecurity in the plain country, and flying to the rocks for a refuge and a home, — while flocks lie down among the ruins of the cities, none there to make them afraid, — and the despoiled and impoverished condition of some of its wretched wander- ers ; — I dumea untrodden andunvisited by travellers, — the scene of an unparalleled and irrecoverable desolation, — its cities utterly abandoned and destroyed, — of the greater part of them no traces left — a desolate wilderness, over which the line of confusion is stretched out, — the coun- try bare, — no kingdom there, — its princes and nobles nothing, and empty sepulchres their only memorials, — thistles and thorns in its palaces, — a border of wicked- ness, — and yet greatly despised, — wisdom perished from Teman, and understanding out of the mount of Esau, — abandoned to birds and beasts and reptiles, specified by name, — its ancient possessors cut off for ever, and no one remaining of the house of Esau ; — the destruction of the cities of the Philistines, — cottages for shepherds and folds for flocks, along the seacoast, — the remnant of the plain destroyed and unoccupied by any fixed in- habitant :— -Lebanon ashamed, its cedars, few anddiminu- H3 178 NINEVEH. five, now a mockery instead of a praise; — and, finally, the different fate of many cities particularly denned, — the long subjection of Jerusalem to the Gentiles, — the buildings of Samaria cast down into the valley, its foun- dations discovered, and vineyards in its stead, all so clearly marked, both in the prophecy and on the spot, that they serve to fix its site, — Rabbah-Ammon, the capital of the Ammonites, now a pasture for camels, and a couching-place for flocks, — the chief city of Edom brought down, — a court for owls, and no man dwelling in it, — the forsaken Gaza, bereaved of a monarch, bald of all its fortifications, or defenceless, — Ashkelon, deso- late, without an inhabitant, — and Ekron rooted up : these are all ancient prophecies, and these are all present facts, which form of themselves a phalanx of evidence which all the shafts of infidelity can never pierce. Though the countries included in these predictions comprehend a field of prophecy extending over upwards of one hundred and twenty thousand square miles, the existing state of every part of which bears witness of their truth ; yet the prophets, as inspired by the God of nations, foretold the fate of mightier monarchies, of more extensive regions, and of more powerful cities : and there is not a people, nor a country, nor a capital which was then known to the Israelites whose future history they did not clearly reveal. And, instead of adducing argu- ments from the preceding very abundant materials, or drawing those facts already adduced to their legitimate conclusion, they may be left in their native strength, like the unhewn adamant; and we may pass to other proofs which also show that the temple of Christian faith rests upon a rock that cannot be shaken. CHAPTER VI. NINEVEH. To a brief record of the creation of the antediluvian world, and of the ^dispersion and the different settlements of mankind after - the deluge, the Scriptures of the Old Testament add a full and particular history of the He- NINEVEK. 179 brews for the space of fifteen hundred years, from the days of Abraham to the era of the last of the prophets. While the historical part of Scripture thus traces, from its origin, the history of the world, the prophecies give a prospective view which reaches to its end. And it is remarkable that profane history, emerging from fable, becomes clear and authentic about the very period when sacred history terminates, and when the fulfilment of these prophecies commences, which refer to other na- tions besides the Jews. Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, was for a long time an extensive and populous city. Its walls are said, by heathen historians, to have been a hundred feet in height, sixty miles in compass, and to have been defended by fifteen hundred towers, each two hundred feet high. Al- though it formed the subject of some of the earliest of the prophecies, and was the very first which met its pre- dicted fate, yet a heathen historian, in describing its capture and destruction, repeatedly refers to an ancient prediction respecting it. Diodorus Siculus relates, that the King of Assyria, after the complete discomfiture of his army, confided in an old prophecy, that Nineveh would not be taken unless the river should become the enemy of the city ;* that, after an ineffectual siege of two years, the river, swollen with long-continued and tem- pestuous torrents, inundated part of the city, and threw down the wall for the space of twenty furlongs ; and that the king, deeming the prediction accomplished, de- spaired of his safety, and erected an immense funeral pile, on which he heaped his wealth, and with which himself, his household, and palace were consumed.! The book of Nahum was avowedly prophetic of the de- struction of Nineveh : and it is there foretold " that the gates of the river shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved." " Nineveh of old, like a pool of water — with an overflowing flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof."J The historian describes the facts by which the other predictions of the prophet were as literally fulfilled. He relates that the King of Assyria, elated with his former victories, and ignorant of the re- volt of the Bactrians, had abandoned himself to scan- dalous inaction ; had appointed a time of festivity, and supplied his soldiers with abundance of wine ; and that * Diod. Sic. lib. ii. p. 82, 83. Ed. Wessel. 1793. t Ibid. p. 84. % Nahum ii. 6 • « 8. 180 NINEVEH. the general of the enemy, apprized, by deserters, of their negligence and drunkenness, attacked the Assyrian army while the whole of them were fearlessly giving way to indulgence, destroyed great part of them, and drove the rest into the city.* The words of the prophet were hereby verified : " While they be foiden together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble full dry."f The prophet promised much spoil to the enemy : " Take the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold ; for there is no end of the store and glory out of all the pleasant furniture. "J And the historian affirms, that many talents of gold and silver, preserved from the fire, were carried to Ecbatana.^ Ac- cording to Nahum, the city was not only to be destroyed by an overflowing flood, but the fire also was to devour it ;|| and, as Diodorus relates, partly by water, partly by fire, it was destroyed. The utter and perpetual destruction and desolation of Nineveh were foretold : — " The Lord will make an utter end of the place thereof. Affliction shall not rise up the second time. She is empty, void, and waste. — The Lord will stretch out his hand against the north, and destroy Assyria, and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like a wilderness. How is she become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down in \"% In the second century, Lucian, a native of a city on the banks of the Euphrates, testified that Nineveh was utterly perished — that there was no vestige of it remaining — and that none could tell where once it was situated. This testimony of Lu- cian, and the lapse of many ages during which the place was not known where it stood, render it at least some- what doubtful whether the remains of an ancient city, opposite to Mosul, which have been described as such by travellers, be indeed those of ancient Nineveh. It is, perhaps, probable that they are the remains of the city which succeeded Nineveh, or of a Persian city of the same name, which was built on the banks of the Tigris by the Persians subsequently to the year 230 of the Christian era, and demolished by the Saracens in 632.** In contrasting the then existing great and increasing population, and the accumulating wealth of the proud * Diod. Sic. lib. ii. p. 81, 84. t Nahum i. 10 ; iii. 2. t Ibid. ii. 9. $ Diod. p. 87. || Nahum iii. 15. m Nahum i. 8, 9 ; ii. 10 ; iii. 17, 18, 10. Zeph. ii. 13, 14, 15. ** Marshami Can. Ckron. sec. xvii. p. 600. Ed. Franeq. 1606 NINEVEH. 181 inhabitants of the mighty Nineveh, with the utter ruin that awaited it, — the word of God (before whom all the inhabitants of the earth are as grasshoppers; by Nahum was — " Make thyself many as the canker-worm, make thyself many as the locusts. Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven : the canker-worm spoileth, and flyeth away. Thy crowned are as the locusts, and thy captains as the great grasshoppers which camp in the hedges in the cold day : but when the sun riseth, they flee away ; and their place is not known where they are," or were. Whether these words imply that even the site of Nineveh would in future ages be uncertain or unknown ; or, as they rather seem to inti- mate, that every vestige of the palaces of its monarchs, of the greatness of its nobles, and of the wealth of its numerous merchants would wholly disappear ; the truth of the prediction cannot be invalidated under either in- terpretation. The avowed ignorance respecting Nine* veh, and the oblivion which passed over it, for many an age, conjoined with the meagerness of evidence to iden- tify it still, prove that the place was long unknown where it stood, and that, even now, it can scarcely with cer- tainty be determined. And if the only spot that bears its name, or that can be said to be the place where it was, be indeed the site of one of the most extensive of cities on which the sun ever shone, and which continued for many centuries to be the capital of Assyria — the " principal mounds," few in number, which " show neither bricks, stones, nor other materials of building, but are in many places overgrown with grass, and resemble the mounds left by intrenchments and fortifications of an- cient Roman camps," and the appearances of other mounds and ruins less marked than even these, extending for ten miles, and widely spread, and seeming to be " the wreck of former buildings,"* show that Nineveh is left without one monument of royalty, without any token whatever of its splendour or wealth ; that their place is not known where they were ; and that it is indeed a desolation — " empty, void, and waste," its very ruins perished, and less than the wreck of what it was. " Such an utfer ruin" in every view, " has been made of it ; and such is the truth of the divine predictions."! * Buckingham's Travels in Mesopotamia, vol. ii. p. 49, 51, 62. t See Bishop Nev T tcn's Dissertations, 16 182 BABYLON. BABYLON. If ever there was a city that seemed to bid defiance to any predictions of its fall, that city was Babylon. It was, for a long time, the most famous city in the whole world.* Its walls, which were reckoned among the wonders of the world, appeared rather like the bulwarks of nature than the workmanship of man.f The temple of Belus, half a mile in circumference and a furlong in height — the hanging gardens, which, piled in successive terraces, towered as high as the walls — the embankments which restrained the Euphrates — the hundred brazen gates — and the adjoining artificial lake — all displayed many of the mightiest works of mortals concentrated in a single spot.J Yet, while in the plenitude of its power, and, according to the most accurate chronologers, 160 years before the foot of an enemy had entered it, the voice of prophecy pronounced the doom of the mighty and unconquered Babylon. A succession of ages brought it gradually to the dust ; and the gradation of its fall is marked till it sink at last into utter desolation. At a time when nothing but magnificence was around Babylon the great, fallen Babylon was delineated exactly as every traveller now describes its ruins. And the prophecies concerning it may be viewed connectedly, from the period of their earliest to that of their latest fulfilment. The immense fertility of Chaldea, which retained also * Plinii Hist. Nat. lib. v. cap. 26. t The extent of the walls of Babylon is variously stated : by Herodotus at 480 stadia, or furlongs, in circumference ; by Pliny and Solinus at sixty Roman miles, or of equal extent ; by Strabo at 385 stadia ; by Diodorus Siculus, according to the slightly different testimony of Ctesias and Clitarchus, both of whom visited Babylon, at 360 or 365 ; and to the last of these statements that of Quintus Curtius nearly corresponds, viz. 368. The difference of a few stadia rather confirms than disproves the general accuracy of the last three of these accounts. There may have been an error in the text of Herodotus of 480, instead of 380, which Pliny and Solinus may have copied. The varia- tion of 20 or 25 stadia, in excess, may have been caused by the line cf mea- surement having been the outside of the trench, and not immediately of the wall. And thus the various statements may be brought nearly to correspond. Major Rennel, estimating the stadium at 491 feet, computes the extent of the wall at 34 miles, or eight and a half on each side. The opposite and contra- dictory statements of the height and breadth of the wall may possibly be best reconciled on the supposition that they refer to different periods. Herodotus states the height to have been 200 cubits, or 300 feet, and the breadth 50 cubits, or 75 feet. According to Curtius, the height was 150 feet, and the breadth 32; while Strabo states the heigh' at 75 feet, and the breadth at 32 feet. t Herod, lib. i. c. 178. Diodor. Sic. lib. U. p. 26. Plin. lib. v. c. 26. Quint! Cur. lib v. c. 4 BABYLON. 183 the name of Babylonia till after the Christian era,* cor- responded, if that of any country could vie, with the greatness of Babylon. It was the most fertile region of the whole east.f Babylonia was one vast plain, adorned and enriched by the Euphrates and the Tigris, from which, and from the numerous canals that inter- sected the country from the one river to the other, water was distributed over the fields by manual labour and by hydraulic machines,! giving rise, in that warm climate and rich, exhaustless soil, to an exuberance of produce without a known parallel, over so extensive a region, either in ancient or modern times. Herodotus states, that he knew not how to speak of its wonderful fertility, which none but eyewitnesses would credit ; and, though wruing in the language of Greece, itself a fertile coun- try, he expresses his own consciousness that his descrip- tion of what he actually saw would appear to be improb- able, and to exceed belief. In his estimation, as well as in that of Strabo and of Pliny (the three best ancient authorities that can be given), Babylonia was of all countries the most fertile in corn, the soil never produc- ing less, as he relates, than two hundred fold, an amount, in our colder regions, scarcely credible, though Strabo, the first of ancient geographers, agrees with the " father of history" in recording that it reached even to three hundred, the grain, too, being of prodigious size.§ After being subjected to Persia, the government of Chaldea was accounted the noblest in the Persian empire. |] Besides supplying horses for military service, it main- tained about seventeen thousand horses for the sove- reign's use. And, exclusive of monthly subsidies, the supply from Chaldea (including perhaps Syria) for the subsistence of the king and of his army amounted to a third part of all that was levied from the whole of the Persian dominions, which at that time extended from the Hellespont to India.^f Herodotus incidentally mentions that there were four great towns in the vicinity of Babylon. Such was the " Chaldee's excellency," that it departed not on the first conquest, nor on the final extinction of its capital ; but one metropolis of Assyria arose after * Strabo, lib. xvi. p. 743. t A gram totius orientis fertilissimum.- Plin. Hist. IS/at. lib. v. c. 26. t Herod, lib. i. c. 192. $ Ibid. Strabo, lib xvi. p. 742. I! Herod, lib. i.e. 102. If Ibid. 184 BABYLON. another in the land of Chaldea, when Babylon had ceased to be " the glory of kingdoms." The celebrated city of Seleucia, whose ruins attest its former greatness, was founded and built by Seleucus Nicator, king of Assyria, one of the successors of Alexander the Great, in the year before Christ 293, — three centuries after Jeremiah prophesied. In the first century of the Christian era it cont lined six hundred thousand inhabitants.* The Par- thian kings transferred the seat of empire to Cte siphon, on the opposite bank of the Tigris, where they resided in winter ; and that city, formerly a village, became great and powerful.f Six centuries after the latest of the predictions, Chaldea could also boast of other great cities,J such as Artemita and Sitacene, besides many towns. When invaded by Julian it was a " fruitful and pleasant country." And at a period equally distant from the time of the prophets and from the present day, in the seventh century, Chaldea was the scene of vast magnificence, in the reign of Chosroes. " His favourite residence of Artemita or Destagered, was situated beyond the Tigris, about sixty miles to the north of the capital (Ctesiphon). The adjacent pastures," in the words of Gibbon, " were covered with flocks and herds ; the para- dise, or park, was replenished with pheasants, peacocks, ostriches, roebucks, and wild boars, and the noble game of lions and tigers was sometimes turned loose for the golden pleasures of the chase. Nine hundred and sixty elephants were maintained for the use and splendour of the great king; his tents and baggage were carried into the field by twelve thousand great camels, and eight thousand of a smaller size ; and the royal stables were filled with six thousand mules and horses. Six thousand guards successively mounted before the palace gate, and the service of the interior apartments was performed by twelve thousand slaves. The various treasures of gold, silver, gems, silk, and aromatics were deposited in a hundred subterranean vaults."^ "In the eighth cen- tury, the towns of Samarah, Horounieh, and Djasserik formed, so to speak, one street of twenty-eight miles."j] * Plin. lib. v. c. 26. | Strabo, lib. xvi. p. 743. X Ibid. p. 744. § Gibbon's History, c. 46, vol. iv. p. 423. j| Malte Brun's Geography, vol. ii. p. 119. Historical documents are not wanting to prove that the richness of Chaldea, down to the time of the Arabian califs, was such as to give the charm of truth (which, indeed, it is generally admitted that they possess) to many of the splendid descriptions which abound in the otherwise fictitious narratives of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. BABYLON. 185 Chaldea, with its rich soil and warm climate, and inter- sected by the Tigris and Euphrates, was one of the last countries in the world of which the desolation could have been thought of by man. For to this day " there cannot be a doubt, that if proper means were taken, the country would with ease be brought to a high state of cultivation."* Manifold are the prophecies respecting Babylon antf the land of the Chaldeans ; and the long lapse of ages has served to confirm their fulfilment in every particular, and to render it at last complete. The judgments of Heaven are not casual, but sure ; they are not arbitrary, but righteous. And they were denounced against the Babylonians and the inhabitants of Chaldea expressly because of their idolatry, tyranny, oppression, pride, covetousness, drunkenness, falsehood, and other wick- edness. So debasing and brutifying was their idolatry, — or so much did they render the name of religion sub- servient to their passions, — that practices the most abom- inable, which were universal among them, formed the very observance of some of their religious rites, of which even heathen writers could not speak but in terms of indignation and abhorrence. Though enriched with a prodigality of blessings, the glory of God was not regarded by the Chaldeans; and all the glory of man with which the plain of Shinar was covered has become, in consequence as well as in chastisement of prevailing vices, and of continued though diversified crimes, the wreck, the ruin, and utter desolation which the word of God (for whose word but his ]) thus told from the begin- ning that the event would be. The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amos did see. — " The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people: a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together : the Lord of Hosts mustereth the host of the battle. They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land. — Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land deso- late : and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chal- dees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom * Bombay Philosophical Transactions, vol. i. p. 124. 16* 186 BABYLON. and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation : neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there. But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there : and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures ; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there. And the wild beasts of the island shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces."* " Thou shalt take up this proverb against the King of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased ! Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols : the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. — Thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Thou art cast out of the grave like an abomi- nable branch — I will cut off from Babylon the name and remnant, the son and nephew, saith the Lord. I will also make it a possession for the bittern and pools of water : and I will sweep it with the besom of destruc- tion, saith the Lord of Hosts."f " Babylon is fallen, is fallen ; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground. "J " Thus saith the Lord, that saith unto the deep, be dry ; and I will dry up thy rivers : that saith of Cyrus, he is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure, — and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two-leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut."§ " Bel boweth down," &c.|| " Come down, and sit in the dust, virgin daughter of Baby- lon : sit on the ground, there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans. Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans : for thou shalt no more be called the lady of kingdoms. Thou hast said, I shall be a lady for ever. — Hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else besides me ; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children. But these two things shall come to thee in a moment, in one day, the loss of children and widow- hood : they shall come upon thee in their perfection, for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abun- dance of thine enchantments. For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness, &c. Therefore shall evil come upon * Isa. xiii. 1, 4, 5, 9, 19-22. f Ibid. xiv. 4, 11, 19, 22, 23. j Ibid. xxi. 9. $ Ibid. xliv. 27, 28; xlv. 1. U Ibid. xlvi. 1. BABYLON. 187 thee ; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth ; and mischief shall come upon thee ; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know."* " I will punish the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations. And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations. For many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of them also : and I will recompense them according to their deeds, and according to the works of their own hands."f " The word that the Lord spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet. De- clare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard ; publish, and conceal not ; say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces ; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces. For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein ; they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast."! " For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country : and they shall set themselves in array against her ; from thence she shall be taken : their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man ; none shall return in vain. And Chaldea shall be a spoil ; all that spoil her shall be satisfied, saith the Lord. Behold the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land and a desert. Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate ; every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues."^ " Her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down ; for it is the vengeance of the Lord : take vengeance upon her ; as she hath done, do unto her. Cut off the sower from Babylon, and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest ; for fear of the oppressing sword they shall turn every one to his people, and they shall flee every one to his own land."|| — " Go up against the land of Merathaim, even against it, and against the inhabitants of Pekod; waste and utterly destroy after them. — A sound of battle is in the * Isa. xlvii. 1, 5, 7-11- t J«*?. xxv. 13-J4, f Jer. 1. 1, 2, 3. $ Ibid. 0-13. U Ibid. 15, 16 188 BABYLON. land, and of great destruction. How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken ! how is Baby- lon become a desolation among the nations ! I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware : thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the Lord. The Lord hath opened his armory, and hath brought forth the weapons of his indignation : for this is the work of the Lord God of Hosts in the land of the Chaldeans. Come against her from the utmost border, open her store- houses ; cast her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly, let nothing of her be left."* " Let none thereof escape ; and the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up ; I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him."f " A sword is upon the Chaldeans, saith the Lord, and upon the inhabitants of Babylon, and upon her princes, and upon her wise men. A sword is upon the liars ; — a sword is upon her mighty men; — a sword is upon their horses, and upon their chariots, and upon all the mingled people that are in the midst of her ; — a sword is upon her treasures ; and they shall be robbed. A drought is upon her waters ; and they shall be dried up : for it is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols. Therefore the wild beasts of the desert, with the wild beasts of the islands, shall dwell there, and the owls shall dwell therein ; and it shall be no more inhabited for ever ; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation. As God over- threw Sodom and Gomorrah, and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the Lord, so shall no more man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein. Be- hold, a people shall come from the north, and a great nation and many kings shall be raised up from the coasts of thi earth. They shall hold the bow and the lance ; they are cruel, and will not show mercy; their voice shall roar like the sea, and they shall ride on horses, every one put in array, like a man to the battle, against thee, O daughter of Babylon. — Behold he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan into the habitation of the strong : but I will make them suddenly run away from her : and who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her 1 For who is like me ] And who will appoint me the time 1 And who is that shepherd that will stand * Jer. 1. 21-26. t Ibid. 29, 32. BABYLON 189 before me 1 Therefore hear ye the counsel of the Lord that he hath taken against Babylon; and his purposes that he hath purposed against the land of the Chaldeans ; surely the least of the flock shall draw them out ; surely he shall make their habitation desolate with them."* — I will send unto Babylon fanners that shall fan her, and shall empty her land. — The slain shall fall in the land of the Chaldeans. — Babylon is suddenly fallen and de- stroyed ; howl for her ; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed. We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed ; forsake her, and let us go every one unto his own country ; for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.f — The Lord hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes ; for his device is against Babylon to destroy it, &c. — O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thin^ end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness. The Lord of Hosts hath sworn by himself, saying, Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillars ; and they shall lift up a shout against thee. J — Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the Lord, which de- stroyest all the earth ; and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roil thee down from the rocks, and I will make thee a burnt mountain. — Set up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the king- doms of Ararat, Minni, and Aschenaz ; prepare against her the nations, with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion. And the land shall tremble and sorrow ; for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation with- out an inhabitant. The mighty men of Babylon have forborne to fight, they have remained in their holds ; their might hath failed; they became as women: they have burnt her dwelling-places ; her bars are broken. — One post shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to show the King of Babylon that his city is taken at one end ; and that the passages are stopped. — Thus sairh the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing-floor — it is time to thresh her : yet a little while, and the time of her har- vest shall come:$ — I will dry up her sea, and make * Jer. 1 . 35-45. \ Ibid. li. 2, 8, 9. % Ibid. 11, 13, 14. $ Ibid. 25-33, 190 BABYLON. her springs dry. And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwelling-place for dragons, an astonishment, and an hiss- ing, without an inhabitant. — In their heat I will make their feasts, — that they may sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake : — how is the praise of the whole earth sur- prised! how is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations ! The sea is come upon Babylon ; she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof. Her cities are a desolation, a dry land and a wilderness, a land wherein no man dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass thereby. And I will punish Bel in Babylon ; and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up : and the nations shall not flow to- gether any more unto him ; yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall — a rumour shall come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler. Therefore, behold, the days come that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon : and her w T hole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her, &c* And I will make drunk her princes and her wise men, her cap- tains, and her rulers, and mighty men : and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the King, whose name is the Lord of Hosts. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire ; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary. — And it shall be when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates : and thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her.f j The enemies who were to besiege Babylon, the cow- ardice of the Babylonians, the manner in which the city was taken, and all the remarkable circumstances of the siege were foretold and described by the prophets as the facts are related by ancient historians. ( Go up, O Elam (or Persia) ; besiege, O Media. The Lord hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes, for his device is against Babylon to destroy it. The kings of Persia and Media, prompted by a common interest, freely entered into a league against Babylon, and with one accord entrusted the command of their united armies * 1st. \l 36, 37, 39, 41 42, 43, 44, 45, 47. f Itid. 57, 58, 63, 61 BABYLON. 191 «> Cyrus,* the relative, and eventually the successor of tnemboth. — But the taking of Babylon was not reserved for these kingdoms alone : other nations had to be pre- pared against her. Set up a standard in the land : blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minnl, and Aschenaz ; Lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country, &c. — ■ Cyrus subdued the Armenians, who had revolted against Media, spared their king, bound them over anew to their allegiance by kindness rather than by force, and incor- porated their army with his own.f He adopted the Hyr- caneans, who had rebelled against Babylon, as allies and confederates with the Medes and Persians-! He con- quered the united forces of the Babylonians and Lydians, took Sardis, with Croesus and all his wealth, spared his life after he was at the stake, restored to him his family and his household, received him into the number of his counsellors and friends, and thus prepared the Lydians* over whom he reigned, and who were formerly combined with Babylon, for coming up against it.§ He overthrew also the Phrygians and Cappadocians, and added their armies in like manner to his accumulating forces. || And by successive alliances and conquests, by proclaiming liberty to the slaves, by a humane policy, consummate skill, a pure and noble disinterestedness, and a boundless generosity, he changed, within the space of twenty years, a#confederacy which the King of Babylon had raised up against the Medes and Persians, whose junction he feared, into a confederacy even of the same nations against Baby- lon itself, — and thus a standard was set up against Baby- lon in many a land, kingdoms were summoned, prepared, and gathered together against her ; and an assembly of great nations from the north — including Ararat and Minni, or the greater and lesser Armenia, and Aschenaz, or, accord- ing to Bochart, Phrygia — were raised up, and caused to come against Babylon* Without their aid, and before they were subjected to his authority, he had attempted in vain to conquer Babylon ; but when he had prepared and gathered them together, it was taken, though by ar- tifice more than by power. * Xenoph. Cyrop. lib. i. p. 53. Ed. Hutch. Glas. 1821. f Ibid. 1. iii. p. 158. % Ibid. 1. iv. p. 215, 217. § Ibid. 1. ii. p. 408-416. [| Ibid. 1. iv. p. 427, 423 192 BABYLON. they shall hold the bow and the lance — they shall ride upon horses — let the archer bend his bow — all ye that bend the bow shoot at her. They rode upon horses. Forty thou- sand Persian horsemen were armed from among the na- tions which Cyrus subdued; many horses of the captives were besides distributed among all the allies. And Cyrus came up against Babylon with a great multitude of horse ;* — and also with a great multitude of archers and javelin menf — that held the boio and the lance. No sooner had Cyrus reached Babylon, with the na- tions which he had prepared and gathered against her, than, in the hope of discovering some point not utterly im- pregnable, accompanied by his chief officers and friends, he rode round the walls, and examined them on every side, after having for that purpose stationed his whole army round the city. J They camped against it round about. They put themselves in array against Babylon round about. Frustrated in the attempt to discover, throughout the whole circumference, a single assailable point, and find ing that it was not possible, by any attack, to make him- self master of walls so strong and so high, and fearing that his army would be exposed to the assault of the Babylonians by a too extended and consequently weak- ened line, — Cyrus, standing in the middle of his army, gave orders that the heavy-armed men should move, in opposite directions, from each extremity towards the centre ; and the horse and light-armed men being nearer and advancing first, and the phalanx being redoubled and closed up, the bravest troops thus occupied alike the front and the rear, and the less effective were stationed in the middle. § Such a disposition of the army, in the estima- tion of Xenophon,- himself a most skilful general, was well adapted both for fighting and preventing flight ; while the Christian, judging differently of their successive move- ments, may here see the fulfilment of one prediction after another. For as in this manner " they stood facing the walls," in regular order and not as a disorderly and undisciplined host, though composed of various nations, they set themselves in array against Babylon, every man put in array. A trench was dug round the city — towers were erected — Babylon was besieged — the army was divided into * XenopU. Cyrop. p. 428. t Tbid. p. 429. (. Ibid. $ Ibid. p. 430. BABYLON. 193 twelve parts, that each, monthly by turn, might keep watch throughout the year ;* — and though the orders were given by Cyrus, the command of the Lord of Hosts was unconsciously obeyed — let none thereof escape. The mighty men of Babylon have forborne to fight. They have remained in their holds ; their might hath failed, they became as women* Babylon had been the hammer of the whole earth, by which nations were broken in pieces, and kingdoms destroyed. Its mighty men carried the terror of their arms to distant regions, and led nations captive. But they were dismayed, according to the word of the God of Israel, whenever the nations which he had stirred up against them stood in array before their walls. Their timidity, so clearly predicted, was the express complaint and accusation of their enemies, who in vain attempted to provoke them to the contest. Cyrus challenged their monarch to single combat, but also in vain ;f for the hands of the King of Babylon waxed feeble. Courage had departed from both prince and people ; and none attempted to save their country from spoliation, or to chase the assail- ants from their gates. They sallied not forth against the invaders and besiegers, nor did they attempt to disjoin and disperse them, even when drawn all around their walls and comparatively weak along the extended line. Every gate was still shut ; and they remained in their holds. Being as unable to rouse their courage, even by a close block- ade, and to bring them to the field, as to scale or break down any portion of their stupendous walls or to force their gates of solid brass, Cyrus reasoned that the greater that was their number, the more easily would they be starved into surrender, and yield to famine, since they would not contend with arms nor come forth to fight. — And hence arose, for the space of two years, his only hope of eventual success. So dispirited became its peo- ple, that Babylon, which had made the world as a wilder- ness, was long unresistingly a beleaguered town. But, possessed of many fertile fields and of provisions for twenty years, which in their timid caution they had plen- tifully stored, they derided Cyrus from their impregnable walls, within which they remained.% Their profligacy, their wickedness, and false confidence were unabated ; they continued to live carelessly in pleasures, but their might did not return : and Babylon the great, unlike to * Xenoph. Cyrop. p. 430-434. t Ibid. 1. v. p. 290. % Ibid. 1. vii. p. 434. Herod. 1. i. c. 19C 17 I 1 94 BABYLON. many a small fortress and unwalled towi , made not one effort to regain its freedom or to be rid of the foe. Much time having been lost, and no progress having been made in the siege, the anxiety of Cyrus was strongly excited, and he was reduced to great perplex- ity, when at last it was suggested and immediately de- termined on, to turn the course of the Euphrates. But the task was not an easy one. The river was a quarter of a mile broad, and twelve feet deep, and in the opinion of one of the counsellors of Cyrus, the city was stronger by the river than by its walls. Diligent and laborious preparation was made for the execution of the scheme, yet so as to deceive the Babylonians. And the great trench, ostensibly formed for the purpose of blockade, which for the time it eifectually secured, was dug around the walls on every side, in order to drain the Euphrates, and to leave its channel a straight passage into the city, through the midst of which it flowed. But in the words of Herodotus, " if the besieged had either been aware of the designs of Cyrus, or had discovered the project before its actual accomplishment, they might have ef- fected the total destruction of their troops. They had only to secure the little gates which led to the river, and to man the embankment on either side, and they might have enclosed the Persians as in a net, from which they could never have escaped."* Guarding as much as pos- sibly they could against such a catastrophe, Cyrus pur- posely chose, for the execution of his plan, the time of a great annual Babylonish festival, during which, according to their practice, " the Babylonians drank and revelled the whole night." And while the unconscious and reck- less citizens " were engaged in dancing and merriment," tho river was suddenly turned into the lake, the trench, and the canals ; and the watchful Persians, both foot and horse, so soon as the subsiding of the water permitted, entered by its channel, and were followed by the allies in array, on the dry part of the river.f " / will dry up thy sea, and make thy springs dry. That saith to the deep, Be dry, I will dry up thy rivers. " One detachment was placed where the river first enters the city, and another where it leaves it. "J And one post did run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to show the King of Babylon that his city is taken at * Herod, lib. i. c. 191. t Herod, ibid. Xenoph. Cyrop. 1. vii. p. 434-437. + Herod, lib. l. 191. BABYLON. 195 the end, and that the passages are shut, " They were taken," says Herodotus, " by surprise ; and such is the extent of the city, that, as the inhabitants themselves affirm, they who lived in the extremities were made prisoners before any alarm was communicated to the centre of the place,"* where the palace stood. Not a gate of the city wall was opened ; not a brick of it had fallen. But a snare ivas laid for Babylon — it was taken, and it was not aware ; it was found and also caught, for it had sinned against the Lord. How is the praise of the whole earth surprised ! For thou hast trusted in thy wicked- ness, and thy wisdom, and thy knowledge, it hath perverted, thee, therefore shall evil come upon thee, and thou shalt not know from whence it riseth, and mischief shall come upon thee, and thou shalt not be able to put it off, &c. — None shall save thee. In their heat I will make their feasts, and I will make them drunken, that they may rejoice and sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the Lord. I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter, &c. I will make drunken her princes and her wise men, her captains, and her rulers, and her mighty men, and they shall sleep a per- petual sleep, &c. Cyrus, as the night drew on, stimu- lated his assembled troops to enter the city, because in that night of general revel within the walls many of them were asleep, many drunk, and confusion uni- versally prevailed. On passing, without obstruction or hinderance, into the city, the Persians, slaying some, putting others to flight, and joining with the revellers, as if slaughter had been merriment, hastened by the shortest way to the palace, and reached it ere yet a messenger had told the king that his city was taken. The gates of the palace, which was strongly fortified, were shut. The guards stationed before them were drinking beside a blazing light when the Persians rushed impetuously upon them. The louder and altered clam- our, no longer joyous, caught the ear of the inmates of the palace, and the bright light showed them the work of destruction, without revealing its cause. And noc aware of the presence of an enemy in the midst of Baby- lon, the king himself (who, as every Christian knows, had been roused from his revelry by the handwriting on the wall), excited by the warlike tumult at the gates, com- Ferort. lio. i. 191. 12 196 BABYLON manded those within to examine f /om whence it arose ; and according to the same word, by which the gates (leading from the river to the city) were not shut, the loins of kings were loosed to open before Cyrus the two- leaved gates. At the first sight of the opened gates of the palace of Babylon, the eager Persians sprang in. The King of Babylon heard the report of them — anguish took hold of him, — he and all who were about him per- ished : God had numbered his kingdom and finished it : it was divided, and given to the Medes and Persians ; the lives of the Babylonian princes, and lords, and rulers, and captains closed with that night's festival : the drunken slept a perpetual sleep, and did not wake.* Her young men shall fall in the streets, and all her men of war shall be cut off in that day. Cyrus sent troops of horse throughout the streets, with orders to slay all who were found there. — And he commanded proclama- tion to be made, in the Syrian language, that all who were in their houses should remain within ; and that, if any one were found abroad, he should be killed. These orders were obeyed.f They shall wander every man to his quarter, I will fill thee with men as with caterpillars. Not only did the Persian army enter with ease as caterpillars, together with all the nations that had come up against Babylon, but they seemed also as numerous. Cyrus, after the capture of the city, made a great display of his cavalry in the presence of the Babylonians, and in the midst of Babylon. Four thousand guards stood before the palace gates, and two thousand on each side. These advanced as Cyrus approached ; two thousand spearmen followed them. These were succeeded by four square masses of Persian cavalry, each consisting of ten thou- sand men : and to these again were added, in their order, the Median, Armenian, Hyrcanian, Caducian, and Sacian horsemen, — all, as before, riding upon horses, every man in array, — with lines of chariots, four abreast, concluding the train of the numerous hosts.J — Cyrus afterward re- viewed, at Babylon, the whole of his army, consisting of one hundred and twenty thousand horse, two thousand chariots, and six hundred thousand foot.§ Babylon, which was taken when not aware, and within whose walls no enemy, except a captive, had been ever seen, * Herod, lib. i. c. 191. Xen Cvr 1 vn. p. 434 439. t Ibid. p. 439. J Ibid. 1. viii. p. 494-495 $ Ibid. p. 532. BABYLON. 197 was also filled with men as with caterpillars, as if there had not been a wall around it. — The Scriptures do not relate the manner in which Babylon was taken, nor do they ever allude to the exact fulfilment of the prophecies. But there is, in every particular, a strict coincidence between the predictions of the prophets and the histori- cal narratives both of Herodotus and Xenophon. On taking Babylon suddenly, and by surprise, Cyrus, as had been literally prophesied concerning him, and as the sign by which it was to be known that the Lord had called him by his name (Isa. xlv. 1-4),* became immediately possessed of the most secret treasures of Babylon. No enemy had ever dared to rise up against that great city. To take it seemed not aw r ork for man to attempt ; but it became the easy prey of him who was called the servant of the Lord. And as at this day, — from the perfect representation given by the prophets of every feature of fallen Babylon, now at last utterly desolate, — men may know that God is the Lord, seeing that all who have visited and describe it show that the predicted judgments against it have been literally ful- filled; so, at that time, Cyrus — who for two years could only look on the outer side of the outer wall of Babylon, and who had begun to despair of reducing it by famine — was to know by the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places being given into his hand, that the Lord, which had called him by his name, was the God of Israel. And when the appointed time had come that the power of their oppressor was to be broken, Babylon was taken ; and when the similarly prescribed period of the captivity of the Jews, for whose sake he was called, had expired, Cyrus was their deliverer. Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him. Cyrus, commencing his career with a small army Oi Persians, not only succeeded to the kingdom of the Medes and Persians, first united under him, but the Hyr- canians yielded also voluntarily to his authority. He subdued the Syrians, Assyrians, Arabs, Cappadocians, both Phrygias, the Lydians, Carians, Phenicians, and Babylonians. He governed the Bactrians, Indians, and Cilicians, and also the Sacians, Paphlagonians, and * Isaiah prophesied above one hundred and sixty years before the taking of Babylon, two hundred and fifty years before Herodotus, and nearly three hun- dred and fifty before Xenophon. 17* 198 BABYLON. Mariandinians, and other nations. He likewise reduced to his authority the Greeks that were in Asia, and the Cyprians and Egyptians.* Nations were thus subdued before him. I will stir up the Medes against them, ivhich shall not regard silver; and as for gold they shall not delight in it. He who was called the anointed of the Lord was free from covetousness. His character is drawn by Xenophon (who states that he excelled all other kings) as the model of a wise and generous prince. The liberality of Cyrus was more noble than the mere possession of im- mensity of wealth, though including both the riches of Croesus and the treasures of Babylon. He reckoned that his riches belonged not any more to himself than to his friends.f And he made, as well as pronounced, it his object to use and not to hoard his wealth, and to apply it to the reward of his servants, and in relief of their wants. So little did he regard silver, or delight in gold, that Croesus told him that by his liberality he would make himself poor, instead of storing up vast treasures to himself.J The Medes possessed, in this respect, the spirit of their chief, of which an instance recorded by Xenophon is too striking and appropriate to be passed over. When Cobryas, an Assyrian governor, whose son the King of Babylon had slain, hospitably entertained him and his army, Cyrus appealed to the chiefs of the Medes and Hyrcanians, and to the noblest and most honourable of the Persians, whether, giving first what was due unto the gods, and leaving to the rest of the army their portion, they would not overmatch his gene- rosity by ceding to him their whole share of the first and plentiful booty, which they had won from the land of Babylon. Loudly applauding the proposal, they imme- diately and unanimously consented ; and one of them said, " Cobryas may have thought us poor, because we came not loaded with coins, and drink not out of golden cups ; but by this he will know, that men can be generous even without gold."§ — 4s for gold they did not delight in it. Cobryas, it may be presumed, was stirred up and pre- pared by gratitude on the one hand, as well as by revenger on the other, to go up against Babylon. And it may be * Xm Cyr. lib. i. p. 45. t Ibid. lib. viii. p. 516. X Ibid. p. 482. $ Ibid. lib. v. p. 289. BABYLON. 199 mentioned, he was afterward the first to lead the way to the palace ; and — for, though a great deep, the judgments of God are altogether righteous — his hand was among those who slew the murderer of his son. None shall return in vain. The walls of Babylon were incomparably the loftiest and the strongest ever built by man. They were constructed of such stupen- dous size and strength on very purpose that no possibility might exist of Babylon ever being taken. And, if ever confidence in bulwarks could not have been misplaced, it was when the citizens and soldiery of Babylon, who feared to encounter their enemies in the field, in perfect assurance of their safety and beyond the reach of the Parthian arrow, scoffed from the summit of their im- pregnable walls the hosts which encompassed them. But though the proud boast of a city so defended, and that had never been taken, that it would stand for ever, seemed scarcely presumptuous ; yet subsequently to the delivery of the prophecies concerning it, Babylon was not only repeatedly taken, but was never once be- sieged in vain. Cyrus, indeed, departed, after he first appeared before its walls, but he went to prepare and gather together the nations against it. And he did not return in vain. But this prediction, as it is applicable also to all others, is true, not of him only, but also of all who, in after-ages, came up against Babylon. It fell before every hand that was raised against it; yet its greatness did not depart, nor was its glory obscured in a day. Cyrus was not its destroyer ; but he sought, by wise institutions, to perpetuate its pre-eminence among the nations. He left it to his successor in all its strength and magnificence. Rebelling against Darius, the Baby- lonians made preparations for a siege, and bade defiance to the whole power of the Persian empire. Fully re- solved not to yield, and that famine might never reduce them to submission, they adopted the most desperate and barbarous resolution of putting every woman in the city to death, with the exception of their mothers, and one female, the best beloved in every family, to bake their bread. All the rest were assembled together and strangled.* These two things shall come upon thee in a moment, in one day, the loss of children and widowhood, they shall come upon thee in their perfection, for the multi" * Herod. 1. iii. c. 150. Tom. iii. 160, ed. Foul 200 BABYLON. tude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments. For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness, &c. They did come upon them in their perfection, when their wives and children were strangled by their own hands ; and so suddenly, as before, in a moment, in one day, did these things come upon them, that the victims w^ere assembled for the sacrifice ; so general was the instant widowhood, that fifty thousand women were afterward taken, in proportionate numbers, from the different neighbouring provinces of the empire, to replace those who had been slain ; and the very reservation of their mothers multiplied the lamentations for the loss of chil- dren. But trust in their wickedness brought them no safety. For, while they were thus instrumental in the infliction of one grievous judgment, for which such mur- derers were ripe ; their iniquity was not thereby lessened, and therefore, at however great a price, they procured not any security against another judgment, which also had been denounced against Babylon for its wickedness. They deemed themselves absolutely secure against famine and against assault. The artifice of Cyrus could not again be a snare ; and an attempt to renew it w r as, along with every other, entirely frustrated. But still it was not in vain that Darius besieged Babylon. In the twentieth month of the siege, a single Persian, whose body was covered over with the marks of stripes and with blood, and whose nose and ears had been newly cut off, presented himself at one of the gates of Baby- lon, — a helpless object of pity, and, if not a great crimi- nal, indeed, the obvious victim of wanton and savage cruelty. He had fled, or escaped, from the camp of the enemy. But he was not a common deserter, such as they might not have admitted within their walls, — but it was Zophyrus, who was well known as one of the chief nobles of Persia. He represented to the Babylonians that, not for any crime, but for the honest advice winch he had given to Darius to raise the siege, as the taking of the city seemed to all impossible ; the enraged tyrant (his pride wounded, or his fears perhaps awakened, that his army would be discouraged by such counsel) had in- flicted upon him the severest cruelties, caused him to be mutilated as they saw, and to be scourged, of which his whole body bore the marks ; — to one of his proud spirit and high rank disgrace was worse than suffering ; and tie came to join the revolters, his soul burning for ven- BABYLON. 201 geance against their common tyrant. " And now," ad- dressing them, he said, " I come for the greatest good to you, for the greatest evil to Darius, to his army, and to the Persians. The injuries which I have suffered shall not be unrevenged, for I know, and will disclose all his designs." On such proofs, and cheered by such hopes, the Baby- lonians did not doubt the sincerity of Zophyrus, nor his devotion to their cause, identified, as it clearly seemed, with the only hope of revenge against the cruel author of his wrongs, towards whom they could not conceive but that he would cherish an inflexible hatred. He sought but to fight against their enemies. At his request, they gladly and unhesitatingly intrusted him with a military command. Forgiveness of injuries was not then reckoned a virtue, — which it is too seldom practi- cally accounted even in a Christian land ; and vengeance, still called honour, sleeps not in an unforgiving breast. Zophyrus soon satisfied the Babylonians that his wrongs would not long be unavenged. To their delight, having watched the first opportunity, he sallied forth from the gates of Semiramis, on the tenth day after his entrance into the city, and falling suddenly on a thousand of the enemy, slew them every one. After an interval of only seven days, twice that number were, in like manner, slain, near to the Ninian gates. The men of Babylon were animated with new vigour and new hopes ; and the praise of Zophyrus was on every tongue. He re- ceived a higher command. , But the Persians, seemingly more wary, were nowhere open to attack for the space of twenty days. On the expiry of that period, how- ever, Zophyrus, by a noted exploit, again proved himself worthy of still greater authority, by leading out his troops from the Chaldean gates, and killing, in one spot, four thousand men. In reward for such services, and such tried fidelity, skill, and courage, as none, they thought, could be more worthy of the honour and of the trust, they not only raised him to the chief com- mand of their army, but appointed him to the dignified and most responsible office in Babylon, which it was his aim to attain, that of (ruxo^vXai) guardian of their walls.* Darius, as if to be secure against the continued repe- * Herod, c. 152-157, p. 166-1T3. 13 202 BABYLON. tition of such desultory carnage of his troops, advanced with all his army to the walls. They were manned to repel the assault. But the treachery of Zophyrus, how- ever incredible, and unknown and unsuspected alike by the Babylonians and the Persians, became immediately apparent. Intrusted as he was, in virtue of his office, with the gates of the city, no sooner had the enemy ap- proached, and the armed citizens ascended the wall, than he opened the Belidian and the Cissian gates, close to which the choicest Persian troops were stationed.* The whole scheme was a preconcerted snare, known only to Darius and Zophyrus, and invented solely by the latter, the mutilation of whose body was his own voluntary act. To the glory of the deed were added the greatest gifts and honours, and the governorship of Babylon with- out tribute, for his reward. The numbers of the different detachments of the Persian troops who fell, their posi- tions, and the precise time of their successive advance- ments, had all been resolved on and arranged. And Darius as freely sacrificed the lives of seven thousand men as Zophyrus had inflicted incurable wounds upon himself. " Thus," says Herodotus, " was Babylon a sec- ond time taken." And thus was the word of God, — from whom nothing, past, present or future, can be hid, — a second time fulfilled against Babylon — none shall return in vain, Babylon was a third time taken by Alexander the Great. Mazaeus, the Persian general, surrendered the city into his hands, and he entered it with his army drawn up " as if they were marching to battle. "f Again was it filled with men — and literally was every man put in array, like a man to the battle. The siege of so fortified a city{ would have been a work of great difficulty and labour, even to the conqueror of Asia. But the inhabit- ants eagerly flocked upon the walls to see their new king, and exchanged, without a struggle, the Persian for the Macedonian yoke. — Babylon was afterward succes- sively taken by Antigonus, by Demetrius, by Antiochus the Great, and by the Parthians. But whatever king or nation came up against it, none returned in vain. Each step in the progress of the decline of Babylon was the accomplishment of a prophecy. Conquered, * Herod, c. 15S-159. t Quadrato agmine, quod ipse ducebat, velut in aciem irent, ingredi suoa jubet ~-Q,uin. Cur. lib. v. c. 3. t — Tarn munits urbis. — Ibid. BABYLON. 203 tor the first time,* by Cyrus, it was afterward reduced from an imperial to a tributary city. Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon : sit on the ground, there is no throns, O daughter of the Chaldeans. — After the Babylonians rebelled against Darius, the walls were reduced in height, and all the gates destroyed.! The wall of Babylon shall fall, her walls thrown down. — Xerxes, after his ignominious retreat from Greece, rifled the tem- ples of Babylon, J the golden images alone in which were estimated at 20,000,000/., besides treasures of vast amount. / will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he has swallowed up ; Iivill do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon.^ — Alex- ander the Great attempted to restore it to its former glory, and designed to make it the metropolis of a uni- versal empire. But, while the building of the temple of Belus, and the reparation of the embankments of the Euphrates were actually carrying on, the conqueror of the world died, at the commencement of this his last un- dertaking, in the height of his power, and in the flower of his age. || Take balm for her pain, if so be that she may be healed. We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed.f — The neighbouring city of Seleucia, which was built with that intent, was the chief cause of the decline of Babylon as a city, and drained it of great part of its population.** And at a later period, or about 130 years before the birth of Christ, Humerus, a Parthian governor, who was noted as excelling all tyrants in cruelty, exer- cised great severities on the Babylonians, and having burned the forum and some of the temples, and destroyed the fairest parts of the city, reduced many of the inhabit- ants to slavery on the slightest pretexts, and caused them, together with all their households, to be sent into Media. ft They shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.~\X The " golden city" thus gradually verged for centuries towards poverty and desolation. — Notwithstanding that Cyrus resided chiefly at Babylon, and sought to reform the government and remodel the manners of the Baby- * Herod, lib. i. c. 191. t Ibid. lib. iii. c. 150. X Ibid. lib. i. c. 183- Arrian. de Expeditione Alex. lib. vii. c. 17, cited by Bishop Newton. fc Jer. li. 44, 47, 52. || Arrian. lib. vii. c. 17. Strabo, lib. xvi. p. 738. IT Jer. li. 8, 9. ** Plin. Hist. Nat. lib. v. c. 26. tr Diod. Siculi fragmentum, apud Valesium. Vide Vitnn. com. in lesaiam, cap. 13, p. 420,421 tt Jer. 1. 3. 204 BABYLON. lonians, the succeeding kings of Persia preferred, as the seat of empire, Susa, Persepolis, or Ecbatana, situated in their own country : and in like manner the successors of Alexander did not attempt to complete his purpose of restoring Babylon to its pre-eminence and glory ; but, after the subdivision of his mighty empire, the very kings of Assyria, during their temporary residence even in Chaldea, deserted Babylon, and dwelt in Seleucia. And thus the foreign inhabitants, first Persians, and afterward Greeks, imitating their sovereigns by deserting Babylon, acted as if they verily had said, — Forsake her, and let us go every man unto his own country ; for her judgment is reached unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the slues. But kindred judgments — the issue of common crimes — rested on the land of Chaldea, as well as on its doomed metropolis ; and the tracing of their fulfilment may best lead to the view of the utter desolation of fallen Babylon. They come from afar country, from the end of the earth, to destroy the whole land* Many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of thee also, &c. The Persians, the Macedonians, the Parthians, the Romans, the Saracens, and the Turks are the chief of the many nations who have unscrupulously and unsparingly served themselves of the land of the Chaldeans : and Cyrus and Darius, kings of Persia ; Alexander the Great ; and Seleucus, king of Assyria ; Demetrius, and Antiochus the Great ; Trajan, Severus, Julian, and Heraclius, emperors of Rome ; the victorious Omar, the successor of Mahomet ; — Holagou, and Tamerlane, are great kings who succes- sively subdued or desolated Chaldea, or exacted from it tribute to such an extent as scarcely any other country ever paid to a single conqueror. And — though the names of some of these nations were unknown to the Babylo- nians, and unheard of in the world at the time of the prophecy — most of these many nations and great kings need now but to be named to show that, in local relation to Chaldea, they came from the utmost border— -from the coasts of the earth. They are cruel both in anger and fierce wrath to lay the land desolate, &c. The Persians vied with the Par- thians in cruelty and fierceness against resisting and against subjugated enemies. Three thousand Babylo- nians were at once impaled by order of Darius. Con- quest was the object, and kindness was not in the nature of the Macedonian conquerors of Babylon The pos- BABYLON. 205 session of Chaldea was contested between Antigonus and Seleucus, and ruler rose against ruler. After its long subjection to the Seleucidse, the proverbially cruel Par- thians held Babylonia in bondage. In the second cen- tury of the Christian era, the Romans, coming from afar, still maintained the character of the cruel and fierce des- olators of Chaldea, and were thus the unconscious instru- ments of the fulfilment of other prophecies. Under the reign of Marcus, the Roman generals penetrated as far as Ctesiphon and Seleucia. They were received as friends by the Greek colony ; they attacked as enemies the seat of the Parthian kings ; yet both cities experienced the same treatment. The sack and conflagration of Seleucia, ivith the massacre of three hundred thousand of the inhabit- ants, tarnished the glory of the Roman triumph. Seleu- cia sunk under the fatal blow ; but Ctesiphon, in about thirty-three years, had sufficiently recovered its strength to maintain an obstinate siege against the emperor Se- verus. Ctesiphon was thrice besieged, and thrice taken by the predecessors of Julian."* And when attacked by Julian, the anger of that Roman emperor and that of his army was not moderated, nor their cruelty abated, by the effectual resistance of the citizens of Ctesiphon against sixty thousand besiegers. " The fields of Assyria were devoted by Julian to the calamities of war ; and the philosopher retaliated on a guiltless people the acts of rapine and cruelty which had been committed by their haughty master in the Roman provinces. The Persians beheld from the walls of Ctesiphon the desolation of the adjacent country."! With such, violence did he wreak his vengeance on the inhabitants of Chaldea that their fierce wrath was conjoined with the cruelty of their ene- mies to lay the land desolate, " The extensive region that lies between the river Tigris and the mountains of Media was filled with villages and towns ; and the fertile soil for the most part was in a very improved state of cultivation. But on the approach of the Romans, this rich and smiling prospect was instantly blasted. Wher- ever they moved the inhabitants deserted the open vil- lages and took shelter in the fortified towns ; the cattle were driven away; the grass and ripe corn were con- sumed with fire ; and as soon as the flames had subsided which interrupted the march of Julian, he beheld the * Giobon, vol. i. c. viii. p. 212. | lb. vol. ii- c, xxiv. n. 3G9. 18 206 BABYLON. melancholy face of a smokjng and naked desert."* But "the second city of the province, large, populous, and well fortified," in vain resisted a fierce and desperate assault ; and a large breach having been made by a battering-ram in the walls, " the soldiers of Julian rushed impetuously into the town, and after the full gratification of every military appetite, Perisabor was reduced to ashes ; and the engines which assaulted the citadel were planted on the ruins of the smoking houses"] When, in after-ages, the Romans, under Heraclius, penetrated to the royal seat of Destagered, and spread over Chaldea to the gates of Ctesiphon, " whatever could not be easily transported they consumed with fire, that Chosroes might feei the anguish of those wounds which he had so often inflicted on the provinces of the empire : and justice might allow the excuse," says Gibbon, "if the desolation had been confined to the works of regal luxury, if national hatred, military license, and religious zeal had not wasted with equal rage the habitations and the temples of the guiltless subjects. "J The fierce Abassides, proverbially reckless of committing murder, which was the very work that their missionaries went forth to execute, long reigned over Chaldea ; and Bagdad, its new capital, distant about fifteen miles from Seleucia and Ctesiphon, was their im- perial seat for fLYe hundred years. § — " Their daggers, their only arms, were broken by the sword of Holagou, and except the word assassin, not a vestige is left of the enemies of mankind "\ — for again and again has it proved true of the land of Chaldea — I will destroy the sinners thereof out of it, — The Mogul Tartars succeeded as the guilty possessors and cruel desolators of the land of Babylon. " Bagdad, after a siege of two months, was stormed and sacked by the Moguls, under Holagou Khan, the grandson of Ghengis Khan."*][ And Tamer- lane, another great king, " reduced to his obedience the whole course of the Tigris and Euphrates, from the mouth to the sources of these rivers : and he erected on the ruins of Bagdad a pyramid of ninety thousand heads."** Finally, not with abated, but if possible with increasing or with more persevering cruelty, the Turks, aided by Saracens, Coords, and Tartars, have become the weapons of the indignation of the Lord, brought forth * Gibbon, vol. ii. c. xxiv. p. 374 f Ibid. p. 3G1. I Ibid. vol. iv. c. xlvi. p. 441 $ Ibid. vol. v. c. Ii. p. 338. [| Ibid. vol. vi. c. Ixiv. p. 278. if Ibid. ** Ibid. c. lxv. p. 312, 322. BABYLON. 207 out of his armory which he hath opened ; for — fearful as a token of judgment, and clear as the testimony of truth — this is the work of the Lord God of Hosts in the land of the Chaldeans. — Waste and utterly destroy after them. A *word is upon the Chaldeans. A sound of battle is in the land, and of great destruction. I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him. ^4. sound of great destruction corneth from the land of the Chaldeans. And Chaldea shall he a spoil : all that spoil her shall be satisfied, saith the Lord. Come against her from the utmost border, open her storehouses. A sword is upon her treasures, and they shall be robbed. O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness. On taking Babylon sud- denly and by surprise, Cyrus became immediately pos- sessed of the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places. On his first publicly appearing in Babylon, all the officers of his army, both of the Persians and allies, according to his command, wore very splendid robes, those belonging to the superior officers being of various colours, all of the finest and brightest die, and richly embroidered with gold and silver; and thus the hidden riches of secret places were openly displayed. And when the treasures of Babylon became the spoil of an- other great king, Alexander gave six mince (about 15/.) to each Macedonian horseman, to each Macedonian sol- dier and foreign horseman two minae (5/.), and to every other man in his army a donation equal to two months' pay. Demetrius ordered his soldiers to plunder the land of Babylon for their own use:* — But it is not in these in- stances alone that Chaldea has been a spoil, and that all who spoil her have been satisfied. It was the abundance of her treasures which brought successive spoliators. Many nations came from afar, and though they returned to their own country (as in formerly besieging Babylon, so in continuing to despoil the land of Chaldea), none re- turned in vain. From the richness of the country, new treasures were speedily stored up, till again the sword came upon them, and they were robbed. The prey of the Persians and of the Greeks for nearly two centuries after the death of Alexander, Chaldea became afterward the prey chiefly of the Parthians, from the north, for an equal * Flutarch. Life of Demetrius, 208 BABYLON. period, till a greater nation, the Romans, came from the coasts of the earth to pillage it. To be restrained from dominion and from plunder was the exciting cause, and often the shameless plea, of the anger and fierce wrath of these famed, but cruel, conquerors of the world. Yet, within the provinces of their empire, it was their practice, on the submission of the inhabitants, to protect and not to destroy. But Chaldea, from its extreme dis- tance, never having yielded permanently to their yoke, and the limits of their empire having been fixed by Ha- drian on the western side of the Euphrates, or on the very borders of Chaldea, that hapless country obtained not their protection, though repeatedly the scene of ruthless spoliation by the Romans. The authority of Gibbon, in elucidation of Scripture, cannot be here dis- trusted, any more than that of heathen historians. To use his words, " a hundred thousand captives, and a rich booty, rewarded the fatigues of the Roman soldiers,"* when Ctesiphon was taken, in the second century, by the generals of Marcus. Even Julian, who, in the fourth century, was forced to raise the siege of Ctesiphon, came not in vain to Chaldea, and failed not to take of it a spoil ; nor, though an apostate, did he fail to verify by his acts the truth which he denied. After having given Perisabor to the flames, " the plentiful magazines of corn, of arms, and of splendid furniture were partly distributed among the troops, and partly reserved for the public service ; the useless stores were destroyed by fire, or thrown into the stream of the Euphrates."! Having also rewarded his army with a hundred pieces of silver to each soldier, he thus stimulated them (when still dis- satisfied) to fight for greater spoil — " Riches are the ob- ject of your desires 1 those riches are in the hands of the Persians, and the spoils of this fruitful country are proposed as the prize of your valour and discipline. "J The enemy being defeated after an arduous conflict, tk the spoil was such as might be expected from the riches and luxury of an oriental camp ; large quantities of silver and gold, splendid arms and trappings, and beds and tables of massy silver."^ When the Romans under Heraclius ravaged Chaldea, " though much of the treasure had been removed from Destagered, &nd much had been expended, the remaining * Gibbon, vol. i. c. viii o. 211. t Ibid. vol. ii. c. xxiv. p 361. t Ibid. p. 364. $ Ibid. p. 369. BABYLON. 209 wealth appears to aave exceeded their hopes, and even to have satiated their avarice."* While the deeds of Julian and the words of Gibbon show how Chaldea was spoiled — how a sword continued to be on her treasures — and how, year after year, and age after age, there was rumour on rumour and violence in her land — more full illustrations remain to be given of the truth of the same prophetic word. And as a painter of great power may cope with another by drawing as closely to the life as he, though the features be different, so Gibbon's description of the sack of Ctesiphon, as pre- viously he had described the sack and conflagration of Seleucia (cities each of which may aptly be called " the daughter of Babylon," having been, like it, the capital of Chaldea), is written as if, by the most graphic representation of facts, he had been aspiring to rival Volney as an illustrator of Scripture prophecy. " The capital was taken by assault ; and the disorderly re- sistance of the people gave a keener edge to the sabres of the Moslems, who shouted with religious transport, \ This is the white palace of Chosroes ; this is the promise of the apostle of God.' The naked robbers of the desert were suddenly enriched beyond the measure of their hope or knowledge. Each chamber revealed a new treasure, secreted with art, or ostentatiously dis- played ; the gold and silver, the various wardrobes and precious furniture, surpassed (says Abulfeda) the esti- mate of fancy or numbers ; and another historian defines the untold and almost infinite mass by the fabulous com- putation of three thousands of thousands of thousands of pieces of gold. One of the apartments of the palace was decorated with a carpet of silk sixty cubits in length and as many in breadth (90 feet) ; a paradise, or garden, was depicted on the ground; the flowers, fruits, and shrubs were imitated by the figures of the gold embroi- dery, and the colours of the precious stones : and the ample square was encircled by a variegated and verdant border. The rigid Omar divided the prize among his brethren of Medina ; the picture was destroyed ; but such was the intrinsic value of the materials, that the share of Ali alone was sold for 20,000 drachms. A mule that carried away the tiara and cuirass, the belt and bracelets of Chosroes, was overtaken by the pursuers ; the gorgeous * Gibbon, p. 359. 18* 210 BABYLON. trophy was presented to the commander of the faithful, and the gravest of the companions condescended to smile when they beheld the white beard, hairy arms, and un- couth figure of the veteran who was invested with the spoil of the great king."* Recent evidence is not wanting to show that, wherever a treasure is to be found, a sword, in the hand of a fierce enemy, is upon it, and spoliation has not ceased in the land of Chaldea. " On the west of Hilleh, there are two towns which, in the eyes of the Persians and all the Shiites, are ren- dered sacred by the memory of two of the greatest mar- tyrs of that sect. These are Meshed Ali and Meshed Housein, lately filled with riches, accumulated by the devotion of the Persians, but carried off by the ferocious Wahabees to the middle of their deserts."! And after the incessant spoliation of ages, now that the end is come of the treasures of Chaldea, the earth itself fails not to disclose its hidden treasures, so as to testify that they once were abundant. In proof of this an instance may be given. At the ruins of Hoomania, near to those of Ctesiphon, pieces of silver having (on the 5th of March, 1812) been accidentally discovered, edging out of the bank of the Tigris, " on examination there were found and brought away," by persons sent for that purpose by the Pasha of Bagdad's officers, " between six and seven hundred ingots of silver, each measuring from one to one and a half feet in length ; and an earthen jar, containing upwards of two thousand Athenian coins, all of silver. Many were purchased at the time by the late Mr. Rich, formerly the East India Company's resi- dent at Bagdad, and are now in his valuable collection, since bought by government, and deposited in the Brit- ish Museum."{ Amid the ruins of Ctesiphon " the na- tives often pick up coins of gold, silver, and copper, for which they always find a ready sale in Bagdad. Indeed, some of the wealthy Turks and Armenians, who are collecting for several French and German consuls, hire people to go and search for coins, medals, and antique gems ; and I am assured they never return to their em- ployers empty-handed,"^ as if all who spoil Chaldea shall * Gibbon, c.li. p. 111,451. t Malte Brim's Geog. vol. if. p. 119. Buckingham's Travels in Mesopota mia, vol. ii. p. 246. X Captain Mignan's Travels, p. 53. $ Ibid. p. 74. BABYLON. 211 be satisfied, till even the ruins be spoiled unto the utter- most. The past history of the land of the Chaldeans may be briefly closed in the language of prophecy : for the prophets, in their visions, saw it as it is ; although his- torians knew not, even after its grandeur was partially gone, how to tell of its fertility, which they witnessed, and hope to be believed. Those who recorded the word that the Lord spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans, had no such fear, though two thousand four hundred years have elapsed since they described what is now only at last to be seen. i" luill punish the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations ; cut off the sower from Babylon, and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest, A drought is on her waters, and they shall be dried up. Be- hold the hindermost of the nations, a dry land and a desert. Her cities are a desolation, a dry land and a loilderness, a land where no man divelleth, neither doeth son of man pass thereby. I will send unto Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, and empty her land. The land shall tremble and sor- row ; for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant. The land of the Chaldeans was to be made perpetual or long-continued desolation. — Rav- aged and spoiled for ages, the Chaldees' excellence finally disappeared, and the land became desolate, as still it remains. RauwolfF, who passed through it in 1574, describes the country as bare, and " so dry and barren that it cannot be tilled."* And the most recent travel- lers all concur in describing it in similar terms. The land of Babylon was to be fanned and emptied, — to be a dry land, a wilderness and a desert, &c. — On the one side, near to the site of Opis, " the country all around appears to be one wide desert, of sandy and barren soil, thinly scattered over with brushwood and tufts of reedy grass."! On the other, bet we in Bussorah and Bagdad, * immediately on either bank of the Tigris, is the un- trodden desert. The absence of all cultivation, — the sterile, arid, and wild character of the whole scene, formed a contrast to the rich and delightful accounts delineated in Scripture. The natives, in travelling over these pathless deserts, are compelled to explore their * RauwoIfPs Travels, in Ray's Collection of Travels, 1693, p. 174. t Buckingham's Travels in Mesopotamia, voL ii. p. 155.. 212 BABYLON. way by the stars."* " The face of the country is open and flat, presenting to the eye one vast level plain, where nothing is to be seen but here and there a herd of half-wild camels. This immense tract is very rarely diversified with any trees of moderate growth, but is an immense wild bounded only by the horizon."! In the intermediate region, " the whole extent from the foot of the wall of Bagdad is a barren waste without a blade of vegetation of any description ; on leaving the gates the traveller has before him the prospect of a bare desert, — a flat and barren country."^ " The whole coun- try between Bagdad and Hillah is a perfectly flat and (with the exception of a few spots as you approach the latter place) uncultivated waste. That it was at some former period in a far different state, is evident from the number of canals by which it is traversed, now dry and neglected ; and the quantity of heaps of earth covered with fragments of brick and broken tiles, which are seen in every direction, — the indisputable traces of former population. At present the only inhabitants of the tract are the Sobeide Arabs. Around, as far as the eye can reach is a trackless desert."^ " The abundance of the country has vanished as clean away as if the ' besom of desolation' had swept it from north to south ; the whole land from the outskirts of Babylon to the farthest stretch of sight lying a melancholy waste. Not a habitable spot appears for countless miles."|| The land of Babylon is desolate without an inhabitant. The Arabs traverse it ; and ever}^ man met with in the desert is looked on as an enemy. Wild beasts have now their home in the land of Chaldea; but the traveller is less afraid of them, — even of the lion, — than of " the wilder animal the desert Arab." The country is frequently " totally impassable." " Those splendid accounts of the Babylonian lands yield- ing crops of grain two or three hundred-fold, compared with the modern face of the country, afford a remarkable proof of the singular desolation to which it has been sub- jected. The canals at present can only be traced by their decayed banks."^" * Mignan's Travels, p. 5. f Ibid. p. 31, 32. Keppel's Nar. vol. i. p. 260. Buckingham's Travels, p. 242. Kinrjier's Memoirs of Persia, p. 279. X Rich's Memoir, p. 4. § Keppel's Nar. p. 87. I! Sir R. K. Porter's Travels in Babylonia, &c. vol. ii. p. 285. W Mignan's Travels, p. 2. ** Transactions of the Literary Society, Bombay, vol. i. p. 123, 138. Caj> tain Frederick on the State of Babylon. BABYLON. 213 " The soil of this desert," says Captain Mignan, who traversed it on foot, and who, in a single day, crossed forty water-courses, " consists of a hard clay, mixed with sand, which at noon became so heated with the sun's rays that I found it too hot to walk over it with any degree of comfort. Those who have crossed those desert wilds are already acquainted with their dreary tediousness even on horseback ; what it is on foot they can easily imagine."* Where astronomers first calculated eclipses, the na- tives, as in the deserts of Africa, or as the mariner with- out a compass on the pathless ocean, can now direct their course only by the stars, over the pathless desert of Chaldea. Where cultivation reached its utmost height, and where two hundred-fold was stated as the common produce, there is now one wide and uncultivated waste ; and the sower and reaper are cut off from the land of Baby- lon. Where abundant stores and treasures were laid up, and annually renewed and increased, fanners have fanned, and spoilers have spoiled them till they have emptied the land. Where labourers, shaded by palm-trees a hundred feet high, irrigated the fields till all was plentifully watered from numerous canals, the wanderer, without an object on which to fix his eye, but "stinted and shortlived shrubs," can scarcely set his foot without pain, after the noon-day heat, on the " arid and parched ground," in plodding his weary way through a desert, a dry land, and a wilderness. Where there were crowded thoroughfares, from city to city, there is now " silence and solitude ;" for the ancient cities of Chaldea are deso- lations,— where no man dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass thereby. ,f * Mignan's Travels, p. 2, 31-34. t Sin has wrought desolation in Chaldea, as finally, if unrepented of, it must in any and in every land. But justice shall yet dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field. And, not in Judea alone, on the restoration and conversion of all the house of Israel, but throughout all * nations, when enlightened by the word of God, and renewed by his Spirit, moved by whom the prophets spake — the work of righteousness shall be peace ; and the effect of righteousness, quietness, and assurance for ever (Isa. xxxii. 15-17); and it is pleasing to pause for a moment, and to turn from the direful retrospect of sin, judgment, and desolation, which the past history of Chaldea holds up to view, to a word of Scripture (one word, if rightly interpreted, is enough), which, like a bright star in the east, shines as the harbinger of a brighter day, after the long night of darkness which has rested on that land which was full of wickedness, and therefore has been emptied in judgment. And seemingly commencing convulsions, in the war and the trial of principles, throughout the wide world, that must come, — the rising " hurricane" which, controlled by the Lord, shall yet sweep every moral 214 BABYLON. Her cities are desolations. The course of the Tigris through Babylonia, instead of being adorned, as of old, with cities, and towns, is marked with the sites of " ancient ruins."* Sitace, Sabata, Narisa, Fuchera. Sen- dia "no longer exist."f A succession of longitudinal mounds, crossed at right angles by others, mark the supposed site of Artemita, or Destagered. Its once luxuriant gardens are covered with grass ; and a higher mound distinguishes " the royal residence" from the ancient streets.} " Extensive ridges and mounds (near to Houmania), varying in height and extent, are seen branching in every direction."^ A wall, with sixteen bastions, is the only memorial of Apollonia.|| The once magnificent Seleucia is now a scene of desolation. There is not a single entire building, but the country is strewed for miles with fragments of decayed buildings. "As far," says Major Keppel, " as the eye could reach, the horizon presented a broken line of mounds ; the whole of this place was a desert flat."Tf On the opposite bank of the Tigris, where Ctesiphon its rival stood, besides fragments of walls and broken masses of brick- work, and remains of vast structures encumbered with heaps of earth, there is one magnificent monument of antiquity, " in a remarkably perfect state of preserva- tion," " a large and noble file of building, the front of which presents to view a wall three hundred feet in length, adorned with four rows of arched recesses, with a central arch, in span eighty-six feet, and above a hun- dred feet high, supported by walls sixteen feet thick, and leading to a hall which extends to the depth of one hundred and fifty-six feet," the width of the building.** "pestilence" from the earth, — seem in their beginning to betoken, that the time may not be distant when the effect of the vision shall be seen. Then said I to the angel that talked with me (Zechariah, v. 10, 11), Whither do these bear the ephah ? And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar ; and it. shall be established, and set there on its own base, — in the land of Shinar, but it is not said, in the city of Babylon. Building, estab- lishing, and setting, all appear to be significative of blessing— of reconstruc- tion, on a new base, and not reducible to heaps ; and though the previous vision be of judgment, he whose name is the branch is immediately after spoken of; and, in " building the temple of the Lord," his office is redemption. But, without a metaphor, it is said, and, without a doubt, it shall prove true — All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of the Lord. The whole earth shall rejoice, — the ivilderness and the solitary places shall be glad for them ; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. * See Chart prefixed to Major Keppel's Narrative. t Plan of the Environs of Babylon, &c in Major Rennell's Geography of Herodotus, p. 335. t Keppel's Narrative, vol. i. p. 267 $ Mignan's Travels, p. 49. J] Keppel's Narrative, p. 276. 11 Ibid. p. 125. * _ ** Ibid, p 130 BABYLON. 215 A great part of the back wall, and of the ioof, is broken down ; but that which remains " still appears much larger than Westminster Abbey."* It is supposed to have been the lofty palace of Chosroes ; but there deso- lation now reigns. " On the site of Ctesiphon, the smallest insect under heaven would not find a single blade of grass wherein to hide itself, nor one drop of water to allay its thirst."! In the rear of the palace, and attached to it, are mounds two miles in circumfe- rence, indicating the utter desolation of buildings formed to minister to luxury. But, in the words of Captain Mig- nan, " such is the extent of the irregular mounds and hillocks that overspread the sites of these renowned cities, that it would occupy some months to take the bearings and dimensions of each with accuracy."! While the ancient cities of Chaldea are thus desolate, the sites of others cannot be discovered, or have not been visited, as none pass thereby ; the more modern cities, which flourished under the empire of califs, are "all in ruins. "§ The second Bagdad has not indeed yet shared the fate of the first. And Hillah — a town of compara- tively modern date, near to the site of Babylon, but in th.3 gardens of which there is not the least vestige of ruins — yet exists. But the former, " ransacked by mas- sacre, devastation, and oppression, during several hun- dred years," has been " gradually reduced from being a rich and powerful city to a state of comparative poverty, and the feeblest means of defence." || And of the in- habitants of the latter, about eight or ten thousand, it is said that " if any thing could identify the modern inhab- itants of Hillah as the descendants of the ancient Baby- lonians, it would be their extreme profligacy, for which they are notorious even among their immoral neigh- bours."^" They give no sign of repentance and reforma- tion to warrant the hope that judgment, so long con- tinued upon others, will cease from them ; or that they are the people that shall escape. Twenty years have not passed since towns in Chaldea have been ravaged and pillaged by the Wahabees ; and so lately as 1823, the town of Sheereban "was sacked and ruined by the Coords," and reduced to desolation.** Indications of * Mignan's Travels, p. 79. t Buck. p. 441. X Mignan's Travels, p. 81. $ Ibid. p. 82. || Sir R. K. Porter's Travels, vol. ii. p. 265, 266. If KeDpel's Narrative, vol. i p. 182.183. ** Ibid. p. 272, 278 210 BABYLON. ruined cities, whether of a remote or more recent period, abound throughout the land. The process of destruc- tion is still completing. Gardens which studded the banks of the Tigris have very recently disappeared, and mingled with the desert, — and concerning the cities also of Chal- dea the word is true that they are desolations. For " the whole country is strewed over with the debris of Grecian, Roman, and Arabian towns, confounded in the same mass of rubbish."* But while these lie in indiscriminate ruins, the chief of the cities of Chaldea, the first in name and in power that ever existed in the world, bears many a defined mark of the judgments of heaven. The progressive and predicted decline of Babylon the great, till it ceased to be a city, has already been briefly detailed. About the beginning of the Christian era, a small portion of it was inhabited, and the far greater part was cultivated.! It diminished as Seleucia increased, and the latter became the greater city. In the second century nothing but the walls remained. It became grad- ually a great desert ; and,. in the fourth century, its walls, repaired for that purpose, formed an enclosure for wild beasts, and Babylon was converted into a field for the chase — a hunting-place for the pastime of the Persian monarchs. The name and the remnant were cut off from Babylon; and there is a blank, during the interval of many ages, in the history of its mutilated remains and of its mouldering decay. It remained long in the pos- session of the Saracens ; and abundant evidence has since been given, that every feature of its prophesied desola- tion is now distinctly visible — for the most ancient his- torians bore not a clearer testimony to facts confirmatory of the prophecies relative to its first siege and capture by Cyras, than the latest travellers bear to the fulfilment of those which refer to its final and permanent ruin. The identity of its site has been completely established. J And the truth of every general and of every particular predic- tion is now so clearly demonstrated, that a simple exhibi- tion of the facts precludes the possibility of any cavil, and supersedes the necessity of any reasoning on the subject. It is not merely the general desolation of Babylon, — however much that alone would have surpassed all human foresight, — which the Lord diSlared by the mouth of * Malte Brun's Geography, vol. ii. p. 119. t i>iod. Sic. torn. ii. p. 35, X ttennelPs Geography of Herodotus, p. 349. Keppel's Narrative, p 171. BABYLON. 217 his prophets. In their vision, they saw not more clearly, nor defined more precisely, the future history of Babylon, from the height of its glory to the oblivion of its name, than they saw and depicted fallen Babylon as now it lies, and as, in the nineteenth century of the Christian era, it has, for the first time, been fully described.* And now when an end has come upon Babylon, after a long succes- sion of ages has wrought out its utter desolation, both the pen and the pencil of travellers, who have traversed and inspected its ruins, must be combined, in order to de- lineate what the word of God, by the prophets, told from the beginning that that end would be. Truth ever scorns the discordant and encumbering aid of error : but to diverge in the least from the most pre- cise facts would here weaken and destroy the argument ; for the predictions correspond not closely with any thing, except alone with the express and literal reality. To swerve from it, is, in the same degree, to vary from them : and any misrepresentation would be no less hurtful than iniquitous. But the actual fact renders any exaggeration impossible, and any fiction poor. Fancy could not have feigned a contrast more complete, nor a destruction greater, than that which has come from the Almighty upon Babylon. And though the greatest city on which the sun ever shone be now a desolate ivilderness, there is scarcely any spot on earth more clearly defined — and none could be more accurately delineated by the hands of a drafts- man — than the scene of Babylon's desolation is set before us in the very words of the prophets ; and no words could now be chosen like unto these, which, for two thousand five hundred years have been its " burden" — the burden which now it bears. Such is the multiplicity of prophecies and the accu- mulation of facts, that the very abundance of evidence increases the difficulty of arranging, in a condensed form, and thus appropriating its specific fulfilment to each pre- cise and separate prediction, and many of them may be viewed connectedly. All who have visited Babylon con- cur in acknowledging or testifying that the desolation is exactly such as was foretold. They, in general, apply the more prominent predictions ; and, in minute details, * Niebuhr, Ives, Irwin, Ottar, Evirs, Thevenot, Delia Valle, Texeira, Edrisi, Abulieda, and Balbi were consulted by Major Rennell— to these may now be added Mr. Rich, Sir Robert Ker Porter, Captain Frederick, the Hon. Major Kej.j tl, Colonel Kinnier, Mr. Buckingham, and Captain Mignan,— most of whom were accompanied by others. 19 K 218 BABYLON. they sometimes unconsciously adopt, without any a'Au- sion or reference, the very words, of inspiration. Babylon is wholly desolate. It has become heaps — it is cut down to the ground — brought down to the grave — trodden on — uninhabited — its foundations fallen — its walls thrown down, and utterly broken — its loftiest edifices rolled down from the rocks — the golden city has ceased —the worms are spread under it, and the worms cover it, &3. There the Arabian pitches not his tent; there the shepherds make not their folds ; but wild beasts of the desert lie there, and their houses are full of doleful creatures, and owls dwell there, &c. It is a. possession for the bittern, and a dwelling-place for dragons — a wil- derness, a dry land, and a desert — a burnt mountain — pools of water — spoiled — empty — nothing left — utterly destroyed — every one that goeth by it is astonished, &c. Babylon shall become heaps, Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, is now the greatest of ruins. " Immense tu- muli of temples, palaces, and human habitations of every description" are everywhere seen, and form " long and varied lines of ruins," which, in some places, " rather resemble natural hills than mounds which cover the re- mains of great and splendid edifices."* — Those buildings which were once the iaoour of slaves and the pride of kings, are now misshapen heaps of rubbish. — "The whole face of the country is covered with vestiges of building, in some places consisting of brick walls sur- prisingly fresh, in others, merely a vast succession of mounds of rubbish, of such indeterminate figures, variety and extent as to involve the person who should have formed any theory in inextricable confusion."! " Long* mounds, running from north to south, are crossed by others from east to west ;" and are only distinguished by their form, direction, and number from the decayed banks of canals. " The greater part of the mounds are cer- tainly the remains of buildings, originally disposed in streets, and crossing each other at right angh s."{ The more distinct and prominent of these " heaps" are double, or lie in parallel lines, each exceeding twenty feet in height, and " are intersected by cross passages, in such a manner as to place beyond a doubt the fact of their being rows of houses or streets fallen to decay."§ Such was the form of the streets of Babylon, leading towards * Porter's Travels, vol. ii. p. 294, 297. f Rich's Memoirs, p. 2. t Buckingham's Travels in Mesopotamia, vol. ii. p. 298. $ Ibid. p. 299 BABYLON. 219 the gates : and such are now the lines of its heaps-— " There are also, in some places, two hollow channels, and three mounds, running parallel to each other for a considerable distance, the central mound being, in such cases, a broader and flatter mass than the other two, as if there had been two streets going parallel to each other f the central range of houses which divided them being twice the size of the others, from their being double resi- dences, with a front and door of entrance to face each avenue. "* " Irregular hillocks and mounds, formed over masses of ruins, present at every step memorials of the past."f From the temple of Belus and the two royal palaces, to the streets of the city and single dwellings, all have become heaps ; and the only difference or gradation now is, from the vast and solid masses of ruins which look like mountains, to the slight mound that is scarcely ele- vated above the plain. Babylon is fallen, literally fallen to such a degree that those who stand on its site and look on numerous parallel mounds, with a hollow space between, are sometimes at a loss to distinguish between the remains of a street or a canal, or to tell where the crowds frequented or where the waters flowed. Babylon is fallen, till its ruins cannot fall lower than they lie. It is cut down to the ground. Her foundations are fallen ; and the ruins rest not on them. Its palaces, temples, streets, and houses lie " buried in shapeless heaps."f And " the view of Babylon," as taken from the spot, is truly a picture of utter desolation, presenting its heaps to the eye, and showing how, as if literally buried under them, Babylon is brought down to the grave. Cast her up as heaps. Mr. Rich, in describing a grand heap of ruins, the shape of which is nearly a square of seven hundred yards length and breadth, states that the workmen pierce into it in every direction, in search of bricks, " hollowing out deep ravines and pits, and throw- ing up the rubbish in heaps on the surface."^ " The summit of the Kasr" (supposed to have been the lesser palace) is in like manner " covered with heaps of rubbish" Let nothing of her be left. " Vast heaps constitute all that now remains of ancient Babylon. "|| All its grandeur is departed; all its treasures have been spoiled; all its * Buckingham's Travels in Mesopotamia, vol. ii. p. 299. t Mignan's Travels, vol. ii. p. 116. X Barter's Travels, p. 294. % Rich's Memoir, p. 22- 11 Keppel's Narrative, p. 196 K2 220 BABYLON. excellence has utterly vanished ; the very heaps are searched for bricks, when nothing else can be found ; even these are not left wherever they can be taken away, and Babylon has for ages been " a quarry above ground," ready to the hand of every successive despoiler. With- out the most remote allusion to this prophecy, Captain Mignan describes a mound attached to the palace ninety yards in breadth by half that height, the whole of which is deeply furrowed, in the same manner as the generality of the mounds. " The ground is extremely soft, and tiresome to walk over, and appears completely exhausted of all its building materials : nothing now is left save one towering hill, the earth of which is mixed with. fragme?its of broken brick, red varnished pottery, tile, bitumen, mortar, glass, shells, and pieces of mother-of-pearl,"* — worthless fragments, of no value to the poorest. From thence shall she be taken — let nothing of her be left. One traveller, towards the end of last century, passed over the site of ancient Babylon, without being conscious of having traversed it.f While the workmen cast her up as heaps in piling up the rubbish while excavating for brick, that they may take them from thence, and that nothing may be left ; they labour more than trebly in the fulfilment of prophecy, for the numerous and deep excavations form pools of water, on the overflowing of the Euphrates, and, annu- ally filled, they are not dried up throughout the year. " Deep cavities are also formed by the Arabs, when digging for hidden treasure. "J " The ground is some- times covered with, pools of water in the hollows."^ Sit on the dust, sit on the ground, O daughter of the Chal- deans. The surface of the mounds, which form all that remains of Babylon, consists of decomposed buildings reduced to dust; and over all the ancient streets and habitations there is literally nothing but the dust or the ground on which to sit. Thy nakedness shall be uncovered. " Our path," says Captain Mignan, " lay through the great mass of ruined heaps on the site of ' shrunken Babylon.' And I am perfectly incapable of conveying an adequate idea of the dreary, lonely nakedness that appeared before me."|| * Mignan's Travels, p. 199, 200. t Transactions of the Literary Society at Bombay, vol. i. p. 130 Note Cun- ningham's Joupney to India, 1785. X Mignan's Travels, p. 213. § Buckingham's Travels, vol. ii. p. 296. KeppePs Travels, vol. i p. 125. jj Mignan's Travels, p. 116. BABYLON. 221 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness. There reigns throughout the ruins " a silence profound as the grave. 5 '* Babylon is now " a silent scene, a sublime solitude."! It shall never be inhabited, nor dwelt in from generation to generation* From Rauwolff's testimony it appears that in the sixteenth century " there was not a house to be seen."J And now the " eye wanders over a barren desert, in which the ruins are nearly the only indication that it had ever been inhabited." " It is impossible," adds Ma- jor Keppel, " to behold this scene and not to be reminded how exactly the predictions of Isaiah and Jeremiah have been fulfillec 1 , even in the appearance Babylon was doomed to present, that she should never be inhabited ; that ' the Arabian should not pitch his tent there ;' that she should ' become heaps ;' that her cities should be ' a desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness.' "$ " Babylon is spurned alike by the heel of the Ottomans, the Israelites, and the sons of Ishmael."|| It is " a tenantless and desolate me- tropolis."^" It shall not be inhabited, but be wholly desolate, Neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there, neither shall the shepherds make their folds there. It was prophesied of Ammon that it should be a stable for camels and a couching-place for flocks; and of Philistia, that it should be cottages for shepherds, and a pasture of flocks. But Babylon was to be visited with a far greater desolation, and to become unfit or unsuiting even for such a purpose. And that neither a tent would be pitched there, even by an Arab, nor a fold made by a shepherd, implies the last degree of solitude and desolation. "It is common in these parts for shepherds to make use of ruined edifices to shelter their flocks in."** But Babylon is an excep- tion. Instead of taking the bricks from thence, the shep- herd might with facility erect a defence from wild beasts, and make a fold for his flock amid the heaps of Babylon ; and the Arab, who fearlessly traverses it by day, might pitch his tent by night. But neither the one nor the other could now be persuaded to remain a single night among the ruins. The superstitious dread of evil spirits, far more than the natural terror of the wild beasts, effectually prevents them. Captain Mignan was accompanied by six Arabs, completely armed, but he " could not induce them to remain towards night, from * Porter's Travels, vol. ii. p. 294. t Ibid. p. 407. i Ibid. p. 174. $ Keppel's Narrative, * H. i. p. 197. || Mignau's Travels, p. 106. H" Ibid. p. 234. * * Ibid. p. 235 19* 222 BABYLON. the apprehension of evil spirits. It is impossible to eradicate this idea from the minds of these people, who are very deeply imbued with superstition." And when the sun sunk behind the Mujelibe, and the moon would have still lighted his way among the ruins, it was with infinite regret that he obeyed " the summons of his guides."* " All the people of the country assert that it is extremely dangerous to approach this mound after night- fall, on account of the multitude of evil spirits by which it is haunted."f Neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there ; neither shall the shepherds make their flock there. But, Wild beasts of the deserts shall lie there, and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures ; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs (goats) shall dance there, &c. " There are many dens of wild beasts in various parts. There are quantities of porcupine quills (kephudl)." And while the lower excavations are often pools of water, " in most of the cavities are numbers of bats and owh"% "These souterrains (caverns), over which the chambers of ma- jesty may have been spread, are now the refuge of jack- als and other savage animals. The mouths of their entrances are strewed with the bones of sheep and goats ; and the loathsome smell that issues from most of them is sufficient warning not to proceed into the den."^ The king of the forest now ranges over the site of that Babylon which Nebuchadnezzar built for his own glory. And the temple of Beius, the greatest work of man, is now like unto a natural den of lions. " Two or three majestic lions" were seen upon its heights, by Sir Robert Ker Porter, as he was approaching it ; and " the broad prints of their feet were left plain in the clayey soil."|| Major Keppel saw there a similar foot- print of a lion. It is also the unmolested retreat of jack- als, hyenas, and other noxious animals. ^T Wild beasts are " numerous" at the Mujelibe, as well as on Birs Ni?nrood. "The mound was full of large holes ; we entered some of them, and found them strewed with the carcasses and skeletons of animals recently killed. The ordure of wild beasts was so strong that prudence got the better of curiosity, for we had no doubt as to the savage nature of the inhabitants. Our guides, indeed, told us that all * Travels, p. 201, 235. f Rich's Mem. p. 27. Buckingham's Travels, vol. ii. p. ZQ7. t Ibid. p. 30.