Class, r_j^:i Book . - ':'-. '■'' Testimonials of /Appreciation to HERMAN RIDDER Acting 'President and HENRY W. SACKETT Secretary of The Hudson- Fulton Celebration Commission ■^ mAear Mr, bidder: The delightful privilege has been accorded to us by members of the Hudson-Ful- ton Celebration Commission^ whose names are hereto attached^ to present to you on their behalf the accompanying medal in gold f which they hope you will accept not only as a souvenir of the Celebration^ but as an evidence of their high ap- preciation of the great service rendered by you to the Commission. The medal presented is an enlargement of the Official 'Badge. Your friends felt that they had no authority to use the official die of the Com- mission, and as their wish was to pay to you a personal tribute of respect and regard^ they have caused this medal to be struck for the purpose. We wish we could convey to you a sense of the cordiality with which every one has responded to the proposal. It is clear that your long and public-spirited labor of love for the City of New York in helping so superbly ^ as Acting 'Presi- 9 dent of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commis- sion^ to carry to success that Celebration^ has won for you a host of friends^ whose admiration for your courage^ your energy^ your enthusiasm^ and your faith in the success of the enterprise^ is only second to their high personal regard for you as a man. On behalf of the members of the Commission who have had the privilege of taking part in this tribute, ZVe have the honor to be, Yours very sincerely, Seth Low, Chairman William ^erri George F. Kunz John B, Larsons Francis Lynde Stetson Edward ©. Adams Louis Annin Ames John <©. Archbold John Jacob Astor George Clinton 'Batcheller James SM. 'Beck August 'Belmont William 'Berri Cornelius K. G. 'Billings Bmil L. 'Boas George C. 'Boldt George S. Bowdoin George V. 'B rower Henry W. Cannon Howard Carroll Joseph H. Choate "Paul epew Samuel W. Fairchild Stuyvesant Fish Charles S. Francis Alfred