■m ; .CaWwell WilUm M.;, To tW Konovalole Scwat* •=: nc/ nouse WasWftow, i860- >V Re prcs7.">, 576, ten or twelve feet, causing greal injury and damage t«» the prop- erty of your petitioners abutting ou F street in various ways, such as — 1st. Difficulty and inconvenience of access to the same from the necessity of added steps to react the dwellings and other buildings <>n said Btreet. 2d. Theadded expense and labor in supplying fuel and other necessaries fco their premises. .">d. Tin* preservation, at considerable com, of the sus- taining walls of the embankments and the coping, f beautiful shade trees a half century old, lining l>oth sides of said street. 5th. Loss to property-holders in many cases by the va- cation of their premises by tenants, on account of unhealth- fulness created by the disturbance of the soil during L2 months and over. 6th. The derangement of the sewer system and drain- age of said street by cutting so closely to the sewers, no- tably in the more western end of the street, and indeed other damage, which may easily be seen upon inspection Of the street. Your memorialists respectfully state that the work so done, for Grovernmenl use, was under the supervision of the late Board of Public Works, and was from the incep- tion thereof vigorously protested against by them, ami that they did not. confine themselves to mere protest, but were forced t o commence proceedings in the District courts against the levy of special assessments for said work on their property, which was and is a very serious cloud thereupon, causing to them greal expense and anxiety. Also, that the said work was done in many ways \er\ extravagantly, and the charges made for the same were much in excess of the value of the work, and included unlawful and wrongful charges, which were 80 apparent to your honorable bodies that you ordered a revision of the street special assessments, and under the said act of revision some reductions were made by the District Coin- missioners, who evidently did all they could under the act to alleviate the burden on property-holders, but not to the extent that your petitioners deem sufficient or due to them. Also, that ten per centum per annum interest was charged from 1872, the time of original assessment, in lieu of six per centum, which latter rate was all that was contemplated by your Honorable Bodies in the act for the same, thus nearly doubling the amount of the bills ren- dered. This was, evidently, entirely at variance with legislation on this point. Your petitioners submit that if interest were charged at all, it should have been from the date of revision of these special assessments in 1879. We protest wholly against these special assessments upon and damages to our property again, because that in direct defiance of the organic law of the District certifi- cates of indebtedness were issued against our property before the completion of the work on said F street, (in- deed, the work has not yet been completed,) and were bought up, it is understood, at considerable discount by a foreign banking company, which has constantly endeav- ored to enforce the payment of said certificates upon your petitioners, who have as constantly opposed the said com- pany in the District courts, until the said company was sustained in their demands by the U. S. Supreme Court. when your petitioners, being forced to pay their certifi- cates, did so under protest. Now, the undersigned, your petitioners, come before your Honorable Bodies for full relief and redress, upon the ground that their property has been grievously dam- aged tor the benefit and purposes of the United States Government, and their appeal properly lies to your Hon- orable Houses, who we humbly beg will render void and of uon-effect the said special a 9men1 as against their property on F Btreel aforesaid, so thai your petitioners, \\ ho bave been forced to pay the same, maj be refunded for prin- cipal and interest all their payments on account of the same, and also those who have not made such payments may be relieved by an act t<> be passed 1>\ your Honorable Bouses, to cancel all certificates of indebtedness of what- ever nature there may exist for special assessments against your memorialists' property on F street, between Seven- teenth and Twenty-fourth streets northwest, and also in- cluding and directing to be made, by some fair and hon- orable means, an examination of the damages to your memorialists' property, caused by the change of grade in said street, and an award therefor, with instructions to the District Commissioners, or to the Treasurer of the United States, to pay such awards to the parties in in- terest. And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. WM. M. CALDWELL, WM. B. WE 15 1 5, NATHANIEL MICRLER, (HAS. I). MAXWELL, JNO. L EDWARDS, for h, ira of Jab. H. Edwards ; ROBERT REYBURN, WM. GUNTON, COLUMBUS ALEXANDER, WM. II. MINNIX, An HER8. MB. mm sT]