LIBRARY OF CONGRESS D0015HHfc.31,7 Class Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT / L.' HE Scenes preserved in thiis little book will give a faiqt idea of thie Graqdeur aqd Beauty of the Great F^OCKY ^ Mountain Region traversed by the Denver &. Rio Grande Railvi/ay. They have beeq selected as representa- tive and characteristic of the nqany hundreds whichi exist iq this, the JVIOST PICTURESQUE PORTION OF THE Vast Mid- continental Region, and if they serve to gratify thie love for tlie beautiful, or to iqcite a desire to learn more of tl^e exteqt aqd grandeur of our country, the object of tf\is publication will have been acconiplishied. TO Those Wl]o {-lave Seer), or- Wl_)o j^ope to See, the Orandeur- of tli. AND TO •- ^^11 lovers of the neauliful ia Mature, TBis Been is oeoiGRTeD AMERtCAH BANK NOTE CO., N. Y. 14613 COPYRIGHT, 1885. S. K. HOOPER. 12,^-10/0 AMEHICAN BANK NOTI CO. MANITOU— GLIMPSE OF PIKE'S PEAK. • .•♦ * X *•. ..X ■ . " .A .. ■>Mt.Rlt,A>< 3ANK NUTt GATEWAY ro THE GARDEN ' iF THE GODS MANITOU. 2 < K < W X o z o z <; C) Q Z <: K o o K o o J < o MARSHALL PASS— CONTINENTAL DIVIDE, L>«i''.' ■'■■...--• -.- -••S',-i.\:, . ^.„'*3 ■ff.A- ''^mBMmMJW^^^ z o D O W X H (I. O 2 O Z < O o < a I w J Q W W z F z < o w K K D O o X o >■ J o X w I (- u. o (- •z. D 'i^^^-^'-s2^ ...^^.f'i^^^'Cr '■'■'IM. M^fmi^;^^ «MEfllCAN BASK NOTE CO. M. V. APPROACH TO THE BLACK CANON OF THE GUNN tSON, AMCRiCAh Bank note CO. n. y. CHIPETA FALLS-BLACK CANON iMCHICAK O*'--. -OTt CO. CASTLE GATE— PRICE CANON. w 2 Z D H P Z <: w o K O O o u H J o I