LIBRARY OF'CONGRESS. Shelf ..-.2-7-^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Chronological Rhymes IN- Modern History 'MUG §0^1893 <-" Copyrighted, 18!*2, Bv S. A. Brown. REVISED EDITION. Copyrighted 1893. Hy S. A. Brown. ERRATA. On page 17, first line, read In instead of Ih. second line, read on a instead of or the. On page 31 read i84g instead of iS4i. Revised Edition, PART I. 1893 The prominent, pivotal dates of his- tory are to the student what milestones are to the ti'aveller. Chkonological Khymes IN MODEEN HiSTOKY. Chronology should serve to trace The jutting rocks of age and race; A lighthouse prove for every clime To guide us down the stream of time, And first the birth of Christ, we state. The Christain world's great central date. CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES 70 Unable Roman might to quell, In seventy, Jerusalem fell; Her temple fair to ruin hurled. Her children exiled through the world. 306 Three hundred six, we note the date When Constantine, surnamed "The Great" The sceptre took, and claimed, we see. First Christian emperor to be. IN MODERN HISTORY. 451 Four hundred fifty-one, we see The hosts of Huns in battle flee, Where Christian might on Chalon's sod Met Attila, the "Scourge of God." 476 Four seventy-six, serves to recall The Roman Empire's tottering fall. CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES 622 Six: hundred twenty-two, 'tis said, Mahomet to Medina fled; From that Hegira, as they state. The prophet's sons their era date. 732 In seven hundred thirty-two. The battle-ground of Tours we view, Where Charles Martel with fiery ken Drove back the hated Saracen. IN MODERN HISTORY. 9 768 In seven sixty- eight, the reign O'er France began of Charlemagne. 827 Eight hundred twenty-seven, we see In one the Saxon Heptarchy. 1066 One thousand sixty-six, 'tis shown The Gorman mounted England's throne. 1096 One thousand ninety-six was made By pilgrim band the First Crusade. 10 CHEONOLOUrCAL RHYMES I2I5 In twelve fifteen, at Rnnnymede, King John anwillingly agreed To sign the Magna Charta then, Which sealed the rights of Englishmen. 1450 In fourteen fifty, Germans claim Through Gutenburg's wide-honored name, The great invention of the age, Which gave the world the printed page. IN MODERN HISTOKY. 11 1453 In fouj'teen hundred fifty-three, Constantinople ceased to be A Roman city, since that day The Turk has held despotic sway. 1492 In fourteen ninety-two, the brave Columbus west fi-om Palos went, And laid o'er the Atlantic wave The path to a new continent. 12 CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES 1522 In fifteen twenty-two, 'tis found Magellan sailed the world around, And claimed to be the pioneer In proving thus the earth a sphere. 1603 We find in sixteen hundred three, England and Scotland both agree Their ancient feud aside to fling, And James the Stuart crown as kino^. IN MODERN HISTOKY. 13 1607 In sixteen seven, settlers came From English soil foi* Jamestown bent; In honor of their king, his name They gave to this first settlement. 1610 In sixteen hundred ten, the tide. In France, of sorrow filled the land, "When Henry Fourth, her monarch, died, Slain by tlie fell assassin's hand. 14 CHEONOLOGICAL RHYMES 1620 In sixteen twenty, o'er the waves The Mayflower neared Isew England's strand And Plymouth Rock the honor craves Of welcoming the Pilgrim band. 1649 In sixteen forty-nine, his fate Met England's ^Charles by regicide. * Charles i. IN MODERN HISTORY. 15 1658 In sixteen hundred fifty-eight, Cromwell, the Lord Protector, died. 1775 In seventeen seventy-five, was won The opening fight at Lexington, Which ranked, in seventeen eighty-three, Our country's name among the free. 16 CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES 1793 In seventeen ninety-three, the king Louis Sixteenth was guillotined, While France a bloody offering From Revolution's harvest gleaned. 1812 In eighteen twelve, History relates England and the United States, Fought three long years upon the sea, Each struggling for supremacy. IN MODEKN HISTORY 17 l8l2 111 eighteen twelve, Napoleon came To Moscovv^, aa^fe^ bloody track, But soon, with help of frost and flame, The Russians drove his legions back. 1815 In eighteen fifteen, Napoleon, too, Defeated, fled from Waterloo, And rocky St. Helena gave To him a prison and a grave. 18 CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES 1854 There comes in eiij^hteeii fifty-foar, From Crimea the cannon's roar, Where English Bnll and Knssian Bear With France the ])loody conflict share. 1857 In eighteen hnndred fifty-seven, The cable's message first was given. As through the deep Atlantic meetino-, Our country sent to Europe greeting IN MODERN HISTORY. 19 1858 In eighteen fifty- eight, 'tis known, Victoria on English throne, Began upon this date, the name Empress of India to claim. 1 86 1 In eighteen sixty -one, the strife Betwixt the North and South began And threatening sore the ^N^ation's life, Four weary years its courses ran. 20 CHRONOLOGICAL KHYMES 1863 In eighteen hundred sixty-three, Was signed by Lincohi ''The Decree" Which gave at once "Emancipation" To every slave throughout the nation. 1864 In eighteen hundred sixty-four. While civil war the country tore. To Mexico, by French consent, Ill-fated Maximilian went, But died in eighteen sixty-seven, To treachery a victim given. IN MODERN HISTORY. 21 1865 In eighteen sixty-five, a wave Tliroughont our land of horror went, And tears and sobs the IS'ation gave Lincoln, her martyred president. 1870 In eighteen seventy, we see Napoleon Third was forced to flee. And France in that eventful hour To bow beneath the German power. 22 CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES 1 88 1 In eighteen eighty-one, the wail Of sorrow rose for Garfield slain. The nation heard the tw^ice-told tale, And monrned her martyred dead again. The Nineteenth Centnry's closing life With fresh discovery is rife. While History bends with listening ear The Fntnre's coming march to hear, And wonders what new offering The Twentieth Century will bring. PART II, Presidents. A. D. 1 789-1893 1789 Washington. In seventeen hundred eighty-nine, First of the presidential hne Stands Washington, though years increase, Still "first in war" and "first in peace." 26 CHRONOLOGIC VL RHYMES 1797 In seventeen hundred and ninety-seven. The oath of office next was given To bold John Adams, brave and true, Whose patriot heart his country knew. 1801 Then comes in eighteen hundred one The name of Thomas Jeiferson, Author and giver to the nation Of the immortal "declaration." IN MODERN HrSTORY 27 1809 We note in eighteen hundred nine, James Madison the next in line; True to himself, whate'er his ground, ^' State rights" in him a champion found. 1817 In eighteen hundred seventeen The name of James Monroe is seen; The "Monroe doctrine" bars invasion. We tolerate no foreign nation. 28 IN MODEKN HISTORY [825 We see in eighteen twenty-five John Qniney Adams next arrive, Inheriting his father's fire, The ''worthy son of such a sire." 1829 In eighteen hundred twenty-nine BUift" Andrew Jackson wheels in Hne, And for the party watchword toils, That ^''to the victor come the spoils." *Jackson established the principle of rotation in office. IN MODERN H [STORY 29 1837 When next in eighteen thirty-seven Martin Van Bnren's call was given, Financial panic o'er the land Spread its dark pall on every hand. 184I In eighteen hundred forty-one Came William Henry Harrison, For one short month the nation's head, Then sadly laid among the dead. 30 IN MODKKN HISTORY 184I Vice President John Tyler then The vacant office filled again, While "Dorr's rebellion's" futile strife In fair Rhode Island sprang to life. 1845 In eighteen forty-five, the name Of James Iv. Polk the records claim, While strife began, and blood to flow, On battle fields of Mexico. IN MODERN HISTORY 31 1849 111 eighteen hundred forty-nine The fight was fierce on party line, Bold Zachary Taylor won the day, The hero brave of Monterey. 1849 Again the shaft of death was sped, Again the nation mourned its head. Then Millard Fillmore placed in power, While slavery's discord jarred the hour. 32 CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES 1853 In eighteen hundred fifty-three The name of Franklhi Pierce we see; Japan, in his administration, Two ports first opened to our nation. 1857 The choice of James Buchanan given In eighteen hundred fifty-seven, Recalls the famed ''Dred Scott decision," When slavery blurred our moral vision. IN MODERN HISTORY 33 1 86 1 In eighteen sixty-one, the name Of Abraham Lincoln next we claim, He proved the country's guiding star. Our pilot through the "civil war," With loyal heart he sought to bear The burden of a nation's care, Then fell by the assassin's hand, While mourning voices filled the land. 34 CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES Our "Ship of state" no tide may whelm, Next Andrew Johnson took the helm, And saw, in his administration, Alaska added to the nation. 1869 To guide the peace his valor won The nation called her warrior son, And placed in eighteen sixty-nine, The name of ^Grant upon the line. ♦Ulysses S. Grant. IX MODERN HISTORY 35 1877 The choice in eighteen seventy-seven To Ruthei'ford B Hayes was given; While o'er the ' Soiitli" spread consternation At yellow fever's dread invasion. 1S81 The pi-ize in eighteen eighty-one By James A. Garfield next was won, But soon by mad assassin slain, We mourned our martyred head again 30 CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES 1885 In eighteen eighty-five, the vote For Grover Cleveland then we jiote, And northern heart with Southern blent, When earthquake shock fair Charleston i-ent. 1889 Benjamin Harrison in line Comes next in eighteen eighty-nine, While labor strike and cholera scare With threatening murmurs filled the air. IX MODEKN HISTORY 37 1893 In eighteen ninety-three's campaign Is Grover Clevekmd called again, While far and wide, on every hand, The "World's Fair" voices fill the land Chicago, in white robe arrayed. On all the earth has tribute laid, And wealth of art, and classic lore, Has piled upon her lake washed shore. l\S CHRONOLOGICAL RHYMES Thus far the presidential scroll Its records clear to us unroll, Somewhere, ^within the nation's bound, Our coming leaders will be found, And Time, with his unerring pen, Each new inscription trace again. ♦The Constitution requires the President to be a "natural born citizen" of the United States.