CS 71 .B356 1904 Copy 1 Genealogy BASS 1 (>(>1--I9()4 Compiled by EDWARD ALPHEUS BASS, M. D. Montetlo. Wisconsin. M , SS ~KAUP*ANN pV.NT MONTCLLO WIS < Samuel Bass Born in England, 1601 ; came to Koxbmv . \hi^s.. 1630 : moved to Brain tree (n o w Q ti i nc y) . Mas- . 164QJ represent cd his town in legislat- ure 12 years; died Jan. 10, 1695, aged 94 years; wife Annie died Sept. 16, 1693, aged 93 years. John Bom in 1632 ; married Dec. 14. 1657. to Ruth, daughter Of John ami Priscilla AMen; died Sept. 23, 1716. Of this marriage there were sev en children whose po - terity in part it is inter- esting to trace : 1 John Jr is the ancestor pj Samuel and Edward BaSS : 2 Samuel of Jon athan Bass : 1 Joseph ot the Rt. Rev. Edward Bass, I). D. ; 4 Hannah of John Adams and John Quincy Adams, idents of the Up i ted States; S Mary of Ziort and Willard John Ji i Horn Oct. 10, 1658; married Abigail . Vdam-. ; died Oct. 11- 175 4. Ruth Samuf ;l Jose Hn ipeland, Samuel Horn June 28, 1691 : married Sarah Savil Aug. 26, 1723; died Dei 1783. Samuel jr Horn Jan. 9, 1725; married Anna RawSOn Nov. 10, 1746. Edward Born in 1749; married Bathsheba Keith Nov. 9. 1771 ; died Oct. 29. 1819. Isaac Horn Nov. 5. 1 7 7 _' : married Polly Wales in 1800; died Feb. 3, 1831. ph nnnh Mary bb, Jr, ; aftei bi; death Copeland April 13, 1694. Law- father of William, horn in I *e-oi the Hilgrrrrr David Horn April 15, 1/ man ied Elizabeth — Lpril 15, 1750. David JR Horn May 14, 1738; married Elizabeth Clapp 1759. Zion Horn Sept. '29, 1769; married Polly Ilarwood July 6, 1793; died Aug. 7, 1854; had fourteen children ot whom twelve jn W to adult life; four boys were pa I church for Alpheus In, second child and first son in a family oi nine children ; born 1 te< married Dec. 12, 1822, TO Sally Copeland The seventh child in family of twelve chil- dren; born Sept lied June 14, 1870 lie died May 18, Isaac Wilber The thin child in fam- ily of nine children : born Feb. 17 married I.orin Jan. 4, 1S57; died Oct. Edwari J Alpheus Born Se; t. 24, 1860; married A la Burlingame Dec. 12, 1 88 1. Mart ha Ann married . ibram Haslcin Jan. 26, Everetta Ethel Horn Aug. 14. 1889. Edward Cary Horn July 4. Franl i Wesley Bom J a ,. 17 Kellogg Oct. 2. II 1894. Orva Lora Horn Nov. 8, 1880; married Milo Smith Jan. i. 1902. Wilber Born Aug. 28, 1*82, Effie Born Aug. 13, 1884; ' m. 22, 1888. Dorla Marie Horn June 21, 1901. J. Lawrence Horn Feb. 1". 1904. Floyd born March 5, Thelma Rhoc a Maria ,,„ I: , Sept 6i l902 born Ml rch 1, 18 Wm. Shepard Nov. 1 i I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■ 005 792 800 1