Author ^ * Title "^ ** s LB-ESQ Class. Book...«]Ed!:E. \844 Z Imprint ri'$y$''ffM!^^'n If .r -^ -■/ BY-LAWS V A ^ /^ V' I- M BOARD OF CONTROLLERS O-S" PUBLIC SCHOOLS, OF THE FIRST SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY MIFFLIN & PARRY, No. 99 South Second Stkeet. 1844. Y-LAWS. THE PRESIDENT Shall preside at all meetings of the Board ; shall judge of order, and decide thereon without debate ; name all committees except when otherwise ordered by the Board ; sign all orders and reports directed by the Board ; inspect the minutes of the Secretary, and call special meetings of the Board when requested in writing by two or more members of the Board, or when such meetings shall be in his opinion necessary. THE SECRETARY -Shall keep all accounts of the Board as by law required; also fair and regular minutes of the Board, in a book pro- vided for that purpose ; read the minutes and such other papers as may be required ; countersign all drafts and other papers directed by the Board ; preserve all books and pa- pers placed under his care; notify in writing the members of the Board of all meetings thereof, and the chairman of every committee of the appointment of said committee, and furnish him with a copy of the resolution under which they were appointed ; shall quarterly communicate to the Board a full statement in detail, of all the supplies fur- nished to the different sections, designating the cost of said supplies, the persons from whom the same have^ been purchased, and the schools to which they have been sent ; and in case of the sickness or absence of the Pre- sident, the Secretary shall at the request of two or more members.of the Board call special meetings thereof. STATED MEETINGS Of the Board shall be held on the second Tuesday of every month (except on the 2d Tuesday of October, when the meeting shall be on the 2d Monday) at 3 o'clock P.M. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. At the hour appointed, the President (or in case of his absence a member of the Board chosen President pro tem.) shall take the chair and direct the roll to be called. The names of the Controllers present shall then be taken by the Secretary, and if any member of the Board shall afterwards appear, his name shall also be inserted. As soon as a quorum shall appear, the Board shall pro- ceed to business, and no member after the organization of the Board shall retire without the permission of the chair. 2. The minutes of the last meeting shall be read, and corrected if necessary. 3. Communications shall be received and considered. 4. Reports of standing committees shall be Called for and order taken thereon. 5. Reports of select committees shall be called for and considered. COMMITTEES. There shall be the following standing committees, all of which (except the committee on the Model School, which shall consist of seven members) shall consist of five mem- bers, viz:-^-^ Committee on Accounts, do Supplies, do Finance, do Model School, do Grammar, Primary and Secondary Schools, do Quarterly Reports, do Property, - do High School. 1. The Committee on Accounts shall diligently exam- ine and report upon all accounts presented to them, and ascertain their correctness, and no account of any Sec- tional Board shall be sanctioned by the Committee, unless the same shall have been approved by the said Sectional Board at a stated or special meeting thereof, and in ac' cordance with the rules of the Board of Control. 2. The Committee on Supplies shall purchase all sup- plies necessary for the Schools, on the most advantageous terms that can be obtained, and no bills for the same shall • be considered by the Committee on Accounts until the same shall have been approved on by the Committee of Supplies at a regular stated meeting- thereof. The Com- miltee shall meet at least once a month, preserve regular minutes of all their proceedings, and submit their minutes to the Board at every stated meeting thereof. The Committee on Supplies shall carefully examine and report to the Board such books &c., as shall be suit- able to be introduced into the Public Schools. No report of this Committee shall be made except at a stated meet- ing of fhe Board, and such report shall not be acted upon by the Board until the same shall have been presented at least one month. 3. The Committee on Finance shall carefully super- vise the funds of the Board, and report monthly on their condition. 4. The Committee on Property shall semi-annually in- spect all the real estate of the Board, and report on the condition of the same ; attend to the insurance thereof, and cause an abstract of the title to the same to be enter- ed in a book to be procured for tha! purpose. 5. The Committee on the High School shall visit the school semi-monthly, keep regular minutes of their pro- ceedings, and submit the same at each stated meeting of the Board, and report semi-annually on the state of the School, and in case of any vacancy in the faculty they shall nominate suitable persons to the Board to fill the same. 6. The Committee on the Grammar, Secondary and Primary Schools. All applications for the establishment • of new schools within the District, shall be referred to this Committee, and it shall be the duty of the Commifc- tee to report as soon as conveniendy can be done, on all applications referred to the Committee by the Board. It shall also be the duty of the Committee to report on the condition of all the Grammar Schools at least once in each year. 7. The Committee on Semi-annual and Quarterly Re- ports shall carefully examine all the reports submitted to the Board, and present an abstract therefrom to the Board, and shall report all cases where there are more teachers in the Schools, than the quarterly'average attend- ance of the pupils will warrant. Kesolu4ion passed at a meeting of the Controllers of Pub- lic Schools, July 9lh, 1844. Besolvedj That a Committee of five be appointed to purchase Treatises, Reports, &:c., on Education, to be deposited in the Controllers' Chamber, for the use of the Controllers, and not to be taken therefrom, and that an order for the sum of fift}' dollars be drawn in favor of the Chairman of said Committee, At a meeting of the Controlleis of Public Schools of the First School District of Pennsylvania, held at the Controllers' Chamber, on Friday, February 17, 1843, the following Resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the salaries of the principal Teachers of the se- veral Grammar Schools in the City and Incorporated Districts be as follows: — Male Teachers, $900 per annum; Female Teachers, $450 per annum. Resolved, That in Boys' and Girls* Grammar Schools, when the average attendance exceeds 200 pupils, there shall be three Assist- ants, and $650 be allowed for salaries ; when it exceeds 250 pupils, four Assistants, and $800 ; when it exceeds 300 pupils, five Assist- ants, and $900 per annum. Resolved, That in all Secondary Schools, where the average ex- ceeds 250 pupils, the sum of $800 shall be allowed ; and wben the average exceeds 200 pupils, and is under 250, the sum of $700 shall be allowed ; and all Secondary Schools having but one teacher, shall be allowed, for salary, $250 per annum. Resolved, That Primary Schools, when the average exceeds 250, shall have $725 ; between 200 and 250, $625; between 150 and 200, $500; between 100 and 150, $375; under 100, $250. Resolved, That the salary of the Principal of the Bustleton Grammar School be fixed at $650 per annum, he to employ an As- sistant, and pay the rent of the Academy ; and the salary of the Principal of the Hestonville Grammar School be fixed at $500 per annum. Resolved, That the principal male Teacher of Fairmount School be fixed at $450 par annum, and principal female at $300 ; the Prin- cipal of the Buck Lane School be $400 ; and the Principals of the Franklin and Girard Schools, in the Eighth Section, be each $400 per annum; and that all other male Teachers in the outer sections remain as at present ; and further, that no Sectional Board be al- lowed to fix a rate of salary above $400 per annum without the con- sent of the Board of Controllers. Resolved, That the male Principals of the West Philadelphia and Frankford Grammar Schools be paid $700, and female piincipals of the same, $350 per annum. Re&olved, That no female Teacher in any School in the First District, (except Principals of the Grammar Schools,) be paid more than $300 per annum. Resolved, That the Sectional Board, having male Assistants un- der their charge, be directed, when a vacancy shall occur, to organ- ize the said School with female Assistants, agreeably to the fore- going rules. Resolved, That in the Schools in the outer sections, where the male Teacher receives $400, a quarterly average attendance of 60 pupils shall be kept up, or the salaries to be reduced in pioportion. Resolved, That the Principal of the Central High School be paid $1600 ; and Messrs. Frost, Vogdes, Kendalland McMurtrie be paid $1350; Mr. Sanderson $1100; Mr. Deloutte, $1000 ; Mr. Peale $800 ; Mr. Shaw $600 ; Mr. Booth, $250 ; Mr. Frazer, $400 ; Mr. Becker, $350 ; the Janitor, $350 ; the Watchman, $300 per annum . Resolved, That the foregoing Resolutions shall go into operation on the first day of April next. From the minutes, THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Secretary. Resolutions passed by the Board of Conirolleis of Pub- lie Schools. April 11, 1843. Resolved^ That the second resolution of the report'of the Committee onRetrenchmentbe so amended that Boys' and Girls' Grammar Schools averaging over 200 pupils, shall have allowed them $700 instead of $650, and that the salary of the fe- male Teacher at the Fairmount Grammar School be $350 per an- num, and the salary of the Principal of the Buck Lane School be fixed at $450 per annum. April 11, 1843. Resolved, That the resolution which provides that no female Teacher in any School of the First School District, (except Principals of Grammar Schools) be paid more than $300 per annum, be rescinded, and in lieu thereof it be Resolved, That the Sectional Boards be authorized to expend the sum appropriated for the Secondary Schools by dividing the same among the Principals and Assistants of said Schools, in such pro- portions as they may deem best. May 9, 1843. Resolved, That the Primary School at Fairmount be hereafter allowed $725 per annum for the payment of Teachers, the same being allowed for all Primary Schools where the average exceeds 250 scholars, the said School having now an average oi over 300 scholars, June 13, 1843. Resolved, That the Directors of the Seventh Section be authorized to arrange the salaries of the Teachers as they may deem expedient. Provided, they do not in the whole ex- ceed the amount recently fixed by the rules of this Board. June 29, 1843. Resolved, That the Board of Controllers ap- 10 propriate the sum of $.500 per annum, commencing with the month of September next, to be expended in the compensation of two As- sistant Teachers, to be selected by the Committee from the gradu- ated pupils of the High School, at a salary of $250 per annum each; this resolution to take effect in case of the admission at the July ex- amination of at least fifty pupils additional to the present number, and not otherwise SErxEMBER 12, 1843. Resolved, That it shall be discretionary with the Sectional Boards to employ male Assistants in the male Schools of their respective Sections : Provided, the amount of sal- aries shall not exceed the present allowance. October 9, 1843. Resolved, That the Directors of the Second Section be authorized to elect another Assistant Teacher for the Jefferson Primary School, at a salary of $125 per annum, there be- ing over 300 pupils in said School. October 9, 1843. Resolved, That the duties of the Professor- ship of Mental, Moral and Political Science in the High School, va- cated by the resignation of Mr. O. A. Shaw, be placed in charge of the Principal on and after the 1st day of November next, at a sal- ary of $400 in addition to his present salary as Principal of the School. December 12th, 1843. Resolved, That the Directors of the Fourth Section be authorized to employ one Principal and five Assistant Teachers in the Fair Mount Consolidated School, and that the sum of $900 per annum is hereby appropriated to said School, and the Directors are required to keep an average attend- ance of 370 pupils. February 13, 1844. Resolved, That the sum of $700 be appro- priated for the pay of Teachers in the Buck Lane School, Ninth Section. April 9th, 1844. Resolved, That the Department of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry in the Central High School, be united and placed under the charge of Professor Booth, at the same sala- ry heretofore paid for instruction in those branches. June 11th, 1844. Resolved, That the salary of the Principal Teacher of the Male Grammar School at Frankford, in the Fifth Section, be reduced to $600 per annum, and the 2d Assistant Teach- er be dispensed with. June 11th, 1844. Resolved, That the salary of the Principal Teacher of the Male Grammar School at West Philadelphia, in the Seventh Section, be reduced to $600 per annum, and that the saU ary of the Principal Teacher of the Female Grammar School be $300 per annum and that of the Assistant Teacher $200 per annum. Ju.\E 11th, 1844, Resolved, That the salaries in the School un- 11 derthe charge of Messrs. Hodgson, Levering, Burchall and Lewis, in the Siicth Section, be reduced to the sum of $350 each per annundj and that one of the Assistant Teachers in the Prinnary School at Manayunk be dispensed with, in consequence ofthe ave- rage attendance of pupils in said Schools being less than is required by a Resolution of this Board. June 27th, 1844. Resolved, That the salaries of the Teachers ofthe Rittenhouse Public Grannmar School in Germantown, Sixth Section, be fixed as follows, to wit : The Principal Teacher in the Male Department $600 per annum. Assistant Teacher " " " 250 " Principal Teacher " Female «' 350 -' '• Assistant Teacher " . •' '' 200 " " Principal Female Teacher in the Primary De- partment 250 •• " Assistant Female Teacher " " " 125 " " September 10th, 1844. Resolved, That the Directors of the Fourth Section be authorized to employ an additional Teacher in the Primary School, corner of Buttonwood and Eighth Street, at u salary of $125 per annum - Extract from the Minutes. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Sectary, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 320 346 9