1053 ^"^^ EDITION.] [OCTOBER 1ST.. 1885. '' THE BEST >y 1 A MEBICAN ^#- -#AND E nglish Path S Road Cycle Records. Compiled r>y FRANCIS P. PRIAL, Editor of The WheeL ♦ c Jo .;^ /I \V. X. Oliver ^^ Co., Publishers, 12 Vesey Street 1885 OUTING is as wholesome in its spirit | as the breath of a pine forest, and a i constant inspirer of a love of nature.— : ]S\ Y. Tribune. \ * Is THE WHBELMAB'S MAGAZINE, Do you read it? If not^ you miss a rich treat every month. It publishes the best illustrations, the liveliest stories^ the most interesting descriptive papers, and the most complete record of 'cyclir:^ affairs that can be found in the world. Send 25 cents for the September number— the handsomest and best issue of a wheelman's maofazine ever published. Thomas Stevens left Constantinople on August lo to continue his wonderful bicycle journey around the world. A richly illustrated article from his pen with fine portrait, will appear in the October issue of Outing. PRICE, 25 CENTS. $3.00 PER YEAR. For- Sale- Everywhere. Outing, Boston, Mass. AMERICAN AMATEUR BICYCLE RECORDS, MILES riME NAME PLACE 1-4 373-5 Fred. Russ Cook, San Francisco 1-2 I 15 Geo, M. Hendee, St. Louis, 3-4 I 55 3-4 Geo. M. Hendee, St. Louis, I 2 383-4 Geo. M. Hendee, St. Louis, 2 5 342-5 E. P. Burnham, Springfield, 3 8 173-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 4 II 16 1-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 5 14 084-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 6 17 023-5 M. V, J. Webber, Springfield, 7 19 581-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 8 22 53 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield. 9 25 48 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, lO 28 442-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, II 31 41 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 12 34 413-5 M. V, J. Webber, Springfield, 13 37 41 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 14 40 423-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 15 43 36 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 16 46 352-5 M. V. J, Webber, Springfield. 17 49 33^-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 18 S^ 44 2-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 19 55 522-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 20 58 561-5 M. V. J. Webber, Springfield, 21 I c8 053-4 N. H. Van Sicklen, Chicago, 22 I II 24 N. H. Van Sicklen, Chicago, 23 I 14 44 N. H.. Van Sicklen, Chicago, 24 I 18 02 N. H. Van Sicklen, Chicago, 25 I 21 14 1-4 N. H. Van Sicklen, Chicago, 26 I 37 46 W. S. Clark, Nev/ York, 27 I 41 27 W. S. Clark, • New York, 28 I 45 CO 1-2 C. Collier. New York, 29 I 48 26 C. Collier, New York, 30 I 52 20 C. Collier, New York, 31 I s^ 381-2 C. Collier, New York, 32 2 00 391-2 C. Collier, New York, * S DATE May 16, 1885. Sept. 23, 1885. Sept. 23, 1885. Sept. 23, 1885. Sept. 9, 1885. Sept. 9, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885, Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept 10, 1885, Sept. 10, 1885. Aug. 15, 1885. Aug, 15, 1885. Aug. 15, 1885. Aug. 15, 1885. Aug. 15, 1885. Feb. 21, 188c. Feb. 21, 1880. Feb. 21, 1880. Feb. 21, t88o. Feb. 21, 1880. 21, 1880. SPECIM, 1880, AMERICAN AMATEUR BICYCLE RECORDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE 33 2 03 44 C. Collier, New York, Feb, 21 , 1880 34 2 07 47 C. Collier, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 35 2 II 34 C. Collier, New York, Feb. 21 , i88o 36 2 17 08 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 37 2 20 58 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 . 38 2 24 06 L. H, Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 39 2 28 40 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 40 2 32 45 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 41 2 36 41 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 42 2 40 31 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 43 2 43 47 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 44 2 47 25 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 45 2 51 07 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 46 2 54 50 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 47 2 58 34 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 48 3 02 23 1-2 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 49 3 06 09 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 50 3 09 45 1-4 L. H. Johnson, New York, Feb. 21 , 1880 ^ CH^IsrOE FOR ALL. We rent Rudge and Columbia bicycles and tricycles to responsible and compe- tent riders at reasonable rates. We sell Rudge and Columbia bicycles and tricycles on easy terms. We have the most complete and varied stock of v^heels and sundries in the city ; showing six of the leading makes — ALL WINNERS^ We have a large riding hall, where we teach bicycling free to purchasers and at reasonable rates to others. We have a well equipi^ed repair shop and guarantee our work and prices. Send for our catalogues, terms, etc. GEO. R. BIDWELL & CO. 2 & 4 Oth Street, NEW YORK. AMERICAN AMATEUR TRICYCLE RECORDS MILES TIME NAME PLACE 1-4 43 3-5 R. Cripps, Springfield, 1-2 I 25 R. Cripps, Springfield, 3-4 2 102-5 R. Cripps, Springfield, I 2 53 4-5 R. Cripps, Springfield, 2 6 034-5 Percy Furnivall, Springfield, 3 9 083-5 Percy Furnivall, Springfield, 4 12 15 1-5 Percy Furnivall, Springfield, 5 15 183-5 Percy Furnivall. Springfield, 6 22 532-5 A. G. Powell Philadelphia 7 26 43 A. G. Powell Philadelphia 8 30 321-5 A. G. Powell Philadelphia 9 34 262-5 A. G. Powell Philadelphia lO 38 05 2-5 A. G. Powell Philadelphia DATE Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 10, 1885. Sept. 9, 1885. Sept. 9, 1885. Sept. 9, 1885. Sept. 9, 1885. Aug. 27 1885, Aug. 27 1885. Aug. 27 1885. Aug. 27 1885. Aug. 27 1885. H. D. HEDGER & CO. 8 & 10 Churcli Stx'eet, BOSTON, MASS. Rudge^^Challenge EEPAIE WOEKS. Importers and Manufacturers of BICYCLE AND TRICYCLE PARTS And Fittingrs. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. AMERICAN SAFETY BICYCLE RECORDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 41 4-5 A. P. Engleheart, Springfield, Sept 9, 1885 1-2 1 243-5 A. P. Engleheart, Springfield, Sept 10, 1885 3-4 2 07 A. P. Engleheart, Springfield, Sept 10, 1885 I 2 481-5 A. P. Engleheart, Springfield, Sept 9, 1885 2 5 463-5 A. P. Engleheart, Springfield, Sept 10, 1885 3 8 35 4-5 A. P. Engleheart, Springfield, Sept TO, 1885 4 12 55 A. P. Engleheart, Hartford, Sept 3, 1885 5 16 04 A. P. Engleheart, Hartford, Sept 3, 1885 Tft*^ JVew ^^ ^jtarding^ rr A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 24:1 Broadw^ay^ NEW YORK. 108 Madison St., CHICAGO. Note records by Engleheart on a ** Kangaroo" at the top of this page. AMERICAN TANDEM TRICYCLE RECORDS. MILE S TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 44 4-5 EngUsh and Cripps, Springfield, Sept. 8, 1885. 1-2 I 26 English and Cripps, Springfield, Sept. 8, 1885. 3-4 2 05 1-5 English and Cripps, Springfield, Sept. 8, 1885. I 2 46 English and Cripps, Springfield, Sept. 8, 1885. 2 5 342-5 English and Cripps, Springfield, Sept. 8, 1885. 3 ^ 23 2-5 English and Cripps, Springfield, Sept. 8, 1885. 4 13 39 3-5 j Furnivall & Cripps, ] Lambert & English, Springfield, Sept. 10, 1885. 5 16 494-5 Furnivall and Cripps, Springfield, Sept. 10, 1885. AMERICAN TANDEM BICYCLE RECORDS. MILE S TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 454-5 C. H. Miller & F. R. Brown Springfield May 30 1885. 1-2 I 32 C. H. Miller & F. R. Brown Springfield May 30 1885. 3-4 2 223-5 C. H. Miller & F. R. Brown Springfield May 30 1885. I 3 09 C. H. Miller & F. R. Brown Springfield May 30 1865. 2 6 552-5 C. H. Miller & F. R. Brown Springfield Sept. 17 1884. 3 10 14 1-5 C. H. Miller & F. R. Brown Springfield Sept. 16 1884. AMATEUR BICYCLE ROAD RECORDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE ^5 50 100 100* ^33 T-4 203 1-8 t I 45 00 3 3^ 20 1 9 00 00 8 28 00 24 hours. 24 hours. W. A. Rhodes, W. A. Rhodes, S. G. Whittaker, Cola E. Stone, A. A. McCurdy, H. D. Corev, Lynn Boston Boston Kingston Boston Boston May 31 1885. Sept. 26 1885. Oct. 22 1884. July 10 1885. Sept. 24-25, 85 Aug. 9 1885. BICYCLE RUN AND RIDE RECORDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE *This +This is the Canadian Record, but was made by an American, record was made on a Safety. DATE 1-4 I 07 W. J. Foster | Hartford Sept. 2 1885. 1-2 ^042-5 C. B. Ripley Springfield Sept. 18 1884. 3-4 3 371-5 W. J. Foster Hartford Sept. 2 1885. I 4 23 1-5 C. B. Ripley Hartford Sept. 2 1885. AMATEUR TRICYCLE ROAD RECORDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE l6 TOO 191 I 9 10 II 30 00 24 00 00 John Williams Will. R. Pitman W. H. Huntley Boston Boston Boston Sept. 26 1885. Oct. 4 1884. Aug. 9 1885. TANDEM TRICYCLE ROAD RECORDS. MILI :S TIME NAME PLACE DATE 10 20 38 15 I 25 00 George D. Gideon, ) Abram G. Powell, ) George D. Gideon, ) Abram G. Powell, \ Philadelphia Philadelphia Aug. 2 1885. Aug. 2 1885. WRIGHT &DITSON, Fine Athletic Goods, YOUTHS' BIOTOLES, -roR- Bicyclingr, Polo, Lacrosse, Foot-Ball, Lawn Tennis, etc. a specialty. Gymnastic Apparatus. IN AND OUT-DOOR GAMES FOR ALL SEASONS. 580 Washington St- BOSTON. MASS. ^- — Send stamp for illustrated catalogue. Please mention this book. AMATEUR BICYCLE WITHOUT HANDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 45 3-4 F. H. Brigham Providence Sept. 22 1885. 1-2 I 283-5 C. H. Chickering Springfield Sept. 17 1884. 3-4 2 14 C. H. Chickering Springfield Sept. 17 1884. I 3 002-5 H. S. Wollison Springfield Sept. 17 1884. 2 6 39 F. F. Ives New Haven June 6 1885. AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL BICYCLE RECORDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 364-5 Fred. Wood, Springfield Sept. 8 1885 1-2 I 133-5 Richard Howell, Springfield Sept. 28 1885 3-4 I 522-5 Fred. Wood, Springfield Sept. 8 1885 I 2 352-5 Richard Howell, Springfield Sept. 21 1885 2 5 29 Fred. Wood, Springfield Sept. 10 1885 3 8 20 R. Howell, Springfield Sept. 10 1885 4 II 322-5 Fred. Wood, Springfield Sept. 10 1885 5 14 34 1-5 Fred. Wood, Springfield Sept. 10 1885 6 18 234-5 R. Howell, Springfield Sept. 9 1885 7 21 172-5 Wm. M. Woodside Springfield Sept. 17 1884 8 24 213-5 Wm. M. Woodside Springfield Sept. 17 1884 9 27 213-5 Wm. M. Woodside Springfield Sept. 17 1884 10 30 07 1-5 Richard Howell Springfield Sept. 17 1884 II 34 144-5 John Brooks Washington Aug. 24 1885 12 37 24 Wm. M. Woodside Washington Aug. 24 1885 13 40 30 John Brooks Washington Aug. 24 1885 14 43 40 1-2 Wm. M. Woodside Washington Aug. 24 1885 15 46 44 John Brooks Washington Aug. 24 1885 16 49 57 Wm. M. Woodside Washington Aug. 24 1885 17 53 04 Wm. M. Woodside Washington Aug. 24 1885 18 56 13 Wm. M. Woodside Washington Aug. 24 1885 19 59 17 Wm. M. Woodside Washington Aug. 24 1885 20 I 02 21 John Brooks Washington Aug. 24 1885 AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL RECORDS Records from 21 to 50 miles were made by Wm. December 8, 1884. Wood side at Chicago, MILES TIME MILES TIME MILES TIME 21 I 09 II 1-4 31 I 44 52 1-4 41 2 20 541-4 22 I 12 ;^6 1-4 32 I 48 263-4 42 2 24 34 . 23 I 16 14 33 I 52 II 3-4 43 2 28 12 1-2 24 I 19 S^ 34 I 55 53 3-4 44 2 31 51 1-2 25 I 23 053-4 35 I 59 403-4 45 2 35 331-2 26 I 26 38 36 2 03 05 46 2 39 21 27 I 30 143-4 37 2 06 S3 1-4 47 2 43 oS 28 I 33 48 1-4 38 2 10 06 1-2 48 2 46 55 1-4 29 I 37 27 1-4 39 2 13 42 49 2 50 43 1-2 30 I 41 083-4 . 40 2 17 18 1-4 50 2 54 01 1-2 The following records were made by J. S. Prince, at Chicago, Oct. 28, '83 MILES TIME MILES. TIME. MILES. TIME. 51 3 16 06 68 4 25 09 85 5 36 52 52 3 19 54 69 4 28 40 86 5 41 27 53 3 24 18 70 4 32 16 87 5 46 09 54 3 29 14 71 4 35 46 88 5 50 49 55 3 33 05 72 4 39 19 89 5 55 27 56 3 36 59 73 4 43 23 90 ^ 6 00 04 57 3 40 58 74 4 47 40 91 6 05 36 5« 3 45 06 75 4 51 57 92 6 09 50 59 3 49 18 76 4 56 18 93 6 14 2.9 60 3 53 30 77 5 00 40 94 6 19 05 61 3 57 48 78 5 05 03 95 6 23 43 62 4 02 04 79 5 09 26 96 6 28 16 63 4 06 17 80 5 14 20 97 6 32 44 64 4 10 34 81 5 18 45 98 6 37 16 65 4 14 30 82 5 23 09 . 99 6 41 44 66 4 17 59 83 5 27 41 100 6 50 55 67 4 21 33 84 5 32 31 AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL RECORDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE 125 8 31 08 John S. Prince Chicago Jan 22^ 1883 150 10 22 07 John S. Prince Chicago Jan 22, 1883 175 14 17 15 W. C, Young N. Y. City Jan 27, 1883 200 16 47 00 W. C. Young N. Y, City Oct 27, 1883 225 19 26 ^6 W. C. Young N. Y. City Oct 27, 1883 250 21 41 45 W. C. Young N. Y. City Jan 27, 1883 HOURS DIST. NAME PLACE DATE 12 172m. 320yds. John S. Prince Chicago Oct 22, 1883 24 333m. ii2oyds. John S. Prince Chicago Oct 23, 1883 36 486m. ii2oyds. John S. Prince Chicago Oct 24, 1883 48 560m. 270yds. Louise Armaindo ■ Chicago May 25, 1883 60 701m. 135yds. Louise Armaindo Chicago May 26, 1883 72 8431^- 135yds. Louise Armaindo Chicago May 27, 1883 AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL TRICYCLE RECORDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE I 3 24 H. W. Higham Washington Aug 24 1885 5 19 21 H. W, Higham Washington Aug 5 1885 10 21 03 H, W. Higham Washington Aug 5 1885 15 59 14 H. W. Higham Washington Aug 5 1885 20 I 17 23 H. W. Higliam Washington Aug 5 1885 AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL SAFETY RECORDS. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 43 R, Howell Springfield Sept 25 1885 1-2 I 22 R. Howell Springfield Sept 25 1885 3-4 2 01 3-4 R. Howell Springfield • Sept 25 1885 I 2 43 R. Howell Springfield Sept 25 1885 2 5 562-5 R. Howell Springfield Sept 8 1885 3 9 II R. Howell Springfield Sept 8 1885 4 1222 R. Howell Springfield Sept 8 1885 .5 15 362-5 R. Howell Springfield Sept 8 1885 \¥a Yev e^^o Importer and Manufacturer of 128 & 130 Fulton St. and 87 Nassau St., HEW YORK, FACTORY, 627, 6S9, 631 & 633 ATLANTIC AVENUE, BROOKLYN. Sei:.d 2-cent Stamp for New 32-page I llustrated Catalogue. ^ ENGLISH AMATEUR BICYCLE RECORDS MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 39 H. A. Speechley Crystal Palace Aug. 23 1884, 1-2 I 193-5 A. Thompson Crystal Palace July 3 1884. 3-4 2 00 M. Webber Crystal Palace July 9 1885. I 2 392-5 M. Webber Crystal Palace July 9 1885. 2 5 302-5 M. Webber Cambridge June 15 1885. 3 8 32 G. L. Hillier Crystal Palace Sept. 25 1884. 4 II 24 G. L. Hillier Crystal Palace Sept. 25 1884. 5 14 18 G. L. Hillier Crystal Palace Sept. 25 1884. 6 17 333-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 7 20 30 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 188^. 8 23 284-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 9 26 22 2-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. lO 29 192-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. II 32 192-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 12 35 15 R. H. English * Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. .^3 38 16 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 14 41 26 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884, 15 44 293-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 16 47 26 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 17 50 22 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 18 53 20 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 19 56 15 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 20 59 063-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace Sept. II 1884. 21 I 03 45 2-5 H. L. Cortis Surbiton Sept. 22 1880. 22 I 06 513-5 H. L. Cortis Surbiton Sept. 22 1880. 23 I 10 093-5 H. L, Cortis Surbiton Sept. 22 1880. 24 I 13 263-5 H. L. Cortis Surbiton Sept. 22 1880. 25 I 16 413-5 H. L. Cortis Surbiton Sept. 22 1880. 26 I 21 07 F. J. Nicolas Crystal Palace May 28 1885. 27 I 24 25 F. J. Nicolas Crystal Palace May 28 1885. 28 I 28 30 F. J. Nicolas Crystal Palace May 28 1885. 29 I 32 05 R. H. English Crystal Palace July 18 1885. 30 I 35 213-5 F. J. Nicolas Crystal Palace May 28 1885. 31 I 38 472-5 R. H, English Crystal Palace July 18 1885. 32 I 42 II R. H. English Crystal Palace July 18 1885. ENGLISH AMATEUR BICYCLE RECORDS. iSIILES TIME • NAME PLACE DATE 33 I 45 433-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace July 18 1885 34 I 49 10 R. H. English Crystal Palace July 18 1885 35 I 52 323-5 R. H. Enghsh Crystal Palace July 18 1885 ^^ I 56 02 George Gatehouse Crystal Palace July 18 1885 37 I 59 43 R. H. English Crystal Palace July 18 1885 38 2 03 213-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace July 18 1885 39 2 06 491-5 M. H. Jephson Crystal Palace July 29 1882 40 2 10 054-5 M. H. Jephson Crystal Palace July 29 1882 41 2 13 313-5 M. H. Jephson Crystal Palace July 29 1882 42 2 16 51 2-5 M. H. Jephson Crystal Palace July 29 1882 43 2 20 184-5 W. K. Adams Crystal Palace July 29 1882 44 2 23 42 1-5 C. D. Vesey Crystal Palace July 29 1882 45 2 27 054-5 M. H. Jephson Crystal Palace July 29 1882 46 2 30 332-5 1. K. Falconer Crystal Palace July 29 1882 47 2 34 043-5 M. H. Jephson Crystal Palace July 29 1882 48 2 37 431-5 M. H. Jephson Crystal Palace July 29 1882 • 49 2 41 08 2-5 M. H. Jephson Crystal Palace July 29 1882 50 2 43 583-5 I. K. Falconer Crystal Palace July 29 1882 51 2 55 24 G. L. HiUier Crystal Palace Sept. 29 1884 52 2 59 23 G. L. Hillier Crystal Palace Sept. 29 1884 53 3 02 50 G. L. Hillier Crystal Palace Sept. 29 1884 54 3 06 15 G. L. Hillier Crystal Palace Sept. 29 1884 The following records made by F. R. Fry at Crystal Palace July 27, 1883. MILES TIME MILES TIME MILES' TIME 55 3 10 58 64 3 42 28 73 4 13 54 56 3 14 30 65 3 45 55 74 4 17 31 57 3 18 03 66 3 49 20 75 4 21 12 58 3 21 32 67 3 52.45 76 4 24 45 59 3 25 01 68 3 56 12 77 4 28 10 60 3 28 30 69 3 59 50 78 4 31 38 61 3 32 07 70 4 03 17 79 4 35 03 62 3 35 35 71 4 06 51 80 4 38 02 63 3 39 01 72 4 10 21 81 j 4 42 04 ENGLISH AMATEUR BICYCLE RECORDS, F. R. Frv's records continued. MILES TIME MILES TIME MILES TIME 82 4 45 35 89 5 II 34 95 5 32 28 «3 4 49 02 90 5 15 02 96 5 36 II 84 4 52 30 91 5 18 37 1^2 97 5 40 23 ^5 4 56 31 92 5 22 03 98 5 43 21 86 5 00 49 93 5 25 27 99 5 47 001-2 ^7 5 04 28 94 5 28 472-5 100 5 50 052-5 SS 5 08 10 The following records made by G. L. Hillier. Crystal Pal., Sept. 29, 1884. MfLES TIME MILES TIME MILES TIME lOI 6 43 27 117 7 56 22 133 9 02 12 102 6 56 49 118 8 00 10 134 9 06 36 103 7 00 25 119 8 03 42 135 9 II 24 104 7 04 08 120 8 07 26 136 9 15 55 105 7 07 s^ 121 8 II 09 137 9 20 33 106 7 1 2 04 122 8 15 31 138 9 25 31 107 7 16 30 123 8 19 52 139 9 29 21 108 7 20 40 124 8 23 56 140 9 33 54 109 7 24 41 125 8 28 10 141 9 38 24 no 7 ^^ 30 126 8 32 20 142 9 43 23 III 7 32 44 127 8 36 37 143 9 47 34 112 7 36 30 X28 8 40 46 144 9 52 13 113 7 40 47 129 8 45 10 145 9 56 OS 114 7 45 22 130 8 49 2S 146 9 59 ■>4 , 115 7 49 23 ^31 8 54 00 116 7 52 53 132 8 58 12 20 JOHN STREET, Up Stairs. WHEELMEN INVITED. ENGLISH AMATEUR TRICYCLE RECORDS. MIL-: .S TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 462-5 A. J. Wilson Crystal Palace July II 1885 1-2 I 291-5 P. T. Letchford Crystal Palace July II 1885 3-4 2 143-5 Percy Furnivall Crystal Palace July II 1885 I 2 581-5 Percy Furnivall Crystal Palace July II 1885 2 6 21 S. Lee Crystal Palace July II 1885 3 9 383-5 R. Cripps Crystal Palace July II 1885 4 13 03 M. J. Lowndes Surbiton June 21 1883 .5 16 19 M. J. Lowndes Surbiton June 21 1883 6 19 35 M. J. Lowndes Surbiton June 21 1883 7 22 54 M. J. Lowndes Surbiton June 21 1883 8 26 09 M. J. Lowndes Surbiton June 21 1883 9 29 ^Z M. J. Lowndes Surbiton June 21 1883 lO 32 33 3-5 M. J. Lowndes Surbiton June 21 1883 II 37 26 R. Cripps Crystal Palace July II 1885 12 40 51 George Gatehouse Crystal Palace July II 1885 13 44 19 R. H. English Crystal Palace July II 1885 14 47 453-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace July II 1885 15 51 04 R. H, English Crytsal Palace July II 1885 16 54 34 R. H. English Crystal Palace July II 1885 17 57 58 R. H. English Crystal Palace July II 1885 18 I 01 3S R. H. English Crystal Palace July II 1885 19 I 05 II 3-5 R. H. English Crystal Palace July II 1885 20 I 08 42 George Gatehouse Crystal Palace July II 1885 21 I 12 20 R. H. English Crystal Palace July II 1885 22 I 16 033 5 George Gatehouse Crystal Palace July II 1885 •23 I 19 412-5 George Gatehouse Crystal Palace July II 1885 24 r 23 19 George Gatehouse Crystal Palace July II 1885 25 1 26 292-5 George Gatehouse Crystal Palace July II 1885 26 I 34 01 H, J, Webb Crystal Palace Aug. 6 1884 27 I 37 561-4 H. J. Webb Crystal Palace Aug. 6 1884 28 I 42 391 4 H. J. Webb Crystal Palace Aug. 6 1884 29 I 46 29 1-2 H. J. Webb Crystal Palace Aug. 6 1884 30 I 50 43 1-2 H. J, Webb Crystal Palace Aug. 6 1884 31 I 54 48 H. J. Webb Crystal Palace Aug. 6 1884 .32 I 58 54 1-2 H. J. Webb Crystal Palace Aug. 6 1884 ENGLISH PROFESSIONAL BICYCLE RECORDS, MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 39 H. 0. Duncan Leicester Aug. 17, 1885 1-2 I 173-5 H, 0. Duncan Leicester Aug. 17, 1885 3-4 I 59 4-5 R. Howell Leicester Aug. 18, 1883 I 2 403-5 R. Howell Leicester Aug. 18, 1883 2 5 364-5 John Keen Cambridge May 21, 1879 3 8 39 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 4 II 39 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 5 14 28 R. Howell Wolv'hampt'n Oct. 8, 1882 6 17 34 ♦ Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 7 20 30 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 8 23 32 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 9 26 28 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 lO 29 20 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 II 32 19 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 12 35 17 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 13 38 14 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 14 41 16 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 15 44 12 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 16 47 10 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 ^7 50 06 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 18 52 56 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 19 55 47 Fred. Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 20 58 34 Fred, Lees Leicester Aug. II, 1884 21 I 04 45 4-5 T. Battensby Leicester Aug. 2, 1884 22 I 07 582-5 T. Battensby Leicester Aug. 2, 1884 23 I II 12 T. Battensby Leicester Aug. 2, 1884 24 I 14 31 2-5 T. Battensby Leicester Aug. 2, 1884 25 I 17 204-5 T. Battensby Leicester Aug. 2, 1884 26 I 24 26 1-2 John Keen Surbiton Aug. 23, 1880 27 I 27 57 1-2 John Keen Surbiton Aug. 23, 1880 30 I 33 20 Fred. Lees Leicester July 5, 1884 35 I 50 24 Fred. Lees Leicester July 5, 1884 40 2 10 14 T, Battensby Leicester July 5, 1884 45 2 28 58 Fred, Lees Leicester July 5, 1884 50 2 47 20 Fred. Wood Leicester July 5, 1884 q^HE WATERBURY WATCH, having proved itself -'' a good time-keeper, has become very popular with bicycle riders. i>^ CO o CO CD CD HI t^ o 3 REPAIRED AT THE FACTORY AT A COST OF HOT OYER 50 CENTS EACH. Oaii l>e ^cixt Tl^i'orisrli^ tlie MTailn- Every Watch Wari\anted a Time-Keepei\. SEND TO N.Y. OFFICE FOR PIMPHLET, SERIES ^^C." ENGLISH PROFESSIONAL BICYCLE RECORDS Cont. HOURS DISTANCE NAME PLACE - DATE I 20 miles 509 yds F. J. Lees Leicester Aug 18 1883 12 186 miles ] [408 yds F. J. Lees Middlesbrough Sept 27 1880 14 211 miles i:^6S yds J. Battensby Newcastle June 21 1880 15 220 miles 704 yds C. Terront London M'ch 15 1880 18 262 miles 938 yds C. Terront London M'ch 15 1880 Ho 852 miles F. J. Lees Middlesbrough Oct I 1880. 72 1007 miles ] [232 yds F. J, Lees Middlesbrough Oct I 1880 t84 1 136 miles 842 yds George Edlin Newcastle June 22 1880 *6 6 lays, ten houi 's a day. 6 days, twelve hours a day . f6 days, fouf - teen hours a day. ENGLISH PROFESSIONAL SAFETY BICYCLE RECORDS. MILE S TIME NAME PLACE DATE I 2 55 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 2 5 59 T. Harriot Leicester May 2 '85 3 3 55 R. Howell Leicester May 2 '85 4 II 55 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 5 15 01 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 6 18 06 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 7 21 10 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 8 24 16 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 9 27 25 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 10 30 34 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 II 33 45 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 12 36 57 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 13 40 08 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 14 43 18 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 15 46 30 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 16 49 44 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 17 53 01 T. Battensby. Leicester May 2 '85 18 56 20 T. Battensby Leicester May 2 '85 19 59 41 J. Grose Crystal Palace June I '85 20 I 03 051-5 R. Howell Leicester May 2 '85 hour, 19 miles, 215 yards. — J. Grose, Crystal Palace, June 18 1885. FSTERBROOK'S CELEBRATED Steel Pens, For Sale by ALL STATION E4?S. LEADING NUMBERS: 048, 14, 130, 333, 161. I*ens J or all l*urposes. TkEstertrookSteelPenCo. 26 John Street, New York. ENGLISH PROFESSIONAL TRICYCLE RECORDS. The following records were made by Fred. Lees at Leicester, May .20, 1884 : MfLES TIME MILES TIME MILES TIME 1-4 54 6 20 08 14 47 OS 1-2 I 43 7 23 32 15 50 29 3-4 2 33 8 26 51 16 S3 48 I 3 20 9 30 15 17 57 12 2 6 35 10 33 39 18 10 33 3 9 55 II 37 01 19 I 03 59 4 13 19 12 40 23 20 I 07 15 5 16 45 13 43 41 ^4 Henry C. Haskell i^ 12 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. JHedafs and IBad^es For All Athletic Sports Made from Original Designs at Short Notice. WORKMANSHIP THE BEST. PRICES LOWEST POSSIBLE. Inspection invited to Fine Line of Gold AND SiLYER JeWELRY. English Amateur Tandem Tricycle Records. 1-4 -41 P Furnivall & G Gatehouse Cambridge June 15 '85 1-2 I 21 P Furnivall & G Gatehouse Cambridge June 15 '85 3-4 2 04 P Furnivall & G Cxatehouse Cambridge June 15 '85 I 2 47 T-5 P Furnivall & G Gatehouse Cambridge June 15 '85 2 5 48 P Furnivall & G Gatehouse Cambridge June 15 '85 3 8 39 P Furnivall (Sc G Gatehouse Cambridge June 15 '8=; 4 II 30 P Furnivall & Cx Gatehouse Cambridge June 15 '85 5 14 22 P Furnivall Sz G Gatehouse Cambridge June 15 '85 English Amateur Sociable Tricycle Records. ^ III 2-5 Mr & Mrs J S Smith Crystal Palace Oct 24 '83 I 3 35 Mr & Mrs J S Smith Crystal Palace Oct 24 'S^ 2 7 034-5 A J Wilson & A J Pullin Alexandra Pal May 31 '84 3 12 17 A J Wilson & A J Pullin Alexandra Pal May 31 '84 4 16 25 1-2 A J Wilson & A J Pullin Alexandra Pal May 31 '84 5 20 38 2-5 A J Wilson & A J Pullin Alexandra Pal May 31 '84 6 24 54 A J Wilson & A J PulHn Alexandra Pal May 31 '84 7 29 30 A J Wilson & A J Pullin Alexandra Pal May 31 '84 8 33 331-2 A J Wilson & A T Pullin Alexandra Pal May 31 '84 9 37 36 A J Wilson & A J Pullin Alexandra Pal May 31 '84 10 41 401-5 Mr & Mrs J S Smith Crystal Palace Oct 24 '84 English Amateur Safety Bicycle Records. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE I 2 55 4-5 A. P. Engleheart Alexandra Palace May 2 1885 2 5 591-4 John Lee Brighton Aug 24 1885 3 9 222-5 A. P, Engleheart Cfystal Palace July I 1885 10 32 39 3-5 A. P. Engleheart' Crystal Palace July I 1885 ENGLISH AMATEUR BICYCLE RECORD BY HOURS. HOURS MILES NAME PLACE DATE 20 miles, 560 yds 37 miles, 155 yds R. H. Enghsh R. H. English Crystal Palace Crystal Palace Sept II 1884 July 18 1885 "Home Exerciser" For brain-workors and sedentary pccpb. iGentlemcn, Ladies and Youths ; the JAthlete or Invalid. A complete gym- Inasium. Talics up but 6 i rxh square ^^^^^_^__^ loor-room, something new, scientific, durable, comprehensive, cheap. Send for circular. ^ 'Home School for Physical Culture," 10 East Uth Street, N. Y. City. Prof. D. L. Dowd. s Fresh Importations received weekly. Give us a call and ice will show yoii the most complete stock of Music Boxes in the world. .0 ey 9 N. r BICYOLE SXJITJ5; A^ J^I^EOIALTY. John Pattbk^soe & Co. „..,.,.,.....- Ottd^*^^ rt«^ John Patterson. Andrew Patterson, James H, Patterson. No. 436 Sixth Avenue, New York. ASHER THE TAILOR. 451 Sixth Avenue, Near 27th St., Ml YORK, SPECIMEN PRICES. London Trousers to order from $5.00. Suits to order from $18 00. Satin Lined Overcoats to order from $20.00 FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUAKANTEED. AsHER THE Tailor. English Amateur Bicycle Road Records, MILES TIME NAME DATE 34 lOO 2h. 07m. 7h. iim. los. George Smith George Smith Sept. 27 1884. Sept. 27 1884. 24 hours 266 1-4 miles J. H. Adams Oct. 4 1884. Land's End to John O' Groats, (nearly 900 miles), 6 days, 16 hours, 10 minutes; James Lenox, July 10, 1885. Land's End to John O' Groats and return, thence to London, 2054 y2 miles, — ninteen days; H. R. Goodwin, June i, 1885. English Amateur Tricycle Road Records. 50 miles 100 miles 3h. 39m. 7h. 35m. H. L Webb H. J. Webb Sept. 27 1884, Sept. 27 1884. 24 hours 24 hours 2313-4 miles 200 miles C. H. R. Gossett Mrs. Alle7i July I 1885. July 6 1885. Land's End to John O' Groats; 8 days, 11 hours, 45 minutes, Lawrence Fletc her, June 2, 1885. English Amateur Tandem Tricycle Road Records. 100 miles, 8 hours, 11 minutes, 45 seconds — C. H. R. Gossett and A- Bird, September 27, 1884 . 12 hours, 134 miles. — Mess, Gossett and Nicholson, May 8, 1884. 24 hours, 231 miles. — A. Bird and T. R. Marriott, July 26, 1884. English Sociable Tricycle Road Records. 25 miles, I hour, 59 minutes. — H. N. Corsellis and H. J. Webb, July 16, 1883. 50 miles, 4 hours, 29 minutes — H. N. Corsellis and H. T- Webb, July 16, 1883. \ BICYCLE RECORDS. FLYING START. MILES TIME NAME PLACE DATE 1-4 I 352-5 2 44 G. L. Hillier C. E. Liles Crystal Palace Crystal Palace July 3 1884 July 26 1883 BICYCLE AND POLO CLU BS ATTENTION! TJnifoi-m Sixits, All ]>Xatex»ials, M^a^ie to Ordei*. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. GOJ.!) AND SILVER EMBROIDERY. SUBSCRIBE TO $1 a 7EAII Less than Two Cents per week. $1 a YEAB. Z^j'i' //?<3^;^/ 77£/^ Cents per week. AccnratEj .t^ CamplBtEj ^ii^InstructivE; ^i^ Amusing. Sample Copies Free. LOOK AT OUR COMBINATION OFFERS! THE BICYCLING WORLD and THE ;^^HEEL, $2 a year ; regular price of The World, $2 a year. OUTING and THE WHEEL, $3 a year ; regular price of Outing, $3 a year. THE HOMING PIGEON and THE WHEEL, $1.75 a year ; regular price of each, $1 a year. The Cycling ^Piiblisliing Co., BOX 444. No. 13 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK. THE CYCLJSTS^ FAVORITE/ IS MADE ONLY BY STUICKLA^ISTJD & I^IERCE/ 168 Summer Street, BOSTONr f Hand-made Throughout. "" ^, -. Perfect Comfort Assured. J s O great has been the success of this shoe that other makers haye placed on the market in- ferior imitations. The genuine has the Patent'Mark and " Boston " stamped on the sole of every shoe. Price List and rules for self-measurement sent on application. Address all Letters to 640 Broadway. Keep Manufacturing Company, PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF I^EEP'S PATENT PARTLY-MADE JD RESS SHIRTS AND CUSTOM SHIRTS. Wholesale Warehouses and Factories, 640 BROADWAY, COR. BLEECKER STREET, N. Y Retail Stores, NEW YORK, 640 Broadway. BOSTON, 112 Tremont Street, PHILADELPHIA. 933 Chestnut Street. QPECIilLi — A full line of Bicycle Shirts of all shades. We keep the best ^ quality Only. Any member of any Bicycle Club allowed 5 per cent, on Bicycle 4" Shirts. Keep's Dress Shirts, made to measure, six for $9.00, sent free to any part of the United States on receipt of price. Write for circular containing rules for self-measurement. KEEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Broadway and Bleecker Street, NEW YORK. R. Garvey. W. C. Herring. Garvey's Bicycle Shop. 59th ST. and BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (CJLUB Bicycles and Tricycles on installments. Cycles bought, sold, repaired and rented. A large assortment of second-hand bicycles at low prices. Send for price list. Cheapest place in America. Sole manufacturers of the Duryea Saddle which has been greatly improved. Special rates to the trade. WHAT MORE CAN BE SAID? The Best Test of a Saddle is a Long Road Ride. •'I used the Duryea on my ride of over 1400 miles from Macon, Ga., and I think it the most perfect saddle made." J. H. POLHILL. " I heartily concur with the above opinion having ridden iioo miles in company with Mr. Polhill on a Duryea " FRANK STEFFNER. 3u and vlroiitid waiie \Xun* By JOHN S. WEBBER, Jr. ' A hand-book of Gloucester, Mass., and Vicinity, for the Wheelman tourist. IPRICIC, TS CETsTXiS EACH. Address JOHN S. WEBBER, Jr., Gloucester, Mass. SOMETHiNC YOU WANT! Don't. wait, but send 25 cents at once for a package of our Fastens a loosened tire without heat. Weighs less than an ounce. Smaller. than an Oil C 911. Without exception the best system ever adopted for use in case of accident on roads. With it cuts in tires can be closed to prevent sand, etc. gathering. wmmmmamBmmmammeamfBmmaBammmmmmmmmmmmmoBm THE '^PAEADOX" OILER -A. B003iT nrO Wheelmen, Skaters and Sportsmen; ^ also made for Sewing Machines. Its Hinged Screw Stopper (undetachable-de- tachabje) cannot get mislaid or lost. Sent Postpaid an receipt of price. Nickeled, 25 c. Gilt, SO c. m 811 ARCK STREET, PHILADELPHIA. UBSRAL DISOOUNT TO DEALSES. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE PARADOX Oil Can. 'CYCLE REPAIRS. ChAI^GES JVIODEI^ATE. ]?Er\FECT WoRK. ESSEX BICYCLE WORKS, 69 Roseviflo Avenue, ________ WEWARK, N. J. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS III 020 237 067 6 ^ an A3 1 Ml ^ a N V ^"^/^^ s an 3A3 1 y[