■^VW V SjyMA^w^ TLiiii'irr PWvwW | LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ^ !|.«iPS^| P8rf9W | ; #WM^ -=£%^ ,fclk ! UNITED STATES OP AMERICA.! iMw pyv^yv; luW ;V*,V**V*¥., 'mmmm /vv^wv^w tJWw yyWy\J^yW\jyj v vv\jv *M j iAalr £UVVJ\j', ■A : / (l O v '^>.K : /Mvv Vw'V v.. ■" «s 4 V v AA/V* W S^yvw®^ yvvu^'^v, rWWiy^vi mi j^v ffl'fflffl ^ i ;i * ILLUSTRATED lit m »■ Prioe, 25 Cts. m\ -* ILLUSTRATED ENTENNIAL foEJA, * WRITTEN BY '/ R. L. MITCHELL. PHILADELPHIA : 18 7 6. ef y ■* © — Jj% Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by R. L. Mitchell, m the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. $ i £$ £! & PREFACE We hail the Centennial Anniversary by presenting this little work to the public in a wave of enthusiasm for the grow- ing pride of our Country, in a brief Poetical Review from the Village Hamden's struggling against Kingly tyrany, while resisting the bloody persecution for conscience sake. Anxious to contribute our mite from other ages in the great advancing truth, as an overflowing river bearing our gallant bark onward, all freighted, and held with Union bal- last of our forefathers through the stormy deeps of a century. Hoping that we may bury in the grave of forgetfulness all our lingering past and only remember the bright hopes of our destiny in leading the world from fields of strife to peace- ful goverments. In commemoration of all our illustrious dead, and the blessings they won, we'll welcome a new life for the American Republic and dedicate our little Poem to forty million of peo- ple, who'll hallow the coming time with the onward march of a new century. ■* *■ ■* B**t**ttt$i Ere midnight's last hour the expiring century brings The knell of rolling years to revolution dawn, When allegiance was once left for Briton's King In the new Republic's glorious morn. From freedom's loved horizon to the camps battled din Of noon or nightly tinted fields conquering through Long years of hope joyfully ush'd in By the fathers work o'er our grand review Echoing there name as when first it flew. In collonial hamlets and homes so now relume Over kindled alter-fires built at Lexington, Ending in domestic strife no more exumed Round our loved shrine where all uniting come ; With foreign friends and trophies brought as we to them bring The Nations Clarion note keyed in every band, While the Army and Navy together sing In joyfull anthems through our native land, Moored as barks to the illuming strand. *■ ■* * Unfurling our banner with the hundredth Fourth that's come As Eagles Wings wafting o'er Mountain, Vale, and Lea, All gathering 'round Columbia's happy home To fratron ize in one grand jubilee. On the blazing hearthstone of every patriot soul, As when Columbus reached long expected shores, To hail the land where followed and onward rolled The waves of human tide in loudest roar Breaking the far Pacific Islands o'er. Even to earth's central line as we commemorate years That's still ripening our forfathers sweetest dreams For posterity as the New Century nears, Their picture painted of National Scenes. In emblems of Liberty cemented as wells wall'd 'Round dripping buckets rising 'neath a desert sun, For loyal cups quenching our feverish calls Through life's heating sands, while hour-glasses run Nightly, as early morn when first begun. The knighted heroes for the prize whose valor entwine 'Round there triumphant pathway in beauty flying Through our advancing Empire to none resign. In patriotism safe ballot relying. With the priceless inheritance for us bravely won, Handing down the unbroken will, our richest theme, Vouchsaved and kept from all that's with them gone To now resume or half forgotten dreams, As stilly nights, 'till dawn's resounding teems. ■* £l gj With the long slumbering knell of Independence Hall, Swelling with other notes beyond the setting sun. The Revolution Bell told we're disenthroll'd By the bequests once signed with Washington As warranted recorded deeds that good title brings, In America's Republic nor — sated be With Centennial joys that makes the welkin ring, For those who brightest live in History That all mankind in Law may justice see 'Gainst Kingly rights persecuting from powerful I thrones For new or advanced belief kvrx Martyrs Flames, While infant cries, midst Herod's lamenting moan, Comes through crimson deeds in Palestines stains. On down Rome's Arrenas tragic strife to England's Isle And back o'er long benighted Ages to our time Enlighten truths can never or rarely smile, Save with prison, death, or in exiled lines As Mayflower Pilgrims beyond the brine. Fleeing from King Charles, whose gauntlet war whoops were riven On beheading blocks in the x'eign of tyrany, To Plymouth shores, where tide and winds had driven The peaceful numbers in their company. Environ'd with a savage wilderness then ringing, With foes as heathen darts 'gainst a Provident shield, For unrealized hopes still o'er seas bringing Through their Laws to new immigrating fields, One 'wrong which they to a King would not yield. $ = m — * Yet liberal light was breaking through fudal'd fettered bands, From Pharo's darken'd time to Albions brighter shores, And o'er Atlantic's flood for Canaan's land, To vvorshp in mannas plenteous store. Morality and kindness did for them long impart, Humanatarian rights that lingered around The exiled lessons till trial years in part Conquered true Religions favorite sound That Paganism leads the world around. Mislead by deluded witching themes, innocence here call'd. From wicked death rolls as christian friends long had swell'd In dark Moslem and Towered Monarch Halls, For chafing neath a goading yoke that held Through Bunyan's prison 1 d progress for free hopes of heaven With Hamden and Cromwell breaking the diadem, That conscience freedom measur'd may be given As taught on templ'd walls in Jerusalem, For cruel Kings and Priests or plebians. Erring in fanatic views that's brought a brighter morn, Midst ignorance and superstition beating o'er As breakers long after flooded decks are torn, Through tempest's wiles around the wrecking shore. Of Puritanic strife in early and later years, Over wrongs now forgive, and virtues will partake. As deepening channels neath old neglected streams, While fioowing smoothly on, still deeper make Through hollow drift where willow Islands break. •* V *• ■* As music o'er the sea, and harps rnelodeous ring, Or marriage belles, where welcome gifts and joys entwine, "fill grandsires smiles when sweet little cherubs br ng In mothers fountain cup for Auld Ling Syne; So swelling bosoms feed the Nations lingering birth Of seventy-six, when on round the gazing world The first shot was heard that to arms called forth The spartan colonies with flag unfurled, And Stamp Acts backword o'er the water hurled. July, Fourth when trusted men the Declaration sealed Against parental tyrany, from George their King, Unless he could force them to a stubborn yield, Trusting what their cause might with justice bring, In revolting war that often builds and tramples thrones Over falling Kingdoms through conquests lost or made, As low grumbling earthquakes beneath trembling homes, Or lava o'er buried cities near deeay'd So hopes might in oblivon be laid. With avalanching misfortunes that follow and sink, Many starting before a rending storm or gale Has come, ere turning tide bitter cups to drink, With sunken bark lost wreck and dipping sail, As from the deeps breaking rock their beacon lighthouse nav'd All State Mariners from the strand who steady run With traversing compass, keel, and chart, they gave As fleet united when the Nation come Together, convoyed in states, as t'wer one. -© In the young Republic, when the Country first began, To three times the number in our large dominion, While Territories, the rich Continent span For coming stars in the Flag of Union Whose vvaveing folds with the brightness of Australitz sun Is flying as meteors over landed space With strength in numbers as Fathers well begun, Unwasted in war, by maping new States Or inning lines on unrotating slates. While money or glories rage, for power corruption tends. As often 'gainst poor forest red men of the west, Since Penn's honest kindness as just Quaker Friends In unbroken Treaty with savage breasts, So the Mayflower, casting bread o'er watery fields, Ripening through the earth as seeds the golden grain, In growing progress of our first hundred yield, Still marching on in peaceful reign For Island tribes beyond western plains. T'was the Pilgrims, for children's children firmly planted 'Gainst delug'd floods of ages, their Principle, tree As the forest spreading with evergreen branches Through cedar winters of adversity, No less the ehilvaric Hugenotts and Lafayette, With southern toils in the long Revolution War, WTtere mother's love for all is lingering yet Around the hallowed name they always wore'd Fragrant as sunny lands well blossom o'er. ■* *■ From Deltas Jetties flow to cold Canadian's chart, East, West, all around the long and deep Mississippi To where the Worthy Pilgrims made good their start For this Republic, and founding Cities, Where our statesmen Oakes from humble life may upward come, And Senates springing (aeorn gems) from lowly beds, So leading men of our Nation's life have sprung On Ship of State as oaken timbers led With builders, till-our strong hull hath well spread, To Afric's darken'd Nile or frozen zones, as missions run, Half lighted lands hail emblems of America, Where all may now reap their ripen'd harvest sown From growing Public Schools so large and free ; A principle on which our superstructure is built, For Freeman's Goverment as width the Amazon To Rivers filling Gulfs in broad Oceans spilt, From narrow shoies as Kingdom's overhung In pressing Wrongs as banks oft overstrung. So build Columbia's safe towering Dome, free in thought, Where peaceful arbitration will in triumph wing For all that war has ever with any brought To what for all the world t'will ever bring, If we but shun the fate of ambitions early grave. As Washington in other days foretold to us. Let none to long the inviting Sceptre wave Though liberties fair Goddess may be just To measure meet, as we, to her entrust &_ * * ■* And never kindle camp-fires for Monarehs trembling throne9, As History dearly tells in deep crimson tide, Where conquerors come o'er hostle human bones Like sweeping glaziers the steep mountain side. May patriotism long keep office rotating theme, With liberal banners waving in the trading breeze, And Sailors Shunning Cape Horn 'ere long will steam The Isthmus neck, between great rolling seas, From China and Japan with Rice and Teas. From Commerce and Industry our great resources come, ■ In thriving mills and looms on every streaming side, Swelling products from the Hamlets busy hum Round inland shores where steamers ever glide ; Tied with Telegraph and Railroad to Pacific strand, Where rich mineral wealth lies in plentious store, From Puget Sound to the bounding Rio Grande, 'Till forge and mints refine the treasur'd ore From earths bosom hidden, still feeding more. As grain and cotton in our well varied storehous'd clime, With exporting and freighting ships for distant seas, Returning millions who'll other crown resign For prairie scenes with homestead lands that's free, All springing in Western Eden with summers best yield For plough boy and shepherd with flocks lowing lute As young lovers dreaming o'er lifes fairie fields. Neath blossom of orange and grafted fruit. With maidens as sweet as viol and flute '►& *■ *• Round the harvest home ripen'd by tiie meadow-fring'd .stream, As the verdure of our nations official call, In friendship asking the world to over steam, The distant seas to our industrious halls. From Europe, India, and Asiatic waters wide, With our sister Republic far and near will bring, 'Till we outrival showing the other side, In useful, foreign, and domestic things, From the lathe or hammer's anvel'd ring. As busy fabric work, flying wheels, and engines neat, For all kinds of goods on our large and small machines, With the power that once lay at Fulton's feet, When imprison'd the winding Hudson steam'd. O'er electric light when Morse and Franklin flew the deep, In conversing cables that tie the olden world ; Through coral fields, pearls, and shells where fishes sleep, 'Neath waves as sunken wrecks in pieces roll, Beyond the diver's look for lost or gold. With American Reapers o'er yellow harvest fields, Through the agricultural world in Summer glean : ! While the ladies' dressing garments ever yield, To the Welcome Family Sewing Machine; As the morning and evening papers now daily come. With home and foreign news flying the printing press, Column after column your leisure hours throng, From many writers of the east and west. Who'll tell you what to see and where to rest. * i *' ■* In dreamy visions through mental Telephones forever strung, On affection wires from the little one's eradl'd sleep. While signals, or storm cloud, near or overhung. Only bend rainbows in slumbers deep, Where stars on the exhibition sea of life reveal Round dim dials of ages; as turning hands glide, O'er gifted artist, and sculptor, who unveil, In scholastic's science and mechanic's pride, That with our genius ever-onward ride. In rival greeting, alternately wher'er you go ; Not half can we in pencil ever, ever tell, While ladies' work, and tables overflow In sweetness with those who have done so well. Enwrap'd with smile, and flowers; as in lengthening vales, Along beatic scenes, lingering to embrace; As lovers romantic sighing, o' er ghastly tales, Of wasted years in blend'd colors trac'd. On memories fresco'd walls, uneffac'd. We can't picture with Byron, on the historic Rhine, In ancient castles, parks, and hilly landscapes blest, Or lakes and rivers, to Niagara sublime. As entertainment for our many guests. When filling fine large buildings, perhaps as other's fall, A rich prey to those who will long new trophies keep. Save Memorial and Horticultoral halls, With varied tropic plants, and paintings neat, That all along your floral pathway greet. »■ ■» *■ •* Well buoy'd o're great ancestral hopes we'll celebrate, In willing toils that come, as sweet as evening rest; With mementoes and relics of years gone by, Swelling billows in the patriot's breasts. From Polar scenes to evergreen Summer's palm and vine, The Bi-Centennial progressive peaceful reign, Will be handed down in long begotten lines, To coming millions o'er our wide domain, Through ripening years, as Spring's refreshing rain. In the far-off future, oh, who, who can ever tell. Only for sleeping the valley, with darken'd vales ; While strides of other ages may come as well, As with the anniversary we now hail ; Even "Mohamed Mecca" Pagans, who kneel 'neath hands, For priestly promis'd crowns in celestial climes. Will folow mankind for free unfetter'd lands, Hailing the onward march with coming time, As the myrtle and cypress our name entwine. From the great honor'd statesmen of Independence Hall, As Patrick Henry said, their children would well keep, When they were in " narrow cells forever laid" In heroic rest ; as the Pilgrim's sleep On memory's chords vibrating round fame's mountain high, In many gifted tokens with the cemetery, While passing beyond the long, long by-and-by, As the requium of a century, To come again with our Republic free. *■ * *■ •» °ct* ■» ■■ FOR SALE BY R. MAGEE & SON, 808 CHESTNUT ST., And Stationers generally. ... -M^np 'nnrv ,A,O0O'' *! -aa 'ViA.AaA^ ^Ma *Mh AAAAAi frffH^ftf^^h-, i^«««» f ^* - ~ ~ r> I-nI/m^i^w^J ^ft$ ^fdkOtfEfi EBM TrjxrTTm •^AA/V..: r 'A^AAAa, /y flDf '. ^A/v' ^*/»a mmMiv^ ** * f 'n^ A * y^ A A A A A A A aaa/v •" - ""' A - • ,j 'a~AA< A a /■» ^ A ■>>>,. ~rV '.' 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